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BY JOHN BUTTERWORTH, ministe;^ of the gospel. lb ' They received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the Scriptures daily whether those things were so. Acts xvii 11. CompariDg spiritual things with spiritual. 1 Cor. ii. 13. _ ^ ■!■!■ V*; FIRST AMERICAN EDITION. ' "^^^ ' as; NEW-YORK: PRINTED FOR W. W. WOODWARD, PHILADELPHIA, Bij D. & G. Bruce. "1811. i V) PREFACE. ^ Christian Reader, J_ HE Holy Scriptures are a revelation from heaven, a lively impress of the glories of the Divine Majesty; authenticated by the most astonishing miracles, the accomplishment of ancient pre- dictions, and by their energy on the hearts of men ; in illumina- ting, convincing and comforting them, in a way superior to all the powers of nature. ^ There is nothing relative to the actions, words or thoughts of men, but what falls under their inspection, Heb. iv. 12. nor any thing respecting our duty to God or men, but what is included and inculcated in the sacred oracles. To the real believer in Christ, the word is a joyful sound, Psal. Ixxxix. 15. — Good news from a far country, Prov. xxv. 25. — A tvord in season, as apjiles of gold, in pictures, or baskets, of silver, Prov. xxv. 11. — and a fountain of living refreshing streams to all Vv^ho thirst for the consolations of God. They are the subject matter of Zion's songs in the house of their pilgrimage: And in the scriptures are hela forth every thing the saint wishes for, or can desire, to make him happy and blessed for ever. 1. They are his storehouse and repository of all supplies. Herein wisdom hath mingled her tvine, and furnished her table, Prov. ix. 2. If we want wisdom and understanding, the word is a lamp to our feet, and a light to our paths: The entrance thereof into the \\e2iYt giveth light; it giveth understanding to the simple, Psal. cxix. 105, 130. and is able to make us wise to salvatio?i, th mgh faith ivhich is in Christ Jesus, 2 Tim. iii. 15. If we want pardon to our guilty souls, here is the balm of Gilead: Herein the almighty Redeemer is held forth as a full propitiation for our sins, that ivhosoever helieveth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life, John iii. 14, 15, 16. should receive re- mission of sin, and its removal from him, as far as thf East is from the West, Acts x. 43. Psal. ciii. 12. Do we want support, help, deliverance from enemies and evils without or Avithin? Here is a promise, that strength shall be equal to our day, Deut. iv^ PREFACE. xxxiii. 25. that the grace of Jesus ^Christ shall *be sufficient fbi* us, 2 Cor. xii. 9. and tliat Christ will be with us, and a very pre- sent help in trouble, Isa. xli. 10. Psal. xlvi. 1. — Do we want food for our souls, the bread of Life? Here it is promised. He shall feed his Jiock like a shepherd, Isa. xl. 11. For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shcdlfeed them, and shall lead them unto living fountains of ivaters, Rev. vii. 17. And God will supply all our need, according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus, FhiL iv. 19. 2. The scriptures are the believer's museum, abounding' wdtli the greatest rareties and curiosities to entertain and divert his mind. The narratives of Jacob, Joseph, Mcses, Samson, Samuel, David, Daniel, Paid, and other great worthies recorded in scripture, are incomparably entertaining and instructive, beyond any thing to be found in human composures. The divine per- fections shine brighter in the word of God, than in all his works of creation, Psal. cxxxviii. 2. The unprecedented march of Israel through the Red Sea, and the great river Jordan, at a time w hen it overtiowed all its banks ; — the conquest of the Moabites and Midianites, by a thousand men from each tribe, without the loss of one single person ; — the daily descent of manna from hea- ven, for forty years, by which near two millions of persons were richly fed; — ^tlie fall of the walls of Jericho, at the sound of ram s horns; — Gideon's conquest of a numerous host, with three hun- dred men, having lamps and pitchers; — the standing still of the Sim in the midst of heaven, at the word of Joshua; — the won- drous achievements of Samson; — the preservation of the three w orthies, in the midst of a fierce burning fiery furnace, &c. are such instances of the amazing power of God, and his concern for, and love to, his people, as may justly excite our admiration and praise, and encourage us to trust and confide in a God of such matchless power, and unparalleled goodness and mercy, for ail we need. Who can utter the mighty acts of the Lord? Who can shew forth all his praise? He spake, tlie sun obedient stood. And held the falling day : Old Jordan backward drives his flood. And disappoints the sea. Dii. Watts. if we desire to be delighted, instructed, made wise and intel- ligent, and enriched with things noble, sublime, and invigorating to the heart, let us be incessantly conversant with the Bible\ Men's books with heaps of chaiF are stor'd ; Gods book doth golden grains pfford: PREFACE. V 't'hen leave the chaiF, and spend thy pains, In gathermg up the golden grains. Bernarb. 3. The word of God is the believer's sanctuary and hiding- place in a stormy day, as there is something therein suited to every circumstance; and that can, under the influence of the holy spirit, give ease and relief under all situations and condi- tions of life. 4. The word is compared to a glass, through which all objects may be viewed, both great and minute, both evil and good, of time and eternity, temporal and spiritual, 2 Cor. iii. 18. In this glass, a sinner may see his ov/n features and likeness, w^hat spots are upon him, the lineaments of his soul, and its qualities and dispositions; whether they are such as resemble the God of love, purity, and holiness, or the fallen spirit of pride, infidelity, ignorance and uncleanness. It is like a perspective glass, through which distant objects relating to heaven and hell, maybe discerned; and it would be of signal advantage to us, to make frequent use of it in these respects. It is as a microscopic glass, wherein those sins which some think to be diminutive and small, appear to be high crimes, committed against an infinite God; for as there is no little God, consequently no sin commit- ted against God can be little, though there are degrees of guilt attending sinful actions. Nor does the word only concern Cliristians, that is, believers in Christ, but it has also to do with the ungodly and profane: it points out their state, remonstrates against their conduct, and invites them to listen to its dictates, and partake of its blessings, Prov. i. 22, 23. chap. ix. o. It is a word behind them, saying. This is the Wat/, tvalk ye in it. Listen, O sinner, to the voice. And holy angels \\'\\\ rejoice To see a soul redeem'd from death. And brousEht to live on Christ bv faith. God absolutely declares, and positively asserts in his word^ that sinners must be converted, and hrve their hearts changed and renewed by his holy spirit, or be finally miserable; must repent of their sins, and turn to God th -ough Jesus Christ, by a faith of his operation, or perish in their l ins. Hence, he calls to sinners. Turn ye,. turn ye, ivhy will ye die? Ezek. xxxiii. 11. It is the standins; risrhteous lav7 of heaven, that you must tumor die; and why will ye stand it out against God, to your own ruin ? Why ivill ye die? Perhaps some v*ill say, "We cannot turn our- selves.*' May you then cry to God witii Ephraini, Turn ihoit^ ti PREFACE. 0716, mid I shall he turned, Jer. xxxi. 18. The word says, Ask, and ye shall receive. Matt. vii. 7. It is an instance of amazing con- descension in God, that he will take any notice of you, will rea- son with yon, and hjy tlie case before yon. He might have kept eternal silence respecting you, and not afforded you such means of instruction, nor a revelation of these things in his word. When a man has received some great affront and injury from another, he commonly seeks to be revenged, or passes by the offender in sullen silence: If God had acted thus, we should have been eter- nally ruined. But O the kindness, the compassion and forbear- ance of a God, towards those who have ofliered him the highest affronts, and greatest indignities! and have said in their hearts and actions, we have no part in Jesus Christ, nor inheritance in the Son of God ! And yet the Lord seeks to be gracious, and hath explicitly made known in his word the way of escape, peace and safety. Some will allow the necessity of repentance to the carnally pro- fane, but imagine it needless to the morally honest. O Sirs! this is a dangerous and ruinous sentiment, invented by Satan to fjuiet the conscience, and lull it to sleep in carnal security. Our Xord urged the necessity of being born again unto Nicodemus, a master in Israel, John iii. 3, 7. and assures us, that except our righteousness shall exceed that of the Scribes and Pharisees, we shall in no case enter the kingdom of heaven, Matt. v. 20. Every man by nature has a sinful corrupted heart, which alienates him from God, and attaches him to tilings worldly and sinful, Rom. viii. 7. and without a new heart and nature, he can never love God, nor enjoy a union of heart to him. Search the scriptures, and pray to God for an understanding of them, that you may escape every pernicious snare and evil, and be led to place your hopes and happiness in Jesus Christ, and his precious word. You have the means afforded of knowing the word of God; and of all books which have l)een wrote by men, in order to enligh- ten and instruct the mind in the knowledge of the scriptures, there are none more cal ';ulated to this end than a good Concor- dance and Dictionary of the Bible. The consideration hereof encouraged me to begin and go through this laborious work ; and I have used my utmost endeavoin* to make it as full and complete as I could in so small a volume. Having had many years experience of the utility and advan- tage of such a work, I have often wished that the use hereof might be more general, and that every family, especially every godly family, might have a Concordance and Dictionary, as well PREFACE. Tii as the Bible, in their houses: And observing, that all the small ones which have been published, are so very dehcient, as gene- rally to disappoint the mquirer after a scripture text; and the larger ones too expensive to be obtained by many families; and if obtained, yet do not give the sense of scripture words, which are many of them needful to be known ; I had thei'efore an incli- nation to write a Concordance and Dictionary, in one octavo volume, chiefly containing Avhat is needful in Cruden's Concor- dance, and Wilsons Christian Dictionary; which are two of the completest books of the kind that I have seen. The one is a large quarto, and the other a folio volume. No person before hath wrote a book upon my plan. Mr. Cruden has indeed judiciously given the different acceptations of many words, and has inserted a table of proper names at the I end of his concordance; but it is deficient, many words being left out; notwidistanding, it is a book of great merit, which 1 have made more use of than any other, in compiling the concordance part of mine. In order to contract this volume into a narrow compass, so as to make it portable to those who travel, and more convenient for common use, I have, H 1. Inserted in the same line with the leading word sought for, either its signification, or a scripture-citation, by which I have saved many thousand lines. 2. I have inserted two c) notations in one line when it could be convenient! v done, which has much contracted the w^ork. 3. I have left out tlie concordance of many little w^ords, which are seldom looked for to find a text by, as it may be found under other words; such as //", is, it, that, thee, them, then, teas, fre, &c. Though, for the sake of those w ho make it their busi- i ness to studv the Bible, and wish to know^ the different senses in wliich a word is used, I have inserted many Avords, which miu'ht otherwise have been left out. Ill this work I have not given the History of the Lives and Characters of eminent Persons recorded in Scripture, because their history is already given, and their characters drawn by tJie pen of inspiration; to which little can be added but conjecture and uncertainty; and my design was only to include what I judged most needful. The signification of words I have carefidly transcribed from eminent writers, of known skill in the learned languages; chiefly from Wilson's Christian Dictionary, the authors of which have been verv indefatisrable in searchinc; out the etvuioloirv of ^rrip- ture words. viii PREFACE. 4 In this edition I have inserted a concordance of proper nam^Sj and also many scripture words, which were left out in the first edition. If any scripture word is omitted, it has escaped my notice. After all, it ought to be considered that a man's hand is in it, and a feeble one too, from which nothing perfect can be expect- ed. I have done what I could, and believe the Lord has favour- ed me with his direction and assistance herein ; which if he con- descends to crown with his blessing, for the beneht of those who love his word, to him will belong all the glory. And now, Christian reader, / commend thee to God, mid to the word of his grace, ivliich is able to build thee up, and to give thee an inheritance among all them ivhich are sanctified; which that it may be thy happiness to experience, is the sincere desire of thy unworthy servant in the gospel of Christ, J. B. Those persons ivlio are imacquainted with the nature of Concor- dances, may observe the following directions. 1. That the word looked for, is only inserted at full length at the head of the class; m every following line, the first letter is put for the word, as A. is put for AARON, c. for COMMAND, &c. and if there are two words at the head of the class, a short ellipsis or blank line is put before, or after the initial letter, for the word; as for ABODE there, is put a. -, or there ABODE, - a, ^. Where two distinct quotations are in one line, they are by this mark ( || V divided : but those texts which follow a ([Quotation, and where the above mark is not inseited, are to be considered as synonimous or parallel passages. This mark ( | ) is to separate one chapter and verse from another. Q, The marginal reading, which is of considerable use, is distinguished by an obelisk ( f ). 4. The parts of speech are in general marked, except in the first half sheet, s. for substantive, v* for verb, a. for adjective, p. for participle, ad. for adverb, X. for conjunction, pr. for preposition, and i, for interjection. As proper names are all substantives, they are not marked. A NEW AND COMPLETE CONCORDANCE AND DICTIONARY. mimoft* AAR AARON, a mountain of strength, or of praise; or a teacher. He was the first Jewish high- priest, and an eminent type of Christ, in that he was, [l] Chosen of God, and separated from a- mong his brethren, to minister in the priest's of- fice, Exod. 28. 1. Psal. 89. 19. Rom. 8. 29. Heb. 5. 11. [2] Calkd of God, Heb. 5. 4. [3] He could speak well, being qualified for his office, Ex. 4. 14. Isa. 50. 4. Psa. 45. 2. Col. 2. 3. [4] He was merciful, Heb. 4. 15. 1 5. 2. [5] He was consecrated and anointed, Ex. 29.21, 35.|30. 30. Psal. 45. 7.] 133. 2. Isa. 61. 1. John 3. 34. [ 10. 36. Heb. 7. 28. [6] He bore the names of Israel on his breast-plate, Exod. 28. 12. Isa. 9. 6. | 49. 16. Heb. 12. 23. [7] Aaron n-as clothed with curiaus garments, for glortf and beauty , Ex. 28. 2. Psal. 45. 8. Rev. 1, 13. [-8] He offered sacrifice for sin, Exod. 29. 38. Lev. 16. 21. Heb. 9. 14. ( 10. 14. [9] Aaron went into the holiest once a year, and burnt incense every morning, Exod. 30. 7. Rom. 8. 34. Heb. 7. 25. | 9. 12. Rev. 8. 3. [10] He lighted the lamps, Exod. 30. 8. Psal. 68. 18. Eph. 4. 8, 11. [11] Aaron's rod budded. Num. 17. 8. Isa. 59. 21. John 15. 16. Heb. 9. 4. [12] Aaron blessed the people. Num. 6. 23. Acts 3. 26. Eph. 1. 3. Exod. 4. 14. is not A. thy brother || 5. 20. met A. 6. 23. A. took Elisheba || 7. 1. A. thy prophet 7. 12. A. rod swallowed 1| 16. 34. A. laid up 30. 7. A. burn incense || 8. A. lighteth lamps Lev. 9. 22. A. blessed them 1| 10. 3. A. held peace 16. 8. A. cast lots || 21. A. lay liis hands Num. 16. 11. what is A. || 16. come thou A. 17. 3. write A. name || 10. bring A. rod 20. 28. A. died there, 33. 38. Deut. 32. 50. Deut. 9. 20. the Lord was very argry with A. Josh.24.5.IsentMosesandA.lSam.l2.8.Mic.6.4. 1 Chr. 6. 3. sons of Amram, A. and Moses, 23.13. Psal. 77. 20. leddest by A, || 99. 6. Moses and A. 106. 16. envied A.||115. 10. O house of A. trust 115. 12. blesshouseofA.il 118. 3. let house of A. 133. 2. on A. beard 1| 135. 19. O house of A. Luke 1.5. of daughter of A. |jActs 7.40. saying toA. Heb. 5. 4. called of God as A. || 7. 11. order of A. 9. 4. pot that had raauna,and A. I'od that budded Sons of AARON. See Abihv and Nadab. Ai\PvONITES. 1 Chr. 12. f7. \ "4^, 17. o ABH ABADDON, Destroyer, or destruction. Rev.9.11- ABAGTHA, Father of the wine-press. Esth. 1. 10. ABANA, Stony, or a building. 2 Kin. 5. 12. ABARIM, Passing oter, or passings away. A mount. Num. 27.12. Deut. 32.49. ABASE, To bring low, or cast down ; to lay low a^ a valley. It comes from a word tiiat signifies the bottom. Job 40. 11. proud, and a. \\ Isa. 31. 4. lion not a. Ezek. 21. 26. a. him that is high [j Dan. 4. 37. to a. ABASED, ING. Isa. 32. 1 19. city be utterly a. Matt. 23. 12. shall be a. Luke 14. 11. | 18. 14. 2 Cor. 11.7. offenceina.l|Phil.4. 12. howtobeai ABATED. Gen. 8. 3. waters were a. 8. 11. Lev. 27. 18. it shall be a. from thy estimation Deut. 34. 7. force a. || Judg. 8. 3. anger was a. ABBA, is a Syriac appellative, from the Hebrew word ab, a father, which comes from abah, he was willing; denoting that a father wills and de- sires all good to his children. It reads the same backward as forward : God is a father to his cliildren from etemity to eternity. Mark 14. 36. a. Father. Rom. 8. 15. Gal. 4. 6. ABDA, A sermnt. 1 Kin. 4. 6. Neh. 11. 17. ABDI, My servant. 2 Clir. 29. 12. Ezra 10. 2€. ABDIEL, A servant of God. 1 Clir. 5. 15. ABDON, A servant. Josh. 21. 30. Judg. 12.13. 1 Chr. 6. 74. 2 Chr. 34. 20. ABEDNEGO, A sei'vant of light. Dan. 1. 7. ABEL, Vanity, or mourning. Gen. 4. 4. 1 Sara. 6. 18. stone of A.l|2Sam. 20. 18. ask at A. Matt. 23. 35. from the blood of A. Luke 11. 51. Heb. 11. 4. A. offer8d||l2. 24. than the bloodof A. ABEL-BETH-MAACHA, Mourning to the house of Maacha. 1 Kin. 15. 20. 2 Kin. 15. 29. ABEL-MAIM, Mourning of waters. 2 Chr. 16. 4. they smote Ijon, and Dan, and A. ABEL.MEHOLAH, Soirow of weakness. Judg. 7. 22. fled to A.l|l Kin. 19. 16. Elishaof A. ABEL-MIZRAIM, Mournbtg of the Egyptians^ Gen. 50. 11. ABEI^SHITTIM, Sorrow of thorns. Num. S3. 49. even unto A. in the plains. ABEZ, An egg, or dirty. A city, Josh. 19. 20. ABHOR,signifies[l] To Zo^/ie orrfefesf, Deut.32.19. Job 42. 6. [2] To despise or neglect, Psa. 22. 24. [3] To r^ect 9r,c«stof, Psa. 89. 38. ABl ABL Lev. ^6. 11. soul not a, you || 15. if your soul a. SO. my soul shall a. you || 44. nor willu. Deut. 7. S6. utterly a. it\\23. 7. not a. Edomite 1 Sam. 27. 12. hath made his people to a. him Job 9. 31. clothes shall a. || 30. 10. they a. me 42. 6. 1 a. myself II Psal. 5. 6. rt. bloody man Psal. 119. 163. a. lying II Prov. 24. 24. nations a. Jer. 14. 21. do not «. us for thy name's sake Amos 5. 10. they a. him || 6. 8. a. excellency of Mic. 3. 9. a. Judgment || Rom. 12. 9. a. evil ABHORRED. Exod. 5. 21. savour to be a. Lev. 20. 23. 1 a. them || 26. 43. a. my statutes Deut. 32. 19. L. a. them || 1 Sam. 2. it. a. offering 2 Sam. 16.21. a. of thy father||l Kin. 11. 25. a. Isr. Job 19. 19. my inward friends a. me Psal. 22. 24. nor a. afflictions || 78. 59. a. Israel 106.40. insomuch that he a. his own inheritance Prov. 22. 14. (t. of the L.||Lam. 2. 7. a. sanctuary Ezek. 16. 25. beauty be a. \\ Zech. 11. 8. soul a. ABHORREST. Isa. 7. 16. Rom. 2. 22. ABHORRETH. Job. S3. 20. life a. bread Psa. 10. 3. covetous Lord a. || 36. 4. «. not evil Ul?. 18. soul a. meat || Isa. 49. 7. nation a. AliHORRING. Isa. 66. 24. an a. to all flesh. ABJ, My father. 2 Kin. 18. 2. ABIAH, Mij father is the Lord. 1 Sam. 8. 2. 1 Chr. 2. 24. I 3. 10. | 7. 8. Matt. 1. 7. ABI-ALBON, Father of great understanding, or father over the building: 2 Sam. 23. 31. Called also Ahiel, 1 Chr. 11. 32. ABIASAPH, A gathering or conswnmg father. Exod. 6. 24. ABIATHAR, Father of the remnant. i Sam. 22. 20. A. escaped || 23. 6. when A. fled 23. 9. David said to A. bring the ephod, 30. 7. 2Sam.8.17.Zadockand A.priests, 20.25. lK.in.4.4. iKin. 2.22. ask kingdom for A.||27. thrust out A. Mark 2. 26. went into house of G. in days of A. ABIB, A great ear of corn. A month ; part of 3Iarch and April, Exod. 13. 4. | 23. 15 1 34. 18. Deut. 16. 1. ABIDA, Father of knowledge. Gen. 25. 4. ABIDAN, The same. Num. 1. 11. | 2. 22. ABIDE signifies, [1] To tarry, Gen. 22. 5. [2] ■ To dwell, Gen 29. 19. [3] To endure, Jer. 10. 10. Joel 2. 11. [4] To be. Gen. 44. 33. [5] To continue, Eccl. 8. 15. John 14. 16. [6] To wait for, Acts 20. 23. [7] To rest, Prov. 19. •i3. [8] To livej Phil. 1. 24. [9J To stand firm, Psal. 119. 90. | 125. 1. [10] To rule or govern, Psal 6l. 7. Gen. 19. 2. a. in the street||22. 5. a. here 24. 65. let damsel a. |j 29. 19. a. with me 44. 33. a. instead of lad || Exod. 16. 29. a. ye Lev. 8. 35. a. at the door || 19. 13. wages not a. Num. 35. 25. a. to deatli || Ruth 2. 8. a. here fast 1 Sam. 1. 22. a. for ever |j 5. 7. ark not a. with us 22. 23. a. with me || 30. 21. a. at brook Besor 2 Sara. 16. 18, his will I be, and \vith him a. Job 24. 13. nor a. in the paths of light 38. 40. a in the covert || 39. 9. a. by thy crib Psal. 15. 1. who shall a.||61. 4. I vAWa. in taber. 61. 7.. a. before God for ever || 91. 1. he shall a. Piijv. 7. 11. a. not in herhoHse|jl9. 23. a. satisfied E'.'d. 8. 15. a. of his labour]jJer. 10. 10. nota.hijs Jer. 42 10. if ye «.1|49. 18. no mauo. 33.|50. 4D. Hos. 3. 3. a. for me || 11. 6. sviroi"d«. in cities Jvi'I 2. 11. wko can a. it || Mic. 5. 4. they a. Nah. 1. 6. who can a. \\ Mai. 3. 2. who may a. Luke 19. 5. a. at thy house || 24. 29. a. with us John 12. 46. nota. in dark.j|i4. 16. Comforter a, 15. 4. a in me, 7. || 6. if a man a. not in me 10. ye shall a. in my love, a. in his love Acts 15. 34. Silas to a. || 16. 15. come and a. 20. 23. afflictions a. \\ t7. 31. a. in the ship 1 Cor. 3. 14. work a. || 7. 8. if they a. even as I 7. 20. a. in calling || 40. happier if she a. Phil. 1. 24. a. in the flesh || 25. I shall a. \ Tim. 1. 3. 1 besought thee to «. at Ephesus 1 John 2. 24. a. in you |J 27. a. in him, 28. ABIDETH. 2 Sam. 16. 3. behold he a. Psal. 49. 12. in honour a. not || 55. 19. a. of old 119. 90. earth and it a. \\ 125. 1. a. for ever Prov. 15. 31. reproof a. || Eccl. 1. 4. earth a. Jer. 21. 9. d. in the city shall die by sword John 3. 36. wrath of God rt.||8. 35. servant a- not 12. 24. a. alone || 34. Christ a. || 15. 5- he that a. 1 Cor. 13. 13. now a. faith [f 2 Tim. 2- 13. a. faithful Heb. 7. 3. a. a priest || 1 Pet. 1. 23- word a. for 1 John 2. 6. a. in him || 10. a. in the light 14. word a. in you || \t. a. for ever 27. anointing a. || 3. 6. whosoever a. 3. 14. a. in deatli || 24. know that he a. 2 John 9. a. not hath not God, he that a. hatb ABIDING. Num. 24. 2. saw Israel a. in 1 Sam. 26. 19. from a. in the inheritance 1 Chr. 29. 15. none a. || Luke 2. 8. shepherds a. John 5. 38. not his word «. || 1 John 3. 15. life a. ABJECTS, Basemen, Psal. 35. 1.5. ABIEL, Myfatht>)-is God- 1 Sam. 9. 1. 1 14. 51. 2 Sam. 23. 31. 1 Chr. 11. 32. ABIEZER, My father's help. Josh. 17. 2. Judg. 6. 31. A. \jras gathered || 8. 2. vintage of A. 2 Sam. 23. 27. A, Anethothite||l Chr. 7. 18. bare A. ABIEZRITE. Judg. 6. 11. to Joashthe A. 1 Sam- 25. .3. i 27. 3. I 30. 5. 2 Sam. 2. 2. 1 Chr. 2. 16. I 6. 3. ABIGAIL, My father's joy 1 Sam. 25. 3. ABIHAEL, My fathers strength. Esth. 2. 15, ABIHU, //e is father. Exod. 6. 23. ABIHUD, The father of praise. 1. Chr. 8. 3. ABIA, AIJIJAH, T/ie wi// of the Lord. 1 Sam. 8. 2. 1 Chr. 3. 10. 2 Chr. 29. 1. Neh. 12.4.. ABU AM, The father of the sea. 1 Kin. 14. 3 1 . ABILElN E, The father's mansion. Luke 3. 1. ABILITY, Capacity, strength, wisdom. Lev. 27. 8. to his a. || Ezra 2. 69. after their a. Neh. 5. 8. we after our «. || Dan. 1. 4. a. to stand Matt. £5. 15. gave to each according to his a. Acts 1 1 . 29. accord, to «.|| 1 Pet. 4. 11. as of the it.G AB tiE. Exod. 1 8. 2 1 . provide a. men Lev. 14. 2iii. pigeons, such as he is a. to get Num. 1. 3. all that arer/. 20—45. | 26. 2- 13. 30. are well a. || Deut. 16. 17. give as a. Josli. 23. 9. a. to stand || 1 Sam. 6. 20. who is a. 1 Kin. 3. 9. who is «. to judge so great a people 2 Chr. 2. 6. who isa. to build || 20. 6. none is a. 25. 9. L. is a. to give || Job 4 1 . 10. who is a. to Prov. 27. 4. who is a. || Ezek. 46. 11. a. to give ^Dan.3. 17. a- to dehver l|6. 20. a, to deliver Matt. 3. 9. God is a. of these stones, Luke 3. 8. 9. 28. believe I am a. || 10. 28. a. to destroy 19. 12. a. to receive it |i 20. 22. a. to drink 22. 46. a. to answer || Mark 4. 33, were a. John.O. 29. a. to pluck || Acts 15.10. ato beai- ABN ABO A^ts 20. 32. a. to build ll 25. 5. are a. go down ■ Kom.4. 21. a. to perforin ||11. 23. Godisa.tograff 14. 4. for God is a.l|15. 14. a. also to admonish 1 Cor. 3. 2. were not a. \\ 10. 13. above ye area. 2 Cor. 3. 6. rt. ministers || 9. 8. a. to make all Eph. 3. 20. a. to do 1| Phil. 3. 21. «. to subdue 2 Tim. 1. 12. a. to keep \\3. 7. never a. to come 3. 15. a. to make wisejjHeb. 2. 18. a. to succour Heb. 5. 7. a. to save, 7. 25. || 11. 19. fl. to raise up Jam. 1. 21. a. to save || 3. 2. a. tu bridle the 4. 12. a. to save || Jude 24. a. to keep you Rev. 5. 3. a. to open || 13. 4. a. to make war 15. 8, no man was a. toentrrinto temple Be ABLE. Lev. 25. 26. - a. to redeem it Deut. 7. 24. shall no man -a. to stand, 11. 25. Josh. 1. 5. -a. to stand ||14. 12. -a. to drive 1 Sam. 17. 9. if he-o. tofi;j;ht||Chr. 29. 14. offer 2 Chr. 32. 14. - a. to deliverU Isa. 47. 12. profit Ezek. 33. 12. - a. to live||Luke 14. 31. - a. to meet Rom. 8. 39. - «. to separate || iCor. 10. 13. to bear Eph. 3. 18. -a. to comprehend |j 6. 11.- a. to stand 6. 16. - a. to quench || 2 Tim. 2. 2. - a. to teach Tit. 1. 9. - o. by sound doctrine to exhort 2 Pet. 1. 15. may - a. || Rev. 6. 17. -a. to stand? Not be ABLE. 2 Kings 18. 29. Isa. 36. 14. Psa. 36. 12. - a. to rise||Eccl. 8. 17. - a. to find it Isa. 47. ll.-^f.toputitoffI|Jer. 11. ll.-«. to escape Jer. 49.10. - a. to hide || Ezek. 7. 19. -a. to deliver Luke. 13. 24. shall - a. J| 21. 15. - a. to ^insay Not ABLE, Lev. 5. 7. if- a. to brinj^ a lamb Num. 13.31. -a. togoup||l4.1 6. was -a. Deut. 9. 28. 2 Chr. 20. 37. ships - rt-HEzra 10. 13. -a. to stand Neh. 4.10. -a. to build iJPsal. 1 8.38. were -a. to rise Psal. 21. 11. - a. to perform || 40. 12. - a. to look Amos 7. 10. land is - a. to bear all his words Luke 12. 26. if ye be - a. \\ 14. 29. - a. to finish John 21. 6. -a. to draw it ||Acts 6. 10. - a. to resist ABIMAEL, My sfron/,-- father. Gen. 10. 28. ABIMELECH, My father the King. Gen. 20. 2. Gen. 21. 22. A. and Phichol || 26. 1. went to A. 16. Judg. 8. 31. bare him A. || 9. 1. A. went to She. 2 Sam. 11. 21. smote A. || 1 Chr, 18. 16. Zadok, A. ABINADAB, A willing fathei-. 1 Sam, 7. 1. 1 Sam. 16. 8, called A. || 17. 13 A. followed Saul 31, 2. Philistines sl'^w A. Saul's son,l Chr. 10. 2. 2 Sara. 6. 3. out of the house of A. 1 Chr, 13, 7. 1 Kin. 4. 11. A. had Solomon's daughter to wife ABINOAM, The beauty of my father. Judg, 4. 6. Bai-ak the son of A, 5, 1. 12. ABIRAM, My high father, or high father. Num. 16. 1. Dathanand A. 12. | 26.9. Deu. II. 6. 1 King. 16, 34, foundation in A,||Psa. 106. 17. of A. ABISHAlG, My father's ignorance. 1 Kin, 1,15- ABISHAI, My fathers reward or offering. 2 Sam, 26. 6- A. said, I will go down witii thee 2 Sam. 2. 18, Joab, A, and Asahel, 1 Chr. 2, 16. 10, 14. fled before A. || 18. 12. David charged A. 21.17. A. succoured 1 123. 18. A chief, I Chr. 11. 20, 1 Chr, 18. 12, A, slew of the Edomites 18,000 ABISHUA, My father of salmtion. 1 Clir, 6 4. ABISHUR, Father of a song. 1 Chr, 2. 28. ABITAL, Father of the dew. 2 Sam. 3, 4. ABIUD, My father's strength. Matt 1.13, ABNER, My father's lamp. Son of Ner, 1 Sam, 14, 50. Ner. father of A. || 17. 55. said to A. 26. 7. A. lay round || 1 4, answerest not A, 2 Sato, 2, 14. A. said (| 3. 25. thou knowest A. 2 Sam. 3. 30. so Joab slew A i|32, buried A. in Hebr. 4. 1, that A, was dead || 12, in A, sepulchre 1 Kin. 2. 5. what Joab did to A, the son of Ne^' 1 Ciir, 26. 28. A. dedicated || 27. 21. the son of A. ABOARD. Acts 21. 2. we went a. ABODE, (Subst.) 1 Kin. 19, 26. Isa. 37. 28, Ezra 9. t 8, a sure «, || John 14, 23. make onr a. ABODE, (Verb.) Gen, 29. 14. Jacob n. with 49. 24. his bow a. || Exod. 24. 16. a. on Sinai Num. 9. 17. cloud a. 18. 21. |j 20. a. in tents, 22. n. 35. people «. 20. 1, | 22. 8. Judg. 11. 17 Deut, 1. 46. a. in Kadesh || 3. 39. we a. 9. 9. Josh. 5. 8, «. in their places || 8. 9. they a. , Judg. 5. 17. Gilead a. || 19. 4. Levite a. with 20. 47. a. in the rock Riuimon four montJis 1 Sam. 1. 23. woman a. || 7. 2, the ark a. 13. ]6,Jonathana.||22, 6. Saula. || 23. 14. David 23. 18. David a. in wood || 2 Sam. 1.1. atZiklag 2 Sam. 11. 12. Uriah a. || 15. 8. 1 a. at Geshur 1 Kin. 17. 19. where he a. |) Jer. 38. 28, Jerem. r. Matt, 1 7, 22, while they a. in Galilee, Jesus Luke 1. 56. Mary a. || 8. 27. nor a. in any house John 1. 32. Spirits. || 39. they a. witli him 7. 9. he a. in GaHlee || 3. 44. a. not in truth 1 1 . 6, he a, two days still in the place Acts 1. 13. a. Peter || 14. 3. long time a. they 18, 3. Paul a. \\ 21. 7. and a. with brethren 21. 8. a. with him || Gal. 1. 18. I a. with Peter. ABODE there, or t/tf re ABODE. Dent. 1. 46. days ye a. -|j Josh. 2. 22. a. - 3 days Judg. 21. 2. people a. - till even before God Ezra 8, 15, - a. in tents three days, 32. John 4. 40, Jesus «. - |j 10. 40. and there he «, Acts 12, 19. Herod - a.||14. 28. there thoy a.l 7. 14- ABODEST, Judg. 5. 16, why a. thou among ABOLISH signifies, [1] To make void, 2. Cor. 3. 13. [2] To destroy, Isa. 2. 18. 2 Tim, 1. 10. ABOLISHED. Isa. 51. 6. righteousness not a. Ezek. 6. 6, works be n. \\ 2 Cor. 3. 13. which is a. Eph, 2. 15. a. enmity || 2 Tim, 1, 10. a. death ABOMINABLE. Lev. 7. 21, a. thing 1 1. 43. not make a. || 18. 30. a. customs 1 9. 7. it is a. (| 20. 25. not make souls a. Deut. 14. 3. not eat a. \\ 1 Chr. 21 . 6. a. to Joab 2 Chr. 15, 8, a. idols |j Job 15. 16, much more a. P.sal. 14. I. done a. works || o3. 1. a. iniquity Isa. 14. 19. a. branch || Sb. 4. broth of a. things i Jer. 16. 18. a. things || 44, 4. do not this o. thing Ezek. 4. 14. a. Hesh \\ 8. 10. beasts || 16. 52. Mic, 6. 10. measure a. \\ Nah, 3. 6. a. filth Tit. 1,16. being n. \\ 1 Pet. 4. 3, a. idolatries Rev. 21, 8. fearful, unbelieving and a- ABOMINABLY. I. Kin. 21. 26. Ahab did a. ABOMINATION signifies, [\^ A thing hateful and detestable. Gen, 43. 32. Piov, 29. 27. [2] Sin in General, Isa, 66. 3. Ezek.) 16. 1.5. [3] An idol, 2 Kin. 23, 13. Isa. 44, 19. [4] Ant?- christ, Dan. 9.27. 1 12, 11. [;,] T/ie Roman ar- my tJiat destroyed the temple, and Jewish polity^ ]>iatt, 24, 15. [6] Scant measure, Mic 6. 10. [7] Erit doctrines and practices. Rev. 17. 4. Gen. 43, 32. a. to the Egyptians, 46- 34. Exod. 8. 26, shall sacrifice a. of Egyptians Lev. 7. 1 8. shall be an a. 4 1.42. 1 11. 10,12. 18. 22. as with woman-kind : it is a. 20. 13. Deut. 7. 25. it is a. to the Lord thy God, 17. 1 26. not bringfl. || 12, 31. a. done to gods ABO ABO Dent. 13, 14. sucb a. || 18. 12. are an a. 22. 5. 23. 18. both these a. || 24.4. that is an «. 25. 16. are an a. |) 27. 15. that maketh a. 1 Sam. 1 3. 4. Israel was had in a. with 1 Kin. 1 1. 5. a. of Ammonites, 7. I| 2 Kings 23. 13. Psal. 88. 8. hast made me an a, to them Prov. 3. 32. froward is a. \\ 6. 16. seven is a. 8. 7. wickedness a. || 11. 1. false balance a. 20. 12. 22. lying lips a. || 13. 19. a. to fools to depart 15. 8. sacrifice of wicked is an a. 9. 26. | 21. 27. 16. 5- prond an a. || 12. a. to kings to commit 17. 15. both are a. to the Lord, 20. 10, 23. 24. 9. scorner is an a. to men || 28. 9. prayer be a. 29. 27. unjust a. upright a. to the wicked Isa. 1. 13. incense a- \\ 41. 24. a. that chooseth 44. 19. residue a. || 66. 17. swines flesh, and the a. Jer. 2. 7. heritage a.\\6. 15. committed a. 8. 12. 32. 35. that they should do this a. to cause Ezek. 16. 50. committeda. 18.12. 122. ll.| 33. 26. Dan. 11.31. place the a. maketh desolate, 12. 11. Mai. 2. 11. an a. is committed in Israel Matt. 24. 15. see a. of desolation, Mark 13. 14. Luke 16. 15. a. insightof G.l|Rev.21.27. workcth ABOMINATIONS. Lev. 18. 26. of these a. Lev. 18. 27. all tlvese a. \\ 29. any of tliese a. Dent. 18. 9. do after a. || 12. because of tliese a. 20. 18. not do after their a. || 29. 17. seen a. 32. 16. a. provoked || 1 Kin. 14. 24. did all a. 2 Kin. 16.3. thro' fire acccordingtoa 2 Chr. 28. 3. 21.2. after a. of the heathen, 2 Chr. 33. 2. 11. done these a. \\ 23. 24. spied, 2. Chr. 34. 33. 2 Chr. 36- 8. and his a. || 14. after «. of heathen Ezra 9. 1- people doing according to a. 1 1. 14. Prov. 26. 25. there are seven a. in liis heart Isa. 66. 3. soul delighteth in their a. || Jer. 4. 1 . Jer. 7. 10. dehvered to do a. \\ 30. set a. 32. 34. 13. 27. seen a. || 44. 22. L. not bear because of a. Ezek. 5. 9. because of a. || 1 1. defiled with a. 6. 1 1 . alas, for all a. \\ 7. 3. recompense all a. 8. 9. 7- 20. images of a. || 8. 6. even great a. 13. 15. 8- 9. behold a- 1| 17. is it Hght to commit a. 9. 4. cry for o. || 1 1 . 18. take away all the a. 11.21. walketh after a. \\ 12. 16. may declare a- 14. 6. turn from a. \\ 16. 2. to know a. 16- 22. in all thine a. || 47. not after a. 36. idols of fl. II 43. above all thine a. 51. multiplied a. || 58. borne thine a. 18. 13. done all these a. \\ 24. according to a. 20. 4. to know a. || 7. — cast away the a. 8. did not cast away a. || 22. 2. shew a. 36. 31. lothe yourselves for all your a. 44. 6. suffice for all a. || 7. broken with a. Dan. 9. 27. for a. \\ Hos. 9. 10. a. as they loved Zech. 9. 7. take his a. from between teetli Rev. 17. 4. full of a. \\ 5- a. of the earth ABOVE signifies, [1] Aloft, high, Gen. 6. 16. Prov. 8. 28. [2] The dignity or excellency of a person or thing, Psal. 113. 4. Matt. 10. 24. [3] Beyond, 2 Cor. 1. 8. [4] More than. Gen. 3. 14. [5] Upwards, Exod. 30. 14. Lev. 27. 7. [6] An higher state or rank, Nam. 16.3. [7.] Chief in authority, Deut. 28. 13. [8] Heaven, or the highest place, Job. 3.4. Rom. 10. 6- [9] Heavenly, or spiritual. Gal. 4. 26. [10] Tilings that relate to heaven and happiness, Col. 3. 1. [11] God, Jam. 1. 17. tjren. 1. 7. from waters a. || 20. may fly n. eartli Gen. 6. 16, finish ark a. || 7. 17, ark lift up a. the earth 48 22. one portion a. \\ 49. 26. a. the blessings Exod. 25. 22. a. mercy-seat || 28- 27, a. girdle Lev. 11.21. legsa. feet |j 27. 7. a. 50 years old Deut. 17. 20. heart not lifted c. his brethren 28. 13, be a. only || 30, 5. multiply a. Josli. 3. 13. waters from a. || Judg. 5. 24. a. women 2 Sam. 22. 17. he sent from a. Psal. 18. 16. 1 Kin. 8. 7. cherubims covered ark a. 2 Chr. 5. 8. 2 Kin. 25. 28. a. throne of kings, Jer. 52. 32. 1 Chr. 5- 2. Judah prevailed a. his brethren 23. 27. from 20 years old and a. Exod. 30. 14. 27. 6- Benaiah was mighty, and a. the thirty Neh. 7. 2. feared God a. || 12. 37. went up a. Job 3. 4. regaid it from a. || 28. 18. «. rubies 31.2. what portion from a. 28. God is a. Psal. 10. 5. judgments a. \\ 18. 48. liftest me up «. 27. 6. a, enemies || 45.7. oil a. thy, Heb. 1. 9. 78. 23. clouds from a. j| 1 19. 127. a. gold 136. 6. a. waters |f 137- 6. a. my chief joy 144. 7. hand from a. (| 148. 13. glory a. Prov. 8. 28. clouds a. |) 15. 24. way of life a. 31. 10. a. rubies \\ Eccl. 3. 19. a. a beast Isa. 2. 2. exalted a. hills || 6. 2. a. it stood 7. 11. height a- \\ Jer. 15. 8. a, sand of sea Lam. 1. 13. from a. \\ Ezek. 1. 26. a. upon it Ezek. 10. 19. glory of God was over a. 1 1. 22. 29. 15. nor exalt itself any more a. the nations Dan. 6. 3. a. the presidents || 1 1, 36. a. every god Amos 2. 9. fruit from a. || Nah, 3. 16. a. stars Matt. 1 0. 24. disciple not a. his master, Luke 6. 40. John 3.t3. except a man be born from a. 7. 8. 23. lamfrom a. || 19. 11. except givingfroni a. Acts 4, 22, a. 40 years old || 26. 13. light a. sun Rom. 10. 6- to bring Christ from a. \\ 14. 5. day a. 1 Cor. 10. 13. tempted a. \\ 15. 6. seen of a. 500 2 Cor. 1. 8. a. strength || 1 1, 23, a. measure 12, 2. a, 14 years ago 1| 6. think of me a. Gal, 4. 26. Jerusalem a. \\ Phil. 2. 9. name a. Col. 3. 1. seek things a. \\ 2, set atfections a. Philem. 16. a. a servant || Heb. 10. 8. a. when he Jam. 1.17. good gift from a. \\ 3. 15, wisdom from ABOVE all. Gen, 3. 14. cursed a. - cattle Num. 12, 3.meek a.-men || Deut. 7. 14. blessed a.- Deut. 10. 15. chose rt,-people. 14. 2.|26. 19-128. 1. 1 Kin. 14, 9. done evil o. -, 22, 1 16. 30. 2 Kin. 21. 11. wickedly a. - Amorites 1 Chr. 29- 3. over and a.- 1| 1 1. exalted as head a. - 2 Chr. 11. 21. loved Maacha a.- his wives Neh. 8. 5. a. -the people 1| Esth. 2. 17. loved a.- Psal. 97. 9. Lord high a. - 99. 2. j 1 13. 4, 138. 2. magnified word a. - thy name Prov. 4. 1 23. a. - keeping j ] Eccl. 2. 7. a. - that Jer. 17. 9. heart is deceitful a.- things Ezek. 16. 43. lewdness a.- jj 31. 5- exalted a.- Dan. 1 1 . 37. shall magnify himself a. - < Luke 3. 20. added this a. - 1)13. 2. sinners a. -> 4. John 3. 31, he that cometh from heaven is a. - Eph, 1 , 2 1 . far a, - II 3, 20. a. - that we ask 4. 6. one God a. - \\ 6- 16. a.- taking tlie shield of Col. 3. 14. a,-these things put on charity 2 Thes- 2, 4, exalted a,- 1| Jam. 5, 12, «, -things 1 Pet, 4. 8. a. - charity || 3 John 2. 1 wish a.- Above all Gods ; see Gods, Heaven, Stood, Him, Me, Them, ABOUND, To have plenty. Prov. 28. 20. faithful a. \\ Isa. 2.t 6. a. with child. ABR I ABS r Matt. 24. 12. because iniquity shall «. the love of Koin. 5. 20. offence a. || 6- 1. that grace may a. 15. 13. that ye may a- in hope thro' the power 2 Cor. 1. .5. as sufferinss a. so consolations a. 8. 7. as ye a. || 9. 8. able to make all grace a. Phil. 1. 9. love may a. || 4. 12- know how to a. 4. 17. fruit may a. |j 18. 1 have all, and a. 1 Thes. 3. 12. a. in love || 4. 1. so o. more and 2 Pet. 1. 8. if these thines be in you, and a. they ABOUNDED, ETH, ING. Prov. 8. 24. no fountains a. || 29. 22. furious Rom. 3. 7. trutli a. |j 5 15. grace hath a. 20. 1 Cor. 15. 58. always a. || 2 Cor. 8. 2. «. to riches Eph. 1. 8. a. in wisdom |) Col. 2.7. a. therein 2 Thes. 1. 3. charity towards each other a. ABOUT, 'Near to, roundabout. Gen. 38. 24. a. tliree months || 41. 25. G. a. to do 42. 24. turned a. \\ 46. 34. trade been a. cattle Exod. 11. 4. a. midnight || 13. 18- led people a. 19. 23. set bounds a. || 32. 28. fell a. 3000 Lev. 6. 5. a. which he sworn|jNum. 16. 24. from a. Dent. 32. 10. led him a. \\ Josh. 10. 13. a. a day Judg. 17. 2. silver a. \\ Ruth 2. 17. a. an ephah 1 Sam. 1. 20. time come a. || 5- 8. a. to Gath 9. 26- a. spring of day H 21. 5 a. tlu'ee days 2 Sam. 14. 20. to fetch a- 1| 1 Kin. 2. 15. turned a. 1 Kin. 22. 36. a. going down of sun, 2 Chr. 18. 34. 2 Kin, 4. 16. a. this season || 2 Chr. 2. 9. Eccl. 12. 10. a. words 11 Isa. 49. 8. in a. time Isa. 58. 5. a. day || 61. 2. a. year of the Lord Jer. 6. 20. not a. nor [| Dan. 4. 27. counsel be a. Luke 4. 19. a. year || Rom. 12. 1. hbly, a. to God Rom. 1 2. 2. a. will of God || 14. 1 8. is «. to God 15. 16. might be a. ||Eph. 5- 10. pro vuig* what isa.. Phil. 4. 18. sacrifice a. well pleasing to God 1. Tim. 2. 3. this is a. || 5. 4. good,a. before God 1. Pet. 2. 5. sacrifices a. \\ 20. this is a. with God ACCEPTABLY. Heb. 12. 28. may serve God a. ACCEPTANCE. Isa. 60. 7. come up with a. ACCEPTATION. 1 Tim. 1. 15. worthy of alia. ACCEPTED. Gen. 4. 7. dost well, not be a. Gen. 19. 21. 1 have a. the 1| Exod. 28. 38. may be «. Lev. 1 . 4. offering be a. 22. 27. ll 7. 1 8. not a. 1 9.7. 10. 19. should it be 0? II 22. 21. perfect, to be a. 22. 23 1 Chr. 27. 24. put among a. || 2 Chr. 26. 1 1. their a. Job. 33. 3. giveth not a || Psal. 144. 3. makest c Eccl. 7- 27. to find«. 1| Dan. 6. 2. might give a. Matt. 12. 36. give a. |) 18- 23. take a. of servants Luke 16, 2. give an a. || Acts. 1 9. 40. may give a. 1 Rom. 9.t 23.^finish a. \\ 14. 1 2. shallgive a. Phil. 4. 17. abound to a. \\ Pliilem. 18. mine a. Heb, 13. 17. must give a. \\ 1 Pet 4. 5- shallgive a. ACCOUNT, ED, (v.) To regard, or esteem. Deut. 2, 1 1. a. aiants |) 20. a. a land of giants 1 Kin. 1. 21. rt. offenders J 1. 10. 21, a. of, 2 Chr. 9- 20. Psal. 22. 30, a. to the Lord | j Isa. 2. 22. he to be a. of Mark 10. 42. which are a. to rule over Gentiles Luke 20. 35. a. worthy || 22. 24. a. greatest Rom. 8. 36. a. as sheep jj 1 Cor. 4, 1. so a. of Us Gal. 3. 6. a. to him || 2 Pet. 3. 15. a- long sutfering ACCOUNTING. Heb. 11. 19. a. God was able ACCURSED fa.; signifies, [1] Devoted to destruc- tion. Josh. 6. 1 7. [2] Separated from the church, Rom, 9. 3. [3] Execrated, or damned, 1 Cor- 16.22, Gal, 1,8, 9. Deut. 21. 23. is hanged is a. of God, Gal. 3, IS. Josh. 6. 1 7. city be «. || 18. keep from a. thing 7. 1. Achan took of a. thing, ll, 12, 13, 15. 22. 9.0. did not Achan commit a trespass in a. 1 Sam. 3. + 12. made themselves a. 1 Chr. 2. 7. Isa. 65. 20. sinner be a. \\ Rom. 9. 3. a. from Christ 1 Cor. 12.3. calleth Jesus a.yGal, 1- 8. lethim be, 9, ACCUSATION rn.) A criminal charge. Ezra 4. 6. wrote they unto him an a. against Judah Matt. 27, 37. set over his head a. Maik 15. 26. Luke 6. 7. find ana. || 19, 8. taken by false a. John 18. 29. what a. |J Acts 25. 18. brought no a^ 1 Ti?n. 5. 1 9. against an elder receive not an a. 2 Pet, 2. 1 1, briug not a vailing a. Jade 9. ACCUSE (c.) To charge, or impeach. Prov. 30. 10, a. not a servant to his master Matt. 12. 10. might a. Mark 3. 2. Luke 11. 54. Luke 3, 14. nor a. any || 23. 2. began to a. 23. 14. touching those things whereof ye a. hkm John 5. 45. that I will a. \\ 8. 6. have to a- him Acts 24. 2. began to c |{ 8. things we a. 13. 25. 5. and a. this man [j 11 . whereof these a. 28. 19. ought to a. \\ 1 Pet 3. -[6. falsely g. your ACCUSED. Dan. 3. 8- near, and a. the Jews Dan, 6. 24, a. Daniel \\ Matt. 27. 12. when a. Mark 15. 3. a. him of many things, Luke 23. 10- Luke 1 6. 1 . a. that he had wasted his goods Acts 22. 50. certainty whereof he was a. 23. 28, 23. 29..a. of questions || 25- 1 6- before that he a- 26. 2. whereof I am a. \\ 7. hone's sake a. Tit 1. 6. not a. of riot 1| Rev. 12. IQ. a. them ACT ADD ACCUSERS. John 8. 10. where are thine a. Acts 23. 30. to his a. || 35. when a. are come 24. 8. commanding bis a. to come to thee 25. '16. a. face to face \\ 18. when a. stood up' 2 Tim. 3. 3. false a. \\ Tit 2. 3. not false a. not. ACCUSETH, ING. John 3. 45. Rom. 2. 15. ACCUSTOMED. Jer. 13. 23. a. to do evil ACELDAMA, The field of blood. Acts. 1.19. ACHAIA, Sadness, grief. A region of Greece^ Acts 18. 12, 27. Rom. 15. 26.|16. 5- 1 Cor. 16.15. 2Cor. 9. 2.| 11. 10. 1 Thes. 1. 7, 8. ACHAICUS, A native of Achaia. 1 Cor. 16. 17. ACHAN, A troubler. Josh. 7. 18. | 22. 20. ACHAR, The same. 1 Chr. 2. 7. ACHBOR, A rat. Gen. 56. 38. 2 Kin. 22. 12. ACHIM, Confirming, ovrevenging. Matt. 1. 14. ACHISH, It IS so; or how is thisll Sam.21.10, 1 2. |29. 2,9. 1 Kings 2. 40. ACHMETHA, In a coffer. Ezra 6. 2. ACHOR, Trouble. Josh. 7. 26. Isa, &5. 10. Hos. 2. 15. valley of A. for a door of hope ACHSAH, Dec/ct'rf, or wantonness. Josh. 15. 16. Judg. 1. 12. 1 Chr. 2. 49. ACHSAPH, A prisoner, or witch, or poison, or ^/le 6rwt. Josh. 1 1. 1. | 12. 20. ACHZIB, JZwr. Josh. 19. 29.Mic. 1. 14. ACKNOWLEDGE, To own; be thankful; Or, [1] To confess, Gen. 36. 26. Psal. 32. 5. [2] To obsen'e, or take notice of, Pro v. 3. 6. Isa. 33. 1 3. [3] To esteem and respect, Isa. 61.9. 1 Cor. 16. 18. [4] To approve of 2 Cor. 1. 13. Philem 6. [5] To tvorship, or make profession of, Dan. 11.39. Deut. l.t 17. not «. faces || 21. 17. a. son of hated 33. 9. nor a. his brethren f| Psal. 32. 5. «. my sin Psal 51.3. 1 a. my transgression || Prov- 3. 6. him Isa. 33. 13. a. my might |j 6 1.9. shall a. them 63. 16. though Israel a. us not \\ Jer. 3. 13. only a. Jer. 14. 20. we a.\J Lord || 24. 5. so will I a. Dan. 11. 29. shall a. || Hos. 5. 15. till they a. 1 Cor. 14. 37. a. things I write || 16. 18. a. such 2 Cor. 1.13. what vou a. and I trust shall a. ACKNOWLEDGED. Gen. 38. 26. 2 Cor. 1. 14. ACKNOWLEDGETK. 1 John 2. 23. a. the Son ACKNOWLEDGING. 2 Tim. 2. 25. truth Tit. 1 . 1 . a. the truth 1| Philem. 6. a. every good ACKNOWLEDGMENT. Col. 2. 2. to the a. ACQUAINT, ED, ING. Job 2221. a. now Psal. 1 39. 3. thpu art a. |) Eccl. 2. 3. a. my heai't Isa. 53. 3. man of sorrows, and a. with grief ACQUAINTANCE. 2 Kings 12. 5, 7. Job IP. 13. mine a. II 42. 11. had been of his «. Psal. 31. 11. afeartomya. || 55. 13. equal and a. 88. 8. put away mine a. from me 18. Luke 2. 44. among a. \\ 23. 49. a. stood afar off Acts 24. 23. forbid none of his a. to come ACQUIT, To absolve. Job 10. U, Nali. 1. 5. ACRE, S. 1. Sam. 14. 14. Isa. 3. 10. ACT, Isa. 28.21. 1 59. 6. John 8.4. ACTS. Deut. 1 1. 3. che did in Egypt, 7. Judg. 5. 11. righteous a. of the Lord, 1 Sam. 12. 7. 2 Sam. 23. 20. had done many a. 1 Chr. 1 1. 22. 1 Kin. 10. 6. true report that I heard, of thy a. 1 1. 41. written in «. of Solomon, 2 Chr. 9. 5. 5 Kin. 10. 34. a. of Jeha 1| 23. 19. a. he had done 23. 28. a. of Josiah || 1 Chr. 29. 29. of David 2 Chr. 16. n . a. of Asa jj 20. 34. of Jehosaphat 2 Chr. 32. 32. of Hezekiah || Esth- 10. 2. all the a- Psal. 103. 7. his a. || 106. 2. utter mighty a. 145. 4. thy mighty a. 6. 12. | 150. 2. ACTIONS. 1 Sam. 2. 3. a. are weighed - ACTIVITY. Gen. 47. 6. any man of a. AD ADAH, Witness of the assembly. The name of acity,Josh. 15. 22. AD AH, An assembly. Gen. 4. 23. ADAIAH, Tlie witness of the Lord. 2 Kin. 22. 1. ADALIAH, One that draivs water. Esth. 9. 8. ADAM, Earthly man; red earth. Gen. 2. 20. A. gave names || 5. 2. their name A. Deut. 32. 8. when he separated the sons of A. Job 31. 33. transgressions, as A.||Rom.5. l4.from 1 Cor. 15. 22.asin A. all die || 45. first A. the last 1 Tim. 2. 13. A. first formed || 14. A. was not Jude 14. and Enoch also, the seventh from A. ADAM. Josh. 3. 16. the city A. that is ADAMAH, A city. Gen. 10. 19. Josh. 19.36. ADi\.M ANT, A liard precious stone : it is said no hammer willbreak it, but goats blood will disolre it — A lively emblem of the heart of man, which the blood of Christ can only mollify. Ezek. G. 9. Zech. 7. 12. AD AMI, Human deception. Josh. 1 9. 33. ADAR, High, or eminent A month. Our Feb- ruary, Ezra 6. 13. Esth. 3.7, 13. 1 9. 15, 19, 21. ADBEEL, Vapour, or cloud with God. Gen. 25. 1.5. ADDAN, Foundation, or basis. Ezra 2. 59. ADDAR, As Addan. 1 Chr. 8. 3. ADD signifies, [1] To join, or put to, Deut. 4. 2. Acts 2. 41. [2] To increase, Prov. 16. 23. [3] To give, or bestow, Gen. 30. 24. [4] To instruct, Gal. 2. 6. [5] To utter, Deut. 5. 22. Gen. 30. 24. the Lord shall a. another son Lev. 5. 16. a. a fifth, 6. 5. | 27. 13—31. Num. 5. 7. Num. 35.6. to cities of refuge a. forty-two cities Deut. 4. 2. shall not a. 12. 32. Prov. 30. 6. 19. 9.tt, three cities || 29. 19. a. drunkenness 2 Sam. 24, 3. Lord thy God a. to the people 1 Kin. 12. 11. a. to yoke, 14. 2 Chr. 10. 14. 2 Kin. 20. 6. a. to thy days fifteen years, Isa. 38. 5 1 Chr. 22. 14.mayest a. \\ Psal. 69. 27. iniquity Prov. 3. 2. peace a. to thee 1| 30. 6. a. thou not Isa. 29. 1. a. year to |j 30. 1. a. sin to sin Matt. 6. 27. can a. one cubit, Luke 12. 25. Phil. 1. 16. a. affliction || 2 Pet. 1. 5. a. to faith Rev. 22. 18. if any man a. God shall a. unto him ADDED. Deut. 5. 22. and he a. no more 1 Sam. ) 2. 19. we have a. to all our sins this evil Jer. 36. 32. a. like words || 45. 3. a. grief to Dan. 4. 36. and excellent majesty was a. unto me Matt. 6. 33. all these things be a. Luke 12. 31. Luke 3. 20. Herod a. this || 1 9. 1 1 . a. a parable Acts 2. 41. a. 3000 souls || 47. the Lord a. to 5. 14. believers were a. || 11. 24. much people a. Gal. 2. 6. a. nothing to me || 3. 19. law? was a. ADDETH, ING. Job 34. 37. a. rebellion Prov. 10. 22. a. no sorrow || 16. 23. a. learning to Gal. 3. 15. no man disannulleth, or a. thereto ADDER, A kind of serpent, full of poison. It is said to stop its ears, the one on the earth and the other ivith its tail- Gen. 49. 17. Dan ana. |i Psal. 58. 4. like deaf a. Psal. 91.13. tread'on a. \\ 140. 3. a. poison is under Prov. 23. 32. stingeth likefl.JI Isa. ILtS. . Luke 13. 17. a. asljamed |) 21. 15. a. not be able 1 Cor. 16. 9. many a. (|Phil. 1. 28.teiTified by a. Heb. 10.27. indignation which shall devour the a. ADVERSITY, IES-, Evil, trouble, affliction. 1 Sam. 10. 19. saved out of all c. 2 Sam. 4. 9. 2 Chr. 15. 6. for God did vex them with all a. Psal. 10, 6. never be in a. || 31. 7. my soul in a. 35. 15.a.theyrejoiced||94. 13. rest from days of a Prov. 1 7. 17. boiii for a. \\ 24. lO. faint in day of a. Eccl. 7. 14. but in the day of a. consider Isa. 30. 20. bread ol'a. j) Heb. 13. 3. which suffer a. ADVERTISE, v. To counsel, or publish. Num. 24. 14. I'll a. thee 1| Ruth 4. 4. to a. thee ADVICE, s.'Counsel, intelligence. Judg. 1 9. 30. take a. || 20. 7. give here your a. 1 Sam. 25.33.blessed be thy a. and -blessed be thou 2 Sam. 19. 43. that our a. should not be first 2 Chr, 10, 9, what a. give ye? || 14. after the a. 25. 1 7. Amaziali took a. and seijt to Joash Prov. 20. 1 8. good a. || 2 Cor. 8. 10 I give my a, ADVISE, ED, To give advice. 2 Sam. 24. 13. a. and see what ans. I Chr. 21. 12, 1 Kin. 12. 6. how do ye a. || Prov. 13. 10. well a. Acts 27, 12. the more part a. to depart thence ADVISEMENT, s. 1 Chr. 12. 19. Prov. 1. 1 4 , ADULLAM, fViineiss^ ornament. Jogh 1'2. 12, AFF AFF ADULLAMITE. Gen. 38. 1,12, 20. ADULTERER, S, s. Lev. 20. 10. a. put to death Job 24. 15. a. waitethI|Ps. 50. 18.partaker witha. Isa. 57. 3. draw near the seed of the a. and whore Jer. 9. 2. be all a. |) 23. 10. land is full of a. Hos. 7. 4. are all a. [j Mai. 3. 5. witness against a. Luke 18. 11. not as others a. || 1 Cer. 6. 9. nor a. Heb. 13. 4. a. God will judge || Jam. 4. 4. ye a. ADULTERESS, ES,s. Lev. 20. 10. a. put to d. Prov. 6. 26. a. hunt 1| Ezek. 23. 45. judge as a. Hos. 3. I. yet an a. || Rom. 7. 3. she is no a. ADULTEROUS, a. Prov. 30. 20. a. woman Matt. 12. 39. a. generation, 16. 4. Mark 8. 3i\. ADULTERY,*, is twofold, [1] Natural, which is uncleanness between married persons, Matt. 5. 28. Mark 10. 1 1.[2] Spiritual, which is idolatry, Jer. 3. 9. Ezek. 23. 37. Exod. 20. 14. thou Shalt not commit a. Deut. 5.18. Matt. 5. 27.1 19. 18. I^om. 13. 9. Lev. 20. 10. commit a. surely be put to death Prov. 6. 32. commits a. lacketh understanding Jer. 3. 8. when Israel committed a. 9. 1 5. 7. 7. 9. will ye commit o ? [| 13. 27. seen thine a. 23. 14. they commit a. and walk, 29. 23. Ezek. 16. 32. as a wife that committeth q. 23. 37. with idols they committed a.|j43.old in a. Hos. 2. 2. put away her a. \\ 4.2. a.they break out 4. 13. your spouses shall commit a. 14. Matt. 5. 28. hath committed a. in his heart 32. marry divorced com. a 19. 9. Luke 16. 18. * 15 13 out of the heart proceed a. Mark 7. 21. Majk 10. 11. marry another com. a. Luke 16 18. 19. do not commit a. Luke 18. 20. Jam. 2. 1 1. John 8. 3. taken in a. 4. || Rom. 2. 22. not com. a. Gal. 5. 19. works of the tiesh are manifest, a. 2 Pet. 2. 14. eyes full of a. || R€v. 2. 22. commit a. PLDVMMlM,EtLrthlxj,red. Josh. 15.7. ADVOCATE, s. One that pleads arid defends. 1 John 2. 1. we have an a. with the Father. AFAR, ad. joined with Off, signifies [1] The distance between two. places, Gen. 37. 18. [2] To be estranged, Psal. 38. 11. [3] Absent, Psal. 10. l.[4] Ungodly out of the church, Eph. 2. 17. Gen. 22. 4. saw the place a.- 1| 37. 18. saw Joseph Exod. 24. 1. worship a.- 1| 33- 7. tabernacle a. - Num. 9. 10. journey a.- 1| 2 Kin. 4. 25. saw a. - Ezra 3. 13. noise was heard a. - Neh. 12. 43. Job 36. 3. I'll fetch my knowledge from a. - 25. behold it a. - 1| 39. 29. her eyes behold a. - Psal. 65. 5. that are a. - |j 138. 6. he knowcth a.- 139. 2. thou understandest my thoughts a.- Prov. 31. 14. she bringeth her food from a.- Isa. 23. 7. carry her a.- 1| 66. 19. to the isles a. - Jer. 23. 23. not a God a.- 1|30. 10. save, 46. 27. 31. 1 3. the Lord appeared from a.- unto me 10. declare a. - \\ 49. 30. flee, get you a. - 51. 50. remeniber a.- 1| Mic. 4. 3. rebuke a.- Matt. 26.58.foUowed a. Mark 14. 54. Luke 22.54. 27. 55. women beholding a.- Blark 15. 40. Mark 5. 6. saw Jesus a. - || 11. 13. a fig-tree a.- I^uke 16. 23. seeth Abra. a.-jjActs 2. G9. to all a.- Eph. 2. 17. preached peace to you a. - and to Heb. 11. 13. seenpromi3esl|2 Pet. 1. 9. blind, a.- AFFAIRS, A'. Matters, businesses, concerns. iChr. 26.32. a. of the king [jPs. 112. .5. guide his a. Dan. 2. 49. over the a. of the province, 3. 1 2. Eph, 6. 2J[. ye also may know my a. 22. Phil.l. 27. Uearofyoura.lJlTiai. 2. 4. a, of life AFFECT, ED ETH, To move, trouble, S^'c. Lam. 3. 51. eye a. my heart||Acts 14. 2. evil a. Gal. 4. 17. zealously a. \\ 18. to be zealously a. AFFECTION, s. Good-will, kinditess, passion. 1 Chr. 29. 3. set my a. to the house of God Rom. 1.31. without natural a. 2 Tim. 3. 3. 2 Cor. 7. 15. his inward a. is more abundant Col. 3. 2. set a. on things above Ij 5. inordinate a. AFFECTIONS,*. Rom. 1. 26. Gal. 5. 24. AFFECTIONATELY,aa'. 1 Thes. 2. 8.a.desirous AFFECTIONED, a. Rom. 12. 10. be kindly a. AFFINITY, s. Kindred or alliance. 1. Kin. 3. 1. made fl.|J2 Chr. 18. l.in a. Ezra 9. 14-. AFFIRM, t\ To assert, ratify or teach. Rom. 3. 8. as some fl.||l Tim. 1. 7. whereof a. Tit. 3. 8. things I will that thou a. constantly AFFIRMED,/). Luke 22. 59. Acts 12. 15.|25.19. AFFLICT, V. To grieve, distress, or pu7iish. Gen. 15. 13. a. 400 years || 31. 50. if thou shalt a. Exod. 1. 1 1. to a.them||22. 22. not a. widow, 23. Lev. 16. 29. ye shall a. 31 -1 23. 27, 32. Num. 29. 7. Num. 24. 24. a. Ashur|i30. 1 3. oath to a. soul Judg. 16. 5. bind him to a-l|6. to a. thee. 19. 2 Sara. 7. 10. nor children of wickedness a. 1 Kin. 11. 39. I'll for this a. the seed of David 2 Chr. 6. 26. turn when thou dost a. 1 Kin. 8. 35. Ezra 8. 21. might a. l|Job37. 23. he Avill not a. Psal. 44. 2. how thou didst a.|J55.i <\ God shall a. 89.22. norson of wickedness a.||94.5. a. heritage 1 43. 1 2. destroy all them that a. my soul Isa. 9. 1 . grievously a.\\ 51. 23. that a, thee 58. 5. to a. his soul || 64. 12. wilt a. us very sore Jer. 31. 28. watched to a.JlLam. 3. 33. doth not a. Amos. 5. 12. a. the just|| 6. 14. a. from Hemath Nah. 1. 12. a. thee no more||Zeph. 3. 19. all that cr. AFFLICTED, p. Exod. 1. 12. the more they a. Lev.23. 29.not bea.||Num. 11. 11. wherefore a./ Deut. 26. 6. cu usl|Ruth 1. 21. Almighty a. 2 Sam. 22. 28. a. people jjl Kin. 2. 26. been a. 2 Kin. 1 7. 20. Lord rejected Israel and a. them Job 6. 14. that is a. pitv 1| 30. 11. and a. me 34. 28. cry of the a. if Psal. 9.tl2. forget, not a. Psal. IB. 27. save a. people l| 22. 24. nor abhor d. 25. 16. desolate and a.||82. 3. justice to a. 88. 7. hast a. me |j 15. a. and ready to die 90. 15. days thou hast a. [| 107. 17. fools are or. 116. 10. greatly a. |jll9. 67. before I was a. 119. 71. good I've J3een a. 1|75. in faithfulness 107. 1 am a. \\ 129. 1. a. from my youth 2. 1 40. 1 2. the Lord will maintain the cause of «. Prov. 15. 15. days of a. 1)22. 22. nor oppress a. 26. 28. hateth those a. \\ 31. 5. judgment of a. Isa. 9. 1. lightly a. || 49. 1 3. have mercy on a. 51.21. thou a. and drunken || 53. 4. and a. 7. 54. 1 1. a. tossed withl|5S. 3. a.our soulsl|10. soul 60. 14. sons that a. thee |J63. 9. he was a. Lam. 1. 4. virgins a. \\ 5. Lord hath a. her, 12. Mich. 4. 6. gather a.lJNah. 1.12. though I have cr. Zeph. 3. 12.a.andpoorl|Matt. 24. 9. to lie a. 2 Cor. 1. 6. whetlier we be a. it is for consolation I Tim. 5. 10. if relieved a. \\ Heb. 1 1 . 37. destitute Jam. 4. 9. be a. and mourn 1| 5. 13. is any a. pray AFFLICTION, s. signifies [l] Adversity, trou- ble or distress, Job 5. 6. [2] Outivard oppres- sion, Exod. 3. 7. I 4. 31. [3] Persecution for religion. Mar. 4. 17. Heb. 10. 32. [4] Cor'rei^ tionfrom Go'J, Joiiali 2. 2. // APR Gen, 16. 1 1. because the Lord hath heard thy a. 29. 32. Lord hath looked upon my a. 31. 42. 4l. 53. to be fruitful in the land of my a. Exod 3. 7. seen the a. of my people, Acts 7. 34. 17. bring out of a. || 4.31. looked on their a. Deut. 16. 3. bread of a. 1 Kin 22. 27. 2 Chr. 18. 26. 26. 7. L. looked on a. [j 1 Sam. 1.11. look on my a. 2 Sam. 16. 12. look on my a. 2 Kin. 1 4. 26. 2 Chr. 20. 9. cr>' in a. |j 33- 12. Manassahin a. Neh. 1. 3. in great a. || 9.9. didst see the a. Job 5. 6. a. cometli || 10. 15. see tliou my a. 30. 16. days of a. have taken hold on me, 27. 56. 8. cords of a. \\ 15. dehvereth the poor in a- 21. chosen rather than a. || Ps. 25. 18. look on a. Psal. 44. 24. forget^est a. |) 66. 1 1. a. on our loins 78. 1 42. dehvered from a. || 88. 9. reason of a. 106. 44. regarded A. |j 107. 10. bound in a. and 107. 39. low through a. || 41. on high from a. 119. 50. comfort in my a. \\ 92.perislied in my a. 153. consider mine a. and deliver me, for I do Isa. 30. 20. water of a. |) 48. 1 0. in furnace of a. 63. 9. in all their a. || Jer. 4. 15. publisheth a. . Jer. 15. 1 1. in time of a. \\ 16. 1 9. refuge in a. ' 30. 15. criest for a? || 48. 16. his a. is near - Lam. I. B. because of a, || 7. remembered in a. 9. behold mine a. || 3. 1. seen a. by the rod 3. 1 9. remembering my a. and misery Hos. 5. 15. in a. seek || Amos 6. 6. a. of Joseph Obad. 13. not looked on a, || Jon. 2. 2. reason of a. Nah. 1. 9. a. not rise |j Hab. 3. 7. Cushan in a. Zech. J. 15. helped tlie a. || 8. 10. because of «. 10. 1 1. he shall pass through the sea with a. Mark 4. 17.a. ariseth || 13. 19. be a. such as Acts 7. 1 1. there came a dearth, and great a. 2 Cor. 2. 4. much a. \\ 4. 17. light a. |j 8. 2. great a. Phil. ]. 16. to add a. || 4. 14. with me in my a. 1 Thes. 1. 6. word in much a. || 3. 7. in all our a. Heb. 1 1. 25 choosing rather to suffer a. with the Jam. I. 27. visit ino. || 5. 10. example of a. and AFFLICTIONS, s. Psal. 34. 19. many are a. Psal. 132. 1. Lord remember David and all his a. Acts 7. 10. out of all a. |) 20. 23. bonds and a. 2 Cor 6. 4. in a. || Col 1. 24. of the a. of Christ 1 Thes. 3. 3. no man should be moved by these a. 2 Tim. 1. 8. fl. of the Gospel || 3. 1 1. known the a. 4. 5. endure a. \\ Heb. 10.52. fight of a. |) 33. by a. 1 Pet. 5. 9. the same a. accomplished in brethren AFFORDING,]). Psal. 144. 13. garners a. all AFFRIGHT, ED. Deut. 7. 2 1 . shalt not be a. 2 Chr. 32. 18. thev cried with a loud voice to a. Job 18. 20. went before where «. |) 59. 22. is not a. Isa. 21. 4.fearfulnessa.||Jer. 51. 32. men of war a- Mark 16. 5. and they were a. Luke 24. 37. 6. be not a. || Rev. 11. 13. remnant were a. cave AFOOT, ad. Mark G. 33. many ran a. thither Acts 20. 13. Paul minding himself ta go a. AFORE, pr. 2 Kiu. 20.4. a. Isaiah was gone out Psal 129. 6. a. it groweth |! Isa. 18. 5. a. harvest Ezek. 33. 22. a. he that was escaped came Rom.1.2. promised a.||9.23. a. prepared unto glory AFOREHAND, ]).Mark 14. 8. she is come a. AFORETIME, ad. Job 1 7. 6. a. I was as a tabret Isa. 52.4. a. into Egypt || Jer. 30. 20. children asc Dan. 6. 10. prayed as a. || John P. 13. a. was blind Rom. 15. 4. whatsoever things were written a. AFRAID, a. Gen. 42. 35. saw money, they were a. Exod. 34. 30. they were a. to come nigh him AFR Lev. 26. 6. and none shall make you a Job 11.19. Num.1 2.8.a.to speak against] |Deut.7.1 9.thou arte,. Jud^. 7. 3. whoso is a. || 1 Sam. 4. 7. Philistines 1 Sam. 1 8. 29. Saul was yet the more a. of David 2 Sam. 1. 14. wast thou not a? (| 14. 15. made a. 17. 2. make him a. || 22. 5. made me a. Psal. 18. 4. Neh. 6. 9. for they all made us a. s.iying, their Job 9. 28. 1 am o. II 11. 19. none maketh the a. 13.1 1. excellency make a.||21. dread make me a. 15. 24. anguish make me a. || 18. 1 1. terrors shall 21. 6. 1 am a. 23. 15. || 33. 7. not make thee a. 39. 20. canst make him a. || 41. 25., mighty are a. Psal. 56. 3. what time I am a. I will trust in thee 65. 8. a. at thy tokens || 77. 16. waters were a. 83. 15. a. with thy storm || 119. 120. 1 am a. of Isa. 17. 2. and none shall make them a. Ezek, 34. 28. Mic. 4. 4. Zech. 3. 13. 33. 14. sinners in Zion a. || 41. 5. ends of earth 57. 11. and of whom hast thou been a. or feared Jer. 30. 10. none make a. \\ 36. 24. were not a. nur 38. 19. I am a. of |) 39. 17. of whom thou art a. Ezek. 39. 26. and none made them a. Nah. 2. 1 1 . Dan 4. 5. made me a. \\ Jonah 1. 5. mariners a. 10. Hab. 2. 17. made them a. because of men's blood Mark 5. 15. in his right mind, were a. Luke 8. 35. 9. 32. a. to ask || 10. 32. followed, they were a. 16. 8. for they were a. || Luke 8. 25. they being a. Acts 9. 26. a. of Saul 1| 22. 9. light, and were a. Gal. 4. 1 1. a. of you || Heb. 1 1. 23. not a. of king's 1 Pet. 3. 6. are not a. || 2 Pet 2. 10. not a. to speak Be AFRAID. Deut 1. 29. nor - a. of them, 31. 6. 1 Sam. 23. 3. b,chold, we - a. here in Judah 2 Sam. 22. 46. - a. out of close places, Psal. 18.45. Neh. 6. 13. was he hired, that I should - a. Job 5. 21. nor - a. \\ 19. 29. - ye a. qf the sword Psal. 27. 1. L. is my strength, of whom shall I- a. Isa. 8. 1 2. nor fear ye their fear, nor - a. 44. 8. 19. 17. - a. in himself 1| 51. 12. - a. of a man that Rom. 1 3. 4. if thou do that w hich is evil, - a. Not be AFRAID. Deut 1. 17. - a. of the face of Deut 7. 18. thou shalt - a. of them, 18. 22. Psal. 3. 6. 1 will - a. 56. 1 1. Ij 91. 5. thou shalt - a: 1 12. 7. he shall - a. 6f evil tidings, his heart, 8. Prov. 3. 24. when thou liest down, shalt - a. Isa. 12. 2. 1 will - a. II 31. 4. he will - a. of voice Amos 3. 6. people - a. \\ Rom. 13. 3. - a. of power Be not AFRAID. Deut. 20. 1. - a. of them, Josh. 11.6. Neh 4. 14, Jer. 10. 5. Ezek. 2. 6. Luke 12. 4. 1 Sam. 28. IS. Saul said- a. \\ 2 Kin. 1. 15. be - a. Psal. 49. 16. - o. when one is made rich Prov. 3. 25. - a. of sudden fear, Isa. 40. 9. Jer. 1 . 8. Ezek. 2. 6. and thou son of man - a. of them Matt. 14. 27. it is I - a. Mark 6. 50. John 6. 20. 17. 7. arise, - a. j| 28. 10. - a. go tell my brethren Mark 5. 36. lie saith to the nder, - a. only believe Acts 18.9. - a, but speak||lPet. 3. 14. - a. of terror Sore AFRAID. Gen. 20. 8. and men were - a. Exod. 14. 20 Egyptians- a. \\ Num. 22. 3. Moab Josh. 9. 2'4. we were - a. 1 Sam. 17. 24. | 28. 2a 1 Sam. 31. 4. armour-bearer -a. I. Chr. 10. 4. Neh. 2. 2. w-as - a. Mark 9. 6. Luke 2. 9. JVas AFRAID. Gen. 3. 10. thy voice, and I - a. 18. 15. for she - a. || 32. 7. Jacob - greatly a. Exod. 3.6. Moses - a. |j Deut. 9. 19. 1 - a. Ruth 3. 8. 1 Sam. 18. 12. Saul - a. 15. || 21. 1. Ahimclech 28. 5. Saul saw UoSt^ - «,lj 1 Che 2 1 . 30. David - a AGA AGR. Job 3. 25. 1 - a. of, is come jj 32. 6. 1 - a. and durst Jer. 26. 21. Urijah - a. \\ Dan 8. 17. - a. and fell Hab. 3. 2. 1 - a. I j Mai. 2. 5. - a. before my naiij.e Matt. 2. 22. Joseph - a. | j 1 4. 30. Peter - a. || 25.' ^tS. John 1 9. 8. Pilate -a. |j Acts 10. 4. Cornelius - a. AFRESH, ad Heb. 6. 6. crucify Son of God a. AFTER, pr. Gen. 18. 12. a. I am waxed old 38. 24. about 3 months a. \\ Exod. 13. 20. a. that Num. 15. 39. that ye seek not a. your own heart Deut. 6. 14. not go a. other gods \\ 24. 4. a. defiled Josh. 10.14. or a. it [j Judg. 15. 7. a. that I'll cease 1 Sam. 15. 31. again a. Saul || 24. 14. ft. a dead dog 2 Sam. 21. 14. a. God was intreated || 1 Kin. 17. 13. Neh. 13. 19. a. sabbath || Job 10. 6. inquiiest a. Job 21. 3. a. I have spoken || 30. 5. as a. thief Psal. 28. 4. a. the w6rk 1 1 Eccl. 1 . 1 1 . come a. 1 1 9. 3. Isa. 11. 3. not judge a. || Jer. 31. 19. o. that I was Ezek. 46. 17. a. return |) Hos. 11.10. walk a. Lord Matt. 26. 32. a. I am risen again, Mark 16. 14. Mjirk 16. 19. so then a. the Lord had spoken Luke 6. 1. a. the first |) 12. 4. a. that have no more 13. 9. a. cut it downjl 15. 4. go a. that which is lost 22. 58. a. a little winle 23. 26. bear It a. Jesus 59. an hour a. another John 13. 27. a. the sop Acts 5. 7. three hours a. j) 7. 7. a. that shall come 1 Cor. 15. 6. a. he was seen || Gal. 3. 17. years a. 2 Pet. 2. 6. a. live ungodly jj Rev. 20. 3. a. that he AFTERthis. Gen. 23. 19. 2 Sam. 2. 1. Acts 15. 16. AFTERNOON, s. Judg. 19. 8. tarried till a. AFTERWARD, S. Exod. 11. 1. a. let you go Num. 31. 2. a. begathered|| Judg. 7. 11. a. hands 1 Sam. 9. 13. a. they eat || 24. 5. || a. David's heart Job 18. 2. a. we will speak [) Psal. 73. 24. receive Prov. 20. 17. sweet, but a. \\ 24. 27. a. build thy 28. 23.'a. findtavour |j 29. 1 1. kcepeth it in till a. Hos. 3. 3. a. return |j Joel 2. 28. a. I'll pour out Matt. 4. 2. he was a. an hungered, Luke 4. 2. 21. 32. ye when ye had seen, repented not a. John 5. 14. a. Jesus fiudeth |) i3.36. follow me a. 1 Cor. 15. 23.a. they that are Clinst's at his coming Gal. 3. 23. a. the faith that should a. be revealed Heb. 4. 8. not a. spoken || 12. 1 1. a. it yieldeth 12. 17. a, when he would have inherited the Jude 5. a. destroyed them that beheved not AGABUS, A locust, or grasshopper. Acts 11. 28. AGAG, A garret, or upper room. Num. 24. 7. 1 Sam. 15.8. AGAGITE, One that came from Agag, Esth. 3. 1, 10. AGAIN, ad. Gen. 8. 21. 1 will not a. curse 15. 16. come Inther a. || 30. 31. I'll a. ^Qad and 38. 2£- Judah knew her a. no more Exod. 10. 29. said I will see a. thy face no more 14. 13 see them a. no more |j 23. 4. bring back a. Num. 32. 15.a. leave |j Josh. 5. 2. circumcise a. 1 Kin. 17. 22. soul came a. 1| 2 Kin. 19. 30. yet a. Ezra 9. 14. a. break jj Neh. 13. 21. if ye do so a. Job 14. 14. if a man die, shall he live a. Psal. 85. 6. revive us a. \\ 107. 39. a. are minished Prov. 2. 19. none return a. |) 19. 19. must doito. Eccl. 8. 14. a. wicked || Ezek. 26.21. never found a. Amos 7. 8. 1 will not a. pass by them, 8. 2. 8. 14. never rise a. jj Zech. 2. l2.choose Jerus.a. John 4. 13. shall thirst a. jj Rom. 8. 15. a. to fear Phil. 4. 4. a. I say rejoice jj Heb. 1. 5- j 2. 13. 1 Pet. 1. 3. hath begotten us a. to a lively hope See Born, Bri«g, Brought, Turn. AGAINST, pr. Gen. 16. 12. hand a. every man Lev. 20. 3. set my face a. that man, Deut 29. 20. 2 Kin. 19. 22. a. whom exalted voice. Isa. 37. 23, Ezek. 13. 20. behold I am a. your pillows Matt. 10.35- set a man a. his father, Luke 12. 53. 12. 30. is a. me || Luke 2. 34. shall be spoken a. Acts 19. 36. be spoken a. \\ 28. 22. sect spoken a. See God, Him, Jerusalem, ^c. AGAR, Mount .Sinai in Arabia, Gal. 4. 25. AGATE, A precious stone, Exod. 28. 19. j 39. 12. Isa. 54. 12. Ezek. 27. 16. AGE, s. signifies, [1] The whole continuance of man's life. Gen. 47. 28. [2] The times past, present, oi^ to come, Eph. 2. 7. j 3. 5. [3] The whole length of time, Luke 1.48. [4] A time apt for conception, Heb. 11. 11. Gen. 47. 28. a. of Jacob 147. jj 48. 10. dim for a. Num. 8. 25. a. of 50. jj 1 Sam. 2. 33. flower of a. I Kin. 14.4. Abijah's eyes were set by reason of a. 1 Chr. 23. 3. from the a. of 30. |j24. from a. of 20. 2 Chr. 36. 17. or on him that stooped for a. Job 5. 26. in a full a. \\ 8. 8. inquire, of former a. 11. 17. thy a. shall be clearer than noon-day Psal. 39.5. a. is as nothing j| Isa. 38. 1 2. a. departed Zech. 8. 4. every man with liis staff for a. Mark 5. 42. she was of a. of 12 years, Luke 8.42. Luke 2. 36. of a great ajj t 52. Jesus increased in 3. 23. 30 years of a. jj John 9. 21. ke is of a. 23. 1 Cor. 7. 36 pass flower of her a. jj 14. 1 20. ripe a. Eph. 4. t 13. till we come to a. of fulness of Christ Heb. 5. 14. them of full a. || 1 1. 1 !• she was past a. AGES, s. Psal. 145. t 13. a kingdom of all a. Isa. 26. t 4. in the Lord Jehovah is the rockof a. Eph. 2. 7. a. to come jl 3. 5. which in other a. was 3. 21. thro' all a. \\ Col. 1. 26. been hid from a. x4GED, p. 2 Sam. 19. 32. was a very a. man Job 12. 20. understanding of a. [J 15. 10. very a. 29. 8. the a. aroselJ32. 9. nor a. understandjudgm. Jer. 6. 11. the a. withhinji that is full of days Tit. 2.2. a. men be sober j|3. a. women, that they be Phileni. 9. such an one as Paul the a. AGO, ad. 1 Sam. 9. 20. the asses lost 3 days a. 2 Kin. 19. 25. hast not heard long a. Isa. 37. 26. Ezra 5. 1 1. years a. \\ Isa. 22. 1 1. fashioned long a. Matt. 11. 21. have repented long a. Luke 10. 13. Mark 9. 21. how long a. since this came to him Acts 10. 30. four days a. |) 15. 7. a good while a. 2 Cor. 8. 10. a year a. 9. 2. jj 12. 2. fourteen years AGONE, ad. 1 Sam. 30. 13. three days a. I fell sick AGONY, s. A dreadful conflict, 'Tuuke 22. 44. AGREE, ED, ETH, signifies, [Ij To bargain with, Matt. 20. 2, 13. [2J To approve, or give consent to. Acts 5. 40. [3] To be like ta, Mark 14. 70. [4] To conspire or resolve, John 9. 22. Amos 3. 3. can two walk together except they be a. "vlatt. 5. 25. a. with adversary \\ 18. 19. if two a. 20. 2. a. with labourers }| 13. didst thou not a. Mark 14.56. witnessa. not, 59. jj 70.speech a. Luke 5. 36. a.notwith old||John9. 22. Jews had a. Acts 5. 9. ye have a. to tempt jj 40. to him they a. 15. 15. and to this a. the words of the prophets 23. 20. Jews have a. to desirel|28. 25. they a. not 1 John 5. 8. these 3 a. in one || Rev. 1 7. 1 7. a. to give AGREEMENT, s. 2 Kin. 18. 31. make, Isa. 36. 1 6. Isa. 28. 15. with hell are we at a. || 18. a. with hell Dan. 11.6. to make an a. \\ 2 Cor. 6. 16. what a>. n AHO ALI AGRIPPA signifies, One that causeth pain at his birth, tvho is boim with his feet foremost. The sirnaraeofHerod, who killed James, Acts 12. 1. Acts 25. 13. A. and Bermce|)22. A. said, I would 26. O king A. jf" 26. 7. king A. I am accused 26. 27. A. believest thou|)28. A. said,almost thou AGROUND, a. Acts 27. 41. they ran the ship a. AGUE, s. Lev. 26. 16. and the burning a. AGUR, A stranger, or gathering. Prov. 30. 1. AH, i. Psal. 33. 25. a. so would we have it Isa. 1.4. a. sinful nation ||24. a. I will ease me of Jer. 1.6. a. Lord God, 4.10. 1 14. 13. 131; 17.|34.5. 22. 18. a- brother, or a. sister, a. lord, or a. his Ezek. 4. 14. a. Lord, 9. 8. 1 11.|21.15. Mark 15. 29. a. thou that destroy est the temple AHA. Psal. 35. 21 . a. our eye hath seen it Psal. 40. 15. that say tome a.||70. 3. that say a. a. Isa. 44. 16. a. I am warm || Ezek. 25. 3. saidst a. Ezek. 26. 2. Tyrus said, a. |) 36. 2. a. the ancient AHAB, The brother's father. 1 Kin. 6. 18. AHARAH, A smelling brother. 1 Chr. 8. 1 AHARHEL, Another host. 1 Chr. 4. 8. AHASAI, ThesonofMeshillemoth, Neh. 11.13. AHASBAI, Trusting in me. 2 Sam. 25. 34. AHASHTARAI, Sonof Naarah, 1 Chr. 4. 6. AHASHUERUS, Prince, head, or chief . Ezra 4.6. Esth.l. 1—19. Dan. 9. 1. AHAVA, Essence, or generation. Ezra 8. 15. AHAZ, One that take^, or possesses, or that sees. 1 Kin. 16. 1. 1 Chr. 8. 53. Isa. 7. 1. AHAZIAH, Seizure, or possession of the Lord. 1 Kings 22. 40. 2 Kings 1. 2. | 8. 24. | 9. 23. I 10. 13. AHBAN, Son of Abishur, 1 Chr. 2. 29. AHER, Thefatherof IrandHushim, 1 Chr. 7.12. AHI, My brother. 1 Chr. 5. 15. 1 7. 34. AHIAH, Brother of the Lord. 1 Sam. 14. 3. AHIAM, Brother of themother. 2 Sam. 23. 33. AHIAN, Brother o'fu-nie. 1 Chr. 7. 19. AHIEZER, Brother of help. Num. 1. 12. AHIHUD, Brother of lujiittj. Num. 34. 27. AHIJ AH, Brother of the Lord. 1 Kings 1 1 . 30. AHIKAM, A broiherthat raises up. Jer. 26. 24. AHILUD, A brother bom. 2 Sam. 8. 16. AHIMAAZ, A brother of the council. 2 Sam. 15. 27, 36.117.17,20.118.27. AHIMAN, A prepared brother. 1 Chr. 9. 17. AHiaiELECH, My brother is a king. 1 Sam. 22. 9. 2 Sam. 8. 17. 1 Chr. 18. 16. AHIMOTH, A brothel' of death. 1 Chr. 6. 25. AHINADAB, A u-illing brother. 1 Kin. 4. 14. AHINOAM, The brother's beauty. iSam. 14. 15. AHIO, His brother. 2 Sam. 6. 3. 1 Chr. 8. 14. AHIRA, Brother of iniquity. Num. 1. 15. AHIRAM, Brother of craft. Num. 26. 38. AHIRAMITES. Num. 26. 38. family of (he A. AHISAMACH, Brother of support. Exod. 3i.6. AHISHAHAR, Brotherof the morning. 1 Chr. 7. 10. AHISHAR, Brothir of the prince. 1 Kin. 4. 6. AHITHOFHEL, Brother of ruin. 2 Sam. Iq.l2. AHITUB, Brotherof goodness. 1 Sam. 14. 3. AHLAB, A hearty brother. Judg. 1. 31. AHLAI, Intreating, or brother tome. 1 Chr. 1 1.41. AHO A, A thistle, or thorn. 1 Chr. 8. 4. AHOLAH, His tabernacle, or tent. Ezek. 23. 4. AHOLIAB, The tabernacle, or brightness of the father. Exod. 31. 4. 1 36. 1, 2.1 38. 23. AHOLIBAH, BJy mansion in her. Ezek. 23. 4. AHOLIBAMAH, My tent, or famous mansion. Gen. 36. 2. 1 Chr. 1.52. AHUMAI, A^neadotv, or brother of waters. 1 Chr. 4. 2. AHUSAM, Their taking, or possession, orvision. 1 Chr. 4. 6. AHUZZA, Possession, apprehension, vision. Gen. 26. 26. 2 — '^ 8. 1,29. AS, An heap. A city, Josh. 7. Ezra 2. 28. Neh. t\ 32. Jer. 49. 3. AJAH, A vulture, or raven. Gen. 36. 24. AJALON, An oak, or strength. Josh. 19. 42. AIATH, An hour. A city, Isa. 10. 28. AID, r. To assist, help, succour. Judg. 9. 24. AIJA, knheap. A city, Neh. 11. 31. AIJELETH SHAHAR, Hind of the morning. A song, or tune. The title of the 22d Psalm. AILED, ETH. Gen. 21. 17. what a. thee Hagar Judg. 18. 23. what a. theel|l Sam. 11.5.a. people 2 Sam. 14. 5. king said what a. thee, 2 Kin. 6. 28. Psal. 1 14.5. a. thee, O seajjlsa. 22.1 . a. thee now AIN, An eye, or fountain. Num. 34. 11. AIR, s. The element in which we breathe ; mein, deportment. 2 Sam. 21. 10. birds of the a. |1 Job 41. 16. no «. Prov. 30. 19. eagle in the a.HEccl. 10. 20. bird of Matt. 8. 20. and the birds of the a. have nests 13. 32. birds of a. lodge, Mark 4. 32. Luke 9.58. Acts 22. 23. and as they threw dust into the a. 1 Cor. 9. 26. beateth the a.l|l4. 9. speak to the a, Eph, 2. 2. prince ofa.\\ 1 Thes. 4. 1 7. Lord in the a. Rev. 9. 2. a. darkened H 16. 17. vial into the a. AKAN, Troubling. Gen. 36. 27. AKKUB, Print, or mark of afoot. 1 Chr. 3. 24. AKRABBIM, The name of a place, Num. 34. 4. ALABASTER, Soft white marble. Matt. 26. 7. ALAMELECH, Thekingdom, or counsel of God. A citv, Josh. 19, 26. * ALA]M"ETH, a hiding, or youth. 1 Chr. 6. 60. xALAMOTH, Virgins, or hiddenones, or hid thi7igs, The title of the 46th Psalm. 1 Chr. 15. 20. ALARM, s. Notice of danger, or to rouse. Num. 10. 5. blow an a. 6, 9.1|7. but not sound a. 2 Chr. 13. 12. cry an a. \\ Isa. 16. 1 9. a. is fallen Jer. 4. 19. the a. of war || 49. 2. cause a. of war Joel 2. 1. to sound an a.||Zeph. 1. 16. a day ofa- ALAS, An interjection ; a token of sorrow. Num. 12. 11.0. my lord||24. 23. a. who shall live Josh. 7. 7. a O Lord || Judg. 6.22. a. I've seen an Judg. 1 1. 55. a. dauglite) Ijl Kin. 13.30. a. brother 2 Kin. 3. 10. a. the Lord|l6.5. cried a. master, 15. Jer, 30. 7. a, for that day is great, none is like it Ezek. 6. 1 1. and say a. 1| Joel 1. 15. a. for the day Amos 5. 16. shall say a.yRev. 18. 10. a. a. 16. 19. ALBEIT, ad. Ezek. 13. 7. Philem. 19. ALEXANDER, A strong helper. Mark 15.21. Acts 4. 6. 1 19. 33, 34. 1 Tim. 1. 20. 2 Tim. 4. 14. ALEXANDRIA, A city in Esypt, Acts 18. 24. 1-27.6, ALGUM- Trees, 2 Chr. 2. 8. ] 9. 10, 1 1. ALIAH, Adukeof Edom, 1 Chr. 1. 51. ALIAN, m^ ALVAN, High. Gen. 36. 25.x 1 Chr. 1 . 40. ALIEN, S, A stranger. Exod. 18.3. been an a. Deut. 14.21.se^littoanfl.l|Job 19. 15. 1 am an a. ALL ALL Psal. 69iS. a. to iny mother'sljlsa. 61. 5. sons of a. Lam. 5.2. turned to a.|jEph. i. 12. a.froincomni. Heb. 1 1 . 34. tuined to flight the armies of the a. ALIENATE, ED. Ezek. 23. 17. mind a.18.2'2. 48. 14. not a. tirstfruits|jEpii. 4. 18.a. from life Col. 1- 21.youthatweresometimes a. and enemies ALIKE, ad. signifies, [1] Without difference, Rom. 14. 5. ['2J After one and the same man- ' ner, Psal. 33. 16 [3] Equally troublesome, Prov. 27. 15. Beut. 12. 22. shall eat ALL i^ ALU Hos. 11. 7. none -a.||Mic. 1. 10. weep ye not-o. Nah. 1.3.not-a. acquit||John 19.11. no power -a. 1 Cor. 1 6. r2.uot-a.to Cornell Ijohn 1.5.nodark.-rt. Rev. 18. i^l. found no more -a. || 2SJ. heard no Before PilAu. Gen. 23. 18. -a. that went Lev. 10. 3. -a. be glorified||2 Chr. 33. 7. chosen -a. Jer. 33. 9. -«. nations || Matt. 26. 70. denied -a. Gal. 2. 14..to Peter -a. \\ 1 Tim. 5. 20. rebuke -a. For ALL. Num. 8. 18. Levites-«. first-born Deut. 22. 5. - a. that do so are abomiuat, 25. 16. Psal. 78. 32. -a. this they sinned still || 116. 12. Eccl. 5. 9. earth -a.||ll. 9. -a. tliese things God Isa. 40. 2. -a. her sins ||Ezek. 6. 11. ahtf -a. the Dan. 4. 21. meat -a. 20. 38. -a. live to him Ezek. 20. 43. loathe - a. Luke 3. 19. - a. the evils Rom, 3. 23. - a. have sinnedl|2 Cor. 5. 14. died -a. Phil. 2. 21. -a. seek their ownljl Tim. 2. 6. rans. Heb. 8. 11. -a. shall know me || 10. 10. once -a. From ALL. Gen. 48. 16. redeemed me - a. Lev. 16. 30. be clean -a. \\ Ps. 34.4. -a. my tears Jer. 16. 15. -a. lands |1 Heb. 4. 4. God rested -a. In ALL. Gen. 2 1.12. -a. that Sarah hath 22. - a. thou dost || Deut. 29. 9. may pro.sper Josh. 22. 2. obeyed my voice - a. \\ 2 Sam. 23. 39. 1 Km. 2. 3. prosper - a. \\ 26. atflicted - a. that Neh. 9. 3o. art justa.lJPsal. 10. 4. God is not -a, Prov. S. ^. - a. thy w ays acknowledge him Isa. 63. 9. - a. their atfiictions he was afflicted Jer. 38. 9. done evil -a.||Hos. 12. 8. -a. my iab. Acts 27. i7. -a. 276 soulsyRom. 8. 37. -a. conq, 1 Cor. 12. 6. worketh all -a.||15. 28. God may be Eph. 1. 23. filleth all-a.l|Col. 3. 11. Christ is all 2Thes. 1. 10. admired -a. ||Heb. 13. 4. honourable 2 Pet. 3. 16. as also -a. his epistles, speaking All. Night; «ee Night. Of ALL. Gen. 6. 2. took them wives - a. 14. 20. he gave him tythes-a. Heb. 7. 2. Exod. 9. 4. nothing die - a. is children of Israels Josh. 8. 35. not a word -aljjudg. 13.13. -a. I said 2 Sam. 16. 21. hands -a. (| 2 Kin. 9. 5. which -a. Esth. 6. 10. let nothing fail - a. tliou hast spoken Job 8. 13- paths -a. \\ Amos 3. 2. -a. the families Mark 9. 35. same shall be servant -a. 10. 44. John 6. 39. -a. lose nothing||Acts 10. 36. Lord -a. 1 Cor. 14. 24. convinced -a. || Gal. 4. 1. Lord -a. Eph. 4. 6. Father -a. || Heb. 12. 23. judge -a. Jam. 2. 10. offend in one point, is guilty - a. On or vpon ALL. Gen. 39. 5. blessing - a. Isa. 4. 5. -a. the glory ||Ezek. 40. 4. set heart -a. Rom. 3. 22. to all and -a.||ll. 32. have mercy -a. Judc 15. judgment -a. \\ Rev. 3. 10. coBie -a. Over ALL. 2 Sam. 3. 21. mayest reign -a. 1 Chr. 29. 12. reignest -a. 1| Psal. 103. 19. ruleth Matt. 24. 47. make him ruler - a. Luke 1 2. 44. John 17. 2. thou hast given him power -a. flesh Rom. 9. 5. -a. God blessed||10. 12. same Lord -a. ALL these. Gen. 15. 10. he took to him - a. Gen. 42. 36. a.- things are ag. || 49. 28. a.- are Exod. 20. 1. God spake a.-||Job 12. 9. that in a- Jer. 9. 26. a.- nations || Hab. 2. 6. a.- take up Malt. 6. 33. a.- shall be added to vou, Luke 12. 3. 24. 8. a. - are the beginning of sorrows Acts 2. 7. a.- Galileans || 1 Cor. 12. 11. worketh Col. 3. 8. put off a.- II Heb. 11. 13. -a. died in faith ALL this. Gen. 41. 39. as God shewed thee a.- Deut. 32. 27. L. done a.-||Judg. 6. 13. a.- befallen 1 Saui, 23. J.5. kiiowuofhiTig of rt,-|!2 Sam, l-i. 19. 2 Chr. 21. 18. after a.- \\ 29. 28. ff. - continued? Esth. 5. 13. yet a. - availeth me nothing Job 1. 22. in a.- Job sinned not, 2. lO.yiS.l.seen Psal. 44. 17. fl.-come on iis||78. 32. for a.- sinned Eccl. 7. 23. a. - 1 proved 1| 8. 9. a. - have I seen 9. 1. «. - 1 considered in my heart to declare Isa. 5. 2.). for a.- his anger, 9. 12, 17, 21. 1 10. 4. "IS. 6. thou hast heard and seen a.- Dan. 4. 28. a.- cameljj. 22. knewest a.- || 7. 16. Hos. 7. 10. not return nor seek him for a. - Mic. 1. 5. for the transgression of Jacob is a. - Malt. 1. 22. a.- was done that, 21. 4. | 26. 56. Luke 16. 26. besides a.-|124. 21. besides r, Acts 17. 3. ALLEGORY, s. Is a continued metaphor repre- senting things under borrowed speeches. A figu- rative speech. Gal. 4. 24. ALLELU JAH, s. Praise ye the Lord. Rev. 19. K A LLIE13, p. Akin, or connected. Neh. 13. 4. ALLON, Oak, or strong. 3 os.h. 19.33. 1 Chr.4.37. ALLON-BACHUTH,Oa/c of weeping. Gen.35.8. ALLOW, r. Luke 11. 4S.Acts 24.1 5- Rom. 7.15. ALLOWED, ETH. Rom. 14. 22. 1 Thes. 2. 4. ALLOWANCE, s. 2 Kin. 25. 30. Prov. 3.18. ALLURE, r. To engage, or entice ; to tempt. Hos. 2. 14. riU. lier||2 Pet. 2. 18. a. thro' lusts ALMS, s. Relief to tlie poor. A bouniiful hand-, from a merciful and pitiful heart. Matt. 6. 1. do not your a.|]4. a. may be in secret Luke 11.41. give a. of such things as, 12. 33. Acts 3. 2. to-ask a. U 3. asked an a. \\ 1 0. sat for a. 10. 2. gave much a. \\ 4. o. come up for. 31. 24 17.1 came to bring a. to my nation ALMS-DEEDS, s. Acts 9. 36. Dorcas full of a; ALMIGHT\' , a. One of infinite power, tcho is a*- ble to do all things consistent with his own perfec- tions ; and as it is uppropi'iatcd to Christ, is a proof of his proper Deity, Rev. 1. 8. | 15. 3. n»vTa);!x.Tix^, Omnipotent, icho can work tvithr out mtans. Heb. 11. ?.. Above mcdnfi, I Kings ALO ALS 19. 7, 8. fVith weak means, Josh. 6. 20. 1 Sam. 14. 6. Against means, Dan, 3. 23, 25. | 6. 22. Gen. 17. 1. I am the a.[j28. 3. God a. bless thee 35. 11. I am God a.|l42. 14. G. a. give you mer. 48. 3. God a. appeared |( 49. 25. by the a. who Exod. 6. 3. name of G. a.jjNum. 24. 4. vision of Ruth 1. 20. a. hath dealt bitterly with me, 21. Job 5. 17. chastening of a. || 6. 4. arrows of a. 6. 14. fear of a. || 8. 3. doth a. pervert justice 8. 5. supphcati(in to a. || il. 7. canst find out a. 13. 3. would speak to a. |j 15.25. against the «. 21. 15. what is the a. || 20. drink wrath of a. 22. 3. any pleasure to a. I| 17. what can a. do '23. if return to the a. [I 25. a. be thy defence ^ 26. thy delight in a.. || 23. 16. o. troubleth me 24. 1. times not hid from a.l|27. 2. a. vexed my 27. 10. will he delight in a. \\ 11 with the a. 13. receive of the a.l|29. 5. a. was yet with me 31. 2. what inheritance of the a. from high 35. a. would answer mel|32. 8. inspiration of a. 33. 4. breath of a. || 34. 10. far be it from the a. 34. 12. nor a. pervert |j 35. 13. a. not regard 37. 23'. touching the a.|)40. 2. contendeth with Psal. 68. 14. a. scattered 1J91. 1. shadow of the a. Isa. 13. 6. shall come as destruction from the a. Ezek. 1. 24. 1 heard as the voice of the a. 10. 5. Joel 1.15. destruction from a.||2 Chr. 6.18. Lord a. Rev. 1. 8. is to come, the a. \\ 4. 8. God a. 11. 17- 15. 3. Lord a. just and true thy ways, 16.7. 16. 14. great day of God a.j| 1 9. 15. wrath of G. a. 21. 22. God a. and the Lamb are the temple ALMODAD, The measure of God. Gen. 10. 26. ALMON, Hidden. A city, Josh. 21. 18. ALMON-DIBLATHAIM, Hidden in an heap of Jig-trees. Num. 33. 46. Or^ abtmdance of Jigs, or storehouses. ALMONDS, A tree that is first in flowering, and bears precious nuts, called almonds. Oeu. 43. 11. carry sptces, myrrh, nuts and a. Exod. 25. 33. made like to a. 34. 37. 19, 20. Num. 17. 8. rod of Aaron, for Levi yielded a. J2ccl. 12. 5. a. tree flourish! I Jer. 1. U.see rod of a. ALMOST, ad. Exod. 17. 4. a. ready to stone me Psal. 73. 2. feet a. gone || 94. 17. a. dwelt in silence 119. 87. a. consumed || Prov. 5. 14. a. in all evil Acts 13. 44. a. whole city \\ 19. 26 a. thro' Asia 21. 27. a. ended || 26. 28. a. persuadest me, 29. Heb. 9. 22. a. all things by the law are purified ALiMUG-Trees, Are what the Vulgate translate ligna thyina, and the Septuagint wrought wood. - The word thyinum is the name for the citron-tree, known to the ancients, and esteemed for its sweet odour, and great beauty. It came from Maurita- nia. It is understood to be an oily andgiimmy sort of leood ; and to be that sort of tree which produ- ces the Gum Ammoniac, or Gum Arabic. Calmet thinks that the Shittim and Almug are the same. 1 Kin. 10. 11. brought from Opher a.- 12. ALOES, s. A precious wood used in the East for perfumes, of a higher price than gold : therefore different from the resinous juice used with us in tnedicine as a cathartic. Psal. 45. 8. smell of a. |f Prov. 7. 17. bed with a. Song 4. 14. myrrh, a. \\ John 19 39. brought a. ALONE, a. signifies [Ij One solitary, or by him- self, Lev. 13. 46. Psal. 102. 7. [2J One singly without another, Gen. 2. 18. Deut. 32. 12. [3j To cease from., Exod. 14. 1 2, Gen. 2. 18. not good the man should be a. 32. 24. Jacob left a. \\ 42. 38. is left a. 44. 20. Exod. 14. 12. let us a. j( 18. 18. art not able a. 24. 2. Moses a. shall come || 32. 10. let me o. Lev. 13. 46. the leper shall dwell a. without Num. 11. 14. to bear this people a. Deut. 1.9,12. 17. bear it not a. \\ 23. 9. people shall dwell a. Deut. 9. 14. let me a. \\ 32. 12. Lord a. did lead 33. 28. Israel then shall dwell in safety a. Josh. 22. 20. perished not a, || Judg. 1 1.37. let me a. 2 Sam. 16. 11. let him a.j|18. 24. running a. 26. 1 Kin.l2.29.theytwo wereo.l|2 Kin.4.27.1ether a. 2 Kin. 19. 15. thou artG. a. Ps. 86.10. Isa. 37.16. 1 Chr. 29. 1. Solomon, whom God a. hath chosen Ezra 6. 7. let work ofGoda.HEsth. 3. 6. Mordecai Job. 1. 15.escapeda. 16,17,19.1)9.8, a. spi-eadeth 10. 20. let rae a. that I may take comfort,13.l3. 15.19. to whom a. earth was given||31.l7. morsel" Psal. 83. 18. a. is Jehovah || 102. 7. as sparrow a. 136. 4. who a. doth wonders||148. 13. name a. EcCl. 4. 8. there is one a.] [10. woe to him that is a. Isa. 2.11. Lord a. be exalted,17.||14.31.nonebea. 49.21. 1 was left a. || 51. 2, I called him a. and 63. 3. 1 have troden the wine-press a. Lam. 3. 28. he sitteth a.|jDan. 10. 7. 1 Daniel a. Hos. 4. 17. let him a.l|8. 9. a wild ass a. by hims. Matt. 4. 4. man not live by bread a. Luke 4. 4. 14. 23. evening was come, he was a. Luke 9. 18. 15. 14. let them a. ]| 18. 15. thee and him a. Mark 1. 24. saying, let us a. Luke 4. 34. 4. 34. a. he expounded 1| 6. 47. a. on the land 14. 6, let her a.||15.36,let a, let us see whether Luke 5, 21, but God a.l|6,4. eat, but for priests a. 9.18. Jesus was a. praying || 36. Jesus was found a. 10.40. left me to serve a.|jl3.8. let it a. this year John 6.15. a mountain a.|)22. disciples gone away 8. 9. Jesus was a. |) 16. I am not a. but, 16. 32. 1 1. 48. if we let him a. \\ 12. 7. let her a. 17. 20. neither pray I for these a. but for them Acts 5. 38. let them a.jj 19. 26. not a. at Ephesus Rom. 4. 23. not for his sake a.||11.3. 1 am left a. Gal. 6. 4. he shall have rejoicing in himself a. Heb. 9.8. a. once every year||Jam. 2. 17. being a. ALONG, ad. Num. 21, 22. go a. by king's high 1 Sam. 6. 12. kine went a. || 28. 20. Saul fell a. Jer. 41. 6. Ishm. went, weeping all a. as he went ALOOF, ad. Psal. 3S. 1 1 . stand a. from my sore ALOTH, The name of a country, 1 Kin. 4. 16. Aloud, ad. see Cry, Cried, Sing. ALPHA, s. The first letter of th^ Greek alphabet , Rev.' 1.8, ll.|21. 6.122.13. Christ, the eternal Son of God, the first and the last in creation, providence and grace, Isa. 44. 6. Rev. 1. 17. which is strongly expressive of his proper deity. ALPHEUS, A captain, or learned. Matt. 10. 3. Mark 2. 14.|3. 18. Luke 6. 15. Acts 1. 13. ALREADY, ad. Ex. 1 . 5. Joseph was in Egypt or. Ecd. 1. 10. a. of old time 1| Mai. 2. 2. cursed a. Matt,l7.l2.EIiasis corne «.l|John 3.18.condemned 1 Cor. 5 3. judged a-llPhii. 3. 1 6. not a. attained 1 Tim. 5. 15. a. turned aside||Rev. 2. 25. have a. ALSO, ad. Gen. 6. 3. for that he a. is flesh Num. 16. 10. and seek ye the priesthood a. , 1 Sam. 14. 44. and Saul answered, God do so, and more a. 2 Sam. 3. 35. 1 19. 13. 2 Kin, 7. 4. w^e dlefl-liPsal 68. 16. rebellious a. ALT Isa. 7.13. weary my God a. j) Zech. 8. 21. I'll goa. Matt. 6. 21. there will your heart be a. Liikel2.34. - 26. 73. a. irt one of them || Mark 1. 38. preach a. Ma k 2. 28. is Lord a. of the sabbath, Luke 6. 5. Luke 11. 45. thus saying, thou reproachest us a. John 5. 19. a. doth the Son || 12. 26. a. my servant 14, 3. ye may be a. \\ Acts 12. 3. take Peter a. Rom; 16. 2. succourer of njany, and of myself a. 1 Cor. 9. 8. law the same a. Ij 13% 3. seen of me a. Q Tim. 1. 5. in thee a, || Jam. 2. 26. works, is dead a. 1 John 4. 21. loveth God, loveth his brother a. ALTAR, s. is taken, [1] Properly, for a place of divine o^erings, 1 Kings 13. 1, 2. [2J Fi- guratively, for the person of Christ j Heb. 1 3. 10. [3] Mysiicully,for a place of safety, Rev. 6. 9. Gen. 8. 20. Noah builded an a. to the Lord 12. 7. Abfdham, 22. 9. || 35. 1. make there an a. Exod. 17. 15. Moses built an a.\\ 20. 24. a. of earth 21 . 14. take from mine a. |j 29. 37. be an a. most 29. 44. sanctify it, an a. most || 30.27. a. of incense 40. 10. a. of burnt-offering || Lev. 6. 9. fire of the a. Num. 7. 84. dedication of a. |j 18. 3. nigh the a. Josh. 22. 34.calledthe«.Ed|j Judg.6.25. of Baal 1 Sam. 2. 33. cut off from a.lj 2 Sam. 24.18. rear an 1 Kin. 1 3. 2. he cried against the a. O a.^a. 18. 30. Elijah repaired a. jj 35. water ran about a. 2 Kin. 18. 22. worship before this «. Isa. 36. 7. Psal. 26. 6. compass thine a. || 43. 4. to a. of God Isa. 19. 19. a. in Egypt||27. 9. stones of the a. 56. 7. accepted on mine a. ]) Lara. 2. 7. ca^t off a. Ezek. 8. 16. between the porch and a. 25 men Joel 1. 13. ye ministers of a. \\ 2. 17. porch and a. Amos 2. 8. clothe'^ laid to pledge by every a. Mai. 1. 7. ye offer po luted bread on my a. 10. fire on mine a. || 2. 13. covering a. with tears Matt. 5. 23. gift to the a. \\ 23. 18. swear by a, 23.35. slew between temple and a. Luke 11. 51. Acts 17. 23. found an a. with this inscription 1 Cor. 9. 13. wait at a. partakers with a. 10. 18. Heb. 7. 13. attendance at a. \\ 13.10. we have ana. Rev. 6.9. 1 saw^ under the a. |) 8. 3. on tlie golden a. 9. 13. a voice from bonis of the golden a. ALTARS. Ex. 34.13. destroyed a.Deut. 7.5. |1 2.3. IS um. 23. 1 . build 7 a.\\ 1 Kin. 19.10. down thy a. 14. 2 Chr. 34. 5. burnt the bones of priests on the a. Psal. 84. '3. even thine a. || I-a. 17. 8. not look to a. Jer. 17. 1. graven on horns of a.|| 2. remember a. Ezek. 6. 4. your a. shall be desolate, images be Hos. 8.11. made a. tosin||10.8. thorns come on a. 12. 11. a. as heaps |) Amos 3. 14. I'll visit the a. Rom. 11.3. Lord, they have digged down thine a. ALTER, 1-. To change. Lev. 27. 10. shall not a. Ezra 6. 11. a. this word || 12. destroy all that a. Ps.89. 34. not a. the thing || Prov. 31.t5.lestthev a. ALTERED, p. E^th. 1. 19. Luke 9. 29. ALTERETH. Dan. 6. 8. law which a. not, 12. ALTERING, p. Num. I4.t 34. a. of pui-pose AL-TASCHITH, Destroy not. The title of P>al. 57, 58, 59, 75. ALTHOUGH, adv. Notwithstanding. Exod. 13. 17. a. that was near, for God said 2Sam.23.5. a. my house jJ Job 2.3. a. thou movedst Jer. 31.32. a. I was a husband || Ezek. 1 1 .16. «. cast Hab.3. 17. a. fig-tree ||Markl4.29.«. all be offend. ALTOGETHER, adv. Completely, absolutely. Num. 16. 13. a. a prince || Deut. 16. 20. is a. just Psal. 14. 3. a. filthv, 53. 3. \\ 19. 9. are righteous a. 4 AMA n Psal.39.5.a.vanity II 50. 21 . a. such a one as thyself 139. 4. knowe.-tita. jjSong 5. 16. a. lovely John 9. 34. a. born in sin jj Acts 26. 29. a. such as 1 Cor. 5. 10. yet not a. j| 9- 10. a. for our sakes ALVAH, His rising up. Gen. 36. 40. ALVAN, Higher, or exalted. Gen. 36. 23. ALUSH, A mingling together ; kneading, leaven- ing. Num. 33. 13. ALWAY, S, signifies, [1] Continually, John 8. 29. [2] Frequently, Acts 10. 2. [3] To the end of the world, Matt. 28. 20. [4] During life, 2 Sam. 9. 10. Deut. 5. 29. keep«.||ll.l. keep commandments a. 14. 23. fear the L. a.jj 2 Sam. 9. 10. eat bread a. Job 7. 16. I'd not hve a. \\ 27. 10. will he a. call Psal. 16. 8. Lord a. before me 1| 103. 9. not a. chide 119. 112. perform a. |i Prov. 8. 30. rejoicing a. Isa. .57. 16. not a. w rath || Matt. 28. 20. with you a. Mark 14. 7. but me ye have not a. John 12. 8. John 8. 29. 1 do a. those || 11. 42. hearest me a. Acts 10. 2. prayed to G. a. || 2 Cor. 2. 14. a. causeth. Phil. 1. 4. a. in every prayer j| 20. as a. so now also 2. 12. have a. obeyed || 4. 4. rejoice in the Lord a. 1 Thes. 2. 1 6. fill up sins a. || 2 Pet. 1 . 15. have a.in I AM, I AM that I AM, signifies, [1] Being, or self-existence, Exod. 3. 14. Rev. 1. 4, 11, 17. The incommunicable name of God. I am, in He- brew, Ehei; i. e. / will be; — true to all my promises, &c. [2] Immutability and eternity, Rev. 1. 4, 8. [3j Resembling, jfohn 15. 1. Exod. 3. 14. / am that I am hath >ent me to you Num. 11. 21. the people amongst whom I - Neh. 6. 11. being as 7- 1| Job 9. 32. not man as I- Psal. 35. 3. 1- thy salvation || 39. 4. how frail I- 50. 7. /- God, even thy G. [j 143. 12. /- thy serv. Isa. 44. 6.1- the fir- 1, i- the la^t, 43.12. Rev.1.11. 47. 8. 7- and none else besides me, Zeph. 2. 15. 58. 9. shalf cry, and he shall say, here / - Matt. 16. 13. say tliatJ -? Mark 8. 27. Luke 9. 18. Luke 22. 70. ye say that /-||John 6. 35. /-bread Joim 8.12. /-the light || 58. before Abrah. was /- 12. 2G. where /- there || 17. 24. with me Vvhere I- Acts 26.29.such as /- j| 27.23. who^e /-, and whom 1 Cor. 15. 10. by the grace of God i - what /- Gal. 4. 1-2. be as /- ||Phil. 4.11. in what state I^ Rev. 1. 17. /-the first || 18. / - he that liveth, I - 19. 10. see thou do it not, /- thy fellow servant AM /. Gen. 4. 9. a. - my brother's keeper Gen. 30. 2. a. - in God's stead, who hatli withheld 2 Kin. 5. 7. a.-aG. jj 18.!25. a-comeup, la. 36. lOi Jer. 23. 22. a. - a God at hand, saith the Lord Matt. 18. 20. there a. - \\ John 7. 33. a. - with you 1 Cor. 9. 1. a. -not an apostle || 2 Cor.12.10. strong Here Am /, or Here 1 Am ; see Here. AMAD, People ofwitiiess. Josh. 19. 26. AMAL, Labour, or iniquity. 1 Chr. 7. 35. AM ALEK, A licking, smiting, or striking peopU. A son of Esau, Gen. 36. 16. Exod. 17. 16. AMAN, Mother, or fear of them. Josh. 15. 26. AMANA, Faith, or truth. Song 4. 8. AMARIAH, The Lord said, or the excellency of the Lord. 1 Chr. 6, 7, 5^< \ 23. 19. AMASA, Spariiig the veople. 1 Chr. 2. 17. AMASAI, Strong. 1 Chr. 6. 25- j 12. 18. AMASHAI, Gift^ or present of the people. Neb. 11. 13. AMASIAH, Burden of the Lord, 2 Ghr. 1?;. 16. amm. AND AMAZED, p. Surprised, astonished. Judg. 20.41. Benjamin «.|jJob 32. 15. they were a. I.^a.13. 8. they shall be a. |) Ezek. 32. 10. many be a. Matt. 19. 25. the disciples were exceedingly «. Mark2.12.they were all a. and gIorilied,Luke5.25. 14. 33. he began to be sore a. and very heavy Luke 4. 36. and they were all a. and spake 9. 43. Acts 9. 21. all that heard Saul were a. and said AMAZEMENT, s. Acts 3. 10, 1 Pet. 3. 6. AMAZIAH, Strength of the Lard. 1 Chr. 4. 34. AMBASSADOR, S. signifies, [1] An interpre- ter, 2 Chr. 32. 31. [2j A messenger, I'sa. 18. ^2. [3] Men of action. The office is, [l] Civil, 2 Kin. 10. 12. [2] Spiritual, 2 Cor. 5. 20. Eph. 6. 20. Josh. 9. 4. had been a. || Chr. 32. 31. a. of Babylon 2 Chr. 35. 21. he sent a. \\ Prov. 13. 17. a faithful a. Isa. 18. 2. sendeth a. by |j 30. 4. a. came to Hanes 33.7. a. ofpeaceljjer.49. 14. c. sent, Obad. 1. Ezek. 17. 15. rebelled in sending a. to Egypt 2 Cor. 5. 20. a. for Christ || Eph. 6. "20. 1 am an a. AMBASSAGE, s. Luke 14. 32. sendeth an a. AMBER, s. A fine yellow coloured drug, endowed with the property of electricity, Ezek- 1 . 4. AMBUSH, s. Asecret place, Josh. 8.2. Jer. 51.12. AMBUSHMENT, S. 2 Chr. 13. 13. | 20. 22. AMEN, ad. signifies, in Hebrew, true, faithful, certain. It is used as an affirmation ; and ren- dered, verily, verily ; amen, amen, John 3. 3, 5. — All tlie promises are amen in Christ, i. e. cer- tain and firm, 2 Cor. 1 . 20. — Jesus Christ is called the^mexi. Rev. 3. 14. i. e. the truth of all the types, figures, and promises. The God of truth^ Isa. 65. 16. in Hebrew, amen. — It is used in the end of prayer, to denote our desire and hope to be heard and answered. Num. 5. 22. and the woman shall say a. a. Deut. 27. 15. all the people say a.\\ 1 Kin. 1.36. 1 Chr. 16. 36. people said a. and praised the Lord Psa!. 41. 13. «. and a. 72. 19.189. 53.1106. 48. Jer. 28. 6. Jerem.saida.lJMatt. 6. 13. for ever a. 1 Cor. 14. 16, unlearned saya.||2 Cor. 1. 20. yea a. Rev. 1. 18. alive for evermore, a.l|3. I4.saith the a. 5. 14. beasts said a. 19. 4. |1 22. 20. a. even so AMEND, V, Jer. 7.3, 5,126.13.|85.15. John4. 52. AMENDS,s. Recompence, Lev. 5. 16. make a. for AMERCE, V. To fine. Deut. 22. 19. shall a. him AMETHYST, A precious stone, Exod. 28. 19. — A gem of a purple colour, which seems com- posed of a strong blue and deep red ; and, ac- cording as either of these colours prevails, af- fording different tinges of purple ; sometimes like violet, and sometimes fading to a pale rose colour. It may be deprived of its colour, by put- ting it in fire; in which pellucid, or colourless state, it so well imitates a diamond, that its want of hardness is the only ivay to distinguish it. Exod. 39. 12. Rev. 21. 20. AMI, Mother, fear, people. Ezra 2. 57. AMIABLE, a. Agreeable, lovely, Psal. 81. 1. AMISS, ad. Wrong, faulty. 2 Ch. 6. 37. done a. Dan. 3. 29. speak any thing a. against the God Luke 23.41. done nothing a.||Jam. 4.3. ye ask a. AMITTAI, True, or fearing. 2 Kin. 14. 25. AMM AH, His people. 2 Sam. 2. 24. AMMl, My people. Hos. 2. 1. AMMIEL, The people of Gjd. Num. 13. 12. AMMIHUD, People of praise. Num. 34.a0, AMMINADAB, My free, noble, or willing people. 1 Chr. 15. 10. Song 6.1^. AMMISH ADDAI, People of the Almighty. Num . 1. 12. I 7. 67, 71. I 10. 25. AMMIZABAD, Dowry of the people. 1 Chr. 27.6. ^ AMMON, A people, or the son of my people. Gen. 19. 38. AMMONITE. Deut. 23. 3. 1 Kin. 14. 21. AMNON, Faithful, true, artificer, protector , or schoolmaster. 1 Chr. 3. 1. - AMOK, A valley, or depth. Neh. 12. 7. AMON, Faithful, true. 2 Kin. 21. 18. AMONG, pr. Mingled with. Num. 14. 14. Ezra 10. 18. a. sons of priests || Neh. 13. 26. yet a. Job 36. 14. a. theunclean|i33. 23. a. a thousand Eccl. 6. T. common a. men [| 7. 28. one a. 1000 Song 5. 10. chiefest a. 10000||Jer. 5.26. a. people Mic. 7. 2. and there i- none upright a. men Luke 1 28. blessed a. women 1| 10. 3. a. wolves Jolm 6. 9. «. so manylJCol. I.tl8. a. all he might AMORITE, The envious bitter one : great prat- lers, or talkative. Gen. 10. 16. 1 15. 16. AMOS, A burden. A prophet, Luke 3. 25. AMOZ, Strong, or mighty. Isa. 1.1. AMPHIPOLIS, A compassed city. Acts 17. L AMPLIAS, Large, extensive. Rom. 16. 8. AMRAM, An exalted people. Exod. 6. 20. AMRAPHEL, Speaking of ruin. Gen. 14. 1. AMZI, Strong, or mighty. 1 Chr. 6. 46. AN AH, Answering, sinning, afflicting, or poor, A son of Seir, Gen. 36. 2, 20. ANAHARATH, Burning, wratli, driness, neigh- ing, hoarseness. Jo>h. 1 9. 19. ANAIAH. Neh. 8. 4. 1 10. 22. ANAK, a collar, or ornament. Num. 13.22,28. ANAKIMS, Giants, Deut. 1.28. ] 2. 11. ANAMMELECK, An answer,song, affliction, or poverty of the king. 2 Kin. 17. 31. ANAN, A cloud, or prophecy. Neh. 10. 26. ANANI, My cloud, or gracious. 1 Chr. 3. 24. ANANIAH, Cloud of the Lord. Neh. 3. 23. ANANIAS, The grace of God. Acts 5. 1. 1 9. 10. ANATH, Ansiver, song, poverty. Judg. 3. 31. ANATHEMA, A curse, or cursed, 1 Cor. 16. 22. ANATHOTH, as ANATH. Jer. 1.1. 1 Chr. 7. 8. ANCESTORS, s. Those from whom we descend ; progenitors. Lev. 26. 45. ANCIENT, S, Men of former times ; governors, political or ecclesiastical. Deut. 33. 15. a. mountainsyjudg. 5. 21. a. river lSara.24.1 3. proverb ofa.j|2 Kin. I9.25.1sa. 37.26. 1 Chr. 4. 22. a. things || Ezra 3. 12. were a. men Job 12. 12.a.is wisdomjjPs. 119. 100. than the a. Prov. 22. 28. a. land-mark || Isa. 3. 2. prudent, a. Isa. 3. 14. with the a. \\ 9. 15. a. he is tlie head 19-11. the son of a. kings] [23. 7. is of a. days 24. 23. reign before his a.l|44. 7. the a. people 47. 6. upon the a. hastH 51. 9. as in the a. days Jer. 18. 15. from a. paths||19. 1. take of the a, Ezek. 7. 26. perish from the a. \\ 8. 12. whata. do 9. 6. began at the a. men||27. 9. the a. of Gebal Dan. 7. 9. the a. of days did sit, whose, 13, 22. ANCljE-Bones. Acts 3. 7. a.- received .strength ANCLES, s. 2Sam.22.t37. Ezek. 47. 3. ANDREW, Very strong, or manly. Luke 6. 14. ANDRONICUS, Victorioits mm- Rom. 16.. 7. I ANG ANG '^ 1 AN EM, Answer, or song of them. 1 Chr. 6. 73.1 ANER, answer, or song of light. Gen 14. 24. ANGEL, s. A messenger, or one sent of God ; and is applied [1] To those noble, intellectual and spi- ritual beings, whom God makes use of as his mi- nisters, to execute the orders of providence, Heb. 1. 7, 14. Psal. 104. 4. [2] To Christ, ivho is the messenger of the covenant, and brought the glad tidings of salvation to men, Zech. 1. 12. Mai. 3. 1. Rev. 10. 1. [3] To gospel ministers, who are sent by Christ to declare his counsel. Rev. 2. 1, 8, 12, 18. I 3. 1, 7. [4] To such whom God employs to execute hisjudgments, Kev. 15. 8, 1 16. 1. [5] To devils, Mat. 25. 41. 1 Cor. 6. 3. Gen. 24. 7. send his a. 40. || 48. 16. a. redeemed Exod. 23. 20. send an a. befere, 23.| 32. 34. 1 33. 2. Num. 20.16. sent an a.|| Judg. 13. 19. a. did wond. 2 Sam. 24. 16. a. stretched out hand, 1 Chr. 21.15. 17. David spake when he saw tbeo. that smote 1 Kin. 13.18. a. spake to me||l 9. 5. a. touched EHj. 1 Chr. 21. 20. Oman saw a. \] 27. commanded a. 2 Chr. 32. 21. a. cut off || Eccl. 5. 6. say before a. Isa. 63.9. the a. of his presence saved them Dan. 3. 28. God who hath sent his a. 6. 22. Hos. 12. 4. yea, he had power over the a. Zech- 1. 9. a. that talked with me, 13.14. 15. 19. 1 said to a. that talked, 4. 4. 1 5. 10 ] 6. 4. 2. 3. a. went out, and || 3. 3. stood before the a. ' 5. 5. a. went forth || 6. 5. the a. answered, these Matt. 28. 5. the a. answered the woman, fear not Luke 1. 13. a. said, fear not|j] 9. a. said, I am Gab. 26. a. Gabriel was|| 30. a. said to her, fear not ^5. a. answered] |2. 10. a. said to sheph. fear not 2. 13. with thea. II 21. so named of the a. before 22. 43. appeared an a. strengthening him John 5. 4. a. wentdown at a.|jl2. 29. an a. spake Acts 6. 15. faceof ana.||7. 35. by hands of the a. 7. SB. a. which spake||10. 7. a. spake to Cornelius 10. 22. holy a. I) 11.13. how he had seen an a. 12. 8. a. said to Peter, bind|j9. done by tlie a. 10. a. departed from, ll.||l5. said, it is his a. 23. 8. a. nor spirit|j9. if a spirit or a. hath spoken 2 Cor. 11. 14. a. of light |j Ga!. 1. 8. we or an a. Rev. I.l.byhisa.|j2. 1 . unto the a. 8, 12, 18.|3. 14. 5. 2. 1 saw a strong a.\\7. 2. another a. ascend 8. 3. a. stood at the altar || 4. out of the a. hand 5. a. took the center, and filled it with fire 7. first a. soimded || 8. second, 10, 12. i 9. 1, 13. 13. an o.flying thro'|j9. 11. a. of bottomless pit 9. 14. sixth a. loose||10. 1. mighty a. 18. 1.120. 1. 10. 5. a. stand on the sea||7. voice of seventh a. 8. book of the a. lO.lJll. the a. stood, saying 11. 15. a.soundedill4, 6. 1 saw another a. fly, 8. 14. 9. third a. followed || 15. another a. 17, 18. 16. 2. a. poured out vial, 3, 4, 8, 10, 12, 17. 5. a. of the waters||17. 7. a. said, wherefore 18. 21. mighty a. tookl[19. 17. a. standing in sun 22. 8. to worship a. || 16. sent my a. to testify ANGEL of God. Exod. 14. 19. a.- removed Judg. 13. 6. countenance of an rt.-|| 1 Sam. 29. 9. 2 Sam. 14. 7. as aa a.- so is my lord, 20. 1 19. 27. Acts 27. 23. stood the a.- j) Gal, 4. 14. as an «.- ANGEL of the Lord» Gen. 16. 7. a.- found Gen. 16. 9. a.- said to him, 11-122. 11. Num. 22. 32, 35. Judg. 13. 18. 2 Kings 1. 3, 15. Num. 22. 23. ass saw the a.- standing, 25, 27, 35. Judg. 2. 1. a.- came up, 1 Kin. 19. 7. Acts 12. 7. 5. 23 curse ye Meroz, said tUe a. - Judg. 6. 11. a.- sat under an oak, 12, 21, 2£^. 13. 3. a.- appeared to the woman, 16, 20, 21. 2 Sam. 24. 16. a.- was by thre hing, 1 Chr. 21. 15. 2 Kin. 19. S5. a.- smote in the camp, I-a. 37. 36. 1 Chr. 21. 18. a.- commanded Gad to say, 30. Psal. 54. 7. a.- encampeth||35. 5. let a.- chase, 6. Zech. 1. 11. they answered a.-||12. a.- au'^wered 3. 5. a.- stood by Jo hua, 6.|| 12. 8. as the a.- Matt. 1. 20. a. appeared in a dream, 2. 13, 19. 24. did as a.- bid him] [28. 2. a- descended from Luke 1. 11. appeared an a.-l|2. 9. a. came on thenl Acts 5. 19. a.- opened||8. 26. a.- spake to Philip 12. 23. a. smote Herod, because he gave not ANGELS. Gen. 1 9. 1. there came two a. 1 5. P.>al. 8. 5. a httle lower than the a. Heb. 2. 7, 9. 68. 17. thousands ofa.||78. 25. did eat a. food 7S. 49. trouble, by sending evil a. among them Matt. 4. 11. a. came and mini tered, Mark 1. 13. 13. 39. reapers are the a.||49. a. hall come forth 18. 10. their a.j| 24. 36. not the a. Mark 13. 32. 25. 31. ail the holy a. || 26. 53. l2 legions of a. Mark 8. 38. cometh with the holy a. Luke 9. 26. 12. 25. but are as the a. in heaven, Luke 20. So. Luke 2. 15. a. the a. were gone||l 6. 22. carried by 24. 23. seen avi-ion of a.||John 20. 12. seeth 2 a. Acts 7. 53. disposition of a.||Rom. 8. 38.nora.be 1 Cor. 4. 9. spectacle to a. || 6. 3. we shall judge a. 11. 10. because of the a. || 13. 1. tongues of a. Gal. 3. 19. ordained by o.||Col. 2. 18. worship of a. 2 Thes. 1. 7. from heaven with his mighty a. 1 Tim. 3. 16. seen of a. 1| 5. 21. and the elect n. Heb. 1. 4. better than the a. || 5. to which of a. 13. 7. maketh his a.|!2. 2. if the word spoken by a. 2. 5. to the a. hath notjj 16. the nature of a. 12. 22. company of a-H 13. 2. a. unawares 1 Pet. 1. 12. tt. desire to lookl|3.22.rt. made subject 2 Pet. 2. 4. spared not «. Ij 11. whereas a. great Jude 6. the a. which kept not their first estate Rev. 1. 20. stars are the a.|| 5. 11. voice ot a. 7. 1. four a. 2.|| 11, a. stood |I 8. 13. three a, 9. 14. loose the four a. || 15. the a. were loosed 14. 10. presence offl.|| 21. 12. gates twelve a. ANGELS of God. Gen. 28. 12. John 1. 51. Gen. 32. 1. Matt. 22. 30. Mark 12. 25. Luke 12. 8, 9. I 15. 10. Heb. 1. 6. His ANGELS. Job 4. 18. a. charged with folly Psal. yi. 11. give -a. charge, Matt. 4. 6. Luke 4. 10. 103. 20. -a. excel ||104. 4. -a. spirits, Heb. 1. 7. 143 2. praise ye him, all -a. praise ye him, ail . Matt. 13. 41. send fourth -a. \\ 16. 27. with -a. 24. 31. send -a. Mark 13. 27.||25. 41. devil and ra. Rev. 3. 5. confess-before -a. p 12. 7. and -a. 9. ANGER, V. Rom. 10. 19. 1 will a. you. ANGER, s. A passion, rage, displeasure. When ascribed to God, it is put for his just displeasure with sin. Gen. 27.45. till a. turn away jl 44. 18. a. burn 45.t5. o. in your eyes(|49. 7. cursed be their a. Ex. 32. 19. Moses' a. waxed hot|| 22. let not a. Deut. 9. 19. afraid of a. |) 13. 17. fierceness of «. 29. 24. what rneaneth the heat of this great a. Josh. 7. 26. Lord turned from the fierceness of . Judg. 8. 3. a. abated II Esth. 1. 12. his a. burned Job 4.t9. a. consumed || 9. 13. withdraw his a. Psal. 21. 9. time of a. \\ 30. 5. a. endureth but 37. 8. cease from a. \\ 38. 3. because of thine a, 69. 24. let a. take hold|| 74. 1. why a. smok^ ANG ANN Psal. 78.21. a. against Israel) |38. turned away his a. 49. fierceness of hi=! a. j| 50. a way to his a. 85. 3. turned from a.\\ 4. a to us to cease 85. 5. draw out thine tt.|)90. 7. con^umed by a. 90. 11. power of a.||103. 9. nor keep a. Jer. 3. 5. Prov. 15. l.wordsstirupa.|jl9.11.deferrethhisa. 21. 14. pacifieth a. \\ 22. 8. rod of his a. shall fail 27. 4. a. is outrageous II Eccl. 7. 9. «. resteth Isa. 5. 25. a. not turned away, 9, 13, 17, 21.|10.4. 7. 4. a. of Rezui || 10. 5. rod of mine a. staff 10. 25. mine a.||12. 1. thine a. is turned away 13. 9. fierce a.| 1 13. day of fierce a. Lam. 1. 12. oQ. 27. burning with a. || 30. indignation of a. 42. 25. fury of his a.\\ 48. 9. I defer mine a. 65.t5. smoke in my a. \\ 66. 15. a. with fury Jer. 2. 35. a. shall turn |j 3. 12. not cause a. to fall 4. 26. broken by fl.||7.20. a. poured on thisplace 18. 23. deal in a.|l25. 38. desolate because of a. 32. 31. provocation of a. \\ 36. 7. great is the a. 42. 18. a. poured, 44. 6. || 49. S7. my fierce a. Lam. 2. 1. day of a. 21, 22. || 6. despised in a. 3. 43. covered with a. ||4. 11. poured out a. Ezek. 5. 13. cu accomplished ||7. 3. ^end mine a. 7. 8. accomplished mine a. on thee, 20. 8, 11. 25. 14. do in Edom according to my a. 35. 11. Dan. 9. 16. let thine a. and fury be turned away Ho-. 11. 9. execute my a.||l4. 4. my a. is turned Am. 1. 11. a. did teai||Jon. 3. 9. turn from his o. Mic. 7. 18. retaineth not a. |j Nali. t. 6. abide a. Hab. 3; 8. a. against river- 1| Zeph. 3. 8. fierce «. Mark 3. 5. looked witha.||Eph. 4. 31. all a. Col.3.8. ANGER of the Lord. Num. 25. 4. fierce a. 32. 14. a. against Is. Judg. 2. 14, 20.|3.8.|10.7. Deut. 29. 20. a. - shall smoke against that man 2 Kin. 24. 20. thro' a. - it came to pass, Jer. 52. 3. Jer. 4. 8. fierce a.- 12. 13. | 25.37. j 51. 45. 23. 20. the a. - shall not return, 30. 24. Lam. 4. 16 the a.- hath divided them, he will Zeph. 2. 2. fierce a.-|j3. hid in the day of the c- In ANGER. Gen. 49. 6. -a. they slew a man Exod. 11.8. he M^ent out from Pharoah -a. Deut. 29. 23. overthrew -«.||28. rooted out -a. 1 Sam. 20. 34. Jon. rose-a.|| 2 Chr. 25.10.- great a. Job 9. 5. overturneth -a. \\ 18. 4. teareth - q,. 21. 17. sorrows -a.||35. 15. visited in his a. Psal. 6. 1. Lord, rebuke me not -a. Jer. 10. 24. 7. 6. arise, O Lord, -a. || 27. 9. servant away -a. 56. 7. -a. cast down||77. 9. hath he -a. shut up Isa. 13. 3. 1 called -a.||14. 6. ruled the nations -a. 63. 3. for I will tread them in mine a. 6. Jer 21. 5. I'll fight -a. || 32. 37. driven in my a. 33. 5. whom I have slain in mine a. and in my Lam. 2. 1. cov. Ziona.||3. cut off-a.||3. 66. destroy Ezek. 3.tl4. in hota.|j5. 15- judgments in thee -a. 13. 13. shower in mine a.||22. 20. gather you -a. 43. 8. consumed -c(.||Dan. 11. 20. -a. nor in battle Hos. 13. 11. a king -a.jjMic. 5. 15. vengeance -a. Hab. 3. 12. thou didst thresh the heathen -a. ANGER kindled. Gen. 30. 2. a. of Jacob was - Exod. 4. 14. a. of the Lord was k. against Moses Num. 11. 1. a. of the Lord was k. 10.|12. 9-122. 22. 22. 27. Balaam's a.-|l24. 10. Balak's a. was k. 25. 3. a. of the L. was k. 32. 10, 13. Deut. 29. 27. Josh. 7. 1. 2 Sam. 6. 7.|24. 1. 2 Kin. 13. 3.|23. 26. Deut.6.15.1efet a. of the L.be /c.||7.4.so a.of the L. be 91. 17. mine a. shall be A:, in that day, Josh.23. 16. 312. 22. for a fire is fe. in mine ;«. Jer, 15. 14.|17. 4. Judg. 9. 30. Zebul's a. AVas fc.||14. 19. Samson's . 1 Sam. l.te. Psal. 106. 32. ANGRY, a. Gen. 18. 30. let not the L.be a. 3<2. Gen. 45. 5. be not a. that ye sold me||Lev. 10. 16. Deut. 1. 37. the Lord was a. 4. 21. | 9. 8, 20. Judg. 18. 25. lest a. felIows||2 Sam. 19. 42. be a. 1 Kin. 8. 46. thou be a. with them, 2 Chr. 6. 36. 11. 9. a. with Solomon j| 2 Kin. 17. 18. Israel Ezra 9. 14. not be a. \\ Neh. 5. 6. 1 was very a. Psal. 2, 12. lest he be a.||7. 11. G. is a. with wick. 76. 7. who may stand when thou art a. 79. 5. how long. Lord, wilt thou be a. 80. 4. 85. 5. wilt thou be a. with us for ever } wilt Prov. 14. 17. is soona.||21. 19. shun an a. woman 22. 24. make no friendship with an a. man 25. 23. a. countenance || 29. 22. a. man stirretU Eccl. 5. 6. G. a. at thy voicej|7. 9. hasty to be a. Song 1. 6. a. with me || I: a. 12. 1. wast a. with me Ezek. 16.42. no more a. \\ Dan. 2- 12. king was a. Jonah 4. 1. Jonah was very a. 4.S. Matt. 5. 22. whosoever is a. with his brother Luke 14. 21. master being a. || 15. 28. he was a. John 7. 23. are ye a. || Eph. 4. 26. a. and sin not Tit. 1. 7. not soon a.jjRev. 11. 18. nations were a. ANGUISH, s. Eofcessive trouble, sorrow, grief,, or pain in body or mind. Gen. 42. 21. a. of his soul||Exod. 6. 9. not for a. Deut. 2. 25. nations be in a. ||2 Sam. 1.9. a.is come Job 7. 11. speak in the a.||l5. 24. trouble and a, Ps. 119.143. trouble, a.yProv. 1.27. distress and a. Isa. 8. 22. dimness of a. \\ 30. 6. trouble and a. Jer. 4. 31. the a. as of her that bringeth forth 6. 24. a. hath taken hold of us, 49. 24. 1 50. 43. John 16. 21. her a. for joy |j Rom. 2. 9- tribul. a, 2 Cor. 2. 4. for out of much a. of heart I wrote ANIAM, A people; or the ship, sorrow, or strength of people. iChr. 7. 19. ANIM, Answerings, singings, afflicted poor. A city. Josh. 15. 50. ANISE. Matt. 23. 23. pay tithe of mint, a. ANNA, Merciful, taking rest, gracious. Luke 2, 36. there w^s one A. a prophetess i i ANO ANS ^1 ANNAS, As Anm. Luke 3. 2. John 18. IS. 24. Acts 4. 6. ANOINT, I', signifies [1] To pour oil upon, Gen. 31.13. | 28. 18. [2] To consecrate, or set one apart to an office; anointing being generally practised among the Jews on that occasion, to de- note that the persons ivere endued with the gifts and graces of the holy Spirit, Exod. 28. 41 . [3] To use spiritual means for saving k7iowledge,^e\. 3.18. [4] To smear or daub, John 9. 6, 11. [5] To furnish with authority and answerable gifts to do the work of mediator, Psal. 2. 2.J45. 7. Acts 4. 27. Heb. 1. 9. [6] To choose and con- secrate to the offices of prophet, priest, and king, Psal. 89. 20. [7] The prophets, ministers, and people of God, Psal. 105. 15. 2 Cor. 1. 21. 1 John 2. 20, 27. [8] Divine consolation, Ps. 23. 5. Isa. 61.3. Exod. 28. 41. a. and consecrate, 30. 30. [ 40. 15. 29. 7. take anointing; oil and a. him, 40. 13. 36. a. altar, 40. 10. j| 30. 26. tabernacle, 40. 9. 40. 11. a. layer || Lev. 16. 32. priest he shall a. Dent. 28. 40. thou shalt not a. thyself with oil Jud^. 9. 8. trees went to a. \\ 15. if a. me king Ruth 3. 3. wash thyself therefore and a. thee 1 .Sam. 9. 16. a. him captain j) 15. 1. sent to a. 16. 3. a. him whom I name jj 12. arise, a. him 2 Sam. 14. 2. a. not thyself with oil, but be as 1 Kin. 1. 34. letZadok a. || 19. 15. a. Hazael king 19. 16. a. Jehu, Elisha || Isa. 21. 5. «. the shield Dan. 9. 24. a. most holy || 10. 3. nor a. myself Am. 6. 6. a. themselves ]j Mic. 6. 15. not a. thee Matt. 6. 17. a. thy head || Mark 14. 8. a. my body Mark 16. 1. might a. \\ Luke 7. 46. didst not a. Rev. 3. 18. and a. thine eyes with eye-salve ANOINTED. Exod. 29. 29. garments to be a. Lev. 4. 3. if priest a. do sin || 6. 20. when he is o. 7. 36. in the day he a. them j I 8. 10. a. tabernacle 8. 11. a. altar, Nuhi. 7. 1. ]) 12 Aaron, and a. Num. 3. 3. sons which were a. || 7. 10. 84, 88. 35. 25. a. with oil. 2 .Sam. 1. 21. P^al. 45. 7. | 89. 20. I 92. 10. Heb. 1. 9. 1 Sara. 2. 10. horn of his a.\\ 10.^1.«. thee captain 12. 3. Lord and his a. || 5. his a. is witness 16. 6. surely the Lord's a. 24. 6, 10. | 26. 9, 16. 16. 13. a. David, 2 Sam. 2. 4, 7. | 5. 3. | 12. 7. 2 Kings 9. 3. 2 Sam. 1. 14. destroy Lord's a.\\ 2. 7. a. me king 3. 39. though a. king [| 12. 20. David a. himself 19. 21. cursed Lord's a.||23. 1. a. of the G. of Ja. 22. 51. §heweth mercy to his a. Psal. 18. 50. 1 Chr. 16. 22. touch not mine a. Psal. 105. 15. Ps. 2. 2. and against his a. |j t6. a. my kinjj on 20. 6. saveth liis a. |j 28. 8. strength of his a. 45. 7. a. with the oil of gladness, Heb. 1. 9. 89. 20., holy oil a. him |) 92. 10. a. with fresh oil 132. 10. turn not away face of a. 2 Chr. 6. 42. 17. I have ordained a lamp for mine a. Isa. 45. 1. to hisa.l|61. l.a.to preach, Luke 4. IS. Lam. 4. 20. a. of the Lord | j Ezek. 28. 14. a. cherab Hab. 3. 13. wentest for salvation with thine a. Zech. 4. 14. these are the two a. ones which Luke 7. 58. kissed his feet, and a. them, 46. John 1. 1 41. is the a. || 9. 6. he a. the eyes of blind 9. 11. a. mine eyes II 11. 2. a. the Lord, 12. S. Acts 4.27. Jesus whom thou hast a. 10. 38. 2 Cor. 1. 21. he which hath a. us. is God ANOINTEDST. Gen. 31. 13. Psal. Q3. S. ANOINTING. Ex. 40. 15. Isa. 10. 27. 1 John2.27. ANOINTING Oil. Exod. 37. 29. Lev. 8. 12. I 10. 7. I ^1. 10. Nimi. 4. 16. Jam. 5. 14. ANON, fl(i. By and by. Matt. 13.20. Mar. 1.30. ANOTHER, adject. Not the same, different. Gen. 4. 25. appointed me a. seed instead of Abel 30. 24. add to me a. son || 43. 7. ye a. brother Exod. 22. 9. a. challengeth |1 Lev. 18. 1 18. wife to a. Num. 14. 24. Caleb, because he had a. spirit Judg. 2. 10. a. generation |j 16. 7. be as a. man 1 San». 2. 25. s-in against a, \\ 10. 6. a. man, 9. Est. 1. 19. royal estate to a. II Job 19. 27. and not «. Psal. 109. 8. let a. take his office, Acts 1. 20. Prov. 25. 9. not a secret to «. || 27. 2. let a. praise Isa. 42. 8. 1 will not give my glory to a. 48. 11. 44. 5. a. shall call || 57. 8. discover thyself to a. 65. 15. call by a. name || 66. 1 17. one after a. Jer. 13. 14. dash one against a. ]| Hos. 3. 3. ( 4. 4. Matt. 12. 3. look for a. II Mark 14. 19. a. said is it I Luke 16. 7. said he to a. \\ 12. which is a. man's 1 Cor. 4. 6. puffed up one ag. a. \] 11. 33. tarry for 12. 25. care one for a. || 2 Cor. 11. 4. a. Jesus Gal. 1 . 7. which is not a. \\ 6. 4. and not in a. Heb. 3. 13. exhort one a. 10. 25. || 4. 8. a. day Jam. 5. 9. grudge not one a. \\ 16. pray one for a. ANSWER, s. signifies [1] A reply to a question, or thing, Prov. 26. 4. [2] To begin to speak tchen no question is asked, Dan. 2. 26. Acts 5. 8. [3] To wittiess, Gen. 30. 33. [4] To o- bey, Isa. 65. 12. Jer. 7. 13. 1 Pet. 3. 21- [.5] To grant our requests in prayer, Psal. 27. 7. I 86. 7. La. 65. 24. [6] To gire account, Job 9. 3. I 40. 2. [7] To punish, Ezek. 14. 7. Gen. 41. 16. give ana. of peace. Dent 20. 11. 2 Sam. 24. 13. see what a. \\ Esth. 4. 15. return a. Job 19. 16. gave me no a. \\ 32. 3. found no a. 35. 12. there they cry, but none giveth a. Prov. 15. 1. a soft a. ]\ 23. joy by the a. of his ra. 16. 1. a. of the tongue j| 24. 26. giveth a right a. Song 5. 6. gave me no a. \\ Mic. 3. 7. no a. of God Luke 20. 26. and they marvelled at his a. John 1. 22. we may give a.j|19.9. Jesusgavenoor. Rom. 11. 4. a. of Godljl Cor. 9. 3. mine a. to them 2 Cor. 1. 1 9. a. of death || 2 Tim. 4. 16. my first a. lPet.3. 15. tosivean«.j|21.a. of good conscience ANSWERS, "job 21. 34. j 34. 36. Luke 2. 47. ANSWER, verb. Gen. SO. 33. righteousness a. 45. 3. could not a. him 1| Ex. 23. t 2. shall not a. Dent. 27. 15. a. and say amen||2 Sam. 3. 11. not a. iKin. 18.t 26. O Baal a. II 29. voice, nor any a. 2 Kin. 18. 36. king's com. was a. not, Isa. 36. 21. Job 9. 3. a. one of a thousand || 13. 22. I will a. 14. 15. call, I will a. Psal. 91. 1.5. Jer. 33. 3. 23. 5. words he would a. |j 31. 14. what shall I a, 33. 12. I'll a. thee, 35. 4. || 40. 2. let him a. it Psal. 27. 7. a. me || 65. 5. terrible thing* a. us 86. 7. wilt a. me, 38. 1 15. || 102. 2. a. speedily 108. 6. a. me II 143. 1. in faithfulness a. me Prov. 1. 28. but I'll not a. \\ Id. 28. studieth to «, 22. 21. a. words of truth || 26. 4. a. not a fool 26. 5. a. a fool || 29. 19. understand, he'll not a. Isa. 14. 32. a. messengers || 50. 2. none to a. 66. 4. 58. 9. call, Lord will a. |j 65. 12. je did not a. 65. 24. before they call I'll a. \\ Jer. 7. 27. not a. Ezek. 14. 4. 1 the Lord will a. him that cometh Dan. 3. 1 6. not careful to a. || Joel 2. 19. L. will a. ANY APO Hab. 2. 1. what shall I a.||Matt. %% 46. able to a. Mark 11. 30. o. me [j 14. 40. wist what to a. liUke 11. 7. he within shall a. \\ 12. 11. how ye a. 13. 25. a. I know you not j| 14. 6. could not a. 21. 14-notmeditatewhat yea.ll 22.68. not a. S Cor. 5. 18. somewhat to a.|jCol. 4. 6. ought to a. ANSWERABLE, a. Ex.38. 18. Matt.3.t8. ANSWERED, p. Gen. 3.5. 3. who a. me in Exod. 19. 19. God a. him || Judg. 8. 8. Penuela. 1 Sam. 3. 4. a. here am I, 16.|| 4. 20. she a. not 7.t9. Lord a. him || 14. o7. a. him not, 28. 6. 5 Sam. 19.42. men of Judah a.\\ 21.1. the L. a. ^2. 42. looked, but he a. them not, Psal. 18. 41. 1 Kin. 2. 30. thus he a. \\ 12. 13. a. roughly 18. 21. a. him not a word, 2 Kin. 18.36. Isa.56.21. 26. nor any that «. I! 1 Ghr. 21. 26. a. by fire @ Chr. 25. 9. man of God rt.j I Job 11. 2. words be a. Psal. 81.7. o. in secret place || 99. 6. he | APPEAR refeired to God. ]Lev. 9. 4. L. will a. to you, 6. || 16. 2. a. in cloud J I Sam. 2. 27. did I plainly a.\\ 2 Chr. 1. 7. a- to Sol. ^?. 102. 16. a. in his glory||Isa. 66. 5. a. to your joy Acts 26. 16. of those things in the which I will a. •APPEARANCE, s. Num. 9. 15. a. of fire, 16. ! 1 Sam. 16. 7. for man looketh on the outward a. Dan. 8, 15. a. of a man, 10. 1 8.|| 10. 6. a. of lightn. John 7. 24. judge not according to the a. but 2 Cor. 5. 12. glory in a. || 10. 7. after outward a. 1 Thes. 5. 22. abstain from all a. of evil APPEARED, j7. Gen. 12. 7. Lord a. 17. 1. 118.1. 26. 2. Lord a. to Isaac, 24.1)48. 3. a. to me atLuz Exod. 3. 2. angel of the A. a. \\ 4. 1. L. hath not a. 6. 3. 1 a. to Abraham || 14. 27. when morning a. 2 Sam. 22. 16. channels a. \\1 Kin. 11. 9. a. to Sol. 2 Kin. 2. 11. a.achariotoffirellNeh. 4.21.starsa. kjer. 31. 3. a. of old to me || Matt. 2. 7. the star a. ^att. 13. 26. a. taresH 17. 3. a. Moses, Mark 9. 4. 27. 53. went into the holy city, and a. to many j Mark 16. 9. a. to Mary||12. a. to two of them, 14. ! Luke 1. 11. a. an angel || 9. 31. who a. iaglory ; 22. 43. a. an angel to him, str.l|24. 34. a.toSimon Acts 2. 3. a. cloven tongues] |7. 2. God ofglorya.to 9. 17. Jesus that rt.l|26. 16. I have a. to thee for 27. 20. sun nor stars a. \\ Tit. 2. 11. a. to all men Tit. 3. 4. after the love of God toward man a. Heb. 9. 26. a. to put away sia !j Rev. 12. 1, 3. APPEARETH, r. Lev. 13. 43. a. in the skin Deut. 2. 30. as a. this day||Psal. 84. 7. a. befere G, Prov. 27. 25. the hay a.||Jer. 6. 1. for evil a. out Mai. 3. 2. when he a.||Jam. 4. 14. vapour that a. APPEARING, p. 1 Tim. 6. 14. till a. of our L. 2 Tim. 1. 10. manifest by the a.l|4. 1. at his a. 8. Tit. 2. 13. glorious a.|]l Pet. 1.7. at the a. of Jes- APPEASE, V. To pacify, Gen. 32. 20. APPEASED, ETH. El|63. l.a. to them tbatmourn Jer. 15. 3. a. four kinds ]| 49. 19 a. time, 50. 44. 51.27. a. a captain II Ezek. 21.19. a. 2 ways, 20. Hos. 1.11. a. one head] jMatt. 24.51. a. his portion Luke 12. 46. a. portion 1| 22. 29. a. you a kingdom Acts 6. 3. whom we may a. over this business APPOINTED, p. Gen. 24. 14. a. for thy servant Num. 9. 2. the passover in its a. seasons, 3, 7, 13. Josh. 20. 9. cities a. for refuge |j Jud. 20. 38. sign 1 Sam. 13. 11. the days a. ]| 19. 20. Samuel a. over 2 Sam. 17. 14. L. had a. to defeat the good counsel 1 Kin. 1. 35. a ruler [j 20. 42. a. to destruction Neh. 6. 7- hast a. prophets ]j 9. 17. a. a captain to Job 7. 3. wearisome nights a. 1| 14. 5. a. bounds 20. 29. a. by God ]| 30. 23. house a. for all Jiving Psal. 44. 11. like sheep a.l|78. 5. a. a law in Israel 79. 11. are a. to die |f 102. 20. are a. to death Prov. 7. 20. at the day a.]|8. 29. a. the foundations j 31. 8. cause of such as are a. to destruction Isa. 1. 14. a. feasts] j44. 7. since I a. ancient people Jer. 5. 24. a. weeks of harvest ]| 47. 7. he a. it Ezek. 4. 6. a. each day for ayearJjMic. 6. 9. a. it Matt. 27. 10. for the potters field, as the Lord a. Luke 3. 1 3. than what is a.]|10. 1. a. other seventy 22. 29. a kingdom, as my Father hath a. me Acts 1. 23. fl. two II 17. 31. fl. a day in which he'll / ARA are: 1 Cor 4. 9. liatli set us apostles last, as a. to deatli 1 Thes. 3. 3. a. thereto|J5. 9. not a. us to wrath 2 Tim. 1 . 1 1. a. a preacher || Tit. 1. 5. elders as I a. Heb. 3. 2. faithful to him that a. || 9. 27. a. to die iPet.2. 8. disobedient, whereunto also they werea. APPOINTED rime and Times. Gen. 18. 14. at the - a. will I return to thee Exod.9.5.a. aset-||23. 15. eat unl. bread in the -ai. 1 Sam. 13. 8. set - Samhel a.||20. 35. field, at a - a. 2 Sam. 20. 5. longer than -a-lJEsth. 9. 27. to a. - Job 7. 1. is there not an a. -|) 14. 14. a.-will I wait Psal. 81. 3. blow up the trumpet in the - a. Isa. 14.31. none alone in a. -||40.t2. her a. - is Jer. 8.7. stork knoweth her a.-||46. 17. passed - a. Dan. 8. 1 9. at the -a, \\ 10. 1. the - a. was long 11. 27. end shall beatthe -a.||35. yet for a -a. Hab. 2. 3. vision for a. - 1| Acts 17. 26. - before a. Gal. 4. 2. tutors, until the - a. of the Father APPOINTETH, V. Psal. 104. 19. Dan. 5. 21. APPOINTMENT, s. Num. 4. 27. c. of Aaron 2 Sam. 13. 32. a. of Absalom [j Job 2. 11. an a. APPREHEND, v. signifies, [1] To seize or take prisoner J Acts 12.4. [2] To know or lay hold of, Phil. 3.12. 2 Cor. 11. 32. desirous to n. || Phil. 3. 12. I may a. APPREHENDED, p. Acts 12. 4. Phil. 3. 12,13. APPROACH, V. signifies, [1] To draw nigh to God in worship, Psal. 65.4. [2] To contract marriage loitli, Lev. 18. 6. [3] To hasten or draw on, Dent. 31.14. [4] To commit Jilthi- ness with. Lev. 20. 16. Lev. 18. 6. none of you shall a. to any near of kin 21. 17. not a. to offer the breadof his God, 18. Dent. 20. 3. a. to battle || .31. 14. thy days a. that Job 40. 19. sword to a. \\ Psal. 65. 4.cau.se^t to a. Jer. 30. SI. he shall a. tome 11 1 Tim. 6. 16. can a. APPROACHED, p. 2 Sam. 11. 20. a. so nigh 2 Kin. 16. 12. the king a.|[Isa. S.fS. I «. to prop. APPRO ACHETH. Luke 12. 33.no tluef a. nor APPROACHING. Isa. 58.2. Heb 10. 25. APPROVE, V. To commend; to like or he phased with- Psal. 49.13. a. their sayings||l Cor. 16. 3. you a. by Phil. 1. 10. ye may a. things that are excellent APPROVED, p. Acts 2. 22. Je>us a man a. of Rom, 14. 18. a. of men || 16.10. a. in Christ 1 Cor. 11. 19. they that are a. be made manifest 2 Cor. 7. 11. a. yourselves 1 1 10. 18. is a. but whom 13. 7. appear a.j|2 Tim.2. 15. to shew thyself a. APPROVEST, V. Rom. 2. 18. a. thing.- that APPROVETH. Lam. 3. 36. the Lord a. not APPROVING, p. 2 Cor. 6. 4. in all things a. APRON, S. Gen. 3. 7. Ruth 3.tl5. Acts 19. 12. APT, «. Fit, meet. 2 Kin. 24. 16. a. for war 1 Tim. 3. 2. bishop be a. to teach, 2 Tim. 2. 24. AQUILA, An eagle. Acts 18. 2, 18, 26. Rom. 16. 3. 1 Cor. 16. 19. 2 Tim. 4. 19. AR, Reaping up, or ivatches ; or an adversary. A city of ilioa6. Num. 21.28. ARA, Cursing, or seeing. 1 Chr. 7. 33. ARAB, Multiplying ; sowi7ig sedition , a Her in wait, or locust. Josh. 15. 52. ARABIA, Evening, sweetness, a croir, or desert, Acountry in Jsia the Greater, which lay be- tween Jtidea and Egypt, Ezek. 27. 21. Be- sides the Stony and Desert, there was al o Ara- bia the Happy, where the Sabeans dwelt, 3 Chr. 9. 14. and Paul preached, Gal. 1. 17. Its in- habitants were called Arabians, a people who hved in tents. Isa. 13. 20. j 21. 13. Jer. 3. 2. 125. 24. Ezek. 27. 21. Acts 2. 11. Gal. 1.17. ARAD, A tvildass. Judg. 1. 16. 1 Chr. 8. 15. ARAH, A way, or travcllsr. 1 Chr. 7. 39. Ezra 2. 5. Neh. 6.18. | 7. 10. ARAM, Highness, magnificence ; or one thnt dC' ccives. It also signifies %ria, in Gen. 10.22. 1 22. 21. ARAN, An ark, or their curse. Gen. 36. 28. ARARAT, A curse of trembling: Gen. 8. 4. Jer. 5 1.27. ARAUNAH, An ark, or so7ig. 2 Sam. 24. 16. ARRAY, v. signifies, [1] To put on apparel, Esth. 6.9. Rev. 7. 13. [2j To prepare an army for battle, 2 Sam. 10. 9. 2 Sam. 10. 9. put them in a.||Esth. 6. 9. a. the man Job 6. 4. terrors of G. in a. |j40. 10. a. thyself with Jer. 43. 12. a. himself ||50. 14. put yourselves in a. 1 Tim. 2. 9. that women adorn, not with co-tly a. S€€ B VTTIjE ARRAYED, p. Gen; 41. 12. a. Joseph in fine 3 Chr. 28. 15. and with the spoil a. them Matt. 6. 29. not a. like one of these, Luke 12. 27. Acts 12. 21. Herod a. in royal apparel sat on his Rev. 7. 13. a. in white robesj)17. 4. a, in purple 19. 8. to her was granted to be a. in fine linen AREA, The city of the four. Gen. 35. 27. Josh, 14. 15. I 15.13. AtlBITE, A native of Arba, 2 Sam. 23. 35. ARCHANGEL, s. A prince of angels. Jesus Clirist, tcho is strong as God, 1 Thes. 4. 16 Jude 9. ARCHELAUS, The prince of people. Matt. 2. 22 ARCHER, S. Gen. 21. 20. Ishmael an «. Gen. 49.23. a. grievedljl Sam. 31.3. hit, lChr.10.3 Job 16. 13. a. compassed] I Isa. 22. 3. bound by a Jer. 51. 3. against him tlmt bendethiet a. bend ARCHES, s. Ezek. 40. 16. windows to the a. ARCHI-ATAROTH, The longitude of crowns o„ circles. Josii. 16. 2. ARCHIPPUS, A prince, or master of horses Col. 4. 17. Philem. 2. ARCKITE. Josh. 16. 2. 2 Sam. 15. 32. 1 Chr. 27. 33. ARCTURUS, A gathering together. It is a star of the first magnitude, by the tail of Ursa Ma- jor, or Charles's Wain, Job 9. 9. | 33. 32. ARD, Ruling, or descending. Gen. 46. 21. ARDON, The same. 1 Chr. 2. 18. xARE, V. signifies, [1] To be of great value or esteem. 1 Cor. 1. 28. [2] To represent or be like, Gen. 41. 26, 27. Rev. 1. 20. [3] Come from, 1 John 4. 1 . Gen. 42. 36. all these things a. against me Num. 15. 15. as ye a. Deut. 1. 11. || i Kin. 8. 8. Job 24.t24. a. exaltedi|38. 35. say^ here we a. Psal. 1 07. 27. a. at their wits end||Lam. b.7. a. not Amos 9. 7. a. ye not [| Nah. 3. 17. where they a. Matt. 2. 18. they o. not|| 6. 26. a. ye not better 22. 30. a. as the angels 1| Mark 6. 3. a. not his Luke 13. 25. whence you fl.||18. 11. as other men John 17.11. one as we a. |j Rom. 15. 27. they a. 1 Cor. 1. 28. thingis which a. not, things which a. 2 Cor. 11.22. a. they Hebrews, a. they Israehteis Heb. 4. 15. tempted like as we a. yet without?in , n { jr ARK Rev. 1. 19. things which a. 11 4. 11. a. and were ARELI, Altar, ox light of God. Gen. 46. 16. AREOPAGITE, One of the court of Athens, called Diomjsius, Acts 17. 34. AREOPAGUS, The hill of Mars. The highest court in Athens, Acts 17. 19. ARETAS, Viituous. 2 Cor. 11.32. ARGOB, The kingdom of Og, Deut 3. 13, 14. 1 Kings 4. 13. 2 Kings 13. 25. ARGUING, p. Job 6. 25. what doth your a. ARGUMENTS, 5. Job 23. 4. fill mouth with a. ARIDAI, ARIDATHAH. Esth. 9. 8, 9. ARIEH, A lion. 2 Kings 15. 25. PiKlEL, Altar, light, or lion of God. Isa.29. 1. ARIGHT, ad. Just, well, truly, as it ought. Psal. 50. 23. conversation a. \\ 78. 8. not heart a. Prov. 15.2. u^eth knowledge a. 1 1 23. 31 . moveth a. Jer. 8. 6. 1 hearkened, but they spake not a. ARIMATHEA, A little hill. Luke 23. 51. ARIOCH, A young lion. Gen. 14. 1, 9. ARISE, V. signifies, [1] To proceed from, Acts 20. 30. [2j To repent, Eph. 5. 14. [3] To be comforted, Amos 7. 2. [4J To shake off sloth, Song 2. 10, 13. [5] It is a word of encourage- ment, to excite or stir up. Josh. 1. 2. Acts 22.16. Gen. 31. 13. a. get thee out [j 35. l.a. go up to B. Deut. 13. l.a, a prophet ||17. 8. then a.eet thee up Josh. 1.2. a.goover Jordanyjudg. 5.12. a. Barak 2 Sam. 2. 14. o. and play || 3.21.1 will a and gath. 11. 20. if king's wrath «. 1| 1 Kin. 3. 12. nor any a. 2 Kin.9. 2. make Jehu a. || iChr. 22. 16. a. be doing Neh. 2. 20. we his servants will a. and build Esth. 1. 18. a. contempt || 4. 14. enlargement a. Job 7. 4. when shall I a.||25.3. doth nothish^ht a. Psal. 3. 7. a. Lord, 7. 6. || 1 2. 5. 1 a. saith the Lord 44. 26. a. for our help II 68. l.let God a. let his 88. 10. shall the dead a. |) 89. 9. when waves a. 102. 13. thou shalt a. |) Prov. 6. 9. when wilt a. Song 2. 13. a. my love, my fair one, and come Isa. 21. 5. a. ye princes || 26. 19. with my body a. 60. 1. a. shine || 2. the Lord shall a. upon thee Jer. 2. 27. >ay, a. save us |) 8. 4. fall and not a. 31.6. a. ye, go to Zion || Lam. 2. 19. a. cry out Dan. 2.39.a.another kingd.lJAmos 7. 2. Jacob a,5. Mic. 2. 10. a. and departlj 4. 13. a. thresh, O Zion 7. 8. fall, I shall a.\\ Haib. 2. 19. dumb stone a. Mai. 4. 2. shall the sun of righteousness a. with Matt. 9. 5. easier to say a. and walk, Mark 2. 9. 24. 24. for there shall a. false Christs, and false Mark 5. 41. damsel, I say to thee a. Luke 8. .54. Luke 7.14. Isay to theea.|jl5.18. 1 will a. and go 24. 38. why thoughts a. || John 14. 31. a. let us go Acts 9. 40. Tabitiia a. || 20. 30. men a. speaking 22. 16. a. be baptized || Eph. 5. 14. a. from dead 2 Pet. 1. 19. til the day star a. in your hearts ARISETH. 1 Kings 18. 44. a. a Httle cloud Psal. 112. 4. fl. light 1 1 Isa. 2. 19. a. to shake, 21. Matt. 13. 21. when persecution a. Mark 4. 17. John 7. 52. a. no prophet |) Heb. 7. 15. a. priests ARISTARCHUS, The best prince. Acts 19. 29. ARISTOBULUS, Best counsellor. Rom. i6. 10. ARK, s. signifies, [1] A chest or coffer to keep things safe and secret, Exod. 2. 3. [2] The great vessel in which Noah and hisfaviUy were preserved during the flood. Gen. 6. 14. [3] The chest in which the two tables of the law, Aaron's rod, and the pot of manna^were preserved, 5 ARM Exod. 37. 1. Both these arks were typical of the Lord Jesus Christ, whom all the holy things seem to have pointed out with one consent. [1] The materials of the arkwere cedar andgold, pointing out Christ in his two natures, human and divine^ Hos. 14. 8. Song 5. 11. [2] Its depositum wei^e the laic, the pot of manna, and Aaron's rod that budded, to denote, that the law was in the heart of Christ, Psal. 40. 8. and is now in his hand, Isa. 33. 22. that in Christ, is contained the bread of life, and all soul provisions, Col. 1. 19. and that the efficacy of a gospel ministry depends onChrist, Eph. 4. 12. 1 Cor. 3. 6. [3] Over the ark were the cherubims, figures of the angels who search into the mystery of redemption by Christ, 1 Pet. 1.12. [4j The ark had a croimi of gold round about, to denote Christ's regal power, and the majesty of his kingdom, Rev. 19. 16. [5] Where the ark was, there was the presence and glory of God, Col. 2. 9. [6] Here oracles and answers of prayers tvere given, Exod. 25. 22. [7] Here prayers and sacrifices were offei^ed, John 14. 6. Heb. 10. 19. [8] The ark searched out a resting place for Israel, who went whei'e the ark led, Isa. 55. 4. [9] Before it the walls of Jericho f ell, andDagon,the god of the PhilistineSf Phil. 2. 1 0. Col. 2. 1 5. Psal. 45. 5. Rev. G. 2. [lOj A blessing attended the ark, 2 Sam. 6. 11, 12. Eph. 1. 3. [11] The ark was removed from place to place,t ill fixed in the temple-Christ, when on eaHh, went about doing good, till he as- cended to heaven, and sat down at the right hand, of God. Eph. 1.20. Heb. 12. 2. [12] The Levites bore the Ark, Acts 9. 15. Gen. 6. 14. make an a. || 7. 18. a. went on the Exod. 2. 3. a. of bulrushes |) 25. 16. put in a. 40. 3. 57. 1. Bezaleel made the a. of Shittim wood Num. 3. 31. their charge shall be the a. and tables Josh.4. ll.a. ofL. 6.12. lSam.4.0.!6.1.2Sam.6.g. 1 Sam. 6. 1 9. smote, because they looked into the a. 2 Sam. 11. 1 1. the a. and Israel abide in tents 1 Kin. 2. 26. thou barest a. |j 8. 9. nothing in a. 1 Chr. 6. 31. o. had rest|| 13. 3. let us bring a. 13. 9. to hold the a. II 15. 1. a place for a. of God 2 Chr. 6. 41. and the a. of thy strength, Ps. 132. 8. 8.11. places are holy wherennto the a. hath Mat. 24. 38. till Noah entered the a. Luke 17. 27. Heb. 11. 7. prepared an a. \\ 1 Pet. 3. 20. while a. Rev. 11. 19. there w as seen in his temple the a. Before the ARK. Exod. 40. 5. altar of gold - a. Josh. 4. 7. cut off- a.\\ 7.6. Joslma fell to earth - a. 1 Sam. 5. 3. fallen - a, || 1 Chr. 16. 37. - a. Asaph 2Chr.5.6.Solomon and congregation assembled -a. ARK of the covenant. Num. 10. 33. a. - went Deut. 31. 26. put book of law inside of the a. - Josh. 4. 7. cut off before a.-|| Judg. 20.2.a.-of G. lSam.4. 3.1etusfetch a. - jj 2Sam.i5. 24. a. -ofG. iChr. 17. 1. a. - remained || Jer. 3. 1 6. no more a. - Heb. 9. 4. tabernacle which had the a. - overlaid ARK of God. 1 Sam. 3. 3. temple where the a. - 4. 11. a. - was taken, 17. 22. || 6. 3. if send a. - 2 Sam. 6. 7. died before «. - jl 7. 2. a. - dwelleth 15. 25. carry back a.-\\ 1 Chr. 13. 12. | 15. 2. ARKITE, A son of Canaan, Gen. lo. 17. ARM, s. is put for, [1] Strength, Psal. 10. 5. [v] The infinite poiver, grace and mercy^f Godj displayed in cojiverting sinners, Isa.40.11 . 1 53.1- ARM AP.O jiromillng for, supporiing, and comforting saints, Deut. 33. 27. Song 2. fi. | 8. 6. Exod.15.l6.irreatnessofa.||Deut. 33.20. teareth 1 Sam. 2. 31. 1'llcutotfthy a. and thea. oftliy 2 Sam. l.lO.biaceletona. II 2Clir. 32. S.a.offlesh ^ob 26,2.savestt!]outhea.|j31. 22. let my a. fall .35. 9. a. of the mighty || 38. 15. high a. broken 40. 9. hast thou an a. like God, or canst thunder Psal. 10. 15.fl. ofM'icked||44 3. nor own a. save 71.-f- 18. shewed thy a. |j 77. 15. a. redeemed thy 89. 13. a mighty a, j| 21. my a. strengthen him 98. 1. holy a. j) Song 8. 6. as a seal on thine a. Isa. 9. 20. eat flesh of a. || 33. 2. a. every morning 40. 10. his a. shall rule || 11. lambs with his a. 51 . .5. a. shalljudge || 9. put on strength, O a. of 52. 10. hisholy a. || 53. 1 . a. revealed, John 12. 38. 59. 16. therefore his a. brought salvation, 63.5. (52. 8. sworn by the a. of || 63. 12. his glorious a. Jer. 17. 5. fiesh his a. |( 21. 5. fight with strong a. 3izek.4.7.a. uncovered j| 30.21. broken a. of Phar. 31. 17. wentYlown into hell that were his a. Dan. 11.6. she shall not retain the power of the a. Zech. 11. 17. a. dried up || Luke 1.51. with his a. Acts 13.17. with an high a. brought he them Stretched out ARM. Exod.6.6. redeemed with- a. Deut.4.34.by a-a. 5.15.1 7.19. 1 26.8. Jer.32.21. 11. 2. not seen his- a. || 2 Clir. 6. 32. for thy -a. Psal. 1 36. 12. with a- «. for his mercy endureth Jer. 27. 5. 1 made the earth by my - a. 32. 17. Ezek. 20. 33. - a. will I rule || 34. gather with - a. ARM-HOLES. Jer. 38. 12. Ezek. 13. IS. ARMAGEDDON, A cursed warrior,'Re\.16.ld. or, a mountain of the best fruits ; from Har and Mnged. It is said also to signify, the overthroiv of-the proud, i. e. of the Mahomedan and papal powers. The word refers either to the place where Josiuh wns slain, 2 Chr. 35. 22. or rather to the waters of Magiddo, where Sisera was overcome, Judg. 5. 19. 2 Kings 19 In the He- 37. Isa. 33. 27. imderneath are the everlasting a. 16. 12. he brake them from his a. like ARMENIA, A country in Asia, brew, Ararat, Gen. 8. 4 ■37. 38. ARMS, s. Gen. 49. 24. a. of his hands strong Deut Judg. 2 Sam. 22. 35. bow of steel broken by a. Ps.18.34. 2 Kin. 9. 24. Jehu smote Jehoram between his a. Job 22. 9. a. of the fatherless have been broken Psal. 37. 17. fl. of the wicked shall be broken Prov. 31. 17. girdeth and strengtheneth her a. Isa. 44. 12. strpjiigth of his a. \\ 49. 22. sons in a. 51. 5. and my a. shalljudge the people Ezek. 13. 20. tear them from a. \\ 30. 22. break a. 30. 24. strengthen the a. of king of Babylon, 25. Dan. 2. 32. a. of silver ||10. 6. a. and feet like brass 11. 15.a. of south 1 1 22. «. of a flood 1 1 31. «. stand Hos.7.15. strengthened a.||l 1.3. taking them by a. Mark 9. 36. taken him in a. |) 10. 16. up in his a. Luke 2. fiS, Simeon took Christ in his a. and ARM, r. is taken, [1] Corporally to he fur- nished with arms for war, Gen. 14. 14. Num. 31. 5. [2j Spiritually, to exercise those graces and spiritual weapons as are bestowed on Chris- tians for the defence of the soul/Mph. 6. 11. 1 Pet. 4. 1. Num. 31. 3. a. to the war |j lPet.4. 1. a. yourselves ARMED, p- Gen. 14. 14. Abram a. his servants Num. 31. 5. 12000 a. for war IJ 32. 17. ready a. 3.2^ Deut. 3. 1 8. ye shall pass over a. Josh. 1.14. Josh. 4. 1 13. a. for war || 6. 7. that is a. pass on 2 Chr. 28. 14. so the a. men left the captives Job 39.21. to meet a. men |l Psal.78.9. Ephraim a. Prov.6 11 a. man, 24.34.|| Luke 11.21. strongman ARMY, s^Deut. 11.4. what he did to the a. Judg. 8. e.^ive bread to a. || 9. 29. increase a. and 1 Sam. 4. 12. ran out of a. || 17. 21. a. against a. 1 Kin. 20. 25. an a. like the a. that thou hast lost 2 Chr. 20. 21. praise before a. \\ 25. 7. not a. go Neh. 4. 2. spake before a. || Job 29. 25. king in a. Psal. 68. 1 1 1. great was the a. that publi hed it Song 6. 4. terrible as an a. with banners, 10. Jer. 37. 11. broken up for fear of Pharaoh's a. Ezek. 29.11. a. to serve]) 37. 10. exceeding great a, Dan. 4. 35. according to his will in a. of heaven Joel 2. 11. voice before his a. \\ 25. my groat a. Zech. 4. t 6. not by a. nor || 9. 8. because of the a. Acts 23. 27. then came I with an a. and rescued Rev. 9. 16. the a. of horsemen || 19. 19. against a. ARMIES, 5. Exod. 7. 4. bring forth my a. Exod. 12. 17. brought a. out(| Num. 33. 1. with a. Deut. 20. 9. shall make captains of the a. to lead 1 Sam. 17. 10. 1 defy the a. 26. || 45. a. of Israel Job 25. 3. is there any number of his a.? Psal. 44. 9. goest not with a. \] 68. 12. kings of a. Song 6..13.of two a.\\ Isa. 34. 2. fury on all their a. Dan. 9. + 27. with abominable a. make desolate Matt. 22. 7. sent forth a.||Luke 21. 20. compassed Heb. 11. 34. turned to flight the a. of the aliens Rev. 19. 14. a. in heaven jj 19. their a. gathered ARMONI, A son of Saul, 2 Sam. 21. 8. ARMOUR, s. signifies, [1] f^Veapons or instrw ments of war, 1 Sam. 17. 54. [2] Sinful lusts, Luke 11. 22. [3] Spoil, 2 Sam. 2.t21. [4] Graces of the Spirit, Rom. 13. 12. Eph. 6. 11, [5] A good and upright conscience, 2 Cor. 6. 7. iSam. l7.54.Gohath'sa.|| 2Sara. 2.21. take his a. 1 Kin. 22. 38. washed his a. according to the word 2 Kin. S. 21. gathered all able to put on a. 10. 2. have a. \\ 20. 13. shewed his a. Isa. 39. 29. Isa. 22. 8. look to a. |) Luke 1 1. 22. taketh hia- a. Rom. 13. 12.a.oflight|j2Cor.6.7.a.ofrighteousn. Eph. 6.11. put on the whole a. ot God, that, 13. ARMOUR-B^a. 30. 6, 24. the oxen and - a. ASSEMBLE, t\ Num. 10. 3. assembly .shall a. 2 Sam. 20. 4. «. me the men of Judah within 3 Isa. 11. 12. a. the outcasts || 45. 20. a. yourselves 48. 14. a. yourselves, Jer. 4.5. | 8. 14. Ezek. 11. 17. I'll a. you |j 39. 17. a. yourselves Hop. 7. 14. a. themselves for corn and wine Joel 2. 16. a. the eldersp. 11. a. and come all ye Amos 3. 9. «. upon the mountains of Samaria Mic. 2. 12. a. O Jacob \\ 4. 6. «. her that haiteth Zeph. 3. 8. 1 will a. the kingdom^ to pour indig. ASSEMBLED, p. Exod.38. 8. women a. at door 1 Sam. 2.22. women tliat «. || 1 Chr. 15. 4. David 2 Chr. 30. 13. a. much people to keep the feast Ezra 9. 4. then a. to me ]| 10. 1. there a. to him Neh. 9. 1. a. with fasting || Psal. 48. 4. kings a. Isa. 43. 9. people be a. || Jer. 5.7. a. by troops Dan. 6. 11. men a. || Matt. 28. 12, chief priests a. John 20. 19. the di-ciples a. for fear of the Jews Acts i . 4. being a. || 4. 31 . place shaken were a. 11. 26. a year thev «. || 15. 25. being a. with ASSEMBLING. Heb. 10. 25. forsake not the a. ASSEMBLY, s. Gen. 49. 6. a. not united Exod. 12.6. n. kill it|| 16. 3. kill a. with hunger Lev. 4. 13. thing be hid from the eyes of the a. Num. 10. 2. trumpets (or a. || 20. 6. went from a. Deut. 9. 10. midst of fire in a. 10. 4. | 18. 16. - Judg. 21. 8. none from Jabesh-Gilead to the a. 1 Sam. 17. 47. a. shall knowli2 Cln-. 30. 23. whole Neh. 5. 7. 1 set a great a. against them Psal. 22. 16. a. of wicked || 89. 7. a. of the saints 107. 32. a. of elders || 111. 1. fl. of the upright Prov. 5. 14, 1 was in all evil in the midst of the a. Jer. 6. 11. pour it on «. |) 9. 2. a. of treacherous • 15. 17. a. of mockers|| Lam. 2. 6. destroyed a. Ezek. 13. 9., not be in a. \\ 23. 24. with an a. Acts 19. 32. a. was confused i| 39. a lawful a. 41. Heb. 12. 23. general a. \\ Jam. 2. 2. come to a. So/emw ASSEMBLY. Lev. 23-36. Num.29. 35. Deut. 16. 8. 2 Kin. 10. 20. 2 Chr. 7. 9. Neh. 8. 18. Joel 1. 14. | 2. 15. Zeph. 3. 18. ASSEMBLIES, s. Psal. 86. 14. a. of violent men Eccl. 12. ll.mastersof a.l|I*»a. 1. 13. calling of a. I^a. 4. 5. on her a. a cloud || I4.t31. in his a. Ezek. 44. 24. in all mine a. \\ Am. 5. 21. small in ASSENT, ED. 2 Chr. 18.12. good, with one a. Luke 23.t24, Pilate a. \\ Acts 24. 9. Jew-^ also a. ASSIGNED, p. Gen. 47. 22. had a portion a. Josh. 20. 8. rt. Bezer |) 2 Sam. 11. 16. a. Uriah ASSIR, Isoii))d, or imprisoned.- Exod. 6. 24. ASSIST, V. Rom. 1 6. 2. that ve a. her in what. ASSOCIATE, I'. Isa. 8.9,- Dan.il.t6. ASSOON, o. Exod. 9. 29. a. as I am gone out 2 Chr. 31. 5. a. as commandment came abroad Psal. 18.44. a. as they hear of me shall obey Isa. 66. 8. a. as Zion travelled, she brought forth Luke 1.44. a. as the voice || 8. 6. a. as it sprung John 18. 6. a. as he said, I am he, they went Acts 10. 29. came I a. \\ 12. 18. a. as it was day Rev. 10. 10. a. as I had eaten || 12. 4. a. as born ASSOS, Approaching. A city, Acts 20. 13. ASSURANCE, s. is [I] An absolute certainty of the reality of an object^ Acts 17. 31. [2] A firm persuasion in the soul of its interest in the person, blood, grace, righteousness and interces- sion of Jesus Christ, Isa. 32. 17. 2 Cor. 5. 1. 2 Tim. 1. 12. Heb. 10.22. The evidences of this assurance, are the work of God the Spirit in the heart, exciting it to love and chuse Jesus Christy a^ its everlasting all, with answerable fruits of holiness in life and conversation, 1 John 4. 7. As light discovers the reality of objects, so by the light of the Spirit is discovered the reality of grace in the soul, Rom. 8. 16. Eph. 1. 14. Deut.28.66.none rt. ||Isa.32. 17." eifect of righteous. Acts 17. 31. hath given a. \\ Col. 2. 2. of the full a. 1 Tiies. 1. .5. our gospel came in much a. Heb. 6. 11. full a. of hope || 10. 22.full a. of faith ASSURE, V. 1 John 3. 19. a. our hearts before ASSURED, p. Lev. 27. 19. shall be a. to him Jer. 14. 1.3. give a. peace || Rom. 14.t5. fully a. 2 Tim. 3. 14. in the things thou hast been a. ASS UREDLY, ad. 1 Sam. 28. 1 . know thou a. 1 Kin. 1. 1 8. a. Solomon thy son shall reign, 17.30. Jer. 32. 41. plant them a. \\ 38. 17. if a. go forth 49. 12. they have a. drunkeh, and shalt thou go Acts 2. 36. Israel know a. \\ 16. 10. a. gathering ASSWAGE ED. Gen. 8. 1. Job 16. 5, 6. ASSYRIA, Happy. A country, Isa. 36. 17. ASTONISHED, p. Lev. 26. 32. enemies be a. 1 Kin. 9. 8. every one that passeth by shall be a. Jei. 18. 16. ! 19. 8. 1 49. 17. | 50.13. Ezra 9. 3. pluckt off the hair, and sat down a. Job 17. 8. upright be a. ||18. 20. come after be a. 26. 11. pillars of heaven tremble and are a. I^a. 52. 14. as many were a. at thee, his visage Jer. 2. 12. be a. O heavens||4.9.heart of priests a, 14. 9. as a man a. \\ Ezek. 3. 15. I remained a. Ezek. 4. 17. a. one with || 26. 16. be a. 28. 19. Dan. 3. 24. Nebuchadnezzar was a. and rose 4. 19. Daniel a. \\ 5. 9. lords a. || 8. 27. 1 was a. Matt. 7. 28. people were a. at his doctrine, 22. 33. Mark 1. 22.|6. 2-111. 18. Luke 4. 32, Mark 5. 42. they were a. 7. 37. | 10. 24, 26. Luke 2. 47. a. at his answers || 5. 9. a, at fishes 8. 56. parents were a. || 24. 22. made us a. Acts 9. 6. trembling and a. saidj| 10.45. were a. 12. 16. they were a. \\ 13. 12. believed, being a. ASTONISHMENT. Deut. 28. 28. smite with a. Deut.28. 37. thou shalt become ana. and proverb 2 Chr. 7. 21. this house an a. || 29. 8. a. and hissing Psal. 60. 3. made us to drink the wine of a, Jer. 5.t30.fl. committed II 8. 21. n. takenhold 25. 9. a. and hissing, 18. j] 11. this land ana. 29. 18. curse and a. 1)42. 18. and an a. 44. 12. 44. 22. land an a. and a || 51. 37. Babylon an a. Ezek. 4. 16. they shall drink water with a. 12. 19. 5. 15. fl. to the nations || 23. S3, the cup of a. Zech. 12. 4. 1 will smite every horse with a. ATT AUT ASTRAY, ad. Psal. 58. 3.|119. 176. Prov . 5. 23. ASTROLOGERS, s. Viewers of the heavens, who pretend to tell future events b'j thepusitions of the planets. Isa. 47. 13. let now the a. the star-gazers stand Dan. 1. 20. better than a. j|2. 27. cannot the a. 4. 7. caine in nia^pc, and a. |) 5. 7. bring in the a. AsL'NDER ; see Cleave. Clt, Divide, Put. ASUPPIM, The counsel of elders. 1 Chr. 26. 15. AS WELL. Lev. 24. 16. a.- the stranger, 22. Deut. 20. 8. heart faint a.-|j2 Sam. 11. 25. one a.- 1 Chr. 2"5. 8. a.- thesmall|j2 Chr. 31. 15. give a.- Job 12. 3. a.- as you|| Psal. 87. 7. a.- the singers Act; 10. 47. a. -as we |j 1 Cor. 9. 5. Heb. 4. 2. ASYNCRITUS, Incomparable. Rom. 16. 14. ATAD, A bramble. Gen. 50. 10, 11. ATARAH, A croivn. 1 Chr. 2. 26. ATAROTH, Crowns. A city. Num. 32. 34. ATE. Psal. 106. 28. Dan. 10. 3. Rev. 10. 10. ATER, The left hand. Ezra 2. 16. Neh. 7. 21. ATHACH, Thy hour^ or time. 1 Sam. 30. 30. ATHAIAH, The hour of the Lord. Neh. 11.4. ATHALIAH, The same. 2 Kin. 8.6. 1 Chr. 8.26. ATHENIANS, People of ^/le/is, Acts 17. 21. ATHENS, A noble city of Greece, Acts 17. 15. ATHIRST, a. Judg. 15. 18. Samson was sore a. Rutli 2. 9. when a. go || Matt. 25. 44. saw thee a. Rev. 21. 6. that is a. |j 22. 17. let him that is a. ATHLAI, Mtj hour, or time. Ezra 10. 28. ATONEMENT, s. «i,gnifies [1] Reconciliation, Rom. 5. 11. [2] A ransom, Job 33. t 24. [3] Satisfaction made for sin. Heb. 10. 14. Exod. 29.33. eat the things wherewith a.was made 36. bullock for a. |j 37. seven days make a. for 30. 10. once in a year ^hall make a. upon it 15. to make an a. for your souls, Lev. 17. 11. 16. a. money of Israel |) 32. 30. a. for your sin Lev. 1. 4. shall be accepted for him to make a. 4. 20. priest shall make a. 26. 31, 35. 1 5. 6. |6.7. j 12. 8. I 14. 18. Num. 15. 25. 8. 34. to make a. 9. 7. | 10. 17. | 12.7. | 14.53. f I 16. 10, n, 16,17, 18,24, 27,33,34. 23. 27. tenth day a day of a. 28. j 25. 9. Num. 8. 21 . a. for Levite>-|jl9. make a. for Israel 16. 46. quickly, make a. for[]25. 13. made an a. 28. 22. a goat to make a. 30. | 29. 5. | 31. 50. 2 Sam. 21. 3. wherewith .^hall I make «. 1 Chr. 6. 49. to make a. 2 Chr. 29.24. Neh.lO. 33. Job 3S.t24. found an a.jjRom. 5. 11. received a. ATROTH, as ATAROTH. Num. 32. 5. ATTAI, My hour, or time. I Chr. 2. 35. ATTAIN, V. Psal. 139. 6. high, I canoot a. to it Prov. I. 5. a. to wisdom |) Ezek. 46. 7. hand a. it Hos. 8. 5. a. to innocencyll Acts 27. 12. a. Phenice Phil. 3. 12. a. to the resurrection of the dead ATTAINED, p. Gen. 47. 9. not a. davs of my 2 Sam. 23. 19. a. not to first three, 1 Chr. 11. 21. Rom. 9' 30. a. to righteousness [| 31. hath not a. Phil. 3. 12. already a.\\ 16. we have already a. 1 Tim. 4. 6. good doctrine whereto thou hast a. ATTALIA, That increases, ov sends. Acts 14. 25. ATTEND, r. Esth. 4. 5. Hatach to a. her P>al. 17. 1. Lord, a. to my cry, 61. 1. | 142. 6. 55. 2. a. to me, hear me |) 86. 6. a. to the voice Prov. 4. 1. a. toknow|j20. a. to my word«, 7. 2i. 5.1. a. to my wisdom || 1 Cor. 7. 35. a. on the L. ATFENDED, p. Job 32. 12-. Rsal- 66. 19. Acts 16. 14. she a. to the tKings spoken by Paul ATTENDANCE,*. 1 Kin.10.5. sawa. 2Chr.9.4, 1 Tim. 4. 13. a. to reading || IJeb. 7. 13. gave a. ATTENDING, p. Rom. 13. 6. a. continually ATTENT, a. 2 Chr. 6. 40. ears be a. 7. 15. ATTENTIVE, a. Neh. 1. 6. ear be a. Ps. 130.2. Neh. 8. 3. ears of the people were a. Luke 19.48. ATTENTIVELY, ad. Job 37.2 hear a. the noise ATTHAI, An assembly. 1 Ciir. 12. 11. 2 Chr. 11.20. ATTIRE, ED, To clothe, to deck. Lev. 16.4. be Prov. 7. 10. a. of an harlot j| Jer. 2. 32. forget a~. Ezek. 23. 15. exceeding in dyed a. on their heads AVA, Iniquity. A city, 2 Kings 17. 24. AVAILETH. Esth. 5. 13. Gal. 5. 6. | 6. 15. Jam. 5. 16. prayer of a righteous man a» much AUDIENCE, s. Gen. 23. 13. in a. of people Exod, 24. 7. read in a.||l Sam. 25. 24. speak in thy 1 Chr. 28. 8. a. of our GodjINeh. 13> 1. read in a>- Luke 7. 1. in the a. of the peo^^le, 20. 45. Acts 13. 16. give a. |) 15. 12. gave a. 22. 22. AVEN, Iniquity. Ezek. 30. 17. Hos. 10. 8. AVENGE, f. Lev. 19. 18. not a. nor grudge Lev. 26. 25. shall a. the quarrel of my covenant Num. 31. 2. a. Israel, 3.|jDeut. 32. 43. a. the blood 1 Sam. 24. 12. Lord a. me||2 Kin. 9. 7. 1 may a, Esth 8. 13. Jews a.|)Isa. 1. 24.1 will a. me of Jer. 46. 10. that he may a. |j Hos. 1. 4. a. Jezreel Luke 18. 3. a. me||7. shall not G. fl. || 8. he will a> Rom. 12. 19. a. not yourselves] )Re v. 6. 10. not a. AVENGED, p. Gen. 2. 24. if Cain shall be a. Exod. 21.t20. be surely fl-l! Josh. 10. IS.till people Judg. 15. 7. yet I will be a.||16. 28. a. on Philist, 1 Sam. 14. 24. I may be a. |j 18. 25, to be a. on 25. 31. or that my lord hath a. liiiuself 2 Sam. 4. 8. a. my lord|| 18. 19- Lord hath a. 31. Jer. 5.9. my soul be a. on such a nation, 29. | 9.9. Acts 7. 24. Mo^es a. him that was oppressed Rev. 18. 20. for God hath a. you on her, 19. 2. AVENGER, s. Num. 35. 12."^ from a. Josh. 20. 3- Deut. 19. 6. lest thea. of blood pursue, 12. Josh. 20. 5. if a. pursue || 9- not die by the a. Psal. 8. 2. still the a.\\ 44. 16. by reason of a. 1 Tlies. 4. 6. becau!^e the Lord is thea. of allsncli AVENGETH, v. 2 Sam. 2^2. 48. PsaL 18. 47.' AVENGING, />. Judg. 5.2. 1 Sam. 25. 26,33. AVERSE, a. JMic. 2. 8. as men a. from war AUGMENT, V. Num. 32. 14. to a. fierce auger AUGU.STU3, Successful, royal, imperial, majestic sacred. The Roman emperors' surname^ Luke 2. 1. Acts 25.21. ] 27. 1. ^AVIM, Wicked, or pen-erse. Josh. IS. 23. AVIMS. Deut. 2. 23. AVITES. 2 Kings 17. 31. Josh. 13. 3. AVITH, Wicked, or perverse. 1 Chr. 1. 46. AUNT, s. Lev. 18.14. not approacli, ?-he is thy a. AVOUCHED, p. Deut. 26. 17. a. the Lord 18. AVOID, V. Prov. 4.15. a. ityRom. 16.17. a. them 1 Cor. 7. 3. a. fornication || 2 Tim. 2. 23: Tit. 3. 9. AVOIDED, p. 1 Sam. 18. 11. David a. out of AVOIDING. 2 CiiT. 8. 20. 1 Tim. 6. 20. AUSTERE, a. Luke. 1 9. 24 . thou art an a. man AUTHOR, .s. Acts 3.tl5. killed the a. of life 1 Cor. 14. 33. God is not the a. of confu ion Heb. .5. 9. a. of eternal salvation|ll2. 2. a of faith AUTHORITY, s. signifies, [l] Poiver, rule, or dignify, Prov. 29* 2-.- Liike 19- 17. [2} A AX BAA convincing efficacy and power. Matt. 7. 29. [3] A warrant order, or authentic permission, Matt- Si. 23. Acts 9. 14. Esth. 9. 29. wrote with a. |1 Pro v. 29. 2. are in a. Matt. 7. 29. taught as one having a. Mark 1. 22. 8. 9. for I am a man under a. Mark 7. 8= 20. 25. are great exercise a. Mark 10. 42. 21. 23. by what a. dost thou these, Mark 11.28. Mark 1. 27. with a. commandeth he, Luke 4. 36. 13. 34. left his liouse and gave a. to his servants Luke 9. 1. a. over devils |) 19. 17. a over ten cities 20. 20. a. of governor \\ 22. 25. that exercise a. John 5. 27. given him a. to execute judgment Acts 9. 14. here he hath a. to bind, 26. 10, 12. iCor. 15. 24. put down all a.||2 Cor. 10. 8. of our a. 1 Tim. 2. 2. for kings and all in a. || 12. usurp a. Tit. 2. 15. rebuke with a. |j 1 Pet. 3. 22. a. subject Rev. 13. 2. dragon gave him power and a. AWAKE, V. signifies [l] To come out of natural sleep, Luke 9. 32. [2] To rouse up out of spiri- tual sloth, by a lively and vigorous exercise of grace, Rom. 13. 11. Eph. 5. 14. [3] To raise from the dead. Job 14. 12. John 11. 11. [4] God's appearing in our favour, and for our help, Psal. 7.6. Isa. 51.9. Awake not my love, till he please, Song 2. 7. i. e. Do nothing to offend him. Judg. 5. 12. a. a. Deborah, a. a. utter a song Job 8. 6. he would a. || 14. 12. they shall not a. Psal. 7. 6. a. for me, 35. 23. || 17. 15. when I a. 44. 23. a. why&leepe.stthou, O Lord, arise 57. 8. a. my glory, I will a. early, 108. 2. 59. 4. a. to help me || 5. a. to visit the heathen Prov. 23. 35. when shall I a. I will seek it again Song 2. 7. nor a. my love, 3. 5. | 8. 4.j|4. 16. a. O. Isa. 26. 19. a. andsing||51. 9. a. a. O arm, 52. 1. 51. 17. a. a. stand up, O Jerusalem, which hast Jer. 51. 57. and not a. || Dan. 12. 2. shall a. Joel 1. 5. a. ye drunkards, weep and howl Hab. 2. 7. shall they not a.\\ 19. the wood a. Zech 13. 7. a. O sword || Mark 4. 38. they a. him Luke 9. 32. when a.|) John 11. 11. 1 may a. him Rom. 13. 11. time toa. |) 1 Cor. 15. 34. a. torigh. Eph. 5. 14. a. thou that sleepest, 2 Tim. 2.t26. AWAKED,jp. Gen. 28. 16. Jacob, a. outofsleep Judg. 16, 14. Samson a. || 1 Sam. 26. 12. nor a. 1 Kin. 18. 27. must be a. |j 2 Kin. 4. 31. is not a. Psal. 3. 5. 1 a. II 78. 65. then the Lord a. as one Jer. 31 .26. upon this I a. and beheld, and my sleep AWAKEST, V. P. 17. 16. served ^.||21. 3. Man. reared altars for^. 23. 4. vessels made tor i?.|j5. put down them that Jer. 2. 8. and the prophets prophesied by B. 7. 9. will ye burn incense to iJ. 11.13, 17.|32.29. BAB BAB Jer 12. 16. swear by B.|| 19. 5. to burn sons to B. 23. 13. prophesied in B. \\ 27. forgotten for B. 32. 35. they built the hii?h places of B. Hos. 2. 8. prepared for B. \\ 13. 1. offended in B. Zeph. 1.4. cut offB.\\ Rom.l 1. 4. not bowed to B. BAAL, A village, 1 Chr. 4. 33. cities to B. BAAL, A man's name, 1 Chr. 5. 5. 1 8. 30. | 9.36. BAALAH, Her idol^ or spouse. Josh. 15. 9, 10, 1 1, 29. I 19. 44. 1 Chr. 13. 6. 2 Chr. 8. 6. BAALATH, Ruli7ighim^0Y his idol 1 Kin. 9. 18. BAALATH-BEER, Subjecied, pity. Josh. 19. 8. BAALATH-BERITH, Idol of covenant. Judg. 8. 33. I 9. 4. BA ALE. 2 Sam. 6. 2. David went from B. BA \L-GAD, Idol of fortune. Josh. 1 1. 17. 1 12. 7. BAAL-HAMON, Master of man ij. Song 8. 11. BAAL-HANAN.Geu.36. 38. lChr.l.49.|27.28. BA AL-HAZOR, Possessor of grace. 2 Sam. 13. 23. BAAI^HERMON, A thing cursed. Judg. 3. 3. BAALI, My idol, or lord. Hos. 2. 16. BAALIM, Idols, or all their false gods. Ju([g> 2. 1 1. child, of Isr. served B. 3. 7. 1 10. 6, 7. S. 33. whoring after B. || iSam. 7. 4. put away B. 1 Sam. 12. 10. served 5. || iKin. 18. 18. followed 2 Chr. 17. 3. sought not to B. |) 24.7. bestow on B. 28. 2. images for B. \\ 33. 3. up altars for B. 34. 4. and they brake down the altars of B. Jer. 2. 23. not gone after B. |j 9. 14. and after B. Hos.2. 13. days of i?.|il7. take names Ij 11.2. to .5. BAALIS, A'joyful lord. Jer. 40. 14. BAAL-MEON, Lord of the house. Num. 32. 38. 1 Chr. 6. a. Ezek. 25. 9. BAAL-PEOR, Lord of Peor. Num. 25. 3, 5. Bent. 4. 3. Psal. 106. 28. Hos. 9. 10. BAAL-PERAZIM, Idol of divisioiis, or possessing divisions. 2 Sam. 5. 20. 1 Chr. 14. 11. BAAL-SHALISHA, The third, or priiicipal idol. A place, 2 Kin. 4. 42. BAAL-TAMAR, Idol of the palm-tree. A vil- lage near Gibeah, Judg. 20. S3. BAAL-ZEBUB, The god of flies. The idol of Ekron, 2 Kin. 1. 2, 3, 6, IG. Matt. 12. 24. BAAL-ZEPHON, The south, or hidden idols. A city, Exod. 14. 2,9. Num. 33. 7. BAANA, In affliction, or answering. 1 Kin. 4. 12. Neh. 3. 4. BAANAH, The same. 2 Sam. 4. 2, 6, 9. | 23. 29. 1 Kin. 4. 16. 1 Chr. 11. 30. Ezra 2. 2. BAARA, Aflame, or purging. 1 Chr. 8. 8. BA ASHA, /n making, oi* pressing together. 1 Kin. 15. 16. war between Asa and B. 32. 19. break thy league with B. 2 Chr. 16. 3. 27. B. conspired |j 16. 1. word of L. against B. 16. 6. B. slept 1 1 11. slew all the house oi'B. 12. 21. 22. like the house of jB. 2 Kin. 9. 9. 2Chr. 16. 6. B. was buildingH Jer. 41. 9. fear ofB. BAASIAH, as BAASHA. 1 Clir. 6. 40. BABP2, s. signifies, [1] An infant, Exod. 2. 6. [2] Such as are weak in grace, 1 Cor. 3. 1. Heb. 5. 13. [3j Unteachable, weak men, Isa. 3. 4. Exod. 2. 6. the b. wept [| Luke 1. 41. b. leaped, 44. Luke 2. 12. b. wrapped || 16. 6. lying in manger Heb. 5. 13. unskilful in the word, for he is a b. BABES, s. Psal. 8. 2. mouth of ^'. Matt. 21. 16. Psal.l7. 14. substance to b. \\ Isa. 3. 4. b. rule over Matt.ll, 25. hast revealed them to b. Luke 10. 21. 6 Rom. 2. 20. a teacher oib.\\ lCor.3. 1. b. in Christ BABEL, Confusion. Gen. 10. 10. | 11.9. BABLER,s. Eccl.l0.11.6.nobetter|fActs 17.18. BABBLING, S. *•. Prov. 23. 29. who hath b. 1 Tim. 6. 20. profane and vain b. 2 Tim. 2. 16. BABYLON, Co7)fj^sion, or mixture. The capital of Chaldea. " A famous city, built four- square, 60 miles in circumference, 15 on each side. The walls were 87 feet thick, and 350 high, on whicii were built 316 towers, or, ac- cordnig to others, 250; three between each gate, and ^even at each corner. The gates were 100, 25 on each side, and all of them of solid brass. From these ran 25 streets, crossing one another at right angles, each 150 feet wide, and 15 miles in length. A row of houses faced the wall on every side, with a street of 200 feet wide between tuem and it. Thus the whole city was divided into 676 squares, each of which was four furlongs and a half on every side. All around these squares stood the houses fronting the streets, and the empty ^pace witliin served for gardens and other need- ful uses." The prophet calls Babylon, the golden city, Isa. 14. 4. The glorj^ of kingdoms, the beauty of the Chaldee's excellency, chap. 13. 18. Rotne is called Babylon, on account of its resem- blance of it in magnificence, pride, idolatry, and wickedness, and in its appointment to utter destruction. Rev. 16- 19. j 17 5. | 18. 20, 21. Babylon wa-; one of the seven wonders of the world. 2 King. 17. 24. brought from B. 20. 14. Isa. 39. 3. 30. men of B. made || 25. 7. carry him to B. 25. 13. and carried the brass of them to B. 28. above throne of kings in B. Jer. 52. 32. 2 Chr. 32. 31. princes of 2?. || 36. 7. put vessels in Ezra 5. 14. take out of J5. |j 6. 1. treasures in B. 7. 6. Ezra went from B. 9.1i 8. 1. me from B. Psal. 87. 4. mention of B. \\ 137. 1. by rivers of i>\ Isa. 13. 1. burden of B. II 19. B. glory of kingd. 14. 4. B. the golden city |j 22. cut oif from B. 48. 14. do his pleasure on B. \\ 20. go forth of B. Jer. 20. 4. captive to B. 24. 8. jj 27. 22. carried to 29.10. seventy years at B. \\ 28. sent to »is in B. 40. 4. if it seem good to come with me to B. 50. 1. spake again.st B. 8, — 46. j| 51. 6. flee out 51. 35. violence on B. jj 37. B. become Jieaps 42. sea is come upon B. }j 48. shall sing for B. 49. as B. hath caused the slain to fall, so at B. 53. though B. mount up || 54. a cry from B. 55. spoiled B. |j 53. broad walls of B. broken 60. evil on B. \\ 64. thus shall B. smk,and Ezek. 17. 16. in B. he shall die |j Dan. 4. 30. great JMic. 4. 10. shall go to B. \\ Zech. 6. 10. come from Matt. 1. 17. carrying into -6.|1 Acts 7. 43. be>ond 1 Pet. 5- 13. the church at B. saluteth you, and Rev. 16. 19. sfreatU. came,ir. 5. | 18.10,21. King 0/ BABYLON. 2 Kin. 25- 2. Ezra 5. 12.* Isa. 14. 4. Jer; 21. 4, 7. | 22. 25. ! 25. 11, 12. |27. 8,17. 1 ^8. 2. 129. 22. ] 34. 3. | 36.29. | 39. 11. 1 40. 9. 1 42. 11. 1 49. 30. | 50. 17. Ezek. 21. 19. I 29.|18, 19. 1 30. 24. ] 32. 11. Dan. 1. 1. I 7.1. To, or unto BABYLON. 2 Kin. 20. 17. 1 24. 15, 16. ! 25. 7, 13. 1 Chr. 9. 1, 2. 2 Chr. 33. 1. 36. r, 1^ 43. 14. 34. 3. 1 BAD 8, 20. Ezra 5. 12. | 6. 5. Isa. 39. 6. Jer. 20. 6. | 27. 20. | 28. 3. | 29. 1, 4. 40. 1, 7. I 51. 24, 61. Ezek. 17. 20. Vlic. 4. 4. Matt. 1. 11 12. BABYLONIANS, Ezra4.'9.Ezek.l3. 15, 17,23. BABYLONISH. Josh. 7. 21.^ goodly B. garni. BACA, Mulberry-trees. Psal. 84. 6. BACHRITES. , Num. 26. 3.5. of Becber, the B. BACK, r. Exod. 18. 2. after Moses sent her b. 23. 4. shalt hvinti it 6. || Num. 9. 7. kept 6. that we Num. 22. 34. 1'ira;et me b. \\ 24. 11. L. kept thee b. Josh. 8. 26. drew not b. \\ Ruth 2. 6. came b. with 1 Sam. 25. 34. kept me 6. jj 2 Sam. 12. 23. 6. again 2 Sam. 15. 20 take b. thy brethren i| 17. 3. bring 6. 18. 16. Joab held b. |) l'9. lO.of bringing king 6. 19. 11. why are ye the last to bring the king 6. 12. 1 Kin. 13. 1 8. bruij; him 6. that he may eat, 19. 19. 21. he turned 6. |) 22. 16. b. to Amon the gov. 2 Chr. 13. 14. when Judah looked b. behold 18.32. turned b || 25. 13. soldiers Amaz. sent b. Job 26. 9. holdeth b. face j| 33. 18. b. his soul from 33. 30. 6, his soul from pitjl 39. 22- turneth b. Psal. 14. 7.L. bringeth b. the captivity of, .53. 6. 19. 13. keep b. thy ?erv.||I a. 43. 6. keep not 6. Isa. 50. 5. not turned b. || Jer. 8. 5 slidden b. Jei-. 46. 5. look not b. |j 47. 3. fathers look not b. Hos. 4. 16. shdeth b. \\ Nah. 2. 8. none look b. Matt. 24. 18. nor return b.\\ 28. 2. rolled b. stone Luke 8. 37. ship, returned b. ag. |j 9. 62. looking 6. is 17. 31. not return 6. || Acts 5. 2. kept b. 20. 20. See Draw, Go, Keep, Turn, Went. BACK, s. 1 Sam. 10. 9. Saul had turned his b, 1 Kin. 14. 9. cast me behind thy b. Ezek. 23. 35. Psal. 21.12. turn their b. j| 129. 2. plowed on my Prov. 10. 13. a rod is for the b. 19. 29. 1 26. 3. Isa. 38. 17. sinsbehmd thy6.||50. 6. gave myb. Jer. 2. 27. turned their b.\\iS. 17. shew them the b. 32. 33. they have turned to me the b. 48. 39. Di.n. 7. 6. on ^. four wings || Rom. 11. 10. bow 6. E ^-CK-Bone, s. Lev. 3. 9. off hard by tlie b. - BACK-Parts. Exod. 33. 23. shalt' see my b. - i. e. the ceremonial law, or 'providences. BACKS, «. Exod. 23. 27. enemies turn their b. Josh. 7. 8. Israel turned their b. 12. Judg. 20. 42. Nell. 9. 26. and cast thy law behind their b. Ezek. 8. 16. b. toward temple I| 10.12. b. full of eyes BACKBITERS, s. Rom. 1. 30. b. haters of G. BACKBITETH, v. Ps. 15. 3. b. not with tongue BACKBITING, S. Prov. 25. 23. 2 Cor. 12. 20. BACKSIDE, s. Exod. 3. 1. | 26. 12. Rev. 5. 1. BACKSLIDER, s. Prov. 14; 14. b. in heart be BACKSLIDING, S. -^Jer. 2. 19. b. reprove thee Jer. 3. 6. Z*. Israel hath done [] 8. 6. Israei,l 1.12,14. 22. return ye b children, I'll heal thy b. 5. 6. and b. are increased || 8. 5. by a perpetual b. 14. 7. b. are many j} 31. 22. b. daughter. 46. 4. Hos.4.1 6. as a b. heifer |! 11.7. bent to ^'.|| 1 4. 4. heal BACKWARD, ad. Gen. 9. 23. went b. faces b. Gen.49.17. rider shall fall b. |) iSani.4.18.EIifell b. 2Kin.20.10.shadow returned b. 10 degr. Isa. 38. 8. Job 23. 8. and b. but I cannot perceive him Psal. 40. 14. be driven h. || 70. 2. turned b. that Isa. 1. 4. gone away b.\\ 28. 13. might go and fall b. 44. 25. wise men b. j| 59. 14. judgment turned b. Jer. 7. 24. went b.\\15. 6. thou art gone b. therefore Lam.l.8.and turneth b.\\ John 18. 6. went 6. and fell Gen 24, 50. cannot speak BAD, a or good BAL Gen.31.24.speak nottojacob either good or 6.29. Lev. 27. 10. a good for a 6.|! 12. good or b. 14. 33. Num. 13. 19. land, good or b.\\ 24. 13. good or b. of 2Sam.l3.22.Abs. spake good nor 6.|I14.17. discern 1 Kin. 3. 9. discern good and b. || Ezra 4. 12. b. city Jer.24.2. figs were so 6.|| Matl.1.3. 48. cast b. away Matt.22.10. good and b.\\ 2Cor.5.10. it be good or BADNESS, a. Gen. 41. 19. ^s I never saw for b. BADE, ST, V. Gen. 27. 19. 1 have done as thou b. Gen. 43.17.did as Joseph 6.||Exod.l6.24.as Moses Num. 14. 10. b. stone him || Josh. 11.9. did as L. b. Ruth 3. 6. all mother b.\\l Sam. 24. 10. b. me kill 2 Chr. 10. 12. as the king b.\\ Esth. 4. 15. Esther b. Matt. 16. 12. how he b. them not beware of the Luke 14. 9. b. thee and him, 10, 12. || 16. b. many Acts 11.12. Spirit 6. me go || 18. 21. b. them farew. 22. 24. and b. that he should be examined by BADGER, Ji wild beast , resembling a pig and a dog : it sleeps in the day, and comes out in the night. It is amphibious. BADGERS-^S/cins. Exod. 25. 5. 1 26. 14.] 35. 7, 23. Exod.36.19.he made a covering of^. - Num. 4. 10. Ezek. 16. 10. and I shod thee with b.- and I BAG, s. Deut. 25. 13. in thy b. divers weight.s 1 Sam. 17. 40. smooth stone.-, and put them in b. Job 14. 17. sealed in a (6.||Prov. 7. 20. b. of money Prov.16.11. weights of the 6.1|Isa.46. 6. gold out of Mic.6.1 l.Z*. of deceitful w. || Hag.1.6. b. with holes John 12. 6. had the ^.|| 13. 29. Judas had the b. BAGS, s. 2 Kin. 5. 23. | 12. 10. Luke 12. 33. BAHURIM, Warlike, valiant. 2 Sam. 3. 16. I 16. .5. I 17. 18. I 19. 16. 1 Kino-s 2. 8. BARHUMITE, or BAHARUMITE. 2 Sam. 23. 31. Asmaveth the B. 1 Chr. 11. S3. BAJITH, A house. A 'city of Moab, Lsa. 15.2. BAKBAKKAR. 1 Chr. 9. 15. B. Heresh, and BAKBUK, A narrow mouthed bottle. Ezra 2. bi. BAKBUKIAH. Neh. 11. 17. | 12. 9, 25. BAKE, t\ Gen. 19. 3. Lot did Z».|j Ex.16. 23. 6. that Lev. 24. 5. b. 12 cakes jj 26. 26. ten women b. 1 Sam. 28. 24. b. in the pan 1| 2 Sam. 13. 8. Tamar Ezek. 4. 12. b. with dungjj 46. 20. b. meat-offering BAKED,/}. Exod. 12. 39. they Z>.||Num.ll.8.pans 1 Chr. 23. 29. b. in the pan 1| Isa. 44. 19. I have b. BAKEN. Lev. 2. 4,7. | 6. 17. | 7. 9. j 23. 17. 1 Kin. 19. 6. behold, a cake b. on the coals B\KE-Meats. Gen. 40. 17. oi b. - for Pharaoh BAKER, S. Gen. 40. 1. b. had offended, 41. 10. lSam.8.13. daughters to be b.\\ Jer.37.21. b. street Hos. 7. 4. oven heated by b. \\ 6. their b. sleepeth BAKETH, V. Isa. 44. 15. he b. bread, yea, he BALAAM, The antiquity, or destruction of the people ; a confused people. \ Num. 22. 5. sent to B. 9,-35. \\ 23. 4. met B. 23. 30. did as B. ^aid || 24. 2. B. lift up eyes 24. 3. B. son of Beor hath said, 15. \\ 5. B. rose 31. 8. B. son of Beor they slew, Jo h. 13. 22. Deut. 23. 4. because they hired B. 5. Neh. 13.2. Jo.sh. 24. 9. called B. to curse || Mic. 6. 5. what B. 2 Pet. 2. 15. following the way of B. Jude 11. Rev. 2. 14. them that hold the doctrine of jB. BAijADA^ylVithoutrule or judgment; or ancient in judgment. 2 Kings 20. 12. Isa. 39. 1. BAL AH, Old, ivorn. A city, Josh. 19. 3. B ALAK, A waster, or destroyer. Num. 22. 2. Josh. 24.9 J5. warred [) Judg.l i . 25. better than B. Mic. C. 5. what B. consulted ij Rev.2.i4. tan^ht B. I BAN BAP T: BALANCE, s. Job 31. 6. weighed in an even b. Psa!. 6^. 9. laid in the b. || Prov. 11. 1. a false b. is Prov. 16. 11. just weight and b. || 20. 23. false b. is Isa. 40. 12. the hills iu a b. \\ 15. dust of tlie b. 46. 6. weigh silver in the b. and hire a goldsmith BALANCES, s. Lev. 19. 36. just b. Ezek. 45. 10. Job 6. 2. laid in the b. \\ Jer. 32. 10. money in b. Ezek. 5. 1. 6. to weigh II Dan. 5. 27. weighed in b. Hos. 12. 7. 6. of deceit |j Amos 8. 5. b. by deceit Mic. 6. 11. wicked b. \\ Rev. 6. 5. had a pair oi' b. BALANCINGS, p. Job 37. 1 6. b. of the clouds i? ALD, a. Lev. 13. 40; he is 6. 41, 42, 43. 2 Km. 2. 23. go up thou ^. head, go up thou b. Jer. 16. 2. not make b. || 48 S~. every head be b Ezek. 17.31. utterly 6. 29. 18. |j Mic. 1. 16. make b. BAhD-Locust. Lev. 11. 22. mav eat b. - after BALDNESS, s. sio;nifies, [Ij' Want of hair, Lev. 21. 5." [2] A sign of moiiniing, Isa. 3. 24. Lev. 21. .T.shali not make b. Deut. 14.1. I-a 3. 24. insteati ofwei! sethair, b. 15.2.122. 12. Jer. 47.5. 6. upon Gaza II Ezek. 7. 18.6. onailheads Amos 8. 10. b. on every heacl|)JMic. 1.16. enlarge b. BALL, s. Isa. 22. 18. turn and tos? thee like a b. BALM, s. A yrecious healing oil, or gum, extract- ed from the halm-tree; the best of which grew near Engedi, and in Gilead. Gen. 37. 25. bearing b. |j 43. 11. take a httle b. Jer. 8. 22. is there no b. in Gilead || 46.11. go, take 51. 8. take b. for her pain || Ezek. 27. 17. oil, b. BAM AH, A high place. p:zek. 20. 29. B A MOTH, The high-places. Num.21. 19, 20. BAMOTH-BAAL,'^ High places of Baal. Josli. 13.17. BAND, S, signifies, [1] ^ company of soldiers, Acts 10. 1. [2J Material chains, Luke 8. 29. [3J Fprcible arguments of love, Hos. 11. 4. [4j Government and laws, Psal. 2. 3. Zech. 11.7, 14. [5J Unbeliif and fear, Psal. 107. 14. [6] Failh and love, Col. 2. 19. Exod.39. 23. /^. round thehole||Lev.26. IS.broken Judg. 15. 14. b. loosed||2 Kin. 23. 33. put Jeh. inb. Job 38. 9. swaddling 6. II 31. loose b. of Orion 39. 5. b. of the wild ass || 10. unicorn with hi.* b. Psal. 2. 3. break their b.\\T3. 4. no b. in their death 107. 14. brake b. in sunder|jEccl. 7. 26. hands as Isa. 28. 22. not mocker?, lest b. be made strong 52. 2. b. of thy neck || 58. 6. to loo.e the b. of Jer. 2. 20. burst thy d.|'|Ezek. 3. 25. put b. on thee Ezek. 4. 8. lay b. on thee \\ 54. 27. broken the b. Dan. 4. 15. 6.'of iron j| Hos. 11.4. Avith b. of love Zech. Il.7.beautvand6. 14.|!Luke8. 29. brake b. Actsl6.26.d.loosed,22.30.|!Col. 2.19. bodj'byd. BAND, S. Gen. 32. 7. camels into two b. 10. 1 Sam. 10. 26. a b. of men||2 Sam. 4. 2.capt. of <^. 2 Kin. 6. 23. b. of Syria||13. 20. b. ofMoabite.s, 21. 24. 2. L. sent against him b. of Chaldeans, b. of 1 Chr. 7. 4. b. of soldiers || 12. 18. captains of 6. 21. Ezra.S.22.of thekinga*. II Job 1. 17. made 3 b. Ps. 119. 161. of wicked||Prov. 30.27.1ocustsby 6. Ezek. 38. 6. Gomerand his b. \\ 22. rain on his b. Matt. 27. 27. whole b. of soldiers, Mark 15. 16. John 18. 3. Judas having a 6. || 12. b. took Jesus Acts 10. 1. Italian 6.||21. 3. captain of jl 27. 1. Aug. B.4NDED, p. Acts 23. 12. certam Jews b. tog. BAM, Sons. 2 Sam. 23. 36. 2 Chr. 6. 46. BANK, S, s. Gen. 4]. 17. I stood on the b. of Deut. 4. 48. b. of Anion, Josh. 12. 2. \ 13. 9, 16. Jo^h. 3. 1.5. all his b. 4. 1 8. j| 2 Sam. 20. 15. cast up 2Kin.2. 13. 6. of Jord.|jl9. 32.casta b. Isa.37.33. 1 Chr. 12. 15. Jordan had overflowed all his b. Isa. 8. 7. all his b. || Ezek. 47. 7. b. of river, 12. Dan. 8. 16. between the b. || 12. 5- b. of the river Luke 19. 23. gavest thou not my money into 6. BANNER, S, signifies, [1] A standard or en- sign, Isa. 13. 2. [2] Chrisfs love displayed, Song 2. 4. Psal. 20. 5. set up our 6.|!60. 4. given a b. to them Song 2. 4. b. over me was love 116.4. army with b. Isa. 13. 2. lift ve up a b. upon the high mountain BANISHED,"/;. 2 Sam. 14- 13- notfetchhis b. 14. BANISHMENT,.?. Ezra 7. 26. Lam. 2. 14. BANQUET, 6-. Esth. 5. 4—14. 1 6. 14.17. 1, 2, 8. Job 4 J. 6. make b. of himl|Amos 6. 7. b. removed BANQUET-HoMse. Dan. 5. 10. came to b. - BANQUETING, S. Song 2. 4. 1 Pet. 4. 3. BAPTISM, s. is, [1] An ordinance of the New Testament, instituted by Jesus Christ, Matt. 28. 19. ivhercby a professed believer in Christ, is, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, immersed iii, and covered with wa- ter ; and then raised vp out of it, as a sign of his fellowship with Christ, in his death, burial, and resurrection,, and a sign of his oicn death to sin, and resurrection to newness of life here, and to life eternal hereafter, Rom. 6. 3, 4, 5. Col. 2. 12. [ 2J It is put for, The plentiful effusion of the grace and gifts of the Holy Spirit, Acts 1. 5. [3] The overwhelming siifferings of Christ, Matt. 20. 22. Psal. 69. 2. [4] A vAtal union to and oneness with Christ, by sovei'eign love, and the all-pervading operations of the Holy Spirit, 1 Cor. 12.13. Matt. 3. 7. saw Pharisees and Sadd. come to his b. 20. 22. I have a b. Mark 10. 38. Luke 12. 50. 21. 25. b. of John, whence was it, from heaven or of men, Mark 11. 30. Luke 20. 4. Mark 1. 4. did preach b. of repentance, Luke 3. 3. Luke 7. 29. publicans baptized with b. of John Acts 1. 22. beginning at the b. of John, 10. 37. 13. 24. b. of repentance || IS. 25. only b. of John 19. 3. unto John's <^.|| 4. with b. of repentance Rom. 6. 4. are buried with him by b. Col. 2. 12. Eph. 4.5.one(6. II lPet.3.21./^. doth save us (not BAPTIST, s. Matt. 3. 1. came John b. preach. Matt. 11. 11. a greater than John b. Luke 7. 28. 12. days of John the b. || 14. 2. this is John b. 14.8. John 6. head || 16. 14. art J. b. Mark 8. 28. 17. 15. understood that he spoke of John the b. Mark 6. 14. John b. was ri>enll25. head of John b. Luke 7. 20. John b. hath sent uslj33. John b. came 9. 1 9. answering said, John the b. but some BAPTIZE, In Greek, baptizo, from bap to, to dip, immers£, or plunge. Rev. 19. 13. " iS:tWw, is to immerse, to plunge under, to ovenchelm in water.'^ Zancliius. Malt. 3. 11. lb. with water, he shall b. with H. Ghost, Mark 1. 8. Luke 3. 16. John 1. 26. IMark 1. 4. Z^. in wildern. j| John 1. 33. i^ent me to 1 Cor. 1. 17. Christ sent nie not to b. but to preach BAPTIZED, p. Mat. 3. 6. b. in Jord. Mark 1. .5. Matt. 3. 13. Cometh Jesus to John to be b. of him 14. have need to be b. of thee, and come-t, 16. Mark 1. 9. b. in Jordan jj 10. 39. I am b. withal 16. 16. he that bclieveth and is b. shall be saved BAR BAR Lnke 3. 7. came to be /^.|jl2. public, to be (^.7. 29.' 21. Jesus being b.\\7. 30. lawyers, being not b. John 3. 22. lie tarried and b. \\ 23. and were b. 4. 1. Jesus made and b. more disciples than John 2. tho' Jesus b. not jj 10. 40. place where John b. Acts 1. 5. John truly b. wath water, but ye shall be b. with the Holy Ghost, 11. 16. 2. 38. repent, and be b. every one of you in the 41. they that gladly received his word were b. 8. 12. b. both men and womenjjlS. Simon was b. 16. b. in name of Jesus|j.36. hinder to tje b. 38. 9. 18. Saul was b. j| 10. 47. should not be b. 48. 16. 15. Lydia was b. || 33. jailer was Z*. he and 18. 8. many Cor. hearing, believed, and were b. 19. 3. he said to them to what then were b. 5. 22. 16. arise and be b. \\ Rom. 6. 3. b. into Jesus 1 Cor. 1. IS.b. in name of Paul |j 14. 1 Z». none but 10. 2.b. to Moses II 12. 13. all 6. into one body 15. 29. b. for the dead || Gal. 3. 27. b. into Christ BAPTIZEST, V. John 1. 25. why b. thou, if BAPTIZliTH, V. John 1.33. the same b. 3. 26. BAPTIZING. j>. Mat. 28. 19. teach all nations b. John 1. 28. where John was Z» ||31. b. with water 3. 23. b. in Enon, because there was much water BAR, ED. Nell. 7. 3. b. doors j| Song 4. t 12. BAR, S, ,s. Ex, 26. 26. b. of ^hittim-wood, 36. 31. 28. middled. 36. 23.||Nura. 3.36.^.oftab.4.31. Num. 4. 10. and they shall put it upon a 6. 12. Deut. 3. 5. cities fenced with b. 1 Kin. 4. 13. Judg. 16. 3. took b. and all 11 1 Sam. 23. 7. hath b. Neh. 3. 3. setup locks and b. thereof, 6, 13, — 15. .lob 17. 16. (^. of the pit II 18.t 13. 6. of his skin 38. 10. b. for the sea|j40. 18. bone - like b. of iron Ps. 107. 16. cut b. of iron||l47. 13. b. of thy gates Prov. 1 8. 19. b. ofacastlejjlsa. 45. 2. cut b. of iron •ler. 49. 31. gates nor b.\\ 51. 30. her ^.are broken Amos 1. 5. break (^.| [Jonah 2. 6. earth with her b. Nah. 3. 13. gates open, the tire shall devour thy b. B ARABB AS, Son of confusion. Matt. 27. 20. BAR AC FIEL, Blessing God. J ob 32. 1 , 2, 6. BARACHIAH, The .same. Zech. 1.1,7. 4. 6. Heb. 11. 32. Judg. BARAK, Li2;htmng'. BARBARIAN, S, s. Savage, unlearned. Acts 28. 4. when b. saw[|Rom. 1 . 14. Greeks and^. 1 Cor. 14. 11. a b. to me 1| Col. 3. 11. b. Scythians BA.RBAROUS, a. /Acts 28. 2. the b. people BARBED, p. Job 41. 7. till his skin with b. iron BARBER, s. Ezek. 5. I. take thee a b. rasor BARE, v. Gen.7. 17.Z'.theark,Deut.31. 9, 25. 31. 39. torn by beasts, I b. the loss of it Exod. 19. 4. 1 b. you on eagles wings, Deut. 1.31. Josh. 3. 15. b. the ark, 4. 10. ( 8. SS. 2 Sam. 6. 13. Judg. 3. 1&. sent away people thatZ>. the present 1 Sam. 14. 1. b. his armour, 6. 2 Sam. 18. 15. 17.4.6. shield !| 1 Kin. 5. 15. b. burd. Neh. 4. 17. 1 Kin. 10. 2. Z-. spices, 2 Ciir. 9. l-|!l4. 27. guard b. 1 Chr. 12. 24. Jadah that b. shield, 2 Chr. 14. 8. 15. 15. Levites b. the ark, 26, 27.1|Isa. 22. 6. Isa. 5.3. 12. b. the sins of many i| 63. 9. he b. them Ezek. 12.7. stuff I b.\\Mz.ti. i. 17. b. our sicknesses Inike 7. 14. that b. stood i| John 2. 8. they b. it John 1 2. 6. bag, and b.\\\. Pet. 2. 24. b. our sins on BARE. Gen.31.8. cattleZ'.speckie!l||38.5.Z'.him which she 46. 15. Gen. 44. 27. wife b. me 2 sons iKin. 1. 6.6. him after Abs. || 9.23. b. rule over 1 Chr. 4. 9. 6. him with sor yProv. 17. 25- | 23. 25. Song 6. 9. choice one of her that 6. her, 8. 5. Isa. 51. 2. Sarah that b. you|| Jer.l6. 3. | 20. 14. Jer. 22. 26. cast out that b. || .50. 12. b. you be ash, Lukell.27. blessed is womb that b. \\ 2*3.29. never BARE Fruit. Luke 8. 8. Rev. 22. 2. BARE Witness mA Record. Mark 14. 56, 57. Luke 4. 22. all b. him -and wondered at gracious John 1. 15. John b. - of him, 32. 34. | 5. So. 12. 17.people6.-19. 35.||Actsl5. 8, Rev. 1.2. BARE Rule. 1 Kin.9.23. 2 Chr. 8. 10. Neh.5. 15. BAREST. 1 Kin. 2. 26. because thou b. the ark Isa. 63. 19. never b. rule|| John 3. 26. b. witness BARE, adj. signifies, [1] Naked, destitute, Lev. 13. 45. [2] Plain, or real, 1 Cor. 15. 37. Lev. 13. 45. and his head b. jj 55. b. within or Psal. 137. 1 7. make b. make b. to the foundation la. 32. 11. make ye b. \\ 4^7. 2. make b. the leg 52. 10. Lord made b. his holy arm in the eyes Jer. 13. 22. heels made b. \\ 49. 10. made Esau b. Ezek.l6.7.nakedand b. 22.|| 39. leave b. 23. 29. Joel 1.7. myfig-tree6.|| 1 Cor. 15.37. but 6. grain BAREFOOT. 2 Sam. 15. 30. went b. Isa. 20. 2. BARIAH, Afugitice; or a bar. 1 Chr. 3. 22. BAR-JESUS, The son o/ Jesus. Acts 13. 6, 11. BAR-JON A, The son o/ Jonas. Matt. 16. 17. BARK, ED, Isa. 56. 10. cannot b. || Joel I. 7. BARKOS, A man's name, Ezra 2. 53. Neh. 7. 55. B A^RLEY. s. Exod. 9. 31. b. was smitten in ear Lev, 27. 16. homer of b. \\ Num. 5. 15. of b. meal Judg. 7. 13. lo, acake of Z>. bread tumbled into Ruth 1. 22. of 6. harvest fj 2. 17, 23. | 3. 2, 15. 2 Sam. 14. 30. Joab'sfieidhath b. || 17.28. | 21. 9. 2 Kin. 4. 42. brought 20 loaves of b.\\ 7. 1. 1 16. 18. .] Chr. 11. 13. full of 6. II 2 Chr. 2. 10, 15. ] 27. 5. ,tob 31. 40. let cockle grow instead of 6. Isa. 28. 25. appointed b. \\ Jer. 41.8. wheat and b. Ezek. 4. 9. take to thee wheat, and b. and beans 12. b. cakes IJ-13. 19. p45.13. Hos. 3. 2. Joel 1. 11. John 6. 9,13. Rev. 6. 6. BARNABAS, Sonof consolation. Acts 4. 36. Acts 11. 22. B. go toAntiochl|25. departed B. 30. sent by the hand of ^.|| 12. 25. returned B. 13. 2. separate me B. and Saul || 50. against B. 15. 2. Paul and B. had no small dissension and 37. B. determined to take with them John 1 Cor. 9. 6. or I only and B. \\ Gal. 2. 1, 9, 13. Col. 4. 10. and Marcus, sister's son to B. saluteth BARN, s. signifies, [1] A repositort/ for grain, Luke 12. 24. [2] Heaven, Matt. 13. 30. 2 Kings 6. 27. help thee out of the b. floor Job 39. 12. gather seed into thy b. Hag. 2. 19. Matt. 13. 30. brit gather the wheat into my b. Luke 12. 24. which have no store-house nor b. BARNS, s. Prov. 3. 10. 6. be tilled || Joel 1. 17. Matt. 6. 26. nor gather hito 6.||Luke 12. 18. my 6. BARREL, S. 1 Kin. 17. 12. meal in a 6. 14. the b. of meal shall not waste|| 18. 33. fill b. BARREN, a. [Ij Natural, Gen. 25.21. [2J Spiritual, Gal, 4. 27. 2 Pet. 1. 8. Genai. SO. Sarai was^.jl 25.21. Rebekah was b. 29. 31. Rachel was b. \\ Exod. 23. 26. nor be b. Deut. 7. 14. not male or female b. || Judg. 13. 2, 3. 1 Sam. 2.5.6. hath born 7.|| 2Kin. 2. 19. ground b. Job 24. 21. evil entreateth the b. |{ 39. 6. b. land Psal. 113. 9. maketh the b. woman to keep house Prov. 30. 16. b. womb |j Song 4. 2. none is b. 6. 6. Isa. 54. l.singO 6.|j Joel 2. 20. drive into a land b. Luke 1. 7. Eliz. was b. 36. Ij 23. 29. blessed are b. 1' BAT BDE I Gal. 4.27. Kejoice thou 6.112 Pet. 1. 8. be not 6. BAHRENNESS,s. Psal. 107. 34.fruitful iandto BARSABAS, The son of rest. Acts 1.23.115. 22. BARTHOLOi\iEW, A son drawing waters. Matt. 10. 3. Marks. 18. Luke 6. 14. Acts 1. 13. BARTIMEUS, The son of Timeiis ; a son of the unclean, or son of mourning. Mark 10. 46. BARUCH, Who is blessed. Neh. 3. 20. B. son of Nell. 10. 6. JB. sealed the covenant || 11. 5. son of Jev. 32. 12. evidence to J5. 16.||36. 4. B. wrote 36. 10. then rea:l B. || 26. take B. the scribe 43. 3. B. settetii thee onl}6. took JB. || 45. 1. :>pake B ARZILLAI, iVade of iron ; or the sou of contempt. 2 Sam. 19. 31.|21. 8. 1 Kin. 2. 7. Ezra 2. 61. BASE, BASES, s. 1 Km. 7. 27. ten b. four 2 Km. 25. 13. brake b. 16. IJ Ezra 3. 3. altar on b. Psal. 104.t5. founded the earth on her b. Zech. 5.11. shall be >et there upon her ov.n b. BASE, adj. 2 Sam. 6. 22. b. in my own sight Job 30. 8. children of i. menijisa. 3. 5. and the b. Ezck. 17. 14. kingdom 6. 1)29. 14. b. kingdom Mai. 2. 9. 1 made you 6 jj Acts 17.tl8. b fellow 1 Cor. 1. 28. b. thingsji 2 Cor. 10. 1. I Paul am b. BASER, n. Acts 17. .5. lewd fellows of 6. sort BASEST, a. Ezek. 29. 15. Dan 4. 17. BASHAN, In the tooth ; ivory, sleep, confusion, or slamler. Num. 21. 33. went up by way of B. Deut 3. 1. 32. 53. Og Uivj^ot'B. Deut 1.4. j 3. 11. | 4. 27. |29. 7. Josh. 9. 10.112. 4.|13. 30. 1 Kin. 4. 19. Neh. 9. 22. Psal. 135. U.j 136 20. Deut. 3. 4. kingdom of jB. 10. Josh. 13. 12, 30. 4. 43. and Golan in B. Josh. 20. 8. | 21. 27. 32. 14. breed otB. |j 33. 22. shall leap from JB. Josli. 17. 1. he had B. |! 2 Kin. 10. 33. even B. 1 Chr. 6. 71. Golan in B. \\ Psal. 22. 12. bulls of P>al. 68. 15. as the hill of B.\\22. bring from B. Isa. 33. 9.B. and Carmel shake off tiieir fruits Jer. 22. 20. up voice in -B. |[ 50. 19. shall feed on Ezek. 39. IS. tatlin^s of J^ljAmosi. 1. ye kiue of Mic. 7. 14. feed in B. [j Neh. 1.4. B. languisheth BASHEMATH, Perfumed ; confusion of death ; or in desolation. Gen. 26. 34. | 36. 3. BASKET,*. Gen. 40. 17. in the 6. all manner Lev. 8. 31. b. of conf^ecrations || Deut. 26. 4. take Deut. 28.5. blessed shall be thy 6. || 17. cursed 6. Judg. 6. 19. flesh in a 6. jj Jer. 24. 2. one b. had Amos 8. 1. and behold a b. of summer-fruit, 2. Acts 9. 25. let down by wall in a 6. 2 Cor. 11. 33. BASKETS, s. Gen. 40. 16. had three white b. 18. 2 Kin 10. 7. their heads in 6.j;Jer. 6. 9. into the Jer. 24. 1. two b. of figs before the temple Matt. 14. 20. and they took up twelve b. fnll, Mark 6. 43. Luke 9. 17. John 6. 13. 15. 37. seven b. full, Mark 8. 8, 19, 20. BASON, S. Exod. 12. 22. dip m blood in the b. 24. 6. half of the blood in b. |j 2 Sam. 17. 2S. 1 Kin. 7. 40. Hiram made b- 45. 2 Chr. 4. 8, 11. 1 Chr. 28. 17. gold for every b.\\Jer. 52. 19. John 13. 5. he poureth water into a b. and began BASTARD, s. Deut. 23. 2. 6. not enter into Zech. 9. 6. b. dwell in A^hdod |i Heb. 12. 8. are BATH, A measure used among the Hebrews, ivhich contained seven gallons and a half. Isa. 5. 10. ten acres of vineyard shall yield one b. Ezck. 45. 10. ajust 6.1! 11 .the ephah and b. 14. BATHE, V. Lev. 15. 5. b. himself in water, 8^ 11, 13, 21, 22, 27.1 16. 26, 28.| 17. 15, 16. Num. 19. 7, 8, 19. BATHED, p. Isa. 34. 5. sword be b. in heaven BATHS, s. 1 Kin. 7. 26. sea contained 2000 b. 38. laver forty b.\\2 Chr. 2. 10. 20000 b. wine 2 Chr. 4.5. sea held 3000 b. \\ Ezra 7. 22. 100 b. Ezek. 45. 14. homer often b. ten b. are an homer BATHRABBIM, Daughter of mamj. Song 7. 4. BATH-SHEBA, The seventh daughter, or daugh- ter of an oath. 2 Sam. 11.3. 1 Kings 1. 28. I 2. 13. BAT, S. Lev. 11. 19. Deut. 14.18. Isa. 2. 20. BATTLE, [1] O/wew, Josh. 8. 4. 12'] In the cause of God, 1 Sam. 18. 17. Rev. 12. 7. Gen. 14."8. joined 6. 1 Sam. 4. 2. 1 Kin. 20. 29. Num. 32. 27. before the Lord to 6.lJDeut. 2. 24. Deut. 20. 3. this day to b. \\ 5. lest he die in b. Josh. 11. 19. all they took in 6.|!Judg. 20. 28, 42. 1 Sam. 14. 22. after"thera in 6.|!17. 20. shouted b. 17. 28. for thou art come down to see the b. 47. for the b. is the Lord's, 2 Chr. 20. 15. 26. 10. descend into b. \\ 28. 1. go to b. \\ 29. 4. 2 Sam. 11. 1. kings go forth to b. 1 Chr. 20. 1. 1 5. Uriah in the forefront of the hottest b. 19. 10. Absalom whom we anointed is dead in b, 1 Kin. 8. 44. out to b. 20, 39. \ 22. 4. 2 Kin. 3. 7. 1 Chr. 5. 20. cried to God in the 5.jjl2. 8. fit for 19. 17. David set b. in array, 2 Chr. 13.3.||14.10. 2 Clir. 25. 8. be strong for the b. God shall make Job 15. 24. ready to the b pd. 25. smelleth the b 41.8. remember the 6. 1 (Ps. 18. 39. strength to b. Psal. 24. 8. the king of glory, the L. mighty in b. 55. 18. he hath delivered nsy soul from the b. 76. 3. brake the shield, the sword, and the 6. 89. 43. hast not made him to stand m the b. Eccl. 9.11. nor b. tostrongj|Isa. 9. 5. 5.i^ with noise Isa. 13. 4. ho>t of the b. \\ 22. 2. not dead ui b. 27. 4. briars against nie in <^.jj 28. 6. b. to ga^te 42. 25. strength of the 6.1| Jer. 8. 6. ru-heth to b. Jer. 18. 21. let their young men l>e slain in b. 49. 14. against her, and rise up to the b. 46. 3. 50. 22. a sound of b. is in|j42. like a man to b. Ezek. 7. 14. none goetii to b\\iS. 5. stand in b. Hos.'l. 7. not save" by ^.||2. 13. break the b. out of 10. 9. b. in Gibeahdid not overtake them Joel 2. 5". in 6. arrayjiObad. 1. again-t Edom in b. Zech. 10. 3. goodly horse in b.\\5. tread downing. 14. 2. against Jerusalem to b. and city be taken Day of BATTLE. 1 Sam. IS. 22. so it came to pass in the - b. that Job 33. 23. reserved agam;-t tiie - b. and war Psal. 78. 9. Ephraim turned back in the -6. 140. 7. thou hast covered my head in the - b. Prov. 21. 31. horse for the -^.IJHos. 10. 14. in -b. Amos I. 14. shouting in -Z'.|lZcch. 14. 3. fought -/&. BATTLE-i>Vu-. Zech. 9. 10. | 10. 4. BATTLES. 1 Sam. 8. 20. and fight our b. 18. 17. be valiant, and fidit the Lord's b. 25. 28. 1 Chr. 26. 27. spoils won in 6. || 2 Chr. 32. 3. Isa. 30. 32. and in b. of shakings will be tight BATTERED, p. 2vSam.22. 15. Joab Z*. the wall BATTERING. Ezek. 4. 2. b. rams, 21. 22. BATTLEMENT, S. Deut. 22. 8. Jer. .5. 10. BAY, a. Zech. l.-t8. horses b.\\G. 3. b. horses, 7. BAY-Trt'c, s. Psal. 37. 35.hke a green 6.- BDELUVM, /Ihe gum of a tree^ in Arabia. BEA BEA Gen. 5. 12. in Havilali there is b. Num. 11.7. BE signifies, [1] To exist, Rom. 4. 17. [2] To be made, Jer. 32. 38. Matt. 19. 5. [3] To be apparently known, Rom. 14. 9. [4] iTo conse- crate, Judg. 11.31. Jiidg. 6. 13. if tiie Lord be with us, why all this 2 Chr. 36. 23. L. his God be with him, Ezra 1. 3. Job 10. 15. if I <^. wicked 11 19. 4. and ;^. it indeed Song 8. 9. if she 6. a wall, if she i*. a door Isa. 8. 13. let him b. your fearj) 41.22. they b. Matt. 4. 3. if thou Zr. the son of God, 6.127. 40. Rom. 8.31. if God b. for u.>|jl4. 9. might b. Lord If it BE. Gen. 25. 22. she said, - b. so, why am Acts 5. 39. -b. of God, ye cannot overthrow it Let there BE. Gen. 1. 3. -b. light, and tlierel|6. -b. a firmament 13. 8. -b. no strife beween me and thee 26. 28. -b. now an oath betwixt us and thee Shall BE, or slialt BE. Geu. 2. 24. to his wife, and they - b. one flesh 12. 2. 1 will bless thee, and thou -6. a blessing 27. 33. and he -b. blessed||28. 21. L. -b my God 85. 10. Israel - b. thy name, 1 Kings 18. 31. 48. 21. God - b. A^ath you||49. 10. - of people b. BEACON, An elevated signal. Isa. 30. 17. as a b. on the top of a mountain BEALIATH, The God of an idol, or the Lord cast- ing him down. 1 Chr. 12. 5. BEALOTH, Cast under, or oppressed. Josh. 15.24. BEAM, s. Judg. 16. 14. with the pin of the b. 1 Sam. 17. 7. hke weaver's b. 1 Chr. 11. 23.120. 5. 2 Kin. 6. 2. take thence a Z;. || 5. was felling a b. Hab. 2. 11. b. out of the timber shall answer. Mat.7.3.considerestnotthe bA.5. Luke G. 41,42. 35EAMS. 2 Chr. 3. 7. overlaid the b. the posts Neh. 2. 8. timber to make Zi.|| Ps. 104. 3.1ayeth b. Song 1. 17. t!ie /;. of ourhou?e are cedar and BEANS. 2 Sam. 17. 28. b. lentiles, Ezek. 4. 9. BEAR, r. signifies, [1] To carry, Jer 17.21. Matt. 27. 32. [2] To suffer, 2 Cor. 11.1. Rev. 2. 2. [3] To uphold or support, Psal 75. 3.|91. 12. [4] To be punished for, Num. 14. 33. [5'} The care of government. Deut. 1. 12. [6] To be anMierahle in payment for, 2 Kings 1 8. 14. [7] To lay a thing to heart, Psal. 89. 50. [8] To give satisfaction for, Isa. 53. 11. [9] To perform, or fully observe, Acts' 15. 10. Gen. 4. 13. punishment greater than I can b. 13. 6. the land was not able to b. them, 36. 7. 43. 9. let me b. the blame for ever, 44. 32. Lev. 19. 18. not^. any grudge against the childr. Num. 11.14. not able to Z*. this people, Deut. 1. 9. 2 Kin. 18. 14. whic^h thouputtest on me, I will b. Ps. 75.3. 1 b. up the pillarslJ89. 50. Z^.in my bosom 91.12. they shall Z>. thee up, Mat. 4.6. Lnke4. 11. Prov. 18. 14. wounded spirit who can b\\oi). 21. Isa. 1. 14. weary to Z>.||46. 4. will b. you|i7. b. him 52. 11. be 3'e clean that b. the vessels of the L. Jer. 10. 19. tliii- is a grief, and I must b. it 17. tl. b. no burden on the sabbath-day, 27. 31. 19. 1 did b. tbe reproach of my youth 44. 22. so that the Lord could no longer /;. Lam. 3. 27. it is ji^ood to b. tlie yoke ia his youth Kzek. 12. 6. sight shall b. it |jl2. prince sliall h. Amos 7. 10. the land is not able to /;.his words Mic. 7. 9. I wiil b. the indignation of the Lord Kag. 2. 12. if one /;. holy flesh iu the skirt of his Zed). 0. 1.". he shall b. the glory, and niie on liis I Matt. 3. 11, whose shoes I am not worthy to^. 27. 32. to b. his cross, Mark 1.5. 21. Luke 23. 26. Luke 14. 27. not 6.hiy cross j) 18. 7. he b. long John 16. 12. things, but ye cannot b. them now Acts 9.15. chosen vessel to i'.HlS.lO.notable tob. 18. 14. should Z'. with you|iRom. 13. 1. b. infirm. 1 Cor. 3. 2. not abie to b. it||10. 13. be able to b. it 2 Cor. n. 1. b. with me|| 4. might well b. witli Gal. 6. 2 b. one anothers burdens |) 5. b. his own •17- 1 b. in my body \\ Heb. 5.12. reasonably b. Jam. 3. 12. can fig-tree 6.|iRev. 2. 2. canst \\c>tb. BEAR Iniquity. Exod. 28. 38. Aaron may <:;.- Ex. 28. 43. Aaron and his sons, that they b.'woX. - Lev. 5. 1. he shall b. his iniquity, 17. 1 7. 18. I 17. 16. I 19. 8. i 20. 17. 10. 17. given to you to b.-\\ 16. 23. goat shall b.- 20. 19. b. their-. Num. 18. 23. Ezek. 44. 10, 12. 22. 16. or suffer them to b.- of their trespass Num. 5. 31. woman shall h. her- jjl4. 34. b. your - 18. 1. Aaron and his sons ^. - of sanctuary 30. 15. then he shall Z*. her -jjla. 63. 11. b. their- Ezek. 4. 4. b. their -|jl8. 19. son b.- of lather, 20. BEAR Judgment.^ Exod 28. 30. GaJ. 5. 10. BEAR Rule. E-th. 1. 22. every man b.- in liis Prov. 12. 24. diligent shall b.- \\ Jer. 5. 31. priests Ezek. 19. 11. rods for them that6.-y Dan. 2. 39. BEAR Sin. Lev. 20. 20. shall b. their -, they 22. 9. lest they 6.- for it||24. 15. curseth God h.- Num. 9. 13. shall b. - \\ 18. 22. lest they b.-, 32. Ezek. 23. 49. and ye shall 6. the sin of your idols Heb. 9. 28 so Christ was once offered to b. - ^^PiB. Witness. Exod 20. 16. not />. false -against Deut. 5. 20, Matt. 19. 18. Rom. 13. 9. 1 Kin. 21. 10. set to men, sons of Belial, to b.- Mark 10. 19. do not h. false -, Luke 18. 20. Luke 11. 48. truly ye h. - that ye allow deeds Johnl.7. to&.-, 8.|)3.28.6. me-||.5. 31.if 16. - of 5. 36. works I do b.- of me |j 8. 18. b. - of myself 15. 27. ye also shall b.- becaiise ye have been 18. 23. 6.- of the evil || 37. that I should b. - Acts 22. 5. priest doth b. me-|)23.11. &.-atRome 1 John 1. 2. seen it and 6. - \\ 5. 8. three that b. - BEAR. Gen. 17. 17. shall Sarah 6. 18. 13. Lev. 12. 5. if she b. a maid child, Deut. 28. 57. Judg. 13. 3. conceive and b. a son |j 1 Kin. 3. 21. Song 4. 2. sheep, whereof every one b. twins, 6. 6. Isa. 7. 14. a virgin shall b. a son|j54. 1. didst not b. Jer. 29. 6. may 6. son.-lJLuke 1. 13. Eiiz. b. a son BEARERS, 6'. 2 Chr. 2. 18.|34. 13. Neh. 4. 10. BEAREST. Judg. 13. 3. art barren and b. not Psal. 106. 4. favour thou 6.||John 8. 13. b. record Rom. 11. 18. <6. not rooty Gal. 4. 27. that b. not BEARETH. Num. 11.12. as father b. the child Deut. 29. 18. a root that b. gall|| 23. norZ>. norgr. 32. 11. as an eagle b. her young on her wings Joel 2. 22. not afraid, for the tree b. her fruit Matt. 13. 23. also b. fruit || John 15. 2. 6. not fruit Rom. 13. 4> for he b. not the sword in vain 1 Cor. 13. 7. charity b. all |j Heb. 6. 8. /;. thorns 15EARETH Rule. Prov. 29. 2. the \dcked b. - BEARETH Witness. Job 16. 8. leanness Z>. - Prov. 25. 18. b. false - is a maul, and a sword John 5. 32. that /;.-of me||8. 18. Father b. - of me [ Jolui 5. 6. it is the Spirit that b. - Rom. 8. 16. BEARIING, ;;. Gen. 1. 29. every herb b. seed Gen. 16.2. L. restrained me from/>.||29 35.1eftZ'> N~am. lO.iT.b. the tabernacle !j 21.^. sanctuary BEA BEA Josh. 3. 3. priests b. the ark, 14. 2 Sam. 15, 24. 1 Sam. 17. 7. one 6. a>hield||Psal. 126. 6. b. seed Mark 14. 13. meet you a man b. Luke 22. 10. John 19. 17. b. his croP.«, went forth to a place Rom. 2.15. conscience b. witness, 9. l.|{2Cor.4.10. Heb. 2. 4. God also b. them witness with signs 13. 13. let us S.0 forth to him b. his reproach CViiW-BEARING. 2 Tnn. 2. 15. saved in - b. BEAR, S. s. 1 Sam. 17. 34. lion and a b. took 3f). slew the hon and b,\{2 Sam. 17. 8. b. robbed 2 Kin. 2. 24. can.e i^brth two shed, and tare Prov. 17. 12. b. rohbed of her || 28. 15. ranging b. Isa. 11.7. cow and b. shallfeedlloQ.ll. roar like b. Lam. 3. 10. b. lying m wait || Dan. 7. 5. like b. Hos. 13. 8. I A\iil meet them as a b. bereaved Amos 5. 19. flee from a 6.|!Rev. 13- 2. feet of a b. BEARD, S. Lev. 13. 29.|l4. 9. 1 19. 27. | 21. 5. 1 Sam. 17. 35. caught him by his b. \\ 21. 13. 2 Sam. 10. 5. till your b. be yrown, 1 Chr. 19. 5. 19. 24. trimmed not hi^ b. |j 20. 9. b. to kiss him Ezra 9. 3. pluckt off hair of my head, and of my b. Psal. 133. 2. even xAaron^s b.\\ Isa. 7. 20. ) 15.*^ 2. Jer. 41 . 5. b. shaved |) 48. 37. b. dipt, Ezek. 5. 1. BEAST, s. signifies, [1] 4 brute void of reason, Prov. 12. 10. [2] Brutish men, 1 Cor. 15. 32. 2 Pet. 2. 12. [3] Kingdoms, Dan. 7. 11. [4"] Ministers of the gospel. Rev. 4. 6, 8. 1 7. 11. [5] Antichrist, Rev. 13. 2.|20. 4. [6] Nations, Dan. 4. 13, 21. Gen. 1. 25. G.made the b. \\ 3. 1. subtil than any b. Exod. 22. 19. mIiOso heth with a b. put to death, Lev. 18. 23. I 20. 15, 16. Deut. 27. 21. Lev. f 1. 47. b. that may be eaten \\ 27. 9. if a b. Neh. 2. 12. save the 6.1 rode on |j Psal. G8.t30. Psal. 73. 22. as a b. before thee|jl47. 9. b. his food Prov. 12. 10. regards his A.jjEccl. 3. 19. above a b. Isa. 43. 20. b. shall honour||63. 14. b. that goeth Dan. 4. 16. let a b. heart be given to him 7. 11. till the b. was slain |l 19. of the fourth b. Luke 10. 34. set him on his own b. and brought Acts 28. 5. Paul shook off the b. into the fire Heb. 12. 20. so much as a b. touch the mountain Rev. 4. 7. first b. like a lion || 6. 3. b. say come 11. 7. b. that ascended || 13. 1. b. rise out of sea 1.5. 2. victory over the 6.||1 6. 13. mouth of the b. 19. 19. 1 saw the b.\\20. 10. b. and false prophets Every BEAST. Gen. 2. 19. out of tlie ground God formed - b. 20. Adam gave names to - b. of the field 3. 14. cursed above- b. \\ 7. 2. - clean b. 8, 14. 8. 19. - b. after their kinds went out of the ark 20.- clean b. he offered (| 9. 2. dread on - b. 9. 5. blood required of-b. |j 10. - b. I establish 34. 23. shall not 6. of theirs be ours? Lev. 11. 26. - b. which divideth hoof, Deut. 14. 6. Psal. 50. 10.-6. is mine || 104. 11. drink to b. Ezek. 34. 8. meat to - b. || 39. 17. .speak to - b. BEAST, joined with Maii. Gen. 6.7. destroy- and d.jjExod. 8. 17. lice in-b. Exod. 9. 9. boil on -and b. I0.|ll9. hail on -and b. 11. 7. not'a dog move his tontiue against- or b.. 12. 12. and will smite all the first born both of man and b. 13. 15. Psal. 13.5. 8. Num. 31. 26. prey thatwa^ taken both of- and b. Psal. 36. 6. Lord, thou pre.-ervest and - b. Jer. 7. 20. furv poured on - and b. 21 . 6. ] 36. 29. Ezek.*l4. 13, 21.125. 13.129. 8. Zeph. 1. 3. Jer.27.5.made -and 6.|{31.27. seed of- and 6.(|50.3. Jonah 3. 7. let not - nor b. taste any thing Unclean BEAST. Lev. 5. 2. | 7. 21. j 27. 11, 27. Wild BEAST. 2 Kin. 14. 9. passed by a - b. Job 39. 15. forgetteth that - b. may break them Psal. 80. 13.-6. of the field doth devour it Hos. 13. 8. like a lion, the - 6. shall tear them BEASTS. Gen. 31. 39. torn of 6. Exod. 2. 31. Exod. 11. 5. all the first-born of 6. shall die Lev. 11. 2. these 6. ye shall eat, Deut. 14. 4, 6. 26. 6. rid evil 6. out of the land || Deut. 32. 24. 1 Kin. 4. 33. Solomon spake of 6. and of fowl 18. 5. find grass, that we may lose not all the b. 2 Kin. 3. 17. drink ve, vour cattle and 6. Ezra 1. 4. help him with gold, goods, and with b. Job 12. 7. ask the b. and|)18. 3. counted as 6. and 37. 8. then the b. go into dens, and remain Psal. 49. 12. man is like the b. that perish, 20. 78.t50. he gave their 6. to the murrain 104. 20. b. of the forest creep || 25. and gieat b. 148. 10. 6. and all cattle, praise the Lord Prov. 9. 2. wisdom killed her 6.|i30. 30. among 6. Eccl. 3. 18. see themselves are 6. |j 19. befalleth 6. Isa. 30. 6. the burden of the 6. of the -^outh 40. 16. nor 6. thereof for a burnt-offering 46. 1. idols on the 6. |i Q6. 20. upon swift b. Jer. 9. 10. the 6. are fied|il2. 4. 6. are consumed Ezek. 5. 17. send evil 6. 14. 15. \\ 32.4. fill the 6. 32. 13. I will destroy all b. thereof, 34. 25, 28. Dan. 4. 14. 6. get away || 15. portion be with 6. 7. 17. four 6. are four kings (j 8. 4. no 6. might Hab. 2. 17. spoil of 6. |j Zeph. i'. 15. place for 6. Zech. 14. 15. so :ihall be the plague of all the 6. Acts 7.42. offered slain 6.|j23. 24. provide them 5. Rom. 1 .23. changed into an image made like to 6. 1 Cor. 15. 52. if I have fought with 6. at Ephesus Jam. S. 7. every kind of 6. is tamed, but tongue 2 Pet. 2. 12. a.s natural brute 6. speak, Jude 10. Rev. 4. 6. four 6. full of eyes, 8. |j 9. 6. give glory 5.6. midst of four 6.stood a Lamb]jl4.6.said amen 6. 1. b. saying, come, 15.7. |1 7. 11. four b. 14. 3. 19.4. the twenty-four elders and four 6.feildown BEASTS of the Earth, Deut. 28. 26. thy carcase shall be meat for all b. - 1 Sam. 17. 46. carcases of Pliili-tines to b. - Job 5. 22. nor shalt thou be afiaid of the b. - 35. 11. who teacheth us more than the 6. - Psal. 79. 2. saints to the 6. - 1| Isa. 18. 6. left to 6.- Jer.7.33. carcases meat for 6.-, 16.4.|19. 7.|34. 20. 15. 3. I will appoint over them 6. - to devour Acts 10. 12. all manner of four-footed 6.-, 11.6. Rev. 6. 8. to kill with hunger, and with the 6. - BEASTS of the Field. Exod. 23. 11. what the poor leave, b. - may eat Deut. 7. 22. lest the 6. - increa-e upon thee 1 Sam. 17. 44. and I wiUgive thy flesh to the 6. - 2 Sam. 21. 10. birds by day, nor 6. - by night Job 5. 23. the 6. - shall be at peace with thee 40. 20. 6. - play || Psal. 8. 7. 6. -under his feet Isa. 56. 9. all b. -come to devour, Jer. 12. 9. Jer. 27. 6. 6. -have I given him, 28. 14. Dan. 2. 38. Ezek. 29. 5. giventheeformeatto6.-, 34.5.|39.4. 31. 6. 6. - bring forth \\ 58. 20. 6. - .shake at my Dan. 4. 12. b. - liad shadow j| 25. dwell with b. -32. Hos. 2. 18. covenant with 6.- Ji4. 3. mourn with 6. - Joel 1. 20. 6. - cry also to thee, for the rivers 2. 22. be not afraid, ye 6.-, the pastures spring BEA BED Wild BEASTS. Lev. 26. 22. I will send- b. among you 1 Sara. 17. 46. carca es of the Philistines to - b. Psal. 50. 11. the - b. of ihe firld are mine Isa. 13. 21.-6. of the desait, 22.||34. I4.jer.50. 39 Mark 1. 13. Christ was with - 6.||Acts BEAT, V. Exod. 30. 36. spices b. small Exod. 39. 3. didd.theffoidliNum. 11. 8, b. manna Deut. 25.3. lest lie exceed and b. him above these Judg. 8. 17. b. down Penuel |j 9. 45. b. down city 19. 22. b. at the door i| Ruth 2. 17. she b. out 2 Sam. 22. 43; I b. them small, Psal. IS. 42. 2 Kin. .3. 25. b. down the cities || 13. 25. | 23. 12. Psal. 52.t5.God shall 6. thee|j89.23. I wilU.down Prov. 23. 14. if thou -halt b. him with a rod Isa., 2. 4. b. their swords, Mic. 4. 3. ||3. 15. b. my 27. 12. Lord shall b. off from the channel 41. 15. thresh the mountains-, and b. them small Joel 3. 10. b. your plow-sharesjj Jonah 4. 8. sun b. Mic. 4. 13. thou shall b. in pieces many people Matt. 7. 25. b. on tljat house, 27. Luke 6. 48,49. 21. 35. husbandmen b. one, Luke 20. 10, 11. Mark 4. 57. waves b. \\ Luke 12. 45. be^'in to b. Acts 15. 22. to b. them || 18. 17. | 22. 19.127. tl4. BEATEN, V. Exod. 5. 14. officers were b. 16. 25. 18. chernb of b. work, 37. 17, 22. Num. 8. 4. Lev. 2. 14. corn b. outjjjosh. 8. 15. Israel, as if 6. 2 Sam. 2. 17. Abner was b. \\ Prov. 23. 35. b. me Prov. lO.to. a pratini;- fool sli jU be b. Isa. 28. 27. fitches are b. |) 30. 31. Assyrians b. Jer.46.5. mighty ones 6.||Mark 13. 9. ye shall be 6. Luke 12. 47. servant knew and did not, shall be b. Acts 5. 40. apostles, and 6.||16. 37. b. us openly 2 Cor. 11. 25. thrice was I b. with rods BEATEN Gold. Num. 8. 4. work of the candlestick was of b. - 1 Kin. 10.16. made two hundred targets of Z*.- 17. three hundred shields of Z>. - 2 Chr. 9. 15. BEATEN Oil. Exod. 27. 20.|29.40. Lev. 24. 2. BEATEST, r.Deut. 24. 20. Prov. 23. 13. BEATETH, r. l Cor. 9. 26. that b. tlie air BEATING, par. 1 Sam. 14. 16. Mark 12. 5. BEAUTY, s. signifies [1] Comeliness, 2 Sam. 14. 25. [2 J Splendor, glory or dignity, Lam. 1. 6. Zech. 11. 7. [3j Joy and gladness, Isa. 61. 3. [4] Holiness and purity, Ezek. 16. 14. Exod. 28. 2. holy garments for glory, and for h. 2 Sara, l.l^.b. of Israel is slain on high places 14. 25. none so much praised as Absalom for b. 1 Chr. 16. 29. b. of holiness, Psal. 29. 2. | 96. 9. 2Chr.20. 21. Esth. 1. 11. to shew the princes her b. Job 40. 10. array thyself with glory andZ*. Psal. 27. 'i.b. of theLordJl39. ll.Z».to consume 45. 11. king desire thy ^.1149.14. b. ?hall consume 50. 2. out of Zion the perfectian of b. God hath 90. 17. the b. of the Lord our God be upon us 96. 6. strength and b. are in his sanctuary Prov. 6. 25. lust not after her i^.||20. 29. b. of old 31. 30. favour is deceitful, b. is vain Isa. 3. 24. burning in^tead of Z'.||4.t2. b. and glory 15. 19. Babylon the b. \\ 28. 1. b. is a fading, 4. 28. 5. diadem of 6.1) 33. 17. see the king in his 6. 53. 2. no b. that we should || 61. 3. b. for ashes Lam. 1. 6. her b. is departedli2. 1. the b. of Israel 2. 15. is this the city men call the perfection oi'b. Ezek. 7. 20. for the 6. of his ornament 16. 14. renown went among the heathen for b. Ezek. 16. 15. trust in thy b. \\ 25. b. be abhorred 27. 3. of perfect 6. 28. 12.(|4. perfected thy b.W. 28. 7. b. of thy wisdom |) 17. because of thy b. 31. 8. Assyrian in his b. \\ 32. 19. Efypt pass in b. Hos. 10. til. I passed over on the b, of her neck 14. 6. Israel's b. shall be as the olive-tree Zech. 9. 17. how great his b. \\ 11. 7. staves, b. 10. BEAUTIES. Psal. 1 10. 3. m the b. of holiness BEAUTIFY, V. Ezra 7. 27. b. the Lorcfs hoa=e Psal. 149. 4. he will b. the meek with salvation Isa. 60. 13. to b. the place of my sanctuarv BEAUTIFUL, a. Gen. 29. 17. Rachel was b. Deut. 21. 11. seest among the captives a 6. woman iSaMi. 16.12. Davidwa >of6.]|25.3. Abigail was b. 2 Sam. 11.2. Bath-shebawasZ>. ||14.t25. a man Esth. 2. 7. Esther b. \\ Psal. 48. 2. b. for situation Eccl. 3. 11, made every thing b. in his time Song 6. 4. thou art b. O my love, as Tirzah 7. 1. how b. are thy feet with shoes, O princes Isa. 4. 2. Branch of the Lord be b. and glorious 52.1. b. garmentsjjr. how 6. the feet,Rom. 10.15. 64. 11. b. house is burnt || Jer. 13. 20. b. flock Jer. 48. 17. strong staff broken, and the b. rod Ezek. 16. 12.6. crown, 13.1) 2^- "^2- P"^ ^' crowns Matt. 23. 27. appear b.\\ Acts 3. 2. gate b. 10. BEBAI, Void, or empty. Ezra 8. 11. j 10. 28. BECAME, V. Gen. 2. 7. man b. a living soul Gen. 19. 26. looked back, and b. a pillar of salt 49. 15. Issachar6. a servant to tribute Exod. 4. 3. it b. a serpent || 4. b. a rod in his hand 1 Kin. 12. 30. this thing b. a sin, 34. |} Dan. 2. 35 . 1 Cor. 9. 20. to the Jews 1 6. a Jew, to gain the J. Heb. 7. 26. such an high-priest b. us, who is holy 10. 33. b. companion iJRev. 16. 3. sea b. as blood BECAMEST, c. 1 Chr. 17. 22. Ezek. 16. 8. / BECAUSE, a. John 8. 43. 6., ye cannot hear John 10. 13. Jiireling flcelh, b.]\ 14. 19. b. I live Heb. 6. 13. b. he could swear by no greater 1 .Tohn 3. 14. b. we love the brethren |) 4. 19. BECHER, F^7•s^/)fg•«fi«t.Gen.46.21.Nnm.26.35. BECKONED, p. Luke 1. 22. Zecharias b. \\ 5. 7. John 13. 24. Peter b. |) Acts 19. 33. Alexander b. Acts 21.40. Paulstood on stairs an'd b. \\ 24. 10. BECKONING, p. Acts 12. 17. | 13. 16. BECOME, V. Gen. 3. 22. man is b. as one of us Gen. 37. 20. b. of his dreamsl)38.t23. 6. a contempt Exod. 15.2. b- my salvation, Ps. 118. 14. Isa. 12. 2. 32. 1. wot not what is b. of him, 23. Acts 7. 40. Matt. 21.42. 6. head of the corner, Mark 12. 10. John 1.12. he gave power to b. the sons of God 2 Cor. 5. 17. behold, all things are b. new Rev. 11. 15. are 6. the kingdoms of our Lord BECOMETH, v. Ps. 93. 5. holiness b. thy house Matt. 3. 15. b. us to fulfil all righteousness 13. 22. and he 6. unfruitful, Mark 4. 19. Phil. 1. 27. as b. the gospel JlTit. 2. 3. 6. holiness BED,s. is, [1] Natural for rest, Luke 11. 7. [2] A state of carnal security, Song 3. 1. [3] Of communion with Christ, Song 1. 16. [4J The grave, Isa. 57. 2. Gen. 47. 31. bowed himself on the />. 1 Kin. 1. 47. 49. 4. wentest up to thy father's b. 1 Chr. 5. 1. Exod. 21. 18. and he die not but keepeth his b. Lev. 15. 4. b. whereon helieth is unclean, 24. 1 Sam. 1 9. 13. image in the b.\\ 2 Sam. 4. 5. | 11. 2. 2 Kin. 1. 4. not come down from that b. 6, 16. 4. 10. let us set there for him a i!/. and a table 7^ BEE Job 7. IS.b. shall comfort me] j 17. 13. b. in darkn. 33. 15. God speaketh in shnnberings on the b. Psal. 4. 4. conintnne on your b. \\ 6. 6. b. to swim o6. 4. mischief on his b. || 41. 3. make all his b. 63. 6. remember Ihee on my 6.i|l32. 3. my b. till ' 139. 8. if I make my b. in hell, thou art there Prov. 7. IG.deckt my b. 17.|j22. 27. take || 26.14. JSong 1.16. our b. is green \\3. 1. by nijj;ht on my b. 3. 7. behold his 6. which i> Solomon's|jf P.of wood Isa. 28. 20. b. is shorter || 57. 8. enlarged thy b. Matt. 9. 6. arise, take up thy 6. and go unto th> house, Mark 2. 9, 11. John 5. 11, 1^. Mark4. 21. candle to be put under a 6.Luke8.16. Luke 11.7. children are with me iu b. \\ 17. 34. Rev. 2.22. behold I will cast her into a b. BED of Love. Ezek. 23. 17. uito the b. - BED of Spices. .Song 5. 13. | 6. 2. BED un^e/iled.Heh. 13. 4. honourable and the b.- BED-CHAMBER,s.Ex. 8. 3. frogs came into 6. - 2 Sam. 4. 7. Ish-bosheth :ay in hi- b. - they slew 2Kin. 6. 12.intliy6.-|i 11. 2. hid in, 2 Chr. 22. 11. Eccl. 10. 20. curse not the rich in thy b. - BEDS, s. Psal. 149. 5. sing aloud on their b. Isa. j". 2. re.t in their i.jjHos. 7. 14. howled on b. Amos 6.4. b. of ivory|jMic. 2.1. work evil on b. BEDSTEAD, s. Dent. 3. 11. was a (j. of iron BEDAD, Solitary. Gen. 36. 35. 1 Chr. 1. 46. BED AIAH, The only Lord. Ezra 10. 35. BEDAN, JudgCy or judicature. 1 Sam. 12. 11. BEE, S. Deut. 1. 44. chafed you as 6.||Judg. 14.8. Psal. 118. 12. they compassed me about like b. Isa. 7. 18. Lord shall hiss for tlie b. in Assyria BEELIADA, Aji open idol, or mmter of know- ledge. 1 Chr. 14. 7. BEELZEBUB, the same with BAAI^ZEUB, The prince of deiils. Matt. 20. 25. if they have called the Master B. 12.24. by iJ. 27. Mark 3.22. Luke 11. 15,18,19. BEEN, p'r. 2 Sam. 12. 8. if that had b. too httle Job 3. 13. have slept, then had I b. at rest Psal. 27. 9. thOHha>;t b. my help, 63. 7. \ 94. 17. Isa. 48. 18. then had thy peace b. as a river 49. 21. left alone, these, where liad they b. Luke 24. 21. we tnisted it had b. he || Acts 4. 13. Rom. 9. 29. b. as Sodom||l Tim. 5. 9.|!2 Pet. 2. 21. 1 John 2. 19.if they had 6. of us, nodonbt Hath BEEN. Gen. 31. 5. God- Z-. with me Deut. 2. 7. God- 6. with thee||l Sam. 14. 38.sin-6. 2 Clir. 15. 3.-6. without G. ||Eccl. 3. 15. - b. is now Jer. 22. 21.- b. thy manner 1| Joel 1.2.- this b. ? John 11.39. -6 dead|jRom. 11.34. -b. his counsel. Hace BEEN. 1 Chr. 17. 8. 1 - 6. with thee Ezra 9. 7. - 6. in a trespass] jjob 10. 19. should - b. Psal. 25. 6. mercies-6. ever y 37. 25. - 6. young 42. 3. tears - b. my |ilsa. 1. 9. should - b. as Sodom Isa. 26. 17. so - we b. \\ 18. - b. with child, - b. in 66. 2. all those things - b. saith the Lord Jer. 2. 31. - 1 6. a wilderness |I 28. 8. that - b. bef Hos. 5. 2. - 6. a rebukerjIMah 2. 9. but - b. partial Mark 8. 2.-b.3 days|)Luke 1. 70. - b. since world John 14. 9. - b. so long|jl5. 27. ye - b. with me Acts 20. 18. after what manner I- b. with you 2 Cor. 11. 25. - 6. in the deep||Gal. 3.21. - b. bylaw Not BEEN. Exod. 9. 18. rain hajlsuch as hath - b. ia Egypt 2 Sam. 14. 8. - S.asmyservantDavidJlJob 10.16. Psai. 124. 1. if it had - b. the Lord on our side, 2. 7 BEF Eccl. 4. 3. better than both is he that hath 5, Obad. 16. they shall be, as tho' they had - b. Mat. 26. 24. good for that man he had - b. bora BEER, J tcell ; ox declaring. Num. 21. 16. BEER-ELIM, T/i^tceZ^o/ Elim. Isa. 15. 8. BEERI, WelJs declaring. Gen. 26. 34. EEER-LAHAI-ROI, The well of him that liceth and seeth me. Gen, 16. 14. BEEROTH, Wells explaining, or declaring. Josh. 9. 17. BEER-SHEBA, The well of the oath. It was about 40 miles South-west from Jerusalem. Gen. 21. 14. in wilderness of jB. || 33. grove in B. 22. 19.Ab. dwelt at S.||26.33. name of cit\' isB. 28. 10. Jacob went fiom B. ||46. 1. came to B. Josh. 19. 2. had B. iKin. 19. 3. Elijah came to B. Amos 5. 5. pass not to B. \\ 8. 1 4. the manner ofB. BEETLE, s. Lev. 11. 22. ve may eat, the b. BEEVES, s. Lev. 22. 19. offer of 6. sheep, 21. Num.31.28.levya tribute to theL. of the 6. 38. BEFAL, V. Gen. 42. 4. lest mischief b. him, 38. 49. 1. tell what shall 6. Deut. 31. 29. Dan. 10. 14. Deut. 31.17. many evils and troubles shall 6.them Psal. 91. 10. no evils 6. thee || Acts 20. 22. 4. me BEFALLEN, a. Lev. 10. 19. such things have 6«,> Num.20. 14. travel that hath b.\\%\\ Judg. 6. 13. 1 Sam. 20. 26. Esth. 6. 18. Matt. 8. G3. BEF4LLETH,Ecc. 3. 19. which b. men,6.beast5 BEFEL, r.2 Sam. 19.7. Avorse than all that 6. ti;ee Mark 5. 16. told how it b. \\ Acts 20. 19. b. me by BEFORE, pr. signifies, [l] /n sight of. Gen. 43. 14. [2] In order of time, Isa. 43. 13. [3] In order of place, Josh. 8. 10. .Luke 22. 47. [4] In order of dignity, John 1. 15, 27. Gen. 20. I5.my landis*. thee]j2k45. b.l had done 31. 2. not toward him as b. \\ 43. 14. | 48.20. Josh. 10. 14. no day like that b. it or after it Judg. 3. 2. as b. knew nothing || 16. 20. go as b. 2. Sam. 6. 21. chose me 6. thy father|U0.9.battle6. 2 Chr. 13. 14. battle was 6." and behind, 19. 10. 33. 19. Manas-eh his trespass, b. he was humbled Job 3. 24. sighing Cometh b. I eat |j 10. 21. 6, 1 go Psal. 31. 22. 1 am cut off from b. thine eyes 39. 13. spare me, b. I go hence and be no more 80. 9. preparest room b. itjlll9. 67. b. afflicted I 139. 5. tliouhastset me beb.indand6.||Eccl.7.17. Isa. 9.12. Syrians6.|jl7. lA.b. the morning he is not 43. 13. b. the day was, I am he, and there is none 65. 24. that b. they call, I will answer and hear Jer. 1. 5. b. I formed thee||Ezek.44.12.6.idolsj 22. Hos. 7. 2. doings b. my face || Amos 4. 3. is b. her Mai. 2. 5. was afraid b. my name] [4. 5. b. coming Matt. 6. 8. b. ye ask || 8. 29. b. the time |j 24. 25. Luke 2.26. not see death b. ||23. 12. 6. at enmity John 6. 62. ascend where he was 6.1|7. 51.5i.it hear 13. 19. now I tell you b. it come, 14.29. Acts 2. 31. he seeing this b. spake of resurrection 4.28. to do thy counsel determined b. to be done 10. 41. but to witnesses chosen^, of God, to us Gal. 5. 21. I tell you 6.|jPhii. 3. 1.3. to thinss6. Col. 1. 5. ye heard Wjl Thes.2. 2. suffered ^||3.4. Heb. 7. 18. ^ci}*^ b.\'lO. 15.hehad said 6. this is 2 Pet. 3. 2. words spoken b. \\ 17. things b. beware Rev. 3. 9. worship b. thy feet| 4. 6. full of eyes 6- Come BEFORE. Exod. 22. 9. both parties shall - b. the judge Psal. 190. 2. - b. his presence with thanksgiving BEG BEG JMk. 6. 6. wherewith shall I - b. the Lord? 2 Tim. 4. 21. do thy diUgence to - b. wiuter BEFORE the People. Gen. 23. 12. bowed*. - of Exod. 17. 5. Lord said to Moses, go on 6,-(l34. 10. 1 Sam. 18- 13. he went out, and came in b. - Mark8.6.disciples set them S.-j jLnke 20. 26. words Rev. 10. 11- thou mnst prophesy 5. many peoples BEFORE whom. Gen. 24. 40. Lord b. - 1 walk, will s.end his angels 48. 15. and said, God, b. - my fathers did walk 1 Kin. 17.1. Lord God of Israel liveth, b. -1 stand, 18. 15. 2 Kings 3. 14. Esth. 6. 13. Mordeeai, b. - thou hast begun to fall Dan. 7. 8. and h. - three fell, even of that horn, 20. Acts 26. 26. the king b. also I speak freely See further All, Ark, God, ^c. BEFOREHAND, ad. Matt. 13. U. no thought*. 2 Cor. 9. 5. b. your bounty || 1 Tim. 5. 24, 25. 1 Pet. 1. 11. testified b. tlie sufferings of Christ BEFORETIME, ad. Josh 20. 5. hated him not b. 1 Sam. 9. 9. b. in Israel, prophet was b. called seer 2 Sam. 7. 10. nor afflict as b. || 2 Kings 13. 5. Neh. 2. 1. not been b. sad|| Isa.41. 26. declared b. Acts 8. 9. called Simon, which b. used sorcery BEGAN, V. Gen. 4. 26. b. men to call on the Lord Num. ^5. 1. b. to commit whoredomjjjudg. 20. 31. 2Chiv20. 22. they b. to sing, tlie Lord set ambush. 31. 7. third month they b. to lay the heaps 34. 3. while young h. to seek after God of David Matt. 4. 17. Jesus &. to preach || Mark I4.t72. Luke 1. 70. since the Avorld ^.1|14. 30. 6. to build John 4. 52. b. to amend] |9. 32. Acts 3. 21. Rom. 16.25. 2 Tim. 1. 9. Tit. 1. 2. lleb. 2. 3, at first b. to be spoken by the Lord BEGAT^ V. Prov. 23. 22. father that 6. thee, Jer. 16. 3. Dan. 11. 6. Zech. 13. 3. father and mother that b. him Jam. 1. 18. of his^own will 6. he us [| 1 John 5. 1. BEGET,?;. Gen. 17. 20. twelve princes shall he b. Deut.4.25. when thou shalt b. children, childrens 28. 41. h. sons, "t Kings 20. 18. Isa. 39. 7. Eccl. 6. 3. b. 100 children j| Jer. 29. 6. and b. sons Ezek. IS. 10. b. a son that is a robber, 14. BEGETTEST, v. Gen. 48. 6. [| Isa. 45. 10. BEGETTETH, i;. Prov. 17. 21.!23.24.Eccl.5.14. BEG. Psal. 109. 10. let his children b. Prov. 20. 4. b. in harvestj|Luke 16. 3. h. ashamed BEGGED,2>.Matt.27.58. b. the body,Luke 23. 52. John 9. 8. is not this he that sat and b. BEGG4R,^. BElt BEGUILE, ED, ING, To over-reach by suhtilty, treachery or deceit. To cozen or deceive. Gen. 3. 13. the serpents. me|j29. 25. hast i. me Num.25. 18. have 6. you|) Josh 9.22. ye 6. us 2 Cor. 11.5. but I fear lest as the serpent b. Eve Col. 2.4. lest any man should ^.with enticing, 18. 2 Pet. 2. 14. cannot cease, b. unstable souls BEGUN, p. Num. 1 6. 4fi. plague is b. 47. Dent. 3. 24. b. to shew thy servant thy greatness Esth. 6. 18. hast b. to Fall|| 9. 23. as they had 6. Matt. 18. 24. b. toreckaii|j2 Cor. 8. 10. 6. before Gal. 3. 3. are ye foolish, having b. in the Spirit Phil. 1. 6. he which hath b. a good work in you 1 Tim. 5. 11. when they have b. to wax wanton BEHALF, s. Exod 27. 21. on b. of Israel 2 Sam. 3. 12. Abner sent to David on his b. 2 Chr. 16. 9. shew himself strong in b. of them Job 36. 2. that I have yet to speak on God's b. Rom. 16. 19. I am gJad tliereforeon your b. 1 Cor. 1. 4. 1 thank God on your b. 2 Cor. 1.11. 2 Cor. 5. 12. give you occasion to glory on our b. Phil. 1.29.inX of Christljl Pet. 4. 16. on this 6. BEHAVE, r. 1 Chr. 19. 13. b. ourselves valiantly Psal. 101. 2. 1 will b. wisely ||Isa. 5. 5. b. proudly 1 Cor. 13. 5. love, doth not b. itself unseemly I Tim. 3. 15. thou oughtest to b. in house of God BEHAVED, ETH. 1 Sam. 18. 5, 14, 15, 30. Psal.35. 14. lb. as tho' he had been my friend 131. 2. 1 have b. myself as a child weaned Mic.3.4. astheyi. lUljHos. 12.f3. Jacob ^.princely 1 Cor.7.36. ^.uncomelyljl Thes. 2. 10. b. ourselves 2 Thes. 3. 7. we b. not disorderly among you BEHAVIOUR,* 1 Sam. 21.13. David changed A. 1 Tim. 3. 2. bishop must be of good 6.|)Tit. 2. 3. BEHEADED, p. Dent 21. 6. heifer b. 2 Sam. 4.7. they smote Ish-bosheth, and b. him Matt. 14. 10. b. John, Mark 6. 16, 27. Luke 9. 9. Rev. 20. 4. I saw thesouls of them that were b. BEHELD, pr. Num. 21.9. 6 serpent of brass Num.23.21. not b. iniquity in Jacob||l Chr, 21.15. Job 31. 26. if I b. the sun when it shined, or the Psal. 119. 158. 1 b. transgressors, and was grieved 142. 4. 1 b. but no man r/ould know me Eccl. 8. 17. then I b. all the work of God Isa. 41. 28. b. and there was no man, Jer. 4. 25. Jer. 4. 23. 1 b. the earth and it was without form Mark 15. 47. b. where he was laid, Luke 23. 55. Luke 10. 18. 1 6. Satan |i 19. 41. he b. the city John 1. 14. b. his glory \\ Acts 1. 9.|ll7. 23. as I 6. Rev. 5. 6. 1 6. a Lamb || 11. 12. enemies b. BEHEMOTH, The elephant. Job 40. 15. BEHIND, signifies [IjBac/cirarrf, Judg. 20. 40. [2] After, 2 Sam. 3. 16. [3j Remaining, Lev. 25. 51. [^} Diaregarded, Psal. 30. 17. [5] Unexpected, Isa. 30.21. [6] Past, Phil. 3. 13. [7] Near, Song 2. 9. Exod 10. 26. hoof be left b.\\ 1 Sam. 30. 9. left b. ' 2 Sam. 3. 16. weeping b. her jl 1 Kings 14. 9. Neh. 4. 16. rulers were 6.||9. 26. cast thy law b. Song 2. 9. b. our wall|ilsa.38. 17. sins 6. thy back Mark 5. 27. she came in the press b. j| Luke 2. 43 1 Cor. 1. 7. come b. in no gift||2 Cor. 11.5.J12.11. Phil. 3. 13. forgetting those things which are b. £o\. 1. 24. fill up that which is b. of the afflictions See Before, Him, We, Thee, Them, ^c BEHOLD, interj.'\?> [l] A note of admiration and nitention, Isa. 7, 14.J28. 16. [2] J^' and glad- ¥3 BEH ness. Matt. 21. 5. [3] Obedience, 1 Sam. 22. 1 12. Isa. 6.t8. [4] Asseveration, Gen. 1. 29, I 28. 15. {^53 Exhortation to a provident care, John 19. 27. |_6] Observation atid faith, Isa. 65. 1. John 1. 29. [7] Immediately and unex" pectcd. Rev. 16. 15 | 22. 7. [8] Certainty y Matt. 23. 38. Luke I. 20. Gen. 28. 15. 6. 1 am with theej| 31.51.6. this pillar 40. 6. 6. they weresad|j48. l.^. thy father is sick Exod. 3. 2. b. the bush ]| 16. 4. 6. I rain bread 23. 20. b. I send an angel before thee 24. 8. 3Ioses said, b. the blood of the covenant Num. 20. 1^. and b. we are in Kadesh, a city in 1 Sam. 12. 13. b. the king whom ye have chosen 2 Sam. 9. 6. and he answered, b. thy servant 1 Kings 13. 2. b. a child shall be born unto house 2 Kin. 13. 21. b. they spied a band of men 22. 16. b. I will bring evil on this place 2 Chr. 2(>. 11.6. how they reward us |j 34. 24. Job 36. 5. b. God is mighty, 26.||40. 4. 6. lam vile Psal. 73. 12. b. these are the ungodly who prosper 139.8. if I make my bed in hell, b. thou art there Song 1. 15. b. thou art fair, my love 16. | 4. 1. Isa. 7. 14. b. a virgin shall co.iceive. Matt. 1. 23. 8. 18. b. I, and the children given me, Heb. 2.13. 22. shall look to the earth, and b. trouble 12. 2. b. God is ray salvation|l29. 8. b. he eateth 40. 9. say to the cities of Judah, b. your God 41. 27. the first shall say to Zion, b. b. them 42. 1. b. my servant whom I uphold, mine elect 48. 7. thou shouldstsay, b. I knew thera 65. 1 . 1 said b. me, b. me, to a nation not called Jer. 8.15. looked for peace, and b. trouble, 14.19. 26. 14. as for me, b. I am in your hand, do with Lam.1.12.6. if any sorrow||Ezek. 36. 9. b. I am for Zech. 3. 8.6.1 will bring thy servant, 6. 12. 9. 9. b. thy King cometh unto thee, Matt. 21.5- Matt. 7. 4. and b. a beam is in thine own eye 24 26. say, b. he is in the desart, go not forth Mark 16.6. b. the place|jLuk.e24. 39. 6. my hands John 1. 29. b. Lamb of God, which taketh, 36, 47. b. an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile 19. 5. 6.the man I) Acts 9. 11. 6. he prayeth 2 Cor. 6. 9. b. we live || 1 John 3. 1. b. what love Rev. 3. 20. b. I stand||l6. 15. b. I come, 22. 7, 12. BEHOLD it is. Gen. 16. 14. b. - between Kadesh and Bered Exod. 32. 9. b.-n stiff-necked people|| Josh, 9. 12, Judg. 18. 9. 1 have seen the land, b.- very good Isa. 52. 6. 1 am, he that doth speak, b.-I Ezek. 7. 10. the day, b. - come || 39. 8. b. - come Now BEHOLd, or BEHOLD now. 1 Sam. 12. 2. - b. the king walketh before you 2 Kings 18. 21.- b. thou trustest on the staff Job 16. 19. also -/>. my witness is in heaven Jer. 40. 4. - 6. 1 loose thee this day from chains Acts 20.22. - b. I go bound in the spirit to Jerus., 2 Cor. 6. 2. b. - is the accepted time BEHOLD, V. signifies [Ij To look on. Gen. 31. 51. [2] To think or consider, Lam. 1. 12. Rom. 11. £2. Num. 23. 9. from the hills I ^. him|| 24. 17. Dent. 3. 27. b. it with thy eyes, 1 Sam. 22. + 12. Job 19. 27. eyes shall b. \\ siO. 9. nor place 6. him 23. 9. cannot b. him||34. 29. who can b. 36. 24, Psal. 11. 4. his eyes 6.||7. b. the upright, 37. 37. 27. 4. i>. the beauty 114 6. 8. b. the works of the L- Psal. 59. 4. awake to help and 5.[|66. 7. his eyes 6. 80. 14. from heaven b. and visit tiiis vine 102. 19. from heaven did the Lord b. the earth 113. 6. he humbleth himself to b. the things 119. 18. open thou mine eyes that 1 may b. Prov. 23. 33. tliine eyes shall b. strange women Eccl. 11. 7. a pleasant thing it is to b. the sun Isa. 26. 10. he will not <&. |) 38. 11. shall b. no more 41.23. we may b. itj [63. 15. b. from the habitation Jer. 20. 4. and thine eyes shall b. thy terror 29. 32. nor b. the good I will do for ray people 32. 4. and his eyes shall b. his eyes, 34. 3. 42. 2. but few of many, as thme eyes do 6. us 3. 50. b. from heaven 28. 17,18. 1 40. 4. 1 44. 5. Liam. 1. 18. Z». my sorrowj Ezek. 8. 9. b. the wicked| Dan. 9. \^,.b. our desolation || Obad.tl2. not b. Mic. 7. 9. shall b. his righteousness||lO. shall b.her Hab. 1. 3. to b. grievance || 13. than to b. evil Matt. 18. 10. their angels always b. the face of John 17. 24. may b. my glory || Acts 7. 31, 32. 2 Cor. 3. 7. Israel could not b. the face of Moses 1 Pet.2.12.good works they 6.||3.2. b. your chaste Rev. 17. 8. when they 6. the beast that was, is not BEHOLDEST, ETH, ING. Psal. 10. 14. thou b. all mischief to require it 33. 13. the Lord b. all the sons ofmen||119. S7. Prov. 15. 3. in every place b. the evil and good Eccl. 5. 11. saving the b. of them with tlieir eyes Matt. 7. 3. why b. thou the mote, Luke 6. 41. 27. 55. many women were there b. Luke. 23.49. Mark. 10. 21. Jesus b. him, loved him, and said Luke. 23. 35. people stood b. |j 48. b. smote their Acts 4. 14. and b. man which was healed standing 23. 1. and Paul earnestly b. the council, said 2 Cor. 3. 1 8. ^. as in a glass| |Col. 2.5. b. your order Jam. 1. 23. b. his natural face in a glass, 24. BEHOVED. Luke 24. 46. it b. Christ, Heb.2.17. BEING. Gen. 24. 27. 1 b. in the way, the L. led Exod. 22. 14. not b. with it|)Deut. 32. 31 . /^.judges Psal 49. 12. man b. in honourjj83. 4. b. a nation Luke 16. 23. b. in torments|)John 10. S3, b. a man Eph. 2.20. Christ ^.tlie chief corner-stone || 4.tl 5. BEING,s. Ps. 104. 33.singwhile I have <^.146.2. Acts 17. 28. in him we live, move, and have our b. BEKAH, Half a shekel, Exod. 38. 26. BEL, Lord. A Chaldean idol, sa. 46. 1. B. boweth down, Nebo stoopeth Jer. 50. 2. B. is confounded |) 51. 44. punish B. EELA, Destroying. A city, Gen. 14. 2. BELCH, ETH. Psal. 59. 7. Prov. I5.t2. BELIAL, Wicked; the devil. Deut. 13. 13. certain children of J3. are gone out Judg. 19. 22. sons ofB.||20.13. the children of ^. 1 Sam. 1. 16. daughter of B. |) 2. 12. sons of B. 10. 27. children of B. \\ 25. 17. such a son of B. 25. 25. man of ^.||30. 22. answered men of B. 2 Sam. 16, 7. come out, thou man of B. 20. 1. 23. 6. sons of J5. as thorns || 1 Kin. 21. 10,13. 2 Chr. 13. 7. children of £.||4 Cor. 6. 15. with B. BELIEVE, V signifies, [1] To give Credit, Gen. 45. 26. £23 Barely to assent to gospel truths, Acts 8. 13. Jam. 2. 19. [3] To receive, de- pend and rely on Christ for life and salvation, John 1. 12. I 3, 15, 16. Rom. 9. 33. | 10. 4. (^4] To be fully persuaded, John 6. 69. [5 To hope and expect, Psal. 27. 13. [6] To con- fide in, 2 Chr, 20. 20. [7] To knoxv, John 5 7. 2;. BEL Exod. 4. 5. they may b. the Lord hath appeared 19. 9. that they may hear, and b. thee for ever Num. 14. 11. ere they 6.||2 Chr. 20. 20.Z>.theLord Isa. 43. 10. that ye may know and b. me Matt. 9. 28. b. ye that I am abie}|lS. 6. Mark 9.42, 21. 32. that ye might ^.il27. 42. we will b. him vlark 1.15. b. the gospel||5. 36. only b. Luke8.50. 9. 23. if thou can-t <^.||24. Lord, I b. John 9. 38. 1 1 23. but shall b. those things he saith shall come 24. b. ye receive them, and ye shall have them 15. 32. that we may see and ^.|fl6. 17. which b. Luke 8. 12. lest they Z'.||13. for a while 6.||24. 25. John 1. 7. that all men might b.\\l2. b. on his name 3. 12. how shall ye ($>.|l4. 21. woman b. me jj 42. 5. 44. how can ye b. which receive honour one of 47. not his writings, how shall ye b. my words 6. 29. work of God, that ye b. on him whom he 69. we 6. and are sure that thou art the Christ 7. 5. nor his brethren 6. || 39. h. on him should 9. 35. dost thou 6.1|36. who is he that I might ^. 10. 38. h. the works, that ye may know and &. 11. 15. 1 was not there, to the intent ye may h. 27. 1 h. that|)40. if thou wouldstt. thou shouldst 42. that they may 6.|j48. all men will h. on him 12. 36. h. in the light |) 13. 19. may h. I am he 14. 1. ye 6. in God (| 1 1. 6. 1 am in the Father 16.30. by this we 6. thou ||31. do ye now h. 17. 20. which shall h. on me ]) 21. world may 6. 1 9. 35. he saith true, that ye might h. 20. 31 . Acts 8. 37. 1 b. Jesus Christ is the Son of God 13. 39. all that h. are justified ||4l. in no wise b. 15. 7. Gentiles 6. || 11. we 6. we shall be saved 16. 31. h. on the L. Jesus, and thou shalt be saved 21.20. how many Jews h. || 25. Gentiles which &. 27. 25. I h. God, that it shall be as it was told me Rom. 3. 22. on all that Z'.[|4.11.father of all that h. 4. 24. imputed if we h. \\ 6. 8. h. we shall live 10. 9. h. in thy heart |jl4. how 6. in him of whom 1 Cor. 1. 21. by preaching to save them that 6. 11. 18. there be divisions, and I partly h. it 2 Cor. 4. 13. we h. and speak |j Gal. 3. 22. that h. Eph. 1. 19. to us who h. |) Phil. 1. 29. given to h. 1 Thes. 1. 7. b. in Macedonia||2. 10. in you that h. 4. 14. if we b. that Jesus died and rose again 2 Thes. 1. 10. admired in all that6.||2. 11. b. a lie 1 Tim. 1.16. that should b. \\ 4. 3. of them that//. 4. 10. Sav. of all men, especially of those that^. Heb.10.39. &. to saving of ^oul ||11. 6. must 6. that Jam. 2. 19. devils h. and|jl Pet. 1. 21. do b. in God 1 Pet. 2.7. to you therefore which h. he is precious 1 John 3. 23. we should 6. || 5.13. that ye may b. BELIEVE not, or not BELIEVE. Exod, 4. 1. they will - b. me, nor hearken 8. shall come to pass if they will - b. thee, 9. Deut. 1. 32. yet in this ye did- Z>. the Lord 2 Kin. ] 7. 4. Hke their fathers that did - b. Job 9. L6. yet would I -h. \\ Prov. 26. 25. 6, him - Isa. 7. 9. if ye will - 6. || Jer. 12. 6. h. them - tho' Hab. 1. 5. - b. tho' it be told you, Act=i 13. 41. Matt, 21. 25. why did ye - b. him, Mark 11. 31. 24. 23. lo, here is Christ, h. it -, 26. Mark 13. 21. Luke 22. &7. he said, if I tell you, you will - b. John 3.12. if I told you earthly things, and ye6.- 4.48, except ye see signs and wonders, ye will -6. 5. 38. him ye^. - 1| 47. if ye //,- his writings, how 6. 36. seen me and b. -||64. some of you that b. - 8. 24. &.-that I am he ||45. ye b. me-, 46. % n i\ I BEL John 10. 26. yeZ>. -||37.A.me-]|38.tho'ye5.-me 12. 39. they could - b. because Isaiah said again 47.ifany iiearmy words, and Z».-,I judge him not 16.9. of sin, because ^.-onme|j 20. 25. 1 will- 6. Rom. 3. 3. what if some did - b. shall unbelief 15. 31. may be delivered from them that do- ^. 2 Cor. 4. 4. blinded the minds #f them that b. - 2 Tim. 2. IS.if we b. -, he abideth faithful 1 John 4. 1 . ^. - every spirit, but try the spirits BELIEVED. Gen. 15. 6. heb. in the Lord, and he counted it for righteousness, Rom. 4- 3. Gal. 3. 6. Jam. 2. 23. Exod. 4. 31. the people b. f| 14. 31. b. the Lord 1 Sam. 27. 12. Achish b. David, saying he hath Psal. 27. 13. fainted, unless I had b. || 106. 12. 116. 10. 1 6. therefore, 2 Cor. 4. 13. |j 119. 66. Isa. 53. 1. who hath b. John 12. 38. Rom. 10. 16. Dan. 6. 23. no hurt on him, because he b. in his G. Jonahs. 5. so the people of Nineveh b. God Matt. 8. 13. as thou hast b.\\21. 32. harlots b. him Mark 16. 13. neither b. they |j Luke 1.1. surely b. John 2. 1 1. disciples b. 22. || 4. 50. the man b. 53. 5. 46. had ye b. Moses j| 7. 48. any Pharisees b. 8. 31. that(^. onhim,^ll. 45. | 12. 11. | 16. 27. 17. 8. they have /5>. II 20. 8. saw and A. II 29. yet b. Acts 2. 44. all that 6. || 4. 4. which heard b. 32. 8. 12. Z». Philip II 13. Simon 6.|| 10. 45. | 11.17. 11. 21. a great number 6.||13. 12. then deputy b. 13. 48. many as were ordained to eternal life b. 14. 1. a multitude of both Jews and Greeks b. 23. commended them to the L. on whom they b. 17. 4. some of them b.and \\ 34. certain men b. 18. 8. Crispus b.\\27. b. thro'grace||19. 2. since ye 22. 19. 1 beat them that Z>.|l 27. 11. centurion b. 28.24.^. and some Z». not|| Rom. 4. IQ.b.in hope Rom. 13. 11. salvation nearer than when we b. I Cor. 3. 5. by whom ye b. || 15. 2. b. in vain |j 11. Gal. 2. 16. even we have b. in Jesus Christ Eph. 1. 13. in whom after ye b ye were sealed 2Thes. 1. 10. our testimony among you was b. 1 Tim. 3. 16. b. on in the world, received up into Tit. 3. 8. b. in God |j Heb. 4. 3. b. enter into rest Mawy BELIEVED. John 2. 23. at the passover - b. in his name 4. 39. -of Samaritans 6. onhim II 11. 45. | 12.42. Acts 18. 8. - of the Corinthians hearing i^'-lj 19. 18. BELIEVED not, or not BELIEVED. Gen. 45. 26. Jacob b. them -l|Num. 20. 12. ye b. - Dent. 9. 23. rebelled, and b. him -, nor hearkened 1 Kin. 10. 7. howbeit, I b. - the words, 2 Chr. 9. 6. Job 29. 24. if I laughed on them they b.it - Psal. 78. 22. because they b.-in God, 32. 106.24. ^.- his word II Jer. 40. 14. Gedaiiah/^. - Lam. 4. 12. inhabitants of world would - have b. Matt. 21. 32. and ye b. him-|| Mark 16. 11, 14. Luke 20. 5. why b. ye him - j] 24. 41. b. - for joy Jolm 3. 18. because he hath - b. in the name 6. 64. Jesus knew who they were that b. - 10. 25. and ye ^. - 1{ 1 2. 37. miracles, yet t'ley b. - Acts 9. 26. afraid, and b. - that he was a disciple 17. 5. Jews vihich b. - moved with envy, 19. 9. Rom. 10.14. how call on him in whom they have -b. 1 1. 30. for as ye in times past have - b. God 2Thes. 2. 12. damned who b. -||Heb. 3. IS-iU. 31. Jnde 5. Lord afterward destroyed them that b. - BELIEVERS. ActsS. l4.Z>.artded|jlTim.4. 12. Bl-LIEVEST,f, Luke 1. 20. because thou^. not BEL vs- John 1. 5@. I saw thee under the fig-tree, b. thou ^ 11. 26. beheveth in me, never die, b. thou this ? 14. 10. b. thou not that I am in the Father Acts 8. 37. if thou b.\\26, 27. b. thou the prophets Jam. 2. 19. thou b. that there is one God, thou BELIEVETH, v. Job 15. 22. he b. not that he Prov. 14. 15. the simple 6. every woi'd, but the Isa. 28. 16. he that b. shall not make haste Mark 9. 23, all things are possible to him that b. 16. 16. but he that b. not shall be damned John 3. 15. whoso b, in him should not perish, 16. 18. he that b. on him, is not condemned, but he 36. he that b. hath everlasting life, 5. 24. j 6. 47. 6. 40. seeth the Son and 6. on him hath life, 35. 7. 38. that b. on me, out of his belly shall flow 11. 25. he that b. tho' dead, yet shall he hve, 26. 12. 44. he that b. on me, 6. not me, but in him 46. whoso b. on me', should not abide, 14. 12. Acts 10. 43. b. in him shall receive remission of Rom. 1.16. the power of God to every one that b-. 3. 25. and the justifier of him that b. on Jesus 4. 5. but^.|j9. 33. b. shall not be ashamed, 10. 11. 1 0. 4. to every one that ^.||10. with heart man b. 14. 2. for one b. tliathe may eat all things 1 Cor. 7. 12. wife that b. not || 13. 7. b. all things 2 Cor. 6. 15. what part hath he that b. with infidel 1 Tim. 5. 16. if any man that b. have widows 1 Pet. 2. 6. he that b. shall not be confounded 1 John 5. 1. whoso b. that Jesus is the Christ, 5. 10. he that b. on the Son of God; he that b. not BELIEVING. Matt. 21. 22. b. ye shall receive John 20. 27. be not faithless but6 1|31. b. have life Acts 16. 34. b. in God with all his house || 24. 14. Rom. 15. 13. fiil you with all joy and peace in 6^ 1 Tim. 6. 2 and they that have b. masters, not 1 Pet. 1. 8.b. ye rejoice with joy unspeakable BELL, wS. Exod. 28. 33, 34. | 39. 25, 26. Zech. 14. 20. upon the b. of horses, holiness to L. See Pomegranate. Br:LLOWS, s. Jer. 6. 29. tue b. are bnnit BELLY, s. signifies, [l] That part of the body which contains the bowels. Matt. 15. 17. f2j The womb, Jer. 1. 5. [3] The heart, John 7. 38. [4] The whole man, Tit. 1. 12. [5] Carnal pleasures, Rom. 16. 18. [6] Imvard affections, Song 5. 14. Gen. 3. 14. on thy b. shall thou go, and dust shall Lev. 11. 42. goeth on tiie b. be an abomination Num. 5. 21. b. to .swelijj25. 8. thrust thro' the b. Judg. 3. 21. thrust it in his b. \\ 1 Km. 7. 20. J ob 3. 1 1 . give up ghost when I came out of the h. 15. 2. and fill his b. with the east-wind, 35. 20. 15. God shall cast them out of his b. 20. sureiy he shall not feel quietness in his b. 23. fill his b. God shall cast|[32. 19. Z>.isas^vine Psal. 17. 14. whose /^. thou fillestwith thy hi J 22. 10. tliou art my God from my mother's b. 44. 25. b. cleavethto the earthjj58.t3. astray from 132. til. of the fruit of thy b. I wiil set on Prov. 13. 25.6.ofwickedshallwant||l8. 8.| 26. 22. 18. 20. a man's b. shall be satisfied with fruit 20.27. searching all the inward parts of 6.30. Song 5. 14. b. brii>ht ivory |) 7. 2. b. hke an heap Isa. 46. 3. which are born by me from the b. Jer. 1.5. in6.Iknewthee||51. 34. filled his 6. with Ezek.3. 3. cause thy b. to eatHD.-^n. 2. 32. image's^. Jonah 1. 17. was in b. of the fish. Matt. 12. 40, V » BEL BEN Jonah 2. 2. out of the b. of hell cried I, and thou Hab. 3. 16. when I heard, my b. trembled Matt. 15. 17. goeth into the b. Mark 7. 19. Jjuke 15. 16. fain have filled his b. with the husks John 7. 38. out of lus b. shall flow rivers of water Rom. 16. 18. theirown6.|)l Cor. 6.13./^. for meats Phil. 3. 1 9. whose God is their b. and whose glory Rev. 10. 9. and it shall make thy h. bitter, 10. BELLIES,*. Tit. 1. 12. Cretians areliars,slow6. BELONG, t?. Gen. 40. 8. interpretation^, to God Deut 29. 29. secret things b. to God, revealed b. Psal 47. 9. the shields of the earth b. to God 68. 20. to our God ^. the issues from death Prov. 24. 23. these things also b. to the wise Dan. 9. 9. to the Lord our God b. mercies Mark 9. 41. in my name, because ye b. to Christ Luke 19. 42. the things Avhich b. thy peace 1 Cor. 7. 32. careth for things that b. to the Lord BELONGED, EST. 1 Sam. 30. 13. to whom b. thou, whence art thou 1 Kin. 1. 8. the mighty men which b. to David Luke 23. 7. he knew lie 6. to Herod's jurisdiction BELONGETH,ING,]). Num. 9. 7. service 6. Deut. 32. 35, 6. vengeance, Psal. 94. 1. Heb. 10.30. Jwdg. 19. 14. h. to Benjamin||Ruth 2. 3. b. to Boaz Ezra 10. 4. m.atter b. thee |) Prov. 26. 17. strife b. Psal. 3. 8. salvation 6. unto the Lord €2. 11. twice have I heard, power b. unioGod 12. also unto thee, O Lord, b. mercy Dan. 9. 7. O Lord, righteousness b. to thee 8. to us 6. confusion of face, to our kings liUke9.10.6.toBethsaida||Heb.5.14.strongmeat6. BELOVED, p. is apphed \l^ To Christ, Matt. 3. 17. Mark 1. 11. | 9.7. [2] To the church, Song 5. 1. [3] To particular saints, Dan. 9. 23. [4] To ici/e and children, Deut. 21. 15. Hos. 9. 16. [53 To the new Jerusalem, Rev. 20. 9. Deut. 21. 15. two wives, one b. the other hated 33. 12. the b. «>f the Lord shall dwell in safety Neh. 13. 26. Solomon, who was b. of his God Psal. 60. 5. the b. maybe delivered, 108. 6. 127. 2. his b. sleep \\ Prov. 4. 3. b. of my mother Song. 5. 1. drink O b.\\6 1. b. gonejis. 5. on her i. Dan. 9. 23.greatly b. 10. 11, 19.||Hos.3. 1. | 9. 16. Acts 15. 25. t. Barnabas II Rom. 1.7. in Rome, b. Rom. 9. 25. her 6. which was not 6. II 11.28. |16. 12. Eph. 1. 6. accepted in b.\\6. 21. b. brother, Col. 4.7. Col. 3. 12. holy and 6. 1 1 4.9. Onesimus a 6. brother 14. Luke the b. physician and Demas greet you 1 Thes. 1. 4. knowing b. || 1 Tim. 6. 2. they are 6. Philem- 16. bilt above a sei^vant, a brother b. Heb. 6. 9. b. weave persuaded better things ofyou 2 Pet. 3. 8. b. be not ignovant||15. b. brotJier Paul 1 John 3. 2. 6. now are we the sons of God 21. b. if our heart condemn us not, then have 4. 1. b. believe not every spirit, but ti'y||7. b. let 11. b. if God so loved us, we ought to love 3 John 11.6. follow not that which is evil, but Jude 20. but ye, b. building up yourselves on your Rev. 20. 9. and tJiey compassed the b. city Dearly Beloved, see Dearly. My BELOVED. Song. 1.14.- b. is to me a clusterHl6.|^. 3, 9, 16, 17. 4. 16. let -6. come || 5. 2. voice of- &, 5, 10,16. 6. 2. - b. is gone || 3. 1 am - b. and - b. is 1| 7. 10. 7. 13. which I htive laid up for thee, O - b. Isa. 5. 1. a song of- b. touching his vineyard Jer 11. 15. what hath - b. to do in my house Matt. 3.17. - b. Son, 17. 5. Mark 1. 11. | 9. 7. Luke 3. 22. | 9. 35. 2 Pet. 1. 17. 12. 18. behold - b. in whom my soul is pleased Luke 20. 13. 1 will send - b. son, it may be they Rom. 16. 8. greet Amplias - b. in the Lord 1 Cor. 4. 14. -b. sons || 17. - b. son, 2 Tun. 1. 2. Jam. 1. 16. do not err, - b. brethren. BELSHAZZAR, Master of the treasure. Dan, 2. 26. I 5. 1. I 8. 1. BELTESHAZZAR, Bell keepeth treasure. Dan, 4. 8. BELIF, ED. Prov.30.t9. Jer. 5, 12. BEMOAN, ED, ING. Job 42. 11 they 6, Job Jer. 15. 5. who shall b. thee, O Jerusalem 16. 5. neither go to lament, nor b. them || 22. 10, 31.18. Ephraini b. himself ||48. 17. all ye b. him Nah. 3. 7. Nineveh is laid waste, who will b. her BEN, ^4 son; building, or understanding, 1 Chr. 15.18. BENAIAH, The Lord's building. 2 Sam. 8. 18. 2 Sam. 23. 22. these things did B. 1 Chr. 11. 24. 1 Kin. 1. 32. call jB.|!2. 35. put B. in Joab's room 4. 4. B. over the host || 1 Chr. 4. 36. and B. 1 Chr. 11.31. jB. a mighty man||15. 8.|16. 5, 6. 27. 5. third captain, JB.||14. eleventh month, B. 2 Chr. 31.13. Mahath and B. were overseers Ezra 10. 0,5. B. sonof ParoshllSO. of Pahath-moab 35. B. the son of Bani || 43. B. ;on of Nebo Ezek, 1. 11. 1 saw Pelatiah the sonof ^. 13. BEN-AMMI, The son of my people. Gen. 19. 38. BENCHES. Ezek. 27. 6. made thy b. of ivoiy BEND, V. PsaL 11. 2. wicked b. their bow, 64. 3. Jer. 9. 3. b. their tongue like a bow for Ues 46. 9. that handle and b. the bow, 50. 14, 29. 51. 3. let archers Z>.|iEzek. 17. 7. vine did b. her BENDETH, ING. Psal. 58. 7. Isa. 60. 14. BENEATH, pr. Exod.20. 4. earth b. Deut 5. 8. Exod. 32. 19. he brake the tables b. the mount Deut. 4. 39. earth b. \\ 28.13. and not b. || 33. 13. Job 18. 16. dried up b. ||Prov. 1.5. 24. from hell b. Isa. 14. 9. hell from b. is moved || 51. 6. earth b. Jer. 31. 37. searched Z>.|!John8.23. yearefrom^. ] BENE-BERAK, Sows of lightnirtg. Josh. 19. 45. BENEFACTORS, s. Luke 22. 25. are called b. BENEFITS, s. signifies, [1] God's favours, 2 Chr. 32. 25. [2] The favours of men, 2 Cor. 1. 15. Philem. 14. [3] God's righteous acts, 1 Sam. 12.17. [4] Salvation, 1 Tim. 6. 2. [5] Fa- vour, grace, &c. Psal. 68. 19. j 103. 2. | II6, 12. [6] To profit or do good, Jer. 18. 10. BENE-JAAKAN, The sons of sorrow. Num. 33. 31. Psal. 55. 5. Amos 2. 13. BENEVOLENCE, s. 1 Cor. 7. 3. to wife due 6. BENHADAD, The sons of noise. 1 Kin. 15. 18. Asa sent them to B. 2 Chr. 16. 2. 20. 2. thus saith B.l|16. jB. was drinking himself 20. B. escaped on ahorsel|32. thy servant B. 2Kin.6.24. B. went up and besieged] IB. 7. was sick. 13.3.deiiveredIsraeltoiJ.|]25.tookoutofhandof Jer. 49. 27. fire consume palaces of B. Amos l. 4. BENHAEL, Theson of strength. 2 C\ir.fl7. 7. BENHANAN, Theson of grace. 2 Chr. 4. 40. BENJAMIN, Sonof the right hand. Gen. 35.1 8. called him B.||24. Joseph and .B. 46. 1 9. 42. 36. take B. also || 43. 16. Joseph saw B. 29. BER Gen. 43.34. J5.mess|)44.12. cup found in 5. sack! 45. 14. he fell on his brother B. neck and wept 46. 21. the sons of B. Num. 26. 38, 41. 1 Chr. 7. 6. I 8. 1, 40. 1 9. 7. Neh. 11. 7. 49- 27. B. shall ravin as a wolf, devour the prey Dent. 27. 12. to bless, jB. || 33.12.of ^. Moses said Judg. 5. 14. after thee JS.|| 19. 14. Gibeah to B. 20. 33. Lord smote B. || 21. I. daughter to B. \ Sam. 4. 12. ran a man of ^. || 9. 1. man of ^. 10. 2. border of B. \\ 13. 2. Gibeah in B, 14- 16. 2 Sam. 2. 15. arose 12 of B. || 19- 17. a 1000 of A 21. 14. buried in 5. || 1 Kin. 4. 18. ofl&cer in B. 1 Chr. 7. 10. Jensh and ^.|| 21. 6. Levi and B. 2 Chr. 17. 17. of J?. Eliada || 34. 32. B. to stand Psal. 68. 27. little B. \\ 80. 2. before B. Manasseh Jer. 37. 13. gate of B. 38. 7. \\ Hos. 5. 8. O B. Obad. 19.^. possess Gilead||Zech.l4.10. jB.gate BENJAMIN with Judah. Judg. 10. 9. 1 Kin. 12. 23. 1 Chr. 12. 16. 2 Chr. 11. 3, 12. 1 15. 2, 8. 1 25. 5. 1 31. 1. | 34. 9. Ezra 1. 5. I 4. 1. Neh. 11. 4. 1 12. 34. Ezek. 48. 22. Land of BENJAMIN. Judg. 21. 21. 1 Sam. 9. 16. 2 Chr. 15. 8. Jer. 17. 26. | 32. 34. I 33. 13. I 37. 12. Tribe of BENJAMIN. Num. 1. 37. 1 2. 22. j 13. 9. I 34. 21. Josh. 18. 11, 21. j 21. 4. Judg. 20, 12. iSara. 9.21 | 10.20. 1 Chr. 6. 60, 65. Acts 13. 21. Rom. 11. 1. Phil. 3. 5. Rev. 7. 8. BENJAMITE. Judg. 3. 15. 1 Sam. 9.21. 2 Sam. 16. 11. I 20. 1. 1 Kin. 2. 8. Esth. 2. 5. BENJAMITES. Judg. 19. 16. | 20. 35, 43. 1 Sara. 22. 7. 1 Chr. 27. 12. BENINU, Our sons, or builders. Neh. 10. 13. BENO, His son, or building. 1 Chr. 24. 26. BENONI, Son of my grief, sorrow. Gen. 35.-18. BENT, p. Psal. 7. 12. b. his bow, Lam. 2. 4-1 3.12. Psal.37.14.haveZ>.theirbow to cast down the poor Isa.5.28.all their bows b.\\ 21.15. fled from b. bow Hos. 1 1.{7. b. to backshding || Zech. 9. IS.b. Judah BENZOBETH, Son of separation. 1 Chr. 4. 20. BEON, In affliction ; or swearing. Num. 32. 3. BEOR, A flame ; or mad. Num. 22. 5. 1 24. 3. BERA, IVdt, shewi7ig, or declaring. Gen. 14. 2. BERAIAH, Cherishing of the Lord. 1 Chr. 8. 21. BERACHA, Blessing. 1 Chr. 12. 3. 2 Chr. 20. 26. BEREA, Weighty. A city of Macedonia, Acts 17. 10. BEREAVE, V. Eccl. 4. 8. b. my soul of good Jer. 15.7. 1 will b. them of children, 18. 21. Ezek. 5. 17. and they shall z^'. thee|) 14. 1 15. beasts 36. 12. b. of men, 14. || Hos. 9. 12. 1 will b. them BEREAVED,p. Gen. 42.36. liave ^».|J 43.14. be b. Ezek. 36. 13.6. thy nations || Hos.13.8. b. of whelps BEREAVETH, v. Lam.l. 20. abroad the sword b. BERED, Hail. A city. Gen. 16. 14. BERI, My son ; or pure, chosen. 1 Chr. 7. 36. BERIAH, In fellowship. Gen. 46. 17. BERRIES. Isa. 17. 6. two or three b.\\ Jam. 3. 12. BERYL, s. A precious stone; the eighth in the high-priest's breast-plate. It is a pellucid gem, of a bluish green, found in the Eas^t-Indies, and a- bout the gold mines of Peru. Many virtues are ascribed to it, as that it makes valiant, procures a good wit, love and meekness, kc. Dan. 5.14. I 10. 6. Rev. 21. 20. ' BEKITES, Chosen men, 2 Sam, 20. 14. BES V7 BERTTK, The covenant. Judg. 9. 46. BERN ICE, One that brings victory. Acts 25. 13. BERODACH, Son of death. 2 Kings 20. 12. BEROTHAI, Wall; or a cypress-tree. 2 Sam, Q O BEROTHAH. Ezek. 47. 16. BESAI, Despising ; eggs, ov dirty. Neh. 7. 52. BESEECH, V. Exod.33.18.I ^.thee, shew me thj. Num. 12. 13. heal her now, O Lord, I b. thee Psal. 80. 14. return, we b. thee, O God of hosts 116. 4. O Lord, I b. thee, deliver my soul 1 1 8.25 . save Ib.O Lord, I b.thee send prosperity 119. 108. accept, I b. thee, free-will-offerings Jer. 38. 20. obey, I b. thee, the voice of the Lord Amos 7. 2. forgive, I b. thee, Jonah 1 . 14. | 4. 3. Mai. 1. 9. b. God || Luke 8. 28. 1 b. thee, torment Luke 9. 38. I b. thee, Acts 26. 3. Rom. 12. 1. 1 Cor. 4. 16. 2 Cor. 2. 8. | 5. 20. | 6. I. 2 Cor. 10. 1. I Paul b. you, Gal. 4. 12. Eph. 4. 1. Philem. 9. 10. Heb. 13. 19. but I b. you the rather to do this 1 Pet 2. 11. 1 <^. you as strangers and, 2 John 5. BESEECHING. Matt. 8.5. Luke 7.3.Mark 1.40» BESET, V. Judg. 19. 20. b. the house, 20. 5. Psal. 22. 12. bulls 6. me || 139. 5. thou hast b. me Hos. 7. 2. their own doings have b. them about Heb. 12. 1. the sin which doth so easily b. us BESIDE, S. Gen. 19. 12. any b.\\ 26. 1. famine ^. Lev. 18. 18. b. the other in her life-time 23. 38. b. sabbaths, b. your gifts, b. your vows Num. 5. 20. b. thy husband \\11.6. b. this manna Dent. 29. 1. b. the covenant \\ Josh. 22. 19- b. altar Judg. 6. 37. if it be dry on ail the earth b. 11. 34. b. her had no son nor daughter 1 Sam. 19. 3. b. ray father |1 1 Kin. 10. 13. | 22. 7. 2 Kin. 21. 16. 6. his sin || Psal. 23. 2. b. still waters Songl.8. feed thy kids b. |j Isa. 32.20. sow 6.||56. 8. Lukel6.26.6.allthis, 24.21.j|Pliilera. ig.owest^. BESIDE, pr. Mark 3. 21. said, he is b. himself Acts 26. 24. Paul, thou art b. tliyself, learning 2Cor. 5. 13. whether we be b. ourselves, it is to G. BESIEGE, V. Dent. 28. 52. b. thee in thy gates 1 Kin. 8. 37. enemies b. 2 Chr. 6. 23. |j Isa. 21. 2. BESIEGED. 2 Kin. 19. 24. b. places, Isa. 37. 25. Eccl. 9. 14. king b, || Isa. 1. 8. left as a b. city Ezek. 6. 12. he that is b. shall die by the famine BESODAIAH, Counsel of the Lord. Neh. S. 6. BESOM, s. Isa. 14. 23. with b. of destruction BESOR, Wings; good news. 1 Sam. 30. 10. BESOUGHT, V. Gen. 42. 21. when he b. us Exod. 32. 11. Moses b. the Lord, Deut. 3. 23. 1 Kin. 13. 6. and the man of God b. the Lord 2 Kin. 1.13. captain 6. 1 j 13. 4. Jehoahaz 6. the L. 2 Chr. 33. 12. Manasseh in affliction b. the Lord Ezra 8.23. we fasted and b. our God for this Esth. 8. 3. b. with tears to put away the mischief Jer. 26. 19. did not Hezekiah fear, and b. the L. Matt. 8. 31. devils b. Marks. 10,12. Luke8.31, 32, 34. saw him b. him to depart, Luke 8. 37, 41. Jolm 4. 40. Samaritans b. || 47. i. him to come Acts 13. 42. Gentiles b.\\l6. 15. Lydia6.1)21.12. 2 Cor. 12. 8. for this thing I b. the Lord thrice BEST. Gen. 43. 11. b. fruits 1| 47. 6. b. of land Exod. 22. 5. b. of his own field make restitution. Num. 18. 29. offering of the b. \\ 36. 6- think b. Deut. 23. 16. like him b. \\ 1 Sam. 8. 14. | 15. 9. 2 Sam. 18. 4. seemeth you b. jj2 Kin. 10. 3. look b. BET BET Psal.39.5 . b. state is vanity || Mic. 7. 4 6. as a briar I^Tike 15. 22. b. robe |j I Cor. 12. 31. covet 6. gifts BESTEAD, V. Isa. 8. 21. pass thro' it hardly b. BESTIR, -v. 2 Sam. 5. 24. then 6. thyself BESTOW, ED. Exod. 32. 29. b. on you blessing- Dent. 14. 26. b. money j| 2 Kin. 5. 24. Gehazi b. 1 Chr. 29. 25. Lord h. on Solomon royal majesty 2 Chr. !^4. 7- the things they did b. on Baalim Ezra 7.20. occasion to h. |! Lnkel2.17. h. my fruits John 4. 38. b. no labour || Rom.l6. 6. Mary who b. 1 Cor. 12. 23. ^.abundant honour || 13.3.6. goods 2 Cor. 1.11. gifts. onus||8. 1.grace6. on churches Gal, 4. 11. lest I hav:e b. on you labour in vain 1 John 3. 1. what manner of love Father 6. on us BET AH, Conjidence. A city, 2 Sam. 8. 8. BETEN, T/ie belly. A place, Josh. 19.25. BETHABARA, House of passage. John 1.28. BETAKE. Isa. 14. 1 32. b. themselves to it BETH-ANATH, House of affiict ion. Josh. 19.38 BETHANY, House of obedience ; of the grace of the Lord ; or, of a poor man. A village at the foot of Mount Olivet, Luke 19. 29. BETH-ARABAH, The house of sweetness. Josh. 15. 6, 61. I 18. 22 BETH-ARAM, House of height. Josh. 15.27. BETH-ARBEL, Strong house of amhushment. Hos. 10. 14. BETH-AVEN, House of vanitij. It was either Beth-el, or a place near it. Josh. 7. 2. is beside B. || 1 Sam. 14. 23. over to B. Hos. 4.1 5. nor go ye up to .B. || 5. 8. cry aloud at B. 10. 5. shall fear, because of the calves of ^. BETH-AZMEVETH, House of death's strength. Neh. 7. 28. BETH-BAR AH, The chosen house. Judg. 7. 24. BETH-BIREI, House of my Maker. 1 Chr. 4. 31. BETH-CAR, House of knowledge. 1 Sam. 7. 11. BETH-DAGON, /foMseo/^ com. Josh. 19.27. BETH-DIBLATHAIM, House of dry Figs. Jer. 48. 22. BETH-EDEN, House of pleasure. Amos 1. 5. BETH-EL, The house of God. It was about 12 miles north-east of Jerusalem. Gen. 28. 19. called place B. 35. 15.||31. 13. G. of 35. 1. go up to B. 3. II 6. so Jacob came to B. Judg. 1. 22. up against B. \\ 4. 3. Ramah and B. 21. 19. north side of J5. || i Sam. 7. 16. to B. 1 Sam. 10. 3. going up to B. \\ 13. 2. mount B. iKing. li'. 29.setcalf in B. 33. || 13. 1. came to B. 13. 4. cried against altar in B. || 11. old prophet in 2 Kin. 2. 2. sent me to B. \\ 17. 28. dwelt in B. 23. 15. altar at B. Josiah brake down Ezra 2. 23. men of i?. and Ai 223, Neh. 7. 32. Jer. 48. 13. ashamed of ^.|| Hos. 10. 15. | 12.4. Amos 3. 14. visit altars of B. || 4. 4. come to B. 5. 5. seek not B. 6. jj 7. 13. prophesy not at B. BETH-ELITE. 1 Kin. 16. 34. Hiel the B. did BETH-EMEK, House of depth. Josh. 19- 27. BETHER, Division, or beholding. Song 2. 17. BETHESDA, The house of effusion. JoliuS. 2. BETH-EZEL, My neighbour's house. Mic. 1. 11. BETH-GADAR, A house for a mouse. 1 Chr. 2.51. BETH-GAMUL, House of the camel. Jer. 48. 23 BETH-HACCEREM, House of the vineyard. Neh. S. 14. Jer. 6. 1. BETH-HAN AN, Home of mercy. 1 Kin. 4. 9. BETH-HARAN, House of a hill. Num. 32.36. BETH-JESHIMOTH, House of sorrow, or house of desolations. Jo^h. 12. 3. BETHINK. 1 Kin. 8.47. 2 Chr. 6. 37. BETH-LEBAOTH,HoMse of lionesses. Josh. 1 9.6. BETH-LEHEM, House of bread. A city of Jw dah, about six miles south of Jerusalem. Gen. 35. 19. Rachel died in the way to B. 48. 7. Josh. 19. 15. Judg. 12. 8. Ruth 1. 19. | 2. 4. I 4. 11. 1 Sam. 16. 4. | 20. 6, 28. .2 Sam. 23. 15. 1 Chr. 2. 51. I 4. 4. I 11. 17. 2 Chr. 11. 6. Ezra 2. 21. Neh. 7. 26. Jer. 41. 17. Matt. 2. 1, 6, 16. Luke 2. 4, 15. John 7. 42. BETH-LEHEM-JUDAH. Judg. 17. 7, 8, 9. I 19. 1, 18. Ruth 1. 1. 1 Sam. 17. 12. BETH-LEHEMITH. 1 Sam. 16. 1. 18 | 17. .58. 2Sam.21.19.Ellianan the -B. slew Goliah's brother BETH-MAACAH, House of bruising. 2 Sara. 20. 14, 15. BETH-MARCABOTH, House of horsemen, or of bitterness wiped out. Josh. 19. 5. 1 Chr. 4. 31. BETH-MEON, Dwelling-house. Jer. 48. 23. BETH-NIMRAH, House of rebellion. Num. 32.36. Josh. 13. 17. BETH-ORON, House of anger. Josh. 10. 10. BBTH-¥HEljET,House of expulsion. Jo3h.l5.27. BETH-PAZZEZ,HoMseo/con*nfiow,Josh.l9.21. BETH-PEOR, Ho^ise of gaping. Deut. 3. 29. BETH-PHAGE, The house of the mouth ofvallies, or the house of figs. Matt. 21. 1. BETH-RAPHA, House of health, 1 Chr. 4. 12. BETH-REHOB, House oflibei'iy. Judg. 18. 28. BETH-SAD AI. House of fishing, or of fruits. Matt. 11. 21. Mark 6. 45. Luke 9. 10. BETH-SHAN, House of ivory. 1 Sam. 31. 10. BETH-SHEMESH, House of bondage. Josh. 21. 16. Judg. 1.33. 1 Sam. 6 9,12, 19. BETH-SHITTAH, House of thorns. Judg. 7.22. BETH-TAPPUA, House of an apple-tree. Josh. 15. .53. BETHUEL, Filiation of God. Gen. 22. 23. BETHUL, A virgin. A city, Josh. 194. BETH-ZUR, House of a rock. Josh. 1 5. 58. BETIMES, a signifies, [1] Early, Gen. 26. 31. [2] Seasonably, Prov. 13. 24. [3] Constantly, 2 Chr. 36.tl5. Job 8. 5. seek unto God 6.IJ24. 5. rising b. for prey BETONIM, Bellies. A place, Josh. 13. 26. BETRAY, V. 1 Chr. 12. 17. to b. me to enemies Matt. 24. 10. and shall b. one another, and hate 26. 16. sought opportunity to b. him, Mark 14.11. 21. one shall b. me, Mark 14. 8. John 13. 21. 46. behold lie is at hand that doth b. me Mark 13. 12. brother shall b. brother to death John 6. 64. should b. him ||13. 2. Judas to b. him BETRAYED,p.Matt. 10. 4. Judas b. Mark3.19. Matt. 17. 22. Son of man shall be b. 20. 18. | 26. 2, 45. Mark 14. 4i. 26. 24. wo to that man by whom the Son of man is b. Mark 14. 21. Luke 22. 22. 48. he that b. gave them a sign, Mark 14. 44. 27. 4. sinned in that I have 6.[|Luke 21. 16. be b. John 18. 2. b. himknewll 1 Cor.ll. 23.6. he took BETRAYERS, s. Acts 7. 32. ye have been the 6. BETRAYEST, ETH. Mark 14. 42. lo, he that b. me is at hand Luke 22. 21. hand of him that 6. me||48. Judas b. John 21. 20. Lord, wbich is he that 6. tliee I i y/ BET BETROTH, V. Deat. 2S. 30. Hos. 2. 19, 20. BETROTHED,;;. Exod.21. 8. who b. her, 22.16. Lev. 19. 20. lieth witii a woman ^.iJDeut. 22. 28. ])-cut. 20. 7. b. a wife |j 22. 23. a virgin b || 2(7. BETTER, u. signiiies, [Ij More valuable, Eccl 9. 4, 16, 18. [2] More acceptable, 1 Sam. 15. 22. [3] More able, Dan. 1. 20. [4] Mare convenient, \ Cor. 7. 38. [.5] More easy. Matt. 18. 6. I 6] Moj-e advantageous, Phil. 1. 2o. [r] xl/«re /io///, 1 Cor. 8. 8. [8j More safe, P»al. 118. 8. [0] More comfortable, Prov. 15. 16, 17. [10] More precious, Piov. S. 11. [11] More happy, 1 Pet. 3. 17. Gen. 29. 19. b. give her to thee than to another Exod. 14. 12. b. for us to liave served Egyptians Num. 14.3. were it not b. ^r us to return to Egypt Judg. 8. 2. gleanings of Ephraini b. than |) 11. 25. 1 Sam. 1. 8. 6. than ten sons || 27. 1. nothing b. 1 Km. 2. 32. two men b. than he \\ 19. 4.|21. 2. 2 Kin. 5. 12. 6. than Jordan j| 2 Chr. 21. 13. than Psal. 69. 31. b. than an ox||Eccl. 2. 24. nothing 6. Eccl. 3. 22. is notinng b. \\ 4. 3. 6. than both they 4. 9. two b. tlian one|j7. 10. days b.\\ 10. 11. no 6. Isa. 56.5. name b. than sous || Lam. 4. 9. are b. Ezek. 36. 11. and do b.\\ Dan. 1. 20. ten times b. Hos. 2. 7. 6. than now |J Amos C. 2. 6. kingdoms Nah. 3. 8. art thou 6. than populous No .•• Matt. 6. 26. are ye not b. than they, Luke 12. 24. 12. 12. man 6. than a sheep || 18. 6. 3Iark 9. 42. Rom. 3. 9. are we b. than they, in no wise 1 Cor. 7. 38. doth b. \\ 8. 8- if wc eat are we the b. 9. 15. 6. for me to die || 11. 17. not for b. but PJiil. 2. 3. let each esteem other b. than himself Heb. 1. 4. b. than angels|| G. 9. b. things of you 7. 7. the less is blessed oi'b.\\ 19. of a b. hope did 22. Jesus was made a surety of a b. testament 8. 6. a b. covenant on b. prom.||9. 23. b. sacrifices 10. 34. a b. suhstance||ll. 16. desire a b. country 11. 35. they might obtain aZ). resurrection 40. having provided some b. thiuij for us 12. 24. speaketh (6. things than that of Abel 2 Pet. 2.2 1 .b. for them not to have known the way BETTER is. Prov. 15. 16. b. - little with the fear of the Lord .17. b.- a dinner of herbsj{ 16 li.b.-n little with 17. 1. ^.- a dry morsel||iy. 1. b.- xhe poor, 28. 6, 27. 1 0. for 6, - a neighbour that is near than Eccl. 4. 6. Z». - ah handful with quietness, than 4. 13. b.- a poor wise child|i6. i^'. b.- sight of eyes 7. 8. b.- the end of a thing than the beginning Song 4. 10. how much b. - thvlove than wine Is, or is it BETTER. Judg. 9. 2. whether-/*, for you that all reign 18. 19. -b. to be a priest to one, than a tribe Ruth 4. 15. thy daughter - />. to thee than 7 sons 1 Sam. 15. 22. to obey -b.\\'2S. that - b. than thou 2 Sam. 17. 14. counsel' of Hashai -y.lJEsth. 1. 19. Psal. 6S. S. -b. than life|)84. 10.-6. than a 1000 / 119. 72. the law of thy mouth- />, to me than prov. 3. 14. merchandise ofwisdom-6. 8. 11. 8. 19. my fruit -b. than gold, yea, than fine gold 12. 9. despised -b.\\ 16. 32. slow to anger - b. than 19. 22. and a poor man - b. than a liar 22. 1 1. favour -Z*. 11 27. 5. open.rebuke -b. than Eccl. C. 3. untimely birth - <>.||7. 1. good name-Z>. 7. 3. sorrow - /;. than laughtei', heart is made b. 8. patient in ■spirit - b. than the proud in spirit 8 BEY Eccl. 9.4. living dog -(?'.||16.strength|jl8. weajjon'^ Song 1. 2. love -b. than wine || Luke 5. 39. old-^. Phil. 1. 23. to be with Christ, which is far b. It is BETTER, or BETTER it is. 2 Sam. 18. 3. -b. thou succour us out of the city Psal. llS.S.-b. to trust in the Lord than to put, 9. Prov. 16.l9.b.- to be of an humble spirit 21. 9. -b. to dwell in corner of house, 19. 125. 24. 25. 7. b. - that it be said to thee, come up hither Eccl. 5. 5. b.- not vow |j 7. 2. - b. to go to house 7. 5 -b. to hear the rebuke of the wise than Jonah 4. 3. - b. for me to die than to live, 8. Matt. 18.8. - b. to enter into hfe, Mark 9.43,45,47. 1 Cor. 7. 9. -b. tomarrv|il Pet. 3. 17.-6. to suffer BETTERED,/;. Mat 5.'25. nothing/., but rather BETWEEN, (,r. Gen 3. 15. enmity b. thy seed Gen.9.l6.the covenant b. God and every creature 15. 17. a burnin-y lamp passed b. those pieces 49. 10. nor a law-giver from b. his feet till Shil. Exod. 8. 23. I will put a division b. my people 13. 9. memorial b. thine eyes, 16. Deut. 6. 8. 18. 16. 1 Judged. oneii26. 33. vail divide b. holy Num. 11.33.6. their teeth] |2 8. t4. 6. two evenings Deut. 17. 18. /..blood and blood, 6. plea, /..stroke 33. 12. and he shall dwell /.. his shoulders 1 Sam. 7. 14. peace b. Israel and the Amorites 2 Sam. 19. 35. discern b. good and evil, 1 Kin. 3. 9. 1 Kin. 13. 21. how long halt ye b. two opinions Prov. 18. 18. the lot parteth b. the miglity Jer. 34. 18. they passed b. parts of the calf, 19. Ezek. 34. 17. 1 judge b. cattle and cattle, b. ram Hos. 2. 2. b. her breasts]! Joe! 2. 17. priests weep b. Zech. 6. 13. counsel of peace shall be b.them both 11. 14. 6. Judahjj Matt. 23. 35. slew b. temple John 3. 25. a question 6. John's disciples and Jews Rom. 10. 12. no difference b. the Jew and Greek 1 Cor. 7. 34. difference b. a wife and a virgin 1 Tim. 2. 5. one mediator b. God and men BETWIXT, |r. Job 36.32. Son^l. 13. Phil. 1.23. BEULAH, Married. Isa. 62. 4. BEWAIL, V. Lev. 10. 6. b. the burning the L. Deut. 21. 13. b. her father and mother a month Jsdg. 11. o7. that I may go and b. my virginity Isa. 16. 9. 1 will h. \\ 2 Cor. 12. 21. shall b. riiany Rev. 18. 9. shall b. her, when they see the smoke BEWARE, V. signifies, [1] To take care, Prov. 1 9. 25. (_2] To have singular regard to, Exod. 23. 21. We must beware, [1] Of forgetting God, Deut. 6. 12.]S. 11. [2] Of evil thoughts, Deut. 15. 9. [3] Of things forbidden, Judg. 13. 4, 13. [4] Of duno-ers foretold, 2 Kin. 6. 9. Job 36. 18. [5] Of God's wrath, Acts 13. 40. [6] Of false teachers, Matt. 7. 15. ] 16. 6, 11. [7] Of men. Matt. 10. 17. m Of er.il workers, Phil 3. 2. [9] Of the error of the ivicked, 2 Pet. 3. 17. [10] Of coveiousness, Luke 12. 15. ] 20.46. BEWITCHED, p. Acts 8. 9, 11. Gal. 3. 1. BEWRAY, ETH. Isa. 16. 3. ^. not him that Prov. 27. 16. b. itself]] 29. 24. Matt. 26. 73. BEYOND, pr. Num. 22. 18. 1 cannotgo b. 24.13. . Deut. 30. 13. nor b. the sea|]l Sam.- 20. 22, 36, 37 2 Sam. 10. 16. /». the river, 1 Kings 14. 15. 1 Chr. 19. 16. Ezra 4. 17,20. ] 6. 6, 8. j 7. 21, 2.5. Neh. 2. 7, 9. Isa. 7. 20. | 18. L Zeph. 3. 10. 2 Chr. 20. 2. b. the sea, Jer. 25. 22. ]! Mark 6. 51. BIT 2 Cor. 8. S. and /;. tlieir power the^ were willing 10. 14. for we stretch not b. our measure Gal. 1. 13. h. measurejl 1 Thes.4, 6. no mangoZ». BEZAT, Es:gs. A man's name, Ezra 2. 17. BEZALEEL, In the shadow of God. Ezra 10. 30. KEZEK, Lightening: A city, Judg. 1. 5. BEZER, Munition. A city, Dent. 4.43. BIBBER, s. A dmnkard, Prov. 23. SJO. Matt. 11.19. BICHRI,. First-born, ov fruits. 2 Sam. 20. 1. BID, V. signifies, [1] To invite. Matt. 22. 9. Luke 14. 12. \ 2^ To command, Matt. 14. 28. [3] To wish, 2 John 10. Josii. 6. 10. till the day I b. you shout, then shout 1 Sam. 9. 27. b. the servant pass on before us 2 Kin. 5. 13. if prophet had b. thee || 10. 5. b. us Jonah 3. 2. preach the preaching that I 6. thee Zeph. 1. 7. for the Lord hath b. his guests Matt. 14. 28, b. me come 1| 22. 9. ye find 6.||23. 3. Luke 9. 61. t. them farewell 1| 10. 40. || 14. 12. 1 Cor. 10. 27. if any that believe not b. you 2 John 10. receive him not^nor b. him God speed BIDDEN, p. Matt. 1. 24. did as the angel had b. 22. 3. that were b. to wed.||8. b. were not worthy Luke 7.39. b. him saw itljl4. 24. none b. shall taste BIDDETH, ING, p. 1 Sam. 12. 14. 2 John 11. BIDKAR, Coldness ; alone. 2 Kings 9. 2.'>. BIER,s. 2 Sam. 3. 31. followed the6.|jLuke 7. 14. BIGTHA, A piece of bread. Esth. 1.10. BIGTHAN, Gicmg meat. Esth. 2. 21. | 6. 2. BILDAD, Without love. Job 2. 11. | 8. 1. BILGAH, Ancient countenance. 1 Chr. 24. 14. BILHAH, Old, or fading. Gen. 29. 29. BILL, s. Luke 16. 6. take thy b. and write fifty, 7. BILLOWS, s. Psal. 42. 7. all thy b. Jonah 2. 3. BILSHAN, In the tongue. Ezra 2. 2. Neh. 7. 7. BIND, t\ signifies, [1] To tie up. Gen. 37. 7. [2] To bind with chains, Mark 5. 3. Acts 12. 6. [3] To keep fast or sure, Prov. 3. 3. | 6. 21. 1^43 To engage by vow or promise, Num. 30- 2,9,13. [5] To confirm or ratify. Matt. 16- 19. [6] To cut off from the church, Matt. 16- 19. 1 IS. 18. [7j To distress or trouble, Luke 13. 16. [8] To restrain, Job 28. 11. [9j To comfort and heal, Isa. 61. 1. Luke 4. 18. [10] To instruct, Psal. 10.5.22. Exod. 28.28. they shall b. the breast-plate by rings Num. 30. 2. if a man swear an oath to b. his soul Deut. 6. 8. b. them for a sigiilll4. 25. b. up money Josh. 2. 18. thou Shalt b. this line in the window Judg. 15. 10. to 6. Samson are we, 12, 13. | 16. 5. Job 31. 36. 1 would b. it as a crown to me 38. 31. canst thou b. the, 39. 10. | 40. 13. j 41. 5. Psal. 105. 22. to b. hi< princes at his pleasure 118. 27. 6. the sacrifice with cords to the altar 149. 8. to b. their kings with chains, and nobles Prov. 3. 3. b. them about thy ueck || 6. 21. |) 7. 3. Isa.8.16.6. up the testimony!|49.l8. 6.as bridedoth 61. 1. sent mc to^. up the broken hearted Ezek. 34. 16. b. up broken] |Dan. 3. 20. men to h. Hos. 6. 1. will b. usup||10. 10. b. in two furrows Mic. I.IS. b. the chariot to the swift beast Matt. 12. 29. b. the strong man, Mark 3. 27. 13. 30.Z'. the tares|i 16. 19. b. on earth, 18. 18. 22. 13. b. him hand and foot, take and cast him 23. 4. b. heavy burdens grievous to be born ^lark 5. 3. bo man could b. him with chains Acts 9. 14. to b. all that call j] 12, 8. b. on sandal? 21 . 11. so shall the Jews b. the nVan that owneth BINDETH, ING. Gen. 37. 7. 6. sheaves] |49. 11 • Num. 30. 13. and every b. oath to afflict the soul Job 5. 18. maketh sore and 6. up, he woundetk 28. 11. he b. the floods trom || SO. 18. | 36. 13. Psal. 129. 7. nor he that b. sheaves, his bosom 147. 3. broken in heart, and b. up their wounds Prov. 26. 8. as he that />. astone m a sling, so is Isa. 30. 26. m the day the Lord b. up the breach Acts 22. 4. b. and delivering into prisons men BINEA, The son of the Lord. 1 Chr. 8. 37. BENUI, Building in my house. Ezra 10. 30|1 1.30. BIRD,s. signifies, [Ij A fowl, Jam. ^.7. [2] The corrupt church of Rome, Rev. 18. 2. Gen. 7. 14. every b. intoark||Lev. 14. 52. living b.. Job 41.5. as with a b.\\ Psal. 11. 1. flee as a b. Psal. 124. 7. our soul is escaped as a b. out of the Prov. 1. 17. in sight of b. \\ 6. 5. ] 7. 23. | 26. 2. 27. 8. as a i. that wandereth from her nest, so Eccl. 10. 20. b. tell the matter |) 12. 4. voice ofd. Isa. 16. 2. wandering 6.||46. 11. ravenous b. from Jer. 12. 9. speckled 6.||Lam. 3. 52. chased like a 6. Dan. 4. 33. like b. claws || Hos. 9. 11. |) 11. 11. Amos 3.5. can a b. fall||Rev. 18. 2. every unclean b. BIRDS. Gen. 15. 10. b. divided he not||40.17,19. Lev. 14. 4. two b. alive || Dent. 14.11 clean 6. eat 2 Sam. 21. 10. suffered not the b. to rest by day Psal. 104. 17. where the b. make their nests Eccl. 9. 12. b. caughtySong 2. 12. singing of 6. is Isa. SI. 5. as b flying, so will the Lord defend Jer. 4. 25. b. of heaven j) 5. 27. cage full of 6. Ezek. 39. 4. ravenous Z».||Matt. 8. 20. Luke 9.58. Rom. 1. 23.iraage like b.\\l Cor. 15. 39. Jam. 3. 7. BIRSHA, In evil. Gen. 14. 2. BIRTH, s. is, [1] Natural, Exod. 28. 10. [2] Abortive or untimely. Job 3. 16. Psal. 58. 8. Eccl. 6. 3. [3] Supernatural, as was the birth of Chist, Matt. 1. 18. Luke 1. 14. [4] Figu- rative, for heavy anguish and distress, 2 Kings 19.3. Isa. 37. 3. [p] For deliverance at hand, Isa. 66. 9. [6] For a natural state in sin, Ezek. 16. 3. [7] For regeneration. Tit. 3. 5. [8] Earnest desire for the good of souls, Gn\. 4. 19. 2 Kin. 19. 3. children are come to the b. Isa. 37.3. Job 3. 16. untimely b. Psal. 58. 8. Eccl. 6. 3. Eccl. 7. 1. day of one's b,\\ Isa. 66. 9. bring to b. Ezek. 16. 3. thy b. \\ Hos. 9. 11. fly from the b. Matt. 1. 18. b. of Jesus|)Luke 1. 14. rejoice at his John 9. 1. blind from b. \\ Gal. 4. 19. travail in b. Rev. 12. 2. she cried travailing in b. and passed BIRTH-Day. Gen. 40.20. Mat. 14.6. Mark 6.21. BIRTH-Right. Gen. 25. 31. sell me thy b. - Gen. 25. 33. he swear, and sold his b.- to Jacob 34. Esau despised his^.- 1| 27. 36. | 43- 33. 1 Chr. 5. 1. Reuben's 6.-l|Heb. 12. 16. sold his b.- i^ISHLAM, In peace. Ezra 4. 7. BISHOP, S. signifies, [1] A spiritual overseer, 1 Tim. 3. l, 2. Acts 20. 28. [2] Christ Je- sus, 1 Pet. 2. 25. Phil. 1. l.with the b.\\l Tim. 3. 1. ofl[ice of a b. 1 Tim. 3. 2. a b. must be blameless, Tit. 1. 7. 1 Pet. 2. 25. now returned to the b. of your souls BISHO PRICK, s. Acts 1 . 20. b. let another take BIT, V. Num. 21. 6. serpents 6. Amos 5. 19. BITS, s. Ps. 32. 9. mouth held with b. Jam. 3. 3. BITE, V. Eccl. 10, 8. serpent shall 6. bira, 11. BLA BLA Jer. S. ir. servants, and they shall (^,yon,Amos9.3. JMic. 3. 5. the prophets that 6. with the teeth Hab. 2. 7. 6. thee|(Gal. 5. 15. if ye b. and devour BITHIA, Daughter of the Lord. 1 Chr. 4. 1 8. BITHRON, House of liberty. 2 Sam. 2. 29. KITETHjt'. Gen. 49. 17. Dan an adder, that b. Proy. 23. 32. at the last it b. like a serpent BITHYNIA, Violent precipitation. Acts 16.7- BITTEN. Num. S!l. 9. if serpent had b. 8. BITTER, a. signifies, [1] Sorrowful, Exod. 1. 14. [2] Wickedness, Jer. 4. 18. [3] Peevish or ill natured, Col. 3. 19. Gen. 27. 34. Esau cried w itli an exceeding b.cry Exod. 1. 14. made their lives b. || 12. 8. b. herbs 15.23. waters were Z'.|jDeut.32.24. b. destruction Judg. 18. t 25. b. of soul, Ruth 1. 1 20. 1 Sam. 1. 1 10. I 22. t 2. 1 30. t 6. 2 Sam. 17. t 8. 2 Kin. 4. t27. | 14.26. Esth. 4. 1. with a b. cry || Job 3.t5. have a b. day Job 3. 20. why is life given to the b. in soul.^ 1 3. 26. thou writest b. things against me 23. 2. is my complaint b. |j 27. t 2. my soul b. Psal. G4. 3, to shoot their arrows, even b. words Prov. 5. 4. but her end is b. as wormwood 27. 7. every b. thing is sweet || 31. t 6. b. of soul Eccl. 7. 26. I find more b. than death the woman Isa. 5. 20. b. for sweet |) 24. 9. strong drink b. Jer. 2. 19. evil thing and Z>.||4. 18. |fi. 26. | 31. 15. Ezek. 3.tl4. I went 6. |) 27. 31. with b. wailing Amos 8. 10. as a i(>.day||Hab. 1. 6. that b. nation Col. 3. 19- be not b. against|jjam. 3. 14. b. envying Rev. 8. 11. waters made b. |j 10. 9. thy belly b. 10. BITTER fVater.lNum. 5. 18. the6.'-||Jam. 3. 11. BITTERLY, ad. Judg. 5. 23. curse ye b. Ruth 1. 20. the Almighty hath dealt b. with me Isa. 22. 4. I will weep b. 33. 7. Ezek. 27. 30. Hos. 12. 14. provoked most ^.jjZeph. 1. 14. cry b. Matt. 26.73. Peter went out, wept b. Luke 22. 62. BITTERN, A kind of eagle, Isa. 14. 23.134. 11. Zeph. 2. 14. the b. shall lodge in upper lintels BIl'TERNESS, s. signifies j^l] Extreme indig- nationand ivrath, Eph. 4. 31. [2] Deep anguish and sorrow, Job 7. 11. Prov. 14. 10. Hos. 12. 14. [3] Desperate impiety, Deut. 32. 32. Acts 8. 23. 1 Sam. 1. 10. Hannah was in b. of soul and prayed 15. 32. surely the b. of death is past 2 Sam. 2. 26. sword will be b. in the latter end Job 7. 11.6. of my soul II 9. IS. [ 10. 1. j 21. 25. Prov. 14. 10. the heart knoweth his own b. 17. 25. a foolish son is b. to her that bare him Isa. 38. 15. b. of my soul || 17. for peace I had b. Lam. 1. 4. she is in b. || 3. 1.5. filled me with b. Ezek. 3. 14. I went in b. || 21. 6. 6. sigh I' 27. 31. Zech. 12. 10. b. for first-bom|[Acts 8. 23. gall of b. Rom. 3. 14. whose mouth is full of cursing and b. Eph. 4. 31. 6. be put awaypHeb. 12. 15. root of 6. BIZJOTHJAH, Despite.' Josh. 15. 28. BIZTHA, Despite. Esth. 1. 10. BLACK, a. is applied, [1] To the church in her imperfect state. Song 1. 5. [2] To the afflicted Jews, Lam. 4. 8. | 5. 10. Lev. 13. 31. no b. hair||37. is b. hair grown up 1 King 18. 45. b. with cloud^||Job 30. 30. skin is b. Prov. 7. 9. in b. night || Song 1. 5. 6. but comely Song 1. 6. I am b. \\ 5. 11. locks bushy and b. as Jer. 4. 28. heavens b. \\ 8. 21. 1 am b. \\ 14. 2. Lam. 5. 10. onr skin was b. like |j Ezek. 31. 115, Zech. 6. 2. b. horses, 6. |) Mai. 3. 1 14. walked in b. Matt. 5. 36. canst not make one hair white or b. Rev. 6. 5. and lo a b. horse || 12. sun became b. BLACKER, a. Lam. 4. 8. is b. than a coal BLACKISH. Job 6. 16. b. by reason of tlie ice BLACKNESS, s. Job 3. 5. let the b. of the day Isa. 50. 3. heavens with b.\\ Joel 2. 6. Nah. 2. 10. Heb. 12. 18. not come to 6.||Jnde 13. reserved b. BLADE, s. Judg. 3. 22. Matt. 13. 26. Mark 4. 28. 8/JOMWer-BLADE. Job 31 . 22. arm fall fiom - b. BLAINS, s. Exod. 9. 9. boil with b. 10. BLAME, s. Gen. 43. 9. let me bear the b. 44. 32. 2 Cor. 8. 20. no man should b. us |f Eph. 1.4. BLAMED, p. 2 Cor. 6. 3. Gal. 2. 1 1 . BLAMELESS, a. Gen. 44. 10. ye shall be b. Josh. 2. 17. we will be b. \\ Judg. 15.3. more b. Matt. 12. 5. priests profane sabbath, and are b. Luke 1. 6. walking in ordinances of tiie Lord b. 1 Cor. 1. S. may be b. in the day of our Lord Jesus Phil. 2, 15. b. and harmless |) 3. 6. of the law b. 1 Thes. 5. 23. preserved b.\\\ Tim. 3. 2. Tit. 1. 7. 1 Tim. 3. 10. being found b. \\ 5. 7. may be b. Tit. 1.6. if any be Z». ||2Pet. 3. 14. spot and b. BLASPHEME, v. signifies, [1] To revile, or rail against, or speak evil of God, Matt. 9. 3. Rom. 2. 24. [2] To reproach men, Tit. 3. 2. T/jc Hebrew, 'Naka.h,sig7iiiies to strike, or pierce through, Isa. 36. 6. Hab. 3. 14. [3] To rail against, and deny theworkofthe Holy Spirit out of ma/it-e. Matt. 12. 31. 2 Sam. 12. 14. enemies of the Lord to b. 1 Kin. 21. 10. thou didst 6. God and the king, 13. Psal. 74. 10. b. thy name|| Mark 3. 28. shall b. 29. Acts 26. 11. compelled them to b. \\ 1 Tim. 1. 20, Jam. 2. 7. b. that worthy name. Rev. 13. 6. BLASPHEMED, p. Lev. 24. 11. woman's son b. 2 Kin. 19. 6. have b. me, 22. Isa. 37. 6, 23. Psal. 74. 18. b. thy name, Isa. 52. 5. | 65. 7, Ezek. 20. 27. fathers have b. ||Acts 18. 6. and b. Rom. 2.24. name ofG. 6.|ilTim. 6.1. doctrine not Tit. 2. 5. word of God be not 6.||Rev. 16. 9,11,21. BLASPHEMEST, ETH. Ley.24.16. b. the Lord Psal. 44. 16. for the voice of him that 6. Mat. 9. 3. this man 6.||John 10. 36. say ye thou b. BLASPHEMING. Acts 13.45. contradict and 6. BLASPHEMER, S. Acts 19. 37. not b. of godd. 1 Tim. 1. 13. before a 6.| 1 2 Tim. 3. 2. shall be b. BLASPHEMY. 2 Kin. 19. 3. day of b. Isa. 37.3. Matt. 12. 31. b. not be forgiven, neither in this 26. 65. spoken b. ye heard his b. Mark 14. 64. Mark7.22. heart proceed i.||John 10.33. but for ^. Col. 3. 8. put off malice, ^>.|jRey. 2. 9. 1 knowthe b. Rev. 13. 1. heads name of 6.||6. in b. against God BLASPHEMIES. Ezek. 35. 12. heard all thy 6. Matt. 15. 19. heart proceed 6.i|Mark 2. 7.|3. 28. Luke 5.21. which speaketh6.||Rey. 13. 5. speak b. BLASPHEMOUS, a. Acts 6. 11. b. words, 1 3. BLASPHEMOUSLY, ad. Luke 22. 65. b. spake BLAST, s. signifies, [1] Destruction on thefncits of the earth. Gen. 41. 6. 1 Kings 8.37. [2j God's anger and power. Exod 15. 8. Job 4. 9. [3] The deviVs furious temptations, Isa. 25.4. Exod. 15. 8. with b. of thy nostrils the waters Josh. 6. 5. they make along b. with horns 2 Sam. 22. 16. b. of his nostrils, Psal. 18. 15. 2 Kiu. 19.7. send a 6. on Sennacherib, Isa. 37. 7, •BLE BLE Job 4. 9. by the b. of God they perMi, and by the Isa. 25.4. wiieu the b. of terribie is as a storm ' BLASTED, p. Gen. 41, 6. thine ears b. 23. 27. 2 Kill. 19. 26. as corn b. before grown, Isa. 37. 27. BLASTING, p. Deut. 28. 22. smite tliee with b. 1 Kin. 8. .37. if there be b. mildew, 2 Chr. 6>28. Amos 4. 9. smitten yon with b. and, Hag. 2. 17. BLAZE, c Mark 1, 45. began to b. abroad BLASTUS, A branch, or herb. Acts 12. 20. BLEATING, S. Jiidg. 5. 16. l Sam. 15. 14. BLEMISH, s. Exod. 12. 5. lamb be without b. Lev. 9. 3. i 14. 10. [ '23. 12. Num. 6. 14. Exod. 29. 1. bullock and two rams without 6. Lev. 5. 15, 18. I 6. 6. I 9. 2, Ezek. 46. 4. Lev. 1. 3. offer male without b. 10.J4. 23.|22. 19. 3. 1. whether male or female w-ithout b. 6. 4. 3. bullock without 6. Deut. 17.1. Ezek. 45.18. 28. kid without b. || 21. 17. b. shall not, 21, 23. 22. 20. hath a 6. shall ye not ofter, Deut. 15. 21. 21. in peace-offering an,d free-will-offering nob. 24. 19. man cause a b. in his neighbour, 20. Num. 19. 2. a red heifer without 6. |1 29. 2. 2 Sam. 14. "25. no 6. in Absalom || Dan. 1. 4. no b. Eph. 5. 27. holy, and without b. I Pet. 1.19. BLESS, V. is referred, I. To God, and signifies, [1] To bestoiv outward plenty, Gen. 30. 27. 1 39. 5. [2] To give temporal and spiritual good things, Gen. 12. 2. | 24. 35. Eph. L 3. [3] To make pcrfcctbj happy, Rev. 14. 13. [4] To set apart for holy ttse, Gen. 2. 3. Exod. 20. 11. II. To Christ, and signifies, [1] To pray and give thanks to God, Matt. 14. 19. Mark 6. 41. [2j To pray for others, Mark 10.16. [3] To convert men, and pardon their sins, Acts 3. 26. III. To men, and signifies, [1 j To extol and praise God, Psal. 103. 1,2- [_2"1 To pronounce a pro- phetical benediction. Gen. 27. 4, 25, 30. [3] To salute and wish peace. Gen. 47. 7. [4] To pray for others. Num. 6. 23, 24. Luke 6. 28. j^5] To esteem ourselves happy in having an in- terest in God's favour, Is'a. 65. 16. Jer. 4 2. _6] To boast of outward plenty, Psal. 10. 4. 49.18. [7j To have groundless hopes, Deut. 29. 19. God will bless, f l] Those that trust in him, Psal. 2.12. ['2'] That fear him, Psal. 128. 1. [3] That chouse and draw 7iigh to God, Psal. 65. 4. [4] That know God, Matt. 16. 17. [5] That mourn, Matt. 5. 4. [6] That are poor, Blatt. 5. 3. [7] Meek, patient, Matt. 5. 5. [8] That hunger for Christ, ftlatt. 5. 6. [9] That are compassionate, Matt. 5. 7. [10] That love peace. Matt. 5. 9. [11] That are sincere, Psal. 119.1. \_1'2] That hate sin, and love the ivord, Psal. 1. 1, 2. [13] That are pardoned, Psal. 32. 1. [14] That pity and help the afflicted, Psal. 41. 1. BLESS, God being Agent. Gen. 12. 2. said, I will b. thee^, 3. | 26. 3, 24. 17. 16. 1 will b. her, and give thee a son of her 22. 17. in blessing I will h. thee, Heb. 6. 14. 28. 3. God Almighty b. thee, and multiply thee 32. 26. not let thee go, except thou b. me 48. 16. b. the lads, and let my name be named 49. 25. by the Almiirhty who shall b. thee Exod. 20.24.1 will 6. thee|!23.25. shall 6. thy bread Num. 6. 24. the L. b. thee || 27. b. them |j 24. 1. Deut. 7. 13. b. fruit of thy womb 1| 14. 29.123. 20. 15. 4. L. shalU.thee, 10, 18.|16. 15.|30. 16. 26. 15. b. thy people Israei||28. 8. he shall 6. thee 28. 12. and to b. all the work of thine hand 33. 11. b. Lord, his substance, and except Ruth 2. 4. saying, the L. b. thee, Jer. 31. 23. 2 Sam. 7. 29./;. house of thy servant, 1 Chr. 17. 27. 1 Chr. 4. 10. O that thou wouldst b. me iudeed Psal. 5. 12. thou, Lord, wilt b. the righteous 28 9. save thy people, b. thiue inh.eritance 29. 11. the Lord will b. his people with peace 67. 1. God, even our God, will b. us, 6, 7. 115. 12. he will b. the house of Israel, he will 13. he will b. them that fear the Lord 128. 5. the Lord shall fe. thee out of Zion 132. 15. I will abundantly b. her provision 134. 3. the Lord /> thee out of Zion Isa. 19. 25. whom the Lord of hosts shall b. Hag. 2. 19. from this day .6. you||Acts 3.26. sent to BLESS, God being the Object. Deut. 8. 10 Z/. the Lord, Judg.^ 5. 9. Ps. 103. 21. 8. 10. 21. 3. 1 Kin. 1 Chr. 29. 20. David said, now b. the Lord your Neh. 9. 5. stand up and b. Lord for ever and ever Psal. 16. 7. I'll b. theL. who has given, 26. 12. 34. 1. I will b. the Lord at all times 6S. 4. b. while I iive|| 66. 8. O b. our G. |j 68. 26. 90. 2 sing to the Lord, b. his name, shew forth 100. 4. b. his name, 103. 1, 2, 22. | 104. 1, 35. 115. 18. will b. the Lord from this time, 134. 2. 135. 19. 6. the Lord, O house of Aaron, 20. 145. 1. I will h. for ever|jl0. saints shall b. thee 21. let all flesh b. his holy name forever Jam. 3. 9. therewith b. we God even the Father BLESS, 3Ian Agent and Object. Gen, 27. 4. soul may b. thee|j34. b. me even, 38. 48. 9. bring and I'll b. them|| 20. shall Israeli. Num. 6. 23. shall b. Israel |) ^3. 25. uorb. at all Deut. 10. 8. Levi to b. 21.5. || 24. 13. \ 27. 12. 29. 19. that he b. himself in his heart, saying 2 Sam. 6^ 20. David returned to 6. 1 Chr. 16. 43. Toi sent Joram his son to b. David thatye may b. inheritance of the Lord 1. 47. came to b. king David, 1 Chr. 23. 13. Psal. 62. 4. b. with their mouth|| 109. 28. but b. 1 29. 8. we b. you in the name of the Lord Prov. 30. 11. and doth not b. their mother Isa. 65. 16. b. in the G. of truthj) Jer.4.2.6. in him Matt, 5. 44. b. them that curse you, Luke 6. 28. Rom. 12. 14. b. them which persecute you,*, and 1 Cor.4. 12. reviled we 6.||14. 16. A. with the spirit 10. 16. cup of blessing which we b. is it not BLESSED, 3Ian Agent and Object. Gen. 14. 1 9. Melchisedek b. Abram, and said b. be 24. 60. they b. Rebekah, and said unto her 27. 23. so Isaac b. Jacob and said, 27. 29. and b. be he that blesseth thee 33. I have b. him, yea and || 41. father b. him 28. 1. Isaac b. him||6. as he b. him, Heb. 11. 20. 13. for the daughters will call me b. 55. kissed his sons and daughters^ and b. them 7. Jacob b. Pharoah, 10.||48. 15. he b. Joseph 48. 20. Jacob b. Manasseh|J49. 28. Heb. 11. 21. Exod. 39. 43. Moses 6. them, Deut. 33. 1. Lev. 9.22.Aaron lift up his hands and b. them, 23. Num. 22.6. 1 wot whom thou blessestis b.\\23. 11. Deut. 33. 20. b. be he that enlargeth Gad|| 24. 30. 31. 47. 3^ BLE Josh. 14. 13. Joshua Z». Caleb \\ 22. 6, r. [ 24.10.1 Jud^. .5. '24. b. above womeri|iRnth 2. 19. 6. be he 1 Sam.2.20.Eh6. Eikanah] 25. 33. Z^.be thy advice 26. 25. Saul said, b. be thou, my son David 2 Sam. 6. 18. David Z>. the people, I Chr. 16. 2. 13. 25. howbeit he would not go, but b. hiui 19. 39. the king kissed Barziilai, and b. him 1 Kin. 2. 45 Solomon sha 1 be b. :| 8. 14, 55. 8. 66. congregation b. Solomon, 2 Chr. 6. 3. 2 Chr. oO. 27. priests and JLevites b. tiie people Xeli. 11. 2. people Z'. all that wiiiinsly offered Job 2»r>. 11. ear b. me |i SI. 20. his loins (3. me Psal. 49. IS. b. his soul \\ 72. 17. be b. in him 118. 26. b. be he that cometh in name of the L. Prov. 31. 28 children arise, and call her b. led. 10. 17 b. art thon, O land, when thy king So. g 6. 9. daughters b. her \\ Isa. 66. 3. b. an idol Jer. 20. 14. not the day bei'.|j3-'al.3.12.callyou/>. 3Iark 11. 10.6. be the kingdom, of our father Luke 1. 4K. call me b. \': 2. 34. Snneon b. them Acts20. 35. more 6. to give j! Tit. 2. 13. b. hope Heb.7.1. met Abraham and 6. him, 6.j'7.1ess is b of BLKSSED, God the Agent. Gen. 1. 22.(6. them saying, be fruitful, 28. [ 5. 2. 2. 3. and God 6. the 'seventh day, Exod 20. 11. 9. 1. God b. Noah and hi> sons, and said to them 12. 3. ail families be b. IS. 18. | 22. 18. j 26. 4. I 28. 14. Acts 3. 25. Gak 3.8. 17. 20. ^.Ishmaelj; 2;. 1. Lord i5». Abraham 24. 31. and he said, come in thou b. of tiie Lord 25. 11. after death of Abraham, G.Z'.Isaac, 26.1. \ 26. 29. thou art now the b. of the Lord 27. 27. smell ofa field which the Lord hath b. 30. 27. the Lord hath b. me for thy sake, 30. 32. 29. and he b. Jacob there, 35. 9. | 48. 3. 39. 5. that the Lord b. the Egyptians house Num. 22. 12. not curse, for the people are b. 23. 20. he hath 6. and I cannot reverse it Deal. 2. 7. God hath Z>.tliee, 12. 7.|L5. 14.116. 10. 7. 14. 6. above all people|:28. 3. b. in the field 28. 4. b. ^ha^l be the fruit of thy body, 5. 33. 13. of Josepli ', e said, b. of the Lord be his Josh. 17. 14. forasmuch as the Lord hath b. me Judg. 13. 24. Sam-on grew, and the Lord b. him 17. 2. b. of the Lord, Ruth 3. 10. 1 Sam, 15. 13. Ruth 2. 20. b. be he of the LordiJS. 10. be tliou 1 Sam. 23. 21. b. be ye of the Lord, 2 Sam. 2. .5. 2 Sam. 6. 11. the Lord b. Obed-edom, and all his houshold, 12. 1 Chr. 13. 14. | 26. 5. 7. 29. the house of thy servant be b. for ever 1 Clir. 17. 27. blessest^ O Lord, and it shall be b. 2 Chr. 31. 10. the Lord hath b. his people Job 1. 10. thou hast b. the work of his hands 42. 12. the Lord b. the latter end of Job P.sal. 21. 6. for thou hast made him mostb. 33. 12. b.is the nation whose God Ij 37. 22, 26. 41. 2. Lord will keep him, and he shall be b. 45.2. therefore God hath b. liiee for ever 89. 15. b. the people that know|jl 12. 2.upright 6. 115. 15. you are 6. of the L. Jill 9. 1.6. undefiled 128. 1.6. is every one thatfeareth the Lord, 4. 147. 13. he hath 6. thy children within thee Piov. 5.1 8. fountain be b.\\lO. 7. memory ofjusti>. 20. 21. end not be 6.|i22. 9- bountiful eye be 6. Isa. 1 9. 25. saying, 6. be Eirvpt my people 51.2. for I called him alone, and 6. him 61. 9. thev arc the seed the Lord hath b. 65. 23. BLE ?7ratt. 5.3. b. are the poor, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. 13. 16. b. are your eyes for they see,Lukel0.23. 14.19. he (6. and brake, 26. 26. Mark 6.41. 1 14. 22. 16. IT. 6. art thou, Sinion|!24. 46. 6. that servant 25. 34. come, ye b. of my Father, inherit the ]\IarklO. 16. arms, and b. thcmjjl4.61.sonof the6. Luke 1. 2S. b. art thon among women, ^2, 45. 6. 20. b. be ye poor, for vours is the kingdom 11. 27. b.the womb||12.o7./6. those servants, 38. 14. 14. Shalt bei!'.|il9. 38. 6. be theking|!23. 29. 24 50. he 6. them |[51. while he 6. them Gal. 3.9. b. with AbrahamlJEph. l.S.b. us with all Jam 1. 25. this man shall be b. in his deed Rev. 14. 1.3. 6. are the dead that die in the Lord BLESSED, God the Object. Gen. 9. 26. he said, b. be the Lord, 24. 27. Exod. 18. 10. Ruth 4. 14. 1 Sam. 25. 32, 39. 2 Sam. 18. 28. 1 Kin. 1. 48.|.3. 7.|8. 15, 56. i 10. 9. 1 Chr. 16. 36. 2 Chr. 2. 12. | 6. 4. 9. 8. Ezra 7. 27. Psal. 28. 6. | 31. 21. I 41. 13. I 68. 19. ! 72. 18. j 89. 52.|106.48. |124.6.|135.21.|144. 1. Zech. 11. 5. Luke 1. 68. 14. 20. b. be the most hiirli God who delivered Josh. 22. 33. and the children of Israel 6. God 2 Sam. 22.47. and 6. be my rock, Psal. 18. 46. 1 Chr. 29. 10. David b. the Lord, and said, b. 20. 2 Chr. 20. 26. they b. the Lord, 31. 8. Neh. 8. 6, Neh. 9. 5. b. be thy glorious name, Psal. 72. 19. Job 1.21. 6. be the name of the Lord, Ps. 113. 2. Psal. 66. 20. 6. be God, 68.35.1119.12. 2 Cor. 1.3. Ezek. 3. 12. saying, b. be the glory of the Lord Dan. 2. 19. Daniel ,6. 20. |! 4. 34. Nebuchadnezzar Luke 2. 28. took him in his arms and b. God Jolni 12. 13. b. is the king of Israel that cometh Rom. 1. 25. than the Creator, who is b. for ever 9. 5. who is over all G. b. forever, 2 Cor. 11. 3i. Eph. 1. 3. b. be the God and Father, 1 Pet. 1. 3. 1 Tim. 1. 11. glorious gospel of the b. God 11 6. 15 BLESSED are they. Psal. 2. 12. b. - that put their trust in him 84. 4. b. - that dwell in thy house, they will be 106. 3. b. - that keep judgment at all times 119. 2. b.- that keep his testimonies, and seek Prov. 8. 32. for b. - that keep my ways Isa. 30. 18. b.- that wait for him Luke 11. 28. rather 6. - that hear the word John 20. 29. b.- that have not seen, and yet have Rom. 4. 7. 6. -whose inquities forgiven, Psal. 32. 1. Rev. 19. 9. b. - who are called to marriage-supper 22. 14. b. that do his commandments BLESSED are ye. Tsa. 32. 20. b. - that sow beside all waters ^latt. 5. 11. 6. - when men revile, Luke 6. 22. Luke 6. 21. b. - that hunger, 6. - that weep BLESSED is he. Num. 24. 9. 6.*- that blesseth thee || Psal. 32. 1. P-al. 41. 1. b. - that conshlereth t!ie poor Dan. 12. 12. 6. - that waitcth, and cometh to days Matt. 11. 6. b.- shall not be offended, Luke 7. 2'3. 2J. 9. b.- that cometh in the name of the Lord, 23. 29. Mark 11 9. Luke 13. 35. Luke 14. 15. 6. - that shall eat bread in kingdom Rev. 1. 3. 6. - that readeth, and they that hear 16. 15. 6. - that watcheth, and keepeth 20. 6. b. - that hath part in the first lesuiTection 22. 7. b. - that keepeth sayings of the prophecy ELE BLO BLESSED is the Man. Psal. 1. I. b. - that walketh not in the counsel 32. 2. b. - Lord imputeth not sin, Rom. 4. 8. 34. 8. b. - that tnisteth in him, 84. 12. Jer. 17. 7. 40. 4. <^. - that iTiaketh the Lord his trust 65. 4. b. - whom thou choosest, and causest 84. 5. b - whose strength is in thee 94. 12. &. - whom thou chastenest, O Lord 112. 1. 6. -that feareth the Lord, that deUsihts Prov. 8. 34. b. - that heareth me, watching daily Isa. 56. 2. (6. -that doth this, and the son of man Jam. 1. 12. b. - that endureth temptation BLESSEDNESS, s. Rom. 4. 6, 9. Gal. 4. 15. BLESSEST. Num. 22.6. lChr.17.27. Psal. 6.5.10. BLESSETH. Gen.y7.29. that b. thee, Num.24.9. Deut. 15. 6. thy God h. thee as he promised Psal. 10.3. b. covetous whom the Lord abhorreth 107. 38. he b. them, so that they are multiplied Prov. 3.33. b. habitation of just ||27.14.Z'.his friend Isa. 65. 16. he who b. himself in the earth BLESSING, s. Gen. 12. 2. thou shalt be a Z>. Gen. 22. 17. in b. I will bless thee, Heb. 6. 14. 27. VI. bring a curse on me, and not a b.'^ 35. thy 38. Esau said, hast *hou but one b. my father ? 28. 4. the b. of Abraham || 33. 11. take my h. S9.5.6. of L. was on all || 49. 28. according to his Exod. 32. 29. bestow on you a b. Lev. 25. 21. Deut. 11. 26. I set before you a h. 30. 19. 27. a b. if ye obey the commandments of Lord 29. put b. on mount Gerizim || 12. 15. | 16. 17. 23. 5. the Lord turned the curse into a b. 28. 8. command a b. on store-house || 33 1, 7. oS. 16. let the b. come on the head of Joseph 23. Naphtali full with the b. of the Lord Josh. 15. 19. answered, give me a b. Judg. 1. 15. 1 Sam. 25. 27. this b. thy handmaid || 18. 1 31. 2 Sam. 7. 29. with thy b. let my hou.|)32. 43. 1 Sam. 26. 20. let not my b. fall to the earth ^ Sam. 1.16. David said, thy o. be upon thy head 22. from the b. of the slain, from the fat 3.t28. 1 and my kingdom guiltless from the b. 16. t 7. come out, come out, thou man of b. 8. returned all the 6.||20.1i2.|23. 17. 1 Chr.11.19. 1 Kin. 2. 5. b. on his girdle|j37. thy b. on thy head 18. 28. till b. gushed out upon them 2 Kin. 3. 22. water red as 6.||23. this is b. the kings 9.t26. b. of Naboth || Job 16. 18. cover not 6. Job 39. 30, her young ones also suck up b. Psal. 30. 9.what profit in my 6.||50. 13. b. of goats 58. 10. b. of the wicked || 68. 23. dipped inb. 72. 14. precious their b. be||Prov. 28.17. b. of any Isa. I.tl5. hands full of 6. ||4. 4. purged the b. 9. 5. and garments rolled in b. wash ye 15. 9. the waters of Dimon shall be full of 6. 2G.tai shall disclose her 6. || 33.tl5. | 34. 3. Jer. 2. 34. found b. of poor||] 8.21. pour out their b. 48. 10. sword from 6. ||5l. 35. my b. on Chaldea Ezek. 5. 17. pestilence and b.\\9. 9. land full of b. 16. 6. wast in thy b.\\i9. washed thy 6.|| 38. b. in 18. 10. shedder of 6.|itl3. his b. be on him|jl9.10. 21. 32. thy b. shall be in midst of land, 22. 13. 22. 3. city sheddeth 6.1)23. 37. 6. is in hands, 45. 24.8.sether b. on top of rock||28. 23. send b. into 32. 6. water land with b.\\o5.6.b. shall pursue thee 44. 7. when ye offer my bread, the fat and b. 15. Hos. 1. 4. avenge b. of JezreeI|J4.t2. 6. toucheth b. Joel 2. 30. b. and pillars of smoke. Acts 2. 19. 31. moon shall be turned into b. Acts 2. 19, 20. 3. 21. 1 will cleanse their 6,||Zeph. 1.17. b. poured Matt. 9. 20. an issue of 6. Mark 5. 25. Luke 8.43. 16. 17. flesh and 6. hath not revealed it to thee 23. 30. b. of the prophets, 35- Luke 11. 51. 26. 28. b. of the new testament, Mark, 14. 24. 27. 6. price of ^'.jl 8. field of b. Acts 1. 19. || 24. Luke 13. 1. b. Pilate had mingled with sacrifices 22. 20. new testament in my b. 1 Cor. 11. 25. 44. his sweat was as great drops of b. falling John 1. 13. born not of 6.|)6.54. drmks my b. 55,56. - 19. 34. there came out b. and water, Acts 5. 28. Acts 15. 20. abstain from b. 29. i 21. 25. 17. 26. of one 6. all|| 18. 6. b. on heads || 20. 26. 1 Cor. 11. 27. of the body and b. of the Lord 15. 50. flesh and b. cannot inherit the kingdom Eph. 6. 12. we wrestle not against flesh and b. Col. 1. 20. made peace through the b. of his cross Heb. 2. 14. children are partakers of flesh and b. 9. 7. not without b. which he offered for himself 12. uor b. of goats || 13. b. of bulls and goats Heb. 9. 20. this is the b. of the new testament 22. and without shedding of b. is no remissioo 10. 19. to enter the holiest by the b. of Jesus 11. 28. sprinkling of 6. |1 12.4. not resisted to b. 12. 24. b. of sprink. || 13. 11. whose b. is brought 1 Pet 1.2. sprinkling of the b. of Jesus Christ 1 John 1. 7. the b. of Jesus Christ cleansethus 5. 6. this is he that came by water and b. 8. Rev. 5. 9. hast redeemed us to God by thy b. 6. 10. how long dost thou not avenge our 6 1|12, 7. 14. white in the b. \\ 8. 8. sea became b. 16. 3. 11. 6. turn waters to b. \\ 12. 11. overcame by b. 16. 6. b. to drink || 18. 24. found b. of prophets 19. 2. avenged the b. \\ 13. vesture dipt in b. See Avenger, Revenger. BLOOD be upon. Lev. 20. 9. curseth his father, his 6. - 1| 1 1. incest 13. sodomy] 1 16. bestiality, their b. - them 27. wizard, their (^. -them||Deut. 19. 10. Ezek. 18. 13. I 33. 5. BLOOD, with Bullock. Exod. 29. 12. b. of the - Lev. 4. 5, 7. | 16. 15, 18. Isa. 1. 1 1. I delight not in b. of - or of lambs BLOOD of Christ. 1 Chr. 10. 16. is it not the communion of the b. - Eph. 2. 13. nigh by b. - \\ Heb. 9. 14. b. - purge 1 Pet. 1.19. with the precious b. - as of a lamb 1 John 1. 7. the b. - cleanse th us from all sin BLOOD of the Covenant. Exod. 24. 8. Moses said, behold the b. - Zech. 9. 11. by 6.- have scnt||Heb. 10. 29.113. 20. BLOOD, with eat. Lev. 3. 17. | 7. 26,27.112.14. 1 17.10. Deut. 12. 16, 23.115. 23. 1 Sam. 14. 32. Ezek. 33. 25. ye eat with b. and lift your eyes For BLOOD. Num. 35. 53. 2 Sam. 3. 27. 2 Chr. 24. 25. Psal. 9. 12. Prov. 1. 11,18. | 12. 6. Mic. 7. 2. His BLOOD. Gen. 37. 26. | 42. 22. Josh 2. 19. 2 Sam. 4. 11. 1 Kin. 2. 32. Ezek. 3. 18, 20. II 33. 4, 6, 8. Hos. 12. 14. Zech. 9. t 7. Matt. 27. 25. Acts 20. 28. purcliased with - Z).||Rom. 3. 25.15. 9. Eph.l.7.redemptionthro'-6.Col. 1.14. Heb.9.12. Heb. 13. 12. sanctify with -Zj.yRev. 1. 5. sins in-b. Innocent BLOOD. Deut. 19. 10. that - b. be not shed in the land 13. put away guilt of- b.\\21. 8. lay not- i^. 1 Sam. 19. 5. why wilt thou sin against - b. 1 Kin. 2. 51. take away the -b. that Joab shed 2 Kin. 21. 16. Manasseh shed -b. 24.4. Psal. 94. 21. they gather and condemn the -6. 106. 38. shed -^. even b. of sons, Prov. 6. 17. Isa. 59. 7. haste to shed -b. Jer. 7. 6. j 22. 3, 17. Joel 3. 19. shed -b.\\ Jonah 1 . 14. || Matt. 27. 4^ Shed BLOOD. Gen. 9. 6. by man his b. be -1| 37. 22. said, - no b. Exod. 22. 2. no b.- for him|]3. if sun be risen, b.- Lev. 17. 4. he hath -6. that man shall be cut off Num. 35. 33. not cleansed of b. - 1| Deut. 21. 7. 1 Sam. 25. 26. 1 Kin. 2. 5. 1 Chr. 22. 8. Psal. 79. 3. their 6.- like water|| 10. revenging b. - Prov. 1. 16. make haste to -b'. Rom. 3. 15. Lam. 4. 13. -the b. of tlie just || Ezek. 16. 38. 122. 4, 6. 1 23. 45. | 33. 25. 1 35. 5. | 36. 18. Matt. 23. 55. on you come all the righteons b. - Mark 14. 24. my b. which is shed, Luke 22. 20. Luke 11.50.6. of prophets -||Acts 22. 20. Stephen BLO BOD Rev. IG. 6. for they have - tlie b. of the saints Sprinkle BLOOD. Exod. 29. 16. b. and - it on the altar, 20. Lev. 1. 5, 11. |3. 2, 8, 13.|7. 2. | 17. 6. Nusn. 18. 17. Lev. 4. 6. - b. 7. times, 17.|3. 9.|7. 14. | 16. 14, 19. Num. 19. 4. 2 Kin. 16. 15. Ezek. 43. 18. BLOOD sprinkled. Exod. 24.6, 8. Lev. 6. 27. |8. 19, '2;4,30.|9. 12, 18. 2 Kin. 9. 33. 1 16. 13. 2 Chr. 29. 22. - b. of bullocks, 30. 16. | 35. 11. Isa. 63. 3. b. - on my garment |! Heb. 9. 21. mth BLOOD. Exod. 30. 10. Aaron shall make atonement - b. Lev. 14. 52. -b. of the bird||19. 26. not eat - b 1 Kin. 2. 9 liis hoar liead bring thou down - b. Psal. 106. 38. and the land was polluted - b. Isa. 34. 6. sword tilled - d.\\7. soaked - Z>.||49. 26. Jer. 19. 4. - b. of innocents||46. 10. drunk - b. Lam. 4. 14. polluted - b. \\ Ezek. 38. 22. plead - b. Hos. 6. 8. Gilead is a city polluted - b. Mic. 3. 10. they buildup Zion-Z'. and Jerualem Hah. 2. 12. woe to him that buildeth a town - b. Gal. 1. 16. conferred not -i.||Heb. 9. 22. purged -6. Rev. 8. 7. tire mingled - <^.j|17. 6. drunken - b. BhOOD-guilthiess. Psal. 51. 14. from b.-O God BhOOD-thirsty. Prov. 29. 10. ^.-hate the upright BLOODY. Exod. 4. 25. b. husband art thou, 26. 2 Sam. 16. 7. said, come out, thou b. man 21. 1. the famine is for Saul, and his b. house Psal. 5. 6. the Lord will abhor the b. man 26. 9. gather not my life vvitii b. men 55. 23."Z'. men not hve|| 59. 2. | 139. 19. Ezek.7.23.1and full ot'b. crimes||22. 2. b. city,24.6. Nah.3.1. b. citylJActs 28. 8. Publius sick of <^.liiix BLOOMED, /J. Num. 17. 8. Aaron's rod Z*. BLOSSOM, signilies [1] A flower of a tree or plant i Gen. 40. 10. [2] To put forth into jioivers or blossoms, Num. 17.5. [3jTbmtTms^, flourish, or prosper, Isa. 27. 6. ) 35. 1, 2. Gen. 40. 10. her b. shot forth, and the flusters Num. 17. 5. man's rod whom I choose shall b. ■ Isa.5.24.<^. shall go up as dust|)27. 6. Israel shall b. 35. 1. and b. as the rose || 2. it shall b. abundantly Ezek. 7. 10. the rod hath b. pride hath budded Hab. 3. 17. though the tig-tree shall not b. BLOT, s. signilies [1 j Censure, scorn, reproach, Prov. 9. 7. [2J Unjust s:ain, Job 31. 7. [3] To destroijutttrly, Dent.9. U.\25. 19. l'i]Fu!hj to pardon, Isa. 43. 25. __ Deut. 32.t5. not the b. of his children Job 31.7. any 6.hathcleavedlJProv.9.7.getteth a/^. BLOT, V. Ex. 32.32. b. me out of thy book, 33. Num. 5. 23. b. them out with bitter water Deut. 9. 14. that I may 6. out || 25. 19. | 29. 20. 2 Kings 14. 27. that he would b. out Israel Psal. 51. 1. O God, b, out my transgressions, 9. Jer. IS. 23. nor b. out their sin from thy sight Rev. 3. 5. not b. his name out of the book BLOTTED, ETH, ING. Neh. 4. 5. not sin b. out Psal. 69. 2S. be b. out of book of living, 109. 13. 109. 14. let not sin of his mother be b. out Isa. 43. 25. 1 am he that Z».out transgression, 44.22. Acts 3. 19. repent, that your sins may beZ'. out Col. 2. 14. b. out the hand-writing of ordinances BLOW, s. signifies [1] A stroke, calamity, con- flict, Psal. 39. 10. Jer. 14. 17. [2j The Spi ' rit, in his gracious operations on the soul, Song 4. 16. John 3. 8. Psal.o9.10. consumed by 6.[;Jer.l4.17. grievous b. BLO'«y, I''. Exod. 15. 10. didst b. with thy wind Num. 10. 5. ^. an alarm, 6. 9.|iJiidg. 7. iS.b.^Q Psal. 78. 26. caused east-wind to b. 147. 18. Song 4. 16. b. on my gardenjilsa. 40. 24. b. on them Ezek. 21. 31. I will b. against thee, 22. 21. Hos. 5. 8. b. ye the cornet in Gibeah, cry aloud Hag. 1. 9. when ye broutiht it, I did b. upon it Luke 12.55. south-wind 6.|:Rev.7.1. not b. on earth BLOWETH, verb. Isa. 40. 7. spirit of the Lord b. on it|{54. 16. coals Jolin 3. 8. the wind b. where it listeth BLOWN. Job 20. 6. a fire not Z». I) Mai. I.tl3. BLUE. Exod. 25.4. 6. purple, 26.1,31, 36.|27.16. 28. 31. the robe of the ephod of b. 39. 3, 22. Num. 15.38. put on the fringes a ribband of Z». 2 Chr. 2. 7. to work in b. 14. || Esth. 1. 6. | 8. 15. Ezek. 23. 6. the Assyrians were clothed with b. BLUENESS. Prov.20.30.6 ofa wound cleanseth ] BLUNT, a. Ecd. 10. 10. ifiron be b. and he do BLUSH. Ezra 9. 6. I 6. to lift, Jer. 6. 15. 1 8. 12. BOANERGES, The son of thunder. Mark 3. 17. BOAR. Psal. 80.13 b.owi of the wood doth wa.te BOARD, S. Exod. 26. 29. b. with gold, 36. 34. Exod. 27. 8. hollow with b. 36. 30. |) Num. 3, 36. Song 8. 9. with b. of cedar] jActs 27. 44. on b. came BOAST. 1 Km. 20. 11. noi 6. as he that putteth it 2 Chr. 25. 19 thy heart lifteth thee up to b. Psal. 34. 2. soul make her (^.|J44. 8. in G. we b. all 49. 6. b. in riches||94. 4. workers of iniquity b. 97. 7. confounded be they that b. thems, of idols Prov. 27. 1 . b. not of to-morrow||Isa. 10. 15. ax b. Rom. 2. 17. raakestthy b. of G.||23.(5>. of thelaw 11. 18. b. not against branches, if thou b. thou 2 Cor. 9. 2. for which I b. to them of Macedonia 10. 8. tho'l should Z». somewhat, 13, 16. | U. 16. Eph 2. 9. not of works, lest any man should b. BOASTED. Ezek. 35. 13. 2 Cor. 7. 14. BOASTERS, s. Rom. 1. 30. proud b. 2 Tim. 3. 2. BOASTEST, ETH. Psal. 10. 3. wicked 6.|i52.1. Prov. 20. 14. then he b. \\ 25. 14. b. of a false gift Jam. 3. 5. a little member, and b. great thiiii;s BOASTING, 2)ar. Acts 5. 36. 2 Cor. 10. 15. BOASTING, s. Rom. 3. 27. where is b. then ? 2 Cor. 7. 14. even so our b. is foimd a truth 8. 24. shew ye to them the proof of our b. 9. 3. lest b. should be in vain, 4. | 1 1. 10, 17. Jam. 4. 16. but now ye rejoice in your 6. BOAT, S. John 6. 22, 23. Acts 27. 16, 30, 32. BOAZ, In strength; a pillar. 1 Kings 7. 21. Ruth 2. 1. his name was ^ 19. | 3. 2. [ 4. 1, 13, 21. - 1 Chr. 2. 11, 12. Matt. 1. 5. Luke 3. 32. BOCHERU, First-born. 1 Chr. 8. 38. " BOCHIM, The place of iveeping. Judg. 2. 2. BODY, s. signifies, [1] The material part of man, 1 Cor. 15. 44. [2] Vhe whole man, Rom. 6. 12. 1 12. 1. [3] The substance of a shadow or cere- mony. Col 2. 17. [4j The unreneived part of man, 1 Cor. 9. 27. [5] The church in union with Christ their head, 1 Cor. 10. 17. Col. 1.18. [6J Christ's human Jiature, Heb. 10. 5. Exod. 24. 10. as the b. of heaven in its clearness 1 Sam. 31. 12. took the 6. of Saul, 1 Chr. 10'. 12. Job 19. 17. for the children's sake of my own b. 26. worms destroy this 6.ji20. 25. out of the Psal. 139.tl5. my Z^. was not hid from thee Prov. 5. 11. when thy flesh and b. are consumed BOD Isa. 10. 18. shall consume both soul and b. 51. 23. thou hast laid thy b. as the ground Matt. 5. 29. thy whole b. be cast mto hell, 30. 6. 22. light of the b. is the eye, Luke 11. 34. 23. if eye be evil, whole b. is full of darkness 25. take no thought for your 6. Luke 12. 22, 23. 10. 28. fear notthem that kill the b. Luke 12. 4. 14. 12. disciples came and took b. and buried it 26. 12. she hath poured this ointment on my h. 26. eat, this is my b. Mark 14. 22. Luke 12. 19. 27. 58. he went to Pilate, and begged the b. of Jesus, Mark 15 43. Luke 23. 52. Mark 5. 29. felt in her 6. |) 14. 8. to anoint my b. 14.51. cloth cast about his d. II 15. 45. Luke 23.52. Luke 17. 37. where the b. is, thither the eagles 24, 3. found not the b. of the Lord Jesus John 20. 12. where the b. of Jesus had lain Rom. 6. 6. b. of sin || 7. 4. dead by -"^.of Christj] 24. 8. 10. b. is dead |j 13. mortify deeds of ^. || 23. 1 Cor. 6. 13. now the b. is not for fornication, 18. 19. your b. is the temple of the Holy Ghost 7. 4. no power of her b. \\ 9. 27. under my b. lest 10. 16. the communion of the b. of Christ 11. 27. guilty of the b. and blood of the Lord 11.29. eats damnation, not discerning Lord's 6. 12.12. the b. is one || 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19* 20, 22,23,24, 25, 27- 1 3. 3. give b. to be burned, and have not charity 15.35. with what 6.do they come|| 44. spiritual b. 2 Cor. 5. 8. rather to be Absent from the b. Eph. 3. 6. Gentiles be fellow-heirs of the same b. 4. 12. for the edifying of the b. of Christ 16.from whom the whole 6,titly joined together 5. 23. Saviour of 6. || Phil. 3. 21. change our vile b. Col. 1. 18. head of 6.|)2.11 puttingoff the b. ofsm 2. 17.6. is of Christ II 19. b. by joints and bands 23. a shew of wisdom in neclecting the b. 1 Thes. 5. 23. spirit, soul and b. be preserved Heb.l0.5.a 6.hast thou prepared || lO.oftering of ^. James 2. 16. things which are needful to the b. 26. as the b. without the spirit is dead 3. 2. bridle the whole b. 3. || 6. tongue defileth b. Jude 9. he disputed about the b, of Moses Dead BODY. IjCV. 21. 11. nor go to any - b. Num. 6. 6. Num. 9. 6. defiled by a - 6. 7, 10. Hag. 2. 13. 19. 11. toucheth-Z). be unclean, 16. 2 Kings 8. 5. restored a -Z».|| Isa. 26.19. with my-b. Jer. 26. 23. and cast his - b. into the graves 36. 30. his - b shall be cast out in the day Fruit of the BODY. Deut. 28. 4. blessed shall be Wxa-thy b. 11. plenteous in - b. 30. 9.|| 18. cursed be - b. 53. thou shalt eat the - thy b. in the siege Psal. 132. 11. -% b, set on thy throne || Mic. 6. 7. His BODY. Dent. 21. 23. - b. not remain ah night on tree Judg. 8. 30. Gideon had 70 sons of- b. begotten 1 Sam. 31. 10, fastened - b. to wall of Beth-shan Pan. 4. 33. - b. wet with dew, 5. 21. || 7. 11. 1 10. 6. Luke 23. 55. how - b. || 24. 23. they found not - b. John 2.21. spake of the temple of- 6.|j Acts 19.12. Rom. 4. 19. considered not -h.\\\ Cor. 6. 18. 1 7.4. Eph. 1. 23. - Z'.the fulness |! Phil. 3.21. - glorious b. Col. 1. 24.for-6. sakejIlPet. 2. 24. bare sins in -6, Ln BODY. I^m. 4. 7. they were more ruddy - b. than rubies a BON ^ Rom. 6. 12. let not sin reign in your mortal h. 1 Cor. 5. 3. absent - b.\\ 6. 20. glorify God -your h, 7. 34. holy - 6. and spirit || 12. 25. no schism - b. 2Cor.4.10. bearing -the 6. the dying [|5.6 home -6. 12. 2. whether - b. or out of the b. I can't tell, 3. Gal. 6. 17. bear - b. marks || Phil. 1. 20. Col. 1.22. Heb. 13. 3. as being yourselves also in the b. One BODY. Rom. 12. 4. as we have many members in - b. 5. we being many are - b in Christ, iCor. 10 17* iCor. 6. 16. joined to harlot, is - 6. || 12. 12, 13, 20. Eph. 2. 16. both to God in - 6. || 4. 4. there is - b. Col. 3. 15. to which ye are also called in - b. BODIES. Job 13. 12. your b. like b. of clay Dan. 3, 27. on whose b. the fire had no power Matt. 27. 52. many b. of saints which slept, arose Jolm 19- 31. b. not remain || Rom. 1. 24. || 8. 11. Rom. 12. 1. present your b. a living sacrifice 1 Cor. 6. 15. your b. are members of Christ 1.5. 40. there are celestial b. and b. terrestrial Heb. 10. 22. b. washed with pure water || 13. II. Dead BODIES. 2 Chr. 20. 24. behold they were - b. fallen, 25. Psal. 79. 2. - b. of thy servants given to be meat 110. 6. he shall fill the places with - b. Jer. 31. 40. valley of- b. \\ 33. 5. fill with - b, 34. 20. - h. for meat || 41. 9. Ishmael cast - b. Amos 8. 3. many - b. in every place Rev. 11. 8. their - 6. shall lie i'l the street, 9. BODILY,a.Luke 3.22. holy Ghost ascended in 6. 2 Cor. 10. 10. but his b. presence is weak Col. 2. 9. all the fulness of the Godhead b. 1 Tim. 4. 8. b. exercise profiteth little BOHAN, In them. Son of Reuben, Josh. 15. 6. BOHU, Empty. Gen. I.t2. BOIL, ED. Lev. 8.31 b.Xhc flesh at the door, 1 Kin. 19. 21 . 2 Kin. 6. 29. Job 30. 27. Job 41. 31. he maketh the^eep to.b. like a pot Isa. 64. 2. waters to 6.|iEzek. 2+. 5. | 46. 20, 24. BOILETH, ING. Psal. 45. tl. Ezek. 46. 23. BOISTEROUS, a. Matt. 14. 30. wind h. BOLD, a. Prov. 28. 1. righteous b. as a lion Acts 13. 46. Paul waxed Z».|jRom. 10. 20. Esaias b. 2 Cor. 10. 1. absent, am 6. 2. II 11. 21.1am;$» also Phil.l.l4.moreZ». to speak, 1 Thes. 2. 2. Piiilem. 8. BOLDLY. Gen. 34. 25. came on the city b. Mark 15. 43. came, and went in b. to Pilate John 7. 26 he speaketh b. and tiiey say nothing Acts 9. 27. preach 6. || 29. spake 6. 14. 3. | 18.26. 19. 8. spake b. for the space of tiiree months Rom. 15. 15. 1 have written the more b. Eph. 6. 19. that I may open my mouth b. 20. Heb. 4. 1 6. let us come b. to the throne of grace 13. 6. we may b. say, the Lord is n^y helper BOLDNESS, s. Eccl. 8. 1. Z». of his face shall be Acts 4. 13. b. of Peter|| 29. all 6.|{31. spake with b. 2 Cor. 3 1 12. used great b. \\ 7. 4. great is my b. Eph. 3. 12. b. and access Heb. 10. 19. b. to entei [Phil. 1.20. lTim.3. 13. |1 John 4. 17. b. in day BOILED, p. Exod. 9. 31. and the flax was b. BOLSTER, s.l Sam. 19. 13,16.]26.7,ll,lv,l6. BOLT, ED. 2 Sam. 13. 17. b. the door, 18. BOND, s. signifies, [l^ A7i obligation or vow. Num. 30. 5, 14. [2] Sufferings for Christ and his gospel, Heb. 13.-^. Num. 30. 2. to bind his soul with a b. 3, 4. Ezek.20.37.6.of coveBautyLuke IS. 16. loosed k. EON BOO Acts 8. 23. b. of iniquity j] Eph. 4. 3. b. of peace Co). 3. 14. put on chanty, the b. of perfectness BOND and free. 1 Cor. 12. 13. Gal. 3. 28. Eph. 6. 8. Col. 3. 11. Rev. 13. 16. I 19. 18. BONDS, s. Num. 30. 5. not any of her b. stand 14. he establisheth all her b. which are on her Job 12. 18. he looseth the b. of kings Ps.ll 6.16.1oosed iny 6. II Jer.5.5. burst the 6.30.8. Nah. 1. 13. and I will burst thy b. in sunder Acts 20. 23. that b. and afflictions abide me 23. 29- nothing worthy of death or b. 26. 31. 25.14. left in b. by Felix || 26. 29. except these b. Eph. 6.20. ambassador in b. |j Phil. 1. 7, 13, 14. Phil. 1. 16. affliction to my b. \\ Col. 4. 3, 18. 2 Tim. 2. 9. wherein I suiter trouble even unto b. Philem. 10. whom I have begotten in my b. 13. in the b. of the gospel || Heb. 10. 34. my b. Heb. 11. S6. trial of 6. || 13. 3. them that are in b. BONDAGE, s. signifies, [l] Outward slavery and oppression, Exod. 6. 5. Ezra 9. 8, 9. [2] Spiritual subjection to sin and satan, 2 Pet. 2.1 9. [3] Servile fear, Kom. 8. 15. [4] Corruption and death, Rom. 8. 21. Exod.1.14. bitter with hard 6. 2. 23.|6. 6, 9.| 13. 3. 13. 14. Lord brought us out of the house of b. 20. 2. Deut. 5. 6. | 6. 12.|8. 14. | 13. 5, 10. Josh. 24. 17. Judg. 6. 8. Deut. 26. 6. laid on us hard b. || Neh. 5. 5,18. | 9.17. Isa. 14. 3. give thee rest from the hard b. wherem Rom. 8. 15. ye have not received the spirit of 6. 21. be deUvered from the b. of corruption Gal. 4. 24. gendereth to b. || 5. 1. with yoke of b. Heb. 2. 15. were all their life-time subject to b. In or into BONDAGE. Exod. 6.5. Israel, whom the ELgyptians keep - b. Ezra 9. 8. a little reviving - our b. || 9. - our b. Johns. 33.we were never -Z^.y Acts 77. shall be - b. 1 Cor. 7. 15. a brother or sister not - b. m such 2 Cor. 11. 20. ye sutler if a man bring you - b. Gal. 2. 4. bring us - (^. || 4. 3. were - b. 9. (j 25. is - b. 2 Pet. 2. 1 9. of the same is he brought - b. BOND-MAN.\jen. 44. 33. instead of the lad a 6. Deut. 15. 15. ftiouwasta6. 16. 12. |24. 18, 22. Rev. 6. 1 5. ^ery b. hid themselves in dens BOND-MAID, S. Lev. 19. 20. heth with a 6. Lev. 25. 44. shall be of the heathen, buy ye b. Gal. 4. 22. the one by a b. the other by a free BOND-MEN. Gen. 43. 18. take us for b. \\ 44. 9. Lev. 25. 42. not sold as b. \\ 46. your b. for ever Deut. 6. 21. we were Pharaoh's b. || 7. 8. 1 28. 68. Josh. 9. 23. none of you be freed from being b. 1 Kings 9. 22. of Israel Solomon made no b. 2 Kings 4. 1. take unto him my two sons to be b. 2 Chr. 28. 10. to keep the children of Judah b. Ezra 9. 9. we were b. yet God hath not forsaken Esth. 7.4. sold for b.\\ Jer. 34.13. out of house ofb. BOND-SERVANT. Lev. 25. 39. to serve as a b. BOND-SERVICE. 2 Kin.9.21. levy tribute oi'b. BOND-WOMAN. Gen.21.10.castoutZ>.and her son, for son of b. shall not be heir, Gal. 4. 30. Gen. 21.12. because of /).[ 1 13.son of 6. make nation Gal. 4 23. son of ^>. || 31. not cWdren of b. Bond- Women, see Bond-Men. BONE, s. signifies, \_i] The hard, solid, insensible parts of an a7iimal, affording form and support to the whole fabrick. Job 10. 11. [2] The whole man, Job 20. 11. Psai. 35. 10. [3] Courage and comfort of mindy Psal. 51. 8. [4j Kins- men, Gen. 29. 14. Judg. 9. 2. [5] The nearest ujiion. Gen. 2. 23. Eph. 5. 30. Gen. 2. 23. this is b. of my b. \\ 29. 14. my b. Exod. 12. 46. nor shall ye breaks h. Num. 9. 12. Num. 19.16. toucheth a 6.|! Judg. 9. 2. 1 am your b. 2 Sam. 5. 1. behold we are thy b. 1 Chr. 11. 1. 19. 13. art thou not of my b. and my flesh Job 2. 5. touch his b. |j 19. 20. my b cleaveth Prov. 25. 15. a soft tongue breaketh the b. Ezek. 37. 7. b. to his b.\\ 39. 15. seeth a man's b. John 19. ot>. a b. of hira shall not be broken BONES, s. Exod. 13.1 . Moses took b. of Joseph Josh. 24.32. b. of Jo eph || Judg.19.29. with her b. 2Sam. 21.12. b. of Saul,6. of Jonathan |jl4, buried 1 Kin. 13. 2. men's b. shall be burnt upon thee 2 Kin. 13. 21. touched 6. of Elisha||23. 14, 16,20. 2 Chr. 34. 5. an. are consumed 1 1 32. 3. -&. waxed old 35. lO.all-^.shallsay, Lord||38. 3 no rest in -(6. 42. 10. as with a sword in - b. \\ 102. 3. - b. burnt 102. 5. by reasoa of my groaning, - b. cleave to Isa. 38. 13. as a lion, so will he break all - b. Jer. 20. 9. shut up in - b. \\ 23. 9. all- ft. shake Lam. 1.13. fire in - Z).|| 3. 4. broken -Z».||Hab. 3.16. Their BONES. Num. 24. 8. Israel shall break - b. and pierce lSam.31.13.-6.andburiedatJabesh,lChrl0.12. Lam. 4. 8. skin cleaveth to -b. \\ Ezek. 32. 27. Dan. 6. 24. lions brake -b.\\ Mic. 3. 3. break - b. BON NETS,s. Ex.28. 40 for Aaron's sons make b. 29. 9. 1 39. 28. Lev. 8.13. Isa. 3.20. Ezek. 44.1 8. BOOK, s. signifies, [1] A register wherein things are written, Gen. 5. 1. Esth. 6. 1. [2] The holy scriptures, Psal. 40. 7. Rev. 22. 19. [3] The consciences of men, Dan. 7.10. Rev. 20. 12. [4J God's counsel and purpose, Psal. 139. 16, [5] His omniscience, or careful love and remem- brance, Psal. 56. 8. Mai. 3. 16. [6] His election to life eternal, Rev. 21. 27. BOR BOR Exod,17. 14. write this in a b.\\32.32. blot out ofd. Num. 5. 23. curses in a 6. 1 1 21. 14. 6. of the wars Deut. 17. 18. copy of this law in a Z*. 31. 24. Josh.lO.lS.writtenin the 6. of Jasher, 2 Sam. 1.18. 18. 9. described it into seven parts in a 6. 1 Sam.10.25. Samuel wrote it in 6.|il Km. 11.41. 2 Kin. 2'2.S.b. to Shaphan, 10, 16. 2 Chr.34.15,ia 1 Chr. 9. 1. b. of the kings jj 29. 29. b. of Samuel 2 Chr. 9. 29. b. of Nathau|(12. 15. 6. of Siiemaiah 20. 34.6. of Jehull34. 16. b. to the kins;|i21, 24. Ezra 4. 15. b. of records|)Neh. 8. 5. opeued the 6. Esth. 9. 32. Ptirmi, and it was wriiten in a b. Job Id. 23. printed in a b. \\ 31. 33. written a b. Psal. 40. 7. in the volume of thy b. Heb. 10. 7. 56. 8. tears in thy b.\'69. 28.|jl39. 16. in thy b. Isa. 29. 11. words of a b. that is sealed, 12. 18. the deaf shall hear the words of the b. 30. 8. now go and note it in a b. that it may be 34. 16. seek ye out of the b. of the Lord Jer. 30. 2. write the words in a 6. \\ 32. 1 10, 32. 12. that subscribed the b. of the purchase 36. 2. take a roll of a 6.];10. read in the b. 45. 1. written in a b. |) .51. 60. Jer. wrote in a b. Ezek. 2.9. lo, aroU ofa (^.jiDan. 12. 4. seal theb. Mai. 3. 16. a b. of remembrance was written Luke 3. 4. written in the b. of Esaias, 4. 17. 4. 20. he closed the b. and gave it to the minister 20. 42. in the b. of the psahns, Acts 1. 20. Acts 7. 42. in 6.of prophetsj|Heb.9.10.spnnkled b. Rev. 1. 11. write in a b.\\5. 1. a b. written within 5. 2. worthy to open the^. 3.|jl0. 2.alittle b.open 10. 8. take the little b- |j 9. give me little b. 10. 20. 12. another b. was open, the b. of life|j22. 19. See Covenant. BOOK of the Law. Deut. 28. 61. every plague not written in b. - 29 ^1. curses iii this b. -\\ 31. 26. take tlie b. • Josh. 1. S.b.- shall not departys. 31. 2 Kin. 14.6. 2 Kin. 22. found the b. -l|Neh. 8. 8. read m b.- Gal. 3.10. written in the 6. - to do them BOOK of Life. Phil. 4. 3. whose names are in the b. - Rev. 3. 5. I will not blot his name out of the b.- 13. 8. names are not written in the 6.-17. 8. 20. 12. another 6. opened, which is the b. - 15. was not for.nd written in the 6.- was cast 21. 27. which are written m the Lamb's b. - 22. 19. shall take away his part out of the b. - BOOK of Moses. 2 Chr. 25. 4. did as it is written in the b. - 35. 12. as written in the b. - Ezra 6. 18. Nch. 13. 1. on that day they read m the b. - Mark 12. 26. have ye not read in the b. - how in This BOOK. Gen. 5. 1. Deut. 28. 58. Jer. 25.13. I 51. 6S. John 20. SO. Rev. 22. 7, 9, 10, 18, 19. BOOKS. Eccl. 12. 12. of making 6. no end Dan. 7. 10. and the L were opened, F.ev. 20. 12. 9. 2. 1 understood by b. the number of years John 21.25. the world could not contan^ the b. Acts 19. 19. brought b. \\ 2 Tim. 4. 13. bring b. Rev. 20, 12. judged out of things written in the b. BOOTH, s. Job 27. 18. as a b. thatj Jonah 4. 5. BOOTHS. Gen. 33. 17. Jacob made 6. Lev.23.42.dwellin6.43. Neh. 8. 14.|{16. made 6. BOOTY, lES. Num. 31. 52. Jer. 49. 32. Hab.2.7.befor6. to themyZeph. 1.13. become a 6. BORDER, s. Gen. 49. 13. Zebulonhis 6yExod. 19. 12. Num. 21. 23. | 34. 8. ] 55.26. Deut. 12. 20. when the Lord shall enlarge thy b- Josh. 22. 25. Jordan b.\\2A.80. buried Joshua in b. 2 Sam. 8. 3, recover his b. at the river Euphrates 1 Kin. 4, 21. reigned to b. of Egypt, 2 Chr. 9. 26. 2 Kin. 3. 21. all that were able stood in the b. Psal 78. 54. brought them to b. of sanctuary Prov.l 5.25.6. ofwidowyisa. 37. 24. height of his b. Jer. 31. 17. children shall come again to their b. Ezek. 11. 10. 6. of Israel, 11. \\ 47. 13. Joel 3. 6. Amos 1. 13. that they might enlarge their b. 6. 2. their 6. greater, Obad. 7. Zeph. 2. 8. Mai. 1. 4. call them the b. of wickednessy5. Israel See East, South. BORDER Exod. 25. 25. golden crown to the b, Mark 6- 56. touch but b. of garment, Luke 8. 44. BORDER, verb. Zech. 9. 2. Hamath also shall b. BORDERS. Gen. 23. 17. trees in 6.yExod. 16.35. Num. 20. 17. passed thy b. 21. 22.y2 Kin. 19. 23. Psal. 74.17. b. of the earthyi47.l4. peace in thy 6. tsa. 54. 12. I will make thy b. of pleasant stones Jer. 15. 15. forall thy sins, even in all thy b. Ezek. 45. 1. holy in aU the b.\\Mic. 5.6. Matt. 4.13. BORDERS. Num. 15.38. fringes in b. 1 Kin,7.28. 2 Kin. 16. 17. Ahaz cut off the b. of the bases Song 1. 11. we will make thee b. of gold Matt. 23. 5. enlarge the b. of their gannents '' BORE, V. Exod. 21- 6- Job 40.124. | 41. 2. BORED, p. Judg.l6.t21. 2 Kings 12.9. BORN,;>. is taken, [I] Nuturalhj^ for being brought into the world, Gen. 22.20. Job 1.2. [2] Super-naturally, as was Isaac, Gen. 17. 17. Christ, Luke 1.35. [3 1 Spiritually, regenerated by the spirit and grace of God, John 1. 13. BORN again. John 3. 3, 5, 7. 1 Pet. 1. 23. See FiRST-feorn, Witness. BORN, for brought forth. Gen. 17, 17. a child b. to him 100 years old, 21. 5. 21.7. b. himason|j24. 15. Rebekah b. toBethuel 29. 34. b. three soosy30. 20. b. six sonsy 31. 43. Lev. 12.7. 6. a maleyi9. 34. as one b. among you Judg. 13. 8. what do to the child b. \\ 18. 29. 1 Sam. 2. 5. barren hath b. seven y 4. 20. b. a son 2 Sam. 12. 14. child b. surely die || 1 Kings 1 3. 2. 1 Chr. 7. 21. men of Gath 6.|l22. 9. behold'a son b. Job 3. 3. day perish I was b. \\ 5. 7. b. to trouble 11. 12.6. wild asses col tj ,115. 7. first man 6.y38. 21. Psal. 58. 3. astray as soon as 6.y78. 6. should be b. 87. 4. this man was b. there, 6.y 5. that man b, Prov. 17. 17. a brother is b. for adversity Eccl. 3. 2. a time to be 6,|i4. 14, b. in hib kingdom Isa.9.6. to us a child is b.\\66. 8. nation b. at once Jer. 15. 9.b. seven || 10. b. a man of strife 1| 16. 3. 20. 14. cursed be day I was6.||22. 26. not b. die Ezek. 16.4. in day th. 14.|25. 4. Matt. 11- 11. Luke 7. 28. BORN. Exod. 2.5. 14. ark b. with them \\ 2rf. Judg. 16. 29 pillars on which the house was b. Job 34. 31 b. ciiastisement |1 Psal. 55. 12. | 69. 7. Isa. 46. 3. b. from the belly || 53. 4. b. our gnefs 66. Vl.b. upon her sides |)Jer. 10. 3. must be b. Lam. 3. 28. 6, it upon hini|j5. 7. b. the iniquities Ezek. 1 6. 58. b. thy lewdness||32.'^4.|36. 6.|:)9. 26. Amos 5. 26. ye have b. the tabernacle of Moloch Matt. 20. 12. b. tne burden|| 23. 4. Luke 11. 46. Mark 2. 3. b. of four |j John 20. 15. b. him hence Acts 21.35. b. ofsoldiers|jl Cor. 1 5.49. b. the image Rev. 2.3.hast b. and hast patience, and not fainted BORROW, ED, ER, ETH. Exod. 3. 22. woman b. of her neighbour, 11. 2, 12. 35. 6. of the Egyptians] |22. 14 man b. ought Deut. 15. 6. shall lend butshalt not b. 28. 12. 2 Kin. 4. 3. b. vessels || 6.5 alas, master, it was 6. IS eh. 5. 4. we have b. money for the king's tribute Psal 37 21 . the wicked /^.||Prov.22.7. b. is servant Lsa. 24. 2. lender, so with the b. \\ Matt. 5. 42. B08CATH, In poverty. 2 Kings 22. 1. BOSOM, s. signifies, [l] The breast, the heart, Exod. 4. 6. [2 J God's tender care and love to his people, Isa. 40. 11. [3] Union and mutual love, John 1. 18. [4] Heaven, which is a place of rest and delip^ht, Luke 16. 22. Gen 16.5. maid mto thy (^.jjExod. 4.6. hand in 6. 7. Nuiu. 11. 12. shouldst !»ay, carry them in thy b. Deut. 13. 6. wife of thy Z*. 28.54.|j56. husband oUb. Ruth 4. 16. Naomi laid the child in her b. 2 Sam. 12.3. lav in his b. |) 8. wives into thy b. 1 Kin. 1. 2. he m thy b. \\ 3. 20. | 17. 19.|22. t 35. Job 31. SS. by hiding mine iniquity in my b. P^al. 35. 13. my prayer returned into my own^. 74. 11. pluck thy right-hand out of thy b. 79. 12. and render seven-told into then- b. 89. 50. 1 do bear in my b. the reproach||129. 7. Prov 5.20. b. of a Btrangeij|6. 27. take fire in his b. 17. 23. gift out of the b.\\\9.2^. hand m b. 26. 15. 21. l-^. a reward in the ^|)Eccl. 7. 9. b. of fools Isa. 40. 11. carry them in his jj 49. t 22. sons in b. 65. 6. recompense into their 6. |j 7. work into b. Jer. 32. 18. b. of children] [Lam. 2.12. mother's b. Mic. 7. 5. keep from her that heth in thy b. Luke 6. 38. your b. || 16. 22. Abraham's b. 23. John 1.18. which is in the b. of the Father 1" 23. there was leaning on Jesus b. a disciple BOSOR, Takbis: away. 2 Pet. 2. 15. ' BOSSES, s. Job I'l. 26. thick b. of his buckler BOTCH, s. Deut. 28. 27. smite with b. 35. SOTIi. Gen. 2. 25.*. naked jj 3. 7. oi b. opened BOU Gen.19.38. ^». with child||21. 27. h. of them made a 22. 8. so they went6.||27. 45. deprived of you b. 31. 37. judge betwixt us b jjExod. 22.9. b. parties Lev. 20. 11. b. be put to death, 12. Deut. 22. 22. Num. 12. 5. 6. came || 25. 8. and thrust b. thro' Deut. 19.7. b. men shall stand before the Lord 1 Sam. 2. 32. shalldie6.|)9,i6. wentout*. of them 20. 42. sworn b. of usjjJob 9. 33. lay hand on b. Prov. 17. 15. 6. abomination to the Lord, 20. 10. 20. 12. L. hath made Z».j|24. 22. ruin of them b ? Eccl. 4. 3. better than 6.||La. 7. 16. b. her kings Ezek. 21.19.6. comeforthlJ23.13. 6. took one away Mic. 7. 3. that they may do evil with 6. hands Zech. 6. 13. counsel of peace between them b. Matt. 15. 14. <^. shall fall in the ditch, Luke 6. 39.. Luke 7. 42. forgave them (^.jjActs 23. 8. confess b. Eph. 2. 14. made b. onel|16. reconcile b. unto G. 1 Pet. 3. 1. in b. whichjjRev. 19. 20. b. cast alive BOTTLE, s. signifies, [I] A vessel to contain li^ quids. Gen. 21. 14. [2] The wicked^ Jer, 13. 12. [3] The clouds. Job 38. 37. Gen. 21.14. took ab. of water, 15.|)19. filled the b. Judg.4.19.she opened a 6,of milk,and covered him 1 Sam. 1. 24. took a 6. of wine, 10. S.jie. 20. 2 Sam. 16. 1. Ziba brought to David a b. of wine Psal. 56. 8. my tears in thy 6.||1 19. 83. b. in smoke Jer. 13. 12. every b. shall be tilled||19.10. break b. Hab.2.15.puttestthy6.tohim,andmakestdrunken BOTTLES. Josh. 9.4. b. rent, 13. 1 Sam. 25. 18. Job 32. 19. belly to burst Hke new b. \\ 38. 37. Jer. 48. 12. break their 6.||Hos. 7.5. sick with 6.of Matt. 9. 17. neither do men put new wine into old b. else 6. break, Mark 2. 22. Luke 5. 37, 38. BOTTOM, s. Exod. 15. 5. sank into 6. as a stone Exod. 2912.shalt pour blood beside 6.of the altar, Lev. 4. 7, 18, 25, 30. | 5. 9. | 8. 15. j 9. 9. Job 36. 30. 6. of the sea|| Song 3. 10. b. of gold Dan. 6. 24. b. of the denjjAmos 9. 3.. Jonah 2. 6. Zecii. 1. 8. he stood among myrtle-trees in the b. Matt. 27. 51. rent from top to b. Mark 15. 38. BOTTOMLESS, a. Rev. 9.1, 2, 11. | 11. 7. Rev. 17.8. beast ascend out of Z'.pit|)20.1 .key of||3. BOUGH, -S. Gen. 49. 22. Joseph a fruitful b. Lev. 23.40. b. of thick tBees||Deut. 24. 20. go over Judg. 9. 48. Abimelech cut down a b. 49. 2 Sam. 18.9. b. of an oakjjJob 14. 9. 6. like a plant P.sal. 80.10. b. likea goodly cedav||ll. sent^.tosea Song 7. 8. I will take hold of the b. thereof Isa. 10.33. lop the6.||17.6. uppermost b. 9.|27. 11, Ezek. 17. 23. it shall bring forth b. and bear 31.3. among thick b. 14.||6. nests in b. Dan. 4. 12. BOUGHT. Gen.33.19. Jacob ^.field, Josh.24.32. Gen. 39.1. Potiphar b. Joseph||47. 14. corn they b. 49. 30. which Abraham b. 50. 13. Acts 7. 16. Lev. 27. 24. jubile return to him of whom it was b. Deut. 32.6. father tliat b. thee||Ruth 4.9. b. all that 2 Sam. 24. 24. David b. the threshing floor and Nell. 5. 16. nor b. we any land || Jer. 32. 9, 43. Hos. 3. 2. so I b. her to me for 15 pieces of silver Matt. 13.46.6. thatfieldjl 21. 12. Mark 11. 15. 27. 7. b. with them the potters field || t9. Mark 15. 46. ^. fine linen jj 16. 1. 6. sweet spices Luke 14.18.6. a piece of groundjUT. 28 A.andsold 1 Cor. 6. 20. for ye are b. with a price, 7. 23. 2 Pet. 2. 1. L. that b. them |) Rov. 14. t 4. b. from BOUND, p. actively. Gen. 22. 9. b. Isaacl]3d. 28. b. on his hand[|42. ^. BOW Lev. 8. 7. b. the ephod with the curious girdle 1 13. he o. bonnets on Aaron's sons l^um. 30. 4. ^he had b. her soul, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. Josh. 2.21.6. a scarlet line|j Judsj. 15. 13. Samson JudsT. 16. S. b. with withs || 12. ropes || 21. tetters 2 lvin.5.23.6.t\vo talents l|i7.4.Hoshea and I! 25.7. 2 Chr.33. 11.6. Manasseh jj 36. 6. b. Jehoiakini Prov. 30. 4. hath b. the waters || Hos. 7.15. b. arms Matt. 14. S.'HeroJ b John and put, Mark 6. 17. 27. 2. had b. Jesus, Mark 15. 1. John 18. 12. Luke 13. 16. Satan hath b.\\ Acts n.ll. Agabus b Acts 22. 25. 6. Paul, 29. li 23. 12.6. under a curse Kev. 20. 2. he o. Satan a thousand years BOUND, passively. Gen, 39. 20. prisoners are 6. 1| 40, 3. Joseph was 6. 40.5. butier6.|I42.19. one of your brethren be 6. Judg.l6. 6. wherewith thou raightest be 6. 10, 13. iSam. 2.5.9. soul shall br 6. || 2Sam.3.34. hands not Job 30. 8. b. in fetters |.' Psal.107.10. in afflictions Prov. 22. 15. foolishness 6. in heart of a child Isa. 22,3. 6, byarcheis||61. 1. opening prison to 6. Lam. 1. 14. tlie yoke of my transgressions is 6. Dan. 3, 21. 6. in their coats|| 23. fell down b. || 24. Matt. 16. 19. b. m heaven, 18, 18. || Mark 15. 7. John 11.44. 6 hand and fett, his face was 6, 18. 24. had sent him 6. to Caiaphas, 1 13. Acts 9. 2. bring then 6. 21. | 12, 6. Peter 6. with 24.27. left Paul 6.|: v(),22, '^o b. in spirit \\ 21. 13. Rom. 7. 2. is 6. by law to herhusband, lCor.7. 39. 1 Cor. 7. 27. art thou 6. to a wife, seek not to be 2 Tlies. 1. 3. we are 6. to thank G. always, 2. 13. 2 Tim. 2.9. word of G. not 6.i Heb.l3.3.'as 6. with Rev. 9. 14, loose angels 6 mthe river Euphrates BOUND with Chains. 2 Chr, 33, f 1 1 • | 36. 1 6. Psal.68, 6. which are 6.-|!Jer. 39. 7. | 52. 11. \ 40. 1. Nail. 3.10. great men wert 6.-|j Mark5. 4.ofteu 6.- Liike 8.29. kept6.-, in fetteis|| Acts 21. 33,1 28 20. BOUND up. Gen. 44, 30. is 6. - in the lad s life Lsa.1.6 have not been b -j: Jer.30.13. niayst be 6. - JEzek. 30. 21.shallnot be 6 -| 54. 4. nor 6, -broken Hos. 4. 19, wind hath b her - j| 13. 12, iniquity 6. - Luke 10. 34. 6, - iiis wounds, pouring in oil BOUND, S, s. 6 Gen. 49. 26. to the utmost 6, Exod. 19. 12. set 6. to the people, 23. || 23. 31. Dent. 32. 8. he set the 6. of the people by number Job 14. 5. appointed ins 6. that he cannot pass 26. 10, wattrs with 6.|| 38. 20. to 6. thereof Psal 104. 9. to waters set a 6. they may not pass Isa. 10. 13. I have removed the 6. of the people Jer. 5. 22. sand for 6. of sea jj Hos, 5.10. remove b. Acts 17. 26. determined the 6. of their habitation BOUNTY. 1 Km. 3. t6,|| 10, 13 || Prov, 20. 1 6. 2 Cor. 9. 5. 6, might be readv as a nmtter of 6. BOUNTIFUL, NESS. Psaf, 145. 1 17. L. is 6. in Prov 22. 9. he that hath a 6. eye shall be blessed Isa. 32. 5, nor churl be 6. || 2 Cor. 9, 11. to all 6. BOUNTIFULLY, at/, Ps. 13. 6. dealt 6, withme Psal. 1 16. 7. L dealt 6. with thee li 119. 17- 1 142, 7. 2 Cor. 9. 6. he which soweth 6, shall reap 6. BOW,s. siiinifies, j^l^ An instrument for shooting arrows, Gen, 27. 3. [2j Furniture for war, Psal. 44. 6. [3] Strength, Job '^9. 20. [4j The sig7i of Goa's covenant. Gen, 9. 13, [5J The anger of God, Psai. 7. 12. [6] His pro- mise and help, Hab. 3. 9. [7] Faith and pa- tience. Gen. 49. 24. ^CXL 9. 13. 1 do set uay 6. in the cloud, 14, 16 ,BO\t ■^^ j Gen. 27. S. take thy weapons, thy quiver, and b. +8, 22. sword and 6, || 49. 24, 6, abode in strengtk Josh. 24, 12. not with sword nor 6. || 1 Sam. 18. 4. -^ Sam. 1. 18. teachjudahuseof 6.|j22.of Jonath. 1 Kin. 22. 34. drew h. at a venture, 2 Chr. 18, 33.. 2 Kin. 6. 22. smite those taken with sword and 6. 9. 24. Jehu drew a6.|| 13, 15. take 6. and, 16. I Chr. 5. 18. able to shoot with 6.|| 12, 2. out of ^. Job 29. 20, my 6. Avas renewed ni my hand Psal, 44. 6, not trust in 6. 1| 46. 9. breaketh the 6. 76. 3. brakearrows of 6,jl78.57. like deceitful b. Isa. 41. 2. as stubble to his 6. 1 j 66. 19. that draw 6, Jer, 6. 23. lay hold on b. || 49. 35. break the b. Lam. 2. 4. benthis 6.|] Ezek.1.28. 6, in cloud||39.S. Hos. 1.5. break the 6. of Israel || 7. not save by 6. 2. 1». break the 6. |) 7. 16. like a deceitful 6. Amos 2. 15. handletli 6. not deliver || Hab. 3. 9. Zech. 9. 13. when I filled 6. |) Rev. 6. 2. had a 6. BOW-SHOT, s. Gen. 21. 16. as it were a 6. BOWS, s. 1 Sam, 2. 4. 6. of mighty are broken 1 Chr. 12. 2, armed with 6. \\ 2 Chr. 14. 8. | 26, 14. Nell. 4, 13. people with 6.|| 16. held spears and 6. Psal. 37. 15. and their 6. shall be broken Isa.7.24.with 6.shaUmen come |j 13.18,6.shall dash Jer. 51. 56. o. broken |i Ezek. 39. 9. burn the 6. BOAY. Josh.23.7.nor 6.to their gods, 2Kin.l7. 35. 2 Kin. 5. 18. 1 6 myself in the house of Rimmoa Job 39. 3. they 6, themselves, they bring forth Psal. 22.29. to the dust, shall 6.||72.9. 6. before him 144. 5. 6. thy heavens, O Lord, and come down Prov. 5. 1. 6, thine ear to my understanding 14.19, evil 6. before the good, wicked at gates of Eccl, 12, 3. the strong men shall 6. themselves Mic. 6. 6. and 6. mvself before the high God Hab. 3. 6. the perpetual hills did 6. his ways are Eph. 3. 14. for this cause I 6. my knees to Father BOW down. Gen, 27. 29. let nations 6. -, mother's sons 6. - 37, lo'. shall I 6. - 1) 49. 8. shall 6. - before thee Exod.l 1 .8. shall 6. - to me || 20. 5. not 6. - to them 23. 24. not 6. - to gods. Lev. 26. 1. Judg. 2. 19. 2 Kin. 19. 16. 6. - thine ear, and hear, Psal. 86. 1. Job 31. 10, and let others 6, - upon her Psal. 31. 2. 6. - thine ear to me, Prov. 22. 17. 95. 6. come,let us worship,and b. -, let us knee! Isa. 10.4.6.- under prisoners II 46. 2. 6.- together 49. 23. kings 6. - to thee || 51 . 23. have said 6. - 5 8. 5.6.-hisheadasabulrush||60. 14. |65. 12. Rom. 11. 10. darkened, and 6. - their backalway BOW Knee. Gen. 41. 43. and they cried before him, 6. the - Isa. 45. 23. to me every - shall 6. Rom. 14. 11. Eph. 3. 14. 1 6. my - 1| Phil. 2. 10. every - shall 6. BOWED,;). Gen. 33. 6. children 6. || 7. Rachel 6. Gen.43. 26. Joseph's brethren 6.themselves to him 49. 15. Issachar 6. his shoulder to bear, and bee. Judg. 5, 27, at her feet he 6.||Ruth 2. 10. 6. herself 1 Sam. 4. 19. Phineas' vvite 6. herself and travailed 20. 41. David 6. himself || 25. 23, Abigail 6. 41. 2 Sam. 19, 14. David 6. the heart of men of Judah 22. 10. 6. heavens and came down, Psal. 18. 9. 1 Kin. 1,16. Bath-sheba 6. and did obeisance, 3li 18. 19. which have not b. to Baal, Rom, 11, 4, 2 Kin. 2. l."^. 6- before Elisha || 4. 37. 6. herself t^ 2 Chr. 7. 3. 6. upon pavement || 29. 29. king 6, Esth, 3. 2. 6. to Haman || 5. Mordecai 6. not Matt. 27. 29. 6. the knee|| Luke 13. 1 Land was 6. BOW BRA BOWED down. Gen. 23. 12. Abraham d. - before the people 42. 6. Joseph's brethren came and b. -, 43. 28. Num. 25. 2. people did eat and d. - to then- gods Judg. 7. 6. re-t of the people b. - on their knees 2 Chr. 25. 14. set them up to be his gods, and b. - Psal. 3.5. 14. 1 6. -heavily || 38. 6. 1 am Z>. - greatly 44. 25. our soul is (5.- to dust (j 57.6. my soul <^.- 145. 14. raiseth up all that be b. -, 146. 8. Isa. 2. 11. haughtiness of men shall be b. -, 17, 21. 3.1 was b. - at the hearing of it, 1 was dism. Luke 24. 5. they were afraid and b.- their faces BOWED Head. Gen. 24. 26. man b. his - and worshipped, 48. 43. 28. they b. their heads and made obeisance Ex.4.31.6.then/iea(/sandworsh.l2. 27.Neh. 8. 6. 34. 8. Moses made haste and b. his - to earth Num. 22. 31. Balaam 6. his - and fell flat on face 2 Chr. 20. 18. Jehoshaphat b. his - \\ 29. 30. John 19. 30. Jesus b. his - and gave up the ghost BOWED hhnself. Gen. 18. 2. Abraham 6. -,23. 7,12. j 1 19. 1. Lot 6.- 33. 3. Jacob ^.-, 47. 31. || 48. 12. Joseph b. - Judg. 16. 40. Samson ^>. - 1| iSam. 24. 8. David b. - iSani. 28. 14. Saul b. - 1) 2Sam. 9. 8. Mephibosheth 2>Sam.l4. 22. Joab Z>.-||33. Absalom|| 18. 21. Cuslii 24. 20. Araunah b. - before king, 1 Chr. 21. 21. ^ 1 Kin. 1. 23. Nathan b. - 1) 47. the king b. - on bed 53. Adonijah came and b. - to king Solomon 2. 19. Solomon rose and b. - to his mother BOWETH, V. Judg. 7. 5. Isa. 2. 9. | 46. 1. BOWING, p. Gen. 24. 52. Eliezcr b. himself Psal.17.11.6. down to earth 1) 62.3. \\ Markl5.19. BOWMEN, 5. Jer. 4. 29. for noise of the B. BOWELS, s. signities, [1] The entrails^ Job 20. 14. Acts 1. 18. [2] The heart, 2 Cor. 6. 12. Philem. 7. [3] The womb. Gen. 25. 23. [i] Pity or compassion, Isa. 63. 15. Jer. 31. 20. [5] One greatly beloved, Philem. 12. [6j Tender mercies, Psal. 25. t 6. Pro v. 12. 1 10. Gen. 15. 4. out of thy own b. shall be thy heir 25.23. two people from thy ^.1) 43. 30. (^.didyeru Num. 5. 22. this water shall go into thy b. 2 Sam. 7. 12. seed out of thy 6. 16. 11. || 20. 10. 1 Kin. 3. 26. b. did yern on her son || 2 Chr. 21. 15. SChr. 21.18. L. smote his b. \\l9.b. fell out \\ 32. 21. Job 20. 14. meat in his b. \\ 30. 27. my b. boiled Psal. 22. 14. melted in midst of my b. |) 25. t 6, 71. 6. out of mother's b.\\ 109. 18. come in his b. Song 5. 4. and my b. were moved for him Isa. 16. 11. ray b. shall sound hke an harp 48. 19. the offspring of thy b. like the gravel 49. 1. from*^. of my mother, he made mention 63. 15. where is sounding of thy b. and mercies ? Jer. 4. 19. my Z). my b.\\3l. 20. b. are troubled Lam. 1.20. behold, O L. my b. are troubled, 2.11. Ezek. 3. 3. fill thy b. with roll || 7. 19. nor till b. Acts 1.18. Judas burst, and all his b. gushed cut 2 Cor. 6.12. straitned in own b.\\ 7.tl5. Titus his b. Pail.l. 8. 1 long after in b. of Christ || 2- 1. if any b. Col. 3. 12. put on b. of mercies, kindness, meekn. Philem. 7.b. of saints refreshed |j 12.my own 6.20. 1 John 3. 17. shutteth up his b. of compassion BOWL, S. Exod. 25. 29. b. to cover, 37. 16. Num. 4. 7. dishes and b. 1 14. || 7. 85. b. weighing Judg. 6. 38. vvnnged dew out, a b. full of water 1 Kin. 7. 50. b. and snuffers of gold, 1 Chr. 28.17. Eccl. 12. 6.or golden i.be broken || Amos 6. 6. wine Zech. 4. 2. candlestick with b.\\ 3. right side of b. 9. 15. be filled like 6.|)14. 20. pots shall be like b. BOX, s. 2 Kin. 9. 1. b. of oil in thine hand, 3. Matt. 26. 7. alabaster b. Mark 14. 3. Luke 7. 37. BOX-TREE, Isa. 41. 19. set the b. |j 60. IS.glory BOY, S, s. Gen. 25. 27. Joel 3. 3. Zech. 8. 5. BOYL, S, s. Exod. 9. 9. b. with blains, 10, 11. Lev. 13. IB. the flesh also in which was a b. 2Kin. 20.7. took figs and laid on the b. Isa. 38. 21. Job 2. 7. so Satan smote Job with sore L BOZEZ, Mild, boggy. 1 Sam. 14. 4. BOZKATH, In poverty. Josh.l5. 39. 2 Kin. 22. 1. BOZRAH, In tribulation. Gen. 36. 33. 1 Chr. 1. 44. Isa. 34. 6. | 63. 1. Jer. 48. 24. |49. 13, 22. Amos 1. 12. Mic. 2. 12. BRACELET, S. Gen. 24. 30. saw L on sister's Gen. 38. 18. thy signet, thy b. and thy staff, 25. Exod. 35.22. bought/-. Num.31.50. 2Sam. 1. 10. Isa. 3. 19. take thy /^. II Ezek. 16. 11. 1 put /5. on BRAKE. Exod. 9. 25. hail b. every tree Exod.32. 3. b. off ear-rings|jl9.tables^. Deut.9.17. Judg. l.l^.b. pitchers, 20. |j 9. 53. b. his scull 16. 9. h. the withs, 12. || 1 Sam. 4. 18. his neck ^. 2Sam.23.l6.three mighty men Z..thro',lChr.l 1.18. 1 Kin. 19. 11. a strong wind b. in pieces the rocks 2 Kin. 11. 18. Baal's images b. they in pieces 13. 4. ^. images, and b. brasen serpent || 23. 7. 23. 14. Josiah b. th.e images, 2 Chr. 34. 4. 2 Chr. 21. 17. Arabians came, and b. into Judah Job 29.tl7.(^.jaws of wicked l| 38. S.sea b. forth,10. Psal. 76. 3. b. the arrows || 105. 16. b. whole staff 105. 53. b. the trees || 106. 29. the plague b. in 107. 14. out of darkness he b. b^ds in sunder Jer. 28. 10. took yoke from Jeremiah and b. it 31. 32. my covenant they b. tho" I was a husband Ezek. 17. 16. oath he despised, and covenant he b. Dan. 2. 1. sleep b. \\ 34. stone h. \\ 6. 24. lions b. 7. 7. beast b. in pieces || 8. 7. b. his two horns Matt. 14. 19. he blessed and b. 15. 36. | 26. 26. Mark 6. 41. | 8. 6. ] 14. 22. Luke 9. 16. | 22. 19. I 24. 30. iCor. 11. 24. Mark 14. 3. b. the box |! Luke 5. 6. net b. \\ 8. 29. John 19. 32. h. the legs || 33. they b. not his legs BRAKE down. 2 Kin. 10. 27. ^. - Baal, 2 Chr. 23. 17. || 11. 18. 14. 13. b. - wall of Jerusalem, 2 Chr. 25. 23. 23. 7. b. - houses of Sodomites |j 8 ^. - high places 12. b. - altars, 15. 2 Chr. 14. 3. 1 26. 6. | 34. 4. BRAKEST. Exod. 34. 1. table thou b. Deut.10.2. Psal. 74. 13. b. heads of dragons, 14. || Ezek. 29. 7. BRAMBLE, S. Judg.9.14. said trees to the^. 15. Isa.34.1 3.i^.shall come || Luke 6.44. nor of -^. grapes BRANCH, s. signifies, The bough of a tree, Psal. 104. 12. To which are compared, [l"] Jesus Christ, Isa. 1 1. 1. Jer. 23. 5. Zech. 3. 8. | 6. 12. [2] True believers^ who have vital union with Christj John 15. 5. [3] 3Ien of power, Isa. 9. 14. [4] Children or posterity, Job 8. 16. | 15. 32. [5] Prosperity and comfort, Hos. 14. 6. Exod. 25. 33. knop and flower in one b. 37. 19. Num. 13. 23. cut down a^. with one cluster of gr. Job 8. 16. his b. sliooteth |l 14. 7. tender b. \\ 15. 32. 18. 16. b. shall be cut offi| 29. 19. dew on my b. Psal. 80. 15. b. thou made strong |j Prov. 11.28. Isa. 4. 3. b. of Lord be beautiful|| 9. 14. cut ofS b. BRA BRE Isa ll.l.a 5. shall grow||l4. 19. like abominable b. 17.9. strong cities shall be as an uppermost 6.1eft 19. 15. 6. or rush||25. 5. theft, of terrible broken 60.21. b. of my planting, the work of my hands Jer. 23. 5. I will raise to David a righteous b. 33. 13. b. of righteousness to growj|Ezek. 8. 17. Ezek. 17. 3. came, and took the highest b. 22. Dan. 11.7. out of a b. of her roots shall one stand Zech.3.8.my servantthe B.|]6.12.whosename is_B. Blal. 4. 1. shall leave them neither root nor b. Matt. 24. 32. when b. is yet tender, Mark 13. 28. Luke l.t78. the b. from on high hath visited John 15. 2. every b. in mel|4. as b. cannot bear||6. BRANCHES, s. Gen. 40. 10, were three b. 12. Gen. 49. 22. 6. run over the wali|jExod. 25. 32. six Lev. 23. 40. take 6, of palm-tree, Neh. 8. 15. Job K>. 30. the flajne shall dry up his b. Psal. 80. 11. he sent out her b. to the river 104. 12. the fowls which sing among her 6. Isa. 16. 8. Moab's b. are stretched out 17. 6. four or five in the utmost fruitful 6. 18. 5. cut down the&.||27. 10. consume the b. Jer. 11. 16. b. are brokenJlEzek. 17.6.119. 10, 14. Ezek. 31. 8. not like Assyrian's 6.||36. 8. shoot 6. Dan. 4. 14. cut oft his S.jjHos. 11.6. Ephraim's b. Hos. 14. 6. his b. shall spreadjjjoel 1. 7. 6. white Zech. 4. 12. 1 said, what be these two olive b ? Matt. 13. 32. birds lodged in the b. Luke 13. 19. 21.8. others cut down b. Mark 11. B.John 12. 13. Mark 4. 32. shooteth 6.|IJohu 15. 5. ye are the b. Rom.ll.16. root holy, so 6.||l7.(^.be broken otf,l 9. 18. boast not against the b. but if thou boast 21. for if G. spared not the natural b. take heed BRAND, S, s. Judg. 15. 5. b. on fire||Zech. 3. 2. BRANDISH, r. Exod. 3^. 10. shall b. my sword BRASS,*, isa sort of metal, Exod. 31.4. loid denotes, [IJ A people impudent in sin, Isa. 48.4. Ezek, 22. 18. [2] Great strength, Dan. 2. 39. Mic. 4. 1 3. [3J The immutable decrees of God, Zech. 6. 1. [4] The infinite poiccr of Christ, Rev. 1. 15. Exod. 25. 3. the offering, take gold, silver, b. 35.5. 26. 11. taches oi'b. 36. 18. ||o0. 18. lave.r oi' h. 37. thou Shalt cast five sockets of 6. 27. 10, 17, 18. I 36.38. I 38.11, 17, 19. 27. 2. shalt overlay the altar with b. 6. | 38. 2." 4. net-work of 6. || 19- pins of tiie court of b. 31. 4. to work in gold, silver, and b. 35. 32. 38. 5. rings of />.||6. overlaid the staves with b. 29.6. of the offering||3y. 39. and his grate ofb. Num. 21 . 9. serpent of b. when he beheld serpent Deut. 8. 9. hills mayst dig b.\\28. 23. heaven be b. Judg. 16. 21. Samson bound with fetters of b. 1 Sam. 17. 5. helmet ofb. 38. || 6. greaves ofb. 2 Sam. 8. 8. David took much b. 1 Chr. 13. 8. 1 Kin. 7. 14. worker in ft.] 1 15. pillars, 2 Kin. 25.13. 16. chapiters ofb. 2 Kin. 25. 17. Jer. 52. 22. 27. bases of Z».|)'30. plates||38. lavers,2 Chr.4.lG. 45.shovels of 6.| )47. weight of 6 . not, 2 Chr. 4. 1 8 . 2Kin.25.7.fettersof^.||13.6.toBabylon,Jer.52.17. 1 Chr. 15.19. cymbals of (^.||22. 3.6. inabimdance 29. 2. I have prepared b. for things of b. 2 Chr. 12. 10. Rehoboam made shields of b. Job 6.12. is my flesh 6.||40. 1B.|)41. 27. 6. as wood Psal. 107. 16. he hath broken the gates of 6. Isa. 45. 2. break gates of b. || 48. 4. thy brow b. 60. 17. for wood I will bring b. || Ezek. 24. 11. Dan. 2. 32. thighs of 6. || 39. kingdom of 6. Dan.7.l9.nails were of 6. I|10.6. feet like polished^, Mic. 4. 13. thine horn iron, and thy hoofs 6. Zech. 6. 1. mountains ofb. \\ Matt. lO. 9. nor b. 1 Cor. 13. 1. I am become as sounding b. or Rev. 1.15. and his feet like to fine b. 2. 1 8. 9. 20. that they should not worship idols of ^. Iron and BRASS. Gen. 4. 22. Tubal-cain, an instructor in 6.- Lev. 26. 19. heaven - earth b. \\ Num. 31. 22. Deut. 33. 25. thy shoes shall be - b. as thy days Josh. 22. 8. 1 Chr. 22. 14. 2 Chr. 2. 7, 14. [24.12. Job 28. 2. Isa. 48.4.160. 17. Jer. 6. 28. Ezek. 22. 18, 20. Dan. 2. 35 j 45. I 4. 15. I 5.4. Vessels of BRASS. Exod. 27. 3. I 38. 3. Josh. 6. 19, 24. 2 Sam. 8. 10. 2 Kin. 25. 14. 1 Chr. 18. 10. Jer. 52. 18, 20. Ezek. 27. 13. Rev. 18. 12. RRASEN. Ex. 27. 4.b. rings] |3 5. 16. grate, 38. 4. Exod. 38. t8. b. glassesyiO. and their b. sockets 20. Lev. 6. 28. sin-offering sodden in a b. pot Num. 16. 39. b. censers j| 1 Kmgs 4. 13. b. bars 1 Kings 7. 30. b. wheels |j 14. 27. b. shields 2 Kings 1 6. 17. b. oxen jl 18. 4. brake b. serpent 25. 13. b. sea did Chaldees break, Jer. 52. 17. 2 Chr. 6. 13. b. scafibldj Jer. 1. 18. b. wali|j52. 2#, Mark 7. 4. washing of cups and pots, and 6. vessels See Altar. BRAVERY, 5. Isa. 3. 18. will take away thetr A. BRAWLER,*. 1 Tim. 3. 3. be no b. Tit. 3. 2. BRAWLING, S. Prov. 21. 19. | 25.24. BRAY, ED, p. Job 6. 5. wild ass h.\\30. 7. they &> Psal. 42.tl. as the hart/;.|iProv. 27. 22. b. a fool BREACH, s. signifies, [Ij The ruin of a wall by warlike engines, Ezek. 26. 10. [2j Violation of a promise, Num. 14. 34. [3] A fracture or bruise, Lev. 24. 20. [4] Judgment or punish- ment, 2 Sam. 6.8. [5] Confusion and animo- sities, Psal. 60. 2. Gen.38.29. this 6.be upon theelJLev.24.20.Z>.for b. Num. 14.34. 6. of promise||Judg. 21.15. i. in tribes 2 Sam. 5. 20. as b. of waters |) 6. 8. b. on Uzzah 2 Kin. 12. 5. any 6. found || 1 Chr. 15. 13. | 13. 11. Neh. 6. 1. the wall no b.\\Joh 16.14. Avith b.onb. Psal. 106. 23. had not Moses stood in the 6. Prov. 15. 4. perverseness is a b. in the spirit Isa. 7. 6. let us make a 6.|i30. 13. iniquity be a b, 30. 26. in the day the Lord bindeth up the 6. 58. 12. the repairer of the b. \\ Jer. 6. t 14. Jer. 14. 17. broken with h. \\ 17.tl8. double b. Lam. 2. 13. thy 6. is2;reat||Ezek. 26.10. in city a A, BREACHES,*. Judg. 5- 17. Aslier abode mb. 1 Kin. 11. 27. repaired 6. of the city of David 2 Kin. 12. 5. repair 6.||6. not repaired the b. 12. Neh. 4.7.6. stoppedlJPsal. 60. 2. heal the 6. thereof Isa. 22. 9.b. of ciiy ofDavid||Ezek. 13.t5.up to A. Amos 4.3. go out at the 6.||6.11.Lord smite with6. 9. 11. and I will close up the b. thereof BREAD, 5. signifies^ [1] Natural food, Gen. 3. 19. [2] All things necessary for life, Matt. 6. 11. [3] Manna, John 6. 31. [4] Jesus Christ, John 6. 41, 50. [5] The gospel, ordi- nances and privileges thereof, Prov. 9. 5. Gen. 14. 18. Melchizedek brought forth b. 18. 5. I will fetch a morsel of 6. and comfort 21. 14. Abr. took b. \\ 25. 34. Jacob gave Esau b. 27.17.she gave 6.to Jacob!|41. 54. in Egypt wasfe. ETRE BRE Gen. 4l. 55. cried forb.\\43. 31. set on ^.|j45. 23. 47. 15. give us6.|)19. buy us and our land for b. 49. 20. out of Asher his b. shall be fat Exod. 16.4. 1 will rain b.\l8.b. to the full,\3, 29,32. 23. 25. bless thy 6.t| 29. 32. b. in the basket 29. 34. if ought of 6. remain until the morning 40. 23. and he set the 6. in order upon the table _Lev. 8. 26. took a cake of oiled b. and a wafer 21. 6. 6. of their God they do offer, 8. 17, 21. 22. 25. nor from stranger oifer 6. |j'23. 18.126.26. Num. 4. 7. continual b.\\l4,. 9. people are 6. for us 21. 5. loatheth thishsiht b.\\2S. 2. my b. observe Dent. 8.3. not hve by b. only, Matt.4.4. Luke 4.4. 23. 4. met you not with b. \\ 29. 6. not eaten b. Josh. 9. 5. the b. was dry |) 12. this b. we took hot Judg. 7. 13. cake of barely b. tumbled into host 8. 6. that we should give b. to thy army, 15. 19. 5. morsel of ^. |j 19. and there is b. and wine Ruth I. 6. visited his people m giving them b. 1 Sam. 2. 5. hired for b. \\ 36. crouch for b.\\9. 7. 16.20. Jesse took ass with ft.lJ'21.4.hallowed6.5,6. 22. 13. hast given him b. \\ 25. 11. take my b. 28. 22. set a morsei of Z'-HSO. 11. gave him b. 2 Sam. 3. 29. fail from Joab one that lacketh b. 35. tatse<^, or ought else till sun be down||6.19. 1 Kin. 13. 22. hast eaten b. 23.||17. 6. brought 6. 17. 11. bring morsei of ^.|| 18.4. fed with /5. 13. 2 Km. 4.42. manof God/^.||18. 32. to a land of /5. 1 Chr. 12. 40. they of Zebulon brought^, on asses Neh. 5. 14. have not eaten the i. of the governor 9. 15. and gavest them I), from heaven || 13. 2. Job 15. 23. wandrethfor h.\\22. 7. withholden 6. 27. 14. his offspring not be satisfied with L 28. 5. as for the earth out of it cometh <^.||:)3.20. Psal. 37.25- eed begging ^.||78. 2). can he give 6. 80. 5. b. of tears || 102.9. eaten ashes like ^. 104. 15. 6. which strengtheneth man's heart . 105.40. /J. of heaven|jl32. 15. satisfy poorwith^. Prov. 9.17. . |j 15. 26. to take children's l>. 15. 33. whence so much b. Mark 8. 4. 16. 5. forgotten to take b. 11, 12. Mark 8. 14. 26. 26. Jesus took ^. and blessed it, Mark 14.22. Luke 7. S3, neither eating^. || 9. 3. neither 6. 15. 17. l>. enough and to sparel|22. 19.|24 30, 35. John 6. 7. two hundred penny-worth of ^. is not 32. Moses gave not that L\l33. b. of God is he 6. 34. Lord, evermore give us tins b. John 6. 35. Jesus said, I am the b. of life, 48. 41. b. that came down, 50, 58. |j 51. iivmg *. 13. 18. that eateth h. with me, lift up his heel 21. 9. fish thereon, and b. |j 13. Jesus taketh b. Acts 2. 42. continued in breaking b. 46. 20. 7. came to break ^. || 11. and had broken b. 27. 35. he took b. and gave thanks to God 1 Cor. 10. 16. b. we break || 17. many, are one b. 1 1. 23. in which he was betrayed, he took b, 2 Cor. 9. 10. both minister b. for your food See Affliction. BREAD-Corw. Isa. 28. 28. b. - is bruised BREAD with eat. Gen. 3. 19. in the sweat of thy face shall thou - k 28. 20. if the Lord will give me b, to eat 31. 54. hisbrethren to-^. || 37. 25. | 39. 6. 43. 32. might not-b. with the Hebrews Ex. 2. 20. call him that lie may -b. \\ 16. 3. did - h. 18. 12. to-^. with Moses||34. 28. not -b. 40. days Lev. 21. 22.-^. of his God || 23. 14. not -^.||26. 5. . Num. 15. 19. when ye eat the L of the land Dent. 8. 9. thou shall - b. without scarcity Judg. 13. 16. 1 will not ^.||Kuth 2. 14. come -^. 2 Sam. 9. 7. -b. at my table, 10.|jl2. 17. nor did -b. 12. 20. set^. and h^ did -||21. didst rise and-iJ. 1 Kings 13. 8. nor will I -b. 16. || 9. eat no b. 15. then said he, come home with me and-^. 21. 7. arise - b. let thy heart be merry 2 Kin. 4. 8. Elisha to - b. \\ 6. 'z2. \ 23. 9. 1 25. 29. Job 42. 11, and did -^. with Job in his house Psal. 14. 4. eat my people as they -b. 53. i.|)41. 9. 102. 4. 1 forget to -b. \\ 127. 2. to -b. of sorrows Prov. 4.17. -b. of wickedness||9.5. come - of my ^. 23. 6. - not b. of himl|25. 21. give him b. to - Eccl. 9. 7. - b. with joy 1 1 Isa. 4. l.eat our own b. Jer. 5. 17. eat up thy b. \\ 41. 1. - b. in Mizpah Ezek. 4. 13. eat defiled b. \\ 16. - b. by weight 12. 18. -^. with quaking |i 19. -b. with care 44. 3. prince sit in it to - b. before the Lord Am. 7. 12. flee to Jiidah, there -^.|[0b. 7. that - b. Matt. 15. 2. wash not hands when they - b. Mark 3. ^^0. could not-^.|i6. 36. buy ^.to-||7.2,5. Luke 14. 1. \o-b. on sabbath || 15. -b. in kiiigdom John 6. 5. whence buy /(i.|j23. nigh where did -b. 31. b. from heaven to-||51 . if any man - this b, 1 Cor. 11. 26. often as - this b.\f^7. shall -this b. 2 Thes. 3. 8. -b. for nought|il2. quietness - their L Leavened BREAD. Exod. 12. 15. who eateth - b. that soul be cut off 13. 3. no-^. be eaten j| 7. no -b. be seen 23. 18. not offer blood of my sacrifice with - b. Lev. 7. 13. offer for his ofiiering -/^.||Deut. 16. 3, 4. Loafy or Loaves of BREAD. Exod. 29 23. one - b. with ram of consecration Judg. 8. 5. give -^-iJlSam. 10. 3. 3 - . 4, two -b. 1 Sam. 21. 3. give me five - b. in my aand 2 Sam. 16.1. onasses <200-b.\\l Chr. 1 6.3. dealt a -^. No BREAD. Gen, 47. 13. there was - b ul all the land Num. 21. 5. there is -b. and our souls lotheth 1 Sam. 21.4. - b. under my hand|)6. b. but shew k 28. 20 Saul had eaten -<^. all that day 30, 12. the Egyptian had eaten - b. three days 1 Kin. 21.4. would eat -b. \\ 3. why sad, eatest -b. 2 Kin. 25. 3. - b. for the people, Jer. 52,6. Ezra 10. 6. did eat -b. || Jer. 38. 9. -b. in the city Dan. 10. 3. 1 ate - pleasant 6. neither came flesh BRE Matt. 16. 7. b6c. tvehave taken-Z>. 8. Marks. 16,17. Mark 6. 8. take no Scrip, - b. no money hi purse Piece or Pieces of BREAD. 1 Sam. 2. 36. put me, I pray, that I may eat ?i-b. Prov. 6. 36. brought to a - 6. |j 28. 21. for a - b. Jer.37.2l. give Jeremiah dailya- i.jjEzek. 13. 19. Stafof BREAD. Lev. 36. 26. when I have broken the - your b. Psal. 105. 16. vyhoie-6.Ezek.4.l6.l5. 16.|14. 13. See Basket, Feast. Unleavened BREAD. Gen. ig. 3. Lot did bake - b. and they did eat Exod. 12. 8. eat passover with - b. Num. 9. 11. 15. seven days eat -6. 15. 6, 7. | 23. 15. |34. 18. Lev. 25. 6. Num. 28. 17, Deut. 16. 3. 18. of the month eat - b. 20. |i 29. 2. take - b. Lev. 6. 16. meat-offering ye shall eat with - b. Num. 6.1 5. wafers of-6.|IDeut.l6.8. six days eat - J. 1 Sam. 28. 24. witch did bake- 6.(1 2 Kin. 23. 9. eat Kzek. 45. 21. on 14th day passover of- b. ]ie eaten Mark 14. 12. first day of-6.|jLuke 22. 7. days of- b. Acts20.6.after daysof-6.[|l Cor. 5.8. -A. of sincerity BREADTH, s. Gen. 6. 15. ark, the b. 50 cubits Gen. 13. 17. thro' land in 6.1|Exod.27.1 8. b. of court Exod. 28. 16. breast-plate, a span the b. 39. 9. 38. 1. altar, five cubits b. |j Deut. 2. 5. as afoot-^. Judg. 20. 16. could sling stones at an hair's b. 1 Kin. 6. 2. b. of L.'s bouse 20 cubits, 2 Chr. 3. 3. 7. 6. the b. of the porch was thirty cubits 2 Chr. 4. 1. the b. of the altar was twenty cubits Ezra 6. 3. the b. of the Lord's house sixty cubits Job 37. 10. b. of waters || 38. 18. b. of tbe earth Isa. 8. 8. his witigs shall fill the b. of the land Ezek.40.5. 6. of buildingjll l.entry[|13 gate, 20,48. 49. b. of porch II 41. 1. tabernacle || 2. door, 3. 41 .5.6. of side-chambers-l :7.houselJl 1 . of place left 14. b. office of the house|[45. 1. of holy portion Dan. 3. 1. the b. of the image was six cubits Hab. 1. 6. shall march thro' the b. of the land Zech. 2. 2. measure Jerusalem to see the ^.|| 5. 2. Eph. 3. 18. what is tbe b. and length, and depth Hev. 20. 9. b. of the earth || 21. 16. large as the b. BREAK, s. 2 Sam. 2. 32. b. of day. Acts 20. 11. BREAK, i\ signifies, [1] To dushto pieces,'E'Xod. 34. 13. [2]' To make void, or of none effect, 1 Kings 15. 19. [33 To punish or affiict, Job 13. 25. [4] To disunite or sever, Zech. 11. 14. [5] To faint, Psal. 119. 20. [6] To take a- tcay, Psal. 105. 16. [7] To destroy, Psai. 10. 15. [8] Great sorrow of heart, Acts 21. 13. [9] To shine or appear. Song 2. 17. Gen. 19. 9. came near to b. door || 27. 40. b. yoke Exod. 12. 46. nor shall ye b. a bone, Num. 9. 12. 13. 13. 6. his neck, 34. 20. |j 34. 13. b. their images Lev. 11. 33. vessel unclean b.\\^26. 19. b. the pride Num. 24. 8. b. their bones || 30. 2. man vow, not b. Deut. 12.3.(5'. their pillars||lSam.25.10.from master 1 Kin. 15. 19. b. league, 2 Chr. 16. 3. || Ezra 9. 14. Job 13. 25. wilt b. a leafy 39. 15. beast may b. Psal. 2. 3. b. their bands |j 9. b. them with rod 10. 15. b. thou the arm of the wicked 58. 6. b. their teeth, O God, in their mouth 89. 31. if 6. my statutes [| 141. 5- not b. my head Song 2. 17. until day b. and shadows flee, 4. >tj. Isa. 14. 25. 6. Assyrians li 28. 24. clods || 28. not h. 30. 14, b. it as potters vessel|j38. 13. ^.my bones 42. 3. bruised reed will he not b. IMalt. 12. 20. 10 W BRE j Tsai 58. 6. this is the fast, that ye b. eveiy yoke Jer. 15. 12. shall iron b. || 19. 10. b. the bottle, 11. ?28. 4. b. yoke of king of Babylon, 11. | SO. 8. Exek. 4.16. Iwill^.thestaflfofbread, 5.t6.|l4.13. 16. 38. b. wedlock || 23. 34. b.the sheards tliere 29. 7. thou didst 6.|| 30. 18. b. yokes of Egypt 30. 22. and I will b. Paraoh's arms, 24. Hos.1.5.6. bowof Israel, 2.18. ||10.1 I.Jacob &. clods Joel 2. 7. not b. ranks|'|Amos 1. 5. b. bar of Damasc. Mic. 3. 3. b. their bones |1 Nab. 1. 13. 1 b. his yoke Zech. 11. 14. that I might b. the brotherhood Matt. 5. 19. b. one of these least [| 9. 17. bottles b. Acts 20. 7. to b. bread || 21. 13. to b. my heart 1 Cor. 10. 16. the bread which we b. is it not th^ ■ BREAK Covenant. Lev. 26. 15, 44. Deut. 31. 16, 20. Judg. 2. 1. Psal. 89. 34. Jer. 14. 21. ] 33. 20. Ezek. 17. 15. Zech. 11. 10. BREAK down. Exod. 23. 24. quite b. - their images, Deut. 7. 5'. Lev. 14. 45. and he shall b. - the house, the stones Deut. 12. t 3. ye shall b. - their altars Judg. 8. 9. when I come again, I will b. - this Neh. 4. 3. if a fox go up, slmll b. - their stone-wall ' Psal. 74. 6. 1?.- carved work[|Eccl. 3. 3. a time to b.- Isa. 5. 5. b.- wallJIJer. 31. 28. watched to b. -||45. 4. Ezek. 13. 14. so will lb.- the wall ye have daubed 16. 39. they shall b. - thy high places, they A\dX\ 26. 4. b. - towers of Tyrns f| 12. b. - thy Walls Hos. 10. 2. he shall &. - their altars, and spoil BREAK forth. Exod. 19. 22. lest the Lord 6. - upon them, 24. Isa. 14. 7. If. - into singmg, 44. 23. 1 49. 13. | .54. 1. 52. 9. h. - into joy || 54. 3. b. - on the right-hand 55. 12. hills h. - into singing {) 58. 8. light 6. - Jer. 1. 14. evil shall l^. - \\ Gal. 4. 27.6.- and cry BREAK off. Gen. 27. 40. thou shall 6. his yoke ojf thy neck Exod. 32. 2. b. - the golden ear-rings, 24. Dan. 4. 27. O kinjr, f>. - thy sins by righteousness BREAK out. Exod. 22. 6. iffire^.-|] Lev. 13. 12. if leprosy 6.- Lev. 14. 43. plague b. -||Psal. 58. 6. L - great teeth Isa. 35. 6. in the wilderness shall waters L- Amos 5. 6. lest he 6. - like tire in house of Joseph BREAK in Pieces. 2 Kin. 25. 13. Chaldeans b.- pillars of brass Job 19. 2. will ye b. me - J,' 34. 24. b. - mighty men Psak 72. 4. b.-ihe. oppressor] [94.5. b.- thy people Isa. 45. 2. 1 will b. - tbe gates of brass, and cut Jer. 51. 20. ^. - the nations ji 21. ^. - horse, 22. Dan. 2. 40. shall it b. - and bruise kingdoms, 44- 7. 23. the fourth beast shall b. - whole earth BREAK through. Exod. 19. 2 1. lest they ^.-, 24.|jl Kin. 3. 26. to king Matt. 6. 19. thieves ^. -|| 20. thievesZ'. not- BREAK up. 2 Chr. 32. 1 1. Sennacherib thought to b. them up Jer. 4. 3. b. - your fallow ground, Hos. 10. 12. BREAKER, S. Blic. 2. 13. b. i^ come up Rom. 1. 21. covenant b. |j 2. 25» if a b, of the law BREAKEST, rv Psal. 48. 7. b. ships of Tarshish BREAKETH, v. Gen. 32. 26. for the day b. Job 9. 17. he b. me, 12. 14. 1 16, 14. j[ 28. 4. flood b. Psal. 29. 5. b. tlie cedai-s |] 46. 9. he b. the bow 119. 20. my soul b. for the longing that it hath Prov. 25. 15. soft tongue /'. the bonefEccl. 10, ^, BRE BRE Isa. 59. 5. which is crushed b. out into a viper Jer. 19.11 .as one b. a potter's vessel not madewhole 23. 29. b. rock in pieces |) Lam. 4. 4. Dan. 2. 40. BREAKING. Gen. 32. 24. wrestled till b. of day Exod.9.9. boyl b. forth, 10 j( 22. 2. thief found b. 1 Chr. 14. 11. on enemies, like b. forth of waters Job 30. 1 4. on me as a wide ^.|)4l . 25. reason of ^. Psal. 144. 14. that there be no b. in, nor going out Isa. 22. 5. b. down walls||30. 14. b. potter's vessel Ezek. 16. 59. in b. covenant, 17. 18. || 21. 6. loins Hos. 13. 13. long in place of ^. forth of children Luke 24. 35. known in b. of bread j) John 7. t 23. Acts 2. .42. in b. bread, 46. |) Rom. 2. 33. b. the law BREAST, S. Gen. 49. 25. blessings of the b. and Exod. 29. .26. b. of the ram |) 27. sanctity the b. Lev. 7. 30. b. waved || 31. ^.ishall be Aaron's || 34. 8. 29. Moses took b. \\ 9. 20. fat on ^. 21. || 10. 14. Num. 6. 20. the wave b. \\ 18. 18. as wave b. and Job 3. I'i. b. I should suckl|21. 24. b. full of milk 24. 9. they pluck the fatherless from the b. Psal. 22. 9.' on my mother's b. \\ Prov. 5. 19. her b. Song 1. 13. betwixt my ^.|)4. 3. b. like 2 roes, 7 3. 7. 7. thy b. like clusters of grapcs|)8. of tlie vine 8. 1. the b. of my mother || 8. and she hath no b. 10. 1 am a wall, and my b. like towers Isa. 28. 9. weaned from the milk, drawn from b. 60. 16. thou shall suck the b. of kings 66. 11. satisfied with the b. of her consolation Lam. 4. 3. even the sen-monsters draw out the b. Ezek. 16. 7. ^. are fashioned |J 23. 3. b. pressed 23. 8. b. of her virginity 1| 34. pluck off thy ^. Dan. 2. 32. head of gold, his b. and his arms of silver Hos. 2. 2. from between her ^. || 9. 14. and dry b. Joel 2. 16. (hat suck b. \\ Nah. 2. 7. tabring on b. Luke 1 8. 13. smote on his ^.||23. 48. smote their b. John 13. 25. then lying on Jesus' b. saith, 21. 20. Rev. 15. 6. their b. girded with golden girdles BREAST-PLATE, s. Of the Jewish high-priest, was cunningly wrought of gold, blue, yurple, scarlet, andfine linen ; which being a span square, teas fastened by gold chains and rings on the ephod. Herein were set twelve several stones, on which the names of the twelve tribes were graven; and herein was the Urim and Tlmmim. AlNS WORTH. Brea%t-plate is likewise a piece of defensive armour. Rev. 9. 9. Hence faith and love are called Breast-plates, 1 Thes. 5. 8. because, when hi exercise, they defend the soul from Satan's temp- tations, a7id the snares of the world, 1 John 5. 4. Exod. 25. 7. and stones to be set in the b. 35. 9. 528. 4. a b. and ephod, 15.|39. 8.||22. upon b. chains 23. rings on b. 26.J39. 16.||28.bind 6. by, 39. 21. 29. Aaron shali bear the names of Israel in b. 30. put in b. of judgment the Urim, Lev. 8. 8. Isa. 59. 17. he put on rigliteousness as a b. Eph. 6. 14. having on the b. of righteousness 1 Thes. 5. 8. putting on the b of faith and love Rev. 9. 9. b. as it were b. of iron 1| 17. b. of fire BREATH, s. signifies, [1] The air received and discharged, by the dilatation and compression of the lungs, J ob 9. 1 8. [2] The life, Psal. 1 46. 4. Dan, 5. 23. [3] God's powerful word and Spirit, Psal. 33.,6. Isa. 11. 4. Ezek. 37. 9- [4] His anger, Job. 4. 9. Isa. 30. S3. Gen. 2. 7.iutonostrils^>.of lifeii 6. 17. | 7. 15,22. 2 Sam. 22. 16. blast of b. of his nostrils, Psal. 18. 15, 1 Kin. 17. 17. and there was no 6. left in him Job 4. 9. by b. of his nostrils are they consumed 9. 18 he will not suffer me to take my b. 12. 10. in whose hand is the b. of all mankind 15. 30. by b. of his mouth||17. 1. mybAs corrupt 19. 17. my /^. is strange to ray wife||2!7. 3. my it. 33. 4. b. of the Almighty hath given me life 34. 14. if he gather unto himself his spirit and b. 37. 10. b. of G. frost|)41. 21 his b. kindleth coals Psal. 33. 6. all of them made by b. of his mouth 10,4. 29. thou takest away their 6. they die, and 13.5. 17. nor b. in mouths || 146. 4. his 6.goeth 150. 6. that hath b. praise the Lord |) Eccl. 3. 19. Isa. 2. 22. b. in nostrils] jll. 4. with b. will he slay 30. 28. b. as overflowing stream (J 33. b. of Lord 33. 11. b. as fire shall devour || 42. 5. giveth b. Jer. 10. 14. and there is no b. in them, 51. 17. Lam. 4. 20. the b. of our nostrils, the anointed Ezek. 37. 5. cause 6. to enter, 6.||8. no b. in them 9. and say, come, O b.\\10. and the b. came into Dan. 5. 23. thy b. is || 10. 17. nor b. left in me Hab. 2. 19. tliere is no b. at all in the midst of it Acts 17. 25. giveth to all life and b. || Jam. 2. 1 26. BREATHE, v. signifies, [1] To respire. Josh. 10. 40. [2] To infuse the soul into the body. Gen. 2. 7. [3] To live, Josh. U. 11. [4^ To inspire, John 20. 22. Josh. 11. 11. there was not any left to 6. 14. Psal. 27. 12. risen, and such as b. out cruelty Song 4.t6. till day b. || Ezek. 37. 9. b. on these slain BREATHED, ETH, ING. Gen. 2. 7. God 6. into man's nostrils||Deut. 20. 16. Josh. 10.40. destroyed all that b. 1 Kin. 15. 29. Lam. 3. £6. hide not thy ear at my b. at my cry John 20. 22. he b. on them, and saith, receive ye Acts9.1 . Saul yet b. out threatenings and slaughter BRED, p. Exod. 1 6. 20. it b. worms and stank BREECHES, s. Exod. 28. 42. linen b, 39. 28. Lev. 6. 10. put on linen b. Ifi. 14. Ezek. 44. 18. BREED, p. Gen. 8. 17. they may b. abundantly BREED, ING. Deut. 32.14. of Bashan|iZeph.2.9. BRETHREN, s. signifies, [1] The sons of one father. Gen. i2. 13. [2] The community. Gen. 19. 7. [3] Adopted and regenerated persons^ John 20. 17. Col. 1. 2. Gen. 13.8.forwebeA.|J19.7. b. do not so wickedly 24.27. master's b.\\ 34. 11. Shechem said to her b. 34. 25. Dinah's b. took || 42. 3. Joseph's ten b. 42. 6. b. came and bowedjjl 3. we are twelve b. 32. 45. 16. Joseph's b. are come || 49. 5. b. in evil 50. 15. Joseph's b. saw their father was dead Num. 27. 4. give us a possession among the b. 7. 10. if he have no b. give it to his father's b. 11. Deut. 25. 5. if 6. dwell together, and one die Josh. 6. 23. Rahab brought b. \\ 17. 4. among h. Judg. 9. 1. Abimelech went to b. || 3. mother's b. 2 Kin. 10. 13. answered, we are b. of Ahaziah 1 Chr. 12. 2. Saul's b. \\ 26. 7. b. were strong men 27. 18. of Judah,Elihu one of the h. of David 2 Chr. 21, 2. he had b. || 22. S.Jehu found b. Psal. 133. 1. for b. to dwell together in unity Prov. 6. 19. dis^cord among Z*. || 17. 2. j 19. 7. Matt. 4. 18. Jesus saw two Z» 1 121. saw other two^. 19. i:9. forsaken houses, b.\\20. 24. against two b. 22. 25. seven b. Mark 12. 20. |) 23. 8. all ye are b.. Mark 10. 29. hath left iiouse or b. Lnke^S. 29. 30. shall receive an hundred-fold, houses, 6. I n BRE Lwke 14. 26. hate not 6.|ji6. 28. for I have ftve 6. 21, 16. ye shall be betrayed by parents and b. John 21 . 23. this saying went abroad among the b. Acts 3- 17. 6. I vvot||6. 3. b. look out among yon 7. 26. sirs, ye are b. \\ 9. 30. when the b. knew 10. 23. certain b. from Joppa|jll. 12. these six b. 11. 29. send relief to b.^yz. 17. to James and to b. 14.2.evil-afFected against <&.||15.1.taught||3.joy to 15 22. chief among 6.|j23. 6. send greeting to b. 32. exhort h. with many words, 1 Thes. 5. 14. 33. let go in peace from b. to|)40. recora. by b. to 16. 2. well reported of by b |j40. had seen the b. 17. 6. they drew Jason and certain b. to rulers 10. the b. immediately sent away Paul, 14. 18. 18. Paul took leave of ^.|j27. the b. wrote 20. 32. now b. I commend you to God|j21. 7, 17. 22. 5. letters to the b.\\23. b. I wist not b. that he 28.14.foim i6.|jl5. when 6. heard of us||21. came Kom. 1.13. now I would not have you ignorant b. 11. 25. 1 Cor. 10. 1. I 12. 1. 1 Tiies. 4. 13. 7. 1. know ye not b. |) 8. 12. b. we are debtors 8. 29. first-born among 6.||10. 1. b. my prayer tp 12. 1. I beseech you b. therefore by the mercies of God, 15. 30. 1 16.17. 1 Cor. 1. 10.|16, 15. Gal. 4. 12. Heb. 13.22. 16. 14. salute 6. which are with them, Col. 4. 15. 1 Cor. 1 26. se« your calling Z'.|j2. 1. | 3. 1. 1 4. 6. 7. 2P. b. time is short, 15.50.|(8.12 sin against b. p. 5. as 6. of the Lord|| 11. 2. 1 praise you b. 14. 26. how is it b. when ye come together 15. 6. above 500 b. \\ 58. beloved b. Jam. 2. 5. 16.11. look for him withA.|| 1 2. come to you with 20. all the b. greet you, Phil. 4. 21. 2 Cor. 9. 3. 1 sent the b. \\ b. to exhort b. j| 11. 9. 11. 26. among false 6.|jl3. 11. finally b. farewel Gal. 1. 2. all the^. with mc||2. 4. false 6. unawares Eph. 6. 23. peace be to ^>.||Phil. 1, 14. b. waxing Col. 1. 2. to the saints and faithful b. in Christ 1 Thes. 4. 1. beseech you b. 10.)|d. 12. 2 Thes. 2. 1. 10. all the b.\\o- 25. b. pray for us, 2 Thes. 3. 1. 5. 26. greet all the i.||'j7. be read to all the b. 1 Tim.4.6.6.in remembrance||5.1.5'Ounger men as 6- 2. not despise them because they are b. Heb. 2.11. «ot ashamed to call them '6.JJ3.1. holy 6. 1 Pet. 1. 22. unfeigned love ofb.\\5. 8. love as b. 1 John 3. 14. because we love b.\ll6. lives for b. S Jobn 3. rejoiced when b.\\!y. thou dost to 6.||10. His BRETHREN. Gen. 9. 22. Ham told - two b.\\25. servant to - b. 16. 12. in presence of-b. 25. 18.|j2r.3r. forserv. 37.2. Joseph feeding flock with-(?'.|)5.and told -6. 11. - b. envied him || 30. Reuben returned to -b. 38. 11. for he said, lest he die also as - b. did 44. 33. and let the lad go up with - b. 47. 12. Joseph nourished his father and -b. 49. 26. was separate from - b. Deut. 33. 16. Exod. 1.6.Joseph died, -b. and all that generation 211. Moses went out to - b. and spied an Egyp. Lev. 21. 10. he that is high-priest among- b. 25. 48. is sold, one of- b. may redeem him Num. 25. 6. brought to - 6. a Midianitish woman 27. 9. then shall je give his inheritance to - b. Deut. lO.iJ. Levi no part Vvith-Z'.)jl7.20. above -6, 18.7. -b. the Levites dol|20.8. lest -6. heart famt 24. 7. stealing of- b.\\ 33. 9. nor acknowledge -6. 33. 24. let Asher be acceptable to - b. let him Judg. 9. 5. Abinielcch slew - b. seventy persons BRE Judge9.26.GaaI camewith-<^.andwent toShechem 56. did to his father in slaying his seventy b. 11.3. Jephthah fled from - b. and dwelt in Tob Ruth 4. 10. name of dead be cut off from - A 1 Sam. 16, 13. in midst of- L jj 22. 1. - b. heard it 1 Chr. 4. 9. more honourable than - ^. || 5. 2. above 7. 22.- ^. came to comfort him |j 25. 9.-b. twelve So to the end of the chapter. 2 Chr. 21. 4. Jehoram slew- b. with the sword Esth. 10. 3. Mordecai the Jew was accepted of -A Hos. 13. 15. fruitful among -(^.||Mic. 5. 3. -^.return Matt. 12. 46. and - 1>. stood without, desiring to speak with him, Mark 3. 31. Luke 8. 19. John 7. 5. for neither did - b. believe in him Acts 7. 13. known to - b. |) 23. to visit -b.25. 1 Cor. 6. 5. tojudge between - b. |) Heb. 2. 17. like Men and BRETHREN. Acts 1. 16. I 2. a?, 37. I 7. 2. j 13. 15, 26, 38. j 15. 7, 13. I 22. 1. I 23. 1, 6. | 28.17. My BRETHREN. Gen. 29. 4. Jacob said unto them,-^. whence be ye 31. 37. set it before - i>. || 37. 16. 1 seek -ft. 46. 31. 'i. and father's house are come, 47. 1. Exod. 4. 18. let me go and return to - />. in Egypt Josh. 2. 13. they will save alive my father and - 1>. 14. 8.-6. made the heart of the people to melt Judg. 8. 19. Gideon said, they were - 6. 19. 23. - 6. 1 pray you do not so wickedly 1 Sam. 20. 29. and see -b. |) 30. 23. not do so - L 2 Sam. 19. Is'.yeare-^. |) 1 Chr. 28. 2. hear me- ^. Neh. 1. 2. Hanani one of- L |( 4. 23. I nor - 1>. a. 10. 1 and - b might exact [j 14. I and - 1. have Job 6. 15. - 6. have dealt deceitfiilly as a brook 19. 13. hath put - b. far from me and mine, acq. Psal. 22. 22. will declare thy name to-/J.Heb.2.12. 69. 8. stranger to - i. j) 122. 8. for - 6. sakes Matt. 12.48. said to him, who are -/5. Mark. 3. 33. 49. behold my mother and - L Mark 3. 34. 25. 40. to the least of these -/^. () 28. 1 0. go tell-*^. Luke 8. 21. - i>. which hear||John 20. 17. go to-b. Rom. 9. 3. were accursed from Christ for - 6. Jam. 5. 10. - ^. the prophets || 12. - L swear not Our BRETHREN. Gen. 31. 32. before - 6. discern what is thine Num. 20. 3. -h. died||Deut. 1. 28. -^. discouraged 2 Sam. 19. 41.- &. stolen thee away I) iChr. 13. 2. Neh. 5. 5. as the flesh of- b. |j 8. redeemed - 6. the Acts 15. 36. visit -i.\\2 Cor. 8. 23. Rev. 12. 10. Their BRETHREN. Num. 8. 26. shall minister with - 6. in tabernacle Deut. 1 8. 2. no iuherit.among-i.||18. raise prophet Judg.20. 13. not hearken to - 6.||21. 22.-^. come to 2 Sam. 2. 26. from following- 6. |j 2 Kin. 23. 9. 1 Chr. 8. 32. these dwelt with - b. in Jerus. 9. 38. 12. 32. all- 6. were at their commandment 39. drinking, for - 1>. had prepared for them 2 Chr.28. 15. to Jericho to-6. |1 Neh. 5. l.||13. 13. Job 42. 15. gave them inheritance among - 6, Jer. 41. 8. for he slew them not among - 6. Heb. 7. 5. tithes of -^.|lRev. 6. 1 1. till -6. be killed Th7j BRETHREN. Gen. 27. 29. lord over - L let mother's sons bow 31. 37. set it before - b. || 37. 10. I and i>. bow 37. 13. do not -^. feed 1| 14. be well with - b. and 48. 22. have given to thee one portion above - b. 49, 8. thou art he whom - b. shall praise Deut. 15.7. poor roan of-d. [j 17.15.fron»en»oHg^* bRi BKX Dent 18. 15. prophet of- 6,1121. 14. not oppress-3. Josh. 2. 18. tliou shalt bring - b. home unto thee Jndg. 14. 3. no woman among daughters of - h. 1 Sam. 17. 17. take for - b. run to camp to - b. IB. 2 Sam. 15. 20. take back -^.jl 2Chr. 21. 13. slain Jer. 12. 6. - b. have dealt treacherously with thee Ezek. 11.15. - b. even - b. men of thy kindred Matt. 1 2. 47. - b. stand, Mark 3. 32. Luke 8. 20. Luke 14. 12. call not - b.\\ 22. 32. strengthen - b. Kev. 19. 10. see thou do it not, I am of- 6. 22. 9. Fowr BRETHREN. Gen. 42. 19. let one of- b. be bound in prison, 33. Lev. 10. 4. carry - /5. 1| 6. let - k bewail |1 25. 46. Num. 18. 6. taken - h. theLevitesl|32. 6. go to war Deut. 1.16. hear the causes between - b. 3. 18. pass over armed before - b. Josh. 1. 14. 20. till Lord hath given rest to - b. Josh. 1. 15. Josh. 22. 3. not left - ^-H 4. rest to -/^.||8. spoil with 1 Kin. 12. 24. not fight against - b. 2 Chr. 11. 14. 2 Chr. 19. 10. and so wrath come on you and - b. 28. 11. taken of- b. \\ 30. 7. not like, - b. which 30. 9. if ye turn, - b. shall find compassion Neh. 4. 14. fight for -^. || 5. 8. will you sell - b. Isa. 66. 5. - b. that hated you, that cas-t you out 20. they shall bring - b. for an oti'ering to the L. Jer. 7. 1 .5. cast out alW. j|Hos. 2. 1 . say to - b. Ammi Mat. 5. 47. if ye salute- ^.onlyjl Acts 3. 22.17. 37. 1 Cor. 6. 8. ye do wrong, and defraud, and that- <^. 1 Pet. 5. 9. same afflictions accomplished in - b. BRIBE, S. 1 Sam. 8. 3. Samuel's sons took h. 1 Sara. 12. 3. I received any A.HPs. 26. 10. full of Isa 33. 15. from holding b. \\ Amos. 5. 12. take a //. BRIBERY, s. Job 1.5. 34 the tabernacles oi b. BRICK. Gen.ll.3.Exod. 1.14.15. 7, iG.Isa. 65. 3. BRICKS.Exod.5. 8.taleof6.18,19. ||Isa.9. 10. BRICK-KILN, .«. 2 Sam. 12. 31. pass thro' b. Jer. 43. 9. hide stones in the clay in the b. Nah. 3. 14. tread the morter, make strong the b. BRIDE, 5. Isa. 49. 18. bind on thee a b. doth Isa. 61. 10. as b. adorneth || 62.5.rejoiceth ovevb. jTer. 2. 32. can b. forget||7. 34. voice of ^. 16. 9. 33. 11. voice of the (^. || Joel 2. 16. let b. go out John 3. 29. he that hath the b. is the bridegroom Rev. 18. 23. voice of 6. heard no more in thee 21. 2. as a b. adorned 1| 9. I'll shew thee the b. 22. 17. and the Spirit and the b. say, come BRIDE-CHAMBER, s. Mat. 9. 15. of/;, mourn Mark 2. 19. can children of b. fast, Luke 5. 34. BRIDEGROOM, s. Psal. 19. 5. as a b. cometh Is^.61.10.^. decketh||62.5. b. rejoiceth over bride Matt 9.15.can children of bride-chamber mourn, while b. is with them ? Mark Q. 19. Luke 5. 34. 25. 1. to meet the b. 5. || 6. b. cometh, 10. John 2. 9. called b. \\ 3. 29. friend of ;^. rejoiceth BRIDLE, s. is taken for, [1 J ^ horse's hit and reins, Psal. 32. 9. [2] Restraints of providence, 2 Kings 19. 28. Isa. 30. 28. 2 Kin. 1 9. 28. put my b. in thy lips, Isa. 37. 29. Job 30. 11. let loose the b. \\ 41. 13. his double b. Psal. 32. 9. held with 6.1139. 1. keep mouth with ^. Prov. 26. 3. b. for ass || Isa. 30. 28. b. in the jaws Jam. 1. 26. b. not his tongue || 3. 2. b. whole body Rev. 14. 20. blood out of wine-press to horse b. BRIEFLY, ad. Rom. 13. 9- 1 Pet. 5. 12. BRIER, S, it denotes, [1] An enemy,lsa. 10. 17. [2] Hurtful persons, Ezek, 28. 24. [3] Sins, Heb. 6. 8. Judg. 8. 7. then I will tear yom? flesh with b. 16* Isa. 5. e.xonie up b. \\ 1. 23. shall even be for ^. 7. 24. all land shall become b. and thorns 25. not tear of b. and thorns \\ 9. 18. 1| 10. 17. 27. 4. who would set b. against me in battle 32. 13. on land come b. \\ S5. 13. instead pf b. Ezek. 2. 6. though b. and thorns be with thee 28. 24. be no more a pricking b. to Israiel Mic. 7. 4.best of them is as /;.|lHeb. 6.8. be^reth b. RRIGANDINE, A eoatof mail!, Jer. 46. 4.151. 3. BRIGHT. Lev. 13. 2.b. spot, 4, 23, 24, 38.|14. 56. Job 37. 11. b. clouds, 21. Ij Song 5. 14. b. ivory Jer. 51 . 11. make b . the arrows, gather the shields Ezek. 1. 13. fire was b. \\ 21. 15. sword is b. || 21. 27. 19. b. iron 1| 32. b. lights 1| Nah. 3. 3. b. sword ^ech, 10. 1, b. cloudsjl Vlat. 17. 5. b. cloud oversh. Luke Jl. 36. 9,% when the b. shining of a candle Acts 10. 30. a man stood befqre mein^. clothing Rev. 22. 16. I am the b. and morning star BRIGHTNESS, s. signifies, {\'\ Light or lucid- ness, Isa. 59. 9. Amos 5. 20. £2] Beauty, Dan. 4. 36. [3] Royal dignity, glory and splen- dor, 'Ezek. 28.7. 2 Sam. 22. 13. thro' b. coals kindled, Psal. 18. 12. Job 31. 26. moon walking in b.\\ Psal. 89. f 44. Isa. 59. 9. we wait for b. \\ 60. 3. b. of thy rising 60. 19. nor for b. \\ 62. 1. go forth as b.\\ 66. 1 11. Ezek. 1. 4. and a fire and b. was about it, 27, 28. so was the appearance of the b. 8. 2. 10. 4. court full of b. II 28. 7. defile thy b. 17. Dan. 2. 31. thisiniage, whose /^. was excellent 4. 5(5. hoiiouv and b returned unto me || 5. + 6, 1 9. 12. 3. wise shall shine as b. of the firnjiament Amos5. 20. daydark and no 6.||Hab. 3. 4. 6.as light Acts 26, 13. light from heaven above b. of the sun 2 Thes. 2. 8. destroy with the b. of his coming Heb. 1. 3. who being the b. of his glory and image BRIM. Josh. 3. 15. feet dipped in b. of water 1 Kin. 7. 26. wrought like h. of a cup, 2 Chr. 4. 5,. 2 Chr, 4. 2. from b. to b. || John 2. 7. filled up to b.' BRIMSTONE. Gen. 19. 24. rained on Gomorrah 6. Luke 17. 29. Deut 29. 23. land is b. and salt, Job I8. 15. Psal. 11. 6. shall rain fire and b. Ezek. 38. 22. Isa. 30. 33. breath of the Lord like a stveam of b. 34. 9. and the dust thereof turned into b. Rev. 9. 17. mouths issued Z». 18. 1 14. 10. | ig. 20. 20. 10. cast into the lake of fire and b. 21. 8. BRING, V. Gen. 6. 1 7. 1 ^, a flood || 19. b. to a»k 9. 14. 1, b. a cloud IJ 18. 16. b. them on their way 18.19. Lord b. on Abrahi^m what he hath spoken 27. 4. b. that I may eat, 25. Ij 5. b. venison Ij 12. 42.20. b. youngest brother, 34, 37. | 43, 9-144. 32. 43. 16. b. these men home H 45. 1 9. b. your father 48. 9. 6. them, I pray, to me,and I will bless them Exod. 10. 4. else to-morrow I will b. the locusts 11.1. yet will I b. one plague more on Pharaoh 13. 5. it shall be when the Lord shall b. thee 11. 18. 19. that thou mayest b. the causes to God 22. 13. b. it for witness 19. first fiuits^. 34.26. 21. 6. b. him to judges 23. 4. surely b. it back 20. send an angel to 6. thee |i 35. 5. | 36. 5. Lev. 5. 7. if not able to b. a lamb, 11. | 12. 8. 8. b. them to priest, 12, || 16. 12. b. fire 1| 17. 5. Num. 8. 9. b. the Levites, 10. || 14. 8. then he wilU. 14. 16. becauseLord was not ablf' to6.Deut.9.28. 24. Caleb, him will I Zi, into laJid||16. 17.6.cen5er BRI rr BRX Kuin.2i).i3.not6.copgreg.||32.5.5.usnotoverJord. Drut. 1.17, caqse too hard for you, 6. it to me 7. 1. when the Lord shall b. thee into the land 21. 13. b. her homejj23. 3. b. to thy own house 30.12. b. it to us, 13.||33.7. b. Judah to his people 1 S4m. i. ??. weaned, then I'll b. him I| 9. 7. 9. 23. b. the portion \\\\.\'i,b. the men || 20. 8. 2 Sam. 3. 12. to b. 9II Israel to thee||13. b. Michal 14. 10. 6. him to me|j 19. 11. last to b. king back 1 Kin. 3. 24. and the king said, b. me a sword 8. 32. the wicked, to b. his way on his head 13. lb. b- him back II 17. 11.6. me amorsel 20. 33. go ye, b. hira||2 Kin. 2- 20. 6. anew cruse 2 Kin. 4. 6. b. me yet a vessel, and he said unto 41 . b. meal and cast||6. 19. I'll b. you to the man 1 Chr. 16. 29. b. an ofteving || 21. 2. b. the number 2 Chr.31.10. since the people began to b. offerings Neh. 13. 18. did not God b. this evil onus.^ Job 6. 22. did I say, b. unto me or give reward 10.9. wilt b. me to dustl|l4. 4. who can b. a cleau 18. 14. it shall b. him to the kin^ of terrors 30. 23. for I know thou wilt b. me to death S3. 20. to b. back his soul from the pit Psal. 43. 3. let them b. me to thy holy hill 60. 9. who will b me into strong city, 103. 10. 72, 3. b. peace || 94. 23. b. on their own iniquity Prov. 29. 8. scornful naen b. a city into a snare Eccl. 3. 22. who shall b. him to see what shall be 11. 9. God will b. thee into judgment, 12. 14. Song 8. 2. 1 would b. thee to my mother's house Isa. 7. 17. Lord shall b. \\ 14. 2. b. to their place 15. 9. b. more upon Dimonjl 23. 12. to the dust 4.5. 21 . and b. them near, and let them take 46. 13. I b. near my righteousness, it shall 56. 7. them will I b. to my holy mountain 38. 7. that thou b, the poor to thy house || 60. 17. 66. 4. 1 will b, their fears upon them Jer. 3. 14. I will take you and b. you to Zion 10. 24. lest thou 6. me to nothing || 11. 8. 17- 18. b. day of evil || 31. 8. I'll b. them from 32. 42. b. all the good||33. 6. 1 will b. it health 33. 11. ^ sacrifice |j 49. 5. b. a fear upon thee Ezek. 6. 3.will/^.aswordl|11.9. | 20.15. | 21.29. 23. 22. I will b. them against thee ou every side 34. 13. b. them to their own land, 36. 24.137. 21. Hos. 2. 14. b. herinto the wilderness || Amos 4.1 ,4. jNIic. 1. 15. b. an heir to thee || Zech. S. 8. I'll b. Mai. 3. 10. b. all the tithes into the store-house Matt. 2. 13. till I b. thee wordp. 23. b. thy gift 17. 17. b. \\m hither to me, Mark 9. 19. 21. 2. loose and/^. them, Mark 11. 2. Luke 19. 30. Mark 7. 32. and they b. to him one that was deaf Lrke 2. 10. 1 b. you good tidings || 8. 1 4. ^ no fruit 12. 11. when they bring you into the synagogue John 10. 16. other sheep, them also I must l. 14. 26.^. all things to your reraembrance}|18. 29. 21. 10. b. of the fish which ye have now caught Acts, 5. 28. b. this man's blood onus||7. 6. should b. 9.2. might b. them bound, 21. || 22. 5. | 23. 10. 1 Cor. 1.19. VWb.to nothing, 28. || 4. 17. ) 9. 27. 16. 6. b. me on myjouniey whithersoever I go 2 Cor. 11. 20. if a man ^. you into bondage Gal. 3. 24. schoolmaster to b. us to Christ 1 Thes. 414. them that sleep will God b. with him 2 Tim. 4. 11. take Mark and b. him with thee 1 Pet. 3. 18. suffered, that he might b. us to God 2 John 10. ifany come and 6. not this doctrine Kev. 21. 24. kings b. their glory to it, 26. BRING again. Gen. 24.5. must I b. thy son -,6.||8. b. not ray sen - 28. 15. I will b. thee - into this land, 48. 21. 37. 14. if well with brethren, and b. word -. 42. 37. deliver him, I'll b. liim to thee a^ain Num. 17. 10. b. Aaron's rod -||22. 8. I'll b. word - Deut. 1.23. b. us word -1J22.1. in any case b. them - 26. 68. the Lord shall 6. thee into Egypt - Judg. 11. 9. if ye b. me - tofight||19. 3. to b. her- 2 Sam. 12. 23. can 1 6. him back -|| 14. 21. Abs^. 15. 8. if the Lord b. me- to Jerusalem 25. he will b. me - and shew me it 1 Kin. 8. 34. forgive and b. them - 2 Chr. 6. 25. 12. 21. b. kingdom - to Rehoboam, 1 Chr. 11. I. 1 Chr. 13. 3. 6. -the ark|i21. 12. word I shall b.- 2 Chr. 24. 19. prophets to b. them - Neh 9. 29. Psal. 68. 22. I'll 6. -from Bashan, I'll b.-my people Prov. 19. 24. not b. it to mouth - 26. 15. Isa. 38. 8. I'll b. - shadowl|46. 8. h. - to mind, O 49. 5. b. Jacob -|| 32. 8. Lord b. - Zion Jer. 12^ 15. rilretuni and <&.them- 50. 19. 15. 19. if thou wilt return, then will I b. thee - 16. 15. I'll b. them - to their land, 24. 6. | 32. 37. 23.3. I'll b. them- into folds j|98.3. b. - vessels 28. 4. 1 will b. again to this place Jeconiah, 6. 30. 3. 1 will b. - the captivity of my people, 18. j 31.23. Ezek.39. 25. Amos !?. 14. 48. 47. yet will lb.- the captivity of Moab 49. 6. b. - the^aptivitv of Ammon, 39. Ezek. 16. 53. 1 b. - their captivityl'|29. 14. of Egj^pt 34. 16. I'll ^.ri;hat which was driven, Zeph. 3.20. Zech. 10. 6. I will b. them - to place them 10. 1 will 6. them - out of Egypt Matt. 2. 8. b. me vvord - that I may worship BRING down. Gen. 42. 38. &. - my grey hairs, 44. 29, 31, 43. 7. 6. your brother- 44. 21.|i45. 13. Deut. 9. 3. he shall b. them -||Judg. 7.4.^. tlie® - 1 Sam. 30. 15. canst b. me-, I will b. thee - 2 Sam. 22. 28. eyes on haughty, to b. them - 1 Kin. 1. 53. b. him - to Gihonl|2. 9. hoar head b. - Psal. 18. 27. b' - high looksl|55. 23. b. . to pit of Isa. 25. 5. 6.- noise of strangers||ll. b. - their pride 12. high fort b. - 1| 63. 6^ I'll b. - their strengtlj Jer. 49. 16. 1 will b. thee - from thence, Obad. 4. 51. 40. I will b. - like lambs to the slaughter Ezek. 26. 20. b. thee-|| 28. 8. b. thee- to the pit Hos. 7. 12. 1 will b. them -as fowls || Joel 3. 2. Amos 3. 11. b.- thy strength 1| 9. 2- thence b. - Obad. 3. saith in his heart, who shall b. me ^ Acts 23. 15. b. him - to-morrow 1| 20. b. Paul - Rom. 10. 6. that is, to 6. Christ - from above BRING forth. Gen. 1. 11. let the earth b. - 24. || 20. waters b. - 3. 16. iu sorrow shalt thou b. - children 18. thorns shall it b. - \\ 8. 17. 6. - every living 9. 7. b. - abundantly] ]38. 24. Judah said, b. her- Exod. 3. 10. that thou mayst b. - my people Israel H. who ara I that I should b. - Israel 7. 4. b. - n>y armiesjiS. 3. b. - frogs jl 18. b.- Hee Lev. 24. 14. 6.- him thatliath cursed, 23. 25. 21 . ^. - fruit for tliree years |j 26. 10. b. - old Num. 20. 8. b. - water out of the rock Deut. 14. 28. b.- all the tithe ji 17. .3. h. - that ma« 22. 13. b.- the tokens || Josh. 2. 3- b. - t'oc men Judg. 6.18. and b.- my presentljl9.22. b. - the ma» 2 Kings 10. 22. b. - vestments for the wwsJiippevs BRl BRI 2 Kin.19.3. no strength to b.- Isa.37.3[f23.4.vessels Ezra 1. 8, did Cyrus 6.-|j lO.tS. to b.- our wives Job 14. 9. b. -boughs|)15. 35. b.- vanity|j38. 32. S9. 1. when the wild goats 6, - 2, 3. 40. 20. surely the mountains b. him - food Psal. 37. 6. he shall 6.- thy righteousness as light 92. 14. they shall b. - fruit in old age 104. 14. that he may b. - food out of the earth 144. 13. that our sheep may b. - thousands Prov. 8.t35.^. - favour ||'27. 1, what a day may b. - Isa.5. 2. he looked that it should b. - grapes 23. 4. saying, I travail not, nor b. - children - 33.11.and6.-stubi)le|j4l.21./i.- your reasons, 22. 42, 1. b. - judgment, 3. |j 43. 8. b. - blind people 43. 9. b. - their Avitnesses || 45. 8. b. - salvation 55. 10. watereth the earth, and maketh it b. - 59. 4. they conceive misciiief, and b.- iniquity 65. 9.b.-a seed |) 23. nor 6.- for trouble 66. 8. shall the earth be made to b.- in one day 9. shall I bring to birth, and not cause lo b. - Jer. 12. 2. they grow, yea they b. - fruit 51. 44. 6.- out of his mouth what he swallowed Ezek. 12.4. b.- thy stHft|| 17. 23. shall b. - bouehs 20. 6. to b. - of Egyptl|38. I'll 6. -out of country 28. 18. I'll 6. -afire] 138. 4. I'll b. thee-|j47. 12. Hos. 9. 13. Ephraim shall b. - 1) 16. though he b. - Mic. 4. 10. be in pain and labour to Z>. - O Zion 7. 9. he will b. me- to the light, I shall behold Zcph. 2. 2. before the decree b. - the day pass Zech 3. 8. I'll b. - my servant the Branch 4. 7. b- - head-stone thereof |) 5. 4. b.. a curse Matt. 1. 23. behold, a virgin shall b.- a son, 21. 3. 8. b. - fruit meet for repentance, Luke 3. 8. 7. 18. good tree cannot^.- evil fruit, Luke 6. 43. Mark 4. 20. b.- fruit, some thirty fold, some sixty Luke 1.31. b.- a. son |) 8. 5. and b.- fruit |) 15. 22. John 15. 2. b. - more thiil, 16. \\ 19. 4. I b. liim - Rom. 7. 4. b. - fruit unto God j| 5. unto death BRING in. Exod. 6. 8. 1 will b. you into the land I did swear 15. 17. b.- and plant |) 16.5. | 23. 23. Num. 14. 31. 2 Chr. 24 9. 2 Chr. 28. 13. shall not b. - the captives hither Jer. 17. 24. 6.-no burden|)Dan. 2. 24. ( 5.7.|9.24. *Hag. 1. 6. and 6. -little|)Luke 14. 21. 6.- the poor 2 Pet. 2. 1. who privily b.- damnable heresies BRING out. Gen. 19. 5. b. them oid to us that we may, 8, 12. 40. 14. mention, and 6. me mit of this house 50.24. God win visit and b. you out of this land Exod. 6. 6. I'll bring you out from under burdens 13. to b. - of Egypt, 26, 27. ) 7. 5. | 12. 51. 52. 12. for mischief did he b. them out to slay Dent. 21. 19. l>. him -to elders|)22. 21. ^.-damsel 22. 24. b. both- to gate|)24. 1 1, shall b. - pledge Josh. 6. 22. b. - Rahab]|10. 22. b.- those 5 kings . Judg. 6. 30. b.- thy son|jl9. 24. b.- and humble ye Psal. 25. 17. Ob. thou me out of my distresses , 1 42. 7. b. my soul - of prison, that I may praise 143. 1 1. Lord, b. my soul out of trouble Isa. 42. 7. to b. - the prisoners from the prison Jer. 8. 1. b. - the bones |) 38. 23. b. - all thy wives Ezek. 11. 7. ril b. you -|!20. 34, 41. | 24. 6. | 34. 13. Acts 17. 5. sought to b. them out to the people BRING to pass. Gen. 41. 32. tlie dream God will shortly b. - 50. 20. to b.- as it is this day, to save much people Psal. 37. 5. trust in him, and he shall bring it - Isa. 28. 21. (^.- his act II 46. 11. 1 will also b. it- BRING up. Gen. 46. 4. 1 will also surely b. thee up again Exod. .3. 8. b. them - out of the land||17. ] 33. 12. Num. 14. 37. b. - evil report|| 20. 25. b.- Aaron Deut. 22. 14. b. - evil name on her || Judg. 6. 13. 1 Sam. 19. 15. b. him up in the bed, that I may 28. 11. he said, 6. me «/> Samuel [j 2Sam. 2. 3. 2 Sam. 6. 2. to b. - ark of God, 1 Kings 8. 1, 4, 1 Chr, 13. 6.|15. 3, 12, 14, 25. 2 Cor. 5. 2, 5. 1 Chr. 17. 5. since I did b. - Israel |1 Ezra 1.11. Neh. 10. 38. b.- tithes] [Isa. ^3. 4. nor 6.- virgins Jer. 27. 22. then will I b. them up, and restore Ezek. 16. 40. b.- a company against thee, 23. 46i 26. 19. when I shall 6- the deep upon thee 29. 4. b. thee - out of rivers, 32. 3.i|37. 6. b.- flesh Hos. 9. 1 2. tho' they h. - children, I will bereave Amos 8. 10. 1 will 6.- sackcloth upon all loins Rom. 10. 7. to 6. -Christ||Eph. 6. 4. b. - in nurture BRINGERS, s. 2 Kin.10.5. the b. up of children B>? INGEST, 1?. Job 14. 3. Isa. 40. 9. Acts 17.20.' BKINGETH, v. Exod. 6. 7. who b. you out Lev 11.45. Lord that 6. you out of Egypt|| 17.4,9. Deut. 8.7. Lord ^. thee to good land||l4.22.6.forth 1 Sam. 2. 6. he b. down to the grave, and b. up 7. Lord maketh poor, and 6. low, and lif teth up 2 Sam. 22. 48. b. dovvn people || 49. b. me forth Job 12. 6. into whose hand God b. abundantly 22. he 6. out to light the shadow of death 1 9. 29, wrath 6.||28. 1 1. thing hid b. he to light Psal. 1. 3. tree b. forth his fruit in his season 14. 7, when the Lord b. back the captivity, 53.6. Z3. 10. b. counsel to nought || 37. 7. || 68. 6. 107. 30. Jie 6. them to their desired haven 135. 7. 6. wind out of treasuries, Jer. 10.13.|51. 16. Prov. 10.31.6. forth wisdom||i6. 30. 6. evil to pass 19. 26. b reproach || 20. 26. b. wheel over them 21. 27. b. it with wicked heart || 29. 15, 21. 29. 25. fear of man b. a snare |! 30. o2>. | 31. 14. Ecci. 2. 6. water tl»« wood that 6. forth trees Isa. 8. 7. LordZ*. on them waters of the river 26. 5. them that dwell on high, he b. to dust 40. 23. b. princes to nothing |( 26. b. out host 43.17. b. forth chariot II 54. 16. | 61.11. Jer. 4. 31 . b. fortli her first child || Ezek. 29. 1 6. Hos. 10. 1 . Israel b. fruit to himself || Hag. 1.11. Matt. 3. 10. b. not forth good fruit, 7.19. Luke 3.9. 1 2. 35. good man b. forth good things, Luke 6.45. 13. 23. b. forth some 100 fold||52. b. things new 17. 1. Jesus b. them up into an high mountain Mark 4. 28. the earth b. forth frnit of herself Luke 6. 43. a good tree b. notforth corrupt fruit John 12. 24. if it die, it b. much fruit, 15. 5. Col. 1. 6. gospel b. forth fruit, as it doth in you Tit. 2. 1 1 . the grace of God that h. salvation Heb. 1. 6. 6. first-begotten |j 6. 7. earth b. herbs Jam. 1. 15. b. forth sin, and sin b. forth death BRINGING,!). Exod. 12.42. | 3e>. 6. Num. 3. 15. ottering b. iniquity to remembrance 14. 36. by b. up a slander upon the land 2 Sam. 19. 10. a word of h. the king back, 43. 1 Kin. 10. 22. b. gold and silver, 2 Chr. 9. 21. 2 Kin. 21. 12. lam 6. such evil on Jerusalem Neh. 13. 15. some on the sabbath b. in sheaves Psal. 126. 6. b. his sheaves withhimljjer. 17. 26. Matt. 21. 43. to a nation b. forth the fruit thereof BRO BRO / Mark 2. 3". &. one sick || Luke 24. 1. h. spices Rom. 7; 23. h. me into captivity, 2 Cor. 10, 5. Heb. 2. 10. b. many sons || 7. 19. b. better iiope 2 Pet. 2. 5. ^. in flood upon the world of ungodly BRINK, s. Gep. 41. 3. kine on b. of rivers Exod.2.3. laid ark by b. \\ 7, 15. stand by river's h. Deut. 2. 36. Aroer by h. || Josh. 3. 8. b. of Jordan Ezek. 47. 6. caused me to turn to h. of the river BROAD, tf. Num. 16. 38. h. plates, 39. Neh. 3. 8. fortified Jerusalem to 6. wall, 12. 38. Job 36. 16. out of the strait into a h. place Psal. 119. 96. exceeding 6.|| Song 3. 2. in h. ways Isa. 2>^. 21. place of 6. rivers || Jer. 5. 1. | 51. 58. Nah. 2. 4. chariots shall justle in the 6. ways Matt. 7. 13. b. is the way || 23. 5. h. phylacteries BROADER, a. Job 1 1. 9. 6. than the sea BROIDERED, p. Exod. 28. 4. 6. coat, Ezek. 16. 10, 13, 18. I 26. 16. I 27. 7, 16, 24. 1 Tim. 2. 9. women adorn, not with h. hair BROILED, p. Xuke 24. 42. piece of 6. fish BROKEN, p. Lev. 6. ^8. vessel shall be 6. 15. 12. Lev. 21. 19. is 6. footed (| 20. stones 6. not offer 22. 22. b. or maimed, ye shall not offer, 24. 26. 13. h. the bands of^your yoke|| 26. h. the staff Judg. 5. 22. then were the horse-hoofs h. 16. 9. brake the withs, as a thread of tow is h. 1 Sam. 2. 4. the bows of the mighty men are 6. 2 Sam. 22. 35. bow of steel is b. Psal. 18. 34. 1 Chr. 14. 11. God hath h. in upon mine enemies 2 Chr. 20. 37. the Lord hath h. thy works, ships 32. 5. he built up all the wall that was 6. Job 4. 10. teeth of lions h. \\ 7. 5. my skin is b, SL'2,. 9. arms b.\\ 24. 20. wickedness h. as a tree 31 . 22. arm be b. from bone || 38. 15. high arm b. Psal.3.7. b. teeth of ungodly || 31. 12. like b. vessel 34. 18. Lord is nigh them of a b. heart, 51. 1 7. 20. he keepeth his bones, not one of them is h. 37. 15. bows b. II 17. arms be 6.||38.8.I am sore h. 44. 19. hast sore b.ViS>\^ 51. 8. bones thou hast b. 60. 2. earth hast 6. it II 69. 20. reproach 6.JI 107.16. 109. 16. slay b. in heart || 124. 7. snare is b. 147. 3. he healeth the b. in heart, and bindeth Prov. 6. 15. suddenly be 6.|| 15. 13. spirit is b. 17.22.*. spirit drieth bones || 25. 19. like b. tooth Eccl. 4. 12. a threefold cord is not quickly b. 12. 6. or the golden bowj be b. or pitcher Isa. 5. 27. nor latchet be h. || 7. 8. Ephraim be h. 8. 15, fall and be 6.|| 9. 4. thou hast b. the yoke 14. 5. the Lord liath h. the staff of the wicked 29. rod that smote thee6.|| 19. 10. 6. in purposes 21. 9. images h. || 28. 13. fall backward and be b. 33. 8. b. covenant || 20. nor cords be b. || 36. 6. Jer. 2. 13. h. cisterns || 16. b, crown of thy head 20. I have h. thy yoke, and burst thy Ijands 5. 5. 6. the yoke || 10. 20. all my cords are b. 11. 16. branches are b. || 14. 17. virgin is b. 23. 9. my heart is b. || 28. 2. I have b^ the yoke 33. 21. then may my covenant be h. with David 48. 1 7. how is the strong staff h. and the rod 25. arm of Moab b. \\ 38. h. Moab like a vessel 50. 17. 6. Israel's bones || 23. hammer of earth b. 51. 56. bows h.\\ 5S. walls of Babylon be b. Lam. 2. 9. h, her bars || 3.4.6.my bones||l6.6.teeth Ezek. 6. 4. your images shall be b. 6. || 9. 1 am b. 19. 12. her strong rods were b. and withered 26. 2. Aha, she is 6. || 27. 26. east wind h. thee 27. 34. 6. by the seas jj 30. 21. b. Pharaohjj 22. Ezek. 32. 28. h. in the midst of the uncircumcised 34.4. nor bound up 6. 16.||27. &. bands||44.7. Dan. 2.42. partly 6.||8. 8. great horn was 6. 22, 25. 11,4. kingdom be6.||22. with arms of flood be6^ Hos. 5. 11. Ephraim is h. t| Jonah 1. 4. ship be h. Zech. 11. 11. was b, in that day || 16. not heal h. Matt. 15. 2>7. took up of the b. meat, Mark 8. 8. 21, 44. fall on this stone shall be 6. Luke 20. 18» Luke 12. 39. not have suffered his house to be h. , John 5. 18. b. the sabbath jj 7. 23. law not be h. 10. 35. and the scripture cannot be 6. 19. 36. bone of him not be (^.1121. 11. not net b. Acts 20. 11. had h. bread || 27. 41. hinder part h. 1 Cor. 11. 24. body which is h. 1| Rev. 2. 27. be 6. BROKEN down. Lev. U. 35. or ranges 6. - for 1 Kings 18. 30. repaired the altar tliat was b. 2 Kings 11.6. keep watch, that it be not b. - 2 Chr. 33. 3. high places Hezekiah had b. - 34. 7. Josiah had b. - the altars and groves Neh. 1. 3. the wall of Jerusalem is b. • and gates 2. 13. and I viewed the walls which were b. - Psal. 80. 12. why hast thou then L - her hedges 89. 40. thou hast b. - all his hedges, hast brought Prov. 24. 31. stone wall was ^.-|| 23. 28. city ^. - Isa. 16, 8. 6. principal plants || 22. 10. houses 6. - 24. 10. city of confusion is b. - \\ 19. earth is b. - Jer. 4. 26. all the cities ^. - 1| 43, 20. Moab b. - 39. Ezek. 30. 4. and her foundations shall be ^. - Joel 1.17. barns ^, - 1| Eph. 2. 14. b. - middle wall BROKEN /orM. Gen. 30. f 30. | 38. 29. 2 Sam. 5, 20. the Lord hath b. - on mine enemies BROKEN in. 1 Chr. 14. 11. God hath^. - BROKEN o/". Job 17. 11. my purposes are L - Isa. 27.11. boughs shall be 6. -1| Rom.11.17,19,20. BROKEN out. Lev. 1 3. 20. a leprosy b. - 25. BROKEN in pieces. 1 Sam. 2. 1 0. adversaries 5. - 2 Chr. 25.12. cast them from rock, they were b. - Psal, 89. 10, b. Rahab - 1| Isa. 8.9.1 30. 14. Jer. 50. 2. Dan. 2. 35. Hos. 8. 6. Mark 5. 4. bound with fetters, they had been b, - BROKEN up. Gen. 7. 11. great deep b.- 2 Kin. 25. 4. city Jerusalem b^- Jer. 32. 9. j 52. 7. 2Chr. 24. 7. sonsof Athaliahhad/^. - house of God Prov. 3. 20. by his knowledge the depths are b. - Jer. 37. 11. Chaldeans ^.-|jMic. 2.13. Matt. 24. 43. Mark 2.4. b. it - they let down the bed||Actsl3.43. BROKEN-Aear^ed. Isa. 61. 1. Luke 4. 18. BROOD,*, Luke 13. 34. as hen doth gather her b. BROOK, s. Gen. 32. 23. sent them over the b. Lev. 23. 40. take willows of the b. and rejoice Num. 13. 23. to b. Eslicol, and cut a branch, 24. Deut. 2. 13. the h. Zered, went over the b. 14. 1 Sam. 17. 40. five stones out of ^. ]| 30. 9. b. Besor 2 Sam. 1 5. 23. b. Kidron |j 17. 20. over h. of water 1 Kin. 2. 37. passest over b. \\ 15. 13. b. Kidron 17. 3. hide thee by the b. Cherith, 5, 6. 18. 40. Elijah brought them to the b. Kishon 2 Kings 23. 6. burnt the grove at h. Kidron, 12. -2- Chr. 30.14. | 20. 16. 2 Chr. 29. 16. to b. Kidron |j 32. 4. stopt the b. Neh. 2. 15. went up by tlie^. and viewed the wall Job 6.15. deceitfully as a b. || 40. 22. willows of <&. Psal. 83.9. at i. Kishon || 110.7. drink of Z>. in way Prov. 1 8. 4. well-spring of wisdom as flowing b. Jer. 31. 40. to b. Kidron || John 18. 1. 6. Cedron ; BROOKS. Num. 21. 14. b. of Arnon, 15. Deut.8.r. aland of ^.|| 2 Sam, 23. SO. iChr. 11. 32. BRO BRO i KiftgS 18. 5. Ahab said, go to all b. of water > Job 6. 15. as stt-eam of ^. |j 20. 17. h. of honey Psal. 42. I. as hart pauteth after the water b. Isa. 19. 6. b. of defence, 7. || 8. cast angle in h. BROTH, s. Judg. 6. 19, 20. Isa. 65. 4. BROTHER, s. {See signification on Brethren.] Gen. 9. 5. at hand of every man s b. require life •S4. 29. Rebekah had a b. \\ 53. gave her b. 29. 12. told Rachel he was her father's b. 43. 6. as to tell ye had a b. 44. 19. || Deut. 25. 5. Judg. 9. 24. their blood on Abimeloch their b. Si. 6. Israel repented for Benjairtin their b. Jobl.l3. eldest 6. house, 18.||30.29.6. todragons Prov.l7.l7.6.born for adversity || IS.^^b.to waster 18. 19. b. oifended|| 2 k sticketh closer than a b. 27. 10. than a b. far'off|| Eccl. 4. 8. child nor b. Jer. 9. 4. trust not in b.\\E-zek. 44.25. for b- defiled Mai. 1. 2. was net Esau Jacob's b. saith the Lord Matt. 10. 21. b. shall deliver up d. Mark 13. 12. Mark 12. 19. man's b. die and leave, Luke 20. 28. John 1 1. 2. whose b. Lazarus was sick, 19. Acts 9. 17. b. Saul, receive thy sight, 22. 13. I2.2.killed James b. of John (j 21.20.tliou seest, b. Horn. 16. 23. Quartus a b. saluteth you a Cor. 5. 11. man called a b. || 6. 6. b. goeth to law 7. 12. if any l>. hath a wife that believeth not, 15. ». 11. the weak b. perish || 2 Cor, 8. 18. sent the L 2 Thes. 3. 6. that ye withdraw^ from every b. 15. Philefn. 7. refreshed by thee. 6. || 16. b. beloved His BROTHER. Oen. 25. 26. and after that came - b. out 38. 9. give seed to-b.\\ 42. 38. - b. is dead, 44. 20. Exod. 38. 27. slay every man -^.||Lev. 21. 2- or -b. Num. 6. 7. not make himself unclean for - b. Deut 15. 2.notexactitof-6.||l9. 19. done to-Z*. 25. 6. first-born shall succeed in name of- b. 28. 54. his eye shall be evil toward - b. Keh. 5. 7. exact usury of- /;.|)Ps. 49. 7. redeem - b. Iga. 3. 6. take hold of -6. 1 j 9. 19.no man spare -^. 19.2.fight against -/^. |) 41. 6. every one said to - b. Jer. 31. 34. teach no more ev. man -i>. Heb. 8. 11. 34. 9. none serve himself of- b. 14, 17. Ezek. IS. 18. spoiled - b. \\ 33. 30. speak to - b. Hos. 12. 3. took - b. by the heel in the womb Amos 1. 11. he did pursue - b. with sword MiC. 7. 2. hunt - *. with net |) Hag. 2.22. sword of- L Zech. 7. 9. shew mercy to -^.11 10. evil against -Z>. Mai. 2. 10. deal treacherously against - b. Matt. 5. 22. sayeth Raca to - Z'.||18. 35. forgive - b. 22.24. raise seed to - b. Mark 12.19. Luke 20.28. John 1. 41 he findeth - b. Simon, and saith Rom. 14. 13. or an occasion to fall in - b. way 1 Thes. 4. 6. no man defraud -^. in any matter John 4. 11. speaks evil of- b. and judgeth - b, Ijohn 2. 9. liateth-^. ll.|| 10. hethatloveth-^. 3. 10. that loveth not- Z-. 14. |) 12. slew- ^ 15. 4. 21. loveth G. loveth- 6.also|j 5. 16, see -^. sin % BROTHER. Gen. 4. 9. Cain said, I know not, am I-b. keeper 20. 5. she said, he is - ^. 13. 1 Kings 20. 32. 27. 41. will I slay - b. Jacob || 29. 15. thou art - b. Jndg. 20. 23. battle against I5enjamin - b. 28. 2 Sam. 1. 26. - b. Jonathan j} 13. 12. nay, - b. do not 1 Kings 13. 30. they mourned, saying, alas -b. Psal. 35. 14. 1 behaved as tho' he had been - b. Song 8.1. wert as - b. that sucked l|Jer.22.18.ah-6. . Matt. 12. 50. the same is - b. Mark 3. 35. Matt.l8.21.howoft shall -^sinl|Lukel2.l3.sp«akt6 John 11. 21. hadst been here^ - 6. had not died 1 Cor. 8. 13. if meat make - b. to oflTend 2 Cor. 2. 13. because I found not Titus - b. Our BROTHER. Gen. 37. 26. what profit is it if We dlay - i. 27. he is - b. and our flesh, Judg. 9. 3. 42. 21. we are verily guilty concerning- b. 43. 4. if thou wilt send - /;. we will go 2 Cor. 8. 22. and we have sent with them - b. Philem. 1. and Timothy - b. to Philemon Thy BROTHER. Gen. 4. 9. L. said to Cain, where is Abel - ;^. 10. 27. 40. Shalt serve - b. || 38. 8. raise ub seed to - b. Exod. 4. 14. is not Aaron - S.||28.1. take Aaron - L Lev. 19. 17. not hate - b. \\ 25. 36. that -b. may live Deut. 13. 6. if- b. entice thee secretly 15. 11. open thy hand wide to - b. to thy poor 12. if - b. be sold [| 22. 1 bring again to - b. 3. 23. 7. not abhor an Edomite, for he is - b. 19. shou shalt not lend upon usury to - b. 2Sam. 2. 22. my face to Joab -b.\\ 13. 20. he is •- h. 1 Kings 20. 33. and they said, - b. Henhadad Job 22. 6. taken pledge from - b. for nought Psal. 50. 20. sittest and speakest against - b. Prov. 27. 10. nor go into - b. house in calamity Obad. 10. against - b. Jacob || 12. on the day of -d. Matt. 5. 23. that - b. hath ought against thee, 24. 7. 3. beholdest mote in -b. eye, 5. Luke 6. 41, 42. 18. 15. if- b. trespass, bast gained- b. Luke 17<3. John 11. 23. Jesus saith, - b. shall rise again Rom. 14. 10. but why dost thou judge -i. Your BROTHER. Gen. 42. 34. bring - L so will I deliver yOu - L 43. 3. except - b. be with you || 13. take - b. 45. 4. I am Joseph - b. whom ye sold into Egypt John 9. 18. because he is - b.\\ Rev. 1. 9. 1 John -6. BROTHERHOOD. Zech. 11. 14. break i. between || 1 Pet. 2. if. BROTHERLY, ad. Amos 1. 9. 6. covenant Rom. 12.10.^. love || 1 Thes. 4. 9. touching 6. love Heb.l3.1.let b.hve continue || 2Pet.l.7. kindness BROUGHT, p. Gen. 20. 9- b, on me a great sin Gen. 27.20. L, thy God b. it to me || 31.39.|43.2^. Exod. 9. 19. beast in field not b. home shall die 10.13. L.6.east-wind|jl8.26. hard causes b. to M. 19.4. and b. you to myself [| 32. 1. ^usup, 23. Lev. 24. 11. they b. the blasphemer to Moses Num. 16. 10. and he hath b. thee near to him 27. 5. b. their cause before the L. \\ 31. 50.1 32. 1 7. ^ Deut. 5. 15. thy G. b. thee out thence || 26. 10, 13. Josh. 24. 7. Lord b. sea upon them, and covered Judg. 2. 1. b. you unto the land || 16. 18. money 18. 3. who b. thee hither, and what makest 1 Sam.l. 24. she b. Samuel 1| 25.6. the child to Eli 2Sam. 7.18. thou hast b. me hitherto, 1 Chr.l7.t6. Ezra 8. 18. i^. us a man of understanding |) 10. 1 10. Neh. 4. 15. God b. their counsel to nought |j 9.33. Esth. 6. 8. let royal apparel be b.\\ 9. 11. slain>. Job 4. 12. was secretly b. || 21. 32. b. to the grave Psal. 35. 4. let them be b. to confusion, 26. 45. 15. with gladness and rejoicing shall they be^. 71. 24. they are 6. to shame that seek my hurt Prov. 6. 26. a man is b. to a piece of bread Song 2. 4. he b. me to the ban^ueling-house Isa. 43. 23. thou hast ilot b. me the small cattle 53. 7. b. as a lamb to the slaughter || 59. 16. BRO BRO Jer. II. 19. as an ox 3. 1) 15. 8. b. a spoiler at 32. 4i^. I b. all this evil|| 40. 3. b. it and done Ezek. 24. 32. the evil I b. |j 29. 5. not be b. from 40. 4. art thou b. hither ? |j 47. 3. <^. me thro', 4. Dan. 7. 13. 6. him near |) 9. 14. evil, and b. it on Hag. 1. 9. when ye b. it-home I did blow on it Matt. 10. 1 8. b. before kings for my sake, Mark 13. 9. Luke 21. 12. 12. 25. kingdom is b. to desolation, Luke 11.17. 17.16.1 6. him to thy disciples \\ 18. 24. one was b. 19. 13. b. to him little children, Mark 10. 13. Luke 7. 37. b. alabaster box |) 10. 34. b. to an inn John 7. 45. ^ey said, why have ye not b. him Acts 5. 21. to have them b. jj 9. 27. b. him to apost. 15.3. b. ontheirway||16.16. ^. her masters gain 16. 20. b. to magistrates |j 19. 12. were b. aprons 19. 19. b. their books |j 24. b. no small gain 37. b. these men [j 20. 12. b. young man alive 21.5.3. us on our way II 25. 6. comm.Paultobe^. 27.24.6.before Cesar ||Rom. 15. 24. b. on my way 1 Cor. 6.^2. I'll not be b.\\ 2 Tim. 1.10. hath b. life IPet.l. 13.grace^. to you|{2Pet.2. 19. Z*. in bondage BROUGHT again. Gen. 14. 16. Abra. b. - Lot Exod.l O.S.Moses and A. b.-\\ 15. 19. L.*^.- waters Deut. 1.25. b. us word-. Josh. 14. 7. |j Ruth 1.21. 1 Sam. 6. 21. b. - the ark || 2 Sam. 3. 26. b. - Abner 2Kin. 22. 9.6. king word -, lKin.20.9. 2Chr,34.28. 2Chr.33.13.L./^. Manasseh - jj Neh.13.9.^. -vessels Jer; 27. 16. vessels shall now shortly be b. - Ezek.34.4. ye have not b. - \\ 39. 27. b. them - from Matt.27.3.6. - 30 pieces||Heb.l3.20.^.- from dead BROUGHT back. Num. 13. 26. 6. - word to lKin.l3. 23. prophet, he b.- jj 2 Chr.l9. 4. b. them - Psal. 85.1. ^.-captivity || Ezek. 38. 8. b.-h. sword BROUGHT down. Gen. 39. 1. and Joseph was 6. -from Egypt Judg. 16. 21. Philistines b. - Samson to Gaza lSam.30.16.had(5'.him-||lKin.l.53.6.Adonijah- 1 Kin. 17.23. E1.6. child - 1|18. 40. b. them- to brook Psal. 20. 8. they are b. - and fallen, but we risen 107. 12. he b. - their heart with labour Isa. 5.15. and the mean man shall be 6. - 14. 11. thy pomp is b.- 1| 15. shall be 6. -to hell 29. 4. Shalt be <&.- II 43. 14. 1 have ^.- all the nobles Lam. 2. 2. he hath b. them - to the ground Ezek.17.24.6.- the high tree II 31.18. 6. -with trees Zech. 10. 11. the pride of Assyria shall be b. - Matt. 1 1. 23. thou Capernaum shalt be h. - to hell Acts 9. 30. the brethren b. him - to Cesarea BROUGHT /or^A. Gen. 1. 12. and the earth, b. - grass and herb 31. waters b. - 1| 14. 18. king of Salem b. - bread 15. 5. Lord b. - Abi'am abroad, and said, Look 19. 16. angels b. Lot - and set him without 24. 53. servant b. -jewels || 41. 47. h. - handfuls Bxod. 3. 12. when thou hast h. - the people 16. 3. ye have b. us - into the wilderness 29. 46. L. h. them-out of, Lev. 25. 38. 1 26. 13, 45. Num. 17. 8. Aaron's rod 3.- buds [j 20. 16. | 24. 8. Deut. 8. 15. 6. - water out of the rock of flint 26. 8. and the Lord b. us - with a mighty hand 33. 14. for the precious fruits b. - by the sun Judg. 5. 25. she h. - butter || 6. 8. 1 b. you - out of 2 Sam. 22. 20. b. me - into large place, Ps. 1 8. 19. 9 Kings 10. 22. b. - vestments for worshippers 11. 12. b. - the king's son, and put the crown Psal., 7. l\. conceived mischief, 6, - falseheed - Ps. 90. 2. before the mountains were ^. - art God 105. 30. b. - frogs 11 43. b. - his people with joy Prov. 8. 24. no depths, I was b.-\\ 25. before hills Song 8. 5. there thy mother b. thee/or^/i Isa.5.2. it b.- wild grapes|| 26. 18. b. - w'ind j]45.10. 51. 18. sons she hath b.-\\ 66. 7. travailed she 6.- 66. 8. for as soon as Zion travailed she 6. - Jer. 2. 27. to a stone, thou hast b. me - jj 20. 3. 32. 21. hast b. - thy people Israel with signs 50. 25. Lord b. - weapons of his indignation 51. 10. the Lord hath 6. - our righteousness Ezek.l2.7.I 6.- my stuff || 14. 22. remnant b. - sons Mic. 5. 3. she hath b.- 1| Hag. 2.19. olive-tree not 6.- Matt. 1. 25. till she had b. - her first-born son 13. 8. in good ground and b. - fruit, Mark 4. 8. Luke 1. 57. now Elisabeth 3. - a son 2. 7. she 6.|- her first-born son, and wrapped him 12. 16. ground of a rich man b, - plentifully John 19. 13. Pilate heard that, he b. - Jesus Jam. 5. 13. he prayed, and the earth b. - her fniit Rev. 12.' 5. she b.-a. man child 1| 13. woman 3, - BROUGHT in. Gen. 39. 14. he hath b.-an Hebrew to mock us 47. 7. Josephi.-JacoblJLev.lO.lB. blood not 6.- Lev. 16. 27. the bullock whose blood was b. - Num. 12. 15. journeyed not till Miriam was b. - Deut. 9. 4. for my righteousness the Lord b. me in 11.29. when the Lord hath b. thee into the land 2 Sam. 3. 22. Joab b. - a great spoil with him 6. 17. b. - the ark of the Lord, 1 Kings 8. 6. Gal. 2. 4. because of false brethren unawares b. - BROUGHT into. Psal. 22. 15. thou hast b. me - the dust of death Song 1. 4. the king hath b. me - his chambers Jer. 2. 7. 1 b. you - a plentiful country Lam. 3. 2. hath b. me - darkness but not light Ezek. 27. 26. thy rowers have b. thee - waters 44. 7. in that ye have b. - my sanctuary strangers Acts 9. 8. b. him - Damascus 1| 21. 28. b. Greeks - 1 Tim. 6. 7. for we b. nothing - this world Heb. 13. 11. whose blood is b. - the sanctuary BROUGHT low. Judg. 11. 35. daughter, thou hast b. me very - 2Chr.28.19. Lord 3. Judah-|| Job 14.21. | 24.24, Psal. 79. 8. we are h. very - |j 108. 43. were b. - 107. 89. b. - thro' oppression |1 1 16. 6. I was b. - 142. 6. I am b. very - 1| Eccl. 12. 4. musick b. - Isa. 2. 12. shall be b. - 1| 25. 5. terrible ones b. - Luke 3. 5, every mountain and hill ^.-, Isa. 40. 4. BROUGHT out. Gen. 15. 7. that 6. thee- of Ur of the Chaldees 41. 14. b. hifn hastily - 11 43. 23. b. Simeon - Exod. 13. 3. Lord b. you -, 9, 14, 16. Deut. 6. 21. 20. 2. L. which b. thee -,Lev. 19. 38. Ps. 81. 10. Deut. 5. 15. that the Lord 6. thee -thence Josh. 6. 23. b. - Raliab || 24. 5. afterward I b. you - ■2 Sam. 13. 18. b. her - and bolted the door 2 Kin. 23. 6. b. - the grove from house of the Lord Psal. 78. 16.^e b. streams also - of the rock 80. 8. thou hast b. a vine - of Egypt 107. 14. he b. them - of darkness, and brake 136. 11. and b. - Israel from among them Jer. 7. 22. day I b. them -of Egypt || Dan. 5. 13. Hos. 12. 13. by a prophet the Lord 6. Israel -, Acts 7. 4^. I 12. 17. 1 13. 17. [ 16. 30, 39: BROUGHT tojpass. 2 Kin. 19, 25. mvf have I b, it -, Isa. 57. 2tf, BRU BUI Ezek. 21. 7. it conieth and shall be b. - 1 Cor. 15. 54. then shall be L - the saying writen BROUGHT Mi?. Exod. 17. 3. wherefore hast thou b. us-, 32. 1,4, 23. I 33. 1. Num. 25. 1. Num. 13. 32. ^>. - evil report || 16. 13. h. us - 20. 4. why have ye h. - this congregation Deut.20.1.Lord with thee which h. thee - \\ 22. 19. Josh. 24. 17. he it is that b. us - and our fathers 32. bones of Joseph b. -, buried in Shechem .ludg. 6. 8. 1 b. you - from Egypt, 1 Sam. 10. 18. 15. 13. 6. Samson - 1| 16. 31. ^. him - and buried 16. 8. b.- seven withs || iSam. 2. 14. flesh-hook 6.- lSam.8.8.sincedayI6.them-,2Sam.7.16.lCh.l7.5. 12. 6. Lord that b. your fathers - out of Egypt 2 Sam. 6. 12. David went and b. - the ark of God, 15. 1 Kin. 8. 4. 1 Chr. 15. 28. 2 Chr. 1. 4. 21. 8. b. - for Adriel 11 13. b. - the bones of Saul 2 Kin.10.1. b. - Aliab's children, 6.j| 17. 7. 6. them- 17. 36. \u.L you -II 25. 6. Z». - Zedekiah, Jer. 39.5. 2 Chr. 8. 11. b. - daughter of Pharaoh || 10. 8, 10. Ezra 1. 11. vessels b. - |j 4. 2. Esar-haddon b. us - Neh.9.1 S.this is thy God that ^.thee - out of Egypt Esth. 2. 7. ^.-Esther, 20. || Job 31. 18. 6. - with me Psal. 30.3. thou hast />.- my soul ||40. 2. he b. me- Prov. 8.30. then was I by him, as one b. - with him Isa. 1. 2. I have nourished and b. - children 49. 21. wlio b. - these, where had they been 51. 18. sons she b. -\\63. 11. where is he thati>. - Jer. 11. 7. 1 protested in the day I b. them - 16. 14. Lord that b. - Israel out of Egypt, 23. 7. 15. Lord that b. - Israel from the north, 23. 8. Lam. 2. 22. those I ^. - 1| 4. 5. were b. - in scarlet Ezek. 19. 3. <^.- one of her whelps II 37. 13. ^. you - Amos 2. 10. 1 b. you -, 3. 1. | 9. 7. Mic. 6. 4. Jon. 2. 6. b. - my life from corruption || Nah. 2. 7. Luke 4. 16. to Nazareth, where he had been b. - Acts 13. J. been b.- with Herod the tetrarch 22. 3. b.- in this city at the feet of Gamaliel 1 Tim. 5. 10. widow, if she have b. - children BROUGHTEST, v. Exod. 32. 7. people thou b. Num. 14. 13. thou b. up this people in thy might Deut. 9. 28. land thou b. us say 1| 29. 1 Kin. 8. 5^. 2 Sam. 5.2. he that b. in Israel || 1 Kin. 8, 53. Neh.9.7.<^. out of Ur of Chaldees||15. b. water||23. Psal. 6C:). 11. thou b. us into the net, thou laidst 12. but thou b. us out into a wealthy place BROW, s. Isa. 48. 4. iron sinew, and b. brass Luke 4. 29. tliev led him to the b. of the hill BROWN, «. Gen. 30. 32. b. cattle, 35. 40. Gen. 30. 33. that is not b. shall be accounted stolen BRUISE, S. s. Isa. 1. 6. wounds and b. \\ 53. 1 5. Jer. 30. 12. thy b. is incurable, Nah. 3. 19. BRUISE, i\ signifies, [13 To crushy injure j or oppress, Gen. 3. 15. Dan. 2. 40. [2] To pu- nish^ chastise, or correct, Isa. 53. 10. It is spo- ken, (1) Corporally, of the body, Luke 9. 39. (2) Spiritually, of doubts and troubles, Matt. 12. 20, (3) Morally, o/corrwpfiow, Isa. 1. 6. (4) Politically, of a decaying nation, 2 Kin. 18. 21. "Gen. 3. 15. b. thy head, thou shalt b. his heel Isa. 28. 28. nor b. it with his horsemen 53. 10.it pleased the Lord to b. him, he hath Dan. 2.40. as iron shall it break in pieces, and b. Rom. 16. 20. the God of peace shall b. Satan BRUISED, ING. Lev. 22. 24. not offer b. 3 Kin, 18. 21. trustest on the staff of this b. reed Isa. 42. 3. b. reed not break, Matt. 12. 20. 53. 5. b. for our iniquities jj Ezek. 23.3, 8. 1 23. 2U Luke 4. 18. set at liberty b.\\ 9. 39- spirit b. him BRUIT, s. Report. Jer. 10. 22. Nah. 3. 19. BRUTISH, a. Psal. 49. 10. b. person perisheth Psal. 92. 6. a b. man knoweth not | j 94. 8. ye b. Prov. 12. 1. hateth reproof is b. \\ 30.2. 1 am more^. Isa. 19. 1 1. wise counsellors of Pharaoh become b. Jer. 10. 8. they are altogether b. and foolish 14. every man is b. 51. 17. || 21. pastors are b. Ezek. '^1. 31. deliver thee into the hand of ^. BUCKET, S. Num. 24.7. Isa. 40. J5. drop of b. BUCKLER, S, signifies, [1] ^ defensive piece of armour; a shield, 1 Chr. 5. 18. [2] Gad, who is the defence of his people, Psal. 18. 2. Prov. 2. 7. [3] Faith, Song 4. 4. 2Sam. 22.31 .^b.to all that trust in hivn, Ps. 1 8. 30. 1 Chr. 5.18. men able to bear b.\\ 12. li. handle b. 2Chr.23.9. spears and 6.] jJobl5. 26. bosses of his b^ Psal. 18. 2. L. is my God, my b. my hijrh tower 35. 2. hold of sliield and b. \\ 91.4. his truth thy b, Prov. 2. 7. he is a b. to them that walk uprightly Song 4. 4. whereon there hanged a thousand b. Jer. 46. 3. order ye the b. and shield, draw near Ezek. 23.24. set against thee b.\\26. 8. lift up the b. 38. 4. a great company with b. and shields 39. 9. they shall set on fire shields and b. BUD, s. Job 38. 27. cause b. to spring Isa. 18. 5. afore harvest, when the b. is perfect 61. 11. as the earth bringeth forth her b. Ezek. 16. 7. to multiply as the b. of the field Hos. 8. 7. the b. shall yield no meal, stranger BUD, V. Job 14. 9. thro' scent of water b. Psal. 132. 17. will make the horn of David to B. Song 7. 12. see if the pomegranates b. forth Isa. 27. 6. Israel shall blossom and b. and fill 55. 10. earth to bring forth and b. || Ezek.29.21. BUDS, s. Num. 17. 8. Aaron's rod brought b. BUDDED, p. Gen. 40. 10. vine was as tho' it b. Song 6. 11. to see whether the pomegranates b. Ezek. 7. 10. the rod blossomed, pride hath b. Heb. 9. 4. ark wherein was Aaron's rod that b, BUFFET, ED. Matt. 26. 67, b. him, Mark 14. 65. 1 Cor. 4. 11. even to the present hour we are b, 2 Cor. 12. 7. the messenger of Satan to b. me 1 Pet. 2. 20. if when ye be b. for your faults BUILD, t;. signifies, [1] To erect houses, Dent^S. 30. [2] To increase knowledge, faith, lone, Uc. Acts 20. 32. [3] To be united and established in Christ, Eph. 2. 22. [4] To bless and prosper, Psal. 127. 1. BUILD referred to God. 1 Sam. 2. 35. I'll b. him a sure house, 2 Sam. 7. 27. I Chr. 17. 10. ^ thee an houscj 25. 1 Kin. 11. 38. Psal. 28. 5. he shall destroy and not b. them up 51. 18. b. thou the walls of Jerusalem 69.35. for God will b. the cities of Judah 89. 4. and b. up thy throne to all generations 102. 16. when the Lord shall b. up Zion 127. 1. except the Lord b. the house 147. 2. the Lord doth b. Up Jerusalem Jer. 18. 9. I speak concerning a nation to ^. it 24. 6. 1 will b. and not pull them down, 31. 28. 31. 4. I'll ^.thee,0 virgin || 33. 7. b. Judah, 42. 10. Ezek. 36. 36.6. ruined placesjjAmos 9. 11. I'll b. it Matt. 16. 18. on this rock b. my church, and the 2a. 61.^. it in 3 days, Mark 14. 58.|| Acts 15. 16. BUI BUILD -4 War. Exod.20.25. not (^.- of hewn stone Num. 23. 1. b. here 7 alt.is great, 6.||36.23. Ezra 1.3. b. the house of the Lord || 5. 3, 9. 6. 7. let the governor of the Jews*^. this - Psal. 127. 1. they labour iif vain that i>. the- Prov. 24. 27. prepare and afterwards b. thy - Isa. 65. 21. b.- and inhabitjjee. 1. where is - ye l>. Jer. 22.14. b. me a wide -||29. 5. L- and dwell, 28. 35. 7. neither shall ye t. - nor sow seed Ezek. 11. 3. let us L'\\28. 26. dwell safely, and ^.- Hag. 1.8. bring wood, ^.-||Zech. 5. 11. Acts 7. 49. BUILD. Gen. il. 4. 6. us a city |[ 8. left off to ^. INuro. 32. 16. b. sheep-folds || 24. 6. ye cities Deut 20 20.^. bulwarks against the city 1 Kings 9. 19. the cities Solomon desired to^. in Jerusalem, 2 Chr. 8. 6. 24. did h. Millo||l 1. 7. Solomon did b. high place 16. 34. in Ahab's days did Hiel L Jericho 1 Chr.22.19 b. the sanctnary|j29. 19. an heart to h. 2 Chr. 14. 7. let us b. these cities, and make Ezra 4. 2. let us h. with you, we seek your God Neh.2. 17. b. the wall|!l8.rise and b. 20.|4.3, 10. Eccl. 3. 3. time to I?, up |) Song 8. 9. 1), upon her Isa. 9. 10. we will ^. |) 45. 13. he shall b. my citv 58. 12. b. the old waste, 61. 4. |j 60. 10. || 65.22. Jer. 1. 10. set thee to ^.||Ezek. 4. 2. l>. a fort, 21.22. Dan. 9.25. to restore and b. Jerusalen), to Messiah Amos 9. 11. 1 will b. it as in days of old, 14. Mic. 3. 10. they ^. up Zion with blood, and Jerus. Zech. 6. 12.he*shall6, temple of the Lord, 13,15. 9. 3. Tyrus did L herself a strong hold MaJ. 1. 4. they shall L but I will throw down Matt. 23. 29. b. tombs of prophets, Luke 11.47,48. Luke 12. 18. barns, 6.greater||14. 28. L tower, 30. Acts 20.32. able to b. you up||Rom. 15. 20.1est I L 1 Cor. 3. 12. if any b. on this foundation, gold Gal. 2. 18. if I It. again the things I destroyed BUILDED, p. Gen. 2. f 22. of rib b. a woman Gen. 4. 17. Cain b. a city [j 8. 20. Noah b. an altar 10. 11. Asher b. Nineveh 1| 11, 5. tower men b. 12. 7. Abraham b. an altar, 13. 18. | 26. 25. 1 Kin. 8. 27. less this house I have LAS. | 15. 22. 2 Kin. 23. 13. Solom. 6. for Ashtorethl|l Chr. 22. 5. Ezra 4. 1, 13, 21. [ 5. 8, 11, 15. | 6. 3, 14. Neh.4. 18. every one had his sword girded, and so b. Job 20. 19. hath taken away an house he I?, not Psal. 122.3. Jerusalem is ^. as a city compact Prov. 9. 1. wisdom hath b. her house, 24. 3. Eccl. 2. 4. 1 6. me houses jSong 4.4.^. for armoury Jer.30.18.^. on her heap jLam. 3. 5. L against me Ezek. 36. 10. all the wastes shall be b. 33. Luke 17.28. they sold, they planted, they k EpU. 3. 22. in whom you also are b. togetlier BUI ^ 7? Heb. 3. 3. b. house more honour] j4.6. by some man BUILDEST. Deut. 6.10. goodly cities thon6. not BUILDER, S. 1 Kin. 5. 18. Sol. and Hiram's b. 2 Kin. 12. 11. laid it out to b.\\22. 6. give it to b. Ezra 3. 10. when the b. laid the foundation Neh. 4. 5. provoked thee to anger before tlie b. Psal. 118. 22. stone which thel>. refused. Matt. 21. 42. Mark 12. 10. Luke 20. 17. Acts4. 11. Ezek. 27. 4. thy b. have perfected thy beatjty Heb. 11. 10. city, whose 6. and maker is God 1 Pet. 2. 7. the stone which the b. disallowed il/os^er-BUILDER. 1 Cor. 3. 10. as a wise - b. BUILDEST, V. Deut. 22. 8. b. a new house Neh. 6. 6. b. walll|Ezek. 16. 31. b. thine eminent Matt. 27. 4. and b. it in three davs, Mark 15. 29. BUILDETH,ING.Josh.6.26.cursedtIiat6.|[22.19. 1 Kin. 3. 1. an end of b.\\ 6. 7. no tool heard in b. 6. 38. so was he seven years in b. it 7. 1. Solomon was b. his own house 13 years 15. 21. he left off6. Ramah, 2 Chr. 16. 5. 2 Chr. 16. 6.Baashawas 6.|jEzi'a4.12. 6. bad city Job 27- 18. b, his house as a moth jj Prov. 14. 1. Jer. 22. 13. wo to him that ^.||Ezek. 17. 1 7. b. forts Hos. 8. 14. b. temples jj Amos 9. 6. b. his stories Hab. 2. 12. wo to him that b. a town with blood John 2. 20. forty and 6 years was this temple in b. 1 Cor. 3. 10. b. thcreonjJJude 20. b. up yourselves BUILDING, s. 1 Kin. 9. 1. Solomon iinished b. 1 Chr. 28. 2. ready for the b. 2 Chr. 3. 3. Ezra 5. 4. make this b. || 6. 8. do for the b. Eccl. 10. 18. by slothfulness the b. decay etli Ezek. 40. 5. measured the breadth of the 6.41. 15. 46. 23. a row of b. round about in them 1 Cor. 3. 9. ye are God's husbandry, God's b. 2 Cor. 5. 1. have a b. of God, an house not made Eph.2.21. in whom ail the b. fitly framed together Heb. 9. 11. notof thisi.jjRev. 21. 18. b. of Jasper BUILDINGS, s. Matt. 24. 1. Mark 13. 1, 2. BUILT, jh Deut. 13. 16. it shall not be b. again 1 Kings 22. 39. cities Ahab b. are written 2 Chr. 14. 7. b. and prospered] j20. 8. b. sanctuary 26. 9. b. towers, 10.j|27. 4. b. castles and towers Jobs' 14. b. desolate places jj 13. 14. j 22. 23. Psal. 78. 69- b. sanctuary like high places 89. 2. 1 said mercy shall be b. up for ever Isa. 5. 2. b. a tower || 44. 26. ye shall be b, 28. Jer. 12. 16. then shall they be i^. in midst 31. 4. thou slialt be b. O virgin of Israel 32. 31. from day they b. itjj45. 4. that b. I'll break Ezek. 16. 24. b. eminent place j|25. b. high place 26.14. thou shalt be b. no more, saith the Lord Dan. 4. 30. great Babylon I b.\\9. 25. street b. again Zech. 8. 9. that the temple might be b. Matt. 21. 33. 6. a tower in vineyard, Mark 12. 1. Luke 7. 5. and he hath b. us a synagogue 1 Cor. 3. 14. abide which he hath b. thereon Eph. 2.20. b. onfoundationjjCo!. 2. 7. rooted and b. Heb. 3. 4. but he that b. all things is God BUILT Altar. Exod. 17. 15. Moses b. an -, 24. 4. 32. 5. Aaron 6.-j{Josh. 8. 30. Joshua b.-\\22. 10. Judg. 6. 24. Gideon b. an -ij21. 4. people b. an - 1 Sam. 17. 6. Samuel b. - jj 14. 35. Saul b.- 2 Sam. 24. 25. David b. an aJiar to the Lord 1 Kin. 9. 25. Solomon offered on - he^.||18. 32. 2 Kin. 16. 11. Urijah the priest b. an altar BUILT Altars. Num. 23. 14. Balak b. seven - 2 Kin, 21. 5. 6. - for host of heaven, 2 Chr. 33. 5. BUL 2 Chr. 33. 15. took away - he had h. in the mount BUILT C%. Num. 21.27.1et- be^;||Josh.l9.50. Judg. 18. 25. Danites^.-lll Kin. 16. 24. Omrift.- 1 Chr. 11. 8. David b-\\ Isa. 25. 2. no city be b. Jer. 31. 38. city shall be i^.j! Luke 4. 29. city was^. BUILT Cities. Exod. 1. 11. h. for Pha. treasure - Josh. 24. 13. - ye b. not || 1 Kin. 15. 23. - Asa^. 2 Chr. 8. 2. - Solomon ^. j] 11. 5. Rehoboam b. - 14. 6. Asa.^.- I) 17. 12. Jehoshaphat 6. - 26.6. Uzziah b. cities^howt Ashdod 27. 4. Jotham ^ -|)Isa. 44. 26.- of Jndah be b. BUILT House or Houses. Deut. 8. 12. [ 20. 5. 1 Kmgs 3. 2. no house b. to the Lord|| 6. 9, 14. 1 8. 13, 20, 44, 48. | 11. 38. 1 Chr. 17. 6. 2 Chr. 6. 18, 34, 38. Amos 5. ] 1. ye have ^. - of hewn stone Hag 1. 2. the time that the Lord's -should be b. Zech. 1.16. my -shall be b. in it, saith the Lord Matt. 7. 24. wi:5e man b. his - on rock, Luke 6.48. 26. foolish man which b.- on sand, Luke 6. 49. Acts 7. 47. butSoJonion b. him an house 1 Pet. 2. 5. ye also areZ>. up a spiritual house BUILT Hi^h-Places. 1 Kin. 14.23. Judah b. - 2Kin.l7.9. Israel />.-|j21.3. Manasseh, 2 Chr. 33.3. Jer. 7. 31. b. - of Tophet |) 19. 5. of Baal, 32. 35. BUILT Wall ox Walls. 1 Kin. 6. 15. Solomon^.- 2 Chr. 27. 3. - of Qphel he b, mnchj|32. 5. Hezekiah 33. 14. Manasseh b. -||Neh. 4. 6. Ezek. 13. 10. Dan. 9. 25. i^. a. thereof is heavyl|46. 1.^. to weary beast Jer. 17. 21. bear no b. on sabbath-day, 22, 27. Zech. 3. 18. to whom the reproach of it was a h. Matt. 11. 30. my b. is light 1| 20. 12. b. and heat Acts 15. 28. no greater b. \\ 21. 3. unlade her b. Rev. 2. 24. 1 will put upon you none other b. BURDEN. 2 Kin. 9. 25. L. laid this b. on him Isa. 13. 1. b. of Babylon [1 14. 28. | 15. 1. | 17. 1. 1 19. 1. I 21. 1, 11, 13. I 22. 1, 25. [ 23. 1. |30. 6. |46. 2. Jer. 23.33,36,38. Ezek. 12. 10. this 6. concerneth prince in Jerus. Hos. 8. 10. b. of the king || Nah. 1. 1. of Nineveh Hab. 1. 1. which Hab.||Zech.9.1.|12.1. Mai. 1. 1. Gal. 6. 5. for every man shall bear his own b. BURDEN, ED. Zech. 12. 3. all that b. thems. 2 Cor. 5. 4. in this tabernacle we groan being b. 8. 13. beeased, andyou6.||12.16.Ididnot 6. you BURDENS. Gen. 49. 14. down between two b. Exod. l.ll. afflict them with 6.||2.11.lookedon^. 5. 4. get you to your 6. 5.||6. 6. bring from b. 7. Num. 4. 27. ye shall appoint to them all their b. Neh. 4. 10. strength of the bearers of 6. decayed 4. 17. bare b. held a weapon (| 13. 15. b. brought Isa. 58. 6. undo heavy b.\\ luam. 2. 14. false b. Amos 511. ye take from the poor b. of wheat Matt. 23. 4. they bind heavy b. Luke 11. 26. Gal. 6. 2. bear ye one anothers b. and so fulfil BURDENSOME. Zech.l 2.3. Jerusalem a^.stone 2 Cor. 11. 9. from being ^. || 12. 13. 1 was not b. 12.14. 1 will not be b.\\\. Thes. 2. 6. might been b. BURIAL, s. Eccl. 6. 3. that ye have no b. Isa. 14. 20. Shalt not be joined with tfaem in k.. T7 BUR Jer.22. 19. he shall be buried with the b. of an ass Matt. 26. 1 2. poured ointment, she did it for my b. ^ Acts 8. 2. devout men carried Stephen to his b. BURY, V. lignifies, [1] To inter a dead body. Gen. 23. 4. [2] To cover the whole body under water in baptism, as was the primitive practice, to signify the sufferings, death, burial, and re- surrection of Christ ; as also our being dead to sin, and alive to God, Rora. 6. 4. Col. 2, 12. Gen. 23. 4. may b. my dead |j 6. L dead, 11, 15. 47. 29. b. me not, I pray thee, in Egypt, 49. 29. 50. 5. let me ^o and b. my father, I will come 6. go and b. thy father|)Deut. 21. 23. shalt b. him 1 Kin. 2. 31. go and fall upoji Joab and b. him 11. 15. when Joab was gone up to b. the slain 13. 29. the old prophet came to b. hiin, 31. 14. 13. Israel shall mourn for him and b. him 2 Kin. 9. 10. and there shall be none to b. her 34. go see now this cursed woman, and b. her, 35. Psal. 79. 3. and there was none to b. them Jer. 7. 32. for they shall b. inTophet, 19. 11. 14.16. none to ^. them II Ezek. 39. 11.^. Gog]| 13. Hos. 9. 6. Memphis shall b. them : their pleasant Matt 8. 21. ^.father! |22. let dead b. Luke 9. 39, 60. 27. 7. bought the potter's field to b. strangers in John 19. 40. as the manner of the Jews is to b. BURIED. Gen. 2b. 1 0. was A braham i^. and Sarah 49. 31 . there b. Abraham and Sarah, I b. Leah Num. 11. 34. there they b. the people that lusted 20. 1. Miriam was 6.|j33. 4. Egj'ptiaiiS 6. first born Deut. 10. fi. there Aaron was 6.||Josh. 24. 32. bones Ruth 1. 17. 1 will die, and there will I be b. 2 Sam. 4. 12. b. Ish-boshetbli21. 14. bones of Saul6. 1 Kin. 13. 31. bury me wherein man of God is b. Eccl. 8.10. and so I saw the wicked b. Jer. 8. 2. nor *. 16. 4, 6. | 20. 6. j 22. 19. | 23. 33 Matt. 14.12. disciples b. itj ILuke 1 o. 22. rich man b. Acts 2. 29. patriarch David is both dead and b. 5. 9. the feet of them which b. thy husband, 10. Rom.6.4.6.bybaptism||lCor.l5.4.Z».and rose again Col. 2. 12. b. with him in baptism, wherein also BURIED him. Deut. 34. 6. b. him in a valley in the land of Moab 2 Sam. 2. 5. blessed that 6. -|jl Kin. 14. 18. they 6.- 2 Chr. 21. 20. b. - in city of David, 24. 16, 25. Acts 5. 6. young men carried him out and b. - BURIED in. Gen. 15. 15. thou shalt be 6. in a good old age 1 Kin. 2. 10. David was b.- city of D.!|2. 34. Joab 2 Kin. 21.18. Manasseh b. - garden || 26. Amon b. - Job 27» 15. those that remain shall be b. - death BURIED with his Fathers. 1 Kin. 14. 31. I 15. 24. | 22. 50. 2 Kin. 8. 24. I 12. 21. I 14. 20. I 15. 7, 38. | 16. 20. BURIERS, «. Ezek. 39. 15. sign till b. have buried BURYING. Gen. 23. 4. b. place, 9.|49. 30.150. 13. Judg. 16. 31. buried in the b. place of Manoah 2 Kin. 13. 21. as they were b. a man, they spied Ezek.39. 1 2. 7 months be ^. ||Mark 14. 8. John 1 2.7. BURN signifies, [[1] To consume by fire. Josh. 11. 13. [2] Just displeasure, Lam. 2. 3. [3] Lustful desires, 1 Cor. 7. 9. [4] Zeal for God, 2 Cor. 11. 29. [5] Anger, Esth. 1. 12. [6] Jealousy, Psal. 79- 5. [7] Gieat affliction, Exod. 3. 2. [8] Sanctifying grace, Isa. 4. 4. 1 9.5. Matt. 3. 11. Geo. 44. 18. Jnd?ih said, let not thine anger ^. BUR Exod. 27. 20. cause lamp to b. alway, Le-^. 24. 2. ^ 29. 13. take caul, liver, and kidneys, and b. upoa altar, 18, 25. Lev. 1. 9, 15.^1 2. 2, 9, 16. |3. 5, 11, 16.|5. 12.|6. 15. |9. 17. Num. 5. 26. Lev. 4. 19. priest shall take fat and b. upon altar, 26, 31. 1 7. 31. I 16. 25. { 17. 6. Num. 18. 17. Num. 19. 5. one shall b. the heifer in his sia^ht Josh. 11. 13. save Hazor onlv, that did Joshua b. 1 Sam. 2. 16. b. the fat|| 2 Chr. 2. 6. b. sacrifice Isa. 1. STl. both b. together|ilO. 17.it shall 6.1:27. 4. 40. 16. not sufficient to ^{144. 15. for a man to b. Jer. 7. 20. my fury shall b. \\ 34. 5. b. odours 36. 25. to the king, that he would not b. the roll Ezek.24.5.6.bones||ll.brass6.||39. 9. | 43. 21. Nah. 2. 13. I'll 6. her chariots [| Mai. 4. 1. 6. as oven Matt. 13. 30. in bundles to b. them, but gather Luke 24. 32. said, did not our heart 6. within us 1 Cor. 7. 9. marry than <^.||2 Cor. 1 1 . 29. and I b. not BURN with Fire. Exod. 12. 10. remaineth, shall b.-, 29. 34. Lev. 8.33. Lev. 13. 57. b. that where plague is - [j 16. 27. Deut. 5. 23. for the mountain did b. with fire 7. 5. b. their images -, 25. f| 12. 3. b. groves - 32. 22. -shall 6. to the lowest hell, Jer. 17. 4. Josh. 11. 6. b. chariots- 1| Judg. 9. 52. tower, to 0. - Judg. 12. 1. wilU. thine house- IJ 14. 15. b. thee- Psal. 79. 5. jealousy 6. - 1) 89. 46. wrath b. like - Isa. 47. 14. shall be as stubble, - shall b. them Jer.4. 4. my fury come forth like- audb. 21. 12. 7. 31. to b. sons and daughters in the -, 19. 5. 21. 10. b. city-, 32.29.|34. 2, 22.|37. 8, 10.|38. 18, Ezek. 5. 2. b. - third part|jl 6. 41 . b. houses-, 23. 47. Matt. 3. 12. will b. up the chaff- ,Luke 3. 17. Rev. 17. 16. shall eat her flesh, and b. her - BURN Incense. Exod. SO. 1. altar to L- on, 7, 8. 1 Km. 1 3.1. Jeroboam stood to 6.-|i2Kin.l3.4.Israel 1 Chr. 23. 13. he and his sons for ever to b. - 2 Chr. 2. 4. to b. sweet -||1 3. 1 1 . every morning b. - 26. 16. Uzziah went to b. -, 19.||28. 25. Abaz L- 29. 11. chosen you to b.-\\ 32. 12. ^. -on it Jer.7. 9.6.-toB"aal, 11. 13. || 44. 17. b -to queen Hos. 4. 13. they b. - upon the hills under oaks Hab. 1. 16. therefore they b. - to their drag Luke 1. 9. Zacharias his lot was to b. -in temple BURNED, p. Exod. 3. 2- the bush b. with fire Deut. 9. 15. mounts. II Josh. 7. £5. b. them with fire 2 Chr. 25. 14. Amaziah b. incense to the gods 34. 25. have forsaken me, and b. incense to gods Esth. 1. 12.king'san^er.^.||Psal. 39 3. musing fir€($. Isa. 24. 6. inhabitants of earth b. || 42. 25. it b. him Lam. 2. 3.^.agamst Jacob||Johnl5. 6. branches^. Acts 19. 19. many brought their books and b. them Rom. 1.27. b. in lust||lCor.l3.3. give body to be b. Heb. 6. 8. end is to be ^.|| 12. 18. mount that b. Rev. 1. 15. his feet as if ^. |1 16. 1 9. men were b. BURNETH. Lev. 16 28. that5.wash,Nnm.l9.8, Psal. 46. 9. b. chariot || 83. 14. as fire b. the wood 97. 3. b. up his enemies || Isa. 9- 18. wickedness b. Isa. 44. 16. b. part thereof ||62. 1. as a lamp that b. 64. 2. melting fire b. \\ 65. 5. b. all the day || 66. S. Jer. 48. 35. b. incense || Joel 2. 3. behind a flame b. Rev. 21. 8. have part in lake which b. with fire BURNIN G, p. Gen. 15. 17. a b. lamp passed Lev. 6. 9. fire of altar be b. 12, I3.]i26. 16. b. ague Deut. 28. 22. Lord smite thee v,'ith extreme b. 32. 24. they shall be devoured with b. heat Job 5.17, sons of b. coal ^41 . 19. mouth go b. lamps BUR BUR Psal. 11. t 6. b. tempest || I40. 10. let b. coals fall Prov. 16. 27. lips as b. fire |) 26. 21. b. coals j| 23. Isa. 30. 27. name of L. cometb b.\\ 34. 9. b. pitch Jer. 20. 9. word in my heart as b. firel|Ezek. 1. 13. Dan. 3. 6. b. furnace, 11, 17, 20, 21, 23, 26. |) 7. 9- Hab. 3. 5. b. coals |1 Luke 12. 35. and lights b. John 5. 35. John was a b. and a shining light Rev. 4. 5. seven b. lamps |j 8. 8. great mountain b. 8. 10. fell a star b. || 19. 20. cast alive into lake b. BURNING, s. Exod. 21. 25. L for 5. wound for Lev. 10. 6. bewail the b.\\l3. 28. spot stay, it is b. Deut 29. 23. whok land is brimstone, salt, and b. 2Chr. 16.14. made a ^. for him || 21.19.no 6. like Isa. 3. 24. there shall be b. instead of beauty 4. 4. purged blood of Jerusalem by the spirit of ^. 9. 5. with b. and fuel||10. 16. like b. of fire||33. 12. Amos 4. 11. as a firebrand pluckfed out of the b. Rev. 18. 9. they shall see the smoke of her b. BURNINGS. Isa.33.14.dwell with everlasting ^j. Jer. 34. 5. with b. of thy fathers the former kings BURNISHED, p. Ezek. I. 7. colour of 6. brass BURNT, p. Gen. 38. 24. Judah said, let her be b. Exod. 3. 3. Ill turn and see why the bush is not b. Lev.2.12. not 6. on altar||6.22. meat-offer. 23.|8. 21. 10. 16. goat, and it was b. |) Num. 16. 39. were b. Deut. 32. 24. they shall be b. with hunger 1 Sam. 2. 15. b. fat || 2 Sam. 5. 21. b. their images lKin.l5.2.men\s bones Z'.yiS. 15. Asa, 2Chr.l 5.16. 2 Kin. 23. 6. he b. the grove jj 15. she b. high place 16. he took bones out of sepulchres and b. them 25. 9. 6. house of the L. 2 Chr.36. 19. Jer. 52. 13. Job 30^ 30. bones b.\\Ps. 102.3. bones b. as a hearth Prov. 6. 27. clothes not be 6.j|28.and feet not be b. Jer. 2. 15. cities b.\\ 6.29. bellows b.\\36. 28.|51.25. Ezek. 20. 47. and all faces shall be b. therein 24. 10. let bones be b. |) Joel 1. 19. Amos 2. 1. Nah. 1. 5. and the earth is b. at his presence iCor. 3. 1 5. man's work be 6.||Heb. 13.11. beasts b. BURNT joined with Fire. Exod. 32. 20. he b. the calf in the -, Deut. 9. 21. Lev. 6. 30. sin-offering 6. - || 7. 17. 1 19. 6. 1 20. 14. 21. 9. if daughter of priest profane herself be L- Num. 11. 1. the^re of the Lord ^. among them, 3. Deut. 4. 11. ye came near, the mountain ^ - 12. 31. sons and daughters they b. in the Jire Josh. 6. 24. 6. Jericho - 1| 7. 15. accursed thing b. - 11.9.^. their chariots- II 11. tookHazorand-^. - Judg. 15. 6. b. her -||14. cords ^.-||18. 27. Laish, L - 1 Sam. 30. 1. 6. Ziglag -||2 Sam. 23. 7. utterly Z*. - 1' Kin. 9. 16. b. Gezer- 1| 16. 18. b. king's house - 2 Kin. 1. 14. ^re from heaven b. up two captains 17. 31. the Sepharvites b. their children in ^re 23. 11. b. chariots -\\ 25. 9. great man's house L - 1 Chr. 14. 12. their gods were b. with^re 2 Chr. 28. 3. Ahaz b. his children in the^re Neh. 1. 3. gates b. -, 2. 17. |) Psal. 80. 16.it is b. - Isa. 1. 7. cities b. - \\ 43. 2. thro* fire, shall not be b, 64. 11. our holy and beautiful house is b. with- Jer. 38. 17. city not b. - 1| 23. city be b. - \\ 49. 2. 51. 32. reeds b. - \\ 58. Babylon's high gates b. - Mic. 1. 7. hires be b. -||Rev. 18. 8. she shall be b. - BURNT Incense. Exod. 40. 27. 1 Kin. 3. 3. | 9. 25. I 12. 33. I 22. 43. 2 Kin. 12. 3. | 14. 4. 1 16. 4. 2 Chr. 28. 3, 4. j 29. 7. Isa. 65. 7. Jer. 18. 15. | 44.15. Hos. 2. 13. | 11. 2. BURNT-Of er^n^. IBen. 22. 7. where is lamb for 6»-, 8. || 13, for a b. - Exod. 18. 12. and Jcthro took a ^. - for God 29. 18. the ram is a 6. - unto the Lord Lev. 1 . 4. he shall put his hand on the head of b. - 4. 29. in the place of 6.-, 33. | 6. 25.| 7. 2. | 14. 13. 6. 9. saying, this is the law of the b. -, 7. 37. 7. 8. the priest shall have the skin of the b. - 9. 2. take thee a ram for b. -, 16. 3, 5. | 23. 18. 3. take a calf and a lamb for b. -, 12. 6. | 23.12. Num. 7.15. one lamb of first year for b. -, 21, — 81. 23. 3. stand by b. -, 15. | 28. 10, 13, 14. | 29. 6. Josh. 22.26. build us altar notfor b. - |j Judg.13.23. 1 Sam. 7. 10. as Samuel was offering up a 6. - 13. 12. I forced myself and offered a 6. - 2 Kin. 3. 27.for b. - on the wall || 2 Chr. 7. 1. 1 20.24. Psal. 40.6. b. - and sin-offer, hast thou not required 51. 16. for thou delightest not in b. - 19. shalt be pleased with b. - and whole b. - Isa. 40. 16. nor beasts thereof for ^. - 1| 61. 8. Ezek. 44. 11. slay the b.-\\ 45. 15. for a b. -, 17. 46. 2. prepare prince's 6. -|| 13. daily prepare 6,- . Continual BURNT-O^^riw^. Exod. 29. 42. Num. 28. 3, 6, 10, 15, 24, 31. I 29. 11. Ezra 3. 5. Neh. 10. 33. Ezek. 46. 15. Ojfer BURNT-O/fermg-. Gen.22.2.Isaac for a ^ . - 1| Lev. 9.7. Num. 28.11,23, Judg. ll.Sl.-itup for b.-\\ 13. 16. b.-ofer it to L. 1 Sam, 6. 14. and offered the kine for a 6. - 7. 9. Samuel - sucking lamb for b.~\\2 Kin. 5. 17. 2Chr.29.27. commanded to|| Job 42.8. Ezek.46.4. BURNT-O/mng-s. Gen. 8. 20. Noah offered b,- Exed. 10. 25. give us b. - \\ 20. 24. sacrifice thy b.- Num. 10. 10. blow with trumpets over your b. - Deutl2. 6.bringyour ^.-,11,14, 27.||JoVi). 22. 27. 1 Sam. 15. 22. hath the Lord delight in b. - 1 Kin. 3. 15. Solomon stood and offered b. - 8. 64. middle of the court, there he offered b.' 1 Chr. 29. 21. they offered b. - to the Lord 2Chr. 2.4. house for ^.-,7. 7.\ 29.7,34.| 30.15.|35.14. fezra 3. 4. daily b. -\\ 6. 9. have need of for ^. - Job 1. 5. offered b. - according to the number Psal. 50. 8. I will not reprove thee for thy b. - 66. IS. I will go into thy house with^. - Isa. 1.1 1. full of ^.-11 43. 23. II 56. 7. <&.- accepted Jer. 6. 20. your b. - are not acceptable [j 7. 21, 22. 17. 26. bringing &. - 1| 19. 5. sons for b. - to Baal Ezek. 45. 17. prince's part to give b. - 1| Hos. 6. 6. Mic. 6. 6, shall I come before him with b, - Mark 12. 33. to love neighbour is more than b. - Heb. 10. 6. in ^.-for sin thou hast had no pleasure Ofer BVRNT-Offerings. 1 Sam. 10. 8. down to 2 Sara. 24. 24. nor will I offer b. - of that which doth cost Aie nothing, 1 Chr. 21. 24. 1 Kin. 3. 4. a thousand b. - did Solomon offer 9. 25. three times a year did Solomon offer b. - Ezra 3. 2. Jeshu builded the altar to offer b. - Jer. 33. 18. Levites not want a man to offer b. - Ezek. 43. 18. in the day they make it to offer b. - Amos 5. 22. tho' ye offer b.-l will not accept BVRNT-Sacrifice. Exod.30.9.offer no strange b.- Lev. 1. 9. priest shall burn all to be a ^. - 3. 3, 5. Num. 23. 6. he stood by his b. - and the princes Deut.33. 10.whole&.-||2Sam.24.22.oxenfor^.- l Kin. 18. 38. fire fell and consumed the b. - 2 Kin. 16.15. king's b. - 1| Psal. 20. 3. accept thy 6.- BVRNT-Sacrifices. 1 Chr. 23. 31. 6. -in sabbaths 2 Chr. 13. 11. burn every morning and evening b.~ Psal. 66. 15. 1 will offer to thee ^. - of fallings BVt CAL V? BURNT up. Judg. 15. S.b.' shocks and corn fiKin. 1. 14. b.- captainsJIJob 1. 16. b.- the sheep Psal. 74. 8. they have b. -all the synagogues 106. 18. the flame b. - the wicked |l Isa. 64. 11. Jer. 9. 10. 6. - that none can pass thro' them, 12. Matt. 22. 7. the king sent and b. - tlieir city ? Pet. 3.10. earth and works shall be <5'.-||Rev.8.7. BURST. Job 32. 19. it is ready to b. like new Prov. 3. 10. the presses shall 6. with new wine Jer. 2. 20. have b. thy bands 5. 5.130. 8. Nah. 1.13. Mark 2. 22. new wine doth b. bottles, Luke 5. 57. Acts 1. 18. 6. asunder in the midst, bowels gushed BURSTING. Isa. 30. 14. not found in b. a sherd BUSH, ES. Exod. 3. 2. fire in the b. 4. Acts 7. 30. Dent. 33.16. good-will of him that dweitin the b. Job 30. 4. mallows by b.\\7. among the b. brayed Isa. 7. 19. they shall come and rest on all b, Mark 12. 26. how in the b. God spake to him Luke 6. 44. nor of bramble b. gather they grapes 20. 37. dead are raised, Moses shewed at the b. Acts 7. 35. the angel which appeared in the b. BUSHEL. Matt. 5. 15. Mark 4. 21. Luke 11. 33. BUSHY. Song 5. 11. his locks are Z". and black BUSY-BODY,IES. 2 Thes. 3. 11. 1. Tim. 5. 13. 1 Pet. 4. 15. but let none of you suffer as a b. BUSY, a. 1 Kin. 20. 40. 2 Chr. 35. 14. BUSINESS, s. Gen. 39. 11. Joseph went to do b. Deut. 24. 5. nor shall he be charged with any b. Josh. 2. 14. utter not our 6.||20. if thou utter b. Judg. 18. 7. thfy had no b. with any man, 28. 1 Sam. 20. 19. 6.'wasinhand||21. 2. any thingofS. 21. 8. king's^, required haste||25. t 2. whose b. 2 Chr. 13. lO.Levites waiton h.\\o2. 31. b. of amb. Neh. 13. 30. evei7 man in his 6.|lEsth.3. 9.|9.t3. Psal. 107. 23. do I. in great waters] |Prov. iS.tl. Prov. 22. 29. a man diligent in his 6.|jEccl. 5. 3. Dan. 8. 27. afterwards I rose and did the king's b. Luke 2. 49. my father's Z>.||Acts 6. 3. over this b. Rom. 12. 11. not slothful in 6.|j 16. 2. assist her in iJ. 1 Thes. 4. 11. that ye study to do your own 6. BUT, c. 1 Sam. 20. 3. 6. a step between me and 2 Kin. 7.4. we shall b. die||Psal.ll5.5. z^*. speak not Psal. 115. 6. b. hear not||7. b. handle not ; feet, b. Matt. 24. 36. b. of that day|j37. b. as days of Noe 1 Cor. 4. 19. b. the power||6. 11. b. ye are washed 7. 10. b. the Lordj|12. 4. b. same Spirit, 5, 6. 2 Cor. 2. 5. b. in partlJ4. 17. b. for a moment BUTLER, S. Gen. 40. 1, 9, 21. J 41. 9. BUTTER, s. Gen. 18.8. Abraham took b. Deut.32. 14.6. of kine|jjudg.5.25. b. in lordly dish 2 Sam. 17. 29. Barzillai brought b. for David Job 20. 17. not see the brooks of honey and b. 29. 6. when I washed my steps with b. rock Psal. 55.21. words smoother than 6.| jprov. 30. 33. Isa. 7. \5.b. and honey shall he eat, 22. BUTTOCKS. 2 Sam. 10. 4. 1 Chr. 19. 4. Isa. 20. 4. BUY, V. signifies, [1] To purchase, 2 Sam. 24. 21. [23 To esteem and put a high value tipon, Isa. 55. 1. Rev. 3. 18. Gen. 42.7. b. forus,7.|43.20.||47. 19. b. us andland Exod. 21. 2. if thou h. an Hebrew servant Lev. 22. 11. b. ajiy soul||25. 15. after jubile b. 25. 44. shall ye b. bond-men and maids, 45. Deut. 2.6. b. meatfor money||28.68. no man b, you Ruth 4. 4. ^. it before the inhabitants, 5. 2 Sam.24.21. b. threshing-fioor, 24. 1 Chr. 21. 24. , 2 Kin. 12. 12. to masons to b. timber, 22. 6. Neh. 10. 31. we would not b. it on thQ sabbath Isa. 55. 1. come b. and eat, b. wine and milk Jer. 32. 7. b. my field j) 44. men shall b. fields Mat. 14.1 5. may (^.themselves victuals, Mark 6.36- 25. 9. b. for yourselvesljio. wliile they went to b, Mark 6. 37. shall we go and b. 200 penny-worth Luke 9.3. except we 6.{)22. 36. garment and 6.one John 4. 8. to b. meat||6. 5. shall we b. bread that ^13. 29! b. those things that we have need of 1 Cor. 7. 30. they that h. as tho' they possessed not Jam. 4. 13. and we will b. and sell, and get grain Rev. 3. 18. b. of me goldl|13.17. no man might b. BUY Corn. Gen. 41. 57. | 42. 3. Neh. 5. 3. BUY Poor. Amos 8. 6.raay <^. the jjoor for silver BUY Truth. Prov. 23. 23. b. - and sell it not BUYER. Prov. 20. 14. Isa. 24. 2. Ezek. 7. 12. BUYEST. Lev. 25. 14. or h. ought, Ruth 4. 5. BUYETH.Prov. 31.16. Matt. 13. 44. Rev. 18.11. BUZ, Despising. Gen. 22. 21. Jer. 25. 23. BUZITE, A descendentfrom Buz, Job 32. 2, 6. BY and BY. Matt. 13. 21. b. -he is offended Mark 6. 25. b.-in a charger||Lukel7.7. 6.-sit down Luke 21. 9. come to pass, but the end is not b. - BY-WAYS. Judg. 5. 6. walked through^. BY-WORD. Deut. 28. 37. shalt become a h, 1 Kin. 9.7. Israel shall be a b.\\2 Chr.7.20. house a Job 17. 6. made me a b.^'oQ. 9. 1 am their b. Psal. 44. 14. makest us a 6.jjJoel 2.tl7. use a b. c. CABBON, As though understanding. The name of a city. Josh. 15. 40. CABINS. Jer. 37. 16. Jer. was entered into c. CABUL, A footman, or dirty. 1 Kings 9. 13. CADESH, Holiness. X^\2ice, Gen. 16. 14. | 20. 1. CAGE. Jer. 5. 27. as a c. is full of birds, Rev.18.2.. CAIAPHAS,^ searcher. Luke 3. 2. Matt. 26. 3. high-priest, who was called C. 57. John 11. 49. C. said, ye know nothing at all 18. 14. C. gave counsell|28.1ed Jesus from C. to CAIN, Possession. The son of Adam, Gen, 4, 1^, Gen. 4. 2. but C. was a tiller of the ground 5. to C. and offering not respect||15. mark onC 25. Abel who C. slew 1| Heb. 11. 4. than C. 1 JohnS. 12.notas Cyjudell. gonein way of C CAINAN, Possessor, or buyer. Luke 3. 36. CAKE, S. Exod. V2. 39. unleavened c. Lev. 7. 12. Lev. 24. 5. and bake 12 c.j|Num. 15. 20. offer c. Judg. 7. 13. lo, a c. tumbled |1 2 Sam. 6. 19.(13. 6. 1 Kin. 17, 12. 1 have not a c. || 13. a little c. first 19. 6. there was a cake baken on the coals Jer. 7. 18. make c. to the queen of heaven. 44. 19. Ezek. 4.1 2.eat as barley c.||Ho3. 7. 8. c. not turned CAL AH, Opportunity. A city, Gen. 10. 11. CALAMITY, lES. Deut. 32. 35. day of their c. 2 Sam.22. 19. prevented me in day ofc.Psal.l8.t 8. Job 6. 2. and my c. laid in the balances together 30. 13. set forward my e. they have no helper Psal. 57. 1. 'till c. be overpastj|141. 5. in their c. Prov. 1. 26. I will laugh at your c. I will mock 6. 15. therefore his c. shall come suddenly 17. 5. that is glad at c. shall not be unpunished 19. 13. afoolish son is the c. of his father 24. 22. for their c. shall rise suddenly, and \i^xo CAL CAL. Prov.27.lO,nor go into brother's house in day of c. Jer. 18. 17. 1 will shew them the back in day ofc. 46. 21. the day of their c. was come upon them 48. le.c.of Moabisnear||49. 8. c. ofEsau|,'32. Ezek. 35. 5. shed blood in day of c.|jObad. 13. day CALAMUS, A spicy reed, Bxod. 30. 23. Song 4. 14. saffron, c.||Isa. 43. 24.i;Ezek. 27. 19. CALCOL, Nourishing, or Consuming. 1 Chr. 2. 6. Caldea ; see Chalde-^ CALDRON, S. 1 Sam. 2. 14. struck it into.c. 2 Chr. 3.5. 13. holy offerings sod they in pots and c. Job 41. 20. goeth smoke, as out of a seething c. Jer. 52. 18. c. also and spoons took they away, 19. Ezek. 11.3. this city is the c. we the flesh, 7, 11. Mic. 3. 3. they chop them as flesh within tlie c. CALEB, A dog, or a croiv, or a basket ; or as the heart. Son of Jephunneh. Num. 13. 6. Num. 13. 6. C. to spy the land|j30. C. stilled the 14. 24. C. bring into land, 30.132. 12. Deut. 1.36. 38. but Josh, and C Uved still, 26. 65.||34. 19. Josh. 14. 13. gave C. Hebron|jl5. 14. C. drovejUG. Judg. 1.15. and C. gave her the upper springs 1 Sam. 25. 3. house of C. || 30. 14. south of C. 1 Chr. 2. 18. C. begat children, 42, 50. | 4. 15. CALF,5.Gen. 18. 7. Abraham fetched a e. tender Exod. 32.4. a molten c 20. Deut. 9. 16. Neh. 9 18. Lev. 9. 2. take a young c. j) 3. take c. and a lamb Job. 21. 10. casteth not c.|Ps. 29. 6. skip like a c. Psal. 106.19. they made a c. in Horeb, and worsh. Isa. 11. 6. the c. and young lion together, 27. 10. Jer. 38. 14. when they cut the c. in twain and Ezek. 1. 7, tlieirfeet like the sole of a c. foot Hos. 8. 5. thy c. O Samaria, hath cast thee off", 6. Luke 1 5. 23.hither tatted c.|j27. killed fatted c.30. Acts 7. 41. made a c. in those days \\ Rev. 4. 7. CALKERS, Stoppers of chinks, Ezek. 27. 9, 27. CALL, v. signities, [Ij To name, Gen. 1. 8. [^2] To appoint and qualify a person for some work and service, Exod. 31. 2. Isa. 22. 20. [3J To invite, warn and caution, Isa. 22.12, [4] To invite sinners to repentance, Prov. 1. 24. Matt. 22. 14. [.5 j Effectually to concert, Rom. 8. 29, 30. [6] To own and acknowledge, Heb. 2. 11. [7] To worship, Gen. 4. 26. Psal. 50. 15. Acts 9. 14. [8j To reckon or account, Mat. 3. 15. [91 To be, Luke 1.32. Gen. 2. 1 9. to Adam, to see what he would c. them Exod. 2. 7.C. to thee a nurse|j20. w here is he ? c.him Num. 16. 12. c. Dathan|j22. 20. if men c. thee, go Deut. 4. 7. in all things c. on him, 1 Km. 8. 52, 26. c. heaven and earth to witness, 30. 19.131. 28. Judg. 16.25. c. forSarasonj|21. 13. toe peaceably 1 Sam. 3. 6. thou didst c. me, 8.|jl6. 3. c. Jesse 22. ll.c.Ahimelech!|2Sam. 17. 5. c.nowHushai 1 Kin.1.28. c. Bath-sheba|)32. Zadok and Nathan 8. 52. in all they c. for|jl7. 18. to c. ray sin to 1 8. 24. and c. ye on the name of your gods, 25. 2 Kin. 4. 12. Elisha said, c. this Shunamite 10. 19. c. imto me all the prophets of Baal Job 5. 1. c. now if any will answer, 13. 22-114. 15. Ps. 4. 1. hear when I c. O G. of my righteousn. 3. 14. 4. eat up my people, and c. not upon Lord 20. 9. hear when we c.||49. 11. c. lands after ow'n 77. 6. 1 c. to remembrance my song in the night 86.5. plenteous in mercy to all that c. on thee 99. 6. c. on his narae|| 102. 2. when I c. answer 145. 18. Lord is nigh to all them that c, on him Prov.8.4.toyon,0 men, I c.\\ 31.28. c. her blessed Isa. 5. 20. c. evil good || 22. 12. Lord c.to weeping 45. 3. 1 the Lord which c. thee by thy name 48. 2. for they c. themselves of the holy city 13. when I c. they stand |) 55. 6. c. ye on him 58. 5, "tr. this a fast || 13. c. sabbath a delight 65. 24. that before they c, I will answer, and Jer. 9. 17. c. for mourning- women |j 33. 3. c to me Joel 1. 14. c. a solemn assembly, 2. 15. |j Jon.1.6. Zech. 3. 10. ye shall c. every one his neighbour Mai. 3.15. and now we c. llie proud happy Mat.9.13.notto c.righteous,Mar.2.17. Luk>e 5.32. 20. 8. c. the labourers |) 22. 3. to c. them bidden 22. 43. how doth David in spirit c. him Lord? 23. 9. c. no man your father upon the earth Luke 6. 46. why c. ye me Lordjj 14. 13. c. the poor John 4.16. c. thy husband I) 13.13. ye c. rae master Acts 9. 14. to bind all that c. on thy name 19. 13. c. over them |j 24. 14. they c. heresy Rom. 10.12. same Lord is rich to all that c. on him 2 Cor. 1. 23. I c. God for a record upon ray soul 2 Tim. 1. 5. when I c. to remembrance the faith 2.22. follow peace with them that c. on the Lord Heb. 2. 11. is not ashamed to c. them brethren 10. 32. but c. to remembrance the former days Jam. 5. 14. let him c, the elders of the church 1 Pet. 1. 17. if ye c. on the Father who judgeth CALL on the ISame of the Lord. Gen.4.26.begantoc.-|) iKin.18.24. Psal.116.17. 2 Kin. 5. 11. he will come and c. -, 1 Chr. 16. 8. Psal. 105. 1. Isa. 12. 4. Joel 2. 32. Zeph.3. 9. Acts 2. 21. Rom. 10. 13. 1 Cor. 1.2.- Not CALL. Gen. 17. 15. - c. her Sarai but Sarah Judg. 12. 1. didst - c. us to go || Ruth 1. 20. Psal. 14. 4. eat bread, and they c. - upon the Lord Isa. 31. 2. yet he will - c. back his words Jer. 10. 25. upon families that c. - on thy name Luke 14. 12. c. - thy friends, nor thy brethren John 15. 15. henceforth I c. you not servants Acts 10. 15. that c. - thou common, 28. | 11. 9. Shall or shalt CALL. Gen. 17. 19. and thou - c. his name Isaac Deut. 25. 8. elders of city - c. him || 30. 1. 1 33. 19. Job 14. 15. thou- c. and I will answer thee Psal. 50. 4. he - c. to the heavens from above 72. 17. all nations shall c him blessed Isa. 7. 14. - c. his name Immanuel, Matt. 1. 23. 34. 12. they - c. the nobles to the kingdom 41. 25. from the rising of the sun - he c. upon 44.5.-c.hiraself by name of Jacob|| 7. who,as I,-c, 55. 5. -c.a nationjl 58. 9. - c. and L. shall answer 60. 14. - c. thee the city of the Lord, the Zion 1 8. but thou -c. thy walls salvation, gates praise 61.6. men - c. you the ministers of our God 62. 12. and they- c. them. The holy people Jer. 3. 17. - c. Jerusalem the throne of God 19. thou - c. me, my father, and not turn away 6.30. reprobate silver shall men c. them,becausc 7. 27. - c. unto them, but they will not answer Hos. 2. 16. and thou - c. me no more Baaii Joel 2. 32. whom the Lord- c. || Amos 5. 16. Zech, 13. 9. they - c. and I will hear them Mai. 1. 4. - c. them the border of wickedness 3.12. and all nations - c. you blessed, for ye shall Matt. 1. 21. and thou - c. his name Jesus 10. 25. much more - they c. themof houshold Luke 1.13.- c. his name John|| 48. • c, me blessed CAL Acts 2. 39. as many as the Lord our God - c. Rom. 10. 14. how then - they c. on him in whom Will CALL. Gen. 24. 57. we - c. the damselj |30.1 3.-c. me blessed iSam. 12.17. 1 -c nnto L. 2 Sam. 22. 4. Psal. 18. 3. Job 27. 10. - the hypocrite always c. on God Psal, 55. 16. 1- c. upon G. 86. 7. | 80. 18. 1 116. 2. Isa. 22. 20. I will c. my servant Eliakira Jer.1.15. 1- c. families |j25.29.sword, Ezek.38.21. Ezek.31,23.-c.toremem.||36.29.I-c.fortheconi Acts 24. 25. a convenient season I - c. for thee Horn. 9. 25. 1 - c. them my people which were not CALL upon me. Psal. 50. 15. c. - in day of trouble, I will deUver 91. 15. he shall c. - and I will answer him Prov. 1 . 28. shall c- bnt I'll not answer,Jer.29.12. CALLED. Geu.11.9. c Babel|| 21.17. cto Hagar 1 22.1 1 . angel c. to Abraham || 35. 10. not c. Jacob 35.18. c. him Benjamin()39. I4.shec. to the men Exod. 1. 18. king of Egypt c. for the midwives 8. 8. Ph. c.for Moses, 25.19. 27.|10.16, 24.112. 31. Num. 13.1 e.Moses c. Oshea,son of Nun,Jehoshiia Deut. 5. 1. Moses c. all Israel and said, 29. 2. 15. 2. not exact it, because it is c. Lord's release 28.10. shall see thou art c. by the name of the L. Judg. 14. 1 5. c. to take what we have [j 15. 17, 1 8. 15.-}-19. hec.it the well II 16. 28. Samson c. to L. 1 Sam. 9. 9. that is now c a prophet, was c. a seer 2 Sam. 6. 2. c. bynameoftheL.il 12. 28. city c. 18. 26. watchman c. to porter |j 21. 2. king c. 1 Kin. 1. 9. Adonijah c all his brethren, 19, 25. 18. 3. Ahab c Obadiah || 26. they c. on Baal ^Kin.4.22. she cto her husband || 7.10.c.to porter iChr. 4. 10. Jabez c. on G. of Israel 1| 13.6.1 21. 26. Esth. 2. 14. she werec, by name||4.11.not beenc. Psal. 53. 4. not c. on G.y 79. 6. not c. on thy name Isa. 31. 4. a multitude of shepherds is c. forth 43. 22. but thou hast not c. on me, O Jacob 48. 1. c. by name of Israel, 12. || 61. 3. c. trees of Jer. 7. 32. no more c. Tophet 1| Lam. 1. 21. | 2. 22. Ezek. 20. 29. and the name thereof is c. Bamah Dan. 5. 12. now let Daniel be c. and he will shew Matt. 1.16. who is c. Christ 1| 10. 2. c. Peter 13. 55. they said, is not his mother c. Mary 18.2. Jes. c. little child |120.16. many be c. 22. 14. 20. 32. Jesus c. them Ij 23. 8. be ^^ot ye c Rabbi 26. 14. c. Judas Iscarlot 1| 27. 17. c. Christ, 22. Mark 10. 49. Jesus commanded him to be c. 14. 72. Peter c. to mind the word that Jesus said Luke 1.61. is c. by this name||62. how have him c. 15.19. to be c. thy son, 21. || 23. 33. c Calvary John 1 . 48. before that Philip c. thee, I saw thee 4. 25. Messiah cometh, which is c. Christ, 9. 11. Acts9.11. go into street c. Straight, for one c.Saul 11. 26. disciples were tirst c.christiansat Autioch 13. 7. who c. for Barnabas || 9. then Saul c Paul 15. 17. all the Gentiles on whom my name is c. 19. 40. to be c. in question for this day's uprore 23.6.amc. in question, 24. 21.1|23. 18. Paul c. me Rom. 1. 1. Paul c. to be an apostle, 1 Cw. 1.1. 6. the c. of Jesus || 7. c. to be saints, 1 Cor. 1 . 2. 2. 17. thou art c. a Jew, and restest in the law 8. 28. who are tlie c. according to his purpose,30. lCor.l.9.c.to feWowship l|24.are c.||26.noble are c. 5. 11. if any man c. a brother be, 7. 18, 21, 24. Gal. 1. 6. so soon removed fi'oni him that c. you 5. 13. for, brethren; ye have been ':. to liberty 12 TT CAL Eph. 2. 11. c. imcircumcision ||4. 4. c. in one hope Col.3.15.to the virhichye arec.|j4.11.Jesusc.Justus 2 Thes. 2. 4. who exalteth above all that is c. G. 1 Tim. 6. 12. eternal life, whereto thou art c. 20. avoiding oppositions of science felsly so c Heb. 3. 13. while c. to dayl| 9. 2. c. the sanctuary 9. 15. they that are c. iJ 1 1. 16. to be c. their G. 11.24. refused to be c.son of Pharaoh's daughter Jam. 2.7. blaspheme that name by which ye are c. iPet. 2. 9. of him who hath c. you out of darkness 21. for even hereunto were ye c. because Christ 3. 9. ye are thereunto c. j| I John 3.1. c. sons of G. Judel. sanctified,preserved in Jesus Christ,ai)dc. Rev.8.11.starc.vvormwood||11.8.spiritual.c.Sodora 12. 9. serpent c. the devil || 17. 14. c. and chosen 19. 9. blessed that are c. to the marriage-supper CALLED, as an act of God. Gen. 1. 5. G. c. light day || 10. G. c. dry land earth 5. 2. God blessed them, and c. their name Adam Exod. 3. 4. G. c. to him out of midst of the bush 19. 3. the Lord c. to him out of the mountain 20. Lord c. Moses up || 35. 30. Lord c. Bezaleel Num. 12. 5.L. c. Aaron || lSam.3.4. Samuel, 6, 8. 2 Kin. 3. 10. alas the L.hath c. these 3 kings, 13. 8. 1. c. for a famine || Psal. 50, 1. L. c. the earth Isa. 41. 2. the Lord raised, and c. him to his foot 42. 6, I the Lord have c. thee in righteousness 49. 1. the Lord hath c. him from the womb 54. 6. the Lord hath c. thee as a woman forsaken Jer. 11. 16. Lord c. thy name a green olive-tree 20. 3. the Lord hath not c. thy name Pashur Amos 7. 4. the Lord God c. to contend by fire Acts 16. 10. gathering that the Lord had c. us 1 Cor. 7. 15. but God hath c. us to peace 17. as the L. hath c. every one, so let him walk Gal. 1. 15. it pleased God, who c. me by his grace iThes. 2. 12. who c.you to his kingdom and glory 4- 7. for God hath not c. us to uncleanness 2 Thes. 2. 1 4.jwhereunto God e. you by his gospel 2 Tim, 1. 9. who hath c. us with a holy calling Heb. 5. 4. that is c. of G.||10. c. of G. an h, priest 1 Pet. 5. 10. the God of all grace who hath c. us He CALLED. Gen. 21. 31. - c. place Beer-sheba 26.1 8, -c. their names [| 35. 10. -c. his ndme Israel Exod. 24. 1 6. Lord - c. to Moses out of the cloud Judg. 6. 32. - c. him Jerubbaal || 2 Sam.1.7. 1 1 3. 17. 1 Kin. 1.10. Solomon - c. hot, 19. 26. || 9. 13, 2 Kin. 4. 36. - c. to Gehazi]| 18, 4. serpent, -c. it Ps. 105. 16, -c. for afamine |j Jer, 42. 8, Lam. 1.15. Matt. 10. 1. - c. the twelve || 13. 10. - c. multitude Mark 1. 20. straightway - c. them l|Luke 13. 12, John 10. 35. if- c. them gods to whom the word Acts 9. 4l. - c, the saints || 16. 29. - c. for light 19, 25. whom -c, together |j 23. 23. - c. unto him Rom. 8. 30, them he also c. \\ 9. 24. even us - c. 1 Pet. 1. 1 5. but as he which hath c. you is holy / CALLED, or / have CALLED. Num. 24. 10. - c. thee to curse j| Judg. 12. 2. iSam. 3.5. Eh said, /c.not, 6.JJ28. 15.1 have c. thee 2 Sam. 22. 7. in my distress Jc.Psal.18. 6. 1 118. 5. Job 9. 16. if /had c. || 19. 16. I c. my servant Psal. 17. 6. - c. on thee, 31. 17. || 88. 9. L. - c daily 116. 4. then c. /upon the name of the Lord Prov. 1. 24. because / have c. and ye refused Song 5. 6. / c. him, but he gave me no answer Isa. 13. 3. -c. my mighty ones jj 41.9. -c.thee from 4x3. 1. J c, thee by thy name, thou art mine, 45. 4. CAL CAL Isa. 48. 15. yea, - c. him || 50. 2. - c. none to answer 51. 2. for / c. him alone, and blessed him 65. 1 2. / c. ye did not answer, 66. 4. Jer. 7. 13. Jer. 35. 17. because - c. to them, but they not JLam. 1.19./ c. for my lovers |j 3. 55. on name, 57. Hos.ll.l.theu /c.my son outof Egypt, IVIat.2. 15. Hag.l. 11. Jc. foradroughtjjZech.ll.Z. /c. beauty John 15. 15. - c. you friends || Acts 13. 2. | 28. 20. CALLED bij my JSame. 1 Chr. 7. 1 4. people who Isa.43.7.every one that is c.-|| 65. 1. nation not c. - Jer. 7. 10. this house c. - 1 1, 14, 30. 1 32. 34.| 34. 13. 25. 29. the city c. - \\ Amos 9. 12. heathen c. - CALLED by thy Name. 1 Kin. 8. 43. house I builded is c.-, 2 Chr. 6. 33. Isa. 4.1. let us bec.-||43. 1. 1 have c. thee -,45. 4. 63. 19. we are thine, they were not c. - Jer. 14. 9. we are c.-\\ 15 16. I am c. - O Lord Dan. 9. 18. the city is c. -|| 19- city and people c- CALLED his Name. Gen. 35. 10. he c.- Israel Gen.35. 18.c.-Benonil|lChr.4.9.Jabezl|7.l6,23. Matt. 1. 25. c. - Je>us 1| Rev. 19. 13. - c. word of G. CALLED //ie iVame. Gen.29.19.c. - Bethel,35. 15. Exod. 16. 31. Israel c. - Manna |i 17. 7. c- Massah 17. 15. c. -ofaltar jEHOVAH-nissi || Judg. 15. 19. 2 Sam. 5. 20. c. - of the place Baal-perazim 1 Kin. 7.21. c. - Jachin, 2 Chr. 3. 17. |1 Job 42.14. Sent and CALLED. Gen. 27. 42. - c. Jacob ||31.4. Rachel] |4 1.1 4. Joseph Josh. 24.9. - c. Balaam to |! Judg. 4. 6. Barak out of Judg.l6.18.-c.lordsofPhil.||'i!Sam.l2.25.Jedidiah iKin. 2. 36. -c. Shimei,42.||12.3. Jerob. 2Chr.l0.3. Esth. 5. 10. Haman - c. || Acts 20.17. - c. the elders Shall be CALLED. Gen. 2. 23. she - c. woman 17. 5. thy name - c. Abraham, for a father 21.12.in Isaac thy seed - c. Rom. 9.7.Heb. 11. 18. 32. 28. - c. no more Jacob, but Israel || 48. 6. Deut. 25. 10. his name - c. in Israel, the house of Prov. 16. 21. the wise in heart - c. prudent 24. 8. deviseth evil - c. a mischievous person Isa. 4. 3.- c. holy II 9. 6.-c. Wonderful, Counsellor 19.1 8.-C. city of destruction 1 132.5.- no more bee. 35. 8. - c the way of holiness || 54. 5. - he be c. 56.7.my house -c.the house of prayer,Mat.21.13. Jer. 7. 3'2. it - no more be c. Tophet, 19. 6. 23, 6. he- c.the Lord our righteousness, 33. 16. Zech. 8. 3. - c. city of truth || Matt. I.t23.-c. Eraan. Matt. 2. 23. - c. a Nazarene|| 5.9. peace-makers - c. 5. 19. he - c. the least in the kingdom of heaven Luke 1.32. -c. Son of the Highest, 35.|)60. -c. John 2. 23. every male - c holy to the Lord Rom.7.3. - c. an adulteress || 9.26. - c childr.of G. Shalt be CALLED. Isa.l.26.-c,city of righteousn. Isa.47.1. - c. no more tender, 5.||58.12. -c. repairer 62. 2. - c. by a new name |) 4. - c. Hephzi-bah 12. thou - c. Sought out, a city not forsaken Luke 1. 76. thou - c. the prophet of the Highest John 1. 42. thou - c. Cephas, which is a stone They CALLED. Gen. 19. 5. - c Lot, and said Num. 25.2.-C. people HJudg.l 6.25.- c. for Samson Esth. 9. 26. - c. these days Purim after Pur Psal. 99. 6. -c. onL.y Jer.l2. 6. -have c. multitude Jer. 30.17. - c thee an outcast || Hos.l 1.2. to them Hos. 11. 7. though - c. them to the most High Matt. 10. 25. if- c. the master Beelzebub Luke 1.59. - c.him Zacharias yjohn 918. parents John9. 24.-C. the man \\ Acts 4. 18. - c. them and Ai;ts 5.4f>. wheo- had c, apostles |J14.12, Barnabas Was CALLED. Deut. 3. 13. - c.the land of giant* 2 Chr. 20. 26. place - c. the valley of Berachah Ezra 2.61. and - c. after their name, Neh. 7. 63. Isa.48.8.-c.a transgressor IIDan.lO.l.Belteshazzar Matt. 26. 3. - c. Caiaphas|| 27. 8. - c. field of blood Luke 1 .36. who -c. barren |j 2. 21. name - c. Jesus John 2. 2. Jesus - c. and his || Acts 13. 1. - c. Nigeir Acts 24. 2. he - c. forth || 28. 1. island - c. Melita 1 Cor. 7. 20. abide in the calling wherein he - c. Heb. 11.8. Abraham when he - c. obeyed Jam. 2. 23 -c friend of G. |j Rev. 19.11. -c faithful CALLEDST, EST. Judg. 8. 1. thou c. us not 1 Sam. 3. 5. thou c. me ||Ps.81.7. thou c in trouble Ezek.23.21 . c. to remembrance lewdness ofyouth Matt. 19. 17. why c. thou me good, there is none good but God, Mark 10., 18. Luke 18. 19. CALLETH. 1 Kin. 8. 43. stranger c. 2 Chr. 6.33. Job 12. 4. who c. on God, and he answereth him Psal. 42. 7. deep c. unto deep || 147. 4. he c. them Prov. 18. 6.C. forstrokes||Isa.21.1l.c. outofSeii* Isa. 59. 4. none c. for justice || 64. 7. none c. on Hos. 7. 7. none c. to me |) Amos 5. 8. | 9. 6. Matt. 27. 47. this man c. for Elias, Mark 15. 35. Mark 3. 13. c, to him whom he would |I 6. 7. 8. 1 . Jesus c. his disciples ||10. 49- arise, he c. thee 12.37.if David therefore c. him Lord, Luke 20.44. Luke 15. 6, he c. his friends || 9. she c. her friends 20. 37. when he c. the Lord the G. of Abraham John 10. 3. and he c. his own sheep by name 11. 28. the master is come and c. for thee Rom. 4. 17. c. things which be not, as tbo' they 9. 11. election might stand of him, that c. 1 Cor.12.3. no man by the Spirit c. Jesus accursed Gal. 5. 8. persuasion cometh not of him that c. 1 Thes. 5. 24. faithful is he that c. you|| Rev. 2. 20. CALLING signifies, [l] Any lawful employment, 1 Cor. 7. 20. [2] An effectual work of God's grace on the soul, enabling it to live anew to God, Phil. 3. 14. Heb. 3. 1. [3j The state of glory to which believers are called, 2Thes. 1.11. Heb. 3. 1 . Num. 10. 2. use trumpets for e. of the assembly Isa. 1. 13. c. of assemblies I cannot away with Ezek. 23. 1 9. in c. to remembrance her youth Rom, 11.29. gifts and c. of G. without repentance 1 Cor, 1. 26. see your c. bretliren|| 7. 20, abide in c, Eph. 1. 18. hope of his c. |) 4.4. one hope of your c. Phil. 3. 14. for the prize of the high c. of God 2 Thes. 1.11. that God count you worthy of this c. 2 Tim. 1. 9. an holy c. 1| Heb. 3. 1. the heavenly c. 2 Pet. 1. 10. to make your c and election sure CALLING, Participle. Isa. 41. 4. c. the generations from the beginning 46, 11. c. a ravenous bird from the east Matt. 11.16. and c. to their fellows, Luke 7. 32. Mark 11.21. Peter c, to remembrance, saith Acts7.59.stoned Stephen c. on G.|) 22.16. c. on L. 1 Pet. 3. 6. Sarah obeyed Abraham, c. him lord CALM. Psal, 107. 29. maketh the storm a c. Jonah 1. 11. sea may be c. to us || 12. be c. to you Matt. 8. HG. was a great c. Mark 4. 39. Luke 8. 24. CALNEH, Our Consummation. Gen.lO.lO.Amos 6. 2. CALNO, Ibid, or altogether himself . Isa. 10. 9. CALVARY, The place of a skull. Luke 23. 33. CALVE, ED, ETH. Job 21. 10. their cow c. 31. 1. canst thou mark when the hinds do c. Psal. 29. 9. the voice of the L. maketh hinds to f. w CAM J'er. 14. 5. the hind c. in the field, and forsook it CALVES, *. 1 Sam. 6. 7. bring their c. home 1 Kings 12. 28. two c. of goldl|32. sacrificing to c 2 Kings 10. 29. departed not from golden c. 2 Chr. 11, 15. he ordained priests for thee. 13. 8. and there be with you golden c. Psal. 68. 30. rebuke the bulls with the c. Hos. 10. 5. c. of Beth-aven || 13. 2. kiss the c. 14. 2. render c. of our lips||Amos 6. 4. eat the c. Mic. 6. 6. shall I come wim c. of a year old Mai. 4. 2. ye shall grow up as c. of the stall I Heb. 9. 12. blood of c. || 19. took blood of c. ' CAME, pr. Gen. 10. 14. c. Philistim, 1 Chr.1.12. 19. 1. two angels c. to Sodom||20. 3. G.c.to Abim. 27. 35. c. withsubtilty || 31. 24. G. c. to Laban 32. 6. c. to thy brother Esau] |39. 16. till his lord c. Num. 13. 27. we c. to land || 19. 2. never c. yoke 22. 9. God c. to Balaam at night and said, 20. 24. 2. Sp.c. on him, Jndg. 3. 10. 1 Sam. 10. 10. Deut. 1. 19. c. to Kadesh||33.2. Lord c. from Sinai I Josh.15.18. as she c. to him,she moved, J udg. 1.14. Judg. 5. 19. kings c. |j 7. 13. cake c. unto a tent 9. 25. robbed all that c.|j57.c. curse of Jotham 13. 10. the man that c. to me|| 11. Manoah c. ' 19.22. bring man that c.||20. 48. smote all that c. i 1 Sam. 2. 27. ^nd there c. a man of God to Eli ' 4, 1. word of Samuel c. to all Lrael||7. 13. | 9. 15. 10. 14. we c. to Samuel |) 13. 8. Samuel c. not 17. 34. there c. a Uon and a bear and took a lamb 2 Sam. 13. 30. tidings c. to David||36. kings sonsc. 1 Kings 20. 43. king of Israel c. heavy to Samaria 2 Kings9.11.wherefore c. this mad fellow to thee 19. 33. by the way that he c shall he return 24. 3. at the command of the L. c. this on Judah 2 Chr. 25 . 20. Amaziah not hear, for it c. of God Job 3. 26. yef trouble c |) 29. 13. the blessing c. 30.26.when I looked for good, evil c. darkness c Psal. 18. 6. my cry c. before him||27. 2. my foesc. 78. 31. wrath of God c. upon them and slew 105.19. that his wordc.|(31.c.flies|j34. locusts c. Eccl. 5. 15. to go as he c. and take nothing, 16. Isa. 30. 4. c. to Hanes|)41. 5. ends of the earth c. Jer. 7. 31. nor c. it into my mind, 19. 5. | 32. 35. 8. 15. no good c. ||44. 21. c. it not into his mind Ezek. 37. 7. the bones c.||10. breathe into them 43. 2. the glory of God of Israel c. from the east Dan. 7. 13. one like the son of man c. with clouds 22. until the ancient of days e. and judgment Jonah 3. 6. virord c.||Hab. 3. 3. G. c. from Teraan Hag. 1. 9. it c. tolittle||2.16. e. to press-fat to draw Zech. 7. 12. ca great wrath from the Lord||14.16. Matt. 2. 1. c. wise men |) 9. till it c. and stood 3. 1. in those days c. John the Baptist preaching 7. 25. floods c. 27. |j 9. 20. woman c. behind 9. 28. blind men c. j| 20. 28. the son of man c. 21.28.C. to the first and said, son go to work, 30. 25. 10. bridegroom c. || 36. in prison ye c. to me 28. 13. disciples c. by night, and stole him away Luke9.34.there ca cloud and overshadowed them 35. c. a voice out of cloud | j 15. 17. c. to himself 15. 20. and he arose and c. to his father John 1. 7. the same c. to bear witness of the light 11. he c. to his own, his own received him not 17. but grace and truth c. by Jesus Christ 3. 2. samec. to Jesus by night, 7. 50. j 19. 39. 23. c. and were baptized \\ 10. 35. word of G. c. 12. 30. the veice c. a«t fcecawe ef mel) 2*. 19. CAM Acts 19. 18. many that believed c. and confessed. Rom. 5. 18. judgment c. free gift c. on all men 7.9. when the commandment c. sin reviv^ed 9. 5. of whom concerning the flesh Christ c. 1 Cor. 15. 21. since by man c death, by man c. Gal. 3. 23. but before faith c. we were kept under Eph. 2, 17. c. and preached peace to you afar off 1 Thes. 1. 5. gospel c.not in word ooly, but power 1 Tim. 1. 15. that Jesus Christ c. to save sinners 2 Pet. 1.17. when there c. such a voice to him, IS. 21. prophecy c. not in old time by will of man 1 John 5. 6. that c. by water and blood||3 John S. Rev. 16. 19 great Babylon c. in remembrance CAME again. Judg. 13. 9. angel c- to woman 15. 19. his spirit c. - 1 Sam. 21, 14. | 30. 12. 1 Kings 17.22. soul of child c.-||19. 7.angel c. - 2 Kings 5. 14. his flesh c. -|| 7. 8. these lepers c. - Ezra 2. 1. c- to Judah, Neh.7.6.||Esth. 6. 12. gate Dan.10.18. c.-and touched me||Zech. 4.1. angel c- Luke 8. 55. her spirit c.-||John 8.2. and early he c- CAME down. Gen. 11. 5. the L. c. - to see city 15. 11. fowls c- on carcases||43. 20. O sir we c- Exod. 19. 20. the L. c. - on Mount Sinai|j34. 29« Lev. 9. 22. and Aaron c. - from otFering Num. 11. 25. the L. c- in a cloud, 12. 5.||14. 45. Judg. 5. 14. out of Machir. c. - the governors 2 Sa?T:. 22.10. bowed the heavens and c- Ps. 18. 9. 2 Kings 1. 10. c - fire from heaven, 12, 14. 1 Chr. 7. 21. men of Gath c. - to take their cattle 2 Chr. 7. 1. had made an end of praying, fire c- 3. Lam. 1. 9. she c.-|jDan. 4. 13. holy one c- from h, Mic. 1. 12 evil c- from the Lord to the gate Matt. 17. 9. as they c- from the mount. Mark 9. 9. Luke 10. 31. there c. - a certam priest that way 19. 6. he made haste and c. - and received him John 3. 13. he that c. - from heaven, 6. 38. 6. 41. the bread which c- from heaven, 51, 58. Acts 15.1. men c- from Judea taught, 21. 10. Rev. CO. 9. fire c. - from God and devoured them CA.ME forth. Exod. 13. 8. I c- out of Egypt Num. 11. 20. why c. we - out of Egypt || 12. 5. Josh. 9. 12. our bread hot on day we c. - to you Judg. 14. 14. outof eater c- meat, out of strong e.- 2 Sam. 16. 5. Shimei c.-l[ll. son c- of my bowels 1 Kin. 22. 21. c. - a spirit and stood before the L. 2 Kin. 2. 23. c - httle children and mocked him 24. c. - two she-bears and tare 42 children 21. 15. since the day their fathers c. -, Jer. 7. 25. 2 Chr. 32. 21- that c. - of his bowels, slew him Prov. 7. 15. therefore c. I -to meet thee Eccl. 5. 15. as he c. - naked shall he return Jer. 20. 18. wherefore c. I - out of the womb Dan. 3. 26. c. - of the fire 1| 5. 5. c - fingers and wr. 7. 10. fiery stream c.-\\8. 9. c- a little horn||9. 23. Zech. 10. 4. out of him c- - the corner, the nail Mark 1 . 38. that I may preach, for therefore c. /- John 11.44. deadc- bound||16.28.c.-frora Father 19. 5. Jesus c. - wearing the crown of thorns I CAME. Gen. 24. 42.'/ c. this day to the well Gen.30.30. hadst before /. c.|(48.5. born before / c. 48.7. /c.from Padan||Exod.5.23.since/c.tospeak Deut. 22.14. Ic. to heryjudg. 20. 40. intoGibeah 1 Kin. 10. 7, I beheved not till Ic. 2 Chr. 9. 6. Neh. 6. 10. / c. to house || 13. 6. to king|j7. Jems. Isa 50. 2. wherefore when / c. was there no maa Ezek. 3.15. /c.tothem of captivity||43.3.to destroy Matt. 10. <34. Ic' not to send peace, bnt a sword CAM CAM Mark 2. 17. 1 c. not to call righteous, Luke 5. 32. John 8.14. whence /c.||42. J c. from G. nor c. / of ^ 12. 27. for this cause c. /, 18.37.|j47. not tojudge Acts 10. 29. therefore c. /, as soon as sent for 20. 18. first day Ic. into Asiaj|22.11. Damascus 23. !^7.c. / withananijyl[24. 17. /c to bring alms 1 Cor. 2. 1. /c. not with excellency |)'i! Cor. I. 23. 2 Cor. 2. 3. lest when J c.|jl2. when I c. to Troas Gal. 1. 21. afterwards Ic. into the regions of Syria CAME in. Gen. 6. 4. sons of G. c. - to daughters Gen. 19. 5. that c.-unto thee|| 38. 18. |) 39. 14. Exod. 21.3. he c.-by himselfjjjosh. 6.1. to Jericho 1 Sam. 18.13. went out and c. - before people, 16. 2 Sam.l 1.4.she c- and he lay jjl Kin.l4.6. as she c- 2 Chr. 15. 5. no peace to him thatc.-, Zech 8. 10. Esth. 2. 14. she c- to the kingljjer. 32.23. they c- Jer. 37.4. Jerem. c.-||Ezek. 46.9. way of gate hec- Dan. 4. 7. c. - magicians, .5. 8. j| 8. Daniel c. - Jonah 2. 7. prayer c. -|| Matt. 22. U. king c. - to Luke 1. 28. angel c- to Maryl|7. 45. since I c. - Acts 5. 7. wife c- |j 10. the young men c. - Gal. 2. 4. who c. - privily to spy our liberty CAME near. Gen. 19. 9. c. - to break the door Exod. 14. 20. one c. not- the other all the night 40. 32. when they c- to the altar, they washed Num. 31.48. captains c.-||36.1. chief of Joseph c- Deut. 1. 22. ye c- to me every one of you, 5. 23. Jo«h. 10. 24. c- and put their feet on their necks 17. 4. they c. - before Eleazar the priest, 21.1. 1 Kin. 18. 36. Elijah c. - |j 2 Kin. 4. 27. Gehazi 2 Chr. 18.23.Zedekiahl|Jer.42.1. least to greatest Dan. 3. 8. Chaldeans c.-||26. Nebuchadnezzar c- Acts 9.3. as he c.-to Damascus, there shined a light CAME ni^h. Exod. 32. 19. i 34. 32. 2 Sam. 15. 5. Matt. 15. 29. Mark 11. 1. Luke 7. 12. CAME over. Josh. 4. 22. Judg. 19. 10. Mark 5.1. CAME out. Gen. 24. 15. beliold Rebekah c- 25. 25. first c- rea||38. 28. this c- first|)46. 26. Exod. 13.3. remcniber the day in which ye c- 4. Lev. 9. 24. a fire c- from the Lord, Nnni. 16. Sb. Num. 12.4. they 3. c.-||l6.27. Dathan and Abiram 20. 11. Moses smote the rock and water c - Deut. 11. 10. not as land of Egypt whence ye c- Josh. 5. 4. all thatc. - were circumcised, 5. |) 6. Judg. 4. 22. Jael c.-|)l Sam. 4. 16. lam he that c- 1 Sam. 21. 5. about these three days since I c. - 2 Sam. 2 23. the spear c- behindl|6. 20. |) 11. 23. 18. 4. ana all the people c- by hundreds and by Job 1.21. naked c. I -||3. 11. when I c. - of belly Jer. 17. 16. c- of my lips, was right, Ezek. 1. 4. Hab. 3.14. c.-as whirlwind||Zech.5.9. two women Matt. 8. 34. whole city c- to meet Jesus||12. 44. ^7. 32. c. - found Simon |) 53. c- of graves after Mark 1. 26. had cried, he c.-, 9. 26.JJ9. 7. voice c. - Luke 1. 22. c- he could not speak|j4. 35. | 15. 28. John 16. 27. 1 c. - from G. 17. 8.1|l 9. 34. c. - blood Acts 8. 7. unclean spirits c. - |) 16. 18. spirit c. - Rev. 7. 14. c- of great tribulation |J 14. 15, 18. 15.16. seven angels c.-||19. 5. voice c- of throne CAME to pass. Exod. 12.41. selfsame day c.-, 51. Deut. 2. 16. so it c.-, 1 Sam. 13. 22. 2 Kings 15. 12. Esth. 2. 8. Acts 27.44. Josh. 17. 13. it c. - when Israel grew strong 21. 45. failed not which L. had spoken, all c. - Judg. 13. 20. for it c.-, 15. 1. 1 Kin. 11. 4, 15. 2 Kin. 3. 5. Neh. 4. 1, 7. Jer. 35. 11. 1 Sam. 1, 20. it c.« when time] j 10. 9. signs c. - that 1 Sam. 16. 23.it c. - when the evil spirit from G. 2 Sam. 2. 1. it c. - after this, 8. 1. \ 10. 1. 2 Kin. 6. 24. 2 Chr. 20. 1. 2 Kin, 8. 15. and it c. - on the morrow, 1 Chr. 10. 8. Jer. 20. 3. Acts 4. 5. Isa. 48. 3. they c.-||5. before it c- 1 j| 1 Thes. 3. 4. Word of the Lord CAME. Gen. 15. 1. the-c. 4.||l Sam. 15. 10. to Sam. 16.1. 2 Sam. 24. 11. then c.the - to Gad, David's seer 1 Kin. 6. 11. the - c. to Solomon, saying 16. 1. the -c to Jehu against Baasha, saying, 7. 17. 2.-c.to Elijah, S.jlS. 1,31.|19. 9.|21. 17, 28. 18.31. unto whom -c. saying, Israel be thy name 2 Kin. 20. 4. that the -c. to Isaiah, Isa. 38. 4. 1 Chr. 1 7. 3. -c. to Nathan || 22. 8. to David 2 Chr. 11.2. -c. to Shemaiah, 12. 7. 1 Kin. 12.22. Jer. 1. 2. -c. to Jeremiah, 4.|2.1. | 14. 1. f 29. 30. 33. 1,19. Dan. 9. 2. Ezek. 1. 3. the -c. expressly to Ezekiel, 3. 16. Hos. 1. l.-c.to Hosea, Joel 1. 1. Jonah 1.1.|3. 1. Mic. 1. 1. Zeph. 1. 1. Hag. 1, 1. Zech. 1. 1. Zech. 7. 4. then c - of hosts unto me, saying, 8. 1. CAMEL, A beast ofburden^ common in the Eastei^n countries. Gen. 24.64. Rebekah saw Isaac, Hghted off the c. Lev. 11.4. not eat, thee. Deut. 14. 7.||1 Sam.15,3. Zech. 14. 15. so shall be the plague of the c. and Matt. 19. 24. it is easier for a c. to go thro' the eye of a needle, Mark 10. 25. Luke 18. 25. 23. 24. which strain at a gnat and swallow a e. CAMELION or CHAMELEON, Asmallcreature Wee a lizard ; it has four feet, and on each foot three claws. It has aflat tail, a long nose, a sharp back, and plaited skin. It lives on the air and flies. Some say it will fast a whole year, and assume any colour but red and white. Hereunto flatterers may be resembled. Lev. 11. 30. CAMELS. Gen. 12.16.she-assesandc.||24.19,44. Gen.30.43. Jacob had c.|(31.34. c. furniture] [37.25. Exod. 9. 3. hand of the Lord on the c. and oxen Judg. 6. 5. c. without number, 7. I2.|8. 21, 26. iSam.27.9. David took c.||30.1 7.400 rode on c.fled 1 Kiu.l0.2.came with c.2Chr.9.1.||2 Kin. 8.9.40 c. 1 Chr. 5. 21. took aw^ay c. 50000|112.40. bread on c. 27. 30. over c.|)Ezra 2.67. c. were 435, Neh.7.69. Esth. 8.10. he sent letters by post on mules, c. 14. Job 1. 3. substance 3000 c. 42. 12.|)17. fell on c. Isa. 21. 7. chariotofc.il 30. 6. bunches of c.||60. 6. Jer. 49. 29. to themselves their c. 32. Ezek. 25. 5. Matt. 3. 4. John had raiment of chair, Mark 1.6. CAMEST. Gen.l6.8.whencec. thou, Hagar|l24.5. Gen. 27. 33. 1 have eaten of all before thou c. Exod.23.15.c. outfrom Egypt, 34.18.1)Num.22.37. Deut. 2.37. to Ammon thou c, notjjl 6.3. day thou c. 1 Sara. 13,ll.c.notwithinj|17.28.Eliabsaid,whytf. 2 Sam. 11. 10. c. notfromjourney?||15.20.yesterd. 1 Kin. 13. 9. nor return by way thouc. 17. [\ 14. 2 Kin.l9. 28. back by way thou c. Isa. 37. 29. Neh. 9. 13. c. down on Mount Sinai, Isa. 64. 3. Jer. 1 .5 .before thou c.forth,! sanctified] jEzek . 32.2. Matt. 22. 12. friend, how c. thou in hither, net John 6. 25. when c. thou hither||l6.30.||Acts 9.17. CAMP. Exod. 14. 19. angel went before the c. 16. 13. at even the quails came up and covered c. 32. 17. there is a noise of war in the c. 27. go thro' c. and slay|j36.6.proclaimed thro'c. Lev. 17.3. killeth goat in clJSi.lO. strove in the c. I CAN CAN 6^ Num. 1 .52. pitch by c.!!c. 3. on east side c. of Judah 4. 5. whenc. settetk ibrward Aaron shall, 15. 11.1. consumed tliem m the utmost parts of c. 26. Eldad aud Mfdad prophesied in the c. Deut. 23. 10. Qot come inc. \\ 14. L. walketh in c. Josh. 6. 18. and make the c. of Israel a curse Judg. 7. 17 outside of c.j|13. 25. to move him in c. 21. 8. none to c. irom Jabesh || 12. virgins to c. 1 Sam. 4. r>. snout in the c. |, 17. 17. run to the c. 1 Kin. 1 6. 16. ail Israel nifrit Omri king in the c. 2Kin.6.S.suchaplacebemyc. 11 7. 7. left he c. 8. 19. 35-srnotein c. of Assyrians 1 8^000, Isa. 37.36. 2 Chr. 22. 1 . band came with Arabians to the c. Psal, 78. 28. midst of c.|jl06. 16. envied Moses in c Ezek. 4. 2. set the c. Joel 2. 1 l.JiRev.20.9.of saints Into the CAMP. Lev. 14. 8. come - c. 16. 26, 28. Num.11.30. gat him -C.Dent. 23. 11. 1 Sam. 4. 7. Out o/^?te CAMP. Exod. 19.17. brought people liCv. 10. 4. carry brethren - c |) 14. S. priest go - c. 17. 3. killeth a goat - c. \\ 24. 23. had cursed - c. Num. 5. -2. put evei-y leper - c. \\ IS. 14. | 14. 44. Deut. 23. 10. unclean person shall go abroad - c 1 Sam. 13. 17. .spoilers came - c. of Philistines 2 Sam. 1. 2. a man - c. from SauJ, 3. Round about the CAMP. Num.11.31. quails feil - c. 32.|jJudfif. 7. 21 . place- c. Without the CAMP. Ex.29. 14. bullock burn- c. Lev. 8.17. |9.11.|16.27. 33. 7. sought theL. Avent- c Lev. 6. 11. | 13. 46. Num. 5. 3. leper be put -c || 15. 35. bestoned-c 19. 3. red heifer slay - c. |j 31. 19. abide 7 days - c Deut. 23. 1 2. have a place -c.||Josh. 6.23.Rahab -c. Heb.l3.11.beastshunit-c.(il3.goforth-c.bearing CAMP, ED. Exod. 19. 2. Israel c. before moant Isa. 29.3.I'llc.againstthce||Jer. 50.29.Nah.3.17. CAMPS. Gen. 32.12. two c.||Num. 5. 3. defile not Num.l0.2.journeyingofc.|iAmos4.10.stinkofyour CAMPHIRE, A pellucid gum or resin. The tree is a kind of bay or laurel: some of them are 300 feet high, and can scarce be grasped by 20 men. Brown. Song. 1.14. as a cluster of c. 1)4. 13. orchard ofc. CAN, V. Gen. 41. 38. said, c. we find such a one Deut. 31. 2. I c. no more go ont and come in 2 Sam. 12. 23. he is dead, c. I bring him back ? 19. 35. c. I discern, c. I hear voice of singing-m. Jobs. 1 I.e. tbe rush grow II 22. 1,13. | 36.29. Psal. 78. 19. c. God furnish a table, 20. |j 89. 6. Prov. 6. 27. c. a man take fire in his bosom, 28. Isa. 46. 7. yet c. he not answer || 49.15. c. a woman Jer. 2. 32. c. a maid forget |) 23. 24. c. any hide Amos 3. 3.C. two walk |j 5. c. bird fall] 1 8. who c. but Matt.l9.25.whoc.besaved,Mar.l0.2G.LukelS.26. 27. 65. sure as you c. || Mark 2. 19. c. children of Mark 9. 29. c. come forth || 10. 38. c. ye drink of Luke 6. 39. c. blind||John 1. 46. c any good come John 6. 60. whoc. hear || 10. 21. c. a devil j| 15. 4, Acts 10. 47. c. any forbid water||Rom. 8.7.nor c. be Jam. 2. 14, c. faith save him || 3. 12. c. fig-tree How CAN. Deut. 1. 12. - c. I alone bear? 1 Sam. 16. 2. -c. I go, if Saul hear, he will kill me Esth. 8. 6. - c. I endure to see evil or destruction Job 25. 4. - c, a man be justified || Prov. 20. 24. Eccl. 4. 11. but - c. one be warm alone.'' Jer. 47. 7. - c. it be quiet seeing Lord given charge Matt 12. 34. - c. ye, being evil, speak good John 3, 4. - c, a man be born, 9- Ij 6. 52. j 14. 5. Acts 8. 31. - c. I except some man guide me CANNOT. Num. 23. 20. and I c. reverse it Jc3h.24. ig-yecserveL-lJEzraQ. 15. wee. stand Job 9. 3. he c. answer him|| 12. 14. it c. be built 14. 5. bounds that he c. pass||23. 8. I c. perceive 28.15.c.begottenforgold||36.18.ransomc.deiiver 37. 5. great things doth he, we-c. comprehend Psal.40.5.c.bereckoned|j77.4.troubled,Ic.speak 93. 1. it c. be moved || 139. 6. I c. attain it Isa. 1. 13. 1 c. away with |j 29. 11. read thi>, I c. 38. 18. grave c praise thee|j44. 18. c. understand 44. 20. he c. deliver his soul |j 50. 2. c. redeem 56. 11. c. understand || 59. 1. t!»at it c. hear Jer. 4. 19. 1 c. hold my peace|j6. 10. they c. hearken 7. 8. words that c. profiti|14. 9. as man that c. save Lam. 3. 7. that c. get outJiDan. 2. 27. c. astrologers Matt. 6. 24. ye c. serve God and mam. Luke 1 6.13. 7. 18. good tree c. bring forth evil fruit (j 16. 3. 19. 11. all men c. receive this saying 26. 53. that I c. now pray to my Father 27. 42. himself he c. save^ Mark 15 31. Luke 14. 26. he c be my disciple, ■zT. 33. \\ 16. 26. John 3. 3. he c. see the kingdom of God, 5. 7. 34. thither ye c. come, 36. | 8.21,22. | 13.33. 8. 43. ye c. hear my word || 15. 4. c. bear fruit 16. 12. ye c bear them nowjjActs 4. 20. we c. but Acts 5. 39. be of God ye c overthrow it, lest 1 Cor. 7. 9. if they c. containjjl 0. 21. ye c. drink cup ll.t20. ye c eat the Lord's supper II 15.40. 2 Cor. 12. 2. or out of body I c. tell || Gal. 5. 17. 2 Tim. 2. 13. faithful, he c. deny himself Tit. 1. 2. G. which c. lye [j 2. 8. speech which c. be Heb. 12. 27. c. beshaken||28. kingd. c. be moved Jam. 1. 13. G.c. be tempted with evilljl John 3.9. CANST, V. Exod. 33. 20. c not >ee my face Deut. 28. 27. c. not be healed iJ Job 11.7. | 33. 5. Matt. 8. 2. c. make me clean||Mark9. 22. cdoany John 3. 8, c. not tell whence it comes || 13. 36. Acts 21. 37. c. thou speak Greek? art thou that CANA, A nest, or possession, or emulation. A city, John 2. 1, 11. CANAAN, 5. A merchant, a trader. Gen. 9. 22. Ham father of C. 22, 25, 26, 27. 10. 15. C. begat Sidon his first-born, 1 Chr. 1.13. 28. 1. not take a wife of the daughters of C. 6. CANAAN, The name of the country where Ca- naan and his posterity dwelt. It is about 200 miles in length, from Dan on the North, to Beerslieba on the South ; and from East to West about 80 miles. It hes in the 32d, 33d, and 34th degrees of North latitude, and in the 36th and 37th of East longitude, from Lonrioft. The river Jordan runs iirom the North to the South, on the East side o^ Canaan ; it has the Mediter- ranean sea on the West, Lebanon and Syria on the North, the Desart o^ Arabia on the South, and Egypt on the South-West. It was a land flowing with milk and honey, which is the glory of all lands, Ezek. 20. 6. God promised this land to Abraham and his seed ; and it was a type of the glory of the gospel rest in Christ, to believers here ; and of the saints everlasting rest hereafter, in the kingdom of heaven above. Exod. 15. 15. all the inhabitants of C. shall melt Judg. 3. 1. wars of C. || 4. 2. Jabin king of C. 23. 5. 19. then fought the kings of C. in Taanach Psal. 106, 38. idols of C.jj 135. 11. smote kingdom f CAN CAP Isa. 19.8. lang.of C.||Zeph.2. 5. O C. Til destfoy Matt. 15. 22. a woman of C cried to Jesus Land of CANAAN. Gen. 12. 5. go into - C. Gen, 16.3. Abraham dwelt ten years in the - C. 17. 8. give thee - C. Lev. 25. S8. Num. 34. 2. Deut. 52. 49. 1 Chr. 16. 18. Psal. 105. 12. 37. 1. Jacob dwelt in - C || 42. 5. famine in - C. 42. 7. whence come ye? said from the - C. 13. 45. 17. get ye up to - C.|| 50. 13. carried him to Lev. 14. 34. when come into - C. Num. 34. 2. 18. 3. doings of - C. || Num. 13. 17. spy the - C. Num. 32. 32. pass over armed into the - C Josh. 5. 12. eat fruit of j| 24. 3. led him thro' - C. Ezek. 16. 3. thy birth and nativity is of the - C. Acts 7. 11. dearth over- C.||13. 19. destroyed- C. CANAANITE, S, s. Gen. 12. 6. C. in the land, 13. 7. Exod. 3. 8, 17. | 23. 23. Deut. 7. 1. 1 20. 17. Josh. 3. 10. I 12. 8. Judg. 3. 5. Neh. 9. 8. Gen. 24. 3. not take wife of C.|| 34. 30. stink 38. 2. Judah saw the daughter of a certain C Exod. 23. 28. I'll drive out the C. 33. 2. | 34. 11. Num. 21.3. Lord delivered up C. Neh. 9. 24. Josh. 17. 12. C. would dwell in land, Judg. 1. 27. 18. shalt drive out C. tho' have iron chariots 3udg. 1.1. who go ag. C.\\ 9. Judah went against 29. nor did Ephraim drive out the C. 33. 1 Kin. 9. 16. slain C. |j Ezra 9. 1. abomin. of C. Ob.id. 20. possessthatof C.yZech. 14. 21. no more Matt. 10. 4. Simon the C. Mark 3. 18. CANAANITESS. 1 Chr. 2. 3. of Shua the C. CANDACE, Who possesses contrition. Acts 8. 27. CANDLE, s. signifies, [1] A material light, Luke 15. 8. [2] The soul of man, Prov.20.27. [S] Gladness and joy, Psal. 18. 28. [4] Mi- nisters, Matt. 5. 15. Job 18. 6. his e. shall be put out, 21. 17. 29. 3. when his c. shined upon my head Psal. 18. 28. for thou wilthght my c. the Lord Prov. 20. 27. spirit of man is the c. of the Lord 24. 20. the c. of the wicked shall be put out 31. 18. her c. goeth not out by night Jer. 25. 10. and from them thehght of the c. Matt. 5. 15. light a c. and put it under a bushel, Mark 4. 21. Luke 8. 16. | 11. 33. Luke 11. 36. bright shining of a c. giveth light 15. 8. doth she not light a c. and sweep house Rev. 18. 23. c. shine no more || 22. 5. need no c. CANDLES. Zeph. 1. 12. search Jerus. with c. CANDLESTICK, s. Anemblemofthe church and ministry of the gospel of Christ, Rev. 1 . 20. Ex.25. 31. make a c. of pure gold, 37. 17. Num. 8.4. 33. six branches that come out of the c. 37. 19. 34. in the c. shall be four bowls, 37. 20. 26. 35. set c. over ag. table || 40. 24. put c. in tent Lev. 24. 4. order the lamps on the c. Num. 3. 31. charge shall be the c || 4. 9. j 8. 2. 2 Kin. 4. 10. set for him a c. || 1 Chr. 28. 15, 2 Chr. 13. 11. set in order the c of gold Dan. 5. 5. and wrote over against the c. Zech. 4. 2. and behold a c. all of gold, 11. Matt. 5. 15. but on a c. and it giveth light to all in the house, Luke 8. 16. | 11. 33. .Mark4. 21. is a candle brought not to be set on a c. Heb. 9. 2. was table and c.||Rev. 2. 5 . remove thy c. CANDLESTICKS. 1 Kin. 7. 49. c. of pure gold iChr. 28.15. weight for c.[] Jer. 52. i9.c. aad spoons Rev. 11. 4. the two c. standing before the Lord CANE, s. Isa. 43. 24. no sweet c. Jer. 6. 20. CANKER, ED. 2 Tim. 2. 17. Jam. 5. 3. CANKER-WORM, s. Joel 1. 4. c. eaten, 2. 25. Nah. 3. 15- eat thee like c. || 16. the c. spoileth CANNEH, A wall. Ezek. 27. 23. CAPERNAUM, The field of repentance, or the village of consolation. A city of Galilee. Matt. 8.5. Matt. 4. 13. dwelt in C. || 8. 5. Jesus entered C. 11.23. thou C. which art exalted, Luke 10. 15, 17. 24. come to C. || Mark 1. 21. went into, 2. 1. Luke 4. 23. what ye have heard done in C. John 2. 12. continued not in C.\\ 4. 26. sick at C. 6. 24. and came to C. (| 59. as he taught in C. CAPHTOR, An apple, or violet. Deut. 2. 23. CAPPADOCIA, A sphere, a buckler, a hand, m palm, doves, or those that enquire. Acts 2. 9. CAPTAIN, s. is applied, [Ij To a king, 1 Sam. 9. 16. [2] To a general. Gen. 26. 26. [3] To the head of a family. Num. 2. 3. r4'j To the head of a company, Deut. 1. 15. L5J To Jesus Chnst, Heb. 2. 10. Gen. 37. 36. c of the guard||40. 4. c. of the guard Num. 2. 3. Nashon c. of Judah |) 5. Nethaneel c. J4. 4. let us make a c. and return, Neh. 9. 17. Josh. 5. 14. c. of host of L. |) 15. c. of the L.'s host Judg.4. 2. c. of Jabin'shost was Sis. 7, 1 Sam. 12. 9. 11.6. Jephthah be our c. || 11. made him c. over 1 Sam. 9. 16. anoint him c. 10. l.|)13. 14. 1 17. 18. 22. 2. David became a c. over them 2 Sam. 5. 2. shalt be c. 8. I Chr. 11.6. 19. 13. if thou be not c. || 23. 19. Abishai was c. 1 Kings 16. 16. Israel made Oniri c. of the host 2 Kin. 1.9. c. with fifty, 11, 13. |4. 18. | 5.1.|9. 5. 15. 25.Pekahac. conspired||18, 24. face of one c. 20. 5. Hezekiah c.\\ 25. 8. c. of guard, Jer. 52. 12. 1 Chr. 11.21. honourable, for he was their c. 19. 18. killed Shopach c. of the host 27. 5. third c. Benaiah \\ 7. fourth c- Asahel 8. fifth c. Shamhuth || 9. sixth c. Ira 2 Chr. 13. 12. God himself is our c. || Isa. 3. S. Jer. 37. 13. c. of the ward, 40. 2, 5. |( 51. 27. Johnl 8.12. c. took Jesusl)Acts5.26. c. with officers Heb. 2. 10. to make c. of their salvation perfect CAPTAINS. Exod. 15. 4. his c. are drowned Deut. 1. 15. made wise men c. |j 20. 9. make c. 1 Sam. 8. 12. appoint c.lj22. 7. son of Jesse makec. 2 Sam. 18. 5. all the c. charge || 23. 8. chief among 1 Kin. 2. 5. Joab did to c.||20. 24. c. in their room 22. 33. when c. perceived he was not king of Is- rael, they turned back, 2 Chr. 1 8. 32. 1 Chr. 11. 15. three of the 30 c. went to David 2 Chr. 33. 11. Lord brought on them c. of the host Job 39. 25. the thunder of the c. and the shouting Ezek. 23. 6. c and rulers all desirable men, 12, 25. Dan. 3. 27. c. saw these men |) 6. 7. Nah, 3. 17. Mark 6. 21. Herod made a supper to his c. Luke 22. 4. Judas communed with the c. Rev- 19. 18. that ye may eat the flesh of c. CAPTIVE,*, signifies, [1] One taken prisoner, 1 Kin. 8. 26. [23 A bond slave to sin and sa- tan, 2 Tim. 2. 26. [3] One under the bonds of love to Christ, Eph. 4. 8. Gen. 14. 14. brother was taken c.||34. 29. wives c. Ex. 12. 29. first-born of c. \\ Deut. 21. 10. taken c.- 2 Kin. 5. 2. c, a little rastid f| §. 22. ^te c. CAP CAR ^/ Isa. 49. 21. 1 am desolate, a e. || 24. or lawful c 51. 14. the c. exile |) 52. 2. loose thyself, O c. Amos 6. 7. shall go c. with the first that go «. 2 Tim. 2. 26. taken c. by him at his will Carry or carried CAPTIVE, S. Gen. 31. 26. - daughters c. Num. 24. 22. 1 Kin. 8. 46. - them away c.47. 2 Chr. 6. 36. 2 Kin. 15. 29.Tiglath-pileser- c.\\ 16. 9. 1 Chr. 5. 6. whom the king of Assyria - c. 2 Chr. 25. 12. 10000 did Judah - c.||28. 8. 200000 Ps. 106. 46. pitied of those that - c.\\\S7. 3.- use. Jer. 13. 17. Lord's flock - c.||19. Judah - c.||20. 4. 27. 20. - c. Jecomah|l29. 14. I'll bring again - c. 52. 29.- c.from Jerusalem 8o2|;'30. 745 persons Lead or led CAPTIVE. 1 Kings 8. 48. - them c Psal. 68. 18. thou hast -captivity c. Eph. 4. 8. Jer. 22. 12. die whither - him c \\ Amos 7. 11. Nah. 2. 7. Huzzab shall be - c. || Luke 21. 24. 2 Tim. 3. 6. - c. silly women, laden with sins CAPTIVES, s. Num. 31. 9. women of Midianc \ Num. 31. 12. brought the c.\\ 19. purify the c. Deut. 32. 42. arrows drunk with blood of c. 1 Sam. 30. 5. David's two wives were taken c 2 Kin. 24. 14. carried from Jerusalem 10000 c. Isa. 14. 2. take c. whose c. they were || 20. 4. 45. 13. shall let go my c. not for price, 49. 25. 61. 1. to proclaim liberty to c. Luke4. 18. Ezek. 1. 1. as I was among c. 16. 53. |j Dan. 2. 25. CAPTIVITY, s. Israel were under six captivi- ties in the times of the Judges, Judg. 3. 8, 14, 15,31. 14.22, 23. 1 6. 2, 12.|13. 1. The greatest captivities were those of Israel and Judah. In the year of the world 3264, Tiglath-pileser took several cities from Israel, and earned a great Mumber captive, 2 Kings 15. 29. Next to him Shairaaneser took and destroyed Samaria, in 3283, 2 Kings 18. 9, 10, 11. Judah suffered several captivities by the kings of Egypt (2 Chr. 12. 2.) and Assyria, 2 Chr. S6. The last was to Babylon, where they remained 70 years, Jer. 25. 12. Num. 21. 29. given his daughters in c. Deut. 21. 13. shall put the raiment of c. from her 30. 3. Lord will turn thy c. and have compassion 2 Kin. 24. 15. into c. to Babylon || Esth. 2. 6. Job 42. 10. and the Lord turned the c. of Job Psal. 14. 7. when Lord bringeth back the c. 85. 1. 78. 61. dehvered his strength into c. his glory 126. 1. turned again the c. of Zion, 4. Isa, 5. 13. ray people aie gone into c.|| 22. 17. 46. 2. but themselves are gone into c. \ Jer. 15. 2. such as are for c. to c. 43. 11. 29. 14. I'll turn your c. 30. 3. | 32. 44. | 33. 7. 20. hear ye of the c. || 22. curse by all the c. 28. thisc. is long|| 31. send to c. saying 30. 10. thy seed from c. 46. 27.||48. 11. into c. Lam. 1.3. Judah is in c. || 5. her children inc. 2. 14. to turn thy c. |) 4. 22. no more carry to c Ezek. 1. 2. fifth year of Jehoiachin's c.||3. 11, 15. 11. 25. I spake toc.||12. 7. asstuff for c.l|l6. 53 25. 3. to c. thou saidst, Aha||33. 21.1 2th year of c. 29. 23. Israel went into c.||41. 1. 25th year of c. Dan. 6. 13. Daniel of c. of Judah||ll. 33. fall by c. Hos. 6. 11. when I returned c. of my people Obad. 20. c. of this hostJIMic. 1. 16. gone into c. Nah. 3. 10. No went into c.||Hab. 1. 9. gather c. Zeph. 2. 7, turn away their c. 3. 20. Zech. 6. 10. Kom. 7. 23. bringvpg o\e into c, to tke law »f sin 2 Cor. 10. 5. bringing into c. every thonght Binng CAPTIVITY. Ezra 1.11. Psal. 53. 6. Jer. 30. 18. 1 will - again the c. of Jacob 31. 23. - again their c.||48.47. J 49. 6, 39. Ezek. 29. 14. ( 39. 25. Joel 3. 1. Amos 9. 14. I'll - again the c. of mv people Children o/ CAPTIVITY. Ezra 4. 1. | 6. 16, 19,20. I 10.7,16. Dan. 5. 13, Go into CAPTIVITY. Deut. 28. 41. shall - c. Jer. 20. 6. shall- c.l|22. 22. thy lovers shall -?c. 30. 16. adversaries shall - c.|i46. 19. to - c.I)48. 7. Ezek. 12. 4, thou shall go forth, as they that - c. 30. 17. and these cities shall - c. |j 18. daughters Am. 1.5. Syria shall - c. 15.|j 5. 5. Gilgal shall - c. 5. 27. cause youto-c.|)7. 17. Israel shall- c.|i9. 4. Zech. 14. 2. and half of the city shall - c. Rev. 13. 10. he tliat leadeth into c. shall go - c. Out of CAPTIVITY. Ezra 2. 1. | 3. 8. | 6. 21. | 8. 35. Neh. 7. 6.|8. 17. GARBUNCLE, S, s. A precious stone, in colour like hot burning coals. Exod. 28. 17. the first row shall be a c. 39. 10. Isa. 54. 12. gates of c.|jEzek. 28. 13. topaz and c. CARCASE, S, s. Gen. 15. 11. fowls came on c. Lev. 5. 2. touch c. of unclean || 11. 8. c. not touch 11.11. c.inabom. || 26. 30. cast c. on c. of idols Num. 14. 29. c. shall fall||Deut. 28. 26. c. be meat Josh. 8. 29. take his c.dowu||Judg. 14. 8. c. ofhoa 1 Sam. 17. 46. I'll give the c. of the Philistines 1 Kin. 13. 22. thy c. not comel|24. c. cast in wray 2 Kin. 9. 37. the c. of Jezebel shall be as dung Isa. 5. 25. their c. were torn|)l4. 19. as a c. troden 34. 3. stink come out of c. |) 66. 24. look on c. of Jer. 7. 33. c shall be meat for fowls, 16. 14. [19. 7. Ezek. 6. 5. c. of Israel||43. 7. c. of their kings, 9. Nah. 3. 3. and there is a great number of c. Heb. 3. 17. whose c.fell in the wilderness CARCHEMESH, A lamb, or taken away. 2 Chr. 35. 20. Isa. 10. 9. Jer. 46. 2. CARE, s. signifies, [1] Studious diligence in the sei'vice of God, 2 Cor. 7. 11. [2] Confused and anxious thoughtfulness, Phil. 4.6. [3] God's tender concern for his people, 1 Pet. 5. 7. 1 Sam. 10. 2. father hath left the c. of the asses 2 Kin. 4. 13. been careful for us with all this c. Jer. 49. 31. the nation that dwelleth without c. Ezek. 4. 16. and they shall eat bread with c. Matt. 13. 22. c. of this world chokes the word Luke 10. 34. he took c. of him|j35. take c. of him 1 Cor. 9. 9. doth God c. for oxen|fl2. 25. same c. 2 Cor. 7. 12. our c might appear|i8. 16. I 11. 28. 1 Tim. 3. 5. take c. of the church of God 1 Pet. 5. 7. casting your c. on him, for he careth CARE, ED. 2 Sam. 18. 3. they will not cfor us Psal. 142. 4. no man c. for my souljjLuke 10. 401 John 1 2. 6. not that he c. for the poor Acts 18. 17. Galho c. for none of those things 1 Cor. 7. 21. called being a servant, c. not for it Phil. 2. 20. who will naturally c. for your state CAREFUL, a. 2 Kin. 4. 13. thou hast been c. for Jer. 17. 8. not c. in the year of drought Dan. 3. 1 6. we are not c. to answer thee Luke 10. 41. Martha, thou art c. about many Phil 4. 6. be c. for nothing \\ 10. c. but lacked Tit. 3. 8. might be c. to maintain good works CAREFULLY, ad. Deut. 15. 5. c. hearken to L.-_ Mic. 1. 12.tKe iiibabitaiitS ©f Marioth waited c: /• CAR Phil. 2. 28. 1 sent him the morec.|jHeb. 12. 17. CAREFULNESS. Ezek. 12.18. drink with c.l9. 1 Cor. 7. .32. without c. || 2 Cor. 7. 11. what c. CARELESS, a. Judg. 1«. 7. how they dwelt c. Isa. 32. 9. c. daughters|jlO. c. woraen|jll. c. ones Ezek. 30. 9. to make the c. Ethiopians afraid CARELESLY, ad. Isa. 47. 8. that dwellest c. Ezek. 39. 6. fire among them that dwell c. Zeph. 2. 15. the rejoicing city that dwelt c. CARES, s. Mark 4. 19. Luke 8. 14. | 21. 34. CAREST,ETH,ING.Deut. 11.12.thyG.c.for 1 Sam. 9. 5. leave c for assssjjMatt. 2'2. 16. nor c. Mark 4. 08. Master, c thou not that we perish 12. 14. that thou art true, and c. for no man John 10. 12. anhirehng c. not for the sheep - 1 Cor. 7. 32. c. for the thin£>s, 33, 34.||1 Pet. .3. 7. CARMEL, Vineyard of God. It was a fruitful hill, near the coast of the Mcdiiej-aneansen. Josh. 15.55. C. and Ziph, in inherit, of Jiidah 1 Sam. 15. 12. Saul camp to C.j)25. 2. Nabal m C. 25. 40. David's servants came to Abigail in C. 1 Kin. 18. 42. Elijah went to the top of C. 2 Kin. 2. 23. Elisha went to C.jj'i. 25. came to C. 19. 23. into the forest of his C. Isa, 37. 24. SChr. 26. 10. Uzziah had vine-dressers in C. Song 7. 5. head like Cyisa. 35. 2. excellency of C Jer. 46;' 18. as C. bv the sea, so shall he come Amos 1. 2. top of C. 9. 3.|jMic. 7. 14. midst of C CARMELITE. 1. Sam. 30. 5. 2 Sam. 2. 2.|3. 3. [23.35. CARMI, My vine. Josh. 7. 1. 1 Chi-. 4. 1. CARNAL, Fleshly or sensual. It is applied, [1 1 To natural men, John 3. 6. [2] To believers, who are but imperfect, 1 Cor. 3. 1. j^33 To the ceremonial law, Heb. 9. 10. [4] To worldly things, Rom. 15. 17. 1 Cor. 911. Rom. 7. 14. 1 am c. sold under sin |( 8. 7. c. mind 15. 27. to minister to them in c. things 1 Cor. 3. 1. as to c even to babes || 4. are ye not c. 9. 11. a great thing if we reap yourc. things 3 Cor. 10. 4. weapons of our warfare are not c. Heb. 7. 16. a c. commaud.||9. 10. in c. ordinances CARNALLY, ad. Lev. 18. 20. not lie c. 19. 20. Num. 5. 13. man lie with her c and it be hid Rom. 8. 6. for to be c. minded is death, but to be CARPENTER, S. 2 Sam. 5. 11. sentc. to David 2 Kin.12.11. laid it out to c. 2 Chr. 24. 12. Ezra 3.7. Isa. 41. 7. c. encouraged goldsmith |) 44. 13. Jer. 24. 1. c. he carried away, 29. 2.||Zech. 1. 20. Matt. 13. 35. is not this the c. son, Mark 6. 3. CARPUS, Fruit. A man's name, 2 Tim. 4. 13. CARRIAGE, ES. 1 Sam. 17. 22. David left his c Isa. 10. 28. laid up his c.|j46. 1. c. heaven loaden Acts 21. 15. we took up our c. and went up CARRY, V. signifies, [1] To bear, 2 Sam. 15. 29. [2] To protect and keep safely, Isa. 46. 3, 4. I 40.11. Gen. S7. 25. to c. spicery to Egypt|j42. 19. c. corn 43. 11. c. man a present || 12. c. money \\ 44. 1. 45. 27. Joseph sent to c.him, 46. 5. | 50. 25. Exod. 33. 15. c. us not up hence |) Lev. 10. 4. Num. 11. 12. c. them in thy bosom || Deut.l4. 24. Josh. 4. 3. c. the 12 stonesi|l Sam. 17. 18.|20. 40. 1 Kin. 18. 12. spirit of L. shall c. theel|2 Kin. 4. 19. 2 Kin. 9. 2. and c. him into an inner chamber 17. 27. saying, c. thither one of the priests 2 Chr.10.9. to c. tiding8|jl5.2.uone ought to c, ark Ezra 5. 15. c. Vessels into temple || 7. 15. c. silver Eccl. 10. 20. a bird of the air shall c. the voice Isa. 23. 7. c. her afar off |) 30. 6. c their riches 40. 11. c. the lambs in his bosom, and gently 46. 4. to hoar hairs I'll c. you |j 7. they c. him Ezek. 22. 9. in thee are nr.en that c. tales to shed Mark 6. 35. c. in beds sick || Luke 10. 4. c. purse John 5. 10. not iavvfu! for thee to c. thy bed 21. 18. and c. thee whither thou wouldest not CARRY away. Job 15. 12. thy heart c thee - Psai.49. 17. when he dieth he shall c. nothing - Eccl. 5. 15. nothing left he ^nay c. - in his hand Isa. 5. 29. c. the prey- 1) 15. 7. laid up, shall c - 22. 17. behold, the Lord will c. thee away 41. 16. and the wind shall c them -, 57. 13. Lain. 4. 22. he will no more c. thee - O Zion Ezek. .38.13. come to c. -silver || Acts 7.\S. I'll 7. 1. c. his face to shine on ns, 80. 5, 7, 19. 76.8.C. judgment to beheard|jl43.8. c.metohear Prov. 4. 16. unless they c. some to fall |i 19 1 18. Ecci.5.6.c.thy flesh to siD||Song S.lS.c.me to hear Isa. 3. 12. c. thee to ferr|j27.6.c. Jacob to take root 30. 30. c. voice to be heard || 42. 2. nor c. voice 38. 14. c thee to ride|j66. 9. not c to bring forth Jer.3.12.notc. my anger to fan||7.3. c to dweil, 7. 13. ,16. before he c. darkness || 15. 11. | 23. 27. 25.tlO. I will c. to perish the voice of mirth 31. 2. to c him to rest ||9. c. him to vi^alk 32. 44. 1 Mill c. their captivity to return, 33. 26. Lam. 3. 32. though he c grief, yet Mill he have Ezek. 20. 37. c. to pass under the rod|]24. 8. c fury 34. 15. c. then) to lie down || 36. 12- | ST. 5. Dan. 8. 25. c. craft co prosper|j9.17.c. face to shine Matt. 10. 21. c. them put to death, Mark 13. 12. Rom. 16. 17. which c. divisions || Col. 4. 16. CAUSED,/). Gen. 2.21 God c. deep sleep(|20.13. Exod. 14. 21. the Lord c. the sea to go back Dent. 34. 4. the land, I have c. thee to see it 2 Sara. 7. 11. c. thee to rest from thine enemies Ezra 6. 12. God hath c. his name to dwell Neh. 8. 7. c. people to understand the law, 8. Estb. 5. 14. Hauian c. the gallows to be made Job 31. 16. have c. eyes of the widow to fail Psal. 66. 12. c. men to ride || 78. 26. c east wind 119. 49. word on which hast c. me to hope Jer. 32. 23. c all this evil||48. 4. c. cry to be heard Ezek. 16. 7. c to multiply|l24. 13. c. fury to rest 32. 23. c. terror in the land, 24,25, 26. Dan. 9. 21. c. to fly swiftly || Hos. 4. 12. c. to err Amos 2. 4. lies c. them to en||4. 7. 1 c. it to rain Zech. 3. 4.C iniquity to pass||Mal. 2. 8. c. to stum. Acts 1.5.' 3. c. jiieat joy || 2 Cor. 2. 5. if c grief CAUSES, s. Ex. 18. 19. briui^c. to G.||26.hardc. Deut. 1. 16. hear the c.jjJer. 3.8.iLam. 2.14.[3. 58. Acts 26. 21. for these c. the Jews canirht me CAUSEST, V. Job 30. 22. c. to ride |t Psal. 65. 4. CAUSETH, r. Num. 5. 21. c.the curse, 19, 22. Job 12. 24. c. to wander in wilderness, Ps. 107.40. 20. 3. spirit of understanding c. me to answer 37. 13. he c. it to come for correction, or for Psal. 104. 14. c. grass to crow|il35. 7. c. vapours Prov. 7. 21. with fair speech she c. him to yield 10. 5. is a son that c. shame, 17. 2. ] 19. 26. 28. 10. c. the righteous to go astray in evil way Isa. 64. 2. c. waters to boil jj Ezek. 44. 18. c sweat Matt. 5. 32. c. her to commit adultery, Jiud whoso 2 Cor. 2. 14. God c. us to triumph |j9. 11. c thanks. Rev. 13. 12. c. earth to worship tlie beast^ 16. CAUSING,^. Song 7. 9. c. lips asleep to speak Isa. 30. 28. jaws c.them to en||Jer. 29.10.|33.12. CAUSELESS, a. 1 Sara. 25. 31. shed blood c. Prov. 26. 2. so the curse c. shall not come CAUSEY, Afoot walk, 1 Chr. 26. 16, 18. Prov. 15.+ 19. raised as ac.||Isa. 7.t3.go up in c. CEASE, V. Gen. 8. 22. day and night shall not c. Exod. 9. 29. as I am gone the thunder shall c NuTu. 8. 25. from the age of 50 years shall c 11. 25. did note. || 17. 5. I will make to c. the Dent. 15. 11. poor shall never c.j!32. 26. make c. Josh. 22. 25, c. fr. fearing L. II Judg.l5. 7. after 111 c. Judg, 20. 28. shall I c.||l Sam. 7. 8. c. not to cry Ezra 4. 23. made them to c. by force and power !Neh. 6. 3. why should the work c while I come Job 3. 17. c. from troub^jlO. 20. c. then, let alone Psal. 37. 8. c. from anger \\A6. 9- maketli wars c, 89. 44. thou hast made his glory to c. and cast 1 19.-}-! 19. thou causest wicked toe. Prov. 21. 10. Prov.l9.27.c.to hear instnict. |) 20.3. c. from strife 22.10. reproach shall c.\\ 23. 4. c.fr. owna wisdom Eccl. 12. 3. grinders c. || Isa. 1. 16. c. to do evil Isa. 2. 22. c. from man |) 10.25. indignation shall c. 16. 10. shouting to c. |j 33 1. shall c. to spoil Jer. 14. 17. let tears not o. || 17. 8. nor c. yielding 31. 36. then seed of Is. c.l;Lam.2.18.1et not eyes c. Ezek. 6. 6. idols c.\\7. 24. pomp of strong to c 12. 23. saith Lord, I will make this proverb c. 23. 27. lewdness to c. \\ 30. 10. Egypt to c 30. 18. the pomp of lier strength shall c. 33. 28. Am. 7. 5. c. I beseech tliee|j Acts 13. 10. not c. 1 Cor. 13. 8. tongues c. || Eph. 1. 16. c. not to give Coll. 9. c.not to prav||2Pet.2.14.can't c.from sin- Cause to CEASE. Ezra 4. 21.- these men toe. 5. 5. Neh. 4. 11. Psal. 85.4.- anger to c. || Prov. 18. 18. - conten. c lsa.l3.11.-arroe:ancy toe. |j30. 11. -holy one toe. Jer. 7. 34. - mirth to c. |) 1 6. 9. - to c. out of this pi. 36.29.- to e. manandbeast||48.35.-c. inMoab Ezek. 23. 48. - lewdn. to c. |) 34. 25- - c. evil beasts, 26. 13. - songs to c. |) 30. 13. - images to c. || 34. 10. Dan. 9. 27.- oblation to c. || 11. 18.- reproach to c. Hos. 1. 4. - to c. kingdom of the house of Israel CEASED, p. Gen. 18. 11. c. to be with Sarai Josh. 5. 12. manna c. || Judg. 5. 7. they c. in Israel Job 32. 1. c. to answer Job 1 1 Psal. 35. 15. c. not Ps.77.2.sore ran and c. not |1 Isa.l4.4. oppressor c. Lam. 5. 14. elders e.|| 15.joy of ourheartis c. Jon. 1. 15. sea e. raging, Matt. 14. 32. Mark 4. 39. Luke7.45.not c. to kiss my feet || 11.1. he c.prayiug Acts 5. 42. c. not to preach || 20. 1. uprore c. 20. 31. c. not to warn||21. l4. not peisuad. we c. Gal. 5 11. then is the offence of the cross c. Heb. 4. 10. he also hath c. from his own works 10. 2. c. tobeofferedtjl Pet. 4. 1. hath c.from sin CEASETH, V. Psal. 12. 1. for the godly man c. Psal.49. 8. redemption precious, and it c. for ever Prov. 26. 20. where no tale-bearer, strife c. Isa. 16. 4. extortioner is at an end, the spoiler c. 24. 8. joy c.||33. 8. way-faring man c. Hos. 7. 4. Lam.3.49.eye trickleth and c.not|jAets 6.13.c.not ceasing',/). 1 Sam. 12. 23. sin in c. to pray Acts 12. 5. pi-ayer was made without c. for him Rom. 1. 9. without c make mention, 1 Tbes. 1. 3. 1 Thes. 2. 13. thank God without c.||5. 17. pray 2 Tim. 1. 3. without c. I have remembrance CEDAR, A tall, Amos 2. 9. goodly, Psal. 80. 10. excellent tree, Song 5. 15. whereof the choicest grew in Lebanon. Its leaves are like rosemary ; it is alawuys green, and di^ils a kind of gumyto which different effects are attributed. The wood of it is incorruptible, beautiful, solidy and in- clining to a brown colour; it bears a small apple, like that of the pine : It ims used for tlie building of magnificent hotises, 1 Kin. 7. 2. 2 Chr. 2. 3, Jer. 22. 14, 15. 2 Sam. 7. 2. dw^ell in house of c.||7. an house of c. 1 Kin. 4. 33. he spake from the e. to the hyssop 5. 8. 1 will do thy desire concerning the c. 2 Kin. 14 9. thistles sent to the c. 2 Chr. 25. 18. Job 40. 17. moveth his tail like a c. the sinews Ps. 92. 12. righteous grow like c.|iSongl. 17.|8.0. Isa. 41. 19. plant in wld. the cflJer. 22. 14, 15. CER CHA 1^ Ezek. 17.3. higbest branch of c. 221|23. goodly c. 27. 24. chests madt of c.||al. 3. Assyrian was a «. Zeph. 2. 14. uncover c. workfjZech. 11. 2. c. fallen CEDAR-TREES. Nujh. 24. 6. tabernacles as c. 2Sam. 5. 11. Hiram sent c.(|2 Kin. 5. 6, 10.|9. 11. 2 Kin. 19. 23. I'll cut down tall c. \\ I Chr. 22. 4. 3Clir. 1. 15. c. made he as sycamore, 9. 27.12. 8. Ezra 3. 7. gave money to bring c. from Lebanon CEDAR-WOOD. Lev. 14. 4. c. and scarlet, and hyssop, 6,49, 51, 52. N um. 1 9.6.priest shall takec. || l Chr.22 4. broughtc. CEDARS. 1 Kin. 10. 27. 1 Chr. 17. 1. 2 Chr. 2. 3. Psal. 29. 5. voice of the Lord breakeththe c. 80. 10. the boughs thereof were hke goodly c. 148. 9. praise him all c.jjSong 5.1 5. excellent as c. Isa. 9. 10. charge into c. jl 37. 24. cut down tall c. 44-. 14. he heweth him down c. and taketh tlie Jer. 22. 7. cut down thy choice c. (j 23. nest in c. Ezek. 31. 8. c. in garden of G. could not hide him Amos 2. 9. Amorites height as the height of c. Zech. 11. 1. that the fire may devour thy c. CEDARS of Lebanon. Judg. 9. 15. devour c. - Psal 104. 16. c- which he hath planted! jlsa. 2. 13. Isa. 14. 8. c. - rejoice at thee, saying, since thou Ezek. 27. 5. taken c. - to make masts for thee CEDRON, Mud, black, or sad. John 18. 1. ■. CELEBRATE, f. Lev. 23. 32, 41. Isa. 58. 13. / CELESTIAL, a. 1 Cor. 15. 40. are c. bodies CELLARS, c. 1 Chr. 27. 28. over c. of oil CENCHREA, Millet, or pulse. Acts 18. 18. in C.|| Rom. 16. 1. church at C. CENSER, S,s. Lev. 10. 1. sons of Aaron took c. L6v. 16. 12. a c. full II Num. 4. 14. | 16. 6, 17, 39. 1 Kia. 7. 50. made c. of pure gold, 2 Chr. 4. 22. 26.19. Ezek. 8. 11. Heb. 9. 4. the holiest had the golden c. and ark I Rev. 8. 3. having a golden c.|| 5. anael took the c. r CENTURION, S, s. A captain of 100 men. Matt. 8. 5. came a c. beseeching, 8. || 27. 54. Luke 7. 2. c. servant was sick|(23. 47. when c. saw- Acts 10. 1 . ComeHus was a c. 22. jj 21. 32. took c. 22. 26. when c. heard || 23. 17. Paul called c. 23. 24. 23. and he commanded a c. to keep Paul 27. 1. Julius a c. of Augustus' band 11. c. believed master || 43. c. wilHng|j 28. 16. CEPHAS, A stone. Matt. 16. 18. 1 Cor. 1. 12. CEPHIRAH, A little lioness. Ezra 2. 25. CEREMONIES. Num. 9. 3. H^b. 9. 1 1- CERTAIN, a. Exod. 16. 4. gather a c. rate Nell. 1. 4. 1 mourned c. days, lasted, and pi-ayed 11. 23. a c. portion shall be for singers 13. 25. 1 smote c. of them, and plucked off hair Dan. 8. 27. was sick c. days || 11. 13. c yeais Matt. 18. 23, to a c. king,''22. 2. || 20. 20. Mark 12. 42. c. poor widow, Luke 21. 2. Luke 5. 12. in a c. city || 10. 38. c. village, 17. 12. 11. 27. c. woman \\ a c. Pharisee besought 18. 9. he spake this parable to c. who trusted 23.19. c. seditionl|24. 22. c. womenl|24. c. of them John 5. 4. at a c. seasonJIActs 9. 19. 1 10. 48. 1 12. 1 . Acts 15. 24. heard that c.||17. 28. c. of your poets Rom. 1.5. 26. c contribution || Gal 2. 12. c. came Heb. 2» 6 one in c. place testified, 4. 4.|j7. c day 10. 27. c. lookingfor of judgm. || Jude 4. c. men CERTAIN, a. Deut. 13. 14. the thing c. 17. 4. 1 Kin. 2. 37. know for c. shalt die, 42.lJJer. 26. 15. Dan. 2. 45. dream is c \\ Acts 25. 26. no c. thing t Cot. 4. 11. we have no c. dwelling-place I Tim. 6. 7. it is e. we can carrv nothing out of CERTAINLY, ad. Gen. 18. 10. 1 will c retura Gen. 26. 28. we saw c. the Lord was with thee 43. 7. could we c. know he would say 44. 15. wot ye not such a man as I can c. divine 50. 15. will c. requite us all the evil we did Exod. 3. 12. c. I will be with thee, this a token 22. 4. if theft be c. found in his hand alive Lev. 5. 19. he hath c. trespassed against the Lord 24. 16. all the congreg-ation shall c. stone him Josh. 9. 24. because it was c. told thy servants Judg. 14. 12. if ye can c. declare the riddle to me 1 Sam. 20. 3. thy father c. knoweth||9. if I knew c. 23. 10. c. heard that Saul will come || 25. 28. 2 Kin. 8. 10. c. recover |f 2 Chr. 18. 27. if c. return Jer. 8. 8. c. in vain || 13. 12. c. know that ev. bottle 25. 23. saith the Lord, ye shall c drink 1| 36. 29. 42. 22. c. ye shall die bv sword 1| 44. 17. Lam. 2. 16. Dan. 11. 10. Zech. 11. til. Luke 23. 47- CERTAINTY, s. Josh. 23. 13. know for a c. 1 Sam. 23. 23. with c. |! Prov. 22. 21. know the c. Dan. 2. 8. 1 know for c.||Luke 1 4. know the c. of Acts 21. 34. not know c. for the tumult || 22. 30. CERTIFY, ED. 2 Sam. 15. 28. word to c. me Ezra 4. 14. we have sent and c. the king, 16. t 5. 10. we asked their names also to c. thee 7. 24. we e. you to impose no toll on Levites Esth. 2.22.Esth. c the king || Gal. 1. 11. 1 c. you CESAR, A name given to the Roman Emperors Matt. 22.1 7. tribute to C. Mark 12.14. Luke20.22. 21. render to C. things that are C. Mark 12. 17. Luke 2. 1. decree from C.[] 3. 1. 15th year of C. 23. 2. forbidding to give trihute to C. John 19. 12. not C friend || 15. no king but C. Acts 11. 28. Claudius C. |j 17. 7 contrary to C. 25. 8. nor yet against C. || 11. 1 appeal unto C. 26. 32. if not appealed to C. || 28. 19. appeal to Phil. 4. 22. chiefly they of C. houshold CESAREA, A bush of hair. It was a province about 80 miles North-West of Jerusalem. Matt. 16. 13. coasts of C. || Mark 8. 27. towns of Acts 8. 40. Philip came to C. || 9. 30 Paul to C. 10. 24. entered C. || 11. 11. Cornelius sent from 12. 19. Herod went toC.||18. 22. lauded at C. 21. 16. disciples of C. \\ 23. 23. soldiers to C. 25. 1. ascended from C. || 4. be kept at C. CHAFED. 2 Sam. 17. 8. c in their minds CHAFF, s. denotes, [1] False doctrines, Jer. 23. 28. j^2] Fruitless attempts and designs,l^9. 33. 11. [3] Hypocrites and ungodly persons, Matt. 3.12. Job 21. 18. wicked as c. which storm carrietli Psal. 1. 4. c. which wind driveth |j 35. 5. beas c. Isa. 5. 24. consumeth c.|| 17. 13. chased as the c. 29. 5. terrible ones as c.|i33. 11. conceive c.|j41.l5. Jer. 23. 28. what is c. to wheat || Dan. 2. 35. like c. Hos. 13. 3. as c is driven with the whirlwind Zeph. 2. 2. before the day pass as the c. before Matt. 3. 12. burn up the c with fire, Luke 3. 17. CHAIN,S. Gen. 41. 42. gold c. onneck, Dan. 5.7. Ex. 28. 14. fasten the wreathen c. to ouches, 24. 39. 15. made on the breast-plate c at the ends Num. 31. .50. c. and rings || Judg. 8. 26. besides c. 1 Kin. 6. 21. by c. of gold || 2 Chr. 3. 5. put c. 26. Ps. 73. 6. pride comp. them as a c.||149. 8. with c, Prov. 1.9. iustmction shall be c. about tbvneck CHA CHA Song 1. 10. with c.of gold|14.9.onec. ofthyneck Isa. 3. 19. Lord take away thy c- 11 40. 19. 1 45. 14. Jer. 40. 4. loose thee from c. |) Lara. 3. 7. c. heavy Ezek. 7. 23. make a c. || 16. 11. a c. on thy neck 19. 4. with c. into Egypt || 9. put him in c. Dan. 5. 7. a c. of gold about his neck, 16, 29, Mark 5. 3. no not with c.|)4. c. had been oft pluckt Acts 12. 7. Peter's c. fell off from his hands 28. 20. for hope of Israel I am bound with this c. 2 Tim. 1. 16. not ashamed of my c. |) 2 Pet. 2. 4. Jude 6. everlasting c. |j Rev. 20. I. c. in his hand CHAIN-WORK, s. 1 Kin. 7. 17. wreaths of c. CHALCEDONY, ^ ^^ew or "precious stone, Rev. 21.19. /if is variegated with divers colours, and iised to engrave arms on, &c. CHAI^COlu, Nourishing. 1 Kin. 4. 31. CHALK-STONES. Isa. 27. 9. stones of altar as c. CHALLENGETH, v. Exod. 22. 9. another c. CHALDEA, As devils, or as robbers. Jer. 50. 10. C. be aspoil||51. 24. render to C. 35. Ezek. 16. 29. fornication to C.||23. 16. doted on C. CHALDEAN. Pzra 5. 12. Dan. 2. 10. CHALDEANS. Job 1. 17. C. made three bands Isa. 23. 23. land of C. |) 43. 14. brought down C. 47. 1. daughter of C. 5. |) 48. 14. arm on C. Jer. 21. 9. falleth to the C. shall live, 38. 2. 25. 12. I will punish the land of C. 50. 1, 45. 32. 5. tho' fight with C. |j 24. city given to C. 43. 29. C. set fire \\ 37. 8. C. fight against city 37. 9. saying, C. surely depart from us|) 10, 14. 38. 19. fallen to C. |) 23. bring children to C. 59. 8. C. burnt king's house |j 40. 9. serve C. 41. 3. slew the C. j| 43. 3. deliver us to the C. 50. 35. sword on C.||45. purposed against the C. Ezek. 12. 13. bring him to C. \\ 23. 14. images of Dan. 1. 4. teach tongue of C. |] 2. 2. to call the C. 3. 8. accused Jews]) 4. 7. then came in the C. 5. 7. bring in the C. |j 11. master of the C. Hab. 1. 6. I raise up C. |) Acts 7. 4. Abraham out CHAMBER, S, s. signifies, [l] ^ room, Dan. 6. 10. [2] The clouds, Psal. 104. 13. [3] Those stars towards the south pole, J ob 9. 9. [4j The ordinances of God's house, Song 1. 4. [5] The promises and prorndefices of God,lsa.. 26. 20. Gen. 43. 30. Joseph entered into c. and wept there Judg. 15. 1. into the c. || 16. 9. abiding in c. 12 2 Sam. 13. 10. bring meat into c.\\l Kin. 6. S.^iuilt 2 Kin. 4. ll.Elisha turned into the c. and lay 1 Chr. 9. 26. chief porters were over the c. 2 Chr. 31.11. Hezekiah commanded to prepare c. Ezra 8. 29. keep till ye weigh them in the c. Neh.l3. 5. forTobiahagreatc.|j8.stufFoutofc.9. Job 9. 9. which maketh the c. of the south 37. t 9. out of the c. comeththe whirlwind Psal. 19. 5. as a bridegroom cometh out of his c. 104.3. layeth beams of his c. in the waters, 13. 105. 30. frogs in the c. of their kings Prov. 7. 27. going down to the c. of death, || 24. 4. Song 1. 4. k. brought me to his c.jjS. 4. in c. of her Isa.26.20. enter into thyc. II Jer. 22. 13. c. by wrong Jer. 36. 10. read the book in the c. of Gemariah 20. laid up the roll in c. of Ehshama the scribe Ezek. 8. 12. c. of his imagery !| 21. 14. privy c. 40. 45. c. to the south || 46. c. to the north 42. 13. they be holy c. where the priests eat Dan. 6. 10. his window being open in his c Joel 2. 16. let the bridegroom go forth of his c. Matt. 24. 26. behold he is in the secret c. Guest CHAMBER. Mark 14. 14. Luke 22. 11. Inner CHAMBER. 1 Kin. 20. 30. Benhad. to - c. 1 Kin. 22. 25. Shalt go to -c. to hide, 2 Chr. 18. 24. 2 Kin. 9. 2. carry Jehu into - c. and take the box Little CHAMBER. 2 Kin. 4. 10. make a - c. Ezek. 40. 7. - c. one reed long, and one broad jjlS. Side CHAMBER, S. Ezek. 41. 5, 6, 9. Upper CHAMBER, S. 2 Kin. 1. 2. | 23. 12. 2 Chr. 3. 9. overlaid - c. with gold |) Ezek. 42. 5. Acts 9. 37. washed, and laid Dorcas in an - c. £0. 8. many lights in - c. where were gathered CHAMBERING, s. Rom. 13. 13. not in c. and CHAMBERLAIN, S, s. 2 Kin. 23. 11. Esth. 1. 10, tlie 7 c. that served theking||2. 15,21. Acts 12. 20. Blastus the king's c. their friend Rom. 1 6. 23. Erastus c. of the city saluteth you CHAMOIS, Is a species of goat, Deut. 14. 5. CHAMPAIN, s. Deut. 11. 30. dwell in the c. CHAMPION, s. 1 Sam. 17. 4. c. over against||51. CHANCE. Deut 22. 6. nest c. to be before thee 1 Sam. 6. 9. it was a c. that happened to us 2 Sam. 1. 6. as I happened by c. on mount Gilboa Eccl. 9. 11. time and c.||Luk* 10. 41. by c. priest 1 Cor. 15. 37. it may c. of wheat, or of some CHANCETH, v. Deut. 23. 10. c. him by night CHANCELLOR,*. Ezra 4. 8. Rehum the c. 17. CHANGEABLE, a. Isa. 3. 22. c. suits of apparel CHANGE, S, s. Lev. 27. 33. c. shall be holy Judg. 14. 12. give you thirty c. of raiment, 13. Job 14. 14. wait till my c. come || Prov. 24. 21. Zech. 3. 4. c. of raiment|jHeb. 7. 12. c. of the law CHANGE, V. Gen. 35. 2. c. your garments Lev. 27. 10. he shall not alter it, nor c. it, 33. Job 17. 12. they c. the night into day : the light Psal. 102. 26. as a vesture c. |) Isa. 9. 10. c. them Jer. 2. 36. why gaddest thou so much to c. 13. 23. can the Ethiopian c. his skin Dan.7. 25 . c. times and laws| jHos.4. 7. c. their glory Hab. 1.11. mind c. |j Mai. 3. 6. Lord, I c. not Acts 6. 14. and shall c. the customs delivered Rom. 1.26. their women did c. the natural use Gal. 4. 20. 1 desire to be present and c. my voice Phil. 3. 21. Christ who shall c. our vile body Heb. 12. 1 17. he found no way to c. his mind CHANGED, ETH. Gen. 31. 7. your father c. my wages ten times, 41 . 41. 14. Joseph c. his raiment, and came in Lev. 13. 16. raw flesh turn, and be c. to white 1 Sam. 21. 13. he c. his behaviour before them 2 Sam. 12. 20. David c. his apparel and went 2 Kin. 24. 17. c. his name |) 25. 29. c. prison-garm. Job 30. 18. by my disease is my garment c. Psal. 15. 4. he sweareth to his hurt, and c. not 102. 26. as vesture be c.Heb.l.l2.|)106.20.c. glory Eccl. 8. I. the boldness of his face shall be c. Isa. 24, 5. c. the ordinance, broken the covenant Jer. 2. 1 1 . c. their gods || 48. 1 1 . his scent is not c. Lam. 4. 1. how is the most fine gold c. Ezek. 5. 6. and she hath c. my judgments into Dan. 2. 9. till time be c. 21. || 3. 19. visage c. 3. 27. nor coats c. j| 4. 16. let his heart be c. 6. 8. writing be not c. || 15. no decree be c. 17. Mic. 2. 4. c. the portion||Acts 28. 6. c. their minds Rom. 1. 23. c. the glory of G. || 25. c. truth of G. ■ 1 Cor. 15. 51. we shall all be c. 52. |t 2 Cor. 3. 18. Heb. 7. 12. for the priesthood being c. there is CHA CHA CHANGED, EST, Countenance. Job 14. 20. c. his-|| Dan. 5. 6. kino's -c. 9, lO.ir. 28. CHANGERS, 5. Mai. 21. 12. Mark 11. 15. John 2. 14. c. of money sitting || 15. c. money CHANGES, s. Gen. 45. 22. to Benjaminiive c. 2 Kin. 5. 5. ten c. of raiment|j22. two c. of gar. 23. Job 10. 17. c. and war are against me Psal. 55.19. because they have no c. they fear not CHANGING, p.Ruth 4.7.manner concerning c. CHANNEL, S. 2 Sam. 22. 16. c. of sea, Ps. 18. 15. Isa. 8.7. up overall his c. |) 27. 12. beat off from c. CHANT. Amos 6. 5. that c. to sound of the viol CHAPITER, S. Exod. 36. 38. overlaid c. 38. 28. Exod. 38.17. overlaying oftheirc. were silver, 19. 1 Kin. 7. 16. two c. of brass, 2 Chr. 4. 12,13. 2 Kin. 25. 17. c. was brass, ^er. 52. 22.Zeph. 2.tl4. CHAPMEN. 2 Chr. 9. 14/ that which c. brought CHAPEL, s. Amos 7. 13. it is the king's c. CHAPT, p. Jer. 14. 4. because ground is c. CHARASHIM, That is craftsmen. 1 Chr. 4. 14. CHARGE, s. Gen. 26. 5. Abraham kept my c. Gen. 28. 6. Isaac gave Jacob a c. saying thou shalt Exod. 6. 13. Lord gave Moses and Aaron a c. Num. 4. 31. this is the c.||5. 19. c. her by an oath 9. I9.1srael kept the c. 23.|l27. 23. Deut. 31. 21. Deut. 3. 28. but c. Joshual|21 .8.blood to peoples c Josh. 22. 3. Reubenites have kept c. of the Lord 2 Sam. 18. 5. gave c. concerning || 1 Kin. 11. 28. 2 Kin. 7. 17. Lord had c. of the gate] jl Chr. 9. 27. 2 Chr. 30. 17. c. of the passover||Neh. 7. 2.|10. 32. Esth. 3. 9. of those that had c. of the business 4. 8. c. Esther tliat she go in to the king to make Job 34. 13. who hath given him c. over the earth Psal. 35. 11. laid to my c. things I knew not Song 2.7. 1 c. you. O daughters, 3. 5.|5. 8,9.18.4. Jer. 39. 11. gave c. concerning Jeremiah [J 47. 7. Ezek. 9. 1. c. over the city|j44. 8, 15. | 48. 11. Mark 9. 25. I c. thee, come out enter no more Acts 7. 60. Lord lay not this sin to their c.||B. 27. 1 6. 24. received c. thmst them into prison|)23.29. Rom. 8.33. toe. God's elect|)l Cor.9. 18. without c. 1 Thes.5. ?7 J c.that this epistle be read |J iTiml .3. 1 Tim. 1.18. this c I commit to thee, son Timothy 5.21. 1 c. thee before God, 2 Tim. 4. 1. 6. 17. c. them that are rich in this world that 2 Tim. 4. 16. 1 pray it may not be laid to their c. Give CHARGE. Num. 27. 19. give Joshua a c Deut. 31. 14. 2 Sam. 14. 8.-c. concerning thee||lChr.22. 1 2,L.-c. Psal. 91.11. give his angels c.Matt.4.6. Luke 4. 10. Isa.l0.6.-c. to take spoil || 1 Tim. 5. 7. things -in c. 1 Tim. 6. 13.-thee c. in sight of G. who quickneth CHARGEABLE, a. 2 Sam. 13. 25. lest we be c. Neh. 5. 15. former governors were c. to people 2 Cor. 11.9. when with you, I was c. to no man 1 Thes. 2. 9. because we would not be c. unto any 2 Thes. 3. 8. might not be c. to any of you CHARGED, p. Gen. 26. 11. Abim. c. his people Gen. 28. 1. Isaac c. Jacobl|40. 4. c. Joseph||49. 29. Exod. 1. 22. Pharaoh c. all his people, saying Deut. 1. 16. 1 c. your judges at that time, saying 24. 5. nor be c. with any business (| 27. 11. 1 Sam.l4.27.heard not when Saul c.|j2Sara. 18.12. 1 Kin.2. I.David c.Solomon||13. 9. c. raebytheL. 2 Chr. 36. 23. c. me to build an house, Ezra 1. 2. Job 1. 22. sinned not, nor c. God foolishly 4. 18. and his angels he c. with folly Matt. 9. 30. Jesus c. them, Mark 5.43.Luke 9.21, 12.16.Jes. c. notto make him known, Marks. 12. Mark 7. 36. c. not to tell,8.30.|9.9.Luke5.14.|8.56. 1 Thes. 2. 11. we c. every one of you as a father 1 Tim. 5. 1 6. and let not the church be c, that it CHARGEDST. Exod. 19. 23. for thou c. us CHARGER, S. Num. 7. 13. one silver c. 19,-79. Ezra 1. 9. one thousand c.||Matt. 14. 8. head in a c. CHARGES.2 Chr.8.l4.|3l. 17.|35. 2. Acts 21. 24. 1 Cor. 9. 7. who goeth a warfare at his own c. CHARGEST, v. 2 Sam. 3. 8. c. me with a fault CHARGING, p. Acts 1 6. 23. c. the jayler to 2 Tim. 2. 14. c. that they strive not about words CHARIOT, s. Gen. 41. 43. ride in the second c. Exod. 14. 25. Lord took off their c. wheels that 1 Kin. 7. 33. hke workofa c.|)18. 44. prepare c. ] 20. 25. number c. for c. |j 33. to come up inc. 22. 35. the blood ran in the midst of the c. 38. one washed the c. in the pool of Samaria 2 Kin. 2. 11. c. of tire|jl2. the c. of Israel, 13. 14. 5. 21. lighted from c.||9. 16. Jehu rode ina c.||27. 1 Chr. 28. 18. gold for the pattern of the c. 2 Chr. 35. 24. servants took him out of the c. Ps. 46. 9. burneth c.||76. 6. c andhorsel|Song3.9. Isa. 21. 7. saw a c.|)9. here cometh a c j| 43. 17. Jer. 51. 21. break in pieces c.||Mic. 1. 13. bind c. Zech. 6. 2. first c. red horsesl'|9. 10. I'll cut offc. Acts 8. 29. join thyself to c \\ 38^ c. to stand still i/w CHARIOT. Gen. 46. 29. Jos. madeready-c. Exod. 14. 6. Pharaoh made ready- c.||Judg. 4. 15. Judg. 5. 28. why -c. so long in coming, why tarry 1 Kin. 12. 18. kingmadespeedto-c. 2Chr.l0.18, 22. 34. he said to driver of- c. turn thy hand 35. was stayed up in - c. and died at even 2 Kin. 5. 9. Naaman came with -c. and stood, 2^6. 9. 21. - c. was made ready, went out each in - c. 24. sunk down- c.||lO. 16. made ride in - c. Psal. 104. 3. who maketh theclouds-c. Jer. 4.13. Acts 8. 28. sitting in -c. readEsaias the prophet CHARIOT-Cto. 2 Chr. 1. 14.|8. 6.|9. 25. CHARIOT-ffors^s. 2 Sam. 8. 4. 2 Kin. 7. 14. CHARIOT- Man. 2 Chr. 18. 33. said to c. -turn CHARIOTS. Gen. 50. 9. went up with Jos. c. - Exod. 14. 7. took 600 c.||17. get honour on his c. 15.4. Pharaoh's c. hath he cast ibto the sea, 1 9. Josh. 17.16. have c. of iron, 18. Judg. 1. 19. |+. 3. Judg. 4. 15. L. discomfited Siseraand his c.|)5. 28. 1 Sam. 8. 11. appoint for c.\\ 13. 5. 30000 c. 2 Sam. 1.6. c.followed||10. 18. slew men of 700 c. 1 Kin. 10. 26. Solom. had 1400 c.||16. 9.|22. 32. 2 Kin. 13. 7. left but ten c.|jl8. 24. Isa. 36. 9. Psal. 68. 17. c. of God are twenty thousand Song 6. 12. my soul like the c. of Aminanab Isa. 2. 7. nor any end of c.||22. 18. c. of thy glory 31. l.that trust in c.||37. 24. multitude of my c. 67.15. c. like whirlwind, Jer. 4. 13. Dan. 11. 40. Jer. 47. 3. rushing of his c.||Ezek. 23. 24.J26. 10. Nail. 2. 4. c. shall rage || 13. 1 will burn her c. Hag. 2. 22. overthrow c.||Rev. 9. 9. as sound ofc. CHARIOTS, with Horses. Exod. 14. 9, 23. Deut. 1 1 .4. did to their - and c.|)20. 1. seest - and c. Josh. 11. 9. Joshua burnt their c. with fire 2Sam. 15.1. Absalom prepared - and c.|) lKin.20.1 . 2 Kin. 6. 17. mount, full ofc. and - 1| 7. 6.|10. 2. Psal. 20. 7. some trust in c. and some in horses Song 1. 9. to comp. - in Pharaoh's c.||Isa. 66. 20. Jer. 17. 25. princes riding in c. 23. 4.146. 9. CHE CHI Jer. 50. 37. sv.'ord on - and c.!,Ezek.26.r. ] 39. 20. Nah. 3. 2. because of /torsos aiid jumping c. Haj>. 3. 8.C. ofsalvatioajiRev, 18. 13. caud souls CHARITABLY, S2. CHRIST, The anointed of God ; the same xc'dh the Hebrew ilft-ssm/i, Psal. 45. 7. Isa. 61. 1. In his divine nature he is equal with the Father, and over all, God blessed for ever ; bvt in his human nature, subordinate and inferior to the Father, hein^ like to men in all things, sin ex- cepted. Both natures are united in th'' peison of Christ, that he might be our prophet, prie.st, and kinsr, and the author of a compile, peifect, ali- syrfficient attd^ernal salvation. In Christ all the tvpes, propfiecie.t and promi'ies cen- tre. He is the Most suitable object for the sinner lo look to, trust in, and expect all his hopes, joys and consolations from, as ahne by him life and salvation is procured. He is the head of princi- ptdities and powers, the hrightne'is of his Father's glory, and the express image of his person, Heb. 1 . 3. the glory of all ivorlds, and the refulgent luminary of the universe, John 1, 9. the inex- hausted fountain of all the treasures of nature, grace and glory, Jer. 2. 13. and the matchless incomparable Rtdeemer of all that come to him, John 6. 37. Chri.5t was the grand subject of all the apostles' ministry, Acts 8. 5. And, in- deed, a sermon without Christ is like a chud without water, or a shadow rrithout substance. One moment's communion with Christ is of more worth than ten thousand words; his name is most sweet, his death most precious, his person 7W>st glorious, and he is alto:ri'ther lovely. Song 5.16. Christ is taken for the mystical body of Christ, him' self the head, and his church the members, which make up but o)ie body, 1 Cor. 12. 12. Like- wise for the doctrine of Christ, Eph. 4. 20. And for the Spirit with his gifts and graces, Rom. 8. 10. Matt. 2. 4. he demanded where C. should be bom 1 6. 16. thou art C. the Son of the hvmg God 23. 8. for one is your master, even C. 10. 24. 5. savins, I am C. Mark 13. 6. Lnke 21. 8. 26. 68. prophesy to ns, thon C. who smote thee Mark P.4l. ye belong to C. |I 15-32. let C. descend Luke 2. 26. should not die, before he had seen C. 4. 41. the devils, thev knew that he was C. 23. 35. if he be the C. \\ 39. if thou be the C. 24. 26. ought not C to have suftiered, 46. John 4.25. th it Messias coraetb, w bich is called C 7. 27. when C comethuo man knowetb, 31. 41. some said, shall C. come out of Galilee 42. that C. Cometh of tJie seed of David, and 0. 22. did confess C. i| 12. 34. C. ahideth for ever Acts 2. 30. raise np C. || 36. both Lord and C. S.18.that C. should snlferjl 8. S.preached C.9.20. 17. 3. C. must needs have suffered, 26. 23. Rom. 5. C. in due time C. died for the ungodly, 8. 6. 4. as C. was raised I 9. C being raised die th no 7. 4. dead to law bv C.|i8. 9. have not Spirit of C. 8. 10. if C. be in voa|i 11. he tliat raised C. from 9. 3. accursed from 'C.||5. of whom C. came 10. 4. C. is end of law |! 6. to bring C. down, 7. 14. 9. to this end C. died \ 15. for whom C '■' -i IS. serteth C. |{ 15. 3. C pleased not Li 13.7.as C. received usjll 8. things C. not wrooglit 20. not where C.wasnaujed ijlCor.1.23. preach 1 Cor. 1. 24. C. the power of G. \] 3. 23. ye are C. 5. 7. even C our passover is sacrificed for us ' 8. 11. weak brother perish, for wliom C died CHR iCor. 9. 21. under law to C.||10.4.rockwasC.||9. 15. 3. how C, died || 23. C. the first-fruits eCor. 3.4. trust thro' C|j.5. 16. known C. after flesh 6. 1.5. what concord hath C. with Belial || 11. 2. Gal 2. 20. C. liveth in me || 21. C. is dead in vain 3. 13. C. redeemed usj|24. bring us to C.||29. be C. 4. 7. heir of God tliro' C. |! 19. till C. be formed 5. I.e. hath made us free || 24. that are C. have Eph. 2. 12. without C. f| 3. 17. C. may dwell in 4. 15. the head, even C. |) 20. not so learned C. 5. 2. as C. loved us|| 14. C. shall give thee ligiit 23. as C. is head of church |) 25. as C. loved 52. speak concerning C. \\ 6. 5. as unto C Phil. 1. 13. some preach C. of envy, 16, 18, 20. 3. 8. I may win C. \\ 4. 13. I can do all thro" C. Col. 2. 8. not after C. [| 3. I. where C. sitteth at 3. 4. C who is our life || 11. C. is all and in all 1 3. even as C. forgave|j24. ye serve the Lord C. Heb.3.6. but C. as a son|)5.5.C', glorified not hims. 9. 11. C. an high-priest 1 1 28. C. was once offered 1 Pet. 2. 21. C. suffered for us, 3. 18. | 4. 1. Rev. 11. 15. kingdoms of our L. and his C. 12. 10. Against CHRIST. Acts 4. 26. gathered - C. lCor.8.12. yesin-C.||lTim. 5. 11. wax wanton -C By CHRIST. 2 Cor. 1. 5. consol. aboundeth-C. Gal. 2. 17. if while we seek to be justified- C. Eph. 3. 21. to him be glory in the church - C. For CHRIST. 1 Cor. 1.1 7. - C. sent me not to bap. 1 Cor.4. 1 0. we are fools- C.||2Cor. 5. 20. ambass. - C. Eph. 4. 32. as God - C. sake hath forgiven you Phil. 3. 7. counted loss- C\\2 Thes. 3. 5. waiting -C- JcsHS with CHRIST. Matt. 1.16. was born -C\ John 1. 17. but grace and tnith came by- C. 17, 3. know thee and - C. whom thou sent Acts 2. 38. baptized in the name of- C. 3. 6. 20. he shall send - C. who was preached 4.10. bythenameof-C.||5.42. to preach -C. 8.1 2. 8. 37. 1 believe that- C.|i9. 34. - Cmaketh whole 10. 36. peace by - C. || 16. 18. in name of- C. 17. 3. and that this Jesus I preach to \h)u is C. 18. 5. testified to the Jews, that Jesus was C 28. 19. 4. that they should believe on C.Jesus Rom. 1. 1. Pani a servant of- C. Phil. 1. i. 3. his son - C. |) 6. the called of- C. |j 8. through 2. 16. judge by - C \\ 3. 22. by faith of- C. 24. 5. 1 5 . by one man - C.| |1 7. reign in life, by one - C. 6. 3. baptized into -C|18. 1 . to them that arc in C- 8.2. spirit of life in C. Jesus hath made me free 16. 3. Priscilla and Aquila mv helpers in C. - iCor. l.l.Paulanapostleof-C.2Cor.l.l.Eph.l.l. 30. but of him are ye in C. Jesus, who is made 2. 2. not to know any thing, save - C. crucified 2 Cor. 4. 6. knowledge of God in the face of-C. 13. 5. know ye not, how that - C. is in you Gal 2. 16. a man is justified by the faith of- C. 3. 28. male nor female, for ye are all one in C. - 4. 14. even as C. - j| 5. 6. in C. - neither circumc. Eph. 2. 10. created in C. - 1! 20. C. - chief corner Phil. I. 8. I long after you in the bowels of- C. 2. 5. mind be in you, which was also in C. - 2. 11. - C. is LordjjS. 1. for excellency of C.|| 21. 4. 19. according to bis riches in gbry by C - Col. 2. 6. as ye have received C, - so walk ye 1 Tim. 1. 15. - C. came to save || 2. 5. | G. 13. 2 Tim. 1. 9. grace given us in C. -|| S. 12. in C. - Heb. 13. 8. - C'. the same yesterday, and for ever 1 John 1. 7. blood of- C. clcanscth from all sin CHR 7JT 1 John 2.1 . we have an advocate -C. the righteoiu Lord Jesus CHRIST. Acts 11.17. believed on -C. Acts 16. 31. believe on - C. j) 20. 21. faith towards Rom. 5. 1. we have peace with God thro' our -C. 11. we also joy in God thro' our - C. 6. 23. gift of God is etemal life thro' our- C. 13. 14. put ye on the - C. and make not provision 16. 20. ffrace of our - C. be with you, 24. 2 Cor. 13.14. Gal. 6. 18. 2 Thes. 3. 18. Rev. 22.21. 1 Cor. 1.7. waiting for coming of our- C. 8. 6. one - C. |j 15. 57. victory thro' - C. \\ 16. 22. 2 Cor. 1. y. peace from - C Gal. 1. 3. Eph. 1. 2. 8. 9. for ye know tlie grace of our - C Gal. G. 14. Eph. 1. 3" God and father of our - C 17. 1 Thes. 1. 3. hope in our C. || 2. 19. | 3. 13. | 5. 23. -2 Thes. 2. 1. coming of our- C || 16. now our- C. 1 Tim. 3. 21. I charjje thee before -C. 2 Tim. 4. 1. 2 Tim. 4. 22. the - C. he with thy spiiit, amen 2 Pet 1. 11. kingdom of our -C.||3. 1 8. know. of-C. In CHRIST. Acts 24. 24. concerning faith - C. Rom. Bloody CITY. Ezek. 22. 2. [ 24. 6, 9. Nah. 3. 1, Defenced CITY. Isa. 2.7. 2. j 27. 10. Jer. 1, 18. CITY of David. Luke 2. 4. went unto the c.-, IL Elders with CITY. Deut. 19. li -of his c. Deut. 21. 6.- of c. next slain man|j20.!22. 17.J25. S. Josli. 20. 4. Judg. 8. 16. Ruth 4. 2. Ezra 10. 14. Ecei-y CITY. Judg. 20. 48. smote men of- c. « Kin. 3. 19. smite -fenced c.ji2Clii-.ll. 12.|3i.l9. Jer. 4. 29. - c. be forsaken jj 48. 8. come on - c. Matt. 12. 25. -c. divided||Luke 10. 1. two into - c- Acts 15. 21. in - c. that preach jj 36. j 20. 23. Tit. 1. 5. ordain elders in - c. as I had appointed Fenced CITY. 2 Kin. 10. 2.jjl7. 9. 2 Chr. 1 1. 23, CITY of God. Psal. 46. 4. make glad the c. - Psal. 48. 1. in the c. ofom G. 8. || 87. 3. c. ofG- Rev. 3. 12. write on him the name of c. of God. Great CITY. Gen. 10. 12. Resen is a - c. Josh. 10. 2. Gibeah was a - c. |j Neh. 7. 4. c. w'as - Jer. 22. 8. the Lord dono thus to this - c. Jonah 1. 2. Ninevah was a-c. 3. 2, 3. | 4. 11. Rev. 11. 8. bodies in the streets of the - c. 14. 8. Babylon that-c. 18. 10, 16, 19, 21. 16. 19. - c. divided || 17. 18. woman is that- c. 21. 10. he shewed me the -c. holy Jerusalem Holy CITY. Neh. 11. 1. Jerusalem the - c. 18, Isa. 48. 2. call thems. of - c.jj52. 1. O -c. Dan. 9. 24, Matt. 4. 5. j 27. 53. Rev. 1 1. 2. | 21. 2. j 22. 1 9, In or into the CITY. Gen. 19.12. hast. - c. bring. .Deut. 28. 3. blessed - c. and field jj 16. cursed - c» Judg. 1. 24. shew us entrance - c. jj 8. 27. put it-r. i Kin. 13. 2.3. told it- c. !| 14. 11. him that dieth-c. 14. 12. thy feet enter -c.|jl6.4.dieth of Baasha-c. 20. 30. and came - c. into an inner chamber 21 .24. dieth of Ahab -c. dogs eat!|2 Kin. 7. 4,12. 2 Km. 20. 20. Hezekiah brought water - c. Psal. 31.21.shew marvellous kindness mastrongc. 55.9. seen strife -c.jjProv. l.SI.-c. wisdom utter. Eccl. 7. 19. ten mighty m«n - c. |j 8. 10. forgotteu Isa. 24. 12. - c. is left desolation, and gate smitter* Jer. 14. 18. if I enter- c. behold |l 38. 9- I 52. 6,. Lam. 1. 19. gave up ghost- c. ||Ezek.7. 15. 19.7. Hos. 11. 9. and I will not enter into thee. .Joel 2. 9. they shall run to and fro in the c. Amos 3. 6. evil - c. jj 7. 17. wife an harlot - c. Matt. 9. 1. came -his own c.jjl0..5. any c. of Sam. 26. 18. go -c.to suchamanj|28.11. watch came -c. Mark 14. 13. he saith, go - c. Acts 9. 6. Luke 7. 37. a woman - c. a sinner jj 18. 2, 3- 22. 10. when ye are entered - c.|j24. 49. taxry-c. Acts 11. 5. 1 was-c Joppai|l4.20.i21.29.|24. 12; 2 Cor. 11. 26. in perils -c.|] Rev. 22. 14. enter -c^' CITY of the Lord. Psal. 101. 8. Isa. 60. 14. Out of the CITY. Gen. 44. 4. were gone - c. Exod. 9. 29. as soon as I am gone - c.jj33. went - c Lev. 14. 45. carry them - c. |j Josh. 8. 22. issued -c 2Sam.l8.3.succour us -c.i|20.l6. cried a woman. c. 1 Kin. 2l.l3.carriedNaboth-c.i|2 Kin. T.lC.jy.l.', Job 24. 12. men grone - c. jj Jer. G9. 4. \ 5 2. 7. Ezek. 48. 30. goings- c. |j Mic. 4. 10. go forth - c% Matt 21. 17. he went - c. Mark 1 1. 19. Luke 4. 29. thrust him - c. jj 9. 5. go - c. shake John 4.30. they went -c.|jActs7.58.cast.Stcphen -c. Acts. 14. 19. drew Paut-c. [j 16. l.'l. [ 21. 5. CIT CLE CITY oj Refuge. Num. 35.25, 56, 28, 33. Josh. 21. 13. Hebron to be a c. - 1) 21. Shechem 27. Golan||32.Redesh||38.Ramoth, 2 Chr. 6. 57. This CITY. Gen. 19. U. Lord will destroy- c. Gen.l9.20.-c.isneartoflee to|)21.notoverthrow-c. Josh. 6. 26. cursed that bnildeth - c.||Judg. 19. 11. 1 Sam. 9. 6. in - c. a man of God \\ 2 Kin. 2. 19. 2 Kin. 18. 30. -c. shall not be deUvered, Isa.36.l5. 19. 32. not come into -c. 33. laa. S7. 34. 34. 1 will defend - c. 20. 6. Isa. 37. 35. 1 38. 6. 23. 27. I'll cast otF-c.||2 Chr.6.34. pray toward -c. Ezra 4. 13. if- c. be built again, 15, 16. Jer. 6. 6. -c. to be visited ||17. 25. -c. shall remain 19. 8. make -c. desolate, 11, 15. | 20. 5.|21. 9, 10. 26. 6. I'll make- c.acurse|j 15. | 27. 17. j 3^. 3. 39- 16. 1 will bring my words on - c. for evil Ezck. 11.3.- c.is the caldron, we the flesh, 7, 11. Matt. 10. 23. persecute in - c. flee to another Acts 18. 10. 1 have much people in - c. \\ 22. 3. Without the CITY. Gen. 19. 16. set him - c: Lev. 14. 40. cast them in an unclean place -c. 41. 2 Chr. 32. 3. stop the waters of the fountains - c. Rev. 14. 20. the wine-press was trodden - c. CITIES,*. Gen. 35. 5. terror of God on the c. Gen. 41. 48. laid up food in c.(|47.21. removed to c. Num. So. 8. shall give of his c. unto the Levites Dent. 6. 10. to give thee great and goodly c. Josh. 18. 9. described it by c. in seven parts ri' Sam. 10. 12. for thee, of our God, 1 Chr. 19. 13. 1 Kin. 9. 13. what c. are these that thou hast 20. 34. the c. my father took, I will restore .Job 45. 28. in dpsolatc c. \\ Psal. 9. 6. destroyed c. Isa. 6. 11. till c. wasted I| 14. 21 fill world with c. 19. 18. five c. in land of Egypt || 64. 10. holy c- Jer. 2. 15. c. are burnt jj 28. number ofc. 11. 13. 13. 19. c. of south|!20. 16. c. L. overthrew||31. 21. Ezek. 26. 19. c. not inhabited || 30. 17. | 35. 9. Hos. 8. 14. send fire on c. |j 11. 6. sword on c. Amos 4. 8. c. Avandred || Mic. 5. 11 cut off c. 14. 2eph. 3. 5. c. destroycd||Zech. 1. 17.my c. spread Matt. 10. 23. gone over the c.||ll. 1. preach in c. Acts 26. 11. to strange c.||2 Pet. 2. 6. c. of Sodom Jude 7. c. about them|| Rev. 16. 19. c. fell Defenced CITIES. Isa. 36. 1. | 37. 26. Jer. 4. 5. go into - c. 8. 14. |^| 34. 7. - c. remained Fenced CITIES. Num. 32. 17. dwell in - c. Deut. 3. 5. c. • with high walls, 9. 1. Josh, 14.12. Josh. 10. 20. the rest of them entered into - c. 2 Sam. 20. 6. get - c. 2 Chr. 12. 4. | 14. 6. | 17. 2. I 19. 5. 1 21. 3. Jer. 5. 17. impoverish - c. || Dan. 11. 15. take - c. Hos 8. 14. multiplied - c. |j Zeph. 1.16. alarm - c, CITIES ofJudah. 2 Chr. 17. 7. teach in c. - Psal. 69. 35. God will save Zion, and build c. - Isa. 40. 9. sav to c. - behold your Godj) 44. 26. Jer. 1.15.1 4. 16. 17.17. 19. 11.) 11.12.1 32.44. S3. 10, 13. Lamb. 5. 11. Zech. 1. 12. Jer. 44. 6. mine anger was kindled in the c. - 21. CITIES of Refuge. Num. 35. 6, 11. Josh. 20. 2. 1 Chr. 6. 67. six CITIES. Num. 55. 6. \ 13. 15. Josh. 15. 59. CITIES with Snlurbs. Lev. 25.34. Num. 35. 2. Josh. 21. 3. Israel gave to the Levites c. - 41. CITIES with Villages. 1 Sam. 6. 18. 1 Chr. 27.25. Matt. 9. 35. Mark 6. 56. Luke 13. 22. CITIES with ioaste. Lev. 26. 31. make c. -, S3. Isa. 61. 4. repair - c. j! Jer. 4. 7. c. sltall be laid - Ezek. 6. 6. your c. shall be - 1| 19. 7. | 36. 35, 88. Amos 9.14. aind they shall build thy waste c. Your CITIES. Isa. 1. 7. - c. are burnt with fire Jer. 40. 10. dwell in - c. that ye have taken Amos 4. 6. cleanness of teeth in all - c. and CITIZEN, S. Luke 15. 15. joined to a c. of Luke 19. 14. chated him || Acts 21. 39. I am ac. Eph. 2. 19. but fellow c. with the saints and of CLAD,;). 1 Kin. 11.29. hade. himself, Isa.59. 17. CLAMOUR, OUS. Prov. 913 Eph. 4. 31. CLAP, V. Job 27. 23. c. their hands at him, and Psal.47. I.e. your hands, 98. S. ||Isa.55. 12. trees Lam. 2. 15. c. their hands at thee, Nah. 3. 19. CLAPPED, ETH. Job 34. 37. Ezek. 25. 6. CLAPT,p. 2 Km. 11. 12. they c. their hands CLAUD A, A broken or weeping voice. The name of an island near Crete^ Acts 27. 16. CLAUDIA and CLAUDIUS the same. Acts 11. 28. I 18. 2. 1 23. 26. 2 Tim. 4. 21. CLAVE, V. Gen. 22. 3. Abraham c. the wood Gen. 34. 3. soulc. to Dinahi)Num.l6.31. ground c. Judg. 15. 19. God c. a hollow place |j Ruth 1. 14. 1 Sam.6.14. c.woodofcart||2Sam. 20. 2. | 23. 10. 1 Kings 11.2. Solomon c. to these in love 2 Kin. 18. 6. Hezakiah c.to the Lord||Neh. 10.29. Psal. 78. 15 he c. the rocks, Isa, 48. 21. Acts 17, 34. howbeit, certain men c. to Paul CLAWS, s. Deut. 14. 6. Dan. 4. 33. Zech. 11. 16- CLAY, s. Job 4. 19. dwell in houses of e. whose Job 10. 9. made me asc.|| 13. 12. like bodies ofc. 27. 16, raiment as c. || 33. 6. formed out ofc. 38. 14. as c. tosealjjPsal. 40.2. out of the miry c. Isa. 29. 16. aspottersc.l|4l.25.pottertreadethc. 45. 9. shall c. say to him || 64. 8. we are the c. Jer. 18. 4. c. was marred, 6.|| 43. 9. hide in the c. Dan. 2. 33. part c. 34, 42. |) 35. c. broken, 41,45. Nah. 3. 14. go to c.||Hab. 2. 6. ladeth with thickc. John 9. 6. c. of the spittle, 15.||Rom.9. 21. over c. CLAY-GROUND, s. 1 Kin. 7. 46. 2 Chr. 4. 17. CLEAN. Lev. 23. 22. not made c. riddance Josh. 3. 17. pas.sed c. overyPs, 77. 8. mercy c. gone Isa. 24. 19. earth c. dissolved || Joel 1. 7. c. bare Zech. 1 1.1 7.arm c. dried up||2 Pet. 2. 18. c.escaped CLEAN, adj. signifies, [ll Pure, free from dirt or nastiness, chaste, innocent, neat^ and elegant. [23 Freedom from the guilt of sin, by the blood of Christ, Psal. 51. 7. £3] From the power of sin, by sanctifying grace, John 13. 10. Gen. 7. 2. c. beasts by sevens, 8. 20. || 35. 2, be c. Lev. 4. 12. c. place, 6. 11. || 16. 30. c. from sin 10.10. put diff. between unclean and c. 11. 47- 1 20. 25. Ezek. 22. 26. | 44. 23. 1 Sam, 20. 26. surely he is not c,|!2 Kin. 5. 10, 12. Job 11.4. hast said, lara c.|jl4.4. bring c.thmg out 15. 14. what is man that he should be c, 25. 4. 15. heavens not c.||33. 9. 1 am c. without trans - Prov. 16. 2. c, in own eyes || lO. 9. made heart c. Isa. 1.16. make you c. \\ 28. 8. no place c. 30. 24. young asses shall eat c. provender 52.11. be ye c. that bearvesseisj)66. 20. c. vessel Jer. 13. 27. Jerusalem, wilt thou not be madec. Ezek. 36. 25. sprinkle c water on you, and ye Matt.8.3.I will, be thou c. Mark 1.41. Luke 5. 13. 23. 25. ye make c. the outside, Luke 11. 39, 41. John 13. 11. ye are not all c || 15. 3. now ye are c. Acts 18. 6. 1 am c, 1 1 Rev, 19. 8. fine linen, c. 14. CLEAN Hands. Job 9. 30. 1 17. 9. Psal. 24. 4. CLE €L0 CLEAN Heart. Psal. 51. 10. I 7S. 1. Prov. 20. 9. Is CLE^AN. Lev. 13. 13. he u c. 17, 37,39. Ps.19.9. fear of the L -c. j) Prov. 14.4. John 13. 10. Pronounce CLEAN. Lev. 13. 6. pnest - c. 14. 7. Shall be CLEAN. Lev. 11. 36. | 12. 8. | 13. 58. I 14. 9, 20, 53. 1 15. 13. | 17. 15. 1 22. 7. Niira. 19. 12, 19. 1 31. 23. Psal. 51. 7. Ezek. 36. 25. CLEANNESS. 2 Sam.22.21 .c. of hands, Ps.l S. 20. 2Sam.22.25. c. in his eye-sight, Ps.l8.24.|jAm. 4. 6. CLEANSE, r. Ex. 29. 36. c the altar, Lev. 16. 19. Lev. 14.49. c. the house |f Num. 8. 6. Levites, c. 2 Chr. 29. 15. to c. the house of tlie Lord, 16. Neh. 13. 22. the Levites should c themselves Psal. 19. 12. c. thou me, 51.2. jl 119. 9. c. his way Jer. 4. 11. not to fan nor c. \\ 33. 8. I'll c. them Ezek. 36. 25. from idols c. you |j 39. 12. c. land, 16. Joel 3. 21. I'll c.tlieir blood |] Matt. 10. 8. | 23. 26. 2Cor. Z.l.letus c.ourselves|j Eph.5.26.might c.it Jam. 4. 8. c. your hands, ye sinners, and purify 1 John 1. 9. to c. us from all unrighteousness CLEANSED,/). Lev. 11. 32. | 12. 7. 1 14. 4, 14. Num. 35. 33. laud not be c. || Josh. 22. 17. not c. 2Chr.29.l8.c.houseofL.|j30.19. tho'hebenotc. Neh. 13. 9. c. the chamber || 30. thus I c. them Job 35. 3. if I bee. II Psal. 73. 13. c. heart in vain Ezek. 22. 24. land not c. \\ 44. 26. after he is c. Dan. 8. 14. sanctuary c.|| Matt. 11. 5. lepers are c. Luke 4.27. none was c.save Naaman|j7. 22. lepers 17. 14. as they went were c. || 17. were not ten c. Actsl0.15.whatG. hath c. call not common, 11.9. CJ..EANSETH, ING. Lev. 13. 7. seen for his c. Num. 6. 9. in the day of his c. || Job 37. 21. wind c- Prov. 20. 30. c. away evil |i Mark 1. 44. offer for c. 1 John 1. 7. blood of Jesus Christ c. from all sin CLEAR, a. Gen. 24. 8. be c. from my oath, 41. Gen. 44. 16. or how shall we c. ourselves? G. hath Exod. 34. 7. tliat will by no means c. the guilty 2 Sam.23.4.as tender grass,by c. shining after rain Ps.51.4.c. when thoujudgest || Song 6. 10. c. as sun Isa.l8.4.1ikeac. heat on herbs || Amos 8.9. c. day Zech. 14. 6. not c. nor dark || 2 Cor. 7.11. selves c. Rev. 21. 11. c. as crystal, 22. l.|| 18. like c. glass CLEARER. Job 11. 17. age c. than noon-day CLEARING. Num. 14. 18. 2 Cor. 7. 11. CLEARLY, ad. Job 33. 3. utter knowledge c. Matt. 7. 5. see c. to pull out the mote, Luke 6. 42. Mark 8. 25. saw every man c. || Rom. 1.20. c. seen CLEARNESS, s. Exod. 24. 10. heaven in his c. CLEAVE, v. Lev. 1. 17. he shall c. it with the Psal. 74. 15. didst c. the fountain and the flood Hab. 3.9.didstc.theearth||Zech.l4. 4. mountain c. CLEAVETH, v. Dent. 14. 6. Job 16. 13. Psal. 141. 7. Eccl. 10. 9. CLEAVE. Gen. 2. 24. c. to his wife. Matt. 19. 5. Deut. 4. 4. ye that did c. to the Lord your God 10.20.c.andswear,11.22.|13.4.|30.20. Josh. 22.5. Josh. 23. 8. bate, to L.||2 Kin. 5 . 27. leprosy c. to Job 38. 38. clods c. fast. ||Psal. lOl.S.not c. tome Psal. 102. 5. my bones c. |i 137. 6. tongue c. to roof Isa. 14. 1. c. to 'Jacob |1 Ezek. 3. 26. tongue c.to Dan. 2. 43. not c. one to || 1 1. 34. c. with flatteries Acts 1 1. 23. with purpose of heart c. to the Lord Rom. 12. 9. abhor evil, c. to that which is good CLEAVED, p. 2 Kin. 3. 3. Job 29. 10. [ 31. 7. CLEAVETH, i-. Job 19. 20. my bone c. to skin Psal. 22. 15. tongue c. to my jaws || 41.8. disease c. U. 2.7. bellv r. toearth || 119.25. soul c. to dnst 15 Jer. IS. 1 1, girdle c. to loins || Lam. 4. 8. skin c. Luke 10. 11. dust of your city which c. on us CLEFT, S. Song 2. 14. O my dove, that art in c. Isa. 2. 21. go into the c. (| Jer. 49. 16. dwell in c. Amos 6. 11. smite the little house with c Obad.3. Mic. 1. 4. valley shall be c. as wax before fire CLEMENCY, s. Acts 24. 4. hear us of thy al. 119. 96. but thy c. is exceeding broad 147. 15. he sendeth forth his c upon earth Prov. 6. 25. c. is a lampjis. 29. not pass his c. 13. 13. he that fearetii the c. shall be rewarded 19. 16. he that keepeth the c. keepeth his soul Eccl. 8. 5. keepeth c shall feel no evilljjer. 35.14. Dan. 3. 22. c. was urgentjl9. 23. c came forth j\jal. 2. 1. O ye priests, this c. is for you, 4. Matt. 15. 3. why transgress ye the c. of God ? 6. 22. 38. this is the first and great c. Mark 12.30. Mark 7. 8. laying aside c. of God, 9.||12. 31. no c. Luke 15. 29. nor transgressed I thy c. || ^3. 56. John 10.1 8. this c. I receivedjj 12.49. he gave me c. 12. 50. his c. is life everla^t. Ij 14. 31. gave me c. i 15.1 2.my c. that yeLloveoneanother,lJohn 3.23. Acts 15. 24.no such c.ljl7. 15. a c.to Siiasl|23. 30. Rom. 7. 9. when the c. came||12. c. is holy, 13. 13. 9. if any other c. || i6. 26. c. of everlasting G. 1 Cor. 7. 6. not by c. 2 Cor. b. 8.|lEph. 6. 2.fii'st c. 1 Tim.l .1 . by c. of God, Tit.l .3.||5.end of c.charity Heb. 7. 16. carnal c.||18. a disannulling of the c. 11. 22. Joseph gave c.||23. not afraid of kings c. 2 Pet. 2. 21. from holy c.l|3. 2. mindful of the c. 1 John 2. 7. an old c. |j 3. 23. this is his c. \\ 4. 21. 2 John 4. as we received a c.^6. this is the c. Give or given COMMANDMENT. Exod. 25. 22. -thee in c. Deut. 1. 3.|jEzra 4. 21. Psal.71.3. hast-c. to save raelllsa.23.11. Nah.1.14. John 1 1 . 57, had -c. if any knew where he were COMMANDMENT of the Lord. Exod.17.1. journeyed atc-.||Num.24.13. beyond c- 2Sam. 12.9. despised c.-l|2.Chr.29.25.so was the cT- Psal. 19.8.the c- is pure||l Cor.7.25. 1 have no c- A etc COMMANDMENT. John 1 3. .34. 2 John5. 1 John 2. 7. 1 write no -c.\\S. a -c. I write to you. COM COM RebeUed against the COMMANDMENT. Nnm. 27. 14. Dent. 1. 26 \9. 23. Lam. 1. 18. COMMANDMENTS, s. Gen. 26.5. Abr. kept c. Exod. 15. 26. give ear to c.|)34. 28. the ten c. Lev. 5.17. forbidden by the c .||27. 34. are the c. J>eiit.8. 11. in not keep, hisc.jjl 1. 13. hearken toe. H. 27. if ye will obey the c || 28. not obey the c. 1 liiu. 11.34. because he hatiikept my c. 14. 8. 18. 13. ye have forsaken the c. of the Lord 2 Kin. 17. 16. and they left all the c. of the Lord 2 Chr. 7. 1 9. if ye forsake c.|j24 20. why transg. c. Ezra 9. 10. we have forsaken tiiy c. 14. P.sal. 89. 31. keep not my c.j|ni. 7. all his c. sure 11 2. 1. blessed is he that delighteth m his c. il9. 6. respect to thy c.j|lO. not wander from c. 19. hide not thy c.j)21. which err from thy c. 32. 1 will run the way of thy c. when thou shall 3.5. path of thy c || 47. delight in thy c. 48. 66. believed c. || 73. learn c. |) 86. c are faithful 127. Hove thy c. |j 131. 1 longed for thy c. 143. yet thy c. are njy delights 151. all thy c. are truth||166. 1 have done thy c. 172. c. are righteousness jj 176. not forgot thy c. Prev. 2. I. hide my c.\\7. 1. lay up my c. 10. 8. Isa. 48. 18. hearkened to c.jjMatt. 5. 19. break c. Matt. 15. 9. for doctrnies the c. of men, Mark 7. 7. 22. 40. on these two c. hang all the law and Mark 10. 19. thou knowest the c. Luke 18. 20. 12. 29. first of all the c.j|Luke 1. 6. walking in all John 14. 21. that hath my c. and keepeth them 15. 10. keep my c. asl have keptiny Fathers c. 1 Cor. 7. 19. is nothing, but keeping tlie c. of G. -14. 37. things I write you are the c. of the Lord Col. 2. 22. after the c. and doctrines of men 1 Thes. 4. 2. for ye know what c. we gave you 1 John 2. 4. he that keepeth not his c. is a lyar 3. 24. he that keepeth his c. dwelleth in him 2 John 6. this is love, that we walk after his c. DoCOMMANDMENTS. Num. 1 5. 40. do my c. Deut. 6. 25. observe to do c. 15. 5. | 28. 1, 15. I 30. S. 1. Chr. 28. 7. | Psal. 103. IS. Psal.111.10. understanding have they that rfohisc. Bev. 22. 14. blessed are they that do his c. Not do COMMANDMENTS. Lev. 26. 14, 15. ireej> Commandments, set; Keep. COMMEND, V. signifies. [1] To extol or praise, 2 Cor. 3. l.[2] To make acceptable, 1 Cor. 8. 8. [3] To commit to, Acts 20. 32. [4] To make illustrious, Rom. 3. 5. Luke 23.46. c. my spiritjjActs 20.32. 1 c.you to G. Rom. 3.5.C. righteousness of God|il6.1.Ic. Phebe 2 Cor. 3. 1. toe. ourselves|j3. 12. c. not ourselves 10. 12. compare with some that c. themselves COMMENDATION, S.2. Cor. 3. 1. epistles of c. COMMENDED, p. Gen. 12. 15. princes c.Sarai Prov. 12. 8.amanc.|j Eccl. 8. 15. I c. mirth Luke 16. 8. the Lord c. the unjust steward Acts 14. 23. c. them to L. on whom they believed 2 Cor. 12, 11. I ought to have been c. of you COMMENDETH, ING.Rom.5.8. G. c. his love 1 Cor. 8. 8. but meat c. us not to God, for neither 2 Cor. 4. 2. c. ourselves to every man's conscience 10. 18. not he that c. himself([6. t 4. c. ourselves COMMISSION, S, s. Ezra 8. 36. Acts 26. 12. COMMIT, u. signifies, \_l^ To resign one's self, Psal. 31. 5. [2] To rely on and trust in, Psal. 37. 5. John 2. 24. [3] To execute, act or do, Matt. 5. 27. Luke 12. 48* Ex.20.14. not c. adultery, Deut.5.18. Matt.19.18. Lev. 5. 17. c. any of these things forbidden 18. 26. not c. these abominations, 29, 30. Num,5.6. if woman c. sin|]Deut. 19.20.C. no more 2 Chr. 21. 11. to c. fornication, 1 Cor. 10. 8. Rev. 2. 14, 20.. Job 5. 8. to G. c. my cause|jPs. 31. 5. c. my spirit Psal. 37. 5. c. thy way to the Lord, trust in him Prov. 16. 3. c. thy works unto the Lord, and 12. c. wickedness|)Isa. 22. 21. c. thy governm. Jer. 37. 21. c. Jeremiah]|44. 7. c. ye this great evil Ezek. 8. 17. c. abominat.|)l6.43. lewdness, 22. 9. Hos. 6. 9. c. lewdness! j7. 1. for they c. fai.shood Luke 16. 11. c. to your trust the true riches 12.48. c. things worthy||John 2 '24.Jesus did not c. Rom. 1. 32. c. such things, 2. 2.||22. c. sacrilege iTira. 1. 18. this charge I c to thee, son Timothy 2 Tim. 2. 2. c. to faithful menljjam. -2. 9. ye c. sin 1 Pet. 4. 19. c. the keeping of their souls to him 1 John 3. 9. whoso is born of God doth not c. sm COMMIT Iniquity. 2 Sam. 7. 14 if hec.-, Job 34. 10. Jer. 9. 5. Ezek. 3. 20. | 33. 13, COMMIT Trespass. Lev. 3. 15. Num. 5. 12. Num. 31. 16. caused Israel to c- against the Lord Josh. 22. 20. Achao c. a - in the accursed thing COMMIT Whoredom, s. Lev. 20. 5. Num. 25. 1. Ezek. 16. 17, 34.120. 30. Hoi. 4. 10, 13, 14. COMMITTED,^. Gen. 39. 8. call to my hand Gen. 39. 22, keeper c. to Joseph all the prisoners Lev. 4. 35. for his sin he hath c. 18. 30.|20. 23. Num. 1,5. 24. if ought be c by ignorance Deut. 17. 5. that man or woman thatc. 21. 22. Judg. 20. 6. they have c. lewdness in Israel 1 Kin. 8.47, we have c. wickedness, 14.22. Jer. 2. 13. for my people have c. two evils 5. 30. an horrible thing is c. in the land, 16. 10. Ezek. 16. 2G. c. fornication, Rev. 17. 2. 1 18. 3, 9. 51. c, half thy sins|jl8.21 . turn from sins c. 22,28. 23. 3. c. whoredoms, 7. Hos. 1. 2.|4. 18. Mark 15. 7. c. murderl|Lukel2. 48. havec. much John5.22. Father hath c. all judgment to- the Son Acts 8.3. c. to prison! |25.1 I.e. worthy of deatb,25. 27. 40, c. thems. to the sea||28. 17. c. nothing ag. Rom.3.2.c.oraclesofG.|]lCor.9.17. gospel c. to me 2Cor.5.19.c. word of reconciliation]! 12.21. they c. Gal. 2. 7. gospel of uncirc. c. to me, 1 Tim. 1.11. 1 Tim. 6. 20. keep what is c.|j 2 Tim.l.l2. c. to him Jam. 5.15. if he c.sins|| iPet. 2.23. c.hims.tohim Jude 15. ungodly deeds which they have c. COMMITTED Iniquity, Psal. 106. 6. Ezek. 33. 13, 18. Dan. 9. 5. COMMITTED Trespass. Lev. 5. 7,. Josh. 7. 1. I 22. 16, 31. Ezek. 15. 8. | 20. 27. COMMITTEST, ETH, ING. Ps. 10.14. poor c.hims. tothee|jEzek. 8. 6.| 33. 15. Hos. 4.2. and c.adultery (| 5. 3. c. whoredom John 8, 34. whoso c. sin, 1 John 3. 4, 8. I Cor. 6. 18. but he that c. fornication sinneth COMMODIOUS, a. Acts 27. 12. haven nol c. COMMON, a. signifies, [1] Usual, Eccl. 6. 1. Jer. 31. 5. I Cor. 10. 13. [2] Unclean, Matt. 15. 11. Acts 10. 14. [31 Unhallowed, 1 Sam. 21. 4. r4J Salvation of God's people, Jude 3. Num. 16. 29. if die cdeath y 1 Sam. 21.4. c bread Eccl. 6. 1. an evil c. || Jer. 31 . 5. eat as c. things Ezek. 23.42.men otc. sort J! Matt. 27.27. c. hall Acts 2, 44. liad all things c. 4. 32. \\ 5. 18. c. prison COM Actsl 0.1 4. never eaten any thing c. 15,28.|11.8, 9. Rom.l4.tl4. nothingc.|) lCor;10.13. temptation c. Tit. 1. 4. c. faith || Jude 3. of the c. salvation COMMON People. Lev, 4. 27. Jer. 26. 23. Mark 12. 37. and the c. - heard him gladly COMMO'S -Wealth. Eph. 2. 12. c- of Israel COMMOTION, S. 2Chr,29.t8. Jer. 10.22., Luke 21. 9. when ye hear of c. be not terrified COMMUNE, V. Exod. 25.22. I'll c. with thee 1 Sam.l8. 22. c. with Dav.||19,3.c. with my father Job 4. 2. assay to c. |) Psal. 4. 4. c. with own heart Ps.64.5.c. of laying snares ||77.6. 1 c.with my heart COMMUNED, p. Gen. 23. 8. Abraham c. with Gen. 42.24. Joseph c |) Judg. 9. 1. Abimelech c. lSani.9.25.Samnel|J25.39.Davidl)lKin.l0.2.Sheba 2 Kin. 22. 14. c. with Huldah the prophetess Eccl. 1. 16. I c with mine own heart, saying Dan. 1. 19. king c. || Zech. 1.14. angel c. with me Luke 6. 11. c. what they might do to Jesus 22. 4. Judas c. ||24. 15. while they c. together Acts 24. 26. Felix c. the oftener with Paul COMMUNICATE, ED. Gal. 2. 2. | 6. 6. Phil. 4. 14. c. with my affliction || 15. no church c. iTim. 6.18.wilhngtoc.||Heb lS.16.toc. forget not COMMUNICATIONS,*. 2 Sam. 3. 17. had c. 2 Kings 9. 11. ye know the man and his c. Matt. 5. 37. but let your c. be yea, yea ; nay, nay Luke 24.1 7. what c are these || iCor. 1 5. 33. evil c. Eph. 4. 29. let no corrupt c. proceed, Col. 3. 8. Pliilem. 6. c. of thy faith may become effectual COMMUNING,;). Gen. 18. 33. Exod. 31. 18. COMMUNION, s. Fellowship, concord and a- greement, Amos 3. 3, 2 Cor. 6. 14. 1 John 1. 3. 1 Cor. 1 0. 1 6. c. of the blood of Christ, c. of body 2Cor.6.14. what c. hath hghtjl 13.14. c.ofH. Ghost COMPACT, ED. Psal. 122. 3. city c. Eph. 4. 16. COMPANY. Gen. 32. 21. lodged in the c.\\ .S.5.11. Num. 16. 6. Korah and all his c. 16, 40. | 22. 4. 26. 9. who strove in the c. of Korah, 27. 3. Judg. 9. 37. c. along the plam || 18. 23. such a c. 1 Sam. 10. 5. c. ofpropl)ets,19.20.||30.15.to thisc. 2 Kin.o.lo.allhisc.cameto Elisha || 9.17. 1 see a c. 2 Chr. 24. 2\. the Syrians came with a small e. Job 16.7. made desolate my c. |) 34.8. goethin c. P.sal. 55. 14. walked to the house of God in c. 68. 30. rebuke the c. of spearmen, the bulls 106. 17. earth covered c. of Abiram, 18. Prov. 29. 3. keepeth c. with harlots, 24. 1 19. Song 1. 9. c. of horses j| 6. 13. c. of two armies Ezek. 16. 40. bring a c against thee, 23. 'J 6. 32. 22. Ashur is there, and all her c. his graves 38, 7. thou and thy c. || Hos. 6. 9. c. of priests Luke 2. 44. inc. went a |) 6.17, 22.|9.14,38.|24. 22. Acts 4. 23. being let go, they went to tlieir own c. 10. 28. for a man that is a Jew to keep c.\\ 15.22. 17. 5. gathered a c. || 21. 8. Paul's c. departed Rom. 15. 24. if I first be filled with your c. 1 Cor. 5.11. not to keep c. with fornicators, 9. 2Thcs.3.14.no c.with him|| Heb. 12. 22. c.of angels Rev. 18.17. the c.in ships, and sailors stood afar off Great COMPANY. Gen. 50. 9. with Joseph a -c 2 Chr. 9. 1. queen of Sheba came with a - c. 20.- 12. no might against this - c. that cometh Psal. 68.11. -was thee || Jer.31.8.-c. shall return Ezek.l 7.17. Pharaoh with -c. l| John 6,5, Acts 6.7. COMPANIED. Acts 1.21. men which have c. COMPANIES. Judg. 7. 16.300 men in three c. 16 COM W Judg. 7. 23. three c.blew || 9.34.in four [[43. three 1 Sam. 11.11. three c. 13, 17. || 2 Kin. 5.2. out by Neh. 12, 31. two great c. of them gave thanks Job 6, 19. the c of Sheba waited for them Isa, 21. 13. O ye travelling c. of Dedanim 57. 13. when thou criest, let thy c, deliver thee Mark 6. 39. to make all sit down by c. upon the COMPANION, S. Exod. 32. 27. slay his c. Judg. 11. 38. she went with her c. and bewailed 14. 11, they brought thirty c. to be with him Job 30. 29. a c. to owls || 35. 4. I'll answer thy c. 41. 6. shall the e. make a banquet of him Psal. 45.14. her c |) 119. 63. c. of all that fear thee 122. 8. for my c. sakes, I will now say, peace be Prov, 13. 20, a c. of fools shall be destroyed 28. 7, a c. of riotous men shameth his father, 24, Song 1. 7. flocks of thy c. |j 8. 13. c. hearken to Isa. 1.23. c,ofthieves||Ezek. 37. 16. Israel's c. Dan. 2. 17. known to his c.|| Mai. 2. 14. she is thy c. Actsl9.29. caught Paul's c.\\ Heb.lO.SS. became c. COMPARABLE. Lam. 4. 2. c. to fine gold COMPARE, ED, ING. Ps. 89. 6. c. to the L. Prov, 3. 15. are not to be c. unto her, 8. 11. Song 1. 9, I have c. th^e, O my love, to a comp. Isa. 40. 18. what likeness will ye c. to him, 46. 5. Rom. 8. 18. not worthy to be c. with the glory 1 Cor. 2.13. c. spiritual things j I 2Cor.lO. 12. ours. COMP\RISON. Judg.8. 2. Hag. 2.3. Mark 4.30. COMPASS, ED. Gen. 19. 4. c. the house round Num. 21. 4. to c. land of Edom, Dent. 2. 1. Josh. 6. 3. ye shall c. the city, all ye men, 4, II. 1 Sam. 23. 26. Saul and his men c. David and his 2 Sam. 5. 23. fetch a c. 1 Kin. 7. 35. 2 Kin. 3. 9. 22. 5. waves of death c. me, Psal. 18.4. | 116. 3. 2 Kin. 6. 1 5. behold an host c. the city, both 1 1 . 8. c, the king round about, 2 Chr. 23. 7. 2 Chr. 21. 9. smote the Edomites which c. him Job 16. 13. archers c me |j 19. 6. God hath c, me 26. 10. he hath c. the waters with bounds 40. 22. the willows of the brook c him about Psal, 5. 12. with favour c. him 11 7. 7. c. thee about 17.9.eRemiesc.me, ll,||22.12,bulls c.|jl6.dogsc. 26. 6. so will I c, thine altar, O Lord 32. 7. Shalt c, me with songs of deliverance, 10. 49 5. iniquity c, me || 142. 7., righteous c. me Prov, 8. 27, he set a c. on face of the earth Isa.44.13.markethit with c.||50.11. c.with sparks Jer. 31. 22. woman c. a manji Lam. 3, 5. with gall Hab. l.*4. the wicked doth c. the righteous Matt. 23. 15. woe to you, for ye c. sea and land Luke 19. 43. enemies c. thee round, 21. 20. Acts 28. 13. fetched a c:\\ Heb.5.2.c with infirmity COMPASSED about. 2 Sam. 18. 15. c. Absalom - 2 Sam. 22. 6. sorrows of hell c. -, Psal. 18. 5. P,?al. 40. 12. innumerable evils have c, me - 88. 17. c, me - together, 109. 3. | 118. 10, 11, 12. Jonah 2.3.floods c.me- |i Heb. 12.1. c.-with cloud Rev. 20. 9. c. the camp of the saints a6ou^ and the COMPASSEST, ETH. Gen. 2. 11. c. Haviiah Psal. 73. 6. pride c. them|| 139.3. Hos. 11.12. COMPASSION, s. 1 Kin. 8. 50. give them c. 2 Chr. 30. 9. your children shall find c before Psal. 78. 38. full of c. 86. 15. I 111. 4. I 145. 8. Matt. 9. 36. moved withc.l4.l4.H8.27, Mar. 6.34. 1 Pet 3. 8. having c,|) I John 3.17. shut bowels ofc. Have or had COMPASSION. Exod. 2. 6. Deut. 13. 17. L. may turn and - c, || 30. 3. will - c CON CON lSaTn.23. 2t.ye -con me || iKin. 8. 50. may -c. 2 Kin. 13. '23. Lord had c. on them, '2 Chr. 36. 15. Isa. 19. In. that she should not- c. on the son Jer. \J. 15. I will return and - c. on them Lain. 3. 32. yet will he have c. Mic. 7. 19. Matt. 15. 32. 1- c. on the multitude, Mark 8. 2. 18. 33. also have had c. on thy fellow-servant 20. 34. so Jesus hade, on them and touched Mark 5. 19- L. - c. on thee|| 9. 22. if thoii canst - c. Luke 7. 13. Lord-c. onher|] 10. 33.-C. on him 15. 20. father - c. and ran, and fell on his neck Rom. 9. 15. 1 will - c. on whom I will - c. Heb. 5 2. who can - c. on the ignorant, and on 10. 34, for ye - c. of me in my bonds, and took Jude2'2. and of some- c. making a difference CO VPASSIONS. Lam.3.22.c. fail not, Zech.7.9. COMPEL, E5), EST. Lev. 25. 39. not c.him 1 Sam. 28. 23. c. Saul|| 2 Chr. 21. 11. c. Judah Matt. 5. 41. c. thee to go a mile, go with hrm 27.32. Simon, whom they c to bear his cross Mark 15. 21. they c. one Simon to bear his cross Luke 14. 23. go into high-ways, and c. them Acts 26. 11. and I c. them to blasp'neme, and 2 Cor. 1 2. 1 1 . I ain a fool in gloiymg, ye c. me Gal. 2. 3. being a Greek, was c. to be cncumcised 1 4. wliv c. thou the Gentiles to live as Jews COMPLAIN, ED, ING. Num. 11. 11. people c. jMdg.2l.2i. roustoc.|jJob7.11.rilc.m bitterness Job 31. 38.furrowsc.|| Psal.77.3-I c.and my spirit Psal. 144. 14. that there be no c. in our streets Lam. 3. 39. wherefore doth a Uving man c. a GOMPLAL\ERS,.9. Num. ILfl. Jnde 16. COMPLAINT, S. 1 Sam. 1.16. abundance of c. Job 7. 13. couch ease my c. \\ 9. 27. forget my c. 10. 1. leave my c |) 21. 4. is my c. to man 23. 2. to-day is M\y c. bitter, my stroke heavier Psal. 55.2.1 mourn in my c.|| 142. 2. poured myc. Acts2.'>.7.c. against Paul 11 Col.3. 1 13. have a c. COMPLETE. Lev. 23. 1 5. 7 sabbaths shall be c. Col, 2. 10. ve are c. in lmn|| 4. 12. stand c in all COMPOSITION. Kxod. 30. 32. after the c. 37. CO.MPOUND, To mix,temper. Exod. 30. '25, S3. COMPREHEND, ED. Job 37. 5. cannot c. Isa. 40T 12. c. the dust |{ John 1.5. darkness c. it not Rom. 13.9. it is briefly c in this saying, thou shalt Eph. 3. 18. ye nray be able to c. with all saints CONCEAL, ED, ETH. Gen. 37.26. if we slay our brother, and c. his blood Dent. 13 8. nor c. lum 1| Job6.10. note- the words Job 27. 11. will I not c. \\ 41. 12. I'll not c. his parts Psal. 40. 10. 1 have not f. thy loving kindness Prov. 11.13. c. the matter II 12.23. prudent man c. 25. 2. it is tiip ijlory of God to c. a thing; but Jer. 50. 2, declare ye, pubhsh and c. not, say CONCEIT, S. Prbv. J 8. U. high wall in c. Prov. 26. 5. wise mown c.l2, 16.|)28.ll.rich man Rom. 11. ^5. lest ye be wise in vonr own c. 1 2. 1 6. CONCEIVE, ED. Gen.4.1. Eve c.|!l7.Cain's wife Gen. 16.4, Hagarc || 21.2. Sarah jj 25.'21.Rebekah 29. 32. Leah c.33 [| 30. 5. Bilhah j] 23. Rachel 30. 38. flocks c. 31. 10 [] 38. 3. Shuah c. 4, 5. 38. 18. Tamar c (jExod. 2. 2. Jochebed c. Num. 5. 28. she shall be free, and shall c. seed 11. 12. Moses said, have I c ail these people Judg.13. 3. shalt c. and bear a son, 5. 7. Luke 1.31. 1 Sam. 1.20. Hannah c. || 2 Sam. It. 5. Batlisheba 2 Kin. 4. 17. Shnnamite c. jj Isa. 8. 3. prophetess Job 3. 3. it was said, there is a man-child c. 15. 35. they c.mischief,and bring forth, Isa. 59.4. Psal. 7. 14. c. mischief, brought forth falshood 51. 5. and in sin did my mother c. me Song 3. 4. into the chamber of her that c. me Isa. 7. 14 a virgin shall c. and bear a son, and 33. 11. c. chaflf II 59. 13. c. words of falshood Jer. 49. 30. and hath c. a purpose against you Hos. 1.3. Gomer c. || 2. 5. Matt. l.:^0. Luke 1. 36. Luke 2. 21. before he wasc.||Acts 5.4. Rom. 9. 10. Heb. 11. 11. Sarah received strength to c. seed Jam. 1. 15. wuen lust hath c. it brings forth sin CONCEPTION,^. Gen. 3.16. thy c.||Ruth 4.13. Hos. 9. 1 1 . their glory shall flee from the c. CONCERN, ETH. Ezek. 12. 10. Acts 28. 31. 2 Cor. 11. 30. things which c.mine infirmities CONCERNING, p. Gen. 19.21. accepted theec. Exod. 6. 8. c. which I did swear, Num. 14. SO. Num. 10. 29. good c.Israel|| iKin.lLlO.this thing Psal. 90. 13. repent thee c thy servants, 135. 14. Eccl.7.10. enquire wisely c.this||Isa.30.7. cried c Isa. 45. 11. ask me c. my sons, and c. work of Ezek. 14. 22. comforted c. the evil, even c. all Dan. 2. 18. c this secret, that || 6. 17. c. Daniel Matt. 16. 11. that I spake it not to you c. bread Mark 5. 16. they that saw, told also c. the swine Luke 24. 27. expounded the things c. himself Acts 28. 22. as c. this sect, we know it is spoken Rom. 9. 5. of whom as c. the flesh Clmst came 1 1. 28. as c. the gospel, are enemies for your sake 2 Cor. 11.21.1 speak as c. reproach, as tho' weak Eph. 5. 32. but I speak c. Christ and the church Phil. 4. 15. c. giving (| 1 Tim. 6. 21. erred c. faith 2 Tim. 2.18. c. truth have erred || 3.8. reprobate c. 1 Pet. 4. 12. think not strange c. the fiery trial CONCISION. Joel. 3.tl4. valley of c. Phil. 3. 2. CONCLUDE, ED. Acts 21. 25. written and c. Rom. 3. 28. we c. a man is justified by faith 11. S'i!. c. them all m unbelief. Gal. 3. 22. CONCLUSION, s. Eccl.12.13. let us hear the c. CONCORD, s. 2 Cor. 6. 15. what c. hath Christ CONCOURSE, s. Prov. 1. 21. Acts 19.40. CONCUBINE, S. Gen. 25. 6. to sons of the c. Judg. 19. 2. his c. played the whore, 29. | 20. 4, 6. 2Sam. 3^^. gone into father's c. 11 5. 13. David took 16. 22. went in to father's c. II 19.5. | 20. 3.| 21.11. iKin. n.3.Sol. had 300 c. (1 2 Chr. 11. 21. sixty c. Song 6. 8. and 80 c. || 9. c. praised her|j Dan. 5. 3. CONCUPISCENCE, Sinful lusts, Rom. 7. t 7. Rom. 7. 8. all manner of c. || Col 3. 5. evil c. and 1 Thes. 4. 5. not in the lust of c. as the Gentiles CONDEMN, V. Exod. 22. 9. whom judges c. Deut. 25. 1. and c. the wicked, 1 Rings 8. 32. Job 9. 20. mouth shall c. me || 10. 2. do not c. me 34. 17. wilt thou c. him|j40. 8. wilt thou c. me Psal. 37. 33. nor c. him |j 94. 21. c. innocent blood 109. 31. to save him from those that c. his soul Isa. 50. 9. who shall e. me || 54. 17.. shalt thou c. Matt. 12. 41. and shall c. it because, Luke 11. 32. 42.queen of sou th rise in judg.and c Lukel 1.31. 20. 1 8. they shall e. him to death, Mark 10. 33. Luke 6. 37. c. not and | j John 3. 1 7. not to c. world JohnS.ll.neitherdoIc. thee|| 2Cor. 7.3. not to e. I John 3. 20. heart c. us|| 21. heart c. us not CONDEMNATION,s. signifies, [1] A deciding one guilty, John 8. 10. [2] Punishment, 1 Cor. 11. 32. [3] Eternal misery, Jude 4. CON CON / i V Luke 23. 40, in same c. || John 3. 19. this is the c. John 5. 24. he that beUeveth shall not come in toe. Rom. 5. 16. by one to c. 18. || 8. l. there is no c. 1 Cor. 11. 34. that ye come not together to c. i2 Cor. 3 9. if the ministration of c. be glorious 1 Tim. 3. 6. fall into c.\\ Jam. 3. 1. greater c. Jam. 5. 12. lest ye fall into c.|JJude 4.ordamed to c. CONDEMNED, p. 2 Chr. 36. .3. c. the land Job 32. 3. had c. Job |j Psal. 109. 7. let him be c. Amos 2. 8. drink wine of the c in house of God 3Iatt. 12. 7. not c. guiltless \\ 37. by words bee. 27.3.saw he was c. repented] jMarkl4.64.aHc.him Johns. 18. believes, is not c.||8. 10. hath no man c. JRom. 8. 3. c. sin in thefieshljl Cor. 11. 32. not c. Tit. 2. 8. speech that cannot be c.|)3. 11. being c. Heb. 11. 7. he c. the world|j2 Pet. 2. 6. G. c. them Jam. 5.6. c. and killed the just ]) 9. lest ye be c. CONDEMNEST, ETH, ING. 1 Kin. 8. 32. Job 15. 6. own mouth c. tliee||Prov. 17.15. c. just Acts 13.27. in c. him |) Rom. 2. 1. c. thou thyself Rom. 8. 34. who is he thatf.||14.22. c not himself CONDESCEND. Rom. 12. 16. c. to men of low CONDITION, S. 1 Sam. 11. 2. Luke 14. 32. CONDUCT, ED. 2Sam.l9. 15. to c. theking,31. 2 Sam 19. 40. all the people of Judah c. the king Acts 17.15. thatc.Paui||lCor.l6.11. chimin peace CONDUIT. 2 Kin. 18. 17.stood by c. Isa. 36.2. 2 Kin. 20. '20. made a c. || Isa. 7. 3. end of the c. CONFECTION, ARIES. Exod. 30. 35. 1 Sam. 8. 13. he will take your daughters to bee. CON FEDERACY. Isa.8.1 2.say not a c. Obad. 7. CON FEDERATE. Gen. 14. 13. P^al. 83. 5. Isa. 7. 2. it was told, Syria is c. with Ephraim CONFERENCE, s. Gal. 2. 6. in c.added nothing CONFERRED, p. 1 Kin 1. 7. Acts 4. 15.|25. 12. Gal.l .1 e.immediateiy 1 c. not with flesh and blood CONFESS, r. signiiies, [Ij To acknowledge as his own, Luke 12. 8. [2] To own and lay open our sins, Psal. 32. 5. Matt. 3. 6. [3] To own and profess the gospel of Christ, and pay obe- dience to it, Luke 12. 8. Lev. 5. 5. c. he hath sinned |) 16. 21. c. over him 26. 40. if they e. their iniquity. Num. 5. 7. lKin.8 33.if c. thy name and pray, 2 Chr. 6.24, 26. Neh.l.6.e. siasoflsraell|job40.l4.c.thatthyhand Psal. 18.t49. I'll e. to thee || 32. 5. c. my transj^a'. Matt. 10. 32. shall c. me before men, Luke 12. 8. John 9. 22. didc. he wasC. ||12. 42.didnotc.him Acts 23. 8. Pharisees c. bothj!24. 14. this I c. that Rom. 10. 9. c. with thy mouth, 14. 11. 1 15. 9. Phil. 2. 11. and that every tongue should e. Jam. 5. 16. c. yourfaults||l John 1. 9- if we c. sins 1 John 4. 15. shall c Jesus|j2 John 7.c. not that J. Rev. 3. 5. I will c. his name before my Father CONFESSED, ETH, ING. Ezra 10. l.Neh.9.2. Prov. 28. 13. whoso c.\\ Dan. 9. 20. c. my sin Mat. 3. 6. c. their sins||John 1. 20. c. I'm not the C. Acts 19. 18. many c. and shewed their deeds Heb. 11. 13. c. that they were strangers on earth 1 John 4. 2. that e. Christ is come (| 3. that c. not CONFESSION, s. Josh. 7. 19. make c. to him 2 Chr. 30. 22. making c. || Ezra 10. 11. make e. Dan. 9. 4. 1 prayed to the Lord and made c. Rom. 10.10. e.is made to sal. ||lTim.6.13.a good c CONFIDENCE, s. signifies, [1] Assurance,2Cor. 8. 22. [2] Boldness, Acts 28. 31. [3] Trust, Job 4. 6. [4] That ivhich is trusted in, Jer. 48. 13. [5] Help, 2 Kin. 18. 19. [6] Safety, Ezek. 28. 26. [7J A bold profession of Christ, Heb. 10. 35. (_8] ^ persuasion of acceptance, Eph. 3. 12. [9j A due resolution, 2 Cor. 10. 2. Judg. 9. 26. put e. in Gaal|!2Kin. 18. 19. what cis Job 4. 6. is not this thy fear thy c. j| 1 8. 14. his c. 31. 24. if I said to fine gold, thou ai;tmy c. Ps. 65. 5. c. of all the earthjll 18. 9 put c. in princes Prov. 3.26.L.shallbethy c.|jl4.26.inL.isstronj.e. 21.22. casteth down the strength of the c. thereof 25. 19. c. in unfaithfuljl Isa. 3p. 15. Jer. 48. 13. Ezek. 28. 26. dwell withc.|l29.16.noraorec.ofIsr. Mic. 7. 5. put ye not e. in a guide or a friend Acts 28. 31. preaching the kinadom with ail c. 2Cor. 1.15.inthisc.|i2.3.c.inyouall,7. 16.|8. 22. 10. 2. e. to be bold || 1 1. 17. in this c. of boasting Gal. 5. 10. I've e. in yoii|)Eph. 3. 12. access with c. Phil. 1. 25. having fliis c. fl 3. 3. no c in flesh, 4. 2 Thes. 3. 4. we have c. in the L, touching you Philem. 21. having c. in thy obedience, I wrote Heb.3.6.if we hold fast the c.|j3.14.stedfast to end 10. 35. cast not away therefore youf c. || 1 1 .fl- 1 John 2.28. may have c.ji3. 21.have c. towards G. 5. 14. and this is the c. that we have in him CONFIDENCES. Jer. 2. 37. Lord reject thy c. CONFIDENT, LY 1 Kin. 4.t25. Psal. I6.t9. Psal. 27. 3. in this will I be c.jProv. 14.l6.fool is Ezek. 38.tll. go to them that dwell c. 39. t6. Luke 22. 59. another c. affirmed, this fellow was Rom. 2. 19. and art c. \\ 2 Cor. 5. 6. always e. 8. 2 Cor. 9. 4. be ashamed in this same c boasting Phil. 1. 6. c. of this very thine: || 14. waxing c. by CONFIRMATION, s. Phill. 7. Heb. 6. 16. CONFIRM r. signifies, [1] To ratify, Ruth 4. 7. [2] To strengthen, Isa. 35. 3. [3] To perfect, Psal. 68. 28. Ruth 4. 7. to c. all thincs]'! Kin. 1.14. c. thy words 2 Kin. 15. 19. c. kingdom |! Esth, 9. 29. c. Purim P.«al. 68.9.c.inheritance|jlsa. 35. 3. c. feeble knees Ezek. 13. 6. c. the word|!Dan. 9. 27. c. covenant Dan. 11. 1. 1 stood to c. and to strengthen him Rom. 15. 8. c. promises (1 1 Cor. 1. 8. c. to toe end 2 Cor. 2 8. would e. vour love tow ard him CONFIRMED, ETH, ING. Num. 30 14. Deut. 27. 26.cursed that e.not|!2Sam.7.24.c.Israel 2 Kin. 14.5. kingdom was c.jll Chr. 14.2. c. king 1 Chr. 16. 17. c. the same to Jacob, Psal. 105. 10. Isa. 44. 26. that c. the word of his servant Dan. 9. 12. c. his words which he spake asainst us Mark 16.20. c-word with signs||Acrs 14.22. c. souls Acts 15. 32. c. the brethren (| 41. c. the churches Gal. 3. 15. if it be e. || 17. covenant was c. before Heb. 2. 3. e. to us || 6. 17. he c. it by an oath CONFISCATION, s. Ezra 7. 26. executed to c. CONFLICT. Psal. S9.tlO. Phil. 1. 30. Col. 2. 1. CONFORMABLE. Phil. 3. 10. c. to his death CONFORMED, p Rom. 8. 29. to image || 12. 2. CONFOUND, ED. Gen. 11. 7. c. their language 2 Kin. 19. 26. were c. Job 6. 20. Isa. 37. 27. Psak 35. 4. let them be c. || 69. 6. not be c. 71. 13. be e. that are adversaries to my soul 24. they are c. || 83. 17. let them be c. 97. 7. 129. 5. let them all be e. that hate Zion Isa. 1. 29. c. their gardens |] 19. 9. net-work c. 37. 27. inhabitants were dismayed and c. Jer.1.17. lest I c. thee||9.19. greatiy|llO. 14 [51. 17. 17. 18. let not me be c. \\ 46. 24. Egypt c. CON CON Jcr. 48. 20. Moab is c. for it is broken down I Num. 31 . 16. a plague among c. -, Josh. 22. 17. 49. 23. Hamath is c.l|50. 2. Bel isc.l|12. mother JDeut, 23. 1. shall not enter into c. -, 2, 3. 1 Chr. 28. 8. in sisht of c. - [) Mic. 2. 5. lot in c. - everlasting c 51. 47. Babylon be c || 51. we are c. because Ezek. 16. 52. be c. and bare thy shauie, 54, 63. Mic. 7. 16. nations see and be c. at then- might Zech. 10. 3. riders be c. |) Acts 2. 6. multitude c. Acts 9. 22. Paul c. Jews||l Cor.1.27. to c. the wise As/tamedoMrf CON FOUNDED. Ps. 40.14. 1 70.2. Isa. 24. 23. moon c. sun -11 41. 11. incensed be - c. 45. 16. idol-makers be -c. 11 54. 4. shalt not be- c. Jer.14.3. httle ones were-(?.||15.9.she had been - c. 22. 22. shalt thou be - c.||31. 1 9.1 was - c. because Ezek.36.32,be- c. for your ways||Mic.3.7.seers be Not CONFOUNDED. Psal. 22. 5. fathers- c. Isa.4.'>.17.-c.world without end[|50.7.shall - be c. 1 Pet. 3. 6. he that believeth shall not be c. CONFUSED, p. Isa. 9. 5. c. noi e || Acts 19. 32. CONFUSION, s. Gen.ll.fg.nameofit called c. Lev. 18. 23. beast to lie down thereto, itisc.20.12. 1 Sam. 20. 30. David to thy c.||Ezra 9. 7. c. efface Job 10. 15.Iamfullofc.||Ps.35. 4. brought to c. Ps. 44. 15. my c. is before me || 70. 2. be put to c. 71. 1. never be put to c. || 109. 29. their own c. Isa. 24. 10. city of c. 1| 30. 3. Egypt your c. 34. 11. line of c. \\ 41. 29. images are wind and c 45. 16. shall go to c. || 61. 7. for c shall rejoice Jer. 3. 25. c. coverethus 1| 20. 11 Dan. 9. 7. but to us belongeth c. of faces, 8 Acts 19. 29. the whole city was filled with c. lCor.14 33.G.not author of c ||Jara. 3 16. strife is CONCtEALED, />. Exod. 15.8. depths were c. CONGRATULATE. 1 Chr. 18. 10. and c. him CONGREGATION. Lev. 4. 21. | 10.17. 1 16.33. Num. 1. 16. renowned of c |) 14. 27. this evil c. / 16. 45. get you up from among this c. 47. 27. 16. let the Lord set a man over the c. 35. 12. till he stand before the c. for judgment Job 15. 34. c. of hypocrites |j 30. 28. 1 cried in c. Psal. 1. 5. c. ofrighteous|| 22. 22. in midst of c. 26. 5. c. of evil doors||74.2.c.thou hast purchased 74. 19. forget note, of poor || 82. 1. c. of mighty 89. 5. c. of the saints || 107. 32. exalt him m c. 111. 1. I'll praiseL. in c. 1| Pro v. 5. 14. in midst of Prov. 21. 16. shall remain in the c of the dead Isa, 14. IS.sil on n)Ount of c.||Jer.6.18.know, O c. Lam. l.lO.notentcr in c.||Hos.7.12. c. h^th heard Joel 2. 16. sanctify c. || Acts 13. 43. c. broken up All the CONGREGATION. Lev.8.3.gather - c Lev. 16. 17- make atonement for - c of Israel 24. 14. let - c. stone him, 16. Num. 1 5. 35. Num. 14. 10. - c. bade him stone him wifh stones 16. 3. see - c. are holy, every one of them 20. 27. in sight of- c.25.6. || 27. 19. before - c.22. Josh. 9. 18. - c.murmuredj'2'2. 20. wrath fell on -c. 1 Kin.8.l4.king blessed - c.tJlChr.29.20. - c.blessed 2 Chr. 23. 3. - c. made a covenant with the kina 29. 28. and -c. vvorslfipped, and the singers sang Neh. 5. 13. -c. said, amen|'8.17. -c. made booths Elders of the CONGREGATION. Lev. 4. 15. - c. shall lay their hands ||Judg. 21. 16. Great CONGREGATION. lKin.8. 65-E>:ra 10.1. Ps.22.25. | 35.18. | 40.9, 10. CONGREGATION of Israel. Exod. 12.6,1 9,47. Lev.4.l3.ifc.-sin||Num. 16.9. separated you from 2 Chr. 5. 6. and c. - sacrificed || 24. 6. ot the c. - CONOR EGATION of the Lord. Num. 1 6. 3. > Num 27.17. c. -not as sheep which have no sheph. Tabernac'e of the CONGREGATION. Exod. 29. 10. before - c. j| 44. I will sanctify -c. 33. 7. called it the - c. went out to the - c. Lev. 3.8. kill it before - c. || 4. 5. bring it before 10. 7. not go out from - c.l|9.when they go in - c. 16. 16. so do for - c. |1 33. atonement for - c. Num. 4. 3. work of - c. 23, 25, 30, 35, 39, 43. 8. 9. bring it before - c. )j 12. 4. come out to -c. 14. 10. glory appeared in - c.||l7. 4. lay up in - c. 18. 4. keep charge of-c || 25. 6. door of- c. Deut. 31. 14. present in- c.JlJosh. 18. 1. setup- c. 1 Kin. 8. 4. they brought up - c. 2 Chr. 5. 5. 2 Chr. 1. 3. for there was the- c. of God Tent of the CONGREGATION. Exod. 39. 32. - c. finished || 40. 2, 22, '26, 34, 35. Whole CONGREGATION. Exod. 16. 2. - c. of Israel murmured || Num.3. 7. Ezra 2. 64. the - c. was 42360, Neh. 7. 66. CONGREGATIONS. Ps. 26.12. | 68.26. 1 74. 4. CONIAH, The strewth of the Lord. Jer. 22. 24. CONONIAH, as CONI4H. 2 Chr. 31. 12. CONQUER, ERS. Rom. 8. 37. Rev. 6. 2. CONSCIENCE, s. The souVs opinion of its actions and duties, Rom. 2. 15. It iseither,(l) Good, 1 Tim. 1. 5. being purified by the blood of Christ, Heb. 9. 14. Or, (II) Evil, Heb. 10.22. har- dened and polluted by sin, 1 Tim. 4. 2. Eccl. 1 0.t20. curse not kintj in c ||John 8.9.own c. Acts 23. 1. Paul said, I have hved in all good c. 24. 16. to have a c. void of offence toward God R.>fn. 2. 15.C. bearing witness, 9. 1. 1| 13. 5.c.sake 1 Cor.8. 7.C. being weak,10, 12. 1| 10.25,27, 29. 2 Cor. 1.12. testimony ofour c.ij4. 2. every man's 1 Tim. 1. 5. a good c. 19. || 3. 9. in a pure c. 4. 2. having tlieir c. seared with a hot iron 2 Tim. 1. 3. serve with pure c. jj Tit.l.lS.c. defiled Heb. 9. 9. pertaining to <;.|| 14. purge your c. 10.2.no more c.of sins |l 22. sprinkled from evil c. 13. 18. trust we have a good c. i Pet. 3. 21. 1 Pet. 2. 19. c. towards G. II 3. 16. having a goodc. CONSCIENCES. 2Cor. 5.11. manifest in your c. CONSECRATE, ED, Dei-oted to God. Exod.28.3.c. Aaron,4l.ll29. 35. seven days c. them 32. 29. c. yourselves ll Num. 3. 3. c. to minister Josh. 6. 19. vessels of iron are c. || Judg. 17. 5, 12. 1 Kin. 13. 3S. 1 Chr. 29. 5. 2 Chr. 13. 9. f59. 31. I 31. 6. Ezra 3. 5. Ezek. 43. 26. Mic. 4. 13. Heb. 7. 28. Son c. for ever j| 10. 20. living way c. CONSECRATION, S. Exod. j29. 22, 34. Lev. 7. 37. I 8. 28, 31, 33. Num. 6. 7, 9. CONSENT, ED, ING. Gen. 34. 15, 23. Deut. 13. 8. shalt not c. to him, nor hearken Judg. 11.17. to king of Moab, but he would note. 1 Kin. 20. 8. hearken not to him, nor c. 2 Kin. 12. 8. the priests c. to receive no more Psal. 50. 18. sawest a thief, thou c. with him Prov. 1. 10. if sinners entice thee, c thou not Dan. 1. 14. so he c. |j Luke 23. 51. note, to deed Acts 8. I.Saul was c, to his death || 18. 20.hec.not Rom. 7. 16. 1 c. to the law that it is good 1 Tim. 6. 3. if any man c. not to wholsome words CONSENT, s. 1 Sam. 11.7. with one c. Psal. 83. 5. they have consulted with one c. CON tTT Hos. 6. 9. the company of priests murder by c. Zeph. 3. 9. call on Lord to serve bim with one c. Lukel4.18. all with onec.||lCor. 7. 5. c. for a time CONSIDER, V. Deut. 4. 39. c it in thy heart Deut.32.29.c. latter endJIJudg. 18.14. therefore c. 1 Sam. 1 2. 24. c. how great things he hath done Job 11. 11. he seeth also, will he not then c. it 23. 15. when I c. I am afraid of him 34. 27. would not c. \\ 37. 1 4. c. works of God Psal. 5. 1. c. my meditation |j 8. 3. c. thy heavens 9. 13. c. my troubled 13. 3. c. and hear, 45. 10. 25. 19. c. my enemies |) 37. 10. c. his place, and 48 13. c. her palaces || 50. 22. c. this, ye that 64. 9. for they shall wisely c. of his doings 119. 95. c thy testimonies || 153. c. my affliction 159. c. how I love thy precepts, quicken me Prov. 6. 6. c. her ways |j 23. 1. c. diligently 24. 12. doth not he that ponderetli heart c. it Eccl. 5. 1. they c. not || 7. 13. c. the work of God 7. 14. but in the day adversity c. God also hath Isa. 1. 3. Tsrael not know, my people doth not c. 5. 12. neitiier c. the operation of his hands 14. 16. shall c. thee II 18. 4. |) 41.20. know and c. 43. 18. nor c. things of old || 52. 15. not heard c. Jer.2. lO.c. and see j|23.20. in latter days c.it, 30.24. Lam. 2. 20. behold, O Lord, c. to whom, 5. 1. Ezek. 12. 3. may be they will c. though rebellious Dan. 9. 23. c. the vision || Hos. 7. 2. they c not in Has;. 1. 5. c your ways, 7. |j 2. 15. I pray c. 18. Matt. 6. 28. c. the lilies, Luke 12. 27. Luke 12. 24. c. the ravens, they neither sow Joim 1 1. 50. nor c. it is expedient || Acts 15.6. 2 Tim. "2. 7. c. and Lord give thee understanding Hfb. .'3. I.e. the aposi]e|j7.4.|jl0.24.||l2. 3. c. him CONSIDERED, EST, v. I Kin. 3. 21. ( 5. 8. Job 1. 8. hast c. my servant Job, 2. 3.|jPsai. 31. 7. Prov. 24. 32. c. it weM |I Eccl. 4. I, 4.' | 9. 1. Jer. 33. 24. c. not what his people have spoken Dan. 7. 8. I c. the horns, and behold there came Matt. 7. 3. c. not beam that is in thine own eye Mark 6. 52. they c. not the miracle of the loaves Acts 12. 12. when Peter had c. the thing, he Rom. 4. 19. he c. not his bodv now dead, when CONSIDERETH, ING,p. Psal. 33. 15. he c. all Psal. 41. 1. blessed is he thatc. the poor, the Lord Prov. 21. 12 rij>hteous c. |j 1 29. he c. his way 28. 22. c. not |! 2 COOS, Top. Acts 21. 1. a strait course to e. COOL, a. Gen. 3. 8. Prov. 17. t 27. Luke 16. 24. COPIED,/). Prov. 25. 1. men of Hezekiah c. COPING, 4\ 1 Kings 7. 9. foundation to the e, COPPER, s. Ezra 8. 27.2 Tim. 4. 14- COPULATION,s.Lev. 15. 16, 17, 18. COPY, s. Deut. 17. 18. e. of this law, Josh. 8. 32, Ezra 4. 11, c. of letter, 23. |7. ll.||Esth. 3. 14.|4. 8. COR, A measure containing fo-rty-jice gallons^ The same with an Homer, Ezek. 45. 14. Ezek 45. 14. tenth part of a bath out of the c. CORAL, A certain shoot from a rock in the form of a plant, Job 28. 18. Ezek. 27. 16. COR-ASHAN. A city, 1 Sam, 30. 30. CORBAN, A gift or offering. Mark 7. 11, CORD, S, s. Exod. 35. 18. pins and their c. Josh. 2. 15. let spies down by a c.|| Judg. 15. 13, Job 30. 11. hath loosed my c |i 36. 8. c. of afiiict. 41 . 1. canst thou draw out his tongue with a c. Psal. 2.3. cast away c.{|l 18. 27. with c. to the altar 129. 4. cut c. of wicked |j 140. 5. hid c. for me Prov. 5. 22. shall be holden with c. of his sins Eccl. 4. 12. a threefolds.y 12. 6. silver c, be loosed Isa. 5. 18. Jraw iniquity withe, of vanity 53. 20. nor any of the e. thereof be broken 54. 2. spare not, lengthen thy c strengthen Jer. 10.20. all my c. brokenjlSS. LS.jjEzek. 27. 24. COR COR Hos. 11.41 drew them with c. of a man Mic. 2. 5. casta c. by iot |) John 2. 15. of small c. CORE, Baldox ice. Jade 11. Called CORAH. CORIANDER, s. Exod. 16. 31. manna like c. CORINTH, An ennnent city of Achaia. Was situated on an isthmus between the Agean and lonean seas, and annexed to Greece, and was called the eye and glory of Greece. Acts 18.1. Paul came toC. |j 19. 1. Apollos atC 1 Cor. 1. 2. church of God at C. 2 Cor. 1. 1. 2 Cor. 1. 23. not as yet to C. |j 2 Tim. 4. 20. at C. CORINTHIANS, Acts 18. 8. 2 Cor. 6.11. CORMORANT, A wafer fowl resembling a ra- ven. Lev. 11.17. Deut. 14. 17. Isa. 34. 11. the c. shall possess it, Zeph. 2. 14. CORN, s. Gen. 41. 57. came to buy c. because Gen. 42. 2. was c. in Egypt, Acts 7. 12.||19. carry c Exod. 22. 6. so that the stacks of c. be consumed Lev. 2. 16. priest burnt part of beaten c.\\ 23. 14. Num. 18. 27. as tho' it were c. of threshmg-floor Deut. 16. 9. beginnest to put the sickle to the c 25. 4. not muzzle ox when he treadeth out c. 1 Cor. 9. 9. iTim. 5. 18. Josh. 5. 1 1 . eat of old c. 12.lJRuth 3. 7. heap of c. 1 Sam. 17.17.takeparchedc. 25.18. 2Sam. 17.28. 2 Kings 19. 26. were as blasted c. Isa. 37. 27. Job 5. 26.asashockofc. 1)24. 6,24. Ij 39.4. Psal. 65.9. preparest c.|jl 3. valleys covered with c. 72. 16. handfid of c. jj 78. 24. the c. of heaven Prov. U. 26. that with-holdeth c. people curse Isa. 62. 8. I'll, no more give thy c. to enemies Ezek. 36. 29. I'll call for c.JlHos. 2. 9.|ril take my c. Hos. 10. ll.ioveth to tread c.|[14. 7. revive as thee. Joel 1. 10. c. is wasted |j 17, the c. is withered Amos 8. 5. that we may sell c.\\ 9. 9. sift as c. Mark 4.28. full c. in theearyJohn 12.24.C. of wheat Ears of CORN. Gen. 41. 5. seven - c Lev. 2. l4. otier green - cjjRuth. 2. 2.glean-<7. 2 Kings 4. 42. full - c. (| Job 24. 24. tops of- c. Matt. 12.1. began to pluck-c. Mar. 2. 23. Luke 6.1. CORN Fields. Matt. 12. l. Mark 2. 23. Luke 6.1. CORN-F/oor. Isa. 21. 10. Hos. 9. 1. Standing COR'S. Exod. 22. 6. Deut. 23. 25. Judg. 15. 5. let foxes go into - c burnt up - c. CORN and Wine. Gen. 27. 28. plenty of c. -|j 37. Deut. 7. 13. bless thy c. -l|ll. 14. gather in thy c- 12. 17. not eat tithe of c.-, 14. 23. | 16. 13. 18. 4. give first fruit of c. -||33. 28. a land of c- 2 Kings 18. 32. to a land of c. -, Isa. 36. 17. Neh. 5. 11. 100th part of c- II 10. 39. | 13.5, 12. Psal. 4.7. time that c.- increased || Lam. 2. 12. Hos. 2. 8. Igave her c, -jj22.||7. l4.assemblefor c- ,Toel 2. 19. behold, I will send you c. - and oil Hag. 1. 11. called for drought one. andnew wine Zech.9.17.c. make voung men cheerful,wi>i6'maids CORNELIUS, Of an horn. Acts 10. 1,-31. CORNER, s. Lev. 21. 5. nor shave c. of beard 2 Chr. 28. 24. altars in every c. of Jerusalem Prov. 7. 8. passing thro' the street, near here. 12. 21.9. better to dwell in c. of the house 25. 24. Isa. 30. 20. removed into a c.\\ Jer. 48. 45.|51. 26. Ezek. 46. 21. c. of court || Amos 3. 12. dwell in c. Zech. 10. 4. came fortli the c. and the nail Matt. 21. 42. is the head of the c. Psal. 118. 22. Mark 12. 10. Luke 20. 17. Acts 4. 11. 1 Pet. 2.7. Acts 26. 26. for this thing was not done in a c. CORN£R-Ga/e. 2 Kings 14.13. 2 Chr. 26. 9. Jer. 31. 38. city built to gate of c. Zech. 14. lO. CORNER-Siowe. Job 38. 6. who laid the c. - Ps.l 18.22. head-sfone of c.||l44. 12. be as c. stones Isa. 28. 1 6. precious c. -, Eph. 2. 20. 1 Pet. 2. 6. CORNERS. Exod. 25.12. ringsfin fourc.26.[27.2. Lev. 19. 9. nor reap c. of field, 23. 22. 27. not round c. of heads |1 Num. 84. 17. Deut. 32. 26. 1 said I'll scatter them into c. Neh. 9. 22. thou didst divide them into c. so •lob 1. 19. a great wind smote four c. of house Isa. 11. 12. gather dispersed of Judah from 4. c. Jer. 9. 26. punish all in c. 25. 23. t 49. 32. Ezek. 7. 2. end is come on c.|l45. 19. || Zeph. 3. 1 6. Matt .6. .5 to pray inc.||Acts 10. ll.jU. 5. Rev.7.1. CORNET, S, s. An instrument of music. Exod. 19. t 30. when the c. soundeth long 2 Sam. 6. 5. David played before the Lord on c. 1 Chr. 13. 28. bring up the ark with sound of . Song 7. 4. looketh toward D. |) Isa. 7. 8. head of Isa. 8. 4. riches oi'D. |j 10. 9. Samaria as D. ? 17. 1. burden of jO. it is taken, 3. Jer. 49. 23. Jer. 49. 24. D. is feeble || 27. kindle fire in D. Ezek. 27. 18. JD. thy merchant in wine and wool Amos 1.3. of D. and for four H 5. break bar of D, 3. 12. D. in a couch [{3. 27. captivity beyond />. Zech. 9. 1. an • D. shail be the rest thereof Acts 9. 2. letters to 1). || 10. a disciple at D. 19. with disciples at D. j| 27. preached at D. 22. 6. comenioh to D. 26. 12. \\ 10- go into D. 2 Cor.11.32. in D. governor |j Gal. 1. 17. returned DAMMIM, Bloody or dead men. 1 Sam. 1 7. 1. DAMNABLE. 2 Pet. 2. 1. bring in rf. heresies DAMNATION, s. Matt.23.l4.tlierefbreye shall receive the greater d. Mark 12. 40.Luke20.47. 33. escape d. ofhell |j Mark 3.29. in danger of d. John 5. 29. resurrection of d.j|Rom. 3. 8. d. isjust Rom. 13. 2. receive d.\\l Cor. 11. 29. drinketh a'. 1 Tim. 5. 1 2. having rf. || 2 Pet. 2. 3. d. slumb. not DAMNED,;). Mark 16. 16. believeth not be d. Rom. 14. 23. and he that doubteth is d. if he eat 2 Thes. 2. 12. that all might be rf. who believ. not DAMSEL, s. Gen. 24. b5. let the rf. abide a few Gen. 34. 3. he loved the rf.||12. give me rf. to wife Dent. 22. 15. rf. virginity, 20, 21, 24, 26, 29. Judg. 5. 30. to every man a rf. || 19. 4. rf. father Ruth 2. 5. whose rf. is this 1| 6. it is Moabitish rf, 1 Kings 1.12. a young rf. || 4. rf. was very fair Matt. 14. 11. hishead was given torf. Mark 6.28. 26. 69. a rf. came to Peter, saying, John 18. 17. Mark 5. 39. the rf. is not dead, but sleepetii, 40. Acts 12.13. (.'.came to heark.[| 16. 16. a certain rf, DAMSELS. Gen. 24.61. 1 Sam. 25. 42. Ps.68.25. DAN, Judging, or judgment. A person, Gen. 30.6. Gen. 49. 16. D. shail judge!) 17. D. be a serpent Num. 2. 25. the standard of the camp of D. 31 , Dent. 33. 22. he said, D. is a lion's whelp: he Josh. 19. 47. after the name of D. Judg. 18. 29. Judg. 5. 17. why did D. remain || 13. 25. camp of Ezek. 48. 1. portion for D. \\ 32. one gate of D. Tribe of DxAN. Exod. 31. 6. 1 35. 34. | 38. 23. Num. 1. 39. I 13. 12. I 34. .32. Josh. 19. 40. 48. I 21. 5,23. Judg. 18.30. DAN, A place. Gen. 14. 14. Abra. pursued toi>. Dent. 34. 1. Lord shewed Moses all Gilead to^. Josh. 19. 47. from D. to Beersheba, 1 Sam. 3.20. 2 Sam. 3. 10. I 17. 11. I 24. 2, 15. 1 Kin. 4. 25. 1 Chr. 21. 2. 2 Chr. 30. 5. 1 Kin. 12. 29. calf put he in D. 2 Kin. 10 29. 15. 20. king of Syria smote JD. 2 Chr. 16. 4. Jer. 4. 15. voice from D. || S. 16. heard from D. Ezek.27.12.i>.occupied yAra. 8. 14. fliy god O D. DANCE, s. Psal. 149. 3. praise in therf. 150. 4. Jer. 31. 13. virgins rejoice in the rf. jjLam. 5. 15. DANCE, r.Judg. 21. 21. cometo rf.|jJob 21. 11. Eccl. 3. 4. a time to rf. || Isa. 13. 21. satyrs shall rf. DANCED,;). Judg. 21. 23. number thatrf. 2 Sam. 6. 14. and David rf. before the Lord DAR DAR Matt. 11.17.piped, and ye have not d. Luke 7. 32. 14. 6. the daughter of Herodias d. Mark 6. 22, DANCES, 5. Exod. 15. 20. and with d. Judg. 11. 34. daughter came to meet him with d. 1 Sam. 21. 11. did they not sing of him in d. Jer. 31. 4. thou shalt go forth in the d. of them DANCING,/). Ex. 32.19. 1 Sam. 18. 6. | 30. 16. 2 Sam. 6. 16.David d.|| Psal.30. 11. Luke 15. 25. DANDLED, p. Isa. 66. 12. be d, on her knees DANGER, s. Matt. 5. 21. d. of judgment, 22. Mark 3. 29. but is in d. of eternal damnation Acts 19. 27. craft in d. \\ 40. we are in d. to be DANGEROUS, a. Acts 27. 9. sailing was now d. DANIEL, Judgment of God. 1 Chr. 3. 1. Ezra 8. 2. Ithamar ; -O. || Neh. 10. 6. 1?. sealed | Exek. 14. 14.tho'Noah, i;. 20.|l2'f S.wisertlian Dan. I. 6. D. of Judah || 19. none found like B. 7. D. the name of |j 17. D. Iiad understanding 2. 13. sought />.|)16. then D. went in and desired 19. revealed to Z>.||46. worshipped D.and com. 48. D. a great man || 49. JD. sat in tlie gate 4. 8. at last D. came in || 19. D. was astonished 5. 12. dissolving doubts] j29.clothedi>. with scar. 6. 2. JO. was first (| 1 1. found D. praying and 14. king set his heart on jO. || 23. take up D. 26. tremble before God of i).||28.jy.prosp8red 7. 1. D. hada dream and visions||28.as for mei?. «. 1. vision appeared to JD. \\ 10. 1, 7, 12. 12. 9. go thy way D. the words are closed Matt. 24.15. spoken of by D. the pr. Mark 13.14. / DANIEL. Dan. 7. 15. | 8. 15, 27. | 9. 2. 1 10. 2. 12. 5. -Z>. looked, and behold there stood other DANIEL. Dan. 6.20. 1 9. 22. | 10. 11. | 12.4. DANNA, Judgment. Josh. 15. 49. DAR A, Generation., or house of the shepherd^ or of fellowship, or iniquity. 1 Chr. 2. 6. DARDA, Generation of knowledge. 1 Kin. 4.31. DARE,w. Job 41. 10.'R6m. 5. 7. 1 15. 18. 1 Cor. 6. 1. d. any of you go to law|| 2 Cor. 10. 12. DARIUS, Inquiring. King of the Bfedes, Dan. 5. 31. Of the Persia7is, Neh. 12. 22. Ezra 4. 5. till reign oi'D. 24.||5. 5. matter to J). 6. 1. D. made a decree, 12.||15. sixth ye-ar of 2>. Dan. 5. 31. i>. the Median took |! 6. 9. B. signed 6. 25. JD. wrote to all || 9. 1. first year of, 11. 1. Hag.l.l.2dyearofi).15. 12. lO.Zech. 1.17.|7.1. DARK, a. Gen. 15. 17. and it was d. Lev. 13. 6. if the plague be d. 21,26, '28, 56. Num. 12. 8. not in d. speeches || Josh. 2. 5. was d. 2 Sara. 22. 12. about him rf. waters, Psal. 18. 11. Neh. 13. 19. when gates of Jerus. began to be d. Job 3. 9. let stars be d. \\ 12. 25. grope in the d. 18. 6. the light shall be d. in his tabernacle 22. 13. judge thro' d. cloud j! 24. 16. in the d. dig Psal. 35, 6. way be d. \\ 49. 4. d. saying, 78. 2. 74. 20. d. places of the earth are full of cruelty 88. 12. known in the d. || 105. 28. made it d. Prov. 1. 6. their d. sayings |j 7. 9. black d. night Isa. 29. 15. their works are in the d, and they say 45. 19. Iv'e not spoken in a d. place of the earth Jer. 13. 16. your feet stumble on the d. mountain Lam. 3. 6. he hath set me in d. places, as they Ezek. 8, 12. do in the d. || 32. 7. make stars d. 8. 34. 12. cloudy and d. day||Dan.8,23. d. sentences Joel 2. 10. sun and moon be rf.|)Am.5. 8. day d. 20. Mic.3.6.be(i. toyoulJZech. 14. 6. not clear, nor d. l^uke U. 36. no ji^rt d, j| JoUn 6. 17, 1 2Q. I, 2 Pet. 1. 9. a light that shineth in a d. placf» DARKEN, V. Amos 8. 9. I will d. the earth in DARKLY, ad. 1 Cor. 13. 12. .see thro' a glass d, DARKENED, /). Exod. 10. 15. land was d.and Psal. 69. 23. let their eyes be d. Rom. 11. 10. Eccl. 12. 2. or stars be d. \\ 3. at windows be d. Isa. 5. 30. the light is d. |) 9. 19. is the land d. 13. 10. the sun d. Joel 3. 15. || 24. 11. joy is d. Ezek. 30. 18. day bed.HZech. 11. 17. righteye d. Matt. 24. 29. sun be d. Mark 13. 24. Luke 23.45. Rom.1.21. foolish heavti/.JlEph. 4.1 S.understand.ff. Rev. 8. 12. third part d. \\ 9- 2. sun and air d. DARKENETH,Job.38.2.c?.counsel,Ps.l39.tl2. DARKISH, a. Lev. 13. 39. bright spots be d. DARKNESS,*, signifies, [l] The privation of light, Matt. 27. 45. [2] Afflictioti, Isa. 8. 22. Lam. 3. 2. [3] Ignorance and unbelief , John 3.19. [4] The minds of wicked men, Eph. 5 , 8. [5] 3ft)sterions, Psal. 78. 2. [6] Sin in general, Col. 1. 13. 1 John 1. 6. [7] Hell, ihe place of eternal m,isery, Matt. 22. 13. [83 The grave, J oh 10. 22. Gen. 1 . 2. d. was on the deep, 18.|jl5. 12.great d. Exod. 10. 21. there may be d. over Egypt, 22. 14. 20. it was a cloud and d. to them, but it 20.21.M.drewneartothick(/.Deut.4. ll.|5.22. Josh. 24. 7. he put d. between you and Egypt 2 Sam. 22. 10. d. was under his feet, Psal. 18. 9. 29. Lord will enlighten my d. Psal. 18. 28. Job 3. 5. let d. stain it 1) 6. d. seize on it |) 5. 14. 10. 22. a landofd.|)19.8. d. in my paths || 20. 26. 23. 17. cut off before the d. || 28. 3. stones of d. 34. 22. no d. |j 37. 19. speech by reason of d. 38. 9. d. a swadd ling-band || 19.as for d. where is Psal. 18. [l.d. his secret place || 35.t6. way be d. 88. 18. acquaintance in d. \\ 97. 2. clouds and d. 104. 20. makest DAUGHTER of Zur. Num. 25. 15. Cozbi, the d., DAUGHTERS. Gen. 6. 2. sons of G. saw d. 4, Gen.l9.S6.d.ofLotwithchild|{2-5.3.d.ofCana.3r, 27. 46. weary of my life, because of d. of HetU 30. 13. for the d. will call me blessed DAV DAV Gen. 31. 26.carriedawaymyd^.43.|[34.1.d. of land 34. 9. give your d. 16. |) 49.f 22. d. run over Exod. 2. 16. had seven d. \\ 34.15: d. go a whoring Num. 26. 33. d. of Zelophedad, 27. 7. | 36. 10. Josh. 17. S.yDeut. 23. 17. Judg. 3. 6. | 21.7, 18. Ruth 1. 11. turn again my d. 12. |j 13. nay, my rf. 1 Sam. 8. 13. take yourd4!2 Sam. 13. 18. king's d. Job 42. 15. no women so fair as the d. of Job Psal. 45. 9. king's d.|) 144. 12. d. as corner-stones Prov. 31. 29. many d. || Song 6. 9. d. saw her Lsa. 32. 9. careless d. \\ 60. 4. d. be nursed at thy Jer. 9. 20. teach d. wailing || 49. 3. cry, yo d. Lam. 3. .51. because of all the d. of my city Ezek. 13. 17. set face against d. 16.t31, 46, 49, 53, 55, 61. I 23. 2. I 26. 6. I 30. 18. I 32. 16. Hos. 4. 13. d. commit whoredom, 14. || Mic. l.tS. Luke 1.5. d. of Aaron||Acts 21 . 9. four d.\\l Pet.3.6. DAUGHTERS of Jervsalem, Song 1. 5. I 2. 7. I 3. 10. ] 5. 16. Luke 23. 28. DAUGHTERS of Israel. Dent. 23. i7. Judg. 11. 40. 2 Sam. 1. 24. DAUGHTERS ofJudah. Psal. 48. 11. | 97. 8. DAUGHTERS-itt-L«!f. Ruth 1. 6, 7, 8. DAUGHTERS o/Mort/>. Num. 25. 1. lsa. 16. 2. DAUGHTERS of Musick. Eccl. 12. 4. DAUGHTERS q/7/i(? PhUislincs. Judg. 14. 1, 2. 2 Sam. 1 . 20. lest the d. - rejoice|)Ezek. 16, 27, 57. DAUGHTERS of SJdloh. Judg. 21.21. DAUGHTERS, joined witli Sons. Dent. 12. 31. their sons and d. they have burnt in the fire, 2 Kin. 17. 17. Jer. 7. 31. | 32. 35. 28. 53. cat flesh of sows and d. Jer. 19. 9. 1 Sam. 2. 21. Hannah bare three sons and two d. 1 Chr. 25. 5. God gave Hcman 14 sows and 3 d. 2 Chr. 11.21. Rehoboam had 28 sows and 60 d, 13. 21. Abijah begat 22 sows and 16 c?. Job 1. 2. were born to Job 7 sows and 3 d. 42. 13. Psal. 106. 27. sacrificed - and d. 38. Ezek. 1 6. 20. lsa. 43. 6. bring my sn7is from far, and my d. from 49. 22. bring thy -andf/.|j56. 5. better than- or d. Jer. 11.22. so.'7sand d. dieby famine||l4. 16.|16. 2. 19. 9, cause them to eat the flesli of sows and d. Ezek. 24. 21. - and d. fall by the sword, Am. 7. 17. Joel 2. 28. your sons and d. prophesy, Acts 2. 17. 2 Cor. 6. 18. ye shall be my sows and d. saith the L. DAUGHTERS of Syria. Ezek. 1 6. 57. T?ro DAUGHTERS. Gen.19.8. 1 have -rf. 1 5, 30. Gen. 29. 1 6. Laban had - d. || 31. 41. for thy - d. Ruth 1.7. her -d. 1 Sam. Prov. i30. 15. DAUGHTERS of the undrcumdsed. 2 Sam. 1 .20. DAUGHTERS of Zion. Song 3.11. lsa. 3.16,17. lsa. 4. 4. have washed away the filth of the d. - DAVID, Well-beloved or dear. Pid for Christ, Jer. 30. 9. Hos. 3. 5. of tchom he wus an emi- nent type, in his mean education, unction, enemies, distresses, deliverances, ujid victories. Ruth 4. 22. Jesse begat D. Matt. 1. 6. Luke 3. 31. 1 Sam. 1 6. 13. spirit came on D.\\l9. send me D. 21. D. came to Sanlll23. played, 18- 10. | 19. 9. 17. 14. D. was younp;estj|15. returned from Saul 38. Saul armed D. \\ 42. Goliath saw D. 43. cursed D.\\ 50. D. prevailed over Pliil. .':7. 18. l.knit to D.\\3. Jon. and D. made covenant 7. Saul slain lOuO, />. his ten thousands, 29. 5. 10. eyed D. \\ 14. D. behaved himself wisely _ 16. Israel loved D.\\ 24. this manner spake D. 28.Lord was with !>.[;■: 9.Saul became i>.enemy iSam. 19. l.tokillD.5.||10.soughttosmiteD.18. 19. D. isat Naioth |) 22. are Samuel and i>. 20. 6. D. asked leave, 28. || 17. D. to swear 24. D. hid himself II 25. D. place empty, 27. 34. grieved for D.||4l. wept until D. exceeded 21. 10. B. fled to Achish || 1 1. is not this D. ? 2'2. 1. y>. escaped to cave||3. D. went to Mizpeh 14. who so faithful as D. || 17. hand with D. 23. 2. D. enquired, 30. 8. 2 Sam. 1. 1. | 3. 19. 5.D.weni to Keiiah||24.D.and his men in Maon 24. 1. D. in En-gedi|| 5. D. heart smote him 16. voice my son D.? 26. 17.||22. sware to Saul 25. 1. D. went to Paran || 5. -D. sent to Nabal 22. do God to enemies of D. || 26. 1. D. hide 26. 12 D. took the spear|| 17. Saul knew D. voice 21. return, my son D.|| 27. 1. D. said, I shall 27. 4. D. fled to Gath [j 1 1 . saying, so did D. and 28. 17. even to D. | j 29. 3. is not this D. the serv. 30. 5 D. two wives were taken captives 10. but D. pursued || 18. D. recovered all, 19. 2 Sam. 1. 15. D. called one of the young men 17. D. lamented || 2. 10. Judah followed D. 5. 1. the house of D. waxed stronger || 2, 9. 17. ye sought for D. \\ 5. 1. came tribes to J). 5. 7. JD. took the stronghold of Zion 10.Z>. went on and grew great||] 7. D. heard of it 6. 2. D. went to bring arkj|5.i>. played before L. 14. D. danced || 15. so Z>. brought up the ark 7. 20. what can D. say more? 1 Chr. 17. 18. 8. 1. 7?. smote Philistines || 6. preserved D. 14. 7. D. took shields of gold, 1 Chr. 18. 7. 13. gat him a name || 15. reigned, 1 Chr. 18. 14. 10. 2. i). sent to comfort Hanun, 1 Chr. 19. 2» 3. that D. doth honour thy father, 1 Chr. 19. 3. 11. 3. D. enquired after woman || 6. sent for D. 14. D. wrote a letter to Joab||27. thing D. had 12. 13. D.said I have sinned || 16. D. fasted 19.D.perceivedchildwasdearl||24.D. comforted 29.D.foughtagainst Kabbah||.30.seton D.head 13. 7. D. sent to Tamar jj 30. tidings to D. 15. SO.D.went upjjl 6.6. Shemei cast stones at D. 16. 10. curse D. \\ 17. 1. I will pursue after D. 17. 16. tell JD. II 22. D. arose, and all the people 27. U. come to Mahanaim |j 29. honey for D. 18. 1. 7>* numbered || 24. B. sat between gates 19. 43- more right in B. |j 20. 1. no part in 1). 20.3. 1), came to his house || 11. he that is for I). 21. 16. Ish Benob thought to have slain B. 22. 51. hesheweth mercy unto B. Psal. 18. 50, 23. 1. last words of D. || 15. B. longed and said 8. the mighty men B. had, 1 Chr. 1 1. 10. 24. 10. B. heart smote liim|!25. B. built an altar 1 Kin. 1.11. B. knoweth it not|| 2. 10. B. slept 2. 44. heart is privy to, that thou didst to B. my 3. 14. if walk as B. j| 5. 7. given B. a wise son 8. 16. I chose B. || 20. risen up in room of 2>. 9. 5. as I promised /).||11. 39. afflict seed of B. 1 2. 16. what portion in D. ? 2 Chr. 10. 16. 1 Chr. 12. 18. thine are we B. \\ 21. helped B. 14. 17. fame of 2>. || 15. 27- B. was clothed with 16. 43. and B. returned to bless his house 21. 21- Oman saw B. \\ 23. 1. when B. was old 29- 10. B. blessed Lord before the congregation 2 Chr. 1.8. great mercy to /A||34. 3. seek God of i>. Ezra 8. 2. of the sons of 2>. Hattush the chief Neb. 12. 56. with musical instruments otB. Psal 72. 20. prayers of J). encledj|89. 35. not lie to DAY DAY Psal. 89. 49. swavest to D.yi 32. 1. L. remember D 132. 11. sworn to D. || 17. horn of D. to bud Song, 4. 4. tower of D. |j Isa. 17. 25. throne of JD. Isa. 29. 1. woe to Ariel, the city where D. dwelt 55. 3. the sure mercies of D, Acts 13. 34. Jer. 17. 25. sitting on throne of D.||23. 5. raise to 33. 15. branch to grow to D.j|36. 30. throne ofD, 17. JD. shall never want a man to sit on throne Am. 6. 5. invent instruments of musick, like D. 9. 11. raise tabernacle of D. Acts 1.5. 16. Zech 12. 8. the feeble be as D. and house of D. Matt. 9. 27. son of D. have mercy on us, 15. 22. I 20. 30, 31. Mark 10. 47, 48. Luke 18. 38, 39. 12. 3. read what D. Mark 2; 25. Luke 6. 3. 23. not this son of I>.|l21. 9. Hosanna to son of 22. 42. Christ is the son of D. Mark 12. 35. 45. if D. call him L. Mark 12. 37. Luke 20. 41. Mark 11. 10. father D.||John 7. 42.Christ cometh Acts 2. 29- patriarch D. \\ 34. D. is not ascended 13. 22. raised up to them £).||36. D. fell on sleep Rom. 1. 3. Christ of the seed of D. 2 Tim. 3. 8. 4. 6. even as D. j| Heb. 4. 7. saying in D. to-day Heb. n. 32. to tell of Z).(|Rev. 3. 7. the key of D. Rev. 5. 5. root ofD.\\22. 6. root and offspring ofD. Days o/ DAVID. 2 Sam. 22. 1. 1 Kin. 2.1. 1 Chr. 7. 2. Neh. 11. 46. Acts 7. 4.^5. Hand of DAVID. 1 Sam. 20. 16. 2 Sara. 3. 18. I 22. 22. 1 Chr. 28. 1 Sam. 20. 16. 2 Sam. 3. 12. 19, 20, 26. |13. 2 2 Chr. 20. 19. I 21. 2, 13. I 22.22. Jer. 13. 1. Luke 1. 8, 8. 1. I 14. S. 7. Psal. 21. 12. 27. 69. a/. House of DAVID. 1 7. 26v 1 Kin. 2 Kin. 17. 21. 122. 5. Isa. 7. Zech. 12. 7, 10, 12 I 2. 4. DAVID joined with King. 1 Sam. 21. 11. 2 Sam. 2. 4, 11. 1 3. 31. 1 5. 3. i 8. 11. | 20.21. 1 Kin. 1. 37, 47. 1 Chr. 11. 3. | 12. 31, 38. | 26. 26. I 29. 9. 2 Chr. 2. 12. | 29. 27. Jer. 30. 9. Hos. 3. 5. Matt. 1. 6. Acts 13. 22. Sercant DAVID. 2 Sam. 3. 18. | 7. 5, 26. 1 Kin. 3. 6. I 8. 24, 25, 66. ) 11. 13, 36, 38. 2 Chr. 6. 16, 42. Psal. 78. 70. | 8^. 3, 20. | 132. 10. I 144. 10. Isa. 37. 35. Jer. 33. 21, 22, 26. Ezek. 34. 23, 24. | 37.24, 25. Luke 1. G9. DAWN, ING. Josh. 6. 15. about f/. of day Judg. 19. 26. in d. of the day. Job 3. 9. f 7. 4. Psal. 119. 147. Matt. 28. 1. 2 Pet. 1.19. DAY, s. is put for, ll] Light, Gen. 1. 5. [2] Time in general^ Luke 19. 42. {[3] Gospel /iwifs, Rom. 13. 12, 13. 2 Cor. 6.2. Heb. 4. 7. [4] Years. Num. 14. 34. Ezek. 4. 6* Dan. 9. 24. Rev. 11. 2. [5] The time uhcn Christ came in the fesh, John 8. 56. [5] Light of truth, 1 Cor. 3. 13. [7] Judgment, 1 Cor. 4. + 3. 13. 8. [8 A short time, Deut. 9 1. Rev. [9] Glory, Prov. 4. IS. Phil. 1. 6. Gen. 1. 5. called the light . Heb. l. 3. 1 1 8. 24. thh is the d. the L. hath made || 1 1 9 . 9 1 . Isa. S3. 19. as I do-,, 5. sayinc-, I am Christ, d. many, 1 1 . Mark 15. 6. 24. d. the very elect i| Acts 5' t 3. Rom. 16. 18. 1 Cor. 3. 18. let no man d. himself, if any man Eph. 4. 14, whereby they he in wiut to d. DEC DEC Epli.5.6. let no man d. yon, 2 Thes.2.5. 1 John 3.7. 1 John 1. 8. d. ourselves] |Rev. 20. 3, d. nations, 8. DECEIVABLENESS, s. 2 Thes. 2. 10. all d. DECEIVED, p. Gen. 31. 7. d. me and changed Lev. 6. 2. or it'a soul hathrf. his neighbour Deut. 11. 16. take heed that your heart be not d. 1 Sam. 19. 17. why hast thou d. me so, 28. 12. 2 Sam. 19. 26. O king, ray servant d. me, for Job 15. 31. that is c?. 11 31. 9. been broth.jjActs 25.l6.to d. anyman 1. Cor. 5.5. c/.to Satan 1| 2 Cor. 1. 10. and doth d. 2 Pet. 2. 9. the Lord knoweth how to d. the godly DELIVER/tJm. Gen. 37. 22. to his father|| 42. 37. 20 DEL 77^ Exod. 21. IS. but God d. him into his hand Deut. 2. 30. might d. - into || 3. 2. d.- and his people 19. 12. c?.- to avenger of II 24. 13. shall cf. - pledge Judg. 4. 7. and d. - into thy hand, 1 Sam. 23. 20. 2 Sam. 14. 7. said,d . - Ij 20. 21. d.- and I'll depart Job 33. 24. d. him from going down to the pit Psal. 22. 8. let him d. - 1| 41. 1. Lord will d.-,2. 7l.ll.nonetod.-|l91.l4. therefore will I J.-, 15, Prov. 19. 19. if thou d.- thou must doit again Jer. 21. 12. d. - that is spoiled from the oppressor Ezek. 33. 12. righteousness of not c?.-||Dan. 6.14. to Jonah 4. 6. be a shadow to J. -from his grief Matt. 20. 19. shall d. - to Gentiles to crucify him, Mark 10. 33. Luke 20. 20. Acts 21.11. 26. 15. 1 will d. - to you || 27. 43. let him d. - DELIVER me. Gen. 32- ll.rf.-,Ipray thee from 1 Sam. 17. 37. he will J.-||23.11. will Keilah d.-, 12. 24. 15. the L. be judge, and d. - out of thy hand 26. 24. and let him d. - out of all tribulation 30. 15. nor d. - into the hands of my master 2 Sam.3.l4.d- Michal || I Kin.20.5. d.- thy silver Job 6. 23. d.- from enemies, Psal. 31. 1.5. | 59. 1. Psal. 71. save me and d.- \\ 25.20. J.- for I trust in 27. 12. d. - not over || 31 . 2. d. - speedily, 70. 1. 39. 8. f/.-fromtransgress.l|40.13.be pleased tod.- 43. 1. d. - from the deceitful and unjust man 51. 14. d. - from blood guiltiness, O God 59. 2. d. - from the workers of iniquity, save me 69. 14. d. - out of the mire, and let me not sink 18. d.- because of mine enemies || 71. 2. | 31.1. 71.4. cf.-Omy G.||109.21. thy mercy is good, d- 119.134.d-fromoppressi.||153,l44,l70.|l40.1. 142. 6. d. - from persecutors, 143. 9. | 144. 7, 11. Isa. 44. 17- he saith, d. -, for thou art my God Jer.38.19. lest they d-||Acts 25.ll.no man may d.- Rom.7. 24. who shall d.- \\ 2 Tim. 4.18. L. shall d. - DELIVER thee. Deut. 7. 16. people L. shall d- Deut.23.14. midst of camp, to J.-||Judg.l5.12,13. 1 Sam. 17.46. the L. will d. - \\ 23. 12. they will d. - 2 Kin. 1 8. 23. I'll d- 2000 horses, 20.6. Isa. 38. 6. Job 5. 19. he sliall d. • in six troubles, and in 36. 18. then a great ransom cannot d. thee Psal. 50. 15. I'll rf.-||91. 3. d.- fromsnare of fowler Prov. 2. 12. to d. - from the way of the evil man 16. to c?. - from the strange woman, even from Isa. 57. 13. when thou criest,let thy companies d.' Jer. 1. 8. 1 am with thee to d.-, 19. 1 15. 20, 21. 38. 20. but Jeremiah said, they shall not d.- 39. 17. I'll d.-is that day |j 18. 1 will surely d.- Ezek. 21. 31. d.-into the hand of brutish men 23. 28. I will d. - to them whom thou hatest 25. 4. d. - for a possession 1| 7. I'll d. - for a spoil Dan. 6. 16. thy G. will d.- 1120. is thy G. able to d.- Hos. 1 1. 8. how shall I d. - \\ Matt. 5. 25. judge d.- DELIVER f//tm.Exod.3.8.downtot/.-,Acts r.S4. Deut. 7.2. L. thy G. shall d.-, 2S.\\ Josh. 11.6. J.- up Judg. 11. 9. if L. d. - II 20. 28. to-morrow I'll d. - 1 Sara. I4.37.wilt thou c?.-,2Sam.5. 19.1 Chr.l4.10. 1 Kin. 8. 46. and d.- to the enemy, 2 Kin. 21. 14. 2 Kin. 3. 10. to d. - into the hand of Moab, 13. 1 Chr. 14. 10. Lord said, I will d. • into thy hand 2 Chr. 6. 36. d. - over y 25. 20.it came of G. to J. - Neh. 9. 28. many times didst thou d.-\\ Job 5. 4. Psal. 22.4. thou didst d.-\\ 37. 40. Lord shall d. • 106. 43. many times did he rf. - , they provoked Prov. 11. 6. righteousn. of upright shall ^oab also shall be in d. 39. 27. Israel a d. || Lam. 3. 14. I was a d. to all Ezek. 23.32.hadinJ.||36.4.becomeacf.|)Hos.7.16. DESCEND,ED. Exod. 19.1 8. the Lord ^. in fire Exod. 33. 9. cloudy pillar .t7. Seir d. and d.||Dan. 8. 13. transgression of d. Hos. I'J. 1. Ephraim daily increaseth hes and d. Joel 3. 19. Egypt shall be a d. for the violence Mic. 6. 16. make thee a f^.] {Zeph. 1. 1.3. houses a d. Zeph. 1. 15. day of d.||2. 4. Askelon ad.||9. Moab 2. 13. Nineveh, 15. || 14. d. be in thresholds Matt. 12. 25. is broughtto d. Luke 11. 17.|21. 20. 24. 15. see the abomination of d. Mark 13. 14. DESOLATIONS, s. Ezra 9. 9. repair the d. y DES DES i '^ i Psal. 46., 8. d he liath made |I 74. 3. perpetual d- Isa. 15.t6. waters of Nimrim d. Jer. 48.t34, 49. t6. to restore the d.\\^ 1. 4. raise up former d. Jer. 25.9. perpetual ^Z. 12.||ol.t26. Babylon J. 1 62. Ezek. 35. 9. 1 will make mount Seir perpetual d. Dan. 9. 2. seventy years in d. of Jerus. || 18, 26. DESPAIR, ED, To be past hope. I Sam. 27. 1. Eccl. 2. 20. 2 Cor. 1. 8. | 4. 8. DESPERATE, LY. Job 6. 26. of one that is d. Isa. 17. 11. day of grief and J. sorro\vj| Jer.2.t25. Jer. 1 7. 9. the heart of man is d. wicked DESPISE, V. To slight, disesteem, or reject. Lev. 26.15. if ye d. ray stat. j|l Sam. 2. 30. that d. me 2 Sam. 19. 43. Israel said, why then did ye d. us Esth. 1. 17. that they shall d. their husbands Job 5. 17. d. not the chasteningof the Almiarbty, Prov. 3. 11. Heb. 12. 5. 9. 21. d. my life (| 10. 3. d. work of thine hands 31. 13. if I did d. thecause|)Ps.51. 17. wilt not d Ps. 73. 20.rf. their image \\ 102. 17. not d. prayer Prov. 1 . 7. fools d. wisdom \\ 6. 30. not d. a thief 23. 9. fool will d wisdom |) 22. d. not thy mother Isa. 18.f 2. rivers d. fj 30. 12. ye d. this word Jer. 4. 30, lovers will d. thee |) 23. 17. that d. me Lam. 1.8. d. her 1| Ezek. 1 6. 57. d. thee || 28. 26. Amos 5,21.1 hate, I d. your feast-days, I will Mai. 1. 6. unto you,0 priests, that d. my name Matt. 6.24. to one, and d. the other, Luke 16.13. 18. 10. that ye d. not one of these little ones Rom. 14. 3. d. him that eateth not||l Cor. 16. 11. 1 Cor. 11. 32. or d. ye the church of God and iThes. 5. 20. d. notprophesyings ; prove all things iTim. 4. IsJ.'letnone d. thy youth||6. 2. not ^i.them Tit. 2. 15. no man d.\\2 Pet. 2. 10. d. government Jude 8. d. dominion, and speak evil of dignities DESPISED, p. Gen. 16. 4. her mistress was d. 5. Gen. 25. 34. thus Esau d. his birth-right Lev. 26. 43. because they d. my judgments Num. 11.20. cf. the Lord||l4.31. land ye <^/.|jl5. 31. Deut. 32.tl9.L.rf.them||Judg.9.38. people thou d. 1 Sam. 10. 27. they J. himl)2 Sam. 6. 16. she f/. him 2 Sam. 12. 9. d. command.||10. because thour/. me SKings 1 9.21. daughter of Zion d thee,Isa.37.22. 2 Chr. 36. 16. d. his words||Neh. 2. 19. d. us, 4. 4. Job 12. 5. heisasa lamp d.\\\9. 18. children d. me Psal. 22. 6. but I am d. of the people, Isa. 53. 3. 24. not d. affliction |i 53. 5. God hath d. them 106. 24. d. the pleasant laud || 119. 141. 1 am d. Prov. 1. 30. d. all my reproof, 5. 12. f| 12. 8, 9. Eccl. 9. 16. poor man's wisdom is d. j| Song 8. 1. Isa. 5. 24.^/. the vvord||33. 8. d. Gities|)53. 3. he is d. 60. 14. all that d. thee |) Jer. 22. 28. Coniah a d. Jer. 33. 24. d. my people f) 49. 15. make thee d. Lam. 2. 6. he hath d. in indignation of his Ezek. 16. 59. hast d. the oath, 17. 16, 18, 19. 20. 13. d. my judgments, 16, 24. |22. 8. Amos 2. 4. d. the law||Obad. 2. thou artgreatlyd Zech. 4. 10. d. day of small things |) Mai. 1. 6. Luke 18. 9. and J.'otherstJActs 19. 27. Diana be d. 1 Cor. 1. 28. things whicli are d. || 4. 10. we are d. Gal, 4. 14. ye d. riot || Heb. 10. 28. d. Moses law- Jam. 2. 6. but ye have d. the poor, do not rich DESPISERS,s. Acts 13. 41. 2 Tim. 3. 3. DESP[SEST,r. Rom. 2. 4. or d thou the riches DESPISETH, V. Job 36. 5. God d not any : he Psal. 69. 33. L. d. not hisprisoncrsIJPiov. 11.12. Prov.U.13. whoso d. vvord|{U.21.t/. his neighbour Prov. 1 5. 5. a fool d. his father's instruction, 20,3^. 19. 16. but he that d. his ways, shall die 30. 17. the eye that d. to obey his mother Isa. 33. 15. d. the gain || 49. 7. whom man d. Luke 10. 16. d. me d. him that sent me ^ 1 Thes. 4. 8. he that d. d. not man but God DESPISING, ;>. Ezek. 21. t 13. Heb. 12.2. DESPITE, s. Neh.4.t4. Ezek. 25. 6. Heb. 10. 29, DESPITEFUL, LY, ad. Ezek. 25. 15. t/. heart Ezek. 36. 5. withd. minds||Matt. 5. 44. d. use you Acts 14. 5. to use them d. \\ Rom. 1. 30. d. proud DESTITUTE, a. Gen.24.27.not leftf/. my master Psal. 102. 17 regard prayer ofd.\\lAl . 8. leave not d, Prov. Il.tl2. d. of heart II 15.21. d. of wisdom Ezek. 32. 15. be f/.|[l Tim. 6. 5. d. of the truth Heb. 11. 37. rf.afflicted|!Jani. 2. 15. orsisterbe d. DESTROY, r. signifies, [1] To afflict, Job 2. 3. I 10, 8. [2] To pull down, to ruiif. Gen. 19. 14. [3] To abolish or take away, Rom. 6. 6. [43 To disannul, Isa. 25. 7. [5] To kill soid or body. Matt. 21. 41. GeD.18.23.wilt tlion d. righteous, 24, 28.|19.1S,14. Exod. 15.9. draw my sword, my hand shall ri.them 34.13. but ye shall d. their altars, DcfUt. 7. 5. Lev. 26. 22. 1 will send beasts to d. your cattle Num. 24. 1 7. shall d. all the children of Sheth 32. 15. d.all this people II 33. 52. d. pictures Deut. 6. 15. lest L. d. thee j| 7. 23. d. them, 24, 9. 3. he shall d. them||l4. that I may d. them, 25. 31. 3, L, will d. these nations, 33. 27, || 32. 25. Josh 7.12, d the accursed] jl Sam.l5.6.IestIf/.you 2Sam. 14. 7.d. theheiralsollll.lestthey d. my son 20. 20. or c/.jl 22.41. c?. them that hate, Psal. 18.40. 2Kin.l8.25.go against this land andd. it,Isa.36.l0. Ezra 6. 12, tlie L. d. all kings and people Job 8. 13. if he d. him |j 10, 8. thou doest d. me. 19.26. worms d. tlnsbody||Psal.5.6. slialt d.them Psal.5.10.dthou them,0 G. || 21. lO.their fruit d, 28. 5. he shall d. them, 52, 5. | 143, 12, | 144. 6.' 55. 9. d. O Lord || 69. 4. that would d. me are 74. 8. let us J. them || 127.t5. d. the enemies 145. 20. but all the wicked will he d. \\ 144. 6. Pro v.l . 32. prosperity offools f/.|]l 1 . 3. perverse d. 15. 25. L. will d. proud|j21, 7. robberies shall rf, Eccl. 5. 6. d. the work || 7. 16. why d. thyself Isa. 3. 12. rf.the wayljll. 9. nor. d in all my, 65.25. 13. 9. d. the sinners |j 25. 7. d. in this mountain Jer. 6, 5. d. her palaces || 11, 19. let us d. the tree 12. 17. d. that nation || 13. 14. not spare, but d. 15. 6. and d. thee || 17. 18. d. with double 23. l.nient d. 36. 12. d. without knowlec^e D f '*• ^- »» yo«th Psai 41 . a. when shall he d. 1,1 ^^- 10- ^-^e men d. 79. U. apponited to ^ n^2- ^- ^^^^11 f hke men 88.15.aad reafl' '^ ^' i|104.29.they dand return 118 17 T-'jah not rf. but live, and declare the p^. .'.j.as, d. without instruction |) 10. 21. fools d. 15. 10. hateth reproof shall d. 19. 16, tlS. 23. 1 3. bcatest him with the rod, he shall not d. Ezek. 18. 17, 21, 28. | 33. 15. John 21. 23. Eccl. 3. 2. a time to d. \\ 7. 17. d. before thy time 9.5. know that they shall rf.|ilsa. 22. 14. till yet/. Isa.22.13 fo^- to-morrow w^e shall d. 1 Cor. 15.32. 14.not be purged tillye cZJllB. there thoushaitfi. 51- 6. that dwell therein shall d in like manner 12. a man that shall d. \\ 14. not d. in the pit 65. 20. d. 100 years old Ij 66. 24. worm not d. Jer. 11. 21. that thou d. not by our hand 22. the young men shall d. by the sword ,16.4.d.of griev.deathsi|6. greatandsmall shall d. 522. 1 2. d. whither led l|26. there shall ye (/.42.16. 26. 11. is worthy to a. \\ 16. not worthy to d. 27. 13. for why will ye dj Ezek. 18. 31."' | 33-11. 28.l6.this year thou shall d'.||34.4.not d.by sw-ord 34. 5. Shalt d. in peace j) 37. 20. lest I d". there •38. 9. is hke to d. for hunger || 10. before he d. 26.return to Jon.house to (/.|j42.22. d.by sword Ezek.3.19. if thou warn wicked, he shall d. in !iis iniquity, 20.| 18. 18, 24, 26. 1 33. 9, 13, 18. 12. 13, tho' heshalld therel]13. 19. should not d. 17. 16 in Babyl. he shall J.||28.8.d.thedeaths,10. 33. 8. d. in hisiniquity|115..'^hallnot dlS. 21,28. '27. they in the caves shall d. of the pestilence Amos 2. 2. Moab shall d. \\ 6. 9. ] 7. 11, 17. | 9-10. Jonah 4. 3. better for me to d. than live, 8. Hah. 1. 12. we shall not d. \\ Zech. 11.9. let it d. Zcch. 13, 8. two parts shall be cut off and d. ^latt. 15.4. let him d. the death, Mark 7. 10. 22. 24. if a man d. having no seed, Luke 20. 28. 26. 35. tho' I should d. with thee, Mark 14- 31 . Luke 7. 2. ready to d. || 20. 36. nor die any more J^ohn 4. 49. ere my child d. || 6. 50. eat and not d. 8, 21. d.in your sins, 24. |j 11. 16. d. with him 11.26.shall never fi.||50. d. for the people, 18. 14. 5 l.prophesiedthatjesusshouldd.for that nation ii^.24.corn of wheats. ||33.deathhe8houlddl8.32. 19.7.he ouglit to J.||21.23. disciple should not d. Acts 21; 13. 1 am ready also to d. at Jerusalem 25. 11. if worth of death, I refuse not to d. Jiom- 5- 7. would dare to d. \\ 8. 13. ye shall d- 14.8. whether we d. we d. to the L. 1 Thes.5.10. 1 Cor.9.15.better to d. than|il5.22. in Adam all d. 15. 31. I d. daily|j36. not quickened, except itd. Q Cor.7.3.to d. and live |j Phil. 1. 21. to d. is gain Heb. 7. 8. here men that d |j 9. 27. once to d. ;^ev. 3. 2. ready to d. \\ 9- 6. shall desire to rf. 14. 1 3. blessed are the dead that d. in the Lord DIED, J). Gen. 5. 5. Adam 930 years, and he d. 7. 21. all fle&li d. 22. |i 9. 29. 950 years, and he d. ,11. 28. and Haran ri.l|32. Terah || 23. 2. Sarah d. 35. 18. Rache! d- IQ. [48. 7. |1 35. 29. Isaac d. 36.33. Belah|!34. JohaDrf, aBclHusham reigned 35. Husham||36. Hadadjl37. Samlah|) 38, Saul . .59. Baalhanan || 38: 12. Juduh's wife d. 4'6. 12. Er, Onan d. in Canaan || 50. 16. Jacob 60; gSi Joseph d: being an 119^ JExod, 1, 6, Exod. 2. 23. king of Egypt d. \\ 7. 21. the fish d. 8. 13. the frogs d. \\9. 6. the cattle of Egypt d. l6.3.would toG.we hadf/.Niim.l i-.2.|20.3.|e^.6.10. Lev. 10. 2. Nadab and Abiliu ri. before the Lord, 16. 1. Num. 3. 4. | 26. 61.1 Chr. 24. 2. Num.l4.37.searchers of land a d. DIFFERETH, ING. Rom. 12. G. gifts d! 1 Cor. 15. 41. one star d.jjGal. 4. l. heir d. nothinsf DIG, i\ signifies, [1 j To search^ Job 3. 21. [2j To entrench, Job 11.18. [3] To plot, Prov. If). 27. [4] To break through. Job 24. 16. [5] To prepare, Psal. 94. 13. [6] To labour hard, Luke 16. 3. Exod. 21. 33. if a man d. pit||Deut. 8. 9. d. brass Job 3. 21. d. for it more j; 6. 27. d. a pit |! 11. 18. 24, 16. d.thro' houses|!Ezek. 8. 8. d. in the wall Ezek. 12. .5. d. thro' the wall in their sight, 12. Am. 9. 2. d. into iiell|iLuke 13. 8.d. about itjjld. 3. . DIGGED, ED.ST, ETH. Gen. 2i; .30. d. this well, 20. 1.5, 19, 32. Deut.e.ll. 49. 6. d. down a wall |i hO. 5. giave I have d. Exod. 7.24. d. for water|,!Num. 21. IS. nobles d. Deut. 6. 11. wells thou d. not, Neh. 9. 26. 2K.in.l9.24.d. and diunkstranirewater,Isa. 37.25. 2 Chr. 2tS. 10. Uzziah built towers, d. ruany wells Psal. 7. 15. he made a pit and d. it, 35. 7. | 57. 6. 40.-}-6. ears d. \\ 94. 13. till pit be d. for w icked 119. S5. the proud have d. pits for me, which Prov. 16. 27. an ungodly man d. up evil, and 26. 27. d. a. pit, shall fall therein, Ecel. 10. 8. Isa. 5. 6. pruned nor J. j| 7. 25. all hills f/.|| 51. 1. Jer. 13. 7. to Euphrates and d. \\ 18. 20. d^ a pit Ezek. 8. 8. and when I had d. in the wall, 1 2. 7. Matt. 21. 33. d. a wine-press \\ 25. IS. d. earth Luke 6.48. d. deepjlRoni. 11.3. d. down thy altars DIGNITY, lES, s. Gen. 49. 3. excellency ot'd. Esth. 6. 3. what d. hath been done to Mordecai Eccl. 10. 6. folly is set in great d. and the rich Hab. 1. 7. their d. shall proceed of themselves 2 Pet. 2. 10. speak evil of d. Jude 8. DIKLAH, His diminishing: Gen. 10. 27. DILEAN, Poor, or anstccr of the poor, Jo.sh. 15. 38. D. and iVIizpah, and Joktheel DILIGENCE, 5. Prov. 4. 23. heart with all d. Luke 12. 58. give d. \\ Rom. 12. 8. ruleth, with d. 2 Cor. 8. 7. abound in all d.\\2 Tim. 4. 9. do thy d. Heb. 6. 11. sliew the same d.\\2 Pet. 1. 5. giving all 2 Pet. 1.10. give d. to make () Jude 3. d. to write DILIGENT, a. Deut. 19. 18. make d. inquisition Josh. 22. 5. take d. heed|jPs. 64. 6. d. scarch,77.6. Prov. 10. 4. hand of the d. 12. 24. jj27. d. man 13.4. soul of the //. |j 21. 5. thoughts of the d. 22. 29. d. in iiis business |[ 27. 23. d. to know 2 Cor. 8. 22. oft-times proved d. |) 2 Tim. S.flO. Tit. 3. 12. be d to come unto me to Nicopolis 2 Pet. 3. 14. be d. that ye may be found in peace DILIGENTLY, ad. Exod"! 15. 26. d. hearken uato the Lord, Deut. 11. IS-lSl. L Jer, 17, 24, DIR i57 Lev. 10. 16. and Moses d. sought the goat of Deut. 4. 9. only l^ske heed, and keep thy soul d. 6. 7. teach them d. || 17. you shall d. keep 13. 14. ask d. j| 24. S.ob-serve d. and do, il. 22. 1 Kin. 20. 33. did d. observe] |Ezra 7.23. be d. done Job 13. 17. hear d. my speech, 21. 2. Psal.37.10. d. consider his place] {119. 4. to keep d. ProV.7. 15. 1 came forth d.jj] 1. 27. d. seekcth good 23. 1. consider d. |) Isa. 21.7. hearken d. 55. 2. Jer. 2. 10. consider d. see \\ 1 2. 16. if they d. learn Zech. 6. 15. if yed. obeyjjMatt. 2. 7. enquired d. Matt.iJ. 8. search d. for youngchild||l 6. d. enquired Luke 15. 8. doth not seek d. till she find it Acts 18. 25. he taught d. the things of tiie Lord 1 Tim. 5. 10. if she followed d.\[2 Tim. 1. 17- Tit. 3. 13. and ApoUos on their journey d. Heb. 11.6. d. seek him \\ 12. 15. looking d. 1 Pet. 1. 10. of which the prophets searched d. DIMINISH, ED, ING. Exod. 5. 8. not J. 11. Ex. 21. 10. duty of marriage notd.lj30.tlo. notd. Lev. 25. 16. according to the years thou shall d, Deut.4.2. nor d. ought, 12. 32.|jProv. 13. li; be d. Isa.21.17. men of Redar be d.||.ler. 10.t24. lest d, Jer. 26. 2. d. not a word |i 29. 36. and not d. Ezek. 5. 11. 1 will d. thee|| 29. 15.1 w-ill d. them Rom. 11. 12. d. of them the riches of the Gentiles DIM, NES.S. Gen. 27. 1. his eyes d. 48. 10. Deut. 34. 7. Moses' eye not d.|jl Sam. 3. 2. Eli's d. Job 1 7. 7. mine eye is d. \\ Isa. 8. 22. d. of anguish Isa. 32. 3. eyes not d. |j 9.1. d. not such as was Lam. 4. 1. gold become d. \\ 5. 17. eyes are d. DIIVINAH, Dung. A city, Josh. 21 . 35. DIMON, Where it is red. A place, Isa. 15. 9. DIMONAH, A dunghill. A citv, Josh. 15. 22. DISAH, Judgment.' Gen. 3V. 21.'! 34. l.|46. 15. DINHABAH, His Judgment. Gen. 36. 32. DINAITE8. Ezra 4. 9. tiie D. DINE, ED. Gen. 43. 16. these men shall d. Luke 11. 37. the Pharisees besought him to d. John 21. 12. come and d. || 15. they had d. DINNER, s. prov. 15. 17. betterlsa d. of herbs Matt. 22. 4. prepared my d.j! Luke 11. 38. jl4. 12. DIONYSIUS, Divinely touched. Acts 17. 34, DIOTREPHE8, Nourished of Jupiter. 3 John y. DIP, V. Exod. 12. 22. d. it in the blood that is Lev. 4. 6. d. his finger, 17. j 14. 16. 14. 6. d. the cedar-wood, and the living bird, 51. Num. 19. 18. d. hyssoplJDeut. 33. 24. d. foot in oil Ruth 2. 14. d. morsel ]j Luke 16. 24, d. his finger DIPPED, ETH. Gen. 37. 31. d. coat in blood Josh. 3. 15. d. in brim j) 2 Kin. 5. 14. d. in Jordan Psal. 68. 23 foot d. in blood] [Matt. 26. 23. d. hand Mark 14. 20. one of 1 2 that d. with me in the dish John 1 3. 26. 1 give a sop, when I have d. it DIPT,^j. Lev. 9. 9. 1 Sam. 14. 27. d. end of rod 2 Kin. 8. 15. cloth, and ri'.itllRev.l9.l3. vestured. DIRECT, ED, ETH. Gen. 46. 28. to d. his face Job 32. 14. notd. his words||37.3.d. it under heaven Psal. 5. 3. d. my prayer]) 119. 5. ways were d. Prov. 3. 6. d. thy paths ]) 11.5. righteousn. shall d, IG. 9. Lord d. his steps Jj 21. 29. he d. his way Eccl. 10. 10. wisdom is profitable to d. Isa. 40. 13. who hath d. \\ 45. 13. I'll d. all his ways 618. I'll d. their work]IJer. 10. 23. to d. his steps 1 The,s.3.11. J.C. J. our way] 12 Thes. 3. 5. Lord d, DIRECTION,^. Num. 21. 18. Psal. 19.t 4. DIRECTLY, aih Num. 19. 4. Ezek. 42. 1^, DIS DIS DIRT, ;?. Jutli!. 3. 22. Psa!. 18. A'i. Isa. 57. 20. DISALLO W, EIX Num. .30. 5. fatlier d. 8. 1 1 . 1 Pet. 2. 4. d. indeed of men |j 7. builders d. DISANNUL. Job 40. 8. Isa. 14.27. Gal. 3. 17. DISANNULLED, p. Isa. 28. 18. shall be d. DISANNULLETH, i'. Gal. 3. 15. no man d. DISANNULLING, p. Heb. 7. 18. there is a d. DISAPPOINT,ED,ETH. Job 5.12. d. devices Psal. 1 7.1 3.0Lord, d. himj|Prov. 1.5.2;.'. purposes d. DISCERN, V. signifies, [1] To observe, Gen. 31. 32. j 38. 2,5. [2] To know, 1 Cor. 12. 10. Jonah 4. 11. [3] To behold, Prov. 7. 7. Geu. 31. 32. d. what is thine|!S8. 25. d. I pray thee 2 Sam. 14. 17. to d. good and bad, 19- 35. 1 Kin. 3. 9. d. between goodjj 11. to J.judgment Ezra 3. 13. people could not d. noise ofjoy Job 4. 16. not d. the form jj 6. 30. my taste d. Ezek. 44. 23. d. between unclean || Jonah 4. 11. Mai. 3. 18. d. between the righteous and wicked Matt. 16. 3. d. the face of the sky, Luke 1 2. 56. Heb. 5. 14. senses exercised to d. good and evil DISCERNED, ETH, ING. Gen. 27. 23. d. not 1 Kin. 20. 41. king d. himjjProv. 7. 7. 1 d. a young Eccl.8. 5. d. time and judgment j| Rom. 14. t23. 1 Cor. 2. 14. spiritually d. tl5. || 11. 29. ] 12. 10. DISCERNER, s. Heb. 4. 1 2. d. of the thoughts DISCHARGE, ED. 1 Kui. .'5. 9. Eccl. 8. 8. DISCIPLE, s. signifies, [I] A learner or scholar, Acts 20. 30. [2] A believer in Christ, Acts 11. 26. [3] The Apostles, Matt. 8. 1. [4] Professors, John 6. 66. Matt.10.24. d. is not above his master, I.uke 6.40. 42. cup of cold water to a rf.|j27.57. was Jesusd. John 9. 28. thou art his d. wc are Moses disciples 18. 15. and so did another d. |J 16. that other d. 19. 26. d. standing by |) 27. that d- took her 38. a d. butsecretlyl!'20. 2. the other d. 21. 7, 20. 20. 4. other d. did outrun Peter, 8. |j 21. 23, 24. Acts 9. 10. a certain d. \\ 25. thai he was a d. 36. 16. 1. d. named Timotheus |j 21. 16. an old d. Mtj D1SCU»LE. Luke 14. 26, 27, 33. DISCIPLES, s. Matt. 8. 25. d. awoke him Matt. 9.1 4. the d. ofJohn] jl9. Jesus arose and his d. 10. 1. called unto iiim his twelve d. 11. 2. John sent two d. Mark 11. 1. [ 14. 13. 14.26. d. saw him walking || 17. 6. d. heard it 19. 13. d. rebuked them, Mark 10. 13. || 20. 17. 21. 1 . sent two d. \\ 26. 35. so said all the d. |j 56. 28. 7. go, tell his rf.fl 13. d. came by niglit Mark 2. 18. why do d. of John fast, Luke 5. 35. Luke 6. "10. lift up his eyes on c?. || 11. 1. | 19. 37. John 2. 11. d. beUeved f| 4. 27. d. marvelled 6. 3. sat witli his d. \\ 66. ^/. went back, and 9. 27. will ye be his rf. |j 1 1. 12. then said his d. L. 18.19.a.«kedJesusof 1^5^.1120.26. d. were within Acts 9. 1. against the J. |j 19. 1. finding certain d. 11.26. d. called Christians first in Antioch 19. 30, have entered, the J. suffered him not 18. 25. strengthening d. \\ 20. 30. draw away d. To his DISCIPLES. Mark 4. 34. John 21.14. 3Iy or thy DISCIPLES. Isa. 8. 16. Matt. 9. 14. i 12. 2. I 1.5.2. j 17. 16. I 26. 18. Mark 7..'). I 9. 18. i 14. 14. Luke 19. 39. John 7. 5. 1 8. 31. I 13.35. I 15.8. DISCIPLINE, s. Job 36. 10. opcneth ears to d. DISCLOSE, v. Tsa. 26. 21 . earth d. her blood DISCOMFITED, p. Exod. 17. 13. d. Amalek Num. 14.45. d. to Hormah||Josh. 10.10. L. d- them Judg. 4. 15. L. rf. Sisera II 8. 12. Gideon d. the host 1 Sam. 7. 10. d. them, 2 Sam. 22. 15. Psal. 18. 14. Isa. 31. 8. and his young men shall be d. DISCOMFITURE, s. 1 Sam. 14. 20. a great d. DISCONTENTED, p. 1 Sam. 22. 2. that was d. DISCONTINUE, r. Jer. 17. 4. d. from heritage DISCORD, 5. Prov. 6. 1 4. sowest d. 19. DISCOVER, ED. Ex. 20. 26. nakedness not d. Lev. 20. 18. (/. her fountain || Deut. 22. 30. not d. 1 Sam. 14. 8. d. ourselves, 11. ||22. 6. David was d. 2 Sam. 22. 16. foundations of world d. Psal.18.15. Job 14. 13. who can d. the face of his garment Prov. 18. 2. heart d. itself || 25. 9. d. not a secret Isa. 3. 7. d, secret places [| 22. 8. d. the covering 57. 8. d. thyself to another || Jer. 13. 22. skirts d. Lam. 2. 14. not d. thine inicpiity || 4. 22. d. .sins Ezek. 13. 14. shall be d. || 16. 36. thy nakedness rf. 1 6. 37. I'll d. thy nakedness || 57. wickedness d. 21. 24. transgressions d. 22. 10. | 23. 10, 18, 29. Hos.2. lO.ld. her lewdness||7.1 . iniquity of Ephr. d, Mic. 1. 6. 1 will d. the foundation thereof Acts 21. 5. d. Cynrus || 27. 39. d. a certain creek DISCOVEREfH,ING. Job 12.22.t/.deepthings Psal. 29. 9.d. theforests|jHab.3. 13. d. foundation DISCOURAGE, ED. Num. 21. 4. much d. Num. 32. 7. why d. ye the hearts ||9. d. tlie heart Deut. 1. 21. nor be d. |j 28. brethren d. our heart Isa. 42.4. not fail nor be ^/.||Col.3.21. lest they be d. DISCREET, LY. Gen. 41. S3, a man d. 39. Mark 1 2.34. answered dljTit. 2.5. women to be d. DISCRETION, s. Ps.l 12.5. guide affairs with d. Prov.1.4. knowledge and . 32. thatisd. niVORCEMENT,s. Deut."24.1.writebill of dS. Isa. 50. 1. mother's d|jMark 10, 4. write bill of d. DOCTOR, S, s. Luke 2. 45. in midst of the d Luke 5. 17, d. of the lawljActs 5.34. Gamaliel, a d. DOCTRINE, S, s. Deut. 32. 2. d. drop as the rain DO DO Job 11. 4. my f/. is pure[|Psal. 19.t7. d. of the Lord Prov.4.2.I give good J.|lIsa.28.9.to understand d. Isa. 28.tl 'J- vexation to understand i- or to do ecil, Luke 6. 9, DO DOT ^lark 14.7. poor, when ye will, ye may do them - Luke 6. 33. if ye do -\\Rom. 7. 19. - 1 would do Gal. e.lO.do -to all men, 1 Tim. 6. 1 8. Hel). 13. 16. Jam. 4. 17. knowest to cfo -[|1 Pet. 3. 11. do - Have I to DO. 2 Sara. 16. 10, what have I to do with you? 19. 22. 1 Kin. 17. 18. 2 Kin. 3. 13. 2 Chr. 35 21. Mark 5. 7. Luke 8. 28. John 2.4. Hos. 14, 8.-t/awithidolsi|lGor.5.12. -f/otojudge I shall, or / will DO ; or mil /, shall I DO. Gen, 22. 37. |47.30. Exod. 3. 20. | 6. 1. |17. 4. j 34. 10. Num. 14. 35. | 22. 17. [ 33. 56, Ruth 3. 5,11,13. 1 Sam. 3. ll.|10. i.|20. 4.|28.15. 2 Sam. 12. 12.|18. 4, 38.121.3,4. 1 Kin. 5,8. |20. 9. 2 Kin. 2. 9.i4. 2. Esth. 5. 8. Job 7. 20. i31, 14.|34.32, Prov. 24. 29. Isa. 5. 5.|42, 16, j43. 19.|4fi. 10,11.148.11, Jer, 7. 14.19. 7. !l9. 12.|25. 6.129. 32.|51.47. Ezek.5, 9.|7.27. |22. 14.135. ll.|36. 11. Hos. 6. 4. Anios 4. 12, Matt. Luke 12. 17.116. 3, 120.13. John 14. 13, 14. Acts 22. 10. 2 Cor, 11. 12. Philem. 14. Must DO. Exod. 18, 20. work they must do Num. 23.26. that I - JoJiProv. 19. 19. - dfnt again Acts 16, 30. Sirs, what musti do to be saved DO joined with no or not. Gen. 1 8. 29. - do for 40 18, 30. I will 710^ do it, if I find tliirty there 19. 22. 1 cannot do nny thing till || 34. 19. Bx-od. 20 10, thou shalt-Joany work, Lev, 16. 29, I 23.3, 8, 21, ^28, 31, 36. | 25.35,36. Num. 28. IS,' 25, 26. Lev. 18. 3. ye shall - Jo||19. 15. do - unrighteous. 26. 14. but if ye will- do my commandments,15. Num. 8. 26. shall do - service|l23. 19. shall he - do 29. 7. ye shall - do any work,Deut, 5, 14. | 16. 8. Dcut, 12. 8, - do afterl|13. il.do no more any Judg. 6. 27. - do it by day || 19. 23. do - this folly Ruth 3, 13, -do the'part||l Sam. 16, 21.- do harm iKin. 11.12.inthvdays- doitl|2Kin. 17, 15.il8.12, Ezra 7. 26.-c?othelaw||Job 13. 20. 134. 12.) 41. 8. Ps. 119. 3, tliey do - iniquity(|Jer. 22. 3. d. - wrong Ezek, ,5. 9, - do any moie the like || 23. 48. 33. 31. they will- do them, 32. |) Zeph, 3. 5, 13. Matt. 5. 46. do - even the Publicans the same, 47. 6. 1. do - alms, 2. || 12. 2. not lawful to do on r9*t8. do - murder j| 23. 3. do -after their works Mark 6.5. c?o -mighty work||Luke 6. 46. J-things John 6. 38. - to do my own will || 10. 37. if I do - Rom. 7. 15. that I do -, 1 9.(18. 3. the law could - do Gal. 5. 17. ye can't do \\ i John I. 6. do- the trutli RcT. 19. 10. said, see thou do it not, 22. 9. O&serie with DO. Deut. 5, 32-18. l.|ll. 3.2.112. 1.115. 5.|16, 12.|17, 10,128. 13, 15,131, 12, 5H.|32. 46. Josh. 1.7. 2 Kin. 17. 37.121. 8. Neh. 10. 29, Ezek. 37. 24, Matt. 23, 3. Will ive DO, we will DO. Exod. 19. 8,l24. 3, 7, Num. 10. 32. Deut. 5. 27. Judg. 20. 9. 2 Kin. 10. 5. Jer. 18. 12.142. 20.144. 17. Shall we DO, we shall DO. Judg. 13- 8, 12,121. 7. 1 Sam. 5, 8.16. 2. 2 Sam, 16. ^0.117. 6. 2 Kin. 6. 15, 2 Clu-. 25. 9, Esth. 1. 15. Ps. 60. 12. Song 8. 8. Jonah 1. 11, Luke 3. 10, 12, 14. John 6. 28. Acts 2. 37.14. 16. DO joined with so. Gen. 18. 5.119. 7,|44. 17. Exod. 8, 26. Lev, 4. 20.18. 34. Num. 9. 14. |14. 28.|1.5. 14.122. 3G,|32. 23, 32. Deut. 3.21,112.4,30,31.118, 14.122.3, 5. Judg 7. 17.111. 10.|14. 10.119. 24. Ruth 1. 17 1 Sam. 3. 17. 1 8. 8. j 20. 15. i 25. 22. j SO. 23: 2 Sam, 3. 9, 35. | 9. 11. 1 Km. 1, 30, | 2. 23y SS.jl^. 2. 1 20. 10. 1 22. 22. 2 Kin. 6. 31, | 17. 41. 1 Chr. 13. 4. Ezra 10. 12. Neh. 5. 12. { 6. 13. 1 13. 21, Esth. 6. 10. 1 7. 5. Job 13^. 9. Prov.20. 30. I 24, 29. Isa. 10,11, Jer. 28. 6. Ezek. 45.20. Dan. 11. 30. Hos. 10. 15. Matt. 5. 47. 1 7. 12. 1 18. 35, John 14. 31. Acts 7. 51. 1 Cor. 16. 1.' Col. 3. 13. 1 Tim. 1, 4. Jam. 2. 12. DO joined with this. Gen. It. 6. 1 39, 9. j 41. 34. 142,18,143.11.(45.17, 19. Lev. 26.16. Num. 16. 6, Josh. 9. 20. Judg. 19. 23. 2 Sam. 13. 12. 1 23. 17. 2 Kin. 1 9. 31, 2Chr. 19. 10. Ezra 4. 22. Prov. 6. 3, Isa. 37. 33. I 38. 19. Jer, 32. 35. Ezek. 6. 10. | 56. 22. Amos 4. 12. Mai, 4. 3. Matt. 8. 9. | 9. 28. I 12. 18. 1 21. 21, Mark 11, 3. Luke 7. 4, 8. I 10, 28. 1 12. 18. 1 22. 19. Acts 21. 23. 1 Cor. 9. 17, 23. I 11. 24, 2.5. Heb. 6. 3. | 13. 19. Jam, 4, 15. DO well. Isa, 1.17. Jonah 4.9. Zech. 8. IS. Matt. 12. 12. John 11. 12. Acts 15. 29. James 2. 8. 1 Pet. 2. 14, 20, 1 3. 6. 2 Pet. I. 19. 3 John 6. DODAI, or DODO, Beloved. Judg. 10. 1. DODANIM, Beloved. Gen. 10, 4. 1 Chr. 1. T. DO D A VAH, Love. 2 Chr. 20. 37. DOEG, Careful. 1 Sam. 22. 18, 22. Psal. 52. 1. DOER, s. Gen. 39. 22. he was the d. of it. 2 Sam. 3. 39. Lord reward d. of evil, Psal. 31 . 23. Prov. 17, 4. wicked d. \\ Isa. 9. 17. and evil d. 2 Tim. 2. 9. wherein I suffer trouble as an evil d. Jam, 1. 23. not a d. j| 25. but a d. of the work 4. 1 1 . not a d. of the lawljl Pet. 4. 1 5. as evil d. DOERS, s. 2 Kin. 22. 5. give it to d. of the work Psal. 101.8. cut oflfwicked f/.||Rom, 2. 13. d.just Jam. 1, 22. be ye d. of the word, and not hearers DOST, V. Gen. 4. 7. if thou d. well, if d. not 21 . 22. God is with thee in all that thou d. Exod. 18. 17. the thing thou d. is not good Dcut. 12. 28. d. good if 15. 18. bless in all thon tl. 1 Kin, 2. 3. raayst prosper in all that thou d. 19. 9. what d. thou here, Elijah, 13. \\ 20, 22. Job 9.12. what d. thou ? |1 35. 6. what d. thou Psai. 49.18. d. well 1| 77. 14. God that d. wonders 86. 10. d. wonderous things 1( 1 19. 68. d. good Eccl, 8. 4. say, what d. thou ? Dan. 4. 3.5. Jer. 11. 15. d. evilj|l5. 5. ask how thou d. ? Ezek. 12. 9. what (/.thou? |1 16. 30. d. all, 24. 19. Jonah 4. 4. d. thou well to be angry ? 9. Matt. 6. 2. d. alms, 3. || 21. 23. authority d. thou these things.? Mark 11. 28. Luk^e 20. 2. John 2. 18, d. these things|)3. 2. miracles thou d. 7. 3. works thon d. \\ 13. 27, d. do quickly Acts 22, 26. saying, take heed what thou d. Rom. 2. 1. d. same things, 3. 1| Jam. 2. 19. d. well 3 John 5. thou d. faithfully what thou d. DOTH, V. Gen. 31, 12. all that I^ban d. Exod. 31. 14. d.av.y work therein, Lev. 23. 30. Lev. 6. 3, all these a man d. || Num. 24. 33. this ■ Job 5. 9. God d. great things, 9. 10. 1 37. 5. Psal. 72. 18. 1 136.4. 23. 13. what his soul desireth,even that he d. Ps.1,3. d.prosperjjU.l. r. Lev. 22.7. when sun is d. Deut.23.ll, Josh. 8. 29. as soon as sun was d. take the king 2Sam.3.35. till sun be c?.||Jobl.7. walking up and rf. Psal. 59. 15. let them wander up and J. for meat 109. 23. 1 am tossed up and d. as the locust 139. 2. d. sitting! jEzek. 28. 14. walked up and d. Zech.lO. 12. they shall walk up and d. in his name Acts27. 27. driven up and d|jRev. 1. 13. d to foot DOWNWARD,a. 2 Kin. 19. 30.rootc?.Isa.37.31. Eccl.3.21.thatgoeth J.|jEzek.l.27.hisloins d. 8.2. DOWRY, s. Gen. 30. 20. with a good djj34. 12. Exod. 22. 17. pay according to the d. of virgins 1 Sam. 18. 25. the king desireth not any d. but DRAG, S. Hab. 1. 16. burn incense to d.\\ 15. DRAGGING, p. John 21. 8. d. their net with DRAGON, S, s. A kind of winged serpent, very fierce and cruel. It is put for, [1] Tlie devilj Rev. 12. 9. [2] Tyrants, as Pharaoh, Psal. 74. 13. Ezek. 29. 3. [3] Whales and other great fishes, Psdd. 148.7. [4] Any hurtful thing , Psal. 91. 13. Dcut. 32. 33. poison of t^.jjNeh. 2. 13. tlie d. well Job 30. 29. brother to (Z.|jPsal. 44. 19. place ofd. Psal.74.13. brakest heads of d.||91. 13. S. trample 148. 7. d. and all deeps|jlsa. 1 3. 22. d. in palaces Isa. 27. 1. slay c?.||34. 13. habitation for d. 35. 7. 43. 20. d. and owls j) 51. 9. and wounded the d. Jer. 9. 11. Jerus. adenofrf. 10. 22.|jl4. 6. liked. 49. S3. Hazor[j51. 37. Babylon a dwelling for rf. 51.34.swallowed like a 4. 8. wandered to d. -\\ 6. 6. d. - in bowls |j 9. 14. Mic. 6.15. shaltnotf/.?ff«?, Zech. 1. 13. |) Jonah 3.7. Mark 9. 41. cup of if?af^r to d. || 15. 23. d- mingled Luke 1. 15. d. neither wine\\3o\m 4. 7. give - to d, Rom. 14.21. or d. wine\\\T\m.5. 23. d no longer - Rev. 14. 8. f/. of the wine\\lO. d. - of wrath of God DRINK Blood. Num. 23. 24. Deut. 32. 14. 1 Chr. 11. 19. Ps. 50. 13. Ezek. 39. 17. Job 6. 53. Rev. 16. 6. DRINKERS, 5. Psal. 69.tl2. Joel 1. 5. all ye d. DRINKS, s. Heb. 9. 10. in meats and d. and DRINKETH, ING. Gen. 24. 19, 22. 1 44 5. Dent. 11. II. land d. water |j Ruth 3, 3. done d. 1 Sam. 30. 16. d. and dancing y 1 Kings 4. 20. 1 Kin. 10. 21. d. vessels||16.9.Elah was d.\\i^. 12. 1 Chr. 12. 39. three days eating and d IJEsth. 1.8. Job 1. 13. sons and dau. d. || 6. 4. d. up my spirit 15. \^. d. iniquity j| 34. 7. d. up scorning like 40.23. d. up a river I| Prov, 26. 6. J. damage Isa. 22. 13. eating tlesh,andf/. wine j 1 29. 8.144. 12. Matt. 11. 18. neither eating nor d. Luke 7. 33. 24. 38. J. till flood caracjlMark 2.16. cf. with pub. John 4. 13. whoso d. of this water shall thirst, 14. 6. 54. whoso d. my blood hath eternal life, b^. 1 Cor. 11. 29. d. damnationilHeb. 6. 7. earth d. in DRIVE, «. Ex. 6. 1 . with a strong hand d. 23. 28. hornets d. |j 29. not d. in one year SO. by little d. |! 31 . thou shalt d. them 32. 2. I'll d. out the Canaanite,theAm. 34. 11. Num. 22. 6. I may d. 11. || 2,^. 52. then shall d. 55. Deut. 4. 38. to d. out nations, 9. 4, 5. Josh. 3. 10. 9. 3. so shalt thou d. i| 1 1. 23. L. shall d.lS. 12. Josh. 13. 6. them lil d. j| 14. 12. I be able to d. 15. 63. Judah couldnotd. 17. 12, 1.3. Judg. 1. 28. 23.5. L. shall ov. 3. 29. d. securely |j Isa. 8. 18. L. d. in Ziou Isa. 33. 5. L.i/.onhighf)Jer.44.2.no manc/.!J49.31. Lam. 1. 3. Judah, she d. among the iieathen Ezek. 16.46. younger sister rf |J17.1G. the king d. Dan. 2. 22. light d. \\ Hos. 4. 3. Amos 8. 8. j 9.5. Joel 3.21. L. d. in Zion ||John 6. 56. d. in me and John 14. 10. Father (/. in me |) If. he d. with you Acts 7. 48. he d. not in temples made, 17. 24. Kom. 7. 17. sin d. in me, 20.|jl8. d. no good rhing 1 Cm'.3. 16. Spirit of God d. in yon, Rom. 8. 11. Col. 2. 9. in him d. fulness |)2 Tim. 1. 14. which d. Jam. 4.5. spirit that d. in us lustctii || 2 Pet. 3.13. 1 John 3. 17. how d. the love of G. || 24. d. in him 4. 12. G. d. in us i| 15. G. d. in him J! 16. d. in G. 2 John 2. truth's sake which d. in us jjRev. 2. 13. DWELLING, s. Gen. 25. 39. (/. be the fatness 2 Kin. 17. 25. their d.|)2C{ir. 6.2. place for thy d. Psal. 49.14. grave from their rf.|j91.l0. uigh thy d. Prov.21.20. t/. ofthe wiscjj24. 15. rf. of righteous Jer. 49. 33. Hazor shall be a d. for dragons and Dan. 2. 11. the gods, whose d. is not with flesh 4. 25. d. shall be with the beasts, 32. | 5. 21. Nah. 2. ll.d. of lions ||Mark 5. 3. rf. among tombs DWELLING,;?. Gen. 25. 27. Jacob, d. in tents 30120. his name d. (| Lev. 25. 29. sell nd. house Num. 24. 21. and lie said, strong is thy d. place 1 Kin.8.30.hear thou in heaven thy d. place,when hearest forgive, 39,43, 49. 2Chr.6.21,30,39. 2 Chr.30.27. to his holy d.|j36.l5. compassion on d. Job8.22.d.place of wicked come to nou;iht,2l.28. Psal.49.11.rf. to all gener.|j52-5. pluck thee out of 74. 7. casting down d. || 76. 2. d. place in Zion 79. 7. laid waste his . d.- castle Ezra 2. 70. Nethinims d. - their cities, Neh.3.2G. i 7. 73. I 11. 21. Job 22. 8. honourable man d.- it |j Psal. 94. 17. Isa. 13. 20. nor d. - from generation, Jer. 50. 39. Jer. 35. 10. d. - tents |] 41. 17. d. - habitation of Ezek. oQ. 17. d. - own land IJ 39. 26. d. safely in Dan. 4. 12. (/. - boughs |j Matt. 2. 23. d.- Naz"iircth Matt. 4. 13. ^. there will e. be gathered, Luke 17.37. E4R, 5. The organ of hearing ; put t'oY, [l"] The understanding. Job 13. 1. [2] Obedi€7ice,i:'w\. 25. 12. [3] Attention, Job 29- 21. Exofi. 21. 6, master shall bore his e. Deut.15.17. 29. 20. upon the tip of the right e. of his sons. Lev. 8.23, 24. | 14.14, 17,25,28. 1 Sam. 9. 15. tlie Lord had told Samuel in his e. 20. t 2. uncover mine e. ■\ l"2. \ 22. f 8. 2Kin.l9.16. bow down thine. maid c. looked Acts 3. 12. look ye so t'.?|i'23. 1. PauU. beh.olding 1 Cor. 12. 31. but covet e.\\2 Cor. 5. 2. we grone e. Jam. 5. 17. Elias prayed e.|.Jud€ 3. e. contend for EARNETH, v. Hag. 1. 6. that e. wa^res, e. to put EARTH, s. is taken for, [1] This tevreatrial globe, Gen. 1. 10. [2] The inhabitants of the earth. Gen. 6. 11. | 11. 1. [S] Kin^s, iKin. 10. 24. 2 Cbr. 9. 23. [4]"T/if antichristian state, Rev. 16. 1, 2. | 14. 3. [5] The militant church, Rev. 3. 1016. 4. [6] A cnuntrij. Matt. 9. 26. [7] Wicked omressorSj pj=3i. 1(>. 18. 146.6. Gen. 1. 2. and the e. was without form, ani void lO.G.called dry-land e.||l 1 . c. bring forth, 12,24. 28. replenish e. and, 9. 1. !| 2. 4. G. n:tade the e. 6. 11. e. also was corrupt jj 13. I'll destroy the e. 7. 17. and the ark was lift up above the e. 8. 14. tlie e. dried || 22. while e. remaineth 9. 13. token of i'. covenant between me and e. 10.25.in his days was the e. divided, 1 Chr. 1. 19, 18.18. nations of e. be blessed,22.18.|26.4.|28.14.^ 24.3.sw^ear by G. of the e.i]27. 28. fatness of the e. 41.47.in pienteousyears e.brougljt forth handfuls Exod. S. 22. I am the Lord in the midst of the e. 9. 29. e. is the Lord's, Deut. 10. 14. Psal. 24. 1. 10.5. not able to see e.!|15. 12. ^.swallowed them 20.24.an altar of e.j|Nam. 16.30. if e. open mouth Num. 16.32. e. swallowed them, 26.10. Ps.106.17. Dent. 28. 23. e. be ironjjSi. l.hear, O e. the words 32. 13. made him to ride on high-places of tlie e. 22. fire shall consume the e. W4th her increase 1 Sam. 2. 8. pillars of the e. || 4. 5. e. rang again l4.15.t'.qaaked||2San).l.2.e. onhishead, 15.32^ 2 Sam. 2i'. 8. e. shook and trembled, Psal. 18. 7. 1 Kin. 1. 40. e. renti|2 Kin. 5. 17. mules burden of 1 Chr. 16. 31. and let the e. rejoice, Psal. 96. H. 33. G. cometh to judge e. Psal. 96. 13. | 98. 9. Neh. 9. 6. thou hast made the e. Isa. 45. 12. Job 9. 6. sliaketh the c. || 24. e. is given into hand 11.9. longer than e. \\ 12. 15. waters overturn e. 15. 19. e. was given] jl 6. 18. O e. cover thou not 18.4. shall els food (| 102. 4. T forget toe. 105. 35. did c. up all the herbs in their land 127. 2. g. bread of sorrows j] 128. 2. e. the labour 141. 4. and let me not e. of their dainties Prov. 1. 31. c. fruit of their own way, Isa. 3. 10. 13. 2. e. violence Ij 13. 21 . e. the frnit thereof 23. t. when thou sittest to c 1| 24. 13. e. honey 25. 16- e. so innch as is siifJieient |j 27. to e. much 27. 18. shall f. fruit |j 30. 17. young eagles e. it Eccl. 2. 25. who can c.||3. 13. every man should e. 5. 11. increased thate. 11 12. e. little or much 19. power to e. \\ 6. '2. no power to e. thereof 9.7. e. thy bread with joy, and drink thy wine 10.16.kinga child, and princes e. in morning, 17. Song 4. 1 1. e. of Giltad 1) 16. c. his pleasant fruits 5. 1. ('. O friends, drink, yea, drink abundantly Isa. 1. 19. r. the good of the land || 3. 10. e. fruit 4. 1. €'. our own bread i| 5. 17. shall strangers c. 7. 15. butter and honey shall he e. '■J2. 9. 20. e. flesh of liisann || 11.7. lion e. straw 23. 18. e. sulTiciently |1 30. 2+. e. clean provender S6. 12. e. own dungjj 16. e. ye every one of vine 37. 30. e. the iVuit thereof, 63. 21. jer. 2y. 5. 50. 9. the moth shall ^^ J.* EDd Trf Lev. 19. 8. every one that e. shall bear his iniquity Num. 1 3. 32. a land that e. up the mhabitants 1 Sam. 14. 24. cursed be the man thate. 28. Job 5. 5. hungry efl|21, 25. never e. with pleasure 40. 15.e. grass as an oxjjPs. 106. 20. that e. ^vass Prov. 13. 25. righteous i \\ 30. 20. she e.lj 31.' 27. Eccl. 4. 5. the fool e. II 5. 17. e. in darkness |j 6. 2. Isa. 28. 4. he e. it up [] 29. 8. he e. but awaketh 44. 16. withpart lie e. flesh 1| 59. 5. e. of eggs Jer. 31. 30. every man that e. the sour grape Matt. 9. 11. wliy e. your master with pubhcans and snmers ? Mark 2. 16. Luke 15. 2. Mark 14. 1 3. e. with me shall betray, John 13. 18. John 6. 54. whoso e. my flesh, 56, 57, 5S. Rom. 14. 2. e. herbs || 3. despise him that e. not 6. f. to the Lord [] 20. who e. with ofieiice 23. damned ifli6eat, because he e. not of faith 1 Cor. 9. 7. e. not the fruit |1 11. 29. e. unworthily EATING,;*. Gen. 2.tl6. e. thou shall eat, but Exod. 12. 4. according to his e. 16. 16. | 18.21. Judg. 14. 9. Samson took thereof and went on c. I Sam. 14.34. sin not against L.ine.il3.>. 16. and dim* 1 Kin. I. 41. an end ofe. || 2 Km. 4. 40. e. pottage Job 20. 23. shall rain it upon him whik he is e. Isa. 66. 17. e. swines flesh |j Amos 7. 2. e. grass Matt. 11. 19. Son of man camec. Luke 7. 34. 24. 38. they were e. || 26. 26. as they were e. Acts l.t4. ande. with themljl Cur. 8.4. | 11. 21. Elj VL, An heap of antiqn'itij. The son of Shohaly Gen. 36. 23. Amount, Dent. 11. 29. Deut. 1 1.29.cin\se upon mount i'>.(|27. 4. stones in 27. 1 3. standilJosh. 8.30. bailtaltav|l33.half stood EBED, A sen-ant. Judg. 9. 26. Ezra 8. 6. EBED-MELECH, A servant of the king, Jer. 38.7, 8. I 39. 18. EBEN-EZEK, The stone of help. 1 Sam. 4. i. I 5. 1. I 7. 12. FJjER, Passing, passage, or anger. Gen. 10. 24. Gen. 10.21. children of £.!|25. untojE. iChr. 1. 19. Num. 24. 24. sliipsfrom Chittim shall atilict E. EBIAS APH, A gathering father. I Chr. 6. 23. EBONY, A tree, su])posed to be of the palm kindj fheivood of which is imported from the Kastond West-Indies. It is extremehj solid, and of a jet Muck, capable of a very fine polish, Ezek. 27. 15. EBRONAH, Going over; wrath; or cloud of intercessiim. Num. 35. 34, 35. ECHO. Ezek. 7.t7. e. of the mountains ED, A ivitness. An altar. Josh. 22.34, EDAR, A flock. A place. Gen. 35. 21. EDEN, Pleasure, or delights, Gen. 2. 8. [1] A garden, Gen. 2. 15. j 3. 23. [2] A cowitr!/,lsa. 37. 12. Ezek. 27. 23. [3] A man's name, 2 Chr. 29. 12. 1 31.15. Gen. 2, 1 5 . God put the man into the garden ofE. 3. 23. God sent him forth from the garden oi'E. Tsa. 51. 3. her wilderness lifee i3. Ezek. 36. 35. Ezek. 28. 13. been in£.!|31. 9. trees of ir\ envied 31.l6.treesof£.\comfortedi!l 8. be brought down Joel 2.3. as-E. before themJiAmos 1.5, cutoiffrom EDER , A flock. The name of a city. Josh 1 5. 21 . EDGE, s. Ex. 13. 20. e. of wilderness,Num. 33. 6. 26. 10. e. of curtain |{ Ecc. 10.10.Luke4.tl9. EDGE of the Sword. Gen. 34. 26. Exod. 17. 1 S. Num.21. 14. Jo.:ih. 6. 21. I 8. 24. Judff. 4. 15. I '^J. 10, Job 1. 15, 17. Psal. 89. 45. Jer. 21 , r. Luke 21. 24. Heb. 11. Si. EFF EDGED, p. Psal. 149. 6, a two e. sword in tlitir Prov. 5. 4. two e. sword, Heb. 4. 12. Kev. 1. 16. EDGES,*. Exod. 28.7. Judg. 3. 16. Rev. 2. 12. EDIFICATION, s. Rom. 15. 2. please to e. 1 Cor. 14. 3.speakethto. Acts 9. 31. iCor. s, Acts 14. 23. Jam. 5. 14. [6j Persons older in years, Gen. 10. 21. 1 Pet. 5. 5. Gen. 10. 21. Shem the brother of Japlict the c. 25. 23. e. serve youni>er,Rom. 9.12. }|1 Sam. 18.17. 1 Kin. 2. 22. ask the kingdom, he is my e. brother Job 15. 10. e. than thy tathcr||32. 4. they were e. Ezek. 16. AQ.e. sister is Sam.|i23.4. Aholah the c- Luke 15. 25. now his e. son vA'as in the field 1 Tim. 5. 2. intreat the e- women as mothers 1 Pet. 5. 5. younger, submit yourselves to ther. ELDER for Ruler. 1 Tim. 5- 1. rebuke not ant. 19. against an e. receive not an uccusation,but 1 Pet. 5. 1. the elders I exhort, who am also an 6'. 2 John I. e. to elect lady || 3 John 1. the e. to Gains ELDERS, s. Gen. 50. 7. the e. ofhis house went Exod.l9.7.c'. of people j| Lev. 4. 15. e. of congreg. Nnm.l 1.16. e. of the people|j24. seventy men off. 25. Lord gave of the spirit to the seventy e. Deut. 25. 7. go to the e. jj 29. 10. your e. officers 3 1 . 28. gather the e. |j 32. 7. ask thy e. and they Josh. 24. 31. all the days of the e. Judg. 2. 7. JiKlg.8.l4.e.ofSuccothj|Ruth 4. 4. e.oi'my people i Sam. 15.30. honour me before the t'.of luy people 1 Sam.i6.4. e. of town I]30. 26. sent spoil to e. of J. 2 Kin.20.8.e-saidtohim|!21. 11. e. did as Jezebel 2 Kin.6.32.Elishasat,and the e.||l0.1.toe. of Jezr. 19. 2. sent the e. of the priests, Isa. 37. 2. Ezra 5. 5.eyeoftheir Godwasone. ||6. 14.110.8. Psak 107. 32. praise him in assend)!y of the e. Prov. 31. 23. her husband is known among the c. Lam. 1. 19. e. gave up ghost |12. 10. e. of Ziou sit 4. 16. favoured not the c !| 5. 14. e. have ceased Ezek. 8. 1. e.satbeforemel|Joell.l4.gather thee. Matt. 15.2. tradition of e. 1| 16. 21. snlfer of the c. 21. 23. the e. of the people came, Luke 22. 6&. 26. 4f. f. of the people||59. e. sought false witness 27. 1.c.tookcounsel|l20.t.'.persuaded multitude to 4l.ande.said,hesaved|l28.12.assembled withe. Mark 7.3. tradition wf e. |t 8. 31. rejected of the e. I4..43. Judasfromthee.|jl5. 1. priests with the f. Luke 9. 22. rejected off. || 22. 52. Jesus said to e. Acts 4.5. f.were gathered || 23.t'. had said to them 6. 12. stirred up the e. \\ 11.30. sent to the e. 14. 23. ordained e. in j| 15. 4. received of the e. 1 5. 6. apostles and e. came |j 23. e. and brethren 16. 4. decrefeg ordained of f.||20. 17. called the e. 22.5. estate of f.jj24.1. Ananias descended with e, 25. 1 5. e. of Jews \\ \ Tim. 5. 1 7. e. that rule well Tit. 1. 5. ordain e. \\ Heb.11.2. e. obtained a good Jam. 5. 14. call for the e.\\l Pet. 5. 1. e. I exhort Rev. 4. 4. 1 saw 24 f. sitting, 10. 1 5. 8, 14.|11. 16. 5. 5. one of the e.\\ 6. in midst of the e. stood 11. about the e. 7. 11. jj 7. 13. one of the e. 14. 3. sung a new song before the throne and c. ELDERS, with Cittj. Deut. 19. 12. j 21. 3. 21. 6. the e. of that city, 19. 1 22. 1 5. \ 25. 8. Josfa. 20. 4. Judg. 8. 16. Ruth 4. 2. Ezra 10. 14. and with them the e. of every city ELDERS of Israel. Exod. 3. 16. ] 12. 21. 1 17.5. 1 18. 12. I 24. I, 9. Num. 11. 16. Deut. 27.1. I 31. 9. Josh. 7. 6. 2 Sam. 5. 3. | 17. 4, 1.5. 1 Kings 8.3. 1 Chr. 11. 3. | 21. 16. 2 Chr. 5. 4. Ezek. 14. 1. | 20.1. Acts 4. 8. ELDEST. Gen. 24. 2. e. servant |i 27. 1. e. son 44. 12. began at the f.||NHm.l.20.Isr. e.son, 26. 5. 1 Sam. 17.13. threce. sons ofJcsse,l4.|J2S.e.brothcr 2 Kin.3.27. took e. son and 1| 2Chr. 22. 1. slain alle. Job 1. 13. in f. brother's house, 18, II John 8. 9. at e. ELE AD, God's testimony, oy witness. 1 Chr.7.21. ELEALEH, Ascension of God, or burnt-offering of God. A city, Num. 32. 3, 27. Isa. I5". 4. Isa. 16. 9. water with tears, O E. (| Jer. 48. 34. ELEASAH, The work of God. I Chr. 2. 39. |9. 43. ELEAZAR, The help of God. Exod. 6. 23. Exod. 6. S3. Aaron's son E. 28. 1. Num. 3. 2.|26. 60. 1 Chr. 6. 3. | 24. 1. Ezra 8. 33. Lev.lO.l 6. angry with£.|jNum.3.4.£.andItharaar Num. 3. 32. E. son of Aaron shall be chief over 4. 16. to E. pertaineth the oil || 16. 39. E. took 20. 26. garments on E. \\ 28. E. came down 27. 22. set Joshua before E. \\ 41. tribute toE. 34. 17. E. and Joshua shall divide the land Josh. 17. 4. came near before .E.|l 24. 33. E. died 1 Sam. 7. t. sanctified E. to keep ark of theLord 2 Sam. 23. 9. after him E. son of, 1 Chr. 11. 12. 1 Chr. 9. 20. E. was ruler [j -^3. 21. E. and Kish 23. 22. E. died || 24.4. chief men of sons of J',^.5. Neh. 12. 4^. E. priests [] Matt. 1, 15. E. begat EL-ELOHE-ISKAEL, God the God of Israel, Gen. S3. 20- ■ ELE r IT' ELI ELECT, s. or Chosen, is spofc^M, [1] O/ Christ, ichotvas chosen and set apart from eternity by God the Father, to the great work of mediation and re- demption, Psal. 89. 19. Isa. 42. 1. Matt. 12. 18. [2j Of good angels, whom God chose from the rest to eternal life, 1 Tim. 5. 21. [3] Of the Israelites, who were God's chosen and peculiar people, Dent. 7. 6, 7, 8. Isa. 65. 9. [4] Of such as are chosen by God in Christ to eternal life, out of all the nations on the earth, Tit. 1.1. This election is, (1) An act of distingui$hing love. Dent. 7. 8. (2) Of divine sovereignty, irrespective of any goodness in the objects of it, Rom. 9. U, 12, 16. (;>) Eternal, Eph. 1. 4. 2 Thes. 2. 13. (4) Absolute and vrevocuble, Rom. 9. 11. 2 Tim. 2. 19. (5) Personal, i. e. of a certain numhei' of persons. Matt. 20. 23. 2 Tim. 2. 19. (6) Of some of the chief of sin- ners, 1 Tim. 1. 1.3. (7) It is in Christ, Eph. 1 . 4. (8) It is to sanctification and holiiiess as the means, and eternal glory as the end, Eph. 1. 4. 1 Thcs. 5. 9. Isa. 42. 1. behold mine e.|!45. 4. and Isiaelmine e. 65. 9- ntine e. shali inljerit it || 22. e. long enjoy ' Matt. 24. 22. for e. sake those days, Mark 13. 20. 24. if possible deceive the very e. Mark 13. 22. 31. gather his 1 Pet. 5. 13. the church <;. toaeth. ELECTION. Rom. 9.11.purpose of G.accord.toc. 11.5. the e. of grace |j 7. the e. hath obtained it 28. but as toucliing the e. they are beloved lThes.l.4.your e. of Go 1||2 Pet. 1. 10. voure. sure ELEGANTLY, ad. Isa. 32. 1 4. shall speak e. ELEMENTS,^, put for, [l] Legal ceremonies. Gal. 4. 3, 9. [2] tVordly rudiments, Col. 2. ■ 8, t 20. [3] Fire, air, water, and earth, 2 Pet. 3. 10. ELEPH, Learning. A city, Josh. 18. 28. ELEPHANT, 5. The word Elephas may be de~ rived from .-^leph, ivhich signijies to iHstruct, hy reason of (he docility of this anirnnl; or from Eleph, ivhich sig7iifeshein], or captain, because the elephant is as it were the head of all other terrestrial animals. It is the largest of all beasts, of whose sagacity, faithfulness, prudence., and even understanding, many suj'prising relations are givfin. This animal feeds on hay, hei-bs, and all sorts of pulse. He is naturally gentle. He is furnished wiiha trunk, or a long hollow cartilage, ivhich serves him for hands. His teeth are the ivory so well known in Europe. 1 Kin. 10.t^2. navy b inging c. teeth, 2 Chr. 9. '21. Job 40. 1 15. behold the e. which I have made ELEVEN. Gen. 32. 22. Jacob took his e. sons 37.9. the f.starslJExod. 2G. 7. e. curt.iins, 36. 14. Dent. 1. 2. e. days journey |) Josh. 1.5. 5\. e. ciJies Judg. 16. 5. e. hundred pieces of silver, 17. ?, 3. 2 Kin. 23. 36. reigned e years in Jer. 2 Chr. 36. 5. Matt. 28. 16. e. disciples, Luke 24.9,33. Acts 1.2G. Mark 16. 14. afterward he appeared to the e. Acts 2. 14. but Peter standing up with the e. ELEVENTIL Dcut. 1, 3. m the f. mouth, on 1 Kin. 6. 38. in the e. year was the house finishccl 2 Kin. 9. 29. in the e. year of Joram began Ahaz. 25. 2. city besieged to the e. year of, Jer. 52. 5. 1 Chr. 24. 12. e. lot, 25. 1 8. \\ 27. 14. e. capt. for «. Jer. 1. 3. e. year of Zedekiah the son of, 39. 2. Ezek. 26. 1. word came to Ezek-in e. year, 30. 20. Mat.t.20.6.thee. hour, 9.iJRev. 21.20. e. a jacinth ELHANAN, God's grace or 7nercy, 2 Sam. 21.19. ELI, Offering or lifting tip. 1 Sam. 4. 18. , 1 Sam. 1.25. slew bullock, and brought child to E. 2. 11. ministered before E. 3. 2. |j 12. sons of E. 27. man of God to E. \\ 3. 5. ran to E. 6, 8. 3. 12. against E. \\ 14. theiniqnity of £. liouse 4. 14. told £.!|1 Kin. 2. 27. spake concerning E. ELIAB, God my father. Num. 1. 9. 2 Chr. 11. 18. Num. 1. 9. E. the son of Hclon, 2. 7. 16. 1. Dathan and Abiram, the sons of E. 12. 26. 8. son of Paila, £. j! Dent. 11. 6. sons of E. 1 Sam. 16. 6. looked on E.\\ 17. 28. E. heard 1 Chr. 2. 13. first-born E.IJ6.27. E. son of Nathan 12. 9. E. captain i| 15. 18. E. porter, 20. 16. 5. E. with psaltery || 2 Chr. 11. 18. daughter ELI AD A, The knowledge of God, 1 Chr. 3. 8. ELIAH, God the Lord. \ Chr. 8. 27. Ezra 10. 26. ELIALilM, Tiie resurrection of God. 2 Kin. 18, 18. I 19. 2. Isa. 22. 20. | 37. 2. ELI AM, The people of God. 2 Sam. 23. 34. ELI ASAPH, The Lord incrcascth. Num. 1. 14. ELI.4SHIB, The Lord returned. 1 Chr. 3. 24. ELIATHA, My God cometk. 1 Chr. 25. 4. ELIEL, God my GoiJ. 1 Ciir. 5. 24. j 6. 34. ELIENAi, Unto him mine eyes. 1 Chr. 8. 20. ELIEZER, The help of God. Exod. 18. 4. Gen. 15. 2. the steward of my house is this ^. Exod. 18. 4. Moses' son was E. 1 Chr. 23. 15. 1 Chr. 7. 8. sons of Bechar, E. \\ 15. 24. B. priest 23. 17. son of -E. |) 27. 16. the ruler was E. 2 Chr. 20. 37. .E. prophesied against Jehoshaphat Ezra 8. 16. sent I for E. \\ 10. 18, E. had taken Luke 3. 29. Jose, which was the son of JS. ELIHABA, My God the father. 2 Sam. 23. 32. ELIHOEN AI, Mine eyes towards the Lord. The son oi'Zerahiah, Ezra 8. 4. 1 C!n-. 3. 23. ELIHOREPH, The God of youth. 1 Kin. 4. 3. ELIHU, He is my God. 1 Sam. 1. 1. Job 32.2. ELI HUD, God of praise. Matt. 1. 14. ELIJAH, or ELIAS, God the Lord ; or, a sfrowg- Lord. Ezra 10. 21. Matt. 17. 11. 1 Kin. 17. 1. E. the Tishbite \\ 15. sayraj ofE. 22. Lord heard voice of-E.|l23. £.took the child 18. 2. E. went to Ahab || 7. art thou E. 8. 16. Ahab went to meet E. jj 27. E. mocked 40. E. slew prophets || 46. hand of Lord on E. 19. 9. dost thou hear E. ? 13. jj 20. ran after E. 2 Kin. 1. 8. said, itis E.\\IS. captain fell bcforeJG... 17. word E. had spoken j] 2. 1. take up E. 2. 8. E. took his mantle \\ll. E. went up by a 14. where Lord God of jE.]I15. spirit of E. rest 3. 11. hands of -E. |j 9- 36. spake by E. 10. 10. 2 Chr. 21 12. there cause a writing from E. Mai. 4. 5. behold, I send you E. the prophet Mutt.l l.l4.this is E:\\l6.\\.'-ome sayi'.MarkG.J 5> 17. 3. there appeared E. Mark 9. 4. Luke 9. 30. 10. that-E. must first come, Mark 9. 11. 27. 47. this man callcth for E. Mark 13. 35. Luke 1.17. power of EJ,]^. 25. w^idows in days of 0. 54. ccKsame, as JJ, d)d[iJo!ui 1.21. art thouiJ. ELS EMP Horn. 11 . 2. saith of .E.jfJam. 5. 17. JE. was a raan ELIKA, T/ic pelican of Goit. 2 Sam. 23. 25. ELIM, Rums, powers, gods, or strong utigcls. A place, Exod. 15.27. j 16. 1. Num. 33. 9, 10. ELIMELECH, The counsel of God. Ruth 1 . '2. ELIPH AL, A miracle of God. 1 Clir. 1 1 . 35. ELIPHALEH, The God of judgement. 1 Ciir.15.18. ELIPHELET, God of deliverance. 2 Sam. 5. 16. ELIPHAZ, The endearour of God. Gen. 36. 4. Adah bare to Esau, E. 10. 1 Chr.l .35. 11. the sons of £. 12, 15. 1 Chr. t. 36. Job 2. 11. ii;. came||4. 1. JE. answered, 15. 1,|22. 1. 42. 9. E. did as the Lord commanded liini ELISABETH, God hath szcorn. Luke 1 . 5—57. ELISEUS, Health from, God. Luke 4. 27. ELISHA, God thai sareth. 1 Kin. 19. 10. anoint 17. escapeth from sword of Jehu, shall JB. slay 19. found E. plowing () 2 Kin. 2. 5. came to E. 2 Kin. 2. 12. E. saw it|jl5. Spirit doth rest on E, 3. 1 1. here is E. |) 4. 1. cried a woman to E. 4. 8, £. passed to Shunem|jl7. E. had said to her 52. E. was come, behold the child was dead 5. 9. Naaman came and stood at the door of £. 6. 12. E. telleth |i 18. jE. prayed to the Lord 20. E. said, Lord open the eyes||31. head of E. 8. 4. tell me great things E. || 5. E. restored 14. what said E. j| 13. 14. E. was fallen sick 13. 16. E. put his hands |j 17. E. said, shoot '21. man touched the bones of JG. he revived ELISHAH, Son ofJavan, Gen. 10. 4. 1 Chr. 1. 7. Ateo isles on the Egean sea, as Coa, Rhodia, and Nisyrus, Ezek. 27. 7. Dr. Gill. ELISHAMA, The God of hearing. Num. 1. 10. E. the son of Ammihud, 2. 18. j 7. 48, 53. I 10. 22. 1 Chr. 7. 2G. 2 Sam. 5. 16. E. David's son, 1 Chr. 3. 6. | 14. 7. 2 Chr. 17. 8. E. the priest |j Jer. 36. 12. scribe Jer. 41. 1. son of E. of the seed royal ELISHAPHAT, i)/?y God/udgeth. 2 Chr. 23. 1. ELISHEBA, Theoath,orf Illness of God. Ex.6.23. ELISHUA, God keeping safe. '-2 Sam. 5. 15. ELIZAPHAN, 3Iy God is hid. Num. 34. 25. ELIZUR, The strength of God. Num. 2. 10. ELK ANAH, The zeal of God. 1 Sam. 1.1. Exod. 6. 24. Assir, and E. || 1 Sam. 1. 1. name E. 1 Sam. 1. 21. E. w^ent up |j 2. 20. Eli blessed E. 1 Chr. fi. 23. son of jG. 25,-55. j 0. 16. | 15. 23. 2 Chr. 28. 7. E. that was next to the king ELKOSHITE,l:rarrfnes.s or rigor of God. Nah. 1.1. 'ELLiASA'R, Revolting from God. Gen. 14.1. ELMS, s. Hos.4.1 3. under oaks and c. and poplars ELMODAD, The measure of God. Gen. 10. 26. ELMODAM, The same. Luke 3. 28. ELNAAN, God's fairness. 1 Chr. 11. 46. ELNATHAN, God's gift. 2 Kin. 28. 8. Jer. 36.12. ELOI, 3Iij God. Mark 15. 34. ELON, Strong, or oak, or grove. Gen. 26. 34. Judg. 12. 11. ELON-BETHANAN, Name of a city of the Danites, 1 Kin. 4. 9. EL0QUP:NT. Exod. 4. 10. I am not e. Prov. 1. 1 6. an e. speech || Isa. 3. 3. Acts 18. 24. ELOTH, Olives. A city, 2 Chr. 26.2. ELPAAL, God's icork. 1 Chr. 8. 12, 18. ELPALET, God of dehverunce. 1 Ciir. 14. 5. EL-PARAN, The plain of Paran, Gen. 14. 6. ELSE. Gcii. 30. 1. or e. I die 1| Nam. 20. 19. Deut. 4. 35. God, there is none e. 1 Kia. 8. GO. Isa. 45. 5, G, 14, 18,21, 22.|46. 9. Joel 2. 27. Psal.5l.l6.desirest not sacrifice, .Psak 81.1 5. should have ^.forever Kom. 9. 22. e. with much long-suffering the 2 Tim. 3. 11. known what persecutions I e. but Heb. 6. 15. had patiently <;,||10. 32. c a great tight 11.27.for he<;.|jl2. 2.^ crossjiS.e. such contradict. ENDURETH, v. 1 Chr. 1 g! 34. for his mercy e. forever, 41. 2 Chr. 5. 13. | 7. 3, 6. | 20. 21. Ezra 3. 11. Psal. 106. 1. | 107. 1. | 118. 1, 2, 3, 4. I 136. 1—26. | 138. 8. Jer. 33. 11. Psal. 15. t3. nor e. reproach |j 30. 5. aneerc. a mom. 52. 1. e. continually [| 72. 7. long as the moon e. 100. 5. his truth e.\\l\l.o. his righteousness e. 111. 10. his praise e. for everllll7. 2. his truth e. 119. 160. judgments c. \\ 135. 13. thy name e. 145. 13. thy dominion e. \\ Matt. 10.' 22. he that e. John 6. 27. meat which c. \\ 1 Cor. 13. 7. ciianty e. Jam. 1. 12. e. temptation jj 1 Pet. 1. 25. word e. ENDURING,]^. Psal. l". 9. fear of Lord c- for 2 Cor.l.G. effectual iue.||Heb- tO, 34. e. substaucc ENEAS, Praise-imrthij. Acts 9. 3o, 34. EN-EGLAIM, A ivell ; or eye of calves. Ezek. 47. 10. ENEMY, s. Exod. 15.6. hath dashed the e. 9. the e. said, I'll pursue |j 23. 22. I'll be an e. Num. 10. 9. go to war against the e. \\ 35. 23. Dent. 32. 27. wrath of the e. \\ 42. revenges on e. 33. 27. thrust out£;.;;Judg.l6.23. delivered our*'. 1 .Sam. 2. 32, see an e. ||18. 29. Davidse. |j ^4. 19. 1 Kings 8. 33. smitten before the e. 2 Chr. 6. 24. 46. deliver to e.\\ 2 Chr. 25. 8. fall before tiie e. Esth. 7. 4. rah.2.12. e. forhiswhelps Mai. 3.10. there shall not be room c. to receive it Matt. 10. 25. e for the disciplej|25. 9. lest be not e. Luke 15. 17. bread e. and to spare || Acts 27. 38. ENQUIRE, V. signifies, [I] To ask, Acts 9. 11. [2^ To search narrowly, Deut. 17.4. [3] To seek directimi, 1 Sam. 22. 10. [4] To pray, Ezek. 36. 37. [5] To make use of God's ora- cle for certain knoivledge, 2 Sam. 16. 23. Gen. 24. 57. and e. ather||25. 22. e. of the Lord Exod. 18. 15. people come to me to e. of God Deut.l2.30.e. not after their gods||l3.14.e. search 17. 9. e. of the judge [| Judg. 4. 20. e. of thee 1 Sam. 9. 9. to e. of God, 22^ 15. || 28. 7. e. of her 1 Kin. 22. 5. e. at word of the Lord, 2Chr. 18. 4. 7. none besides, that wee. of him, 2 Chr. 18. 6. 2 Kin. 1. 2. e. of Baal-zebub || 3. 11 . to e. by him 8. 8. e. oftheLordbyhimlllQ. 15. forme toe. by 22. 13. go ye, e. of the Lord for me, 2 Chr. 34.21. 1 Chr. 10. 13.familiarspirittoe.|| 18.10. ! 21. 30. Ezra 7. 14. art sent to e. \\ Job 8. 8. e. I pray thee Ps. 27.4. e. in his temple||Eccl. 7. 10. not e. wisely isa, 21. 12. if ye will e. e. ye, return, come Jer. 21. 2. e. 1 pray thec|j37. 7. that sent you. to e. Ezek.l4.7. a prophet to e.||20.1. came to e. of L. 3. Matt. 10.1 I.e. who in it is worthy, and there abide Luke 22. 23. to e. among themselves, Jolm 16. 19. Acts 9. 11. e for Saul j|25.t20. doubtful how to e. 19. 39- but if ye e. |i 23. 1 5. as tho' ye would e. 20. 2 Cor. 8. 23. whether any do e. of Titus, he is ENQUIRED, jo. Deut. 17. 4. haste, diligently Judg. 20.27. e. of the Lord, 1 Sam. 10. 22.|22. 10. |23. 2, 4.|30. 8. 2 Sam. 2.1. |5. 19,23.|21. 1. 1 Sam. 28. 6. when Saul e. the Lord answered not 2 Sam. 11. 3. Davide. Il 16. 23. e. at oracle of God 1 Chr. 10. 14. Saul e. not of the Lord, 13. 3. Psal. 78. 34. returned and e. early after God Ezek. 14, 3. should I be e. of, 20. 3, 31. 36. 2>7. I will yet for this be e. of by Israel Dan. 1. 20. that the kinge.jjZeph. 1. 6. have note. Mutt.2.7. Herod e. John 4. 52. then e. he the Isour 1 Pet. 1. 10. of which salvation the prophets e. ENQUIREST, ». Job 10.6, e. after mine iniquity ENQUIRY, s. Prov. 20. 25, Acts 10. 17. ENRAGED, p. Prov. 26.fl7. is e. with strife ENRICH, V. 1 Sam. 17. 25. Ezek. 27. 33. ENRICHED,;). 1 Cor. 1. 5. ye are e. 2Cor.9.11. ENRICHF.ST, Psal. 65. 9. thou e.it with river EN-RIMMON, The well of height. Neb. 1 1. 29. ENROGKL, The fuller's fountain. Josh. 15. 7. ENROLLED, />. Luke 2.tl. Heb. 12.t23. EN-SHEME8H, Fountain of the sun. 3o&\y. 15.7. ENSAMPLE,S,s. 1 Cor.lO.ll Phil. 3.17. iThes. 1. 7. 2 Thes. 3. 9. 1 Pet. 5. 3. 2 Pet. 2. 6. ENSIGN, S, s. signifies, [1] Warlike banners, or trophies of victory, Psal. 74. 4. [*] Christ himself, Isa. 11. 10. [3] An army, Isa. 5. 26. [4] A destroying angel, Isa. 31. 9. Psal. 74. 4. set up their e.||lsa. 5. 26. hftupan e. Isa. 11. 10. stand for an e. || 12. set np an e. for 18. 3. lifteth up an e. |! 30. 17. left as an e. 3 1.9. afraid of the e. \\ Zech. 9-16. lifted as an e. ENSNARE, ED, p. Job .34. 30. Psal. 12. 5.. ENSUE, t'. 1 Pet. 3. 11. seek peace and e. it ENTAPPUAGH, Well of an apple. Josh. 17. 7. ENTER, -v. Gen. 12. 1 1. near to e. into Egypt Exod.40.35. Moses was not able to e. into the tent Num. 4; 23. all that e.[|5. 24. water e. into her,27. 20.24. Aaron not e.JlDeut. 23. 1. note, into cong. Deut.23 8. children e.cong.||29.12.e. into covenant Josh.l0.19.note.cities|lJudg.l8.9.not slothful totf. 2 Sam. 22. 7. and my cry did e. into his ears lKin.l4. 12. when thy feet e.i|22. 30. e. into battle 2 Kin,7.4.if we e. into city||l 1.5. that e. on sabbath 19. 23. I will e. into the lodgings, Isa. 37. 24. 2 Chr. 7. 2. the priests could not e. into the house 23. 19. none unclean e.||30.8.e, into his sanctuary Neh. 2. 8. that I shall e.||Esth. 4. 2. none might e. Job 22. 4. will he e. with thee intojudgm. 34. 23. Psal. 37. 15. sword shall e.|l45. 15. e. king's palace 95. 11. note, into my rest, Heb. 3. 11,18,19 {4. 5. 1 00. 4, e. into his gates(| 118. 20. righteous shall e. 143. 2. e. not into judgment with thy servant Prov. 4. 14. e. not into the path of the wicked 18. 6. lips e.intocontention||23 lO.note. fields of Isa. 2. 10, e. into the rock||3. 14. e. intojudgment 26. 2. righteous may e. || 20. e. into thy chamber 57. 2, e. into peace || 59. 14. equity cannot e. Jer. 7. 2. that e. in at these gates, 17. 20. | 22. 2. 8. 14. ietu5e.j|l4.18 ifl e. intocityjjl6. 5. house 17. 25. thereshaile. into the gates kings, 22. 4. 21. 13. or who shall e. into our habitations ? 41.1 7.to e. into Egj'pt] 142. 15. set faces to e.Egypt Lai\i.l.l0.should not e..'|3. 13. caused arrows to e. Ezek. 7. 22. robbers shall e.||] 3. 9. nor shall e. into 20. 58. shall not e. \\ 26. 10. shall e. into thy gates 44.2. no man shall e. by itjj3.e. by porch, 46. 2, 8. 9. nor uncircumcised e. into my sanctuary 16. shall e.my sanctuaryljl 7.e.at gates of inner-c. Hos.l 1.9. note, ilnto cityJlDan. 11. 7. e. for tress of Dan. 11. 17. toe. with streugthj|24.e. peaceably on 40. e. into the countries j!4l.e. the glorious land Joel 2. 9.e. in at windows jj Amos 5, 5. e. Gilgal Jonah 3.4. began to e, |j Zech. 5, 4. flying roll e. Matt. 5. 20. in no case e. |j 6. 6. e. into thy closet. 7. 13. e. ye in at the strait gate, Luke 13. 24. 21 .not every one that saithLord,Lord,shall e, in 10. 11 . into what city ye shall e. Luke 10, 8, 10. 12. 29. e. into a strong man's house, Mark 3. 27. 45. they e. ia and dwell there, Luke 11. 26. ENT EPA Matt 18.3. ye shall not e. into kingdom of heaven 8. to €. into life, halt, 9. Mark 9. 43, 45, 47. 19. 1 7. if thou wilt e. into Hfe (|23. hardly t?. into 24. for a rich man to e. Mark 10.25. Lukel 8/25. 25. 21. well done, e. into the joy of thy Lord 26. 41. that ye e. not into temptation,Lnke22.40. Mark 1. 45. could no more openly e. into the city 5. 12. that we may e. into the swine, Luke 8.32. 6. 10. what house ye e into, Luke 9. 4. | 10. 5 9. 25. come out of him, and e. no more into hiai 10. 15. he shallnotc. therein, Luke 18. If. 14. 38. lest ye e. into temptation, Luke 22. 46. Luke 8. If), that they whicli e. in may see light 13. 24. willseeii to e.\\ 24. 26. e. into his glory John 3. 4. can he e. hi;- mother's j|.5. can't e. kingd. 10. 9. by me if any man e. in he shall be saved Acts 14. 22. thro' tribulation e. into the kingdom 20. 29. afrievous wolves shall e. in among you Heb.4.r3. do c into rest, 5.j|6. some muste. therein 11. labour to e. into rest 1 1 10. 19. e.intohohest Rev. 1.5. 8. no man was able to e. into temple 'zl.27- in i:o wise e. \\ 22. l4. e. in thro' the 4rates ENTERED,/?. Gen. 7. 1 3. self-same day e. Noals 19. 3. angels e. into his house ||23.Lote. intoZoar 43. 30 Joseph e. into his chamber,and wept there Exod.33.9. xAIosese. into tabern.ljjosh. 2.3. ment. Jiidg. 6. 5. e. into the land |) 9. 46. e. into an hola 2 Kin. 7. 8, t. another tent || 9. 31. Jehu e. in at 2Chr. 12. U.the king e.||l 5. 12. e. into a covenant 27. 2. Jotham e. not |jN eh. 10.29. ^.tiuto a curse Job 38.1 6. hast (?. into springs |j22.e.into treasures Jer. 2. 7. when ye e. |j 9- 2i. death is e. our palaces 34. 10. e. into covenant || 37.16. e into dungeon Lam.l.l0.heathcne.sanctuary|!4.1v'.eneniye.gates Ezek. 2. 2.iipmte. into me when he spake, 3. 24. 16. 8. le. into covenant |I36. 20. wlien they e. unto 44. 2. G. of Israel t.||Hab. 3. 16. rottenness e. my Obad. 11. foreigners e. (| 13.shouldst not have^?. Matt.8.5. J. e. into Capernaum |I9.1. e. into a ship 12.4. how he e. into the house of God and did eat 24.38.sameday thatNoahe. into ark,Lukel 7.27. 3Iarko. 13. e. swine, Luke 8. 33. ||6. 56. e. they laid Luke 1.40. Mary e. the house||7.44. 1 e. thine house 9.04. e. the cloud |) 11.52. ye e. not in yourselves 22. 3. then e. Satan, John 13. 27.i'|l0. when e. city John 4.38. e. into their labours IJIS. 1. which hee. 18. 33. Pilate e. into the judgment-hall again Acts Q.lf.Ananiasf.lll 1.8. nothing unclean hath c. 23.l6.e.thecastle||25.23. Agrippae. (|28. 8. Paul Rom. 5. 12. sin e. into the world j| 20. the law e. 1 Cor.2.9.neither have £r. into the heart of man to Heb.4.6. they e. not in because|jl0.e. into his rest 6. 20. fore-runner is e. || 9. 12. he e. in once, 24. Jam. 5. 4. e. into the ears of the Lord of sabaotii Sjohn 7. deceivers e. ||Rev. 11. 11. .Spirit of life e. ENTERETH,r. Num.4.30.<'. tabern. 35,39, 43. 2 Chr. 31. 16. to everj one that e. house of theL. Prov. 2. 10. when wisdom e.|jl7. 10. a reproof e. Ezek. 21. 14. sword e.||46. 9. e. by the north-gaie Matt. 15. 17. e. in at the mouth, Mark 7. 18. Marks .40.e. where damsellJLuke 22.10.where he e. John 10. 1. c. not by the door into sheep-fold, 2. Heb. 6. 19. e. within the veil 1| 9.25. high-priest e. ENTERING. Josh. 8. 29. . 9. shall e. us round EPAPHRAS, Covered tcithfoam. Col.l. 7.|4. 12. EPAPHRODITUS,Fair, ox pleasant. Phil.2.25. EPENETUS, iMudable, or praise worthy. Rora. 16.5. EPAPH, Is an Hebrew measure of the same ca- pacity with the Bath, containing ten Hemers. — See Bath ajid Homer. EPH EQU Eixod. 16. 36. an homer is the tenth part of an e. Lev. 5. 11. the tenlh part of an e. of Hour, 6. 20. 19. 36. a juste. Ezek.45.10.|jNum.5.l5. of -barley Judg. 6. 19. c. of flour||Ruth2. 17. ane. of barley 1 Sarn.l7 17. e. of parched corn||Isa.5.10. yield an Ezck.45.11.t'.andbath!|46.5.of oil loan e. 7, 11. Amos 8.5. the e. srnalilJZech. 3. 6. an e.||8. midst of EPH AH, Weary, tired ; or to fly as a bird. Gen. 2.5. 4, E. the son of Midian, 1 Ghr. 1. 33. 1 Chr. 2. 46. £. Caleb's concubme bare Karan||4-7. Isa. 60. 6. the dromedaries of E. shall cover thee EPH AT, Weary, tired. Jer. 40. 8. EPHAR, or EPHER, Dust, or lead. 1 Chr. 1. 33. I 5.24. EPHESUS, Desirable. The raetropohs of the Lesser .4sia ; a city on the shore of the Ionian sea, Acts 18. 19, 21, 24. j 19. 17, 26, 35.|20.16, 17. 1 Cor. 15. 32. I 16. 8. 1 Tim. 1. 3. 2 Tim. 1. 18. I 4. 12. Rev. 1.11. | 2. 1. EPHES-DAMMII\I, Dropof blood. 1 Sam. 17. 1. EPHLAL, Judging, ox praxjing. 1 Chr. 2. 37. EPHOD, «. was of four sorts, flj The high- priesfs ephod, which was of gold, bhte, purple, scar let, and fine linen, curiously ivr ought : on the shoulders whereof were two goodly beryl stones, on which were graven the names of the twelve tribes of Israel, Exod. 28. 10. 12. [2] A linen ephod which the other priests wore in their ser- vice, 1 Sam.. 23. 18. lS] Another wore for honour, 2 Sam. 6. 14. (^4j Idolatrous, Judg. 17.5. Exod. 25. 7. stones to be set in thee 35. 9, 27. 28. 4. they shall make an e. and a robe, 6. 8. curious girdle of e. 27.28.|39. 5,20. Lev. 8.7. 12.shouldersofe. 25. ||15. after vs?ork of e. 39. 8. 31. robe ofe. 39. 22.|l39. 2.e. of gold, blue, and Lev. 8.7. he put the e. upon him, and girded him Judg. 8. 27. Gideon made e.|jl7. 5. Micah, 18. 14. 1 Sam.2. 18. girded with linen e.||28.wearane.bef I4.3.priest wearing an e.|l21.9. in cloth behind e. 22. 18. Doeg slew 85 persons that did wear an e. 23. 6.fled with an e. |j 9. bring hither the e. 30. 7. 2 Sam.6.14. David was girded with e. 1 Chr. 15. 27. Hos.3. 4. Israel shall abide many days without an e. EPHATHA, Be opened. Mark 7. 34. EPHRAIM, Fruitful, or increasing. Gen.41.52, Put for, [11^4 particular tribe, 2 Chr. 30. 18. [^] The ten tribes, Isa. 11. 13. Jer. 31. 18, 20. Hos. 4. 17. ! 5. 3. 1 6. 4. | 7. 8. j 11. 3. | 14. 8. [3] A city so called, John 11. 54. EPHRAIM, a place. 2 Sam. 13. 23. beside E. 2 Chr.13.19. took £.||John 11. 54. a city called E. Mount EPHRAIM. Josh. 17.15. if-£. be toonar. Josh.20.7. Shechemin -E. a city of refuge, 21. 21. Judg.2.9. buried Joshua in -£. 117.24. messeu. thro' 17. 1. Micah of - £. j| 8. Levite came to -£. 18.13.Damtes passed-E.|jl9.1.sojonrn.onsideof 1 Sam. 1. l.Eikanahof-£.||2 Sam.20. 21.Sheba 2 Kin.5.22.come from--E.||Jer.4. 15. affliction from Jer. 31.6. watchmen upon -E.\\jO. 19- satisfied on EPHRAIM, a person, or people. Gen.4l.52.Joseph's second sonE.||48. 14. hand on 48.20. God make thee as E. and he set E. before Nura.1.10. prince of£'.7.48.||2.18.standard, 10. 22. 26. 35. these are the sons of E. 1 Chr. 7. 20. Deut. 33. 17. they are the ten thousands ot'.E. Josh.l 6.9. cities for£. 17. 9. i| Judg. 1 29. E. drive Judg. 5. 14. out of E. a root {| 8. 2. gleaning of E. 12. 4. then Jephthah fought with E. smote E. 1 Chr.7.22.E. mourned j)9.3 dwelt children of £. 2 Chr.l 5.9. out of E. fell to Asajjl 7. 2. cities of E. 25.10. army out of E. |) 28. 7. mighty man of E. 30. 18. £. had cleansed |j 31. 1. brake images in P.sai.78.9. £. being armed || 80.2. before E. stir up Isa.7.2.confederate withE.||5.E.takenevil conns. 8. shall E. be broken || 9- head of E. Samaria 17. from the day tliat E. departed from Judah 9. 9. shall know, even E. i| 21. Manasseh E. and II. 13. envy of E.depart ; E.notenvy Judah,and 17.3.fortres8 cease fromE.Ji28.1 .drunkards of, 3. Jer.7. 15. cast out E.JISl. 18. E. bemoaning hims. Ezek.37.16. stick of E. 17,19.||48. 5. portion for E. Hos. 5. 3. I know E. O E. || 5. Israel and E. fail 9. E. shall be desolate [j 12. be to E. as a moth 13. E. saw his sickness, E.wentll 14. £asa lion 6. 4. O E. what shall I do unto thee ? O Judah 10. whoredom of E. |j 7. 1. iniquity of E. was 7. 8.E. hath mixed himself j| 8.9- E. hired lovers 8. 11. E. made altars to sm |j 9.3.butE. shall eat 9. 8. watchmen of E. j| 11. as for E. their glory 13. E. bring forth children to the murderer 10. 6. E. receive shame||ll. I'll make E.to ride 11. 3. I taught E. to go II 8. how give thee upE.? 9. not destroy E.||12.E. compasseth me about 12. 1. E. feedeth on wind |) 8. £ said, I am rich 14. E. provoked him ||13.1. E.spa4cetrembHng 13. 1'2. iniquity of E. is bound up, his sin is hid 14. 8. E. shall say,what have I to do with idols ? Obad. 19. possess E.jjZech. 9- 10. cut offfromE. Zech. 9. 13. filled bow with£.||10. 7. mightv man EPHRAIM is. Psal. 60. 7. E. is strength, 108. 8. Jer.31.9.£.ismy first-born |j20. is E.my dear son ? Hos. 4. 17. E. M joined to idols] |5. 11. is oppressed 7.8.E.isacake ||ll.asilly deve ||9. 16. smitten 10. 11. E. is an heifer that is taught, and loveth EPHRAIM, with Trifie. Num. 1. 33. | 13.8. I 34. 24. Josh. 16. 8. | 21. 5. 1 Chr. 6. 66. EPHRAIMITE, S. Judg. 12. .5, 6. EPHRATAH, Abundance, or felicity. Ruth 4. 11. 1 Sam. 1. 1. I 17. 12. CMed Ephrath, Gen. 48. 7. 1 Chr. 2. 50. Psal. 132. 6. Mic. 5.2. EPHRON, Dust. Gen. 23. 8, 16.|25. 9. j 49. SO, Josh. 15.9. EPICUREANS, J secf of philosophers. Acts 17. 1 8. so called from Epicurus, i. e. helper. EPISTLE, S, or Letters ; [I] From the twelve apostles. Acts 15. 30. |]2] From several apostles in particular, GsPaul,Peter,James,John,Jude. []3] From other saints, 2 Cor. 3. 1. [4] From a heathen ruler. Acts 23, 33. [5] Figuratively, saints are so called, 2 Cor. 3. 2, 3. Actsl5.30.deliverede.23.33.|jRom.l6.22.Tertius 1 Cor.5.9. in ane.not to||2 Cor.3.1.or need wee. of 2 Cor. 3. 2. yeareoure. written||3. thee, of Christ 7.8.e. made you sorry[|Col. 4. 16. when e. is read 1 Thes.5.17. e. be read toj|2Thes.2.15.by word ore. 2 Thes.3.14.obeynot our word bye.||17.tokenine. 2 Pet. 3. 1. second e. || 17. in all his e. speaking EQUAL. Esth. 3. f 8. it is not e. for the king Job 28. 17. gold and the crystal cannot e. it, 19. Psal. 17. 2. things that are e. || 55. 13. mine e. Prov. 26. 7.note.|flsa.40.25. to whom be e. 46. 5. Lana, 2.13. what shall I e. to thee^O virgin daught. ESA ESC f^ I Ezek. 18. 25. say, way of L. is not e. 29.IS3. 17, 20. 29. are not my ways e.?|l33. 17. <^^heir way not e. Dan. .'i.tSl. heart e. \\ Matt. ^0. 1 y. them e. to us Luke 21). 36. are e. to angels, children of God John 5. 18. making himself c. with G. Phil. 2. 6. Col. 4. l.ffive whatise.jIRev. 21. 16. and height e. EQUALITY, s. 2 Cor. 8. 14. bnt by an e. that EQU ALLETH. 2 Sam. .o. f 34. he e. my feet EQUALLY. Exod. 3d. 22. two tenous e. distant EQUALS, s. Gal. 1. 14. profited above my e.in EQUITY,*. Ps.89. 9.judgewithg.||9 9.4. establish Prov.1.3. the instruction of e.j|2.9.judgment and e. 17.^6. to strike princes fore ||Eccl.2.21.]abourin Isa. 11. 4. reprove with e.\\ 56.fl. keep e.\\ 59. 14. Mic. 3. 9. that pervert e. || Mai. 2. 6. peace and e. ER, A watchman Judah's son, Gen. 33. 3, 7. ERAN, A follower. Num. 26. 36. ERASTUS, Amiable, lovely. Acts 19. 22. Rom. 16.23. 2 Tim. 4. 20. ERE, or Bf/om Exod. 1. 19. Num. 14. 11. Job 18. 2. Jer. 47. 6. Hos. 8. 5. John 4. 49. ERECH, Length, or health. Gen. 10. 10. ERECTED. Gen. 53. 20. Jacob e. there an altar ERI, My city. The son of G«d, Gen. 46. 1 6. ERRAND. Gen. 24. .33. Judg. 3. 19. 2 Kin.9.5. ERR, V. 2 Chr. 33. 9. IManasseh made Judah to e. Psal. 95. 10. a people that do err in their heart 1 19.21. e.ivQm thy comniandmentsljl 18. statutes Prov. 5. 1 19. e. in her love j| lO.f 1 7. causeth to e. 14. 22. e. that devise eviil|l 9.27. that causeth toe. Isa. 3. 12. lead thee, cause thee to e. 9. 16. 19. 14. caused Egypt to e.ji28. 7. they e.m vision 30. 28. causing;; them to c.]|3.5. 8. way-farinj^ not e. 65. 17. why hast thou made ns to e. from thy Jer.23.13.prophets caused people to e.32.Mic.3.5. Hos. 4. 12. whoredoms hath caused them to e. Amos 2. 4. and their lies caused them to e. Matt. 22. 29. ye do e. not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God, Mark 12. 24, 27. Heb. 3. 10. they do always e. in their hearts Jam. 1. 16. do not e.\\b. 19. if any of you do e. ERRED, ETH. Lev.5.18.i&n of September aud October, 1 Kin 8.2. ETHIOPIA, In Hebrew it is Cush, i. e. Blaclc- ■ness ; or, / burn. It lies both on the north-east and south-west of the Red Sea, and south of Egypt. 2 Kin. 19. 9. king of jG. come to fight, Isa. 37. 9. Esth. 1. 1. reigned from India to E. 8 9. Job 28. 19. Topaz of E. .shall not equal it Psal. 68. 31. E. shall stretchi|87. 4. Tyre wilh^. Isa. 1 8. 1. is beyond the rivers of E. Zeph. 3. 10. 29. 3. for a sign ou £. |j 5. and ashamed of JE, Ezek.43.S.gaveE.forthee||45.14.merchandiseof 30. 4. great pain in E. \\ 5. E. fall, 38. 5. Nah. 3. 9. jE. and Egyptj|Acts 8. 27. a man of.E. ETHIOPIAN. Num. 12. 1. JS. woman 2 Chr. 14. 9. Zerah the E. came against Asa Jer. 13. 23. can the E. cliangehis skin, or leopard 38. 7. Ebed-melech the E.\q, 12. | 39. 16. ETHIOPIANS. 2 Chr. 14. 12. Lord smote E. 16. 8. E. a huge host || 21. 16. near the E. Isa. 20. 4.£. captives||Jer.46. 9. jE. handle shield Ezek. 30. 9. careless E. \\ Dan. 11. 43. E. at steps Am. 9. 7. are ye not as children of the-E. unto me Zeph. 2. 12. E. be slain j| Acts 8. 27. queen of £. ETH NAN, A gift. 1 Chr. 4. 7. ETHNI, Strong, or givitig. 1 Chr. 6. 41. EVANGELIST, S, One who bri)igeth good tidings^ Acts 21. 8 Eph. 4. 11. 2 Tun. 4. 5. EUBULUS, Prudent, wise. 2 Tim. 4. 21. EVE, Living, or enlivening. Gen. 3. 20, | 4. 1. 2 Cor. 11. 3. lTim.2. 13. EVEN for EVENING. Gen. 19. 1. Exod. 12. 18. I 16.6,12,13-1 18.14. 1 30. 8. Lev. 11.24. Num.9. 11. 1 19. 19. I 28. 4. Deut. 16. 4. Judg^. 23, 26. I 21. 2. Ruth 2. 17. 1 Sam. 20. 5.\ Chi-. 23. 30. Ezek. 12. 4, 7. | 24. 18. Matt. 8. 16. 1 20. 8. | 26. 20. Mark 1. 32. I 1.3. 35. John 6. 16. EVEN for EQUAL. Job 31. 6. an e. balance Psal. 26. 12. my foot standetl; in an e. place Song 4. 2. e.shornjiLuke 19. 44- e. with the ground EVEN, a. is a note of, [l] Extension, 2 Cor. 10. 13. [2] Dimimdion, yhii. 2.8. [3] Explanation, 1 Cor. 15. 24. 2 Cor. 1. 3. [4] Reduplication, Rom. 8. 23. It also signifies, very, 1 Cor. 11. 14. EVENING, s. Gen. 1. 5.eand morning the first 8- were the .second day jj 31. were the sixth day Exod. 12. 6. kill it in the e.||l8. 13. morning to e. 27. 21. shall order it from e. to morn. Lev. 24.3. Josh. 10. 26. hanging till e.lJJudg.l 9. 9. towards e. 1 Kin. 17. 6. brought hhn bread morning and e. 1 Chr. 16.40. burnt-offering morning and ^. 2Chr. 2.4. I 13. 11. I 31. 3. Ezra 3. 3. Job 4. 20. they are destroyed from morning to e. Psal. 55. 17. e. morning, and at noon will I pray 59. 6, they return at c. 14. || 65. 8. e. to rejoice 90.6. e. it is cut down [j 104. 23. labour till e. Prov.7.9. to her house in the ^.JjEccl. 11.6. in the e. Isa. 17. 14. at e.tidetrouble|jJer. 6.4. shadows ofe. Ezek. 33. 22. on me in the e.[|46. 2. not shut till e. Dan. 8. 26- the vision of the e. and morning is tme Matt. 14. 23. e. was come || 16. 2. it is e. ye say Mark 14. 17. in the ^. he cometh [j Luke 24.29. John20.19.ate. cameJesusi|Act.s28.23.morn.toe. EVENING, a.l;. 1 Kin. IS. £9.e. sacrifice, 36. 2 Kin. 16. 15. burn e. meat-oflering j, Ezra 9. 4. Ezra 9. 5. at e. s.iciifice I arose from mj' heaviness Psal. 141. 2. let my prayer be as the e. sacrifice Dan.9.21.£'.oblation||Hab.l.8.e. wolves, Zeph.3.3. Zech. 14. 7. that at e. time it shall be light EVENINGS. Exod. 12.t6. Num. 9.t2. Num. 28.t4. offer lamb at e.jjJer. 5. 6. wolf of thee. EYElS -Tide, or EVENING- Tide. Gen. 24. 63. Isaac went out to meditate at e. - Josh. 7. 6. till the e. - \\ 8. 29. hauged till e. - 2Sam.l 1.2. e.- David walked||Isa.l7.l4.c.- trouble Mark 11. 11. f, - was come || Acts 4. rj. it was e. . EVE EVENT, s. Eccl. 2. 14. one e. happeneth, 9. 2,3. EVER, ad. signifies, [1] Etemity, Luke 1. 33. 1 Thes. 4. 17. [2] The time of the law, Lev. 1(>. 15. [3] Tilltheyear of Jubilee, Exod. 21. 6. £4] A man's life-time, 1 Sam. 1. 22. | 27. 12. [b^Bcfore, Prov. 8.23. Dan. 6. 24. [6] Always, Luke 15. 31. [7]^ ioj/g time, Josh. 4. 7. 2Tiaj. 3. 7, ^c. Gen. 13.15. to 1113^ seed for ej J43.9. the blame for e. Exod. 3. 15. this is my name rbr e.||24.thy sons fore. 14. 13. no more for e. \\ 19. 9. believe thee fore. 21. 6. serve him for e.|j31. 17. asignfore.lJ32. 13. Lev. 6.13.e.barningjj25. 23. not sold fore. (|30, 46. Num. 10. 8. ordinance for e. 15. 15. | 18. 18, 19. 22. 30. e. since I was thine|{24. 20. perish for e. 24. Deut. 4.33. did e. people hearlJ40.giveth thee fore. 5. 29, might be well with them for e. 12. 28. 13. 16. an heap for e. \\ 15. 17. thy servant for e. 18. 5. chosen him for e.[|23. 6. their peace for e. 28. 46- a sign for e. ||29. 29. to our children fore. Josh. 4. 7. memorial for e.||24. fear the Lord fore. 8. 28. an heapfore.|jl4.9. thine inheritance fore. 1 Sam. 1.22. aiidal;idefore.lj2.30. Ijeforemefore. 2. 35. he shall walk before mine Anointed fore. S. 13. 1 will judge his house for e. foriuiquiry,l4. 20. 15. not cut oii thy kindness for e. 23, 42. 27. 12. my servant fore. ||28. 2. keeper fore. 2 Sam. 2. 26. shall sword devour for e. || 3. 28. 7.24. confirmed Israel fore. || 26. magnified fore. 1 Kin 8. 15. settled place to abide m for e. 9. 3. 10. 9. L. loved Lsraei for e.jlll. 39. afflict not fore. 2 Kin. 5. 27. cleave to thee and thy seed for e. lChr.l7.22. thine own fore.!!23. 13. e. to burn incen. 28. 9. cast thee o\\ fore. |j 'i9. IS. keep this for e. 2 Chr. 7. 16. my name there for e.|!21. 7. light fore. 30. 8. sanctified for c. j| 33. 4. my name be for e. Job 4. 7. who e. perished, being innocent 20. perish for e. 20. 7.- |) 19. 24. in the rock fore. 23. 7. delivered for e. || 36. 7. established for e. Psal. 5. 1 1. e. shout for joy || 9. 7. L. endure for e. 18. not perish for e 1| 1 2. 7. preserve them e. 13. l.wilt thou forget me for e.|jl9. 9. enduringe. 21.6. most blessedfore.il 23. 6. house oftheL.e. 25. 6. been e. of old || 15. eyes e. to the Lord 28.9. lift them up for e.||29. lO.Lord sitteth king e. 30. 12. 1 will give thanks to thee for e. 79. 13. 33. 11. standedfore. || 37. 18. inheritance be e. 37. 26. e. merciful || 28. preserved fore. 29. 41. 12, setteth me before thy face fore. || 44. 8. 44. 23. cast us not off for e. 74. l.|77. 7, 8.|103. 9. 49. 8. it ceaseth for e. || 11. shall continue for e. 51.3. my sin e. before me || 52. 5. destroy for e. 52. 9. I'll praise thee for e.fjoi. 4. tabernacle fore. 61.7. abide before God for e. || 8. I'll sing for e. 66. 7. ruleth by his power for e.||68. 16. dwell e. 7'2. 17. name endure for e. jl 19. blessed for e. 73.26. my portion fore. I j 74. 19.forget notfor e. 75. 9. for e. I'll singpraisesjlsi. 15. endured fore. 83. 17. be troubled for e. |j 85, 5. be angry for e. J9. 1. I will sing fore. |j 2. mercy built up for e. 29. his seed endure for e. || 4'j. iiide thyselffor e. 90. 2. or e. thou hadst formed earth, Prov. 8. 23. 92.7. be destroyed e.|)93.5.become thy house fore, 103. 9. nor keep anger e.f|105. 8. rem. cov. fore. 1 10. 4. a priest for e. Heb. 5. 6.|6. 20. | 7. 17, 21. 111. 5. he will e. be mindful of his covenant, 9. 112.6.not be niovedfore.||119.89.fore. thy word EVE Ps. 119.98. they are e. with me||l 1 1. heritage fore. 152. thou hast founded thy testimonies for e. 125. 2. from henceforth even e. 131. 3. Isa. 9.7. 132. 14. this is my rest for e. here will 1 dwell 146. e.keepeth truth e(ji0. Lord shall reign fore. Prov. 27. 24. riches are notfor e. \\ Eccl. 2, 16. Eccl. 3. 1 4. God doth,shdli be e.||9. 6. portion for e. Song 6. 12. ore. I was aware my soul made me iike Isa. 26. 4. trust in tiie L. e. |) 28. 28. not e. threshing 32. 17. assurance for e. |j 'iS. 20. e. be removed 34. 10. smoke go up e, |{ 17. possess it for e. 40. 8. word of G. stand for e.||47.7. be a lady fore. 51. 6. salvation be for e. || 8. righteousness for e. 57. 16. not contend fore.||59. 21.notdepartfore. 60. 21. inherit fore.|j64. 9. not wrath e. || 65. 18. Jer. 3. 19.. I will not keep anger for c. 5. 17.4. burn fore.||25. city remain for e. 31. 40. 32. 39. fearmefore.||35. 19.not wantamanfore. 49. 5^. desolation for e. || 50. 39. not inhabitede. Lam. 3. 31. not cast off for e.i|5. 20. forget us fore. Ezek. 37. 25. David their prince for e. || 43. 7, 9. Dan. 2. 44. kingdom stand fore.j!4.34.1ivetli fore. • 6. 24. or e. thev came 11 26. stedfast for e. and 7.18. the saints shall possess the kingdom for e. 12. 7. and sware by him that hveth for e. that Hos. 2. 19. betroth tomee.Jl-loel 2. 2.note.thehke Joel 3. 20. dwell fore. j| Am. 1. U. kept wrath e. Obad. 10. cut otl for e.JlJonah 2. 6. about me fore. Mic. 2. 9. my giory for e.||4. 7. Lord reign for e. 7. 18. retaineth not his anger for e. || Mai. 1. 4. Matt. 6. 13. for thine is the power and glory fore. 21. i9.no fruit grow on tiiee for e. Mark. 11. 14. Liikel.33. reign over Jarobfor e.|i55.his seedfore. 15. 31. son, thou arte, with me, and all tiiat I John 8.35. abiiJeth not e.|| 12.34. Christ abideth ei 14. 16. Comforter may abide with you for e. Rom. 1.25. blessed for e. 9.5.JI 1 1 .36. glory e. 1 6.27. 2 Cor. 9. 9. his righteousness remaineth for e. 1 Thes.4.17. e. with the L.||2 Tim. 3.7. e. learning Philem. 15. that thou shouldst receive him for e. Heb. 7. 24. continuethe.l|25.he e.liveth to make 10. 12. for e. satdovvnlil4. perfected for e.||l3.8. 1 Pet. 1. 23. word of God which liveth for e. 25. 2 Pet.2.17.inist of darkness is reserved e.Jnde 13. 1 John 2. 17. doth the will of God abideth for e. 2 John 2. for truth's sake shall be with us for c. Live for EVER. Gen. 3. 22. and eat and - e. Deut. 32.40.1 live fore. \\ 1 Kin.l. Sl.Neh. 2.3. Psal. 22. 26. heart shall - e. || 49. 9. he should - e. Dan. 2. 4. O king - e. 3. 9. | 5. 10. | 6. 6, 21. Zech. I. 5. prophets, do they- e.||John 6. 51, 58. For EVER and EVER. Exod. 15. 18. reign - e. I Chr.l 6.36. blessed be God -e.29. 10. Dan. 2. 20. Neh 9.5. bless your G. -e.||Ps.9.5. put out name-e. Psal. 10. 16. the Lord is King /or ever and ever 21 . 4. length of days for - e. ||45. 6. throne is - e. 45. 17. praise thee - e. || 48. 14. our God - e. 52. 8. 1 trust in the mercy of God/or e. and e. 111. 8. stand fast - e. || 119. 44. keep thy law - e. 145. 1. bless thy name -e.2.|j 148. 6.stablished -e«. Isa. 30. 8. I 34. 10 Jer. 7. 7. | 25. 5. Dan. 7. 18. Dan. 12. 3. shall shine as the stars /or e. and e. Mic. 4. 5. walk in the name of God /or e. and e. * Gal. 1. 5. to whom be glory /or e. and e. Phil. 4. 20. 1 Tim. 1. 17. 2 Tim. 4. 18. Heb. 13. 21. Heb. 1. 8. thy throne, O God, is - e. Psal. 45. 6. Rev. 4. 9. liveth - e. 10. j 5. 14. 1 10. 6. j 15. 17. EVE EVI TTJ Rev. 5. IS. honour be to the Lamb - g. 7. 12. 11. 15. reign - e.|)l4.1 1. snaoke ascendeth -e. 19. 3. 20. 10. tormented - e. || 22. .5. they shall reign - e. Statute for EVER. Exod.27.21.|28. 43.^9.28. 130.21. Lev. 6. 18, 22.|7.34, 36.|10 9, 15. I 16. 31. I 17. 7. j 23. 14, 21, 31, 41. \ 24. 3. Num. 18. 11, 19. I 19. 10. EVERLASTI N G, see signification on Eternal. Gen. 17. 8. Canaan foran e. possession, 48. 4. 21. 33. the e. God, Isa. 40. 28. Rora. 16. 26. 49.25.(2.hiilsiJEx.40.1.^.e.pviesthood,Num.25.13. Lev. 16. 34. e. statute || Deut. 33. 27. e. arms Psal. 24.7. e. doorsj] 100. 5. mercy jj 11.^. 6.e.rem. 119. 142. righteousness is e. I44.|jl39. 24. way e. 145. 13. an e. kingdom, Dan. 4. 3. 2 Pet. 1.11. Prov. 10. 25. the righteous is an e. foundation Isa. 9.6.^. Father|l26. 4.strengthj|33. 14. burnings 35. lO.e. joy,51. 11.161. 7. || 45. 17. e. salvation 54.8.e.kmdness|)55. I3.sign||56. 5. name, 63.12. 60. 19. Lord shall be unto thee an e. light, 20. Jer. 10. 10. God isane. king[|20. 11. e. confusion 23.40.e.reproach|i31. 3. with an e. love || 51.126. Dan. 4. 34. e. dominion || Hab. 3. 6, e. mountains Matt. 18. 8. e. file, 25. 41. |! 46. e. punishment Luke 16.9. e.habitations|j-2Tiies.l.9.e. destruction 2Thes.2. 16. e. consolation||l Tim. 6. 16. power e. Jude 6. in e. chains || Rev. 14. 6. e. gospel See Covenant. From EVERLA.STING. Ps. 41.13. blessed be G. - e. 106.48. i|90.2./r. e. to e. 93. 2. thou art - e. 1| 103. 17. mercy of Lord - e. Prov. 8.23.1 was set up -e.|ilsa.63.l6. nameis-e. Mic. 5. 2. goingse.|| Hab. 1. 12. art thou not - e, EVERLASTING Life. Dan. 12. 2. some to e. - Matt. 19. 29. and shall inherite. life Luke 18. 30. and in the world to come e. life John 3. 16. have e. - 36. \\ 4. 14. spring up to e. - 5. 24.hath e.-|j6. 27. endureth to e. -||40. have e. - 6. 47.believeth hath e. -\\12. 50. command, is-e. Acts 13.46. unworthy ofe.-|jRom.6.22.the end e. - Gal. 6. 8. reap c. - 1| 1 Tim. 1. 16. believe to e. - EVERMORE,arf Dent. 28. 29. shalt be spoilede. 2 Sam. 22. 51. mercy to David e. || 2 Kings 17. 37. Psal.l 6.1 1. pleasures for e.||l 8. 50. to his seed fore. 37. 27. dwell for e. |j 77. 8. doth promise fail e. 86.12. glorify thy name for e.|j92. 8. most high e. 89.28. keep for him for e.||52. blessed be theL. e. 105. 4. seek his face e.\\ 106. 31 . righteousness e. 113. 2. blessed be the name of Lord fore. 11 5. 18. 121. 8. going out e. |j 133. 3. even life for e. Ezek 37. 26. sanctuary in midst of them for e. John 6. 34. Lord,e. give lis this bread ^ Cor. 11. 31. Father of our Lord blessed for e. iThes. 5.16. rejoice e.lJHeb. 7.t25.to save theme. Heb. 7.28. consecrated foi- e.||Rev.l . 1 8. alive for e. EVERY, a. Gen. 6. 5. e. imagination only evil 17. 10. e. man child shall be circumcised, 34. 15. Num. 5. 2. put out e. leper ij 1 Sam. 3. 18. c. whit eChr. 30.18. good L.pardon e. one||Ezra 3. 5.|9. 4. Job 40. lie. one that is proud, and abase, 12. Psal. 32. 6. e.onethatisgodly prayl|63. 11. e. one 1 15. 8. so is e. one that trusteth in them, 135. 18. 119. 101. e. evil wayl) 104. 1 hate e. false way,l 28. 128. 1. blessed is e. one thatfeareth the Lord Prov. 2. 9. 9. good path || 7. 12. at e. corner 14. 15. believeth e. word|115. 3. eyes in e. place 20. 3. e. fool I) 30. 5. e. word of God is pure 26 Song 4. 2. whereof e. one bear twins, 6. 6. Isa. 43. 7. e. one that is called [j 45. 23. e. knee 55.1 . ho, e. one that thirsteth, come to the waters Jer. 5. 8. e. one neighed j| 20. 7. c. one mocketh 25. 5. turn e. one from eviljl 51. 29. e. purpose Ezek. 7. 16. mourninge. one || 12. 23. e. vision Dan. 11. 36. above e. god |j 12. 1. e. one writtea Zech. 12. 12. e. family apartiJMal. 1. 11. e. place Mat,7.8.e.oue that asketh,receiveth, Luke 11. 10. Mark7.l4.1iearkene. one Ij Luke6.44. | 19.26. John 3. 8, e. one that is bornj| 1 8. 37. e. one of truth Acts 17. 27. not far from e. one || 20. 31 . warn e. Rom. 14. 11. e. knee bowj|l2. e. one give account 2 Cor. 10. 5. to captivity e. thought 1| Gal. 3. 10. Eph, 1. 21. far above e. name, Phil. 2. 9. 4. 16.e. jointj] Phil. 4. 21. salute e. saint 1 Tim. 4. 4. for e. creature of God is good, and 2 Tim. 2, 8, pray e. where |j 21. e, good work 19. e. one that nameth || 4. 18. e. evil work Heb. 12. 1. aside e. weight||Jani. 1. 17. e. good gift 1 John 4. 1. believe not every spirit] j7.e. one that EVERY where. 1 Chr. 13. 2. send abroad e. - Mar. 16. 20. preached e. - Luke 9. 6. Acts 8. 4. Acts 17. 30. e. - torepent||28. 22. e. - spoken ag. rCor. 4. 17. as I teach e. -jjPhil. 4. 12. instructed 1 Tim. 2. 8. 1 will therefore that men pray e.- EVI, Unjust. A place. Num. 31.8. Josh. 13. 21. EVIDENCE. Jer. 32. 10,ll,l2,l4,16.Heb.U.l. EVIDENT, LY. Job 6. 28. Acts 10. 3. Gal. 3. 1, 11. Phil. 1. 28. Heb. 7. 14, 15. EVIL, signifies, [1] Sin in general, Rom. 7. 21. Jam. 1. 13. [2] Affliction, Job 2. 10. Isa. 45. 7. [3] Temptations, Matt. 6. 13. John 17. 15. [4] Wrong, Matt. 5. 39. [5] Displeasing, Gen. 28. 8. | 48. 17. [6J Encious and covetous, Prov. 23. 6. [73 Death and judgment, Amos 6.3. Gen. 19. 19. lest some e. take me, and I die 44. 5. done e. in so doing i| 34. lest I see e. 50. 17. they did to thee e. || 20. ye thought e. Ex.5. 23. e. to this people||10. 10. e. is before you 32. 14.L. repented of e. 2Sam.24.16. iChr. 21.15. Deut. 1 9.20. no more such e.j |29 . 21 , separate to e. 30. 15. death and e. || 31.29. e. will befal you Josh. 24. 15. ifit seem e. [j Judg. 2. 15. ag. fore. Judg. 9.57. e. of Shechem |j 20. 37. knew not e. iSam. 20. 7. then be sure that e. is determined, 9. 24. 11. nor is e. in my hand || 17. 1 rewarded e. 25. 17. e. is determined||26. seek e. be as Nabal 28. e. hath not been found in thee all thy days 26. 18. what e. is in my hand|]29. 6. not found e. 2 Sam. 3. 39. reward doerofe||12. 11. raise upe. 19. 7. be worse than all the e. that befel tbee 1 Kin. 14. 9. e. above all (I 16.25. Omri wrought 22. 23. spoken e. concerning thee, 2 Chr. 18. 22. 2Kin. 21. 2. such e. on Jeius.j|22. 20.notseethee. 1 Chr. 21. 17. it is I that have sinned and done e. 2 Chr. 20. 9. if when e. cometh as the sword Esth. 7. 7. e. determined |j 8. 6. how can I see e. Job 1. 1. eschewed e. 8. | 2. 3. j] 5. 19. no e. touch 31. 29. when e. found him (| 42. 11. over all e. Ps. 5. 4. nor e. dwell with thee|l7. 4. rewarded e. 15. 3. nor doth e. || 21. 11. they intended e. 23, 4. I'll fear no e. |) 34. 21. e. slay wicked 36. 4. abhorreth not e. || 40. 14. that wish me e, 41. 5. mine enemies speak e. jl t 7. devise e. 49. 5. fear in days of e. fj 50. 19. mooth to e. JIVI EVI jL'ly!>i. 5-. sliail reward e. j| 56. 5. apaiiist me for e, 90.1 5. have seen e.|)91. 10. noe. befal, Jer.23.17. 97. 10. hate e.y 109. 20. speak 8. 21. EVI EXA / / ©CO. 37. et.some e. beast hath devoured hiso, S3. Exod.5.19. iu e. case[j33. 4. heard these e. tidings Num. 14. 27. bear this e. cong.(|20. 5. this e. place Deiit. 1. 35. not one of this e. iien.\\6.i'22. si<;ns, e. 22- 14. an e. name (| 28. 54. eye shall be e. 56. 1 Sara. 2. 23. e. deahng.^ jj 1 Kin. 5. 4. e. occurrent Ezra 9. 13. come on us tor our e. deeds Psai. 41. 8. an e. disease j^ 64. 5. in an e. matter 78.49. e. anoels ||112. 7.tidingsj|l40. 11. speaker Piov, 6. 24. fr. the e woman j| 14. 19. e. bow bef. Eccl. 5. 14. e. travail i] 6. 2. disease || 9. 1 2. e. net Isa. 7, 5. taken e. counsel || 32. 7. churl aree. Jer. 8. 3. this e. family [j 12. 14. e. neighbours 13. 10. this e. people || 23. 10. their course is e. 24. 3. e. figs, 8. | 29. 17. || 49. 23. c tidings Ezek. 5. 16. send e. arrows j| 17. send e. beasts 6. 11. alas, for all the t'.(|34.25. e. beasts to cease 38. 10. think an e. thought !| Hab. 2. 9. e. covet Mat.5.45. sun to riseon e!|7.11. being t^.Lu.l 1.13. 7. 18.<^. fruit II 12. 34. how can ye being e. 12. 39. an e. aeneration seeketh, Luke 11. 29. 15. 19. out of heart proceedeth e. Mark 7. 21. 24. 48. if that e. servant say in his heart Luke 6. 22. cast out name as e. 35. kind to e. John 3.19. deeds were e.!|Acts 24.20. fou'd auyt'. 1 Cor. 15. 33. e. commun. jjGal. 1. 4. this e. world Eph.4.31. e. speaking ||Phi].3.2. beware of e work. Col.3.5.(?. concupiscencejjl Tim. 6. 4. e. snrmisings Tit 1. 12. e. beastslJHeb. 10. 2'2. fr. e. conscience Jam. 2. 4. judges of e. i| 4. 16. such rejoicing is e. 1 Pet. 2. I.e. speakings || Rev. 2. 2. not bear e. EVIL day or duys. Geu. 47. 9. few and e. P*Tov. 15. 13. ail the days of tl.e atfiicted are e. 'Ecc\ 12.1 . e. days come not |1 Am. 6. 3. far away e.- Eph. 5. 16. days are e. \\ 6. 13. stand in the e. - Day of Evil, see Evil, substantive. EVIL doer or doers. Job 8. 20. nor help the e. - Ps.2d. 5. 1 hated e.-||37. 1. fret not because of e.- 37. 9. e. - be cut off (| 94. 16. rise up against e. - 119. 115. depart from me ye e. doers. Isa. 1.4. a seed of e.- |j 9. 17. every one is an e. - 14. 20. seed of c. -|| 31. 2. arise ag. house of g. - Jer. 20. 13. poor from e. - \\ 23. 14. strengthen e. - •2 Tim. 2. 9. wherein I sulfur trouble as an e. - 1 Pet. 2. 12. speak ag. ase. - || 1 4. punishm. of e. - 3. 16. speak evil of you as e. - 1| 4. 15 as an e - See Doings, Eye. E\IIj heart. Gen. 8. 21. Jer. 3. 17. ( 7. 24. | 11.8. I 16. 12. I 18. 12. Heb. 3. 12. EVIL 7nan or men. Job 35. 12. Ps. 10. 15.|140. 1. Prov. 2. 12. I 4. 14. I 12.12. | 17. 11. | 24. 1, 19, 20. I 28. 5. I 29. 6. Matt. 12. 55. Luke 6.45. 2 Tim. 3. 13. EVIL Spirit or spirits. Judg. 9. 23. 1 Sam. 16. 14, 15, 16, 23. j 18. 10. I 19. 9. Luke 7. 21. I 8. 2. Acts 19. 12,13,15,16. EVIL thini^. Neh. 13. 17. Ps. 141. 4. Eccl. 8. 3, 5. I 12. 14. Jer. 2. 19- Tit. 2. 8. EVIL things. Josh. 23. 15. Prov. 15. 28. Jer. 3. 5. Matt. 12. 35. Blark 7. 23. Luke 16. 25. Rom. 1. 50. 1 Cor. 10. 6. EVIL lime. Psal. 37. 19. not ashamed in e. - Eccl. 9. 12. snared inc. - \\ Am. 5. 13. Mic. 2. 3. EVILa-a?/. 1 Kin. 13.33. Psal. 119. 101. Prov. 8. 13. j 28. 10. Jer. 18. U. | 23. 22. | 25. 5. |35. 13. I 36. 3, 7. Jonah 3. 8, 10. EVIL ways. 2 Kin. 17. 13. Ezek. 33. U. \ 36. 31. Zech. 1 . 4. tuna you now from your e.- EVIL work or works. Eccl. 4. 3. | 8. 11. Jolin 7. 7. Rom. 13. 3. 2 Tim. 4. 18. Jam.3.l6. Ijobn 3. 12. EVIL, adv. Ex. 5. 22. so e. intreated this peop-o Deut. 26. 6. e. intreated us || 1 Chr. 7. 23. went e.- Job 24. 21. he e. intreateth the barren John 18. 23. if I have spoken e. bear witness Acts 7. 6. should intreat them e. 400 years, 19. 14. 2.e. affected|jl9. 9. spokee.|l23.5. not speak Rom. 14. 6. good bee. spoken of, 1 Cor. 10. 30. Jam. 4. 11. speak nott;. one of another 1 Pet. 3. 16. whereas they speak c. of you, 17. 4. 4. speaking e. of you j| 14, e. spoken of 2 Pet. 2. 2. the way of truth shall be e. spoken of 10. not afraid to speak e. of dignities, Jude 8. 1 '2. speak e. of thinjiS they underst. not, Jude It. EVILS, s. Deut. 31, 17. many e. shall befal, 21. Psal. 40. 12. imnmierable e. have compassed me Jer. 2. 13. my people have committed two e. Ezek. 6. 9. lothe themselves for the e. 20. 43. Luke 3. 19. all the f.||Jam. I.tl3. tempted with e. EVIL-MERODACH, The fool of Merodach, or despisiiig the bitterness of the fooly or the fool grinds bitterli/. 2 Km. 25. 27. Jer. 52. 31. . EUNICE, Good wc^or//. 2 Tun. 1. 5. EUNUCH, S, s. One that is castrated^ or deprl^ ved of his genitals. Three sorts are mentioned. Matt. 19. 12. [ll Eunuch by nature, so born. [i?] A chamberlain, Esth. 2. 3. | 4. t 4. [3J Another officer or courtier, Gen. 37. f 36. 2 Kin. 9. 3^. there looked out two or three g. 20. 18. thy sons shall be e. Isa. 39. 7. Isa. 56. 3. neither let e. say I am a dry tree || Jer. 29.2. I 34. 19.1 38. 7. |41. 16. Dan. 1.3, 7,8, ij. Matt. 19. 12. some e. are so born, some are made f. Acts S. 27.6'. had come to Jerns.jj39. e. saw Philip EUODIUS, Sweet smell. Phii. 4. 2. EUPHRATES, Fruitful. A river, Gen. 2. 14. Gen. 2. 14. fourth river E. || 1 5. 18. river E. Deut. 1. 7. go to the great river E. Josh. 1. 4. 11, 24. yours from the river E. to uttermost sua 2 Sam. 8. 3. border at nver E. 1 Chr, 18. 3. 2 Kin.'^3.29. P. - uecho went up ioE. 2 Chr.35.2ft: 24. 7. took to E. \\ 1 Chr. 5. 9. inhabited from E^ Jer. 13. 4. go to E. \\7. 1 went to E. \\ 46. 2. byi". 46. 6. fall by the river E. \\ 10, a sacrifice by £.. 51, 63. midst of £:.||Rev. 9. 14. river E. 16, 12. EUROCLYDON, T/teiV. E. W/k/, Acts 27, 14. EUTYCHUS, Happy, fortunate. Acts 20. 9. EWE, S. Gen. 21. 28,29. i 31. 38. | 32.14. Lev, 14. 10. I 22. 28. 2 Sam. 12. 3. Psal. 78. 7U EXACT, V. Deut. 15. 2. he shall not e. it, 3. Neh. 5. 7, you e. usury || 10. Imight(?. 11. Psal. 89. 22. the enemy shall not e. upon hiui Isa. 58. 3. c. your labours || Luke 3. 13. e. no mor.« EXACTED, ETH, 2 Kin.l5.20.|23.35. Job 11,6. EXACTION, S, s. Neh. 10. 31. Ezek. 45. 9. EXACTOR, S, s. Job 39. T 7, Isa. 60. 17. EXALT, V. Exod. 15. 2. 1 will e. him, Isa. 25. 1. 1 Sam. 2. 10. e. the horn i| Job 17.4. not e. them Psal. 34. 3. let lus e. his name [|37. 34. shall e, thee 66. 7. let not the rebellious e. themselves, 140.8. 92. 10. e. like the horn || 99. 5. e. ye the Lord, 9. 107, 32. c. him in cong, || 118. 28. 1 vi'iWe. thee Prov. 4. 8, e. her, and she shall promote thee Isa.13.2. €. the voice |j 14. 13. c-. my tlirone ^ 25. 1 • Exe EXC E/ek.2l 96. e. him that is low [| 29. 15. | 31. 14. Dan. 11. 14, robbers e. (| 36. king shall e. hira Hos. 11. 7. none would e. him || Obad.4.e. thyself Matt. 23. 12. whoso shall ^. himself, be abased 2 Cor. 1 1 . 20. if a man e.\\ 1 Pet.5.6. that he may e. EXALTED, p. Num. 24. 7. his kingdom be e. 1 Sam. 2. 1. mine horn is c. || 2 Sam. 5. 12. had e, 2 Sam. 22. 47.e.bethe G. of the robk, Ps, 18. 46. 1 Kin. 14. 7. 1 e. thee from among people, 16. 2. 2 Kin. 19. 22. hast thou £;. thy voice, Isa. 37. 23. 1 Chr. 29.11. art e as head |) Neh. 9. 5. e. above all Job 5. 11. e. to safety (|24. 24. e. for a little while S6. 7. he doth establish them, and they are e. Psal. 12. 8. vilest men are e.\\13. 2. be e. over me 21. 13. be thou e. Lord |j 46. 10. I'll be e.in earth 47. 9. he is greatly e. || 57. 5. be thou e. O G. 11. '75, 10. horns of the righteous shall be e. 89. 16 shall they be e. \\ 17. our horn shall be e. 19. 1 have e. one chosen || 24. his horn be e. 97. 9. thou, Lord,art e.j|108.d.be thoucO God 112. 9. ^. withhonour||118, 16. hand of the L.c. Prov. 11. 11. by blessing of upright city is e. Isa. 2. 2. Lord's house e. above hills, Mic. 4. 1. 11. the Lord shall be e. in that day, 17. | 5. 16^ 12. 4. his name is e. || 30. 18. will he be e. 53. 5. the Lord e. |) 10. now will I be e. now 40. 4. every valley shall be e.and every mountain 49. 11. high-ways be e. || 52. 13. my servant be e. Ezek. 17. 24. I the Lord have e. the low tree 19. 11. and her stature wase. among, 31. 5. Hos. 13. 1. Ephraimc. himself II 6. heart was e. Matt.11.23. Capernaum «. to heaven, LukelO.lS. 23. 12. shall be e. Luke 14. 11. [ 18. 14. Luke 1. 52. and he hath e. them of low degree Acts 2. 33. being by the right-hand of G. e. 5. 31, 13.17. e. the people|| 2 Cor.l 1.7,||12.7. lest I be e. Phil. 2. 9. hiahiy e.|| Jam. 1.9. rejoice that he is e. EX AliTEST. Exod. 9. 17. as yet e. thou thyself EX ALTETH. Job 36. 22. God e. by his power Psal 113,t5.f. himself II 148. 14. e.hornof his p. Prov. 14. 29. e, folly || 34. righteousness 6.||17. 19. Luke 14. 11. that^-. himselfshallbeabased,l8.l4, 2 Cor. 10. 5. that e. itself Jl 2 Thes. 2. 4. e. himself EXAMINATION, s. Acts 25. 26. after e. had EXAMINF-^, V. To try, prove, search out, and make diligent inquisition. Ezra 10.16. to e. the matter ||Ps.26.2. e. meOLord 1 Cor. 9. 3, that e. me ||ll. 28. let a mane, himself 2 Cor.l3..5.e yourselves.whether ye be in the faith EXAMINED, ING. Luke 23, 14. Acts 4. 9.|12. 19. I 22. 24, 29. | 24. 18. \ 28. 18. EXAMPLE, S, s. Matt. 1. 19. make her a pub. e. John 13. 15. I have given you an e. || Rom. 1.5.t5. 1 Cor.lO. 6, wereonr e.||lTim. 4. 12. betheuane. Heb. 4. 11. after the same e. || 8. 5. e. of heavenly Jam,5. 10. take the prophets for an e. of suffering 1 Pet. 2-21. leaving us an e. \\ Jude 7. for an e. See En SAMPLE, s. EXCEED, ED. Deut. 25. 3. and not e. lest 1 Sam. 20.41. till David e.||l Kin. 1 0.23, Solora,e. Job 36. 9. that they c.||Matt, 5. 20, except right, e. 2 Cor. 3 9. ministration of righteousness doth e. EXCEED EST, ETH, 1 Kin. 10. 7. 2 Chr. 9. 6. EXCEEDING, p. Gen, 15.1, thy e. great reward 17. 6. make thee e. fruitful |j 27. 34. e. bitter Exod, 1.7. Israel waxed e. mighty || 19.16. e. loud Num. 14. 7. land is e.good{|l Sam. 2. 3.«. proudly 2 Sam. 8. 8. c much brass 1| 12, 2. e. many flocks 1 Kin. 4. 29. God gave Solomon wisdom e. much 1 Chr. 22. 5. the house must be e. magnilical 2 Chr. 16. 12. disease was e. great ||32. 27.e. much Psal. 21.6. made me e. glad || 43. 4, God my e,joy 119, 96. e. broad iJProv. 30. 24. which are e. wise Reel. 7, 24. is e, deep j| Jer. 48. 29. he is e. proud Ezek. 9. 9. iniquity is e. great ||16. 13. e. beautiful 23. 15, e, in dyed attire ||37. 10. e. army 1J47. 10. Dan. 3. 22. . 1, 5, 9. 1 6. 1. Matt. 17. 8. Luke 6. 20, 1 16. 23. 1 18. 13. John 4. 35.16.5. | 11. 41. | 17. 1. EZBON, Hastening to understand. Gen. 46. 16. EZEKIEL, The strcjigth of God. Ezek. 1. 1. EZEL, Going abroad, orivalking. 1 Sam. 20. 19. EZEM, A bone. A place, 1 Chr. 4. 29. EZEK, An help. Gen. 36. 21.1 Chr. 4. 4. | 7. 21. EZION-GEBER, Counsel of a man ; or, counsel of a strong one. Num. 33. 35. EZRA, An helper. 1 Chr. 4. 17. Ezra 7. 1, 11. EZRI, Mjj help. 1 Chr. 27. 26. EZRON, Arrows of joy. 1 Chr. 5. 5. F. FABLES, s. 1 Tim. 1. 4. nor give heed to/ 4. 7. but refuse profane and old wives/ 2 Tim. 4. 4. and they shall be turned unto/ Tit. 1.14. to Jewish/||2Pet. 1.16. cunn. devised/ FACE, s. As ascribed to God, signifies, [Ij/ii^] essence and glory, Exod. 33. 18, 20. [23 His person, 2 Cor. 4. 6. andpresence, 1 Sam. 26. 20. Psal. 139. 7. [3] His favour, 1 Kings 13. 6. Psal. 31. 16. [4] His worship, Psal. 27. 4, 9. [5] His ivraih, Psal. 34. 16. [6] His sight, Psal. 51.9. ier. 17.16 Ascribed to Christ, it signifies, \\'] His person, Mai. 3. 1. Matt. 11. 10. [2] His glorious coun- tenance. Rev. 10. 1. [3] His anger. Rev. 6. 16. The Lord promised Moses, that his face should go before them, Exod. 33. 14. My presence, in He- brew, my face shall go with thee. Gen. 3. 19. in sweat of thy/.||16. 8./ of mistress f24. 47. and I put the ear-rings upon her/. 32.t20. accept my/i| t SO. place, the/ of God 35. 1. fieddest from the/ of Esau, 7. jj 36. 6. 46. 28. direct his/ to Goshenj|48. 12. bowed/ Bxod. 2.15.fled from/of Pharaohl|l4.25. of Israel 34. 29. skin of his/ shone, 30, 35.||33. vail on/. Lev. 19. 32. thou shall honour/ of the old man Num. 12.14. spit in h€r/j|19. 3. slay heifer before Deut. 1. 17. ye shall not be afraid of the/ ofmaa 7. 10. repay him to his/ |J8. 20. L. destroy eth bef. 9. 3, destroy, and bringdown before thy/ 28.7, 25. 2. beaten before his/ |{ 9. spit in his/ and 28. 31. ass taken before thy/|, f 50. strong of/. 31. 5. the Lord shall give Ihemup before your/ Josh. 7, 10, wherefore liest thou upon thy/? lSam.5.3.fallen on his/. 4. |) 24. 8. stooped with/ 25.41. Abigail bowed/ji28.14.Saul stooped with 2Sam.2.'. 5. 2 Sam. 19. 4. Esth. 7.8. Job 15. 27.1 23. 17. Psal. 44. 15. I 69.7. Prov. 24. 31. Isa. 6. 2. Ezek. 12. 6, 12. Mark 14. 65. FACE of the Country. 2 Sam.18.8. scattered over FACE of the Deep. Gen. 1 . 2. Job 38. 30. Prov. 8. 27. when he set a compass on the/. - FACE of the Earth. Gen. 1, 29. | 4. 14. [ 6. 1. I 7. 3, 4. 1 8. 9. [ 11. 4. 1 41. 5G. Exod. 32. 12. I 33. 16. Num. 12. 3. Deut. 6. 15. | 7. 6. 1 Sam. 20. 15. 1 Kings 13. 34. Psal. 104. 30. Isa. 23. 17. Jer. 8. 2. | 28. 16. Ezek. 38. 20. Dan. 8. 5. Amos 5. 8.|9. 8. Zech. 5. 3. Luke 12. 56. I 21. 35. Acts 17. 26. FACE to FACE. Gen. 32. 30. seen God/ to/ Exod. 33. U. spake to Moses/ to/ Num. 14. 1*4. Deut.5.1.talked with yon/ to/||34. 10. knew/ - Judg.6. 22. seen an angel || Piov. 27. 19./ ausw. Ezek. 20. 35. plead/ to/ j| Acts 25. 16. accusers 1 Cor. 13. 12. see thro a^lass, but then/ to/ 2 John 12. to come and speak/ to f. S John 14. Fell on FACE or FACES. Gen. 17. 17. Abram 50. 1. iosephfell on his father's/ || 18. brethren Lev. 9. 24. wijen people saw, they/e?/o?i their/ Num. 14.5. Moses, 16. 4,22, 45.||2-2. 31. Balaam Josh. 5. 14. Joshua, 7. 6. || Judg. 13. 20. Manoah Ruth 2. 10. she/d/ on her/i|lSam.l7.49.Goliath 1 Sam. 20. 41. David|l25. 23. Abigail/d^ on her/ 2 Sam.9.6. Mephiboshethl]]4.4. woman of Tekoa 14. 22. Joab |j 18. 28. Ahimaaz/Wi on his/. 1 Kin. 18.7. Obadiah || 39- people /d/ on their/. 1 Chr. 21. 16. David and the elders/e// on their/ Ezek. 1. 28. and when I saw it Ifellonmyf. 3. 23. I 9. 8. j 11. 13. I 43. 3. I 44. 4. Dan. S. 17. Dan.2.46.Nebuchadnezzar|)Matt. 17.6. disciples Matt. 26. 39. Jesmfell on his/|;Luke 5. 12. leper Luke 17. 16. Samaritan || Rev. 11 16. 24 elders FACE of the Field. 2 Kin. 9. 37. Jezebel as dung FACE of the Gate. Ezek. 40. 15. from the/ - FACE of the Ground. Gen. 2. 6. 1 7. 23. | 8. 8, 13. Hid, hide, or hideth FACE. Gen. 4. 14. and from thy/ shall I be hid Exod. 3. 6. and Moses hid his/, for he was afraid Deut. 31. 17. I'll /tidgmy/ from them, 18. |32. 20. Job 13. 24. wherefore Aidm/ .<* Ps 44. 24.|88.14. 34. 29. when he hideth his/, who can behold ? Psal. 10. 11. he -his/ 1| 13. 1. how long wilt thou 22. 24. neither hath he hid his/ from him 27. 9. /lidg not thy/ 69.17. | 102.2. j 143.7. 30. 7. didst hide thy/ I was troubled, 104. 29. 51. 9. hide thy/ from my sins, and biot out all Isa. 8. 1 7. hideth his/ || 50. 6. 1 hid not myf. 54. 8. 1 hid my/. || 59. 2. sins have hid his/ from 64. 7. thou hast hkO thy/ from us and consumed Jer.l6.17. ways not hid from my/||33.5. from city Ezek. 39. 23./«c/ 1 my/ 24. |[29. nor hide my/ Mai. 3. 4. even hide hiv/ || Rev. 6. 16. -tisfrom/ FACE of the House. Ezek. 41. 14. breadth of the FACE of the Lord. Gen. 19. 13. cry before/ - 1 Sam. 26. 20. let not my blood fall before/ - 1 Kin. 13. 6. intieat now the/ of the Lord 27 FAC Ps. 34. 16./ - is against them, 1 Pet. S. IC. Lam. 2. 19. pour out thy heart before/. - Luke 1. 76. thou shall go before tlief.'ofL. FACE of the Porch. Ezek. 40. 15. | 41. 25. FACE, joined with see, saw, seen. Gen. 32. 20. Viisee hi's/ || 33. 10. -/. as tho' 43. 3. shall not .see my/, except, 5. j 44. 23, 26. 46. 30. let n)e die since I've seen thy/. 48. 11.; Ex. 10. 28. Pharauhsaid, Afenjy/. no more, 29. 33. 23. back parts but my/ siiail not be seen 34. 35. children of Israel saivf. of Moses 2 Sam. 3. 13. not see my/ except bring Michal 14. 24. king said, let him not see my/. 28, 32. 2 Kin. 14. 8. look one another in/ 2 Chr. 25. 17. Esth.l. 14-. scu; the kings/ jj Job 34.26. -/ with Acts 6. 15. -/ of an ange!|i20. 25. -/ no more, 38. Col. 2. l.notsef^nmy/ II l Thes. 2. 17. to see/ 1 Thes. 3. lO.niiijhtsec?/ || Rev. 22. 4. see his/. Seek FACE. 1 Chr. IQ. II. seek his/ Ps 105. 4. 2 Chr. 7. 14 if my people shall pray and - my/. Ps. 24. 6. generation that seek thy/ O Jacob 27. 8. saidst seek ye my/, thy/ Lord will Prov. 7. 15. diligently to-/ ||Hos. 5. 15. Set FACE. Gen. 31. 21. Jacob set his f. to Lev. 17. 10. I'll set my/ against that soul, 20. 3, 5, 6. I 26. 17. Jer. 44. 11. Ezek. 14. 8. Num. 24. 1. Balaam set his/, to wilderness 2 Km. 12. 17. Hazael || Is. 50. 7. set my/, as flint Jer. 21.10. «e< niy/ againstthis city, Ezek. 4. 3,7. Ezek. 6. 2. set thy/ towards mountains 13. 17. set thy /: against daughters, 15. 7. 20. 46. toward south || 21. 2. Jerusalem 21. 16. thv/ is set || 25. 2. against Ammonites 28. 21. ZidoM II 39. 2. Pharaoh |1 35. 2. Seir 38. 2. against Gog || Dan. 9. 3. set my/ to L. Dan. 10. 15. toward ground |1 11. 17. to enter Luke 9. 5 1 . stedfastly se^ his/ logo to Jerusalem FACE Shine ; See Shine, FACE of the Sky. Matt. 16. 3. Luke 12. 56. FACEo/3.3. hid asit were oui/. Jer. 1. 8. not afraid oftlieir/ 17. |1 5. 3./ harder 7.1 9. confusion of their/. |{ 30. 6. all/ are turned 50. 5./thitherward|l51. 51. shame covered our/ Lam. 5. 12. ihej. of the elders were not honoured Ezek. 1. 6. and every one had four/. 10. 14, 21. 3. 8. strong against their/ \\ 7. 18. shame on/. 8.16./.towardtheeast|14l.lB. cherub had two/' Dan. 1. 10. see your/ worse \\ 9. 7- confusion oJ/ Joel 2. 6. all/ gather blackne.»s,Nah. 2. 10. Mai. 2. 3. dung on your/ |1 19. accepted/. Matt. 6. 16. disiigure/JlLuke24.5./totheeartb Rev. 7. 11. fell on their/. \\ 9. 7./ of the locusts A CTION.S, «. 1 C©r. S.tS. is among you/. FAl FAI 1?ADE, ETH, ING. Exod. 18.tl8./ away 2 SdHi. 22. 46. strangers shall/. away,Psal. 18-45. P^al. l.tS.leafnot/ jjlsa. 1. 30. oak, whose leaf/. Isa. 24. 4. the world/ (| 40. 7. the flower/ 8. 28. 1. glorious beauty is a/ flower, 4. 64.6. we ail/ || Jer. 8. t3. the leaf shall/ Ezek47.12.ieafshaUuot/!!Jam. 1. 11. rich shall/ 1 Pet. I. 4.inhentaace tuat/ not away, 5. 4. FAIL. Josh. 3. 10. without/ drive outCaiiaanites Judg. 11. 30. if thou without/ deliver Aminon 1 Sam. 30. 8. witl^oat/ recover all||Ezra 6.9.j^ive3:i FAIL, V. Gen. 47.16. give your cattle, if money/ Deut. -28. 32. eyes shall/ with longing for theoi 51.6.L. will not/. thee,8. Josh. 1.5. 1 Chr. 28.. 0. 1 Sam. 2. 16. let them not/ to burn the fat 17 32. David said, let no man's heart/, him 20. 5. 1 should not/ to sit with the king at meat 2 Sam. 3. 29. let there not/ from house of Joab 4 Kings 2. 4. not/ thee a mao, S. 25. ( 9. 5. 17. 14. neither shall the cruse of oil/ 1§. 2 Chr. 6. 16. shall not/, thee a man, 7. IS, Sl^ra 4. 22. take heed that ye/, not to do this Esth. 6. 10. let nothing/ || 9. 27. not/, to keep Job 11. 20. eyes of wicked /1 1 14. 11. waters/, sea 17.5. eyes of children shall/. i| 31. 16. of widow P&al. 12. 1. the faithful/. |) 69. 3. mine eyes/ 77.8. doth his proimse/lJSg. 33. nor faithful to/ 119. 8. mine eyes/, for thy word, 123. Prov. 22. 8. and the rod of his anger shall/. Bccl. 12.t3. o^rinders/ || 5. desire shall/. Isa. 19. 3. spirit of Egypt shall /.|{j. waters shall/. 21. 16. glory of Kedar/ |j 31. 3. shall/, together 32. 6. drink shall/. || 10. the vintage shall/. . 34. 16. no one of these shall/, nor want herniate 88. 14. eyes/, with looking || 42. 4. shall not/. 51. 14. hasteueth that his bread should not/. 57. l6.spiritshould/.||58. 11. whose waters/, not Jer. 14. 6. eyes did/, because there was no grass 15. 18. waters that/.ii48. 33. wine to/. Hos. 9. 2. Lam. 2. 11. mine eyes/. ||3. 2-j. compassions/, not Amos 8. 4. poor to/.|jHab. 3. 17. labour of olive/. Ijuke 16. 9. that when ye/|jl7. one tittle of law/ 22. 32. 1 have prayed, that thy faith/ not 1 Cor. 13. 8. whether prophecies, they shall/ Heb. 1. 12. years not/ jj 11. 32. time would/. 12. 15. lest any man/, of the grace of God FAILED. Gen. 42. 28. their heart/. 47. 15. Josh. 21. 45./. not any good thing, 23. 14. Job 19. 14. my kinsfolk/. |j Psal. 142. 4. refuge/. Song 5. 6. my soul/, jj Jer 51. 30. their might/ liam. 4. 17. our eyes/ for our vain help FAILETH, V. Gen. 47. 17. money/. || Job 21. 10. Psal. 31. 10. my strengt-h/. 38. 10.|40. 12.|73. 26. 71. 9. my strength/, jj 109. 24. my flesh/, of 143. 7. my spirit/. {\ Eccl. 10.3. his wisdom/ Isa. 15.6. the grass/. || 40. 26. not one/. 41. 17. tongue/, for thirst||44. 12. his strength/ 59. 15. yea, truth /.[lEzek. 12. 22. every vision/. Lukel ^.3S. treasure that/noi| j 1 Cor. 1 3. S.never/ FAILING, p. Deat.28.65./. of eyeslJLuke 21.26. TAIN. Job 27. 22. he would/, flee Luke 15. 16./ have filled his belly with husks FAINT, a. Gen. 25. 29. Esau was/. 30. Deut. 25. 18./. and es3ofyoui/.7.j|12./of the operation 1 Thes. 1. 3. your work of/. |l 8. your/. God-ward 3. 2. concerning your/. |) 5. to knovv your/ 6. 7. comforted by your/ (| 10. lacking m your/. 2 Thes. 1. 3. your/, groweth ji 4. patience aad/ 1 1. work of/ wath power j| 3. 2. all have not/ 1 Tim. 1. 2. own son in/ || 4. which is in/, so do 5./ unfeigned|)l4.with/.and love||l9. holding/. 2. 7. in/ and verity j| 15. if they continue inf. 3. 9. mystery off. \\ 13. great boldness in^'. 4. 1. depart from the/. || 6. in the words of/. 12. in spirit, in/.ijs. 8. denied the/.|I12.cast oiYf. 6. 10. erred from the/ 21. |! 11./. love, pat. 1 2. fight the good tight off. \\ 21. concern./'. 2 Tim. 1. 5. unfeigned/. || 13. in/ and love 2. 18. overthrow the/ i|3.S. reprobate concern/. 3. 10. knowm my/. || 15. wise, thro'/ in Christ 4. 7. 1 have finished mv course,! have kept the/ Tit. 1. 1./ of God's elect 1 1 4. after the common/. 13. sound in the/ 2. 2. |)3. 1 5. love us in the/ Philem. 5. hearing of thy love and/ 6. Heb. 4. 2. not profit, not being mixed with/ 6 12. who thro'/ inherit the promises 10. 22. full assurance off. \\ 23. profession of/. 11. 1/ is substance |1 3. thro'/ we understand 4. by/ Abel offered jj 5. by/ Enoch jl 7. Noah 6. witiiout/ it is impossible to please God 8. by/. Abraham,9,l 7. 11 11. thro/Sarah received 13. these all died in/ 1.120. by/.Isaac||21. Jacob QJi. by/ Joseph || 23. Moses, 24, 27, 28. 29. by/ they passed thro' the Red-sea 30. by/ the walls of Jericho fell down 31. by/harlotRahab||33. thro'/subduedking. 39. good report thro'/.||l 2. 2.nnisher of/(| 1 3.7. Jam. 1. 3. trying of your/. || 6. let him ask in/ J 2. 1./ respect of persons || 5. rich in/ heirs 14. tho' a man say he hath/, can/ save hini 1 8. I'll shew thee my/i!20/. without works, 26. 22. how/, wrought with his works,and by \\M\ 1 Pet. 1. 5. thro'/ to salvation || 7. trial off. 9. end ofyour/. (| 21./ miglit be in God 5. 9. whom resist, stedfast in the/, knowing 2 Pet. 1. 1. like preeious/ || 5. add to your/ 1 John 5. 4. overcometh the world, even our/. Jude 3. contend for the/ !| 20. most holy/ Rev. 2. 13. not denied my/||19. thy works and/ 13. iO./. of the saints jfl4. 12. keep the/ of J. FAITHFUL,«. Num.1 t>.ll. Moses i/Heb.3.2,5. Deut. 7. 9. the/ God which keepeth covenant 1 Sam. 2. 35. a/ priest |) 22. 14. so/ as David 2 Sam. 20. 19. one ©f them thataie/. inlsraC! FAL Neh.7. 2. was a/, man, 9. 8. |I 13. 13. counted/ Psai. 12. 1. the/. fail(|3l. 23. L. preserveth the/ 89. 37. as a/ witness || 101 . 6. eyes be on the/ 119. 86. commands are/ (| 138. testimonies/ Prov. 11. 13.a/spirit|jl4. 5. a/ witness, 13. 17. 20. 6. bMt a/ man who can find, 28. 20. 25. IS. a/ ujeSvSenger [| 27. 6./. are the wounds 28. 20/ a/ man shall abomid with blessings Isa.1.21 ./. city, 26.ii8. 2./ witnesses||49.7. L. is/ Jer.42.5. Lord be a/. wituess||Dan.6.4. he was/ Hos. 11. 12. but Judah is/, with the saints Mat.24.45./.and wise servant, i5.21. Luke 12 42. 25. 23. hast been/ m a few things, Luke 19. 17. 'Luke 16.10/ in tne least, is/, also in much, 11,12. Acts 16. 15. ifye have judged me/, to the Lord 1 Cor. 1. 9. God is/. 10. 13. |) 4. 2. be found/ 4. 17. send Tnnothy/ in the Lord||7.25. to be/. Gal. 3. 9./. AbrahamllEph. 1. 1./ in Christ || 6. 21. Col. 1. 2. to the saints and/.||7./ minister, 4. 7, 9. 1 Thes.5.24./is he that calletli yon,2 Thes. 3. 3. 1 Tim. 1.12. counted/l [15./ saying, 4. 9.Tit. 3. 8. '3. 11. wives must be/ jj 6. 2. they are/. Q Tim. 2. 2. commit to/ men || 11. a/ saying 13. heabideth/liTit.l.G./ children j|9./. word Heb. 'i. 17. that he might be a/ high-priest 10. 23. for he is/ that promised, 11. 11. 1 l^et. 4. 19./ Creator \\ .5. 12. a/ brother 1 John 1. 9. he is/, to forgive us our sins, and Hev. 1. 5. the/ witness, 3.14.||2.10. be/to death 2. 13. my/ :!!artyr jj 17. 14. are called and/ 19. 11. he was called/ 1) 21. 5. true an-l/ 22. 6. FAITHFULLY/td. 2Km.l2.l5.they dealt/22.7. 2Chr. 19. 9. tUus do/ 1|31. 12. brought offering/ 34. 12. did the work/ jjProv. 29. 14./ judgeth Jer.23 £8. speak my word/.j|3john 5. hast done/. F.^£THFULNESS,s. 1 Sain.26.23.everym.his/. Psal. 5. 9. tU( re is no/ j| 36. 5. thy/ reacheth 40.10. declared thy/, 188.1 1, shall/ be declared 89. i. make known tliy/ || 2./ establish, 5. 8./ round about jj 24. my/. || 33. nor/ to fail 92. -^. tiiv/ every nu^ht :] 119. 75. mf. aHiicted 119.t86. coiumaud./ (| 90. thy/ to ait gener. 1 13B. testiUionies/ \] 143. 1. in/, answer me Isa. 11. 5./ the girdle |j 25. 1. counsels of old/ Lam. 3. 23. great is thy/.|]Hos.2.20.betrothin/. FAITHLESS, fl. John 20. 27. be not/ but Matt.l7. 17. 0/ generation, Mark9.1P.Luke9.4l. FALL, signifies^ [ 1 ] To die, Gen. 14. 10. 2 Sam. 3.38. [2] To decai/, Amos 9. 11. [3] To fail, 1 Sam. 3. 19. [4] To offend and stumble, Rom. 14. 13. [5] To apostatize, Luke 8. 13. Heb. 6. 6. [6] fo come to nothing, 1 Sam 3. 19. Matt. 10.29. [7] Tobeaffiicted,Psal37.24. [8] To commit one's self to, 2 Sam. 24. 14. [9j fVith violence to rush upon, 2 Sam. 1. 15. By voluntary disohedience,our first parents fellfrom, and lost their original rectitude and perfection of nature ; which consisted in knowledge, holiness, and perfect happiness, Gen. 1. 28. Col. 3. 10, Eph. 5. 24. Jn which grand apostacy many sins were included, as, ^ 1 i Diabolical pride : The thought of being as God struck the imagination, and fired the soul into rebellion. [2j Unbelief and infidelity, in dis- crediting the truth of God's word. In the day that thou eatest thereof, thou shalt surely die, Gen. 2. 17. [3 J Horrid rebellion and ingratitude^ umazing folly and stupidity. FAL By the fall of man, all the poivers of nature ivere de- praved, polluted, and corrupted ; [1 ] The under- standing was darkened, Eph. 4. 18. \'2'\ The conscience defiled, Heb. 10. 22. [3] The will ob- stinate and rebellious, Isa. 48. 4. Rom. 8. 7. [4] The affections, carnal and sensual, Eph. 2. 3. {^5] All the thoughts uninterruptedly evil, Gen. 6. 5. and the whole mind, or heart, a nest of all manner of abominations, Jcr. 17. 9. Matt. 15. 19. FALL, «. Prov. 16. 18. haughty spirit before a/. 29. 16. but the righteous shall see their/. Jer. 49. 21. earth is moved at noise of their/ Ezek. 26. 15. isles shake at their/ 18. | 31. 16. Matt.7.27. great was the/.||Luke2.34.set for the/. Rom. 11.11. thro' their/, salvation is come, 12. FALL, (verb.) Gen. 2. 21. a deep sleep to/ 48. 18. and/ on us || 45. 24./ not out || 49. 17. Exod. 15.16. fear and dread shall/ upon them Lev. 11. 32. any doth/ || 37. if carcase/ on, 38. 19. 29. lest the land/ to whoredom 26. 7. they shall/ before you by the sword, 8. 36./ when none pursueth||37./. one on another Num.11. 31./ round about ||14. 29. carcases/ 32. Deut.22. 8 house, if any man/ from thence Josh. 6. 5. wall o( the city shall/ down flat Judg. 8. 21. rise thou, and/ upon usjl 1.5. 12, 13, Ruth 2. 16. let/ handfnls of purpose for her 3. 1 8. until thou know how the matter will/ 1 Sam.3.19. let none of his words/ to the ground 14. 45. not one hair/ 2 Sam. 14. 11. Acts 27. 34. 18. 25. to make David/ 1|22. 17./ on the priests 26. 20. let not mv blood/ to the earth before 2 Sam. 1. 1 5. go near/ on him, 1 Kings 2. 29, 31. 24. 14. let us/into thehandof G. 1 Chr. 21.13. 1 Kin. 22. 20./. at Ramoth-Gilead, 2 Chr. 18.19. 2 Kin. 7. 4. let us/, into the host of Syifens 10. 10./. nothing of the word of the Lord 14. 10. why meddle, that thou shouldst/. 2 Chr.21 l5.bow^els/. outl|25.8. make thee/. 19. Esth. 6.tl0. not a whit to /. |1 13. hast begun to/. Job 13. 11. his dread/. |1 31. 22. mine arm/. Psal. 5. 10. let them/. |1 9. 3. enemies/ and perish 10. 10. poor m9y/.||35. 8. destruction, let him/. 37. 24. tho' he/. || 45. 5. people/ under thee 64. 8. tongue to/. || 72. 11./: down before him 78. 28./ in midst of camp ||"82.7./. like princes 91. 7. a 1000 shall/, at thy side||106.t27. seed/. 118. 13. that I might/.|| 140.10. let burn, coals./ 101. 10. let the wicked/ into their own nets 145. 14. the Lord upholdeth all that/ Prov.4. 16. cause some to/.||l0.8.pra ting fool/. 10. 11.5. wicked shall/. 24. 16. || 14. the people/, 28. he that trusteth in his riches shall/ 22. 14. abhorred of the Lord shall/ 26. 27. 28. 10. shall fall into his own pit, Eccl. 10. 8. 14. he that hardeneth his heart shall/ 18. Eccl. 4. 10. if they/, one will lift up his fellow 11.3. if the tree/ toward the south or north Isa. 8. 15. stumble and/. || 10. 4./. under the slain 10. 34./ by a mighty one|il3. 15./ by thesword 22. 25. nail shall/ !| 24. 18./ into the pit 24. 20. earthshall/. |128. 13. go and/ backward 30. 13. breach ready to/ \\ ks. when towers/. 31. 3. he thathelpeth shall/ |j 8. Assyrian/. 34. 4. host shall/ || 40. 30. young men/ 44. 19. shall 1/ down to the stock of a tree 4 FAL FAL SsOS^ Isaiali 45. 14. the Sabeans shall/ down to thee 46. 6. they/ down || 47. 11. mischief shall/ 64. 15. whoso gather, shali/ for thy sake Jer. 3. V2. not anger to/j|6. 15. they siiali /'. 8. 12. 6. 21. fathers and sons/.j) 8. 4./ and not arise 9. 22,/ as dung |j 13 8. to/ on it suddenly 23. 12. and/ therein |j 19./ grievonsly, 30. 23. 25. 27. spue, and/ jj .34./ like a pleasant vessel 37. 14. 1/ not away |j 44. 12./ in land of Egypt 46. 6. stumbie and/ |j 16. made many to/ 48. 44 / into tli^pit |j49. 26. young men f. 50. 32. proud shall/ |l 51. 4. slain/ 47, 49. 51. 44. Babylon shall/ |j 49. caused Israel to/ Lam. 1. 14. he hath made my strength to/ Ezek. 6. 7. slain shall/ |j 13. 11. hailstones shall/ 13. 14. foundation shall/ \\ 24. 6. let no lot/ 27. 27. thy company shall/ into tlie seas, 34. 29. 5. thou shall/ on the open field, 39. 5. 30. 4. slain/ in Egypt, 6. jj 22. sword to/ out 32. 12. multitude to/ II 33. 12. |) 35. 8. shall/ 38. 20. every wall shall/ 1) 39. 3. arrows to/ 44. 12. caused Israel to/ |) 47. 14. land/ to Dan. 9.ti 8. supplication to/ Jer. 37.t20. | 42.t2. 11. 19, stumble and/ |; 35./ to try them Hos. 4. 5. prophet shali/ |j 14. not understand/ 5. 5./ in their iniquity || 10. 8. to hills,/ on us 14. 9. but the transgressors shall/ therein Amos 3. 5. can a bird/ |j 14. horns of aitar/ 8. 14./ and never riselJ9. 9. not the least gram/ Mic. 7. 8. when 1/ I shall arise \\ Nah. 3. 12. Matt. 10. 29. not sparrow/||12. 1 1. if it/ in a pit 15. 14. both shall/ into the ditch, Luke 6. 39. 27. crumbs which/ j) 21. 44./ on this stone 24. 29. stars shall/ from heaven, Mark 13. 25. Luke 8. 13. time of temptation/ away, Heb.6.6. 10.18. 1 beheld Satan/ 1121.24./ by the sword 23. 30. to the mountains,/ on us, Rev. 6. 16, John 12. 24. except a corn of wheat/ into Acts 27. 17./ into quicksanfls 1| 32. let boat/ Rom. 11. 12. if the/ of theni(|l4.13. occasion to/ 1 Cor. 10. 12. that standeth, take heed lest he/ 1 Tim. 3. 6./ into condemnation, 7.\\6. 9. rich/ Heb. 4. 11, "lest any/ \\ 10. 31. fearful thing to/ Jam. 1. 2./ into divers |j 5. 12. lest he/ into 2 Pet. 1. 10. ye shall never/ || 3. 17. lest ye/ Rev. 6. 16. rocks/ on us |) 9. 1. 1 saw a star/ FALL doicn. Deut. 22.4. 1 Sam. 21. 13. Isa. 34. 4. Ezek. SO. 25. Dan. 3. 5, 10, 15. | 11, 26. Matt. 4. 9. Luke 4. 7. Rev. 4. 10. FALL, joined with Sword. Ex. 5. 3. Num. 14. 3, 43. 2 Kin. 19. 7. Psal. 9S. 10, Isa. 3. 15, I 13. 15. I 31. 8. I 37. 7. Jer. 19. 7. | 20. 4. I 39. 18. Ezek. 5. 12. j 6, 11, 12. | 11. 10. j 17. n. I 30. 22. I 33. 27. Dan. 11. 33. Hos, 7. 16. I 13. 16. Joel 2. 8. Amos 7. 17. Luke 21. 24. FALLEN, p. Gen. 4. 6. thy countenance/ ? Lev. 13. 41. hair/ ofF|| 25, 35. if/ in decay Josh. 2. 9. terror is/ on us \] 8.-24. all Ai/ Judg. 3.25. their lord was/j|19. 27. woman was/ 1 Sam. 5. 3. Dagon was/|i26. 12. a deep sleep/ 31. 8, Saul and his sons/ 1 Chr. 10. 8. 2 Sam. 3. 38. a great man/ this day in Israel 1 Kin. 8.t56.not/ one word||2 Kin. 13. 14./ sick 2 Chr, 29. 9, our fathers have/ by the sword psal. 7. 15. is/ in the ditch j| 16. 6. lines are/ 30. 8. they are/ 1| 36, 12. workers of iniquity/ Ps. 55. 4. terrors/ 1| 69. 9. reproaclies/. on me Isa. 3. 8, Judah is/, ji 14. 12. how art thou/ 16, 9. shouting for thy summer-fruits is/ 21. 9. Babylon is/ is/ Jer. 51,8, 15. Rev. 14, 8. i 18.2. 59. 14. for truth is/ in the streets, and equity Jer. 38. 19./ to Chaldeans || 46. 12./ togetiier 48. 32. spoiler is/|jLam. 2. 21. my virgins are/ Lam. 5. 16. crown is/ |) Ezek. 13. 12, wall is/ Ezek. 32. 22. all of them/, by the sword, 23," 24. Hos. 7. 7. kings are/ jj l4. 1./ by iniquity Amos 5. 2. the virgin of Israel is/ rise no more 9. 1 1. I'll raise tabernacle which is/ Acts 15.16. Zech, 11,2, for the cedar is/ 1| 12. t S./ as David Luke 14. 5. an ox/|jActs 8. 16. holy Ghost/, on Acts 20. 9. Eutychus being/||26. 14. we were all/ 27.*29./ on rocks jj 28, 6./. down dead j Gal, 5. 4-/. from grace jj Phil. 1. 12. have/, out Rev. 2. 5. remember from whence thou art/ 17, 10. are seven kiniijs, five are/, and one FALLE8T, Jer.37.13. tliou/. away to the Chald. FALLETH, v. Exod. 1. 10./. out any war, they Lev. 11. 35. carcase/. || Num. 3. 54. where lot/. 2 Sam. 3. 34. as a man/ before wicked men 17. 12. on him as dew/.jjjob 4. 13. deep sleep/. Prov. 13. 17./ into mischief, 17. 20. 24. 16. f. 7 times jj 17, when thine enemy/ Eccl, 4, 10. alone when he/. 12.1|11. 3. the tree/. Isa. 34. 4. as leaf/, jj 44. 15./ down thereto, 17. Matt. 17. 15. for oft-times he/ into the fire Lukel 1.17. a house divided/.jjl5.l2.portion that/. Rom. 14. 4. standeth or/ jj Jam. 1.11. flower/, FALLING,;). Num. 24. 4./ into a trance Job 4. 4. him that was/ jl 14. 18. mount./. Ps, 56. 13. wilt not deliver my feet from/. 116. 8. Prov. 25. 26. righteous/ |j Isa. 34. 4. as a/, fig Luke 8. 47./. down |j 22. 44. drops of blood/. Acts 1. 1 8./ headlong Ij 27. 41./. in a place 1 Cor. 14. 25, so/, down|j2Thes. 2. 3./. away first Jude 24. to him that is able to keep you from /, FALLOW, a. Jer. 4. 3./. ground, Hos. 10. 12. See Deer. FALSE,a. Exod.23.1./ reportl!7. froma/ matter 2 Kin. 9. 12. it is/, jjjob 36. 4. my words not be/. Psal. 119. 104. I hate every/, way, 128. 120,3. what shall be done to thee, thou/ tongue Prov. 11, 1./. balance, 20. 23. || 17. 4./. lips 25. 14. whoso boasteth of a/, gift is like wind Jer. 8.t 8,/. penJiU. 14/. visionjl23. 32./. dreams 37. 14. It is / jj Lam. 2. 14. seen/, burdens Ezek. 21. 23. it shall be as a/, divination in Zech. 8. 17. love no/, oath |j 10. 2. told/, dreams Mai. 3. 5. be a swift witness against/, swearers Matt. 24. 24. shall arise/. Christs, Mark 13. 22. Luke 19. 8. taken any thing by/, accusation 2 Cor. 11. 13./, apostles jj 26. among/ brethrea Gal. 2. 4./ brethren [j 2 Tim. 3. 3./ accusers Tit, 2. 3. not/ accusers jj 2 Pet. 2. 1./ teachers FALSE Prophets. VJatt. 7. 15. j 24. 11, 24. Mark 13.22. Luke 6. 26. 2 Pet. 2.1. 1 John 4. 1. FALSE Witness, es. Exod, 20. 1 6. not bear/- Deut. 5. 20, Mat. 1^.18. Deut. 19. 16. if a/ - rise up against any man, 18. Psal. 27. 12./ - are risen up j|35. 1 1/ - did arise Prov.6.19. a/- that speaketh lies, 12.17. j 14.5. 19. 5. a/- not be unpunished, 9. ] 21.28.jj25. 18. Matt, 15. 19. proceed/-lJ26, 59. elders songht/.- FAM FAR lUatt. 26. 60. manv/ - came, Mark 14. 56, 57. Acts 6. 13. setup/-||lCor. 15. LS-fomid/.-of God FALSHOOi), s. 2 Sam, 18. 13. wrought/ ajt;. Job 21. 34. in your answers there remaineth / Psal. 7. 14. brought forth/ 1) 11 9. 11 8. deceit"is/ 144. 8. right hand of/ 11. |j Prov. 20. t 17. Prov. 25. 1 14. boasteth himself in a gift off. Isa. t28. 15. under/ hid || 57. 4. seed of/ || 59. 13. Jer. S.tlO. turned in/ \\ 10. 14. molten images/ 13. 25. trusted in/ 1 1 37. f 14. it is a/ Hos. 7. 1. thev commit/. [) Mic. 2. U.'spirit of/ I-WLSIFYING, p. Amos 8. 5./ the balances FALSLY, ad. Gen. 21. 23. wilt not deal/ with Lev. 6. 3. sx'i'feareth /. 5.|19. 1 2.11-19. 1 1. nor deal/ Deut. 1 9. 1 8. testified /:|)Psal. 44. 17. nor dealt/ Jer. 5. 2. they swear/ |) 31. prophesy/. 29. 9. 6.13. every one dealeth/ 8. 10.1)7.9. willye.sXvear 40. 16. thouspeakest/. II 43.2./ L. hath not sent Hos. 10. 4. swearing/ inmaking|)Mic. 2.tll.lye/. Zech. 5. 4. curse enter his house that sweareth/ Blatt. 5. 1 1. say evil/. || Luke 3.14. nor accuse/ lTim.6.20. science/ so calied|| 1 Pet.3. 1 G/ accuse FAME, s. Gen. 45 16. the/ was heard in Phar. Num.1 4.15. nations that have heard the/ of thee Josh. 6. 27. Joshua's/ noised || 9. 9. heard the/ 1 Kin. 4. 31. his/, was in all nations round about 10. 1. the queen heard/ of Solomon, 2 Chr.9. 1. 7. thy wisdom exceedeth the/ 2 Chr. 9. 6. 1 Chr. 14. 17./'. of David|i2i'.5. house must be of/ Esth. 9. 4. Mordecai's/ || Job 26. 22. heard tlie/ Isa. 66. VJ. not heard my/|ljer. 6. 24. heard the/ Zcph. 3. 19. and I will get them/ in every land Matt 4. 24. the/ of Jesus, 14. 1. Mark 1. 28. Luke 4. 14, 37. j 5. 15. 9.26. the/, thereof went||3l.spreadabroad his/. FAMILIAR, S. Applied, [1] To friends, Job 19. 14. Psal. 41. 9. Called in Hebrew, Men of peace, Jer. 20. 10. [2] To ttpii'its of divi- nation, Lev. 19. 31. I 20. 6, 27. Deut. 18. 11. 1 Sam. 28. 3, 7, 9. 2 Kings 21. 6. | 23. 24. 1 Chr. 10. 13. 2 Chr. 33. 6. Isa. 8. 19. | 19. 3. i 29. 4. FAMILY, s. is put for, [1] A nation, Amos 3. 1. [2] A tribe, Judg. 13. 2. | 13. 2. [3] Kindred, Gen. 28. 38. Lev. 20. 5. [4] A homkold, Esth. 9. 28. [5] Christ's universal church, Eph. 3. 15. Lev. 20. 5. I will set my face against his/ Deut. 29. 10. lest a/ turn away from the Lord Josh, 7. 14./ theL, taketh|jl7. took/ of Zarhites Judg. 6. 15. my/, is poor || 18. 19. priest to a/ Ruth. 2. 1. a kinsman of the/ of EUmelech 1 Sam. 9. 21. my/, the least || 10. 21./ of Matri 2 Sam. 14. 7./ is risen |j 16. 5. of the/ of Saul 1 Clu\ 4. 27.nor/ multipiy||l3. 14/ of Obed-ed. Jer. 3. 14. and two of a/|| 8. 3. of this evil/ Zech, 12. 12. every/ shall mourn, 13, 14.||14. 18. Eph. 3. 15. whole/ in heaven and earth is named FAMILIES. Gen. 10. 5. divided after their/. 18./ of Canaanitesll 20. Ham || 31. Shem 12. 3. in thee all/ of earth be blessed, 28. 14. 36. 40. dukes of Esau, according to their/ Bxod.6.l4/.ofReuben,Num.26.7 Josh.13.15,23. 15./ of Simeon, Num. 26. 12, Josh. 19. 1, 8. 17. Gershon, Num. 3. 18.14. 22— 41. Josh. 21. 33. 19. Levi, 25. Num. 4. 46. ! 26. 57. Josh. 21. 27. l2. 21. take yon a lamb according to your/. Lev. 25. 45. of tlie/ of strangers shall ye fifiiy Snm. 1. 2. sum of Israel after their/, 20,-42. 3. 19. Kohath by their/. 27.|4.37. Josh. 21. 4,1 (>♦ 20. Merari by tlieir/ 33. Josh. 21.34. lChr.6.63. 4. 18. cut not oil/ ofKoh. 1| 1 1. 10. weep thro'/. 26. 15./.ofGad|!20. Judah,2-2.Josh. 13.24.|1^1. 23. Issacher ||26. Zebulon, 27. Josh. 19. 10, 17. 27. 1./ of Manasseh 1| 33. 54. divide among/ 36. 1./ of the sons of Joseph came near, 12. Josh. 7. 14. according to their/. 13. 15, 31.|19.40, 1 Sam. 9. 21. the least of all tlie/ of Benjamin 1 Chr. 2. 55 / of scribe8l|4. 2./ of the Zorathite& 4. 21./ that wrought fine linen 1| 38. princes in 2 Chr. 35. 5. according to divisions of the/ 12. Neh. 4.13. after then-/ ||Job 31. 34. contempt of Psal. 68. 6. the solitary m/ II 107. 41./ like a flock Jer. 1. 15./ of north, 25. 9. || 2. 4. hear, all ye / 10. 25. fury on/ that call not|| 31. 1. G. of all'/. 33. 24. the two/ IJ Ezek. 20. 32. we'll be as/ Amos 3. 2. known of all/. H Nah. 3. 4. selleth/ Zech, 12, 14/ that remain|jl4. 17. comeof ali/. FAMINE, s. signifies, [I J f^Vant of food, scarcity j Gen. 47. IS. [2J IVmit of hcarenhj bread, the word of God, Amos 8. 11. [3] Misery in ge- neral, Isa. 14. 30. Gen. 12. 10. the/ was grievous || 26. 1. | 41 27, 30, 31, 50, 56 1 47. 13. Ruth 1. 1. 2 Sara. 21. 1. I 24. 13. 1 Kin. 8. 37. | 18. 2. 2 Kings 7. 4./ is in the city 1| 8. 1. | 25. 3. 1 Chr. 21. 12. either three years/.||2 Chr. 32. U. Job 5. 20. in/ he shall redeem thee, 22. IJ 30. 3. Ps. 33. 19.ahvein/. 37. 19.||105.16. calledfor a/ Isa.l4. 30. kill thy root with/l|5l. 1 9./ and sword Jer. 5. 12. nor shall wesee sword nor/ 14. 13, 15. 11. 22. die by/ 21. 9. || 15. 2. for the/ to the/. 14. 12.1 will consume them by sword and/ 15. 1 6. 4. they shall be consumed by/ 44. 12,18,27. 18. 21. deliver to the/ || 21. 7. from the/ 24. 10. I'll send the/ 27. 8. 1 29. 17. | 32. 24. 29. 18. I wiU persecute with the sword and/ 34. 17. liberty to the/ 1) 42. 16./ follow close 52. 6/ was sore in the city, there was no bread Lam. 5. 10. our skin was black because of/ Ezek. 5, 12. a third part be consumed with/ l6.evilarrowsof/|j6. ll.fallby/ 17. | 14.18. 7. 15./ within/ 1| 12. 16. a few from the/ 36. 29. I will lay no/ upon you, 30. FAMINES. Matt. 24. 7 Mark 13.8. Luke 21. 11. FAMISH, ED. Gen. 41. 55. when Egypt was/. Prov, 1 0. 3. Lord will not suffer the righteous to/. Isa.5.13. honoui-able men/lJZeph. 2.11./ all gods FAMOUS, a. Num. 16. 2./ in congreg. 26. 1 9. Ruth 4. 11. be thon/.||14. name may be/ in Israel 1 Chr. 5. 24. and these were/ men, 12. SO. Psal. 74. 5. a man was/ Ij 136. 18. slew/, kings Ezek. 23. 10. she became/ |i 32. 18. of/, nations FAN, s. Isa. 30. 24. winnowed with the/. Jer. 15.7. I'll /a?i them with a/, in the gates Matt. 3. 12. whose/, is in his hand, Luke 3. 17. FAN, V. Isa. 41. 16. thou shalt/. them, wind Jer. 4. 11. wind not to/.||51.42. fanners sliaii/ her FARE, ED. 1 Sam. 17.18. Jonahl.3. Lukel6.19. FAREWEL,ad. Luke 9. 61. let me bid them/. Acts 15. 29. I 18.21. 1 23.30. 2Cor. 13. II. FARM, s. Matt. 22. 5. one to his/, another to FAR, a. Gen. 18. 25./. from thee to slay righteous Exod. a. 28. not go very/.fj26. 7./. fromfabe matt. FAR i5eut. 12. 21. if place be too/, from tliee, 14. 24. 28. 49. a nation against thee from/. Jer. 5. 15. 29.22. stranger from a/ land || Josli.3.16. waters Josh. 8. 4. go not very/ || 9. 22. we are very /.from Jutlg.l8.7./fromZidonians,28.||l9.11.day/spent 1 Sam. 2. 30. but now the Lord saith, be it / from me, 22. 1 5. 2 Sam. 20. 20. \ 23. 17. 20. 9. Jonathan said,/, be it from me 1 Kin. 8.46. that they carry thejn away/ or near 2 Chr. 26.15. narne spread/.|| Ezi'a 6.6.from thence Neh. 4.19. are separated/. || Esth. 9. 20. nigh or/ Job5.4,childr./ from safetyijl 1 . 14.iniquity ,22.23. 13. 21. hand/ from me || 19. 13. brethren/ from 21. 16. counsel of wicked is/ fiom me, 22. 18. 30. 10. flee/ from me \\ 34. 10./ be it from G. Psal. 10. 5. thy judgments/ l| 22, 1. why so/ from 22.11.0L. benot/ 19. | 3.5. 22-1 3B. 21. 171. 12. 37. 9. hide not face/ from me, put not thy serv. 73.27./ from thee perish || 88.8. acqnamtance/ 88.l8.1«ver/ from me|! 97.9. exalted/above all 103.12/ as the east j| lo'9.1 7. blessing," so let it be 119. I50./from thy law || 155. salvation is/ ]Prov. 4. 24. perverse lips pnt/|| 5. 8. /.from her 15.29. Lord is/ from wicked i| 19. 7. friends go/ 22.5.be/.from them |) 15.shall drive it/from him 30.8.removey.from vanity ||3 1.10. /above rubies Tlcci. 2. 13. as/ as light |i 7. 23. it was/ from Isa.5.26. ensign from/|| 6.12.removed menyiaway 10. 3. come from/ 1| 19. 6. turn riveis/ away 22.8. fled from/li 26. 15. hast removed naliou f 29. 13. heart/ from me || 30.27.name of L. from"/ 43. 6. bring my sons from/, and daughters, 60. 9. 46. 12. hear, ye that are/ from righteousness 49. 1. hearken, O people, nom/ || 1 2. come from 54.14. /from oppression |j 59 9. judgment/from Jer. 2. 5. are gone/ || 12. 2./ from their reins ^5. 26./ and near || 27. 10./ from your land 30.10.save thee fromy.|| 48.24.of INIoab/ or near Lam.l.l6-comforter/from me jj 3.17./from peace Ezek.7.20.set it/from me Ijl 1 .1 5.get ye/from L. 23. 40. men to come from/ |j 44.10. Levites gone T)aH. 11. 2. kinii/ richer |] Joel 3. 6./ from border Amos 6. 3./ away evil dayi|Mic.7.11.decreebe/ Matt. 15. 8. their heart is/ from me, Mark 7. 6. 16. 22. Peter said,/ be it from thee, Lord lyiark 6. 35. day was / spent [| 8. 3. came from/ 12. 34. not/, from kingdom !| 13. 34./ journey liUke 7.6.not/from house | 22.5 1 . suffer ye thus/ 24. 29. for day is/, spent j 50. as/ as to Betliaiiy John 2l.8.not/.fromland | Acts ll.l9.as Phenice Acts 17. 27. tho' he be not/ from every one of us 22. 21. 1 will send thee/ hence to the Gentiles 28.l5./.as Appii-forum|| Rom.l3.12.uight/.xpent SCor.4.17.a/more weight of glory || 10.1 4.come as Kph. 1. 21./ above all principality 11 4. 10. heaven Phil. 1. 23. is/, better II Heb. 7.15 /more evident See Country, Countries FAR off". Gen. 44. 4. gone, and not yet/ ojf ]^m. 2. 2. pitch/- II De«t.l3.7. gods of people/ - Deut. 20. 15.toallcities/-||30. ll.norcom./- Psal. 55. 7. wander/- |j Prov. 27. 10. a brother/ - Isa. 33.13. hear, ye tliat are/- 1| 17. land that is/ - 46.13.rigliteousnessnot/.-|| 57. 9. messengers/- 57. 19. peace to him that is/- II 59. ll.iti.s/- Ezek. 6. 12. that is/- shall die || 8. 6./.- frosu sanct. 11.16. cast them/- 1| 12- 27. of times that are/ - 3^.5/.- from Uie« sh^m^^ \\ Das.p.r. near and FAS 7:jp^ Joel 2. 29. I'll remove/- 1| 3.8.sell them fo Safe./^ Zech. 6.15. they/.- shall came and buikl in temple Eph. 2. 13. ye who were/ - are made nigh by C. Farther ; see Further. FARTHING, S. Mat. 5. 26. nttermost/ 1| 10. 29, Markl2.42.which make a/ |] Lnke 12.6.for two/ FASHION, s. Gen. 6. 15./ thou slialt make ark Exod. 26. 30./ of tabernacle II 37.19./ of almonds 1 Kin. 6. 3S. f. of house jj 2 Kin. 16. 10./ of aitar Ezek. 43. ll". form and/ jj Mark 2. 12.' on this/ Luke 9.29./ of countenance j| Acts7.44.accord.t Psal. 139. 16. were/ 1| Isa. 22. 11. to him that/ it Ezek. 16. 7. thy breasts are/ thine hair is growu Phil. 3. 21. may be/ like unto his glorious body F.ASHIONETH, v. Psal. 33. 15./ hearts ahke Isa. 44. 12./ it with hammers i|45.9. that/ it FASHIONING,/). 1 Pet. 1.14. not/ yourselves FASHIONS, s. Ezek. 42.11. according to their/., _ FAST, a. Ezra 5. 8. this work goeth/ on, and FAST. Gen. 20. 18./ closed up the wombs Judg. 4. 21. Sisera/ asleep || 15. 13. bind thee/* 16. 11. if they bind me/ with new ropes Ruth 2. 8. abide here/ by my nmidens, 21. JobS8.38.clods cleave/ |j Psai.30.9.and it stood/ Psal. 65. 6. hisstrengtli setteth/ the mountains Prov. 4. 13. take/, hold of instraction, keep her Jer. 48. 16. hasteth/ j} 5(». 33. held them/ Jonah 1.5./asleep ij Acts I6.24.feetjj27.4i. stuck FAST, s. ' To abstain from food. 2 Sam. 1 2. 1 1 6. 1 Kin. 21. 9. proclaim a/ 12. 2 Chr. 20. 3, Ezra 8. 21. proclaimed a/ Jer. 36. 9. Jonah 3. 5. Isa. 58. 3. m day of your/. || £. is it such a/ that, 6. Joel 1.14. sanctify a/ call an assembly, 2. 15. Zech.8.19./ of 4th month || Acts 27. 9./. was past FAST, r. 2 Sam. 12. 21. thou didst/ 23. Esth. 4. 16./ ye for me || Isa. 58. 4. ye/ for strife Jer. 1 4.1 2. when they/ || Zech. 7. 5. did ye at all/ Matt. 6. 16. when ye/ j' 18. appear not to/ 9. 14. why do we/ disciples/ not, Mark 2 18. 15. then shall they/. Mark 2. 20 Luke 5. 35. Mark 2. 18 the disciples of Joha used to/ 19.can children of bride chamber/ Luke 5.35*. Lnke 5. 33./ often ||18. 12.1/ twice in the week FASTED. Judg. 20. 26. the people/ that day 1 Sam. 7. G./ on that day || .31. 13./ seven days^ 2 Sam. 1. 12./ for Saul II 12. 16. David/ 22. 1 Kin. 21. 27. Ahab/ |) Ezra 8. 23. so we/. Nell. 1. 4./ and prayed || Isa. 58. 3. have we/" Zech.7.5.whenye/|| Matt.4.2. Jesus/ forty day* Acts 13. 2. ministered to Ij.and/jj3.when thev had FASTEST, V. Matt. 6. 17. when thou/ anoint FASTING, S. Neh. 9. 1. with/and sackclothes Esth. 4. 3. there was/ || 9. 31. matters of the/ Ps.35.13.humbledmysoulwith/||69.10.chastnefl. 109. 24. weak thro'/, jj Jer. 36. 6. on the/ day Dan. 6.18 passed the night/ 1| 9. 3. prayer and / Joel2.12./weepingarid|iMat.l5/2.not send away J Matt. 17. 21. goeth not out but by/ Mark 9.-29. -Mark 8. S.M I send them/ || Luke 2. 37. with/. Acts 10. 30. I was/. !| 14. 23. and prayed with/ 27.a3.contimied/.J!lCor.7.5.give yourselves to/. 2 Cor. 6. 5. in watchiugs, in/ j! U. 2". in/, often rn FAT FAT FASTEN, V. Exocl. 28. 14./ chains, 25. |I 39. 31. Isa. 22. 23. f. him as a nail || Jer. 10. 4. / it with FASTEN EDjp.Exod. 39. 1 8./.!ii ouches [) 40.18. Jud?. 4.21. Jael/. naiiy 16. 14. Dehlah/ it with iSam. 31.10./ Saul's body j| 2 Sam. 20. 8. sword/ 1 Chr. 10. 10./ his head j|2Ci!r. 9. 18. six steps/. Esth. 1. 6. hangings/. 1| Job 38. 6. foundations/ Eccl. 12. 11. as nails/ j|Isa. 2'^. 25.|)4l. 7. he/ it Ezek. 40. 43. hooks/ |) Luke 4. 20. eyes/ on him Acts 11.6./ mine eyes |j 28.3. viper^. on his hand FASTNING, p. Hab. 2. f 1 1. Acts 3. 4. FATeignifies, [l] The best, Gen. 4. 4. | 27. 28. [2] Rich, Deut. 32. 13. [3] Fruitful, Neh. 9. 25. Isa. 28. 1. [4] Wanton, unridy, Deut. 32, 15. [5] Prosperous, Prov. 28. 2.5. [6] Cheerful, Psal. 92. 14. [7] Abundance of spi- ritual blessings, Psal. 36. 8. Isa. 25. 6. Jer. 31. 14. [8] Stupid, senseless, Psal. 119. 70. ©en.4.4.Abel brought/. j| Ex. 23.1 8. nor/, remain Exod. 29. 13./ on the kidneys, 22. Lev. 3. 3,-1 5 . * Lev. 3.16.all the/.is the Lord's |j 4.8. take oti the/. 4. 26. burn his/. 6. 12. 1 7. 3,31. 1 17.6. Num.1 8.1 7- 7.25. whoso eateth the/. 23. | 3. 17. i 9. 10, 20. Deut. 32. 14./. of iambs || 32. 38. did eat the/. Judg. 3.22. the/, closed || t 29. 10000 men all/. J Sam. 2. 16. not fail to l)urn/.|| 15. 22./ of rams 2 Sam. 1. 22. 1 Kin. 8. 64. 2Clir.7. 7. | 35. 14. Neh. 8. 10. eat the/, and drink the sweet, and Job 15. 27. coUopsoty. on his flanks, Psal. 17. 10. Psal.20.t3. |23.t 5.l73.t4. I8l.tl6. 1 147.114. Isa. 1. 11./. of fed beasts (| 34. 6. made/. j| 43. 24. Ezek. 34. 3. ye eat/ 39. 19. || 44. 7. oiler/. 15. Zech. 11. 16. he shall eat the flesh of the/. FAT. Gen. 41. 2. seven kine/! fleshed f 5. ears/. || 49. 20. Asher his bread shall be/. Deut. 31. 20. waxen/. || 32. 15. Jeshurun waxed/ Judg. 3.17. Eglon was/ |j 1 Sam. 2. 29. make you/. 1 Kings 1. 9./ cattleli 4. 23. was tenf. oxen 1 Chr. 4. 40./. pasture || Neh. 9. 25/. land, 35. Psal. 22. 29. bo/, on earth |j 37. 20. as/, of lambs 92. 14./. and flourishing || 119. 70. heart/, as Prov. 11. 25. liberal be/.|j 13.4. diligent be/ 15. 30. bones/. || 28. 25. trusteth be nnade/. Isa. 5. 17./ ones I j 6. 10. make the heart/, ears 10. 16. Z'. ones leanness 1) 25. 6. feast of/ things 28. 1./. valleys, 4. || 30. 23./. and plenteous 34. 6. sword/. 7. 1| 58. 11. L. make/, ihy bones Jer. 5. 28. waxen/ || 50. 11. ye are grown/ Ezek. 34. 14./. pastures || 1 6. 1 will destroy the/. 20. judge between the/.|) 45. 15./. pastures Amos 5. 22./. beasts j| Hab. 1. 16. portion is/. FATLING, S. 1 Sam. 15. 9. 2 Sam. 6. 13. Ps. 66. 15. Isa. 11. 6. Ezek. 39- 18. Matt. 22. 4. FATNESS, s. Gen. 27. 28./ of the earth, 39. Deut. 32.15. covered with /.|j Judg.9. 9. leave my/. Job J5. 27. face with/ ||'36. 16. be full of/ Psal.36.8./of thy house || 63.5.satisfied as with/ 65.11. paths drop/. II 73-7. eyes stand out with/ Isa. 17. 4./. of his flesh || 55. 2. delight itself in/ Jer. 31.14. satiate with f'.\\ Rom. 11.17./. of oh ve FATS, s. Joel 2. 24./. shall overflow, 3. 13. FATTED. 1 Kin. 4.23./ fowl |j Jer. 46. 21. FATTEST Psal 78.31./. of them |1 Dan. 11. 24. FATHER, s. signifies, [l] One that hath chil- dren, Gen. 22. 7. [2] Oiie that acts a kind and tender part, Job 29. 16. [3] The author or inventor of any things Gen. 4, 20, John 8. 44. Jam. 1. 17. [4] An instructor', Gen. 45. $. [5] The head or governor, Gen. 36. 43. 1 Chr. 4. 14, Isa. 22. 21. [6] One we give reverence to, Gen. 41. 43. 2 Kings 2. 12. [7] Grand- father, Exod. 2. 1 8. 2 Kings 14. 3. [8] Fa- ther-in-law, 1 Sam. 24. 12 Luke 2. 48. [9J The patriarchs, Abraham, Isaac, ^c. John 7. 22. Rom. 11. 28. [10] Ancestors, Zech. 1. 5. Mai. 2. 10. []11] Verij aged persons. Gen. 44. 20. 1 Tim. 5. 1. [12 J One that has attain- ed to strong faith, 1 John 2. 13. [13j Gorf, who is father of all by creation and providence, Deut. 32. 6. Mai. 2. 10. And of believers, in a watj of special grace, Rom. 8 15. Gen. 2. 24. a man leave his/ Mark 10. 7. Eph. 5.31. 4. 20./ of such as dwell in tents, 21. 9. 18. Ham is the/ of Canaan, 2V. | 10. 21. 11. 28. and Haran died before his/ Terah 17. 4. be/, of many nations, 5. Rom. 4. 17 18. 1 9. 31. our/, is old f| 32!. make our/, drink wine 20. 12.daughterof my/ || 22. 7. my/ and lie said 27.34. bless me also,Omy/i)31.5.G.of my/. 42. 31. 53. Jacob sware by the fear of his/- Isaac 32. 9. the G.ofmy/I) 37. 10. told dream to his/ 42. 13. youngest is this day with our/. 32. 44. 19. have ye a/. || 22. cannot leave his/. 45. 8. made me a/, to Pharaoh || 13. tell my/. 27. the spirit of Jacob their/ revived 46. 3. 1 am the G. of thy/ 49. 25, 26. | 50. 17. 47. 12.Joseph nourished his/j) 48. 1. thy/issick 48. 18. not so my f.\\ 50. 1. fell on his/ face Exod. 20.12. honour thy/ Deut. 5. 16. Mat.15.4. 21. 15. sniitethhis/ll 17.eurseth/||Lev.l8.12. Lev. 19. 3. fear every man his/ ||20. 11./ wife 21.2. defiled for his/ || 24. lO./was an Egyptian Num. 6. 7. Nazarite not make unclean for his/ , 11 12. as a nursing/. || 12. 14. if her/, had spit 27. 3. our/, died II 11. if his/, have no brethren 30. 4. and/ hear her vow || 5. if her/, disallow Deut. 21. 13. bewailher/||18. not obey his/ 19. 22. 15./ of the diMnsel || 30. not take his/ wife 27.1 6. setteth fight by his/|| 32. 6. is not he thy/. 52. 7. ask thy/ |j 33. 9. who said to his/ Josh. 2. 1 3 will .save alive my/ |j 18. bring thy/. 6. 23. spies brought out Rahab and her/ 25. 15. 18. to ask of her/ a field, Judg. 1. 14. Judg.9.17. my/ fought for you || 56.he did to his/. 11. 36. my/ if thou hast opened thy mouth 14. 2. told his/. 11 16 I have not told it my/ 15.6.burntheiandher/|| 17. lO.a/and a priest Ruth 2. 11. hast lost thy/ || 4. 17./ of Jesse 1 Sam. 2. 25. hearkened not to/ |j 9.5. lest/leave 10. 12. who is their/ || 14. 1. told not his/ 14. 51. Kish was the/ of Saul, and Ner/ of Ab. 17.34. kept/ sheep |j 19. 4. commune with my/ 20. 2. my/ will do nothing j| 6. if thy/ miss 23. 17. hand of Saul my/ || 24. 11. my/, see, see 2 Sam. 6. 21. Lord which chose me before thy/, 7. 14. 1 Mill be his/. |j 16. 19. served in thy/ 17.10./ mighty || 19.37. buried by grave of my/ 1 Kin. 7. 14. his/ a man of Tyre, 2 Chr. 2. 14. 12. 4. thy/ made our yoke j| 1 5. 3. sins of his/ 19. 20. kiss my f. f| 20. 34. cities my/ took 22. 52. walked in the way of his/. 53. 2 Kin. 2. 12. my/, my/. || 3. 2. not like his/. 3. 13. prophets off. ||4. 19. said to his/, my head 6.21. my/ shall I smite them || 1 3.14. myf. my/ FAT FAT 2 Kin. 14.3.yetnotlike David his/.|i21/.Amaziah iCbr. 4. 14. Joab/. of the valley (j 7.22./. mourned 17. 13. I'll be his/. 28.6.|j28. 9. know G. of thy/ 2Chr.3.1. L. appeared to David his/|j8. 14.|17.3. 34. 3. seek G. of David his/ \\36. 1 . k. in/ stead Job 15.10. elder than thy/.||l7. 14. thou art my/ 29. 16. a/, to the poor (| 31. 18. as Mith a/ 38. -^iS. hath the rain a/ || 4i;. 15. their/, gave P.sal. 27. 10. when my/, and mother forsake me 45. 10. and thy/, honse |j 68. 5./ of fatherless 89. 2G. thou art my/. || 103. 13- as a/ pitieth Prov. 1.8. hear the instrnction of thy/ 23. 22. 3. 12. correcteth as a/ |j 4. 3. I was my/, son 10.1. a glad/ 1.5. 20.|23.24, 25.I|17. 21./ of fool 17.25. agrieftohis/ j| 19. 13. calamity of his/. 19. 26. that Masteth his/.|i20. 20. curseth hisV- 27. 10. and thy/ friend || 28. 7. shameth his/ 28. 24. whoso robbeth his/ || 30. 11. curseth/. 30. 17. pick oat eye, that mocketh liis/ and Isa. ^.4. to crj', mV/ || 9. 6. the everlasting/. 22. 21. Eliakira shall be a/ || 38. 19./ to child. 43. 27. thy first/ hath sinned |I 45. 10. to liis/ 58. 14. of Jacob thy/ \\ 63. 16. thou art our/. Jer. 2. 27. saying to a stock, thou art my/, and 3. 4. cry to me, my/. 19. |j 16. 7. cup for their/ 20. 15. tidings to my/ H 22. 15. did not thy/. SI. 9. 1 am a/ to Israel || 35. 6. our/ comni. Ezek. 16. 3. thy/ was an Amorite, 45. || 18. 4. 18. 14. seeth all his/, sins (| 17. not die for/ 22. 7. set light by/ || 44. 25. for/, may defile Dan. 5. 2. vessels his/, had taken || 11, 13, 18. Amos 2. 7. a man and his/, go to the same maid Mic. 7. 6. for the son dishonoureth the/ the Zech. 13.3. and his/ shall thrust him thro' Mai. 1. 6. a son hononreth his/, if then I be a/ 2. 10. have we not all one/ one G. created us INIatt. 3. 9. Abr. to our/ ||4. 21. Zebedee their/ 5. 16 glorify your/. || 45. children ofyour/. 48. be perfect, as your F. in heaven is perfect 6. 1. no reward ofyour F.||4. thy F. seeth, 6, 18. 6. pray to thy F. \\ 8. your F. knoweth, 32. 9. our F. which art in heaven, Luke 11.2. 14. your F. will forgive [| 15. nor F. forgive 7. 21. he that doth the will of my F. 12. 50. 8. 21. and buiymy/ j| 10. 32. confess bef. my F. 10. 33. deny before my F. || 37. that loveth/ 1 1.25. 1 thank th€e,0 F.Luke 10.21. John 11. 41. 27. delivered to me of my F. Luke 10. 22. 13. 43. shine forth in kingdom of their F. 15. 13. every plant my F. hath not planted 16. 17. flesh and blood not revealed, but my F. 18. 10. face of my F. j| 19.be done of my F. S5. my F. do unto you || 19. 5. leave his/. 23.9. call no man/ (| 20. 23. prepared of my F. 24. 36. that day knoweth no man but my F. 25. 34. come, ye blessed of my F. || 26. 29. 26.30.OmyF. if it be possible||53.pray to myF. Mark 5.40. taketh the/ of the damsel,Lnke 8. 51. 9. 21. he asked his/, how long j) 24./ of the child 14. 36. Abba F. Rom. 8. 15. Gal. 4. 6. 15. 21. Simon/, of Alexander, to bear his cross Luke 1. 32. give liim the throne of his/ David 59. after the name of his/ || 62. signs to his/. 73. oath which he sware to our/. Abraham 2. 49. about my/ business || 9. 26. glory and F. 9. 42. delivered him to his/. |) 11. 11. that is a/ 1 ?-32. yonr F. pleasure to give fhe kingdom ^8 Luke 12. SS.sin against the/|Il4.26. hate HOthis/, 15. 12. younger, said to his//, give me the 17. hired servant of my/ \\ 18. and go to my/I 20. his/ saw him |j 27. thy/ hath killed 16.24. cried/ Abraham |) 27. pray,/, send, 30. 22. 29. as my F. hath appointed unto me 42. F. if thou be willing, remove this cup 23.34. F. forgive them [j 46. F. into thy hands 22. 49. 1 send the promise of my F. upon you John 1.14. only begotten of the F.jjlS. bosom ofF- 3. 35. F, loveth the Son jj 4. 23 worship the F. 5. 17. my F. worketh |j 19. seeth the F. do 18. that G. was hisF.|j 21. as the F. raiseth up 22. the F.judgethno man || 23. honour the F. 26. F. hath lifej|36. witness the F. hath sent me 37. F. hath sent me, 8. 16.1 12. 49. 1 John 4. 14. 43. come in my F. name j| 45. accuse to the F. 6. 27. God the F. sealed || 32. myF. gi^eth yoii 37. all the F. giveth [j 39. this is the F. wili 42. whose/ we know |( 44. except F. draw 45. learned of the F. j| 46. hath seen the F. 57. as the living F. jj 65. be given of my F. 8. 16. I and the F. who sent me, 18. 19. where is thy F. ||28. as my F. taught me 29. F. hath not left me alone || 38. with my F. 41. do the deeds ofyour/. |j 42. if G. your F. 44. of your/, the devil, he is a lyar, and 49. I honour my F. 54. j| 56. your/ Abrahara 10. 15. so know I the F. j| 17. doth my F. love 18. received of my F. |) 29. F. which gave theni 30. 1 and my F. are one j| 32. shewed fr. my F. 36. F. hath sanctified |) 38. F. is in me 12. 26. serve me, him will my F. honour 27. F. save me (| 28. F. glorify thy name 50. even as the F. said unto me, so I speak 13. 1. depart unto the F. fj 3. F. had given all 14. 6. no man cometh to the F. but by me 8. shew us the F. |j 9. hath seen my F. and 10. 1 am in the F. 11, 20. \\ 12. 1 go to my F. 28. 13. the F. may be glorified || 16. I'll pray the F. 23. my F. will love him j| 26. F. will send 28. my F. is greater than I (| 31 . 1 love the F. 15. 1. myF. is the husbandman [| 8. F. glorified 9. as the F. hath loved meljio. kept my F. com. 15. heard of my F. || 16. ask of the F. 16. 23. 23. hates my F, also \\ 26. proceedeth fr. the F. 16. 3. not known the F. (| 15. all the F. hath 25. plainly of the F. || 26. I'lLpray the F. 27. the F. loveth you j| 32. the F. is with me 17. 1. F. the hour is come (| 5. O F. glorify me 11. holy F. keep |j 21. as thou F. art in me 24. F. I will that they (j 25. O righteous F. 1 8. 11. cup which my F. hath given me shall 20. 17.1 ascend to myF. (| 21. as my F. sent me Acts 1. 4. promise of the F. j) 7. F. pnt in hisovra 2. 33. received of the F.||7. 14. called his/. Jacob 16. 1. his/, was a Greek (|28. 8./ofPublius Rom. 1.7. peace from G.ourF.l|4. 11./ of all them 4. 16. Abra. the/ of us all||17. made thee a/ 18. 6. 4. by the glory of the F. jj 9. 10. by our/. Isaac 15. 6. F. of our Lord Jesus Christ, 2 Cor. 1. &» I 11. 31. Eph. 1. 3. 1 Pet. 1. 3, 1 Cor. 5.1. have his/, wife ||8. 6. but one G. the F. 2Cor. 1.3.F.ofmercies|!6. IS.I'llbeaF. to you Gal. 1. 1. and G. the F. 3.(14. will of G. and ourF. Eph. 1. 17. F. of glory l| 2. 18. access to the F. 4. 6. one God and F. j] 5. 20. Oj.aBks to the F. FAT FAT Epb. 6. 2. honour thy/ |) 23. love from ©. the >' PhiJ. 2. 11. to the glory of ^=".(122. as a son with/. 4. 2 .). now nnto Gpd and our /*. be ifiory €ol. 1. 2. peace from God our F. I Thes, 1.1. 12. thanks to th«- F-iJlQ. it pleased the F.\\% 2. iThes. 2.11. as a/ d/thhiscliildren|i3.11.i^.direct 2 Thes. 1. 1. in God our F. \\2. 16. G. even our F. 1 Tim. 5. 1. rebuke ivot an elder, intreat him as ay; Meb. 1. 5. Vl\ be to him a F. || 7. 3. without/ 12. 7./ chaste?;eth not || 9. the F. of spirits Jam. 1. 17,. F. of lights Ij 3. 9. bless we God the F. iPet.l. 2. foreknowledge o'G. theF.jjlZ.cal! onF. 1 John 1. 2. was witli theF.j|3. fellowship with F. 2. 1. advocate with F. \\ 13. known the F. IS. love of the F. is not || 16. is not of the F. 22. denieth the F. \\ 23. hath not the F 24. 5. 1 . F. bestowed on us||5. 7. F. Word and Spirit 2John 3. peace from G. the F.Eph. 1.2. Phil. 1.2. 4. commandment from tiie F. \\ 9. hath the F. Jude 1. that are sanctified by God the F. and Rev.1.6. to G. and his F.||2. 27. received of my F. Q. 5. confess his name before my F. and before Sl.setdownwithmy ^.1114. l.jp' name written WATRER'ln-Law. Gen. 38. 13, 23. Exod. 3. 1. I 4. 18, 25.|18, 1, 8, 14, 17, 27 Num. 10. 29. Judg. 1. 16.|4. 11.119. 4,7. 1 Sam. 4. 19,21. John 18. 13. FATHERS, s. Gen. 31. S. to the land of thy/ 46. 34. both we and also our/ 47. 3. 47. 9.notattained to the years of my/. |] .SO. 48. 16. name of my /". || 49. 29. bury me with f. Exod. 6. 14. heads of the/ 2.>. Josh. 14. 1.|l9.5'l. 10. 6. nor// have seen |) 20. 5. iniquity of/ 15. 2. my/ God, and I will exalt him Num. 11. 12. land thou swarest to give their/ 14. 23.Dcut. to. 11. I 31.20. Josh. 1.6. | .5. 6. 20.13. our/ went do wni'itoEoyptjDeut.l 0.22. 32. 8. thus did your/ || 14. risen iu/ stead Deut. 4. 57. he loved t!iy/. 10. 15.(|8. 3. nor thy/ 13. 6. gods, thou nor thy/ have known, 28. 64. 24. 16./not puttodeathfor thechild.2Kin.l4.6. 30, 5. Lord will multiply thee above thy/ 9. as he rejoiced over thy/ [[ 32. 17. brought Josh. 4. 6. children ask their/ 21. () 22. 28.|j24. G. Judg. 2. 10. gathered to their/ j| 17./. walked in 19. corrupted more than/ || 6. 13./ told us 1 Sam. 12. 7. acts the Lord did to your/. 8. your/. criedj|15. as it was against yonr/ 2 Sam. 7. 12. shall sleep with thy/ Deut. 31. 16. iJiings 8. 57. as he was w ith onr/ || 9. 9- their 19.4. nor better than my/.||21 .3. inheritance off. 2 Kings 13. 9. did what was evil, as his/ had 20, 17. what thy/ laid np, he carried away 21. 15. since the day their/ came out of Egypt 22. forsook the Lord God of his/ 2 Chr. 21.^0. 23. 32. according to all his/, had done, 37.|24. 9. 1 Chr. 4. 38. the house of their/ increased 17.1 1. go to be with thy/ iJ 29. 1 8. God of our/ 2 Chr.?'. 22. forsook G. of their/ 2'.. 24 | 28. €■ 13. 18. relied on G. oftiitir/|j30.7.beiiot!ikc/ 32. 13. know ye not wl.ai t and my f. have done Ezra.'}. 12.y. provoker! G. || 9. 7. riwe day oi/ Nth. 1. 6. 1 and n^y/ house have sinned, 9. 2. 9. 9. see affliction ot/. || 16./ df^ait p'oudly Job 15. IS. told from tlien/ ]| ">(k 1. whose/. I Psal.2i4.onr/.trnsted|ii4. l./have to«dus,78. 3. 45,16. iastead ©f/. |j 49. 19- generation of/ Psal rs. 12. in sight of/ 1| 57. unfaithful like/ 106, 6. sinned with our/ |) 7.f. understood not Prov. 17. 6. the glory of children are their/ Tsa. 14. 21.iniquity of their/ Jer. 14. 20.|32. 18. 49. 23. nursing/ || 64. 11 our/ praised thee Jer. 2. 5. what iniquity have your/, found in 3. 24. shame devoured the labour of oar/ 6. 21./ and sons shall fall on them, 13. 14. 7. 7, gave to your/ 14.| 23. 39. ] 25. 5. | 3.5. 15. 26. did worse than/ (| 9. 14,/ taught them 9. 16 they nor their/ luive known, 19. 4. 23.27./ haveforgotten|l24. 10. gave to their/ 31, 29/ have eaten sour grapes, Ezek. 18. 2. 44. 1 7. as wp have done, our/, and our kingS 47. 3,/ shall not look back to children 50. 7. sinned ayainst the L, the hope of their/ Lam. 5. 7. our/ have sinned, and are not F^zek. 5, 10./ eat sons \\ 20. H. after their/ idols Dan.2.23. O God of my/, fj 9. 16. iniquities of/ 1 1 , 24. shall do what his/, have not done, 37.38. Joel 1. 2, hath this been in tlie days of your/ Amos 2. 4. Res after which their/ walked Zech. 1,2. displeased with your/ || 4, be not as/ 5. your/ where are they (| 6. hold of your/ 8. 14. Avhen your/ provoked me to wrath Mai. 2. 10. covenant of/ |) 4. 6. turn heart of/ IVIatt. 23. 30. days of our/ \\ 32. measures of/ Lnke 1. 17, turn hearts of the/ Mai- 4. 6. 35. spake to our/ |j 72. promised to our/ 6. 23. in like manner did their/ 26. 11.47./ killed them (| 48, allow deeds of/. John 6,.U./. eat manna \\ 7. 22. but of the/ Acts 7. 2. men and/ 22. I. \\ 12. sent our/ 15. died, he and our/ |j 39. / would not obey 13. 17. chose our/ (| 36. David said unto his/ 15. 10. yoke which our/, j) 22. 3. law of the/ 26. 6. promise made to our/.||28.17. customs of/ 28, 25. well spake the Holy Ghost to our/ Rom. 9. 5. whose are the/ \\ 11. 28.foi/ sakes I Cor. 4. 15. not many/ iJ 10. 1. all our/, were Gal. 1. 14, zealous of the traditions of my/, Eph. 6. 4./ provoke not yonrchildren,Col,.S.21. Heb, 1. 1. times past to the/.|j3.9./. tempted me 12. 9, we had/ of our flesh, who corrected us 1 Pet. 1. 18. received by tradition from your^ 2 Pet. 3. 4, since the/ fell asleep, all things 1 John 2. 13. 1 write to vou/ because, 14. Slept with his FATHERS. 1 Kings 2. 10. David slept with his/. 11. 21, 4S. I 14. 20, 31, 1 15. 8, 24, I 16, 6, 28. | 22. 40, 50. 2 Kings 8. 24. | 10.35. | 13,9, 13.- 1 14, 16,22. I 15, 7, 2'A I 15.38, | 16.20, | 20.21. I 21. 18. I 24.6, 2 Chr. 26.23. FATHEKLESS, a. Exod. 22.22. notafflict/|j24, Deut. 10. 18. execute jiidfiment of/. Psal. 82, 3[i Job 6. 27. overwhelm the/ |) 22. 9. 'arms of/ 24. 3. ass of the/ l\ 9.pMU'k the/ from breast 29 12.delivered/f|31 17/not eaten thereof,21. Psal. 10. l4. helper of (he/ ji 18. tojudge the/ 68 5. a frither of the/;|109. 9. children be/. 1 g. P'-ov. '23. 10. enter not into t!ie fields of they. Tsa. 1. 23.thpyjudge not tiief. Jer. 5. 28. 9. 17. nothave mercy on^. j| 10. 2. may roby*. Jer. 49. 11 leave thy/ children, Pll preserve Lam. 5. 3, we are/ || Fzek. 22. 7. vexed the/ Hos. 14. 3/ findeth nierey Ij Mai, 3. 5, oppress/. Jain. 1. 27." pure religion is to visit the/, mj^ FAV FEA n'^ FATHERLESS and Strangm ©eut.14,29. /.shall rome and eat, i4. 19.J26. 12. 16. 11. -/. rejoice, 14. |! 27. 1 9. judgment of-/ Psal. 94. 6. slay -/. i| 146. 9. Lord preservetb -/. Jer. 7. 6. if ye oppress not-/ 22.3. Zech. 7. 10. FATHOMS, s. Acts 27. 28. found it 20/ 15./ FAULT, S, s. Gen. 41. 9. 1 remember my/ Exod. 5. 16./ is in thy people || Dent. 25 2. 1 Sara. 29.3 no/, in hun jj y Sanj. 3. 8. uith a/ Psal. 19. 12. from secret/ jj .59. 4. without my /. Dan. 6. 4. could find no occasion or/ in him Matt. 18. 1 5. iftliy brother trespass, tel! him l)is/. Luke 23. 4. I find no/, in this man, John 18. 38. Kom. 9. 19. why doth by yet find/ 1 Cor. 6. 7. Gal. 6. 1. overtaken in a/. j| Heb. 8. 8. finding/. Heb. 9.tl4. without/.} I Jam. o. 16. confess your/. 1 Pet. 2. 20. if when ye be buffeted for your/. Rev. 14. 5. without/ before the throne of God FAULTLESS, a. Heb. 8.7. had been/lJude 24. FAULTY, a. 2 Sara. l4. 13. Hos. 10. )l. FAVOUR, s. signifies, [l] Abundance of good things, Dent. 33.23. [2] Kindness, Job 10.\2. Psal. 112.5. [3] C0meli7iess,Pro\.ol.SO.Nii'n. €. 4. [4] A good naync, Prov. 22. 1. [5] Ac- ceptance, Prov. 3. 4. [6] lender lore, Dan. 1.9. [7j Delight, P.sal. 44. 3. [8] Mra 3. 3.f. wason thempNeh. 6, I4.put me in/. Esth, 8. 17./. of Jews, 9. 2. || 3./. of Mordecai Job 4. 6. is not this thy/ || 14./ came on me 6. 1^. forsaketh tlje/ |1 9. 34. his/, terrify me 15. 4. casteth off/.]] 'Zl. 9. safe from/ neither 22. 4. reprove tiiee for/ fj 10. sudden/, troublt 2.5. 2. dominion and/. !|39. 22. mocketh at/ 39. 16. her labour is m vair. without/. 41. 33. not his like, who is made without/. Psal. 2. 11. serve the L. with/ i| 5. 7. in thy/> 9. 20. put tiiem in/ O L. |j 1 4. 5. in great/. 31. 1 1 . 1 was a/ 1| 1 3./. was on every side 48. 6./. took hold \\ 53. 5. in/ where no/, w^as 64.1. preserve from/l 1 90.1 1, according totiiv/. 1 05. 38./ of them feil|lll9. 38. devoted to thy/.' Prov. 1. 26. mock when your/ cometb, 27. 33. quiet from/. || 3. 25. of sudden/ neither 10. 24./. of the wicked || 20. 2./. of a king 29. 25. the/, of man bringeth a snare ; but Song 3. 8. hath his sword because of/, in night Isa. 7. 25. not come/, of brier.s|[8.12. nor/, theii/ 8. 13. let him be your/ (| 14.3. rest from/. 21. 4. pleasure turned to/.!|24. 17./. and the pit 24. 18. fleeth from/ shall fall, Jer, 48. 44. 29. 13./. toward me is taught \\ 31.9.|| 63. 17. Jer, 2. 19. my/, is not in thee j| G. 2.5. | 20. 19. 30. 5. a voice of/ || 32. 40. Til put my/ in 46. 5./. was round about |) 49. 5. bring a/ 49. 29./ is on every side, 6. 25. !20. 10. | 48, 4S, Lam. 3. 47./ and a snare || Ezek. 30. 13. put a/ Mai. 1. 6. where is my/. |1 2. 5. for the/ Matt 14. 26. cried out for/.|j28. 4. for/ of hira 28. 8. they departed with/ and great joy, and Luke 1.12. fell on him |l 74. serve him without/. 6.5./. came on all, 7. 16. Acts 2. 43. \ 5. 5, ll! 5. 26. filled with/. 8. 37, f| 21. 26. fafling for/ FEA John 7. 13. for/, of the Jews, 19. 3§. | 20.19. Rom.] 3 7/. to whoui/||l Cor.2.3. with you mf. 2 Cor. 7. 11. yea, what/, y 1 5. with/, received him Epb. 6 5. with/, and trembling, Phil. 2. 12. Phii.l. 14. are bold to speak the word without/. 2 Tim. 1. 7. not given us the spirit of/, but of Ha^^n. 2. 15. thro'/, of death || 12.28. and godly/. 1 Pet. 1. 17. time of your sojourmng here in/. 3. If), give an answer with meekness and/. 1 John 4. 18. no/, in love, but love casteth out/. Jnde 12. feedmg without/. Ij 23. save with/. Rev. 18. 10. afar off for/ of her torment, 15. FEAR of God. Gen. 20. 11./. - not in this place 2 Sam. 23. 3. ruhfjgin the/ - |j 2 Chr. 20. 29. Neh. 5. 9. walk in the/ -|| IS.because of the/. - Psal. 36. 1. no/ - before his eyes, Rom. 3. 18. 2 Cor. 7. 1. perfecting iioliness in/.-[j Eph. 5.21. FEA^ of tlie Lord. 1 Sam. 11. 7./ - fell on the people, 2 Chr. 14.14. I 17. 10. I 19.7. Job 28. 28./.- is wisdom, Psal. HI. 10. Prov.1.7. I 9.10. I 15.35. Psal. 19. 9 /. - is clean || 34. 1 1. teach you the/. - Prov. 1. 29. not choose/ - (j 2. .5. understand/. - 8. 1 3./- is to hate evil ||1 0. 27./- prolongeth days 14. 26. in/ - is strong confidence || 27. is life 15. 16. a little with/ - 1| l6. 6. by/. - men depart 19. 23./- tendeth to life|)^22. 4. "by/.-are riches 23. 17. be thou in the/ - all the dav long Isa. 2. 10. hide, for the/ - 19, 21. || 11. 2. 11.3. of quick understanding in the/ - 33. 6. the/, of the Lord is his treasure Acts 9. 31. walking in the/ - and comfort FEARS, s. Job 15.t21. a sound of/ Psal. .34. 4. Eccl. 12. 5. Isa. 66. 4. 2 Cor. 7. 5. FEAR, V. Gen. 32. 11. for 1/ Esau, lest 42. 18, I/. God II Exod. 18. 21. such as/. God Lev. 19. 3./ every man his mother and father 14. but Shalt/, thy God, 32. | 25. 17, 36, 43. Num. 14. 9. neither/ ye the people of the land Dent. 4. 10. that they may learn to/, me, 5. 29- 13. 11. shall hear and/. 17. 13. | 19. 20. | 21. 21. 4. and/ God (| 28. 58./ this glorious name 28. 66./. day and night || 67. thou shalt/. day Jndg. 7. 10. if thou/ to go down, go with Phurah 1 Kings 8. 40. may/, thee, 43. 2 Chr. 6. 31, 33. 2 Kings 17. 36. him shall ye/ 38, 39. iChr. 16.30. Neb. 1. 11. servants, who desire to/ thy name Job 1. 9. doth Job/. God for nought .' 31. 34. did 1/ ? II 37. 24. men/, before him Psal. 22. 23./. him, all ye || 25. them that/, him 2.3. 4. I'll/ no evil (1^5.14. with them that/ him 27. 1. whom shall I/. [| 31. 19. them that/ thee 33. 18. on them that/, him, 34. 7, 9. || 40. 3. 49. 5. should If. || 52. 6. shall sec and/ and 60. 4. banner to them that/.||61. 5./. thy name 64. 9. all shall/ i| 66. 16. all ye that/. God 67. 7. ends of earth/ |j 72. 5./. thee as long 85. 9. nigh them that /.|l86.11.umte my heart to/ 202. 15. heathen shall/. || 103. 11. them that/. 103. 13. pitieth them that/ j| 17. on them that/. 111. 5. meat to them that/.||l 19. 39. which 1/ 119. 63. companion of them that/, jj 74,79. 145. 19. he will fulfil desire of them that/ him 147. 11. L. taketh pleasure in them that/ him Eccl. 3. 14. /. before him jj 5. 7./. thou God 8. 12. well with them that/. Godjjlg. 13./. G. Isa. 8. 12. nor/, their/. || 19. 16. Egypt shall/. 25. 3. city/ thee || 29. 23./ the God of Israel 59. 19./ the name of the Lord from the west 60. 5. thine heart shall/ and be enlarged : be. Jer. 10. 7. who would not/, jj 23. 4. /. no more 32. 39. one heart to/ || 33. 9. they shall/ and 51. 46. lestyour heart faint, and ye/ for the Dan. 1. 10. 1/ my lord || 6. 26./. God of Daniel Hos. 10. 5. Samaria/. || Zeph. 3. 7. wilt/ me Mic. 7. 17. as worms, and/, because of thee Hag. 11. 2. people did/. ||Zech. 9. 5. Ashkclon/ Mai. 4. 2. unto you that/, my name shall Sun Matt.l0.28./.him who is able to des. Luke 12. 5. 21. 26. we/, the people || Lukel. 50. that/ iiiia Luke23.40.dost thou/.G.?||Acts 13.16.ye that/G. Rom. 8. 15. again to/.||l I. 20. high-minded, but/. 2 Cor. 11.3. 1/ lestiis the serpent||12. 20. 1/ lest Heb. 4. 1. let us/. le;st Ij 12. 21. 1 exceedingly/. 1 Pet. 2. 17./ G. II Rev. 2. 10./. none of those Rev. 11. 18./ thy name 1| 14. 7. saying/ God 19. 5, praise ye that/ him, both small and great FEAR the Lord. Deut. 6. 2. migiitest/.- thvGod 13. Shalt/- thy God, 10. 12,20. 2 Kin. 17.39. 24. to/ - our God, 14. 23. 1 17. 19. | 31. 12, 13. Josh. 4. 24. might/ - your God || 24. 14./ - and serve him, 1 Sam. 12. 14, 24. 1 Kin. 18. 12. but I thy servant/. -, 2 Kin. 4. 1. 2 Kin. 17. 28. taught them how they should/. - Ps.l 5. 4. honoureth them that/ - y 22. 23. ye thai 33. 8. let all the earth /". - 1| 34. 9. O/.- ye saints 115. 1 1, ye that/. - 1| 13. bless them that/ - 118. 4./- say IJ 135.20. ye that/. -bless the L, Prov. 3. 7./- and depart || 24. 21. my son/ thoii Jer. 5. 24. let us/. - 1) 26- 19. did not he/. - ? Hos. 3. 5. shall Israel/- H Jon. 1. 9. I/.- the God FEAR-wof. Gen. 15. 1. / - Abraham, 21. 17. 1 26. 24. I 35. 17. I 4^1.23. 1 46. .3. 1.50.19, 21. Exod. 14. 13./ - stand || 20. 20. Moses said,/ - Num. 14. 9. / them not |j 21. 34. / him not Deut. 1.21. I 3.2,22. | 20.3. | 31.6,8. Josh. 8.1. I 10, 8. Judg. 4. 18. I 6. 10, 23. Ruth 3. 11. 1 Sam. 4.20. | 12. 20. | 22. 23. j 23. 17. 2 Sam. 9.7. | 13. 28. 1 Kings 17. 13. 2 Kings 6. 16. I 17. 34. I 25. 24. 2 Chr. 20. 17. Psal. 65. 19. I 64.4. Isa. 7.4. | 35.4. | 41.10,13, 14. I 43. 1,5. I 44. 2, 8. | 51. 7. | 54. 4. Jer. 5. 22. 1 30. 10. I 46. 27, 28. Lam. 3.57. Ezek. 3.9. Dan. 10. 12, 19. Joel 2.21. Zeph. 3. 16. Hag. 2. 5. Zech. 8. 13, 15. Mai. 3. 5. Matt. 1. 20. I 10. 26, 28, 31. | 28. 5. Luke 1. 13. 12. 10. I 8. 50. I 12. 7, 32. | 18. 4. John 12, 15. Acts 27. 24. Rev. 1. 17. Not FEAR. Exod. 9. 30. ye will -/. the Lord 2 Kings 17. 35, 37. Job 9. 35. | 11. 15. Psal. 27. 3. my heartshall /. 46. 2. i 56. 4.|1 13. 6. Isa. 54. 14. thou shalt -/H Amos 3. 8. who will /. Heb. 13. 6. 1 will /iJRev. 15. 4. who shall /. thee FEARED, p. Gen. 19.30. Lot/ to dweh||26.7. Exod. 1. 17. midwivps/ G. 21. || 2. 14. Moses/. 9. 20. he that/ the word || 14. 31. people/ L. Deut. 25. 18./ not God| 132. 17. fathers/. noti|27. 32. 27. were it not that 1/ the wrath of en. Josh. 4. 14./. Joshua |j 10. 2. Canaanites/ Judg. 6. 27. Gideon/. \\ 8. 20. Jether/. to slay 1 Sam.3.15./ toshewEli||l4.26./. theoath||l5.24. 2 Sam. 3. li./. Abnerjl 10. 19. Syrians/||12. l^. I Kings 1. 50. Adopijah/, |! 3. 28. all Israel/. FEA 2 Kings 17. 7./x>ther godsjj 25./. not the Lord 1 Clir. 1 6. 23. to be/ above all gods, Psal. 96. 4. 2 Chr. 20. 3. Jehosiiap;.at/. and proclaimed a fast Psal. 76. 7. thou arr. to be/ || 8. the earth/ 11. ouijht to be/ I! 78. d3. they/ not, but 130.4. ioryiivcuess, thai thou mayest be/ Isa. 41. 5, tiie isles/ ji 51. 13./ continually 57. 11. whom hast thou /! that thou iiast lied Jer. 3. 3. Judah/ not jl 44. iO. uor have they/ 42. 16. the sword which ve/ Ezek. 11. 8. Dan. 5. 19 nations/ || Mai. 2. 5. wherewith he/ Matt. 14. 5. he/ the inuititude, 21. 46. Mark4.4l they/exceediugi>lJ6.20.Herod/ John 11. 18. priests/ Jesus [jS^./ the people, 12. 12. Luke 9. 34. they/ |j 45./ to ask him of that 18. 2. judije which/ not G. || 1 9. 21. 1/ thee John 9. 22./ the Jews|jActs 16. 38. magistrates/. Heb. 5. 7. Christ was heard, in that he f. FEARED God. Neh. 7. 2. Jobl.l. Acts 10. 2. FEAR'EB greatly. Josh.10.2. lSam.12.18. iKin. 18. 3. Job 3.25. Psal. 89. 7. Matt. 27. .54. FEARED the Lord. 2 Kin. 17. 32./-, and made Hos. 10. 3. / not the L.jl Jonah 1. 1 6. /. the Lord Mai. 3. 16. then they that/, the Lord spake FEAREST, v. Gen. 22. 1 2. that thou/ God Isa. hi. 11. thou/, me notjj Jer. i22. 23. thou/ Job 1. 8. Job/ God, and escheweth evil, 2. 3. FEARETH, v. Psal. 25. 1 2. that/ the Lord 112. 1. blessed is every one that/. L. 128. 1, 4, Prov. 13. 13./commandm.entjjl4. 2./ the L.i|l6. 28. 14. /: always |! 31. 30. that/, the Lord Eccl. 7. i 8. he that/ G.jjS. 1 3./ not|j9. 2./ an oath Isa. 50. 10. who is among you that/ the Lord Acts 10. 22. one that/ G. 35. | 13. 26. 1 John 4. 18. he that/ is not made perfect FEARING, p. Josli. 22. 25. from/, the Lord Mark 5. 33. the woman/ 1! Acts 23. lb./, ie.st Paul Acts 27. 17./. lest they should fall in quicksands Gal. 2. 12./ them j| Col. 3. 22./. God ||Heb. 11.27. FEARFUL, LY,fl(/. Exod. 15. 11./ in praises Deut. 20. 8. what man is/|) 23. 58. tins/ name Psal, 139. 14. I am/ and wonderfully made isa. 35. 4. of a/ heartjjMatt. 8. 20. why are ye/. Mark 4. 40. ye so/. |j Luke 21.11./ sights Heb. 10. 27./ looking |) 31./ thing to fall into Rev. 21. 8./. shall have their part in the lake FEARFULNESS, s. P.^al.o.). 5. /land trembling Isa. 21. 4./ aftVighted me || 33. 14./ surprised FEAST, s. signiiies, [I] A solemn time for God's service, Gen. 21. 8. Neh. 10. 12. [2] Peace and inward serenity, Prov. Ij. 15. [3] The abunJaiicc of gospel provisions, Isa. 25. 6. [4j An emblem of joy and gladness^ Estli. 8. 17. The people of l&rnel had many feasts, [1] iVeekly, as the Sdlibath, Exod. 13. fi. [2] Blonthly, as the new moons, Num.28. 11. [3] Yearly, as the passover, Exod. 34. 25. [4] Feast of trum- pets, Lev. 23. 24. [5] Pentecost, Lev. 23. 11, 17. [()] Atonement, l^ey. 23. 26. [7] Tuhcr- nncles, Lev. 23. 34. [8] Of harvest, Exod. 23. 16. [9] Ofpurim, Esth. 9. 17, 32. [10] Every seventh year, or year of Sabbaths, Lev. 25. 4. |_ 1 1 ] The Jubilee, being every fiftieth year, or seven years of Sabbaths, Lev. 25. 8. ^,Gn,l9. 2. Lot made a/.lj21. 8. Abraham made a/. 26. 30. Isaac 11 29. 22. Laban made a /|| 40. 20. Exod. -y. 1. may hold a/. 10. 9.112. 14. Lev. 23.29. E^xod. 1 3. 6. tlie seventh day shall be a/ to the L. 23.1 >. three times thou shalt keep a/ in the year 16./ of harvest |) 32. 5. to-morrow is a/ to Num. 28. 17. 1.5th day is the/|j 29. 12. keep a/. Deut. 16. 14. thou shalt rejoice in thy/ thou Judg. 14. 10. Samson made a/ 12, 17. 1 Sam. 9. 1 12. there is a/ to-day j| 20. t 6. yearly 25. 36. Nabal hehl a/ in liis 'nouse like a king 2 Sam. 3. 20. David made Abner and his men a/. 1 Kings 3. 15. Solomon made a / 8. 2, 65. 12. 32. Jeroboam ordained a/, like the/ 33. 2 Chr..5. 3. the/in the seventh month, Neh. 8. 14- 7. 8. kept/, seven days, 9.1.S0. 22. Ezek. 45. 25. Esth. 1. 3. made a/ 5, 9. 1 g.lS.ys. 17. Jews Prov. 15. 15. a merry heart iiatii a continual/ Eccl. 10. 19. a/, is made for laughter, wine Isa. 25. 6.f. of fat thingsijjer. 16 1 5. mourning/. Dan. .5. 1. Belshazzar the king made a great/ Hos. 2. Ji./ days to ceaseyg. 5. in day of the/. Amos 5. 21. I hate, I despise your/ days, and Matt.26. 5. they said, not on the/ day, Markl4,2. 27, 15. at the/ governor was wont, Mark 15.6. Luke 2. 42. custom of the/.{|5. 29. Levi made a/. 14. 13. when thou make.st a/ call the poor John 2. 8, beai' to the governor of the/ 9, 23. 4. 4.5. seen all he did at/, || 5. 1./ of Jews, 6. 4. 7. 8. go ye up to this/, jj 10. then went he to/. 11. Jews sought him at/. j| 37. great day of/. 10. 22./ of dedication jj 11. 56. not come to/ 12. 12. come to/. 20. Ij 13. 29. need of against/; Acts 18. 21. 1 must by all means keep this/. iCor. 5,8.1et uskeep the/.|il0.27. bidyoutoa/. FEAST of the ' Passover. Exod. 34. 25. Matt. 26.2. Luke 2. 41. John 13. 1. Solemn FEAST. Deut. 16. 15. Psal. 81. 3. Lam. 2. 7. Hos. 12, 9. FEAST of Tabernacles. Lev. 23. 34. Deut. 16. 13, 16.|3l. 10. 2 Chr. 8. 13. Ezra 3. 4. Zech. 14.16, 18, 19. John 7. 2. FEAST of unleavened Bread. Exod. 12. 17. I 23. 15. | 34. 18. Lev. 23. 6. Deut. 16. 16. 2 Car. 8. 13. \ 30. 13, 21. \ 35. 17, 22. Ezek. 45.21. Matt. 20. 17. Mark 14. 1. Luke 22. I. FEAST of Weeks. Exod. 34. 22. observe/. - Deut. 16. 10, 16. II 2 Chr.S. 13. Sol. oiterecrin/- FEAST, ED. Job 1. 4. 2 Pet. 2. IS. Jude 12. FEASTING. Esth. 9. 17. day of/. 18, 22. Job 1. 5. days of/jjEccl. 7. 2. house of/ Jer. 1 6. 8. FEASTS. Lev. 23. 2. These are my/. 4. | .37.44. Num. 29. 39. your set/. 1 Chr. 23. 31. Ezra 3. 5. 2 Chr. 31. 3. for the set/, jj Neh. 10. 33. in set/ Psal. 35. 16. mockers in /.jjisa. 1. 14. appointed/. Isa. 5. 12. the harp, pipe and wine are in their/. Jer. 51. 39. in their heat I will make their/, Ezek. 45. 17. give offerings in/ 46. 11. Amos 8. 10./, to mourningiJZech. 8. 1 9. cheerful/. Matt. 23. 6. uppermost rodm^ at/. Mark 12. 39. Jude 12. these are spots in your/, of charity Solemn FEASTS. Num. 15. 3. 2 Chr. 2, 4. | 8. IS. Lam. 1. 4. | 2. 6. Ezek. 36.38. | 46. 9. Hos. 2. 11. to cease her /||Nah. 1, 15. Mai. 2. 3. FEATHERS, s. Lev. 1.16. pluck away his/. Job 39. 13. gavest thou/, to tiie ostrich Psal. 68.13./ witSi yeliovv gokljj91 . 4. cover with/ Ezek. 17. 3. eagle full off. 7.jil)an. 4. 33. eagles/. FED, V, Gen. 30. 36. Jacob/. LabaiVs flock FEE FEE Oen=S6>24. as hey. the asses] j41. 2. seven Idne/. 18. 47. 17. he/, them |j 48. 15. God whichy. me Deut. 8. 3. he/, thee with raanna, 16. Ex. 16. 32. 1 Kiiigsl8.4. he/', them with bread and water, 13. 2 Chr. 27, 29. over the herds thatyi in Sharon PsaL37.3. verily thou shalt be/.||78. 72. he/, them 81. 1 6. J', with finest of wheatj I Isa. 1.11./ beasts Jer. 5. 7. J", them to tuii jj 8. as / horses Ezek. 16. 19. and my honey wherewith I/, thee 34. 3. ye eat the fat, and kill them that are/. 8^ shepherds/ themselves,/ not my flock Dan. 4. 12. all tiesh was/.||5. 21./ him with grass Zech. 11. 7. took two staves, and If. the flock Matt. 25. 37. saw we thee hiingred, and/ thee Mark 5. 14. they that/ the swine, tied, Luke8.34. L.'dke 16. 21. desiring to be/ with the crumbs 1 Cor. 3. 2. 1 have/ you with milk, and not FEE. Dan. 2.t6. receive/. j| 5.tl7. give thy/ FEEBLE, a. Gen. 30. 42. when cattle were/ Dent. 25. 18. smote/ ji 1 Sam. 2. 5. is waxen/ 2 Sam. 4. 1. hands vvere/|:2 Chr. 28. 15. carried/ Neh. 4. 2. do these/ Jews |! Job 4. 4./ knees Psal. 38. 8. I am/ |j 105. 37. not one/ person Isa. 16. 14. reniiiant be/|j 35. 3. J. knees Jer. 6. 24. our hands was /. 49. 24. \ 50. 43. Ezek. 7. 17. all hands shall be/ 21. 7. Zvch. 12. 8. he that is/jjiCor. 12.22. seem more/ 1 Thes. 5. 14./ minJcd |i Heb. 12. 12./ knees FEEBLER, a. Gen. 30. 4^./. were Laban's FEEBLENESS. Jer. 47. 3. nor look back for/ FEED, V. siijnif^.es, [1 ] To refresh nature, Gen. 25. 30. [2j Sensxialhj to pamper, Jnde 12. [3] To teu'h, John 21. 1.5. Acts 20. 28. [4] To keep, Gen. 37. 2. [5j To afflict, 1 Kings 22. 27. Ezek. 34. 16. Te.edma; generally respects the office of a shepherd, and is applied, I. To God. [Ij In respect of fm church, tvhich he defends, supports, and supplies, Gtn. 48. 15. Psal. 23. 1.(28. 9. [2j In respect of the ungodly, on whom he executes his jvdg- ments, Ezek. 34. 16. Hos. 4. 16. [3j In respect of the creatures whom he supplies^ P.>>al. 145. 15. Matt. 6. 26. II. To Christ, the great and good shepherd of his church, Isa. 40. 11. John 10, 11. who feeds by his word, Spirit, grace, fulness, redemption, or- dinances and providences. III. To men, John 21.15. Psal. 78. 71 . Jer. 3. 1 5. IV. To rulers, political and ecclesiastical, Ezek. .34, 2, 3. Gen. 25. 30./ me with that same red pottap;e 29. 7./ the sheep || 30. 31. I'll ap;ain/. thy flock .37. 12./. father's fiock, l€. || 46. 3'2. to/ cattle Exod. 22. 5,/ m another's fieldjj34. 3. let flocks/ S Sam, 5. 2./ my people, 7 7.||19. 33. I'll/ thee 1 Kin£;s 17. 4. commanded ravens to/, thee 22.27,/. him with bread of aiiiiction,2Chr.l8,26. Job 24. 2./ thereof |i20. worms shall/, sweetly on Psal.28.9./. them{j49. 14/ on fhemi[78. 71. Jacob Prov. 10. 21. hps/. many jj 30. 8./ me with food Song 1. 8./ thy kids jl 4. 5./ among iiiies jj 6. 2. Isa. 5. 17. iambs shall/ ji li. 7. cow and bear/ 14. 30. poor shall/ \\ 27. 10. calf/ and lie down 50, 23./ m large pastures j|40. 11./ his flock 4[*, 9. shall/ ni the ways jj 25. I'll/ them that 58. 14. I'll/ thee with the heritage of Jacob $1. §. sti-angers shall/|jS5. 2^, VFoif/. together Jer.S.l5./ you with knowledge(|6. 3. they shall/ 9. 15. I will/ them witli wormwood, 23. 15. 23. 2. pastors that/ || 4. which shall/, them 50. 19. Israel shall/ on Carmel and Bashan Lara. 4. 5, they thai;/ delicately are desolate Ezek. 34.2./ themselvesjl 13. I'll/ them, 14, 1.5. 16. I'll/, the fat || 23. my servant David shall/ Dan, 11.26 that/ of his meat shall destroy him Hos 4. 16. L./ them as a lamb j( 9. 2. shall not/. Jonah 3. 7. let them not/ nor drink water Mic. 5.4./ in thejstrength of L.|j7.l4./ with rod Zeph. 2. 7./ thereupon II 3. 13. they stiall/ none Zech. 11. 4./ the fiock j| 7. I'll/ j| 9. I'll not/. 16. Matt. 2. 1 6. governor /IlLuke 15. 15. to/ swine John 21, 15./ my lambs || 16./ my sheep, 17w Acts 20. 28. take heed to/ the church of God Rom. 12. 2(>. if thine enemy hunger,/ him, if lCnr.l3.3.goods to/ poorjll Pet.5.1./ flock of G. Rev.7.17.the Lambshall f.\\i2.Q.f. her 1260 days FEEDEST,^;. Psal. 80.,5./. with tears|jSongl.7. FEEDETH, v. Prov. 15. 14./ on foolishness Song 2. 16. my beioved/ among the hlies, 6. 3. Isa. 44. 20, he/ of *>hes||Hos. 12. 1./. on wmd Matt. 6. 26. heavenly Father/ tiiem, Luke 12.24. 1 Cor. 9. 7. who/ a flock, and eateth not the milk' FEEDING.^. Gen. 37. 2. Joseph was/ the flock ' Job t. 14. the asses/. |) Ezek. 34. 10. cease from/ Nah. 2, 11. where is the/ place of young lions? Matt. 8. 30. herd of swine /. Mark s'lll.LukeS.sa. Luke 17. 7./ cattle || Jude 12./ without fear FEEL,t». Gen. 27. 12. my father will/ me, 21. Judg.16.26./. the piilarsjjjob 20. 20. not/ quietn. Psal. 58.9. before your pots can/ the thorns Eccl. 8. 5./ no evil || Acts 17. 27. miahtf. after FEELING, p. Eph. 4. 1 9. past/ jj Heb. 4. 15. FEET, s. signify, [1] The will and affections^, Eccl. 5. I. Psal. 17. 5. [2] Faith, Psal. 40. 2. I 66. 9. [3] The ivalk and conversation^ Psal. 119. 59, 101. Heb. 12. 13. [4j The whole man, Prov, 1. 16. | 6. 18. [5] The human na- ture of Christ, Psal. 8. 6. [6] Referred to God, it denotes his omnipotency, or irresistible power, Hab. 3. 5. [7] To man, signifies weak, mean, Isa. 26, 6. An helper, Job 29. 15. RulCj Psal. 47, 3. Gen. 18. 4. and wash your/ 19. 2.|24, 32.|43. 24. 49- 10, between his/. |) 33. gathered up his/ Exod. 3. 5. put thy shoes from ofFthv/ Acts7. 33. 12. 11. shoes on your/.jj30, 19. wash their/. 21. Lev. 8. 24. toes of right/ |J 11, 21. legs above/ Num. ^0, 19. I will only go through with niy /I Dcut. 11. 24. soles of your/ tread shall be yours 28. 57,'between her/|)33. 3. sat down at thy/ Josh. 3. 13. as soon as soles of priests/ 4. 18. 9. 5, old shoes on/ || 10, 24./ on the necks Judg. 3. 24. he coverethhis/.|{4. 10. 10000 at his/. 5, 27. at her/, bowed jj 19. 21. washed their/. Ruth 3. 4. uncover hisy: || 8. she lay at his/. l4. 1 Sam, 2.9. keep/, of hissaintsj{24. 3. cover his/ 25, 24. fell at his/jj 41, to wash/ of servants 2 Sam. 3. 34. nor/ put in fetters jl 4. 4, lame of/ 4. 12. cut off hands and/ 11 11. 8. wash thy/ 19. 24. nor dressedhis/ |j 22. 34./ like hinds/ 22, 10. darkness under his/, j| 37. ray/ not slip 1 Kin, 2. 5, put the blood of war in mhoW r*f his/ 14, 5. Ahijah heard sound of her/ || 12./ enter 15. 23. Asa wa^ diseased in his/ 2 Chr, 16. X2. FEE FEL '2 Kin. 4. 27. she caught him by the/. S¥. 6. 32. sound ot'his master's/ |! 9. 35. scull and/ 13. 21. dead man stood on his/. |) 19.2-^.8016 of/ 21. 8. nor make the/ of Israel move any more IS'eli. 9. 21. clothes not old, their/ swelled not Esth. 8.3. Esther fell down at his/ and besought Job 12. 5. slip with his/ 1 3. 27. my/ in stocks 18. 8. a net, by his own/ || 11. drive to his/ 29. 15./ was I to the lame || 30. 12. push my/ Ps. 8.6. put all under his/ lCor.l5, 27. Eph.l. 22. 15. 9. darkness under his/. |j 33. like hinds/ 36./ did not .slide |j 38. fallen under my/ 22, 16. they pierced my liands and my/ 25. 15. for he s^ll pUick my/ out of the net 31. 8. set my/ in a large j| 40. 2. my/, on a rock 47. 3. under our/ |j 56. 13./ from falUng, 1 1 6. 8. 38.10. wash his/m blood |) 66.9.nor/be Jiioved 73, 2. my/, were almost gone jj 74. 3. lift up/ 91. 13. dragon shall trample under/ Isa. 14. 19. 105. 18. whose/ they hurt {j 115. 7./ have they 119. .59- i turned my/ (j 101. refrained my/ 105. lamp to our/ \\ 122.2. our/ shall stand Prov. 1. 16. their/ run to evil, 6. 18. Isa. 59. 7. 4. 26. ponder path of thy/ |j 5. 5. her/ go down 6, 13. speaketh with his/ |j 23./ not burnt 7. 1 1. her/ abide not || 1 9. 2. hasteth with liis f. 26.16. cutteth off the/ jj 29- 5. a net for his/ Song 5, 3. 1 have washed my/ how shall I defile 7. 1. how beautiful are thy/ with shoes, O Isa. 3. 16. tiukiing with/ 1 8. i| 6. 2. covered his/. 23. 7. her own/ || 26. 6./ of the poor tread it 28. 3. troden under/ jj 32. 20./ of the ox 37. 25. with sole of/ have dried, 2 Kin. 19. 24. 41. 3. not gone with his/|j49. 23. dust of/ 52. 7. how beautiful are the/ Rom. 10. 15. 60.i;3.placeof my/glorious 1)14. bow atsolesoi/. Jer. 13. 16./ stumble || 14. 10. not refrained/ 18. 22. hid snares from my/ II 38.2 1\ ti)y/sunk Lam. 1. 13, a net for my /|j 3. 34. crush under/ Ezek. 1 . 7./ were straight/ |j 2, 1. stand on thy/ 16. 25. opened thy/ j| 24. 17. shoes on tliy/ 25. 6. stamped with/ !|34. 18. foul with thy/ 37. 10. stood on their/ jj 43. 7. place of my/ Dan. 2. 33. / part of iron || 7. 7. residue with/ 10. 6./ like polished brass, Rev. 1. 15. j 2, 18, Nah. 1, 3. dust of his/ jj 15./ that bringeth good Hab. 3, 5. coals at his/ || 19./ hke hiids/ Zech. 14.4. his/ shall stand on mount of Olives Mai. 4. S. shall be ashes under soles of your/. Matt 10, 14. dust of your/ Mark 6. 11. Luke 9.5. 18. 8. having two/ be cast|l 29. fell at his/ 28. 9. they held him bv the/, and worshipped iVIark 5. 22. fell at his/ || 7. 25, she fell at his/ Luke 1. 79. to guide our/ j| 7. 38. she kissed his/ 8. 3.5. sitting at the/ of Jesus |) 41. fell at his/. 10, 39. Mary sat at Jesus/ || 15, 22. shoes on ins 24. 39. behold my hands and my/ 40. J'ohn 11.2. and wiped his/ witli her hair, 12. 3. 32. Mary fell at his/, (j 13. 5. wash disciples/ fi 13. 6. dost thou wa.-iu my/ \\ 20. 12. angel athis/. Acts 4. 35. laid iheni at the apostles/ 37. |5. 2. 5. 9./ of them which buried jj 7.58, young m./ 10. 25. fell athis/ |j 13. 51, shook dust of their/. 14. 8. impotent in his/ 1| 16. 24,/ fast in stocks 22. 3./ of Gamaliel j| 26. 16. stand on thy/ l^om. 3.15./swifttoshed|| l6.20.bruiseSat.under 1 •or. 12. 21. nor head to/ \\ 15. 25. under his/. Sph. 1. 2f . aiuJ hath put all things under his/ 6. 15./ shod jj 1 Tim. 5. 10. washed saints/ Heb. 2.8. all under hi / ||*12.1.3.strait paths for/ Rev. 1. 17. I fell at his/ 19. 10. | 22. 8. 3.9.worship before thy/[j ll.l 1. stood on their/ 12. 1, moon under her/, [j 13. 2. as/ of a bear FEIGN. 2 Sam. 14, 2. 1 Kin. 14. 5. Luke 20. 20. FEIGNED, /^ 1 Sam. 21 13./ himself mad 2 Sam. 22.14.5. yield/ obedience, Psal. 18. f 44. Ps. 17.1. not out of/lip sjj 2 Pet. 2.3.with/worJs FEIGNEST, I'. 1 Kin. 14. 6, Neh. 6. 8. FEIGNEDLY, ad. Jer. 3. 10. turned/ faith FELIX, Happy or prosperous. Acts 23. 26, j 24, 3, 24, 25. I 25. 14. FELL, r. Gen. 4. 5. and his countenance/ 44. 14./ before Joseph {j 45. 14. j| 46. 29. Num. 11. 9. dew/, manna/, j| 14. 5. Moses/ Josh. 8. 25,/ that day 12000 jj 22. 20, wrath/. Judg. 5. 27. Sisera/(j8, 10. there/ 120,000 12.6./: 42000 jj 16.30. house/.|j 20. 44./ 18000 1 Sam. 4. 10./ 30000 jj IS. Eii/ from his seat 11.7. fear of the L./ jj 31. 4. /. on his sword, 5. 1 Kin. 2. 25./ on Adonijah jj 34./ on Joab, 46. 1 8. 38. fire of the Lord/ \\ 20. 30. a wall/ on 2 Kin. 2. 13. mantle ofEJijah/ {j4. 8. it/on a day 6. 5. the ax head/ [j 7. 20. so it/ out to hira 1 Chr.2l, 14./ 70000 men || 27. 24./ wrath for it 2 Chr, 17.10."fearof L./ (j 21. 19. his bowels/ out Ezra 9. 5. 1/ on my knees, and spread my hands Esth.8.17. fearof Jews/ ||9.3.fearof Mordecai/ Job l.lS.Sabeans/ || l/.Ciiaideans/ || 19. house/ Ps.27.2.they/. || 105. 38. fear of Israel/ on Egypt Jer. 39. 9./ to him |) 46. 16. one/ on anotlier Ezek. 8. 1." hand ofL.f. on me || 39- 23. so/ they Dan. 4. 31./ a voice jj 7. 20. before whom three f, 10. 7. a quaking/ || Jon. 1. 7. lot/ on Jonah Matt. 7. 25. house/ not jj 27. it/ Luke 6. 49. 13. 4. some seed/ 5. 7, 8. Mark 4. 4. Luke 8.5. Mark 9. 20./ on the ground \\ 14. 35. Jesus/ Lukel.l-^.fear/ovi Zecharias jj 8.23. Jesus/asleep 1 0. 30. /amoiiL' thieves |j 13. 4. tower in Siloam/ 15.20. fatiier/onhis neck Ij 16. 21. crumbs/' John IS. 6. went backward and/ to the ground Acts 1. 25. Judas/ jj 26. lot/ on Matthias 7. 60. he/asleep |j 9.4.soul/;| 18./ from his eves 1 0. 1 0./ in a trance \\ 44. Holy Ghost,/ 1 1. 15. 12. 7. chains/ ofi |j 13. 11./ on him a mist 13. 36. David/, on sleep \\ 19. 17. fear/, on Jews 20. 37./ on Paul's neckjj -zQ. 7. If. to the ground Rom. 11. 22. on them which/ severity, but 1 Cor. 10. 8. and/, in one day 23000, Heb. 3. 17. 2 Pet. 3. 4. for since the fathers/, asleep Rev. 6. 13. .stars/ 8. lO.jj 11. 11. great fear/. 11.13. partof the city/. 7. 16. 2./. a noisom sor^ ' 16. 19. the cities/ |j 21./. on men a great bail FELL dmcm. Num. 22. 27. ass/. - under Balaam Dent.9.1 8. T/. - before the L. |! Josh. 6. 20. wail/- Judg.5. 27,t!ierehe/-dead ||i9.2G.concubine/.- .1 Sam. 17. 52. Philistines/ - j j 31. 1. Israel/. - 2 Sam. 2. 16. so they/. - together || 23. A.sahel/. - 2 Kin. 1. 2. Ahaziah/. - jj 2 Chr. 13. 17./. - 50O0O Esth.8.3.Esther/,- \\ Jobi.20.Job/.-onthe ground Psal. 107. 12.they/.- jj Dan. 3.7. nations/- jj 23. Matt. 2. 11. wise'nien/. -jj 18. 26. servant/. -, 29. Mark S. 11. unclean spirits/. - i| 5. 35. woman/ - Luke 5. S.Peter/.- 1| 8.28. man which had devils/- 8. 41. Jairus/. - jl John 11. 32. Mary/, - FER Fife vActs 5. 5. Anawias/. - 1| 10. Sapphife/. - |j 16. 25. 16. 29. Jailfir/.- ll 1 9- 35,/ - from Jupiter || 20. 9. Heb. 11.30. by faith the walls of Jericho/ - Rev. 5. 8. elders/ -, 14. | 19. 4, 10. || 22. 8. FELL, ED. 2 Kin. 3. 19./ every good tree, 25. FELLER, s. Isa. 14. 8. 5io/. is come up agaiiast FELLEST, Ii\G. 2 Sam. 3. 34. 2 Kin. 6. 5. FELLOES, «. 1 Kin. 7. 33./ and spokes . FELLOW, s. Gen. 19. 9. tiiey said, this one/. Exod. 2.13. wherefore sniitest thou thy/j|18. 1 16. Judg.7.l3. told a dream to his/ || 22. against his/. 1 Sam. 21. 15. ye brought this/, to plav the mad. ^5. 21. 1 kep 1*^311 this/ hath !| 29- 4. this/, return 2 Sam. 2. 16. cangiit every one his/ by the head 1 Kin. 22. 27. puf this/ in prison, 2 Chr. 18. 26. 2 Kin. 9. 11. wherefoie came this mad/. Eccl.4.10.liftuphis/.|jlsa.34.14.satyr cry tohis/ Zech. 13. 7. against the man that is my/, saitli Matt. 12. 24. this/ doth not cast out d evils 18. 28./. servant, 29, 31,33. [j 24.49. smitt/.serv. 26. 61. this/ said |) 71. this/, was with Jesus Luke 23. 2. we found this/, perverting the nation John 9. 29. this f. we know not whence he is Acts 17. 1 18. base/. || 18. 13. this/ persnadeth 22. 22. away w ith such a/. \[ '24. 5. a pestilent/ Rom. 16. 7. my/, prisoner, Col. 4. 10. Phiiein.23. 2 Cor. 8. 23. Titus is my partner and/ helper Eph. 2. 19./. citizens || 3. 6. shoidd be/ heirs Col. 1. 7./. servant, 4.7. Rev. 6. 11. 1 19. 10.) 22. 9. Phil. 4. 3./ labourers, 1 Thes, 3. 2. Philem. 1,24. 2. 25./ soldier, Philem. 2. || 3 John 8./ helpers FELLOWS, s. Judg. 11. 37. 1, and my/ 1| 18. 25. Psaj. 45. 7. oilof eladnessabovethv/. Heb.l. 9. Isa. 44.ll.all his/ ashamed |i Dan. 2.13,18.1 7. 20. Matt. 11. 16. caiiuig to their/ j| Act^ 17. 5. lewd/ FELLOWSHIP, s. Lev. 6. 2. or in/ or in a Psal. 94. 20. shall iniquity have/, with thee Acts2 42.continued in the apostles doctrine and/ 1 Cor. 1. 9./ of his Son f| 10. 20. not/ with devils 2 Cor. 6. 14. what /: hath light J! 8 4. on us they. Gal. 2. 9. gave to me and B. the right hands of/. Eph. 3. 9/ of the mystery ([ 5. 11. have no/ Phi!.1.5.foryour/|)2 1.ifany/|l3.10/.ofhissuf 1 John 1. 3. truly our/ \\ 6. say, we have/ 7. Felt, v. Exod.'lO. 21. darkness that may be/ Prov.!f3. 35. 1/ it not |) Acts 28. b. f. no harm FEMALE, s. Gen. 1.27. male and/' 5. 2. | 6. 19. I 7, 2, 9, 16. Lev. 3. 1, 6. Lev. 4. 28. a/, without blemish, 32. | 5. 6. 12. 7. born a male or/ |) 27. 4. if it be a/. 5. ?^um. 5. 3. both male and/ || Dent. 4. 1 6. | 7. 14. Biatt. 19. 4. made them male and/ Mark 10. 6. Gal. 3. 28. in Christ there is neither male nor/ FENCE, s. Psal. 62. 3. and as a tottering/. FENCED,]). Deut. 28. 52. till the/ walls come S Sam. 23. 7. man that shall touch them must be/ 2 Kin. 3. 19./ city, 10. 2. J 17. 9. | 18. 8. Job 10. 11. /me with bones \\ 19. 8./ up ray way Isa. 2. 1 5. on every/ wall |] 5. 2. vineyard, and/ it Jer. 15. 20. ril make thee a/ wall l|Ezek. 36. 35. FENCED Cities. Deut. 3. 5. ] 9. 1. Num. 32. 17. Josh. 10. 20. 1 14. 12. 1 Sam. 6. 18. 2 Sam. 20. 6. 2 Kin. 18. 13. 1 19. 25. 2 Chr. 8. 5. I 12. 4. I 14. 6. i 17. 2. I 19. 5. \ 21. 3. | .33. 14. Jer. 5.17. Dan.11.13. Hos. 8.14. Zeph. 1. 16. BENS, s. Job 40. 21. in the covert of the/. fERRET, A creature Uke a weasel, hex. 11. 30. FERRY-Boa^ 2 Sam. 19. 18./ - for king's h. FERVENT, a. Actsl8.25./in spirit, Rom.l2.U. 2 Cor. 7. 7. your/, mind j] Jartv 5. 16./. prayer 1 Pet. 4.8. have/charity jj 2 Pet. 3.ro./heat, 12. FERVENTLY, ad. Cok 4. 12. I Pet. 1. 22. FESTUS, Festival or joyful. Acts 24. 27. ] 25. 1,-24. t 26. 24, 25, 32. FET, That is to fetch, or bring. 2 Sam. 9. 5. 111.27. 1 Kin. 7. IS. I 9. 28. 2 Kin. 11. 4. 2 Chr. 12. 11. Jer. 26. 23. Acts 28. 13. FETCH, V. Num. 20. 10. must we/ water? Deut. 19. 12. eiders/ him [j SO. 4. Lord/ thee 1 Sam. 4.3. let us/, the ark |1 26.22. let one/spear 2 Sam. 5. 23. /a compass (1 14. 13./ his banished 1 Kings 17. KX/ me, I pray thee, a little water 2Chr.l8. 8./ quickly Mic || Job 36.3./. my knowl. Isa. 56. 12." I'll/ wine |1 Acts 16. 37. let them/ us FETCHED, p. Gen. IS. 4. little water be/ 27. 14. Jacob/ kids j| Judg. IS. 18. / image 1 Sam. 10. 23./ Saul |1 2 Sam. 4. 6./. wheat FETCHETH, v. Deut. 19. 5. /. a stroke with ax FETCHT. Gen. 18. 7. Abraham f. a calf tender 1 Sam. 7.1./. up the ark jl 2Sam. 14. 2. Joab/ 2 Kin. 3. 9./ a compass || 2Chr. 1.17./ fi. Egypt FETTERS, s.Jndff.16. 21 bound Samson with/. 2 Sam. 3. 34. nor thy feet inf. || 2 Kin. 25. 7. 1 Chr. 33 11. Manasseh was bound with/. 36. 6. Jehoiakim was bound with/, to carry Psal.l05.18.hiirtwith/jil49.8.bind nobles with/, Mark 5. 4. being often bound with/. Luke 8. 29. FEVER, s. Deut. 28. 22. smite thee with a /. Matt. 8. 14. was sick ofa/. Mark 1. 30. Luke 4. 38. John 4. 52. the/, left him jj Acts 28. 8. sick ofa/. FEW, a. Gen. 29. 20. seemed but a/, days for 47.9./. and evil !| Lev. 26. 22. 1 will make yon a/. Deut. 33. 6. let Reuben live, let not his men be /. Josh. 7. 3. the men of Ai are but a /. 1 Sam. 14. 6. to save by many or/. || 17 28. /sheep 2 Kin.4.3. borrow empty vessels, borrow not a/. 1 Chr. 16. 19. when ye were but/. Psal. 105. 12. 2 Chr. 29. 34. priests too/, j] Neh. 7. 4. people/. Job 10. 20. my days / || 1 4. 1. man is of/, days Psal. 109. 8. let his days be/, and let another Eccl. 5. 2. let thy words be/, jj 9 14 /. men in it Isa. 10. 7. cut offnationsnota/ j! 19. trees be/. Jer.30.19.they shall not be/|14 j.2.we are but a/ Ezek. 5.3. takea/ 1| 12. 16.1 will leave a/ men Matt.7.l4./.findit|l 9. 37. labourers/. Luke 10.2. 20. 16. many be called, but/, chosen, 22. 14. 25. 21. hast been faithful in a/, things, 23. Luke 12. 48./. stripes 1] 13. 23./. that be saved Acts 17. 4. w^omen not a/. 12. || 24. 4. a/, w'ords Heb.12.10.fora/. days || 13. 22./. words, Eph.3..'5. 1 Pet. 3. 20. wherein/, that is, eight were saved Rev. 2 14. a/ things 20. |j 3. 4. a / names FEWER, a. Num. 33. 54. Job 30. f 7. FEWEST, a. Deut. 7. 7. the/ of all people FEWNESS, s. Lev. 25-16. according to/ of FIDELITY, s. Tit. 2. 10. shewing all good/ FIELD, s. Gen. 4. 8. when they were in the/ . 24. 63. to meditate in the/.|| 27. 27. smell ofa/ 47. 20. sold every man his/ because the famine 49. 30./. which Abraham bought, 50. 13. Exod. 22. 5. if a man shall cause a/ to be eaten Lev. 14. 7. bird in open/ jl 19. 19. not sow thy/. 26. 4;/. yield fruit || 27. 17. if he sanctify his/ . Deiit.5.21.notcovetUis/j|2©.l9.treeof/m.life FIE FIG Deut. 28. 3. blesspd in the/. |i 15. cnrsed in the/ Josh. l.'!). 18. to ask of her father a/ Jnds, 1. 14. Ruth 2. 8. jronot to glean in another/. || 4. 5. 2 Sam. 2.f 1 6./ of strong n;en|)l4. 6. strove in the/ 1 Kings 21. 2v. dieth of Ahab in the/ fowls eat 2 Kings 9.25. cast him in the portion of the/ 37. 18. 17. high- way of the fullers/ Isa. 7.3. 1 36.2. Job 5. 23. be in league with stones of the/ Psal. 78.12./ of Zoan |j 96. 12. ^et/ be joyful Prov.24.30./of :Iotliful || 31. le.corisideredia/ Song 2. 7. by the roes of/ j| 7. 1 1 . go into the/ Ecc!. b. 9. the king himself is served by the/ Isa. 5. 8. lay/ to/ [j 16. 10. plentifw]/ (| 37. 27. 40. 6. flower of/ |j 43. 20. bea-t oft.ne/ j! 55. 12. Jer. 9 22. mens carcases as dunir on the <^pe\i/ 14. 5. hind calved m/ || 17. 3. O my mount, in /. 36. 18. Zion shall be plowed like a/ Mic. S. 12. 32. 7. bay thee my/ jj 35. 9. nor/ nor seed Ezek. 16. 5. cast out in the open/. .v2.4. | 39. 5. 17. 24. trees of/ shall kr.ow ij 36. SO multiply/ Hos. 10. 4. in the furrow ofth^f. 12. 11. Joel i.lO./.iswasted,ll,12,l9.|liVIic.l. 6. |4.10. Mai. 3. 11. nor vine cast her fruiiin the/. Mat.6. 28.consider lilies of/-\\i:i. 38./ is the world 13. 44. again, heaven is like treasure hid in a/ 24. 18. nor let him in the/ return, Mark 13. 1 6. 40. then shall two be in the/ Luke 17. 36. 27. 7. the potter's/- il ^- the/ of blood, Acts 1.19. Luke 2.8. abiding in the/. |j 12. 28. to day in the/ 15.25.eldersonintlie/(jl7. 7. when comefron;/. Into the FIELD. N nni. 22. 2S. ass went -/ Judg. 9.42. people went I) 1 Sam. 6. 14. | 20. 11. a Sam. 11. 23. out unto us -/. |) 20. 12. Aniasa-/ 2 Kin. 4. 3y. went-/ || Song 7. 11. go forth -/ Jer. 6. 2.5. a.l6.8./ ofHe.«hbon ian.f. trial FIFTH, a. Gen. 30. 1 7./. son|!41.34./. partofland Lev 19.25.yearii,?osh. 19.24. lot|i2Sam.2.2.3.rib 2 Kill. 8. l6.year|[25.8.montiiJ!Jer.36.9.Ezek.l.2.. Rev. fi.9./sea! |j 9. 1./. angel j] 21. 20 /.sardonyx FfFTFEN, a. Spoken of Years, Gen. 5. 10. Cubits, Geo. 7. 20. Shekels, Lev. 27. 7. Sheep, Num. 31. 37. Sons, '2 Sam. 9. 30. j 19. 17. Pillars, 1 Kinus 7. 3. Pieces of silver, Hos. 3. 2. Furlongs, John 11. 18. Fathoms, Acts 27. 28. Dav.s, Gal. 1.18. FIFTY. Gep. 6. 15/ cubits 1| 18.2+./ ri:vhteous Exod. 26. 5./ loops IJ 6./taches|j 30. 23/ shekels Lev. 23. 16.days!ii7. 3./ shekels, 16. Deut. 22.29. Num. 4. 3. to/ years || *. 25. from aae of/ 1 6. 2. 200 and/ pnnc-'^s IL17. 200 and/, cejisers 26.10. devoured 200 and/li.31 .30. portio-i off.'iT, Josh.7. 21.wedgeot/shekeis||2Sain 15. l./mea 1 Kings 1. 5./ to run || 7. 2. breadth/ cubits 18. 4. hid them by/, in a cave, and fee] them 2 Kings 1.9.captain with/I !2. 7./ sons of prophets 2. 17./ to seek Elijah || 13. 7. but/ horsemen Ezra 8. 6./ males' Neh. 7. 20./ basonsijEsrh.5.14. Isa. 3.3. captain of/ | j Ezek . 40. 1 5 / cubits, 42.7. Hag. 2. 1 6. when one came to draw out/ vessels Luke7.4l.owed/.lil6. 6. wriie/||John 8.57.not/. FIFFIES. Exod. 18. 21. rulers of/. Dent. 1. 15. 1 Sam. 8. 12. captains over/ |( 2 Kings 1. 14. TMark 6. 40. and thev sat down by/ Luke 9. 14. FIFTIETH, a. Lev. 25. 11./ year a Jubilee FIG, S, fVhen drii, are very wholesome food ; nntritice and einnllient ; begetting strength and rigour ; for which cause, before Pythagoras'Sr time the wrestlers fed thereon. The tree hath a milky or oily liquor, andis eery fruitful, bearing two or three times a year. It becomes barren either through the defect of the ahove-mentioned liijuor, wkith the husbandman cures by dung nnd sweet water ; or through abundance thereof, which is remedied by causing the superjiuom juice to extravasatc. Gen. 3. 7. sewed/ leaves |I Num. 13. 23. { 20. 3'. 1 Sam. 25. 1 8. 200 cakes of/ |,i 30. 1 2. a cake of/ 2 Kinss 20. 7. lay-a lump of/ Isa. 38. 21. I Chr. 12. 40. brondit/ Neh. 13. 1.3. || Sons' 2. 13. Isa. 34. 4. as a faiiiig/. |j Jer. 8. 13. shall be no/ Jer. 24. 1. very good/ 2, 3. |j 29, 1 7. like vile/ Amos 7. t 14. gather of/ || Nah. 3. 1 '?. first ripe/. Matt.7.ie. do men aather/of thistles, Luke 6.44. Jam. 3. 12. or a viiie/ || Rev. 6. 13. untnnely/ FIG-TREE, S. Deut. 8. 8. land of/, and Judg. 9. 10. trees said to the/ come, reign, 11, 1 Kin. 4. 2!). dwe.lt aafely ander hi*/. Mic. 4. i. FIL FIL 2 Kia. 1 8. 31. eat every one of his/ Isa. SG. 1$. j Psal. 105. 33. smote their/.|lProv.27.1 8. keepeth/ Jer. 5. 17. shall eat up thy vhies and/» Hos.2.12. Hos. 9. 10. 1 saw fathers as first ripe in the /. Joeil.7. barked my/l2.j|2.22./. and vine do yiehi Amos 4. 9. when your gardens and/, increased Nah. 3. 12. thy strong- holds shall be like/, with Hab. 3. 17. although the,/", shall not blossom Hag.2.l9./. not broDght'forth|lZeeh.3.10.under/. IVIatt.21.l9.whenhesawa/20. Mark 11. 13,20. 24. 32. learn a parable of the/. Mark 13. 28. Luke 13. 6. a/ planted jj 7 seeking fruit on this/. 21. 29. behold the/ and all the trees John 1. 48. when under the/ I saw thee, 50. FIGHT, s. 1 Sam. 17. 20. going to the/ 1 Tun. 6. 12. light the good/ 2 Tim. 4. 7. Heb. 10. 32. a great/. || 11. 34. valiant inf. FIGHT, V. Exod. 1. 10. lest they/ against ns 14. 14. L./ for you || 17. 9. go/ with Amalek Dent. 1. 30 Lord shall/ for you, 3. 22. | 20. 4. 1. 42. go not up, nor/ for I am not among you 2. 32. Sihon and his people came to/ at Jahaz. 20. 10. come nigh to a city to/ against it Josh. 9. 2. to/ with Joshua, 11. 5. |j 19. 47. Judg.1.1. who go up lirst to/.)|9. 38./ with Abim. 11. 25. did he ever strive, or/ against them 20. 20. set themselves to/ agaiiist Benjamin 1 Sam. 4. 9. quit yourselves like men, and/. 17. 9. if he able to/ with me, and kill nie 23. I,/ against Keilah j| 29. 8. I may not go/ 1 Kings \2. 21 . to /. against Israel, 2 Chr. 11. 1. -'22. 31./ not small nor great, 2 Clir. 18. 30. 2 Kin. 3. 21. kings were come to/l| 10. 3.1| 19. 9. 2 Chr.l3. 12./. not ag. the L.jj-20.17. notneed to/. 3.5. 22. Josiah disguised hiniself to/ with him Neh.4.l4/for your brethren||20 G. shall/, for us Fsal. S >. 1./ against them |) 5G. 2. many/, ag. me 144. 1. winch teacheth my fingers to/ Lsa. 19. 2./ every one || 29. 7. that/! against Ariel 29. 8./ ag. mount Zion |j 31. 4. L./ for m. Zion Jer. 1. 19. shall/ ag. thee, but not prevail, 1.5. 20. 21. 5. I'll/ ag. yo\i |j 32. 5. tho' ye/ withChal. 41. 12. to/ ag. Ishmael j| 51. 30. forborn to/. Dan. 10. 20. to/ with prince of Persia || U. 11. Zech. 10. 5. they shall/ jj 14. 3. L. shall/ ag. 14. 14. and Judahshail/ at Jerusaiein, and John 18. 36. then would my servants/ that Acts 5. 39. to/ 32. G. II 23. 9. let us not/ ag. G. 1 Cor. 9. 26. so/ I jj Jam. 4. 2. ye/, and war 1 Tim. 6. 12./ the good/ of faith, lay hold ' Kev. 2- 16./ ag. them with sword of my mouth FIGHTETH, v. Exod. 14. 25. the L./ for them Josh. 23. 10. L. /. foryoniji Sam. 25. 28. my lord/. 'fighting, S, s. 1 Sam. 17. 19. Israel were/ 2Chr.26. ll.hostof/menj|Psal. 56. l.he/ daily il Cor. 7. 5. without were/ 1| Jam. 4. 1. wars and/ FIGURE, S, s. Dent. 4. 1§. similitude of any/ 1 Kings 6. 29. carved/ j| lsa. 44. 13./. of a man Acts 7. 43./ which ye madejjRom. 5. 14./ of him 1 Cor. 4. 6. in a/ transferred jj 10. t 6. our/ Heb. 9. 9./ of the time || 24./ of the triie|jll. 19. 1 Pet. 3. 21. the like/ whereunto baptism doth FILE, s. 1 Sam. 13. 21. a/ for the mattocks FILL, s. L_ev. 25. 19. eat your/, and Deut.23.24. eat grapes thy/||Prov.7.18./ of love FILL, V. Gen. 42. 25. to/ their sacks. 44. 1. / Exod.10.6. locusts/, thy houses|]l6.32./.a» ktmer Ex.S2.f29./. your hands, Lev, 16.t32. 1 ehr.29.t5i 1 Kin. I.tl4./. up thy words || 1 8 33./4 barrels Job 8. 21. /.thy mouth with laughing |1 15. 2. 20. 23. to/ his belly 11 23.4./ my mouth with arg. 38. 39./ the appetite || 41. 7./ his skin with Psal. 81. 10. open thy month wide, and I will/, it 83. 16./ with shameJIllO. 6./ places Avith dead Prov.l. 13/ our houses ||8.21. I'll/, their treasures Isa. 8. 8./ breadth of thy land|| 14. 21. nor/ face 27.6. shall/, the face of world ||56. 12./ ourselv. Jer.13.1 3. I'll/. inhabit.|j23. 24.do noti/ heaven 33. 5./ with dead 11 51. 12. I'll/ thee with men Ezek. 3. 3./ thy bovvels||7. 1 9. not/ their bowels 9. 7./. the courts |[ 10. 2./ thy hand with coals 24. 4./ it with choice bones||30. 11./ with slain 32. 5. I'll/, the valleys with thy height (1 35. 8. Zeph.l. 9./. with violence||Hag.2.7./. with glory Matt.23.32/ up then the measure of your fathers John 2. 7./. the water-pots with water^ and Rom. 15. 13. the God of hope/ you with joy Eph. 4. 10. ascended, that he might/ all things Col. 1. 24./. up what is behind of sutFerings lThes.2.1 6./ up their sins ||Rev.l 8.6/.her double FILLED. Gen. 6. 13. earth is/with violence 21.19. Hagar/. the bottle || 26. 15./. the w«lls Exod. 1. 7. Israel/ the land||2. 16./. the troughs 16. 12/ with bread |j 28. 3./ with wisdom 31. 3./ him wifhthe Spirit of God, 35. 31. 40. 34. glory of the Lord/ the tabernacle, 35. Num. 14. 21. earth/, with glory of L. Hab. 2. 14. Deut26.12. eat within thy gates, and be/ 31.20. 1 Kings 7. 14. and Hiram was/ with wisdom. 8. 10. cloud/ the house, Ezek. 10. 4. 1 1 . glory of L./ the house, 2 Chr. 5. 14.|7. 1, 2. 18. 35./ the trench |1 20. 27. Syrians/ country 2 Kings 3. 20. and the country was/, with water 21. 16. Manasseh/ Jerusalem with blood, 24.4. 23. 14. Josiah/ places with bones Ezra 9. 11/ it with their uncleanncss Job 3. 15. who/ their houses with silver, 22. 18. 16. 8. and thou hast/ me with wrinkles Psal. 38. 7. loins are /'.||71.8.mouth/. with praise 72. 19. earth/ with glory jj 80. 9./ the land 104. 28./.with good||l23. 3 ■/ with contempt, 4. Prov.l.3l./. with their own devices,12.2l. 11 14.14. 3. 10. barns be/ with plentyl|5. 10. strangers/ IS. 20. with increase be/.jj 20. 17. /.with gravel 24. 4. cliambers be/ jj 25. 16./ with honey 30. 16. earth is not/ |j 22. a fool when he is/ Eccl. 1. 8. nor ear/ || 6. 3. soul not/|j7. appetite Song 5. 2. open to me, my head is/, with dew Isa. 6. 1, his train/, the temple || 4. hou.He wdsf. 21.3. loins/, with pain jj 33. 5./ Zion with judg. 34. 6. nor/, with fat || 43. 24. nor/ me || 65. 20. Jer. 15. 17./ me withindig. || 16. 18./ inherit. 19. 4. / this place with blood j| 41. 9. /. the pit 46. 12. cry/ the land || 51. 34./ his belly Lam. 3. 15./. me witli bitterness jj 30./ full Ezek. 8. 17./ land with \io\.^l. 6./ with slaia 23. 33./. with dninkenns«sj|36. 38./. with flocks 39. 20./. at my table [| 43. 5./ the house, 44. 4. Dan, 2. 35./ the whole earth [j Nah. 2. 12. lion/ Hab. 2. 14. earth be/ with knowledge jj 16. Hag. 1. 6. not/ with drink jj Zech. 9. 13, 15. Matt. 5. 6. thev shall be/ Luke 6. 21. 27. 48./ it with vinegar, Mark 1 5.36. John! 929. Mark 7. 27. Jesus saidj let the children first be/. PIN FIN '"' ' i \j\\ke 1.15./. withH.Ghost,41,f)7. Acts 2.4.|4.3I. 53.^. the hungry ||2.40. Jesus,/ with wisdom S. 5. every valley be/. (| 4. 28./ with wrath 5. 7./ both the ships |j 26./ with fear saying 6. 11. they were/ with madnessjand communed 8. 23./. with water j| 14. 23. my house be f. 15. 16. he would fain have/, his belly with John 2. 7./. to the brim || 6. 13. /. 12 baskets 6. 26. and were/ || 16. 6. sorrow/ your hearts Acts 2. 2./ the house j) 3. 10./ with wonder 4. 8./ with Holy Ghost, 9. 17. | 13. 9, 52; 5, 3. Satan/ thine heart j| 28./ Jerusalem 17./. with indignation [[ 1 3. 45./ with envy 19. 29. the whole city was/ with confusion Rora. 1. 29./. with unri^ht.jjl 5. 14./ withknowl. 15. 24. somewhat/. 1| 2 Cor. 7. 4. I am/ with Eph.3. 19./. with all fulness) 1 5. 18./ with Spirit Phil.1.11./ with the fruits|jCol.l.9./ with know. 2 Tim. 1. 4./ withjoyijjam. 2. 16. warmed and/ Rev. 8. 5./thecenser||l5.1./.up the wrath of G. 15. 8, temple was/ [| 19. 21. fowls were/, FILLEDST, p. Deut. 6. 11. Ezek. 27. 33. FILLEST, V. Psal. 17. 14./ with hid treasure FILLETH, "y. Job 9. 18./. me with bitterness Psal. 84. 6./ the poolsl|107. 9./ the huns^ry soul 129. 7./ not his hand \\ 147. 14. /with finest Eph. 1. 23. the fulness of him that/ all in all FILLET, S. Exod.27. 10, ll.|36. 38. Jer. 52.21. FILLETED, p. Exod.27. 17.|36. 38.|38. 17, 28. FILLING. Acts 14. 17./ our hearts with food FILTH, s. Isa. 4. 4. washed/ of Zion (| iNah.3.6. 1 Cor.4.l3./.oftheworld|ilPet.3.21./oftheflesh FILTHY, a. Job 15.16. and/ is man ? which Psal. 14. 3. they are altogether become/ 53. 3. Isa. 64. 6. as/ rags|;Zeph. 3. 1. wo to her that is/. Zech. 3. 3. clothed with/ garments, 4. Col. 3. 8/ communication |j 1 Tim. 3. 3./ lucre Tit. 1. 7./.lucre \\n./. lucre'ssake, 1 Pet. 5. 2. 2 Pet. 2. 7./. conversation f| Jade 8. /.dreamers Rev. 22. 11. he that is/ let him be f. still FlLTHIiNESS, s. 2 Chr. 29. 5. carry out the/ Ezra 6. 21. separate from/ || 9. 11./ of people Prov. 30. 12. yet is not v.'ashed from their/. isa. 28. 8. table full of/ |j Jer. 5. t 30. | 23. t 14. Lam. 1. 9. her/ |i Ezek. 16. 36. thy/ 22. 15. 24. 11./. of It II 36. 25. from all your/, and 2 Cor. 7. 1. cleanse from al!/.|jEph. 5.4. nor let/. Jam. 1.21. lay apart all/.|)Rev. 17. 4. cup full of/ FINALLY,' arf. 2 Cor. 13. 11./. my brethren Eph. 6. 10. Phil.3.1.j4. 8. 2Thes.3. 1. 1 Pet. 3. 8. FIND, V. signifies, il"] To convert, huke 15. 32. [2] To invent or discover, 2 Chr. 2. 14. [3] To know experimentaUy, Rom. 7. 21. [4] Tore- ceiceu'hat weaslc, Matt. 7. 7. [5] To come to the knowledge of, Job 11.7. [6] To come to, Job 3. 22. [7] To perform, Isa. 58. 13. [8] To mark or observe, Job 33. 10. [9] To meet leith. Gen. 37.15. [10] To choose and appoint. Acts 13. 22. [11 J To attack or surprise, Judg. 1. 5. [123 To lay open or reveal. Gen. 44. 1 6. [1 3] To have a refreshing discovery of Christ to the soul, Song 3. 4. [14] To obtain, Matt. 11. 29. Rom. 4. 1. Gen. 19. 11- wearied themselves to/, the door 38.22. 1 cannot/ her||4l.38.can we/suchaone Exod. 5.11. go, get you straw where you can/ it Num. 32. 23, your sin shall /: you out jj 35. 27. Beut-. 4. 29. if tljoii seek God, fhon shall/; him . Deut. 22. 25./. a damsel, 28, [| 28, G5./ no ease Judg. 9. 33. then do as thou shall /. occaswu 17. 8. sojourn where he could/, a place, 9. Ruth 1. 9. you may/ rest || 2. 2. 1 shall/ jrrace 1 Sam.l 18.handmaid/, grace||9 1 3. ye shail/.him 20. 21./ the arrows jj 24. 19- if a man/, his eneni. 2 Chr. 30. 9. your children shall/ compassion Ezra 4. 15. shall/ in the book of records, and Job 3. 22. are glad when thev can/ the grave 11. 7. canst thou/, out God ? 37. 23. 17. 10. I cannot/, one wise man among you 23.3. O that I knew where I might/, him 34. 11. every man to/ according to his ways Psal. 10. 15. seek wickedness till thou/ none 1 7. 3./. nothing (| 1 32. 5. till 1/ out a place Prov. 1. 13./. all precious substance jj28.not/. m^ 2. 5./ the knowledge of God |j 3. 4./. favour 4. 22. my words are life to those that/, them 8. 17. that seek me early shall/ me, jer. 29.13. 16. 20./ good, 19.8.||20.6.faithf man who can/. 31. 10. vv'bo can/ a virtuous woman .'' for Eccl. 3. IL no man can/ [| 7. 14./. nothing after 7. 24. who can/, it \\ 26. 1/ more bitter than 27./ out the account || 28. but 1/ not ij 8. 17. 11. 1./ it after many days j| 12. 10. sought to/ Song 5. 6.1 could not/. him|j8.if ye/ my beloved 8, 1. when I should/ thee, I would kiss thee Isa. 34. l4./.a place ofrest|j41.12. seek, but not/ 58. 3. in the day of your last ye/ pleasure Jer.2.24. in her month /herji5.1.if ye can/ a man 6. 1 6. shall/ rest to your souls, Matt. 11. 29. 10. 18. may/ it so || 45. 3. and 1/ no rest Lam. 1.6./ no pasture j] 2. 9./ no vision Dan, 6. 4. to/ occasion against Daniel, 5. Hos. 2. 6. not/ her paths |j5. 6. not/ him f| 12. 8. Amos 8. 12. seek word of the L. ancJ shall not/it Matt. 7. 7. seek, and ye shall/ L'.ike 11.9. 14.few that/ it j| 10. 39. loseth life, shall/ it 17. 27./ a piece of money || 21. 2./ an ass tied 24. 46. shall/ .so doing, Luke 12. 37,43. Mark 11. 13, if haply he might/ any tinng thereon 13. 36. lest commg suddeniy, he/ yor: sleeping Luke 2. 12./ the babe H 5. 19. nor/ what way 6. 7./. accusation [| 12. 37./ watching, 38. 1 3. 7. fruit, and / none |! 1 ,t. 4. till she/ it, 38. 18. 8./ faith on earth || 19. 48. could'not/ 23. 4. 1/ no fault in this man, John 1 8. 38. j 19,4. John 7, 34. seek and not/. me[j 10.9. and/pasture Acts 17. 27. afrerhim, and/ him ]j 23. 9-/ no evil Rom. 7. 18. 1/ not II 21. 1/ a law [i 9. 19./ fault 2 Cor.9.4./. you unprepared||l 2.10.not/. you such 2 Tim. 1. 18./ mercy || Rev. 9. 6. || 18. 14. FIND Gmce. Gen. 32. 5,|33.8, 15.|34. ll.|47.25. Exod. 33. 13. Ruth 2. 2. 1 Sam. 1. 18. 2 Sam. 16. 4./- in thy sighti|Heb.4. 16./- to help FINDEST, V. Gen. 31. 32./ thy godst>Ezek.3.1. FINDETFI, v. Gen. 4. 14. every one that/ me Job33.10./occasions[jPsa].l 19 162./ great spoil Prov. 3. 13./ wisdom j! 8. 35. whoso/, me/ life 14. 6.scorner seeketh wisd, and/ it not, 17. 20. 1 8. 22, / a wife 1| 21 . 10./ no favour (| 2 1 ./ life Eccl. 9. 10. whatsoever thy hand/ to do, do it Lam. 1. 3. she/ no rest || Hos, 14. 3./ mercy Matt.l2.43.seekingrest, and/ none, Luke 11.24. 44/.it empty,swept,and gurnished,Lukell.25. 26. 40. he /. his disciples asleep, Mark 14. 37. Johnl.41 ./ ;li)nopl|43./. Pliilip||5. U.Jesus/ hind FIN FIR FINDING, p. Gea. 4. 15. lest any/. Cain sliould 3 00 9. JO. pasty, out 11 Ps. 32.tG- P'"ay isi time of/. Acts 4. 31./.notningjji9. 1./. disciples|)21.'2. ship Rom. 11. 3.}. past/, out |1 Heb. S. S. for/, fault FINE, r. Job 28. 1. for gold where tliey f. it FINE. Gen. 41. 42./liuen,Isa..3.'23. Mark 15.46. Lev. 2. 1./. flour, 24. 5. 1 Kiriiis 4. 22. 2 Kina;s 7. 1 Ezek 16. 13. Rev. 18.13. Ezra 8. 27./. copper jj Isa. 19.9. work in/, flax Rev. I. 15. his feet like unto/, brass, 2. 18. FINEFZoj^r. Lev. 2. 1, 4. | 5. 7. | 7. 12. | 14. 10, 21. \ 23. 13. i 24. 5. Nnm. 6. 15. | 7. 13, 19, 25,31, 8. 8. 1 Kin!:s4. 22. 2 Kin-.^s 7. 1, 9. 29. EzL'k. 16. 13, 19. | 46. 14. J 6, 18. 1 Chr Rev. 1-8. 13. FINE Gold. 2 Chr. 3. 5. overlaid with, 8. Job 2}>.f 15./. - not a'lven || 17. not for jewels of 31. 24. or said to /. - thou art my confidence Ps. 19. 10. than /. - |i 1 1 9. 1 27. comm. above/. - Prov. 3. 14. gam than/ - 1| 8. 19. frnit better 25. 12. ornaiuent of/. - so is a reprover Song 5. 1 1. head is as/. - 1| 1 5. on sockets of/.- Isa. 13. 1 2 a man more precious than/. - Lam. 4. l./.-chanijed ||2. comparable to/ - Dan. 2. 32. head of/ - 1| 10.5. girded with/.- Zech. 9. 3. Tyrns h. aped/- as mire of the streets FINE Linen. G- n. 41 . 42. in vestiue of/. - Exod. 25. 4. take/ - \\ .0. 1. curtains of/. - 26. 31. the vait of/ -, 36. 35. 2 Chr. 3. 14. 36. hanging of/ -,27. 9, 18. | 36.37. | 38. 9. 528. 5. gold and/ - j| 0. ephod of/ -, 39. 2. 8. girdle, 39. 5, 29. i| 1,' . biea.st-plate, 39. 8. 39. coat of/ - II .>5. 6. offering of/. -, 2.5. 35. 3 ?. of work and/ -, 38. 23. 2 Chr. 2. 14. 39. 27. coats of/ - jj 28. a mitre of/ - 1 Chr. 4. t\. wrought /. - jj 1 .5. 27. a robe of/ - Esth. 1. 6 cords of/. - || 8. 1.3. a garment of/ - Prov. 7. 16. deckt bed with l| 31. 24. maketh/ - I^a. 3. 23. tai e away tlie/ -jj Ezek. 16. 10. w'lth Ezek. 16. 13. raiment of/- 1|27. 7. of Egypt, 16. Mark 15. 46. brought/ -jjLuke 16. 19. ptirple/- Rev. 18. 12./ - departed || 16. clothed in/ - 19. 8. arrayed in/ - |j l4. clothed with/ - FINK Mad. Gen. 18. 6. three measures of/. - FINER, s. Prov. 25. 4. a vessel for tiie/ FINF8T,v. Ps. 81. 16. with/ of wheat, 147.14. FINING, p. Prov. 17. 3./. pot for silver, 27.21. FIN GRR, .S, s. The fri^er of God is kis Spirit. Exod. 8.19. this is the/ ofG. 31. 18. Deut 9.10. Lev. 4. 6. priest shall dip bis /. in the blood, 17, 2.--), 30, 34. I 8. 15. j 9.9. I 16. 14,19. 14. 1 6. dip liis right/ in the oil, 27. 2 8ani. 21 . 20. on e\ ery hand six/ 1 Chr. 20. 6. Psal. 8.3. work of thy). Il 144. 1./ to fight Pvov. 6. 13. teachcthwith / |1 7. 3. bind on thy/ Sonir 5. 5. and my/, with sweet-sme ling myrrh hd. 2. 8. our/, made |j ."'8. g.puttiiig forth of/ 59 3./. di'filed jj Dan. 5, 5./ of a man's hands Matt. 23. 4. not move with one/. Luke 11. 46. Mark 7. 33. and he put ids/ into Ins ears Luke 11.20./ ofGod^l 16. 24. tip of his/. John 8 6./ wrote II -20. 25./. in the print, 27. FINISH, r. To hring to pass, fljil, perfect ^ John 19. 30. Our blessed Lurd, by what he did and suffered, peif armed the will of God, and ike ichole tcork which the Father firare him to do ; which fcos to obtain eternal redemption. He was the substance and end of all the types, and the Ic^nl dispensation : He compleated and finished right- eousness., removed the curse, and radically com- pleated our salvation. Gen. 6. 16. in a cubit/.it||Dan. 9. 24./. transgres. Zech. 4. 9. his hands shall/, it |j Matt. 10. t 23. Luke 14.30. to build, and was no-taWe to/.28,29. John 4. 34. ray meat is to/ his work, 5. 36. Acts 20. 24./. my course||ilom. 9. 28./. the work 2 Cor. 8. 6. would f. in you || Phil. I.t6. wWlf. it FI N 18 H LCD, p. Gen. 2. 1 . and earth /. and all Exod.59..i2.aU the work/.|jDeut.31. 24. writing/. Josh. 4. 10. till ev. thing was/.||Ruth 3. 1 8. have f. 1 Kings 8. 9. Solomon/ it, 14. 22, 38. 2 Chr.5.'l. 7. 1./ ail his house, 22. | 9. 1, 25. 2 Chr. 8. 16. 2 Chr. 24. 14 they had/ || 29. 28. was/ |! 31. 7. Ezra4.Tl2./wal!s|j5.i6.isnot/. |i6. 14./ it, 1^. Neh. 6. 15. wall/|IDan. 5. 26. kingdom/ 1| 12.T. Matt. 13. 53./ parables || 19. 1-/. these sayings John 17. 4./ the work || 19. 30. he said^ it is/. Acts "Zi. T.f. course || 2 Tim. 4. 7./. my course Heb. 4. 3. works were/ || Jam. 1.15. sin when/. Rev. 10. 7. mystery/, jj 11. 7. testimony/ 20. 5. lived not, till the IQOO years were/. FINISHER, s. Heb. 12. 2. / of our f^ath, who FINS, s. Lev. 1 1 . 9, 10, 12. Deut. 14. 9. FIRE, s. is 07ie of the four elements, which skives lighi and heat. [ 1 ] It is a symbol of the holi- ness and justness of God, and of his displeasure irith sinners, Deut. 4. 24. Nab. 1. 6. Heb. 12. 29. [2] J t is put for the Spirit and grace of Christ, in its piirifying operations, Isa. 31. 9. Zech. 13. 9. !Mal. 3. 2. Matt. 3. 11. [3] Af- Jiictions, Isa. 24. 15. 1 Pet. 1.7. [4] The word of God, Jer. 23. 29. 1 Cor. 3. 13. [5] Zeal for or against the truth, Luke 12. 49. [6] The torments of hell, Deut. 32. 22. Isa. 33. 14'! I 66. 24. Matt. 25. 41. Mark 9. 44. Rev. 14. 10. Gen. 22. 7. my father, behold the/ and the wood Exod. 3. 2. bush burned with/|i9. 23. hail and/ 12. 8. roast with/. |j 19. 18. L. descended in/ 22. 6. if/, break out |j 35. 3. kindle no/ 40. 38./ was on the tabernacle, Num. 9. 16. Lev. 1. 7. put/ on altar [| 6. 9./ of altar burning 9. 24. came a/ [1 10, 1 . oHered strange/ before 18. 21. not pass thro'/, to Molech, Deut. 18.10. Num. 11.2. prayed,/ was quenched j| 16. 7. 1 6. 57. scatter the/. j| 21. 28. a/ gone out Deut. 4. 11. mountain burnt with/. 9. 1.5. S6. his great/ |1 .5. 5. afraid of the/ and 18. 16. nor let me see tins great/, any more 32. 22. a/ is kindled in mine anger, Jer. 15. 14, Josh. 7. 25. Achan with/, (j 8. S.set Aion/ Judg. 6.21. rose/ out of rock ||9. 1 5. let/come 9. 49. set hold on/. |j 20. 48. set on/ cities 1 Km. 18. 38 then/, of the L. fell, 2 Chr. 7. ^,S. 19.12. but the Lord was not in the/ and 2 Kings 1. 10. let/ comedown from heaven, 12. 2. 11. horses of/ 6. 17. |j 8. 12. set holds on/. 16. 3. pass thro'/. 21. 6. j 23. 10. 2 Clir. 33. 6. 1 Chr. 21. 26. L.answered by/, (j 2 Chr. 35. 13. Job 1. 16-/ of God is fallen ji 18. 5./. not shine 28. .5. as It were/ j| 41. 19. sparks of/ leap Psal 39. 3. the/, burned \\ 66. 12. went thro'/. 74. 7. cast/, in sanctuary |j 78. 14. a light of/. 78. 21. a/, was kindled against Jacob, 106. 18. FIR FIR Psal. 97.3. a/ goetlibefoie himUlOS.SS.fiamirig/ 140. 10. cast in the/ || 148. 8./ and hail Prov.6. 27./. in his bosoic. || 26. 'iO./.-^oeth out 20. 21. as/ is to wood |; 30^ 16. the/ saith not Isa. 9. 5. fuel of/ 1 9. |! 10. 17 li.6./ on Magog' 36. 5. in/of my jealousy have I spoken, 38. 19. Dan. 3. 27. nor smell of/ i| 10. 6. as lamps of/. Hos. 7. 6. as a flaming/, [j 8. 14. I'll send a/ Joel 2. 30./ and pillars of smoke, Acts 2. 19. Amos I. 4. I'll send a/ 7, 10, 12, 14. | 2. 2, 5. 5. 6. like/ in Joseph || 7. 4. contend by/ Obad. 18.houseof Jacoba/j|Mic.l.4. wax bef./ Nah. 1 . 6. his fury like/jlHeb. 2. 13. labour in/ iJech. 2. 5. a vallof/Ho. 2. brand piuckt out of/. 1 2. 6. hke a torch of./jjl 3. 9. third part thro' the/ Mai. 1. 10. nor kindle/ || 3. 2. like a refiner's/ J\iatt.3.10. castiu the/ 7.19. Luke 3.9. Joh. 15.6. 1 1. baptize with tlie li. Ghost and/ Luke 3.1 6. 13. 42. furnace of/ a^ |;i7. 15. fallelh in the/ 18. 8. cast in everlastinir/. Mark 9.43, 46. 25. 41. depart, ye cursed, into everiasting/ Mark 9. 44./ not quericiied|!l4. 54. warmed at/ Luke 9. 54. command/jiri 49 to send/ on earth 17. 29. it rained/ Ij 2-2. 56. as he sat by the/ Acts 2. 3. cloven tonsues of/jj23. 5. shook in the/. 1 Cor. 3. 13./ shall try )| IS.'yetso^ as by/ !2 Thes. 1. 8. in flaming/ taking vengeance Heb. 1.7. minis, aflame of/ljlu. 34. violence off. Jam. 3. 6. the tongue is a/ || 5. 3. eat as/ iPet.l. 7.tried with/.|i2Pet.3.7.reservedto/. 12. Jude 7. of eternal/ |l 23. puiling out of/ Rev. 3. 18. gold tried in/ || 8. 5./ of altar S. 7. hail and/ |j 9. 17. issued/ 11.5. 0. 18. killed by the f. \\ 13. 13./. come down 14. 18. power over/, j) 15. 2. mingled with/ 16. 8. scorch men with/ \\ 20. 9./ came down 20. 10. lake of/ 14, 15. | 21. 8. 'Made by FIRE. Exod. 29. 18, 25, 41. Lev.l.9.|2. 2,9,16. I 3. 3. j |21. 6. j 2i^. 27. Pillar itf yiRE. Exod. 14.24. Rev. 10. 1. StrangeFlRE. Lev. 10. 1. Num. 3. 4. | ^6. 61. See Brimstone, Burn, Consume, Coals, Devour, Flame, Hell. FIREBRAND, S,s. Judg. 15. 4. Samson took/ Prov. 26. 1 8. as a mad man who casteth/ Isa. 7. 4. smoking/ |i Amos 4. 11. a/ piuckt FTRE-Pa«s. Exod. 27. 3. | 38. 8. v; Kinafs 25- 15. FIRES, s. Isa, 24. 1 5 . glorify the Lord in the/ FIRKINS, .s. John 2. 6. two or three/ FIR, s. 1 Kings 5. 8. | 6. 15. Song 1. 17. FIRM, a. Josh. 3. 17. stood/ 4. 3. Job 41. 23. they are/ 1) 24. his heart/ Psal. 73. 4. strength is/ || Dan. 6. 7. Heb. 3. 6. Fl LIM ANIENT, s. Expansion, Gen. 1. 1 6. Gen. 1. 7. G. made the/ 1! 8. called the/ Heaven 14. lights in/ |j 20, fly in the open/, of Psal. 19. 1./ shewethjj 150. 1./ of his power Ezek. 1. 22./ as crystal 1| 25. a voice from/ 26. above the/ 10. l.j;Dan.l2.3. brightness of/ FIR-TREE, S. 1 Kings 5. 10. | 6. 34. j 9. IL 2 Kings 19. 23. 2 Chr. 2. 8. | 3. 5. Psal. 104. 17. Isa. 14. 8. 1 37. 24. 1 41. 19, | 55. 13. j 60. 13. Ezek. 27,5. | 31. 8. Hos. 14. 8. Nah. 2. 3. Zech. 11. 2. TlR-fVood. 2 Sam. 6. 5. made of/ ivood FIRST, a. signifies, [1] Before, or prior to,Matt. 10. 2. 1 Cor. 15. 47. [2] Chief or most ex- cellent, Luke 15.t22. Rom. 3.t2. A person or t/wig may be said to be first, — In manber. Gen. 8. 5, 13. — In order, 'Matt. 28. l—Bij creation, 1 Cor. 15. 42. — By generation, Deut. 21. 17. — In dignity, Dan. 6. 2. — In time, Heb. 9. 1. First-born of the poor, Isa. 14. 30. signifies the most miserahle of all the poor. The first-born of death, Job 18. 13. i. e. iiie most terrible of all deaths. The privileges of the fixsi-horn were, [1] A double portion, Deut. 21. 17. [2] A right to the priest- hood. Num. 3.13. [.3] The govesiiment and do- minion, Gen. 27. 29. Gen. 25.25./. came out redij38.28.t]iis came cut/ Exod.4.8/.sign|j34.1.tv¥otableslike/Deut.lO.I, Num. 13.20. time of/ ripegrapes|jl5. 20.|24.20. Deut. 13. 9. thine hand shall be/ uponhim, 17.7. 2 Chr. 17. 3. Jthoshaphat walked in the/ ways Ezra 3. 12. that had seen the glory of/ iiouse Esth. 1. 14 which sat the/ in the kingdom Job 15. 7. art thou the/ man that was born Pvov. 18. 17. is/ in his own cause, seemcth just Isa. 1.26. judges as at the/(i4l. 27. thy/ shall say 44. 6. 1 am the/ jj 43. 27. thy/ father .simied Hos. 2. 7. n^y/. husband j) 9. 10. the/ ripe in Matt. 5. 24./ be reconciled |) 6. 33. seek ye/ 7. 5./ cast out the beam jj 12. 2y. f. bind the 12.45. worse than the/jl 17. 10. E!ias/ come 17. 27. fish that/ conieth [j 22. 38./ command Mark 4. 28./ the bladeil7. 27. children/, be filled 9. 35. desire to be/|jlG. 9. appeared/ to Mary LukelO.5./ say, peacetothishouse|[11.38.|l4.28. John 5. 4./ stepped in|j8, 7./ cast a stone at her Acts3.26. to you/. G. sent himjjl 1.26./at Antioch 26. 23. Christ should be the/, that should rise Rom, 1, 8./ I thank my Qod |j 2. 9. the Jew/ 11. 35. who hath/ given to him, and it shall lCor.12.28/. ApostlesjjH.SO. let/ hold his peace 15. 45. the/ man Adam j| 46. not/ spiritual 2 Cor. 8. 5./. gave their ownselvesjll 2.J. a wiSing Eph. 1. 12./ trusted |) 4. 9. descended/ into 1 Thes. 4. 16. rise/. |1 2 The.s. 2. 3. falling away/ 1 Tim. 1.16. that m me/;|j2.13. Adam/ formed 3. 10./ be proved \\ 5. 4. learn/ i| 12./ faith Tit. 3. 10. after/ and second admonition, reject Heb. 2. 3. at/ began to be spoken by the L. 4.6. 5. 12/ prmcipks j} 7. 27. / for his own sins FIS FLE Heb.g.7./.covcnaiit, 13. 19. 1,15,18. 119.2. tabernacle Jam. 3. 1 7. isjT. pure Ij l Pet. 4. 17. /. begin at us 1 John 4. 19. he/, loved usjj Jude 6./. estate Rev. 2. 4. left thj* / love || 5. do thy/, works 15. 12. /. beast Ij 20. 5./. resurrection || 21. 1, 19. FIRST-BORN. Gen. 19.33/. lay with hertather 27. 19. Esau thy/. y2,l|29. 26. j-43. 33. | 48. 18. Exod. 4. 22. even my/ |) 23. slay even thy/ 12. 29. the L. smote all the /! in Eg>'pt, 13. 15. 34. 20./ of thy sons shalt redeem, Num. 18. 15. Deut. 21. 17. for the right of the/, is his, 15. Josh. 6. 26. Jay foundation in his/ 1 Kings 1 6. 34. lChr.5.1.sonsof Reuben the/.jj26. lO.tho'not/ 'Seh. 10. 36. to bring thef.\\Joh 18. 13./. of deadi Psal.78. 51. he smote all their/. 105. 36. | 135. 8. 89. 27. my/ |) Isa. 14. 30./ of the poor Jer. 31. 9. Ephraini is my/l|]Mic. 6. 7. give my/. Zeeh.12.10. bitterness for/.||Matt. 1.23. Luke2.7. Rom. 8. 29. might be the/ among many brethren Col. 1. 15./. of ev. creaturejjlS./ from the dead Heb. 11. 28.destroyed/||12. 23. church of the/ FIRST-Fruit or Fruits. Exod. 22. 29. not delay to offer the/ - 23.19.firstofthe/.-ofthy land, 34.26.Deut.26.2. 34. 22. feast of/ - \\ Lev. 2. 12. oblation of/ - Lev. 2. 14. meat offering off. - 1| 23. 10, 17, 20. Num. 18. 12. /".- of o!l, wine, wheat \\ 28. 26. Deut. 18. 4./. - of thy corn |! 26. 10. brought/. - 2 Kings 4. 42. brought the/ -, 2 Chr. 31. .5. Neh. 10. 35. brJngthe/.-37.|il2.44. for/- 13. 31. Prov.3.9. honour the Lord with the/ - 1( Jer. 2. 3. Ezek. 20. 40. require/- 1| 44. 30. first off- |j 48. l4. Mic. 7. I. my soul desned the/ ripe f mils Rom. 8. 23 /. -of the Spirit||1 1. 16. if/- be holy 16. 5. who is the/ - of Achaia, 1 Cor. 16. 15. 1 Cor. 15. 20. Christ the/ - of them that slept, 23. Jam. 1. IS. akindof/-]:Rev. 14. 4./! -unto God FIRST iVonik. Gen. 8. 13. in the/ - the first Exod. 1 2. 2./ - of the year 1| 1 8. in/ - eat || 40. 2. Num. 9. 1. in the/ - keep the pas^over, 28. 16. Josh. 4. 1 9. people came out of Jordan in / - Esth.'>.7.in the f.- cast Pur||Ezek. 45.18. Joel 2.23. FIRST Year. 'Exod. 1 2. 5. male of the/-, 29. 38. Lev. Q. 3. kid of/ - 1) 12. 6. lamb of the/. - 2 Chr. 36. 22. in/ - of Gyrus, Ezra 1. 1. | 5. 1.3. Jer. 25. 1. 1 52. 31. Dan. 1. 21. 1 7. 1. | 9. l.|H. 1. FIRSTLING, S, s. Gen. 4. 4. Abel brought/ Ex. 13. 12. every/ the Lord's! !l 3./ of ass redeem Num. S. 41. instead off. \\ i8. 15./. redeem, 17. Deut. 12. 6. bring the/. |j 17. not eat tiic / 14. 23. eat/ in the place |) 33. 17. like'tlie/. Nell, 10. 36./ of our herds bring to the house FiSH,6f. Gen. 1. 26. dominion over/ 2S. Exod.^. 18./ sljall die||Num. 11. 5./ we did eat Isa. 19. 10. }!ondsfor/ j) 50. 2. their/, stmketh Ezek. 29. 4./. to sncki|5.|{47. 9. multitude off. 10. Jonah 1. 17. was in the belly of the/. 2. 1, 10. Matt. 7. 10. if he ask a/ jl 17. 27. take up the/ Luke 24. 42. piece of a broiled/ John 21. 13. FISH, V. Jer. 1 G. 1 G. shall / tiiem FISH-G«/<'. 2 Chr. 33. 14. Neh. 3. 3. Zcph. 1. 10. FISH-Hooks. Amos 4. 2. take posterity with/ - FISH-Pools. Song7. 4./.-ofHeshbon FISH-Spears. Job 41. 7. head with f. - FISHERMEN. Luke 5. 2./ were^gone FISHERS, .9. Isa. 1 9. 8. the/ shall monrn Jcr.16.i6. r]lsendfor/.i|Ez«k.47.lO./. shall stand Matt. 4. 18. were/ || 19./. of men |) John 21. 7. FISHES, 6\ Gen. 48. t 16. let lads grow as/ I Kmgs 4. 33. spake off. \\ Job 12. 8./. declare Eccl.9. 12./ that are taken, Hos. 4. 3. Ez.38.20. Hab. 1. 14. men a.s/ || Zeph. 1. 3. consume/ Matt.14.17. and two/ Mark 6.38. |8.7. Luke9.13. Luke 5. 6. inclosed a great multitude of/ 9. John 21. 6. not draw it for multitude off. 11. FISHING,/). John 21. 3. Peter said I go a/ FIST,S, s. Exod. 21.18. Prov. 30. 4. Isa. 58.4. FIT, a. Luke 9. 62. | 14. 35. Col. 3. 18. FITCHES, s. Isa. 28. 25, 27. Ezek. 4. 9. FITTED. Prov. 22. 18. Rom. 9. 22. Heb. lO.tS.. FITTETH. Isa. 44. 13./ it with planes FITLY. Prov.25.11.Song5.12.Eph. FIVE, a. Gen. 14. 9. four kings with f. 18. 28. lack off. \\ 45. 6. yet/ years |) 22. | 47. 2. Exod. 22. 1. shall restore/ oxen for an ox Lev. 26. 8./ chase a thousand [j 27.-5, 6. 1 Sam. 6. 4. f. golden emerods 1) 16./ lords Isa. 17. 6. four or/l| 30. 17. at tJie rebuke of/ Matt. 14. 17./ loaves, Mark 6. 38. Luke 9. 19. 25. 2./. were wise|| 15. gave/ talents, 16. Luke 12. 6./. sparrows j) 5 2./ in one house 16. 28./ brethren |j 19. 18. gained/ pounds John 4. 18./ husbands II 6. 9./ barley loaves 1 Cor. 14. 19. speak/ words] jRev. 17. 10./ fallen FIXED, p. 2 Chr. 1 2. 1 1 4./ not his heart te Psal. 57.7. my heart is/ 108. 1. j 112. 7. Luke 16. 26. there is a great gulf/ so that FLAG, S. Exod. 2.3, 5 Job 8. 11. Isa. 19. 6. FLAGON, A two quart measure, 2 Sam. 6. 19. 1 Chr. 1 6. 3. to every one of Israel, a/ of wine FLAGONS, s. Song 2. 5. Isa. 22 24. Ho.s. 3. 1. FLAKES, s. Job 41.-23. the/ of his flesh FLAME, s. Exod. 3. 2. angel ap. in a/. Acts7.30. Ju Num. 11. 33. while the/, was between their teeth 16. 22. the God of the spirits of all/ 27. 16. 18. 18. and the f. of them shall be thine Deut. 5. 26. who, of all/ heard the voice of God 1 Sam. 2. 13./ wasm seethingljl5. give/, to roast 17. 44. I'll give thy/, to fowls (| 25. 11. my/ 2 Sani. 5. 1. we are thy bone and thy/ 1 Chv. ll.l. 6. 19. David dealt to each/ 1 Chr. 16.3. 1 Kin. 1 7. 6. ravens broiight him/|jl9. 21 . boiledjT; 21. 27. put sackcloth osi his / 2 Kings 6. 30. 2 Kings 4. 34. the/, of tlie child waxed warm 5. 14. his /. came again 1} 9. 3u. dogs eat/ 2 Chr. 32. 8. with him is an ai m of/! but Neh. 5. 5. otn/. is as the/ of our brethren Job 4. 1.5. hair of my/ stood up IJ 6. 12./. of bra^s 10. 4. hast tliou eyes of/. Ij 13, 14./. in my teeth 14. 22. his/, have pain 1| 19. 26. in my/, see God 31. 31. O tliat we had of his/ Ij 33. 25./. fresher 34. 15. all/ shall perish II 41. 23. flakes of his/ Psal. 16. 9. my/, shall rest in hope, Acts 2. 26. 38. 3. no soundness in my/ || 56. 4. w-hat/ can do 65. 2. all/ come 1| 63. 1. my/. longeth for 73. 26. my/, faileth jj 78, 20. can he provide/. 78, 27. he rained/. j| 39. rem. they were but/. 79. 2./. of thy samts |} 84-. 2. my/, crieth out 119. 120. my /: Irembielh jj 136.*25. food to all/, Prov. 4. 22. health to their/ j' 5. 11. thy/, is coKvS, FLE FLO Pj-ov. is. 17.troul)lethhisown/l| 14. SO.Iifeoiy. Eccl. 5. 6. cause thv/.tosin[|l 1.10. putevilfVomy. 12. 12. much study is a weariness of they*. Isa. 31. 3. their horses are /.||40. 5. ail/.sha!l see it 40. 6. all/ is grass, as flower of fieid, 1 Pet. 1 . 24. 49. 26. aii/ shall know I am the L. Ezek. 21. 5. 58. 7. hide not thyself from thine owr\f. } 66. 16. plead with all f. \\ 23. all/ shall come Jer. 11. 1(5. holy/. I) 12. 12. no/, shall have peace 17. 5. maketh/ his arm 1| 25 :31. plead with all/. 32. 27. G. of all/. || 45. 5. briPg evil on ail/ 51. 35. the violence done to me and my/. Lam. 3. 4. myf. and my skin hath he made old Ezek. 11. 19. I'll siivethem a heart of/ .S6. 25. 16. 26. great off. 23. 20. || 20. 48. alt/ ^ee 24. 10. consume the/.|i 32. 5. I'll lay thy/. o7. 6. and I will brinj^ up f. upon you, 8. Dan. 1. 15. fatter in/||2. 11. dweilinii is not with/. 7. .5. devour much/ || 10. 3. nor cajne/ Joel 2. 28. pour my Spirit on all/ \cts 2. 17. Zeph. 1. 17./. poured out as dung |i Hag. 2. 12. Zech. 2. 13. he siknt, O all/ jjl4. 12./ consume jViatt. 10. 17./ and blood hath not revealed it 19. 5. twain be one/ Mark 10. 8. 1 Cor. 6. 16. 24. 22. there should no/ be saved, Mark 13. 20. i>6. 41 . spirit willing, but/ is weak, Mark 14. 38. Luke 3. 6. all/ shall see the salvation, Isa. 52. 10. John 1.14. Word was made/ j| 3. 6. born of the/ 6. 51. I'll give, is my/. 54, 55, 55, 63. 8. 15. ye judge after the/ 1| 17. 2. over all/ Acts 2. 30. according to the/|j3 1, nor/ see corrup. Rom. 1. 3. according to the/. 2. 28. in the/ 3. 20. no/ be justified || 4. 1. pertaining to the/ (). 19. infirmity, of your/ |j. 7. 18. in my/. 25. 8. 1. who walk not after the/. 4, 5, 12,' 13. 8. they that are in the/ cannot please God, 9. 9. 3. according to the/ 2 Cor. 1.17. Eplic.^. 5. 5. concerning the/|il3. 14. not provision for/. 1 Cor. 1. 26. not many wise after the/ are called 29. no/ should glory || 5. 5. destruction of/ 7. 28. trouble in the/ 1| lO. 18. iM'ael after the/ 15. 39. all/ is not the same |i 50 / not inherit 2 Cor. 4. 11. mortal/jl 5. 16. know no luan after/ 7. 1. filthiness of the/ j) 5./ had no rest, but , 10. 2. as if we walkcilaccordhigto the/ 3. 11.18. glory after the/ 1| 1 2. 7. thorn in the/ Gal. 1. 16. 1 conferred not with/ || 2. 16. no/. 2. S?0. I live in the/ |j S. 3. perfect by the/ 4. 13. thro' infirmity of the/ 1 preached, 14, 23. Ishmael was born after the/ 29. 5. 13. for an occasion to the/ \\ 1.6. hists of the/. 17. the/ lusteth !| 24. crucified the/ with 6. S.soweth to his/. (| 12. fair shew in/ 13. Eph. 2. 3. in lusts of our/. || 11. Gentiles in the/ 15. abolished in his/ |i 5. 29. hated his/ 31. 6. 12. we wrestle not aiiainst/ and blood, but Phi!. 1. 22. if I live in the/ \\ 24. to abide in the/ 3. 3. no confidence in tiie/ || 4. trust in tlie/ Col. 1. 22. in the body of his/.ji24. afflictions in/ 2. 11. putting off the body of the sins of the/ IS. uncircumcision of/ |j 23. satisfying of/ 1 Tim. 3. 16. God manifest in the/ || Philem 10. Heb. 2. 14. partakers of/ |) 5. 7. days of his/ 9. 13. pnrifviag of the/ 1| 10. 20. vail of his/, i Pet. 3. 18. put to death in the/ |i 21. filth of/ 4. 1. suffered in the/ || 2. not live in the/ 6. rciglit-bejndged according to uieu in the/. 2 Pet. 2. 1 0. walk after the/ || 1 8. hists of the/. 1 John 2. 16. iustof the/.|)4. 2 C. is come in the/ Jude 7. after stra. ge/ |) 8. defile the/ |) 23. Rev. 17. 16. eat her/ 19. 18.|jl9. 21. filled with/ VLESH-Hook, s, Exod. 27. 3. make his/.-S8. 3. Num. 4. 14. 1 Sam. 2. 13. i 38. 3. 1 Chr. 28. 17, FLESHLY, ad. 2 Cor. 1. 12. not with/ wisdom 3.3./ r^blesijCol.2. 18./mind|llPet.2. ll.lusts FLEHH-Fots. Exod. 16. 3 when we st by/ - FLEW, v. 1 Sam. 1 4. 32, | 25. f 1 4. Isa. 6. 6. FLIE,s. Isa. 7. 18. L. shall hiss for the/I in Egypt FLIES. Exod. 8. 21, 31. Psal. 78. 43. | 105. 31. Eccl. 10. 1. d^sidf. cause the ointment to send FLIETH,r. Ueut. 4. 17. similitude of fowl that/ 14. 19. creeping thing that/ ]| 28. 49. as eagle Psal. 9.1. 5. nor for arrow that/ l| Nah. 3. 16. FLIGHT, s. Job 11. f 20.|]lsa. 52. 12. nor goby/ Amos 2.14. Matt. 24. 20. Mark 13. 18. Heb.ll. 34. See Put. FLINT, s. Deut. 8. 15. rock of/. || Job 28. t 9. P.vai. 114. 8. turned/ ||Isa. 5. 28. 1 50. 7. Ezek. 3. 9. FLINTY, o. Deut. 32. 13. oil out off. rock FLOCK, s. is put for [1] Believers, 1 Pet. 5. 2. I 2j The whole church on earth, Luke 12. 32. [3J An army, Jer. 6. 3, Gen. 27. 9. go to the/ fetch |j 29. 10. watered/. 30. 40. brown in the/ |) 31. 14 to bis f. 38. So. 13. if men overdrive them, the f. will die Ex. 2. 17. Moses watered/ jj 3. 1. led the/ Job 21. 11. send forth their little ones like a/ 30. 1. disdained to set with the dogs of my/ P.sal. 77.20. leddest thy people like a/ 78'. 52. 80. 1 . thou that leadest Joseph like a/ 107. 41. and maketh him families like a/ Song 1. 7.f. to rest at noon || 8. footsteps off. 4. I. thy hair is as a/. 6. 5.||2. teeth like a/i 6. t. Isa. 40. 11. feed his/ like a shepherd, 6o. 11. Jer. 13. 17. the Lord's/ jJ 20. thy beautiful/ 23. 2. scattered my/ |) 3. I'll gather my/ 25. 34. principal off 35, 36. i| 31. 10. his/. 31. 12.youngof tlie/||49.20.leastof the/ 50.45. Ezek. 24. 5. choice of the/ 11 34. 3. feed not the/. 34. 6. my/ was scattereii Ij 8./ became a prey 10. I will require my/. 1 will deliver my/ 12. seeketh out his/. I} 15. Ell feed my/ 1?. O my/ iJ 22.ril save my/ jj 31. ye my/ 56. 37. increase them with men like a/ 3S. as the holy/ || 45. 15. ofFer lamb off. Amos 7. 15. Lord took me as I followed the/ Mic. 2. 12. as /in midst of fold!)4. 8. tower of the/ Hab. 3. 17. tiio' the/ shall be cut off from fold Zech. 9. 16./ of his people |( 10. 2. went as a f. 10. 3. visited his/. \\ U. 4./ of slaughter, 7. * 11.7. poor of the/ 11. |j 17. leaveth the/ Mai. 1. 14. which hath in his/, a male and Matt. 26. 31. sheep off. be scattered, Zech. 1 3. 7. Luke 2. 8. over their'/ jj 12. 32. fear, not little/. Acts 20. 28. take heed to/ || 29. not sparing/. 1 Pet. 5. 2. feed tlie/ of G.j|3. ensampies to the/ FLOCKS, s. Gen. 30. 39./ conceived before rods 32. .5. 1 have oxen, asses,/ jj 13. 5. |2-i. 35.126. 14.. 7. he divided the/ || 33, 1 3. | 45- 10. j 47. 4. 1 Kings 20. 27. pitched like two little/ of kids Prov. 27. 23. know thy/ look well to thy herds Isa. 60,7./ of Kedar|! 65. 10. Sharon a fold off. Ezek. 25- 5. Ainmoiiites a couching-place for/! Zepb. 2. 6. sea coasts be fokl^for/ jji4./ lie dowa FLO FOL *^ *^ 1^ FLOOD, s. Gen. 6. 17. 1 bring a/ 7. 17. | 9. II. Josh. 24. 2. fathers on other side off. 3. 14, 15. Job 22. 16. overthrown with/ 1| 28. 4./ breaketh Psal. 29. 1 0. L. sitteth on the/ |j 66. 6. went thro'/ 69.15./ overflow me || 74.15. cleave the/ j) 90. 5. Isa. 28. 2. as a/ shall cast down||59. 19. like a/ Jer. 46. 7. Cometh up as a/ 8.|)47.2. overflowing/ Dan. 9. 26. end be with a/ |j 1 1. 22. arms of a/ Amos 8. 8. rise up as a/ [) 9. 5. as/ of Egypt Mat.24.39. knew net till the/ came. Luke 17.27. Luke 6. 48./ arose || 2 Pet. 2. 5./ on world Rev. 12. 15. dragon poured out water as a / 16. FLOOB-Gates. Gen. 7. t 1 1./ - of heaven FLOODS, s. Exod. 1 5. 8. the/ stood upright 2 Sam. '22.5. f. of ungodly made me afraid,Ps.l8.4. Job 20. 17. not see the/ [j 28. 11. he bindeththe/ Psal.24.2. established on/.||32.6./ of great waters 69. 2./. overflow me |J 78. 44./ into blood 93. 3. / have lifted up || 98. 8. /. clap their hands Song 8. 7. nor/ drown it || Isa. 44. 3. I'll pour/ Jonali 2. 3./ compasseth me|jMatt. 7.25./ came FLOOR, 17. 2 Chr. 34. 1 1. timber to/ FLOOR, s. Gen. 50. 10. threshing/ of Atad Num., 15. 20. threshing/ 18. 27, 30. Ruth 3. 2. 2 Sam.,21. 1 Chr. 21.28. Isa. 21. 10. Hos. 9. l.corn/ || 2./ and wine press |) 13. 3. Mic. 4. 12. II Matt. 3. 12. pm-gehis/ Luke 3. 17. FLOORS. 1 Sam. 23. 1. Dan. 2. 35. Joel 2. 24. FLOTES, Flat bottomed vessels, 1 Kings 5. 9. 2 Chr. 2. 16. convey them by/ to the place FLOUR. Exod. 29. 2. of wheaten/ Lev. 2. 2. 16. 15. Num. 28. 5, 20, 23. | 29. 3, 9, 14. Judg. 6. 19. 1 Sam. 1. 24. ] 28. 24. 2 Sam. 13.8. j 17.28. See Deal, Fine. FLOURISH, V. Psal. 72.7. shall the righteous/ 16. / like grass|| 92, 7. workers of iniquity/. 92. 12. the righteous shall/ 13. | 132. 18. Prov. 1 1. 28. the righteous shall/ 14. 11. Eccl. 12. 5. almond tree/ || Song 7. 12. vine/ Isa. 17.11. seed to/||66.;4.bones/||Ezek.l7.24. FLOURISHED, p. Song 6. 11. Phil. 4. 10. FLOURISHETH, v. Psal. 90.6. it/ || 103. 15. FLOURISHING,/*. Psal. 92. 14. fat and/ Song 2.t9./. thro'lattess||Dan. 4. 4./ in my palace FLOW, V. Song 4. 16. spices may/ out. Let my Isa. 2. 2. all nations shall/ to it(|4€.21 .waters to/. 60. 5. see and/ together || 64. 1. mountains / Jer. 31.1 2./ to the goodness |j5] .44. nations not/ Joel 3. 18. the hills shall/ with milk, the rivers Mic. 4. J. people/ |1 John 7. 38./ living water FLOWED, p. Josl). 4. 18. Jordan/ overall Judg. 5.t5. mountains/ Isa. 64. 3. || Lam. 3.54. FLOWETH, V. Lev. 20. 24. land that/ with milk and honey, Num. 13. 27. | 14. 8. I 16. 13, 14. Dent. 6. 3. | 11. 9. | 26. 15. I 27. 3. I 31. 20. Josh. 5. 6. FLOWING. Exod. 3. 8. /with milk, 17. [ 13.5. I 33. 3. Deut. 26. 9, 11. Jer. 11. 5. | 32. 22. Ezek. 20. 6. Prov. 18. 4. well-spring of wisdom as a/ brook Isa. 66. 12. glory of Gentiles like a/ stream Jer. 18. 14. cold/ waters || 49. 4./ valley FLOWER, V. 1 Sam. 2. 33. 1 Cor. 7. 36. FLOWER, s. Exod.25.33.aknopanda/. 37.19. Job. 14, 2. he cometh forth as a /: Psal. 103. 15. Isa. 28. 1. beauty is a fading/ 4, | 40. 6. |!18. 5. 30 Is.40.7./fkdeth,8.Nah. 1.4. Jam. 1.10. 1 Pet. 1.24. FLOWERS, s. Lev. 15. 24. if her/, be on him .33. sick of her/ || Num. 8. 4./ beaten work 1 Kings 6. 18. knops and open/ 29, 32. | 7. 26. 2 Chr. 4. 21. the/ and lamps made he of gold. Song 2. 12./ appear || 5. 13. cheeks as sweet/ FLUTE, S. 1 Kmgs l.t40. Dan. 3. 5, 7, 10, 15. FLUTTERETH, v. Deut. 32. 1 1. eagle/ FLUX, s. Acts 28. 8. lay sick of a fever and/ FLY, V. 1 . Sam. 15. 1 9, didst/ on the spoil 2 Sam.22.1 l.i-ode on a cherub, and did/ Ps. 1 8.10. Job 5. 7. as sparks/ || 39. 26. doth the hawk/ Psal. 18. 10. he did/ I| 90. 10. we/ away Prov. 23. 5. riches/ away as an eagle towards Isa. 6. 2. with twain he did/ || 11. 14. || 60. 8. Jer. 48. 40. Dan. 9. 21. Hab. 1. 8. Rev. 14. 6. FLYING. Psal. 148. lO./ fowl praise||Pr. 26.2. Isa. 31. 5. as birds/, so || Zech. 5. 1. a/ roll, ?. Rev. 4. 7. a/ eagle || 8. 13. an angel/ through FODDER, s. Job 6. 5. loweth ox over his/ FOES, s. 1 Chr. 21.12. destroyed before thy/ Esth. 9. 16. slew of their/ || Ps. 27.2./. came Ps. 30. 1./ to rejoice || 89. 23. beat down/ Matt. 10, 56. a man's/ |J Acts 2. 35./. footstool FOLD, V. Heb, 1, 12. as a vesture/ them up FOLD, S. s. Num. 32. 24. build ye/ 36. Psal. 50. 9, out of thy/||Jer. 23. 3. bring to their/. Isa. 13. 20. make/l|65. 10. Sharon a/ of flocks Matt. 13. 8, some thirty/ 23, Mark 4, 8, 20. 19.29. forsaken houses shall receive 1 00/ John 10. 16. other sheep which are not of this/ FOLDEN, p. Nah. 1. 10./ together as thorns POLDETH, V. Eccl. 4. 5. the fool/ his hands FOLDING. 1 Kings 6. 34, Prov. 6, 10. j 24. 35. FOLE, s. Gen. 49. II. binding his/ to the vine Zech. 9. 9. on a colt, the/ of an ass, Matt. 21.5. FOLK, s. Gen. 33. 15. leave some of the/ Prov. 30. 26.afeeble/||Jer. 51. 58./ shall labour Mark. 6.5. sick/ Acts 5. 16.||John 5. 3. impotent/ FOLLOW, r. signifies, [1] To imitate, 2 Thes. 3. 7, 9. [2] To practise, Psal. 38. 20. [3] To attend upon, Psal. 45. 1 4. [4] To be led away with, Ezek. 13. 3. [5] To worship, 1 Kings 18. 18. [6] To pursue, 1 Sam. 31. 2. in] To endeavour, Phil 3. 12. [8] To cleave to, 2 Sam. 2. 10. [9] Fall out or ensue, Luke 22. 49. [10] To believe and obey, John 10. 4, 27. Rev. 14. 4. Gen. 24. 8. if woman will not be wiUing to/ 44. 4. Joseph said, up,/ after the men Exod. 14. 4. I'll harden Phar.thathe shall/ them 21. 22. and yet no mischief/ 23, 23. 2. shalt not/ a multitude to do evil, neither Deut. 16. 20. just/ || 18. 22. if thing/ not Judg. 3. 28. Ehud said,/ me || 9. 3. inchned to/ i Sam. 30. 2 1 . so faint that they could not/ David. 2 Sam. 17. 9. among the people that/ Absalom 1 Kin. 18. 2 L if the Lord be God/ him || 19. ^. Psal. 23. 6. goodness and mercy shall/ me 38. 20, I/the thing that good is j|45. 14, virgins/ 94, 15, upright shall/ || 1 19, 150./ mischief Isa. 5. 11./ strong drmk \\S\. 1./ righteousness Jer, 17, 16. pastor to/ thee || 42. 16. famine/ Ezek. 13. 3. prophets that/ their own spirit Hos, 2. 7. f. herlovei-sjje. 3,/ on to kpowthe L, Matt, 4. 19,/ me, 8. 22, | 9. 9. Mark 2. 14. 8.19. Master, I'll/ thee, Luke 9. 57, 6 L FOL FOO Matt. 16. 24. cross and/. Mark 8. 34. Luke 9. 23. 19. 21. sell that thou hast,/, me, Luke 18. 22. Mark 6.1. disciples/ him || 16. 17. signs/ them Luke 17. 23. nor/ them |j22.49. saw what would/ John 10. 5. stranger not/ (] 27. sheep/ me 12. 26. let him/ me |) 13. 36. canst not/ me Acts 3. 24. those that/ 11 12. 8. and/, me Rom. 1 4. 1 9./ things which make for peace 1 Cor. 14. 1./ charity || Phil. 3. 12.1/ after, if 1 Thes. 5. \b. but ever/ that which is good SThes. 3. 7. know how ye ought to/ us, 9. 1 Tim. 5. 24. after tl 6.11./ righteous, 2 Tim. 2. 22. Heb. 12. 14./ peace || 13. 7. whose faith/ 1 Pet. 1. 1 1. glory that should/ 1|2. 21./ his steps 2 Pet. 2. 2./pernicious ways||3 John 1 i./ not evil Rev. 14.4./ the Lambjl 13. works do/ them FOLLOW me. Gen. 24. 5, 39. Judg. 3. 28. I 8. 5. 1 Kin. 20. 10. 2 Kin. 6. 19. Psal. 23. 6.Matt.4.19. I 8.22. j 9.9. \ 16.24. | 19.21. Mark 2. 14. | 8. 34. 1 10. 21. Luke 5. 27. ( 9. 23, 59. j 18. 22. John 10.27. | 12. 26. 1 13. 36. Acts 12. 8. FOLLOWED,p. Gen.24.61 . Rebekah/. the man Num. 14. 24. Caleb/ me fully || 16. 25./ Moses 32. 12. they have wholly/ the Lord, Deut. 1.36. Dent. 4. 3. all the men / Baal-peor || 1 1. 1 6. Josb. 14. 8. 1 wholly/ the Lord my God, 9. 14. Judg. 2. 12./ other gods|l4. 49./ Abimelech, 9. 4. 1 Sam. 13. 7./ trembHngl|l4. 22./ hard after 31.2. Philistines/ Saul, 2 Sam. 1. 6. 1 Chr. 10. 2. 2 Sam. 2. 10. Judah/ David t| 3. 31./ the bier 1 1. 8./ him a mess || 20. 2. Israel/ Sheba 1 Kings 1 6. 2 1 . half/ Omri 1 1 1 8. 1 8. hast/ Baalim 2 Kin. 4. 30. Elisha/ her || 17. 15. they/ vanity Psal. 63. 25. players/ || Ezek. 10. 1 1. fhey / it. Matt. 4. 20.and/.liim, 22, 25. | 8. I.Mark 1.18. 9. 27. two blind men/ || 19. 28./ me in regen. 26. 5. but Peter/ him afar off, Mark 14. 54. Mark 10. 28. we left all, and/ thee, Luke 18. 38. 32. as they / || 1 4. 5 1./. him a certain young m. Luke 5. 1 1, they forsook all, and/ him, 28. | 7. 9. Acts 12. 9. Peter/ him || 13. 43./ Paul, 16. 17. Rom. 9. 50./. not after righteousness 31. 1 Cor. 10.4. rock that/. 1| 1 Tim. 5. 10. diligently/ 2 Pet. 1.16. have not/, cunningly devised fables Rev. 6. 8. hell/ || 19. 14./. him on white horses FOLLO WEDST,p. Ruth. 3. 1 0./ not young men FOLLOWERS. 1 Cor. 4. 16. be/ of me, 1 1. 1. Phil. 3. 17. Eph.5. l.beye/ofG.||i Thes.l.6.became/2. 14. Heb. 6. 12. be/, of them 1|1 Pet.3.13. be/of good FOLLOWETH, v. Psal. 63. 8. my soul/ hard Prov. 12. 1 1. he that/, vain persons, 28. 19. 15. 9. love th him that/, righteousness, 21. 21. Isa. 1. 23./. rewards || Ezek. 16. 34. none/ thee Hos. 12. 1./. east-wind || Matt. 10. 38. and /.me Mark 9. 38. because he/, not us, Luke 9. 49. John 8. 12. he that/ me shall not walk in dark. FOLLOWING. Deut. 7. 4. from/ me || 1 2. 30. Josh. 22. 16. from/ the Lord, 18. 23, 29. 1 Sam. 12. 20. 2 Kin. 17. 21. 2 Chr. 25. 27. ] 34. 33. judg. 2. 19. in/, other gods to serve them 1 Sam. 12. 14. ifye continue/, the Lord || 15. 1 1. 2 Sam. 2. 19. Asahel turned not from/ Abner, 30. 7. 8. from/, the sheep, 1 Chr. 17. 7. Psal. 78. 71. Psal. 48. 13. tell it to the generation/. 109. 13. 'John 1,43,. day/ .6. 22. |) Acts 21. 1, 18. | 23. 11. 2 Pet. 2. 15. gone astray,/ the way of Balaam FOLLY, ,9. is put for,[l] Infamous, wicked, J oilu 7. 15. [2] Uncleanness, Judg. 20. 6. 2 Sam. 13. 12. Prov. 26. 11. [3] A licentious conduct^ Prov. 14. 8. Gen. 34. 7. wrought/ Deut. 22. 21. Josh. 7. 15. Judg. 19. 23. do not this/ 20. 6, 10, 2 Sam. 13. 12. 1 Sam. 25. 25. Nabalis his name, and/ is with him Job 4. 18. and his angels he charged with/ 24. 12. G. layeth not/ \\ 42. 8. deal after your/ Psal. 49. 1 3. way is their/.l|85. 8. not turn to / Prov. 5. 23. in his/.||l 3. 16. fool layeth open his/. 14. 8./ of fools is deceitfnl || 18. inherit/ 24. 29. exalteth/ || 15. 21./ is joy to him that 1 6. 22. but the instruction of fools is / 17. 12. a fool in his/ 1|18. 13./ and shame to him 26. 4. answer not a fool according to his/. 5. 1 1. so a fool returneth to his/. 2. Pet. 2. 22. Eccl. 1. 17. to know/ || 2. 3. to lay hold on/ 12. 2. 13. wisdom excelleth/||7. 25.vnckedness of/I 10. 1. so a little/. |j 6./ is set in great dignity Isa. 9. 17. speaketh/. || Jer. 23. 13. I've seen/. 2 Cor. 11.1. bear with my/. |) 2 Tim. 3. 9. their FOME, ETH. Hos. 10. 7. Mark 9. 18. Luke 9. 39. FOMING,p. Mark9.20.Judel3. FOOD, s. Gen. 3. 6. tree was good for/. 2. 9. 42. 7. came to buy/. 10. | 43. 20, 22. | 44. 25. Deut. 10. 18. in giving him/ and raiment Job ^2>. 12. thy words more than my necessary/. 24. 5. wilderness yieldeth/. for them, 38. 21. 40. 20. the mountains bring him forth/ Psal. 78. 25. eat angels/. || 104. 14. bring forth/. 136. 25. giveth/ to all flesh, 146. 7. | 147. 9. Prov. 6. 8. ant gathered her/|113. 23. much/ 27. 27. milk for thy/. || 28. 3.1eaveth no/. 30. 8. feed me with/, convenient \\ 31. 14. Acts 14. 1 7. filling our hearts with/, and glad. 2 Cor. 9. 10. both minister bread for your/. 1 Tim. 6. 8. having/ and raiment, be content FOOL, s. signifies, [1] An ideot, or very weak man, 1 Sam. 25. 25. [2] A wicked and carnal man, Psal. 14. 1. Prov. 15. 5. | 18. 2. 1 Sam. 26. 21. I've played the/, (j 2 Sam. .3. 33. Psal. 14. 1. the/, hath said in his heart, 53. 1. 49. 10. die, likewise the/. || 92. 6. nor/, underst. Prov. 7. 22. as a/, to correction of the stocks 10. 8 a prating/. 10. || 23. a^sport to a/. 1 1. 29. and the/, shall be a servant to the wise 12. 15. way of a/, is right || 16. a/ wrath || 13. 16. 14. 16. the/, rageth || 15.5. a/, despiseth instr. 17. 16. wherefore is a price in hand of a/. 21, father of a/ hath no joy — begetteth a/. 24. eyes of a /. are in the ends of the earth 28. a/, when he holdeth his peace counted wise 18. 2. a/ hath no delight in understanding , 6. a/.lips enterintoconten^on, 7. | 20.3. 19. 10. not seemly for a/. 26. 1. 24. 7. wisdom is too high for a/, (j 26. 1, 8. 26. 3. rod for a/ || 4.answer not a/ 5. 10. God rewardeththe/ |] 11./. returneth 12. there is more hope of a/, than him, 29. 20. 27. 3. a/, wrath is heavier |) 22. bray a/. 28. 26. that trusteth in his own heart is a/ 29. 11. a/, uttereth all his mind || 30. 22. Eccl. 2. 14. but the/, walkethin darkness. 15. happeneth to the/. || 16. dieth as the/. 19. wise or a/. || 4. 5. the/, foldeth his hands FOO FOR Eccl. 5. 3. a/, voice iskaown || 6.8. more than/. 7. 6. laughter of a/. |j 10. 2. a /. heartis at 10. 12. hps of a/. I) 14. a/, is full of words Jer.l7.11.athisendbe a/|)Hos.9.7.prophetisa/. Matt. 5. 22. but whosoever shall saj^, thou/ Luke 12. iO.thou/.this night thy soul be required 1 Cor. 3. IS. let him become a/. \\ 15.36. thou/. 2 Cor. n. 16. let no man think me a/. 12. 6, 11. 23. I speak as a/. || 1 Tim. 6. 1 4. he is a / FOOLS, s. 2 Sam. 1 3. 1 3. be as one of the/ Job 12.17. maketh judges/ |) 30. children of/. Psal. 107. 17./ because of their transgression Prov. 1. 7./ despise vnsdomi|22. how long, ye/ 32. prosperity of/ |) 3. 35. the promotion of/ 8. 5. ye f. be ye of an understanding heart 10. 21./ die for want of wisdom i) 12. 23. 13. 19. abomination to/ to depart from evil 20. but a companion of/ shall be destroyed 14. 9. / make a mock at sin |) 33. in midst of/ 19. 29.stiipesfor|| 26. 7. parable in mouth of/ Eccl. 5. 1. sacrifice of/ \\ 4. no pleasure in/ 7. 4. the heart of/ is in the house of mirth, .5. 9. anger resteth in/ |j 9. 17. ruleth among / Isa. 35. 8. the way-faring men, though / not err Matt. 23. 17. ye /.and blind, 19. Luke 11. 40. Luke 24. 25. 6/ and slow of heart to believe Rom. 1. 22. became/ || 1 Cor. 4. 10. we are/ 2 Cor. 11. 19. for ye suffer / gladly, seeing ye Eph. 5. 15. see that ye walk not as/ but as wise FOOLISH. Deut.52.6.0/people, 2 1 . Rom. 1 0.1 9. Job 2. 10. as one of the/ women speaketh 5. 2. wrath killeth the/ |j 3./ taking root Psal. 5. 5./ shall not stand || 39. 8. reproach of/ 73. 3. 1 was envious at the/. |J 22. so/ was I 74. 18. the/ people || 22/ man reproacheth Prov. 9. 6. forsake the/ 1| 13. a/ woman 10. 14. mouth of/ is near destruction 14. 1./ plucketh it down || 7. go from a/ man 15. 7./ doth not so |{ 20. a/ man despiseth 17. 25. a/ son is a grief to his father, 10. 1. 19. 13. a/ son is the calamity of his father 51. 20. a/ man spendeth a treasure (| 29. 9. Eccl. 4. 13. than a/ king |) 7. 17. nor be/ 10. 15. the labor of the/ wearieth them Isa. 44. 25. he maketh their knowledge/ Jer.4.22. my peopieis/5.4, 21. | 10. 18. Ezek. 13. 3. woe to the/ prophets. Lam. 2. 14. Matt. 7. 26. likened to a/ man || 25. 2. five/ Rom. 1.21./ heart ||2. 20. instructor of the /l 1 Cor. 1. 20. made/ || 27. G. hath chosen the/. Gal. 3.1.0./. Galatians || 3. arc ye so/ having Eph. 5. 4. nor/ talking || I Tim. 6. 9./ lusts 2 Tim. 2. 23. but / questions avoid, lit. 3. 9. Tit. 5.3. sometimes / 11 1. Pet. 2.15. ienor. of/ men FOOLISHLY. Gen. 31.28. thou hast now done /in so doing, 1. Sam. 13. 13. 2 Chr. 16. 9. Num. 12. 11. we have done/ 2 Sam, 24. 10. Job 1. 22. nor charged G./ || Ps. 75. 4. dealnot/ Prov. 14.17. dealeth/ll 30.32. if thou hast done/ 2 Cor. 11. 17. 1 speak as it were/ in this, 21. FOOLISHNESS, s. 2 Sam. 15.31. counsel into/ Psal. 38. 5. because of my/ || 69.5. knowestmy/ Prov. 12. 23. the heart of fools proclairaeth/ 14. 24. but the/ of fools is folly, 15. 2, 14. 19. 3./ of man || 22. 15./ is bound up in heart 24. 9. thought of/ is sin \\ 27. 22. not / depart EccL 7. 25. to know the wickedness off. )] 10.13. 1 Cor. 1.18. them that perish./ 21. 23,25. '2. 14. are/ unto him \\ 3. 19. is/ with God FOOT. See Feet. Gen. 8. 9. found no rest for sole of her/ Exod. 12. 37. 600,000on/. || 21. 24. give / for / Num. 22. 25. the ass crushed Balaam's/ against Deut. 8. 4. nor thy/ swell||l 1.10. watered with/ 25. 9. she shall loose his shoe from off his/ 28. 35. botch from sole of / || 56. sole of/ 65. 32. 35./ shall slide jj 33. 24. dip his/, in oil Josh. 1, 3. every place sole of/ shall tread |j 5A5. 2 Sam. 2. 18. light of/ |j 14. 25. from sole of/ Job 2. 7. smitten with boils from sole of his/ 31. 5. if my/ hath hastened jj 39. 15./ may crush Psal 9. 15. is their/ taken||26. 12. myf. standeth 36. 1 1. not/ ofpride|j38.16. when my / slippeth 91.12. lest thou dash thy/ Matt. 4.6. Luke 4.11. 94. 13. my/sIippethlJ]21.3./ tobe moved Prov. 1. 15. refrain thy/ || 3. 23./ not stumble 3. 26. L. shall keep thy/ |) 4. 27. remove thy/ 25. 17. withdraw thy/ jf 19./ out of joint Eccl. 5. 1. keep thy f. when thou goest to house Isa. 1. 6. from sole of/ to head no soundness 14. 25. tread me under /: 18. 7. |j20. 2. off thy/ 26. 6./ shall tread|j4]. 2. called to his/lJ58. *I3.. Jer.2.25. with-hold thy/|| 12.10. portion under/ Lam. 1. 15. Lord trodden under/ mighty men Ezek. 1. 7. sole of calves/l)6. 1 1 . stamp with/ 29. 1 1. no/ of beast pass through, 32. 13. Dan. 8.13. trodden under/|jAmos 2.1 5. swift of^ Matt. 5.13. trodden under/ 1| 14. 13. folio wed on/. 15. 8. if tliv/: offend || 22. 13. bind hand and / 1 Cor. 1 2. 1 5.tf the/say I jHeb. 1 0.29.trodden under/: Rev. 1. 13. clothed with a garment to the/ and 10. 2. right/ on the sea j/ 11.2. tread nnder/ FOOT-breadth. Deut 2. 5. not give/ FOOTED. Lev. 1 1. 3. cloven/ 7.{|21. 19. Acts 10. 12. four/ beasts, 11.6. Rom. 1. 23. FOOTMEN, 5. Num. 11.21. 1 Sam. 22. 17. 1 Sam. 13. 4.200,000/ |j Jer. V2. 5. ran with^. FOOTSTEPS, s. Psal. 17. 5. my/ slip not 77. 1 9./ not known (| 89. 5 1 ./ of anointed Song 1.8. £0 thy wav forth by tlie/ of the Hock FOOTSTOOL, s. AVTien referred to God, is put for, [1] The ear^A, Isa. 66.1. Matt 5.35. Acts 7. 49. [2] The temple or ark in /f, 1 Chr.28. 2. Lam. 2. 1. [.3] The sanctuqry, Psal. 99. 5. I 132. 7. [4] The enemies of Chist, Psal. 110. 1. Matt 22-44. Mark 12.36. Luke 20. 43. Acts 2. 35. Heb. 1. 13. It signifies a loiv place, 2 Chr. 9. 18. Jan. 2. 3. FOR signifies, [IjTVte efficient cause of a thing, Rom. 8. 2. I 13. 6. [2] It isa casual particle, Matt. 25. 35. [3] The reason of a matter. Matt. 1 6. 24. FORASMUCH, c.The same with Seeing, Because, JVhereas,Sfc.Gen.'^l. 39. Deut 12. 12. FORBAD, r. Matt. 3. 1 4. but John/ him Mark 9. 38. we/ him, because, Lnke 9. 49. 2 Pet 2.1 6. the ass/ the madness of the prophet FORBARE,r. 1 Sam.23.13. 2Chr.25.16.Jer.41.8.' FORBEARANCE, s. Rom. 2. 4. | 3. 25. FORBEAR, V. 1 Kings 22. 6. shall I go or/. 2 Chr. 25. 1 6. / why shouldst thou be smitten^ 35. 21./ thee from meddling with God Neh. 9. 30. many years didst/ |) Job 1 6. 6. Jer. 40. 4. if it se«fm ill,/ f| 44. 22. no longer/ FOR FOR Ezek. 2. 5. will hear or/". 7. | 3.11.1|'24.17./. to cry Zech. 11. 19. give me my price, if not/ 1 Cor. 9.6./. working||2 Cor.12.6. If.\\ 1 Tiies.3.1. FORBEARETH, v. Num. 9. 13. Ezek. 3. 27. FORBEARING, p. Prov. 25. 15. by long/. Jer. 20. 9. weary with/ |)Eph. 4. 2./ one another Eph 6. 9./ threatening 1 1 Col. 3. 13./ one another FORBID, V. Num. 11. 28. my lord Moses/ 1 Sam, 24. 6. the Lord/ 26. 1 1. 1 Kings 21. 3. Mark 9. 39. Jesus said,/ him not, Luke 9. 50. 10. 14. suffer children,/ them not, Luke 18. 16. Acts 10.47. can/ water||l Cor. 14.39./ not God FORBID. Gen. 44.7. God/ 17. Josh.. 22. 29 I 24. 16. I Sam. 12. 23. 1 14. 45. ] 20. 2. Job 27.5. Luke 20. 16. Rom. 3. 4, 6, 31. \6. 2, 15. 1 7. 7, 13. 1 9. 14. I 11.1,11. 1 Cor. , 6. 15. Gal. 2. 17. | 3.21. | 6. 14. FORBIDDEN, Lev. 5.17. Dent. 4.23. Acts 16.6. FORBIDDETH. 3 John 10./ them that would FORBIDDING. Luke 23. 2./. to pay tribute [| Acts 28. 31./ him 1 Thes. 2.16./ us to speak||l Tim. 4.3./ to marry FORBORN, V. Jer. 51. 30. have/ to fight, they FORCE, Gen. 31.31. wouldst take by / thy Deut. 22. 5. if he/ her |) 34. 7. nor/ abated 1 Sam. 2. l6.riItakeitby/||2Sam.l3.J2.donot/ Ezra 4. 25. to cease by / ||Esth. 7.8./ the queen Job 30. 18. /of my disease t| 40. 16. /in navel Jer. 23. 10./ is not right||48. 45. because of the/ Ezek. 34. 4. with/ ruled || 35. 5./ of the sword Matt. 1 1.12. take it by/||John 6.15.take him by/ Acts 23. 10. take Paul by /from among them Heb. 9. 17. testament is of/, after men are dead FORCED, j>. Judg. 20.5. my concubine they/. 1 Sam. 13. 12. I/, myself therefore, and offered 52 Sam. 13.14./. Tamar, 32.l|Prov. 7.21. she/, him FORCES,*. Job 36. 19. not esteem the/, of Isa. 60. 5./ of the Gentiles shall come, 11. Jer. 40.7. captains of/. 13. 1 41. 11, 13, 16. | 42.1. Dan. 11. 10. assemble great/. || 38. God of/ Obad. 11. strangers carried away his/. ||t 13. FORCIBLE, a. Job 6 25. how/, are right words FORCING, jp. Deut. 20. 19. Prov. 30. 33. FORD, S. Gen. 32. 22. Jacob passed the/ Josh. 2. 7. II Judg. 3. 28./ of Jordan || Isa. 16. 2. FORECAST, V. Dan. 1 1. 24./ his devices, 25. FOREFATHERS, .s. Jer. 11.10. 2 Tim. 1. 3. FOREFRONT, s. Exod. 26. 9. 1 28.37. Lev. 8.9. 1 Sam. 14. 5. 2 Sam. 11. 15. 2 Kings 16. 14. 2 Chr. 20. 27. Ezek. 40. 19. | 47. 1. FOREHEAD, S. s.Exod.28.38.plate on Aaron's/ Lev. 13.41. he is/ bald, 42. 43. || 1 Sam. 17.49. 2 Chr. 26. 20. Uzziah was leprous in his/ Jer. 3. 3. and thou hast a whore's/ thou Ezek. 3. 8. thy/ strong against their/. 9. 9. 4. a mark on the/. || 16. 12. jewel on thy/ Rev. 7. 3. sealed in their/. {| 9. 4. not seal in/. 13. 16. mark in their/. 14. 9. | 20. 4. 14. 1. Father's name written in their/. 22. 4. FOREIGNER, S. Exod. 12. 45. a/, not eat |j Deut. 15,3. of/ exact it Obad. 11./ entred || Eph. 2. 19. no more/ FOREKNOW, V. Rom. 8. 29. | 11. 2. FOREKNOWLEDGE, or omniscience. Acts 2. 23. being delivered by the/, of God 1 Pet. 1 . 2. elect according to the/, of God ■FOREMOST. Gen. 32, 17. j 33. 2. 2 Sam. 18,27. FOREORDAINED, Rom. 3.t 25. 1 Pet. 11 20. FOREPART, Exod. 28. 27. 1 Kings 6. 60. Ezek. 42. 7. Acts 27. 41. FORERUNNER, Heb! 6. 20./ is for us entered FORESAW, y. Acts 2. 25. 1/, the L. always FORESEETH, Prov. 22. 3./. the evil, 27. 12. FORESEEING, p. Gal. 3. 8. the scripture / FORESEEN. Heb. 1 1. 1 40./ some better thing FORESHIP,s. Acts 27. 30. anchors out of/. FORESKIN, S.Geii. 17. 11, 14, 23, 24, 25. Exod. 4.25. cut off the/.||Lev. 1 2.3./.circumcised Deut. 10. 16. circumcise/, of your heart, Jer. 4.4. Josh. 5. 3. hill of/. || 1 Sam. 18. 25. but 100 /. 27. 2. Sam. 3. 14. for 100/ || Hab. 2. 16./. uncovered FOREST, S. 1 Kings 7. 2. built house of/ 2 Kings 19. 23. in the/, of hiscarmel, Isa. 37. 24. 2 Chr. 27. 4. built castles in /H Neh. 2. 8. king's/ Psal. 29. 9. voice of the Lord discovereth the/. 50. 10. every beast of the/, is mine || 104. 20. Isa. 9.18. thickets of/. 10.34.||10. 18. glory of/.19. 21. 13./. of Arabia jj 22.8. look to armour of/ 29. 17. the field shall be esteemed as a /. 32. 15. 32. [9. down on the/. || 44.14. trees of/. 44. 23. break forth into singing, Of. |f 56. 9. Jer. 5. 6. lion of the / 12. 8. Amos 3. 4. Mic. 5. 8. 26. 18. become as high places of the/ Mic. 3.12; 46.23. they shall cut down her/, saith theL. Ezek. 20. 46. prophesy against/ 47. | 39. 10. Hos. 2. 12. I'll make them a/. || Zech. 11.2. FORETEL, V. 2 Cor. 13.2. I / you as if present FORETOLD, v. Mark 1 3. 23. Acts 3. 24. FOREWARN, ED. Luke 12. 5. 1 Thes. 4. 6. FORFEITED, p. Ezra 10. 8. substance be/. FORGAT, V. Gen. 40. 23. but/. Joseph Judg. 3. 7. / tlie Lord. 1 Sam. 1 2. 9. Hos. 2. 1 3. Psal. 78. 11. / his works 1| 106. 13. they soon /. 106.21./ God II Lam. 3. 17. 1/ prosperity FORGAVE, EST. Psal. 32. 5./ the iniquity, 78. 58. j 99. 8. Matt. 1 8. 27./ him the debt ||32. 1/, all that debt Luke 7. 42. he frankly/. || 43. to whom he/ most 2 Cor. 2. 10 if I/, any thing||Col. 3. 13. as Christ/ FORGED, ERS, Psal. 119.69.1|Job 13.4./oflies FORGET, V. Gen. 41. 51. me/, all my toil, and Deut. 4.9. lest thou/||23. lest ye/, the' covenant 31. L. will not/, the covenant of thy fathers 6. 12. lest thou/ the L. 8. 1 1, 14, 19. | 9. 7. 1 Sam. 1. 11. not/ thine handmaid|j2Kiiigs 17.38. Job 8. 13. that/ God||9. 27. I'll/ my complaint 11. 16./ thy misery||24. 20. womb shall/ Psal. 9. 17. that/ God || 10. 12./ not the humble 13. 1 . how long/ me || 45. 10./ thy people 50. 22. ;ye that/ God||59. 1 1. lest my people / 74. 19/ not thy poor||23./ thine enemies 78. 7. might not/||102. 4./ 1/ to eat my bread 103. 2./ not all his benefits |) 119. 16. I'll not/. 119. 83. yet do I not/ thy statutes, 109, 141. 93. I'll never/ thy precepts, 153. 176. 137. 5. let my right-hand/ her cunning Prov. 3. 1./. notmy law|)4. 5. wisdom/, itnot 31. 5. lest they/ the law||7./. his poverty Isa. 49. 15. can a woman/, her sucking child 54. 4./. the shame||65. 1 1. / my holy mountain Jer. 2. 32. can a maid/ her ornaments or a 23. 27. cause my people to/|j39. I'll/, you Lam. 5.20./. us forever||Hos. 4. 6. I'll/, thy child. Amos 8. 7. I'll never/ any of their works. FOR tteb.6.10.to/. yourworks||13J6.todogood/.not FORGETFUL, NESS. Psal. 88. 12. land of/. Heb. 13. 2. be not/.|) Jam. 1. 25. not a f. hearer FORGETTEST, c. Psal. 44. 24. Isa. 51. 13. FORGETTETH, v. Job 39. 15./. that the foot Ps. 9. 12. he /".notthecryllProv. 2.17. Jani. 1.24. FORGETTING, p. Gen. 41. +51. Phil. 3. 13. FORGIVE, V. Gen. 50. 17./. I pray thee now Exod. 10. 17/. I j»ray theej|32. 23. /. their sin Num. 30. 5. and the Lord shall f. her, 8. 12. Josh. 24.19. he'H not/.|[ 1 Sam. 25. 28./. the tresp. 1 Kin. 8. 30. when thou hearest/. 39. 2 Chr.6.2!. 34. hear, and /. the sin, 36. 2 Chr. 6. 25, 27. 50./. thy people |) 2 Chr. 7. 14. I'll hear and/. Psal. 25. 18./. all my sins |j 86. 5. ready to/ Jer. 1 8. 23./. not their iniquity, Isa. 2. 9. 31. 34. I'll/, their iniquity and sin, 36. 3. Dan. 9. 19. O Lord, hear, O Lord/. Amos 7. 2. BIat.6.12.as we/, our debtors, 14, 15. Lukell.4. 9. 6. hath power to/sins, Mark 2.10. Luke 5.24. 18. 21. how oft I/. him||35.if ye/, not. Mark 2.7. who can / sins, but G. only, Luke5.2 1 . 11. 25. stand praying/j|26. if ye do not/I Luke 17. 3. repent,/, him, 4. |f23. 34. Father/ 2 Cor. 2. 7. rather to/: || 10. to whom ye/ 1/ also 12. 13./ me this wrongI|lJohnI.9. faithful to/ FORGIVEN, p. Lev. 4. 20. and it shall be/them 26.31, 35. I 5. ;0, 13, 16, 18. | 6. 7. | 19. 22. Num. 15. 25, 26, 28. Deut. 21. 8. Num. 14. 19. pardon, as thou hast/ from Egypt Psal. 32. 1. blessed, whose transgr. is/ Rom. 4.7. 85. 2. thou hast/ || Isa. 33. 24./ their iniquity Mat 9. 2. thy sins be/ 5. Mark 2. 5. Luke 5. 20. 12. 31. all sin be/ but, 32.Mar.5.28.Luke 12. 10. Luke 6. 37. and ye shall be/||7. 47. little is/ Acts 8. 22. thought of thy heart may be f. thee^ Eph.4.32. as G. hath/l|Col. 2. 13./ all trespasses Jam. 5.15.they shall be/(| I John 2. 12. sins are/ FORGIVETH, ?-.Psal. 105. 3. Luke 7.49. FORGIVENESS, s. Pardon, remission. Psal. 130.4./ with thee||Mark 3.29. hath never/ Acts 5. 3 Land/ ofsius||13. 38. toyou/I of sins 26. 1 8.received/!of sins | jEph.l .7/of sins,Ccl.l .14 FORGIVENESS, s. Dan. 9. 9. to G. belong/ FORGIVING, Ex. 34. 7./ iniquity, Num.14.] 8. Eph. 4. 32. forbearing,/ one another. Col. 3. 13. FORGOT, p. Deut. 24. 1 9. hast/ a sheaf in field FORGOTTEN,;). Gen. 41. 50. plenty be/, in Deut. 26. 13. nor have I/|| 31. 21. not be/ 32. 18. thou hast/ God that formed thee Job 19. 14. my friends have/ me || 28. 4./ of Ps. 9.18.needy not be/||10.1 l.he said, G. hath/ 31. 12.1 am/ ||42. 9. why hast thou/ me 44. 17. not/ thee, 20. |I 77. 9. hath G./ to be 119. 61. not/ thy law||l39. enemies have/ Eccl. 2. 16. all be/.|j8.lO. wicked/|19. 5. dead/ Isa. 17. 10. thou hast/ G.||23. 15. Tyre be/ 16. 44.21. Israel not be/ |) 49.14. my Lord hath/ 65.16. because the former troubles are/ and Jer. 2. 32. have/, me, 3. 21. 1 13. 25. 1 18. 15.150.6. 20.11. their confusion shall never be / 23. 40. 23. 7. as their fathers have/ my name. 30. 14. all thy lovers / thee || 44. 9. have ye / 50. 5. join in a covenant that shall not be/ Lain. 2. 6. caused the sabbaths to be/ in Zion Ezek. 22. 12. thou hast/ me, saith the L. 23. 35. Hos. 4 6./ the law |! 8. 14./ his Maker, 13. 6. FOR Ai^ Luke 12. 6. not one of them is/liefore G. Heb. 12.5./the exhort||2Pet.l.9./ he was purged FORKS, s. 1 Sam. 13. 21. they had a file for/ FORM, s. signifies, [1] The manner in which any thing exists, 1 Sam. 28. ] 4. [2] A compendium or summary of gospel doctrine, Rom. 2. 20. j6. 17. 2 Tim. 1. 13. [3] The mode of war- ship, 2 Tim. 3. 5. [4] Image, likeness, VhiL 2. 6. [5] Beaut!/, excellency, Isa. 53. 2. Gen.l.2.earth without /yjudg.S.f J 8./ of a king 1 Sam. 28. 14. he said unto her, whsLtf. is he of 2 Sam. 14. 20. to fetch about this/, of speech Esth.2. t 7. fair of /:j|Job 4. \6. not discern the/ Isa. 52. 14. his/, marred [j53. 2. no/ nor comliness Jer. 4. 23. lo, it was without/ aiid void Ezek. 10. S.f.of a hand |) 43. 1 1 ./: of the house Dan. 3. 19./ of his visage [[ 25./ of the fourth Mark 16. 1 2. he appeared in another/ to two Rom. 2. 20. f. of knowledge || 6. 17./: of doctrine' Phil. 2. 6. in the/ of G. \\ 7./ of a servant 2 Tim. 1. 13./ ofsoimd words||3.5./ of godliness FORM, V. Isa. 45. 7. If. the light, and created. FORMED, p. Gen. 2! 7. Lord God/ man, 8,19. Deut. 32. 1 8. hast forgotten God that/ thee 2 Kings J 9. 25. that I have/ it, Isa. 37. 26. Job 26. 5. dead things are/ under the waters 13./ crooked serpent||33. 6. lam/ out of clay Psal. 90. 2. hadst/ the earth |) 94. 9. f. the eye 95. 5.f. the dry landfjProv. 26. 10./ all things Isa. 27. 1 1. he that/ thenif)43. l.he that/ thee 43. 7. 1/ himlllO. no god/jf21./ for myself 44. 2. f. thee from the womb [j 10. who f. a god 21. 1/ thee |j 24./ thee from the womb, 49. 5 45. 1 8. that/ the earth [|54. 17. no weapon/ ' Jer. 1. 5. before I / thee[|33. 2. the L. that/ it Amos 7. 1. /IgrasshoppersJIRom. 9. 20. thing/ say Gal. 4. 19.'till Christ be/ (| iTim. 2. 13. first/ FORMER, Job 8. 8. inqune off. age. Psal. 79.8./ iniqnities|j89.49./ loving kindnesses Eccl. 1. 1 1./ things \\ 7. 10./ days were better Isa. 41. 22. shew the f. things, 42. 9. | 43. 9. 43. 18. remember/ things, 46. 9.|48..?.161. 5. 65. 7. work |J 1 6. troubles [| 1 7./ not come Jer. 5. 24./; and latter rain, Hos. 6. 3» Joel 2. 23. 10. 16. for he is the/ of all things, 51. 19. Zech. 1 4. 8. half of them toward the/ sea Eph. 4. 22. put off concerning the/ conversation 1 Pet. 1.1 4/ lusts 1 1 Rev. 2 1. 4./. things passed away FORMETH, V. Amos 4. 13./. tlie mountains Zech. 12. Land/, the spirit of man within him FORNICATION, s. signifies,[ 1 ] The uncleanness of unmarried persons. [2] Idolatry, or will worship^ 2 Chr. 21. 11. Isa. 23. 17. Ezek.. 16. 26, 29. Matt. 5. 32. saving for the cause off. 1'9. 9. John8.41.not born of/. I| Acts 15. 20. abstain from/. Rom. 1.29. being filled vdth all/, full of envy 1 Cor. 5. 1. tliere is/, among you, and such/. 6. 13. body is not for/. I| 18. flee/.|j7. 2. avoid/. 10.8.uorletus commit/. |j 2 Cor. 12.21. of their/. Gal. 5. 19. adulter}',/. || Eph.5. 3./. and unclean. Col. 3.5. movtify/IJlThes. 4. 3. abstain from/. Jude 7. giving themselves over tof. and going Rev. 2. 21. space to repent of her/. 9. 21. 14. 8. wine of the wrath of her /.'l7. 2. | 13.3. 17. 4. filthineps of her/. |J t 5. mother off. 19. '2. which did corrupt the earth with her/. FOR FOR FORNICATIONS, Ezek. 16. 15. pouredst/. Matt. 15. 19. out of heart proceed/. Mark 7. 21. &e Commit, Committed. FORNICATOR, S, s. "1 Cor. 5. 9. not to company with/. 10. 1 1. 6. 9. nor/. inherit||Heb. 12. 16. be any/. FORSAKE, IX Deut. 4.^1. he'll not/, thee, 31. 6, 8. 1 Chr. 28.20. 12.19. take heed thou f. not the Levite, 14. 27. 31. 16. this people will/, me || 17. I'll/, them Josh. 1. 5. not/, thee, Isa. 41.17142.16. Heb.13.5. 24.16.God forbid we should/, the Lord||20. ISam. 12.22. L. will not/, his people, lKin.6.13. 1 Kings 8. 57, nor/, us. |) 2 Kings 21. 14. 1 will/. 1 Chr. 28. 9. if thou/, him, 2 Chr. 7. 19. ] 15. 2. Ezra 8.22. his wrath is against them that/, him Neh. 9. 31. didst not/, them || 10. 39. we'll not/. Job 20. 13. though he spare it, and/, it not, but Psal. 27. 9. nor/, me, O G.l|10. and mother/, me 37.8./. wrath II 38. 21./. me not, 71. 9, 18. 89. 30./. my law || 94. 14. nor will he/, his 119. 8. O/. me not || 53. wicked /.thy law 138. 8./. not the works of thine own hands Prov. 1. 8./. not the law of thy mother, 6. 20. 3. 3. let not truth/, thee || 4. 2./. not my law 4. 6./. her notl|9.6./. the foolishl|27. 10./. not 2B. 4. they that/, the law, praise the wicked Isa. 1. 28./. the L. shall be consumed, 65. 11. 55. 7. let the wicked/, his way and theunrigb. Jer. 17.13./. L.be aslmmed||23. 33. I'll/you, 39. 51. 9./. her||Lam. 5. 20. wliy dost thou/, us Ezek.2b.8.nor/. the idols||Dan. 11.30./. coven. Jon. 2.8./. their own mercy Ij Acts 2 1.2 1 ./. Moses FORSAKEN, p. Deut. 28. 20. thou hast/, me, 29. 25. Judg. 10. 10. Judg. 6. 13. L. hath/, us || 10. 13. ye have/, me ISam. 8. 8. have/, me 1| 12.10. we have/, the L. 1 Kings 1 1. 33. they have /. me, 2 Kings 22. 17. 2 Chr. 12.5. | 21.10 | 24. 20,24. I 28,6. Isa.1.4. 2 Chr. 13. 10. we have not/, him \\ 29. 6./. him Ezra 9. 9. G. hath not/, us, Psal. 9. 10. Jer. 51.5. 10. we have/, thy commandments Neh. 1 3. 1 1 . 1 said, why is the house of God/. Job 18.*4. shall earth be/. || 20, 19./. the poor P8al.22.1.my G. why hast thou/, me, Mat.27.46. 37.25. not seen righteous/.l|71.1 1. G. hath/, him Isa. 7. 16. land be/. ||17. 2. cities /.|i9. a/. bough 27. 10. habitation/, and left like a wild, 32. 14. 49. 14. Zion said the L. hath/. || 54. 6 woman/. 54. 7. for a small moment have I/. thee,butwith 60. 15. whereas thou hast been/, and hated 62. 4. no more termed,/. || 12. a eity not/. Jer. 1. 16. have/, me, 2. 17,19.1 5.7, 19.1 15.6. 2. 13. /. me the fountain of waters, 17. 13. 4. 29. every city be /. jl 9. 1 3./. ray law || 1 4. 12. 7. 1 have/, my house |j 25. 38./. his covert 51.5. Israel hath not been/, nor Judah of his G. Ezek. 8. 12.L. hath/, the earth, 9.9.l|36.4. cities/. Amos 5. 2. virgiH of Israel is/. 1| Zeph. 2. 4. Matt. 19.27. we have/, all || 29. hath /. houses, or 2 Cor. 4. 9. we are persecuted but not/. 2 Tim. 4.10.Demashath /'.||2Pet.2.15./. right way FORSAKETH, v. Job 6. 14./ the fear of God Ps. 37.28. L./. not his saints iJ 40.tl2. heart/, .ne Prov. 2. 17. /.the guide || 15. 10./. the way 28. 13. confesseth and/. 1| Luke 14. 33./. not all FORSAKING,]?. Isa. 6. 12. Heb. 10. 25. FORSOOK, ('. Deut. 32. 1 5./.God that made hinl Judg. 2. 12./. the Lord, 13. 1 10.6. 1 Kings 9. 9. 1 Sam. 31.7./.their cities||l Kings 12. 8./. counsel 2 Kin. 21. 22./. God of his fathers, 2 Chr. 7. 22. Psal. 78.60./. tabernaclelll 1 9.87 J/. not thy prec. Isa. 58. 2. /. not the ordinance of their God Matt. 26. 56.disciples/. him and fled,Mark 14.50. Mark 1. 18. f. their nets |1 Luke 5. 11. they /.all 2 Tim. 4. 16. all men/, me |1 Heb. 11. 27/. Egypt FORSOOKEST, v. Neh. 9. 17./. them not, 19. FORSWEAR, V. Matt. 5. 33. shall not/ thyself FORT, S, s. 2 Sam. 5. 9. David dwelt in the/. 2 Kin. 25. 1. built/, against Jerusalem, Jer. 52.4. Isa. 25.12./. bringdown 1| 29. 3. raise/. |} 32. 14. Ezek. 4. 2. built a/. 17.17. | 21. 22. 1 26. S. 1-33. 27. Dan. 11. 19. turn toward the /. of his own land FORTH. Neh. 4. 16. from that time/. 13. 21. Psal. 113.2. I 115. 18. I 121. 8. Jer. 49. 5. Matt. 16. 21. I 22. 46. John 11. 53. FORTHWITH,ad.Ezra 6.8./. expenses be given Mat. 1 3.5./. they sprang upl|26.49/.came tojesus Mark 1. 29, 43. | 5. 13. John 19. 34. Acts 9. 18. FORTIFY, ED, Judg. 9. 31 .and they/, the city 2Chr. 11.11. Rehoboam/. the strong holds, 26. 9. Neh. 3. 8./. Jerusalem, 4. 2. Isa. 22. 10. Jer. 51. 53. she should/.||Mic. 7. 12. the/ cities Nah. 2. 1./ thy power || 3. 14./ thy strong hoMs FORTRESS,' ES, s. 2 Sam. 22. 2. the Lord is my/. Psal. 18.2. | 31.3. | 71.3. 1 91.2.1144.2. Isa. 17. 3./. cease || 25. 12./. bring down 34. 13. nettles and brambles came up in the/. Jer. 26. 7. set thee for a/. 1| 16. 19. O L. my/ Dan. 11.7. enter the/ || 10. even to his/. Hos. 10. 14./. spoiled || Amos 5. 9. Mic. 7. 12. FORTUNATUS, Prosperous. 1 Cor. 16. 17. FORTY. Gen. 18. 29. be/ found ; he said Exod. 26. 19./ sockets of silver, 21. j 36. 24, 26. Judg. 12, 14. Abdonhad/. sons and 30 daughters 1 Kin, 6.17. house was/ cubits, Ezek. 7.38. laver contained/. bathsl|2 Kin. 8. 9. camels Neh. 5.15./. shekelsiJActs 23.13. more than/ 21. 2 Cor. 1 1 . 24. I received/, stripes, Deut. 25. 3. FORTY Years. Gen 25. 20. Isaac/ -, 26. 34. Exod. 16.35. Israel did eat manna/. -, Neh. 9. 21 . Num. I4.33.wander in wilderness/. -,34, | 32.13. Deut. 8. 2. way God led thee/.-, 4. j 2. 7. 1 29. 5. Josh. 5. 6. Israel walked/. - || 14. 7./ - old was I Judg. 3. 11. had rest/.-, 5. 13. 1 8. 28. 1| 13. 1. 1 Sam. 4. 18. Eli judged Israel /. - || 2 Sam. 5. 4. 1 Kin. 11. 42. reigned/.-, 2 Kin. 12.1. 2 Chr.24.i. Psal. 95. 10./. -long was I grieved with this Ezek. 29. 11. nor inhabited/. -, 12.||13. end of/. - Amos 5.25, ye offered sacrifices/. -,Acts 7.4214.22. 1 7. 23, 30, 36. I 13. 18,21 Heb. 3. 9, 17. FORTY one Years. 1 Kin. 14. 21.115. 10. 2 Kin.14.23.2 Chr. 12. 13. FORTY two. Num. 35. 6. add/, -cities 2 Kings 2. 24. tare /. - childrenH 10. 14./. - men Rev. 11. 2. holy city they tread/. - months,13.5i FORTY /our. 1 Chr. 5. 18. of Reuben/ - FORTY fivBy Gen. 18. 28. Josh. 14. 10. iKin. 7.3. FORTY six. John 2 20./. - years in building FORTY eight. Num.35. 7. cities/. -, Josh. 21.41. FORTY nine. Lev. 25, 8. space be/. - years FORTY thousand. Num. 1. 33. | 2. 19. I 26. 18. Josh. 4. 13. Judg. 5. 8. 2 Sam. 10. 18. 1 Kin. 4. 26./.- stalls || iChr. 1 2. 36. of Asher/. - FOU FOU Xd FORTY one thousand. Num. 1. 41. [ 2. 2S. FORTY two thousand. Judg. 12. 6, Ezra. 2. 64. FORTY three thousand. Num. 26. 7. FORTY four thousand. 1 Chr. 5. 18. An hundred FOKTY four thousand. Rev. 14. 1. FORTY Jive thousand. Num. 1. 25. of Gad/-6,'.0 26, 41. of Benjamin/..600 \\ 50. of Napli./.-400 FORTY »ia; ^/tOMsanrf. 'Num. 1. 21./ - 500. FORTIETH. Num. 33. 38. Aaron died in/. Deutl.S.in the/ year iChr. 21.31. 2Chr. 16.13. FORWARD, a. Exod. 14. 15. that they go/ Num. 10. 35. when the ark set/ Moses said 1 Chr. 23. 4. to set/ the work, 2 Chr. 34. 12. Job 23. 8. behold I go/. 1) 30. 13. set/ my calam. 2 Cor. 8. 10. to be/ a year ago || 1 7. being more/ Gal. 2. 10. was/, to do || 3 John 6. if thou bring/ See That Day, Set, Went. FORWARDNESS, s. 2 Cor. 8. 8. | 9. 2. FOUGHT, V. Exod. 17. 10./. with Amalek. Num. 21. 1./ against Israel, 23. 26. Judg. 1 1. 20. Josh. 10. 14. L./ for Israel, 42.|23. 3. 2 Chr. 20. 29. Judg. 5. 20. the stars in their courses/ || 9. 17. Psal. 109. 3. they./ against me without a cause Isa. 63.10. turned their enemy, and/ against them Zech. 14. 3. when he/ || 12./ against Jerusalem 1 Cor. 1 5. 32. I have/ with beasts at Ephesus 2 Tim. 4. 7./ the good fight||Rev. 12.7. Michael/ FOUL, a. Job 16. 16. my face is/ with weeping Ezek. 34. 18./ the residue || Mat. 1 6. 3./ weather Mark 9. 25./ spirit (| Rev. 18. 2. hold of/ spirit FOULEDST. Ezek. 32. 2. / rivers FOUND, V Gen. 26. 19./ a well, 32. || 27. 20. 31.37. what hast thou/ of all thy household 44. 12. cup was/. || 16. G. hath/ the iniquity Exod. 15. 22./ no water.|i22. 2. if a thief be./ 7. Num. 15. 32. they/, a man that gathered sticks Deut.22. 14. 1./, her not a maid, 17. | 24. 1. 32. 10. he/ him in a desert land, Hos. 9. 10. Judg. 14. 18. ye had not/ out my riddle 1 Sam. 9. 4./ not the asses, 20. | 10. 2, 16. 10. 21. he could not be/ |) 25. 28. evilnot/ 2 Sam. 7. 27./ in his heart to pray, 1 Chr. 17. 25. 1 Kin. 1. 52. if wickedness be/ in him he shall die 19. 19./ Elisha || 20. 36. a lion/ him and 21 . 20. hast thou/ me, mine enemy, and 2 Kin. 2. 17./ not Elijah || 9. 35./. no more of her 22. 8. 1/ the book fj 9. money that was/ 2 Chr. 15. 4. he was/, of them, 15. 1 Chr. 28. 9. 19. 3: good things/ in thee, I Kings L4. 13. Ezra 2. 62. register not/ |j 6. 2. was/ a roll Neh. 5. 8./ nothing to answer || 8. 14./ written Job 19. 28. root of matter is/ 20. 8, shall not be/ 28. J^2. but where shall wisdom be/ 13. 32. 3. had/ no answer || 53. 24./ a ransom Psal. 32. 6. pray in a time when thou niayest be/ 36. 2./ to be hateful || 37. 36. he could not be/ 69. 20. but/ none || 76. 5. not/ their hands 84. 3. sparrow/ an house |1 89. 20. I've/ David 107. 4./ no city to dwell in || 1 16. 3. 1/ trouble 1 1 9. 1 143. trouble/ me|(l32. 6. we/, it in fields Prov. 6. 31. if he be/ |) 7. 15. 1 have/ thee 10. 13. wisdom is/ 24. 14. |j 25. 16. hast/ honey Eccl. 7. 27. this have 1/ (] 28. one have 1/ 29. this have 1/ || 9. 15./ in it a poor wise man Song 3. 1. 1/ him not, 2. || 4. but 1/ him 3. the watchmen/l me, to whom I said, 5. 7. Isa. 10. 10./ the kingdoms || 14. my hand hath/ Isa. 24. t 22./. wantijigi|35. 9. sliaU notbe/thera 51. 3. gladness be/ (l 55. 6. while he may be/ 57. 10. hast/ the life, jj 65. 1./. of them, 8. Jer. '2. 5. fathers/ in me 1| 26. as the thief is/ 34. in thy skirts is/ |j 5. 26./ wicked men 1 1, 9. a conspiracy is/ || 14. 3./. no water 15. 16. thy words were/|j23. 11. inmy house 1/ 29. 14. 1 will be / \\ 41. 8. ten men were/ 50. 20. sins of Judah shall not be/ for I Ezek. 22. 30. 1/ none||26.21.never be/|l28. 15. Dan 5. 13. excellent spirit/ in Daniel, 14. 32. 27./ wanting |j 6. 4. nor fault/ in Daniel, 22. 6. 11./ Daniel praying || 11. 19. and not be/ 1 2. 1 . every one that shall be/ written in book Hos. 9. 10. 1/ Israel j] 10, 2. now be/, faulty 1 2. 4. he/ him in Bethel || 8./ substance 14. 8. 1 am like a tree, from me is thy fruit/ Zeph. 3. 13. nor a deceitful tongue be/ in Zech. lO. 10. and place shall not be/ for them Mai. 2. 6. iniquity was not/ in his lips, he Matt. 1. IS./ with child i| 2. 8. when we have/ 8. 10. not/ so great faith in Israel, Luke 7. 9. 13. 44./ he hideth it||46./. one pearl of 20. 6./ others standing idlejj22. 10. as they/ 21.19./ nothing thereon,Mark 1 l.lS.Luke 13.5. 26. 43./ them asleep, Mark 14. 40. Luke 22. 45. 60. sought witnesses, yet/ none, Mark 14, 55. Luke 2. 16./ the babe || 46./ him in the temple 9. 36. Jesus was/alonejjl5. 6. I've/ my sheep 15. 9. 1 have/ the piece||24. was lost and 13/32. 17. 18. are notany/|jl9. 32./even as he said 23.2./ this fellow|jl4./. no fault in this man 24. 3./ not the body 23.|j23./ the eleven John 1.41 ./.the Messias, 45|j2. 14./.inthe temple Acts 5, 10,/ her dead|)22./ them not in prison 9. 2./ any of this way || 13. 22. I've/ David 24. 5. we have/ this man a pestilent fellow 20- if they have/ any evil doing in me 28. 14. come to Pnteoli, where we/ brethren Rom.4.1.to the flesh, hath/.|j7.10/ to be to death 10. 20./ of them that sought me not, Isa. 65» 1 . 1 Cor. 4. 2. be/ faithfuljjl5. 15./ false witnesses 2 Cor. 5. 3. not be/ naked || 7. 14./ a truth Phil. 2. 8./ in fashion j| 3. 9. and be/ in him 1 Tim. 3. 10./ blamelessl|2Tim. 1. 17.and/ me Heb. 1 2. 17. for he/ no place of repentance 1 Pet. 1. 7. be/ to praise || 2. 22. nor guile/ 2 Pet. 3. 14,/ of him in peace||2 John4. 1/ Rev. 2.2./ them liarsl|3. 2. not/, thy works 5. 4. no man was/ Vv^orthyH 12. 8. nor place/ 14. 5./ no guile !| 16. 20. mountains not/ 18. 21. be/ no. more, 22. || 20. 15. not./ written FOUND Grace. Gen. 6. 8. | 19. 19. j 33. 10. 39. 4. Joseph/ - 1|47. 29. if I have/.-, 50. 4. Exod. 33. 12, 13, 16, 17. | 34. 9. Num. 32. .T. Judg. 6. 17. Ruth. 2. 10. 1 Sam. 20. 3- | 27. 5. 2 Sam.14.22. 1 have/- 1| Jer.31.2./.- in wilderness FOUNDx\TION, s. is put for, [1] Christ Jesui, 1 Cor. 3. 11. [2] God's decree of electionj 2 Tim. 2. 1 9. [3] GosDel doctrines, Eph. 2. 20. Heb. 6. 1. [4] Magistrates, Psal. 82. 5. [5] Happiness, 1 Tim. 6, 19. [6] The immutable love and free grace of God ; the covenant of graca and the blood and righteousness of Christ, Heb. 11. 10. Exod. 9. IS. not since the/iJJosh. 6. 26. lay the/ 1 Kin. 5. 1 7. hewn stones to lay the/ 6^37. !7. 9, 1 0. FOU ^ Chr. 8. 16. day of the/. || 31. 7. to lay the/ Ezra 3.6./.notyetlaid|| lO.laidthe/. 1'2.|5. 16. Job 4. 19./. is m the dust \\ 22. 16./. overflown Psal. 87. 1 . his/, is in the holy mountains 102. 25. of oldlaid the/, of the earth, Isa, 48. 13. 137. 7. rase it, rase it, even to the/, thereof Prov. 10. 25 the righteous is an everlasting / Isa. 28. 1 6. in Zion for a/.l|44. 28. thy/ shall be laid 48.13./.ofthe earth||Ezek.l3.14./. be discovered Hab. 3. 13. f. to the neck || Hag. 2. 18./ was laid Zech. 4. 9. hatlHaid the/ |1 8. 9./ was laid || 12. Xnke 6. 48./ on a rock, 49.||14. 2 9. hath laid the/ Rom. 15. 20. lest I build on another man's/ iCor. 3. 10. 1 laid the/lj I l.for other/ can no man 12. build on this/ 1| Eph. 2. 20./ of prophets lTim.6. 19.agood/l|2Tim.2.19./ofG.standeth Heb. 1. 10. laid/ of earth 1| 6. 1. not laying the/ Rev. 21. 19. first/ jasper ; second, sapphire FOUNDATION of the World. Mat. 1 3.35. secretfrom/ -||25.34. prepared from/ - iiuke 1 1. 50. the blood shed from/ of the world John 17. 24, thou lovedst me before/ of the w. Eph. 1. 4. chosen us in him before/ of the world Heb. 4.3. works were finished from/ of the world 9. 26. must have oft suifered since/ of the world 1 Pet, 1. 20. foreordained before they; of the w. Rev. 13. 8. Lamb slain from/ - 1| 17. 8. not written FOUNDATIONS, s. Dent. 32. 22. set on fire/ 2 Sam. 22. 8./ of heaven moved, 16. Psal. 18. 7. 15. Ezra 4. 12. joined the/ || 6. 3. let/ be strongly Job 38. 4. laid the/ l| 6. whereon are/ fastened Psal. 11. 3. if/ be destroyed |1 82. 5./ out ofcourse 104.5. who laid the/.||Prov. 8.29. appointed the/ Isa. 24. 1 8./ shake 1|4(). 21. not understood from/. 51. 13. Lord that laid the/ of the earth, 16. 54. 1 1. I'll lay thy/ 1| 58. 12. raise up the/ Jer. 31. S7./. can besearchedj|50. 15./ are fallen 51. 26. not take of thee a stone for/ 1| Lam. 4. 1 1. Ezek. 30.4./ be broken 1|4 1.8./ of side chambers Mic. 1. 6. I'll discover the/.|j6. 2. hear ye,/ Acts 16. 26/ of prisonllHeb. 11.10. city that hath/ Rev. 21. 14. twelve/ || 19./ were garnished FOUNDED, p. Psal. 8. t 2. of babes/ strength 24. 2./ it on the seas jj 89. 11. thou/ them 104. 8. place,/ for them(| 1 1 9. 152. testimonies/ Prov. 3. 19. Lord by wisdom hath/ the earth Isa. 14. 32. L. hath/ Zion \\ 23. 13. Assyria/ it Matt. 7. 25. for it was/ on a rock, Luke 6. 48. FOUNDER, s. Judg. 17.4. Jer. 6. 2». | 10. 9, 14. FOUNDEST, Neh. 9. 8./ his heart faithful FOUNTAIN, 5. is the 'source or spring-head of "waters. When a fountain doth continually flow, mid never intermit, it is called living, Gen. 26. + 19. It is put for, [1] God the Father; to denote the fulness and riches of his grace, Psal. 36.9. Jer. 2.13. [2] Jesus Christ; to point out the purifying, refreshing and beautifying na- ture of his blood, Zech. 13. 1. [3] The sancti- fying and fru£tifying influences of the Holy Spirit, Ezek. 47. 1. Joel 3. 18. Rev. 21. 6. If is also taken for, [1] Children, Deut. 33. 28. Prov. 5. 16. [2] Instruction, Prov. 13. 14. [3] Prosperity, Hos. 13. 15. [4] A lawful wife Prov. 5. 18. [5] Gospel ministers. Rev. 8. 10. Gen. 16. 7. found Hagar by a/ of water Lev. 11. 56./ be clean [j 20. 18. discovered her/. Deut 33. 28. the/ of Jacob shall be on a laud FOU 1 Sam. 29. 1. pitched by a/ in Jezreel Psal. 36. 9./ of life || 68. 26. from the/ of Israel 74. 15. cleave the/ || 114. 8. flint into a/ Prov. 5. 1 8. let thy/ be blessed, and rejoice 13. 14. the law of the wise is a / of life 14. 27. fear of L. / of life || 25. 26. troubled/ Eccl. 12.6. broken at/.(|Song 4. 1 2. a/ sealed, 15. Jer. 2. 13./ of living waters, 17. ] 3. || 9. 1./ tears Joel 3. 18. a/ shall come forth of house of Lord Zech. 13. l.a/.opened||Mark5.29./.ofher blood Jam. 3. 1 1. doth a/, send forth sweet waters. ] 2. Rev. 21.6. I'll give of the/ of life freely, 22. 17. FOUNTAINS, s. Gen. 7. 1 1./ of great deep, 8. 2. Bent 8. 7. land of/ |j 1 Kings 18. 5. go to all/ 2 Chr. 32. 3. took council to stop the / 4. Prov. 5. 16./ be dispersed || 8.24. no/|i28./. of deep Isa. 41. 18. I'll open /IJ Hos. 13. 15. his/, be dried Rev. 7. 17. lead to living/ || 8. 10. fell on the/ 14. 7. that made the/ || 16. 4. viol on the/ FOUR. Gen. 2. 10. river became/, heads 14. 9. /kings with five || 27. 24./ parts Exod. 22. 1./ sheep || 25.26./ rings of gold 25. 34./ bowls II 26. 2. breadth/ cubits, 8.. 27. 16. pillars/ their sockets/ 38. 19. 37. 20./ bowls II 28. 5. rings || 39. 10. rows Lev. 11. 20. go on all/ be unclean, 27.42. Deut. 22. 12./. quarters || Judg. 11.40./ days 2 Sam. 21.22/ were born||lKings 18.33./ barrels 2 Kings 7. 3./ leprous men |j Job 42. 1 6./ gener. Prov. 30. 15. yea/ things, 18, 21, 24. | 30. 29. Isa. 17. 6./ or five in the outmost branch Jer. 15. 3./ kinds || 36. 23. read three or/ Ezek. 1. 5./ living creatures || 6./ faces, 10. 14. 16./ had onehkeness |j 17./ sides, 10. 11. 1 4. 2 1 ./. sore judgmentsjl 37. 9./ winds, O breath 40. 41./ tables |] 43. 15./ cubits,/ horns Dan. 1. 17. these/ || 3. 25. 1 see/ men loose 7. 2./ winds strove || 5./ beasts, 17. > 8. 8./ notable horns || 22/ stood up for it,/ 11.4. his kingdom divided towards the/ winds Amos 1. 3. and for/ I will not turn away the punishment thereof, 6, 9, 1 1, 13. | 2. 1. 4. 6. Zech. 1. 18. 1 saw/ horns || 20/ carpenters 6. Land behold there came/, chariots Matt. 24. 31. elect from/ winds, Mark 13. 27. Mark 2. 3. born of/. |j John 4. 35. yet/ months John 11.17. lain/ days |1 19. 23. made/ parts Acts 10. 30./ days ago || 21. 9 had/ daughters 21. 23./ men || 27. 29. cast/ anchors Rev. 4. 6./ beasts, 8. [ 5. 14. | 6. 6. | 14. 3. | 15. 7» 7. 1. saw/ angels || 9. 13. voice from/l horns 9. 14. loose/ angels || 19. 4./. beasts fell See Corners, Days. FOUR times. Neh. 6- 4. sent to me/ - FOURFOLD. 2 Sam. 1 2. 6. restore, Luke 19. 8. FOUR square. Exod 27. 1. altar be/ - 28. 16. breast-plate/. - 11 Ezek. 40.47. court/ - Ezek. 48. 20. oblation || Rev. 21. 16. city lieth/ - FOURSCORE. Ezek. 7. 7. Moses was/ Judg. 3. 30. rest/ years || 2 Sam. 19. 32, 35. 2 Kings 6. 25./. pieces || 1 0. 24./. men without 1 Chr. 15. 9. brethren/ || 2 Chr. 26. 17./ priests Ezra 8.8./ males. |j Psal. 90. 10. they be/ years Song 6. 8./. concubines |) Jer. 41. 5./ men Luke 2. 37. widow about/ |j 16.7. write/ FOURSCQREand/m Josh. 14. 10. 1 Sam 22.18. FOURSCORE and six. Gen. 16. 16. FOW One hundred and FOURSCORE, Gen. 35. 28. Four hundred and FOURSCORE. 1 Kin. 6. 1. FOURSCORE thousand. iKin. 5. 15. 2 Chr. 2. 18. FOURSCORE and seven thousand. 1 Chr. 7. 5- An Hundred FOURSCORE awrf Jive Thousand. 2 Kin. 19. 35. angel smote m camp ef Assyria-/. - FOURTEEN. Gen. 31. 41. 1 served/, years Num. 29. 13./. lambs, 17, 20^ 23, 29, 32. Josh. 13. 36. JFudali had/, cities with, 18. 28. 1 Kin. 8. 65. feast/, days |j 1 Chr. 25. 5./ sons 2 Chr. 13. 21./. wives || Ez'ek. 43. 17. cubits Matt. 1. 17. Abr. to David/, to Christ/, gen. 2 Cor. 12. 2./. years ago |) Gal. 2. l./. years FOURTEEN thousaTid. Job 42. 12. sheep FOURTEEN thousand 700. Num. 16. 49. FOURTEENTH. Gen. 14. 5.f. year 2 Kin. 18. 13. f. year of H-^zekiah, Isa. 36. 1. 1 Chr. 24. 13. the/, lot, 25. 21. \\ Ezek. 40. 1. Acts 27. 27. when the/, night was come FOURTH. Gen. 2. 14. /. river Euphrates 15. 16./. generation shall come hither Ex. 20. 5. visiting iniquity of fathers to /. gene- ration, 34. 7. Num. 14. 18. Deut. 3. 9. 28. 20. f. row, 39. 13. \\ Lev. 19. 24./. year Josh. 19. 17./. lot \\ 2 Sam. 3. 4./. son, 1 Chr. 3. 2. 2 Kin. 10. 30./. generation || Ezek. 10. 14. the/. Dan. 2. 40./. kingdom |) 3. 25. form of the/. 7. 7./. beast, 19, 23. || 11. 2./. richer than Zech. 6. 3. chariot || Matt. 14. 25. in/, watch Rev. 4. 7./. beast jj 6. 7. seal |j 8. 12. angel 16. 8./. angel poured j( 21. 19./ an emerald FOURTH ijear. 1 Kings 6. 1, 37. | 22. 41. 2 Kin. 18. 9. 2 Chr. 3. 2. Jer. 25. 1. | 28. 1. j 36. 1. I 45. 1. I 46. 2. I 51. 59. Zech. 7. 1. FOWL. Gen. 1. 26. dominion over/. 23. 2. 19. formed every/. || 7. 23. destroved ,8. 17. bring forth/. |( 9- 2. fear on/, io. Lev. 7. 26./ or beast jl 11. 46. law of/. Deut. 4. 17. winged/. || Job 28. 7. no/, knoweth Ps. 8. 8. over the/. || 148. 10. flying/, praise Jer. 9. 10./. of heavens jl Ezek. 17. 23. dwell/. Ezek. 39. 17. speak to /.|j 44. 31. not eat torn/ Dan. 7. 6. on the back of it four wings of a /. FOWLS. Gen. 7. 3. take of/ || 15. 11./ came Lev. 1. 14. sacrifice be of/. || 11. 13./. in abom. Deut. 14. 20. clean/. |j 28. 26. meat to all/. 1 Sam. 17. 44. I'll give thy flesh to the/. 46. lKin.4.33.spakeof/.||14.11./.eat,l6.4. | 21.24. Neh. 5. 18. also/. || Job 12. 7. ask the/, they Ps. 50. 11. know al/. |) 78. 27. he rained/. Isa. 18. 6. left to the f. || Dan. 4. 14. let/ get fr. Matt. 6. 26./. sow not II 13. 4. Mar. 4. 4. Luk. 8.5. Mar. 4. 32./. may lodge under it, Luk. 13. 19. Luk.l2.24.'betterthan/.|| Acts 10.12. were/.ll. 6. Rev. 19. 17. cried to/. || 21. all the /.filled FOWLS of the heaven. Job 35. 11. wiser Ps. 79. 2. meat to/. - 1| 104. 12./. - habitation Jer. 7. 33. carcases meat for,16. 4. 1 1 9. 7. [ 34. 20. 15. 3. 1 will appoint the/, of heaven to destroy Ezek. 29. 5. for meat to /. - 1| 31. 6./ - their nests 32. 4./. - remain on thee || 38. 20. /. - shake Dan. 2. 38. f. - given to Nebuchadnezzar Hos. 2. 18. with/. -, 4. 3. || 7. 12. down as the/.- Zeph. 1. 3. consume/. - 1| Luke 13. 19. f. - lodged FOWLER, S, s. Ps. 91. 3. from snare of/. 124. 7. Prov. 6. 5. hand of the/. || Jer. 5. t 26. prey as/. Ho5. 9. 8. the prophet is a snare of a/, inliisway.' FRE Jl O^ FOX, ES, s. A well knowncrafttj animal^ called in Hebrew, Shual, in Greek, Alopex. Wilson relates many things of the fox : As that it lays its dung in the entrance of the badgers den, by which tn'cans it obtains it for its own use. It frights the wolves, its great enemies, from their dens, by laying the herb sea-onion at the mouth of them. It digs holes for itself, but then leaves several outlets, that if the huntsman lays MS snares at one, it may escape at another. (Vhen sick, it eats the gum of pine-trees, ivhereby it is not only cured, but its days lengthened. IVheti pursued by hunters, it makes urine on its tail, gjrtd strikes it on the dogs faces. Some having- bee?i, taken in a gin by the leg, have bit it off, and so escaped; others have feigned ihemsdces dead^ till taken out, and then have run away. When hungry, they appear as if dead, on whom the fowls Ughtiiig for prey, they snatch and devour them. Many other things are said of their cunning. To them are carnpared heretics, Song 2. 15. False prophets, Ezek. 13: 4. IVicked tyrants^ Luke 13. 32. * Judg. 15. 4. Samson caught three hundred/. Neh^4. 3. a/, shall break j| P al. 63.10. portion for/. Song 2. 15. take the/. |j Lam. 5. 18./. walk on it Ezek.13.4. prophets, like/.||Luke 13.32. tell that/.. Matt.8.20. the/, have ho!e>, t!ie birds, Luke 9. 59. FRAGMENTS, s. Matt. 14. 20. Mark 6. 43. I 8. 19, 20. Luke 9. 17. John 6. 12, 13. FRAIL, a. P-al. 39. 4. know how/. I am FRxlME, S. Judg. 12. 6. not/, to pronounce Psal. 103. 14. he knoweth our/, fj Jer. 7. 1 18. Jer. 18. 1 3. lie wrought a work on the/. 11. behoid I/, evil 11 44. 1 17./. of heaven Ezek. 40. 2. /. of a city || Hos. 5. 4. not/, to turn FRAMED, p. I«a. 29. 16. shall the thing /. say Eph. 2. 21 . building/. || Heb. 11.3. worlds were / FRAMETH, v. P^al. 50. 1^'.|| 94. 20./. mischief FRANKINCENSE, s. A precious gum. Exod. 30. 34. pure/. Lev. 2. 1, 15. | 5. 11. | 24.7. Num. 5. 15. 1 Ciir. 9. 29. Neh. 13. 5, 9. Song 3. 6.||4. 6. hill of/. I| 14. trees of/. Matt. 2.11. Rev. 18. 13. no man buyeth their/, wine and FRANKLY, ad. Luke 7. 42. he /. forgave them FRAUD, s. P.-al. 10. 7. Isa. 30. 1 12. Jam. 5. 4. FRAY, V. Deut. 28. 26. Jer. 7. 33. Zech. 1. 21. FRECKLED,/'. Lev. 13. 39. it is a/, spot FREE, Exod. 21. 2. shall go out/ 5, 11, *26, 27. Deut. 15. 12.' Jer. 34. 9, 14. Lev. 1 9.20.not bepnt todeath,because bhewa?not/. Deut. 15. 13. sende-^t him/. 18. \\ 24. 5./. at home 1 Sam. 17. 25./. in Israel jj 1 Chr. 9. 33'. singers/. 2 Chr. 29. 31. as many as were of/, heait offered Job 3. 19. servant/. || 39. 5. sent wild ass/. Ps.5l. 12./. spirit|| 38. 5-/ among dead|| io5. 20. Isa. 58. 6. oppres.=ed go/. j| Jer. 34. 9. let go/. 11. Matt. 15. 6. he shall be/ || 17. 26. children/. John 8. 32. truth make you/. 33. |j 36./. indeed Acts 22. 28. and Paul said, but I was/, born Rom, 5. 15./ gift, 16. 18. || 6. IS./, from .^in, 22. 7. 3./. from the law || 8. 2./ from the laAV of sin 1 Cor. 7. 21. be made/, use it || 9. 1. am I not /. 9. 19.tho' I be/. || 12. 13. whether bond or/. Gal. 3. 2S. there is neither bond nor/. Col. 3. 11. 4. 26. Jerus./. || 31. of the/. \\ 5. 1. made us/. Eph. 6. 8. bond or/, jj sThes.S.l.wordhave/.course FRO FRU 1 Pet. 2.16. as/. || Rev. 13. 16./. and bond, 19.13. FREED, p. Josh. 9. 23. none be/. || Rom. 6. 7. l^REEDQM, s. Lev. 19. 20. Acts 22. 28. FREELY, «- FRY FUL «4«gr«^ Jer. 6. 19./. of their thoughts j| 11. 16. of goodly /. 17. 8. nor cease from yielding/. || 32. 19./. of Ezek. 34. 27. tree yield her/. 36. 8. Dan. 4.12./. thereof much || 14. scatter his/. Hos. 10. 1./. to himself II 14. 8, from me is thy/. Mie. 6. 7./. of my body, for the sin of my soul 7. 13. land desolate for the/ of their doings Hab.3. 17. nor/ in the vine 1 1 Hag. 1. 10. Matt. 3. 10. bringeth not good />. 19. Luke 3. 9. 7. 17. every good tree bringeth forth good/ 18. 12. 35./ good, for the tree is known by his/. 21. 19. let no/ grow on thee jj 26. 29./. of vine Mark 4. 7, it yielded no/ || 8. and did yield /. 12. 2. might receive the/ of the vineyard Luke 1. 42. blessed is the/, of thy womb 8. 14. no/ to perfection || 15/ with patience 1 3. 9. if it bear /. well, if not cut it down John 4. 36./ to life eternal || 12. 24. much/ 15. 2. purgeth it, that it may bring more/. 4. cannot bear/, of itself |j 5. much/ 8. 16. forth/ and that youj/ should remain Acts 2. 30. of the/ of his loins he would raise Kom. 1. 13. some/ among you || 6. 21. what/had 6. 22./ to holiness II 7. 4./. unto God 7. 5./ to death || 15. 28. sealed to them this/ Gal. 5. 22. but the/ of the Spirit is love, joy Eph. 5. 9. the/ of the Spirit is iu all goodness Phil. 1. 22./ of my labour II 4. 17. 1 desire/ Col. 1. 6. and bringeth forth/ as it doth in you Heb. 12. 11. peaceable/ 1|13. 15. offer/of our lips Jam. 3. 18./ of righteousness || 5. 7./ of earth, 18. Jude 12. trees without/lJRev. 22. 2./every month FRUIT trees, Gen. 1.11, 12. Neh. 9. 25. FRUITFUL. Gen. 1. 22. be/ 28 1 8. 17.|9. 1, 7. 17. 6. thee exceeding/ II 20. Ishmael/ 48. 4. 26. 22. we shall be / 1 1 28. 3. and make thee / ' 35. 11. be/ II 49. 22 Joseph is a/ bough Exod. 1. 7. Israel were/. j| Lev. 26. 9. make you/ Psal. 107. 34. tin-ns a/ land i| 128. 3. wife a/ vine Isa. 5. 1. in a/ hi;i|| 32. 12. lament for/ vine Jer. 4. 26. lo, the/ place |j 23. 3. they shall be/ Ezek. 19. 20. she was/. |j Hos. 13. 15. tho'he be/ Acts 14. 17. gave us/. seasons,|| Col. 1. 10. b^ing/ FRUITS, s. Gen. 43. 11. take of the best/. Exod. 22. 19. offer first ripe/ 23. 10. gather the/ Lev. 25.22. till/ come in || 26. 20. yield/ •Dent. 33. 14. for the precious/ brought foi-th 2 Kings 19. 29. plant vineyards, and eat the/. Job 31. 39. if I have eaten/ without money Pfeal. 107. 37. f. of increaselJEccl. 2.5. all kind of/ Song 4. 13. pleasant/ 16.|7. 13.|| 6. 11./ of valley Isa. 33. 9. shake off their /I |Lam. 4.9. for want of/. Mai. 3. 11. destroy the/ of your ground Matt. 3.8. bring/ meet for repentance, Luke 3.8. 7. 16. ye shall know them by their/ 20. 21. 41. render him the/, in their seasons, 43. Luke 12. 17. no room where to bestow my/ 18. 2 Cor. 9. 10./ of righteousness, Phil. 1.11. 2 Tim. 2. 6. husbandman firstpartaker of the/. Jam. 3. 17. wisdom from above is full of good/ Rev. 18. 14./. thy soul lusted || 22. 2. twelve/ Summer FRUITS. 2 Sam. 16. 1. Isa. 16. 9 Jer.40. 10, 12. |48.32. (| Mic.7. 1. gathered the -/. FRUSTRATE, ETH. Ezra 4. 5./ their purpose Psal 33. 1 10. 1 1 isa. 44. 25-/ tokens of the liars ' Mark 7.t9. full well ye/ || Gal. 2. 21. 1 do not/ FRYED. Lev. 7. 12. cakes/ tQlir. 23,29. FRYING-PAN, s. Lev. 2. 7. \ 9.7. FUEL. Isa. 9. 5./ of fire, 19.||Ezek. 15.4. | 21.32. FUGITIVE. Gen. 4. 12./ and vagabond, 14. FUGITIVES, s. Judg. 12.4./ of Ephraira 2 Kings 25. 11. Isa. 15. 5. Ezek. 17. 21. FULFIL, V. Gen. 29. 27./ her week, and we Exod. 5. 13. /..your works || 23. 26. days I'll / iKin. 2. 27./ word of the L.||lCh.22.13. heed to/ 2 Chr. 36. 21. to/ 70 years||Job 39.2.month3 they/. Psal 20. 4./. all thy coun-e'l |)5./. all thypetitio^ls 145. 19. will/, the desire of them that fear him Matt. 3. 15. to/ all righteou?ness||5. 17. but to/ Acts 13. 22. David, v\'hich .hall/ all my will Rom. 2. 27. if it/, the law!J13. 14. to/ the lusts Gal. 5. 16. not/ the h]sts|| 6. 2. f-of. the law Eph. 4. 1 10./ all thingv || Phil. 2. 2./ ye my joy Col. 1. 25. to/, the word jj 4. 17./ the ministry 2Thes.l. 11./ all the good pleasure of hi-, goodn. Jam. 2. 8. if ye/ the royal law, ye do well Rev. 17. 17. put in their hearts to f. his will FULFILLED. Gen. S5.24. days/ 29. 21. |50. SO. Exod. 7. 25. Lev. 12. 4. Num. 6. 13. 2 Sam. 7. 12. Lam. 4. 18. Ezek. 5. 2. Luke 2.43, Exod. 5. 14. wherefore have ye not/ your task 2 Sara. 14. 22. the king hath/ the reque4 1 Kings 8. 15. with his hand/ it, 24. 2 Chr. 6. 15 . Ezra 1, 1. word of L./ Lam. 2. 17. Luke 1. 20. Job 36. 17. hast/ tlie judgment of the wicked Dan. 4. 33. the thing was/|| 10. 3. three weeks/. Mat. 1. 22. that it might be / 2. 15, 23. | 8. 17. il2.17. I 13. 35.| 21.4.] 27. 35. John 12.38. 1 15.25. I 17. 12. 1 18. 9, 32. | 19. 24, 28, 36. 2, 17. then was/. 27. 9. || 5. 18. till all be/ 13. 14./ prophecy of Esaia || 24. 34. tillall be/ Mark 1. 15. tlie time is/ |j 13. 4. these things be/ Luke 21. 22. all things may be/.|| 24. times/ 22. 16. till it be/ [| 24. 44. must be/, which John 3. 29. my joy is/. || 17, 13. my joy / in Acts 3. 18. he hath so/.|| 12. 25./ tlieir ministry 13. 25. / his course 1 1 27. thev have/ them 29./ all II 33. f. the same to us \\ 14. 26. work/ Rom. 8. 4. be/ in u> || 13. 8. hath/, the law 2 Cor. 10.6. obedience is/ || Gal. 5. 14. law is/ Rev. 6. 11. killed as they were, should be/. 15. 8. till 7 plagues were/|| 17. 17. words/ 20. 3. deceiving no more, till 1000 vears be/. FULFILLING. Psal. 148. 8. Rom.'l3. Eph. 2. 3. FULL, a. signifies, [1] The mfinite treasures of grace and mercy, that dweli in the Sacred Three, John 1. 14, 16. Eph. 3. 19. [2J Strong in the grace of Christ, Heb. 5. 14.'" [3] The complete and perfect portion of glory which the saints shall enjoy. 2 John 8. It also de^ notes, [1] Self-sufficiency, Luke 6, 25. [2] The complete misery of those tvho dies in siw, Rev. 15. 7. I 16. 10. Gen. 15. 16. iniquity of the Amorites is not yet . Exod. 16. 3. when we did eat bread to the/ 8. 22. 3./ restitutionjILev. 19. 29. land be/of wick. Lev. 26. 5. ye shall eat your bread to the/ Deut. 6. 11. houses/ of all good tlmigs, thou 11. 15. eat and be/. ||34.9. Josh./ of spir. ofwisd. Judg. 16. 27. house was/ of men and women Ruth 1. 21. 1 went out/ |j 2. 12. a/ reward 1 Sam. 18. 27. gave in/ tale j| 27. 7. a/ year 2Kin. 3. 16./ofditches[|4. 6. when vessels were/ 6. l7./. of horses || 15./. of garments (j .10. 21, :E'ul FUR lGhv.21.22 for the/price, 24.|l23. l.arid/.of day^ Esth. 3. 5. tiien was Haman/. of wrath, 5. 9. Job 5. 26. in a/, age || 7. 4. 1 am/, of to sings 10. 15. I'm/, of confusion || 11. 2. man/, of talk 14. 1./. of tioublejj20. 11. bone^ are/, of the sins 21. 23. died in his/, strength || 24./. of milk 32. l8.I'm/.ofmatterii36.16./ of fatness 42. 17. so Job died, being old and/, of days P.-al. 10. 7. his month is/, of curbing, Rom. 3. 14., 17. 14. /. of children 1| 26. 10. band/, of bribes 29. 4. voice/ of majesty |j33. 5./. of goodness 43. 10. thy right hand i^/. of righteousness 65. 9. with the river of G. which is/, of water 69. 20. I'm / of heavine^s H 73. 10 a / cup 74. 20. are/, of the habitations of cruelty 75. 8. and the wine is red, it is/ of mixture 78. 25- meat to the/. || 88. a./ of troubles 104. 16./ of sap 11 24. earth is/, of thy riches 119. 64./ of mercy 11 127. 5. quiver/, of them 144. 13. that our garners may be/, affordmg Prov. 27. 7./. souUothes |) 20. hell never/ 30. 9. lest I be /landdenyyEccl. 1.7. sea is not/. Eccl. 1. 8./ of' labour, 4. 6.119. 3./ heart of evil 10. 14. afool i'/. ofvvordsl|11.3.clouds/ of rain Isa. 1. 11. 1 am/. ||15./. of bloodl|21. of judgment 2. 7. land is/, of silver,/ of hor. es 1| 8./. of idols 6. 3./ ofhis glor\l|ll.9./. of knowledge of the L. 13. 21./. of doleful 1| 22- 2./ of stirs j) 7. chariot> 25. 6. / of marrow II 28. 8./ of vomit and filthiu. 30.27./. of indignation 1| 51. 20./. of the fury Jer. 4. 12. a/ wind || 5. 7. fed them to the/, they 5. 27. as cage is/ of bird-j|6. 11./ of the fury of TS. 10. for the land is/, of adulterers 28. 3. two/, year-, li. IJ 35. 5. pots/ of wine Lsam. 1. 1./. ofpeopleli 3. 30./ with reproach Ezek. 7. 23. landi>/. ofcrimes, city /of violence 9. 9. landi'^/. of blood, city is/ of perverseness 28. 12./. of wisdom 1| 39. 19. eat till ye be/. Dan. 3. 19./. of fury iJ 10. 2. three/ weeks Joel 2. 24. floors shall be/ 1| 3. 13. press is/. , ]\Iic.'3. 8. I am/ of power 11 6. 12./. of violence llah.S.o.f. ofhis prai>el|Zech.8.5. street-/, of boys Matt. 6." 22. body shall be/, of light, Luke 11. 36. 23. 25. of extortion 1| 28./ of hypocrisy Luke 4. 1./. of the H. G. Acts 6. 3, 6. 25. woe to you that are/. || 16. 20./. of sores John 1. 14./ of grace]! 1 5. 11. joy might be/. Acts 2. 13./ of new \vine || 28./. of joy with 9. 36./. of good works{|13. 10. 0/ of all subtilty Rom. 1. 29./. of envy II 15. 14./. ofgoodne-^s 1 Cor.4. 8. now ye are/.||Phil. 2. 26./. ofheaviiie-ss- Phil. 4. 12. both to be/ and to be i| 18. I am/ Col. 2. 2. riches of/. assurance||2 Tim.4.5./. proof Heb. 5. 14./ ageljo. 11./ assurance of hope,10.22. Jam. 3. 8./. of deadly poieon |j 17./. of mercy 1 Pet. 1. 8./. of glory \\2 Pet. 2. 14./. of adultery 1 John 1.4. Joy may be/. 1| 2 John 8. a/, reward Rev. 4. 6./. of eye-, 8. || 5. 8. vials/, of odours 15. 7./. of the wrath !| 16. 10./. of darkness 17. 3./.names||4. abomination^||21.9. last plague FULLER, .*. 2 Km. 18. 17./. field, Isa. 7. 3.|36. 2. :VIa!. 3. 2. andy: sope !| Mark 9. 3. no/, on earth FULLY, flf?. Num. 14. 24. Caleb foiiowedme/. ,1 Kin. il. 6. Solomon went not/, after the Lord Eccl. 8. ll.heart of sons of men i>/. set to do evil Nah.l. lO.stubble/drylJActs 2.1.P*entecost/come Jioni.4, 21./. persuaded. 14. 5.|il5. 19./. preached 2Tim.3.10,/. known my doctrinel|4. 17.preaching Rev. 14. 8. thrust in the sickle, grapes are /.ripe FULNESS, s. Num. 18. 27. /. of the wme-press Deut. 33. 16. things of the earth, and/, thereof iChr. 16.32. searore,and/thereof,Ps.96.11. 198.7. Job 20. 22. in/, of his sufficiency be in straits Psal. 16. 11. in thy presence/ of joy, at thy 24. 1. earth is the L.'sand its/. 1 Cor. 10.26,28. 50. 12. world is mine, and / thereof, 89. 11. Ezek. 16. i9./. of breadyjohn 1. 16. ofhis/ have Rom.11.12. how much more their/.lJ25.ofGentiies 15. 29./. of gospel] |Gal. 4. 4./. of time was come Eph. 1.10. f. oftimes || 23./ ofhim thatfilleth 3. 19. filled with/, of God || 4. 15./ of Christ Col. 1. 19. all/ dwen||2. 9. the/ of the Godhead FUNDAMENT, s. Judg. 3. t 22. FURBISH, ED. Jer. 46. 4. Ezek. 21. 9, 11. FURY, s. signifies, [1] Rage, anger, madness^ Gen. 27. 44. [2] The exceeding hot displeasure of God with sinners Job. 20. 23. Gen. 27.44. tarry, till thy brother's/, turn away Lev. 26. 28. 1 will walk contrary to you in/ Job 20.-23. God shall cast/ of his wrath on him Isa. 27. 4./. isnotin mel|34. 2./. on their armies 51. 13. the/, of the oppressor 1|17. cupof liis/. 20./ of the L.])22. the dregs of the cup of my/. 59. 18./ to his adversar. ||63. 3, trample in my/ 63. 5. my/ it upheld me !J6. drunk in my/ 66. 15. L. will come to render his anger with /. Jer. 4. 4. lest my/. 1| 6. 11. full of/ of the Lord 21.5. against you in/ || 12. lest my/, go out 23. 19. a whirlwind is gone forth in/ 30. 23. 25. 15. wine cupof/.|| 3^. 31. provocation of/. 33. 5. slain in my/. |j 36. 7. great is the/. Lam. 4.11. the Lord hath accomplished his/. Ezek. 5. 13./ to rest, accomphshed my/ 6. 12. 15. judgments in/|j 8, 18. I will deal m/ 13.13. reiitin/||16. 3S. blood in/||42./. to rest 19. 12. plucked in/ 1| 20. 33./ poured out 21. 17. and I will cause my/ to rest, 24. 13. 22. 20. gather you in/ || 24. 8./ to come up 25. 14. according to my/. 1| 36. 6. spoken in/ 38. 18. that my/ shall come up in my face Dan. 3. 13. in/, commanded, 19. \\ 8. 6. ran in/. 9. 16./. be turned || 11. 44. go forth with/ ' Mic. 5. 15. I'll execute /llZech. 8. 2. with great/ FURIOUS, a. Prov. 22. 24. ] 29. 22. Ezek. 5. 15. I 25. 17. Dan. 2. 12. Nah.l. 2. FURIOUSLY, ad. 2 Kin. 9. 10. Ezek. 23. 25. FURLONGS, J« eighth part of a mile, or 40 poles, Luke 24. 13. Emmaus from Jerusalem sixty/ John 6. 19. I 11.18. Rev. 14. 20. | 21. 16. FURNACE, s. denotes, [1] Sharp afflictions, Ezek. 22. 18, 20, 22. [2] Hell, the place of endless torment, Mat. 13. 42. Gen. 15. 17. a smoking/] | 19. 28. as smoke of a/. Exod. 9. 8. ashes off. 10. || l9. 18. as smoke of a/. Deut. 4, 20. the Lord hath taken you out of the/ 1 Kin. 8. 51. from the midst of the/ Jer. 11.4. Ps. 12. 6. tried in a/||Prov. 17.3./forgold,27.2l. Isa. 31. 9./. in Jerusalem || 48. 10./ of affiiction Ezek.22.l8.drossin midst off. \\ 20. tin || 22. silver Dan. 3. 6. cast into midst of a burning fiery/! 11. Matt. 13. 42. and shall cast them into a/ 50. iiev. 1. 15. burned in a/lj 9. 2. smoke of a great/. FURNACES, s. Neh. 3. 11. tower off. 12. 38. FU RNISH, ED. Deut. 15. 14./ him libera! ly OAD 1 Kin. 9. n.f. Solomon t| Psal.78. 19. can G./. a Prov. 9. 2./ her table 1| Isa. 65. 11./ a drink-offer. Jer. 46. 19./ thj^self || Mat. 22. ICL/ with guests Mark 14. 15. a room/ 1| 2 Tim. 3. 17. throughly/ FURNITURE, s. Gen. 31.34. in the camek/. Exod. 31. 7. the tabernac'e and his/ 39. 33. 8. table and his/. \\ 9. altar with all his,/: 35. 14. his/ and his lamps || Nah. 2. 9. pleasant/ FURROW, S. Job 31. 38./ thereof || 39. 10. bind Psai. 65.10. settlest/ II 1 29.3. plower^- made long/ Ezek. 17. 7. water itby/|| 10. wither in the/ Hos. 10. 4./ of tiie field 1|1 0. bind in tvvo/|| 12.11. FURTHER, ad. Num. 22. 26. angel went/ Deut. 20. 8. -^peak/ 1| 1 Sam. 10. 22. enquired/ Job. 38. 11. but no/ II 40. 5. I'll proceed no/ Eccl. 8. 17./ tho' a wise man || li'. 12./ by tlie.e Matt. 26. 39. he went a little/. || 65. what/ need have we of witne ses, - ark 14. 63. Luke 22.71. Mark 1.19. gone a little/. || 5. 35. troublest any/ Luke 24. 28." gone/ || Acts 4. 17. it spread no/ Acts 4.21./ threatened|il2.3.proceeded/to take 21.28./. he brought G.|!24.4.not/.tedious |! 27.28. 2 Tim. 3. 9. proceed no/ 1| Heb. 7.1 l.what/. need FURTHER, r. P:-. 140. 8./ not his wicked dev. FURTHERANCE. Phil. 1. 12./ of go pel||25. FURTHERED, p, Ezra 8. 36.}'. the people FURTHERMORE; ad. Exod. 4. 6. Ezek. 8. 6. G. GAAL. An abomination. Judg. 9. 28, 30. GAASH, A tempest. Josh. 24. 30. GABA, A hill Josh. 18. 24. Ezra 2. 26. GABAI, The back. Neh. 11.8. GABBATHA, High, or elevated. In Greek Li- tho trotos, i. e. paved with stones. John 19. 13. GABRIEL, A man of God, or God is my strength, or my strong God. Dan. 8. 16. j 9. 21. Luke 1. 19. 1 am G. 11 26- the angel G. was sent GAD, A band or troop, or happiness. Gen. 30. 1 1 . troop cometh : and called his name G. 46. 16. sons of G. Num. 1. 24. | 26. 15. lChr.12.14. 49. 19. G. a troop shall overcome him. Num. 1. 14. prince of G. Eliasaph, 2. 14. | 7. 42. 32. 2. children of G. spake to Mose<, 29. 33. 34. 14. G. received inherit. Jo>h. 13. 28. | 18. 7. Deut. 33. 20. of G. blessed be he that enlargeth G. Josh. 4. 12. G. pa-sed over || 22. 9. G. retmned J Sam. 13. 7. land of G.jl 2 Sam. 24. 5. river of G. 2 Sam. 24. ll.to G. David's seer, 1 Chr. 21. 9, IS. 14. David said to G. || 19. to the saying of G. 1 Chr. 29. 29. book of G. || 2 Chr.29. 25. com. of G. Jer. 49. 1. why inherit G. .' || Ezek. 48. 27, 34. Tribe of GAD. Num. 1. 25. numbered of - G. 2. 14. - G. set forward, 10. 20. || 13. 15. to spy. 34. 14. - G. received inheritance. Josh. 13. 24. Josh. 20. 8. out of- G. Ramoth, 21. 7. 1 Clir. 6. 63. Rev. 7. 5. of tbe - G. were sealed twelve thonsatnd GADITES. Deut. 3. 12. Josh. 22. 1. 2 Sam. 23. 36. 2 Kin. 10. 33. 1 Chr. 12. 8. | 26.. 32. GADARENES, Walled or hedged about. Mark 5. 1. Luke 8. 26, 37. GADDAH, His happiness. Jo.4i. 15. 27. GADDEST, V. Jer. 2. 36. why g. thou about GADDI, A kid, or my happiness. Num. 13. 11. GADDIEL, The God of felicity. Num. 13. 10. GAL a37 GAHAM, A person's name, Gen. 22. 24. GAHAR, Name of a person, Ezra 2. 47. GAIN, s. signifies, Just or unjust profit ; also spi^ ritual advantage, Prov. 3. 14. Judg. 5. 19. the kings of Canaan took no g: Job 22. 3. is it g: to him to make thy way perfect Prov. 1. 19. every one greedy of ^\ 15. 27. 3. 14. §•. thereof better I j 28. 8. and unjust^. Isa. 33.1 5. ^A of oppres.||56.11.every one for his ^. Ezek. 22. 13. dishonest g: 27. Hab. 2. 1 9. Dan. 1 1. 39. rule over many, and divide land for^. Acts 1616. brought her masters mnch^. ig. 24. 2 Cor. 12. 17. did I make a^. of you? 18. Phil. 1. 21. to die is ^. \\ 3. 7. g. to me, I counted 1 Tim. 6. 5. g. is godliness || 6. godliness is g. ^ Jam. 4. 13. go to a city, buy, sell, and get g. GAIN, V. Dan. 2. 6. would g. the time Matt. 16.26.^. whole world. Mar. 8.36. Luke 9. 25f. 1 Cor. 9. 19. I might g. the more, 20, 21, 22*. GAINED, jj. Job 27. 8. hypocrite, tho' he hath ^. Ezek. 22. 12. thou hast greedily ^. by extortion Matt. 18. la.^-.thy brotherj|25.17.^.2talents,22- Luke 19. 16. g. ten pounds || 18. g. five pounds Acts 27. 21. g. this harm || 2 John 1 8. ye have g. GAINS, s. Acts 1 6. 19. hope of their sr. was gone GAINSAY, ERS. Luke 21. 15. Tit.1.9. GAINSAYING, p. Acts 10. 29. Rom. 10. 21. Tit. 2. t9. Judell. GAIUS, Lord, or an earthly man. Acts 19. 29. caught G. |i 20. 4. G. accompanied Rom. 16. 23. G mine host saluteth you 1 Cor. 1. 14. baptized G. |j 3 John 1. well-beloved GALAL, A roll or wheel. 1 Clu'. 9.15,16. GALATIA, White. A province of Lesser Asia. Acts 16. 6. j 18. 2.3. 1 Cor. 16. 1. Gal. 1. 2. 2 Tim. 4. 10. 1 Pet. 1.1. GALATIANS. Gal. 3. 1. O foolish G. GALBANUM, A gum issuing from the stem of an umbelliferous plant, growing in Persia. Ex.30.34. GALEED, The heap of witness. Gen. 31. 48. GALILEE, Revolution of the wheel. A fruitful couutrj , situate between Libamis, Jordan, Sa- maria, and the sea. Lower Galilee lay on the "West of J')rd'in, and of the sea of Tiberias. Josh. 20. 7. they appointed Kedesh in G. 21. 32. 1 Kin. 9. IJ. 20 -ides in G. !| 2 Kin. 15. 29. took Isa. 9. 1. did nicst grievously afflict her in G. Matt. 3. 13. Jesus from G. to Jordan, Mark 1. Q. 4. 15. G. of the Gentiles I j 1 8. sea of G. Markl.l6. 15. 29. nigh to sea of G. \\ 21. 11. Jesus of G. 20. 32. rll go before you into G. Mark 14. 28. 27. 55. followed Jesus from G. Mark 15. 41. 28. 7. he goeth before you into G. Mark 15. 7. Luke 4. 14. returned into G. |j 44. preached in G. 23. 5. beginning from G. j] 6. Pilate heard of G. John 7. 41. shall Christ come out of G? 52. Acts 1. 11. ye men of G. j| 5. 37. Judas of G. 10. 37. began from G. |1 13. 31. came from G. GALILEAN, S. Mark 14. 70. art, Luke 22. 59. Luke 13. l.toidof G.||2.aboveall G..-|j26. .3. John 4. 45. G. received him 1| Acts 2. 7. all G.' GALL, s. A bitter juice; one of the humours in the body of man and beast. It is put for, [1] Sin, Deut. 29- 18. j 32. 32. [2] Desperate impiety, Acts 8. 23. [3] Great ajiiction, Job 16. 13. [4] Wrongs injiistice^ Amos 6.12. GAR GAR Peut. 29. t8. root beareth ^. \\ 32. 32. grapes ofg- Jobl6.13, poureth out ray^.|j20.l4. ^. of asps||25 Psal. 69. 21. they gave me g: Matt. 27. 34. Jer. 8. 14. given us water ofg\ 9. 15, [ 23. 15. Lam. 3. 5. he hath compassed me Avith^. 19. Amos 6. 12. ye have turned judgment into^'. Acts 8. 23. I perceive thou art in^. of bitterness GALLANT, S. Isa. 33. 21. Nah. 2 t 5. GALLERY, lEvS. Song 7. 5. Ezek. 41.15.| 42.3. GALLEY, s. Isa. 33. 21. no S'- with oars GALLIM, Heaping together. 1 Sam. 25. 44. Isa. 10.30. GALLIO, MUky. A deputy of^c/iak,Actsl8.12. GALLOWS. Esth. 6.4. \ 7.10. | 8.7. [ 9.13,25. GAMALIEL, Reward; or camel of God. Num. 1. 10. 1 2. 20. I 7. 54, 59. Acts 5. 34. | 22. 3. GAMUL, A recompense. 1 Chr. 24. 17. GAMMADIMS, Dwarfs. Ezek. 27. 11. GAP,S.Ezek.l3. 5. not gone in ^.|j 22.30. stand in GAPED. Job 16. 10. g\ upon me, Psal. 22. 13. GARDEN, «. The church is compared to a garden, [1] On account of her separation from mankind by election, redemption, ayid calling grace. Song 4. 12. [2] Because a garden is naturally as barren as other ground before its cultivation, Eph. 2. 3. [3] Whatever is excellent in a garden, is anejfect of the gardener's skill and industry, John 13. 4. 1 Cor. 4. 7. The application is easy. [4] A garden is digged, cleaned, planted, and sowed, in order to itsfruitfulness, Jer. 4. 3. 2Cor. 5. 17. [5] A garden is inclosed and ivalled about, Job 1. 10. Song 4. 12. Isa 26. 1. Zech. 2. 5. [6] The produce o/a garden is excellent, valuable and delightful, Prov. 12. 2S. Psal. 147. 11. [7] Great cost, care and pains are hestowed on a garden, Prov. 4. 23. Isa. 27. 3. [8] The enlivening sun, and refreshing showers of rain, are necessarij to the fruitfulness of a gar- den, Deut. 32. 1,2. Mai. 4. 2. [9] .4 gar- den is pleasant and delightful to walk in. Song 5. 2. Ezek. 48. 35. Rev. 1. 13. [10] As gardens used to have fountains and streams run- ning through, as Paradise had four strea7ns ran through it ; so the church is Christ's Paradise, mid his Spii'it is a spring in the midst of it, to re- fresh and comfort believers, Psal. 46. 4. [11] Gardens have the several seasons of the year, as summer, winter, kc. Psal. 30. T. 1 Pet. 1. 6. Gen. 2. 15. put him in the g:\\ 3. 23. g: of Eden 13. 10. as^. of the L. 1 1 Deut. 11.10. as^. of herbs 1 Kin. 21. 2. for a^. of herbs |) Job 8.16. in his^. Song 4. 12. a g: inclosed || 16. blovi^ on my g: 5. 1. 1 am come into my ^. || 6. 2. gone down, 11. Isa. 1. 8. as a lodge in a §•. |) 30. shall be as a g. { 51. 3. like the £•. of God || 58. 11. a watered g: 61. 11. as the^. causeth things sown to grow Jer. 3L 12. their souls shall be as a watered g'. Lam.2.6.wereofa^-.llEzek.28. 1 3. Eden the ^. of Ezek. St. 8. cedars in g. of G. || 9. trees|| 36.35. like Joel 2. 3. as^. of Eden || Luke 13. 9. cast in his g-. John 18. 1. where was a g-. \\ 26. see thee in the^. 19. 41. there was asr. and in the g\ a sepulchre GARDENS. Num. '24. 6. tents as g. by the river Eccl. 3.5.^. and orchards ||Song4.15.fountain ef^ Song 6.2. to feed in g. \\ 8. 13. that dwellest in g: Isa.l. 29. confounded for^. ]| 65. 3. sacrifice tb in g: 6Q.17.purify titepi^elvesin^.l! Jer. 29. j.piaat Amos 4. 9. when^. increa. 73. 15.^. of thy children |j 85. 5. anger to all g. 78. 4. g. to come, 6. |j 8. and rebelUous g. 89. 1. faithfulness to all^. || 4. throne to all;^. 90. 1. dwelling-place in a!lg-.iJ95.10. Heb. 3. 10. 1 00. 5. and his truth endureth to all g. 102. 12. and the remembrance unto nWg. 18. written for g. to come||24. throughout all j^, 106. 31. counted for righteousness to all^-. 1 1 2. 2. g. ofupr. II 119. 90. faithfulness to all g. 135. 13" memorial throughout all g-. II 145. 13. 145. 4. one g. shall praise|jl46. 10. reign to all g,. ProT. 27. 24. doth the crown endure to eveiy g. 30. 11. g. that cursethjj 12. ag. that is pure 13. a ^. lofty I) 14. a g-. whose teeth are swords Eccl. 1. 4. one g. passeth, another g. cometh Isa. 13. 20. not dwelt in from g. to g. Jer. 50. 5i> 34. 10. from g. to g. it shall he waste, 17. 41. 4. calling the^-. || 51.9- as in"-, of old 53. 8. who shall declare liis^-. Acts 3. 33. 58. 12. of many g. 60. 15. | 61. 4. Joel 2. 2, Jer. 2. 31. Og. see thewordjj 7.29.j-.ofhiswrath Lam. 5. 19. tiuone remains from ^.to^.Dan.4. 3,34. Joel 1. 3. tell another ^.||3. 20. dwell from g-. to^. Matt. 1.1. book of the^.||17.^.from Abra.toDav. 3.7. O^. of vipers, 12. 34. | 23. 33. Luke 3. 7. 11. 16. whereto shall I liken this^.? Luke 7. 31. 12.39. adulterous g. 16.4. Mark8.12.Lukell.29. 41. rise in judgin. with tliis^. i2.Lukell.31,32 45. even so shall it be also to this wicked^, 17. 17. O perverse^. Mark 9. 19. Luke 9.41. 23. S6. all these things shall come on this g. 24.34.J?-- shall not pass, Mark 13.30. Luke 21. 32. Mark 8.38. shall be ashamed of me in this sinful^. Luke 1.48. allj^. callmeblcssed||50.from^. to^. 1 1 . 30.to this ^-.jlSO. blood required of this ^.53. 16. 8. in^. are wiser |j 17. 25. rejected of this ^'% Acts 2. 4o. untoward ^.||1 3. 36. served his own g. Col. 1.26. hid from ages and^-.jjl Pet.2.9.a chosen GENESIS, .s. Birth, original, or beginning. GENNESARET, ETH, Garden of a prince^ Matt. 14. 34. Mark 6. 53. Luke 5, 1. GENTILE. Rom. 2. 9. and also of the g. 10. GENTILES, s. In Hebrew, Goiim ; u-hichsig- nifies the nations that have not received the faith, or laxc of God. Gen. 10. 5. by these the isles of the g. were divided Judg. 4. 2. Sisera dwelt in Harosheth of the g. I.«a. 11. 10. a root of Jesse, to it shall the g. seek 42.1. shall bringjudgmevit to the ^^. Matt.12.18. 6. for a lisht to g. 49. C Luke 2. 32. Acts 15.47. 49. 22. lift up hand to the^. || 54. 3. inherit the 5-. 60. 3._§-.shall come to thylightiJ5.forcesof,ll.|il6. ^ 61.6.eatriciiesofthe^. || 9. known among ^. 6e. 2. ;3-. shall se-. || 3. 14. migh- come on g-. Eph. 2. 11.5- in the tlesh |1 3. 6.^. be fellow -heirs 3. 8. preach among the g. \\ 4. 17. walk not as g Col. 1. 27. the glory of this my-tery among the g. 1 Thes. 2. 16. to speak to g. jj 4. 5. even as the g. 1 Tim. 2. 7. teacher of the^'-.JI.". 16. preached tog. 2Tim.l.ll.and teacher of ^A II 4. 17.^. might hear 1 Pet. 2. 1 2. honest among g. || 4. 3. will of the g. 3 John 7. went forth, taking nothing of the g. Rev. 11.2. for the court is given to the g. GENTLE. 1 Thes. 2. 7. g. among you, even as 2 Tim. 2. 24. must be .§*.||Tit. 3. 2. but g. shewing Jam.3. 17. peaceable, ^.|ll Pet. 2.18. not only to 5-. GENTLENESS, .s. 2 Sam. 22. 36. Psal. 18.35. 2 Cor. 10. 1. ^. of Christ || Gal. 5. 22. g. goodness GENTLY, rtrf. 2 Sam. 18. 5. deal g-iilsa. 40. 11. GENUBATH, Theft, or a garden. 1 Kin. 11. 19. GElli\, A pilgrim. Gen. 46. 21. 2Sam. IG. 5. '■^ERAH, s. The tusenticth part of a shekel, being three half-pence of ovr coin, Exod. 30. 13. Lev. 27.25. Num. 3. 47. | 18.16. Ezek. 45. 12. GERAR, Fitgrimagej or striving. Gen. 10. 19- I 20. i. GEROESENES, The same. Matt. 8. 28. GEKIZIM, Cutters. Dent. 11.29. | 27. 12, Josh. 8. 33. Judg. 9. 7. GERSHOM, or GERSHON, A stranger there. Exod. 2. 22. Num. 4. 28. | 10. 1 7. Judg. 18. 30. GESHAN, Drawing near. 1 Chr. 2. 47. GESHEM, Rain. ^Nc^h. 2. 19. | 6. 1, 2. GESHUR, The vale oftheivall. Josh. 13. 2. 2 Sam. 13. 37. Absalom fled to G. 38. | 14. 23. 15. 8. vowed a vow at G.||l Chr. 2. 23. took G. GESHURITE. Josh. 13. 13. 1 Sam. 27. 8. GET, V. Exod. 14. 17. I'll ^. me honourupon Lev. 14. 22. such as he is able to g. 30. 31, 32. 1>eut. 8. 18. it is he giveth power to g. wealth Prov.4. 5. g. wisdoin,7. 1 16. 16. | 17. 16. Eccl. 3. 6. a time to^.JlJer.5.5.^. me to great men Lam. 3.7. 1 cannot^"-. out|| Zeph.3. 19. 5". praise Matt. 4.10.^. thee hence, Satan, 16.23. Luke 4.8. Acts 10. 20. g. thee down |! 22. 18.^. quickly out 2 Cor. 2. 11. lest Satan ^.||Jam. 4. 13. and g. gain GETTETH, v. Prov. 9. 7. g. shame, g. a blot 15. 32.^. understanding, 3. 13. | 18. 15. | 19.8. Jer. 17. 11 . thai^. riches, and not by right GETTING. Gen. 31.18. Prov. 4.7. | 21.6. GETHER, The vale of trial. Gen. 10. 23. GETHSEMANE, A fat vale. Matt. 26. 36, Mark 14.32. GEVEL, Redemption of God. Num.13. 15. GEZER, Dividing, or a sentence. Josh. 12. 12. GHOST signifies, [1] Spirit or soul, Gen. 25. 8. [2] The third per son in the Triwify/, Matt. 28.19. Gen. 25. 8. Abraham gave up the^. || 17. Ishmael 35. 29. Isaac || 49. 33. Jacob yielded up the g. Job 3. 1. why did I not give up the^. ? 10. 18. 1 1. 20. their hope as the giving up of the g. 13. 19. 1 shall give up the g. || 14. 10. man giveth Jer. 15.9. she that hath born 7, hath given up g. Lam. 1.1 9 elders gave up thc^.jJMatt. 27.50. Jesus Mark 15. 17. Jesus cried, and gave up the g. 37. Luke 23. 46. John 19. 30. Acts 5.5. Ananias Ij 10. Sapphira || 12. 23. Herod See Gave, Give, Holy. GIAH, A sigh or groan. 2 Sam. 2. 24. GIANT, s. In Greek, Gigas ; in Hebrew, No- phel, or Nephilim ; which may signify a mon- ster, or a terrible man. The scripture sometimes calls them Rephaim?,Gen. 14. 5. Emims, Deut. 2. 10, 11. Cruden» 2 Sam. 21. 16. son^ of the ^.18. 2 Chr. 20. 4. 1 Chr. 20. 6. tion of the ^. |1 8. born to the g. Job 16. 14. he runneth upon me like ag. GIANTS, s. Gen. 6. 4. were g. in the earth in Num. 13. 33. we saw the g. the sons of Anak Deut. 2. 1 1. Emims were counted g. as Anakiras 3. 11. Og of remn.of^. Josh. 12.4. | 13. 12. 13. Bashan, which was called the land of^-. Josh. 15. 8. valley of^. 18.16. 1| 17. 1*5. land of g-. GIBB AR, Strong, manly. Ezra 2. 20. GIBBETHON, Aback, m^ high house. Josh.19.44. [21. 23. I Kingsl5. 27.|16. 15, 17. GIBEAH, A hill. Judg. 19. 12. | 20. 4. Judg. 20. 30. put themselves in array against G. 1 Sam. 10. 26. Saul went home to G. 14. 2.|15.34. 2 Sam. 21. 6. hang them up to the Lord in G. la. 10. 29. G. of Saul is fledlJHos. 5. 8. blow in Hos. 9. 9. as in the days of G. || 10. 9. battle in GIBEON, Hill, or cup. Jo^h. 9. 3, 17. Josh. 10. 2. G. was a great city |j 4. smite G. 12. sun stand still on G. |! 2 Sam. 2. 13. 2 Sam. 3. 30. slain Asahel at G. || 20. 8. stone in 1 Kings 3. 5. Lord appeared to Solomon inG.9.2. 1 Chr.' 8. 29. father of G. 9. 35. H 21 . 29. offering Isa. 28. 21. be wroth as in the valley of G. Jer. 28. 1. son of Azurin Gv !| 41. 12. IshmacI iu GIL GIR iy:^ GIBEONITES, 2 Sam. 21. 1. slew G. 2. 9. GIBLITES, Josh 13. 5. and the land of the G. GIDDALTI. 1 Chi. 25. 4, 29. . GIDDEL, Great. Ezra 2. 47, 56. Neh. 7. 58. GIDEON, one that breaks. Judg. 6. 11. Judg. 6. 24. G. built an altar || 34. spirit on G. 7. 1. G. rose up early ]) 14. sword of, 18, 20. 8. 21. slew Zeba || 27. G. made an ephod 30. had 70 sons \\ 32. died in a good old age Heb, 11.3. time would fail me to tell of G. GIDEONI, A cutter doicn. Num. 1 . 11. | 2. 22. GIDOR, A wall, or hedges, or cutter down of iniquity. 1 Chr. S. 31. GIER-EAGLE, Some call it tvood pecker. Lev. 11. 18. Deut. 14. 17. GIFT, s. A free unmerited donation. The greatest to mortals is God's gift of himself, his Son and Spirit, in the covenant of grace, unto all his a- dopted children, Jer. 31. 33. uhich includes every real good, Rom. 8. 32. It is put for, [ij A present. Matt. 2. 11. [2] a recompence for some injury done. Gen. 34. 12. [3] A reivard, Dan. 5. 17. [4] A bribe or fee, Deut. 10. 19. [5 J A free will offering, Matt. 5. 23. Exod. 23. 8. ag-. blindeth, Deut. 16. 19. Prov. 17. 8. a^. is as a precious stone in the eyes 23. taketh a g: \\ 1 8. 1 6. a man's g: makes room 21. 14. a g-. in secret pacifieth \\ 25. 14. false g-. Eccl. 3. 13. it is the g: of G. |j 7. 7. ag: destioyeth Matt. 5. 24. leave there thy ^. \\ 8. 4. offer the^. 15. 5. it is a ^. I) 23. 18. sweareth by the g-. 19. John 4. 10. if thou knew est the^. of God Acts 2. 38.^. of the H. G. jj 8. 20. 5-. of G.may be Rom. 1. 11. some spiritual^. I j 5. 15.^. bygiace 5. 16. the free^. 18. j| 1 7. ^. of righteousne-s 6. 23. the g. of G. is eternal life thro' Je>us 1 Cor. 1. 7. behind in nog-. |j 7. 7. his proper gr. 13. 2. g-. of prophesy jj 16. t 3. to bring your^'-. 2 Cor. 9. 15. thanks be to G.for his unspeakable j^. Eph. 2. 8. faith is^. of G.||3 7. accorduig to the^^. 1 Tim. 4. 14. neglect uot^.|j2 Tmi. 1. 6. stir up g: Heb. 6. 4. and have tasted of the heavenly^. Jam. 1.17. ev. good^.||l Pet. 4. lO.hathrec. the^. GIFTS. Gen. 25. 6. Abraham gave^. to sons 2 Chr. 19. 7. with the Lord is no takmg of^>-. 21. 3. gave g: 26. 8. | 32. 23. Esth. 2. 18. | 9. 22. Psal. 68. 18. received ^-^. for men, Eph. 4. 8. Prov. 6. 35. givest many 5-. 1| 15. 27. hateth g-. 19. 6. every man is friend to him that giveth g. Isa. 1. 23. everj' one loveth^. and followcth Ezek. 16. 33. give j*. to whores |) 20. 26. own g". Dan. 2. 48. gave Dan. great g.\\5. 17. g-. to thyself Matt. 7.11. know how- to give good ^. Luke 1 1 . 13. Rom. 11. 29. ^A and callings of God without rep. 12. 6. having^-, differing according to the 1 Cor. 12. 1. spiritual g: || 4. diversities of ^. 9.^. of healing jj 31. covet the best^. 14. 1. desire spiritual g;. |j 12. zealous of ^. Heb. 5. 1. offer 5-. 8. 3, 4. I 9. 9. || 11. 4. Abel's g". Rev. 11. 10. dwell on the earth shall send^. GIHON, Valley of grace, or breast. Gen. 2. 13. 1 Kings 1. 33, 38, 45. 2 Chr. 32. 30. GILALAI, A wheel, or marble. Neh. 12. 3 G. GILBOA, Revolution of enquiry. 1 Sam. 28. 4. 1 Sam. 31. 1. fell slain in G. 8. 2 Sam. 21. 12. 2 Sam. 1. 6. on mount G. 21. 1 Chr. 10. 1, 8. GILEAD, Heap of mtficss. Gen. 31. 25.— A noted ridge of mountains, stretchinir ahrso't all the way from Lebanon to the country of Jloaf>, at some distance eastward from Jordan. 'Whe- ther it had its name from Jacob's Galeed or heap of witness, or from Gilead the son of Machir, is uncertain. Brow n. Num. 32.40. Moses gave G. to Machir, Dent. 3. 1 5. Deut. 34. 1. the Lord showed him tlie land of G. Josh. 17. 1. Machir had G. \\ 22. 13. Phincas to G. Judg. 10. 18. be head over G. |j 11 . 29. pas.^ed 2 Sam. 2. 9. king over G. jl 17. 26. pitclsed in G. 1 Kings 4. 13. in Raraoih G. jj 17. 1. Elijah was of Ps. 60' 7.G. is mine, 108. 8.!|Sona- 4.1. goutN fr. 6. 5. Jer. 8. 22. no balm in G. P jj 22. 6. thou art G. to me 46. 11. go up to G. Ij 50. 19. satisfied upon G. Hos. 6. 8. G. is a city || 12. 11. is there imquity in Amos 1. 3. threshed G. || 1 3. ript up women of G. Obad. 19. Benjamin shall possess G. Mic. r. 14. feed in G. IJZcch. 10. 10. bring into G. GILEAD ITES. Judg. 10.3. Jair a G. judged 12. 4. G. are fugitives, 5. jj 2 Sam. 17. 27. GILGAL, Wheel, or revolution. Deu*. 11.30. A place famous for Joshua's camp, about three miles west 0^ Jordan. Josh. 4. 19. encamped at G. 9. 6.|| 10. 6. men of J udg. 2. 1 . an angel came from G. to Bochim 1 Sam. 7. 16. circuit to G. jj 10. 8. go down to G. 11. 14. let us go to G. [1 13. 7. Saul was in G. 13. 8. Sam. came not to G. |j 15. 33. Agag in G. Hos. 4. 15. come not to G. |) 9. 15. wickedness in 12. 11. they sacrifice bullocks in G. Amos 4. 4. at G. multiply transgression C>. 5. enter not into G. |j Mic. 6. 5. Shittim to GILOH, A njoicing. Josh. 15. 51. 2 Sam. 15. 12. GILONITE. 2 Sam. 15. 12. Ahithophel, 23. 24. GIMZO, That bulrush. 2 Chr. 28. 18. GIN. Isa. 8. 14. for a^. || Am. 3. 5. wher^ no^, Gl^ATH, A garden. 1 Kings 16. 21. GINNETHO, A garden. Neh. 1 2. 4. GINNETHON. Neh. 10. 6. | 12. 16. GIRD, r. Psal. 45. 3. g. thy sword, O most Isa. 8. 9. g: yourselves, Joel 1 . 13. || Luke 12. 37. 1 Pet. 1. 13.^. up the loins of your minds GIRDED. 2 Sam. 22. 40. hast^. me, Psal. 1 8. 39. Isa. 45. 5. 1 g. thee, tho' || John 13. 4. g". himself GIRDEST, V. John 21. 18. thou 5-. thyself GIRDETH, V. 1 Kings 20. 11. g: on his harness P-al. 18. 32. G. that^. me||Prov. 31.17. she g: her GIRDLE, s. They were, [1] Common, made of needle ivorky Exod. 28. 39. Of linen, Jer. 13. 1. Of leather, Aiatt. 3. 4. Of gold, Rev. 1.5. 6, [2] Sacred, Exod. 28. 38. | 29. 9. [3] Mystical, Rev. 1. 13. I 15. 6. Ex. 28. 8. the cuiious g: of the ephod, 27. 28, 39. I 29. 5. I 39. 5, 20, 29. Lev. 8. 7. 1 Sam. 18. 4. his bow and^-.|j 2 Sam. 18. 11, given 1 Kin. 2. 5. he put the biood of w^ar on his^. 2 Kin. 1. 8. a g\ of leather |j Job 12. 18. loins with Psal. 109. 19. and for a^. wherewith he is jrirded Isa. 3. 24. instead of a^. |i 5. 27. nor^. be loosed 11.5. righteousness be the g: of his loins 22. 21. 1 will strengthen Eiiakira with thy^. Jer. 13. 1. go, get thee a linen g: || 10. as this g-. Matt. 3.4. John had a leathern^. Mar. 1. 6. Acts 21. 1 1. took Paurs^?- 1| Rev. 1. IS.agolden^.- GIRDLES. Ex. 28. 40. shall make ff- 29. 9. Lev. 8. 13. girded them with g: \\ Prov. 31. 24. GIV GIV iEzek. 23. 15. girded with ^. || Rev. 15. 6. golden GIRL,S. Joel 3. 3. sold^'.yZech. 8. 5. boys and^^ GIRGASHITE, Who airives from pilgrimage. Geu. 10. 16. j 15. 21. Deut 7. 1. Josh. 3. 10. 1 24. 11. 1 Chr. 1. 14. Neh. 9. 8. 1 Sam. 2. 4.^. with strengtb|!2 liiu. 1. 8. GIRT, a John 21. 7. Peter ^. his lis!iei*'s coat to hiin I'ph. 6. 1 4. having loins g. with truth || Rev. 1.13. GISPAH, Comins: hither. Neh. 11.21. GITTAH-HEPHER, Digging a tvine-press. Josh. 19. 13. GITTAIM, A wirie-jwess. 2 Sam. 4. 3. GITTITH, The title prefixed to Psal. 8. 81. and 84. which may signify the tune, or musical in- strument, to ivhich these Psalms tvere set. The Chaldee Paraphrast reads it, To sing upon the Jutrp that came frmn Gath. GITTITE, S, IVine-presses. Josh. 13. 3. 2 Sam. 6. 10, 11. I 15.19. i 18.2. I 29.19. GIVE, i?. Gen. 12. 7. to thy seed will I ^.tliis land, 13.15. I 24.7. i 28.13. I 35. 12. Exod.33. 1. 15. 2. what wilt thou^-. me, I go childless 27. 28. G.^'. thee of the dew|j 30. l.^. child, else I Exod. 3. 21. I'll ^. you favour jj 17. 2. g-. us water 30. 1 5. rich shall not g-. more, poor not g. less !Lev.26.4.ril^. you ram in due season, Deut.l 1.14. Num. 11. 4.whosha!l^. us flesh, 18. Psal. 78. 20. 22. 1 8. if Balak would ^. me his house full, 24. 13. Deut. 15. 10. thou?halt surely 5-. him, 14. 16. 17.everyman^'". asheisable, Ezek.46. 5, 11. Josh.7. 19.^. giory|jl5. 19.^. springs, Judg. 1. 15. Judg. 4. 19. ^. me a little water || 20. 7. g. advice 1 Sam. 2. 10. he shall g. strength, Psal. 29. 11. 8. 6.^. us a king |j 21. 9. none hke tliat^'-. it 1 i;in. 3. 5. ask what I shall 5-. thee, 2 Chr. 1. 7. Q.g. me an understanding heart, 2 Chr. 1. 10. 8. 39. g. according to his ways, Rev. 2. 23. iChr. 16. 2«.^\ to the L. glory, 29. Ps.29.1,2.|96.7. 22. 9. I'll^. peace. Lev. 26. 6. Num. 6. 26. 2Chr.21. 7. to^. light to him |) 25. 9. able to^. thee Ezra 8. 9. to^*. us a nail |) 9. to g. us a reviving Job 2. 4. g. for his life \\ 32. 21 . nor g. flattering Psal. 2. 8.^. thee the heathenj|37. 4.^''.lthe desires 49. 7. nor^. to G. a ransom || 51. 16. else I^''. it 60. 11. g. us help from trouble, 108. 12. 84. 11. L. will^. grace |( 85. 12.^. that is good 86. 19. g. thy strength jj 91.11. g. angels charge 104. 27.^. them meat||109. 4.^. myself to prayer 119. 34.^. me understanding, 73,125,144, 169. 1 32. 4. I will not g, sleep, Prov. 6. 4. Prpv. 23. 26. g. me thine heart || 29. 17. g. rest 30. 8. g. me neither poverty |) 15. crying, g.g. 31.3.^-. notthy strength to womenl|31.^.her fruit Song 2. 13.^. a goodsmelljjS. 7.g. all his substance Isa. 7. 14. g. you a sign || 14. 3. Lord^. thee rest 30. 20.^. you bread of advers. || 23.^. the rain 42.6. Vi\g. theefor a covenant to the peop]e,49.8. 8. my glory will I not^. to another, 48. 11. 43. 4. rU^. men for thee |( 6. tonortb^. up Jer. 6. 10. g. warning, Ezek. 3. 17. 13. 16.^. glory |j 14. 13. 1*11^. you assured peace 17. 3. I'll g. thy substance || 22. 25. I'll g. thee 24. 7.g. them an heart to knowjj 8.^. Zedekiah 29. 1 1. to g. you an expected end || 32. 3. g. city 32. 39. g- them one he^rt, Ezek. 11. 19. j 36.26. 35. 2. g. them wine || 44. 30. I'll g. Pharaoh Hos. 2. 5. ^. me my bread |j 15. g. her vineyards 4. IS.dolove,^. ye|| 9. 14.^. a miscarrying womb 11. 8. how shall I^. thee up, Ephraim \\ 13. 10. Mic. 5.3.^. them up || 6. 14. that will I g. up Zech 8. 12.^. their dew |j 11. 12.^. me my price Matt. 4. 6. g. angels charge|| 9. these will Ig. thee 5. 42. g. to him that asketh || 6. Xl.g- us this day 7. e.g. not that which is holy i| 9, 10, 11. 9. 24. jg^. place 1| 10. 8. freely jj. || 42.^. to drink 11. 28. rU^. you rest |j 16. 19. g. thee keys 19.7.^,awriting||21.^?-. to the poor, Mark 10. 21. 20. 4. right, I'll g. \\ 14. I'll give to this last, 23. 23. not mine to ^. |) 28.^. his hfe a ransom 24. 25. to^. them meat || 25. 8. g. us your oil Mark 6. 25.^. me the head of Johnj|12.15. or not^. Luke 1. 77. to ^. knowledge || 79. to^. light 6. 38.^. and it shall be given || 10. 7, they ^. 11. 13.^. his H. Spirit j| 41.^. alms, 12. 33. 12. 32. g. you the kingdom j| 5H.g. diligence 14. 9.^. place II 15. 12. g. me the portion of 16. 2. g. an account || 12. who shall g. you 19. 8. my goods I ^.||21. 15. I'H^. you a mouth John 4. 7. g. me to drink j| 6. 34. evermore g. 6. 51. bread I'll^. is my flesh, which VWg. 10. 28.^. eternal life || 11. 22. G. will^. it thee 14. 27. my peace I J?-. 11 15. 16. he may ^. it 16. 23. he will^. it |) 17. 2.^. eternal life to Acts 3. 6.1have, "-. Ithee|| 5. 31. to q-. repentance 6.4.^. ourselves to prayer||7. 5. j^.itfor possession 13. 34. I'll g. you the sure mercies of David 19.40.^. anaccount|| 20. 3b. more blessed to^. Rom. 8. 32. freely^, us all things || 12. 19.^. place 1 Cor. 7. 5.g. yours. tofasting||10. 32. none offence 2 Cor. 4. 6. to^. the light||9. 7.g. not grudgingly Eph. 1. 17.^. you the Spirit || 4. 28.^. to him that 1 Tim. 4. 15. ^. thyself wholly || 5. 7. g. in charge 2 Tim. 1. 16. Lord g. mercy || 4. 8. judge shall g. Jam. 2. 10. and ^. not || 2 Pet. 1. 10.^. diligence Rev. 2. 10. 1'll^. thee a crown || 17. g. white stone 23. g. to every one |j 28. ^. him morning star 11.3. 1'il^. power 1| 13. 15. g. hfe to the image 16. 19. to^. her the cup || 18. 7. so much ^. her 21. 6.g. to him that is athirst water of life 22. 12. to^. every man according to his work GIVE Thanks. 2 Sam. 22. 50. I'll g. -, Ps, 18. 49. 1 Chr. 16. 8. O i^. - Psal. 105. 1. I 106. 1. | 107. 1. J^ZC'i^ >c«7. ^T rr thee the epeningjl 46. 5. I 118. 1, 29. j 136. 1, 2, 3, 26. 55. g. thanks to thy holy name, Psal. 106. 47. 41. to^-. thanks, 25. 3. 2 Chr. 31. 2. Ps. 92. 1. Psal. 30. 4.^. - at iememb. of his holiness, 97. 12. 12. 1 will^. -, 35. 18. ! 72. 13. | 119. 62. 75. 1, to thee do we g. - 1| 140. 13. shall g. - Rom. 16. 4. Ig. thanks, 1 Cor. 10. 30. Eph. 1.16. Col. 1. 3. we^. thanks, 1 Tlies. I. 2. | 5. 18. 2 Thes. 2. 13. bound to^. -|j Rev. 11. 17. weg. - GIVEw^. Dent. 23. 14. | SI. 5. 1 Kings 14. 16. Job 3. 11. j 13. 19. Isa. 43. 6. Hos. 11. 8. Mic. 5. 3. I 6. 14. GIVEN, «;. Gen. 1. 29. g. you every herb 15. 3. hast^. me no seedjj 27. 37. g. him for serv. 30. IS. g. me my hire jj 31. 9. thus G. hath g. me S3. 5. children G. hath graciously ^. me, 48. 9. 38. 14. not^. him to wife || 43. 23. G. hath^. Num. 8. 16. wholly^-, to me || 18. 6. Lev. o-. to you 32. 7. land L. hath^. 9. Deut 3. 19. j 28. 52. Deut. 2. 5. g. Mount Seir to Esau || 3. 9. g. Ar to, 28. 31. thy sheep shall be g. || 32. thy sons r. GIV ^(f^ GLA Deut. 29.4. not^. you an heart, Matt. 13, 11. Judg. 15. 18, thon hast g. this great deliverance 1 Sam. 1.27.^.memypetitioni)15. 28. L. hath ^. it 2 Sam. 12. 8. 5". thee such and such tilings || 22. 41. 1 Clir. 29. 14. of thine own have we^'-. thee 2 Chr. 36. 23. kingdoms hath G. ^. me, Ezra 1. 2. Job 3. 20. why is light g: to him in misery, 23. Psal. 21. 2. g. heart's desirei|44. 1 1 . ^'•. us like sheep CO. 4. g. a banner || Gl. 5.^. me the heritage 71.3.^'-. com. tO!-aveme|j72. 15. to him shall be^. 78. 63. not^. to marriage |j 79. 2. g. to be meat 102.9. he hath ^'-.to the poor, 2 Cor. 9.9. ij HI. 5. 115. 16. earth hath he ^. Job 9. 24. | 15. 19. 118. 18. not g. me over jj 120. 3. whatshall be^. Prov. 19. 17. g. will he pay himjj 23. 2.\\ 24. 21. Ecel. 1. 13. travel, G. hath ^. 3. 10.JJ5. 19.^. riche- 9. 9. hath^. thee |! 12. 11. ^.tVom one shepherd Isa. 3.11. reward be.§-.lJ8.18.L. hath^'-. Heb. 2. 13. 9. 6. to us a son i>; ^. || 33. 16. bread shall be g. 43.28.§-.Jacobtothe curg. || 21. 43. 22. 30.^. in marriage, Mark 12.25. Luke 20.35. 26. 9.^. to the poor|| 28. 18. all power is^-. me Mark 4. 24. more be^'-.l) 13. 11. g\ in tliat hour John 3. 27. except it be^-. ||^35. hath g\ all things 4. 10. g. thee living waterjjs. 26. g. to the Son C. 23. L. had g. thauks||39. of all he hath g. C5. except it were^-. 19. Il.|il3. 15. g. examp. 17. Q.g' him power j) 9. them thou ha>-t^^. 11. 14. g. them thy word |j 22. g. them, 24. Acts 4. 12. none other name g. \\ 5. 32. |j 8. 18. Rom. 11. 35. who hath tirat^".|{12. 3. grace ^'. me 1 Cor. 2. 12. freely 5-. I) 12. 7.^^-. to every man 2 Cor. 12. 7. g. me a thornj|l3. 10. g. for edftcat. Gal. 3. 21. been a law^. which could have g. life Eph. 3. ii.g. me to you ward || 8. is this grace ^•. 5. '2. g. himself forus |j 6. 19. utterance be^^. Phil. 1. 29. to you it is g. |j 2. 9.g. him a name 1 Thes. 4. 8.^.' as of his Spirit || 2 Thes. 2. 16. i Tim. 3. 3. not//-, to wine, 8. Tit. 1. 7. | 2. 3. Heb. 4. 8. for if Jesus had f . them resttiicn ,£' Pet. 1. 3. g. us all things [) 4. are^. to us 1 John 3. 24. Spirit, he halli^A to us, 4. 13. 5. 11. record G. hath^. to us eternal life Rev. 6.11. whiterobesj^.||ll,2. 5*. to the Gentiles GIVER, s. Isa. 24.2. so with ^'■.!J2 Cor.9.7.cheerful GI VEST, V. Job 35. 7. w hat g. thou him P>al. 104. 28. that thou^. |i 145. 15.^. them meat Ezek. 16. 33. thou g\ thy gifts to all thy lovers 1 Cor. 14. 17. thou verily g. thanks well but GIVETH, V. Exod. 20. 12. days be long in land the L. g. thee, Deut. 4. 40. 1 5. 16. 1 25. 15- Deut. 2. 29. laud which the Lord our G. ^.4. 1. 21.111. 17, 31. I 12. 1,10. 1 15. 7. 1 16. 20. i 17. 14. 1 18. 9. 1 19. 2. j 21. 1. I 24. 4. [ 26. 1. J27. 3. 128. 8. Jo-h. 1. 11, 15. 3. 18. he that g. thee power to get wealth Deut. 12.10.^. you rest,29.15.||l6.5. gates the L.^. Job 5. 10.^. rainjj 33. 13. ^. not account 34. 29.^'. quietness || 35. 10. who^. songs S6. 6. but^-. right to the poor || 31. he g. meat Psal. 18. 50. deliverance g. he || 37. 21. and g. 68. 35. g-. strength 1; 119. 130. words ^. light 127. 2. for so heg-. his beloved sleep 25. who g. food to all flesh, 146. 7. 1 147. t Spirit by measure|j6. 33.^. hfe 6. 37. all the Father 5;.1|10. 11. ^ his life jj 14. 27. Acts 17. 25. g. toalllifell Rom. 12. 8. | 14. 6. 1 Cor. 3. 7.g. the increa5el|7. 38. g. her in marr. 1.5. 38. g. it a body 1| 57.5-. us the victory, thro' 2 Cor. 3. 6. Sp. g. hfe|| 1 Trni. 6. 17. ^\ us richly 1 Pet. 4. 11. ability that G. g-.yRev. 22. 5.g. light GIVING, p. Deut. 21. 17. by g. him a double Job 11. 20. 5-. up of the ghostpiatt. 24. 38. Acts 8.9 .g. out that hims.j|15. 8. g. them the H. G. Rom. 4. 20. g-. glory to G.||9. 4. g. of the law 1 Cor. 14. 7. things g. soundjll6. at g. thanks 2 Cor. t5. 3. g. no offenceJiPhii. 4. 15. concern g. Pet. 3. 7.^. honour alldiligenceJIJude 7.5". themselves See Thanks. GIZONITE, .S-Ztflnw)?-. I Chr. 11.34. GLAD, a. Exod. 4. 14. he wiUbe^-. in heart Judg. 18. 20. priest's heart was^-ljl Sam. 11. 9. I Chr. 16. 31. let the heavens be^. Psal. 96. 11. Job 3. 22. are g. when they can find the grave 22. 19. righteous see it, and are ^. Psal. 64. 10. Psal. 9.2. i wiHbeg.andrejoice,l4.7.|31.7.l32.1I. 140.16. I 53.6. i 90.14. | 118.24. Song 1. 4- 16. 9. my heart is^A|j 21. 6. hast made me g. 34. 2. humble shall Isear, and he.g: 69. 32. 35. 27. let them be^. |1 45 8. made thee^. 46. 4. streams make ^.|| 67. 4. let nations be g.' 90. 15. make us^. || 92. 4. L. ha>t made me^. 97. 1. let the i>les be^.|!8. Zion heard and was^. 104. 15. wine maketh g.\\ 34. I'll be g. in Lord 105. 38. Egypt was^.||107. 30. then they are^. 122. 1. 1 was^.j) 126. 3. whereof we are ^. Prov.l0.1.a^.tatherDl2.25. good wordmak.it^. 17. 5. g. at calamities, 24. 17. ||23. 25. Ij27. 11. Isa. 25. 9. and be^. in bis 'salvation 1. wilderness be ^^. II 39. 2. Ilezek.was^. 18.be you^\ and rejoice, 66. 10. Lam. 4. 21. Joel 2. 21, 23. Hab. 1. 15. Zeph. 3. 14. Jer. 20. 15. very ^•.|)30. 11. because ye were g. Lam. 1. 21. they are^.jjDan. 6. 23. exceeding^. Hos. 7.S.g\ vl'ith" wicked.JIJonah 4.6. Josiah was.?". Zech. 10. 7. their children shall see it, and be^. Matt.5.12. rejoice and be^. Acts 2.26. Rev.19.7. Luke 1 . 19. to shew thee^'. tidings, 8. 1. 1| 15. 32. John 8. 56. Abra- was^-.yil. 15. 1 am g. for your Acts 11. 23. he was ^. II 13. 48. Gentiles wcfe^§-, Rom. 16.19. 1 am 5". l.Cor. 16.17.1i2Cor.2.2.}13.L'. GLADLY, o(f. Mark 6. 20. heard him ^.12.37. Luke 8. 40. people^'-, received him for they 35. 65. GLO GLO Acts 2.41.^. rec. the word || '21. 17. received us ^. 2 Cor. 11. 19. suffer fools ^. || 12. 9- most ,g: 12. 15. I'll very^-. spend and be spent for you GLADNESS. Num. 10. 10. day of your ^. Dent. 28. 47. servedstnotthe L. with ^. of heart 1 Chr. 16. 27. streps?th and ^-.1129. 22. eat with^. 2 Chr. 29.30. sang with^.||30.21. keptfeast with^^". Nell. 8. 17. very great ^.||12. 27. dedication with^. Esth. 8. IG. Jews had light and^. 17.19. 17, 18, l9. Psal. 4. 7. pntg. in my heart))30. 1 1. girded witli^. 43. t4.^. of 'my joy||45. 7- oil of ^. Heb. 1.9. 45. 15. with^. bebronght|l51. 8. to hear joy and^. 97. 11' g. is sown II 100. 2. serve L. with^g-. 105. 43. his chosen withg-. j| 106. 5.g. of thy nat. Prov. 10. 28. hope beg.||Song 3. 11. day of^. Isa. 16. 10. joy and^. 22. 13. |35. 10. | 51. 3, 11. 30. 29. ye shall have a song, and g. of heart Jer. 7. 34. cease voice of mirth and jr. 16.9.|25. 10. 31. 7. sing with ^. II 33. 11. joy and^. 48. 33. Joel 1. 16. joy and^. Zech. 8. 19. Luke 1. 14. Mark 4. 16. receive it with o-. j| Acts 2.46. Acts 12. 14. she opened not the gate for^. 14. 17. food and ^.|| Phil. 2. 29. rec. with all^. GLASS, ES, s. Isa. 3. 23. L. will take the^o-. J Cor. 13. 12. see thro' a^.||2 Cor. 3. IS.asina^. Jam. 1. 23. beholding his natural face in a g. Rev. 4. 6. sea of^. 15. 2.|j21. 18. city Hke clear^. GLEAN, y. Lev. 19. 10. not^. thy vineyard Ruth 2. 2. and^. ears||Jer. 6. 9.^. the remnant GLEANED, />. Judg. I.t7. | 20. 45. Ruth 2. 3. GLEANING, S. Lev.l9.9.not gather the^.23. 22. Judg. 8. 2. g. of the grapes of Ephraim Isa. 17. 6. yetjo-. grapes shall be left, 2 k 13. Jer. 49. 9. leave g. Obad. 1 5.|jMic. 7. 1. gi'ape g. GLEDEjS. Dent. 14.13. not eat the ^. GLISTERING. 1 Chr. 29. 2.g. stones, and Job 20. 25. 0-. sword] |Luke 9. 29. white and g. GLITTER, ING. Deut. 32. 41.,f.sword Job 39. 23. thc^. spearjjEzek. i21. lo, 23. Nah. 3. 3. the^. spear, Hab. 3. 11. GLOOMINESS, s. Joel 2. 2. Zeph. 1. 15. GLORIFY, a. signifies, [1] To make gloriouSy Rom. 8 30. [2] To declare and make knoicn the glory of Gody Matt 5. 16. and ascribe to him the glory of every excellency, whether of nature or srace. 1 Cor. 4.7. 2 Cor. 5.18. Psal. 22. 23. _f. hiinU 50. 15. thou shalt^g-. me 86. 9. alLnations shall ^. thy name, 12. Isa. 24. 15. g. ye the Lord||25. 3. strong people g. 60. 7. rilo-. the house II Jer. 30. 19. I'll ^. them JVIatt. 5. 1 6. g. your Fatlier which is in heaven John 12.28. F.^^.thy naraejjl3. 32. G. shall^. him 16. 14. he shall 0-. me||l7. 1. o-. thy Son, 5. 21. 19. signifying by what death he should^. G. Rom. 15. 6. with one mind ^nd mouth ,^. G. 9- 1 Cor. 6. 20.^. God, 2 Cor. 9. 13. 1 Pet. 2.12.|4.16. Rev. 15.4. who shall not fear thee, and^. thy name GLORIFIED, p. Lev. 10. 3. I will be^. and Isa. 26. 15. thou art^. || 44. 23.^. himself in 49. 3. I will be g. \\ 55. 5. hath g. thee, 60. 9. 60.21. I may be ^. 61. 3. || 66. 5. let the L. be^. Ezek. 28. 22. I will be ^.||39. 13. 1 shall be^. Dan. 5. 23. God hast thou not^. 1| Hag. 1. 8. Matt. 9.8. ando^. G. 15. 31. Mark 2. 12. Luke 5. 26. Luke 4. 15. being^. ofall||7. 16. "■. God, 13. 13. 1 17. 15.|23. 47. Acts 4. 21.|11. 18. Gal. 1. 24. John 7. 39. not yetj.|jll.4. might be^. 14. 13. John 12.16. when Jesus was^.||23. Son should heg. 28. 1 have both^. it|jl3. 31. nowis the Son^. 15. 8. herein is my Father _g^.|| 17. 4, 10. Acts 3. 13.^. his Son |j 13. 48. ^. the word, 21. 20. Rom. 1. 21. g. him not as G.||8. 17. also g. 30. 2 Thes. 1. 10. g. in his saints, 12.||3. 1. word be^. Heb. 5. 5. so also Christy, not himself to be 1 Pet. 4. 11. God in all things may heg. 14. Rev. 18. 7. how much she hath g. herself GLORIFIETH, ING. Psai. 50. 23.^. me Luke 2. 10. g. God, 5. 25.|1 8. 43. GLORY, s. signifies, [1] Worldly splendor and magnificence, Matt, 6. 29. [2] Any thing singular and retnarkable, Job 39. 20. [3] The presence of God in his churches, Psal. 63.2. Isa. . 4. 5. [4] The riches of God's grace, Exod. 33. 18. Eph. 3. 16. [5] The happy state of departed saints, Psal. 73. 24. Rom. 8. 18. [6] God himself, Isa. 60. 19. It is also put for, [1] Praise, Rom. 4. 20. [ 11. 36. [2] The ark, 1 Sam. 4. 21. [3] The tongue, Psal. 16. 9. |30. 12. [4] An ornament, 1 Cor. 11. 7. [5] Reputation, Psal. 4. 2. [6] Dignity, 1 Cor, 15. 41. {7] 3Iatter of glory- ing, 1 Thes. 2. 20. [8] Doctrine of Christy John 1. 14. [9] Some singular evidence of the jrresence of God, 1 Kings 8. 11. Gen. 31. 1. gotten this^. || Exod. 28. 2. gar. for^. 1 Sam. 2. 8. throne of^. || 4. 21. jj^. is departed, 22. 1 Chr. 22. 5. house for L. must be of^. and fame 29. 11. thine is greatnes.-, power and^. Mat. 6.13. Esth. 5. 11. II Job 39. 20.^. of his nostrils || 40. 10. Psai. 24. 7. King of_§^. 10. || 29. 3. God of ^. 49. 16.^. of his house || 73. 24. rec. me to^. 79. 9.g. of thy name j| 85. 9. g. may dwell 89. 17. thou art the ^. || 106. 20. changed the^. 145. 11.^. of thy kingd.|| 149. 5. joyful ing. Prov. 3. 35. inherit^. || 17. 6.^. of children 20. 29. 0-. of young menjj 25.t6. set not thy 25. 27. to search their own ^. || 28. 12. is^g-. Isa. 2. 10.^. of his majesty, 19. 21. || 4.12. 4. 5. on all the ^. || 5. 14. ^. and pomp, and 10. 3. leave your ^. |1 12. punish the_§-. 18. 13. 19.^. of kingdoms II 14. 18. all He in^. 16. 14. jT. of Moab ]| 17. 4.^. of Jacob thin 20. 5. Egypt their^. || 21. 16.^. of Kedar 22. 24. hang on him the g. \\ 23. 9. of all^. 24. 16.^. to the righteous] |t23. shall be^. 35. 2. g. of Lebanon || 61. 6. in their ^. boast 66. 11. abundance of her g.\\ l'2.g. of Gentiles Jer. 2. 11. changed their ^. || 13. 11, 18. Ezek. 20. 6.^. of all landsjl 24. 25. joy of their^. 25. 9. I'll open the g. \\ 26. 20.11 31. I8.in^. Dan. 2. 37. G. hath given thee power and g. 7. 14. 4. 36. g. of my kingd. 1| 11. 39.increase vvith^. Hos. 4. 7. change ^.9. 11. 1| 10. 5. g. tliereof Mic. 1. 15. g. of Israel jl Nah. 2. 9. no end of^. Hab. 2. 16. thou art filled with shame for g. Hag. 2. 3. this house in her first g. 7. 9. Zech. 2. 5. g. in the midst 1| 8. after the g. hath 6. 13. shall bear the g. || 11. 3.g. is spoiled 12. 7. g. of the hou«e of David, the g. of Jer. Matt. 4. 8. g. of them 1| 6. 2. have g. of men 16.27. shall come in tlie g. of his Father, 24. 30. Mark 8. 38. | 13. 26. Luke 21. 27. Luke 2. 14. «. to God in the highest, 19. 38. 32. g. of thy people j| 9- 31. appeared in g. GLO GO t/ John 17. S. g. I had with theelJ22.^. thou gavest Acts 7. 2. the God of g. appeared to our father Acts 12. 23. gave not G.the^. \\ 22. 11. g. of hght Rom. 4. 20. giving^, to G. i| 6.4.^. of the Fath. 8. 18. compared with the^. || 9. 4, 23. Rom. 11. o6. to whom be J-. for ever, 16. 27. Gal. 1.5. 2 Tim. 4. 18. Heb. 13. 21. 1 Pet. 5. 11. 16.27. to G. only wise be^. 1 Tim. 1. 17. 1 Cor. 2. 7. ordained to our^. |1 8. Lord of^. 11. 7. ^. of the man || 1 5. long hair a^. to her 15. 40.^. of celestial |i 41.^. of sun||43. raised in ^. 2Cor. 3.7.^. of his countenance |1 9. exceed in^. 10. had no g. \\ 18. changed from g. tog. 4. 17. eternal weight of ^. |j 8. 23.^, of Christ Eph. 1. 6. ^. of his grace j| 17. Father of ^. 18. riches of^.||3. 13. is yoiir^.|j21. to him be^. Phil. 3. 19.^. is in their shame \\ 4. 19. riches in ^. Col. 1. 27. the hope of^. || 3. 4. appear in^. 1 Thes. 2. 6. sought we^. || 20. ye are our ^. 2 Thes. 1. 9. g. of his power || 2. 14. g. of our L. 1 Tim. 3. 16. rec.up to o-.||2 Tim. 2. 10. eternal g. Heb. 2. 10. many sons to g. \\ 3. 3. of more g. 9. 5. cherubims of^. || Jam. 2. 1. Lord of_§^. 1 Pet. 1.8. full of^^. II 11.^. that should follow 21. gave him g. \\ 24. ail the^. of man as 2. 20. what^. is it || 4. 14. Spirit of ^. || 5. 1. 5. 10. called us to eternal^. 1 Thes. 2. 12. 2 Pet. 1.3. called us to^. || 17. the excellent jo-. 3. 18. to him be^^. both now and ever, Kev. 1. 6. Jude 25. to the oiily wise G. be^. 1 Tim. 1. 17. Rev.4.11. worthy to receive ^. 5. 12.|7.12.||ll. 13. Set CR0V^'N, Honour, Vain. Giic GLORY. Josh. 7.19. 1 Sam. 6. 5. 1 Chr. 16. 28, 29. Ps. 29. 1, 2.|96. 7, 8. Jer. 13. 16. Psal.S4.11. L. will-^. ||1151.tothyname-^. Isa.42. 12.-^. untoL. || Mal.2. 2.|| Luke 17. 18. Rev. 4. 9.bea^ts-^. || 14. 7. -g. to God jl 16. 9. GLORY of God. P.al. 19. 1. Prov. 25. 2. Ezek. 8. 4. I 9. 3. I 10. 19. I 43. 2. John 11. 4, 40. Acts 7. 55. Rom. 3. 23.|5. 2.| 15. 7. 1 Cor. 10. 31. 1 1 1.7. 2 Cor. 1. 20.14. 6, 15. Phil. 1.11.|2. U.Rev. 15.8.|21. 11.23. . His GLORY. Deut. 5. 24.|33. 17. lCor.16.24. declare -_§^.among heathen, Psal. 96. 3. Psal. 21. 5.129. 9.|49. 17.172. 19-178. 61. | 89.44. I 97. 6. 1 102. 16. I 113. 4. | 148. 13. Prov. 19. 11. Isa. 3. 8. 1 6. 3.18. 7. | 10. 16.|59. 19. I 60. 2. Jer. 22. 18. Ezek. 43. 2. Dan. 5. 20. Hab. 3. 3. Matt. 6. 29. j 19.28. Luke 9. 32. they saw -g. \\ 24. 26. into -g. John 1. 14. beheld -^. |1 2. 11. [ 7. 18. | 12. 41. Rom. 3. 7.iiiy lye to -g. \\ 9. 23. riches of-_g^. Eph. 1. 12. praise of-^. || 3. 16. riches of-^. Heb. 1. 3. 1 Pet. 4. 13. Jude 24. Rev. 18. 1. My GLORY. Gen. 45. 13. tell of all - g. in Exod. 29. 4a I S3. 22. |1 Num. 14.22. seen -g. Job 19. 9. stript me of -^.y 29. 20. -g. was fresh Psal. 3. 3. thou art -g. || 4. 2. turn -g. to shame IG. 9.-^. rejoicethy 30. 12. -r-may sing 57. 8. awake -^. || 02. 7. in God is- _^. y 108. 1. Isa. 42. 8. -^. will I notgive to another, 48. 11. 43. 7. II 46. 13. iM-ael-^. |1 60. 7. houseof-^. 66. 18. see -g. 19. || Ezek. 39. 21. I'll set-^. Mic. 2. 9. John 8. 5U. || 17. 24. behold -g. GLORY of the Lord. Exod. 16. 1. seeg.- 10. ff. - appeared, Lev. 9. 23. Num. 14. 10. 24. 16.^. - abode }j 17.^. - was likei|40. 34,. 35. Num. 14. 21. filled with^. -, Hab. 2. 14. 1 Kings 8. 11. g. of the Lord filled the house, 2 Chr. 5. 14.|7. 1, 2, 3. Ezek. 43. 5.|44. 4. Psal. 104. 31.^. - endure || 138. 5. great is the^. - Isa. 35. 2. see^. - 40. 5.1|58. 8. || 60. 1 . ^^ - is risen Ezek. 1. 28.|3.12, 23.] 10. 4, 18. | 11. 23. | 43. 4. Luke 2. 9.g. -shonelJ2 Cor. 3. 18. as in aglass g\ - Thy GLORY. Exod. 33. 1 8. shew me thijg. Psal. 8. 1. -g. above heavens \\ 45. 3. with - g. 57. 5. let -^. be above all the earth, ll.j 108. 5.. 63. 2. see -g.\\ 90. 16. - g. appear J| 102. 15. Isa. 22. 18. y 60. 19. thy God -g. || 62. 2. | 63. 15. Jer. 14. 21. | 48. 18. Hab. 2. 16. Mark 10. 37. GLORY, V. Exod. 8. 9. g. over me 2 Kings 14. 10. _g^. of this, and tarry at home 2 Chr. 16. 10. g. in his holy name, 35. Ps. 105. 3- Psal. 63. 11. shall g. 64. 10. 1|106. 5. that I may^. Isa. 41. 16. ^. in Holy One || 45. 25. and shall ^. Jer. 4. 2. shall they g. || 9. 23. let not rich g. 24. Rom. 4. 2. whereof to ^. || 5. 3. we^. || 15. 17. 1 Cor. 1. 29. no flesh ^>-. |1 31. ^•. in the Lord 3. 21. let no man^. 4. 7. 1| 9. 16. nothing to^. of 2 Cor. 5. 12. occasion to i;.||ll. 12. wherein they g. 11. 18. seeing many g. |{ 30. needs s. I will g. 12. 1. doubtless to g. 5, 6. 1| 9. I'll rather g. Gal. 6. 13. g. in your flesh || 14. I should g. 1 Thes. 1. 4. we g. in you || Jam. 3. 14. g. not GLORIOUS, rt. Exod. 15.6. right-hand is g. 11. g. in holiness || Deut. 28. 58. this g. name 2 Sam. 6. 20. how g. was the king of Israel 1 Chr. 29. 13. g. name, Neh. 9. 5. Psal. 72. 19. Psal. 29.t2. worship L. in g.sjanctnary, 96.f 6. 45. 13. g. withiny 66. 2. make his praise g. 76. 4. more g. \\ 87.3. g. things are spoken 111. 3. work is g. \\ 145. 5. g. majesty, 12. Isa. 4. 2. branch be g. jj 11 . 10. his rest be g. 22. 23. g. throne y 28. 1. g. beauty, 4. 30. 30. g. voice 11 33. 21. g. Lord jj 49.5. 1 beg. 60. 13. place of feet g. j| 6S. 1. g. in apparel 63. 12. hisg. arm || 14. thyself a g. name Jer. 17. 12. ag. high throne || Ezek. 27. 25. Dan. 11. 16.g. land, 41. |145. g. holy mountain Luke IS. 17. g. things II Rom. 8. 21. g. liberty 2 Cor. 3. 7. ministration g. 8. || 4. 4. g. gospel Eph. 5. 27. ag. churchy Phil. 3. 21. his g. body Col. 1. 11. g. power \\ 1 Tim. 1. 11. g. gospel Tit. 2. 13. looking for the g. appearing of God GLORIOUSLY, orf. Exod. 15. 1. Isa. 24. 23. GLORIEST, v. Jer. 49. 4. wherefore o. thou GLORIETH,t-.Jer. 9.24. 1 Cor. 1.31.2Cor.l0.17, GLORYING,/. 1 Cor. 5. 6.yourg.||9. 15. my ^', 2 Cor. 7. 4. great is my g. || 12. 11. a fool in g. GLUTTON, S, *-.Dout. 21. 20. Frov. 23. 21. GLUTTONOUS, a. Matt. 11. 19. Luke 7. 54. GNASH, V. Psal. 112. 10. Lam. 2. 16. GNASHED, p. Psal. 35.16. Acts 7.54^ GNASHETH,r.'Job 16. 9. he^. Psal. 37. 12. Mark 9. 18. he fometh, and g. with his teetli GNASHING, /-.Matt. 8. 12. beg. of teeth, IS. 42,50. j 22.13. I 24.51. I 25. 30. Luke 15. 28, GNAT, s. Matt. 23. 24. strain at a g. and GNAW, ED. Zeph. 3. 3. Rev. 16. 10. GNIDAS, A rage. An island, Acts 27. 7. GO, V. Gen. 3- 14. on tliy belly shall thou g. 16. 3. whither wilt thou g. ? if 24. 42. way 1 g. 24. 58. she said I will g. || 26. 16. to Isaac g.' 28. 20, way that I g. \\ 30. 25. send that I mav •i GO GO .Num. 32. 26. let mc^. I'll not let thee g. except 37, 10. whither shall I^.? |j 43. 8. arisc^and^. Exod. 3. 19. not let you^. |j 20. he will let you g. 4. 23. let my son^. 8. 2, 21. [ 9. S. | 10. 4. 10. 7. let the meil^^.||9. we will^. with 14. 5. we have let Israel g. |j 17. 5. to Moses ^. . 23. 23. angel sliall^. 32. 23. gods to^. Acts 7.40. S3. 14. my presence shall^. 34. 9. Dent. 31. 6. Num. 10. 32. if thou g.\\ 20. 17. g. by high way 22. 20. rise up and^. with them, 35. 24. 14. I^. to my people II 32. 17.^^. armed Deut. 1. So. way he should g. \\ 4. 40. that it may ^. well with Ihec 5. 16. | 19. 13. 21. 14. let her^. |) 22. 7. let the damsel g. 31. 8.L. doth^. before thee II 21. tiiey^. about Josh. 1. 16. sendest, we'll ^. |j 3. 4. way ye must^. Judg. 1. 25. let <:. the man |j 4. 8. if thou wilt g. 6. 14.,^. in this thy might || 7. 4. same shall if. 11. 8. thou mayest f(. j| 10. 17. strength will ^. 18. 9. not slothful to g. \\ 19. hold thy peace || 7. 33."tben I _§-. 11. 44. loose, let him ^. I 14. 2. 1 ^. to prepare I 12. I^-. to my F. 16. 10. 19. 12. if thou let this man^-. || 21. 3. fishing Acts 3. 13. to let hira_§-. [| 4. 23. being let^. 5. 40. let them §•. jj 16. 7. assayed to g. into 16. 35. let these men_§-. || 17. 9. let them g-. 20. 22. I^. bound || 25. 12. to Cesar shalt g-. 28. 18. wouhl have let me^. jj Rom. 15. 25. I 1 Cor. 6. 1.^. to law.' j| 10. 27. be disposed to^. 16. 4. meet that I g. \\ 2 Cor. 9. 5. that they g. Phil. 2. 23. how will it^. || Jam. 4. 13. g. to city Let us GO. Gen. 37. 17. -g. to Dothan Exod. 3. 18.-^. 3 days, 5. 3. || 13. 15. hardly -g. Dent. 13. 2. - g. after other gods, 6. 13. 1 Sam. 9. 9. -0-. to the seer || 11. 14. | 14. 1, 6. 1 Kings 6. 2. -g. to Jordan jj Ps. 122. 1. -g. to iiouse Isa. 2. 3. - g. up If Jer. 4. 5. - g. to defenced cities Jer. 6. 5. - g. by nigiit |j 40. 10. ari^c - g. 51. 9. Zech. 8. 21. - g. to pray || Mark 1. 38. | 14. 42. 7. - g. to Judea, 15. || 14. 31. arise - g. 36. - Si' agahi visit j| Heb. 6. 1.;^. on to GO u.mle. Num. 5. 12. Deut. 28. 14. Jer. 15. 5. GO astray. Deut. 22. 1. Ps. 58. 3. Prov. 5. 23. i 7. 25. ! 28. 10. Jer. 50. 6. GO away. Exod. 8. 28. Deut. 15. 13, 16. 1 Sam. 15. 27. i 24. 19. Job 4. 21. | 15. 30. Hos-. 5. 14. IMatt. 25. 46. John 6. 07. j 14. 28. GO his ivay. Judg. 19. 27. went out to g. - GO tkdr way. John 18. 8. let these g. - John 11 Acts 15 1 Sam. 20. 22. Song 1. 8. Dan. John 4. 50, ■so Neh. 16. 7. 8. 10. Luke Matt. 7. 22. GO down. Exod. Josh. 1 14. 36. j 15. 20. I 20. 10. 22. 29. I I 1 13. 7. I 33. 18. I 32 GO */(?/ way. Gen. 12. 19. 2 kings 4. 29. Eccl. 9. 7~ 1 2. 9. Matt. 5, 24. | 8. 4, Acts 9. 15. j 24. 25. GO ynuT vMy. Gen. 19. 2. 27. 65. Mark 11. 2. j j 10.3,10. Rev. 16. 1. GO back. Exod. 14. 21. Judg. 11. 35. 1 Kings 19. 20. 2 Kings 20. 9. Psal. 80. 18. Gen. 11. 7. I 18. 21. j 43. 5. \ 40. .3. 19. 21. Num. 16. 30. Deut. 24. 15. 10. 13. Judg. 7. 10. 1 Sam. 10. 8. I 23. 4. I 29. 4. 2 Sam. 11. 8, 10. 1 Kings 21. 18. 2 Kings 1. 15. 2 Chr. "20. 16. Job 21. 13. Psa!. 28. 1. I 55. 15. I 107. 23. | 11.5. 17. Prov. 5. 5. Isa. 14. 19. \ 30. 2. I 60. 20. Ezek. 26. 20. j 31. 14. Amos 8. 9. Mic* 3. 6. Mark 13. lo.Eph. 4. 26. GO forth. 2 Kings 19. 31. g. - a remnant Job 24. 5. Psal. 78. 52. 1 108. 11. Song 3.11. 1 7. 11. Isa. 2. 3. g. - the law jj 42. 13. the Lord shall g. - 48. 20. I 49. 9, 17. 1 6?. 1. Jer. 6. 25. 1 14. 18. i 15. 1. j 25. 32. I 31.4. I 38. 17, 18. j 43. 12. Ezek. 12. 4, 12. | 21. 4. j 30. 9. [ 4G. 8, 9. 18,-30. GOE GOD m Dan. 11. 44. Joel 2. 16. Hab. 1. 4. Zecli. 6. 5, 6. I 14. 3. Mai. 4. 2. Malt. 24. 26. Heb. 13. 13. Rev 16. 14. GO forward. Exod. 14. 15. Num. 2. 24. 2 Kings 20. 9. shadow g. - \\ Job 23. 8. I ^. - GO in. Gen. 16. 2. \ 19. 34. | 30. 3. | 38. S. Dent. 21. 13. 1 22. 13. 125. 5. Josh. 23. 12. Judjr. 15. 1. 1 Kin. 11.2. Ezek. 23. 44. Amos 2. 7. GO in Peace. Gen. 15. 15. Exod. 4. 18. | 18. 23. Judg. 18. 6. 1 Sam. 1. 17. | 20. 42. \ 25. 35. , I 29.>. 2 Sam. 15.9. 1 Kings 2. 6. 2 Kings 5. 19. Isa. 57. 1 2. Mark 5.34. Luke 7. 50. 1 8. 48. Acts 15. 33. I will GO. Gen. 13. 9. -^. to the right 24. 58. -^. 11 33. 12.-^. before thee, Isa. 45. 2. 45. 28. Num. 20. 19. | 23. 3. Deut. 2. 27. Judg. 1. 3. 1 4. 8, 9. I 16. 20. Ruth 1. 16. 2 Kings 6. 3. 2Chr. 18.29. Ps. 43.4. 1 66. 13. I 71. 16. I 118. 19. Jer. 2.25. Ezek. 38. 11. Hos. 2. 5, 7. 1 5. 15. Mic. 1. 8. Zech. 8. 21. Matt.26.32. Markl4 28. Lukel 5.1 S.Actsl 8.6. GO near. Deut. 5. 27. 2 Sam. 1. 15. Job 31. 37. would I ^. - to him || Acts 8. 29. GO ovei\ Deut. 3. 25, 28. | 4. 14, 22. 1 24. 20. j 30. 13. I 31. 3. I 34. 4. Josh. 1. 2. Judg. 12. i. 1 Sam. 14. 1. | 30. 10. 2 Sam. 16. 9. I 19. 37. Isa. 8. 7. ! 11. 15. I 51. 23. j 54. 9. Jer. 41. 10. Luke 8. 22. GO o«^. Gen. 9. 10. I 45. 1. Exod. 6. 11. | 8. 29. jll. 8,,29. 121.2,3,4,5,7,11. Lev. 6. 13. fire never g. - |J 8. 33. \ i0.7.\ 14. 38. I 15. 16. I 13. 16. I 21. 12. 1 25. 28, 30, 54. Deut. 24. 5. not ^. - to war || 28. 25. g. - one way Judg. 9. 38. 1 16. 20. I'll g. - \\ 20. 28. shall I g. - 1 Sam. 20. 11. 1 21. 1. 2 Sam. 5. 24. | 21. 17. 1 Kings 15. 17. 1 Chr. 20. 1. 2 Chr. 18. 21. I 20. 17. 1 26. 20. Job 15. 30. Psal. 60. 10. 1 109.t7. Prov. 22. 10. Eccl. 8. 3. Isa. 52. 11, 12. I 5.1. 12. Jer. 21. 12. | 51. 4.i. Ezek. 15.7. |44. 3. 1 46. 9. Zech. 14.8. Matt. 25. 6. Luke 9. 5. 1 14. 21, 2.S. 1 Cor. 5. 10. Heb. 11. 8. Rev. 3. 12. j 20. 8. OO to. Gen. 11. 3, 4, 7. Eccl. 2. 1. Isa. 5. 5. Jam. 4. 13.^. -now, yelj 5. 1.^. -now, ye rich GO up. Gen. 35. 1. 1 44. 33, 34. i 50. 6. Exod. 19. 12. I 20.26. 1*24. 2. | 32. 30. | 33. 1, 3. Lev. 19. 16. Num. \3. 30, 31. | 14. 40, 42, 44. Deut. 25. 7. 1 30. 12. Josh. 7. 3. | 22. 33. Judg. 1. 2. 1 2. 1. 1 11. 37. 1 20. 9. 1 Sam. 6. 9, 20. I 9. 14. I 14. 9, 10. 2 S^im. 2. 1. 5. 19. I 15. 20. 1 24. 18. 1 Kings 12. 28. 18. 43. I 22. 6, 20. 2 Kings 1. 3. ] 2. 23. 18. 25. I 20. 5, 8. 1 Chr. 14. 10, 14. 2 Chr. 36. 23. let him g. -, Ezra 7. 1 3. Neh.4.3. Psal. 104. 8. 1 132. 3. Song 6. 6. ] 7. 8. Isa. 2. 3. let us g. - to mountain of L. IMic. 4. 2. 7. 6. I 15. 5. I 22. 2. | 34. 10. 1 35. 9. | 56. 10. Jer. 3. 10. 1 6. 4. I 22. 20.1 31. 6. | 46.8, 11. 1 48.5. Hos. 4. 15. Hag. 1. 8. Zech. 14. 16. Malt. 20. 18. Luke 14. 10. John 7. 8. Acts 15. 2. I 21. 4, 12. I 25. 9. GO a whoring. Exod. 34. 15, 16. Lev. 20. 5, 6. Num. 15. 39. Deut. 51. 16. 2 Chr. 21. 13. Psal. 73. 27. Ezek. 6. 9. OOEST, V. Gen. 28. 15. keep whither thou g. ^. 17. whither^, thou? Judg. 19. 17. Zech. 2.2. John .13. ^6. \ 16. 5. Exod. 33. 16. in that thou g. with us jj 34. 12. Num. 14. 14. g. before them|| Deut. 20. 1. battle Deut. 23. 20. bless whither thou g. Josh. 1. 7. 28. 6. g. out, 1 9. II 32. 50. die whither thou g. Josh. 1. 9. Judg. 14. 3. II Ruth 1. 16. ^. I will go P?al. 44. 9. g' not forth with our armies Prov. 4. 12. when thou g. 6. 22. Eccl. 5. 1. 1 9. 10. Jer. 45. 5. give for a prey whither thou g. Matt. 8. 19. follow thee whither thou ^. Luke 9.57. Luke 12. 5S. ^. with adversary Ij John 11.8. 1 14.5. GOETH, r. Judg. 5. 31. sun\vhen he^. forth Job 9. 11. he g. by me 1| 34. 8, g. in company Psal. 104. 23.^. forth, 126. 6. 1 148. 4. Isa. 28. 19, Prov. 6.29. I 7. 22. | 11. 10. j 20. 19. | 26. 9,2a Eccl. 1. 5. g. down, 3. 21. Song 7. 9. Isa. 63. 14. 12. 5. g. to his long home || Isa. 30. 29. one g. Isa. 55. 11.^. ferth, Jer. 30. 23. Hos. 6. 5. Jer. 6. 4. g. away, 22. 10. || Hos. 6. 4. forth, 5. Ezek. 33. 31. heart g. \\ Zech. 5. 3. g. forth, 6. Matt. 8. 9. and he^. 1| 17. 21. g. not out but 26. 24. Son of man g. Mark 14. 21. Luke 22. 221. John 3. 8. whither it^. 12. 35. 1 John 2. 11. 1 Cor. 6. 6.g. to law 1| 9. 7. ^. a warfare any time GOING. Josh. 7. 5.g. down, 10. 11, 27. 1 King^ 22. 36. 2 Chr. 18. 34. Job 33. 24. Psa'. 50. 1. I 104. 19. 1 113.3. Prov. 7. 27. Dan^ 6. 14. Zech. 8. 1 7. Mai. 1.11. Job 1.7. g. to and fro || 33. 28. his soul from g. Psal. 19. 6.g. forth, Isa. 13. 10. Ezek. 44. 5. 1 46.12- Dan.9.25.^. forth of com.H Hos. 6.3. g, is prepared Matt. 26. 46. let us be g. \\ Luke 14. 31. g. to wa^ GOINGS, s. Num. 33. 2. Moses wrote g. out Job 34. 21. seeth all his^. 1| Ps. 17. 5. hold up my Psal. 40. 2. stablished my g. \\ 44.f 18. g. declined 68. 24. seen thy ^. || 140. 4. overthrow my ^. Prov. .5. 21. pondereth all his^. 1| 20. 24. man's Isa. 59. 8. there is no judgment in their g. Ezek. 42. 11. their g. \\ 43. 11. shew them g. Mic. 5. 2. whose g. forth have been of old GOAD, S. Judg.3. 31.1 Sam. 13.21. Eccl. 12.11.' GOAT. The goat is exceeding venerous, yielding seed soon after it is kidded. Its blood scoureth 7^ust}j iron better than a file; it also softens an adamant stone, which no fire can melt, nor ham- mer break. To them wicked men are compared, Matt. 25. 33. Lev. 3. 12. oifering be a g. the«l he shall offer it 4. 24. head of the g.\\ 16. 8. scape g. 10. 26. 16.20. bring live ^.21. IJ Num. 15. 27. bring a ^•. Deut. 14. 4. eat the g. 5.\\ Prov. 30. 31. an he g. Jer. 51. 40. he^. Dan. 8. 5, 8. |j 21. rough g. GOx\TS. Gen. 30. 32, 33, 34. 1 31. 38. 1 32. 14., I 37. 31. Lev. 4. 23. ] 9. 3. 1 16. 5. | 22. 19. Num. 7. 17. five he g. 23, 29, 35, 41,-83. Deut. 32. 14. he g. 2 Chr. 17. 11. 1 29. 21. Ezra 6. 17. 1 8. 35. Psal. 50.9. Isa. 1. 11. Ezek. 34. 17. 1 Sam. 24. 2. wild g. Job 39. 1. Psal. 104. 18. 25. 2. a thousand g. \\ 66. 15. I will offer g. Prov. 27. 27. g. milk || Song 4. 1. as a flock of ^. Matt. 25. 32. divided sheep from the g. 33. Heb. 9. 12. blood of o^. 13. 19. \ 10. 4. || 11. 37. GOATS Hair. Exod. 25. 4. 1 26. 7. 1 35. 6, 23, 26. I 36. 14. Num. 31. 20. 1 Sam. 19. 13. GOATH, His touching. Jer. 31. 39. GOB, Grashoppers. A citv, 2 Sam. 21. 18. GOBLET, Or cup of roundness. Song 7. 2. GOD, s. referred to man. Fxod. 4. 16. j 7, h. . GOD GOD GOD for Idol Deut. 32. 21. which is not^. .ludg. 6 31. I 8.33. I 0.27. | 11.24. | IG. 23/24. ISani. 5. 7. and on onr^.|jlKings 11. 33. \\ IS. 27. 2 Kings 1. 2. ^r. of Ekronfj 19. 37. Nisroch his g. Psal. 16. 4. another ^. || Isa. 44. 10. formed a^. Isa. 44. 15. maketh a g. 46. 6. j| 45. 20. pray to a^. Dan 1. 2. into house of his ^.j| 4. 8. name of my^. 11. 36. above every g. \\ Amos 5. 26. star of ^. Amos 8. 14. thy g. O Dan f] Jonah 1. 5. Mic.4. 5. Hab.l. 11. power tohis^.|| Acts 12.22. voice of a^. A7it/ GOD. Exod. 22. 20. sacrifice to - g. save 2 Sam. 7. 22. 1 Chr. 17. 20. Dan. 3. 28. 1 6. 7, 12. Otlm^ GOD. Exod. 34. 1 4. Dan. 3. 29. 1 Cor. 8. 4. iStrange GOD. Deut, 32. 12. no strange^, with, Psal. 44. 20. I 81. 9. Isa. 43. 12. Dan. 11. 39. GOD, is one of the names which is given to the supreme^ infinite, eteriial, incomprehensible, and ever-glorious Author of our Existence; who is the first and last, and besides whom there is no God. The Hebrew names of God, as Jerome (the best Hebrecian of the Fathers) observes, are ten: Three comes from Being, as Jehovah, Jah, Ehejah ; three from Power, as El, Eloah, Elohim ; three from Governing, as Adonai, Shaddai, Jehovah-Tsebaoth ; one from Excel- lency, as Ehon. Leigh. Crit. Sacr. God is taken, I. properly, and that either esscn- tialli/for the ivhole Trinity, Isa. 40. 28. John 4. 24. Or, personally, [1] For the Father, Eph. 1. 3. [2] The Son, Rom. 9. 5. [3j For the Holif Ghost, Acts 5. 3, 4. It. Improperly, ■[1] For an idol, Exod. 22. 20. [2] For princes, magistrates, and judges, Exod. 22. 28. Psal. 82. 1, 6. [3j The ark of God, 1 Sam. 4. 7. [4] Am/ thing that men esteem instead of God, Phil. 3. 19. [5]] A chosen instrument to repre- sent God, Exod. 7. 1. [6] Satan, 2 Cor. 4. 4. [7] Antichrist, 2 Thes. 2. 3, 4. Gen. IG. 13. thou G. see-t me|jl7. 7.a G. to thee 31. 13. G. of Beth-e)I|42. 28. G. hath done 45. 8. but G. sent me |) 48. 21. G. shall be with Exod. 6. 7. be to you a G.]|18. 19. G. shall be with Num.23. 23. G. wrought|j24. 23. G. doth this Deut. 4. 7. G. so nigh \\ 29. 13. be to thee a G. 1 Sam. 3. 17. G, do so, 14. 44. ] 25. 22. 2 Sam. 3. 9, 35. I 19. 13. I Kings 2. 2.3. 2 Kings 6. 13. 17. 46. a G. in Israel || 22. 3. what G. will do 2 Sam. 22. 32. who is G. save the L. Psal. IS. 31. 1 Kings 18. 21. if the L. be G. follow him, 39. 2 Kings 19. 15. G. even thou alone, 2 Chr. 20. 6. Ezra 1.3. heis the G.|) Neh. 9.17. G.ready topard. Job 22. 13. how doth G. know, Psal. 73. 11. Psal. 52.7. not G. his strength |j 86. 10. G. alone Isa. 12. 2. Behold G. is || 37. 16. art the G. 44. 8. yea, there is no G. 45. 22. | 46. 9. Jer. 31. 33. I will be their G. 32. 38. Heb. 8. 10. Ezek. 28. 2. thou hast said, I am a ^. || 9. no G. Hos. 8. 6. it is not G. || 11. 9. I am G. and Blic. 7. 18. who is a G. like to thee, that pardons Matt. 1 . 23. G. with us |) 6. 24. G. and mammon 19. 17. one, that is G. Mark 10. 18. Luke 1 8. 19. Mark 12. 32. there is one G. and none other John 1.1. Word was G. || 3. 2. except G. be with 8. 41. even G. |i42. I came from G. |) 17. 3. Acts 2. 22. G. did by him \\ 5. 29. to obey G. 7. 9. G. was with him || 10^. 34. G. is no respecter Rom. 3. 4. let G. be true |J 8. 31. if G. be for us Rom. 15. 5. the G. of patience and cdnsolafion 1 Cor. 8. 6. but one G. || 15. 28. G. be al! m all 2 Cor. 4. 4. g. of this worl.i || 1 3. 1 1. G. of love 2 Thes. 2. 4. so that he as G. |j 1 Tim. 3. 16. Heb. 3. 4. built all things is G. || 4. 10. as G. did 1 John 1. 5. G. is light |) 4, 12. hath seen G. Rev. 21. 7. I'll be his G. and he shall be my son Against GOD. Gen. 39. 9. and sin - G. Num. 21. 5. the people -pake - G. Psal. 78. 19. 1 Chr. 5. 25. transgressed - G. [| 2 Chr. 32. 19. Job V 15. 13, 25. 1 34. 37. Dan. 3. 29. | 11. 36. Hos. 13. 16. Acts 5. 39. 1 6. 11. 1 -23. 9. Rom. 8. 7. Rom. 9. 20. repliest -G.||Rev.l3. 6. blasphemy -G. Before GOB. Gen. 6. 11. Exod. 18. 12. Josh. 24. 1. Judg. 21. 2. 1 Chr. 13. 8, 10. I 16. 1. 3 Chr. 33. 12. humbled himself- G. 34. 27. Ezra 7. 19. -G. of Jerus.|| Job 15.4. restr. prayer- Psal. 42. 2. appear Ij 56. 13. walk j| 61.7. abide 68. 3. rejoice II 84. 7. in Zion appeareth - G, G. good' G-ll 5.2. utter II 8.13. feareth not High GOD. Eccl. 2. 28. Dan, 6. 11. supplication |j26.tremble- G. of Dan. Luke 1. 6. righteous || 12. 6. not forgotten - G. Acts 7. 46. found favour || 10. 4. memorial - G, 10. 33, present- G. |{ 23. 1. in good conscience Rom, 3. 19. guilty \\ 4. 2. but not - G. |j 14. 22. 2 Cor. 12. 19. we speak - G. in Christ Gal. 1. 20. - G. I lie not || 1 Thes. 3. 13. establish 1 Tim. 3. 4. acceptable II 21. 1 charge thee - G. Jam. 1, 27. Rev. 3. 2. 1 9. 13. 1 12.10. 1 16.19. 1 20.12. See Called, Chosen, Commanded. Eternal GOD. Deut. 33. 27. - G, is thy refuge Everlasting GOD. Gen. 21.33. Isa. 40. 28. Rora.16.26. according to the commandment of-G. See Father, Fear, Gave, Glorify. Gen. 14. 18, 19, 20, 22. Psal. 57. 2. 1 78. 35, 56. Dan. 3. 26. 1 4. 2. | 5. 1 8. Mic. 6. 6. Mark 5. 7. Luke 8. 28. Acts 16. 17. Holy GOD. Josh. 24. 19. 1 Sam. 6. 20. Psai. 99. 9. our G. is holy\\ Isa. 5. 16. G. is holy GOD of heaven. 2 Chr. 36. 23. Ezra 1. 2, [5."ll. I 6.10. I 7.12,23. Neh. 1.4. j 2.4. Psal. 136. 26. Dan, 2. 18, 19, 44. Jonah 1. 9. Rev. 11. 13. I 16. 11. GOD of Hosts. Psal. 80. 7, 14, 19. Amos 5. 27. Se^ Lord God^ GOD is. Job 33. 12. G- greater than man 36. 5. G. - mighty |j 26. G. - great and we know Psal. 7. 11. G. - angry |j 10. 4. G. - not in all his 33. 12. G. - the Lord || 46. 1. G.- our refuge, 62.8.. 46. 5. G. - in midst of her || 47. 5. G. - gone up 47. 7. G. - King |)48. 3. G. - known in her 50. 6. G. -judge, 75. 7. |) 54. 4. G. - my helper 56. 9. G. - for me || 59. 9. G. -my defence, 17. 62. 7. in G. - my salvation, Isa. 12. 2. |j 68. 5. 73. 1. G. - good II 26. G. - the strength of my 74. 12, G. - my King || 89. 7. G. - to be feared 116. 5. G. - merciful II 118. 27. G. - the Lord Eccl. 5. 2. G. - in heaven || Isa. 5. 16. G, - holy Isa. 8. 10. G. - with us || 45. 14. G. - in thee Zech. 8. 23. G. - with yo« || Matt. 3. 9. G. - able Matt. 22. 32. G. - not G. of the dead, but living John 3. 33. G. - true||4. 24. G. - a spirit || 13. 31. Rora.l.g.G. -my witness II 11.23. G.- able, 14. 4.. 1 Cor. 1. 9, G.- faithful, 10. 13. I| 14. 25, 33. 2 Cor. 1. 1 8. as G. - true f| 9. 8. G. - able to make Gal. 3. 20. G. - one |j 6. 7. G. - not mocked Eph, 2. 4. G. who is rich iii mercy, quickned us- GOD GOD *^^ Phil. 1. 8. G.- my record j[3. 19. G. - their beli5^ Heb.11.16. G. - not ashanied|Jl 2.29. G.-aconsuni. 1 John 1. 5. G. - hght \\ 4. 8. G. - love, 16. |j 3. 20. GOD o/ Israe?. Exod. 24.' 10. Num. 16. 9. Josh. 7. 19. I 13. S3. I 22. 16, 24. | 24. 23. Jud to' 11. 23. Ruth 2. 12. 1 Sam. 1. 17. | 5. 11 1 Kings 8. 23. j 14. 13. 1 Chr. 4. 10.|17. 24. 2 Chr. 1.5. 13. Ezra 7. 15. | 9. 4. P^al. 41. 13. I Z2.18. I 106.48. Luke 1. 68. Isa. 41. 17. ! 45. 3. I 48. 2. Ezek. 8. 4. Matt. 15. 31. Zfwwo-GOD. Deut. 5.'26. Jo.>h. 3. 10. 1 Sam. 17. 26, 3 G. 2 Kings 19. 4, 16. Isa. 37. 4. Psal. 42. 2. I 84. 2. Jer. 10. 10. | 23. 36. Dan. 6. 26. Hos. 1. 10. Matt. 16. 16. | 26. 03. John 6. 69. Acts 14. 15. Rom. 9. 26. 2 Cor. 3. 3. j 6. 16. 1 Thes. l. 9. 1 Tim. 3. 15. 1 4. 10. Heb.3.12.l9. 14. | 10. 31. 1 12. 22. Rev. 7. 2. angel having the seal of the - G. See in the divisions of the ivord Lord, Blerciful GOD. Exod. 34.6. Deut.4. 31. 2 Chr. 30. 9. Neh. 9. 31. Psal. 1 16. 5. Jonah 4. 2. Mighty GOD. Gen. 49. 24. Deut. 7. 21. 1 10. 17. ]Seh. 9. 32. Job 36. 5. Psal. 50. l.|132. 2, 5. Isa. 9. 6.|10. 21. Jer. 32. 18. Hab. 1. 12. My GOD. Gen. 23. 21. then shall the Lord be-G. Exod. 15. 2. he is - G.|jRuth 1. 16. and thyG. - G. 2 Sam. 22. 7. 1 cried to- G. he heard, Psal. 18. 6. 22. have not departed from - G. P.~al. 18. 21. SO. by - G. I leaped over a wall, Psal. 18. 29, 1 Chr. 28. 20. - G. will be with thee!|2 Chr. 18.13. Neh. 5. 19. think on me- G. for good, 13. 14, 31. Psal. 22. 1. - G. - G. why forsaken. Matt. 27. 46. 10. thou art - G. || 31. 14. 1 said, thou art - G. 38. 21.0- G. be not far from me, 71. 12. 89. 26. he shall cry ~ G. || 104. 3S. sing to, 146. 2. 118. 28. thou art- G.|| 145. 1. I'll extol thee- G. Isa. 44. 17. for thou art - G.jj 61. 10. joyful in - G. Dan. 6.22. - G. hath sent his angel and hath Hos. 2. 23. they shall say thou art - G.Zech. 13. 9. 8. 2. Israel cry - G. || 9. 17. - G. cast them avvay Mi(!. 7. 7. I will wait, f(>r - G. will hear me John 20. 17. 1 ascend to - G. || 28. my L. and - G. Phil. 4. 19. - G. sliall supply ||Rev. 3. 12. name of See Lord my God. No GOD. Deut. 32. 39. 1 Kings 8. 23. 2 Kings 1. 16. I 5. 15. 2 Chr. 6. 14. | 32. 15. Ps. 14. 1. |53. 1. Isa. 43. 10. I 44. 6, 8. | 45. 5, 14, 21. Ezek. 28. 9. be a maw, and - G. \\ Hos. 13. 4. , GOD. Num. 12. 15. Judg. 16. 28. Psal. 4. 1. |25. 22.|51. 14.156. 12. Isa. 64. 4. Heb. 10.7,9- Of GOD. John 9. 16. this man is not o/ G. Acts 5. 39. Rom. 9. 16. 1 Cor. 1. 30. 1 6. 19. 1 Cor. 11.12. but all things are of G. 2 Cor. 5.18. 2 Cor. 3.5. Phil. 1.28. 1 John.3.10.|4. 1, 3, 6.|5.19. 3 John 1 1. follow good, he tliat doth good, is of G. See in other ivords. Our GOD. Exod. 5. 8. let us .sacrifice to - G. Deut. 31. 17. because - G. is not amongst us 32. 3. ascribe ye greatness to - G.||Josh. 24. 17. Judg.lO.lO.forsaken- G'.jjl Sam.2.2,rocklike- G. 2 Sam. 10. 12. for the cities of oar G.lChr.19.13. 1 Chr. 29. 13. - G. we thank |1 2 Chr. 2. 5. great is 2 Chr. 14. 11. thou art - G.||'^0. 7. art not thou - G. Ezra 9. 10. now O - G. wliat shall we say after Neh. 4. 4. hear O - G. \\ 20. - G. shall light for us 9. 32. - G.the great||13.2v - G. turned the nurse Psal. 40. 3. even praise to - G.!|48. 14. this G.is-G. 50. 3. - G, shall come jj 67. 6. even - G. shall bless Psal.68.20,he that is -G.|j77.] 3. who .=o great as- G'.. , 95. 7. he is - G. |j 115, 3. - G. is in the heavens 116. 5. - G, is merciful || Isa. 25. 9.1o, this i> - G. Isa. 55. 7. and to - G. || 61.2. day of vengeance of Dan. 3. 1 7. - G. whom we serve is ablejIZech. 9. 7. Heb. 12. 29 for our G. is a consuming fire Rev. 5. 10. to- G. kingsl|7.10. saivation to- G. 12. See PEACEySAiD, Serve, Sent, ^r- Their GOD. Gen. 17. 8. I will be - G. Exod. 29. 45. Jer. 24. 7. | 31. 33. | 32. 38, Ezek, 11. 20. I 34. -24.137. 23, 27. Zech. 8. 8. 2 Cor. 6. 16. Rev- 21. 3. Lev. 21 .6. holy to - G.|| 26. 45. be - G. Ezek. 14. 11. 2 Sam. 7. 24. tliou art become - G. 1 Chr. 17. 22. Psai. 79. 10. where is - G. 115. 2. Joel 2. 17. Isa. 8. 19. seek to - G. || 21. curse - G. |) 52. 2. Jer. 5. 4. know not - G. |) Dan. 11. 32. know- G. Hos. 4. 12. I 5.4. Zech. 12. 5. Heb. 11. 16. Thy GOD. Lev. 19. 14. fear- G. 25. 17, 36. Deut. 10. 21. he is- G.j|26. 17.avouched tobe-G. Ruth 1. 16. -G. my G.|j2 Kings 19. 10. Isa. 37. 10. 1 Chr. 12. 18. peace to thee, for - G. helpeth thee 2 Chr. 9. 8. because - G. loved Israel, he made Ezra 7. 14. law of- G. 25. |j Neh. 9. 18. this is - G. Psal. 42. 3. where is - G. j| 45. 7. | 50. 7. | 63. 28. 147. 12- praise - G. O Zion||Isa. 41. 10. lam- G. Isa. 51. 20. rebuke of - G.||52. 7. - G. reigneth 60. 19. - G. thy glory || 62. 5. - G. rejoice over Dan. 6. 16, 20."'| 10. 12. Hos. 4. 6. j 9. 1. | 12. 6. Amos 4. 12. to meet- G. || Jonah 1. 6. Mic. 6. 8. See Lord thy God. To or unto GOD. Exod. 2. 23. Lev. 21.7. Deut 32. 17. I 33. 26. Judg. 13. 5, 7. j 16. 17. 1 Sam. 10. 3. 1 Chr. 26. 32. Job 22. 2. | 34. 31. Psal. 62. 11. I 68.20, 31. j 73. 28. | 77. 1. Eccl. 12.7. Isa. 58. 2. Lam. 3. 41. Matt. 22.21. Mark 12. 17. John 13. 3. went- G. |j Acts 4. 19. jS. 4.|26. 18, 20. Rom 6. 10, 11, 13. I 7. 4. | 12. 1. | 14. 12. 1 Cor. 10. 20.! 14. 2.115. 24. Phil. 4.20. Heb.7. 25. 1 11. 6.I12. 23. 1 Pet. 3. 18. I 4. 6. Rev. 5. 9. I 12. 5. 1 14.4. ' SeeTRVE. With GOD. Gen. 5. 22. walked - G. 24. j 6. 9. 32. 28. Jacob had power wi^/i G. Hos. 12. 3. Exod. 19. 17. meet-G.yi Sam. 14.45. wrought- G. 2 Sam. 23. 5. house not so - G. |) 2 Chr. 35. 21. Job 9. 2. just II 13. 3. reason II 16.21. plead - G. 25. 4. justified - G. || 27. 13. | 34. 9, 23. | 37. 22.= Psal. 75. 8. not stedfast - G.||Hos.l 1 .12. ruleth - G. Mat. 19. 26. - G. possible, Mark 10. 27. Lukel.37. Luke 1. 30. favour- G. 2. 51. || John 1. 1. was John 5. 1 8. making himself equal - G. Phil. 2. 6. Rom. 2, 11. no respect j| 5. 1. peace - G. || 9. 14. 1 Cor. 3. 9- Iabourersl|l9.foolishness{| 7.24. abide 2 Thes. 1. 6. Jam. 4. 4. j| 1 Pet. 2. 20. acceptable Would God. See Would. Your GOD. Gen. 43. 23. - G. hath given you Exod.8.25.Lev.ll.45.l22.33.| 25.38.Num. 15.41. Lev. 26. 12.1 will be -G. Jer. 7. 23-111.4. [30. 22. Num. 10.10. before - G.||15. 40.||Josh. 24.27. deny 1 Sam. 10. 19. rejected || 2 Chr. 32. 14. dehver, 15. Ezra 4. 2. seek-G. || Isa. 35. 4. 1 40. 1, 9. | 59. 2. Ezek. 34. 31. 1 am||36. 28.||Dan. 2.47.- G. is a G.of Hos.'l. 9. not be ij John 8. 54. say, he is || 20. 17. See Lord your God, GODDESS, s. 1 Kings 11. 5. 5. of Zidonians 32. Ashtoreth !| Acts i9. ^7. ^. Diana, 35. 37. GOD XtODHEAD, s. Acts 17. 29. Rom. 1. 20.Col. 2.9. ^ODLY, ad. Psal.4. 3. set apart him that is^-. 12. 1 .£-. man ceasetli |) 32. 6. that is g: pray Mai. 2. 15.^-. seed || 2 Cor. 1. 12. ^-.sincerity Q Cor. 7. 9.^. manner, ll.|) 10. ^.sorrow || 11. 2. 2 Tim.3.12.hve^.Tit. 2. 12.||Heb. 12. 28.^. fear 2 Pet. 2. 9. deliver the^. j| 3 John 6. a^. sort GODLINESS, s. 1 Tk:.. 2. 2. in all g-. and hon. 10. professing i^. || 3. 16. mystery of^. God 4. 7. rather to^. || 8.^. is profitable to all things 6. 3. according to g\ || 5. that gain is^. 6. 11. follow^-. II 2 Tmi. 3. .5. a form of^. Tit. 1. 1. after 5- jj 2 Pet. 1. 3. to life and g: Q Pet. 1. 6. to patience g. |j 3. 11. in ail g\ GOD-WARD. Ex. 18. 19. 2 Cor. 3.4. iThes. 1.8. GODS, s. Gen. 3. 5. be as ^.[| 31.30. stolen my £-. Exod. 12. 12.^. of Egypt II 20. 23. ^•. of silver 22. 28. not revile the g-. \\ 23. 24. not bow ^2. l.up, make iis^. I| 4. these be thy^. 23. 31.^. of gold 11 34. 15. go a whoring after 5*. Num. 33. 4. Egyptians g. Jcr. 43. 12, 13. | 46. 25. Dent. 10. 17. God of^.||12. 3. images of^.7.25. 12. 50. enquire not after their g. \\ 31. to^. 29.tl7. dnngy g-. t| 32. 37. where are their ^. Josh. 22. 22."the Lord God of ^. knoweth 23. 7. nor make mention of name of their _§•. Judg. 5. 8. new^.jl 6. 10. fear not the^. of 10. 14. cry to the^. || 18. 24. taken away my ^. i Sam. 4. 6. the^. that smote the Egyptians 17. 43. cursed David by his g: P 28. 13. 1 saw^-. 1 Kings 11. 8. Solomon sacrificed to their ^. 12. 28. behold thy^-. || 18. 24. call on yburg. 19. 2. let the^. do so, 20. 10.||20. 23. g. of hills 2 Kings 17. 29. made g. || 33. served their own^-. 18. 33. hath any of the ^.Isa. 36. 18. [ 37. 12. 1 Chr.5.25.whoringafter their ^'-.lllO. 10. j 14. 12. 2 Chr. 13. 8. calves for^. || 9. are not g. || 25. 14. 28. 23.^. of Damascus||32. 17.,^. of the nations Psal. 83- 1. hejudgeth among the^-. I 6. 1 have said ye are g. John 10. 34. 136. 2. Godof^. Josh. 22. 22.||138.1.bef.the^. Isa.2l. 9. her^. broken ||4l. 23. ye are ^.42. 17. Jer. 2. 11. changed her^-. || 28. where are thy^-. 5. 7. no 5-. 10. 11. I 16. 20. II 11. 12. cry to the ^. Dan. 2. 11. except the^'-. || 47. God of^. 11. 36. 4. S.holy^-. 9, 18. | 5. 14. 1| 5. 4.^. of gold 5. 11. like the wisdom of the ^. (| 11. 8. their Hos. 14. 3. ye are our ^. |j Nah. 1. 14. house of ^•. John 10. 35. if he called them g. nnto whom Acts 14. 11.^. are come down || 19. 26. no^-. 1 Cor. 8. 5. be g. many||Gal. 4. 8. by nature no^". ^^mODS. Exod. 18. 11. greater than -g. 1 Chr. 16. 25. to be feared above - g. Psal. 96. 4. 2 Chr. 2. 5. great is God above - g. Psal. 135. 5. Psal95.3. above -^. 97. 9.||97. 7. worship him -g. Among the GODS. Exod. 15.11.2 Kings 18. 35. 2 Chr. 32. 14. Psal. 86. 8. Isa. 36. 20. Molten GODS. Exod. 34. 17. Lev. 19. 4. 0^/ier GODS. Exod. 20.3.123. 13. Deut. 5. 7. I 6. 14. 1 11.2!?. i 18.20. I 30. 17. 131.18, 20. Judg. 2. 12, 17,^19. I 10. 1.3. 1 Sam. 8. 8. I 26. 19. 1 Kings 9. 9. | li. 4. | 14. 9. 2 Kings 5. 17.117. 7, 35. | 22. 17. 2 Chr. 28. 25. 134. 35. Jer. 1. 16. j 7. 6, 9. 1 16. 11. | 19. 4. I 44. 5, 8. Hos. 3. 1. See Serve. §tr. Ezra 1. 9. 30 chargers of^. 10. [j 8. 26. 100 tal. 8. 27. basons ofg. copper precious as g. Neh. 7.70. a 1000 drams of ^. 71, 72. Job 22. 24. lay up g. as dnstH t 25. be thy ^a 23. 10. come forth as^. || 28. 1. a place for^. 28. 6. dust oi'g. \\ 15. not gotten for^. neither 16. valued with^^. || 17. g. and chrystal cannot 31. 24.^. my hope || 36. 19. no not^. nor 37.t22. cometh |1 42. 11. an ear-ring of ^. Psal. 19.10. more to be desired than g. yea 21. 3. a crown of pure g. on his head 45. 9. in g. of Ophir 1| 13. of wrought^. 68. IS. her feathers with ^. || 72. 15. g. ofSheba 115. 4. idols of ^. |i 119. 7 2. law belter flian^. GON ^(^^ GOO Prov. 8. 10. receive knoAvledge ratlier than^. 11. 22. jewel of^.||l6. 16. wisdom better than ^^ 22. 1. rather than^. \\ 25. 11. like apples of^-. SoHg 1. 10. chains of ^. |) 11. borders o(\§-. 3. 10. bottom of ^A Ij 5. 1 1. head as^-. || 14 hands Isa. 2. 7. land full of ^'•. || 20. idols of^-. 31. 7. 13. 17. not regard silver or^*-. |j 30. 22. images 40. 19. spreadeth it with ^. |j 46. 6. lavish ^. 60. 6. brings. 9. || 17. I will bring g-. for iron Jer. 4. 30. oraanients of^. |j 10. 9.^. fromUphaz Lam. 4. 1.^. become dmi |j 2. comparable to g: Ezek. 7.19v^.notable to dehverthem,Zech.l.l8. 27. 22. occupied in g. |) 28. 4. hast gotten ^. Dan. 2. 38. head ofg-. |j 3. 1. image of ^. 5. 23. gods of^. II 29. chain i| 11. 38,43. Hos. 2. 8. multiplied her ^. |j 8. 4. silver and ^. Joel 3. 5. silver and ^. Nah. 2. 9. Hab. 2. ig. Zecli. 6. ll.Mal.3. 3. Matt. 10.9. Acts 3. 6. |17. 29. 120. 33. 1 Cor. 3. 12. 2 Tim. 2. 20. Jam. 5.3. I Pet. 1.18. Rev. 9.20. Zech. 4. 2. candlestick of ^. || 13. 9. as^. is tried INIatt 2. 11. presented ff. \\ 23. 16. swear by the^ 1 Tim. 2. 9. not adorned with^. 1 Pet. 3.3. 2 Tim. 2. 20. vessels of _§•. |j Heb. 9. 4. overlaid ^. Jam. 2. 2. a ^. ring || 1 Pet. 1 . 7. precious than^. Rev. 3. 18. g-. tried |j 4. 4. crowns of ^. 9. 7. 17. 4. decked with g. and pearls, IS. 16. 21. 18. city was of pure ^. |j 21. street was ^. See Beaten, Crown, Fine. GOLDEN, a. Exod. 25. 25. a^. crown to border 28. 34. a^. bell |) 30^ 4. two^'-. rings, 39. 20. 32. 2.^. ear-rings, Judg. 8. 24, 26. Lev. 8. 9.^. plate || Num. 7. 26. oiie^. spoon 1 Sara. 6. 4. five g. emerods, five ^. mice, 17, 18. 2 Kings 10. 29. the^. calves, 2 Chr. 13. 8. 1 Chr. 28. 17. g: basons || Ezra 6. 5.s: vessels Estli. 4. 11. g-. sceptre iJ Eccl. 12. 6. oi- the^^ bowl Isa. 13. 12. ^. wedge II 14. 4. »-. city ceased Jer. 51. 7. a j*. cup |j Dan. 3. 5.g. image, 12. Dan. 5. 2.^. vessels, 3. |j Zech. 4. 12. g: pipes Heb. 9. 4. g-. censer, and ark where was^A pot Rev. 1. 12.^. candlesticks, 20. | 2. l.|| 13._^.girdle 5. 8.^. vias, 15.7. 11 8. 3. ^.censer II 14.14. crown 17. 4. a g". cup full |j 21.15. a^'. reed to measure GOLDSMITH, S. Neli. 3. 8, 31, 32. Isa. 40. 19. g. spreadeth 1| 41 . 7.|| 40. 6. hire a q: GOLGOtHA, An heap of skulls. Matt. 27*^ 33. Mark 15". 22. John 19.17. GOIAATH, Passage, or revolutio7i. 1 Sam. 17.4.. 121.9. I 22. 10. 2 Sam. 21. 19. 1 Chr. 20. 5. GOMER, To finish, or consume. Gen. 10. 2. 1 Clu-. 1. 5. Ezek. 36. 6. Hos. 1. 3. GOMORRAH, Rebellious people. Gen. 10. 9. I 13. 10. I 18. 20. Dent. 19. 23. j 32. 32. Isa. 1. 9,10. I 13. 19. Jer. 23. 14. | 49. 18. Amos 4. 11. Zeph. 2. 9. Matt. 10. 15. Mark 6. 11. GONE,]). Gen. 27. 30. Jacob was scarce^. 31. 30. needs be ^. || 34. 17. we will be g: 42. 33. and be^. Exod. 12. 32. |) Deut. 32. 36. 1 Sam. 14.3. Jonathan was ^. |j 17. see who \?g\ 15. 20. g. the way |j 20. 41. lad was_§-. David rose 2 Sam. ?,. 24. he is quite^. 1| 13. 1 5. arise, be^. 1 Kin. 13. 24. wa?^. a lion||14. 10. dung, till it be^. 18. 12. as soon a^ I am^-. || 20. 40. || 22. 13. Job 7. 4. night be g. \\ 19. 10. 1 am g. \\ 24. 24. Psal. 42. 4.^. with multitude || 73. 2. almost^. 77. 8. mercy clean g-. \\ 103. 16. j 109. 23. Prov. 7. 19. ^. a longjourney ][ 20. 14. g: his way Eccl. 8. 10. colne and g. from place of holy Song 2. 11. rain^. || 5. 6. beloved g. 6. 1. ' Isa. 24. 11. mirth is^. || 41. 3. not ^. with Jer. 2. 23. not^. after Baalim 1) 5. 23. | 15. C. 9. 10. beasts are g. \\ 50. 6.g. from mountain to Lam. 1. 3. Judahjj 5. Zion's children are^. 6.^. without strength jl 18. virgins are ^•. Dan. 2. 5. the thing is ^. from me, 8. Amos 8. 5. when will the ueu- moon be^. Luke 2. 15. angels^. II 24. 28. as if ^. furtlier John 12. 19. behold the world is^. after hira Act« 16. 19. masters saw hope of gains was g. Jude 11. thev have^. in the way of Cain and GONEa6.o«>. l Sam. 15. 12. Saulis^.- Isa. 15. 8. cry is^. - \\ Acts 24. 6. g. - to profane GONE aside. Num. 5. 19.^. - to uncleanness Psal. 14. 3. all^. -jjActs 26. 31. when they were 5-. - GONE a3traii. Psal. 119. 176. Ihave^. - Isa. 53. 6. all g. -\\ Matt 18. 12. one g. - 2 Pet. 2. 15. forsaken the right w^av, and are^. - GONE away. 2 Sam. 3. 22. | 23l 9. Job 28. 4. waters^. - |j La. 1. 4. ^. - backward Ezek. 44. 10. ji Mai. 3. 7. ye are^. - \\ John 6. 22^ GONE back. ' Ruth 1. 15. Job 23. 12. Psal. 53. 3. every one is g. - 1} Jer. 40. 5- GONE doivn. 1 Kings 21. 18. Ahab is^. - 2 Kings 20. 11. shadow g. - in the dial, Isa. 38. 8. Song 6. 2. ray beloved is^.- 1| Jer. 15. 9. j 4S. 15. Ezek. 31. "'12. j 32. 21,24, 27, 30. Jonah 1. 5. GO^E forth. 1 Chr. 14. 15. God hg. - befare Isa. 51. 5. salvation 1| Jer. 4. 7. he is^. - |j 10. 20. 23. 15. profaneness || 19. whirlwind Ug. forth Ezek. 7. 10. morning 1 1 36. 20. people are g. - Dan. 2. 14. ^. - to slay||10. 20. I ara||Mark 10. 17. GONE out. Exod. 9. 29. Num. 16. 46. wrath Deut. 13. 13. certain men jl 23. 23. 5*. - of lips Judg. 4. 14. Lord^.-, Ruth 1. 13.||1 Sam. 25. 37. 2 Kings 5. 2. Syrians |j 20. 4. afore Isaiah w^as g. - Psal. 19. 4. fine is ^. - 1| 89. 34. g. - of my lips Isa. 45. 23. w^ord is^. -||Ezek. 24. 6. scumnot^. - Matt. 12. 43. unclean spirit || 25. 8. lamps ^. - Mark 5. 30. virtue had ^--117. 29. devil is ^. - . John 13. 31. when he w^as||Rom. 3. 12.||1 John 4. 1. GONE oi-er. 2 Sam. 17. 20. g. - brook of watei' Psal. 38. 4. iniquities^. - 1| 42. 7. billows are g. 124. 4. then the stream had^'. - our soul, 5. Isa. 10. 29. ^. -passagell 16. 8.^.-sea,Jer.48.32', Matt. 10. 23. shall not have^. - cities of Israel GONE up. Gen. 49. 9. my son, thou art^. - 2 Kings 1. 4. not come ofif bed on which 5*.-, 6,16. Psal. 47. 5. God is ^'•. 11 Isa. 15.2. | 57.8."|| Jer.3. 6. Jer. 14. 2. Jerusalem isg. -|| 48. 15.Moabis^. - Ezek. 9. 3. 1 13. 5. Hos. 8.9. John 7. 10. Acts 18. 22, GO'SE a whoring. Lev. 17. 7. Ezek. 23. SO. Hos. 4. 12. thou hast^. - from thy God, 9. 1. GOOD, s. is taken, [1] For happiness, which all desire, Psal. 4. 6. [2] For holy actions, P al. 34. 14. [3] That which is lovely and beautiful. Gen. 1. 31. [4] Expedient or con- venient. Gen. 2. 18. [5] Lawful to be used, 1 Tiin. 4. 4. [6] Christian liberty, Rom. 14, 16. [7] Piteous, merciful, kind, Rom. 5. 7. [8] Valuable, Deut. 6. 11. [9] Pleasant, P.-al. 133. 1. [10] Sweet, Prov. 24 13. [11] Religious, pious, Acts 11. 2-h. [12] The kind providence of Gvd^ Neh. 2. 8. Rooi. 2. 4, GOO GOO Gen. 32. 12. surely do thee^. || 45. 20.^. of land 50. 20. G. meant it to^. ]| Num. 10. 29. spoken g: Deut.6.24. for our ^. 10. 13. | 30. 9. Ezra 8. 22. Josh. 24. 20. done yon^. |) 1 Sam. 20. 12. [ 24. 17. 1 Sam. 24. 19. reward tUee^. || 25. 30.^. spoken 2 Sam. 14. 32. g-. forme |j 16. 12. L. will requite^. 1 Kings 22. 13. declare^, to the king, 2 Clir. 18. 12. 1 Chr. 29. 3. own proper ^^. j) Ezra 9. 12- s: of land Neh. 5. 19. think on me, O my G. for^. 13. 31. E^tii. 7. 9. spoken g: \\ Job 2. 10. shall we rec. £-. Job 5. 27, know thou it for thy^-. |j 7. 7. see _§-. ' 9. 25. they see no j. \\ 15. 3. he can do nof>: 21. 16. lo, their ^.1|22. 21. thereby 5-. shall come Psal. 4. 6. many say, who will shew us any ^. 14. 1. none doth 5-. 3. | 53. i, 3. Rom. 3. 12, 34. 12. may see ^.j) 39. 2. my peace from g. 86. 17. token for^. || 104, 28. are filled with .§•. lOG. 5.^. of thy chosen||119. 122. be surety for^. 122. 9. I'll seek thy 5-. |j 128. 5. g: of Jerusalem Prov, 3. 27. with-hold not^. |) 11. 17. doth^. 11. 27. seeketh^-. || 12, 14. satisfied with g: 13. 2.eat^.|j21.^. berepaid]) 14.22. devise^. 16.20. find^^. 17. 20. | 19. 8. |{ 17, 22. doth p-. Eccl. 2. 24. make his soul enjoy ^^■. 3. 13. j 5. 13. 4. 8. bereave of .§•, |( 5. 11. what 5*. to owners 6. 3. not filled with^^. |( 6. hath he seen no 5*. 7. 20. that doth i>-. j) 9. 18. destroyeth mucli^. Isa. 1. 19.^. of land || 52. 7. good tidings of^q-. Jer. 8. 15. no g-. came, 14. 19. i| 17. 6, ^. Cometh 18. 10. repent of the 5-. \\ 20. to speak ^a for 24. 5. sent for their ^j-. |j 6. eyes on them for^-. 29. 32. not behold the ^. |j 32, 39. ^. of them 32. 42. bring all the £-. |j 33. 9. hear all the g: Hos. 14. 1 2, give^-. |j Mic. 1. 12. waited for g. Zech. 11. 1'2. if ye think g. give me my price Matt. 26. 24.^-. for that man||John 5. 29. done g. Acts 10, 38. about doing^A \\ 14. 17. he did^. Kom. 2. 10. worketh ^. || 8. 28, together for g\ 13. 4. to thee for ^•, |) 15. 2. please neighbour for ^. GOOD, a. -Gen, 21. 16, a ^'. way otF 24. 12. "^end me^. speed || 26. 29. done ,g-. and 27. 46. what ^, |j 41. o.g: ears || 26.^. kine 41. 35. 3: years Ij 43. 28.^. health || 46. 29. while Deut. 2. 4. take ye ^. heed, 4. 15. Josh. 23. 11. 33. 16. for^. will of him that dwelt in the bush 1 vSam. 2. 24. no^. report || 12. 23. the^. vray 25. 15. very ^. to us |j 29. 9. g. in my sight 2 Sam. 1.5. 3. matters are ^. II 19. 18. thought j*. J Kings 8. 36. the^. way || 56, hisg-. promise 12. 7. g. word, 2 Kings '/O. 19. Isa. 39. 8. 2 Chr. 19. 11. be with the g. || 30. 18. g. L. pardon Ezra 7. 9.^. hand of his God, 8. 18. Neh. 2. 8. Neh. 9. 13.^^. statutes] |20. thy^-. spirit to instruct Job 10. 3. is it ^. 13. 9. 1) 39.4. mff. liking Psal, 25. 8. g-. and upright || 37. 23. a^. man 45. l.a^, matter jl 86. 5. thou L, art ^. 119. 68. 112. 5. a^. man jj 119. 39. judgments 5-. 66. Prov. 2. 9.,§-. path jl 20. g: men j) 1 2. 25, a g-. word 14. 19. bow before the ff. || 15. 23. ho^v i'. is it 15. 30. a g. report {| 20. 18. with g. advice 22. 1. a ^. name rather to be chosen than riches Eccl. 4. 9.^. reward || .5'. 11. what g. is there 9. 2. event to the^-. || 11. 6. both be alike g. 12. 9. preacher gave g. heed, and sought out Jer. 6. 16. g. way || 24. 2. g. figs, 5. 29. 10. 1 will perform my g. word towards yon E/:ek. 17. 8. a g. soil jj 24. 4, every g. piece Dan. 4. 2. 1 thought it g-. () Zech. 1 . 13. g. words Mai. 2. 13. a ^. will II M^tt. 7. 1 1. g-. gifts unto Matt. 7. 17. g. tree, 18. || 9. 22. be of^. comfort 13. S.g-. ground, 23. Mark 4. 8, 20. Luke 8. 8, 15. 24. g-. seed || 19. 16.^. master || 17. none is g: 20.15. because I am^.|) 25. 21. well done, g-. Luke 2. 14. g: will towards men || 6, 38. measure 10.42.^. part||l2. 32. Father's j. pleasure to give John 2. 10. kept^. wine || 10. 11-^. shepherd Rom. 7. 12. commandm, §•.[] 12. 2.g: and perfect 1 Cor. 15. 33.^. manners || 1 Thes. 3, 6. ^.tidings 2 Tim. 3. 3. that are g: \\ Tit. 1. 8. lover of g\ Jam. 1. 17. every g\ gift || 2. 3. sit in a g: place 1 Pet. 2. 18.^. and gentle |j 5. 10, see^. days. As GOOD. Heb. 11. 12. -^.asdead See Bad, Cheer, Conscience, &c. Is GOOD, or it is GOOD. Deut. 1. 14, thing -^. || 6. 18, do that which - g: 1 Kings 2. 38, the saying - g: 18.t24. |) 22. 13. 2Kings20.3.I have done that which -jr- Isa. 38. 3. 1 Chr, 16. 34. the Lord is g\ 2 Chr. 5. 13. j 7. 3. Ezra 3. 11. Pfied with"^. 1)33. 9. for all the ^. Hos. 3. 5. fear the L. and his ^.[{lO. l.g. of land 6. 4. your^g^. is as a morning cloud and early dew Zech 9. 17. for how great is hi^^*. and beauty Rom. 2. 4. or despiseth thou the riches of his g. 11. 22.^. and severity || 15. 14. are full of s^. Gal. 5. 22. fruit of the Spirit is g-. Eph. 5. 9. 2 Thes. 1.11. fulfil the good pleasure of his g. GOODS, s. Gen. 14. 21. take the^. to thyself 24. 10. g-. of his master 11 31. 18. carried ail his g. Exod. 22. 8. not put hands to neighbour's g-. 11. Num. 16. 32- earth swallowed them and their j-. Deut. 28. 11. plenteous in ^§-.11 2 Chr. 21. 14. smita Ezra 1. 4. help with^*. 6. || 6. 8. of the king's §•. 7. 26. confiscation of ^a|| Neh. 9- 25. full oi'g. Job 20. 10. restore their g.l|28. g-. flow away Eccl. 5. 11. wheng. increase] | Ezek. 38. 12, 13. Matt. 12. 29. ente'r and spoil his g. Mark 3. 27. 24. 47. ruler over all his^.|) 25. 14. dehvered j'. Luke 6. SO. takeththyg-.||ll. 21.j-. arein peace 12. 18. bestow all my ^. 19.||15. 12- portion oi'g. 16. 1 . wasted his^^. j) 19. 18. half of my g. Acts 2.45. sold 2-.||i Cor. 13. 2. tho' I bestow myg-. GOPHER-WOOD, A resinous tree, Gen. 6. 14, GORE, ED. Exod. 21.28. if an ox ^. 31. GORGEOUS, a. Luke 23. 11. a,^-. robe and GORGEOUSLY, «rf. Ezek. 23. 12. Luke 7. 257 GOSHEN, Approaching. Gen. 46. 28,34. j45. 10. 147. 4, 6, 27. Exod. 8. 22.|9. 26. Josh. 10. 41. jll. 16. [ 1.5.51. GOSPEL,.s. signifies, Goodneivs,or gladiidings. It comprehends in it all those doctrines of love, grace and mercy, discovered in the complete sal- vation of sinners. It is put for, [1] The history of Christ, Marie 1.1. [2] Covenant with Abrahan*^ Gal 3.8, [3] The preaching of the gospel, Rom. 1. 9. [4] Doctrines of free grace, Rom. 11. 28. Mark 1. l.g-. of Jesus Chnstjj 15. believe the ,§•. I 8. 35. my sake and^. 10. 20.j|13. 10.^. published Acts 15. 7. wordof theg.jj20. 24.,5-. of grace of G. Rom. 1. l.^-. of Godj|9. serve in the a-, of his Son 16. not ashamed of tlie^.|j2. 16. accord, to myg-. 10. 10. obeyed the ^.ij 11. 28. concerning llie^g-. 15. 16. g. of Godii29.1'ulness of blessing oi'g-. \(\. 25. Judge secrets of men according to my g, 1 Cor. 4. 15. 1 have begotten you thro' the ^. 9. 12.^. of Christ, 13. Gal.1.7. Phil. 1. 27. i7. dispensation of the ^.|!13. for ^o-. sake GOU GRA 2 Cor. 4. 3. if onr^.be hid || 4. glorious^, of Christ 8. 18. praise is in the^.|| 11. 4. another^. Gal. 1.6. Gai. 2. 5. truth of the ^. 14.||7.^. of uncircuni. Eph. 1. 13. ^. of salvation II 6. 15.^. of peace 6.19.inystery of the^^.y Phil.1.5. fellowship in ^. Phil. 1. 7. contirniation || 12. furtherance of ^. 27. faith of the ^. |) 2. €2. served in the^. 4. 3. laboured in the g. || 15. beginning of^. Col. 1.5. truth of the g. \\ 23. hope of the g. 1 The?!. 1. 5. our g. came |) 2. 2. speak the g. 2. 4. put in tru^t with g. |j 8. iujparted || 3. 2. 2 Thes. 1. 8. them which obey not^. 1 Pet. 4. IT. 2. 14. called you by ^. 11 iTim. 1. 11.^. of God 2 Tim. 1. 8. arHiction of ^. || 10. to light thro'^. 2. 8. raised from the dead according to my g. Philem. 13. have ministered in the bonds of tlie g. GOSPEL, joined with pr each, preached, &:c. Matt. 4. 23. Jesus went - the g. 9. So. Mark 1. 14. 11. 5. the poor have the g. -, Luke 7. 22. 24. 14. this^. shall be,-, 26. 13. Mark 14. 9. Mark 16. 1.5. go-tlie^. to every creature Luke 4.18. anointed to -^.j 1 9. G.preachingg. 20. 1. Acts 8. 25. j 14. 7, 21. I 16. 10. Rom. 1. 15. j 10. 15. 1 15. 19, 20. 1 Cor. 1. 17. 1 9. 14, 16, 1«. I 15. 1. 2 Cor. 2. 12. I 10. 14. | 11. 7. Gal. 1. 8, 11.1 3. 8. 1 4. 13. 1 Thes. 2.9. Heb. 4. 2. 1 Pet. 1. 12, 25. I 4. 6. Rev. 14. 6. GOT, p. Gen. 39. 12. Joseph g. out 1| Psal.44.3. Eccl. 2. 7. 1 g. servants || Jer. 13. 2. _or. girdle GOTTEN. Gen. 4. 1. g. a man || 31 . 1. ^. glory Exod. 14. 18.^. mehon. || Lev. 6.4. deceitfully^. Num. 31. 50.^. of jewels 11 Deut.8. 17.^. wealth 2 Sam. 17. 13. moreover, if he be g. into a city Job 28. 15. not g. for gold j| 31. 25. g. much Psal. 98. 1. g. Inm the victory || Prov. 13. 11. Prov. 20. 21.^. hastily |) Eccl. 1. 16. g. wisdom Isa. 15. 7. abundance^. |) Jer. 48. 36. riches g. Ezek. 28. 4. g. riches |) Dan. 9. 15. g. renown Matt. Il.tl2.^. by force || Rev.15.2.^. the victory GOVERN, V. 1 Kings 21. 7. Job 34. 17. Ps. 67.4. GOVERNMENT, S, s. I^a. 9. 6, 7. | 22. 21. 1 Cor. 12. 28. helps ^. \\ 2 Pet 2. 10. de-pise g. GOVERNOR, S, s. Gen. 42. G. Joseph was g. Judg. 5. 9. g. of Israel [j 14. came down g. 1 Kings IS. 3. Obadiah was g. \\ 1 Chr. 29. 22. Ezra 5. 14. delivered vessels to the ^. || 8. 36. Neh. 2. 7. letters to^. ||5. 14, 15, 18. | 10. fl. Psal. 22. 28. he is^. |j Jer. 30. 21. g. proceed Jer. 40. 5. Gerdaha, the g. 41. 2, 18. y Dan. 2. 48. Hag. 1. 14. Zerubbabeltiie^. 2. 2,21. Zech. 9. 7.g. in Judah, 12. 6, 6. |) Mai. 1. 8. Matt. 2. 6. come a G. || 10. 18. brought before g. 27.^. Pilate the g. \\ 28. 14. come to g. ears John 2. 8. bear to the ^^.|) Acts 24. 1. mformed^. 2 Cor. 11. 32. Gal. 4. 2. Jam. 3. 4. 1 Pet. 2. 14. GOyRD, s. in Hebrev*^, Kikajon. A common plant in hot countries, which growefh up to the height of an olice-tree, and sprcadeth much in u short time. Called also Ricinus, or Palnia Christi. Jonah 4. 6, 7, 10. 'V^^'ild gourd, in Hebrew, Pekaah. This is a plant much lilce cucumbers, tckich creeps on the earthy and is divided into several branches. , Its fruit is of the size and figure of an orange; its taste is so bitter, that it has been called the gall of the earth. Crude n. 2 Kings 4. 3^. one gathereei wild g. bis lap full GOZAN, A fleece of wool 2 Kings 17. &. I 18. 11. I 19. 12. 1 Chr. 5. 26. GRACE, s. is taken, [i] For God's sovereign and eternal love, and good will, Rom. 11.6. 2 Tun, 1. 9. [2] Justijication by the righteousness of Christ imputed, Roni. 5. 17, 20. [3] Con- ' version to God, and sanctification, by the power- ful operation of the Holy Spirit, Rom. 5. 21. 1 6. 14. [4] Reconciliation, Rom. 5. 2. [5j Gospel doctrines, Heb. 13. 9. 1 Pet. 5. 12, [6j Liberality, 2 Cor. 8. 7. [7] Gifts of the Spirit^ John 1. 16. [8] Spiritual worship, Col. 3. 16. [9] Spiritual instruction, Eph. 4. 29. [10] Heavenly wisdom, 2 Cor. 1. 12. [11] Tite love and good will of Christ, 2 Cor. 8. 9. [12] Favour with men, Gen. 39. 4. [13] Ministerial abilities, 1 Cor. 15. 10. Eph. 3. 8. [14] Affliction for Christ, Phil. 1. 7. [15] The sweet instructions of Christ, Psal. 45. 2. [16] Something acceptable, beautiful, Prov. 4. 9- [\7'\ Faith, patience, 6lC. 2 Pet. 3. 18. [18] Eternal life, or final salvation, 1 Pet. 1.13. Ezra 9. 8. g. hath been shewed |j Esth! 2. 17. Psal. 45. 2. g. is poured || 84. 11. he will give g. Prov. 1. 9. ornament of _§^. jj 3. 22. g. to thy neck 3. 34. he giveth g. to the lowly, Jam. 4. 6. 4. 9. ornament of^. |) 22. 11. g. of his lips Zech. 4. 7. crying, ^. ^.|| 12. 10. spirit of ^. John 1.14. full of ^.|) 16.^. for ^.||1 7.^. and truth Acts 4. 33.great^.Jj 14. 3. word of his g. 20. 32. 18. 27. believed thro' ^. II Rom. 1. 5. received^. Rom. 1.7.^. and peace from G. 1 Cor. 1. 3. 2 Cor. 1. 2. Gal. 1. 3. Eph. 1. 2. Phil. 1. 2. Col. 1.2. iThes.l. 1. 2Thes.l.2. Philem. 3. 3. 24. justified by his g. \\ 4. 4. not reck, of ^. ^4. 16. might be by g. \\ 5. 2. acces? to this g. 5. 17. abundance of g. \\ '2,0. g. more abound 21. g. reign ||6. 1. in .sin, that^. may abound 6. 14. under ^. 15. || 11. 5. election of^. 11.6. if by ^. II 12. 3. thro' the^. given, 6. 15. 15. because of the^. given to me of God 1 Cor. 10. 30. if I by g. \\ 15. 10. his g. bestowed 2 Cor. l.t 15. a second ^. ]| 4. 15. abundant g. 8. 6. the same ^.|) 7. abound in this g. also 9. 8. all g. abound II 12. 9. my^. is sufficient Gal. 1. 6. called you to g. \\ 1 5. called me by his g. 2. 9. perceived the^.|j 5. 4. fallen from g. Eph. 1. 6. glory of his^.]} 7. riches of his g. 2. 7. 2. 5. by ^. are ye saved, 8. || 3. 8. this^. given 4. 7. is g. given II 29. minister g. unto the hearers 6.24.^. be with ail|| Phil.1.7. partak. of my g. Col. 3. 16. singing with ^.|| 4. 6. g. seasoned 4. 18. g. be with you, 2 Thes. 3. 18. 2 Tim. 4. 22. Tit. 3. 15. Heb. 13. 25. 2 Thes. 2. 16. hath given us good hope t\\xo' g. 1 Tim. 1. 2.g. mercy,peace,from G.our Father and 2 Tim. 1. 2. Tit. 1. 4. 2 John 3. 14. g. of our Lord || 6. 21. ^. be with thee 2 Tim. 1. 9. purpose and^. jl 2. 1. be strong in ^^. Tit. 3. 7. justified by his g. we should be heirs Heb. 4. 16. throne of ^. || 10. 29. Spirit of ^. 12. 28. let us have^. || 13. 9. establi*hed with^-. Jam. 1 . 1 1. ^. of the fashion |1 4. 6. more g. 1 Pet. 1.2.^. peace be multiplied, 2 Pet. 1. 2. 10. g. to come 11 13. hope for the^. jj 3. 7. heirs 5. o.g. to the humble || 10. the God of all g. 2 Pet. 3. 18. growing-!! Jude4.j|Rev. 1.4. See Find, or Found-, / GRA ©RACEo/ dod. Luke 2. 40. g. - was on him Actsll.23. seen the^.-||13.43. to continue in ^. - 14. 26. recommended to ^. -, 15. 40. |j 20. 24. Rom. 5. 15. much more the^.-, hath abounded 1 Cor. 1.4.^. -given to you||3. 10.^. -given to me 15. 10. by^. - 1 am what lam, not I, but^. - fiCor. 1. 12. but by the^.-[|6. 1. receive not ^. -in 8. 1..^. - bestowed 11 9. 14. the exceeding cr. . Gal. 2. 21. 1 do not frustrate the^. of God Eph. 3. 2. dispensation of the^. - jj 7. gift of ^. - Col.1.6. knew g. -||2 Thes. 1. 12. according to^. - Tit. 2. 1 1. the g. that bringeth salvation, hath Heb. 2. 9. that he by the^.-|)12. 15. fail of the ^. - 1 Pet. 4. 10. manifold^. -1|5. 12. true g. of God GRA^CEof our Lord Jesus. Acts 15. ll.thro'^. - Rom. 16. 20. ^.- be with you, 24. 1 Cor. 16. 23. Phil. 4. 23. 1 Thes. 5. 28. 2 Thes. 3. 18. 2 Cor. 8. 9. ye know the g.-\\ 13. 14. Rev. 22. 21. Gal. 6, 18. g. - be with your spirit, Philem, 25. GRACIOUS, a. Gen. 43. 29. God be^.to thee Exod.22. 27. 1 am^. |1 33. 19. 1 will be ^. to 34. 6. the Lord merciful and g. 2 CIh\ 30. 9. Psal. 103. 8. I 116. 5. I 145. 8. Joel 2. 13. Num. 6. 25. be^. tothee||2Sam. 12. 22. willbe^. 2 Kin. 5.tl.Naaman was g.\\ 13. 23. Lord was ^. Neh. 9. 17. g. merciful, 31.|)Job 35. 24. then he is Psal. 4.tl.be^. untome||77. 9. forgotten to be^. 86. 15. thou, O Lord, art God, ^. 111. 4.|112.4. Prov. 11. 16. a ^. woman || Eccl. 10. 12. words g. Isa. 30.18. may be ^. |) 19. be very^.|j33. 2. be^>^. Jer. 22. 23.how^. -|| Amos 5. 15.^. to remnant Jon.4. 2. art 'dg. God || Mai. 1.9. be^. tons Luke 4. 22. g. wordsyi Pet. 2. 3. tasted Lord is g. GRACIOUSLY, ad. Gen. 33. 5. given || 11. dealt Psal. 119. 29. thy law^.||Hos. 14. 2. receive us^. GRAFF, ED. Rom. 11. 17, 19, 2.3, 24. GRAIN. S. Amos 9. 9. not the least g. fall Matt. 13. 31. kingdom of heaven is hke a g. of mustard seed, Mark 4. 31. Luke 13. 19. . 17.20. faith as a^. Luke 17. 6.||1 Cor. 15. 37. GRANDFATHER, s. Dan. 5.tll.tl3. GRANDMOTHER. 1 Kin. IS.tio. 2 Tim. 1. 5. GRANT, s. Ezra 3. 7. according to the g. GRANT, V. Lev. 25. 24. ye shall g. Ruth 1. 9. the L.^. || 1 Sam. 1. 17. G. of Israel^. 1 Chr. 21. 22. g. it for full price || 2 Chr. 12. 7. Neh. 1. 11.^. liim mercy || Esth. 5. 8.^. petition Job 6. 8. that God would <§-.||Psal. 20. 4. g. thee Psal. 85.7.^. us thy salvation|jl40. 8. g- not, O L. Matt. 20. 21.^. my two sons may sit, Mark 10.37. Luke 1.74. g. to us||Acts4. 29.^. that with boldn. Rom. 15. 5. g. you to be like-mindedj|Eph. 3. 16. STim.l. 18._§^. he may find II Rev. 3. 21.^. to sit GRANTED, p. 1 Chr. 4. 10. God g. him that 2 Chr. 1. 12. wisdom is ^. || Ezra 7. 6.kmg^. Neh. 2. 8. king g. \\ Esth. 5. 6. petition g. 7. 2. Job 10. 12. g. melife||Prov. 10. 24. desire be^. Acts 3. 14. murderer to be ^. || 11. 18.^. repent 14. 3.^. signs II Rev. 19. 8. to her was g. GRAPE, s. is put for, The fruits and works of men, whether good, as Song 2. 13. or bad, as Dent. 32. 32. Isa. 5. 4. Ezek. 18. 2. Lev. 19. 10. nor gather every g. j| Deut. 32. 14. Job 15. 33. unripe g. \\ Song 7. 12. tender^. Isa. 18. 5. sour^. Jer. 31. 29, 30. || Mic 7. 1. GRAPE- Gaf/ierer. Jer. 6. 9. j 49. 9. Obad. 5. GRAPES, s. Gen. 49. U. in the blood of^. 34 GRA JTJ Lev. 25. 5. nor ga titer the g. of thy vine, 11. Num. 6. 3. moist ^. || 13. 20. first ripe^. 23. Deut. 23. 24. eat^.|| 24. 21. when thou gather^. 28. 30. not gather^. 39. || 32. 32. g. of gall Judg. S. 2.^. of Ephraim ]| 9. 27. trod the ^. Song. 2. 13. tender^. 15. jj 7. 7. clusters of^. Isa. 5. 4. brought forth wild^. || 17. 6. | 24. 1.3. Jer. 8. 13. be no g. |j 25. 30. tread the^. || 49. 9. Ezek. 18. 2. sour g. jj Hos. 9. 10. Israel Uke g. Amos 9. 13. treaderof^.||Matt.7. 16.^. ofthoriis Luke 6. 44. gather g. || Rev. 14. 18. g. fully ripe GRASS, s. Gen. 1.12. earth brought forth g. Num. 22. 4. licketh up g. jj Deut. 11. 15. send^. 2 Kin. 19. 26. as theg. of the field, Isa. 37. 27. Job 5. 25. otfspring as g. \\ 6. 5. he hath g. jj 40. 15. Psal. 37. 2. cut down hke g. |j 72. 6. mown g. 72. 16. flourish like^. |j 90. 5. they are like g. 92. 7. spring as the^. || 102.4. withered as g. 11. 103. 15. his days are as^. || 104. 14. g. to grow 106. 20. ox that eateth g. \\ 129. 6. be as g. Prov. 19. 12. as dew on the^. || 27. 25. tender^. Isa. 15.6.^. faileth |j 35. 7. g. with reeds and 40. 6. cry, all flesh is g. 7, 8. 1 Pet. 1. 24. 44. 4. as among the g. \\ 51. 12. be made as g. Jer. 14. 5. was no^. 6. |j 50. 11. as heifer at j-. Dan. 4. 15. stump in the tender g. 23. | 5. 21. Mic. 5. 7. as showers on the g. that tarrieth not Matt. 6. 30. if G. so clothe the g. Luke 12. 28. John 6. 10. there was much g. \\ Jam, 1. 10, 11. Rev. 8. 7. all green g. \\ 9. 4. not hurt the g. GRASHOPPER, S, s. Lev. 1 1. 22. eat, the g. Num.13. 33. ownsight as^'.jjJudg. 6. 5. j 7.12. Job 39. 20. afraid as ag.|| Eccl. 12. 5. g. a burden Isa. 40. 22. are as g. |j Jer. 46. 23. more than g. Amos 7. 1. formed g. jj Nah. 3. 17. as great g. Grate, see Brazen. GRAVE, s. Gen. 35. 20. Rachel's g. 37. 35. I will go down to the g. to my son 42. 38. with sorrow to the if. 44. 31. jj 50. 1. Num. 19. 16. toucheth a g. is unclean, 18. 1 Sam. 2. 6. the Lord bringeth down to the g. 2 Sam. 3. 32. Abner's g. j] I9. 37. g. of my father 1 Kin. 2. 9. his head bring down to g. with blood 13. 30. in his own g. jj 14. 13. come to the^. 2 Kin. 22. 20. gathered to thy g. 2 Chr. 34. IB. Job 3. 22. find the g. || 5. 26. come to thy g. 14. 13. hide me in the g. || 17. 13. g. is my house, 21. 13, 32.|24. 19.(30. 24.133.22. Psal. 6. si P.sal. 30. 3. soul from the g. || 31. 17. silent in g. 49. 14. laid in the g. jj 15. from power of the g. 55.t 15. quick to the g. || 86. 1 13. from the g. 88. 3. nigh to the g. || 5. lie in the 5*. 1| 1 1 • declared 89. 48. hand of the g-. jj 141. 7. the^. mouth Prov. 1 . 12. swallow as^.||30. 16.^. barren womb Eccl. 9. 10. no wisdom in^'.jjSong 8. 6. cruel as^, Isa. 14.t9.^. is moved |j 11. down to the g. |j 19. 38. 18.^. cannot praise jj 53. 9.^. with wicked Jer. 20. 17. been ray g: \\ Ezek. 31. 15. ] 32. 23. Hos. 13. 14. ransom from the power of the^. O^. Jon. 2. 1 2. belly of ^. |j Nah. 1.-14. make thy g: John 11.17. had lain in g: four days, 38. | 12. 17. 1 Cor. 15. 55. O ^. where || Rev. 20. 1 13.^. deliv. GR\YE-ClotheS' John 11. 44. bound with^-. - GRAVE, adj. iTim. 3. 8. deacons be^. 11. wive;? must be ^. jj Tit. 2. 2. sober, ^. GRAVE, c. Exod. 28. 9. ff. on the onyx, 36. 2 Chr. 2. 7. skill to^. jj 14. cunning to j. any GRE GRE GRAVED, p. 1 Kings 7. 36. 2 Clir. 3. 7. GRAVEL. Prov. 20. 17. Isa.48. 19. Lam. 3. 16. GRAVEN. Exod. 32. 1 6. g. on^table 1| 39. 6. Job 19. 24.^. with iron pen jl Isa. 49. 16. g. thee Jer. 17. 1.^. on their heart || Hab. 2. 18. hath^. Acts 17. 29. Godhead is Uke gold g. by art and GRAVEN Image. Exod. 20. 4. not make any /. -, Lev. 26. 1. Deut. 4. 16. [ 5. 8. Deut.27. 15.||Judg. 17. 3. to make a ^.-,4. Judg. 18. 14. there is in these houses a ^. -, 30. 2 Kings 21. 7. Manasseh set^. - in bouse of God Isa. 40. 19. melfeth a^.-,20.||44.9.thatmakea^. - 44. 10. molten a g: -, 17. || 45. 20. set up || 48. 5. Jer. 10. 14. founder confounded by 5% -, 51. 17. Nah. 1. 14. I will cut off>. - \\ Hab. 2. 18. GRAVEN Images. Deut. 7. 5. burn g-. - 12. 3. hew down^. -j|2 Kings 17 41. served^. - 2 Chr. 33. 19. set up^-. -||34. 7. beaten g. - Psal. 78. 58. to jealousy with^.-|| 97.7. serve ^.- Isa. 10. 10.^. - did excel||21. 9. || 30. 22. defile 0-.- 42. 8. praise to^. - |) l7o that trust in^. - Jer. 8.19. provoked with^. -|| 50. 38. | 51. 47. Hos. 11.2. burnt incense to ^.-||Mic. 1. 7. 1 5. 13. GRAVES, s. Exod. 14. 11. no g. in Egypt Num. Il.t34.^. of lustl|2Kings23. 6.2 Chr. 34.4. Jol>17. 1.^. are ready for me j| Isa. 65. 4. the^'. Jer. 8. 1. out of^. || 26. 23.^. of the people Ezek. 32. 22.his^.||37. IS.opeuyourg. 13.1|39.11. Matt. 27. 52. the _§•. were opened, 53. Luke 11. 44. as^. |j John 5.28. in ^. Rev. 11. 9. GRAVETH, V. Isa. 22. 16.^. an habitation GRAVING,S. Exod. 32.4. a ^. tool 1 Kings 7. 31. 2 Chr. 2. 14. || Zech. 3. 9. g. thereof GRAVITY^s. 1 Tim. 3. 4. withall^. Tit. 2. 7. Gray, See Hairs and Head. GREY-headed. 1 Sam. 12. 2. old and g-. - Jobl5.10. with us are^.-|{Psal.71.18. old and^-. - GREY-Hoxind, s. Prov. 30.31. GREASE, s. Psal. 119. 70. heart fat as^. GREAT. Gen. 12. 2. make thy name^. 24. 35. master is ^.|| 30. 8. ^. wrestling 39. 9. this^-. wickedness II 45. 7. ] 48. i9. Deut. 5. 5. towns a^. many|| 10. 17.^'. God 11.7.5-. acts|118. 16.5-. fire||29. 24.£-.anger Josh. 7. 9. g. name|| 14. 12. cities sf. and fenced 22. 10. a g. altar|| 24. 17. those great signs in Judg. 5. 15. g. thoughts II 1 Sam. 12. 17. | 22. 1 15. 2 Sam. 5. 10. David grew ^. |j 7. 9. g. name 7.22. thou art^. || 22. 36. made me g. Ps. 18. 35. 1 Kings 8. 42. hear of thy g. name, 2 Chr. 6. 32. 19. 7. journey is too g. \\ 2 Kings 4. 8. 1 22. 13. 1 Chr. 16. 25. g. is the Lord, Neli. 4. 14. | 9. 32. Psal. 48. 1, I 96. 4. | 135.5. | 145. 3. 21. 13. ^. are his mercies || 29. 12. tomake^. S Chr. 2. 5. g. is G. |j 9. house ^. |1 17. 12. waxed g. 28. 13. our trespass is^. || 34. 21.^. is wrath Esth. 1. 20. empire^. |1 Job 5. 25. seed be g. Job 22. 5. wickedness g. || 30, 18. g. force of 35. 15. in ^. extremity II 36. 18. a ^. ransom 36. 26. Godis^. ||38. 21. days || 39. 11. strength Psal. 14. 5. in^. fear, 53. 5. |1 19. 11.^. reward 21. 5. his glory is^. || 25. 11. iniquity is^>-. 31. 19. Ohow^. ||86. lO.thouart^. 92.5. 103.t8. g. of mercy || 139. 17. how^. is the sum Eccl. 9. 13. seemed g. \\ Isa. 5. 9. g. and fair Isa. 9. 2. darkness, have seen ^. light, Matt. 4. 16. 12. 6. ^.is the Holy One || 19. 20. and a g. one 53. 12-. portion with g. \\ 54. 13. g, shall be peace Jer. 5. 27. become g. || 10.6. thou art^. and 20. 17. womb always^. |j 32. 18. the g. God 32. 19. §'. in counsel II 44. 26. by my g. name Lam. 3. 23. they are new, g. is thy faithfulness Ezek, 16. 7. waxed ^. || 17. 3, g. wings || 24. 9. 29. 18. g. service || 31. 4. made him g. \\ 36. 23. Dan. 4. 3. how^. his signs || 8. 4. became g. Joels. 13. wickedness J'. II Amos 6. 2. the g. Mic. 5. A.g. to ends 1| Zech, 9. 17. how g. is Mai, 1. 11. name shall be^. among Gentiles, 14. Matt. 5. 12. g. is your reward, Luke 6. 23, 35. 19. be called^'. || 6. 23. how^. that darkness Matt. 13.46. pearl of^. price||15. 28.^.is thy faith 19. 22. for he had g. possessions, Mark 10. 42. 20. 26. will be^. among you, Mark 10. 43. 22. 36. which is the g. commandment, 38. Luke 1. 15. he shall be g. \\ 9. 48. same shall be g. 10. 2. harvest^. || 16. 26. is a g. gulf fixed Acts 8. 9. some^. one || 19. 28. g. is Diana, 34. 2 Cor. 7. 4. g. is my bold. || Col. 4. 13. a g. zeal 1 Tim. 3. 16. g. is the mystery || 2 Tim. 2. 20. Tit. 2. 13.^. God |j Heb. 7. 4. how^. this man Jam. 3. 5. how^. a matter a little fire kiudletli Rev. 16. 19.^. Babylon, 17. 5. || 19. 17.^. God See City, Company, Congregation, Cry, Day, Destruction. GREAT Evil. 1 Sam. 6. 9. Neh. 13. 27. Eccl. 2.21. Jer. 16.10. | 26. 19. | 32. 42. | 44. 7. Dan. 9. 12. confirmed by bringing us a^. - GREAT Kingy s. 2 Kings 18. 19. Isa. 36. 4. Ezra 5. 11. Psal. 47. 2. | 48. 2. | 95. 3. 1 136. 17. Eccl. 9. 14. Jer. 25. 14. MaL 1. 14. Matt. 5. 35. GREAT Men. 2 Sam. 7. 9. 2 Kings 10. 6, 11. Neh. 11. 14. Job 32, 9. Prov. 18. 16. I 25. 6. Jer. 5. 5. | 52. 13. Ezek. 21. 14. Jonah 3.t7. Nah. 3. 10. Rev. 6. 15. | 18. 23. GREAT Multitude, s. Num. 32. 1. 1 Kings 20. 1 3, 28. 2 Chr. 13. 8. j 20. 2, 15. | 28. 5. Job 31. 34. Isa. 16. 14. Jer. 44. 15. Ezek. 47. 9. Dan. 11. 11. Matt. 4. 25. | 8. 1, 18. I 12 15. I 1.5. 30, 33. I 19. 2. | 20. 29. | 21. 8. I 26. 47. Mark 14. 43. Luke 5. 6, 15. John .5. 3. Acts 14. 1. I 17. 4. Rev. 7. 9. | 19. 6. GREAT iVa^ion, 5. Gen. 12. 2. | 17.20. | 18. 18. I 46. 3. Exod. 32. 10. Deut. 4. 6. | 26. 5. Josh. 23. 9. Psal. 135. 10. Jer. 6. 22. 1 50. 9, 41. Ezek. 31. 6. GREx\T People. Deut. 2. 10, 21. | 9. 2. Josh. 17. 14, 15, 17. 1 Kings 3. 8, 9. 1 5. 7. Isa. 13. 4. Joel 2. 2. GREzVr Power. Exod. 32. 11. brought out of Egypt with a ^. -, 2 Kings 17. 36, Num. 14. 17. Josh. 17. 17. Neh. 1. 10. Job 23. 6. Psal. 147. 5. Jer. 27. 5. j 32. 17. Ezek. 17. 9. Nah. 1. 3. Mark 13. 26. Acts 4. 33. [8.10. Rev. 11. 17. I 18.1. GREAT Sea. Num. 34. 6. Josh. 1. 4. j 9. I. 1 15. 12,47. I 23.4. Ezek. 47. 10,15. Dan. 7. 2. GREAT Slaughter. Josh. 10. 10, 20. Judg. 11. 33. I 15. 8. 1 Sam. 4. 10. | 6. 19. | 19. 8. 2 Sam. 18. 7. 1 Kings 20. 21. 2 Chr. 13. 17. I 28. 5. Isa. 30. 25. | 34. 6. ^0 GREAT. Exod. 32. 21. Deut. 4, 7, 8. 1 Kings 3. 9. 2 Chr. 1. 10. Psal. 77. 13. | 103. 11. Matt. 8. 10. Luke 7. 9. 2 Cor. 1 . 10. Heb. 2. 3.|12. 1. Jam. 3. 4. Rev. 16» 18. | 18. 17. <;i GRE WW GRE i Small nnd GREAT. Gen. 19.11. smote - £-, Dent. 1.17. hear -^. || 25. 13. divers weights 1 Sam. 5. 9. smote -g.\\ 20. 2. do nothing g, - 30. 2. slew not any, ^. or small\\ 19. neither - g. 1 Kin. 22.31. fight neither with -^.2Chr. 18.30. 2 Kings 23.2. both -^.||2.5. 26. - g. came to Egypt 1 Chr. 26. 13. 2 Chr. 15. 13. | 31. 15. | 36. 18. Esth. 1. 5, 20. Job 3. 19. | 37. 6. Psal. 104. 25. |115. 13. Eccl. 2. 7. -^. cattle || Jer. 16. 6.g. - shall die Amos 8.5. the shekel ^-.JlActs 26. 22.|jRev. 11. 18. Kev.l3.16.-^.receive||19.5.praiseGod.^.||20. 12. GREAT Stone, s. Gen. 29. 2. Deut. 27. 2. Josh. 10. 11, 18. I 24. 26. 1 Sam. 6. 14, 15, 18. 1 14. SS. 2 Sam. 20. 8c 1 Kings 5. 17. | 7. 10. 2 Chr. 26. 15. Ezra 5. 8. | 6. 4. Jer. 43. 9. Matt. 27. 60. GREAT Thing, s. Deut. 4. 32. [ 10. 21. 1 Sam. 12. 16. see this g. -, 24. \\ 26. 25. do g. - 2 Sam. 7. 21. done?-. - |j 23. to do for youg-. - 2 Kin. 5. 13. do g. -|[8. 4. all g. - \\ 13. he do this g. - 1 Chr. 17. 19. these ^.-IfJob 5.9. G. doth^.-, 9. 10. Psai. 71. 19. hast done g.-, 106. 21. | 126. 2, 3. Jer. 33. 3. shew the g, -|(45. 5. seekest thoug. - Dan, 7. 8. a mouth speaking^-. -, 20. Rev. 13. 5. Hos. 8. 12. g. - of my law||Joel 2. 20. done^. -,21. Mark 3. 8. ^. - he did, 5. 19. Luke 1. 49. | 8. 39. Acts 9. 16. 1 Cor. 9. 11. 2 Cor. 11. 15. Jam. 3. 5. Very GREAT. Gen. 26. 13. Isaac grew - g. Exod.11.3. Moses was -^.||Num. 11 . 33. -g.plague Num. 22. 17. to -^. honour || 1 Sam. 2. 17. sin i Sam. 4. 10. -g. slaughter|jl4. 15. -5-. trembling 25.2. a-^. man||2 Sam. 18.17. -^.heap||19.32. 1 Kings 10. 2.-^. train||l Chr. 21.13. -^-.mercies 2Chr. 24. 24. a -g: hostjjso. 13.- ^. congregation 33. 14. dL-g. height || Neh. 8. 17. -^. gladness Job 1. 3. -^.household! |2. 13. his grief was - g: Psal. 104. 1. thou art - ^--iJEzek. 47. 9.-g. raultit. Dan. 8. 8.M'axen-^ Joel 2. 11. camp-^ I 11. 25.a -^. aimy ^ ^ , Zech. 14. 4. -g. valley Matt. 21. 8. - g. multitude, Mark 8. l.|| 16. 4. Was GREAT. Gen. 6. 5. wickedness -g. 13. 6. substance -^.||1 Kings 3. A:-g. high place 2 Kings 3. 27. - g. indignation | j Esth. 4. 3. | 9. 4. Job 31. 25. w:ealth -^. || Eccl. 2. 9. I wasg. Lam. 1. 1. she that - g.\\ Dan. 4. 10. height - g. Matt. 7. 27. and^. was the fall of it, Luke 5. 49. GREAT Waters. 2 Sam. 22-tl7. Psal. IS.flG. Psal. 32. 6. in floods of ^. - 1| 77. 19. path in g. - 107. 23. do business in o-. - j) 144. 7. deliver out Isa. 23. 3. Jer.41. 12. | 51. 55. Ezek. 1. 24. j 17. 5, 8. I 26. 19. j 27. 26. | 31. 7, 15. | 32. 13. Hab. 3. 15. GREAT while. 2 Sam. 7. 19. 1 Chr. 17. 17. Mark 1. 35. Luke 10. 13. Acts 28. -6. GREAT Work, s. Exod. 14. 31. Judg. 2. 7. 1 Chr. 29. 1. Neh. 4. 19. | 6. 3. Psal. 111. 2. Eccl. 2. 4. Rev. 15. 3. GREATER, a. Gen. 16. l.^.light||4. 13.139. 9. 41. 40. in throne I beg. |j 48. 19. be^. than he Ex.1 8.1 l.o-.than all gods||Num.l4.12. Deut. 9. 14. Deut. 1. 28.peopleis^. ||4. 38. nations^-. 7. 1. Josh. 10. 2.^^. than Ai || iSam. 1 4.30. g. slaughter 2 Sam. 13. 15, hatred was^-. || 16. this evil is g. lKingsl.37. throneg.l|lChr.ll.9.Davidwaxed^-. 2 Chr. 3. 5. the g. house [j Esth. 9. 4. waxed g. Job 33. 12. God is^. j] Lam, 4. 6. punishment g. Ezek. 8. 6. g. abominations, 13. 15.|)Dan. 11. 13- Amos 6. 2. border g-. |j Hag. 2. 9. glory g, than Mat, 11. 11. not risen a g. than John, Luke 7.28. 12. 6.g. than temple () 41, g. than Jonas is here 42. a^. than Solomon is here, Luke 11, 31, 32. 23. 14. g. damnation, Mark 12. 40. Luke 20. 47. 17. whether is^. the gold, or the temple, 19.^ Mark 4. 32. g. than all h^rbs|| 13. 31. no com. g, Luke 12. 18.'build^. (| 22. 27. whether g. he that Johni. 50. see g. things, 5. 20. | 14. 12. || 4. 12. 5.36. a g. witness || 8. 53. art thou g. than 10. 29. g.than all, 14. 28. \\ 13. 16- not g. 15. 20. 15. 13.^.Iove||19 11. g. sinjjActs 15. 28. nog. 1 Cor. 14. 5. g-. is he that prophesieth|jl5. 6. part Heb. 6. 13. swear by no^. 16. \\ 9. 11. | 11. 26. Jam. 3. 1. ^. condemn.] 1 2 Pet. 2, 11. ^. in power Ijohn 3. 20. God is^.|l4. 4.^. is he that is in you 5. 9. Avitness of God is g. |j 3 John 4. no g. joy GREATEST. 1 Chr. 12. 14. g. overa 1000||29. Job 1. 3.g. in east|j Jer. 6. 13. least to g. 8. 10. Jer. 31 . 34. know me, from least to^. Heb. 8.11. 42. 1. leastto^.8.]44. 12. Jonah3.5. Acts 8.10. Matt. 13. 32. g. among herbs |j 18. t, who is^. 4. 23. 11. he that is^. shall be your servant Mark 9.34. disputed who should be^. Luke9. 46. |22. 24, 26. 1 Cor. 13. 1.3. but the^. of these is charity GREATLY. Gen. 3. 16. g. multiply thy sorrow^ 19. 8. Lot pressed on them ^•.i!24. 35. blessed^. 27.f33. a^. trembling || 32. 7.g. afraid and Exod. 19.18. quaked 5'.||Num. 11.10. anger kindl. Num. 14. 39. mourned 5-. || Deut. 15. 4.^^. bless. Deut. 17. 17, nor shall he ^. multiply silver Judg. 2. 15. g. distressed II 6. 6. g. impoverished 1 Sam. 11. 15. rejoiced g. \\ 12. 18.^-. feared 16.21. he loved him ^. |j 17. 11. and ^-.afraid 28. 5. his heart trembled ^.||30. 6.^-. distressed 2 Sam. 10. 5. men were^. ashamed, 1 Chr. 19. 5. 24. 10. David said, I have sinned ^•. 1 Chr.21.8. 1 Kings 2. 12. established ^-.115. 7. herejoiceth,^-. 18. 3. feared the L.^. |j 1 Chr. 4. 38. increased 1 Chr. 16. 25. g. to be praised, Psal, 48, 1,|96. 4. 2 Chr. 33. 12. Manasseh humbled himself _§•. Ezra lO.f 13.^. offended || Job 8. 7. g. increas^ Psal. 21. 1. how^.|j 28. 7. my hearty-, rejoiceth 38. 6. bowed down g. || 45. 11. king g. desire 47. 9. g. exalted || 62. 2. not be g. moved 65. 9.^. enrichestit ||71.23. lips^. rejoice 78. 59.^. abhorred II 105. 24. increased^, 109. 30.^. praise II 112. 1. delighteth^\ in his 1 16. 10. 1 was^. afflicted||ll9. 51._§-. in derision Prov. 23. 24. father of righteous shall ^. rejoice Isa. 42. 17. be g. ashamed || 61. 10. I'll g. rejoice Jer. 3.1.^.polluted||4. 10.^. deceived this people 9. 19. g. confounded || 20. 11. be^-. ashamed Ezek. 20. 13. g. polluted || 25. 12. g. offended Dan. 5.9.5-. troubled||9.23.5-. beloved, 10.11,19. Obad. 2.g. despised || Jonah 4.f4. ^. angry, f9. Zeph, 1, 14. dayhasteth^.||Zech.9.9. rejoice^^-.O Matt. 27. 14. marvelled ^-.iJMark 5. 38. wailed^'. Mark 9. 15. amazed^, || 12. 27. ye do g. err John 3. 29. rejoiceth g. because of bridegroom Acts 3. 1 1 . g. wandering 1 1 6 . 7. multiplied g. 1 Cor. 16.12. I^. desired||Phil. 1.8. how ^.I long Phil. 4.10. 1 rejoiced ^.1|1 Thes. 3. 6. desiring j-. 2 Tim. 1. 4. ^.desiring |j 4. 15.^. withstood our I Pet. 1. 6. g, rejoice, 2 John 4. 3 John 3. Sec Feared. GRI GRQ G^REATNESS, s. Exod. 15. 7.^-. of thy excell. 16. by^. of thine armjjNiim. 14. 19. to thy^. Deut. 3. 24. .^hew thy ^•. 5. 24.1|9. 26. thro' thy ^. 11.2. not seen his g. \\ 32. 3. ascribe ye g: 1 Chr. 17. 19. done all this^. |j 21. a name of ^. 29. 11. thine is the g: \\ 2 Chr. 9. 6. | 24. 27. Neh. 13. 22.^-. of thy mercyl|Esth.l0.2._§-.ofMord. Psal. 66. 3.g of thy powerjj71. 21. increase my ^. 79. ll.^g'. of thy power||l45. 3. his^-. unsearchable 145. 6. declare thy g. || 152. excellent g. Prov. 5. 23.^. of his folly] |Isa. 40. 26. g. of might Isa. 57. 10.^. of thy way |) 03. l.g. of his strength Jer. 13. 22. g. of iniquity || Ezek. 31.2. thy^. 7. Dan. 4. 22 g. is grown |1 7. 27. g. of kingdom Eph. 1. 19. what the exceeding^, of his power GREAVES, s. 1 Sam. 17. 6.g. of brass GRECIA, ^rhe country of the Greeks, situated between 20** and 26*^ east longitude, and be- tween 36° and 44° north latitude. Dan. 8. 21. 110. 20.|11.2. GRECIANS. Joel3.6. Acts6.1.l9. 29. | 11.20. GREECE. Zeeh. 9. 13. Acts 20. 2. GREEDY, a. Psal. 1 7. 12. lion ^. of his prey Prov.l.l9.5-.ofgain,15.27.||Isa.56.11. 1 Tim. 3. 3. GREEDILY, Prov. 21. 26. Ezek. 22.12.Judeli. GREEDINESS, s.Eph.4. 19. uncleanness with_^. GREEK. Mark 7. 26. Luke 23. 38. John 19. 20. Acts 16. 1, 3. 1 21. 37. Rom. 1. 16. ) 2.-|-9,tl0. I 10. 12. Gal. 2. 3. 1 3. 28. Col. 3. 11. Rev.9.11. GREEKS. John 12. 20. certain G. came up to Acts 14. 1. multitude of G. believed, 17. 4, 12. 18. 4. persuaded G. \\ 17. G. took Sosthenes the 19. 10. G. heard word (| 17. known to G. 20. 21. testifying to G.|| 21. 28. brought G. Rom. 1.14. debtor to G.|| 1 Cor. 1. 22. G seek 1 Cor. 1.23 to G. foolishness || 24. both Jews, G. GREEN. Gen. 1. 30.^. herb, 9. 3. || 30. 37. Exod. 10. 15. not any ^. tliingj|Lev. 2. 14. | §3. 14. Judg 16. 7.g. withs, 8. || 2 Kings 19. 26. g. herbs Esth. 1. e.g. and blue || Job 8. 16. he is^-. Job 15. 32. branch not^*. |) 39. 8. every ^. thing Psal. 23. 2. ^..pasture || 37. 2. wither as^.herb 37.35. a^. bay-tree] |92.tl4. be fat and^. Song 1. 16. our bed is^. ]) 2. 13. her ^. figs Isa. 1.5.6. no^. thing] | Jer. 11. 16. a ^v olive]] 17. 8. Hos. 14. 3. g. fir-tree ]) Mark 6. 39. sit on g. grass Rev. 8. 7. all^. grass Jj 9. 4. not hurt^. thing GREEN Tree, s. Deut. 12. 2. 1 Kmgs 14. 23. 2Kingsl6. 4. Psal. 52. 8. Isa. 57. 5. Jer. 2. 20. 1 3. 6, 13. Ezek. 6. 13. ] 17. 24. ] 20. 47. Luke 23. 31. GREEN Trees. Jer. 17. 2. groves by g. - GREENISH, a. Lev. 13.49. j 14. 37. GREENNESS, s. Job 8. 12. yetin his^. GREET, V. 1 Sam. 25. 5. Rom. 16. 3, 5, 6, 8, 11. 1 Cor. 16. 20. 2 Cor. 13. 12. Phil. 4. 21. Col. 4. 14. 1 Thes. 5. 26. Tit. 3.15. 1 Pet. 5. 1 *. 2 John 13. 3 John 14. GREETETH, ING, S. Matt. 23. 7. Luke 11. 43.|20. 46. Acts 15. 23.|23. 26. 2Tim.4. 21. Jam.l. 1. GREW, V. Exod. 1. 12. the more they g. GRIEF, S, s. Gen. 26. 35. were a^. to Isaac 1 Sam. 1. 16. abundance of^. ]| 25. 31. be no ^. 2 Chr. 6.29. his own^.|| Job 2. 13. his j-. was great Job 6. 2. oh, that my^.Ji 16. 5. asswage^. 6. Ps.6.7.comumedbec. 3i.9.{|31.l0.1ifespeutwit!i_§-. Psal. 69. 26. g. of those thou woundest ||139.f 24. Prov. 17.2.5.^. tofather[| Eccl. 1. 18. is much^. Isa. I.tl3. it is g. \\ 17. 11. day of ^. ]) 53. 3. 53. 4. he hath borne our _g^. ]| 10. put him to g. Jer. 6. 7. is^.JJlO. 19. this is a^. || 45. 3. added ^. Lam. 3. 32. tho' he causey-. || Ezek. 32.t9. Jonah 4. 6. his^.p Cor. 2. 5. if any caused^, he Heb. 13.17. and not with P.]|lPet.2.19. endure P^. GRIEVANCE, s. Hab. l. 3. behold^. ]] tl.S. GRIEVE, V. 1 Sam. 2. 33. to g. thine heart 1 Chr. 4. 10. may not g. meJIPsal. 78. 40. oft g. Lam. 3. 33. not willingly g. \\ Eph. 4. 30.^. not GRIEVED, p. Gen. 6. 6. g. him at his heart 34. 7. were ^•1)45. 5. be not g. \\ 49. 23. sorely^. Exod. 1. 12. were^-.|]Deut. 15. 10. shall not be^. Judg. 10. 16. his soul was ^. || 1 Sam. 1. 8. why^. 1 Sam. 15. 11. it ^.Samuel ]) 20. 3. lest he be^. 20. 34. was^-. for David j| 30. 6. people was g. 2 Sam. 19. 2. king was^. ]| Neh. 2. 10. J 13. 8. Job 4. 2. wilt thou be g. \\ 30. 25. soul g. for poor Psal. 73. 21. my heart was g. I was pricked 95. 10. forty years was I ■^. Heb. 3. 10, 17. 112. lO.wickedbe P-. II 119. 158.|139. 21. Isa. 54. 6. g. in spirit]] 57. 10. thou wast not g. Jer.5. 3. they have not ^. II Dan. 7. 15. | 11.30. Amos 6. 6. are not g. for the affliction of Joseph Mark 3. 5. g,. for the hardness || 10. 22. went^.^ John 21. 17. Peter was^. || Acts4. 2. being g. Acts 16.18. Paul being or.jIRoni. 14.15. brother be 2 Cor. 2. 4. not that ye should be^. || 5. not^. GRIEVETH, V. Ruth 1. 13. Prov. 26. 15. GRIEVING,;?. Ezek. 28. 24. no^. thorn of all GRIEVOUS, a. Gen. 12. 10. famine^, in land 18. 20. sin il 21. 11. very ^. 12. | 41. 31. ||50. 11. Exod. 8. 24. a g. swarm]] 9. 3. murrain || IS. hail 1 Kings 2. 8, a^. curse]|l2. 4. ^.service of father Psal. 10. 5. always^. |] 31. 18. speak ^.things Prov. 15. 1. g. words stir up |] 10. correction^. Eccl. 2. 17. work JJIsa. 15.4. life || 21. 2.^. vision Jer. 6. 28.^. revoltersJIlO. 19. my wound is g. 14. 17. a ^. blow]|l6.4.^. deaths|]23. 19. whirlw. 30. 1 2. incurable, thy wound is g. Nah. 3. 19. Matt. 23. 4. heavy burdens ^nd g. Luke 11. 46. Acts 20.29. g. wolves j] 25. 7. g. complaints Phil. 3. 1. is not g. || Heb. 12. 11. joyous, but g. 1 John 5. 3. are not^. ]| Rev. 16. 2. a p. sore GRIEVOUSLY, ad. Isa. 9. 1. ^. afflict her by Je*. 23. 19. fall ^.|j Lam. 1. 8.^. sinned, 20. Matt.8.6. g. tormented] Il 5. 22. daughter^.vexed GRIEVOUSNESS,s. isa. 10.1. ] 21. 15. GRIND, V. Judg. 16. 21. Samson did g. in the Job 31. 10. let my wife^. ]| Eccl. 12.t3.^. little Isa. 3. 15. g. thefaces|l47. 2. ^. meal] [Lam. 5. 13. Matt.21.44. it will g. him to powder, Luke20.18. GRINDERS. Job 29.tl7. Eccl. 12. 3. g. cease GRINDING, p. Eccl. 12. 4. Matt. 24. 41. GRIN, S. s. Job 1 8. 9. Psal. 1 40. 5. ] I4l. 9. GRIZLED, a. Gen. 31. 10. 12. Zech. 6. 3, 6. GROAN, V. Job 24. 12. Jer. 51. 52. I Joel 1. 18. beasts^. 2 Cor. 5. 2. we ^.4. Exek. 30. 24. Pharaoh g. Rom. 8, 23. ourselves g. \ GROANED, ETH. John 11. 33. Rom. 8. 22. GROANING, S. Exod. 2. 24. G. heard their ^. 6. 5. 1 have heard the g. of Israel, Acts 7. 34. Judg. 2. 18. their ^. |j Job 23. 2. heavier than my Psal. 6. 6. weary with g. || 33. 9. g. is not hid 102. 5. by reasou of ^. |} 20. g. of prisoner 'TCT GRO ^ Ezek.30. 24.^.ofpohn 11.38. Jesus^.||Rom.8.26. feROPE, ET H. Deut. 28. 29. g. at noon Job 5. 14. they g. 12. 25. |j Isa. 59. 10. we^. GROSS, a. Isa. 60. 2. g. darkness, Jer. 13. 16. Matt. 13. 15. people's heart waxed g. Acts 28. 27. GROVE, s. A Utile wood. A place shaded by trees, wliere idolaters used to worship. Gen. 21. 33. Deut. 16. 21. Judg. 6. 25, 28. 1 Sam. 22. t 6. 1 Kings 15. 13. | 16. S3. 2 Kings 13. 6. [ 17. 16. | 21. 3. | 23. 4, 6, 15. 2Chr. 15. 16. , GROVES. Exod. 34. 13. cut their 5-. Deut. 7.5. Deut. 12. 3. bum^.jl Judg. 3. 7. served g. lKingsl4. 15.made^.23.|jl3. 19. 2 Kings 17. 10. 2 Kings 18. 4. cut down g. 23. 14. 2 Chr. 14. 3. 1 17. 6. 1 19. 3. 1 31. 1. I 34. 3, 4, 7. Mic. 5. 14. 2 Chr. 33. 3. made g. I9.|ilsa. 17. 8. nor respect g. Isa. 27. 9. g. not >tand || Jer. 17. 2. rem. then- g. GROUND. Exod. 32. 20. Num. 11.8. Deut.9.21. GROUND Corn. 2 Sam. 17. 19. spread^, corn GROUND, s. Gen. 2. 5. not man to till the g. 7. formed man of dust of the g. \\ 1 9. beast 3. 17. cursed is the^. |j 4. 2. Cain a tiller of ^. 5. 29. because of ^. || 8. 21. not again curse g. Exod. 3. 5. thou standest is holy g. Acts 7. 33. Num. 16. 31. g. clave||Deut. 28. 4. fruit of ^. 11. 2 Sam. 23. 12. stood in midst of^. and defended it 2 Kings2. 19. g. barren 1| 9. 26. into the plat of ^. 13. 18. he said, smite on the g. he smote 1 Chr. 11. 13. a parcel of^. |f21. 21. bowed to^. Neh. 10. 35. bring the first fruits of our g. 37. Job 1. 20. fell on the g\{l. 13. sat with him on^. 5. 6. nor doth trouble spring out of the^. 14. 8. die in the^. |j 16. 13. my gall on the^. 18. 10. su^ire laid for him in the^. || 38. 27. 39. 24. he sw alloweth the g. w ith fierceness Psal. 89. 44. cast his throne to the g. 39. 107. 33. into dry^. || 35. he turneth dry ^. into Isa. 3. 26. sit on the g. || 21. 9. broken to the g. 28.24. clods of his g. jj 29. 4. speak out of^. 35. 7. parched^. || 51. 23. laid thy body as g. Jer. 4. 3. break up your fallow g. Hos. 10. 12. 14. 2. black to the g. |j 4. g-. is chapt|| 25. 33. Lam. 2. 10. elders of Zion sit on the^. 2i. Ezek.24. 7. she poured it on the^. |) 26. 11, 16. Dan. 8. 5. touched not the g. 1| 10. stars to g. 12. truth to tlie^g-.'iJlS. face toward the^. 10. 9. Obad. 3. who shall bring me down to the g. Matt. 10. 29. one of them shall not fall to the g. 13. 8. fell ongood^. Mark 4. 8. Luke 8. 8, 15. Mark 9. 20. and he fell on the g. 14. 3b. Luke 12. 16.^. of a richman|jl3. 7.114. 18.|19. 44. 22. 44. as drops of blood falling to the g. John 8. 6. wrote on tlie^. jj 9. 6. spat on the g. 12. 24. wheat fall to g. \\ 18. 6. fell to the g. Acts 22. 7. 1 fell to the g. and heard a voice GROUND. 1 Tim. 3. 15.^. of truth||Heb. U.tl. GROUNDED, p Isa. 30. 32. the g. staff shall Eph. 3. 17. g. in love |j Col. 1. 23. g. and settled GROW. Gen. 48. 16. let them g. to a multitude Judg. 16. 22. hair began to ^. || 2 Sam. 23. 5. 2 Kings 19. 29.^. of thems.||Ezra i. 22. damage^. Job 8. 11. can the rush^. || 31. 40. let thistles^. Psal. 92. 12.^. like a cedar]) 104. 14. grass to^. Eccl. 11.5. nor how the bones g. in the womb Isa. 11.1. branchy. || 17. 11. plant^. .53. 2. J'er. 12. 2. they ^. uplj 33. 15. branch to g. GUI Ezek. 44. 20. nor locks to g. || 47. 12 g. all trees Hos. 14. 5. g. as the lily [j 7. g. as the vine Jonah 4. 10. norraadstit^. jj Zech. 6. 12. | 9. 1 17. i»Ial. 4. 2. ye shall ^. up as calves of the stall Matt. 6. 28. lilies, how they ^. Luke 12. 27. 1.3. 30. let both g. |i 21. 19. let no fruit g. Mark 4. 27. g. up |) Acts 5. 24. this would g. Eph. 4. 15. may g. up |i 1 Pet. 2. 2. may g. 2 Pet. 3. 18.' g. m grace, and in knowledge of L. GRO\yN, p. Gen. 38.11. till Shelaii be g. 14. Exod. 2. 11. Moses was^. || 9. 32. rye not^-. up Deut. 32. 15. g. thickiJRuthl. 13. till they weve^:. 2 Sam. 10. 5. tarry till beards be^. 1 Chr. 19. 5. Ezra 9. 6. trespass is^. |j Psal. 144. 12. plants^. Jer. 50. 11.^. fat |) Ezek. 16. 7. thy hair ^. Dan. 4. 22. g. strong !J Matt. 13. 32. when g. GROWETH, V. Lev. 25. 5. g. of its own accord Judg. 19. 9. day ^. to an end (| Job 38. 38. dust Psal. 90. 5. like grass which g. 6. | 129. 6. Isa. 37. 30.^. of itself II Mark 4. 32. it^. up Eph. 2. 21. g. unto an holy 1| 2 Thes. 1. 3. faith g. GROA^TH, s. Amos 7. 1. it was the lattery. GRUDGE, v>. Lev. 19. 18. nor bear any ^. ag. ^ Psal. 59. 15. g. if they be not |] Jam. 5. 9. g. not GRUDGING, LY. 2 Cor. 9. 7. 1 Pet. 4. 9. GUARD, s. Gen. 37.36. captain ofg-. 39.1.J41. 12. 1 Kings 14. 27. 2 Kings 25. 8, 10, 11, 12. Jer. 39. 11. I 40. 1, 5. f52. 30. Pan. 2. 14. Acts 28. 16. 2 Sam. 23. 23. D. set him over his §-. 1 Chr. 11. 2,5. 1 Kin. 14. 28. g. bare them|i2 Kin. 11. 6. behind g. Neh. 4. 22. be a g. tousJiEzek. 38.7. Mark 6.t27, GUARD Chamber. 1 Kuigs 14. 28. 2 Chr. 12. 11. GUEST, s. Luke 19.7. gone to be g. with a GUEST-C/mm&er. Mark. 14. 14. Luke 22. 11. GUESTS, s. 1 Kings 1. 41. Adonijah his g. 49. Prov. 9. IS.her^. in depth j|Zeph. 1. 7. bid his ^. Matt. 22. 10. furnished with^. || 11. to see the g. GUIDE, S, s. is put for, [Ij A husband, Prov. 2. 17. [2] A teacher, Rom. 2. 19. [3] Gody ivho guides by his providence, word, and Spirit, Psal. 48. 14. Jer. 3. 4. John 16. 13. Psal. 48. 14.^. unto death |j 55. 13. a man, my ^. Prov. 2. 17. g. of her youth j) 6. 7. having no g. Jer. 3. 4.^. of my youth || Mic. 7. 5. confid. in g. Matt. 23. 16. blind ^. 24.|jActs 1. 16. who was g. Rom. 2. 19. thou art a^. 1| Heb. 13. t 7. g. over GUIDE, v. Job 38. 32. g. Arcturus Psal. 25. 9. g. in judgment Ij 31. 3. and g. me 32. 8.^. tlieel|73. 24. g. me|| 112. 5.^. his affairs Prov. 11. 3. integrity^. |i 23. 19. g. thine heart Isa. 49. 10. shall he ^. 58. ll.||5l. 18. none to^. Luke 1. 79.^. ourfeet||Johnl6. 13.^. in all truth Acts 8. 31. some man^.|| 1 Thes. 3. 1 11. God^. lTim.5. 14.^. the housej|Heb.l3.tl7. that ^.you GUIDED, ING. Gen. 48. 1-*, g. his hands Exod. 15. 13. thou hast ^.jj2 Chr. 15. 13. the L.^. Job 3] . 18.1 have^. herliPsal. 78. 52. g, them, 72. GUILE, or deceit. Exod. 21.14. slay with g. , Psal. 32. 2.no^. || 34. 13. speaking^. 1 Pet. 3. 10. 55. 11. deceit,^. || John 1. 47. in whom is no g. 2Cor. 12. le.caught with^.|jlTlies.2.3.notin^. 1 Pet. 2. 1. malice ^.|i22. nor^.||Rev. 14. .5. no g. GUILT, s. Deut. 19. 13. put away g. 21. 9. GUILTY, «. Gen. 42. 21. we are^-^. concerning Exod. 34. 7. by iTO meansclear the^. Num. 14. 18. Lev. 4. !3. and are g. 5.2, 3, 5, 17. | 6. 4. | 22. 2?,. IIAE HAL Num. 35. 27. not be g. \\ 31. g. of death, but Jiidg. 21, 22. should be^. |jEzra. 10. 19. beni2f g. Ps. 5. 1 10.134. t 21.|109. t Z.yProv. 30. 10. foiind^. Ezek. 22. 4. become ^.yHos. 5. 1 15- till they be g. Zech. 11. 5. not g. |j Matt. 23. 18. he is g. 26. 66. Kom. 3. 19. become ^--Ijl Cor. 11. 27. Jam. 2. 10. GUILTINESS, s. Gen. 26. 10. Ezra 9. t 6. Psal. 51. 14. from blood ^.||69. t5. my ^. not hid GUILTLESS. Exod. 20. 7. not hold^. Deut.5. 1 1 . Num. 5. 31. be^-. 32. 22. Josh. 2. 19. 1 Sam. 26. 9. 2 Sam 3. 28.|l4. 9. 1 Kings 2. 9. Mat. 12. 7. GULF, s. Luke 16. 26. a great g. fixed so that GUNi, A garden. Gen. 46. 24. Num. 26. 48. GUR, A whelp. A city, 2 Kins^s 9. 27. GUSH, ED. 1 Kings 18. 28. till the bloody. Psal. 78. 20. waters g. out, 105, 41. Isa. 48. 21. Jer. 9. 18. eye-lids ^.j| Acts 1. 18. bowels^, out GUTTER, S, s. Gen. 30. 38, 41. 2 Sam. 5. 8. H. "A, An fideijection of fear, &c. Job 39.25. 2IABAI AH, Hidrng of the Lord. Ezra 2. 61 . HABAKKUE, Wrestler. Hab. 1. 1. | 3. 1. HABAZINIAH, Hiding of shield of the Lord. Jeremiah's father, Jer. '35. 3. HABERGEON, S. A smnll coat of mail. Exod. 28. 32. 2 Chr. 26. 14. Neh.4. 16. Job 41. 26. HABITABLE, a. Prov. 8. 31. /i. part of his earth HABITATION. Exod, 15, 2, prepare him an h. 13. holy A. Deut. 26. 15. Psal. 68. 5. Jer. 25. 30. Zech. 2, 13. Lev. 13. 46. his h. be || Deut. 12* 5. even to his h. 1 Sam. 2. 29. my h. 32, || 2 Sam. 15. 25. his h. 2 Chr. 6. 2. house of A. || 29. 6. h, of the Lord SO.t 27. h. of his holiness \\ Ezra 7. 15. h. in Jer. Job 5. 3. I cursed his h. \\ 24, shall visit thy A, . 8. 6. h. of righteousness \\ 18. 15. upon his h. Psal. 26. 8. loved the A. |) oo. 14. place of iiis A. 49. 1 14. grave an A. j| 69. 25, A. be desolate 71. 3, my strong h.\\ 89. 14. Av of throne, 97. 2. 91, 9. most High thv A. j{ 104. 12. have their A, 107, 7. city of A. 361 j| 1.32. 5. find an A. Ij 13. Prov. 3. SS. but he blessed the A, of the just Isa. 22. 16. graveth an A. || 27, 10, A. be forsaken 32. 18. peaceable A.||33. 20. Jerusalem a quiet A, 34. 13. A. of dragons, 35.7.||63. 15. A, of holiness Jer. 10. 25. A. desolate 1| 25. 30. rore on his A. St. 23. O A, of justice, 50. 7,1|33, 12, A, of sheph. 41. 17. A, of Chimham jj 49. 19- A. of strong 50. 19. against his A. \\ 45- make A. desolate Ezek. 16, t 3, thy A, |) 29. 14. return to their A. Amos 6. t 3. A. of violence 1| Obad. 3. A. is high Hab, 3. 11. sun and moon stood still in their A. Acts 1. 20. A. be desolate || 17, 26. bounds of A. Eph. 2, 22, A. of God ]| Jude 6. left their own A. Rev, 1 8. 2, Babylon is become the A. of devils HABITATIONS, s. Gen, 49, 5. cruelty in A. Exod. 12, 20. your A. 35. 3.j|Num. 15. 2. of your Psal. 74. 20. A, of cruelty |j 78. 28. about A. ' Isa. 54. 2. stretch forth the curtains of thy A. Jer. 9. 10. A. of the wilderness] 121. 13, into our A. 25. 37. peaceable A.l|49.20. make their A.desolate Lam. 2. 2. A. of Jacob |) Ezek. 6. 14. in all their A, Hos. lO.tlO. Joell.tig. Amos 1. ^. Luke 16, 9- HABOR, A partaker or fellow. 2 Kinsfs 17. 6. HACHALIAH, The hook of the Lord. ^Nch. 1.1. HACHILAH, Hope in that. 1 Sam, 23. 19. HACHMONI, A wise man. 1 Chr. 11.11. HAD. Mark 12. 44. cast in all she A. even John 15. 22. A. not A, sin 1| 17. 5. 1 A with thee HAD AD, Joy, noise, clamour. Gen, 25, 15. I 36. 36. 1 Kin, 11, 14. 1 Chr, 1. 30. HADADEZER, Comeliness. 2 Sam. 8, 3, 7, 10. 19. 1. I 10. 16. 1 Kin. 11. 23. 1 Chr, 18. 3. HADADRIMMON, The voice of height. Zech. 12. 11. HADAR, A chamber. Gen. 25. 15. HADAREZER, King of Zobah. 1 Chr. 18. 3. HAD ASH AH, News, or a month. Josh. 15. 37. HADASSAH, A myrtle tree. Esth. 2. 7. HADID, Rejoicing, or sharp. Ezra 2, 33, HADLAI, Loitering, or letting. 2 Chr, 28, 12. HADORAM, Their praise. Gen. 10,27. 1 Chr. 18. 10. 2Chr, 10, 18. HADRACH, Joy of tenderness, or your cha7nbei\ Zech. 9. 1. HAFT, s. Judg. 3. 22. A. went in after blade H AG AB, A gi'ashopper. Ezra 2, 46. HA GAR, A stranger, or fearing. Gen. 16. 1, 15. 16. I 21. 9, 14, 17. I 25. 12, Gal. 4. 24. HAGARENES, from Hagar. Psal. 83, 6. HAGARITES. 1 Chr. 5. 10, 20. ^ HAGGAI, Pleasant, or revolution. ' Gen. 46, 1 6. Ezra 5, 1. [ 6. 14, Hag. 1. 1, 3. j 2. 1, 10, 20. HAGGIAH, The Lord's feast. 1 Chr. 6. 30. HAGGITH, Rejoicing. 2 Sam. 3. 4. 1 Kings 1. 5, 11. 1 2. 13. 1 Chr. 3. 2. HAI, A heap. A city, Gen. 10. 12. HAIL. Exod, 9. 18. a grievous A, || 23. sent A, 26. was no A,|| 33. A. ceased Ij 10. 5, 12, 15. Job 38. 22, treasures of A. || Ps. 78. 47. with A. || 48. Psal. 135.32, he gave A. for rain || 148, 8. fire, h. Isa, 28, 2. tempest of A. 1| 17. A. shall sweep Hag. 2, 17. smote with A.||Rev. 8. 7-111. 19-116. 21. HAIL, V. Peace be unto thee, Matt. 26. 49. | 27. 29. Mark 15. 18. Luke 1. 28. John 19. 3. HAILSTONES. Josh. 10. 11. Psal, 18. 12, 13. Isa- 30. 30. Ezek. 13- 11, 13. 38. 22. HAIR, s. Lev. 1 3. 30. A. in the plague, 37. Num. 6. 19. A. of separation f| Judg. 20, 16, 2 Sara, 14. 11. not one A. || "26. A. was heavy 1 Kin. 1, 52. not an A. falLyNeh. 13, 25. phickt A. Job 4.1 5. A. of my fleshlJSong4.1. A. asa flock, 6. 5. Isa. 3. 24. and instead of well-set A. baldness 7. 20. L. shave A.||.50. 6. pluekt off A. || Jer. 7.29. Matt, 3. 4. of camels A, j| 5. 36. not make one h. John 11, 2. and wiped his feet with her A. 12. 3. 1 Cor. 11. 14, long A. 15,1|1 Tim. 2. 9, broidered A. 1 Pet. 3, 3, plaiting A. || Rev. 6. 12, | 9. 8. HAIR^, s. Gen. 42. 38. my gray A. 44. 29. Deut. 32. 25. gray A. Ruth 4,t 15. Psal. 71. 1 18. Psal, 40. 12. more than A. 69. 4, Ij Isa. 46, 4. Hos. 7. 9. gray A, are herejjMatt. 10. 30. Luke 12,7. Luke 7. 38. A. of her head i| Rev. 1. 14. A. white HAIRY. Gen. 25, 25. first all A. 27. 11, 23. 2 Kings 1. 8. Elijah was A. \\ Psal, 68. 21. A. scalp HAKK ATT AN, Little. Ezra 8, 12. H AKKOZ, a thorn, or end. 1 Chr. 24. 10. HAKUPHA, A command. Ezra 2. 5 1 . HALAH, A moist table. 2 Kings 17. 6.118. 11. ^PWSSF HAM HALAK, He went. Josh. 11. 17. | 12. 7. 'HALE, ING. Luke 12. 58. Acts 8. 3. HALF. Exod. 24. 6. h. the blood 1 1 30. 23. Lev. 6. 20. h. at night 1| Num. 12. 12. | 31. 29. 1 Sara. 14. 14. A.acre || 2Sam 18. 3. | 19. 40. 1 Kings 10. 7. h. not told || 13. 8. A. thy house Neh. 13. 24. spake h. in the speech of Ashdod Esth. 5. 3. h. of the kingdom, 7. 2. Mark. 6.23. Psal. 55. 23. not live A.|jEzek. 16. 51. h. thy sins Dan. 12. 7. for time, times and an A. Rev. 12. 14. Zech. 14. 4. h. of mount |j 8. h. toward the sea Luke 10.30. /i. dead I) 19. 8.h. of my goods Rev. 8 1 . A. an hour 1 1 1 1 . 9. three days and h.ll. See Shekel, Hin, Tribe. HALHUL, Grief. A city. Josh. 15. 58. HALI, Sickness ; or heginning. Josh 19. 25. HALL. Matt. 27. 27. Mark 15.16. Luke 22. 55. HALLELUJAH, Praise ye the Lord. Rev. 19. 1. HALLOESH and HALLOBESH, Saying no- thing ; or an inchanter. Neh. 3. 12. | 10. 24. HALLOW, V. Exod. 28. 38. j 29 1. Lev. 22. 2, 32. j 25. 10. Num. 6. 11. 1 Kings 8. 64. Jer. 17.22,24,27. Ezek. 20. 20. j 44. 24. HALLOWED, Sanctified, or set apart. Exod. 20. 11. Sabbath-day, /t.||29. 21. Aaron be h. Lev. 12. 4. touch no h. \\ 22. 32. 1 will be h. Num. 3. 13. h. first-born || 5. 10. h. things, 18. 8. 16. a7. censers are h. 38. \\ 18. 29. h. part 1 Sam. 21.4. A. bread, 6.||1 Kin. 9. 3. 1 A. this house 2 Kings 12. 18. A. things |j 2 Chr. 36. 14. house A. Matt. 6. 9. A. be thy name, Luke 11.2. HALT. Matt. 18. 8- into life, h. Mark 9. 45. Luke 14.21. bring hither the A.| j John 5. 3. blind, A HALT, V. 1 Kings 18. 21. how long A. ye Psal. 38. 17. 1 am readv to A. my sorrow^ is HALTED, ]}. Gen. 32. 31. Jacob A.||Mic. 4. 7. HALTETH. Mic. 4. 6. assemble her that A. Zeph. 3. 19. at that time I will save her that A. HALTING. Jer. 20. 10. watchedfor ray A. HAM, Crafty^ or heat. Gen. 5. 32.|6. 10.|9. 18. I 10. 1,6. I 14. 5. 1 Chr. 1. 4. | 4.40. Psal. 78. 51. tabernacles of H,| 1 105. 23. in land of 105. 27. shewed wonders in land of H. 106. 22. HAM AN, Noise, tumult. Esth. 3. 1, 2. HAMATH, Anger, heat, or wall. Num. 13. 21, as men come to H. 34. 8. Josh. 13. 5. Judg. 3. 3. 1 Kin. 8. G5. 2 Km. 14. 25. 2 Chr. 7. 8. 2 Sam. 8. 9. Toi king of H. 1 Chr. 18. 9. 2 King 14. 28. recovered H. || 17. 50. men of H. 18. 34. where are tlie gods of H..^ Isa. 36. 19. 19. 13. where is the king of H. Isa. 37. 13. 23. 33. in bands in the land of H. 25. 21. 2Chr. 8. 4. store cities in H. II Isa. 13. 9. | 11.11. Jer. 39. 5. land of H. |j 49. 23. H. confounded Ezek. 47. 16. border of H.||20. come over against Zech. 9. 2. H. also shall border thereby HAMATH-ZOBA, Heat of an army. 2 Chr. 8. 3, HAMITAL, Heat of the dew. 2 Kings 23. 31. HAMMED ATHA, Troubling the law. Esth. 8. 5. RAMMELECH, A king. Jer. 36. 26. | 38- 6. HAMMER, S. Judg. 4. 21. Jael took an A. 1 King 6.7. A. nor ax heard l)Psal. 74. 6. axes and A, Isa. 41. 7. smootheth with the A. 44. 12. Jer. 10.4. fasten with A.||23. 29. like a A.|| 50. 23. HAMMON, Heat, or the Sun. Josh. 19. 28. HAUO'S-GOG, Multitude of Gog. Ezek.39. 11. HAIS HAMOR, An ass, or dirt. Gen. 33. 19. { 34. 6, 24, 26. Josh. 24. 32. Judg. 9. 28. HAMOTH-DOR, Indignation. Josh. 21. 32. HAMUL, Godly, ormercifid. Gen. 46. 12. HANAMEEL, The mercy of God. Jer. 32. 7. HANNAN, Full of grace. Jer. 35. 4. 1 Chr. 8.23. HANANEEL, Grace from God. Neh. 3. 1. HAjS ANI, Giving, or merciful. , 1 Kin. 16. 1. Jehu son of H. the word came, 7. 1 Chr. 25. 4. son of Heniun||25. eighteenth lot to 2 Chr. 16. 7. H. the Seer||19'. 2. son of H. 20. 34. Ezra 10. 20. H.Zebadiah||Neli. l. 2.|7. 2-112. 36. HANANIAH, The Grace of God. 1 Chr. 3, 19. Meshullam, H. y 21. sons of H. 8. 24. a Benjamite || 25. 4. son of Henian 25. 23. 16th lot to H. |) 2 Chr. 26. 11. under H. Ezra. 10. 28. H. Zalbai, had taken strange wives Neh. 3. 8. H. repaired {| 7. 2. ruler of palace. 10. 23. H. sealed |j 12. 12. H. with trumpets, 41. Jer. 28. 1. H. a false prophet, 11. 12. || 17. died 36.12. son of H. sat. \\ 37. 13. took Jeremiah Dan. 1. 6. Daniel H. 7, 11, 19.1|2. 17. known to HAND, s. when referred, 1. To God, signifies, [1] His eternal purposes, and executive power^ Acts 4. 28,30. [2] His providential bounty and goodness, Psal. 104. 28. [3] His mighty power to preserve and defend, John 10. 28, 29. [4] His frowns and corrections, Judg. 2. 15. Psal. 32. 4. I 38.2. [5] His sovereign dispose, Psal. 31. 15. [6J His help, Neh. 2. 8. P.aL 74.11. [7] His favour, Luke 1. 66. [8] His Spirit, 1 Kings 18. 46. Ezek. 1. 3. | 37. 1. [9] His providence, 1 Chr. 29. 16. Job 2. 10, Referred, II. To men signitietli, [1] An in- strument, Exod. 4. 13. Hag. l.tl. [2 J Power^ Prov. 3. 27. [3] His help, 2 Kings 15. 19. [4] Possession, 1 Kings 11. 31. [5] Advice,. 2 Sam. 14. 19. [6J Tyranny, Exod. 18. 9. [7J H^ork, Acts 20. 34. Gen. 39. 6. in Joseph s A. 22.||48. 17. his father's k. Ex. 6.1. a strong A. 13.9.||13.3. strength of A.14, 16. 1 4. 8. Israel w ent out with a high A. Num. 33. 3. 19.13. not a k. touch iti|21.24.A. for A.Deut.l9.2l. 38. 15. on this A, and that h. v/ere hangings Lev. 14. 32. A. not able to get|j25. 28. remain in Dent. 13.9. A.ofali the people|j25. 12. cut offherA. Josh. 2. 19. his blood on our head if any A. be on Judg. 4. 9. Lord shall sell Sisera into A. of a woniaii 6. 14. from. h. of Midianite?||l5. 18. fall into A. 1 Sam. 20.19. business was in A. ||22. 17. A. with D. 2 Sam. 13.5. eat it at iier A. 6.||14. 19. A. of Joab in 24.1 4. let me notfallinto A, of men, 1 Chr. 21.13. 1 Kin. 13. 6.king'sA. restoredill8.44.1ikeaman'sA. 22. 6. it into the king's A. 12, 15. 2 Chr. 28. 5. 2 Chr. 12. 5. hatli Lord left you in A. of Shishak Job 9. 24. A. of wicked |j 121^6. into whose A. God 12. 10. in whose A. is the soul[j20. 22. every A. 21. 16. lo, their good is not in their A. 34. 20. taken without A. || 37. 7. sealeth up the Psal. 31. 8 not shut me up into the A. of enemy 36. 11. let not A. of the wicked remove me 71. 4. deliver me outof A.ofv/icked, 82.4.J97.10. 123.2. look to A. of mastersj|127. 4. arrows in A. Prov. 6. 3. A. of thy friendj 1 10. 4. with slack A. 11.21. tho' A.join in A. 16. 5.|jl2. 24. A. of diiig. 17. 16. price in the A.jj26. 9- thorn in the A. Isa. 14.26. A. that is stretched|i2B. 2. A»of a cruej HAN HAN Jer. 18. 6. in potters A.|[21. 5. outstretched h. 26. 24. h. of Ahikam was with Jeremiah 50. 15 . shout against her, she hath given her h. Lam. 5. 6. we have given the A.yiS. hanged by h. Ezek. % 9. h. was sent|j8. 3. form of a h. 10. 8. 21. 24. taken withthe/z.||28. 9. h. that slayeth 37. 19. stick in the/i. of Ephraiml|40.5.in man's /i. Dan. 5. 5. lingers of a man's /i.||23. in whose h. 8. 25. broken without A. || If). 10. h. touched me Mic. 2. 1. because it is 'a the power of their h. Matt. 8. 15. he touched her /i.||22. 13. bind him h. Liuke 1.1. as many have taken in h. to set forth John 10.39. escapedout of their /i.||11.44.boundA. 1 Cor. 12. 15. 1 am not the A.||21 . eye not say to h. Rev. 17. 4. golden cup in her A.|)19. 2. atlier h. /i#, ora^^/ie HAND. Gen. 9.-5.'l27.4l.|33, 19. Dent. 1 Sam. 9. 8.|20. 16. 2 Kings 9.7. Neh. 11. 24.1sa. 13.6. Jer 23. 23. Ezek. 12. 23.133. 6-136. 8. Joel 1. 15. I 2. 1. Zeph. 1. 7. Matt. 3. 2. | 4. 17. I 10. 7. 1 26.18, 45, 46. Mark 1. 15. 1 14. 42. Luke 21. 30. John 2. 13. | 7. 2.119. 42. Rom. 13. 12. Phil. 4. 5. 2 Thes. 2. 2. 2 Tim. 4. 6. 1 Pet. 4. 7. Rev. 1. 3. | 22. 10. Byi/ieH4ND. Exod. 4. 13. send -A. of him Lev. 8. 36. which Lord commanded -h. of Moses, 10. 11-126. 46. Num. 4.37,45,49.19.23. I 10. 13. I 15. 23. I 16. 40. 1 27. 23. j 36. 13. Josh. 14. 2. I 20.2. 1 21. 2,8. | 22. 9. Judg. - 3. 4. 1 Kings 8. 53. 2 Chr. 33. 8. | 35. 6. Neh. 9. 14. Psal- 77. 20- 16. 21. send him away by the A. of a fit man Josh.20.9. not die-A.|)Judg. 16. 26. ladheld him -h. 1 Sam- 18. 25. David fall-/i.l|27- 1. perish -A.of Saul 2 Sam. 11. 14. -A. of Uriah|il2. 25. of Nathan 21.22.fellbytliehandofD.iChr.20.8.1|lKin.2.25. 1 Kin. 14. 18. spake -A. of Ahijahyie. 7. of Jehu 2 Kings l4.25.spake-A.of Jonah||27.saved -A.of Jer. 2 Chr. 10.15. spake -A. of Aliijah|jl2.7.-A.of Sliishak Isa. 51- 18. nor any that taketh her by the h. Jer. 31. 32. in the day I took them -A. Heb. 8. 9. Mat. 9.25.tookher-A. Mark 1.31. |5.41. Luke 8.54. Acts 9. 8. led him -A. II 13. 11 some to lead him -A. From ^AeHAND. Gen. 32. 11. Deut. 7. 8. Judg. 8.22. 1 Sam. 25. 39. Job 5. 15- | 6- 23. Ps. 89. 48. i 106. 10. I 144. 7,11. Prov. 6. 5. Jer. 20. 13. | 31. ll.Hos. 13.tl4. Luke 1.71. HAND of God. 1 Sam. 5. 11. A-- was heavy 2 Chr. 30. 12. A. - was to give tliem one heart Ezra7. 9.good A.-, 8. 18, 22, 31. Neh. 2. 8, 18. Job 2. 10. shall we receive good at the h. of God ? 19. 21. A.- hath touched me||27. 11. teach by A. - Eccl. 2. 24. it was from the A.-|j9. 1. are in the A. - Isa. 62. 3. shall be a royal diadem in the A. - Mark 16.19- and sat on the right A. -, Rom. 8. 34. Col. 3. 1. Heb. 10. 12. I 12. 2. 1 Pet. 3. 22- Acts 2. 33. by the right A. - exalted, 7. 55, 56. Bis HAN D. Gen. 3. 22. lest he put for - A, 26. 12. -A. ag. ev. man || 19. 16. laid hold on -A. 24. 10. all were in -A.|j32. 13. which came to -A. 39. 3. prosper in -/i.|| 41. 42. took ring off - A. Ex. 4. 4. a rod in - A. || 6. -A. was leprous as 8. 6, stretched out- A. 17.|10. 22.iil7. 11. up -A. 21. 16. if found in -A- jj 20. he die under- A. 22. 4. if found in -A. aiive |1 8. put -A. to, 11. 24. 11. he laid not -A.ll32.'l5. tables inh. 34. 4. X«ev^ 1. 4. put -A. OH head of burnt-oifering Num. 6. 21. that - A. shall get||21. 26. land out of Josh. 8. 26. drew not -A. back||20. 5. slayer into 1 Sam. 6. 9. that it is not -A. that smote us, but 14. 26. but no man put -A. to his mouth, 27. 16. 23. an harp and played w»th -h. 18 10. 17. 40. sling in - A. 1| 57. head of Phiiist. in - h. 19. 5 he put his life in - A. || 23. 16. - A. in God 1 Kin. 8. 15. with -A. fulfilled it|| 13.4. -A. dried 2 Kin. 5. 11. strike -A. over the place||10. 15. gave 14. 5. kingdom was confirmed in - A. 15. 19^ 18. 21. will go into - A. || 19. 19. save us out of 1 Chr. 28. 19. made me understand by -A. on me 2 Chr. 26. 19. a censer in - A.|l 36. 17. gave all into Job 6. 9. let loose- A. 1| 1.5. 23. dark, is ready at -A. 15. 25. stretcheth out -A.ag. G. ||26. 13. formed 27. 22. fain flee out of A.||28. 9. -A. on rock Ps. 37. 24. upholdethhim || 33. not leave him 78. 42. rem. not - A. || 89. 25. set - A. in sea 95. 4. in -A. are deep places || 7. sheep of- A. 106. 26. liftedup -A. ag. them || 129. 7- filleth Prov. 19. 24. a slothful man hideth -A. 26. 15. Eccl. 5. 14. nothing is in - A. |( 15. away in - A. Song 5. 4. put in - A. by the hole of the door Isa. 5. 25. his angeriis not turned, but -A. is stretched out still, 9.12, 17,21. | 10. 4. 1 14. 27. 10. 32.shake-A.ll. 15.||ll.ll.set -A.a 2d lime 28. 4. while it is yet in -A. 1| 31. 3. stretch -A. 37. 20. save us from - A. || 40, 12. hollow of- A. 44. 5- subscribe with- A. || 49. 2. shadow of -A. 53. 10. prosper in - A. |j 56. 2. keepeth - h. from Lam. 2. 8. not withdrawn -A.fr. destroying, 3. 3. Ezek. 17. 18. lo,he had given - A.||46. 7- as- A. shall Dan. 4. 35. none can stay ♦/i.||8. 4. dehverout, 7. 11. 11. multitude given to -A. 1| 41. escape out Hos. 7. 5. stretched out-A.|jl2. balance of deceit in Hab. 3. 4. horns out of - A. 1| Zeph. 2. 15. wag -A. Zech. 8. 4. staff in - A.||14. 13. -A. rise up against Matt. 3. 12. fan is in - A.||26. 23. dippeth - A. Mark.l .41. put forth-A.] |3 . 5 .-A.restored,Luke6.10. 7. 32. they beseech him to put - A. on him Luke 9. 62. -A. to plough||l5. 22. pntaringon-A. John 3. 35. all into -A. j| 18. 22. struck with palm Acts 7. 25. how G. by -A. || 9. 12. putting- A. on 9. 41. he gave her -A. || 28. 3. viper on - A. 4. Rev. 6. 5. pair of bal. in - A.| 10. 2. in - A. a book 14. 9. or - A. 11 14. sharp sickle 1| 20. 1. chain HAND of the Lord, or the Lord's HAND. Ex. 9. 3. A. - on your cattle] 1 16. 3. had died by A.- Num. 11. 23. is -A. waxed shortyDeut. 2.15. again Josh. 4. 24. A. - is mighty 1| Judg. 2. 15. ag. them Ruth 1.13. the A. - is gone out against me 1 Sam. 5. 6. A.- was heavy \\ 7. 13. against, 12. 15. 2 Sam. 24. 14. let us tall into the A. -, 1 Chr. 21.13. 1 Kin. 18. 46. A. -was on Elijah, 2 Kin. 3. 15. Job. 12. 9. A. - hath wrought this, Isa. 41. 20. Ps. 75 8. in A. - a cup || Prov. 21. 1. king's heart Isa. 19. 16. shaking of A. -1|25. 10. shall the A.- rest 40. 2. received of- A. \\ 51. 17. drunk, at A. - 59. 1. - A. is not shortened II 62. 3. crown in A. -• 66. 14 A. - shall be known towards servants Ezek. 1. 3.A. - was on him, 3. 14, 22.18. 1.137. 1. 33. 22. A. -was onrae, 40. 1. \\ Luke 1. 66. Acts 11. 21. A. - was with them \\ 13. 11. A. - is on See Lav, or Laid. Left HAND. Gen. 13. 9. if thou take the - A. 14. 15. - A. of Damascus j| 24. 49. 1 may turn 48. 13. towards israefs - A. |! 14. laid his -A. HAN HAN T^ Lev. 14. 1 5. pour the oil into his own - h. 27. Num. 20. \7. we'll not turn to the ri^ht h. nor to - h. Deut. 2. 27. j 5. 32. j 17. 11,20.|28. 14. Josh. 1.7. turn not to right h. or to left^ that thou njayest prosper, 23. 6. 1 Sam. 6. 12. Prov. 4.27. Judg. 3. 21. E!m;l put forth his -h. \{r. 20. j 16. 29. 2 Kin. 22. 2. Josiah turned not to right h. or left 23. 8. which were on a man's - h. at the gate 1 Chr. 6. 44. stood on-A.||12. 2. could useboth-/?. 2Chr. 3. 17. on -A. Boazij4. 6. put fire on- A. '. Nefa. 8. 4. on his- A. stood |i Job 23. 9. on the- h. Prov. 3.1(). m her - h. riches!|Eccl.l0.2.heartat-i^. Song 2. 6. -h. is under ray head, his right, 8. 3. Isa. 9.20. eat on his - h\SO. 21. turn to -/i.||54. 3. Ezek. 16. 46. dwell at - /i.j|21. 16. go on - L\\o9. 3. Dan. 12. 7. when he held up his- A. to heaven Matt. 6. 3. let not- h. know what thy right doth 20. 21. one pn right h. other on /g/f, Mark 10.3 7. 25. 33. {joats on his - h. \\ 41. say to them on - h. 97. 38 thieves on-A. Mark 1.5. 27. Luke 23.33. Acts21.3. left Cyprus on-/i.|j2 Cor. 6. 7. armour on See Lift Ilnmly or Hands. Mighty H4lXD. Ex. 3. 19. go, no not with a- /j. 32. 11. forth with a-/i.jjDeHt. 3. 24. sh^wthy-7j. Deut. 4. 34. assayed to take him a nation by a -A. 5. 15. out of Egypt by a • A. 6. 21. j T. 8, 19. | 9. 26. j 11.2. I 26. 8. j 34. 12. Dan. 9. 15. Ezek. 20. o3. a - h. rule |) 34. bring you out with 1 Pet. 5. 6. humble yourselves under the-/*. ofG. Mine and my HAND. Gen. 14. 22. lift up - h. 31. 29. in power of- A.|j39. 1 bear loss, of - A. 33. 10. present at - A.||43. 9. of - A. require him Ex. 7. 17. rod in -A. 17.9.||15. 9.-A. shall destroy 32. 22. cover thee with - A. || 23. take away - A. Deut. 8. 17. might of- A. hath gottenjjlO. 3. tables 32. 39. nor any deliver out of- A. Isa 43. 13. 40. I lift up - A. to heaven|]41. if- A. take hold Judg. 8. 7. Zebah into - A.||9. 29. people under- A. 1 Sam. 12.5. not found ought in -A.|jl7. 46.|18. 17. 23. 7. God hath delivered him into - A. 24. 11. see the skirt iu-A.|jl2. -A. not be on him 26. 18. what evil is in-A. ? || 23. into - A. 24. 10. 28. 21. 1 have put my life in - A. and hearkened 2 Sara. 3. 12. - A. be with thee],! 5. 19. wilt thou deliver the Philistines into- A. 1 Chr. 14. 10. 18. 12. yet would I not put forth-A.ag.Absalom 2Kiu.5.18. he leaneth on - A.|jl8. 34. out of- A. 35. 2 Chr. 32. 15. shall your G. del. you out of-A.? 17. Job 13. 14. my life in A. |j 29. 20. bow renewed in 31. 27. or my mouth kissed - A.jj33.nor- A. heavy Ps. 81.14. turned- A. ag.jj89.21.-A. be established 119. 109. my soul is continually in- A. Prov. 1. 24. stretched out-A.ljIsa. 1. 25. turn - A. Isa. 10. 10. - A. hath foundlJlS. by strength of-A. 14,- A. found as a nestjlSo. 19. Samar. out of-A. 50. 2. is - A. shortened |j 11. this ye have of- A. 51. 16. shadow of- A.||66. 2. - A. made, Acts 7.50. Jer. 6. 12. 1 will stretch out- A. 15. 6. | 51. 25. 16. 21. to know - A. |j 18. 6. so are ye in-A. O Ezek. 6. 14. stretch out-A. 1J12. 7. digged with -A. 20. 5. 1 lifted up - A. saying, I ajn the Lord your God, 6. 23, 28, 42. | 36.7. ] 44. 12. | 47. 14. 22. I withdrew - A.1J37. 19. stick be otie in-A. Hos. 2. 10. none shall deliver her out of- A. Am. 1. 8. -A. ag. Ekron||9. 2. hell, thence A. take Zech. 2. 9. I'll shake - A. i| 13. 7. turn - A. on httle John 10. 28, pluck out of- A. 29.1{20. 25. thmst - A. 36 7.IC2. 25.|20. Isa. 38. 6. Jer. 15. 18, 23. Lara. 5. S. Acts 12. 11. Rev. 1 Cor. 1 6.21. wnth mine own A. Gal. 6. ll.PMlera-. 19. 2Thes. 3. 17. Our HAND. (jen. 37. 27. let not - A. be on him 43. 21. brought it in - A.jjDeut. 32. 27. - A. is higU Judg.16.23. Samson into -A.||l Sam. 14. lO.jSO. 23. Jer.l 1.21. die not by -A.|j2 Cor. 10. 10.readyto-/r. Out of HAND, or out of the HAND. Gen. 48.22. Ex. 2. 19, 38. I 14. 30. Num. 5. 25. j 11. 15. |35. 25. Josh. 9. 26. Jiidg. 2. 16.] 5. 9.|13. 5. 1 Sam. 4. 8. I j7. 57. 2 Sam. 12. 7.!C2.1.|23. 21. 1 Kin. 11. 31.122. 3. 2 Kin. 13. 25.120. 6. Ps. 71.4. I 82.4.197. 10. 21. I 21. 12. I 32.4. I 38 Zech. 11.6. John 10.39. 8. 4, 10. Right HAND. Gen. 35.118. son of the -A. 48. 14. put his - A. on Ephiaim's head, 18. Ex. 15. 6. thv- A. is glorious || 29. 20. thumb of tiieir - A. Lev. 8. 23. \ 14. 14. { 17. 25, 28. Deut. 33. 2.fromhis-A.llJudg. 5. 26. -A. to hammer 1 Kin. 2. 19. Bathsheba sat on Solomon's - A. Job 23. 9. hideth himself on - A.|i30. 12. | 40. 14. Ps. 16. 8. he is at my - A.ljll. at - A. are pleasures 17. 7. saved by - A. |j 1 8.' 35. - A. holden ine up 20. 6. strengtuofhis- A.||21. 8. -A. find out 26. 10. - A. full of bribes|j44. 3. thy - A. saved 45. 4. - A. teach thee |j 9. on - A. stand queen 48. 10. - A. full of right. \\ 60. 5. save with - A. 63. 8. -A. upholdeth me i| 73. 23. holden by - A. 74. 11. why withdrawest - A.y 77. 10. years of 78 54. -A. purchased I j 80. 15. thy A. planted 80. 17. man of thy - A. || 89. 13. high is thy - h. 89. 25. -A. in rivers IJ 42. setup- A. of advers-. 91.7. fall at thy - A. |j 98. 1. -A. got. victory 108. 6, save with tliy - A. and answer me 109. 6. let Satan stand at his.- A. || 31. of poor 110.1. at my-A. Luke 20.42. Acts 2.34.Heb.l.l3. 5. A. strike \\ 113. 15. - A. doth valiantly, 16. 121. 5. shade on thy -A. || 137. 5. -A. forget her 138. 7. - A. shall save me \\ 139. 10. - A. hold 142. 4. 1 looked on- A.- 1[ 144. 8. A. of falsehood Prov. 3. 16. in her - A. Jl 27^ 18. ointment of- A. Eccl. 10. 2. a wise man's heait is at his - A. Song 2. 6. his - h. doth embrace me, 8. 3. Isa. 41. 10. - A. of right. {! 13. will hold thy - if. 44. 20. a lie in thy- A. jj 45. 1. whose- A. I 48. 13. -A. spanned |l62. 8. sworn by liis - A. 6S. 12. led by - A. of MoseslJJer.22. 24. signet on Lam. 2 3. back his- A. {| 4. stood withhis - A. as Hab.2.16. cup ofLord's-A.||Zech. 3.1. Satan at-A. Matt. 5. 30. if -A. oflfendU 6. 3. wiiat thy - A. dotli Mark 14. 62. sitting on-A. of power, Luke 22.69. Luke 6. 6. - A. withered||Acts 2. 25. he is on my-A» Acts 2.33. being by the -A. of God exalted, 5. 31. 3. 7. by his- A. || Eph. 1. 20, sat at his - A. in Col. 3. 1. Chriat sittethon - A. of G. Heb. Rev. 1. 16. in his- A, 7 stars, 20.|2. 1.|il7. laid his ^ 1. in his - A. a book, 7. |j 13. 16. mark in - A. See Hand of God, Left Hand. To stretch forth, or out HAND. Gen. 22. 10. Ex. 3. 30.17. 9.|9. 15. |14. 16, 21. | 26. 7, 19. 1 Sam. 26. 9 2 Sam. 1. 14. Ps. 138. 7. Prov. 31. 20. Ezek. 14. 9, 1.3.125. 7, 13, 16.|35. 3» Dan. 11. 42. Zeph. 1.4. ( 2. 13. Thine, or tJuj HAND. Gen 16. 6. maid is in - A. 22. 12. lay not - A. on lad||24. 2. put - A. 47. 29. 49. 8. - /*. be in the necK of thine enemies HAN Exod. 4. 2. what is that in-h? he said, a rod 17 shall take tliis rod in h.7. 15. | 17. 5. 8. '5. stretch forth - A. over rivers, 9. 22.|10. 12. 13. 9. sign on - h. 16. Deut. 6. 8. || 23. 1. put not Deut. 2. 24. into - h. Sihon]! 3. 2. Og into - h. 13. 9.- ^. be first on him || 15. 7. not shut - h. 15. 8. open - h. wide |) 28. 32. no might in - h. 50. 9. ev. work of- h. \\ 33. 5. his saints are in Josh. 6. 2. given into -h. Jericho || 8 18. Ai into 9. 25. we are in - h. || 10. 6. slack not - h. from Judg. 4. 7. Sisera into - A. [j 7. 7. Midiauites 8.15. Zalmunna in -h. ? || 18. 19. lay-A. on mouth 1 Sam. 14. 19.witlidrawii21. 3. what is under-A. ? 2Sam. 13, 10. 1 may eat of -A.||24. 16. stay- A. 17. 1 Kin. 8. 24. hast fulfilled it with - A. 2 Chr. 6. 15. 20. 42. thou hast let go out of - A. a man whom 5 Kin. 4. 29. staff in- A.||8. 8. take a present in -A. 9. 1. boxofoiIin-A.l|10. 15. give me-A.||13.16. iChr. 4.10.- A.mightbe|{29. 12. in - A. power, 16. 2Chr.20.6. in - A. is there not power and might Ezra 7. 14. law - A. \\ 25. wisdom of God is in - A- Job 1. 11. put forth- A. 2. 5.1|12. put notforth-A. 2. 6. he is in - A. II 10. 7. none deliver out of 13. 21. withdraw -A. || 35. 7. what rec. he of -A. ? Ps. 10. 12. lift up- /i.||17. 14. fr. men which are-A. 21. 8. - A. shall find 1| 31. 5. into - A. I commit 31. 15. my times are in - A. || 32. 4. -A. heavy 38. 2. - A. pressetli mei|39.10. by the blow of-A. 74. 11.- A. pluck it out II 80. 17. let .A. be on 88. 5. cut off fr. - A.l|104.28. openest - A. 145. 16. 109. 27. this IS- A. |f 119. 173. let - A. help me 139. 5. laid - A- on me || 10. shall - A. lead me 144. 7. send -A. from above, rid me, del. me Prov. 3. 27. when in power of- A. \\6. 1. stricken 50. 32. lay - A. on mouth \\ Eccl. 7. 18. draw not Eccl. 9.10.-A.findethtodo||11.6.withholdnot-A. Isa. 3. 6. this ruin be under - A. |i 26. 11. is lifted 42. 6. will hold - A. || 51. 22. out of- A. cup of 57, 10. found life of- A. t| 64. 8. the work of- A, Jer. 6. 9. turn back- A.||15. 17. sat, because of-A. 25. 28. refuse cup at- A. || 36. 14. take in- A. roll Ezek. 3. 18. his blood require at - A. 20. ] 33. 8. 6. 11. smite with - A. || 10. 2. fill - A. with coals 23. 31. cup into - A.l|29. 7. hold on thee by - A. 37. 17. one in - A. [| 38. 12. to turn - A. on def Dan. 2. 38. fowls into - A.||3. 17. del. us out of- A. Mic. 5.9. - A. be lift up||l2. witchcrafts out of- h. Malt. 18. 8. if - A. or foot offend thee, Mar. 9.43. John 20. 27. reach hither - A. and thrust it into Acts 4. 28. whatever -A.|| 30. by stretching forth Your HAND. Gen. 9. 2. | 43. 12. Exod. 12. 11 |23.31. Deut. 12. 7. Josh. 8. 7.110. 19.124. 8. Judg. 3.28.17. 15. 2 Sam. 4.11. 2 Chr. 18.14. [28. 9. Isa. 1.12. Jer. 26. 14. | 38. 5. | 44. 25- Ezek. 13. 21, 23. Mai. 1. 10, 13. | 2. 13. Handed ; see Left, Weak. HAND-BREADTH. Exod. 25. 25. I 37. 12. HAN 12. I 6.15. I 9. 17, 72.16. Eccl. 4. 6 1 Kings 7. 26. Psal. 39. 5. Ezek. 40. 5, 43. HANDFUL. Lev. 2. 2. ] 5 1 Kings 17. 12. Psal Jer. 9. 29. HANDFULS. Gen. 41. 47. brought forth by A. Exod. 9.8. Ruth 2. 16. 1 Kin. 20. 10. Ezek. 13^19. HANDY. Psal. 19. 1. sheweth his A. work HANDKERCHIEFS. Acts 19. 12. to sick, A. HANDLE. Gen. 4. 21> A. the harpHJudg. 5, 14. 1 Clir. 12. 8. A, spear II Psal. 115. 7. they A. not Jer. 2. 8. A. thelaw||46.9. A. shieldjjEzek. 27. 29. Luke 24. 39. A. me, and see |i Col. 2. 21. A. not HANDLED. Ezek. 21. 11. Mar. 12. 4. 1 Johnl.l. HANDLETH. Prov. 16. 20. A. a matter wisely Jer. 50. 16. h. sickle 1| Amos 2. 15. A. the bow HANDLING. Ezek. 34. 8. 2 Cor. 4.2. HAN DLES. Song 5. 5. A. of the lock HANDMAID. Gen. 16. 1. | 29.24,29. i 30.4. [35.2.5,26. Exod. 23. 12. Judg. 19. 19. Ruth 2. 13. I 3. 9. 1 Sara. 1. 11, 16, 18. I 25. 24, 31, 41. 2 Sam. 14. 6. j 20. 17. 1 Kings 1. 13, 17. I 3. 20. 2 Kings 4. 2, 16. Psal. 86. 16. I 116.16. Prov. 30. 23. Jer. 34. 16. Luke 1. 38. HANDMAIDEN. Luke 1. 48. estate of his A. HANDMAIDS, s. Gen, 33. 1. put the A. 2. Ruth 2. 13. 2Sam. 6. 20. Jer. 34. 11. Joel 2.29. Acts 2. 18. HANDS, s. Gen. 5. 29. toil of our A. || 1 6. 9. hep 20. 5. innocepcy of my A. j] 27. 22. A. of Esau 31. 42. labour of my A. || 37. 21. out of his A. 48. 14. guiding his A. |f 49. 14. A. of mighty G. Exod. 9. 29. abroad my A. || 17. 12. A. heavy 30. 19. shall wash their A. 21.140. 31. Deut.21.6, Num. 24. ip. he smote his A, together |f 27. 23. Deut. 9. 15. in my two A. || 27. 15. work of A, 33. 7. A. be sufficient || 11. accept work of A. Judg. 2. 14. A. of spoilers j] 8. 6. A. of Zeba 19. 27. and her A. were on the threshold 1 Sam. 14. 13. chmbed on his A. || 17. 47.| 23. 16 2 Sam. 3. 34. A. not bound f| 4. 12. cut off their 16. 21. A. of all be strong || 22. 35. A. to war 2 Kings 3. 11. on A. of Elijah || 4. 34. A. on his FU 11. 12. elapt their A. || 16. laid A. on her, and 13. 16. Elisha put his A. on the king's A. 2 Chr. 15. 7. let not your A. be weak |j 29. 23. Ezra4. 4. weakened the A. || 10. 19. gave A. Neh. 6. 9. strengthen my A. j| 8. 6. lifting up A. Job 5. 12. A. cannot perform jl 18. A. make whole 9. 30. A. never so clean [j 10. 8. thy A. made me 16. 11. A. of wicked [| 17. 9. that hath clean A. 20. 10. A. shall restore || 22. 30. pureness of A. 30. 2. can A, profit || 31. 7. cleaved to my A. Psal. 7. 3. if iniquity in my A. j| 18. 20. cleanness 18. 34. my A. to war, 144. 1. || 22. 16. pierced 24. 4. he that hath clean A. || 26. 6. wash A. 28. 5. operation of his A. || 44. 20. stretched A. 58. 2. violence of A. || 73. 13. washed my A. in 78. 72. skilfulness of his A. |j 91. 12.intheir A. 95. 5. his A. formed || 115. 7. they have A. but 119. 73. A. have made me || 128. 2. labour of A. 125. 3. A, to iniquity || 141. 2. A. as evening Prov. 6.10. folding of the A.|| 12. 14. of a man's h 17. 18. striketh A. || 21. 25. A. refuse to labour .30. 28. takes hold with her A.||31. 13, 16, 19. Eccl. 4. 5. foldeth his A.|17. 26. A. as bands||10. 1%, Song 5. 6. ray A. dropped || 14. his A. as gold Isa. 1. 15. spread A. || 3, 11. reward of his A. 5. 12. operation of his A. [j 13.7. A. be faint 25. 11. spreadethhis A. to swim || 31. 7 33, 45. 15. shaketh his A. 11. work of my A. 35. 3. the weak A. 12. my A. stretched 49. 16. palms of my A! |1 59. 3. A. defiled 60, 21. work of my A. || 65. 2. spread out my A. Jer. 2. 37. A. on thy head 1| 4. 31. spreads her A. 10. 9. A. of founder ^1 30. €. h. on his loins HAN I«a, 38. 4. he weakens the h. || 48. S7. on all A. 3Lam. 1. 17. Zion spreadeth forth her h. and ^ 4. 6. no h. stayed her \\ 10. h. of pitiful women Ezek. 1. 8. h. of a man |) 21. 14. smite thy h. 22. 14. can thy h, be strong |j 23. 42, 45. Dan. 2. 34. without A. |) 3. 15. out of my h. Mic. 7. 3. do evil with both h. \\ Nah. 3. 19. Hag. 1. 11. all the labour of the A. 2.17. Zech. 4. 9. h. of Zerubbabel laid the foundation 8. 9. A. be strong || 13. 6. wounds in thy h. Matt. 4. 6. in their h. they shall bear, Luke 4. 11. 15. 2. wash not their A. 20. Mark 7. 2, 5. 17. 22. Son of man shall be betrayed into h. of men, 26. 4.5. Mark 9. 31. "Luke 9. 44. 27. 24. he washed his h. before the multitude Mark 5, 23. lay thy h. \\ 6. 2. wrought by his h. 6. 5. laid his h. \\ 8. 23. put his h. on eyes, 25. 14. 58. temjUe made with h. |j 16. 18. lay his h. Xuke 23. 46. into thy h. \\ 24. 39. behold my A. 24. 40. showed his A. || 50. he lift up his A. John 13. 3. all things into his h. (| 9. also my A. 20. 27. behold my A. || ^1. 18. stretch thy A. Acts 2. 23. by wicked h. |)4. 3. laid A. 5. 18. 5. 12. by A. of apostles |j 7. 35. A. of angel 7. 48. temples made with A. 17. 24. \\ 11. 30. 12. 1. stretched his A. to vex i| 14. 3. done by A. 19. 26. made with A. || 20. 34. these A. have Rom. 10. 21. all day have I stretched forth my A. 1 Cor. 4. 12. working with A. II 2 Cor. 11.33. Eph. 2. 11. made by A.||4. 28. working with his A. Col. 2. 11. without A. |) 1 Thes. 4. 11. work with 1 Tim. 2. 8. holy A. |j 4. 14. laying A. Keb. 6. 2. Heb. 1. 10. works of thy b. 2. 7.|)9. 11. not made 10. 31. A. of living G. \\ 12. 12. lift up the A. Jam. 4. 8. cleanse your A. |) 1 John 1. 1. handled Rev. 7. 9. palms in their A. || 20. 4. mark in A. ii^Af-HANDS. Gal. 2. 9. - A. of fellowship Hk^D'Staves. Ezek. 39. 9. burn h. - in fire HAND-J^reapo7i. Num. 35. 18. smite with A. - HAND- WVi^iw^. Col. 2. 14. blotting out A. - HANES, Banishment of grace. Isa. 30. 4. HANG, V. Gen. 40. 19. Pharaoh shall A. thee Num. 25. 4. A. them up |j Deut. 21. 22. if thou A. Deut. 28. 66. A. in doubt [j 2 Sam. 21. 6. A. them Esth. 6. 4. to A. Mordecai || 7. 9. A. him thereon Song 4. 4. wheYeon A. || Isa. 22. 24. A. on him all Lam. 2. 10. Ezek. 1 5. S.JIMatt. 22. 40. A. all the law Ao/coaMfenance,lCh.4.3. HAZERIM, Porches. Deut. 2. 23. HAZEROTH, Villages, hamlets. Deut. 1.1. HAZEZON-TAMAR, Drawing near bitter- ness. Gen. 14. 7. 2 Chr. 20. 2. HAZIEL, Seeing God. 1 Chr. 23. 9. HAZO, Seeing, or prophesying. Gen. 22. 22. HAZOR, Court, or bay. Josh. 11. 1, 10. Josh. 11. 10. took ff.ljll. burnt H. withiire, 13. 15. 23. cities of Judahj|19. 36. cities of Napthali Judg. 4. 2. sold them to Jabin who reigned in H. 1 Kin. 9. 15. to build jtf. || 2 Kin. 15. 29. took H. Jer. 49. 28. kingdoms of /J.||30. dwell deep, Oye 33. H. shall be a dwelling for dragons HAZOR-SUSAH, Entry of ahorse. Josh 19. 5. HEAD, s. There is an head, [1] Oeconomical, Eph. 5. 23. [2] Political, Deut. 28>13, 44. [3] Mystical,^^\\. 4. 15. Col. 1. 18. The word is also put for, [1] The beginning. Gen. 2. 10. [2] The top, Isa. 28. 4. [3j The comer stone, Acts 4. 11. [4] Life, Dan. 1. 10. Gen. 3. 15. bruise thy /i.jj40. 13. lift up thy h. 49. 26. A. ofjos6ph,andontopof/}. Deut. 33. 16 Exod. 29. 10. on the h. of the bullock, Lev. 4. 4. Lev. 1. 4. A. of offering, 3. 2. | 4. 29, 33. 13. 45. his h. bare|f21. 10. not uncover h. Num. 5. 18. priest shall imcover woman's h. 6. 5. shall no rasorcome on his A. Judg. 13. 5. 9. he shall shave his A. 11, 18. Deut. 21. 12. 1 Sam. 17. 57. Goliah's/i.l|31. 9. cut off SaursA.17. 28. 2. keeper of my h.\\2. Sam. 1. 2, 16. | 15. 32. 2 Sam. 3. 8. am I a dog's h. \\ 29. h. of Joab|J16, 9. 2 Kings 2. 3. from thy A. to day, 5.||4. 1 9. 6. 32. son of a murderer sent to take my h. 19. 21, shaken her h, at thee, Isa. 37, 2^.- 2 Kin. 25. 27. lift up A. of Jehoiachin, Jer. 32.31. Neh. 4. 4. on their own h. Esth. 9. 25. Job 1. 20. shaved his A.||16. 4. shake my h. Psal. 3. 3. lifter up of my A.j|7. 16. own K 22. 7. shake the h. ||23. 5. andintedst my h. 27. 6. my h. be lifted||38. 4. over my h. 44. 14. a shaking of the h. \\ 60. 7. | 108. 8. 68. 21. wound the h. || 83. 2. lift up the A. 110. 7. lift up the A. || 140. 9. | 141. 5. Prov. 10. 6. A. of just \\ 11. 26. blessing on A. 25. 22. coals of fire on his A. Rom. 12. 20. Song 2. 6. his left hand is under my A. 8. 3. 5. 2. my A. isfilled.|| 11. A. as gold || 7. 5. Isa. 1. 5. whole A. is sick || 51. 11- joy on A. 58. 5. A. as a bulrush || 59. 17. helmet on A. Jer. 9.I.A. were watersj|23.19.A. of wicked, 30. 23, Ezek. 9. 10. way on their A, |['29. 18. every A. Dan. 2. 38. A. of go!d||Joel3. 4. on your A. 7- Amos 2. 7. A. of the poorj|8. 10.||9. 1. cut in A. Zech. 1. 21 no man did lift up his A. \\ 6. 11. Matt. 5. 36. swear by h. \\ 27. 30. smote A. Luke 7. 46. my h. with oil|]John 13. 9. my A. 1 Cor. 11. 4. A. covered! 1 10. on her A. || 12. 21. Eph. 1. a2. A. to the church, 4. 15. Col. 1. 18. Col. 2. 19. and not holding the A. from which See Beard, Bald, Bow, CovEREih ^a:-HEAD. Deut. 19. 5. 2 Kings 6. 5. Bed's HEAD. Gen. 47. 31. bowed on. A. - Speafs HEAD. 1 Sam. 17. 7. -A. weighed HEAD-Sfone. Psal. 118. 22. Zech. 4. 7. HEAD of the Coihier. Matt. 21.42. Mark 12. 10. Luke 20. 17. Acts 4. 1 1. 1 Pet. 2. 7. HEAD for Ruler, Governor. Num. 17. 3. 1 25. 15. Deut. 28. 13, 44. Josh. 22. 14. Judg. 10. 18. i 11. 9, 11. 1 Sam. 1.3. 17. 2 Sam. 22. 44. 1 Chr. 11- t 6. |29. 11. Isa. 7. 8. I 9. 14, 15. | 19. 15. Jer. 22. 6. Hos. 1.11. Hab.3. 13, 14. 1 Cor. 11. 3. Eph. 5. 23. the A. of the church, Col. 2. 10. HEAD for Top, Chief, Psal. 137.t6. Isa. 28. 1,4. I 51. 20. Ezek. 16. 25. | 21. 19, 21. HEAD with Hair, or Hairs. Lev. 13. 40, 41. I 14. 9. Num. 6. 5, 18. Judg.' 16. 22. 1 Sam. 14. 45. 2 Sam. 1 4. 26. Ezra 9. 3. Psal 40. 12. i 69. 4. Song 7. 5. Dan. 3. 27-17. 9. Matt. 10. 30. Luke 7. 38, 4^ |12. 7.|21.18. Acts27. 34. Rev. 1. 14. Hoary HEAD. Lev. 19. 32. rise before -A. HEADBANDS. Isa. 3. 20. take away the A. HEADY. 2 Tfm. 3. 4. A. high-minded, lovers HEADLONG. Job 5. 13. Luke 4. 29. Acts 1. 18. HEADS. Gen. 43. 28. bowed their A. Exod.4.31. Lev. 10. 6. uncover not your A. lest ye die Josh. 7. 6. put dust upon their A. Job 2. 12. Judg. 8. 28. lifted up their A. no more || 9. 57. 1 Sam. 29. 4. A. of these||l Kings lO.Sl.ropes on A. 2 Kings 10. 6. take the A. of your master's sons Psal. 24. 7. lift up jour A. 9.||66. 12. ride over 74. 13. A. of dragons, 14.||109. 25. sliaked A. Isa. 15. 2. on all A.|i35. 10. joy on their A. Jer. 14. 3. ashanlfedand covered their A. 4. Ezek. 7. 18. baldness on A-jjll. 21. way oh A. 32. 27. laid swords under their A.||44. 18, 20. Matt. 27. 39. wagging their A. Mark 15. 29. Luke 21. 28. lift up your A. || Acts 18. 6. blood onK Rev. 9. 7. on their A. crownsl|19. and had A. 13. 1. seven A.1J3. one of his A. wounded HEA HEA Rev. 17. 9. the seven h. \\ 18. 19. dust on their A. HEADS for Governors. Exod. 18. 25. Num. 1. 16. 1 25. 4. Josh. 22. 21.1 23. 2. 1 Chr. 12. 32. 2 Chr. 5. 2. | 28. 12. Psal. 110. 6. Mic.3. 1, 9, 11. HEAL, V. Num. 12. 13. h. her now, O God I Deut. 32. 39. 1 wound, I A. || 2 Kings 20. 5. h. thee 2 Chr. 7. 14. will A. their land Ij Psal. 6. 2. A. me Psal. 41. 4. A. ray soul || 60, 2. A. the breaches Eccl. 3. 3. a time to A. || Isa. 19. 22. and A. it Isa. 57. 18. seen his ways and will A. him, 19. Jer. 3.22. A. your backslidings|| 17. 14. A. me 30. 1 7. I'll A. thee j) Lam. 2. 13. who can A ? Hos. 5. 1 3. could not A. you || 6. 1. he will A. us 14. 4. A. their backslidings|| Zech. 11.16. not A. MattvS. 7. I'll A. him |) 10. 1. to A. all, Mark 3. 15. 10.8.A. the sick, cleanse lepers, Luke 9. 2. 1 10. 9. 12.10. lawful to A.f{13.15.1 should A. John 12. 40. Mark 3.2.whether would A. on Sabbath,Luke6.7. Luke 4. 18. A. broken hearted |) 23. A. thyself 5.17. present to A. |] 7. 3. would A, his servant John 4. 47. and A. his son |! Acts 4. 30. to h. HEALED, p. Gen. 20. 17. God A. Abimelech Exod. 21. 19, cause him to be A.]) Lev.l3.18.bile A. Lev. 13. 37. scall is A. j| 14. 3. if plague be A. 48. Deut. 28. 27. canst not be A. |j 1 Sara. 6. 3. be A. 2 Kings 2. 22. waters were A, ]) 8. 29. A, in Jezreel 9. 15. Joram retunied to be A. 2 Chr. 22. 6. 2 Chr. 30. 20. L. hearkened, and A. the people Psal. 30. 2. hast A. me || 107. 20. word, and A. them Isa. 6. 10. convert, and be A.|) 53. 5. stripes are A. Jer. 6. 14. A. the hurt, 8. 11. |j 15. 18. refuseth 17. 14. 1 shall be A. |)51. 8. may be A. || 9. not A. Ezek. 30. 21. not be A. || 34. 4, nor A. that which 47. 8. waters be h. 9. |j 11. marshes not be A. Hos. 7. 1. A. Israelii 11. 3. knew not that I A. Matt. 4. 24, and he A. them, 12. 15. | 14. 14. 8. 8. speak, and my serv. shall be A. Luke 7. 7. Mark 5, 23. she may be A. jj Luke 8. 43. nor be A. Luke 13. 14. come and be A. || 17. 15. he was A. 22. 51. and A. him|| John 5. 13. he that was A, Acts 4. 14. man which was A. |) 5. 16. they were 14. 9. faith to be A. || 28. 8. Paul A. the father Heb. 12. 1 3. rather be A. || Jam. 5. 16. may be A. I Pet. 2. 24. by whose stripes A. || Rev. 13. 3, 12. HEALER. Isa. 3. 7. I'll not be an A. for in my HEALETH, v. Exod. 15. 26. L. that A, thee Psal. 103. 3. A. all thy diseases, 147. 3. || Isa. 30.26. HEALING, *. 2 Chr. 24. + 13. | 36. 1 16. Prov. 1 5. 1 4. A. of the tongue || Jer. 14. 19. no A. Dan. 4. t 27. A. of thy error \\ Nah. 3. 19. no A. Mai. 4. 2- A. in his wings 1| Luke 9. 11. need of A. Acts 4. 22. miracle of A.l|lCor. 12.9.gift of A.28. 1 Cor. 12. 30. gifts of A. ||Rev. 22. 2. A. of nations HEALING, p. Jer. 30. 13. hast no A. medicines Matt. 4. 23. A. all, Luke 9. 6. Acts 10. 38. HEALTH, s. Gen. 43. 28. father is in good A. 2 Sam. 20. 9. art thou in A. || Psal. 38. t 3. nor A. Psal. 42. 11. the A. of my countenance, 43.. 5. 67. 2. thy saving A. known among all nations Prov. 3. &. A. to thy \iavel || 4. 22. they are A. 12. 18. tongue is A. 13. 17. faithful ambassador 16. 24. A. to the bones j) Isa. 58. 8. A. shall spring 'Jer. 8. 15. a time of A. || 22. A. of my people SO. 17. I'll restore A. |j 33. 6. I'll bring it A. . Acts 27. 34. for your h.\\ 3 John 2. in A. as thy HEAP, s. Gen. 31. 52, this A. be witnes^s Exod. 15. 8. the floods stood upright as an h. Josh. 3. 13, 16. Psal. 33. 7. j 78. 13,^ Deut. 13. 16. an A. for ever, Josh. 8. 28. Josh. 7. 26. a great A. of stones, 8. 29. || ll.t 13. Ruth 3. 7. h. of corn J| 2 Sam. 18. 17. great A. Song 7. 2. thy belly is like an A. of wheat Isa. 17. 1. ruinous A. 11. || 25. 2. of a city, an A. Jer. 30. 18. on her own A. || 49. 2. desolate A. Mic. 1. 6. Samaricf as an A. || Hab. 3. 15. thro* Hag. 2. 16. came to an A. of twenty measures HEAP, V. Deut. 32. 23. A. mischiefs upon theni Job 16. 4. A. up wQj'ds j| 27. 16. A. up silver as dust 36. 13. A. up wrath || Eccl. 2. 26. and to A. up Ezek. 24. 10. A. on wood || Hab. 1. 10. || 2 Tim. 4. 3. Rom. 12. 20. Shalt A. coals of fire, Prov. 25. 22. - HEAPED, p. Zech. 9. 3. A. up silver || Jam. 5. 3. HEAPETH, V. Psal. 39. 6. A. riches |) Hab. 2. 5. HEAPS, Exod. 8. 14. on A. || Judg, 15, 16. A, on A. 2 Kin.lO. 8. in two A. || 1 9. 25 . rumous A. Isa. 37. 26. 2 Chr. 31. 6. by A. jj 7. to lay the A. || 8. saw the A. Neh. 4. 2. Job 15. 28. |j Psal. 79- 1. Jems, on A. Jer. 9. 11. make Jerus. A. 26. 18. || 31. 21. high A. 50. 26. Babylon as A. 51. 37, || Hos. 12. 11. HEAR, V. signifies, [1] To give attention, Deut, 5. 1. [2] To answer our prayerf Psal. 116. 1. [3] To believe and obey, John 8. 47. | 10. 27. [4] To learn, John 6. 45. | 8. 26, 40. [5j To approve of and embrace, Isa. 33. 15. 1 John 4. 5. [6] To judge and determine, 2 Sam. 15. 3. [7] To understand, 1 Cor. 14. t 2. [8] To bless and make fruitful, Hos. 2. 21. Gen. 21. 6. all that A. |j 23, 6. A. us, my lord, thou. Exod. 19. 9. people may h. \\ 20. 19. we will A. 22. 23. A. their cry^27.\l 32. 18. singing do I A. Num. 16. 8. A. I pray you || 30. 4. A. her vow Deut. 1. 16. A, causes |j 4, 10. I'll make them A. 3. l.A. O Israel, the statutes and judgments, 6. 3. I 9. 1. I 20: 3. Isa. 48. 1. Mark 12. 29. 27. A. all that the Lord doth say> 12. 28. 13. 12. if thou A. say || 30. 12. A. it, and do it, 13. Josh. 3. 9. A. the word of the Lord your God 6. 5. when ye A, the sound of the trumpet the people shal^^hout, Neh. 4. 20. Dan. 3. 5, 15. Judg. 5. 3. A. O ye kings||l4. 13. that Ave may A. it 1 Sam. 2. 24. my sons, it is no good report I A. 25. 24. A, words of thy handmaid, 2 Sam. 20. 17. 2 Sam. 14. 16. king will A. || 15. 3. deputed to A. 15, 36. every thing that ye A. || 17. 5. let us A. 22.45. soon as they A, shall be obedient, Ps.l8. 44. iKin. 4.34. to A. the wisdom of Solomon, 10. 8, 24. 2 Chr. 9. 7, 23. Matt. 12. 42. Luke 11. 31. 8. 30. then A. thou in heaven, and forgive, 32. 34, 36, 39,43, 4.5, 49, 2 Chr. 6. 21. 18.26, O Baal A. us|| 2 Kings 7. 6. to A. a noise 2 Kin. 18.23. A. word of the great king, Isa. 36.13. 19. 16. A. the words of Sennacherib, Isa. 37. 17. 1 Chr. 14. 15. A. a sound of going, 2 Sam. 5. 24. 2 Chr, 7. 14. then will I A. from heaven, Ps. 20. 5. 20. 9. then thou wilt A. and help, Psal. 38. 15. Neh. 1.6. raayestA.theprayer||4.4.A. O our God 8. 2. A. with understanding jj Job 5. 25. A. it,know Job 13. 17. A. diligently, 21. 2. || 27. 9. will G. A. 34. 2. A. my words||4'2. 4. A. I beseech thee Psal. 4. 1. A. my prayer, 39. 12. | 54. 2. j 61*. 1. I 84. 8. I 102. 1. 1 143. 1. Dan. 9. 17,19, 3. the Lord will A. 17. 6. 1 145. 19. Zecfa. 10. 6. 20, 1. the Lord k. thee || 9. let, the king A» us HEA HEA p5al. 27. 7. h. O L. 30. 10. |I 49. l.h. this, all ye 50. 7. h. O my people, 81. 8. II 51. 8. to/i.joy 59. 7. who, say they, doth h. || 66. 1 6. come and h. 85. 8. 1 will A. what God the Lord, Num. 9. 8. 102. 20. h. the groaning || 143. 3. cause me to h. Prov. 1. 5. a wise man will h.\\8. my son, h. the 4. l.h. ye children || 10., h. O my son, 19. "20. 8. 6. h. for I'll speak || 33. A. instruction, and be 19.27. cease to h. || 22. 17. h. the words of wise 23.19.A.thou,myson||Eccl. 5. 1, more ready to A. Eccl. 7. 5. better to A. || 12. 13. A. the conclusion Song 8. 13. hearken to thy voice, cause me to A. it Isa.l. 2. A. O heavens ||6. 9. A. ye indeed, Mark 4.12. 18. 13. A. ye, 33. 13. |j 34. 1. let the earth A. 41. 17. 1 the Lord will A. 65. 24. Mic 7. 7. 42. 18. A. ye deaf || 23. who will A. for time 43. 9. or let them A. || 48. 16. A. ye this, I have 55. 3. A. and your soul shall liye, John 5. 25. Jer. 4. 21. shall I A. |[ 6. 18. A. ye nations, and 6. 19. A. O earth, 22. 29. || 1 1. 2. A. ye the words 11. 10. refused to A. 13. 10. || 15. A. ye, give ear 18. 2. cause thee to hear my words, 23. 22. 36. 3. may ba house of Judah will A. all the evil 49.20.A. counsel of L. 50.45.||Lam.l.l8.A.Ipray Ezek. 2. 5. whether they will A. or forbear,7.| 3.11. 8. A. what I say || 3. 17. A. at my mouth, 33. 7. 3. 27. let him A. that forbears || 13. 19. A. your lies 33. 30. A. what is the word|| 31. they A. thy, 32. Dan. 9. 17. O G. A. the prayer of thy servant, 19. Hos. 2. 21. I'll A. the heavens || 5. 1. A. ye this Joel 1.2. A. this II Amos 3. l.A. this word, 4. 1. 1 5.1. Mic. 1. 2. A. all ye people, 3. 1, 9. | 6. 2. 6. 9. A. the rod and him || 7. 7. my God will A. me Nah. 3. 19. A. the bruit of the |j Zech. 7. 12. A. law Zech. 10. 6. am their God, and will A. them, 13. 9. Matt. 11. 5. the deaf A. Mark 7. 37. Luke 7. 22. 13. 17. to A. those things that ye A. Luke 10. 24. 15. 10.A.andunderst.||17.5.A.yehim, Mark 9.7. 18. 17. A. the church II Mark 4. 18. such as A. Mark 4. 24. take heed what we A. Luke 8. 18. Luke 5. 15. came to A. 6. 17. | 15. 1. j 21. 38. 8. 21. A. the word, 11. 28. || 9. 9. 1 A. such things 16. 2. how is it that I A. this of thee || 29. A. them 18. 6. A. what the unjust judge || 19. 48. to A. him John 5. 30. as I A. I judge || 6. 60. who can A. it 7. 51. before it A, him || 9. 27. would you A. it 10. 3. sheep A. his voice || 12. 47. A. my word Acts 2. 8. how A. we || 33. which ye now A. 10. 22. to A. words of thee || 33. to A. all things 13. 7. desired to A. || 44. came to A. word of God 15. 7. by my mouth should A,|| 17. 21. or to A. 17. 32. will A. thee again || 19. 26. ye A. Paul 21. 22. they will A. || 22. 1. A. ye my defence 23. 35. I'll A. thee || 24. 4. A. us of thy clemency 25. 22.1 would; A. the man || 28. 22.desire to A. 28. 28. they will A. |j i Cor. 11. 18. 1 A. there be Phil. 1. 27. 1 may A. || 2 Thes. 3.1 1. we A. that some 1 Tim. 4. 16. them that A. || 2 Tim. 4. 17. might A. Jam. 1. 19. swift to A. |j 1 John 5. 15. that he A. us. 3 John 4. than to A. || Rev. 1.3.blessed that A.|j 9.20. HEAR me. Exod. 6, 12. 1 Kings 18. 37. 1 Chr. 28. 2. 2 Chr. 13. 4. | 15. 2. | 20. 20. | 29. 5. Job 15. 17. 1 31. 35. Psal. 4. 1. | 13. 3. | 17. 6. 1 38. 16. 1 55. 2. | 60. 5. I 69. 13, 17. Mic. 7. 7. Acts 26. 3, 29. 1 Cor. 14. 21. HEAR not, or 7wt HEAR. Deut. 28. f 49. | 30. 17. 1 Sam. 8. 18. Job 30. 20. 1 35. 13. Psal, 66. 11. j 94.9. Isa. 1. 15. I will not A. Jer. 7. 16. | 11. 14. [ 14. 12. Ezek. 8. 18. Amos 5. 23. 30. 9. will - A. the law || 59. 1. heavy, that it - A. 59. 2. he will -A, || 65. 12. when I spake ye did - h. 66. 4. when I spake, they did - A. Zech. l. 4. Jer. 5.21. eavs, and fe.-, Ezek. 12. 2. Mark 8. 18, 13. 17. but if ye will -A. 22. 5. Mai. 2. 2. 17. 23. they might -A. 19. 15. Zech. 7. 11. 22. 21. I spake, but thou saidst, I will - A. Dan. 5- 23. see not, nor A. nor know, Rev. 9. 20. Mic. 3.4. he will - A. || Hab. 1. 2. thou wilt - A. Matt. 10. 14. - A. your words, 18. 16. Luke 16. 31. John 8. 43, 47. | 9. 27. | 10. 8. Acts 3. 23. 1 Cor. 14. 21. Gal. 4. 21. Would not HEAR. Gen. 42. 21, 22. Exod. 7. 16. Deut. 1. 43. 2 Kings 14. 11. | 17. 14. J 18. 12. 2 Chr. 25. 20. Neh. 9. 29. Isa. 28. 12. Jer. 13. 11. I 29. 19. I 36.25. Zech. 7. 13. HEAR now, or 7iow HEAR. Num. 12. 6. j 20. 10. 1 Sam. 22. 7, 12. Job 13. 6. Prov. 5. 7. Isa. 7. 13. I 44. l.|47. 8. | 51. 21. Jer. 5. 21. 28. 15. I 37. 20. Mic. 6. 1. Zech. 3. 8. Acts 2. 33. Phil. 1. 30. ShallHEA.R. Exod. 15. 14. Num. 14. 13. Deut. 6. I 13.11. | 17.13. | 19.20. ] 21. 21. Josh. 7. 9. Judg. 7. 11. 2 Sam. 16. 21. 1 Kings 8. 42. 2 Kings 19. 7. Job 22.27. Psal. 34. 2. | 55. 17, 19. | 92. 11. 1 141. 6. Isa. 29. U. | 30. 19, 21. | 37. 1. Jer. 33. 9. Hos. 2. 21, 22. Matt. 13. 14. t 18. 15. 1 24. 6. Mark 13. 7. Luke 21 . 9. John 5. 25. 116.13. Acts 3. 22. | 7.37. 1 25.22. | 28.26. Rom. 10. 14. HEAR the Word of the Lord. 1 Kings 22. 19. 2 Kin. 7. 1. I 20. 16. 2 Chr. 18. 18. Isa. 1.10. 12S. 14. 1 39. 5. 1 66. 5. Jer. 2. 4. | 7. 2. | 9- 20. |19. 3. 1 21. 11. 1 22. 29. 1 29. 20. | 31. 10.|34. 4. J42. 15.|44. 24, 26. Ezek. 6. 3.|13. 2.|16. 35. 1 20. 47. I 25. 3. 1 34. 7, 9. | 36. 1, 4. | 37. 4. Hos. 4. 1. Amos. 7. 16. HEARD. Gen. 16.11. Lord A. th v affliction 21. 26. nor A. I of it || 29. 33. the Lord A. |j 45. 2. Exod. 2. 24. God A. their groaning||16. 19. A. raur. 23. 13. nor let it be A.|j28. 35. sound shall be A. 33. 4. A. these evil tidings 1| Lev. 24. 14. A. him Num. 11. l.Lord A. it, 12. 2.1|14. 14. have A. 15. Josh. 9. 16. they A. || 1 Sam. 7. 9. Lord A. him 1 Kings 6. 7. nor tool A.||10. 7. fame I A. 2 Chr. 9. 6. 2 Kin. 19. 25. hast thou not A. long ago, Isa. 37. 26. 2 Chr. 5. 13. sound to be A. j33. 13. A. his supplicat. Ezra 3. 13. A. afar off || Job 15. 8. hast thou A. Job 19. 7. 1 am not A. || 26. 14. portion is A. 29. 11. ear hear me |j Psal. 6. 9. Lord hath A. Psal. 10. 17. A. the desire || 22. 21. hast A. me. 22. 24. when he cried, he A. 34. 6.|40. 1.1120. I. 34.4. he A. me, 61. 5. | 66.19. | 118. 21. 38. 13. I A. not II 76. 8. judgment to be A. 78. 21 . the L. A. this, 59. \\ 81. 5. A. a language 97. 8. Zion A. |j 106. 44. when he A. || 132. 6. Prov. 21. 13. he shall cry himself, but not be A. Isa. 10. 30. cause it to be A.||40. 21. have ye not A. 40. 28. hast thou not A. |j 48. 6. thou hast A. 52. 15. what they had not A. shall consider 64. 4. have not A. || 65. 19. no more A. 60. 18. 66. 8. who hath A. such a thing [| 19. not A. Jer. 4. 19. hast A.|j 6. 7. spoil is A. 1| 7. 13. yc A.not 8. 6. 1 A. 11 18. 13. who hath A. f{ 22. let cry he A. HEA HEA Jer. 25. 36. howling be h. \\ 26. 1 1. as ye have h. o5. 17. have not h. \\ 46. 12. nations h. of 50. 46. cry is h, || 51. 46. rumour be h. in Lam. 1. 21. they have h. \\ 3. 61. A. the reproach Ezek. 19. 4. h. of him \\ 26. 13. be no more h- 33.5. he h. the s'bund |) Dan. 12. 8. I h. but Hos. 7. 12. congregation h. |j Jonah 2. 2. he A. me Mic. 5. 15. have not h. |) Hab. 3. 16. when I /j. Mai. 3. 16. the Lord hearkened, and h. it, and Matt. 5. 21. /i. it said, 27, 33, 38, 43. \\ 6. 7. be A. 13. 17. not A. !j 15. 12. offended after they A. „ 22. 7. when king A. (j 26. 65. h. his blaspheniy Luke 1.13. fear not, thy prayer is h. Acts 10. 31. 12. 3. be A. in hght |) 20. 16. when they h. it John .3. 22. what he hath h. \\ 8. 6. as tho' he h. not 9. 32. was it not h. \\ 11. 41. thou hast h. me Acts 4. 4. A. the word \\ 13. 48. when Gentiles h. 14. 9. A. Paul II 16. 14. h. us |j 25. prisoners A. 19. 5. when they A. ;) 22. 15. seen and A. |j 24. 24. Rom. 10. 14. they have not A. 18. | 15.21. 1 Cor. 2. 9. nor e^ar A.|j Gal. 1. 13. ye have A. Eph. 1. 13. after that ye A. 15. || 4. 21. if ye A. Phil. 2. 16. had A. jj 4. 9. those things ye A. Col. 1. 4. since we A. 9. \\ 6. since day ye A. of it 2 Tim. 2. 2. A. of me |j Heb. 2. 3. that A. him Heb. 3. 16. had A. \\ 4. 2. in them that A. 5. 7. A. in that he feared |j Jam. 5. 11. A. of Job 1 John 2. 18. ye A. 24. | 3.' 11. ! 4. 3. 2 John 6. Rev. 3. 3. how thou hast A. [| 5. 13. A. I, saying 7. 4. I A. the number, 9. 16. |) 16. 5. 1 A. the 18. 22. A. no more, 23. || 22. 8. when I A. I have HEARD. Gen. 17. 20. - A. thee 41. 15. - A. thou canst interpret, Dan. 5. 14. Ex. 3, 7.- A. their cry \\ 6. 5. - A. tlieir groning 16. 12. -A. their murmurings, Num. 14.27. Deut. 5. 28. - A. the voice of your words 1 Kin. 2. 42. the word that - A. is good 9.3. -A. thy prayer thou hast made, 2 Kin. 19. 20. 1 20. 5. 1 22. 19. 2 Chr. 7. 12. Isa. 38. 5. Job 15. 2. - A. many such things |) 20. 3. the check 42. 5. - A. of thee by the heaiing of the car Psal. 31 .13. -A. the slander |) 62. 11. twice - A.this Isa. 21. 10. which - A. of the Lord of hosts, 28. 22. 49. 8. in an acceptable time - A. 2 Cor. 6. 2. Jer. 23 25. - A. prophets |i 31. 18. - A. Ephraim - 42. 4. - A. you, I'll pray |) 49. 14. a rumour Ezek. 35. 12. blasphemies |j Hos. 14. 8, -A. him Hab. 3. 2. - A. thy speech || Zeph. 2. 8. reproach John 8. 26. things- A. II 40. truth- A. of God, 15. 15. Acts 7. 34. - A. their groning [j 9. 13. by many HEARD, joined with Voice. Gen. 3. 8. 3. 10. I A. thy voice || 21. 17.G. A. voice of lad 30. 6. G. hath A. my voice\\ 39. 15. when he Num. 7. 89. A. - of one speaking || 20. 16. A. our - Deut. 1. 34. Lord A. - |j 4. 12. only he A. a voice 4. 33. hear voice of G. as thou hast A. 5. 26. 5. 2. A. - out of the midst of darkness, 24. 28. L. A. - of your words || 26. 7. L. A. our - Judg. 18. 25. letnotyour roity be A.|{ 1 Sam. 1.13. iKin. 17. 22. LA. - of Elijah || 2 Chr. 30.27.- wa« h. Job 4. 16. 1 A. a foicf, saying || 33. 8. 1 have A. - 37. 4. he'll not stay them when his - is A. Ps. 6. 8. A. voice of my weeping || 1 8. 6. he A. my - 19. 3. their i;o?6-c- is not A. || 28. 6. A. the - of my 66. 8. voice of \\\s praise to be A. || 116. 1. A. my - Song 2. 1'i.voice of the turtle is A. in our land Is-a. 6. 8. A. - of the Lord [j 15. 4. - A, even to Jahaz 36 • Isa. 30. 30. glorious - A. || 42. 2. nor - A. in streets 58. 4. voicehii A. on high || 65.19.- of weeping Jer. 3. 21. a - was A. || 4. 31. A. - as of a woman 9. 19. - of wailing is A. || 30.5. A. - of trembling 31. 15. a voice was A. in Ramah, Matt. 2. 18. Lam. 3. 56. thou hast A. my voice^ hide not Ezek. 1. 28. A. - of one [j 3. 12. A. - of a rushing 19. 9. - no more be A. \\ 27. 30. cause - to be A. Dan. 8. 16. 1 heard a man's voice between, 10. 9. Nah.2.13. - no more be A, jj John 5. 37. nor A. his - Acts 9.4. h.avoice, saying, Saul, Saul, 22. 7.|26.14. 11. 7. I A. a voice jj 22. 9. they A. not the voice Heb. 12. 19. which voice they that A. intreated 2 Pet. 1. 18. voice which came from heaven we A. Rev. 1. 10. I A. a great voice, 16. 1. 1 19. 1. 1 21. 3. 4. 1. first voice I A. |j 5. 11. A. - of many angels 6. 6. A. - in midst of 4 beasts |j 7. A. - of beast 9. 13. I A. a - from the four horns of altar 10.4. 1 A. a - from heaven, 8. | 14. 2,13. | 13.4. 12. 10. I A. a loud - jj 14. 2. 1 A. a - harpers 1 9. 6. I A. as it were the- of a great multitude IP'e have HEARD. Josli. 2. 10. - A. how the Lord 1 1. as soon as ive had A. our hearts did melt 9. 9. - A. the fame of him, and ail he did 2 Sam. 7. 22. according to all- A. 1 Chr. 17. 20. Job 28. 22. u-e have A. the fame ihereof, Jer. 6.24. Ps. 44. 1. - A. with our ears jj 48. 8. as - A. so have Is. 16. 6. -A. of the pride |j 24. 16. - A. soiigs even Jer. 51.51.- A. reproach jj Obad. 1. - A. a rumour Zech. 8. 23. - A. that G. is with you || Mar. I4i oS. Luke 22. 71. tf^f^ ourselves have A. of his own John 4. 42. - A, him ourselves || 12. 34. - A. out of Acts 4.20. speak things- A. || 6. 11. - A. him speak 15. 24. - A. that certain || 19. 2. - not A. wiietiier Heb. 2. 1. give heed to the things which - A. IJohn 1. 1, -A. and seen, 3. || 5. message which-A. HEARD, joined with JVord^ or Words. Gen. 24. 30. A. - of Rebekah || 52. A. their words 27.34. when Esau A. - of his father || 31. 1 . 1 39.19. Num. 24. 4. he hath said who A. the - of God Josh. 22. 30. A. - of Reuben || 24. 27. it hath A. - lSam.8.21.SamuelA. -ofp. \\ 17.11. A. Goliath's- 17. 31. when ivords were A. which David spake 1 Kin. 2. 42. - Ihave A. is goodjj 5. 7. | 21. 27. 2Kin. 6.30. king A. - 1| 19.6. - thou hast A. Is. 37.6. 22. 11. when king A. -he rent, 18. 2 Chr. 34. 19. 2 Chr. 15. 8. Asa A. these ioords\i& took courage Neh. 1. 4. I A. these ivords, I sat, 5. 6. | 8. 9. Eccl. 9. 16. the poor man's words are not A. 17. Isa. 37. 4. reprove the words which God hath A. Jer. 23.18. marked, and A. his- |j25. S.not A. my- 26. 12. against this city all the words ye have A. 21. king A. his words, 36. 13, 24. | 38. 1. Dan. 6. 14. Darius A. - 1| 10. 12, thy -were A. I Matt. 22. 22. when they A. these - they marvelled Mar. 5. 36. as soon as Jesus A. -||Lukel0.39. Mary Acts 10. 44. fell on them who A. - |j 2 Cor. 12. 4. Eph. 1.13. after ye A. - |j Col. 1. 5 whereof ye A. iThes. 2. 13. received -ye A. || 2 Tim.l.l3.sound- 1 John 2. 7. word ye A. from the beginning HEARDST. Deut. 4. 36. thou A. his words Josh. 14. 12. thou A. 2 Kin<>s 22. 19. 2 Chr. 34. 27. Neh. 9. 9, 27. Psal. 31. 22. | 119. 26. Isa. 48. 7, 8. Jonah 2. 7. HEARER. Jam. 1. 23. if any be a A. 25. HEARERS. Rom. 2. 13. not the A. of the law Eph. 4.29. ajrace to the A. || 2 Tim. 2. 14. of A. HEARESt. Ruth 2. 8. A. thou not my daughter? HEA HEA i Sam. 24, 9. wherefore h. thou men's words 1 Kings 8. 30. when thou h. forgive, 2 Chr. 6. 21 Psal. 22. 2. thou h. not || 65. 2. that A. prayer Matt. 21. 16. h. thou what]] 27. 13. /t.thou not John 3. 8. /t. the sound || 11. 42. /i. me always HEARETH. Exod. 16.7. he h. 8. Num. 30. 5. Deut. 29. 19. when he h \\ 1 Sara. 3. 9. thyserv./i. 1 Sam. 3. 11. that h. shall tingle, 2 Kings 9A. 12. !2 Sam. 17. 9. whoso h. || Job 34. 28. /t.^the cry ^ Psal. 34.17. the Lord h. 69. 33. || 38. 14. that/t.not Prov. 8. 34. that k. me || 13. 1. a wise son h. 13. 8. poor h. not rebuke || 15. 29. but he h. 15. 31. /i. reproof of life, 32. j| 18.13. before he k. 25. 10. lest he that h. \\ 29-24. h. cursing Isa. 41. 2G.-none that h. || 42. 20. he h. not E;rek. 3. 27. he that h. \\ 33. 4. whoso h. sound Matt. 7.24. whoso /i.ihese sayings, 26. Luke 6.47. 13. 19. when any h. \\ 20. same that h. 22. Luke 10. 16. he that h. you, h. me, he that despis. John 3. 29. and li. || 5. 24. h. ray word, 8. 47. 9. 31. God /i. not sinners || 18. 37. h. my voice 2 Cor. 12. 6. think above that he h. of me 1 John 4. 5. world h. them || 6. h. us j] 5. 14. he A. llev. 22. 17. let him that h.\\ 18. that h. words HEARING. Gen. 29. t 33. and she called his name Simeon, that is h. Deut. 31. 11. read in h. \\ 2 Sam. 18. 12. in our h. 2 Kings 4. 31. voice nor h. \\ Job 33. 8. in my h. Job 37. t 2. hear in h. \\ 42. 5. h. of the ear Isa. 11. 3. h. of his ears || 21. 3. at the h. of it 28. t 9. to understand h. |[ 33. t 15. h. of blood 53. 1 1. who hath believed our h. Rom. 10. 1 16. Ezek. 9. 5. said m my h. 10. 13. || 16. t 56. Amos 8. 11. a famine of /i. jl Hab. 3.t2. thy h. Acts 25. 21. h. of Augustus |j 23. place of /t. Rom. 10. 17. faith cometh by h. \\ 1 Cor. 12. 17. Gal. 3. 2. h. of faith 11 Heb. 5. 11. dull of /t. HEARING, V. 1 Kmgs 3. f 9. h. heart Prov. 20. 12. the h. ear|! 28. 9. from h. law Eccl. 1. 8. nor filled with h. || Ezek. 33. t 4. Matt. 13. 13. h. they hear not || 14. by h. ye 15. ears are dull of A. Acts 28. 27. Heb. 5. 11. Mark 6. 2. h. him || Luke 2. 46. both h. them Acts 5. 5; Ananias h. these words, fell down 8. 6. h. and seeing jj 9. 7. h. a voice |j 18. 8. Philem. 5. h. of thy love |) 2 Pet. 2. 8. Lot in h. HEARKEN. Gen. 4. 23. ye wives of Lamech 23. 15. h. to rae |)34. 17. if ye will not h. 49. 2./}. to Israel j| Exod. 6.30. how shall Pliar.A. Exod. 7. 4. Phar. shall not A. to you, 22. j 11.9. Lev. 26. 14. if ye will not h. to me, 18. 21, 27. Num. 23. 18. h. to me, Judg. 9. 7. Job 32. 10. Deut. 4. l.h.O Israel, 27. 9. || 7. 12. if ye h. 11. 13. if ye h. 15. 5. | 28. 13. || 13. 3. not h. 8. 17. 12. the man that Avill not h. 18. 19. | 21. 18. 23. 5. L. would not h. to Balaam, Josh. 24. 10. Josh. 1. 17. so vnW we h. unto thee, 18. || 20. 13. Judg. 2. 17. would not A. 11. 17. j 19. 25. | 20.13 1 Sam. 15. 22. better to A. \\ 30. 24. who will A. iKin, 8. 30. A. to the supplication, 52. 2Chr. 6.21. 20. 8. elders said, A. not || 22. 28. A. O people 2 Kings 18. 31. A. not to Hezekiah, Isa. 36. 16. 2 Chr. 10. 16. would not A. 33. 10. || 18. 27. 20. 15. A. ye, all Judah|| Neh.13. 27. shall we A. Job 13. 6. and A. to the pleadings of my lips 32. 10. A. to me, 33. 31. | 34. 10, 34. 33. 1 . A. to all my words \\ 37, 14. A. to this O I Psal.34.1 1 A. I'll teach you \\ 45. 10. A. O daughter 58. 5. will not A. li 81. 11. would not A. 8. Prov. 7. 24. A. to rae, 8. 32. || 29. 12. A. to lies Isa. 28. 23. A. and liear|| :54. 1. A. ye people, 49. 1- 42. 23. who will h, and hear for the time to come 46. 3.A. tome, O house of Jacob, 48.1 2. Hos. 5.1. 12. h. to me, 51. 1, 4, 7. \ 55- 2. Mark 7. 14. Jer. 6. 10. thev cannot h. \\ 17. we'll not h. 44. 16. 7. 27. they will not A. |j 11. 11. I'll not A. 16. 12. may not h. \\ 17. 27. if not A. 26. 4. 23. 16. A. not to proph. 27. 9, 14, 16, 17. | 29. 8. 26. 3. if they will A. || 29. 12. I'll A. to you 35. 13. will ye not A. || 38. 15. wilt thou not A. Ezek. 3. 7. they wiU not A. to thee, 20. 8. Dan. 9. 19. O Lord A. || Hos. 9. 17. did not A. Mic. 1. 2. A. O earth H Zech. 7. 11. refused to A. Acts 2. 14. A. to my words, 7. 2. | 15. 13. 4. 19. to A. to you more than unto God, judge 12. 13. as Peter knocked, a damsel came to A. HEARKENED. Gen. 23. 16. Abraham A. unto 30. 17. God A. 22. || 39. 10. Joseph A. not to her Exod. 6. 9. they A. not, 12. | 7. 13. | 16. 20. Deut. 9. 19. Lord A. || 34, 9. Israel A. Josh. 1. 17. 1 Kin. 12. 15. king A. not, 16. 2 Chr. 10. 15. 24. they A. || 1.5. 20. A. to Asa, 2 Chr. 1 6. 4. 2 Kings 13. 4. the Lord A. || 21. 9. Judah A. not 2 Chr. 30. 20. the Lord A. to Hezekiah, and Neh. 9. 16. fathers A. not, 29. 34. Jer. 34. 14. Psal. 81. 13. O that my people had A. to me Isa, 21. 7. he A. \\ 48. 18. O that thou hadst A. Jer. 6. 19 they have not A. to ray word, 7. 24. I 25. 3, 4, 7. I 26. 5. 1 29. 19 1 32. 33. 1 34. 17. I 3.5. 14,15, 16. 1 36.31. 144.3. Ezek. 3. 6. would have A. || Dan. 9. 6. nor A. Mai. 3. 16. the Lord A. Jer. 8. 6. |) Acts .27. 21. See Voice. HEARKENEDST, p. Deut. 28. 45. thou A. not HEARKENETH,!?. Prov. 1. 33. whoso A. 12. 15. HEARKENING, ]j. Psal. 103. 20. ye angels A. HEART is put for, [l] The soul and its facul- tiesy 1 Sam. 1. 30. [ 16. 7. [2] The whole mariy Psal. 45. 1 . [3] The middle of a thing, Exod. 15. 8. Ezek. 27. 4. [4j Purpose and intentiony Isa. 7. 2. [5] The grace. Matt. 12. 40. [6] The seat of affection, and fountain of action^ Matt. 15. 19. [7] Unden'standing, Hos. 7. 11. Gen. 31. 1 20. || 34. 1 3. spake to the A. || 45. 26. Exod. 15. 8. A. of the sea || 23. 9. A. of a stranger 28. 30. on Aaron's A. || 35. 5. is of a willing A. 35. 35. wisdom of A.|) Lev. 26. 16. sorrow of A. Num. 32. 7. wherefore discourage ye the A. of Deut. 4. 1 11. A. of heaven j| 5. 29. such an A. 28. 28. astonishment of A. || 47. gladness of A. 65. a trembling A. || 29. 4. not given a A. to Josh. 14- 8. made the A. of the people melt Judg.5. 15. great thoughtsof A. 16.|| 18.20. A. glad 1 Sam. 1. 30. speak in ifier A. 11 4. f 20. nor set her A. 10. 9. another A. \\ 16. 7. L. looketh on the A. 17. 32. let no man's A. fail || 24. 5. D. A. smote 25. 31. nor offence of A. || 36. Nabal's A. was 2 Sam. 6. 16. she despised him in A. 1 Chr. 15. 29. 14. 1. king's A. toward Abs. || 18. 14. thro' the A. J 19. t 7. speak to the A. || 14. he bowed the A. 1 Kings 3. 9. an understanding A. 12. ) 4. 29. 8. 17. it was in the A. of David, 2 Chr. 6. 7. 66. glad of A. || 10. 2. all that was in her A. 11.4. perfect, as A. of David.)] 12. 27. A, turn HEA HEA 'i/-^ 2 Kin. 6. 11. A.of kin£;troubled|]12.4.2 Chr.29.3I. 1 Chr. 12. 33. notof double h. t33. || 16. 10. 29. 17. that thoii triest the h. 18. Jer. 1 1. 20. Ezra 6. 22. turned the h. of the king of Assyria Neb. 2. 2. this is nothing else but sorrow of A. Esth. 1 . 10. h. of king merry [j 5. 9. with a glad h. Job 9. 4. he is wise in A. || 12. f 3. I have an A. 12. 24. taketh away the h. \\ 29. 13. widow's h. 34.tlO ye men of /i.T34.|j36. 13. hypocrites in h. 37. 24. wise of A. || 38. 36. understand, to the A. Psal. 12.2. a double A. || 19. 8. rejoicing the A. 34. 18. a broken A. 5i. 17.||44. 21. secrets of A. 45. 5. sharp in the A. |j 46. t 2. A. of the sea 64. 6. A. is deep 1| 73. 7. than A. could wish 101. 4, a froward A. |) .5. a proud A. |) 104. 15. 105. 3. let the A. of them rejoice that seek Prov. 6. 18. A. that devisetliji t 32. lacketh A. 7. 10. subtil A. I) 3- 5. of an understanding A. 10. 8. wise in A. |j 20. A. of wicked httje worth 11. 20. afroward h. 12. 8.|I7. 20.|j29. wise of A. 12. 25.heavine.ssin the A. \] 13. 12. A. sick 14. 10. A. knoweth his own bitterness, 13. 14. backshder in A. |) 30. a sound A. 33. Prov. 15. 7. A. of foolish || 13. a merry A. 17. 22. 28. A. of righteous |) 30. rejoiceth the A. \\ t 32. 16. 1. preparations of A. ||5. proud in A. 21. 4. 9. a man's A. |) 23. h. of the wise teacheth 17. 16. no A. to it II 18. 12. A. is haughty 19. 21. there are many devices in a man's A. 20. 5. counsel in the A. |l 21. 1. the king's A. 22. 15. bound in the A.|j24. 12. pondereth the A. 23. t 34. A. of sea, 30. 1 19. || 25. 3. A. of kings 25. 20. an heavy A. || 26. 23. a wicked A. are 27. 9. rejoice the A.|| 19- so the A. of man to 28. 25. a proud A.||31. 11. A. of her husband Eccl. 7. 3. A. is better |j 4. A. of wise, 8. 5. | 10. 2. 7. destroyeth the A.||8. 1 1 . A. set to do evil, 9. 3. 9. 7. and drink thy wine with a merry A. Isa. 6. 10. their A. fat, Matt. 13. 15. Acts 28. 27. 9. 9. stoutness of A. || 10. 12. fruit of stout A. 13. 7. every man's A. shall melt, 19. 1. 30. 29. have gladness of A. || 32. 4. A. of rash 35. 4. of a fearfid A. || 40. t 2. speak to the A. 42. 25. laid it not to A. |j 44. 20. deceived A. 57. 1. no man layeth it to A. Jer. 12. 11. 15. to revive the A. || 59. 13. uttering from A. 65. 14. sing for joy of A. |] 1 17. on the A. Jer. 2.t24. desire of her A. || 3.t 16. upon the A. 4. 9. A. of king perish || 5. 23. a rebellious A. 9. 26. uncircumcised in A. j| 11. 20. triest A. 17. 9. A. is deceitful || 10. I search the A. I 20. 12. seest reins and A. |j 24. 7. A. to know 48. 41. as the A. of a woman in her pangs, 49. 22. Lam. 3. 65. give them sorrow of A. thy curse "Ezek. 6. 9. wliorish A. || 11. 19. the stony A. out 13. 22. A. of righteous sad |) 18. 31. a new A. 21. 7. eveiy A. melt|| 25. 15. despiteful A. 6. 36. 26. A. of fiesh \\ 44. 7. uncircumcised in A. Dan. 4. 16. a beast's A. |j 7. 4. a man's A. be Hos. 2. f 14. speak to her A. || 4. 1 1. take away A. 7. 11. without A. II Nah. 2. 10. A. melteth Zech. 2. 15. the city, that said in her A. I am Mai. 2. 2. lay it to A. || 4. 6. turn the A. of fa. Matt. 11. 29. lowly in A. || 12. 40. A. of the earth I'i. 34. abundance of the A. 35. Luke 6. 45. 15.19. out of A. proceed evil thoughts,Mark 7.21 . Mark 16. 14. upbraided them with hardness of A. Luke 2. 19. pondered in her A. 51. j; S. 15. good h. 24.25. slow of A-jiJohn 13.2. putin A. of Judas Acts 2. 46. singleness of A. j| 5. S3, cut to A. 7. 54. 11. 23. purpose of A. they would cleave to Lord Rom. 2. 5. impenitent h. \\ 29. is that of the A. 6. 17. obeyed from the A. || 10. 10. witii the A. 1 Cor. 2. 9. A. of manj|7. 37. &o decreed in his h. 2 Cor. 2. 4. anguishof A. II 3. 3. tables of the A. 5. 12. glorj in appearance, not in A. |j 8. 16. Eph. G. 6. from the h.\\ Col. 3. 22. singleness of A. 1 Thes. 2. 17. not in A.JiHeb. 4. 12. intents of A. Heb. 10. 22. with a true A.||l 3. 9. A. be established 1 Pet. 3. 4. hnlden man of A. || 2 Pet. 2. 14. Rev. 1 8. 7. saith in her A. I sit a queen, Isa. 47. 8. HEART with nil. Deut. 11. 13. to serve him with a// your A. Josh. 22. 5. 1 Sam. 12. 20. 13. 3. loved the Lord with all your A. 30. 6. Mat. 22. 3T. Mark 12. 30, 33. Luke 10. 27. 26. 16. do them with all thy A. 30. 2. Joel 2. 12. Judg. 16. 17. Samson told her all his A. 18. 1 Kin. 2. 4. walk before me with all their A.8. 23, 48. I 14. 8. 2 Kin. 23. 3, 25. 2 Chr. 6. 38. I 15.12, 15.122. 9.|31. 21.|34.31. Psal 86. 12. Prov. 3. 5. Jer. 29. 13. Ezek. 36. 5. Zeph. 3. 14. Acts 8. 37. if thou believest with a/Z thy A. See Apply, Broken, Clean, Evil, Harden, Hardened. His HEART. Gen. 6. 5. - A. was only evil 6. grieved hhn at - A. || 8. 21. | 17. 17. j 27. 41. , Exod". 4. 14. glad in -A || 7. 23. nor set - A. [f 25. 2. Deut. 2. 30. - A. obstinate || 1 7. 17. - A. turn not 17. 20. -A. be rot lifted || 19. 6. while -A. is hot 20. 8. lest -A. raintl|24. I5.setteth-A. || 29. 19. Ruth 3.7. -A. was merryjll Sam. 4. 13. - A. trembled 1 Sam. 21. 12. laid in -A. |) 25.t25. to lay it to -A. 25. 37. - A. died II 27. 1. said in - A. |1 28. 5. 2 Sam. 7. 27. found in -A. to prav, 1 Chr. 17. 25. 1 Kings 10. 24. God had put in -A. 2 Chr. 9. 23. 11.3. turned away -A. || 12- 26. said in -A. 2 Chr. 12. 14. prepared not -A. jj 17. 6. -A. lift 26. 16. -A. was lifted 1| 30. 19. prepareth -A. 32. 25. -h. was lifted up, 26.||31. know all in - A. Ezra 7. 10. prepared - A. |j Neh. 9. 8. A. faithful Esth. 6. 6. thought in -A. ||7. 5. presume in -A. Job 34. 14. if he set -A., on man|j41. 24. -A. is firm Psal. 10. 3. -A. desire||6. said in -A. Il.|l4. l.|53. 1. 15. 2. truth in - A. || 21. 2. given - A. desire 33. 11. thoughts of - A. || 37. 31. law of G. in -A, 55. 21. war was in- A. |j 78. 72. integrity of -A. 112. 7. -A. is fixed, 8.|| Prov. 19. 3. -A.Vretteth Prov. 23. 7. thinkethin-A.1,28. 14. hardeneth-A. Eccl. 2. 23. -A. taketh no rest || 5. 20. joy of-^.. Isa. 7. 2. -A. wa« moved |j 10. 7. nor -A. think so 44. 19. none consid. in - A. || 57. 17. way of -A. Jer. 23. 20. thoughts of- A. |j 30. 21. engaged -A. 30. 24. intents of -A. || 48. 29. haughtiness of -A, Ezek. 14. 4. idols in -A. 7.||31. 10. Dan, 5. 20. Dan. 1.8. purposed in -A. j|4. 16. -A. changed 6. 14. set -A. on Dan.|jll. 12. -A. be lifted up, 28. Obad. 3, that saith in -A. who shall bring me Matt. 5. 28. adultery in -A. II 13. 19. sown in -A. 24. 48. evil servant shall say in - A. Luke 12. 45. Mark 7. 19. entereth not in - A.|j] 1. 23. not doubt Luke 6. 45. good treasure of- A. evil treasure Acts 7. 23. came into -A. to visit his brethren 1 Cor. 7. 37. stedfast in - A. || 14. 25. secrets of -h. 2 Cor. 9. 7. as he purposeth in -h. so let him HEA Sline; or mij HEART. Gen. 20. 5. integrity of 24. 45. done speaking in -h. Rebekah came Deut. 29. 19. the' I walk m imagination of - A. Josh. 14. 7. as it was in - /j.|JJiidg. 5. 9. is toward 1 Sam. 2. 1. -A. rejoiceth|l35. accord, to thatin-A. 1 K,in. 9. 3. -A. shall be there perpet. 2 Chr. 7. 1 6. 2 Kin. 5. 26. went not- A?jjlO. 15. right, as -A. is 10. 30. done according to all that was in -A. 1 Chr. 12. 17. - A. be knit \\ 28. 2. in - A. to build 2 Chr. 29. 10. it is in - A. to make a covenant Neh. 2. 12. what God hath put in - A. to do, 7. 5. Job 17. 11. thoughts of- A. are broken off 23. 16. maketh - A. soft \\ 27. 6. not reproach 31. 7. if- A. walked after mine eyes, 9. 27. 33. 3. uprightness of- A.|j37. 1. -A. trembled Psal. 4.7. gladness in -A.||13. 2. sorrow in -A. 13. 5. -A. shall reJoice{jl6. 9. - A. is glad 17. 3. hast proved -A.|| 19. 14. mediation of 22. 14. -A. is likewaxjj25. 17. troubles of- A. 526. 2. try -A.f|27. 3. -A. shall not fear, tho' '27. 8. - h. said, thy fiice Lord|{36. 1. saith in -A. 38., 8. disquietness of|)10. -A. pantetii, Isa. 21. 4. 39. 3. - A. was hot|j40. 8. law is within - A. 40. 12. -A. faileth|{45. 1. -A. is inditing a good 55. 4. -A. is sore pained||57. 7. fixed, 108. 1. 61. 2. is overwhelmed !| 66. 18. iniquity in -A. 69. 20. broken -A. || 73. 13. cleansed -A. in vain 73. 21. was grieved|)26. God is strength of- A. 84. 2. -A. crieth out|| 86. 11. unite •* A. to fear 102. 4. is smitten I) 109. 22. -A. is wounded 119. 11. word I liid in -A. 32. shalt enlarge -A. 36. incline -A. to thy test.||80. let -A. be sound 111. rejoicing of -A.|)l 12. 1 inclined -A. to Prov. 5. 12. -A. despised reproof 1 1 20. 9.- A. clean 23. 15. if thy heart be wise - A. shall rejoice Eccl. 1. 13. I gave -A. to seek and search, 16,17. 2. 1. I said in -A. I'll prove thee, 3, 15. | 3. 17. 10. I withheld not - A.||20. to cause - A. to desp. 7. 25. 1 applied -A. 8, 9, 16. || 9. 1. considered Song 4. 9. ravished - A. 9. j) 5.2. - A. waketh Isa. 15. 5. -A. shall cry for Moab||63. 4. is in - A. Jer. 3.15. pastors accord, to - A.JJ4. 19. pained at 7. 31. nor came it into - A.|j8. 18. is faint 12. 3. tried -A.||15 16. thy word the joy of 20. 9. Avord was in - A.JJ23. 9. - A. is broken 48. 31. - A. shall mourn |j 36. shall sound X-am. 1. 20. -A. is turned within || 22. is faint 3. 51. eye affecteth - A.||Dan. 7. 28. kept in Hos. 11. 8. -A. is turned within me, my repent. Acts 2. 26. did -A. rejoice|j21. 13. to break - A. Rom. 9. 2. 1 have continual sorrow in -A. - 10. 1. -A. desire to GodjIPhil. 1. 7. I have you in One HEART. 2 Chr. 30. 12. hand of God was to give them one A. Jer. 32. 39. give them -A. Ezek. 11. 19.|)Acts4.32. Own HEART. Num. 15. 39. seek not after 1 Sam. 13. 14. sought man after his -A. Acts 13.22. 2 Sam. 7. 21. to thine -A.hast thou done,lChr.l7.19. 1 Kings. 8. 38. plague ofhis - A.|Jl2. 33. devised in Psal. 4. 4. commune with || 20.|4. according to -A. 37. 15. swerdenter- A. I) 77. 6. I commune with Prov. 28. 26. he that trusteth in his - A. is a fool Eccl. 1 . 16. 1 communed with my - A. saying 7. 22. thy - A. knows thou hast cursed others Jer. 9. 14. after imagination of their -A. 23. 17. 23. 16. vision of -A. j| 26. deceit, Ezek. 13. 17. 'E,zek. 14. 5. in their- A, jj Jam. 1. 26. deceiveth HEA Our HEART. Deut. 1. 28. Psal. 33. 21. ( 44. 18. Lam. 3. 41. j 5. 15. Luke 24. 32. 2 Cor. 6. 11. 1 John 3. 20, 21. Perfect HEART. 1 Kings 8. 61. | 11, 4. [ 15. 3, 14. 2 Kings 20. 3. 1 Chr. 12. 38. | 28. 9. I 29. 9, 19. 2 Chr. 15. 17. | 16. 9. | 19. 9. I 25.2. Psal 101. 2. Isa. 38. 3. ' ^| Pure HEART. Psal. 24. 4. Matt. 5. 8. 1 Tim. 1.5.2 Tim. 2. 22. 1 Pet. 1. 22. Their HEART Gen. 42. 28. - A. failed them Josh. 5.1. - A. melted || 1 Kings 18. 37. turned- A. 1 Chr. 29. 18. and prepare their A. to thee Job 8. 10. utter words out ofj| 17. 4. hid -A. from Psal. 10. 17. wilt prepare -A.||78. 8. set not - A. 78. 18. tempted God in - A.il37. - A. not right 95. 10. do err in - A.||105. 25. turned -A. to 107. 12. brought down|| 119. 70. - A. is as fat 140. 2. mischief in- A.yProv. 24. 2. -A. studieth Eccl. 3. 11. set world in -A. || 9. 3. madness is in Isa. 6. 10. lest they hear with their ears, and un- derstand with -A. Matt. 13. 15. Acts 28.27. 29. 13. - A. isfar from me. Matt. 15.8. Mark 7. 6. Jer. 5. 24. nor say in - A.||13. 10. imagination of 14. 14. prophesy deceit of ||17. 1. on table of -A. Lam. 2. 18. - A. cried to the Lord, O wall of Zion Ezek. 14. 3. set idols in -A. 20. 16. || 21. 15. faint S3. 31. -h. goeth after their covetousness Hos, 4. 8. set - A. on iniquity||7. 6. like an oven 7. 14. not cried to me with|| 10. 2. is divided 1 3. 6. -A. was exalted || 8. rent caul of -A. Zeph. 1.12. say in - A. the Lord will not do good Zech. 10. 7. -A. shall rejoice] |1 2. 5. shall say in-A. Mark 6. 52. for- A. was hardened, Rom. 1. 21. Luke 9. 47. Jesus perceiving thought of -A. John 12. 40. hardened -A. nor understand with -A. Acts 2. 37. pricked in - A.||2 Cor. 3. 15. vail on -A. Eph. 4. 18. because of the blindness of their h. Thine, thij HEART. Gen. 20. 6. integrity of -A. Ex. 9. 14. plagues on- A.jjLev. 19. 17. not hate in Deut. 4. 9. lest depart fr.-A. || 29. seek him with 39. consider it in - A. 8. 5. |) 6. 5. love with - A. 7. 17. if thou say in -A. 8. 17.|18. 21. Jer. 13. 22. 8. 2. to know what was in || 14. - A. be lifted 9. 4. speak not in -A. || 5. uprightness of -A. 10. 12. to serve theL. thy God with all - A. 15. 9. be not a thought in thy wicked A. 10. 28. 67. for fear of-A.||30. 6. circumcise -A. 30. 14. word nigh in-A. || 17. if- A. turn, so Jndg. 16. 15. how canst say I love thee when - A. 1 9. 6. let - A. be merry, 9, 10. 1 Kin. 21. 7. 1 Sam. 1.8. why is - A. grieved ? || 2. 3o. to grieve 9.19. I'll tell thee all that is in thine A. 14. 7. do all in- A. 2 Sam. 7. 3. 1 Chr. 17. 2. 17. 28. naughtiness of- A.||2 Sam. 3. 21. desireth 1 Kin. 2. 44. - A. is privy to j| 8. 1 8. in - A. to build 2 Kin. 10. 15. is- A. right as my A. is with - A. 14. 10.- A. hath lifted thee up, 2 Chr. 25. 19. 22. 19. because - A. was tender, 2 Chr. 34. 27. 2 Chr. 1, 11. it was in-A. 6. 8. j| 19. 3. prepared -A. Job 7. 17. shouldst set -A. )) 10. 13, hast thou hid 11. 13. prepare- A. || 1 5. 12. why doth - A. carry 22. 22. receive, and lay up his words in - A. Ps. 27. 14. strengthen - A. j [37.4. desires of -A. Prov. 2. 2. apply - A. || 10. wisdom cntereth in - A. 3. 1. let - A. keep || 3. write on table of- A. 7. 3. 4. 4. let -A. retain, 21. |! 23. keep - A. with all 6.21. bind them on - A. \\ 25. lust not iu - A. HEA Prov. 7. 25. let on - h. decline to her ways 23. 15. if -A. be wise || 17. let not- A. envy 19. guide - h. in the way|j26. give me -h. 33. - h. utter pevverse||24. 17. not - h. be glad Eccl. 5. 2. let not- h. be hasty to utter anything 11 . 9. let - h. cheer thee|jlO, put sorrow from - h. Isa. 14. 13. saidin,-/i. rilascendlJSS. IS.meditat. 47. 7. didst not lay these things to-/t. 57. 11. 8. sayest in -h. 10.|j49. 21. say in -A. who Jer. 4. 14. wash - h. jj 18. it reacheth to - h. 22. 17. - A, is not but for thy covetousness. 31. 21. set - A. towards||49. 16. pride of, Obad. 3. Lam. 2. 19. pour out- A. like water before Lord Ezek. 3. 10. receive in - A. {j 16. 13. how weak is 22. 14. can -A. endure||28. 2. is lifted up, ,^. 28. 17.- A. was lifted up|i40. 4. set - A. on all Dan. 2. 30. mightest know the thoughts of- A. 5. 22. not humbled - A.||10. 12. didst set -A. Acts 5. 3. why hath Satan filled - A. to lie to the 8. 21. - A. is not right||22. thought of -A, Rom. 10. 6. sav not in - A.|j9. believe in - A. Upright in HEART. 2 Chr. 29. 34. more upright Psal. 7. 10. saveth - A.jjll. 2. shoot at the - A. 32. 11. shout for joy||36. 10. righteousness to -A. 64. 10. -A. shall glory|i94. 15. -A. follow it 97. 11. glathiess is sown for the - A. Uprightness of HEART. 1 Kings 3. 6.|9. 4. Psal. 119. 7. I will praise thee with - A. Whole HEART. Psal. 9. 1. I'll praise thee, O Lord, with -A. 111. 1. | 138. 1. 119. 2. seek him. with - A. 10.I[34. observe 58. intreated thy favour with my -A. 145. 119. 69. I'll keep thy precepts with my - A, Isa. 1. 5. - A. is fdintyjer. 3. 10. not turned - A. Jer. 24. 7. return with - A. || 32. 41. plant Whose HEART. Exod. 35. 21. - A. stirred him up, 26. 39. I 36. 2. Dent. 29. 18."- A, turneth away tiom the Lord 2 8am. 17. 10. - A. is as the heart of a lion 52 Chr. 16.9. -A. is perfect|jPsal. 84. 5. in -A. are the Eccl. 7. 26. - A. is snares] jlsa. 51. 7. is my law Jer. 17. 5. -A.departeth|)Ezek. 11. 21. -A. walketh Acts 1 6.14. -A. the Lord opened, that she attended Your HEART. Deut. 16. circumcise the fore- skni of your A. Jer. 4. 4. 1 1. 16. - A. be not deceived||18. lay up in - A. 1 Kings 11. 2. turn away - A.||l Chr! 22. 19. set -A. Psal. 22. 26. -A. shall livejj3l. 24. strengthen -A. 62. 8. pour out - A.jjlO. set not- A. on them 69. 32. - A. shall live||!sa. 06. 14. shall rejoice Jer. 51.46. lest. - A.taint||Joel 2. 13. rent- A. and Zech. 7. 10. let none of you imagine evil in - A. Matt. 0. 21. there will -7?,. be also, Luke 12. 34. Mark 8. 17. -A. yet hardened ? j| 10. 5. hardness of John 14. 1. let not -A. be troubled, ye, 27. 16. 6. sorrow hath tilled - A. || 22. shall rejoice Eph. 6. 5. in singleness of -A. as unto Christ HEARTED. Ex. 28. 3. wise,31.|35. 10, 25.|36. 1. 35. 22. willing A.||Deut. 20. 8. faint A, letlhm. 2 Chr.13.7. tender A. Eph. 4.32.jjPsal. 76.5.stout A. Isa.24.7.merry A.||46.12.hearkentonieye stout A, 61. 1. the broken A.||Ezek. 3. 7. are hard A. HEARTH, s. Gen. 18. 6. Psal. 102. 3. Isa. 30. 14. Jer. 36. 22, 23. Zech 12. 6. HEARTILY, ad. Luke 22.tl5. Col. 3. 23. HEARTS, s. Gen. 18. 5. comfort your A. Exod. 14. 17. I'll harden the A.|j Lev. 26. 36. HEA ^nj Num. 32- 9. discouraged the A. of Israel that Deut. 20. 3. let not ATfaintjj32. 46. setyour A. Josh. 2. 11. our A. did melt, 7. 5.1|23. 14.124. 23. Judg. 9. 3. A. inclined||l6. 25. A. merry. 19.22. 1 Sam. 6. 6. harden yoin* A. ||7. 3. prepare A. 10. 26. of men whose A. God had touched 2 Sam. 15.6. so Absalom stole the h. of Israel 1 Kings 8. 39. only knowest the A. 2 Chr. 6. 30. 1 Chr. 28. 9. searcheth all h.\\2 Chr. 6. 14. 2 Chr. 11. 16. set their A.!|20. 33. not prepared A. Psal. 7. 9. righteous God'trieth the A. Prov. 17.3. 28. 3. mischiefin their A.|!33. 15. A. alike 35. 25. not say in their A.ji74. 8. said in A. 81. 12. own A. Iusts|jl25. 4. upright in A. 90. 12. may apply our A. unto wisdom Prov. 1.5.11. much more the A.1J17. 3. trieth A. 21. 2. pondereth the A.|j 31. 6. heavy h. Isa. 44. 18. shut their A. cannot understand Jer. 31. 33. and write it in their A. Heb. 8. 10. 32. 40. put my fear in their A.j|42. 20.|48. 41. Ezek. 13. 2. prophesy out of own A. |) 32. 9. vex Dan. 11. 27. kings A.jjHos. 7. 2. consider not in A, Zech. 7. 12. made their A.|!8. 17. imagine evil Matt. 9. 4. think evil in your A.|jl8. 35. your 19. 8. hardness of vourA. Mark 3. 5.1 10. 5. Mark 2. 6. reasoning in their A. 8 |)4. 15. Luke 1. 17. turn the A.|j66. up in their A. 2. 35. thoughts of many A. |I3. 15. mused in 16. 15. God knoweth your A.1J21. 14. settle it 21. 26. men's A. failingjl 34. lest your A. be 24. 32. our A. burn|| 38. arise in your A. Acts 1. 24. knowest the A. of ail men, 15. 8, 7. 39. A. turned back |) 14. 17. j 15. 9. Rom. 1. 24. lustsof own A.|)2. 15. writtenin A. 5. 5. shedabroad|j8. 27. that searcheth AJjl 6. 18. 1 Cor. 4. 5. counsels of the A. ||2 Cor. 1. 22. 2 Cor. 3.2. writ in our A.||Gal.4.6. shined in our A. 7. 3. you are in our A. |) Gal. 4. 6. into your A. Eph. 3. 17. dwell in your A 1 1,5. 19. | 6.22. Puil. 4. 7. shall keep your A. thro' Christ Jesus Col. 2.2. A. comforted||3. 15. rule in your A. 3. 16. grace in your A.|J4. 8. comfortyour 1 Thes. 2. 4. which trieth our A. Rev. 2. 13. 3. 13. stabHsh your A. jl 2 Thes, 2. 17. comfort 2 Thes. 3.5. the Lord direct your A, into the love Heb. 3. 8. Iiarden not your A. 15.|4. 7.|j3. 10. 10. 16. laws in their A.||22. A. sprinkled Jam. 3. 14. strife in your A.|j4. 8. purify your A. 5. 5. nourished your A.||8. stablish your A. 1 Pet. 3. 15. sanctify the Lord God in your A. 2 Pet. 1. 19 and the day star arise in your A. 1 John 3. ig.assureyour A.jJRev. 2. 23. | 17. 17. HEARTY, a. Prov. 27. 9. friend by A. counsel HEAT, s. Gen. 8. 22. cold, A.||18. 1. A. of day Exod. 11. t 8. A. of anger, Deut. 29. 24. \] 32. 24. 1 Sam. 11. 11. A. of day, 2 Sam. 4.5. Matt. 20. 12. 1 Kings 1. 1. gat no A. 2. || Job 6.t 17. A. thereof Job 24. 1 9 . drought and A.j|30. 30. burnt with A. Psal. 19. 6. there is nothing hid from the A. Eccl. 4. 11. if two lie together, they have A. Isa. 4. 6. a shadow in day time from h. 25. 4. 18. 4. like a clear h. on herbs, A. ofharvest 25. 5. h. in a dryplace||49. 10. A. nor sun Jer. 17. 8. A. cometh 36. 30. cast to A.|| 51. 39. Ezek. 3. 14. A. of my spirit||Hos.7. 5. sick Avith A. Luke 12. 55. will be A.||Acts 28. 3. out of the A. Jam. 1. 11. burning /?.1|2 Pet 3. 10, fervent A. HEA HEA HEAT, ED, Dan.3.19.^.furaacelIHos. 7.4.oven HEATH, s. Jer. 17. 6. be like the A. 48. 6. HEATHEN, s. Infidels, unbelievers, Jer. 10. 25 Lev. 25. 44. be of the A.||26. 45. sis^ht of A. 2 Sam. 22. 44. to be head of the h. Psal. 18. 43. 2 Kings 16. 3. abominations of h. 17. 15. | 21. 2. 17. 8. statutes of A.|)ll. as did the h. whom 1 Chr. 16. 35. dehver us from the h. 2 Chr. 20. 6. rulest over/i.j|33. 9= worse than the h. Neh. 5. 8. sold to h\\^. reproach of A. 6. 16, Psal. 2. 1. why do tiie h. rage, Acts 4. 25. 8. give thee the A.|j9. 5. rebuked the h. 15. 9. 19. let h. be judgedj|10. 16. h. are perished 33. 10. counsel of A.||44. 2. drive out the h. 46. 6. the h. raged||47. 8. reigneth over the h. 59. 5. visit all the A. || 8 all the h. in derision 78. 55. cast out h. 79. 6. j 80. 8. Jer. 10. 25. 79. 10. wherefore should the h. say, 115. 2. 102. 15. A. shall fear II 105. 44. | 106. 41. | 111.6. 135. 15. idolsof the A. II 149. 7. vengeance on A. Jer. 10. 2. learn not the way of the A. be not Lam. 1. 10. that the A. entered her sanctuary Eezk. 7.24. worst of A.||ll. 12. manners of A, 20. 32. we will be as the A.j|il. before A. 22. 4. reproach to the A. 16. || 23. 30. after h. 25. 7. spoil to A.||8. Judah is like to the A. 30. 3. time of the A.||3l. 17. midst of the A. 34. 28. be no more a prey to the A. 29. 36. 3. residue of the A, 4.|| 6. shame of the A. 23. A. shall know that I am the Lord, 36. I 37. 28. I 38. 16. | 39.7,21. Joel 2. 17. A. rulejl 3. 11. come ye A. gather, 12. Amos 9. 12. may possess remnant of all the A, Obad. 15. day of the Lord is near on all the A. 16. Mic. 5. 15. fury on h. \\ Hab. 3. 12. did thresh A. Zeph. 2. 11. A. shall worshipJlHag. 2. 22. destroy Zcch. 1. 15. sore displeased with the A. 14. 18. 9. 10. speak peace to A.l|14. 14. wealth of A. Matt. 6. 7. as the A. dol|18. 17. as an A. man Gal. 2. 9. go to the A. || 3. 8. justify the A. thro' Among the HEATHEN. Lev. 26. 33, 38. Deut. 4.27. 2 Sam. 22. 50. Neh. 5. 17. | 6. 6. Psal. 18. 49. I 44. 11, 14. | 46. 10. j 79. 10. |96. 10. I 106.35,47. | 110. 6. | 126. 2. Jer. 9. 16. I 18. 13. I 49. 15. Lam. 1. 3.|4. 15,20. Ezek. 11. 6.112. 16. 1 16. 14. \ 20. 23. 1 22. 15. ! 36. 19, 20, 24, 30 | 39. 21, 28. Joel 2. 19. Obad. 1,2. Hab. 1. 5. Zech. 8. 13. Mai. 1. 11, 14. Gal. 1. 16. JIEAVE,ED. Exod. 29. 27. Num. 15.20.|18.30. HEAVEN,s. is put for, [1] The airy regions, Psal. 104. 12. [2] The starry orbs, Psal. 19. 1. [3] The mansions of the blessed, Matt. 5. 12, 16. [4] The visible church. Rev. 12. 7. [5] A great height, Deut. 1. 28. [63 All places above us, Psal 19. 6. I 78. 25. [7] A state of great dignity, Isa. 14. 12. Gen. 1.1. God created the A.|j6. 17. under A. 7.19. 7. 23. fowls of A.ys. 2. rain from A. was restrain. 11. 4. topmayreachA.lll4. 19. possessor of A. 22. 15. 5. look now towards A.||19. 24. L. out of A. 21. 17. to Hagar out of A. j| 24. 3. God of A. 7. , 38. 12. top reached to A. || 17. gate of A. 49. 25. bless thee with blessings of A. above Ex. 9. 8. towards A- 10, 22,23.110.22. Judg. 13.20. 1 Kin. 8. 22. Job 2. 12. Prov. 23. 5. Acts 1.10. 16. 4. rain bread from A.||17. 14. under A. E xod. 20. 4. any thing in A. above, Deut. 5. 8, 22. talked with you from A. Neh. 9. 13. 24. 10. body of A.|jLev. 26. 19. your A. as iron Deut. 3. 24. what God in A. can doj|4. 11. midst 4, 19. under A. 7. 24. j 29. 20. 2 Kings 14. 27. 32. one side of A.l|36. out of A.||9.1. fenced to A. 10. 14. behold, A. and A. of heavens, Ps. 115. 16, 11. 17. shut up A. 1 Kin. 8. 35.2 Cm-. 21. as the days of A.|i26. 15. look down from A. 28. 12. A. to give rain||23. A be bras.s|j24. 30. 12. it is not in A,|! 19. 1 call A. and earth 32. 40. my hand to A. 1| 33. 13. precious things 33. 26.ridcth on iheA. 1| Josh. 2. 11. God in A. Josh. 8. 20. ascend to A||10. 11. stones from A. 10. 13. so the sua stood still in the midst of A. Judg. 5. 20. fought from A.]| 13. 20. towards A. 1 Sam, 2. 10. out of A.|j 5. 12. cry went to A. 2 Sam. 18. 9. between A. |j21. 10. out of A, 22. 8. foundation of A.j|14. thundered from A. 1 Kings 8. 23. no God like thee in A. 2 Chr. 6.14. 27. A. of heavens, 2 Chr. 2. 6.||6. 18. Neh. 9. 6. 30. hear thou in A. 32.11 18. 45. A. was black 2 Kings2. 1. Ehjahinto A. || 19. 15. hast made A. 1 Ciir. 2] . 26. answer him from A.| j29. 11. ail in A. 2 Chr. 20. 6. art not thou God in A.|{28. 9. to A. Ezra 5. 11. God of A. 12. | 6. 9, 10. Neh. 1. 4, 5. Job 1.16. fallen from A.yi 1 . 8. high as A. 15. 19. my witness is in A.l|20. 27. A. reveal 22. 12. height of A.||l4. walketh in circuit of h. 26. 11. pillars of A.||28. 24. under the A. 37. 3. 38. 29. frost of A.y 93. the ordinances of A. ^7. bottles of A.l|4l. ll.imderthe whole A. Psal. 11.4. throne is in A.||19. 6. from end of h. 20. 6. his holy A.l|57. 3. send from A.1J69. 34. 73. 25. whom have I in A.l|76. 8. heard from h, 77. 18. thunder was in A.||78. 23. doors of A. 78. 24. corn of A.||26.wind to blow in the A. 89. 6. who in A.||37. faithful witness in A. 103. 11. as the A, is highj|105. 40. bread of A. 107. 26. mount up to A,||113. 6. things in A. 119. 89. settled in A.||135. 6. did in A. and 147. 8. covered the A.l|148. 13. above the A. Prov. 25. 3. A. for heigh tl|30. 4. ascended into A. Eccl, 1. 13. done under A. 2. 3.l3.1.|j5.2.G.is in A. Isa. 13. 5. end oih\\ 14. 12. fallen from A. 13. 34. 5. bathed in A.|| 40. 12. meted out A. 49. 13. sing, O A. 44. 23. Rev. 18. 20. 55. 10. snow from A.||66. 1. A. is my throne Jer. 7. 18. queen of A.l|8. 7. stork of A.||10. 2. signs 23. 24. do not Ifill A,l|33. 25. ordinances of A. 44. 17. burn incense to queen of A. 18, 19, 25. 49. 36. four quarters of A.||51. 15. stretched 51. 48. A. shall sing||53. mount up to A. and Lam. 2. 1. cast from A.l|3. 50. behold from A. Ezek. 8. 3. between earth and A.1132. 7. cover A. Dan. 4. 11. height reached to A. 11, 20, 22. 31. fell a voice from A. Matt. 3. 17. Luke 3.22. • 37. the king of A. 5. 23. || 6. 27. wonders in A. 9. 12. under the whole A.||ll. 4. four winds of A. Amos 9- 2. climb to A.|j6. his stories in the A. Hag. 1. 10. A. over you||Zech. 2. 6. | 5.9. Mai. 3. 10. if I'll not open the windows of A. Matt. 5. 12. reward in A.||16. Father in A. 45. 6. 9. our Father which art in A. 10. Luke 11. 2. 20. treasures in h.\(t. 21. will of my F. in A. 10. 32. will I confess before my Father in A. S3. 11. 25. 1 thank thee, Father, L, of A. Luke 10, 21. HEA HEA *^ / Matt. 12. 50. will of my Fatber||l6. l.asignfrom A. 1 6. ir. my Father which is in /t. revealed it 19. 21. shalt have treasure in h. Luke 18. 22. 21 . 2.5. from h. or of men, Mark 11.30. Luke 20.4. 23. 22. swear by h. \] 24. 30. clouds of h. 24. 31. one end of /i. I! 35. /(. pass, Mark 13. 31. 36. not the angels in /i.j| 26. 64. clouds of /*. - 28. 2. angel descended from /i. Rev. 10. l.|18. 1. 18. all power is given to me in h. and earth Mark 1 . 1 1. a voice from h. John 1 2. 28. Acts 1 1. 9. 7. 34. looking up to h.\\ 8. 11. a sign from h. 12. 25. as the angels m h. Matt. 22. SO. 13.27. utmost parts of h. \\ 16. 19. received to h. Luke 3.21. A. was opened || 4. 25. A was shut 6.23.rewardin/i.[|9. 16. looking to A. Mar. 6.41, 10. 1 8. as lightning fall from h. || 20. written in h. 15.7. joy in A. I) 18. sinned against A. 21. 17. 24. one part under h. j| 29. fire from h. 18. 13. as his eyes to A.|il9. 38. peace in h. 21. 26. power of A.JJ33. h. and earth pass 22. 43. an angel from /i.|l24. 51. up into h. Jolm 1. 32. descending from /i.t|51. see h. open 3. 13. ascended to h.\\27. it be given from h. 31. he that cometh from h.\\6. 31, 32, — 50. 6. 38. 1 came from h. 42. || 41. bread from h. 58. 12. 28. voice from A.||17. 1. lift eyes to k. Acts 1. 11. gazing up into A.||2. 2. sound from h. 2. 1 9. wonders m /i.||34. is not ascended to h. 3. 21. h. must receive||4. 12. name under h. 4. 24, God made A. 14. 15. Psal. 115. 15. | 121. 2. I 124. 8. I 134. 3. | 146. 6. Isa. 37. 16. Jer. 32. 17. Rev. 14. 7. 7. 55. stedfastly into h.\\9. 3. light from h. 10. 11. 1 saw h. open, and a vessel, Rev. 19. 11. 11. 10. all were drawn up again into h. 14. 17. rain from h.\\17. 24. Lord of A. and 22. 6. shone from A. a great hght, 26. 13. Rom. 1.18. revealed from A.||10. 6. who ascend to 1 Cor. 15. 47. second man is the Lord from A. 2 Cor. 5. 2 house from A.l|12. 2. the third A. Gal. 1.8. we or an angel from A. preach Eph. 1,10. which are in A.|J3. 15. family in A. 6. 9. that your Master is in A. Col. 4. 1 . Phil. 2. 10. of things in A.|| 3. 20. conversat. in A. Col. 1. 5. laid up in A. || 16, things in A. \\ 20, 23. 1 Thes. 1. 10. SonfromA||4. 16. descend from A. 2 Thes. 1.7. revealed from A.||Heb. 9. 24. into A, Heb. 10. 34. ye have in A.||12. 23. written in A. 12. 25. speaks from A.||26. only, but also A. Jam. 5, 12. nor by A.|| 18. the A. gave rain 1 Pet. 1. 4. reserved in|| 12. sent down from A. 3. 22. gone into A.|I2 Pet. 1.18. voice from A. Rev. 3. 12. out of A.||4. 1. door opened in A. 2. 5. 3. no man in A.j]6. 14. A. departed as a 8. 1. .silence in A. () 13. Hying thro' A. 14. 6. 10.4. voice from A. 8. | 11. 12. | 14. 2, 13.|18. 4. 5. lifted his hand to A.||6. who created A. 11. 6. power to shut A. ||12. ascended up to A. 13, G. of A. 16. 11. 11 15. great voice in A. 19. opened in A.||12. 1. a wonder in A. 3. 12. 7. war in A.[|8. nor place found in A. 10. saying in A. 19. 1 .|l 13. 6. dwelt in A. 13. IS.'fire came fromA.||l4. 17. temple in A. 15. 1. another sign in A.||5. testimony in A. 18. 20. rejoice thou A.||19. 11. I saw A. opened 20. 9. from G. out of A.|l 11. earth and A, tied 21. 1. anew A. |) lo, descending out of /i. Host QY Hosts of HEAVEN. Deut. 4. 19.|17. 3. 1 Kings 22. 19. 2 Kin. 17. 16. I 21, 3, 5. 1 23. 4, .5. 2 Chr. 18. 18. j 33. 3, 5. Neh 9. 6. Isa. 34. 4. Je^. 8. 2. I 19.13. | 33. 22. Dan. 8. 10. Zeph. 1. 5. Acts 7. 42. HEAVEN joined with Stars. Gen. 1. 17. 22. 17. I'll multiply thy seed as stars of A. 26. 4. Exod. 32. 13. 1 Chr. 27. 23. Neh. 9. 23. Deut. 1. 10. I 10. 22. | 28. 62. Isa. 13. 10. Ezek. 32. 7. Nah. 3. 16. Matt. 24. 29. Mark 13. 25. Rev. 6, 13. | 12. 4. HEAVENLY, ad. Matt. 6. 14. your h. Father, 26, 32. I 15. 13. 1 18. 35. Luke 11. 13, Luke 2.13, a multitude of the A. host praising God John 3. 12. A. things||Acts 26. 19. A. vision 1 Cor. 15. 48. as is the A.||4^. image of the A. Eph. 1. 3. in A. places, 20. ] 2. 6. | 3. 10. 2 Tim. 4. 18. will preserve me to his A. kingdom Heb. 3. 1. A. callingiie, 4. gift||8. 5. things, 9. 23. 11. 16. an A. country||12.22. A.Jerusalem HEAVENS, s. Gen. 2. 1. A. were finished and 4. these are the generations of the A, in the Deut. 32, l.giveear, O A.|j33. 28. his A, shall Judg. 5, 4. the A. dropped, P^al68. 8. Isa. 45. 8. 2 Sam. 22. 10. he bowed the A. and, Psal 18. 9. 1 Kings 8, 27, A. of A. cannot contain thee 1 Chr. 16. 26. Lord made the A. Neh. 9. 6. Psal. 96. 5. I 102. 25. I 136. 5. 16. 31. let the A. be glad || 2 Chr. 6. 25. hear Ezra 9. 6. our trespass is grown up to the A. Job 9.8, spreadeth out the A.||l4. 12. till A. be no m. 15. 15. A. not cleanl|20. 6. mount up to the A. 26. 13. garnished the A.||35. 5. look to the A, Psal, 2, 4, sitteth in the A.||8. 1. above A. 113. 4. 8. 3. I consider thy A.||18. 13. thundered in A. 19. 1. A. declare|j33. 6. byword of L. A. made 36. 5. thy mercy is in A.j|50. 4. call to the A. 50. 6. the A. shall declare his righteousness 57. 5, be thou exalted, O G. above A. ll.|108. 5, 10. thy mercy is great to the A. 108. 4. 68. 4. rideth on the A. 33.1|8. the h. dropped 73. 9. against the A.||89. 2. establish in the A. 89. 5. A, shall praise || 11. A. are thine, earth also 96. ll.let the A. rejoice. Rev. 12. 12. | 97. 6. 103. 19. throne in the A.j|ll5. 3. G. is in A, 115. 16. A. are the Lord's||123. 1. dwellest in h. 144. 5. bow thy A.|jl48. 4. praise, ye A. of A. Prov. 3. 19. established the A.]] 8. 27. prepared A. Isa. 13. 13. I'll shake the A. and earth, Hag.2.6, 21. 34. 4. A. berolled|j42. 5. created A. 45. ^18. 40. 22. that stretched out the A. Psal. 1 04. 2. 44. 23. sing, O ye A. for the Lord bath done it 24, that stretcheth the A. 45. 12. | 51. 13. Jer, 10. 12. Zech. 12. 1. 45. 8. drop down ye A.||48. 13. spanned A. 50. 3. I clothe the A.||5l. 6. A. shall vanish 51, 16. I plant the A.|j55.9. as A, are higher 64. 1. rent the A.||65, 17. new A. 66,23. Jer. 2,12, be astonished, O A,||4.23. 1 beheld the A. 4. 28. A, be black Ij 10. 11, not made the A. 10, 13. waters in A. 51. 16. jj 14. 22. can the A. Lara. 3. 41. to God in the A.j|66. under the A. Dan. 4. 26. A. do rulejjHos. 2. 21. hear the A. Joel 2. 30. wonders in A. 1| Hab. 3. 3. covered A. Zech. 6, 5. four spirits of A.|!8. 12. A, give dew Matt, 3. 16. A. were opened, Mark 1 . 10. Ezek. l.t , 24. 29. powers of A. jj Mark 1. 10. A. opened HEB HEI Acts 3, 21. A. must receive|j7. 56. h. opened 2 Cor. 5. I. an house not made, eternal in the h. Heb. 1.10. h. are the work||4. 14. passed to h. 7. .26. higher than the h. 8. l.||9. 23. in the h. 2 Pet.3. 5. A. wereof old, 7.\\\0.h. shall pass, 12. Heavy. Gen. 4l.t31. famine /i.||4S.tlO, eyes 7t. Exod. S.fg. work /j.||17. 12. hands|jl8. 18. too /j. Num. 11. 14. too /i.||Jndg. I.t35. hand of Jos. A. 1 Sam. 4. 18.Eli/i.|):). 6. hand of L. was h. 11. 2 Sam. 14. 26. han-/z. ]| I Kings 12. 4. h. yoke, 14. 1 Kings 14. 6. ft. tidings] {20. 43, Ahab went A. 2 Kin. 6. 1 14. h. host, 1 8. f 17.1iNeh. 5. 1 8. bondage Job 33. 7. neither shall my hand be h. on thee Psal. 32. 4. tliy hand was h. |( 38. 4. too h. for me Prov. 25.20. h. hearted, 31. 6.|l27. 3. a stone is h. Isa. 6. 10. ears A,|)24. 20. transgressions h. on it 30. 27. bnrden||46. 1. h. laden |) 58. 6. burdens 59. 1. nor his ear h. \\ Lam. 3. 7. my chain h. Matt. 11. 28. h. laden||23. 4. A. burdens, and 26. 37. very A. 43. Mark 14. 33, 40. Luke 9. 32. HEAVIER. Job 6. 2. | 23. 2. Prov. 27. 3. HEAVILY. Exod. 14. 25. Psal. 35. 14. Isa. 47.6. HEAVINESS, s. Ezra 9. 5. 1 arose from my A. Job 9. 27. if I say I will leave off my A. and Psal. 69. 20. full of A.|ll 19. 28. melteth for A. Prov. 10, 1. A. of his mother || 12. 25, A. in heart 14. 13. end of mirth is A.||Isa 1.14. people of A. Isa. 29.2. shall be A.||30.t27. isA.|)61. 3. spirit of A. Rom. 9. 2. have great A.|i2 Cor. 2. 1. not come in A. Phil. 2. 26. full of A. |J Jam. 4. 9.||1 Pet. 1. 6. in A. HEBER, A companion. Gen. 46. l7.son of Beriah, H. 1 Chr. 7. 31. Judg. 4. 11. H. the Kenite, 17. | 5. 24. Luke 3. 35. Phalec which was the son of H. HEBREW, Is supposed io be thefirst language. y^w Hebrew of f/te Hebrews, ivas one whose fa- ther and mother were Hebrews, Phil. 3. 5. Gen. 14. 13. told Abraham the H.||39. 14. to mock 41, 12. young man an l/.||Exod. 2. 11. smiting Jer. 34. 9. let//. frec|JJonah 1. 9. I am an H. HEBREWS. Gen. 14. 1.5. stolen of tlie H. 43. 32. not eat with H. || Exod. 2. 6. one of H. Exod. 3. 18. God of the H. 5. 3.17. 16.|9. l.|10. 3. 1 Sam. 4. 6. camp of J/.||13. 3. let H. hear 14. 11. H. out of hole8||29. 3. what do H. hide Acts 6. 1 . against i3.[|2 Cor. 11.22. H. so am I Phil. 3. 5. of Benjamin a H. of the H. HEBREW for the language. Luke 23. 38. written over him in H. John 19. 20. John 5. 2. in the //. tongue. Bethesda 19. 13. called in H. Gabatha|| 17. Golgotha Acts 21. 40. spake in H. 22. 2.|i26. 14. saying Rev. 9. 11. in H. Abaddon || 16. 16. Armagedon HEBREW waw. Deut. 15. 12.besold HEBREW servant. Gen. 39. 17. Exod. 21. 2. HEBREW ivoma7i, women. Exod. 1. 16, 19.12. 7. Deut. 15. 12. HEBREWE8S. Jer. 34. 9. let an H. go free HEBRON, FelloicsMp. A place. Gen. 23. 2. Sarah died in Kirjath-arba, same is H. 35. 27. Josh. 14. 15.120. 7. Judg. 1. 10. 37. 14 vale of if.jjNum. 13. 22. H. built Josh. 10. 39. did to H. |) 14. 13. to Caleb, H. 1 Sam. 30. 31. in H. 1|2 Saui. 2. 1. he said, to H. 2 Sam. 2. 12. king in H. 5. 5. 1 Kings 2. 11. 3. 2. sons born in H. 5. 1 Chr. 3. 1, 4. 5. 3. elders came to H. 1 Chr. 11. 3. 2 Sam. 15. 10. ye sliall say, Absalom reigneth in H. 1 Chr. 6. 57. H. a city of refuge || 12. 38. came to HEBRON, A person. Exod. 6. 18. Num. 3.19- 1 Chr. 2. 42, 43. j 6. 2, 18. | 23. 12, 19. | 24. 23. HEDGE, s. Job 1. 10. made an A. about him Prov. 15. 19. an A. of thornslJEccl. 10. 8. break A. Isa. 5. 5. take away the A. || Lam. 2.t6, taken his A. Ezek. 13. 5. nor made up the A. 22. 30. Hos, 2. 6. I'll A.|)Mic. 7. 4. || Mark 12. 1. set a A. HEDGED. Job 3. 23. God hath A. in, lO.fU. Lam. 3. 7. A. meaboutyMatt. 21. 33. A, it HEDGES, s. 1 Chr. 4. 13, dwelt among A. Psal. 80. 12. broken her A. 89. 40.|{Jer. 40. 3. by h. Nah. 3. 17. camp in the A.lJLuke 14. 23. and A. HEED. 2 Sam. 20. 10. took no A. Kings 10. 31. Psal. 119. 9. by taking A.jjProv. 17. 4. giveth A. Eccl. 12. 9. good A.||Isa. 21. 7. with much A. Jer. 18. 18. give A. 19.||Acts 3. 5. gave A. 8. 6, 10. 1 Tim. 1. 4. neither give A. to fables, Tit. 1. 14. 4. 1. giving A.||Heb. 2. 1. earnest A. lest at See Take. HEEL, S. Gen. 3. 15. thou shall bruise his A. 25. 26. Esau's A. Hos. 12. 3.||49. 17. horse A. Job 13. 27. j 18. 9.||Ps. 41.9.1iftup A.John 13.18. Psal. 49. 5. iniquity of my A.lJJer. 13, 22. thy A. HEGAI, or HEGE, Sighing^ or speech. Esth. .J* \)y Oy 1 5< HEIFER, s. Gen. 15. 9. take me an A. of three Num. 19.2. bring a red A.t]5. burn the A. 9. Deut. 21.4. strike off A.neck,6.||Judg. 14. 18. 1 Sam. 16. 2. take an A.||Isa. 15. 5. Moab. as A. Jer. 46. 20. Egypt is a A.1148; 34. as an A. 50. 11. Hos 4. 16. as a backsliding A. 10. 11. Heb. 9. 13. the ashes of an A. sprinkling unclean HEIGHT, A\ Gen. 6. 15. A. of ark thirty cubits Exod. 25. 10. cubit and ahalf A. of it, 23.|37.1,10. 27. 1. A. of the altar shall be three cubits, 38. 1, 18. A. of the court shall be five cubits, 38. 18. 30. 2. A. of altar of incense two cubits, 37. 25. 1 Sam. 16. 7. A. of his stature || 17. 4. Goliath's A. 1 Kings 6. 2. A. of house|i20. oracle||26. cherub 2 Chr. 33. 14. a very great A.l|Job 22. 12. God in Psal. 102. 19. A. of sanctuarylJProv. 25.3. for A. Isa. 7. 11. or in the A.|| 14. 14. | 37. 24. Jer. 31. 12. A. of Zionl)49. 16. holdeththeA. 51. 53. tho' she fortify the A. of her strength Ezek. 17. 23. A. of Israel, 20.40.1|19. 11. in her A. 31. 5. his A. was exalted, 10, 14.||32. 5. thy A. Dan. 3. 1. an image whose A. || 4. 10. tree, 11. Amos 2. 9. A. of cedarslJRom. 8. 39. nor A. nor Eph. 3. 18. what is the A.|]Rev. 21. 16. A. of city HEIGHTS. Job9. fS- I ll-fS- Psal. 95. t4. 1148.1. Eccl. 10. t 6. Isa, 35. 1 16. HEINOUS, a. Job 31. 11. this is an A, crime HEIR, S. s. Gen. 15. 4. not be A. 21. 10. 2 Sam. 14. 7. destroy the A. ||Prov. 30.23. A. to her Jer. 49. 1. hath he no A. || 2 Israel shall be A. Mic. 1, 15. yet will I bring an A. to thee, O Matt. 21. 38. this is A. Mark 12. 7. Luke 20. 14. Rom 4. 13. A. of the worldl|l4. they of law be A. 8.17. then A. of God, and joint A. with Christ Gal. 3. 29. ye are A.||4. 1. A. as long as he is 4. 7. if a son, then an A. || 30. shall not be A. Eph. 3. 6. fellow A.jjTit. 3. 7. A. according to hope Heb. 1. 2. A. of all things || 14. A. of salvation 6. 17. A. of promisejl 11. 7. became A, of right. 1 1. 9. and Jacob; h, with him of thesame promise ./ HEL liEL #v y I Jam. 2. 5. ft. of the kingd. |) 1 Pet. 3. 7. as h. log. ^HELAM, Their army. 2 Sam. 10. 16. HELBON, Milky or fatness. Ezek. 27. 18. HELDAI, Thetvorld. 1 Chr. 27. 15. HELD, V. Exod. 17.11. when MosesA.up||36.12. Judg. 7. 20. /t. the lamps \\ 16. 26. lad that A. him Ruth 3. 15. she h. it |j 1 Sam. 25. 36. h a feast 52 Sam. 18. 16. ft. back || 1 Kings 8. 65. ft. a feast 2 Chr. 4. 5. sea ft. |j Neh. 4. i7. ft. a weapon Job 23. 11. my foot ft. |1 Psal. 32. 9. ft. in |j 94. 18. SongS. 4. 1 ft. him |j 7. 5. the kmg is ft. Jer. 50. 33. ft. fast|| Dan. 12. 7. ft. up his right Acts 14. 4. part ft. w ith Jews || Rom. 7. 6. were HELD Peace. Gen. 24.21. j 34. 5. Lev. 10. 3. Num. 30. 7, 11, 14. 1 Sam. 10. 27. 2 Kin. 18. 26. Neh, 5. 8. Job 29. 10. Psal. 39. 2. Isa. 36. 21. I 57. 11. Matt. 26. 63. Mark 3. 4. j 9. 34. Luke 14. 4. Acts 11.18.|15.13. HELEB, The icorld, or climbing up. 2 Sam. 23.29. HELED, The same. 1 Chr. 11. 30. HELEK, A part, or portion. N um. 26. 30. HELEM, Dreaming', or healing. 1 Chr. 7. 35. Zech. 6. 14. HELEPH, A changing. Josh. 19. 33. HELEZ, Armed, or set free. 2 Sam. 23. 26. HELI, Ascending, or climbing up. Luke 3. 23. HELKAB, HELKAI, A portion, Josh 21. 31. Neh. 12. 15. HF.1lK-\.TH, A portion, or diciding. Josh. 19.25. HELKATH-HAZZURIM, The field of strong men, or rocks. 2 Sam. 2. 16. HELKIAH, The gentleness,or portionofthe Lord. 2Kin. 18. 18. HELL, s. In Hebrew, Scheol. It signifies, [1] The grave, Gen. 37. t35. Psal. 16.10. [21 Deep and dreadful sorrows, Psal. 18. 5. £yj The whole aryny of wicked spirits. Matt. 16. 18. [4] The state and place vf the damned, Luke 16. 23. Deut. 32, 22. a fire shall burn unto lowest ft. 2 Sam. 22. 6. sorrows of ft. Psal. 18. 5. | 116. 3. Job 11. 8. deeper than ft. || 26. 6. ft. is naked Psal. 9. 17. turned into ft. ||49. 1 15. power of ft. 55. 15. quick into ft. || 86.13. the lowest ft. 116. 3. pains of ft. || 139. 8. my bed in ft. Prov. 5. 5. steps take hold on ft. || 7. 27. way .to ft. 9. 18. depths of ft. || 15. 11. ft. and destruction 15.24. ft. beneath )j 23. 14. his soul from ft. 27. 20. ft. and destruction are never full Isa. 5. 14. ft. hath enlarged ||14. 9. ft. from beneath 14. 15. down to ft.||28. 15. with ft. at agreement 57. 9. and didst debase thyself even to ft. Ezek. 31. 16. down to ft. 17- | 32. 21, 27. Amos 9. 2. dig into ft. || Jonah 2. 2.. belly of ft. Hab. 2. 5. who enlargeth his desire as ft. Matt. 5. 22. in danger of ft. |j 29. into ft. 30. 10. 28. destroy soul and body in ft. Luke 12. 5. 11. 23. Capern. brought down to ft. Luke 10.15. 16. 18. gates of ft. || 18. 9. cast in ft. Mark 9. 47. 23. 15. child of ft.|j 33. escape damnation of ft. Luke 16. 23. in ft. he lift up his eyes, in torment Acts 2. 27. not leave my soul in ft. Psal. 16. 10. 1 Cor. 15.t55. O ft. II Jam. 3. 6. set on fire of ft. S Pet. 2. 4. but cast angels down to ft. and Rev. 1. 18. keys of ft. |) 6. 8. ft. followed with 20. 13. death and ft. delivered up the dead, I'i. H£LM;S. The rudder of a ship. Jam. 3.4. ST fiEVMET,S,3.Anheadpiece,orarm6urforlhehea'3,' 1 Sam. 17. 5. ft. of brass, 38. || 2 Chr. 26. 24. Isa. 59. 17. ft. of salvation || Jer. 46. 4. your ft. Ezek. 23. 24. shield and ft. 27. 10. | 38. 5. Eph. 6. 17. the ft. of salvation, 1 Tlies. 5. 8. HELON, Grief Eliabs father. Num. 1. 9. HELP, s. Gen. 2. 18. an ft. meet, 20. Exod. 18. 4. G. of my fathere, said he, was my 1u Deut. 33. 7. an ft. to him jj 26. in thy ft. 29. Judg. 5. 23. came not to the ft. of the Lord 1 Sam. 11.9. ye shall have ft. || 2 Chr. 20. 4. ask Job 16. 13. is not my ft. in me |j 31. 21. my ft. Psal. 3. 2. no ft. for him || 20. 2. Lord send thee ft. 27. 9. been my ft. \\ 33. 20. Lord, he is our lu 35. 2. and stand up for my ft. 44. 26. 40. 17. thou artniy ft. 63. 7. | 70. 5. 42. 5. ft. of his countenance {j 46. 1. a present ft. 60. 11. give us ft. for vain is the ft. 108. 12. 71. 12. make haste for my ft. |) 89. 19. laid ft. 94. 17. had been my ft. || 115. 9. their ft. 10. 121. 1. hills, from whence cometh my ft. 2. 124. 8. our ft. is in the name of the Lord 146. 3. in man, no ft.|j5. God of Jacob for his ft. Isa. 10. 3. to whom will ye flee for ft. 20. 6. 30. 5. nor be an ft. || 31. 1. to Egypt for ft. 2. Lam. 4. 17. our vain ft. |) Dan. 11. 34. a little ft. Hos. 13. 9. in me is thy ft.||Acts 26. 22. obtained ft. HELP, V. Gen. 49. 25. who shall ft. thee Exod. 23. 5. thou shalt surely ft. him, Deut. 22.4. Deut. 32. 38. let them rise and ft. you, and be Josh. 1. 14. ft. them|jlO. 4. ft. me, 6.||33. came to ft. 2 Sam. 10. 11. then ft. me, I'll ft. 19. 1 Chr. 19.12. 14. 4. woman said, ft. O king, 2 Kings 6. 26. 1 Chr. 12. 17. to ft. me || 22. to David to ft. him 1 R. 5. Syrians came to ft. |( 22. 17. to ft. Solomon 2 Chr. 14.1 1 . nothing with thee to ft. ft. us, O Lord 19. 2. ft. the ungodly \\ 20. 9. wilt hear and ft. 25. 8. G. hath power to ft. || 26. 13. ft. the king 28.23. gods of Syria ft. them, that they may ft.me 29. 34. Lcvites did ft. |) 32. 8. is God to ft. us Ezra 1. 4. ft. him |j 8. 22. ashamed to require ft. Job 8. 20. nor ft. evil doers \\ 29. 12. none to ft. Psal. 12. l.ft. Lord, 22. 19.|33.22. | 40. 13.|70. 1, 22. 11. none to ft. |J 37. 40. Lord shall ft. them 46. 5. G, shall ft. her || 59. 4. awake to ray ft. 79. 9. ft. us, O God||10r.l2. none to ft. Isa. 63. 5. 109. 26. ft. ir^e, O L. || 118. 7. them that ft. me 119. 86. ft. me, 173. || 175. let thy judg. ft. me Eccl. 4. 10. he hath not another to ft. him up Isa. 30. 7. for the Egvptians shall ft. in vain, and 41. 10. I'll ft. thee, fs. 14.|44. 2.||50.7. G. will ft. Jer. 37. 7. come to ft.him||Lam. 1. 7. none did ft. Ezek. 12. 14. to ft. him |) 32. 21. that ft. him Dan. 10. 13. came to ft. me || 11. 45. none shall ft. Matt. 15. 25. Lord ft. me, Mark 9. 22, 23. Luke 5. 7. beckoned to ft. || 10. 40. that she ft.me Acts 16. 9. come and ft. us|^21. 28. men of Israel ft. Phil. 4. 3. ft. those worn. j| Heb. 4. 16. grace to ft. HELPED,;). Exod. 2. 17. Moses ft. them, and 1 Sam 7. 12. Eben. hitherto hath the Lord ft. us 1 Kin. 1. 7. ft. Adonijahjl 20. 16. Kings which ft, 1 Chr. 5. 20. they were ft. || 12. 19. ft. them not 12. 21. ft. David || 15. 26. God ft. the Levites 2Chr.l8.l3.L.ft.Jehoshaphat||20.23. ft. to destroy 26. 7. God ft, him, 15. || 28. 21. ft. him not Ezra 10. 15. ft. them jj Esth. 9. 3. officer ft. Jews I Job 26. 2. how hast thou ft. him that is without jp?a1. 28. 7. lam ft. (j 116. 6. he ft. me^^ 118. 13, HER HER Jsa. 41. 6. h. every one [] 49. 8. have I h. thee Zeth. 1. 13. and they h forward the affliction Acis 18. 27. h. them aiucii || Rev. 12. 16. earth A, HELPER, s. 2 Kings 14. 26. nor h. for Israel Job 30. 13. they have no h. \\ Psal. 10. 14. the h Psal. 22.tll. nota A.||30. 10. L. be thou mine K 54. 4. God is my h. \\ 72. 12. that hath no h. Jer. 47. 4. cut oii" from Tyrus and Zidon every h. Rom. 16. 9. Urbane our A.jjH^b. 13. 6. L is my h. HELPERS, s. 1 Clir. 12. 1. h. of the war|| 18. Job 9. 1 3. proud A.||Ezek. 30.8. her A. be destroyed Nail. 3. 9. Put, thy h. \\ Rom. 16. 3. Aquilia my h. 2 Cor. 1. 24. h. of your joy || 3 John 8. fellow h. HELPS, s. Acts 27. 17. 1 Cor. 12. 28. HELPETH, V. 1 Chr. 12. 18. thy God A. thee Isa. 31.3. both he that A. shall fall, and he that Rom. 8. 26. h. our infirmities j| 1 Cor. 16. 16 HELPING,;). Ezra 5. 2. Psal 22. 1. 2 Cor. 1.11. HELVE, s. Dent. 19. 3. slippeth from the h. HEiVtAN, Their trouble, or tumult. Gen. 36. 22. iChr. 1. 39. HEM AN, Much; ox an uproar. Psal. 88. 1. 1 Kin. 4. 31. wiser than /f.jjl Chr. 2. 6. Zerah H. 1 Chr. 6. 33. if. asinger 13. 17, 19. | 16.42. 25. 1. David appointed sons of Asaph, H. 4, 6. 2 Chr. 3. 12. I 29.14. j 35.15. 5. all these sons of if. God gave H. 14 sons HEMDAN, Desire, or heat of judgment. Gen. 36. 26. called Amram, 1 Chr. 1. 41. HEMLOCK. Hos. 10. 4. Amos 6. 12. HEM, S, s. Exod. 28. 33. | 39. 24. Blatt. 9. 26. HEN, Grace, quiet, or rest. Zech6. 14. HEN, s. Matt.23.37. as a h. gathereth,Lukel3.34 HEN A, A troubling. 2 Kings 18. 34. | 19. 13 HEN AD AD, Grace of the beloved. Ezra 3. 9. Neli.3. 18,24. HENCE, ad. Exod. 33. 15.,cari7 us not up h. 1 Kinijs 17. 3. get thee h. Isa. 30. 22. Matt. 4. 10. Psal. 39. 13. before I go A.yjohn 14. 31. let us go h. John 20. 15. if borne him h. \\ Acts 1. 5. | 22. 21. Jam. 4. 1. come they not h. even of your lusts HENCEFORTH, ad. Gen. 4. 12. not h. yield Dent. 17. 16. h. returano more that way 19. 20. h. commit no more|jJndg. 2. 21. I'll not h. 2 Kin. 15. 17. h. not offer] |2 Chr. 16: 9. h. have war psal. 125. 2. from A. 131. 3. Isa.9.7.|52. l.|59.21. Ezek. 36. 12. no more A. |j Mic. 4. 7. from A. Matt. 23. 39. not see me A. || 26. 29. not drink A. Lukel. 48. from A. 5. 10.|12.32. John Acts 4. 17. speak A. to no man (] 18. 6. A. I'll go Rom.6.6.A. notserve sin, 2 Cor. 5. 15.||16.A.know Gal. 6. 17. from A. 2 Tim. 4. 8. Heb. 10. 13. Eph. 4. 14. A. be no more children tossed, 17. Rev. 14. 13. blessed who die in the Lord, from A. HENCEFORWARD. Num. 15.23. Matt.il. 19. HENOCH, Taught, or dedicate. 1 Chr. 1. 33. HEPHER, A digger. Num. 26. 32,33. Josh. 17.2. HEPMZIBAH, My delight in her. Isa 6^^. 4. HERALD, s. " An officer at arms, whose business " is to proclaim war or peace, or to be employed by ^' the king in martial messages : They are ^^judgers and examiners of gentlemen's coats of '^^ arms ; marshal all solemnities at the coronation " of kings, funerals of princes, &c.'- Dan. 3. 4. then an A. cried aloud, co you it 'herb, s- Gen. 1. 11. the A, yielding, seed, 12. 39. every A. 2. 5. \\ 3. 18. eat A. (| 9. 3. as the A. Exod. 9. 22. smote A. ^5. H 10. 12. eat every A. 15. Deut. 32. 2. tender A. j| 2 Kings 19. 26. Isa. 37. 27. Job 8. 12. before any other h.\\ 38. 27. tender 4> Psal. 37. 2. as green A. || 104. 14. A. to grow Isa. 66. 14. your bones shall flourish like an A. HERBS, s. Exod. 12. 8. bitter A. Num. 9. 11. Deut. 11. 10. as a garden of A. 1 Kings 21. 2. 2 Kings 4. 39. to gather A.jjPsal. 105. 35. eat all A. Piov. 15. 17. dinner of A. II 27. 25. A. of mount. Isa. 18. 4. clear heat on A. || 26. 19. dew of A. 42. 15. dry up A. || Jer. 12. 4. how A. wither Mat.13.32. greatestamongA.IJLuke 11.42. tithe A. Rom. 14. 2. eateth A. || Heb. 6.7.bringeth forth A. HERD, S. Gen. 18. 7. ran to the A. and fetched 32. 7. Jacob's A. ||47. 18. hath our A. of cattle Exod. 10.9. with A. will go||Lev. 1. 2.|3. l.|27.32. Deut. 12. 21. kill of thy A. 15. 19. 1| 1 Sam. 11. 5. 2 Sam. 12. 4. spared his A.||l Chr. 27. 29. A. inShar. Isa. 65. 10. place for A. || Jer. 31. 12. young of A. Joel 1, 18. A. of cattle |j Jonahs. 7. A. nor flock Hab. 3. 17. and there shall be no A, in the stalls Matt. 8. 30. a A. of swine feeding, 32. Mark 5. 11. Luke 8. 32. HERD MAN, s. Amos 7. 14. but I was an A. HERDMEN, s. Gen. 13. 7, 8. | 26. 20. 1 Sam. 21.7. chiefest of A.|)Aiiios 1.1. A. of Tekoa HERE am I. Gen. 22. 1, 7, 11. | 27. 1, 18. i 31. 11. I 37. 13. I 46. 2. Exod. 3. 4. 1 Sam. 3. 4, 5, 6, 8, 16. 2 Sam. 1. 7. | 15. 26. Isa. 6. 8. HERE are we, ad. Job 38. 35. Acts 10. S3. HEREjoined wiHi there. 1 Kings 20. 30. Matt. '24. 23. Mark 13. 21. Luke 17. 21, 23. HEREAFTER, ad. Isa. 41. 23. things to come A. Ezek 20. 39. A. also || Dan. 2. 29. to pass A. 45. Mat.26.64.A. shall ye see Son of man, Luke 22. 69. Mark 11.14.A. for ever|| John 1.51. j 13. 7. 1 14.30. 1 Tim. 1. 16. A. believe||Rev. 1. 19. | 4. 1. 1 9.12. HEREBY, ad. Gen.42.15, 33. Num. 16.28. Josh. 3. 10. 1 Cor. 4. 4. 1 John 2. 3, 5. ( 3. 16, 19, 24. I 4. 2, 6, 13. HEREIN, ad. Gen. 34. 22. 2 Chr. 16. 9. John 4. 37. I 9. 30. I 15. 8. Acts 24. 16. 2 Cor. 8. 10, 1 John 4. 10, 17. HERES, The sun. A mount, Judg. 1. 35. HERESH, A carpenter. 1 Chr. 9. 15. HERESY, s. signifies, [1] A sect, Acts 26. t 5. I 28. t 28. [2] Pernicious and damnable doc- trines, 2 Pet. 2. 1. " Such as dissolve our " obligation to Christian obedience — overthrow " Christian worship — and subvert the founda- " tion of Christian faith and hope." Acts 24. 14. after the way which they call h. HERESIES. iCor. 11. 19. Gal. 5.20. 2Pet.2.I. HERETIC, s. Tit. 3. 10. an A. reject HERETOFORE, ad. Exod. 4.10.|5.7. Josh. 3.4. Ruth 2. 21. 1 Sam. 4. 7. 2 Cor. 13. 2. HEREUNTO, ad. Eccl. 2. 25. 1. Pet. 2.21. HEREWITH, ad. Ezek. 16. 29. Mai. 3. 10. HERITAGE, «. signifies, [1] A portion w posses- sion, Exod. 6. 8. ! 2] The Church of Christy Psal. 94. 5. Mic. 7.^ 18. [3j God, who is the saints heritage, Psal. 16. 6. Exod. 6.8. foranA.|IJob 20.29. A. appointed byG. j Job 27. 13. A. of oppressors] jPsal. 16. 6. goodly A. P.sal. 61. 5. given me the A. || 94. 5. afflict t!iy A. 111.6. A. of heathe»{jll9. 111. testimonies and A. HEZ HID Psal. 127.5. child an /i. || 135. 12. for an A. 136. 21. Isa. 54. 17. this is the A. |j 58. 14. h. of Jacob Jer. 2. 7. mine h. \\ 3. 19. a goodly h. of the 12. 7. mine A. 8, 9. || 15. his h. || 17. 4. | 30. 11. Joel 2. 17. thy A. to reproach || 3. 2. my h. Israel Mic. 2. 2. a man and his /i. |j 7. 14. flock of, 18. Mai. 1. 3. A. waste |( 1 Pet. 5. 3. over God's h. HERITAGES, s. Isa. 49. 8. the desolate h. HERMES, Mercury, or gain. Rom. 16. 14. HERMOGINES, Begotten of Mercury. 2 Tim. 1. 15. HERMON, Destruction. A mount, Deut. 3. 9. Josh. 13. 11. Ps. 89. 12. I 133. 3. Song 4. 8. KERMONITES. Psalm 42. 6. HEROD, The glory of the skin. Matt. 2. 1. I 14. I.Luke 3.1. Acts 4. 28. j 12. 21. |13. 1. HERODIANS, A sect who believed that Herod was the Messiah, Matt. 22. 16. Mark 3. 6. I 12. 13. HERODIAS. Matt. 14. 3, 6. Mark 6. 17, 19. HERODION, Song of Jnm. Rom. 16. 11. HERO'S, An uncleanbird,L,ey.ll.l9.Deat.H.l8. HESED. 1 Kings 4. 10. HESHBON, Invention, thought. Num. 21. 25. Num. 21. 26. H. city of Sihon 1 27. come into H. 28. lire gone out of || 30. H. is perished. 32. 37. built if. |) Deut. 1. 4. || 2. 24. king of Judg. 11. 26. dwelt in JFf.Jj Neh. 9. 22. king of Song 7. 4. eyes like the nsh-pools of H. Isa. 15. 4. H. shall cry|| 16. 8. languish, 9. Jer. 48. 2. in H. devised evil|j 34. cry of H. 45. fire come out of H. \\ 49. 3. howl O H. HESHMON, A hasty message. Josh. 15. 27. HETH, Trembling, or fear. Gen. 10. 15. | 23. 3. HETHLON, Feaiful dwelling. Ezek. 48. 1. HEW, V. Exod. 34. 1. h. two tables, Deut. 10. 1. Deut, 12. 3. h. down images || 19. 5. to A. wood 1 Kings 5. 6. h. me cedar-trees out of Leb. 18. 1 Chr. 22. 2. to h. stones || 2 Chr. 2. 2. 80000 to h. Jer. 6. 6. h. trees |j Dan. 4. 14. h. down the tree HEWED, p. 1 Sam. 1 1.7. h. oxen || 1.5. 33.A.Agag 1 Kin. 5. 17. h. stones, 6. 36. 1 7. 9. 2 Kings 12. 12. Isa. 22. 16. h. a sepulchre |) Jer. 2. 13. h. cisterns Hos. 6. 5. therefore I have h. them by the propli. HEWER, S. Deut. 29. 11. the h. of thy wood Josh. 9. 21. h. of wood, 27. || 1 Kin. 5. 15. 80000 /i. 2 Chr. 2. 10. I'll give h.\\ Jer. 46. 22. of wood HEWETH, V. Isa. 10. 15. that h. 22. 16. | 44. 14. HEWN, p. Prov. 9. 1. h. out her seven pillars Isa. 10. 33. h. down, 33. 9.||51. 1, whence ye are A. Matt. 3 10. h. down, 7. 19. || 27. 60. h. out of rock HEZEKIAH, Strength of the Lord. 2 Kin. 16. 20. H. reigned 1| 18. 15. gave silver 18. 22. whose altars H taken away, Isa. 36. 7. 29. let not H. deceive, 2 Chr. 32. 15. Isa.36. 14. 19. 1. H. heard it || 15. prayed, Isa. 37. 1, 15. 20. 1. was sick || 3. wept sore, Isa. 38. 1, 3. 5. turn ag. tell H. |j 12. present to H. Isa. 39.1. 19. H. said, good is word of the Lord, Isa.39. 8. 21. slept with his fathers, 2 Chr. 32. 33. 2 Chr. 29. 26. H. rejoiced |1 30. 20. L. hearkened 30. 22. H. spake comfortably to the Levites 31. 2. H. appointed the courses of priests 22. 8. rested on words of ii. || 17. God of H. 22. Lord saved H. \\ 25, H. rendered not again 26. wrath in days of ff. || 30. prospered Prov. 35. 1. men of if. copied |j Jer. 15.4. son of Jer. 26. 18. Micah prophesied in days of,Mic.l.l. Hos. 1. 1. m days of if. || Matt. 1 9. begat H. HEZIR, A hog. 1 Chr. 24. 15. Neh. 10. 20. HEZRON, The arrow of joy, or division of the song. Gen. 49. 6. sons of Reuben H. Exod. 6. 14. 12. son of Pharez H. Ruth 4. 18. 1 Chr. 2. 5. Num. 26. 6. H. the family of the Hesromtes, 21. 1 Chr. 2. 9. sons of H. |) 18. Caleb the son of H. 21. H. begat Segub |) 24. after B. was dead HID. Gen. 3. 8. h. themselves, 10. \\ 4. 14. ^ be h. 35. 4. Jacob h. them || Exod. 2. 2. she h. Moses Exod. 2. 12. Moses h. him || 3. 6. Moses h. his face Lev. 4. 13. thing be h. from assembly, 5. 3, 4. Num. 5. 13. A. from herhusband|| Deut. 33. 19. Josh. 2. 4. Rahab h. spies, 6. 17. |) 7. 22. it was h. 10. 16. five kings h. themselves in a cave, 17. Judg. 9. 5. Jotham h. himself || 1 Sam. 3. 18 1 Sam. 10.22. Saul A. hims. |j 20. 24. David h. hiras. 2 Sam. 17. 9. behold, he is h. now in some pit 18. 13. no matter h. from the king, 1 Kings 10. 3. 2 Chr. 9. 2. 1 Kings 18. 4. Obadiah k. the prophets, 13. 2 Kings 4. 27. Lord hath h.it\\ 6. 29. h. her son 11. 2. h. him and his nurse, 2 Chr. 22. 11. Job 3. 10. nor h. sorrow |121. than h. treasures 23. whose way is h. || 5. 21. be h. from scourge 6. 16. snow is h. \\ 10. 13. things hast thou h. 15. 18. not h. it I j 17. 4. h. their heart from 20. 26. darkness beA.|| 28. 11. thmg h. 21. 29. 8. h. themselves |) 38.30. waters are h. Psal. 9. 15. net they h.\\ 17. 14. thy h. treasure 19 6. nothing h. |) 22. 24. nor h. his face from 32. 5. iniquity not h. |j 35. 7. /*. their net, 8. 38. 9. groaning not A. || 40. 10. I've not A. thy 55. 12. A. myself II 69. 5. sins not h. from thee 119 11. thy word I A. ||139. 15.substanct not A. Prov. 2. 4. A. treasure || Isa. 28. 15. A. our.selves Isa. 29. 14. prudent be A. \\ 40. 27. niy way is A, 42. 22. A. in prison-houses || 49. 2. hath he A. 50. 6. I A. not my face \\ 53. 3. we A. as it 54. 8. I A. my face |j 57. 17. I A. me, and 59. 2. A. his face, 64. 7. || 65. 16. they are A. Jer. 13. 5. so I A. it || 16. 17. they are not A. 33. 5. I A. my face fj 36. 26. L. A. them || 43. 10. Ezek. 22. 26. A. their eyes || 39. 23. h. my face, 24. Hos. 5. 3. Israel is not A. II 13. 12.hissiuis A. 14, Amos 9, 3. tho' they be A. |j Obad. 6. his A. things Nah.3.11.thoushaltbeA.||Zech.2.3.yeshallbeA, Matt. 5. 14. that is set on a hill cannot be A. 10, 26. nothing A. that shall not be known, Mark 4. 22. Luke 8. 17. 1 12. 2. 11.25.A. these things from the wise, Luke 10. 21. 13.33. A. in three measures of meal, Luke 13. 21. 44. a treasure A.|| 25. 25. I A. thy talent in Mark 7. 24. he could not be A. |j Luke 1. 24. A. her Luke8.47.saw she was not A.||9.45.saying A. 18.34. 2 Cor. 4. 3. if gospel be A. || Eph. 3. 9. A. in God Col. 1. 26. A. from ages || 2. 3. A. all || 3. 3. life A. 1 Tim. 5. 25. cannot be h. || Heb. 11. 23. Moses A. Rev. 6. 15. bond and freeman A. themselves HIDDAI, A praise^ or a cry. 2 Sam. 23. 30. HIDDEKEL,^ sharp voice. Gen.2.l4. Dan.10.4. HIDDEN, p. Lev. 5. 2. if it be A. from hun Deut. 30. 11. it is not A.|| Job 3. 16. as are A. Job 15. 30, his yeai-s A. || 24. 1. times are not A. HIG HIG Psal. 51. 6. in the h. part || 83. 3. thy A. oiies Isa. 45. 3. L riches 1| 48. 6. h. things, Jer. 33. f 3. Zeeh. ll.t 16. not visit A. y Acts '26. 26. are A. 1 Cor. 2. 7. A. wisdom || 4. 5. A. things of darkness 2 Cor. 4. 2. renounced A. things of dishonesty 1 Pet. 3. 4. the A. man || Rev. 2. 17. A, manna HIDE, s. Lev. 8. 17. Iiis A. burn, 9. 11. HIDE, V. signifies, [1] To conceal, Gen. 18, 17. Psal. 32. 5. [2] To pardon, Psal. 31. 9. [3] To protect and keep safe, Psal. 27. 5. | 83. 3. [4] To , s. 1 Sam. 14. 27. dipt hi A. - Psal. 19.1 0. sweeter than|iProv.5. 3. drop as the A.- Prov. 16. 24. words as A. -|i24. 13. eat A. -j| 27. 7. Song 4. 11. drop as A. - |j 5. 1. 1 have eat my A. - Luke 24. 42. they gave him a piece of an A. - HONOUR, s. Reverence, respect, dignity, or great- ness. To honour Christ, is to pay him the same adoration and worship ivhich we give to the Father, John 5. 23. Gen. 49. 6. my A. be not thou united : for Exod. 8.t9. this A.|jl4. 17. I'll get A. on Phar. 18. Num. 22. 17. promote thee to A. 24. 11. |i27. 20. Deut. 26. 19. hmh in A. |l Judg. 4. 9. not for thy A. Judcj. 13. 17. do thee A.|,2 Sam. 6. 22. he had m A. 1 Kings 3.13. 1 yiven thee riches and A, 2 Chr.1.12. 1 Chr. 16.27. glory and A.1|17. 18. A- of thy serv. ?y. 12. A. come of theeli28. full of riches and A. 38 2 Chr. 17. 5. Jehoshaphat had A. in abundance 26. 18. nor shall it be for thy A. from the Lord 32. 27. Hezekiah had much riches and A. 33. Esth. 1. 4. A. of his majesty 1| 20. to husbands A. 6. 3. what A.|jt6. in whose A.jjS. 16. Jews had A. Job 14. 21. sons come to A. || Psal. 7. 5. A. in dust Psal. 8. 5. crowned him with h. Heb. 2. 7, 9. 21. 5. A. and majesty |j 26. 8. thine A. dw^elieth 29.t2. h. of his name |) 49. 12. being in A. 20. 66. 2. of his name \\ 71. 8. fdled with thy A. 96. 6. A. and majesty, 104. 1. |j 112. 9. with A. 145. 5. A. of thy m.ajestyll 149.9. this A. have Piov. 3. 16. riches and A. 8. 13.122. 4.|j4.8. thee to 5. 9. thy A. to others Ij 11. 16. retaineth A. 14. 28. the king's A.||i5. 33. before A. is, 18. 12. 20. 3. is an A. fora man|| 21. 21. findeth A. 25. 2. A. of kings to search jj 26. 1. A. to fool, 8. 29. 23. h. shall uphold || 31. 25. strength and A. P^ccl. 6. 2. G. hath given A |jlO. 1. in reput. for A. Jer. So. 9. be to men an A. before all nations Dan. 2. 6. great A.||+. 30. A. of my majesty 4. 36. my A. 5. 18. |j 11. 21. A. of the kingdom ^*al. 1. 6. if then I be a father, where is mine A. Matt. 13. 57. not without A. save in his own country, Mark 6. 4. John 4 44. John 5.41. not A. from men||44. receive A. |; 8. 54. Rom. 2. 7. glory and A. || 10. A. to every man 9.21. vessel to A,|)12. 10. in A. pref || 13. 7. render 1 Cor. 12. 23. abundant A. 24. jj 2 Cor. 6. 8. by A. Col. 2. 23. not in any A. |j 1 Thes. 4. 4. vessel in A. 1 Tim. 1. 17. to only wise G. beA. |!3. 17. double A. 6. 1. Avorthy of all A. || 16. to whom be A. 2 Tim. 2. 20. vessels, some to h. some to dish. 21. Heb. 3. 3. more A. || 5. 4. no mantaketh this A. 1 Pet. 1. 7. found to h. |j 2.t7. believe, he is an A. 3. 7. A. to the wise || ^ Pet. 1.17. received A. Rev. 4. 9. glory and A. 11. 1 5. 12,13. | 7. 12.|19. 1. 19. 7. sive A. to him|'21.24. glory and A. to it, 26. HONOUR,!'. Exod. 20. 12. h. thy father and thy mother, Deut. 5. 16. Matt. 15. 4. | 19. 19. Mark 7. 10. j 10. 19. Luke 18. 20. Eph. 6. 2. Lev. 19. 15. not A. the person || 32. A. face of old Judg. 9. 9. wherewith they A. God and man 1 Sani. 2. 30. A. me I'll A. || 15. 30. yet A, me now 2Sam.l0.3.thinkestthatDaviddothA. 1 Chr.19.3. Esth.6.6. delightethto A.7,9,ll.||Psal 91.15.111 A. Prov. 3. 9. A. the Lord with thy substance, and Isa. 29. 13. lips do A me || 43. 2i;. A. rae|| 58. 13. Dan. 4. 37. 1 extol A. || 11. 38. A. G. offerees John 5. 23. A. the Sonj'8. 49. 1 A. my Father, and 8. 54. if I A. myself||'l2. 26. will my Father A. - 1 Tim. 5. 3 A. widows 1| 1 Pet. 2. 17. A. all men HONOURABLE, «. Gen. 34. 19. was more A. Num. 22. 15. Baiak sent princes more A. than 1 Sam. 9. .6 he is an A. manli22. 14. David is' A. 2 Sam. 23. 19. most A. uf three, 1 Chr. 1 1. 21. 23. more A. than thirty |l 2 Kings 6. 1. Naaman 1 Chr. 4. 9. Jabezmove A.J! 11. 25. A. amor.g, 30. Job 22. 8. earth, and the A. man dwelt m it Psal. 45. 9. thy A. women |: 111. 3. his work is A. Isa. 3. 3. A. man, 5. || 5. 13. A. men famished 9. 15. ancient and A. jj 23.-8. h. of tiie earth, 9. 42. 21. will maanify the law, and make it A. 43. 4. hast been A. || 58. 13 holy of the Lord A, Nah.3.10. herA. menjIMark 15. 43. A. counseller Luke i4.8.1esta moreA. IJActs 13.50. A.wora.l7. 13. HOP HOR ^ Cor. 4. 10. ye are /*. |) 1 2. 23. we think less h. Heb. 13.4. marriage is h. in ail, and bed undefiled HONOURED. Exod. 14. 4. I II be h. on Piiar. Prov. 13. 18. regardeth reproof, be /i.}|27. 18. Isa. 43. 23. nor h. nie|)Lam. 1. 8. all that ft. her Ij in. 5. 12. elders not h. \\ Dan. 4. 34. 1 h. him Acts 28. 10. who h. usjjl Cor. 12. 26. member h. HONOUREST,i\ 1 Sam. 2. 29. h. thy sons HONOURETH, V. Ps.l5. 4. h. them th .t fear L. Prov. 12. 9. that /i. himselfH 14. 31. he that h.. Mai. 1 . 6. a son h. his father, where is my honour Matt. 15. 8. and A. me with theirlips, Mark 7.6. John 5 23. h. not the Son I| 8. 54. Fa. that h. me HONOURS. Acts 28. 10. with many h. HOODS, s. Isa. 3. 23. I'll take awav the h. HOOF. Exod. 10.26. Lev. 11. 3,4,5,7 .^Deut. 14.7. HOOFS, s. Judg. 5. 22. the horse h. broken Psal. 69. 31. an ox with h. (| Isa. 5. 28. horses h. Jer. 47. 3. stamping of ft.||Ezek. 26. 11. | 32. 13. Mic. 4.13.1 will make thy h. brass, and thy HOOK, s. 2 Kin. 19.28. h. in thy nose, Isa. 37.29. Job 41. 1. canst thou draw leviathan with an h./ 2. Matt. 17. 27. go, and cast a A. and take up a fish HOOKS, s. Exod. 26. 32. /t. of gold, 37. | 36.36, 27. 10. A.of silver, J 1, 17. 1 38. 10,11, 12, 17, 19. Isa. 2.4. pruning ft. 18. 5. Joel 3. 10. Mic 4. 3. Ezek. 29. 4. I'll put ft. 38. 4. || 40. 43. were ft. Amos 4. 2. that he will take you away with ft. HOPE, s. " Is ajirm expectation of all promised " good things, so far as may be for our good " and God's glory, but especially of eternal sal- " vatioii.'* Hope is founded on the promise and oath of God, the grace, blood, righteousness, and intercession of Christ ; and the earnest of the Holy Spirit in our hearts. The subject of hope is a believer. The objects of hope are things, [l^ Good. [2] Great. [3] Future. [4] Hard, yet possible. [5] Promised. [6] Proper for, and suitable to us. Again, hope is a fruit of faith, and is distinct from it, as it hath for its objects only things future and good ; but the objects of faith, are good and evil, past, present, and to come. Hope IS put for, [1] The things hoped for, Col. 1. 5. [2] Jesus Christ, Acts 28. 20, [3] A certain persuasion, 2 Cor. 1.7. [4] The mat- ter or ground of hope, Prov. 19. 18. [5] The ivhole of religion. Eph. 1. 18.|2. 12. Ruth 1. 12. say I have ft. || Ezra 10. 2. ft. in Israel Job 4. 6. is this thy ft.||5. 16. the poorhath ft. 7. 6. spent without ft. t| 8. 13. ft. shall perish, l4. 11.18. there is ft.||20. ft. be as giving up of ghost 14. 7. ft, of a tree || 19. destroy est ft. of man 17. 15. as for my ft. || 19. 10. my ft. removed 27. 8. what is ft. of hypocrite, tho' he gained 31. 24. gold my ft. || 41. 9. ft. of him is vain Psal. 16.9. my tiesh shall rest in ft. Acts 2.26. 59. 7. my ft. is in thee|i71. 5. my ft. Jer. 17. 17. 78. 7. set their ft. in G. |j 119. 116. ashamed of ft. 146. 5. happy is he whose ft. is in the Lord Prov. 10. 28. ft. be gladness || 11. 7. ft. of unjust ' 13. 12. ft. deferred|)l4, 32. ft. in his death 19. 18. while there is ft.li26. 12.ft. of fool, 29. 20. Eccl.9. 4. thereisft.|[Isa. 57. 10. no ft. Jer. 2. 25. Jer. 14. 8. ft. of Israel, 17. 13.||1 7.7- whose ft. L.is gl. 17. ft. in thy endjj 50. 7. ft. of their fathers Lam. 3. 18. my ft, is perished from the Lord 21. have I ft.|)29. if there may be ft. Ezek. 19. 5. she saw that her ft. was lost, 37. 11. Hos. 2. 15. door of ft-jijoei 3. 16 ft. of his people Zech. 9. 12. prisoners of ft.||Acts 16. 19. ft. of gain Acts 23, 6. of the ft.I|24. 15.1 havce ft. toward G. 26. 6. ft. of the promise II 7. for which ft. sake 27. 20. ah ft. gone |'| 28. 20. for ft. of Israel Rom. 4. 18 believed in ft. || 5, 2. rejoice in ft. 5, 4. experience, ft. 5. || 8. 20. the same in ft. 8. 24. saved by ft.||12. 12. rejoicing in ft. patient 15.4. might have ft. ji 13. abound in ft. thro' 1 Cor. 9. 10, ploweth in ft.|il3. 13. abideth ft. 15. 19. if in this life only we have ft. in Christ 2 Cor. 1. 7. ft. ofyou,|;3. 12. have such ft. we use 10. 15. having ft.jjGai. 5. 5. wait for the ft, of Eph 1, 18.ft,ofhiscaliin:-||2. 12.no ft.|i4.4. one ft. Pliil. 1. 20. accord, to my ft.jiCol. 1, 5. ft. laid up Col. 1. 23. ft. of the gospeij|27. the ft. of glory 1 Thes. 1. 3. patience of ft.|i2, 19. what is our ft. 4. 13. who have no ft.||5. 8. ft. of salvation 2 Thes.2.16. good ft. thro' srace||l Tim. 1.1. our ft. Tit. 1. 2. m ft. of eternal life, 3. 7.||2. 13. blessed ft. Heb. 3 6. rejoicing of ft. |} 6. il, assurance of ft. 6, 18. to lay hold on the ft. set before us, 19. 7, 1 9. a better ft. did |! 1 Pet. 1. 3. a lively ft. 1 Pet 1. 21. ft. might beinG.|!3. 15. reason of ft. 1 John 3. 3. every man that hath this ft. in him HOPE, V. Job 6 11. that I should ft. Psal. 22. 9. make me ft. |j 31 . 24. that ft. in the L. 33. 18. them that ft. in his mercy, 147. 11. 22 as we ft. in theej|38. 15. in thee do I ft. 42. 5. ft. thou in G. ll.|43. 5.||71. 14. I will ft. 119. 49.word on which thou hast caused me to ft. 81. soul fainteth, I ft. in thy word, 114.J130. 5.. 130. 7. let Israel ft. in the Lord, 131. 3. Isa. 38. 18. cannot ft.j.Lam, 3. 24, will I ft, 26, Ezek. 13.6. made others to ft.||Luke 6.34.ft. to rec. Acts '2.6.7. h. to come II Rom. 8. 24. why ft. for, 25. Pliil. 2. 23. I ft. to send||l Pet- 1. 13. ft. to the end HOPED. Esth. 9. 1. enemies ft. to have power Job 6. 20. were confounded because they had ft. Psal, 119. 43. for I have ft. in, 74, 147, 166. Jer. 3. 23. in vain is salvation ft. for from the hills Luke 23. 8. ft. to have seen||Acts 24. 6. ft. money 2 Cor 8.5. not as we ft.|jHeb, 11. 1. of things ft. for HOPETH, V. 1 Cor. 13. 7. charity ft. all thing.s HOPING, p. Luke 6. 35. lend, ft. for nothing 1 Tin). 3. 14. ft. to come unto thee shortly HOPHNI, A little fist. 1 Sam. 1. 3. j 2. 34. HOR, A hill, or shewing, ormount of conception^ or bringing forth Num. 20. 22. HORAM, Their hill. Josh. 10. 33. HOREB, All alone, or forsaken. A famous mountain in Arabia the Rocky, near to Sinai. Exod 3. 1 . Moses came to H. 1 Kings 19. 8. 17. 6. rock in H. || 33. Israel stript by H. Deut. 1, 6. spake to us in H. 4. 10, 15. j 5. 2. 9. 8. in H. ye provoked II 18. 16, desiredstin 1 King^ 8. 9. tables in the ark at H. 2 Chr. 5. 1©. Psal. 106. 19. a calf in H.||Mal. 4. 4. Moses in if. HOREM, An offering dedicated to God. A citij in Nephtah, Josh. 19. 38. HOR-HAGIDGAD, The hill of felicity, or jptfS- sage of cutting off. Num 33. 32, 33. HOKl, A prince, or chief . Gen. 36. 21. HORIMS, Princes. Pent. 2. 12. 22. HOR JftORITES, PrinceSf chiefs or free-horn. Gen. 14. 6. I S6. 21, 29. HORMAH, Da/ica^erf. Num. 14. 45. i 21. 8. HORN, s. is put for, [Ij Power, glory ^might, and strength. God is the liorn of my sal v ation, t Sam. 22. 3. [2] Kingdoms, rulers, and great p7'ovinceSfT)a.u. 7. 8. j 8. 5. [3j The dominion, power, and glory of the righteous, Psai. 92. 10. j 112. 9. [4J Tlie power f the wicked. Lam. 2. 17. [.5j Renown, Job 16. 5. — Hereof were natural, Exod. 21. 19. Artificial, Exod. 27. 1. Mystical, Dan. 7. 8. Metaphorical, Psal. 148. 14. 1 Sam. 2. 1. mine h. is exalted || 10. exalt the A. 16. 1. fill thy A. with oii|j 13. Sam. took the h. 2 Sam. 22. 3.* the h. of my salvation, Psal. 18. 2. 1 Kings 1. 39. took an h. of oil|jl Chr. '25.5. liftup A. Job 16. 15. 1 have defiled my h. in the dust Psal. 75. 4. to the wicked, lift not up the h. 5. 89. 17. h. be exalted, 24. | 92. 10. \ 11^. 9. 132. 17. h. of David to bud|j 148. 14. exalteth Jer. 48. 25. h. of Moab jj Lam. a. 3. h. of Israel Lam. -i. 17. set up A.lJEzek. 29.21. h. of Isr to bud Dan. 7. 8. a little A. 11, 21.||8. 5. a notable A. 8. 8. great h. broken, 21. (j 9. forth a little h. Zech. i. 21. which lift up their h. over the land Luke 1. 69. hath raised up an h. of salvation HORNS. Gen. 22. 13. caught by the h. and Exod. 27. 2. h. on four corners, 30. 2. | 37. 25. ^29. 12. A. ofaltar, Lev.4. 7. 18. 1.5. | 9. 9.| 16. 18. SO. 3 overlay the h. |j lO. atonenient on the h. Dan. 33. 17. his h. are like the h. of unicorn 1 Kings 2. 28. Joab caught h. jj 22. 11. h. of iron Psal. 22. 21. from h. of unicorns |( 69. 31. hath h. 75. 10. h. of righteous exalted||128.27. to the A. Ezek. '■27. 15. h of ivory || 34. 21. pusht with h. 4.'3. 15. from altar and upward shall be four h. Dan. 7. 7. had ten h. 8, 20, 24. || 8. 3. two h. 8. 6. had two h. 7. |) 20. two h. are kings of Amos 6. 13. taken h. \\ Mic. 4. 13. thy ?i. iron Hab. 3. 4. he had h. || Zech. 1.18. four A. 19, 21. Rev. 5. 6 Lamb having 7 A. || 12. 3. ten A. 13. 1. 13. 11. had two h. \\ 17. 3. ten A. 7. |) 12. ten kings See Rams. HORNET, S, s. A large, strong, stinging fly. By these the Lord plagued the enemies of Israel. ^' And it is said, that a Christian city, being *' besieged by Sapores, king of Persia, was de- *' livered by hornets ; for the elephants and " beasts being stung by them, waxed unruly, ^' and so the whole army fled." Wilson's Christ. Diet. Bxod. 23. 28. I'll send A.Deut. 7. 20. Josh. 24. 12, HORONAIM, Anger, or rage. Isa. 15.5. Jer. 48. 3, 5, 34. HORONITE, Anger. Neh. 2. 10, 19. i 13. 28. HORRIBLE, Ps. 11. 6. an A. tempest] |40. 2. A. pit Jer. 5. 30. a h. thing, 18. 13. j 23. 14. Hos. 6. 10. HORRIBLY. Jer. 2. 12. be A. afraid, Ezek.32.10. HORROR, s. Gen. 15. 12. an A. of great dark. Job 18. 1 20. laid hold on A |IPs. 55. 5. A. overwhel. Ps.ll9.53.A.liathtakenhoidl|Ezek.7. l8.A.cover HORSE, s. A well-known, useful creature. Gen. 49. 17. biteth A.heels||Ex. 15. 21. A. and rider Judg. 5. 22. were A. hoofs broken by pransings i Kings 10. 29. an A for 150 shekels,' 2 Chr. 1. 17. S9. 20. escaped on an h. jj 25. army lost h. for A. HOR a^l Esth. 6. 8. let the A. the king rideth on, 9, 10, 11. Job 39. 18. she scorneth the A.||19. the A. strength Ps. 32. 9. be not as the A.yss. 1 7. A. is a vain thing 76. 6. chariot and A. || 147. 10. strength of A. Prov. 21. 31. A. is prepared|;26. 3. whip for the A* Isa. 43. 17, chariot and A. |j 63. 13. deep, as avi k. Jer. 8. 6. as A. rusheth|!ol. 21. break A. and rider Amos 2. 15. nor he that rideth A. deliver himself Zech. 1. 8. a red h. || 9. 10. I'll cutoff the A. 12. 4. I'll smite every A. || 14. 15. piague of A. Rev. 6. 2. a white A. 19. 1 1. jj 6. 4. a red A. 5. a black A. (| 8. a pale A. i| 14. 20. A. bridles 19. 19. war against him that sat on the A. 21. HORSEBACK 2 Kin. 9. 18, 19. Esth. 6. 9, 11. Est. 8. 10. Mordecai sent letters by post on hi. HORSE-Gaf^. 2 Chr. 23. 15. Neh. 3. 28. Jer. 31. 40. fields to the corner of the h.gate HORSES, s. Gen. 47. 17. in exchange for /^ Exod. 9. 3. the hand of the Lord is on the A. Deut. 17. 16. but he shall not muhiply A. to 1 Kin. 4. 28. straw for the A, || 10. 23. brought h. 10. 28. A. out of Egypt, 2 Chr. 1. 16, 17. | 9. 28. 18. 5. to save the A. |j 22. 4. my A. are as thy A. 2 Kin. 2. 11. A. of fire p. 7. left their A. and fled 7. 10. A. tied |} 9. 33. Jezebel's blood on the A, 14.20. brought Amaziah on A. 2 Chr. 25. 28. 18. 23. I will deliver thee 2000 A. Isa. 36. 8. 23. 11. Josiah took away A. given to the sun Ezra 2 66. their A. were 736, Neh. 7. 68. Eccl. 10. 7. 1 have seen servants on A. and Isa. 2. 7. land full of A. \\ 5. 28. A. hoofs like 30. 1 6. we'll flee on A. |1 31. 1. stay on A. 3. Jer. 4. 13. A. swifter than eagles \\ 5. 8. as fed h? 6. 23. they ride on h. || 8. 16. snorting of A. 12. 5. how contend with A. || 46. 4, haniess /r, 47. 3. hoofs of A. 11 50. 42. shall ride on A. 51. 27. cause her A. to come as caterpillars Ezek. 17. 15. might give him A.jj 23. 6, 12. 23. 20. like issue of A. || 26. 10. abundance of A. 27. 14. traded in A. j) 38. 4. all thy army A. Hos. 1. 7. not save by h. |) 14. 3. not ride on A. Amos 4. 10. taken away your A. 1| 6. 12. shall h. Mic. 5. 10. 1 will cut oif thy A, out of thee Hab. 1. 8, A. are swifter than leopards || 3. 8, 15. Hag. 2. 22. I'll overthrow the A. and riders Zech. 1. 8. red A. 6. 2. \\ 6. 3. white || 6. black h. 10. 5 the riders on A. shall be confounded 14. 20. on bells of A. Holiness to the Lord Jam. 3. 3. behold, we put bits in the A, mouth Rev. 9. 7. locusts like A. |! 17. 1 saw the A. in 18. 13. merchandise of A. |i 19. 14. white A. 18. HORSELEACH. Prov. 30. 15. A. hath 2 daugh. HORSEMAN, s. 2 Kines 9. 17. Nah. 3. 3. HORSEMEN. Gen. 50. 9. went up h. and Exod. 14. 9. A. of Pharaoh, 17, 1 15. 19. Josh. 24. 6. 1 Sam. 8. 1 1. to be his A.jj 13. 5- 6000 A. asj Israel 2 Sam. 1 6. h. followed hard f, 10. 18. slew 40000 1 King^ 4. 26. Solomon had 12000 A. 10. 26. 9. 19. Sol. had cities for his- A. 22. 2 Chr. 8. 6. 20. 20. Benhadad escaped with his A. 2 Kings 2. 12. A. thereof |i 13. 7. but fifty A. 13. 14. h. of Israel |' 18. 24, tnist in Egypt for k. 2 Chr. 12. 3. came with 60000 A. ]! 16. 8. many A. Ezra 8. 22. ashamed to ask A. |i Neh. 2. 9. sent A. Isa, 21. 7. a couple of A. 9. II 22. 7. h. set in array 28. 28. not bnuse it with his A.jISl. 1. trust in A. 36. 9. wiit thou put thy trust in Egypt for h. HOS HOU (C ii it Jer. 4. 29. noise of the h. \\ 46. 4. get up, ye h. Ezek. 23. 6. all of them /i.|j^26. 7. ag. Tyriiswith A. 26. 10. noise of the ;i. || 27. 14. traded with h. 38. 4. bring A. || Dan. 11. 40. come with h. Hos. 1. 7. not save by h. \\ Joel 2. 4. as A. run Hab. I. 8. their A. shall spread themselves, and Acts 23. 23. makereddy h. threescore and ten, 32. Rev. 9. 10. the numoer of the army of A. were HOS A, or HOS AH, Trusting. Josh. 19. 29. HOSAMA, Obedience, or hearing. 1 Chr. 3. 18. HOSANNA, s. Sure, I beseech thee. It was a *' form of acclamation, which the Jews used in their feast of Tabernacles; in which also they used to carry boughs in their hands, Neh. 8. 15. as also to sing Psalms. Tliose boughs were called Hosaimas ; and to bind up Hosannas, is, properly, to bind up " bundles of ivillow boughs, which were most *' used among them.'" It is also, a form of blessing, or wishing well. Thus at our Sa- viour's entrance into Jerusalem, ivhen the people cried, Hosaiina to the Son of David, their meaning was, Lord, preserve this Son of David, tins kinir, heap favours and blessings on him. The word is found in Matt. 21. 9, 15. Mark 11. 9, 10. John 12. 1'3. HOSE A, Saviour, or salvation. Hos. 1. 1. HOSEN, s. Dan. 3. 21. bound in their h. HOSHAIAH, The salvation of the Lord. Neh. 12. 32. jer. 4^2. 1. | 43. 2. HOSHEA, Saviour, or salvation. Deut. 32. 44. 2 Kings 15. 30. | 17. 1, 3, 6. 1 Chr. 27. 20. Neh. io. 23. HOSPITALITY, s. Love, kijidness, and pity to those in need. In Rom. 12. 13. it signifies love to strangers, expj'essed in entertaining and using than kindly. Rom. 12. 13. distributing, given to h. 1 Tim. 3. 2. Tit. 1. 8. a lover of /i.(| I Pet. 4. 9. use h. to HOST,sLukel0.3.5.gavetoA.||Rom.l6.23.Gaius HOST, s. Get). 2. 1. finished, and all the h. of 21. 22. captain of his h. || 32. 2. this is God's h. Exod. 14. 4. on all his h. || 24. L. looked to h. of 28. waters covered all the h. \\ 16. 13. round h. Num. 2. 4. his h. 6,-23. |! 10. 14. h. of Jndah 10. 15. h. of Issac]>er|{ 16. h. of Zebnlon 18. Reuben |! 19. Simeon ji 31. 14. ofiicers of /t. Deut. 2. 14. wasted from the /i.||23. 9. whe,i h. go Josh. 1. 11. pass thro' the A. 3.2. | [5. 14. h. of the L. Judij. 4. 16. h. of Sisera Ij 7. 8. A. of Midian 7. 21. A. raii || 8. 11. Gideon smote the A. for 1 Sam. 14. 15. tremblit-g in tiie A. 19. || 50. 17. 20. David came a.> A. was gohig to fight 28. 3. wJien Saul saw the A. of the Piiilistines 19. A. of Israel |l 29. 6. thy coming in A. good fi Sam. 5. 24. L. sliail smite the A. of PInlistines 8. 9. smitten 7«. of Hadadezer, 1 Chr. 18. 9. 20. 23. Joab was over ail tiie A. i Chr. 18. 15. 23. 16. these three brake thro' tht A. 1 Chr. 11 . 18. 1 Kings 2. 32. Abner captain of A. An.asa cap. 35. Benaiah over A. || 16. 16. Omri capt. of A. 22. 34. turn thy hand, and carry me out of A. 2 Kings 3. 9. no water for A. \\ 6. 14. a great A. 6. 24. Benhauad gathered his A. and went 7. 4 let us fal! iiito A. of the Syrians, 6. 9.5. captains of A. were sittini: |l 18. J 7. sent A. 25. 1. Nebuchad. came and his A. against Jerus. 1 Chr. 9. 19. A. of the Lord 1| 12. 22. like A. of G. 2 Chr. 14. 9. Zerah came with an A. |j 16. 7. 16. 8. a huge A. \\ 24. 24. a great A, into their 26. 11. Uzziah had an A. \\ 28. 9. before the A. Psal. 27. 3. tho' an A. || 33. 6. all the A. of them 33. 16. multitude of an A. || 136. 13. Pharaoh's A; Isa. 13. 4. A. of battle 1| 24. 21. punish the A. of 40. 26. A. by number || 45. 12. all their A. have I Jer. 51. 3. destroy her A.||Ezek. 1. 24. noise of an A. Dan. 8. 11. magnified himself to the prince of . 12. an A. was given him against the daily, 13. Obad. 20. captivity of AjjLuke 2. 13. heavenly A. See Heaven. HOSTAGES, s. 2 Kings 14. 14. 2 Chr. 25. 24. HOSTS, s. Gen. 32. t 2. called the place two A. Exod. 12. 41. A. of the L. |! Josh. 10. 5. all their A. Judg. 8. 10. with their A.yi Kings 15. 20. capt. of A. Ps. 103. 21. all ye his A. || 108. 11. go with our A. 148. 2. praise, all his A. || Jer. 3, 19. A. of nations See GoD,XoRD. HOT, a. Exod. 16. 21. when sun waxed A. it Deut. 9. 19. A. displeasure [) 19. 6. heart is A. Josh. 9. 12. bread we took A. for our provision Judg. 2. 14. anger of Lord was h. against Israel, a)id he delivered, 20. | 3. 8. | 10. 7. 6. 39. anger be A. j' 9. t 30. iiis anger was h. I Sam. 11.9. by the sun be A.|j21. 6. put A. brea^ 1 Kings 3. t 26. her bowels were A. upon her son Neh. 7. 3. till sun be A. |) Job 6. 17. when it is A. Psal 6. 1. A. displeasure, 38. I. \\ 39. 3. heart A. 78. 48. A. thunder bolt'« || 85. t 3. from waxmg A. Prov. 6. 28. goonA. coal||Ezek.24. 11. brass be A. Dan. 3. 22. furnace A. 1| Hos. 7. 7. A. as an oven 1 Tim. 4. 2. a A. iron || Rev. 3. 15. cold nor A. 16. See Wax, Verb. HOTLY, a. Gen. 31. 36. so A. pursued after me? HOTTEST, a. 2 Sam. 11. 15. A. battle and HOTHAM, A seal. 1 Chr. 7. 32. | 11. 44. HOTHAN, The same. 1 Chr. 11. 44. HOTHIR, Exelling, or remaining, 1 Chron. 25 4 28 HOUGH, ED. Josh. 11. 6, 9. 2 Sam. 8. 4. HOUR, s. " The hours among the Jews were of two sorts : Some lesser, of which the day con- tained ticelve: Others greater, of which the day contained four, called hours of the Temple, or hours of prayer: But in truth there are but three hours of prayer, the third, the sixth, and the ninth." Godwyn^s Hebre\y Rites. It is put for, [Ij J certain time. Matt. 24. 56. [2] A short space. Rev. 18. 10, 17, 19. Dan. 3. 6. the same A. 15. | 4. 33. j 5. 5. 4. 19. then Daniel was astos.ished for one A, Matt. 8. 13. the same A. 10. 19.|26.55. Luke 12. 12. 9. 22. whole from that A. 15. 28. | 17. 18. 20. 3. about the third A. |J 5. about the sixth 6. eleventh A, jj 12. wrought but one A. and 24. 36. that A. knowcth no man, 42. Mark 13. 32. 44. an A. as ye think not, 50. Luke 12. 40, 46. 25. 13. day, nor the A. |) 26. 40. watch one A. 26. 45. the A. is at haijd, Mark 14. 37, 41. 27. 45. from sixth A. darkness, Mark 15. 33. 46. about ninth A. Jesus cried, Mark 15. 34. Mark 13. 11. given in that A. || 14. 35. | 15. 25. Luke 7. 21. same A. 20. 19. | 24. 33. John 4. 5$. 10. 21. in that A. Jesus rejoiced in spirit and 12. 39. what A. the tluef jJ 22. 14. A. was come HO0 HOU 4 Luke 22.53. this is your Zi. II 5 9. about space of an h. John 1. 39. about the tenth h.\\2. 4. h. not come 4. 6. about sixth ^. 19. 14. 1| 21. h. cometh, 23. 52. enquired the h. when he began to amend 5. 25. tlie h. is cominst, and now is, 28. | l6. 32. 7, 30. his h. not come, 8. 20. || 12. "23. h. is come 12. 27. save me from this h. but for this cause 13. t. Jesus knew that his h. was come, 17. 1. 16. 21. her h. is come || 19. 27. from that h. Acts 2. 15. itis but the tliird h. \\ 3. 1. h. of prayer 10. 3. about the ninth h. an angel coming 9. Peter went up to pray about the sixth h. 30. 16. 18. the same A. 33. | 22.1.3. || 23. 23. third /i. lCor.4.11.to this present A.|!15. 30.jeopardy ev-A. Gal. 2. 5. to whom we gave place, no not for an h. Rev. 3. 3. not know what h. Ill come upon thee 10. I'll keep thee from the h. of temptation 8. 1. space of half an h.\\ 9. 15. for an h. and 11. 13. the same A.|| 14. 7. h. of his judgment 17.12. one A. with the beast II 18.10. for in one h. 18. 17. in one h. so great riches is come, 19 HOURS, s. John 11. 9. are there not twelve h. Acts 5. 7. about 3 h. after I| 19. 34. about two h. HOUSE, s. signifies, [1] ^ dwelling place, Gen. . 19. 3. [2j Its inhabitants, Acts 10. 2. [3] Kindred, stock, or lineage, 2 Sam. 7. 18. [4j Wealth, riches, or estates, 'v-att. 23. 14. [5] The grave, Job 30. 23. [6] This frail, mor- 'talhodij, which the soul inhabits, 2 Cor. 5. 1. [7] The church of God, 1 Tim. 3. 15. [8j Heaven, John 14. 1. Gen. 19. 4. compassed the h.\] 24. 31. prepared h. 28. 2. A. of Betluicl||45. 2.;i.of Phar. heard Exod. 12. 30. not an h. where was not one dead 13.3. out of A. of bondage, 14. Dent. 5. G.I 6. 12. p20. 17. not covet thy neighbour's A. Deut. 5. 21. Lev. 14. 36. empty the A. 38. || 45. break the A. 46. that goeth into the A. sliall be unclean 25. 30. A. sold in city shall not go out in jubilee Deut. 8. 14. A. of bondage, 13. 5, 10. Josh. 24. 17. Judg. 6. 8. Jer. 34. 13. Mic. 6. 4. 25. 10. A. of him that hath his shoe loosed Josh. 2. 15. for her A. was on the town wall Judg. 8. 35. A. of Jerubbaalljg. 6. A.of Millo, 20. 10.' 9. A. of Ephraim II IG. 30 A. fell on the Lords 17. 5. man Micah had an A. of gods, 18. 13. 19. 22. sons of Eeiial beset the A. round, 20. 5. 1 Sam. 3. 14. A. of Eh|| 5. 2. A. of Dagon|| 7. 1. 9. 18. where the seers A. is || 25. 28. a sure h. 2Sam.3.1. between the A. of Saul and A. of David 29. A. of Joab || 4- 5. came to A. of Ishbosheth 6. 11. blessed A.ofObed-edom, 12. i Chr. 13. 14. 7. 6. 1 have not dwelt in any A. 1 Chr. 17. 5. 11. will n)ake thee an A. || 29. bless the A. of thy 9. 1. left of A. of Saul |i 16. 5. of the A. of Saul 1 Kings 2. 24. made me an A. as he promised 27. A. of Eli II 9. 25. so Solomon finished the A. l!2. 31. Jeroboam made an A. of hmh places 15. 29. smote A. of Jeroboam |! 1 6.1 1 . A. of Baasha 21. 2i!.make thy A. like the A. of Jeroboam 2 Kings 8. 3. to cry to the king for her A. and land 18. as did the A. of Ahab, 27^ 2 Chr. 21 . 6. 1 22. 4. 10. 3. figlit for yoin- master's h.\\'2l. A. of Baal 20. 13. Hezek. shewed them the A. Isa. 39. 2. 23. 27. A of which I said, my name shall be 2Chf.7. l.giory ofL. filled theA. Ezek. 43. 4, 5. 12. for an A, of sacrifice || 22. 9. A. of Ahaziah Ezra 5. 8. A. of the great G. I| 6. 3.1et A. be buildeS Esth. 2. 3. A. of tiie women |i 8. 1. A. of Han*an, 7. Job 1.13. eldest brother's A. 18. \\ 19. smote the A. 20. 19. taken an A.|! 21. 28. where is the A. 30. 23. A. appointed || 38. 20. A. thereof || 39. 6. Psal. 31. 2. A. of defence || 84. 3. sparrow hath A. 104. 17. as for the stork, fir-trees, are her A. Prov.'2.'18. her A. inclineth || 7. 8. way to her A. 7. 11. abide not in her A. || 27. A. is way to hell 9. 1. builded her A. || 12. 11. A. of righteous stand 14. 11. A. of wicked be overthrown, 15. 25. 17. 1. than an A. full || 19. 14. A and riches 21.9. corner ofA. top, 25. 24. II 21. 12. A. of wick. 24. 3. thro' wisdom is an A. built and established 25. 17. foot from thy neighbour's A. 27. 10. Eccl. 7. 2. A. of mourning j| 12. 3. keepers of 7^ Song 1. 17. beams of our A. || 2. 4. banqueting A. 3. 4, brought him into my mother's A. 8. 2. Isa. 5; 8. join A. to A. || 6. 4. A, was filled with 14. 17. A. of Ills prisoners |l 23. 1. there is no A. 24. 10. every A. shut || 31. 2. A. of evil doers 60. 7. A. of my glory || 64. U. beautiful A. is Jer. 16. 5. A. of mourning 1| 8. A. of feasting 21. 11. touching the A. of kingof Judah, 22. 1. 35. 2. A. of Rechabites || 37. 20. A. of Jonathan Ezek. 2. 5. a rebellious A. 3. 8, 9, 26, 27. |j 12. 3. 9. 7. defile the A. II 12. 2. rebellious A. 25. 1 17. 12. 43. 11. form of the A. 12. ||45. 20. reconcile A. Dan. 1. 2. A. of his god || Hos. 1. 4. on A. of Jehu Amos 1.4. A.of Hazael || 5. of Eden || 3. 15. winter 5. 19. or went into A. || 6. 11. smite grtf.t A. 7. 9. I'll rise against the A.|| l6.against A.of Isaac Obad. 18. the A. of Esau shall be for stubbie Mic, 3. 12. mountain of the A. as high places 4. 2. go TO A. of G. of Jacob || 6.16. A. of Ahab Nah. 1. 14. out of the A. of thy gods I'll cut otF Zech.5.4.A.of the thief II 12. 12. A.of Nathan apart Matt. 7. 25. and beat on that A. 27. Luke 6. 48. 10.13.ifA.worthy,letyourpeacecome,Lukcl0.5. 12. 25. ev. A. divided against itself, Mark 3. 25. 20. 11. sood man of vhe A.|j23. 38. A. desolate 24.43. if good man of A. had knOwn,Luke 12.39. Mark 1 0. 29. hath left h. or brethren for my sake 14. 14. say to good man of A. Luke 22. 11. L\ike 10. 7. go not from A. to A. j| 15. 8. sweep A. John 12. 3. A. was filled with the odour of oint. Acts 2. 2 a sound filled the A. |j 46, from A. to A. 5. 42. in every A. ceased not to preach Jesus 10. 6. whose A. is by the sea side, 11. 12. 17. 5. assaulted the A. || 18. 7. A.joinedhard to 19. 16. fled out of that A. naked and wounded 20. 20. taught from A. to A. || 21. 8. A. of Philip Rom. 16.5. greet church in their A. 1 Cor. 16. 19. 1 Cor. 1. 11. A. Chloe 1| 16. 15. the A. of Stephanas ' 2 Cor. 5. 1. if earthly A. be dissolved, an A. 2. 1 Tim. 5. 13. wandering fromA. to A, || 14. guide A. 2 Tim. 1. 16. A. of Oaesiphon!s|i 2. 20. in a great A. Heb. 3. 4. for every A. is built || 6. whose A. we are 2 John 10. receive him not into your A. neither See Ec'-RN, Build, Chief, Door, ^c. HOUSE, jomed with Father. Gen. 12. 1. 120. 13. I 24. 7, 38, 40. I 31. 14. I 38. 11. | 41. 51. I 46. 31. I 50. 22. Exod. 12. 3. Lev. 22. 13. Num. 1. 2, 4, 45. \ 2.' 2. ■{ 3. 15, 20. | 4. 38, 46. I 17. 2. 1 18. 1. ■ 30. 3. i 34. 14. Dput.22. 21. Josh. 2. VL Judii. 6. 15. j 9. 18. j U. 2. 1 14. 15. ! 16. 31. 1 19. 2, 3. 1 Sam. 2. 27, 30. Hoy 1 Sam. 9. 20. } 17. 25. ( 18. 2. j 22. 11, 16. J 24. 21. 2 Sam. 3. 29. | 14. 9. | 19. 28. | 24. 17. 1 Kin. 2. 31. | 18. 18. 1 Chr. 2. 55. | 4. 38. I 5. 15. I 7. 4. I 9. 9. | 12. 28. | 28. 4. 2 Chr. 21. 13. Ezra 2. 59. Neh. 1.6. | 7. 6. Esth. 4. 14. Psal. 45. 10. Isa. 3. 6. j 7. 17. I 22. 23, 24. Jer. 12. 6. Luke 16. 27. John 2. 16. I 14. 2. Acts 7. 20. HOUSE 0/ God. Oen. 28. 17. this is none other but the h. -, 22. Josh. 9. 23. benig drawers of water for the h.- Judg. 18. 31. A. -was in Shilohj) 20. 18. went to A. - 20 26. came to the A. -, 21. 2. jj 31. goeth to h. - 1 Chr. 9. 11. ruler of the A. -,24. 5. Neh. 11. 11. 2 Chr. 5. 14. glory of the Lord filled the h. - 22. 12. hid in the h. - || 24. 13. set the h. - in S3. 7. carved image ink. - |j 36. 19. burnt h. - Ezra 5. 8. went to the A, - jj 15. let A. - be built 7. 20. be needful for A. - |j 23. be done for A. - Neh. 6. 10. let us meet in A. - 1 j 1 3. 1 1 . why is A. - Psal. 42. 4. 1 went witli them to the A. -, 55. 14. 52. 8. olive-tree in A. - in |) 84. 10. door-keeper in Eccl. 5. 1. keep thy foot when thou goest to A. - Isa. 2. 3. come, let us go up to the A. -, Mic. 4. 2. Hos, 9. 8. the prophet is hated in the A. - Joel 1. 16. joy and gladness cut off from A. -, 1 3. Zech. 7. 2. sent to A. - their men to pray before Matt. 12. 4. how he entered into the A.- and did eat the shew bread, Mark. 2. 26. Luke 6. 4. 1 Tim. 3. 15. how to behave thyself in the A. - Heb, 10.21. having an High-priest over the A. - 1 Pet. 4. 17. judgment must begin at the A. - His HOUSE. Gen. 12. 17. plagued Pharaoh -A. 17. 27. all the men of- h. |) 39. 4. over - A. 45. 8. hath made me lord of all - A. Acts 7. 10. Lev. 16. 6. atonement for- A. 11. jj 27. 14. sanctify Num. 22. 18. give me - A. full of silver, 24. 13. Deut. 20. 5. let him go and return to -A. 6,7,8. 24. 1. send' her out of - A. || 10. not go into - A. to Judg.8.27. a snare to -A. jj 9.16. Jerubbaaland- A. 1 Sam. 3. 12. spoken concerning -A. 13. || 7. 17. 25. 1. Israel buried Samuel in - A. at Ramah 2 Sam. 6. 19. every one to -A.|j7. 1. king sat in -A. 7. 25. has spoken concerning - A. 1 Chr. 1 7. 23. i 1 1. 9. Uriah went not to - A. | j 27. fet. her to - A. 21. 1. it is for Saul and his bloody A. 4. 1 Kin. 2. 33. upon -A. peace I j 7. 1. finished all -A. 12. 24. return every man to - A. 22. 17. 1 Chr. 16.43. 2 Chr. 11. 4. j 18. 16. 20. 43. king of Israel went to - A. heavy, 21. 4. 2Kin, 6.32. Elishasatin-A.|j20.13. nothing in-A, 1 Chr. 7. 23. went evil with - A. |j 10. 6. | 13. 14. 2 Chr. 24. 16. done good toward God and - A. Ezra 6. 11. let- A. be made a dunghill for this Neh. 3. 28. every one repaired over against - A. Job 1. 10. hedge about - A. |j 7. 10. no more to - A. 8.15. lean on- A. I j 20. 28. increase of- A. dep. 21. 21. - A. after him |J 27. 1 8. - A. as a moth Psal. 49. 16. glory of- A. I j 105. 21. lord of- A. 112. 3. wealth and riches shall be in - A. Prov. 6. 31. give the substance of- A. Song 8. 7. 17. 13. evil shall not depart from - A. Jer. 23. 34. Mic. 2. 2. a man and- A. Ij Zech. 5.4. midst of -A. Matt. 12. 29. then he will spoil - A. Mark 3. 27. 24. 17. to take any thing out of -A. Mark 13. 15. 43. not have suffered - A. to be broken up Lukes. 41. would come to - A. (j 18. 14. went to - A. HOU John 4. 53. himself believed, and Ms whole A. ActslO.2. feared G. with all- A.||11.13. ang. in- ??. 16. 34. believing in God with all - A. 18. 8, Col. 4. 15. salute the church which is in - h. Heb. 3. 2. faithful in all - A. |j 1 1. 7. saving of- A. HOUSE of Jacob. Gen. 46. 27. Exod. 19. 3. Psal. 114. 1. Isa. 2. 5, 6. | 8. 17. | 10. 20. 1 14. 1. I 29. 22. j 46. 3. | 48. 1. 1 58. 1. Jer. 2. 4. I 5. 20. Ezek. 20. 5. Amos 3. 13. | 9. 8. Obad. 17. 18. Mic. 2. 7. ( 3. 9. Luke 1. 33. HOUSE of Joseph. Gen. 43. 17. Josh. 18. 5. Judg. 1. 22, 23, 35. 2 Sam. 19. 20. 1 Kin. 11. 28. Amos 5. 6. Obad. 18. Zech. 10. 6. HOUSE of Israel. Num. 20. 29. A. - mourned Ps.ll5. 12. will bless the A. -11 135. 19. bless, O A. - Ezek. 3. 1, eat this roll, and go speak to the A.-, 17. 2, 20, 27, 30. | 24. 21. 1 33. 10. | 36. 92. 5. thou art sent to the A. -j| 18. 25. hear, O A.- 18. 31. why will ye die, O A. - ? 33. 11. 36. 37. be enquired of by the A. of Israel to 37. 11. these bones are the whole A. of Israet 39. 25. I'll have mercy on the whole A. - 29. Amos 9.9. I'll sift the A. -jj Mic. 1.5. sins of A. - Mic. 3. 1. hear, ye princes of the A. of Israel, 9. Zech. 8.13. that as ye were a curse, O A. - so Matt. 10. 6. go to lost sheep of the A. -, 15. 24. Acts 2. 36. let all the A. - know jj 7. 42. O A. - Heb. 8. 8. make a new covenant with the A. -, 10. HOUSE of Judah. 2 Sam. 2. 4, 7, 11. | 12. 8. 1 Kings 12. 21, 23. 2 Kings 19. 30. 1 Chr. 28. 4. 2 Chr. 19. 11. Neh. 4. 16. Isa. 22. 21. Jer. 3. 18. | 5. 11. | 11. 10, 17. | 12. 14. j 13. 11. [ 31. 27, 31 ! 33. 14. | 36. 3. Ezek. 4. 6. [ 8. 17. j 9. 9. 1 25. 3, 8, 12. Hos. 1. 7. 5. 12, 14. Zeph. 2. 7. Zech. 8. 13, 15, 19. 10. 3, 6. j 12. 4. Heb. 8. 8. King's HOUSE. 2 Sam. 11. 2, 8. | 15. 35. 1 Kin. 9. 1. I 14. 26. I 15. 18. I 16. 18. 2 Kings 7. 11. 1 16. 8. 1 25.9. 2 Chr. 12. 9. j 23. 5. | 26. 21. I 28. 21. Ezra 6. 4. Esth. 2. 9. | 4. 13^ I 9.4. Jer. 39. 8. j 52. 13. Hos. 5. 1. HOUSE of Levi. Exod. 2. 1. a man of the h. - Num. 17. 8. Psal. 135. 20. Zech. 12. 13. In the HOUSE. Gen. 27. 15. \ 34. 20. | 39. 5, 8. j 45. 16. Exod. 12. 46. Lev. 14. 34, 43, 44, 47, 48. Josh. 2. 19. | 6. 17. Judg. 17. 4. Ruth 1. 9. I 2. 7. 1 Sam. 28. 24. j 31. 9, 10. 1 Kings 3. 17. | 6. 7. | 14. 13. | 16. 9. 2 Kings 4. 2, 35. I 5. 18, 24. j 19.37. | 21. 7. 2 Chr. 36. 17. Ezra 1. 7. | 6. 1. Esth. 7. 8, 9. Psal. 68. 1 6. 1 119. 54. Prov. 3. 33. j 5. 10. j 7. 11. 1 15. 6. Eccl. 7. 4. Isa. 37. 38. j 44. 13. Jer. 7. 30. | 34. 1 5. j 57. 1 5. Amos 6. 9. Mic. 1. 10. I 6. 10. Zech. 13. 6. Matt. 5. 15. Mark 2. 1 . 1 9. 33. 1 10. 10. j 14. 3. Luke 8. 27. Jolin 8. 35. j 11. 20. Acts 9. 11. I 10. 32. HOUSE joined with^ord. Exod. 23. 19. 1 34. 26. Deut. 23. 18. Josh. 6. 24. Judg. 19. 18. 1 Sam. 1. 7, 24. 2 Sam. 12. 20. 1 Kings 3. 1. 1 6. 37. 1 7. 40. 1 8. 10, 63. \ 10. 5. 2 Kin. 11. 3, 4, 13, 18, 19. I 12. 4, 9, 10, 13, 16. I 16. 18. I 20. 8. 1 23. 2, 7, 11. j 25. 9. 1 Chr. 6. 31. 1 22. 1, 11, 14. I 23. 4. j 26. 12. 2 Chr. 8. 16. ( 26. 21. I 29. 5, 1.5. j 33. 15. | 34. 15. 36. 14. Ezra 7. 27. Psal. 23. 6. | 27. 4. 92, 13. i 116. 19. j 118. 26. \ 122. 1, 9. Fsal. 184. 1. Isa. 2. 2. [ 37. 14. Jer. 17. 26. I 20. 1, 2. I 26. 2, 7. 1 28. 1, 5. 1 29. i^6. 1 35. 2. I 36. 5, 6. I 38. 14. | 41. 5. [ 51. 51. Lam. 2. 7. Ezek. 44. 4. Hag. I. 2. Zech. 8. 9. Inline, or wy HOUSE. Gen. 15. 2. steward of- h. 34. 30. destroyed, I and - h. \\ 41. 40. be over -h. Num. 12. 7. faithful in all - h. \\ Deut.26. 13. Josh, 24. 15. as for me and - h. we will serve L. Judg.l 1.31. Cometh forth of doors of -A. 11 19. 23. 1 Sam. 20. 15. kindness from -A. ||21. 15. came to S Sam. 7. 18. what is - h. that thou, 1 Chr. 17. 16. 11. 11. shall I then go mto - h. to eat and drink 23. 5. tho' - h. be not so with God, yet he hath 1 Kings 21. 2. give it me, because it is near to -A. 2 Kings 20. 15. all things that are in - h. have they seen, Isa. 39. 4. 1 Chr. 17. 14. 1 will settle him in - h. for ever Job 17. 13. if I wait, the grave is - A. I have Psal. 101. 2. I'll walk in - h. |j 132. 3. tabernacle of Prov. 7. 6. at the window of - A. I looked thro' Isa. 3. 7. in - h. is neither bread nor clothing 56. 5. unto them will I give in - A. a name 7. - h. be called a h. of prayer for all people, Matt. 21. 13. Mark 11. 7. Luke 19. 46. Jer. 11. 15. what hath my beloved to do in - h. 12. 7. forsaken - h. \\ 23. 11. in - h. wickedness Ezek. 8. 1. as I satin -A. I! 23. 39. in midst of- h. 44, 7. to pollute - A. || Dan. 4. 4. at rest in - A, Hos. 9. I5.drivethemoutof-A.|) Hag. 1.9. waste Zech. 3. 7.shalljudge- A.||9. 8. encamp about -A. Mai. 3. 10. that there may be meat in- A. Matt. 12. 44. I will return into - A. Luke 11. 24, Luke 9. 61. bid them farewell at - A. (j 14. 23. Acts 10. 30. 1 prayed in -A. ||16. 15. come into -A. Oicn HOUSE. Gen. 14. 14. born m his - A. 30. 30. provide for my - A. || Deut. 22. 2, thme - A, Josh. 20. 6. unto his-A.];Judg. 8. 29. dwelt inhis-A. 2 Sam. 4. 11. slain inhis-A.|j 12. ll.evilout of -A. 14. 24. so Absalom returned to his own h. 19. 30. the king is come again in peace to - h. 1 Kings 2. 34. buried in -A. 1 1 3. 1. of building - A, 7. 1. Solom. was building his - A. 13 years, 9. 15- 12. 16. see to thine - A. David, 2 Chr. 10. 16. 14. 12. arise therefore, get thee to thme- A. 2 Kin. 21. 1 8. Manasseh buried in- A. 2Chr. 33. 20. 23. slew the kmg in his - A. 2 Chr. 33. 34. 2 Chr. 8. 1. Solomon had built A. of L. and his - A. Esth. 1. 22. every man should bear rule in his - A. Prov.ll.29.troublethhis-A. 15. 27. || Isa. 14. 18. Mic. 7. 6 the men of his- A. || Hag. 1. 9. run to - A, Matt. 13, 57. honour, save in his - A. Mark 6. 4. Luke 1. 23. departed to his - A. 56. | 5. 25. 5. 29. a feast in his - A. |) 8. 39, return to thy - A. John 7. 53. and every man went unto his - A. Acts 28. 30. Paul dwelt two years in his - A. 1 Tim. 3. 4. ruleth well - A. 5. || 5. 8. of his - A. Heb. 3. 6. but Christ as a Son over his - A. This HOUSE. Gen, 39. 9. none greater in - A, 40, 14. bring me out of- A. || 1 Kings 6, 12, 1 Kings 8, 27. how much less - A. I have builded 29. eyes be opened towards - A. 2 Chr, 6. 20. 33. pray to thee in - A. 42. 2 Chr. 6. 24, 32, 9, 3. 1 have hallowed - A. 7, 2 Chr, 7. 16, 20. 8. at - A. every one shall hiss, 2 Chr. 7. 21. 2 Kin. 21.7. -A. which I have chosen, 2 Chr. 33.7. 2 Chr. 20. 9. stand before - A. thy name is in 3E3n:a 3, 12. -A. was laid 1| 5. 13. destroyed - A, HOU H Ezra 6. 15. - h. was finished on third day of Adar Jer. 7,10. stand before me m - A. |j 1 1. - A, a den of 14. do to - A. as to Shiloh |j 22. 4, by gates of- A. 22. 5. - A. a desolation II 26. 6. - A. hke Shiloh, 9. 26, 12. the L. sent me to prophesy against - A. Hag. 1. 4.'- A. jie waste || 2. 3, that .saw - A, in 2. 7, I will fill - A. with glory, saith, 9 Zech, 4, 9. Zerubbabel laid foundation of- h. Luke 10. 5. peace beto-A.|ll9. 9. salv, come to - 5. Thine or thy HOUSE. Gen. 7. 1 . all - A. m ark 31. 4l. thus I have been twenty years in - h. Exod. 8,3.frogscoaiein-A.|jNum. 18. 11. clean ia Deut. 6.7. talk whenthousittestin-A. 11. 19,20. 15. 16.1oveththeeand-A.||21, 12. bring her to -A. 25. 14. slialt not have in - A. divers measures Josh, 2, 3, bring men which entered in -A. 19. Judg, 12.1, burn - A. |jl9, 22. man that came to - A, Ruth, 4. 12. and let- A. be like the A. of Piiarez 1 Sam. 2, 36, every one in -A. shall crouch to hina 22, 14. as David, who is honourable in - h. 25. 6. peace be to - A. and to all thou hast, 35. 2 Sam. 7. 16. - A, shall be established for ever 11. 10. why then didst thou not go down to - & 12. 10. the sword shall never depart from- A. 14, S. the king said, go to -A, 1 Kings 1. 53. 1 Kings 13. 8, if thou wilt give me half- A. 18. 16,3JikeA.ofJerob,2l.22.|i20 6. shallseai;ch-A. 2 Kings 20, 1, set thine A. in order, Isa, 38,1. 15. what have they seen in - A. 17. Isa. 39. 4, Psal. 5, 7. I'll come to -A||26, 8. 1 loved hal?. of -&. 36, 8. fatness of- A. |j 50, 9. no bullock out of- A. 65.4. goodness of -A. || 66. 13. I'll go into -A. 69, 9. zeal of- A. hath eaten me up, John 2, 17. 93, h. becometh -A, |! 128. 3. vine by sides of- A. Isa. 58. 7, poor to-A.lJJer. 38. 17. shalt live and-A.^ Ezek. 3. 24. shut thyself in - A.|]44. 30. to rest in-A. Hab. 2. 10. hast consulted shame to thine h. Matt. 9. 6. arise, go to- A. Mark 2. 11. Luke 5. 24. Luke 7. 44. I entered -A. [j 19. 5. must abide at -A. Acts 11. 14. thou and all - A, shall be saved, 16,31. Philem. 2, to the church in - A, grace to you See Tops. HOUSES, «. Gen. 42. 19. corn' for your A, Exod, 1. 21. he made tiiem A. || 6. 14. fathers h. 8. 9. destroy frogs from thy A. 11, 13, 21, 24. 9.^ 20. flee into the A. || 10. 6. locusts fill thy A. 12. 13. blood be for a token upon the A. 7. 19, no leaven in A, || 27. delivered our A. Lev, 25. 31. the A, of villages be counted, 32, 3S. Num. 16,32. the earth swallowed them and A. 32 18. we will not return to our A. till Israel Deut, 6, 11, give thee A. full |i 8. 12, goodly A. 19. 1, dwellest in their cities and A, Neh. 9. 25. 1 Kings 13. 32.cried against A.JJ20. 6. search the A. 2 Kings 23. 7. break down A. of Sodomites, 19. 25. 9. burnt all tlie A, of Jerusalem, Jer. 52. 13. 1 Chr. 15, 1. David made A.yss. 11, pattern ofA. Neh. 4. 14.fightfor your A.|j5. 3. mortgaged our A. 5. 11. restore their A. || 7. 4. A. not builded Job 1, 4. feasted in their A. || 4. 19. in A, of clay 15, 28. dwelleth in A, || 21, 9. their A, are safe 22, 18, filled their A. || 24. 16. dig thro' A, Psal. 49, 11, A, shall continue || S3. 12. A. of God Prov. 1. 13. fill our A. withspoiljjSO, 26, A, in rocks Eccl.2,4. Ibuilded meA.||Isa, 3,14, spoil in yoorA, Isa, 5.9. many A. shall be desolate, 9.1 1 .! 13. 16,21. 8. 14. to both the A. of IsraeljIlS. 3. on tops of A. now HOW Isa. 22. lO.numbered the A. of Jerusalem, and theh. 32. 1.3. h. of joy |j 65. 21. they shaU build A. Jer. 5. 7. bariot<^ h. || 27. their /t. full of deceit 6.12. h. be turned to others|j 18. 22. heard from /i. 19. 13. the h. shall be defiled || 29. 5. build ye h. S2. 15. h. be possessed |j 29. h. on v?hose roofs 33. 4. conceriiing A, |) 39. 8. burnt h. 43. 12. Lam. 5. 2. our h. are turned to aliens, we are Ezek. 7.24. heathen possess their /i.|jll . 3. build h. 26. 12. pleasant h. |) 28. 26. they shall buiid/i. 33. 30. in the doors of the A. || 45. 4. place for h. Dan. 2. 5. h. shall be made a dunghill, 3. 29. Hos. 11. 11. I'll place them in their A. || Joel 2.9. Amos 3. 15. h. of ivory shall perish, the great 7^. Mic. 1. 14. h. of Achzib || 2. 2. covet A. |j9. from h. Zeph. 1. 9. fill /i.with violence||13. h.a. desolation 2. 7. in the h. of Askelon shall they lie down Hag. 1. 4. your cieled h. \\ Zech. 4. 2. h. be rifled Matt. 11. 8. are m kings h. |j 19. 29. forsaken h. 23.l4.devourwidows A. Mark 12.40.Luke 20.47. Luke 16. 4. they may receive me into their h. Acts 4. 34. as were possessors of A. sold them, and 1 Cor. 1 1.22. not A. to eat in| 1 1 Tiin.3.12.ruling A. STiin.S.fi.creepintoA.yTit.l. 11. subvert whole A. HOUSEHOLD, or HOUSEHOLDS. Gen. 18. 19. he'll command his A. || 35. 2. said to A. 45. 11. lest thou and thy A. come to poverty 47, 12. Joseph nourished all his fatliers A. 24. Exod. 1. 1. his A. came || 12.4. if the A. be too little Lev. L6. 17. till made an atonement for his A. Num. 18.31. shall eat it in every place and A. Deut. 0. 22. wonders on all his A. |j 11. 6. their A. 14. 26. rejoice, and thy A. || 15. 20. thy h. eat it Josh. 6. 25. saved Rahab, her fathers A. and all 7. 14. come by A. || 18. brought his A. man by Judg. 6. 27. feared his father's A.|{18. 25. lives of A. 1 Sam. 25. 17. evil is determined against his A. 27. 3. David dwelt with his A. 2 Sam. 2. 3. 2. Sam. 6. II. blessed all his A. | 20. to bless his A. 1.5. 16. king went and all his A. |j 16. 2. king's A. 17. 23. put his A. in order, and hanued himself 19. 18. a ferry-boat to carry over king's A. 41. 1 Kings 4. 6. over the A. \\ 7. victuals for king's A. 5.9. foodformyA. 11. |j 11. 20. in Pharaoh's A. 2 Kiniis 7. 9. till king's A. |i 8. 1. go and thy A. 18. 18. Eliakim over A. 19. 2. Isa. 36. 22. | 57. 2. 1 Chr. 24. 6. principal A. |i Job 1. 3. a great A. Prov.27. 27.goatsmilkforthyA.lJ31."21.allherA. 31. 27. she looketh well to the ways of her A. Matt. 10. 25. call them of his A. |( 36. his own A. a4. 45. hath made ruler over his A. Luke 12. 42. Rom. 16. 10. Aristobuius A. jj 11. A. of Narcissus 1 Cor. 1.16. 1 baptized A. ofSteplianas, Actsl6.15. Gal. 6. 10. A. of faith |j Eph. 2. 19. of the A. of G. Phil. 4. 22. chiefly they that are of Cesar's A. 2 Tim. 4. 19. sahite the A, of Onesiphorus HOUSEHOLDER. Matt.l 3.27,52.120.1. 121. 33. KOUSEHOLD-,SVri-aH<5. Acts 10. 7. two A. - HOUSEHOLD-S^ze#: Gen. 31. 37. Neh. 13. 8. HOW, ad. Gen. 39. 9. A. can I do this great 44. 16. A. clear ourselves |) 34. A. go up Exod. 6. 1-2. A. shall Pharaoh hear? 30. |) 19. 4. Num. 23. 8. A. shall I curse? A. shall I defy 24. 5. A. goodly are thy tents, O Jacob, and Dent. 7. 17. A. can I dispossess]! 25. 18. A. he met 32. 30. A. should one chase a thousand, and two Judg. 13. 12. A, shall we order the child? Judg. 16. 15. slie said, A. canst thou say, I love thee Ruth 3. 18. till thou knoAv A. the matter will tall 1 Sam. 10. 27. A. shall this man save us |) 16. 2. 2 Sam. 1. 4. A. w^ent the matter || 19. A. fallen 11. 7. h. Joab did |i 12. 18. A. will he vex himself 1 Kin. 3. 7. 1 know not A. to go out!|12. 6. A. advise 2 Kin. 10. 4. A. then shall we stand |j 1 7. 28. 1 1 8. 24. 19. 23. heard Ions ago A. I've done it, Isa. ST. 26. 2Chr.20.] 1 . A. they reward us|l33.19. A. G. w asmtr. Esth. 2. 1 1 . A. Esther did |) 8. 6. A. can I endure Job 9. 2. A. should a man bejust[|22. 1 3. A. dotii G. 26. 2. A. hast thou helped ij 14. A. little a portion Psal. 11. 1. A. say you tomysoii!|j66. 3.A. terrible 73. 11. A. doth God know || 84. 1. A. amiable 89. 47. A. short my time || 104. 24. A. manifold 119. 97.0 A. love I thy law || 103. A. sweet, 159. 132. 2. A. he sware|} 139. 17. A. precious are Prov. 15. 23. A. good is it |! 30. 13. O A. lofty Eccl.lO. 15. A. to go to city Ij 11. 5. A. bones grow .Song 4. 10. A. tUir, 7. G. || 7. 1. A. beautiful are Isa. 14. 12. A. art thou fallen jf 20. 6. A', escape 50. 4.A. tospeak|i'52. 7. A. beautiful, Rom. 10. 15. Jer. 3. 19. A. shall I put thee among the children 5. 7. A. shall I pardon \l 8. 8. A. do you say, 48. 1 4. 9. 19. A. are we spoiled || 1 5. 5. to ask A. thou dost 47. 7. A. can it be quiet |j 50. 23. A. is hammer Ezek. 16. 30. A. weak \\ S3. 10. A. should we live Hos. 11.8. A. gi\e thee up Ephraim? A. deliver Joel 1. 18. A. do beast grone |j Obad. 5. h, cut olF Hag. 2. 3. A. do you see it now, is it not as nothing Malt. 6. 23. A. great is that dark. || 7. 4. A. wilt 10. 1 9. take no thought A. || 12. 14. A. destroy him 12. 26. A. shall his kingdom stand .!• Luke 11. 18. 34. A. can ye, being evil iJ 16. 11. A. is it 18. 12. A. think ye |j 22. 12. A. earnest thou in. 22. 45. call him L. A is he his son.? Luke 20. 44, 23. 33. A. escape |) 26. 54. A. shall scriptures Mark 2. 2r>. A. he went |)4. 27. knoweth not A. 4. 40. A. is it ye have no faith || 10. 23. A. hardly Luke I. 34. A. shall this bel!2. 49. A. is it ye sought 8. 18. A. ye hear|l 10. 26. A. readest thou 12. 50. A. am I straitened \\ 56. A. is it.? 16. 2. John 3. 4. A. can a man be born when old? 9. 5. 44. A. can ye believe || 47. A. believe my 7. 15. A. knoweth this man letters || 9. 10. 9. 26. A. opened he || 11. 36. A. he loved him 14. 5. A. can we know way || 22. A. is it that Acts 8. 31. A. can 1 1| 15. 36. see A. they do Rom. 3. 6. A. shall G. judge jj 7. 18. A. to perform 8. 32. A. shah he not with him give all things 10. 14. A. shall they call, A. believe, A. hear 1 Cor. 14. 9. A. shall it be known what is spoken 15. 35. will say, A. are the dead raised up, and Gal. 4. 9. A. turn ye again || Eph. 6. 21. A. I do 1 Thes. 2. 10. A. hohly j) 4. 1. A. ye ought to walk 1 Tim. 3. 5. A. shall he take care of the church Heb. 2. 3. A. shad we escape || 7. 4. A. great this 1 John 3. 17. A. dwelleth the love of G. 4. 20. Rev. 3. 3. remember A. thou hast received and HOW io7ig. Exod. 10. 3. A. -refuse? 16. 28. Num. 14. 11. A.- will this people provoke me ? 27. Josh. 1 8. 3. A.- are ye slack to go to possess the land 1 Sam. 1. 14. A. - be drunk || 16 1. A. - wilt mourn 2 Sam. 19. 34. A.-to liveyi Kings 18. 21. A.- halt ye Neh. 2. 6. king said, for A. - shall thy journey be Job 7. 19. A.-notdepartlj8. 2.A.- Avilt'thouspeak 18. 2. A. - v,ili It be ere || 19. 2. h. - will ye vex W ■:n7 HUM Psal. 4. 2. k. - will ye turn (| 6. 3. O Lord, /*. - iS.l.h.- wilt tliou foreet me, O L. for ever, 2. ^3, 17. A. - wilt thou look on || 62 3. /*.- imagine 74. 10. O God, h. - II 79. 5. A. - be angry, 80. 4. 82. 2. h. - will ye judge unjustly j j 89. 46. h. - hide 90. 13. return, 6 L. h. - \\ 94. 4. A. - utter liard Prov. 1. 22. h.- ye simple ones \\6.9. h. - sleep Isa. 6. 11. then said I, O Lord, A. - he answered Jer. 4. 14. h. - shall vain thoughts lodge in thee 21. A. - shall I see || If. 4. h. - shall land mourn 47. 5. h. - out thyself II 6. //. - ere thou be quiet Dan. 8.13. /i.- shall be the vision jl 12. 6.A. - toend Hos. 8. 5. /i. - will it be ere they attain innocency Hab.1.2. h.~ shall I cry jj 2. 6. which is not his, h. - Zech. 1. 12. A. - not have mercy on Jerusalem Matt. 17. 17. h. - shall I suffer yon, bring him to me, Mark 9. 19. Luke 9. 41. Mark 9. 21. h. -is it ago since tliis came to him Jolin 10. 24. h. - dost thou make us to doubt Rev. 6. 10. h. - O L. holy and true, dost thou not HOW ma7i7j. Job 13. 23. h. - mine iniquities Psal. 119. 84. h. - are the days of thy servant Matt. 15. 34. A. - loaves have ye .? Mark 6. 38. 1 8. 5. I 16. 9. Marks. 19, 20.1 15. 4. Luke 15. 17. 2 Tim. 1. 18. in h. - things he ministred HOW many Times: 1 Kings 22. IG. 2 Chr. 18. 15. HOW much. 2 Kings 5. 13. Ezra 7. 22. Prov. 16. 16. Song 4. 10. Matt. 12. 12. Luke 16. 5, 7. I 19. 15. Acts 9. 13. Heb. 8. 6. I 10. 29. Rev. 1 8. 7. HOW much less. 2 Kings 8.27. h. - this house 2 Chr. 6. 18. j 32. 13. Job 4. 19. | 9. 14. | 25. 6. i 34. 19. Ezek. 15. 5. HOW much more. Deut. 31. 27. 1 Sam. 14. 30. I ^3.3. ' 2 Sam. 4. 11. | 16. 11. Job 15. 16. Prov. 15. 11. I 19. 7. I 21. 27. Ezek. 1 :. 21. Matt.7. ll.j 10. 25. Luke 12. 24, '^8. Rom. 11. 12, 24. 1 Cor. 6. 3. Philem. 16. Heb.9.i4. HOW oft. Job 21. 17. Psal. 78 40. Matt. 18. 21. j 23. 37. Luke 13.34. HOWBEIT, ad. Isa. 10. 7. Matt. 17. 21. HOWL,r. Isa.l3. 6. /i.ye, 14. 31.|j 1.3.2.MoabA. 23.1. h. ye ships, 6.|!52. 5. make them to h. 65.14. Jer. ^. 8.1ament and A. 48. 20. |j 25.34. A. ye shep. 47. 2. all shall 1. 1| 48. 31. I'll A. for Moab, 39. 40. 3. A. O Heshbon || 51. 8. A. for Babylon Joel 1. 5. A. ye drinkers |] 11. k. vine-dressers, 13. Mic. 1. 8. 1 will A.flZeph. 1. 11. A. ye inhabitants Zech. 11.2. A. fir-tree |! Jam. 5.1. rich men A. HOWLED, p. Hos. 7. 14. they A. on their beds HOWLING, p. Deut. 32. 10. A. wilderness, he Lsa. 15. 8. A. thereof I! Jer. 25. 36. an A. of flock Zeph. 1.10. shall bean A. |[ Zech, 11.3. voice of A. HOV/LINGS, s. Amos 8. 3. songs shall be A. in HUGE, a. 2 Chr. 16. 8. Lubims a A. host, with HUKOK, Aji engraver, scribe, or lawyer. A city. 1 Chr. 6. 75. Josh. 19. 34. HUL, Sorrow, infirmity. Gen. 10. 23. HULDAH, Circle of the world. 2 Kings 22. 14. HUMBLE. To be humble, signifies to be lowly- minded, under a convincing sense of our vilcness and unwoi-ihiness ; esteeming others better than ourselves; ascribing all that iv.e from h. HUS }5 AND, s. sia;ni!ies, [1] One that hath a w'/fe, Jer. 6, 11. who is her lord, Gen. 18. 12. her guidSf Prov. 2. 17. her head, Eph. 5. 23. [2j J^A'MS Christy who is the hnshand of his church, Isa. 54. 5. Jer. 31. 32. Ho>>. 2. 19. Gen. 3. 6. gave to her ^. (j 16. desire to thine h. 16. 3. gave Hairar to her h. \\ 29. 32. h. wiil l(vve 34. my h. be j-jined to me |j 30 15. taken my h 30. 20. Leah said, now will !i,y h. dwell with Exod. 4. ^5. a bi.)ody h. 26.;i21. 22. as woman's h. Lfc^. 19. 20. is becrot led to a.-i h. Deut. 22. 23. 21. 3. sister, who haih had noh. Ezek. 44. 25. Num. 5. 13. hid fronj the eyes or'hei h. 20, 27. 30. 6. if she had an b. 7, 8, ll.|jl4. but if her h. Deut. 21. 13. go iuunto her, and be her h. 25. 5. 22. ^22. married to an h. |j 24. 3. if the latter h. 25. r. my A. brother refuseth to raise a name 11. the wife draweth near to deliver her h. 28. 56. eye be evil toward the h. of her bosom Judg. 13.6. the woman came and told her h. 9, 10. 20. 4. the h. of the woman slam, answered Ruth 1. 5. Naomi left of her sons, and her A. 12. too old to have an A. if I should have an k. 1 Sam, 2. 19. when she came up with her A. to 4. 19. heard that her lather and her A. were dead 25. 19. but she told not her A. Nabal 2 Sam. 3. 16. her A. went along with her weeping 11. 26. that Uriah her A. was dead she mourned 14. 5. 1 am a widow, my A. is dead, 2 Kin. 4. 1. 2 Kin. 4f. 9. she said to her A. I perceive, 14, 22. Prov. 12.4.a crown to her A.j)3 1.11. heart of her A. Isa. 54. 5. thy maker is thy A theL. of hosts Jer. 3. 20. as a wife departeth from !ier A. so 6. 11. A. be taken y 31. 32.aitho' I was an A. Ezek. 16. 32. instead of her A. 45.1)44.^25. had no A. Hos. 2. 2. nor am I her A. j| 7. my first A. |i f 16. Joel 1. 8. A. of her youth || Matt. 1. 16. A of Mary Mark 10. 12. if a woman should put away her A. Luke 2.36.Uved withanA.|!l6. 18. putfrom her A. John 4. 16. call thy A. 17. || 18. he is not thy A. Acts 5. 9. feet of them that buried thy A. 10. Rom. 7. 2. A. be dead I| 3. while A, hveth 1 Cor. 7. 2. have her own A. \\ 3. wife to her A. 4. Hot power over ber own body, but her A. 1 Cor. 7. 10. let not the wife depart from her A. 11. remain unmar. or be reconciled to her A. 34. that is married careth how she may please A. 59. is bound by the law as long as her A. liveth 2 Cor. 11. 2. 1 have espoused you to one A. Gal 4. 27. more childr. than she that hath an A. Eph. 5. 23. A. is the head |j 33. reverence her A. 1 Tim. 3. 2. the A. of one wife, 12. Tit. 1. 6. Rev. 21. 2. prepared as a bade adorned for her A. HUSBANDMAN, s. Gen. 9. 20.' Noah an A. .Jer. 51. 23. break the A. || Zech. 13. 5. 1 am an hi John 15.1. my Father is the A.jl2 Tim. 2. 6. tije A. Jam. 5. 7. A.waiteth for the precious fruits of HUSBANDMEN, s. 2 Kings 25. 12. Jer. 52. 16. 2 Chr. 26. 10. Uzziah had A.jjJcr. 31. 24. dwell A. Joei 1.11. OyeA. howijjAmos 5. 16. A. to njourning Matt. 21.33.!etit out to A. Mark 12.1. Luke 20.9. 40. what wiil he do to those A. 7vlark 12. 9. HUSBANDRY, s. 2 Chr. 26. 10. Job 1. -f 3. 1 Cor. 3. 9. ye are God's A ye are God's building HUSBANDS, s. Esth. 1. 17. despise their A. 20. Jer. 29. 6. and give your drmghters to A. Ezek. 16. 45. lothed their A. and their children John 4. 18. had five A. |l 1 Cor. 14. 35. ask their A. Eph. 5. 22. submit to your A. 24. Col. 3. 18. 25. A. love your wives as Ciirist, Col. 3. 19. I riiu, 3. 12 A. of one wife |j Tit. 2. 4. love A. 5. I Pet. 3. 1 in subjection to your A.ji7. ye A. dwell HUSHAH, Hasting; or holding peace. 1 Chr. 4.4. HUSHAI, The same. 2 !?am. 15. 32, 37. 1 16. 16, I 17. 5. 1 Kin. 4. 16. 1 Chr. 27. 33. HUSHAM, Their hasting. Gen. 36. 34, 35. HUSHATHITE, Hasting; holdings peace or sen- sibility. 2 Sam. 21. 18. \ 23. 27. 1 Chr. 11. 9. I 20. 4. I 27. 11. HUSHIM, The same. Gen. 46. 23. 1 Chr. 7. 1?. I- 8.8, 11. HUSK, S. Num. 6.4. 2 Kings 4. 42. Luke 15 HUZ, Cnvnscl, or wood. Gea. 22. 21. HUZOTH, Streets, or populous. Num. 22. HUZZAB, Molten. Nalr. 2. 7. H. be led HYMENEUS, A marriage son^. iTim. 1. HYMN, S. Matt. 26. 36. sung an A. Mark 14 Eph. 5. 19. speaking in psalms and A. Col. 3. HYPOCRISY, 5. it comes from the Greek hypo crisis : It is a close dissembling, a counterfeicm. religion and virtue : A feigning what a person is not, like the actors in a play. They are de- scribed by our Saviour, in Matt. 23, as [Ij They say and do not, ver. 3. [2J l^lHiat they do, is to be seen of men, 5. [3] They affect popular appluuse, 6, — 13. [4] They hide their crying sins, under the colourable appearances of virtue, 14. [5] They are strict in small mat- ters, and omit greater duties, 23, 24. [6] Thetj are curious in externals, but not concerned about heart sins, 25, 27. [7'] They magnified the gi^acioiis of former ages, but hated those present in their oicn times, 29, — 38. [8] Hypocrites pray only in time of sickness or danger, when they are driven to it, Job 27. 8, 9, 10. [9j They judge others severely for small faults, being themselves guilty of greater crimes. Matt. 7. 5. [lOj They are viore for outward ci^remonies, and human traditions, than for the true spiritual worship of God, Matt. 12. 1, 2, 7. { 15. 2, 7, 8, 9. [1 1 j They are generaUy crvel and ccvetouSf 16. 39. 20. 26. 16. g JAC 27, 29. Psal. 35. 16. Matt. 23. 14. Acts 5. 1, 2. [12] Li public calamities they are fearful, Isa. 33. 14. [13] In worldly affairs they are quick sighted, not so in spiritual. Wilson's Christ. Diet. Isa. 32. 6. to practise h. || Matt. 23. 28. full of /i. Mark 12. 15. he knowing their A. || Luke 12. 1. 1 Tim.4.2 speakin4i,Hesin/i.|jJam. 3. 17. without h. HYPOCRISIES, s. 1 Pet. 2. 1. lavino- aside all h. HYPOCRITE, S, s. Job 8.13. h. hope shall perish 13. 16. h. not come before hini|]17. 8. against A. 15. 34. congregation oi' h. shall be desolate 20. 5. joy of the h. is but for a moment 27. 8, what is the hope of the h. tho' he gained 34. 30. that h. reign not || 36. 13. A. in the heart Prov. 11. 9. an h. with his mouth destroyeth Isa. 9.1 7. every one is an A.||33. 14. surprised the A, Matt. 6. 2. as tiieA. do||5. as the A. are, for 7.5. thou A,|)15.7. ye A. well did Esaias, Mark7.6. 1.5. 16. moreover, when ye fast, be not as the A. 16. 3. O ye A. ye can discern face, Luke 12. 56. 2'2. 18. why tempt ye me, ye A. ? shew me 23. 13. wo unto you A. 14, 15, 23, 25, 24. 51. appoint him his portion with the A Luke 6. 42. thou A. cast beam|jll. 44. | 15. 15. HYPOCRITICAL, a. Psal. 35. 16. Isa. 10. 6. HYSSOP, In Hebrew called Esop. It is a me- dicinal herb, " which is ivarm and detergent ; and therefore good in many kinds of coughs, and disorders of the lungs and breast, which arise from phlegm and viscid kumours" There arc two sorts of it, the garden and mountain hyssop. This herb was used to sprinkle with in purifications among the Jews, Exod. 12. 22. Exod. 12.22. take a bunch of A. Lev. 14. 4, 6,-52. Num. 19. 6. shall cast A. in midst of burning 1 8. a clean person shall take A. and dip it 1 Kings 4. 33. from the cedar, even to the A. Psal. 51.7. purge me with A.jjJohn 19.29.put in A. Heb. 9. 19. he took blood with A. aud sprinkled I. I Is referred, I. To God, to set forth, [1] The dignity of his person, Psal. 81.10. Isa. 45.5. 6. [2] His almighty power. Gen. 17. 1. [3] His immutability, Exod. 3. 14. [4] The cer- tainty of his promises and threatenings, Exod. 6. 2. Num. 14. 35. IL To the Son of God, before and after his incarnation. Song 2. 1. Mark 14. 62. Luke 24. 39. III. To the Holy Ghost, Acts 10. 20. IV. To the church, Song 2. 16. 1 6. 3. V. To the good angels, Luke 1.19. 1 2. 10. Rev. 22. 9. VI To evil angels, 1 Kiii. 22. 21,22. VII. To men and tvomen, denoting, \_l2 Their pride, Isa. 47. 8. [2] The certainty of what is said. Gal. 5. 2. Philem. 19. [3] The speakefs readiness to perform his duty, Mic. 3. 8. Matt. 21. 30. VIII. To tlie creatures, Num: 22. 30. Judg. 9. 9, 11, 13. I^ eren I. Gen. 6. 17. Exod. 31. 6. Lev. 26. 28. Dent. 32. 39. Judg. 5. 3. 1 Kin. 18. 22. Ezra 7. 21. Isa. 43. 25. | 48. 15. | 51. 12. Ezek. 5. 8. | 6. 3. | 34. 11, 20. Dau. 8. 15. H»s, 5. 14. JAAKAN, Trihtdation, labor, or violently taking aniay possession. Deut. 10. 6. JAAKOBAH, A supplanter. 1 Chr. 4. 36. JAALA, Ascending, a little Doe. Neh. 7. 58. JAALAH, The same. Ezra 2. 56. JAALAM, Hid, heir, or little goat. Gen. 36. 5, 14. 1 Chr. 1.35. JAANAI, Ansiverinsr, afflicting. 1 Chr. 5. 12. JAARARE-ORIGIM, Shaft of a spear, or wea- ver's beam. 2 Sam. 21. 19. 1 Chr. 20. 5. J A AS A U, Doing, or my doer. Ezra 10, 37. JAASIEL, God's work. 1 Chr. 11.47. | 27. 21. JAAZANIAH, Nourishment, or weapons of the Lord. 2 Kin. 25.23. Jer. 35.3. Ezek. 8.11.|11. 1, JAAZER, A helper. Num. 21. 32. | 32. S5. JAAZIAH, Strengthof the Lord. 1 Chr. 24.26,27. JAAZIEL, The same. 1 Chr. 15. 18. JABALj Falling away, bringing, building, or a cheek. Gen. 4. 20. JABBOK, Emptying, dispelling. Gen. 32. 22. Num. 21. 24. Deut. 2. 37. | o. 16. Josh. 12.2. Judg. 11.13, 22. JABESH, Drauirht, or confusion. 1 Sam. 11.1,3,10. I 31. 12.- 2 Kings 15. 10. 1 Chr. 10. 12. JABESH GILEAD. Judg. 21. 8. 1 Sam. 11.1,9, I 31. 11. 2 vSam. 2. 4, 5.|21. 12. 1 Chr. 10. 12^ JABEZ, Sorrow, trouble, 1 Chr. 2. 55. |4. 9. JABIN, Understanding, building. Josh. 11. 1. Judg. 4. 2, 7, 17, 23, 24. Psal. 83. 9. JABNEEL, God's building. Josh. 15. ll.|19. 33. J Mi^EH, Building. 2 Chr. 26. 6. JACHAN. fVearing out. 1 Chr. 5. 13. JACHIN, Preparing, stability. Gen. 46.10. Nuiti, 26. 12. 1 Kings 7. 21. 1 Chr. 9. 10. JACINTH, " A stone of a purple or violet colour, froniivhcnce it has its name, tho' what the moderns so call, is of a deep reddish yellow, pretty near a flame colour." Rev. 9. 17. | 21.20. JACOB, A supplanter. The same with James. Gen. 25. 6. he was called *j^.|l27. a plain man 27. 22. voice is J.j|36. rightly named J. 41. Esau hated /.||28. 5. Isaac sent J. away 28. 16. ./". awakedjj20. J. vowed a vovi^ 29. 10. J. sawRachell!20. served 7 years 30. 42. stronirer were /.|j31. 20. .T. stole 31. 53./. sware||32. 7. ./. was greatly afraid 32. 18. thy servant J'.||24. J. left alone 28. name no more J. but Israel, 35. 10. 34. 5. J. held his peace||7. sons of J. 13. 25. 35. 6. came to Luz||l 5. called place Bethel 37. 2. generations of.r.j|34. .T. rent his 45. 26^ .T. heart fainted|)46. 6. to Egypt 47. J. blessed Pharaoh, 10.1128. whole age of 7. ' 49. 24. the mighty God of/. Exod. 3. 6, 1.5, 16. I 4. 5. 2 am. 23. 1. Psal. 20. 1. Exod. 2.24.remem. his covenant with. Lev. 26.43t Num. 23. 7. curse me .7^.||10. count dust of J. ? 23. no inchantment against J. be said of .7. 24. 17. a star out of J. |j 19. outof J. come Deut. 32. 9. J. the lot]|33. 10. teach J. judgment 33. 28 fountain of X be on a land of corn and 1 Chr. I6.13.ye child, of X his chosen, Ps. 105. 6. 20. 1. God of /.defend 144. deliverance for J. Psal. 14. 7. /. shall rejoice 22. 23. seed of .^ glorifv 46. 7, the God of/. 11* 75. 9. | 76. 6. 1 81. 1, 4. I 84. 8. ( 94. 7. I 114. 7. | 132. 2; 5. j 146. 5. 47. 4. excelleiTcyof /.jj78. 21. kindled agaiust/. JAM JAT Peal. 78. 71. seed of J. \\ 79. 7. devoured J. 85. 1. back captivity of J.|| 87. 2. dwellings 105. 23. sojourned |l 135. 4. Lord chosen J. Isa. 2. 3. the God of J. 41. 21. Mic. 4. 2. Matt. 22. S2. Mark 12.26. Luke 20. 37. Acts 3. 13. 10. 21. remnant of J. ]| 14. 1. nierc}' on J. 17. 4. glory of J. thin || 27. 6. J. take root 527. 9. iniquity of J. |) 29. 23. holy One of 41. 8. J. I have chosen j] 14. fear not worm 42. 24. J. for a spoil .'' |j 43 . 28. to the curse 44. 5. name of J. |i 23. redeemed, Jer. 31, 11. 45. 4. for J. sake |j 4S. SiO. redeemed J. 49. 5. to bring J. again || 6. raise up tribes 26. redeemer, the mighty one of J. 60. 16. 58. 14. heritage of J. || 65. 9. seed out of J. Jer. 10. 16. portion of J. 51. 19. || 25. eaten up J. 30. 7. J. trouble [| ! 8. again captivity of J. 31. 7. sing for J. |j 46. 27. J. shall return Lam. 1. 17. concerning J. [| 2. 3. burned against Hos. 10. 11. J. break clods {112. 2. I'll punish J. 12. 12. J. fled |j Amos 6. 8. abhor excellency of Amos 7. 2. siiall J. arise |j 8. 7. excellency of Mic. 3. 1. hear ye heads of J. || 5. 8. remnant jMai. 1. 2. I loved J.jl.3. G. sons of J. not consumed Matt. 1. 2. Isaac begat J. || 8. 11. Isaac and J. Luke 1 J. 28. when ye see J. jj John 4. 6. J. w ell Rom. 9. 13. J. have I loved |j 11. 26. ungod.from Heb. 11.9. tabernacles II 20. blessed J. \\ 21. sons In JACOB. Gen, 49. 7. divide them - J. Num. 23. 21. hatti not beheld iniquity - .7. Psal. 59. 13. ruleth - J. |) 78. o. a testimony -J. 99. 4. righteousness |) Isa. 59. 20, trangression in JACOB. Num. 24. 5. goodly thy tents OJ. Psal. 24. 6. seek thy face 6 J.|j Isa. 40. 27. sayest Isa. 43. 1. c/eated thee O J. \\ 22. not called 44. 1. yet hear O J. [j 2. fear not, Jer. 46. 27. 21, remember these OJ. |j48. 12. hearken Mic. 2. 12. I'll surely ifssemble O J. all of thee To, or unto JACOB. Gen. 31, 24, speak not 35. 9. appeared -J. |) 50. 24. to give -J. 1 Chr. 16. 7. confirmed the same - J. Psal. 105. 10. Psal. 147. 19. sheweth his word -J. Isa. 9. 8. Mic. 3. 8. declare - J.|j 7. 20. perform trutii JADA, Knowing. 1 Chr. 2. 28, 32. JADAI, A ruler. 1 Chr. 2. 47. JADAN, His hand, or confessiGn. E^ra 10. 34. JADDUA,/inojt'n. Neh. 10. 21. [ 12. 11,22. JADIFX, Unittf ovjoij of God. 1 Chr. 5. 24. JADON, as JADAN. Neh. 3. 7. JAEL, A kid, ascending: Judg. 4. 17. | 5. 6. JAGUR, Hnslmndman,ov stranger. Josh. 15. 21. JAH, Ecerlasting, self-existent, Psal. 68. 4. J A H A L ALEEL, Praising God. 1 Chr. 4. 1 6. JAHATH, Broken in pieces. 1 Chr. 4. 2.|23. 10. 11. I 24. 22. 2 Chr. 34. 12. 4AHAZ, Brawling or strife. Num. 21. 23. Dent. 2. 32. Judg, 11. 20. Isa. 1.5. 4. J \HAZA, The same. Josh. 13. 18, | 21. 36. JAHAZIAH, Vision of God. Ezra 10. 15. JAHAZIEL, Seeing God. 1 Chr. 23. 19. | 24. 23. 2 Chr. 20. 14. Ezra 8. 5. JAHDO, Sharp wit, or I alone. 1 Chr. 5. 14, JAHLEEL, Waiting for, or hope in God, or be- seechinsr God. Gen. 46. 14. Num. 26. 26. JAHZAH. iChr. 6. 78. J A HZ F PL, God ha^teth. Gen. 46. 24. JAaZERAH, X Ciir, 9, 13. 7. 1.3. Num. Judg. JAHZIEL, God hastefh. 1 Chr, JAIR, lUuminated, or river. Num. 32, 41 Dent, 3. 14. Josh. 13. 30. Judg. 10. 3, 5. 1 Kings 4. 13. 1 Chr. 2. 22.|20. 5. Esth. 2. 5. JAIRITE. 2 Sam. 20. 26. Ira the J. JAIRUS, as JAIR. Mark 5. 22. Luke 8. 41. JAKAN. 1 Chr. 1. 42. called Akan, Gen. 36. 31, JAKEH, Establish. Prov. 30. 1. JAKIM, Establish, confirm. 1 Chr. 7. 16. JALON, Sfai/ing, murmuring. 1 Chr. 4. 17. JAMAI, Making warm. 1 Chr. 7. 2. JAMBRES, Poverty, bitter, or a rebel 2 Tim. 3. 8. now as Jannes and ,/. witiistood JAMES. Matt. 4. 21 . 2 brethren J. John Mark 1.19. 10. 2. J. the son of Zebedee, Mark 3. 17. 3. J. son of A'.pheus, Mark 3. 18. Acts 1. 13. 13. 53. brethren J. and Joses, iViark 6. 3. 17. 1. taketh Peter, J. and John, Mark 5. 37. I 9. 2. I 14. 33. Luke 8. 51. 27. 56. mother of J. Mark 15. 40. Luke 24.10. Mark 10. 41. displeased with J. |l 13. S. a^iked Acts 1. 13. abode Peter J. |) 12. 2. Herod killed 12. 17. shew to J. \\ 15. 13. J. answered 21. 18. went in to J.\\ 1 Cor. 15. 7. seen of J. Gal. 1. 19. 1 saw none, save J. \\ 2. 9, 12. JAMIN, Right-hand Gen. 46. 10. Exod. 6. 15. Nrim. 26. 12. 1 Chr. 2. 27. [ 4. 24, J\ML.ECH,Reigning,oraskingcounsel.lCh\'.4:.o^: JANGLING, Vain disputing^ 1 Tim, 1. 6, JANNA, Ansivering, afflicted, Luke 3. 24. JANNES, The same. ' 2 Tim. 3. 8. J ANO AH, Succession. 2 Kings 15. 29. JANOHAH, U aiting, resting. Josh. 16. 6. JANUM, Sleeping. Josh. 15. 53. JAPHETH, Fair, or enlarged. Gen. 5. 3?. I 7. 13. I 9. 18, 23, 27. | 10. 1. 1 Chr. 1. 4. JAPHIA, Fire, or lightning. Josh. 10. 3. 1 19. 12. 2 Sam. 5. 15. 1 Chr. 3. 7. | 14. 6. JAPHLET, Delicered, banished. 1 Chr. 7. 32. JAPHLETI, The same. Josh. 16. 3. JAPHO, ComUness. Josh. 19. 46. Acts 10. 5. JARAH, A honey comb, or wood. 1 Chr. 9. 42. JAREB, A revenger. Hos. 5, 13. | 10. 6. JARED, Ruling. Gen. 5. 15. Luke 3. 37. JARHA, Siveet smell, or moon 1 Chi-. 2. 34. JARIB, Fighting, chiding. 1 Chr. 4. 24. JARMUTH, Fearing death. Josh. 10. 3, 5, 23. I 12. 11. I 15.35. I 21. 29. Neh. 11. 29. JAROAH, A sweet breathing. 1 Chr. 5. 14. J ASHEN, Ancient, or sleeping. 2 Sam. 23. 32. JASHER, Righteous. Josh. 10. 13. 2 Sam. 1. 13. JASHOBEAM, Controversy, or captivity of the people. 1 Chr. 11.11. | 12. 6. [ 27. 2. JASHUB, Returning, or dispute. Num. 26. 24> 1 Chr. 7. 1. Ezra" 10. 29. JASHUBI-LEHEM. 1 Chr. 4. 22, J ASIEL, Healing of God. 1 Chr. 1 1. 47. JASON, Healing. Acts 17. 5, 6. Rom. 16. 21. JASPER, It is of various colours, and spotted with divers spots ; that which is most valued^ is the green, spotted with red, or purple : This was the twelfth in the High-priesVs breast-plate, on which the name of Benjamin was writteji. Dr. Gill. Exod. 28. 20. I 39. 13. Ezek. 28. 1.3. Rev. 4. 3 I 21. 11, 18,19. JATHNIEL, The gift of God. 1 Chr. 26. 2. IDO JEB JATTIR, A remnant, or excellent. Josh. 15. 48. JAVAN, Making' sad. Gen. 10. a. Isa. 66. 19. JAVELIN, A sort of spear. Num. 2.5. 6. 1 Sam. 18. 11. Saul cast thej.for he said, 19. 9, 10. JAW, S. Judg.l5. 15. anewj. bone, 16, 17, 19. Job 29. 17. 1 brake the J. |j 41. 2. canst bore his^. Psal. 22. 1.5. and my tongue cleaveth to my 7. Isa. 30. 28. bridle in/.jlEzek. 29. 4. hooksin;. 38. 4. Hos. 11. 4. on their J. and I laid meat unto them JXW'Teeth. Prov. 30. 14. thejr J. - as knives JAYLER. Acts 16. 23. charging the^. to keep JAZER, An helper. Num. 32. 1,3. Josh. 13. 25. JAZIEL, Strength of God. 1 Chr. 15. 1 8. JAZTZ, Brightness, or departing. 1 Chr. 27. 31. IBHAR, Chosen. One of David s sons, 2 Sam. 5. 15. 1 Chr. 3. 6. i 14.5. IBLEAM, The ancient of the people. Josh, 17. 11. IBNEI \H, The Lord's budding'. 1 Chr. 9. 8. IBRT, F'asfting over, being angry. 1 Chr. 24. 27. IBZAN, Father of a target. " Jndg. 12. 8, 10. ICE. Job 6. 16. I 38. 29. Psal. 147. 17. ICHABOD, mtere is the glory ? 1 Sam. 4. 21. ICONIUM, Coming. A city of Cilicia, Acts 13.51. I 14.1,19. I 16.2. 2Tim. 3. 11. IDALAH, Hand of slander. Josh. 19. 15. IDB ASH, Flowing with honey. 1 Chr. 4. 3. lODO, His hand, power, or pi-aise. 1 Kings 4. 14. IDLE, a. Slothful, lazi,: Exod. 5, 8. they be i. 17. Prov. 19. 1 5. and an i. soul shall smTer hunger Matt. 12. 36. every i. \vord|j 20. 3. standing i. 6. Luke 24. 11 . t'leir words seemed as i. tales 1 Tim. 5. 13. thev learn to be i. and not only i. IDLENESS, s. Prov. 31. 27. not the bread oft. Ecd. 10. IS. thro' i.\\Ezek. 16.49. abundance of i. IDOLATER, S. 1 Cor. 5. 10. covetous or i. 11. 6. 9. i. shall not inherit || 10. 7. neither be ye i. Eph. 5.5. who is an i. hath any inheritance Rev. 21.8. i. shall have their part in lake, 22. 15. IDOLATRY, s. signihes, [l] The superstitious worship which is given to idols, or false gods. Acts 17. 16. 1 Cor. 10. 7. [2] All human in- ventions in the ivorship of God, Deut. l'-2. 32. [3] Setting the heart inordinately on any crea- ture, Eph. 5. 5. Phil. 3. 19. 1 Sam. 15. 23. stubbornness is as iniquity and i. Acts 17. 16. wholly given to i||l Cor. 10, 14. flee i. Gal. 5. 20. i. witchcraft] iCoI.3. 5. covetonsness is i. IDOLATRIES, s. 1 Pet. 4. 3. abonsinable i. IDOLATROUS, a. 2 Kings 23. 5. the i. priests IDOL, a. Zech. 11. 17. wo to the i. shepherd that I >0L, signifies, [1] An image or statue repre- senting some false deity, 2 Cor. 6. 16. [2] Atiy thing sinfully indulged, 1 Jolm 5. 21. [3] Devils, Isa. 19. 3. 1 Cor. 10. 21. Rev. 9. '^0. [4] A thing of nought, a dunghill god, 1 Cor. 8.4. 1 Kin. 15. 13. she made an i. in grove, 2 Chr.l5.l6. 2 Chr, 33. 7. set the i. in the house of God, 15, Isa. 48. S.myi. hathdone themjj66.3. blessed an z. Jer. 22. 28. a despised i.]!Acts 7. 41. sacrifice to i. 1 Cor. 8. 4. i is nothing, 10. 19.|i7. conscience of i. IDOLS. Lev. 19. 4. turn ye not to i. 26. 1, 30. Deut.29.17. i. wood and st.l!lSam.31. 9. house ofi. 1 Kin. 15. 12. removed thei.{421. 16. in following i. 2 Kings 17. 12. for they served i. 2 Chr. 24. 18. 21 . 21 . Amon served i.\\ 23. 24. the images, the i. a Chi'. 10. 9. to carry tidings to their i. (| 16. 26. 2 Chr. 15. 8. Asa put away i.\\ 34. 7. Josiah Psal. 96. 5. gods of nations are i||97. 7. boast oft. 106. 36, served i. 38. |l 11 5. 4. iare silver, 135. 15. Isa. 2. 8. land is full of i.|)18. i. abolish, 20 |31. 7. 10. 10. kingdoms of the i. || 11. Samaria and her i. 19. 1. i. of Egypt shall be moved at his presence 3. shall seek to i. |) 45. 16. makers ofi shall 46. 1, i. on the beasts |) 57. 5. inHaming with i. Jer. 50. 2. i. are confounded || 38, mad on their i. Ezek. 6. 4. cast your slain men bef. your i. 5, 13. 6. i. may be broken || 9. go a whoring after i. 8.10. I saw all the^lj 14. 3. set i. in heart, 4, 7. 14. 5. they are estranged from me thro' tlieir i. 6. turn from your /. j| 16. 36. i. of abomination 18 6. nor hath lift his eyes to i. of Israel, 12, 15* 20. 7. defiled with i. of Egypt, 8, 16, 18, 24. 31. pollute with i. 22. 4. |* 23. 7, 30, 37, 37. 22 3. city maketh i. || 23. 39. slam children to i. 23. 49. bear sins of your i. \\ 30. 13. I'll destroy ir 33. 25, eyes toward i. j| 36. IB. i. polluted it 36. 25. from all your i. I'll cleanse yon, 37. 23. 44. 10. went after i. j| 12. ministred before i. i Hos. 4. 17. Ephraim is joined to i. || 8. 4. made I. 13. 2. made i. |) 14.8. to do any more witli i, Mic. 1. 7. i. I'll lay desolate j) Hab. 2. 18, dumb i. Zech. 1 0. 2, i. spoken vanity |) 13. 2. I'll cat off i. Acts 15. 20. abstain from i. 29. | 21, 25. || 17. 1 16. Rom. 2. 22. thou that abhorrest i. dost thou cooiniit 1 Cor, 8. 1. offered to i. 4, lO.jlO. 19,28. Rev. 2. 14. 12. 2. Gentiles carried away to these dumb i. 2 Cor. G. 16. what agreement temple of G. with i. 1 Thes. 1 .9. turned from /.[jl John 5.21. keep fromi. Rev. 9. 20. not worship devils and i. of gold and| IDUMEA, Red, earthly, or bloody. Isa. 34. 5, 6. Ezek. 35. 15. | 30. 5, Mark 3. 8, JEALOUS, a. Exod. 20. 5, am aj, God, 34. 14. Deut. 4. 24, j 5. 9. | 6. 15. Josh. 24. 19. Num. 5. 14. and be J. of his wife, 14. 30. 1 Kin. 19. 10. I've been J. for the L. of hosts, 14. Ezek. 39. 25. hej. for my holy name, Joel 2. 18, Nah. 1. 2. God isJ.Zech. 1. 14.i8. 2.||2 Cor. 11, 2. JEALOUSY, s. signifies, [1] A suspicion of dis- honesty in the married yoke fclloio. Num. 5, 14. [2] An earnest concern for others welfare, joined with some degree of fear of them, 2 Cor. 11.2. [3] The hot displeasure and indignation of God, Psal. 79. 5. 1 Cor. 10. 2S?. Num. 5. 14. and the spirit ofj. come on him, 14.30. 15. an offering ofj. 18, 25. |) 25. 11. in my J. Deut. 29. 20. his./, shall smoke against that man 32. 16. provoked him toj. 21. 1 Kings 14. 22. Psal. 78. 58. moved him to,;. |) 79. 5. thyj. burn Prov. 6. 34.,/. is the rage of a man || 27. t 4. Song 8. 6.j. is cruel \\ Isa. 42. 13, he shaU stir up j.- Ezek. 8. 3. image off. 5. |j 16. 38. in fury andj. 16, 42. my J. shall depart || 23. 25.rilsetmyy. 36, .5. in five of j. have I spoken, 6, \ 38. 19, Zeph 1.18.fireofhis> 3. 8.|fZech. 1. 14.greaty.8.2. Rom. 10. 19. provoke you toj. by them, 11. 11. 1 Cor. 10. 22. do we provoke the Lord to./. 2 Cor. 11. 2. 1 am jealous over you with godly j. JEALOUSIES, 5. Num. 5, 29, is the law of j. JEARIM, A leap, or tcoods. Josh. 15. 10. JEATERAI, Searching out. 1 Chr. 6. 21. JEBERECHIAH, Speaki7igweU of the Lord, or bowing to the Lord. Isa. 8. 2. JEB US, Treadlpg under foot. Judg. 19.10!. JEH JER JEBUSITE. Gen. 10.16. Exod. 33.2. | 34. 11. 2 Sam. 24. 16, 18. 1 Cbr. 1. 14. 1 21. 15 JEBUSITES. Num. 13. 29. Josh. 1 5. 63. Judg. 1. 21. I 19. 11. 2 Sara. 5. 8. JECO SI AH, Stabilitij of the Lord. 1 Chr. 3. 16. JECHAMIAH, Resurrection. 1 Chr. 3. 18. JECOLIAH, Perfection, or power of God. 2. Kin. 15. 2. 2 Chr. 26. 3. JEDAIAH, Confessing the Lord. 1 Chr. 4. 38. JEDEIx4H, Our Lord, joy of the Lord, or renew- ing of the Lord. 1 Chr. 24. 20. JEDIDAH, Beloved. 2 Kings 22. 1. JEDIDIAH, Beloved of the Lord. 2 Sam. 12. 25 JEDIAEL, Knowledge of God. 1 Chr. 26. 2. JEDIEL, The knowledge of God ; unitv, or ioii of God. 1 Chr. 22. 20. i>^ J J J JEDUTHAN, Confessing his laic. 1 Chr. 16. 42. JEEZER, The i^le of help. Num. 2(5. 30. JEGAR-SAHADUTHA, Heap of witness. Gen. 31.47. JEHAZiEL, Thevisonof God. 1 Chr. 12. 4. JEHDEIAH, Only the Lord, l Chr. 27 30. JEHEZEKEL, Strength of God. 1 Chr. 24. 16. JEHIAH, The Lord liveth. 1 Chr. 15. 24. JEHIEL, Godliveth. 1 Chr. 9. 25. | 11. 44. JEHIEl^I, The same, l Chr. 26. 21, 22. JEHIZKIAH, Strength of God. 2 Cbr. 28. 1 2. JEHOHAZ, Possession of the Lord. 2 Km. 10.35. JEHOASH, or JOASH, Fireof the Lord. 2 Kiugb 11.21.] 12. l.| 13. 10, 25. 1 14. 8,-17. JEHOHANAN, The grace of the L. 1 Chr. 26. 3. JEHOIADA, The knowledge of G. 2 Sam- 8. 18. JEHOIAKIM, Stability of G. 2 Kings 23. 34. JEHOHADAH, C-mgrcgatioti, passing over, or testimony of the Lord. 1 Chr. 8. 36. JEHOHADDAlSi, Delights of God 2 Kin. 14.2. JEHOAHAZ, Possession of the Lord. 2 Kings 10. 35.1 23. 30. 2 Chr. 21. 17. JEHOIACKIN, .SYa6i/%o/^/ie Lord. 2 Kin.24.G. JEHOIARIB, Fighting cf the Lord. 1 Chr. 9, 10. JEHONADAB, Voluntary. 2 Kings 10. 15. JEHONATHON, Gift of the Lord. 2 Chr. 17.«8 JEHORAM, Tue height of God. 1 Kings 22. 50. JEHOSHEBA, Fulness, or oath of the Lord. 2 Kin. 11.2. 2Chr. 22. 11. JEH08HUA, Saviour. Num. 13. 16. JEHOSHAPHAT, God is a judge. 2 Sam. 8.16. JEHOVAH, Self -existing. Theincommnnicahh- name of God, which the ancient Hebrews haa in such reverence, that they did not pronounce : but instead of it, read the word Adonai. It de- notes the eternal existence of God, and is ex- plained in Rev. 1. 4, 8. ( 4. 8. | 11. 17 Exod. 6. 3. Psal. 83. 18. Isa. 12 2. [ 26. 4. JEHOVAH-JIREH, The Lord wiU see, or pro- ride., Gen. 22. 14. JEHOVAH-MSSI, The Lord my banner. Exod. 17. !.=>. JEHOVAH-ROPHI, The Lord healeth, Exod. 15.t26. JEHOVAH-SHALLOM, The Lord send peace. Jndsr. 6. 24. JEHOVAH-SHAMMAH, The Lord is there. Ezek. 48.t35. JEHOVAH-TSIDKENU, The Lord our righte- ousness. Jer. 23.t6. JEHOZABAD, The Lord's dowery, 2 Kin. 12.21. JEHOZADAK, Just is the Lord. 1 Chr. 6. 14. JEHU, Himstlf, or who exists. 1 Kim;s 16. 1'2. JEHUBBAH, Hiding, or beloved. iCbr. 7. 34. JEHUCAL, 3Iighty or perfect. Jer. 37. 3. JEHUD, Praising, or confessing. Josh. 19. 45. JEHUDI, Praising, or confessing. Jer. 36. 14. JEHfSR, Keeping counsel. 1 Chr. 8. 39. JEIEL, God hath taken aicay. 1 Chr. 5. 7. JEKABZEEL, Congregation of God. Neh.11.25. JEKAMLAH, God shall arise. 1 Chr. 2.41. JEKAMIAM, People shall arise. 1 Chr. 23. 19. JEKUTHIEL, Congregation of God. 1 Chr. 4.18. JEMIMA, Handsome as the day. Job 42. 14. JEMUEL, God's day, or the sea of G. Gen. 46. 10. JEOPARDED, p. Judu. 5. 18. j. their Vive^ JEOPARDY. 2 Sam. 23. 17. 1 Chr. 11.19.|12. 19. Luke S.2.'5. wereinj.]; lCor.15.30. whv stand uij. J liPHTH AH, O/wim^-. Judg. 11. 2. Keb. 11. 32. JEPHUNNEH,'jBe/toWi«s-. Num.13. 6. JERAH, The moon, or nionih. 1 Chr. 1. 20. .lERAHMEEL, Mercy oj God. 1 Chr. 2. 9. JERED, Ridins:, coming down. 1 Chr. 1. 2. JEREMIAH, Kraltation of God. 2 Kin. 23. 31. JEREMOTH, Fearing Death. 1 Chr. 25. 2- JEREMAI, Bly height, or fear. Ezra 10. 33. jERIAH, Fear, or vision of God. 1 Chr. 23 19. JERIBAI, Fighting, chiding. 1 Chr. 11. 46. JERICHO, His moon, or juontJi, Num. 22. 1. it Avas called the city of pahn-trees, Deut. 34. 3. It was in tiie lot of Benjaynin, situate about 8 miles west of Jordan, and 19 east fiom Je- rnsalem, a little south from tlie lot of Ephraim. Josh. 2. 1. go view J. \\ 6. 1. J. was shut up 3. 16. passed right agamst J.\\ 6. 2. given - J. 6. 26. cursed be the man that buildeth J. 7. 2. sent from /. |! 24. 11. men of X foupht 2 .Sam. 10. 5. tarry at J. till beards, 1 Chr. 19. 5. 1 Kmgs 1 6. 34. Hiel build .7. 1 1 2 Km. 2.4. sent to X 2 Kings 23. 5. in plains of /. Jer. 39. .5. | 52. 8. 2 Chr. 28. 1.5, they brought tiie captives to J, Luke 10. 30. down to /. f) Heb. 11. 30. by faith JERIEL, The fear or vision of God. 1 Chr. 23. 19. JERIJAH, The same. 1 Chr. ^:i6. 31. J ERIOTH, Pans, kettles, or howling. 1 Chr.2.18. JEROAM, High, merciful. 1 Chr. 12. 7. JEROBOAM^ Fighting against. 1 Kin. 12. 20. 1 13. I, 33, 34. 1 14. 1—13. I 14. 10, 30. \ 15. 30. JEROHAM, HJQ-h, merciful. 1 Sara. 1. 1. 1 Chr. 6. 27. I 8. 27. \9. 8, 12. JERUBBAAL, Let Baal avenge. Judg. 6. 32. JERUEL, The fear or vision of God. 2 Chr. 20. 16. JERUSALEM, The vision or possession of peace, or, they shall see peace ; from Jeru, they shall see and Salem, peace. It was situate about 25 miles west oi' Jordan, and 4Vj v;ome say 30, miles east of the .Vediterran^cji sea. It was singularly famous for its beauty, and pleasant situation, Psal. 48. 2. Strength^ Psal. 12:5. 1. 2 Sam. 5. 6. especially for reli- 'gion, and the presence of God enjoyed there. And ? t was a lively figure of the gospel church, Rev. 3. 12. | 21. 10. It M'as the chief city of Judea, and was first called Salem, Gen.'l4. 18. i. e. Peace; after- wards it w as named Jebiis. Here was the Mount Moriah, where Abraham offered up Isaac, and where ftie Temple was built. JER Ji^usalem was the city of the great king : the seat of his worship, and symbols of his presence . were tixed there. It was the joy of the whole earth, the house of prayer for all nations ; thi- ther the tribes went up to worship ; the tribes of the Lord unto the testimony of Israel, For there are set thrones of judgement, the thrones of the house 0/ David, Ps, 1^^ 4, .5. These pn ■vileges she enjoyed through the succession of many ages, even till her fatal reje*a. 27. 13. ( 30. 19- Jer. 35. 11. Zech. 14. 14. Luke 9. 31. | 23. 7. I 24. 47. John 4. 21, 45. Acts 1. 19. | 8. 1. I 9. IS. I 13. 27. I 20, 16. | 21. 11, 13. [26, 20. Rev. 15.26. From JERUSALEM. 1 Kin. 2,41. 2 Kin 1 2. 18. I 24. 15. Ezra 2, 6, Isa. 2. 3, | 3, 1. Jer. 24. 1. | 27. 20. I 29. 1. | 52. 29. Joel 3. 16. Amos 1. 2. Zech. 9. 10. | 14. 8. Matt, 4. 25. Luke 10. 30. | 24. 13, Acts 1.4. j 8, 26. I 11.27. Rom. 15. 19. In JERUSALEM. Judg. 1. 21. dwell-/. 2 Sam. 19. 33. feed thee - /. || 1 Kin. 11. 36. light 2 Kin. 18. 22. worship - /. || 21. 4. put my name 22. 14. she dwelt - /, 1 Chr. 8. 28, 32. | 9. 3. 2 Chr. 9. 27. silver - /. as stones || 30.26. joy Ezra 1, 3. house of Lord - /. ||7. 15. habitation Neh. 2. 20. no memorial -J. || 4. 22. lodj-e - /. 1 1. 1. to dwell - /. |! Ps. 102. 91. his praise - /. Eccl. ]. 10, been before me- /,2. 7,9. Isa. 4. 3. lemaineth || 24. 23. shall reign - /, 28. 1 4, that rule - /, || 31. 9 furnace in /. 05, ^9. rejoice - /. j| 66, 13. be comforted - /. Ezek. 4. 1 6. break staff- /. || Joel 2. 32. Zion /, - Zech 12. 6. /, be inhabitedl|l4, 21. every pot -/. Luke 2. 25. a man - /. \\ 43. tarried - /. 1 3. 4. above all - J. |j 24. 18. a stranger - /, ? John 4. 20 - J. is the place where to worship Acts 1. 8. witnesses- /. 10. 39. || 6. 7. multiplied 23. 11. testified of me |! 26. 10. I also did - /. Inhabitants of JERUSALEM. 2 Chr, 20. 15. 32. 22, 33. j .34. 32. Isa. 5. 3. I 8. 14, | 22. 21. Jer. 17. 25. | 3b. 13. Ezek. 11. 15. j 15. 6. Zech. 12. 5,7,8, 10. j 13. 1. O JERUSALEM. Ps. 116. 19. vows in thee O /. 122. 2. stand in thy gates O /. || 137. 5. forget 147. 12. praise the Lord O /. |! Isa. 40. 9. Isa. 51. 17. stand up OJ.\\ 52, 2. arise, sit O /. Jer. 4. 14. O /. wash || 6. 8. be instructed O /. 7. 29. cut off hair O /. || 13. 27. wo to thee O /. 15. 5. pitv on thee O /. .? |) Matt. 23. 37. O /. J. that killest the prophets, Luke 13. 34. Up ^0 JERUSALEM. 2 Sam. 19. 34. 1 Kin. 12. 28. 2 Kin. 12. 17. | 16.5. Ezra 1. 3. Matt. 20, 18. behold we go - /. Mai'k 10. 32, So, Luke 13. 31. we go up to /, 19- 28. Acts U. 2. JES JEW Acts 15. «. should go - J. || 21. 4. not go - /. 12. 25. 9. wilt thou go- /. |j Gal. 1. 17. neither went Gal. 1. 18. 1 went up -J. to see Peter, 2. 1. JERUS H A , Possession,or banishment. 2Kin. 1 5 .33. JES. \lAH,HeaUh 01^ sah'ation of God. 1 Chr.3.21. JESHANAH. 2Chr.l3. 19. JESHARELAH. 1 Chr. 25. 14. JESHEBEAB, Captivity of the father. 1 Chr. 24. l.S. JESHER, Right, or singing. 2 Chr. 2. 18. JESHIMON, Solitude, desolation, 1 Sam. 23. 24. JESHISHAI, Ancient, or rejoicing exceedingly. 1 Chr. 5. 14. JESHOHAIAH, Jo?/ o/ God. 1 Chr. 4. 36. JESHUA, A saviour. 1 Chr. 24. 11. Ezra 2. 2. JESHURUN, Upright, beloved, or Isr«eZ. Deut. 32. 15. I 33. .% 26. Isa. 44. 2. JESIAH, Distilling from the Lord 1 Chr. 12. G. JESIMIEL, Astonishment of God. 1 Chr. 4. 36. JESSE, A gift, oblation, or debtor. 1 Sam. 17. 17. Kuth 4. 17. Obed, he is father of J. Matt. 1. 5. 22. Obed begat J. J. begat D. Matt. 1. 6. 1 Sam. 16. 1. send thee to /. \\ 17. 58. son of J. 20. 30. chosen the son of J". 31. | 22. 8. 22. 9. 1 saw son of J. |j 25. 10. who is son of J. 2 Sam. 20. 1. in son of J. 1 Kin. 12. 16. iChr. 10. 14. David, son of J. IJ 12, 18. thousonof Acts 13. 22. 1 have found David the son of J. JESTING. Eph. 5. 4. nor foolish j. JESUITES. Num. 26. 44. of Jesui, the family of JESUS, A Saviour; the God-man Mediator. It is the same with Joshua, who was an eminent type of Christ, Heb. 4. 8. Matt. 1. 21. call his name J. 25. Luke 1.31. | 2.21. 4, 1. X was led \\ 17. J. began to preach 8. 29. J. thou sou of G. Mark 1. 24. Luke 8. 28. 9. 2. J. seeing their faith \\ 10. as J. sat at 22. J. turned about || 27. departed thence 12. 25. /. knew their thoughts || 14. 1. fame of 17. 8. they saw no man save J. Mark 9. 8. 18. J. rebuked devil |j25. J. prevented him 18. 2. called a little child |j 20. 30. passed by 20, 3i. J. had compassion || 21. 11. this is J. 22. 18. J. perceived || 26. 4. take J. by subtilty 36. 19. the disciples did as J. had appointed 26. J. took bread and blessed it, Mark 14. 22. 69. thou also wast with J. Mark 14. 67. 75. Peter remembered the words of Jl 28. 5. ye seek J. Mark 16. 6. |) 9. J. met them Mark 3. 7. J. withdrew|| 5. 13. J. gave leave 19. J. suffered him not|j 30. knowing 9. 4. Ehas, talking with J. \\ 10. 21. loved 12. 34. when J. saw || 15. bound J. and carried Luke 6. 11. might do to J. |) 10. 39. sat at J. feet 19. 3. he sought to see J. || 23. 26. cross after J. 24. 15. J. himself drew near and went John 6. 42. is not this /. ? [J 9. 1 1 . a nian called /. 11. 13. X spake of his death II 35. J. wept 12. 21. Sir, we would see J. || 13. 23. leaning 13, 1. J. knew his hour || 18. 7. they said J. 18. 22. struck J. \\ 19. 5. X forth wearing a 19. 25. stood J. mother || 40. took body of X 42. there laid they /.|| 20. 14. it was /. 21. 4. Acts 1. 1. all that J. began to do || 11. this same J. 16. that took J. || 2. 32. J. G. raised, 3.26.1 5.30. iS. 13. glorified his son J. \\ 4. 2. preached thro' '4. 13. had been with /. || 18. teach in name of 40 Acts 4. 27. holy child /. 30. || 5. 40, not in name of 6. 14. this J. destroy || 7. 55. J. standing on 8. 35. preached .7. || 9. 5. 1 am J. 22. 8. | 26. 15. 9. 17. even J. || 27. preached in name of J. 10. 38. anointed J. || 13. 23. raised a saviour J, 17. 7. king, one /. || 18. because he preached J. 19. 13, adjure you by X || 15. X. I know, and 25- 19. questions of one J. \\ 28. 23. concerning Rom. 3. 26. believes in /. |j 8. 13. raised up J. 1 Cor. 12. 3. no man calleth J. accursed 2 Cor. 4. 5. servants for /. sake || 10. life of J. 11. to death for /. |j 14. raised J. shall raise us 11. 4. preach another J. \\ Eph. 4. 21. truth in J, Phil. 2, 10. at the name of J. every knee bow 1 Thes. 1. 10. even J. |] 4. 14. sleep in J. will G. Heb. 2. 9. we see J. || 4. 14. high-priest /. 6. 20. 7. 22. J. a surety || 10. 19. holiest by bldod of 12. 2. looking unto J. \\ 24. ./. mediator 13. 12. wherefore J. suffered without gate 1 John 4. 15. confess, J. is the Son of God, 5. 5. Rev. 14. 12. keep faith of J. \\ 17. 6. martyrs of 20. 4. witness ofJ.\\ 22. 16. I X have sent JESUS, joined with Lord. Acts l. 21. | 2. 36. 7. 59. -J. receive my Spirit |) 8. 16. name 11. 20. preaching the -J. \\ 16. 31. believe on 19. 17. name of- J. was magnified 20. 35. remember the words of the -J. 1 Cor. 11.23. -/.same night 11 12. 3. say that X is 2 Cor. 1. 14. in the day of the - J. || 4.10. dying of X Gal. 6. 17. marks of- J. |j 1 Thes. 2. 15. killed- X 1 ThfcS. 4. 1. exhort by - J. [\ 2. gave you by 2 Thes. 1. 7. - X be revealed || Heb. 13. 20. 2 Pet. 1. 2. thro' the knowledge of X our - Rev. 22. 30. I come quickly, even so, come - X JF^US said. Mark 14. 72. to mind word X - John 2. 22. believed the v/ord X - 1| 4. 53. X - 13. 21. when X had thus-|) 21. 13.x -not to him JESUS for Joshua. Acts 7. 45. Heb. 4. 8. JESUS. Col. 4. 11. X who is called Justus JETHER, Excelling, or remaining. Judg. 8. 20* JETHETH, Giving. Gen. 36. 40. JETHIA. Josh. 19. 42. JETHRO, called Rud. Ex. 3. 1. j 4. 18. j 18. 1, 5, 6, 9, 12. JETUR, An order, or keeping. Gen. 25. 14. JEVEL, God hath taken away. 1 Chr. 9. 6. JEUSH, Gnawed by the moth. Gen. 36. 5. JEUZ, Tlifi same, 1 Chr. 8. 10. his wife X. JEW, So called from Judah. Esth. 2. 5. a certain X || 3. 4. told he was a X. 6. 10, do to Blordecai theX || Jer. 34. 9. of a X. Zech. 8. 23. ten men takehold of skirt of aX. John 4. 9. beiiig a X |j 18. 35. Pilate- am I a J.? Acts 10. 28. a man that is a X |j 13. 6. found a .f. 18. 2. Paul found a X || 24. a X. named Apollds 19. 14. Seevaa X || 34. Alexander || 21. 39. Rom. 1. 1 6. the J. first, also to the Greek, 2, 9,1«. 2. 17. called a X. || 29. X. who is one inwardly 3. 1. what advantage then hath the .T. ? 10, 12. dif between the X Gal, 3. 28. Col. 3. II. 1 Cor.9. 20. 1 became as aXy Gal, 2.14, being aX JEWS, 2 Kin. 16. 6. Rezm drave theX Neh. 4. 2. what do these feeble X ? ||5. 17. 150 X, 6. 6. X think to rebel j| 13. 23. X. married w. Esth. 4. 14. deliverance arise to the X 6. 13. 8. 7. laid his hand on X || 8. write for the /. 16, J. had light }| 17. fear of the /. fafl. IF ILA Esth. 9. 3. officers helped J]] 10. ^. great among Jer. 38. 19. afraid of the J. || 52. 28. 3023 J. 30. Dan. 3. 8. accused the J. || Matt. 28. 15. among J. John 4. 9. J. Iiave no dealings || ^2. salvation is 5. 1. feast of the J.\\ 18. /.sought to kill Jesus ^. 32. J. strove (| 7. 13. tor fear of the J. 9. 18, J. did believe that he had been blind 10. 31. took up stones |j 11. 8. J. sought to stone 11. 33. J. also weeping jj 12. 11, J. believed 18. 20. J. resort j) 36, not delivered to the J. 19. 40. as the manner of the J. is to bury Acts 11. 19. to none but J. || 12. 3. pleased the /. 16. 3. J. in those parts ||£D. being J. trouble 19. 13. J. exorcists \\ 20. 3. J. laid v\rait, 19. 21. 1 1. J. bind the man || 23. 12. /. banded 24. 18. certain J. from Asia|j 25- 10. to the J. Rom. 3. 29- is he God of the J. only } is he not i Cor. 1. 23. to the J. a stumbling block || 9. 20. Gal. 2. 24. not as do the J. \\ 15. we who are J. i Thes. 2. 14. suffered of X || Rev. 2.9. are J. 3. 9. All the JEWS. Esth. 3. 6. | 4. 13, 16. Jer. 40. 11, 12. I 41. 3. I 44. 1, Mark 7. 3. Acts 18. 2. I 19. 17. 1 21. 21. 1 22. 12. | 24. 5. j 26. 4. King of the JEWS. Matt. 2. 2. ! 27. 11, 29, 37. Mark 13. 2, 9, 12, 18. Luke 23. 18, 37. John 18. 53. \ 19- 21. JEWESS. Acts 16.1. I 24.24. JEWISH. Tit. 1. 4. heed to J. fables JEWRY. Dan. 5. 13. brought out of 7. JEWEL, S, s. signifies, [l] A precious and costly ornament. Gen. 24. 53. "^ [2] God's children, Mai. 3. 17. Gen. 24. 53. servant brought forth j. of silver Ex. 3. 22. borrowj. 11. 2. 1 12. 35.1|3j. 22. j. of gold Num. 31. 51. took the gold, even all the j. 50. 1 Sam. 6. 8, put the j. of gold in a coffer, 15. SChr. 20.25. found precious j.|| 32.27. pleasantj. Job 28. 17. exchange of it not for j. of gold Prov. 11. 22. as a j. of gold || 20. 15. a precious j. Song 1. 10. with rows of j. || 7. 1. joints like j. Isa. 61. 10. as a bride adometh herself with J. Ezek. 16. 12 I put a j. on 1| 17. taken thy fairy. 39. and they shall take thy fair j. 23. 26. Hos.2.13. decked with/||Mal. 3.17. make up my JEZANIAH, Weapons of the Lord. Jer. 40. 8. JEZEBEL, Wo to the house, or the He of a house; or wo to the dunghill. lKin.16. 31. Ahab took J. I| 18. 4./. cut off proph. 18. 19. eat at /. table || 19. 1. Ahab told J. all 21. 11. elders did as J. || 23. dogs eat, 2 Kin.9.10. 25. none like Ahab whom J. stirred up 2 Kin. 9. 22. whoredoms of X || 37. carcase of X Rev. '2. 20. thou snfferest that woman J. JEZER, Island of help. Gen. 46. 24. Num. 26.49. JEZTEL, TJie sprinkling of God. 1 Chr. 12. 3. JEZLIAH. 1 Chr. 8- 18. JEZRAHIAH, Tlie Lord anseth. Nah. 12. 42. JEZREEL, Seed of God; or God will sow, or scatter. Judg. 6. 33. valley of /.|| 2 Sam. 29. 1. is in J. 1 Kings 18. 45. Ahab rode to J. 1|46. Elijah ran 21. 1. Naboth had a vineyard in J. 2 Kin. 8. 29. Joram went back to J. 2 Chr. 22. 6. 9.16, Jehu went to X || 10. 7. sent heads to J. Hos. 1. 4. call his name J. \\ 5. break bow in 11. great the day of 7. |j 2. 22. corn hear J. IF, signifies, [iQ Siirelyt Num. 1^.^23. [2] Wiether or no, Gen. 8. 8. [3] When, Jndg:. 21.21. John 12. 32. It denotes, [Ij A con" dition, Deut. 28. 15. Luke 9. 23. [^2'] A sup- position, Rom. 4.2. 1 Pet. 3. 17. [3] The^ re^CSOn of a matter, Eph. 4. 21. Gen. 25. 22. she said, if it be so, why am I thus 3 31.8, ?/he said thusl|34. 15. i/ ye will be as we 43. ll.i/ it must be so 11 Josh. 14. 12. z/sobethe L* 1 Sam. 14. 9. if they say thus to us, tarry till 20. !r. if he say thus it is well, 2 Sam, 15. 26. 2 Kin. 10. 6. if ye be mine, if ye will hearken Job 24. 25. if itbe so 1| Ps. 7. 3. if I have done Dan. 3. 17. if it be so our God is able to deliver Matt. 4.3. ^/thou be Son of God, 27. 40. Lukt- 4. S-. 8. 2. if thou Avilt, thou canst make, Mark 1. 40. 14. 28. if it be thou, bid || 27. 43. if he'll liave 21. 26. ?■/■ we shall say of men, Mark 11. 32. Luke 23. 3b. ?/he be Christ, 39. John 10. 24. John 19. 22. cried out, 2/ thou let this man go Acts 5. 39. i/itbeofGod || 1 Cor. 15.19. if'm thisj Gal. 4. 7. if a son |j Phil. 2. 1 . if any consolation Heb. 3. 1 11. if they shall enter into rest, 4. 3, 5. 1 John 2. 19. i/*they had been of us they would IF not. Gen. 18. 21. i 24. 49. Ex. 32. 32. Judg. 9. 15. 1 Sam. 2. 16. | 17. 6. 2 Km. 2. 10, Job 9 24. I 33. 33. Dan. 3. 18. Zech. 11, 12. Luke 10. 6. | 13. 9. IF now. Gen. 18.3, | 24. 42, 49, | 47. 29. | 50. 4. Exod. 34. 9. Judg. 9. 17. 1 Cor. 4. 7, IGAL, Redeemed, or defiled. Num. 13. 7. IGEAL, Redeemer, redeemed. 1 Chr. 3. 22. IGDALIAH, Greatness of God. Jer. 35. 4. IGNOMINY, s. Prov. 13. 3. i. reproach IGNORANCE, s. signifies, [Ij Want (jf heavenly knowledge, Eph. 4. 18. [2] Unbelief, 1 Pet. 1. 14. [3] Error, imprudence, or surprize, Lev. 4. 2, 13. [4] Idolatry, Acts 17.30. Lev. 4. 2. sin thro' £. 5. 15. Num. 15.24,-29. Acts 3. 17. 1 wot that thro'^. || 17. 30. times oft. Eph. 4. 18. alienated thro' the i. that is in them I Pet. 1. 14. former i. [I 2. 15. i. of foolish men IGNORANT. Ps. 73. 22. so foolish was I and i. Isa. 56. 10. they are all i. they are dumb don, John 14. 1. [8] After, Matt. 24. 29. Mark 13. 24. INASMUCH, ;)r. Deut. 19. 6. Ruth 3. 10. Matt. 25. 40, 45. INCENSE, s. signifies, [^l'\Arichpeifumetised in sacrifices, Exod. 37. 29. [2] The merits of Chiisfs obedience and death, Rev. 8. 3. Exod. 30. 8. a perpetual i. |) 9. no strange J. 37. 29. he made pure i. of sweet spices, 40. 5. Lev. 10. 1. put 2. thereon || 16. 13. shall put i. Num. 7. 14. fuH of ». 86. || 16. 7. put/, in them j6. 35. consumed the 250 men that offered i. 46. put one. and go quickly |j 47. he put on i. Deut. 33. 10. they shall put i. before thee, and 2 Chr. 30. 14. altars oft. took away |j 34. 25. Psal.66.15. I'll offerr. || 141.2. prayer set forth as i. Isa. 1. 13. i. is an abomination jj 43. 23. with i. 60. 6. bring J. || 65. 3. burneth i. on altars, 66. 3. Jer. 6. 20. cometh to i 41. 5. i. in their hand 11.12.they offer?. 17. i 48. 35. «. to his gods Ezek. 8. ll.athick cloud of ?.||16.18.seU". 23.41 Mai. 1. 11. in every place ?'. shall be offered Luke 1. 10. people praying without at time of z. Rev. 5.|8. vials full oft. |J 8. 3. much i. 4. INCHANTMENTS. Exod. 7. 11. magicians did 7,18. so with their i. 2-2. | 8 Lev. 19. 26. nor shall ye use i. nor observe times Num. 23. 23. there is no i. against Jacob, nor divination against Israel, 24. 1. 2 Kin. 17. 17. Isr. used ?.||21. 6. Manas. 2 Chr. 33.6. EccL 10. 11. the serpent will bite without i. Isa. 47. 9. and for abundance of thine t. 12. INCLINE, V. Josh. 24. 23. i. your heart, 1 Kings 8. 58. Psal. 78. 1. | 119. 36. [ 141. 4. See Ear. INCLINED,/). Judg. 9 .3. hearts*, to Abimelech Ps. 40, l.L.2.tome,'ll6.2.|1119. 112.1. ray heart Prov. 5. 13. nor i. my ear, Jer 7. 24, 26. | 11. 8. I 17. 23. I 25.4. 1 35. 14, 15. | 44. 5. INCLTNETH, v. Prov. 2. 18. her house i. INCLOSE, ED. Exod. 39. 6 i. in ouches, 13. Judg. 20. 43. X. the Benjamites round about Psal. 17. 10. they are i. \\ 22. 16. wicked i. me Song 4. 12. a garden i. || 8. 9. we will i. her Lam. 3. 9. i. my ways || Luke 5. 6. i. a multitude INCLOSINGS. Ex. 28. 20. set in gold, 39. 13. INCONTINENCY, Unchastity, unruly lawlesi passions. 1 Cor. 7. 5. INCONTINENT, a. 2 Tim. 3. 3. i. fierce INCORRUPTIBLE, a. Rom. 1. 23. the i. God 1 Cor. 9. 25. an ». crown]) 15. 52. be raised i. 1 Pet. 1. 4. an inheritance i. || 23. born of e. seed INCORRUPTION, s. 1 Cor. 15. 42. raised in i. 50. inherit i. || 53. put on ». 54. INCREASE, s. signifies, |]l3 To strengthen or enlarge, Luke 17. 5. [2] To grow, advance^ or improve, Col. 1. 10. 1 Thes. 3. 12. [3] To Jiave more authority, John 3. 30. [4] Profit^ advantage, Deut. 7. 13. | 32. 13. Prov. 14. 4. [5] To reinforce, Judg. 9. 29. [6] To multU ply, 1 Chr. 27. 23. [7] To aggravate, Ezra 10. 10. [8] To fructify, 1 Cor. 3. 6, 7. Lev. 19. 25. yield the i. \\ 25. 7. all the i. be meat 25. 36. take no J. ||37.nor lend victuals for e. 26. 4. land shall yield her i. \\ 20. not yield i. Num. 1 8. 30. i. of threshing-floor || 32. 14. i.of sinf. Deut. 7. 1 3. bless the i. 28. 4. || 14.22. tithe the i. 28. 16. 15. bless thee in all thy ?. || 28. 18. curse i. 1 Sam. 2. SS. i. shall die || Neb. 9. S7. much i. Job 20. 28.2. shall depart || 31. 12. root out i. Psal. 67. 6. yield her i. 85. 12. \\ 78. 46. gave their i. Prov. 14.4. i. by the ox \\ 18. 20. i. of his lips Eccl. 5. 10. not satisfied with i. tliis is vanity Isa. 9. 7.i. of his government || Jer. 2. 3. i. holiness Ezek. 18. 8. nor taken i. 17. || 13. hath taken i. 34. 27. earth shall yield her i. Zech. 8. 12. 1 Cor. 3» 6. God gave the *.|j Eph. 4. 16. i. of body Col. 2. 19. body increaseth with the i. of God INCREASE, V. Lev. 25. 16. i. the price Deut. 6. 3. may i. mightily || 7. 22. lest beasts i. Judg. 9. 29.?. thy army || 1 Chr. 27. 23. i. Israel Ezra 10. 10. to i. trespass || Job 8. 7. end greatly i. Psal. 44. 12. not i. thy wealth || 62. 10. if riches i. 71.21. z. my greatness,! 15. 14. |) 73.12. i. in riches Prov.1.5. 2. learning, 9. 9.|| 22.16. oppresseth to z. 28.28. righteous j.fl Eccl. 5. 11. when goods z.6.lt. Isa. 29. 19. meek*, joy II 57.9. i. thy perfumes £zek. 6. 16. i. the famine 1| 36. 37. i. like a floek Dan. 11. 39. i. with glory || Hos. 4. 10. shall not i. Zech, 10. 8. they shall i. \\ Luke 17. 5. L.^'. our faith John 3. 30. he must i.| j2 Cor. 9. 10. i. fruits of right. iThes. 3. 12. the Lori make you to i. in love, 4.10. 2 Tim.-2. 16. tliey will i. to more ungodliness INCREASED, j>. Gen. 7. 17. waters*. 18. 30. 30.it is now?.|j43. Jacob i. | j Ex. 1. 7. Israel i. Exod. 23. 30. till thou be ». \\ 1 Sam. 14. 19. noise i. Q Sara. 15. 12. j.with Absal.||l Km. 22. 55. battle i. 1 Chr. 4. 38. house of fathers z'.j jEzra 9. 6. iniquities Psal. 3. 1. ». that trouble |( 4. 7. corn and wine i. 49. 1 6. glory of house is i. \\ 105. 24. *. his people Prov.9.11. years oflifei.|)Eccl.2.9.I«.||5. 11. goods Isa. 9. 3. not i the joy |j 26. 15. ?. the nation Jer. 5. 6. backslidings i. |j 15. 8. vvidows are i. 29. 6. that ye may be t. \\ 30. 14. thy sins i. 15. Lam. 2. 5. i. in daughter of Judah mourning £zek. 16. 26. i. whoredoms, 23, 14. |) 28. 5. riches Dan. 1 2. 4. knowledge ». || Hos. 4. 7. as f. so sinned Hos. 10. 1 . i. altars j| Zech. 10. 8. as they have i. Mark 4. 8. sprang up and i. |j Luke 2. 52. Jesus i. Acts 6. 7. word i. \\ 9. 22. Sauh'. |j 16. 6. chuvches i. 2Cor. 10.15.whenfaithis2.j|Rev.3.17.^".withgoods INCREASEST, v. Job 10. \7.i. thy indignation INCREASETH, tJ. Job 10. 16. i. my affliction 12. 23. he z. nations || Psal. 74. 23. tumult i. Prov. 11. 24. and yeti.|j23. 28. she?, transgressors 24. 5. 1, strength*!) 28. 8. ?". his substance |1 29. 16. Eccl. 1.18.1. knowl. i. sorro wtJIsa- 40. 29- i. streng. Hos. 12. 1. i. lies || Hab. 2. 6. [j Col. 2. 19- body i. INCREASING, p. Col. 1. 10. i. in knowledge INCREDIBLE, a. Acts 26. 8. why thought i. INCURABLE, a. 2 Chr. 21. 18. an I disease Job 34. 6. wound is i. Jer. 15. 18. | 30. 12, 15. Mic. 1. 9. INDEBTED, a. Luke 11.4. forgive every one i. INDEED, ad. Truly^ verily, assuredly. Gen. 17. 19. bear a son t. || 20. 12. i. my sister 37. 8. i. reign over us, 10. || 40. 15. i. I was Exod. 19. 5. if ye will obey my voice i. 23. 22. Num. 12. 2. hath Lord ». |f21. 2. if a. deliver Deut. 2. 15.2. Lord was against|l21. 1 6. z. first-born Josh. 7. 20. i. I have sinned jl 1 Sam. 1.11. i. look 1 Kings 8.27. God i. dwell on earth, 2 Chr. 6. 18. 1 Chr. 4. 10. bless me i. \\ 21. 17. done evil i. Job 19. 4. be it i. \\ Psal. 38. 1. i. speak righteous. Isa. 6. 9. hear ye i. see i. \\ Jer. 22. 4. if do i. Matt. 3. 11. 1 i. baptize, Mark 1. 8. Luke 3. 14. Mark 11. 32. counted that he was a prophet i. Lnke 23. 41. we i. justly [j 24. 34. Lord is risen i. John 1. 47. Israelite i. \\ 4. 42. is i. the Christ 6. 55. is meat i. || 7. 26, do rulers know i. 8. 31. my disciples i. \\ 36. shall be free i. Rom. 8. 7. neither i. can be || 14. 20. i. pure Phil. 1. 15. some i. preach |j 3. 1. to me i. is Col. 2. 23. i. have a shew|)l Thes. 4. 10. i. ye do it 1 Tim. 5. 3. widows i. 5, 16.|jl Pet. 2. 4. disallowed INDIA, Praising, or fair. A country containing a third part of ^si«, Esth. 1. 1. | 8. 9. INDIGNATION, s. signifies, [1] Wrath, anger, Neh. 4. 1. [2] Envy, Acts 5. 17. [3] God's judgments, Isa. 26. 20. [4] Messages of wrath, Jer. 15.17. [5] Displeasure at one's self for sin, 2 Cor. 7. 11. 2 Kings 3. 27. was great i. Neh. 4. 1. Esth. 5. 9. Job 542. i. slay«^ the siQyyif. 17. increase tby ». INH 3^^ Psal. 69. 24. pour out i. || 78. 49. cast on thena 102. 10. because of thy i. and thy wrath, for Isa. 10. 5. staff in hand i. |j 25. i. shall cease and 13. 5. weapons of z. || 26. 20. till i. be overpast 30. 27. lips full off. 11 30. i. of his anger and 34. 2. i. of the Lord|j 66. 14. i. shall be known Jer.l0.10.abidehis».l|15.17.filledwithf.||50. 25. Lam. 2. 6. despised in i. \\ Ezek. 21. 31. pour out i. Ezek. 22. 24. day of i. || 31. I poured out my i. Dan. 11. 30. i. against covenantlJMic. 7. 9. bear i. Nah. 1. 6. stand before i.l|Hab. 3. 12. march in u Zech. 1. 12. had i. 70 years || Mai. 1. 4. i. for ever Matt. 20. 24. moved with i. || 26. 8. they had i. Luke 13.1 4. answered with J.jjActs 5.17. filled with Rom. 2. 8. ». and wrath \\ 2 Cor. 7. 1 1. yea what i. Heb. 10. 27. fiery i. \\ Rev. 14. 10. cup of his i. INDITING, p. Psal. 45. 1. J. a good matter, I INDUSTRIOUS, a, 1 Kings 11. 28. young man i. IN EXCUSABLE, a. Rom. 2. 1. thou art i. O man INFALLIBLE, a. Acts 1. 3. by many i. proofs INFAMY, s. Prov. 25. 10. Ezek. 36. 3. INFAMOUS, a. Ezek. 22. 5. which art *. and INFANT, s. 1 Sam. 15. 3. slay f. II Isa. 65. 20. INFANTS, s. Jobs. 16. Hos. 13.16. Luke 18.15. INFERIOR, a. Job 12. 3. I am not i. 13. 2. Dan. 2. 39. kingdom i. \\ 2 Cor. 12. 13. Heb. 2. 1 7. INFIDEL, s. 2 Cor. 6. 15. 1 Tim. 5. 8. INFINITE, a. Job 22. 5. Ps. 147.5. Nah. 2.t9.[3.9. INFIRMITY, s. signifies, [1] Sickness, 1 Tim. 5. 23. [2] Affliction, 2 Cor. 12. IQ. [Sj De- fects in grace, Rom. 6. 19. [4] Frailties, Rom 15. 1. Lev. 12. 2. for her i. \\ Psal. 77. 10. this is my i. Prov.18.14. sustain hisi.||Lukel3.11.spiritof2. 12. John 5. 5. had an i. \\ Rom. 6. 19. i. of your flesh Gal. 4.13. thro' 2.||Heb. 5. 2. compassed with, 7.28. INFIRMITIES, s. Matt 8. 17. took our i. and Luke 5. 15. be healed off. || 7. 21. cured i. 8. 2. Rom. 8. 26. helpeth our i. j| 15. 1. i. of weak 2 Cor. 11. 30. concern mine i. 12. 5, 9, 10, 1 Tim. 5. 23. often f. I) Heb. 4. 15. feeling of our /. INFLAME, I^G. Isa. 5. 11. j 57. 5. INFLAMATION,5. Lev. 13. 28. Deut. 28. 22. INFLICTED, p. 2 Cor. 2. 6. was i. of many INFLUENCES, s. Job 38. 31. i. of Pleiades INFOLDING, p. Ezek. 1.4. and a fire i. itself INFORM, ED. Deut. 17. 10. all they i. thee Dan. 9. 22. i. me |) Acts 21. 21, 24. | 24. 1. 1 25. 2, INGATHERING, s. Exod. 23. 16. feast off. INGRAFTED, p. Jam.l. 21. the f. word with INHABIT, V. Num. 35. 34. defile aot land ye f. Prov. 10. 30. wicked not f. || Isa. 42. 11. Kedar f. Isa. 65. 21. build and i.\\ 22. build and another f. Jer. 17. 6. f. parched places || 48. 18. f. Dibon Ezek. 33. 24. f. wastes, Amos 9. l4.||Zeph. 1. 13. INHABITANT, S, s. Gen. 19. 25. overthrow f. Exod. 15. 14. f. of Palestinajl 15. f. shall melt Lev. 18. 25. vomiteth i. \\ 25. 10. liberty to f. Num. 13. 32. eateth up f. |j Deut. 13. 15. smite L Josh. 2. 24. f. faint I) 11. 19. i. of Gibeon, all 17. 12. could not drive outf. Judg. 1. 19, 27. Judg. 2. 2. no league with f. || 5. 7. f. ceased 5. 23. curse f. || 10. 18. head over all f. 11. 8. 21. 9. of Jabesh |j Ruth 4. 4. buy it before f. 2 Kings 19. 26. f . of small power || 1 Chr. 9. 2. first 2 Chr. 20. 23. f. of Mount Seir |j Job 26. 5. under i, Psal. 33. & ». of world 11 14. looketh on all the f. INH mil Ps. 49. 1. s;ive ear ye j.||75. 3. i. dissolved, I bear Isa, 5. 9. wittiout i. 6. 11. j| 9. 9. i. shall know 10. 13. put down i. like a valiant man 3 2. 6. shout thoH L ofSion, 42. 10, 11. 18. 3.1. of world see ye |j 20. 6. i. of isle say 23. i. be still ye i. \\ 24. 1. scattereth the i. 24. 5. earth is defiled under the i. || 17. i. 26. 9- i, learn right. || 18. nor i. of world fallen 1 33.24.2. not say I am sick || 33. 11. with the i. 40. 22. i. as grashoppers IJ 49. 19. by reason of e. Jer. 2. 15. wthoutj. 4. 7. | 9. 11. | 26. 9. | 33. |.0. 10. 17. i. of fortress || 13. 13. fill i. with drunk. 19. 12. do to the «.|)21. 6. smite j.!!l3. i. of valley 22. 23. i. of Lebanon || 23. 14. i. as Gomorrah 25. 29. sword on i. 50. 35. \\ 26. 15. blood on i. 44. 22. without i. \\ 48. 19. O i. of Aroer, 43. 46. 19. desolate without i. 34. 22. | 51. 29. 49. a. O i. of Dedan, 30. \\ 50. 34. disquiet i. 51. 35. and my blood be on the i. of Chaldea Lam.4.12.i. notbelievedj|Ezek.29. 6. i. shall know Dan. 4. 35. t. as iiothinaj |) Amos 1. 5. cut ofFi. 8. Mic. 1. ll.iof 8aphir|jl2.t. of Maroth, 13,15. G. 12. i. spoken lies || 16. the i. an hissing Zeph. 2. 5. no i. 3. 6. || Zech. 8. 20. i. of cities, 21. INHABITANTS of the Land. Gen. 34. 30. Exod. 23. 31. I 34. 12, 15. Num. 32. 17. I 33. 52. Josh. 2. 9. | 7. 9. j 9. 24. 1 Sam. 27. 8. 1 Chr. 22. 18. 2 Chr. 20. 7. Jer. 1. 14. I 10. 18. I 47. 2. Hos. 4. 1. Joel 2. 1. Zech. 11. 6. INHABITED, p. Exod. 1 6. 35. come to a land i. Lev. 16. 22. to a laud noti |j 2 Sam. 24. t 6. Isa. 13. 20. never be I j| 44. 26. thou shall be i. 45. 18. formed it to be i. \\ 54. 3. cities to be i. Jer. 6. 8. a land not i. 17. 6. \ 22. 6. ) 50. 13, 39. 46. 26. afterward it shall be i. as in days of old Ezek. 12.20.citiesi|!26.20. thoubenoti.|)29.11. 36. lO.citiesshall be i.|j38.l2. desolate places now Zech. 2. 4. Jernsalem shall be i. 12. 6.|14. 10, 11. 9. .5. and Askelon sliall not be i. \\ 14. 10. shall IN HA BITERS, s. Rev. 8. 13. j 12. 12. | 17. 2. IN HABITEST, v. Psal. 22. 3. that i. praises INHABITETH, i-. Job 15. 28. Isa. 57. 15. INHABITING, jj. Psal. 74. 14. i. wilderness INHERIT, 15. sionifies,[l]TopoAsm, Deut.21.16. [2] To subdue by grace, Psal. 82. 8. Isa. 54. 3. [3J To come into, Luke 18. 18. 1 Cor. 6. 9. . |]4] To be led away with, Jer. 16. 19. Gen. 15. 8. 1 shall i. it |) Exod. 32. 13. i. it for ever Num. 18. 24. Levites to i. \\ 26. 55. | 32. 19. Deut. 1.38. Israel to i it, 12. 10.||21. 16.sons toi Jndg. 11.2. not i. |j 1 Sam. 2. 8. i. throne of glory Psal. 25. 13. seed shall i. the earth, 37. 9, 11, 22. 69. 36. seed shall i. \\ Q2. 8. i. all nations Prov. 3. 35.i glory |) 8. 21. i. substance jj 11.29. 14. 18. i. folly I! Isa. 49. 8. to cause to i. the Isa. 54. 3. seed i. Gentiles || 65. 9. elect shall i. it Jer. 12. 14. Israel to i. || 49. 1. why i. Gad? Ezek. 7.t 24. i. holy places || 47. 14. ye shall i Zech. 2. 12. the Lord shall i. Judah his portion Matt. 5. 5. meek i. || 19. 29 i. life, 25. 34, 46. Mark 10. 17. i. eternal life, Luke 10. 25. | 18. 18. 1 Cor. 6. 9. not i. kingdom, 10. Gal. 5. 21. 15. 50. nor doth corruption i. incorruption Heb. 6. 12. i. promises |) 1 Pet. 3. 9. i. a blessing Rev. 21. 7. that overcometh shall i. all things INHERIT Lmd. Gen. 15. 7. | 28. 4. Lev. 20. e4. Num. 34. 13. Deut i. dl. f 16. 80. Psal. 37. 29, 34. Isa. 60. 21. Ezek. 47. 13. INHERITANCE,*, signifies, [l]Jwes^a/e,Nura. 26. 54. [2] God's people, Psai. 28. 9. | 94. 14. [3] Heaven, 1 Pet. 1. 4. [4] Nations^ Psal. 2. 8. Gen. 31. 14. portion or i.\\ 48. 6. in their i. Exod. 15. 17. thine i. || Lev. 25. 46. an i. for ever Num. 16. 14. i. of fields 1 1 18. 20. I am thine i. 26. 54. more i.\\ 27. 8. i. to pass to daugliters 27. 9. l to brethren, 10. || 32. 19. i. is fallen, 38. 34. 18. divide by i. |j 36. 3. i. of the tribe, 4, 9. Deut. 4. 20. a people of i. |) 9. 26. destroy not i. 9. 29. they are thy i. |j 32. 9. Jacob is lot of i. Josh. 13. 14. sacrifices their i. 18. 7.1J33. L. their?. 14. 2. by lot was their i. 14. Psal. 78. 55. 17. 6. daughters had i. || 24. 28. to i. Judg. 2. 6. Judg. 21. 24. every man to hist. || 21. 17. be an Ruth 4. 6. can't redeem i. lest I mar my own i. 1 Sam. 10. 1 . captain over i. || 26. 19. i. of Lord 2 Sam. 20. 1. nor i. in son of Jesse, 1 Kin. 12. 16. 21. 3. may bless i. \\ 1 Kings 8. 51. thy i. 21. 3, 4. 2 Kings 21. 14. forsake i. \\ 1 Chr. 16. 18. lot of i. Neh. 1 1. 20. every one to ins i. |) Job 31. 2. whati. Psal. 16. 5. portion of my i. (j 28. 9. bless thine i. 33. 12. chosen for his i. j| 37. 18. i. for ever 47. 4. choose our i. || 68. 9. confirm thine i. 74. 2. rod of thine i|| 78. 62. wroth withi. 78. 71. feed his i. |j 79. 1. come into thine i. 94. 14. nor forsake his i. |l 105. 11. lot of i. 106. 5. glory with thine i. \\ 40. abhorred i. Prov. 13. 22. leaveth an i. || 17. 2. part of the i. 19. 14. i. of fathers || 20. 21. i. may be gotten Eccl. 7. 11. wisdom is good with an i. || Isa. 19. 25. Isa. 47. 6. polluted i. ||63. 17. tribesof thy i, Jer. 10. 16. rod of his i. 51. 19. || 32. 8. right of i. Lam. 5. 2. i. is turned || Ezek. 36. 12. be their i. Ezek. 44. 28. 1 am their i. || 46. 16. i. be sons, 17. 46. 18. nor take i. \\ 47. 22. i. with you, 23. Matt. 21. 38. seize on l INlark 12. 7. Luke 20. 14;. Luke 12. 13. that he divide the i. with me Acts 20. 32. i. among all sanctified, 26. 18. Gal. 3. 18. if ibeof thelaw|)Eph. 1.11. obtained t. Eph. 1. 14. earnest of i.|| 18. glory of his i. in 5. 5. hath any i. in the kingdom of Christ Col. 1. 12. i. of the saints || 3. 24. reward oft. Heb. 1.4. by i. obtained || 9. 15. of eternal i. 1 Pet. 1. 4. begotten us to an incorruptible i. For INHERITANCE. Exod. 34. Q.for thine i. Num. 18. 21. all the tenth in Israel /or i. 26. 26. 53. land be divided /or an i, 33. 54. | 34. 2. I 36. 2. Deut. 4. 21, 38. | 15^ 4. | 19. 10. Josh. 13. 6, 7,32. ] 14.1. | 19.49,51. Ezek. 45. 1. I 47. 22. I 48. 29. Deut. 20. 16. L. doth give thee for an i. 21. 23. I 24. 4. I 25. 19. I 26. 1. Josh. 11. 23. |13. 6. I 14. 13. 1 Kings 8. 36. 2 Chr. 6. 37. Jer. 3. 18. 1 Chr. 28.8. leave it for an i. for child. Ezra 9. 12. Psal. 2. 8. heathen for thy i.jjEzek. 33. 24.144. 28. Ezek. 47. 14. fall for an i. \\ Heb. 11. 8. rec. for i. No, or none INHERITANCE. Num. 18. 20. f 23. 24. | 26. 62. Deut. 10. 9. 1 14. 27, 29. I 18. 1, 2. Josh. 13. 14, 33. 1 14. 3. 2 Chr. 10. 16. Acts 7. 5. INHERITANCES, s. Josh. 19. 51. these are i. INHERITED, p. Num. 32. 18. till Israeli, every INI INJ -^^ii Josh. 14. 1. ». Canaan||P.sal. 105. 44. i. lahouir Jer. 16. 19. 1 !iesj;Ezek.3S.24. Heb. 12. 17. INHERIT ETH,' v. Num. 33. 8. which he ». IN HERITOR, s. Isa. 6d. 9. L of mv mountains INIQUITY, s. signifies, n] Sin, Matt. 7. 23. [2] Puaiskment for sin, Gen. 19. 15. Lev. 5. 1. Iniquity, in Hebrew Gnaon, ^uavon ajid aven; in Greek Adikia i. e. injustice, perverseness. Gen. 15. 16. i. of Amorites |, 19. 15. i. of city 44. 16. God hath found out i. of thy servant Exod. 20. 5. visitins; ». 34. 7. Num. 14. S.Deut. 5.9. 34. 7. forgiving ». 9. Num. 14. 18, 19. Lev. 18. 25. 1 do visit i. \\ Num. o. 15. i. to rem. Num. 5. 31. guiltless from j.|j23. 21. not beheld i. Deut. 19. 15. not rise for any 2.|j32. 4. without i. Jo?h. 22. 17. i. of Peorjjl Sam. 3. 13. t. he kuoweth 1 Sam. 3. 14. i. of Eli's houseijlo. 23. is as ». 20. 8. if t. slay me||25. 24. me let this i. be 2 Sam. 14.32 if?. inmel|19. 19. not impute i. 24. 10. take away i. of thy servant, 1 Chr. 21. 8. 2 Chr. 19. 7. for there is no i with the Lord Job 4. 8. plow i. |j 5. 16. i. stoppeth her mouth 6. 29. let it not be i. \\ 30. is i. m my tongue 11.6. less than i. deserveth |l 14. if i. in hand 15. 5. uttereth i. \\ 1 6. drinketh L like water 22. 23. put away i. II 31. ll.t. pumslied, 28. 33. 9. is there?, in me || 34. 32. if done i. 36. 10. return from ?. 21. |j 23. wrought*. Psal. 7. 3. if there be t^\ 14. travaileth with i. 10.t7. under his tongue i. |j 32. 2. note, and 32. 5. forgivest the i. 1| 36. 3. words are i. 39. 11. correct for i. \\ 41. 6. gathereth i. to 49. 5. i. of my heels |j 51. 5. shapen in l and 53. 1. done abominable ». 55. 3. they cast i. 56. 7. escape by i. || 66. 18. if I regard i. in 85. 2. forgiven the i. || 94. 20. throne of j. 107. 42. all ». stop her mouth || 109. 14. let i. 119. 3. do no i. |jl33. let not i. have dominion 125. 3. lest they put forth their hands to i. Prov.l6. 6. i. is purged || 19. 28. devoureth i. 22. 8. soweth i. \\ Eccl. 3. 16. that i. was there Isa. 1. 4. ladeu with i. \3. solemn meetuig i. 5. 18. that draw l \\ 6. 7* i. is taken away 14. 21.1. of fathers \\ 22. 14. this i. not purged 27. 9. i. of Jacob be purged || 29. 20. watch for i. 50. 13.».asa breach |) 40. 2.i. is pardoned 53. 6. I. of us all |) 57. 17. i. of his covetousness 59. 3. defiled with i. \\ 4. bring forth i. 6. 7. thoughts of J. II 64. 9. nor remember i. for Jer. 2. 5. what i. jl 22. z.is marked before me 3. 13. only acknowledge i. \\ 13. 22. of thine i. 14. 20. we acknow. the i. \\ 16. 10. what is our i". 16. 17.?.hid|j30. 14. multitude ofi. 15. Hos.9.7. 52. 18. recompensed J. of lathers into bosom 50. 20. i. be sought for |i 51. 6. cut olf in i. Lam. 2. 14. not discovered » [j 4. 6. i. of my people 4. 22. punishment of tiiiue i. is accomplished Bzek. 4. 4. lay i. of Israel || 7. 13. i. of his life 9. 9. i. of house of Israel || 16. 49. i. of Sodom 18. 8. withdrawn from i. \\ 17. not die fori. 30. repent, so i. |j 21. 23. call to rem. i. 24. 21. 25. when i. shall have an end. 29. [ 35. 5. 28 1 5 i. found in thee (| 1 8. i. of thy traffick 44. 12. fall into e.|IDan. 9. 24 . reconciliation for i. Hos.7. i.i. ofEphraim \\ 10. 9. children ofi. 10. 13. ye reaped || 12. 8. shalt find no i. in me 12. 11. is there i. in Gilead || 13. 12. i. of Ephr. t4, 1. fallen by^. || 8, take avjay all(. and Mic. 2. 1. devise i. |j 3. 10 build up Jerus. with*. 7. IS. God like to thee, that pardoj>eth i. and Hab. 1. 3. shew me i. I| 13. canst not look on L 2. 12. wo to him that establishetii city by i. Zepb. 3. 5. Lord not do i. \\ 13. Israel not do t. Zech. 3. 4. caused i. to pass from tiiec, 9. Mai. 2.6. and i. was not fouud in his lips, he Matt. 13. 41 . which do i. I! 23. 28. full of i. 24. 12. i. siiall abound, love shall wax cold Acts 1. 18. reward of z. || 8.23. the bond of*. Rom. 6.19. servants to J. || 1 Cor. 13. 6. not in/. 2 Thes. 2. 7. mystery ot'i. jl 2 Tim. 3. 19. from i. Tit. 2. 14. that he might redeem us from all i. Heb. 1. 9. hated i. \\ Jam. 3. 6. a world of*. His INIQUITY. ' Num. 15. 31. Josh. 22. 20. Job 20. 27. j 21. 19. Psal. 36. 2. Jer. 31. 30. Ezek. 3. 18,19. | 7. 16. | 14.7. j 18. 18,26. |33. 6, 8, 9. 2 Pet. 2. 16. 3Ii7ie, or my INIQUITY. Gen. 4.-\A 3. 1 Sam. 20.1. 2Sam. 22. 24. Job 7. 21. | 10. 6, 14. jl4. 17. I 31.33. Psal. 18.23. j 25.11. | 31. 10. I 52.5. I 38. 18. I 51. 2. Their INIQUITY. Lev 26. 39, 40,41. Neh. 4. 5. Psal. 69.27. | 78.38. j 89.32. | 94.23. 1 106. 43. Isa. 13. 11. | 26. 21. [ 33. 24. Jer. 14. 10. I 16. 18. I 18. 23. I 25. 12. | 31. 34. |33. 8. I 36. 3, 31. Ezek. 4. 5, 17. | 7. 19. I14..S, 10. I 29. 16. I 39. 23. Hos.4. 8. j 5.5. |9. 9. fVork INIQUITY. Psal. 141. 4. Isa. 31. 2. 132. 6. Hos. 6. 8. Matt. 7. 23. JForkers of INIQUITY. Job 31. 3. [ 34. 8, 22. Psal. 5. 5. I 6. 8. I 14. 4.|28. 3.|36. 12.137. 1. 59. 2. I 64. 2. I 92. 7, 9. [ 94. 4, 16. 141. 9. Prov. 10. 29.|21. 15. Lake |53. 4. 1 |125. 5. 13.27. INIQUITIES, s. Lev. 16. 21. confess all the i. 26. 39. in *. of fathers shall they pine away Num. 14. 34. forty years bear i.jiEzra 9. 6, 7, l3. Neh. 9. 2. Israel confessed *. of their fathers Job 13. 23. how many mine *. and my sins ? 26.*. of my youth \\ 22. 5. thy i. infinite Psal. 38. 4. i.gone over my head, 40. 12. 51.9. blot out all *. II 64. 6. they search out t. 65. 3. i. prevail |j 79. 8. remember not former £. 90. 8. set our i. before thee|j 103. 3. forgiveth i. 103. 10. according to our *.||107. 17. because of*. 130. 3. shouidst mark *. || 8. redeem from his i, Prov. 5. 22. his own 2. shall take the wicked Isa. 43. 24. wearieth with *. |j 50. 1. for*, sold 53. 5. bruised for our *. || 11. shall bear their *. 59. 2. i. separated || 12. as for our *. we know 64. 6. i. like the wind, 7. j| 65. 7. *. recoinp. Jer. 5. 25. ». turned || 11. 10. turned back to *. 14. 7. our i. testify |j 33. 8. I'll pardon all **. Lam. 4. 13. *. of priests || 5. 7. borne their *. Ezek. 24. 23. pine for*. || 28. 18. *. defiled 32. 27. i. on bones |{ 36. 31. lothe for your *. 36. 33. cleansed *. jj 43. 10, ashamed of their *. Dan. 4. 27. break off*. || 9. 13. turn from *. 16. Amos 3. 2. punish for *. jj Mic. 7. 19. subdue*. Acts 3. 26. every one from i-jIRom. 4. 7. *. forgivea Heb. 8. 11. their i. remember no more, 10. 17- Rev. 18. 5. for God hath remembered her *. INJURED, p. Gal. 4. 12. ye not *. me at all INJURIOUS, a. I Tim. 1. 13. was before /. INJUSTICE, s. Job 16, If, not for any i. in INS INT lNK,s. Jer.36.18. 2 Cor. 3.S. SJohn Ig.SJohnl.S. INKHORN, s. Ezek. 2. 9. writer's i. 3. 11. INN,s. Gen. 42. 27. j 43. 21. Exod.4. 24. Luke 2. 7. I 10. 34. INNER, a. 1 Kings 6. 27. in the f. house, 7. 50. 1 Chr. 28. 11. l parlourslJEsth. 4. 11. i. court, 5. 1. Ezek. 10. 3. i. court, 46. 1. || 42. 15. i. house Acts 16. 24. ». prison 1) Eph. 3. 16. m the i. man See Chamber. INNERMOST, a. Prov. 18. 8. i. parts, 26. 22. INNOCENCY, s. 20. 5. in i. of ray hands Psal. 26. 6. wash my hands in i. 73. 13. Dan. 6. 22. i. was found in me|)Hos. 8. 5. attaint. INNOCENT. Exod. 23. 7. the i. slay thou not Deut. 27. 25. reward to slay i. |j I Sam. I4.t41. Job 4.7. whoever perished being z ]|9. 23. trial ofi. 9. 28. not hold mei.jJ17. 8.j. shall stir up himself 22. 19. e. laugh them to scorn |j 30. island of i. 27.17.2. shall divide silver||33.9. 1 am i, neither Psal.lO. 8. murder e.|)15. 5, against t.l|19. 13. 1 bet. Prov. 1.11. lurk for i.\\6. 29. not be i. 28. 20. Jer. 2. 35. because I am ». J) Matt. 27. 24. 1 am i. See Blood. INNOCENTS, s. Jer. 2. 34. blood ofi. 19. 4. INNUMERABLE, a. Job 21. 33. i. before him Psal. 40. 12. i. evils|jl04. 25. things creeping i. Jer. 46. 23. they are i. |) Luke 12. 1, i. multitude Heb. 11. 12. as the sand j.|(12. 22. i. company INORDINATE, a. Ezek. 23. 11. Col. 3.5. INQUISinON.Deut.l9.18.Esth.2.23.Ps.9.12. INSCRIPTION. Acts 17. 23. altar with this i. INSIDE,*. 1 Kings 6. 15. covered walls on thei. INSPIRATION, s. To i?jspir^; signifies, to blow or breathe into, Job 32. 8. 2 Tim. 3. 16. INSTANT. Isa. 29. 5. at ant. suddenly, 30. 13. Jer. 18. 7. at what t.||Luke 2. 38.||23. 23. werei. Acts 12.+5.t. prayer, Rom. 12. 12. || 2 Tim. 4. 2. INSTANTLY, ad. Luke 7. 4. Acts 26. 7. INSTRUCT, V. signifies, To teach, Psal. 32. 8. We are instructed by, [1] God, Deut. 4. 36. Isa. 28. 26. [2] Christ, Acts 3. 22. [3] The Spirit, Neh. 9. 20. John 14. 26, [4] The woi'dy 2 Tim. 3. 16. [5] Ministers, Dan 11.33. 2 Tim. 2. 25. [6] Corrections, Jer 31. 19. [7] The godly. Job 4. 3. [8j The wicked, Prov. 24. 32. Deut. 4. 36. might i. thee||Neh. 9. 20. Spirit to i. Job 40. 2. shall he i. him||Psal. 16. 7. my reins i. Psal. 32. 8. I'll i. thee||Song 8. 2. who will i. thee Isa. 28. 26. his God doth i.\\ Dan. 11. 33. i. many 1 Cor. 2. 16. mind of the Lord, that he may i.him INSTRUCTED, p. Gen. 14.tl4. his i. servants Deut. 32. 10. the L. i. him|j2 Kin. 12. 2. priest i. 1 Chr. 15.22. t. about the song, 25. 7. 1 12 Chr. 3. 3. Job 4. 3. thou i. manyjjPsal. 2. 10. be i. ye judges Prov. 5. 13. that i. me||21. 11. when wise is i. Isa. 8. 11. the Lord i. me |) 40. 14. who i. him Jer. 6. 8. be i. O Jerus.|j31. 19. after that I wast. Matt. 13. 52. scribe, who is t.|)14. 8. she being i. Luke 1. 4. hast been t.||Acts 18. 25. t. in way of L. Rom. 2. 18. being t. out of lawj)Phil.4. 12.1ani». INSTRUCTING, p. 2 Tim. 2. 15. t. those that INSTRUCTOR, S. Gen. 4. 22. Rom. 2. 20. 1 Cor. 4. 15. tho' you have ten thousand t. INSTRUCTION s. Job 33. 16. sealeth their t. Psal. 50. 17. hatestt.||Prov. 1. 2. to know t. 3. Prov. I. 7, foob despige i. 15. 5.|j8. hear i, 4. 1. Prov. 4. 13. take hold of t.||5. 12. how I hated ii , 5. 23. die without t. j| 6. 23. reproofs of i. are 8. 10. receive my i. \\ SS. hear i. \\ 9. 9. give i. 10. 17. tliat keepetht. || 12. 1. whoso loveth i. 13. 1. wise sou heareth 1. 1| 18. that refuseth j. 15. 32. he that refuseth t. ||33. t. of wisdom 16. 22. ». of fools is folly 1| 19. 20. receive*. 19. 27. cease to hear the i. IJ 23. 12. appiy to i, 23. 23. buyt. || 24.32. and I received t. Jer.l7. 23. nor receive t. 32. 23.|35.13. Zeph.S.f, Ezek. 5. 15. it shall be a taunt, an ». and an 2 Tim. 3. 16 all scripture is profitable for t. in INSTRUMENT,*. Num.35. 16. t. of iron Psal. 33. 2.t.of tenstrings,71.t22.[92. 3.|l44.9. Isa. 28. 27. threshing t. 41. 15.1J54. 16. t. for work, Ezek. 33. 32. song of one that can play on ». INSTRUMENTS. Gen. 49. 5. i. of cruelty arfc Exod. 25. 9. pattern oft. Num. 3. 8. i. of tabern. Num. 4. 12. t. of ministry II 7. 1, sanctify i. 31. 6» 1 Sam. 8. 12. t. of war || 18. 6. with t. of music 1 Chr. 9. 29. i- of sanctuary || 16. 42. musical t. 2 Chr. 30. 21. loud i. || Neh. 12. 36. musical i. Psal. 7. 13. i. of death || 68. 25. players on i. 87. 7. as players on i. \\ 150. 4. with stringed t. Eccl. 2. 8. musicali. || Isa. 22.t24. t. of viols Isa. 32. 7. i. of churl || 38. 20. to the stringed i. Jer. 46.tl9. make thee i. Ezek. 12.t3.|16.t39. Dan. 6. 18. nort. of music || Amos 1. 3. i. of iron Amos 6. 5. t. of music || Hab. 3. 19. stringed i. Zech. 11. 15. take thee i. of a foolish shepherd Rom. 6. 13. as t. of righteousness to God INSURRECTION, s. Ezra 4. 19. Psal. 64. 2. Mark 15.7. Acts 18. 12. INT ANGLE, ». To perplex. This may be, [l] Cor/)om%, Exod. 14. 3. [2] rer6a%, Matt. 22. 15. [3] Ceremonially, Gal. 5. 1. [4} Worldly, 2 Tim. 2. 4. [5] Spiritually, in sin, 2 Pet. 2. 20. INTANGLEb,p. Ex. 14.3. Gal. 5. 1. 2 Pet. 2.20. INTANGLETH, v. 2 Tim. 2. 4. i. himself with INTEGRITY, s. Innocency, honesty, uprightness. Gen. 20. 5. in t. of my heart, 6. 1 Kmgs 9. 4. Job 2. 3. fast his i. \\ 9. dost still retain thy i. 27. 5. I'll not remove my t. | 31. 6. know ». Psal. 7. 8. according to my i. | 25. 21. let t. and 26. 1. 1 walked in my i. \\ 11. I'll walk in my i. 41. 12. upholdest me in t. || 78. 72. i. of heart Prov. 11. 3.i. ofuprighty 19.1. walketh int. 20.7. INTELLIGENCE, s. Dan. 11. 30. have t. with INTEND, ED. Josh. 22. 33. did not i. to go 2 Chr. 28. 13. t. to add to sins||Psal. 21. 11. ». evil Acts 5. 28. ye t to bring this man's blood, 35. INTENDEST, v. Exod. 2. 14. i. thou to kill me INTENDING,;^. Luke 14.28. ».to build a tower Acts 12. 4. t. after Easter || 20. 13. i. to take Paul INTENT, s. 2 Sam. 17. 14. to thet. 2 Kin. 10. 19. 2 Chr 16.1. Ezek. 4.40. Dan. 4. 17. John 11.15.] 13. 28. Acts 9. 21. ] 10. 29. 1 Cor. 10. 6. Eph. 3. 10. INTENTS, s. Jer. 30. 24. t. of heart, Heb. 4. 12. INTERCESSION, A pleading or intreating in behalf of another, Jer. 7. 16. It is spoken, I. Of the intercession of Christ, Isa. 53. 12. Heb. 7. 25. Which he performs, [Ij By appear- ing for us before the Father, Heb. 9. 24. [2] By presenting his merits, Heb. 10. 12, 14. [3] By dofilapjfis Im willf thmf such and such INT JOH \^\^ blessings be bestowed on his elect, John 17. 24. [4] By recommending the prayers of his people, Rev. 8. 3. II. Of the Holy Ghost in God's children^ Rom. 8. 26. III. Of men, for or against others, Jer. 7. 16. Rom. 11. 2. 1 Tim. 2. 1. Isa. 53. 12. made i. || Jer. 7. 16. nor make i. Jer. 27. 18. make i. to the L. |j 36. 25. made i. Rom. 8. 26. Spirit maketh i. for us, 27, 34. 11.2. how he maketh i. against Israel, saying Heb. 7. 25. ever liveth to make i. for them INTERCESSIONS, s. 1 Tim. 2. 1. prayers and i. INTERCESSOR, s. Isa. 59. 16. there was no i. INTERMEDDLE, ETH. Prov. 14. 10. | IS. 1. INTERMISSION, s. Lam. 3. 49. without i. INTERPRET, v. Gen. 41. 8. none could i. 12. 1 Cor. 12. 30. do all i. I) 14. 5, 13. II 27. let one e. INTERPRETATION, s. signifies, [l] A trans- lation, 1 Cor. 12. 10. [2] The gift of opening secrets, Gen. 40. 8. [3J Exposition, 2 Pet. 1. 20. Gen. 40. 5. according to i. of his dream, 41. 11. 12. this is the i. 16, 18. Dan. 4. 24. [ 3. 26. Jndg. 7. 15. heard the L || Prov. 1. 6. i. of proverb Dan. 2. 4. shew i. 7. 36. || 2. 45. the i. sure 4, 19. i. to thy enemies || 5.12. shew i. 15. | 7. 16. John 1. i2. by i. a stone || 9. 7. Siloam, by i. sent Acts 9. 36. by i. Dorcas || 13. 8. Elymas, by i. 1 Cor. 12. 10. i. of tongues || 14. 26. hath an ^. Heb. 7. 2. by i. King of right.l|2Pet.l.20 privatez. INTERPRETATIONS, s. Gen. 40.8. Dan. 5.1 6. INTERPRETED. Gen. 40.22. as Joseph iAl.13. Ezra 4. 7. i. in Syrian || Matt. 1. 23. i. God with us Mark 5. 41. being i. 15. 22. || 15. 34. i. my God John 1. 38. being i. master, 41. Acts 4. 36. INTERPRETER, S, s. Gen. 40. 8. no i. || 42. 23. 2 Chr. 32. 1 31. business ofi. || Job 33. 23. be an i. Isa. 43. t 27. thy i. transgressed || lCor.l4.28. noi. INTERPRETING, p. Dan. 5. 12. i. of dreams INTREAT, V. signifies, [l] To use kindly, Gen. 12. 6. [2] To speak on one's behalf, Gen. 23. 8. [3j To intercede, 1 Sam. 2. 23. [4] To pray, Exod. 8. 8. [5] To grant, 2 Sam. 21. 14. [6] To seek, Prov. 19. 6. [7] To give good words, 1 Cor. 4. 13. Gen. 23. 8. i. for me to Ephron the son of Zoar Exod. 8. 8. Pharaoh said, i. the Lord, 9. 28, 29. I 10. 17. Ruth 1. 16. i. me not|| 1 Sam. 2. 25. who shall i. 1 Kings 13. 6. i. the Lord|| Job 11. 1 19. i. thy face Psal. 45. 12. i. thy favour || Prov. 19. 6. i. favour Jer. 15. 11. i. thee well |j Acts 7. 6. i. them evil 1 Cor. 4. 13. we ?.||Phil.4. 3.1 2.||lTira. 5. 1. but i. INTREATED, p. Gen. 12. 16. he i. Abra. well 25. 21. Isaac i. || Exod. 5. 22. so evil i. Deut.26.6. Exod. 8. 30. i. the Lord, 10, 18. Judg. 13. 8. 2 Sam. 21. 14. God was i. 24. 25. 1 Chr. 5. 20. 2 Chr. 33. 13. Ezra 8.23. Job 19. 16. 1 i. him jj 17. tho' I i. for children Psal. 1 19. 58. 1 i. thy favour v» ith my whole heart Matt. 22. 6. i. spitefully, Luke 18. 32. | 20. 11. Luke 15. 28. father i. him || Acts 7. 19. evil i. Acts k7. 3. courteously i. \\ 1 Thes.2. 2. shamefully Heb. 12. 19. 2. the word |j Jam. 3. 17. easy to be i. INTREATETH, r. Job 24. 21. he evil i. the INTREATY, S,s. Prov. 18. 23. 2 Cor. 8. 4. TNTRUDTXG, /). Col. 2. 10. /. into those things 41 INVADE, V. 2 Chr. 20. 10. Hab. 3. 16. INVADED, p. 1 Sam. 23. 27. i. the land 27. 8. David i. || 30. 1. Amalekites i. Ziklag 2 Kings 13. 20. i. the land |j 2 Chr. 28. 18. i. cities INVASION, s. 1 Sam. 30. 14. made an ». upon INVENTED, i?. 2 Chr. 26. 15. Amos 6. 5. INVENTORS, s. Rom. 1. 30. i. of evil things INVENTIONS,*. Psal. 99. 3. vengeance off. 106. 29. provoked with i. \\ 39. whoring with i. Prov. 8. 12. witty i. \\ Eccl. 7. 29. sought many i. INVISIBLE, a. Rom. 1. 20. i. things are seen Col. 1. 15. image ofi. God|| 16. visible andi. 1 Tim. 1.17. immortal i. || Heb. 11. 27. who is i. INVITED. 1 Sam. 9. 24. 2Sam.l3.23. Esth.5.12. INWARD, a. Gen. 41. + 21. i. parts || Lev. 13. 55. 1 Kings 7. 25. hinder parts i. |j 17. i 21. i. parts 2 Chr. 3. 13. faces 2. |) Job 19. 19. i. friends || 38. 36. Ps. 5. 9. i. part, 5 1.6.| 62.t4.|| 49. 1 1 . thought, 64. 6. Prov. 20. 27. 2. parts, 30. Isa. 16. 11. Jer. 31. 33. Mark 6. 1 19. i. grudge || Luke 1 1. 39. i. part is full Rom. 7. 22. i. man, 2 Cor. 4. 16. || 7. 15. i. affection INWARDLY, ad. Psal. 62. 4. but curse i. Selah Matt. 7. 15. i. wolves II Rom. 2. 29. a Jew i. INWARDS, s. Exod. 29. 13. fat that covereth the i. Lev. 3. 3, 9, 14. | 4. 8. | 7. 3. || 9. 19. 17. thou Shalt wash thei. Lev. 1, 9, 13. | 9. 14. Lev. 4.11. i. burn, 8. 16. || 8. 21. washed the i. Join ; see Joyn. JOAB, Willing, or fatherhood. 2 Sam. 2. 13. JOAH, Brotherhood. 2 Kin. 18. 18, 26. JOAHAZ, Seeing, or possessing. 2 Chr. 34. 8. JOAKIM, Son of Josiah. 1 Chr. 3. 15. JOANNA, The grace, or gift, or mercy of the Lord. Luke 3 27. | 8. 3. | 24. 10. JO ASH, IV ho despairs, or burns, or is on fire, Jndg. 6. 11. 2 Kin. 11. 2. JOB, Sorrowful, hated, fighting, or howling out. Gen. 46. 13. the sons oflssachar J. Job 1. 1. land of Uz, whose name was J. 8. hast thou considered my servant J. 2. 3. 9. J. fear God for nought || 22. sinned not 2. 7. smote X || 32. 1. ceased to answer J. S3. 31. mark well O /. || 34. 7. is like J. ? 42. 9. Lord accepted J. || 22. blessed end of J. 16. lived J. 140 years || 17. J. died old Ezek. 14. 14. though Noah, Daniel, and J. 20. Jam. 3. 11. ye have heard of the patience of X JOBAB, The same as JOB. Gen. 10. 29. 1 36. 33. Josh. 11.1. 1 Chr. 8. 8, 9, 18. JOCHEBED, Glorious. Exod. 6. 20. JOED, Witnessins:, decking. Neh. 11. 7. JO]''L, I'Villing, beginning, or swearing. 1 Sam. 8. 2. Samuel's first was J. 1 Chr. 4. 35. of Simeon .T. || 5. 4. sons af J. 8, 3. 12. of Gadites .T. |j 6. 33. Heman son of 6. 36. Elkanah son of J. || 7. 3. Obadiah J". 11. 38. J. Mibhar |j 15. 7. of Gershom J. 15. 11. .T. the Levite|!23. 8. chief was J. 26. 22. of Jehuli J. jj 27. 20. of Mana« || Acts 9. 3. as Saul j. 26. 13, JOURN EYING, S. Gen. 12. t 9. and /. going Num. 10. 2. trumpets forj. || 28..;. of Israel, 29. Luke 13. 2 2. as he was/.jj'i Cor. il. 26. inj. often JOURNEYS, s. Gen. 13. 3. Abram went \mj. Exod. 17. l.j. according to the commandment 40, 36, went on their j. 38, Num. 10. 12. Num. 10. 6. blow alarm for;. || 33. 1. these arej, JOY, signifies, [1] A sweet affection of the soul, arising from some present or hoped for good, 1 Chr. 12. 40. [2 j The soiiVs gladness in view of union with Christ, Gal. 5. 22. [3] Heaven, Heb. 12. 2. [4J The matter or came of joy, 1 Thes. 2. 20. [5] Songs of praise, Psal. 42. 4. It is, £1] Natural, Prov. 23. 24. Eccl. 2. 10. [2] Worldly, Job 29. 13. Isa.9. 3. [3] Hy- pocritical, Job 20. 5. [4] Ungodly, Pvov. 15. 21. Hos. 9. 1. [5] Mixt, worldly and spiritual, 1 Chr, 12. 40. Luke 10. 17. [6j Heavenly, JOY IRQ Luke 15. 7, 10. [7] Spiritual \ Matt. 25. 21 Psal. 51. 12. Rom. 14. 17 JOY, s. 1 Sam. 18. 6. meet Saul with j. 1 Chr. 12. 40. J. in Israel, 15. 16, 25. j 29. 17. 2 Chr. 20. 27. to ^o a^ainto Jerusalem with j. Ezra 3. 13. shout of 7.JI6.16. dedication with j. 22. Neh. 8. 10. ;. of L your strength||12. 43. j. heard Est. 8.16. light and J. || 9. 22. from sorrow toj. Job 8. 19. j. ofhiswayllfSl. shou ting for ^■. 20. 5. J. of hypocrite || 29. 13. to sing for j. 33. 26. see his face with j. |( 41. 22. turned to,;. Psal. 16. 11. fulness of J. || 27. 6. sacrifices ot'j. SO. 5.j. cometh in morning |j 42. 4. voice of.;, 43. 4. my exceeding J. || 48. 2.j. of whole earth 51. 12.,;. of thy salvatioul|65.ti2. girded with,;. 67. 4. sing forj.||105. 43. brought people withj. 126. 5. shall reap inj. || 137. 6. my chief,;. Prov. 12. 20. to the counsellors of peace isj. 14. 10. a stranger not intermeddle with her,;. 15. 21. folly is ;. to him || 23. j. by the answer 17. 21. J. to thejust||23.24. shallhavej. 21.15. Eccl. 2. 10. 1 with-held not my heart from j. 26. giveth him J. 5. 20. ||9. 7. eat with j. Isa.9. 3. not increased the;. || 17. no J. in young 12. 3. with ;. draw water )j 16. 10. j. is taken 24. S.j. of harp ceaseth || 29. 19. increase,/, in 32. 13. on all houses of /. || 14..;. of wild asses 35. 2. J. and singing || 10. everlasting,;. 51. 11. 62. 9. break forth into ;. (j 55. 12. go out with ;. 60. 15. make thee nj. \\ 61. S.j. for mourning 61.7. everlasting;. |j 65. 14. singforj. 18. 66. 5. appear to your j. || 10. rejoice for;, with Jer. 1 5. 16. word was tomej.||Sl. 13. mourn to j. 33. 9. a name ofj. || 11. heard the voice of^'. 48. 27. skippedst for J. | 49. 25. the city of my ,7. Lam. 2. 15. j. of whole earth || 5. 15.,;. is ceased Ezek. 24. 25. take ihtj. \\ 36. 5. j. of' their heart Hos. 9. 1. rejoice not fory.ilJoel 1. 12. j. withered Zeph. 3. 17. he will rejoice over thee with,;. Matt. 13. 20. anon withji. receiveth it, Luke 3.13. 13. 44. for,;, sellethall || 2.5. 21. enterintoj. 23. Luke 1 44. leaped for,;. 6.23.|ll0.17. returned with 15.7. j. in heaven, 10.|i24. 41. believed notforj. John 3. 29. this my j. therefore is fulfilled 15. 11. my,;, might remain in you, your,;, full 16. 20. turned into/ || 21. for,;, that a man 22..;. no man takethj! 24..;. may be full 17. 13. have my J. fulfilled in themselves Acts 2. 28. full of;. 13. 52. j| 20. 24. course with> Rom. 14. 17. kingdom isj. \\ 15. 13. fill with j. 15. 32. come to you with j. by the will of God 2 Cor. 1. 24. helpers of yourj.ll2. S.j. of you all 7. 13. j of Titus II 8. 2..;'. abounded to riches Gal. 5. 22. is love, /.jiPhil. 1.4. request with,;. Phil. 1. 25. J. of faith || 2. 2 fulfil myj. 4. 1. 1 Thes. 1.6. rec. word with,;.|l2. 19. what is omj. 2. 20. ye are our J. || 3. 9. for the,;, we j. for 2 Tim. 1. 4. 1 may be filled withj. Philem. 20. Heb. 12. 2 j. set before him || 13. 17. do it with.; Jam. 1 . 2. count it all,;. |) 4. 9.j. be turned to 1 Pet 1. S.j. unspeakable II 4. 13. exceeding/ 1 John 1.4. that your/ may be full, 2 John 12. S John 4. no greater/ 1| Jude 24. exceeding.;. Great JOY. 1 Kings 1. 40. 1 Chr. 29. 9. 2'Chr. 30. 26. Neh, 12. 43. Matt. 2. 10. | 28. 8. Luke 2. 10.|24. 52. Acts 8 8.|15. 3. Philem. 7. Shout, or shouted for JOY. Ezra 3. 12. Job 38. 7. PsaL5. 11. I 32. 11. | 63. 13. | 132. 9, 16. JOY, V. Psal. 21. 1.. the king shall j. in Isa. 9. 3. they/ || 65. 19, I'll j. in my people Hah. 3, 18, I'll j. in God || Zeph. 3. 17. he will/ Rom. 5. 11. we j. in God || Phil. 2. 17. yea, I J. Pinl. 2. 18. for the same cause do we j. lThes.3.9. JOYED, p. 2 Cor. 7. 13. the more j. we for JOYFUL, a. 1 Kings 8. 66. they went j. and glad Ezra 6. 22. L. made themj.]! Esth. 5. 9. Haman J. Job 3, 7. solitary let no j. voice come therein Psal, 5. 11. be.;, in thee || 35. 9. soul shall be/ 63. 5. with j. lips II 66. 1, make aj. noise, 81. 1. 89.15.J. sound || 95, 1. a j. noise, 2. | 98. 4. 1 100. 1. 98. 8. let hills bej. || 113. 9, a j, mother of ch. 149. 2. let Zion bej. || 5. let the saints bej. Eccl. 7. 14. in the day of prosperity bej. but Isa. 49. 13. bej. O earth|| 56. 7. I'll make them/ 61. 10. soul shall be;. II 2 Cor. 7. 4. exceeding j. JOYFULNESS, s. Deut, 28. 47. Col. 1. 11,' JOYFULLY, ad. Eccl. 9. 9. live j. with the wife Luke 19. 6. received him j.||Heb. 10. 34. tookj. JOYING,/). Col, 2. S.j. and beholding your JOYN, V. signifies, [1] To knit or unite together^ Job 41. 17. [2] To go near to, Acts B. 29. [3] To be numbered with. Job 3. 6. Exod. 1. 10. lest they j.|| 2Chr. 20.35. did Jehos.j. Ezra9.14.j. in affinity |j Prov.ll. 21. handj.l6. 5. Isa. 5. S.j. housetohouse||9.11.j.enemiestogeth. 56. 6. strangers j. |{ Jer. 50. S.j. ourselves to L. Ezek. 37.17. j. one to another || Dan. 11. 6. shall,;. Acts5. 13. durst no manj.|| 8. 29. go nearj. jj 9.26. JOYNED. Gen.14.8./ battle 11 29. 34. husband j. Num. 18. 2. Levi bej. jj 1 Sam. 4. 2. j. battle lKin.20.29.battlej.l|2Chr.l8.1,;. affinity, 20.36. Ezra 4. 12/ foundation, Neh, 4. 6.|j Esth. 9, 27. Job 3. 6. let it not bej. || 41.17. his scales are/23. Psal. 83. 8. Assur isj. || Eccl. 9. 4./ to the living Isa. 13. 15. every onej. fall || 14, 1. strangers j. 14. 20. not be,;, in burial || 56. S.j. to the Lord Ezek. 1. 9. wings/ ||46. 22. were courts j. of Hos. 4. 17./ to idols II Zecli. 2. 11. nations bej. Matt. 19. 6. what G. hath/ together, Mark 10. 9. Luke 15. 15./ to a citizen|| Acts 5, 36 | 18.7. 1 Cor. 1. 10. perfectly/ |) 6. 1 6. ,;. to harlot |j 1 7. Eph. 4. 16. fitly ;*. || 5. 31./ unto his vtife and JOYNING, S. '1 Chr. 22. 3. 2 Chr. 3. 12. JOYNT, S. Gen. 32, 25. Jacob's thigh out of j. • 1 Kings 22. 34. between.;, of harness, 2 Chr. 1 8. 33. Psal. 22. 14. bones out of/ 1| Piov. 25. 19. foot Song 7. 1./ of thighs || Dan. 5. 6./ loosed Eph. 4. 16. by that by which every j. supplieth Col. 2. 19. body by ;. || Heb. 4. 12. dividing of ;'. JOYNT-HEIRS. Rom. 8. 17. ;.with Christ JOYOUS. Isa. 22. 2. a j. city, 23. 7. | 32. 13. Heb. 12. 11. no affliction seemeth to be/ but JOZABAD, Having a dowry. 1 Chr. 12. 20. JOZACHAR, Remembering. 2 Kings 12. 21. JOZADAK. Ezra 3. 2. | 5. 2. | 10. 18, Neh,12.26. IPHEDEIAH, Redemption of the L. 1 Chr. 8. 25. IR. A watchman, city, or bare. 1 Chr. 7. 12. IRA, The same as IR. 2 Sam. 20. 26. | 23. 26. IRAD, A wild ass. Enoch's son. Gen. 4. 18. IKAM, The watchings, or heap. Gen. 39. 43. IRI, Fire, or light. 1 Chr. 7. 7. IRIJAH, Fear, or vision of the Lord. Jer. 37. 14. IRON, denotes, [1] Insensible hardness, 1 Tim. 4. 2. [2] Hard, dry, barren, Deut. 28. 23. [33 Mighty and irresistible powerj Psal. 2. 9. ISA ISR [4] Chains, Psal. 107. 10. fS] Strength, Dan. 2.33,41. Num. 35. 16. smite with an instrument of i. so Bent. 3. 11. bedstead ofi. || 4. 20. the i. furaace 8. 9. stones are t. || 27. 5. not lift i. tool on 28. 23. earth be i. \\ 48. yoke ofi. Jer. 28. 14. Jo.sh. 8. 31. no man left i. || 17. 16. chariots ofi. Judg. 1. 19. chariots ofi. j| 4. 3. 900 chariots ofi. 1 Sam. 17. 7. his spear weighed 600 shekels ofi. 2 Sam. 12. 31. under liarrows off. 1 Chr. 20. 3. 23. 7. fenced with i. |) 1 Kings 6. 7. nor e. heard 1 Kings 8. 51. furnace of 2. |j 22. 11. horns ofi. 52 Kin. 6. 6. and the i. did swim, 2 Chr. 18. 10. 1 Chr. 22. 3. David prepared i. 29. 2, 7. Job 19. 24. an z. pen |( 20. 24. from i. weapon 28. 2. i. out of earth 1 1 40. 18. like i.\\4l. 27. Psal. 2. 9. a rod ofi. |) 10.5. 18. laid in i. 107. 10. 107. 16. cut bars ofi. || 149. 8. fetters of*. Prov. 27. 17. i. sharpenetii £.|)Eccl. 10. 10. i. blunt Isa. 10. 34. cut with 2. |) 45. 2. I'll cut bars of i. 48.4. neck an i. sinew^lj 60. 17. for stones i. Jer. 1. 18. an i. pillar || 15. 12. the northern i. 17. 1. a pen oft. \\ 28. 13. make yokes ofi. Ezek. 4. 3. an i. pan || 27. 19. with bright i. 12. Dan. 2. 33. legs ofi. 34,-42. |j 7. 7. i. teeth, 19. Mic. 4. 13. thy horn i. || Acts 12. 10. the i. gate 1 Tim. 4. 2. their conscience seared with hot i. Rev. 2. 27. rod ofi. 12. 5.1 19. lo.||9. 9. breast-pl. i. See Brass. IRONS, s. Job 41. 7. skin with barbed i. IR-SHEiMESH, A city of the sun. Josh. 19. 41 . IR-PEEL, Health, ox medicine of God. Josh.18.27. IRU, A watchman. As IR. 1 Chr. 4. 15. IRNAHASH. 1 Chr. 4. 12. IS, signifies, [1] The existence of a person or thing, 1 Cor. 8. 4. Heb. 11. 6. [2] Represents, Exod. 12. 11. Matt. 26. 26, 28. [3] Leads oi^ brings to, Rom. 6. 23. 1 7. 7. [4] Ought to be, or let it be, Heb. 13. 4. [5] Consistcth in, Rom, 8. 6. ISAAC, Joy or laughter. He w^asa type of Christ, in that he was, [1] The son of Abraham, as Christ is said to be. Matt. 1. 1. Heb. 2. 16. [2] Christ, I ike Isaac, was mocked by the children of bondage, Luke 18. 32. [3] Christ teas led as a Lfimh to the slaughter, Isa. 53.7. [4] Christ was offered up on the cross, as Isaac on the altar. [5] Chinst espouses his kindred, as Isaac did, Sfc. Gen. 17. 19. call his name /. 21. 3. || 21. with /. 21. 10. not heir with /.|| 12. for in /. shall thy seed be called, Rom. 9. 11. Heb. 11. 18. 22. 2, take thy only son /. 1| Q. bound /. 24. 4. take a wife for /. |) 14. appointed for /. 63. J. went to meditate (| 67. comforted 25. 5. gave all to /. || 11. God blessed /. 20. /. was 40 years old||21. /. intreated the Lord 26. /. was sixty || 28. /. loved Esau 26. 8. /. was sporting \\ 12. /. sowed and 35. a grief to /. || 27. 30. end of blessing Jacob 28. 1. /. called Jacob || 5. sent Jacob away 31. 42. except fear of J. \\ 35. 27. came to /. 35. 29. /. gave up the Ghost j| 46. 1. to God of 48. 16. let name of my father /. be on them 49. 31. buried /. || 50. 24 he sware to /. Exod. 3. 6. the God of 7.1 5, 16. |4. 5. Gen. 32. 9. 1 Kings 18. 36, 1 Chr. '29. 18. 2 Chr. 30. 6. Matt. 22. 32. Mark 12. 26. Luke 20. ST. Acts 3. 13. I 7. 32. Josh. 24. 3. gave him 7. || 4. gave to 7. Jacob Amos 7. 9. high places of 7. || 16. house of 7. Matt. 1. 2. Abraham begat 7. Luke 3. 34. Acts 7.8. Rom. 9. 10. conceived by 7. || Gal. 4. 28. as 7. was Heb. 11. 9 dwellingwith7.1|17. offered, Jam.2.21. 20. by faith 7. blessed Jacob and Esau See Jacob. ISAIAH, or ESAIAS, Salvation of the Lord. 2 Kings 19. 2. to 7. the prophet, son of, Isa. 37. 2. 20. 11. 7. cried to the Lord, 2 Chr. 32. 20. Isa. 20. 3. as my servant E. hath walked naked Matt.3. 3. spokenby£.4. 14.|8. 17. |12. 17. | 13. 14. Luke 3. 4. John 1. 23. j 12. 38. 15. 7. well did E. prophesy, Mark 7. 6. Luke 4. 17. book of E.yjohn 12. 39. E. said again John 12. 41. these tilings said JE. when he saw Acts 8. 28. read E. jj 28. I5. spake Holy G. by E. Rom. 9. 27. E.also crieth |) 29. as E. said 10. 16. £. saith. Lord ? II 20. E. is very bold 15. 12. E. saith, there shall be a root of Jesse ISC AH, Anointing or coveinng. Gen. 11. 29. ISCARIOT, Restitution, recompence, or a man of murder. Matt. 10. 4. ISHOD. iChr. 7. IS. IS H BAH. 1 Chr. 4. 17. ISHBAK, Exhausted, emptied. Gen. 25. 2. ISHBISHENO, Sitting in prophecy, or iakin^i capticity in prophecy. 2 Sam. 2. 8. ISH-BOSHETH, A man of shame. 2 Sam. 2. 8. ISHI, Salraiion, or my husband. Hos. 2. 16. ISHIAH, It is the Lord. 1 Chr. 7. 3. j 24. 21. ISHIJAH. Ezra 10. 31. sons of Harira7. ISHMAH, A wonder, or desolation. 1 Chr. 4. 3. ISHMAEL, God hath heard. Gen. 16. 11. call his name 7. jj 16. Hagar bare 7, 17. 18. O that 7 might live 1| 20. as for 7 I have 25. 7. was 13 years || 2.5. 9. Isaac and 7. buried 25. 12. generations of 7. 13, 16. 1 Chr. 1. 29. 17. life of 7. 137. || 28- 9. went Esau to 7. 2 Kings 25. 23. 7. came to Gcdaliah, Jer. 40, 8. 1 Chr, 1. 28. Isaac and 7. |i 8. 38. 7. sons of, 19. 44. 2 Chr. 19. 1 1 . son of 7 ruler j) 23. 1. took I into Jer. 40. 14. hath sent I. jj 41. 2. 7. smole Gedal. 41. 6. 7, went forth to meet jj 15. 7. escaped ISHMAELITES. Gen. 37. 27. | 39. 1. Judg. 8. 24. Psal. 83. 6. ISHMAIAH, Hearing, or obeying the Lord. Son of Obadiah, 2 Chr.^27. 19. ISHMERAI, A keepei'. 1 Chr. 8. 13. ISHNAN, Hid, broken. 1 Chr. 8. 22, 25. ISHTOB, A good man. 2 Sam. 10. 6, 8. ISHTJAH, Plain, equal. Gen. 46. 17. ISHUAI, The same. 1 Chr. 7. 30. ISHUI, The same. 1 Sam. 14. 49. ISLAND, Land that is inclosed and surrounded by water. See after Ignorantly, IS \IACHI AH, Cleaving to, leaning upon, or joined to the Lord. 2 Chr. 31.13. ISMAIAH, A Gibeoniie. 1 Sam. 12. 5. ISP AH, A jasper stone. 1 Chr. 8. 16. ISRAEL, A prince of the strong God, or one that hath obtained a princely power from God. Gen. 32. 28. name be 7. 35. 10. 1 Kin. 18. 31. 47.31. 7. bowed himself upon the bed's head 49. 24. from thence is the sliepherd, the stone of 7. Exod. 4. 22. 7. is my son \\ 5. 2. to let 7. go 14. 5. have let 7. go || 25. lot us flee from 7 ISR ISR Exod. 14. 30. Lord saved /. \\ 17.11. 1. prevaWed 32. 13. /. thy servant |j Lev. 24. 10. man of I. Num. 10 29. Lord hath spoken ^'ood concerning/. 36. many thousands of/. |j 20. 14. brotijer /. 21. 2. /. vowed II 17. then i. sang this song 23. 7. defy /. || 23. shall be said of /. what 24. 17. sceptre rise out of /. |j 18. /. do valiantly 25. 8. Phineas went after the man of /. Deut. 25. 6. that his name be not put out of /. 33. 10. teach /. thy law |j 28. /. dwell in safety Josh. 7. 11. /. hath sinned||22. 22. i. he shall know 24. 31. /.served the Lord II Judg.l. 28./. wasstr. Judg. 2. 22. may prove /. 3. l.|| 5. 9. governors 6. 14. save /. 15, 36, 37. || 7. 2. lest /. vaunt 10. 9. /. sore distressed || 16. soul grieved for /. 11.13./. took my land || 20. 33. smote before /. 1 Sam. 4. 2. /. was smitten, 10. || 17. /. is fled 9. 20. desire of /. j| 13. 4. /. had in abonanat. 15. 29. strength of /. not lie || 17. 45. armies 2 Sam. 1. 19. beauty of/. slain||19. 8. /. iiad fled 1 Kings 4. 20. Judaii and /. were many as sand 25. Judah and /. dwelt safely, Jer. 23. 6. 9. 7. /. be a proverb|jl 1. 25. abhorred /. 12. 19. 14. 15. L. shall smite /. || 18. 17. troubleth /. 2 Kings 10. 32. cut /. shortHl*. 12. worse before /. 14.27. not blot out /. || 17. 6, carried /. 23. 27. 1 Chr. 29. 18. the God of / 1 Kin. 18. 56. 2 Chr. 6. 16. I 30. 6. Jer. 31. 1. 2 Chr. 9. 8. because thy God loved I. to establish Ezra 2. 59. whether they were of./. Neh. 7. 61. 3. 11. mercy for ever to /. || 10. 10. trespass of /. Psal. 14. 7. 1. be glad, 53. 6.||22.23. fearye t^ecd of 25. 22. redeem /. O God || 68. 26. fountain of 78. 59. he abhorred /. || SI. 11. /. would none of 83.4. name of/ || 114. 2. /. Iiis dominion 121. 4. keepeth /. j| 125. 5. peace on /. 128. 6. 130. 7. let /.hope in the Lord, 131. .3. 135. 4. chosen /. j| 147. 2. outcasts of/, 149. 2. let /. rejoice in him that made him Isa. 1. 3. /. doth not know || 19. 25. blessed be /. 27. 6. /. blossom [j 4l. 8. /. art my servant 42. 24. /. to robbers || 43. 28. /. to reproaches 44. 5. naine of /. [j 45. 4. /. mine elect 45. 17. /. sliall be saved 1} 25. seed of/, be 48. 1. by name of /. \\ 49. 5. the' /. be not gath. 49. 6. preserved of/. || 56. 8. outcasts of/. 63. 16. and tho' /. acknowledge us not Jer. 2. 5. /. w-as holiness || 14. is /. a servant? 3. 23. salvation of /.|l 10. 16. /. the rod, 51. 19- 14. 8. hope of/. 17. 13. || 48. 27. / a derision 49. 1. hath /. no sons? j| 50. 17. /. is scattered 50. 19. I'll bring |j 20. iniquity of/, be 51. 5. /. not forsaken || Lam. 2. 5. swallowed Ezek. 11.13. full end of / || 37. 28. 1 sanctify / 44. 10. /. went astray || Hos. 4. 15. /. play harlot Hos. 4. 16. /. slideth |j 5. 3. /. is not hid, 6. 10. 5. 5. /. shall fall 1 1 8. 2. /. shall cry, my God S. 3. /. hath cast off Ij 8. is swallowed up 14. /. hath forgotten || 9. 7. /. shall know it 9. 10. 1 found /. t! 10. 1. / is an empty vine 10. 6. /. be ashamed || 8. sin of/, destroyed 11.1. when /. was a child, then I loved him 11. 8. how deliver thee /? || 12. 12. /. served Joel 3. 2. my heritage /.jjAmos 7. 11. captive, 17. Mic. 1. 15. glory of/ [j 5. 1. the judge of/. Luke t. 54. holpen /• |j John 3. 10. master of/? Acts 28. 20. for hope of/. j| Rom. 9. 6. not all /. Rom. 9. 27. tlio' number of/. |f 31. but /. wliich 10. 19. did aoi I. know? || 11. 7. /. not obt.ii led I Cor. 10. 18./ after the flesh] |Gal. 6. 16. peaceon PIul. 3. 5. of the stock of/, of the tribe of Benj. Against ISRAEL. Num. 21. 1. Arad fought- /. 23. Sihon - / 11. 20. || 23. 23. no divination 25. 3. a-iid the anger of the Lord was kmdied - /. 3^'. 13. Judg. 2. 14, 20. 1 3. 8.|10. 7. 2 Sam. 24. 1. 2 Kin. 13. 3. 1 Chr. 27. 24. 2 Chr. 28. 13. Psal. 78. 21. Josh. 8. 14. kings of Canaan went - /. 1 1. 5. | 24. 9. Judg. 3. 12. Eglon || 6. 2. Midian]| 11. 4. Anmon 11. 25.Balak, did he ever strive -/.? I Sam. 4. 2. in aray - / 7. 7, 10.|3l. 1. 1 Chr. 10. 1. 1 Kings 20. 26. Ben-hadad to fight - /. 2 Kinijs 6.8. 2 Kings 1.1. Moab rebelled || 17. 13. testified- /. 1 Chr. 21.1. Satan stood up||2 Chr. 11. 1. went-/. Jer. 36. 2. I have spoken || Amos 7. 17. prophesy Rom. 11. 2. he maketh intercession- /. ^//ISRAEL. Exod. 18. 5. chose able men out Num. 16. 34. -/.fled |) Deut. 1.3. 11. hear, 21. 21. Josh. 7. 25. - /. stoned Achan || Judg. 8. 27. went 1 Sam. 2. 23. sons did to - / || 3. 20. /. knew 4. 1. word came to || 11. 2. reproach on - /. 18. 16. / loved David |) 28. 3. lamented 2 Sam. 3. 12. bring about - /. || 37. underetood 12. 12. this thing before || 16. 21. shall hear 17. 10. - /. know II 18. 17. - /. fled every man 19. 11. speech of- /. is come to me 1 Kings 1. 20. eyes of-/, on thee||2. 15. set facCs 3. 28. - / heard of the judgment of Solomon a. 62. - / offered || 12. i 8. - /. stoned Adorini 14. 13.-/. .shall mourn j) 18. 1 9. gather - /. 22. 17. 1 saw- /. scattered, 2 Chr. 18. 16. 1 Chr. 11.4. David and - /. went to Jerus. 13. 8. 15. 28. / brought ark || 29. 23. obeyed 2 Chr. 12. 1. -/. forsook law || 13. 4. hear me - /. 13. 15. God smote - / || 28. 23. ruin of- /. 3i. 1. - /. went out and brake the images Ezra 2. 70. - /. dwelt in their cities, Nch. 7. 73. 10. 5. made- /.swear||Neh. 12. 47. gave portions Dan. 9. 7. belongeth to - /. || 11. - /.transgressed IMai. 4. 4. remember ye the law of JVIoses for-/. Rom. 9. 6. are not - /. || 1 1. 26. - /. be saved Cainp o/ ISRAEL. Exod. 14. 19. - /. be saved 14. 20. a cloud between Egyptians and - /. Josh. 6. 18. make - /. a curse || 23. without 1 Sam. 1.3.- /. am I escaped || 2 Kings 3. 24. For ISRAEL. Exod. 18. 1. all God had done- / 8. Josh. 24.31. Judg. 2. 7, 10. 1 Kings 8. 66. Josh. 10. 14. L. fought - /.||Judg. 6. 4. sustenance 1 Sam. 7. 9. Samuel cried || 30. 25. ordinance 2 Kings 14. 26. there was not any helper - /. 1 Chr. 6. 49. atonement - /. 22. 1. Neh. 10. S3. Psal. 81. 4. statute - / |j Isa. 46. 13. - /. my glory Zech. 121. word of L.-/. |j Rom. 10. 1. prayer From ISRAEL. Exod.l2.15.cutoff-/.Num.l9.l3. Sum. 25. 4. w^rath may be turned aM^ay t /. Deut. 17. 12. put evil - / 22. 11. Judg. 20. 13. 1 Sam. k 21. glory departed, 22. || 7. 14. taken 17. 26. away reproach - / (| 2 Sam. 24. 25. Neh. 13. 3. separated - /. || Isa. 9. 14. cut off- /. Hos. 8. 6. - / was it also, workmen made it In ISRAEL. Gen. 34. 7. had wrought folly - / Deut. 22. 2-2. Josh. 7. 15. Judg. 20. 6, 10. 40. 7. scatter them - /. || Lev. 20. 2. of strangers sojourn - / 22. 18. Ezek. l^. 7. ISR Num. 1. 3. able to go forth to war- 1. 45.|26. 2. 16. heads of thousands- /. 10. 4.|j3. 13. bora 18. 14. devoted - /. be thine, 21.|j23. 21. pervers. Deut. 25. 7. raise a name || 10. called - I. house 34. 10. arose not prophot since - /. like Moses Judg. 5. 7. ceased - /. till I Deborah arose^ 8. Ruth 4. 7. manner- /. |) 14. name famous 1 Sam, 3. 11. do a thing-/.|i9. 9. before time- /. 11. 13. salvation-/. 14. 45.|jl7. 25. free- /. 17. 46. aGod - /. j|18. 18. what father's family? S!6. 15. like to thee - / .^jj2 Sam. 3. 38. fallen 2 Sam. 5. 2. thou broughtest - /. 1 Chr. 11.2. 13. 12. ought to be done || 13. the fools - /. 19. 22. peaceable- /. \\ 21. 4. nor kill any - /. 1 Kings 14. 10. rUcutoff-i. 2I.21.2Kin. 9. 8. 18. 36. art God - /. |j 19. 18. left TOGO - J. 2 Kings 1. 3. is not aGod-/ ? 6, 16.|j5. 8. prophet 5. 15. no God, but - /. |) 6. 12. prophet -/. tel. 1 Chr. 12. 40. wasjoy - / |i 2 Chr. 7- 18. be ruler 2 Chr. 24. 16. had done good || 34. 21. are left 34. o3. - I. to serve the Lord || 35. 18. like that 35. 25. ordinance - i. |j Ezra 10. 2. hope -/. Psal. 76. 1. name is great - /. || 78. 5. a law - /. Isa. 8. 18. for wonders -/.|| 44. 23. glorified Jer. 29. 23. villany - /j(32. 20. and wonders - /. Ezek. 12.23. proverb, 18. 3.|)39. 7. holy One - / 39. 11. place of graves||44. 28. no possession 45. 8. his possession - /.||16. oblation for prince Hos. 13. 1. exalted - /. |j Mic. 5. 2. be ruler - / Mat. 8. 10. so great faith no not - /. Luke 7. 9. 9. 33. saying, it was never so seen - /. Luke 2. 34. for the fall and rising of many - /. 4. 25. many widows - /. || 27. lepers - /. Lajirf o/ ISRAEL, 1 Sam. 13. 19. no smith - / 2 Kings 5. 2. brought a little maid out of- /. 6. 23. bands of Syria came no more in - / , 2 Chr. 34. 7. rut down idols thro' the - /. Bzek. 7. 2. saith Lord to - /. \\ 11. 17. give yon 12. 19.saith Lord of -/jjlS. 9. nor enter, 20. 38. 21.2. prophesy against - / |! 25. 3. aha, agamst 25. 6. rejoiced against -/|i27. 17. -/. merchants 38. 18. Gog come against |) 19. shakiugin - /. 40. 2. in visions he brought me to -/ Matt. 2. 21 . took the child, and came into /. Made ISHAEL, sin. 1 Kings 14. 16. Jeroboam, 15. 26, 30, 34. I 16. 19, 2G. | 22. 52. 1 Kings 16. 3. Baasha- / 13.|[21. 22. Ahab 2 Kings 3. 3. Jeroboam son of Nebat - 1, to sin, 10. 29, 31. t 13. 2, 6, 11. I 14. 24. J 15. 9, 18, 24, 28. I 23. 15. 3Ien of ISRAEL. Josh. 10. 24. called for - /. Judg. 20. 11. - / gathered || 20. - /. went out 36. - /. gave place to the Benjamites 1 Sam. 14. 24. -/ distressed || si. r. - /.fled 2 Sam. 2. 7. Abner was beaten and the - /, 15. 13. - /. after Absalom j| 16. 18. - / choose 19. 43. fiercer than - /. [j 23. 9. gone away Psai. 7 8. 3 1. smote down -/.j|Isa.41.l4, fear not- /, Acts 2. 22.- / hear |f 3. 12. - /. why marvel.? 5. 35. ye - / take heed 1) 13. 16. give audience 21. 28. Jews of Asia cryhig out - /. help O ISRAEL. Exod. 32. 4. be thy gods O / Num. 24. 5. how goodly are thy tabernacles, OI. Deut. 4. 1. hearken O / 27. 9. Isa. 48. 12. 5. 1. hear 0/6. 3, 4. j 9. 1. j 20. 3. Psal. 50. 7. I 81. 8. Isa. 44. 1. Mark 12. 29. 33. 29. happy art thou O /, 1! Josh. 7. iC^. ISR 2 Sam. 20. 1. his tents O. / 2 Kin. 12. IG. 1 Kings 12.28.thy gods O /.l|Psal.l 15. 9. 01. trust Isa. 40. 27. speakest O / ? my way is hid 43. 1. 1. fear not, Jer. 30. 10. | 46. 27. 22. weary of me O. /. j| 44.-21 . remember these O / art my servant O /. 49. 3. Jer. 4. 1. if thou wilt return, O /. Hos. 14. 1. Hos. 9. 1. rejoice not O / |) 10. 9. hast sinned 13. 9. O / thou hast destroyed thyself Amos 4. 12. meet thy GodJiZeph. 3. 1 4. shout O /. Over ISRAEL. Judg. 9. 22. reigned - /. 1 Sam. 8. 1. judges - /.jjl 3. 1. reigned two years 2 Sam. 2. 10. reigned -/. 3. 10. |5. 2. 1 Chr. 11.3. - 7. 26. the Lord of Iiosts is the God - /. 1 Kings 1. 34. Solomon -/ |j 11. 37. Jeroboam 14. 14. raise a kingjj 15. 25. Nadab - /. 16. 8. Elah II 16. Omri|| 29. Ahab || 22. 51. 2 Kings 3. 1. Jehoramjjg. 3. Jehu, 6. 12. [ 10. 36. 13. 1. Jehoahasr, 10. jj 15. 8. Zechariah 15. 17. Menahera|j23. Pekahiahjjl/. 1. Hoshea 1 Chr. 26. 29. outward business|)29. 30. times Psal. 68. 34. excellency is- /.yEccl. 1.12. king ISRAELjoined with people. Num. 21. 6. Deut. 21. 8. be merciful O Lord to thy- / 26. 15. Josh. 8. 35. bless the-/.|iJudg. 11. 23. before hi? 2 Sam. 3. 18. by David I will save my - / 5. 2. to feed my - /. 7. 7. 1 Chr. 11.2. 12. for his - / sake|j7. 10. place for, 1 Chr.l7.9. 7. 24. hast confirmed to thyself thy - /. 1 Kings 8. 33. when thy- / be smitten, 1 Chr.6.24. 38. prayer made by - / || 43. fear as thy 56. the Lord hath given rest to his - /. 1 Chr. 17. 7. be ruler over my - / 2 Chr. 6. 5. 21. like my - /. \\ 22. thy - / thine own 2 Chr. 31. 8. blessed his - /.|!35. 3. serve his - / Ezra 7. 13. - /. minded to go|i9. 1. not sepai'ated Ps. 135. 12. gave for an heritage to his - /. Jer. 7. 12. wickedness of || 12. - /. to inherit 30. 3. bring again captivity of my. Am. 9, 14. Ezek. 36. 8. yield fniit to-/.||12. my - / to walk 38. 14. - /. dwelleth sately j) 16. up against my Am. 7. 15. prophesv to my - / j| 8. 2. end on Matt. 2. 6. rule my - /. || Luke 2. 32. glory of Acts 4. 27. - J. were gatheredj|13. 17. God of this Princes of ISRAEL. Nmn. 1. 44. j 7. 2, 84. 1 Chr. 22. 17. I 23. 2. \ 28. 1. 2 Chr. 12. 6. |21. 4. Ezek. 19. 1. I 21. 12. | 22. 6. | 45. 9. To, or unto ISRAEL. Gen. 46. 2. God spake 49. 2. hearken - / || k.\. 18. 9. Lord hath done I Sam. 15. 2. Araalek did-/||2Sam. 3. 19. good 1 Chr. 16. 17. same for a law- /. Ps. 105. 10. 21.3. cause of trespass to I. || 22. 9. quietness 2 Chr. 2. 4. ordinance - / || Ezra 7. 11. statutes Ps. 135. 12. heritage. / 136. 22.j|l47. 19. judgm. Isa. 11. 16. as it was - / in t'le day he came Jer. 2. 31. a wilderness - / |j 31. 9. a father- /. Hos. 14. 5. dew - / [j Luke 1. 80. his shewing-/. Acts 1. 6. restore kingdom ^0 /. j|5. 31. j IS. 23. Rom. 1 0. 21. but - /. he saith jj 11. 25. happened Tribes 0/ ISRAEL. Gen. 49. 16. judge as one of- /. j[ 28. twelve - /. Ex. 24. 4. twelve pillars according to the 12. -/ Num. 31. 4. 1000 thro' /ji9. - /• keep his own Deut. 29. 21 . to evil out of - 1. 1) 33, - /. gathered Josh. 3. 12. take 12 out of- /.lj4. 5. number of-/ 7. 16. brounht / by - |j 12. 7. land gave to - /. 19. 51 . -/. divjdedll 22. 14. - / sent to Reuben ISS JUD Josh. 24. I.Joshua gathered the ~I. to Shechem Judg. 18. 1. Dan notamong - /.||20. 2. chief of 520. 10. take 10 men of 100 out of all - /. 21. 5. who of- 7. came not up .^||15. breach in 1 Sam. '2. 28. did 1 choose him out of all - 1. ? 9. 21. smallest of- /.||10. 20. caused ail - /. 15. 17. wast thou not nmde head of- /.? 2 Sam. 5. 1. - /. to David||7. 7. speak I with- /. ? 15. 2. is one of the - /. |j 10. sent spies thro' 19. 9. at strife thro' - /. || 24. 2. go thro' - /. 1 Kings 8.16. nocityoutof-/. tobuild, 2 Chr.C.5. 11. 32. have chosen Jerusalem out of- /. 14. 21. 2 Kings 21. 7. 2 Chr. 12. 13. | 33. 7. 2 Chr. 11. 16. out of-/. su(th as set their hearts Ezra 6. 17. offered twelve goats according to - /. Psal. 78. 55. made - /. to dwell in their tents Ezek. 37. 19. take - /. || 47. 13. to 12 - /. 21. 22. 48. 19. serve the city outof|) 31. namesof - J. Hos. 5. 9. among. - /.|jZech. 9. 1. eyes of all - /. Matt. 19. 28. judging the twelve -/. Luke 22. 30. Rev. 21. 12. gates with name of twelve - /. IVith ISRAEL. Exod. 17. 8. fought - 7. 34. 27. Deut. 18. 1. no inheritance - 7|j33. 21. judgments Josh. 9. 2. fought -7. || 10. 1. made peace -7. 1 Sara. 15. 5. to fight -7. 28. 1. 2 Sam. 21. 15. 2 Sam. 10. 19. peace - 7 |1 2 Kings 17. 18. angry 2 Chr. 25, 7. Lord is not - 7||Mic. 6. 2. plead - 7 ISIIAELITE. Num. 25. 14. 7 was Zimvi 5 Sam. 17. 25. Amasaan 7.||John 1. 47. 7 indeed Rom. 11. 1. 1 also am an 7. of seed of Abraham ISRAELITES. Exod. 9- 7. of cattle of 7 dead Lev. 23. 42. all 7 born || Josh. 3. 17. 7 passed Josh. 13. G. by lotto the 7| Judg. 20.21. destroyed 1 Sam. 2. 14. so they did to all 7.|ll4. 21. be with 25. 1. all 7 lamented || 29. 1. 7. pitched by 2 Sam. 4. 1. the 7 were troubled at Abners death 2 King. 3. 24. 7. smote IMoab || 7. 13. multitude 1 Chr. 9. 2. the first inhabitants were 7 Rom. 9. 4. who are 7 || 2 Cor. 11. 22. are they 7 ISRAELITISH. Lev. 24. 10. 7 woman, 11. ISSACHAR, IVages or reward. Gen. 30. 18. his name 7 |) 35. 23. Leah's son 7. A6. 13. sons of 7 iChr. 7. l.i!49. 14. strong ass Exod. 1. 3. Israel's sons 7 Zebulon, 1 Chr. 2. 1. Num. 1. 8. prince of L Nethaneel, 2, 5. | 7. 18. Deut. 27. 12. 7 to bless |1 33. 18. rejoice 7 in Josh. 7. 10. met in 7 || 11. Manasseh in 7. Judg. 5. 15. princes of 7 jj 10. 1. Tola, man of 1 Kin. 4. 17. ofticer in 7.'!| 15. 27. Baasha of 7. 1 Chr. 12. 40. nigh to 7 || 26. 5. 7. son of Obed. 27. IS. of 7. Omri|{2 Clir. 30. 18. many of 7 Ezek. 48. 25. 7 a portionpG. by border of 7. 33. Trifceo/ ISSACHAR. Num. 1. 29. | 2. 5.| 10. 15. 113. 7. I 34.26. Josh. 19.23. J 21.6. ISSUE, ^. sienifies, [1] Children, Gen. 48. 6. [2] A wail, or outlet, Psal. 68. 20. [3J A ' jhix m' running, Lev. 12. 7. [4] Seed, Ezek. 23. 20. [5J To proceed from., 2 Kin. 20. 18. [6] To floic, Ezek. 47. 8. [7]' To rush forth, Josh. 8. 22. Gen. 48. 6. thy i. W'hich thou begettest after Lev. 12. 7. j. of her blood, 15.25. Matt. 9. 20. Mark 5. 25. Luke 8. 44. 15. 2. running'/. 3. } 22. 4.||15. 8. hath i. 15, 28. 2 Sam. 3. 29. fr. home ofjoabone that hath an z. 2 Kings 20. 18. of thy sons that shall i. from thee Ezek. 23. 20. i. of horses || 47. 8. waters i. out Matt. 22. 25. no i. left his wife, Luke 8. 43. ISSUED p. Josh. 8. 22. i. out of the city against Job 38. 8. as if it z.jjEzek. 47. 1, waters?'. 12. Dan. 7. 10. a fiery stream i. Rev. 9. 17, 18. ISSUES, s. Psal, 68. 20, Prov. 4. 23. ITALIAN. Acts 10. 1. of the I. band ITALY, A large country in Europe^ Acts 18. 2. |27. 1. Heb. 13. 24. ITCH, ING. Deut. 28. 27. 2 Tim. 4. 3. ITHAI, Strong, or coming to. 1 Chr. 11. 31. ITHAMAR, The change of an isle. Exod. 6. 23. ITHIEL, God with me. Prov. 30. 1. ITHMAH, An orphan, or perfection. 1 Chr. 7. 37. ITHNAN. Josh. 15. 23. ITHRA, A remnant. 2 Sam. 17. 25. JTHRAN, Tiie same. Gen. 36. 26. I THREAM, Excellency of the people, or remnant of the people. 2 Sam. 3. 5. ITHRITE, Excelling, or remnant. 2 Sam. 33. 28. 1 Chr. 11.40. ITTAH-KAZIM, An hour. Josh. 19. 13. ITTAI, as ITHAL 2 Sam. 15. 22. | 23. 29. ITUREA, Kept, or full of hills. Luke 3. 1. IVAH, Iniquity. 2 Km. 18. 34. Isa. 37. 13. JUliAL, Fading, or a trumpet. Gen 4. 21. JUBILE, A ram's horn. Lev. 25. 9, — 54. j 27. 17,21, 24. Num.36. 4. JUCAL, Mighty, or perfect. Jer. 38. 1. JUDA. Mark 6. 3. Luke 3. 26, 30. JUDAH, Confession, or praise. Gen. 29. 35. his name J. |j 35. 23. of Leah J. 38. 15. when J. saw her jj 26. J. acknowledged 46. 12. sons of 7. Num. 26. 19. 1 Chr. 2. 3. |4. 1. 28. Jacob sent J. |j 49. 8. J. brethren praise 49. 9. J. a hon's whelp |j 10. not depart from J. Exod. 1. 2. sons of Israel, Levi, J. 1 Chr. 2. 1. Num. 1. 7. .L Nashon jj 2. 3. camp of 7. 9. Deut. 27. 12. J. stand tobless||33. 7. blessing of 7. Josh. 7. 17. family of 7. j) 19. Lord was with 7, Ruth 4. 12.Tamar bare to 7. |j i Sam. 23. 23. of 7. 2 Sam. 3. 8. against 7. shew kinduess|j5.5.reigned 19. 15. 7. came toGilgal jj 24. 1. number 7. 1 Kin. 4. 20.7. were many jj 25. 7. dweltsafely 13. 1. man of God out of J. 2 Kin. 23. 17. 14. 22. 7.didevil |j 15. 1. Abijam reigned over/, 15.9. Asa over 7.|Jl7. went against 7. 2Chr. 16.1. 22. 41. Jehoshaphat began to reign over 7. 2 Kin. 8. 19. not destroy 7. jj 9. 29. Ahaz. reign 14. 10. to fall thou and J. 2 Chr. 25. 19. 12. 7. was put to the worse, 2 Chr. 26. 2. 1 5. 37, send agamst7. Rezm jj 17. 13. testified 21. 11. Manasseh made 7. to sin, 2 Chr. 33. 9, 12. such evil on 7.|l23. 26. anger, 2 Chr. 25. 10. 23. 27. I'll remove 7.||24. 2. Chaidees against 7. 25. 21. so 7. was earned away, 1 Chr. 6, 15. 1 Chr. 5. 2. 7. prevailed, 28. 4.j|27. 18.7. captain "2 Chr. 13. 13. they weie before 7. and behind 16. lied before 7, Jj 14. 4. 7. to seek the Lord 17. 6. groves out of 7. |J 21. 1 1. compelled 7. 21. 13. hast made 7, go a whoring 24. 18. wrath came on 7. 29. 9.- 1 29. 8. j 32, 25, 28. 19. 7. low 7. naked i( 30. 25. 7. rejoiced 33. 16. 7. to serve the Lordj|34. 3. to purge 7. 5. Ezra 3. 9- sons of 7. to set forward the work 7. 14. enquire concerning .7. jj 10. 23. taken Neh. 2. 5. send me to 7. jj 7. till I come to J.. 6. 17. nobles of 7. II 12. 44. 7, rejoiced for JUD JUD ^M Psal. 60.7. .A is my lawgiver, 108. 8. |]114.2.sanct. Isa, 1.1. vision concerning /. 2. 1. )| 3. 1. from 3. 8. J. is fallen II 7. 6. let us go against J. 7. 17. departed from /. |) 8. 8. pass thro' /. 9.21. be agaiust/lj 11. 1 2. gather /. 11.13. adversaries ofXshali be cut off j Ephraim shall not envy J. nor /. vex 22. 8. covering of J. |j 48. 1. forth oi'J. 65. 9. out of /. an inheritor of iny mountain Jer. 2. 28. are thy gods O J.|| 3. 7.her sister/. 8. 9. 26. /.nncircumcisedj) 13. 9. mar pride of/. 13. 19. /. be carried |j 14. 2. /. moumeth 14. 19. rejected /. (j 17. 1. sin of/, written 23. 6. J. shall be saved || 32. 35. /. to sin 33. 7. captivity of /.|| 36. 2. spoke against /. 42. 15. hear ye remnant || 50. 20. sins of/. 51. 5. /. not forsaken \\ 52. 27. /. captive Lam. 1. 3. /. is gone into captivity because Hos. 4. 1 5. let not /. offend jj 5.5./. shall fall 5. 13. /. saw his wound Jj 6. 4. / what shall 10. 11./. shall plow 11 11. 12. /. ruleth with G. 12. 2. the Lord hath a controversy with J. Joel 3. 20, but /. shall dwell for ever and Aiiios 2. 4. three transgressions of j| 5. 2. fire on J. Zeph.l.4.hand upon/.|jZech. 1.19.scattered,21. Zcch. 2. 12. /. his portion || 9. 13. bent J. for me i'4. 7. sav( tents of/. \\ 14. 14. J. shad fight Mai. 2.11./. dealt treacherously, /.hath profaned 3. 4. tiien shall the offering of/, be pleasant Matt. 1. 2. Jacob b«::;at /. jjLnke 3. 33. son of/. Heb. 7. 14. it is eviilent our Lord sprang of/. JU JUDAH. 1 Sam. 18. 16. -/.loved David 2 S;im. .'). b. David reigned 33 years over - /. 2 Chr. 15. lo. -J. rejoicedli 20 13. -/.stood bef. L. 32. 33. -/. did honour to Hezekiah, 35. 24. Neh. 13. 12. - /. brought the tithe of the corn Jer. 20.4.-/. to king of Bab. ||44. 11. cutoff See Benjamin, Bethlehem, Chil- dren, Cities, Daughter, House. Jn JUDAH. 1 Sam. 23. 3. we be afraid - /. 2 Rin. 24. 20. to pass in Jerus. and - /.Jer. 52. 3. 2 Chr. 2. 7. cunning men -/. || 12. 12. weat well 17. 9. taught - /. II 28. 6. slew - /. 120,000 30. 12. -/. one heart || 34. 21. are left -/. Ezra 5. 1 . prophesied - /. |j 9. 9. give us a wall - /. Neh. 6. 7. a king - /. || 16. 15. 1 saw - /. some Ps. 76. 1 . - /. is God known, his name is great Jer. 4. 5. declare - /. 5. 20. || 22. 30. ruling - J. Zech. 9. 7. governor - /. || 14. 21. ever pot - /. See King, s. Lmrd o/ JUDAH. Dent. 34. 2. shewed him -/. Kulh 1. 7. return to - /. [j I Sam. 22. 5. get to - /. 2 Kin. 25. 22. remained jj 2 Chr. 17. 2. garrisons Isa. 19. 17. - /. a terror || 26. 1. be sung in - /. Jer. 31. 23. this speech jj 39. 10. the poor - /. 44. 9. committed || l4. return into the - /. Amos 7. 12. flee thou Seer into - /. || Zech. 1. 21. IMatt. 2. C. tliou Beth-iehem in the - /. Men 0/ JUDAH. Judg. 1.5. 10. - /. said why 2 Sam. 2. 4. - /. anointed || 19. l4. bowed heart 10. 43. words of - ./.J|20. 2. - /. clave to king 20. 4. assemble - /. || 24. 9. - /. 500,000 2 Chr. 13. 15. gave a shout II Ezra 10. 9. gathered Isa. 5. 7. the - /. are his pleasant plant Jer. 4. 4. circumcise, ye |j 11. 9. conspiracy 36. 31. on - J. the evil | 43. 9. hide in sight of 4i. 27. - /. consumed JDan, 9. 7. beJouiieth 42 Tribe o/ JUDAH. Exod. 31. 2. Bezaleel, 35. SO. Num. 1. 27. numbered |j 7. 12. prince of the - /. 13. 6. of the tribe of/. Caleb to spy, 34. 19. Josh. 7. 1. Achan, 16, 18. || 15. 1. lot of-/. 20. 21. 4. Levites out of - /. 9. 1 Chr. 6. 65. 1 Kin. 12. 20. - /. only followed D. 2 Kin. 17. 18. Ps. 78. 69. cno^e -/. (| Rev. 5.5. lion || 7.5. sealed JUDAS, JUDE, and JUDEA, as JUDAH. Matt. 13. 55. his brethren Joses, Simon, /. 26. 47. /. one of the twelve came and a great mult, aiark 14. 43. Luke 22. 47. John 18. 3, 5. John 13. 29./. had the bag. || 14. 22 /. saith to him Acts 1. 16. concerning / || 25. /. by transgres. 5. 37. rose up /. |j 9. H. enquire in house 15. 22. sent /. surnamed Barsabas, 27. 32. JUDAS Iscariot. Matt. 10. 4. I 26. 14. Mark 3. 19. I 14. 10. Luke 6. 16i | 22. 3. John 6. 71. I 13. 2, 26. JUDEA. Ezra 5. 8. went to province of/. Matt. 24. 1 6. in /. flee, Mark 13. 14. Luke 21. 21. John 4. 3. he left/. |J 7. 3. go into /. ag. 11. 7. Acts 1. 8. in /. be witnesses || 2. 14. ye men of/. 9. 31. had rest thro' /. || 10. m. published 12. 19. went from /. || 28. 21. letters out of/. Rom. 15. 31. not believe in/. || 2Cor. 1.1 6. toward 1 Thes. 2. 14. churches which in /. are inX^hrist JUDGE, «. signifies, [l] To try and deter- mine a cause, Exod. 18. 13. [2] To discern, 1 Cor. 2. 15. [3] Rashly to censure, Matt. 7. 1. 1 Cor. 4. 3. [4] To proceed against. Acts 24. 6. [5] To esteem or reckon, Acts 16. 15. [6] To rule, Psal. 67. 4. [7] To punish, Ezek. 7. 3, 8. It is spoken, [1] Of God, Gen. 18. 25. [2] Of Christ, Acts 10.42. [3] Of ma- gistrates, (1) Ordinary, Deut. 1. 16. (2) EX' traordinary, Judg. 2. 18, 19. Gen.18.25. j. of all earth do rightj|19.9.needs hej. Exod. 2. 14. who made thee a^*. Acts7. 27, 35. Deut. 17. 9. come to thej.l2.|| 25. %j. shall cause Judg. 2. 18. Lord was j. || 19. thej. was dead 11. 27. the Lord thej. be judge this day between iSam. 2. <2,5.j. shall judge him \\ 2Sam.l5.4. were^. Job 9. 15. supplication to myj. \\ 23. 7. [ 31. 28. Psal. 7. 1 11. righteous ji. || 50. 6. God isj. 75. 7. 68. 5.j. of the widows || 94. 2.j. of the earth Isa. 3. 2. take away the^. || Amos 2. 3. cut offj. Mic. 5.1. smite the j. |1 7. Z.j. asketh reward Mai. 5. 25. deliver th'?e to the J. Luke 12. 58. Luke 12. 14. who made me ?lj. \\ 18. 6. unjust J. Acts 10. 42.j^'. of quick and dead || IS. 15. be noj. 24. 10. of many years zj. of this nation 2 Tim. 4. 8. the righteous J. || Heb. 1 2.23.7. of all Jam. 4. 11. but 37. |j 5.9.behold, thej.standeth JUDGE, r. applied to God and Christ. Gen. 16. b.j. between me and, I Sam. 24. 12, 15. 31. 53. GodJ. betwixt us 1| Exod. 5. 21. the L.7. Deut. 32. 06. for the Lord shallj. hispeople,Psal. .50. 4. I 135. 14. Heb. 10. 30. 1 Sam. 2. 10. L. shall 7. 24. f 15. 1 Kings 8. 32. 1 Chr. 16. 33. t07. the earth, Psal. 96. 13. 1 98. 9. 2 Chr. 20 12. wilt thou not7. |1 Job 22.1 3. can he7. Psal. 7. 8. Lord shallj. 9. 8. | 57. 4. | 96. 10. 10. 18. ;. fatherless and poor, 82. t 3. Isa. 11. 4. 26. 1.7. me, O Lord, 7.8. 1 35. 24. 1 43. l.|54. 1. Lam 3. 59. 82. 8.7. the earth, 96. 13. | 98.9. Acts 17. 31. 110. 6.7. among heathen 1| Eccl. 3. 17. G. shall^*. JUD JUD Isa.2.4. Lor(lshaIl^'.3.13. |11.3.|51.5.Ezek.7.3. I 34. 17. Joel 3. 12. Mic. 4. 3. John 5. 30. John 8. 15. Ij. no man, 16. | 12. 47. || 8. 26. taj. Rom. 2. 1 6. J. secrets of men || 3. 6. how shall (y.j. 2 Tim. 4. 1. shall J*, quick and dead, 1 Pet. 4. 5. Heb. 13. 4. whoremongers and adult. God will^*. Rev. 6. 10.^'. and avenge |j 19. 11. in rij^ht.^'. JUDGE, appUed to Man, or other things Gen. 31. 37. j. biHwixt us 1| 49. 16. Dan shall j. Exod. 18. 13. Moses sat toj^'. || 16. Ij. \\ '22Aheyj. Lev. 19. 15. inri^hteousnessj.Deut. 1.16.1 16. 18. Num. 3.5. 24.J. between slayerjj Deut.25.1. mayj. 1 Sam. 2. ^.'y. judge slvMl j . hitn || 8.5. a kin<; ioj. lKin.3. 9.whoisabie to^'.tnis people, 2Chr.l. 10. 7. 7. where he niiiriJtj. |) 2 Cnr. 1. 11. mayest^*. 2 Chr. 1 9. 6. J. not for man |i Ezra 7. 25. may^'. I*sal.58. 1. do yej. upn<;htly |[ 72. 2. he shall ji. 72. 4. he shall jf. the poor of people, Prov. 31.9. 82.2. how lone will ye J. unjustly and accept Isa. 1. 17.^'. thetUtheriess jj23. tiieyj.not,Jer.5.28. 5. 3.j. I pray you, betwixt me and my vineyard Jer. 21 . t • 2. }". jud-^ment, Zech. 7. 1 9. I 8. f 16. Ezek. 20. 4. wiit thou ji. them, 22. 2. | 23. 36. 23. 24. shall J. ihee, 45. 1 24. 14. |!44. 24. shalljf. Obad.21.j. Mount Esau|| Mic. 3. ll.j?. for reward Zech. 3.7. then ihou .shalt also j?. my house, and Matt. 7. l.j. not, ye be not judj^ed, Luke 6. 37. Luke 12. 57. why j. ye not right, John 7. 24. John 7. 51. dolliour lawj.||8. 15.j. after the flesh 12. is. .same shall ^". him |j 18. 31 j. him accord. Acts 4, 19. j' ye || 13. 4G.j. yourselves unworthy 23. 3. sittcst thou toj. |j Rom. 2. 27. j. thee Rom. 14. + 1. not toj. || :> j. him that eateth 10. why J. thy brotlier || 13. let us notj?'. one lCor.4.3. Ij. not myself |j 5.j. not before the time 5. 12. I to do to/. II 6.2. saints^', the world, 3. 4. set them toj?. wljo are least esteemed, 5. 10. 15. j. ye what I say || 11. I3.j. in yourselves 11. 31. if J. ourselves |l 14. t^9. let the other ^■. 2 Cor. 5. 14. we thusj;. |J Col. 2. 1 6. let no manj?. Jam. 4. 11. but if thou j. the law, thou art not ] will JUDGE, or will 1 JUDGE. Gen. 15.14. nation they shall serve -j. Acts 7. 7. iSam. 3.13. -j.his house'|| Psal. 75.2. -j. upriirhtly Ezek. 7. 3.j. according to thy ways, 8.27. 1 33.2(5. 11. 10. -j. you, ll.|18. 30.||16.38.*^". thee, 21. 30. 34. 20. -j. between || Luke 19. 22. - /. thee JUDGED, p. Gen. 30. 6. G«d hatliy. me, and Exod. 18. 26. small matter thevj. themselves Judg. 3. 10. Othnielj. 11 4. 4. Deborah |j 10. 2. Tola 10. 3. Jair /. || 12. 7. Jepthahjj 8. Ibzany. Israel 12. 11. Elonj. II 14. Abdonll 15. 20. Samson 1 Sam. 4. 18. EMj. \\ 7. 6. Samuel, 15, 16, 17. 2 Sam. 1 ^. 1 19. the Lord /. || 1 Kings 3. 28. kingy. Psal. 9. 19. heathen be^.jl 37. 33. when he isj. 109. 7. when/ be condemned || Jer. 22. 16. hey. Ezek. 16. 38. shed blood arey. (| 52.y. thy sisters 28. 23. wounded bey. ||35. 11. wheny. 36. 19. Matt. 7. 1. that ye be noty. 2. Luke 6. 37. Luke7.43.rightlyy.||Jolml6 ll.priuce ofworldy. Acts 16. 15. J. faithful [j 24. 6. we would havey. 25 9. there bey. 20. jj '26. 6. amy. for the hope Rom. 2. 12. shall bey. by the law, Jam. 2. 12. 3. 4. overcome wheny. j| 7 why am Ij. as a 1 Cor. 2. 15.y. of no man |1 4. 3. that I should bey. 5. S.j. already || 6. 2. world y. by you, are ye 10. 29. my liberty y. I) 11. 32, wheny. we are 1 Cor. 14. 24. he is convinced of all, be isy. of all Heb. 11.1 l.y. him faithful || 1 Pet. 4. 6. might bey. Rev. U. 18. dead bey. || 16. 5.y. thus|| 19. 2, hey. 20. 12. dead werey.|| I3.y. every man according JUDGES. Exod. n. 6. bring him unto they. 22. asy. determine || 22. 8. brought toy. 9. 22. 1 28. not reviley. || Num. 25. 31. said to they. Deut. 1. 16.1 chargedy.||16. 18. shalt makey. 19. 17. stand beforey. || 18.y. make inquisition 21. 2.y. come forth || 32. 31. enemies beingy. Josh. 8. 33. theiry. stood || 23. 2. called forj. 24.1 . Judg. 2. 16. L. raised up/. 18. )| 17. not heary. Ruth. 1. 1. wheny. ruled || 1 Sam. 8. 1. his sonsy. 2 Sam.7.1 1 .j. to be over || 2 Kings 23.22. days ofy. iChr. 17. 6. spake I toy. 10. || 23. 4. werey. 26. 29- 2 Chr. 1. 2. Solomon spake toy.|| 19. 5. sety. 6. Ezra 7. 25. sety. || 10. 14. they, of every city Job 9. 24. faces ofy.|) 12. 17. makethy. fools- Si. 11. an iniquity to be punished by they. Psal. 2.10.instnicted, yey.|| 119. t 31. save fromy. 141. 6.y. overthrown 11 148. U.y. praise the L. Prov. 8. 16. by me princes rule, and ally, of Isa. 1. 26. restorey.jl 40. 23. makethy. vanity Dan. 3. 2. to gather they. 3. || 9. 12. against y. Hos. 7. 7. devoured theiry. |j 13. 10. where arey. Zcph. 3. 3. hery. are evening wolves, they Matt. 12. 27. they shall be youry. Luke 11.19. Acts 13. 20. gave them/. || Jam. 2. 4.y. of evil JUDGEST,\'. P.sal. 51.4. clear when thou/. Jer. U. 20.y. righteously jj Rom. 2. 1. thaty. Rom. 2. 3. man, thaty.|ll4.4y.another, Jam.4.12. JUDGETH, V. Job 21. 22. hey. those, 36. 31. Psal.7.11.y. the righteous || 58. 11. G. thaty. 82.1. Prov. 29. 14. king that faithfully y. the poor John 5. 22. y. no man || 8. 50. one thaty. 12. 48. 1 Cor. 2. 15.y. all things |j4. 4.y. me is the L. 5. 13. I Pet 1. 17.y. according [| 2. 23. him thaty. Rev. 18. 8. strong is the Lord God whoy. her JUDGING,;). Gen. 30. t 6. 2 Kings 15. 5. Psal. 9. 4.y. right || Isa. 16. 5. Matt. 19. 28. Luke 22. 30. JUDGMENT, s. signifies, [1] The sentence of a judge, 1 Kings 3. 28. [2] JDiscernwien^, Psal. 72. 1. Phil. 1. 9. [3] Punishments, Prov. 19. 29. Ezek. 30. 14. C^D Christ's gocerning power, John 5. 22. | 9. 39. [5] Trials, afflic- tions, 1 Pet. 4. 17. [6] Moderation in punish- ment, Jer. 10. 24. [7] Solemnity of the last day, Eccl. 12. 14. Jude 6. [8] God's word, Psal. 119. 7, 20. Matt. 12. 18. [9] Equity, Isa. 1. 17. Luke 11. 42. [10] The punish- ment inflicted on Christ for our sins, Isa. 53. S. [11] The tyranny of Satan destroyed, John 12. 31. [12] God's decrees, Rom. 11. 33. [13] The sentence of damnation on the wicked. Matt. 5. 22. [14] Courts of judgment, Matt. 5. 21. [15] Decision of controversies, 1 Cor. 6. 4. [16] Opinion, 1 Cor. 1. 10. [17] ^d- vice, 1 Cor, 7. 25, [18] Bectiiude and ordei\ Isa, 4. 4. j 32. 16. [19] The gospel or truth, Matt. 12. 20. Gen. 30. t21. and Leah called her namey. Exod. 12.12. I'll executey.|j21.31. accord, to this/. 23. 2. to Avresty. 6.|| 28. 15. breast-plate ofy. 2p. Num. 27. 1 1. statute ofy. 35. 29, || 21, y. of Urim Deut. 1, 17. y, is God's |) 10. 18. he doth executey. 16. IS.justy. y 19. notAvrcsty.Hl7.9.senteKceofy. JUD JUD l^ut. 1 r.l 1. accord, to the^.(|24.17. nor pervert/. 25. 1. come to ;. || 27. 19. cursed that perverts^. 32. 4. all his ways are^'. || 41. take hold onj. Josh. 20.6.staQd for /.jjjudg. 4.5. to Deborah for^'. 1 Sam. 8. 3. his sons took bribes and perverted^'- ij Sam. 8. l3. David executed/ 1 Chr. 18. 14. 15. 2. when any came to king for /, 6. 1 Kings 3. 1 1. to discern/ 1) 28. Isr. heard of/ 7. 7. porch of/ (| 20. 40. so shall thyj. be 2 Kings 25. 6. took the kin;i, and gave/ on him 2 Chr. 19. 8-7 of the Lord|{20. 9. as the "sword,/ 22. 8. j. on Ahab j| 24. 24. executed j. ag. Joash Ezm 7.^26. \etj. be executed |l Esth. 1. 13. knew/ Job 8. 3. doth G. pervert j.34. 12.{(9. 19.speak of/ 1 ?. 7. I C17 aloud, but there is no/ 19. 29. there is a/ [j 32. 9. nor understand J. 34. 4. choose.;. |i 35. 14. yet J. is before him 36. 17./ and justice take hold on thee Psal. 7. 6. awake to/ |i 9. 7. his throne for/ 9. 8. minister/ |j 16. L. known by the j. which 35. 5. he loveth/ 37. 28. |j 37. 6. / as noon day 37. 30. talketh of/ |( 72. 2. thy poor with/ 76. 8./ to be heard || 9. when God arose to/ 89. 14. justice andj. are the habitation, 97. 2. 94. 15./ return Ij 99. 4. loveth/ executestj. 101. 1. singofj.|| 103. e.executeth/ 146. 7. 106. 3. blessed that keep/|j 30. and executed/ 111. 7. verity and/ |) 112. 1 5. guide with/ 119. 66. teach me/ |( 121. I have done ;. and 149. 66. according to tliy/|| 122. 5. | 149. 9. Prov. 1. 3. to receive/ || 2. 8. paths of j. 8. 20. 2. 9./ and equity || 13. 23. destr. for want of/ 17. ^3. pervert ways of/ \\ 19.28 scorneth/ 20. 8. throne of j. || 28. 5. understand not^'. 29. 4. the kinjrby/ |) 26. every man's/ com. ol. 5. nor pervert the/ of any of the afflicted Eccl. 3. 16. .«aw place ofy. |j 5. 8. perverting of/. 8. 5. discerneth both tune and/. || 6. time and j^. Isa. 1. 17. seek 7*. 16. 5. || 21. it was full ofj. 27. redeemed with ^' || 4. 4. spirit ofj. and 5- 7. looked for ;. || 9. 7. to establish withj. 10. 2. tura aside needy from j. |j 16. 5. seeking 16. S.executey. Jer. 7. 5. 121. 12. |22. 3. |23.5. I 33. 15. Ezek. 18. 8. |45. 9. Zech.7. 9. | 8. 12. 28. 6. a spirit ofj. jl 17. I'll lay j. to the line 30. 18. a God ofj. \\ 32. 1 6.j. shall dwell in 33. 5. filled Zion withj. jj 34. 5. curse toj. 40. 14. pathofj. 11 41. 1. near together toj. 42. 1. bring J. to the Gentiles, Matt. 12. 20. 3.j. to truth I) 4. till he have set ;. in earth 53. 8. from prison, and fromj. Acts 8. 33. 56. 1. keep^*. Hos. 12. 6.||59. 8. thereisno^'. 15. 59. 9. is^". far from us|| 11. we look for^'. 14. 61. 8. 1 love J. 11 Jer. 5. 1. if execute j*. 7. 5. Jer. 5. 4. know not the/. 5. 1 7. 5. |8. 7.1|9. 24. 10. 24. correct but withy. (I 23. 5. execute/. 26.t ll-i- of death || 39. 5. he gave/. 52. 9. '18. 21. y. is come || 47. far thej. of Moab 49. 12. / was not to drink || 51. 9. herj. Ezek. 23. 10. executed/ |) 24. 1'Uset herj^'.bef. Dan. 4. 37. ways are^. |( 7. 10./ was set and 7. 22. J. was given {{ 26. j. shall sit and they Hos. 5. l.j. is towards you \\ 10. 4.j. as hemlock Amos 5. 7. turn/ 6. 12. |1 5. 15. establish j. 24. MicS. 1. is it not to know^. |( 8. 1 am full of / 9. that abhor^. || 7. 9. and execute^ . for nie Hab. 1. 4. J. dothBcver go forth Jj 7./ proceed Hab. 1 , 12. O Lord thou hast ordained tliem for_;. Zeph. 2. 3. wrought his/j'3. 5.j. to lii^ht, he Mai. 2. 17. ye say, where is the God of/ ? Matt. 5. 21. dauirer of/ 22.||7. 2 what/ ye 23. 23. omitted/ mercy, faith, Luke 11. 42. John 5. 22. all/ to the Son, 27. \\7. 24. righteous/ 9. 39. for/ I come |j 12. 31. now is the/ of 16. S. he will reprove the world of/ 11. Acts 24. 25. reasoned of 7. |l 25. 15. desiring/ Rom. 1.128. void of/ |l 32. knowing the 7. of 2. 2. / of God is according to truth, 3. 5. righteous/ of God 1 1 3. 1 19. subject to/ 5. 16./ was by one 1| 18./ came on all to con. 1 Cor. 1. 10. the same/|| 4. 3. judged of man's/ ll.t29. drmketh/|';r34. not together to/ 2 Thes. 1. 5./ of God || 1 Tim. 5. 24. before to/ 1 Tim. 3. f 8. men of no/ || Til. 1. 1 1 6. void of/ Heb. 6. 2. of eternal J. || 9- 27. after this the,;. 10. 27. but a certain fearful looking for ofj. Jam. 2. 13./ without mercy |j 3.t l* greater/ 1 Pet. 4. 17./ must besiu at the house of God 2 Pet. 2. 3. whose;. lingerethnot|j4. reserved to/ Jude 6. to/ of great day |! 15. to execute/ on Rev. 14. 7. hour of his/ |j 17. l.j. of whore 18. 10. thy/ come || 20. 4./ was given unto Do JUDGMENT. Gen. IS. 19. 1 Kins;s 3. 28. |10. 9. 2. Chr. 9. 8. Prov. 21. 3, 7, 15. Jer. 22. 15. I 51. 47,52. Ezek. 18.|5.1 33. M4. JUDGMENT- Ha«. John 18. 28, 33.119. 9. Acts 23. 35. to be kept in Herod's/ - /« JUDGMENT. Lev. 19. 15, 35. Num.35. 12. Deut. 1. 17. 1 17. 8- Jndg. 5. 10. 2 Chr. 19. 6. Job 9. 3i>. 1 37. 23. Psal. 1. 5. 1 25. 9. Prov. 16. 10. 1 18. 5. I 24. 23. Isa. 5. 16. |28. 6. 7. I 32. I,t7. 1 54. 17. .Jer. 4. 2. |49.tl9. Ezek. 44. 24. Hos. 2, 19. | 5. 11. Mai. 3. 5. Matt. 12. 41, 42. Luke 11. 31, 32. Phil. 1. 9. Into JUDGMENT. Job 14. 3. I 22. 4. j 34.23. Psal. 143. 2. Eccl. 11. 9. | 12. 14. Isa. 3. 14. 3/?/ JUDGMENT. Job 27. 2.. 1 29. 14. | 34. 5. 40. S. Psal. 9. 1 4. I 35. 23. Isa. 40. 27. 49. 4. 1 51. 4. Ezek. 39. 21. John 5. 30. 8.16. 1 Cor. 7.25, 40. JUDGMENT .S^a^ Matt. 27. 19. Johnl9.13. Acts 18. 12, 16, 17. I 25. 10, 17. Rom. 14. 10 2 Cor. 5. 10. Jam. 2. 6. JUDGMENTS. Exod. 6. 6. great ;. 7. 4. 21.1. these are the/ |j 24. 3. told all the/ Num. 33.4. executed/ jl 35. 24. these/ 36. 13. Deut. 7. 12. hearken to/ 1! 33. 10. teach thyj. S3. 21. he executed the/ of the L. with Israel 2Sam. 22. 23 his/ were before me, Psal. 18. 22. 1 Chr. 16. 12. remember/ of his mouth, Ps.l05..5. 14. his J. are in all the earth, Psal. 105. 7. Neh. 9. 29. but sinned against tby/ which if Psal. 10. 5./ far abovej|l9. 9./ of L. are true 36. 6./ a great deep i| ^8. 11. dad because of/. 72. 1. give the kingthy/|i 97. 8. thy/. O Lord 119. 7. learned thy/ |1 13. I declared ail the/ 20. loniring to thy/ || SO./ I laid before me 39. thy / are good jj 43. I hoped in thy./. 52. 1 remember thy/ |) 62. righteous / 106, 120", 137, 160,164. 75./ are right jl 102. not departed from thy/ 108. teach uie thy/ji 1 5^. according to thy/ 175. let thy/ help me || 147. 20./ not known JUS JUS Piov. 19. 29. ;. are prepared for scorners^ and j Isa. 26. 8. way of thy j'. |) 9./ are in the earth Jer.4.t 1'2. I utter ^•. |! 12. 1. let me talk of thy/ Ezek. 5. 7.j. of nations () 8. execute.;. 10. 15, 16. 41. execute ji. on thee, 25. 11. I 30. 14. 23. 24. according to theirj. || 28. 26. executed^. Dan. 9. 5. departing from j. || Hos. 6. 5.j. as light Zech. 3. 15. taken away j. || 1 Cor. 6 4. havej'. Rom. 11. 33. how imsearchable are his.7'. and Rev. 15. 4. j. manifest || 16. 7. righteous j. 19. 2. My^ JUDGMENTS. Lev. 18. 4. shall do myj. 5. keep -y. 25. 18.1|26. 15. if abhor -j. 43. lChr.28.7. if he do :y.|IPsaS. 89. 30. walk not in -,7. Jer. 1. 16. I'll utter -.;. || Ezek. 5. 6. changed -j. ' Ezek. 5. 7. nor kept-j.||l4. 21. send -four sorej. 36. 27. shall keep - 7.|)44. 24. according to my j. Statutes and JUDGJVIENTS. Lev. 18. 5. keep my - j. 26. | 20. 22. Deut. 7. 11. | 11. 1. |26. 16, 17. I 30. 36. 1 Kin. 2. 3. | 8. 58. 1 9. 4. 19. 37. observe my-j. Deut 11. 32. | 12. 1. 26. 46. these the - j, the L. made, Deut. 4. 45. Deut. 4. 1. hearken to the-j. I teach, 5. 1. 5. 1 taught you -j. |) 8. hath -j. so righteous 14. to teach you -j. 5. 31. | 6. 1. Ezra 7. 10. 6. 20. what mean these -j. |j 8. 11. Neh. 1. 7. 1 Kin. 6. 12. walk in -j. 1 Chr. 22. 13. 2 Chr. 19- 10. Neh. 9. 13. right -j. \\ 10. 29. to do all his-/ Psai. 147. 19. shewethhis-j.|)Ezek,5.6. refused -j. Ezek. 11. 12. not walked in -j. 20. 13. | 16.21. 18. 9. walked in my -j. 17. | 20. 19. | 37. 24. 20. 11. shewed my -;. |j 18. nor observe -j. 25. Mai. 4. 4.rememb. ye the law of Moses with-./. JUDITH, PraisiniT, or coiifessing. Gen. 26. 34. JUICE, s. Song 8. 2. ;. of my ponie^ranates JULIA, Full of hairs. Rom. 16. 15. JULIOUS, as JULIA, Acts 27. I, 3. JUMPING, p. Nah. 3. 2. noise of j. chariots JUNIA, Of Juno, or of the month Ju)ie. Rom. 16.7. JUNIPER, A tree, or plant, which produces a wholesome fruit, called Juniper-berries. 1 Kin. 19. 4. Job 30. 4. Psal. 120.4. JUPITER, The helping father. A great star so called ; also the name of an idol. Acts 14. 12, 13. I 19. 25. IVORY, s. 1 Kmgs 10. 18. made a throne of i. 22. bringing gold, silver and i. 2 Chr. 9. 21. 22 39. i. house II Psal. 45. 8. out of ^. palaces Song 5.14. of bright i. || 7. 4. neck is as i. Ezek. 27. 6. benches of i. || 15. brought horn of i. Amos 3. 15. houses of z. || 6.4. lie on beds of i. Rev. 18. 12. for no man buyeth vessels of i. JURISDICTION, s. Power, rule, or authority, I Kings 8. 1 37. Luke 23. 7. JURY, That is, Judea, Luke 23. 5. John 7. 1. JUSHABHESED, A dwelling place, or seat of mercy, 1 Chr. 3. 20. JUST, a signifies, [l] One who is upright^ honest Luke 23. 50. [2J The great God, who is essen- tially just, and the fountain of it, Deut. 32. 4. [3] One who is faithful, 1 John 1. 9. [4] One who perfectly obeys the laiv, 1 Pet. 3. 18. E51 One made just by imputation, Rom. 1. 17. 6 J One that is so only in opinion, Luke 18. 9. Gen. 6. 9. Noah was a j. man and perfect Ley. 19. 5&.j. balances,.;, weights, j. ephah,f.hin, Deut. 25. 15. Ezek. 45. 10. Deut. 16. 18. j. judgments, 20.||32. 4.J. and right 2 Sam. 23. 3. that ruleth must bej. || Neh. 9. 33. Job 4. 17. shall mortal man be morej. than God 9. 2. how shall man bej. ? || 12. 4. j. upright 27. 17. j. shall put it on || 33. 12. thou art not/ 34. 17. wilt thou condemn him that is most j. Psal. 7. 9. establish the,;. || 37. 12. plotteth ag./ Prov. 3. 33. habitationof j. II 4. 18. path ofj. 9. 9. teach a;, man || 10. 6. blessing on/ 7. 10. 20. tongue of/ is as choice silver, 31, 11. 1. a/ weight, 16. 11. |1 11. 9. /be delivered 12. 13. .7. out of trouble |j 21. no evil to the/ 13. 22. laid up for/ || 17, 15,condemneth/ 17. 26. to punishj. not good [j 18. 17. seemeth/ 20. 7. the/ man walketh in his integrity 21.15. it is joy to.;. || 24. 16. a j. man falleth 29. 10..;. seek his soul l| 27. abomination to/ Eccl. 7. 15./ that perisheth, 8. 14.|[7. 20. not a/ Isa. 26. 7. weigh path of/ || 29. 21. turn aside / 45. 21. a ;. God, and a Saviour || 49.t24. ofj. Lam. 4. 13. have shed the blood ofj. in her Ezek. 18. 5. if a man be ;.and do right, 9. Hos. 14. 9./ shall walk"|| Amos 5. 12. afflict/ Hab. 2. 4./ shall live by faith, Rom. 1. 17. Zeph. 3. 5. the/ L.|} Zech. 9. 9../. having salvation Matt. 1. 19. a/ man|j 5.45. sendeth rain on/ 13. 49. wicked from.;. || 27. 24. this.;, person Mark 6. 20. John, that he was a j. man and Luke 1. 17. wisdom of the,;. || 2- 25. Simeon/ 14. 14. resurrection ofj. || 15. 7. 99/ persons 20. 20. fain themselves j. j| 23. 50. Joseph was j. John 5. 30. as I hear, I judge, myjudgmentsj. Acts 3. 14. holy one, and the j. one, 7. 52. 1 22. 14. 10. 22. Cornelius a/. || 24. 15. resurrection ofj. Rom.l. 17./ live by faith. Gal. 3. 11. Heb. 10.38. 2. 1 3. not hearers j.| 1 3. 8. whose damnation isj. 3. 26. he might bej. jl 7. 12. holy,;, good Phil. 4. 8. whatsoever things are j. pure, if Col. 4. 1. j. and equal || Tit. 1. 8. bishop bej. Heb. 2. 2.j. recompence||12. 23. spirits ofj. men Jam. 5. 6. killed the j. || 1 Pet, 3. 18. j. for unjust 2 Pet. 2. 7. delivered/ Lot ||1 John 1. 9. he isj. Rev, 15, 3./ and true are thy ways, thou king JUSTICE, s. is, [Ij That essential perfection in God, whereby he is infinitely righteous and just in his nature and works, Psal. 89. 14. [2] A political and mora virtue ; distributive. Job 29. 14, and communicative. Gen- 18. 19. Gen. 18. 19. they shall doj. and judgment Deut. 33. 21. executed j. 2 Sam. 8. 15. 1 Chr. 18. 4. Ezek. 45. 9. Job 8. 3. pervert/ ?|| 36. 17./ take hold 37. 23, in plenty ofj. he will not afflict Psal. 82, 3. doj.|j89- 14. j. audjudgment|1119. 121. Prov. 1.3. instruction ofjli's. 15. princes decree j. Eccl. 5. 8. pervertingj. || Isa. 9. 7./ andjudgni. Isa. 56. 1. doj. 11 58. 2. they ask ordinances of j, 59. 4. none calleth forj.j] 0. norj. overtaketh, 14. Jer.23.5. executj.jj31. 23. O habitation ofj. 50. 7. See Judgment. JUSTIFICATION, s. Is a gracious act of God, whereby he pardons and accepts of sinners on the account of Christ's righteousness imputed to them, and received by faith, Rom. 5 . 1 6, 1 8. Our Justification was, [l] Confirmed and rati- fied by the resurrection of Christ, Rom. 4.25. [2] And it is manifested and declared to the KAB KuXLiE world by the good woi^ks of believers. Jam. 2. 21,24,26. Rom. 4. 25. raised for j. || 5. 16. free gift toj. 18. JUSTIFY, V. signifies, [I] To acquit or declare one innocent, Rom, 3. 28. | 5. 9. [2] To declare another less guilty , Ezek. 16. 51. [3] To ac- knowledge a person or thing to be just. Matt. 11. 19. It is fourfold, [1] Vain-gloriously, Luke 10. 29. [2] Politically, Deut. 25. 1. Isa. 5. 23. [3 J Legally, Rom. 3. 20. Gal. 2. 16. [4] Evangelically, Rom. 5. 1. Tins is said to be, [1] By Christ, Gal. 2. 16. [2J % /tis Woo(/, Rom. 5. 9. [3j By his knowledge, Isa, 53. 11. [4] i^y grace freely, Rom. 3. 24. Tit. 3. 7. [5] By faith. Gal. 3. 8. Exod.23.7. I'll not J. wickedJIDcnt. 25. l.j. right. Job 9.20. if ly. myself ||27. 5. should j. you|)33.32. Isa. 5. 23. jf. wicked || 53. 11. by knowledge j. Luke 10.29. wiiliiig to^'. himself, 16. 15. Rom. 3. 30. j. cn'CtmfCision [) Gal. 3. 8. j. heathen JUSTIFIED,;). Job 1 1. 2. man full of talk bej.i 13. 18.1 shall be J. |1 25. 4. can man be j. 32. 2. beca!ise hej. himself rather than God Psal. 51. 4. mightest bcj. |j 143. 2. no man bej*'. Isa. 43. 9. they may be ;. 2^>.||45. 25. Israel be J Jer. 3. 11.7. herself II E/ek. 16. 51. j. thy sisters Matt. 11.19. wisdom isjf. of her child. Luke 7. 35. Luke 7. 29. publicans^. God [I 18. li.j. rather Acts 13. 39. all that beheve are j. from all things Rom. 2. 13. doers of lawj. || 3. A.j. in sayings 3. 20. no flesh bej. || 24. j. freely, Tit. 3. 7. 28. ;. by faith, 5. 1. Gal. 2. 16. *| 3. 24. 4. 2. if J. by works |) 7. 9.7. by his blood, we 8. 30. and whom he 7. them he also glorified 1 Cor. 4. 4. not hereby^'. || 6. 11. but ye are 7. Gal. 2. 16. not^. by works, 3. Il.|j5. 4. whoso isj. 1 Tim. 3. 16. G. manifest in the flesh,^. in Spirit Jam. 2. 21. was not Abraham^, by works, 24, 25. JUSTIFIER, s. Rom. 3. 26. the 7. of him which JUSTIFIETH, 1-. Prov. 17. 15. thatj. wicked Isa. 50. 8. near that j. who will contend with Rom. 4. 5.7. the ungodly |j 8. 33. it is God that;. JUSTIFYING, p. 1 Kings 8. 32. 2 Chr. 6. 23. JUSTLE, V. Nah. 2. 4. chariots shall 7. one ag. JUSTLY. Mic. 6. 9. Luke 23. 41. 1 Thes.2. 10. JUSTUS, Just, virtuous. Acts 1. 23. | 18. 7. JUTTy\H, Turning away. Josh. 21. 16. IZHAR, Oil, or clearness. Exod. 6. 18, 21. IZRAHIA, T-he Lord ariseth. 1 Chr. 7. 3. IZREEL, The seed of God. Josh. 1 9. 18. IZRI, To fasten. 1 Chr. 25. 11. IZRITES,TroK6/£f,or making narrow,^um.26.A9. K K. AB, s. A measure containing near two quarts. 2 Kings 6. 25. KABZEEL, Covgregation of God. Josh. 15. 21. KADESH, Holiness, ox sanctijication. It was a city of Refuge, about 24 miles south o^ Hebron, and on the edge of the wilderness of Paran. It was called En-mishpat, Gen. 14. 7. in which were the waters of strife, Ezek. 47. 1 9. Gen. 14. 7. they came to En-mishpat which is K. Num. 13. 26. came to wilderness of Paran to K. Num. 20. 16. we are in K. a city in thy border 27. 14. rebelled against me at the water of Me- ribahin K. Deut. 32. 51. Ezek. 47. 19|.48. 28. 33. 26. pitched 1| Deut. 1. 46. abode in K. Psal. 29. 8. Lord shaketh the wilderness of K. KADESH-BARNEA, Holiness of the corn.Num. 32. 8. Dent. 9.23. Josh. 10.41. | 14. 6, 7. - KADMIEL, God of ancientness. Ezra 3. 9. KADMONITES, Ancients. Gen. 15. 19. K ALL AT, Light, ox roasting by fire. Neh. 12.20. KAN AH, Of reeds. A river, Josh. 16. 8. KAREA, Bald. 2 Kings 25. 23. Jer. 43. 2. KARKx\A, ^/oor, or dissolving cold. Josh. 15.3. KARKOR. Judg. 8. 10. KARNAIM. Gen. 14. 5. KARTAH. Josh. 21. 34. K ARTAN , A calling, reading, or meeting. Josh. 21. 32. KATTAH, A city, Josh. 19. 15. KE]L>A'R,Blackness,oxsorrow. Acountryin JraHa. Gen. 25. 13. the son of Ishmael K. 1 Cor. 1. 29. Psal. 120. 5. in tents of /iC.|| Song 1. 5. as tents of Isa. 21.16. glory of it. fall || 42. 1 1 . villages K. 60. 8. fio( ks of K. shall be gathered to thee Jer. 2. 10. send to K. || 49. 28. saith L. go up to Ezek. 27. 21. all the princes of liT. occupied KEDEMAH, Original, or first. Gen. 25. 15. KRDEMOTH, Antiquity. Josh. 21. 37. KEEP, r. signifies, [1] To retainer holdfast, 2 Tim. 1. 14. [2] To remember, Luke 2. 51. [3] To defend and protect, Psal. 127. 1. [4] To observe and practise, Psal. 119. 4. Acts 16. 4. [5] To celebrate. Matt. 26. 18. [6j To save or deliver, John 17. 15. [7] To per- form, Matt. 19. 17. Gen. 2. 15. garden to A:.|| 18. 19. k. way of Lord 28. 15. with thee, to k. thee, 20. |j 30. 31. k. fJocie^ 33. 9. k. that thou hast || 41. 35. k. food in cities Exod. 12. 25. k. this service, 47. | 13. 5, 10. 20. 8. sabbath-day to k. it holy,31. 13. Deut.5.12. 22. 7. stuff to k. II 23. 7. fc.from false matter 23. 14. A;, a feast || 20. 1 send angel to k. thee Lev. 18. 4. k. my ordinances, 30. Ezek. 11. 20. 19. 3. k. my sabbaths, 30. j 26. 2. Isa. 56. 4. 23. 39. shail k. a feast seven days, 2 Chr. 30. 15. Num. 6. 24. Lord bless and k. thee||9. 3, ll.jlS. 7. Deut. 4. 6. k. therefore and do them, 5. l.|17. ly. 23. 9. k. from wicked thing i| 23. out of lips k. Josh. 6. 18. jk. from accursed thing|{K). 18. | 23.6. Judg. 2. 22. k. way of Lovd|jRuth. 2. 21. k. fast by 1 Sam. 2. 9. k. feet of saints jj 7. 1. to k. the avk 2 Sam. 15. 16. ten concubines to k. 16. 21.|20.3. 1 Kings 8. 25. k. with thy servant D. 2 Chr. 6. 1 6. 20. 39. brought a man to me, and said, k. this 1 Chr. 4. 10. A;, me from evil || 12. 33. k. rank 22. 12. k. the law of the Lord, 29. 18. 2 Chr. 28. 1 0. ye purpose to k. under the cliildren 30. 3. could not k. jj 23. to k. other seven days Ezra 8. 29. watch and k. \\ Neh. 12. 27. | 13. 22. Esth. 3. 8. k. king's laws jj'9. 27. k. Puiim Job 14. 13. k. me secret till || 20. 13. tho' he k. it Pfial. 17. 8. k. me as the apple || 19. lo- /c. back 25. 20. O k. my soul|j' 34. 13. k. thy tongue from 37. 34. and A;, his way || 39. 1. I'll k. my mouth 89. 28. my mercy I'll k. \\ 91. 11. angel.s to k. 103. 9. nor k. anger \\ 105. 45. k. his laws I IS. 9. barren to k. house Ij 119. 2. k, tcstrruonics KEE KEN Ps. 119. 4. A;, precepts, 17, 33, 34, 57, 63, 69, 88, lUO, 106, 129, 136, 146. 127. 1. except the Lord k. city || 140. 4. k. me 141. 3. fc. door of n-y lips |) 4. k. from snare Prov. 2. 11. understanding k. thee, 4. 6. j 6. 22. 3. 21. k. sound wisdom || 26. Lord shall k. thy 4. 13. k. instruction, 21. | 5. 2. | 7. 1. | '22. 18. 23. A?, thy heart with al! diligence, for out 6. 24. to k. thee from the evil woman, 7. 5. 8. 32. blessed that /?.|j 22. 5. doth k. his soul i24.tlO. k. not company with the wicked t2S. 4. such as k. the law, contend with them Ecci. 3. 6. a time to ^^ (j j. 1. A:-, thy foot when Isa. 26. 3. k. him in perfect peace || 27. 3. I k. it 42. 6. I will k. thee |) 43. 6. k. not back, bring Jer. 3. 5. will he k. anger || 12. I'll not k. anger 31. 10. and A?, him |j 42. 4. I'li k. nothing back Ezek. 20. 19. A?, judgments || 43. 11 . k. the form Hos. 12. 6. k. mercy Ij Mic. 6.t 16. k. statutes Mic. 7. 5. k. doors of mouth || Nah. 1. 1.5. | 2. 1. Zech. 3. 7. k. njy courts || 13. 5. me to k. cattle Mai. 2. 7. the priests lips should k. knowledge Luke 4. 10. his angels charge to k. thee,Ps. 91.11. 8. 1,>. hear word, and k. it, 11. 28. |j 19. 43. Johns. 51. /:■. my saying, .')2, 55. | 14.23. [ 15.20. 12.23.hateth life k.it\\ 17. li. k. thro' thy name, 15. Acts 5. 3. k. back price || 10. 28. to k. company 15 . 5. to ^. tlie law, 24. jl 29. if ye k. yourselves 16- 4. decrees to k.\\ 23 charging jayler to k. 18- 21. k. this feast||21. 25. ^. from idolstJ24. 23. Rom. 2. 2.'>. cjrcumc. profiteth if thou k. the law 1 Cor. 5. 8. k. the feast || 11 . not to k. company 7. 37. k. his virgin || 9. 27. 1 k. under my body 11. 2. i- ordinances |j 15. 2. if k. in memory a Cor. 11. 9. I'll k. myself II Gal. 6. 13. nor k. law Eph. 4. 3. to k. the unityjiPhil. 4. 7. k. your hearts 2 Thes. 3. 3. k. you from evil|[l Tim. 5. 22. k. pure J Tim. 6. 20. k. that which is committed to trust 2 Tim. 1. 12. able to k. || 14. that good tiling k. Jam. \. 27. k. unspotted || 2. 10. keep whole law 1 John .'>. 21. children, k. yourselves from idols Jude •il. k. in love of God{|24'. to k. from falling, Rev. 1. 3. I 3. 10. I 12. 17. | 14. 12. | 22. 9. KEEP alive. Gen. 6. 19,20. | 7.3. Num.31. IS. 2 Sam. 8. 2. Psal. 22. 29. [ 33. 19. | 41. 2. KEEP Charge. Lev. 8.35. Num. 1. 53. | 3. 7, 8, 32. I 8.26. I 18.3,4. ] 31. 30. Deut. 11. 1. 1 Chr. 23. 22. Ezek. 44. 16. Zech. 3. 7. KEEP Commandments. Exod. 16. 28. | 20. 6. Deut. 4. 3, 40. | 5. 10, 29. | 6. 17. | 7. 9, 11. I 8. 2, 6. 1 10. 13. I 11. 1, 8. I 13, 4, 18. | 26. 17.18. I 27.1. I 28.45. | 30.16. Josh. 22. 5. 1 Kings2. 3.|6. 12. |8. 58, 61.|9. 6. | 11.38. 2 Kings 17. 13. | 23. 3. 1 Chr. 28. 8. | 29.19. 2 Chr. 34. 31. Neh. 1.9. Psal. 78. 7. | 119. 60, 115. Prov. 3. 1. I 4. 4. I 6. 20. | 7. 2. Eccl.8. 2.|12. 13. Matt. 19. 17. John 14. 15. 1 15. 10. 1 Tim. 6. 14. 1 John 2. 3. | 3. 22. 1 5. 2,3. Rev. 12. 17. I 14. 12. See Covenant. KEEP Passover. Exod. 12. 48. Num. 9. 2, 6, 10, 12, 13, 14. Deut. 16. 1. 2 Kings 23. 21. 2 Chr. 30. 1, 2. | 35, 16, 18. Matt. 26. 18. KEEP Silence. Judg.3. 19. Psal. 35, 22. | 50.3. 83. 1. Eccl. 3. 7. Isa. 41. 1. | 62. 6. | 65. 6. Lam. 2. 10. Amos 5. 13. Hab. 2. 20. 1 Cor. 14. 28, 34. KEEP Statutes. Exod. 15. 26. Lev. 18. 5, 26^. I 19. 19. I 20. 8, 22. Deut. 4. 40. | 6. 2. | '26. 17.|28.45.|30. 10. 1 Kings 9. 4. | 11.33,38. Psal. 119. 5, 8, 145. Ezek. 18. 21. j 44. 24. KEEPER, s. Gen. 4. 2. Abel was a k. of sheep 9. my brother's k.\\ 39. 21. favour in sight oik. 39. 22. k. of prison committed to Joseph, 23. 1 Sam. 17. 20. David left sheep with a k. 22. 28. 2. I'll make thee k. of mine head for ever 2 Kings 22. 14. k. of wardrobe, 2 Chr. 34. 22. Neh. 2. 8. Asaph the k. |) 3. 29. Shemaiah k. Esth, 2. 3. k. of women, 8. 15. |i Job27. 18. the Psal. 121. 5. L. is thy k.\\ Song 1. 6. made me k. Jer. 35. 4. k. of door |j Acts 16. 27. k. awaking Acts 16. 36. k. told this saving |t 19.t35. temple-^^ KEEPERS. 2 Kings 1 1. 5. a third part be the k. 1 Chr. 9. 19. k. of gates jj Ecci. 12. 3. k. tremble Song 5. T.k. took my vail |! 8, 11. vinevard to k. Jer. 4. 17. as k. of a fieId||Ezek. 40. 4.5^46. | 44. 8. Acts 5. 23. the k. standing || 12. 19. examined k. Tit. 2. 5. to be discreet, chaste, k. at home See il>ooR. KEEPEST, V. 1 Kings 8. 23. who k. covenant and mercy, 2 Chr. 6. 14. Neh. 9. 32. Acts 21. 24. walkest orderly, and i. the law KEEPETH, V. Exod. 21. 18. but Jk. his bed Deut. 7. 9. faitJiful God which k. cov. Neh. 1. 5. 1 Sam. 16. 11. k. the sheep || Job 33. 18. i. back Psal. 34. '20. he k. all his bones, none is broken 121. 3. he that k. thee, 4. || 146. 6. k. truth for Prov. 2. 8. k. the paths of judgment, 10. 17. 13. 3. he tliat jk. his n-outh, J^. his hfe, 21. 23. 6. righteousness i. j{ 16. 17. i. his way, 19. 16» 19. 8. i. understanding || 24. 12. that i. thy soul 27. 18. i. fig-tree |i 28. ?'. whoso k. law, 29. 18. 29. 3. i. company || 11. i. it in till afterwards Eccl. 8. 5. ^. commandments shall feel no evil Isa. 26. 2. k. truth jj 56. 2. that i. sabbath, 6. Jer.48.10. k. back hisswordjjLam. 3. 28. i. silence Hab. 2. 5. nor j^.at home|jLuke 1 1. 21. i his palace John 7. 19. none it. the law |j 9. 16. i. not sabbath 14. 21. hath ray commands and ^. them, 24. 1 John 2. 4. i. not his com. |J 5. whoso i. 3. 24. 5. 18. he that is begotten of God k. himself Rev. 2. 26. /■. my works |j 16. 13. k. her garment 22. 7. blessed is he that k. the sayinffs of the KEEPING, p. Exod. 34. 7. Jt. mercy for thous. Num. 3. 28. k. charge, 38. || Deut. 8. 11. in not i. 1 Sam. 25. 16. i. sheep || 1 Chr. 12.136. i. rank Neh. 12. 25. i. ward|| Psal. 19. 11 . and in k. them Prov. 4.-}-23. above all i. jj Ezek. 17. 14. i. cov. Dan. 9. 4. God i. covenant || Luke 2. 8 i. watcU 1 Cor^ 7. 19. but k. the commandments of God Heb. 4. t 9. there remaineth ak.ofa sabbath 1 Pet. 4. 19. commit the k. of your souls to him KEHELATHAH, A whale, or congregation. Num. 33. 22. KEILAH, She that divides. Josh. 15. 44. 1 Sam, 23. 1. fight against K. \\ 4. go down to K. 5. David saved ir.||6.fied to K. 11. Neh. 3. 17. KEL>AIAli,Voice,orrestingoftheLord.Ezr3.l0.23. KELITAH, Succour, or gathering togethei\ Ezra 10. 23. Neh. 8. 7. KEMUEL, God is risen. Gen. 22. 21. KENAN, Mourning, or owner. 1 Chr. I. 2. KENAZ, This nest, or possession. Josh. 15, 7.- ^ KENITE, S, A possession. Judg. 1.16. KER Gen. 15. 19. to thy seed have I given the K. Num. 24. 21. looked on ^.|| 1 Sam. 15. 6. |27. 10. KEPT, p. Gen. 26. 5. Abraham k. my charge 29. 9. Rachel k. sheep j| 39. 9. nor hath k. back Exod. 3. 1. Moses^.flockj) 16.32. pot of manna k. Num. 5. 13. it be k. close j| 9. 5. k. the pa.ssover 9. 7. why are we k. back] j 19. Israel k. charge, 23. 17. 10. Aaron's rod k. |) 24. 1 1. L. k. thee back Dent. 32. 10. k. as apple of his eye |j 33. 9. k. cov. Josh. 14. 10. L. k. me alive || 22. 2. k. all that Mos. 22. 3. k. the charge j| Ruth 2. 23. she k. fast by 1 Sam. 9. 24. k. for thee \\ 13. 13. hast not k. com. 21. 4. fc. from women || 25. 21. in vain I k. ail 25. 33. k. me this day |j 34. Lord k. me from evil 26. 15. not k. thy lord || 16. not k. your master 2 Sam. 13. SA.k. watch || 22. 2. A:, ways, Ps. 18.21. 22. 24. 1 Ar. myself from iniquity, Psal. 18. 23. 44. hast k. me to be head of the heathen 1 Kings 2 43. why not k. oath |) 3. 6. k. kindness 8.24. k. with D. that thou promisedst, 2Chr.6.15. 11. 10. Solomon k. not |j .34. David k. ray, 14. 8. 13. 21. man of G. notA7.|j20. t7. IA?.not back 2 Kings 17. 19. Judah k. uot|| 18. 6. Hezekiah k. 1 Chr. 10. 13. Saul k. not|) 12. 1. David k. close 2 Chr. 7. 8. Solomon k. the feast seven days, 9. 30. 21. k. feast of unleavened, 23. Ezra 6. 22. 34. 21. fathers not k.\\35.1.k. passover, 17, 18. Ezra 3. 4. k. the feast of tab. || 6, 19. k. dedication Neh. 1. 7. we have not k. 9. 34. || 8. 13. k. feast Esth. 9. 28. that tJiose days of Purim should be k. •lob 23. 11. his ways I k'.\\ 28. 21. k. from fowls Psal. 17. 4. 1 ^. me from patlis|| 50. 3. k. me alive 42. 4. ^^ holy day 1(78. 10. k. not covenant, 56. 99. 7. k. his testimonies, 119. 22, 55, 56, 67. 119. 158. k. not thy word|| 167. k. testim. 168. Eccl. 2. 10. I k. not from them|j 5. 13. riches k. Song 1. 6. own vmeyard not k. |j Isa. 30. 29. .Ter. 16. 11. not/?, my laws|| 35. 18. k. his precepts Ezek. 5. 7. not k. my judgment?, 20.21. | 44. 8. 18. 9. k. my judgments, 19 | 44. 15. | 48. 11. Daii. 5. 19. he k. alive || 7. 28. 1 k. the matter in Hos. 12. 12. Israel served for a wife, and k. sheep Amos 1.11. Edoui^. lus wratii I) 2. 4. Judah not/:. Mic.6.16. statutes of Omri k. |j Mai. 2. 9. | 3. 7,14. Matt. 8. 3S. that /?.swme|| 13.35. things A?, secret 19. 20. these I k. from my youth, Luke 18. 21. Mai-k4.22.nor Ar.secret l|9.10.A:'.sayinir,Luke 9.36. Luke 2. 19. Mary /r. 51. || 8. 29. k. bound || 19. 20. John 2. 10. k. jrood wine || 12. 7- she hath k. this 15. 10. as I have k. |) 20. if A^. my saying they 17. 6. they have k. thy word || 12. I have k. 18. 17. then saitli the damsel that k. door to Pet. Acts 5. 2. k. ba:k || 7. 53. law, not k. it |j 9. 33. 12. 5. k. in prison, 6. || 20. 20. 1 k. back nothing 25. 4. Paul should be k. 28. 16. jj 27. 43. k. them Rom. 16. 25. mystery k. secret since the world 2 Cor. 11. 9. I k. myself II 32. governor k. city Gal. 3. 23. k. under law || 2 Tim. 4. 7. k. the faith Heb. 11. 28. k. passover || Jam. 5. 4. k by fraud lPet.1.5. k. by power of God II 2Pet.3.7.A'.in store Jude 6. angels which k. not their first estate Rev. 3. 8. iiast k. my word, and not denied, 10. KEPT Silence. Job 29. 21, | 31. 34. Psal. 32. 3. I 50. 21. Acts 15. 12.122.2. KERCHIEFS, s. Ezek. 13. 18. make k. 21. KEREN-HAPPUCH, Horn, or child of beauty. Job 42. 14. KIL :^27 KERIOTH,Ci^ies, callings, readings, or meetings^ Josh. 15. 25. Ezek. 48. 24, 41. KERNELS. Num. 6. 4. from k. to the husk KEROS, Crookedness. Ezra 2. 44. Neh. 7. 47. KETTLE, s. 1 Sam. 2. 14. struck into the k. KETTURAH, Perfuming. Gen. 23. 1, 4. KEY, S, s. is put for, [ 1 ] Knowledge, Luke 11.52. [2] Great authority, Isa. 22. 22. Rev. l. is. [3] The ministry of the gospel and the ordinan^ ces thereof, Matt. 16. 19. Judg.3.25. they took a/?. || Isa.22.22.A7. of David Matt.16.19. k. ofkingd.jl Lukell.52.A\of knowl. Rev. 1. 18. A-, of hell and death, 9. 1. | 20. 1. 3. 7. he that hath the k. of David, Isa. 2S. 22. KEZIAH, Fine spices. Job 42. 14. KEZIZ, End, extremity. Josh. 18. 21. KIBROTH-HATTAAVAH, Grate* of last., Nun>. 11. 34, 35. I 33. 16. Dent. 9. 22. KIBZAIM, Assemblies. Josh. 21. 22. KICK, ED, p. Deut. 32. 15. waxed fat and k. 1 Sam. 2. 29. wherefore it. ye at my sacrifice Acts 9. 5. hard to k. against the pricks, 26. 14. KID, S, s. Gen. 27. 9. fetch me two k. 16. 37. 31. killed a k. |j 38. 17. I'll send thee a k. Exod. 23. 19. not seethe a k. 34. 26. Deut. 14. 21. Lev. 4. 23. his ottiering a k. 23. | 9. 3. Ezek. 43. 22. 23. 19. ye shall sacrifice one k. of the goats. Num. 7. 16, 22, 28. | 15. 24. | 28. 15, 30. I 29. 5, 11, 16, 19, 25. Ezek. 45. t 15, 23. Num. 7. 87. k. of the goats for a sin-offering, 12. Judg. 6. 19. Gideon made ready a k. \\ 13. 19. 14. 6. rent the lion as a k.\\ 15.1. visited with a k. 1 Sam. 10. 3. carrying 3 /?.jj 16. 1'O. Jesse tooka fc. 1 Kings 20. 27. two little flocks oik. \\ 2Chr. 35.7. Song i. 8. feed thy k. \\ Isa. 11. 6. leopard with /". Luke 15. 29. and yet thou never gavest me a k. KIDNIES, s. Exod. 29. 13. take k. and burn, 22. Lev. 3. 4, 10, 15. 1 4. 9. 1 7. 4. 1 8.16,25. | 9. 10. Deut. 32. 14. k. of wheat || Isa. 34. 6. fat ofk. KILL, r. To kill, is, [1] Lawful, Deut. 13. 9. [2] Unlauful, 2 Sam. 13. 28. 1 Kuigs 21. 19. [3] Spiritual, 2 Cor. 3. 6. Gen. 4. 15. should k. Cain || 12. 12. they'll k. me 26. 7. should k. me || 27. 42. purposing to k. thee 37. 21. let us not k. him || 43. 1 16. A-, a killing Exod.l.l6.iiason A-, him || 2. 14./>:'.me,Acts 7.28. 4. 24. sought to k. him [| 12. 6. Israel shall A-, it 16. 3. to k. this whole assembly with, 17. 3. 20.1 3. not /c. Deut. 5. 17. Matt 5. :2l.Rom.!3.9. 22. 1. if a man steal, and k. it || 24. I'll k. you 29. 11. k. bullock before the L. Lev. 1. 5. | 4. 4. Lev. 1. 11. k. it on side of altar, 3. 2, 8. | 16. 15. 4. 24. A-, it in the place, 33. j 7. 2. | 14. 13. 14. 50. k. one of the birds jJ 20. 4. k. him not 20. 16. k. the woman and the beast, thev 22. 28. cow or ewe, ye shall not k. it and Num. 11. 15. A", me, I pray [\ 14. 15. if thou k. all 16. 13. to k. us in the wilderness !| 22. 29. thee 31. 17. k. every male |1 35. 27. k. the slayer Deut. 4. 42. A-, unawares !| 12. 15. mayest k. 21. 13. 9. shalt surely k. him || 32. 39. I k. I make Judg.9.t24. strengthnetl to A'.y 13.23. pleased to A". 15. 13. we'll not A-, thee || 16. 2. we shall k. him 20. 31. began to k. as at other times, 39. 1 Sam. 16. 2. Saul will k. me j| IT. 9. if able to k. 19. 1. should k. David. 2. 17". \\ 24. 10. • SO. 15. KIN KTN 2 Sam. 13. 28. k. Amnon|| 14. 7. may h. him 14. 32. let him k. me || 21. 4, nov i. any man 1 Kings 11. 40. to k. Jeroboam||12. 27. shaii k. me 2 Kings 5. 7. a God to k. \\ 7. 4. if they k. us 11. 15. foUoweth her, i.j|2 Chr. 35. 6. /'. passover Esth. 3. 13. letteissentto /•. all the Jews, 7.t4. Eccl. 3. 3. a time to >^.j|Isa. 14. 30. I'll k. thy root Isa. 29. 1. let them i.||Ezek. 34. 3. ye k. the fed Matt. 5. 21. i. in daiigerjl 10. 28. k. the body 17. 23. they shall k. him, Mark 9. 31. 1 10. 34. 21. 38. heir, let us k. Mark 12. 7. Luke 20. 14. 23. 34. some ye shall k. 24. 9- \\ 26. 4. k. him Mark3.4.savelife,or ,t.|)10.19. do not /^. Jam. 2.1 1. Luke 13. 31 . Herod will k. thet lil5.23. fatted calf 18. 20. do not k. II 22. 2. sought how to k. him John 5. IS. sought to /'. him, 7. 1, 25- 1 8. 37,40. 7. 20. hast a devil, who goeth abovrt to k. thee 8. 22. will he k. himself || 1 0. 10. to steal and k. Acts 9. 23. to k. Paul, 24. | 21. 31. | 23. 15. i 25. 3. 10. 13. rise Peter, i-. |) 27. 42. to k. prisoners Jam. 2. 11. if thou k. \\ 4. 2. ye k. and desire to Rev. 2. 23. I'll k. hor children || 6. 4. should /-. 6. 8. power to /'.|) 9. 5. not /•. || 11. 7. beasts i. KILLED. Gen. 37.31. Joseph's coat, and /-.a kid Exod.21. 29. the beasthath k. a man or woman I^v. 4. 15. /'. before the L. 6. 25. | 8. 19.||14. .7, 6. Num. 16. 41. /'.thepcoplelJSl. 19. hath ^. a person 1 Sam. 24.11. k. thee not|| 25. 11. i. for shearers 28. 24. k. the calf ij 2 Sam. 12. 9. hast/^. Uriah 1 Kings 21. 19. hast k. and also taKen possession? 1 Chr. 19. 18. \y.k. Sophach|i2Chr. 18. 2. /J. sheep '2 Chr. 25. 3. had k. the kini>i|29. 23. so they >6.24 . P.sal. 44. 22. for thy sake we are k. Kom. 8. 3d. Prov.9. 2. k. her beast^sjlLam. 2. 21. k. not pitied Matt. 16. 21. -f. and raised ag. Mark 8.31. | 9.31. 21. 35. beat one, and /■. another, Mark 12. b. 22. 4. fatiings are k. j| 23. 31 . k. the prophets Mark 12. 8. i. and cast him out||l4.12.-^. passover Luke 11.47.your fathers />.48.|jl5.27 -^.fatted calf Acts 3. 15. k. prince of life || 12. 2. he k. James 16. 27. would have k. hims. || 23. 12. k. Paul, 27 Rom. 11.3./^'. thy prophets||2 Cor.6. 9- and not;^. iThes. 2. 15. k. the Lord|iJam.,5.6. ye k. the just Rev. 6. ll.shouldbe i.||9. is. third part of men >^. 9. 20. rest not /•. |j 11. 5. in this manner be k. 13. 10. k. with the sword |) 15 should be k. KILLEDST,p. Exod. 2. 14. 1 Sam. 24. 18. KILLEST. Matt. 23.37.>&.prophets, Luke 13.34. KILLETH, V. Lev. 17. 3. that k. an ox, or lamb 24. 17. that k. any man, 21. Num.35. 30. 1 8. he that k. a beast shall make it good, 21 . Num. 35. 1 1. ;t. unawares, Deut. 19. 4. Josh. 20. 3. 1 Sam. 2. 6. the Lord k. \\ 17. 25. man who k. Job 5. 2. wrath k. foolish \\ 24. 14. /'. the poor Prov. 21. 25. desire k. \\ Isa. 66. 3. that k. an ox John 16. 2. whoso k. you j) 2 Cor. 3- 6. letter k. KILLING, p. Judg. 9. 24. aided him in k. his 2 Chr. 30. 17. k passover (j Ps. 42.tl0.as with a k. Prov. 9.t2. killed her k. |] Isa. 22. 13. k. sheep Hos. 4. 2. by lying, k. \\ Mark 12. 5. -6. some KIN, s. Lev.l S.o.none approach to any near ofi. 20.19. his near k. 21. 2. f 25. 25, 49- Ruth 2. 20. 2 Sam. 19.42. king is near ofk. \\ Mark 6. 4. KIN AH, A possession, or nest. Josh. 15. 22. KIND, s. Gen. 1.11. fruit after his k. 12. 12, seed after his k. |j 21. fowl, 24, 25. | 6. 20. Lev. 11. 14. kite, raven, hawk, hi? k. Deut.l4. 14. Lev. 19. 19. cattle not gender with a diverse i. 1 Chr. 28. 14. instruraenrs ofevery /^.||Neh.l3.20. Eccl. 2. 5. all i'.of fruitsllEzek. 27. 12. k. of riches Matt. 13. 47. of every k. j| 17. 21. k. goeth out 1 Cor. 15. 39. k. oflieshyjam. XAS.k. of first fruits KIND, a. 2 Chr. 10. 7. if thou be k. to this oeo. Luke 6. 35. God is k. \\ 1 Cor. 13. 4. charity is k. Eph. 4. 32. be k. one to another, tender hearted KINDS. Gen. 8. 19. 2 Chr. 16. 14. Jer. 15. 3. Ezek. 47. 10. Dan. 3. 5. 1 Cor. 12. 10. | 14. 10. KINDLE, V. Prov. 26. 21. man to k. strife Isa. 9. 18. it shall k. \\ 10. 16. k. a burning like .30. 33. breath of Lord k. \\ 43. 2. nor flame k. Jer. 33. 18. a man to k. j| Obad. 18. flame k. KINDLED, p. Gen. 39. 1 9. his wrath was k. Lev. 10. 6. bewail binning the Lord hath k. Num. 1 1. 33. the wrath of the Lord was k. Deut. 11. 17. 2 Kings 22. 13, 17. Psal. 106. 40. 2 Sam. 22. 9. coals were k. by it, Psal. 18. 8. Job 19.11. k. his wrath, 32. 2, 3. | 42. 7. Psal.2.12.wrathis>&.butalittiej)124.3.wrathwasi. Isa. 50. 11. sparks ye ;^. |j Jer. 44. 6. wrath was k. Ezek. 20.48. 1 the L. /-. itjIHos. 11. 8.repentingsi. Luke 12. 49. what will I, if it be already k. See Anger, Fire. KINDLETH. Job 41. 21. Isa. 44. 1 5. Jam. 3. 5. KINDLY, a. Gen. 24. 49. if you deal k. 47. 29. 34. 3. Shechem spake ;6.|j. 50. 21. Joseph spake k. Josh. 2. 14. deal k. Ruth 1. 8. 1 Sam. 20. 8. 2Kings 25.28. spake k. to Jehoiachim, Jer. 52.432. Kom. 12. 10. be k. affectioned one to another KIN DNESS, s. Gen. 20. 13. this is thy k. 21. 23. k. I have done || 24. 12. O Lord shew k. 24. 14. shewed k. to my master|j39.t21. ] 40. 14. Josh. 2. 12. since I shewed you k. shew k. to Judg. 8. 35. nor shewed k. to house of Jerubbaal Ruth 2. 20. not left k. || 3. 10 shewed more k. 1 Sam. 15. 6. shewed k. to Isr.|l20. 14. shew me k, !i! Sam. 2. 5. shewed this /6.|)6.now the Lord shew/^. 3.8. shew/^. to Saul, 9.1,3, 7.||10. 2.1 Chr. 19. 2. 16. 17. Absalom said, is this thy k. to thy friend 1 Kings 2. 7. but shew y^.||3. 6. kept for D. this k. 2 Chr. 24. 22. Joash rem. not /6.||Neh. 9. 17. great /§. Esth. 2. 9. obtained k. || 1 17. obtained more k. Psal. 31.21. his marvellous k. |j 117. 2. merciful k. 119. 76. merciful k. || 141. 5. it shall be a k. Prov. 19. 2'2. desire is hisi. || 31. 26. law of k. Isa. 54. 8. everlasting k. |) 10. k. not dei^rtfrom 57.tl. men of /'. |) Jer. 2. 2. k. of thy youth Hos. 6.t4. your k. is as a morning cloud and Joel 2. 13. he is gracious, of great k. Jonah 4. 2. Acts 28. 2. no Httle k. || 2 Cor. 6. suffering by k. Eph. 2. 7. k. towards us |j Col. 3. 12. put on k. 1 Tim. 5.t4. let them learn to shew k. at home Tit. 3. 4. after the k. of G.||2 Pet. 1. 7. to k. charity Loving KINDNESS. Psal. 17. 7. shew, 92. 2. 26. 3. thy - k. is before my eyes, I have Avalked 36. 7. how excellent - k. |( 10. O continue - k, 40. 10. not concealed - /. || 11. - ,e. preserve me 42. 8. command his - k. \\ 48. 9. thought of - ^. 51. 1. accordingto-i.|(63.3.-i. better than life 69, 16. - k. is good||88. 11. - k. declared in grave 89. 33. my - k. will I not utterly take from him 92. 2. to shew thy - >^.1|103. 4. crowneth with - k. 107.43. understand -i.|1119.88. after thy -Z-. 159- 119. 149. hear my voice according to thy- k. 138. 2. praise for - k. \] 143. 8- cause me' to hear Ge KIN Jer. 9. 24. exercise ->&.|| 16. 5. taken away -k. 31 . 3. with - k. drawn || 32. 18. shewest - k. to Ho5. 2. 19. I will betroth thee to me in - k. Loving KINDNESSE.S. Psal. '■25. 6. rem. - k. 89. 49. former - k.\\ Isa. 63. 7. I'll mention - k. KINDRED, s. Gen. 12. 1. get from k. Acts 7. 3. 24. 4. go to k. take a wife, 7,41- | 38. 40. 31. 3. return to thy k. 32. 9. || 43. 7. asked of >^. Num. 10. 30. I'll go to my >^. || Josh. 6. 23. all her Ruth 2.3. Boaz of the k. || 1 Chr. 12. 29. k. of Saul Esth. 2. 10. Esther .shewed not k. 20. | 8. 6. Job 32. 2. of k. of Ram i| Ezek. 11.15 of thy k. Luke 1. 61. none of thy k. called by this name Acts4.6.>^.ofhigh-priest|j7.13.Joseph's k.\\\^, 19. 1 Tim. 5. t 8. provide not for those of his own k. Rev. 5. 9. every k. and tongue, and people, 14. 6. KINDREDS, s. 1 Ctir. 1 6. 28. give ye k. Ps.96.7. Psal.22.27. all k. wo ship || Acts 3.25.all ^.blessed Rev. 1. 7. all k. wail 1| 7. 9. all k. stood before 11. 9. they of i^. shall seej| 13.7. power overall/^. KINE, s. Gen. 32. 15. forty k. \\ 41. 2. seven >^. 18. Deut. 7. 13. increase of >. 28. 4, 18, .51 (| 32. 14, 1 Sum. 6. 7. two milch k. 14. |j 2 Sam. 17. 29. Amos 4. X, hear tliis word, ye k. of Bashan KING, s. Isa sovereign prince^ or chief ruler in a kingdom y Pro v. 8. 15. It is applied, {^i'] To God, P;,al. 44. 4. [2] To Christ, Psal. 2. 6. 'xi). 1. [3j To all real Ch'istians, Rev. 1.6. 5. 10. [4j To the devil, Rev. 9- 11. \. 14. 18. Melchizedeck, k. of Salem, Heb.7.1. 36- 31. before any k. over Israel, 1 Chr. 1. 43. Exod. I. 8. anew >^.|| Num.23. 21. shout of a k. Num. 24. 7. and his k. shall be higher than Agag Deut. 17. 14. shalt say, I'll set a k. over me, lb. 28. 36. bring thy k. || 33. 5. k. in Jeshurun Judg. 8. 18. each resembled a k.\\ 9. 8. anoint a k. 17. 6. no k. in Israel, 18. 1. | 19. 1. | 21. 25. 1 Sam. 2. 10. give strength to his k. \\ 8. .5. ns a k. 8. 6. give us a k. |j 9. the manner of the k. 11. 10. 19. nay, but set a k. || 24. God save the k. 2 Sam. 16. 16. 2 Kings 11. 12. 2 Chr. 23. 11. 12. 1. 1 have made a k. over you, 2, 12, 13. 25. shall be consumed, both you and your k. 15. 1. to anoint thee >^.|| 23. rejected being k. 16. 1. provided me a k. \\ 19. 4. let not k. sin 20. 5. sit with tlje >^.|j 22. 1.5. not k. impute 24. 20. surely be k. \\ 25. 36. like feast of a k. 29. 8.my lordthe>^. |j2Sam. 2.9. Ishbosheth >^. 2 Sara. 3. 36. k. did,pleased|j 37. not ot'k. to slay 5. 12. established him k.\\ 11.8. mess from k. 12.7.1 anointed theey§.|| 13. 13. speak to the>^. 14. 9. k. be guiltless || 17. so is the k. 19. 27. 15. 2. controversy to the k. |j 3. deputed of >^. 19. abide with the k. \\ 21. in what place k. 16. 9. dead dog, curse k. || i7. 2. smite k. only 18. 13. hid from the k. \\ 19. 9. the k. saved us 19. 11. speech come to k. \\ 22. this day k. over 43. ten parts in the k. |) 24. 23. as a k. give to k. 1 Kin. 1. 5. Adonijah said, I'll be k. \\ 35. Sol. be k. £.18. I'll speak to the k. || 38. as the k. hath said 3. 7. k. instead of David || 28. the fc. judged 8. 62. k. offered || 10. 3. not hid from the k. 11. 26. lift against k. || 37. be k. over Israel 14. 2. told, I should be k. || 14. Lord raise a k. 16. 16. Zimri slain the k. \\ 21. 10. blasplieme k. 22. 13. prophets declare good to k. 2 Chr. 18. 12. 47. thfire was no k. in Edom, deputy was k. 43 KIN i^ I 2 Kings 1.11,0 man of G. k. said, come down, 9 4. 13. wouldst thou be spoken for to the k. or 7. 2. k. leaned || 8. 3. she went to cry to the k. 8. 13. thou shalt be k. \\ 20. Edom made a k. 10. 5. not make any k. || 11. 8. be with the k. 11 17. covenant between the Lord and the k. 14. 5. slain the k. \\ 22. 9, brought k. word 22. 10. read it before the k. ji 25. 6. took the k. 1 Chr. 4. 23. dwelt with k. j' 24. 6. wrote before k. 2Chr. 2, ll.made thee i,|| 10. 15. k. hearken, not 11. 22. thought to make him /f.|j2 I.2l.of i, 25. 16. art thou of tlie k. councii, forbear, why Ezra 4. 12. be it known to the k. 13. f 5. 8. 6. 10. pray for i. || 7.26. not do law of the k. 7. 27. put in k. heart || 8. 22. requu'e of th*-^ k. Neh. 1. LI. k. cup-bearer || 2. 19. rebel against >^. 6. 7. to preach, saying, there is a k. in Judah 13.26. no k. like him, God made him k. over Esth. 4.16. go in to the /'.|j 6.6./*;. deligjited tohon. 7. 8. word out of y^. mouth |j 9. spoke good for /f. Job 15. 24. a i. ready to battle || 18. 14. k. of ter. 29. 25. 1 sat as i. \\ 34. 18. i. thou art wickgd 41. 34. he is a i. over all the children of pride Psal. 2. 6. set my i. || 5. 2. my -^..my God, 84. S. 10. 16. the Lord is i. |) 18. 50. deliverance to i. 20. 9. let thei, hear us II 21.1. i. shall joy in 21. 7. i. trusteth || 24. 7. k. of glory, 8, 9, 10. 33. 16. no i. saved |j44. 4. art my k. O God 45. 1. touching the i. \\ 11. i. desire thy beauty 14. brought to the i. \\ 47. 6. sing to our i. sing 47. 7. God is i. I) 61. 6. prolong the i. hfe 63. 11. i. shall rejoice|l68. 24. goings of my i. 72. 1. give the i. \\ 74. 12. G, is my i. of old 89. 18, holy one our ^ || 98. 6. the Lord the /-. 90. 4. /'. strength II 105. 20. i. sent and loosed 149. 2. let children of Zion be joyful in their jf. Prov. 14. 28, is /-. honour || 35. i. favour is to 20. 28. truth preserve -f. ||22. 11. L be his friend 24.21 . fear the Lord and i.\\ 25.5. wicked from i, 30. 27. locusts have no /&. II 31.^. no rising up Eccl.2. 12. cometh after the i. \\ 5, 9. i. is served 8. 4. word of a i. is II 10. 16. wo to land, i. a child 10. 17. blessed when thy i. || 20. curse not the i. Song 1. 4, i. brought me |j 12. while i. sitteth at 3. 11. behold i. Sol. (| 7. 5. i. is held in galleries Isa. 6. 5. seen the -^. || 7. 6, let us set a i. in 8. 21. curse their i. || 19. 4. a fierce -J. rule 23. 15. to days of one /J. || 30. 33. for i. prepared 32. 1. behold a i. |j 33. 17. see k. in his beauty 33. 22. Lord is our i. || 41. 21. saith i. of Jacob 43, 15. Creator oflsrael your i. II 57. 9. to thei. Jer. 4. 9. heart of i^. perish || 8. 19. is not her k. in 10. 10. everlasting L || 13. 18. say to i. humble 23. 5. a i. shall reiu^n ||29. 16. i. that sitteth 38. 5. y^. not any thing \\ 25. what saidest to i. 46. 18. as I hve, saith the i. 48. 15. j 51. 57. 49. 1. i. inherit Gad || 38. Ill destroy the L Lam. 2. 6. Lord hath despised the /. and priest Ezek. 7. 27. i. shall monrn jj 17. 12. taken the i. 26. 7. I'll bring a i. |j 37. 22. one k. be L to all Dan, 2, 10. no L asked such things at any, 1 1 . 24. I'll shew the;^. || 3.13. brought men before /-. 4. 31, while the word was in the i. mouth S7. 1 praise i. of heaven || 5. 5. i. saw hand 8, 23. i. of fierce countenan. jj 11. 3. a mighty L 11. 36. /-. do his will || Hos. 3. 4. without a L Hos. 3.5. seek. D. their/t-JiS. IS.to-^. Jareb, 10, 6. ^Himmm KIN Hos, 7. 3. make k. glad || 5. in the day of onr i. 10. 3, we have no L \\ 7. her it. is cut off as 11. 5. Assyrian be his k. |) 13. 10. I'll be thy i. 13. 11.1 save thee a i. in mine anger, and Amos 1. 15. i. go in captivity ||7. 13. i. chapel Mic. 2 13. i. shall pass||4. 9. is there no k. in Zech. 9..5. i. shall perish || 9. i. cometh, Matt.21.5. 11.6. hand of his k. jj 14. 9. Lord shall be i. 16. Matt. 18. 23. a certain i. \\ 22. 11. Jk. to see jjuests Lnkel 4,31 . what -f .going to war against another k. 19. 38. blessed be the 1 1) 23. 2. is Christ a i. John 6. 15. to make him k. |j 12. 15. thy J^. cometh 18. 37. art thou a /.|| 19. 12. maketh himself a i. 19. 14. behold your /t. || 15. crucify your i. Acts 7. 18. another i. arose [) 13. 21. desired a k. 17. 7. another i. one Jesus |) 26. 26. /-. knoweth 1 Tim. 1. 17. L eternal (| 6. 15. the k. of kings Heb. 11. 23. not afraid of L commandment, 27. 1 Pet. i\ 1 3. /'. as supreme |! 17. honour the l. Rev. 9. 1 1. a i. over them|l 15. 3. i. of saints 17. 14. he is Lord of lords, jt. of kings, 19. 16. KItJG of Assyria. 2 Kings 15. 19, 20. | 16. 18. 1 17. 6. I 1 8. II , 19, 33. 1 19. 32. Ezra 6. 22. Isa. 7. 17, 20. j 37. 33. Jer. 50. 17, 18. Nah. 3. 18. KING of Es^ijpt. Exod. 1. 17. ( 3. 19. \ 6. 13. 2 Kin. 24. 7. 2 Chr. 12. 2. | 36. 3, 4. Isa. 36. 6. KING of Israel. 1 Sam. 24. 14. 1 26. 20. 2 Sam. 6.20. 1 Kings 20. 31.122. 31,32. 2 Kings 6. 11. I 16. 7. 2 Chr. IS. 30, 32. | 35. \ Ezra 5. 11. Neh. 13. 26. Isa. 44. 6. Hos. 10. 15. Zeph. 3. 15. Matt. 27. 42. Mar. 15. 32. John 1. 49. \ 12. 13. KING ofJvduh. 2 Kings 8. 16. | 22. 18. 2 Chr. 34. 26. I 35. 21. Jer. 34. 4. | 37: 7. KING o/i»/yu/y. Num. 23.7. Josh. 24. 9. Judg. 3. 14. I 11. 17, 25. 1 Sam. 12. &. | 22.4. 2 Kings 3. 4, 5, 26. Jer. 27. 3. KING. 1 Sam. 17. 55. | 23. 20. [ 26. 17. 2 Sam. 14. 9, 22. | 16. 4. | 19. ^6. 1 Kings 1. 13, 20, 24. I 20. 4. 2 Kings 6. 12, 26 I 8. .5. 2 Sam. 14. 4. | 15. 34. 2 Chr. 25. 7. Psal. 145. 1. Jer. 10. 7. Dan. 2. 4, 29, 37. \ 3. 9, 10, 17. 18. I 4. 22, 31. j 5. 10, 18. 16.7,13,21,22. Acts 26. 13, 19. KING of Persia. Ezra 4. 3, 5, 7. | 6. 14. [ 9. 9. KING of Syria. 1 Rings 20. 22. 2 Kings 5. 1. I 8. 7. I 13. 4, 7. I 16. 7. 2 Chr. 16. 7. See Benhxdad, Hazakl, Rezin. KING of Tyre. 2 Sam. 5. 11. 1 Kings 5. 1. I 9. 11. 1 Chr. 14. 1. 2 Chr. 2. 3, 1 1. KINGS, s. Gen. 17. 6.i. come of thee, 16.| 35 11. 36. 31. k. in Edom (I Num. 31. 8. slew k. of Mid. Dent. 3. 21. these two i. || 7. 24. deliver their i. Josh; 10. 5. the fi ve -t. 1 6, 22. \\ 24. on neeks of i. 40. smote their ^J. 11. 17. || 12. 24. L thirty-one Judg. t. 7. seventy L having their thumbs cut 5. 3. bear, O ye i. |j 19. the i. came and fought 2 Sam. 11. 1. time when i. go forth to battle 1 Kings 3. 13. there shall not be any among i. like thee, 10. 2r>. 2 Chr. 1.12. | 9. 22. 4. 24. Solomon over all the i. \\ 20. I. had 32 i. 2 Kin. 3. 10. these three i. \\ 23 i. are surely slain 7. 6. hired against us i. \\ 10. 4. two L stood not 1 Chr. 16. 21. reproved i. for them, Psal. 105. 14. 2 Chr. 9. 23. alL-f. sought |) 26. 23. belonged to Jk. KIN E/ra 4. 13. revenue of i. j| 15. city hurtful to L 20. mighty i. \\ 6. 12. God destroy all Jk. 7. 12. king of^. || 9. 7. our if. Neh. 9. 24, 32. Neh. 9. 34. nor our k. or prhues kept thy law Job3. I4.atrestwith/f.!112. 18. looseth bond off 36. 7. but with i. are they on the throne Psal. 2. 2. i. of the earth set thems. Acts 4. 28. 10. be wise, O i. || 45. 9. i. daughters wer6 48. 4. k. assembled \\ 68. 12. i. of armies flee 6'8. 14. scattered /f. || 29. L bring presents to 72. 11. all L shall fall |j 76. 12. terrible to i. 89. 27. higher than /f. \\ 102. 15. /t. shall fear 110. 5. strike thro'>{. |) 119. 46. speak before i. 135. 10. smote mighty /. 136.17,18. |) 138.4. 144. 10, salvation to i. \\ 149. 8. to bind>f. in Prov. 8. 15. by me i. reign |( 16. 13. delight of ^f. 22. 29. stand before i. |j 25. 2. honour ofi. is 25, 3. heart ofi. unsearch. || 30. 28. i. palaces 31. 3. destroyeth i. ||4. it is not for i. O Lemuel Eccl. 2. 8. treasure oO. jj Isa. 7. 16. forsaken ofi. Isa. 10. 8. altogeth'^r i.\l 14. 9. raised the i. 18. 19. 11. son of ancient/. || 24. 21. punish i. 41. 2. rule over /. |l 45. 1. loose the loins ofi. 49. 7. i. shall see || 23. i^. nursing fathers and 52. 15. i. shut mouths || 60. 10. i. minister 60. 16. suck breasts of -t. \\ 62. 2. L see thy glory Jer. 2. 26. >J. ashamed If 13. 13, i. that sit on throne 17. 25. shall enter i. || 22. 4. i. sitting upon 25. 18. k drink of cup |j 22. -f. of Tyrus, i. of 24. all the i. of Arabia 1| 25. -f. of Zimri, 26. 32. 32. they, their /'. || 44. 17. our i. to burn 46. 25. I'll punish L 49. 3. \\ 50. 41. | 51. 11. Lam. 4. 12. i. would not have believed that Ezek. 27. 35. L afraid, 32. 10. |j 28. 17. i. to beb. 32. 29. Edom, her i. |) 43. 7. not defile ■i)aii. 2. 21. he removeth L \\ 44. days of these L 47. a Lord of i. \\ 7. 17. are four k. || 24. ten i. 9. 6. spake to our k. 8. |! 10. \3. k. of Persia 11.2. stand up three k. || 27. both k. hearts Hos. 7. 7. k. are fallen (1 8. 4. set up k. but not _ Matt. 10. 1 8. before k. Mar. 13. 9. Luke 21. 12. 11. 8. in i. houses || 17- 25. do^/. take custom Luke 10. 24. k. desired to see I) 22. 25. k. of Gent. Acts 9.l5.name before k. |j lCor.4.8. reigned z&h.. 1 Tim. 2. 2. that prayers be made for k. and 6.1 5. king of i. Lord of lords, Rev. 17. 14. |19. 16. Heb. 7.1. Abraham returning from slaughter of-f. Rev. 1. 5. prince of ^.^jj 6. made us k. to G. 5. 10: 6. 15. h. hid II 10. 11. prophesy before k> 16. 12. k. of the east (f 14. A:, of the earth, 17. 2. 17. 10. seven k. \\ 12. ten k. || 1 8. reigneth over fc. 18. 3. A;, of earth committed fornication, 9. 21. 24. k. of the earth do bring their glory KINGS of the AmorUies. Deut. 4. 47. | 31. 4. Josh. 2. 10. I 5. 1. I 9. 10. I 10. 5. I 24. 12. KINGS of Israel. 1 Kings 14. 19- 1 15. 31. j 16. 5, 14, 20, 27. 1 22.39. 2 Kin. 1. 18. | 10.34. 1 13. 8, 12. 1 14. 15,28. | i5. 11,15, 21, 26,31. 1 16.33. 1 20.31v2Rings 8.18. 1 13.13. | 14.29: 1 16. 3. I 17. 2,. 8. I 23. 19,. 22. 1 Chr. 9. 1. 2 Chr. 16. 11. [ 20. 34. j 25. 26. | 27. 27. I 28. 27. 1 33. 18. | 55. 27. |,36. 8. Mic. 1. 14. KINGS e/Jurfa/i. 1 Sam. 27. 6. 1 Kings 14. 29. I 15. 7, 23. I 21. 45. 2 Kings 8. 23. [ 15. 6, 36. 1 V6. 19. 1 18. 5. 1 23. 5, 1 1, 12, 22. 2 Chr. 34. 11. Isa. 1. 1. Jer. 1. 18. ! 8. 1. ! 17. 1'9. KIN J KIN 33 20. I 19, 4, 13. I 20. 5. 1 33. 4. | 44. 9. Hos. 1. 1. Mic. 1. 1. KINGDOM, s. agnifies, [1] Countries subject to a Kingf Deut. 3. 4. [2] Sovereignty, I Chr. 29. 11. Psal. 22. 28. [3] Heaven, Matt. 26. 29. 2 Tim. 4. 18. [4] Government, I Sam. 18. 8. [5] The poiper and grace of God, Psal. 145. 12. Matt. 4. 23. \ 6. 10, 33. [6] The state of the Church under tJie Gospel, or the Kingdom of the Messiah, Matt. 3. 2. | 4. 17. [71 Grace in the heart, Luke 17. 21. ExoU. 19. 6. and ye shall be made a k. of priests Num. 32. 33. gave to Manasseh the k. of Sihon and Og, Deut. 10. 13. Josh. 13. 12, 21,27, 30. 1 Sam. 10. 16. matter of /§. || 25. manner of ,^. 11. 14. renew i. there |j 14. 47. Saul took i. 15.28. rent the i. 28. 17. || 18. 8. more but ^. 2 Sam. 3. 10. translate k. \\ 16. 3. restore the i. 1 Kings 2. 15. i. was mine || 22. ask the i. for 10. 2a not the like made in any i. 2 Chr. 9. 19. 11. 11. I'll rend the k.\\13. I'll not rend i. 34. 12. 26. now shall i. return to house of David 14. 8.1 rent the >^.||18. 10. noi. where not sent 21. 7. dost thou govern the i. of Israel ? 2 Km. 14. 5. as soon as ,^. was confirmed. 15. 19. 1 Chr. 10. 14. k. to David |) 16. 20. from one i. to 29. 11. thine is i. Psal. 22. 28. Matt. 6. 13. 2 Chr. 13. 8. withstand the>^.||l4. 5. i. was quiet 21. 3. k. to Jehoram |) 22. 9. to keep still the k. 32. 15. no god of any nation or k. was able Esth. 1. 14. sat first in i.|j4. 14. k. for such a time 5. 3. it shall be given to half of the >f. 6. | 7. 2. Isa. 19. 2. k. against k. Matt. 24. 7. Mar. 13. 8. 34. 12. nobles to the k. \\ 60. 12. k. not serve Jer. 18. 7. concerning a k. to destroy it, 9. Lam. 2. 2. polluted k.\\ Ezek. 16. 13 into a k. Ezek. 17. 14. k. be base, and not lift itself, 29. 14. Dan. 2.37. given thee a k. \\ 44. set up a k. 4. 17. ruleth in k. 25. || 31. k. is departed from 6.4. no fault concerning i. \\ 7. 18. take the k. 7. 22. saints possessed k. || 27. an everlasting i. 11. 4. k. be broken || 20. glory of the k. 21. Hos. 1. 4. to cease tlie k. II Amos 9. 8. sinful k. Obad. 21. >6.be the Lord'slJMic. 4.8- k. shall come Matt. 4. 23. the gospel of the k. 9. 35. \ 24. 14. 8. 12. the children of the k. shall be cast out 12.25. every i^. divided, Mai'. 3. 24. Luke 11. 17. 1 3. 38. children o?k. \\ 43. as the sun in the k. 25. 34. inherit k. \\ 26.' 29. new in Father's k. Mark 11.10. blessed be the-f . of our father David Luke 12. 32. Father's good pleasure to give k. 19. 12. to receive a k. 15. || 22. 29. you dik. Acts I. 6. restore /f. to Isr.||l Cor. 15. 24. deUveri. Col. 1. 13.>^. of his Son||Heb. 12. 28. receiving a k. Jam. 2. 5. heirs of the k.\\^ Pet. 1.11. everlasting Rev. 1. 9. k. and patience || 17. 17. k. to the beast See Established, Throne. KINGDOM of God. Matt. 6.33. but seek ye first the k. -Luke 12. 31. 12. 28.;^. -is come to you, Luke 10. 9, ll.|ll. 20. 19. 24. rich to enter i§.-Mark 10. 23.Luke 18.24. 21. 31. harlots go into k.- \\ 43. k. - taken from Mar. I.l4.preachingi.-Acts8.12.|20.25.|28.31. 15. if. -athandj|4. 11. mystery, k. -, Luke 8. 10. 4. 26. so is the k.-\\30. liken k. - Luke 13. 18, 20. 9. 1. seen k. -||47. better enter k- - with one eye 10. }4. for of such is tke /f.-, 15. Luke 18. 16. Mark 10. 24. how hard to enter >f.-,25.Luke 18.25. 1 2. 34. not far from k..\\\ 5. 43. waited for >f.- Luke 4. 43. 1 must preach k. -|j6. 20. yours is k, - 7. 28. least in ;f . - 1) 8. 1. glad tidings of ^, - 9. 2. to preach -^ . - 1) 1 1. spake of the k. of God. 27. till they see k. ■ \\ 62. not fit tor the k- - 13. 28. see prophets ink. - 1) 29. sit down in i. - 14. 15. eat bread in k. -|| 16. i6. k.- is preached 17. 20. i. - should come, k.- cometh not with 21. i. - is within you |l 18. 29. fori. - sake 19. 11. k.- should appear || 21. 31. k. - is mgh 22. 1 6. not eat till it be fulfilled in k. -,18. John 3. 3. cannot see k. - |j 5. not enter tiie k. - Acts 1. 3. things pertaimug to k. -, 8. 12. | 19. 8. 24. 22. thro' much tribulation enter the k. - 28. 23. testified the k. -[jRom. 14. 17. k. - not meat 1 Cor. 4. 20. k. - is not in word \\ 6. 9 not mherit 6. 10. nor inherit yf. - Gral. 5. 21. Eph. 5. 5. 15. 50. flesh notinheritllCol. 4. 11. unto the i. - 2Thes.l.5. worthy of >f . - jjKev. 12. 10. come the kj- KINGDOM of Heaven. Matt. 3. 2 repent for k. - is at hand, 4 17.110.7. 5. 3. theirs is the k. -, 10. |j 19. least m k. - 20. ye shall in no case enter the k. -, 1S.3. 7. 21. not enter /^.- II 8. 11. with Abraham in i. - 11. 11. least in k.-\\ 12. k. suffereth violence 13. 11. to know the mysteries of the k. - 24. i. - is like, 31,— 55j. |18. 23. | 20. l.|25. 1. 16. 19. keys of i. - 1| 18. 1. greatest ii; the k. - 23. 13. ye shut up the k. - against men, for ye //is KINGDOM. Gen. 10. 10.- k. was Babel Num. 24. 7.->. exalted|| Deut. 17. 18. tlironeof 2 Sam. 5. 12. perceived that he had exalted - k. 1 Chr. 11. 10. strengthened him in- >f. 14.2. 2Chr l.l.Sol.strengthened in-i.|l2. 1. build for ->f. Psal. 103. 19. - i.ruieth || 145. 12. majesty of- k. Eccl. 4. 1 4. born in - >§.|jlsa. 9. 7. - >6. to establish it Dan. 4. 3. - k. everlasting k. 34. | 6. 26. | 7. 14. 11.4.- k. be broken || 9. king come into - k. Matt. 12. 26. how shall - >§. stand, Lijke 11. 18. 13. 41. gather out of ->6. || 16. 28. coming in - k. Luke 1. 33. -k. no endljl Thes. 2. 12. called to -i. 2 Tim. 4. 1. shall judge at his appearing and - k. Rev. 16. 10. - k. full of darkness, and they My KINGDOM. Jen. 20. 9. on- k.d great sin 2Sam.3.28.->f. guiltless||lChr. 17. 14. settle m->^. Dan. 4. 36. glory of- /f. || 6. 26. dominion of-k. v?ar. 6. 2.3. halfof->§. |j L>ike 22. 30. drink in- i. John 18. 36. - k. is not of this world, if - i. were Thy KINGDOM. 1 ^am. 13. 14. -i. notcontin. Psal. 45. 6. sceptre of- i. a right sceptre, Heb. 1.8. 145. 11. glory of • ^. || 13. - i. an everlasting i. Dan. 4. 26. - i. sure || 5. 1 1. there is a man in - i. 5. 26. God numbered - L || 28. -i. is divided Matt. 6. lO.-i. come, thy will be done, Lukel 1.2. 20. 21. and the other on the left in - i. Luke23.42.remember me when thou comest to -L KINGDOMS. Deut 3. 21. Lord do to all the i. 28.25. removed to all L\\ Josh. 11. 10. head ofi. 1 Sam. 10. 18. 1 delivered you out of hand of ail i. 1 Kin. 4. 21. Sol. reigned over alU. from the river 2 Kings 19. 15.God of all the i. of the earth 19. that all the L may know, Isa. 37. 20. 1 Chr. 29. 30. over alU.||2 Chr. 12. 8. service of i. 2 Chr. 17. 10. fear fell on i. 20.29 |i20. 6. overall i. 36. 23. all i. hath tlie L. ^iven me, Ezra 1. 2, Psal. 46. 6. i. were nioved|j68. 32,sipgto God ye^. KIS KNE Psal79. 6.wrathon-f.I|102.22.i.toservel|135.11. Isa. 10. 10. found the k. || 13. 4. noise of the k. 13. 19. Babylon the glory oih. as Sodom, 47. 5- 14. 16. shake >f.23. ll.|| 37. 16. God of all k. Jer. 1. 10. over h. set thee |) 10. 7. in h. none like 15.4. to be removed into all i. 24. 9. | 34. 17. 23. 26. all k. drink || 28. 8. prophesied against k. 29. 18. terror to i. || 34. 1. all k. fought against 51. 20. I'll destroy k. (|27. agamst her the i. of Ezek. 29. 15. basest of i. || 37. 22. into two k. Dan. 2. 44. consume k. || 7. 23. diverse from h. 8. 22. four h. 11 Amos 6. 2. better than these k. Nah. 3. 5. shew the k. \\ Hag. 2. 22. overthrow k. Matt.4. 8. shewed all the k. of the worid,Luke4.5. Heb. 11.33.subdued/'.||Rev.ll.l5.;^;oftheLord KINGLY, a. Dan. 5.20.deposedfronihis/^.throne KINSFOLK, S. 1 Kmgs 16. 11. 2 Kings 10. 11. Job 19. 14. Luke 2. 44. 121.16. KINSMAN,*. Num. 5. 8. ifnoi. 27. 11. Deut. 25.15. next k. f 7. || Ruth 2. 1. had a k, Ruth 3. 9. a near k. 12, 1.3. | 4. 1, 6, 8, 14. John 18. 26. being his ;6.||Rom. 16. 1 1. mv h. greet KINSMEN,*. Ruth 2. 20. 1 Chr. Id-fS. Psal. 38.11. Mar.3.t21. Luke 14. 12. Acts 10. 24. Rom. 9.3.|16. 7,21. KINSWOMAN, s. Lev. 18. 12, 13. Prov. 7. 4. KIR, A wall, b ock, or coldness. HKiags 16. 9. captive toK.jjlsa. 15. 1. A'.ofMoab Isa. 22. 6. JX^.uncovered the shield]) Amos 1.5.|9.7. KIR-HARASETH, A wall of workmanship. 2 Kings 3. 25. Isa. 16. 7, 11. KIR-HERESH, A wall, block, coldness, or meet- ing of the Sun. Isa. 16. 11. Jer. 48. 31, 36. KIRJATH, Cities, callings, readings, or meet- ings. Josh. 18. 28. KIR JATH-AIM, The same. Josh. 13. 19. KIRJATH-ARBA, The fourth city. Gen. 23. 2. Josh. 14. 15. 1 15. 34. I 20. 7. Judg. 1. 10. KIRJATH-ARIM, A city of cities, or a city of enemies. Ezra 2. "i5. KIRJATH-BAAL, City of Baal, Josh. 15. 60. 1 18. 14. KIRJATH-HUJOTH,C%o/sfum.22.39. KIKJATH-JEARIM, City of woods. ^o^\i. 9. 17. I 15. 9, 60. 1 18. 14, 15. Judg. 18.12. 1 Sam. 6. 21. I 7. 1, 2. iChr. 2. 50. | 13. 5, 6. 2 Chr. 1. 4. Neh. 7. 29. Jer. 26. 20. KIRJATH-SANNA, A city of blackberry trees, or of enmity. Josli. 13. 49. KIRJATH-SEPHER, The city of letters, or of the book. Josh. 15. 15, 16. Judg. 1. 11. KIRIATUAIM. Gen. 14. 5. Jer. 48. 1, 23. KIRIOTH, as KERIOTH. Jer. 48. 24, 41. Amos 2. 2. KISH, Hard, or sore. 1 Sam. 9. 1, 3. | 10. 11, 21. 2 Sam. 21. 14. 1 Chr. 8. 30, 33. | 23. 21. 2 Chr. 29. 12. Esth. 2. 5. Acts 13. 21. KISHI, 3Iy hardness, or sore. 1 Chr. 6. 44. KISHON,as KISH. Josh. 21. 28. Judg 4. 7, 13. I 5. 21. I Kings 18.40. HISS, s. They are signs, [1] Of reverence to a superior, 1 Sam. 10. 1. 1 Kings 19. 18. [2J Of submission to Christ, Psal. 2. 12. [3] Of , love, Gen. 27. 26, 27. I.Sam. 20. 41. They are, [l] Traiterous, 2 Sam. 20. 9. Matt. 26. 49. [23 JJypocritical, 2 Sara. 15. 5. [3] Idolatrous, 1 Kings 19- 18. [4] Whorishj Prov. 7. 13. [5] Spiritual, Song 1. 2. |8. 1. [63 Holy, proceeding from christian and holy love, Rom. 16. 16. 1 Cor. 16. 20. KISS, ES. Gen. 27. 26. and k. me my son 31. 28. not suffered me to k.|| 41.t40. people k. 2Sam. 20.9. Amasa to k. Ill Kings 19. 20. let me k. Psal. 2. 12. k. the son||Prov. 24. 26. every man k. Prov. 27. 6. k. of enemy || Song 1. 2. let himk. Song 8. 1. 1 would k. thee || Hos. 13. 2. k. calves Matt. 26. 48. whomsoever Ik. is he, Mark 14.44. Luke 7. 45. gavest me no k. but this woman 15. 20. father k. him || 22. 48. betrayest with k. Rom. 16. 16. holy k. 1 Cor. 16. 20. 2 Cor. 13. 12. 1 Thes. 5. 26. holy k.y 1 Pet. .5. 14. k. of charity KISSED, p. Gen. 27. 27. Jacob k. him, and 29. 11. k. Rachel II 13. Laban k. Jacob, 33. 4. 31. 55. k. his sons || 45. 15. Josephk. brethren 48. 10. Jacob k. || 50. 1. Joseph k. his father Exod. 4. 27. Aaron k. Moses|jl8.7. Moses-k. fath. Ruth 1. 9. Naomi k. || 14. Orpah k. her mother 1 Sam. 10. 1 k. Saul || 20. 41. Jon. and David k. 2 Sam. 14. 33. king k. Ab?al.||l5. 5. Absalom k. 19. 39. k. Barzillai || 1 Kin. 19. 18. hath not k. Job 31. 27. k. my handll Ps. 85. 10. k. each other Prov. 7. 13. she k. him.|| Ezek. 3.tl3. wings k. Matt. 26. 49. hail master, and k. him. Mar. 14. 45. Luke 7. 38. Mary k. || 15. 20. his father k. him Acts 20. 37. fell on Paul's neck, and k. him KITE, s. Lev. 11. 14. k. unclean, Deut. 14. 13. KITHLISH, it is a wall, or lioness. Josh. 15. 40. KITRON, Perfuming. A city, Judg. 1. 30. KITTIM, Breaking small. Gen. 10. 4. l.Chr. 1.7. Also called Chiltim, now Cyprus, or all the isles of the Mediterranean and Mgiun seas, Num. 24. 24. Jer. 2. 10. KNEAD, ED, lNG,p. Gen. 18. 6. Exod. 8. 3. 1 12. 34. i Sam. 28. 24. 2 Sam. 13. 8. Jer, 7. 18. Hos. 7.4. KNEE, S. s. Is put for, [1] Thehody, Psal. 109. 24. [2] Persons, Job 4. 4. Heb. 12. 12. [3] To worship, 1 Kings 19. 18. Rom. 11. 4. [4] To pray, Eph. 3. 14. [5] To be in sub- jection, Pllil. 2. 10; Gen. 30. 3. bear on my k. || 41. 43. bow the k. 48. 12. between his k. 1| 50. 23. Joseph's k. Deut. 28. 35. smite in the k.|| Judg. 7. 5, 6. Judg. 16. 19. and she niadeSamson sleep on her k. 1 Kin. 8. 54.arosefromk.lJ18.42.tace between k. 19. 18. all the k. which have not bowed to B. 2 Kin. 1. 13. fell on hisk. ||4. 20. on k. till noon Ezra 9. 5.1 fell on my k. and spread ujy hands Job 3. 12. k. prevent me |] 4. 4. the feeble k. Ps. 109. 24. k. weak 1| Isa. 35. 3. confirm feeble k. Isa. 45. 23. every k. bow, Rom. 14. 11. Phil. 2. 10, 66. 12. dandled on k. |1 Ezek. 7. 17. k. weak Ezek. 21. 7. all k. weak|| 47. 4. waters were to k. Dan. 5. 6. k. smote || 10. lO.set me on my k. Nah. 2. 20. she is empty, and the k. smite together Matt. 27. 29. bowed k. before him, Mar. 15. 19. Luke 5. 8. fell at Jesus k. || Rom. 11. 4. k. to Baal Eph. 3. 14. J bow ray k. || Heb. 12. 12. feeble k. KNEEL, ED, p. Gen. 24. 11. camels k. down 2 Chr. 6. 13. Solomon k. |! Psal. 95. 6. let usk. Dan. 6. 10. Daniel k. |1 Luke 22. 4l.Jesus k. down Acts 7. 60. Stephen |! 9. 40. Peter k. and prayed 20. 36. Paul k. jj 21. 5. we k. down and prayed KNO KNO KNEELING, p. 1 Kings 8. 54. Matt. 17. 14. Mark 1. 40. KNEW, r. Gen. 3. 7. Adam and Eve k. that 4. 1. Adam k. Eve, 25. || 17. Cain k. his veife 9. 24. Noah k. |j 37. 33. Jacob k. the coat 38. 9. Onan A;, the seed || 26. k. her no more Gen. 42. 7. Joseph saw and k. his brethren, 8. Deut. 34. 10. a prophet, the Lord k. face to face Judg. 13. 21. k. he was an angel || 19. 25. k. her 1 Sam. 1. 19. A'. Hannali|) 3. 20. all Israel A;. 18. 28. Saul A;. II 20. 39. David A;, the matter 22. 22. 1)a\id said to Abiathar, I A-. it that da'y 1 Kin. 1. 4. A:, her not f, 18.7. Obadiali A:. Elijah 2 Chr. 33. 13. Mana^^seh A-. the Lord was God Job 23. 3. O that I k. || Isa. 48. 4, 7, 8. Jer. 1. 5. Dan. 5. 21. till he A:, that the most high ruled Jonah 4. 2. I A;, that thou art a gracious God Matt,7. 23. 1 never A;. you|jl2. 25. A-. their thoughts 25. 24. 1 k. thee, thou art an hard man || 27. 18. Liike 12. 47. A:, his lord's will || 24. 31. k. him John 2. 24. he A*, all men, 25. | 5. 6. I 6. 61, 64. 13. 1. k. nis hour w^as come || 2S. ho man A*. Rom. 1. 21. when they A;. G.|| 1 Cor. 2. 8. none A-. 2 Cor. 5. 21. A;, no sin || 12. 2- 1 A-. a man in Christ Col. 1.6. k. the grace of G. |i 2. 1. 1 would ye k. Jude 5. ye once k. this || Rev. 19. 12. no man k. KNEW not. Gen. 2S. 16. | 31. 32. | 38. 16. I 39. 6. I 42. 8. Exod. I. 8. Num. 22. 34. Deut. 8. 16. I 29. io. | 32. 17. Judg. f. 10 I 13.16. I 14.4. I 20.34. 1 Sam. 2. 12.|>4. 3. I 20. 39. 2 Sam. 3. 26. | 11. 20. j 15. 11. I 18. 29. I 22. 44. 2 Kings 4. 39. Neh. 2. 16. Job 2. 12. I 29. 16. I 42.3. Psal. 35. 11, 15. I 73. t 22. Prov. 23. t 55. | 24. 12. Isa. 42. 16, 25. I 55. 5. Jer. 2. 8. | 11. 19. | 44. 3. Dan. 11. 38. Hos. 8. 4. 11. 3. Zech. 7. 14. Matt. 17. 12. I 24. 59. Luke 2.43. | 12. 48. John 1. 10. I 2. 9. I 20. 9, 14. | 21. 4. Acts 13. 27. I 19. 32. I 27. 39. 1 Cor. 1. 21. Gal. 4.8. 1 John 3. 1. KNEWEST, t\ Deut. 8. 3. manna thou k. not Ruth 2. 11. people k. not || Neh. 9. 10. thou k. Psal. 142. 3. k. my path|| Isa. 48. 8. thou k. not Dan. 5. 22. k. all this |j Matt. 25. 26. k. I reaped Luke 19. 44. k. not time||John 4. 10. k. gift of G. KNIFE, s. Gen. 22. 6. Abraham took the k. 10. Exod. 4.t 25. as sharp k. || Judg. 19. 29. took a k. Prov. 23. 2. and put a k. to thy throat, if thou Ezek. 5.1. take a sharp k. |l 2. smite with a k. KNIVES, s. Jo^h. 5. 2. make thee sharp k. 3. 1 Kin. 18. 28. cut withk.||Ezi-a 1.9. nine and 20 k. Prov.'30. 14. jaw-teeth as k.||Ezek.21.t21. bright KNIT, r. Judg. 20. 11. 1 Sam. 18. 1. 1 Chr. 12. 17. Acts 10. 11. Col. 2. 2, 19. KNOCK, ED, ETH, ING, Is put for, fl Fei-vent pi'ayer, Matt. 7. 8. [2] Christ's cal- ling us by his wordy proi'idencej and Spirit, Songs. 2. Rev. 3. 20. Song 5. 2. it is the voice of my beloved that k. Matt. 7. 7. k. and it shall be op. 8. Luke 11. 9, 10. Lukel2.36.when he cometh and k. they may open 13. 25. ye begin to k. at the door, saying open Actsl2.1 3. as Peter k.l6.||Rev. 3.20.1 stand and k. KNOP, S, Artificial globes resembling fruit. Exod. 25. 31, 33, 36. | 37. 17, 20, 22." 1 Kings 6. 18. I 7. 24. Amos g.fl- Zeph. 2.114. KNOW, V. signifies, [1] To mid4;rsia7id, Kath3.ll. [2] To approve of and delight in, Psal. 1.6, Rom. 8. 29. [3] To cherish, John 10. 27. [4] To have experience of, Gen. 3. 5. | 22. 12. [5j To consider and ponder serioxisly, Psal. 90. 11. [6] To beliere,iQhxi. 4. 22. [7] A sj/ecu- latire notion, Luke 12. 47. [8] To commit the sin against nature. Gen. 19. 5. [9] To be fully persuaded, Judg. 6. 37. ^10] A grou7td- less assurance, Judg. 17. 13. [ll] To discern and find out, Matt. 7. 16. [12] To reverence and esteem, 1 Thes. 5. 12. [13] To choose, Amos 3. 2. [14] To help and deliver, Psal. 31. 7. [15] To have or commit, 2 Cor, 5. 21. [16] To take notice of, Gen. 39. 6. Gen. 3. 22. to k. good and evil \\ 4. 9. I k. not 12. 11. Ik. thou art a fair woman || 15. 8. 15.13. k.ofa surety that thy seed||18. 19. Ik. him 19. 5. bring them out to us, that we may k. 20. 6. 1 k. thou didst this 1| 7. k, thou shalt die 22.12.now I k. thou fearest G.1J24. 14. thereby k. 27. 2. 1 k. not day of my death || 29. 5. we k. 37. 32. k. thv son's coat || 42. 33. hereby I k. 44. 27. ye k. my wife bare 1| 48. 19. I k.'it Exod. 3. 7. Ik. theivsorrows|j7. 5.Eg>ptshall k. 6. 7. ye shall k. that I am the Lord, 16. 12. 1 Kings 20. 28. Ezek. 6. 7, 13. | 7. 4, 9. I 11. 10, 12. I 12. 20. I 13. 9, 14, 21, 23. |14. 8. I 15. 7. I 20. 38, 42, 44. | 23. 49. | 24. 24. I 25. 5. ; 35. 9. | 36. 11. j 37. 6, 13. | 39. 7,22. Joel 3. 17. 7. 1 7. thou shalt k. that I am the Lord, 1 Kings 20. 13. Isa. 49. 23. Ezek. 16. 62. j 2-^. 16. | 25. 7. 8. 10. k. tliere is none like the Lord, 9. 14. 9.29. k. earth is the Lord's || 11. 7. k. L. puts dif. 18. 11. now I k. II 16. 1 make them k. statutes 29. 46. they shall k. that I am the Lord, Ezek. 6. 10. I 7. 27. 1 12. 15. I 24. 27. | 25. 11, 17. I 28. 22. I 29. 9. | 30. 8. | 32. 15. | 33. 29. 134.27. I 35.15. | 36.38. j 38. 23.|39. 6, 2S. 33. 12. Ik. thee by name, 13.17. 1136. 1. to k. how Num. 14. 31. shall k. the land ye have despised Deut. 4. 39. k. this day, and consider it, 11. 2. 8. 2. to k. what was in thine heart, 3. \ 13. 5. 18. 21. how k. the word || 22. 2. if k. him not . 31. 21. 1 k. their imagination, 27. |j 29. I k. tliat Josh. 5. 4. ye may k. the way || 7. they may k. 10. hereby k. |) 4. 22. ye let your childien k. 23. 13. k. for certainty || 14. ye k. in hearts Judg. 3. 2. k. to teach || 4. to k. whether hearken 6. 37. then shall I k. that thou wilt save Israel 17. 13. now I k. II 18. 5. k. whether prospeiity 18. 14. do ye not k. |1 19. 22. we may k. him* Ruth 3. 11. all city doth k. || i 8. till thou k. mai 4. 4. if not, then tell me that I may k. for 1 Sam. 3. 7. Samuel did not yet k. tlie Lord 14. 38. k. and see |j 17. 28. I k. thy pride and 17. 47. al' this assembly shall k. that tlie Lord 20. 3. let not Jonathan k. || 30. do not I k. 22. 3. till I k. what G. || 24. 20. I k. thou shalt 25. 1 1. k. not whence jj 17. k. and consider 23. 1. k. assuredly li 2. k. what servant can do 2 Sam. 3. 25. tok. thy going outl|7. 21. servant k. 14. 20. to k.all things II 19. 20. thy serv. doth k. 19, 22. do not I k. || 24. 2. I may k. number 1 Kings 2. 37. k. for certain, 42. || 3. 7. 1 k. not 8. 38. k. the plague || 43. k. thy name to fear 60. may k. that the Lord is God, 18. 37. KNO KNO i Kings 17. 24. by this I k. that thou art a man of G. 2 Kings 5. 8. >^. there is a prophet] |7. 12. | 10. 10. 1 Chr. 12. 32. k. what Israel ought to do || 28. 9. Ezra 4. 15. k. this is a rebellious city |) 7. 25. Esth. 2, 11. to A?, how Esther did|)4. 5. tok. what Job5.27.A7.it for thy good 1 1 7. 1 0. nor place A?, him 8. 9. k. nothing I) 11. 6. k. God exacteth less 11. 8. what canst thou k. |) 13. 23. make rae k. iil. 19. he shall k. it jj 22. 13. how doth God k. 38. 12. to A?, his place |) 20. k. paths to light Psal. 4. 3. k. God set apart j| 9. 10. k. thy name 36. 10. to tliem that k. thee || 39. 4. k. my end 46. 10. be stiil and k. || 51. 6. to k. Svisdom 59. 13: k. that G. ruleth||73. 1 1. how doth G. k. 73. 16. 1 thought to k. this || 87. 4. that k. thee 89. 15. blessed they that k. the joyful sound 103. 16. place k. it no moie||139. 23. k. my heart 142. 4. no man would k. me jj 143. 8. cause to k. Prov. 1. 2. to k. wisdom, 4. 1.||10. 32. righteous k. 27. 23. be diligent to k. the state of thy flocks Eccl. 1. 17, to ^7. wisdom, 7. 25. | 8. 16. 8. 17. think to k. it jj 9. 5. for the hvmg k. 11. 9. but k. that God will bring thee to judg. Isa. 7. 1 6. k. to refuse evil |j 9. 9. all people k. 19. 21. Egyptians k. the L.jl 41. 20. k. and s€e 41. 22. k. latter end || 49. 26. all flesh shall k. 50. 4. k. to speak a word jj 52. 6. k- my name 58. 2. delight 'ok. || 60. 16. shall k. the Lord Jer.2. 19 k. and see (| 23. k. what thou hast done 6. 18. A-. O congregation || 9. 6. refuse to k. 15. 15. k. that for thy sake I suffered rebuke 16. 21. they shall k. that my name is the Lord 17. 9. whocaii k. it jj 22. 16. this to k. me 524. 7. ao heart to k. \\ 31. 34. all k. Heb. 8. 11. '66. 19. let no man Ar. where, 38. 24. j 40. 15. 44. 28. Judah shall k. whose words shall stand Ezek. 2. 5. k. there hath been a prophet, 33. 33. 5. 13 shall k. II 16. 2. k. her abomination, 20. 4. ^5. 14. shall A:, my vengeance [| 28. 19. all that k. 34. 30. k. I am with them || 37. 28. heathen k. Dan. 4. 25. till k. most high||7. 16. k. interpretat. 7. 19. k. truth of fourth beast || 8. 19. make k. 9. 25. k. understand |j 11. 32. k. God be strong Hos. 2. 20. shah k. the Lord |j 9. 7. shall k. it 13. 4. k. no God but me || 14. 9. prudent shall k. Zech. 2.11. k. Lord sent me, 4. 9. Mai. 2. 4. Matt. 6. 3. not left hand k. \\ 7. 11. k. good gifts 9. 30. see no man k. it, Mar. 5. 43. | 7. 24. | 9. 30. 13. 11. given to you to A-. Mar. 4. 11. Luke 8. 10. 24'. 33. k. desolation, Mar. 13. 29. Luke 21. 20. 43. but k. this, if the good man, Luke 12. 39. John 4. 42. k. this is the Christ || 7. 1 7. k. of doct. 7. 26. do rulers k. indeed || 51. i^. what he doth 30. 4. /f. his voice || 14. 1 k. my sheep, 27. 13. 35. by this all men k. \\ 18. 21. they k. Acts 1. 7. not for you to k. || 2. 36. k. assuredly 22. 14. k. his will || 26. 4. k. all the Jews Rom. 7. l.that>^. thelawjlio. 19. did not Israel >^. 1 Cor. 2. 14. nor can he k. them, because they are S. 2. as he ought to i.|jll. 3. would have you k. Eph. 3. 19. and to k. the love of Christ, which I Thes. 3. 5. to k. yourfaith||4. 4. k. how to possess 5. 12. k. them who labour among you, and 1 Tim. ^.3. k.Xhe truth \\ 2 Tim. 3. 1. this k. also Tit. 1. 16. profess /&.G. || Jam. 2. 20. k. O vain man Jude 10. what they k. naturally as brute beasts Rev. 2. 23. churches shall k. \\ 3. 9. k. I loved See Certain, ly, ty. / KNOW. Exod. 4. 14. / k. he can speak well 1 Kin. 19. 27. Ik. thy abode and going, Isa. 37. 28. Job 9. 2. / >^. it is so II 28. / ;6. not hold me innoc. 13.2. the same do I k.\^l%, 1 k. I shall be justified 1 9. 25. 1 k. that my redeemer |j 21. 27. | 30. 28. 42. 2. / k. that thou canst do every thing Psal. 41. 11. by this Ik. that thou favourest me 50. 11. Ik. all the fowls||56. 9. Ik. God is for me 135.5./y^. theL. i8great||l40.12. Zy^. the L. will Eccl. 3. 14. Ik. that what God doth it shall be for 8. 12. / k. it shall be well with them that fear Isa. 47. 8. nor shall /fc. the loss of children 50.7. Ik. not be ashamed] ,06. 18, Ik. their works Jer. 10 23, Ik. way of man is not in iiimself 29. II. I k. the thoughts||23. Ik. and am witness 48, 30. / k. his wrath |l Ezek. 11. 5. Ik. things Dan. 2. 9. and /shall /^.||Hos. 5. 3. Ik. Ephraira Hos. 13. 5. /did k. tliee||Amos 5. 12. Ik. your sins Jonah 1. 12, Ik. for my sake this tempest is Matt. 28.5. /^•. ye seek Jesus||Mark 1.24. /A;.tliee Luke 1. 18. where shall / k. this, for I am old John 4. 25. / k. that Messias || 5. 42. Ik. you 8. 14. / k. whence I came |l 37. Ik. ye are Abr. 55. but Ik. him |) 9. 25. one thing /A;. |j 10. 27. 11. 24. / A;, that he shall rise again \\ 22. I k. 12. 50. Ik. his command. || 13. 18. li. whom Acts 12. 11. >f. /of a surety || 19. 15. Jesus li. 20. 29. / i. wolves shall enter jj 24. 22. 1 will i. 26. 3. I i. thee expert || 27. I i. thou belie vest Rom. 7. 18. / i. that in me dwelleth no good 1 Cor. 4.4. Ik. nothing 11 13.12. now i. /in part Phil. 2 19. Ik. yourestate||4. 12. Ik. to be abased 2 Tim. 1. 12. /i. whomjjl John ■2. 4. glaith, li. him Rev. 2. 2. Ik. thy works, 9. 13, 19. | 3. I, 8, 15. 2. 9. /. i. the blasphemy of tnem which say KNOW noty or not KNOW. Gen. 4. 9. | 27. 2. Exod. 5. 2. I -f. - the L. || Dent. 22. 2. if i. him not 1 Sam. 3. 7. Samuel did not yet k. the Lord Job 9. 21. yet would I-if. || 21. 29. do ye -if. 24. 13. they i. - the ways || 16, they i. - the light 32. 22. 1 L-to give flattering || 36, 13. i. hum - Psal. 71, 15.1 i.- the nunibersjj82. 5. they i. - nor 94. 10. shall - he ^. 11 101. 4. I'll - i. a wicked Prov. 4. 19. i.- at what they stumble||5. 6.capst-if. 24. 12. doth - he i. it || 25, 8, lest thou i. - 29.7. regardcth - to i. it|)30, 1 8. four things I k. - Eccl. 9. 5, dead -f.-||Song 1, 8, if thou k.- O fairest Isa. 1. 3. Israel doth • i.\\ 43. 19, shall ye - i. 44. B.Ik.- any II 47. 11. - k. whence it arise th 48. 6. didst - k. || 59. 8, way of peace k. - Jer, 5. 4. i. - the way || 7. 9. after gods, ye k. - 9. 3. they k. - me || 10. 25, fury on heath, that k. - 14. 18. into a land they k.-, 22, 28. Hos. 2, 8. she did --f.||Amo8 3. 10. i.- to do right Mic. 4. 12. they k. - the thoughts of the Lord Mat. 25. 12. 1 k. you -II 26. 70. Peter said, I k. - 26. 72. li.-the man, 74. Mark 14. 68, 71. Mar. 10, 38. ye k. - what ye ask|jl2. 24. k. - script. Luke 1. 34, I -f, - a man|j 13. 25. Ik. -whence ye 23. 34, k. - what they do |j 24. 1 6. should - k. him John 1, 26. one whom ye k. -||9. 29. this fellow we 10. 5. k. - voice of strangers |j 14. 5. k. - whither 15. 21. k. - him that sent me || 20, 2. we k. -, 13, Rom, 8. 26. for we k. - what we should pray for 1 Cor. 1. 16. I k. - II 2. 2. I determined - to k. 1 Thes. 4. 5. Gentiles k. G, || 2 Thes. 1. 8. A;. - G. 1 Tim. 3. 5, if a man k. • how to rule his house KNO KNO 336' Jude 1 0, things they >f .-||Rev. 3. 3. -k. what hour See Ye Know. May, mayest, or might KNOW. Lev. 23. 43. 1 Sam. 17. 46. all the earth - k. there is a God in Israel, 1 Kings 8. 43, 60. 2 Kings 19. 19. Job 31. 6. G. - k. my integrity! |37. 7. all men -k. Ps. 9. 20. - k. themselves || 39. 4. -k. how frail 78. 6. generations - k. \\ 83. 18. that men - k. 109. 27. -if.tJiisisthy haDd||ll9. 125. thatl-A-. Isa. 5. 19. we -i.it|{o7. 20. - k. thou art the L. 41. 23. we - k. ye are gods|-26. declared, we - k. 43. JO. ye - k. and believe||45. S.-k. I am God Jer. 6. 27. -i. and try their way ||44. 29. -Ar. words Ezek. 21. 5. all flesh - k. \\ 38. 16. heathen - k. me Dan. 2. 30. - k. thoughts(|4. 17. that living - A?. Matt. 9. 6. - k. Son hath power on earth to for- give sins. Mark 2. 20. Luke .5. 24. Job 10.38. -At. andbelieve||l4.31.world-A?.17.23. 17. 3. - >^. thee, the only true God (| 19. 4. ye-k. Acts 17. 19. - we k. what this new doctrine is 1 Cor. 2. 12. we - k. the things given us of God 2 Cor. 2. 4. ye - k. the love || 9.1-k. the proof Eph. 1. 18. ye - k. thehope||6. 22.- J:, our affairs Phil. 3. 10. that I might k. hmi, and the power Col. 4. 6. - k. how to answer |j 8. - k. your estate 1 Tim. 3. 15. • k. how thou oughtest to behave 1 John 5. 13. -k. ye have eternal life||20. - Jk. him We KNOW, or KNOW we. Gen. 29. 5. Deut. 18.21. 1 Sam. 6.9. 2 Chr. 20. 12. Job 36. 26. Isa 59- 12. Hos. 6. 3. | 8. 2. Matt. 22. 16. John 3. 2, 1 1. | 4. 22. | 6..42. | 7. 27. | 8. 32. |9. 20, 24, 29, 31. | 14. 5. | 21. 24. Acts 17. 20. j28. 22. Rom. 3. 19. | 7. 14. | 8. 22, 23. 1 Cor. 8. 1, 4. I 13. 9. 2 Cor. 5. 1, 16. 1 Tim. 1. 8. Heb. 10. 30. 1 John 2. 3, 5, 18. | 3. 2, 14. 19, 24. 1 4 6, 13. I 5. 2, 15, 18, 19, 20. Ye KNOW, or KNOW ye. Gen. 29. 5. k.- Laban 31. 6- -k.I served || 44. 27. - k. my wife bare !Num. 14. 34. ye sba\\ k. my breach of promise Josh. 3. 10. -k.G. is among j| 23. 14. - k. in souls 2 Sam. 3. 38. k. • not there is a prince fallen 2 Kin. 9. ll.-Ar. theman |) Job 21. 29. do -notk. Psal. 100. 3. k. - that the Lord he is God, it is Jer. 26. 15. A-. - for certain |) 48. 17. all - that k. Joel 2. 27. - shall k. that I am in mid.st of Israel Zech. 2. 9. ye shall k. the L. hath sent me, 6. 1 5. Matt. 7. 16. ye shall k. them by their fruits, 20. 24. 32. ye k. summer is nigh, Mar. 13. 28. 25 13. - k. neither the day nor the hour Mar. 13. 14. A;. - not this parable f] Lnke 21. 31. John 7. 28. - both k. me (| 8. 28. - sljall i. 32. 11. 49. A?, -nothing || 13. 12. k. - what I done 13. 17. if- k. these tilings || 14. 4. way - k. 14.7. -A?, him, 17. || 20.- shall Ar.jj 15. 18. Acts 2. 22. .y»>urselves i. \\ 10. 28. - k. how 19. 25. yek. by this craft |j 20. 18. from first 1 Cor. 12. 2.- k.- were gentiles |) 15. 58. [ 16. 15. 2 Cor. 8. 9. - i. the grace (| 13. 5. i. -not |(6. Eph. 5. 5. this - i. jl Phil. 2. 22. - k. thepFOof 1 llie.s. 1. 5. - k- whatmanner ofmen^2. 5. 2 Thes. 2. 6. - k. what withholdeth || Heb. 12. 17. Heb. 13.23. A-.- that TimothylllPet.l. 18.-A^.that 2 Pet. 1 . J 2. tho' - i. them || 3. 17. seeing - k. i John 2. 20. - k. all things |) 29- if ye >^. that 4. 2. hereby k.- the spirit || 3 John 12. ye k. I e KNOW not, or KNOW ye not. CSam. 3. 38. k. - that there is a prince fallen 2 Chr. 32.13. k.. what I and my fathers have Job 21. 29. not asked, do ye not k. their tokens Ezek. 17. 12. A". - what these things mean Mat. 20. 22. A".- what ye ask|!24. 42.; A-.- what hour Mark 4. 13. Ar. - this pai'able||12. 2i.*k.. scriptures 13. 33. watch for ye k. - when the time is, 35. Lnke 9. 55. ye k. - what manner of spirit ye John 1.26. whom ye k. • \\\. 22. worship ye A*.- 4. 32. meat ye k. of || 7. 28. whom ye k.- 8. 19. neither k. me nor \\ 9. 50. Ar. - whence he i.s Rom. 6.3. k.- that so many|| 16. A'.-to whom ye yield 7. 1 . A:. - brethren, for I speak to them that k. 1 Cor. 3. 6. A". - ye are the temple of God, 6. 15, 1 9. 5. 6. k. - little leaven || 6. 9. -k. saints shall judge 6. 9. A;.- the unrighteous shall not inherit the 16. k.- that he which is joined to an harlot 9. 13. do ye not k. that they which minister 24. i.-they which run{|2 Cor. 13.5. A-.-yourselved Jam. 4. 4. A*. - that friendship! j 14. A-. -what shall be 1 John 2.21. because ye k- the truth, but because KNOWEST, f . Gen. 30. 26. k. my service, 29. 47. 6. and if thou A;, any man of activity among Exod. 32. 22. thou k. people are set on mischief Num. 20. 14. thou k. the travel that hath befallen Dent. 28. 33, a nation thou k. not shall eat up Josh. 14. 6. k. the thingjll Sam. 28.9. A-, what Saul 2 Sam. 2. 26. i. it will be bitterness in the end 1 Kmgs 8. 39. heart k. thou only k. £ Chr. 6. 30. Job 10. 7. k. I am notwicked|jl5. 9. what A:, thou 20. 4. k. not this of old !i34. 33. speak what A-. 38. 5. if thou k. 18. |j 21. k. thou it because 33. A-, ordinances of heaven \\ 59. 1 . A", thou Psal. 40. 9. A-. O Lord thou k. 69. 5. Jer. 15. 15. 139.2. k. my down sitting || 4. k. it altogether Prov. 27. 1. k. not what a day may bring forth Eccl.ll. 2. A-. not whatevil|j5. A-, not works of G. 6. for thou A-, not whether shall prosper, this Isa. 55. 5. call a nation that k. not, Jer. 5. 15. Jer. 12.3.thou,0 L. A-.raelJlD. 14. land thou k. not 17. 16. woful day, thou A-. (! 18. 23. A-, counsel 33. 3. things thou k not!|Ezck. 37. 3. L. thou An Dan. 10. 20. angel said,Ar. thou, Zech. 4. 5. Mar. 10. 19. thou k. commandments, Luke 18. 20., Jolm 1. 48. whence k. thwi mejj3. 10. A?, not these 13.7. thonA7.notnow!I16. 30. A", all things, 21.17. 19. 10. k. thou not I! 21. 15. k. I love thee, 16. Acts t. 24. A", the heartsi|25. 10. thou ver> well k^ Rom. 2. 18. k. his will||l Cor. 7. 16. how k. O man 2 Tim. 1. 15. i^.Asia be turned || 18. A-, very well Rev. 3. 17. k. not, art wretched||7. 14. sir, thou A-. KNOWETH. Gen. 33. 13. my lord k. that the Lev. 5. 3. when he k. of it, he shall be guilty, 4. Duet. 34. 6. no man k. of Moses sepulchre unto Josh. 22.22. G. of gods A-.fll Sam. 20.3. certainly k. 1 Sam. 23. 17. Saul my father A-.||2 Sam. 14.22. 1 Kin. 1. 11. David k. it net || Esth. 4. 14. who A-. Job 11. 11. he A-, vain man \\ 12. 3. who k. not, 9. 14. 21. hie k. is not || 1 5. 23. A?, day of darkness 18. 21. that k. not God||23. 10. he A-. the May I 28. 7. path no fowl k. \\ 13. k. not tlie price 23. Gfod A-, the place || 34. 25. k. their works 35. 15. hath visited in anger, yet he k. it not Psal. 1.6. L. k. the way of the righteous, 37. 18. 39. 6. k, not who shall gather ||44. 21. k. secrets 74. 9. nor-^. how long!) 90. 11. who k. power 92. 6. brutish man A-, not || 94. 1 1. Lord k. the t<)3. 14. A", our frame||l©4. 1 9. sun k. going down KNO KNO Psal. 138. 6. proud he k. \\ 139. 14. my soul k. Prov. 7. 23. k. not it is for iife||9. 13. k. nothing 9. 18. k. not dead are there k. 14. 10. heart A?, g^. 'i2. and wlio k. the ruin of thera both > Eecl. 2. 19. who k. whether he be a wise man or 3. 21. who k. the spirit || 6. 8. poor, that k. , 6. 12, who k. what is good || 7. 22. heart k. that 8. 1 . who k. interpretation |j 7. he k. not that 9. 1. no man i. love |j 12.^7. not his time || 10. 15. Isa. 1. 3. the ox k. his owner Ij 29- 1.5. who k. us Jer. 8. 7. the stork k. \\ 9. 24. glory that he k. me Dan. 2. 22. he i. what is in darkness, and light Hos. 7. 9. yet he k. it not \\ Joel 2. 14. who k. if Nah. 1.7.A?. them that trust|jZeph. 3.5. k.no shame Matt. 6. 8. i. what things ye need, 32. Luke 12. 30. 1 1.27. no man k. the Son but Fath. Luke 10. 22. 24. 86. of that day k. no man, Mark 13. 32. Mar. 4.27. grew, he k. nothow||Luke 16.15. G, k. Joh:i 7. 1.5. how k. this manletters|)49. k. not law 27. no man k. whence || 10. 15. as^ Father k. me 12. 35. k. not wjiere he goeth || 14. 1 7. nor k. hin) 15. 15. servant k. not jj 19. 35. k. he saiih true Acts 15. 8. God which k. hearts || 26. 26. kmg k. RoiH. 8. 27. he /'. what is the mind of the Spirit 1 Cor. 2. 11. /^. things of man||8. 2. he >^. nothing 2 Cor. U.ll.G. k. 31.||12.2. I cannottell, G. k. 3. 2 Tim. 2. 19. the Lord k. them that are his Jam. 4. 17. k. to do good \\ 2 Pet. 2. 9. L. k. how 1 John 2. 11. k. not where he goethlJS. 1.,^. us not 3. 20. and k. all things || 4. (C he that k. God 4. 7. and k. God jj 8. k. not God, for God is love Rev. 2. 17. no man >^. || 1 2. 1 2. k. that he hath KNOWING. Gen. 3. 5. gods, h. good and evil iKin. 2. 32. D, not >^.||2.Chr. 2. t 12" k. prudence Matt. 9. 4. Jesus k. their thoughts, Luke 11. 17. 22. 29. ye do err, not k. the scriptures, nor the Mark 5. 30. k. that virtue || 33. woman k. what 6.20. feared John, >^.1| 12. 15. k. then hypocrisy Luke 8. 53. k. she was dead || 9. 33. not k. what John 13. 3. Jesus /^. 18. 4.|19. 28.||21. 12. i.theL. Acts 2. 30. k. G. had sworn || 5. 7. his wife not k. 18. 25. k. only baptism !| 20. 22. not k. things Rom. 1. 32. >^. judgment of G. || 2. 4. not k. that 5. 3. k. that tribulation || 6. 6. k. our old man 6. ^.k. Christ being raised jj 13. 11. k. the time 2 Cor. 1. 7. i.as you are partakers of sntfierings 4. 14. k. he which raised || 5. 11. k. terror of L. Eph. 6.9. k. your master is in heaven, Col. 1. 4. Phil. 1. 17. k. I am sent || Col. 3. 24. k. of the L. 1 Thes. 1. 4. k. beloved, your election of God. 1 Tim. 1. 9. k. this|j6. 4. is proud, k. nothing 2 Tim. 2. 23. k. they gender|| 3. 14. k. of whom Tit. 3. 11 ./f'.he that is sueh!|Philem. 21. k. thou wilt Heb.l0.34.y^.ye have in heaven a better substance 11. 8. he went out, not>^. ;vhither he went Jam. I. 3. >^. this 1| 3. 1. k. we shall receive the 1 Pet. 3.9. k. thereto called |1 5. ^.k. same afflict. 2 Pet. 1. 14. k. that shortly || 20. k. this || 3. 3. KNOWLEDGE, s. signifies, [1] The essential and infinite understanding of God, by which ^e knows every thing in the most perfect manner^ \ Sam. 2. 3. [23 A bare notion of divine truths^ 1 Cor. 8.1. [^3] A spiritual understanding, 2 Cor. 6. 6. [4] Holy eocperience in the ways of God, 2 Cor. 8. 7. 2 Pet. 1. 5, 6. [5] A view of in- terest in Christ, 2 Cor. 5. 1, 2 Tim. 1. 12. Knowledge IS, [1] Natural, Rom. i. 21, 28. 12] Artijicial, Exod. 35. 31. [3] Legal, Rom, 3. 20. 1 7. 7. [41 Evangelical, 2 Cor. 2. 14. Gen. 2. 9. tree of k. of good and evil, 17. Exod. 31. 3. 1 have filled Bezaleel in k. 35. 31. Lev.4.23. come to his i.||Num. 24.16.i. of mostH. Ruth. 2. 10. that thou shouldest take k. of me, 19. iSam. 2. 3. a God of>^. |) 23. 23. takei.ofhis 1 Kings 9. 27. that had k. of sea, 2 Chr. 8. 18. 2 Chr. 1. 10. give me k. || 11. hast asked k. 12. Neh. 10. 28. evey one having k. separated Job 15. 2. utfer vain k.\\2l. 14. desire not >&. 21. 22. any teach Godk. |) 33. 3. utter k. clearly 36. 3. I'll fetch my k. \\ 4. perfect in k. 37. 16. . Psal. 19. 2. sbewethi. || 73. 11. is there k. in G. 94. 10. teacheth man k. |j 199. 66. teach me k. 139. 6. k. too wonderful Jl 144. 3. takest k. of Prov. 1, 4. give young man k.\\7. beginning ofk. 22. fools hate k. (| 29. they hated /e. and did not 2. 3. criest dfter ;^. |) 6. out of mouth coaieth k. 10. k. is pleasant |) 3. 20. by his k. depths 5.2. lips uiay keep k. \\ 8. 9. them thai find k. 8. 10. k. rather tlian gold \\ 12. find out k. of 9. 10. k. of the holy II 10. 14. wise lay up k. 11. 9. thro' k. deiiveredy 12. 1. loveth k. but 12. 23. concealeth >^. || 13. 16. dealethwith k. 14. 6. k. is easy [I 7. not m him the lips of >^. 18. crowned with k. \\ 15. 2. useth yf. right 15. 7. wise disperse k. (| 14. seeketh k. 18. 15. 19. 25. he'll understand k. \\ 27. err from k. 20. 15. lips of i. ajewel|| 21. 11 rciceiveth -^. 22. 12. eyes of Lwrd preserve k. |j 17. apply to k. 20. in counsel and i. J| 23. 12. apply to k. 24. 4. by k. chamber filled || 5. a man of k. incr. 14. so i.of wisdoui |}28. 2. by k. prolonged 30. 3. wisdom, nor have the k. of the holy Eccl. 1. 16. experience of ^.|| IS.increaseth k. 2. 21. labour is in >^. || 26. God giveth k. joy 7. 12, excelling ofk. \\ 9. 10. no k. in grave 12. 9. the preacher still taught the people k. Isa. 8. 4. child have >^. | j 1 1 . 2. the spirit of k. 28. 9. whom teach i^. |j 32. 4. understand/^. 33. 6. k. the stability||40. 14. who taught him -f. 44. 19. nor is there k. jj 25. their k. foolish 47. 10. k. perverted thee 1| 53. 11. by his k. Jer. 3.15. feed you with k. |j 10. 14. brutish m k. 11.18. given mek. of it||51. 17. brutish by k. Dan. 1. 4. cunning in k. || 17. God gave them k. 5. 12. k. in Daniel || 12. 4. k. be increased Hos. 4. 6. for lack of i.|| Hub. 2. 14. filled with k. Mai. 2. 7. lips should keep y^.|| Mat.14.35./^. of him Luke 1. 77. >^. of salvation jj 11. 52. key of ^. Acts4.13.took k. of them II 24. 22. more perfect k. Rom. 1. 28. to retain G. in k. \\ 2. 20. form ofk. 3. 20. by law k. of sin || 10. 2. not according to L 13. 14. that ye also are filled witS all i. able 1 Cor. 1.5. enriched in all k. \\ 8. 1. k. pufieth up 8. 10. see thee which hast k. || 11. thro' thy k. 12. 8. the word of fc. || 13. 2. and all k. and 13. 8. whether fc. || 1 k 6. by revelation or k. 2 Cor. 2. 14. savour of his k. \\ 4. 6. light of k. 6. 6. by pureness, by k. \\ 8. 7. abound in A;. 11, 6. tho' I be rude in speech, yet not in k. Eph. 1. 17. k. of him [j 3. 4. understand my le. 3. 19. passeth k. jj 4. 13. unity of the k. of Son Pliih 1. 9. abound in k. \\ 3. 8. for the k. of Christ Col. 1. 9. filled with k. \\ 2. 3. hid wisdom and k. 3.10. renewed in k. \\ I Tim. 2. 4. k. of troth KNO LAA 3^7 2 Tim. 3. 7. k. of truth \\ Heb. 1 0. 26. A?, of truth Jam. 3. 13. endued with k. \\ 1 Pet. 3. 7. to ^^ 2 Pet. 1. 3. thro' the k. of hun |j 5. to virtue k. 8. nor unfruitful in k. |) 3. 18. grow in k. - KNOWLEDGE 0/ God. Prov. 2. 5. find >. Hos. 4. l.nor>^.- iuthe land j I 6. 6. desired tlie k. Rom. 11.33. the riches both of the wisdom and k. 1 Cor. 15. 34. have not >^.- II 2 Cor 10. 5. against z^.- Ccl. 1. 10. and increasing in the k, of God 2 Pet. 1. 2. peace be multiplied thro' the k. - KNOWLEDGEo/^/te L. 2Cbr. 30. 22. good k.- Isa.l 1.9. earth full ofk.-\\'■^ Pet. 2. 20. thro' the k.- Ao KNOWLEDGE. Deut. 1. 39. had ->^. P.sal. 14. 4. have workers of iniquity -k. 53. 4. Isa. 5. 13. thev have -i. 45. 20. jj 58. 3. takest-/^. Jer. 4. 22. but to do good they liave -k. JVithout KNOWLEDGE. Num. 15. 24. Job 34.35. I 35.16. | 36,12. | 38.2. Prov. 19.2 KNOWN, p. Gen. 198. not k. man, 24.16. Num. 31. 18, 35. Judg. 21.12. 41. 31. plenty shall not be k. in the land, by Exod.2.14. this thing is k.\\ 6.3. Jehovah I not k. 21. 36. it'k. that ox|| 33. 16. wherein it be k. Lev. 4. 14. when sin is k. \\ 5. 1. seen or k. of it Num. 12.6. k. in a vision || 31. 17. hath k. man Deui.l. IS.k. among tribes 15. II 11. 2. have noT; k. 1 1 . 28. to go after gods ye have not k. 13. G, 13. 21. 1. notk. who hath slain \\ 28. 36. nor fath. k. Josh. 24. 31. had i. works of Lord, Judg. 3. 1. Jiidg.l6.9.stren§th not k.\\ Ruth 3.14.1et it not be 1 Sam. 6. 3. i. why his hand || 28. 15. make k. 2Sam.l7.19.spreadcorn, and the thing was not k. 1 Kin.l4. 2.136 not k. to be the wife of Jeroboam 18. 36. let it be k. that thou art God in Israel 1 Chr. 16. 8. make k. his deeds, 17. 19. Ps. 105. 1. Ezra 4. 12. be it k. to the king 13. | 5. 8. Neh. 4. 15. heard it was k. || Esth. 2. 22. thing k. Psal. 9. 16. the Lord is i. || 18. 43. people I not >^. 31.7. k. my soul in adversity || 48. 3. God is k. 6^. 2. thy way may be k. |j 69. 19. k. my shame 76. 1. in Judah is G. k. \\ 77. 19. footsteps not k. 7*8 3. sayings we liave k.\\ 5. make them k. to 79. 6. have not k. thee || 10. let him be k. among 88. 12. wonders be k. \\ 89. l . k. thy faithftilness 91. 14. set him on higii, because he hath k. thy 95.10. and they have not k. my ways, Heb. 3. 10. 98. 2. made k. his salvation |j 103. 7. k. his ways 105. 1. made k. his deeds among the people 106. 8. i. his po\ver || 119. 152. I've k. of old 139. 1. and k. me |j 145 12. to make k. to sons 149. 20. judgments, they have not k. them Prov. 1. 23. ril make j^.my words||i 0. 9. shall be i. 12. 16. fools wrath i. || 20. 11. a child is k. by 31. 23. k. in the gates I, Eccl. 5. 3. fools \oice'k. Eccl. 6. 5. nor k. any thing || 10. k. that it is man Isa.l2.5.i. in all the earth j| 19. 21. L. k. to Egypt 38. 19 k. thy truth || 40.21. have ye not i. 28. 42. 16. in paths not k. li 44. 18. they have not k. 45. 4. tho' not k. me || 61 . 9. seed be k. among 64. 2. to make thy name k. || 6o. 14. hand k. Jer. 4. 2'2. not k. me || 5. 5. they have k. way Ezek. 3'i. 9. countries not k. \lS5. 11. myself/^. 36. 32. be it k. to you, Acts 4. 1 0. 1 1 3. 38.|28. 28. 38. 23. I'll be k. in the eyes.of many, 39. 7. Dan. 2. 5. if not make k. the dream, 9, 25. 28. but the Lord raaketh k. to the king, 29. 'so. make k. the interpretation^ 5. 15, IG, 17. 44 Dan. 3. 13. if not, be it k. to thee, O king |f 4. 6, IS. 4. 26. after thou shall have k. the heavens rule Hos. 5. 4. not k. the Lord [j Amos 3. 2. yon only k. Nah. 3. 17. place is not k. J[Hab. 3 2. make k. Zech.l4. 7.aday, whichshallbe k. to the Lord Matt. 10. 26. there is nothing hid, that shall not be k. Luke 8.17. | 12. 2. 12. 7. if >^. what that meant |i 16. not make k. 33. the tree is k. by his fruit, Luke 6. 44. 24. 43. if the good man had k. Luke 12. 39. Luke 7. 39. he would have >^. j! 19. 42. k. in this tliy 24. 18. not k. these thing? ]j 35. how he was k. John 7. 4. to bc;^. openly |j S.ll/.if ye had k. 14.^7. 8. 55. ye have not >^. hiu; || 10. 14. i. of mine 14. 9. not >^. me, Philip 1; 16. 3. Dot>^. tlie Father 17. 7. now they have k.\\ 8. have k. surely 25. world have not k. I have k. these have k. Acts 1. 19. k. to dweilers|j 2. 14. be this k. to you 9. 24. A;, of Saul || 42, k. throughout all Joppa 15. 1 8. k. to G. are ali his w orks from beginning 19. 17. this was k. || 22 30. k. certainty, 23. 28. Rom. 1. 19. may be k. of God (| 3. 17. peace not k, 7. 7. I had not k. sin {j 9. 22. hi- power k. 23. 11. 34. who hath k. the mind of L. 1 Cor. 2. 16. 1 Cor. 2.8. had they k. it|l 8.3. same is k. of him 13. 12. as I also am k. |j 14. 7. how shall it be k. 9. 2 Cor. 3. 2. epistle k. jj 5.16. k. Christ |j 6. 9. well k. Gal. 4. 9. or are/f.of God||Eph. 3. .). not made >^. Eph. 3. 10. k. by the church |f6. 19. to make k. 21. Phil. 4. 5. moderation i. II Col. 1. 27. will make>^. Col. 4. 9. they shall make k. to you all things 2 Tim. 3. 10. k. my doctrine |} 15. k. scriptures 4. 17. be fully k. \] 2 Pet. 2. 21. better not k. 1 John 2. 13. have k. him || 3. 6. nor k. him 4. 16. we have k. || 2 John 1. have k. the truth Rev. 2. 24. which have not k. depths of satan Madeormadest KSOWlSi. Gen. 45. 1. Neh. 9. 14. Psal. 98. 2. | 103. 7. Prov. 14. 33. I '22. 19. Ezek. 20. 5. Dan. 2. 15, 17, 23. t28, 45. Hos. 5. 9. Luke 2. 15, 17. John 15. 15. Acts 2. 28. I 7. 13. Rom. 16. 26. Eph. 1. 9. I 3. 3. Phil 4. 6. 2 Pet. 1. 16. KO A, Hope,aco7igregation,Jineorrule,Kze\i.23. '23. KOHATH, Congregation^ or icrinkle. Gen. 46. 11. Exod. 6. 16, 18. Num. 3. 17,-30. |4.2,4, 15.|7. 9. lChr.6, i',22, 61.| 15.5. KOUATHITES. Num. 4. 18, 34, 37. | 10. 21. Josh. 21. 4. 1 Chr. 6. 54. 2 Chr. 29. 12. | 34,12. KOLAIAH, Voice of the Lord. Neh. 11. 7. KORAH, Baldness, or frost. Gen. 36. 5. bare K. Jj 16. duke iiT. 18. ^ Exod. 6. 21. sons of Izhar/f. Num. 16. 1 Nuifl. 16, 6. K. and ali his company, 19, 24, 40. 1 26. 9, 11. i 27. 3. 1 Chr. 1. 35. 1 2. 43. | 6. 22. 1 9. 19. Jude 11. KORE, Crying, calling, reading. 1 Chr. 9. 19. KOZ. Ezra 2.' 61. Neh. 3. 4, 22. i 7. 63. KU.SHAIAH, Hardness, his gravity, or offence. 1 Chr. 15. 17. L. LA ADAH, To assemble. 1 Chr. 4. 21. LAADAN, For pleasure^ dei:ovring judg- ment, or a U'itness. l Chr. 7. 27. | 23. 7. LAB LAI LAB AN, White, shining^ or brittle. Gen. 24. 29. name was L. \\ ^7. 43. flee to JL. 29. 29. L. gave to Rachel Bilhah 30. 42. feebler L. || 31. 2. countenance of £,. 31. 12. seen all that L. doth |j 24. came to L. 36. Jacob chode with L. \\ 32. 4. sojourned LAB AN, A place. Deut. I. 1. Paran and L. LABOUR, s. Gen. 31.42. G. seen the/, of my 35. 16. Rachel travailed and had hard /. 17. Deut. 26. 7. looked on our /. || Neh. 5. 13. from I. .1ob.5.t7. borntoZ.||39. U.leave thy /.|)16.her/. Psal. 73 1 16. it was l. |) 78. 46. gave I. to locust 90. 10. 1, and sorrow || 104. 23. his I. till evening 105. 44. inherited the l. \\ 107. 12. heart with /. 109. 11. stranger spoil/. || 128. 2.shalt eat the /. Prov.l 0.16./. of righteous II 13. ll.gatherethby /. 14. 23. in, all /. profit || Eccl. 1. 3. of all his /. Eccl, 2. 8. full of/. II 2. 10. portion of all my /. 18. I hated all my /. || 19. rule overall my /. 20. despair of /. || 21. whose /. is in wisdom 22. what hath man of all his /. under sun 24. make his soul enjoy good in /. 3. 13. | 5. 18. 4. 8. no end of /. || 9. reward for I. 5. 15. 5. 19. to rejoice in /. || 6. 7. /. of.man for mouth 8. 15. abide of his /. 9. 9.|| 10. 1^. /. of foolish Isa. 4.3. 14. /. of Egypt || 55. 2. why spend your/. Jer. 3. 24. shame devoured /. || 20. 18. to see /. Ezek. 23. 29- take all thy /. || 29. 20. /. of Egypt Hab. 3. 17. /. of olive fail |! Hag. 1.11. drought on John4.38.bcstowedno/. |jRom.l6.6.much/.onus lCor.3.8. according to his /.|j 15.58./. is not in vain Gal. 4. 11. 1 am afraid, lest I bestowed /. in vain Phil. I. 22. fruit of my /. || 2. 25. companion in /. 1 Thes. 1.3. /. of love ji 2. 9. remember our /. 3, 3. /. be in vain [| 2 Thes. 3. 8. /. and travail Heb. 6. 10. /. of love || Rev. 2. 2. 1 know thy /. liABOUR, i\ Exod. 20. 9. six days shalt thou /. Deut. 5. 13. Josh. 7. 3. make not all the people to /. thither 24. 23. given you a land, for which ye did not /. Neh. 4. 22. may be a guard to us, and /. on the day Job 9. 29. why /. I in vam || Psal. 1 27. I. /. in vain Psal. 144.14. strong to /.||Prov. 21. 23. refuse to /. Prov.23-4. /.not to be rich, cease from thy wisdom Eccl. 4. 8. for whom do I /. 1| 8. 17. /. to seek it Isa. 22. 4. /. not to comfort || 65. 23. not /. in vain Jer. 51. 58. shall /. in vain || Lam. o. 5. we /. Mic. 4. 10. /. to bring forth || Hab. 2. 13. /. in fire Matt. J 1.28. come all that /.|! John 6. 27. /.not for Rom. 16. 12. /. in the Lord j| 1 Cor. 4. 12. and /. 2 Cor. 5. 9. /. to be accepted || Eph. 4.28 rather/. Col.1.29. 1 /. striving II I Thes. 5. 12. /. among you 1 Tim. 4. 10. we both /. || 5. 17. /. in doctrine Heb. 4. 11. let us /. therefore to enter that rest LABOURED, j), Neh. 4. 21. so we /. in the work Job 20. 18. that which he /. for, shall he restore Eccl. 2. 11. that I had /. to do, 19, 21, 22. 5. 16. what profit hath he that /. for the wind Isa. 47. 12. thou hast /. 1 5. | 62. 8. || 49.4. /. in vain Dan. 6. 14. the king /.|| Jonah 4. 10. hast not /. John 4. 38. other men /. || Rom. 16. 12. /. much 1 Cor. 15. 10. I /.more || Phil. 2. 16. nor /. in vain Phil. 4. 3. /. with me || Rev. 2. 3. name's sake /. LABOURER,5.Lukel0.7./.isworthy,lTim.5.18. LABOURERS. Matt. 9.37./. few, Luke 10. 1. 20. 1. to him /. II 2. agreed with the /. 8. 1 Cor. 3. 9. we are /. || Jam. 5. 4. hire of the /. LABOURETH, V. Prov. 16. 26. /. for himself Eccl. 3. 9. 1 Cor. 16. 16. 2 Tim. 2. 6. LABOURING, p. Eccl. 5. 12. sleep of/, man Acts 20. 35. so /. II Col. 4.12. always /. 1 Thes. 2. 9. LABOURS, s. Exod. 23. 16. first-fruits of thy I. Deut. 28. 33. all thy /. nation eat up, Prov. 5. 10. Isa. 58. 3. exact all your /. || Jer. 20.5. /. to enemies Hag. 2. 17. I smote you in all the /. of your John 4. 33. entered in their /. || 2 Cor. 6. 5. in /, 2 Cor. 10. 15. other men's /. || 11. 23. in /, more Rev. 14. 13. that they may rest from their /. LACE, s. Exod. 28. 28, 37. | 39. 31. LACHISH, Wulkingy or existing, or being to thy- self. Importing self-love. A city, Josh. 10. 3. Josh. 10. 32. delivered L. \\ 12. 11. king of L. one 15. 39. Judah had L. \\ 2 Kin.l 4.19. 2 Chr. 25. 27. 2 Kin. 18. 17. sent Rabshakeh from L. Isa. 36. 2. - Chr. 11. 9. built L. || Jer.34. 7. fought against L. Mic. 1. 13. O inhabitant of L. bind the chariot LACK, s. Gen. 18. 28. for /. of five Exod. 16.18. gathered little had no /. 2 Cor. 18. 15. Job 4.11. /.of prey, 38. 41. 1| Hos. 4. 6. /. ofknowl. Phil. 2.30. /. of servicejl 1 Thes. 4.12. /. of nothing LACK, i\ Deut. 8. 9. thou shalt not /. Psal. 34. 10. lions do /. [| Prov. 28. 27. shall not /. Eccl. 9. 8. /. no ointment || Matt.19.20 what /.I yet Jam. 1. 5. if any man /. wisdom, let him ask LACKED, p. Deut. 2. 7. thou hast /. nothing, 1 Kin. 4. 27. | 11 . 22. Neh. 9. 21. Luke 22. 35. Luke 8. 6. /. moisture || Acts 4. 34. nor any /. lCor.12.24. that part which /.||Phil.4.10./.opport. LACKEST, V. Mark 10. 21. one thing thou /. LACKETH. v. Num. 31. 49. /. not one man 2 Sam. 3. 29. /. bread || Prov. 6. 32. /. underetand. Prov. 12. 9. /. bread || 2 Pet. 1.9-/. these, is blind LACKING, i). Lev. 2. 13. nor salt /. 22. 23. Judg. 21 . 3. a tribe /. t| 1 Sam. 30. 19. nothing /. Jer. 23.4. nor shall be /.|| lCor.16.17. which was/. 2 Cor. 11.9./. supplied || 1 Thes. 3. 10. /. in faith LAD, 8, s. Gen. 21. 12, 17, 18, 20. | 22. .5, 12. 1 37. 2. I 43. 8. I 44. 22, 30, 32, 33. | 48. 16. Judg. 16. 26. 1 Sam. 20. 21, 36, 37, 39, 40. 2 Sam. 17. 18. John 6. 9. LADDER, s. Gen. 28. 1 2. and behold a /. set up LADE, V. signifies, [I] To oppress, 1 Kings 12. 11. [2] To impose more than the law requires, Luke 1 1. 46. [3] To be full oj sin, Isa. 1. 4. [4J To be sensible of, and mount under, the burden of sin. Matt. 11. 28. Gen. 45. 17. /. your beasts [] Lev. 22. 1 16. /. thenis. 1 Kin.l 2.1 1 .my father did /. 1 1 Luke 1 1 .46.ve /.men LADED, p. Gen. 42. 26. Neh. 4. 17. Acts 28. 10. LADRN, p. Gen. 45. 23. sent ten asses /. I Sara. 16. 20. an ass /. || Isa.l.4.a people /. withini. Matt. 11. 28. heavv /. || 2 Tim. 3. 6. /. with sins LADETH. Hab. 2 6. /. himself with thick clay LADING. Neh. 13. 15. Acts 27. 10. LADY. Isa. 47. 5, 7. || 2 John I. elect /. 5. LADIES. Judg. 5. 29. || Esth. 1.8./. of Persia LAID, see after luXY . LAEL, To God, or the mighty. Num. 3. 24. LA HAD, Praising, or confessing. 1 Chr. 4. 2. LAHAROI, iVell of vision. Gen. 24. 62. | 25.11, LAHMAS. Bread, or war of them. Josh. 15. 40. LAHMI, 3Iy bread, or my fight. 1 Chr. 20. 5. LAISH, A lion. A city, judg. 18. 7, 14, 29- 1 Sam. 15. 44. 2 Sam. 3. 15. Isa. 10. 30. LAM LAN 3Ty LAKE, s. signifies, £1] A hu'ge pool or pit, Luke 5. 1. ['2] HeU, Rev. 19. 20. | 20. 10. Luke 5. 1. /. of Gennesaretl), 2. | 8. 22, 23, 33. Rev. 19. 20. L of fire, 20. 10, 14, 15. | 21. 8. LAKUM, A place. Josh. 19. 3:3. LAMB, *, is put for, [l ] Christ Jesus, John 1 .29 . [2] Real Christians, Isa. 11 . 6. | 40 11. [3] A man's wife, 2 Sam. 12. 3. [4j Antichrist j Rev. 13. 11. Gen. 22. 7. where is the I. \\ 8. will provide a l Exod. 12. 3. every man a ^. 21. jj 5. i a male 13. 13. an as»shalt thou redeem with a /. 34. 20. 29. 39. one /. otier in moniing, 41. Num. 28. 4. Lev. 3. 7. if he offer a/. 4.32. 1 5.6.| i22. 23. | 23.12. 9. 3. 1, of first year, Num. 6. 12. | 7. 15, 21. 1 Sam. 7. 9. a sucking I. \\ 17. 34. lion took a I. 2 Sam. 12. 4. took the poor man's Land dressed,6. Isa. 11. 6. wolf with /. II 16. 1. send ye the i. 53. 7. brought as a/, to theslau2:hter, Jer. 11.19. 65. 25. woJf and I. \\ 66. 3. sacrificeth a I. as if Ezek. 45. 15. one I. out of flock for offer. 46. 13. Hos. 4. 16. l. in a large place \\ John 1. 29 L.of G. Acts 8. 32. like a I. dumb j j 1 Pet. 1 . 1 9. as of a ^. Rev. 5. 6. stood a I. slain, 8, 12, 13. j 6. 1, 16. 7. 9. ^tood before L \\ 10. salvation to the I. 14. blood 01 l. II 17. L shall feed them and 12. 11. overcame by blood of/. |f 13. 8. I. slain 13. 11. like a Z. Ij 14. 1. lo, a l. .stood on Sion 14. 4. follow the 1. 11 15. 3. the song of the I. 17. 14. war with L |j 19. 7. marriage of/. ^. 21. 9. shew the /. wife || 14. apostles of the /. 22./. the temple of it || 23. the /. is the light 27. /. book of life || 22. 1. throne of the /. 3. LAMBS, s. Gen. 30. 40. Jacob did separate the /. 33.tl9. Jacob bought for 100 /. Josh. 24.t32. Num. 7. 87. /. 12. II 88. sixty /. || 17. 20, 23. Deut. 32.l4.fat of/. || iSam. 15. 9. spared best of/. 2Kin. 3.4. rendered 100000 /. || 1 Chr. 29. 21 .1000 iChr. 29. 32. two hundred/. II 35. 7. Josiah gave /. Psal. S7. 20. as fat of/. || 114. 4. skipped like /. 6. Prov. 27. 26. /. for clothing jl Isa. 1.11. blood of/. Isa. 5.17. /.feed |j 34.6.biood of/. || 40.1 1. gather /. Jer. 51. 40. /. to slaughter || Ezek. 27.21. | 3y. 18. Ezek. 46. 4. in sabbath six /. jj 6. new moon six /. Amos 6. 4. eat the /. |j Luke 10. 3. 1 send you as /. John 21. 15. Jesus said to Peter, feed my /. Five LAMBS. Num. 7. 17, 23,29, 41, 47. 'Secen LAMBS. Gen. 21. 28, 29, 30. Lev. 23. 18. Num. 28. 11, 21. j 29. 2. 2 Chr. 29.21. Two LAMBS. Exod. 29. 38. Lev. 40. 10. 1 23. 19. Num.28. 9. LAME, a. is taken, I. Corporally, 2 Sam. 4. 4. Acts .3. 2. II. Figurativchj, [1] For idols, 2 Sam. 5. 6. [2] The weediest or meanest, Isa. S3. 23. III. Spiritualli/jfor such as are weak in gi-ace. Heb. 12. 13. Lev.21.18./. not approach Ij Deut.15.21. /.not sac. 2Sam. 4. 4. Jonath. had a sou /. of his feet,9.3,13. 5. 6. blind and /. 8. |1 19. 26.,thy servant is /. Job 29. 15. feet to the /.iJProv. 26. 7. legs of the /. Isa. 33. 23. /. take the prey jj 35. 6. /. shall leap Jer. 31. 8. bring the /. || Mai. 1. 8. ye offer /. 13. Matt. 11.5. the /. walk, 15. 31.121. l4.Luke 7. 22. Luke 14. 13. call the /. || Acts 3. 2. certain man /. Acts 8. 7. /. healed II Heb. 12. 13. lest /.be turned LAMECH, Poor, humbled, smitten. Gen. 4. 18. bejrat L. 5. 25. l Chr. l. 3. Luke 3.36. LAMENT, ED, p. Jadg. 11. 40. yearly to /. th.e 1 Sara. 6. 19. people /. 7. 2. || 25. 1. /. Samuel 2 Sam. 1. 17. David /. over Sanljj 3. S3. Abuer 2 Chr. 35. 25. Jeremiah /. for Josiah and all Isa. 3. 26.gates /. \\ 19- 8. fishers /. IJ 32. 12. shall L Jer. 4. 8- / and howl || 16. 4. not be /. 5. | 25. 33* 22. 18. not /. for him |j 34. 5. will / thee 49. 3. /. and run || Lam. 2. 8. and wall to /. Ezek. 27. 32. /. overTynis |f 32. 16. nations /. Joel 1. 8. /. like e virgin || 13. /. ye priests, howl Matt. 11.17. y^ have not /.|jLuke 23. 27. /. Jesus John 16.20. ve shall not /. |j Rev. 18. 9. /. Babvlon LAMENTA'BLE, a. Dan. 6. 20. a /. voice to D. LAMENTATION, S,5. Gen. 50. 10. a sore /. 2 Chr. 35. 25. singers spake of Josiah in their /. Psal. 78. 64. and their widows made no /. Jer. 6. 26. make bitter /. |j 7. 29. take up a /. 9. 10. habitations a /. || 20. teach neighbour a /. 31. 15. in Ramah /. and weeping, Matt. 2;^8. 48. 38. shall be /. |] Lam. 2. 5. increased /. Ezek. 2. 10. written /. |j 19. 1. take up a /. 14. 26. 17. /.forTyrus,27.2. 1128.12. take up/. 32. 2. Amos 5. 1. /. against Israel, 8.10. |j 16. skilful of/. Mic. 2. 4. a doleful /. j| Acts 8. 2. /. over Stephen LAMP, S, s. signifies, [1] A light made with oil in a proper vessel, 1 Sam. 3. 3. [2j^^ro- fession of religion, either sincere or hypocritical, Matt. 25. 3, 4. [3] A successor, 1 Kings 1 5. 4. Psal. 132.17. [4J Out ward prosperity, Prov. 1 3. 9. It is spoken [1 ] O/ God, 2 Sam.22.29. [2] Of the word, Psal. 119. 105. Gen. 15. 17. a burning /. |j Exod. 25. 37. light /. Exod. 27. 20. /. to bum always || 30. 7. dressed /. 30. 8. when Aaron hghteth the /. 35. 14. J 39. 37. Lev. 24. 2. /. to burn continually, 2 Chr. 13. 11. Judg. 7. 16. /. in tlie pitchers |j 20. held the /. 1 Sam. 3. 3. ere /. went out || 2 Sam. 21,tl 7. 2 Sara. 22. 29. thou art my /. O L. L will light 1 Kin. 7. 49. he made /. of gold, 2 Chr. 4. 20^ 21. Il.f36. David have a /. || 15. 4. gave him a /. Job 1 2. 5. as a /. de!-piscdj|l8.t6./.put out, 21.tl7. 29.t3. I. shined on head (1 41. 19. go burning /. Psal. 18.t28. light my /• || 119. 105. word is a /. 132. 17. ordamed a. I. \\ Prov. 6. 23. law is a /. Prov. 13. 9. /. put out, 20. 20. || 20.t27. spirit is /. Isa. 62. 1. salvation as a /. || Ezek. 1. 13. like a /. Dan. 10. 6. body like beryl, his eyes as / of fire Matt. 25. 1. ten'virgins took their / 3, 4, 7, 8. Rev. 8. 10. a great star burning as it were a /. Seven LAMPS. Exod. 25. 37. \ 37. 23. Num. 8. 2. Zech. 4. 2. Rev. 4. 5. LANCE, ERS. Jer. 50. 42. 1 Kings 18. 28. LANCH, ED,/j.Lnke5.4.|8. 22. Acts21. l.|27.2. ' LAND, s. signifies, [1] The wliole earth, Matt. 23. 15. [2j A country. Matt. 9. 26. [3j In- habitants, Isa. 37. 11. [4] A possession. Acts 4. 37. Gen. 2. 12. gold of that /.|i 10.11. of/. wentAsher 12. 1. get thee into a /. I'll shew thee. Acts 7. 3. 13. 6. /. not be able to bea»jj9.isnot /.before thee 17. 8. I'll give thee and seed the /. 28.15. | 35. 12. 20. 15. /.is before thee |j 26. 12. sowed m that /. 47. 20. /. became Pharaoh's || 22. /. of priests Exod. 8. 24. /. was corrupted |j 10. 15. /darkened 20. 1 2. days may be long on the /. Eph. 6. 3. Lev. 16. 22*. /. not inhabited || 18. 25. /. defiled 18.28. /. spue not out j] 25. 2. /. keep sabbath LAN LAN 25. 23. 1, not sold lf^6.4. / yield mcrease,25. 19. 26. 38. 1, eat you up |) 42. Fll remember the L Nam. 1:3. 18. see the l \\ 32. Z.is a I. that eateth 14. 23. not see the I. \\ 24. Caleb bring to I. 15. 2. when ye come to /. 18. Dent. 17. 14. 32. 4. a I. for cattle \\ 35. 35. blood defiieth L Deut. 1. 36. 1 ^ive the I. jj 2. 20. A of giants, 3. 13. 8. 8. a I. of wheat || 9. a I. whose stones are iron 9. 28. to bring to Z. || 1 0. 7. a l of rivers 11. 12. a .'. the L. careth for || 29.23. I brimstone 29. 28. cast to another 1. 1| 32. 10. a desert I. 32, 43. merciful to I. || 33. 13. blessed be his I. 34. 1. shewed him all the I Josh. '2. 1. | 21. 43. Josh. 2. 9. given you the I [j 11. 16. took the /. 14. 1 5. I had rest \\ 24. 13. I ye did not labour Judg. 3. 11. 1, had rest, 3o." | 5. 21. |j 1 1. 12. my I. 18. 10. cotrie to a iar^e I |j 30. captivity oi' I. 1 Sam. 14. 29. troubled 1. 1| 21. 11. king of ;. 2 Sawi. 9. 7. restore I. of SaullJ21.1 4.intreated forZ. 1 Kmgs 9. 13. I. of Cabul || i 1. 18. gave him /. 2 Kings 8. 3. to cry for her I. \\ 17. 26. God of ;. 18. 32. to a I. of corn and wine, Isa. 36. 17. 21. 8. move any more out of ^. 2 Chr. 33. 8. 2.5. 12. left of the poor of the I Jer. 52. 16. 1 Chr. 4. 40. I. was wide || 7. 21. born in that l. 2 Chr. 7. 20. pluck out of 1. 1] 34. 8. purged /. Ezra 9. 12. may eat the good of the I. Isa. 1. 19. Neh. 5. 16. nor bought Z |('9. 36. servants in I. Job 31. 38. if I. cry against me || 39. 6. barren I. Psal.lO. 16. perished out of/. |i 4a 6 I of Jordan 44. 3. not I. in possession || 52. 5. I. of the living 80. 9. it filled the 7. [| 101. 6. on fathful of/. 101. 8. destroy wicked of Z. || 105. 16. famine on 106. 24. despised pleasant /. |J 38. I. polluted 107. 34. 1, into barrenness || 143. 6. as thirsty I. 143. 10. lead me into the I. of uprightness Ptov. 12. ll.tilleth his/. [I 28. 2. transgression of Eccl. 10. 16 woe to thee,b /.||17. blessed art O /. Isa. 5. 30 if one look on /. |j 7. 16. /. be forsaken 7. 24. /. becouje briars || 9. 1. the /. of Zebulon 9. 19. is /. darkened || 13. 5. to destroy the /. IS. 1. woe to the /.shadowing with wings, 2. 19. 24. a blessing in the/. |l 21. l.a terrible /. 23. 1. /. of Chittim || 24. 3.7. be emptied, 11. 30. 6. /. of trouble || 32. 2. rock in a w eary /. 32. 13. /. of my people || 33. 17. /. that is far oflf 34. 9. /. become pitch |1 35. 7. thirsty /= springs 49. 12. /. of Sinim|| 19. /. of thy destruction 53. 8. he was cut oft out of the /. of the living Jer. 1.18. pillar against /. || 2. 2. a /. not sov^n 2. 6. a /.ofdesarts || 7. defiled my / 3. 9. 15. made /. waste |j 3. 19. a pleasant /. ? 4. 20. /. is spoiled || 5. 19. in a /. not yours 6. 8. a /. not inhabited |j 8. 16. /. trembled 9. 12. /. perisheth |) 1 9. we have forsaken the /. 11. 19. /. of living |) 12. 4. how long /. mourn 12. 12. one endof /. |j 15 every man to his /. 16. 15. /. of the north, 31. 16. if 16. 18. defiled/, 17. 6. in a salt /. || 25. 13. bring on that /. all 27. 7. till time of his /. || 40. 4. /. is before thee 46. 12. cry filled the /. 1| 50. 1 8. punish /. as I 50, 38. a/, of graven images || 51. 43. a dry /. 51. 47. her v^hole /. shall be confounded, and Ezek. 7. 23. /. full of bloody crimes, 8. 1 7. 1 9. 9. 14. 13. when /. sinneth |j 17, a sword on /. 19. 17. 5. seed of the /. 1| 13. the mighty of the /. 21, 19. out of one /. || 22. 24, /, not cleansed Ezek. 22. 30. stand in gap for/.l!32. 4.1eave on /. 33. 2. when I bring the sword on a /. 3. 24. /. is given us for inheritance, 36. 5. 36. 13. /. devourest menj] 33. 9. cover /. 16. 38. 11. I'll go up to the /. 11 16. thee against /. 39. 12. may cleanse /. 16.||47. 15. border of/. Dan. 11. 16. glorious /,4l. || Hos. 4. 3. /. mourn Joel 1. 6. come up on my /. || 2. 3. /. as Eden 2. 18. jealous for his 1. 1| 21. O /. be glad || 3. 2. Amos 5. 2. forsaken on her /. || 7. 10. /. not able 8. 4, poor of/, to fail || 8. /. tremble for this 9. 5. the Lord God of hosts is he that toucheth /. Zeph. 1 . 2. 1 consume all things from off the /. 18. 3. 19, I'll get them-praise and fame in every /, Zech, 2. 6. /. of north || 3. 9. remove iniquity of/, 9. 16. as an ensign on his /. || 12. 12. /, mourn 13. 2. the unclean spirit to pass out of the /. 8. /, two parts cut off || 14. 10, the /. as a plain Mai. 3. 12. for ye shall be a delightsome /. saith Matt. 9.26. famein o/. II 10.15./. of Sod. 11.22. 23. 15. compass sea and /. to make one pro.selyte 27. 45. was darkness over all the /. Mark 15. 33. Mark 6. 47. ship on the sea, and he aJone on the /. Luke 14. 35. /. nor dunirhiU |j 15. 14. famine in /. John 6. 21, ship was at /. || 21. 11. drew net to /. Acts 4. 37. having /. sold it |j 5, 8. sold the /. for 27. 39. knew not the/. |) 44. escaped all safe to /, See Chaldeans, Canaan, Darkness, Desolate, Divided. Dry LAND. Gen. 1.9, 10. | 7. 22. Exod. 4. 9. I 14. 21, 29. Neh. 9. 11. Josh. 4. 18, 22. 66. 6. I 68. 6. I 95. Isa, 41. 18. 51. 43. Hos. 2. 3. Jonah 1. 9- 2.6. Heb. U. 29. See Dwell, Egypt, Good. In the LAND. Gen. 13. 7. | 26. 22. | 41. 31. | 42. 34. I 47. 4. Exod. 8. 25. | 9. 5. | 14. 3. Lev. 26. 6. Deut. 4. 14. | 5. 16. | 11. 9. | 2.5. 19. 1 28. 8, 11. I 30.16. I 31. 13. Judg. 18, 7. Psal, 65. 1 Jer. 50. 12, I I 2. 10. Hag. 1 Kings 8. S7. 1 Sam.^3. 23. 2 Sam. 15. 4 2 Chr. 6. 31. | 19. 5. | 32. 31. Job 28. 13. Psal.27. 13. |35, 20. |74,8.| 116. 9. | 142. 5, Isa. 7. 22. I 26. 20. | 38. 11. Ezek. 20. 40. I 26. 20. I 32. 23. j 37. 22. | 45. 8. Hos. 4. 1. Zech. 11. 16. Luke 21. 23. Heb. 11. 9. See Inhabitants, Inherit, Israel, Our LAND. Gen, 47. 19. Psal. 85. 12. Song 2. 12. Mic 5. 5, 6. Own LAND. Exod. 18. 27. Num. 10, 30. 1 Kings 10. 6. 2 Kings 17. 23. | 18. 32. 1 19. 7. 2 Chr. 9. 5.1 32.21. Isa. 13. 14, 14. 1. |37, 7. Jer. 23. 8. 27. 11. | 37, 7. 42, 12. 1 50. 16. Ezek. 34. 13, | 36, 17, 24. ?i7. 14, 21. 39.28. Amos 7. 11. See People, Possess, Strange. Their LAND. Gen. 47, 22. Lev. 20. 24. Num. 1 8. 20. Deut. 2. 5. | 4. 38, | 29. 8, 28. Josh. 10. 42. Judg. G. 9. 1 Kings 8. 48. 2 Chr. 7. 14. Psal. 105. 32. | 135. 12, Isa. 2. 7, 8. I 34, 7, Jer. 12,14. | 16. 1-5, . 34. 27. I 30. 26. Amos 9.15. This LAND. Gen. 12. 7. | 15. 18. | 15. I 31. 13, I 50.24. Num. 14. 22. 1 34. 2. Deut. 4. 22. 1 26. 9. 51. 5. Ezek. 24. 27. I 28. 3, 8. I 32. 5, 29. 24. Josh. 1. 13. I 13. 2. Judg. 2, 2, 1 Kings 9. 8. 2 Kings 18. 25. 2 Chr. 7. 21. | 30, 9, Jer. 14, 15. 1 16, 3, 6, 13. I 22. 12. | 24. 6. | 25. 9, LAR ll.|26. 20. 1 32. 15, 41. 1 36. 29. ] 37. 19. [ 42. 10, 13. 1 45. 4. Ezek. 11. 15. |47. 14.|48. 29. Acts 7. 4. Tluj LANl>. Exod. 23. 10, 26, 33. [ 34. 24. . Num. 21. 22. Deut. 2. 27. | 7. 13. | 21. 23. I 28. 12, 18. 2 Sam. 7. 23. | 24. 13. Psal. 85. 1. Isa. 8. 8. I 14. 20. | 23. 10. j 60. 18. I 62. 4. Ezek. 32. 8. Amos 7. 17. Mic. 5. 11. Nah. 3. 13. Your LAND. Gen. 47. 13. Num. 10. 9.|22. 13. I 34. 12. Deut. 11. 14. 1 Sam. 6. 5. Jer. 5. 19. I 27. 10. I 44. 22. LANDED, p. Acts 18.22. we had Z. 21.3. LANDING, p. Acts 28. 12. 1, at Syracuse, we LAND-Mur/c, s. Deut. 19. 14. shall not remove thy neighbour's /. -, 27. 17. Job 24. 2. Prov. 22'. 28."] 23. 10. LANDS, s. Gen. 41. 54. dearth in all I. 57. 47. 18. bodies and 1. 1| 22. sold not their I. JudiT. 11. 13. restore those I. ao;aiu peaceably 2 Kings 19. 11. have done to all/. Isa. 37. 11. 1 Chr. 14. 17. the fame of David went into all I. 2Chr. 13. 9. manner of other /.|)17. 10. fear on all l 32. 17. as gods of other I. have not dehvered Ezra 9. 2. mingled with the people of these l. II. Neh. 5. 3. njortgaged our I. h.\\li. restore tlieir I. 10. 23. had separated from the people of the I. Psal. 49 11. call then/.j|66.1. noise ail ye/. 100. 1. 105. 44. and ^i^ave them the /. of the heathen 106. 27. scatter m /. \\ 107. 3. gathered outof /. Jer. 16. 15. /. of north |( 27. 6. /. to Nebuchad. Ezek. 20. 6. glory of all /. 15. || 39. 27. enemies /. Matt.l9. 29. hath forsaken houses, I. Mar. 10. 29- Acts 4. 34. as were possessors of /. sold them LANES, s. Luke 14. 21. go out into the /. of LANGUAGE, s. Gen. 11. 1. earth was one I. 6. 7. go down, and there confoimd their /. 9. 2 Kings 18. 26. speak in the Syrian /. Isa. 36. 11. 28. Rabshakeh cried in Jews /. Isa. 36. 13. Neh. 13. 24. could not speak in the Jews /. but Esth.1.22. toevci-y people after their /. 3. 12.|8. 9. Ps.19.3. no /.||81 . 5. 1 heard a/.]!! 14. 1. a strange /. Isa. 19. 18. /. of Canaan] I Jer. 5. 15. /. knowest not Ezek 3. 5. of hard /.|jDan. 3. 29. 1 decree every/. Zeph. 3. 9. a pure /.|) Acts 2. 6. in his own /. LANGUAGES, s. Dan. 3. 4, 7.|4. l.|5. 1 9.17. 14. Zech. 8. 23. ten men out of all /. take hold LANGUISH, ED, p. Isa. 16. 8. fields /. and 19. 8. nets of waters /.||24. 4. haughty people /. Jer. 14. 2. gatesof Judah / they are black Lam. 2. 8. they /. together |) Hos, 4. 3. shall /. LANGUISHETH,r. Isa. 24.4. world l.\\7. vine/. 33. 9. earth /. || Jer. 15. 9. borne seven/. Joel 1. 10. oil /. 12.|)Nab. 1.4. Bashan /. flower /. LANGUISHING, p. Ps. 41. 3. on the bed of/. LANTERNS, s. John 18. 3. with /. and torches LAODICEA, The bosom, or vnddle. A city near C'o^osse and Hieiapolis. Rev. 1\ 11. Col. 2. 1. I 4.13, 15, 16. LAODICEANS. Col. 4. 16. Rev. 3. 14. LAP. 2 Kings 4. 39. Neh. 5. 13. Prov. 16. 33. LAPPED. Judg. 7. 6. number that /. 300, 7. LAPIDOTH, Lightnings, or lamps. Judg. 4. 4. LAPWING, A beautiful bird, atniit the size of a common pigeon. Lev. 11. 19. LARGE, «. Gen. 34. 21. land it is /. enough Exod. 3. 8. a /. land, Judg. 18. 10. Neh. 9- 35. 2Sam.22. 20. brought me into a /.place, Ps. 18. 19. LAU ^^1 Neh. 4. 19. work is /. || 7. 4. city was /. and great Ps.31. 8. set my feet in a/, room, 118. 5.|li9.t45. Isa. 22. 18. a /. country] |30. 23. feed in /. pastures 30 33. Tophet /. ]| Jer, 22. 14. build /. chambers Ezek. 23. 32. cup /. || Hos. 4. 16. in a /. place Matt. 28. 12. they gave Z. money to the soldiers Mar. 14. 15. shew a /. upper-room, Luke 22. 12. Gal. 6. 11. /. a letter \\ Rev. 21. 16. length is as /. LARGENESS, s. 1 Kings 4. 29. /. of heart even LASCIVIOUSNESS, s. signifies AH kinds of lusts Mar. 7. 21. proceed /.]}2 Cor. 12. 21. not rep. of/. Gal. 5. 19. works of flesh, /.]!Eph. 4. 19. over to /. 1 Pet. 4. 3. walked in /.||Jude4. grace of G. to /. LASEA, A city on the bank o/ Crete. Acts 27. 8. LASHA, To call, or anoint. Gen. 10. 19. ' LASHARON. Josh. 12. 13. king of L. one LAST, ad. Gen. 49. 19. Gad overcome at the /. Num. 23. 10. let my/. endl|2Sam. 19. 11. j 23. 1. 1 Chr. 23. 27. /. words of David] j29. 29. first and /. 2 Chr. 12. 15. first and /. 16. 11. | 20. 34. j 26. 22. 1 28. 26. 1 35. 27. Isa. 41. 4. J 44. 6. j 48. 12. Rev. 1. 11, 17. 1 2. 8. 1 22. 13. Ezra 8. 13. /. sons j) Neh. 8. 18. first day to the I Prov. 5. 11. mourn at /. || 23. 32. at /. it biteth Jer. 12. 4. our /. end, Lauj. 1. 9. Dan.. 8. 19. Dan. S. 3. higher came up /. \\ Amos 9. 1. slay I. Matt. 12. 45. /.state is worse, Luke 11. 26. 19. 30.firstbe/. 20. 16. Mar. 10. 31. Luke 13.30. 20. 8. fro;n /. to first || 14. I'll give to this /. 21. 37. I. of all he sent his son. Mar. 12. 6. 22. 27. /. the woman died also, Mar. 12. 22. 26. 60. at /. came ]| 27. 64 /. error worse than Luke 12. 59. paid /. mite]|John 8.9. even to the I. 1 Cor. 4. 9. the apostles /. ]| 1 5. 8. /. of all he was 15. 26. /. enemy ]| 45. /. Adam || 52. /. trump Rev. 2. 19. /. work ]] 15. 1. /. plagues, 21. 9. LAST Daij, Days, signifies, | 1 1 The eighth and ■ great day of the feast of Tabernacles, John 7.37. [2j From the time of Christ's first coming to his second. Acts 2. 17. Hcb. 1. 2. [3J The day of judgment, John 11. 24. | 12. 48. Gen. 49. 1 . which shall befal you in the /. day Isa. 2. 2. come to pass in /.-, Mic. 4. 1. Acts 2. 17. John 6. 39. should raise it up at the /. -, 40, 44, 54. J- 37. in the /. - the great day of the feast 11.24. rise again at /. -)j 12. 48. judge him in l.- 2Tij)i. 3. l.in/. - perilous] jHeb. 1. 2. spoken in /.r Jam. 5. 3. treasure for /. -]|2 Pet. 3. 3. in /.- scoffers LAST Time, s. 1 Pet. 1. 5, 20. 1 John 2. 18. Jude 18. there should be mockers in the /. - LASTED, ING, p. Deut. S3. 15. Judg. 14. 17. LATCHET, s. Isa. 5. 57. Mar. 1. 7. Luke 3. 16. LATE. Psal. 127. 2. Mic. 2. 8. John 11.8. LATELY, ad. Acts 18. 2. /. come from Italy LATIN, s. Luke 23. 38. John 19. 20. LATTER, «. Exod. 4. 8. the voice of the /. sign , Deut. 11. 14. /. rain. Job 29. 23. Jer. 3. 3. I .^. 24. Hos. 6. 3. Zech. 10. 1. Deut. 24. 3. /. husband ]| Job 19. -25. at the I. day Prov. 16. 15. /. rain || 19. 20. wise in the /. end Ezek. 38. 8. /. years \\ Dan. 8. 23. /. time of Dan. 11. 29. not be as /. || Joel 2. 23. /. rain Amos 7. 1. /. growth ]| Hag. 2. 9. glory of/, house 1 Titn. 4. 1. in the /. times some shall depart from See Days, Eko. LATTESS, s. Judg. 5. 28. 2 Kings 1. 2. Song 2.9. I*A\JD,Pruise/i'. Rom, 1 5. 11. /. hiii\ all vc people LAW LAW LAYER, s. Exofl. 30. 18. make a I. of ^)rass, 28. |31.9.| 35. 16. I 38.8. | 39. 39. 140. 7, 11, 30. /Lev. 8. 11. 1 Kin. 7. 30, 38. 2 Kin. 16. 17. LAYERS, or caldrons, 1 Kings 7. 38, 40, 43. LAUGH,!;, signifies, [I] To rejoice, Gen. 17. 17. [2j To disbelieve, Gen. 18. 12. [3] To receive comfort, Luke 6. 21 . [-4] To be siiifiiUy merry^ Luke 6. 25. [5] To be pleasant. Job 29. 24. Cren. 18.15. but thou didst /.!|21. 6. G. made me I. Job 5. 22. at destn!ct5on I. j| 9. 23. /. at triai 22. 19. /. to scorn || Psal. 2. 4. in heavens shall I. Ps. 22.7. /.me to scorn || S7. 13. L. shall /. at him 52. G. righteous /. |j 59. S. Lord /. |! 80. 6. enemy I. Prov. 1. 2(S. I. at your calamity |j 29. 9. rage or I. Eccl. 3. 4. time to l\\ Luke 6. 21. ve shall Z. 25. LAUGHED, p. Gen. 17. 17. Abraham I. 18. 12. ■2 Kin. 19. 21. daughter ofSion hath l. Is^, 37. 22. 2 Chr. 30. 10. /. to scorn, Neh. 2. 19. Job 12. 4. Ezek. 23. 32. Matt. 9. 24. Mark 5. 40. Luke 8. 53. LAUGHETH, ING,p Job 8. 21 ! 41. 29. LAUGHTER, s. Psal. Ii6. 2. mouth filled witli I Prov. 14. 13. even in /. the heart iss( rrowful Eccl. 2. 2. of /. it is n!ad|l7. 3. sorrow better than I. 7. 6. so is I. of a fool || Jam. 4. 9. I- turned to m. J.AYISH, a. Isa. 46. 6. /. gold out of the bag LAWjS. signifies, [l j Arule directing and obliging a rational creature in moral and religious ac- tions, Prov. 28. 4. [2] The precents of God, •inoral, ceremonial, and judicial, John 1. 17. [3] The whole doctrine of the tvord, Psal. 1. 2. 1 19. 7. [4] Natural reason, Rom. 2. 14. Gen. 47. 26. Joseph niade it a /. over the land Exod. 12. 49. one /. to home-born, Lev. 24. 22. 24. 12. I'll give thee a Z.|] Dent. 17. 11. sent, of I. Deut, 33. 2. a fiery 1. 1) 4. commanded us a I. Josh. 1. 7. do according to /. 1| 8. M. a copy of I. 22. 5.takeheedtodothc/. 2Kin.l7.l3,37.|21.8. 2 Kin. 17. 34. nor do after I. \\ 23. 24. perform /. 1 Chr. 16. 17. to Jacob for a /.1|22. 12. keep the /. 2 Chr. 14. 4. to do thr L \\ 1 9. 10. between l. and 30. 16. accordmg to I. 33. 8. Ezra 7. 14. ( 10 3. . 84. 19. when Josiah iieard the w ords of the /. Ezra 7. 6. scribe in the I. 12. 21.||7. 26. not do I. Ijjeh. 8. 2. brought the /. || 7. to understand the I. 9. all the people wept when they heard the I. 10. 28. separated to the /. || 29. to walk in I. 12. 44. portions of the /. || 13. 3. heard the I. Esth. 1. 8. according to the/. 15.14. 16. Jer. 32.11. 4, 11, is one /. || Job 22. 22. receive the /. from fsal. 1. 2. in his /. meditates |i '37. 31. /. of his God . 78. 5. appointed a /. || 10. refused to walk in his /. 81. 4. this was a /. || 94. 20. mischief by a /. 105. 10. confirmed for a /. || 119. 72. /. better Prov. 1.8. forsake not the/. 6.20.j|6. 23. /..is light 13. 14. I. of the wise |i 28. 4. that forsake the /. 28. 7. keepeth the /. j| 9. ear from hearing the /. 29. 18. but he that keep tlie /. happy is he 31. 5. forget the /. |j 26. is the /. of kindness Isa. 1.10. give ear to /.J12. 3. go forth /. Mic. 4.2. 8. 16. seat the /. || 20. to the /. and testimony 42. 4. wait for bis /. || 21. magnify the /. 24. nor obedient to /. |] .51 . 4. a /. proceed Jer. 2. 8. that handle the I. \\ 18. 18. /. not perish 32. 11. according to /. || 44. 23, nor walked in /. Lam. 2. 9. /. is no more || Ezek. 7. 26. 1, perish Dan. 6. 5. /. of his God \\ 12. /. of the Medes Hos. 4. 6. forgot l\\ Hab. 1. 4. Zeph. 3. 4. Zcch. 7. 12. lest they should hear the /. Mai. 2. 6. /. of truth || 7. seek /. at his mouth 9. partial in /. 8. ||4. 4. remember the /. of Matt. 5. 17. not to destroy the /.|| 18. pass from /. 40. sue thee at /. |) 11. 13. I. until John 12. 5. have you not read in the /. || 22. 36. 22. 40. on these two command, hang all the l. 23. 23. omitted the weightier matters of the L Luke 2. 27. custom of '^he /.||5. 17. doctors of the /, 16. 17. than for one tittle of the /. to fail John 1. 17. /. by Moses||45. Moses in /. did write 7. 19. did not Moses give you tlie /. and yet 23. 1, not broken j) 49. knoweth not the /. 51. doth our /.judge || 8. 5. Moses in the /. 10. 34. written in your /. || 12. 34. out of/. i 5. 2.5. writ in their /. || 18. 31. according to /. 19. 7. we have a /. and by our /. he ought Acts 5. 34. a doctor of the /. j| 6. 13. against the /, 7. 53. /. by angels j| 13. 15. after reading of /. 13. 39. by the /. of Moses [j 15. 5. to keep the /. 1 8. 13. contrary to the /. || 15. a question of L 19. 38. /. is open |) 21. 20. zealous of the /. 21. 24. keepest the /. 1| 28. teacheth against /. 22. 3. manner of the /.|| 12. according to /. 23. 3. me to be smitten contrary to the I. 24. 6. would have judged according to ouri. 25. 8. nor agamst/. |j 28. 23. /, and prophets Rom. 2. 12. judged by /. || 1 3. not hearers of /. 14. have not the /. || 15. shew the work of /. 17. rest in the /. || 18. instructed oat of I. 20. form of truth in /. || 23. boast of the /. 25. if thou keep the /. but if a breaker of I. 17. dost transgress tl»e /. Ij 3. 19. the /. saith 3.20. by the deeds of I. no'flesh, 28. Gal. 2. 16, 21. witnessed by the I \\ 27. by /. of faith 31. do we make void /. we establish the /. 4. 13. not thro' the /. 1| 14. if they of I. be heir* 15. /. worketh wradi, for where ho /. is 1 6. not to that only which is of the /. but 5. 13. till the I sin was jj 20. /. entered that 7. 1. which know the /. || 2. bound by the /. 3, 4. dead to the /. || 5. motion of 8in by the /. 6. delivered from /. || 7. is the /. sin.' God 8, without /. sin was dead 1| 12. /. is holy 14. I. is spiritual || 16. /. is good, 1 Tim. 1. 8. 21 . I find then a /. 1| 22. I delight in /. of God 23. 1 see another /. warring against the /. 25. with mind I serve /. of G. with flesh /. of sin 8. 2. /. of life made me free from /. of sin 3. what /. could not do 1|4. righteous, of Z. 7. it is not subject to the /. of God, neither 9. 4. giving of the /. )| 31. followed after the Z. 32. because they sought it by works of the Z. 10. 4. end of the /. jj 5. righteousness of the Z. 13. 8. fulfilled the /. || 10. love fulfilling of Z. 1 Cor. 6. 1 . dare any of you go to Z. 6, 7. 7. 39. bound by the /. |) 9. 8. saith not the Z. 14. 34. as also saith the Z. t| 15. 56. of sin is the /, Gal. 2. 19. 1 thro' the /. am dead to the Z. 21. 3. 2. received ye the Spirit by works of the I. 10. underworks of Z. II 12. /.is not of faith 13. curse of the Z.|| 17. cannot disannul that /. 18. if .inhcHtance be of Z. jj 19. /. was added 21. is the /. against promises ? if a Z. given 24. Z. was our school-master to bring us to C. 4. 21. not hear the I. \\ 5. 3. debtor to whole I. LAW ^. 4. justified by tlie /. \\ 14. 1 isfulfilled in 2n. against such no I. |f 6. 2. so fulfil the /, 6. 13. nor themselves keep the I but desire Eph. 2. 15. having abolished in bis flesh the I. Phil. 3. 5. as touching the l. 6. \\ 9. which is of I. 1 Tim. 1. 7. teachers of the ^.||9 I. is not made for Tit. 3. 9. but avoid contentions about the I. Heb. 7. 5. tithes according to iJ. }| 1 1 . received the 12. a change of the /. |j 16. not /.of a carnal 19. I. made nothing pei-fectj|28. wassince the I. 8. 4. according to the I. 9. 19. \\ 9- 22. by I. purg. 10. 1. /. a shadow (| 28. despised Moses's I. died Jam. 1. 25. /.of liberty [| 2. 8. the rojal I. ye do 2. 9. convinced of the I. \\ 10. keep whole I. 12. 1, of liberty \\ 4. 11. speaketh evil of I. 1 John 3. 4. for sm is the transgression of the I. See Book. LAW of the Lord. Exod. 13. 9. 2 Kings 10. 31. 2 Chr. 12. 1. I 31. 4. { 35. 26. Ezra 7. 10. Psal. 1. 2. 1 19. 7. I 119. 1. Isa. 5. 24- j 30. 9. Jer. 8. 8. Amos 2. 4. Luke 2. 39. My LAW. Exod. 16. 4. 2 Chr. 6. 16. Psal. 78. 1. I 89. 30. Prov. 3. 1. | 4. 2. [ 7. 2. Isa. 51. 7. Jer. 6. 19- | 9. 13. | 16. 11. | 26. 4. I 31. 33. 1 44. 10. Ezek. 22. 26. Hos. 8. 1, 12. This LAW. Lev. 14. 2. Num. 5. 30. | 19. 2. Deut. 1. 5. 1 4. 8. I 17. 18, 19. | 27. 3, 26. I 28. 58. I 29. 29. ] 31. 9, 12, 24. | 32. 46. Josh. 8. 34. This is the L.kW. Lev. 6. 9, 14. | 7. 1, 37. j 11. 46.|12. 7. I 13. 59. I 14. 32, 54, 57. | 15. 32. Deut. 4.44. Ezek. 43. 12. Matt. 7. 12. Thy LAW. Deut. 33. 10. Neh. 9. 26, 29, 34. Psal. 40. 8. 1 9i. 12. \ 119. 18,-16.5. Jer. 32. 23. Dan. 9. 11. Under the LAW. Rom. 3. 19. } C>. 14, 15. I Cor. 9. 20, 21. Oal. 3. 23. | 4. 4, 5, 21. | 5. 18. Without LAW. 2 Chr. 15. 3. Rom. 2. 12. | 3. 21. I 7. 8. 1 Cor. 9. 21. tVriUcn in the LAW. 1 Kings 2. 3. 1 Chr. 16. 40. 2 Chr. 23. 18. | 23. 4. | 31. 3. | 35. 26. Ezra. 3. 2. Neh. 8. 14. | 10. 34, 36. Dan. 9. 11,1.3. Luke 2. 23. | 10.26. | 24. 44. Acts 24. 14. I Cor. 9. 9. i 14. 21. L\WS, s. Gen. 26. 5. Abraham kept my I. Exod. 16. 28. how long refuse ye to keep my l. 18. 16. know the I. (| 20. teach them the L Lev. 26. 46. these the I. \\ Ezra 7. 25. know the I. Neh. 9. 13. gavest true 1. 1| 14. statutes and /. Esth. 1. 19. 1, of Persians j] 3.8. /.are diverse Psal. 105. 45. that they might keep his I. Isa. 24. 5. because they have transgressed the /. Ezek. 43. 1 1. shew /. || 44. 5. hear /. j| 24. keep I. Dan. 7. 2.5. change I. (| 9. 10. to walk in his I. Heb. 8. 10. ni put my /. in their mind, 10. 16. LAWFUL, a. Ezra 7. 24. not /. to impose toll Isa. 49. 54. shall the /. captive be delivered Ezek. 18. 5. do Ihat which is /. 21, 27.|33. 14, 19. 19. the son hath done that which is I. 33. 16. Watf . 12.2. do what is not /. Mar. 2. y4. Luke 6. 2. 10. is it I. to heal, 12. Mar. 3. 4. Luke 6. 9. 14. 4. it is not /. to have her. Mar. 6. 18. 19. 3. is it I. to put away his wife. Mar. 10. 2. 22 17. is it L to give tiibute, Mar. 12. 14. 27. 6. it is not I. to put them in the treasury John 5. 10. not L to carry bed,|l8. 31. not/, to put Acts 16.21. teach customs not/.jjl9. 39./. assembly LAW y\l Acts 22. 25. is it /. for you to scourge a Roaaaa? 1 Cor. 6. 12. ail thing are /. for mc,"lO. 23. \ 2 Cor. 12. 4. which is not /. for a man to utter LAWFULLY, ad. 1 Tim. 1.8. 2 Tim. 2. 5. LAWGIVER, s. Gen 49. 10. nor a /. flora bet. Num. 21.18. direction of /.||Deut. 31.21. portion of Psal. 60. 7. Gilead is mine, Judahis my /. 108. 8- Isa. 33. 22. L. is our /.||Jam. 4. 12. there is one /. LAV/LESS, a. 1 Tim. 1. 9. /. and disobedient LAWYER, S, s. Matt 22. 35. a /. asked hira a question, Luke, 10. 25. Luke 7. 30. /. rejected counsel|jll.45. one of the /. 11. 46. woe to you /. 52.|jl4. 3. Jesus spake to /. Tit. 3. 13. bring Zenas the /. and Apollos on LAY, as with a IVoman. Gen. 19. 33. first-born /. with her father, 34, 35. 39. 16. /. with Leah ]j 34. 2. Dinah || 35. 22. Deut. 22. 22. man that '. with woman, both die 25. man that /. shall die (|29. give 50 shekels 1 Sam. 2. 22. Eli heard they /. with the women 2 Sara. 11.4. /.with her, 12.24.(113. 14. /. withT. Ezek. 23. 8. for in her youth they /. with her LAY, I'. Exod. 16. 13. the dew /. round host, 14. 21. 22. woman's husband /. (| 23. 25. /. usury Lev. 1.7./. the wood|i3. /. the parts in order, 12. 2. 15. /. frankincense || 6. 12. /. burnt-offering Num. 12. 11. /. not this sin || Deut. 11. 25. /.fear Deut. 21. 8. /. not innocent blood to thy people Josh. 2. t 1. /. there || 8. 2. /. thee an ambush Judg. 16. 3. Samson /. till midnight, and arose Ruth. 3. 8. /. at his feet|I 1 Sam. 3. 15. Samuel L. 1 Sam. 11. 2. /. it for a reproach [| 26. 5. Saul /. 2 Sam. 4. 5. Ishbosheth /. \\ 12. 3. /. in bosom 12. 16. D. /. all night on the earth, 13. 31. 1 Kin. 13. 31. /. my bones |j 18. 23. /. it on wood 19. 5. /. under juniper || 21. 27. / in sackcloth 2 Kin. 4. 34. /. on the child 1) 10. 3. /. in two heaps 2 Chr. 36. 21, /. desolate|)Esth. 4. 3. /. in sackcloth Job 29. 19. dew /. j{ 34. 23. not /. on man moie Psal. 7. 5. /. my honour |j 38. 12. /. snares for 84. 3. /. her young |j Eccl. 7. 2. /. it to heart Isa. 5. 8. /. field to field |) 10. t 6. /. a treading 1.3. 9. to /. the land desolate, Ezek. 33. 28. 11. I'll /. low II 22. 22. key /. on shoulder 25. 12. /. low li 28. 1 6. I'll /. in Zion a store 28. 17. /. to the line || 29. 21. /. a snare for 30. 32. statf /. on him || 34. 15- great owl /. 3rf. 21. /. for a plaister || 47. 7. /. to heart 54. 11. I will/, thy stones with fair colours Jer. 6. 21. I'll /. stumbling blocks, Ezek. 3. 20. Ezek. 4. 1. /. a tile |l 2. /. siege || 4. /. the iniquity 8. /. bands |j 25. 14. /. vengeance on Edom 28.17. I'll /. before kings || 32. 5. /. thy flesh 36. 29. /. no famme jj 34. it /. desolate in 37. 6. /. sinewsji42. 13. /.holy things, 44. 19. Jonah. 1. 14. /. notinnocent \\ Mic. 1.7. /.desolate Mai. 2. 2. a curse, because ye do not /. it to heart Matt. 8. 20. notwiiere to /.'his bead, Luke 9. 58. 23. 4. /. on shoulders (i 28. 6. where the Lord /. Mark. 2 4. sick of palsy /. || Luke 19. 44. /. even John 5. 3. in these /. blind |i 11. 38. a stone /. on it Acts 7. 60. /. not this sin |i 15. 28. /. no burden 27. 20. and no small tempest I. on us, all hope Rom. 8. 33. /. to the charge || 9. 33. 1 /. in Zion 1 Cor. 16. 2. /.iu stove 1/ Heb. 12. 1. /.aside every Jam. 1. 21. /. aoart || I Pet. 2. 6. 1 /. m Zion LAY down. Gen. 19. 4, 33. | 28. 11. Num. 24. 9 LAY LEA Judg. 5. 27. Ruth. 3. 4. 1 Sam. 3.^. 1 19. 24.] 2 Sam. 13.5, 6. 1 Kings 14. f 20. Job 17. 3. Psai. 4. 8. I 104. 22. Ezek. 19- 2. Amos 2. 8. Matt. 9. t 36. John 10.15, 18. | 13. 37, 38. I 15.13. 1 John 3. 16. LAY Hand, s. Gen. 22. 12. | 37. 22. Exod. 7. 4. Lev. S. 2, 13. 1 4. 4, 15, 24. i9, 33. | 16. 21. \ i4. 14. Num.8. 12. | 27. 18. Jndl^ 18. 19 Neh. 13.21. Esth. 2. 21. | 3. 6 | 9. '21. Job 9. 33. I 21. 5 1 40. 4. | 41. 8, Prov. 30. 32. Isa. 11. 14. Mic. 7. 16. Matt. 9. 18. | 21. 46. Mark 5. 23. | 16. 18. Luke 20. 19. | 21. 12. Acts 8. 19. iTim. 5. ':2. LAY /to/d.;'.Deut. 2.1. 19. | 22. 28. 2 Sam. 2.21. 1 Kings 13. 4. Prov. 3. 18. Eccl. 2. 3. Isa. b. 29. Jer. 6.- 23. Zech. 14. 13. Matt. 12. 11. Mark 3. 21. | 12. 12. 1 Tim. 6. 12, 19. Heb. 6. 18. LAY up. Gen. 41. 35. Exod. 16. 23, 33. Num. 17. 4. I 19. 9. Deut. 11. 18. | 14. 28. Job 22. 22, 24. Prov. 7. 1. j 10. 14. Matt. 6. 19, 20. 2 Cor. 12.14. LAY wait. Ezra 8. 31. Psal. 71. 10. Prov. 1.11,18. I 24. 15. Jer. 5. 26. LAY tvaste. 2 Kings 19. 25. Isa. 5. 6. ] 37. 26. Ezek. 55. 4. LAID, V. Gen. 9. 23. I. it on their shoulders and 22. 6. Lit on Isaac || 30. 41. Jacob /. the rods 38. 19. 1, by her vail i|48. 14. Lit on Ephraim's Exod. 2. 3. 1 it in flags |i 5. 9. more work I. on 21. 30. gi, e what is L \\ Deut. 26. 6. /. bondage Josh. 2. 6. flax L in order |j 7. 23. /. them out Judg. 9. 24. blood be 1. 1| Ruth 4. 16. I. in bosom 2 Sam. 18. 17. /. a great heap of stones on Absal. 1 Kings 3.. 20. 1, her dead child || 8. 31. oath he I. 13. 29. L carcase onass, 30. || 17. 19.^. on bed 2 Kings 4. 21. /. liim on bed j| 9. 25. 1, this burden 20. 7. 1, it on boil |j Neh. 13. 5. I. meat-offering Job 6. 2. 1, in the balances \\ 18. 10. snare is I. 38. 6. who I. the corner-stone iheieof .* Psal. 21. 5. majesty I. \\ 31. 4. net they I. for 49. 14. 1, in grave |j 62. 9- 1, in balance they 79. 1. 1. Jerus. on heaps || 8y. 6. /. in lowest pit 89. 19. 1, help on mighty || 105. 18. 1, in iron 119. 30. judgments 1 1) 110. 1, a snare, 141. 9. ~ 139.5. I. hand on me \\ 142. 3. I. a snare for Isa. 6..4.Z. it on my mouth !| 42. 2.5. | 57. 11. 47. 6. 1, yoke || 53. 6. I on him iniquity of us all Jer. 50. 24. ^.a snare|| Ezek. 32. 19. be thou l. Ezek. 33. 29.Z. land desolate, 35. 12. Joell. 17. Hos. 11. 4. 1 /. meat || Amos 2. 8. I. to pledge Obad. 7. 1, a wound |j Jonah 3. 6. I hi? robe from Mic. 5. 1. he hath ?. siege || Hab. 2. 19. it is I over Hag. 2. 15. stoned, on a stone || Zech 3. 9. stone I. Zech. 7. 14. for they /. the pleasant land desolate Matt. 3. 10. axe is Z. to the root, Luke 3. 9. 27. 60. l. in new tomb, Luke 23. 53. John 1 9.41. Mark 7. 30. I. on bed |1 15. 47. where he was I. 16. 6. behold the place where they I. him Luke 2. 7. 1, in a manger|jl 6. 20. 1, at his gate John 11. 34. where I. him \\ 13. 4. aside garments 19.42. there Z. Jesus || 20. 2. where I. him, 13. Acts 3.2. Z.atthe gate||4.3r.Z.at apostlesfeet, 5.2. 5. 15. L on beds }| 9. 37 I. her in upper chamber 13. 36. David was /. |) 23. 29. /. to his charge 25. 7. 1, complaints |) 16. crime I. against him 1 Cor. 9. 16. necessity is l.\\2 Tim. 4. 16. Z. to charge LAID down. Josh 2. 8. | 4. 8. Ruth 3. 7. 1 Sam. 3. 2, 3. 2 Sam. 13. 8. 1 Kings 19. 6. | 21. 4. Psal. 3. 5. Isa. 14. 8. Luke 19, 22. Acts 4. 35. ! 7. 58. Rom. 16. 4. 1 John 3. 16. LAID Hand, s. Exod. 24. 11. Lev. 8.14, 18. Num. 27. 23. Deut. 34. 9. 2 Sam. 13. 19. 2 Kings 11. 16. 2 Chr. 29. 23. Esth. 8. 7. I 9. 10, 15, 16. Job 29. 9. Psal. 139. 5. Jer. 39. 21. Obad. 13. Matt. 18. 28. | 19. 15. I 26. 50. Mark 6. 5. | 14. 46. Luke 4. 40. I 13. 13. John 7. 30, 44. | 8. 20. Acts 4. 3. I 5. 18. I 6. 6. I 8. 17 1 13. 3. 1 19. 6 1 21. 27. ( 28. 8. Rev. 1. 17. LAID/if>R Gen. 19. 16. Judg. 19- 29. 1 Sam. 15. 27. 2 Chr. 7. 22. Job 18. t 20. Matt. 14. 3. I 26. 55. Mark 6. 17. 1 14. 51. Luke 23.26. Rev. 20. 2. LAID up. Gen. 39. 16. | 41. 48. Exod. 16. 24, 34. Num. 17. 7. Deut. 32. 34. 1 Sam. 10. 25. I 21. 12. 2 Kings 20. 17. Ezra. 6. 1. Job 23. t 12. Psal. 31. 19. Prov. 13. 22. Song7. 13. Isa. 10. 28. 1 15. 7. | 23. 18. | 39. 6. Jer. 36. 20. Luke 1. 65. i 12. 19. | 19. 20. Col.l. 5. 2 Tim. 4. 8. LAID imit. Judg. 9. 34. j 16. 2. 1 Sam. 15. 2, 5. Job 31. 9. Lam. 4. 19. Acts 20. 3. | 23. 30. LAID waste. Psal 79- 7. Isa. 15. 1. 1 23. 1, 14. I 37. 18. I 64. 11. Jer. 4. 7. | 27. 17. Ezek. 6. 6. I 12. 20. I 19. 7. I 26. 2. | 29. 12. Joel 1. 7. Amos 7. 9. Nah. 3.7. Mai. 1. 3. LAIDST. Psal. 66. 11. Z. affliction || Luke 19. 21. LAIN, V. John 20. 12. the body of Jesus had L LAYEST,t'. Num. 11.11. 1 Sam. 28. 9. LAYETH, V Job. 21. 19. 1 up his iniquity for 24. 12. I. not folly || 41. 26. sword that I. at Psal. 33. 7. I. up the depth || 104. 3. I. beams Prov. 2. 7. 1, up wisdom!|l3. 16. fooU. open folly 26. 24. I. up deceit |) 31. 19. I. her ijands to Isa. 26. 5. I. low II 56. 2. blessed that/, hold on .57. 1. I. it to heart, .Ter. 12. 1 1. 1| 9. 8. I. wait ' Zech. 12. 1. Lord I. the foundation of the earth Luke 12. 21. 1, up treasure||l 5. 5. /. it on shoulder LAYING, p. Num. 35. 20. l wait, 22. Luke 11. 54. Acts 9. 24. t 23. 16. | 25. 3. Psal. 64. 5. of Z. snares || Mark 7. 8. Z., aside com. Acts 8. 18. thro' I. on of the apostles hands 1 Tim. 4. 14. 1, on of hands || 6. 19. I in store Heb. 6. 1. not I. again || 2. of I. on of hands 1 Pet. 2.\.l. aside all malice, guile, and hypocrisy I^. Psal. 80. 1. I. Joseph like a flock LEADETH, v. 1 Sam. 13. 17. 1, to Ophrah Job 12. 17. /. counsellors || 19. he I. princes away psal. 23. 2. /, me beside || 3. I. me in the paths Prov. 16.29. 1 in way || Isa. 48. 17. Lord which I. Matt. 7. 13. I. to destruction II 14. I. unto life Mark 9. 2. Jesus I. \\ John 10. 3. his sheep I. out Acts 12. 10. Z. to the city ||Rom.2,4.Z. to repent. Rev. 13. 10. he that I. shall go into captivity LEAF, s. signifies, [l] The cloathing of trees, Gen. 8. 11. [2] An evidence of grace, Psal. 1. 3. j]3] A bare profession or form of godliness, Mditt. 21.19. [43 The least cause of fear. Lev. 26. 36. [5] The grace and glory of Christ, Rev. 22. 2. Gen. 8. 1 1 . an olive I. || Lev. 26. 36. sound of a I. Job 13. 25. a I. driven || Psal. 1. 3. I. not wither Isa. 1.30. Z.fadeth, 6.13. | 34.4. | 64. 6. Jer. 8. 13. Jer. 17. 8. herZ, be green || Ezek. 47.12. Z. not fade LEAVES, s. Gen. 3. 7. sewed fig I. and madeap. Isa. 6. 13. cast their 1. 1| Jer. 36. 23. read I. he Ezek. 17. 9. wither in I. \\ Dan. 4. 12. L fair, 21. Matt. 21. 29. nothing thereon but I. Mark 11. 13. 24. 32. branch putteth forth I. Mark 13. 28. Rev. 22. 2. 1, were for the healing of nations LEAVES /or Doors. 1 Kings 6. t 32, 34. Ezek. 41. 24. LEAGUE, s. Josh. 9. 6. make a I. with us, 15. Judg. 2. 2. make no I. || 1 Sam. 22. 8. made a L 2 Sam. 5. 3. 1 Kings 5. 12. i 15. 19. 2 Chr.l6.3.break thy Z. |j Job 5. 23. in Z.with stones Ezek. 30. 5. men in Z.fall || Dan. 1 1. 23. after the Z. LEAH, Painful, or wearied. Gen. 29. 16. Gen. 29. 17. L. was tender eyed || ^5. it was L. 31. saw L. was hated, he opened her womb 32. L. conceived and bare a son, 30. 19. 30. 16. L. met him || 31. 4. called Rachel, L. 33. 2. Jacob put L. \\ 35. 23. sons of L. 46. 15. 49. 31. I buried L.\\ Ruth 4. 11. make like L. LEAN, a. Gen. 41. 3. kine Z. fleshed, 4. 19, 20. Num. 13.. 20. land fat or Z. || 2 Sam. 13. 4. k.sons I. Isa. l7. 4. wax Z. j) Ezek. 34. 20. fat cattle and Z. LEANNESS, s. Job 16. 8. my l. beareth witness 45 Psal. 106. 15. sent Z. into their soul, Isa. 10. 1 6. Isa. 24. 16. my Z. my Z. |) Mic. 6. 1 10. measure of Z. LEAN, V. signifies, [1] To rest on, Judg. 16. 26. [2] To trust upon, 2 Kings 18. 21. Song 8. 5. Judg. 16. 26. Z. on pillars !| 2 Kin.l8. 21. if a man Z. Job 8. 15. Z. on his house j) Prov. 3. 5. Z. not to thy Isa. 36. 6. if a man Z. || Mie. 3. 11. 1, on the Lord LEANED, p. Num. 21.t 15. brooks Z. on border 2 Sam. 1. 6. Saul Z. |j 2 Kin. 7. 2. hand the king Z. 2 Chr. 32. f 8. people Z. |! Ezek. 29. 7. I. on thee Amos 5.19. Z.his hand i| John 21.20.Z. on his breast LEANETH, v. 2 Sam. 3. 29. 2 Kings 5. 18. LEANING, p. Song 8. 5. Z. on her beloved John 13.23. Z.on Jesus bosom |( Heb. 11.21. Jacob Z. LEAP, V. Gen. 31. 12. rams which Z. on cattle Lev. 11. 21. legs to Z. || Deut. 33. 22. Dan shall I, Job41. 19. sparksoffireZ.il Psal. 68. 16. why?. Isa. 35. 6. lame man Z.||Joel 2. .5. shall they I. Zeph. 1. 9. Z. on threshold || Luke 6. 23. Z. for joy LEAPED, p. 2Sam.22.30.IZ.overwall,Ps.l8.29. Luke 1.41. babe Z.44.|| Acts 14. 20. he I. and walked LEAPING, p. 2 Sam. 6. 16. Michal saw D. Z. Song 2. 8. he cometh I. \\ Acts 3. 8. he Z. up LEAPT, p. 1 Kings 1 8. 26. Acts 19. 16. LEARN, I', signifies, [l] To receive instruction, iCor. 14. 31. [2] To imitate, Matt. 11. 29» [3] To take heed, 1 Tim. 1. 20. [4] To prac- tise, Psal. 106. 35. \_5'] To hear ones opinion^ Gal. 3. 2. Deut. 4. 10. 1, to fear me, 14. 23. || 5. 1. Z. and keep 17. 19. read and Z.|| 18. 9. shalt not I. to do 31. 12. hear and I. \\ 13. Z. to fear the Lord Ps. 1 19. 71. 1 might 1. 7S. \\ Prov. 22.25 lest thou I. Isa. 1. 17. Z. to do well || 2. 4. nor I. Mvds, Mic. 4.3. 26. 9. 1, righteousness, 10. || 29.24. 1, doctrine Jer. 10. 2. 1, not way ofheath.||12. 26; diligently Z. Matt. 9. 13. Z. what that means || 11.^29. Z. of me 24. 32. I. a parable of the fig-tree, Mark 13. 28. 1 Cor. 4. 6. I. not to think 1| 14. 31 . all may Z. 14. 35. if they will Z. |j Gal. 3. 2. this would IZ. 1 Tim. 1. 20. 1, not to blaspheme || 2. 1 1. women I. 5. 4. I. to shew^ piety || 13. they Z. to be idle Tit. 3. 14. let ours Z.*^|| Rev. 14. 3. /. tliat song LEARNED, p. Gen. 30. 27. Z. by experience Psal. 106. o5. 1, their works || 119. 7. Z. judgments Prov. 30. 3. 1 neither Z. wisdom, nor have know. Isa. 29. 1 1. deliver to one I. \\ 12. I am not Z. 50. 4. tongue of Z. [| Ezek. 19. 3. I. to catch, 6. John 6. 45. Z. of the Father || 7. 15. having never Z. Acts 7. 22. Moses was I. \\ Ronii 16. 17. doctrine I. Eph. 4. 20. not so I. Christ || Phil. 4. 9. things ye /. Phil. 4. 11. Z. to be content || C0I.I.7.Z. of Epaphras 2 Tim. 3. 14. ofwhomZ. II Heb. 5. 8. Z. obedience LEARNING, s. Prov. 1. 5. wise increase I, 9. 9. just increase in Z. 16. 21. || 23. addeth I. Dan. 1. 4. teach Z. |! 17. skill in all Z. and' Acts 26. 24. said, much Z. doth make thee mad Rom. 15.4. written for our Z. II 2 Tim. 3. 7. ever/. LEASING, p. i. e. Lying, Psal. 4. 2. | 5. 6. LEAST, a. signifies, [1] Tlie smallest quantity^ Num. 11. 32. [2] Most humble, Luke 9. 48. 1^3] The meanest person. Judg. 6. 15. Gen. 24.55. at Z. ten days |j 32. 10. 1, of mercies Num. 11.32. gathered Z.'lj Judg. 6. 15. 1 am theZ. 1 Sam. 9. 21. my family Z. jj 21. 4. at I. from women 2 Kings 18. 24. captain of Z. |j Jer. 49.20. Z. of fiocK Amos 9. 9. not the I. grain fall on the eartU LEA LED Matt. 2. 6. art not I. \] 5. 19. /.in the kingdom 11. 11. /. in kingdom is greater, Luke 7. 28. 13. 32. 1, of all seeds || 25. 40. done it to I. 45. Lnke 9. 48. he that is l.\\ 12. 26. if not able to do I. 16. 10. faithful in I. \\ 19. 42. hadst known at I. 1 Cor. 6. 4, /.esteemed || 15. 9. I am the /. of Eph. 3. 8. who am less than /. of all saints LEATHER, s. 2 Kings 1. 8. a girdle of /. about LEATHERN, s. Matt. 3. 4. John had a /. girdle LEAVE, s. signifies, [1] Licence or permission, Mark 5.13. [2] To depart from, John 16. 28. [3] To hid farewell to, Acts 18. 18. .Num. 22. 13. rettiseth /. || 1 Sam. 20. 6. asked /. Neh. 13.6. obtained I Z-H Mark 5.13. Jesus gave I. John 19.38. Pilate gave Z.|| Actsl8.18.Paul took /. Acts 21. 6. taken our /.|j 2 Cor. 2. 13. taking my Z. LEAVE, r. Gen. 2. 24. /. father and mother, and cleave. Matt. 19. 5. Mark 10. 7. Eph. 5. 31. 33. 15. let me /. folk || 42. 33. /. one of brethren 44. 22. lad cannot /. his father, if he I. him Exod. 16. 19. not /. manna || 23. 1 5. to /. business 23. 11. what /. beasts eat ||Lev. 7. 15. not /. off Lev. 16. 23. garments /. 1|19.10. /.four poor, 23. 22. Num. 9. 12. /. none of passover, Lev. 7.1 5.| 22. 30. 10. 31. /. usnoty 32.15. again /. in wilderness Dent. 28. 51. not /. thee corn || 54. remnant /. Josh. 4. 3. and /. them in the lodging-place Jndg. 9. 9./. my fatness, 13. || Ruth 1. 16. not to /. 1 Sam. 9. 5. /. caring || 14. 36. not /. a man of 25. 22. if I /. any || SJ Sam. 14. 7. not /. a name 1 Kings 8. 57. let him not /. us, nor forsake us 2 Kings 4. 45. eat and /. j) 13. 7. nor /. of people Ezra 9. 8. /. us a remnant || 12. /. it to children Neh. 4. + 2. /. to themselves || 5. 10. /. of usury 6, 3. cease, while I /. it || 10. 31. /. seventh year Job 39. 11. or wilt thou /. thy labour to him Psal. 16. 10. wilt not /. my soul in hell. Acts 2. 27. 17. 14. /.to babes|j27. 9. /.menot,119. 121. 49. 10. /. Iheir wealth |) l4l. 8. /. not my soul Prov. 2. 1 3. /. the paths || 17. 14. /. off contention Eccl. 2. 18. /. it to the manjj 21. /. for portion 10. 4. if ruler rise against thee, /. not thy place Isa. 10. 3. /. your gloTy || 65. 15. /. for a curse Jer. 9. 2. /. my people || 14. 9. O Lord, /. us not 17. 11. riches /. || 18. 14. will a man /. snow 44. 7. to /. you none|! 48. 28. /. the cities and 49. 9. /. some gleaning |j 11. /. thy fatherless Ezek.16.39. /.thee naked |) 39.2. /.'but sixth part Dan. 4. 1.5./. the stump || Hos. 12. 14. /. bis blood Amos 5. 3. /.an hundred, /. ten to Israel || 7. /. off Obad. 5. /.some grapes I) Mai. 4. 1. /.root nor br. Matt. 5. 24. /. thy gift |j 18. 12. /. 99, Luke 15. 4. 23. 23. done, and not to /. the other undone Mark 12. 19. /. his wife || Luke 19. 44. nor /.one st. Jolin 14. 27. my peace I /. with you, peace I give 16. 28. 1 /. the world |1 32. /. me alone : yet Acts 6. 2. we /. the w^ord |1 1 Cor. 7.13. let her not /. Heb. 13. 5. I'll never /, theey Rev. 11.2. court /. I will, or will I LEAVE. 1 Kings 19. 1 18. Job 9.27. - /. my heaviness || 10. 1. - /. my compl. Ezek. 6. 8. -/.a remnant II 12. 16. but-/, a few 22. 20. - /. you there, and melt you, 29. 5 . | 32. 4. Zeph. 3. 12. - /. in midst of thee a poor people / will not LEAVE. Gen. 28. 15. 2 Kings 2. 2, 4. I 4. 30. Psal. 37. 33. Jer. 30. 11. | 46. 28. Johnl4«18. LEAVED, a. Isa. 45. 1. open two /. gate LEAVETH, V. Job 39. 14. ostrich /. her eggs Prov. 13. 22 /, inheritance || 28. 3. /. no food Zech. 11. 17. wo to idle shepherd that /. flock Matt. 4. 11. devil/, him || John 10. 12. hirehng/. LEAVEN, s. signifies, Soured dough, which is used to ferment and relish a mass of dough for bread. To which are compared, [l] Gospel doctrines, Matt. 13. 33. [2] Pernicious errors, Matt. 16. 6, 12. [3] Wicked, vile men, 1 Cor. 5. 6. Exod. 12. 15. put away /. 13. 7. | 34. 25. Lev. 2. 11. no meat otiering made with /. 6. 17. 10. 12. without /. 11 23. 17. be baken with /. Amos 4. 5. offer a sacrifice of thanksgiving with /. Matt.13.33. kingdom ofheaven like /.Lukel 3.21. 1 6. 6. beware of/. 11. Mark 8. 15. Luke 12. 1. 1 Cor. 5. 6. a little /. leaveneth whole, Gal. 5. 9. 7. purge out the old /. that ye may be, 8. LEAVENED,/). Exod. 12.15. whoso eateth 1.19, 20. I 13, 3. 12. 34. took dough before it was /. 39. Hos. 7. 4. till it be /. Matt. 13. 33. Luke 13. 21. LEAVING, p. Matt. 4. 13. Luke 10. 30. Rom. 1. 27. Heb. 6. 1. 1 Pet. 2. 21. LEBANA, Tlie moon, whiteness, or frankincense, Ezra 2. 45. Josh. 15. 42. LEBANON, as LEBANA, A famous mountain in the north of Canaan,and in the south of Syria, is reckoned 300 miles in circumference, and consists of two large mountains, Libanus and Antilihanns, According to the ancients they lay east and west : but moderns say, they lie north and south. It was noted for cedar trees. Dent. 3. 25. let me see that goodly mountain X,. Judg. 3. 3. the Hivites that dwelt in mount L. 1 Kin. 7. 2. house of forest of L. 10, 17, 21- 2 Kin. 14. 9. thistle in L. sent, 2 Chr. 25. 18. 19. 23. I am come to sides of L. Isa. 37. 24. 2 Chr. 2. 8. thy servants skill to cut timber in L, Psal. 29. 6. L. Sirion || 72. 16. fruit shake hke L. 92. 12. he shall grow like a cedar in L. Song 3. 9. wood of L. || 4. 8. come from L* 4. 11. smell of L. || 15. streams from L. 5. 15. countenance as L.||7.4. tower of iL. Isa. 10. 34. L. shall fall|| 29. 17. L. fruitful field 33. 9. -L. ashamed || 35. 2. glory of jL. given 40. 16. L. not sufficient || 60. 13. glory of L. Jer. 18.1 4. snow of L. || 22.6. head of L. || 20. go up I2zek. 17. 3. eagle to L.|| 3l. 15. L. to mourn Hos. 14. 5. roots as L. || 6. smell || 7. scent Nah. 1. 4. flower of L. \\ Hab. 2. 17. violence of Zech. 10. 10. bring to L. II 11. l.open doors O L. LEBAOTH, Of a lioness, sign of the heart, or to the entering in. Josh. 15. 32. LEBBEUS, Praising, or a man of heart. Matt. 10. 3. LECHAH, Walking, going. 1 Chr. 4. 21. LED, p. Gen. 24. 27. Lord /. me, 48. || 47. 1 17. Exod. 3. 1. Moses /. flock || 13. 18. G. led about 15. 13. thou in mercy hast /. forth the people Dent. 8. 2. way the Lord /. thee forty years, 29.5. 15. /. thro' wilderness || 32. 10. /. him about Josh. 24. 3. I /. them |j 1 Kings 8. 48. /. captive 2 Kings 6. 1 9. /. to Samaria || 1 Chr. 20. 1. /. army Psal. 78. 14. /. w ith a cloud || 53. /. them safely 106, 9. he /. thro' depths, 13G. 16., Isa. 63. 13. LEF LEN 3i1 Psal. 107.7, 1, them by the right way. Prov. 4. 1 1. Isa.9. 16. 1, are destroyed || 48.21 . 1, thro' desart 5b. 12. /. with peace || 63. 12. I. by Moses Jer. 2. 6. ;. us thro' wild. (| 17. I. thee by the way 22. 12. die where 7. || 23. 8. L house of Israel Lam. 3. 2. he hath I. me into darkness, but not Ezek. 17. 12. 1, to Babylon || 39- 28. /. m captivity 47. 2. 1, me about to ihe utter gate eastward Amos 2. 10. 1 1, you 40 years]) 7. 11. 1, captive Matt. 4. 1, wafi Jesus I. of the Spirit, Luke 4. 1. 26. 57. 1. toCaiaphas, Mark l4. .53. John 18. 13. 27. 2. L him away, Mark 15.16. Luke 22. 54. Mark 8. 23. he took blind man and /. him out Luke 4. 29. l. to brow of liili |j 21. 24. I captive 23. 1. /. him to Pilate || 32. njaletactors I. with 24. 50. I. as far as Bethany \\ John 18. 28. I. J. Acts 8. 3:^.^.as a sheep||9. 8. Z. Saul,21.37.|22.ll. Rom. 8. 14. as many as are I. by Spirit of God 1 Cor. 12. 2. as \e were I \\ Gal. 5. 18. /. by Spirit 2 Tim. 3. 6. 1, with lusts || 2 Pet. 3.17. lest being I. LEDDEST. 2 Sam. 5. 2. I Israel, 1 Chr. 11. 2. Keh. 9. 12. 1, by a cloud||Psal. 77.20. I. like flock Acts 21. 38. 1, into the wilderness 4000 men LEDGES, s. or Steps. 1 King« 7. 28, 35, 36. LEEKS, s. Num. 11. 5. we remember the I. and LEES, or Dregs. Isa. 25. 6. Jer. 48.11 . Zeph.1.12. LEESE, r. or Lose, 1 Kings 18. 5. ^. not beasts LEFT, p. Gen. 1 8. 35. I. communing with Abr. 24. 27. not I. destitute |) 29. 35. ^.bearing, 30. 9. 32. 8. company I. \\ 39- 6. 1, in Joseph's hand 39. 12. 1, his garment, 18. || 41. 49. ^- numbering 44. 12. /. at youngest |) 47. 18. not ought I. in 50. 8. their little ones I. they in Goshen Exod. 2. 20. why I. the man |) 9. 21. I. servants 10. 12. hail/. 15. II 26. not a hoof /. behind 16. 20. 1, it till morning || 34. 25. not I. till Lev. 2. 10. /. of meat-oft^. || 10. 12. to his sons /. 26. 39. I of you shall pine i| 43. land be I. of Num.26.65. not I. a man. Josh. 8. 17. Judg. 4. 16. Deut.2.34./. none. Josh. 10.33,— 40.111.8, 11,14. 4. 27. ye be I few, 28. 62. Isa. 24. 6. Jer. 42. 2. 7. 20. 1, be destroyed || 28. 55. 1, in the siege 32. 36. none I. \\ Josh. 6. 23. I. without camp Josh. 8. 17. /. city open|lll. 15. /. nothing undone 11. 22. Anakims I. \\ li. 3. not I. brethren Judg. 2. 21. of nations I. || 23. Lord I. those, 3. 1. 6. 4. 1, no sustenance || 9. 5. Jotham was I. for Ruth 1. 3. she was I. 5. 1| 18. I. speaking to her 2. 11. I. thy father || 4. 14. L. not I. thee this 1 Sam. 2. 36. every one Z.|(5. 4. stump of Dagon i. 9. 24. which is /. eat || 10. 2. I. care of asses 11.11. two not I. together || 17. 20. 1, the sheep 17. 22. I. his carriage || 25. 34. 1, that pisseth 27. 9. David I. neither man nor woman alive 3 Sam. 5. 21./. images || 9. 1, is any I. of Saul 13. 30. not one I. || 14. 7. quench coal which 15.16. 1, ten concubines, 16. 21.||17. 12. not I. one 1 Kings 9. 21. children I. \\ 14. 10. cut offhim I. 15. 29. /. not any that breathed, 16. 11. 17. 17. no breath 1. 1| 19. 3. I. his servant there 19. 10. I only am 1. 1) 18. 1, me 7000 || 20. oxen 2 Kings 4. 44. eat and 1. 1| 7. 7. /. their tents 8. 6. she I. the land || 10. 11. Jehu I. none remain 10. 21. not a man /. 14. 26. 2 Chr. 21. 17. 17. 16. I. of commandments II 19. 4. remnant I. 20. 17.nothing be 1. 1| 25. 12. 1, of poor, Jer.52.16. 1 Chr. 1 3. 2. send to our brethren that are /. 2 Chr. 11. 14. /. suburbs |( 12. 5. 1 have I. you 21. 17. never a son Z. |j 24. 18. /. house of Lord 24. 25. 1. Joash in diseases |) 31. 10. I. plenty 32. 31. G. /. him to try |( 34. 21. enquire for /. Neh. 1. 3. remnant /. j( 6. 1. no breath I. therein Job 20. 21. no meal be I. \\ 26. go ill with him /. Psal. 106. 11. not one /.|| Prov. 29. 15. a child Z. Isa. 1. 8. Zion is Z. |j 9. 1, a remnant, Rom. 9. '29. 4. 3. he Z. in Zion be holy || 7. 22. eat that is Z. 10. 14. eggs Z. j| 11. 16. remnant shall be /.from 17. 6. grapes be /. |l 24. 12. is Z. desolation 30. 17. /. as a beacon || 39. 6. nothing be /. Jer. 12. 7. 1 /. my heritage || 32. 2. Z. of sword 49. 25. city of praise not I. \\ 50. 26- nothing /. Ezek., 14.22. behold, therein shall be a remnant /. 23. 8. nor /. her whoredoms || 31. 12. Z. him Dan. 2. 44. kingdom not 1. 1) Joel 1. 4. locust /. Hag. 2. 3. who is Z. j) Zech. 13. 8. third part Z. Matt. 4. 20. Z, their nets || 22. 1, the ship and 8. 15. fever Z. her(j 15.37. took up broken meat I. 22. 25. Z. his wife to his brother, Mark 12. 20. 23.38.house /. desolate j| 24.2. not be Z. one stone upon another, Mark 13.2. Luke 21. 6. 24. 40. one taken, other I. 41. Luke 17. 34,-36. 26. 44. Jesus /. them, and prayed third time Mark 10.28. we Z. all |j 29. no man /. h. Lukel8.28. 12. 22. /. no seed |) Luke 5. 28. he /. all, rose up Luke 10. 40. my sister hath I. me to serve alope John 4. 28. Z. her water-pot || 52. fever Z. him Acts 2. 32. not Z. in hell|| 14. 17. Z. not himself 21. 32. /. beating Paul j| 24. 27. Z. Paul bound 1 Thes.3.1./. atAthens||2Tim .4. IS.clokel /. at 2 Tim. 4. 20. 1 /. sick |) Tit. 1. 5. Z. thee at Crete Heb. 2. 8. he Z. nothing || 4. 1. promise being I. Jude 6. angels which /. |i Rev. 2. 4. 1, first love LEFT off. Gen. 11. 8. [ 17. 22- Ruth 2- 20. 1 Kings 15. 21. Job 32. 15. Psal. 2>&. 3. Jer. 38. 27. | 44. 18. Hos. 4. 10. LEFT Corner. 2 Kings 11. 11. guard stood to /.- LEFT handed. Judg. 3. 15. | 20. 16. LEFT Pillar. 1 Kings 7. 21. Z. - Boaz LEFT Side. 1 Kings 7. 39, 49. 2 Chr. 23. 10. Ezek. 1. 10. j 4. 4. Zech. 4. 3, 11. LEG, S. Exod. 12. 9. I 29. 17. Lev. 4. 11. I 8. 21. I 9. 14. I 11. 21. Deut. 28. 35.lSam. 17. 6. Psal. 147. 10. Prov. 26. 7. Song 5. 15. Isa. 3. 20. I 47. 2. Dan. 2. 33. Amos 3. 12. John 19. 31, 32, 33. LEGION, s. The Roman /^g-jow consisted of about six thousand men ; some say 6666. Matt. 26. 53. Mark 5. 9, 15. Luke 8. 30. LEHABIM, Inflamed. Gen. 10. 13. 1 Chr. 1. 11. LEHI, The Jaw. A place, Judg. 15. 9, 14. LEISURE. Mark 6. 31. had no /. so much as LEMUEL, He who is the strong God. Prov.31.1. LEND, V. Exod. 22. 25. if thou /. money to any Lev. 25. 37. not /. thy victuals for increase Deut. 15. 6. 1, to many || 8. shalt surely /.him 23. 19. not Z. on usiuy jj 20. to stranger /. on 24. 10. dost Z. thy brother || 11. the man thou /. 28. 12. /. to many nations |) 44. Z. to thee, thou Luke 6. 34. sinners Z. to sinners || 35. do good, /. 1 1. 5. say to him, friend, Z. me three loaves LENDER, s. Prov. 22. 7. Isa. 24. 2. as with /. LENDETH,r. Deut. 15. 2. that /. ought unto Psal. 37. 26. he is merciful, and I. 112. 5. Prov. 19. 17. /. to the L. || 22.t7. servant to I. LES LET LENGTH, s. Gen. 13. 17. walk thro' land in I. Dent. 30. 20. 1, of thy days || Job 12. 12. 1, of days Ps. 21.4. I. ofdays,23.t6. |91.tl6. Prov.3.2, 16. .S6.f 10. O draw out at I. thy loving kindness Prov. 3. 2. for I. of days, 16. |129. 21. his son at I. Zech. 2. 2. see the I. \\ 5. 2. /. of the roll 20 cubits Koni. 1 . 10. if now at 1. 1 may have a prosperous Eph. 3. 18. /. of love of C. \\ Rev.21. 16. I. as large LENGTHEN. 1 Kings 3. 14. Isa. 54. 2. LENGTHENED, p. Deut. 25. 1.5. days be /. in LEN GTHEN^N G, p. Dan. 4. 27. Z. of tranquil. LENT, p. Exod. U. 2>6. Dent. 23. 19. 1 Sam. 1. 28. 1 ^ him, 2. 20. |) Jer. 15. 10. not I. LENTILESjS. or Fease, Gen. 25.34.2Sam.23.11. LEOPARD, s. Is a ivild beast, fullof spots; also exceeding swift, subtle, and fierce, most furiously enraged against men, and of such a sweet savour, that it allures other beasts to it ; Inj which means they are caught and devoured, Hos. 13. 7 Hab. 1. 8. To which are compared, [I] Anti- christ, Rev. 13. 2. [2] Cruel inen, Isa. 11. 6. Song 4. 8. mountains of /. || Isa. 11. 6. I. with kid Jer. 5. 6. /. shall watch || 13 23. can I change Dun. 7. 6. like a /. \\ Hos. ] 3. 7. I'll be as a I. Hab. 1. 8. swifter than I. \\ Kev. 13. 2. like a I. LEPER, S, s. They were, [I] lo he tried,hev. 13. 14. [2] To be shut from company. Lev. 13. 45. [ 3 J Put out of the camp, lSium.5.2. [4] Not admitted into God's house, 2 Chr.26.21. Lev. 13. 4.5. | 14. 3. | 22. 4. Num. 5. 2. 2 Sam. 3. 29. 2 Kings 5. 1, 27. | 7. 8. [ 15. 5. 2Chr. 26. 21, 23. Matt. 8. 2. ( 10. 8. | 11. 5. i 26. 6. Mark 1. 40. | 14. 3. Luke 4. 27. | 17. 12. LEPROSY, s. A very loathsome and distressing disorder, tvhich covers the ichole body loith a kind of white scurf orscalrs Lev. 13. 2. plague of/. 5,-39. 1 14. 3, 7, 32. Deut. 24. 8. take heed in the plague of /. that 2 Kings 5. 3. recover of his I. 6. 7. || 27. /. cleave 2 Chr. 26. 19. the I. rose up in his forehead Matt. 8.^. his/, cleansed, Mark 1.42. Luke 5.13. .S^e Fretting. LEPROUS, a. Exod. 4. 6. hand was /. as snow Lev. 13.44. he is a /. man || Num. 12. 10. Miriam /. 2 Kin. 7. 3. four /. men || 2 Chr. 26. 20. Uzziah I. LESHEM, A name; or a precious stone. Josh. 19. 47. Dan went to tight against L. LESS, a. Gen. 32. 10. I am 7. than least Exod. 16. 17. some more, some /. || 30. 15. give /. Num. 22. 18. /. or more || 26. 54. /. inheritance 1 Sam. 22. 15. know not l. or mo|:e. 25. 36. Ezra 9. 13. punished us Z. ||JobTl. 6. exacteth /. Prov. 17. 7. much /. 19. 10.||Isa. 40. 17. 1, than not Mark 4. 31. /. than all seeds |) 15. 40. James the I. 1 Cor. 8.t8. have we the I. \\ 12. 23. 1, honourable 2 Cor. 12. 15. /. I am loved|)Eph.3. 8. 1, than least Phil. 2. 28. I. sorrowful || Heb. 7. 7. 1, is blessed LESSER, a. Gen. 1. 16./. light |j Isa. 7.2.5./.cattle Ezek. 16.t46. sister /. |j 43. 14. from /. settle to LEST, c. Gen.3.3. /. ye die, Lev.l0.6.Num. 18.32. 19. 19. /. I die, 26. 9. ||32 11. /. he smite me 38. 11. 1, he die |) 23. to her /. we be ashamed Exod.5. 3. go, /. he fall on usj|l9.21. /. they break 20. 19. a. we die jj 33. 3 /. I consume thee in Num. 4. 20. /. they die, 18. 22. Deut. II. 17. Deut. 24. 15. /. he cry |) 25. 3. /. he should exceed Josli.9.20. /. wrath be on usj|24. 27. /. ye denyGod 1 Sam. 20, 3. /. he be grieved || 2 Sam. 12. 28. Job 36. 18. /. he take |j 42. 8. /. I deal with you Psal. 2. 12. /. he be angry || 13.3. /. I sleep, 143. 7. 50. 22. /.I tear il 91. 12. /. thou dash. Matt. 4. 6. Prov. 9. 8. /. he hate thee || 22. 25. /. thou learn 24. 18. /. the Lord see it |l 26. 4. /. thou be like 30. 6. /. he reprove thee (] 9. /.I be poor and Isa. 6. 10. /. they see with their eyes, Acts 28. 27. 27. 3. /. any hurt it \\ 28. 22. /. your bands be Jer. 1. 17. /. I confound |) 4.4. /. my fury, 21. 12. (>. 8. /. my soul depart jj 37. 20. /. 1 die there Hos. 2. 3, /. I strip her || Mai. 4. 6. /. I smite the Matt. 17. 27. /. we ott'end |j 25. 9. /. not enough Mark 13. 36. /. coming suddenly he find, 14. 38. Luke 8.12. /. tijey believe || 21. 34. /. overcharged John 5. 14. /. a worse thing j) 18. 28. /. be defiled Acts 5. 39. /. ye be found to fight ag. G. 13. 40. Rom. 11. 21. /. he spare not thee, 1 Cor. 10. 12. 2 Cor. 2. 11. /. Satan || 12. 7. /. I should be exalted Gal. 2. 2. /. by any means |) 6. 1. /. be tempted Eph. 2. 9. not of works, /. any man should boast Col. 2.4./.any beguile |{ 3.21./.they be discouraged Heb. 2. 1. /. lot them shp |J 3. 12. /. evil heart 4. 11. /. any fall|| 12. 3. /. ye be weary and 12. 13. /. lame (| 15. /. any fail of grace of God Jam. 5. 9. /. ye be condemned || 12. /. ye fall 2 Pet. 3. 17. /. led away |) Rev. 1 6. 15. /. he walk LET,t>. Exod. 3. 19. will not /. you go, 4. 21. 21. 26. /. him go free, Deut. 15. 12, 13. Job 6. 9. /. loose his hands || 27. 6. I'll not /. go Psal. 109. 6. /. Satan stand || 119. 10. /. me not w. Song 3. 4. not /. him go || 8. 1 1. /. out vineyard Isa. 43. 13. who shall l. it 1| Jer. 27. 11. /. remain Matt. 21. 33. vineyard /. it out, Mark 12. 1. John 19. 1 2. Jews answered, if thou /. this mango Rom. 1. 13. /. hitherto jj 2 Thes. 2. 7. will /. LET down. Gen. 24. 14. Exod. 17. 11. Josh. 2. 15. 1 Sam. 19. 12. Jer. S8. 6. Ezek, 1. 24. IV' ark 2. 4. Luke 5. 4, 5, 19. Acts 9. 25. I 10. 11. I 27. 30. 2 Cor. 11. 33. LETTED, p. Num. 22. 1 16. be not /. from com. LETTER,*, signifies, [1] ^w. epistle. Gal. 6. 1 1. [2] A proclamation, Esth. 3. 13. [3] Learn- ing, John 7. 15. [43 The legal dispensation, Rom. 7. 6. 2 Cor. 3. 6. [5] External pro- fession, Rom. 2. 29. 2 Sam. 11. 14. David wrote a /. to Joab, and 2 Kings 5. 5. I'll send a 1.6. \\ 10. 2. /. cometh 19. 14. Hezekiah received the /. Isa. 37. 14. Ezra 4. 7. /. written in Syrian, 8. | 5. 6. | 7. 11. Neh. 2. 8. /. to Asaph || 6. 5. an open /. in his Esth. 9. 29. /. of Purim |) Jer. 29. 1. words of I. 29. Acts 23. 25. Claudius wrote a /. to Felix, 34. Rom. 2. 27. by /. transg. 29. |) 7. 6. oldness of/. 2 Cor. 3. 6. ministers not of /. || 7. 8. sorry with /. Gal. 6. 11. ye see how laige a /. I have written 2 Thes. 2. 2. word or by /. 1| Heb. 13.22. /. to you LETTERS, s. 1 Kings 21. 8. wrote /. 2 Kings 10. 1. 2 Chr. 30. 1, 6. | 32. 17. Acts 15. 23. 2 Kings 20. 12. sent /. Neh. 6. 17, 19. Esth. 1. 22. I 3. 13. I 8. 10. I 9. 20, 30. Jer. 29. 25. Luke 23. 38. /. of Hebrew jj John 7.15. know eth /. Acts 9. 2. desired /.|j 22. 5. 1 received /. 28. 21. 1 Cor. 16.3. approve by /. || 2 Cor. 3. 1. nor need /. 2 Cor, 10. 9. terrify by /. jj 10, /, are weighty, 11. LETTEST, V. Job 15, 13. | 41. 1. Luke 2. 29. LETTETH; v. 2 Kings 10. 24. Prov. 17. 14. LET 2 Thes, 2. 7. only he that now /. will let until LETTING, p. Exod. 8. 29. not I. the people go LETUSHIM, Hammer-men. Gen. 25. 3. LEVI, United, coupled, or added. Gen. 29. 34. Gen. 46. 11. sons of jL. Ex. 6. 16. Num. 3. 17. 49. 3. Simeon, L. || Ex. 6. 16. life of jL. 13. 7. Num. 16. 7. ye sons of JL. || 26. 59. daughter of L. Deut.10.9. L' hath no part||21.5. L. not come near 33. 8. of L. he said|jl Kin. 12. 31. priests, not of 1 Chr. 21 . 6, L. counted notyEzra 8. 15. none of L. Ps. 135. 20. bless the Lord, O house of L. Ezek. 40.46. among sons of L.\\ 48. 31. gate of L. Zech. 12. 13. L. a part|| Mai. 2. 4. covenant with Mai. 2. 8. covenant of L. || 3. 3. purify sons of Mar. 2. 14. he saw L. son of Alpheus, Luke 5.27. Luke 3. 24. son of L. \\ Heb. 7. 9. L. paid tithes Tribe of LEVI. Num. 1. 49. 1 3. 6. 1 18. 2. Deut. 10.8.|18.1. Josh. 3.14,33. 1 Chr. 23.14. Rev.7.7. LEVIATHAN, s. A large fish; the whale, or, as some think, the crocodile. Job 3. 1 8, to raise up a I. || 41. 1. canst draw /. Psal.74. 14. breakest l.\\ 104. 26. there is that I. Isa.27. 1. shall punish I. that crooked serpent LEVITE, s. Exod. 4. 14. is not Aaron the I. thy Deut. 12. 12. rejoice ye, and 1. 18.|16. ll.|26. 13. 14. 29- 1, shall cat || 18. 6. if a /. come from Judg. 17. 7. a young man, a I. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. 19. 1. a certain 1. 1) 20. 4. the I. said, I came 2 Chr. 20. 14. Jahaziel the /.1|31. 12.Cononiah, l4. Ezra 10. 15. ShablTethai the /.helped them Luke 10. 32. a /. came || Acts 4. 36. Barnabas a /. LEVITES. Exod. 6. 25. heads of/. || 38. 21. Lev. 25.32. cities of the I. may redeem, 33. Num. 1. 47. /. not numbered ]) 50. appoint /. 3. 12. l. shall be mine, 41, 45. | 8. 6, 9, 14. 8. 11. offer the /. || 13. then shall /. go in, 22. 26. thus shalt do to the /. 35. 2. give to /. cities, 8. Josh. 14. 3. to /, none inher. Josh. 21 . 3. these cities to /. || 41 . cities of I. 48. 1 Sam 6. 13. /. took the ark, 1 Chr. 15. 15, 26. 1 Chr. 24. 6. one of the /. wrote them before king 2 Chr. 5. 12./. singers, 7. 6.||11.14. /. left suburbs 13. 9. cast oat /. II 19. 11. /. shall be officers 23. 6. none, save /. || 24. 5. /. hastened it not 29. 5. hear ye /.1|30. 22. spake comfortably to /. 34, 13. /. were scribes || 35. 3. /. taught Israel 35. 9. chief of /. II 14. /. prepared for themselves Ezra 6. 18. they set the /. in their courses for Neh. 3. 17. repaired the /. || 8. 7. /. caused the p. 8. 11. /. stilled the people |j 11. 22. overseer of/. 12. 27. sought the /. |1 13. 10. /. were fled, everj' 13. 29. defiled /. 1| Jer. 33. 22. I'll multiply /. Ezek. 44. 10. /. bear ini. || 48. 11. /. went astray Priests and LEVITES. Deut. 17. 9. | 24. 8. Josh. 3. 3. 1 Kings 8. 4. 2 Chr. 93. 4. I 29. 34. I 30. 15, 21, 27. | 31. 9. | 35. 8. Ezra 2^. 70. | 6. 20. | 7.7. | 9. 1. | 10.5. Neh. 9. 38. I 10. 34. I 12. 30, 44. Isa. 66. 21. Jer. 33. 18, 21. Ezek. 44. 15. John 1. 19. LEVITICAL, a. Heb. 7. 11. by the /. priesthood LEVY,s. Num. 31. 28. 1 Kin. 3. 13, 14.19. 15,21. LEUMMIM, Countries. Gen. 25. 3. LEWD, a. Ezek. 16. 27. | 23. 44. Acts 17. 5. LEWDLY,arf. Ezek.22.n./. defiled his daughter LEWDNESS, s. Judg. 20. 6. have committed /. Jer. 11, 13. wrought /. || 13. 27. I've seen tlie /. LIE ^4^ 24. belongeth to / 18.24. tithes to /. | Deut. 18. 7. as /.do I Ezek. 16. 43. not commit /. || 58. borne thy /. ^ 22. 9. they commit /. |j f 11. by /. defiled his 23. 21. /. of thy youth |j 27. make /. to cease, 48. 29. discovered /. || 35. bear thy /. and whom 49. recompense /. || 24. 13. filthiness is /. Hos. 6. 9. commit /. || Acts 18. 14. if matter of /. Liar ; see Lyar. LIBERALITY, «. 1 Cor. 16. 3. 2 Cor. 8. 2. LIBERAL, a. Prov. 11. 25. /. soul be made fat Isa. 32. 5. called /. 8. || 2 Cor, 9. 13. /. distribution LIBERALLY, ad. Deut. 15. 14. Jam. 1. 5. LIBERTY, s. signifiee, [1] Freedomfrom bondage, Isa. 61, 1. [2] Complete deliverance from all evils, Rom. 8. 21. [3] A power of using things indifferent, 1 Cor. 8. 9. Lev. 25. 10. ye shall proclaim /. thro' all the land Psal. 119. 43. and I will walk at /. for I seek Isa. 61. 1. to proclaim /. Lev. 25. 10. Luke 4* 18. Jer. 34. 8. to proclaim /. 15, 17. || 16. set at I. Ezek. 46. 17. it shall be his to the year of /. Acts 24. 23. Paul have /. 27. 3, || 26. 32. set at /. Rom. 8. 21. glorious /. || 1 Cor. 7. 39. /. to marry 1 Cor. 8. 9. lest this /. of yours||l0.29. why is my /. 2 Cor. 3. 17. where Spirit of the L. is, there is /. , Gal. 2. 4. spy out /. |) 5. 1. stand fast in the I. 5. 13. ye have been called to /. use not your I. Heb. 10.tl9. /. to enter holiest |j 13. 23. set at /. Jam. 1. 25, law of /. |j 2. 12. judged by law of/, 1 Pet. 2. 16. not using /. || 2 Pet. 2. 19. promise /. LIBERTINES, s. Acts 6, 9. synagogue of the I LIB N AH, The moon, or irhite. A place. Num. 33. 20. pitched in L.||21. removed from L. Josh. 10. 29. passed to L||21. 13. gave L. to Levi 2 Kin. 8. 22. then L. revolted, 2 Chr. 21. 10. 19. 8. warring against L. Isa. o7. 8. 23, 31. Jeremiah of L. 24. 1 8. Jer. 52. 1. LIBYA, Rich, fat, or the heart of the sea. Ih Hebrew, Phut. A country in Africa. Jer. 46. 9. Ezek. 3. 5. Dan. 11. 43. Acts 2. 10. LICE, s. Exod. 8. 16, 17, 18. Psal. 105. 31. LICENCE, s. Acts 21. 40. | 25, 16, LICK, ED. Num. 22. 4. /. up all round us 1 Kings 18. 38. fire /. up water || 21, 19. dogs /. 22. 38. dogs /. Luke 16. 21. || Psal. 72. 9- 1, dust Isa. 49. 23. /. the dust H Mic. 7. 17. /. dust like LICKETH, Num.22. 4. as the ox /. up grass LID, s. 2 Kings 1 2, 9, bored a hole in the /. of it LIE, 1-, Gen. 18. 32. /. with him, 34. | 30. 15. 39. 7. she said, come, /.with me, 2 Sam. 13. 11. 14. he came to /. || 47. 30. /. with my fathers Exod, 22. 16. if a man /. || 23. 11. let ground /. Lev, 15. 24. if any man /. Avith her, 18, 20, 22. I 20. 12, 13, 18, 20. Num. 5. 13. Deut. 22. 23, 25, 28. ] 28, 30. 2 Sam. 11. 11. Deut. 29. 20. curses /. || Josh. 8. 9. /. in ambush Judg. 19. 20. wants /. on me || Ruth 3.4. he /. 1 Kin. 1. 2. and let her /. in thy bosom, that k. Psal. 57, 4. I /. among il 88. 5, /. in'the grave Eccl. 4. 1 1. if two /. tog.i|Song 1 .1 3. /. all night bet Isa. 13. 21. wild beasts of the desert shali /. there 14. 18. kings /.in glory II 51. 20. thy sons /. at the Lam. 2. 21. /.on ground || Ezek. 4. 4. /. on left side Ezek. 4. 6. /. on right side || 9. shalt /. 390 days 31. 18. /. in midst of uncircumcised, 32. 21. 32. 27. not /. with mighty || 28. /. with slain 29. /. with uncir. 30. |j 34. 14. /. in a good fold Joel. 1 , 1 3. /. in sackcloth |j Amos 6. 4. /. on beds LIF LIF John 5. 6. Jesus saw him /.||20. 6. linen clothes I. LIE down. Lev. 18. 23. | 20. 16. | 26. 6. Num. 23. 24. Deut. 25. 2. | 3l.tl6. Ruth 3. 7, 13. 1 vSam. 3. 5, 6, 9. 2 Sam. 11. 13. Job 7. 4. |11. 19. I 20. ll.|21.26. I 27.19. | Ps. 23. 2. Prov. 3. 24. Isa. 11. 6, 7. | 14. 30. | 17. 2. 1 27. 10. I 43. J 7. I 50. 11. 1 65. 10. Jer. 3. 25. SS. 12. J 50. t 6. Ezek. 34. 15. Hos, 2. 18. Zepih 2.7, 14, 15. [ 3.13. LIE in wait. Exod. 21. 13. Dent. 19. 11. Josh. 8. 4. Judg. 9. 32. I 21. 20. 1 Sam. 22. 8, 13. Job 38.40. Psal. 59. 3. Prov. 12. 6. Hos. 7. 6. Mic. 7. 2. Acts 23. 21. Eph. 4. 14. LIE waste. Isa. 33. 8. | 34. 10. Hag. 1. 4. LIEN. Gen. 26. 10. Num. 5. 19. 20. Judg. 21. 11. Job 3. 13. Psal. 68. 13. Jer. 3. 2. John 11. 17. LIERS in wait. Josh. 8. 14. were /.- Jiidg. 16. 12. Judg. 9. 25. set I. - 20. 29. jj 20. 33. 1. - came forth 20. 36. trusted to I. - \\ Jer. 51. t 12. prepare I. - LIEST,t). Gen. 28. IS-lJDeut. 6.7.Z. down, 1 1. 19. Josh. 7. 10. I. on thy face 11 Pre v. 3. 24. I. down LIETH, V. Gen. 4. 7. not well, sin I. at the door 49. 25- /. under |) Lev. 14. 47. /. in the house Lev. 15. 4. bed whereon he I. unclean, 20, 26. 24. if man I. with her |) 26. 34. /. desolate, 35. Judg. 16. 5. see wherein his great strength I. 6. Job 40. 21. he /. under the shady trees in covert Psal. 41. 8. now that he I. \\ 88. 7. thy wrath /. Matt. 8, 6. my servant /.|)Mark 5. 23. daughter I. Rom. 12. 18. asmuoh as/. j)l John 5. 19. world /. lAETYidoicn. Ruth 3.4. Job 14. 12. Prov. 23.34. LIETH in wait. Psal. 10. 9. Prov. 7. 12.123. 28. LIETH waste. Neh. 2. 3. \\ 17. Jerusalem I. . LIETH, as with a ivoman. Exod. 22. 19. Lev. 19.20. I 20. 11, 13. Deut. 27. 20,21,22, 23. Mic. 7. 5. mouth from her that /. in thy bosom LIEUTENANTS, s. Gover?iors under the king. Ezra 8.36. Esth. 3. 12. | 8. 9. | 9. 3. LIFE,*, is, [1] Natural, Psal. 17. 14. Prov. 3. 2. {[2] Spiritual, Supernatural, and heavenly, whereby we live to God, and enjoy peace with him, Rom. 8. 6. Gal. 2. 20. Col. 3. 3. [3j Eternal, Rom. 5. 21. | 6. 23. It is put for, [1] The blood, Gen. 9. 4. [2] The appetite. Job 33. 20. [3] Conversation, Acts 26. 4. ;t4] This world, Luke 8. 14. (]5] Blessings of this life, 1 Tim. 4. 8. [6J The nnurishnent of Ufe, Deut. 20. 19, [7j Christ Jesus, who is the life of nature, grace, and glory, John 1. 4. \5. 26. I 6. 33, 35. | 11. 25. 1 John 5. 11. [8] The doctrines of the gospel , Phil. 2. 16. Cren. 1. 20. the moving crtature that hath I. 30. 2. 7. breath of/. 6. 17^.|7. 22.||9 tree of/. 3. 22, 24. S.4. flesh with the /. Lev. 1 7. 1 1 , 14. Deut. 1 2. 23. 18. 10. time of/. 14. || 23. 1. of the /. of Sarah 42. 15. by /. of Pharaoh || 45. 5. to preserve /. Exod. 21. 23. give /. for /. Lev. 24. 1 18. Deut. 19. 21. Lev. 18. 18. besides the other in her /. time 24. 1 17. that smiteth /. of man, Deut. 19.t6, 11. Deut. 20. 19. tree is man's /. |j 24. 6. /. to pledge 30. 15. I've set before thee /. 19. Jer. 21. 8. 32. 47. it is your /. || Josh. 2. 14. our /. for yours iSam. 25.29. bundle of /.||2 Sam. 14.7,tl4.|15. 21. 1 Kings 3. 11. not asked long /. 2 Chr. 1.11. 2 Kings 4. 16. time of/. 17. || 7. 7. fled for their /. Ezra 6. 10. /. of kingjjEsth. 8. 11. stand for tl>eir /. Job 3. 20. why is /. given || 10. 12. /. and favour 12.tl0. /.of every tiling I j 24. 22. none sure of /. 31. 39. lose their /. j) 33. 4. hath given me /. 36. 6. /. of wicked, 14. || 38. t 39. fill the /. Psal. 16. 11. path of/. |j 21. 4. asked /. of thee 30. 5. in his favour is /. || 34. 12. desireth /. 36. 9. fountain of/. || 61. 6. prolong king's /. 63. 3. thy lovmg kindness is better than /. 66. 9. boldest our so ulm/.|)78. 50. /. to pestilence 91. 16. long /. ji 133. 3. even /. for evermore Prov, 1.19./. of ownersjj2. 19. nor hold paths of I. 3. 2. long /. II 18. she is a tree of/, to them 22. /. to thy soul |j 4. 22. for they are /. to 4. 23. issues of/. || 5. 6. ponder the path of/. 6. 23. reproofs way of/. |j 26. hunt for the /. 8. 35. findeth /. |) 10. 11. mouth a well of/, 10. 17. in way of/. || 11. 30. is a tree of/. 12. 10. /. of his beast || 28. /. and no death 13. 8. a man's t his riches || 12. tree of/. 15. 4. 14. law is a fountam of/. 14. 27. | 16. 22. 14. 30. sound heart is /. |) 15. 24. way of/, is 15. 31. reproof of /. || 16. 15. king's count, is I. 18. 21. death and /. || 21. 21. mercy, findeth /. 22. 4. by humility, /. || 31. 12 all days of her /. Eccl. 2. 3. all days of /. II 17. I hated /. because 7. 12. wisdom giveth /. || 9. 1 9. enjoy /. with Isa. 38. 16. /. of my spirit, 20. || 57. 10. /. of hand Jer. 8. 3. death rather than /. || 21. 7. seek /. 34. 20. 49. 37. seek their /. \\ Lam. 2, 19. /. of children L^ek. 1. 1 20. spirit of/, in wheels, t 21. | 10.tl7. 13. 22. by promising/. || 33. 15. statutes of/. Dan. 7. 1 12. prolonging m /. |j Jonah 1. 14. !Mal. 2. 5. my covenant was with him of /. and Matt. 2. 20. sought child's /. |j 3.t8. amendm. of /.^ 6. 25. take no thought for your /. Luke 12. 22. 18. 8. into I. halt or maimed, 9. Mark 9. 43. 19. 17. will enter /. || Mark 3. 4. te save /. or Luke 1 . 75. in holiness all the days of our /. 12. 15. a man's /. consisteth not in abund. 23. John 1. 4. in him was /. || 3. 36. shall not see /. 5. 26. /. in himself II 29. resurrection of/, and 40. might have /. 10. 10. || 6. 33./. unto world 6. 35. i am bread of /. 48. || 51 . for /. of world 53. no /. in you || 63. words I speak they are I. 8. 12. light of/, II 11. 25. resurrection and /, 14. 6. truth and /. || 20. 31. /. thro' his name Acts 2. 28. ways of/. || 3. 15. killed prince of/. 17. 25. giveth to all /. || 26. 4. my manner of/. Rom. 5.17. reign in /. || 18. justification of/. 6. 4. ncA'VTfiess of/. || 8. 2. of spirit of/. 10. 8. 6. /. and peace Ij 38. nor death nor /. nor 11. 15. receiving them be /. from the dead 1 Cor. 3. 22. or /. or death |j 14, 7. without /. 2 Cor, 1. 8. despaired of/. || 2, 16. savour of/. 3, 6. Spirit giveth /. || 4, 10. /. of Jesus might 4. 12. but /. in you || 5. 4. swallowed up of /. Gal. 2. 20. tlie /. I live || 3. 21. have given /. Eph. 4. 18. being alienated from the /. of God Piiil. 1. 20. /. or by death || 2. 16. word of/. | Col. 3. 3. your /. is hid || 4. Christ our /. shall 1 Tim. 2. 2. a peaceable /. || 4. 8. promise of/.- 2 Tim. 1. 1. promise of/, || 10, /. to Hght|| 3. IQ. Heb. 2, 15. all /. time || 7. 3. nor end of/. 16. Jam. 1,12. crown of /. || 4. 14. what is your /. 1 Pet. 3. 7. grace of /. || 10. he that will love /. 4. S. time past of our /.p Pet.1.3. pertaining to /. LIF LIF •^^4> 4 1 Jolm 1.1. word of I. |j 2. I. was iiaanifested 52. 16. pride of I. |) 5. 12. hath son, hath Z. he ,^.16. shall give him I for them that sin not Rev. 2. 7. tree of/. 22. 2, 14. || 2. 10. crovra of I. 8. 9. had I. died |) 1 1 . 1 1, spirit of /. from God 13. 16. to give/, jl 21. 6. wat«rofZ. 22. 1, 17. See Book, Eternal, Everlasting. His LIFE. Gen. 44. 30. - /. is bound up in the Exod. 21. 30. Ransom of- Z.Deut. 17.19. read all-/. Judg. 9. 17. adventured - /. \\ 16. 30. slevir in - /. 1 Sam. 19. 5. put - /. in his hand || 23. 15. seek -/. 1 Kings 2. 23. word against - Z.(|19. 3. went for - /. 19. 1 4- requested for - /.||20. 39. life be for -/.42. Neh. 6. 1 1 . to save - /.(|Esth. 7. 7. to request for -/. Job 2. 4. give for - /.||6. hand, but save - /. 33. 18. - /. from perishing || 20. - /. abhoreth 22. - /. to destroyers || 28. - /. see the light Prov. 7. 23. that it is for - /. (| 13. 3. keepeth - /. Ecel. 3. 12. do good in - /. || 7. 15. prolongeth - /. 8. 1 5. abide all - /. j| Isa. 15. 4. - /. grievous Jer. 21.9.- /• for a prey, 38. 2. |( 44. 30. seek - /. I 7. 13. iniquity of- /, JAmos 2.tl4. nor deliv. -/. Ezek. 3. 1 8. to save - /. 32. 10. tremble for - /. Matt. 10. 39. loseth - /. shall find it, Ifi. 25. Mark 8. 35. Luke 9. 24. | 17. 33. John 12. 25 20. 28. to give - /. a ransom, Mark 10. 45. Luke 14. 26. hate not /JlJohn 10. 11. - /. for sheep John 15. 13. lay down - /. Acts 20. 10. -/.is inhimj jActs 8. 33. - /. is taken Rom. 5. 10. saved by - /. Phil. 2. 30. not regarding- /.([ I John 3. 16. laid -/. My LIFE. Gen. 19. 19. mercy in saving - /. 27. 46. weary of - /. |l 32. 30. - /. is preserved 48. 15. fed me all - /. || Num. 23. 1 10. let - /. die Judg. 12. 3. 1 put-/. II 1 Sam. 18. 18. what is -/. 1 Sam. 20. 1. seeketh- /. 'i2. 23. 2 Sam. 16. 11. 26. 24. - /.be much set by (| 28, 0. snare for -/. 2 Sam. t. 9. - /. is whole || 18. 13. falsehood ag. - /. 1 Kings 19.4, take away - /. |) 10. seek - /. 14. 2 Kings 1. 13. let - /.be precious, 14. Esth. 7. 3. Job 6. 1 1 prolong - /.j|7. 7. - /. is but wind 7.l5.deathratherthan-/.9.21. | 10.1. | 13.14. Psal. 7. 5. tread down - /. ]) 23. 6. all days of- /. 26. 9. gather not -/. \\ 27. 1. L. is strength of - /. 27. 4. dwell all - /. || 31. 10. - /. is spent,"l3. 38. 12. seek-/.I|42. 8. God of - /.||64. 1. preserve 88. 3.-/. drawethnighto grave, 143. 3. Isa. 38. 12. cutoff-/. Lam. 3. 53. || 58. redeemed Jonah 2. 6. brought up - /. || 4. 3. O L. take - /. John 10. 1.5. 1 lay down -/. for sheep, 17. 1 13.37. Acts 20. 24. nor count I - /. dear to myself, so This LIFE. Psal. 17. 14. their portion in - /. thy Eccl. 6. 12. good in - /. 1| 9. 9. thy portion in - /. Luke 8. 14. cares of-/. 21.34.|| Acts 5. 20. words of 1 Cor. 6. 3. pertain to -/. 4. (| 15. 19. if in - /. only 2 Tim. 2. 4. affairs of- /.||1 John 5.11. -/. in his Son Thy LIFE. Gen. 19. 17. escape for - /, |j 47. t 8. Exod. 4. 19. sought - /. || Deut. 28. 66. - /. hang Judg. 18. 25. lose- /. \\ Ruth 4. 15. restorer of- /. 1 Sam. 19. 11. save not- /. || 26.24. -/. set by 2 Sam. 4. 8. sought - /. || 19. 5. have saved - /. 1 Kin. 20. 31. will save -/. || 39. -/. for his life, 42. Psal. 103. 4. redeemeth -/.{|Prov. 4. 10. years of-/. Prov. 4. 13. she is - /.j)9. 11. years of- /. increased Isa. 43. 4. people for - /||Jer. 4. 30. seek - /. 11. 21. Jer. 39. 18. -/. shall be for a prey to thee, 45. 5. Luke 16. 25. thou in-/, time || John 13.38. lay-/. To LIFE. 2 Kings 8. 1, restored to 4 5- Prov. 10. 16. tendeth -/. 11. 19. J 19. 23. Matt. 7. 14. narrow the way that leadeth -/. John 5. 24. is passed from death - /. 1 John 3. 14. Acts 11. 18. to Gentiles granted repentance - /. Rom. 7. 10. ordainedto /.|]Heb. 11. 35. raised to /. LIFT, V. signifies, £\'] To raise up, Gen. 37. 28. [2] To pray, Psal. 121. 1. [3] Torestore, Gen. 40. 13. [4] To behoM, Isa. 40. 26. [5] To bless, Lev. 9. 22. [6] To shake of sloth, Heb. 12. 12. Gen. 7. 17. ark was /. up || 21. 1 8. /. up the lad 37. 28. /. up Joseph I| 40. 13. /. up thy head, 19. Exod. 7. 20. /. up the rod j) 20. 25. /. up a tool Num. 6. 26. Lord /. up his countenance on thee 16. 3. /. yourselves (| 23. 24. /. as young lion Deut. 22. 4. help him to /. (| 27. 5. nor L tool Josh. 4. 18. feet were /. up||Ruth 3. 1 4. /. clothes 2 Sam. 23. 8. /.up his spear, 18. 1 Oir. 11.11. 2 Kin. 19. 4. /. up thy prayer for remn. Isa. 37.4. 1 Chr. 14. 2. kingdom /. up !| 25. 5. to /. up horn 2 Chr. 17. 6. his heart was /.up in ways of Lord Ezra 1. 1 4. /. him up (| 9. 6. 1 blush to /. up my Job 5.t7. sparks /. up \\ 10. 15. not /. up my head 11. 15. then Shalt thou /. up thy face, 22. 26. 31. 21. if I /. my hand j| 29. or/, up myself Psal. 4. 6. /. up the light || 7. 6. O L. /. up thyself 24. 4. not /. soul to vanity || 7. /. your heads, 9. 25. 1. to thee O L. I /. my soul, 86. 4. | 143. 8. 28. 2. I /. my hands || 9. /. them up for ever 74. 3. /. up thy feet |j 75. 4./. not horn, 5. 83. 2. /. head || 93. 3. floods /. up their waves 94. 2. /. up thyself jl 110. 7. /. up the head Eccl. 4. 10. /. up his fellow || Isa. 2. 4. not /, sw. Isa. 5. 26. /. ensign || 10. 15. as if staff/, itself 10. 24. /. up his staff II 26. shall /. it up after 13. 2. /. ye a banner || 33. 10. I'll /. myself 59. 19. /. up a standard, 62. 10. Jer. 50. t 2. Jer. 7.16. nor/. upprayer,ll. 14.||51.14. /.ashont Lam. 3. 41. let us /. up our heart with our hands Ezek. 1, 19. creatures /. up|j8. 3. spirit/. me,ll. L 10. 16. cherubims /. up their wings, 19. | 11- 22. 17. 14. not /. itself up (| 26. 28. /.up buckler Zcch. 1 . 21. /. up their horn over land of Judah 5. 7. /. up a talent || 9. /• np the ephah between Matt. 12.11./. out on sab. II Mark 1. 31. /.hemp Luke 13. 11. in no wise /. herself |j21. 28./. heads John 8. 28. /. up Son of man, 12. 34. |) Jam. 4. 10. See Eyes. LIFT Hand, s. Gen. 14. 22. | 41. 44. Lev. 9. 22. Num. 20. 11. Deut. 32. 40. 2 Sam. 20. 21. 1 Kings II. 26. Psal. 10. 12. | 28. 2. I 63. 4. I 119. 48. | 134. 2. Isa. 49." 22. Lam. 2. 19. Ezek. 44. 12. Mic. 5. 9. Luke 24.50. Heb. 12.12. LIFT Voice, s. Gen. 21. 16. | 27. 38. j 39. 18. Judg. 2. 4. I 9. 7. I 21. 2. Ruth 1. 9. 1 Sam. 11. 4. I 24. 16. I 30. 4. 2 Sam. 3. 32. 1 13. 36. 2 Chr. 5. 13. Job. 38. 34. Isa. 10. 30. | 24. 14. 1 40. 9. I 42. 2, 11. I 52. 8. | 58. 1. Jer. 22. 20. Ezek. 21. 22. Luke 11. 27. Acts 2. 14. |4. 24. 1 14. 11. 1 22. 22. LIFTED,/). Gen. 29. 11. Jacob /. up his voice 31. 10. /. up his eyes, 13. 10.|18. 2.|22. 13.|33. 1. Num. 14. 1. /. up their voice, Job 2. 12. Ps. 93. 3, Deut. 8 14. thy heart be /. up, and forget, 17. 20. Judg. 8. 28. /. heads || 2 Sam. 22. 49. /. on high 2 Kin.l *. 10. heart/, thee up, 2 Chr.26. 16.|32.25. LIG LIG Psal. 27. 6. my head be I up, 30. 1. 1 102. 10. 41. 9. hath l. up bis heel against me, John 13. 18. 74. 5.Z. up axes II 106. 26. 1, up bis hand ag. Prov. 26. t 7. legs I. up || 20. 13. eye-lids,/, up, Isa. 2. 1 2. day of L. on every one I. up, 13, 14. 6. 1. high and I. up || 26. 11. thy hand is I. up. 37. 23. 1 up eyes || Jer. 51. 9. judgment I. up Ezek. 1. 20. wheels I. up [| 3. 14. spirit I. me up SJO. 5. ;.up mine hand, 15, 28, 42. | 47. 14. 28. 2. thine heart is I. up, 5, 17. | 31. 10. j 36. 7. t)an..5. 20. his heart I 23. || 7. 4. beast l. up 8. 3.1 /. up mine eyes and saw, 10. 5. Hab. 2. 4. soul which is ^. || 3. 10. deep I. up Zech. 9. 16. as stones of crown I. \\ 14. 10. land l Mai. 2. t 9. 1, up the faceJiMark 9. 27. Jesus I. up Luke 6. 20. l. his eyes || 17. 13. /. their voices John 3. 14. I. up serpent || 12. 32. 1,if I be I. up 1 Tim. 3. 6. lest /.up witbpride||Rev. 10.5. /. hand LIFTER, s. Psal. 3. 3. the I. up of mine head LIFTEST,r. Job 30. 22. Psal. 9. 13. | 18. 48. Prov. 2. 3. 1, up thy voice for understanding LIFTETH, V. Deut. 24. 1 15. 1 his soul to it iSam. 2.7. low and/, up, 8.||2Chr.25. 19.heart/. Job 39. 18. ostrich /.jjPsal. 107. 25. wind I. waves Ps. 113. 7. I. the needy||l47. 6. L. /.-up the meek Isa. 18. 3. /, ensign || Jer. 51. 3. /. brigandine ISah. 3. 3. the horsemen /. up the bricht sw'ord LIFTING, />. Judg. 15.t 17. /.up of jaw-bone 1 Chr. 11. 20. /. his spear || 15. 16. /. up voice 2 Chr. 32. t 26. humbled for /.yNeh. 8. 6. /. hands Job 22. 29. there is l. up || Psal. 141.2. /. hands Prov. 30. 32- foolishlv m Z.||Isa. 9. 18. /. of smoke Isa. 33. 3. at /. of thyself Hi Tim. 2. 8. 1, holy hands LIGHT, a. Gen. 44 3. soon as morning was /. Num. 21. 5. /. bread || Deut. 27. 16. setteth /. by Judg. 9. 4. /. persons || 19. 26. was till it was/. 1 Sam. 14. 36. till morning/. |1 18.23. a/, thins 2 Sam. 2. 18. Asah. /. offooljil Kin. 16.31. a /. thing 2 Kin. 3. 18. a /. thing, 20.1o! Isa. 49.6. Ezek. 8.17 Ps. 1 39. 11. be /. about me|iEzek.22. 7. set /.by fa. Mic. 2. 1. morning is /. |( Zeph. 3. 4. prophets/. Zech. 14. 7. that at evening time it shall be /, Matt. 1 1. 30. my burden /. \\ 22. 5. made /. of it 2 Cor. 4. 17. our /.affliction workethfor usafar LIGHT, s. signifies, [1^ That quality of the me- dium of sight by which we see., Exod. 10. 23. \2~\ The sun, which is the fountain of light, Eccl. n. 7. [3] A successor, 1 Kings 11.36. [4] Joy, comfort, and felicity, Estli. 8. 16. Psal. 97. 11. [5] Spiritual knowledge, Isa. 8. 20. [6] Support and deliverance, Mic. 7. 8. ^7] Holiness, 1 John 1.7. [8] Christ Jesus, John [9] The gospel, Psal. 119. 105. 2 Cor. 4. 4. [10] Ministers, Matt. 5. 14. [11] Believers, Eph. 5. 8. [l2] All spiritual good thiiT^s, 1 Pet. 2. 9. [13] The lov£, grace, and favour of God, Psal. 89. 15. Gen. 1. 3. let there be /. || 4. God saw the /. that 5. called /. day||16. greater /. the lesser /. to rule Exod. 10. 23. Israel had /. || 14. 20. pillar gave /. 25. 6. oil for/. 27. 20. | 35. 8., | 39. 37. Lev. 2i.2. 1 Sam. 29. 10. and as soon as ye have /. depart 2 Sam 21. 1 7. quench not /. || 23. 4. /. of morning 1 Kin. 7. 4. /. was against /jjU. 36. may have a I Neh. 8.-f 3. read from the /.|!9. 19. pillar to shew /. Esth. 8. 16. the Jews had /.joy, and gladness Job 3. 4. nor /. shine on it (j 9. let it look for /. Job 3. 1 6. which never saw /.|j20. why /. given, 23. 4. flS. in angels he put /. |j 10. 22. /. as darkness 12. 22. bringeth out to /. |j 25. grope without L 18. 5. /. of wicked be put out, 6. j 38. 15. 22. 28. /. shine on ways || 24. 13, rebel against /. 24. 14. rising with /. || 16. they know not the /. 25. 3. his /. arise || 28. 11. bringeth forth to /. 31. t 26. if I beheld the /. || 33. 28. see the /. 33. 30. /.of living || 36. 30. spreadeth his /.upon 36. 32. covereth /. || 37.t3. directeth his /. to ends 37.tll. cloud of /. 15 II 21. bright /. in clouds 38. 19. where /. dwellethl|24. by what is /. parted 41. 18. by his neesings a /. doth shine, his eyes _ Psal. 4. 6. lift up the /. || 27. 1. the Lord is my /. f 37. 6. righteousness as /. (| 38. 10. /. is gone from 49. 19. never see/. || 74. 16. hast prepared the /. 78. 14. /. of fire || 97. 11. /. is sown for righteous 104. 2. coverest with /.|jll8. 27. Lord shewed /. 119. 105. word is a /. || 130. entrance of word /. 139. 12. darkness and /. alike |( i48. 3. stars of/. Prov. 4. 18. as the shining /. || 6. 23. the law is /. 13. 9. /. of righteous rejoiceth, 15. 30. || 21. 1 4. Eccl. 11.7. the /. is sweet || 12. 2. /. not darkened Isa. 5. 20. put darkness for /. || 50. /. is darkness 8. 20. no /. in them || 9. 2. on them /, shined 10. 17. /. of Israel (| 13. 10. the moon not cause her /. to shine. Matt. 24. 29. "tlark 13. 24. 30. 26. /. of the moon as I. of sun, /. of sun as 51.4. rest for a /. || 59. 9. we wait for /. behold 60. 19. an everlasting /. || Jer. 4. 23. had no /. Jer. 25, 10. take/, of candle || 31. 35. sun for a /. Ezek. 32. t 8. the /. of the /. I will make dark Dan. 2. 22. /. dwelleth || 5. 11. /. found in Daniel Hos.6. 5, judgments as /,||Mic. 7. 9. bring me to /. Hab. 3, 4. brightness as /. || 11. /, of thine arrows Zeph. 3. 5, judgment to /. |j Zech. 14. 6. /. not clear Matt. 4. 16, /. is sprung|l5. 14. /. of the world,15. 5. 16. let your /. so shine || 6. 22. /. of the body 17. 2. white as tlie /. || Luke 2. 32. /. to Gentiles Luke 8. 16. see the /. 1 1. 33. || 16. 8. children of/. John 1. 4. /. of men || 7. bear witness of tliat /. 8. 9. the true /. || 3. 19. /. is come into the world 3. 20. hateth /. j| 21. doth truth, cometh to the /. 5. 35. a burning and a shining /. and ye were 8. 12. 1 am the 7 of the world, 9. 5. |j 11. 9. seeth 11. 10. no /. in him || 12. 35. /. with you, walk 12. 36. believe in the /. || 46, 1 am come a /. in Acts 9. 3. shined a /. 12. 7. 1 22. 6, 9, 11. | 26. 13. 13. 47, a /. to Gentiles II 16. 29. called for a /. 26. 23. shew /. to the people and the Gentiles Rom. 2. 19. a /. of them |j 13. 12, armour of/. 1 Cor. 4. 5. who w ill bring to /. the hidden things 2 Cor. 4. 4, lest /, of gospel, 6. (| 11. 14. angel of L Eph. 5. 8.novsr are ye /. |j 13. make manifest, is /. Col. 1. 12. saints in /. || 1 Thes. 5. 5. children of/. 1 Tim. 6. 16. dwelling in /, |( 2 Tim. 1. 10. life to/. 1 Pet. 2. 9. marvellous /, 1| 2 Pet. 1. 19. as to a /. 1 John 1, 5. God is /. 1| Rev. 1 8. 23, /. of a candle Rev.21.11. her /,i|23. Lamb is;/. || 22. 5. need no /. See Countenance, Darkness. Giwe LIGHT. Gen. 1, 15, 17, Exod. 13, 21. I 25. 37. Num. 8. 2, 2 Kings 8. 19. Neh. 9. 12. Psal. 105. 39. Isa. 13. 10. | 42. 6. I 60. 19. Ezek. 32. 7. Matt. 5. 15. 2 Cor. 4. 6. Eph. 5. 14. In the LIGHT. Psal. 56. 13. Isa. 2. 5. j 50. 11 John 12. 36. 21.24. 1 John 1. 7. I 2. 9, 10. Rev- ^^ LIK Tlty LIGHT. Psal. 36. 9. | 43. 3. Isa. 58. 8, 10. I 60. 1, 3, 19, 20. LIGHT, ED. Exod.25. 37. l. lamps, 40. 4, 25. Psa.18.28. wiltZ. ray candle|jMat.5.15.nordo men Luke 8.1 6. no man when he hath l. a candle,! 1. 33. 15.8.?.a candle,and sweep |)Rev.7.16.nor sun Z. on LIGHT, t\ 2 Sam. 17. 12. Ruth 2. 3. LIGHTED, p. Gen. 24. 64. saw Isaac, she I. off 28. 11. Jacob/. II Josh. 15. 18. she I. Jud^. 1. 14. 1 Sam. 25. 23. Abigail l. \\ 2 Kings 5. 21. Naaman 2 Kin. 10. 15. Jehu I. |j Isa. 9. 8. word l. on Israel LIGHTEN, V. 2 Sam. 22. 29. will I. my darkn. Ezra 9. 8. 1, eyes || Psal. 13. 3. /. mine eyes lest Luke 2. 32. a light to /. || Rev. 21. 23. glory did /. LIGHTEN. iSam. 6.5. 1, hand || Jonah 1.5.to Lit LIGHTER. lKin.12.4. yoke/. 9,10. 2Chr.l0.10. Ps. 62. 9. I. than vanity |j Isa. 49. 1 6. Ezek. 8.tl7. LIGHTEST, V. Num. 8. 2. when l. the lamps LIGHTETH. Deut. 19. 5. John 1. 9. LIGHTING. Isa. 30. 30. I. of arm|j Matt. 3. 16. LIGHTLY. Gen. 26.10./. lain || Isa. 9.1. afflicted Jer. 4. 24. hills moved /. |) Mark 9. 39. /. speak See Esteemed. LIGHTENED, p. Psal. 34. 5. looked and were /. Psal. 77. 18. /. world || Acts 27. 18. /. the ship, 38. Rev. 18. 11. the earth was /. with his glory See Enlightened. LIGHTNESS, s. Jer. 3.9./. of her vrhoredoms 23.32. to err by their /. || 2 Cor. 1. 17. did I use /. LIGHTENETH,v. Prov. 29. 13. Luke 17. 24. LIGHTENING, s. 2 Sam. 22. 15. he sent /. Job 28. 26. a way for /. || 37. 3. directeth his /. 38. 25. a way for /. f| Psal. 144. 6. cast forth /. Ezek. I. 13. went forth /. || 14. appearance of/. Dan. 10. 6. appearance of/. |) Nah. 3.,t 3. /.of spear Zee. 9. 14. his arrow shall go forth as the /. Matt. 24. 27. as /. cometh out of east, Luke 17. 24. 28. 3. countenance as /. || Luke 10. 18. Satan as /. LIGHTENINGS. Exod.l 9.1 6. thunders,/. 20.18. Job 37. 3. /. to the end || 38. 35. canst send /. Psal.18.14. shot out /. || 77.18. /. enlightened,97.4. 78. 1 48. flocks to /. j) 135. 7. he maketh /. for Jer. 10. 13. maketh /. 51. 16. l| Nah. 2. 4. like /. Zech.l0.tl.make/.||Rev.4. 5.|8. 5.| 11.19.|I6.18. LIGHTS, s. Gen. 1. 16. made two great /. the 1 Kings 6. 4. narrow /. || Psal. 136. 7. great /. Ezek. 32. 8. bright /. || Luke 12. S5. I. burning Acts 20. 8. many /. j| Pliil. 2. 15. shine as /. in Jam. 1.17. cometh down from the Father of/. LIGN- ALOES, The wood of aloes, Num. 24. 6. LIGURE. Exod. 28. 19. a /. an agate, 59. 12. It is the same tvith Jacinth. See Jacinth. LIKE, a. Ex. 15. 11. who is /. unto thee, Deut. 33. 29. 1 Kin. 8. 23. 2 Cbr. 6. 14. Psal. 35. 10. 30. 32. nor make any ointment /. it, 33, 38. .34. 1. tables /. first |j Num. 23. 10. end /. his Deut. 18. 15. prophet /. me, Acts 3. 22. | 7. 37. 29. 23. /. overtln-ow || 34. 10. not /. to Moses Josh. 10. 14. no day /. that || Judg. 13. 6. /. angel Judg. 16. 12. /. a thread II 17. /. another man Ruth 4. 11. /. Rachel, /.Leah|| 12. /. Pharez 1 Sam. 2.2. /. o«rG.|| 4.9. quit /.men, lCor.16. 13. 2 Sam. 7. 23. /. thy people || 22. 24. L hinds feet 1 Kings 3. 12. none /. thee [| 10. 20. not the /. ( 18. 44. /. a man's hand j| 20. 25, /. army lost 2 Kin. 14. 3. not/. David || 17. 15. not do /. them Job 5. 26. /. a shock of corn jj 10. 10. /. cheese 46 LIK Job 11. 12. 1, asses colt || 12. 2.5. ?.a drunken raau 14. 2. /. a flower || 15. 16. iniquity Z. water 16. 14. /. a giant || 20. 7. perish /. his dung 21. 11. /. a flock II 34. 7. /. Job || 36. 22. /. him 38. 3, /. a man || 40. 9. an arm /. God } or 41. 33. not his /. || 42. 8. /. my servant Job Psal. 1. 3. /. a tree II 4. 1, chaff || 7. 2. /. a lion 22. 14. heart /. wax || 31. 12. /.a broken vessel 37. 2. /. grass || 35. /. a green bay tree, yet 49. 12. /. the beasts, 20. |j 52. 8. /. olive-tree 55. 6. wings /. dove || 58. 4. /. the deaf adder 82. 7. die /. men || 89. 8. /. to thee, 113. 5. 92. 12. /. palm-tree, grow /. a cedar [j 102. 4. 102. 6. /. an owl |) 26. old /. a garment, as a 103. 13. /. as a father 1| 104. 2. /. a curtain 105.41./. a river II 109. 18. /.water,/, oil 115.8. /.to them, 135. 18. |Il47. 17. snow /.wool' Prov. 18. 19. /. bars || 23. 32. bitteth /. serpent 25. 28. /. a city broken j] 26. 4. lest /. to him Song 2. 9. /. a roe, 17. | 8. 14. || 3. 6. /. pillars 5. 13. lips /. lilies || 7. 7. I. a palm-tree and Isa. 1. 9. /. Gomorrah i| 18. sins red /. crimson 14. 10. art /. to us|| 14. be /. the most High 22. 18. toss /. a ball || 38. 14. /. a crane, or a 46. 5. we may be /. || 57. 20. /. troubled sea 58. 1. /. a trumpet || 59. 10. grope /. the bhnd 59. 19. /. a flood II 66. 12. peace to her /. a river Jer. 10. 16. Jacob not /. them || 17. 6. /. heath 23. 29. word /. fire || 26. 6. /. Sliiloh, 18. 29. 22. /.Ahabj|36.32. /. words||38. 9. /. to die Dan. 3. 25. /. Son of God, 7. 13. || 5. 21. /. oxen Hos. 4. 9. /. priest, /. people |j 14. 8. /. fir-tree Joel 2. 2. not been the /. || Amos 6. 5. /. David Matt. 3. 16. /. a dove, Mark 1. 10. Luke 3. 22. 6. 29. /. one of these ||11. 16. /. children sitting 13. 31. /. a grain of mustard |j 33. I. leaven 44. /. treasure || 45. /. a merchant || 47. /. a net 52. /. an housholder f| 22. 2. /. to a certain king 22. 39. second is /. to it || 23. 27, /. to whited Jolm7. 46. spake /. this man |I 9. 9. he is /. him Acts 8. 32. /. a lamb || 14. 15. /. passions || 17. 29. Rom. 1. 23. /. corruptible || 6. 4. /. as Christ was Phil. 3. 21. /. his glorious || 1 Thes. 2. 14. /. things Heb. 2. 17. /. his brethren, 4. 15. |1 7. 3. /.Son of G. Jam. 1. 6. /. a wave || 23. /. a man beholding his .5. 17. /. passions II 1 Pet. 3. 21. the /. figure 2 Pet. 1.1./. precious faith || 1 John 3. 2. be /.him Rev.1.13. /. Son of man, 14. 14. ||13.4. /.beast 13.11. /. a lamb Ij 16. 13. /.frogs [| 18. 18. /.this city LIKE Manner. Exod. 7. 11. | 23. 11. Deut. 22. 3. Judg. 11. 17. 1 Sam. 19. 24. Neh. 6. 5. Isa. 51. 6. Mark 13. 29. Luke 6. 23. | 20. 31. Acts 1.11. 1 Tim. 2.9. Jude 7. UKE-Minded. Rom. 15. 5. Phil. 2. 2, 20. None LIKE. Exod. 8. 10. | 9. 14, 24. Deut. 3.1. 26. 1 Sam. 10. 24. | 21. 9. 2 Sam. 7. 22.. 1 Kings 3. 12. 121.25. 2 Kings 18. .5. 1 Chr. 17. 20. Job 1. 8. I 2. 3. Psal. 86. 8. Isa. 46. 9. Jer. 10. 6, 7. | 30. 7. Dan. 1. 19. Such LIKE. Ezek. 18. 14. Mark 7. 8. Gal. 5. 21. LIKE, V. Deut. 25. 7. if man /. not to take her, 8. Rom. 1. 28. even as they did not /. to retain God LIKED, p. 1 Chr. 28. 4. sons of ray fath. he /. me LIKEN, V. Isa. 40. 18. to whom /. G 25. | 46. 5. Lam. 2. 13. 1 /. thee |t Matt. 7. 24. /. to a man Matt. 11.16. whereto /. Mark 4. 30. Luke 7. 31 . LIKENED, p. Psal. 89. 6. who can be /.to the L. LIN LIO Jer. 6. 2. 1 dau, of Zion Ij IMatt. 7. 26. 1, to foolish Matt. 1 3. 24. kingdom of lieaven is 1. 1 8. 2:3. | 25 . 1 . LIKENESS,s.signifies, [I] Form or representation Ezek. 1.5. [23 Jn imag-e of a person or thing; Isa. 40. 18. [3] Semblance, Gen. 5. 3. Gen. 1. 26. after our 1. 1| 5.5. Son in his own /. Exod. 20. 4. notniake the I. Dent. 4. 16, | b. 8. Vsal. 17. 1 12. ;. as a Uon || 17. 15. with thy I. Isa. 13. t 4. /. of a great people j| 40. 18. what I. Ezek. 1. 5. Z. of living creatnres, 10, 13,— 28.| 8. 2. 10. 21.L of hands II 19. 1 10. a vine in thy I. Actsl4.ll. gods in I. of men|| Rom. 6.5. l. of death Kom. 8. 3. 1, of sinful flesh || Phil. 2. 7. /. of man LIKETH, V. Dent. 23. 16. Esth. 8. 8. Amos 4. 3. LIKING, s. Job 39.4.good /. 1| Dan.l. 10. worse Z. LIKEWISE, ad. Dent. 12. 30. even so will I do /. 15.17. Shalt do;. 22.3. Judg.7. 17. Luke 3. 11. Matt. 18. 35. so /. 24. 33. | 26. 35. Luke 17. 1©. Luke 10. 37. go and do /. || 13. 3. shall I. perish, 5. Heh. 2. 14. himself i. took part of the same LIKHI, The son of Shemida, 1 Chr. 7. 19. LILY, s. It is a whiter tall, beautiful, fragrant, and medicinal jioivei; Matt. 6. 28. To which are compared, [1] Christy Song 2, 1. [2] The church. Song 2. 2, 16. Song 2. 1. 1, of vallies || 2. I. among thorns Hos. 14. 5. Israel shall grow as the I. and cast LILIES, s. 1 Kings 7. 26. flowers of Z. 2 Chr. 4. 5. Song 2. 16. fcedeth among I. 4. 5. | 6. 3. 5. 13. lips like I. \\ 6. 2. to gather I. |j 7. 2. with Matt.6.28. consider /. how thev grow,Lukel2.27. lAhY-Work. 1 Kings 7. 19, 22. LIME, s. Isa. 33. 12. 1| Amos 2. 1. bones into I. LIMIT, ED, /;. Psal. 78. 41. Ezek. 43. 12. LIMITETH, i\ Heb. 4. 7. he /. a certain day LINEAGE, s. Luke 2. 4. of the I. of David LINE, s. signifies, [1] A cord to measure, 1 Kings 7. 15. [2] Instruction, Psal. 19. 4. [3] A portion, Psal. 16. 6. [4] Doctrine, Isa. 28, 10. [5] Destruction, 2 Kings 21. 13. Josh. 2. 18.Z.ofscarlet, 21,|j 2 Sam. 8.2. one?. iKings 17.15. a ^. of 1 2 cubits|| 23. a L of 30 cubits 2Kin. 21.13. /. of Samaria II Job 38. 5. stretched/. Psal. 19. 4. I. is gone jj 78. 55. inheritance by I. Isa. 18.t2. anationof /. Z. ||28. 10. ?. upon/. 13. 28. 17. judgment to /. || 34. 11. /. of confusion 34. 17. divided by /. || 44. 13. it out with a /. Jer.31. sg.measuiing /. |) Lam. 2. 8. stretched /. Ezek. 40. 3. /. of flax || 47. 3. man had the /. in Amos 7. 17. divided by /. || Zech. 1. 16. j 2. 1. 2 Cor. 10. 16. not to boast in another man's /. LINES, s. 2 Sam. 8. 2. with two /. measured he Psal. 16. 6. the /. are fallen in pleasant places LINGERED, p. Gen. 19. 16. Lot /. || 43. 10. LINGERETH, v. 2 Pet. 2. 3. judgment /. not LINEN, 5. Exod. 28.42. make /.breeches tocov. Lev, 6. 10. /. garment, 13. 47,-59. | 16. 4, 23,32. Ezek. 44. 17, 18. 19. 19. mingled of/, and woollen, Dent. 22. 11. 1 Sam. 2. 18. /. ephod, 22. 18. 2 Sam. 6. 14. 1 Kings 10. 28. /. yarn [| Jer. 13. 1. /. girdle Matt. 27.59. /. cloth, Mark 14.51. John 19.40. Luke 24. 12. i clothes, 23. 53. John 20. 5, 6. Rev. 15. 6. white /. |) 19. 8. arrayed in fine /. LINTEL, S. Exod. 12. 22. strike tJie /. 23. 1 Kin. 6. 31. /• and posts || Amos 9. 1. snnte the /. Zeph. 2. 14. bittern shall lodjre in the upper /. LINUS, Nets. 2 Tim. 4. 21. LION, s. Is the king of beasts, the noise of whose roaring makes all the beasts of the forest tremble. It is the most majestic, bold, fierce, nimble, ge- nerous and grateful of all wild beasts. It often spares such as prostrate themselves before it ; sel- dom destroying women or children. If a man and. beast be offered at the same time, it spareth the man. " It hath various names in Scripture : " Sometimes it is called, Arjeh, i. e. a renter, " Psal. 7. 2. Labie, i. e. bold, courageous, " Psal. 57. 4. Kephir, i. e. lurking ; and " Schachal, i. e. of a ramping or fierce nature, " Psal. 91. 13. And Laish, i. e. of siibduing " his prey, Prov. 30. 30." Ainsworth on Psal. 7. 2. To which are compared, [1 "] Jesus Christ, Rev. 5. 5. [2] Judah, Gen. 49. 9. [3] The devil, 1 Pet. 5. 8. [4] Tyrants, 2 Tim. 4. 17. [5] Some pretended difficulties, Prov. 22. 13. Gen. 49. 9. Jjidah couched as a /. and as an old /. Num. 23. 24. as a young /. || 24. 9. as a great /. Dent. 33. 20. Gad dwelletli as a /. and teareth Jndg.l4.5. a /. rored || 18. what is stronger than /, lSam.17.34./. tookalamb||2Sam.l7.10.heartof 2 Sam. 23. 20. slew two /. like men, 1 Chr. 11. 22. 1 Kings 13. 24. a /. met him || 25. /. standing, 26. 20. 36. a /. shall slay thee : a /. found him Job 4. 10. roring of the /. || 11. old /. perisheth 10. 16. as a fierce /. 28. 8. || 38. 39. hunt for /. Psal. 7. 2. a /. renting II 10. 9. secretly as a /. 17. 12. a young /. lurking 1| 22. 13. a roring /. 91.13. shall tread on the /. the young /. and Prov. 19. 12. king's wrath as roring of a /. 20. ?. 22. 13. a /.in the way, 26. 13. || 28. 1. bold as a /. 30. 30. a /. which is strongest among beasts Eccl. 9. 4. a dead /. || Isa. 11.6. calf and young /. Isa. 11.7./. eat straw, 65. 25. || 21. 8. a /. my lord 29. 1 1. /.of God II 31. 4. like as young /. 30. 6. 35. 9. no /. be there || 38. 13. as a /. will he Jer. 2. 30. prophets like a /. \\ 4. 7. /. is come up 5. 6. a /. shall slay || 12. 8. heritage is as a /. 25. 38, covert as a /. || 49. 19. come like a /. Lam. 3. 10. to me as a/. || Ezek. 1. 10. faces a/. Ezek. 10. 14. face of a /. || 19. 3. a young /. 5, 6. 22. 25. like a roring /. || 32. 2. young /. 41. 19. Dan. 7. 4. hke a /. || Hos. 5. 14. be as a young /. Hos.ll. 10. rorelike a /,13.7,8.|| Joell.6.teethof /. Amos 3.4. will a /. rore, 8. || 12. mouth of the /. Mic. 5. 8. remnant of Jacob shall be as a /. among Nah. 2. 11. old /. walketh || 12. /. did tear in 2 Tim. 4. 17. mouth of/, || 1 Pet. 5. 8. a roring /. Rev. 4. 7. first beast like a /. || 5. 5. /. of Judah le. 3. as when a /. roreth|| 13. 2. as mouth of /. See Bear. LIONESS, ES, s. E?ek. 19. 2. Nah. 2. 12. LIONS, s. 2 Sam. 1. 23. were stronger than /. 1 Kings 7. 2Q. on borders were /. i| 36. graved L 10. 19. two /. stood beside stays, 2 Chr. 9. 18. 2 Kin. 17. 25. L. sent /. 26. (| 1 Chr. 12. S.faces off. Job 4. 10. teeth of young/. || 38. 39. appetite of /. Psal. 22. 21 .save me from /.|j 34. 10. /. do lack 35. 17. darling from /. || 57. 4. soul among /. 58. 6. teeth of young /. || 104. 21. young L rore Song 4. 8. /. dens [j Isa. 5. 29. rore hke young /. Isa. 15. 9. bring/, on him j| Jer. 2. 15. /. rored Jer. 50. 17. /. have driven || 51. SS.rore like /. E/ek. 19. 2. 1:\v auioiig /. 6. i| 38, 13. young /. LIT Dan. 6. 24. 1, had the mastery of them, 27, Nah.'2. 11. feeding place of young /. 13. Zech.11.3. Zeph.3.3. princes are Z.|)Heb. 11. 33. months of/. Kev. 9. 8. as the teeth of I \\ 17. as heads of I. See Den. LIONS Whelp, s. Gen. 49. 9. Dent. 33.22. Job 4. 11. I 28. 8. Jer. 51. 38. LIP, s. is put for, [1 ] Language, Gen.l 1 .f 1. [2] Tlie tongue, Vroy. 10. 19. [3] External and hypocritical profession of religiofi, Isa. 29. 13. Gen. ll.f 1. of one /. || Lev. 13. 45. covering on /. 1 Kin. 9.t26. /. of red sea || 2 Kin. 2.tl3. 1, of Jor. Psal. 22. 7. shoot out /. \\ Prov. 1 2. 19. I. of truth Ezek. 36.13. I. of tongue (| Mai. 3.t7, upper I. LIPS. Exod. 6. 12.of uncircumcised /. 30. Num. 30. 6. or uttered ought out of her /. 8. 12. iSam.l .13.her I. moved || 2 Kin. 1 8.t20. Isa. 36.t5. Psal. 12. 2. flattering I. 3. |) 4. our I. our own 17. 1. not feigned t. |j 31 . 18. lying L 120. 2. 69. 7. swords in I. 12. J) 63. 5. vt'ith joyful l. 140. 3. adders poison is under /. Rom. 3. 1 3. Prov.4.24. perverse /.|)5. 3. 1, ofa strange woman 7. 21. flattering of her 1. 1| 10. 13. in /. wisdom 10. 18. lying 1. 12. 22. | 17. 4, 7. Isa. 59. 3. 21. 1, of righteous lied, 32. j 16. 13. || 14. 3. 14. 7. not I. of knowledge || 23. talk of the /. 15. 7. /. of wise disperse |) 16. 10. I. of the king 16. 21. sweetness of I. |) 18. 6. a fool's I. enter 20. 15. i. of knowledge are a precious jewel 24. 2. 1, talk of mischief I j 26. 23. burning /. Eccl. 10. 12. 1, of a fool || Song 7. 9. /. to speak Isa. 6. 5. a man of unclean /. people of unclean I. 28. 11. stammering /. || 29. 13. with I. honour 57. 19. fruit of /. peace l)Lara. 3. 62. /. that rose Ezek 24. 22. not cover /. i| 36. 3. /. of talkers Hos. 14. 2. calves of/. |) Mic. 3. 7. cover their /. Mai. 2. 7. priests /. || Matt. 15. 8. honour with /. 1 Cor. 14. 21. other /. || Heb. 13. 15. fruit of/. His LIPS. Lev. 5. 4. Job 2. 10. | 11. 5. [ 23. 12. Psal. 21. 2. I 106. 33. Prov. 10. 19. i 12. l.S. I 13. 3. f 16. 23, 27, 30. | 17.28. | 18. 7, 20. 19. 1. I 20. 19. I 22. 11. I 24. 26. | 26.24. Song 5. 13. lea. 11.4. j 30, 27. Mai. 2. 6. 1 Pet. 3. 10. My LIPS. Job 13. 6. j 16. 5. | 27. 4. | .S2. 20. I 33. 3. Psal. 16.4. | 40. 9. | 51. 1.5. | 63. 3. I 66. 14. I 71.23. 1 89. 34. | 119. 13, 171. I 141. 3. Prov. 8. 6, 7. Jer. 17. 16. Dan. 1U16. Hab. 3. 16. Thy LIPS. Dent. 23. 23. 2 Kings 19. 28. Job 8.21. I 15. 6. Psal. 17. 4. | 34. 13. | 45. 2. Prov. 5. 2. 1 22. 18. 1 23. 16. \ 24. 28. | 27. 2. Song 4. 3, 11. Isa. 6. 7. Ezek. 24. 17. LIQUOR, s. Num. 6. S.jjSong 7. 2.wanteth not /. LIQUORS. Exod. 22. 29. oiier first of thv /. LISTED, p. Matt. 17.12. what they /.Mark9.13. LISTEN, u. Isa. 49. 1. I. O isles, unto me, and LISTETH, V. John 3. 8.|tlam. 5. 4. governor /. LITTERS, s. Tilted waggons, Isa. 66. 20. LITTLE, a. sisrnities, [I] ^4 small quant ity,^xod. 16. 18. [2] Few in yiumber, Luke 12. 32. [3] Modest, humble, 1 Sam. 15. 17. [4] A sho7t way or time^ Job 10. 20. [S"] Of small account. Josh. 22. 17. [6] rFt;a>^, Luke 12. 28. [7] Young, Esth. 3. 13. [8] Loit-, Luke 19. 3. Gen. 18. 4. let a /. water, 24. 17. Ij 30. SO. but a /. LIV 357 Gen. 35. 16. a /. way|)43. 2. a /.food j) 11. Z. balm Exod. 12.4. if houshold too /. |j 16. 18. gathered /. 23. 30. by Z. and I. I'll drive them, Deut 7. 22. Dent. 28. 38. gather but/, in, Hag. 1. 6, 9. Josh, 19. 47. coast too /. || 22. 17. iniquity too L Judg. 4. 19. a /. water to drink, 1 Kings 17. 10. 1 Sam. 2. 19. a /. coat [j 14. 29. I lasted a /. 43. 15. 17. thou wast /. jj 22.tl5. this/, or great 2 Sam. 12. 3. one /. ewe land |] 8. been too /. 1 Kings 8. 64. altar too /. (j 12. 10. my /. finger 17. 12. a /. oil in a cruse |l 13. make a /. cake 18. 44. a /. cloud jj 20. 27. two /. flocks of kids 2 Kings 5. 2. a /. maid || 10. 18. served Baal a /. Ezra 9. 8. a Z. reviving 1| Neh. 9. 32. not seem Z. Job 4. 12. received a /. \\ 10. 20. take comfort a /. 26. 14. how /. a portion || 36. 2. sutler me a /. Psal 2. 12. kindled a /. |) 8. 5. /.lower, Heb. 2. 7. 37. 16. a Z. a righteous man hath j| 42. t6. 65. 12. /. hills, 72. 3. j 114. 4. |) 68. 27. Z. BenJ. Prov. 6. 10. a Z. sleep, 24. 33. |( 10. 20. L worth 15. 16. better is a Z. 16. 8. || 30. 24. four are Z. Eccl. 5. 12. eat Z. || 9. 14. a /. city \\ 10. 1. Z. folly Song 2. 15. Z, foxes (| 3. 4. but a Z. |j 8. 8. Z. sister Isa. 26. 20. a Z. moment \\ 28. 10. here a Z. 13. 40. 15. a Z. thing |j 54. 8. in a L wnUh I hid Jer. SO.tlS. /. hill || Ezek. 11. 16. a Z. sanctuary Ezek. 16. 47. a very Z. thing || 31. 4. sent /. rivers Dan. 7. 8. Z. horn, 8. 9. || U. 34. with a Z. help Hos. 8. 10. sorrow a Z.||A.mos 6. 11. s.niite /.'house Mic. 5. 2. tho' Z. (I Hag. 1. 6. bring in /. 9. Zech. 1. 15. for I was but a /. displeased, and Matt. 6. 30. O ye of /.faith, 8. 26. Luke 12. 28. 14. 31. O thou of /. faith |j 15. 34. /. fishes 26. 39. a /. further || Mark 5. 23. my /. daughter Luke 7. 47. /. is forgiven || 12. 32. fear not /.flock 19. 3. /. of stature || 17. faithful in a /. have Acts 5. 34. out a /. space || 20. 12. not a /. conif. 28. 2. no Z. kindness || 1 Cor. .5. 6. a Z. leaven 2 Cor. 11.1. bear a /. |( 16. may boast myself a /, 1 Tim. 4. 8. profiteth /. |) 5. 23. use a /. wine Heb. 2. 7. made a /. lower than the angels, 9. Jam. 3. 5. a /. member || 4. 14. for a /. time 2 Pet.2.tl8. a /. escaped Ij Rev. 3. 8. a /. strength Rev.6.1 1. rest a /. season!j20. 3. loosed a /. season See Book, Chamber, Child. Gen. 19. 20. | 34. 29. | 43. 8. , 44. 20. I 46. 5. I 47. 24. | 50. 8, 21. Exod. 10. 10. Num.14. 31. 1 31. 9, 17. | 32. 16, 17. Deut. 2. 34. | 20. 14. Josh. 8. 35. Judg. 18. 21. 2 Sam. 15. 22. 2 Chr. 20. 13. | 31. 18. Ezra 8. 21. Esth. 8. 11. Job 21. 11. Psal. 137. 9. Isa. 60. 22. Jer. 14. 3. | 48. 4. Zech. 13. 7. Matt. 10. 42. ] 18. 6, 10, 14. Luke 17. 2. LITTLE while. Psal. 37. 10, LITTLE one, s 2 Chr. I£.t7. Job 24. 24. Isa. 10. 25. I 29. 17. | 63. 18. Jer. 51. 33. Hos. 1. 4. Hag. 2. 6. Luk« 22, 58. John 7. 33. j 12. 35. ] 1.3. 33. 1 14. 19. 1 16.16,18. I 17.19. Heb. 2.t7. | 10.37. LIVE,- a. Exod. 21. 35./. ox || Isa. 6. 6. a /. coal LIVE,?;, signifies, [i] To continue in life. Gen. 45. 3. [2] A maintenance f&r life, 1 Cor. 9. 13. [.3] To enjoy commimiomvith God, Ps-aI. 69. S2. [4] To have eternal life, John 14, 19. [5 j To be greatly comforted, Psal. 119. 175. t is taken, [1] Naturally, Gen. 9. 3. 2j Morally, Acts 23. I. ! 26. &. [3] Spi- LIV LIV ritually, to believe in Christ, Gal. 2. 20. [4] Wickedly, 2 Pet. 2. 6. [.5] Eternally, John 6. 51, 58. Rom. 6. 8. Gen. 3. 22. l. for ever || 12. 13. my soul shall l. 17. 18. Ishmael might L \\ 19. 20. soul shall l. 20. 7. tliou shalt I. Ij 27. 40. by thy sword I 42. 18. this do, and Z. || 45. 3. father yet /. Exod.1.16. if daughter then ;.j|33.20.see me and I. Ley. 18. 5. if a man do, he shall Z. Neh. 9. 29. Num. 21. 8. looketh, shalU. 1| 24. 23. who shall I. Dent. 4. 33. hear, and I. \\ 8. 3. by every word I. 12. 1. days ye Z. || 19. 5. flee to cities and I. 31. 13. as long as ye I. \\ 33. 6. let Reuben I. Josh. 6. 17. Rahab shall I \\ 9. 1 5. to let them I. 1 Sam. 10.124. let the king I 2 Sam. 16.tl6. a Kings 4. 7. /. thou of rest || 7. 4. we shall I. Job 7.t8. I can I. nolongerl|21. 7. Z. become old Psal.22. 26. heart shall Z. |1 49. 9. he should still Z. 63. 4. bless while I Z. |1 69. 32. Z. that seek God 72. 15. he shall Z. || 118. 17. 1 shall Z. 119. 144. 1 19. 175. let my soul Z. || 146. 2. while I Z. Prov. 4. 4. keep my commandments and Z. 7. 2. 9. 6. forsake foolish and Z. \\ 15. 27. hateth gifts Z. Eccl. 6. 3. if Z. many years, 6. || 9. 9. Z. joyfully Isa. 26. 19. thy dead men shall Z. together with 38. 16. make me to l. \\ 55. 3. thy soul shall Z. Jer. 21. 9. to Chaldeans shall Z. 27. 17. | 38. 2, 17. 38. 20, obey and Z. || Lam. 4. 20. we shall Z. Ezek. 3. 21. he shall surely 1 18.9. 1 33. 13,15,16. 16. 6. in thybloodZ.|| 18. 19. keep statutes Z. 22. 18. 24. shall he l.\\ 32. turn and Z. S3. 11. 33. 10. how shall we Z. )| 19- do right, he shall Z. ?7. 3. can these bones Z. || 5. ye sliall Z. 6, 14. 47. 9. every thing Z. whither river cometh Hos. 6. 2. Z. in his sight || Amos 5. 4. seek and Z. .lonah 4. 3. it is better for me to die than Z. 8. Hab. 2. 4. the just shall I. by his faith, Rom. 1.17. Matt. 4. 4. man not I. by bread alone, Luke 4.4. Luke 7. 25. Z. delicately"^|| 10. 28. this do, and Z. 20. 38. all Z. to him |1 John 5. 25. hear and Z. John 6. 57. eateth me, even he shall Z. by me 11. 25. tho' dead, yet Z. || 14. 19. because I Z. ye Acts 17. 28. we Z.and move jj 22. 22. we should Z. Rom. 6. 2. Z. any longer therein || 8. Z. with him 8. 12. not to I. after the flesh |j 13. ye shall Z. 10. 5. doth these shall I. by them, Gal. 3. 12. 12. 18. Z. peaceably || 14- 8. we I. to the Loud 1 Cor. 9. 13. Z. of things |j 14. Z. of the gospel 2 Cor. 4. 1 l.for we which Z. 1| 6- 9. behold, we Z. 7. 3. to die and Z.|jl3. 4. Z.with him||ll. Z. in peace Gal. 2. 14. to Z. as Jews 1| 19. 1 might Z. to God 20. 1 Z. yet not I, life I. I. I Z. by the faith 3. 11. the just shall Z. by faith, Heb. 10. 38. 5. 25. Z. in spirit || Phil. 1. 21. to Z. is Christ, 22. 1 Thes.3. 8. now we L J| 5. 10. Z. together with 2 Tim. 2. 11. also Z. with him || 3. 12. Z. godly Tit 2. 12. Z. soberly || Heb. 13. 18. I. honestly 1 Pet.2. 24. Z. to righteousness 1| 4. 6. Z. accord, to 2 Pet. 2. 6. Z. ungodly j) 18. them who Z. in error 1 John 4. 9. Z. thro' him j) Rev. 13. 14. beast didZ. As I LIVE. Num. 14. 21, 28. Job 27. 6. Psal. 104. 33. I 116.2. Isa. 49. 18. Jer. 22. 24. j 46. 18. Ez 35, 36. Nuifl. 4, 19. D^ut. 4. J, 42. Deut. 5. 33. [8. 1. 1 16. 20. | 30. 6, 16, 19. 2 Sara. 12. 22. 2 Kings 18. 32. Estli. 4. 11. Psal. 119. 17, 77, 116. Jer. 35. 7. Ezek. 37. 9. Amos 5. 14. Eph. 6. 3. iVo^LIVE. Gen. 31. 33. Exod. 19. 13. | ^2. 18. Deut. 8. 3. 2 Sam. 1. 10. 2 Kings 10. 19. I 20 1. Job 7. 16. Psal. 55. 23. Isa. 26. 14. I 38. 1. Ezek. 13. 19. | 18. 13. Zech. 13. 3. Matt. 4. 4. Luke 4. 4. | 12.129. Acts 7. 19 . 1 25.24. 128.4. 2 Cor. 5. 15. LIVED,p. Num. 21. 9. he beheld serpent, he Z, Deut. 5. 26. that heard the voice of God, and L 2 Sam. 19.6. if Absalom had Z-Ijl Kin. 12. 6. he yet Psal. 49. 18. tho' while he Z. he blessed hi* soul Ezek.37.10.and they Z.yLuke 2.36. she had Z. witU Acts23.1. 1, in good conscience 1| 26. 5. Z. a Pharisee Col. 3. 7. ye Z. in them 1| Jam. 5. 5. Z. in pleasure Rev.18.7. Z. deliciouslyl|20.4. 1, with C.||5.rest I. LIVELY, ad. Exod. 1.19. Hebrew women are Z. Psal. 38. 19. enemies are Z. \\ Acts 7. 38. Z. oracles 1 Pet. 1. 3. to a Z. hope || 2. 5. ye as Z. stones, are LIVER, s. Exod. 29. 13. caul above Z. Lev. 3.4. Prov. 7. 23. strike thro' his Z.||Lam.2.11. Z. poured Ezek. 21. 21. he consulted, he looked in the Z. LIVES, s. Gen.9.5. blood of your Z. will I require 45. 7. to save your Z. by||47. 25. hast saved our Z. Exod. 1. 14. Z. bitter II Josh. 2. 13. deliver our Z. Josh. 9. 24. we were sore afraid of our Z. because Judg. 5. 18. jeoparded their Z. |) 18. 25. lose the Z. 2 Sam.l. 23. lovely in Z.l)23. 17. jeopardy of their Z. Esth.9.l6.stood for their Z.||Prov. 1. l8.1urkforZ. Jer. 19.7. seek their Z. 46. 26. 1|48. 6. save you Z. Lam. 5. 9. peril of our Z.||Dan. 7. 12. Z. prolonged Luke 9. 50. Son is not come to destroy men's I. Acts 15. 26. hazarded their Z.|j27. 10. damage of Z. 1 John 3.1 6.1ay down our Z.|lRev.l2. 11. loved not Z. LI VEST, V. Deut. 12. 19. as long as thou Z.upon Gal. 2. 14. Z. after manner jj Rev. 3. 1. name thou Z. LIVETH, V. Gen. 9. 3. every thing that I. shall 16.tl4. will of him that Z. || Deut. 5. 24. and he Z. lSam.l.28.as long as he Z. 20.31. 1| 25.6. him that Z. 2 Sam. 2. 27. as God Z. || 15. 21. as the king I. 22. 47. the L. Z. blessed be my rock, Psal. 1 8. 46. 1 Kin. 3. 23. my son that Z.||17. 23. see, thy son Z. Job 19. 25. my'Redeemer Z.!|2r. 2. as God Z, who Psai.89.4S.whatman that Z.and shall not see death Jer.4. ^. shall swear, the L. Z. in truth, 5.2.|12. 16. 1 16. 14, 15.|23. 7, 8.144.26. Hos. 4. 15. Amos 3. 14. swear, and say, thy God, O Dan, Z. John 4. 50.sonZ.5l,53. II 11.26lZ. and believeth Rom. 6. 10. he Z. to God jl 7. 1. as long as he Z. 2. 7. 3. while husband Z. || 14. 7. none of us Z. to 1 Cor. 7. 39. as her husband Z.||2Cor.l3.4. yet he Z. Gal.2.20. Christ Z. in me || 1 Tim. 5.6. Z.in pleasure Heb. 7. 8. witnessed he Z. |1 25. seeing he ever Z. 9. 17. while testator Z.||Rev.l.l8. 1 am he that I. See For Ever. As the Lord LIVETH. Judg. 8. 19. Ruth 3. 13. 1 Sam. 14. 39, 45. 1 19- 6. | 20, 3, 21. | 25. 26, 34. I 26. 10, 16. | 28. 10. | 29. 6. 2 Sam. 4. 9. 1 12. 5. I 14. 11. I 15, 21. 1 Kings 1. 29. I 2. 24. 1 17. 1, 1 2, 1 18. 10, 15. 2 Kings 2. 2. 1 3. 14. I 5. 16, 20. 2 Chr. 18. 13. Jer. 38. 16. As thy Soul LIVETH. 1 Sam. 1. 26. 1 17. 55* I' 20. 3. I 25. 26. 2 Sara. 11. 11. | 14. l9. 2 Kings 2. 2. LIVING; p. signifies, [1] Qne who enJoy$ life. LOA 1 Kings 3. 22. [2] Continually springing and running^ Num. 19. 1 17. Song 4. 15. [3] A risen Christ yhiike 24.5. [4] The godly departed this life, Matt. 22. 32. [o] Spiritual, Rom. 12. 1. [6^ That tvhich opens to eternal life, Heb. 10. 20. [7'] The operations of the Spirit, John 4. 10. Gen.1.28./. thing, 6. 19.18. 1. Lev. 11. 10.120. 25. 2. 7. became a Z. soulj|3. 20. Eve mother of all I. 7. 4. every I. substance I will destroy, 23. 26.tl9. l. water, Num. 19. 17. \\ Lev. 13.tl0. Lev. 14. 6. /.bird, 7,53.|INum. 16.48. dead and Z. iluth2.20.kindn. to I. ||2Sam.20.3. 1, in widowhood 1 Kin. 3. 22. 1, is my son|| 25. divide I. child, 27. Job 12. 10. soul of every /. || 28. 13. land of the I. 28. 21. hid from all I. || 30. 23. appointed for I. 33. 30. to be enlightened with light of the I. Ps. 27. 13. land oil 52. 5.|116.9.|142.5, Isa.38.11. S8.tl9. enemies 1. 1| 56. 13. in light of the /. 58. 9. take them away /. || 69. 28. book of/. 143.2. no man /.justified || 145. 16. desire of/. Eccl.4. 2. more than the /. Ij 15. 1 considered /. 6. 8. walk before the /. || 7. 2. /. lay it to heart 9.4. a /. dog is better || 5. /. know they die Song 4. 15. a well of /. water, streams from Leb. Isa. 4. 3. written among /. |j 8. 19. /. to the dead iP.flO. /. things II 38. 19. the /. the /. praise 53. 8. land of/. || 57.+10. the /. of thy hand Jer. 2. 13. /. waters, 17. 13. |i 11. 19. land of the /. ]LBm. 3. 39. wherefore doth a /. man complain Ezek. 7.tl3. among the /. || 26. 20. in land of/. 32. 23. terror in land of/. 24, 25, 26, 27, 32. Dan. 2. 30. more than /. || 4. 17. /. may know Zech. 14. 8. /. waters shall go out from Jerusalem Matt. 22. 32. G. of the /. Mark 12. 27. Luke 20. 38. Mark 12. 44. all her /.|| Luke 8. 43. spent all her /. Luke 15, 12. divided his /. || 13. riotous /. 30. 24. 5. why seek ye the /. among the dead John 4. 10. /. water, 11. | 7. 38.|i6. 51. the /. bread 6.57. /. Father sent me |j Rom. 12. 1. /. sacrifice Rom. 14. 9. Lord of the /. || 1 Cor. 15. 45. a /. soul Col. 2. 10. /. in the world jj Tit. 3. 3. /. in malice Heb. 10. 20. new and /.way || 1 Pet. 2. 4. a /. stone Rev. 7. 17. /. fountains j| 16. 3. every /. soul died See BiRD, Creature, God. LIZARD, s. A small creeping creature. Lev. 11. SO. the /. snail, and mole unclean LO, i. denotes, [1] Matter of attention and con- sideration, Isa. 25. 9. Luke 13. 16. [2j Readiness, Psal. 40. 7. Heb. 10. 7. [3] Cer- tainty and affirmation, Ezek. 30. 9. [4J De- monstration of a thing present, Gen. 29. 7. LOADEN, p. Psal. 144.tl4. Isa. 46. 1. LOADETH,v. Psal. 68. 19- Ins with benefits LOAF, s. Exod. 39. 23. 1 Chr. 16. 3. Mark 8.14. LOAMMI, Not my people. Hos. 1. 9. LOAN, s. 1 Sam. 2. 20. /. lent to the Lord LOATH, see Lothe. LOAVES, 4-. 1 Sam. 17'. 17. ten /. || 25. 18. 200 /. 1 Kings 14. 3. take ten /.|| 2 Kings 4. 42. twenty /. Matt. 14.17. five /. 19. Mark 6. 38. Luke 9. 13. 15. 34. how many /. 36. Mark 6. 38. | 8. 5, 6. 16. 9. nor remember the /. of the 5000, 10. Mark 6. 44. eat of/, were 5000 1| 52. miracle of/. Luke 11.5. lend me three /.|iJohn 6. 9. five barley /. John 6. 11. Jesus took the /. 13. jj 26. did eat of /. Wave LOAVES. Lev. 23, 17. bring two - /. LOF 35^7 LOCK, s. Song 5. 5. handles of /. || Ezek. 8. 3. LOCKS, s. Num. G. 5. let the /. of the hair grow Judg. 16. 13. if thou weavest the seven /. 19. Neh.-S. 3. set up doors and /. thereof, 6, 13, 14, 15. Song 4. 1. within thy /. 3. |j 5. 2. /. are filled 5. 11. his /. are bushy || 6. 7. temples within thy /. Isa. 47. 2. uncover thy /.||Ezek. 44. 20. /. to grow See Bars. LOCKED, p. Judg. 3. 23. Ehud /. them, 24. LOCUST, S,s. signifies, [1] A vile insect of the fly kind, ivhose nature is to he tna)iy together^ hence vast multitudes arc resembled by them,Naii, 3. 1 5. /w Arabia, and othtr countries that are infested by them, they come in. great numbers on their corn when ripe, and what they eat jwt they infect icith their touch and the moisture coming from them; and afterwards dying in vast num- bers, they poison the air and cause a pestilence. By them God plagued the Egyptians, Exod- 10. 14. [2] A harmless creature, which might be eaten. Lev. 11. 22. Matt. 3.4. [3] Authors and teachers of false doctrines. Rev. 9. 3. Exod. 10.4. I'll bring /. 12, 13, 14.||19. not one /. Lev. 11. 22. /. after his kind, and bald /. eat Dent. 28. 38. the /. shall consume it, 42. 1 Kings 8. 37. if there be in the land /. 2 Chr. 6.2S. 2 On-. 7. 13. if I command the /. to devour land Ps.78.46. labour to /. 1 05. 34.|)109. 23. tossed as /. Prov. 30. 27. /. have no king ||Isa. 33. 4. running of Joel 1.4. the /.eaten, 2. 25.|jNah. 3. 15. many as /. Nah. 3. 17. crowned are as the /. and thy captains Matt. 3. 4. his meat /. and wild honey, Mark 1 . 8. Rev 9. 3. came out /. j| 7. shapes of the /. like LiOT), Nativity, ov generation. Neh. 7. 37. LODEBAR, ^ j>/a6-e. 2 Sam. 9. 4, 5. ] 17. 27. LODGE, s. Isa. 1 . 8. left as a /. in a garden of LODGE, f. Gen. 24. 23. room for us to /. in, 2.5. Num. 22. 8. /. here this night, Josh. 4. 3. Judg. 19. 13. to /. in Gibeah || 20. /. not in street Ruth 1. 16. where thou lodgest I will /.thy people 2 Sam. 17. 8. not /.with people||16. /. not this night Neh. 4. 22. /. within Jerus. |j 13. 21. why /. ye Job 17.12. my eye/.|| 24. 7. naked to /. 31. 52. Psal. 25. 1 13. his soul /. |) gi.fl. /. under shadow Song 7. 11. /. in villages|)Isa. 21. 13. forest of Ar. Isa. 65. 4. /. in monuments, and eat swincs flesh Jer. 4. 14. vain tlionnhts/.{|Zeph. 2. 14. beasts /, Matt. 13. 32. birds /.^Mark 4. 32. || Acts 21. 16. LODGED, p. Gen. 32. 13. Jacob /. there, 21. Josh. 3. 1. Israel /. there || 4. 8. where they /. 6. 1 1. /. in the camp||8.9. Joshua /. among people Judg. 18.2. house of Micah and /.||19. 4. /. there, 7. 1 Kin.l 9. 9. into a cave and l.\\l Q\\y. 9. 27. /. round Neh. 13. 20. /. withoutjjlsa. 1. 21, righteousness /. Acts 10. 18. Simon /. there, 23. |)28. 7. Publius /. us 1 Tim. 5. 10. if she hath /. strangers, itshe have LODGEST, V. Ruth 1.16. wh.cre thou /. Pli lodge LODGETH. Acts 10. 6. he /. with one Simon LODGING, S. Josh. 4. 3. | 19. 15. 2 Kin. 19. 23. Isa. 10. 29. I. at '^-eba || Jer. 9. 2. 1 had a /. place Acts 28. 23. carac'to his l\\ Philcm. 22. prepare a /. LOFT,s. A chamber. 1 Kings 17. 19. Acts 20. 9- LOFTY,a. Psal. 131. 1. nor mine eyes /. neitlier Prov.30.13.O, how/.|iIsa. 2. 11./. looks, 12.i5.i5. Isa. 26. 5. /. citv II S7. 7. /.mountain |j 15. /. One LOFTILY, nd. Psal. 73. 8. they speak /. LOFTINESS, s. I?a. 2. 17. 1, of man, Jer.43.2| LON LOO LOG, s. An Hebrew measure^ containing half a pint, Lev. 14. 10, 12, 15, 21, 24. L01N8,«. is put for, [I] The whole man. Job 31. 20. Acts 2. 30. [2] The mind, 1 Pet. 1. 13. Gen. 35. 11. out of thy I. 46. 26. Exod. 1. 5. 37. 34. and Jacob put sackclotU on his /. Exod. 12. 11. /. girded || 28. 42. breeches from I. Deut.33.1 1. snnite thro'/.|j2 Sam.20. 8. fastened on 1 Kin. 2. 5. girdle about his /. || 8. 19. forth of thy /. 12. 10. thicker than my father's l. 2 Chr. 10. 10. 18. 46. Elijah girded his/. I) 20. 31. sackcloth on 2 Kin. 1.8. girdle about /. Matt. 3. 4. Mark 1. 6. 4. 29. gird up thy /. 9. 1 . Job 38. 3.140. 7. Jer. 1.17. Job 12. 18. /. of kings||40. 16. strength in his I. Psal. 38. 7. /. are filled || 66. 11. affliction on I. 69. 23. make their I. continually to shake Prov. 30.131. girt in I. \\ 31. 17. she girdeth her I Isa. 5. 27. girdle of ^ loosedfjll. 5. girdle of his t. 20. 2. from off thy /. || 21. 3. I. filled with pain 32. 11. gird sackcloth on 1. 1| 45. 1. /. of kings Jer. 13. 1. put it in thy /. || 11. cleaveth to the /. .SO. 6. hands on I. \\ 48. 37. on I. be sackcloth Ezek. 1. 27. his /. upward, 8. 2. || 9.t2. on his I. 21. 6. breaking of/. 1|23. 15. girdles on their l. 29. 7. 1, at a stand \\ 47. waters were to the I. Dan. 5. 6. I. were loosed || 10. 5. 1- were girded Amos 8. 10. sackcloth on /. || Nah. 2. 1. l. strong Nah. 2. 10. pain is in all I. \\ Luke 12. 35. 1, girded Acts 2. 30. of his l. raise || Eph. 6. 14. I. girt with Heb.7.5. /. of Abra. 10.||lPet. 1. 13. gird up the/. LOIS, Better. 2 Tim. 1. 5. grand-mother L. LONG, a. Gen. 48. 15. ie^ me all my life /. Exod. 19. 13. soundeth /. 19.1J20. 2. days may be /. Num. 9.19. cloud tarried /.IJDeut. 1.6. dwelt). 2. 3. Dent. 4. 25. remained /. || 14. 24. if way be too /. 19. 6. way is /.1|28. 59. plagues of/, continuance Josh. 6. 5. a /. blast II 9. 13. of the very /.journey 24. 7. ye dwelt /.|)2 Sam. 3. 1- was/, war between 1 Kin.3.11. not asked /. life||2Chr.l5.3.a /.season Psal. 91. 16. with /. life || 95. 10. forty years /. 120. 6.1. dwelt jl 129. 3. /. furrowsl)l43. 3. /. dead Prov. 3. 2. /. life add|) 7. 19. gone a /.journey 23. 30. /. at the wine || 25. 13. by /. forbearing Eccl. 12. 5. /. home || Isa. 65. 22. elect /. enjoy Jer. 29. 28. captivity is /. || Lam. 2. 20. a span /. Ezek. 17. 3. /. winged||31. 5. branches /. [j 44. 20. Dan. 10. 1. time was /. || Hos. 13. 13. not stay /. Matt. 11. 21. repented /. ago in sackcloth and 23. 14. 1, prayers, Mark 12. 40. Luke 20. 47. Mark 12. 38. go in /. clothingj| 16. 5. a /. garment Lnke 18. 7. tho' he bear /.||23. 8. of a /. season Acts 20. 9. /. preaching || 27. 14. not /. after, 21. J Cor. 11. 14. /. hair, 15. || Eph. 6. 3. live /. I Tim. 3. 15. if I tarry /. |j Jam. 5- 7. /. patience See Ago. 4s LONG 05. Lev. 1 8. 1 9. [ 20. 34, 39. Num. 9. 18. Deut. 12. 19. | 31. 13. 1 Sam. 1. 28. 120.31. I 25.1.'>. 2 Chr. 26.5. ] 36.21. Psal. 72, 5, 17. I 104. S3. I lie- 2. Ezek. 42. 11, Matt. 9. 15. John 9. 5. Rom. 7. 1. 1 Cor. 7. 39. Gal. 4. 1. 1 Pet. 3. 6. 2 Pet. 1.13. See Cubits, Day, Hour. Sf> LONG. Judg. 5. 28. 1 Sam. 29. 8. 2 Kings 9.22. 2Chr. 6. 31. Esth. 5. 13. Job 27. 6. Ps.72. 7. Luke 1.21. Kom.7. 2. Heb. 4. 7. LONG Time. Gen. 26. 8. Num. 20. 15. Deut. 20. 19. Josh. 11. 18. I 23. 1. 1 Sam. 7. 2, 2 Sam. 14. 2. 2 Chr. 30. 5. Isa. 42. 14. Lam. 5. 20. Matt. 25. 19. Luke 8. 27. [ 20- 9. John 5. 6. 1 14. 9. Acts 8. 11. ] 14. 3,28. 2 Pet. 2. 3. LONG while. Acts 20. 1 1 . Paul talked a /. - Long, r. Job3. 21. /.for death, 6. 8. Rom. 1. 1 1. 1 /. to see you, 2 Cor. 9. 14. Phil. 1.8? LONGED, p. 2 Sam. 13. 39. David /. 23. 15. Psal. 119. 40. I have /. after thy precepts, 131. 174. I have /. for thy salvation, O Lord Phil. 2. 26. he /. after you all |! 4. 1. and /. for LONGEST, t\ Gen. 31. 30. thou sore /. after LONGER, «. Exod. 2. 3. she could not /.hide him 9. 28. ye shall stay no /. || Judg. 2. 14. not /. stand 2 Sam. 20. 5. he tarried /.1|2 Kin. 6. 33. 1 wait any Z. Job 7.t8. 1 can /. no /. || 11. 9. /. than the earth Jer. 44. 22. no /. bear |) Luke 16. 2. no /. steward Acts IS. 20. to tarry /. || 25. 24. not to live /. Rom. 6. 2. live any /. \\ Gal. 3. 23. no /. under lThes.3.1.no /. forbear, 5.||l Tim. 5. 23. drink no /. 1 Pet. 4. 2. no /. live rest jl Rev. 10. 6. time no /. LONGETH,?;. Gen. 34.8". my son/.yDeut. 12. 20. Psal. 63. 1. my flesh /. for thee |1 84. 2. soul /. LONGING, p. Deut. 28. 32. eyes tail with /. for Ps. 107. g.satisfieth the /. j| 1 19. 20. breaketh for /. \A)^(j-Suffering. Exod. 34. 6. Lord G. gracious, /. - Num. 14. 18. Psal. 86. 15. 2 Pet. 3. 9. Jer. 15. 15. O Lord, take me not away in thy /.- Rom. 2. 4. riches of /. - |j 9. 22. with much /.- 2 Cor. 6. 6. bv /. - 1| Gal. 5. 22. joy, peace, /. - Eph. 4. 2. with /. - 1| Col. 1. 11. to all /. - with Ccl. 3. 12. put on, as the elect of G. meekness, /.- 1 Tim. 1.16. shew all /. - 1| 2 Tim. 3. 10. faith, /. - 2 Tim. 4. 2. rebuke, exhort with all /. - and doct. 1 Pet. 3. 20. /.- of God||2 Pet. 3. 15. /.- is salvation LOOK, S, s. Psal. 18. 27. down high /. 101. 5. Prov. 6. 17. hateth a proud /. || 21. 4. high /. is sin Isa. 2. 11 . lofty /. ofman||10. 12. glory of his high /. Ezek. 2. 6. nor dismayed at /. 3. 9.||Dan. 7. 20. LOOK, V. signifies, [1] To behold, Deut. 28. 32. [2] To consider, Lev. 13. 5. [3] To expect, Isii. 8. 17. [4j To believe and trust in, Isa. 45. 22. Gen. 13. 14- /. fromplace|jl5. 5. /.towards heaven 19. 17. /. not behind||40. 7. /. ye so sadly to day 41 . 33. 1, out a man jj 42. 1. why /. ye one on Exod. 10. 10. /. to itl|25. 20. faces /.one to another Lev. 13. 39. priests shall /.if the spots, 53. | 14.3. Deut. 9. 27. /. not to stubbornness||28. 32. eyes /» 1 Sam. 16. 12. goodly to /.toll 1 1^'"- 18.43. /. to sea 2 Kin. 3. 14. not /. towards thee||6. 32.|9. 2.|10. 3. 14. 8. come let us /. one another in the face 1 Chr. 12. 17. the God of our fathers /. thereon Job 3. 9. let it/.forlightjl 5.tl. to which of saints /. 20. 21. no man /.||2l.t5./. tome||35.5. /. toheav. Psal. 5. 3. I'll /. up II 40. 12. 1 am not able to /. Prov. 4. 25. /. right onlj 27. 23. /. well to herds Eccl. 12. 3. /. out of windows || Song 4. 8. /. from Isa. 8. 17. I'll /. for him jj 21. and /. upwards 17. 7. /. to his maker || 8. not /. to the altars 22. 4. /. from me jj 8. didst /. to the armour 31. 1 . /. not to holy One jj 42. 1 8. /. ye blind 45. 22. /. and be saved 1| 51. 1. /. to the rock .51.2. /. to Abraham || 56. 11. /. to own way 59. 11. /. for judgment |j 66. 2. to this man /. Jer. 13. 16. /. for light \\ 39. 12. /. well to him 40. 4. I'll /. well to thee || 46. 5. /. not back LOO Ezek. 23. 15. princes to I. toj|29. 16. ?.afterthera Hos. 3.1. I. to other godsjIJonah 2. 4. I'll /. again Mic. 7. 7. I'll /. to the L.||Nah. 2. 8. none /. back Matt. 11. 3. or do we /. for another, Luke 7. 19. Mark 8. 25. made him I. \\ Luke 21. 28. then /. up John 7. 52. search and I. \\ Acts 6. 3. 1, out seven Acts 18. 15. /. ye to it || l Cor.l6. 11. I /. for him 2 Cor. 3. 13. stedfastly /. || 4. 18. 1, at thinsrs seen Phil. 3. 20. 1 for Saviour jjHeb. 9. 28. /. forhim 1 Pet. 1. 12. which the angels desire to /. into 2 Pet. 3. 13. I- for new heavens and earth, 14. 2 John 8. /. toyourselveSjjRev. 5. 3. /. thereon,4. LOOK down. Deut. 26. 15. Z. - from thy holy Ps. 80. 14. /.- behold, visitj|85. 11. righteousness L- Isa. 63. 15. /.-from heaven, and behold, Lara.3.50. LOOK oriyOv upon. Gen. 9. 16. 1 12. 11. ] 24. 16. Exod. 3. 6. I 5. 21. I 39. 43. Lev. 13.3,-50. 1 14. 48. Num. 15.39. Judg. 7. 17. 1 Sam. 1. 11. I 16. 7. 2 Sam. 9. 8. | 11. 2. | 16. 12. 2 Chr. 24. 22. Esth. 1. 11. Job 6. 28. ] 40. 12. Psal. 22. 17. i 25. 18. | 35. 17. j 84. 9. I 119. 132. I 142. t 4. Prov. 4. <25. \ 23. 31. Song 1. 6. i 6. 13. Isa. 5. 30. j 8. 22. | 14. 16. j 33. 20. !66. 24. Mic. 4. 11. Nah. 3. 7. Hab. 1. 13. I 2. 15. Zech. 12. 10. Luke 9. 38. John 4.35.] 19. 37. Acts 3. 4. 2 Cor. 10. 7. Phil. 2. 4. Rev. 4. 3. LOOKED, p. Gen. 6. 12. God I. on the earth 18. 16. /.toward Sodom||l9. 26. his wife /. back LOR TTJ I 29. 32. L. hath /. 40. 6. Joseph I. lis way and that way Gen. 26. 8. 1, out at window 39. 23. 1, not to any thing | Exod. 2. 1 1. Moses 1\\12. 1. 1 25. God I. on Israel, 4. 31. Deut. 26. 7. 14. 24. L. I. on hostl|53. 8. people I. after Moses Num. 12. 10. /. on Miriami|l6. 42. l. to tabernacle 25. 20. he l. on Amalek || 21. he Z. on Kenitcs Josh. 8. 20. men of Ai l.[\ Judg. 5.28. mother I. Judg. 6. 14. Lord /. on him || 13. 19. Manoah L 20. 1 Sam. 6. 19. 1, into the ark ||9. 16. I /. on my p. 14. 16. watchmen of Saul || 16. 6. /. on Eliab 17. 42. Philistine L about |) ii. 8. Saul /. behind 2 Sam. 2. 20. Abuer /. 1| €. 16. MichalZ. (| 22. 42. 1 Kings 18. 43. Elijah's servant went up and /. 2 Kings 2. 24. Elisha I. on them |j 6. 30. people I. 9. 30. Jezebel /. |/ 14. 11. Z. one another in 2 Chr. 13. 14. Judah I. back \\ 26. 20. 1, on him Esth. 2. 15. all who I. on her || Job 6. 19.Tema. i Ps. 14. 2. L. L to see, 53. 2.||34. 5. they /. to him 102. 19. he hath /. down || 109. 25. when they I. Song 1. 6. sun hath /. || Isa. 5. 2. I. for peace Isa. 5. 7. 1, for judgment |j 22. 11. 1, not to maker 64. 3. we I. notforyjer. 8. 15. /. for peace, 14. 1 9. Lam. 2. 16. day we /. for |1 Ezek. 10. 11. head l. Ezek. 16. 1 4. when 1 1, on thee || 21. 21. Z. in hver Dan. 1. 13. countenances be /. on before thee Chad. 12. not I. on the day of thy brother, i3. Hag. I. 9. ye I. for much j| Mark 3. 5. 1, rouud Maik 6. 41. he l. up to heaven \\ 8. 24. | 1 6. 4. Luke 1. 25. Lord L on mei|2. 38. 1, for redemption 10. 32. Levite I. onhim||22. 61. Lord /. on Peter John 13. 22. then the disciples I. one on another Acts 1. 10. I. stedfastly |] 28. 6. I. a great while Heb. 11. 10. /. for acitvjil John 1. 1. Z. on, declare LOOKED with Etjes.' Gen. .53. 1. ! 37. 25. Dan. 10. 5. Zech. 2.1. I 5. 9. | 6. 1. I LOOKED. Gen. 16. 13. Deut. 9. 16. Job 50. 20. Pial. C'j. -ZO. I 142. 4. Piov. 7. G. I 24. 32. Eccl. 2. 11. Isa. 5. 4. j 63. 5. Ezek. 1. 4. 1 2. 9. I 8. 7.| 10. 1, 9. I 44. 4. Dan. 12. .5. Zech. 4. 2. Acts. 22. 13. Rev. 4. 1. j 6. 8. i 14. 1, 1*. I 15.5. LOOKEST. Job 13. 27. Hab. 1. 13. LOOKETH. Lev. 13. 12. where the priest L Num. 21. 8. 1, on serpent (| 20. Pisgah /. 2.3. 28. 1 Sam. 16. 7. man /. on the outward appearance Job 7. 2. as hirehng I. || 28. 24. he /. 33. 27. Psal. 33. 13. the L^/. from heaven, 14. | 104.32. Prov. 14. 15. prudent L well to his goings, 3l. 27- Song 2. 9. he /. forth |j 6. 10. who is she that L 7. 4. /. toward Damascus \\ Isa. 28. 4. he /. on it 11. 1. /.eastward. 46. 1, 12- I 47. 2, Ezek. 8. 3. /. to north, 40. 20. [ 40. 6, 22. ( 43. I. I 44. 1. Matt. 5. 28. I. to lust \\ 24. 50. when lie L riot for Jam. 1. 25. whoso l. into perfect law of liberty LOOKING,/^. lKings7.25.threeoxenZ. to north 1 Chr. 15. 29. ]ilichal Z.||2 Chr. 4.4. three oxen L Isa. 38. 14. fail with I. upji'Matt. 14. 19. /. up to h. Mark 7. 34. /. up, he sighed j| 15. 40. 1, on afar off Luke 6. 10. 1. roundj|9. 62. l. backl|21. 26. L after John 1 3. 6. John l. on Jesus j] 20. 5. I. in, saw Acts 6. 15. Z. stedfastly |] 23. 21. 1, for a promise Tit. 2. 13. /. for that blessed hope and appearance Heb. 10. 27. fearful Z.|| 12. 2. 1, to Jesus tlie 12. 15. 1, diligently, lest any fail of the grace of G- 2 Pet. 3. 12. /. for coming |j Jude 21. I. for mercy LOOKING Glass, es, s.lExod. 38. 8. Job 37. 18- LOOPS. Exod. 26. 4, 5, 10, 11. I 36. 11, 12, 17. LOOSE, a. Gen. 49. 21. Napthah a hind let l. Lev. 14.7. bird Z.JlJob 6.9. /. his hand|;30. 11. bridle Isa. 14. 1 17. not prisoners/, jj Dan. 3. 25. 4 men /L LOOSE, r. signifies, [l] To unbind, John 11. 44. [23 To open, Rev. 5. 1. [5] To put off:, Josh. 5. 15. [4] To remit, Matt. 16. 19. [5} To set sail. Acts 13. 13. [6] To set at liberty, Psal. 105. 20. Deut. 25. 9. 1, shoe, Josh. 5. 15. Acts 13. 25. Job 38. 31. I. bands of Orion] jPs. 102. 20. /. those Isa. 20. 2. /. sackcloth || 45. 1. I'll I. loins of kings 52. 2. O Jerusalem, I. \\ 58. 6. /. bands of wick. Jer. 40. 4. 1, thee this day || Matt. 16. 19. i on earth Matt. 21. 2. and colt, /."Mark 11. 2. Luke 19. 30. John 11 . 44. Jesus said, /. hini||Acts 24. 26. /. Paul Rev. 5, 2. /. the seals, 5. || 9. 14- /. the four angels LOOSED, p. Exod. 28. 28. breast plate be not /. Deut. 25. 10. his shoe /.jjjudg. 15. 14. his bands L. Job SO. 11. /. my cord jj 39. 5. I. the wild ass? Ps. 10.5. 20. king sent and /.||116. 16. /. my bands Keel. 12. 5. silver cord /. 1| Isa. 5. 27. nor girdle /. Isa. oS. -23. tacklings I. |I 51. 14. exile may be /. Jer. 6. t 8. lest niy soul be /.j|Ezek. 23.tl7. mind '. Dan. 5. 6. loins /.JlMatt. 16. 19. /. on earth,18. 18. Matt. 18. 27. /.iiim j) Mark 7. .35. tongue was /. Luke 13. 12. woman, thou art/, from infirm. 16, Acts 2.24. /.pains of deat}ij!l3. 13. /. from Paphos 16. 26. bands were /. 22. 30. || 27. 21. not /. Rom. 7. 2. she is /. j| 1 Cor. 7. 27. art /. from wife Rev. 9. 15. angels were /. 1| 20. 3. /.a little, 7. LOOSETH. 2 Sam. 22.t33.Job 12. 18. Ps. 146. 7. LOOSING. Mark 11.5. /. the colt. Luke 19. 33. Acts 16. 11. /. fromTroasJI 27. 13. /. thence LOP, r. Isa. 10. 33. Lord shall /. the bough with LORD, s. In Hebrew, Adonai, /. e. my stays, or pillars. Gen. 15.2. Being fitly applied to the [ iJne Divine persons, [l] To tJm Father^ Gtu, LOR LOR 2. 4. [2] The Son, Psal. J 20. 1. [3] The Holy Spirit, 2 Thes. 3. 5. Because they sup- port and uphold the kinsi^doms of nature, grace and glory, Dent. 33. 27. Heb. 1. 3. It is also applied to kings, Gen. 40. 1. princes and nobles, Gen. 42. 10, 30. Acts 25. 26. Tyrants, Isa. 26. 13. 1 Pet. 5. 3. /f is a ivord of rever- ence and respect, and is applied, []1] To an hus- band, Gen. 18. 12. [2] To a master, John 15. 15. [3] To prophets, I Kings 18. 7. [4] Toper- sons of tvorth and merit. Gen. 24. 18. Gen. 18. 4. too hard for l.^] 24. 40. l. vvill send 26. 28./. was with thee !| 28. 21. l. be my God 39. 2. and the I. was with Joseph, 21. 23. Exod. 5. 2. who is the l. ? \\ 8. 24. 1, did so and 9. 29. earth is tlie L Psal. 24. 1. 1 Cor. 10. 26. 10. 10. 1, be so witii you || 13. 12. male be /. 30. 37. holy for the 1. 1) 32. 26. who on I. side Lev. 3. 16. tat is the I. \\ 16. 8. one lot for I. 25. 4. Num. 14. 14. thou /. art among, thou /. art seen 43. I. will not be with yon 1| 18. 6. gift for I. 22. 19. what I. will say |) 23. 26. all I. speaks 24. 1 1. 1, kept thee back || 31. 60. oblation for /. 39. 12. they have followed the I. Dent. 1. 36. Deut. 4. 35. know the I. he is G. 39. 1 Kin. 18. 39. 10. 14. heaven is the t'. (| 17. 1, of lords 29. 2. 1, did in Egypt || 4. I. not given heart 24. 1, done thus to land ? 1 Kin. 9. 8. 2 Chr. 7. 21. 31.4. /. do to them j) 32. 6. thus requite the l. Deut. 32. 30. except/, had shut||33. 29.savedby Josh. 3. n. even /. of all the earth passeth over 10. 25. I. do to enemies || 14. 12. if/, be with Judg. 1. 19./. was with Judah,22. j| 2. 10. 4. 14, is not /. gone ? || 6. 13. if /. be with us 11. 31. surely be the/, (| 17. 13. /. do me good Ruth. 1. 17. 1, do so to me and, 1 Sam. 20. 13. 2. 4. /. be wathyou, 2 Chr. 20. 1 7. 2 Thes. 3. 16. 1 Sam. 2. 2. none holy as the /. || 8. pillars /. 3. 18. it is the /. |f 19. /. w^as with him, 12. 12. 16. this great thing which /. will do 17. 37. /. be with thee, 20. 13. 1 Chr. 22. II, 16. 20. 23. /. between me and thee, 42. 2 Sam. 7. 24. /. art become their God,lChr. 17.22. 10. 12. /• do what seemeth good, I Chr. 19. 13. 1 Kings IS. 21. if the /. be God follow him 2 Kings 6. 27. if /. do not help [| 33. w^ait for /. 10. 16. zeal for the /. i[ 18. 25. without the /. ? 1 Chr. 16. 25. for creat is the /. Psal. 48. 1.|145. 3. 17. 26. now /. tliou art God[|2 Chr. 19. 6. judge 2 Chr. J9- 11. /. be with the good||33. 13. knew /. Neh. 9. 6. even thou art /. alone, Isa. 37. 20. Psal. 4. 3. /. set apart||33. 1 2. whose God is the /. 35. 10. bones say /. jj 45. 1 1. he is thy /. 66. 18. /. will not hear |[ 86. 5. /. art good 92. 8. thou /. art most high for ever, 97. 9- 100. 3. /. he is God \\ 109. 27. thou /. done it 116. 5. gracious is the /. || 118. 23. /. doings 118. 27. God is the /. \\ 124. 1. not been the 1.2. 130. 3. if then /. || 132. 5. tind a place for /. Prov. 24. 18. lest /. see it || 30. 9. who is the /. ? Isa. 10. 20. stay on the /.|jl9. 21. /.known to Egypt 33. 21. /. a place of rivers || 42. 24. did not /. 44. 23. /. hath done it || 52. 12. /. go before you Jer. 2. 6. where is the /. 8. || 5. 10. are not the /. 8. 19. is not/, in Zion? [| 16. 21. name is the /. , 23. 6. called, tlie /. our rishteousness, 33. 16." 31. 31. saying, know tl^c-/. Hcb. S. 11. 50. 7. /. the hope || 51. 50. remember the I. Lam. 3. 31. /. not castofF||50. till /. look down Ezek. 35 10. /. was there (1 Dan. 2. 47. /. of kings Dan. 9. 17. cause thy face to shine for/, sake Hos. 2. 20. shall know /. jj 5. 4. not know the /. 11. 10. walk after the /. || 12. 14. /. return to him Joel 2. 21. fear not, the /. will do great things Amos 3. 6. be evil in a city and /. hath not done it 5.14. /. shall be with you || Obad. 21, be the /. Mic. 2. 13. /. on the head || 3. 11, lean on the /. 4. 7. /.shall reign II 6. 8. /, require of thee I Zeph. 1. 5. swear by the /. and by Malcham Zech. 9. 1. eyes to / || 14. /. shall be seen over 14. 3. /. fight II 9. shall be one /. name one Matt. 7. 21.saith /. /. 22. | 22.44. Luke 13. 2.5. 8. 25. /. save us || 9. 28. said, yea /. 13. 51. 14. 30. /. save me || 1 5. 27. she said, truth /. 21. 3.1. hath need of, Mark 11. 3. Luke 19. 31. 22. 43. David call him /. 45. Mark 12. 37. 24. 42. hour /. cometh (| 46. /. find so doing 50. /. of that servant shall come, Lnke 12. 46. 25. 11. /. /.open to us || 21. enter joy of thy /. 26. 21. /. is it I ? II 28. 6. place where the /. lav Mark 2. 28. /. of sabbath, Luke 6. 5.|j5. 19. /, done 9. 24. /. I beHeve, help thou, John 9. 38. 1 11.27. 16. 20. preached, the /. working with them Lnke i. 17. ready for the /. || 25. thus /. dealt with 2. 11. Christ the /. || 6. 46. why call ye me/. /. 11. 1. /. teach us to pray || 13. 8. /.let it alone Luke 14. 21. shewed his /. || 17. 5. /. increase faith 17. 37. where, /. .? |) 23. 42. /. remember me 24. 34. the /. is risen |j John 6. 68. /. to whom go John 8. 1 1. no man /. || 9. 36. who is he /, that 13. 13. ye call me/.||25. saith to him, /, who is it 20. 2, taken the /. (| 2.f . we have seen the /. 21. 7. it is the /. || 12. knowing it was the /. Acts 2. 36. both /. and C. |j 4. 24./. thou art God 4. 29. now /. behold||9. 5. who art thon /. 26.15. 10. 4. said, what is it, /. ? || 14. not so, /. 11.8. 36, he is /. of all|| 22. 10. whatshall I do /. ? Rom. 9. 28, because a short work will the /, make 10. 12. the same/. |) 14. 9. /. of dead and living 1 Cor. 2. 8. /. of glory |j 4. 4. judgeth me is the /. 4. 19. come to you if th^. will, Jam. 4. 15. 6. 13. but for the /. || 7. 10. not I, but the /. 12. 5. but the same/. II 15. 47. L from heaven 2 Cor. 5. 8. present with /. || 11. 17. notafter the /. Eph. 4. 5. one /. || 5, 29. even as the /. the church Pliil. 2. 11. Christ is /. || 4. 5. the /. is at hand 1 Thes. 4. 17. be with the /.||1 Tim. 6. 1 5. /. of lords 2 Tim. 2. 22. call on the /. || 3. 11. /. dehvered me 4. 8. /. shall give me (| 17. the /. stood with me Heb. 2. 3, spoken by the/. |j 8. 11. know tlie /. Jam. 5. 15. /. raise sick || 2 Pet. 3. 8. day with /. Jude 9. Michael said, the /.rebuke thee Rev. 11. 8./. was crucified||15. kingdom of tlie /, 17. 14. overcome, for he is/, of lords, 19. 16. Against the LORD. Exod. 10. 16. [ 16. 7. Lev. 5. 19. I 6.2. Num. 14.9. | 16. ll.j 21.7. [ 26. 9. 1 32. 23. Deut. 1. 41. | 9. 7. [ 13.t5. Josh.7. 20. I 22. 16,-51. 1 Sam. 2. 25. \ 12. 1.3, :23. 1 14. 33, 34. 2 Kin. 17. 7, 9. 1 Chr. 10. 13. 2 Chr. 12. 2. 1 19. 10. | 28. 13, 19, 22. Psal. 2. 2. Prov. 19. 3.] 21. 30. Isa. 3. 8. | 32.6. | 59. i3. Jer. 28. 16. j 48.26. | 50. 7, 14, 24. Dau. 5. 23. Hos. 5. 7. Null. I. 9, U. LOR Before the LORD. Gen. 10. 9.1 15. 10, 13; 1 18. 22. 1 27. 7. Exod. 16. 9, 33. | 23. 17. I 27. 21. I 28. 12, 29. Lev. 4. 6. | 9. 24. 1 10. 2. Num. 5. 16. I 10. 9. i 18. 19. I 25. 4. | 27; 5. Deut. 9. 18. 1 12. 18. I 18. 7. I 19. 17. Josh. 6. 26. Judg. 11. 11. I 18. 6. 120.26. 1 Sam. 2.17. ( 12. 3, 7. 1 21. 7. I 26. 19. 2 Sam. 6. 21. | 21. 9. 2 Kin. 19. 14. 1 Chr. 22. 18.129. 22. Psal. 96. IS. ( 109. 15. | 116. 9. Prov. 15. 11. Isa. 23. 18. Jer. 36.7. Ezek. 44. 3. Dan. 9. 13. Mic. 6. 6. Zech. 2. 13. | 7. 2. Mai. 3. 14. 2 Tim. 2. 14. 2 Pet. 2. U. El om the hORD. Gen. 4. 1. | 19. 24. | 24. 50. Num. 11. 31. I 16. 35, 46. 1 Sam. 16. 14. J 19. 9. I 26. 12. 1 Kings 2. 15, 33. Psa!. 24.;o. I 109.20. I 121.2. Prov. 16. 1. | 19.14. |29. 26. Isa. 29. 15. | 40. 27. Jer. 7. 1. | 11. I. I 17. 5. I 18. 1. I 21. 1. 1 26. 1. I 27. 1. 1 30. 1. I 32. 1. I 35. 1, 17. I 36. 1. | 40. 1. j 49. 14. Lam. 2. 9. | 3. 18. Ezek. 11. Id. 33.30. Hos. 1.2. Obad. 1. Mic 1. 12. 1 5. 7. Zeph. 1.6. Zech. 14.13. Luke 1.45. 2 Cor. 5. 6. LORD God. Gen. 9. 26. | 15. 2, 8. j 24. 27. I 28. IS. Exod. 32. 27. | 34. 6. Josh. 7.7. I 22. 22, 24. I 24. 2. Judg. 4. 6. j 5. 3, 5. | 6. 22. I 11. 23. I 16. 28. Ruth 2. 12. 1 Sam. 2. 30. I 6. 20. j 14. 41. I 25. 34. 2 Sam. 5. 10. J 7. 18,-22. 1 Kings 1. 30, 36, 48. j 8. 15. 1 Kings 14. 13. | 17.1. [ 18. 37. 2 Kin. 2. 14. 1 Chr. 17.17. I 23. 25. | 24. 19. 2 Chr. 13. 12. 1 24. 18. I 26.18. I 32.l6.Neh.9.7.Psal, 31. 5.141. 13.|68. 18. j71.5.|72. 18.| 84. ll.| 85. 8. 1 106. 48. Isa. 28. 22. | 50. 7. ] 65. 15. Jer. 44. 26. Ezek. 5. U. 1 13. 9. | 14. 16. | 16. 19, 23. I 18. 20. I 21. . 13. I 22. 12. | 23. 49. 1 24. 24. 1 29. 20. | 34. 31.f36. 23, 32. | 37. 3. I 39. 5, 8. I 43. 27. Dan. 9. 3. Hos. 12. 5. Amos 1. 8. I 3. 7, 8. | 4. 5. | 9. 5. Mic. 1. 2. Hab. 3. 19. 1 Pet. 3. 15. Rev. 4. 8. | 11. 17. I 15. 3. 1 16. 7. I 18. 8. | 19. 6. | 21. 22. \ 22. 5. "^ See Au, Fathers. LORD his God. Exod. 32. 11. Lev. 4. 22. Num. 23. 21. Deut. 17. 19. | 18. 7. 1 Sam. .SO. 6. 1 Kings 5. 3. I 11. 4. | 15. 4. 2 Kings 16. 2. 2 Clir.l. 1. I 14.2, 11. I 15.9. | 26.16. | 27. 6. j 28.5. I 31.20. I 33.12. | 34. 8.|36. 5, 23. Ezra 7. 6. Psal. 146. 5. Jonah 2. 1. Mic. 5.4. ■•; LORD nvj God. Num. 22. 18. Deut. 4. 5. \ 18. 16. 1 26. 14. Josh. 14. 8. 2 Sam. 24. 24. 1 Kmgs 3. 7. 1 5. 4, 5. 1 8. 28. j 17. 20, 21. 1 Chr. 21.17. 2 Clir. 6. 19. Ezra 7.28. I 9. 5. Psal. 7. 1, 3. | 13. 3. | 18. 28. | 30. 2, 12. I 35. 24. I 38. 15. j 40. 5. | 86. 12. | 109. 26. Jer. 31. 18. Dan. 9. 4, 20. Jon^h 2. 6. Hab. 1. 12. Zech. 11. 4. | 14. 5. LORD ovr God. Exod. 3. 18. ( 5. 3. j 8. 20. | 10. 25, 26. Deut. 1. 6, 19, 20. | 2. 33, 37. 1 4. 7. I 5. 2, 24, 25, 27. | 6. 4, 24. | 29. 15, 29. Josh. 18. 6. J 22. 19. | 24. 17,24. Judg. II. 24. 1 Sam. 7. 8. 1 Kings 8. 57, 59. 2 KiDgs 18. 22. I 19. 19. 1 Chr. 13. 2. | 15. 13. I 16. 14. I 29. 16. 2 Chr. 13. 11. | 14. 7, 11. j 19. 7. I 32. 8, 11. Ezra 9. 8. Psal. gr9. ir. j 90. 17. j 9i. 23. | 99> 5, 8, 9. | 106. 47 LOR 3fei 47. Isa. 26. 13. | 37. 20. Jer. 3. 22, 23, 25i I 5. 19, 24. I 8. 14. I 14. 22. | 16. 10. | 26. 16i I 31. 6. I 37. 3. I 42. 6. | 43. 2. ] 50. 28.|51. 10. Dan. 9. 9, 10, 14, 15. Mic. 4. 5. | 7. 17. Acts 2. 39. Rev. 19. 1. LORD their God. Exod. 10. 7. | 29. 46. Lev. 26. 44. Judg. 3. 7. 1 8. 34. 1 Sam. 12. 9. 1 Kings 9. 9. 2 Kings 17. 7^—19. | 18. 12. 2 Chr. 31. 6. I 33. 17. | 34. 33. Jer. 3. 21. 1 7. 28. I 22. 9. I 30. 9. \ 43. 1. 1 50. 4. Ezek. 28. 26. j 34. SO. ] 39.22, 28. Hos. 1. 7.i3. 5. i 7. 10. Hag.l. 12. Zech. 9. 16. Lukel. 16. LORD thy God. Exod. 20. 2, 5. Dent. 2. 7° I 4. 24, 31. 1 7. 21. I 8. 5. I 12. 31. 1 26. 5, 1.3' 1 28. 58. Josh. 1. 9, 17. 2 Sam. 14. 7.|24. 23. 1 Kings 13. 6. | 17. 12. Psal. 81. 10. Isa. 43. 3. I 51. 15. I 55. 5. Jer. 42. 2, 3. Hos. 12. 9. I ^3. 4. Mic. 7. 10. Zeph. 3. 17. Matt. 4, 7. Luke 4. 12. LORD ijoiir God. Lev. 19. 2. Deut. 1. 10, 30. ! 6. 16. I 10. 17. 1 20. 4. Josh. 2. 11. | 23. 3. 1 Sam. 12. 12. 2 Kin. 17. 39. 1 Chr. 22. 18. 2 Chr. 20. 20. Jer. 42. 20. Joel 3. 17. Acts 3. 22. 1 7. 37. See I am the Lord your God. luORD of Hosts. 1 Sam. I. 11. 2 Sam. 6. '2. 1 7. 26, 27. 1 Kings 18. 15. 2 Kings 3. 14. I 19. 31. 1 Chr. 11.^9. | 17. 24. Psal. 24. 10. |46.7. J59. 5.184.1,3,12. Isa. 1. 24.|2. 12. (6. 3, 5. I 8, 13. I 14. 27. | 19. 18. |37. 32. I 47. 4. I 48. 2. I 51. 15. | 5 4. 5. Jer. 10. 16. I 11. 20. I 20. 12. I 31. 35. j 32. IS. | 46. 18, 25. I 50. 34. I 51. 19. Hab. 2. 13. Zech. 1. 6. |2. 9, II. I 4. 9. I 7. 12, 13. | 8. 21^ 22. | 14. 16, 21. Mdl. 1. 14. See Salt h the IjOiiiy. I the I.ORt>. Lev. 19.2. | 20.26. | 21. 8,15,23. I 22. 9, 16. Num. 14. 35. Isa. 27.3. | 41. 4, 17. \ 45. 3, 7. 19, 21. | 60. 16, 22. | 61. 8. Jer. 17. 10. Ezek. 5. 13. j 14. 4, 9. | 15. 17. I 17. 21, 24. I 21. 5, 32. Ezek. 22. 14. j 24. 14. I 26. 14. I 30. 12. I 34. 24, 30. | 36. 36. I 37. 14,28. / am the LORD. Gen. 15. 7. Exod. 6. 2, 6, 8, 29. } 12. 12. I 20. 2. Lev. 18. 5, 6, 11. | 22. 32. Num. 3. 13. Isa. 42. 8. | 43. 11, 15- Jer. 9. 24. | 32. 27. Mai. 3. 6. lam the LORD your God. Exod. 6. 7. j 16. ll Lev. 11.44. I" 18. 30. | 19. 2. ] 20.7. j 23. 22. Judg. 6. 10. Ezek. 20. 5, 7^ 19, 20. Joel 2. 27. In the LORD. Gen. 15.6. he believed - 1, and Josh. 22. 25. no part - Z.||l ham. 2. l.rejoiceth -/, Psal. 4. 5. trust - /. 11. 1. | 26. 1. j 31. 6. | 37^ 8. I 73. 28. Prov. 3. 5. j 29. 25. Isa. 26. 4. Phil. 1 . 24. / X 31. 24. all that hope- Z. II 32. ll.be glad -;. 34. 2. boast- Z. || 35. 9. joyful -Z. [| 37. 4. delight 37. 7. rest -/.|)56. 10.|)64. 10. be glad -Z. 104. 34. Isa. 29. 19. increase their joy -Z.j|45. 17. saved -L 45. 24. -/. have I righteousness[|23.- Z.be justified 58. 14. delight - l.[^er. 3. 23. - L is salvation Zeph.3.2. trusted not- /.||Zech. 12, 5. strength - L 1 Cor. 1. 31. glory -Z. jj 4. 17. faithful - /. || 7. 22. ' 7. 39. married, only - Z. (| 2 Cor, 10. 17. glory - /. Eph. 6. 10. be strong -l.\\ Phil. 4. 1. stand fast- A Pbil.4. l0.Irejoige4-^liCoi.3.J8.!4.7,l7,lTh^». LOR LOR 5. t2. 2 Thcs.S.*. Philem. 16,20. Rev. 14.13. LORD is. Gen. 28. 16. Exod. 9. 27. | 15. 2, 3. ( 18. 11. Num. 14. 9, 18, 42. | 16. 3. Deut. 10. 9. j 18. 2. Josh. 22. 34. Judg. 6. 12. 1 Sam. 2. 3. | 16. 18. | 28. 16. 2 Sam. 22. 2. 1 Kings 8. 60. \ 20. 28. 2 Chr. 13. 10. [ 15. 2. Psal. 9. 16. j 10. 16. J 11. 4. | 14. 6. j 16. 5. I 23. 1. |,2r. 1. [ 28. 7, 8. | 34. 8. | 47. 2. j 89. 18. I 92. 15. I 93. 1. | 94. 22. | 95. 3. I 100. 5. I 103. 8. I 113. 4. I Its. 6. | 121. 5. I 12.^. 2. I 129. 4. ( 145. 17, 18. Prov. 15. 29. I 22. 2. Isa. 30. 18. | 33. 5. | 42. 21. Jer. 10. 10. I 17. 7. Lam. 1. 18. | 3* 24, 25. Ezek. 48. 35. Amos 5. 8. Zepli. 3. 5. Zech. 10. 5. t 13. 9- Luke 24. 34. 2 Cor. 3. 17. Phil. 4. 5. 1 Thes. 4. 6. 2 Tltes. 3. 3. Heb. 13. 6. Jam. 5. 11. 1 Pet. 2. 3. 2 Pet. 3. 9. %LORD. Geo. 19. 18. Exod. 4. 10, 13. Num. 14. 17. Josh. 5. 14. Judg. 6. 13, 15. | 13. 8. Psal. 16. 2. [ 35. 23. | 110. 1. Isa. 21. 8. 1 49. 14. Dan. 10. 16, 17, 19. | 12. 8. Zech. 1. 9. I 4. 4. 1 6. 4, 13. Matt. 22. 44. 1 24. 48. Mai-k 1 2. 36. Luke 1. 43. | 20. 42. John 20. 13. Acts 2. 34. Phil. 3. 8. O LORD. Gen. 49. 18. Exod. 15. 11. Num. 10. 36. Dent. 26. 10. Josh. 7. 8. Judg. 5. 31. 2 Sam. 15. 31. | 22. 29. | 23. 17. 1 Chr. 17. 20. 1 29. 11. Psal. 3. 7. ! 6 2. I 7. 6, 8. I 8. 1. I 9. 13, 19. | 10. 12. | 17. 13. Psal. 18. 1. I 19. 14. I 22. 19. | 27. 7. | 31. 9. I 86. 3, 8, 11. 1 106. 4. i 115. 1. | 119. 151. I 123. 3. I 143. 1. Lsa. 25. 1. f 37. 17. | 63. 16. Jer. 10. 6. I 12. 3. | 14. 9. 1 17. 13, 14. Lam. 1. 11. I 5. 19, 21. Dan. 9. 19. Jonah 1. 14. Hab. 1. 12. I 3. 2. Matt. 15. 22, 30, 31. Luke 5. 8. Rev. 4. 11. | 6. lO. 1 1.5. 4.|16. 5. Of the LORD. Josh. 11. 20. 1 Sam. 1. 20. I 8. 21. I 23. 21. 2 Sam. 12. 25. 1 Kings 15. 29. 2 Kings 6. 33.(8. S-llO. 17. 2 Chr. 18. 7. f 34. 21. Psal. 91. 2. Prov. 16. 33. 1 20. 24. Isa. 49. 7. I 51. 9. Jer. 21.2. Lam. 3. 22. Jonah 2. 9. Acts 21. 14. 1 Cor. 11. 23. 2 Cor. 2. 12. Eph. 6. 8. Col. 3. 24. 2 Tira. 1. 18. Jam. 1. 7. | 5. 11. 2 Pet. 3. 15. See Angel. Anger of the LORD. Exod. 4. 14. Num. 11. 10." I 12. 9- I 25. 3, 4. I 32. 14. Dent 6- 15. \7. 4. 1 29,. 20, 27. Josh. 7. 1. 1 23. 16. Judg. 2. 14, 20. 1 3. 8. [ 10. 7. 2 Sam. 6. 7. | 24. 1. 2 Kings 13. 3. 1 24. 20. 2 Clir. 25. 15. Jer. 4. 8. 1 12. 13. I 23. 20. [ 51. 45. Lam. 2. 22. 1.4.16. Zeph. 2. 2, 3. See Command, Congregation, Counsel, Day, Eyes, Face, Fear, Glory, HxInd, House, Knowledge, Law. Mouth ofthehORU. Dent. 8. 3. Josh. 9. 14. 1 Kings 13. 21. Isa. I. 20. | 48. 14. | 62. 2. Jer. 9. 2. I 23. 16. Mic. 4.4. Name of the LORD. Gen. 12. 8. | 16. 13. ] 26. 25. Exod. 20. 7. [33. 19. | 34.5. Lev. 24. 11, 16. Deut. 18.5, 22. ( 21. 5. | 28. 10. 1 32. 3. Josh. 9. 9. 1 Sam. 17. 45. | 20. 42. 2 Sam. 6. 2, 18. 1 Kings 3. 2. | 5. 3, 5. I 8. 17, 20. [ 10. 1. I 18. 32. [ 22. 16. 2 Kings 2. 24. 1 Chron. 21. 19. | 22. 7, 19. 2 Chr. " 2. 1, 4. 1 S3. i«. Job 1.21. Psal. 7. 17. I 20. 7. [ l02. 15. I 113. 1, f, 3.f 116. 4. I 118. 10, 26 1 124. 8. I 129. 8. Prov. 18. 10. Isa. 18.7. I 24.15. | 30.27. | 48.1. | 50.10. 1 56. 6. I 59. 19. I 60. 9. Jer. 3. 17. | 11. 21. I 26. 9, 16, 20. Amos 6. 10. Mic. 4. 5. I 5. 4. Zeph. 3. 12. Zech. 13.3. Matt. 21. 9,23,39. Mark 11. 9, 10. Luke 13. 35. I 19. 38. John 12. 13. Acts 9. 29. [ 10. 48. I 19. 13, 17. [ 21. 13. I 22. 16. 2 Thes. 1.12. 13.6. Jam.5. 10, 14. See Call, Offering. Prophet, s, of the LORD. 1 Sam. 3. 30. 1 Kin. 18. 4, 13, 22. I 22. 7. 2 Kin. 3. 11. 2 Chr. 18.-6. I 28. 9. See Sabbath, s. Servant^ s, of the LORD. Deut. 34. 5. Josh. I. 1,13, I5.|3. 31, 33.111.12. 1 12. 6. | 14.7. 1 22. 2, 5. j 24. 29. Judg. 2. 8. 2 Kings 9. 7. 1 10. 23.. j 18. 12. 2 Chr. 1. 3. ( 24. 6. Psal. 113. 1. I 134. 1. I 135. 1. Isa. 42. 19.|54. 17. 2 Tim. 2. 24.. Sight of the LORD. Gen. 38. 7. Lev. 10. 19. Deut. 6. 18. I 12. 25, 28. j 21. 9. 1 Sam. 12. 17. 2 Kings 3. 18. | 12. 2. ) 14. 3. ; 15. 3, 24. I 16. 2. I 18. 3. I 22. 2. 2 Chr. 20. 32. I 24. 2.|25. 2. 1 26. 4. | 27. 2- | 29. 2. | 34. 2. Psal. 116. 15. Mai. 2. 17. Luke 1. 15. 2Cor. 8. 21. Jam. 4. 10. See Evil. Spirit of the LORD. Judg. 3. 10.|6. 34.|ll. 29. I 13. 25. I 14. 6, 19. I 15. 14. 1 Sam. 10. 6. I 16. 13, 14. 2 Sam. 23. 2. 1 Kings 18. 12. 22. 24. 2 Kings 2. 16. 2 Chr. 18. 23. 20. 14. Isa. 11. 2. 1 40. 7, 13. | 59. 19. 61. 1. I 63. 14. Ezek. 11. 5. Mic. 2. 7. 3. 8. Luke 4. 18. Acts 5. 9. 1 8. 39. 2 Cor. 3. 17, 18. Te7nple of the LORD. 1 Sam; 1. 9.13. 3. 2 Kings II. 13.|18. 16.(23. 4.i24. 13. 2 Chr. 26. 16. I 27. 2. I 29. 16. Ezra 3. 6, 10. Jer. 7. 4. f 24. 1. Ezek. 8. 16. Hag. 2. 15. Zech. 6. 12, 13,14, 15. Luke 1. 9. t'^oice of the LORD. Deut. 30. 8. Josh. 5. 6. 1 Sam. 15. 19, 20, 22. | 28. 18. 1 Kings'20. 36. Psal. 29. 3, 4, 7, 8, 9. | 106. 25. Isa. 6. 8. I 30. 31. 1 66. 6. Jer. 3. 25. \7. 28. | 42. 6, 13, 21. (43. 4, 7. | 44. 23. Dan. 9. 10. Mic. 6. 9. Hag. 1. 12. Zech. 6. 15. Acts 7.31. IVmj, Ways of the LORD. Gen. 18. 19. Judg. 2. 22. 2 Sam. 22. 22. 2 Kings 21. 22. 2 Chr. 17. 6. Psal. 18. 21. [ 119. 1. ( 138. 5. Prov. 10.29. Isa. 40. 3. Jer. 5.4, 5. Ezek. 18. 25, 29. I S3. 17, 20. Hos. 14. 9. Matt. 3. 3. Mark 1. 3. Luke 3. 4. John 1. 23. Acts 13. 10. i 18. 25. Word, Words of the LORD. Exod. 4. 28. ( 9. 20, 21. ( 24. 3, 4. ,Num. 3. 16. ( 15. 31. Deut. 5. 5. Josh. 24. 27. 1 Sam. 3. 1, 7. (8. 10. (15. J, 23, 26. 1 Kings 2. 27. I 12. 24. [ 13. 1, 2, 5, 9, 18, 32. | 14. 18. f 17. 24. ( 20. 35. I 22. 5. 2 Kings 9. 36. \ 10. 10. I 15. 12. I 20. 19. I 23. 16. 1 Chr. 10. 13. 2 Chr. 29. 15. ( 34. 21. | 36. 22. Psal. 12. 6. I 18. 30. j 33. 4, 6. | 105. 19. Isa. 2. 3. [ 28. 13. Jer. 2. 31. t 6. 10. ( 8. 9. ( 17. 15. 1 25. 3. ( 27. 18. ( 32, 8. | 26. 4, 6, 8, LOR LOR O^^ 11. Hos.l. 2. Amos 8. 11, 12. Zeph. 2.5.Zech. 4. 6. 1 9. 1. I 11. 11. Luke 22. 61. Acts 8.25. J 13. 48. I 19. 10. 1 Thes. 4. 15. 2 Thes. 3. 1. 1 Pet. 1.25. See Came, Hear. TVork, Works of the LORD. Exod. 34. 10. Josh. 24. 31. judg. 2. 7. Psal. 28. 5. | 46. 8. I 77. 11. I 107.24. I 111. 2. I 118. 17. Isa. 5. 12. Jer. 48. 10. | 50. 25. 1 Cor. 15. 58. I 16. 10. Wrath of the 'LORiy. Num. 11. SS. Dent. 11. 17. 2 Kings 22. 13. 2 Chr. 12. 12. j 29. 8. I 32. 26. I 34. 21. ] 36. 16. Psal 106.40. Isa. 9.19. I 13. la. Jer. 50.13. Ezek. 7.19. Zeph. 1.18. LORD said. Exod. 7. 13. | 16. 23. ( 24. 3, 7. Num. 10. 29. I 16. 40. \ 26, 6b. Deut. 31. 3. Josh. 11. 23. I 14. 6. 1 Sam. 3. 17. | 15. 16. 1 24. 4. 2 Sam. 16. 10. 1 Kings 8. 12, [ 11. 2. 2 Kings 14. 27. | 17. 12. | 21. 4. | 24. 13. Psal. 2. 7. f 11©. 1. Isa. 7. 3. | 18. 4. | 21.16. j 29. 13. Ezek. 21. 17. Matt. 22. 24. | 25. 21. Mark 12. 36. Acts 2. 34. | 9. 10. | 11. 16. Saith fAeLORD. Exod. 4. 22. Josh. 7. 13. 1 Sam. 15. 2. 2 Sam. 7. 8. 1 Kings 22. 14. Isa. 22. 14. [ 33. 10. | 49. 5. I 54. 10. Jer. 1.8, 19. I 2.19. I 3. 1. I 4. 1. l'5.22. | 7.11. I 9. 3. I 22. 16. I 23. 23, 24, 33. | 27. \5. Jer. 29. 9. Ezek. 13. 6, 7, 8. | 21. 13. | 34.21 1 39. 8. I 43. 27. Amos 2. 11. | 4. 5. | 9. 12. Mic. 6. 1. Nah. 2. 13. | 3. 5. Zeph. 3. 8. Hajr. 1. 9, 13. Zech. 2. 5. | 4. 6. Mai. 1. 2, 13, 14. I 3. 5, 10, 17. I 4. 3. Acts 15. 17. Rom. 12.19. 1 Cor. 14. 21.2 Cor. 6. 17. Heb. 8. 9. | 10. 30. Rev. 1. 8. See Live, Saved. Seek the LORD. Dent. 4. 29. 1 Chr. 16. 10, li. I 22. 19. 2 Clir. 12. 14. | 14. 4. | 15. 12, 13. I iO. 3, 4. Ezra 6.21. Psal. 22. 26. [ 34. 10. I 105. 3, 4. Prov. 23. 5. Isa. 9. 13. | 31. 1. I 51. 1. I 55. 6. Jer. 50. 4. Hos. 3. 5. I 5.6. I 10.12. Amos 5. 6. Zeph. 2.3. Zech. 8. 21, 22. Mai. 3. 1. Acts 15. 17. 1 17. 27. LORD sent. Gen. 3. 23. | 19. 13. Exod. 4. 28. I 7. 16. ! 9.23. Num. 16. 28, 29. | 20. le.'.'il. 6. Deut 9. 23. | 34. 11. Judg. 6.8. 1 Sam. 12. 8, 11. I 15.1,18,20. I 20. 22. 2Sam.l2.1. j 24. 15. 2 Kings 2. 2, 4. | 17. 25. | 24. 2. 2 Chr. 32. 21. Isa. 9. 8. Jer. 19. 14. | 25.4, 17. I -26. 12. I 28. 9, 13. ^zek. 13. 6. Jonah 1. 4. Hag. 1. 12. Zech. 1. 10. | 2.9. | 7. 12. Acts 9.17. I 12.11. Serve the LORD. Exod. 10. 7, 8, 26. i 23. 25. Deut. 10. 12. Josh. 24. 14,-22. 1 Sam. 12. 50. 2 Sam. 1.3. 8. 2 Chr. 30. 8. | So. 16. | 34. 33. I 35. ». Psal. 2. 11. j 100. 2. j 102. 22. Col. 3. 24. See Shewed, Smite. LpRD spake. Gen. 16. 13. Lev. 10. 3. Num. 3. 1. I 5. 4. I 21. 16. Deut. 4. 12, 15. I 5. 22. I 9. 10. I 10. 4. Josh. 14. lOj 12. 1 Sam. 16. 4. 1 Kings 2. 4, 27. f 5. 5. | 8- 20. I 12. 15. 1 13. 26. t 15. 29. | 21. 23. 2 Kings 9. 30. I 1.5. 12. j 21, 10. 1 Chr. 21. 9. 2 Chr. 33. 10. Isa. 7. 10. | 8. 5, 11. I 20. 2. Jer. 30. 4. j 50. 1. } 51. 12. Jonah 2. 10. Acts 18. 9. LORD-, joined with spoken. Gen. 12. 4. \ 21.1. I 24.51. Exod. 4. 30. j 9. 12.35. | 19.8.|34. 32. Lev.10.11. Num. l. 48. 1 10. 29. | 12. 2. I 23. 17. Deut. 6. 19. ] 18. 21. Josh. 21. 45. 1 Sam. 25. 30. 2 Sam. 3. 18. | 7. 29. 1 Kin. 13.3. I 14. 11. Job 42. 7. Psal. 50. 1. Isa. 21. 17. I 22. 25. I 24. 3. j 25. 8. | 31. 4. I 38. 7. Jer. 9. 12. [ 13. 15. | 23. 35. \ 27. 13. I 48. 8. Ezek. 5. 13. i 15. 17. | 21. 32. 1 22. 28. I 26. 5. Amos 3. 1, 8. Mic. 4. 4. Matt. 1.22. Mark 16. 19. Acts 9. 27. Heb. 2. 3. To, or unto the LORD. Gen. 14. 22.|18.27.Exod. 5. 17. I 10. 9. I 15. 1. I 16. 25. j 22. 20. ( 30. 10. I 31. 15. Lev. 23. 20. Num. 21. 7. | 29. 39. Deut. 12, 31. Judg. 11. 35. | U. 3. | 21. 8. 1 Sara. 1. 10. | 8. 6. | 14. 6. 2 Sara, 21. 6. 1 Kings 2. 27. 2 Kings 4. 33. 16. 8. | 18. 6. I 20. 2. I 23. 23. 1 Chr. 11. 18. | 16. 8,41. 2 Chr. 13.11. | 24.9. 1 30. 8. Psal. 3. 8. I 13. 6. I 18. 41. I 30. 8. j 89. 6. | 116- 12. I 140. 6. Prov. 3. 32. | 11. 1, 20. | 12. 22. I 15. 8, 9, 26. | 16. 3, 5. | 17. 15. | 19. 17. I 20. 10, 23. Isa. 19. 21, 22. J 23. 18. | 55. 13. I 56. 3. I 58. 5. Jer. 32. 16. Hos. 4. 10. Jonah 4. 2. Mic. 4. 13. | 7. 7. Zech. 14. 7. Matt. 5. 33. Luke 2. 22, 23. Acts 5. 14. I 11. 23. I 13. 2. I 14. 23. | 16. 15. Rom. 14. 6, 8. 2 Cor. 8. 5. Eph. 5. 10, 22. 1 6. 7. Col. 3. 23. See Cry, Give, Turn. LORD, as applied to Man. Gen. 18. 12. | 23. 11. I 24. 18. i 27. 29, 37. \ 31. 35. j 32. 4, 5, 18. 1 39. 1 6. 1 40. 1. I 42. 10, 30. | 44. 5, 8, 9, 24. I 45. 8,9. 1 47. 18. 'Exod. 32. 22. Num. 11.28. 1 12. 11. I 32. 25. | 36, 2. Judg. 3.2.5. I 4. 18. I 19. 26, 27. Ruth 2. 13. 1 Sam. 1, 15, 26. j22. 12. I 24. 8. | 25. 24,^31. | 26/* 15, 17, 18. 1 29. 8. 2 Sam. 1. 10. | 3. 21. I 9. 11. I 11. 9. 1 13. 32. I 14. 12, 17, 19, 20. I 16. 9. I 18. 31. 119. 19,-35. | 20. 6. | 24. 3, 22. 1 Kings 1. 2, 27^ 36, 37. i 2. 38. | 3. 17, 26. I 11. 23. I 18. 7, 13, 14. ) 20. 4, 9. 2 Kings 2. 19. | 4. 16, 28. | 5. 3,4. | 6. 12, 26. I 7. 2. 1 8. 5, 12. | 9. 11. | 18. 23. 2 Che 2. 14. Ezra 10. 3. Psal. 12. 4. Jer. 22' 18. j 37. 20. I 38. 9. Dan. 1. 10. [ 2. 10. | 4. 19, 24. Matt. 10. 24, 25. ( 18. 26, 31. I 24. 48. Luke 12. 36. | 16. 3, 5. John 15, 15, 20. Acts 2.5. 26. Gal. 4. 1. 1 Pet 3. 6. LORDLY. Judg, 5. 25. butter in a I. dish LORDS, S' Gen. 19. 2. my /. turn in I pray Num. 21. 28. consumed A of the high places Deut 10. 17. Lord of/. 1 Tim. 6. 15. Rev. 17.14. Josh. 13. 3. I. of Philistines^ Jndg. 3. 3. | 16. 5, 30. 1 Sam. 5. 8. | 6. 4, 12. | 7. 7. j 29- 2, 6, 7. Ezra 8.25. I weighed offerings which I. offered Isa. 16. 8. I. of lieathen \\ 26. 13. other /. had Jer. 2. 31. we are 1. 1) Ezek. 23. To. L renowned Dan. 4. 36. I. sought to me jj 5. 1. a 1000 of his /. 5. 23. /. drank wine || 6. 17. signet of his /. Majk 6. 21. supper to his 1. 1| 1 Cor. 8. 5. /.many I Pet. 5. 3. nor as /. over God's heritage, but LORDSHIP, s. Mark 10, 42. Luke 22. 25. LOT LOV LO-RUHA.MAH. Tiot having obtained hercy ; not pitied. Hos. 1. 6, 8. LOSE, V. Jucig.l8.25.thou I thy Iife||l Kin. 18.5. Job 31.39 J. their life |lProv.23. 8. 1, sweet words Eccl. 3. 6. there is a time to get, and a time to I. Matt. 10. 39. he that tindeth his life shall I. it, 6. 25. Mark 8. 35. Luke 9. 24. 42. in no wise I. his reward, Mark 9. 41. 16. 26. Z.his own soul, Mark 8. 36, Luke 9. 25. Luke 1 5.4. if he l. one sheep, 8. || 17. 33. /. his life Jotm 6.39.V. nothing ||2John 8. ^. not those things LOSETH, V. Matf. 10. 39. /. his life for my sake LOSS, s. Gen.31.39. 1 bare /.||Exod.21 .I9.pay the Isa.47. 8. I. of children, 9. IJActs 27.21. this I. 22. 1 Cor. 3. 15. suffer I. \\ Phil. 3. 7. 1 counted I 8. LOST, (passively,) Exod. 22. 9. 1, thing Lev. 6. 3. tiiat which was ;.1|4. restore the^. thing 3Sum. 6. 12. days 1. 1| l Sam. 9- 3. asses /. 20. Psai. 119. 176. /. sheep, Jer. 50. 6. xViatt. 10. 6. I 15. 24. Ezek. 19. 5. hope I. 37. 11. 1| 34. 4. seek l. 16. Matt. 18. 11. Son is come to save I. Luke 19. 10. Luke 15. 4. that which is I. 6. || 24. son was /. 32. John 6. 12. nothing be I. \\ 17. 12. none is I. 2 Cor. 4. 3. our gospel is hid to them that are I. LOST, (actively. J Deut. 22. 3. any thing I. 1 Kin. 20. 25. army /. || Isa. 49. 21 . ^. my children Mdt.5 13. if salt I. savour, Viark 9. 50. Luke 14.34. Luke 15. 9. found piece /. jj Jolm 18.9. 1 1, none LOT, Wrapped, bound, covered. Gen. 11. 27. Haran begat L. \\ Sl.Terah took L. 12.4.jL. went with Abr.l 3.1. II 13. 5. had flocks 13. 7. herdraen of L. || 11. L. chose plain of 14. 12. took L. prisoner || 19. 1. sat in gate 19. 10. pulled L. in || 15. angels hastened L. 29. God sent L. i'36. daughters of L. with ciiild Deut. 2. 9. Ar to L. 19. jj Psal. 83. 8. holpen L. Luke 17.28. in days ofX.j|32. remember L.'s wife f2 Pet.2.7. dehvered just L. vexed with the filthy ^OT, S, s. signifies, [1 ] Any thing cast or drawn in order to determine any matter in debate, Prov. 18.18. I 2] A share or portion, Josh. 15. 1. fSj Habitations or persons, Psal. 125.3. [4] t*unishtnent, ls2L. 17. I4i. [5] Order, course or turn, Luke 1. 9. [6] Fellowship, Acts 8. 21. [7] The object of one's worship and trust,lsa.5T.G. Lots were used, []l] To find out a person, iSam. • 14. 41. Jonah 1. 7. [2] To divide lands. Num. 26.5.5. [3] For the scape-goat, L.ev. 16. 8. [4] To decide a controversy, Psal. 22. 18. [5] To choose an apostle, Act? 1. 26. Lev. 16.8. one /.for L. otlier for scape-goat, 9, 10. Num. 26. 55. land be divided by I. Ezek. 48. 29. 33. 54. divide I. by L 34. 'l 3. j 36. 2. Josh. 13. 6. Deut. 32. 9. Jacob is the I. of his inheritance Josh.lS.l.i. of Judah jl 16.1. Joseph 1|17. I.Manas. 17.14. but one 1. 17. (j 18. 11, I of Benjamin 19. 1. second L to Simeon, 10. 17, 24, 32, '40. 21. 4. Z. of Kohatiiites, 6, 8. 1 Chr. G. 54. Judg^. 1. 3. come into niy I. \\ 20. 9. go up by I. t Sara. 14. 41. Saul said to G. give a perfect /.42. 1 Chr. 6. 63. to sons of Merari were given by I 16. 18. the I. of your inheritance, Psal. 105. 11. 24. 5. first I. 9. || 31. these cast I. over-against 7. first/, to Jehoiarib || 25. 9. first /. for Asaph Esth. 3.7. they cast Pur. that is /. before Hainan i'sal 16.5. mamtainest my /. j! 125. 3. 1, of right. Prov. 1. 14. cast in thy /. || 16. S3. I. is rast in lap 18. 18. the /. causeth contentions to cease Isa.17.14. thisis ttiel. |i34. 17. cast /.1|57. 6. thy I. Jer.13. 25. this is thy /. |JEzek. 24. 6. let no /. fall Dan.l2.13.standintby /.||Mic.2.5. cast cord by /. Mat.27.35.parted garments, casting I. Mar.15.24. Luke 1.9.his /. was to burn incense when he went Acts 1. 26. 1, fell on Matthiasy 8. 21. no /. 1|13. 19. See Cast. LOTAN, Wrapt, covered, or bound. Gen. 36. 20. LOTHE, ED, ETH, ING. Exod. 7. 18. Nunr. 21. 5. soul I. Prov. 27. 7. j^Job 7.16. 1/, it Jer. 14. 19. /. Zion [j Ezek. 6. 9./. themselves Ezek. 10. 5. /. of thy person || 45. /. her children 20. 43. /. yourselves, 36. 31. || Zech. 11. 8. soul /. LOTHSOME. Num. 11. 20. tillit be /. |jJob 7. 5. Ps 33. 7. /. disease JlProv, 13. 5. wicked man is /• LOUD, a. Lev. 25. t 9. trumpet/, of sound 2 Chr. 30. 21. /. instruments || Ezra 3. 13. /. shout Neh.12.42. sang /.|! Ps.33.3. /. noise,98. 4.|ll50. 5. Prov.7.11.sheis/.|lRev. 14. 18. cried with a/, cry LOUD Voice,s. Gen. 39. 14. Exod.l9. l6.Deut. 27. 14. 2 Sam. 15. 23. 1 Kings 8. 55. 2 Chr. 15. 14. I 20. 19. Ezra 3. 12. | 10. 12. Esth. 4. 1. Prov. 27. 14. Ezek. 8. IB. j 9. 1. Luke 1. 42. I 8. 28. I 17. 15. | 23. 23. Acts 8.7.|l4. 10. I 26. 24. Rev. 5. 2, 12. | 8. 13. j 12. 10. I 14.7,9, 15. LOUDER, a. Exod. 19. 19. trumpet waxed /. LOVE, s. signifies, [1] ^ natural passion, inclining us to delight in an object, Gen. 29- 20. [2] A gracious principle, which delights in things spi- ritual, Col. 3. 1. [3] The effect of love, John 15. 13. [4] The person beloved^ Song 2. 2, 7. [5] F)'iendship, Prov. 15. 17. Love is, (I) Natural, whichis either lauful,Pstk]. 3-*. 12. or, unlawful, John 12. 25. (it) Conju- gal, which is, [1] JDivine, that is, God's love to his people, which is, inexpressible, John 3. 16. Inconceivable, Eph. 3. 19. Everlasting, Jer. 31. 3. Sovereign,T)eut. 7 . B. Free and undeserved, Hos. 14. 4. Immutable^ John 13. 1. Compla- cential, Prov. 8. 31. Boundless and infinite, 1 John 4. 16. [2J Human, Eph. 5. 25. X_S] Ido- latrous, Jer. 2. 25. ; 8. 2. (HI) Parental and Jitial,Gen. 22. 2. (iv> Spiritual,2is, [1] God'& love to his children, John 17.25. Eph. S. 19. I 5. 2. [2] Their love to him, Psal. 116. 1. [3] To one another, John 15. 17. Col. 1.4. [41 Of mi^iisters and people, 2 Cor.2.4. f S.7, 8. iThes. 5. 13. Tit. 3. 15. (V) C«rna/, 2 Sam. 13. 4. Prov. 7. 18. (VI) Wicked, 2 Chr. 19. 2. Rev. 22. 15. Gen. 29. 20. few days for the /. |I 1 Sam. 20. 1 17 1 Sara. 1. 26. passing the /.|| 13. 15. than the /. Prov. 5. 19.ravisht with her /. |) 7. 18. fill of?. 10. 12. /. covereth sins |J 15. 17. where /. is 17. 19. seeketh /. || 27. 5. better than secret I. Eccl. 9. 1. /. or hatred || 6. /. and hatred perished Song 2. 4. banner was /.|l 5. I am sick of/. 5. 8. 3. 10. paved with /. (] 7. 6. O /. for dehghts 8. 6. /. is strong (| 7. cannot quench /. Jer. 2. 2. /. of espousals || 33. trimmest to seek/. 12. t 7. /. of my soul |1 31. 3. everlasting /. Ezek. 16. 8. a time of Z. |{ 23. 11. inordinate l. 23; 17. in bedof /. [j 33. 31. shew much /. Dan. 1, 9. bro^ight Daniel into tender /. LOV LOV ^t^^ Hos. 3. U.of the L. II H. 4. with bands of/. Matt. 24.12. I. wax cold||John 13. 35. /.one to an. John 15. 13. greater Z. || 17. 26. I. wherewith Rom. 8. 35. fr. 7. of Christ 1| 12. 9. 1, without dis. 12 10. brotherly I. \\ 13. 10. 1, worketh no ill 15. 20. /. of the Spirit 1| 2 Cor. 2. 4. 1. 1 have 2 Cor. 2. 8. confirm your I. |j 5. 14. I. of Christ 6. 6. /. mifeigned |j 8. 8. smcerity of your I. 8. 24. proof of your 1. 1| 13. 11. God of I. Gal. 5. 6. worketh by Z. [] 13. by /. serve one 22. / joy, peace 1| Eph. 1. 15. heard of your I. Eph.3. 19. to know the I. \\ 6. 23. I. with faith Phil. 1. 9. /. niay abound || 17. the other oil. a. 1 . any coiiifort of I. \\ 2. havhig the same I. Col. 1. 4. A to all saints || 8. declared your I. 1 Tiies. 1. 3. labour of/. || 4. 9. touching br. /. 5. 8. breast-plate of /. || 2Thes. 2. 10. /. of truth 1 Tun. 1. 14. with faith, /. || 6. 10. /. of money 6. 11. follow / || 2 Tun. 1. 7. of fear, but of/. Phile\i. 9. yet for /. sake I rather beseech Heb. 6. 10. labour of/. \\ 10. 24. provoke to /. 13. I. let brotherly/. |i 1 Pet. 22. unfeigned /. J John 2. 15. /. of Father notjl 3. 1. manner of /. 4. 7. /. is of God || 8. God is /. || 10. herein is /. 16. known the /. |J 17. /. made perfect, 18. Q John 6. this is /. [| Jude 2. peace, /. multiplied Kev. 2. 4. because thou hast left thy first /. LOVE of God. Luke 1 1 . 42. pass over /. - John 5. 42." ye have not the /. - in you Foui. 5. 5. /.. - is shed || 8. 39. separate from /. 2 Cor. 13. 14. /. - be with you all. Amen 2 '! !)es. 3. 5. direct into /. - \\ Tit. 3. 4. appeared 1 John 2. 5. /. - perfected ji 3. 16. perceive we /. - 3. 17. how dwelleth /. -?j| 4. 9. manifested 5. 3. tnis. is /. - II Jude 21. keep in the /. - His LOVE. Deut. 7. 7. God did not set - /. Psal. 91. 14. hath set - /. || Isa. 63. 9. in - /. pity Zeph. 3. 17. rest in -/. 11 John 15. 10. abide in-/. Rom. 5. 8 commendetli||l John 4. 12. perfected Jn LOVE. 1 Km. 11. 2. Sol. clave to these - /. Isa. 38. 17.-/. tomysouiyiCor. 4. 21. rod or-/. 2 Cor. 8. 7. as ye abound m your /. to us Eph. 1. 4. before him - /. || 3. 17. grounded - /. 4. 2. forbearing - /• || 1 5. s])eaking truth - /. 16. edifying- /. 1|5. 2. walk - /. as Christ Col. 2. 2. couiforted, being knit together - /. 1 Thes. 3. 12. increase- /. || 5. 13. highly -/. 2Tnn. 1. 13. in faith and /.jll John 4. 16. dwelleth 1 John : . 18. no fear - /. || 2 John 3. - truth and /. Mij LOVE. Ps. 109. 4 for - /. adversaries, 5. Song 1. 9. O - /. II 13. art fair - /. 4. 1, 7. 2. 2. so is - /. 11 7. nor aviake -1.3.5. | 8. 4. 10. rise - /. II 5. 2. open to me - /. || 6. 4. O - /. John 15. 9. continue in - /. || 10. abide in- /. 1 Cor. 16. 24. - /. be with you all in Christ Jesus Thy LOVE. 2 Sam. 1 . 26. - /. was wonderful Song 1. 2. - /. is better than wine, 4. | 4. 10. Philcm. 5. hearing of- /. 7. || Rev. 2. 4. left- /. LOVE, r. Lev. 19. 18. /. thy neighbour, 34. Matt. 19. 19. I 22. 39. Mark 12.31. Deut. 6. 5. shall /. the Lord thy God with all thy heart, 10. 12. j 11. 1, 13,22. | 19. 9. | 30. 6. 7. 9. keep, covenant with them that /. Dan. 9. 4. 13. he will /. thee || 10. 15. delight to /. 10. 19. /. stranger II 13. 3. /. the Lord youtGod 30. 16. to /. Lord thy God || 20. mayest /. the L. Josh. 22. 5. heed to /.*23. 11. || Judg. 5. 31. /.him 1 gam, U. 22.^11 /. thee jl 2 Chr. 19. 2. shouldst /, Neh. 1. 5. keepeth mercy for them that /. him Ps. 4. 2. /. vanity || 5. 11. /. thy name be joyful 18. 1. 1 will /. thee II 31.23. O /. the L. all ye 40. 16. /. thy salvation, 70. 4. |j 69. 36, /. name 97. 10. ye that /. the Lord || 119. 132. /. name 119. 165. great peace have they who /. thy law 122. 6. prosper that /. [I 145. 20. all that /. him Prov. 1. 22. /. simplicity || 4. 6. /. wisdom 8. 36. 1 death || 9. 8. rebuke, he will /. 16. 13. kings, they /.|| 18. 21. /. it, eat fruit Eccl. 3. 8. a time to /. || Song 1. 3. virgins /. 4. Isa. 56. 6. / name of Lord j| 61. 8. L. /. judgment 66. 10. glad all that /. || Jer. 5. 31. my people /. Hos. 3. 1. /. a woman || 4. 18. do /. give ye 9. 15. /.no more || 14, 4. /. them freely Am. 4. t 5. so ye /. || 5. 15. /. the good, estabhsh Mic. 3. 2. who /. the evil || 6. 8. but to /, mercy Zech. 8. 17. /. no false oath || 19. /. the truth Matt. 5. 43. it hath been said, /. thy neighbour 44. but I say, /. your enemies, Luke 6. 27, 35. 46. if ye /. them which /. you, Luke 6. 32. 6. 5. /. to pray ]! 24." /. the other, Luke 16. 13. " 22. 37. /. the Lord, Mark 12. 30. Luke 10. 27. 23. 6. / uppermost || Mark 12. 38. Scribes /. Luke 7. 42. /. him most ?||11. 43. greetings, 20. 46. John 14. 21.1 will /. himjl 23. if a man /. me 15. 12. /. one another, 17. || 19- world would /. Rom. 8. 28. that /. God || 13. 8. but to /. one ano. 13. 9. /. thy neighbour, Gal. 5. 14. Jam. 2. 8. 1 Cor. 2. 9. that /. him |j 8. 3. if any man /. God Eph. 5. 25. /. your wives, 28, 33. Col. 3. 19. 6. 24. that /. our Lord ]) 1 Thes. 4. 9. taught to /. 2 Tun. 4. 8. to all them that /. his appearance Tit. 2. 14. husbands |j 3. 15. greet that /. us Jam. 1.12. promised to them that /. him, 2. 5. 1 Pet. 1. 8. not seen ye /. || 22. /. one another 2. 17. /. brotherhood, 3.8. || 3. 10. will /.life 1 John 2. 15. if any man /,|| 3. 11. heard that we should /. one another, 4. 7, 1 1 . 2 John 5. 3. 14. because we /. brethren || 23. /. one another 4. 19. we /. him because |j 20. can he /. God? 21. /. brother also || 5. 2. we /. children of God / LOVE. Gen. 27. 4. savoury meat, as / /. Ex. 21.5. //.my master]! Judg. 16.15. canstsay-/. 2 Sam. 13.4. II. Tamar|| Ps. 116. 1. //. the Lord Ps. 119.97. O hew //. thy law, 113, 1-19, 127,163. 159. /. thy precepts II 167. /. thy testhnonies Prov. 8. 17. / /. them that /. me, and those John 14.31. //. the FatherH21.l5.knowest, 16, 17. 2 Cor. 12.,1 5. more //.1)1 John 4. 20. say / /. God 2 John 1. whom / /. 3 John l.||Rev.3. 19. as //. LOVE me. Gen. 29. 32. husband will /. - Exod. 20. 6. mercy to them that /. -, Deut. 5. 20. Prov. 8. 17. that /. - 1| 21 . those that /. - to inherit John 8. 42. you would /. -|| 10. 17. doth Father 14. 15. if ye /. -keep || 23. /. -he will keep LOVE not. Prov. 20. 13. /. - sleep, lest thou lCor.16.22. /.-the L. Jesusj|2Cor.n.ll.I /. you - 1 John 2. 15. /. - the world || 3. 1 8. - /. in word but See Charity, LOVED. Gen. 24. 67. Isaac /. her||25.28. /. Esau 29. 18. /. Rachel, 30.1|34. 3. Dinaii||37. 3. Joseph Deut. 4. 37. because he /. 7. 8. j 2.'}. 5. ! 33. 3. Judg. 16. 4. Samson /. || 1 Sam. 1. 5. /. Hannah, 1 Sam. 16. 21. Saul /. David j] 18. 1. Jonathan ^ David as his own soul, 3. | 20: 17,4 18. 16. Israel /. David || 20. Michal /. Dc^vicJ LOV LtJS 2 Sam. 12; 24. L. I. Solomon |1 13. 1.7. Tamar, 15. 1 Kin. 3. 3. Sol. I. the Lord |) 10. 9. Lord I. Israel, for ever, therefore he, 2 Clir. 9. 8. 11. 1. ^ strange women |)2 Chr. 2. 11. L. /. his p. 2 Chr. 11.21. Rehob. L Maaeah || 26. 10. 1, hu^). Esth. 2. 17. 1. EstherijJob 19. 19. they whom I I. Ps.26.8. 1, the habitation&||47.4. Jacob whom he I. 78. 68. Mount Zion he I. jj 109. 17. he I. cursing 119. 47. delight in commands which I've I. 48. Isa. 3B.fl7. thou hast I. me || 43. 4. I have I. thee Jer. ^. 25. I L strangers |j 8. 2. whom they i. 14. 10. ^. to wander I j 31. 3.1 ^. thee with everl, Ezek. 16., 37. I'll gatlier all them that thou hast I. Hos-.g. 1. 1. arewardjjlO.asthey Z.|[ll. 1. then I /. Mai. 1. 2. Z. you, yet ye say j| 2. 11. holiness he L Mark 10. 21. Jesus I. him|)Luke 7. 47. she /. much John 3. 16. God so l. the world|| 19. 1, darkness 11. .*). Jesus I. Martha jj 36. how he I. him V 12.43. 1. iliepiaiseofmen|il3. 1. he /. to the end 13. 23. disciple whom J. Z. 19.26. |20. 2. [21.20. 34. as 1 have I. you, 15. 9, I2.1il4. 21. shall be I. 14. 2S. if ye L me || 16. 27. because you l. me 17. 2.3. has.t /. tiien\ as tiiou hast I. me, 26. Rom. 8. 37. thro' him that I. us||9. 13. Jacob I /. 2Cor. 12. 15. the-lcss I au, Z.|jGal. 2. 20. who I. me Eph. 2. 4. wherewith he I. us jj 5. 2. as C I us, 25. 2Thes. 2, 16. hatii /. usl|2 Tim. 4. 10. 1, this world Hib. 1. 9. /. righteousness || 2 Pet. 2. 15. 1, wages 1 John 4. 1 0. he Z. us, U ,jll9. because he first /. us Rev. 1. 5. /. us II 3. 9. 1 1 thee || 13. 11. I. not lives LOVEDST. Isa. 57. 8. /. bedjjJohn 17. 24. /.me LOVELY, ad. 2 Sam. l. 23. /. in their lives Song 5. 16. altogether I. jj Ezek. 33. 3'2. a /. song Phil. 4. 8. whatsoever things are L think on LOVER, s. 1 Knjgs 5. 1. P.sal. 88. 18. Tit. 1. 8. LOVERS, s. Psal. 38. 1 1. my I. stand aloof from Jer. 3. 1. many /. |j4.30. thy I. 22. 20, 22. | 30. 14. Lam. 1. 2. among all her /.|jl9. I called for my I. Ezek. 16. 33. thy I. 36, 37.||23. 22.JI23. 5. her /.9. Hos. 2. 5. I'll go after my /.j|7. shall follow her I. 10. in sight of/. || 12. my /. have given me 13. she went after her L jj 8. 9. Ephr. hired /. 2 Tmi. 3. 2. /. of ownselves || 4. /. of pleasures LOVES. Prov.7. 18. with/ jjSong 7.12. give my/. LOVEST, V. Gen. 22. 2. take Isa'^ac whom thou /. Judg. 14. 16. i me not j| 2 Sam. 19. 6. /. enemies Psai. 45. 7. 1, righteousness || 52. 3. /. evil, 4. J^ccl. 9.9. wife thou /.jiJohn 11.3. he whom thou/. 21. 15. Simon, son of Jonas, /. thou me? 16, 17. ]LOVETH, V. Gen. <27. 9. such as he /. |j 44. 20. Deut. 10. 18. Lord/. stran. Num. 11. 4. multitude fell a Z. LUSTS, s. Mark 4. 19. 1, of other things choke John 8. 44. 1, of your father || Rora. 1. 24. thro' I. Rom. 6. 12. obey it in the I \\ 13. 14- to fulfil I. Gal. 5. 24. crucified I. \\ Eph. 2. 3. 1, of the flesh Eph. 4. 22. deceitful /. || I Thn. 6. 9. hurtful I. 2 Tim. 2. 22. flee I. \\ 3. 6. led with t. \\ 4. 3. own I Tit. 2. 12. denying worldly I. \\ 3. 3. divers I. Jam. 4. 1. even of your I. || 3. consume it on l. 1 Pet. 1. 14. to former I. \\ 2. 11. abstain from I 4. 2. live to l. of men || 3. walked in I. excess 2 Pet. 2. 18. allure thro' /. |j 3. 3. walk after /. Jude 16. complainers, walking after /. 18. LUSTY, a. Judg. 3. 29. slew 10,000 men all /. LUZ, Almond, or departing. Gen. 28. 19. | 35. 6. |48. S.Josh. 16. 2. I 18. 13. Judg. 1. 23,26. LIAR,S, s. Dent. S3. 29. enemies be found I. Job 24.25. make me a /.yPsal. 116. 11. all men/. Prov. 17. 4. a /. giveth ear||lS. 22. better than a/. 30. 6. be found a 1. 1) Isa. 44. 25.frustrateth/. Jer. 15. 18. altogether as a I. \\ 50. 36. sword on I. John 8. 44. for he is a I, \\ 55. a I. like to you Rom. 3. 4. every man a I. \\ 1 Tim. 1. 10. for /. Tit. 1. 12. always L \\ 1 John 1. 10. make him a L 1 John 2. 4. is a I. 22. | 4. 20.1|5. lO.ma^le him a I. Rev. 2. 2. found the I. \\ 21. 8. all L shall have LYBIA, Gross, or fat. A country, Ezek. 30. 5. LYCAONIA, A*wolf. A country of the Lesser Asia, Acts 14.6, 11. LYDIA, LYDDA, A pool. Ezek. 50. 5. Acts 9. 32.1 16. 14,40. LYDIANS. Jer. 46. 9. L. that handle bow LYE, V. Lev. 6. 2. if a soul I. \\ 19. 11. nor/, one Num. 23. 19. God is not a man that he should /. 1 Sam. 15. 29. will not /.||2 Kings 4. 1 6 do not /. Job 6. 28. evident if I /. i| 34. 6. should I /. against Ps. 89. 35. not /. to David||Prov. 14. 5. will not /. Isa. 63. 8. tliat will not /. \\ Mic.2. 11. ifa man /. Hab. 2. 3. speak and not /. || Acts 5.3. heart to /. Rom. 9. 1. 1 /. not, 2 Chr. 11. 31. Gal. 3. 9. 1 Tim. 2.7. Col. 3. 9. /. not 1) Tit. 1 . 2. cannot /. Keb. 6. 1 8._ Jam, 3. 14. /. notH 1 John 1.6./. and do not truth Rev. 3. 9. which say thev are Jews, but do I. LIED. 1 Kings 13. 18. he /. to himfjPsal. 78. SQ. Isa. 57. 11. that thou hast/.|jActs5. 4.uot/. to men LlETH, V. Lev. 6, 3, and /. concerning it LYE, s. signifies, [1] ^re yyitndh, Judg, i6. 10. [2] False doctrine, 1 John 2. 21. [3] An ido- latrous image of God, Rom.l. £5. Psal. 62. 9. men of high degree a /. [j H9. 69. Isa. 44. 20. is there not a /. in my right-hand Jer. 27. 10. propliesy a /. 14, I5,"l6. |i 29. t 9, 21, 28. 15. trust in a /. 29. Sl.|| 37. t 14. it is a/. Ezek. 21. 29. divinea /. |j IMic. 1. 14. houses a /. Zeoh. 10, 2. setio a/. || John S. 44. .si>eaketha /. MAA 3^; Rom. 1. 25. truth of G. into a /. [j 3. 7. thro' my L 2Thes. 2. 1 1. delusion, that they should believe a/. I John 2.21. no /. is of the tmth |) 27. is no I. Rev. 22, 15. loveth and maketh a /. 21. 27. LIES. Judg. 16. 10. and has told me /. 13. Job 11. 3. should thy /.|) 13. 4. forgers of/. Psal. 40. 4. turn aside to /,']| 58. 3. speaking 7. 62. 4. delight in /.||63, 11, that speaketh i. iOi. 7. Prov. 6. 1 9. speaketh /. 14. 25. \ 19. 5, 9. 14. .5. utter/. || 29. 1 2. if ruler hearken to /. 30. 8. remove far from me vanity and /.give Isa. 9. 15. teacheth /. |) 16. 6. his /. not be so 28. 15. /. our refuge, 17. || 59. 3. spoken /. 4. Jer. 9. 3. bend tongues forZ.jjS. tongues to speak/. 14. 14. prophesy /. 23. 25.||'l6. 19. inherited/. 20, 6. prophesied /. |j 23. 14. and vvalk in /. 23.32. to err by their /. |) 48. 30. /. not effect it Ezek. 13. 8, spoken/. Hos. 7. IS.Mic. 6. 12. 9. divine /. 22. 28. i) 13. 22. with /. made sad 24. 12. Avearied with /. |J Dan. 11. 27. speak /. Hos. 7. 3. glad with /. |j 10. 13. eaten fruit of I, 11. 12. compassed me with /. \\ 12. 1. increase ?. Amos 2. 4. /. caused to err j| Nab. 3. 1. full of I. Hab. 2. 18. teacher of /.||Zeph. 3. 13. not speak /. Zech. 15.3. tliou speakest /. in the name of tlie L. 1 Tim. 4. 2. speaking /. in hypocrisy, having LYGURE, see J.vciMTH, A precious stone. Exod. 28. 19. I 39.12. LYING. 1 Kin, 22. 22, /.spirit, 23. 2Chr. 18.21. Psal. 31.6;/. vanities jl 18./. lips, 120, 2. 52. 3. lovest /.jj59. 12, for cursing and /. which 109. 9. have spoken against me witli a /. tongue 119.29. way of/. II 163.1 abhor/. || 120.2. /.lips Prov. 6. 17. a /. longue, 12. 19. | 21. 6. j 26. 28. 10. 18. /. lips, 12. 22. I 17. 7. || 13. 5.hateth L Isa. 30. 9. /. children 11 32. 7. /. words (| 59. 13. ml. Jer. 7. 4. trust not in /. words, 8. | 29. 23. Ezek. 13. 6. /. divination, 7. || 19. by your /. Dan. 2. 9. /. words || Hos. 4, 2. by swearing, /. Jonah 2. 8. /, vanities \\ Eph. 4. 25. put away /. 2 Thes. 2. 9. whose coming is with /. wonders LYING ivith Women. Gen. 34. 7. Num. 31. 17, ?>5. Deut. 22. 22, Judg. 21. f 11, 12, 15. LYING. Gen. 29. 2. three flocks of sheep /. Exod. 23. 5, /. Tinder burdenJlDeut. 21. 1. /, in field Psal. 139. 3, my /. down [| Isa. 56. 10. sleeping,/. Matt. 9. 2. /. on a bed ||!Mark 5. 40. damsel was /, Luke 2.12./. inamangerl|Johnl3.25, /.on breast Jolm 20. 5. linen clothes /. || 7. the napkin not L LYING inwait. Josh. 8. 1 1.3. Judg. 9. 35.. I 6. 9. Lam. 3. 10. Acts 20. 19. | 23. 16. LYSANIAS, Dissolving, sadtiess. Luke 3. 1. LY8IA, A ivolf. A country o/ the Lesser Asia. Acts 27. 5. we came to Myra a city of L. LYSIAS, Dissolving. Acts 23. 26.''| 24. 7, 22. LYSTRA, The same. A citv in Lucaonia, Acts 14. 6, 8, 21. 116. 1, 2. 2 Tim. 3. 1 1. LYZAIxD, ste Lizard. Lev. 11. 30. /r A AC RAH, To Sf7Ke. Neh, 12. 36. MAALEH-ACRABBIM, Ascent to Akrabbim. Num. 34. 4. Josh. 15. 3. MAARATH, A den, or empty. .Tosh. 15. 59. MAASEIAH, The work of the Lord. Neh. 11.5. Jej-.2l. 1. 1 29. 21. 1 32. la. 1 35. 4. M^i^k^WU., Defence of the Lord. 1 Chr. 15. 18. MAATH, Wiping away. Luke 3. 26. MAAZ, Wood, or of wood. 1 Chr. 2. 27; MAAZIAH, Strength of the Lord. 1 Chr. 24. 18. 5IACED0NIA, Adoration ; but after the Greek, Elevated. A country in Greece. Actsl6.9. come over into 7H.|jl8. 5. come from3i. .19. 21. passed thro' y)/.]jRom. 15. 26. them of i>f. 2 Cor. 7. .5. were come to || 8. 1. churches of 31. 9. 2. boast to 31. \\ 4. lest they ofM. 11. 9- 1 Thes. 1.7. ensamples to |( 8. not only in, 4. 10. MACHBENAH, Poverty. I Chr. 2. 49. | 12. 11. MACHI, Poor, or smiter. Num. 13. 15. MACHIR, Selling, or knowing. Gen. 50. 23. Num. 26. 29. | 27. 1. 132. 39, 40. ] 36. 1. Deut. 3. 1.5. Josh. 17. 1. Judg. 5. 14. 2 Sam. 9.4.1 17. 27. MACHNADEBAI, A smiter. Ezra 10. 40. MACHPELAH, Double. Gen. 23. 17. | 49.30. MAD, a.sisjnifies, [1] One besides himself, Acts 26.24. [2'\ Outrngeoiis, furious. Acts 26. II. [3] Infatuated, Jer. 50. 38. [4] Distressed, Deut. 28. 34. Deut. 28. 34. thou shalt be m. for sisjht of eyes 1 Sam. 21. 13. and David feigned himself m. 14. 2 Kings 9.11. m. feUow||Psal. 1 02.8. m. against me l^ccl. 2. 2. of laughter, it is m. \\ 7.7. Wiseman m. Isa. 44. 25. diviners m. || 59.tl5. is accounted m. Jer. 25.16. and be m.!|29. 26. every man that is W2. 50. 38. m. on their idols || 51.7. nations are m. Hps. 9. 7. spiritual man is m. || John 10. 20. is w. Acts 12. 15. thou art 7ii. ||26. 11. exceedingly 7n. ■26. 2 l.Paul, nuich learning doth make thee m. 1 Cor. 14. 23. will they not say that ye are m. MADAl, A measure-judging. Gen. 10. 2. MAD-J/an. 1 Sam. 21. 15. Prov.26. 18. MAD-Men. Jer. 4»8. 2. O m. - the sword shall MADIAH. Neh. 14. 5. MADlAN, Judgment, or chiding. Acts 7. 29. MA D M AN N AH, 3Ieasure of a gift, or prepara- tion of a garment. Josh. 15. 31 . MADNESS, s.f Deut. 28, 28. smite thee with m. 2 Kings 9.t20. like Jehu, for he dnveth in m. Eccl. 1. 17. to know wisdom and m. 2. 12. | 7. 25. 9. 3. m. in their heart l| 10. 13. mischievous m. Zech. 12. 4. sniite with m.j|Luke 6. 11. tilled with 2 Pet. 2. 16. ass forbad the m. of the prophet MADE, V. Exod. y. 14. who m. thee a prince ? 4. 11. who m. man's mouth \\ 32. 31. m. gods of Josh. 8. 15. m. as if beaten || 14. 8. m. heart melt 1 Sam. 3. 13. his sonsw. themselves vile, and 12. 1. w. a king |j 15. 17. ?«. head of Israel ^ Sam. 13. G.Amnon ni. himself sick and 1 Kings 1 5. l.^. she had m. an idol in a grove 2 Chr. 25. 16. art thou ?». of the king's counsel . 28. 19. m. Judah naked {| Neh. 4. 9. in prayer Job 15. 7. or wast tliou m. before the hills ? Psal. 7. 15. he m. a pit, 9; 15. !) 52. 7 fn. not G. his Eccl. 2. 4. 1 m. me great works, I builded, 5, C. Song 1. 6. ni. me keeper |j 6. 12. my soul 7n. me Isa. 2. 8. fingers m. j| 29. 16. say of him that m. it 31. 7. hands m. for a sin || 59. 8. m. crooked Jer. 10. 11. not m. the heavensi|18. 4. vessel he m. Ezek. 13. 22. m. righteous sad || 20. 28. m. favor Matt. 9. 22. faith hath m. thee whole, Mark 5. 34. 21. 13. m. ita den of thieves, Mark 11. 17. Rev. 7. 14. m. them white 1| 14. 8. m. all drmk MADE, meant of God. Gen. 1. 7. m. firmament 16. m. lights, 2.5, 31. || 2. 2. work he had m. 2. 4. m. earth and heavens, Exod 20. 11.131.17. Psal. 145. 6. Isa. 45. 18. Jer. 12. 10. 5. 1. ill the Ukeness of God m. he him, 9. 6. G. 6. repented he had m. \\ 26. 22. m. room for 41. 51. ni. me forget mytoil[|45. 19. m. ;e lord Exod. 1. 21. hem. Iiojises [j 14. 21. m. sea dry land Deut. 10. 22. m. thee asstars||32. 13. m. him ride 32. 15. then he forsook God which m. him 2Sam. 22. 36. gentleness m. me great, Psal. 18.35. 1 Kings 10. 9. Lord m. thee king, 14. 7. | 16. 2. 1 Chr. 16. 26. m. the heavens, Neh. 9. 6. Ps. 56.^. 96. 5. I 121.2. I 124. 8. | 134. 3. 2 Chr. 20. 27. m. them to rejoice|l26. 5. to prosper Rzra6.22. Lord had made them joyful, Neh. 12.43. Job 10. 8. m. and fashioned me|| 1 6.7 m. desolate 17. 16. m. me a by-word|j31. 15. m. me in womb 33. 4. Spirit of God m. me||40.19. be that m- him PsaJ. 100. 3. he m. us || 118. 24. day Lord hath m. 1 19. 73. m. and fashioned me \\ 148. 6. m. decree Prov. 16.4. Lord m. all things for InmseJf, 20. 12. Eccl. 3. 11. w. every thing beautiful || 7. 29. man Isa. 27. 11. he that m. the'n || 30. 33. m.Tophet 44. 2. Lord tiiat m. tliee|| >3. 12. m. intercessiofl Jer. 38. 16. as the Loru liveth that m. this soul Lam. 3. 4. skin m. old, 7, 9. j| 1 5. m. me diuiik Matt. 19.4. he m. them inale and fern. Mark* 10. 6. John 1. 3, without him was not any thing m. 4. 1. Jesus m. more disciples Ij 46. m water wme 5. 11. m. mewhole^saidjl 9. 6. 7n. clay, 11, 14. Acts 2. 36. m. that same Jesus jj 17. 24. m world 17. 26. m. of one blood||20. "28. in. you overseers 1 Cor. 1 . '.^0. m. foolishj|2 Cor. 5. 21- m. Iiim to he sin Gal. 5. 1. m. us free || Eph. 1. 6. m. us accepted Eph. 2. 6. m. us sit together || 14. m. uo{\\ one Col. 1. 12. m. us meet || 2. 15. m. a shew of them Heb. 1. 2. w the worlds|l6. 13. m. promise to Abr. Rev. 1. 6. m. us kings |1 14. 7. m. heaven and / have, or have I MADE. Gen. 7. 4. | 14. 23. 1 17. .5. I 27. 37. Exod. 7. 1. 2 Sam. 7. 9. 1 Kings 8. 59. 1 Chr. 29. 19- E:?ra 6. 11. Job 17. 13. I 31. 24. I 39.6. Psal. 45. 1. Prov. 20. 9. Isa. 16. 10.121. 2. | 43. 7. | 45. 12. | 46. 4. 1 57. 16. Jer. 1. 1 8. | 4-'. 10. Ezek. 3. S, 17. I 13. 22. I 17. 24. I 22. 4. j 29. 3. | 31. 9. Dan. 3. 1.5. Amos 4. 10. Obad 2. Mai. ^. 9. John 7. 23. 1 Cor. 9. 19- Thou hast M-\DE. Exod. 15. 17. ! 29. 36. Josh. 2. 17, 20. 1 Kings 3- 7. j 9. 3. 2 Kings 19. 1.5. 2 Chr. 22. 8.^ Job 1. 10. | 10. 9. | 16. 7. Psal. 8. 5. I 18. 43. | 21. 6- | oO. 7. | 39- 5. 1 62. 2, 3.174. 17. | 86. 9. ] 88. S. | 89. 42, 44^ 47.J91. 9.192. 4.|104. 24, ?6.1119. 98. Isa. 25. 2. I 37. 16. I 43.24. | 63. K. Jer. 2.28. I 14, 22. I 32. 17. Lam. 3. 45. Ezek. 13. 5. | 16. 24, 25. I 22. 4, 13. Matt. 20. 12. Roui, 9. 20. Rev. 5. 10. MAG MAI 34^ MADE haste. Gen. 24. 46. | 43. SO. Exod. 34. 8. Jiidg. 13. 10. iSam. 23. 16. | 25.18. 2 Sam. 4. 4. Psal. 119. 60. Luke 19- 6. MADE manifest. Luke 8. 17. John 1. 31. | 3. 21. I 9. 3. Rom. 10. 20. | 16. 26. 1 Cor. 3. 13. I 11. 19. I 14. 25. 2 Cor. 4. 10. I 11. 6. Eph. 5.13. Col. 1.26. 2 Tim. 1. 10. Heb. 9. 8. 1 John 2. 19. Rev. 15. 4. MADE Peace. Josh. 9. 15. | 11. 19. 2 Sam. 10. 19. 1 Kin. 22. 44. 1 Chr. 19. 19. Col. 1. 20. MADE reatfy. Gen. 43. 25. | 46. 29. Exod. 14.6. Judg. 6. 19. I 13. 15. 1 Kmgs 6. 7. 2 Kings 9. 21. I Chr. 28. 2. 2 Chr. 3.5. 14. Psal. 7. 12. Hos. 7. 6. Matt. 26. 19. Mark 14. 16. Luke 22. 13. Acts 10. 10. 2 Cor. 10. 16. Rev. 19. 7. MADE Speed. 1 Kings 12. 18. 2 Chr. 10. 18. MADE void. Num. 30. 12. Psal. 89- 39. | 119. 126. Rom. 4. 14. MADE, (passively) Gen. 49. 24. m. strong by Lev. 22. 5. m. unclean || 2 Chr. 6. 40. prayer m. Ezra 5. 17.search m. 6. l.|| 6. 11. w. a dunghill Job 7. 3. m. to possess || 41.33. m. without fear Psal. 49. 16. is m. rich |) 139. 14. wonderfully m. Prov. 15.19. way m. plain ||21. ll.jn.viise||28.'n. themselves,38.l6. 55. 12. m. himself jj 69. 30. m. with thaaksg. Isa. 10. 15. or .saw m. itself |j 42. 21. m. the Taw Ezek. 38.23. thus will I m. myself and sanctify Dan. 8. 25. m. himself m his heart, 11. 30, 17. Zech. 12. 7. m. not thems. jjLuke 1. 46. m. the L. Acts 10.46. >». God II Rom. 11.13. 1 ?». mine office MAGNIFIED, p. Gen. 19.19. hast m. thy mercy Josh. 4. 14. 7«. Joshua || 2 Sam. 7. 26. name be m. 1 Chr. 29. 25. m. Solomon || 2 Chr. 32. 23. Heze^. Psal. 3b. 27. let the Lord be m. 40. 16. j 70. 4. 138. 2. hast m. thy word above all thy name Jer. 48.26. m. himself, 42. Dan. 8. 11. Lam. 1.9.m. himself [| Zeph. 2.8. m. themselves, 10. Mal.l.S.L. willbe/n. If Acts 5.13. people m. them Acts 19. 17. name of the L. was m. Phil. 1. 20. MAGOG, Cocering, or melting. Gen. 10. 2. the son of Japheth, M. 1 Chr. 1. 5. Ezek. 38. 2. against land of 31. || 39. fire on M. Rev. 20. 8. to gather Gog and 31. to battle MAGOR-MISSABIB, Fear round about. Jer. 20. 3. Lord hath not called Pashur, but M. MAGPIASH, Gathered together. Neh. 10. 20. MAHALAH, Infirmity, sickness. 1 Chr. 7. 18. MAHALALEEL, Praising God, or illumination of God. Gen. ». 12. M AH A LATH, A wind instrument. The title of the 53d Psalm. Gen. 28. 9. 2 Chr. 11. 18. MAHALATH-LEANOTH, On a wind instru- ment to sing by courses, or of the disease affiict- ing. Psal. 88. MAHANAIM, Two ai-mies. Gen. 32. 2. Jacob called the name of place, 31. Josh. 21. 38. to the Levites M. 1 Chr. 6. 80. 2 Sam. 2. 8. Ish-bosheth to 31. || 17. 24. D. to 31. 19. 32. Barziila provided sustenance at 31. 1 Kin. 2. 8. I went to M. \\ 4. 14. son of Iddo, 31, MAHANEH-DAN, Tents of judgment. Judg. 18. 12. MAHARAI, Hasting, or hill. 2 Sam. 27. 13. MAHATH, IViping away, breaking, or fearing. 1 Chr. 6. 35. MAHAVITE, Declaring, message, or blotting out. 2 Chr. 11.46. MAHAZ, Ending, or seeing a letter, or waxing hot. 1 Kin. 4. 9. MAHAZIOTH, Seeing a sign. 1 Chr. 25. 4. MAHERSHALAL-HASH-BAZ, Making spuil to the sj)oil. Isa. 8. 1,3. MAHLAH, Infirmity, sickness. Num. 26. S3. MAHLI, The same. Ex. 6. 19. Num.3. 20. MAHLON, The same. Ruth 4. 10. MAHOL, The same. 1 Kin. 4. 31. MAID, S, s. Gen. 16. 2. go in to my m. HagaV MAK INIAK Gen. 1 6. 0. behoUl thy m.\\ 8. Hagar, Sarai's m. t^g.Q^. Zilpah hisjrt. || 29. Bilhah, 30. 3—7. 30. 9. Zilpah her ?u.l0,12. |1 Ex. 2. 5. sent her m. 8. Exod. 21. 20. smite his m. 26. || 22. 16. entice am. Lev. 25. 6. meat form. \\ Deut. 22.14. not am. 17. 2 Kin«s5.2. a little m. 4. || Estli. 2.7. m. wasfair,9. Job 1 9. 15. iny m. count \\ 31. 1. I think on a m. Prov. 30. 19. of a man with a m. |j Isa. 24. 2. Jer. 2. 32. can a ?n. forget (1 .51. 22. break the m. Lam. 5. 11. ravished m. |] Ezek. 9. 6. slay both m. Amos 2. 7. go in to same ?n. || Nah. 2. 7. m. lead Zech. 9. 17.' new wine the m. || Matt. 9. 24, 25. Matt. 26. 71. another m. saw, Mark 14. 69. Luke 8. 54. and he called, sayiiifj, m. arise M\W-CJdld. Lev. 12. 5. if she bear a m. - MAIDEN, S. Gen. 30. 18. given my 7n. to my Exod. 2. 5. her m. walked || Judg. 19. 24. a m. Ruth 2. 8. abide here fast by my m. 22, 23. 1 Sam. 9. 11. found m. \\ 2 Chr. 36. 17. man or m. Esth. 2. 13. thus came every m. || 4. 16. my m. Job 41. 5. or wilt thou bind him for thy m.} Psal. 78. 63. m. not given || 123. 2. eyes of m. 148. 12. young men and m. praise the Lord Prov. 9. 3. sent her j| 27. 27. for thy m. \\ 31. 15. Eccl. 2. 7. 1 got me m. \\ Ezek. 44. 22. take m. Luke 8.51. mother of m. 1| 12. 45. beat them. MAID Servant, s, s. Gen. 12. 16. 1 20. 17. | 24. 35. 1 30. 43. I 31. 33. Exod. 11. 5. | 20. 10, 17. I 21. 7, 27. Deut. 5. 14, 21. | 12. 12, 18. I 15. 17. 1 16. 11. Judg. 9. 18. iSam. 8. 16. 2 Sam. 6.22. Neh. 7.67. Job31.1 3. Jer.34.10. MAJESTY, s. signifies, [1] The infinite dignity , and glory of God, Psal. 104.1. [2] The splen- dor of earthly princes, Esth. 1 . 4. 1 Chr. 29. 11. thine is the m. \\ 25. such roj-al m. Estli. 1. 4. when he shewed the honour of his m. Job 37. 22. with G. is terrible m. || 40. 10. with m. Psal. 21. 5. honour and m.|| 29. 4. voice full of m. 45. 3. with thy glory and m. \\ 4. in thy m. ride 93. 1 . clothed with m. |1 96. 6. honour and m. 104. 1. clothed with honour and m. 145. 5, 12. Isa. 2. 10. glory of his m. 19. 21. [j 24. I4.m. of L. 26. 10. not behold ?«. || Ezek. 7. 20. he is set in m. Dan. 4. 30. honour of my m. |) 36. m. was added 5. 18. God gave thy father m. \\ 19. for the m. Blic. 5. 4. feed in m."l| Heb. 1. 3. right-hand of m. 2 Pet. 1 . 1 6. eye-witnesses of his m. \ j Jude 25 .be m. MAIL, s. 1 Sam. 17. 5. armed with coat of m. MAIMED, p. Lev. 22. 22. m. shall not offer Mat.l5. 33,31. 1 18.8. Mark 9.43. Lukel4.13,21. MAIN-S«i.'. Acts 27. 40. MAINTAIN, ED, ;>. 1 Kings 8. 45. m. their cause, 49, 59. 2 Chr. 6. 35. 1 Chr. 26. 27. m. house of L. || Job 13. 15. I'll m. Psal. 9. 4. thou m. my right [j 140. 12. L. will m. Tit. 3. 8. be careful to tn. good works, 14. MAINTAINEST, v. Psal. 16. 5. m. my lot MAINTAJNANCE, s. Ezra 4. 14. Prov. 27. 27. MAKEji". signifies, [1] To create,frame,or fashion, Gen. 1. 31. Exod. 32. 1. Isa. 45. 9. [2] To choose, 1 Sam. 12. 22. [3] To call, Matt. 4. 1 9. [4] To ordtnn, Acts 26. 16. [5] To turn, Paal. 41. t 3. [6] To build, Ezra 5. t 5. [7] To change one thing into another, John 2. 9. Gen. 1. 26. tn. man |j 2. t 3. God created to m. ^..18. m. help raeet|| 3. 6. to m. one wise; she 3. 21. m. coats |j 6. 14. m. ark |1 11. 3. w. brick 19. 32. »«. father drink, 34. j| 27. 4. m. savoury Gen. 34. 30. in. me stink || 47.6.W. thy father dwell 48. 20. m.as Ephraim \\ Exod. 12. 4. m. your count Exod. 22. 3. m. restitution, 5,6,12. || 23. 33. m. sin 25. 8. m. sanctuary, 9. \\ 28. 2. m. holy garments 28. 40. m. coats (|42. m. them linen breeches 30.25. m. an oil, 37. 11 31. 6. m. alll command 32. 10. ?». of thee a great nation, Deut. 9. 14. 33. 19. m. goodness pass || Lev. 5. 16. m. amends Lev.11.43. not m. yourselves abominable, 20.25. 19.28.not7«.cuttings || 21. 5. baldness,Deut.l4.1. 26. 22. 7n. you few || 27. 2. m. a singular vow Num. 5. ^1. 7n. thee a cufse || 6. 7. not m. unclean 6. 25. m- face shine || 8. 7. so m. them clean 14. 4. m. a captain || 12. w. of thee a great nation 16. 30. m. a new thing || 38. m. broad plates 17. 5. m. to cease || 21. 8. m. a fiery serpent 30. 8. m. her vow || 31. 23. m. it go thro' five Deut. l.l 1. yn.you a 1000 times more |j 13. m. rulers 4. 10. m. them hear || 1 6. wj. a graven image 7. 3. nor m. marriages |) 8. 3. m. thee know 20. 11. m. answer of peace |j 12. if m. no peace 26. 19. to m.high || 28. 11. m. plenteous, 30. 9. 28. 13. w». thee head |) 32. 39. and I m. alive Josh. 1.8. m. prosperous |j 6. 18. m. accursed 7. 19. and m. confession to him, Ezra 10. 11. Judg.l6.25.7n, usspoi't || Ruth4. 11. wi. this worn. 1 Sam. 1. 6. to m. her fret || 2. 8. m. inherit 2. 24. m. transgress || 6. 5. w. emerods, 7. 8. 5. m. us a king || 25. 28. m. lord a sure house 28. 2. m. thee keeper (( 2 Sam. 7. 1 1 . m. an house 2 Sam. 7. 23. m. a name || 13. 5. m. thyself sick 15. 20. in. go up and down || 23. 5. m. not grow 1 Kings 1. 37. m. throne great (| 11. 34. m. prince 12. 9. m. yoke lighter || 16. 3. ?«. thy house like 17. 13. m. a cake |) 19. 2. if I m. not thy life 2 Kin. 4. 10. m. a chamber || 5. 7. G. to w. alive 6. 2. m. us a place \\7. 2. if m. windows, 19. 9. 2. m. him arise || 10. 5. will not in. any king 18. 31. »». agreement || 21. 8. nor m. feet move 23. 10. ?n. son pass thro' fire, Ezek. 20. 31. iChr.ll. lO.TO.himking, 12. 31, 38. 2 Chr. 1L22. 17. 21. m. thee a name |) 29. 12. to m. great 2 Chr. 7. 20. m. it a proverb |( 25. 8, m. thee fall Ezria 6. 8. 1 ?n. a decree || Neh. 8. 15. ?n. booths Esth. 4. 8. m. supplication 1) 7. 7. to m, request Job 5. 18. m. whole [) 9. 30. if I m. hands clean 11.3. thy lies m. || 19. 3. m. yourselves strange 24. 25. who 7n. me a liar 1| 31. 15. w. me, him 34. 29. who m. trouble || 35. 9. w. oppres. cry 40. 19. m. his sword || 41. S. m. supplications Psal. 5. 8.m. way straight || f lO. m. them guilty 6. 6. m. bed swim fj 20. t 3. m. fat thy burnt 21. 9. m. a fiery oven || 12. m. them turn back 22. 9. m. me hope |j 25. f I'i- »"• them know 31. 16. m. face shine || 34. 2. m. her boast in . 39. 4. m. me know end || 8. m. me not reproach 40. 17. m. no tarrying, 70.5. || 41.3. m. all his bed 45. 17. m. name rem. || 46. 4. m. glad city of G. 51. 6. 7n. me to know |) 8. m. me to hear joy 57. 1. 7n. my refuge, 61. 1 4. || 66. 2. m. his praise 83. 2. 7n. a tumult || 11. 7n. nobles like Oreb 13. jn. like a wheel || 84. 6. 7n. it a well, the 89. 27. m. my first-born || 29. m. seed endure 110. 1. m. footstool. Matt. 22. 44. Mark 12. 36. Luke 20. 43. Acts 2. 35. Heb. 1. 13. 115. 8. that m. them are like to them, 135. 18. 119. 27. m. understand jl 35. w, me to go in path MAK MAK w Psal. 1 32. 17. m. horn of David |] 137.tr. m. bare 139. 8. WI. bed in hell || 142. 1. 1 m. supplication Prov. 6. 3.m. sure thy friend |j 14. 9. m. a mock £0. 18. m. war |j 25. after vows to w. enquiiy 22. 21. m. thee know || 24. m. no friendship 23, 5. riches m. wings |) 27. II. m. heart glad Eccl. 7. 13. m. that straight || 16. nor m. overwise Isa. 1. 15. w. many prayers || 16. m. ye clean ; put 3. 7. m. me not a ruler jj 6. 10. m. the heart fat 7. 6. m. a breach (|f 11, m. thy petition deep 10. 23. m. a consumption \\ 11,3. m. of quick 11. 15. m. go over dry-shod [j 12. 4. m. mention 13. 12. m. a man more precious [) 16. 3. ni. shad, 25, 6. 171. a feast |( 27. 5. may >n. peace with 28. 9. m. to understand || 29. 21. m. offender 32. 6. 7w. empty || 38. 16. m. me live |) 40. 3, 41, 18. m. wilderness a pool|j42. 15. m. rivers 42. 16. w. darkness light || 43. 19. m. way 44. 9. in. an image |) 45. 2. w. crooked straight 45. 7. I m. peace |j 46. 5. and m. me equal 47. 2. m. bare the leg|)48. 1 5. w. way prosperous 49. 11. in. mountains a way (| 50. 2. m. rivers 52. 5, m. to howl || 53. 10. in. his soul an offering 54. 12, m. windows agates |J 56. 7. m. joyful 57, 4.m. a wide mouth |j 58. 4. m. voice heard 58, 11. m. fat I) 60. 13. m. place of feet glorious 60. 15. m. eternal excellency |] 17. in. officers 62. 7, m. Jerusalem a praise \\ 63. 6. m. drunk 63. 12. m. everlasting name, 14.|j 64.2. j 66. 22. Jer. 4. 30. m. tliyself fair || 5. 14. in. my words 6. 26. m. mourning II 7. 16. nor m. intercession 9. 1 1. w. Jerus. heaps |1 13. 16. in. it gross dark 15. 20. m. a brasen wall || 16. 20. a man m. gods 18. 4. potter to in. it || 19. 7. m. void counsel 19. 12. m. city asTophet || 20.4. m. thee a terror 22. 6. m. a wilderness || 23. 16. prophets m. vain 26. 6. m. like Shiloh || 27. 2.m. thee bonds 27. 18. m. intercession || 29. 17. rn. vile figs 29, 22. m. like Zedekiah || 34. 17. ?7i. removed 44. 19. m. her cakes |1 48. 26. in. \.iir\ drunken 49. 15. m, thee small II 51. 25. m. burnt mountain 51. 36. m. her springs dry || 39. ni. them drunk Ezek. 4. 9. w. bread thereof || 7. 23. m. a chain 14. 8. m. him a sign || 16. 42. m. fury to rest 1 8. Sl.in. a new heart || 21. 10. should m. mirth 22. 30. m. up thehedge|j24. 17. m. no mourning 26. 4. m. like top of rock, 14. || 21. m. a terror 32, 7. m. stars dark, 8. || 34. 26. in. a blessing 37. 19. m. one stick |j 22, m. tliera one nation 44. 14. in. keepers |) Dan. 4. 25. m. eat grass Dan. 8, 16. m.understand||9.24. in. reconciliation 11. 35. m. white || 44. and to m. away many Hos. 2. 3. m. as wilderness || 6. I'll m. a wall 18. m. lie safely || 7. 3. m. king glad || 10. 11. 11. 8. how m. as Admah jj 12. 9. m. thee dwell Joel 2. 19. 1 will no more m. you a reproach Amos 8, 4. in. poor fail |j 9. 14, shall in. gardens Mic. 3. 3, m. to err|j 4. 7. w, her that halted a 6. 13. w, thee sick || Nah. 1. 14. in. thy grave Nah. 3. 6. in. thee vile || 15. in. thyself many Hab. 2. 2. ;n. it plain || 3. 19. m. Hke hinds feet Zeph. 1. 18. wi. riddance |j 3. 20. w.you a name Hag. 2. 23. m. as signet || Zech. 10. 1. m. clouds Zech. 12,2, m. Jems, a cup||3.burthensonie stone Mai. 2. 15. did not he m. one || 3, 17. m. jewels Matt. 4.18. 7«. fishers 11 5. 36. notm. one hair 8. 2. canst m. me clean, Mark 1.40. Luke 3. 12. 13. 33. m. tree goodf|17. 4. m. three tabernacles. I Matt.23.14. m. long prayers||25. in. clean outside ' 25. 21, in. thee ruler |j 27. 65. m. it as sure as Mark 5. 39. why in. this ado }| Luke 5. 54. m.fast Luke 11. 40. w. that within [|14. 18. tow. excuse 15. 19. tn. me as one || 16. 9. m. you fjiends John 1.23. m. straight way of L. || 6. 1 5. m. him k. 3. 32. m. you free, 3o. || 10. 24. m. us doub't Acts 2. '28. in. me fall of joy j| 9. 34. in. thy bed Rom. 3.31. m. void the law fj 9. '21. m. one vessel 9. 28. short work m. || 13. 14. m. not provision 14. 4. m. him stand || 19. in. for peace |j 15. 2G. 1 Cor.8.13. m. to offend || 10.13. w. way to escape 2 Cor. 2.f.m. you sorry || 9. 5. m. up before-hand 9. 8. m. all grace abound || 12. 17. did I in. gain Gal.2.l8.?/i. transgressor II 3, 17. m. of none eltect 6. 12. w. a fair shew j| Eph, 2. 15. in. new man I Thes. 3. 1 2. m. to increase |i2 Tim. 3. IS.m.wise Heb. 2. 10. m. captain perfect [| 17. nr. reconciL 7. 25. in. intercession j| 8, 5. m. all to pattern 9. 9. not w. perfect, 10. 1. \\ 12. 13, m. straight 13. 21. j7z.you perfect 11 Jaiii. 3. 18. tiiat??7. peace 1 Pet.5.10.m.you perfect ||2Pet.l,l0. 7n. election 1 John 1. 10. 777. him a lyar||Rev.3. 12. in. a pillar Rev. 11.7. 7Ji. war, 13. 4.|19.11. ||21..5. m.allnew MAKE Haste. Deut. 32. 35. Judg. 9. 48. 1 Sam. 9. 12. 2 Chr. 35. 21. Esth. 5. 5. Job 20. 2. Psal. 38. 22. | 40. 13. | 70.1,5. | 71.12. Prov. 1. 16. Song 3. 14. Isa. 28, 16. I 49. 17. Jer. 9. 18. ^Nah. 2. 5. Luke 19. 5. Acts 22.18. MAKE manifest. 1 Cor. 4. 5. Eph. 5. 13. Col.4.4. MAKE ready. Gen. 18, 6. | 43. 16. 2 Kings 9. 21. Psal. 11, 2. I 21. 12. Ezek. 7. 14. Mark 14.15, Luke 1.17. j 17.8. | 22. 12. Acts 23. 23. MAKE Speed. 1 Sam. 20. 38. 2 Sam. 15. 14. Isa. 5. 19. "SlkYiE Waste. Lev. 26.31. Isa. 42. 15. Ezek. 5. 14. I 29. 10. I 30, 12. MAKER, S, s. Job 4. 17. more pure than his 771..^ 32. 22. m. take me away || 35. 10. G. my m. 36, 3. to my m. || Psal. 95. 6. kneel before m. Prov.14.31. reproacheth m. 17. 5.1122. 2. m. of all Isa. 1. 31 . m. as a spark || 17. 7, look to his m. 22, 11, not looked to m. \\ 33.t22. our statute m. 45. 9. strivethwithj?7.|jll,his?7i.|{ 16, m. of idols 51. 13. forgettest m. |j 54. 5. in. is thy husband Jer.33. 2.m. thereof II Hos. 8. 14. forgotten his m. Hab. 2.18. m. trusteth|| Heb. 11. 10. and 777. is G. MAKEST, V. Judg. 18. 3. what 771. thou in this Job 13. 26. vu me possess || 22. S.m. way perfect Psal.4.8.77i, me dwell in safetyji39. ll.m. beauty 44. 10. m. us turn back || 13. m. a reproach, l4. 65, 8. m. outgoings || 10, 777. the earth soft with 80. 6, 771. us a strife ||104. 20. m. darkness ||144. S. Song 1. 7. m. rest at noon||Isa. 45. 9. what ?/x.thou Jer. 22. 23. 777. thy nest in cedars || 28. 15. m. trust Hab. 1. 14. 777. men as fishes I j 2. 15. 777. him drunk. Luke 14. 12, m. a dinner||lO. when thou m. feast John 8. 53. whom m. thyself j| 10.33. in. th5'self G, Rom. 2. 17. in. thy boast of God j| 23. of tiie law MAKETH, V. Exod. 4. 1 1. who m. the dumb, or Lev. 7. 7. m. atonement, 14. 11. ] 17. 11. Deut. 18. 10. 777. his son pass|i 27. 18. m. blind to 1 Sara. 2. 6. 771. ahve |j 7. m. poor, and 777. rich J .')5. 18. 771. sore|j9.9. L. m. Arcturus, Orion and 12. 17. w. judges foolbli 25. he m. them to stagger MAL MAN Job 15. 27. m, collops||23. 16. m. ray heart soft 25. 2.711. peace 1|35. 11. «i. us wiser than fowls 36. 27. m. small ram|[4l. Sl.w.deep boilll32.path Psal.18. 32. m. ray way perfect, 33. 2 Sara. 22.23. 23. 2. be m. me lie d6wnl|29. 9. m. hinds to calve 33. 1 0. in. devices of none effect|j40. 4. m. the L. 46. y. OT.wars to cease||l04. 3. m. clouds his char. 104. 4. m. angels spirits || 15. «t. glad the heart 107. 29 m. storm a calm || 36. m. hungry dwell 41. m. him families j| 113. 9. in. barren woman 135. 7. m. lightenrags || 147. 14. m. peace in Prov. 10- 1. rn. a glad father j] 4. w.rich,22. 113.7. 12. 4. m. ashamed |j 25. m. it stoop, m. it glad 13. 12.m heart sick || 15.13.7U. cheerful counten. 15. 30. 7n. bones fat||l8. 16. a man's gifttn. room Eccl. 3. 1 1. work G. m. 11 7. 7. m. a wise man mad 8. 1. w. his face shine || 11.5. God, who m. all Isa.24. 1. m. eai'th empty||40. 23. m. judges vanity 43. 16. Tra. a way || 44. 'l5. he m. a god, 17.|46.6. 44. 24. m all thmgs |] 25. and m. diviners mad 55. 10. m. it bring forth||59. 15. m. himself a prey Jer. 17. 5. m. flesh his arm j|29. 26. m. a prophet Dan. 6. 13. m. hispetition||ll.31.7?i. desol. 12. 11. Amos 4. 13. m. morning dark || 5. 8. ?«. Orion Nah. 1. 4. in. sea dry |) Matt. 5. 45. m. sun to rise Mark 7. 37. w. deaf liear||Acts 9.34. 7M.thee whole Rom. 5. 5. m.notashamed|i8.26.7ra.interces. 27,34. 1 Cor.4. 7. m. tlue to ditferl|2 Cor. 2. 14. m. manif Eph. 4. 16. 7?i. increase|)Heb.7.28. ?n. high priests Rev. 13.13. in. fire corae||21. 27. in. a lie, 22. 15. M4KETH Haste. Prov. 28. 20. in. - to be rich MAKING,/}.' 2 Chr. 30. 22. 7?i, confession to L. Psal. 19.7. 7n. wise I) Eccl. 12. 12. 7n. many books Isa. 3. I6.7n. a tinkling ||Jer. 20. 15.7n. him glad Amos 8. 5. in. epliah tretched state: Hence it is asked. What is man ? Psal. 8. 4. The He- brew word for man is Enosh, i. e. sorry ,wretch- ed, and incurably sick ; to denote his condition, in his apostacy from God. Man is called Ish, Psal. 4. 3. 1 49. 2. i. e. noble, dignified, and va- liant. And Adam, ivhich signifies earthy, and is put for the baser sort of people, Psal. 49. 2. Isa. 2. 9. Man is put for, [1] The body, 2 Cor. 4. 16. 1^2] The sins and coiruptions of human nature, Eph. 4. 22. [3] Strong, valiant, 1 Cor. 16. 13. [4] A magistrate. Gen. 9. 6. [5] Frail, weak, Psal. 9. 20. [6] The church, Eph. 2. 15. [7] A strong believer, EpU. A. 13. [8] An angel. Acts 1. 10. [9] The Lord Jesus, Gen. 32. 24. Mark 15. 39. [lo;] God the Father, Exod. 15.3. Luke 15. 11. Gen. 1 . 26. let us make m. 27.12. 7. || 8. put the m. 2. 1 8. in. should be alone||3.24. drove out the m. 4. 1. gotten a in. \\ 6. 3. Spirit not strive with in. 6. 7. I'll destroy 7n.||9. 6. by m. his blood be shed 19. 9. pressed on the m. LotlJ31. not a 7n.in earth 24. 58. wilt go with the 7m.|j26. U. toucheth this 26. 13. m. waxed great 1| 30. 43. m. increased 32. 24. wrestled a m. \\ 41 . 38. a in. in whom spi. 43. 7. in. asked straitly || 13. go again to the m, Exod. 11. 3. the 7??. Moses||15.3. L. is a Tw.ofwar 21. 28. gore a m. 29. || 33. 11. as a in. speaks 33. 10. every m. in his tent||38. 26. bekah for m. Lev. 18. 5.ifa7«. doheshalllive, Ezek.20.11,13, 21.4. a chief 7n. (| 24. 10. m. of Israel strove Num. 1. 4. a 7n. of every tribe||9. 13. that/n.bare 12. 3. in. Moses was meek 1| 14. 15. as one in. 16. 7. m. L. doth chuse [] 23. 19. God is not a m. 24. 3. in. whose eyes are open 1| 26. 64. not a m. 27. 8. if a in. dielflS. a m. in whom is the spirit Deut.l.l7.afraidof 7n.|l31. as a m. doth bear son 4. 32. day God created jn.||8. 3. in. doth not live 20. 6. what m. is he [) 27. 15. cursed be the m. MAN MAisr /^ Josii. 5. 13. Stoodam.|j7.l4.comew.by?n. 17,13. Judg. 8, 21. as them, is, so||9. 13. cheereth G. and 17. 5. the m. Micah || 19. 28. m. took her up 21. 11, lien by m. \\ 25. every m. did that, 17. 6. Ruth 3. 18. m. will not rest||4. 7. am. plucked olf 1 Sam. 9. 16. I'll send thee a m.||i7. behold the m. 10. 6. turned to another m.||l4. 36. not leave am. 14. 52. Saul saw any strong m.jjl 5. 3. slay both m. 15. 29. for he is not a m. that he should repent 17.33. he ism. of war II 21. 14. the m. is mad 25. 17. a m. cannot speak to himl|29. a m. is risen 27.9. left not m.alive,! 1 .jjSO. 17. escaped not a m. 2 Sam. 7. 19.manner of m. || 1^. 7. thou art them. 16. 7. bloody m. || 17. 3. m. whom thou seekest 17. 8. m. of war II 24. 14. not fall in hand of m. 1 1 1 Kings 2. 2. shew thyself a man]|9. art a wise m. 18. 44. like a m. hand 1| 20. 39. keep this m. if 2 Kings 6. 32. sent am. j| 22. 15. tell the m. that 1 Chr. 22. 9. a m. of rest|J29. 1. palace is not for m. gChr. 6. 16.notfailtheeam.7. 18.1|14. ll.letnot 19. 6. ye judge not for m. || Ezra 8. 18. brought Neh, 1.11. sight of this m.||6.1 1 . such a m. as I flee Esth. 6. 6. done to the m. 9. (| 9. 4. m. Mordecai Job 2. 4. all a m. hath || 4. 17. shall mortal m. 7. I. appointed time to m. \\ 17. what is m. that 9. 2. should a m. be just || 32. not a m. as I am 10. 4. as m. seethji 11.12. vain m. would be wise 14. 1. m. that is borny 15. 7. art thou first m. 15. 16. filthy is m. |j 16. -21. might plead for a m. 22. 2. can m. be profitable || 25. 6. much less m. 28. 28. to m. he said || 32. 8. is a spirit in m. 33. 12. God is greater than m. || 34. 7. what m. is .34. 14. set heart on m. || 23. not lay upon m. 35. 8. hurt a m. |( 38. 3. gird like a m. 40. 7. Psal.8.4. whatisman, I4i.3. Job 7. 17. | 15.14. 22. 6. and no m. \\ 34. 6. this poor m. cried 34. 12. what7n. is he j|49. 12. m. in honour, 20. 52. 7. lo, this is the m. j) 55. 13. a m. mine equal 56. 11. what m. can do|!60. 11. vain is help of m. 76. 10. wrath of m. || 80. 17. m. of right hand 87. 4. this m. was born there, 5. || 88. 4. as a m. 49. 48. what m. hveth jj 103. 15. as for m. his 104. 23. m. goeth || 105. 17. he sent a m. before 142. 4, no m. cared || 143. 2. no m. be justified 144. 4. m. is like vanity || 147. 10. legs of 7«. Prov. 15.23. am. hath joy II 16. 7. a m. ways please 20. 6. a faithful m. who can find |j 27. spirit of /n. 29. 20. m. that is hasty 1| 25. fear of ?«. bringeth Eccl. 7. 28. one m. \\ 29. God made m. uprijiht 12. 13. whole duty of m. || Song 3. 8. every m. Isa. 2. 9. mean m. boweth, the great m. 5. 15. 22. cease from m. \\ 6. 5. m. of unclean lips 6. 11. without m. \\ 10. 13. hke a valiant m. 13. 12. a m. more precious \\ 14. 16. is this them. S8. 11. behold m. no more||46. 11. m. executeth 47. 3. not meet thee as a m. [| 50. 2. was no m. 51. 12. afraid of am. |j 53. 3. a m. of sorrows 66. 3. as if he slew a m, || Jer. 5. 1. if find a m. Jer. 8. 6. no m. repented l| 10. 23. way of w. is 14. 9. a m. astonished||15. 10. born a m. of strife 17. 5. cursed be the m. \\ 22. 30. write that m. 23. 34. I'll punish that m. \\ .jO. 6. m. travail 31. 22. compass a m. \\ 27. with the seed of m. 33. 17. never want a m. 18. | 35. 19. || 38. 4. 44. 7. cut off m. 51. 22. || 50.42. m. to battle Lam. 3. 1. 1 am the m. \\ 39- a living m. complain Ezek. 18, 8. between 7ij.and m. \\ 20. 11. ii m. do Ezek. 22. SO. I sought for a m.||30. 24. wounded m. Dan. 2. 25. found a m. || 6. 7. of any god, or vi. Hos. 3. 3. not for another m. \\ 4. 4. no m. strive 9. 12. not a m. left || 11. 4. cords of a m. with 11.9. Tarn God and not m.l|Mic. 4. 4. sit every «i. Mic. 5. 7. tarrieth not for m. \\ 6. 8. shewed, Om. Zech. 1. 8. a w. liding || U). the m. that stood 6. 12. m. whose name is Branch] {13. 5. m. taught 13. 7. against the m. that is my fellow, saith Mai. 2.12. m. that doth this||3. 8. will a m. rob G. Matt. 4. 4. m. not live by bread, Luke 4. 4. 6. 24. no m. can serve || 7. 9. what m. is there 10. 36. a m. foes, Mic. 7. 6. |j 12. 35. a good m, 12. 45. last state of that m. \\ 13. 31. a m. sowed 18. 7. wo be to that 7n.||19. 24. rich ?n. to enter 20. 9. every m. a penny || 21. 28. a certain m. 24. 36. knoweth no m. no|| 25. 24. an hard m. 26. 18. go to such a m. \\ 74. 1 know not the m. 27. 19. that just m. || 57. came a rich m. of Arim. Mark 2. 27. made for m. \\ 8. 36. what profit a m. 9. 8. saw no in. \\ 9. that they tell no m. 10. 18. there is no m. good but one, that is God 11. 2. never 7?i. sat|| 14. 13. meet you am. 14.21. wo to that??z.||15.39. this7n. was Son of G. Luke 1. 18. I am an old in. \\ 34. 1 know not a m. 5. 8. 1 am a sinful w. || 8. 25. what manner of m. 12. 16. rich 7n. 16. 1, 19. 1 18. 25.||18. 4. nor reg. 19. 14. not ha- e this m. \\ 21. an austere m. 22. 22. 58. m. I am not || 23. 4. no fault in this m. 23. 50. VI. named Joseph || 53. nexer m. laid John 1. 6. a m. sent from God||9. lighteth every tn, 13. nor of will of m. || 2. 25. knew what is m m. 3. 3. except a in. be born, 5.j|4. 29. come see a m. 7. 12. he is a good m. \\ 37. if any m. thirst let 46. never in. spake 1| 8. ll.shesaid, no in. Lord 9. 2. who did sin, this m. || 10. 33. being a m. 11. 50. one m. should die, 18. 14.||19. 5. beh. the 1 9. 12. if let this m. go || 21. 21. what this in. do Acts 3. I6.njadethis m.strong||5.28. thism. blood 9. 7. seeing no m. 8. || 10. 26. I also am a in. 13. 22. a in, after own heart || 23. this m. seed 17. 29. or m. device |j 24. 5. found this m. a pes. 24. 16. and toward m.|j2.^ 22. | 26. 31, 32. | 28. 4. Rom. 1. 23. like corruptible ?n.||2. 1. Om. whoso. 3. 4. but every in. a lyar || 5. I speak as a m. 5.12. by one w. sin, 17, 18, 19. || 6. 6. our old m. 7. 22. inner m. j| 24. O wretched m. that I am 9. 20. O m. who art thou || 14. 5. one m. esteem 1 Cor. 2. 14. natural m. \\7. 1 . for a m. to touch 7. 2. every m. own wifej|16. how knowest, O m. 18. is any m. called, 20, 24'. || 36. if any m. think 8. 3. if any m. love G. |l 7. is not in every m. 9. 8. 1 say tiiese as a m.||lO. 13. is common to m. 11. 3. head of /«. is Christ || 8. m. is not of wom. 28. let a m. examine j| 13. 11. I became a m. 15. 21. by m. came death || 35. some m. will 47. the first m. is of the earth, second in. is L. 2 Cor. 4. 16. outward m. perish, inward m. is 9. 7. every m. according |) 12. 2. I knew am. Gal. 1. 1. nor by m. ii, 12. || 3. 12. m. that doth 6. 3. if a in. think || 4. let every m. prove his Eph. 2. 15. one new m. \\ 4. 13. to a perfect m, 4. 22. put off old m. Ij 24. put on tlie new in. 5. 29. no in. hated || 31. for this cause shall a m. Phil. 2. 3. in fashion as a m.||20.no m. like minded Col. 2. 18. let no m. beguile |) 3. 10. on new m. 1 Thes. 4. 6. no m. go beyund || 8. despiseth not m. MAN MAN 5 Thes. 2. 5. let no man deceive, that m. of sin be lTim.2. 5. the m. Christ J.|j6. 11. man of God Tit. 3. 4. toward m. appeared || 10. ?». a heretick Heb. 2. 6. what is m. \\ 7. 24. but this m. because 8. 2. pitched, not m. |j 13. 6. what m. shall do Jam. 1. 8. double-minded m. |) 2, 20. O vain m. 1 Pet. 1. 24. all the glory of m. |j 3. 4. hidden m. 2 Pet. 1. 21. not by will of m.|[2. 16. with m. voice Rev. 4. 7. face as a m. \\ 13. 18. number of a m. 22. 18. 1 testify to every m. if any m. add unto MAN-C/iiW. Gen. 17. 10, 12, 14. Lev. 12. 2. 1 Sam. 1.11. Job 3. 3. Isa. 66. 17. Jer. 20. 15. Rev. 12. 5, 13. MAN of God. Deut. 33. 1. Moses m.-, Josh. 14. 6. Judg. 13. 6. a m. - came |j 8. let?w. - come again 1 Sam. 2. 27. came m.- to Eli|) 9. 6. in city a m.-, 7. 9. 8. give to the m.-|| I Kings 12. 22. Shemaiah 1 Kings 13. 1. came a m. - 1| 26. it is the m. - who 17. 18. O m. - II 24. I know that thou art a m. - 20. 28. came a m. -and spake to Ahab 2 Kings 1. 9 thou m. - come down ll.||13.0 m.- let 4. 7. told the m. - |j 9. this is a m. - \\ 22. run to 25. she came to m. -\\ 40. O m. - there is death 42. brought ?».- bread |) 5. 14. saying of w. - 6. 10. place m. - told || 1 5. servant of w. - is risen 7. 2. Lord answered m. - \\ 17. as m. - said, 18. 8. 2. saying of m. - \\ 7. m. - is come hither 11. m. - wept II 8. piesent, go meet m. - 13. 19. m.-was wrote || 23. 17. sepulchre of m. - lChr.23.14. Moses them.-, 2 Chr. 50. 16. Ezra 32. 2 Chr. 8. 14. David the m. -, Neh. 12. 24, 36. 25^ 7. theie came a m. - |j 9. m. - answered Jer. 35. 4. Hanan|| 1 Tim. 6. 11. m. - flee these 2 Tim. 3. 17. that the m. - may be perfect J%%MAN. Judg, 6. 12. I 11. 1. Ruth 2. 1. 1 Sam. 9. 1. I 16. 18. 2 Sam. 17. 10. 1 Kin. 11. 28. 2 Kings 5. 1. 1 Chr. 12. 4. 2 Chr. 17. 17. 28. 7. Job 22. 8. Psal. 33. 16. |52. 1. 78. 65. I 127. 4. Isa. 3. 2. j 5. 15. I 31. 8. 42. 13. Jer. 9. 23. | 14. 9. | 46. 6. Zeph. 1. 14. Zech. 9. 13. | 10. 7. Son of MAN. Num. 23. 19. Job 25. 16. | 35. 8. Psal. 8. 4. I 80. 17. | 144. 3. j 146. 3. Isa. 51. 12. I 56. 2. Jer. 49. 18, 33. | 50. 40. }51. 43. Ezek. 8. 1.5, 17. | 21. 6. Dan. 7. 13. Matt. 8. 20. I 9. 6. I 10. 25. j 11. 19. | 12. 8, 32, 40. I 13. 37, 41. | 16.'13. | 17. 9, 22. I 24. 27, 30, 44. | 25. 31. | 26. 24. Mark 8.38. I 9.12,26,31. | 10.33. | 13.34. Luke 6. 22. I 9. 22, 56. I U. 30. \ 12. 8. 1 17. 22, 24. ! 18. 8. j 19. 10. I 21. 36. j 2^.48. John 1.51. I 3. 13, 14. I 5. 27. I 6. 27, 53, 62. j 8. 28. I 12. 23, 34. I 13. 31. Acts 7. 56. Wicked MAN. DeuL 25. 2. Job 15. 20.|20. 29. 1 27. 13. Psal. 109. 6. Pro v. 6. 12. | 9. 7. 1 11. 7. 1 13. 5.|17. 23.\n. 29. | 24. 15. Eccl. 7. 15. Ezek. 3. 18. | 18. 24, 27. | 33. 8. MAN of War. Exod. 15. 3. Josh. 17. 1. 1 Sam. 16. 18. I 17. 33. 2 Sam. 17. 8. 1 Chr. 28. 3. Isa. 3. 2. I 42. 13. 3. 1 Kings 2. 9. 1 Chr. 17.10. [ 34. 34. Prov. 16. j 16.14. I 17. 10. 1 21. 26. 12. I 29. 9, 11. Eccl. 2. l4, 16, 19. 7. I 8. 1. 5, 17. I 9. 15. I 10. 2, 12. Jer. ff'mMAN. Gen. 41. 27.32. Job 15. 2. 1. 5. I 9. 8,9. I 14. 22. I 17. 9. 12, 23. Matt. 7, 34. 1 Cor. 6. 5. Jam. 3. 13. KoMwg-MAN. Gen. 4. 23. 1 1 8. 7. | 34. ig.j41. 12. Exod. 33. 11. Num. 11. 27. Deut. 32. 25. Judg. 8. 14. 1 9.54. 1 17. 7, 12. |18. 3. 1 Sarii. 9. 2. 1 14. 1. 1 17. 58. 1 20. 22. | 30. 13. 2 Sam. I. 5. I 14. 21. 1 18. 5, 29, 32. 1 Kings 11. 28. 2 Kings 6. 17. | 9. 4. 1 Chr. 12. 28. 2 Chr. 36. 17. Psal. 119. 9. Prov. 1.4. | 7.7. Eccl. II. 9. Isa. 62. 5. Jer. 51. 22. Zech. 2. 4. Matt. 19. 20. Mark 14. 51. j 16. 5. Luke 7. 14. Acts 7. 58. I 20. 9, 12. | 23. 17, 22. MANAEN, A comforter. Acts 13. 1. MANATHITES, Prince of rest. 1 Chr. 2. 52. MANASSEH, s. Forgetfulness. Gen. 41. 51. Joseph called the first-born M. 48. 5. M. and Ephraim || 20. before M. Num. 1. 10. of M. Gamaliel prince, 7. 54. 26. 34. the families of M. 27. 1. | 36. 12. Deut. 33. 17. thousands of M. || Josh. 14. 4.117. 2'. Josh. 17. 3. M. had no sons || 5. ten portions to 12. children of M. could not drive out Judg. 6. 15. poor in M. [j 18. 30. son of M. priest 2 Kings 20. 21. M. his son reigned, 2 Chr. 32.33. 21. 9. M. seduced |j 16. shed innocent blood 23. 12. altars BI. made |( 24. 3. for sins of M. 1 Chr. 9. 3. dwelt children of M.||12. 19. some of 2 Chr. 15. 9. M. fell to Asa || 30. 1. letters to 30. 1 1. divers of M. hunjbled |) 31 . 1. groves 33. 9. M. made to errjj 10. Lord spake to M. 11. took M. \\ 13. then M. knew the Lord 23. not as M. \\ 34. 6. in cities of M. Ezra 10. 30. M. had taken strange wives, 33. Psal. 60. 7. M. is mine, 108. 8. |j 80. 2. before M. Isa. 9. 21. M. Ephraim || Jer. 15. 4. because of Ezek. 48. 4. portion for || Matt. 1. 10. begat M. Tribe o/ MANASSEH. Num. 1. 35. | 2. 20. | 10. 23. 1 13. 11. 1 32. 33. | 34. 14, 23. Josh. 4. 12. I 13. 7, 29. I 12. 6. I 17. 1. | 18. 7.|20. 8.|21. 27. I 22. 10. 1 Chr. 5. 18. | 6. 70. [ 12. 31. I 25. 32. j 27. 20, 21. Rev. 7. 6. MANDRAKES,^. Are distinguished into male and female. " They are of a strong narcotic quality , " and mentioned in some ancient writers as con- " venient to be given before an amputation, to *' deaden the sense of pain, by stupifying thepa- " tient ; but modern practice own it not for any " such use. They are reckoned cooling, and re- " commended in inflammations of the eyes. The " mandrakes lohich Rachel desired, are btj sonie " called violets, by others liHes or jessamin, by " others citrons," «!s^c. Gen. 30. 14. Reuben found m. 15, 16. Song 7. 13. m. give a smell, and at our gates M ANEH, s. A pound. Ezek. 45 . 1 2. MANGER, s. Luke 2. 7. laid him in a m. 1 6. MANIFEST, s. Eccl. 3. 18. that God might m. John 14. 21. m. myself to him [j 22. how m. tliys. Acts 4. 16. ism. to all|| Rom. 1. 19. is m. in them 1 Cor. 4. 5. will m. counsels || 15. 27. it is m. he is 2 Cor. 2. 14. m. the favour || Gal. 5. 19. works m. Phil. 1. 13. bonds m. || Col. 4. 4. make it m. as 2 Thes. I. 5. a m. token||l Tim. 3. 16. m. in flesh 1 Tim. 5. 25. works m. |j 2 Tim. 3. 9. folly be m. Hcb. 4. 13. that is not ?n. || 1 Pet. 1. 20. m. in last 1 John 3. 10. in this the children of God are m. See Made. MANIFESTATION,s.Rom.8.19.m.ofsonsofG. 1 Cor. 12. 7. m. of Spirit j| 2 Cor. 4. 2. m. of truth. ■! MAN MAN MANIFESTED, p. Mark 4. 22. shall not be m. John 2. 11. m. his glory |) 17. 6. I in. thy name Rom. 3. 21. righteousness 7n.||Tit. 1.3. wi. his word ' 1 John 1. 2. life was m. || 3. 5. he was m. to take 3. 8. Son of G. was m. j) 4. 9.m. love of God MANIFESTLY. 2 Cor. 3. 3. jr. declared to be MANIFOLD, a. Neh. 9. 19. thy m. mercies, 27. Ps. 104. 24. m. are thy work5.||Amos 5. 12. m.trans. Luke 18.30. receive m. |j Eph. 3. 10. m. wisdom 1 Pet. 1. 6. m. temptations |1 4. 10. m. grace of G. MANKIND, s. Lev. 1 8. 22. not lie with m. 20. 13. Job 12.10. breath of all m. || 1 Cor. 6.9- withm. 1 Tim. 1. 10. defile withm.I)Jam. 3. 7. tamed of wj. MANNA, s. The miraculous and delicious Irready with which Israel was fed in the wilderyiess forty years. It was a small graiuy white like hoar frost, round, and of the bigness of a co- riander-seed. It ivas typical of the Lord Jesus, who is the bread of eternal life, John 6. 35. Rev. 2. 17. Exod. 16. 1.5. said, it is m. 33.IJ35. eat m. 40 years Num. 11.6. besides this m. (| 9. dew fell, m. fell Pent. 8. 3. fed with m. 16. Neh. 9. 20. Ps. 78. 2i. Josh. 5. 12. m. ceased, they had m. no more John 6. 31. our fathers did eat m. 49, 58. Heb. 9. 4. pot had m. |) Rev. 2. 1 7. hidden m. MANNER, s. signifies, [l] Custom, practice, or fashion, 1 Sara. 8. 9, 11. Ezek. 11. 12. [2] Sinful conduct, Acts \ 3. 18. [^3] Behavioiir, 1 Cor. 15, 33. [4] Ways and means, Heb. 1. 1. l^'] Kind or sort, Exod. 12.'16. [6] Order or rank, John 6. 15. Gen. 25. 23. two m. of people || 40. 17. of all m. Exod. 1.14. all m. ofservice||12. 16. no m. of work 22. 9. all m. of trespass, any m. of lost thing 31. 3. all m. of work, 5. | 3.5. 31. 1 Chr. 28.21. Lev. 5. 10. according to m. Num. 9. 14. | 15.24.' 24. 22. shall have one m. of law, Num. 15. 16. Kum. 5. 13. nor taken with m. \\ 28. 18. no m. of Deut. 15. 2.m. of release j| 27. 21. m. of beast Judg.6.t26. an orderly m. || 8. 18. whatm. of men Ruth 4. 7. this was the w^H Sam. 8. 9. m. of king 1 Sam. 27. 11. will be his m.\\2 Sam. 7. 19. the m. 2 Kings 1. 7. what m. of man || 11. 14. as the m. 17. 26. know notm. of the God of the land, 27. Esth. 1.13. for so was the king's tn. towards all Psal. 107. 18. m. of meat || 144. 13. all m. of store Song 7. 13. all m. of fruits |l Isa. 5. 17. after their Jer. 22. 21. been thy m. \\ Dan. 6. 23. no m. of Matt. 4. 23. all w. of sickness, 10. l.|5. 11. i8. 27. 12. 31. all m. of^in shall be forgiven to men Luke 1. 66. what m. of child (1 9. 55. m. of spirit Jolm 7. 36. m. of saying || 19.40. m. of Jews is Acts 17. 2. his 7n. was (| 20. 18. after what ??i. I 22. 3. m. of the law |i 25. 16. m. of Romans 26. 4. my m. of life from my youth Rom. 7. 8. all m. of concup.l|2 Cor. 7. 9. godly m. 1 Thes. 1. 5. what m. of men we were, 9. 2 Tim. 3. 10. m. of life (| Heb. 10. 25. m. of some Jam. 1. 24. m. of man |( 1 Pet. 1. 11. m. of time 1 Pet. 1. 15. m.of convers.|!2Pet. 3. ll.fn. of pers. 1 .John 3. 1. behold what ni. of love the Father Rev. 11.5. this m. killedj|2-2. 2. twelve m. of fruits After the MANNER Gen. IS. ll.|19. 31.|40. 13. Exod. 21. 9. Num. 29. 18. Josh. 6. 15. Jndg. 18. 7. 1 Sam. 17. 30. 2 Kings 17. 33. Neh. 6. 4. Isa. 10. 24, 26. Ezek. 30. 30. 1 23. 15,45. Amos 4. 10. John 2. 6. Acts 15. 1. Rom. 6. 19. 1 Cor. 11. 25. 1 15. 32. Gal. 2. 14. I 3. 15. After this MANNER. Gen. 18. 25. 139. 19.|45.23. Num. 28.24. 2 Sam. 17.6. Jer. 13.9. Matt 6. 9. 1 Cor. 7. 7. 1 Pet. 3. 5. On this MANNER. Gen. 32. 19. 1 Sam. 18. 24. 2 Sam. 15. 6. 1 Kin. 22. 20. 2 Chr. 32. 15. MANNERS, s. Lev. 20. 23. not walk in m. 2 Kin. 17. 34. former 7n. || Ezek. 11. 12. after the Acts 13. 18. suffered m.\\l Cor. 15. 33. corrupt «j. Heb, 1.1. God in divers m. spake in time past to MAN-Servant. Exod. 20. 10, 17. 1 21. 27, 32. Deut. 5. 14, 21. 1 12. 18. 1 16- 11, 14, Job 31. 13. Jer. 34. 9. MANOAH, Rest or a gift. Judg. 13. 2. MANSIONS,*. DivelUng-places. John 14. 2. MAN-Slayer, s. Num. 35. 6, 12. 1 Tim. 1. 9. MANTLE, s. An upper garment, a cloak. Judg. 4. 18. covered with a in. 1 Sam. 28. 14. 1 Kin. 19. 13. wrapped face in in. |) 19. cast hism. 2 Kin. 2. 8. took his m. /j 13. took Elijah's m. Ezra 9. 3. rent in. Job 1 . 20. ] 2. 12. || Ps. 109. 29. MANTLES, s. Isa. 3. 22. Dan. 3. t 21 . MANY signifies, [l] A great number, Judg. 9. 40. 19.'] All mankind, Horn. 5.19- [3] Vie elect, or believers only. Matt. 26. 28. Rom. 5. 19. [4] The wicked. Matt. 7. 13. [5] Great, Psal. 18. 1 16. [6] Often, Psal. 78, 38, Num. 10.36. to them, thousands of Israel 26. 54. to m. give more inheritance, 56. Deut. 15. 6. lend to m. j| 31. 17. m. evils befal 1 Sam. 14. 6. to save by m. 2 Chr. 14. 11. 1 Kings 4. 20. Israel were in. || 18. 25, ye are m. Xeh. 7. 2. feared G. above ;n.|)Psal. 3. 1, 2. j 4. 6. Psal. 25. 19. enemies in. 56.2. || 31. 13. slander of 32. 10. m, sorrows || 34. 19. m. are the afflictions 40. 3. m. shall see it || 55. 18. were m. with me 71. 7. a wonder to m.\\ 119. 157. persecutors ot. Prov. 4. 10. years be many || 7. 26. m. wounded 10. 21. feed m. || 14. 20. rich hath m. friends 19. 4. m. friendsj|28. 2. w. princes || 27.m. a curse Eccl. 11. 8. days of darkness w.jjlsa. 31.1. chariots Isa. 53. 11. justify tn. || 12. bare the sin of m. Jer. 5. 6. transgressions m. 14. 7.|j46. 16. m. to fall Lam. 1.22. sighs are m. || Ezek, 33. 24. we m. Dan. 8. 25. destroy m. (| 11. 33. shall instruct m. 12. 2. m. that sleep || 4. in. shall run to and fro Zech. 8. 20. of m. cities(|Mal. 2. 6. tinn m. away Matt. 7. 13. m. go in thereat |J 22. m. will say 8. 11. in. shall come || 19. 30. m. that are first 20. 16. m. be called || 24. 5. deceive m. 12. 26. 28. blood shed for m.\\2T. 53. appeared to m. Mark 5.9. is legion, for we are m. Luke 8. 30. Luke 1. 16. m. shall he turn || 2. 34. fall of in. 4. 25. m. widows, 27. || 14. 16. and bade?n. John 6. g. among so m. || 21. 11. and for all so m. Rom. 5. IS.m.be deadj|l9. m. were made sinnere 12. 5. we being in. \\ 16. 2. a succourer of ?n. 1 Cor. 1. 26. not m. wise jj 8. 5. gods m. lords m. 11. 30. m. are weak |j 16. 9. are m. adversaries 2 Cor. 2. 17. not as in. (| 6. 10. making m. rich Gal. 1. 14. profitedabove m.\\3. 16. seeds, as oTm. PhiL 3. 18.m. walk of wJiom I have told you often Heb. 2. 10, m. sons to glory (| 7. 23. m. priests 9. 28. to bear the sinsof rn.jjU. 12.sprar»gso m. Jam. 3. 1. not m. masters i| 2 Pet. 2. 2. m. follow MAR MAR 1 John 2. 18. 7». antichrists] |4. 1. m. false prophets As MANY as. Exod. 35. 22. Judg. 3. 1. 2 Sam. 2. 23. 2 Chr. 29- 31. Matt. 22. 9, 10. Mark 6. 56. Luke 11.8. John 1. 12. 1 17. 2. Acts 2. 39. I 3. 24. 1 5. 11, 36. 1 10. 45. | 13. 48. Rom. 2. 12. I 8. 14. Gal. 3. 10. | 6. 12, 16. Phil. 3. 15. Col. 2. 1. 1 Tim. 6. 1. Rev. 2.24. i 3. 19. I 13. 15. MANY People. Esth. 8. 17. Isa. 2. 3, 4. | 17. 12. Ezek. 3. 6. | 17. 9. J 32. 9, 10. | 38. 9. Mic. 4. 3, 13. I 5. 7. Zech. 8. 22. Rev. 10 11. MANY Thbigs. Job 16. 2. | 23. 14. Eccl. 6. 11. Isa. 42. 20. Matt. 13. 3. 1 16. 21. | 25. 21. I 27. 13, 19. Mark 5. 26. | 6. 20. | 7. 4. | 8. 31. j 9. 12. 1 15. 3. Luke 10. 41. 1 11. 53. John 8. 26. I 21. 2.5. Acts 26. 9. 2 Cor. 8. 22. Gal. 3.4. 2 Tim. 1. 18. Heb. 5. 11. Jam. 3. 2. 2 John 12. 3 John 13. IMANY a Time. Psal. 78. 38 | 129. 1, 2. MANY Times. 1 Kin. 22. 16. Neh. 9. 28. Psal. 106.43. MANY Years. Lev. 25. 51. Ezra 5. 11. Neh. 9. 30. Eccl. 6. 3. I 11. 8. Isa. 32. 10. Ezek. 38. 17. Zech. 7. 3. Luke 12. 19. | 15. 29. Acts 24. 10, 17. Rom. 15. 23. MAOCH, Flolden together. 1 Sam. 27. 2. MAON, A dwelling place. Josh. 15. 55. 1 Sam. 23.24. I 25.2. 1 Chr. 2. 45. MARA, Bitterness. Ruth I. 20. MAR AH, The same. Exod. 15. 23. Num. 33. 8,9. MAR, RED, p. Lev. 19. 27. Ruth 4. 6. 1 Sam. 6. 5. m. land, 2 Kings 3. 19. || Job 30. 1 3. Isa. 52. 14. visage more m. jj Jer. 13. 9. tn. pride Jer. 13. 7. girdle m. \\ 18. 4. the vessel was m. in Nah. 2. 2. m. branches || Mark 2. 22. bottles m. MARALAH, Sleep,or bitter. Josh 19. 11. MARAN-ATHA, 5. The Lord comet h, 1 Cor. 16. 22. Let him be Anathema Maran-aiha, i. e. Let him be accursed in or at the coming of our Lord. MARBLE, s. 1 Chr. 29. 2. 1 have prepared m. Estii. 1. 6. pillars of m. Song 5. 15. (| Rev. 18. 12. MARCH, f. Psal. 68. 7. when thou didst m. Jer. 46. 22. shall m. with an army, Joel 2. 7. Hab. 1. 6. m. thro' breadth of the land, 3. 12. MARCHED, EDST. Exod. 14. 10. Judg. .5. 4. MARCUS, A field, polite^ shining. Col. 4. 10. Philem.24. 1 Pet. 5. 13. MARESHA, From the head, or possession. Josh. 15. 44. MARINERS, Sea-faring men. Ezek. 27. 8, 9, ^7, 29. Jonah 1. 5. MARK, Repentance. Tiie same with MARCUS. Acts It. 12, 25. 1 15. 39. 2 Tim. 4.11. MARK, s. Gen. 4. 15. Lord seta m. upon Cain 1 Sam. 20. 10. I'll shoot as tho' 1 shot at a m. Job 7. 20. why set me as a m. 16. 12 Lam. 3. 12. Ezek. 9. 4. seta m. on the men that sigh, 6. Phil. 3. 14. I press toward thewi. for the prize Rev. 13.16. to receive aw?. II 17. had the tw. 14. 9. m. in forehead, 11. || 15. 2. 1 16. 2. 1 19. 20. 20. 4. not received his m. they hved with Christ MARK, V. Ruth 3. 4. m. the place where 2 Sam. 13. 28. m. when Amnon's heartis merry 1 Kin. 20. 7. m. how this man || 2i2. m. what dost Job 18. 2. m. end afteiwards|j21. S.m.xne, 33. 31, Psal. 37. B7. m. the perfect manf[48. 13. m. well 56. 6. m. my steps || 130. 3. if thou shouldst m. Ezek. 44. .5. m. well ||Rom. 16. 17. m. them which Pliil. 3. 17. m. them which walk so, as ye have MARKED, p. 1 Sam. 1.12. Eli m. her mouth Job 22. 15. hast m. old way || 24. 16. had m. for ,:er. 2. 22. iniquity is m. \\ 23. 18. Luke 14. 7. MARKS, s. Lev. 19. 28. || Gal. 6. 17. m. of Lord MARK EST, tJ. Job 10. 14. then thou m. me MARKETH, v. Job 33. 11. Isa. 44. 13. MARKET, s. Ezek. 27. 1 3. in thy m. 17, 19, 2.5. Matt. 20. 3. idle in the m, || Mark 7. 4. | 12. 38. Luke 7. 32. sitting in ?«. j| John 5. 2. sheep m. Acts 16. 19.m. place || 17. 17. disputed in m. MARKETS. Matt. 11. 16. | 23. 7. Luke 11. 43. M^ROTii, Bitterness. Mic.l 12. MARRIAGE, s. signifies, [l}^ civil contract, by which a man and a woman are joined together in the closest union, Gen. 2. 18, 22, 23. John 2. 1. [2] That relation which subsists hetiveen Christ and his church, or that marriage-covenant of grace in lahich God became our God, and we his people, Isa. 54. 5. Jer. 3. 14. Hos. 2. 19, 20. Eph. 5. 30, 31, 32. Exod. 21 . 10. her duty of ot.|(Ps. 78. 63. not given Matt. 22. 2. made am. 4. 9, 30. Mark 12. 25. 24. 38. giving in m. \\ 25. 10. went to the m. Luke 17. 27. tliey were given in m. 20. 34. 35. John 2. 1. there was a m. in Cana of Galilee, 2. 1 Cor. 7. 38. he that giveth her in m. doth well Heb. 13. 4. m. is honorable in all, and the bed Rev. 19. 7. for the w. of the Lamb is come, 9. MARRIAGES. Gen. 34. 9. make ye m. with Deut. 7. 3 nor shalt thou make m. Josh. 23. 12. MARRY, r. Gen. 38. 8. go in, and m. her, and Num. 36. 6. only to father's tribe shall they m. Deut. 25. 5.wife ofdeadnot w.||Isa. 62. ,5. m. thee Matt. 5. 32. m. her divorced committeth adultery 19. 10. not good to m.|| 22. 24. m. his wife 22. 30. neither m. nor are given, Mark 12. 25. 1 Cor. 7. 2. let them m. 36. |[ 28. if thou m. 1 Tim. 4. 3. forbidding to TM. II 5. 11. will 7n. 14. MARRIED,^. Deut. 22. 22. 1 Chr. 2.21. Neh. 1 3. 23. m. wives of Ashdod||Prov. 30. 23. Tsa. 54. 1. of the 7«. wife |) 62. 4. thy land be m. Jer. 3.14. lam m. to you || Mai. 2. 11. m. daughter Mark 6. 17. for he m. her || 10. 12. m. to another Luke 14. 20. 1 have w.a wife |j 17. 27. they m. Horn. 7. 4 7n. toanother||l Cor. 7. 33. m. cares for MARRIETH.Isa.62. 5. Matt. 19.9. Lukel 6.18. MARRYING,;). Neh. 13.27. Matt. 24. 38. MARROW, s. A soft oily substance, contained in the hollow of bones. Job 21. 24. It is put for, [l] The delicate and most satisfying provisions of the gospel. Isa. 25. 6. [2] The most secret thoughts of the heart, Heb. 4. 12. Job 21. 24. his bones are moistened with m. Psal. 63. 5. satisfied as with m |j 66.tl5. offer m. Prov. 3. 8. m. to thy bones || Isa. 25. 6. full of w. Heb. 4. 12. dividing asunder of joints and vu MARS'Hill, A court of the Areopagites. Acts 17. 22. Paul stood in the midst of M. MARSHES, Fenny ground. Ezek. 47. 1 1. M ARSEN A, Mirth of the enemij. Esth. 1.14. MART. Isa. 23. 3. she is a m. of nations MARTHA, Bitter, provoking. Luke 10. 38, 4t. JohnU. I, 5,33. 1 12.2. MAS MARTYR, S, s. One who bears witness tb the ti'uthy at the expence of his life. Acts 22. 20. tliy TO. Stephen || Kev. 2. 1.3. Antipas Rev. 17. 6. woman drunk with the blood ot'm. MARVEL,!'. Ecd. 5. 8. w. not at the matter Mark 5. 20. all men did m. \\ John 3. 7. m. not that John 5. 20. ye may m. |) 28. m. not at||7.21. ye all to. Acts 3. 12. why m. ye || 2 Cor. 11.14. no to. for Sa. Gal. 1. 6. I to. II 1 John 3. 13. to. not || Rev. 7. 7. MARVELLED, ;>. Gen. 43. 33. the men m. one Psal. 48. 5. they to. Matt. 8.27. j 9. 8, 33. | 21. 20. i 2^. 22. Luke 1. 63. Acts 2. 7. | 4. 13. Matt. 8. 10. Jesus TO. Mark 6. 6. Luke 7. 9. 27. 14. that the governor to. Mark 15. 5, 44. Luke 1. 21. the people to. that he tarried so long 2. 33. his mother to. || 11. 31. Pharisee m. John 4. 27. the disciple: to. || 7. 15. the Jews to. MARVELLOUS, a. 2 Sam. 13. t 2. it was to. Job 5. 9. doth TO. things II 10. 16. she west thy self w. Psal. 17. 7. shew thy m. loving kindness, 31.21. 78. 12. TO things. 98. 1. Dan. 1 1. 36. Mic. 7. 15. 118.23.TO.iuoureyes,Matt.21.42. Markl2.11. Dan. 11. 36. speak to. things against God of gods Mic. 7. 1.5. will I shew vnto him to. things Zcch. 8. 6. if it be to. 1| John 9. 30. a to. thing 1 Pet. 2. 9. TO. Hght|| Rev. 15. 1. a sign, great, to. MARVELLOUS ^'orks. 1 Chr. 16. 12, i!4. Psal. 9. 1. I 105. 5. 1 139. 14. Isa. '29. 14. Rev. 15. 3. MARVELLOUSLY, ad. 2 Chr. 26. 15. to. helped Job 37. 5. thundered to. || Hab. 1. 5. wonder m. MARVELS, s. Exod. 34. 10. 1 will do to. such M.ARY, Exalted J or bitterness of the sea, or lady of the sea. Matt. 1. 16. husband of M. || 20. take M. thy wife 13.55. is not his mother called M. ? Mark 6. 3. 27. 56. was 31. Mark 15. 40, 47. | 16. 1. Luke 1. 27. virgin's name M. || 30. fear not 31. 41. salutation of M. j) .'j6. abode three months 2.5. taxed with M. || 16. found 31. and the babe 19. 31. kept all || 10. 42. 31. chosen good part John 11. 2. it was that M. || 20. 31. sat still 28. she called 31. || 12. 3. took a pound 19. 25. 31. the wife of Cleophas stood by cross 20. 11. 31. stood without || 16. Jesus saith, 31. Acts 1. 14. with 31. \\ 12. 12. to the house of M. Rom. 16. 6. cveet 31. who bestowed much labour MARY MAGDALENE. Matt. ^7. 56,61. 1 28. 1. Mark 15. 40. | 16. 1, 9. Luke 24. 10. John 19. 2.5. 1 20. 1, 18. MASCHIL, Giving instruction. The title of Psal. 32, 42, 44, 45, 52, 54, 74, 78, 88, 89, 142. MASH. Gen. 10. 23. 1 Chr. 1. 17. MASHAL, A parable, or ruling. 1 Chr. 6. 74. MASHMANNAH, Hisfatness. 1 Chr. 12. 10. MASONS. 2 Sam. 5. 11. 2 Kmg.s 12. 12. 1 Chr. 14. 1. I 22. 2. 2 Chr. 24. 12. Ezra 3. 7. MASREKA, Whistling, or fiissing. Gen. 36- 36. MASS A, A burden, or prophecy. Gen. 25. 14. MASSAH, Temptation. Exod. 17. 7. Deut. 6. 16. I 9. 22. I 33. 8. MAST,S. Prov. 23. 34. Isa. 33. 23. Ezek. 27. 5. MASTER, s It IS a title applied, [1] To Christ, Matt. 23. 8, 10. [2] To 3Irnisters, Eccl. 12. 11. [31 To tutors, Luke 6. 40. [4] To go- vernors, Eph. 6. 5. [5] To rash, proud, and censorious personSf that judge others, Jara. 1. 3. MAT ■^ •^»^ TTJ €ren. 39. 20. Joseph's to. || Exod. 21. 8. please not Jndg. 19. 22 spake to the to. of the house, 23. 1 6am. 25. 14. to salute our to. || 26. 16. not kept 1 Kings 22. 17. these have no to. 2 Chr. 18. 16. 2 Kings 6. 5. alas, to. |j 22. eat, and go to their to. 10. 2. your to. sons, 3, 6. |j 19. 6. say to your to. 1 Chr. 15. 27. TO. of the songlj Eccl. 10. t 11. Isa. 24. 2. so with the to |j 50. t 8. who is the m. Dan. 1. 3. m. of eunuchs || 4. 9. to. of magicians Mai. 1. 6. if I be a to. || 2. 12, Lord cut ofi to. Matt. 8. 19. TO. I'll follow thee || 9. 11. your to. 10. 25. called to. Beelzebub || 15. 27. to. table 23. 8. one is your to. || 26. 18. the to. saith my 26. 25. m. is it 1 1| 49- hail to. Mark 14. 45. Mark 5. 35. why troublest to.||10. 17. good to. Luke 3. 12. m. what shall we do || 7. 40. say m. 8. 24. TO. we perish (j 13. 25. when to. is risen John 3. 10. a to. in Israel || 11. 28. the to. is come 13. 13. ye call me to. || 14. if I then your to. 1 Cor. 3. 10. as a wise to. builder I have laid Eph. 6. 9. your TO. is in heaven, Col. 4. 1. 2 Tim. 2. 21. sanctified and meet for the to, use His MASTER. Gen. 24. 9, 10. | 39. 2, 19. Exod. 21. 4, 6. Deut. 23. 15. Judg. 19. 11. 1 Sam. 20. 38. I 25. 10. I 29. 4. 2 Kings 5. 1, 25. 1 6. 32. I 8. 14. I 9. 31. | 19. 4. 1 Chr. 12. 19.. Job 3. 19. Prov. 25. 13. | 27. 18. | 30. 10. Isa. 1. 3. I 37. 4. Mai. 1. 6. Matt. 10. 24, 25. Luke 6. 40. Rom. 14. 4. 3Iy MASTER. Gen. 24, 12,-65. | 39. 8. Exod. 21. 5. 1 Sara. 24.6. | 30. 13, 15. 2 Kings 5. 18, 20, 22. I 6, 15. | 10. 9. J 18. 24, 27. Isa. 36. 8,9,12. T/t^ MASTER. Gen. 24. 51. 1 Sam. 29. 10. 2 Sam. 9. 9. | 12. 8. | 16. 3. 2 Kings 2. 3, 16. I 9. 7. I 18.27. MASTERS. Exod. 21. 4. shall be her m. Ps. 123. 2. look to TO. II Eccl. 12. 11. to. of asseui. Jer. 27. 4. say to their to. Ames 4. 1. 1| Zeph. 1. 9. Matt. 6. 24. serve two to. || 23. 10. nor called m. Acts 16. 16. who brought her to. much gain, 19. Eph. 6. 5. servants, be obedient to your to. Col. 3. 22. Tit. 2. 9. 1 Pet. 2. 18. 9. ye TO. do the same things. Col. 4. 1. 1 Tim. 6. 1. count their to. worthy of all, 2. Jam. 3. 1. brethren, be not many m. knowing MASTERY, s. Exod. 32. 18. shout for to. Dan. 6. 24. lions had to. || 1 Cor. 9. 25. for the to, MASTERIES, s. 5iTim.2. 5. strive for to. yet MATE, s. Isa. 34. 15. every one with her to. 16:. MATRED, Red of government. Gen. 36.39. MATRI, Rain, or a prison. 1 Sam. 10. 21. MATRIX, The womb. Exod. 13. 12. | 34. 19. Num. 3. 12. that openeth the to. 18. 15- MATTAN, Uisgift, or loins. 2 Rings 11. 18. MATT A N AH, His gift, ^c Num. 21 . 1 8, 1 9. MATTANIAH, Gift of the Lord. 2 Kin. 24. 17. 1 Chr. 9. 15. I 25. 4, 16. 2 Chr. 20. 14. | 29. 13. Neh.ll. 17. MATTATHA, The same. Ezra 10. 33. MATTER, s. Gen. 30. 15. is it a small to, ? Exod. 18. 22. every great ?«. i| 23. 7. false to. NuK>. 16. 49. Til. of Korah|j25. 18. to. of Peor Deut. e. 26. Lord said, speak no more to me of this 17. 8. if TO. be too hard || 1 9. 1 5. to. be established 2'i. 16. sa is this to. || 24. t l.m. of nakedness Ruth 3. 18. ^i!l thou kaow how the m. will fall MAY 1 Sam. IG. IC. fn. of kingdom 1| 20. 39. know the 30. 34. who will hearken to you in this in. } 2 Sam. 1. 4. how went the m. \\ 18. 13. no m. hid 20. 1 8. ended the m. \\ 21. the m. is not so ; but 1 Kings 8. 59. m. shall require || 15. 5. m. of Uriah 1 Chr. 26. 32. for every m. pertaineth to God 27. 1 . in any m. 2 Chr. 8. 15. | 24. 5. haste m. Ezra .5. 5. m: came to Darius | 10. 4, 9, 15, 16. Neh. 6. 1 3. w. for evil report 1| Estli. 2. 23. | 9. 26. Job 19. 28. root of the m. \\ 32. 18. full otvi. Ps. 45. 1. inditing a good m.\\ 64. 5. an evil m. Prov. 11. 13. conceaieth the m.|| 16. 20. handleth . 17. 9. repeateth a ?n. \\ 18.13. answereth a m. 25. 2. honour of kings is to search out a in. Eccl. 10. 20. tell the m. \\ 12. 13. conclusion of m. Jer. 38. 27. m. was not perceived I| 52. 1 34. the m. Dai?. 1. 14. consented in this m. \\ 2. 10. kings m. 3. 16. to answer in this m. || 4. 17. this m. is by 7. 28. end of the m. || 9, 23 understand the m. Mark 1. 45. blaze abroad the m. |j 10. 10. same m. Acts 8. 21 . nor lot in this m. || 1 1. 4. rehearsed m. 17. 32. again of this m. || 18. 14. m. of wrong 19. 38. m. against any || 24. 22. uttermost of m. 2 Cor. 7. 11. clear in this m. || 9. 5. m. of bounty Gal. 2. 6. itmaketh no m.\\ 1 Thes. 4. 6. in any Jam. 3. 5. how great a m a little fire kindieth MATTERS, s. Deut. 17. 8. m. of controversy 1 Sam. 16. 18. prudent in ?n. || 2 Sam. 11. 19. 2 Sam. 15. 3. m. are good \\ 19. 29- of thy m. ? 2 Chr. 19. 11. m. of the Lord, the king'sm. Nell. 6.t 19. they uttered mym. || 11. 24. in all m, Esth. 3. 4. Mordecai's m. || 9. 31. m. of fastings Job 33. 13. giveth not account of any of his m. Psal. 35. 20. deceitful m. \\ 131. l.in great m. Dan. 1. 20. m. of wisdom ||7 1. sum of the m. Matt. 23. 23. weightier 7?i. |) Acts IS. 15. of such Acts 19. 39. other m. \\ 25. 20. judged of these m. 1 Cor. 6. 2. smallest m. \\ 1 Pet, 4. 15. other men's MATTHAN, The death of them. Matt. 1. 15. MATTHAT, A gift, or giving. Luke 3. 24, 29. MATTATHIAS, Gift of the Lord. Luke 3. 25. M 4TTHE VV, A reward, or gift. Matt. 9. 9. MATTHIAS, Gift of the Lord. Acts 1. 26. MATTITHIAH, A gift of the Lord. 1 Chr. 9. 31. I 15. 18, 21. 1 16. 5. I 25. 3. Ezra 10. 43. Neh. 8. 4. MATTOCK. 1 Sam. 13. 20. Isa. 7. 25. MATTOCKS. I Sam. 13. 21. '2 Chr. 34. 6. MAW, s. Deut. 18. 3. give to priest the m. MAUL, s. Prov. 25. 18. false witness is a m. MAY, I'. Matt. 9. 21. | 26. 42. Heb. 7. 9. MAY be. Exod. 13. 9. | 20. 20. Lev. Psal. 83. 4. I 144. 12, 13, 14. Prov Isa. 46. 5. Lam. G. 29. Matt. 6. 4. 20. 14. John 17.26. 1 Cor. 15. 28. 4. 7. 1 8. 11, 14. 2 Tim. 3. 17. / MAY be. Isa. 60. 21. Phil. 2. 19, 28. It MAY be. Gen. 12. 13. | 16. 2. Lev. 23. 21. Num. 10. 10. Deut. 5. 33. [ 6. 3, 18. | 22. 7. j 31. 26. Josh. 22. 27. 1 Sam. 14. 6. 2 Sam. 14. 15. I 16. 12. 2 Kings 19. 4. 1 Chr. 17. 17. Job 1. 5. Eccl. 1. 10. Isa. 30. 8. Jer. 36. 3, 7. j 42. 6. Ezek. 12. 3. Dan. 4. 27. Amos 5. 15. Zeph. 2. 3. Luke 20. 13. 1 Cor. 14.10. [ 16. 6. Eph. 6. 3. SeMAYbe. Lev. 21. 3. Deut. 29. 13. Isa. 30. 18. i Cor. 3. 18. SheMAYhe. 1 Sam. 18. 21. Jer. 5l> 3. 1 Cor. 7. 34. 11. .22 34. 19. Luke 2 Cor. MEA They MAY be. Psal. 59. 11. Ezek. 14. 11. Hes. 8.4. John 17. 11, 12, 21. Rom. 1. 1 20. 1 Tim. 5. 7. Tit. 1. 13. * You MAY be. Ezra 9. 12. Matt. 5. 45. John J 12. 36. I 14. 3. 1 Cor. 5. 7. 2 Cor. 9. 3. Phil. 2. 15. Jam. 1. 4. MAYEST, V. Acts 8. 37. believest thou m. MAYEST^e. Gen. 28. 3. Num. 10. 31. Deut. 26.19. Neh. 6.6. Job40.8. Ps. 130.4. Isa. 23. 16. I 49. 6. Jer. 4. 14. | SO. 13. Luke 16. 2. MAZZAROTH, The Zodiac. Job 38. 32. MEADOVY, S, s. Gen. 41. 2. Judg. 20. 33. MEAH, A hundred cubits. Neh. 3. 1. j 12. 39. MEAL. Ruth 2. 14. at m. time come thou 1 Kings 4.41. hnngm. \\ 1 Chr. 12. 40. brought w. Isa. 47. 2. grind m. \\ Hos. 8. 7. yield no m. MEAN, V. Gen< 21. 29. what w. these Exod. 1 2. 26. what m. you by this serv.Deut. 6. 20. Josh. 4. 6. ask whatm. Isa. 3. 15. Ezek. 17. 12. Mark 9.10. rising of dead ?n.||Acts 10.17. should m. Acts 17. 20. these ihings m. \\ 21. 13. what m. you 2 Cor. 8. 13. 1 m. not that other men be eased MEAN, a. Prov. 22. 29. before m. men Isa. 2. 9. m. man boweth down, 5.15. [ 31. 8. Acts 21. 39. no w.city || Rom. 12. 1 16. m, things MEAN Time. Luke 12. l.m.- gathered together MEAN while. 1 Kings 18. 45. m. - heavens John4. 31. m.- disciples ||Rom.2. 15.m. accusing MEANS,s.Exod. 34.7.nom. clear,Num. 14. 18. Judg. 16. 5. by what m. we may prevail against 2 Sam. 14. 14. devise m.|| 1 Kings 20. 39. any m. Psal. 49. 7. by any w. redeem his brother, nor Prov. 6. 26. by m. of whorish|) Jer. 5. 31 their tw. Mai. 1. 9. by yoiirm.|| Matt. 5. 26. by no m. Luke 5. 18 sought m. \\ 10. 19. by any m. hurt John9.21.bywhatm.Acts4.9. ||18. 21.byall»j. Acts 27. 12. by any ?». Rom. 1. 10. | 11. 14. 1 Cor. 8. 9. 1 9. 27. 2 Cor. 11. 3. Gal. 2. 2. Phil. 3. 11. 2 Thes. 2. 3. 1 Cor. 9. 22. by all m. || 2 Cor. 1. 11. w. of many 1 Thes. 3. 5. lest by some m.||2 Thes. 3. 16. by all w. Heb. 9. 15. by m. of death || Rev. 13. 14. by m. MEANEST. Gen. 33. 8. whattw. by this drove 2 Sam. 1 6.2.what m.thou, Ezek. 37. 18. Jonali 1.6- MEANETH. Deut. 29. 24. whatwi, the heat * 1 Sam. 4. 6. what m. noise, 14. || 15. 14. bleating Isa. 10. 7. m. not so || Matt. 9- 13. what that m. Matt. 12. 7. if known what this m. || Acts 2.12. MEANING,]:/. Dan. 8. 15. 1 sought for the m. Acts 27. 2. m. to sail |j 1 Cor. 14. 11. m. of voice MEANT, p. Gen. 50. 20. God ?». it for good Luke 15. 26. asked what these things m. 18. 36. MEARAH, v^ den, cave, or empty. Josh. 13. 4. MEASURE,^, signifins, [l] J standard vessel, or rule. Prov. 20. 10. Mic. 6. 10. 2 Cor. 10. 13- [2] The dimensions of a thing, Ezek. 40. 10. [3] A stinted allowance, Ezek. 4. 11. [43 The period of life, Psal. 39. 4. [5] Modera- tion, Jer. 30, 11. [6] Limit ov boundary, Jer, 51. 13. [7] A certain proportion, resemblance, ot degree, Eph. 4. 13. Exod. '26. 2. the curtains shall have one m. 8. Lev. 19. 35, ye sharii do no unrighteousness in nl. Deut. 25. 15.*ajust m.\\ 1 Kings 6. 25. one m. 7. 37. ^i Kin, 7. l.am.offine fleur, 16, 18.|jl Chr.ll.t2'3. Job 1 1. 9. w. is longer jj 28. 25. waters by nt. MEA MED i Psal. 39. 4. m. of my days||80. 5, tears in greatm. Isa. 5. 14. hellopeneth her mouth without m. 27. 8. in m. |j 40. 12. dust of the earth m a m. Jer. 30, 11. correcting. 46.28. ||51. IS. m. of cov. Ezek. 4. 11. thou shalt drink water also by m. 16. Mic. 6. 10. the scant m. iSjjIVIatt.Z. 2.m. ye mete Matt.23. 32. fill ye up then the m. of your fathers Mark 4. 24. what m. ye mete shall, Luke 6. 38. 6. 31. sore amazed beyond m. and wondered 7. 37. bej'ondm. 10, 36 || Luke 6- 33. good m. John 3. 34. Spirit by m. \\ Rom. 12. 3. m. of faith 2 Cor, 1. 8. pressed out ot'm.jjlO.lS. m.of rule,14. 11. 23, stripes above m.()l2.7, exalted above m. Gal, 1. 13. beyond tn. 1 persecuted the church Eph. 4. 7. m. of gift || 13. of stature (| 1 6. of part Rev. 6. 6. m. of wheat (| 21. 17. m. of a man MEASURE. V. Num. 35. 5. ye shall to. from Dent. 21.2. m. to cities |j Isa. 65. 7. I'll m. work Ezek. 43. 10. m. pattern |j Zech. 2. 2. to/n. Jerus. Rev. 11. l.m. temple, 2 (| 21. 1.5. to m. the city MEASURED,;). Ruth 3. 15. w. six measures 2 Sam. 8. 2. m. with a line (| 1 Kings I7.f21. Job 7.j'4. evenmg be m. || Isa. 40. 12. wiio m. Jer. 31. 37. ifheavencan be m. || 33. 22. sand Ezek. 40. 5. he m. breadth || 6. m. threshold, 8,9. 11. m. entry II 13. gate ![ 24. posts || 41.5,13,15. 42. 16. ;??. east side, 17, 18, 19. || 47. 3,4. Hos. 1.10. sand cannot be m.||Hab. 3. 6. w. earth Matt. 7. 2. m. to you ag. Mark 4. 24. Luke 6.38. Rev. 21. 16. he m. the city j| 17. he m. thf wall MEASURES,^. Gen. 18.6, threew. of fine meal Dent, 25. 14. not divers m. \\ 1 Sam, 25. 18. five 1 Kings 4. 22. Solomon's provisions was 30 m. 5. 11. gave Hiram 20,000 m. 2 Chr. 2. 10. 7. 9. m. of stones, 11. |j 18. 32. contain two m. 1 Chr. 23. 9. all m. and sizes (| Ezra 7. t2. 100 7n. Job 38. 5. who laid the m. thereof, if knowest Prov. 20. 10. divers w.yjer. 13. 25. portion of thy Ezek. 40. 24. to these m. 28, 29- 143.13, | 48. 16. Hag. 2. 16. to heap of 20. ?n.l|Matt. 13. 33. hid in Xiuke 16. 6. and he said an hundred m. of oil, 7. MEASURING,;). Jer. 31. 39. m. line go forth Ezek. 40. 3. a ??i. reed, 5. ( 42. 15, 16, 17,18,19. Zech. 2. 1. a m. line |j 2Cor. 10. 12. m. themselves MEAT, s. is put for, [1] Christ crucified, John 6. 55. [2] Spiritual comfort, John 4. 32. [3 , The doctrines of the gospel, Heb. 5. 14. Gen. 1 . 29. be for m. \\ 30. green herb for m. 9. 3. every moving thing shall be m. for you 27. 4. savoury m. 7, 31. || 45. 23. m for father Lev. 11.34. of all m. 11 22. 11. eat of his m. 13. Deut. 2. 6. buy m. 28. 1| 28.t30. not common m. Judg. 1. 7. gathered m. under || 14. 14. came m. 1 Sam, 20. 5. sit with king at m. (1 34. eat no w. 2 Sara. . 35. to eat to. Jl 11. 8. a mess ofm. from 12. 3. eat his own m. \\ 13. 5. Tamar dress m. 1 Kings 10.5. she saw the 7n.|jl9. 8. strength of to. 1 Chr. 12. 40. brought tn. || Ezra 3. 7. gave m. Job 6.7, as sorrowful m.\\ 12, 11. taste his to. 20. 14. his TO. is tunied j| 21. none of his m left 30. 40. roots for to. || 33. 20. abhorreth dainty m. 34. 3.ta8teth to. || 36. 31. giveth || 38. 41. lack of Psal. 42. 3. tears my to. || 44. 1 1 . like sheep for m. 59. 15. wander for to. |) 69. 21. gallfor my to. 74. 14. TO. to thy people |J7S. 18. to. for lusts 78. 25. TO. to the full || 30. m. was in mouths 10 4. 21. seek TO. from G. || 27. to. in «i«e season Psal. 107, 18. abhorreth to.!|111. 5. hath given to- 145. 15. thou givest them to. indue season Prov. 6. 8. provideth her to. |j 23_3. deceitfid to. 23. 6. his dainty to. (| 30. 22. fool filled with to. 30. 25. TO. in sv.mmer jj 31. 15. m. to houshold Isa. 9.t5. TO. of fire |) 62. 8. to be to. for enemies 65. 25. serpents to. |) Lam. 1. 11. given for m. Lain. 1. 19. sought to. |j 4. 10. children were w. Ezek. 4. 10. TO. by wei.vht (( 16. 19. my to. thoU 25.t7. deliver tlieefor to. 29. 5. | 34. 5, 8. 34. 10. not be to. (| 47. 12. trees for to. fruit Dan. 1.8. would oot defile himself with king's m. 4. 12. in it was to. 21. \\ 11. 26. seed of his to, Hos, 11.4. I laid TO. |[ Joel 1. 1 6. is not to. cut off Hab. 1, 1 6. TO, is plenteous |) 3. 17, yield no to. Mai. 1. 12, TO. is contemptible j) 3. 10. may be to. Matt. 3. 4. "I. was locusts |' 6. 25. life more than 9. 10. as Jesus sat at to. 26. 7. Mark 2. 15.J14. 3. 10. 10 worthy of his to. |) 15 37. broken to. 24. 45. TO, m due season, Ps. 145.15. Luke 12.42. 25. 35. gave me no to. |! Luke 3. 11. hath to. Luke 8. 55. to give her to i| 9. 13. and buy to. 14. 10. who sit at to. |) 17. 7. sit down to to. 24, 41. said, have ye here any to. John 21. 5. John 4. 8. gone to buy m. || 32. I've to. to eat 34. my TO. is to do |) 6. 27. labour not for m. 6. 55. my flesh is to. indeed, my blood is drink Acts 2. 46. did eat their to. jj 9. 19. received to. 16. 34.jailersetTO. II 27. 33. to take m. 34,36. Rom. 14. 15. grieved with thy to. destroy not 17. not TO. and drink \\ 20. in. destroy not I Cor. 3. 2. not with to. jj 8. 8. to. commends not 8. 10. if any sit at to. 13. || 10. 3. spiritual to. Col. 2. 16. let no man judge you in to. or drink Heb. 5. 12. strong TO. 14. || 12. 16. morsel of to. AlEAT Off'ering.Y.xod. 29. 41. | iO. 9. } 40. 29. Lev. 2. 1, 3. I 6. 14. | 14. 10. Num. 4. 16., j 7. 13. 1 15. 6. 1 28, 8, 26. 1 29- 6. Josh. 23., 23. Judg. 6.tl8.|l3. 19, 23. 2 Kings 3 20. 1 Chr. 21. 23. Neh. 10. 33. Isa. 57, 6. Ezek. 42. 13. | 44. 29. | 45. 17, 25. j 46. 7, 15. Joel 1.9, 13. I 2. 14. MEAT Oferings. Num. 29. 39. Josh. 22. 29, 1 Kings 8. 64. Ezra 7. 17. Neh. 13. 5, Jer. 17. 26.133. 18. Ezek. 45, 17, Amos 5. 22. MEATS, s. Prov. 23. 6. nor desire dainty jn. Mark 7. 19. pnrging all to. || Acts 15. 29. abstain 1 Cor. 6. 13. TO. for the belly |} 1 Tim, 4. 3, abstain Heb, 9. 10. stood in to. || 13. 9. not with to. MEBIJNN AJ,Asonorunderstanding.2Sa.m.23.27. MEC}iERATHITE,Knowledge,OT selling. IChr. 11,36. MED AD, Measuring. Num. 11. 26,27., MED AN, Judgment, process. Gen, 25. 2. 1 Chr. 1..S2. MEDDLE, I'. Deut. 2. 5. w. not with Seir, 19. 2 Kings 14. 10. why TO. to thy hurt, 2 Chr, 25.19. Prov. 20. 19. TO. not with him that, 24, 21. MEDDLED, p. Prov. 17. 14. before it be to. MEDDLETH. Prov. 26. 17. to. with strife MEDDLING, p. 2 Chr. 35. 21. Prov. 20. 3. MEDE, S, Measure, abounding, or garment. Dan. 11.1. 2 Kings 17. 6. in cities of M. 18. 11. |1 Ezra 6. 2. Rsth. 1. 19. laws of M. || Isa. 13. 17. stir up M, .Ter. 25. 25. M to drink || 51. 11. raise up M. Dan. 5. 28. given to M. ^ S. 8. law «f; 12, 15. MEE MEL tjSn. 9. 1. seed of the M. \\ 11. 1. Darius the M. MET>EBA,Waters of grief.3oshA3.l6.lCiiY.l9.7. 3VIEDI A., A country of Asia ; so called from Ma- dai, the son o/ Japhet, Gen. 10. 2. MEDIAN, Dan. 5. 31. and Darins the M. MEDIATOR,*. Is one that stands between in order to concUiate two contending parties, Gal. 3. 20. And is applied, [1] To Moses, Gal. 3. 19 f 2] To Christ Jesus, who is the only peace-maker and intercessor between God and man, lTim.2.5. Gal. 3. 19. hand of a 771. 1) 20. not w. of one 1 Tim. 2. 5. but one m. between God and men Heb. 8. 6. m. of abetter covenant, 9, 15. 1 12. 24. MEDICINE, S, s. Prov. 3.t8 m. to thy navel 17. 22. good like a in. \\ 20.|30. a purging m. Jer. 30. 13. no healing m.46. 11. || Ezek.47. 12. MEDITATE, v. Gen. 24. 63. Isaac went to m Josh. 1. 8. shalt 7n.||Judg. S.tlO. m. ye that ride Psal. 1. 2. in his law m. || 2.tl' »»• a vain thing 63. 6. m. on thee in night i| 77. 12. I'll m. also 119. 15. I'll f«.in thy precepts, 23. 48, 78. 148. TTJ. in thy word || 143. 5.m. on works Isa. 33. 18. m. terror || Lnke 21. 14. not m. before 1 Tim. 4. 15. m. on these things, give thyself MEDITATION, s. 1 Sam. l.pQ. out of my m Psal. .5. 1. consider my m.\\ 19. 14. »j. acceptable 49. 3. m. of my heart || 90.t9. spend as a m. 104. 34. m. be sweet |) 119.97. it is my m. 99. MEEK. Num. 12. 3. Mose«i was very m. above Psal. S2. 26. m. shall eat || 2 >. 9. m he'l; ^-^uide 37. 11. m. shall inherit || 69.t52. m. see riiis 76. 9. to save the m. \\ 147. 6 lift '»p the jn. 149. 4. beautify 7n.||Isa.ll.4. for the m. ot earth Isa. 29. 19. m. increase joy |1 61- 1. tidings to m. Amos 2. 7. turn aside m. [| Zeph. 2. 3. all ye m. Matt. 5. 5. blessed are the ttj.HII. 29. for I am m. 21. 5. king cometh m. \\ 1 Pet. 3. 4. in. quiet MEEKNESS, s. Psal. 1 8.135. with thy m. hath 45. 4. truth and m. \\ Zeph. 2. 3. seek m. iCor. 4. 21. spirit of m.||2 Cor. 10. 1. m. of Christ Gal. 5. 23. m. temperance [j 6. 1. spirit of 7n. Eph. 4. 2. walk with m. || Col. 3. 12. put 0!i m. 1 Tim. 6. 11. follow vu \\ 2 Tim. 2. 25. in in. Tit. 3. 2. shewing all m. \\ Jam. 1. 21. with m. Jam. 3. 13 m. of wisdom|jl Pet.3. 15. 7n. and fear MEET, a. Gen. 2. 18. an help m. for him, 20. Exod. 8. 26. it is not w. jj Deut. 3. 18. m. for war Judg. 5. 30. needle-work m. || Ezra 4. 14. not m. Job 34. 31. surely it is m.||Prov. 11. 24. than is m. Jer. 26. 14. as seemeth m. |) 27. 5. seemed in. Ezek. 15. 4. is it m. for any work ? 3. Matt. 3. 8. fruits m. for repentance. Acts 26.20. 15.26 uot?n. Mark 7.27.[lLuke 15.32.it was m. Rom. 1. 27. recompense m. |j 1 Cor. 15. 9.notm. Phil. 1.7. m. to think thisjjCol. 1. 12. made us m. 2 Thes. 1. 3. as it is m. \\ 2 Tim. 2. 21. avesselm. Heb. 6. 7. herbs m. \\ 2 Pet. 1. 13. 1 think it m. MEET, V. Gen. 14. 17. went to m. Abraham 18.2. Abraham ran to in. \\ 19. 1. Lot rose to m. 24. 17. ran to m. Rebekah || 65. to m. us ? 29. 13. Labaoran to m Jacob || 30. 16. Leah 32. 6. Esau cometh to »i. || 46. 29. to m. Israel Exod. 4. 14. Aaron cometh forth to m. thee, 27. 18. 7. Moses went to m. \\ 19. 17. to m. God 25. 22. there I'll m. with thee, and commune with thee, 29. 42, 43. [ 30. 6, 36. Num. 17. 4. Num. 22. 36. to m. Balaam || 23. 3. L. willm.me 23. 15. while I m. the L. |1 3L 13. went to m. Judg. 4. 18. to m. Sisera || 6. 35. to m. Gideon 1 1.34.his daughter came to m.Jll9.3.rejoiredto»?. 1 Sam. 10. 3.m. thee three men |! 5. m. prophets 13. 10. Saul went to m. Samuel \\ 15. 1 2. Samuel 17.48. nigh torn. David 1| 18.6. to m. Saui with 25. 32. L. who sent thee torn. me|i3U. 21. David 2 Sam. 6. 20. Mirhai came out tOTw. David 1 Kings 18. 16. to m. Elijah j] ^21. 18. to m. Ahab 2 Kings 1 . 6. there came a man to m. «is, 7. 2. 15. to m Elisha||4. 26. run to m. her, and say 29. if thou m. any jj 8. 8. go, m. man of God Neh. 6. 2. let us m. together in theplaia, 10. Job 39. 21. horse goeth on to m. the armed men Prov. 7. 15. came I to m || 17. 1 2. let a bear m. 22. 2. the rich and poor »». || 29. 13. m. tojiCther tsa. 7. 3. m. Ahaz|jl4. 9. hell is moved to m. thee 34. 14. wild-beasts in. \\ 47. 3. not in. as a man Jer. 41. 6. went to m- \\ 51. 31. post in. another Hos. 13. 8. m. as a bear |1 (\nios 4. 1 2- to m. thy G. Zech. 2. 3. angel went to w.|lMati. 8. 34.?n. Jesus Matt. 25. 1. went forth to in. bridegroom, 6. Mark 14. 13. shall ?n.you a man, Luke 22. 10. Luke 14. 31. able to ni. |1 John 12.13. went to m. Acts 28. 1 5. to m.us as far||l l"hes.4.l7. m. tueL. MEETEST, r. 2 Kiuirs 10. 3. Isa. 64. 5. M EKTETH, r. Gen. 32. 17. Num. 35. 19, 21. ^•EETI^G.lSam.2l.l. afraid at||Isa.l.l3.solemB MEGIDDO, Tliat declares. Josh. 17. 11. Judg. 1. 27. I 5. 19. I Kings 4. 12. 2 Kings 9. 27. I 23. 29, 33. 2 Chr. 35'. 22. MEGIDOON, The same, Zech. 12. 11. MEHETAV'.EL, How good is God. Gen. 56. 39. MEHIDA, A riddle. Ezra 2. 52. MEHIR, A retvurd. 1 Ciir. 4. 11. M F HU J A EL, l41io proclaims God. Gen. 4. 1 8. MEHIJMA.N, Troubled ; or an uproar. Esth.1.10. MEHUNIMS. 2 Chr. 26. 7. Ezra 2. 50. ME-JARKON. Josh. 19.46. MKRONAH. Neh. 11 28. MELATIAH, Deliverance oftheLoi^d. Neh.3.7. MELCHI, My king, or counsel. Luke 3. 24, 28. MELCHIAH, My king is the Lord. 2 Chr. 6.40. Jer. 2 1.1. MELCHIZEDEK, King of peace. Gen. 14. 18. Psal. 110. 4. Heb. 5. 6, 10. j 6. 20. | 7. 1, IB. 11,15, 17,21. MELEA, A queen. Luke 3. 31. MELECH, A king. 1 Chr. 8. 35. | 9. 41. MELICHU, His kingdom. Neh. 12. 14. MELITA, Flowing with honey., Acts 28. 1. MELODY, s. Isa. 23.16.sweet7».||51.3. voice of Amos 5. 23. m. of viols I j Eph. 5. 19. making m. in MELONS, 5. A kind of pompian, differing little- from the cucumber, Num. 11.5. MELT. V. Exod. 15. 15. inhabitants shall 7n.away Deut.20.t8. heart 7n.JlJosh.2. 11. our hearts didw. Josh. 14. 8. heart of people m-|j2Sam.l7.10. utterly Psal. 39.tll- beauty to m. \\ 58. 7. let them m, 112. 10. he shall gnash his teeth and m. away Isa. 13. 7. every man's heart shall m. Ezek. 21. 7. 19. 1. the heart of Egypt shall m. in midst of it Jer. 9. 7. I'll m. them ||'Ezek. 22. 20. I'll m. you Amos 9. 5. land shall m- \\ 13. hills m. Nah. 1. 5. 2 Pet.3 10. elements shall w.with fervent heat, 12. MELTED, p. Exod. 16. 21. sun waxed hot,it m. Deut. I.t28. m. our heart. Josh. 5. 1. | 7.5. Judg. 5. 5. meuntains m.|j2 Kia. 32.t9. m. money MElST MEN ■flir »■■ I Psal. 22. 14. my heart is m. \\ 46. 6. tlie earth m. 97. 5. the hills m. like || 107. 26. their soul is m. Isa. 34. 3. mountains w. || 64. 1 7. hast m. us Ezek. ^2. 5!l. ye shall be m. in the midst, 22. MELTETH, v. Psal. 58. 8. as a snail which m. 68. 2. as wax m |( 119. 28. soul m. for heaviness 147. 18 he VI. them |) Isa. 40. 19. w. image Jer. 6. 29. m. in vain |; Nah. 2, 10. Nineveh m. MELTING, a. Isa. 64. 2. as we. fire burueth MELZAR, Circumcision of a place. Dan. 1. 11. MEiM BER, s. Is any part of the body, 1 Cor. 12.12. And is put for, [1] The operations of the soul, Kom. 6. 13, 19. [2] The unrenewed part, Rom. 7. 23. [3] The people of God, Eph. 4. 25. [4] Thoughts, 3oh 17.^ 7. 1 Cor. 12. 14. not one m. 19, 26. |j Jam. 3. 5. MEMBERS, *. Deut. 23. 1. privy m. cut off Job 17. 7. m. a shadow || Ps. 139. 16. m. written Matt. 5. 29. that one of thy m. should perish, 30. Rom. 6. 13. nor yield your m. instruments, 19. 7. 5. work in our m.\\ 23. law in ray m. warring 1 2. 4. many m. m one || 5. eveiy one m. one of 1 Cor. 6. 15. bodies the m. of C.|jl2. 12. manym. 12. 18. God set the m. 20, 22, 25, 26, 27. Eph. 4. 25. m. one of another II 5. 30. m. of his b. Col. 3. 5. mortify your m. which are on earth Jam. 3. 6. tongue among m. || 4. 1. war in m. MEMORIAL, s. That which brings to memory. Exod. 3. 15. this is my m. to all generations 12. 14. for a TO. 13. 9'. | 17. 14. | 28. 29. | 30. 16. Lev. 2. 2. bi;m the ;n.of it, 9. 16. j 5. 12. | 6. 15. 23. 24. a m. of blowing || 21. 7. for a ni. even JJum. 5. 15. offering of m 18.||16. 40. m. to Israel 31. 54. for am. Josh. A. 7. Zech. 6 14. Neh. 2. 20. have no w.JlEsth. 9. 28. nor m. perish Psal. 9. 6. m. is perished || 30. t 4. w. of hohness 135. 13. and thy m. thro' all generations Hos. 12. 5. Lord is his m. |l 14. 1 7. m. as wine Matt. 26. 13. for a m. Mark (4. 9. Acts 10. 4. MEMORY, s. The retentive faculty ; recollection. Psal. 109. 15. cut off m. |l 14.5. 7. utter the m. Prov. 10. 7. m. of just || Eccl. 9. 5. m. forgotten Isa. 26. 14. m. to perish |j l Cor. 15. 2. keep in m. MEMPHI.S, From, or by the mouth. Hos. 9. 6. MEMUCAN, Prepared, sure, made poor, or smit- ten. A prince of Persia, Esth. 1 . 14. MEN, s. Gen. 32. 28. power with God and m. 42. 11. we are truer«. ||43. 16. bring m. home Psal. 9. 20. may know themselves to be but m. 62. 9. m. of low degree vanity, m. of high a lie 68. 18. hast received gifts for m. Eph. 4. 8. 82. 7. shall die like m."|| 83. 18. m. may know 119. 1 24. m. of my counsel || 124. 2. m. rose up Eccl. 3. 14. m. should fear || 9. 5. strong m. bow Isa. 7. 13. to weary w. || 31. 3. Egyptians are m. 46. 8. shew yourselves m. \\ 64. 4. m. not heard Ezek. 14. 14. these 3 m. Noah, Daniel, Job, 1 6,18. 34. 31. flock are m. \\ 36. 10. I'll multiply m. Dan. 3. 27. saw these m: \\ 6. 26. that m. fear Hos. 6. 7. they like m. transgressed the covenant Zech. 3. S.wi. wondered at j] Matt. 5- 16. ] 6. 18. Rom. 1 . 27. m. with m. working unseemly 1 Cor. 4. 9. spectacles to wj.l|l4 20. in und. be m. 2 Cor. 5. 11. we persuade m. Gal. 1. 19. |j Eph. 6.7. Heb. 9. 27. tow. once to die || 12. 23. of just m. 2 Pet. 1.21. holyw. of G. || Jude 4. certain m. Rev. 9. 10, to kurtm. | 14. ^i.from among vt. Like MEN. 1 Sam. 4. 9. Ps. 82. 7. Hos. 6. r, Luke 12.36.1 Cor. 16. 13. Mighty MEi^. Gen. 6.4. Exod. 15. 15. Josh. 1. U. I 6. 2. I 8. 3. I 10. 2, 7. 1 Sam. 2. 4. 2 Sam. 10 7. | 16. 6. 1 17. 8. | 23. 8, 9, 16, 22. iKmgs 1. 8, 10. 2 Kings 15. 20- 1 24. 14. 1 Chr. 5. 24 I 8. 40. | 11. 10. | 12- 1, 21. I 29. 24. 2 Chr. 13. 3. i 25. 6. ] 32. 3, 21. Neh. 11. 14. Job 34. 24. Eccl. 7. 19. Song 4. 4. Isa. 21. 17. Jer. 5. 16. | 26. 21. 1 41. 16. I 46. 9. 1 48. 14, 41. | 49- 22. 1 50. 36. I 51. 30, 56y 57. Lam. 1. 15. Ezek. 39. 20. Dan. 3. 20. Hos. 10. 13. Joel 2. 7. | 3. 9. Obad. 9. Nah. 2. 3. Zech. 10. 5. Rev. 6.15. I 19. 18. Sons of MEN. Psal. 4. 2. \ 31. 19. | 33. 13. | 57. 4.11-5. 12. Prov. 8. 31. Eccl. 1. 13. | 2. 3, 8. 1 3. 10. 1 8, 19. I 8. 11. I 9. 3, 12. Isa. 52. 14. Jer. 32. 19. Dan. 5. 21. | 10. 16. Joel 1. 12. Mic. 5. 7. Mark 3. 28. Eph. 3. 5. MEN Servants. Gen. 12. 16. | 20. 14. | 24. 35. I 30.43. 1 32. 5. Exod. 21. 7. Deut. 12. 12. 1 Sam. 8. 16. 2 Kings 5. 26. Lukf" 12. 45. MEN of War. Num. 31. 49. Deut. 2. 14, 16. Josh. 5 6. I 6. 3. Judg. 20. 17. 1 Sam. 18. 5. 1 Kings 9. 22. 2 Kings 25. 4, 19. 1 Chr. 12. 8, 38. 2 Chr. 13. 3. | 17. 13. Jer. 38. 4. I 41. 3, 16. I 49. 26. I 50. 30. | 51. 32. | 52. 7, 25. Ezek.<27. 10, 27. | 39. 20. Joel 2. 7. \ 3. 9. Luke 23. 11. Wicked MEN. Gen. 13. 13. Num. 16. 26. 1 Sam. SO. 22. 2 Sam. 3. 34. | 4. 11. Job 22. 15. | 34. 8, 26, 36. Eccl. 8. 14. Jer. 5. 26. Matt. 24. 41. 2Thes. 3. 2. Wise MEN. Gen. 41. 8. Exod. 7. 11. | ?,e. 4. Deut. 1.13, 15. Esth. 1.13. 16. 13. Job 15. 18. 1 34. 2. Psal. 49. 10. Prov. 10. 14. 1 13. 20. 129. 8. Eccl. 9. 17. L«a. 19. 12. | 29. 14. 1 44. 25. Jer. 8. 9. | 10. 7. ] .^0. Sb. | 51. 57. Ezek. 27. 8,9. Dan. 2. 12, 27. | 4. 6. 1 5. 7. Obad. 8. Matt. 2. 1, 7, 16. | 25. 34. 1 Cor. I. 26. 1 10.15. MEN and Women. Exod. 35. 22. Deut. 2. 34'. Josh. 8. 25. Judg. 9. 49, 51. ( 16. 27. 2 Sam. 6. 19. Neh. 8. 2. Jer. 44. 20. Acts 5. 14. | 8. 3, 12. I 9. 2. 1 22. 4. Fe MEN. Judg. 9. 7. Job 34. 10. Acts 1. 11. I 2. 24. 1 5. 35. 1 13. 15. 1 17. 22. 1 19. 35. Young MEN. Gen. 14. 24. Exod. 24. 5. Num. 11. 28. Josh. 6. 23. Judg. 14. 10. Ruth. 2. 9, 1 3. 10. I Sam. 2. 17. | 8. 16. 1 21. 4, 5. I 25. 8, 25. I 26. 22.130.17. 2 Sam. 1.15. I 2. 14, 21. 1 IS. 32. 1 18. 15. 1 Kings 12. 8, 14. 1 20. 14. 2 Kings 4. 22. | 5. 22. ] 8. 12. 2 Chr. 36. 17. Job 1. 19. 1 29. 8. Psal. 78. 63. 1 148. 12. Prov. 20. 29. Isa. 9. 17. | 13. 18. 42. t 22. Jer. 6.11. 18.21. I 31. 13. 1 48. I 23. 4.131. 8. 1 40.30. I 9. 21. 1 11. 22. 1 15. 8. 15. I 49. 26. I 50. 30. I 51. .3. Lam. 1. 15, 18. I 2. 21. 1 5. 13, 14. Ezek. 23. 6, 12, 23. j 30. 17. Joel 2. 28. Amos 2. 11. | 4. 10. | 8. 13. Zech. 9. 17. Mark 14. 51. Acts 2. 17, | 5. 6, 10. Tit. 2. 6. 1 John 2. 13, 14. mV.^.Pleasers. Eph. 6. 6. Col. 3. 22. MR^-Stealers. 1 Tim. 1. 10. made for m. - MENAHEM. A comforts: 2 Kings 15. 14. MER MER MEN AN, Prepared. Luke 3.31, MEND. 2 Chv. 24. 12. to m. house, 34. 10. MENDING. Matt. 4. 21. m. nets, Mark 1. 19. MENE, God hath numbered. Dan, 5. «26. MENSTRUOUS, Polluted. Isa, 30. 22. m. cloth Lam. 1. 17. Jerusalem as a m. woman, Ezek. 18.6. MENTION, s. Gen. 40. 14. make m. of me to P. Exod, 23.13. make no w.ofother gods, Josh. 23.7. 1 Sam, 4. IS. m. of ark || Job 28. 18. no m of Psal. 71. 16. 1 will make m. 87. 4. Isa. 12. 4. Isa. 19.17. maketh m. |] 26. 13. make m. 48. 1. 49. 1, m. of my name|| 62. 6. m. of the Lord 03. 7. I'll m the loving kindness of the Lord Jer. 4. 1 6. makem. 20. 9. jj 23. 36. m. no more Amos 6. 10. not make m. of the name of the L. Rom. 1.9. 1 make m. of you in prayers, Epli.1.16. 1 Thes. 1. 2. Philem. 4. m. of thee || Heb. 11. '22. Jos. made m MENTIONED,/). Josh. 21. 9. cities m. by name 1 Chr. 4. 38. m, by name |j 2 Chr. 20. 34. Jehu is m. Ezek. 16. 56. not m. 18, 22, 24.|I33. 16. sins not tn. M EON FN EM, Chambers. Judg. 9. 37. MEONOTHAL 1 Chr. 4. 14. M EPH A ATH, Force of water. Josh. 13.18. MEPHIBOSHETH, Shame of mnuth. 2Sam.9.6. MERAB, Fighting, chiding. I Sam. 14. 49. MERAIAH, Bitter. Neh. 12. 12. MERAIOTH, Bitterness. 1 Chr. 6. 6. MERARI, Bitter, provoked. Gen. 46. 11. MERATHAIM, Land of rebels. Jer. 50. 21, MERCHANDISE, s. Deut.21. 14. not make jn. 24. 7. maketh m. of him |! Prov. 3. 14. m. of irold Prov.Sl. 18. her w. goodj|Isa.''23. 18. her?;*, holin. Isa. 45. 14. m. of Ethiopia || Jer. 14.+ 18. make m. Ezek. 26. 12. prey of thy m. \\ 27. 9, 15. | 28. 16, Matt.22.5. another to his m,]! John2.1 6. house of m. 2 Pet. 2. 3. m. of vou \\ Rev. 18. 1 1. buyeth m. U. MERCHANT, S, s. Gen. 23. 16. | 36. 28. 1 Kings 10. 15. had of w. || 28. the king's m. 2 Chr. 9. 14, w. bronjrht jj Neh. 3. S'2. \ 13. 20. Job 41. 6. shall they part him among the m. Song 3, 6. perfunied with all powders of m. Isa. 23. 2. m. of Zidon, 8. |j 47. 15. m. wander Ezek. 17.4- city of w. (| 27. l.S. were thy m. 27. 17. Judah and Israel thy m. 21,-36. 38. 13. m. of Tarshish || Nah. 3. 16. multiply m. Hos. 12. 7. he is a w.|| Matt. 13. 45. like to a m. Rev. IS. 3. 7n. of the earth are, 11, 23. MERCY, s. is, I. That essential perfection in God, whereby he pities and relieves the miseries of his creaturts, Psal. 100 5. And it is either, f 1] General, and common to all, Psal. 145. 9. or [2] Special and peculiar to his own people, Psal. 32. 10. Tit. 3. 5. His mercy is everlasting and invariable, Psal. 1 03. 1 7. Plenteous and abun- dant, Psal. 86. 5. I Pet. 1. 3. Rich and free, Mic. 7. 18. Eph. 2. 4. li. Human pity, com- passion, clemency, and bounty toivards our fel- low creatures, Prov. 14. 21, 31. Col. 3. 12. Gen. 19. 19. magnified thy m. \\ 24. 27. of his m. 39. 21 . shewed him ?n.j]43. 14. God give you m. Exod. 13. 13. in m. hast ledj|20. 6. shewing m. to 33. 19. 1 will shew m. || 34. 7. m. for thousands Num. 14. 18. of great m. 19. Psal 103. Il.il45. 8. Deut. 7. 2. nor shew m.\\ 13. 17. shew thee m. Judg. 1. 24. shew lis the city, we'll shew thee to. 2 Sam. 7. 15. m. shaH not ilepart, 1 «hr. 17. 13. 2 Sam. 15. 20. m, be with thee||22. 51. shews m.to 1 Kings 3. 6. shewed to David great m. 2 Chr. 1.8. 8. 23. keepest covenant and w. Neh. 1.3.|9.32. 1 Chr. 16, 34. his m. endnreth for ever, 41. 2 Chr. 5. 13. I 7. 3, 6. | 20. 21. Ezra 3. 11, Psal. 106. 1. I 107.1. I 118. 1. | 136. 1,-26. Jer. 33. 11. Ezra 7.28. extended 7». 9. 9.||Neh. 1. 11. | 13. 22. .Job 37. 13. whether for correction or for m. Psal.4. 1. have m. on me, 6. 2 | 9. 13, j 25. 16. I 27. 7. I 30. 10. I 31. 9. I 51. 1. I 86. 16. i. 7. multitude of thy m. \\ 13. 5. I trusted in m. 18.50, shewcth m. to his anointed, 2 Sam. 22. 51- 21. 7. m. of most high || 23. 6. goodness and m. 25. 10. paths are m. \\ 32. 10. m. compass hira 33. 1 8. hope in his m. \\ 22. let thy m. be on S6. 5. m. in the heavens || 37. 21. shewethm. 52. 8. 1 trust in the m. || 57. 3. send forth m. 57. 10. thy m. is great, 86.13. | 103- 11. 1 108.4. 59. 10. God of my m. \\ 61. 7. O prepare m. and 6*2. 12. belongeth m. || 66. 20. nor his m. from 77. 8. is m. clean gone |j 85.7. shew us thy m. 85. 10. m. and truth are met together, ri^iit. \i6. 5. plenteous in m. 15 | 103. 8. | 119. 64. 89. 2. m. be built ][ 14. m. and truth go before 28. my m. keep for him |j 90. 14. early with m. 94. 18. m. held nie up I) 98. 3. remejnber his m. 101. 1. I'll sing oi'm. \\ 102. 13. have m. on Zion 103. 17. m. of the L. is from everlasting, 100. 5. 109. 12. none to extend m.\\ 16. not to shew m. 21. thy m. is good || 26. save me accord, to thy 11.5. 1. for thy w. sake||119. 124. accord, to thy 123. 2. till he have m. || 130. 7. with Lord is m. 147. 11. pleasure in those that hope in bis m, Prov. 3. 3. let not m. forsake || 14. 21. m. on poor 14. 22. m. be to them |1 31. hath m. on poor 16. 6. by m. iniquity is purged || 20. 28. truth 21. 21. followeth m. \\ 28. 13. shall have m. Isa. 9. 17. nor have m. \\ 14. 1. have m. on Jacob 27. 11. not have m. \\ 30. 18. may have m. on 47. 6. didst shew no m. || 49. 13. will have m. 54. 8. will I have m. on thee, saith Lord, 10. 55. 7. he will have m. \\ 60. 10. 1 had m. on Jer. 6. 23. have no m. 13. 14. Hos. 1. 6. SO. 18. I will have m. 31. 20. | 3S. 26. | 42. 12. Ezek. 39. 25. Hos. 1. 7. | 2. 23. Matt. 9. 13. 50. 42. will not shew m. || Dan. 4. 27. | 9. 4. Hos. 2. 4. I'll not have m. 1. 6.|j4. 1. truth norm. 6. 6. 1 desired m. \\ 10. 12. reap in m. break up 12. 6. keep m. \\ 14. 3. fatherless findeth m. Mic. 6. 8. to love m. \\ 7. 18^. he delighteth in m. 7. 20. will perform the w. |i Hab. 3. 2. rem. m, Zech. 1. 12. wilt thou not have m.jj 7. 9. shew m. 10. 6. I'll bring them again, for I have m. on Matt. 5. 7. shall obtain m. \\ 9. 27. have m. on us 15. 22. have m. on me, 17. 15. 1 20. 30, 31. Mark 10, 47, 48. Luke 16. 24. | 17. 13. j 18. 38. 23. 23. and have omitted judgment, m. and faith Luke 1. 50, m. on them that fear |) 54. rem. m. 58, shewed great m. \\ 72. to perform the m. 78. tender m. || 10. 37. he that shewed m. Rom. 9. 15-1 will have m. on whom I will, 18. 16. G. that sheweth m. || 23. vessels of wi. 11. 30. obtained m. || 31. thro' your m. obtain 32. m. on all || 12. 8. sheweth m. with cheerf, 15. 9^. Gentiles might glorify God for his ?n. 1 Cor. 7. 25. obtained m. 1 Tim. 1. 13, 16. MER 12 MES 2 Cor. 4. V. received m:\\ Gal. 6, 16.w. on Israel Eph. 2. 4. rich in m. || Phil. 2. 27, God had m. 1 Tim. 1. 2. m. and peace from God our Father 2 Tim. 1 . 2. Tit. 1. 4. 2 John 3. 2 Tim. 1. 16. the L. give m. to the house of, 18, Tit. 3. 5. according to his m. he saved us by Heb. 4. 16. obtain m. || 10. 28. died without m. Jam. 2. 13. judgment without m. that shewed no 3. 17. full of w. II .5. 11. pitiful and of tender m. 1 Pet. 1. 3. abundant m. || 2. 10. not obtained 7n. Judc 2, m. to you || 21. looking for the m, of C. MERCIES, s. Gen. 32. 10. of the least of thy ?n. 2 Sam. 24. 14. for his m. are g-reat, 1 Ghr. 21. 13. 2 CiiT. 6. 42., remember the m. of David thy Neh. 9.19. manifold m.||27. accord, to thy, 28. 31. Psal.5l. 1. according to thy m. 69. 16. Isa. 63. 7. 69. 13- in multitude of thy 7?M06. 7, 45. 89. 1. I'll sing of the m. || 119. 41. let thy m. Isa. 54. 7. great m. \\ 55. 3. sure to. Acts 13. 34. 63.7. according to his w.||15. thy ra. towards me Jer. 16. 5. taken my m. \\ 42. 12. I'll shew fu. Lam. 3. 22. of the Lord's ?tt.|i32. multitude of m. Dan. 2. 18. desire ;«.||9. 9- belong || 18. thy great Hos. 2.19. betroth in ?n.||Zech. 1. 16. to Jerus.with Rom. 12. 1. by the to. of G.||2 Cor. 1. 3.Fatherof Phil, 2. 1. if any bowels of to. Col. 3. 12. Tendei' MERCIES. Psal. 25.6. rem. thy -to. 40. 11. with-hold not-TO.i|77. 9. shut up his- to. 79. 8. let thy - m. || 10 5. 4. cro^wueth with - to. 119. 77. let thy -m. come 1| 156. great are thy -to 145. 9. - m. over all || Prov, 12. 10, - to. cruel MERCIFUL, a. Gen. 19. 16. being to. to Lot Exod. 34. 6.LordGodTO.||Deut.21. 8.be to. 32.43 2 Sam. 22. *26. with w. shew thys. to. Psal. 18. 25- 1 Kin. 20. 31. are to. kings || 2 Chr- 30. 9. G. is to. Neh. 9, 17, ready to pardon, gracious and to. Psal. 26. 11. redeem me, and be m. to me, 41. 4, 10. I 56. 1. I 57. 1. I 86. 5. | 119. 58, 132. 37. 26.TO.and lendeth|!59. 5. be not to. to wick. 67. 1, God be to. to us j| 103. 8. the Lord is to. 117. 2. TO. kindness is great towards us, 11976. Prov. 11. 17.WI dothgood||Tsa. 57. 1. to. are taken Jer. 3. 12. 1 am to. Joel 2. 13. Jonah 4. 2. Matt. 5. 7.blessedareTO.||Luke 6. 36. be to. 18. 13. Heb. 2. 17. a TO. high-priest || 8 12. 1 will be to. MERCY-.Smf, s. " or Propitiary, was the covering- of the ark, in which the tables of the laiv wn-e deposited : This cover was of gold, and at its ends were fixed the twocherubims of the same metal which, by their icings extending forward, seemed to form a throne for thrmajesty of Gorf,Ps. 80. 1 . and the ark was as it wei^e his footstool. It was an eminent type of Christ,who, by his atone- ment, covered our sins, and bore the curse for us ; standing between God and the curse of the law for our takes, that God might look on the law, through Christ, as fulfilled by him on our behalf," Rom. 3. 2.5. Exod. 25. 17. then shaltmake a to. -of gold 20. cherub, covering TO.- with wings,Heb. 9.5. 22. commune from above to. - Lev. 16. 2. 26. 34. put TO.- on the ark, 37. 6. | 40. 20. Lev. 16.13. cloud cover to. -||lChr. 28.11. pattern MERCURIUS, From Mercury, the god of elo- quence, and messenger of the gods. Acts 14. 12. MERED, A rebel, or a ruler. iChr. 4. 17. MEREMOTH,Mi/rr/io/decrf/t. Ezra 8. 33. MERES, Impostume. Esth. 1. 14. MERIBAH, Contention. Exoi\. 17.7.Num.2§.13. MERlBBA\h,. Rebellion. 1 Chr. 8. 34, MERODACH, Bitter contention. Isa. 39. 1. Jer. so. 2, MEROM, Heights. Josh. 11.5,7. MERONOTHITE, My singing. 1 Chr. 27. 30. MEROZ, Secret, lean. Judg. 5. 23. MERRY, a. Gen. 43. 34. drank, andvs^ereTO. Judg. 9. 97. made to. j| 16. 25. hearts to. 19. 22. 19. 6. heart to. 9. Ruth 3. 7. 1 Sam. 25. 36. 2 Sam. 13. 28. 1 Kings 21. 7. 2 Chr. 7. lO. Esth. 1. 10. Prov. 13 13. | 17. 22. Eccl. 9. 7. I Kin. 4. 20. making to. H Eccl. 10. 19. maketii m. Eccl. 8. 15. eat, and be to. || Isa. 24. 7. m. hearted Jer. 30. 19, voice of them that make to, 31. 4. Luke 1 2. 19, eat, and be m. 15. 23, 24, 29, 32. Jam. 5. 13. is any TO, || Rev. 11. 10. and make to. MERRILY, ad. Esth. 5. 14. go thou in m. with MESHA, A burden, or salvation. Gen, 10. 30. 2 Kings 3, 4. 1 Chr 2. 42. ] 8.9- MESHACH, That draws with force, or surrounds the waters. Dan. 1. 7. | 2.49. | 3. 12, MESHECH, The same. Gen. 10. 2. 1 Chr. 1. 5, 17. Psal. 120. 5. Ezek. 27. 13. | 32. 26. | 38. 2, I 39. 1. MESHELEMIAH, Peace, or perfection of God. 1 Chr. 9. 21. MESHEZABEEL, God taking away. Neh. 3. 4. I 12. '^1 24 MESHILLEMOTH, Peaceable, perfect; or gic-^ ing again. Neh. 11. 13. 1 Chr. 9. 12. HESHOBAB. 1 Clii-.4. 34,38. MESSHULLAM, A peace-maker. Neh. 3. 6. MESHULLAMETH. 2 Kings 21. 19. MESOBAITE, The Lord's standing. lChr.11.47. MESOPOTAMIA, Middle of rivers. Gen. 24. 10. went to M. \\ Dent. 23. 4, Balaam of Judg, 3. 8. king of M. |j 10. delivered king of if/. 1 Chr, 19. 6. sent to hire chariots out of M. Acts 2. D. dwellers in M.||7. 2. to Abraham in BL MESSAGE, s. Judg. 3. 20. a to, from G. to thee 1 Kini^s 20. 12. heard to. (j Pro v. 26. 6. m. by fool Hag. 1.13. the Lord's to |j Luke 19. 14. sent a«i, 1 John 1. 5. the m. which we have heard, 3. 11. MESS, ES, s. Gen. 43. 34. 2 Sam. 11. 8. MESSENGER, s. is applied, [1] To Jesus Christy who published the tidings of salvation,Ma.l.3. 1. [2] To prophets or ministers, Job 33. 23. Mai, 2. 7. [3] To ambassadors of princes, 2 Kings 16. 7. [4] To awful providences, Prov. 17. 11. [5] .4 s^y, .Tarn. '2. 25. Oeu. 50.16. a m. to 5o?, \\ Judg. 2,tl. to, of the L. lSaro.4. 17. the7M. saidj|2Sam.l5.13.TO. to David 1 Kin. 19. 2. TO. to Elijah || 22. 13. tn. w^entto call 2 Kin. 6. 32. ere m. carneli9. 18. to. came to them Job 1. 14. a TO. to Job j] 33. 23. if there be a to. Prov. 13. 17. a wicked TO.||17. 11. a cruel TO.shaCll 25. 13, alaithful to. j{ Isa. 42, 19. blind as ray to. Jer, 51. 31. one to. run (j Ezek. 23. 40. to. was sent Hag. 1. 13. the Lord's to. || MaL2. 7, to, of theL. 3. 1. rilsendmy to. even the to. of the covenant. Matt. 11. 10. Mark I, 2. Luke 7. 27. 2 Cor. 12. 7. TO. of Satan jj Phil, 2. 25. your to. MESSENGERS, s. Gen. 32. 3. Jacob sent yrt, to Num.20. 14. Moses sent to.jISI. 21. Israel sent to. 22. 5. Balak sent to. to Balaaia, 2i. 12. MIC MIG Josh. 6. 17. hid ». 25. || 7.22 m. to Achan's tent Judff. 6. 35. Gideon sent m. j| 11. 12. Jephthah 1 Sam. 1 1. 4. then came tlit m. to Gibeah of Saul 16. 19. Saul sent m. 19. 11, 14, 15, 20, 21. 25. 14. D. seutm. tosahite||42. Abigail wentafter 2 Sam. 2. .5. David sent 7n.ji3. 12. Abnerjl 14. Dav. S. 26. m. to AbneiilD.ll.Hu-amsentl Ciir. 14.1. 11.4. David sent 7n. to Bath-sheba(|l2.27.Joab 1 Kings 20. 2. Benhddad sent m. to Aliab king SKuiiiS 1. 3. meet the m. || 16. m. to enquire of 14. 8. Amaziahsent m.jild. 7. Ahazi|l7.4. Hoshea 19. 9. Sennaclievib,lsa. 37.9.||23.by?n.hastthou 1 Chr. 19. -2. David sent m. to comfort Hanun ^Ciir.36. 1 5. L. sent by his m.| i 16. mocked m. of G. Prov. 16. 14. 771. of death || Isa. 14. 32. answer 7Ji. Isa. J 8 2. go ye swifr 7n.||37. 14. letter from m. 44. 26. counsel of hj.- 7«.j;57. 9- didst send m.afar Jer. 27.3. hand of m. [| £zek. 23. 16. tn.to Chaldea Ezek. 30. 9. m. go forth|| Nah. 2. 13 voice of m. Luke 7. 24. m. of John |) 9- 52. sent in. before 2 Cor. 8. 23. i7i. of churches || Jam. 2. 25. the m. MK8STAH,s. Anoivted. See Christ. Dan. 9. 25. m. the prince |i 26.7n. be cut off, but John 1. 41. found the m. f] 4. 25. m. cometh MET,7>. Gen. 32. 1. angels of God m.him||33. 8. Exod. 3. 18. G. hath tn. with us [j 4. 24. L. «». him 4. -27. Aaron m. Tvoses j| 5.20. they m. Moses Num. 23. 4. G. m Balaam || Dent. 23. 4. | 25. 18. 1 Sam. 10. 10. prophots»n. Saul||25. 20. Abigail 7n. 2 Sam. 16. 1. Ziba m. David \\ 18. 9. Absalom m. 1 Kmgs 13. 24. a lion m. him || 18. 7. m. Obadiah 2 Kin. 9. 21. m. Jehu || 10. 13. Jehii in. brethren Psal. 85. 10. truth m. toirether i| Prov.7.10. m. him Amos 5. 19. bear m. him ;| Matt. 8. 28. ] 28. 9. Mark 11. 4 tvco ways m. \\ Luke 9. 37. | 17. 12. John 11. 20. Martha in. him||Acts 10. 25.|16. 16. Acts 27. 41. two seas m.||Heb. 7. 1. m. Abrah. 10. METE, r. Exod. 16. 18. Psal. 60.6. | 108. 7. Matt. 7. 2. Mark 4. 24. Luke 6. 38. l\IETED,/>. L^a. 18. 2. nation wi.||4(h 12. m. heaven METE- YARD, s. Lev. 19. 35. iu m. ni weiglit METHEG-AM VIA, Bridle of bondage. 2Sam.8.1 . METHUSAEL, Asking death. Gen. 4. 18. jyiE THUSELAH, Weapons of death, or the emis- sion, or sending forth of death. Gen. 5. 21. Enoch begat M. ||25. M. begat Lam. 27. all the days oi M. were 969 years 1 Chr. 1. 3. M. Lamech'jLuke 3. 37. the son of M. MEUMM, Afflicted. Neh.7. 52. MEZAHAB, Wtitersofgold. Gen. 36. 39- MIAMI N, The right-hand. Neh. 12. 5. IIIBHAR, Clwsen, ox youth. I Chr. 11. 38. MIBSAM, Perfuming. Gen. 25. 13. 1 Chr. 1. 29. DIIBZAR, Wal'ed, or gathering. Gen. 39. 42. MICAH, Poor, afflicted. Judg. 17. 1. called 31. \\ 5. M. an house of gods 18. 4. thus dealeth 31. I| 31. set up M. image 1 Chr. .5. 5. 31. his son |j 8. 34. begat M. 9. 40. 8. 35. sons of 3/. || 9. 15. the son of il/. 2 Chr. 34. 20. Abdon son of M.|jNeh. lO.ll.sealed Jer. 26. 18. 31. the Morasthite prophet,Mic. 1.1. MICHAIAH, PVho like the Lord/ 1 Kin. 22. 8, 24, 26. 2 Chr. 13. 2. | 17. 7. | 18. «, 23, 25. Neh. 12. 35, 41. Jer. 36. 11. MICE,s. 1 Sam. 6. 4. live golden to. 18. MICHAEL, IVho is like God? One of the names of Christ JesuSf Dan. 10. 21. Jude 9. Rev. 12.7. MICHAL, rVho is perfect ? 1 Sam. 14. 49 Saul's daushter Jli. 18. 20, 28. 19. 12. M. let David down|j25.44. J!f. to Phalti i2 Sam. 3. 13 bring M. \\ 14. deliver me M. 6. 16. M. looked thro' window, 1 Chr. 15. ;^9. 23. Jkf. had no child || 21. 8. fire sons of JI/. MICHMASH, A smiter. 1 Sam. 13. 2. Isa. 10.28. MICHMETHA,Gi/"fo/^asmi«dij/, Liikc 8. 3.7. [8] T/ie M.';7i, 1 Pet. 5. 2. [9] Affection, Acts 17. 11. Gen. 23. 8. if it be yonr m. \\ 26. 35.gricf of m. Lev. 24. 12. m. of Uie Lord jj Num. 16. 28. own m. Nnm. 24. 13. I cannot do good or bad ofown?^. Dent. 18. 6. all the desire of his m.||28. 65.130. 1. 1 Sam. 2. 3.5. is in my r,i. \\ 9. 20. set not thy m. 1 Chr. 22. 7. it was in my m. || 28. 9. willing m. Neh. 4, 6. a m. to work |f Job 23. 13. of one m. Job 34. 33. accord, to tby ni.||Psal. 31. 12. of one Prov.21. 27. a wicked m.||29. 11. utters all his m. Isa. 26. 3. m. is stayed |1 46. 8. bring it to m. 65. 17. not come tow. Jer. 3. 16.|19. 5.\ 32. 35. Jer. 15. 1. m. not be toward||44. 21. not tohis;«. 51. 50. let Jerusalem come into your m. Lam. 3. 21. 1 recal to m.lJEzek. 11. 5. come to m. Ezek. 20. 32. comcth in yonr m. || 38. 10. thy m. Dan. 5. 20. m, hardened j| Hab. 1. 11. )n. change l^Iatt. 22. 37. love wilh all thy m. Mark 12. 30. Mark 5. 15. sitting in his right m. Luke 8. 35. 14. 72. Peter called to m. the words of Jesus I^uke 1. 29. cast in her 7ji.1|12. 29. of doubtful /w. Acts 17. 11. all readiness of m. || 20. 19. humility Rom. 1. 28. reprobate m.\\7. 25. with m. I serve .8. 5. m. things of flesh || 7. carnal m. is enmity 27. m. of the spirit || 11. 34. m. of the Lord 12. 2. renewing of m. |j 16. be of same w. one 14. 5. every man be fully persuaded in his own ?«. 15. 6. with one m. \\ 15. as putting you in ?«. 1 Cor. 1. 10. in the same m. |) 2. 16. the m. of C. 2 Cor. 7. 7. your fervent wz. || 8. 12. a willing m. 8. 19. ready w. 9. 2. |) 13. 11. be of one m. Eph. 2. 3. desires of m. || 4. 17. vanity of 7«, 4. 23. be renewed in the spirit of your m. Phil. 1. 27. with one m. jj 2. 3. lowHness of vi. . 2. 5. let this m. be in you j] 3. 16. m. the same 3. 19. m. earthly things 1|4. 2. of the same m. Col. 1. 21. enemies in your m. || 2. 18. fleshly m. 3. 12.humbleness of ?n. meekness, long suffering 2 Thes. 2. 2. shaken in m. |j 2 Tim. 1. 7. sound in. Tit. 1. 15. m. defiled jj 3. 1. put tliem in ni. to Philem. 14. without thy r/i.||Heb. 8. 10. law'S inm. 1 Pet. 1. 13. loins of mv || 3. 8. be of one m. 4. 1. ;5. 2. of a ready 7wJiRev.l7.9.wz. which hath wis. Rev. 17..13.have one m. and shall give their power See Alienated, Understanding. MINDED, p. Ruth 1. 18. she was stedfastly m. 2 Chr. 24. 4. tn. to repair {j Ezra 7.13. are m. Matt. 1.19. Joseph was m. to put her away Acts 27. 39^into which they were m. if possible Rom. 8. 6. to be carnally m. is death, but to II. 20. be not highm. j| 15. 5. to belike m. 2 Cor. L 15. I was m. to come 1| 17. was thus m. Gal. 5. 10. no otherwise OT.j|Phil. 2. 2. like m. 20, "Phil. 3. 15. be thus m. 1| 1 Thes. 5. 14. feeble m. ,1 Tim. 6, 17. be not liigh m. 2 Tim. 3. 4, Tit. 2. 6. sober m. \\ Jam. 1. 8. double m. 4. 8. MINDf'UL, a. 1 Chr. 16. 15. ?«. of covenant Neh. 9.17. were not m. of thy wonders that Psal. 8. 4. that thou art m. of him, Heb. 2. 6. 111. o.m. ofhiscov. [jll5. 12. been m. of us Isa. 17. 10. notm. of rock || 2 Tim. 1. 4. being m. Heb. 11. 15. m. of countryy2 Pet. 3. 2. m. of words MINDS, s. Judg. 19. 30. and speak your 7». 2 Sam. 17. 8. chafed in m. \\ 2 Kings 9. 15. if your Ezek. 24. 25. set their m. ij 36. 5. despiteful m. Acts 14. 2. m. evil affected 1| 28, 6. changed m. 2 Cor. 3. 14. m. blinded, 4. 4. || 11. 3. tw corrupted Phil. 4. 7. the peace of God shall keep your m. 1 Tim. 6. 5. men of corrupt m. 2 Tim. 3, 8. Heb. 10. 16. in m. write || 12. 3. faint in your m. 2 Pet. 3. 1. I stir up your pure m. by way of rem. MINDING, p. Acts 20. 1 3. Paul jn. to go afoot MINE, Gen. 31. 43. allisjn, || 48, 5. shall be ot. Exod. 13. 2. first-born w. 34. 19. Num. 3. 13. 19. 5. for all the earth is m. Psal. 50. 12. Lev, 20. 26. that ye should be m. Isa. 43. 1. Num. 3; 12. Levites be m. 45- 1 8. 14, 17. 1 Kings 3. 26. it be neither m. \\ 20. 3. wives m. Job 41. 11. whatsoever is under heaven is m. Psal. 50, 10. every beast m. || 60. 7. Gilead is m. Prov. 8. 1 4. counsel is m. and sound wisdom Song 2. 16. beloved is m, 6. 3.|j8. 12. vineyard m. Ezek. 1 6. 8. becamest in. \\ 18. 4. all souls are m. 23. 4. they were m. 5. (| 29. 9. river m. 35. 10. Hag. 2. 8. silver is m. j| Mai. 3. 17. shall be m. Matt. 7. 24. sayings of 7n. 26. 1) 20. 23. not m. to John 10. 14. known of w. || 14. 24. word is notm. 16. 14. receive of 7». \\ 17. 10. allm. are thine Horn. 12. 19. vengeance is m. I will repay, saith MINGLE, V. Isa. 5. 22. | 9.tl I. Dan. 2. 43. MINGLED, p. Exod. 9. 24. fire^w. with hail Lev. 19. 19. m. seed (| Ezra 9. 2. holy seed m. Psal. 102.9. m. my drink |j 106. 35. but were m. Prov. 9. 2. she hath m. her wine, 5, f| Isa, 19. 14. Jer. 25, 20. m. people, 24. | 50. 37. Ezek. 30. 5. Matt. 27. 34. vinegar ni. with gall, Mark 15. 23. Rev. 8.7. hail and fire in. with blood, 1 5. 2. MINIAMIN, Therighthand, or preparing waters. 2 Chr. 31. 15. Neh. 12. 17, 41, MINISH,ED,;). Exod. 5. 19. Psal. 107. 39. MINISTER, S, s. Is one who serves, waits on, or attends another, 1 Kings 10. 5. It is a word applied, [1] To Christ, Heb. 8. 2. [2] To such as preach the gospel, 1 Cor. 4. 1. [3] The ma- gistrates, Rom. 13. 6. [4] To the holy angels of Go(/, Psal. 104. 4. Exod. 24.13. his ?«. Joshua, Josh. l.l.{|2Kin.6.tl5. 1 Kin. 10. 5. the attendance of his m. 2 Chr, 9. 4. Ezra 7, 24. not impose toll on m, (J 8. 17, bring m. Psal. 103. 21. ye w. of his that do his pleasure 104. 4, niaketh his m. a flame of fire, Heb. 1. 7. Isa. 61. 6. m. of our God||Jer. 33. 21. with my m. Ezek. 44. 11. shall be m. in my sanctuary, 45. 4. Joel 1.9. the Lord's m. mourn, 13, j 2. 17. Matt. 20. 26. let him be your /«. Mark 10, 43. Luke 1. 2. m. of the wordj|4. 20. gave book to m. Acts 13* 5. John to their m.j[26. 16. make thee a Rom. 13.4. is the m. of G. 6.11 15. 8. Christ a m. 15. 16. I should be the m. of Jesus to the Gent. 1 Cor. 3. 5. m. by whom ye believed||4. l.m. of C. 2 Cor.3. 6. ablem. |) 6. 4. as,the m. of God in 11. 15. as 7??. of right, (j 23. are tliey m. of C. MIR MIS / Gal. 2. 17. is Christ the m. of sio ? God forbid Eph. 3. 7. whereof 1 was made a m. Coi. 1. 23. 6. 21. a faithful 7n. Col. 1. 7. | 4. 7. 1 Thes.3.2. 1 Tim. 4. 6. a good 7n.||Heb. 8. 2. m. of sanctuary MINISTER, r. Exod. 28. 1. may m. to me in priest's office, 3. 4, 41. | i>9. 1, 44. | 30. 30. I 31. 10. I ^^. 19. I 39. 41. I 40. 13, 15. 35. on Aaron to m. 43. j 29. 30, 44. | 30. 20, Lev. 16. S2. he shall consecrate to m. Num. 3. 3. Deut. 10. 8. tribe of Levi to m. 18 5,7. | 21. 5. 1 Sam, 2. 11. child did 7«.|jl Kings 8. 11. could not 1 Chr. 1 5. 2. chosen to m. |j 23. 13. to m. and give SChr. 13. 10. priests 7w.j)Psal. 9. 8, ?«. judgment Isa. 60. 7. rams shall m. |{ lO. kings shall m. unto Jer. 33. 22. 1 will multiply the Levites that m. Ezek. 40. 46. come near to m. 44. 11, 15, 16. Matt. 20. 28. niinistred to, but to m. Mark 10.45. 25. 44. not 7n.to thee|| Acts 24. 23. to m. to him Rom. 15. 25. 1 go to m. (| 27. their duty to m. 1 Cor. 9. 13. m. about hoiy||2 Cor. 9. 10. m. bread Eph. 4. 29. m. grace (| 1 Tim. 1. 4. m. questions Heb. 1. 14. m. to heirs of salvat. |i 6.10. and do m. 1 Pet. 1. 12. to us did m. \\ 4. 10. so ot.j|11. if any MINISTRATION, s. Luke 1. 2.S. his m. ended i Acts 6. 1, daily m. \\ 2 Cor. 3. 7. if w. of death ' 2 Cor. 3. 8. 7??.. of spirit || 9. 13. of this m. they MINISTRED,/). Num.3.4.Eleazar7n.Deut.l0.6. 1 Sam. 2. 1 8. Samuel w.[|2 Sam. 13. 17. servant m. 1 Kings 1. 4. Abishag ni. 1.5.(| 19. 21. Elisha m. to 2 Kings 25. 14. took vessels wherewith they m. Ezek,44.l2.m.beforeidolsjjDan.7.l0.thousands;n. Matt. 4. 11. angels m. |i 8.' 15. she m. Mark 1. 31. Luke 8. 3. which m. to him of their substance Acts 13. 2. as they m. |) 20. 34. thv^se hands m. 2 Cor. 3. 3. m. by us jjPhil. 2. 25. ra. to my wants Col. 2. 19. nourishment w.|jl Tim. 3.tl3. have w. 2 Tim. 1. 18. he v\. to me || Philem. 13. have m. Heb. 6. 10. «i. to saints () 2 Pet. 1.11. entrance m. MINISTRETH, v. 2 Cor. 9. 10. he in. seed to Gal. 3. 5. he that m. to you the Spirit, doth he it MINISTRING,/). 1 Chr. 9. 28. m. vessels that Ezek. 44. 11. m. to house || Matt. 27. 55. \vomen Rom. 12. 7. wait on m. jj 15.16. m. the gospel of 2 Cor. 8. 4. m. to saints || 9. 1. m. to the saints Heb. 1. 14. m. spirits || 10. 11. standeth dailv m. MINISTRY, s. Num. 4. 47. service of the%«. 2 Chr.7.6. praised by 7u.||Hos.l2.10.m. of prophets Acts 1. 17. part of this m. 25. || 6. 4. m. of word 12. 25. fulfilled in. || 21. 19. wrought by his m. Rom. 12.7. or m. let us wait (| 1 Cor. 16. 15. the m. 2 Cor. 4. 1. have this m. ||5. 18. m. of reconciliat. 6. 3. m. be not blamed IJEph. 4. 12. work of th. Col. 4. 17. heed to w. (| 1 Tim. 1.12. me in the m. 2Tim.4.. 5. full proofof 7jj.|)11. profitable for ot. Heb.8.6.a more excellent wj.|)9. 21. vessels of 7n. MINN ITH,Cozt«n. Eccl. 2. 1. prove with in. \\ 2. 1 said of m. what 7.4. in house of w. |] 8. 15.1 commended m. Isa. 24. 8. m. of tablets |] 1 1 . wi. of land gone. Jer. 7. 34. to cease m. 16. 9. 1 25. 10. Hos. 2. 11. Ezek. 21< 10. furbished, should we then make m. MISCARRYING, p. Hos. 9. 14. give a m. womb MISCHIEF, s. Gen. 42. 4. lest in. befal, 38, Exod. 21 . 22. no w. follow |1 32. 12. for m. did he 32. 22. set on m.\\l Sam. 23. 9. practised m. 2 Sam.l 6.8. taken in thy OT.!|1 Kings 11. 25.|20. 7. 2 Kin. 7. 9. in. will befal us |) Neh. 6. 2. do me m. Esth. 8. 3. m. of Haman |) Job 1 5. 35.conccive w. Psal. 7. 14. conceived m. \\ 16, his m. return on 10. 7. under his tongue is in. || 14. beholding m. 26. 10. in hands is m. \\ 23. 3. in. in hearts 36. 4. deviseth in. \\ .52. 1. why boastest in m. 55. 10. in. and sorrow || 62. 3. imagine in. against 94. 20. frameth in. by a law|jll9."l.50. follow m. 140. 2. imagine in. jj 9. let in. of own lips Prov.4. 16. except done in. || 6. 14. deviseth in. 6. 18. running to in. jj 10.23. sport to do m. 11. 27. that seeketh m.\\ 12. 21. be filled with m. 13. 17. faliethinto ;«. 17. 20. j 24. 16. | 28. 14.- 24. 2. heart studieth, and their lips talk of m. Isa. 47. 11. m. shall fall upon thee, Ezek. 7. 26. 59. 4. they conceive m. jj Ezek. 11.2. devise ?«. Dan. 11. 27. be to do in. jj Hos. 7. 15. imagine m. Mic. 7.13. uttereth m. \\ Acts 13. 10. O full of all MISCHIEFS, s. Deu't. 32.23. Psal. 52. 2. MISCH1F.VOUS, a. P.sal. 21. 11. imagined aw. 3S. 12. speak in. thingsiJProv. 24. 8. a m. person Eccl. 10. 13. is m. madness |j Mic. 7. 3. m. desire MISERABLE, a. Job 16. 2. m. comforters are I Cor. 15. 19. most w.|fRev.3.1 7. that thou art in. MISERABLY,«d. Matt.21.41.he shallm.destroy MISl^RY, s. Judg.io. 16. grieved for m. of Israel MOA MOC Job 3. 20. to him that is in jn. [[11, 16. forget thy Prov. 31. 7. remember his m. no more |i Eccl.8.6. Lam. 3. 19. atiiiction and 7«.|)Rom. 3.16. dcstrnc. MISERIES,. •?• Lam. 1. 7. her m. \\ Jam. 5. 1. MISGA.B, The high place. Jer. 48. 1. MIS HA EL, Who dcmandeth. Exod. 6.22. MISHAL, Goccrnins:, ruling. Josh. 21. 30. MIS HAM, Mtf Saviour, l' Chr. 8. 12. MISHEAL, Demanding. Josh. 19. 26. M IS H M \, Hearing, obeying. Gen. 23. 1 3. MIS HM ANN AH, Fatness, oil, or a gift, or ta- king away. 1 Chr. 1'^. 10, 14. MISHRAITE, Spread abroad, or taking away a friend. 1 Clvr. 2. .53. MISPVR, Numbering, shelving, or the bull of trihuie. Ezra 2. 2. Neh. 7. 7. MISPERETH, The same. Neh. 7. 7. MISREPHOTH-MAIIM, Burning,orhot waters. Josh. 11. 8. I 15. 6. MISS, V. Judjr. 20. 1 6. and not m. \\ 1 Sam. 20. 6. MISSED. 1 Sam. 20. 18. be w.|jL\5.13.aorm.21. MISSING, p. 1 Sam. 25. 7. 1 Kinps 20. 3Q. MIST, .9. Gen. 2. 6. Acts 13. 11. 2 Pet. 2. 17. MISTRESS, s. Gen. 16.4. m. despised, 8,9- 1 Kings 17.17. son of the m l|2Kin..5. 3. said torn. Psal.l 23.2. hand of her m. |j Prov.30.23. heir to m. 4.sa. 24. 2. so with her 7ra.||Nah. 3.4. ?n. of witchcr. MISUSED,^. 2 Chr. 36. 16. and m. his prophets MITE, S, 6>. Half a farthing, Marlv 12. 42. Luke 12. 59. I 21. 2. MITHEAH, Sireefness. Num. S3. 28, 29. BIITHREDATH, Beholding. E/.ra 1. 8. ] 4.7. MITRE, s. Or bonnet, Evod. 23.4,37,39. \ 29.6. I 39. 28, 31. Lev. 8. 9. | 16. 4. Zecb. 3. 5. MiTYLENE, Purity, cleanness. Acts 20. 14. MIXED,;;. EMod.12.38. am.Jnu!titnde.Nch.l3.3. Hos.7. 1. m. himself II Heb. 4. 2. not m. with faith MIXT, p. Num. 11. 4. m. multitude, Neh. 13. 3. Prov. 23. 30. m. wine, Isa. 1. 22. || Dan, 2. 41. BlIXTURE. Exod. 8.t21. m. of noisom beasts -12.t3S. a in. went up jj Psal. 75. 8. full of m. John 19. 39. m. of njvrrh|jRev.l4. 10. without m. MIZAR, Little. A*hill, Psal. 42. 6. MIZPAH, A beacon, a watch-toiver. Gen. 31. 49. the name of the heap was called 31. 1 Kin. 15. 22. king Asa built 31. 2 Chr. 16. 6. 2 Kin. 25. 23. Nethaniah came to 31. Jer, 41,1. Neh. 3. 7. 31. repaired to thronejjl5. ruler of,19. Jer.40. 6. Jeremiah went to 3L\\ 10. dwell at 31. 41. 3. slew all at ili.||l4. carried captive froniM. Hos. 5. 1. because ye iiave been a snare on 31. MIZPEH, The same. Josh. 15. 38. 31. cities of J. IS. 26. 31. and Chephira, cities of Benjamin Judg.'lO. 17. encamped at || 11. 11. 'uttered all in 20. 1. gathered to J/.||2l. 5. came not up to 31. 1 Sam. 7. 5. all Israel to M.|jn. judged in Jil. 16. 10. 17, called people to JIi.;|22.3. David went to MIZRAIM, Slruitness. Gen. 10. 6, 13. 1 Chr. 1.8,11. MIZZAHj Distilling from thehead,or a consump- 37. Acts 21. 16. Hon. Gen. 36. 13, 17. 1 Chr. 1. 37. MNz\SON, A seeker, or exhorter. MO AE, Qf the fathers. Gen. 19. 37. bare a son, and called his name J^i. 36. 35. smote Midian in field of M. 1 Chr. 1.46. Exod. 15. 15. trembling take hold on men of 31. |»fwii. ^u 29, \voe tQ thee M. Jer, 48. i^ Nnm.22..?,3/.sore afr.||24.17. smite corners of M. 25.1,connuit whoredom with the daught.of^li. Deut.2,18. pass thro' M.IJ34.5. Moses died in 3i. Judg. 3. 29. they slew of ^If. 10000 men, 30. 10. 6. Israel served gods of Jlf.||ll . 15. took not Ruth 1. 2. country oO£ |) 4. took wives of «/Tf. 1 Sam. 14.47. Saulfoughtugainst J^. and Amraon 2 Sam, 8, 2, D. smote ►'>/.||23.20. lion-like men of 1 Kin. 11, 7. for Chemosh the abomination ofM. 2 Kin. l.l. M. rebelled |j 3. 7. wilt go against 31. 3. 23. kings are slain, therefore 31. to the spoil 1 Chr. 1. 22. dominion i« 31. \\ J 8, 11. gold from 2 Chr. 20. 1. M. came against Jehoshaphai, 10. Neh. 13. 23. Jews that had married wives of M. Psal, 60.8. my wash-pot, 103.9.!|83. 6, confederate Isa. 11. 14. they shall lay their hand upon M. 15. 1. burden ofJ\I. XrofM. is laid waste, 16. 13. Jer. 48. 1. Ezek. 2.5. 8. Amos 2. 2. 16. 6. have heard the pride of */W, Jer, 48, 29. 1 1. sound for M. \\ 14. glory of Jkf. contemned 25, 10. JH. shall be trodcn down under him Jer, 9. 26, punish 31. ]| 2.5. 21. M. drink of cup 40. 1 1, Jews returned from || 48, 2. no praise of 48.9. give wings to JHj|ll.M. Imth been at ease 20. 31. is spoiled |) 26. M. wallow in his vomit 33. joy taken from j| 39. how JI. turned back 47. yet will I bring again the captivity of Jl. Am. 2. 2. send fire on || Zepli, 2. 9. *M. as Sodom MOABITE, Deut, 23. 3, a M. shall not enter into congregation to tentli general. Neh. 13.1. 1 Chr. 11. 46. Iihmah the M. a valiant man MOABITES. Gen. 19. 37. father of the M. Deut, 2. 9.distressnot JW-llJudg, 3. 28.deliv.JW: 2 Sam. 8. 2. M. David's servants, 1 Chr, 18. 2. 1 Kin, 11, 1. loved M. \\ 33. Chemosh god oi'M. 2 Kin. 3, 18. deliver M. (| 24. Isr. smote the Jil. 13. 20. bands oftneJl. invaded the land, 24.2, Ezra 9. 1. according to abominations of the M. MO ABITESS. Ruth 4, 5, 10. -^ Chr. 24. 26. MOADIAH. Neh. 12. 17. M. a Levite MOCK, V. signifies, [1] Toje&t, Gen. 19. 14. [2] To deride, scojff^, or laugh at, 2 Clir. 30. 10. [ 3 j To deceive ones hopes. Num. 22. 29. [4] To ra- vish or abuse. Gen. 39. 17. Gen 39. 14. brought in an Hebrew to m. us, 17. Job 13. 9. do ye so m. him |! 21, 3- spoken, ?n. on Prov. 1. 26. I'll m. when |) 14. 9. fools m. at sin Jer. 9.t5. m. neighbour || 58. 19. and they ;«. lue Lam. 1. 7. m. at her sabbaths |1 Ezek. 22. 5. shall Matt.20.1 9. to m. him, Mark 10, 34.|{Luke 14, 29. MOCKED, p. Gen. 19. 14. as one that m. unto Num. 22. 29. hast m. me, Judg. 16. 10, 13, 15. 1 Kin. 18. 27. Elijah m. jj 2 Km, 2, 23. in. Eiisha 2 Chr.30. 10. laughed them to scorn,and^.36.l(i. Neh. 4. 1. Sanballat jm. |j Job 12. 3. as one m. Matt. 2. 16 .saw he was m. |j 27. 29- they m, 31. Luke 18. 32. shall be m. 22. 63. ! 23, 11, 36. Acts 17- 32. some in. |) Gal. 6. 7. God is not w. MOCKER, s. Prov. 20. 1. wine is a m. MOCKERS, EST, ETH, ING, Gen. 21 . 9. Job 11. 3. when tiiou m. |) 13. 9. as onem. another 17. 2, are there not w. (| 39. 22. he m. at fear Psal. 33. 15. m. in feasts || Prov. 17. 5. «i. poor Prov, 30. 17. ?». at hisfatheiiiLsa.28. 22. be not m, Jer. 15. 17. assembly of w. |1 20. 7. every one m. Ezek.22.4. I made thee a m.{|Matt.27. 41. priests Acts 2, 1 3. QtUers tn. [jHeb, 11, 3(3. trial of cruel m* MON MON ^Q I Jude 18. should be m. in the fast times, who ' MODERATION, 5. Phil. 4. 5. m. known to all MODERATELY, ad. Joel 2. 23. former rain m. MODEST, a. 1 Tim. 2. 9. adorn in m. apparel MOIST, ENED, p. Num. 6. 3. Job 21. 24. MOISTURE, s. Psal. 32. 4. Luke 8. 6. MOLADAH, Birf/t, g-mcra^ioM. Josh. 15. 26. MOLE, s. Lev. 11. 30. snail, and m. unclean M()LECH,^fc«/g- Lev. 18.21. not let any of thy seed pass thro' tSie fire to M. 20. 2. Jer. 32. 35. 1 Km. 1 1. 7. high place for M.|j2 Kin. 23. 10. to M. MOLID, Nat'wity^ generation. 1 Chr. 2. 29. MOLOCH, v^ icwzjs-. Amos 5. 26. Acts 7. 43. MOLIFIED p. Isa. 1. 6. not m. with ointment MOLTEN . Exod. 32. 4. a m. caif, 8. Dent. 9. 12. 34. 17. shalt make no ni. gods, Lev. 19. 4. 1 Kin. 7. 16. of m. brdss, 30, 33. |) 23. a m. sea Nell. 9. 18. had made them a in. calf, and said Job 28. 2. brass is OT.|i37 1 8. as a m. iookin.?. we shall kill him 19. 25. thev abused her all niirht till the m. 27. Ruth 3. 13. lie till the m. || 14. she lay till the j«. J Sam. 3. 15. lay till;;£.i| 14. 36. spoil till ni. li^ht 19. 2. take heed till m. \\ 25. 22. 7n. ligiit, 36. 2 Sam. 17. 2?. passed over Jordan by m. hght 23. 4. as the ligiit of w. a m. wi'Lhont clouds 1 Kings 18. 26, called on Kaalfrom m. till noon 2 Kings 7. 9. if we tarry till m.\\lO. 8. heaps till m. Neh. 8. 3. he read therein from >». to mid-day Job 3. t 9. eye-lids of m. |J 7. 21 . seek me in m. 11. 17. be a's the m. |j 24. 17. m. as shadow of^ .T8. 12. commanded the m. |! 41. 18. eye-lids of Psal. 5.3. hear in the ?«. O Lf)rd, in tlie m. I'll 30. 5. joy cometh in the ?n. \\ 46. t 5. w. appear. 49. 14. dominion in yn. |j .'59. 16. sing in the m. 8S, 13, in tiie w. shall my prayer prevent thee 90, 5. ill m. like grass, 6.n 119.1 47. prevented w. Psal. 130. 6. watch for m.\\l30. 0. wings of the m.- 143. 8. to hear thy loving kindness in the m. Eccl. 10. 16. eat in the m. j| 11. 6. in the m. sow Song 6. 10. lookethasm.|jlsa. 14. 12. son of the m. Isa. 17. 14. before the m. || 21. 12. the m. cometh 28. 19. for m. by m. || 38. 13. 1 reckoned till m. 50. 4. m- by 7??. Ij 58. 8. light break forth as m. Jer. 5. 8. as fed horses in m. \\ 20. 16. hear in m. Ezek. 7. 7. 7«. is come || 10. ?n. is gone forth 24. 18. 1 spake in the m. at even my wife died Hos. 6. 3. prepared as the m. || 4. goodness as m. 7. 6. in m. it burneth [J 10. 15. in m. cut off Amos 4. 13. that maketh the m. darkness, and 5. 8. that turneth shadow of death into the m. Jonah 4. 7. when m. rose |[ Mic. 2. 1. m. is light Matt. 16. 3. in 7/i. be foul || 27. 1. when m. was Mark 13. 35. at the cock-crowing, or in the»n. Early in the MORNING. Gen. 19. 27. ] 20. 8. I 21. 14. I 22.3. 1 28. 18. ] 31. 55 Exod. 8. 20. I 9. 13. I 24. 4. Josh. 3. 1. | 6. 12. 1 7. 16. I 8. 10. Judg. 6. 28, 38. | 19. 5, 8. 1 Sam. I. 19. I 15. 12. I 17. 20. I 29. 10, 11. 2 Kin. 3.22. Job 1. 5. Prov. 27. 14. Isa. 5. 11. I 37. 36. Dan. 6. 19. Matt. 20. 1. Mark 16. 2. Luke 21. 38. [ 21. 1. John 8. 2. Acts 5. 21. Every MORNING. Exod. 16. 21. | 30. 7. I 36. 3. Lev. 6. 12. 1 Chr. 9. 27. | 23. 30. 2 Chr. 13. II. Job 7. 18. Psal. 73. 14. Isa.33. 2. Lam. 3. 23. Ezek. 46. 13, 14, 15. Amos 4. 4. Zeph. 3. 5. MORNING Star,s. Job 38. 7. to -sang together Rev. 2. 28. I'il aive m.-\\ 22. 16. bright and 7n. - MORNING Hatch. Exod. 14. 24. 1 Sam. 11. 1 1. MORROW, s. Exod. B. 23. to m. this sign b« 9. 5. to m. the Lord shall do this thing, 6. 16. 23. to m. is the rest || 32'. 5. to m. n a feast Num. 11.18. sanctify against to wi. Josh. 7. 13. 16. 5. to 7n. the Lord will shew who are his, 16. Josh. Judsr. 3. 5. to m. do wondcrs||22. 1 8. to m. be wroth 19. 9. to in. get you|h20. 28. go up, for to m. 1 Sam. U. 9. to vi by that time tiie sun be hot 20. 5. to m. is new-moon || 28. 19. to m. he with Prov. 3. 2S. to m. I'll givej|'27. 1 . boast not of to m^ Isa. 22. 13. eat, for to m. we die, 1 Cor. 15. 32. 56. 12. to m. as this dayj|Matt. 6. 30. to m. is cast iMatt. 6. 34. take no thought for the iu. the m. Luke 13. 32. 1 do cures to day and to m. 33. Acts 20. 7. depart on the ?/?.j[25. 22. to m. hear him Jam. 4. 13. to m. we will go to such a city, 14. MORSEL, S. Gen. 18. 5."m. of bread, Judg.l 9.5. Ruth 2. 14. dip thy m. 1| Job 31. 17. eat w. alone Psal. 147. 17.icelike7n.|!Prov. 17. 1. dry wj.23. 8. John 13.t26. give a in. \\ Heb. 12. 16- for one m. MORTAL, job 4. 17. shall m. man || Rom. 6. 12. 1 3. It. 1 Cor. 15. 53, 54. 2 Cor. 4. 11. 2 Cor. 5. 4. m. swallowed up Deut. 19. 11. smite him m. MORTALITY, s. MORTALLY, ad. MORTAR, s. Num. 11. 8. Prov. 27. 22. MORTER, s. Gen. 11.3. slime had they for m. Exod. 1. 14. serve in m. \\ Lev. 14. 42. other m. Isa. 41. 25. shall come upon princes as upon m. Ezek. 13. 10. uutempered m. 11. 14, 15. | 22. 23. Nah. 3. 14. go into clay, and tread the m. make MORTGAGED. Neh. 5. 3. m. our lands MORTIFY, V. Rom. 8. 13. Col. 3, 5. MOSEIiAH, Learning, Deut. 10. G, MOS MOV i* MOSEROTH, Teach by corrcctin^.Hium. 33.30. MOSES, Drawn forth. Exod. 2. 10. his name M. || 14. M. feared, and 15. soufirht to slay JH. || 3. 4. called M. M. 3. 6. Jtf. hid his face || 4. 14, kindled against Jlf! 4. 27. goto meet M.\\b. 22. M. returned 8.13. according; to word of, 31.|9. 12,35.|12.35. 10. 22. M. stretched jj 11. 3. M. was very great 14. 31. believed the Lord and his servant M. 15. 24. people murmnred against M. 17. 3. 16. 20. hearkened not to (| 17. 4. cried to the L. 17. 6. J\l. did so, jSum. 17.11. [j 12. hands heavy 15. built altar jj 18. 13. M. sat to judge 19- 3. M. went up to G. || 8. returned Avords 20. called M. to Sinai f| 20. 21. drew near 24. 2. M. come near||4. M. wrote all the words 18. went into cloud || 32. 1. as for M. we, ^^3. S2.11.3i.be.souglit the Lord|il8.angerwaxed hot 33. 9. Lord talked with M.\\ 34.4. M. went up 34. 35. M. piu vail || 39. 43. did look on work Lev. 10. 16. ^>f. sought i!:oat|j24. 11. blasphemer to Num. 11. 2. cried to M. \\ 10. heard people weep 12. 2. spoke only by M. :?|| 3. M. very meek 7. M. is not so j| 14. 44. ark, M. departed not 16.4. J»/. heard i the fell j| 17.7. laid up rods SO. 3. chode with M. \\ 21. 5. spake against M. 21. 9. ►^i. made a serpent || 25. 6. in sight of M. 31. 14. ^"H was wroth || 33. 2 ^W. wrote goings Deut. 27. ] 1. M. charged |!31. 9. wrote this law 31. 22. wrote this song || 33. 1. M. blessed 34. 5. j\l. died there \\ 10. since, like M. Josh. 1. 5. as I was with M. 3.7. (| 17. hearkened 4. 14. as they feared M \\ 14. 10. spake to M. 1 Kin. 2.5. to keep his commandment as written in tkelaw ofJl. 2 Kin. 23. 25. 2 Chr. 23.18. Ezra 3. 2. Dan. 9. 11, 13. Luke 24. 44. 1 Cor. 9. 9. 1 Chr. ?3.14. M. the man of G.|{26.24. son ofM. iPs. 103. 7. his ways to Ji. \\ 105. 26. sent M. his 106. 16. envied M. |) 23. had not JI. stood 32. went ill with JJf. |j Isa. 63. 12. hand of Jer. 15. 1. tho' J^J. Samuel || Mai. 4. 4. law oi'Jl. Matt. 17. 3. appeared Jl. Mark 9. 4. Luke 9. 30. 19.7. why did M. command to give a writing, 8. 23. 2. Scribes and Pharisees siit in Jl. seat Mark 12.19.^/ wrote, if brother die, Luke 20.28. Luke 16. §9. have M. and the prophets, 51. 20. 37. JIl shewed at bnsh|l24.17.bei;inningat^ll John 1. 17. law given by M. || 45. J/, did write 3. 14. as M. lift up[j5. 45. accuscth vou even Jl. 5. 46. had ye believed M. fj 6. 32. Jl. gave not 7. 19. did not Jf. give you the law ? 22, 2.S. 9. 28. Jl. disciples [[ 29. God sy>ake unto Jl. Acts 3. -22 Jl. truly said |! 6. 11. words against 6. 14. customs Jl. j| 7. 20. time JT. was born 7. 32. Jl. trembled !| 35. this Jl. they refused 57. this is that .V.Jj 13. 39. by law of Jl 15. 1. manner otJl. j| 5. keep law of Jir 21. Jl. iiath iu every city jj 21. 21. to forsake 26. 22. Jl. did say should come ^| 28. 23. law of Kom. 5. 14. from Adam to Jl |! 10. 5. declareth 1 Cor. 10. 2. were all baptized to Jl. in cloud . S Cor. 3. 7. not behold Jl.i\ 13. not asJl. 15. 2 Tim. 3. 8. withstood Jl. \\ Heb. 3. 2. faithful, 5. Heb. 3. 3. more glory tiian JT. (| 7. 14. spake 9. 19. Jl. had spoken |! 10 23. despised Jf. U. 23. by faith Jl. jj 24. refused jl 12. 21. Jl. said Jude g. body of Jl. \] Rev. 15.5. Song oTM. MOST, a. Prov ^0. 6. m. men will proclaim Luke 7. 42. love him m. || 43. he forgave tn. Acts 20. 38. sorrowing ra.I'jl Cor. 14. 27. oratfli. MOTE, s. Matt. 7. 3, 4, 5. Luke 6. 41, 42. MOTH,s. signifies, [1] A little insect ickich eats cloth, Isa. 50.9. f2 j A e^lrse, Hos. 5. 12. Job 4. 1 9. crushed before m. j| 27.4 8. as a m. Psal. 39. 11. njakest his beauty consume like a m. Isa. 50. 9.m. shall eat, 51. S.jjHos. 5.12. be as aw. Matt. 6. 19. where m. and rust, 20. Luke 12. 33. MOTH-eaten. Job 13. 28. Jam. 5.2. MOTHER, s. is applied, [l] To the true church of Christ, Gal. 4. 26. [2] To a inetrofoliSy or capital citij, 2 Swi^. 20. 19. Gen. 3. 20. m. of all living \\ 27. 29. m. sons bow Exod. 2. 8. the child's m. \\ 23. 19. ui m. ndlk Lev. 18. 7. nakedness of thy m. j| 24. 1 1. his in. Judg. 5.7. I arose a 711. in Israel jj 28. m. of Sisera Ruth 1. 14. kissed her jn.jll Sam. 20. 30. wj. naked. 2 Sam. 20. 19. a m. in Isr. || 1 Kings 3. 20. my m. 1 Kin. 3. 27. she is the 7,n.it 14.21. m. name, 15. 2. 2 Kin. 4. 19. carry him to his m. |) 24.15. king's m. Jobl.21. my w.womb, 3. 10. ] 31. 18. Ps. 139. 13. 17. 14. worm my m. jj Psal. 22. 9. ?n. breast, 10. Psal. 50. 20. own m. son || 51. 5. jn. conceive me 69. 8. alien to ?n. children jj 71. 6. m. bowels 109. 14. letnotsin of wj. |j 113. 9. a joyful m. 131. 2. weaned of his m. ij Prov. 1. 8. law ofm. Prov. 15. 20. bnt a foolisb man despiseth his ni. 29. 15. liis?n. to shame jj 31. 1. his ?«. taught Song 3, 4. my ?n. house, 8. 2. H 11. m. crowned Isa. 49. 1. bowels of my m. \\ 50.1. bill of w. Ezek. 16.3. thy ?;j.anHittite{j44. as isthefw.so 19. 2. what is thy in. a lioness (| 10. m. like viae Hos. 2. 2. plead with your m. jj 5. m. played the 4. 5. I'll destroy thy in. jj 10. 14. m. dashed in Mic. 7. C. the daughter-in-law against the tn. in-law. Matt. 10. 35. Luke It. 53, Matt. 8.14. his wife's m. \\12. 46. behold his m, 12. 48. who is my m. || 49. behold my m. and 13. 55. is not his ot. called Mary ? and his 20. 2. m. of Zebedee's children, 27. 56. Mark 6. 28. gave it herm. || 1 5. 40. in. of James Luke 1. 15. from his m. womb j| 43. tn. of my I^ 7. 12. only son of his m. and she was a widow John 2. 1. m. of Jesus, 3.JJ19. 26. Jesus saw \mm. Rev. 1 7. 5. the m. of harlots and abominations ?»I0THERS,.9. isa. 49. 23. queens thy nursing 777. Lam. 2. 12.?.i. bosom jj 5. 3. m. are as widows Mark 10. 30- sisters m. jj 1 Tim. 5. 2. intrt^atas tti, ?*10TI0NS,s. Rom. 7. 5. m. of sin did work MOVE, r. Exod. 11. 7. not a dog m. hii tongue. Judg. 13. 25. spirit of tlie Lord began to m. him 2 Sam 7. 10. dwell, and m. no more, 2 Kin. 21,8. Jer. 10. 4. that it /». not || Matt. 23. 4. not m. Acts 17. 2S. in him we m. jj 20. 24. none ni. me MOVEABLE, a. Prov. 5. 6. his ways are 772. MOVED, p. Gen. 1. 2. spirit ot.!|7. 21. thatwj. Josh. 10. Vl . none m. his tongue against Israel Ruth 1. 19. city was w. II iSam. 1. 13. herlipsa?, 2 Sam. IS. S3, king was tji, jj 22. 8. foundat. vi. 24. 1. ?n David jj 1 Chr. 17. 9. m. no more 2 Chr. 13. 31 . God m. them to depart from him Ezra 4. 15. m. .^edition jj Esth. 5.9. Mord. in.not Job 37. 1. heart is m. jj 41 . 23. cannot be m. Psal. 10. C. I shall not'be m. 16. 8.130. 6.{62. 2, 6. MOU MOU Ps. IS. ^. rejoice when 1 am m]\l5. 5. never be «j. 18. 7. foundations m. j| 21. 7. shall not be m. 46. 5. she shall not be w. || 6. kuigdoms m.' 55. 22. never suffer righteous to be ?n. 66. 9. 68. 8. Sinai wasm. (| 78, 58. they m. him 93. 1. cannot be m. 69. 10. || 99. 1. earth bew:. 112. 6. he shall not be m. for ever, 121. 3. Prov. 12. 3. root of the righteous shall not be?n. Song 5. 4. bowels 7n. |j Isa. 6. 4. the posts m. Isa. 7. 2. his heart m. |j 10. 14. none m. the wing 14. 9. hell is m. ]) 19. l. Egypt shall be m. 24. 19. earth is m. \\ 40. 20. not be m. 41. 7. Jer. 4. 24. hills m. [| 25. 16. be m. a.id mad 46. 7. waters are in. () 49. 21. earth m. 50. 46. Dan.8. 7. m. with cholar, 11. 11. H lO.t 10. m. me Matt. 9. 36. in. with compassion, 14. 14. | 18.27. 20. 24. m. with indignation || 21. 10. city ;». Acts 2, 25. I should not be m.\\T. 9. m. with envy 17. 5. m. with envy (i 21. 30. the city was m. Col. 1. 23. be not m. \\ 1 Thes. 3. 3. no man be m. Heb. 11.7. m. with fear [| 12. 28. cannot be m. 2 Pet. 1. 21. spake as in. || Rev. 6. 14. m. out of MOVEDST, p. Job 2. 3. tho' thou in. me against MOVER. Acts 24. 5. a m. of sedition among all MOVETH. Gen. 1. 21. 28. | 9. 2. Lev. 11. 46. Job 40. 17. Ps. 69.34. Prov. 23. 31. Ezek. 47. 9. MOVING,;;. Gen. I. 20. | 9. 3. Job 16. 5. Prov 16. 30. Hab. 1. 1 14. John 5. 3. MOULDY, «. Josh. 9. 5. was dry and m. 12. MOUNT, ING, p. Job 20. 6. in. up, 39. 27. Ps. 107. 26. they in. up ||Isa. 9.18. they shall in. up Isa. 15 5. by the in. up (| 40. 31. m. up with wings Jer. .51. 53. should in. up jjEzek. 10. 16. to in. up MOUNT, s. Gen. 22. 14. in the m. of L. be seen 31. 54. Jacob offered sacrifice on the m. 21. Exod. 4. 27. in. ofG. 18. 5.1 24. 13. 1 Kings 19.S. 19. 2.before the m. 54. 3- j) 12. toucheth m. 18.WZ. Sinai, 24. 16. 1 31. 18. | 34. 2. Neh. 9.13. 24. 12. come into them. 13. Dent. 10. 1. 18. inthe7». forty days, Dent. 9. 9. | 10. 10. 25. 40. shewed thee inthe m. 26. 30. 1 2". 8. 34. 3. nor let any be seen thro' all the in. Num. 10. S2). departed from the w. of the Lord 20. 22. in. Hor, 25, 23. | 34. 7. Deul. 32. .50. 27. 12. OT. Abarim || 33. 23. in m. Shaphar in Deut. 1. 2. m. Seir, 2. 5. || 3. 8. m. Hermon 11.29. ra.Ebal, 27, 13. Josh, 8. 30, 33. 52. 49. to m. Nebo || 33. 2. from in. Paran Judg. 4. 6. m. Tabor || 7. 3, Gilead 1| 9. 48. Zalmen 2 Sam. 15. 30. ascent of m. \\ 32. the top of the in. 1 Kings 19. 8. Elijah went to Horeb the in. of G. 2 Kings 23. 13. right hand m. of corruption 2 Chr. 3. 1. in. Moriah || Neh. 8. 15. to the m. Isa. 10. 32. w. of the daughter of Zion, 16. 1. 14. 13. sit on the in. \\ 27. 13. the holy in. 28. 21, m. Perazijn |) 29. 3. siege w^ith a m. Jer. 6. 6. cast a m. Ezek. 4. 2. ] 21. 22, j 26. 8. Dan. 11. 15. cast upaw. || Obad, 8. w. Esau, 21, Hab. 3. 3. m. Paran || Acts 7, 30. o\' >n Sinai Gal, 4. 24, one from m. Sinai, which is Agar Heb, 12. 18. not come to the m. that might be 2 Pet, 1. 18. we were with him in tl-.e holy m. SfeCARMEL, Gerizim, Zion. MOUNT of Olives. Zech, 14. 4. Matt. 21. 1. I 24. 3. I 26. 30. Mark 13. 3. Luke 19. 37. 121.37. I 22.39. John 8. 1. Acts 1. 12. MOUNTS, .«. Jer. 32. 24. ! 33.4. Ezek. 17. 17. MOUNTAIN, s. is put for, [1] Places of power and authority, Amos 4. 1. [2] High-phtcesy Isa. 57. 7. [3] High things, Luke 3. 5, [4] Great obstacles, Isa, 49. 11. |[5 ; The rmible church, for its eminency, heavenliness, stability, and permanency, Isa. 2. 1, 2. | 25. 6. [6] Ma- gistrates, Psal. 72. 3. [7] Kingdoms, Isa. 2, I. [33 Powerful enemies J Isa. 41. 15. A catalogue of the most famous mountains mentioned in scripture. Mount Amalek, in the tribe of Ephraira, Jud"-. 12. 15. Calvary, north-west from Jerusalem. He- lena built a church here. Luke 23. 33. -Cavmel, near the Mediterranean, Josh. 19.26 Jer. 46, 18. Amos I. 2. | 9. 3. Ebal, 7iear to Gerizim, Josti, 8, 30, En-gedi, near the Dead-sea, Josh, 15. 62. -Gaash, in the tribe of Ephraini, Josh. 24. 30. -Giiboa, to the south of the valley of Israel. 2 Sam, 1.21. Gilead, beyond Jordan, Gen, 31, 21. -Gerizim, in the tribe of Ephraim, ivhere was the temple of the Samaritans. Deut. 11. 29, Hermon, />gy/o??(i Jordan, Josh. 11.3. Hor, in Idumea, Mum. 20. 22. -Horeb, near Sinai, in Arabia Petraea, Deut. 1, 2, Lebanan, which separates Syria from Pa- lestine, 300 miles in circumference. Deut, 3. 25. Moriah, where the temple was built, Gen. 22. 2, 2 Chr. 3, 1. -Nebo, part of the mountains of Abarim, Num. 32. 3. Deut. 32. 49. -of Olives, to the east of Jerusalem, and parted from the city by Kidron. It was other- ivise culled the Mount of Corruption, 2 Kings 23. 13. because high-places ivere built there, 1 Kings 11. 1, 7. iFrom hence Christ ascended^ Acts 1. 12. It was 7 furlongs from Jerusalem. Paran, in Arabia Petraea, Gen. 14. 6. Pisgali,7wf/t«coMnifr?/o/iVIoab, Deut.34. 1. Seir, i7i Idumea, Gen. 14.6. Sinai, in Arabia Petraea, Deut. 33, 2. Sion, near to Mount Moriah, 2 Sam. 5. 7. Tabor, in the Lower Galilee, Judg. 4. 6. Gen. 14. 10, fled to the W2,||19. 17, escape to fhejw. Exod, 3. 1, m. of God |[ 15. 17, plant in the ^'i. 19. 3. called out of m, |) 20. 18. saw in. smoking Num, IS. 17. go up into m. l\ 14. 40. gat up to in. Deut, 2. 3. compassed thism. long enough, turn 3. 25. goodly ?n, Lebanon||4. 11, in. buvnt, 5, 23. 32, 49. m- of Abarim || 33, 19. call people to in. Josh, 2, 16, get to the jw.!|ll. 16. took tiicjM, of Is. 14. 12. give me this m.(jl7, 18. 7n. slial! be thine Judg. 1. 13. drave outof7?z. 34. \\ 3. 27. m. of Eph. 1 Sam. 17. 3. stood on a m. on one side, and Israel 23. 14, m. of Ziph || 26, Saul on this side of m. 2 Kings 2. 16. on some w|!6. 17. m. full of horses 2 Chr. 2. 2. hew in the in. |j Job 14. 18. m. falling Psal. 11.1 . flee as a bird to m.l|30. T-m. to stand str. 48. 1. m. of holiness (| 78. 54. in. purchased Isa. 2. 2. in. of Lord's house estabii-hed,Mic. 4.1. 13. 2. banner on high in. \\ 25, 6. in this m. MOU MOV I Isa. 25. 7. destroy in this m. face of covering, IQ. 30. ir. as beacon on m. |j 25. on high w. rivers ^9- m. of the L. j| 40. 4. m. made lo\v,Luke 3. 5. 40. 9. get int6 lii^h m. (| 57. 7. lofly and high m. Jer. 3. 6. on every high 7n. \\ 16. 16. iiunt from m, 17. 3. O my m. \\ 26. 18. ?«. as high places of 50. 6. gone froin m. to hiil [| 51. 25. destroying Lam. 5. IS. eyes dim because of 7n. of Zion E/-ek. 11. 23. stood on the ?ra.|117. 23. m. of Israel 28. 16. cast out of w. of G.i|40. 2. a very high 7n. Dan. 2. 35. stone became a great m. 4,5. Amos 4. 1. in the m. of Samaria, 6. 1. ' Mic. 7. 12. from m. to m. || Hag. 1. 8. go up to ??i. Zeeh. 4. 7. O i^reatm. before Zerubab.||8. 3. holy 14. 4. half of the m. shall remove to the north Matt. 4. 8. devil taketli him to high 7». Luke 4. 5. 5. 1. he went up into am. 14. 237 | 15. 29. Mark 3. 13.|4. 46. Luke 6. 12.|9. 28. John 6.3,15. 8. 1. dovin from m. || 17. 1. high m, apart 17. 9. as they cainedown from ?n. Mark 9. 9- 20. say to this m. remove, 21. 21. Mark 11. 23. Luke 8. 32. feeding on ?n. |j Heb. 12. 20. touch 7n. John 4. 20. our fathers worshipped m this m. 21. Rev. 6. 14. every m. iuoved|{21. 10. to an high ?«. MOUNTAINS. Gen. 7. 20. m. were covered 8. 4. ark rested on m. 5. || 22. 2. one of the 7«. Num. 13. 29. dwell in ?«. || 33. 47. m. of Abarira Deut. 12.2. on the high m.\\ 32.22. foundat. of'm. 33. 15. ancient m. || Josh 10. 6. dwell in the m. Josh. 11. 2. on north of w. j] 21. cut off from m. Ju^g. 5. 5. tn. melted || 6. 2- made dens in m. 9. 36. come people down from tops of the m. 11. 38. she bewailed her virginity on the m. 1 Sam. 26. 20. partridge in ni.||2Sam. 1. 21.Gilboa 1 Kings 5. 15. hewers mm. \\ 19. 11. rent the m. iChr. 12.8. as roes on?n.|l2Chr. 21.11. 772. of Judah Job 9. S.removeth wi. j| 24. 8. showers of the m. 28. 9. overturneth m. |j 39. 8. range of the m. Psal. 36. 6. like the great ?n. |j 46. 2. tho' the m. 3. 50. 11. fowls of thf m. |,65. 6. setteth fast in. 72. 3. m. bring peace jj 16. corn on top of in. 76. 4. m. of prey || 83. 14. setteth m. on fire 87. 1. m the hoiy m. (| 90. 2. before m. were br. 104. 6. stood above ti»e m.\\8. go up by the m. 114. 4. m. skipped, 6. || 125.2. as m. are round 133. 3. descendeth on m. || 144. 5. touch the m. 147. 8. grow on in. \\ 148. 9. m. praise the Lord Prov. 8. 25. before them. || 27. 25. herbs of m. Song 2. 8. leaping on the m. |] 17. roe on in. 8. 14. 4. 6. 7w. of myrrh (] 8. from in. of the leopards Isa. 2. 2. established in top of the m. ?»iic.4. 1. 14. on ail highm. fj 13. 4. noise in the m. 14. 25. on my m. tread || 17. 13. as chaff of ?n. 18. 0. ensign on the m. j| 6. to fowls of the in. 22. 5. crying to the m. |i 34. 3. m. melted 37. 24. height of the m. jj 40 12. weighed m. 42. 11. shout from m. \\ 15. make waste in. 44. 25. break forth into singing ye m. 49- 13. 49. 11. make m. a wa5'jl52. 7. beautiful on m. 54. 10. in. shall depart jj 5.5. 12. m. breakforth ' 64. 1. WJ. flow dovv-n, 3. jj 65. 9. inheritor of w. Jer. 3. 23. multituue of 7«.jl4. 24. I beheld the w. 9. 10. for m. Aveeping |j 13. 16. on the dark m. 17. 26. come from 7n. jj 31. 5. plant vines on m. 32. 44. and in the cities of the m. 33. 13. 46. IB.asTabor amongthe??2.j|50. 6. Lain.4. 19. E'zek. 6. 13. slain be in m. |j 7. 7. sounding of w. 51 Ezek.7. 16. on m. like dovesjll S. 6. not eaten omn} 19. 9. not heaid on m. |j 32. 5. tt'y flesh on in. 33. 28. m. be desolate |j 34. 6. wandeied tiiro' w. 34. 13. 1 will feed them on the m. of Israel, 14. 36. 1. prophesy to m. 4. |j 8. m. shall shoot fortli 38. 20, m. be thrown down || 21. thro' all my m. 39. 4. thou shalt fall on the in. of Israel, 17. Hos. 4. 13. they sacrifice on tne tops of the m. Joel 2. 5. noise on m. jj 3. 18. m. drop dew- Amos 3. 9. assemble on ?«.jj4. 13. formeth the m. 9. 13. m. drop wine [| Jonah 2. 6. bottom of m. Mic. 1. 4. m. be molten j| 6. 2. hear, <) ye in. Nah. 1. 5. m. quake || Hab. 3. 6. everlasting, 10. Zech. 6- 1. m. of brass |j 14. 5. flee to the in. Mai. 1. 3. I hated Esau, and laid his in. waste Matt. 18. 12. goeth into the ?».j|24. 16. flee to tjz. Mark 5. 5. he was in the m.\\ 11. nigh to the m. Luke 23. 30. to say to the m. fall on us. Rev. 6. 16. 1 Cor. 13. 2. 1 could remove OT.||Heb. 11.38. inm. Rev. 6. 15. hid in rocks of w. (| 16. to m. fall on us 16. 20. m. not found \\ 17. 9. heads areseven m. xMOURN, V. Gen. 23. 2. came to m, for Sarah lSam.16.1. in. for Saullj2 Sam. 3.31. before Abner 1 Kings 13.29. old prophet torn, (j 14. 13.ail Israel Nell. 8. 9.OT. not \\ Job 2. 11. to m. with him Job 5. 11. m. be exalted || 14. 22. soul shall m. Psal. 55. 2. 1 7n. in my complaint, and make a Prov. 5. 11. m. at the last || 29. 2. people m. Eccl. 3. 4 a time to m. |j Isa. 3. 26. gates shall tn. Isa. 19. 8. fishers shall m. j| 38. 14. m. as a dove 59. 11. m. sore like doves (| 61. 2. all that m. 61.3. that in. in Zion || 66. 10. all ye that m. jer. 4. 28. earth m. 12. 4. \\ 48. 31. my heart in. Lam. 1. 4. ways of Zion m.||Ezek. 7. 12. seller m. Ezek. 7. 27. king shall m. \\ 24. 16. not m. nor 24. 23. shall m. (|3l. 15. Lebanon to m. for Hos. 4. 3.land7n.||10.5.people, Amosl. 2. j 8. S. Joel 1.9. priests m. ||Zech. 12. 10. w. for him, 12. Matt. 5. 4. blessed that7n.||9. 15. bride-chamber 24. 30. tribes of earth m.jjLuke 6. 25. ye shall w. Jam. 4. 9. atilicted and m.jjRev. 18. 11. merchant MOURNED,]). Gen. 37. 34. Jacob m.50. 3,10. Exod. 33.4. people wi. Num. 14. 39. \ 20. 29. 1 Sam. 15. 35. nevertheless Samuefm. for Saul 2 Sam. 1. 12. m. for Saul |ll I. 26. m. for Uriah 13. 37. David m. j] 14. 2. along time jn. for 1 Kings 13.,30.jn. over manof G.|!l4. 18. Israel w. 1 Chr. 7. 22. Ephraim m. |j 2 Chr. 35. 24. Judah w. Ezra 10. 6, he ?». jj Neh. 1. 4. 1 sat down and m. Zech. 7. 5. when ye m. \\ Matt. 11.17. in. to you Mark 16. 10. as they mj\ 1 Cor. 5. 2. not rather m. MOURNER, S, s. 2 Sam. 14. 2. feign to be m. Job 29. 25. comforteth7?».j|Eccl. 12. 5. the in. go Isa. 57. 18. and his m. || Hos. 9. 4. bread of w. MOURNETH, c. 2. Sam. 19. l.the kingTw. for Psal. 35. 14. as one thatTw. || 88. 9. mine eyes m. Isa. 24. 4. earth /n. 33. 9. || 7. the new wine in. Jer. 1 2. 1 1. vineyard m. \\ 14. 2. Judah [j 23. 10. land Joel 1. 10. landrn. ||Zech..l2. 10. 7n. tor first-born MOURNFULLY,ad.Mal.3.14.walked7jj.before, MOURNING, signifies, [l] Godly sorrow for sin, Matt. 5. 4. \_2] Moderate sorrows under af- flictions, Gen. 23- 2. [3] Grievous lamentation, Matt. 24. 30. " The Hebrews used great signs of mowning for '■'■ their dead : Tliey wept, tore their clothes, " smote their breasts^ fasted^ lay on tits gromd^ IVIOU MOU ^' and went barefoot. The time of mourning "was cornmonly seven days; and sometimes " longer or shorter, as circumstances differed.^' Tkeyuscd to hire mourners, 3 er. 9. 17. But the liig'h'priest ivas to use no signs of mourning ; be- ing herein a type of Christ, and his saints in heaven, Lev. 2i. 10, 11, 12. ' Gen. SJ7. 41. the days ofm. bO. 4, 10, II. Deut. 26. 14. not eat in my m.j|34. 8. m. for Moses 2 Sam. 11. 27.n2.was past [| 14. 2.pnt on m. app. 19. 2. turned to in. \\ Esth. 4. 3. was great m. Esth. 6. 12. Hauian t5asted,?n. !|9. §2. from ni. Jcb 3. 8. to raise up tiieirwi.jlso. 28. 1 went7«. 31. .PsaL 30. 11. my m. to dancnj2;i|3B. 6. I eo m. 42. 9. why go 1 ;;*. because ct'oppression,43. 2. Eccl. 7. 2. better to go to the house of ni. 4. Isa. 29. 12. did call to m. \\ ol. 11. in. fleeaway 60. 20. days of w. ended \\ 61. 3. oii of joy for vi. Jer. 6. 2G. make m. \\ 9. 17. call for >w. women 16. 5. to house of »i. (I 31. 13. turn m. into joy Lam. 2. 5. ni. and lament. || 5. 15. turned to fn. Ezek. 2. 10. m. and wo jj 7. 1 6. m. for iniquities 54. 17. no m. for dead Ij 31. 15. 1 caused a m. Dan. 10.2. I was ?». |j Joel 2. 12. turn with m. Amos 5. 16. husbandmen to w.||8. 10. feasts to m. Mic. 1. 8. m. as owls jj It. the m. of Betii-ezel Zech. 12. 11. m- in Jerus. || Matt. 2. 18. great w*. 2 Cor. 7. 7. he told us your desire, your m. your Jam. 4. 9. turned to m. \\ Rev. 1 8. S. death and w. MOUSE, s. Lev. 11. •29. m. unclean, Isa. 66. 17. MOUTH, s. Gen. 8. 11. in her m. an cUve-leaf 24. b7. enquire at her 77i.i|45. 12. it is my m. Exod. 4, 1 1. who made man's yn. |j 12. with thy m. 10. instead of a m. !| 13: 9. Jaw be m thy in. Num. 12. S.speak «j. to m. \\ 16. 30. earth open 22. 28. m. of ass j) 23. 5. word in Balaam's m. 30. 2. thatproceedeth out of his m. 3i. 24. 35. 30. by w. of witnesses, Dent. 17. 6. | 19- 15. Deut 18.18. my words in his '/n.[|30. 14. in thy m. 32. 1. and liear, O earth, the words of my m. Josh. 1. 8. not depart out of thy m. \\ 9. 14. m. of L. Judg. 9. 38. wliere is now thy m. || 11. 35, 36. 18. 19. lay thy hand on thy m. Prov. 30. 32. 1 Sam. 1. Ii?.markedlierm.|i2.1. my 771. is enlarged 2 Sam. 1. \6.m. liath testified || 14. 3. inher «j. 19. 18. 25. tidings in his m. || 22. 9. Psal. 18. 8. 1 Kin. 8. 15. spake with his m. to Dav. 2 Chr. 6. 4. 19. 18. m. notkissed jj 22. 13. king with one m. 22. 22. be a lying spirit in the m. 2Chril8. 21. 2 Kiu.4. 34. put his wi. on his m. \\ 10.t2). m. to m. 2 Chr. 36. 21. m. of Jeremiah, 22. Ezra 1. 1. Job 5.15. poorfrom their m.\\\6. stoppeth her m. 7. 11. not refrain my m. \\ 8. 21. he fill thy m. 9. 20. own m. condemn IJ 12. 11. m. taste, 34. 3. 15. 16. thine own m. condemneth thee, not I 5, breath of his?7j. j| 16. 10. gaped with their m. 19. IC. intreated with my ?J2.y 20. 12. sweet in m. 23. 4. fiWm. with arguments |) 29. 10. roof of w. 31. 27. or 7n. kissed hand |j 30. my m. to sin 35. 16. opened m. in vain || 40. 23. Jordan in his 41. 19. out of his VI. go burning lamps, 21. Psal 8. 2. m. of babes [| 10. 7. m. full of cursing 17. 10. m. speak proudly ||22. 21. from lion's m. 32. 9. m. be held in j| 33. 6. by breath of his vi. 34. 1. continually in my »». jj 37. 30. m. of right. 39. 1. I'll keep my m. \\ 40. 3. song in my m. ,50. 1'6. covenant in m, \\ 19. thy m. to evil 51.1 5. my m. shew {j 58. 6. break teeth in m. Ps. 59. 7. belch with 7n.|164. 4. bless with tbeirw?. 69. 15. shut her m. \\ 71.8. m. filled with praise 73. 9. set their m. || 78. 2. open my m. in parab. 78. 36. flatter with OT. |! 81. 10. open m.wide 89. l.m.raakc known (| 103. 5. saiisfieth thy ni. 107. 42. iniquity stop her ?«. || 119. 72. law of wt. 126, 2. m. filled withlaughterl|137. 6. roof of m. 141.3. watch before w. || 144. 8. m. speak vanity 145. 21. my m. shall speak the praise, 149. 6, Prov, 2.6. out of his m. knowledge (| 4. 24. frow. nu 5. 3, herm. is smootherjl 6. 12. frowardm, 8.13. 8. 7. m, speak truth Ij 10. 14. m. of foolish is 10. 31. m. of just Jl 11. 9. hypocrite with his nu 12. 14. fruit "ofhism. 13.2. | 18. 20. || 14.3. 15. 2. m. of fools II 23. joy by answer of his m. 16. 10. his 7n. transgresseth not in judgment, 23. 26. his m. craveth it jj 18. 6. m. calleth for str. 19. 24. bring it to his m. 26. 15. || 28. m. devour. 20. 17. m. filled with gravel || 21. 23.keepethm. 22. 14. m. of strange worn, j] 26. 7. parable m m, 30. 20. wipeth her m. || 31. 8. open thy m. 9. Eccl. 5. 2. not rash with vi. 6. || 6. 7. is for hisw. Song 1. 2. kisses of his in. || 5. 16. m. most sweet Isa. 6. 7. laid it on my m. || 9. 12, with open m. 11.4. rod of his w. || 29. 13. near me with m. 30. 2. asked at my m. | 49. 2.m. like a sharp 34. 16. mym. command. I 55. 11. out of ray m. 57. 4. a wide m. || 59. 21. not depart out of wz. Jer. 1. 9. touched my w, |) 12. 2. near in their m. 15. 19. be as my w.||32. 4. speak m. to m. 34. 3. 36. 6. writ from my m. 27. || 3. m. of Jer. 45. 1. 44. 17. our own m. || 51. 44. bring out of his m. Lam. 3. 29. m. in the dust || 38. m. of most High Ezek. 3. 3. in m. like honey jj 17. word at my 26. ioof of my in. \\ 27. I'll open thy m. and 33. 7. hear word at my m. \\ 31. m. shew love 34. 10. flock from their m. || 35. 13. m. boasted Dan. 4. 31. word in king's m.||7. 5. three ribs in m. 7. 8. a m. speaking great 20. j| 10. 16. opened m. Hos. 2, 17. Baalim out of her m.l|6. 5. words of my Amos 3. 12. out ofthe m.lJMic.7.5. doors of thy w. Nah. 3. 12.W. ofeater ||Zeph.3. IS. Zech. 14.12. Mai. 2. 6. the law of truth was in his m. 7. Matt. 5. 2. he opened his m. \\ 12. 34. m. speak. 13. 35. I'll open my m. in parables, Psal. 78. 2. 15. 8. nigh me with m. |j 11. goeth into the m. 18. 16. m. of two or three witnesses, 2 Cor. 13. 1. 21, 16. out ofthe ni. of babes, Psal. 8. 2. Luke 1 . 64. his m. was opened |j 70, m. of prophets 4. 22, gracious words proceeded out of his m. 21. 15. I'll give you a m. \\ 22. 71. of his own m. Actsl. 16. byw. ofDav.l|3.18,m. of prophets,21. 4. 25. m. of David || 8. 32. opened not his m. 8.35. Philip opened his m. jj 10. 34. Peter 11. 8. entered iato my m. \\ 15, 7. Gent, by my»». 18. 14. about to open his w, || 23. 2. smite on w. Rom. 3,14. m. full of cursingj|19.jpvery »i. stopped 10. 8. even in thy m. (| 9. confess Avith m, 10. 15. 6. that ye may with one wt. glorify God 1 Cor. 9. 9.not muzzle m. [j 2 Cor. 6. 11. m. is op. Eph, 4, 29. proceed out of your m. Col. 3. 8. 6. 19. openm. boldly (] 2 Thes, 2. 8. spirit of /w, 2 Tim, 4. 17. m. of lion iJ Jam. 3. 10. same tn. 1 Pet. 2, 22, neither wiis guile found in his m. Jude 16. their «i, speaketh great swelling words Rev. 1. 18. out of his m. went a sharp, 19. 15,21. 3. 16. sword of my m. jj 3. 16. spew out of mym. MUL Muisr Rev.9.19. power in their 7n.|}10. 9. in m. sweet,10. 11.5. fire out ofm.\\ 12. 15. cast out of his m. 13. 2. as m. of a Uon || 14. 5. in m. no gnile 1 6. 13. spirits come out of m. of the dragon MOUTHS, s. Deut. 31. 19. song in tlieir w. 21. Psal. 22. 13. gaped with m. |j 78. SO. meatiii m. 115.3. they have w. but speak not, 135. 16, 17. Isa. 41. fl 5. having w. jj 52. 15. kings shut their m. Lam. 3. 46. our enemies opened their m. against Dan. 6. 22. shut lions m-IJMic. 3. 5. not in their m Tit. 1. 11.7B. be stopped II Heb. 11. 33. m. of lions Jam.3.3. bits in horses m.j|Rev.9.17. out of m. 18. MOWER, INGS. Psal. U'9. 7. Amos 7. 1. MOWN, p. Psal. 72. 6. rain on the vi. grass MOZA, Foioid, or unleavened. 1 Chr. 2. 46. i 8. 36. MOZAH, Unleavened, or pressing. Josh. 18. 28. MUCH,od. Exod.16.18. gathered m. 2 Cor.3.1 5. Deut. 28. 38. shalt carry m. seed out into field 1 Sam. 18. 30. m. set by, 26. 24. || Job 42. 10. Eccl. .5. 12. eat little or m. || 12. 12. ?». study is Ezek. 33. 31. shew m. love [)Hag. 1. 6. sown m. 9. Luke 7. 47. she loved m. \\ 12. 48. m. is given Jam. 5. le.availeth m. |j Rev. 8. 3. m. incense MUFFLERS, 5. Or mZs. Isa. 3. 19. % MULBERRY- Trm-, s. The leaves of which are food for silk-worms. '77s said to be a tree used in physic. They oreiv in Canaan. 2 Sam. 5. 23,24. 1 Chr. I4. 14, 15. Psal. 84-16. MULE, S,s. Gen. 36.24. Anah found m. in w. 2 Sam. 18.9. Absalom rodeona/W. 1 Kings 1.33. 1 Kings 10. 2.5. brought ?n. || 18. 5. save the m. Ezra 2. 66. their m. were 245, Neh. 7. 68. Psal. 32. 9. be not as the m. \\ Isa. 66. 20. on m. MULTIPLY, V. Gen. 1. 22. be fruitful and m. 28. 1 8. 17. I 9. 7. I 35. 11. 3. 16. in. thy sorrow \\6. 1. ni«n began to m. - 22. 17. I'll m. thy seed, 17. 2-1 26. 4. Heb. 6. 14. 28. 3. ?n. thee Ij 48. 4. I will yn. thee, and Exod. 1. 10. Iest4jiey m. j| 7. 3. 1'il ??i. my signs 23. 29. lest beasts m.|j32. 13. I'll m. you. Lev. 26. 9. Deut. 7. 13. [ 13. 17. j 28. 63. | 30. 5. Deut. 8. 1. hve and m.\\ 17. 16. not in. horses. 17. 1 Chr.4.27. nor family in. || Job 29. 1 8. 1 shall vi. Isa. 1. f 15. m. prayer jj 55. t 7. m. to pardon Jer. 30. 19. I'll m. them, 33. 22. Ezek. 16. 7. j 36. 10, 11 , 50. j 37. 26. Amos 4. 4. m. transgression jj 2 Cor.9.10. w. seed MULTIPLIED,/?. Gen.47.2r. Israel m. exceed. Exod. 1. 12. they m. 7, 20.|jll. 9. wonders be in. Deut. 1. 10. in. you jj 8. 13. thy gold is m. jlil. 21. Josh. 24. 3,Im.hisseed jjl Sam. l. -1-12. W2. to pray 2 Chr. 33. t 23. in. trespass UNeh. 6.tl7.?H letters Job 27. 14. if children be m 1J35. 6. transg. be tn. Psal. 16.4. sorrows 7?z.[| 38.19. they are w. 107. 38. Prov. 9. 11. days be m. 1129. 16. when wicked m. Isa. 9. 3.m. the nation j| 59. 12. tjan.igres.^ions m. Jer. 3. 16. when ye be m. \\ 46. t 16. m. fuller Ezek. 5. 7. ye m. more (| 11. 6. m. yom slain 16. 25. m. thy whoredoms, 29, 51. j 23. 19. 21. 15. ruins m.j|31. 5. boughs |j 35. 13. m. words Dan. 4. 1. peace be m. to you, 6. 25. 1 Pet. 1.2. Hos. 2. 8. 1 TO. her silver |j 8. 14. m. fenced cities 12. 10. 1 m. visions jjiSah. 3. 16. m. merchants Acts 6. 1. disciples wasm, 7.j|7. 17. m. in Egypt 9. 31. they were m. || 12. 24. word of God m, 3 Pet. 1. 3. grace and peace be m. Jade 3. MULTIPLIEQST, p. Neh. 9. 23. m. as stars MULTIPLIETH; v. .lob 9.1 7. he m. my wounds 34. 37. he Wr. his words against God, 35. 16. MULTIPLYING, p. Gen. 22. n. Heb. 6. 14. MULTITUDE, s. is put for, [l] 3Iany, John 5. 3. [21 Variety, Ecci. 5. 3. [3] InJbiitejFsah 51.1. Gen.16.10. not numbered for in. 32.1 2. 1 Kin.3.8. 28. 3. a in. of people, 48. 4, 16) 19. jl 30. 30. Exod. 12.38. a niixed m. \\ 23. 2. a m. to do evil Deut. 1. 10. as stars for m. 10. Si2. Heb. 11. 12. Josh. 11. 4. as 6and for «J. Juds. 7. 12. 1 Sam. 13. 5. 2 Sam.l7. 11. i King^3 4. 20. 2 Chr. 1. 9. Judg. 6. 5. Midian. as grasshoppers for m. 7. 12. 1 Sam. 14. 16. m. melted j] 2 Sam. 6.13. whole m. 1 Kings 7.t47. for the exceeding m. 8.5. j 20.13. 2 Kings 7. 13. m. left jj 19. 23. said, w-iththe m. 2Chr.l4.11. against this ;n.ij20. 24. behold the m. 30. 18 m. not cleansed jj 32. 7. not afraid form. Neh. 13. 3. mixt vi. \\ t 22. in. of thy mercy Esth. 5. 11. 7». of his children j|l0.3. accepted of Job 11. 2. m. of words || 32. 7. m. of years teach 35. 9. in. of oppressions jj 39. 7. he scometh m. Psal. 5. 7. m. of thy mercies, 51. 1. \ 69. 13, 16. I 106. 7, 45. Lara. 3.32. 10. m. of transgressions. Lam. 1. 5. Hos. 9. 7. 33. 16. m. of an host jj 42. 4. 1 had Jione with in. 49. 6. in. of their riches jj 68. 30. m. of bulls 74. 19- "2 of wicked jj 94. 19. m. of my thoughts 109. 30. yea, I will praise him among the m. Prov. 10. 1 9. in in. of words jj 11. 14. in. of coiins. 14. 28. m. of people j| 20. 15. a m. of rubies 15. 22. in m. of counsellors established, 24. 6. Eccl. .5. 3. dream comeththro' ?n. of busines.*, 7. Isa. 1. 11. tn. of sacrifices jj 5. 13. m. dried up 5. 14. in. descend tohe'ii jj 17. 12. wo to the m. 29. 8. so m. he that figlit against Zion, 5,7. 31. 4. in. of shepherds |j47. 9. m- of sorceries, 12. 63.7. m. of ioving-kindnesses jj 115. in. of bowels Jer. 30. 14. m. of thine iniquity jj 46. 25. in. of No Ezek.7. 12. wrath on m. jj 13. vision touching w. 14.4. m. of his idols Jl27. 12. in. of riches, 18. 33. 27. 16. m. of thy wares |J31. 1 8. Pharaoh and m. 32. 24. Elam and her in. \\ 26. Tiibal and her in. 39- 11. they shall bury Gog and all his m. Oan.10.6. like voice of a in.\\] 1. 13. set forth am. Nah. 3. 3. a ?». of slain jj 4. in. of whoredoms Matt, 14. 5. feared m. 21. 4G.JJ15. 32. compassion Mark 5. 31. seest m. thronging tsjce, Luke 8- 45. Luke 2. 13. a???, of the host !| 1^2. 1. innumerable 22. 47. behold am. jj 23. 1. ???. of i hem arose John 5 13. a 7^?. being present jj 21.8.???.. cffishc.5 Acts 4. 3-2. in. that believed jj 6. 5. pleased the f;i. 16. 22. in. rose up jj 21. 22. vi. must needs come Eph. 4. t 8. ascended, he led a hi. of captives Jam. 5. 20. hide aw. of .sins, 1 Pet. 4. 8. MULTITUDES, 5. Ezek. 32. 20. drawjiercz. Joel 3. 14. m in. in the valley of decisio'.i for Matt. 9- 33. m. marvelled \\ 36- when he saw -,*.'. Acts 5. 14. m. were added jj 13.45. Jews saw;.i. Rev. 17. 15. the waters are m. and nations, and See Gr eat. ?4UNITION, 5. Isa. 29. 7. Nab. 2. 1. MUNITIONS, s. Strong-holds, fortresses, rocks^^ Isa. 33. 16. m. of rocks jj Daiv. 11. 1 15, f 38,t 39 MUPPIM. Out of the mouth. Gen. 4i>, 21 . MUS- ■ MURDER, signifies, [i] To Jdll out of malice and design. j_2j All cruelty in ihought, word or deed, Matt. 19. 18. 1 John 3. 15. PsaL 10. 8. in secret m. jj 94. 6. m fatherless Jer. 7. 9. will ye steal, m.lJHos. 6. 9. so priests m. Matt. 19. 18. Jesus said, thou shait do no m. Mark 15. 7. Barabbas committed ?iz. Luke 23.19. Rom.l. 29. fuil of envy, m. debate, deceit, maiice MURDERJLR, S, s. Num. 35. 16. he is a m. m. shall surely be put to death, 17, l8. 30. in. put to death by moutn of witnesses, 31. 2Kin!;S 6. 32. son of a 7??. j| 14. 6; children of m. Job 24.14. m. killeth poor j|lsa. 1. 21. but now m. Jer. 4. 31. because ox m. \\ Hos. 1). 13. to the m Matt. 22. 7. destroyed those m. \\ John 8.44. a m. Acts 3. 14. desired a ?n. \\ 7. 52. been the m. 21. 38. 4000 inei? m. \\ £8. 4 this man is a m. 1 Tim. 1.9. law for m. j] i pet. 4. 15. sutler as a m. 1 John 3. 15. iiatetii Ins brother is a m. no jn. Rev. 21. 8. m. have tlieir part in ihe lake, 22. 15. MURDEK.^, s Mat.l 5. 1 9. proceed ?«. Mar.7.21. Ga!. 5. 21. envyi.;s\s, m. || Rev. 9- 21. of their in. MURMUR, r. Exod. 1 6. 7. that ye m. ag. us, 8. Nuin. 14. 5b. spies made m. |) 16. 1 1. that ye m. 17. 5. wiiereby they TO.||Lam. 3.f39. living 7/Z Joh-i n.43. m. iiotjj 1 Cor. 10. 10. nor m. as some MURViUKED,2>. Exod. 15. 24.peopiem. 17. 3. 16. 2. congregaaop ?n. Num. 14. 2. | 16.41. Num. 14, 29. whicli have m. j) Deut. 1. 27. ye in. Josh. 9. 1 8. coni;rev;atio;. m.jiPsal. 106, 25. but m. Isa. 29. 24. they tliat m, I) Matt. 20- 11. they m. Lnke 5. 30. scribes m. 15. 2. | 19, 7. John 6. 41. John 6, 61. discipes m. jj 7. 32. the people m. 1 Cor. 10. 10. some of them also m. and were MURMUREhS,s. Jude 16. these aiew.comp. MURMURING, S,s. Exod. 16. 7.heareth your m. 8. 9, 12. Num. 14. 27. Num. 17. 5. make to cease the w. of Israel, 10. John 7. 12. much m. \] Acts 6. 1. m. of Grecians Phil. 2. 14. do all tilings without wi. and disputing MURRAIN, s. Exod. 9. 3. Psal. 78. t 50. MUSE, ED,ING. Ps.39. 3. j 14.3. 5. Luke 3.1 5. MUSHI, Departing: Num. 3. 20. 1 Chr. 6. 19. MUSICAL, a. 1 Chr. 16. 42. w. instruments, Neh. 12. 36. Eccl.2. 8. MUSICIANS, 5. Rev. 18. 22. voice of ??j. and MUSIC, s. 1 Sara. 18. 6, to meet Saul with m. 1 Chr. 15.16. to be singers with instruments of w 2 Chr. 5. 13. j 7. 6. I 23. 13. j 34. 12. Eccl. 12. 4. daughters oi'm. be brought low l.am. 3. 63. I am their m.\\5. 14. ceased from m. Da;i. 3. 5. when ye hear all kinds of m. 7, 10, 15. 6. 18. instruments of in. Amos 6. 5. Luke 15. 25. his elder son heard m. and dancing MUST, V. denotes, I. ^ece-sity, Heb. 9. 16. [1] Of a good tiling, in respect either of God's com- mand or promise, Mark 9. 11. Rom. 13. 5, [2j Of moral evil or si^i, in respect of God's permis- sion of it, man's propension to it, and Satan's sug- gestions of it. Matt. 18. 7. II. A duty, which ought to he, 2 Tim. 2. 6. Gen. 29. 26. it m. not be so done in our country 30. 16. thou m. come in to me || 43. 11. if it in. Num. 20. 10. m. we fetch || 23. 26. that I m. do Deut. 4. 22. I m. die to this land, I m. not go Judg. 13. 16. m, offer it j|21. 17. m. be inheritance 2 Saai.23.3. m. be just j| 7. m. be fenced with iron MYS Ezra 10. 12. so m. we do || Jer. 10. 19. m. bear Matt. 18. 7. in. needs be || 26. 54. thus it m. be Mark 8. 31. m. suffer jj 13. 10. gospel w. first Luke 2. 49. wist ye not I in. jj 4. 43. I m. preach 14. 18. 1 m. go see it j| 19. 5. Im. abide at thy 22. 37. things writ. in. be accomplished, 24. 44, 24. 7. Son of man in. be delivered to sinful men John 3. 7. m. be born a^ram || 30. he m. increase 4.4. m. go thro' Samaria || 24. m. worship him 9.4. I m. work j| 10. 16. bring [j 20. 9. m. rise Acts 1.16. m. be fulfilled jj 9. 6. told what m. do 14. 22. m. thro' mucli tribulation enter the 16. 30. sirs, what m. I do jj 18. 21. 1 m. by all 23. 11. so m. thou bear witness at Rome, 27. 24. Rom.l3.5.whereforeye m. needs be subject, not 1 Cor.5.10. ?n. go outofworld||11.19.m.beheres. 15. 25. he must reign j| ;^Cor.5.10. m. all appear 1 Tim. 3. 2. a bishop in. be blameless. Tit. 1. 7, 7. m. have good report || 8. m. be grave, not Heb. 4. 6. some m. enter jj 9- 16. m. he the death 11. 6. TO. believe || 13. 17. to, give account Rev, 4. 1. TO. be hereafter || 11. 5. m. be killed 20. 3. TO, be loosed jj 22. 6. to. shortly be done MUSTARD-Seerf, s. Matt. 13. 31. j 17.20, MUSTERED, p. 2 Kings 25- 19. Jer. 52. 25. MUSTERETH, v. Isa. 13. 4. the Lord m. host MUTH-LABEN, the title of the ninth Psalm. MUTTER, ED,2J. Isa. 8. 19. j 16. t 7. j 59. 3. MUTUAL. Rom. 1. 12, by the in. faith both MUZZLE, V. Deut, 25. 4. not to. the ox when he treadeth, 1 Cor. 9. 9. 1 Tim. 5. 18. MYRA, I flow, pour out, weep. Acts 27, 5. MYRRH, s. A medicinal gum fromtheMyrrh-tree. Gen, 37. 25. bearing to. |j 43. 1 1. spioes and to, Exod, 30. 23. of pure in. \\ Esth. 2. 12. oil of to. Psal.45.8.sraellofw.||Frov. 7. 17. my bed with to. Song 1. 13. a bundle of to.|j3.6. perfumed with to. 4. 6. mountains of to. || 14. rn. and aloes with 5. 1. gathered my to. (|5. witiisweetTO. 13. Matt, 2. 11. presented to him gifts, gold, and m. Mark 15. 23. to drink wine mingled with to. John 19, 39 brought a mixture of m. and aloes MYRTLE, s. Is a very flagrant tree, evergreen. Neh, 8. 15. fetch m. |) Isa. 41, 19. plant the to. Isa.55. 1 3. instead of the brier shall come up the m. MYRTLE-TREES. Zech. 1. 8- among to. 10,11. MYSIA, Criminal, or abominable. A province of Asia- Minor, Acts 16, 7, 8, MYSTERY, s. A secret, a thing hid, or beyond comprehension. A mystery is not a thing contrary to reason, nor utterly unknown as to its being; but a matter of which we have clear evidence as to its existence, yet the nature or mode of it is incoM' prehensible. In this sense all the doctrines of the gosjjel are mysteries, because there are inexplica- ble depths in them, Eph. 1. 9. Mark 4. 1 1. to you given to know to, of kingdom Rom. 11. 25. ignorant of this to. ||16. 25.of the to. 1 Cor.2.7. wisdom of G.in aTO.j|l5.5l.Ishew eto. Eph. 1 . 9. TO. of his will jj 3. 3. known the to. as 3, 4, to. of Christ jj 9. fellowship of the in. which 5, 32. a great to. || 6. 19. make known the to. of the gospel, Col. 1.26, 27. | 4. 3. Col. 2. 2. m. of God || 2 Thes. 2. 7. to. of iniquity 1 Tim. 3. 9. holding to. off || 16. to. of godliness Rev. 1. 20. TO. of stars (j 10. 7. to, of G. finished 17. 5. TO. Babylon the great |j 7.m, of the woaian NAI N'AM' 317 given to you to MYSTERIES, s. Matt. 13. 11. know the m. of kingd. Mark 4. 11. Luke 8. 10 1 Cor. 4. .1. and as stewards of the m. of God 13. 2. understand all m. j( 14. 2. speaketh m. N. nVT AAM, Fair, pleasant. 1 Clir. 4. 15. J_>i NAAMAH, Beautiful. Gen. 4. 22. Josh. 15. 41. 1 Kin{?s 14. 21, 31. 2 Chr. 12. 13. NAAMAN, The same. Gen. 46. 21. sons of Benj. Num. 26. 40. the son of Bela, N. 1 Chr. 8. 4. 2 Kings 5. 1. A^. was a leper || 1 1 . N. was wroth 20. hath sparedA^.||2r. leprosy of A", shall cleave Luke 4. 27. none of thera was cleansed, savine; N. NAAMATHITE. Job2. ll.]!!. 1. [20. 1. 142. 9. NAARAH, A maid. 1 Chr. 4. 5. NAARAI. iChr. 11. 37. NAARAN. 1 Chr. 7. 28. NAARATH. A maid. Josh. 16. 7. NAA8HON, or NASHON, Neighing, or nose. Exod.6.23. sister of A'.|)Num.l.7.of Judah,was N. Num. 2. 3. A?^. shall be captain of Judah,i0. 14. 7. 12. the first day, was A^. || 17. the offering of Ruth 4. 20. begat A'. 1 Chr. 2. 10, 11. Matt. 1.4. Luke 3. 32. Salmon, which was the son of N. NABAL, A fool, or mad. 1 Sam. 25. 3. now the name of the man was N. 5. go to A', and greet him || 25. N. is his name 38. L. smote A'-HSO. returned wickedness of A^. 27. 3. Abigail N. wife, 30. 5. 2 Sam. 2. 2. | 3. 3. NABOTH, Speech, or budding. 1 Kings 21. 1. A^. had a vmeyard, 7, 9, 16. 19. place where dogs licked the blood of A^. 2 Kings 9. 21. portion of A". 25. || 26. blood of A^. NACHON, Jxcadi/, or sure. 2 Sam. 6. 6. NACHOR, Hoarse, Angry, dry. Luke 3. 34. NADAB, Aprincc, or liberal. Exod. 6. 23. sons of Aaron, A'^. Abihu, Lev. 10. 1. Num. 3. 4. A", and Abihu died before the L. 26.61. 1 Kings 14. 20. A'^. son of Jeroboam reigned, 15. 15. 1 Chr. 2. 28. A^. son of Shammai|)30.|8. 30,19.36. NAGGE, Brightness. Lake 3. 25. NAHALIEL, Inheritance of God. Num.21. 19. NAHALLAL, Praised. Josh. 19. 15. Judg. 1.3^.- NAHAM, A comforter. 1 Chr. 4. 19. N AH AM AN J, Penitent. Neh. 7. 7. NAHARAI, Nose, or dryness. 2 San?. 23. 37. NAHASH, A serpent. 1 Sara. 11. 1. 1 Sam. 11. 1. A^. came up against Jabesh, 12. 12. 2 Sam. 10.2. kindness to Hanun, son of, iCIir. 1 9.2. 17. 25. Abigail the daughter of A'^.|j27. Shobi son NAHATH, Rest; or a leader. Gen. 36. 17. NAHBI, Secret, hid, or beloved. Num. 13. 14. NAHOR, See Nachor. Gen. 11. 22. | 22. 23. I 24.10,15, 24. I 31.53. NAHUM, as Naham. Nah. 1. 1. NAIL, s. Judg. 4. 21. Jael took a n. 22. | 5. 26. Ezra 9. 8. to give us a n. in his holy place Isa. 22. 23. n. in a sure place, 25.|jZech.l0.4.came NAILS, s. Deut. 21. 12. and pare her n. 1 Chr. 22. 3. iron in abundance forw. 2 Chr. 3. 9. Eccl.12.1 1 .n.fastened bythe masters of assemblies Isa. 41. 7. fastened his idol with n. Jer. 10. 4. Dan. 4. 33. n. hke birds claws ji 7. 19. n. of brass John 20. 25. put my finger into print of the n. I NAILING, w. Col. 2. 14. n. it to bis cross ^ NAIM, Fairness. A city, Luke 7. 11. NAIOTH, Beauties, or abodes. 1 Sam. 19. 18. NAKED, a. is put for, [1] One void of grace ^ that is not clothed with the righteousness of Christ, Ezek. 16. 8. [2] SuJi as ivunt the favour and protection of God, Exod. 32. 25. [3] One destitute of the image of God, Gen. 3.7- [4] One not clothed with immoriality, 2 Cor, 5. 3. [.5] One destitute of all tvordly goodSy Job 1. 21. [6] That which is manifest and. plain, Heb. 4. 13. Gen. 2. 25. were n. \\ 3. 7. knew they were n. 10. Exod. 32. 25. Moses saw thyt the people weren. Lev.20.tl8.rt. her fountain |) iSam. 19.24. Saul 2 Chr. 28. 15. clothed the n. \\ 19. made Judah».. Job 1. 21. w. came I out || 22. 6. stripped the n. 24. 7. n. to lodge, 10. || 26. 6. hell is n. before Prov. 29.tl8. people is n. \\ Eccl. 5 15. n. retura Isa. 2>.f6. Kir made n. || 5 8. 7. seest the n. that Jer. 48. t 6. hke a n. tree || 51.f 58. Babylon n. Lam. 4. 21. Edom w.|jEzek. 18. 7. covered n. 16. Hos. 2. 3. lest I strip her n. \\ Amos 2. 16. flee n. Mic. 1. 8. go stript and n. \\ 11. thy shame n. 5. t 6. 71. swords I) Hab. 3. 9. thy bow was n. Matt. 25. 36. I wasn. ye clothed me not, 38,44. Mark 14. 51. his n. body |) 52. fled from them n. John 21.7. Peter was n.|]Acts 19. 16. they fled n. 1 Cor. 4. 11. we are n. |j 2 Cor. 5. 3. not found rt. He I). 4. 13. all things are ?i.lJJam. 2. 15. it'n. and Rev. 3. 17. bhnd and ??. \\ 16. 15. lest he walk n, 17. 16. and shall make her desolate and n. NAKEDNESS, 5. Gen. 9. 22. Ham saw the n. of 23. covered the n. |{ 42. 9. to see n. of the land Exod. 20. 26. thy w. be not discovered, 2S. 42. Lev. 18. 6.notuncovern. 7,— 19. | 20.11,19. 20. 17. see sister's n. \\ 20. uncle's \\ 21. brother's Deut. 24.tl. if found n. || 28. 48. serve in w. 1 Sam. 20. 30. to confusion of thy mother's n. Isa. 20.t4. n. of Egypt || 47. 3. n. be uncovered Lam. IS. seen her ?f.j|Ezek.l6.8. 1 covered thy «. Ezek. 16. 36. n. discovered, 22. 10.123.10, 18,29, Hos. 2. 9. to cover her 7i. \\ Nah. 3. 5. shew tliy n. Hab. 2. 15. look on w.jIRom. 8. 35. or n. or peril 2Cor.ll.27.in cold and n.|iRev. S.lS.siiame of w. NAME, s. is referred, I. To God, and signifies, any thing by which his nature and will is made better known to us, as [l3 His titles, Exod. 3. 13, 14. I 6. 3. [2] His attributes, or pei^- fections, Exod. 33. 19- | 34. 6, 7. 1 Tim. 6. 1. [3] His will and purpose concerning salvation by Christ, John 17.6. [4] His help and assistance, 1 Sam. 17. 45. Psal. 44. 5. [5 His honour, renown and glory, Psal. 76. 1. [6] His word, Psa!. 5. 11. Acts 9. 15. [7] His love, grace, and mercy, Psal. 22. 22. John 17. 26. [8] His wisdom, power and goodness, as displayed in creation and providence, Psal. 8. 1, 9. [9] ■^^'* worship, 1 Kings 5. 5. Mai. 1. 6. il. To Christ, and signities, f ij His perfections and deity, Isa. 9. 6. [2] His mediatorial character^ Matt. 1. 23. Rev. 19. 13. [3] His righteous- ness and merits, Prov- IS. 10. Jer. 23. 6. [43 His autliority and commiHsion, Matt. 7. 22. Acts 4. 7. [5] His dignity and super eminence, Phil. 2. 9- III. To man, and signifies, [l] T\e n^me b^ which he is callcdj Luke 1. 60. [21 NAIM NAM Tlte whole person^ Luke 10. 20, Rev. 3. 4. [3] Character, good or bad, Deut. 22. 14. Prov. 22. 1. [4] Renown, Deut. 26. 19. [5] A form of godliness, Rev. 3. 1. [6] Posterity or issue, Deut. 25. 7. Isa. 66. 22. Gen. 2. 19. w. thereof (j 4. 17. called ?i. of city 5. 2. their n. Adam i| 11. 4. make us a 7t. lest 19. 22. «.. is Zoar 1| 28. 19. n. Luz|j48. 6. after n. Exod. 34. 14. the Lord, whose n. is jealous Lev. 18. 21. nov profane n. of G. 19. 12. | 21. 6. Kinn. 11. 26. n. of one Eldad|)l7. 2. n. on his rod Deut, 7. 24. destroj^ tlieir ?i. |! 9. 14. blot oat n. 22. 14. evil n. on her, 19. \\ 2/). 7. to raise a 78. 26. 12. high in n. \\ 28. .58. glorious fearful n.'^ Josh. 23. 7. nor mention the n. of their gods Ruth 2.19. man's «.||4. 5. to raise up a n. 10, 17. 1 Sam, 23. 3. the n. of the man was Nabal, 9. 2 Sam. 6. 2. n. of the L. |j 7. 9. a great n. like n. 7.23. G. redeemed to make him a «. 1 Chr. 17. 21 . 8. 13. David gat him a n. |j 14. 7. neitiier n. 23. 18. n. among three, 22. 1 Chr. 11. 20, 24. 1 Kings 1. 47. n. of Solomon better than thy w. 14. 21. choose to put his 7i. there, 2 Chr. 12. 13. 18. 24. call on the n. of your gods, 25. 2 Kings 14. 27. would not blot out ?«. of Israel Ezra 5. 1. prophesied in the m. of God of Israel Neh. 9. 7. w. of Abraham || 10. so get thee a n. Esth. 2. 22. in Mordecai's n. |) 8. 8. in king's n. Job 18. 17. have no n. \\ 30. tS. of men of no n. Psal. 9. 5. put out their n. j| '20. i. n.of G. defend 20.5. in w. of G. setuptj44.20. forgotten n. of G. 69.30. I'll praise the n. || 83. 4. n. of Israel no 83. 18. n. is Jeliovah || 99. 3. praise thy great n. 109-13. n. blotted outj|l 13. 3. n. is to be praised Prov. 10. 7. n. of wicked rot [j 18. 10, w. a strong 22. 1. a good n. [| 30. 9. ti- of my God in vain Eccl. 7. 1, a good n. || Isa. 14. 22. cut off the n. L«a. 55. 13. L, for a 7J.||56. 5, everlasting n. 63. 12. 57, 15. n. is holy || 62. 2. called by a new n. 63. 14. a glorious n. \\ 65. 15. 7j. for a curse 66. 22. n. remain || Jer. 13. 11. for a m. 33. 9. Jer. 23. 6. this is the n. whereby he, 33. 16. 33. 20. made thee a n. j) 46. 18. whose n. is the Lord of hosts, 48. 15. j 51. .57. Ezek. 20. 29, n. is Bamah || 22. t5. polluted of w. 24. 2. write the n. |) 48. 35. 7i. of the city Dan. 2. 20. blessed be the n. of God for ever, 4. 8. Hos, 1. 6. call her n. Lo-ruhamah |j 2. 17. their Amos 5. 27. whose n. is || Mic. 4. 5. walk in n. of Zeph. 1. 4. cut off the n. |) 3. 20. I'll make you a n. Zech. 6. 12. n. is the Branch || 10. 12. walk in n. Matt. 10. 41. in 71. of aprophet, 42.|)23. 19. n. of F. Lukel. 61.bythis7i,||63. 7i.isJohn||6. 22.71. asevil John 1. 6. n. was John |) 3. 18. not believed in n. 5. 43. in my Father's n. and ye receive, 10. 25. Acts 2. 38. baptized in the 7i,||3. 6. in 77. of Jesus 4. 7. by what 77.||12. none other 77. under heaven 17. to no man in this n. 18, | 5. 28, 40. 30, n. of Jesus, 8. 12. | 9. 27. i 15. 26. | 16. 18. 1 19. 5. 1 26. 9, 1 Cor. 5, 4, 1 6. 11. Eph, 5. 20. 9. 21. called on this ti. | Rom, 2. 24. n, of G. is i Cor. 1, 13. were ye baptized in the ti. of Paul Phil. 2.9. a n. above every ti.|)10. atthe n. of Jesus Col. 3. 17. do all in the t7. of the Lord Jesus ITim.e.l.Ti. ofGodnotblas.] Heb. 1. 4. more excellent 77.1 2Tim.2. 19. thcTz. of Jam. 2. 7. worthy 77. 1 Pet. 4. 14. if reproached for the n, of Christ 1 John 3. 23. should beliove on n. of his Son,5.13. Rev. 2. 17. a 77. written, 14.1. 1 17. 5. | 19.12,16. 3. 1. hast a n. that thou livest, and art dead 12. write on him 77.^f my God||8. I)., n. of star 9. 1 1. 7?. in Hebrew \\ 13. 1. 7?. of blasphemy 16. 9, and men blasphemed the 77, of God By NAME, or by % NAME. Exod. 6.3. -77. of G. AIm.||33. 12. know thee -ti. 17. Num. 4. 32. - n. reckon || Josh. 21. 9. cities - 71. 1 Sam. 17. 23. Goliath -t7.||2 Sam. 20.21.Sheba-»e. 1 Kings 13. 2. Josiah - ti. |) 1 Chr. 4. 41. writ - t7. 1 Chr. 12. 31. expressed by n. 16. 41. 2 Chr.28.15. Isa. 44. 5. call himself - 7t. of Jacob, 48. 1. 45. 3. 1 the Lord which call thee by thy 77. John 10. 3. own sheep-77.jjActs4. 10. -77. ofJesus I Cor. 1. 10. - 77. of our Lord||3 John 14. greet - 77. HfsNAME. Exod. 3. 13. what is -77. Prov. 30. 4. 15. 3. the L. is - n. Jer. 33. 2. Amos 5. 6. | 9. 6. 20. 7. taketh - 77. in vain |j 28. 21. stone with - n. Deut. 3. 14. after - own n. |j 6. 13. swear by - 77. 10. 8. to bless in - ».j|l2. 5. put -77. there, 11, 21. 1 14. 23, 24. I 16. 6, 11. 1 Kings 14. 21. 2 Chr. 12. 13. 25. 6. - 77. not put out, 10, 11 29. 20, blot out - n. Judg, 13, 6. nor told me -77.|)Rutli 4. 14. -t*. famous 1 Sam. 12, 22, for his 77. sake, Psal. 23. 3. | 106.8. 18. 30. -77. much set by || 25. 25, Nabal is - t». 1 Chr. 16. 8. call on - 77. Psal. 105, 1. Isa. 12. 4. 29. give the glory due to -77. Psal. 29. 2. j 96. 8., Ezra 6. 12. God that caused - n. to dwell there Psal. 34. 3. exalt - n. 66. 2,|j 41. 5. - n. perish 68. 4, by - T7, J AH II 69. 36. that love his ti. 72. 17. - n. shall endure for ever, as long, 19. 76. 1.-77. is great in Israel] ]9 6. 2. bless -77. 100. 4. 99. 6. that call on -77. || 111. 9. reverend is -77, 135. 3. sing praises to - 77. 148. 13. | 149. 3, Prov. 21, 24. scorner is -»7.j)Eccl. 6. 4. -ti, covered Isa. 7. 14. shall call - 77, Emmanuel, Matt, 1 . 23. 9. 6. - 77. Wonderful |j 12. 4. - tj. is exalted 47. 4. L. of hosts is - 77. 48. 2. | 51. 15. | 54. 5i. Jer. 10, 16,131. 35. | 32. 18. | 50. 34. | 51, 19. 48.19. -T7. cut off II Jer. 1 1 . 1 9. - n. not remem. Jer. 20. 9. not speak in - n. || 48. 17. know - n. Amos 4. 13. Lord is - 77.1|Zech. 10. 12. walk in - n, Zech. 14. 9. and - n. one || Mai. 3. 16. thought on Matt. 1. 21. call - t7. Jesus, Luke 1. 31. | 2. 21. 12. 21. in - T7. shall the Gentiles trust Mark 6. 14. - n. spread || Luke 1, 13, - n. John Luke 24. 47, remission of sin be preached in - t?. John 1. 12. believe on - t7. |) 2. 23. believed in - n. 5. 43. in - own tj. |) 20. 31. life thro' - Tt. Acts 3. 16. thro' faith in - t7. || 5. 41. suffer for •> n. 10, 43. thro' his n. receive remission of sins 13, 8. so is his n. || 15. 14. a peoplefor his n. Heb. 6, 10. toward - n. \\ 13. 15. thanks to - w. 1 John 2. 12. for his n. sake, 3 John 7. Rev. 3. 5. not blot out - 7«. |) 6. 8- - n. death 9. 11. - T7. Apollyon || 13. 6. to blaspheme- n. 13. 17. number of- 77. 15. 2. || 14. 11. | 22. 4. My NAME. Gen. 32. 29, why ask - T7. \\ 48. 16. Exod, 3. 15. this is - n. \\ 9. 1 6. - n. be declared 20. 24. 1 record - T7. || 23. 21. - n. is in him Lev. 19. 12. not swear by- t7, falsly |j 20. 3. holy Num. 6.27. put -Ti.on IsraeljjDeut. 18. 19. speak in Judg. 13. 18. why ask -77. \\ 1 Sam. 24. 21. 25. 5. 2 Sam. 7. 13. house for - T7. 1 lyings 5. 5. 8. 18. 12. 28. called after - n, \\ 18. 18. no son to kerp NAM I Kings 8. 16. -«. might be therein, 29. j 11. 56. JNAP ^11 OS 27. 2 Kings 21. 'i Chr. 6. 5. | 7, 16. 9. 7. hallowed for - n. (| 1 Chr. 22. 8. build to -n 2 Chr. 6. 8. in heart to build au house for - n. Nell. 1.9. chosen to set - n. there, Jer. 7. 12. Psal. 89.24. in-n. horn exalted \\ 91. 14. known Isa. 29. 23. sanctify - n,(|4l. 25. call on -k. 42. 8. that is -n. |j?48. 9. for - n. sake defer 48. 11. how should - n. \\ 49. 1. mention of- n- 52. 5. - n. blasphemed || 6. shall know -n. 66. 5. and that cast you out for - 7i. sake, said Jer. 14. 14. prophesy lies in - n. 15. | 23. 25. 16. 21.know - 71. is the Lord||23. 27. to forget -n. 27. 15. prophecy a liein - n. £9. 9, 21, 23. 34. 16. polluted - w. || 44. 26. swoni by - n. Ezek. 20.9. I wrought for- n. 14. 22, 44. 36. 23. sanctify -w. j|Zech. 13. 9. call on-?i. Mai. 1. 6. despise - n.\\l 1. - n. shall be great among 14. - w. is dreadful || 2. 2, to give glory to - n. 2. 5. afraid before - n. (| 4. 2. that fear - n. shall Matt. 10.22. hated for -m. sake, 24.9. Mark 13. 13. 18.5. receive a child in-n. Mark 9. 37. Luke 9.4 S. 20. gathered in- n.|jl9. 29. forsaken houses for 24. 5. many shall come iu - n. Mark 13. 6. Mark 5. 9. - «. is Legion||9. 39. do miracle in - n. 9. 41 . a cup in - n. \\ 16. 17. - n. cast out devils Luke 21. 12. brought before rulers for - ii. sake John 14. 13. whatsoever ye ask in-n. that will I do, 14. 1 15. 16. I 16.23,24,26. 26. send in -«.|| 15. 21. to you for-n. sake Acts 9. 15. to bear - /?. 16. || 15. 17. - 7i. is called Rom. 9. 17.- n. declaredj|lCor. 1. 15- baptized in Rev. 2. 13. boldest fast- n.|l 3. 8. not denied- ?j. Thy NAME. Gen. 12. 2. make - n. great, and 17. 5. - n. Abraham |) 32. 27. what is - n. '29. 32. 28. - n. shall be Israel, 35. 10. 1 Kin. 18.31. Josh. 7. 9. to thy great n. !| Judg. 13. 17. what is 2 Sam. 7. 26. let - n. be magnified forever 22. 50. sing praise to - n. Psal. 9. 2. | 1 8. 49. i 61 . 8. I 66. 4. 1 92. 1, 1 Kings 8. 33. tuni and confess -n. 2 Cli. 6. 24. 26. 43. house called by - n. 44, 48. 2 Chr. 6. 33. 1 Chr. 17. 24. -n. be magnified, 29. 13. Ps. 44. 8. 2 Chr. 6. 20. wouldst put - n. there, 20. 8, 9. 14. 11. in- n. we go against this multitude Neh. 1, 11. to fear -n. [| 9. 5. thy glorious n. Psal. 5. 11. love - n. |) 8. 1. how excellent - n. 9. 9. 10. know - n. \\ 22. 22. declare -n. Heb. 2. 12. 25. 11. for - 71. sake pardon] |31. 3. - n. sake lead 44. 5. thro' -n. tread |! 45, 17. -n. remember 48. 10. according to - n. || 52. 9. I'll wait on - n. 54. 1. save me by - n. \\ 61. 5. that fear - n. 63. 4. lift hands in - n. || 74. 7. place of- n. 74. 10. blaspheme - n. 18.||21.praise-n. |j 75. 1. 79. 6. that have not called on- n. Jer. 10. 25. 9. for the glory of -n. purge our sin for - n. 80. 18. call on - n. || 83. 16. may seek -n. 86.9. glorify - Ji. 12- |jll. unite to fear -n. 89. I2I rejoice in - n, || 1D9. 21. for - n. sake 115.1. to -n.be the gloi^ || 119. 55. remem. -n. 119. 132. that love - n. || 135. 13. - n. endureth 138. 2, hast magnified thy w ord above all - n. 1.39. 20. take - n. in vain||l40. 13. thanks to - n. 142. 7. may praise -n. 145. 1, 2. Isa. 25. 1. 143. 11. quicken me, O Lord, for-n. nake Song 1.3.- n. is as ointment poured forth Tsa. 26. 8. desire is to - n. (1 13. mention ef - n. Isa. 63. 16. - n. is everlasting |I 64. 2. -n. knowa 64. 7. there is none that calleth on - 7i. Jer. 10. 6. - n. is great jj 11. 16. - n. a green olive 14. 7. for-n. sake, 21. 1) 29. 25. letters in - n. Lam. 3. 55. 1 called on - n.jjDan. 9. 6. spake in -??. Mic. 6.9. shall see -n.jjNah. 1. 14. of -n. begow« Mai. I. 6. wherein liave we despised - «. Matt. 6. 9. hallowed be - n. Luke 11. 2. 7. 22. in - n. cast out devils, Mark 9. 38. Mark 5. 9. asked him, what is - n. Luke 8. 30. Luke 10. 17. devils are subject tons thro'- n. John 12. 28. glorify - n. jj 17. 6. manifested-??, 17. 11. holy Father, keep thro' thy own n. 13. Acts 9. 14. biJ^d all that call on - n. \\ Rom. 15. 9. Rev. 11.18. reward to them that fear - n. 15. 4. , NAME, V. 1 Sam. 1 6. 3. \ 28. 8. Isa. 62. 2. NAMED, ETH. Gen. 27. 56. rightly n. Jacob 43. 16. and let my name be n. on them, and 1 Sam. 4. 21. n, Iciiabodjla Kings 1*. 34. n. Israel EcgI. 6. 1 0. is n. already jj Isa. 61.6. n. the priests Amos 6. 1. n. chief j| Mic. 2. 7. art w. of hoise Luke 2. 21. Jesus was so n. jj 6. 13. he n. apostles Rom. l.». 20.not\vhere C.wasn.jjlCor. 5. l.notw. Eph. 1. 21. every narye that is n. jj 3. 15. family n. 5. 3. not once //.|j2 Tim. 2. 19. w. name of Christ NAMELY, ad. Eccl. .5. 13. Isa.7.20. Mark 12.31.' NAMES, s. Gen. 2. 20. Adam gave n. to all 126. 18. called their ??. after w. fithei called Exod. 23. 13. no mention ofn. ofgods, Deut. 12.3>r 28. 9. grave the n. \\ 12. bear their n. 29. Num. 1. 2. number of theirn. 5. 1 3. 43. 13. 16. 71. of men sent to spy |j34. 17". the n. 2 Sam. 23. 8. n. of mighty men jj Ezra 5. 4. psal. 16. 4. nor n. in my lips||49. 11. alter own «. 147.4. stars he calleth them by n. Isa. 40. 26. Ezek. 23. 4. n. Aholah jj Hos. 2. 17. n. of Baalim Zech. 13. 2. cutoff n. jj Luke 10. 20. «. written Acts 1.15. numbel" of n. {j 18.15. words and u. Phil. 4. 3. whose n. are in the book of life Rev. 3. 4. a few n. in Sardis || 11. f 13. n. of mcB 13. 8. n. not writ in book, 17. 8. Phil. 4. 3. 17. 5. a woman full of?i. of blasphemy, 13. 7 1. 21. 12. n. written, n. of the tv.elve tribes, 14. NAOMI, Beaidiful, comely. Ruth 1. 19. is this JV". jj 20. call me not J\\ 2. 1. had a kinsman jj 4. 5. buyest of .^^. 4. 9. bouoht all of .V, jj 17. son born to JV. NAPHISH, The soul'; orrestitig. Gen. 25. 15. N APHTALI, 3Ty wrestling; or likeness. Gen. 30. 8. hisnameJV*||35.25. Dan and JV*. 46. 24. sons of JV. Num. 1. 42. | 26. 48. 49. 21. J\'\ is a hind jj Exod. 1. 4. M Gad, Asher Num. 1. 15. of JV: Ahira, prince 2. 29. | 7. 78. Deut. 27. 13. to curse ; Dan,.V. jj 33 23. .-V. sat, Josh. 19. 32. the sixth lot came out to J\\ Judg. 1. 33. nor »'V. drive out jj 4. 10. called AZ 5. 18. JV', jeoparded [j 6. 35. Gi:l€0u sent to A". 7. 23. gathered out of A*, jj 20. 7. mount A". 1 Kings 4. 15. officer in X. jj 15. i;0. smote At 2 Kinss 15. 29. carried A' j' 1 Chr. 7. 13. sons of 1 Chrl 12.40. A", brousht bread jj 27. 19. captaift 2 Chr. 16. 4. smote A'. ||34. 6. Josiah m A" Psal. 6S. 27. princes of || Isa. 9. l- afRicted A". Ezek. 48. 3. portion for (| 34. one gate of At Matt. 4. 13. he dwelt hi the borders of A*. 15. NAPHTUHIM, Ope)ii7if,-. Gen. 10. 13. NAPKIN, s. Luke IT*. 20- John 1 1 . 44. j 20. f. NAT NAT NARCISSUS, Astonishment Rom. 16. 11. NARROW, a. Num. 22. 26. stood in a n. way Josh. 17.15. too n. I| 1 Kin,':s6. 4. of n. lights Prov. 2,3. 27. is a w.pit|| 24.tl0. strenjjth is h. Isa. 49. 19. be too n. \\ '.' att. 7. 14. n. the way NARROWED, ER. 1 Kinase. 6. Isa. -28. 20. NARROWLY, arf. Job l;3.27. lookn. Isa. 14. tG. NATHAN, Givm. 2 .Sam. 5. 14. sons of D. JV'. 7. 2. J\'' the prophet j|7. 17. so did JV. speak 12. 1. Lord sent JV: 2.5. |! 23. 36. Igal son of .A^. 1 Kings 1.10. M the prophet, he called not 1. 22. JV. came in \\ 34. JV. anoint Zadok 4. 5. Azariati son of J\'\ \\ i Clir. 2. 36. begat 1 Chr. 11. 38. Joel brotlier of|l 29. ^9. book of 2 Chr. 9. 29. Acts of Solomon in the book oi'M Ezra 8. 16. 1 sent for JV. || 10. 39. taken wives Zech. 12. 12. of .v. apart 1 1 Lnke 3. 31. son ofJ\\ NATHANIEL, The txi ft of God. 1 Chr. 2. 1 4. NATHAN-?.>ELECH;077fo/-f/tcA,JK,o-.'2Kin.'23.1l NATION, s. siirnities, \\ ] A country or kingdom, Exod. 34. 10. { 2] Us inhabitants, l.")eat. 4. 34. [3] The father, head, ami orilriiinl of a nation, Oen. 25. 23. [4] God's people^ Psal. 33. 12. Isa. 55. 5. I 6(). 8, ■Gen. 15. 14. al.«o that??. j| ^'0.4. slay ri;rhteousH. 21. 13. I'll make a n. l\ 35. 11. a n. and kinj^s Exod.9.24. since it became a «. !| 19. 6. a holy 7i. 21. 8. to a strange ;?. || 33. 13. tlu«! n. 34. 10.' Lev. 18. 26. uorw. commit abominatioi^s, 20. 23. Num. 14. 12. make of thee a c'eat v. S)eut. 9. 14. Dent, 4. 34. God a.ssayed to take hiin a w.from 28. 49. aw. acamst thee, .50. |i 32 -^n. -a n. void 2Sam. 7.23. vVhat n. bke thy people, iCiir. 17.21. 1 Kings 18. 10. no n. whither niy lord not send 2 Kings 17. 29. every n. made eod.- of their own 1 Chr. 16. 20. and when tliey went from n. to n. 2 Chr. 15. 6. n. destroyed of «. |) 32. 1 5. of any ?j. Job 34. 29. it be done against a n. or a man only Psal. 33. 12. blessed is the n. \\ 43. I. nn^odly w. 83.4. cutoiffrombeinga w.ljlOj. 13. from onew. 106.5. gladness of thy n. jj 147. 20. with any n. Prov. 14. 34. righteousness exalteth a n. but sin Isa. 1. 4. ah sinful n. \\ 2. 4. n. not lift, Mic. 4. 3. 9. 3. multiplied n. \\ 10. 6. an hypocritical n. 14. 52. messengers of w. || 18. 2.' a n. meted 26. 2. righteous n. \\ 15, hast increased the n. 49. 7. n. abhorreth |! 51. 4. give ear, O my n. 55. 5. shalt call a n. \\ 58. 2? seek me, as a n. 60. 12. n. not serve perish || 22. a strong n. I thee 65. 1. an, not called ]] 66. 8. n. born at once Jer. 2. 11. hath a n. changed their gods which 3. 9. soul be avenged on such a 77. 29. | 9. 9. 15. bring a n. a mighty n. ancient n. a v. 7. 28. n. obeyeth not || 12. 17. destroy that n. 18. 7. speak concering a n. to pluck, 8, 9. 25. 12.1 will punish tliatn. 32. | 27. 8,13. 31. 36. cease from being a n. 33. 24. j 48. 2. 49. 31. a wealthy )?. jj 36. now. whither Elani 50. 3. a w. against her jl Lam. 4. 17. for a n. Ezek. 2. 3. a rebellious 7i. |j 37. 22. make one n. Dan. 8. 22. four stand up out of n. |l 12. 1. since n. Joel 1. 6. a n. is come up |) Amos 6. 1 4. raise up n. Mic. 4. 7. a strong n. \\ Hab. 1. 6. bitter hasty n. Zeph. 2. 1. O w.not desired j| 5. wo to the n. of Hag. 2. 14. so is this n. \\ Mai. 3. 9. n- robbed me Matt. 21 . 43. given to a n. (| 24. 7. n. rise against w. I^uke 7, 5. he loveth onr n. |j 23. 2. perverting n John 11. 48. take our n. \\ 50. n. perish not 51. die for that n. 52. jj 18. 35. thine own n. Acts 2. 5. devout of every n. |J 7. 7. n. to wiiom 10. 22. 71. of the Jews j 28. one of another /». 35. 10 every n. .j 24. 2. are done to this n. 24. 10. a judge to this n. (| 17. alms to my n. 26. 4. my own n. 28. 1 9- Gal. 1. 14. Phil. 2. 15. in mi ist of a crooked and perverse 7Z. 1 Pet. 2. 9. a holy n. a peculiar people, that ye Rev. 5. 9. redeemed us out of every n. 14, 6. NATIONS, s. Gen. 10. 'SI. were the7i. divided 14. 1. king of w. il 17. 4. ofman-y n. .o.Rom. 4. 17. 17. 6. Ill make ?i, of thee, 16. | 35. li.j 48.19. 25. 23. two n. in womb || 27. 29. let n. bow Exod. 34. 24. cast out the n. Deut. 4. 38. | 7 22. Lev. 1 8. 24. n. are defiled || 28. as it spued out n. Num. 23.9. shall not be reckoned among the iu 24. 8. eat up 7i. \\ 20. Amalek was first of the n. Deut.4. 27. Lord scattered you amon<> 71. Neh.1.8. 7. 1. L. castoutmany 7i.||9. 1. to possess n. 11.23. 12. 2'>. cut otr?*. II 15. 6. lend to many 11. 28. 12. 32. 8. divided to 11. \\ 43. rejoice, O ye n. with •Jndg. 2. 23. left those n. \\ 2 Sam. 7. 23. from the 1 Kings 1 1. 2. n. concerning || 2 Kings. 17. 3S. 2 Kings IS. 33. iiatii any of the gods of the n. de- livered, 19. 12. 2 Chr. 32. 13. Isa. 36. 18. 1 Chr. 16. 31. say among 77-. || 17. 21. drivings. 2 Chr. 13. 9. manner of 7i. |; Neh. 13. 26. many n. Job 12. 23. he iiicreaseth the n. enlargeth the n. Psal. 9. 20. 71. n)ay know || 22. 27. all n. worship 22. 28. aovernor among ?i. || 47. 3. subdue n. 57. 9. I will sing to thee among the 7i. 108. 3. 66. 7. his eyes behold 11. jj 77. 4. let 71. be glad 96. 5. gods of 71. II 106. 34. not destroy the 71. Prov. 24. 24. ii. abhor him |i Isa. 2. 4. judge n. Isa. 5. 26. ensign to ii- \\ 10. 7. to cut oft w. not 11. 12. ensign for ii. \\ 14. 6. ruled the n. 12, 18. ?3. ,3. a mart of7i. jj 33. 3. n. were scattered 34. 1. near ye 7?.. to hear, Jer. 6. 18. | 31. 10. 40. 15. n. as a drop || 52. 15. sprinkle many 71. 55. .5. 71. that know not || 60. 12. n. be wa>ted 64. 2.11. may tremble [| 66. 19. send to then. Jer. 1. 5. ordained thee a prophet to the 71. 10. 4. 2. 11. bless themselves II 16. mention to the 71. 10. 7. O king ofw. || 10. n. notable to abide 22. 8. n. pass by this city, 25. 14. j 27. 7. 25. 31. controversy with 71. \\ 46. 12. w. heard 50. 12. n. a wilderness jj 46. heard among tiie n. 51.7. n. are mad ||20. I break the n. |j 27. the 41. Babylon is an astonishment among the n. 44. w.notflow I) Lain. 1. I. chief anjong 71. Ezek. 5. 14. I'll make thee a reproach among n, 6. 8. remnant shall escape among the n. 9. 19. 8. n. set against him j| 26. 3. many n. 5. 28. 7. terrible of the7i. 30. 11. I 31. 12- 29.12. scatter among the 71. 12. 15. j 30.23. 15. not rule over tz. [j 31. 16. 7t. shake at fall 32. 2. like Hon of ?i. 16. || 35. 10. these twodf. 06. 13. bereaved n. \\ 37. 22. no more two 71. 38. 23. I'll be known in ey^es of many 7i. 39. 27. Hos. 8. 10. hired 71. \\ 9. 17. wanderers aaiongn. Joel 3. 2. scattered among 7i. \\ Amos 6. 1. chief Mic. 4. 2. many n. come \\ 3 rebuke strong n. 11. many 7z. gathered || 7. 16. tz. shall see Nah. 3. 4. selleth n. || 5. shewn, thy nakedness Hab. 1. 17. to slay then. j| 2. 8. spoiled many .?». 3. 6. he beheld, aud drove asunder thew,. NAT i v^tph. S. 6. 1 cut off 72. (I 8. to gather the n. ) Zech. 2. 11. many n. be joined to the L. 8. 22. i Luke 12. 30. do n. seek after||21 . 25. distress of 7i. J Acts 13. 19. destroyed seven /i.jjRev. 2.26. over ?J. ' Rev. 10. 11. prophesy before 71. 11 11.9. «. see dead 11. 1 8. 71. were angry (| 1.3. 7. power over all ?i. 16. 19. cities of 7i. fell |j 17. 15. waters are ?i. 20. 3. deceive n. no |) 21 . 24. n. of them saved 21. 26. honor of n. to it j| i:2. 2. healing of ?z. All NATIONS. Deut. 4. 19. divided to - n. 26. 19.highahove-72. 28.1.|j23. 37. by-word 1 Kings4. 31. his fame was in - 7i. 2 Chr. 32. 23. 1 Chr. 16. 24. declare his mar. works among - 7i. Psal.67. 2. heaith among - n || 72. 11. - ?i. serve 72. 17.- n, call him blessed |1 82. 8. inherit - n. 86. 9. - n. wor>hip !| 1 13. 4. L. is high above - n. 117. 1.- n. praise j) 118. 10 -n. compassed me Isa. 2. 2. - ?i. flow to it j I 25. 7. vail over - ?i. 34. 2. indignation on -7i. (| 40. 17. - n. vanity 66. 18. gather - ii. and languages, 20. Joel 3. 2. Jer. 27. 7. - n. shall serve him, Dan. 7. 14. Amos 9. 9. sift - 71. 1 j Ha b. 2. 5. gathered to him-7i. Hag. 2. 7. I'll shake- 7i. and the desire of- n. Zech. 14. 2. I'll gather -7z. I j 19. punishment of- n. Mai. 3. 12. and - n. shall call yon blessed Matt. 24. 9. ye shall be hated of-?i. Luke 21. 24. 14. preached to - 7i. Mark 13. 10. Luke 24. 47. 25. 32. gathered - n. ||28. 19. teach -7i. baptizing Mark 11. 17. be called of- 7i. the house of prayer Acts 14. 16. suffered - 7J. || 17. 26. of one blood - 7i. Kom. 1..5. for obedience among- 7i. 16. 26. Gal. 3. 8. - n. be biessedj|Rev. 7. 9- -n. stood Rev. 12. 5. to rule - 7i. J) 14. 8. - ti. drink, 18.3. 15. 4.- 71. shall worship || 18. 23. - 71. deceived All the NATIONS. Gen. 18. 18. all the ti. of tiie earth be blessed, 22. 18. ] 26. 4. Deut. 14.2. chosen above- ?i.||l7. 14. kingas-7z. 30. 1 . among - n. || 3. gather thee from - n. Psal.9. 17. -7i. that forget G. ||l.sa. 14. 26. | 29. 7. Isa. 37. 18. laid waste -7i. [j43. 9. - 7i. gathered 52. 10. in the eyes of-?i. j| 61. 11. praise before Jer. 3. 17. -n. be gathered, 29. 14, 18. | 44. 8. 25. 15. can.se- 71. to drink it, 17. || 26. 6. curse to 33. 9. joy before -71. || 46. 28. end of -«. 30. 11. Zech. 7. 14. but I scattered tiiem among - 11. 12, 9. destroy -71. that come ag. Jerns. 14. 18. Tfeese NATIONS. Deut. 9. 4. j 11. 23. | 12. 30. I 18. 14. j 20. 1.5. I 28. 65. | 29. 18. | 31. 3. Josh. 23. 3, 4, 7, 12, 13. Judg. 3. 1. 2 Kings 17. 41. Jer. 9. 26. | 25. 9, U. 1 28. 14. NATIVE, a. Jer. 22. 10. not see his 7i. country NATIVITY, s. Gen. 11.28. land of /i. Ruth 2. 11. Jer. 46. 16. go to !and of our 7z.i|Ezek. 16. 3. thy 7t. Ezek.l6.4.asforthy7i.iJ 21. 30. landof n. 23. 15. MATURE,*, signifies, [13 The ynituml course and method of t hinges, Rom. 1. 26. [2] Reason, Rom. 2. 14. £33 Coinmon sense and custotn, iCor. 11. 14. [4j Birth or descent, Gal 2. 15. [5] Essence, Heb. 2. 16. [6j Our sinful and corrupt state by birth, Eph. 2. 3. [73 Holy dispositions, 2 Pet. 1. 4. [Sj In truth or very deed, Gal. 4. 8. Rom. 1. 26. women did change to that against 7i. 2. 14. do by n.t\\c things contained in law, 27. 11. 24. olive-tree, which is wild by n. and wert I Cor. 11.14. doth not even 71. it.seif teach you Gal. 2. 15. Jews by n. \\ 4, 8. bv «• are no gods .52 ' NEB 1^( Eph. 2. 3. and were by n. children of wrath Heb. 2. 16. 71. of angels || Jam. 3. 6. course of7i, 2 Pet. 1.4. might be partakers of the divine n. NATURAL, a. Dent. 34. 7. nor n. force abated Rom. 1. 26. even women did ciiange the 71. use 27. also men leaving the )i. use of the Avoman 31. without 71. affection, 2 Tim. 3. 3. 11.21. if G. spared not the 7i. branches, 24. 1 Cor. 2. 14. 71. man receiveth not thiags of Spirit 15.44. sown a 71. body i| 46. that which is ji. Jam. 1. 23. his ?j. face |j 2 Pet. 2. 12. as 71. brute NATURALLY, ad. Phi!. 2. SO. Jnde 10. NAVEL, s. Judg. 9.t57. by the 7i. of land Job 40. 16. force is in 7i.|jProv. 3. 8. health to w. Song 7. 2. n. like goblet |j Ezek. 16. 4. 7i. not cut NAVES, s. 1 Kings 7. 33. n. and spokei> were NAVY% s. 1 Kings 9. 26, 27. | 10. 11, 22. NAUGHT, or NOUGHT, o. Gen. 29. 15. Neh.4. 15. God brought their counsel to 71. Job 1.9. fear G. for 7u\\ Psal. S3. 10. counsel to 71. Prov. 1. 25. set at 71. |j 20. 14. it is 7i. it is 7i. Isa. 8. 10. come to fi. 29. 20. || 29. 21. thing of 7r. 41. 12, 24. Jer. 14.14. Amos 6. 13. 49. 4. spent strength for 71. || 52. 3. sold for 71. 5. Mai. 1. 10 who would shut the doors for 11. ? Mark 9. 12. set at 71. Luke 23. 11. Acts 4. II. Acts 5. 36. brought to 71. 38. || 19. 27 set at 7i. Rom. 14. 10. why set at n.\\l Cor. 1. 28. bring to 7t. 1 Cor. 2. 6. wisdom of this world that cometh to ?z, 2Thes.3. S.noreat for7i.j:Rev. 18. 17. come to 71. NAUGHTY, a. Prov. 6! 12. j 17.4. Jer. 24. 2. NAUGHTINESS, 5. 1 Sam. 17. 28. n. of thy h. Prov. 11. 6. own 7i. j| Jam. 1. 2l.superfl. ot'71. NAUM, Comforted. Luke 3. 25. NAY, ad. Gen. 18. 15. 1 Kings 2. 17, 20. Matt. 5. 37. Luke 12. 51. | 13. 3. | 16. 30. Acts 16. 37. Rom. 3. 27. | 9. 20. 2 Cor. 1. 17, 18, 19. Jam. 5. 12. NAZARENE, s. A branch. Matt. 2. 23. NAZARENES. Acts 24. 5. sect of N. NAZARETH, s. Separated. Matt. 2. 23. Matt. 21. 11. this is Jesus of iV. Mark 1. 24. | 10. 47. Luke 4. 34. | 18. 37. | 24. 19. Mark 14. 67. with Jesus of N. || 16, 6. ye seek Luke 1. 26. Gabriel sent to (1 2. 51. Jesiis-, 4. 16. John 1. 45. Jesus of N. 18. 5, 7. | 19. 19. Acts 2. 22. I 4. 10. I 6. 14. I 22.8. 46. can any good thing come out of N. Acts 3. 6. in the name of Jesus of iV. rise up 10. 38. anointed Jesiis||26. 9. contrary to Jesus NAZARITE, S, Sanctified, or consecrated. Num. 6. 2, 13, 18, 19, 20. Judg. 13. 5, 7. | 16. 17. Lam. 4. 7. her N. purer \\ Amos 2. 11, 12. NEAH, Moving. A city. Josh. 19- 13. N EAPOLIS, A 7iew city. Acts 16.11. NEARIAH, Child of the Lord. 1 Chr. 3. 22, 23. NEBAI, Budding: forth. Neh. 10. 19. NEBAIOTH, Fruits, ov prophecies. Gen. 25. 13. I 28. 9. i 36. 3. Isa. 60. 7. rams of N. shall minister NEBALLAT, Hidde?i. Neh. 11. 34. NEB AT, Beholding. 1 Kings 11. 26. NEBO, As Nebat. An idol of the Chaldeans ; perhaps they borrowed it from the Moabites, irho had a mountain of that name, and a city 7iear it of the sam6. naniCj abvut eight miles from Heshbou. NEE- NEI Num. 32. 3. N. is a land for cattle [[38. built N. Deiit. 32. 40. get thee up to Mount N. 34. I. 1 Chr. 5. 8. even to N. jj Ezra 2. 29. of A''. 10. 43. JNeh. 7. 33. men of the other iV. fifty-two Isa. 15.2. howl over iV. |1 46. l.N. stoopeth Jer. 48. 1. wo unto N. \\ 22. judgment on N. NEBUCHADNEZZAR, REZZAR, Fears, trouble^ or sorrow of judgment. 2K.in, 24.1. in his days came N. against Jerusalem, 25. 1. 2 Chr. 35. 6. Jer. 39. 1. | 52. 4. 1 Chr. 6. 15. by N. Jer. 24. 1. | 29. 1. [ 52. 28. E£ra 1. 7. vessels N. had taken, 5. 14. j 6. 5. Jer. 27. 8. not serve N. \\ 28. II. break yoke of 28. 14. they nmy serve N. \\ 29. 21. into hand 32. 28. this city to N. \\ 39. 11. iV. gave charge 43. 10. take N. my serv.j] 49. 28. A"^. smite Kedar 50. 17. A. broken his bones jJ 51. 34. devoured Ezek. 26. 7. on Tynis N.\\ 29. 19. Egypt to, 30. 10. Dan. 2. 1. dreamed || 3. 1. made an image S. 19. N. full of fury j| 24. was astonished 4. 28. came upon A^. || 34. 1 A'^. lift up mine eyes 37. 1 N. praise (| 5. 18. high G. gave A^. NEBUSHASBAN, Speech, fruit. Jer. 39. 13. NEBUZAR-ADON. Budding. 2 Kin. 25. 8. N. captain of gnard, Jer. 39. 10. NJ'XESSARY, a. Job 23. 12. than n.y n. food Actsl3.46.it was n. j| 15.28.7J. things,' 28. 10. 1 Cor. 12. 22. are n. \\ 2 Cor. 9. b. I thought it n. Phil. 2. 2.T. n. to send |i Tit. 3.14. for ?2. uses NECESSITY, s. Rom. 12. 13, n. of the saints 1 Cor. 7. 37. having non. \\ 9. 16. n. is laid on me 2 Cor. 9. 7. not grudgingly, or of ?». Philem. 14. Phil. 4. 16. to my n. j] Heb. 7. 12. of n. a change Heb. 8. 3. ot'7i. tliis man somewhat to offer, 9. 16. NECESSITIES, s. Acts tO. 34. 2 Cor. 6. 4.1 12.10. NECHO, Lame, or smitten. 2 Chr. 35. 20,22. NECK, s. Gren. 27. 16. skins on smooth of his n. 40. yoke from off thy n. Isa. 10. 27. Jer. 30. 8. S3. 4. fell on his 71. 4.5. 14. ) 46. 29. 41. 42. chain on ?i. Ezek. 16. 11. Dan. 5. 7. 49. 8.7Z. of enemies II Exod. 13. 13. break his7i. Deut. 21.4. strike off heifer's n. Lev. 5. 8. 28. 48. iron on thy n. (| 1 Sam. 4. 18. his n. brake 2 Chr. 36. 13. but he stiffened his7i. Neh. 9. 29. Job 15. 26. runnetli onhis7i. (| 16. 12. by the n. 39. 19. clothed his n. || 41, 22. in his n. strength Psal. 75. 5. speak not with a stiff 7i. Jer. 17. 23. Prov. 1. 9. chains about thy ti. 3. 3, 22. | 6. 21. Song 1. 10, thy 71. with chains, 4. 4, 9. | 7. 4. Isa. 8. 8. he shall reach over to the n. 30. 28. 48. 4. thy n. is an iron sinew, thy brow brass 52, 2. loose bands ofn. (| 06. S. cut off dogs n. Jer. 27. 2. yokes on n. 8, 11. [| 28. 10, 12, 14. Lam. 1. 14. come on my n. |[ Hos. 10. 11. fi^ir?^. Matt. 18. 6. better that a millstone were hanged about his 71. Mark 9.42. Luke 17. 2. Luke 15. 20. fell on his 72. Acts 20. 37. |j 15. 10. NECKS, s. Josh, 10. 24. your feet on the ?i. of Judg. 5. 30. meet for the n. ]| 8. 21. camels ii. 26. 2Sam.22.4l. given men. of enemies, Ps, 18. 40. Neh. 3. 5. not n. to workijlsa. 3. 16. stretched n. Lam. 5. 5, n. are under persecution, Jer. 27. 12. Ezek. 21. 29. 7i, of slain j] M;c.2.>3. Rom. 16. 4. NECROMANCER, s. a wizard, Dent. 18. 11. NEDAIBIA, Prince of the Lord. 1 Chr. 3. 17. NEED, v. Matt. 3. 14. n. to be baptized of thee 6. 8. what things ye have n. 32. Luke 12. 30. Matt.o.l2. n. not physician, Mark 2.17.Luke 5.31 . 21,3. L. hath n. of them,Mark 11. 3. Lr.l; e 19,31. 26. 65. whatfurther n. Mark 14. 63. LuKe 22.71 . Luke 9. 11. n. of healing (| 15. 7. n. no repentance Acts2.45.asevery manhadTi. 4. 35. Rom. 16. 2. 1 Cor. 7. 36. ifn. so require]{12. 21. have no n. 24. Pliil. 4. 12. to suffer 7i. [] 19. supply all your n. 1 Thes. 4. 9. of love ye n. not that I write, 5.1. Heb. 4. 16. in time ot'^i. || 5. 12. n. of milk 7. 12. n. that another || 10. 36, n. of patience 1 Pet. 1. 6. if 7i.be |) 1 John 2, 27. | 3. 17. Rev. 3. 17. n. of notliing |l21. 23, no ii. 22. 5. NEEDED,]). John 2. 25. Acts 17. 25. NEEDEST, ETH. Gen. S3. 15. Luke 11. 8. John 13. 10. n. not, save [] 16. 30. n. not ask Eph. 4. 28. may have to give to him that n. 2Tim.2.15.7J.nottobe ashamedJlHeb. 7.27.77,.not NEEDFUL, a. Ezra 7. 20. n. for house of G. Luke 10. 42. one thing is n. jjActs 15. 5. n. to circ. Phil. 1.24. more 7i. II Jam. 2, 16. things 7i. for body Jude 3. it was 71. for me to write to you NEEDLE,.?. Mat.l9.24.Mark 10.25.Luke 18.25. NEEDLE-JFor/t\ Exod. 26. 36. j 27. 16-128. 30. \3e>.37. I 38.18. Judg. 5.30. Psal. 45. 14. NEEDS, V. Gen. 19. 9. n. be a judge, now will 31. 30. 71. be gone || 2 Sam. 14. 14, must n. die Jer. 10. 5. n. be borne || Matt. 18. 7. must n. Mark 13. 7. must n. be || Luke 14. 18. must ?i. go J/ms^ NEEDS. John 4.4. Acts 1. 16. | 17. 3.121. 22. Rom. 13. 5. I Cor. 5. 10. 2 Cor. 11, 30. NEEDY, a. Deut. 15. 11. open thy hand to thy ?z- 24. 14. poor and n. Job 24. 14. Psal. 35. 10. Job 24.4, turn the n. out of way, Isa. 10. 2. Psal. 9. 18. n. not forgotten [| 12. 5. sighing of 7t. 35. 10. who delivers poor and n. 72. 4, 13. 37. 14, cast down n. || 40. 17. 1 am n. 70. 5. 72. 4. he shall save children of the n. 13. 12. he shall deliver the n. 35. 10. | 82. 4. 74. 21, let n. praise j| 82. 3. do justice^to n. 86. 1. 1 am n. 109. 22. || 16. persecuted the n. 113. 7. he lifteth the n. out of the dunghill Prov. 30. 14. devour n. || 31. 9. plead for n. 20. Isa. 14. 30. and the n. shall lie down in safety 25. 4. strength to ii. \\ 26. 6. n. tread it down 32.7.71. speaketh right |1 41. 17. n. seek water Jer. 5. 28. right ofn. || 22. 16. he judged the n. Ezek. 16. 49. nor strengthen 7i. 18. 12. | 22. 29. Amos 4. 1. crush the ?i. 8. 4. || 8. 6. buy the n. NEESED, INGS^ s. 2 Kings 4. 35.-'Job 41. 18. NEGINOTH, A stringed instrument of music. The title of Psalm 4, 6, 54, 67, 76. NEGLECT,?;. Matt. 18. 17.7?. to hear church 1 Tim. 4. 14. n. not gift |1 Heb. 2. 3. if we n. so NEGLECTED, ING. Acts G. 1. Col. 2. 23. NEGLIGENT, a. 2 Chr. 29. 11.2 Pet. 1. 12. NEHELEMITE, A dreamer. Jer. 29. 24. NEHEMI AH, Consolation of the Lord. Ezra 2. 2. A^ came with Zerubabbel, Neh. 7. 7. Neb. 1. 1. words of A^. || 3. 16. A^. repaired 8. 9. N. the Tirshatha, 10. 1. 1| 12. 47. davs of N EHI LOTH, A musical pipe. Title of 5 th Psal. NEHUSHTA. 2 Kin. 24. 8. NEHU8HTAN, Brazen, or made of copper^ 2 Kin. 1 8. 4, NEIEL, Commotion of God. Josh, 19. 27. NEIGHBOUR, s. piit for, [1] One that dwells 7iear to us, 2 Kings 4. 3. [2} Ecenj mnn, Matt. S NEM 22. 39. [S] A fellow Uhourer, Acts 7. 27. [4] One that does us good, Luke 10. 36. Exod. 3. 22. every woman borrow of her n, 11. 2. i20.l6.not bear false witness against n,Deut.5.20. 21. 14. come on his n. || 22. 7. to?/, money, 8. 14, if borrow of w. || 26. n. raiment to pledge i Lev. 6. 2. deceived n. [| 18. 20. lie with ??. wife ! 1 9. 13. not defraud thy «,jjl5. shalt judge thy n. 17. rebuke thy n. |) 18. love thy «. as thyself 520. 10. adultery withn. wife, shall, Deut. 22. 24. 24. 19. blemish in his ».j|25.14.buyest ought of ?i. Deut. 4. 42. should kill his n. unawares, 19. 4. 5. 2 1. not covet w. wife]} 15. 2. lendeth to his n. 19. 11. if any hate his7j. ||14. thy n. land-mark 22. 26. riseth against w.|j23. 24. into n. vineyard 27. 17. cursed that removeth liis n. land-mark 24. cursed that smitelh his n. Josh. 20. 5. Ruth 4. 7. plucked off his shoe and gave to his n. 1 Sara. 15.28. given it to aw. of thine, 28. 17. 1 Kin. 8. 31. trespa.ss against n.\\ 20. 35. said to n. Job 12. 4. mocked of his 7i. |j 10. 21. plead for n. 31.9. or if I have laid wait at my w. door Psal. 12. 2. vanity each with his «.||15. 3. ] 101. 5. Prov.3.28. say not to n. go|j29. not evil against n. 6. 29. goeth to n. wife |) 11. 9. destroyeth his 7i. 11. 12. is void of wisdom despiseth his n. 14. 21. 12. 26. righteous is more excellent than his n. 14. 20. hated of his n. || 16. 29. enticeth his n. 18. 17.his n. searchethljl9.4.scparated from hisw. 21. 10. his n. findeth no favour |j 24. 28. | 2.5. 8. £5. 9. debate with n. |j 17. foot from thy n. house 18. bareth false witness agahist hisn. is a maul 26.19. deceiveth hisn.l|27. 10. better is a «. that 29.5. flattereth hisn. spreadeth a net for his feet Eccl.4.4. envied of his M.j|Isa.3.5. oppressed by n. Isa. 19. 2. fight against m. || 41. 6. helped his 7i. - Jer. 6. 21. the »t. and his friend perish || 7. 5.|9. 4. 9. 5. deceive his n. 8. || 20. teach n. lamentation 22. 8. they shall say every man to his n. 23. 35. 13.useth his 7j.service||23.27.tell every one to 7i. 31. 34. teach no more every man his w.Heb.8.11. S4. 15. in proclaiming liberty to his n. 17. 49. 18. Gomorrah,and the «. cities thereof,50.40. Ezek. 18. 16. defiled?*, wife, 11,15.122. ll.|33.26. Hab. 2. 15. wo to him that givcth his n. diink Zech.8. 16, speak truth ton. 17.||l4.13.hand ofn. Matt. 5. 43. thou shalt love thy n. 19. 19.|22. 39. Mark 12. 31. Luke 10. 27. Rom. 13. 9. Gal. 5. 14. Jam. 2. 8. Lnke 10. 29. who is jny n. \\ 36. n. to him that Acts 7. 27. he that did'his n. wrong thrust him Rom. 15. 2. let every one please his n. for his good Eph. 4. 25. speak every man truth with his «. NEIGHBOURS, 5. Josh. 9. 16. they were n. Ruth 4. 17. her n. (|2 Kin. 4. 3. borrow of thy n. PsaL28. 3. which speak peace to their n. but 31. U.areproachton.4-t. 13.|79. 4.|80.6,|89.4l. 79. 12. render to ourn. seven-fold into their bos. Jer. 12. 14. my evil n. |) 29. 2S. n. wives \\ 49. 10. Ezek. 22. 12. gained oi' n. jpIS. 5. doated on w. 12. Luke 1. 58. her n. heard || 14. 12. not thy rich n. 15. 6. calleth together his friends andn. 9. John 9. 8. n. and tliey who before had seen him NEIGHED, p. Jer. 5. 8. every one n. after his NEIGHING, S. Jer. 8. 16. ] 13. 27. NEKRB, ^ ;>?/)m?eem/« We, Acts 17. 11. [3] Rejioufned, Psal. 44. tl. Ezra 4. 10. 71. Asnappcr |) Estli. 6. 9. n. princes Jer. t. 21. a n. vine |) Luke 19. 12. a n. man John 4. 46. a n. man whose son was sick, 49. Acts 17.11. Bereansmore?/.||24.3. 7i. Felix, 26.2.5. 1 Cor. 1. ^6. how that not many n. are called NOBLES, s. Exod. 24. 1 1 . on n. laid not hand Num. 21. 18. n. digged it || Judg. 5. 13. over n. 1 Kin.21. 8. letters to n.||2 Chr. 23. 20. took the n. Neh. 2. 16. nor told it ii. \\ 3. 5. n. put not necks 5. 7. I rebuked ?i.\\6. 17. n. sent letters to Tob. 7. 5. to gather n. jj 10. 29. clave to n. |j 13. 17. Job 29. lb. the n. held their peace and their Psal. 83. 11. n. like Oreb \] 149. 8. to bind their ?^. Prov. 8. 16. 11. and judges |1 Eccl. 10- 17. son ofn. Isa. 13. 2. gates of ?t.||34. 12. call 7i.||43. 14. down Jer. 14. 3. n. sent jj 27. 20. canied captive n. 30. 21. 71. of themselves |j 39. 6. slew the n. Jonah 3. 7. decree of ?j. || Nah. 3. 1 8. n. in dust NOD, Fugitive. A country. Gen. 4. 16. NOD AH, A ivilling vow. i Chr. 5. 19. NOGAH, B7ightness.' 1 Chr. 3. 7. | 14.6. NOHAH, Resting, or a guide. 1 Chr. 8. 2. NOISE, s. Exod. 20. 18. people heard the n. 32. 17. 71. of war jj 18. «. of them that sing Josh. 6. 10. nor make ji.jjJudg. 5.11. n. of archers 1 Sam. 4. 6. meaneth 7i. \\ 14. 19. 7i. increased 1 Kings 1. 41. is this ii. 45. || 18. 1 4l. n. of rain 2 Kings 7. 6. n. of horses |j 11. 13. n. of guard 1 Chr. 15. 28. n. with psalteries |j Ezra 3. 13. Job 36. 33. n. thereof |j 37. 2. hear the n. Psal. 33. .3. play with loud n. \\ 40. t 2. pit of n. 42. 7. n. of water-spouts jj 55. 2. I make a n. 59. 6. they make a n. I4.|j65. 7. gtilleth «. of seas 66. 1. a joyful M. 81. 1. [ 95. 1. j 98. 4. | 100. 1. Isa. 9. 5. confused n. || 13. 4. tumultuous w. 14. 11. n. of viols jj 17. 12. like n. of seas 24. 8. n. endeth j) 18. fleeth from n. of fear 25. 5. bring down n. jj 29. 6. visited with n. 33. 3. at«. fled || Go. 6. a voice of w. from Jer. 4. 19. heart maketh a n. |j 29. flee for the n. 10. 22. 71. of bruit II 11. 16. n. of the tumult 25. 31. a 71. shall come jj 46. 17. king, but a n. 49. 21. at the n. of their fail, 50. 46. | 51. 55. Lam. 2. 7. enemy made a n. in house of Lord Ezek. 1. 24. n. of their wings, 3. 13. | 43. 2. 19. 7. 71. of his roaring || 26. 10. n. of horsemen 26. 13. n. of songs to cease |j 37. 7. there was a n. Joel 2. 5. liken, of fire || Amos 5 23. n. of songs Mic. 2. 12. make a great n. jj Nah. 3. 2. n. of whip Zeph. 1, 10. n. of a cry || Zech. 9- 15. make a n. Matt. 9. 23. making a n. jj 2 Pet. 3. 10. great «. Rev. 6. 1. I heard as it were the n. of thunder NOISED,;?. Jo.sh. 6. 27. his fame was 7i. thro* Mark 2. 1. it was n. Luke 1. 65. Acts 2. 6. NOISOME, «. Exod. 8.t21.n. beast, Ezek.14.21. Psal. 91. 3. n. pestilence jj Rev. 1 6. 2. a n. sore - NONE, a. Gen. 28. 17. n. other but house of God Exod. 20. .3. shalt have none other gods, Deut.5.7. Lev. 22. 30. leave n. |J 26. 6. n. make afraid 26. 17. ye shall flee when ?i. pursueth, 36, 37. Deut. 2. 34. we destroved, and left n. to remain, 3. 3. Josh. 8. 22. I 10. 28, 30, 33. | 11. 8. 28. 31. n. to resc'ue |j 66. n. assurance of life 1 Sam. 2. 2. 71. holy as the Lordj|3. 19. n. of words 2 Kin. 10. 1 9. let n. be wanting] j23. look there be 2 Chr. 20, 24. 7t. escaped || Job 11. 19. m. makeatr. Job 35. 10. n. saith where is G. || 19. n. giveth an.s. Psal. 10. 15. till thou find n. jj 2^2. 29. w. can keep 25. 3. let 71. that wait be ashamed, 34. 22. 37. 31. n. of his steps j| 49. 7. n. can redeem, 50. 22. n. to dehver || 69. 20. comforters, n. 76. 5. «. of the men jj 81. 11. would n. of me Prov. 1. 25. would 7?. of my reproof, 30. 2. 19. n. that go to herjj 3. 31. choose 7t, of his Song 4. 2. n. is barren || Isa. 1. 31. n. quench Isa. 5. 27. n. be weary jj 29. n. shall deliver it 14. 31. 71. be alonej{l7. 2. n. make afr. Zeph. 3. 13. 22. 22. n. shut, n. open j| 34. 10. n. pass thro' 34. 16. 71. want her mate jj 42. 22. n. delivereth 44. 1 9. 7?. considereth || 47. 8. n. else besides, 10, 47. 10. n. seeth me (j 15. n. shall save thee 57. 1. 71. considering jj 66. 4. n. did answer Jer. 4. 4. 7i. can quench it|j9. 10. n. pass thro', 12. 13. 19. n. shall open jj 14. 16. 7i. to bury them 23. 14. n. doth return from his wickedness 30. 10. n. make them afraid, 46. 27. Ezek. 34. 28. I 39. 26. Mic 4. 4. Nah. 2. 11. 34. 9. n. should serve himself of them, 10. 35. 14. drink ??. || 36. 30. ?i. to sit on the throne 42. 17, n. shall remain, 44. 14. | 51. 62. 50. 20. iniquity be n. \\ 29. let ??. thereof escape Lam. 1. 2. 72. to comfort her, 7, 17, 21. Ezek. 22. 30. I found n. || 33. 16. n. of his sins be 34. 6. n, did search |i 39. 28. left iu of theai KOR NOT if 07 Dan. 1. 19. w. like Daniel || 4. 35. n. can stay ^11. 45. n. shall help him || 12. 10. n. understand Hos 2. 10. n. shall deliver her cut of, 5. 14. Mic. 5. 8. 71. cau deliver jj Nah. 2. 8. n look back Matt. 12. 43. rest, and findeth n. Luke 11. 24. Luke 3. 11. thathatlin.||4. 26. to w.sent save 14. 24. n. shall taste j| 1 8. 1 9. n. is good, save John?. 19. M. keepeth!aw||17. 12. n. is lost, 18. 9. Acts 3. 6. iiold have I n. || 11. 19. preaching,- to n. 18. 17. Gallio cared for n. \\ 20. 24. n. of these Koni. 8. 9. is w. of his (| 14. 7. n. of us liveth to 1 Thes. 5. 15. n. render evi!]]l Tim. 5. 14. 71. occa. 1 Pet. 4. 15. let n. sutler [j Kev. 2. 10. fearw. of Thereis NONE Deut. 4. 35. the Lord is God, there is n. else, 30. 1 Kings 8. 60. Isa. 45. 5 6, 14, 18, 21, 22. j 46. 9. Mark 12. 32. 1 Sam. 22.8..n.shevveth rae[|lChr. 20.15.-?z.abid. Job 10. 7. -n. that can deliver, Psal. 7. 2,|71. 11. Psal. 14.1. -n. that doth good, 3.|53.1.Rom.3.l2. 22. 11. - n. to help || 73. 25. - n. on earth I desire Isa. 41. 17. seek water ,and- 7i.|j26.-7i. that sheweth 43. 13. - n. that can deUver |) 51. 18. - n. to guide 59. 11. but - 7J.||64. 7. - n. thatcalleth, Hos. 7. 7. Jcr. 30. l.S. - n. to plead )| Lam. 5. 8. - 71. that del. Dan. 10. 21.- n. that holdeth'jAmosS.S. -n. to raise Mic. 7. 2. - n. upriiihtjjZeph. 2. 13. - n. beside me Matt. 19. 17. -n. jrood but one||Mark 12.31. other Luke I. 61.-71. of thy kindre(lljActs4. 12. -7J.other Rom. 3. 10. -7i. riditeons || 11.- 71. understandeth 1 Cor. 8. 4. and thereis 71. other god but one There was NONE. Num. 21. 35. - w. left alive 2 .Sam. 22. 42. but - n. to vsave, Psal. 18. 41. Psal. 69. 20. - 71. to pity || 79. 3. - n. to bury them 107. 12. -«. to help II 139. 16. when as yet- ti. Isa. 10. 14. - tt. that moved || .50. 2. - n. to answer 63. 3. I trod wine-press alone, - 71. with, 5. NOON,.?, sififnifies. ^l'] Mid-dai/y Psal. 55. 17. [2] Clearly, moTiifesfly, Psal. 37. 6. [3] A thne 0/ great prosperity, Amos 8. 5. Gen. 43. 16. these men shall dine with me at 71. Judg. 19. 8. till after n. || 2 Sam. 4. 5. on bed at n. 1 Kings 18. 26. they called on Baal till 77. 27. 20. 16. went out at n. \\ 2 Kings 4. 20. till /?. Pial. 55. 17. at jj. I'll pray || Song 1.7. rest at 71. Jer. 6. 4. go up at 71. \\ Amos 8: 9. sun down at m. Acts '22. 6. about 7i. there shone a great light NOON-Da?/, s. Deut. 28. 29. grope at ?r- as Job S. 14. grope in n. - 1| 11. 17. clearer than 71. - Psal. 37. 6. judgment as N.-(i91. 6. wasteth at??. - Isa. I6.3.midstofw.-|j58.10.darkn.as??.-!jj0. 10. Jer. 15. 8. a spoiler at 11. -!|Zeph. 2.4.Ashd(Hl at n. - NOON-7>'rf('. Jer. 20.16. hearshoutingatn. - NOPH, A honey-comh. Isa. 19. 13. jfer. 2 16. I 46. 14, 19. Ezek. 30. 13, 16. "SOPH Wi, Fearful. Num.21. 30. NORTH, s. Gen. 28. 14. spread abroad to the «. 1 Kings 7. '■2r>. oxen looking to 7i. 2 Chr. 4. 4. 1 Chr. 9. 24. porters towards west, 71. and south Job 26. 7. stretcheth w. || '.jT. 9. cold out ofn. 22. Psal. 48. 2. on sides of jj. jj 89. 12. n. and south Keel. 1. 6. wind turneth to 11. \\ 11. 3. or to n. Isa. 14. 13. sides of 7J. II 43. 6. say to 71. give up Jer. 1. 13. face to n. \\ 14. out of w. 4. 6. | 46. 20 15. kingdoms of??, jj 3. 12. proclaim to the 71. 3. 18. come out of jj. || 6. 1. evil out of the n. 23. 8. n. country, 31. 8. | 46- 10. Zech. 6. 6, 8. iJo. 9. families of JJ. {] 26. Kings of /t. drink Jer. 46. 6. fall to the n.[|24. delivered to the m 47. 2. waters rise out of 7i.||50. 3. out of 7i. Ezek. 1. 4. whirlvtind outof «. i| 8.5. eyes to jr. 20. 47. all faces from south to n. be burnt, 21. 4. 32. 30. princes of ?i. |j 40. 44. prospect to n, 41. 11. one door was toward the n. 42. 1,4. 42. 11. chauibers toward the ji. 13. | 46. 19. 48. 10. oblation towards ?j. j| 17. suburbs 250 Dan. 11. 6. king of the ??. 8, 11, 13, 15, 40. 44. tidings out ofn. || Zeph. 2. 13. against n. Zech. 14. 4. remove to/j.i^Rev. 21. 13. on ti. 3 gates Fj-ojh the NORTH. Psal. 107. 3. gathered - n. and south, Isa. 49. 12. Jer. 16. 15. | 23. 8. Isa. 14. 31. come - n.\\ 41. 25. I raised up one -n. Jer. 4. 6. evil- 71. 6. 22. 1 10. 22. | 50. 9. 1 51. 43. ICzek. 26. 7. king of kings - jj. || 39. 2. - n. parts Zech. ■!. 6. flee - n. jj Luke 13. 29. come - 71. and NORTH-Border,s. Num. 34.7,9. NORTH-Qj/fl.'ter, s. Josh. 15. 5. Ezek. 38. 6. 'SORTH'Side, s. Exod. 26 20, 35. Num. 2. 25. Josh. 8. 11. Judg. 7. 1. 1 21. 19. 2 Kings 16. 14. Ezek. 42. 17.1 48.30. NORTHERN, a. Jer. 15. 12. Joel 2. 20. NORTHWARD,(i.Gen.l3.14.1ook7i.Deut.3.2r. Exod. 40. 22. tabernacle n. jjLev. 1. 11. altar ti. Deut. 2. 3. turn you ??. |j 1 Sam. 14. 5. situate 7z. 1 Chr. 26. 14. Zechariah's lot came out n. 17. Ezek. 8. 5. 7j. was image || 47. 2. gate 71. 48. 31. NOR THWARDS. Num. 3. 35. pitch k. NORTH-WIND. Prov. 25. 23. Song 4. 16. NOSE, s. Lev. 21. IS. aflat n. or any thing 2 Kings 19. 28. put my hook in tiiy 7J. Isa. 37. 2?. Job 40. 24. n. pierceth || 41 . 2. hook in his 7i. Prov. 30.33. wringing of 7J. bringeth forth blood Song 7. 4. JJ. as tower of Leb. || 8. smell of thy n. Isa. G5. 5. these are a smoke in my n. a fire Ezek. 8. 17. put branch to jj. || 23. 25. take thy n. NOSES, s. Psal. 1156. jj. have they, but smell not Ezek. 39. 1 1. it shall stop the tj. of the passengers ^OSE-Jewels, s. Isa. 3.21. take their n. - NOSTRILS, s. Gen. 2. 7. breathed in 71. || 7.22. Exod. 15. 8. blast ofjj. || Num. 11. 20. out atji, 2 Sam. 22. 9. smoke out of his??. 16. Psal. 18. 8, Job 4. 9. by breath ofn. || 27. 3. spirit in my n, 39. 20. glory of his n. \\ 41. 20. out of his 7t. Isa. 2. 22. from nran, whose breath is in his tj. Lam. 4. 20. breath of 71. || Amos 4. 10. stink in n. NOT, ad. A negative particle^ or a particle or de- jJVJ/J.e', Exod. 20. 4, — 17. NOTABLE, «. Dan. 8. 5. had a n. horn, 8. i\Iatt. 27. 16. and they had then a jj. prisoner Acts 2 20. 7J. day of the Lord || 4. 16. tj. miracle NOTE, ED, p. Isa. 30. 8. 7?,. it in a book that it Dan. 10. 21. n. in scripture!l'2 Thes. 3. 14. 7«. that NOTE, s. Rom, 16. 7. of jj. among the apostles NOTHING, s.signities, [I] Not a}iythi7ig,J\\dg. 14. 6. [yjForjjo service, Matt. 5. 13. [3] Of no force to Iw-.d or oblige, Matt. 23. 16 [4] False and groimdlcss, Acts 21. 24. [5] Nodivbie powe7', jjo God, 1 Cor. 8. 4. Gen. 19. 8. to these men do n. \\ 40. 15.1 done ^. Exod. 12. 10. let JJ. remain || 16. J 8. had ?j. over 21. 2. go free for jj. j| 22. 3. if ye have jj. thea Num. 16. 26. touch jj. || 22. loTlet jj. hinder Deut. 2. 7. thou hast lacked jj. Neh. 9- 21. 20. 16- save alive jj. jj 28. 55. tj. left him in Josh. 11. 15. Joshua left 7j. commanded undone ¥OT NUM Judsr. 3. 2. sutk as knew w. |( 14. 6. w. in Lis ban J 1 Sam. 3. 18. Samnel hid n. \\ 20. 2. fath. will don. 25. 21 . ?e. was missed, 30. 19. || 30. she told n. 2 Sam. 12. 3. n. save one ewe-lamb j|24. 24. cost w. 1 Kings 4 27. lacked w. || S. 9. was n. in the ark 10. 21. «. accounted ||1 ] . 22. answ, n. Luke 22. 35. 22. IG. tell me n. but truth, 2 Chr. IS. 15. 2 King."? 10. 10, fail n. to earth of word of the Lord 20. 17. be carried away, n. be left, Isa. 39. 2, 6. 2 Chr. 9. 2. w. hid from Solomonl|l4. 11. n. to help Ezra 4. 3. yehave n. to do with us in building Neh. 2. 2. »i. but sorrow || 5. 8. found n. to answer 8. 10. send portions for whom n. is prepared Esth. 5. 13. avails me w. || 6. 10. let n. fail of all Job 6. 18. go ton. || 21. ye are n. l\ 8. 9. know n. 524. 25. speech n. vvorth(|26. 7. hangs earth on n« 84. 9. he hath said it profiteth a man n. that Psal. 17. 3- shall find 7i. [| 39. 5. my age is as n. 49. 17. carry n. away || ll-,\ 165. n. offend Prov. 9. 13. she knoweth n.yiO. 2. wick, profit n. 13. 4. Iiath n. 7. \ 20. 4. (| 22. 27. has n. to pay Eccl. 3. 14. 7i. be put to it (| 5. \5.n. of his labour 6. 2. he wanteth n. || 7. 14. should find n. after Isa. 34. 12. her princes shall beM.|j40. 17. are as n. 40. 23. that bringeth princes to n. 41. 11, 12. 41. 24. ye are of w. 1| 29. their works are n. 43. 1 10. n. formed |j 44. 10. profitable for n. Jei*. 10. 24. not in anger, lest thou bring me to n. 13. 7. the girdle was profitable for 7i. 10. S2. 23. done w. ofall || 38. 14. hide w.frora 42. 4. I'll keep back n. \\ 50. 26. let n. be left Lam. 1. 12. is itn. || Ezek. 13. 3. prophets seen w. Dan. 4. 35. reputed as n. \\ Joel 2. 3. n. escape Amos 3. 4. if taken n. 5. || 7. Lord will do n. Hag. 2. 3. is it not in comparison of it as n. ! Matt. 5.13.good for«.||l5. 32./«. to eat,Mark 6.36. 21. 19. found n. thereon but leaves, Mark 11.13. 23. 16. whoso swear by the temple, it is n. 18. 27. 12. he answered n. Mark 14. 60. 1 15. 3, 4. 19. have thou n. to do || 24. prevail n. but .Mark 1. 44. say n. to any man || 5. 26. n. bettered 6. 8. should take n. for their journey, Luke 9. 3. Luke 1. 37. w. impossible || 4. 2. he did eatw. .5. 5. taken n. \\ 7. 42. n. to pay, he frankly 10. 19. w. shall hurt || 11.6. 1 have n. to set 23. 15. n. worthy of death, Acts 23. 29. | 25. 25- 41. but this man hath done n. amiss John 3. 27. can receive n.\\5. 19. Son can do n. SO. 6. 12. that n. be lost i| 39. I should lose n. but 63. flesh profiteth n. \\ 8. 28. 1 do n. of myself 8. 54. my honour is n. \\ 9. 33. he could do 7i. -. 11. 49. ye known. II 12. 19. ye prevail ?i. 14. 30. hath n. in me || 15. 5. ye can do n. 16. v3. ye shall ask n. \\ 24. ye asked n. in 18. 20. in secret I said n. \\ 21. 3. caught n. Acts 4. 14. could say n. j| 21. finding n. how 10. 20. go, doubting w. 11. 12.||17. 21. in ?<. else 19. 36. do n. rash]y^|| 20. 20. 1 kept w. back 21 . 24. those things are ?i.||23. 14. eat n. 27. 33. taken 7?. || 28.17. iCor. 1. 19. bring to n. \ 4. 5. judge n. before || 7. 8. 2. he knoweth n. as || 9. 16./L to glory of I! 13 2 Cor. 6. 10. as having n. 8. 15. had 77,. over II 13 Gal. 2. 6. added n. (j 4. 1. differeth n, from I committed n. 4. 4. 1 know n. by 19. circumcision is n. 4. an idol is n. in the w, 2.1 am 71. 2Cor. 12. 11. II 7. 9. damage in 71. 8. do 71. against truth Gal. 5. 2. profit you 7t. || 6- 3. when he is n. he Phil. 1. 20. in n. ashamed || 28. in n. terrified 2. 3. n. done thro' strife || 4. 6. careful for n. 1 Thes. 4. 12. lack of n. J| 1 Tim, 4. 4. n. to be vet 1 Tim. 6.4. proud, knowing n. \\7. can carry n. Tit. 1. 16. is n. pnre||3. 13. n. be wanting Philem. 14. would I do n. \\ Heb. 2, 8. he left^.. Heb, 7. 14. Moses spake ?i.|| 19, niadejz. perfect Jam. 1. 4. entire, wanting n \\ 6. 7z. wavering 3 John 7. taking n. \\ Rev. 3. 17. need of n. There is NOTHING. Num. 1 1. 6. - 7i, besides 1 Sam. 27. 1. - n. better [j 1 Kin. 18. 43. .said, - n. 2 Kings 20. 15. - n. among my treasures, Isa. 39,4. PsaI.19. 6. >7i.hid from heat|| Prov. 8. 8. n. frow. Eccl. 2. 24. - n. better for a man, 3. 22. || 5. 14. Jer. 32.17. -7i. too hard ||Matt.]0.26. -n. covered Mark7.15.-7i.withouta man dtfileth, Rom.l4.14. NOTWITHSTANDING, c. Exod. 16. 20. |21. 21. Deut. 1. 26. 1 Sara. 2. 2.5. 1 Kings 11. ' 12. 2 Kings 17. 14. Jer. 35. 14. Matt 2. 22. I 11. 11. I 17. 27. Luke 10. 11,20. PhiLl.18. I 4. 14. 1 Tim. 2. 15. 2 Tim. 4. 17. Jam.2.15. Rev, 2. 20. N OUGHT, see Naught. NOVICE, s. A yotmg convert. I Tim, 3. 6, NOURISH, V. signifies, [1] To maintain, Gen. 47. 12. [2] To educate. Acts 7. 21. i 3] To irt- struct, 1 Tim. 4. 6. [4] Cherish, Ruth 4. 15. Gen. 45. U. and there will I n. thee, .50. 21. Isa. 7. 21. n. a young cow || 23. 4. nor iu \\ 44. 14. NOURISHED, p. Gen. 47. 1 2. Joseph 7i. father 2 Sam. 12. 3. lamb be n. \ Isa. 1. 2. I have n. Ezek,19. 2. 71. her whelps | Acts 7. 20. Moses was Acts 12. 20. country n. || 1 Tun. 4. 6. n. in faith Jam. 5. 5. n. hearts || Rev. 12. 14. 7i. for a time NOURISHER, S, a. Ruth 4, 15. shall be a n. 2 Kinss lO.tl. Isa. 49.t23. Jer. 46.t25. NOURISHETH, v. Eph. 5. 29. n. his flesh NOURISHING, p. Dan. 1. 5. iNah. 3.t8. NOURISHMENT, s. CoK 2. 19 NUMBER, s. Gen. 34. 30. few in n. 41. 49. without n. Judg. 6. 5. | 7. 12. Exod.12.4. tow. of souls, 16. 16.||23. 26.71. of days N um. 1. 2. 7z. of their names, 1 8, 20, — 42. ,. 3.22. 11. of males from a month old, 28,34,40,43. 48. odd 71. redeemed j| 14. 29. whole n. from 15. 12. according to their n. 29. 18, — 37. 23. 10. who can 7i. the fourth part of Israel Deut. 4. 27. few in n. 28. 62. Psal. 105. 12. 7. 7. more in n. \\ 25. 2. beaten by a certain n. 32. 8. set bounds according to ii. Josh. 4. 5. 1 Sam. 6. 4, n. of lords || 18. to the n. of cities 2 8am. 2. 15. by n. twelve!l24. 9. sum of the 7i. 1 Chr. 7. 9. n. of them after their genealogy, 40, 22. 16. of gold no 11. Ii 23. 3.n. by their polls 23. 31. set feasts by n. \\ 25. 1. 7i. of workmen 25. 7. n. instructed in songs || 27, 23. not the n. 2 Chr. 26. 12. n. of chief tathers |J30. 24. priestsj Ezra 1. 9. n. of vessels || 2. 2, men || 3- 4. by n. 6.17. 11. of tribes l| 8. 34. by n. and weight Job 1. .5. according to i\\Qn. |j3. 6. n. of months 5. 9. marvellous things without 7i. 9. 10. 14. 5.7i. of his months jl 15. 20. 7^.ofyears is 25. 3. auy n. of his armies || 31. 37. the n. of 34. 24. without 72. Song 6. 8. Jer. 2. 32. 36. 26. nor n. searched || 38. 21. 7^ of thy days Psal. 105. 34. and that without n. Joel 1. 6. having n. NYM OAT LfO^ J?sal. 139. 18. more in n. j| 147. 4. n. of the stars Isa. ai. 17. n. of archers]] 40. 26. host by n. 65. 11. to that n. \\ Jer. 2. 28. as n. of cities Jer. 11. 13. «. of streets |j 44. 28. small n. return Exek. 4. 4. n. of days, 5. 9.\\ 5. 3. few in 7i. Dan. 9. 2. I understood by books the n. of years Hos. 1. 10. n. of Israel be as the sand, Rom. 9.27. Nah. 3. 3. a treat 7j. Ji Luke 22. 3. Judas, of the 7i. John 6. 10. men sat down in n. 5000, Acts 4. 4 Acts 1. 15. 7i. were 120 || 5. 36. a ?i. joined, 7. 6. l.n. of dii-ciples j| 11. 21. a great n. 16. 5. 2 Cor. 10. 12. of the 71. |1 1 Tim. 5. 9. taken into 7i. Rev. 5. 11. 7». of them was 10,000 times 10,000 7. 4. 1 heard the n. || 9. 16. n. of the army 13. 17. 71. of his name || 18. count the7t. of beast it is the n. of a man, and his n. is 666 15. 2. 71. of the beast || 20. 8.n. of Gog as sand NUMBER, 75. Gen. 13. I6.if7i. 15. 5. Lev. 15. 13. 71. seven days, 28. ||23. 16. n. 50 days Num. 1. 3. Aaron 71. them || 49. not n. Levi 3. 15. 71. Levi II 40. 71. all the first-born males 4. 23. until fifty ii. || 29. sons ofMerari ?i. 37. Deut. 16. 9. seven weeks 7i.||l Sam. 14. 17. n. and 2 Sam. 24. 1 . go 7i. Israel and Judah, 1 Chr. 21. 1. 1 Kmgs 20. 25. 71. an army like the army lost Job 38. 37. who can 7i. [| 39. 2. canst thou 7z. .? Ps. 90.1 2. so teach us to 7i ||Isa. 65. 12. n.io sword Rev. 7. 9. a multitude, which no man could 7i. NUMBERS, s. 1 Chr. 12. 23. 2 Chr. 17. 14. Ps^l. 71. 1.5. for I know not the 7?. thereof NUMBERED,/). Gen. 13. 16. seed also be 7i. 16. 10. it shall not be 7i. for multitude, 32. 12. Exod. 30. 13. them that are 7i. 14. | 38. 25, 26. Num. 1.19. he n. them in the wilderness of Sinai 21. those that were 7i. 23, 44, 46. | 'i. 4,-30. 47. Levites not ji. || 2. 9. all that were n. 16. 3. 16. Moses 7i.jj39. n. of Levites 22,000, 42. 4. 34. 71. Kohathites || 38.of Gershonites 42. n. ofMerari || 45. these Moses ii. 46. 14. 29. carcases fall all 7i ||^6. 51. these Avere n. 26. 57. n. ofLevites || 63. Moses and Eleazar n. Josh. 8. 10. Joshua n. || Judg. 20. 15. Benj. were ii. 1 Sam. 11. 8. 71. in Bezek || 15. 4. Saul n. 200,000 2 Sam. 18. 1. David n. || 24. 10. after he had 7i. 1 Kings 3. 8. cannot be n. 8. 5. 2 Chr. 5. 6. 20. 15. 71. princes || 26. Benhadad ii. 27. 2 Kings 3. 6. and king Jehoram n. all Israel 1 Chr. 21. 17. come to be 7i.|j23. 3. Levites n. 27. 2 Chr. 2. 17. 7i. strangers |j 25. 5. n. from twenty Ezra 1. 8. n. vessels || Psal. 40. 5. than can be 7i. Eccl. 1. 15. that which is wanting cannot be 7i. Lsa. 53. 12. n. with transgressors, Mark 15. 28. Jer. 33. 22. cannot be 7i.|| Dan. 5.26. God hath w. Hos. 1. 10. as sand of sea which cannot be n. Matt. 10. SO.hairsof your head all7i. Luke 12. 7. Acts 1 . 17. 72. with us II 26. Matthias was n. NUMBEREST, »;. Exod. 30. 12. Job 14. 16. NUMBERING, p. Gen. 41. 49. 2 Chr. 2. 17. NUN, Son, posterity, stock. Exod. 33. 11. NURSE, ED. Gen. 24. 59. Rebekah n. 35. 8. Exod. 2. 7. shall I call a 7i. \\ 9. 7i. it for me Ruth 4. 16. became 7i, || 2 Sam. 4. 4. his 7i. fled SKings 11.2. they hid him and his 7i. 2 Chr. 22. 11. Isa. 60. 4. n. at thy side||l Thes. 2.7. gentle, as a n. NURSING, p. Num. 11. 12. Isa. 49. 23. NURTURE, s. Eph. 6. 4. n. of the Lord NUTS, s. Gen. 43. 11. Song 6. 11. ^YUVn^S, A bridegroom. Col. 4. 15. 53 o. IS an interjection, or note of exclamation^ admiration, desh^e, joy, grief, love, derision, and sorj'ow. Gen. 17. 18. Deut. 5. 29. 1 33. 23. 2 Sam. 23. 15. Job 6. 8 |23. 3, I 29. 2. Psal. 14. 7. \ 106. 4. 1 107. 8. I 119. 5, 97. Isa. 48. 18. Jer. 44. 4. Matt. 23. 34. OAK, S, s. Gen. 35. 4. under an o. 8. Josh. 24. 26. Judg. 6. 11. 2 Sam. 18. 9. 1 Kings 13. 14. 1 Chr. 10. 12. Ezek. 6. 13. Hos. 4. 13. Isa. 1. 29. ashamed of the o. |) 30. be as an o. 2. 13. 0. of Bashan, Ezek. 27. 6. Zech. 11.2. 6. 13. as a teil tree, or o. || 44. 14. taketh the o. Amos'g. 9. the Amorite was strong as the o. OAR, S, s. Instruments used in roicing boats. Isa. S3. 21. no galley with o. || Ezek. 27. 6, 29. OATH, s. Is a solemn action, ivkereby we call on God to tvitness the truth of tchat we affirm, Heb. 6. 16. It is spoken, I. Of God the Father, ivho sware, [I] To his Son the Me- diator, that he should be his only and etei'iml. Priest, Psal. 110. 4. Heb. 7. 21. ,2] To men, either in love. Gen. 22. 16, 17. Heb. 6. 17. or wrath, Psal. 95. 11. II. Of men, who, when called to it, ought to swear, []1] Re- ligiously, by God only, Deut. 6. 13. [2] i?e- r^rew^/?/, Eccl. 9. 2. [3] Cautiously, Gen. 24. 5, 8. \_4:^ Sincerely faithfully and justly, Jer. 4. 2. These words were used in swearing : As the Lord livcth, Judg. 8. 19. Ruth 3. 13. ^ God is my tvitness, Rom. 1. 9. Phil. 1.8. God knoweth, 2 Cor. 11.11,31. " ' . Behold, before God, I lie not, Gal. 1 . 20. As the truth of Christ is in me, 2 Cor. 11. 10. Verily, verily, I say unto you, John 1. 51. The Lord forbid, 1 Sam. 24.6. 1 Kings 21. 3. God do so to me, and more also, 1 Kings 2. 23. Gen. 24. 8. shall be clear from this my o. 41. 26. 3. I'll perform the o. which I sware td Abraham, Deut. 7. 8. Psal. 105. 9. Jer. 11.5. * 28. let there be an o. j| 50. 25. took an o. of Exod. 22. 11. 0. between Ij Lev. 5. 4. pronounce Num. 5. 19. charge her by o. || 21. a curse and. o. 30. 2. if swear an o. || 13. every binding o. to Deut 29. 12. o. the Lord maketh with thee, 14* . Josh. 2. 17. blameless of thy o.20.!|9.20. because of Judg. 21. 5. a great o. || 1 Sam; 14. 26. feared o. 1 Sam. 14.27. father charged people with the o.28; 2Sam.21.7. because of o.jjl Kin. 2. 43. not kept &. 1 Kings 8. 31. 0. be laid on him || 18. 10. took an &. 2 Kings 11. 4. took an o. of them, Neh. 5. 12. I Chr. 16. 16. mindful of o. || 2 Chr. 15. 15.rej. at Neh. 10. 29. entered into an o. to walk in God's Eccl. 8. 2. 0. of God || 9. 2. that feareth an o. Ezek. 16. 59. who hast despised the o. 17. 18, 19. 17. 13. taken an o. i| 16. whose o. he despised Dan. 9. 11. 0. writ, in law || Zech. 8. 17. false o. Matt. 14. 7. he promised with an o. to give hcj. 9, nevertheless for the o. sake, Mark 6.2 6 26. 72, denied with an tr. !| Luke 1. 73. the OBE OBS Acts S. 30. sworn with o. || 23. 21. bound with o. Heb. 6. 16. ano, for coniirmation is an end, 17, 7, 20. without an o. 21. jj 28. o. since the law Jam. 5. 12. swear not by earth, noi any otiier o. OATHS, s. Ezek. 21. 23. Hab. 3. 9. Matt. 5. SS. OBADIAH, Servant of the Lord. 1 Kin.18. 3. Ahab called 0.j|4. O. took lOOproph. 7. as O. was in the way, behold Elijah, 16. 1 Chr. 3. 21. sons of O. 7. 3. j 8. 33. | 9. 16, 44. 27. 19. son of O. || 12. 9. O. the second 2 Chr. 17. 7. sent to O. to teachjj 34. 12. overseer Ezra 8. 9. O. went up || Neh. 10- 5. O. sealed Neh. 14. 25. was porter || Obad. 1. vision of O. OBAL, Inconvenience of old age. Gen. 10. 2S. OBED, A servant. Ruth 4. 17. his name O. 21. 1 Chr. 2.12. Mat. 1. 5. 1 Chr. 2. 37. begat 0.||'26. 7. sons of Shemaiah, O. 1 1. 47. O. one of David's valiant men 2 Chr. 23. l.sonofO. i| Luke 3. 32. son of O. OBED-EDOM, Serrant o/Edom. 2 Sam. 6. 10. ark to 0. 11. 1 Chr. 13. 13, 14. 12. Ark fr(Mn house of O. 1 Chr. 15. 25. 1 Chr. 15. 18. O. a' porter, 24. || 21. with harp 16. 5. O. with harps || 38. O. porters 26. 4. sons of O. 8. i| 15. lot fell to O. 2 Chr. 25. 24. Joashtook vessels found with O. OBEDIENCE, s. is two-fold, I. That which is given to God, and is spoken, [1] Of Christ's compleat conformity to the divine law, in its precepts and penalties, bij the imputation of which siniiers are justified before God, Rom. 5. 18, 19. [2] Of angels, Psal. 103. 20. Matt. 6.10. [3] Of the involuntary obedience which wicked men and devils are forced to yield unto God, Exod. 11. 1. I 12. 31. Mark 1. 27. [4J Of the obedience of good men, xchich consists, (l) In believing the gospel, Rom. 1. 5. | 16.26. (2) In a conformity of heart and life to the will of God, Rom. 6. 16. [5] Of the subjection of all creatures to the command of God, Gen. 7. 9. 1 Kings 17.4. Psal. 105. 30, 31. Matt. 2. 26. II. That which is due to man, [I] -By un- reasonable creatures. Jam. 3. 3. [2j By infe- riors to their superiors, Rom. 13. 1. Eph. 6. 1, 5. Tit. 2. 5. Heb. 13. 17. 2Sam.22.t45. feigned 0. Psal 18.t44. | 66. t3. Rom. 1. 5. for o. to faith |) 5. 19. by o. of one 6. 16. or o.to right. || 16. 19. o. is come abroad 16. 26. for 0. of faith |1 1 Cor. 14. 34. under o. 2 Cor. 7. 15.0. of you all II 10. 5. to o. of Christ 10. 6. your o. |j Philem. 21. confidence in thy o. Heb. 5. 8. learned o. || l Pet. 1. 2. of Spirit to o. OBEDIENT, a. Exod. 24. 7. and will be o. Num. 27. 20. may be o. Dent. 4. 30. | 8. 20. 2 Sam. 22.45. strangei-s beo. || Prov. 25. 12. o. ear Isa. 1. 19. willing and o. || 42. 24. nor were o. Acts 6. 7. priests o. || Rom. 15. 18. Gentiles o. 2 Cor. 2. 9. might know whether ye be o. in all Eph. 6. 5. servants to be o. masters, Tit. 2. 9. Phil. 2. 8. Christ became o. to death of cross Tit. 2. 5. wives be o. \\l Pet. 1. 14. as o. children OBEY, v. Gen. 27.8. my son, o. my voice, 1 3. 43. Exod. 5. 2. that 1 should o. |j 19. 5. if ye wiilo. 23. 21. 0. his voice || 22, if shalt o. his voice Deut. 11. 27. a blessing, if ye o. the comm. of L. 28. a curse if ye will not o. 28. 62. 1 Sam. 12. 15. Job 36. 12. Jer. 12. 17. j 18. 10. Deut. 13. 4. 9. his v. 27.10.|30.2,8. iSam. 12. 14. 21. 18. will not 0. 20. |j 30. 20. mayest o. his v. Josh. 24. 24. will we o.jjl Sam. 8. 19. refused too. 1 Sam. 15. 19. vvherefore not o.|:22. to o.is better Neh. 9. 17. refused to o. Jer. 42. 13. Dan. 9. 11. Job 36* 11. if they o. j| Psal. 18. 44. they shall o. Prov. 30. 17. despiseth to o. || Isa. 11. 14. shall o. Jer. 7. 23. o. my voice, 11.4. | 26. 13. I 38. 20. 35. 14. the Rechabites o. \\ 42. 6. we will o. L. Dan. 7. 27. all dominions shall serve and o. him Matt.8.27. winds and sea o. MfUk4.4l.Luke 8.25. Mark 1. 27. unci. spirits o. || Luke 1 7. 6. it shad o. Acts 5. 29. we ought to o. God |{ 32. them thato. 7 . 39. would not o.||Rom. 2. S. do not o. the truth Rom. 6. 12. 0. it in the lusts || 16. servants to o. Gal.3. 1. bewitched you, that ye siiould noto. 5.7. Eph. 6. 1. children 0. parents. Col. 3. 20, 22. 2 Thes. 1. 8. 0. not the gospel || 3. 14. if any o. not Tit. 3. 1. to 0. magistrates j| Heb. 5. 9. all that o. Heb. 13. 17. 0. them that rule || Jam. 3. 3. may o. 1 Pet. 3. 1. if any o. not j| 4. 1 7. o. not the gospel OBEYED, p. Gen. 2-2. 18. thou hast o. 26. 5. 28. 7. Jacob o.jjjosh. 5. 6. o. notjj 22. 2. have'o. Judg. 2. 2. not 0. my voice, 6. 10. 1 Kings 20. 36. 2 Kings 18. 12. Prov. 5. 13. Jer. 3. 13, 25. I 9. 13. j 11. 8. j 17. 23. \ 32. 23. | 40. 3.|42. 21. I 43. 4, 7. I 44. 23. Dan. 9. 10. Zeph. 3. 2. 1 Sam. 15. 20. 1 have o. 24. ||28. 21. band-maid o. I Chr. 29. 23. all Israel o. || 2 Chr 11,4. they ©. Jer. 34, 10. then they o. || 35. 18. because ye o. Dan. 9. 10. nor have we o. |)Hag. 1. 12. people o. Acts 5. 36. as many as o. || Rom. 6. 17. o. fr. heart Rom. 10. 16. have not all o. |j Phil. 2. 12. ye o. Heb. 11. 8. Abraham o.||l Pet. 3. 6. Sarah o. Ab. OBEYEDST,j». 1 Sam. 28. 18. Jer. 22. 21. OBEYETH, V. Isa. 50. 10. o. voice of hi* servant Jer, 7. 28. o. not the L. || 11. 3. cursed that o. not OBEYING, p. 1 Sam. 15. 2'2, as in o. voice of 1 Pet. 1. 22. purified your souls in o. the truth OBEISANCE, s. Gen. 37.7. o. to my sheaf, 9. 43. 28. 0. to Joseph || Exod. 18. 7. Moses did s. 2 Sam. 1. 2. 0. to David, 14. 4. || 15. 5. to do o. 1 Kings 1.16, Bath-sheba did o. || 2 Cor, 24. 17. OBJECT, I'. Acts 24. 19. and o. if they had ought OBIL, Born, carried, sorroirful. 1 Chr. 27. 30, OBLATION, s. Lev. 2. 7. Isa. 19. 21. [ 40. 20. I 66. 3. Jer. 14. 12. Ezek. 44. 20. | 45. 1, 18. 16. Dan. 2. 46. | 9. 27. OBLATIONS, s. Given to God. Lev.7.38. 2 Chr. 31. 14. Isa. 1. 13. Ezek. 20. 40. | 44.30. OBOTH, Dragons wombs, or Magicians. Num. 21. 10, 11. I 33. 43, 44. OBSCURE, a. Prov. 20. 20. in o. darkness OBSCURITY, s. Isa. 29. 18. | 58. 10. | 59. 9. OBSERVATION, s. Mai. 3.tl4. Luke 17. 20. OBSERVATIONS. Exod. 12.t42. Neb. I3.tl4. OBSERVE, V. Exod. 12. 17. ye shall o. the feast of unleavened bread, 24. Deut. 16. 1. 31. 16. 0. sabbath || 34. 22. o. feast of weeks 34. 11. 0. that I command, Deut, 12. 28. j 24.8. Lev. 19. 26. nor o. times j| 37. o. all ray statutes, Neh. 1. 5. Psal. 105. 45. Ezek. 37. 24. Num. 28. 2. o. to offer j| Deut. 16. 13. o. feasts 1 Kin. 20. 33. did diligently o.jjPsal. 5.t8. | 54-15. Psal. 107. 43. wise, and will o. (j 119. 34. 1 shall o. Prov. 23. 26. o.my ways || Jer. 8. 7. swallow o. OFF OFF fll Hos. 15. 7. I'll 0. them || Jonah 2. 8. o. lying van. Matt 23. 3. that o. and do || 28. 20. o. all things Acts 16. 21. not lawful to o. |j 21. 25- o. no such Gal. 4. 10. ye o. days(| 1 Tim. 5. 21. o. these things OBSERVED,;^. Gen.37. 11. Jacob o. thesaying Exod. 12. 42. a night to be o.HNum. 15. 22. not o. Deut. 33. 9. Levi o. j) 2 Sam. 11.16. Joab o. city 2 Jtiings 21. 6. Manasseh o. times, 2 Chr. 33. 6. Hos. 14. 8. I have heard him and o. him, I am Mark 6. 20. Herod o. John || 10. 20. all these I o. OB.SEKVER,S,5. Deut. 18. 10, U. Psal.59.tlO. OBSERVES!', v. Job 13. t 27. Isa. 42. 20. OBSERVETH, v. Eccl. 11.4. he that o. wind OBSTINATE, a. Deut. 2. 30. Isa. 48. 4. OBTAIN, «. Gen. 16. 2. o. children by her 1 Chr. 29.tl4. 0. strength || Prov. 8. 35. », favour Isa. 35. 10. 0. joy, 51. 11. |1 Dan. 11.21. o. king. Luke 20. 3.^. worthy to o.JlKom. 11. 31. o. mercy 1 Cor. 9. 24. so run, that ye may o. 25. 1 Thes. 5. 9. too. salvation by our L.2Tim.2.10. Heb. 4. 16.0. mercy II 11. 35. o. better resurrect. Jam. 4. 2. ye desn e to have, and cannot o. ye OBTAINED, ;>, Neh. 13. 6. 1 o. leave of king Esth. -2. 9. Esther 0. iZ.jjHos. 2. 23- not o.'mercy Acts 1. 17. 0. part of || 22. 28. with great sum o. 26. 22. 0. help of God || 27. 13. o. purpose Rom. 11. 7. election o. || 30. now o. mercy thro' 1 Cor. 7. 25. 0. mercy || Eph. 1. 11. o. inlieritance 1 Tim. 1. 13. 1 0. mercy || Heb. 1. 4 o. a more Heb.6.15.o. the pron\ises|| 8. 6. o. a more excell. 9. 12. 0. eternal redemption \\\\. 2. elders o. 39. 11.4, Abel 0. witness |j So. o. promises, stopped 1 Pet. 2. 10. not 0. mercy, now have o. mercy 2 Pet. 1, 1. have cu like precious faith with us OBTAINING, p. 2 Thes. 2. 14. o. of the glory OCCASION, s. Gen. 43. 1.8. he may seek o. ag. Judg. 9. 33. do as thou shalt find o. l Sam. 10. 7. 14. 4. sought 0. II 2 Sam. 12. 14. given great o. EKra 7. 20. o. to bestow || Jer. 2. 24. in hei- o. Ezek. 18. 3. o. to use proverb |j Dan. 6. 4. none 6. Rom. 7. 8. sin taking©. 11. |j 14. 13. an o. to fall 2 Cor. 5. 12. ». to glory (| S. 8. 1 speak by o. of 11. 12. cut off 0. jl Gal. 5. 13. 0. to the tlesh 1 Tim. 5. 14. give none o. |jl Joim 2. 10. none o. OCCASIONED, jt. 1 Sam. 22. 22. I have o.the OCCASIONS, s. Deut. 22. 14, 17. Job 33. 10. OCCUPATION,*. Gen. 46. 3Z. shall say what is your o. } 47. 3. Jonah 1. 8. Acts 18. 3. by 0. tent-makers || 19. 25. of like o. OCCUPY, c. Ezek. 'i7. 9. L\ikc 19.13. OCCUPIED, p. Exod. 38. 24. gold that was o. Judg. 16. 1 1. ropes never o.||Ezek. 27. 16. Syria o. Ezek. 27. 19. Dan o.||2l. Arabia o.|| 22. Shebao. Heb. 13. 9. meats not profited them that have o. OCCUPIERS, s. Ezek. 27. 27. o. shall fall into OCCUPIETH, V. 1 Cor. 14. 16. o.room of unl. OCCURRENT, s. 1 Kings 5. 4. nor evil o. OCRAN, Troublesome. Num. 1. 13. | 2. 27. ODD, a. Num. 3. 48. o. number of them is to ODED, Sustaining. 2 Chr. 15. 1, 8. | 28. 9. ODIOUS, a. 1 Chr. 19. 6. Prov. 30. 23. ODOUR, S, s. Lev. 26. 31. sweet o. 2 Chr. 16, 14. Esth. 2. 12. Dan. 2.46. Jer, 34. 5. burn o. || John 12. S. house filled with Phil. 4. 18. an «. of a sweet smell,a sacrifice to G. Rev. 5. 8, vials full of o, || 18. 13, buyeth o. OFFENCE,*, wguifies, 11} An impediment, Miit. 16. 23. [2] Sin, Rom. 4. 25. [3] Contempt, Matt. 1 8. 7. It is two-fold, [1] Given, Rom. 14. 20. [2] Taken, 1 Pet. 2. 8. 1 Sam. 25. 31. be no o. of heart to my lord Isa. 8. 14. a rock of o. Rom. 9. 33, 1 Pet, 2. 8. Hos, 5. 15. till they ticknowleda^e their o. in Matt. 16. 23. thou art an o. || 1%. 7. o. cometh Acts 24. 1 6, void of o,||Rom.5.15. not as the o. 18. Rom. 5. 17. by one man's o. 20. || 14. 20. with o. 1 Cor. 10. 32. give none o. 2 Cor. 6. 3. Phil. 1.10, 2 Cor. 11.7. comniitted o. || Gal. 5. 11. o. of cross OFFENCES,^. Eccl.l0.4.yield. pacifieth great 0. Matt. 18. 7. needs be that o. come, Luke 17. 1, Rom. 4. 25. was delivered for our o. and raised 5. 16. ofmany o. || 16. 17. wliich cause o. con, OFF}iSD,v.si^mfies,[l]To commit sin in thoughff ivord,or deed, Jam. 3, 2. [2j An occasion ofciil, Matt. 5. 29. [n] To stumble others, 1 Cor.8.13. [4] To wrong; Psdil 73. 15. \_5'] To act unjust- Itj, Jer. 2. 3. Acts 25. 8. Job 34, 3 1. I'll not 0. || Psal, 73. 1 5. o. generation Psai. 119. 165. love thy law, nothing shall o. them Jer, 2, 3. all that devour a. ||50, 7. said, we o. not Hos, 4. 15.1etnotJndah o.|iHab.l.ll. pass over o. Matt. 5. 29. if eye o. 30. | 18. 8, 9, Mark 9. 43. 13. 41. ail thinas that o. || 17. 27. lest weo. 18. 6, 0. one of these, Mark 9. 42. Luke 17. 2. John 6.61. doth this o.|| 1 Cor. 8. 13. if meat o. Jam. 2. 10. 0. in one point j| 3.2. we o. all OFFENDED,/?. Gen.20.9. havel o..? Jer.37.18. 40. 1. baker had o. (| 2 Kings 18. 14. I have «. 2Chr.28.l3.wehaveo.j|Prov. 18.19. a brother o. Ezek. 25. 12. Edom o.lJHos. 13. 1. when Ephr, o. Matt. 11. 6. blessed who shall not be o. Luke 7.28. 13. 21. by and by he is o. Mark 4. 17. 57. they were o. in him, 15, 12, Mark 6. 3. 24. 10. many be o. || 26. 31. all ye shall be o. 26. 33. tho' all should be o. yet, Mark 14. 29. John 16. l.ye should notbe o.ljActs 25. 8. nor^. Rom.l4.2i'thy brother is o.||2Cor.ll. 29. who is 0. OFFENDER, S,«. 1 Kings 1. 21, be counted©. Isa, 29. 21 . 0. for a word || Acts 25. 1 1 . if I be an o. OFFER, V. Exod. 22. 29. not delay to o.the first •23. 18. thou Shalt not o. the blood, 34.25. 29. 36. 0. every day a bullock || 38. o. two lambs 39, 0. the other Iamb at even, 41, Num. 28. 4. 30, 9. 0. no strange incense || 35, 24. o. silver Lev. 1. 3, 0, male without blem. 3. 6. |22. 19, 20. 2. 1. when 0. meat off. 14. | 23. 16. Num. 6. 17. 13. 0. salt II 3. 12. goat he shall o. before Lord 4. 14. cong. 0. a young bullock. Num. 15. 24. 6. 14, sons of Aaron o. 2'2. | 14. 19. | 15, 15, 30. 7. 3. 0, the fat|j 12. if o. for thanksg. 22. 29. 17, 7, not 0. to devils || 9. to the door to o. 38. 19. 6. shall be eaten the same day ye o. it 21, 6. bread of God do o. || 21, a blemish not *. Num. 8, 11. Aaron shall o, the Levites, 13, 13. 9. 7, w^hy not o, || 15.7. o. third of an hin, 14. 16. 40. no stranger o. || 28. 2. o, in due seasoil 23. 11. beginnings of months o. || 24. o. daily Deut. 12. 14. place Lord shall choose there 9. 18, 3, shall be priests due from them that o. 33, 19, 0. sacrifices of righteousness, Psal. 4. 5. Judg, 3. 1 8. an end to o. || 16. 23, o. to dagon 1 Sam. 1. 21 Elkanah went to o. |J 2. 19. Hannah 2, 28. did I choose him my priest to o, or 2 Sam.24. 12,1 0, tbee tbree things, i Gkr. 31. 1@. OFF 1 Kiu.13.2. on thee shall o.\\l Chr.29.14. able to o. 2 Chr. 24. 14. vessels to o.[lEzra 6. 10. to o. sacri. Psal.l 6.4. blood I'll not o.||27.6. o. in tabernacles 50. 14. 0. thanksg. j| 61. 19. o. bullocks, 66. 15, 72. 10. kings o. gifts || 116. 17. Tllo. sacrifice Isa. 57. 7. wentest to o.i|Jev. 1 1.12. gods to whom Ezek. 20. 31. ye o. gifts |j 44. 7. o. bread, fat, 15. .45.1. ye shall o. an oblation to the L. 13. j 48. 9. Dan 2. 46. o. to Daniel |j Hos. 9. 4. shall not o. Anios 4. 5. 0. sacrifice of thanksgiving || Hag.!2.l4. Mai. 1. 7. ye o. poiiuted bread || 8. if o. blind 3. S. 0. to the L. an offering in righteousness Matt. 5. 24. 0. thy gift, 8. 4. ^ark 1.44. JLuke6.'i9.o. the other cheek |jl 1.12. o. scorpion Heb. .5. I. 0. both gifts || 3. ought to o. for sins , 7. t7. needeth not to o. |) 8. 3. somewhat to o. 9. 25. nor o. iiimself often |! 13. 15. let us o. sac. 1 Pet.2..5. 0. ?-piritual sacr.jjRev.S.S. o. it with pr. OFFERED, /). Gen. 31. 54. Jacob o. sacr. 46.1. Lev. 9. 15. goat, o. it for sin || 10. 1. Nadab and Abihii 0. strange tire, 16. 1. Num. 3. 4. Num. 7. 2. princes 0. 10. || 8. 21. Aaron o. them 16. 35. 250 men o. \\ 22. 40. Balak o. 23. 2. Judg. 5. 2. peo. wilhiigly 0. 9.||13.19. Manoah o. it 1 Sam. 1. 4 Elkanah o. || 2. 13. when any man o. 1 Kings 8. 62. Solomon and all Israel o. 63. 12. 32. Jeroboam o. || 22. 43. o. in high places 2 Kinss 3. 20. meat oil. was o. (| 16. li^. Ahaz o. 1 Chr. 29. 6. rulers o.||9.they o. wiUingly to Lord Ezra 1.6.0. willingly, 2. fi8. | 7. 15. Neh. 11. 2. 8. 25. the king had o. j| 10. 19. o. a ram of Neii. 12. 43. they o. great sacrifices, and rejoiced Isa. 57. 6. to them hast o. || 66. 3. as if he o. a Jer. 32. 29. o. incense to Baal, Ezek. 20. 28. Dan. 11.18. reproach o. f] Amos 5 25. have yeo. Jonah 1. 16. men feared, and o.||Mal. 1.11. incense Acts 8 18. Simon o. |) 15. 29. o. to idols, 21. 25. 21. 26. an offiering sliould be o. for every one 1 Cor. 8. 1 things o. to idols, 4. 7, 10.|10. 19, 28. Phil. 2. 17. if I be o.\\ 2 Tim. 4. 6. ready to be o. Reb. 5. 7. had o. up prayers (| 7. 27. o. up himself 9. 7.0. for himself jl 9. o. both gifts and sacrifices 14. 0. himself without spot || 28. was once o. 11. 4. by faith Abel o.\\ 17. Abraham o. Isaac Jam. 2.21 . Abraham justified by works when he o. OFFERETH,»5. Lev. 6. 26. priests that o. itfor 7. 1 8. nor imputed to him that o. \\ 21. 8. bread Psal. .50. 23. whoso o. praise j|Isa.66. 3. o. oblation OFFERING, s. The Hebrews had several kinds of offerings^ ivhich they presented at the taberna- cle and temple. Some were Free-will qfferingSy as the peace-offerings, vows, offerings of ivine^ oil, bread, and other things, made to the ministers of the Lord for devotion. Others were of obligation, as the first-fruits, tenths, and sin-offerings. All offerings in general they called Corban : But the offerings of bread, salt, fruits, and liquors, as wine, and oil, which were presented to the temple, they called Mincha. The Hebrews had properly but three sorts of sacri- fices, [1] The burnt-offering, which was wholly consumed, only the Priest had the benefit of the skin. Lev. 7.8. [2] The sacrifice for sin, or e.v- piationfor him who had fallen into any offence against the law. Lev. 4. (]3] The peace-offering tvhich was offered voluntary in praise to God, or to askfavourS) Sfc, The breast (ttid-right-shoul- der of which belonged to tJie Priest^ Lev* 7. 31, 34. . Gen. 4. 3. Cain brought an o. ||4. Abel, and hiso. Exod.25. 2. take my o. 3. |35. 5. || 30. 13. o. of L. 30. 15. an 0. to the Lord, to make atonement Lev. 1. 2. bring your o. |) 14. o of fowls, then 2. 1. 0. of fine flour II 11. no o. with leaven 3. 2. lay hand on o. 8. || 7. a lamb for his o. 12. if be a goat, 4. 23 || 6. 20. o. of Aaron 7. 16. if his o. be a vow, or a voluntary o. it Num. 5. 15. 0. of memorial || 7. 10. offered o. 11. 9. 13. 0. in season || 16. 15. respect not their o. 1 Sam, 2. 29. kick at my o.||3. 14. not purged w. o. 26. 19. accept an o.||l Kings 18. 29. proph. rill o. 1 Chr. 16. 29. bring an o. Neh. 10. 39 Ps. 96. 8. Isa. 43. 23. serve with an o.|l53. 10. his soul an o. 66. 20. for an o. || Ezek. 20. 28. Zeph. 3. 10. Mai. 1. 10. nor accept an o. || 13. ye brought o. 2. 13. regardcth not o. !| 3. 3. o. in righteousness Rom. 15. 16. 0. of Gentiles ||Eph. 5. 2.o. to God Heb. 10.10.0. of the body ||l^. by one ©.perfected /iiic. 6. 16. 1 Rings 16. 16. made O. king || «1. half followed 25. O. wrought evil |j SO. Ahabson of O. 2Kings 8. 26. Athaliah daughter of O 2 Chr. 22. 2. 1 Chr. 7. 8. O. son of Becher || 9. 4. of Imri 27. 18. of Aiichaeill Amos 6. 16. statutes of O. ON, Sorrow, strength, or iniquity. A city of Egypt, Gen. 41. 45, 50.|46. 20. Num. 16. 1. ON AM, As On. Gen. 56. 23. 1 Chr. 1. 40. ONAN, The same. Gen. 38. 4, 8,9. | 46. 12. ONCE, ad. Gen. 18. 32. I'll speak but this o. l:^xod. 10. 17. forgive my sin only this o. I intreat 30. 10. atonement o. a year, Lev. 16. 34.Heb.9.7. Num. 13. 30. go up at o. j| Josh. 6. 3. go round o. Judg. 6. 39. I'll speak but this o. prove but o. 16. 18. come up o. || 28. strengthen me this o. iSam. 26. 8. smite at o.j|l Kin. 10.22. 2 Kin. 6.10. Job 33. 14. God speaks o.||40. 5.o. have Ispoken Ps. 62. 11. God hath spoken o. |) 76. 7. o. art angry 89. 35. 0. have I sworn || Prov. 28. 18. fall at o. Isa. 42. 14. destroy at o. \\ 66, 8. be born at o. Jer. 13. 27. when shall it o. be|)16. 21. I'll this o. Hag. 2. 6. yet o. and I will shake, Heb. 12. 26. Luke 13. 25. when o. the master of house is risen Rom. 6. 10. died to sin o. \\ 7. 9. 1 was ahve o. 2Cor .1 1.25. 0. was I stoned|lGal.l.23. o. destroyed Eph. 5. 3. not o. named ||Phi!.-4. 16. ye sento. Heb. 6. 4. 0. enlightened |1 9. 26. o. in the end 9. 27. 0. to diei|28.o. offered, 10. 10.(110. 2. purged 12. 27. yet o. more |( 1 Pet. 3. 1 8. suffered o. 20, Jude 3. faith 0. delivered || 5. ye o. knew this ONE, ad. Gen. 2. 24. be o. flesh, Matt. 19. 5. Gen. 27. 38. but o. blessing || 42. 13. o. is not, 32. Exod. 11. 1. 0. plague jj 12. 49. o. law to home- born and tiie stranger. Lev. 24. 22. 26. 2. 0. measure, 36, 6.IJ29. 23. o.cake, o. wafer Deut. 19, 15.0. witness shall notrise up ag.amao 24. 5. at home o. year || 32. 30. o. chase a 1000 Josh. 12. 9. king of Ai o. |) 17. 14. but o. lot 1 Kings 8. 56. not failed o. word of his promise Job 9. 3. 0. of a thousaud[j23. 1 3. he is in o. mind Psal. 89. 19. 0. that is mi^'hty jJ 137. 3. smg us o,^ Prov, 1. 14. 0. purse || Eccl. 1.4. o. generation Eccl. 2. 14. 0. event || 3. 20. all go to o. place 4. 9. two better than o. ll.|j7.27.o. by o. to find 9. 18. 0. sinner jj 12. 11. from o. aliepherd Song 6. 9. my undefiled is but o. tlie only o. Isa. 27. 12. ye shall be gathered o. by o, O Israel 30. 17. 0. thousand shall flee || 34. 16. no o. fail 41. 25. I have raised up o. from the north, 27. 44. 5.0 shall say I am the Lord's, 45. 24. Jer. 3.14.0. of a city || 32.39. o. heart, Ezek. 11.19. Ezek. 34. 23. I'll set up o. shepherd over, 37. 24. 37. 19. make o. stick || 22. o. nation, o. king Dan. 2. 9. but o. decree \\ 9. 27. for o. week 11. 27. liesat 0. taWejjHos. 1. 11. appoint©, head Zeph. 3. 9. to serve the Lord vi-ith o. consent Zech. 3, 9, on o, stonejjl4. 9. o. Lord, his name o. Mai. 2., 15. did he not make o. wherefore o. Matt. 3. 3. 0. crying jj 5 18, o. jot or o. tittle 5. 36. not make o. hair |j 6. 27, add o. cubit 19,17. none good buto. Mark 10.18. Luke 18 19. 20. 12. 0. hour 26. 40. Mark 14. 37. 21. 35. beat o. || 22. 5. o. to his farm, another 23. 8. 0. your Master, 9, 10.|j25. 40. done it to o. Mark 14. 19. o. by o. is it I || 15. 6. released o. Luke 7. 8. 1 say to o. go j| 15. 7. joy overo. sinner 16. 30. if 0. went from dead jj 17. 22. to seeo, of John 6. 70. 0, is a devil jj 8. 9. went onto. byo. 10. 16. 0. foidjjSO. land my Father are o, 1 7. 1 1 . that they may be o. as we, 2 1 , 22, 23. Acts 4. 30. of 0, heart||l7.7. o, Jesus||26. o, blood Rom. 5. 7, will 0. die || 17. death reigned by o. 1 Cor. 3, 4. 0. saith, I am of Paul || 8, 4, o. God, 6. 9. 24. 0. receiveth prize jj 10. 17. o. body for 12. 13. by 0. spirit all baptized into o. body 2 Cor. 5. 14.if 0. died for all jj 11. 2. o. husband 13. 11.0. mind, Phil. 2. 2, 1 Pet. 3. 8. Rev.17.13. Gal. 3. 16. but as ofo. jj 28. ye are all o. in Christ Eph. 1. 10. together in o. j| 2. 14. made both o. 2. 15. 0. new man jj 18. access by o. spirit unto 4. 4. 0. hope jj 5. o. Lord, o, faith, o. baptism, 6. Phil. 1, 27. stand fast with o. spirit, o. mind 1 Tim. 3. 2. husband ofo. wife, 12. Tit, 1. 6. Heb. 2. 1 1 . they that are sanctified are all of o. 10. 12, 0. sacrifice, 14. || 11. 12. sprang ofo. 12, 16. for 0. morsel |j 13. 14. seek o. to come Jam. 2. 10. offend in o. point jj 5. 19. o. convert 1 John 5. 7. these three are o. jj 8. agree in o. Rev. 9. 12. one woe is pastj|l4. 14. o, sat like soH 17, 12,0. hour, 18. 10, 17, 19. || 21.21.0. pearl /«ONE. Deut. 6.4, the Lord our God is o. Lord, Mark 12. 29. Rom, 3, 30. Gal. 3, 20. 1 Cor. 6. 17. iso.spirit|jl2. 12. for as the body-o. Not ONE. Job 14. 4. clean out of unclean, - o. Ps. 14. 3. none doth good, not o. 53. 3. Rom. 3.12. 105. 37. -0. feeble || Isa. 40. 26. - o, faileth ONE Thing. Josh. 23. 14. noto. - failed of all Ps, 27. 4. o,-haveId#sired|jEccl. 3.19.o.-befall OPE OPE Matt. 21.24. I'll ask you o. -, Luke 6. 9. | 20. 3. Mark 10. 41. o. thing thou lackest, Luke 1 8. 22, liUke 10. 42. o.-isnee(lfuij|John9. 25. o. -Iknow Acts 19.32. some cried o.- some another, 21. 34. PhiJ.3. l3.o. -Ido||2Pet.3. 8. benot i^nor. ofo.- fVicked ONE. Matt. 13. 19, 38. 1 John 2. 13, 14. I 3. 12. I 5. 18. ONES, s. Isa. 15. 3. sanctified o. Dan. 11. 17. ONLY, ad. Gen. 6. 5 o. evil continually \\ 7. 23. 22. 2. o. son, 12, 16. jl 27. 13.o. obey my voice Exod. 22. 20. that saciiticeth to any, save Lord o. 1 Sam. 7. 3. serve him o. Matt. 4. 10. Luke 4. 8. 1 Kings 19. 10. 1. 0. am left, and they seek my hfe Psal. 51. 4, again t thee, thee o. have I sinned 62.2. heo. is my rock, 6. || 5. wait thou o. on 71. 16. even thine o.l)72. 18. G. o.doth wonders Prov. 4. 3. 0. belovedJlEccl. 7. 29. this o. I found Jer. 3. 13. o. acknowledge thine iniquity 32. 30. 0. done evil, o. provoked, Ezek. 7. 5. Amos 3. 2. you o, have I known of all families Matt. 8. 8. speak the word o,i|10.42. cup of water 0. Mark 5. 36. be not afraid, o. believe, Luke 8. 50, Luke 7. 12. o.son (| 8. 42. o. dauahter || 9. 38. child John 5. 44. from God o. || 17. 3. the o. true God Rom. 5. 3 not o. so, 1 1. |) 8. 23. not o. they, but 16. 27. to God 0. wise, 1 Tim. 1. 17. Jude 25. Phil. 1. 29. not o. to believe || 4. 15. but ye o. 1 Tl;es. 1,5. not in word o.jll Tim.6.15. potentate Jam. 1.2'i.not hearerso.||lPet. 2. 18. not o. to }j;ood ONESIMUS, Profitable. Col. 4.9. Philem. 10,26. ONESIPHOKUS, Bringing profit. 2 Tim. 1.16. 14. 19. ONICHA, J swept kind of shell. Exod. 30. 34. ONIONS. Num. 11. 5. o. and the £;arlick ONWARD. Extid. 40. 36. Israel went o. ONYX, A precious stone. Gen. 2. 12. Exod. 28. 20. I 39.13. Job 28. 16 Ezek. 28. 13. ONO, Gr ief, or i7u quit >i. Neh. 6. 2. | 11. 3.5. OPEN, w. signifies, [Ij To unlock, Acts 16. 26. [2 1 To interpret, Luke 24. S'L [3 \ To answer our prayers. Matt. 7. 7. [4] To re- ceive Christ into the heart by faith and love, Song 5. 2. Rev. 3. 20. [51 To impart spiri- tual wisdom, Acts 16. 14. I 26.18. [6] To give an ability of heart and tongue to praise God, Psal. 51.15. Exod. 21 . 33. 0. a pit \\ Num. 16. 30. if earth o. Deut. 15. 8. slialt o. thy hand wide to him, 11. 20. 11. and 0. to the || 28. 12. L. shall o. to thee 2 Kings 9. 3. o. the door, flee || 13. 17. o. window Job 1 1 . 5 . O that G. would o. f 1 32. 20. I'll o. my lips 35. 16. doth Job o. |j 41. 14. who can o. doors Psal. 22. t 7. 0. the hp || 49. 4. o. my dark saying 78. 2. 0. mouth in a par. j| 81. 10. o. mouth wide 118. 19. 0. to me the gates of righteousness Prov. 31.8. 0. thy mouth for the dumb, 9. Song 5. 2. 0. to me, my sister, ray love, 5. Isa. 22. 22. o. and none shall shut || 26. 2. o. gates 28. 24. 0. clods |) 41. 18. I'll o. rivers in high 42.7. to c. blind eyes||45. 1. o. two-leaved gates 45. 8. let the earth o. let them bring forth salv. Jer. 13 19. none shall o. || 50. 26. o. store houses Ezek. 2. 8. 0. thy mouth || 3 27. I'll o. tliy mouth 16. 63. never o. thy mouth |) 21. 22. o. mouth 25. 9. 0. side of Moab |j 37. 12. I'll o. graves Zech. 11. 1. 0. thy doors || Mai. 3. 10. if I'll not o. Mat. 13. 35. I'll 0. my moutk in parables, Ps. 78.2. Matt. 25. 11. Lord, Lord, o. to us, Luke 13. 25. Luke 12. 36. they may o.j|Acts 18. 14. about to o. Eph. 6. 19. 0. my mouth boldly. Col. 4. 3. Rev. 5. 2. worthy to o. the book, 3, 4, 5, 9. OPEN, a. Gen. 1. 20. o. firmament of heaven 38. 14. 0. place || Num. 19. 15. o. vessel which Num. 24. 3. the man whose eyes are o. 4. 15, Josh. «. 17. left Ai o. \] 1 Sara. 3. 1. no o. vision 2 Kings 6. 18. o. flowers, 29.||8. 29. eyes may be o. Neh. 1. 6. let thine eyes be o. j| 6. 5. o. h tter Psal. 5. 9. throat is an o. sepulchre, Rom. 3. 13. 34. 15. and his ears are o. 1 Pet. 3. 12. Prov. 13. 16. layeth o. his folly j) 27. 5. o. rebuke Isa. 9. 12. 0, mouth || 24. 18. windows areo. 60, 11. gates be o, (| Jer. 5. 16. o. sepulchre Jer. 32. 11. sealed and o. || 19. thine eyes are o. Ezek. 37. 2. o. valley || Dan, 6. 10, windows o. Nah. 3. 13. gates be o. || John 1. 51. see heaven o. Acts 16. 27. prison doojs o. (| 19. 38. law is o. 2 Cor. 3. 18. 0. face|j 6, 11. our mouth is o. our 1 Tim. 5. 24. o. before-hand (| Heb. 6.6. o. shame Rev. 3. 8. an o. door |j ,10. 2. little book o. 8. OPENED, p. Gen. 7. 11. windows of h. were o, 8. 6. Noah o. window || 29. 31. o. Leah's womb 30. 22. he o. Rachel's \\ 41. g6. o. store-houses 42. 27. one of them o. his sack, 43. 21. | 44. 11. Num. 16. 32. earth 0. her mouth, Psal. 105. 17. Judg. 3. 25. 0. not doors (| 4. 19. she o. a bottle 19. 27. her lord o. the doorsjl^ Sam. 7.t27. a. ear 2 Kinj^s 9. 10. Elisiiao. doorj|15. 16. o. not to him 2 Chr. 29.3. Ho/okiah o. the doors of Lord's house Neh. 7.3. let not gates beo 13. I9.|j8. 5. o. book Job 31 , 32. 1 0. my doors ji 38. 17. gates been o. Psal. 22,tl3. 0. mouths |! 40. 6. mine ears hast o. 78. 23. tho he o. || 105.41. he o. the rock, and Song 5.6. 1 oil Isa. 14. 17. ol not house of prisoners Isa. 48. 3, ear not o || 50. 5. Lord, o. mine ear Jer. 20. 12. o. my cause \\ 50. 25. o. arumury Ezek, 1, 1. heavens o. Matt. 3. 16. Acts 7. 56. 16. 25. o. thy feet jj 37. 13. o. your graves 44. 2. gate not be o. j| 46. 1 . new-moon, be o. Nah. 2. 6. gates be o. |j Zech. 1 3. 1. fountain o. Matt. 7. 7. knock, and it shall be o. 8. Luke 11* 9, 27. 52. graves o. j| Mark 7. 34. tiiat is, be o. . Luke 4. 17. 0. the book || 24. 32. while he o. 45. Acts 5. 19. angel 0. prison (I 10. 11. saw heaven 0. 12. 10. iron gate o. || 16. when they had o. 14. 27. 0. door of faith || 16. 14. heart the L. o^ 1 Cor. 16. 9. a great door is o. 2 Cor. 2. 12. Heb. 4. 13. all things are naked and o. to him Rev. 4. 1. door was o. (| 6. 1. Lamb o, seals, 8. 1. 9, 2. 0. bottomless pit || 11.1 9. temple was o. 15. 5. tabernacle 0. II 19- 11. 1 saw heaven o. 20. 12. the books were o. Dan, 7. 20. See Days, Mouth, OPENEST, V. Ps. 104. 28. o. hand, 145. 16. OPENETH, 17. Exod. 13. 2. whatsoever o. womb 12. 0. matrix, 34. 19. Num. 3, 12, Luke 2; 23. Job 27. 19. rich o. his eyes j^ 33. 16. he o. ears 36. 10. he 0. also their ears to discipline, 15. Psal. 38. 13. as a dumb man that o. not his ojouth Prov. 13. 3.0. wit'fC his lips||24.7. wisdom 0, 31.26. Isa, 53. 7. as a lamb, so he o. not. Acts 8. 32, Ezek. 20. 26, womb jj John 10.3. the porter o. Rev. 3, 7. he o. no man shutteth, Isa. 22. 22. OPENING, S, s. 1 Chr, 9. 27. o. of the house Job 12. 14. shutteth up a man, there can be no » '3 ^1 OPP Prov. 1. 21. in o. of gates || 8, 6. o. of my lips Isa. 4i2. 20.0. tlie ears (| 61. 1. o. of the prison Ezek.29.21. give thee the o. {j Acts 17. 3. o. and OPENLY, ad. Gen. 58. 21. harlot that was o. by 2 Sam. 6.120. o. uncovers jj PsaJ. 98. 2. o. shewed' Matt. 6. 4. reward 0. 6, 18. |) Mark 8. 32. spake o. John 7. 4. to be known o. \\ 10. to feast, not o. 13. no man spake of him o. for fear of Jews 11, 54. walked no more o. \\ 18. 20. 1 spake o. Acts 10. 40. shewed him o. j| 16. 37. beaten us o. Col. 2. 1 5. ho made a shew of them o. trimiiphing OPERATION, S, s. Psal. 28. 5. regard not the 0. of his hands, Isa. 5. 12. 1 Cor. 12. 6. diversity of o. (|Cok 2. 12. o. of God OPHEL, A tower, or darkness. 2 Chr. 27. 3. built O. || 33. 14. compassed O. Nell. 3.26. Nethinims dwelt in O. 27. | 11. 21. ORD i'7 OPHIR, Jshes. Gen. 10. 2U. 1 Kin»s 9. 48. 1 Chr. 29. 4, 2 Chr. 8. Psal. 45, 28. 16. 28. 18. 9. I 8. 17, 1 10. U. I 22 I 9. 10. Job 22. 24 Isa. 13. 12. OPHNI, A little f St. A city, Josh. 13. 24 OPHRA, i}ws^, /^arf. Judg. 6. 11, 24. I 8 32. I 9. .5. 1 Sam. 13. 17 OPINION, S. 1 Kings 18. 21. between two o. Job 32. 6. shew you mineo. 10, 17. OPPORTUNITY, s. Lev. I6.t21.a man of o. Matt. 26. 16. he sought o. to betray, Luke 22. 6. Gal. 6. 10. as we have o. let ns do good to all Phil. 4. 10. ye lacked o. \\ Heb. 11. 15. have had o. OPPOSE, ED, p. Acts 18. 6. 1 Tim. 2. 25. OPPOSEST, ETH. Job 30. 21. 2 Thes. 2. 4. OPPOSITIONS, s. 1 Tim. 6. 20. o. of science OPPRESS, V. Exod. 3. 9. Egyptians o. them 22. 21. nor o. a stranger, 23. 9. Lev. 25. 14. Dent. 23. 16. shall not o. a servant, 24. 14. Judg. 10. 12. Moabitcs dido.j|Job 10. S.shouldst Psal. 10. 18.nomoreo.|jl7.y. that o.me, 119. 12J. Prov. 22. 22. noro. atliicted || Isa. 49. 26. thato. Jer. 7. 6.if 0. not stranger |j 30. 20. all that o. Ezek. 45. 8. no more o. i| Hos. 12. 7. ioveth to o. Amos 4. 1. 0, the poor II Mic. 2.2. they o. a man Zech. 7. 10. 0. not widow || Mai. 3. 5. ag. tliat o. 1 Thes. 4.t6. no man o. !| Jam, 2. 6. do not rich o. OPPRESSED,/). Dent. 28. 29. be only o. 33. Jndg. 2. 18. 0. and vexed || 4. 3. Jaban o. Israel 6. 9. hand of all that o. you, 1 Sam. 10. 18. 10. 8. Ammon o. (| l Sam. 12. 3. whom o. 4. 2 Kings 13. 4. Assyria o. themj|22. King of Syria o. 2 Chr. 16. 10. Asa o. some of the people the same Job vO. 19. he hath o. ||35. 9. make o. to cry Psal. 9. 9. refuge for thee o. 10. 18.|103. 6.114G.7. 74. 21 . O let not the o. return ashamed, let 106. 4'2. enemies o. \\ Eccl. 4. 1. tears of the o. Isa. I. 17. reheve o. || 3. 5. people shall be o. 23. 12. O thou o.i|38. 14. 1 am o. || 52. 4. Assyr. o. 53. 7. Christ was o. || 58. 6. let the o. go free Jer. 50. 33. Judah were 0. |1 Ezck. 18.7^noto. 16. Ezek. 18. 12. he hath o. 18. || 2-2. 29- o. stranger Hos. 5. 11. Ephraim is o. |jAmos 3. 9. behold theo. Acts 7. 24. avenged o. || 10. 38. Jesus healed o. OPPRESSETH. Num. 10.9. against him that o. Ps.56.1.0. me||Prov. I4.31.o.poor, 22. 16. | 28.3. OPPRESSING, p. Jer. 46. 16. o. sword, 50. 16. Zeph. 3. 1, wo to the o. city, she obeyed not OPPRESSION, Violence; extortion; tyraviuj ; hardship; calamity ; dtillness ; lasiiudc of spirits. 54 Exod. 3. 9. also seen the o. wherewith Egyptians' Deut. 26.7. Lord looked on our o. 2 Kings 13. 4. Job 36. 15. and he openeth their ears in o. Psal. 12. 5. 0. of poor || 42. 9. o. of enemy, 43, 2. 44. 24. forgcttest our o. (j 62. 10. trust not in o. 73. 8. concerning o. j| 107. 39. low thro' o. 119. 134. dehverme from the o. of man, so Eccl. 5. 8. 0. of poor jj 7. 7. o. maketh wise man Isa. 5. 7. but behold o. || 50. 12. ye trust in o. 54. 14. slialt be tar from o. j| 59. 13. speaking o. Jer. 6. 6. she is wholly o. jj 22. 17. and for o, Ezek. 22. 7. dealt by o. 29. (j 46. 18. not take by o. OPPRESSIONS, s. Job 35. 9. multitude of o. Eccl. 4. 1. 1 considered o. \\ Isa. 33. 15. gain of o. OPPRESSOR, S, s. Job 3. 18. voice of the o. 15. 20. hidden to the o. || 2s7. 13. iieritage of o. Psal. 54. 3. 0. seek my soul jj 72. 4. break the o. 119. 12l.Ieavemenotto o.)|Eccl. 4. 1. side of o. Prov. 3. 31. envy not o. || 28. 16. is a great o. Isa. 3. 12. children are o. jj 9. 4. broken rod of . 4. came every o. ORACLE, S, s. signifies, [I] ilie answers of God delivered by his mouth, or the mouth of his pro- phets, 2 Sam, 16. 23. [2] The sanctuary, or most holy place, wherein the ark of the covenant was deposited, 1 Kings 6. 16. [3] Dreams or visions, by which were rtvealed supernatural things, Gen. 15. 1. | 37. 5, 6. j 46. 2. [4] The Urim and Thummim, which was in. the Ephod or Pectoral icorn by the High-priest and which God endued with the gift of fore- telling future events, 1 Sam. 23. 9. | 30. 7, [5] The whole icord of God, 1 Pet. 4. 11.^ [G] The oracles of false gods ; the most famous of which in Pdlesiine was that of Baal-zebub, the god of Ekron, 2 Kings 1. 2, 3. [7] Teraphims, Jndg. 17, 1. 2 Sam. 16. 23. as if one enquired at the o. of God 1 Kings 6.16. built within for o. |j 8- 6. ark in o. 2 Chr. 4. 20. burn before o.jjPsal. 28. 2. toward o. Acts 7. 33. the lively o.jjRom. 3. 2. committed o. Heb. 5. 12. of theo. of God, 1 Pet 4. 11. ORATION, s. Acts 12. 21. made an o. to them ORATOR, s. Isa. 3. 3. taketh away eloquent o. Acts 24. 1 . with a certain o. named Tertullus ORCHARD, S, s. Eccl. 2. 5. Song 4. 13. ORDAIX, V. signifies, [l] To command, I Cor.9, 14. [2] To appoint to a certain end, Rom. 7. 10. [3] To choose to office, Mark 3.14. [4] To pre-ordain or elect to salvation, Acts 13. 48, [5] To/o«wd,l Chr. 9.f22.^Psal. 8.t2. [6] To give, Jtr.l.f 5. [7] To orf to-, Rom. 13.tl. [8j To prepare, Isa. 30. S3. 1 Chr. 9. 22. 0. in their set officeiiI7. 9. o. a place Isa. 26. 12. 0. peace 11 1 Cor. 7. 17. so I o. in all Tit. 1. 5. shouldst o. elders in every city, as I had ORDAINED, p. Num. 28. 0. o. in Mount Sinai 1 Kiues 12. 32. o. a feast j| 2 Kings 23; 5. kings o. 2Chr.il.l5. Jerob. o. priests! !2.5.r8. o. by D.29.27. sth. 9. 27. the Jews o. the feasts of Purim "sal. 8. 2. of babes o. strength i| 3, stars thou o. 81.5, o.in Joseph jj 152. 17, 1 &. a la&ip for my I Isa. 30. 33. Tophet is o. \\ Jer. 1. 5. o. thee a prop. I Dan. C 24. 0. to destroy |] Hab. 1. 13. o. for judg. ORD OTH Blaik 31 14. Jesns o. twelve |j John 15.16. 1 have Acts 1. 22. 0. a witness] j 10. 4'2. o. ofG. to be judge 13. 48. 0. to eternal Hfe || 14. 23. o. elders in 16. 4. decrees o. \\ 17. 31. by that man he o. Kom. 7. 10. 0. to life || 13. 1. are of God 1 Cor. 2. 7. hidden wisdom G. o.|)9. 14. L. hath o. Gal. 3. 19. law o. by angels || Eph. 2. 10. before o. l.Tim. 2. 7. 1 am o. a preacher and an apostle Heb.5. 1 . high-priest is o. 8. 3.||9 6. were thus o Jude4. who were of old o. to this condemnation ORAINETH, -v. Psal 7. 13. o. his arrows ag. ORDER, s. 2 Kings 23. 4. priests of second o. 1 Chr. 6. 32. according to their o. [| 15. 13. due o. 23. 31. 0. commanded to them before the Lord 25. 2. 0. of David, 2 Chr. 8. 14. || Job 10. 22. Psal. 110. 4. a priestfor ever, after the o. of Mel- chisedec, Heb. .5. 6, 10.|6. 20.|7. 11,17, 21. 1 Cor. 16. 1. I have given o. to tlie churches of Col.2.5. beholding your o.|| Heb. 7. 1 1. o. of Aarors In ORDER. Gen. 22. 9- Abraham laid wood - o. Exod. 26. 17. tenons - o. || 39. 37. lamps set - o. 40. 4. Shalt set -0. Lev. 1. 7, 12. | 6. 12. | 24.8. Josh. 2. 6. flax she laid- o.|| 2 Sam. 17.23. house -o. lKin.l8.33.wood- <» !|2Kin.20.1. house, Isa. 38. 1 . 2 CIn-. 13. 11. shew-bread|)29. 3.5. service of house Job 33. 5. set thy words - o. before me, stand up Psal. 40. 5. not reckoned - o.||50. 21. I'll set them Eccl. 12. 9. preacher set -0. || Isa. 47. 7. set it-o. JiUke 1. 1. to set forth - o. (| 8. served in his o. Acts 18. 23. he went - o. |j 1 Cor. 11. 34. I'll set - o. 1 Cor. 14. 40. decently - o. || 15. 23. rise i/i liis o. Tit. 1. 5. 1 lef^. thee to set- o. the things that ORDER, ED, p. Exod. 27. 21. Aaron siiall o. it Judg. 6. 26. the o. place || 13. 12. how o. the child 2 Sam. 23. 5. o. and surcj| 1 Kings 20. 14. o. battle Job 13. 18. now, I have o. my cause, 23. 4. 32.tl4. note, his words (j 37. 19. we cannot o. Psal. 37. 23. o. by the L. 1| 119. 133. o. my steps Isa. 9.7. kingdom to o.j|Jer. 46. 3. o. the buckler ORDERETHji'. Psal. 50. 23, o. his conversation ORDERINGS,;). I Chr. 24. 19. these were o. ORDERLY, arf. Acts 21. 24. walkesto and keep. ORDINANCE,*. signifies,[l]y^?i?/ decree, statute or laWy made by God or men, Lev. 18, 4. 1 Pet. 2. 13. [2] Laws, rites, instiltitions, and constitutions, in the worship of God, Heb. 9. 1, 10. Exod. 12. 14. an o. for ever, 24, 43. | 13. 10. 15. 25. made astatuteandan o. ||Lev. S.tlO. Kum.9.14. according too. ofpassover,2Chr.35.13. 10.8.0. for ever, 18. 8. 1 Sam. 30. 25. 2 Chr. 2. 4. I5.15.oneo.foryou [| 19. 2. o. of law, 31. 21. Josh. 24.25. 0. in Shechcmjj2Chr. 35. 25. o. inlsr. Ezra 3. 10. o. of David (| Neh. Il.t23. a sure o. Isa. 24. 5. changed the o. |J 58. 2. forsook not o. Ezek. 45. 14. o. of oil |j 46. 14. a perpetual o Mai. 3. 14. what profit that we have kept his o. Rom. 13. 2. resists the o.|Jl Pet. 2. 13. submit too. ORDINANCES, y. Exod. 18. 20. teach o. laws Lev. 18. 3. neither shall ye walk in their o. 4. ye shall keep mv o. 30. | 22. 9. 2 Chr. 33. 8. Ezek. 'll. 20. I 43. 11. 1 Cor. 11.2. Num. 9. 12.according to o. of pa sover, 14. 2 Kings 17. 34. nor do after their o. 1( 37. observe Neh. 10. 32. also we made o. for us to charge Job38 33. knowesto. of heaven,Jer. 31.35133. 25. Psal. 99. 7. they kept o, !! 119. 91. according to o. Isa. .5^. 2. ask of inethe o.ljjer. 31. SG.if o. depai-t Ezek. 43. 18. 0. of altar j I 44. 5. o. of the house Mai. 3. 7. gone from o. |( Luke 1. 6. in all the o. Eph. 2. 15. law of commandments contained in e. Col. 2. 14. hand-writing of o.||20. why subjectto o. Heb. 9. 1. first covenant had o. |j 10. carnal o. ORDINARY, a. Ezek. 16. 27. Acts 19.139. OREB, A crow, raven, or pleasant. Judg. 7. 25. slew princes of Mid. O. Zeeb, 8. 5. Ps. 83. 11. nobles like O. |) Isa. 10. 26. rock of O OREN, A coffer, or rejoicing. 1 Chr. 2. 25. ORGAN, S, s. Is the largest, most noble, and har- monious instrument of all wind music. Gen. 4. 21. father of all such as handle the o. Job 21. 12. sound of 0. || 30. 31. my o. turned Psai. 150.4. praise him with timbrel, and o. ORION, To trouble. A southern constellation of stars. Job 9. 9. | 38.31. Amos 3. 8. ORNAMENT, s. Prov. 1. 9. o. of grace, 4. 9. 25. 12. as an o. of gold |! Isa. 30. 22. defile the o. Isa. 49. IS. clotheasan o.jlEzek. 7. 20. beauty ofc Dan. 11. tie. laud of 0. || 1 Pet. 3. 4. o. of a meek .ORNAMENTS, s. Exod. 33. 5. put off o. 6. Judg. 8. 2 1 . Gideon took o. 26. [| 2 Sam. 1 . 24. put Isa. 3. IS.tiuklingo. 20. II 61.10. decketh with o. Jer. 2. 32. can a maid forget o. |) 4. 30. o. of gold Ezek, 16.7. excellent o.j|l i. decked with o. 23. 40. ORNAN, Rejoicing, or light. 1 Clir. 21. 15, ORPAH, Stiff-necked. Ruth 1. 4, 14. ORPHANS, s Fatherless, Lam. 5. 3. OSPRAY, A kind of sea-eagle. Lev. 11. 13. OSSIFRAGE, A kind of eagle, Deut. 14. 12. OSTRICH, Is the tallest of all the bird kind, measuring seven or eight feet when it stands, erect ; its legs are very long and naked ; the foot is very particular, having only two toes. It is the emblem of cruelty and forgetfulncss. Theij run flying with greater speed than a horse ; have an admirable concoction, digesting the hardest things which they swallow ; nor is their folly less admirable, thinking themselves sufficiently hid when their heads are covered. Their eggs s>erve for cups to drink in, and their feathers adorn the helmets of warriors. Job 30. t29. | 39. 13.. Lam. k 3. OTHER, a. Gen. 28. 17. none o. but house Lev. 6. 11. put on o. garments, Ezek. 42. 14. Num.24. 1. as at o. times, Judg. 16. 20. j 20. 31. 1 Sam. 3. 10. | 18, 10. | 20.25. | 21. 9. Psal. 73. S.notintroubleaso. men||85. 10. eacho. Isa. 26. 13.0. lords (| 49. 20. after thou lost th6 o. Matt. 23. 23. not leave the o. undone, Luke 1 1 . 42. Luke 18. 11. not as o. men || 14. rather than o. John 4. 38. o. men laboured || 10. 16. o. sheep 18. 16. that 0. disciple || 21. 25. many o. things Acts 2. 4. 0. tongues || 40. many o. words did 4. 12. none o. name \\ 8. 34. or some o. man Rom. 8. 39. nor any o. creature || 13. 9. if any o. 1 Cor.3.11.o.foundation)il4.21. men of o. tongues 14. 29. let the o. judge || 15. 37. or o. grain 2 Cor. 8. 13. not other men eased || 10. 15. •.mens Eph. 3. 5. in o. ages||4. 17. walknotas o. Gentiles Pliil. 1. 17. 0. preach of love || 2. 3. esteem o. 1 Tim. 1. 3. no o. doctrine || 5. 22. o. mens sins OTHERS, a. Isa. 56. 8. yet will I gather o. to Matt. 5. 47. what do ye more than o. ? 20. 3. 0. standing idle || 26. 67. o. Smote him OVE OVE 1^7 Mark 12. 9. vine5'ard to o. \\ 15. 31. he saved o. John i 8. 34. did o. tell it \\ Eph. 2. 3. even as o, 1 Thee. 4. 1.3. sorrow not as o.(j5. 6. not sleep aso. 1 Tim. 5. 20. o. majr fear||2 Tim. 2. 2 to teach o. Heb. 11. 35. 0. were tortured || Jiide 23. o. save OTHERWISE, a. 2 Sam. 18. 13. 1 Kings 1.21. 2 Chr. 30. 18. Psal. 38. 16. Matt. 6. 1. Rom. 11. 6, 22. 2 Cor. 11. 16. Gal. 5. 10. Phil. 3. 15. 1 Tim. 5. 25. | 6. 3. Heb. 9. 17. OTHNIEL, The time of God. Josli. 15. 17. O. sonofKenaz, Jud. 1.13.|3.9,11. 1 Chr. 4. 13. sonsofKenaz, O. sons of O. OUCHES, s. A collar^ or boss of gold, set ivith precious stones, Exod. 28. 11. | 39. 6, 13, 18. OVEN,*, is put for, fl] Such as burn icith htsts, Hos. 7. 4. [2] The destruction of wicked men, Psal. 21. 9. [3] Hell, Mai. 4. 1. Exod. 8. 3. the frogs shall come into thine o. Lev. 2. 4. baken in o. 7. 9. || 11. 35. \ 26. 26. Psal. 21.9. as a Mery o. [| Lam. 5. 10. black iike o. Hos. 7. 4. adulterers as an o. heated, 6, 7. Mai. 4.1. burn as an o.|)Matt. 6. SO. Luke 12. 28, OVER,/)?-. Gen. 27. 29. lord o. thy brethren Exod.16.18. gath. much hadnoth. o. 2 Cor. 8. 15. 2 Sam. 1. 17. 0. Saul and Jonathan his son, 24. 1 Chr. 29. 3. o. and ahove|!Ezra 9. 6. o. our heads Ps.23.5.my cup runneth o.|l27.12. deliver me not 118.18. not given o. to d.i|l45.9. call his works Song 2. 11. rain is o. (| Jer. l. 10. o. the nations Matt. 25. 21. ruler o. many, 23. || Luke 6. 38. Luke 15. 7. joy o. one smner [| 19. 14. to reisrn o. 19. 17. 0. ten cities !| 41. and wept . 1 5. 20. | 33. 19. Psal. 25. 18. look on my affliction and my p. 48. 6. p. as a woman in travail, Isa. 13. 8.|26. 17. Isa. 21. 3. loins filled with j^. 26.1 8.|j66. 7. before j>. Jer. 6. 24. p. as a woman in travail, 22. 23. 12, 13. putthems. top.\\ 15. i8.ray /;. perpetiial 30. 23. fall with p. |) 51. 8. take balm for her p. Ezek. 30. 4. great p. shall be in Ethiopia, 9. 10. Mic. 4. 10. be in p. || Nah. 2. 10. raucli p. in loins Rom. 8. 22. the whole creation travaileth in p. Rev. 16. 10. gnawedforp. I) 21.4. nor any more/?. PAIN ED, p. Psal. 5r>. 4. n;y heart is sorep. m me Isa. 23. 5. sorely j). |! Jer. 4. 19. I am p. at heart Joel. 2. 6. be much;>.|iRev. 12. 2. p- to be deliver. PAINS, s. 1 Sam. 4. 19. her/>. came upon her Ps. 116. 3, p. of hell gat hoid]|4cts 2. 24.;;. of death Rev. 16. 11. blasphemed, because of their p. PAINFUL, NESS, Psal. 73. 16. 2 Cor. 11.27. PAINTED,p. 2Kings9.30.Jezebel;>.lJer.22.14. PAINTEDST, p. Ezek. 23. 40. p. tiiine eves PAINTING, p. Jer. 4. 30. rentest face with p. PAlR,s. Luke 2. 24.^. dovesJlRev. 6. 5. balances PALACE, s. signifies, [I] ^ royul mansion-house, Isa. 39.7. [2] The temple of God at Jerusalem, 1 Chr. 29. %, 19. [3] Magnificent buildings, 2 Chr. 36. 19. [4] The high-priest's house, Matt. 26. 58. [5] The church, Psal. 48. 13. 1 Kings 16. 18. Nimri burnt p.\\21. 1. hard by p. 2 Kings 15. 25. smote Pck. in p.jj20. 18. eunuchs 1 Chr. 29. 1. p. is not for man, but the L. God, 19. 2 Chr. 9. 11. he made terraces to tlie king's p. Ezra 4. 14. maintenance from p. j| 6. 2. found in p. Neh. 1. 1. Shushanp. Esth. 2. 3.|3. 15. j8. 14.|9. 12. 2. 8. gate of the p. \\ 7. 2. Hanani ruler of the p. Psal. 45. 15. in the kings/).]) 144. 12. similit. of p. Song 8. 9. a/;, of siiver||Isa. 25. 2. p. of strangers Dan. 4. 4. flourishing iii my p. \\ 6. 18. went to p. 11. 45. plant his p. |] Amos 4. 3. cast them in p. Nah. 2. 6. gates opened, p. shall be dissolved Matt. 20. 58. Peter followed to high-priest's p. Mark 14. 54. Lnkell.2l.kecpethhisp.|iPhil.l. 13. in all the p. PALACES. 2 Chr. 36. 19. burnt all the/>. Psal 45. 8. out of ivory /!>.|;48. 3. known in her p. 48. 13. consider hev p. jj 78. 69. like high/>. 1^2. 7. prosperity within p.\\Prov. 30. 28. kings Isa.13.22. inpleasantj^.||32. l4./>. forsaken, 34.13. Jer. 6. 5. destroy her p. || 9. 21. death in our p. 17. 27. devour the p. 49. 27. Lam. 2. 5. Ezek. 19. 7. desolate p. \\ 25. 4. set p. in thee Amos 3. 9. p. at Ashdod j| 10. robbery in their p. 11. thy p. i^hall be spoiled |! 6. 8. I hate his j!>. Mic. 5. 5. when he shall tread in our p. then PALAL, Thinking, or judging. Neh. 3.25. P.ALE, a. Isa. 29. 22. waxp.|;Rev. 6. 8. a p. horse PALENESS, s. Jer. 30. 6. ail faces turned top. PALESTINA, Theland of the Philistines. Exod. 15. 14. Isa. 14. 29, 31. Joel 3. 4. PALLU, Wonderful, hidden. Num. 26. 5, 8. PALM,,s. Lev. 14.15.p.ofhand,26.John 18.22. PALM-BRANCHES, s. Neh. 8. 15. fetch p. PALMER-WORM, s. Joel 1. 4.12.25. Anio£4.9. PAP PAR PALMS. 1 Sam. 5. 4. p. of his hands rut off 52 Kings 9. 33. found J&.yisa. 49. 16. p. of my hands Dan. 10. 10. p. of hands, Matt. 26. 67. Rev. 7. 9. PALM-TREE. s. Is ah upright, tall, fruit-bear- ing, flourishing, and shadowy tree, Psal. 92. 12. Song 7. 7, 8. Jer. 10. 5. Itgrotvs by the stveet springs of water, and continues long. It will not be pressed or bound downward, or grow crook- ed, though heavy weights be laid on it. This tree is one of the most famous of all the forest, andistheusualemblem of constancy, fruitfulness, patience, and victory ; which the more it is op- pressed, the more it flourisheth ; the higher ii grows, the stronger and broader it is in the top. Some think it is the same with the Date-tree. The Hebrews called i^Thamar, and theGreeks, Phoenix. The finest <«?rf best Palm-trees were about Jericho, En-gedi, and along the banks of Jordan. Palm-trees from the same root pro- duce a great number of suckers, which form up- wards a kind of forest by their spreading. It was under a little wood of Palm-trees of this kind, that the prophetess Dchora.h dwelt between Raniah and Beth-el, Judg. 4. 5. It is made Ike symbol of a good man, Psal. 93. 12. Judg. 4. 3./^ of Deborah] jPsaI.9 2. 12. flourish like SoBf' 7. 7. This thy stature is like to a p. 8. Jer. 10. 5. they are upright as the^. but speak not Ezek. 41. 19 toward the j[>.|| Joel l.l 2. />. withered PALM-TREES, s. Exod. 15. 27. seventy p. Num. 33. 9. Lev. 23. 40. take brandies of p. John 12. 13. Dcut. 34. 3. city of p. Judg. 1. 16^3. 13. 2 Chr. 28. 15. . carved with carved figures of p. 7. 36. 2 Chr. 3. 5. Ezek. 40. 16. I 41. 18,' 25, 26. PALSY, S, s. Is a disease, wherein the body, or some of its members, lose their motion, and some- times their sensation and feeling. Paralytic is derived from the Greek icord Paraiuo, which signifies to resolve or relax. It is an emblem of the state of sinners by nature, Rom. 5. 6. Matt. 4. 24. had the J^i 9. 2. Mark 2. 3. 8. 6. sick of the p. |j 9. 2. said to sick of the p. Mark 2. 5, 10. Luke 5. 18, 24. Acts 9. 33. Acts 8. 7. many taken with p. were healed PALTI, Deliverance, or flight. Num. 13. 9. I'A'LTlEL,Deliverance,jf}ight of God. Num.34.26. PALTITE.2Sa.23.26.calledPeIonite,lChr.ll.27. PAMPHILL\, A province o/ Asia, Acts 2. 10. PAN, S. Exod. 27. 3. Lev. 2. 5. \ 6. 21. | 7. 9. Num. 11. 8. 1 Sara. 2. 14. 2 Sam. 13. 9. 1 Chr. 9. 31. I 23. 29. 2 Chr. 35. 13. Ezek. 4.3. PANGS, s. 2 Sam. 22A5.p. of death compassed Isa. 13.8. p. and sorrows take hold, 21. 3.126. 17. Jer. 22. 23. wheup. corae|i48. 41. in her p. 49. 22. .^0. 43. p. as of a woman in travail, Mic. 4. 9. PANNAG, Rosin or balsajn. Ezek. 27. 17. PANT, V. Amos 2. 7. p. after dust of the earth PANTED. Ps.ll9.131.I/;.||Isa.21.4.myheart PANTETH. Psal. 38. 1 0. my heart p. 42. 1 . PAPER, s Wasaplant, or kind of bulrush or reed, ^whick grows in Egypt on the banks of the Nile. The ivrithig-paper of the ancients ivas made of the leaves of tJie paper-reed, from ivhenee it has 1 Kings 6. 29 32, 35. I Us name. Tlie Egyptians applied it to several uses, as to make baskets, shoes, clothes, little boats to swim in, and paper to write on. Isa. 19. 7. the p. reeds |j 2 John 12. p. and ink PAPHOS, A city of Cyprus, Acts 13. 6, 13. PAPS, s. Ezek. 23. 21. Luke 11, 27. | 23. 29. Rev. 1.13. girt about the p. with a golden girdle PARABLE, s. A similitude, or comparison, taken from tiatural things, to instruct us in the know- ledge of things spiritual. Num. 28. 7. Balaam took up his/>. 1 8.|24.3,1 5,90. Job 27. 1. Job continued his />. and said, 29. 1. Psal. 49. 4. I'll incline mine ear toap. 78.2. Prov. 26. 7. so is a. p. in the mouth of fools, 9. Ezek. 17. 2. speak up. to the house of lsrael,24.3. Mic. 2. 4. take up a/>. against you, Hab. 2. 6. Matt.1 3.18. hear/?. ofsoweri|24. Another j&. 21. 33. 34.without p. spake he not||36. declare />. 15.1 5. 24. 32. now learn a/7, of fig-tree, Mark 13. 28. Mark 4. 10. asked him of the /;. 7. 17. Luke 8.9. 12. 12. spoken />, against them, Luke 20. 10. Luke 5. 36. he spake a p 6. 39. | 8. 4. j 12. 16. I 13. 6. I 14. 7. I 15. 3. I IB. 1, 9. | 19. 11. j 20. 9. I 21. 29. John 13.6. 12. 41 . Lord speakest thou this p. to us, or to all PARABLES, s. Ezek. 20. 49. doth he not speak Matt. 13. 3. he spake many things in p. 13. 34. I 22. 1. Mark 3. 23. j 4. 2, 13, 33. | 12. 1. Mark4.13.howknowall/>.||Luke 8. lO.othersinp. PARADISE, s. signifies, [1] The garden of Edeir, Gen. 2. 15. [2] Heaven, Luke 23. 43. 2 Cor. 12. 4. caught to />.|]Rev. 2. 7. in midst off. PAR AH, A cow, or increasing. Josh. 18. 23. PARAMOURS, s. Concubines, Ezek. 23. 20. PARAN, Beauty, glory. Gen. 21. 21. Num. 10. 11. I 12. 16. I 13. 3, 26. Deut. 1. 1. | 33. 2. 1 Sam. 15. 1. 1 Kings 11. 18. Hab. 3. 3. PARBAR, An outpart. 1 Chr. 26. 18. PARCEL, .s. Gen. 33. 19./>. of field, John 4. 5. Ruth 4.3. a/), of land|ilChr.ll.l3./>. of ground, 14. PARCHED,p. 2 Sam. 17. 28. Isa.35. 7. Jer. 17.6. PARCHMENTS, s. 2 Tim. 4. 13. bring the p. PARDON, s. Exod. 23. 21. he'll not/>. your 34. 9. p. our iniquity and sin, Num. 14. 19. 1 Sam. 15. 25. therefore, I pray thee, p. my sin 2King.s5.18./>. thy servantlj24.4.Lord would not;). 2 Chr. 30. 18. the good L./j.lJNeli.9.l7. G. ready to Job 7. 21. why not/>.l|Psal. 25. 11. p. my iniquity Isa. 55. 7. return to L. and he will abundantly p. Jer. 5. 1. VWp. it, 33. 8. || 5. 7. how shall I/). 50. 20. for I will p. them whom I reserve PARDONED,^. Num. 14. 20. 1 have p. accord. Isa. 40. 2. her iniquity is/>. |j Lam. 3. 42. not/?. PARDONETH. Mic. 7. 18. p. iniquity and PARDONS, s. Neh. 9.tl7. a God of p. slow to PARE, V. Deut. 21. 12. shave and p. her nails PARENTS,*. Matt. 10.21. against/). Markl3.12. Luke 2. 27. when/), brought the child Jesus, 41. Luke8. 56./).aston.||l8. 29.1eft/). orwife,21.l6. John 9. 2. who did sin, this man or his/). 22, 23. Rom. 1. 30. proud, disobedient to p. 2 Tim. 3. 2. 2 Cor. 12. 14. child ought not to lay up for the j7, Eph. 6. 1. children, obey your/). Col. 3. 20. 1 Tim. 5. 4. requite/). II Heb. 11. 23. hid of his p. PARLOUR, S, s. Judg. 3. 20. Eglon in a p. 23. 1 Sam. 9. 22. into the/).|ll Chr. 28. il. pattern of p. PAJIMASHTA, A young bull. Esth. 9. 9. PAR PAS PARMENAS, Permanent. Acts 6. 5. PARN ACH, A hull, or smiting. Num. 34. 25. PAROSH, Afiea, or gnat. Ezra 2. 3. Neh. 8. 25. I 7. 8. I 10. 14. PARSHANDATHA, Dung. Esth. 9. 7. PARTjS. Exod. 29. 26. breast it .shall be thy p. Lev. 7. 33. right shouliler his/;.j|8. 29. breast bin p. Num. 18. 20., nor siialt thou have any p. among them, Deut. 10. 9. } 12.12. j 14.27, 29. | lb\ 1. Josh. 14. 4. I 18. 7. 22. 41. might see the utmost/?, of people, 23.13. Deut. 33. 21. he provided the tirst />. for himself Josh. 19. 9./>.of Judah toomuch|l22.25.noj&.inL. Ruth 2. 3. p. of the field (| 3. 13. p. of a kinsman 1 Sam. 23. 20.our/>.beto deliverJISO. 24. ashisji. 2 Sam, 20. 1. no/j.inDav.||2Kin. 1 8. 23. on thy /j. 1 Chr. 12. 29. greatest/;. 11 2 Chr. 29. 16. inner/;. Neh.l. 9.uttermost/;. of heav.|j5. 11. restore lOOp. Job 32. 17. I'll answer my p. \\ 41. 6. shall they p. P.sal. 5. 9. inward/), is wick, j) I6.f5. port, of my p. 51. 6.m the hidden/). 11 118. 7. Lord takes my p. Prov.8. 26. nor highest/).||51. habitable/;, of earth 17. 2. shall have/;, of inheritance among breth. Isa.7. 18. utmost/;. 24. 16.||44. 16. burneth/;, 19. Ezek.4.11. the sixth/;. 39. 2. | 45. 13. | 46.14. Dan. 2. 33. p. of clay, 41, 42.||5.5./».of haiJd, ^4. 11. 31. stand on his/;.JlAnios7. 4 dideat up a p. Mark 4.38. hinder part of shipjj9. 40. is on our p. Luke 10. 42. that good/;. || 11. 39. inward/;, is full 17. 24. lighteneth out of one p. shineth to otherp. John 13. 8. hast no/;. 1 1 19. 23. to every soldier a p. Acts 1. 17. obtained/;, of this ministry, 25. 5. 2. kept back/;. 3. |j 8. 21. neither/;, nor lot 14. 4./;. held with Jews || IG. 12. city of that/;. 19. 32. more/;, knew not|) 23. 6. one/. Sa'iuc. 27. 12. more p. || 1 Cor. 12. 24./;. which 1<» .,ed 1 Cor. 15. 6. greater/;, remain || 16. 17. oiTyiur/^. 2 Cor. 6. 15. what/;, he that believeth with infidel Eph. 4. 16. of every/;. || Tit. 2. 8. contrary/;. Heb. 2. 14. took/;.|jlPet.4. 14. on your/;, glorified Kev. 20.G.holy that hath/;, in first resurrection 21. 8./;. in the lake||22. 19. p. out of the book In PART. Rom. 1 1.25.b!indness inp. is happened 1 Cor. 13. 9. know inp. 12. || 10. tliat which is -/;. 2 Cor. 1 . 14. acknowledged us in p. \\ 2. 5. but -p. Third PART. Num. 15. 6. - p. of him, 28. 14. SSani. 18. 2. Davidsenta-/;.!|2Kin.ll. 5.-p.enter 2Chr. 23. 4. -p. porters||Neh. 10. 32. charge with Ezek. 5. 2. burn a -p.\\Zech. 13.9. -p. thro' the fire Rev. 8.7. -p. of trees burnt, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. 9. 15. slay - /;. of men, 18. || 12.4. tail drew -p. Fourth PART. Exod. 29. 40. -p. of an bin of oil, Lev. 23. 13. Num. 15. 4, 5. | 28. 5, 7, 14. 1 Sam. 9.8.-p.ofshekel||lKin.6. 33. 2Kin. 6. 25. Neh. 9. 3. read one -/;.|jRev. 6. 8. power over -p. Fifth PART. Gen. 41. 34. - p. of the laud, 47. 24. Lev. 5. iG.addthe-/;. 6.5.|22. 14.|27. 13,19,27, 31. Num. 5.7. 1 Kings 6. 31. lintel and side-posts were -p. Tenth PART. Exod. 16. 36. -p. of anephah, Lev. 6. ll.|6. 20. Num. 5. 15.|28. 5. Ezek. 45. 11. Num. 18. 26. ye shall offer the/;. Ezek. 45. 14. Heb. 7. 2. gave a -p. of allJlRev. 11. 13. -p. of city PART, V. Lev. 2. 6. p. the otfering in pieces Ruth. 1. 17. if ought but death/>.||l Sam. 30. 24. 2 Sam. 14. 6. none top.||Psai.22. 18./;. raygarm. PARTS,s. Gen. 47. 24. four/;, be your own, for S. Lev. 1. 8. lay/;. in order fj 22. 23. lacking inp. Num. 31. 27. in two p. 1 Kings 16. 21.2 Kin. 11. 7. Deut. 19. 3. in three /;.j|30. 4. outmost/;, of heav. Josh. 18. 5, divide itin 7/;.9.||lSam. 5. 9. secret/^. 2 Sam. 19. 43. ten/;, in king 1| Neh. 11. 1. nine/>. Job 26. 14./;. of his vvays|j 41. 12. not conceal/), Psal. 2. 8. uttermost/;, jj 63. 9. lower/;, of earth 65. 8. dwell in utmost/;. 139.9. |j 136. 13. in Prov. 18. 8. go down into innermost/;. 26. 22. Isa. 3. 17. discover their secret p.i|44. 23. lower ^. Jer. 34. 18. passed between the p. thereof, 19, Ezek. 26.20. set in low/;, of earth, 31.14,16.132.18. 37. 11. for our/;. \\ 38. 15. north/;. 39. 2.1)48. 8. Zech. 13. 8. two/;, therein shall be cut off, and Matt. 2. 22./;. of Gahlee |1 12. 42. uttermost/r. John 19.23. made four /;.1| Acts 20. 2. Rom. 15. 23. 1 Cor. 12. 23. uncomely/;, more comeliness, 24. Eph.4, 9. lower/;.||Rev. 16. 19. city in three/;. PARTED, p. Gen. 2. 10. river/;, in four heads 2 Kings 2. 11. p. them asunder i| 1,4. waters /;, Job 38. 24. is the light/;. || Joel 3. 2./;. land Matt. 27. 35. crucified him and p. his garments Mark 15. 24. Luke 23. 34. John 19. 24. Luke 24. 51. p. from them || Acts 2. 45. p. them PARTETH,?-. Lev. 11.3. Deut. 14. 6.Prov.l8.18, PARTAKER, s. Psal. 50. 18. p. with adulterers 1 Cor. O.lO.p. ofhis hope H 23. I hep. 10. 30. 1 Tim. 5. 22. neither hep. of other men's sins 2 Tim. 1. 8. be thou p. {\ 2. O.p. of the fruits 1 Pet. 5.\.p. of the glory|l2 John II. p. ofhis deecte PARTAKERS, s.^Matt. 23. 30. p. in blood of Rom. 15. 27. if Gentiles have been made p. of 1 Cor. 9. 12. if others be />. || 13. p. with the altar 10. 17. we are all /J. 18. |t 21./; of Lord's table 2 Cor. 1.7. as you are p. of the sufferings, so Eph. 3. 6.^. ofhi3 promise || 5. 7. be not ye/;. Phil. 1. 7. ye are all/;. || Col. 1.12. meet to hep. I Tim. 6. 2 /;. of the benefit 1| Heb. 2.14./;. of fiesh Heb. 3.1. p. of heavenly calling (j 14./;. of Chris"t 6. A.p. of the Holy Ghost |j 12. 8. all are/;. 12, 10. /;.of his holiness||l Pet. 4. 13. as ye are^. 2Pet.l.4./;. ofdivinenatuiPelJRev 18.4. henotp. PARTAKEST, v. Rom. 11. 17, p. of the root PARTHIANS, Banished men. Acts 2. 9. PARTIAL, a. Mai. 2. 9. been/;, Jam. 2. 4. PARriALITY,s. 1 Tim. 5. 21. Jam. 3. 17. PARTICULAR, a. 1 Cor. 12. 27. Eph. 5. 33. PARTICULARLY, erf. Acts 21. 19. Heb. 9. 5. PARTIES, s. Exod. 22. 9. cause of both/;. PARTING, p. Ezek. 21. 21. at/;, of the way PARTITION, s. 1 Kings 6. 21. Eph. 2. 14. PARTLY,rtd. Dan.2.42. lCor.ll.l8. Heb. 10.33. PARTNER, s. Prov. 29. 24. is p. with a thief 2Cor. 8. 23. Titus my /;.lJPhilem. 17. countme a/?. PARTNERS, S.Luke 5. 7. beckoned top. 10. PARTRIDGE. 1 Sam. 26. 20. Jer. 17. U. PARVAH, Flourishing. 1 Kings 4. 17. PARVAIM, A countrtj for gold. 1 Chr. 3. 6. PASACH, Diminishing. 1 Chr. 7. 33. PAS-DAMMIM, A portion. 1 Chr. 11. 13. PASEAH, A passing over. 1 Chr. 4. 12. PASHUR, Increasing or liberty. Jer. 20. 2- I Chr. 9. 12. P. son of Malchijah,Neh. 11. 12. Ezra 2. 3S. the children of P. 10. 22. Neh. 7.41. Neh. 10. 3. P. sealed'ii Jer.20.2. P. smote Jeremiah Jer. 20. 3. name P. but Magor-inissabib 21. 1. sent unto him P. Ij 38. 1. son ofP.heard PASSAGE, s. Num. 20. 2i. refused to.^ve/*, PAS Josh. 22.11. p. 6fTsrael]|l Sam. 13.23.Isa. 10.29. PASSAGES, s. Judg. 12. 6. s]ewatj!>. of Jordan 1 Sam. 14. 4. between/;. \\ Jer. 22. 20. | 51. 32. PASS, V. Gen. 41. 32. God will shortly bring top. Exod. 33. 19. my goodness/*. |) Num.' 27. 7, 8. Josh. 1. 14. />. before j I fi. 7. he said,/>. on, and 1 Sam. 9. 27. p. on before || 16. 8./>. before Sam. Neh. 2» 14. beast to/j.|{Job 6. 1 5. p. away, 11. 16, Job 34. 20. and the people shall /». away, and Prov. 16. 30. bringeth evi! top.\\-i'2. 3. siniple/>.on Isa. 30. 32. statf shall j&. || 31. 1 9. his rock/». 33. 21 . no gallant ship/>. |) 37. 26. brought to />. Jer. 8.13. /^awayl|33. 13. flocks/>.||51.43. norp. Ezek. 20. 2,7. p. under the rodj|32. l^.p. m beauty Amos 6. 2. p. to CalnehilMic. 1. ll./».away|)2. is'. Zeph. 2. 2. before day/?. |) Zeeh. 3. 4. iniquity p. Matt. .'). 18. one tittle not/>. |j 26. 39. this cup p. Luke 16. 26. who would />.|| 19. 4. to p. that way 1 Cor. 7. 36./». the flower j| Jam. 1. 10./>. away 1 Pet. 1. 17. p. the time |) 2 Pet. 3. 10. heavens "p. PASS by. Exod. 33. 22. cover thee, while I p.- Deut. 2.30. Sihon not let us/?.- 1) 1 Sam. 16.9- Ps. 80. 12. all that/». - the way do pluck, 89. 41. Jer. 22. 8. many nations shall p. - this city . Lam. 1.12./).- beiiOid 1| 2. 1 5. all that p. - clap Ezek. 5. 14. in sight of all that/;.-|i37. 2. me top.- 46. 21. caused me to />.-!) Am. 7. 8. not ag./>.- 8. 2. Mic. 2. 8. pull otf the garments of them that p. - Matt.8.28.nomanmight/?.-|;Lukel8.36.t.^Cor.l.l6. JSot PASS. Num. 20. 7. we'll -/). thro' fields, 18. Job 14. 5. can -p. 19. 8. || Ps. 148. 6. shall-/*. Prov. 8. 29. waters -p. \\ Jer. 5. 22. it can -/?. Dan. 7, 14. cverl. dominion that shall-/*, away Matt.24. 34. general, -p. Mar.l 3.30. Luke 21.32. PASS not. Gen. 18. 3. my lord />• - 1| 2 Kin. 6. 9. Prov. 4. 15./*.- by it|)Am. 5. 5. p. - to Beersheba PASS over. Gen. 8. 1. G. made a wind p. - earth 31 . 62. not p. - this heap |) 32. 16./*.- before me t23./>. -brook || 33. 14- let my lord/*. - before Ex. 12. 13. nip.-, 23. II 15. 16. still as a stone till Deut.y. IS. to p. - to Ar. ||24./*. - Arnon {| 3. 18. 9. 1. thou art to/*. -Jordan this day, 11. 31. 1 2 7. 2. Josh. 1. 11. I 3. 6, 14. I 4. 5. Josh. 22. 19. then/*. - unto land of possession Judg. 3. 28. not a man to/*.- 1|19- 12. we'll/*.- to 1 Sam. 14. 8. we'll/*. -||2 Sam. 15. 22. go/*. -,17. 16. Psal. 104.9. may not/*.-|fProv. 19. ll.aglory to/*.- Isa. 23. 6. p. - to Tarshish [I 12. Chittim |) 28. 19. 35. 8. unclean not p. - 1| 47. 2./*. - the rivers 51. 10, ransomed to p. -|| Jer. 2. 10. p.- isles Jer. 5. 22. can they not p. - it, Ezek. 47. 5. Dan. 4. 16.seventimes/*. -, 25.|j 11. 40. king/*. - Hab. 1. 11. he shall/*.- |j Luke 11.42./*. -judgra. PASS through. Gen. 30. 32. /*. - thy flock Exod. 12. 12. ill/*. - the land of Egypt, 23. Lev. 18.21.not/>.-fire,Deut. 18. lb.2Kin.l7.17. Num. 20. 17. let us/*. -, 21. 22, 23. Dent. 2. 27. Dent. 2. 4. to /*. - Edom || 28. I'll /*. - on my feet Josh. 1. 11./*.- the host II Judg. 11.20. top.- coasts i Sam. 12. 31./>.-brick-kilnj|l Kin. 18. 6. land to/*.- 2 Kin. 16. 3. to /*. - the fire, 21. 6. | 23. 1 0. 2 Chr. 53. 6. Jer. 32. 35. Ezek. 20. 26, 31. Ps. 78. 13. caused them to /*. - the sea, 136. 14. Isa. 8. 8. he shall/*. - Judal)|j21./*.- hardly bestead 21 . 1. as whirlwinds /*. - 1| 23. 10. /*. - thy land 28. 13. shall p. -, 18. || 34. 10. none shall/*. - it J'oY. 9. 10. none can/*. -|{Lam. 3. 44. not /*. -ij4. 21. PAS Ezek. 5. 17. bfoodshall/*. -||14. 1 5. noisoni beasts /*. - , that no man may/*. -,29.11. ] 33.28. 39. 15. passengers that/*. -|| Dan. 11. 10. one/*. - Joel 3. 17. no stranger/*. - her any more Am. 5. 17. I'll /*. - II Nah. 1.12. when he shall /*. - Nah. 1. 1.5. wicked shall no more/*. - thee Zech. 9. 3. no oppressor/*. - [|10. 11./*. -theses 1 Cor. 16. 5. when I shall/*. - Macedonia, for PASSED,/). Gen. 15. 17. a lamp that/*, between Num. 20. 17. p. thy borders || Josh 3 4. not/*. Josh. 6. 8. priests/j. on || 10.29, 31, 34. | 15. 3, — 11. I 18.18,19. I 24. 17. 1 Sam. 15. 12. Saul is/*, on || 29. 2. Philistines/*. 2 Sam. 15. 18. David's servants p. on beside him 2 Kings 4. 8. Eiisha/*. |i 31. Gehazi/*. on before 2 Chr. 9. 22. Solomon p. all the kings in wisdom Job 4. 15. aspirit/>.||9. 26. daysj|l5. I9.no stranger Psal. 18. 12. thick clouds/*. 1137. 36. yet he/*, away 90. 9. days/;, away || Song 3.4. I/*, from them Isa. 10. 28. p. to Migron jj 41. 3. p. safely even Jer. 11. 15.fle«his/»rj| 34. 18./). between || 46.17. Dan. 3. 27. nor smell of fire/*. f| 6. 18./*. night Nah. 3, 19, wickedness /*.||Mark 6. 35. lime is far/*. John 5. 24. is/*, from death to life, 1 John 3. 14. Rom. 5. 12. so death/*.||Heb.4. 14./*. into heaven Rev. 21.1. first earth/). || 4, former things/*. PASSED by. Gen. 37. 28. Exod. 34. 6. Deut. 2. 8. I 29. 16. Josh. 16. 6. I Kings 13. 25. |19. 11. I 20. 39. 2 Kings 4. 8. | 6. 30. j 14. 9. Job 28, 8. Psal. 48. 4. Ezek. 16. 6, 15. I 36. 34. Hab. 3. 10. Matt. 20. 30. | 27. 39. Mark 2. 14. | 6. 48. | 11. 20. ] 15. 21, 29. Luke 10. 31, 32. John 8. 59. | 9. 1. Acts 17. 23. PASSED over. Gen. 31. 21. | 32. 10, 22, 31. I 33. 3. Exod. 12. 27. Num. 33. 51. Deut. 27. 3. Josh. 3. 16, 17. 1 4. 1, 10, 12. Judg. 8. 4. j 10. 9. I 11. 29. I 12. 3. 1 Sam. 14. 23. I 27. 2. 2 Sara. 2. 29. | 15. 22,23. Isa. 40.27. Ezek. 47. 5. Hos. 10. 11. Jonah 2. 3. Matt. 9.1. Marks. 21. | 6. 53. PASSED through. Gen. 12. 6. Num. 14. 7. I 33. 8. Josh. 18. 9. I Sam. 9. 4. 2 Chr. 30. 10. Mic. 2. 13. Zech. j7. 14. Luke 17. II, Acts 9. 32. I 12.10. 1 Cor. 10. 1. Heb. 11.29. PASSEDST. Judg. 12. 1. why/*, thou over PASSEN GERS, 5. Prov. 9. 15- to call/*, who go Ezek. 39. 11, give Gog valley of/*- || 14. burv/*. PASSEST,w. Deut. 3.21. whither thou/). 30. 18'. 2 Sara. 15. 33. if thou/*, on shall be a burden iKin. 2. 37. p. over brook j|Isa. 43. 2. when thou /*. PASSETH, V. Exod, 33. 22. while my glory p. Lev. 27. 32./*. under rod || Josh. 3. 11. L./*. before 1 Kings 9. 8. that/), by it, shall hiss, 2 Chr. 7. 21. 2 Kings 4. 9. man of G. who/*. || 1 2. 4. money/;. Job 9. 11. he/*, on also, I perceive not|| 14.20. 30. 15. my welfare/*. |j 37. 21. but the wind A Ps. 78. 39. they are a wind that/*. 103. 16. 1 144.4. Prov. 10. 25.aswhirlwind/).||26. 17, he that/*, by Eccl. 1, 4, one generation /*.||Isa. 29. 5. as chalf/*. Jer, 2. 6. a land that no man p. through, 9- 12. 13.24. as stubble/*.!|l8. 16. every one that/).l9.S, Ezek.37. 5. cut oil him that/*.||Hos 13. 3,/*. away Mic. 7. 18. a God that/;, by transgres.sion of rem. Zeph. 2. 15. ev. one that/*, hiss || 3. 6. none/*, by Zech.9.8.that/). by||Luke 18. 37. told, Jesus/*, by 1 Cor. 7. 31. fashion of this world/*, 1 John 2. 17. PAS Epb. S. 19./). knowledge [IPhU. 4.7. j5>. all iraders. PASSING. Jr.dg. 19. 18. p. from Bethlehem 2 Sara. 1. 26. love\?'ondei'ful,/>. love of women 15.24. done p. \\ 2 Rings 6. 26. a.s kin^ \vas/> Psal. 84. 6. p. thro' val}cyi|Prov.7. 8. p. tlivo'stieet Isa. 31. 5.^. over, he'il preserve ll Ezek. 39. 14. Luke 4. 30. he/7, thro' the midst of them, went Acts 5. 15. shadow of Peter/*. || 8. 40. Philip ]5. 16. 8. p. by Mysia [j 27. 8. hardly />. Crete PASSION, s. signities, [l] iVa^ura/ and sinful affections, Acts 14. 15. Jam. 5. 17. [2] The suferings of Christ, Acts 1. 3, 1 Pet. 1. 11. PASSIONS, s. Acts 14. 15. of like/?. Jam. 3. 17. PASSOVER, s. This word comes from the He- brew vet b, Pasach, ichich signifies to pass, leap, or skip over : Because the destroying angel, who slew the first born of Egypt, passed ever, and spared the Israehtes. Mt was typical of the justice of God's passing over and sparing such, who are sprinkled with the blood of Christ, 1 Cor. 5. 7. Exod.l2 II. Lord's//. 27. Lev !^3. 5. Num. 28.16. 21. kill the p. I) 43. is the ordinance of the/?. Num. 95. keptp.\\33. 3. after the/). Josh. 5. 11. Deut. 16. 2. sacrifice the/> to the Lord, 5. 6. 2 KiB£S 23. 22. not holdtn such a p. from days SChr.SO.lS. killed the/). 35.1,11,18. Mark 14. 12. 35.1.Jo6iahkepta/). to L. 17, 19. Ez;-a 6. 19. 13. they roasted the p. \\ Ezek. 45. 21. have p. Matt. 26. 17. to eat/). Mark 14. 12. Luke 22. 8. Liuke 22. 15. with desire I desired to eat this/?. John 2. 13. Jews/). 23. | 11- 35. | 12. I. \\ 18. 28. 18. 39. release one at/). || 19. 14. preparat. of/?. iCor. 5. 7. Christour/).||Heb.ll.28. kept the/?. PASSOVERS, s. 2 Chr. 30. 17. killing the p. PAST, p. Gen.50.4. days of mourn./), i Sam. 1 1 .27. Deut. 2. 10. in times p. 4. 42. | 19. 4, 6, 1 Sam. 13. 32. bitterness of death is p. \\ 19. 7. 2 Sara. 3. 17. in time/). 5. 2. 1 Chr. 9. 20. 1 Kings 18. 29. mid-day/). I| Job 9. 10. p. finding Job 14. 13. tillthy wrathbe/) ||17. 11. my days/?. 29.2. as in months/). I j Ps. 90. 4. when it is p. Eccl, 3.15. that which is/).|jSong2.11. winter is/?. Jer. 8. 20. harvest isp. |j Matt. 14. 15. time is/?. Mark 16. 1. Sabbath p j| Luke 9. 36. voice was /?. Acts 12. 10./). the first ward II 14. 16. in times/?. 27.9. fast already/?. || Rom. 3. 25. of sms/?. Rora. 11. 30. m times /).1| 33. p. finding out 2 Cor. 5. 17. old things are/), away, ail things Gal.1.13. in time p.5.2\. Eph. 2. 2, 3. Philem. 11. Epb. 4. 19./?. feeUng!|2 Tim. 2. 18. resurrect, is p. Heb. 1. 1. spake intime/).||ll. 11. shewa>/). age 1 Pet. 2. 10. in time p. \\ 4. 3. time p. of our life lJohn2.8.darkn. is/j.j|Kev.9. 12.onewo/?.ll.l4. PASTOR, s. or shepherd. Jer. 17. 16. being/?. PASTORS, s. Jer. 2. 8. p. transgressed ag. me S. 15. I'll give you p.\\ 10. 21. /?, become brutish 12. 10./). destroyed |j 22. 22. wind eat up thy/?. 23. 1. wo to the/?. 2. 1! Eph. 4. 11. gave some/?. PASTURE, s.is put for, [l] The land o/ Canaan, Hos. 13. 6. [23 All necessary and delightful provisions, both for soul aiid body, Psal. 23. 2. John 10. 9. [3] The church, Psal. 74. 1 . 6en. 47. 4. have nop, || 1 Chr. 4 39. to seek/?, I Chr. 4. 40. thev found fat p. |1 Job 39. 8. is his p. Psak 74. 1. sheejp of tliy/?. 79. 13. 1 95. 7. 1 100. 3. fea. 32, 14. a joy of wild asses, a/?, of flocks 55 Jer. 23.1. scatter sheep ofTOy/>.(l25. 56. spoiled/). Lam. 1. 6. find no/?, j] Ezek. 3A. 14. a fat/?. 18. Ezek. 34. 51. flock of my />. |. Hos. 13. 6. then-/?. Joel 1. 18. have nop. \\ John 10. 9. and find/». PASTURES, ,5. 1 Kings 4. 23. oxen out of/?. Psal. 23. 2. in green /?.!|65. 12. drop on the /?.''] 3. Isa. 30. 23. feed in large/? jl 49. 9./?. in all hi^h-p. Ezek. 34. 18. residue of/?.|i 45. 15. fat/?, of Israel Joel 1. 19. devoured/*. 23. || 2. 22. p. do spring PATARA, Paiyitcd white. Acts 21. 1. PATE, s. Psal. 7. 1 G. come down on his own p. PATH, s. is spoken, I. Of God, and signifies, [l^ Hisprece})ts,Psd.\. 17. 5- [2' His dispensations, Psal. 25. 10. [3] The way of salvation, Psal. 16. 11. Jer. 6. 16. [4] Tiie clouds, Psal. 65. 11. II. 0/"^ood »i^n, and denotes, [13 Theii' good conversation, Prov. 2. 20. {^2] Their aJfairSf actions and course of life, Job 13. 27. j 33. 11, III. 0/ wicked men, siguityiug their ungodly practices, Isa. 59. 7. Gen. 49. 17. an adder in/?. || Num. 22. 24. stood io job 28. 7. there IS a/? |! 30. 13. they mar my/?. 41. 32. a/j. toshine|;Psal. 16.11. shew/? ."of life Psal. 27. II. a plain/?. |i77. 19./?. in great waters 119. 35. p. of commands || 105. a light to my/?, 139. 3. compassest my/?. |j 142. 3. knewest/?. Prov. 1.15. refrain from/?, jj 2. 9.underst. good/»» 4. 14. enter not into the/?, of the wicked 18. p. of the just |i 26. ponder the p. 5. 6. Isa 26. 7. weigh p. of just II 30. 1 1 . turn out of/i; 40. 14. tauglit him in the /?. of judgment and 43. 16. />. in waters [j Joe! 2. 8. walk in his p. PATH-WAY, s. Prov. 12. 28./?. thereof is no PATHS, s. Job 6. 18. p. are turned aside they 8. 13. so are the/?, of all that forget God 13. 27. lookestto my p. \\ 19. 8. darkness in j&. . 24. 13. nor abide in p. \\b3. II. markethmy/?. 38. 20. that thou shouidst know the p. of house Psal. 8. 8./). ofseaj|17. 4. keep me from/?, of 17. 5. hold up my goings in thy p. tiiat ray 23. 3. /?. of n}ihteousness||25. 4. teach me thy p. 25. 10./?. are mercy || 65. ll.p. drop fatness Prov. 2. 8./?. of judgment, 8. 2O. || 13. leave/?. 15. froward mp. \\ 18. p. incline to the dead 19. nor take hold of/?, of life }] 20. keep/?, of 3. 6. he shall direct thy/?. |) 17. her/), are peace 4. 11. I led thee in right/?, jj 7. 25. astray in />,:^ 8. 2. in places of/?. |i 20. midst of/?, of judgm. Isa. 2. 3. and we will walkin his p. Mic. 4. 2. 3. 12. destroy/?. || 42. 16. I'll lead them in p. 58. 12. restorer of/). || 59. 7. destruction in/?. 8. Jer. 6. 16. ask for tlie old/?. |jl8. 15. from and. /?, Lam. 3. 9. niy/?. crookedjjHos. 2, 6. not find her/). Alatt. 3. 3. make/?.strai2ht,Mark 1. 3. Luke 3. 4. Heb. 12. 13. and make straight/?, for your feet PITHROS, A morsel of dough. Isa. 11. 11. Jer, 44. 1, 1,5. Ezek. 29. 14. | 30. 14. PATHRUSIM, The same. Gen. 10. 14. PATIENCE, s. signifies, [1] Bearing Ung^ Matt. 18. 26. [2] Calm submission to God uti' del' afflictions. Jam. 1. 3, 4. [.S] Hope and ex- pectation, Rom. 8. 25. Heb. 10. 36. [4] Per- severance, Jam. 5. 7, 9, 10. Matt. 18. 26. have/?, with me, and I'll pay, 29. Luke S. 15. fruit with/?. j| 21. 19. in/?, possess Rom. 5. 3.tribiil. worketh/?. (| 4./). experience 8. 25. with/), wait ||15, 4. thro'/), jl 5, God of/). 4 PAtr ?EA 2 Cor. 6. 4. as mimstersof G. in niiich/>. 12. 12. Col. 1. 11. strength. toallj&.jjlThes.l.s.j&.ofhope 2 Thes. 1. 4. we glory for your;&. |j 3.t5. of Christ 1 Tim. 6. n.foUow/j |j2Tim.3. 10. known my/). Tit. 2. 2. sound in faith, in p. j| Heb. 6. 12. thro' /?. Heb. 10. 36. need ofj&. (| 12. 1. let us run withj&. Jam. 1. 3. trying of your faith workethjft. 4. 5. 7. hath long- /7. |( 10. for an example of p. 11. Heard ofjC). of Job || 2 Pet. 1. 6.to/>. godlin. Rev. 1. 9. inp. of Jesus j| '2. 2. 1 know thy j&. 19. 2. 3. and thou hastj6.||3. iO. kept word of my/?. 13. 10. here is the p. of the saints, 14. 12. iPATIENT, a. Ecd. 7. Sp. in spu-it is better Rom. 2. 7. /j. continuance]) 12. 12. p. in tribnlat. 1 Thes. 5. 14. be p. to all meu|(2 Thes. 3.5./?. wait. 1 Tim. 3. 3. hut p. 2Tim. 2.24.!|Jam. 5. 7.be/>.8. PATIENTLY. Ps.37.7.waitj&.!|40.1. 1 waited/;. Acts26. 3.hearme/?.||Heb. 6. 15. had/j. endured 1 Pet. ^. 20. if bufteted for faults, ye take it p. bui PATMOS, A7i isle of the lEi^ean Sea, Rev. l. 9. PATRIARCH, S, s. The head or prince of the family, Acts 2. 29. | 7. 8, 9. Heb. 7. 4. PA FRliVIONY, s. Goods or estate, Deut. 18. 8. PATROBAS, Who goeth in his father's steps, or . belonging to the father. Rom. 16. 14. PATTERN,*. Exod. 25. 9. after/). 40. Num. 8.4. Jcsh. 22. 28./). of the altar, 2 Kings IG. 10. 1 Chr. ?8. 11. David gave Solomon the/). 12. 18. Ezek. 43. 10. measure/), (j I Tim. 1. 16. shew zp. Tit. 2.7./). of good worksll Heb. 8. 5. accord, top. PATTERNS, s. Heb. 9. 23. necessary that/). ^AU, Howling, or appearing. Gen. ?^6. 39. PAVED, ;>. E\od. 24. 10. p. work |) Song 3. 10. PAVEMENT, 5. 2 Kings 16. 17./). of stones 2Chr. 7.3. Israel bot\MHl on/).||Esth. l. 6./?. of red Ezek. 40. 17/). for court (| 18. was the lower/?. 42. 3. over against /).j| John 12. 13. called the p. PAUL, in Hebrew, marvellous j in Greek, rest j in Latin, little. Acts 13. 9. Saul called P. || 43. many followed 46. P. waxed bold || 50. persecution against 14. 9. same heard P.1|12. called P. Mercurius 19. having stoned P. || 15. 38. P. thought not 15. 40. P. chose Silas \\ 16. 3. him would P. 16. 9. a vision to P. \\ 14. things spoken of P. 17. followed P. II 18. but P. being grieved 25. P. and Silas prayed || 28. P. cried, do thy 17. 2. P. as his manner was j| 4. comforted with 10. sent P. away, 14. (| 16. P. waited at Athens 18. 5. P. pressed in spirit || 9. Lord spake to P. 19. 11. miracles by P.|115. P. I know, but who ? 21. P. purposed \\ 26. this P. hath persuaded 20. 7. P. preached, ready || 10. P. went down 37. fell on P.'s neck j| 21. 4. said to P. thro' 21 .1 1. Agabus took P.'s girdle] j 1 8. P. went toJam. 30 they took P. || 32. they left beating of P. 40. P. stood on stairs || 23. 1. P. beholding ^3. 10. fearing lest P. || 11. be of good cheer, P. 12. till they had killed P. 14. 1| 18. P. prayed 31. soldiers brought P.||24. 1. informed against 24. 26. money given ofP.||27.FelixleftP.bound 25. 19. one Jesus, whom P. affirmed to be alive 26. 24.Festus said, P. |j 27. 3.intreated P. 27. 24. fear not P. j| 4a. willing to save P. 28. 16. but P. was suffered to dwell by himself 1 Cor. 1. 12. lam of P. 3. 4.|113. was P. crucified i 3. 5. xyho then is P. .^22. P. or Apollos, or 1 Cor.16.21. sahita. of meP. Col.4.I8. 2TheS.S.17. 1 Thes. 2. 18. even I P. |) Pliilem. 9. P. the aged 2 Pet. 3. 15. as our beloved brother P. wrote PAULUS, The same. Acts 13. 7. PAVILION, S, 5. A tent, or tabernacle of state. 2 Sam. 22. 12. made darkness his p. Psal. 18. 11. 1 Kin. 20. 12. Benhadad drinking in the p. 16. Psal. 27. 5. he shall uide me in his p. 31. 20. Jer. 43. 10. Nebuchadnezzar spread his royal/. PAW, 8, s. Lev. 11. 27. 1 Sam. 17. 37. PA WETH, V Job 39. 21. the horse p. in the PAY, V. ilxod. 21. 19./».for loss of his time, 22. 36./). ox fo! ox II 22. 7. p. double, 9- jj 17. Num. 20. 19. if I drink thy water, Vllp. for it Deut. 23. 21. a vow, thou shall not slack top. 2 Sam. 15. 7. p. my vow|i2 Kings 4. 7. p. thy debt 2 Chr. 8. 8. to p. tribute 1| Ezra 4. 13. p. toll and Gsth. 3. 9. 1 w\\]p. 10,000 talents of Sliver, 4. 7. Job 22. 27.//. vows, Ps.22.25.|66. 13.|116. 14,18. Psal. 50. 14./). thy vows |j 76. 11. vow and p. Prov. 19. 17. p. again || 22. 27. if nothing toj>. Reel. 5. 4. defer not to p. 5. ||Jonah 2. 9- 1 will p. Matt. 17. 24. doth not your master/), tribute^ 18. 25. had not top. he forgave hi.n, Luke 7.42. 26. I'll p. thee all, 29, 30. || 34. till he should/). 23. 23./). tithe of mint jj Rom. 13.6./). tiibute PAYED, or PAID, p. Ezra 4. 20. custom p. Prov. 7. 14. 1 p. my vows |) Jonah 1.3. p. the fare Matt. 5. 26./;. uttermost farthing, Luke 12. 39. Heb. 7. 9. Levi also p. tithes in Abraham PAYETH. Psal. 37. 21. wicked p. not again PAYMENT,*. Matt. 18. 25./>. to be made PEACE, s. is put for, [1] Reconciliation to God by the blood of Christ, Col. 1. 20. [2J Quiet and comfort in the conscience, Rom. 14. 17. which is the gift of Christ, John 14. 27. and a fruit of the Spirit, 'Gal. 5. 22. [3] Christian har- mony and concord, 1 Thes. 5. 13. [4J Prat* perity, Ezra 5. 7. Psal. 29. U. [5J Thepub>, lie tranquility of the church, Psal. 122. 6. Rev. 6. 4. [6] Of the common-wealth, 2 Kings 20. 19. Jer. 29. 7. [7j A quiet life, 1 Tim. 2. 2. [8] Perfect joy and rest in heaven, Isa. 57. 2. 2 Pet. 3. 14. [9j Submission to the will of Godf Job 22. 21. [10] It is a freedom from per- plexing anxieties and inward distresses, Isa. 26.3. Gen. 29. t 6. is there/). ||41. 16. an answer of />. Exod.l8.t7.asked of their/). || Lev. 26. 6. I'll give Num. 6. 26. L. give thee p. \\ 25. 12. covenant ot'p. Deut. 2. 26. words of p. || 20. 10. proclaim p. to it 20. 11. if it make thee an answer of />. and open 23. 6. not seek their/). || 29. 19- 1 shall have;>. Judg. 4. 17. p. between Jabin || 6. t 24. L. send^. I Sam. 7. U.p. bet. Israel || 10. 1 4. ask thee of p. 20. 7. shall have p. || 21 . then there is p. to .. 1 Kin. 2. 33. on his throne hep. [j 4.24. Sol. had/r, 5.12. p. between Hiram || 20. 18. come for />, or 2Kings9. 17.isit//. Jehu, 18, 19. || 22. what/. 31. had Zimri/). || 20. 19. if/), in ray days iChr. "22. 9. rilgive/>. to Israel || 2 Chr. 15. 5. nop. Ezra 4. 17. beyond river ;>. |) 5. 7. to Darius all/. 7. 12. to Ezra perf. p. |j 9. 12. nor seek theii/>. Esth. 9. 30. Mord. sent lett. with words ofp. 1 0. 3. Job 5. 23. beasts at /.with thee II 21.f 9. houses/.' 22. 21. and be at/.||25.2. he niaketh/. in Psal. 7. 4. that was at /. |[ 28. 3, who speak P' ■■ PEA l^EE ^^^ Psal. 29. 11. theLord will bless his peaple with/). 34. 14. seek p. and pursue it, 1 Pet. 3.11. 35. 20. they -peak not p.\\3T .11 . abundance of p. 37. 37. end of that man isp. || 41. T9. man of p. 55. 20. such as be at p. || 72. 3. mount, bnng />. 72. 7. abundance of p. || 85. 8. he'll spread p. 85.10.righteousnessandj!>.have kissed each other 119. I65.great;!).j|120. 6. hatethj^.||7. 1 am for p. 1 22. 6. pray for the j!;.ji 1 ^5, 5. p. shall be on Israel 128. 6. thou shaltsee p.\\li7. 14. he maketh p. Prov. 3. 17. paths of p. |j 12. 20. counsellors of p. 16. 7. enemies at p. \\ Eccl. 3. 8. a tmie of p. Isa. 9. 6. the prince of p. \\ 7. of his p. no end 26. 12. wilt ordamp. || 27. 5. he suall make/). 32. 17. work of right. ^.||33. 7. ambassadors of />. 38. 17. belioidjforp. jj 45. 7. I make p. and 48. 18. p. beenasariverj|22.noj:). to wick. 57.21. 52.7. thcitpublishethj!). Nah. 1. 15. Rom. 10.13. 53. 5. chastisement ofou\p. was upon him 54. 10. nor covenant of my p. || 13. great the p. 55. 12.1ed forth with p. \\ 57. 2. enter into/). 57. 19. fruit of lips,/), p. \\ 59. 8. way of p. they 60. 17.officers/). || 66. 12. extend/>. like a river Jer. 4. 10. ye shall have /).|j6. 14, saying, p.p. 8. 11. 8. 15. we looked for p. 14. 19.|jl2. 5. land of p. 12. 12. uo tlesh shall iiMep. \\ 14. 13. assured />. 15. t ^. who ask of thy/). Ii 16. 5. taken my p. 20. t 10. man of my/) j| 28. 9 prophesied of />. 29. 7. seek p. of city || li. thoughts of p. and not 30. 5. not of p. il oj. 6. abundance of p. |l3a.t22. Lam. 3. 17. hast removed my soul far from/). £zek. 7. 25. shall seek/), and there shall be none 13. 10. saying,/;. l6. ||34. 25. acov. of p. 37. 26. Dan. 8. 25. by/), destroy (| Obad.7. the men at p. Mic. 3. 3. and cry p. || 5. 5. this man be the p. Hag. 2. 9. I'll give p. |j Zech. 6. 13. counsel of p. Zech. 8. 10. nor any /). || t 1 2. seed shail be of p. 16. execute/). I) 19. iove/>. || 9. 10. speak/;. Mai. 2. 5. my coven, was with him of life and p. Matt 10. 13. let your/), com»^|j34, not to send;). Mark 4. 3H./». be stih (| 9. 50. have/;, one with Luke 1. 79. m the way of p. |) 2. 14. on earth/;. 10. 6. if the Son of/;. ||12. 51. togivep. on earth 14. 52. conditions ofp \\ 19. 38./;. in heaven 19. 42. the things which belong to thy p. hid .Tohn 14. 27. my/;. I give |j 16. 33. in me have p. Acts 10. 36. preaching /».j] 1 2.20. desired ^.because Rom. 1.7. p. from God the Father, lCor.l.3.2Cor 1. 2. Gal. 1. 3. Eph. I. 2. Phil. 1. 2. Col. 1. 2. 1 Thes. 1.1.2 Tiies. 1. 2. 1 Tim. 1. 2. Tit. 1. 4. Philem. 3. 2 John 3- 5. 10. but p. to every |) 3. 17. the way ofp. 5. l.p. withG.||8. 6,lifeandp.|ilO. 15. gospel of 14. 17. p. and joy, 15. 13. {{ 14. 19 make forp. lCor.7. 15. called us top.[|l4. 33. but author ofp. Gal. 5. 22. the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, p. Eph. 2. 14. for he js our p. || 15. -o making p. 17.preachedp.]j4.3. bond ofp.|j6.15. gospel ofp. Phil. 4.7. the p. of G. which passelh alhmderst. Col. 1. 20. having made p. || 5. 15. p. of God rule 1 Thes. 5.3. when they say p.||l3. be at p. among 2 Thes. 3. 16. now t!;e Lord ofp. give you p.ahv. 2 Tim. 2. 22. follow p. with all men, Heb. 12.14. Heb. 7. 2. king ofp. ||11. 31. received spies in p. Jam. 3. 18. is sown in p. of them that make p. Rev. 1. 4. p. from him || 6. 4. power to takep. PEACE be. Gen. .2Pet.l.2. 10. 19.p.6etothee| Luke 10. 5. p. 6e to this house Luke 24. 36. p. be to you, John 20. 19, 21, 26. Gal. 6. 1 6. p.- on them j) Eph. 6. 23. p. - to breth. 1 Pet. 5. 14. p. be with yon, S John l4. .Tude 2. God 0/ PEACE. Rom. 'l 5. 33. | 16. 20. 2 Cor. 13. 11. 1 Thes. 5.23. Heb. 13. 23. See Held, Hold. In PEACE. Gen. 26. 29. sent thee -p. 31. 28.21. so that I come -p. II 44. 17. get up -p. • Josh. 10.21. came -p. |j Judg. 8. 9. when I come -p. Judg. 11. 31. when I return -p. 2 Sam. 15. 27. 2 Sam. 3. 21. Abner went -p. 22. || 23 gone -p. 17. 3. people be -p. j| 19. 24. come again -p. 30. 1 Kings 2. 5. shed blood p. |j 22. 17. return -p. 22. 27. put in prison till 1 come -p. 2 Chr. 18.-26. 2 Kiu.2i2.20.gathered to thy grave -p. 2Chr.34.28- 2Chr.l9.1. returned -p.ljJob 5.24. tabernacle -p. Psal. 4. 8. lay me down -p. j| 5 5. IS. my soul -p. Isa. 26. 3. in perfectp. j| 41. t 3. and passed -p. Jer. 29. 7. in thep. thereof || 34. 5. shall die -p. Mai. 2. 6. he walked with me -p. and equity Luke 2. 29. depart - p. || 1 1 . 21 . his goods in p. 1 Cor. 16. 11. conduct him -p.lj2Cor.l3.11. live -p. Jam. 2, 16. depart in p. !j2 Pet. 3. 14. found -p. See Go, Made, Offerings. PEACEABLE, a. Gen. 34. 21. these men are p. 2 .Sam. 20. 1 9. 1 am p. j] 1 Chr. 4. 40. land was p. 1 Chr. 22.T9. man of rest, for his namesiiall be p. Isa. 32. 18. inap. habitation, 5c\. '25. 37. 1 Tim. 2 2. that we may lead a quiet and p. life Heb. 12. 11. vieldeth thep. i| Jam. 3. 17. purep. PEACEABLY, ad. Gen.3r.4. could not speak p. Judg.ll 13. restore those landsp.||21.l3. to cad p. 1 Sam. 16. 4. comest thou p. 5. 2 Kings 2. 13. 1 Chr. 12. 17. if ye come p.jjJer. 9. 8. speaketh p. Dan. 11. 21. come in p. 24. \\ Rom. 12. 18. live p. PEACE-MAKERS, s. Matt. 5. 9. blessed are p. PEACOCKS, s. A tame bird, remarkable for the extraordinary beaut ii of its feathers. I Kings 10. 22. 1 Chr^ 9. 21. Job 39. 13. PEARL, S, s. Is a gem or jewel, found in u testa- ceous fish resembling an oyster. The finest pearls are fished up in the Persian Gulph, now called the Sea o/ Catif It is put for, [l] The precious truths of the gospel, or godly admonitions, Matt. 7. 6. [2] The Lord Jesvs, or his church. Matt, 13.45. I 3") The glorious state of saints in hea- ven, Rev. 21. 21. Job 28. 1 8. no mention be made of coral orp. Matt. 7. 6. nor castp ||13.45. seeking goodly p. 46. 1 Tim. 2. 9. or gold orp.||Rev. 17^4. goldandp. Rev. 18. 12. p. and fine, l(..|i2l,21.gates were 12p. PECULIAR, a. Exod. 19^ 5. a p. treasure tome Dent 14. 2. p. people, 26. 18. Tit.2.l4. 1 Pet.2.9. Psal. 1 35. 4. Lord chosen Israel for his p. treasure Eccl. 2. 8. thep. treasure of kingsand provinces PEDAHEL, TheredempiionofGod. Num.34.28. PEDAHZUR, A strong redeemer. Num. 1.10. PEDAIAH, The Lords redeeming. 2Kin,23.36. 1 Chr. 3. 18, 19.|27. 20. Neh. 3. 25.|8. 4. J 11. 7. PEDIGREE, S. Num. 1.18. Heb. 7. f 3, t C. PEELED. Isa. 18. 2, 7. Ezek. 29. 18. PBLP, ED. Isa. S. 19. wpzaixb that p. 10. f^. PEO PEG PEKAH, Opening. 2 Kin. 15. 25, 30, 37. 2 Chr.l 28. 6. I.sa. 7. 1. PEKAHIAH, The Lord's opening. 2 Kin. 15.22. PEKOD, NobkyOr rulers. Jer. 50. 21. Ezek.23. 23. PELALI AH, Thinking on God. Neh. 11.12. PELATI A H, Banislment of God. 1 Clir. 3.21. I 4.42. Neh. 10.22.E/:ek. 11. 13. PELEG, A division. Gen. 10. 25. | 11. 16. PELET, Deliverance. 1 Chr. 12. 3. \ 2.47. ■PELETH, Decay, or judging. Num. 16. 1. iChr. 2. 33. PELETHITES. 2 Sam. 8. 18. | 15. 18. | 20.23. PELICAN, Is a fowl as large as the swan, which resi'tesin the wilderness, or by rivers, Psal. 102.6. It is called iS^HAtU, of vomiting, because it vomit- eih up its meat uni.oncocted. Lev. 11. 18. swan and /a unclean, Dent. 14. 17. Psal. 102. 6. 1 am like a p. m the wilderness Isa. 34. t 1 1. tlje p. shall possess it, Zeph. 2. t 14. PELONITE, Fulling, ov hid. 1 Chr. 11. 27, 36. PEN,s. Jndj< 5. 14. that handle the />. of the Job 19. 24. an iron/), jl Psal. 45. I. p. of a ready Isa. 8. 1, with a man's/>. || Jer. 8. S.p. of scribes Jer. 17. 1. p. ofiroii||3 John 13. not with ink and p. PENCE, s. Matt. 18. 28. owed him an 100 p. Mark 14. 5. sold for more than 300 p. John 12.5. Luke 7. 41. owed 500 />. II 10.35. he took two />. •PENflEL, Seeing God. Gen. 32. 30. PENINN AH, A precious stone. 1 Sam. 1. 2, 4. PENKNIFE, s. Jer. 36. 23. cut it with a p. PENNY,s. Matt. 20. 2. agreed for a />. 'J.|22.19. Mark 12. 15. brinjj me a p. Luke 20. 24. Rev. 6. 6. a measure of wheat for a p. and three PEN NY-lVorth. Mark 6. 37. John 6. 7. PEN'rr.COST, s. Is derived from the Greek word Pentecoste. which signifies the fiftieth, because the feast of Pentecost was celebrated the iifiicth day after the sixteenth of Nisan, which was the second day of thejeast of the passover. On the day of Pentecost, the law was given on mount Sinai. Acts 2. 1. day of p. 20. 16. || 1 Cor. 16. 8. until/?. PEN UEL, Vision of Gad. Gen. 32. 31 . Judg. 8. 8, 17. 1 Km. 12. 2o. 1 Chr. 4. 4. j 8. 25. PENURY, s. Prov. 14. 23 Luke 21. 4. PEOPLE, s. is put for, [1 ] A nation, Gen.41.40. [2j Gentiles,Psal. il7.1. [3] Both Jews and Gentiles, Luke 2. 10. [4J Animals, Prov.30.25. . Excd. 6.7.takeyoufora/>. Deut.4.2().Jer.l3.11. 33. 3. a stiti-necked/). 5. | 34. 9. Deut. 9- 6. Dent. 7. 6. a special/). || 14. 2. a peculiar/;, unto 29. 13. a/>. to himself 1 1 32. 21.uota/». |j 33. 29. .1 Sam. 2. 24.theL.'s/i.2Kin.ll.l7.2Chr. 23. 16. 2 Sam. 7. 23. redeem for a/).l|22. 28. afflicted /». 22. 44. p. I knew not shall serve, Psal. 18. 43. 1 Chr. 16. 20. from one to another/). Ps. 105. 13. Esth 2. 10. not shewed her p. \\ 3. 8. a certain/), Psal. 95. lO.a/). tliat do err|| 1 14.1./). of a strange 144,15. happy is that/>.||l48. 14. ap. near to him Prov. 14. 34. reproach to any/), ji 30. 25. ants a/). Isa.l.4.a/). ladenJllO./). ofGomor.||7. 8. notap. 8, 19,a/>. seek||27. 11. a/), of no understanding . SO. 9. a rebellious/. 65..2. || 43. 4. I'll give/). 43. 8. blind/). (| 65. 3. a ji. that provoketh me Jer. 48. 42. Moab be destroyed from being a/). Hos. 4. 9. like/), like priests jj 9. 1. as other/). Jonah 1. 8. of what/». || Mic. 4. 1./) flow to it Luke 1.17. make ready a/7.|| Acts 1 5 . 14. take a p. Rom. 10. 19, that are no /».||Tit.2.14.a peculiar p.- Heb, 8. 10. be to me a p.\\l Pet. 2. 9- a peculiar ^j. 1 Pet. 2. 10. not a/). || Rev. 5. 9. out of every p. All PEOPLE. Exod. 19. 5. a peculiar treasure above -/).Deut.7. 6, 14. | 10. 15. Psal.99.2. Deut. 7. 7. fewest of-p.i|28. 64. scatter among •/;. 1 Kin. 4. 34. came of -/>, || 8. 43, -p. know 9. 7. Israel be a proverb and by-word among -/;. Esth, 3. 8. divers from - p. \\ 9, 2. fear fell on -p. Psal. 47. I. 'p. shout || 96, 3. declare among -/?. 117. 1. praise him a?/ ye />. 148. 11, Rom. 15. 11. Isa. 25. 6. to -p.afeast||7. cast over -/;.||. 56.7. for -p. Lam. 1. ll.«// her/), sigh (j 18. hear -p. Mic, 1. 2. Dan, 5. 19. - /), feared (| 7. 14. -/), should serve Mic, 4, 5. -p. will walk || Hab. 2, 5. heapeth -p. Zeph. 3. 2().apraise among -/),||Zech. 12,3. for -^. Luke 2.10. shall be to -/».||3l. before the face of-p. All the PEOPLE. Gen. 19. 4. -/). of Sodom Exod.l8.l4.-/).stand by thee|| 21. provide out of-p. 19. 8. -fi. answered, 24. 3.||20. 18. -p. saw thun. Lev.9.23. L. appeared to -/j.JllO.S, before -p. be gJ. Num. 11. 29.- Lord's /a||15. 26. -/). in ignorance Deut. 13. 9. hand of-/) 17. 7, (| 17. 13. -p. hear 27. 15. -p. say, amen, 16,-21. |j 28, 10. -p. see Josh. 4. 24. -p. might know ||6. 5. -p. shall shout 7. 3. let not-/), go \\ 24. 18. Lord drave out -p. Judg. 1 6. 30. house fell on -p. || 28- 8. -p. arose 1 Sam. 10. 24. none like him among -p.i)ll.4.wept 12. 18. -/). feared greatly 1|30. 6. -p. was grieved 2 Sam. 2. 28. -p. stood still j] 3. 32. - p. wept, 34. 3. 36. it pleased - p. || 17, 3. I'll bring back -p. 19. 9. -p. were at strife] j20, 22. worn, went to -p. 1 Kin. 8. 53. didst separate them from a// the p. 60. that p. may know ||20, 10. handfuls for -p. 2 Kin. 23. 3. and -p. stood to the covenant 1 Chr. 16, 36. -/>. said, ameii||28. 21. -p. at thy com. 2Chr. 7.4.-/). offered || Ezra7.25. may judge -p, Neh. 8. 5. he was above -p.jjll. Levi tes stilled -/>. Psal. 67. 3.1et-p. praise, 5, |j97. 6. -/) see his glory 106, 48. let -/).say amen||Eccl.4.16.noendof -/>. Jer. 26. 8. to speak to -p. \\ 9. -p. were gathered 34. 1, -p. fought II 8. a covenant with -/). 10. "8, 4.weakeneth hands of -/).||43.4.-p.obeyed not Ezek. 31 ,1 2, -p are gone||Dan.3.7. when -p. heard Zech. 11. 10. 1 made with-p.||l4. 12. L. smite-/). Mai. 2. 9. 1 also made you base before -p. Lukes. 47. declared before -p.|)13,17. -p. rejoiced 18. 43. -p. gave praise || 19. 48. -p. were attentive 20, 6. -p. will stone us || Acts 2. 47 favour with Acts 5.34. reputation among -/).[|10.4l.not to-J>, 13. 24, baptism to -p. || 21, 27, stirred up -p. Heb, 9. 19. he sprinkled both the book and -p. Among the PEOPLE. Lev. 1 8. 29. cut ott -p. Num 5. 27. curse -/).||1 Sam. 14. 34. disperse-^. Ps. 94.8. ye brutish -p.||Ezek.23.19. know thee -p, Dan. 11.33. thatunderst. -p. || Joel 2. 17. say -p. Zech. 10. 9. and I will sow them -p. and they Matt. 4. 23. disease-/). 9. 35,||26. 5. an uprore -p. John 7. 12. murmuring -p. \\ 43. a division -p. Acts 3. 23. destroyed -p. (| I. 17. no further - j>. 5. 12. wonders wrought-/), 6.8.(|14. 14, ran in-/), 2 Pet. 2. 1 . there were false prophets also - p. PEOPLE of God. Judg. 20. 2. 2 Sam. 14. 13. Psal. 47. 9. Heb. 4. 9. j 12. 25. 1 Pet,2.10. ■See Great PEG Bis PEOPLE. Gen. 1 7. 1 4 . be cut off from -p. Exod. 30. 32, 38. | 31. l4. Lev. 7. 20.|l7. 4, 9. I 19.8. I i!3 29. Num. 9. 13. | 15. 30. Gen. 25. 8. Abr. was gath. to-/>. 17.|j35. 20. Isaac 49. 16. Danshahjud^e -/». as one of the tribts Exod. 18. 1. for Israel-/;. \] Num. 20. 24.|2l. 34. Deut. 20. 18 -pecniiar^.|;'32. 9 L.'sport. is -;;. 32. 36. the Lord siiail jtuii^e kis p. Psal. 1.3.5. 14. 43. rejoice witli -p. fuercifui to -p. Horn. 15. 10. 50. gatheied to -p.\\ 33. 7. bring Judah to -p. Ruth 1. 6. Lord had visited -p. l Sam. 12. 22. 1 Sam. 15. 1. kin^ oveV -p. fi 27. 12. -p. to abhor 1 Chr. 21. 3. Luid make -/». 100 times so mahy 22. 18. subdued before -p.\\ 23. 25. rest to -p. 2 Chr. 2. 11. L. loved .;;.|{31. 10. blessedj|3'J.l4,l5. 36. 15. compassion on - p.\ilQ. vvratii against-/). 2^3. who of -p. go up, Ezra 1. 3. jj Esth. 10. 3. Job 18. 19. neither son nor nephew atnon^- j!>. Psal. 14.7. captiv. of-/>.53.G.|i29. ll.bies*,68.35. 50. 4. mayjuds^e -p. |j 73. 10. ~p. returu hither 78. 20. can he provide Hesli for -p. |j G2. gave 71. to feed Jacob -p.jISo. 8. speak peace to-p. 94. 14. not cast off - /». \\ 100. 3. we are -p. 105.24. he increased-/). II 25. to hate -/>. 106. 40. 43. brought forth -p. |j 111.6, he shewed-/). 111.9. sent redemption to -p.\\ 113.8. princes of 116. 14. in presence of -j&. IS. jj 125. 2. round -p. 136. 16. led-//. II 1 10. 14 e.^alteth the horn of-/). 149. 4. the Lord taketh pleasure in - p. 147. 11. Isa. 3. 14. ancients of -/)|I7. 2. moved neart of-/). II. 11. remnant of-/ 16. || 14. 32. poor of-/). 25. 8. rebnke of-/). |i 28. 5. diadem to -p. 30.20. bindeth breach of-/'.||49. 13. comf. 52. 9. 51. 22. pleadeth cause oi'-p. || 56- 3. | 63. 11. Jer. 27. 12. and serve -p. \\ 50. 16. return to-p. Ezek.l8.l8. not good among -/>.|j30. 11.-/). brought Joel 2. 18. and pity -p. \\ 3. 16. the hope of-/). Mic, 6. 2. controversy with - /).||Zech. 9. i 6. save Matt. 1.21. hesliallsave -/> jjLuke 1. 6B. redeemed Luke 1. 77. knowledg'e of sal. to -p.\\T. 16. visited Rom. 11. 1. hath God cast away -p. God forbid Heb. 10. 30.shalljud£>e-/)|)Kev.21. 3. shall be-/). See HoL\, Israel, Many, Men. PEOPLE of the Lund. Gen. 23. 7. | 42. 6. Exod. 5. 5. p.- aremanylJLev. 20. 2./>. -stone, 4. Num. 14. 9. nor fear/>.-||2 Kings 11.14./>.- rejoice 2 Kings 15. 5. judged/), -jj 21. 24./>. - slew all 23. 30.p.-took Jehoaliaz|j25.3, 19. Jer. 52. 25. Ezra 10. 2. taken strange wives of the//. - 11. separate yourselves from the p. of the land Neh. 10. 30. not give our daughters to p. -\\ 31, Esth. 8. 17. many oi'thep.- became Jews, for Jer. 1. 18. made thee an iron pillar against/). - Ezek. 7. 27. p.- troHb}ed|!22, 29. p. - used oppres. 39. 13. p. shall bury |j 45. 22. prepare for p. - 46. S.p. - shall worship at the door of gate, 9. Dan. 9. 6. prophets which spake to the p. - Hag. 2. 4. bestiongye/). -jiZech. 7. 5. speak to />. - Much PEOPLE.^ Num.' 20. 20. Josh. 11. 4. 2 Sam. 13. 34. came 'p.\\-2 Chr. 80. 13. assembled Psal. 35. 18. 1 wUl praise thee among mitckp. Mark 5. 21.-/>. gathered, 24.|i6. 34. Jesus saw-/). John 12. 9. -p. knewjl 12. -/>. took branches Acts 5. 37. drew away-/». || 11. 24. -p. added 18. 10 -p. in this cityjjlQ. 26. turned away-/;. Rev. 19. 1. I heard a voice of -p. in heaven My PEOPLE. Qm. 23. 11. in presence of -p. PEG t^l Gen. 4!. 40, -p. be ruled||49. 29. gathered io-p^. Ezek. 3. 7. 1 have seen aliiiction of -p. Acts 7. 34, 10. that thou mayest bring forth -p. 7. 4. 5.1. let-/), go, 7. 16. 1 8. 1,20. 1 9. 1,13. 1 10. 3,4. 9. 17, as yet exaltest thou thyself against -/). 27. -p. are wickedijl2, 31. get from amongst -p. Lev. 25. 12. ye shall be -p. Jer. 11.4. j 30. 22. Num. 24. 14. 1 go to -/).||Judg. 12. 2. -/). at strife Judg. 14. 3. never a woman among all -p. \\ 16. Ruth 1. 16, thy p. shall be -/>. || 3. 1 1 . city of- p. 1 Sam. 9. 16. captain over -p. he may save -p. 2 Sam. 3. 18. I'll save -p. \\ 7. 8. ruler over - /;. 2 Kin. 22. 4. -/;, as thy p. 2 Kin. 3. 7. 2 Chr. 18. 3. 2 Kin. 20. 5. captain of-p.\\\ Chr. 17. 6. to feed -p. 1 Chr. 28. 2. hear me -p. \\ 29. 14. what is -p. 2 Chr. 1. M. mayest judge -/'.||6. 5. brought fortk 7 13. or if I send pestilence among -p. 14. Esth. 7. 3. let -p. be given, 4. jj 8. 6. evil come t» Ps. 14.4. eatup -/). 53. 4. 11 50. 7. hear, 0-/&. S1.8. 59. 1 1. lest -p. forget 1 1 68. 22. Til bring -p. agaift 78. 1. give ear, O -p. \\ 81. 11. -p. would not 81. 13. O that -p. II 144. 2. who subdueth-/). Isa. 1. 3. -/>. doth not consider jj 3. 12. as for -p, 3. 15. that ye beat - />. || 5. 13. - p. are gone in 10. 2. poor of ./).||24. O -p. that dwellest in Zion 1 9. 25. blessed be Egypt -/>. |) 26. 30. come -p. 32. 18. -p. shall dwell in a peaceable habitation "40, 1. comfort ye -/>. || 43. 20. -p. my chosen 47. 6. wroth with -/). || 51. 4. hearken -p. 51. 16. thou art -/>. || 52. 4. -p. went to Egypt 52. 5. -p. is taken away || 6. - p. shall know 53. 8. for transg. of-/). || 57. 14. out of way of 58. 1. shew -p. their transgr. |j 63. 8. they are - p, 65. 10. Sharon a fold for -p. |j 19. I'll joy in -p. 22. for as the days of a tree, are days of- p. Jer. 2. 11. but w?/ p. have changed their glory 13. - p. committed two evils jj 31. why say - p,^ 32. yet - p. have-forgotten me, 18. 15. 4. 22. -p. is foolish, 8. 7. || 5. 26. -p. are found 5. 31. -p. love to have it sojj 6, 2/. among -p. 7. 23. ye shall be -p. \\ 9. 2. I might leave -p. 12. 16. as they taught - p. to swear by Baai 15.7. I'll destroy -p. j| 23. 2. that feed -p. ye 23. 22. if they had caused -p. to hear my words 27. cause - p. to forget jj 32. cause - p. to err 24. 7. they shall be -p. 31. 1, 33. | 33. 38. Ezek. 11. 20. I 36. 38. 1 57. 23, 27. Zech. 2. 11, I 8. 8. 29. 32. nor behold the good that I'll do for -p. 31. 14. - p. shall be satisfied|{33. 24. despised -p. 50. 6. -/). lost II 51. 45. -p. go ye out. Rev. 18. 4.. Lam. 3. 14. I was a derision to all -/?. and song Ezek. 13. 9 not in assembly of-/?. I| 10. seduced 18. hunt the souls of -p. \\ 19. by lying to -p. 21. I'll deliver -p. 23. jj 14. 8. midst of -/>. 14. 11. that they may be -/».||21. 12. terrors on -p, 34.30. house of Israel -/?.||37. 12. beh. 0-/>. 13. 38. 16.5igainst-/).||44.23. teach -p. the difference 45. 8. shall no more oppress-/). 9. ||46. LS.that-/;, Hos. 1. 9. ye are not ~p. 10. || 2. 1 1- say to -p. 2. 23. which were not -p. \\ 4. 6. -p. destroyed 4. 8. eat up sin of -p. \\ 12. -p. ask counsel at 11.7. -p. are bent to backsliding from me Joel 2. 26. -p. shall never be ashamed, 27. 3, 2. will plead for -p. || 3. cast lots for -p. Amos 9. 10. -p. shall die||Obad. 13. the gate of -p. Mic. 1. 9. gate of -/>.jj2, 4. changed portion »f -^'•. PER PEH Mie. 2. 8. 'p. is risen up j| 9. women of -j&. have S. 3. eat flesh of -/>. ]) 5. make -/?. err, that bite e-S. O -p. what have I done to thee ? 5. |) 16. Zeph. 2. 8. reproached -p. |) 9. -p. shall spoil Zech. 8. 7. I'll save -jb. || 13. 9. I'll say it is-/j. Rom. 9. 25. call them -p. which were not, 2G. 5 Cor. 6. 16. I'll be their God and they shall be -p. Of the PEOPLE. Gen. 26. 10. | 49. 10. Num. 25. 4. I 26. 4. Josh. 4. 2. 1 Sam. 9. 2, 12. I 14. 24, 28. I 26. 15. 2 Kings 13. 7. Ezra S. 3. Neh. 6. 1. i 7. 73. Psal. 6b. 7. | 72. 4. • I 89. 19. Isa. 18. 7. | 42. 6. | 51. 4. | 63. 3. Ezek, 46. 18. John 7. 31. | 11. 42. Acts 4. 21. Heb. 9. 7. Rev. 11. 9. One PEOPLE. Gen. 25 23. | 34. 16, 22. Own PEOPLE. Exod.5.16. Lev.2l. 14. 1 Chr. 17. 21. 2 Chr. 23. 15. Psal. 45. 10. j 78. 52. Isa. 13. 14. Jer. 46. 16. T/tc PEOPLE. Gen. 11. 6. Exod. 5, 4, 5. 1 13. 18. I 15. 14. I 17. 1. I 18. 19. I 20. 21. Num. 23. 24. Jud^. 7. 2, 4. | 9. 32. 1 Sam. 14. 45. Neh. 4. 6. Esth. 3 56. 7. Prov. 11. 14. j24. 2. I 40.7. I 51. 7. Ezek. S2>. 6, 31. I 36. 20. 6. Job 12. 2. Psal. Isa. 9. 19. I 10. 6. Jer. 31.2. | 51. 58. Dan. 11.32. Joel 2. 6. Hab. 2. 13. Zeph. 2. 10. Mai. 1. 4 Matt. 4. 16. Luke 3. 13. | 9. 18. | 23. 14. John 6. 24. | 7. 12. | 11. 50. Acts 5. 13. ] 8. 6. I 12. 22. I 26. 17. | 28. 17. Heb. 5. 3. I 13. 12. Jude 3. This PEOPLE. Exod. 3. 21. |5. 22. 1 17. 4. 1 18. 18. I 32. 9,31. Num. 11. 11, 12, 13, 14. j 14. 15. I 21. 2. Deut. 31. 7. 1 Sam. 2. 23. 1 Kings 12. 7, 27. | 14. 2. | 18. S7. Neh. 5- 19. isa. 6. 9, 10. I 8. 11. I 9. 16. 43. 21. Jer. 4. 10. I 3. 23. I 7. 16. I 15. 1. 23. 32. I 32. 42. I 38. 4. Mic. 2. 11. Matt. 15. 8. Luke 9. 13. 1 21. 23. John 7. 49. 1 Cor. 14. 21. Tliy PEOPLE. Exod. 5. 23. | 9. 14, 15.|15. 16. 122. 28. 1 S3. 13. 1 34. 10. Lev. 19.16. Num. 5. 21. I 24. 14. ; 27. 13. Deut. 9. 12, 26. Ruth 1. 10. 2 Sam. 7. 23. I Kings 3. 8. 1 Chr. 29. 18. Psal. 3. 8. | 44. 12. | 60. 3. |72. 2. I 77.20. I 79.13. | 80.4. | 83. 3. | 85. .^, 6. I 94. 5. I 106. 4. j 110. 3. Isa. 2. 6. | 7. 17. 1 14. 20. I 62.21. I 64.9. Jer. 22. 2. | 27. 13. Ezek. 3. 11. j 13. 17. | 26. 11. Dan. 9. 16, 24. I 12. 1. Hos. 4. 4. Mic. 7. 14. Nah. 3.13. Hab. 3. 13. Jo or unto the PEOPLE. Exod. 4. 16. | 18. 14. 1 19. 12. Deut 20. 2. Judg. 8. 5. Ruth 2. 11. 2 Sam. 24. 3. 1 Kings 12. 15. 2 Kings 4. 42. i 1 1. 13. Neh. 4. 22. | 5. 15. Psal. 9. 8. Isa. 18. 2. I 42. 5. | 49. 22. | 55. 4. Dan. 7.27. Joel 3. 8. Zeph. 3. 9. Acts 5.20. ( 10. 2,42. I 12.4. j 13. 81. ] 19.33. | 21. 39,40. j26. 23. PEOPLES, 5. Rev. 10. 11. j 17. 15. PEOR, Gaping, or opening. Num. 23. 28.|25. 18. j 31. 16. Josh. 22. 17. PERADVENTURE, od. Gen. 18. 24./>. there be fifty righteous within the city, 28, — 32. 24. 5. p. the woman will not be willing, 39. 27. 12. ray father/), will feel me || 31. 31. said 32. 20. j&. he'll accept of me || 42. 4. lest/>. mis. 43. 12. p. it was an oversight f| 44. 34. lest j&. Cxen. 50. 15. Joseph willjb. hate us, andl requite u^. Exod.l3. 17. lest/). 1)32.30. j&. Ishallmake atonem. Num. 22. 6./). I shall prevail, 11. | 23. 27. 23. S.p. Lord will come to meet me || Josh. 9. 7. 1 Sam. 6. 5. p. he'll lighten || 9. 6./). he can shew 1 Kings 18. 5./). we may find grass to save horses 27./). hesleepeth || 20.31./». he'll save thy life, 2Kin. 2.l6.1estp.|| Jer.20. 10./). he'll be inticed Rom. 5. 7./). for agoodman||2Tim.2. 25. if God PERAZIM, Breaches^ or divisions. Isa. 28. 21. PERCEIVE, V. signifies, [I] To discover or find out, 2 Sam. 14. l. Jer. 38. 27. [2] Spiritually to discern and understand, so as to make improve- ment, Dent. 29. 4. [3] To know, t Kmgs 4. 9. Deut. 29. 4. Lord hath not given you a heart to p. Josh. 22. 31. this day we/).j|l Sam. 12. 17. ye may 2 Sam. 19. 6. \p if Absalom||2 Kings 4. 9. \p. that Job 9. 11. \p. him not|| 23. 8. I cannot/), him Prov. 1. 2. to/), the words || Eccl. 3. 22. \p. that Isa. 6. 9. but/), not II 33. 19. than thou canst/). Matt. 13. 14. shall not/). Mark 4. 12. Acts .58 26. Mark 7. 18. do ye not/). 8. 17. || Luke 8. 46. I/>. John 4. 19. 1 p. thou art a prophet || 12. 19. p. ye Acts 8. 23. 1 p. thou art in the gall of bitterness 10. 34. I p. God is no respecter]!l7. 22. Ip.inall 2 Cor, 7. 8. 1 p.|)l John 3. 1 6. hereby p. we the love PERCEIVED, p. Gen. 19. 33. hep. notwhen,35. Judg. 6. 22. Gideon p. |) 1 Sam. 3. 8. £h || 28. 14. 2Sam.5.12.Dav.p. L. had established, 1 Chr. 14. 2- 12. 19. David p. jj 14. 1. Joab p. the king's heart 1 Kings22.33. captains p. it was not, 2 Chr. 18. 32. Neh. 6. 12. lo, I p. 13. 10. || 6. 16. they p. that Esth. 4. 1. Mordecai p. || Job 38. 18. hast thou p. Eccl. 1. 17. I p. that this also is vexation, 2. 14. Isa. 64. 4. nor p. by the ear what God hath pre. Jer. 23. 18. who hath p. || 38. 27. matter not p. Matt. z\ . 45. they p. that he spake of,Luke20.l9, 22. 18. Jesus p. Mark 2. 8. Luke 5. 22. | 20. 23. Luke 1. 22. they p.||9. 45. saying hid they p. it not John 6. 15. Jesus p. they would make him a king Acts 4. 13. when they p. || 23. 6. when Paul p. Gal. 2. 9. when James p. the grace given to PERCEIVEST, V. Prov. 14. 7. Luke 6. 41 . PERCEIVETH Job 14. 21. |33. 14. Prov.31.18. PERCEIVING,;). Mark 12. 28. scribes p. that Luke 9. 47. Jesus p. |i Acts 14. 9. p. he had faith PERDITION, s. signifies, Utter ruin or destru^' tion, Rev. 17. 8. John 17. 12. son of p. || Phil. 1. 28. token of p. 2 Thes. 2. 3. son of p.||l Tim. 6. 9. destruct. and p, Heb. 10. 39. draw back to p.||2 Pet. 3. 7. day of p. Rev. 1 7.8. beast was and is not, and goeth to p. 1 1. PERES, Divided. Dan. 3. 28. PERESH, A horse-man. 1 Chr. 7. 16. PEREZ, A division. Gen. 38. 21. 1 Chr. 27. 5, Neh. 11.4, 6. PEREZ-UZZAH, Breach of Uzzah. 2 Sam. 6. 8. 1 Chr 13. 11. PERFECT, is applied, I. To God, who is in- finitely perfect, Matt. 3. 48. II. To things, Deut. 25. 1.5. III. Toman, who is accounted so, [1] By Christ'sri^hteousness being imputed. Col. 2. 10. [2] Comparatively, in respect to others, Job 8. 20. | 9. 22. [3J As being up- right and sincere in heart, and unblameable in life, Gen. 6. 9, | 17. 1. [4] As imitating God, Matt. 5. 48. [5] As being united, in hve and PER ciaiviriati$n^ 2 Cor. 13. 11. [6] As having a good de^'ee of understanding, 1 Cor. 2. 6. 1 14. t 20. Geu. 6. 9. Noah was, p. || 17. I. and be thoup. Lev. 22. 21. the free-will-offerinej shall he p Deut. 18. 13. thou Shalt he p.\\25. 15. dip. weight 1 Sana. 14. 41. Saul said to the Lord, give a/>. lot 2 Sam. 22. 33. he maketh my way p. Psal. 18. 32. 2Chr. 4.21. of^ goId|( Ezra?. 12. p. peace Job I. 1. that mau vvas/> and upright, 8. | 2. 3. 8. 20. God will not cast away a />. man, ueither 9. -20. if I say 1 am p. \] 21. tho' I v/ere p. yet 22. he destroyeth the p. || 22.3. thy ways/>. Psal. 37. 37. mark the p. i| 64. 4. shoot at thep. 101. 2. I'll behave myself wisely in a p. way, o. 1 19.t 1. blessed are p. \\ 139. 22. with p hatred 138. 8. the Lord will p. what concerneth me Prov. 2. 21. p. shall remain |; 4. 18. to the ^^ day 11. 5. righteousness of p. || tsa. "20. S. in p. peace Ezek. 16. 14. for it was p. thro' my coinelmess 27. 3. thou said, I am of p. beauty, ll.|28. 12,1.5. Matt. 5. 48. beyep.y 19. 21. if thou wilt be p. Luke 1. S. had p. underst. || John 17. 23 p. in one Acts 3. 16. p. soundness jj 22. 3. p. manner of law 24. 22. p. knowledge 11 Rom. 12. 2. p will of G. 1 Cor. 2. 6. speak wisdom among p. || 14. f 20. 2Cor.l2.9p. in weakness jj 13. 11. bep.be of good Gal. 3. o.p. by the flesh ij Eph. 4. 13. to a p. man Phil. 3. 12. not already p. jl 1 5. as many as be p. Col. 1. 28. present every man p. || 4. 12. stand p. lThes.3.l0.p.thatislack.||2Tim.3.17. may bep. Heb. 2. 10. captain of salv. p.|| 5. 9. being made p. 7. 1 9. law made nothing p. 9 9. j 1 0. 1 . 1 1 1 . 40. 9. 11. p. tabernacle |j 12. 23. just men made p. 13. 21. God make you p in every good work Jam. 1. 4. let patience have her p. work that 17. every good and p. gift jj 25. p. law of liberty 2. 22. and by works was faith made p. 3. 2. the same is a p. man j| 1 Pet. b. 1 0. make 1 John 4. 17. herein is love p. || 18. p. love casteth Kev. 3. 2. not found thy works p. before God See Heart. Is PERFECT. Deut. 82. 4. his work is p. 2 Sam. 22. 31. as for God his way isp. Ps. 18. 30. Joij 36. 4. -p, in knowledge, 37.1 6. j) Ps.l 9.7.1aw p. Isa. 18. 5. when the bud -p. |j42. 19. as he that -p. Matt. 5. 48. as your Father that is in heaven -p. Luke6.40.everyone that -p.||l Cor. 1 3. 10. which -/j. PERFECTED, p. 2 Chr 8. 16. house p. 24. 13. Ezek. 27.4 p. thy beauty || Matt. 21.16. p praise Luke 6. 1 40. p. as his master jj 13. 32. 1 shall bep. Heb. 7. t 28. p. for evermore || 10. 14. p. for ever 1 John 2. 5. is love of God p. |) 4. 12. his love is p. PERFECTING, p. 2 Cor. 7. 1. Eph. 4. 12. PERFECTION, s. signifies, [l] Thoroughly to understand^ Job 11. 7. [2] Full growth, matu- rity or ripeness, Luke 8. 14. [3] Regularity, 2 Cor. 13. 9. [4] Greater degrees of know- ledge and grace, Heb. 6. 1. j^3] Justification and salvation, Heb. 7. 11. Job 11. 7. canst thou find out the Almighty to p. 1.5. 29. nor prolong the p jj 28. j.searcheth p. Psal. 50. 2. p. of beauty jj 119. 96. an end of all /j. Isa. 47. 9. come in tlieirp.jjLam.2>l5. p. of beauty Luke 8.14 no fruit to p. jj 2 Cor. 13. 9. even your p. Heb.' 6. 1. let us go on top. || 7. 11. if p. were by PERFECTLY, ad. Jer.25. 2d. shaM censidcr itp. PER 1^' Matt.l4.36.p.wholej|Actsl8. 26. more p. 23.15,20, iCor.l. 10. be/j.joiuedjj iThes.o. 2. you know p. PERFEC'l'NESS, s. Col. 3. 14. the bond of jj. PERFORM, r. signifies, [1] To execute, Joh5.12. [2j To make good or fulfil, Deut. 9. 5. Jer. 28.- 6. [3] To grant, Esth. 5. 8. [4] To observe, Psal. 119. 112. [5] To finish, Phil. 1. 1 6. Gen. 26. 3. I'll p. the oath, Deut. 9. 5. Luke 1.72- Exod. 18.18. notable top. jj Num.4. 23. //. service Deut. 4. 13. coven to p. jj 23. 23. shalt keep and p. '25. 5. p. duty of a husband's brother to her, 7. Ruth 3.13. p. part of a kinsm.|| 1 Sara. 3. 12. Flip. 2 Sam. 14. 15. that the king will p. the request 1 Kings 6. 12. then will I p. my word with thee 12. 1.3. that he miohtp. his saying, 2 Chr. 10. 15. 2 Kin. 23. 3.p. words of this coven. 24.2Chr.34. 31. Esth. 5. 8. to p. my request jj Job 5. 12. cannot p. Psal. 21.1 1. not able to p. jj 61. 8. 1 may p. my vows 119. 106. I'll j!*. it to keep (| 11 2. to p.thy statutes Isa. 9. 7. zeal of Lord will p.jj 19. 21. vow and p_. Jer 1.1 2. I'll hasten ray word to p. it, 29.10. j 33.14. 1 1.5.1 may p. the oath || 28. 6. Lord p. thy words- 44. 2.5. p. your vowsjl Ezek. 12. 25. willp. it Mic. 7. 20. p. the truth jj Nab. 1 15. p. thy vow& Matt. 5. 33. thou shaitp. to the Lord tliine oaths Rom. 4. i^l. he was able top. jj 7. IS. how top. 'Cor.S. ll.p. doing of it I j Phil. 1.6. hewillp.it PRRFORMANCE, s. Luke 1. 45. 2 Cor. 8. 11. PERFORMliD,p. iSam. 15. 11. Saul hath not p. 13. I have p. jj 2 Sara. 21. 14. they p. all that 1 Kin. 8. 20. L.p. his word, 2 Chr. 6. 10. Neh.9.8. Esth. 1. 15. Vashti hath not p. || 5. 6. it shall bep. Psal. 65. 1. shall vow bep. jj Isa. 10. 12. L. hath p. Jer. 23. 20. till ye have p. the thoughts, 30. 24. 34.18.notp.'he words II 35. l4.wordsof Jonad.p. 51. 29. every purpose of the Lord shall bep. Ezek. 37. 14. have spoken and p. it, saith the L.- Luke 1. 20. till day that these things shall bep. 2. 39. p. all thmgs jj Rom. 15. 28. when Tvep- PERFORMETH, "y. Neh. 5. 13. that p. not tiiis Job 23. 14. he p. thing that is appointed forme Psal. .57. 2. p. all things || Isa. 44. 5l6. p. counsel PERFORMING, p. Num. 15. 3. in p. a vow, 8. PERFUME, S, s. Exod. 30. o5. make it a p. 37. Prov. 27. 9. ointment and p. rejoice the heart Song 5. 1 13. as towers ofp. |j Isa. 57. 9- increase/*. PERFUMED,p. Prov. 7. 17. Song 3. 6. PERGA, Earthly A city of Pamphilia, Acts 13. 13, 14. I 14. 2.5. PERGAMOS, Height. A city of Mysia, in Asia, Rev. 1 U. I 2. 12. PERHAPS, ad. Acts 8. 22. 2Cor.2.7. Philem.15. PERIDA, A division. Neh. 7. 57. PERIL, S,s. Lam. 5.9. Rom. 8. 35. 2Cor.ll.26,_ PERILOUS, a. 2 Tim. 3. 1. p. times shall come PERISH, r. signifies, [Ij To die, Jonah 1. 6. [2} To be rooted out, 2 Kings 9. 8. [3] To starve,. Luke 15. 17. [4] To be damned, 2 Cor. 2. 15. 2 Pet. 2. 12. [5] To be deprived of being, 1 Cor. 15. 18. Gen. 41. 36. that the land p. iiot thro' famine Exod. 19.21. lest they p. || 21. 26. smite that itp. Lev. 26. 38. and ye shall p. Num. 24. 20, 24. Num. 17. 12. behold, we die, we p. we all p. Deut.4.26.utterlyp. 8. 19,20. | 30.18. Josh.23.16. 11. 17. lest yep. jj 26. 5. a Syrian ready top. 28. 20. till thonp. quickly, 22. Josh. 23. 25. PER PER Jhdg, 5. 31. let all thine euemies />. O Lord 1 Sam. 26. 10. he sliall descend into battle and p. ^27. 1. one day p. \\ 2 Kin. 9. 8. house ofAhabp. Estb. 3. 13. to cause top. 7. 4. |) 4-. IG. if I p. J p. 8. 11. to cause to p. \\ 9.28. nor memorial />. Job 3. 3. let the day//, jj 4. 9. by blast they p. 4. 20. they/?, for ever (I 6. 18. tnepaths/j. Job 8. 13. hypocrite's hope/?. |j 11. f 20. flight j&. 18. 17. his remembrance shali/?. 20. 7. j 36- 12. 29- 13. ready to/?. j|31. 19. if I have seen any/?. 34. 15. all flesh shall/?, together, and man shall Psal. 1. 6. way of nngodly/?. || 2. 12. and ye/?. 9. 18. the expectation of the poor shall not p. 37. 20. the wicked shall /?. 49. 10. | 68. 2. | 73. 27. 1 80. 16. I 83. 17. j 112. 10. 146. 4. in that very day his thoughts/?. Prov. 10. 28. expectation of wicked shall/?. 11. 7. 11. 1'O. when the wicked/?. 28 28. 19. 9. he thatspeaketh lies shall/?. 21. 28. '29. IS.novision, thepeople/?.|)31.6. ready to/. Bccl. 514. those riches/?. |) Isa. ^6. 14. memory/?. Isa. 27. 13. ready to /?. || 29. 14. wisdom shall p. 41. 11. that strive shall /?.|| 60. 12. kmgdom/?. Jer. 4. 9. heart of king/?. |) 6. 21. friend shall/?. 10. 11. gods shall/?. 15.|.51.18.|| 25. t 3.5. flight/? 18.18. law shall not/?. || 27. 10. ye should/?. 15. 40. 15- remnant/?. () 48. 8. valley also shall /?. Ezek. 7. 26. law shall/?. || 25. 7. I'll cause top. Dan. 2. IS. that Daniel and his fell, should not p. Amos 1. 8. remnant shall ^. II 2. 14. flight shall/?. 3. 15. and the houses ot ivory shall/?, and the Jonah 1. 6. G. will think on us, we/?. not, 14- ] 3. 9. Zech. 9. 5. and the king shall/?, from Gaza Matt. 5. 29. that one of thy members should/?. 30. 8. 25. saying, Lord, save us, we p. Luke 8. 24. 9. 17. bottles/?. II 18. 14. of little ones should/?. 26. 52./). with sword || Mark 4.38. Master,we/?. Luke 5. 37. bottles/?. || 13. 3. all likewise^. 5. 13. 33. that a prophet/?. || 15. 11. 1/?, with hunger 21. 18. there shall not an hair of your head/?. J61iu3.15.shouldnot/?.16. |10.28.||11.50./. not Acts 8. 20. thy money p. || 13. 41. wonder and/? Rom. 2. 12. sinned without law, j&. without law iCor.l 18. to them that/?.|| 8. 11. weak brother/?. 2 Cor. 2. 15. in them that/?.||4.1 6. outward man/?. Col. 2. 22./?. with using || 2Thes.2.10. them that/?. Heb.l.t 1. they shall/>. but thou rem. Psal.102.26. 2 Pet. 2. 12. shall p. || 3. 9. that any should /?. but PERISHED,/?. Num. 16. 33. they/?. (| 21. 30. Josh. 22. 20. p. not alone jj 2 Sam.l .27- weapons p. Job 4. 7. whoever/?. II 30. 2. old age was/. Psal. 9. 6. memorial is p. \\ 10. 16. heathen are p. 83. 10. as Sisera/?. || 1 19. 92. 1 should have/». 142. t 4. refuge/?. || Eccl. 9. 6. their envy is/?. Jer. 7. 28. truth is/?. || 48. 36. riches jj 49.7. counsel Lam. 3. 18. hope is/?. || Joel 1,11. harvest is p. Jonah 4. 10. which came up, and/». in a night Mic. 4. 9. is thy counsellor/?. || 7. 2. good man is/?. Matt.8.32. 8wine/?.|| Luke 11.51. />. between altar Acts 5. 37. he also/i. || 1 Cor. 15. 18. then, are p. Heb. 11. 31. Rahab/?. not || 2Pet. 3. 6. world/'. Jude 11. and/?, in the gainsaying of Core PERISHETH, V. Job 4. 11. old lion/?. for lack Psal.31.t 12.1ike vessel that /?. II Prov.ll.7.hope p. Eccl. 7. 15. just man that/?. || Isa. 57. 1. righteous Jer. 9.12. the land/?. || 48. 46.peopleofChemo3h John 6. 27. labour not for the meat which p. Jaw. 1.11 fashion of it/?. || 1 Pet. 1. 7. gold that/, PERISHING, p Job 33. 18. his life i'lomp. by PERJURED,/?. Forsworn, 1 Tim. 1. 10. PERIZZITE, Rural, or divelliuK in villages. Gen. 13. 7. the P. dwelled then in the land . Exod. 33. 2. and I will arive owt the P. 34. 11. Josh. 9.1. P. heard thereof || 11.3. Jabin sent to the PERIZZITES. Gen. 15. 20. 1 have given to tliy seed the land of the P. E.vod. 3. 8, 17.1 23.23. 34. 30. stink among P. || Josh.17.1 5. in land of P. Jiidg. 1. 4. delivered P. 5. \\ 3. 5. dwelt among P. 2 Chr.8.7. P.pay tribute \\ Ezra 9. 1 . abominations PERME.NAS, Coutinning. Acts 6. 5. PERMISSION, s. 1 Cor. 7. 6. but I speak hy p^ PER VJIT, V. 1 Cor. 1 6. 7. if God /?. Heb. 6. 3. PERMITTED,/?. Acts 26. 1. 1 Cor. 14. 34. PERNICIOUS, G. 2 Pet. 2. 2. their/?, ways PERPETUAL, a. signifies, [Ij Eierlasting, or endless, Psal. 9. 6. [2J To the end of time, Gen. 9. 12. [3] During tht continuance of the legal dispensation, Exod. 29. 29. Gen. 9. 12. token of covenant for p. generations Exod. 29. 9. a p. statute. Lev. 3. 17. j 24. 9. 30. 8. a p. incense || 31. 16. for a/?, covenant Lev, 6. 20. p. meat-oifering |j 25. 34.)>. possession Psal. 9, 6./i. end |j 74. 3.p. desolation |;78. 66.repr. Jer. 5. 22./?. decree (| 8. 5. by a/?, backshdmg 15. 18. why is my pain/?. |l 18. 16. a/». hissing 23. 40. a p. shame |j 25. 9.;). desolations, 12. 49. 13. p. wastes || 50. 5. covenant || 51. 39. sleep Ezek.35.5,a/>.hatred |1 9. p. desolations, Zcph. '^.9. 46. 14./;. ordinance (| Hab. 3. 6. p. hills did bow PERPETUALLY, ad. 1 Kings 9. 3. Amos 1.1 L PERPLEXED, /A Esth. 3. 15. Shushan was/». Joel 1. 18. cattle are p. |) Luke 9. 7. Herod wasp. Luke 24. 4. astfiev were p. \\ 2Cor.4. 8. wearep. PERPLEXITY,' s. Isa. 22. 5. a day of/?, by the Mic. 7. 4. now sliall hep. || Luke 21. 25. with p. PERSECUTE, V. Job 19. 22. why do ye p. 28. Psal, 7. 1. save me from all that/>. me, 31. 15. 10. 2. wicked doth p. \\ 35. 6. let angel p. them . 69. 26. they p. 119.86. j| 71. 11./?. and take 83. 15. sop. them with thy tempest, 119. 84. Jer. 17. 18. confounded that /». 29. 18. Lam. 3.66. Matt. 5.11. blessed are ye when men p. you, 10» 44. pray for them which/?, you, Uom. 12. 14. 10. 23. p. you in this city, flee to another, 23.34. Lukell,49. some of them they shall/>. 21. 12. John 5. 16. did /?. Jesus |j 15. 20. they will/?, you PERSECUTED, />. Deut. 30. 7. themthatp.thee Ps.109.16,/?. the poor||119. 161. princes/?. 143. 3. Lsa. 14. 6. he that ruled is/?. || Lam. 3, 43./>, us Matt. 5. 10. blessed who are p. 12. John 15. 20. Acts 7. 52. fathers/?. II 22. 4. 1/».tliis way, 26, 11, lCor.4.12.being/?.wesuiferit|115.9.l/.Gal.l.l3; 2 Cor. 4. 9. we are p. but not forsaken, cast down Gal. 1. 23. he who /. || 4. 29. he bora after flesh p. 1 Thes. 2. 15. and p. us|| Rev. 12. 13. dragon />. PERSECUTEST. Acts 9. 4, 5.| 22.7,8. 1 26.14,1^. PERSECUTING, p. Phil. 3. 6. p. the church PERSECUTION, s. Lam. 5. 5. necks under /^. Matt. 13. 21. for whenp. ariseth, Mark 4. 17. Acts 8, 1. a great /». jj 11. 19. scattered on the/), 13. 50. raised/*. || Rom. 8. 35. shall />. or sword Gal. 5.11. why do I suffer /i. I| 6. 12. lest suffer j^. 2 Tim. 3. 1 2. all that will live godly shall suffer p. PERSECUTIONS;*. Mark 10. m. 2 Cor.12. 10 PER PE^ 2 CUr. 36. 20. Ezra 3, 18. Ezek. 27. 10. i^^'FJies. 1.4. 5n allyour/>. || 2Tim.Q. 11. xvMtp. PERSECUTOR, s. I.Tim. 1.13. was before a 6. PERSECUTORS, s. Neh. 9. 11. and their />. Psal. 7. 13. ordaineth his arrows agaiost the jb. 119. 157. many are my p. |) 142. 6. deliv. from p. Jer. lo. 15. visit me and revenge of my />. 20. 11. Lam. I. 3. her p. overtook (j4. 19. j!?. are swifter PERSEVERANCE, s. Eph. 6. IS. with all p. PERSIA, Dividing ; a horse's hoof, or a crooked nose. A countt v in Asia. 1.1. I 4.7. 1 9. 9. Esth. 1 I 38. 5. Dan. 6.28. | 8. 20. | 10. 13, 20. 1 11.2. PERSIANS. Neh. 12. 22. Esth. 1. 19. Dan. .3. 28. I 6. 8, 12, 15, 28. PERSIS, The s?mae. J Qood tvoman, Rom. 16. 12. JPERSON signifies, [l ] .4 particular man or men, Gen. 14. 21. \_'-Z'} A distinct mode of subsistence in deity, Heb. 1.3. [3] External qualitiesy Acts, 10. 34. Gen. S9. 6. a goodly p. and well-favoured Exod. 12. 48. no uncir./). j)Lev. 19. 15. j&. of poor Num. 5. 6.thaV;&. beguiUy |j 19. 17. an unclean/?. 19. 18. a clean/). |) 31. 19. killeth my p. 35. 11. Dcut. 27. 2.'). to slay innocent p. |f 28. 50. p. of old 1 Sam. 9.2. a goodlier /j. \\ 16. 18. D. a comely/?. 25. 35. accepted thyp.\\ 2 Sam. 4. 11. righteous/?. Q Sam. 1 i. 14. nor respect/7. \\ 17. 11 . in thy own/?. Job 22. 29. and he shall save the humble/?. Psal. 15. 4. a vile^. || 49. 10. brutish/?, perish 101. 4. not know a wicked/? |j 105. 37. feeble/?. Prov. 6. 12. a naughty/?. 24. 8. |,' 28. 17. of any/>. Isa 32. 5. the vile/?. 6. || 43. t 4. give for thy/?. Jer. 4J. 6. took every p. \\ 52. 23. near king's/?. Ezek. 16. .'>. lothing of thy/?, jj 44. 25. no dead /?. Dan. 11.21. in his estate shall stand up a vile/?. Matt. ^2. 16. regardestnot/?.ofmen, Mark 12. 14. 27. 24. this just//. || 1 Cor. 5. 13. that wicked/?. 2 Cor. 2. 10.^. of Christ]) Eph. 5. 5. nor unclean /> Heb. I. 3. express image ofhis/^lj 12. 1 6. profane;;. 2 Pet.2.5.but saved Noah, the eighth/?. a preacher PERSONS,.?. Gen.14.21. Exod. 16. 16. Lev.27.2. Kum. 31. 28./?. and beeves |)35.32,000/j.in all Deut.lO. 17. regardeth not/?.|j 22. with70/>. Judg. 9. 2. were 70 p. () 4. hired vain and light/?. 5. slew 70/;. 18. II 20. 39. to kill about CO/?. 1 Sam. 9. 22. iiid. about 30 p. \\ 22. IS. slew 85 p. 2 Rings 10. 6. being 70 p. || 7. and slew 70 p. Vs. 26. 4. not sat with vain/?. Prov. 12. 11. j 28. 19. Jer. .52. 29. he carried captive 832/j. 30. Ezek. 17. 17. forts to cut off;).|| 27. 13. p. of men Jonah 4. 11 . wherein are more than 1 20,000 />. Zeph. 3. 4. treacherous/'. |j Luke 15. 7. 99 just/?. Acts 10. 34. no respecter of/?. |j 17. 17. devout/?. 2 Cor. 1. 11. gift bestowed by means of manY/>. Kph. G. 9. nor respect of p. Col. 3. 25. 1 Pet 1. 17. 1 Tim. 1.10. perjured/?. |) Jam. 2. 1, respect of/?. 9. 2 Pet. 3.11. what manner of/>. }j Jude 16. men's//. PERSUADE, V. signifies, [l] To deceive, I Kings 22. 20. [2 J To pacifij, Prov. 25. 15. [3J To convince and convert, Gen. 9. t 27. Luke 16-, 31. [4] To be assured, Rom. 8. 38. [5] To hope, Heb. 6. 9. [6] To advise, 2 Chr. 32. 11. [7] To provoke or stir vp, Acts 14.19. Gen. 9. t 27. /?. Japheth jj 1 Kin, 22. 20. p. Ahab 2} Chr. 32. 11. doth not Hezekiah/?. Isa. 36. 18. Matt. 28. 14. we'll//, him j) 2 Cor. 5. ll.wep. men iSai.l.lO. dolBOw/>.menijl Johns. fio, our hearts 56 PER.?UADED, j5. 2 Chr. 18. 2. Ahab/r. Jehoslii Prov. 25.15. isa prince//. II Matt. 27.50. priests/?. Luke 16. 31. will not be p. j| 20, 6.//. that Joha Acts 13. 43. p. them to continue |j 14. 19. p. people, IS. 4. Paul/>. the Jews jj 19. 26. Paul hath p. 21. 14. would not hep. || 26. 26. 1 am//, that Rom. 4. 21. being/?. || 8. 38. I am p. that neitheiS 14. 5. be fully//, jj 14. 1 am/?, by Lord, 15. 14. 2 Tim. 1. 5. 1 am p. || 12. I am//, he is able Ileb, 6. 9. p. better thingsj{ll. 13. were//, of them- PERSUA DEST, /?. Acts '26. 28. almost /?. me tj> PERSUADETH. 2 Kings 10. 32. Acts' 18. 13. PERSUADING,/?. Acts 19. 8. | 28. 23. PERSUASION, s. Gal. 5. 8. this p. cometh no^ PERTAIN, V. Lev. 7. 20. p. to the Lord, 21. 1 Sam. 25. 22. of all that//.iiRom, 15. 17./?. to G. 1 Cor. 6.3./). to thi3life||2Pet.l.3.aIlthat/?.tolife PERTAIN ED,/?. Num. 31 .43. half that/?, to con. Josh. 24.33. hill that/AJjJudg. 6. 11. 1 Sam. 25. 2K 1 Sam. 2. 15. p. to Ish-bosheth|j6. 12. Obed-edom 9. 9. p. to Saul II 16. 4. that/?, to Mephibosheth 1 Kin. 7. 48. vessels tliat/>.jj2 Kin. 24. 7. p. to king 1 Chr. 9. 27. p. to them||2 Chr. 12. 4. Judahj 34,33. PERTAINETH, v. Lev. 14. 32. p. to cleansmgk Num. 4. 16.//. the oil|lDeut. 22, 5. p. to a man 1 Sara. 27. 6. Ziklag//.ii2Chr. 26.18.//. not to thee Rom. 9. 4. p. the adoption || Heb. 7. 13. he//, to PERTAINING,//. Josh. 13. 31. 1 Chr. 26. 32. Acts 1. 3. p. to kii)gc]om|jl Cor. 6. 4./?. to this life Heb. 2. 17./?. to God, 5. 1.|i9. 9. p. to conscience PERUDA, A separation. Ezra 2. 55. PERVERSE,fl. Num. 22,32. thy way is p. heiom.. Deut.32.5./?, and crooked |j I Sara. 20. 30. son ofj^. Job 6, 30./?. things jj 9. 20. also prove me p. Prov. 4. 24./). lips, 19. 1.1)8. 8. nothing/?, in 12. 8. a//. heart|{14. 2. p. in his ways, 28. 6, 18-. 17. 20. a//, tongue II 23. 33. utter/?, thing* 2S. 6. than he that is p. in his ways, 18. Isa. 19. 14. the Lord hath mingled up. spirit- Matt. 17. 17. Op. generation, Luke 9. 41. Acts 20. 30, shall men arise, speaking p. thin;^ Phil. 2. 15. a/?, nation jll Tim. 6. 5.p. dispntiugss, PERVERSELY, arf. 2 Sam. 1 9. 19. servant did p..' 1 KinssS. 47. have done//.||Ps. 119. 78. dealt//. PERVERSENESS, s. Num. 23. 21. nor seen/), Prov. 1 1.3./?. of transgressors||15, 4.//. i»a breach Isa. SO. 12. ye trust in/?,|j59. 3. hathnniltered//. Ezek. 9. 9. land is full of blood, and city of//. PERVERT, V. Dent. 16. 19. a gift doth//, words 24. 1 7. thou shaitnot p. the judgment of -stranger Job 8. 3. doth God //.judgment or justice, 34. 12. Prov. 1 7.23. />• the ways ofjHdgra.31. 5. Mic. 3. 9, Acts 13. 10. notecase to 6.||Gai. 1.7. /.the gospel PERVERTED,//. 1 Sam. 8. 3. sons/?, judgment Job 33. 27. p. that was rightjllsa, 47. 10. it hathjjt, Jer. 3. 21. p. their way || 23. 36. p. the words ■ PERVERTETH. Exod. 23. 8. the gift p. words Deut. 27. 19. cursed that/?.l| Prov. 10. 9. 1 19. S, Tsa.24.f 1. the Lord p.jlLuke 23. 14.//. the people PERVERTING,//. Eccl. 5. 8. Lake 23- 2. PESTILE. Prov. 27. 22. bray a fool with a p. PESTILENCE, s. " Thcplague ; a disease arisinsc from an infected air, attended ivith boils, bloic/ufg^ CS.C. Exod. 5. 3. fall on u.s with p. ||9. 15. smite with p. Lev. 26. 25. I'll send //. Num.14. 12.Deut.28.2i. 2 Sam. 2^/. 13. be tluse liays^. U. L Gin-. 21, l^i. tHA PHI 7. 29. n. 44. t Kiags 8. 37. if there hep. 2 Chr. 6. 28. [ 7. 13. Psal. 78. 50. their life to p. \\ 91. 3. noisome/). 6. Jer. 14. 12. I'll consume them by p. 24. 10. | 27.8. 21. 6. die by 6. 9. | 27. 13. | S8. 2. j 42. 17, 22. Ezek. 6. 12. | 6. 12. '\ SS. 27. | ,S8. 22. Zedekiah ivoxnp. \\ 28. 8. prophesied of^. 17. I'll send the/>. 18. Ezek.l4.19,21.|28.23. 24. because of the p. 36.f|34. 17. liberty to p 13. as I have punished Jerusalem by the/*. Ezek. 6. 11. fall by the/J. || 7. 15. the/>. within 12. 16. a few from the/>. j| 38. 22. plead with/*. Amos 4. 10. I've sent//.i[Hab. 3. 5. before went/*. PESTILENCES,*. Matt.24.7.be/7.Luke21.11. PESTILENT, a. Acts 24. 5. ajs. fellow, and PETER, /J stone, or rot/c. Matt. 4. 18. Matt. 14.29. P.come out ofsh)p|]16. IS.thouartP. 16. i'S. said toP. get thee behind me, Mark 8.33. 17. 1. taketh witlihimP. James, 26. 37. Mark 5. 37. I 9. 2. I 14. 33. Luke 8. .51. | 9. 28. 24. came to P.|| '26. 5 8. P. followed him to 26. 75. P. remembered words, Mark 14. 72. Mark 1 6. 7. tell disciples audP.||Lnke22.61.1ooked John 18. 26. ear P, cut offlj2l. 17. P. grieved Acts 1. 15. P. stood up i|3. 3. seeinij P. and John 4. 8. P. filled with H Ghost || 13. boldness of P 6. 15. shadow of P. |{ 8. 14. sent P. and John 9. 38. heard P was there || 40. P. put all forth 10. 13. arise P. kill, 11. 7. |l44. while P. spake 12. 3. to take P. \\ 6. P. was sleeping between 7. angel smote P. jj 13. P. knocked, 18. Gal. 1 . 1 8. to sec P. jj 2. 7. gospel of cir. to P. 2. 8. wrought effectually in P. || 14. I said to P. PETHAHIAH, The Lord openetli. 1 Chr. 24. 16. PETHOR, A table. A city. Num. 22. 5. PETH U EL, Moutli of God. Joel 1 . 1 . PETITION, s. \ Sam. 1. 17. God grant thy p. •\20. 1 obtained by p. || 27. given me my p. 1 Kings 2.16. 1 ask one/?. of thee, deny me not, 20. Esth.5. 6.whatisthy/). 7.2. | 9.12. 1| 5.7. my/), is 5. 8. if it please the king to grant my p. 7. 3. Isa. 7. 1 1 1. ask thee a sign, make thy p. deep Dan. 6. 7. ask a p. of any god, 12. |! 13. maketh/>. PETITIONS, s. Psal. 20. 5. 1 John 5. 15. PEULTHAI, My works. 1 Chr. 26. 5. PH ALEC, A dicisio7i. Luke 3. 35. PHALTI, Deliverance. 1 Sam. 25. 44. 2 Sam. 3. 15. PHANUEL, Face or vision of God. Luke 2. 36. PHARAOH, That disperses, spoih, or discovers ; or the destroyer, king; or crocodile. A name common to all the kings of Egypt, till the be- ginning of the Greek monarchy. Gen. 12. 15. the princes also of P. saw her 17. Lord plaiTued P. |) 37. 36. an officer of P. 40. 2. P. was wroth acainst two of his officers 41 . 1. P. dreamed, 4, 7. || 1 6. God shall give P. 44. 1 am P. |} 55. people cried to P. for bread 42. 15. by life of P. 16. tj 44. 1 8. thou art as P. 45. 8. a father to P. || 46. 31. Til shew P. 47. 10. Jacob blessed P.[| 25. be P. servants 26. land of priests not P. j) 50. 4. ears of P. Exod. 2. 1 5. P. sought to slay M.||3. 1 0. send thee 4. 21. do wonders before P. || 5. 2. P. said who? 5. 15. cried to P. jl 2.^^. since I came to P. 6. 1. see wiiat : i! >lo to P. || 12. how P hear? f. 1. thee a god to P. || 3. I'll har.len P. heart, 13, 1^23. j sag. j 9. 12. Ex.8.20.stand before P. 9.l3.|j9.27.sentforMoses 11. 1. one plague more on P. || 10. before P. 12. 29. first-born of P. i| 13. 17. P let people go 14. 4. honoured on P. 17. 1| 28. covered host 1 Kings 3. 1. atfinity with P. |j 7. 7. house for P. 2 Kingsl7.7.froraunderP.||18.21.so is P,Isa.36.6- Neh. 9. 10. shfrvvedst signs and wonders on P. Psal. 135. 9. wonders on P.|)136. 15. overthrew P. Song 1.9. in P. chariots || Isa. 19. 11. how say ta Isa. 30. 2. in strength of P.|| 3. P. be your shame Jer. 25. 19.1 made P. drink 1| 37. 1 1 . fear of P. 46. 17. P. a noise II 47. 1. before P. smote Gaza Ezek. 17. 17. P. with army || 29. 2. face against P. 29. 3. against thee P. 30. 22. || 30. 21. broken, 25. 31. 18. this is P. II 32. 2. lamentation for P. \cp 7. 13. known to P.|l 21. P. daughter took him Rom. 9. 17.saith to P.||Heb. 11. 24. son of P. dau. PHARAOH-Hop/ira. Jer. 44. 30. PHARAOH-A^fc/w. 2 Kin. 23. 29, 33, 34, 35. Jer. 46. 2. PHAREZ, A division. Gen. 38. 29. | 46. 12. Num. 26. 20, 21. Ruth 4. 1 2, 18. 1 Chr. 24. 5. I 9. 4. Matt. 1. 3. Luke 3. 33. PHARISEE, Separation, A sect, the most ancient and considerable among the Jews, who distin- guished themselves from the other Israelites by a more strict manner of life. There ivere seven sorts of them ; for which see Godwin's Moses and Aaron, p. 36, — 46. They substituted human traditions in the room of God's ivord, affected to make a great sheiv of re- ligion in outward things ; but were proud, cove-- tons, tiitjusl, superstitious, and hypocritical. Matt. 23. 26. thou blind/). II Luke 11. 37. a cert. j&. Luke 18. 10. the one up. \\ 1 1. the/), stood and pr. Acts 5. 34. stood up a/), jl 23. 6. I am 'dp. 26. 5. Phil. 3. 5. an Hebrew of Heb. touching law, a j&. PHARISEES. Matt. 3. 7. he saw many/>. 5. 20. scribes aud p. 23. 2, 13,-29. Luke 5. 30. I 6. 7. I 11. 42,43,44. 9. 14. p. fast oft II 34, p. said, he cast out devils 15. 1?./). were offended || 16. 6. leaven of/?. 19. 3. /?. came to him || 23. 13. wo to j'ou /?. Luke 7. 30./?. rejected || 11. 39. /?. make clean 16. 14./?. were covetous || John 1. 24. were/?. John 3. 1 . a man of the p.\\7. 32. p. sent officers 7. 48. have any of the rulers or p. believed ? It. 47. p. gathered a council and said, 57. Acts 15. 5. seftofthe/?. || 23. 8./). confess both PHARPAR, Fruitful. 2 Kings 5. 12. PHAROSH, Contention, strife. Ezra 8. 3. PHASE AH. Nell. 7. 5. the children of P. PHEBE, Shining, bright. Rom. 16. 1. PHEN ICE, Pc(/, or purple. A country of Syria^ Acts 11. 19. I 15. 3. I 21.2. I 27. 12. PHIBESETH, From the mouth. Ezek. 30. 17. P HTCOL, Perfection of the mouth. Gen. 2 1 . 3 2. PHILADELPHIA, Love of the brother, or of the fraternity. A city of Lydia, at the foot of Mount Tmolus, Rev. 1. 11. | 3. PHILEMON, A kiss, or loving. PHTLETUS, Beloved, or amiable PHILIP, Warlike. Matt. 10. 3 Luke 6. 14. Acts 1.13. Matt. 14.3. P. wife, Mark 6. 17. Luke 3. 1 John 1 . 43. Jesus findeth P. || 44. P " 45. P. findetii JN'athan.l| 12. 21. came to P. Philem. 1. 2 Tim. 2.17. Mark 3. 18. ,19. of Bethsaida PHL John 12.22. P. told Jesns|| 14.9. not known me P.? Acts 6. 5. P. the deaconijS. 5.P. went to Samaria 8. 12. believed P. I| 29. Spirit said to P. go near, 30. P. ran to him |) 39. caught away P. 21.8. we entered into the house of P. PHILIPPI, IVarlike men, or lovers of horses. A city of Macedonia, Acts 16. 12.|20. 6. lThes.2.2. PHILIPPIANS. Phil. 4. 15. ye P. know also PHILISTIA, Tlie country of the Philistines, Psal. 60. 8. I 87. 4. | 108. 9. PHILISTIM, Making ruin. Gen. 10. 14. PHILISTINE, The same. 1 Sam. 17. 8. am not I a P. |[ 43. P. cursed David 49. Davfd smote P. \\ 21. 9. Goliath, 22. 10. 2 Sam. 21. 17. Abisliai smote the P. PHILISTINES. Gen. 21. 34. in the P. land 26. 14. P. envied him (| 15. stopped wells Exod. 13.17. not thro' land ofP.i|Josh.l:>,2.borders Josh. 13. 3. five lords of the P. Judg. 3.3. Judg. 3. 31. slew 600 P. !| 10. 6. served gods of 10. 7. sold them to P. 13. 1. (| 14. 4. against P. 15. 3. more blameless than |j 6. P. burnt her ll.P.arerulersil20.SamsonjudgedIsr.indaysof . 16. 9. P. be upon thee Samson, 12, 14, 20. 21. P. took Samson |1 28. avenged of the P. 30. let me die with the P. bowed himself 4 Sam. 4.1. went againstP.||3. smitten us beforeP. 9. O ye P. I) 5. 1. P. took the ark of God 6. 21. P. brought ark |) 7. 10. P. drew near 7. 13. P. were subdued f| 13. 12. P. will come 14. 1. let us go to P. |] 12. noise in host of P. 17. 51. P. saw their champion was dead 18. 17. hand of P. on him || 30. P. went forth 19. 8. David fought with P. 23.5. 2 Sam. 21.15. 24. 1. returned from P. || 27. 1. land of P. 28. 15. P. make war 1|29. 7. the lords of the P. 31. 2. P. followed hard upon Saul, 1 Chr. 10.2. 2 Sam. 5.1 7. P. came to seckDavid [1 1 9. 1 go toi^i' 25. David smote the P. 8.1.||8.l2.goldgotfrom 23. 10. smote the P. 12. (| 16. brake thro' host 2 Chr. 26. 7. helped Uzzaagainstl|28. 18. invaded Psal. 83. 7. P. with Tyre || Isa. 2. 6. like the P. Isa. 9. 12. the P. behind ||ll. 14. shoulders of P. Jer. 25.20. P. drink || 47. 1. word against P. 4- Ezek. 16. 27. delivered to P.[j25. 15. by revenge • 25. 16. I'll stretch out my hand upon P. Amos 1. 8. P. perish \\ 6. 'i. go to Gath of the P. 9. 7. P. from Caphtor || Obad. 19. possess P. Zeph. 2. 5. O land of P. ||Zech. 9. 6. cut off pride See Daughters. PHILOLOGUS, A lover of learning, or a lover of the word. Rom. 16. 15. PHILOSOPHY,*. The love of wisdom. It comes from the Greek tcord Philos, a lover, and So- phia, wisdom. Col. 2. 8. PHILOSOPHERS, s. Acts 17. 18. certain p. PHINEHAS, A bold countenance. Exod. 6. 25. Num. 25. 11. P. turned my wroth |) 31 . 6. sent Josh. 22. 13. Israel sent 7^ j|24. 33. hiil pertained Judg. 20. 28. P. stood before the ark in those 1 Sam. 1. 3. Hoplmi, P. || 2. 34. P. shall both die 4. 17. are both dead|jl9. P. wife was with child 14. 13. son of P. the Lord's priest in Shilo^h 1 Chr.6.4. Elcazar begat P. 50.(|9.20.P. was ruler Ezra 7. 5. son of P. son of Eleazar, 8. 2, 33. Psal. 106. 30. then stood up P. and executed PHLEGON, Uimmg, Rosj. 10. 14.^ PIB 7^^ PHRYGIA, Dry, barren. A country ia 4^^^ Acts 2. 10. I 16. 6. I 18.23. PHURAH, Tliat bears fi-uit. Judg. 7. 10, 11. PHUT, Africa, or Lijbia. Third son of Ham, Gen. 10. 6. 1 Chr. 1. 8. Ezek. 27. 10. PHUVAH, a pidr of bellows. Gen. 46. 1 3. PHYGELLUS, Fugitive. 2 Thn. 1. 15. PH YLACTERIES,To keep in memory or obsei^ve: ThesePhilacteriesicci'e certain rolls of parchment wherein were written certain Words of the law. These the Jews wore on their foreheads, on their wrists, and the hem of their garments; which cus>' torn they founded on what is said in Exod. 1 3. 9, 16. and in Num. 15. 38, 39. The Pharisees thro' pride, affected to have them broader than the other Jews wore. Matt. 23. 5. PHYSICIAN, s. signifies, [i] One ivho pi-actises 2)h7jsic, Mark 5. 26. [2 Embalmers of dead bo^ dies. Gen. 50. 2. [3] Comforters, ioh 13.4. [4"] Prophets, Jer. 8. 22. [5] Jesus Christ, the great physcian of value. Matt. 9. 12. Jer. 8. 22. is no balm in Gilead ? is there no p. Vjatt. 9. 12. need nota/>. Mark 2. 17. Luke5. 31. Luke 4. 23. p. lieal thyself ||Col. 4. 14. Luke the p. PHYSICIANS,*. Gen. 50. 2. p. embalmedlsrael 2 Chr.16.12. Asa sought not to the Lord, but to//. Job 13. 4. forgers of lies, ye are all j!;. of no value Mark 5. 26.suttered many things of p. Luke 8.43. PICK, V. Prav. 30. 17. ravens shall j!>. it out PICTURES,*. Num.33.52. destroy />.and images Prov. 2o. W.p. of silver II Isa. 2. 16. pleasant^. PIECE, s. Gen.l 5.10. laid one/;. against another Exod. 37. 7. of one p. ||Num. 10. 2. of a whole j&. Judg. 9. 53. casta/j. ofarailstone, 2Sani.n.21, 1 Sam. 2. 36. for dip. of silver(|30. 12 />.of acake 2 Sam. 6. 19.each a p. of fleshli23.11./j. of ground 2 Kings 3. 19. mar every good/?, of land, 25. Neh.3. 11. Hashub repaired the other />. 19, — 50. Job 41. 24. />. of milstone || 42. 11. a/j. of money Prov. 6. 26. to dp. of bread || 28. 21.fora/>. of Song 4. 3. thy temples like/j. of pomegranate,6. 7, Jer. 37. 21. give Jeremiah daily a/>. of bread Ezek. 24. 4. every good p. \\ 6. bring it p. by p. Amos 3. 12.a/». of an ear j{ 4.7. one/), rained ojj Viatt.9.16./). of new cloth, Mark 2.21. Liike5.36. 17. 27. thou shall find a p. of money, that take Luke 14. 18. bought a/;. j| 15. 8. lose one p. 9. 24. 42. they gave him a /). of a broiled fish PIECES, s. Gen. 15. 17. passed between those/. 20. 16. 100 />. of silver, 33. 19. Josh. 24.32. 37. 28. sold Joseph for 20 p. \\ 33. rent in p. 45. 22. he gave to Benjamin 30/>. of silver Ex. 22. 13. ifitbetornin/j.||28.7. shoulder//. 25, Lev. 2. 6. part it in p. \\ 8. 20. burnt the p. and Judg. 9.4. gave 70/>. |) 16. 5. give 1100/>. 19. 29. he divided his concubine in 12 p. 1 Sam. 2. 10. broken to//. jjl 1.7. hewed ni/>.15.33. 1 Kin ll.30.rent in 12//.31.|!19. 11. b)akeinj). 2 Kiu.2.12. Elisha rentm two/).|l5.5.took 6000/?, 6.25.soldfor80//.iill.l8.brakein//. 18.4.i23.l4. 2 Chr. 23. 17. brake imaaes in />. 31. I. Mic. 1.7. Job 1 6. 12. shaken me in p. IjiO. 18. as//, of brass Psal. 7. 2. renting it in p. jj 50. 22. lest I tear in//- 68. 30. submit with p. j| 74. 14. Leviatlian in//. Song 8.11. bring a 1000 /».!jlsa.3.15. my people to Jer. 5. 6. shallbetornin//. JI23.29 the rock in//. Lam. $. 11. puiJedmeiD/'.IJEzek. 4. ii.oris torn riL Vlf fizek. IS. 19. for j^. of bread 1| 24. 4. gather the/*.! Dan. 2. 34. which brake imay:eiii/>. 40, 45. 6. 24. lions brake their bones in p. \\ 7. 7, 19. Ho3. 3. 2. for 15 p. \\ Mic. Z. 3. cliopmy people in Mic. 4. 13. beat iu/j.j| 5. 8. tear inj!>. Nah. 2. Iz Zech. 11. 12. for my price 3(»/>. 13. lVIatt.27. 6,9 Luke 15.8. having ten j>.lj Acts 19. 19. 50,00('/>. Acts 23. 10. be pulled m p-\\ 27. 44. on broken;). PIERCE, V. Num. 24. 8. p. thio' with arrows 2 Kings 18. 21.^ntohishand am]j!>. it, Isa. 36. 6. Liuke 2. 35. a sword shall p. thme own heart PIERCED, J!>. Judg. 5. 26. when she had/>.and Job 30. 17. my bones are />. jjPsal. 22. 16. they/>. Zech. 12. 10, whom they/>. John 19 37. Rev.'l 7. John 19. 34 j!>.hi3side|!i Tim. 6. 10. p. themselves PIERCETH, V. Job 40. 24. nose p. thro' snares PIERCING, S,/j Prov. 12. 18. p. of a sword Isa. 27. 1. the 6. sei-pcnt |j Heb. 4. 12. is quick, />. PIETY, « 1 Tim. 5. 4 learn to shew/». at home PIGEON. Lev. 1.14. 6Ve Young. Pl-HAKIROTH, The mouth of UnoXh, or jias- sa^e of liberty. Exod. 14. 9. Num. 33. 7, 8. PILATE, Armed with a dart. Matt.27.2. delivered him to PontinsP. Markl5.1. 24. P. saw that he could prevail nothinj; Mark 15.5.P. marvelledjjlS.P. wiUingto content Luke 3. 1. P. governor (1 13. 1. bloodP.minijied 23. 12. P. and Herod friends || 52. went to P. John 18. 29. P. went out |l.33, into judgment-lial! , 19, 8. P. was afraid || 12. P. sought to release 19. wrote a title jj 38. P. gave him leave Acts 3. 13. in presence of P. || 4, 27. Herod, P, 13, 28, desired they P. that he should be slain '1 Tmi.6.1S.beforeP.witnessedagood confession PILDASH, Tiie son of Nahor, Gen. 22. 22. PILE, s. Isa. 30. 33. p. of it in fire, Ezek. 24. 9. PILEHA. Neh. 10. 21. Hallchosh, P. Shobek PILGRIMAGE, s. Gen. 47. 9. years of my/;. Exod. 6. 4. land of 6.||Psal. 119.54. house of my /a PILGRIMS, 5. Heb. 1 1. 13. 1 Pet. 2. 11. VILLAR, s. signifies, [1] Thai which supports a buildings Judg. 16. 25. [2] A monument raised in memoTif of some person or action, Gen. 35. 20. 2 Sam. 18. IS. [3] Beiitt:ers, lTim.3.15.Rev. S. 13. r^l Ti'iR poles of the earth, 1 Sam. 2, 8. [5] Tha cloud in the wildernesSy which resembled o pillar. Ucn. 1 9. 26. she looked back and became a p. •2S. 18. Jacob set it up for a/;. 22. | 35. 14, 20. 81. 13. anointedst the fi. |j 51 behold this/i. 52. S\od.33.9. the cloudy j!). descendedand stood,10. !Num. 12. 5. in/), of the cloud, 14. 14. Deut.31.15. ^udg. 9, 6. the plain of the />, |) 20. AO.p. of smoke 'S Sum. 18, 18, reared up 2ip.\\ I Kin. 7, 21. right/*. £ Kio. 1114. kin^tood by a/>. 23.3. 2Chr.23.13. Neh. 9. 12. by day m a cloudy p. Psal. 99. 7, Is;i 19. 19. and a/>. at the border thereof to L. Jcr.,1. IS.aniron/;. |j 52. 21. height of one />. 1 Tim. 3. lb. p. andjjround iJRev. 3.12.makeap. PILLARJ5, s. Exod. 24. 4. Moses bniit 1 2 p. Si). 52. hapg vail on four />. |) 37. five p. 36.38. 57. 10. hooks of the/). 11. \ 38. 10, 11,U^, 17. 12. p. ten I! 14. />, three, 15,16. | 38.14,15,17. Deut, 7.t5. ye shall break down their />. 12.3. Judi^. 16. 25. Samson betvveea p. || 1 Sam. 2. 8. I Kings7.15.he cast two/>.|ll0.l2./j.for the house 5 Jiiugs 18, 16. iie?eki*ti) cutoff ^oW ftoai \hQp. 2 kin.2.5.1S. brake the/*.of brass,16.Jer.?2.17,e0; Esth, 1. 6./>. of marble||Job 9. 6.p. trcuble. 2h.ii^ Psal. 75. 3. 1 bear up the/) |1 Prov. 9.1. her seven/?'. Song 3. 6. like/>. of smoke jl 10. /> of silver 5- 15.p. of nmrble 11 Joel 2. 30. /j. of smoke G>^1. 2. 9. seemed to be/>.|lRev. 10, l. asp. of fire PILLED, j^'. Gen. 30 37. Jacob/j. rods, 38. PILLOW, S, s. Gen 28. 1 1 . stones for his p. 18* 1 Sam. 19. 13. Michai put a/>. of goat's hair, 16. Ezek. IS. 18. sewp. 20. || Mark 4. 38. asleep on apt PILOTS, s. Steersmen of a ship, Ezek. 27. 8,28. PILTAI. Neh. 12. 17. PINE, s. "J tree, whose fruit is a large cone, of tt turbinated figure, and composed of a beautiful ar- rangement of scales.'' The Jews took of the branches hereof to make booths, Neh. 8. In It is an emblem of prosperity, Isa. 41. 19. | 60. 13. PINE, V. " To wasto or wear away with g^nefand anxiety; to grieve ; to languish for, or long af- ter" Lev. 26. 39. you shall />. away, Lam. 4. 9. Ezek* 24. 23. I 33. 10. PINETH, ING, j&. Isa. 38. 12. Mark 9. 18, PINNACLE, s. A spire. Matt. 4. 5, Luke 4. 9. PINON, Pmrlorgem. Gen. 36.41. 1 Clir.l. 52. P1N,S. Exod. 27. 19, | 35, 18. | S8.20, 31 i 39. 40. Num. 3. 37, I 4. 32. Judg. 16, l4. Ezra 9. t S. Isa. 3. 22. Ezek. 15,3. PIPE, S,s. 1 Sam. 10. 5. with p. 1 Kin. 1.40. Psal. 149. t 3. praise his name with a/?. 150. f 4. Isa. 5, 12. harp and/»,]j30. 29. as one goeth with/7. Jer, 48. 36. for Moab like/). (| Ezek. 28. 13. of;;. Zech. 4. 2, seven/). 12. || 1 Cor. 14. 7./». or harp PIPED,/). 1 Kin. 1. 40, the people/), withpipc Matt 1 1 .17. saying, we have p. to you, Luke 7. 32. PIPERS^, s. Rev 1 8. 22. the voice of/), and PIRAM, A wild ass of them. Josh. 10. 3. PIRATHON, His dissipation. Judg. 12. 13,15. PISGAH, Hill, height, or provision. Num. 21. 20. I 23. 14. Deut. 3. 27. | 4. 49, | 34. 1, PISIDIA, Pitchy. A province oHheLesserAsi(i, Acts 13. 14. I 14. 24. PISON, Changing, or doubling. Gen. 2. 11. PISPAH, A mouth diminished. 1 Chr, 7. 38. PISS, «. 2 Kin. 18. 27. drink their />. Isa. 36. 12. PISSETH. 1 Sam. 2.5.22, 1 Kin. 14. 10. i 16.11. PIT, S, s. signifies, [1] ^ hole in the earth, Isa. 30.14. [2] Mischief , or ensnaring evil, Psal. 7. 15. [3] The grave, Psal, 28. l."^| 30. 3 [4] Trouble, Psal. 40. 2, [.5] Abraham und Sa- rahj Isa. 51. 1, 2. [6J Hell, Rey, 9, 2. | 2a 1, Gen. 14. 10. slime p. H 37. 20. casthira into p. E?fod. 21. 34. owner of/). i| Lev, 11 . 36,/). clean Num. 16. 30, they go down quick into the /). 33. 1 Sam. 13. 6. hid in p. j| 2 Sam, 17. 9. in some p. 2 Sam. 18, 17. a great/). ||23, 20. slew a lion mp. 2 Kin, 10, 14. slew at the/'.|jl8.t31. water of his/>. Job 17. 16. bars of/).||33,18,soul from the/) 24,30. P.sal. 9. 15. sunk in thejfe. i|28. 1 . go down to the pi. 30. 3. go down to the p. \\ 35, 7, hid net ni a/). 40. 2. horrible/). |j 55. 23. p. of destruction 69. 15, let not/), shut |1 88. 4. go to the p. 6. U9. 85. digged a/». |) 140. 10. cast in deep p. 143. 7. like them that go down top. Prov. 1. 1^, Prov. 22. 14. is a deep p. \\ 23. 37, a narrow/;; 28. I0.f^liiilas9woi?.|jir>flee1;ptheii^ PLA PLA ^37 I^. 14. 15. sides of the p. 19.1)24. 17. fear andp 24. 18. cometli out of midst of p. Jer. 48. 43. 22. jiathered in/>.|) 30. 14. water out of p. 38. 17. p. of corruption || 38. 18. down to p. 51. 14. hasteneth that he should not die m p. Jer. 2. 6. a land of j&. |) 14. 3. came to thep. 41. 7. midst oi'p. \\ 9. the p. which Asa niiicle Lam 4. 20. taken in their p. Ezek. 19. 4, 8. Ezek. 26. 20 go down to the p. 28. 8. | 31. 14, 16. I .32. 18, 24, 25, 29, 30. 32. 23. sides of the p. || Jonah 2. t 6. from the p. Zeph. 2. 9. saltp.jjZech. 9. 11. prisoners out of/?. Matt. 12. 11. if it fiill into a/>. Luke 14. 5. See BoTTOMLPss, Dig, Digged. PITCH. Gen. 6. 14. p. it within and without Exod. 2 3. daubed it with p. || Isa. 34. 9. burn.j). PJTCH, ED, p. Gen. 12. 8. Abraham/), his tent 13.1 2. Lot/;.|!26. 17. Isaac|j3l. 25. Jacob, 33. 1 8. Exod. 17. 1. Israel />. 19. 2. || 33. 7. Moses p. it !Nuin. 1. .'Jl. tabernacle in p. \\ 52. Israel shall />. 2. 2. p. by his own standard, 3. | 3. 23, 29. 9. 18. at the conmiandment of the L. they p. 12. 16. people/). 21. 10, 11.133. 5, 6. Josh.'s. 11. Deut. I. 33. a place top. mjlJosh. 4. 20. Joshua /). 2 Sam. 6. 17. David had p.|| 17. 26. Israel/). 1 Kings i^O. 27. and Israel p. before them, 29. SKin. 25. 1. Nebuchanez./). against it, Jer. 52. 4. 1 Chr. 15. l.p. for it a tent, 16. 1. 2 Chr. 1. 4. Ezra 8 tl5. there/) we|ilsa. 13. 20. nor Arabian/). Jer. 6. 3. shepherds p. ]\ Heb. 8. 2. the Lord p. PITCHER, S, s. signifies, [l] Avessel to contain liquor, Gen. 24. 14. [2] The blood cessels of the human body, Eccl. 12. 6, Gen 24. 14. let down thy p. I pi'ay, 15, 45. jHdg. 7. 16. empty/), and lamps within p. 19. Eccl. 12. 6. or p. broken] jLam. 4. 2. as earthen p. Mark 14. 13. a man bearing a/). Luke 22. 10. PITHO M, Perfection of mouth. Exod. 1.11. PITHON, His persuasiony or gift. 1 Chr. 8. 35. PlTY,s. Deut. 7. 16. no p. 13. 8. | 19. 13, 21. 25 12. thine eye shall not p. |( 2 Sam. 12. 6. Job 6. 14. p. should be shewed |j 19. 21. have p. Psal. 69. 20. I looked for some to take/), but Prov. 19 17. p. on the poor, lendeth to L. 28. 8. Isa 13. 18. have no p. |J 63. 9. in his p. redeemed Jer. 13. 14. I'll not p. 21.7.|| 15.5. who shall/). Ezek. 5. 1 1. nor will I have p. 7. 4. | 8. 1 8. | 9. lO. 9. 5. nor have yep. || 36. 21. I had p. for my Joel 2.18. Lord will p.(j Amos 1. 11. did cast otr/). Jonah 4.10. p. on gourd||Zech.ll.5./). ihem not, 6. IMatt. 18. 33. had compassion, as I had p. on thee PITIED, p. Psal. 106. 46. made them to be p. of Lam.i;'.2.notp. 17,21.|3.43.|jEzek. 16. 5. none eye PITIETH. Ps. 103. 13. the Lordp.l)Ezek.24.t.^l. PITIFUL, a. Lam. 4, 10. hands of p. women Jam. 5. 11. Lord is very p. |j 1 Pet. 3. 8. be p. PLACE, s. is put for, \l] A seat, 1 Sam. 9. 22. [2] A city. Gen. 18. 26. [3J A kingdom. Gen. ^20.11. [4] Lot, state, or condition. Job 18. 21. [5] Room, or stead. Gen. 50. 19. [&] A text of scripture, Acts 8. 32. [7] Adcantugc, occasion, or opportunity, Eph. 4. 27. j^fi] Ac- ceptance, or kind welcome, John 8. 37. [93 An ojfce, or emplorjment, Gen. 40. 13. Gen. 13. 14. look from the p.||18. 24. spare/). 26. 20. 13. shew at every p. 1| 22. 4. Abr. saw the p. ^^0,'^5, XDj owo r- II 40. 9. p. where Joseph E.Kod. S. 5. where thoustandest Is holy, Josh.5.1.5. 18. 23. go to their p. || 23. 20. bring thee to thep. Num. 10. 14. in the tirst/).|jl8. 31. eat in every/), Deut. 11. 24. every/), shall be yours. Josh. 1. 3. 12. 5. p. the L. shall choose, 14. ] 14. 24. 1 16. IG. Judg. 20. 36. Israel gave p. |j Ruth 3. 4. mark j&. 1 Sam. 10. 12. same/).|j 14. 46. Vv^ent to own^. 20. 25. and David's p. was empty, 27. |) 25. 5. 2 Sam. 2. 23. died in .same p. || 15. iJl. in what p. 17.9. some/). 12. |jlS. 18. called Absalom's/). 1 Kings 8. 29. eyes may be open toward the p. 2 Kings 5. 11. hand over tiie^6.jj 6. l.p. too strait 1 Chr. 21. 22. grant me tho p. of threshing floor- 2 Chr. 30. 16. priests stood in their/). 35. 10, 15, Neh.2. 14. no p. for the beast [) 13. 1 1, in their/). Esth. 2. 9. to the best/). |j 4. 14. from another p. Job 6.17. consumed out of their ;>. 36. 20. | 40. 12. 9. 6. earth out of her/).|| 16. 18. cry have no/), 28. 12. where is tliep. of understanding, 20-23. 38. 19. as for darkness, where is thep. thereof Psal. 26. 8. p. where thy honour |j 12. an even p. 32. 7. thou art my hiding p. 119. 114. 33. 14. p. of his habit, [j 103. 16. p. know it no Eccl. 3. I6.jp. ofjudgm. jj 20. all go to one p. 6. 6. Isa. 5. 8. till there be nop. ||13. 13. out of her p. 28. 8. nop. clean || 25. and the rye in their/). 49. 20. p. is too strait |j 54. 2. enlarge the p. of 60. 13. p. of my feet glorious |j 66. 1. p. of rest Jer. 7. 12. go to my p. || 32. no p. to bury, 19. 11. 17. 12. a glorious throne is the p. of our sanct. Ezek. 6. 13. slain be on the p. where ti;ey offered 43. 7. p. of my throne |) 21. burn in appointed p. Dan. 2. 25. no p. found |j 8. 11./). of sanctuary Hos. 5.15. retinn to myp.|iJoel S.ilG.p. of repair Amos 8.3. dead in every/).))Nah.3.17.p. not know Zech. 10. 10. p. not be found || 12. 6. own/). 14. 10. Mai. 1. 11. incense shall be offered in every p. Matt. 28. 6. see the p.Jj Mark 6. 10. in what/). Luke 4. 17. found the p. \\ 10. 1. two to every p* 10. 32. at thep. j) 14. 9. give this man p. and John 4. 20. p. of M'orship |) 8. 37. w^ord hath nop, 11. 6. same/). || 48. take our/). |) 18. 2. knew p. Acts 2. 1. accord, in one p. \\ 4. 31. ;>. was shaken 7. 33. p. is holy |) 49. p. of my restj)8. 32. read p. Rom. 12. 19. give p. to wrath j) 1 5. 23. no more/). 1 Cor. 1.2. in every p. call|)l 1 . 20. in one p. 14.23. 2 Cor. 2. 14. in every/). |) Gal. 2. 5. we gave/>. Eph. 4. 27. nor give p. to the devil jj 1 Thes. 1. 8. Heb. 5. 6. in another p, \\ 8. 7. nop. 12. 17. Jam. 3. 11. at same p. (| Kev. 12. 8. nor/), found Rev, 12. 14. fly to her p. |) 20. 11. found nop. A PLACE. Gen. 39. 20. Exod. 21. 13. ( 33. 2t, Num.32. 1. Dent. 1. 33. | 23. 12. Josh. 20, 4. Judg. 17. 8, 9. I 18. 10. 1 Sam. 1.5. 12. 1 21.2.|27. 5. 2 Sam. 7. lO-ill. 16. 1 Kings 8. 21. 2 Kings 6. 2, 8, 9. 1 Chr. 15. 1. j 17. 9. 2 Chr. 6. 2. Job 28. 1. Psal. 132. 5. Prov.l4. 26. Isa. 4. 6.i33. 21.|34. 14. | 56. 5. | 65. 10. Ezek. 26. 5. 1 39. 1 1. Zeph. 2. 15. Matt. 27. 33. Mark 11. 4, John 14. 2. Heb. 2. 6. j 4. 4. I 11. 8. Rev. 12. 6. | 16, i6. See Choosk, Dwelling. High PLACE. Num. 23. 3. 1 Sara. 9. 12. | 10, 5, 13. 1 Kings 3. 4. | 11. 7. 2 Kings 23. 15. 1 Chr. 16. 39. 2 Chr. 1. 3, 13. Psal. 9.t9^ 1 20. 1 1- 1 46. 1 7. Isa. U. 12. Ezek. 16. 2v 1 eO. «9. } 25. 31. PLA Mis PLACE. Gen. 18. .S3.|31. 55. Exod. 10. 23. I 16. 29. Lev. 13. 23. Num. 2. 17. j 24. 25. Deiit. 21. 19. Rutii4. 10. 1 Sam. 3. 2, 9. j 5. 3, 11. I 23. 22. I 26. 25. j 29. 4. 2 Sam. 6. 17. I 19.39. 1 Kings 8. 6.120.. 24. 1 Ciir. 15. 3. I 16. 27. 2Clir.24. 11. ] 34. 31. Ezra 1.4. I 2. 68. Job 2. 11. j 7. 10. j 8.18. | 14. 18. I 18.4. I 20.9. I 27.21, 23.|37. l.jSS. 12. Psal. 37. 10. Prov. 27. 8. Isa. 26.21. \ 33. 16. I 46. 7. Jer. 4. 7. j 6. 3. Ezek. 3. 12. Mic. 1. 3. Zeph. 2. 11. Zecli. 6. 12. Matt. 26. 52. Acts 1. 25. Rev. 2.5. /Bf/i€ PLACE. Gen. ^0.19. Exod. 1.5. 17. Lev. 4. 24, 29, 33. | 6. 25. | 7. 2. | 13. 19. Num. 9. 17. i 33. 54. Josh. 4. 9- 1 Kings 13. 22. I 21. 19. 2 Chr. 3. 1. Job 34.t26. Psal. 44. 19. Prov. 25. 6. Eccl. 11. 3. Jer. 22. 12. Ezek. 17. 16. I 21. 30. Hos. 1. 10. | 13. 13. John 19.41. Rom. 9.26. '0fthe PLACE. Gen. 26. 7. | 29. 22. | 32. 30. I 33. 17. I 35. 13. Exod. 17. 7. Num. 11.3. j21. 3. Josh. 4. 3. I 5. 9. 1 7. 26. Judg. 19. 16. Ruth 1. 7. 2 Sam. 6. 8. 1 Chr. 28. 11. 2 Chr. 20. 26. Ezek. 41. 11. Joel 3. 7. Nah. 1. 8. Xfca^ PLACE. Gen. 21. 31. j 22. 14. | 28. li». 1 32. 2. I 38. 21. Num. 11. 34. Deut. 12. 3. \ 17. 10. Judg. 2. 5. 1 15. 17. 1 18. 12. 1 Sam. 53. 28. 2 Sam. 2. 16. | 5. 20. 1 Chr. 13. 11. J 14. 11. Matt. 14. 35. Mark 6. 10. John 5. 13. 1 11.30. Acts 21. 12. Jhis PLACE. Gen. 19 12, 13. | 20. 11-128. 16. |38.21,22.|48. 9. Exod. 13. 3. Num. 20. 5. Deut. 1. 31. I 9. 7. I 11. 5. | 26. 9. | 29. 7. Judg. 18. 3. 1 Kings 8. 29, 30, 35. | 13. 8, 16. 2 Kings 18. 25. j 22. 16, 17,20. 2 Chr. ^. 20, 26, 40. 1 7. 12, 1 5. 1 34. 24. Job 18.21. Jer. 7. 6, 20.1l4. 13.J16. 2, 9.|19. 3, 4, 6, 12. |22. ll.|27. 22 1 28. 3, 4, 6. | 29. 10. | 32. 37. j 33. 10. I 42. 18. I 44. 29-151. 62. Ezek. 46. 20. Zeph. 1.4. Hag. 2. 9. Matt. 12. 6. Luke 16. 23. I 23. 5. Acts 6. 14. | 7. 7. | 21. 28. Heb. 4. 5. ^y PLACE. Gen. 40. 13. Nimi. 24. 11. 2 Sam. 15. 19. Eccl. 10. 4. Ezek. 12. 3. j 28. 15. Xo, or unto the PLACE. Gen. 13. 3, 4-! 2!^. 3, 9. Exod. 3. 8. I 32 34. Num. 10. 29. | 14. 40. Josh. 4. 8. 1 Sam. 20. 19. 2 Sam. 2. 23. 2 Kings 6. 10, 1 Chr. 15. 12. Neh. I. 9. Psal. 104. 8. Eccl. 1. 5. Isa. 18. 7. Jer. 7. 14. I 29. 14. Acts 25. 23. PLACE, V. Exod. 18. iil. p. such over them Dent. 14. 23. choose top. his name, 16. 2. | 26. 2. Ezra 6. 5. p. in house of G. || Isa. 46. 13. p. sal v. Ezek. 37. 14./?. in ownlandyDan. 11. 31. p. abom, Hos. 11. 11. p. in houses II Zech. 10. 6. top. them i*LACED,p. Gen. 3. 24 p. at east of the garden 47. 11. Joseph p. II I Kings 1^^. 22. p. in Beth-eJ ^ Kings 17. 6. p. them in Halah and Haber, 24. 2 Chr.l. I4.jp. in chariot citiesjj4. S.p. in temple 17. 2. p. forces m all the fenced cilies of Judea Job 2U. 4. since man was p.\\ Psal. 78. 60. tent p. gong 5.fl2. fitly//. Ij Isa. b. 8. may be/>. alone Jfer. 5. 22./?. tlie sand \\ Ezek. 17. 5. eagle/;, it PLACES, 5. Gen. 28. l^. I'll keep thee inall/>. Exod. 20. 24. in all p. where I record my name i^eut. 12. 2. destroy all ^. Ij Josh. 5. 8. abod^ inp. Judg.5. 11. p. of drawing w.jilO. IS. one of these j>. 1 Sam.7.1 e.judged m those/; |l30. 31. sent to all p. 2 Sam. 7. 7. in all the/;, spake I a word with any 2 Kings 23. 5. in/>. round|jl4. tilled />. with bones Neh. 4. 12. from all/;. |) 13. lower/;.]) 12. 27. all Job 21. 28./>. of wicked||37. 8. remain in their p. Psal. 10. 8. lurking/;. I) 16. 6. fallen m pleasant p. 18. 45. close/;. || 73. 18. set them in shpperyp. 74. 20. dark p. || 103. 22. bless the L. in ali p. 105. 41. m dry/;. |j 110. 6. fill/>. with dead bodies Prov. 8. 2. standeth m p. \\ Song 2. 14. secret p. Isa. 32. 1 8. resting />.||40. 4. rough/;, plain, 45. 2, Jer. 8. 3. in all the p. 24. 9. | 29. 14. | 45. 5. 17. 26. from the p. about Jerusalem, 32. 44. 40. 12. returned out of all p. || Lam. 2. 6. his p. Ezek. 34. 12. out of all/;. || 26. p. round my hill 46. 24. p. that boil|| 47. 11. but the miry p. Amos 4. 6. want in all p. || Zech. 3. ?.p. to walk Matt. 12. 43. thro' dry p. \\ 13. 5. stony p. 20. 24. 7. in divers p. Mark 13. 8. Luke 21. 11. Acts 24. 3. we accept it in all p. most noble Felix Eph. 1. 3. in heavenly)*. 20. j 2. 6. j 3. 10. Phil. 1. 13. manifest in a!! p. \\ Rev. 6. 14. their p. High PLACES. Lev. 26. 30. Num. 21. 28.|22. 41. I 33. 52. Deut. 32. 13. | 33. 29. Judg. 5.18. iSam. 13. 6. 2 Sam. 1. 19, 25.| 22» 34. 1 Kings 3. 2, 3. j 12.31, 32. \ 13. 2, 32, 33. I 15. 14. 2 Kings 17. 29. | 18. 4. ' 23. 5, 8, 9, 20. 2 Chr. 11. 1.5. | 14. 3. | 15. 17. 1 17. 6. I 21. 11. I 34. 3. Job 25. 2. Psal. 78. 58. Prov. 8. 2. I 9. 14. Isa. 15. 2. | 36. 7. | 41. 18. I 49. 9. I 58. 14. Jer. 3. 2, 21. | 4. 11. I 7. 29. I 12. 12. I 14. 6. j 17.3. | 26. 18.|48. 35. Ezek. 6. 3. | 16. 16, 39. | 36. 2. Hos. 10. 8. Amos 4. 13. | 7. 9. Mic. 1. 5. | 3. 12, Hab. 3. 19. Eph. 6. 12. Waste PLACES. Isa. 5. 17.151. 3.|.52. 9.|58. 12. PLAGUE, v. Psal. 89. 23. r\lp. them that hate PLAGUE, s. Exod. 11.1. bring one p. more 1 2. 13. p. shall not be on you to destroy, 30. 12. Lev. 13. 3. hair inp. is turned white, 5, — 58. 14. 35. there is as it were a p. in the house Num. 8. 19. be no/;. II 11. 33. a very great J*. 14. 37. died by the p. || 16. 46 p. is begun, 47. 48./>. was stayed, 49, 50. | 25 8, 9. Deut. 28. 61. every />.|| Josh. 22. 17. there was ap. 1 Sam. 6. 4. one p. |j 2 Sam. 24. 21./>. be stayed 1 Kinjcs 8. 37. whatever/;, j) 38. know the p. of 2 Chr. 21. 14. with a great/;, will the Lord smite Psal.91. 10. noranyp. |j 106.29./). brake in, 30. Zech. 14. 12. this shall 1)6 the p. L. will smite, 18. Mark 5.29. healed oi'p. S.S.lJRev. 1 6. 21./;. of hail PLAGUED, p. Gen. 12.17. Lord/;. Pharaoh and Exod. 32. 35. p. the peoplc[IJosh. 24. 5. p. Egypt 1 Chr. 21. 17. should he/>.lj P.sal. 73. 5. neither p. Psal. 73. 14. for all the day long have I been p. PLAGUES, s. Exod. 9. 14. I'll send all my p. on Lev. 26. 21. I'll bring seven times more p. on you Deut. 28. 59. p. wonderful II 29. 22. see the p. 1 Sam. 4. 8. Egyptians with/?. || Job 10.tl7. thy p. Jer. 19. 8. hiss, because of the/;. 49. 17. | 50. 13. Ezek. 39. t 2. six p. \\ Hos. 13. 14. I'll be thy p. Mark3.10. as many ashad/'.l|Luke7.2.curedofp. Rev. 9. '20. notkiUed hyp. j) 1 1. 6. to smite with^. 16. 9. power over/;. || 18. 4. receive not hex p. 18. 8. p. come in one day || 21. 7. seven last j^ 22, li. Godsiiall add to him thep, writteisv VLA PL© I PLAIN, a. Gen. 25. 27. Jacob a^. maa Psal. 27.11.a;?. path ||Prov.8.9.they arep.15.19. Isa. -28. 25. iDade p. the face | j 40. 4. roui*h placesj). Jer. 48. 21. p. country || Hab. 2. 2. vision /). Mark 7. 35. tongue was loosed, and he spake/). PLAIN, 5. Gen. 11. 2. found a p. in the land 13. 10./?. of Jordan, ll.||12. cities of ;>. 14. 13. 19. 17. nor stay in p. 1| -zS. overthrew ail the p. Josh.l 1.1 6. took the/?. j| Judg. 9. 6. by the p. 1 1.33. 1 Sam. 10. 3. p. of Tabor {j 23. 24. were in the p. 2 Sam. 2. 29. thro' the p. 4.7. || 6. 1 20. p.of breaches 1.5. 28. I'll tarry in the p, |) 18. 23. ran by tliep. 1 Kin. 7. 46./». of Jordan || 20. 23. fight in/». 25. 2 Kin. 25. 4. king went toward the p. Jer. 52. 7. Neh. 3. 22. priests of the />.||Jer. 17.26. comefr.p. Jer.21.13. O rock of the/>.|| 48. S.p. be destroyed Ezek. 3. 22. go to the p. z3. |j 8. 4. I saw in the p. PLAINS, s. Gen. 18. 1. in the p. of Mamre Num. 22. 1. /». of Moab, 26. 63. | 33. 48. | 36. 13. 31. l2.campinthe/>.||33.50.toMosesin/).35. 1. Dent. 34. l.p. of Moab || 8, wept in the p. of M. 2 Sam. 17. 16. lodge not in the p. of the wildern. 2 Kings 25. 5. p. of Jericho, Jer. 39. 5. |'52. 8. I Chr. 27. 28. m the low p. 2Chr. 9. 27. | 26. 10. PLAINLY, ad. Ex. 21. 5. if the servant/?, say I Deut. 27. 8. write the words of this, law very p. 1 Sam. 2. 27. did I p. appear || 10. 16. told us/?. Ezra 4. 18. /?. read jl Isa. 32. 4. sliall speak/?. John 10.24. tell us/?, ||11. 14./?. Lazarus is dead 16. 25. shew you/?. |) 29. now speakest thou/?. Heb. 11. 14. they that say such things declare/?. PLAINNESS, s. 2 Cor. 3. 12. use/?, of speech PLAISTER. Lev. 14. 42. shall/?, the house Deut. 27. 2./?. them |j Isa. 38. 21. lay it for a/?. Dan. 5. 5. wrote on the/?, of the wall of palace PLAISTERED, p. Lev. 14. 43, 48. PLAITING, p. 1 Pet. 3. 3. /?. the hair and of PLANES, 5. Isa.44 IS.carpenter fitteth it with/?. PLANETS, s. Wanderers. They are such stars as revolve round the sun as their centre, 2 Kings 23. 5. PLANKS, s. 1 Kings 6. 15. Ezek. 41. 25, 26. PLANT, S, s. Gen.^2. 5. every /?. of the ticid 1 Chr. 4. 23. dwell among p.ljJo'b 14. 9. like a/?. Psal. 128. 3. thy children like olive/?. 144. 12. Song 4. 13. thy p. as an orchard of pomegranates Isa. 5. 7. and the men of Judah his pleasant/?. 16. 8. principal/?. |) 17. 10. plant pleasant/?. 11. 53. 2. he shall grow up as a tender/?, and as Jer. 2. 21. a degenerate/?. || 48. 32. p. are gone Ezek. 31. 4. round his/?, j) 34. 29. a/>. of renown Matt.l5.l3. every/?, my Father hath not planted PLANT signifies, '[Ij To set trees or herbs, Gen. 9. 20. [2] To settle a people, Psal. 44. 2.|80. 8. {[3] To be made living; members c^' Christ and his church, Psal. 92. 13, Matt. 15. 13. [4] To preach the gospel, 1 Cor. 3. 6. Exod. 15. 17. /?. them in the mount of thy inh. Deut. 16. 21. not p. a grovej|28. 30. p. and not eat 2 Sam. 7. 10. moreover, I will/?, them, lChr.17.9. 2 Kings 1 9. 29. p vineyards and eat, Isa. 37. 30. Psal. 107. 37. sow the fields and/>. vineyards Isa. 41. 19. I'll/?, in the wild. |) 51- 16./?. heaven 65. 21. shall/?, vineyards and eat the fruit, 22. Jer. 1. 10. to build, top. 1 8. 9. || 24. 6. I'll/?. 42. 10. 29. 5. />. gardens |j 31. 5. shalt p. vines upon cl. 28. Ill watch over them to p, 32. 41. Jer. 35. 7. nor shall ye sow seed, nor p. vineyarC E/:ek. 17. 22. I'll/?, it on a hi<;h mountain, 23. 28.26. theyshaUp. vineyards, 3G.36. Amos9.l4* Dan. 11. 45. p. the tabernacles of his palace Amos 9. 15. I'll/?. themliZeph. 1. 13. they shall j&. PLANTATION, s. Ezek. 17. 7. furr. of her/?. PLANTED, p. Gen. 2. 8. God p. a warden east 9. 20. Noah/?, a vinej^ard || 21, 33. Abr.p. agrove Num. 24. 6. as trees which the Lord hat!]/?. Deut. 20. 6. what man is he that hath p. a viney. Josh. 24. 13. of olive-yaros, yep. not, do ye eat Psal. 1.3. like a tree p. by the rivers, Jer. 17. S. 80. 8. andp. it |) 15. thy right-hand h^ithp. 92. 13. those that be p. in the house of tlie L. 94. 9. he thatp. the earjj 104. 16. cedars hep. Eccl, 2, 4, Ip, me vineyards, 5. jj 3. 2. which is ji. Isa. 5. 2 and p. itjj 40. 24. they shall not be p. Jer. 2. 21. yet I had p. thee a noble vine, 11, 17. 12, 2. thou p. them jj 45. 4. 1 p. I'll pluck up Ezek. 17. S.p. it in a fruitful field, 8. | 19. 10. 19. 13. and now she is p. in the wilderness Hos, 9. 13. Ephraim is p. in a pleasant place Amos 5. 11. ye have p. pleasant vineyards, but Matt. 15. 13. plant my heavenly F. hath not p. 21. 33. p. a vineyard, Mark 12. 1. Luke 20. 9. Luke 13, 6. a certain man had a fig-tree p. in his 17. 6. be thou p. in the sea|i28. they sold, they p. Rom. 6. 5. p. in his death jj 1 Coj\ 3. 6. 1 have p. PLANTEDST,p. Deut. 6. 11. Psal 44. 2. PLANTERS, s. Jer. 31. 5. p. shall plant and PLANTETH. Prov. 31. 16. she p a vineyard Isa. 44. 14. he p. an ash, the rain doth nourish 1 Cor. 3. 7. neither is he thatp. any thing, 8. 9. 7. whop, a vinevard and eateth not fruit PLANTING, S. isa. 60. 21. | 61. 3. Mic. 1. 6; PLAT, s. 2 Kings 9. 26. in thep. of ground PLATE, S, s. Exod. 28. 36. | 39. 3, 30. Lev. 2.t5. 1 7.t9. I 8, 9, Num, 16. 38, 39. 1 Kings 7. 30. Jer. 10. 9. PLATTED, p. Matt. 27. 29. when they had p« a crown of thorns, Mark 15. 17. John 19. 2. PLATTER, s. Matt. 23. 25. Luke 11. 39, PLAY, -v. " The Hebrew tvord Zachak, which siguijies to play, and is also commonhj used far laughing, mocking, insulting. Gen. 21.9. Exod. 32. 6. the people rose up to p. 1 Cor. 10.7, Deut. 22. 21. top. the whore in her father's 1 Sam. 16. 17. provide me a man that can p. weH 21. 15. brought this fellow top. the mad-man 2 Sam. 2. 14. let the young men p. before us 6. 21 . I'll p. before the L. [) 10. 12, p. the mea Job 40. 20. all the beasts p. |) 41. 5. wilt thou p. Psal, 33. 3. p. skiifally !| 104. 26. leviathan top. Isa. 11.8. child shall p.' || Ezek. 33. 32. can p. wel! PLAYED, p. Judg. 19. 2. p. the whore ag. him lSam.16.23. David p. with his hand, 18. 10.|19. 9. 1 8. 7. women p. || 26. 21. I have p. the fool 2 Sam, 6. 5. David and all Israel p. 1 Chr, 13. S. 2 Kin. 3. 15.minstrelp.l|Ezek.l6.28.p. thewhoi-e See Harlot* PLAYER, S, s. 1 Sam. 16. IC. Psal. 68. 25.187.7. PLAYETH, V. 1 Sam. 21. 1 14. Ezek. 23. 44. PLAYIINKj, p. 1 Sam. 16. 18. 1 Chr. 15. 29. Psal; 68. 25. the damsels p. \\ Zech. 8. 5. girls p, PLEA, s. Deut. 17.8. between p. and p. and PLEAD, V. Judg. 6,31. will ye p. for Baal? Job 9. 19. a time top. !l 13. 19. who m\lp>? 'PL6 FLE Job 16. n. O that one might/;, [j 1 9. 5. if ye w'lllp. 23. 6. will hep. against me with his great power Isa. 1. 17. p. for the widow |;3. 13. to/j. andjiidge 43. 26. let us p. togetherli65. 16. p. with all flesh Jer. 2. 9. rii yet^. with you, and with, 35. 29. will ye p. with met j) 12. 1. when I p. 25. 31. the Lord will/), with all flesh || 50. t 44. 'Ezek. 17. 20. rilj&. with him there, 30. 35,36. 20.t4. wilt thou j&. for them? 22.t2. ] 23.t36. 38. 22. 1 wiU/7. against him with pestilence Hos. 2. 2. p. wjth your mother, p. for she is not Joel 3.2. l'l\p. with them for my people,Mie.6.2. See Cause. PLEADED, p. 1 Sam.2.5. 39. p. the cause of my Lam.3.58. L. thonliast/>.|lE2ek.20.36. like as I p. PLEADETH. Job 16. 21. as a man p. for his Isa. 51. 22. p. thecanse of his |j 59. 4. nor any/?. PLEADING,/;. Job 13. 6. hearken to the j&.of PLEASANT, a. Gen. 2. 9. tree that is p. to the 3. 6./?. to the eyes jl 49. 15. land, it wasp. 2 Sam. 1. 23. SanI and Jonathan were j&. 26. 1 Kings 30. 6, whatever is p. they shall take it 2 Kings 2.19. situation is p.|)2 Chr.32.27./) jewels Psal. 16. 6. lines are fallen to nie in/>. places SI. 2. p. harp || 106. 24. despised the p. land 133. 1. how p. for brethren to dw(?ll together 135. 3. sing praises to his name for it is p. 147.1. Prov. 2. 10. knowledge is/>. 22. 18.|j5. 19. p. roe 9. 17. bread eat in secret isj&. (| 15. 26. p. words 16. 24./>. words jj 24. 4. tilled with p. riches Eccl. 11.7. p. it is for the eyes to behold the sun Song 1. 16. lair, yea /?.|i4. 13.j&. fruits, 16. | 7. 13. 7. 6. how p. art thou, O love, for delights Isa. 2. 16. all j!>. pictures j| 5. 7. p. plant, 17. 10. 13. 22. p. palaces jj 32. 12. lament tor p. fields 54. 12. borders of />. stones || 64. 11. p. things Jer. 3. 19. a/». land || 12. 18. my j&. portion a wild. 23. 10. p. places || 25. 34. fail like a/?, vessel 31. 20. is Ephraim my dear son ? is heap, child Lam. 1 . 7. her p. things, 10, 11. j| 2. 4. p. to the eye Ezek.26. 12. destroy thy />. housesi|33.32./>. voice Dan. 8. 9. p. land || 10. 3. I eat no p. bread, nor 1 1 . 38. he shall honour a god with/>. things Hos. 9. 6. the p. places nettles shali possess, 13. Joel 3. 5. my p. things 1| Amos 5. 11. /'.vineyards Mic. 2. 9.from p. houses |j Nah. 2. 9./>. furniture Zech. 7. 14. p. land desolate |)Mal. 3.4. oiiering/», PLEASANTNESS, s. Prov. 3. 17. 1 15. t 26. PLEASE, r. Exod, 21. 8. if she/), nothermaster Niim.23.27.peradventureit will/).God thou curse 1 Sam. 20. 13. if it/), my Either to do thee evil fi'Sam. 7. 29. let it^. thee to bless, 1 Chr. 17. 27. 1 Kin. 21. e.orif it/).theejj2Chr. 10.7.ifthou/j. Neh. 2. 5. if it/>. the king, and if thy servant, 7. Esth. 1. 19. ! 3.9. I 5.3. I 7. 3. fs. 5. | 9- 13. Job 6. 9. p. God to destroy meJl^^O.'lO. seek top. Psal. 69. 31. this also shall/), the Lord better Prov. 16. 7. when a man's ways/j. tlie Lord he Song 2. 7. nor awake my love till he/?. 3. 5. | S. 4. Isa. 2. 6. they/), themselves in children of Strang. 55. 11. it shall accomplish that which Ip. and 56. 4. and choose the things that p. me and John 8. 29. 1 do always those things that//, him Kom. 8. 8. cannot/). G.|jl5. 1. not top. ourselves 15. 2. let every one/), hisjieighbour for his good 'J Cor. 7. 32. how he may/), the L. !| S3.p. his wife 34, /'• her husband jj 10. 33. as I />. ail men in Gal. 1. 19. or do I seek to/).[IlThes.2.15./'.not ft. 1 Thes.4. 1. how to p. G. |j2 Tim. 2.4. p. him who Tit. 2. 9. and top. them well in all thiogs, not Heb. 11.6. without faith it is impossible top G* PLEASED,/). Gen. 28. 8. p. not Isaac his father 33. 10. thou wast/>. II 34. \S.p. Hamor and 45. 16. it p. Pharoah jj Num. 24. 1. saw it p. L, Deut. 1.23. the saying p. me(|Josh.22. 30. p. them Judg. 13. 23. p. to kill us || 14. 7. she //.Samson 1 Sam. 12. 22. it p. the L. to make you his people 18. 20 it p. Saul jl 26. it p. David to be king's 2 Sam. 3. 36. what the king did, p. all the people 17. 4. saying/). Absalom |j 19. 6. it had p. thee 1 Kin. 3. 10. speech/', the L.||9. 12.//. not Hiram 2 Chr. 30. 4. p. the king, Neh.2.6. Esth. I.21.i2. 4. Esth. 2. 9. maiden p. king || 5. 14. thing//. Haman Psal. 40. 13. be//. O Lord j|51.19. p. with sacritices 115. 3. done whatsoever he p. 1 35.6. Jonah 1.14. Isa. 42. 21. L. is well//. || 53. 10. it p. the Lord Dan. 6. 1. it p. Darius j| Mic. 6. 7. will L. hep. MaL 1. 8. offer it, will he be//, with thee Matt. 3. 17. beloved Son, in whom I am wellj&. 12. 18.|17. 5. Mark I.U.Luke 3.22. 2Pet.l. 17. 14. 6. danced, and/). Herod, Mark 6. 22. Acts 6. 5. the saying//. || 12. 3. Herod saw it p. Rom. 15. 3. Christ/), nothims. jj 26. it hath/; 27. 1 Cor.l. 21. it//. God jj 7. 12 be//, to dwell, 13. JO. 5. with many of them God was not well//. 12. 18. members as it hatli //. him, 15. 38. Gal. 1. 10. if I yet/), men jl 15. when it p. God to Col. 1. I9.it p. Father that in him all fumess Heb. 11. 5. that he// God || 13. 16. G. is well p. Maj-PLEASERS. Eph. 6. 6. Col. 3. 22. PLEASETH, V. Gen.l 6. G. do as it/, thee, 20. 15. Judg. 14. 3. she//, me well jj Esth. 2. 4.//. king Reel. 7. 26. whoso//. G\\\S. 3. doth whatso.//, him PLEASING,//. Esth. 8. 5. if I be//, in his eyes Hos. 9. 4. not j&. to him jj Col. 1.10. walk to all p. 1 Thc^.2. 4. not asp. men || 1 John 3. 22. p. in sight fFe//-PLEASlNG. Phil. 4. 18. sac. -p. to God Col. 3. 20. this is -p. to the Lord |( Heb. 1 3. 21. is -p. PLEASURE, s. signifies, [I] Delight or joij,¥s, lO^L 14. [2J Purpose or intention, E^ra5. 17. [3] Commands, Psal. 103. 21. [4] Lawful deliglits, Eccl. 2. 1, [5] A Jcindness, Acts 25. 9. [6j Voluptuous and sinful ivays, 1 Tim. 5. 6. Gen. 18.12. shalll have//. JlDeut.23.24. at thy own 1 Chr. 29. 17. I know thou hast/', iffuprightness Ezra 5. 17. let king send his//. |j 10. 1 1. do his//. Neh. 9. 39. dominion over our cattle at their/;. Esth.l .8. should drink according to every man's/;. Job 21. 21. what//, hath he in his house after him 25. never eateth with/;. [| 22. 3. is it any p. to Psal. 5. 4. not a God that hath p. in wickedness 35. 27. who hath//, in the prosperity of his serv. 51. IS.good/. toZionj|102. 14.//. in her stones 103.21. that do his//. II 105.22. bind at his//. HI. 2. //.therein jj 147. 10. not//. in the legs 147. 11. L. taketh 'p. in them that fear, 149. 4, Prov. 21. 17. he that loveth /;. shall be a poor man Eccl. 2. 1. enjoy/). [| 5. 4. he hath no p. in fools 12. 1. thou Shalt say, I haveno/». in them Isa. 21. 4. night of my//, jj 29. t 9. take your//. 44- 28. perform all my p. \\ 46. 10. do all my p. , 48. 14. do hisjf;. on Bab. j| 53. 10. p. of the L. 58. 3. rn fast you fisd/;. Ij 13. from deing thy/. PLO roL HHi Jer. e. 24. she snufFeth up the wind at her p. 22. 28. is he a vessel wherein is no p. 48. 38. 34. 16. setathberty at their /». to return Ezek. 16. 37. taken/?. II 18. 23. have I any/>. 18. 32. I have uo/>. in the death, 33. 11. Hos. 8. 8.whereinisnoj&.|| Hag. 1.8. rUtake/>. in Mai. 1. 10. rvenoj&.ljLuke 12. 32. Father's goodj:>. Acts 24. 27. to do Jews ap.left Paul bound, 25. 9. Rom. 1.32. have/?, in them|{2 Cor. 12. 10. 1 take/*. Eph. 1.5. good/). ofhis will, y.|iPhil.2.13.good/? 2 Thes. 1.1 1. good/?, of his goodn.||2. 12. but hadp- 1 Tini. 5. 6. but she that iiveth in/?, is dead Heb. 10. 6. had nop. 8, 38. || 12. 10. liieir ownp. Jam. .5. 5. ye have lived in/?. II 2 Pet. 2. 13. p. to not Rev. 4. 11. for toy/?, they are and were created PLEASURES, s. Job 36. 11. spend years in /?. Psal. 16. 11. p. for evermoreH 36. 8. river of tiiy/?. Isa. 47. 8. given to/? |! Luke 8. 14. choked witli/? 2 Tim. 3. 4. lovers of/?. j| Heb. 1 1. 25./?. of sin for Tit. 3. 3. serving divers iusts and/?, living in PLEDGE, s. A gage^ pawn, or security. Geu. 38. 17.Tan]arsaid, wdt tiiou ^ive me a p. Exod. 22. 26. if thou take neigh, raiment top. Dent. 24. 6. not nether or upper milstone top. 1 0. Shalt not go into his house to fetch his p. 11. . 12. not sleep with/?. 13. || 17.nor widow's to/?. 2 Sam. 17. 18. how brethren fare and take then /?. Job22. 6.takena/>.||24.3 take widow so\for/?.y Prov. 20 16. take a/?, for a strange worn. 27. 1 3 E/ek. 18. 7. restored/?. 1 2, 16. |! 33. 15. if restore/?. Amos 2. 8. on clothes laid to/?, by every aitar PLEDGES,*. 2 Kings 18.2.3. give/?. I.a. 36. 8. PLfJADES, " They are seieyi stars beyond iiie Bull, which appear at the beginning of the Spring. The Hebrew reuas Chima." Job 9. 9. orion and p. \\ 38. 31. influences of /». PLENTEOUS, a. Gen.4l. 34./?. years, 47. Dtut.28. 11. L. make thee/). [; 2 Chr. 1. 1.5. gold/?. 1 130. , I ^Jatt. ,/?.rtdemp. U.37.harv Psal 86. b.p. in mercy, 103. o. Isa»S0. 23. bread;?. Hab. 1. 16 PLENTEOUSNESS,s. Gen. 41. bo. Prov. ^21. 5. PLENTY, «. Gen. 27.28. God give thee/>.ofcorn 41. 29. 7 years of/?, jj 30. /?. be forgotten, 31. Lev. 11.36./?. of water |] 1 Kin. 10. II /?. ofalmug 2 Chr. 31. 10. had enough to eat, and liave left j5. Job '22. 25./?. of silver || 37. 23. in/?, of justice Prov.3.10 barns filled with/?.|il 8. 19. shall ha\e/?. Jer. 44. 17. then had we/?. \\ Joel 2. 26. eat in/?. PLENTIFUL, M. Psal. o8. 9. did send a/?, rain isa. 16. 10. the/?, field, Jer. 2. 7. J 43. 33. PLENTIFULLY,^;. Job 26. 3/?. declared the Psal. 31.23./?. rewardethjiLuke 12. 16. brought/?.. PLOITETH, r. P,^al. 37. 12. the wicked/*, ag. PLOUGH, s. Luke 9. 62. put his hand to the/>. PLOW, I', is pr.t for Preaching, Luke 9. 6'2. Deut?2. 10. not /?. with an ox II 1 Sam.a4. 14. Job 4. 8./?. iniquity j| Prov. 20. 4. Will not/?. L«a.28.24./j.allday || Hos. 10.11. Judah shall/?. Amos 6. 12. will one /•. jj l Cor. 9. 10 /?. in hope PL0VYE1>,ERS. Judg. 14. 18./?. with my heifer Psal. 129. 3. tUe plotve)-s p. on my back, they Jer. 26. 18. Zion shall be/?, as a field, Mic. 3. 12. Hos. 10. 13. ye have/?, wickedness, and reaped PLOWETH. 1 Cor. 9. 10./?. should plow in hope PLOWLNG, p. 1 Kings 19. 19. Ehshawasp. Jobl. 14. oxen were/7. ||Prov. 21. 4./?. of wicked T.nke 17, 7. which of \ou having a servant/?. 57 I PLOWMAN, s. Isa. 28. 24. Amos 9. 13. I Plowmen, s. isa. ei. 5. jer. u. 4. PLO W-SH A RES, s. Isa. 2. 4. beat their swords into/?, and spears, Joel 3. 10. Mic. 4.3. PLUCK, V. Lev. 1. 16./?. away his crop with Num. 33. 62. /?. down || Dent. 23. 25. God will p. 2 Chr. 7. !20./?. up by the roots || Job 24. 9. they^. Ps;il. 25. 15./?. my feet out || 52 5. p. thee out 74. 11. p. itoutofthy bosom || 80 12. do/?, her Eccl. 3. 2. a time to/?. || Jer. 12. l4./>. out Judab Jer. 12. 17. Ill utterly/?, up || 18. 7 top it up 22. 24./?. thee from tlience j; 24. 6. notp. 42. 10. 31. 28. watched top. up j| 45. 4. I will p. i.p Ezek. 17. 9. p. it up by roots i| 23.34./?. offoreasts Mic. 3.2./?. off the skin|| 5. 14. I'll /.groves Matt. 5. 29. offend thee,/?, itout, 18. 9 Mark 9.47.. 12. 1. began to /?. the ears of corn, Mark i. 23. .loim 10. 28. nor shad any p. them out of, 29. PLUCKED, PLUCKT, p. Gen. 8. 11 olive p. Exod. 4. 7. p. hand out || Deut. 28. 6S. Josh. 4 iia. Ruth 4. 7. p. off his shoe || 2 Sam. 23. 'zl p speat Ezra 9. 3. 1 p. off hair, Neh. Ui. 25. || Job 29. 17. Prov. 2. 1 22. be p up II Isa. 50. 6. p. off the hair Jer. 6. 29. not p. away |j 12. 15. p. them otit 31. 40. not be p. up |{ Ezek. 19. 12. siie was p. Dan. 7. 4. wiuirs were p. || 8. horns p. up by 11. 4. his kiuiidom shall be p. up for others Amos 4. 11. as a fire-brand p. out, Z' ch. 3. 2. Mark 5. 4. chains had been p. asunder by hira Luke 6. 1, p. ears of corn || 17. 6. be thou p. up Gdl. I. 15. p. out your eye» || Jude 12. p. up by PLUCKETH, V. Prov. 1^. i. p. it down with PLUMB-LLNE, s. Amos 7. 7, 8. PLUMMET, s. 2 Kings 21. IS. stretch/?, of the Isa. 28. 17. righteousness to the/?. |j Zech. 4. 10, PLUNGE, t\ Job 9. 31./?. me in the ditch and POCHERETH, Banishment. Ezra 2. 57. Neh, 7. 59. POETS, s. Acts 17. 28. as certain of your own p. Pf)INT, V. Num. 34. 7. p. out for vou, 8, 10. POINT, s. Gen. 25.32. lam at the/? to die,and Jer.17. l.p. of a diamond |i Mark 3. 23./?. of death John 4. 47./?. of death 1|J am. 2. 10. offfndiaone/?. POINTS, s. Eccl. 5. 16. in all /?. Heb. 4. 15. POINTED,/?. Job 41. 30. sharp /?. things on POISON, « Deut. 32. 24. p. of serpen is, 33. J ah 6. 4. p. whereof ji 20. 16. suck/?, of a-;ps Psal. 58. 4. /?. of serpents |{ 140. 3. adders/?, is Jer. S. t'l4./j.to drink Ij Zech. 12. 1 2. a cup of/?. Rom. 3.12./?. <3f asps isuuder|;Jam.3. 8 deadly^. POLE, s. Num. 21. 8. set it upon a /?. 9. \ POLICY, s. Dan. 8. 25. thro' his /?. shall cause POLISHED,/?. Psal. 144. 12. as corner stones p. Isa. 49. 2.a^. shaft || Dan. 10. 6. like/?. bras» POLISHING, p. Lam. 4. 7. p. was of sapphire 1 POLL, s. Num. 1. 2. by their p. 3. AT. I 18. 20, 22. iChr. 23. 3,24. POLL, V. Ezek. 44. 2V. p. their heads, Mic. 1.16, POLLED, /?. 2 Sam. 14. 26. when he/?, his head POLLUTE, I". To defile, infect, ov envenom. Num. 1 8. 32. nor /?. holy things || 35. 33. land Isa. 23. 1 9. top. the pride|!Jer. 7. 30. house top. it Ezek. 7. 21. p. secret place, 22. H 13. 1 9- will ye /?. 20. 31. ye/?, yourselves with idols, 23. 30.]36. 18. 39. but p. ye my holy name no more, 39- 7. 44. 7. be in my sanctuavv to/?, it, Dan. 1 1. 31. POLLUTED,/?. Ex«d. 2^. 25. lift tool on it />. POO FOO 52 Kings 23. 16. Josiahj&. the altar of Beth-el 2 Ciir. 3G. 14. the priests j&. the house of the Lord Ezra 2, 62. therefore were they asj&. Neh. 7. 64. Psal. 106. 38. and the land was/?, with blood Isa. 47. 6. p. inheritance || 48. 1^. name be 6. Jer. 2. 23. I am not/?. ]j 3. 1. be greatly/*. / 2. 34. 16. but ye turned and p. my name, and Lam. 2. 2. he/?, kingdom jj 4. 14./?. themselves Ezek. 4. 14. soul not/?. || 14. 11. nor be/?, with 16. 6. 1 saw thee/?. 22. || 20. 9. not be/?. 14,22. 20.13. sabbaths they/?. 16,21, 24.|| 26./?. gifts 30. are ye p. \\ 23. 17. she was /?. with Babyl. Hos. 6. 8. Gilead is/?. || 9. 4. all that eat be/?. Amos 7. 17. die in a/?, land || Mic. 2. 10. it is/?. Zeph. 3. 1. wo to her that is/?. || 4-/?. sanctuary Mai. 1. 7. and ye say, wherein have we/?, thee 12. table of L. is^.|| Acts 21. 9.^. p. holy place POLLUTING,/?. Isa. 56. 2. sabbath from p. 6. POLLUTION, S> s. Ezek. 22. 10. set apart for/?. Acts 15. 20,/?. of idolsll2 Pet. 2.20. escaped the/?. POLLUX and Castor, were called the sons of Jupiter. These are placed among the constella- tions in the Zodiac, and go by the name of Ge- mmi, or The Twins. Acts 28. 11. POM EGRAN ATE, s. The pomegranate tree is short and spreading, and hears a rich delight- ful fruit of the apple kind, somewhat of the same medicinal virtues as quinces ; it is red without and within, its juice is like wine, mixed with lit- tle kernats, Song 8. 2. — Aaron had 72 hells, and pomegranates between them, hung on the skirt of his robe : which might intend fteUevcrs, who hang on the righteousness o/Cln-ist by faith, and like hells soniid his praise while he interceedsfor them; and bear the precious fruits of the Spi- rit, and intercession of Christ, ivhich are like pomegranates. Evod. 28. 34. a golden bell and a/>. upon, 39. 26. 1 Sam. 14. 2. Saul tarried under a p. tree Song 4. 3. hke a piece of p. 6. 7. || 8. 2. juice of/?. Joel 1. 12. the/?, tree withered, Hag. 2. 19. POMEGRANATES. Num. 13. 23. | 20. 5. Dent. 8. 8. a land of/?, oil-olive and honey 1 Kings 7. 18. to cover the chapiters with j&. 2 Kin. 25.17. 2Chr. 3. 16. Jer. 52. 22. Song 4. 13. orchard of p. \\ 6. ll./>. budded, 7. 12. POMMELS, or Bowls, s. 2 Chr. 4. 12, 13. POMP,.?. Isa. 3. 14. p. descend to hell, 14. 11. E^ek. 7. 24. I'll make the/?, of the strong to cease 30.18./?. of strength cease, 32.12. l|33.28.ofEgypt Acts 25. 23 Agrippa and Bernice with great/?. PONDER, r. Prov. 4. 26./?. the path of, 5. 6. PONDERED,/?. Luke 2. 19. Mav\ p. them in PON DERETH. P.ov. 5. 21. | 21.2. | 24. 12. POSDS, s. Exod. 7. 19. I 8. 5. Isa. 19. 10. PO N TIUS, Belonging to the sea. Matt. 27. 2. PONTUS, Thesea. Acts 2. 9. | 18. 2. 1 Pet. 1.1. POOL, .«. 2 Sam. 2. 13. side of the^.]} 4. 12. over 1 Kin^s 22. 38. washed the chariot in /?. of Sama. 18. 17. of the upper/?. HQ. 20. Isa. 7. 3. | 36. 2. Neh. i. 14. to the king's/?. \l 3. 15. wall of the/?. Isa. t2. 9. waters of the lower /?. || 1 1 . of the old p. 3t.7. become a/?. 114 1.18. wilderness a/?, of water Nah. 2. 8. Nineveh of old is likca/?. of water John 5.4.an;rel went intop || 9.7. p. of Sdo. 11 POOLS, s. Exod. 7. 19. rod upon all their/?. Psai. $4. 6. rain fiUethj>. [| Eccl. 2. 6. 1 made/?. Isa. 14. 23. p. of water 11 42. 15. I'll dry up/?. POOR, a. signifies, [I'J Indigent, ov needy, Matt. 26. 11. [2] Such as discern their poverty and inability in things spiritual, Matt. 5. 3. [3] Spiritually poor. Rev. 3. 17. Gen. 41. 19. came up after them seven/?, kine Exod. 22.25. if lend top. \\ 23. 3. p. in his cause 23. 11. p. may eat || 30. 15. p. shall not give less Lev. 14. 21. if he bep. \\ 19. 10. leave forthep. 19. 15. not respectp. || 25. 25. waxenp 35, 39. Deut. 15. 4. wlien nop. 11 7. thy p. brother, 9. 11. 11. p. shall never Cease II 24. 12. if man bep. Judg.6. 15.p.in|fahassehl|Ruth3. 10. p. or rich 1 Sam. 2. 7. L. makethp. 8. || 18. 23. 1 am ap. man 2 Sam. 12. 1. theotherp. || 4. p. man's ewe-lamb 2 Kings 25. 12. captain of the guard left of the p. \ of laud, Jer 39. 10. | 40. 7. j 52. 15, 16. Esth. 9.22. make days of sending gifts to the p. Job 5. 15. he saveth thep. || 16. tlie p. hath hope 20. 10. toplease thep. || 19. forsaken the p. 24. 4.p. hide themselves || 9. pledge of thep. 14. killeth thep. (| 29. 12. I delivered p. 16. 30. 25. I grieved forp. |j 31. 16. if I with-beldp. 31. 19. if I have seen any p. without covering 34. 19. nor regardeth the rich more than p. 28. cry of p. j| 36. 6. giveth right to thep. 36. 15. he dehverethp. in affliction, Psal.72. 12. Psal. 9. 18. expectation ofp. |1 10. 2. persecute p. 10. 8. set against thep. 9- 1| 14. p. committeth 12. 5. oppression ofp. || 14. 6. counsel of thep. 34. 6. this p. man cried || 35. 10. deliverestp. 37. 14. have bent their bow to cast down the p. 40. 17. but I amp. 69. 29. 1 70. 5. | 86. 1. 1 109. 22. 41. 1. considerethp. II 49. 2. rich and p together 68. 10. hast prepared of thy goodness for thep. 69- 33. L. hearethp. || 72. 2. thyp. with judgni. 72. 4. he shall judge thep. || 13. spare thep. 74. 19. forget not p. || 82. 3. defend thep. and 82. 4. deliver thep. || 107. 41. p. on high 112. 9. bath given to thep. || 113. 7. raisethp. 132. IS.satisfy herp. II 140. 12- right of the p. Prov. 10.4. becomethp. || 15. destruction ofp. 13 7. maketh himself p. || 8. p. heareth not 23. tillage of the p. \\ 14. 20. thep. is hated 14. 21. hath mercy onp. 1| 31. oppresseth p. 17.5. whoso mockethp. 11 18. 23 p. nsethintreat. 19. 1. better is the p. || 4. p. is separated from 7. brethren ofp. hate 1| 17. hath pity on thep. 22. ap. man is better || 21. 13. at the cry ofp. 21. 17. shall be a p. man || 22. 2. andp. imeet 22. 7. richrulethoverp.il 9. his bread top. 16. that oppresseth p. 1| 22. rob not thep. 28. 3. a p. man that oppresseth the p. is hke 8. will pity thep. II 11. p. that hath underst. 15. so is a wicked ruler over thep. people 27. he that giveth to thep. shall not lack 29. 7. cause ofp. 14. H 13. p. and deceitful 30. 9. lest I bep. [j I47teeth to devour thep, 31. 9. cause ofp. || 20. her hand to thep. Eccl.«4. 13. better is ap.jj 14. becomethp. 5. 8. if thou seest the oppression of thep. and 6. 8. what hath thep. || 9. 15. a p. wise man Isa. 3. 1 4. spoil of thep. || 1 5. grind faces ofp. 10. 2. right from the/?. || 30. O p. Anathoh 11.4. shall judge thep. || 14. 30. first-born ofp. 14. 32. and thep. of liis people shall trust hi it 25. 4. a strength to thep. || 26. 6. feet of thep. POR i»os ^^^ isa. 29. 19. p. shall rejoice [|S2. 7. to destroy tlie/> 41. 17. />. and needy seek jj 58. 7. bring the p. 66. 2. to liim that is p. and of a contrite heart Jer. 2. 34. j>. innocents j| 5. 4. sureiy these are p. 29. 13. delivered sonl of /?. !|22. IG. he jndged/>. Ezek.l 6.49. nor strengthen p. 11 18.1 2. oppressed/*. 18. 17. hand from p. || 22. 29. vexed ihtp. aud Dan. 4. 27.. break oft sins by shewing mercy top- Amos 2. 6. sold the p. || 4. 1. oppress the />. and 5. 11. treading is on the p. || 12. tnrn aside/;. 8. 4. make />. fail [j 6. buy poor for silver and Hab. 3. 14. devour the p. |' Zeph. 3. 12./>. people Zech. 7. 10. oppress not /J 111 1.7.0/;. of flock,ll. Matt. 5.3. blessed are the//.}|11.5./>. have thegos. 26. 9. sold, and given to^. Markl4.5. John 12.5. ^ 11. hdvcp. always, Mark 14. 7. John 12. 8. Mark 12.43./>. widow cast more in, Luke2l.2o. Luke 4. 1 8. to preacti the gospel to thej&. 7. 22. 6.20. blessed bey^/>. || 14. 13. call the/;. 21. 18. 22. distribute to thep.\\l9.S. I give to the p. John 13. 29. he siiould give something to the p. Rom. 15. 26. a contribution for the p. saints 1 Cor. 13. 3. 1 bestow all my goods to feed the p. 2 Cor. 6. 10. as/), yet making many rich, as 8. 9. your sakes became /»• |) 9. 9. given to p. Gal. 2. 10. that we should remember the p. Jam. 2. 2. come in a p. man in vile raiment 5. chosen the p. \\ 6. ye have despised the p. Rev. 3. 17. that thou art/;. |} 13. 16. rich and/;. POORER, a. Lev. 27. 8. if he be p. than esti. POOREST, a. 2 Kin. 24. 14. save p. sort of peo. POPLAR, S, s. A shady tree. Gen. 30. 37. Hos 4. 13. they burn incense under oak and p. POPULOUS, a Dent. 26- 5. Nah. 3. 8. PORATHA, Fruitful. Estli. 9. 8. PORCH, s. Judg. 3. 23. Ehud went thro' the p. 1 Chr. 28. 11. pattern of the/;. II 2 Ciir. 29. 7, 17. Ezek. 8. 16. between /;.||44. 3. by way of p. 46. 2. Joel2.17.weepbetw./;.|IMatt.26.71. Mark 14.68. John 10. 23. in Solomon's/;. Acts 3. II. j 5. 12. PORCHES, s. Ezek. 41. 15. John 5. 2. PORTER, S, s. 2 Sam. 18. 26. called to the p. 2 Kings?. 10. lepers called top. of the city, 11. 1 Chr. 9. 21. Zechariah was/;. || I'.SIiallum 16. 38. Hosah (| 42.sons of Jeduthun were/;. 23. 5. 4000 were p. jl 26. 1. divisions of/;. 12. 19. 2 Chr. 8. 14. p. by courses || 31. 14. Kore the p. 35. Id. p. waited |1 Ezra 7. 7. went, Neh. 7. 73. John 10. 3. to him the p. opeaeth, the sheep hear PORTION, s. Gen. 14. 24. Aner, take their/;. 31.14. is there yet any/;. || 47. 22 /». assigned 48. 22. one/;. abovejjExod. I6.f4. gather/;. tl5. Lev. 6.17./;. ofmy offerings || 7. 33. this is the/;. Num. 31. 47. of Israel's half, take thou one p. 36. Dent. 21. 17. a double/) |;32. 9. L's/;. is his people 33. 21. p. of law-giver ijjosh. 17. 14. but one/;. I Sam. 1. 5. a worthy p. i| 9. 23. bring me the p. 1 Kings 12. 16. what/; in David, 2 Chr. 10. 16. 2 Kin. 2. 9. a double /;.|j9. 10. /J. ofJezreel,36. 37. 9. 21./;. of Naboth,25. i|t 26. hi this/;, faitli 2 Chr. 28. 21. Ahaz took a;;.il31. 3. the king's/;. .^1. 4./;. of priests, 16. || Ezra 4. 16. haveno/r. Neh. 2.20./;. nor right |j 11.23. a certain/;. 12.47. Job 20. 29. p. of a wicked ||25.tl2. appointed/;. 24. IS. p. is cursed||26.l4. howUttiea/;. 27.13. 31. 2. what/;, of God is there from above Psal. 11.6./;. of tlieircup |1 16. 5. Lhe L. isthe/;. Psal. 17. 14. p. in this life \\ 63. 10. a/;, for foxes 73. 26. God is my p. 1 19. .57.1142. 5. Lam. 3. 24. Prov. 31. 15. andgiveth a/;, to her maidens Eccl. 2. 10. this was my p. 21.|3. 22. | 5. 18. | 9. 9. 5. 19. to take his p. |j 9. 6. nor any more up. 11. 2. dp. to sevenlj Isa. 17. 14. the/;, of thera Isa. 53. 12. divide him a p. \\ 57. 6, stones thy p. 61,7. they shall rejoice in their jp. therefore Jer.10.16./;. of Jacub, 51. 19.|jl2. 10. pleasant/;. 13. 25. this is the p. \\ 52. 34. every day a/;. Ezek. 45. 1. an holy/;. 4. |{ 7. a p. for the prince 48. l.a/>.for Dan.|j 2.Asher||3. Naphtali a/;. Dan. 1. 8. p. of king's meat |j4. 15. p. with beasts 11. 26. p. of his meat || Mic. 2. 4. changed />. Hab. 1. 16./;. is fat || Zech. 2. 12. Judah his p. Matt.24. 51. his/;, with hypocrites, Luke 12.46. Luke 12, 42. /;. in dueseasonj|15. 12. p. ofgoodts PORTIONS, s. Dent. 18. ti. have hke p. to eat Josh.l7. d.tenp. to Man.||l Sam.1.4. 2Cbr.3l.l9. Neh, 8. 10, send/;. 12. || 12. 44./;. for the priests 12. 47. p. of .singers j] 13. 10. p. of the Levites Esth. 9. 19. a day of sending/;, one to another,22. Ezek. 47. 13. Joseph two p. || 48. til. Hos. 5. 7. FORTIUS, Apher. Acts 24. 27. POSSESS, V. Gen. 22. 17. seed/;, gate, 24. 60. Num. 13. 30. go up at once and p. it, Deut.1.21. 27. 11. and his next kinsman shall p. it and Deut. 1. 39. they shall/;, it || 2.31. begin to /;.24. 11.23. ye shall/;, great nat. 12. 2. |18. 14.131.3. 28.t42. locusts/;. || 30. 18. over to/;, it, 31. 13. Josh. 24. 4. 1 gave to Esau Mount Seir top. it Judg. 11. 24. wilt not thou/;, what Chemosh 1 Kings 21. 18. he is gone down to p. the viney. Job 7. 3. made to p. months of vanity, 13. 26. Isa. 34. 11. cormoran. and bittern shall/;, it, 17. Ezek. 7. 24. they shall p. 36. 12.1|35.10. we will/;. Dan. 7. 18. saints shall j&. || Hos. 9. 6. nettles p. Amos 9. 12. renmant p. Zeph. 2. 9- Zech. 8. 12. Obad.l7. house of Jacob/;. ||19.p.MountEsau, 20. Hab. 1.6. Ciialdeanto/;.||Luke 18. 12. of all I/;. Luke 21. 19. in patience p.lJlThes, 4.4. how top. POSSESS Land. Lev. 20'. 24. give their Iwid to p. Num. 33. 53. Deut. 3. 18. | 5. 31. | 17. 14. Deut. 1. 8. go in and/;, land, 4. 1. | 6. 18. | 8. 1. ( 9..% 23. I 10. 11. I 11. 31. Josh. 1. II. 4. 5. the land whither ye go to p. it, 14. 26. I 5. 33. I 6.1. I 7. l."! 11. 10, 11,29. I 23.20. 22. p. that good land\\ 9. 4. to p. this land, but 9. 6. gives not this land top. for thy righteousn. 11.8. that you may be strong and p. the lan^ 12. 1. the land which Lord God of thy fathers giveth thee to p. i5. 4.|19. 2, 14.|21. l.|25. 19. 28. 21. consumed from layid thou goe'. double Jer. 30. 3. cause them to return to - and p. it Ezek. 33. 25. shall ve p. - 1| Amos 2. 10. you to p. - POSSESSED,/;. 'Num. 21, 24. Israel/;. Sihon's 35. smote Og, and p. land, Deut. 3. 12. | 4. 47 Deut. 30. 5. land thy fathers /;.|j Josh. 1.15. till/;. Josh. 12. \.p. their laiKl|'13.1. much land to be/;. 19. 47. Dan-took Leshemand^.it,2L.43.|22.9. POS POU Judg.S.lS. Eglonj&.city of palm-trees ij 11. gl, 22. 2 Kill. 17. 24./>. «anianal|Ps. lo9. 13. />. my reins Prov. 8.22. Lord/7.rne{| Isa. 63. IS. p. it a little Jer. 32. 15. vineyards bej&. jj 23 they p. it, but Dan. "7. 22. saints /j. |) Luke 8. 36. he who was p. Acts 4. S2. thittouuiit he/;. j| 16. 16.a damsel/i. 1 Cor. 7. 30. tliey that buy as though they p. not See Devils. POSSESSEST,!;. Deut. 26. 1. to land and p. it POSSESSETH, V. Nurn. 36. 8. Luke ] 2. li,. POSSESSING,/;. 2 Cor. 6. 10./;. all things POSSESSION, 6-. Gen. 17. 8. everlasting/;.48.4. 23. 4./;. of burying place, 9, 18. 149. 30. | 50. 13. 26. 14. p. of flocks !1 .^6. 43. land oi'p. || 47. 11. Lev. 14. 34. Canaan, which I aive to you for -dp. 23. 10. return to his/?. 13,-41. Deut. 3. 20. 2.->. if sold his/), II 33. Levites/;. go ontin year 4.1. children otrhe strangers shall be yoiu/j.46. 27. 16. if san( tify p. \\ 21. p. shall be priests Kuni. 24. 18. EJom a p. || 26. 56. f). be divided 27. 7. to the dau^hters of Zelophehad give a/>. 32. 5. land fora j&. j) 22. this land be your/;. 35. 2. give to the Levites of their/;, cities, 8. Deut. 2. 5. Seir to Esau for 3ip.\\(j. Ar to Lot, 19- 11.6. earth swallowed all in their /;.||32. 49. for a Josh. 12. 6. p. to the Reubenites, J2. 7, 9, 19. 1 Kings 21. 15. p. of the vineyard of Naboth, 19. 2 Chr. 20. Jl. cast us out of thy/;. (| Neh. 11.3. Psal. 2. 8 parts of earth for thy/;.|j44.3. got not/;. 69. 35.haveit in/;. \\ 83. 12. nouses of God m/;. Prov. 28. 10. the upright have good things in/;. Isa. 14. 23. 1 will niakeit a/;, for the bittern Eztk 11. 15. given in p. ||25. 4. of the east a />. 36. 2. high places in /> || 5. my land m their p. 44. 28. lam their/;. j| 46. 18 out of his own/;. Acts 3. 1. sold a/>. || 7. 3. give it to him for a j&. Eph. 1.14 till redemptioji of the purchased/;. POSSESSIONS,,? Gen. 34. 10. get you/;, there 47. 27 Israel hav!/K \\ Num. 32. 30. shall have/;. Jo.sh.22.4.laiido,]jObad. 17. possess their/;. Matt. 19. 22. for he had great/?. Mark 10. 22. Acts 2.43. sold their/7. |l28. 7/». of Pubhus POSSESSOR, S. Gen. 14. 19. p. of heaven and Zech. 11.5./;. slay them \\ Acts 4. 34. /;. of lands POSSIBLE, a. .sis.infies, [1] lliat ivkich may be doncy Mark 9. 23. [2j Agreeable, ?;latt. 26. 39. Matt. 19. C6. with G. all things/?. Mark 10. 27. 24. ^4. if/;, shall deceive the elect, Mark 13.22. 26. 39. if p. let this cup pass from, Mark 14. 35. Mark 9. 23. all things are p. 14. 36. Luke 1 8. 27. Acts 2. 24. it was not/;. |! 20. 16. if p. 27. 39. Rom. 12. 18. if it be ji 2 Cor. 12. t 4. it is not p. Gal. 4. 15. if It had been/;. |i Heb. 10. 4. it is not/;. POST, S, s. t Chr. 30. 6. p. went, Esth. 3. 13,15. Job 9. 23. now iny days are swifter than a p. Esth. 8. 14. p. that rode j| Jer. 51. 31. one/? run POST, S, 8. Deut. 6. 9. write on the/>. of house Judg. 16. 3. Samson took/;. i]l Sam. 1. 9- bya/^. 1 Kin. 7. 3./?. were square || Prov. 8. 34. at the/?. Jsa. 6. 4./?. Mioved |j 57. 8. behind the/;, thou Ezek. 40. 10. p one measure || 16. on each p. 43. 8. p. by mv^. || Amos 9. \.p. may shake Side POSTS. Exod. 12. 7, 22, 23. 1 Kings 6. 31. :^0STERITYj5. Gen, 45. 7. preserve ap.iii land Num. §. 10. ofyonr/;.|| 1 Kings 16. S. j 21. 2L Psal. 49. 13. /i. approve j|l09. 13. let his/?, be cut Dan. II. 4. divided to his/;. || Amos 4. 2. take j>. POT,s. x&^^xit fox a contemptible state. Psal.68.13. Exod. 16.33. take a/;. jjLev. 6. 28. in a brasen//. Judg. 6. 19. put brotu in a/?. )| I Sam. 2. 14.or /?. 2 Kings 4. 2. a/;, of oil || 38. set on the great j&. 40. death in the p. || 41. cast meal in the/;. Job 41. 20. aseethmg/;. 31,||Prov. 17. 3. fining/;. Jer. 1. 13. 1 seeaseethingp.{jEzek.24.3.seton a/;. Mic. 3. 3. asfor the/?.[|Zech.l4.21./>. be holiness John 4.28. left her watei/;. ||Heb. 9.4. golden/;. POTS, s. Exod. 38. 3. Bezaleel made the/;. and Lev. 1 1 . 33. ranges for/?.||l Kin. 7. 45. p. of brass 2 Chr. 4. 11. Huram made/?. [| 35. 13. sod in/?. Psal. 58. 9- before yowxp. can feel the thorns 68. 13. lien among p. |j 81. 6. delivered from p. Jer. 35. 5. 1 set before Rechabites/;. full of wine Mark 7. 4. washing/;. (| John 2. 6. six water/;. See Flesh. POTENTATE, s. A governor. I Tim. 6. 13. POTIPHER, A fat bull. Gen. 37. 36. j 39. 1. POTIPHERAHJ Giving plenty. Gen. 41.45,50. POTSHERD, S, s. Job 2. 8. took a/;, to scrape 41. f 30. sharp p. |) Psal. 22. 15. dried like a/;. Prov. 26. 23. like a/. || Isa. 4.3. 9. let/;, strive POTTAGE, s. Gen. 25. 29. Jacob sod/;. .'50,34. 2 Kin. 4. 38./;. for the sons || Hag. 2. 12. touch p, POTTER, s. Psal. 2. 9. dash them in pieces like ap. vessel, Isa. 30. 14. Jer. 19. 11 Rev. 2.27. Jer. 18. 2. go top. house || 19. 1. get a /?. vessel Lam. 4. 2. work of/?. |'|Zech. 11. 13. cast to the p. Matt. 27. 10./;. field|jRom. 9- 21. hath not the/?. POTTERS, s. 1 Chri.4. 23. these were the p. POVERTY, s. Gen. 45. 11. lest thou come top. prov. ;6. 11.^. come as an armed man, 24. 34. 10. 15. is their/;. || 11. 24. but it tendeth top. 13. IS. p. be to him|)20. 13. lest thou come top. 23. 21. come top. 28. 19,22.||30. S.p.nor riches 31.7. let him drink and forget his /?. andremem. 2 Cor. 8. 2. deep /?. \\ 9. thai ye, thro' his p. might Kev. 2. 9. 1 know thy p. but thou art rich POUND, S, s. 1 Km. 10. 17. three/?, of gold Ezra 2. 69. they gave to treasure 5000/?. of silver Neh. 7. 71. 2200 />. of silver || 7^^.2000 p. of gold Luke 19. 13. ten p. 15,— 23.||John 12. 3. | 19. 39, POUR, V. Exod. 4. 9. p. water (| 29. 7. p. od on 29.12./?. blood of bullock, Lev. 4. 7,-34. 30. 9. nor/?, drink-otlering |i Lev. 2. I. p. oil, 6. Lev. 14.18./? it on his head II 41./?. out the dust Num. 5. 15. p no oil jj 24. 7. p. water out of his Deut. 12. 1 6./;. blood out as water, 24. | 15. 23. Judg. 6. 20./». ontbroThjjl Kin. 18.33./;. water 2 Kin. 4. 4. p. out the oil, 9. 3. (j 41./?. for people Job 36. 27. j&. down rain ||Ps. 42. 4. p. out my soul Psal. 62. 8. p. out your heart|!69.v4./;.outindign. 79. 6. p. thy wrath on the heathen, Jer. 10. 23. Prov. 1. 23. I'll/;. my spirit, Joel 2. 28. Acts 2.17, Isa. 44. 3. I'll;?. water|!45. 8./?.down righteousness Jer. 6. 11. p. iton children jj 7. 18. p. drink-offer. 14. 10. p. their wickedn. jj 18. 21. /?. out blood 44. 17./?. dvink-olfer.to the queen, 18. 19, 25. Lam. 2. 19./?. out thy heart like water before L. Ezek. 7. 8. p. fury, 14.19- j 20. 8, 1.1, 21. j 30. 15. 21. 31. I'll/?, out my indignation, Zeph. 3. 8. 24. 3. p. water in pot jj Hos. 3. 10. p. my wrath Mic. I. 6. p. down stones jj Zceh. 12. 10. p. spirit row row Mai's. 10.^. out {rt)lessing || Rev. 16. !./>. rials POURED, p. Gen. 28. 18. Jacob p. oil, 35. 14. Exod. 9. So. rain was not/? ||_30. 32. oil not p. Lev. 4. 12. ashesarej&.|j8. 12. />. oil, 21.10. 8. 15. /7. blood, 9. 9. II Num. 28. 7. p. to the Lord Deut. 12. 27. blood be/?. ont|f Josh. 7.t23./?. out 1 Sam. 1. 15./7. outniy soui|i7.6./?.itbefoie Lord 10. 1. Samuel/?, oil on Saul's head, and kissed 2 Sam. 13. 9. Tamar p. \\ 23. 16. Uavid p. it out 1 Kin. 13.3 altar shall be rent, and a.shes/?. out,5. SKin^s 3.J1./?. water on hands of Elij.}|4. .5. she/?. 4'. 40. /?. out for men |i 16. 1.5. Ahaz/?. his drink 2 Chr. 12. 7. wrath not l)e /?. out, 34. 21, 25. Job 3. 24. niy rorinjjsare/?. |j 10. 10./?. as milk 29. 6. rock /?. me out jj 30. 1 (5. my soul is p. out Psal. 22. 14. I am p. like water || 45. 'i. grace i^p. 77. 17. clouds/?, out w. |) 142. 2, \p. complaint 8ong I. 3. thy name is as ointment p. forth Isa. 26. \6.p. out a prayer] i29. 10./?. spirit of sleep S2. 15. spirit be p. on us |j 42. 2.>./?. fury of his 53. 12,/?. out his soul |j 57. 6./?. a drink-offering Jer. 7. 20. my fury shall be p. 42. 18. j 44. 6. 19. 13./?. out drink-offerings, 32. 29. j 44. 19. Lam. 2. 4./?. his fury, 4. ll.||2. 11. my hvcr is/». 12. their soul/?, out j) 4. 1. stones are/?, out Ezek. 16. 36. thy filthinesswas/?.l| 20. 2i5./?. drink 20. 33. with fury/?, out. 34. 1 22. 22, SI. 136. 18. 23.8./?. whoredom] 124. 7. she /?. it not on ground 39. 29. 1 /?. out my spirit on house of Israel Dan. 9. 11. curse i> p. on usjl 27./?. on desolate Mic. 1. 4. as waters/?. ]| Nah, I. 6. his fury is /?, Zeph. 1.17. their blood shall be /?. out as dust Matt. 26. 7. p. omtm. on his head, l2. Mark 14.3. John 2. 15./?. oiitchansrers ni.]iActs 10. 45./?. <;ift Rev. 14. 10. wiiieofwrath/?.|il6.2.\ial/?. 3,-17. POURED.ST, p. Ezek. 16! 15./?. fornications POURETH. Job 12.21. /?.contempt, Ps.l07.40. 16. 13/?. out my gall ]|20. eye/?, tears to God Psal. 75. 8. wine is red, and he p. out of the same Prov. 15. 2./?. out foolishness |j 28./?. evil things Amos 5. 8./?. waters, 9. 6.||Jolin 13.5. he/), water POURING, jj. Ezek. 9. 8. p. fury]iLuke 10.34. POURTRAY, ED. Ezek. 4.1. ] 8. 10. | 23. 14. POWDER, S, s. Exod. 32. 20. ground it to p Deut. 28. 24. lain of thy land p. \\ 2 Kings 23. 6. 2 Kings 23. 15. stampt the altar to/?. 2 Chr, 34. 7. Song 3. 6. perfumed with /?, of the merchant Matt. 21. 44, it will grind him to/?. Luke 20, 18. POWER, s. signifies, [I] God's omnipotence, Jer. 32. 1'7. [2] Absolute right and nnthority, Matt 9. 6. [3] ForeCj violence, or compulsion, Ezra 4, 23, [4] Liberty, or freedom, 1 Cor, 9. 4, 5. [5] The Spirit's work on the soul in effectual calling, Eph. 1.19. [6] The instrument ofGoiCs power, Rom. 1. 16. [7] Good or evil angels, Eph, 6. 12. Col. 1. 16 [8j Magistrates,^om. 13. 1. [9] Excellency, beauty, and glory, I Cor. 1.5. 43. Gen. 32. 28. hast/?, with G.]!49.3. excellency of/?. Lev. 26. 19. pride of your/?. |j Num. 22. 38. any /?. Deut. 3. t 18. .sons of/?. ]; 4. 37. his niii>hty p. 8. 18, p. to get wealth \\ 32. 36. their/?, is gone 2 Sam, 22.33. G. is my/?.] 2 Kings 19, 26. small/?. i Chr. 20. 1, Joab ltd forth the/?, of the array 29, 11. thine is the/?, and glory, 12. Matt. 6.'l3. 2 Chr. 25. 8. God hath/?, to help || 32. 9. all his/?. jEvfra \. 2S. by force aiid/>, jj 8. 22./. and wrath Nell. 5, 5. nor is it in our/?, to redeem them Esth, 1. 3./?. of Persia, 8. ll.jjg. I. to have/?. Job 5. 20. /?. of tiie sword I) 24. 22, with his j&. 26. 2. without/?.]! 12. divided sea with his/?. 14. thunder of his/?, who can understand? 36. 22. exalteth by his/?,]) 41, 12, not conceal/?. Psal, 22. 20./?. of the doii]}49, 15./?. of the grave 62. 11./?. beiongeth to G. ];' 65. 6. girded with/?. 66. 7. ruieth by liis p. jj 68. 35. he ffiveth/?. 78. 26. by his/?, jj 90. 11. the/?, of thine anger 106. 8./?, to be known ]| 111. 6. /.of his works 150, 1, praise him in the firmament of his/?. Eccl. 4. 1. there Was p. \\ 5- 19. p. to eat thereof 6 2. not/?, to eat ]| 8. 4. there is/?. J; 8. nor/>. Isa. 37. 27, of small/?. 11 40. 29. he giveth/?, to 43. 17. army and/?. ]l 47. 14. from /?, of flame Jer, 10. 12. he made the earth by his/?. 51. 15. Ezek. 22. 6. to their /?. to shed bloodjISO, 6. hex p. Dan, 2. 37. given thee p. \\ 6. 27. fronj/?. of lions 8. 6. ran in fury of his/?. ]| 22. not in his/?, 24. 11, 6, not retain/?, jj 25. he shall stir up his/. 43. he shall have p. Ij 12. 7. to scatter the/?. Hos. 1 2. 3. he had p. with G. 4.j| 1 3. 1 4. /?. of israve Mic. 2. 1./?. of their hand )| 3. 8. I am full of/?. Hab. 1. 11. imputing his/?. \\ 2. 9. from /?. of evil 3. 4. and there was the hiding of his/?. Zech. 4. 6. nor by/?, jj 9. 4, smite her/?, in sea Matt, 9. 6 p. on earth to forgive sins, Mark 2. 10, 8. such p. to men] '10.1./?. against unclean spirits 24. 30. m clouds with/?. 26. 64. Luke 21. 27. 28. 18. all/?, is given to me in heaven and earth Mark 3. 15 /?. to heal|.9.l. kingdom come with/. Lukel. 35./?. of Highest)i4.6. devil said, all this/. 4. 32. his word was with/. 36. jj 5. 17./. of Lord 10. 19. / to tread on serpents || 12. 5- /. to cast 20. 20. deliver him to the/.jl22. 53./. of darkn. 24. 49. till ye be endued with /. from on high Johnl.l2./.to become sons] jlO. l8./>. to lay de^vn 17. 2./. over ail flesh ]! 19. 10,/, to crucify thee Acts 1, 7, put in his own/, jj 8. shall receive/. 3. 12. as tho' by our/ ]| 4. 7. asked, by what/. 5. 4. thy own/, jj 6. 8. Stephen full of/, did 8. 19. give me this/, jl 10, 38. anointed with/. 26. 18, to turn them from the/ of Satan to God Rom. 1. 4. Son of G. with /. jj 20. his eternal/. 9. 21. / over clay j| 22. to make his/, known 13. 2. resisteth the/. 3. jj 15. 13. thro' tl.-e/. 15. 19, by/, of Spirit jJ 16. 25. /. to stablish 1 Cor 2 4. and with /. |j 4. 19. not speech but/. 5. 4. with/, of our L. jj 6. 12. under/, of any 6. 14, rai'^e us by/, jj 7. 4. not/, of his body 7. 37./;. over his wiiljj9. 4./. to eat, 5, 6, 12. 11. 10./ on her head jj 15, 24. put down all/. 2 Cor. 4. 7. excellency of/.JjH. 3, beyond their/. 12,9./. ofChrist may rest]!l3. 10./. G. hath giv. Eph, 1. 19. greatness of his/, jj 21. above all /. 2, 2. /. of the air jj 3. 7, working of his/. 20. Phil. 3. 10. T may know the/ of hisresurrectioa Col. 1.11 his elorions/.]|l3. from p. of darkness 2. 10, who is the head of all principality and/. 2 Thes, 1 . 9, glory of his/,|lll.work offaith with/. 2. 9. with all /.]j3. 9. not because we have not/. 1 Tim. 6. 16. be lionour and /. everlasting, amen 2 Tim. 1. 7. spirit of/. |! 3, 5. but denying- the p. Heb. 1. 3. by word of hi.s/.]|2. 14. the /, of death 7, 1 6, but after the /. of an endless life 2 \*ex> 1. 3. as kis divme/. [j 16. made known /^ PkA FRA Jiide 25. be glory and p. \] Rev. 2. 26. I givers. Rev. 4. 11. worthy to receive/?. 5. 13. |7. i;>.il9. 1. 6. 4. p. was given, 8. | 9. 3. | 13. .-, 7. | 16. 8. S. 10. p. to hurt men jjll. 3. give/*, to witnesses 11. 6.i>. to shut heaven 11 12. 10,/). ofhisC. come 13. 2. flra!>on gave hitn p. j| 12. p. of first beast 15. 8. p. to give iife jj 14. 18. Imdp. over fire 15. from his p. |) 16. 9. p. over tiiese plagues 17. 12. receive /J. as kinys || 13./>. to the beast 19.1. glory, honour and p. \o the Lord our God POWER of God. Matt. 22. 29. ye do err, not knowing the p. of God, Mark 12. 24. Lnke 9. 43. mighty/?. -j| 22. G9. right-hand of p. - Acts 8. lO.is thegreat/>.-|;Rom. 1. 16. gospel is /?.- 1 Cor. 1. 18. It is the/), -j) t^4. Christ the /. -\\2. 5. 3 Cor. 6.7.bythe/>. - j| 13.4. yet he liveth by/j.- STim.l.S. accord, to/j.-ij] Pet. 1.3. kept by thep.- In POWER. Gen. 31. 29. -p. of my hand to Exod. 15. 6. glorious -p. jj Job 21 7. mighty -p. Job 37. 23. he is excellent -j9.||Psal. 29.t4. voice -y>. Prov. 3. 27. -p. of thy hand||18. 21.-;;. of tongue Isa. 40. 26. he is strong - p \\ Nah. 1. 3. great - p. Luke 1. 17. -p. of Eliasj!4. 14. -p. of the Spirit 1 Cor. 4. 20. notm word, bMt-p.|jl5. 43. raised -p. Eph. 6. 10. -/>. ofhismight||l Thes. 1. 5. but also-/?. 2 Pet. 2. 1 1 angels, v/ho are creater -p. and migirt 3Iy POWER. Gen. 31. 6. with ail -p. I served Exod. 9. 16. to shew in thee - p. Rom. 9. 17. Dent. 8. 17. -p. hath gottenjl Dan. 4.30. might of-p. 1 Cor. 9. 18 that I abuse not - p. in the .gospel No POWER. Exod. 21. 8. to sell her have - p. Lev. 26. 37. -p. to stand]! Josh. S.20. Ai had -p. to 1 Sam. 30. 4. - p. to weep |j 2 Chr. 14.11. that have 2Chr.22.9.-p. to keep kmgd.ljlsa. 50. 2. or have I Dan. 3. 27. fire had -p. |j 8. 7. - p. in the ram John 19. ll.-p. asainstme|tRom, 13. l.Rev.20.6. Thy POWER. Dent. 9 29. by thy mighty p. Job 1. 12. all is in - p.|iPsal. 21. 13. and praise - p. Psal. 59. 11. scatter them by -p. || 16 sing of -p. 63.2. to see -p.|j 66. 3. greatness of-p. 79 11. 71. 18. -p. to every onejTllO. 3. in the day of -p. 145. 11. talk of -p. 11 Nah. 2. I. fortify thy p. POWERFUL, a. Psal. 29. 4. voice of the L. is p. 2Cor.l0.10.hislettersarep.||Heb.4. 12. word is p. POWERS,*. Matt. 24. 29. and the p. of heaven shall be shaken, Mark 13. 25. Luke 21. 26. Luke 12. ll.brouaht before p.j Rom. 8, 38. nor p. Rom. 13. 1. p. that be|i 1 Cor. I2.t29. are all p. Eph. 3. I0.principalitie,';,p. 6. 12. Col Tit. 3. 1. subject to p. |t Heb. 6. 5. tasted p. of 1 Pet. 3. 22. who is on the right-hand of p. PRACTISE,!;. Psal 141 4.notp. wicked ways Prov. 3. t 29. p. no eviljj Isa. ,^2. 6. p. hypocrisy Dan. 8. 24. prosper and p. || Mic. 2. 1 . they p. it PRACTISED, p. 1 Sam. 23. 9. Dan. 8. 12. PRACTICES, s. 2 Pet. 2. 14. with covetous p. PRAISE, .s. signifies, fl] An acknowledgment of God's wonderful perfections and works, Psai. l.'?8. 1. Isa. 43. 21. [2] Commendations, Prov. 27. 2. Rom. 13. 3. [3] llie object, matter, and ground of praise, Deut 10. 21. [4] Ho- nour, Psai. 71. 8. [5] Great actions^ Psal. 106. 2. Gen. 29. t35. therefore she called his name p. Deut. 10.21. he is thy p. \\ 26. 19. thee high in p. Jndsr. 5. 3. Ell singj&.'Ps. 7. 17. 1 9. 2. 1 57. 7.161 . 8.' 1 Chr. 16.35. glory in thy/>.{!2Chr,23. 13. taught/; Neh. 9. 5. exalted above allp. \\ 12. 46. songs oip. Psai. 9. 14. shew aii thy j&. }j 22. 25. my p. be of SO. 12. my glory may sing/».|j 33. 1. p. is comely 34. 1. p. be continually |1 35. 23. speak of thy p. | 40. 3. even p. to our God||42. 4. with voice of p. 48. 10. so is thy p. [j 50. 23. whoso otfereth/j, 51. 15. shew forth thy p. |j 65. 1. p. waiteth 66. 2. make his p. glorious 1| 8. voice of his/>. 71. 6. my p. shall becontinuady of thee, 8. 79. 13. we'll shew forth thy/>. jj 98. 4. singj&. 100. 4. enter courts with p. \\ 102. 21. declare p. 106. 2. who can shew his p. \\ 12. sang his/>. 47. triumph in th\p. \\ 108. 1. I'll give p. 109. 1 . O God of my/>. |! 111. 10. his p. endureth 119. 171. utter/).||138.1. sing/). 147.7. 1 149.1. 145. 21. speak p.\\ 147. 1. and/), is comely 148. 14. p. of all his saints^Prov. 27. 21. to his p. Isa. 42. 8. nor/), to graven 1[ 10. sing his/). 12. 43. 21. shew forth my p. |j 48. 9- and for my/). 60. 18. gates/). |j 61. 3. garments of p. for spirit 61 . 1 1 . p. to spring forth |} 62. 7. Jerusalem a p. Jer. 13. 11. for dp. \\ 17. 14. for thou art my p. 17 26. sacrifices of p. 33- 11. Heb. 13. 15. 33. 9. be to me a p \\ 48. 2. no more p. of Moab 49. 25. how is city of p. jj 51. 41. ho .v is p. of Hab. 3.3. full ofhisp.tiZeph. 3. 19 get then> p. 20. Matt.21 ,16. perfected /j.yLukel 8.43. gave/), to G. John 9. 24. give G. thep. jj 12. 43. loved />. of men Rom. 2. 29. whose/), is'not of in.|jl3. 3. p. of same 1 Cor. 4. 5. have/).of G.l!2Cor. 8. 18. whose/), is Eph. 1. 6. p. of the glory of his grace, 12 14. Phil. 1. II. to thep. and glory |) 4. 8. if anyj&. Heb. 2. 12. rii sing/).ljl3. 15. offer sacrifice of p. 1 Pet. 1 . 7. found to p.!|2. 14. p. of them||4. 11. be}. PRAISE, v. Gen. 4^^ 8. brethren shall p. Lev. 19. 24. holy to/).liDeut. 3%H3.p. his people 1 Cijr. 23. 5. instruments to /;,||29.13 thank andp. 2 Chr. 8. 14. Levites to p. || W. 21. p. the beauty 20. 22. besfan top jl 31. 2. to p. in the gates of Ps. 21. 13. p. thy power Ij 22 23. ye that fear L. p. 30.9.shalldu.stp.|)4.2..5. Ishallyet^. 11. | 43. 5. 44. 8. in God we p.\\ 45. 17. shall people p. 49. 18. men will p. theejj 63. 3. my lips shall p. 67. 3. let all people p.5. 1| 69. 34. let the heaven p. 71. 14. I'll yet p. II 74. 21. let poor and needy p. 76. 10. wrath of man p. || 88. 10. shall dead p. 89. 5. heavens shall p. 1} 99. 3. let them p. thy 107. 32. p him in assembly, 113. 1. | 135.1. 115. 17. the dead />. not|jll9. 164. seven times I p. 119. 175. It shall p || 138. 2. I'll p. 1) 4. kings p. 1 4a. 7. I may p. \\ 145. 4. one generation p. thy 145. 10. all thy worksp.i|147.1 2. p. thy G. O Zion M8. 1. p. the L. 2, 3, 4. 1 149. 3. | 150. 1, 2, 5. Prov. 27. 2. let another p. |j 28. 4. p. the wicked 31. 31. p. her in gates] |[sa. 38. 1 8. grave can't p. Isa. 38. 19. Hving shall p. IJ Jer. 31. 7. publish p. Dan. 2. 23. I thank and p. thee, O God, 4. 37. Joel2.26.p.nameofL. |j Luke 19. 37. began top. 1 Cor. 11. 2. now I p. you |j 17. I p. you not, 22, Rev. 19. 5. saying, p. our God, all ye his servants / win, or will /PRAISE. Gen. 29. 35. -p. Lord Psal. 7. 17. / will p. the Lord. 9. 1. | 22. 22. [28. 7. I 35. 18. I 4-3. 4. | 52. 9. | 54.6. | 56. 4. I 57. 9. j 69. 30. | 71. 22. | 86. 12. | 108. 3. I 109.30. I 111.1. I 118.19,21,28. | 119. 7. I 158. 1. 1 139, 14. I 145. 2. Isa. 12. i. I 25. 1. PRA PRA WT PRAISE ye the Lord, or PRAISE the Lord. Judg. 5. 2. 1 Chr. 16. 4. | 23. SO j 25- 3. 2 Chr. 20. ly, 21. Ezra 3. 10. Psal. 22. 26. | 33. 2. j 102. 18. I 104. 35. ( 106. 1, 48. | 107. 8. j 109. 30.|1 11.1. 1 112.1. 1 113. 1,9. 1 115. 18. 116. 19. I !17.2. 1 118. 19. | 135. 13. | 146. 1, 2, 10. j 147. 1, 12, 20. i 148. 1, 7, 1%. j 149. 1, 9. I 130. 1, 6. Isa. 12.4. j 62. 9. Jer. 20. 13. I 33. 11. Rom. 15. 11. PRAISED, p. Judg. 16. 24. p. their s;od Dagon 2 Sam. 14. 2.5. so p. as Absalom |l 22. 4. Psal. 18. 3. iChr. 16. 25.L.istobpp.Ps.48. 1.196.4. j 145.3. 36. all the people/). L. 23. 5. 2 Chr. 7. 3. | 30. 21 2 Chr. 5. 13. and/>. the L.|i 7. 6. when David/). Ezra 3. 11 . a o;reat sliout when they p. Neh. 5. 13. Ps. 72. 15. daily be//.l|l 13. 3. from rismgof sun hep. Prov. 31. 30. wo«..an be/).||Ecd. 4. 2. 1/>. the dead Song 6. 9. concubinesp. Iier|| Isa. 64. 1 1 . fathers/*. Dan. 4. 34. Ip. and honoured j| 5.4. p. the gods, 23. Luke 1. 64, and Zecharias spake and p. God PRAISES, s. Fxod. 15. 11. fearful in/?, doing 2 Sam. 22. SO.I'llsing/). Ps. 18.49.192. 1. 1133.3. 2 Chr. 29. 30. commanded theLevites to sing p. Psal. 9. 11. sing p. 27. 6. \ 47. 6, 7. | 68. 4, 32. I 73. 9. 1 108.3. I 147. 1. | 149. 3. .';6. 12. I'll render j>. 144. 9. || 78. 4. shewing/). 146. 2. I'll sing/), to my G. while I have a being 149. 6. let the high p. of G. be in their mouths Isa. 60. 6. shew forth the p. || 63. 7. mention p. Acts 16.2.i. sanii/».toG.l|l Pet. 2. 9. shew forth/). PRArSETH,r. Prov. 31. 28. her husband/?, her PRAISING,/). 2 Chr. 5. 13. to be heard in p L 23. 12. p. the king || Ezra 3. 11 in/), the Lord Psal. 84. 4. be still/). 1| Luke 2. 13. p. God, 20 J 24. 33. Acts 2. 46. 13. 8, 9 PRANCING, S,/). Jiidg. 3 22. Nab. 3. 2. PRATING,/). Prov. 10. 8, 10. 8 Joim 10. PRAY/f. Gen. 20.7. he shall/) for thee and 24.t6S.I.saae went to /). |j 1 Sara. I.tl2./). before 1 San).7. 5. ril/).foryoul!l2.19./).for thy servant 23. 2 Sam. 7. 27. found in his heart top. 1 Chr. 17. 23. 1 Kin. 8. 30. p. tow .this place, 35. 48. 2 Chr. 6. 26. 13. 6./). thatmy hand may be restored again 2 Chr. 6. ^^4. shall/) 37. || 7. 14. if my people/). Ezra 6. 10. p. for the life || Neh. 1. 6. which I p. Job 21. 13. Vfhat profit if wep.|{33. 26. p. to God 42. 8. Job shall/). 1| Psal. 5. 2. to thee I'll p. Psal. 53. 17. at noon I'll/). t| 122. 6. p. for peace Isa. 16. 12. to sanctuary to/). 1|45. 20./>. toagod Jer. 7. 16./). not for this people, 11. 14. j 14. 11. 29. 7. p. to the L. for it jj 12. ye shall/), to me 37. 3. p. for u.s,42. 2, 20. || i-2.i. behold, I'll p. Zech. 7. 2. sent men to/). II 8. 21. go speedily to/). Matt.5.44./).for them that despitefully,Liike 6. 28. 6. 5. love to p. standing || 6. p. to thy Father 7- when ye p. || 9. after this manner/), ye 9. 38. p. the Lord of the harvest, Luke 10. 2. 14. 23. apart top. Mark 6. 46. Luke 6. 12. | 9. 28. 19. 13. that he should/). |t 24. 20./). your flight 26. 36. .sit ye here while T p. Mark 14. 32. 41. watch and/), that ye enter not into tempt. Mark 13.33.| 14.38^ Luke 21. 36. | 22.40,46. 53. thinkest thou that I cannot/), to my Father Mark 5. 17. p. him to depart || 11. ^4. when yep. Luke 11.1. teach us to/). 2. || 18. 1. always to p. 18. Id. two men went up into the temple to p. John 14. 16. I'll/), the F. 16.26.||17. 9. 1/). for them i7. 15, 1/>. not that 1| 20. n©r/). for these aloae Acts 1 8. 22. p. G. if II 24. p. for me|| 10. 9. went U Rom. 8. 26. we know not what we should/), for 1 Cor.ll.l3.p. uncoveredJil4. 13. letbimp. 14. 14. 15. Ill/', with the spirit, I'll/) with under. 2Cor. 5.20./). you in Christ's stead jU 3. 7. now Ip. Phil. 1 . 9. this i/). 1 1 Col. 1. 9. we do not cease to p. 1 Thes. 3. 17. /». without ceasing, 2 Thes. 1. 11. 23. Ip. G.||25./).forus,2Thes. 3.1. Heb. 13. 18. 1 Tim. 2. 8./). every where 11 2 Tim. 4. 16. 1/). God Jam. 5. 13. let him/) |;14./). over him |{ 16. p. one 1 John 5. 16. 1 do not say he shall/), jj 3 John t 2. PRAYED, ;j. Gen. 20. 17. Abraham/), to God Nmn.ll. 2. Moses p. 21.7. Deut. 9.20,26. 1 Sam. 1. 10. Hannah/). 21, 27. Ij 8. 6. Sanmelp. 2 Kings 4. 33. Elisha/). 6. 17. |! 19. 15. Hezekiali 2 Chr. 32. 20. Isaiah p. || 33. 13. Manassebp. Ezra 10. 1. Ezra p. Neh. 1. 4. | 2.4. || Job 42. 10. Jer. 32. 16. Jeremiah p.|{ Dan. 6, 10. Daniel, 9.4. Jonah 2. 1. then Jonah p. unto the Lord, 4. 2. Matt. 26. 39. Jesus/). 42. Markl 4. 35. Luke 22. 41. Mark 1. 35. asoUtary place and/^. jj 5. 18. p. him Luke 5. 3. Jesusp. 16.|9. 29.|| 18. 11. Pharisee p. 22. 32. 1 have p. for thee || 44. p. more earnestly John 4. 31. his disciples p. him, Master, eat Acts 1. 24. disciplesp. || 4. 31. when they p. 6. C. 8. 15. Peterp. 9. 40. || 10. 2. Cornelius p. 30. 10. 48.p, himtotarrylil3. 3. fasted andp. 14.23. 16. 9.p- him, saying, come over into Macedonia 25. Paul p. 20.*36r| 28.8. || 21. 5. and p. 22. 17. while I p. in temple || 23. 18. Paul p. me Jam. 3.17. Elias /!). that it might not rain, 18. PRAYER, 5. isAnofferingxip of our desires to God for things lawful and needfuly with an humble confidence to obtain them through the alone me- diation of Christ, to the glory of God, Matt. 6. 6. John 16. 23, 24, 26. It is either men- tut or vocal, ejaculatory or occasional, private or public, 1 Tim. 2. 1,2. fVe must pray con- stantly, Col. 4. 2. fervently, Col. 4. 12. sin- cerely, Psal. 17. 1. with faith. Jam. 5. 15. and repentance, Psal. 66. 1 8. Jer. 36. 7. ajid by the help of the Holy Spirit, Rom. 8. 26. Prayer comes from a word in the Hebrew, ichich signifies appeal, iuierpellation, intercession; u-iiereby we rejer our own cause, and that of others, to God. The parts of Prayer ui'e said io he invocation, ado^ ration, confession, petition, pleading, dedication, thanksgieing, and blessing. The LORD'S PRAYER illustrated. Our Father, Isa. 63, 1 6. By right of creation, Mai. 2. 10. By bountiful provision, Psal. 145. 16. By gracious adoption, Eph. 1.5. IVho art in Heaven, 1 Kings 8. 43. The throne of thy glory, Isa. 6S. 1. The portion of thy ciiildren, 1 Pet. 1. 4. The temple of thy angels, Isa. 6. 1. Hallowed be thy name, Psal. 113. 1. By the thoughts of our hearts, Psak 86. It, By the words of our lips, Psal. 51. 15. By the work of our hands, 1 Ccr. 10. 31. Thy kingdom come, Psal. 110. 2. Of providence to defend us, Psal. 17. 8, Of grace to refine us, 1 Thes. 5. 23. Of glory to crawn us, Col. 3. ^, PRA PRE Thy tt^ill &^ dojie on earth, as it is in heaven, Acts 21. 14. Towards us, without resistance, I Sam. 3. 18. By us, without compulsion, Psal. 1 1 9. 36. Universally, without exceptioii, Luke 1. 6. Eternally, without declension, Psal. 119. 93. Give us this day our daily bread. Of necessity, for our bodies, Prov. 30. 8. Of eternal life, for our souls, John 6. 34. And forgive us our trespasses, Psal. 25. 11. Against the connnands of thy law, 1 John 3. 4. Against the ijrace of thy i^ospel, 1 Tim 1. 13. As we forgive than that trespass against u$, Matt. 6. 15. By dcfaminef our characters, Matt. 5. 11. By embezziing our property, Phileui. 18. By abusing our person, Acts 7. 60. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver ns . from ei:il. Matt. i^fi. 41. Of overwhelming atfliction, Psal. 130. 1. Of worldly enticement-, 1 John 2. 15. Of Satan's devices, iTim. 3. 7. Of error's scd^uction, 1 Tim. 6. 10. Of sinful affections, Rom. 1. 26. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the fitory, for ever, Jude 25. Thy kingdom governs all, Psal. 103. 19. Thy power subdues all, Phil. 3. 20. Thy glory is above ail, Psal. 148. 13. Amen, Epli. l. 11. As it is in thy purposes, Isa. 14. 27. So it is in thy prou.ises, 2 Cor. 1 . 20. So be it in our prayers. Rev. 22. 20. So it shall be to thv praise, Kev. 19. 4. Punch, from Bernard's Thesaurus. 2 Sam. 7. 27. found in his heart to pray this p. 1 Kin. 8. 28. respect to the p. 29 2 Chr. 6. 19, tO 4.5. hear the'w p. 49. 2 Chr. 6. 29, S5, 3<), 40. 2 Kin. 19. 4. lift up thy p. for remnaiit, Isa. 37. 4. 2 Chr. 7. 15. attent to the/;.|j.>().27 their p. came 33. 18. Manasseh's/>.how God washitreated, 19- Neh, 1. 6. hear the p. |j 4. 9. we made our p. to Job 15. 4. restrainest />. |i 22. 27. make thy p. to Psal. 65. 2. bedrest p. || 72. \5.p. shall be made 80. 4. angry against />. II 102. 17./'. of destitute 109. 4. 1 give myself to J!>. || 7. p. become sin Prov. 1.5. S.p. of upright II 29- heareth/?. of right. 28. 9. p. abomination || Isa. 26. 16. poured a />. Isa. 56. 7. a house of p. Matt. 21. 13. Mark 11.17. Jer.7. 16.norliftup/>.11.14. ||Lam.3. 4i.oiirp. Dan. 9. 3. to seek by p. \\ 13. made we not onvp. 17. hear the /). II Hab. 3. l.dp. of Habakkuk -Matt. 17.21. goeth not out but by p. Mark 9. 29. Luke 1. 13. thy p. is heard || Acts 3. 1. hour ot'p. Acts6.4. continually to/?. 11 10.31. thy/>. is heard 12. 5. p. was made without ceasing, 1 Thes. 5. 17. 16. 13. where/?, was wont to be made, 16. 1 Cor. 7. 5. that ye may give yourselves to/>. 2 Cor. 1. 11. helpins; hyp \\ 9. 14. by then p. for Eph. 6. 18. with all/?. || Phil. 1. 4. in every p. Phil. 1. 19. thro' your/?.|| 4. 6. in every tlmig by /». 1 Tim. 4. 5. for it is sanctified by the word and p. Jam. 5. 15. p. of faith || IG. the effectual/?. || t 17. 1 Pet. 4. 7. be therefore sober, and watch unto p. See Heard. In PRAYER, Nek. 11 . 17. to begin - p. Dan. 9. 21. speaking -/>.(| Matt. 21.22. ask ./r. Luke 6. 12. continued -p. all night. Acts 1. 14, Rom. 12. 12. continuing instant -/». Col. 4 2. iWy PRAYER, Job 16. 17. also -p. is pure Psal. 4. 1. hear -/?. 17. 1. | 39. 12. | 54. 2. | 55. I. [61. 1.164. 1. 1 84. 8. 1 86. 6. | 102. I.|l43. 1. 5.3. I wdl direct-/). 11 6. 9. Lord will receive -/r. 35. 13. -p. returned || 42. 8. -p. to G. of my life 66. 19. attended to-/?. 20.||69. 13. -j&. is to thee 88. 2. lei -p. come || 13. -p. prevent thee 141. 2. let -p be set forth || 5. for yet -p. shall Lam. 3. 8. I cry and shout, he shutteth out - p. Jonah 2. 7. -p. came |j Rom. 10. I. -p. to God is PRAYERS, s. Psal. 72. 20 /?. of David ended Isa. 1. 15. when ye make many/?. I will not hear Matt. ^3. 14. ioiig/?, Mark 12.40. Luke 20.47. Luke 2. 37. continued in/?. |j 5. 33. and make p. Acts 2. 42. continued in p. ||10. 4. thy p. and alms Rom. 1. 9. making mention of you always in my p . Eph. 1. 16. 1 Thes. 1. 2. 2 Tim. 1. 3.Philem.4. 15. 30. strive in your/?, to God, Col. 4. 12. 1 Tim. 2. 1. I exhort that/?.||.5. 5. continueth inj&. Philem. 'j2. thro' your/?, jj Heb. 5. 7. offered up p. I Pet. 3. 7. p. be not hindered ||12. open to then p. Rev. 5. 8. which are the p. of the saints, 8. 3, 4. PRAYEST, V. Matt 6. 5. when thou/?. 6. PRAYETH, ING. 1 Sam. 1.12. continued/? 26. 1 Km. 8. 28. p. before thee this day, 2 Chr. 6. 19, 54. Solom. had nmdean end of p. 2 Chr. 7. 1. Isa. 44. 17. p. to it|j Dan. 6. 11. found Danielp. Dan. 9. 20. while I was/? ||Mark 11. 25. stand^. Luke 1. 10. p. without || 3. 21. baptized, and p. y. IB. was alone/?, || 1 1. 1. as he was/?, in a Acts 9. 11. behold, hep. || 11. 5. 1 was at Joppap. 12. 12. where many were gathered together p. 1 Cor. 11.4./? with head covered j|14. 14. spiritp. 2 Cor. 8. 4. p. us with much [I Eph. 6. 1 8. /?. always Col. 1. 3. p. always for vou || 4. 3. p. also for us iThes. 3. 10. nightand day/?.|l Jude20.p.in H. G. PREACH, V. Neh. 6. 7. appointed top. of thee Isa. 61.1. anointed me to/?.good tidings,Luke 4.18. Jonah 3. 2./?. to it the preaching that I bid thee JVJatt. 4. 17. Jesus began to/?. jjlO. 7. as ye go/?. 27. 1 1. 1. top. in their cities || Mark 1. 4. John did/?. Mark 1. 38. that I may/?, there also, Luke4.'43. 3. 14. he might send tliem forth to p. Luke 9. 2. Luke 9. 60. but go thou and/?, the kingdom ofG. \cts5. 42. ceased not to/?. jjlO. 42. comra. us to/?. 14. 15. />. to you that ye turn |i 15. 21. p. Moses It). 6. forbidden to p. || 17. 3. Jesus, whom ) p. Rom.lO. 8. word of faith weji.||i5.how shall hep. 1 Cor. 1. 23. we/? Christ||9. 16. woeisnieif Ip.not 15. 11. so we/?. 11 2 Cor. 4. 5. we/?, not ourselves Gal. 1. 6. I might/?, him among heathen, 2. 2. 5. 11. if I/?, circuinci-ionlltlph. 3. 8. p. among G. Phil. 1. 15. some indeed/? Christ of envv, 16. Col 1. 28. whom we p. |j 2 Tim. 4. 2. /?. *the m ord PREACHED,/?. Psal. 40. 9- 1 havep. righteousn. Matt. 11. 5. the poor have the gospel p. to them Mark I. 7. John/?, saying || 39. Jesus/?. 2. 2. 6. 12./». that men should repentjjl6.2().p. every Luke 3. IB. other thingsjijhe||4. 44. p. in synag. 16. 16. kingdom of^G. hp.\\ 24. 47. remis. of sin.? Acts 3. 20. before was/?. 1|4.2. p. thro' Jesus resui. 8. 5./?. Christ to them, 35. |j 2.5./?. the gospel 40. Philip/?.!! 9. 20. Saul. p. Chri^t|j27.)>i boldly 10. 37. baptism John p.lit3. S.p, the word, 14. 25. PRE Acts 13.38.tliro' this man isp.\\42. p. uextsabbath~ 15. 36. visit where \\ep.\\i7. 13. p. of Paul at 17. 18. he p. Jesiisl|20. 7. Paul/;, ready to depart 1 Cor. 9.27. lest when I p. to othersHlo.^. what I lo.l2.if Christ be/>.||2Cor.l.l9.Jesus was/>.11.4. Gal.1.8. than we/>.||Eph. 2.17. came andp. peace Phil.l. 18. Christis/>.||Col.l.23./'.toevery creature 1 Tnii. 3. 16. p. to tiie Gentiles, believed on in the Heb. 4. 2. the word p. did not piofit them, 6» 1 Pet. 3. 19. he went and/?, to spirits in prison See Gospel. PREACHER, s. Greek Didaskalos, « teacher. Eccl. 1. 1. words of the/?. 2. J 12. 8. 12. I the p. was kiug|| 12.9./'. was wise, 10. 7. 27. behold this I foi;nd, saith the p. Rom. 10. 14. how shall they hear without a/>. 1 Tim. 2.7. whereto I am ordained a/>. 2 Tim.l.ll. 2 Pet. 2. 5.butsaved Neah,a/J. of richteousness PREACHEST, v. Rom. 2.21. thou that /;.a man PREACHETH, i'. Acts 19. 13. whom Paul/>. 2 Cor. 11.4./). another Jes||Gal.l.23./>. the faith PREACHING, p. Jonah 3. 2. preach the p. I bid Matt. 3. 1. hi those days John came p. Luke 3. 3. 4. 23. p. the gospel of kind. 9. 35. Mark 1. 14. 12. 41. repented at the /^. of Jonas, Luke 11. 32. Luke 8. l.p. and shewing glad tidings, 9. 6. Acts 8. 4. p. the word, 11.19. [j 12.//. the things 10. 36.//. peace by Jesus C.||ll. '20. p. the L. J. 15: 3b. in Antioch//, || 20. 9. Paul was long p. 20. 25. I have gone p. || 23. 31./>. the kingdom Rom. 16..25. to stablish you according top. of Jes. 1 Cor. 1. 18. p. of tlie cross || 21. foohshness ofp. 2. 4. my p. was notyiS. 14. then is our p. vam 2 Cor. l.t 1 8. ourp. not yea j j 10. 1 4. as far as you, p. 2 Tim. 4. 17. by methep. [j Tit. 1. 3. word thro'//. PRECEPT, S,s. Neh.9. 14. com. p. statutes Ps. 119. 4. keep thy p. 1| 15. mediate in thy p. 78. 27. way of thvp. || 40. I longed after thy p. 45. I seek thyp.||87. 1 forsook not thy p. 93. .56. I kept thy p. 63,69, 100, 134, 168. 94. 1 sought thy p. || 104. through thy p. I get 110. 1 erred not from thy p.|jl28. 1 esteem thy 141. 1 am small, yet do not I forget thy p. 159. 1 love thy p. || 173. 1 have chosen thvp. Isa. 28. lO.p. onp.p.onp. 15.||29.13. by p. of men Jer. 35.18.kept Jonadab'sp.l]Dan.9.5.fromthyp. Mark 10. 5. wroteyouthisp.||Heb.9.19.spokenp. PRECIOUS, a. Gen. 24.53. g-ave Rebek .p. things Deut. 33.1 3.for the p. things of heaven, 14, 15, 16. 1 Sam. 3.1. word of L. was p.||26.2l. my soul wasp. 1! Kin. 1. 13. let my life bep. 14.|j20. 13. Isa. 39. 2. SChr. 20. 25. p. jewels l|21.3.p. things,32.t23. Ezra 1 . 6. p. things || 8. 27. vessels as p. as gold Job 28. 10. seeth every p. thing I| 16. p. onyx Psal. 36.t7. how p. is thy loving kindness, 6 God 49. 8. redemp. of soulp. || 72. I4.p. their blood 116. 15.p. in sight of the L. is death of his saints 126. 6. bearing p. seed \\ 133. 2. p. ointment 139. 17. how p. thy thoughts || 141. t 5. p. oil Prov. 1. 13. find allp. subst.l|3. 15. she is more p. 6. 26. hunt for p. life |1 12. 27. substance is p. 17. 8. a gift is ap. stone|)20.15. lips of knowlp. 24. 4. p. riches || Eccl. 7. 1. than p. ointment Isa. 13. 12. make a man more p. than fine gold 28- 16. Hay in Zion ap. comer-stone, 1 Pet. 2.6. 43. 4. since thou wastp. in my sight, thou JeT. 15. 19.p. from the vile \\ 20. 5. deliverp. 58 PRE w Lam. 4. 2. thep, sons of Zion, comparable to gold Ezek. 22. 25. p. things |J 27. 20. in p. clothes Dan. 11. 8. shall carry awav their p. vessels, 43. Zech. 14.t6. in that day light shall not bep. Matt. 26.7. box of vei-y p. ointment, Mark 14. 3. Jam. 5. 7. p. fruit j| 1 Pet. 1. 7. trial of faith p. 1 Pet. 1 .1 9. p. blood of C.| j2.4. chosen of G. and p. 2. 7. to you therefore who believe, he is p. 2 Pet. 1.1. like p. faith li 4. great and p. promises Rev. 18. 12. p. vessels |) 21. 11. to a stone most p. PRECIOUSNESS, s. Psal 37.t20. p. of lambs PREDESTINATE^ ED, Is God's fore-ordim- tioji, purpose, ordecree,from all eternity, to brin^ some of the human race to eternal g-hri/, whilst he leaves othei^s to perish in their infidelity . Rom. 8. 29. whom he did foreknow he did p. 30, Eph. 1.5. /.'. us to tiie adoption 1| 11. being p. PRE-EMINENCE, s. Eccl. 3. 1 9. man hath nop. Col. 1. 18.he might have the p.||3 John 9.1ovethp. PREFER, r. Psal. 137. 6. if I p- not Jerusalejii PREFERRED, ING, p. Esth. 2. 9. and hep. her Dan. 6. 3. Daniel wasp. 1| John 1.15, 27, 30. Rom. 1 2-10. p. oneanotherj|l Tim. 5-2 1 . without /i. PREMEDITATE, f. Mark 13. 11. neither p. ^ PREPARATION, s. 1 Chr. 22. 5. I'll make p. Nah. 2. 3. day of p. Matt. 27. 62. Mark 15. 42. Luke 23. 54. John 19. 14, 31, 42, Eph. 6. 15. feet shod with p. of gospel of peace PREPARATIONS, 5. Prov 16. I. p. of the hear f PREPARE, i\ signifies, [1] To mu.'cereadij. Josh. 1 11. [2] To qualify, Rom. 9. 23. [3J Tq appoint, Matt. 20. 23. [4] To' be fixed, Psal. 57. 1 7. [5] To guide and establish, 1 Chr. 29. 18. Exod. 15.2. p. him a habit.ljl6. 5. on sixth day p. Num. 15. 5. for a drink-oflering shaltp. 6. 12. 23. 1. p. me seven oxen, 29.i|i3eut. 19. 3./-. wav Josh. 1- 11. p. your victuals |j 22. 26. p. to build 1 Sam. 7. 3. p. your heart]! ^ Kin. 18.44. p. chariot 1 Chr. 9. 32. p. shew-bread||29. IS. p. their heart 2 Chr. 2. 9. p. me timber||31. 11. top. chambers 35. 4. p. yourselves, 6. 1| Esth. 5. 8. banquet I p. Job 8. 8. p. thyself II 11. 13. if thou p. thy heart 27. 16. tho' he p. raiment as theclay^ 17. Psal. 10. 17. p. their heart || 59. 4. p. themselves 61. 7. O p. mercy || 107. 36. p. a city for habit. Prov. 24. 27. p. thy work 1| 30- 25- p. their meat Isa. 14. 21. p. slaughterlJ21. 5.p. the table, watch 40. 3. that crieth, p. ye the way of the L. Mai.- 3. 1. Matt. 3. 3. Mark 1. 2, 3. Luke 1. 76. 20. p. a graven image j| 57. 14. p. the way, take .62. 10. p. you the way || 65. 1 1. p. a table for Jer. 6. 4. p. ye war || 12. 3. p. them for the day 22.7. I'll p. destroyers j] 46- 14.p.for sword 51. 12.p. ambushes || 27. p. the nations, 28. Ezek. 4. 15. p. thy bread |) 12. 3. p. thee stiiiF for. 35. 6. p. there to bloodl|38. 7. p. for thyself 43. 25. p. agoatlJ45. 17. p. offering, 22. |46. 15. Joel 3. 9. p. war 1| Amos 4. 12. p. to meet thy God Mic.3. 5. evenp war 1| Matt. 11. 10. p. thy wav Matt. 26.17.p.passover,Mark 14. 12. Luke 22.8,9. Luke 3. 4. saying, p. ye the way of the L- 7. 27. John 14, 21 go to p. a place for you, 3. 1 Cor. 14. 8. p. to battle |j Philem. 22.p.alodginj? PREPARED, p. Gen. 24. 31. I've p. the house Exod. 12.39. norp.victuall|23. 20. to place Ip- Num.21.27.1et Sihon be p.\\''^3. 4.1 //.seven altars PRE PRE 2 Sam. 15. l.AI>sal./>. Mm chariots, I Kins;s 1. 5- 1 Kings 5, 18. they/f. timbei||6. 19. oracle he > 1 Chr. 1'2. 39. for their brethren had p. for them 15. 1. David p, 3. 12- | '22. 3, 5. 2 Chr. 'l. 4. | 3. 1. 2 Chr. 8. 16. work was/?. || 12- U.p. not his heart 19. 3. Jehos. p. his heart||20. 33. had mtp. heart 26. 14. /J. shiehis || 27. 6. Jotham/j.his ways 29. 36. G. p. the people \\"j\.\\.p. cfiambers 35. 10. service was p. |) 20. Josiah had p. temple Ezra 7. 10. Ezra had j>. his heart to the law of Neh. 5. 13. p. daily||3. 10. for whom nothing is p. Esth. 5. 4. banquet I p. 12.|6. I4.|j6. 4. £raI!owsj!>. Job 28. 27. he /A it jj 29. 7. when I/>. my seat PsnI. 7. 13. hathj!;. tor himij9. 7. />. his throne 57. 6. they p. a nef|| t7. my heart is p. I'll 68. 10. p. ot thy goodness f| 7 k 16.//. the light 7S.t8. p. not their hearts[]103. 19, p. his tiirone Prov. 3. 1 1 9. p. the heavens, 8. 27. || 1 9. 29.judg./>. 2 1.31. the horse is p. against the day of battle Isa. 2.12. mountain of the Lord's house shall be/^. 30. 33. Tophet is p. |1 64. 4. what he hath p. Ezek. 23. 41 . a table/>. || 28. 13. pipes p. in thee 38. 7. be thou p.lJDan. 2. 9. p. lying words .Hos. 2. 8. p. for Baal j)6. 3. his going is p. as Jonah 1. 17. p. a great fish || 4. 6. a gourd, 7. 8. Nah. 2.5. defence shall bc/> ||ZepJi. 1. 7. Ii0rd/». Matt. 20. 23. for whom it isp Mark 10. 40. 22. 4. p. my dinner [j 25. 34. kingdom p. for 2.5. 41. fire /j. I) Mark 14. 15. upper room p. Luke 1. 17. a people /;.i| 2. 31./;. before the face 12. 47. hntpr not |) 23. 56. thcy/> spice&, 24. 1- Kom.9. 23. afore/;. || 1 Cor. 2- 9. things G. hath/;. Eph. 2. t 1 0.p- to walk in || 2 Tim. 2. 2 1 . a vessel//. Heb. 10. 5. a body hast//. || 11. 7./;. an ark |) 16. Kev. S.G.p. to sound |l9.7./>. tobattle[]l5. were//. 12. 6. a place/; II 16. 12. way be /> [i2l. 2. city/*. PREPAREDSTjp. Psal. 80. 9. thou/;, room PREPARES!', r. Num. 15. 8. //.a bullock Psal. 23. 5. p. a table |j 65. 9. p. them com PREPARETH, r. 2 Clir. 30. 1 9. p. his heart Job 15. 35. belly />. deceit || Psal. 147. S.p. rain PREPARING,/^. Neh. 1.3. 7. 1 Pet. 3.20. PRESBYTERY, s. or Eldership, 1 Tim. 4. 14. PRESCRIBED, ING. Ezra 7. 22. Isa. 10. 1. PRESENXE, s. is put for, [1] L'ci«^, Psal. 139,7. [2J Sight, 1 Sam. 18. 11. [3] Person, 2 Kings 3. 14. [4J Face, 2 Kings 13.t23. [5] Before, Dan. 2. 17. Gen. 3. S.p. of the Lord, 4. 16. Job 1. 12. | 2. 7. Ps. 1 14. 7. Jer. 4. 26. Jonah 1. 3, 10. Zeph- 1. 7. 27. 30. p. of Isaac || 45. 3. troubled at his p. Exod. 10. 1 1, from Pharaoh's //.||33. 14./;. shall go 3.3, 15; if thy p. go riot||35. 20. from p. of Moses Lev. 22. 3. cutoir'from Tny/;.||Num. 20. 6. from/;. 1 Sam. IB. 11. David avoided out of his/;. 19. 10. 2 Sam. 16. 19 asl served inthy father's /;.|| 17 tl 1. 1 Kings 12.2. Jeroboam tied from the/;, of Sol. 2 Kings 3. 14. that I regard the/;.li5.27. from his/,. 1.3.23. nor cast from his/j. 24. 2().||25.19. king's /j. 1 Chr. 16. 27. are in his p.\\33. sing at//, of God 2 Chr. 9. 23. the king sought the/;, of Solomon 20. 9. stand in thy p. |j 34. 4. brake altars in p. Neh. 2. 1. not sad in h\sp. Esth. 7. 6./;. of king Job '^3. 15. therefore lam troubled at his/;. Psal. 9. 3. perish atthy/;. jl 16. 1 1 .in thy p. fulness 1 7 0, let my sentence come forth froin thy p. .31/20. secret of thy p. \\ 42.t5. p. is salvation j Psal. 5 1.1 i.cast me not from thy />.];68.2.//.ofGod 68. 8. Sinai moved at the p. of God, 97. 5- 95. 2. come before his p. with thanksg. 100. 2. 139. 7. flee from thy p. \] 140. 13. dwell in//. Prov. 14. 7. go from the p- of a foolish man Isa. 1. 7. devour land in your/; \\ 19. l.at his p. 63. 9. angel of his /a |) 64. 1. flow at thy p. 3, 64. 2. nations may tremble at thy p. J^er.5. 22. Jer. 23. 39. and 1 11 cast you out of my />. 52- 5. Ezek. 38. 20. all the men shall shake at my p. Jonah 1 . 3. Jonah rose to flee from/;, of Lord, 10. Nah. 1. 5. burnt at thy p. [[Luke 13. 26. drunk in Acts 3. 19. from the p. of the Lord, 2 Thes. 1. 9. 5. 41. p. of council jj 1 Cor. 1. 29. glory in his p. 2 Cor. 10. 1. in p. am ba.«c || 10. bodily/;, is weak Phil. 2. 12. ye have obeyed, not as in my p. only I Tlies. 2. 17. in p. not in heart|jjude2i-./;. ofhis In the PRESENCE. Gen. 16. 12. | 23. 11, 18. I 25. 18. Dent. 25- 9. 2 Sam. 16. 19. 1 Kings 8. 22. I 21. 13. 1 Chr. 24. 31. Psal. / 23.5. \ 116.14, 18. Prov. 17. 18. | 25- 6, 7. Jer. 28. 1, 11.(32. 12. Luke 1. 19. | 14. 10. I 15. 10. John 20. 30. Acts 3. 13, 16. I 27. 35. 1 Thes. 2. 19. Heb. 9. 2'4. Rev. 14. 10. PRESENT, s. Gen. 32. 13. took a//. 21. 33. 10. if found grace, receive my p. at my 43. 11. carry down the man a/;. 15. 25, 26. Judg. .3. 15. sent dp. to Eglon |( 6. 1 8. bring my p, I Sam. 9. 7. there is not -dp. (j 30. 26. behold a/;. 1 Kings 9. 16. given it for a. p. \\ 10. 2.5. ( 15. 19. 2 Kings 8. 8. take a//. || 16. 8. sent it fora/>. to 17.4. brought no /j. |( 18. 31- agreement by a//. 20.12. sent letters and ap.to Hezekiah lsa.39.1. Isa. 18. l.p. brought to the L. of hosts of a people Ezek. 27. 15. they brought for dp. Hos. 10. 6. PRESENT, a. 1 Sam. 15. 13. | 2L 3. 2 Sam. 20. 4. be fhoup. \\ 1 Kings 20. 27. were all 1 Cln-. 29. 17. thy people //.1(2 Chr- 5. 11. priests/;. ^Chr. 30. 21. Israel/). || 31. 1. all/;, went out 34. 32. all/;, to stand to it || Ezra 8. 25- all/>. Esth. 4. 16./;. in Shushan [[ Ps. 46.1. a very p. help Luke 5. \7.p. to heal f| IG.l.p. some that told 18. 30. in tiiisp. life|( John 14. 25. being yet />. Acts 10. 33./;. before God [[21. 18. elders/;. 28. 2. kindled a fire because of the//, rain Rom. 7. 18. to Willis/;, jl 21. evil is p. with me 8. 18./;. tim« |( 38. nor things />. || 1 1. 5. p. time 1 Cor. 3. 22. things p. [| 4. 1 1. to this p. hour 5. 3. p. in spirit [j7. 26./;. distress || 15. 6. this/;. 2 Cor. 5. S. p. with the Lord [j 9. whether/;, or 10. 2. not bold when/;. [| 1 1. 9. when I was/;. 13. 2. as if I were//. || K/. I write, lest being />. Gal. I. 4. this />. world, 2 Tim. 4. 10. Tit. 2. 12. 4. 1 8. not only when//, [f 20. 1 desire to hep. Heb. 9.9. time then j5[| 12. ll.no chastening tor/;. 2 Pet. 1. 12. and be established in the/;, truth PRESENT, ED, /J Gen. 46. 29- Joseph /;. bims. 47. 2 //. five of his breth.||Exod.34. 2-//. thyself Lev. 2. 8. //. the priest 1| 7. 35. p. to minister to 9. 12.//. the blood, 18. |( 13.//. burnt-offering 14. 11.//. Ihemanji'ie. 1 0. scape-goat be //. 27. 8. shall//, himself || ll./>. the beast before Num. 5.6. p- tribe ofLevi||Deut.31.14.Josh.24.1. Judg. 6. 19. Gideon//. it||20. 2. Israel//, themselv. I Sam. 10. 19. j&. yours. || 17. 16. Gohah/;. hims. Job 1. 6- p ■ themselves |( 2. 1. Satan cameto/;. PRE PRE Jer. 36. T.p. tlieir supplication, 38.26. | 42. 9. Ezek. 20. 5i8. there they p.||Dan. 9.18.j!^.oursjipp. Matt. 2. 1 ! . /'. to him gifts jl Luke 2. '22. to p. him Acts 9. 41./>. heralivell 23. SS. t\\e.y p. Paul Rom. 12. l.p. your bodies || 2 Cor. 4. 14./>. us 2 Cor. 11,2./'. you as a chaste || Eph. 5. 27. might Col. 1.22. to/^ vou holv, 28.11 Jude 24. /^.faultless PRESENTING, p. Dan.9 20./».my supplications PRESENTLY, ad. 1 Sam. 2. 16- bnru the fat A Prov. 12. 16. a fool's wrath is jb. known, but Matt. 2 1 . 19. ^.fig-tree withered||26. 53. Phil.2.23. PRESENTS, s. 1 Sam. 10. 27. brought him noj&. 1 Kmgs 4. 21. brought/'. I i 2 Kings 17. 3. s.'^vep. 2 Chr. 17..5./>. to Jehosh. Il.|j32. 23. to Hezekiah Psal. 68. 29. kings shall bring/?, to thee. 72. 10. 76. 11. let all bring/). |j Mic. 1. 14. give p. PRESERVE, V. signifies [1] To keep safe, Psal. 16. 1. [2] To uphold or sustain, Psal. o&.6. [3j To save or keep alive, Gen. 45. 7. Gen. 19. 32. p. seed, 34.|l45.5 to p. hfe, 7. 33eut. 6 24. he niight/^. us ahve as at this day. Psal. iSf. 7.sha\tp.\\ 16. l./*. me, O God, 86. 2. 25.21. let integrity /;.|j32. 7./*. me from trouble 40. 11. let thy loving kind./>||41. 2 Lord will p. 61. 7. truth which m'iyj&.j|6l.l./>. my life 79. ll./». those appointed to die|jl2I. 7.L. />. 8. 140. 1 . O Lord/), me. 4 |j Prov. 2. 1 1, discretion Prov. 4. 6. she shall /i.|j 14. 3. lips of wise shall p. 20. 28. mercy and truth p.\\22. 12. knowledge Isa.31. 5. passing over he'll/>.||49. 8. I'll /a thee Jer. 49. II. I'll/*, them alive||Hab. 3.r2.p. alive Luke 17. 33. lose his life p. it|j2 Tim. 4. 18./».me PRESERVED, ETH. Gen. 32. 30. life hp. Josh. 24. 17. p. us in the way||l Sam. 30. 23. 2 Sam. 8. 6. the L.//. David, 14. 1 Chr. 18. 6, 13. Job 10.12./).myspiritl|29. 2. God./>. me 36. 6. p. not wicked||Psal. 31. 23. p. faithful Psal. 37. 28. saints are/>. for ever, 97. 10. 1 1 6. 6. p. simple|| 145. 20. Lord/j. all that love 1 46. 9. the Lord p. the strangers he reheveth * prov. 2. 8. p. way of sdints||I6. 17./). his soul Isa. 49.6 p. of IsraelJi'Hos. 12. 13. by prophet/). Matt. 9. 17. new bottles, both are/). Luke 5.38. 1 Thes. 5. 25./). blameIess||jHde l.p. in Christ PRESERVER, s. Job. 7. 20. O thou p. of men I'RESERVEST, v. Neh. 9: 6. Psal 36. 6. PRESIDENTS, s. or Deputies, Dan. 6. 2, 3,4,6. PRESS, s. Joel3. 13./). is full||Hag. 2. \6.p. fat. Mark 2. 4. could not come nigh for/). Luke 8. 19. 5. 27. come in the/>. 30.||Luke 1 9. 3 for the p. PRESS, ED, ETH. Gen. 19. 3. Lot p. greatly 9 they p. Lot|)40. 11 . 1 took grapes and p. Judg. 16. 16. Dehlah/).|| 3 Sam.' 13. 25. Absal. jt. Esth. 8. 14. posts i>. II Psal. 38 2. thy hand p. me Ezek. 23. 3- breasts /).|| Amos 2. 13. as a cart is/). Mark 3. 10. they p. on him, Luke 5. 1. | 8. 45. Luke 6. 38. good measure /).|j 16. 16 />.into it Acts 18. .5. Paul was p. || 2 Cor 1: 8. we were p. Phil. 3. 14. 1 /). toward the mark for the prize PRESSES, s. Prov. 3. 10. Isa. 16. 10. PRESUME, r. Dent. 18. 20. Esth. 7. 5. PRESUMED, p. Nuni. 14.44. thev p. to go up PRESUMPTUOUS, a. Dent. 1143. ye wove/). P.>^al. 19. 13. from p. sins||2 Pet. 2. 10./). are they PRESUMPTUOUSLY, arf.Exod.21. 1 4. come/A Numb. 1 5. 30. soul that doth ought/). Deut.l 7. 1 2. Deut. 1. 43. went/).l!l7.]3.donomorcp.l!l8.22. PRETENCE, s. Matt. 23. 1 4. IVTark 1 2. 40. Phil. 1.18. whether in p. or in truth, Christ PRETORIUM, The palace. Mark 15. 16- PREVAIL, IV Gen. 7. 20. 15 cubits did waters/?. Num.22. 6. 1 shall/).! 1 1. 1| Judg. 16. b.p.ix.|j Dan. 7. 21. the homp. Hos. 12. 4, over the angel and /j ||Obad. 7. men Luke 23. 23. the voices of the cliief priests p. Acts 19. 16. evil spirit/).|i20. word of God p. Rev. 5.5./). to open book || 12. 8. dragon/), not PREVAILEST, ETH. Job 14. 20. Lam. 1. 13. PREVENT, f. Job. 3. 1 2. why did knees/), me Isa. 17.tl3./).hislace||59. 10. G. of mercy /a 79. 8. speedily/). us||88. 13. my prayer/;, thee 95.12. let us/;. \] 1 1'J. 148.^. night watches Amos 9. lO.evil shall not/).|jl.Thes. 4. 15. not p. PREVENTED,/). 2. Sam. 22. 6./;. me, Psal. 18.5. 19./). me in day of my calamities, Psal. 18. 18. Job 30. 27. days of afflict. /).l|4l. 1 1 . who hath p. Psal. 119. 147. I/), the dawning II Isa. 21. 14. Matt. 1 7. 25. Jesus/;, him, saying, Simon of whom PREVENTEST, r. Psal. 21.3. thou/), him with PREY, r. Jer. 30. 1 6. all that/;, on thee will PREY, .«. Gen. 49. 9. from the p.my son, 27. Num. 14. 3. that our v^ives should be a/;. 31. 23. 24. Till he eat of /;.!i31. 12. brought/). 32. Deut. 2. 35. we took for a/) 3. 7. Josh. 8. 2, 27. Judg. 5. 30. a/;, of divers colours||8. 24, 25. 2 Kin. 21. 14. Judah a;). 1 1 Neh. 4. 4. for a/). Esth. 3. 13. spoil for a /;. 8. 1 1.||9. 1.5. on the p. Job 4. 1 1. for lack of/).jl 9. 26. as eagle to the p. 24. 5. as wild asses rising betimes for up, 58. 39. wilt thou hunt/'.||39. 29. seeketh j). Psal. 17. 12. greedy of his/).||76 4. mount of/). 1(U. 21 . rore after their /).|| 1 1 1.15. given/;. 124. 6. not given us for a/) |{Prov. 23. 28. Isa. 5. 2^. lay hold of the/7.|jlO. 2. widowsa/*, 31. 4. roringon his/;.li33. '23. is p. divided 42. 22. they are for a/).||49. 24. shall /;. be taken 49.25./). of tenible||59. 15. maketh liimself a/). Jer. 21. 9. life for a/>. ,38. 2. j 39. 18. [ 45.5. PRI PRI Ezek. 7. '21. give for a p. \\ 19. 3. to catch the p. 22. '27. ravening the7>. || 26. 12. make a p. of 29. 19. take her p. \\ 34. 8. became a p. 36. 4. 34. 22. no more a p. ^8. |1 38. 12. to take ap. 13. Dan. 11. 24. p. and spoil || Amos 3. 4. hath no j>. Nah. 2. 12. lion filled holes with p. || 13. cut ofl>. 3. \.p. departcth || Zeph. 3. 8. that I rise to p. PRICE, s. sionifies, [l] Value or ivorth. Pro v. 31. 10. [2] Esteem, 1 Pet. 3. 4. [3] Reward, Pliil. 3. 14. m An opportuniiff, Prov. 17. 16. Lev. 25. 16. according to years increase p. 50. Dent. 23. 18. not bring ;7. of a dog to house of L. 2 Sain. 24. 24. 1 will buy it at a p. 1 Chr. 2 1 . 22. 1 Kin. 10. 23. the linen yarn at a p. 2 Chr 1.16. Job 28. 13. kn. not p. thereof, 1.5. || 18. >. of wisd. Psal. 44. 12. not increase thy vrealth by their p. Prov. 17. 16. p. in hand of fool |1 27. 26.p. of field 31. 10. woman for her p. is far above rubies Isa. 46. 1 5. not for p. |) 55. 1. milk without p, Jew 15. 13. without]?. 1| Lam. 5.t4.p. imto us Zech. 11.12. give me my p.\\ 13. a goodly p. that Matt. 13. 46. pearl of great p. \\ 27. 6. p. of blood Acts 5. 2. part of the p. 3. 1| 1 9. 19. p. of books 1 Cor. 6. 20. bought with a p. 7. 23. || 1 Pet. 3. 4. PRICES, s. Acts 4. 34. brought the p. of things PRICKED, p. Psal. 73. 21. Acts 2. 37. RRlCKING,Ezek. 28. 24. a p. brier to Israel PRICKS, s. Num. 33. 55. Acts 9. 5. | 26. 14. PRIDE, s. Is the master sin, and first-born of the Devil. I^v. 26. 19. I'll break the p. \\ 1 Sam. 17. 28.thy/;. 2 Chr. 32. 26. Hezekiah humbled himself for p. Job 9.tl3. helpers of/. II 26.t 12. smiteth thro'/. 33. 17. hide p. || 35. 12. p. of evil men || 38.tll. 41. 15. scales are his//, [| 34. over children of />. Psal. 10. 2. wicked in his p. \\ 4. p. of countenance 31. 20. hide me from p.\\o6. 11. let not foot of p. 59. 12. taken in their /a || 73. 6. jb. compasseth X^rov. 8. 1 3. p. do I hate [i 11.2. when p. cometh 13. 10. only bv />. |( 14- 3. foolish is a rod of p. 16, 18. p. goeth 11 21.t24. wrath of p. || 29. 23. Isa. 9. 9. say in the p. 16. 6. p. of Moab, Jer.48.29. 23. 9. stain the p. (| 25. 1 1. bring down the p. 28'. 1. crown of p. 3. per. 13. 9. I'll mar the p. Jer. 13. 17. weep for your />. j| 49. 16. />. of thy heart 50.t31. O thou/>. ||t32.j'vshallstumbleand Ezek. 7. 10. />. budded II 16. 4 9. //.fulness of bread 16. 56. Sodom was not mentioned in day of thy p. 30. 6. the p. of her power sliall come down Dan. 4. 57. walk in^. |{ 5. 20. hardened in p. Hos. 5. 5. p. of Israel, 7. 10.||Obad. 3. />. deceived Nah. 2.t2.L. turned away />. of Jacob and Israel Zeph. 2. 10. th'S have for their//. |1 3. 1 1. thy />. 2ech. 9. 6. cut off the p. \\ 10. 1 1. //. of Assyria 11.3./). of Jordan spoiled || Mark 7. 22. proceed/). 1 Tim. 3. 6. lifted up with //.||1 John 2. 15. p. of hfe PRIEST, s. the Priest under the law, was a per- son consecrated and ordained of God, not only to teach thepeople and to pray for them, but also to offer up sacrifices for his own sins, and those of the people, Lev. 4- 5. Before the promulgation of the law, the fi.rsl-born of every family was a Priest ; but aftertvards the priesthood was limit- ed to the tribe of Levi. Num. 16. 40. The term Priest is properly applied to Christ, of whom the High-Priests under the law were types, Heb. 7. 17. 19. 11, 12. Theicordis also ap- plied to true believers, icho are enabled to offer spiritual sacrifices of prayer and praise to Gody 1 Pet. 2. 5. Gen. 14. 18. p. of the most high God, Heb. 7. 1. Exod. 2. 16. p, of Midian || 29. 30. p. in his stead Lev. 1. 9. p. shall burn it, 13. 17. | 2.2. | 3.11. 12. the p. shall lay them in order on tlie wood 2. 8. presented to //. || 4. 3. if the p. do sin accord. 4. 6. p. shall dip, 17. || 20. p. shall make atone- ment, 26. I 5. 6. I 0.7. I 12. 8. | 15. 15. 25. the/., shall take of the blood, 30. 34. 7. 8. /J. have skin of the offering, 9. | 14. 13. 13. 3. p. shall look on the plague, 5. | 44. 6. p. shall pronounce him clean, 17. 23, 28. 14. 16. p. shall dip || 35. come and tell the p. 21. 9. if daughter of p. profane |j 22. 1 1. if p. buy 23. 10. first fruits to the p. || 1 1. p. shall wave Num. 5. 15. bring his wife to p. || 30. p. execute 6. 20. holy for the /;. || 19. 7. p. shall wash her Deut. 17. 12. man that will not hearken top. 20. 2. p. shall approach || 26. 3. go unto the p. Judg. 17. 5. became his p. || 18. 4. 1 am his p. 19. 1 Sam. 2. 14. p. took for himself || 35. faithful p. 14. 19. while Saul talked to the p. the noise 21. 4. p answered, there is no common bread 1 Kin. 2. 27. Abiathar from being p. || 2 Kin. 11.15. 2 Chr. 1 3. 9. be a p. |j 15. 3. without a teaching p. Ezra 2. 63. till there stood up a />. Neh. 7. 65. Ps. 1 10. 4. art a/>. for ever, Heb. 5. 6. | 7. 17, 21. Isa. 8. 2. Uriah the/.||24. 2. so with the p. as 23. 7. /.erred || 61.tlO. as/, decketh himself Jer. 1 8. 1 8, the law shall not perish from the/. 23. 1 1. prophet and /.profane || 33. | 29. 26. Lam. 2. 6. despised/, jj 20. shall /. be slain in Ezek. 7. 26. law shall perish from/, j) 44. 13. of 44. 21. nor shall/, drink wine, 22, 30, 31. Hos. 4. 4. strive with/. || 6. shalt be no/, to me 9. like people, hke /. || Amos 7. 10./. of Bethel Zech. 6. 13. he shall bea/. || Mai. 2. 7./. lips Matt. 8. 4. shewthys. to/. Mark 1 1. 44. Luke 5. 14. Luke 1. 5.a certain/. 10.31. II Acts 14.13./.ofJup. Heb. 7.3. abidetha/. || 1 1. another/, rise 15. 20. as not without an oath he was made/. 8.4. not be a/, 10. 11. every /. standeth dailv High PRIEST. Lev. 21. 10.-/. not uncovered Num. 25. 35. till death of-/. 28. Josh. 20. 6. a Kings 12. 10.-/. came || 22. 4. Hilkiah the -/. Neh. 3. 1. Eliashib || Zech. 3. 1. Joshua, 8.|6.11. Matt. 26. .3. palace of the -/ 51. Luke 22. 50. 57. led him to Caiaphas the -/. John 18.24. 65. the -/.rent his clothes. Mark 14. 03. Mark 2. 26. in the days of Abiatliar the -/. John 11.49. Caiaphas being -/. 5 1 .| 1 8. 1 3, 15. Acts 4. 6. kindred of-/. || 7. l. then said the -/. 9. 1. went to -/. |i 22. 5.-/. doth bear me witness 2.3. 4. they said, revilest thou God's -/. ? Heb. 2. 17. a faithful -/. |) 3. 1. -/. of our profes. ' 4. 14. a great-/. || 15. not an -p. || 5. 1. every-/. 5. 1 0. called an -/. after the order of Melc. 6. 20, 7. 26. such an -/. 8. 1. 1| 8. 3. every -/. is ordained 9. 7. went -/. alone 1 1. -/. of good things 25. -p. entereth|( 10. 21. having an -/.over house 13. 11. blood brought into sanctuary by the -/. See Office, PRIESTS, s. Gen. 47. 22. land of the /. 26. Exod. 19. 6. ye shall be to me a kingdom of/. Lev. 1. 1 1./. shall sprinkle, 3. 2. jl 5. i3- l?e the^y. PRl PRI Lev. 6. 29. all tlie males among/;, shall eat thereof 13.2. oiM)f his sonsthe j!>.(|l6. 33. atonera. for p. 22. 12.if //. daughter be iiiarried|jl3. if a widow 23. 30. holy for the p. \\ 27. 21. possession be j!>. Dent. 18. ^./z. due || 19. 17. stand before thej&. Josh. 3. l7./>. that bare the ark |j 4. 3. />. feet stood 6. 4. p. bare seven trumpets, 13. || 12./;. took ark Judg. 18. 30. he and sons were/?, to tribe of Dan 1 Sara. 1. 3. p. were there || 5. 5. p. of Dagon 6. 2. p. and diviners |j 22. 17. slay the /». 21. 1 Kings 12.31. Jeroboam made/;. \\ 13. 2. offer/;. 2 Kin. 10. 11. slew Ahab's/;.fl| 1 9. call all Baal's />. 12. 6. p. had not repaired || 1 7. 27. one of the p. 23. 5. he put down the idolatrous]?. 20. 2 Chr. 4. 6. p. to wash in || 5. 12. p. sounding 5. 14. p. could not stand || 8. 14. courses of p. 11. 13. ordained him p.\\ 13. 9. ye cast out p. 13. 12. p. with trumpets |{ 23. 6. save the p. 26. 17. fourscore p. \\ 1 9. Uzziah wroth with p. 29. 34. p. were too few || 30. 3. p. had not sanct. 34. 5. burnt bones of p. || 35. 2. Josiah set the p. Ezra 6. 18. />. in divisions jj 20. p. were purified 7. 16. p. offering willinglv |i 9. 7. and our p. Nch. 2. 16. nor told it to the p. || 3. 22.^ | 9. 32. 9 34. nor p. kept thy law || 13. 5. offerings of p. Psal. 78. 64. p. fell by sword i| 99. 6. among his p. - 132.16. I'll clothe her p. with salv. 9. 2 Ciir. 6. 41. Isa. 37. 2. he sent elders of p. |j 61. 6. p. of the L. Jer. 1. 18. against the p. || 2. 8. p. said not, Avhere 2. 26. their p. a.shanied, 4. 9. || 5. 31. p. bear rule 31.14. satisfy soul of the p. 1| 32. 32. I 48. 7. Lam. 1. 4. her p. sigh || 19. ;). gave up the ghost 4. 13. iniquities of her p. I| 16. respected not p. Ezek. 22. 26.p. violated my law |) 40.45. for thep. 44. 30. shall be for the p. 45. 4. ) 48. 10, 1 1. Hos. 5. 1. hear this, Op. || 6. 9. p. murder in Joel 1.9. p. mourn, 2. 17.|)Mic. 3.1 l.p. teachfor h. Zeph. 1. 4. cut ofFnames of p. || 3. 4. Hasr. 2. 1 1. Mai. 1. 6. to you, O p. () 2. 1. and now, O p. this Matt. 1 2.5. p. profane sabb. Mark 2.36. Luke 6.4. Luke 17. 14. go shew yourselves to the p. and Acts 4. l.p. came on them [j 6. 7. | 19. 14. Heb. 7. 21. p. made without an oath || 23. many 8. 4. p. that offer || 9. 6. p. went always into ilev. 1. 6. made us kings and p. to G. 5. 10. | 20. 6. See Chief, Levites, Office. i/;V/t-PRIEST9. Luke 3. 2. Heb. 7. 27, 28. PRIESTHOOD, s. Exod. 40. 15. everlasting p. Num. 16. 10. seek ye the/;. also|| 18.1. Josh 18. 7. 1 Sam. 2.t36. put me in somewhatabout the p. Ezra 2.62. as polluted from /;. Neh. 7. 64. | 13. 29. Heb. 7. 5. receive office of p. |j 11. Leviticalp. 12. p. being clvanged 1| 24. unchangeable p. .1 Pet. 2. 5. an unholy/;. || 9. ye are a royal p. an PRINCE, s. This name is given, [1] ^To Christ Isa. 9. 6. [2] To chief priests, Isa. 43. 28. [3] To the Roman Emperor, Dan. 9. 26, [4J To vien of worth. Eccl. 10.7. [5] To nobles, Isa. 10. 8. [6] To the chief men of a familij or tribe^ Num. 7. 2. [7] To the devil, called the prhice of this world, John 12. 31. Gon. 23. 6. a mighty p.||32. 28. as a p. hast power 34. 2. ;,'. of the country || 41. 1 45. /;. of On, 1 50. Exod 2. 14. who made tlieea/?. \\ t 16. /». of Mid. Num. 7. 1 1. each /;. offer]) 16. 13. altogether a /-■. 17. 6. for each //. a rod \\ 25. 18. /;. of Midian. 34. 18. one p. of every tribe to divide land Josh. 5. t 14. asp.ofthe'host || 22. 14. ofeachap. 2 Sam. 3. 38. a /;. fallen in Isr. 1| 20. t 26. Ira a p. 1 Kings 11. 34. I'll make him p. 14. 17. | 16. 2. Ezra 1. 8. numbered to Sheshbazzar p. of Judah Job 21. 28. where is house of p. |f 31. 37. as a p. Prov. 14. 28. destruction ofp.|jl7. 7. become a p. 25. 7. in presence of/;, ij 15 a p. is persuaded 28. 16. /;. that wants understanding f| Song 7. 1. Isa. 9. 6. the p. of peace || 24. t 2. so with the p. Jer. 51. 59. a quiet /;. || Ezek. 7. 27. p. be clothed Ezek. 12. 10. concerneth thep. || 12. p. shall bear' 21-. 25. thou profane p. \\ 28. 2. say to the p. of .30. 13. be no more a p. || 34. 24.Dav. a p. 37. 25. 3S. 2. a chief p. of Meshech and Tubal, 3. |39. 1. 44.3. p. shall sit in it || 45. 7. portion for p. 46. 2. p. shall enter, 8. || 48.21. residue for p. Dan. 1. 7. /;. of eunuchs, 8. 9.|j8. 11. p. of the host 8. 25. p. of princes jj 9. 25. to Messiah the p. 9. 26. people of thep. || 10. 13. p. of Persia, 20. 10.21. Michael your p. 12. 1. || 11. 18. but ap.22. Hos. 3. 4. without a p. || 12. 1 3. Jacob was a p. 3Iic. 7. 3. the p. and the judge ask for a reward Matt. 9. 34. by thep. of devils, 1 2. 24. Mark 3.22. John 12. 31. the p. of this world, 14. 30. [ 16. 11. Acts 3. 15. killed p. of life || 5. 31. p. and saviour Eph. 2. 2. p. of the power || Rev. 1. 5. p. of kings PRINCES, s. Gen. 12. 15. p. of Pharaoh saw 1 7. 20. twelve n. |) 47. t 22. land of p. 1 26. Exod. 12.tl2. against v. of Egypt I'll execute Num. 7. 10. p. offered 1| 16. 2. rose up 250/;. 21. 18. p. digged a well || 22. 8. p. of Moab, 15. Josh. 9. 15. p. sware||13.2l. p. of Mid. Judg.7.25. 22. 14. Israel sent ten p. of each chief house a Judg. 5. 3. hear, O ye p. 15.||3. 14. p. of Succoth 1 Sairi. 2. S. to set among p. || 29. 4. p. were wroth 2 Sam. 8.+18. Davids sons were p. |j 1 Kin. 20. 14. 1 Chr. 4. 38. p. in families || 28. 21. all the p. 2 Chr. 28. 14. left spoil before p. 1)30. 12, 24. 55. 8. p. gave willingly || 36. 18. treasures of p. Ezra 7. 28. king's mighty p. || 9. 2. hand of p. 10. 8. Neh. 9. 34. nor p. kept law|i 38. p. seal to it Esth. 1 . 3. he made a feast to all his p. 2. 1 8. 5. 1 1. above thep. \\ 6. 9. king's most noble/;. Job 3. 15. or withp.|[l2. 19. heleadethp. spoiled 12. 21. contempt on p. |) 29. 9, p. refrained 34. 18. is it fit to say to/. || 19. accepteth notp. Psal. 45. 16. mayest make p. |j47. 9.p. gathered 68. 27. p. of Zebulun |) 31.p. come out of Egypt 7(5. 12. cut off spirit of>. || 82. 7. fall like/. 105. 22 to bind hisp.||107. 40. contempt on/. 113. 8. set him with/. || 118. 9. put confid. in/. 1 j^. 23./. did sit and speak against me, 161. 146. 3. put not trust in/. |[ 148. 11./. praiser Prov. 8. [5. by me /.decree justice, 16. || 17. 26. 19. 10. to rule over/. |) 28. 2.manyai-e the/. 3 1 . 4. it is not for /. to drink strong drink Eccl. 10. 7./. walking \\ 17. when/, eat in due Isa. 1. 23.^. are rebellious j| 3. 4. childr. to be/. 10. 8. /.altogether kings \\ 19. ll./.of Zoan, 13. 21.5. arise ye /. |j 23.8.whose merchants are/. 50. 4. p. were at Zoan |) 31. 9./. be afraid 32. 1./. ruleinjudgm. || 34. 12. her/, benoth- 40. 23. thatbringeth the/, to nothing, 41. 25. 43. 28. profaned the/, j 49. 7. /. shall w^orship Jer. 1. 18. against the/ j 2. 26. /. ashamed, 4- ^. g. 1. bones of/. || 17.25,/, sitting jj 24, 8, his 26. 1 6, then said the/, f! 32. 32. /. provoke md PRI Jer. 34. 21 . /. give to enem.|137. 15. p. were wroth 38. 25. if tlie/>. hear j) 44. 2]. incense/, bum 48. l.p. go to captivity, 49. 3, 38.|50. 35. | 51. 57. Lan). 1.6./. hke harts |) '2, 2. polluted the/. 9. 5. 12./. are hanged up by tlieir hand Ezek. 22. 27./. like wolves |) 23. 15./. to look to 32. 29. Edom and her/. || 30./. of the north 39. 13. drink blood of/. |j 45. 8./. no more Dan. 3. 2. to gather the/. || 6. l.to set 120/. 6. 3. preferred.above/. || 4./. sought to find 8. 25. prince of/.i|] 9. 6. spake to our/. 8. 10. 13. one of the chief/. || 11.5. one of his/. Hos. 7. 3. make/, glad || 5. /. made him sick 1 6. /. shall fall || 8. 4. they made/, and I knew 9. 15. /. are revolters || 13. 10. said, give me/. Mic. 3. 1. hear ye/. P. |j 5.t 5. raise eight/. Hab. 1. 10. the/, shall be a scorn unto them Zeph. 1. 8. I'll punish the/. |i 3. 3./. like roaring Blatt. 20. 25. the/, of Gentiles exercise domin. 3 Cor. 2. 6.. 21. || 25. 1 0. /.. liberty thro' Deut. 20. lO./. peace to it [| Judg. 7. Xp. in ears 1 Kin. 2 1 . 9. />. a fast I) 2 Kin. 1 0. 20. p. a solemn Nell. 8. 15. p. in cities |{ Estli. 6. 9. p. before him Prov. 20. 6./. their own goodness jj Isa. 12. t 4. Isa. 61. \.p. libertyll 2./j. acceptable year of Lord Jer.3. 12./). these words, 7. 2. J 11.6. | 19. 2. 34. 8. to p. hberty |) 17. Ij&. a liberty to sword Joel 3. 9. p. ye this \\ Amos 4. b. p. free-offerings PROCLAIMED, j!/. Exod. 34. b.p. the Lord 6. 36. 6. caused it to be/>. |) 1 Kin. 21. 12./?. a fast 2 Kin. 10. 20. they/, it || 23. 16. man of G./. 17. 2 Chr. !0. 3./>. a fast, Ezra 8. 21. Jer. 36. 9. E&th. 6. 1 1. Haman/). || Isa. 62. 1 1. Lord hath;^. Jonah 3. 5. p. a fast ||Lnke 12. 3./. on house-tops PROCLAIMETH, ING. Prov. 12. 23. Jer. 34. 1 5. in p. Hberty || Rev. 5. 2. angel/. PROCURE, ED,/. Jer. 2. 17./. this to thyself 4. 18. doin::s/. 1| 26. 19./. evil |) 33. 9. I/, to it PROCURETH. Prov. 1 1. 27./. favour, 17.t 9. PRODUCE, V. Isa. 41. 21./. your cause, saith PROFANE, r. Is to contemn^ despise and abuse holy thing-s Lev. 21.9. Heb. 12. 16. A profane yerson is one openly wicked. Lev. 18. 21. nor shaft thou/, the name of thy G. I am the L. 19. 12. | 20. 3. | 21. 6. | 22. 2, 32. 21. 4. to p. himself |) 9. if she/, herself, 14. 12. not/, sanctuary, 23. || 15. nor/, his seed 22. 9. if/, my ordinance |j \5.wotp. holy things, Num.30, t 2. not/, his word|jDeut. vS. 1 30. not/. Neh. 13. 17./. the sabbath-day. Mat, 12. 5. Psal. 89. f -31. if/, my statutes"^|| Jer. 23. 1 l.are/. Ezek. 22.26.put no difference between holy and/. 23. 39. ray sanctuary to /. it 24. 21. 28. 16. cast thee as /. j] 42. 20. | 44. 25. | 48. \5. Am. 2. 7. to/, my holy name 1 1 Acts 24. 6.|). temple 1 Tim. 1. 9. unholy /. || 4. 7. refuse/, and old 6. 20. babblings, 2Tim. 2. 16.||Heb.l2.l6./.person PROFANED, /. Lev. 1 9. 8. /. hallowed things Psal. 55. f 20./. covenant \\ 89. 39./. his crown Isa. 43. 28. therefore I /. princes of the sane. Ezek. 22. 8. thou hast p. my sabbaths, 23. 38. f 16. shalt be/. \\ 26./. my holy things, 25. 3. 36. 20. they/, my holy name, 21. 22, 23. Mai. 1. 12. ye have/-- it || 2. 1 1. Judah hath /. PROFANENESS, 5. Jer. 23. 15./. gone forth PROFANETH, v. Lev. 21.9. she/, her father PROFANING,/. Neh. 13. 18. Mai. 2. 10. PROFESS, r. Deut. 26. 3. I/, this day to the L. Matt. 7. 23. then will I/. Ij Tit. 1. 16. they/. PROFESSED, ING, /. TRom 1. 22./. to be wise 2 Cor. 9. 13./. subjection |j 1 Tim. 2. 10./. godly 1 Tim. 6 12./. a good profession |) 21. some/. PROFESSION, s. 1 Tim. 6 12. a good /. t 13. Heb. 3. 1. high-priest of our/. \\ 4. 14. | 10. 23. PROFIT, s. Gen. 25. 32. what/. 37. 26. Job 21. 15. I 35. 3. Psal. 30. 9. Mai. 3. 14. Esth- 3. S. not for king's/. |) Job. 30. 2./. me Prov. 14. 23. in all labor there is/, but talk Eccl. 1. 3. what/». hath a man, 3. 9. | 5. 1 6. 2. 1 1. no/A under the sun || 5. 9. p. of earth 7. 1 1. by wisdom is/. |( Isa. 30. 5. help nor/. Jer. \Q. 19. wherein is no/. |j Rom. 3. 1. what/>. 1 Cor. 7. 35. I speak for your />. |j 10. o3. own p. 2Tim. 2. 14.worchtono/'. i| Heb- 12. 10. for onrp, PRO PROFIT, V. 1 Sam. 12. 21. which cannot^. Job 35. 8. thy righteousn. may/, the son of man Prov. 10. 2. treasures of wickedn. p. noth. 1 1. 4. Isa. 30. 5. could not /. 6. || 44, 9. shall not p. 47. 12. if able to/. |j 48 1 7. teacheth to /. 57. 1 2. shall not/. || Jer. 2. 8. do not/. 11. Jer. 7. S. words that can't/. 12. 13. | 23. 32. Marks. 36. what/, if he gain the whole world 1 Cor. 12. 7. every man to p. || 14. 6. shall I/. Gal. 5. 2. C./. you nothing [| Heb. 4. 2. did not^- Jam. 2. 14. what doth it/, my brethren, 16. PROFITABLE, a. Job. 22. 2. be /. to God as Eccl. 10. 10.wisdom/.||Isa. 44. 10./. for nothing Jer. 13. 7./. for nothing || Matt. 5 29. it is/. 30. Acts 20. 20. 1 kept back nothing/, to you, but 1 Cor. 6.-J-12. but not/.||l Tim. 4. 8. godliness is/. 2 Tim. 3. 16. scripture is p. |j 4. 11. Mark is /. Tit. 3. 8./;. to men |) Philem. 11./. to thee PROFITED, ETH. Job 3;\ 27. it/, me not 34. 9. it p. nothing |( Hab. 2. 18. what/, the Matt. 15. 5. mightest be/. || 16. 26./. if he gain John 6. 63. flesh/, nothing 1| Rom. 2. 25. verily/. 1 Cor. 13. 3. it p. nothing Ij Gal. 1.14. and /. 1 Tim. 4. S.p. httle |) Heb. 13. 9. have not p. PROFITING, p. 1. Tim. 4. 15. p. may appear PROFOUND, a. Hos. 5. 2. revolters p. to make PROGENITORS, s. or Paretits. Gen. 49. 26. PROGNOSTICATORS,.?. Suchaspretend to tell future events. Isa. 47. 1 3. PROLONG, ED, /. Num. 9. f 1 9. cloud //. Deut. 4. 26. ye shall not p. your days, 30. 18. 40. mayest/. thy days, 5. ! 6, 33. | 6. 2. ] 1 1. 9. I 17. 20. [ 22. 7. I 32. 47. Job 6. 11. that I should/). || 15. 29. wicked not//. Psal. 61.6. thou wilt p. the king's life, and Prov. 28.2. state be/. \\ 16. shall/, his days Eccl. 8. 13. nor wicked/, his days. 12. Isa. 13. 22. Isa. 53. 10. see his seed, he shall /. his days Ezek. 12. 22. days are/. 1| 25. be no more p. Dan. 7. 1 2. yet their lives were p. for a season PROLONGETH. Prov. 10. 27. Eccl. 7. 15. PROMISE. 6'. Promises of God are, [1] Such as respects the salvation of his people, and these are absolute, free, great, precious, and tincon- ditiotial, Isa. 43. 25. Jer. 32. 38. 2 Pet. 1. 4. Heb. 6. IS. [2] Such as respects temporal bles- sings, and these are conditional, Psal». 37. 3. I 41. 1, 2. Prov. 3. 9, 10. Isa. 1. 19. | 53. 10. Num. 14. 34. and ye shall know my breach oip. 1 Kings 8. 5f). hatii not failed one word of liis/. 2 Chr. 1. 9. let thy/, to David be established Neh. 5. 12. they should do according to this/. 13. Psal. 77. 8. doth his/, foil \\ 105. 42. remem. his/. Luke 24. 49. 1 send thee/. jjActs 1. 4. wait for/. Acts 2. 33. received the/, jj 39. p. is to you and 7. 17. time of the/. \\ 13. 23. according to his/. 1 5. 52. /. made to fathers God hath fulfilled 23. 21. looking for a/. \\ 26. 6. hope of the/. 7. Rom. 4. 13. /. that he should be heir of the world 14./. of none effect [j 16./. might be sure to 20. staggered not at/. |j 9. 8. childrcH of/. 9. Gal. 3. 14. might receive/. || 17. p. of no effect IS. no more of/, but G. gave it to Abrah. by/. 1 9./. was made |j 22. that the/, by faith of 29. heirs according to/. |) 4. 23. was by /. 4. 28. we as Isaac was, are the children of/. Eph. 1. 13. holy Spirit of/.|j2. 12. covenant of/. PRO I>RO Eph.3.6. partakers of his. p. ||6.2. firstcom. with p. 1 Tim. 4. 8. p. of the life 1| '2 Tim Ul.p. of life Heb. 4. 1. lest a p. || 6. 13. when God made p. to 6. 15. obtained the p. [) 17. the heirs of p. 9. 15. might receive p. of eternal life, 10. 36. 11. 9. of the same p. |j 39. received not the p. 2 Pet. 3. 4. where is the p. \\ 9. not slack cone p. 13. according to hisp. |) 1 John 2.25. thisis|thep. PROMISE, r. 2 Pet. 2. 19. p. liberty PROMISED, p. Exod. 12. 25. ace. as he hath p. Num 14. 40. we will go to the place the L. p. Deut 1. 11. L. bless you as he hath p. 6. 3. | 15. 6. 9. 28. land which hep. || 10. 9. as the L./. 12. 20. as he/. |) '26. 18. Josh. 22. 4. | 25. 5, 10. 1 Kings 2. 24. | 5. 12. | 8. 20, 56. \ 9. 5. 2 Kings 8. 19. 2 Chr. 6. 10. | 21. 7. 19. 8. land he/. I| 23. 23. keep that thoU hast/. Josh. 9. 21. as princes had />. || 23. 15. all the L. /. 2 Sam. 7. 28. /.this goodn. to serv. 1 Chr. 17. 26. 2 Chr. 6. 15. kept that thou hast/. David, 16. Neh. 9. 23./. to our fathers \\ Eph. 4. 7./. to pay Jer. 32. 42. bring on them all the good I./. 33. 14. Matt. 14. 7. Herod /. || Mark 14. 11./. him money Luke 1. 72. the mercy/. || 22. 6. he /k to betray Acts 7. 5. yet he/, to give it to him for a possess. Rom. 1. 2./. afore || 4. 21./^. he was able also to Tit. 1. 2. cannot lie,/, before the world began Heb. 10. 23. faithful that/. 1 1 . 1 1. 1| 12. 26. hath/. Jam. 1. 12. the L.hath/. |1 1 John 2. 25. hath/. PROMISEDST, /. 1 Kings 8. 24, 25. Neh. 9. 15. PROMISES, s. Rom. 9. 4. pertaineth the/. 15. 8. to confirm the/*, made to the fathers 2 Cor. 1. 20. /. are yeajl 7. 1. having these/, let (Gal. 3. 16. to Abra./.made || 21. is law aga./. Heb. 6. 12. inherit the/. || 7. 6. that had the/. 8.6. upon better/. || 11. 13. not received/. 11. 17. he that had received/. 1| 33. obtained/. 2 Pet. 1. 4. exceeding irreat and precious/. PROMISING, /. Ezek. 1 3. 22. by /. him life PROMOTE, V. Num. 22. 1 7, 37-124. 11. Prov. 4.8. PROMOTED,/. Judg. 9. 9./. over trees 11.13. Esth. 5. 11. king had fi. \\ Dan. 3. 30./. Shadrach PROMOTION, s. Psal. 75. 6. Prov. 3. 35. PRONOUNCE, t'. Lev. 5.4.| 13.3.— 44, 1 14.48. Judg. 12. 6. he could not frame to p. it right PRONOUNCED,/, Neh. 6. 12. Jer. 11. 17. 1 16. 10. i 18.8. I 19.15. I 25.13. | 26.13, 19.134. 5. I 35. 17. I 36. 7, 18,31. | 40. 2. PRONOUNCING. /. Lev. 5. 4. /. to do evil PROOF, s. 2 Cor. 2. 9. might know thee/, of you 8.24./. of your love |j 13. 3. since ye seek a/. Phil. 2. 22./. of him \\ 2 Tim. 4. 5. make full/. PROOFS, s. Acts 1. 3. alive by many infaUible/. PROPER, fl. 1 Chr. 29. 3. Acts 1.19. 1 Cor. 7. 7. his/, gift Ij Heb. 11. 23. a/, child PROPHECY, s. 2 Chr. 9. 29. /. of Ahijah tlie 15. 8./.of Oded || Neli. 6. 12. this/.ag. me Prov. 30. 1. even the/. I) 31. 1./. his mother Matt. 13. 14. in them is fulfilled the /. of Esaias 1 Cor. 12. 10. to another/. |j 13. 2. the gift of/. 1 Tim. 4. 14. neglect not gift given thee by/. 2 Pet. 1. 19.sureword of/, jj 20.no/. of script. 21. Rev. 1. 3. hear words of this/, jj 11. 6. days of/. 19. 10. is the spirit of/. i| 22. 7. sayings of/. 22. 10./. of this book, l8.|j 19. if take from/. PROPHESIES, s. 1 Cor. 13. 8. l Tim. 1.18. PROPHESY, r. Num. 11.27. Eldad/. 1 vSami. 10. 5. they shall/. i| 6. thou shalt/. with 1 Kin. 22. 8. not/, good of me, 18. 2 Chr. 18. 17. 1 Chr. 25. 1./. with harps || Isa. 30. 10./. deceits Jer. 5.31./. falsely 14. 14. || 11.21. saying /.not 14. 15. concerning prophets that p. in my name 19. 14. had sent him to/. j| 23. 16./. to you 23. 25./. lies, 26, 32. \ 27. 10, 16. | 29. 9, 21. 25. 30./. against the inhabitants of the earth 26. 12. sent me to/. || 32. 3. why dost thou/. Ezek. 4. 7./. against Jerusalem, 6. 2. 1 36. 1. 11. 4./. against Jaazaniah 1| 13. 2./. against, 17. 20. 46. /. against forest || 2 1 . 2. ag. land of Israel 21. 9. Jerusalem jj 14./. and smite thy house 28. /. concernhig the Ammonites, 25. 2. 28. 21./. against Zidon 1| 29. 2. Pharaoh, 30. 2. 34, 2. shepherds|p5. 2. Seir 1| 36. 6./. concern. 37. 4./. on these bones \\ 9./. to the wind 38. 2./. against Gog, 14. | 39. 1. [| 43. t 5. to-/^ Joel 2. 28. your sons shall/. Acts 2. 17, 18. Amos 2. 12. prophets, saying/, not Mic. 9. 6. 3. 8. who can but/. || 7. 12. eat bread and/. 7. 13./. not at Beth-el 1| 15./. to Israel, 16. Mic. 2. 11./. of wine )| Zech. 13. 3. any shall/- Matt. 15. 7. well did Esaias/. of you saying 26. 68./. thou Christ, Mark 14. 65. Luke 22. j54. Acts 21.9. virgins who did/'.|lRom. 12. 6. /'.let us/. 1 Cor. 13. 9./. in part || 14. 1. rather that ye/. 14. 39. covet to/. II 24. if all/. i| 31. may all/. Rev. 10. n. thou must/. || 11. 3./. 1260 days PROPHESIED,/. Num. 11.26. Medad/. in 1 Sam. 10. 10. Saul/. 1 1. 1 18. 10. | 19. 20, 23, 24. 1 Kings 18. 29. thev/. tillthe evening sacrifice 22. 10. prophets /.'before them, 12. 2 Chr. 13. 9. 1 Chr. 25. 2. sons of Asaph./. |j 3. Jeduthan/. 2 Chr. 20. 37. Eliezer/. || Ezra 5. 1. Haggai/. Jer. 2. 8./. by Baal|| 20. 1. Jer./. these things 23. 13. />. in Baal ||'21. yet they /.1|25. 13. hath/. 26. 9. why hast thou p.'/ \\ 18. Micah/. 20. 28. 6. the Lord perform the words thou hast /. 29. 31./. alie || 37. 19. which/, to you? Ezek. 11. 13. when I/. || 37.7. so I/, as I p. 10. Matt. 7. 22. have we not p. || 11. 13./. until John Mark 7. 6. well hath Esaias./. ||Luke 1.67.Zech/. John 11. 51.Caiaphas/. 1| Acts 19. 6. spake and/. 1 Cor. 14.5.ratherthatye/.||lPet.l.tlO./. of grace Jude 14. Enoch also /. of these things, saying PROPHESIETH. 2 Chr. 1 8. 7. never /. good Jer. 28. 9./. of peaceJIEzek. 12.27./. of times Zech. 13. 3. shall thrust him thro' when he/. 1 Cor. 11.5. /. with head uncovered || 14. 3, 4, 5. PROPHESYING, S,/. 1 Sam. 10. 13. | 19. 20. Ezra 6. 14. 1 Cor. 11. 4. | 14. 6, 22. 1 Thes, 5. 20. PROPHET, s. One that foretells future events 1 Pet. 1. 10. One that preaches, 1 Cor. 14. 1. Also one that sings psalms, 1 Chr. 25. 3. The order of time in which the Prophets wrote, as they succeeded each otlier, is calculated as follows : 1. Jonah, in the reign o/ Jeroboam II. 2. Hosea, under Uzziah, Jotharn, Ahaz, ^c. 3. Joel, in the same time with Hosea. 4. Amos, under Uzziah and Jeroboam II. 5. Isaiah, see chap. 1. 1. 6. Micah, was contemporary with Isaiah. 7. Nahum, ta^der the reign of Hezekiah. 0. Habakkuk, under Manasseh or Josiah, 9. Zephaiiiah, under Josiah, Zeph. 1.1. PRO PRO 10. Jeremiah, uyider Josiah to Zedekiali. 11. Daniel, under the Captkity, Dan. 1. 1. 12. Ezekiel, at the same time, Ezek. 1. 1, 2. 13. Obadiah, in the Captivity. 14. Hacfgai, began in the second year o/Daiius; Vee Hag. 1.1. and 2. 10, 20. 15. Zechaviah ; see Zech. 1. 1. and 7. I. 16. IMalaciii,f/i6' lastProphetoftheOldTestament. Exod. 7. 1. Aaron sliall be thy j:>. j] Deut. 18. 20. 1 Sara. 22. 5. p. Gad said||2 Sam. 24. 1 1. word top. 1 Kin. 1. 32. David said, call me Nathan tlie p. 44. 11. 29. Ahijah the j*. i| 13. 11. an old p. at Beth-el 16. 7. p. Jehn, 12. || 18. 36. Elijah the p. 20. 22. 2 Kings 5. 13. if ^. had bid thee do some great 6. 12. Elisha the p. telleth \\ 9. 4. p. went to R. 20. 11. Isaiah the y;. cried 1| 23. 18. bones of p. 2 Chr. 12. 5. Shemaiahthe p. \\ 13. 22. p. Iddo 15. 8. jp. Oded|j21. 12. writingfrom Elijah the j?. 25. 16. p. forbear |1 32. 20. p. Isaiah prayed S5. 18. Samuel the p. || 36. 12. Jeremiah the p. Ezra 5. 1. then Haggai the|>. prophesied, 6. 14. Psal. 74. 9. there is no more any p. among us Isa. 3. 2. take away the/>. \\ 9. 15. p. is tlie tail 28. 7. priest andyj.have erred thro' strong drink Jer. 6. 13. from p. to priest deal falsely, 8. 10. 18. 18. nor perish from p. || 23. 11. p. profane 23. 28. p. that hath a dream ||28. 6. ;>. Jeremiah 28. 9. when word of;), shall come to pass, then 17 p. died || 36. 26. to take Jeremiah the p. 37. 2. nor hearken to p. (| 38. 10./>. out of dungeon Lam. 2. 20. shall the p. be slain in the sanctuary Ezek. 7. 26. seek a vision of 7).||14. 4. cometh to p. 14. 9. if P' be deceived |1 10. punishment of j?. Hos. 4. 5. p. sha'l falljl 9. 7. p. is a fool, a snare, 8. Amos 7. 14. 1 was no />.|1 Mic. 2. 1 1 . p. of hi.s people Hab.3.l.a prayer of Habbakuk thep.on Sigionoth Zech. 13. 5. say, I am no p, || Mai. 4. 5 Elijah the p. Matt. 1. 22. by the/. Isaiah, 2. 15. | 3. 3. ( 4. 14. l' 8. 17. I 21. 4. Luke 3. 4. John 1. 23. | 12. 38. Acts 28. 25. 2. 5. in Bethlehem, for thus it is written by the/'. 17. which was spoken by Jeremy the/?. 27. 9. 12. 39. but the sign of the/. Jonas, Luke 11. 29. 13. 35. which was spoken by p. David, 27. 35. 21. 11. Jesus the p. 1| 24. 15. by Daniel the/;. Luke 1. 76./. of the Highest || 4. 17. of/. Esaias 4. 24. no p. is accepted || 27. of Eliseus the//. 7. 28. not a greater p. than John the Baptist John 7. 40. this is the/». || 52. Galilee ariseth no/. Acts 2. 16. by the /.Joel II 7. 48. as saiththe/. 8. 28. read Esaias the/. \\ 13.20. till Sam. the/. 2 Pet. 2. 16. the ass forbad the madness of the/. A PROPHET. Gen. 20. 7. for he is a /. and Num. 12. 6. if there be a/, among you, I the L. Deut. 13. 1. if arise a/, or a dreamer of dreams. 18. 15. I'll raise up a/. 18. Acts 3. 22. | 7. 37. 22. when a/, speaketh || 34. 10. nota/. like M. Judg. 6. 8. Lord sent a /. to the children of Isr. H Sam. 3. 20. established a/. |1 9. 9. now called a/. 1 Kings 13. 18. 1 am a/, also II 18. 22. 1 remain a/. 19. 16. a/, in thy room 20. || 13. a /. to Ahab- 22. 7. a/, besides, 2 Kings 3. 11. 2 Chr. 18. 6. 2 Kings 5. 8. he shall know there is a/, in Israel 2. Chr. 25. 15. sent a/.||28. 9. a/, was there, Oded Jer. 1.5.1 ordained thee a /. to the nations 29. 26. that is mad and maketh himself a/. 27. Ezek. 2. 5. been a /. 03. 33. || \\. 7. coifleth to a/. 59 fHos. 12. 1 3. by a/. L. brought Israel out of Eg>-pt Matt. 10. 41 . he that receiveth a/, in name of a/. 11. 9. for to see, a /. |! 13. 57. a/, is not without honour, save in, Mark 6. 4. John 4. 44. 14. 5. accounted him as a/. 21. 26. Mark 11. 32, 21.46. multitude took him for a/. Luke 20. 6. Luke 7. 16. a great/, is liseq || 39, if he were a/. 13. 33. that a/, perish || 24. 19. a/, mighty John 4. 19. thou art a p. || 9. 17. said, he is a/. Acts 2. 30. David being a/. II 21. 1 0. a certain p. 1 Cor. 14. 37. hims. to be a/.|l Tit. 1. 12. even a/. False PROPHET. Acts 13. 6. found a-/, a Jew Rev. 16. 13. out of the mouth of-/.|il9. 20.| 20. 10. Tt.at PROPHET. Deut. 13. 3, 5. Ezek. 14. 9. John 1. 21, 25. I 6. 14. Acts 3. 23. PROPHETS, s. Num. 11. 29. that all were/. 1 Sam. 10. 5. a company of /.|j 10. /. methim, 11. 12. is Saul also among the/.? 19. 24. 28. 6. the Lord answered him not by/. 15. 1 Kinirs 18. 4. Obadiah hid a 100/. \\ 13. slew/. 19. /. of Baal 450 || 40. take the /. of Baal 19. 10. slain thy/, with sword, 14. Neh. 9. 26. 22. 22. I'll be a lying spirit in the/. 2 Chr. 18.21. 2 Kings 3. 13. to p. of thyfather]i23.2./,and people 1 Chr. 16. 22. do my /.no harm, Psal. 105. 15. 2 Chr. 20. 20. believe hi/. || 24. 19. he sent/. 29. 25. comm. by the/. || 36. 16- misused his/. Ezra 5. 1. then the/. || 2./. of God helping Neh. 6. 7. appointed/. || 9- 32. trouble on /. 9. 30. thou testified by thy spirit in thy/. Isa.29. 10. /.andseers||30. io. say to/. Amos 2.13. Jer. 2. 8./. prophesied by Baal || 26. ashamed 30. devoured/. || 4. 9. the p. shall wonder 5. 13./. became wind |1 8. 1. bring bones of/. 13. 13. I'll fill/. I! 14. 13./. say, ye shall not 14. 15. p. be consumed [j 23. 13. folly in the/, 23. 14. I've seen in the/, an horrible thing 15. from /. is profaueness jj 21. not sent these 26./. of the deceit || 30. I am against the/. 26. 7. p. heard Jeremiah j] 8./. took Jeremiah 11. then spake the /. || 37. 9. hearken not to/. 27. 15. p. might perish 11 18. if they be/, if 28. 8. /. that have been || 29. 1. sent to the/. 29. 8. let not/, deceive || 15. raised us up /. 32. 32./. provoke me || 37. 19. where are/. Lam. 2. 9./. find no vision, 14. || 4. 13. sins of/. Ezek. 13. 3. xio to the foolish p. \\ 4./. like foxes 9. /. that see vanity || 22. 28. /. daubed them Hos. 6. 5. hewed by/. || 12. 10. spoken by the /;. Amos 2. 11. I have raised up of your sons/. 12. Mic. 3. 6. sun go down over /. || U /• divine for Zeph. 3. 4. her/, are light and treacherous persons Zech. 1. 4. former /. |j 5. /. do they live for ever 7. 7. cried by former /J. 12. || 13. 4. /. ashamed Matt. 5. 12. so persecuted they the/. Luke 6. 2 J. 17. law and the p. 7. 12. | 22. 40. Luke 16. 16. 13. 17./. desired to see jl 23. 31. killed the/. 23. 34. I send you /. |j 37. killcst/. Luke 11. 49. Mark 1. 2. as it is written in the /. I send my messenger, LukeiS. 31. | 24.25. John 6.45. Luke 1. 70. as he spake by his holy/. 2 Pet. 3. 2. 16. 29. Moses and the/. 31. || 24. 25. /. have spo. John 1. 45./. did write || 8. 52./. are dead, 53. Acts 3. 18. mouth of his/. 21. || 11. 27./. caniefr. 13. 1. certain/. || 15. reading law and tiie/. 40. spoken in the/. Jl 1 5. 32. J. and Silas being/. 14. believing all things written in/. 26. 22. 26. 27. king Agrippa, betievest thou tlie/*. \ ^1 PRO TRO Rom. 1. 2. afore by liis;&.|j 3. 21. witnessed by/. 11.3. killed thy p. \\ I Cor. V2. 28. secondarily P. 1 Cor: 1-2. 29. are all /. || 14. 29. let/-, speak two Epli. 2. 20. built on the foundation of the p. 3. 5. revealed to his/-. j| 4. 11. gave some/?. iThes. 2.15. killed their-/5.||Heb.i,l. spake hyp. Jam. 5. 10. take the /-.Hi Pet. 1. 10. /. enquired. Rev. 11. lO./. tormented II 18. 20. rejoice ye/. 18. 24. the blood of p. || 22. 9. brethren the p. All the PROPHETS. 1 Kin£rs 19. 1. | 22. 10. 2 Kings 10. 19. | 17. 13. Matt. 11. 13. Luke 1 1. 50. 1 13. 28. I 24. 27. Acts 3. 24. | 10. 43. False PROPHETS. Matt. 7. 15. | 14. 11, 24. Mark 13. 22. Luke 6. 26. 2 Pet. 2. 1. 1 John 4. 1. Of the PROPHETS. 1 Sara. 10. 10. | 19. 20. 1 Kings 20. 35, 41. | 22. 13. 2 Kings 2. 3, 5, 7, 15. 1 4. 1, 38. Neh. 6. 14. Jer. 23. 9, 16, 26. I 27. 14. Hos. 12. 10. Zech. 8. 9. Matt. 16. 14. "I 23. 29, 30. | 26. 56. Mark 6. 15. f 8. 28. Luke 9. 8. | 1 1. 47. Acts 3. 25. j7. 42, 52. I 13. 15,27. j 15. 15. | 28.23. Rom. 16. 26. 1 Cor. 14. 32. Eph.2. 20. Heb. 11. 32. Rev. 16. 6. | 22. 6. Sen-ants the PROPHETS. 2 Kings 9. 7. | 17. 13, 23. I 21. 10. I 24. 2. Ezra 9. 11. Jer. 7. 25. I 25. 4. I 26. 5. ] 29. 19. | 35. 15. Ezek. 38. 17. Dan. 9. 6, 10. Amos 3. 7. Zech. 1. 6. Rev. 10. 7. I 11.18. PROPHETESS. Exod. 15. 20. Mmara the p. Judg. 4. 4. Deborah a/. || 2 Kings 22. 14. Huldah Neh, 6. 14. Noadiah || Isa. 8. 3. I went to the p. Luke 2. 36. Anna a/, jj Rev. 2. 20. Jezebel/'. PROPITIATION, *\ Peace or ir conciliation ^ uhlch Christ has obtained by his sacrifice^ as typified by the Mercy-seat. Rom. 3. 25. tobea/.jil John2. 2.heistliej&.4.10. PROPORTION,^. 1 Kings 7. 36. according to/. Job 41. 12. comely/'. || Rom. 12. 6./. of faith V]^ OSELYTE.s. In Greek Prosely tos, which sig- nifies a sti-anger. The Hebrew word Ger or ■ Necher, has the same signification. The Jews had two kinds of Proselytes, or converts ; the first, called I*roseIytes of the Gate, who wor- shipped the true God, but did not submit to Jewish rites. The second, called Proselytes of Justice, who submitted to the whole Jewish religion. These they alloiced all privileges, of this life and the life to come. ]VIat. 23. 15. to make one/>.|jActs 6. 5. Nicholas a/. PROSELYTES, s. Acts 2. 10. | 13. 43. PROSPECT, s. 1 Kings 7.t5. Ezek. 40. 44. Ezek. 40. 46./. to the northl}42. 15. to east, 43. 4. PROSPER, V. Gen. 24. 40. and p. thy way, 42. 39. 3. Lord made all that Joseph did to /.'23. Num. 14. 41. you transgress, but it shall not/. Deut. 28. 29. thou shalt not p. in thy ways 29. 9. that ye may p. Josh. 1. 7. 1 Kings 2. 3. 1 Kings 22. 12. go up and/. 15. 2 Clir. 18. 11, 14. 1 Cbr. 22. 11. the L. p. thee || 13. ,*. if take heed 2 Chr. 13. 12. shall not/. || 20. 20." .^o shall ye/. 24. 20. ye cannot /. |j 2G. 5. G. made him to p. Neh. 1. 11./. thy servant j| 2. 20. God will/, us Job 12. 6. the tabernacles of robbers/, and P^a]. 1. .7. whatsoever he doth shall/. || 45. t 4. 73. 12. /. in the world jj 122. 6./. that love thee Prov. 28. 1 3. shall not /;.||Ecci- 11.6. whether shall i.sa. 52« 1 13. servant shall /. jj 53. 10./. i» his h. isa. S4. 17. no weapon p. |f 55. 11./. in the thing Jer. 2. 37. not r>. in them. || 5. 28. yet they p. 10. 21. shall not/. 20. 11. | 32. 5. Dan. 11. 27. 12. 1. wherefore do wicked/. ||22.30. shall not/*". 23. 5. a king shall /. fl Lam. 1. 5. her enemy /. Ezek. 15.t4. vine, will it/.|| 16. 13. thou didst/. 17. 9. shall it/. 10. || 15. shall hep. shall he Dan. 3.t30. Shadrach to/. || 8. 24. dc-^^troy and /. 8. 25. craft to /. || 11. 27. lies, it shall not /. 36. 3 John 2. 1 wish above all that thon mayest/. PROSPERED,/. Gen. 24.26. s'eeingLord hath/. Judg. 4. 24. hand of Israel/. || 1 Sam. 18.t5.D./. 2 Sam. 11.7. how the war/.||2 Kin. 18. 7. Hez./. 1 Chr. 29. 23. Solomon/. || 2 Chr. 14. 7. Asa/. Ezra 6. 14. and they /. || Job 9. 4. who hath /. Dan. 6. 28. Daniel /. || 8. 12. it practised and /. 1 Cor. 16. 2. every man lay by as G. hath /. him PROSPERETH, v. Ezra 5. 8. Psal. 37. 7. Prov. 17. 8. it turneth it /.||3 John 2. as thy soul PROSPERITY, s. Deut. 23. 6. not seek their/. 1 Sam. 25. 6. liveth in/.|j I Kings 10.7. p. exceeds Job 15.21.in/.thedestroyer||36. 11. spend in/. Psal. 30. 6. in my /.|| 35. 27. pleasure in the /. of 73. S.p. of wicked || 118. 25. send/. || 122. 7. Prov. 1. 32./. of fools || Eccl. 7. 14. in/, be joyful Jer. 22. 21. 1 spake in thy p. |j 33. 9. for all the /. Lam. 3. 17. 1 forgat /. jjDan. 8.t 25. by/, destroy Zech. 1. 17. thro'/, yet be spread || 7. 7. when in/. PROSPEROUS, a. Gen. 24. 21. journey/, or not 39. 2. Joseph was/. || Josh. 1. 8. thy way /• Judg. 18. 5. whether the way we go . waves 40. 11. behold every one that is/, ami abase, 12. Psal. 12. 3. speaketh/. things || 31. 23. p. doer 40. 4. respecteth not/, (j 86. 14./. are risen ag. 94. 2. render a reward to/. j| 101. 5. /.heart 119. 21. hast rebuked/. || 51./>. had me in der. 69./. forged a he || 78. let the/, be ashamed 85./. digged pits || 122. let not the /. oppress 123. 4. contempt of/. || 124. 5./. waters had 138. 6./. he knoweth afar || 140.5. /. hid a snai*e Prov. 6. 17. L. hateth a /. look || 15. 25. destroy/. 16. S.p. is abominat. || 19. divide spoil with/. 21.4. a/, heart is sin || 24./. scorner is his 28. 25. of a/, heart || Eccl. 7. 8. better than/. Isa. 2. 12. on every one/. |j 13. 11. arrogancy of/. 16. 6. he is very/. || Jer. 13. 15, be not/, for Jer. 43. 2. all the p. men || 48. 29. Moab is /. 50. 29. she hath been/. || 31. O thou most/. 32. Hab. 2. 5. he is a/, man, nor keepeth at home Mai. 3. 15. call the/, happy || 4. 1./. as stubble Luke 1. 51. scattered/. |) Rom. 1. 30./. boasters 1 Tim. 6. 4. he is p. || 2 Tim. 3. 2./. blasphemers Jam. 4. 6. God resisteth the/. 1 Pet. 5. 5. PROUDLY, ad. Exod. 18.11. they dealt /. he 1 Sam. 2. 3. so exceeding/. ! I Neh. 9. 10. dealt/. 16'. PRO Psal. IT. 10. they speak *. 31.l8.||Isa. 3.5. behave Dan. 5.t20. to dealp.|| Obad. IS.nor'^poken p. PROVE. V. To try, or examine, 2 Cor. 13* 5. Exod. 16. 4. 1 may p. them, 20- 20. Deut. 8. 2, 16. Deut. 33.8. holy one whom thou didst/?, at Massah Judg. 2. 22. I may p. Israel, 3. 1-1)6. 39. let mep. 1 Kings 10. 1 . she came to />. Solomon, 2 Chr. 9. 1 . Job 9. 20. p. me perverse |) 13.t 15. p. own wavs Psul. 26.2. O Lord_p.mcl| Ecel. 2. 1. nowFU};. Dan. 1, 12./?. thy servants II Mai. 3. 10./?. me now Luke 14. 19. I go top. themjljohn 6. 6. saidto/>. Acts 24. 13. nor can they />. 25. 7. || Rom. 12. 2. 2 Cor. 8. 8./?. the sincentv|| 13. 5. p. yourselves Gal. 6. 4. let ev. man/>.||l Thes. 5. 21./>.aU things PROVED, p. Gen. 42. 15. ye shall hep. 16. Exod. 15. 25. hep. them||l Sam. 17.39. V\enotp. Psal. 17. 3. ha?t p. my heart || 65. 10. hast p. us 81. 7./'. at Meribah || 95. 9. father^ p. me and Eccl. 7. 23. all thi. I //. j) Dan. 1. 14. p. them Rom. 3. 9. before//. || 2 Cor. 8. 22. p. diligent 1 Tim. 3. 10. be first p. \\ Heb. 3. 9. fathers/?, me PROVETH, V. Deut. 13. 3. Lord />. you to kn. PROVING, I}. Act- 9. 22. Eph. 5. 10. PROVENDER, i-. Gen. 24. 25, 32. [ 42.27. | 43. 24. Judg. 19. 19, 21. Isa.30. 24. PROVERB, s. signifies, [1] An adage, or common saying, 1 Sam. 10. 12. [2j A wise, grave, and pithy sentence, Pro v. 1. 1, 6. [3] A mock, scoff, or by-u-ord, Deut. 28. 37. [4j A simili- tude, John 16.25,29. The Jews gice the name of Proverbs, Parables, or SimilitudeSj to moral sentences, maxims, com- parisons, or enigmas, expressed in a style that is poetical, figurative, close, and sententious : They call this kind of Proverbs, Mishle. Deut. 2a. 37. ye hail be a p. 1 Kings 9. 7. 2 Chr. 7. 20. Jer. 24. 9. Ezek. 14. 8. 1 Sam. 10. 12. became a/. || 24. 13. /•. of ancient* Psal. 69. 1 1. 1 became a/>. ji Prov. 1. 6. underst./?. Isa. 14. 4. takeupthi-/>.||Ezek. 12.22, 23.J18. 2. Hab. 2. 6. a taunUng/?,l|Luke 4. 23.. say this/?. John 16. 29. speake>t nop. \\ 2 Pet. 2. 22. true /;. PROVERBS, s. Num. 21. 27. speak m/?. say 1 Kin. 4. 32. 3tUou>and/'.i|Prov. 1. 1.|10.1.|25. 1. Eccj. 12. 9. many /?. II Ezek. 16. 44. John 16.25. PROVIDE, V. Gen. 22. 8. God will/?. 1 14. 30. 30. when shall I/?.||Exod. 18. 21. p. able men 1 Sam. 16. 17./?. meanianil 2Chr.2. 7.D. did/>. Ps. 78. 20. can hep flesh|;Matt. 10. 9. p. not gold Luke 12 33.p. bajisJIActs 23. 24./. beasts to ^et P. Kom. 12. 17. p. things honest|jl Tim. 5. 8. if any/?. PROVIDED,/?. Deut. 33.21.1 Sam. 15. 1.2 Sam. 19. 32. 1 Kings 4. 7, 27. 2 Chr. 32. 29. Psal. 65. 9. Luke 12. 20. Heb. 11. 40. PROVIDENCE, s. Acts 24. 2. nation by thy /?. PROVIDETH, V. Job 33. 41. Prov. 6. 8. PROVIDING,/?. 2 Cor. 8. 21. p. for honest th. PROVINCE, S, s. A country, or state. 1 Kings 20. 14. by the prmces of the/*. 15,17,19. Ezra 4. 15. hurtful to/?.||6. 2.p. of Mede<|| 7. 16. Neh. 7. 6. children of the/?. II 11.3. chief of/. Esth. 1. 1. Ahasuerus reigned over 127/?. 8. 9. 16. in all/?. 122. | 2. 3. |i 2. 18. release to/. 3. 8. scattered m all the p. || 13. to kings/?. 9. 4. Mordecai's fame went tliro' all the /?. 12. rest of the/. II 28. kept thro' every/?, and Eccl. 2. 8. treasure of/. j| 5i 8. justice in a/?. PSA i-^1 Lam. 1. 1. princess among/, jj Ezek. 19. 8. from/?. Dan. 2. 48. ruler over/?. || 3. 1. /?. of Babylon 8. 2. p. of Elam || 11. 24. fattest places of/. Acts 23. 34. of what/?. Ij 25. l..was come into /. PROVISION, s. Gen. 42. 25. give /?. 45. 21. Josh. 9. 5. all the bread of their/, was dry, 12. 1 Kings 4. 7. each made/?. 1| 22. Solomon's/). 2 Kings 6. 23. great/?. ][ 1 Chr. 29. 19. I made /?. Psal. 132. 15. I will abundantly bless her/. I'll Dan. 1. 5. a daily /URom. 13. 14. not/, for flesh PROVOCAl ION, s. 1 Kings 15. 30. i 21. 22. 2 Kings 19.t3. a da^of /. j| 23. 26. for all the/. Neh. 9. 18. wrought/. 26.||Job 17. 2. in their/. Psal. 95. 8. as in the/, and as ia, Heb. 3. 8, 15. Jer. 32. 31. as ap.||Ezek, 20. 28. presented thep. PROVOKE, r. Exod. 23. 21./?. him not, for Num. 14. 11. how long /j.||Deut. 31. 20. if ye p. Job 12. 6. they that p. G. jj Ps. 78. 40. how oftp. Isa. 3. 8. against the L. to p. the eyes of his glory Jer. 7. 19. do they/?. mel| 44. 8. in that ye/. Luke 11. 53. began to urge and/, liim to speak Rom. 10. 19. I'll/?, you to jealousy, 11. 11, 14. 1 Cor. 10. 22. do we/.ljEph. 6. 4.*/?. not your chf. Heb. 3. 16. had heard, did/?. |i 10. 24./?. to love PROVOKED,/. Num. 14. 23./. ine, 16. SO. Deut. 9. 8. in Horeb ye/.|| 22. at Massaii yep. 1 Sam. 1. 6. and her adversary also /?. her sore, 7. 1 Kings 14. 22. Judah/?.|! 2 Km. 23. 26. Manasseh 1 Chr. 21 . 1 . Satan ;?. D iJEzra 5, 12. our fathers /. Psal. 78. 56. p. the most high, 106.7,29, 33,43^ Zecli. 8. 14. when your fathers p. me to wrath 1 Cor. 13. 5. not easily p.\\2 Cor. 9. 2. your zeal/. PROVOKEDST,/.'Deut. 9.7. how thou/?. Lord See Anger. PROVOKETH, V. Prov. 20. 2. wlioso/?. him to Isa. 65. 3. p. me to anger||Ezek. 8. 3./. tojealousy PROVOKING,/?. Deut. 32. 19./?. of his sons 1 Kings 14. 15./?. the Lord to anger, 16. 7, 1 3. P.v 78. 17. by/, most H. || Ga'. 5. 26. one anoth* PRUDENCE, 6\ 2 Chr. 2. 12. son endued with/. Prov. 8. 12. dwell with /. || Eph. 1. 8. in all /?. PRUDENT, a. 1 Sam. 16. 18./?. ia matters Prov. 12. 16. a p. man covereth shame || 23. man 13. 16. every d. man |j 14. 8. wisdom of the /. 14. 15./. man looketh weW || 18. p. are crowned 15. 5. regardeth reproof is/. 1| 16. 21. called '^ 18. 15. /?. getteth knowl.|!l9. 14. p. wife is fr. L. 22. 3. a p. man foreseeth the evi', 27. 12. Isa. 3 . 2 . tak e away /?. 1 1 5 . 2 1 . wo to the / . in 10. 13. for I am/.||29. 14. under, of/, be hid Jer. 49.7. perished from /.jjHos. 14. 9. who is/?. Amos 5. 13. p. keep silence] | Matt. 11. 25. hidfr./. Acts 13. 7. a/?, man 11 1 Cor. 1. 19. underst of p. PRUDENTLY, ad. Isa. 52. 13. shall deal /?. he PRUNE, ED,/? Lev. 25. 3, 4. Isa. 5. 6. PRUNING, /. Isa. 2. 4. into/?, hooks, 18. 5. Joel 3. 10. Jjeat your/?, hooks, Mic. 4. 3. PSALM, From the Gr. Psallo, which signifies to touch sweetly. Psalms or Hymns are composed of 7Cords pithy and affecting, and commonly limited ton certain number of syllables, or feet. The Psalms are properly placed in the middle of the Bible being tlie verij soul of godly experience, and of the ivhole gospel. By the late Hel)rew writers they are called Sepher- Tchillim, or Tehilloth, i. e. the book of Hymnfi or praises, be^ai(.se the subject thereof is the high PUL tUR ■pmities of God. In 2 Sam. 23. 1. tlicy are called Zinirotli Jisrael, i. e. the Psalms of Israel. In the New Testament Psalmoi, i. e. Psalms. The book of Psalms is more frequently quoted in the New Testament than any other. Some note that it is quoted 64 times, and Isaiah GO. But I have counted 140 verses in the New Testament, in which this book is cited. — See Koderts's Key. 1 Clir. 16. 7. then David delivered first tliis j!?. P al. 81. 2. take a/?. I) 98. 5. with voice of a/. Matt. 26.t30. vvlien had sung a/>. MarkU. t2G. Acts 13. 33. in the second/*. || 35. in another/;. 1 Cor. 14. 26. how is it every one hath a/>. hath PSA LMS. 1 Chr. 1 6. 9. sinjr p. Psal. 105. 2. Neh.l2.t8./'. of thanks, || Ps. 95. 2. noise with p. Luke 2U. 42. in the book oi'p. 24. 44. Acts 1. 20. Eph. 5. 19. in p. and hymns, Col. 3. 16. Jam. 5. 13. is any merry ? lethhn sing/». PSALMIST,*. 2 Sam. 23. 1. sweet/;, of Israel PSALTERY,.?.^ lute, or viol ; in Hebrew,Nebel. 1 Sam. 10. 5. Psal. 33. 2. [ 5/'. 8. | 71. 22. | 81. 2. 92. 3. I 108. 2. 1 144. 9. 1 150. 3. Dan. 3. 5. 7.10, 15. PSALTERIES ; see Cymbals. PTOLEMAIS, A warlike ivoman. Acts 21. 7. PUAH, A mouthy corner, or bush of hair. Exod. 1. 15. Nmn. 26. 23. Judg. 10. 1. 1 Chr. 7. 1. PUBLICAN, S, s. A tax-gatherer, farmer, or officer of the revenue. They were looked on us thieves, pick-pockets, &c. Matt. 5. 46. do not even the p. the same, 47. 9. 10. p. sat with him, Mark 2. 15. Luke 5. 30. 10. 3. Matthew the />. jj 11. 19. a friend of p. 18. 17. let him be as an heathen man and a p. 21. 31 ./». go into kingdom || 32. the p. believed Luke 3. 12. j^. to be baptized || 5. 27. he saw a p. 7.29. /;. justified God|| 15. 1. drew near all p. 18. IS. p. standing afar off, said, G. be merciful 19. 2. Zaccheus was chief among the p. and PUBLICK, LY. Matt. 1. 1 9. Acts 18. 28.120.20. PUBLISH, ED,/>. Dent. 32.3. p. name of Lord 1 Sam. 31.9. top. it || 2 Sam. 1. 20. p. it not in Neh. S.lD.shouldp.lJEsth. 1. 20. decree be/>.3. 14. Psal. 26. 7. p. with voice|j6S. 11. company that/>. Jer. 4. B.p.in Jerusalemj) 16. /'.against Jerusalem 5. 20. p. it in Judah |) 31. 7. p. ye, praise ye 46. 14./). it in Migdol }j 50. 2. fi. conceal not Amos 3. 9. p. in pa aces|| 4. 5. p. free-offerings Jonah 3. 7. he caused it to hep. thro' Nineveh Mark 1. 45. but he began to/?, it much, 5. 20. 7. 36. tlie more they/?, it]} 13. 10. first hep. l^uke 8. 39. he went and p. thro' the v/holecity Acts 10. 37. word which wa5/.|| 13. 49. was/>. PUBLISHETH. Isa. 52. 7. that p. peace, that Jer. 4. 15. p. al'iiiction{| Nah. 1. 15./. peace PUBLIUS, Common. Acts28. 7, 8. PUDENS, Shame-faced. 2 Tim. 4.*21. PUFF, s. Job 11.120. their hopes shall be a/. PUFFED up, p. 1 Cor. 4. 6. no one hep. - for 4. 18. some are p.-\\ 5. 2. ye are p. -, and have 13. 4. is not/. - II Col. 2. 18. vainly/).- by his PUFFETH at, v. Psal. 10. 5. || 12. 5. that /j.- him PUFFETH up, v. 1 Cor. 8. 1. knowledge/.- but PUHITES, Deceiving. 1 Chr. 2. 53. PUL. Bane, or destruction. 2 Kings 15. 19. 1 Chr. 5. 26. Isa. 06. 19. PULL, ED,/;. Gen. 8. 9. p. dove || 19. 10. p. hot 1 Kings 13. 4. could not/). it||Ezra 6. 11. timber p. Psal. 31. 4. p. me outlj I^a. 22. 19./;. thee down Jer. 1. 10. top. down, 18. 7.\\ 12. 3. p. them out 24. 6. I'll budd them, and not/, down, 42. 10. Lam. 3. 11. p. meinpieces]! Ezek. 17. 9. nor/;, up Amos 9. 15. no more hep. up|)Mic. 2. 8./. off robe Zech. 7. 11. p. the shoulder||Matt. 7.4./. the mote Luke 12. 18. p. down my barns||14. 5. p. him out Acts 23. 10. lest Paul should have been p. in pieces PULLING,/). 2 Cor. 10.4.down]jJude 23./;. out PULPIT, 8. Neh. 8. 4. stood on a p. of wood PULSE, s. Peasejbeunsj'iic. 2Sam.l7.28.Dan.l.l2. PUNISH, V. Lev. 26. 18. p. you seven times, 24. Prov. 17. 26. also to /. the just is not good I.«a. 10. 12. p. stout heart I) 13. 11. p. the world 24. 21. /. host of high 1| 26. 21. L. cometh top. 27. l.p. Leviathan II Jer. 9. 25.^. circumcised Jer. 11. 22. p. men of An.|| 13. 21. when he shall 21. 14./. according to fruit||23. 34./). that man 25. 12. '>. king of Bab. 50. 18.||27. 8./. thatnat. 29. 32./. Shemaiah || 30. 20./. all that oppress 36. 31. /. Jehoiakim || 44. 13. /. in Egypt, as 44. 29. I'll /. you || 46. 25./. No || 51. 44. Bel Hos. 4. 9. p. them|jl4. I'll not/. || 12. 2./. Jacob Amos 3. 2. p. you for your iniquity || 1 14. Israel Zeph. 1.8./. princess II 9./. all those || 12. I'll/. Zech. 8. 14. 1 thought to /. || Acts 4. 21. might/. PUNISHED,/. Exod. 21. 20. be surely /. 22. Ezra 9. 13./. usless||Job 31. 11./. by judges, 28. Prov. 21. 11. scorner is/.lj22. 3. simple/. 27. 12. Jer. 44. 13. as I/.Jerus.jjSO. IS.asI/.kingof Ass. Zeph. 3. 7. I /;. them || Zech. 10, 3. !/>. the goats Acts 22. 5. to be/. || 26. 11. 1 /. them oft in 2Thes. 1.9./. with everlasting] |2 Pet. 2.9. to be/. PUNISHMENT, s. Several sorts o/ punishment were in use amongst the Jews, as, [I j Cruci- Ji.Tion, which was inflicted on the vilest slaves. Dent. 21. 22. [2J Hanging, 2 Sam. 21. 12. Esth. 7. 10. [3] Sto7iing, [4J Fire, Gen. 38. 24. Lev. 20. 14. [5] The rack, Heb. II. 33. [6] Beheading, Gen. 40. 19. [7j The precipice, or throtving headlong, 2 Chr. 25.12. [8] 'Po be tor?!, in pieces by thorns, Judg. 8. 16. [9] The saw, Heb. 11. 37. [10] Imprisonment, Lev. 24. 12. Judg. 16. 21. [11] Cutting of the hair, Neh. 13.25. [12] To pluck out the eyes, Exod. 21.24. [13] To cut off the Jingers and toes:, Judg. 1. 5, 6. Gen. 4. 13. my/, is greater || 19. tl5./. of city Lev. 26. 41. accept/. 43.|jl Sam. 28. 10. no/.shall Job 31. 3. a strange /.jjProv. 19. 19. shall suffer/. Lam. 3. 39./. of his sins|| 4. 6./. is greater than 4.22. the p. of thine iniquity is accomphshed Ezek. 14. 10. bear/, of their iniquity,/, of prop* Amos 1. 3. not turn away /. 6, — 13. | 2. 1, 4, 6. Zech. 14. 19./;. of Egypt||Matt. 25. .46. everlast./;. 2 Cor. 2. 6. sutlicient to such a man is this /. Heb. 10. 29. sorer/. II iPet. 2. 14./. of evildoers PUNISHMENTS,^. Job 19.29. bringeth the/. P^al. 149. 7. to execute p. \\ Jer. 44. t9. forgot/'. PUNITES, Beholding. Num. 26. 23. beholding: or, ac- PUNON, A precious stone, or cording to some, it signifies [l]Greai amazement. [2] The face of the sun, Num.33. 42,43. PUR, Lot. Esth. 3. 7. 1 9. 24, 26. PURCHASE, ED, /. Gen. 25. 10. Abraham p. PUR G«n.49.32./». of field 1| Exod.15.16. people thouj&. Lev. 22.+ 11. buy a soul with/>. || 25.33. if a manp. Ruth 4. 10. Ruth I have p. to be my wife, to raise Psal. 74. 2. congteg. thou f). j| 78. 54. mount j!'. Jer. 32. 11. evidence of the/;. 12, 14, 16. Acts 1. 18. p- a field || 8. 20. be p. with money 20. 28. p. with his own blood [jEph. 1. l4./>.poss. iTim. 3. 13. p. to thems. \\ iPet. 2. 1 9. a p. people PURE, a, signifies, [1] Simple, unmixed, Exod. 25. 17. [2j Hohj, P^al. 19. 8. [3] Sincere, Matt. 5. 8. [4] Tried, or refined, Psal. 119- tl40. [5] Clear, Acts 20. 26. [6J Lawful to he tised, Rom. 14. 20. [7] Believers, Tit. 1. 15. Exod. 27. 20. p. oil || SO. 23. myrrh || 34. frankinc. / 31. 8. the p. candle-tick, 39. 38. Lev. 24. 4. Lev. 24. 6. ,'-. table || Deut. 32. 14. p. blood of gr. 2 Sam. 22. 27. with p. shew thyself/;. P>al. 18. 26. 1 Kin. 5. 11. p. oil I) 2Chr. 13.11.;>.table||Ezra6.20. Job 4. 17. p. than his maker || 8. 6. if thou we.rtp. 11.4. ray doctrine is/». j| 16. 17 prayer is p. 23. 5. yea, the star-- are not p. in his sight Ps. 12. 6. words of the L. are/. 19. 8. | 119. 140. Prov. 15. 26. words oi'p. \\ 20. 9.p- from my sin 20. 11. work be /j. II 21. 8. the/, his work is right 30. 5. every word of G. is p. |j 12. p. in own eyes Dan. 7. 9. hair like />. wool |j Mic. 6. 11. count/*. Zeph. 3. 9. a p. language 1| Mai. 1 . 1 1. a />. offeiing Mark 14. + 3. of/>.nard [| Act> 20. 26. 1 am p. from Rom. 14. 20. all things are/. || Phil. 4. 8. are /. 1 Tim. 3. 9./. conscience Ij 5. 22. keep thyself/;. 2 Tim. 1. 3./. conscience II Tit. 1. 15. to they^. all Heb. 10. 22. and our bodies washed with p. water Jam. 1. 27. p. religion || 3. 17. wisdom is first/. 2 Pet. 3. 1. your/;, minds |j 1 John 3. 3. as he is p. Rev. 15. 6. m/. Jinen|j 22. 1. a p. river of life See Heart, Gold. PURELY, ad. Isa. 1. 25. /;. purge away thy dross PURENESS, s. Job 22.30. dehvered by the p. of Prov. 22.11. loveth/). || 2Cor. 6. 6. hyp. by know!. PURER, a. Lara. 4. 7. p. than snow || Hab. 1. 13. PURGE, V. 2Chr. 34. 3. Josiah began to/. Judah Psal. 51.7. p. me with hyssop and I shall be clean 65. 3. our transgressions thou shalty;. 79. 9. Isa. 1. 2^. purely p. \\ Ezek. 20. 38./. the rebels Ezek. 43. 20. clean.se and p. it || 26. 7. days /;. altar Dan. 11. 35. fall to p. \\ Mai. 3. 3. p. them as gold Matt. 3.12./.hisfloor,Luke3.l7.||lCor. 5. 7./.out 2 Tim. 2. 21. if aman/>. || Heb. 9.14./;. conscience PURGED, p. 1 Sam. 3. 14. shall not hep. with 2 Chr. 34. 8./;. land j| Prov. 16. 6. iniquity is p. Isa. 4. 4. /J. the blood || 6. 7. and tliy sin is p. 22. 14. shall not be/. |j 27. 9. iniquity of Jacob/. Ezek. 24. 13. I/, thee, and thou vv^ast not/. Heb. 1.3./. our sins || 9. 22. all things/, by blood 10. 2. once/. [| 2 Pet. 1. 9./. from his old sins PURGETH. John 15.2. he /. it that it may PURGING, p. Prov. 20. + 30. Mark 7. 19. PURIFICATION, S, s. were Legal, Num. 19. 9. 17. Ceremonial, 2 Chr. 30. 19. Neli. 12. 45. Luke 2. 22. Acts 21. 26. Cicil, Esth. 2. 3, 12. PURIFY, V. Num. 19. 12./. himself, 19, 20. 31. 19./. yourselves || 20./. your raiment Job 41. 25. /. thems. || Isa. 6io. 17. || Ezek. 43. 26. Mai. 3. o. p. sons of Levi || John 11. 55. went to/. Arts 21. 2J./. thyself}! Tit. 2. 14. to /;. to himself PUR Ht^i Jam. 4. 8. /. your hearts, ye double-minded PURIFIED, /. Lev. 8. 15. /. the altar^ and Num. 8. 21. the Levites were/. Ezra 6. 20. 31. 23. it shall be p. \\ 2 Sam. 11. 4. Bathsheba Ps. 12. 6. as silver/. |j Prov. 30. 1 5. word of G. is/, Dan. 12. 10. many be/. || Acts 24. 18. found me/. Heb. 9. 23./. with these || 1 Pet. 1. 22./. your souls PURIFIER, s. Mai. 3. 3. and/, of silver, and PURIFIETH. Num. 19. 13. 1 John 3. 3. PURIFYING, i^ Lev. 12. 4. blood of her/. 5,6. Num. 8. 7. v/ater of/. || 1 Chr. 23. 28. p. of holy Esth. 2.12./. of womenjjjohn 2.6./. of Jews,3.25. Acts 15. 9. ;-/. their hearts |j 21. 26, /. himself Heb. 9. 13. sauctifieth, to the/, of the flesh PURIv],Lo^s. Esth. 9. 26,— 32. PURITY, s. 1 Tim. 4. 12. in faith, in /. || 5. 2. PURLOINING, p. Fraud. Tit. 2. 10. not/. PURPLE, s. Exod. 25. 4. | 26. 1. | 39. 3. Num. 4. 13. a/, cloth i| Judg. 8. 26./. on kings 2 Chr. 2. 7. to work in p. 14. || 3. 14. vail of/. Esth. 1. 6. cords of / ;.|| 8. 15. a garment of/. Prov. 31. 22. her clothing is p. \\ Song 3. 10. of/fi Song 7. 5. hair like/.y Jer. 10. 9./. clothing Ezek. 27. 7. /. covered thee jj 16. fairs, with /. Mark 15. 17."clothed him with /;. 20. John 19. 2, 5. Luke 16. 19. a certain rich man clothed in/. Acts 16. 14. a seller of/. || Heb. 9. 1 19. M. took /- Rev. 17. 4. arrayed in p. and scarlet, 18. 12, 16. PURPOSE, s. A firm thought or determination^ Eccl. 3. 1. God's decree, Rom. 9. 11. Gen. 6. t 5. p. only evil || Num. 14. 1 34. of my p. Ruth 2. 16. handfulsof /j.|| Neh. 8. 4. for the/. Ezra 4. 5. hired counsellors to frustrate their/. Job 33. 17. man from his/.|| Prov. 20. 1 8. every p. Eccl. 3. 1. and a time for every/. 17. j 8. 6. ' Isa. 1. 11. to what/. || 14. 26. is the/, j) 30. 7. to no Jer. 6.20. to what d. \\ 49. 30. Nebu. conceived ap. 51. 29. every p. staudlJEzek. 38. 1 10. mischievous Dan. 6. 17./. be not changed jjMatt. 26. 8. to what Acts 11. 23. with/, of heart II 26. 16. for this/. 27. 13. obtained their/. || 43. kept from their/* Rom. 8. 28. according to his /. || 9. 1 1. /. of God 9. 17. even for this same/. I raised thee up Eph. 1. 11. according to the/, of him, 3. 11. 6. 22. whom I sent for the same p. Col. 4. 8» 2 Tim. 1. 9. p. and grace || 3. 10. known my p. 1 John 3. 8. for this/. Son of G. was manifested PURPOSE, ED, /. 1 Kings 5. 5. 1 /. to build sax 2 Chr. 28. 10. yep. to keep|| 32. 2./. to fight Psal. 17. 3. I am /. || 140. 4. /. to overthrow my Isa. 14. 24. as I have /. |j 27. the L. hath /. who 19. 12. />. on Egypt II 23. 9. the L.hath/. 46. 11 . Jer. 4. 28. I have/. it||26. 3. evil which I/. 36.3. evil I/. II 49. 20. he hath/. 50. 45. Lam. 2. 8./. to destroy || Dan. 1. 8. Daniel/. Acts 1 9. 21. Paul/. 20. 3. || 2 Cor. 1. 17. do I/. Rom. 1. 13. often times I/, to come to you but Eph. 1. 9. /. in himself || 3. 11. /. in Jesus Christ PURPOSES, s. Job 17. 11. my/, are broken off Prov.15.22./. disappointed I i Isa.l9.lO./. thereof Jer. 49. 20. hear counsel of L. and/. 50. 49. PURPOSETH. 2 Cor. 9. 7. as he /;. in his heart PURPOSING, /. Gen. 27. 42./. to kill thee PURSE, S, s. Piov. 1. 14. let us all have one/. Matt. 10. 9. Mark 6. 8. Luke 10. 4. | 22. 35, 36, PURSUE, V. Gen. 35. 5. they did not p. after Exod. 15. 9. enemy said, I'll /. Tli overtake PtJT QUA Deut 19. 6. lest avenger of blood/?. Josh. 20. 5. 28. 22. they shall ^. thee till thou perish, 45. Josh. 2. 5. p. after them, 10. 19. i) 8. 16. Ai to/. 1 Sam. 24. 14. after whom dost/. 1| 25. 29./. thee 26. 18. wherefore/. \\ 30. 8. shall I p. after? 2 Sam. 17. 1. I'll /;. D. j| 20. 6. /. after Sheba, 7. 24. 13. wilt thou flee while enemies p. thee Job 13. 25. /. di-y stubble || 30. 15. terrors/*, my Ps. 34. 14. peace, and/». it || Isa. 30. 16./j be swift Jer. 48. 2. sword sliali /. Ezek. 35.6. Hos. 8. 3. Amos 1. II. Edom did p. |j Nah. I. 8. darkness/). PURSUED, /'. Gen. 14. 14. Abraham/. 15. 31. 23. Labanandhis brethren//. Jacob, 36. Exod.l4. 8. Egypt/>. 9. 23. Deut.ll. 4. Jos'h. 24. 6. Josh. 2. 7./. the ^pies || 8. 16. they of Ai/>. 22. Judg. 1. 6./. Adonibezek j] 4. 16. Barak/. 17. 7. 23. Gideon, 25. i 8. 12.|| 20. 45./>. Benjamin 1 Sam. 7. 11. Israel/. 17. 52. || 23. 2.i. Saul/. D. 30. 10, David /. \\ 2 Sam. 2. 19. Asahel/. Abner 2 Sam. 2. 24. Joab p. Abner || 20. 10./. Sheba 22. 38. I have /. Psal. 18. 37. || 1 Kings 20. 20. SKings 25. 5. army of Chaldee/. Jer. 39. S.j 52. 8. 2Chr. 13. 19. Abijah/.|| 14. 13. Asa/. Ethiop. Isa. 41. 3. he/, tliem |) Lam. 4. 19. they /. us PURSUER, S. Josh. 2. 16, 22.| 8. 20. Lam. 1. 6. PURSUETH, ING,/. Lev. 26. 17. none ]u 36. Judg. 8. 4. Gideon /. them || 5. I am /. Zeba 1 Sam. 23. 28. from/. Dav. [| 2 Sam. 3. 22. | 18. 16. iKin. 18- 27. your god is/. || 22. 33. from/. Jehos. Prov.ll. 19./. it to his hurt || 13. 21. evil/, sinners 19. 7. /. with words || 28. 1. flee when none/. PURTENANCE, s. Exod. 12. 9. his legs and/. PUSH, r. Exod. 21. 32. if the ox shall/. 2>&. Deut. 33. 17. shall/. || 1 Kings 22. 11./. Syrians Job 30. 12. p. my feet || Psai. 44. 5. Dan. 1 1. 40. PUSHING, /. Dan. 8. 4. 1 saw the ram /. west. PUSHED,/. Ezek. 34. 21. and/, all the diseased PUT, Fatness, or hinge. Nah. 3. 9. PUT, V. Gen. 2. 8./. the man \\ 3. 15. p. enmity Exod. 3. 5. /. off thy shoes, Isa. 20. 2. Acts 7. 33. 2 Sam. 6. 6. Uzzah/. forth |j 2Chr. 9. 23./. in heart Nell. 2. 12. what God hath/, in my heart, 7. 5. Eccl. 3. 14. can be/, to it || 10. 10./. to morestr. Rev. 17. 17. God hath /. in their heart to fulfil PUT away. Gen. 35. 2. Lev. 21. 7. Deut. 19. 13. I 22. 19. Josh. 24. 14. Judg. 10. 16. 1 Sam. 1. 14. j 7. 3. | 28. 3. 2 Sam. 7. 15. 1 12. 13. 2 Kings 3. 2. ] 23. 24. 2 Chr. 15. 8. Ezra 10. 3, 19. Job 11. 14. | 22. 23. Psal. 18. 22. 1 88. 8. Prov. 4. 24. Isa. 50. 1. Jer. 3. 1, 8. I 4. 1. Ezek. 43. 9. I 44. 22. Hos. 2. 2. Amos 6. 3. Mai. 2.t 16. Matt. 1. 19. I 5. 31, 32. Mark. 10. 2, 12. 1 Cor. 5- 13. I 7. 11. 1 13. 11. Eph. 4. 31. 1 Tim. 1. 19. Heb. 9. 26. PUT/ora. 1. 31. none shall9.|j42.3.tlaxnotg.Matt.l2.20. Jer. 4. 4. that none can q. it, 21. 12. Amos 5. 6. Eph. 6. 16. able to ^-UlThes. 5. 19. q.not theSpirit QUENCHED, p. Num. 11. 2. fire 9. 2 Chr. 34.25. 2 Kings 22. 17. wmth not be 5. || Ps. 118.12.are q. Isa. 34. 13. not be q. 66. 24. || 43. 17. 9. as tow Jer. 7. 20. shall not be q. 17. 27. Ezek. 20. 47, 48. Mark 9. 43. lire that never shall be q. 44, — 48. Heb. 11. 34. q. the violence of fire, escaped the QUESTION, s. signifies, [1] An enquiry to he resolved, Matt. 22. S5. [2] Disputes, 1 Tim. 1. 4. Of Questions, there are several sorts j Religious, Deut. 6. 20. Hard, 1 Kings 10. 2. Blasphe- mous, John 8. 48. Curious, Luke 13. 23 Foolish, 2 Tim. 2. 23. Tit. 3. 9. Captious, Mark. 12. 14. Hypocritical, Mntt.2. 7. Accu- satory, Neh. 2. 19. Reprehensive, 1 Sam. 1. l^P>>^Ajffirmative, Num. 12. 2. Negative, Num.' 23. 8. Neh. 0. 3. 0/ disdain, Gen. 37. 8. Of inquiry. Josh. 9. 8. Of complaint, Gen. 42. 28. Of doubting andunbclief. Num. 11. 22. 2 Kings 7. 19. Matt. 22. 35. asked a c in q. \\ Eccl. 9. 17.heard in q. Isa. 7. 4. be q. fear iiotljl 4. 7. whole heart at q. 32. 18. dwell in q.\\ZS. 20. a q. habitation Jer. 30. 10. in rest and ?.||47. 6. ere thou be q. 49, 23. sea cannot be g.|l51. 59. a q. prince Ezek. 16. 42. V\\ be^.|iNah. 1. 12. tho' they be q. Actsi9.36. ye onghtto be q.\\l Thes\4. ll.tobc^. iTim. 2.2. lead a^.jjl Pet. 3. 4.meek and q. spirit QUIETED, p. Psal. 131. 2.Zech. 6. 8. QUIETETH, c. Job 37. 17. q. the earth by QUIETLY, ad. 2 Sam. 3. 27. Lam. .3. 26. QUIETNESS, s. Judg. 8. 28. in q. 40 years 1 Chr. 22. 9. 1 will give q. to Israel in his day^ Job 20. 20. not feel g.jjSl. 29. when hegiveth^. ' Ps. 23.12. waters of g.jjProv. 17. 1. morsel withg. Eccl. 4. 6. handful with q. \\ Isa. 30. 15. in q. Isa. 32. 17. effect of righf. q-WEztk. 1 9. + lO. in q. Acts 24. 2. enjoy gr^at q. \\ 2 Thes. 3. 12. with q. QUIT, V. Exod. 21. 19. smote him shall be q. 23. owner be a. |j Josh. 2. 20. q. of thy oath 1 Sam. 4. 9. q. yourselves like men, 1 Cor. 16. IS. QUITE, ad. Gen. SI. 15. q. devoured our money Exod.23.24.g. break dovv!)||Lev. 25. t 23. q. cut ok Num. 17. 10. q take away |) 35. b'2. ^.pluck down 2 Sam. 3. 2i. Abner q. gone|jJob ^. 13. driven*^, Hab. 3.9. thy bow was made q. naked QUIVER, s' A case for arroios, Gen. 27. 3. Job 39. 23. q. rattleth || Psal. 127. 5. his q. full Isa. 22, 6. Eiam bare the q. \\ 49. 2. shaft in q. Jer. 5. 16. q. a sepulchre l| Lam. 3. 13, of his q. QUIVERED,^. Hab. 3. 16. my lips g. atvoifie RAH RAI R. 3 A AM AH, A breaking. Gen. 10.7. 1 Chr. \j 1. 9. Ezek. 27. 22. KAAMAIAH, Thunder of God. Neh. 7. 7. RABBAH, or RABBATH, Great, or chiding. Deut. 3. 11. is it not in R ?|| 2 Sam. 11. l.besiejiced 2 Sam. 12. 26. fought against 1| 17. 27. Shobiof R. 1 Chr. 20. 1. Joab smote R.and destroyed it Jer. 49. 2. alarm in R. 1) 3. cry daughter of R. Ezek. 21.20. sword to R.||25.5.a stable for camels Amos 1. 14. I'll kindle afire in the wall of R. RABBI, s. A name of dignitij among the He- brews, signifying Doctor or Master. Matt. 23. 7. love to be called r.||8. be not called?*. John 1. 38. they said R. where dwellest thou ? 49. Nathanael said, R.||3. 2. R. we know 3. 26. to John and said, r. || 6. 2.5. they said R RABBITH. Acity. Josh. 19. 20. RABBONI, 3Iaster. John 20. 16. R ABM AG, Melting. Jer. 39. 3, 13. RAB-SARIS, Master of eunuchs, 2 Kings 18. 17. Jer. 39.3,13. RAB-SHAKEH, Master of drinkers. 2 Kings 18. 17. king of Assyria sent R. Isa. 36. 2. 19. 4. God will hear words'of R. Isa. 37. 4. RACA, Vain, empty. Matt. 5.22. RACE, s. Psal. 19. 5. strong man to run a r. Eccl. 9. 11. r. is not to swiftlJlCor. 9.24. run in a r. Heb. 12. 1. run with patience the r. set before RACHAB, Proud, strong. Matt. 1. 5. RACHAL, Injiirioiis. 1 Sam. 30. 29. RACHEL, A sheep. Gen. 29. 6. Matt. 2. 18. Gen. 29. 12. Jacob told R.jl 17. R. was beautiful 18. Jacob loved R. 30. || 31. R. was barren eo. served seven years for R.||28. gave him R. 50.1. R. envied her|| 22. God remembered R. 31. 19. R. hadstolen|j S3. Laban went to R. tent 35. 19. R.died, 48.7. 11 35. 24. sons of, 46. 19. Ruth 4. 11. like R.jj 1 Sam. 10. 2. R. sepulchre Jer. 31. 1 5. R. weeping for her child. Mat 2. 1 8. RADDAI, Ruling. 1 Chr. 2. 14. RAFTERS, s. or Galleries, Song 1. 17. RAGUA, A friend. Luke 3. 35. RAGE. 2 Kin. 5. 12. Naamanturnedawayinar. 19.27. I know thy r. against me. Isa. 37. 28. 2 Chr. 16. 10. Asa was in a r.|j28. 9. slain in a ?'. Job 39. 24. swal. with r. || 40. 11. cast abroad the r. Psal. 2. 1. why do heathen 7'.1|7. 6.r. of my enemy Prov. 6. 34. jealousy is tlic r. || 29. 9. r. or laugh Jer. 46. 9. r. ye chariots || Dan. 3. 13. in his r. Hos. 7. 16. fall for the r. || Nah. 2. 4. chariots r. RAGED, p. Psal. 46. 6. the heathen r. the kingd. RAGETH, V. Prov. 14. 16. but the fool r. and RAGGED, a. Isa. 2. 21. go in tops of r. rocks RAGING, p. Psal. 89. 9. rulestr. of the sea Prov.20.1.strong drink is r.jjjonah 1. 15. ceased?-. Luke 8. 24. rebuked the r. |j Jude 13. r. waves RAGS,s. Prov. 23. 21. Isa. 64. 6. Jer. 38. 11,12. RAGUEL, Shepherd,or friend of Goe ?*. Ezek. 1. 28. as the how in the cloud in day of r. Hos. 6. 3. come as the r. || Joel -2. 22. to come r. Anjos 4. 7. with-holden 7\|jZech. 14.17. be no r,18. Mat. 5.45. r. on the just j| 7. 23. f. descended ; 27. Acts 14. 17. gave us r. |j 28. 2. the present r. Heb. 6. 7. drinkethin r.jJJam. 5. 18. heaven gave ,Sff? Latter. RAIN, f. Gen. 2. 5. to r. || 7. 4. r. forty days Exod. 9. 18. 1'ikcanseit to r.|jl6. 4. I'll r. bread Job 20. 23. r. his fury || 38. 26. to cause it to r. Psal. 11.6. r. snaresljEzek. 38. 22. overflowing r. Hos. 10. 12. r. righteou in remembrance, Ruth 4. 5. [6] To ^/rg % Matt. 11. a. John 2. 19. [7] To send. Dent. 18. 15. [8] To advance, Psal. 113. 7. [9] To i?«'W, Isa.23. 13. [lOj To fd for any tcoric, Jndg. 2. 16. Gen. 38. 8. r. up seed, 1 Chr. 17. 11. Matt. 22.24. Exod. 23. 1 . thou shalt not r. a false report Dent. 18. 15. r. up a prophet, 18. Acts3.22|7.37. 25. 7.refuseth to r.\\ Josh. 8. 29- '^ aheap Ruth 4. 5. to r.up the name i| 1 Sam. 2. 35. I'll r. 12 Sam. 1 2. 1 1. I'll r. up evil 1| 17. went to r. him 1 Kings 14. 14. /'. up a kingjjjob 3.8. r. mourning Jobl9.l2. his troops r. up tlieir way ag. me, 30.12. Psal. 41. 10. r. me up || 48.113. r. up her palaces Isa. 1.). .';. r. up a cry \\ 29. 3. I'll r. forts against +4. 26. r. decayed "places || 49. 6. r. up the tribes 5i3. 12. r. up foundations || 61. 4. r. former des. Jer. 23. 5. I'll r. to David a righteous branch,30.:|[34. 29. r. plant of renown Hos. 6. 2.r. us up 1| Joel 3. 7. 1 will r. them out Amos 5.2. none tor. heiije. 14. r. a nation against 9. 1 1 . r. tabern. oi'DavJlMic. 5. 3. r. 7 shepherds Hab. 1. 3. 5\ up strife [j 6. I'll?-, up the Chaldeans !Z(',cli. 11. 16. 1'Ur. up a shepherd in the land Matt. 3. 9. to .-. up children to Abrah.Luke 3. 8. 10. 8. heal the sick, cleanse lepers, r. the dead 22. 24. r. up seed, Mark 12. 19. Luke 20. 28. Jolm 2.19. I'll r. it up, 6. 39, 40, 44, 54. Acts 2. 30. r. up Christ 1 1 26. 8. should ?\ the dead iCor. 6.14. will?-, up usl)y hispower, 2 Cor. 4. 14. Hob. 11. 19. able to r.jj Jam. 5. 15. L. shall r. him RAISED,]?. Exod. 9-16. 1 r. thee up, Rom.9.17. Josh. 5. 7. i\ in their steadli7. 26. r. heap ofstones Judg. 2. 16. r. up judges{,'o. 9- }'• a deliverer, 13. 1 Sain. 23. 1. r. up onhigli||l Kings 5. 13. r. a levy 2Chr. 32. 5..r. it up, 33. 14 1{ Ezra 1.5. spirit G. r. .fob 14. 12. not r. out of sleep j[ Prov. 15.tl9. Song 8. 5. 1 r. thee upjilsa. 14. 9.r. from thrones ■I*a. C:y. 13. r. palaces jj 41. ?. r. righteous man /■ '...I. II 1.-. < ." »:„ .■„.i,4. one {'rem north I! -a.^n 1 60 in right Jer. 6, 22. a nation 7\ || 25. 32. whirlwind be J*. . 29. 15. r. prophets II 50. 41. kings be r. 51. 11. Dan.7.5.bear, audit r. upj|Amos2.] l.r.forproph. Zech. 2. 13. r. out of ho'y habit. |}9. 13.r. thy sons Matt. 1. 24. r. from sleep \\ 11. 5. dead are ?'. up 16. 21. r. the tiiird day, 17. 23. Luke 9. 22. Luke 1. 69. r.horn of salv. || 20. 37. dead are r. John 12. 1. Lazaru whom he r. from dead, 9. 17. Acts 2. 24. whom G. r.. up, 32. | 3. 15, 26.|4.10. I 5. 30. 1 10.40. 1 13. 30. | 17. 3. Rom. 10. 9. 1 Cor. 6. 14. 2 Cor. 4. 14. Gal. 1. 1. 12. 7. angel r. up Feter[!l3. 22. he r. up David 13. 23. r.a Saviour I i 50. Jews i\ persecution Roni.4i 24. V. up Jesu IJ25. r. for our justification 6. 4. like as Christ wa^ r. |j 9. Christ being r. 7. 4. r. from the dead |j 8. 11. that r. up Jesus 1 Cor. 15. 15, r.up Canst |j 35. how are dead r. 42. r. in mcorruption, 52. |j43. r. m elory Eph. 1. 20. in C. when he r. him from tbe dead 2. 6. r. us up tog. II Col. 2. 12. G. who ?•. him iThes.l.lO.Son whom he r. from dead, lPet.1.21, 2 Tim. 2. 8. Jesus w^a.s r, jl Heb. 11. 2:-. r. to life 1 Pet. 1. 21. believe in God that r. up from dead RAISER, s. Dan. 1 1. 20. r. of taxes \\ Hos. 7.14. RAISETH, V. 1 Sam. 2. 8. r. the poor, Ps.ll 3.7. Job 41. 25. when he r himself, mighty arc afraid Ps. 107. 25. stormy wind||145.l4. r. bov^ed, 146. 8- John 5. 21. as the F. r. up the dead and quicken. 2 Cor. 1. 9. should trust in God which r. the dead RAISING,/-. Hos. 7. 4. Acts 24. 12. RAISINS,- s.l^ain. 25. 18. clusters of r.3p. 12. 2 Sam. 16. 1. 100 bunchesof r. 1 Ciir. 12. 40. RAKE^.!, Void, or pictures. 1 Ch.r. 7. 16. RAKKATH, Emptiness, or spiitle. Josh. 19.35. RAM, High, ov casting- aivaij. Ruth 4. 19. Hezron be-at R. 1 Chr. 2. 9, 10. 1 Chr. 2. 25. R. Bunali || 27. sons of R. Job 32. 2. RAM, s. Gen. 15. 9- take a r. \\ 22. 13. a r. caught Exod. 29. 15. take one r.||18. burn the ?\ Lev.8.21. 22. it is a r. of consecration, 27, 31. Lev. S. 22. Lev. 9. 2. take a r. for a burnt-olFering, 4. 19- 21. he shall bring a r. for a trespass-offering Num. 5. 8. r. of atonement jj 1 5.11. for one r. or Ezra 10. 19. thev otlered a' r. Ezek. 43. 23, 25. 14.5.24. I 46.4, 5, 6,7, 11. Dan. 8..?. I saw a r, 4, 7. |i 20. j\ two horns RAMS, s. Gen. 31. 10. r. which leaped, 12. 33. i\ of thy flock || 32. 14 Jacob sent 20 r. Num. 7 17. five r. 23,-88. || 29. 13,-33. Dent. 32. l4.r. of the breed||l Sam. l5 22.fatofr. 2 Kings 3. 4. Moab rendered 100,000 r. with w ool I Chr,' 29. 21. sacr. 1000 r. || 2 Chr. 17- 11. 7700 r. Ezra 6. 9. r. for oiferings, 17. | 7. 17. | 8. 35. Psal. 66. IS.w'itk the fat of r. Isa. 1. 11. | 34. 6. 1 14. 4. the mountains skipped like r, 6. Isa. 60. 7. r. minister |i Jer. 51 . 40. bring like r. Ezek. 2«7. 21. occupied in n || 34. 17. judge the r. 59- 1 g. drink blood of »-.j!Mic. 6.7. tliousandsof J'. RAMS-Bcrns, s. Josli. 6. 4, 5, 5, 8, 13. RAMS-Ski7ts, s. Exod. 25. 5. | 2d. i4.|35. 7.|36. 19. { 39. 34.. RAr^IAII, High, or cast away, Josh.l8.25.R. city of Benj.HJndg. 4.5. betv^'een R. 1 Sam. 1. 19. Elkanah came to house in R. 2. 11. 7. 17. Samuel's return was to R. 15. 34.116. 13. 8. 4. elders came to R. |l 19. IS. David came to 1 9. 22. SaiTl went to ii. Ij^Si 6. Sau.1 abode iM Rr^ HAS REA 1 Sam. 25. 1. S- was buried in his house in R. 28. 3. 1 Kin. 15. 17. Baasha built R. 2 Chr. 16. 1 , 5. 2 Kin. 8. 29. Joram went to R. 2 Chr. 22. 6. Kzra 2. 26. children of R. 6- 21 . Neh. 7. 30. ]Veh. 11. 33. dwelt at R. |1 fea. 10. 29. R.is afraid Jer. 31. 15. a voice was heard in R. Matt. 2. 18. Ezek. 27. 22. merchants of R. j| Hos. 3. 8. blow in RAMATH, As Ramah. Josh. 19. 8. RAMATHITE. 1 Chr. 27. 27. RAMATHAIM, Tearing- in pieces. 1 Sam. 1.1. RAMATH-LEHI, Lifting' up of the Jaw-bone. Judg. 15. 17. Jer. 40. 1. RAMATH-MIZPEH. Josh. 13. 26. RAMESES, Thunder. Gen. 47. 1 1. Exed. 1. 4. RAMIAH, Exaltation of God. Ezra 10. 25. RAMOTH, Beholding death, or exalted^ raised, high places. 1 Chr. 6. 73. RAMOTH-GILEAD. Josh. 20. 8. | 21. 38. 1 Kings 22. 3, 12. 2 Kings 8. 28. | 9. 1.2 Chr. 18.2, — 22. A city of refuge. RAMPART, 5. A fence. Lam. 2. 8. Nah. 3. 8. RAN, V. Gen. 1 8. 2. Abraham r. \\ 24. 7. serv. 24. 20. Rebekah r. \\ 28. damsel |j 29. Laban r. 29. 12. Rachel 1| 13. Laban |) 33. 4. Esau r. to Exod. 9- 23. tire 7*. |j Num. 11. 27. a young man r. Num. 16. 47. Aaron r.|| Josh. 7. 22. messengers r. Josh. 8.19. ambushr. || Judg. 7. 21. host of Midian Judg. 9. 21. Jotham r. 1| 13. 10. Blanoah's wife r. 1 Sam. 3. 5. Samuel r. |j 4. 12. a man of Benj. r. 17. 22. David r. 51. \\ 20. 36. as the lad r. he 2Sam. 18. 21. Cnshi r. |) 23. Ahimaaz r. by the 1 Kings 2. 39. servants of Shimei?'. |) 18. 46. Elijah 19. 20. Elisha r.\\ 22.35. the blood r. into ch. Ps. 77.2. my sore r.|)105. 41. waters \\ 133. 2. oint. Jer. 23. 21. yet they r. |}Ezek. 1. 14. Hving creat. Ezek. 47.2. r. out waters \\ Dan. 8. 6. the goat r. Matt. 8. 32. herd of swine, Mark 5.13. Luke8.33. 27. 48. r. and tilled a spunge, Mark 15. 36. Mark 6. 33. r. a-foot || 55. r. thro' whole region Lukel5.20. hisfatherr.il 19. 4. Zach.jl24. 12.Peter John 20. 4. so they r. II Acts 3. 11. people r. 7. 57 Acts 8. 30. Philip r. || 12. 14. she r.jj 14. 14. Paul 21. 32. chief captain r. || 27. 41 . r. ship a-ground Jude 11. r. gyeedily after the error of Balaam RANG, v. 1 Sam. 4. 5. r. again, 1 Kings 1. 45. RANGE, ED, ;h 1 Sam. 17.t2. Job 39. 8. RANGERS, s. 1 Chr. 12.133. r. of the battle RANGES, s. Lev. 11.3.5. 2Kingsll.8, 15. RANGING,/. Prov. 28. 15. a r. bear, so is aw. RANK. Gen. 41. 5. r. and good || 7. r. ears Num. 2. 16. they shall go forth in the third r. 24. 1 Chr. 12. 33. could keep r.t36, 38. || Ps. 55.tl3. RANKS, s. 1 Kings 7. 4. Joel 2. 7. Mark 6. 40. RANSOM, s. A price paid for redemption. Exod. 21. 30. give for the r. of his life, 30. 12. Job 33. 24. I've found a r. |j36. 18. a great r. Ps. 49. 7. nor give toG. a j\j|Prov. 6. 35. regard r. Prov. 13. 8. r. of a man's life || 21. 18. r. for right. Isa.43. 3.Egyptforthyr.||Hos. 13. 14. I'll r. them Matt. 20. 28. to give his hfe a r. Mark 10.45. 1 Tim. 2. 6. who gavehimse f a r. for all, to be RANSOMED, p. Isa. 35. 10.151. 10. Jer. 31. 11. RAPHA, Release, or phijsic. 1 Chr. 8. 2, 37. RAPHU, T!ie same. Num. 13. 9. RARE. a. Dan. 2. 11. it is a r. thing that the k. RASE V. Psal. 137. 7. r. it, r. it even to the f. RASH, a. Eccl. 5. 2. I^^a. 32.t4. 1 Cor. 13.t4. — RASHLY, ad. Acts 19. 36. and to do nothing r. RASHNESS, s. 2 Sam. 6.t7. smote Uz. for his r. RASOR, s. Num. 6. 5. no r. come on his head, Judg. 13.5. I 16.17. 1 Sam. 1. 11. Psal. .52. 2. like a sharp r.|| Isa. 7. 20. Ezek. 5. 1. RATE, s. Exod. 16. 4. gather a certain r. every 1 Kings 20. 25. brought mules at a r. 2 Chr. 9. 24. £ Kings 25.30. a daily r. for every day, 2Chr. 8.13. RATHER, ad. 2 Kings 5. 13. how much r. when Job 7. 15. chooseth death r. than life, Jer. 8. 3, 32. 2. justified himself r. || 36. 21 .chosen r. Psal. 52. 3. lying r. || 84. 10. r. be a door-keeper Prov. 8. 10. knowledge r. than choice gold, 16.10 . 17. 12. a bear meet r. I) 22. 1. a good name r. Matt. 10. 0. go r. |j 28. r.fear him that is able to 18. 8. r. than having two hands be cast, 9. 25. 9. go r. to them that sell || 27. 24. r. a turn. Mark 5. 26. r. grew wor-e Ij 15. 11. r. release Bar. Luke 10.20. r. rejoiceljl 1.28. r. blessed||41. r. give 12. 31. r. seek||5l. r. division || IS. 14. justified r. John3.19. loved darkn. r.||Acts5. 29. to obeyG.j-. Rom. 8. 34. yea, r. that is risen || 11. 11. r. thro* 1 2. 19. r. give place to wrath||14. 13. judge this j% 1 Cor. 5. 2. not r. mourned || 6. 7. r. take wrong 7. 21. made free, use it r.j|9. 12. are not we r.? 14. 1. desire gifts 7\||19. had r. speak five words 2 Cor. 2. 7. r. to forgive || 3. 8. be r. glorious 5. 8. r. to be absent || 12. 9. VWr. glory in my Gal. 4. 9. r. are known || Eph. 4. 28. r. labour Eph. 5. 4. r. giving of thanks |j 11 r. reprove 1 Tim. 1. 4. r. than edifying || 4. 7. r.to godliness Heb. 11. 25. choosing r. II 12. 9. r. be in subject. 12. 13. r. be healed || 13. 19. r. to do this, that 2 Pet. 1. 10. r. give diligence to make your calling RATTLETH^r. Job 39. 23. the quivern RATTLING, />. Nah. 3. 2. r. of the wheels RAVEN, S. s. Gen. 8. 7. Noah sent a r. which Lev. 11. 15. every r. is unclean, Deut. 14. 14. 1 Kings 1 7. 6. r. brought Elijah bread and flesh Job 38. 41. provideth the r. food, Psal. 147. 9. Prov. 30. 17. r. of valley||Song5. 11. black as a r. Isa. 34. 11. owl and r. 1| Luke 12. 24. consider r. RAVENING. Psal. 22. 13. gaped as a r. hon Ezek. 22. 25. r. the prey, 27.||Mat. 7.15.r. wolves Luke 11. 39. your inward part is full of r. and RAVENOUS, a. Isa. 35. 9.|46. 11. Ezek. 39. 4. RAVIN, V. Gen. 49. 27. Benjamin shall r. RAVIN, 6-. Nah. 2. 12. filled his dens with r. RAVISHED, p. Prov. 5. 19. be thou r. 20. Song 4. 9. thou hast r. \\ Isa. 13. 16. wives be r. Lam. 5. 11. r. the women in Zion, Zech. 14. 2. RAW, a. Exod. 12. 9. eat not of it r. nor sod. Lev. 1 3. 10. r. flesh, 14, 15. 1 Sam. 2. 15. REACH, r. Gen. 11. 4. top may r. up to heaven Exod. 28, 42. r. to thighs||Lev. 26. 5. r. to vintage Num. 34. 11. r. to sea || Job 20. 6.r. to the clouds Isa. 8. 3. r. even to the neck, 30. 28. Jer. 48. 32. plants r. [| Zech. 14. 5. valley r. to John 20. 27. Thoma.*, r. hither thy finger, and 2 Cor. 10. 13. a measure to r. even unto you REACHED,/, Gen. 28. 12. ladder's topV. up to Ruth 2. 14. Dan. 4. 11. 2 Cor. 10. 14. Rev. 18. 5. REACHETH, v. 2 Chr. 28. 9. rage r. to heaven Psal. 36. 5. faithfulness r. to the ciouds, 108. 4. Prov. 31. 20. r. her handf.||Jer. 4. 10. sword r. 18. Jer. 51.9. r. to heaven |jDan. 4. 22. thy greatness^ REACHING, /. 2 Chr. 3. 1 1. Phil. 3. 13. REA READ, V. Exod. 24. 7. he r. Josh. 8. 34, 35. Deut. 17. 19. king shall r. || 31. 11. thou shalt r. 2 Kings 5. 7. }-. the letter, 19. 14. Ezra 4. 18, 23. . 22. 8. r. book of law, 23. 2. 3 Chr. 34. 30. Neh. 8. 3, 8,18. I 9. 13. I 13. 1. E'th. 6. l.book of the records wasr. before king Isa. 29. 11. r. this I pray, 12.|j34. 16. r. no one sha^ I ST. 14. letter, and r.it, Jer. 29. 29. Acts 23. 34. Jer. 36. 6. r. in the roll, 10, 21, 23. || 51. 61. Dan. 5. 7. whosoever shall r. this writing, 8, 17. Matt. 12. 3. liave ye not r. 19. 4. | 21. 16, 42. I 22. 31. Mark ^. 25. | 12. 10, 26. Luke 6. 3. Luke 4. 16. stood to r. |j John 19. 20. this title r. Acts 8.28. r. Esaia-, 30.||13. 27. prophets r. 15.31. 15. 31. which when they had r. they rejoiced 2 Cor. 1. 13. than what ye r. |) 3. 2 r. of all men 3. 15. when Moses is r. || Eph. 3. 4. when ye ;•. Col. 4. 16. when this epistle is r. among yon 1 Thes. 5. 27. epistle be r. \\ Rev. 5.4. to r. book R~EADEST, V. Luke 10. 26. how r. thou ? Acts 8. 30. understandest thou what thou r. ? READETH, v. Hab. 2. 2, may run that r. it Matt. 24. 15. whoso 7\ let him und. Mark 13. 14. Rev. 1. 3. blessed is he that r. and heareth this READING. Neh. 8. 8. to unaerstand the r. Eecl. 12.tl2.muchr.||Acts 13. 15. after r. of law 1 Cor. 3. 14. inn the old|jl Tim.4.13. attend, to r. READING, p. Jer. 36. 8 r. in the book,51.63. READINESS,*. Acts 17. 11. 2 Cor. 8. 11. [10. 6. READY, a. Exod. 17. 4. almost r. to stone me 19. 11. be r. against third day, 15. || 34. 2. be r. Num. 32. 17. r. armed || Deut. 1. 41. r. to go up Deut. 26. 5. r. to perish jl Josh. 8. 4. be ye all i\ 1 Sam. 25.18. r. dret that day, 8. 13. Job 3. 8. r. to raise mourning |) 12. 5. r to slip 15. 23. darkness r. j| 24. as a king r to battle 28. r. to become heaps || 17. 1. graves are r. 18. 12. destruction r. || 29. 13. was r. to perish 82. 19. belly is r. to burst||Psal. 38. 17. r.to halt Psal. 45. 1. a r. writer || 86. 5. r. to forgive and 88. 15. r. to die|| Prov. 24. 11. r. to perish, 31.6. Eccl. 5.1. more r. to hear||Isa. 27. 13. r. to perish Isa.30.13. abreach r. to fali||32.4. r. to speak plain 38. 20. r. to save me [j 41. 7. r. for sodering 51. 13. r. to destroy 1| Dan. 3. 15. r. to fall down Matt. 22. 4. all things are r. 8. Luke 14. 17. 24. 44. be ye also r. Luke 12. 40. 2 Cor. 9. 3. 25. 10. they that werer.yMark 14. 38. spirit is r. Lnke 7. 2. r. to die || 22. 33. r. to go with thee John 7. 6. is not come, but your time is alway . Acts 20. 7. r. to depart||21. 31. r. not to be bound 23. 15. r. to kill him || 21. r. looking for promise Rom. 1. 15. 1 am r. to preach tlie go-pe; at Rome 2 Cor. 8. 19. of your r. mind || 9. 2. r. a year ago 9. 5. same might be 7\j|12. 14. r. to come to you 1 Tim. 3.t3. not r. to quarrel|| 6.18. r. to distribute 2 Tim. 4. 6. r. to be offered || Tit. 3. 1 r. to every Heb.8.13.r. to vanish|j 1 Pet. 1.5.r.to be revealed 1 Pet. 3. 15. r. to give an answer || 4. 5. r. to judge 5. 2. of a r. mind |j Rev. 3. 2. r. to die || 12. 4. See Made, Make. REAIAH, Vision of the Lord. 1 Chr. 5. 5. REALM, s. 2 Chr. 20. 30. r. of Jeh. was quiet Ezra 7. 13. they of my r. \\ 23. wrath against r. Dan. 1.20.tlianallinhisr.l|6.3.overr. 9.1.|!ll. 2. REB V47 REAP, V. To enjoy the fruit of one's luhonr. Lev. 19. 9. not wlioliy r. the corners, 23. 10, 22. 25. 5. what groweth of itself thou shalt not r. 11. in jubilee not r. \\ Ruth 2. 9. field they r. 1 Sam. 8.12. r. harvest, 2 Kings 19.29. Isa. 37. 30. Job 4. 8. r. the samelJ-M. 6. r. everj- one his corn Psal. 126. 5. r. in joy || Prov. 22. 8. r. vanity Eccl.l .4. reirards clouds, not r.|ijer.l 2.1 3. r.thorns Hos. 8. 7. r. the whirlwind jj 10. 12. r. in mercy Mic. 6. 15. thou shalt -ow, but thou -halt not r. Matt. 6. 26. fowls of the air r. not, Luke 12. 24. 25. 26. knewe 1 1 7\ || John 4. 38. to r. whereon 1 Cor. 9. 11. r. your carnaljl"2 Cor. 9.6. r. sparmgly Gal. 6. 7. that shall her r. B. |j 9. in due season r. Rev. 14.15. thrust in thy sickle and r. for the time REAPED, p. Hos. 10. 13. Jam. 5. 4. Rev. 14.16. REAPER, s. Amos 9. 13. overtake the r. and REAPERS, s. Ruth 2. 3. gleaned after the r. 7. 2 Km. 4.18. went to r.lJMatt. 13. 39. r. the angels REAPEST, V. Lev. 23. 22. Luke 19. 21. REAPETH, V. Isa. 17. 5. John 4. 36, 37. REAPING,;). 1 Sam. 6. 13. Matt. 15. 24. REASON, s. signifies, [1] That faculty of the soul whereby we judge of things, Dan. 4. 36. [2] Proof, gj'oundy or argument, 1 Pet. 3. 15. [3] To confer, or dispute, Matt. 16. 8. 1 Kin. 9.15. this i- the r ||Prov. 26. 16. render a r. Eccl. 7. 25. 1 applied to search the r. of things,t27. Dan. 4. 36. my r. returned 1| Acts 6. 2. | 18. 14. 1 Pet. 3. 1.5. that asketh you a r. of the hope % REASON. Gen. 41.31. -r. of famme, 47. 1.3. Exod. 2. 23. Israel sighed by r. of bondage, 3. 7. Job 17. 7. mine eye is also dim by r. of sorrow 31. 23. -r. of hishighness|j37. 19. -r. of darkn. Ps. 38. 8. rored -r. || 73. 65. shouteth -r. of wine 90. 10. if -r. of strength jl 102. 5. -r. of my gron. Prov. 20. 4. -r. of cold jj Isa. 49. 19. Ezek. 21. 12. Rom. 8. 20. 2 Cor. 3. 10. Heb. 5. 14. |7. 23. 2 Pet. 2. 2. Rev. 8. 13. i 9. 2. | 18. 19. REASON, V. 1 Sam. 12. 7. that I may r. Job 9. 14. choose w•ord^ to r.[jl3. 3. 1 desire to r. 15. 3. should he r. with unprofitable talk, or Isa. 1. 18. let usr.jjJer. 12.tl. let me r. the ca^e Matt. 16. 8. Jesus said, why r. ye, Mark Luke 5. 21. scribes began to r. |{22. what r. ye. REASONED,^. Matt. l6.7.r.among themselves Marks. 16. | 11. 31. Luke 20. 5. Mark 2. 8. that they aiustiuy vvonlatvvaters of Meribah, 27. 14. Deut. 1. ^26, 4.S. | 9. 23. 1 Kin. 12.19. Israel r. ai^.lionse of D. 2. Chr. 10 19. 2 Kin^s 1. 1. Moab r. 3. 5. || 18. 7. Hezekiah r. 24. 1. Jehoiakim r. 20.2 Chr. 36. 13. Jer. .52. 3. 2 Ciir. 13. f^. Jeroboam r.j jNeh. {)J16. tiiev »\ a:.T::mist Psai. 5. 10. they r. 107. 11. |! 105. 28. they i-. not Isa. 1. 2. they have r. |j 6.S. 10. ?". a,nd vexed his Lam. 1.18.1 have?\20.]!3.42. wehavcj". and thou Ezek. 2. 3. nation r.||17^ 15. lie r.||20. 8. they r. Dan. 9. 3. we have r. 9. || Hos. 13. 16. Samaria r. EEBELLEST, v. 2 Km-'-s 18. 20. la. 36. 5. IISBELLION, *•. Nnsn. 17.110. cluldren of r. Deut 31 . 21. 1 know thy r. jj Josh. 22. 22. if in r. 1 Sam, 15, 23. r. as witchcraft |j 20.t30. son of r. ' Ezra 4, 19. r. ma!/on Eph. 6, 8. same shall he r.|jCol. 3. 24. r. rcvvard Col. 3. 25. r. for the wrong || Philem. 15. r. him I ieb. 7. 5. r. cilice of priestliood j| 8. r. titiiesbut 9. 15.r. the promise, 10^ 3C.}|11.8. shoald after i\ REC REC Jam. 1. 7. r. any tiling \\ 12. r. the crown of life 3. 1. r. greater condemnation|)5. 7. n latter rain 1 Pet. 5. 4. r. a crown jj 2 Pet. 2. 13. r. reward 1 John 3. 22. ask, we r. [| 5. 9. if we r. the witness 2 John 8. but that we r. a full reward Rev. 14. 9. r. his mark || 17. 12. ?\ power as kings RECEIVE, (imperatkehj.) Gen. 3:3. 10. Job 22. 22. r. I pray thee, the law from his month Prov.4. 10. r. my saymssjIS. 10 r. instruct. 19, 20. Jer. 9. 20. r. the word ofhis mouth, Ezek. 3. 10. Hos. 14. 2. r. us graciousIylJMatt. 1 9. 12. let him r. Luke 18. 42. Jesus saithV. thy si^ht, Acts 22. 13. John 20. 22. ?\ ye the H. G.||Acts 7. 59. r. my spirit Rom. 14. 1. weak in faith r. \\ 15. 7. r. one another 2 Cor. 7. 2. r. us |j 11. 16. yet as a fool r. me Phil. 2. 29. r. him in the Lord, Col. 4. 10. Philem. 12. r. him, 17.|{Jam. 1. 21. r. with meek. RECEIVE, ( negative] ij.) 2 Km^s 5. lb. [ 12. 7. Job 2. 10. shall we r. good, sliall we not r. evi; Jer. 1 7. 23. not r. instruction, 35.1 3.| |Eze^. 36. 30. Matt. 10. 14. not r. you nor, Mark 6.11. Luke 9. .5. Mark 10. 1 5. not r. kingdom as child, Luke 1 8. 1 7. Luke 9. 53. did not r. him |) 10. 10. and r. you not 18. 30. not r. manifold || John 3. 1 1. ye r. not John 3. 27. can r. nothing || .5. 34. 1 r. not tcstim. 5. 41. I r. not honour |) 43. ye r. me not, if 14. 17. world cannot r. || Acts 22. 18. will not r. 1 Cor. 4. 7. didst not r. || 2 Cor. 6. 1. >. not erace 1 Tim. 5. 19. again->t an elder r. not an accusation Jam. 4. 3. ask and r. not || 2 John 10. r. him not 3 John 10. nor hims. r. |j Rev. 18. 4. tliat ye r. not RECEIVE, (infinitivehi.) Gen. 4. 11. ] 38. 20. Exod. 27. 3. pans to r. ashes|iDeut. 9. 9. to r. tables 1 Kin. 8. 64. too little to r. burnt-off. 2 Chr. 7. 7. 2 Kings 5. 26. i^ a lime to r. |) 12. 8. r. no more Prov. 1. 3. to r. the instruction of wisdom, just. Jer. 5. 3. refui^ed to r. corr. jj 32. 33. to r. instruc. Mai. 3. 10. not room tor. jjiAJatt. 19. 12. able to r. Mark 2. 2. there was no room to r. them, no Luke 6. 34. hope to. n|| 19. 12. to r. for himself Acts 16. 21 . not lawfu! to r. || 1 8, 27. to r. such 20. 3.5. to give than to j-. jj 3 John 8. to r. sucli Rev. 4. 11. worthy to?-, glory, 5. 12.|i 13. 16. ?Mnark RECEIVED, ;>.'Gen. 26. 12. Isaac r. same year Exod. 32. 4. Aaron r. them |i 36. 3. v. of Moses Num. 12. 14. let Miriam be r. \\ 23. 20. 1 r. coin. 34. 14. r. inheritance |j 36. 3. tribe where r. 4. Josh. 13. 8. r. their inheritance, 18. 2, 7. Judg. 13. 23. would not have r, a burnt-offering 1 Sam. 12. 3. r. any bribe [j 2.5. 35. D. r. Abigail 1 Kin. 10, 28. r. hnen yarn at a price, 2 Chr. 1.16. 2 Kin. 19. 14. Hezekiah r. the letter, Isa. o7. 14. 1 Chr. 12. 18. David r. them |J Estli. 4. 4. r. it not Job 4. 12. r. a little |j Ps. 68. 18. r. gifts for men Prov. 24. 32. r. instruction Ij Isa. 42. 2. r. double, Jer. 2. 30. they r. no correction, Zeph. 3. 2. Ezek. 18. 17. hath not r. usury nor increase Matt. 10. 8.freelyye?\|jl3. 19. r.seed,20. 22, 23. 17, 24. r. tribute jj 20. 9. r. every man a penny 20. 34. r. sight || 25. 16. r. five talents, 27. Mark 10. 52. he r. his .<^ight, LukelS. 43. Acts 9.18. 15. 23. r.itnotjj 16. 19. r. into heaven, Acts 1. 9. Luke 6. 24. r. your consolation |j 8. 40. gladly /-. 9. 11. her. them jj 51. that he should be r. up 10. 38. Martha r. him || 15. 27. r. him safe 19. 6. r. him joyfully jj 15. having; r. kingdom John 1 . 11. his own r. him not j i 12. as many as r. 16. r. grace for grace \\ 3. 33. r. his testimony John 4. 45. Galileans r. him \\ 6. 21. willingly r. him 9. 11, Insight, 15, 18. || 10. 18. this com. I r. 13. SO. V. the .>op J! 17. 8. thy words they r. 18.3. r. a band jj 19. 30. had 7-. the vinegar Acts 2. 33 r. of the Father I j 41. gladly ?\ his word 3. 7. ancle-bones r. strength |j 7. 38. r. oracles 7. 53. r. law by angels || 8. 14. Samav,^ r. M'Ord 3. 17. r. the Holy Ghost || 9. 19. had r. meat 10. 16. vesse was ?\ || 47. i\ H. Ghost as well as 11.1. Gentile r. word || 15. 4. r. of church 16. 24. r. oUch a chari>e||17. 7. Jason r.jlll. Bere. 19. 2. have ye r. H. Ghost |! 20. 24. n.imstry I r. 21. 17. r.ns gladly II 22. 5. I r. letters unto 26. 10. ?■. authority jj 23. 2. barbarians I'J us 28. 7. Publiusr. us \\ 21. nor r. \\ 30. Paul ?\ Rom. 1, 5. r. grace jj4. ll.r. thesign of circurac. 5. 11. r. the atonementjjS. 15. r. pirit of adopt. 1 4. 3. God hath r. \\ 15. 7. as Christ r. us 1 Cor. 2. 12. r. not sp. of word |]4. 7. as if not r. 11 . 23. 1 r. of the Lord \\ 15. 1. you r. j) 3. I r. 2 Cor. 4. 1. r, mercy jj 7. 15. with fear r. him 11.4. which ye have not 7\ |j 24. r. I forty stripes Gai. 1. 9. eospel than r. |j 12. 1 r. it not of man 3. 2. j\ ye the Spirit j] 4. 14^ r. me as an angel Phi'. 4. 9. things ye ?'. and -een jj f 18. I r. all Col. 2. 6. a- ye r. Chri 1 1| 4. 10. ye r. commandm. 4. 17. ministiy thou r. jj 1 Thes. 1. 6. r. word 1 Tiies. 2. 13. when ye r. word, r. it|j4. 1. as ye r. 2The>. 2 lO.r. not love of truth || 3. 6. tradition r. 1 Tim. 3. 16. r. up to jrlory || 4. 4. r. with tlumksg. Heb. 2. 2. r. a just recompense |j 7. 6. r. tithes 7. 1 1. r. the law jj 10. 26. r. knowledge of truth 11. 11. Sara r. strength || 13. »'. promises, 17. 19. r. iiim in a figure j| 31 . r. ^pies, Jam. 2. 25. 35. r. their dead || 39. r. not tiie pionii e 1 Pet. 1. 18. }'. by tradition |j 4. 10. ?\ the gift, so 2 Pet. 1.17. for he r. from God the Father honour 1 John 2. 2*. anointing ye r. jj 2 John 4. r. a com. Rev. 2. 27. as I ?v jj 3. 3. how thou hast r. and 17. 12. ?\nokingd. jj 19. 20. 7\ the mark, 20. 4. RECEIVEDST,;). Luke 1 6. 25. r. tliysood things RECEIVER, A". Isa. 33. 18. where is the r.> RECElVETH,r. Judg. 19. 18. no man r. me Job 35. 7. or what v. he |) Pal. 15. t 3. nor r. repr. Prov. 21. 11. r. know edge jj 29. 4. that r. gifts Jer. 7. 28. r. not correction jj iMal. 2. 13. or r. off. Matt. 7. 8. every one that asketh r. Luke 1 1. 10. 10. 40. he that r. you, r. me, 41. John 13. 20. 13. 20. anon r. it jj 18. 5. littie child, r. me Mark 9.37. r. not me but him, Luk^ 9. 48. Luke 15. 2. thi> man r. sinners, and eateth with John 3. 52. no man r. his testimony jj 4. 36. wages 12. 48. r. not my words jj 1 Cor. 9. 24. r. prize Heb. 6. 7. earth r. blessing jj 7. 8. r. tithes, 9. 12. 6. and scourgeth everyone whom he ?% Rev. 2. 1 7. saving he that r. it j j 14. 1 1 . r. mark RECEIVETH not. 1 Cor. 2. 14. 3 John 9. RECEIVING, p. 2 Kings 5. 20. in not r. Acts 17. 15. and r. a commandment to Silas Rom. 1. 27. r. recompense jj 11. 15. r. of them Phil. 4. 15. givhigand r. jj Heb. 12. 28. r. kingdom 1 Pet. 1. 9. r. the end of your faith, the salvation RECHAB,i?iri2«£;-,or a cart druwn wiihmir horses 2. Sam. 4. 2, 5, 6. 2 Kin. 10. 15, 23. 1 Chr. 2. b5. Neh. 3. 14. Jer. 35. 6. RECHABITES. Jer. 35. 2. go to house of the R, RECHAH, A place. 1 Chr. 4. 12. REC RED RECKON, V. 'signifies, [1] To esteem, repute, or number, Luke 22. 37. [2] To propound to ones' self, Isa. 38. 13. [3] To conclude by argument, Rom. 6. 11. ! 8. 18. Lev. 25. 50. shall r. with him j| 27. 18. priest r. Num. 4. 32 by name ye shall r, the instrument Ezek.44. t^6. r. him 7 days] |Matt.l 8.24. began to r. Rom. 6. 11. r. to be dead||8. 18. I r. the sufferings RECKONED,/). Gen. 40. f 20. r. Avith butler Num. 1 8. 27. r. as corn || 23. 9. not r. among nat. 2 Sam. 4. 2. r. to Benj. |j 2 Kings 12. 15. they r. not 1 Chr. 5. 1. genealogy r. 7, 17. | 7. 5, 7. | 9. 1, 22. 2 Chr. 31. 19. Ezra 2. 62. | 8. 3. Neh. 7.5, 6+. Psal. 40. 5. cannot be r.jllsa. 38. 13.1 r. till morn. Luke 22. 37. lie was r. among the transgressors Rom. 4. 4. not r. of grace||9. r. to Abr.jjlO. how r. RECKONETH. Matt. 25. 19. Lord r. with them RECKONING, p. 2 Kings 22. 7. 1 Chr. 23. 11. RECOMMENDED,/). Acts 14.26- | 15. 40. RECOMPENCE, 5. A retaliation, &c. Deut. 23. 35. to me belongeth vengeance and r. Job 15. 31. vanity i? r.||Prov. 1 2. 14. r. of a man's Isa. 35. 4. G. with a r. |) 40. t 10. reward and r. 59. 18. repay r. || 66. 6. rendereth r. to his enem. Jer. 51. 6. render a r. Lam. 3. 64. Joel 3. 4. Hos. 9. 7. days of r. are come, I?^rael shall know Joel 3. 7. I'll return your ?\j|Luke 14. 12. r. made Rom. 1. 27. r. of their error || 1 1. 9. table be a r. 2 Cor. 6. 13. now for a r. |) Heb. 2. 2. a jnst r. Heb. 10. 35. great r. of revvardjll 1.26. respectto r. RECOMPENSE, u. Num. .5. 7, 8. Ruth 2.12. Lord r. thy work||2 Sam. 19. 36. why r. Job 34. 33. he will r. it j) Pro v. 20. 22. 1'il r. evil Isa. 65. 5. rUr. I'l!r. into their bosom, Jer. 16. 18. Jer. 25. 14. r. according to their deeds, Hos. 12. 2. 50. 29. r. work j| Ezek. 7. 3. r. abominations, 8. Ezek. 7, 4. r. thy ways, 9. i 9. 10. | 11. 21. 1 16. 43. 17. 19. oath I'll r. II 23. 49. r. your lewdness Joel 3. 4. if ye r.me |j Luke 14. 14. cannot r. thee Rom. 12. 17. r. to no man || 2 The>. 1. 6. r. tribal. Heb. 10. 30. we know him that hath said, I'll r. RECOMPENCES, s. Isa. 34. 8. Jer. 51. 56. RECOMPENSED, p. Num. 5. 8. trespass r. to 2Sam.22.21.cleanne>s of my hands r. P,. 18. 20. Prov. 11.31. righteous be r. || Jer. 18. 20. evil ber. Ezek. 22. 31. own way I r.||Lukel4. 14.shalt ber. Rom. 11. 35. and it shall be r. to him again RECOMPENSEST. Jer. 32. 18. r. iniquity RECOMPENSETH. Psal. 137. t 8. that r. thee RECOMPENSING, p. 2 Chr. 6. 23. r. way RECONCILE, V. To restore to favour, and re- new friendship. Lev. 6. 30. blood to r.\\ 1 Sam. 29. 4. Ezek. 45. 20. Eph. 2. I6.r. both to God|iCol.l. 20. to r. all things RECONCILED, p. Matt. 5. 24. first be r. to thy Rom. 5. 10. r. to God \\ 1 Cor. 7. 1 1. r. to her husb. 2 Cor. 5. 18. r. us to himself || 20. be ye r, to God Col. 1. 21. that were enemies, yet now hath he r. RECONCILIATION, s. Lev. 8. 15. to make r. 2 Chr. 29. 24. made r.jjEzek. 45. 15. to make r. 17. Dan. 9.24. r.foriniquity|)2Cor. 5. 18.mini^t. ofr. 2 Cor. 5. 19. wordof r. II Heb. 2. 17. r. for the sins RECONCILING, p. Lev. 16. 20. end ofr. thee Rom. 11. 15. r. of the world] [2 Cor. .5. i9. r. world RECORD, s. Witness, or Memorial. Ezra 6. was a r. |{ Job 16. 19. my r. is on high John 1.19. r. of John |1 32. John bare r. saying John 8. 13. r. of thyself|| 14. tho' I bear r. of myself 12. 17. people bare r. || 19. 35. his r. is true Rom. 10. 2. 1 bear them r. that they have a zeal 2 Cor. 1. 23. 1 call G. for a r. jj 8. 3. 1 bear r. yea Gal. 4. 15. 1 bear you r. || Phil. 1 . 8. God is my r. Col. 4. 13. 1 bear him r. || i John 5. 7. three bear r- 1 John 5. 10. believeth not the r. || 11. this is the r. 3 John 12. we bearr. || Rev. 1. 2. who bear r. of RECORD, V. Exod. 20. 24. 1 r. my name I will Deut. 30. 19. 1 call to r. 31. 28.||1 Chr. 16.4. to r. Isa. 8. 2.witne^ses to r.||Acts20. 26. 1 take you to r. RECORDED, p. Neh. 12. 22. Levites were r. RECORDER, s. 3 Sam. 8. 16. Ahilud was r. 20. 24. 1 Kings 4. 3. 1 Chr. 18. 15. 2 Kings 18. 18. Joah the r. 2 Chr. 3. 7. | 34. 8. Isa. 36. 3, 2^. RECORDS, s. Ezra 4. 15. book of r. Est. 6. 1. RECOVER, V. Judg. 11. 26. why did ye not r. 1 Sam. 30. 8. without fail r. all|| 2 Sam. 8. 3. to r. 2 Kings 1. 2. whether I shal r. || 5. 3. r. leprosy 5. 11 . strike hi hand over place and r. leper 8, 8. shall I r. 9. || 10. thou may est r. 14. 2 Chr. 13. 20. nor did Jerob. r. strength, 14. 13. Psal. 39. 1 3. spare me that I inay r.strength before Isa. 11. 11. r. remnant || 38.16. so wilt thou r. 21. Hos. 2. 9. I'll r. my vvoo:|jMark 16. 18. ick, shall r. 2 Tim. 2. 26. that they may r. themselves out of RECOVERED,/. 1 Sam. 30. 18. David r. all, 19. 2 Kings 13. 25. Joash r. cities || 1 4. 28. r. Damascus 16. 6. Rezen r. Elath|| 20. 7. boil, and he r. Isa. 38. 9 when Hezek. was sick, and was r. 39. 1 . Jer. 8-22. why not health of my people 7\|| 41. 16. RECOVERING, p. Luke 4. 18. r. of sigi«t to RECOUNT, V. Nah. 2. 5. he shall r. his wor. RECTIFY, V. Prov. 11. t 5. shall r. his way ; but RED, a. Gen. 25 25. first came out r. all over 30. same r. pottage || 49. 12. eyes r. with wine Exod. 25. 5. rams skins dyed r. 26. 14. j 35. 7, 23. I S6. 19. I 39.34. Num. ] 9. 2. a r. heifer || 2 Kings 3. 22. r. as blood Esth. 1. 6. on a pavement of r. blue and white Psal. 68. 1 23. foot may be r. || 75. 8. wine is r. Prov. 23. 31. wine, when it is r.jjlsa. 1. 18. sins ber. Isa. 27. 2. vineyard of r. whie |j 63. 2. r. in apparel Nah. 2. 3. siiiefd r.jjZech. 1. 8. were r. horses, 6. 2. Matt. 16. 2. sky i r. 3.||Rev. 6. 4.1|12. 3. r. dragon RED-S'ea. Exod. 10. 19. j 13. 18. | 15. 4, 22. I 23. 31. Num. 14. 25. 1 21. 14. Deut. 1. 40. I U. 4. Josh. 2. 10. I 4. 2.3. | 24. 6. Neh. 9. 9. Psal. 106. 7, 9, 22. | 136. 13, 15. Jer. 49. 21. Acts 7. 36. Heb. 11. 29. REDDISH, a. Lev. 13. 19, 42, 49.|l4. 37.|24. 43. REDEEM, V. signifies, [1] To buy that which had been sold. Lev. 25. 25. [2] To deliver sinners from sin, death and hell, by the purchase of Christ's blood, and power of his grace, Isa. 62. 12. | 63. 9. Tit. 2. 14. [3j To improve opportunities y Eph. 5. 16. Exod. 6.6.rnr.you|jl3. 13. assshallr. 34. 20. 13. 151. first-born of my children I r. 34. 20. Lev. 25. 25. if any of his kin come to r. it, 29. 32. i-ities Levites may r. |j 49. any of kin r. 27. 13. if he at all r. j| 15. house, will r. it, 31. Num. 18. 15. first-born shall thou r. 16, 17. Ruth 4. 4. if thou wilt r. it, r. it j) 6. 1 can't r. it 2Sam. 7. 23 .God went to r. to himself, lChr.17.21. Neh, 5. 3. nor is it in our power to r. them REE Job 5. 20. in famine r. 1| 6. 23. to r. me from Psal.25.22. r.Israel,OGod||2G.ll.r.me,69.18. 44. 26. arise, and r. ns|| 49. 7. none can r. his 49. 15. God will r. my soul|| 72. 14. lie shall r. 130. 8. he shall r. Israel from all his iniquities Isa. 50. 2. that it cannot r. || Jer.15.21. I'll r. thee Hos. 13.14. Ill r. them||Mic. 4. 10. L. shallV. thee Gal. 4. 5. tor. them jjTit. 2. 14. r. from all iniquity REDEEMED, f. Gen. 48. 16. angel which r. me Exod.l 5.13. people thouhast r.j|21.8. letherber. Lev 19.20. bond-maid not r.||25.30.if house not r. 25. 31. houses mav43e r.jj 48. brother may be r. 27. 20. if he hath sold the field, it shall not be r. 28. no devoted thing to the Lord shall ber. 29- Num. 3.46. r. that aremore|jl8.l6.r.froni month Deut. 7.8.L. r.you out of the house, 15.15.|24.18. 9. 26. r. thro' thy greatne>s |) 13. 5. Lord r. you 21.8. Israel whom thou r.||2 Sam. 4.9. r. my soul lChr.l7.21.r. outofEgypt,Neh.l.lO.Fsal. 77. 15. Neh. 5. 8. we atter our ability have r. the Jews Psal. 31. 5. thou hast r. me, 71. 23.||74. 2. hastr. 106. 10. he ?\|jl07. 2. let the r say so || 136. 24. Is.a. 1. 27. r. with judgm. \\ 29. 22. who r. Abrah. 3b. 9.r. shall walk there || 43. 1. 1 r. thee 44. 22. I ?'. thee|j23r. Jacob, 48. 20. Jer.31. 11. 51. 11. r. of the Lord || 52. 3. r. without money 52. 9. r. Jeru:'alem||62. 12. holy people, r. of L. 63. 4. year of my r. is come j| 9. in pity he r. Lam. 5. 58. r. my life \\ Hos. 7. 13. tho' I r. them Mic. 6. 4. 1 r. thee || Zech. 10. 8., I have r. them Luke 1. 68. r. hispeople|| 24. 21. have r. Israel Gal.3.13.r.us from the curse||lPet.l. 18. were notr. Rev. 5.9. r. us to Godjl 14.3. 144,000 which were r. 14.4. these were r. from among men, being REDEEMEDST. 2 Sam. 7. 23. thou r. to "thee REDEEMER, s. Job 19-25. know my r. hveth Psal. 19. 14. O Lord,myr.|i78. 35. G. was their r. Isa.4l. 14. and thy r. the holy One, 43. 14.|54. 5. 44. 6. saith the L. his r. 24.|48. 17 149. 7. 1 54. 8. 47. 4. as for our r.|| 49. 26. 1 am thy r. 60. 16. 59. 20. r. come to Zion|j 63. 16. our r. thy Jer. 50. 34. their r. is strong, Prov. 23. 11. REDEEMETH, v. Psal. 34. 22. | 103. 4. REDEEMING,/. Ruth 4. 7. concerning r. and Eph. 5. 16. r. time, because days are evil, Col. '1. 5. REDEMPTION, s. Exod. 8.>23. I'll put r. bet. Lev. 2.5. 24. grant a r. || 51. give price of his r. Num. 3. 49. Moses took the r. money of them Psal. 49. 8. r. of soul is preciou>||111.9. he .sentr. 130. 7. plenteou'^ r.|j Jer. 32.7. right of r. 8. Luke 2. 38. looked for r,|j21. 28. r. draweth nigh Rom. 3. 24. thro' the r. ||8. 23. r. of our body 1 Cor. 1. 30. Christ is made to us sanctific. and r. Eph. 17. in whom we have r. thro'. Col. 1. 14. 14. until the r. || 4. 30. sealed to the day of ?\ Heb. 9. 12. obtained eternal 7-. 1| 15. for the r. of REDNESS, «. Prov. 23. 29. who hath r. of eyes REDOUND, v. 2 Cor. 4. 15. to the glory of God REE13, s, A plant. Job 40. 21. yl measure of three yards three inches, Ezek. 40. 3. A weak be- liever, Matt. 12.20. 1 Kings 14. 15. the Lord shall smite, Israel as ar. 2 Kings l:S. 21. trusted on this broken, Isa. 36. 6. Isa. 42. 3. a bruised n not break, Matt. 12. 20. Ezek. 29. 6. a n to Israel \\ 40. 3. a measuring r. 42. 16. ea>t side with measuring r. 17. Matt 11.7. what went ve to see r«r. Luke 7. 24. REF ill Matt. 27. 30. they smote him with a r.Markl5.19. Rev. 11. 1. given me a r. || 21. 15. a golden 7'. 16. REEDS, s. Job 40. 21. Isa. 19. 6, 7 |35. 7. Jen 51. 32. Ezek. 42. 16, 17, 18, 19. | 45. 1. REEL, V. Psal. 107. 27. r. to and fro, Isa, 24. 20. REELAIAH, Shepherd of God. Ezra 2. 2. REFINE, V. Zech. 13. 9. I'll r. them as silver REFINED, fi. 2 Sam. 22.t31. the word of the Lord is r. Psal. I8.t30. f 119.tl40. 1 Chr. 28. 18. r. gold by weight || 29. 4. r. silver Isa. 25. 6. on the lees well r. jj48. 10. I've j'.thee REFINER, s. Mai. 3. 2. he ialike a r. tire 3. he shall sit as a r. and purifier of silver REFORMATION, s. Heb. 9. 10. till time of n REFORMED, ;). Lev. 26. 23. if not be r. by REFRAIN, V. Gen. 45. ,1. Jo eph could not r. Job 4.t2. who can r. || 7. il. I'll not r. my mouth Prov. 1. 15. r. thy foot ]| Eccl. 3. 5. a time to r. Isa. 48. 9. I'll r. for thee || 64. 12. wilt thou r. Jer.31.16. nthy voice||Acts 5.38.r.fron3 tliesemeii 1 Pet. 3. 10. let him r. his tongue from evil REFRAINED,/. Gen. 43. 31. Joseph r. himself Esth. 5. lO.Haman r.jjjob 29. 9. princes r. talking Psal. 40. 9. not 7\ my lips || 119. 101. I r. my feet Isa. 4^. 14. r. myself |] Jer. 14. 10. not r. their feet REFRAINETH, v. Prov. 10.19. r. his lips is wise REFRESH, V. I Kings 13. 7. and r. thyself, and Acts 27. 3. Paul to r. himself || Philem. 20. r. my REFRESHED,/. Exod. 23. 12. may be r.31. 17. 1 Sam. 16. 23. Saul wa.<;?\ |j 2 Sam. 16. 14. David Job 32. 20. I may be r.\\ Rom. 15. 32. 1 may be r. 1 Cor. 16. 18. r. my spirit] |2 Cor. 7. 13.Titus was?-. 2 Tim. 1. 16. often 7-. me || Philem. 7. r. by thee REFRESHETH, -v. Prov. 25. 15. r. his masters REFRESHING, /. Isa. 28. 12. Acts 3. 19. REFUGE, s. Is a strovg- hold, or place of safety. Num. 35. 13. Six cities were appointed for refuge, three on the east of Jordan, Bezer, i. e. fortification; Ra- moth-Gilead, i. e. exalted, and Golan, i. e. pas- sage, revolution, or passing over : And three on the west o/ Jordan, Kedesh,i. e. Holiness; She- chem, i. e. A part, or portion, and Hebron, i. e. Fellowship, Josh. 20. 7, 8. These were cities for themanslaycr to take refuge in, and ivere tijpi- calof Christ, who is appointed a refuge for sin- ners to fiee to, and find ^fetij and rest in from sin, death, and Hell, Prov. 18. 10. Heb. 6. IS. Christ is a refuge in his righteousness and blood, Isa. 25. 4. m /i-o||Acts 25. 11. I^. notto 1 Tim. 4. 7.r. profane j| 5. 11. younger widows r. Heb. 12. 25. see that ye r. not him that speaketh IlEFUSED, p. Gen. 37. 35. Jacob r. to be comf 39. 8. Joseph r. to lie || 48. 19. Jacob r. and IVum. 20. 21. Edom r. \\ l Sam. 8. 19. r. to obey 1 Sam. 16. 7. T have r. him |) 28. 23. San! r. and 2 Sam. 2.23. Asahel r. to turn |) 13.9. Amnon r. 1 Kings 20. 35. r. tosmite him jj 21. 15. r. to give 9. Kings 5. IG. to take it, but he r. \\ Neh. 9. 17. Esth. 1.12. Vashtir.jl Job 6. 7. things my soul r. Psal. 77. 2. r. to be comforted || 78. 10. r.'to wa^k 78. &7. he r. the tabernacle li 118. 22. builders r. Prov. 1. 24. called and ye r.\\ Isa.54.6. thou wast r. Jer. 5. 3. r. to receive || 1 1. 10. r. to hear my w. 31. 15. Kachol 7\|| 50. 33. r. to let them go Ezek.5. 6. r. myjudgmentsj|Hos. 11.5.r'. to return Zech. 7.11. r. tol)earken||Acts 7.35. Mose:- they r. 1 Tim. 4. 4. notliing to be r. if it be received Heb. 11. 24. by faith Mo e^ r. |{ 12. 25. r. him KEFUSEDSf, p. Jer. 3.3. v. to be ashamed REFUSETH, v. Exod. 7. 14. h to let people go Num. 22. lo. Lord r. to let me go||l4. Balaam r, Deut. 25. 7 . r. to raise up|jProv. 10. 17. r. reproof Prov. 13. rs. r. instruction j| 15. 32. r. instruction Isa. 8. G. r. waters || Jer. 15. 8. r. to be healed REGARD, .S-. Eccl. 8. 2. Dan. 3.tJ3. Acts 8. 11. REGARD, V. Gen. 45. 20. ?-.not the stuft' Exod. 5.9. not r. vain words||Lev. 19. 'M. r. not Deut. 28. 50. shall not r. the person of the aged 1 Sam. 4. 20. nor did she r.|(25. 25. let not my 1. r. ii Sam. 13. 20. r. not thisji 2 Kin. 3.14.1 r. Jehosh. Job 3. 4. let not G. r. it j| 35. 1 3. nor Aim. r. it 36. 21. r. not iui(iuity jj Psal. 28. 5. r. not works Psal. 31.6. r. lying vanities||C6. 18. if I r. iniquity 94. 7. nor G. of Jacob r. it || 102. 17. r. prayer ' Prov. 5. 2. r. cliscretionjki. o5t. not r. any ransom Isa. 5. 12.?'. not work of Lordjjlo. 17. norr. silver 18.t4. r. set dw'eiling jj Lam. 4. 16. no more r. Dan. 11.37. nor ?•. any god [| Amos 5.22. norr. Hab. 1. 5. ?\ wonder jj Mai. I. 9. will he r. your Luke 18. 4. nor r, man||Rom. 14. 6. doth not r. it REGARDED. Exod. 9. 21. he that r. not word 1 Kings 18. 29. norany that r.\\l Chr. 17. 17.r.me Ps. lOG. 44. r. their afflict. jjProv.l. 24.no man r. Dan. 3. 12. nor r. theejILuke 1. 48. r. low e-tate Luke 18. 2. nor r.man jj Heb. 8.9. I r. them not REGARDEST, v.. 2 Sam. 19. 6. r. not princes Job -30. 20. I stand up, and thou r. me not Matt.22.i6.;". not the persons of men,Mar. 12.14. REGARDEl H, r. Deut. 10. 17. r. not persoiis Job 34. 19. nor r. the rich jj 39. 7. nor r. crying Prov. 12. 10. r. life of his beastlll3. 13. r. reproof 15. 5.r. reproof jj 29.7. wicked r. not to know Eccl. 5. 8. than highest r. \\ 11. 4. r. the clouds Isa. 33. 8. he }•. no manjjDan. 6. 13. r. not thee, O ?.TaI. 2.13. r.rxol ofierincjjRoni. 14. C r. a day, nit REGARDERS,s,Jndg. 9. t37. of r. of time? REGARDING, /;.Job4.20. Piiil.g.SO. REGEM, Stoned, or purple. 1 Chr. 2. 47. REGEx^l MELECH, Stoning the king. Zecli.7.2. REGENERATION, s. Is the change and reno- vation of the soul, by the spirit and grace of God, John 3. 5, 6. It is called the neic-hirthj and consists in the infusion of spiritual life into the soul, John 5. 25. ivherehy it is capable of pet'- forming spiritual actions, and living unto God, Rom. 14. 3. Matt. 19. 28. that ye who followed me in the r. Tit. 3. 5. he saved u by th« washing of r. and REGION, S. s. Deut. 3. 4. r. of Argob, 13. 1 King 4. 11. r. of Dor || 24. dominion over all r. Matt. 3 5. went all the r, || 4. 16. sat in the r. Mark 1. 28. the r. round, 6. 55 Luke 4. 14. j 7. 17. Luke 3. 4 . Philip tetrarch of r. of Trachonitis Acts 8. 1. r. of Judea || 13. 49. published thro' n 14. 6. Hed to the ^'.ji 16. 6. gone thro' the r. 2 Cor. 10. 16. preach in the r.jj 1 1. 10. r. of Achaia Gal. 1. 21. afterwards I came into the r. of Syria REGISTER, s. Ezra 2. G'2. Neh. 7. 5, 64. REH ABIAH, Breadth of the Lord. 1 Chr. 25. 17. REHEARSE, ED, />. Exod. 17. 14. r. it in ears Jnd^. 5. 11. r. the riirhteous acts of the Lord i Sam. 8.21. he r. them||l7. 31. r. David's words Acts 11.4. Peter r. the mattcr|jl4. 27. they ?\all REHOB, Breadth, or dilating. 2 Sam. 8. 3, 12. i 10.8. Nell. 10. 11. REHOBOAM, Dilating the people. 1 Kings 11. 43. R. reigned, 14. 21. 2 Chr. 9. 31. 12. 6. R. consulted with old men, 2Chr. 10. 6. 21. bring kingdom again to R. 2 Chr. 11. 1. 14. 30. war between R.and Jeroboam, 15. 6. 1 Chr. 3. 10. R. was Solomon's son. Matt. 1. 7. 2 Chr. 11. 17. R. stroma || 21. R. lovedMaachah 22. R. made Abijah chief || 13.7. again-t R. REHOBOTH, Breadth, room. G^n. 10. 11. I 26.22. I 36. 37. 1 Chr. 1.48. RrlEUM, Pitiful, or godly. Ezra 4. 8, 17, 23. Neh. 3. 17. I 10. 25. RET, y1 companion. 1 Kings 1. 8. RJiJECT, T. To despise, Hos. 4. 6. To cast offer forsake, Jer. 7. 29. To refuse, Mark 6. 26. ' To frustrate, Mark 7.t9. Lam. 5.t22. wilt thou r. v< jj Hos. 4. 6. I'll r. thee Maj;k 6. 26. he would not r.herl|7. 9. full well ye r. Tit. 3. 10. after first and second admonition r, REJECTED,/'. 1 Sam. 3. 7. nor r. thee, but r. 10. 19. r. your God || 15. 23. he hath also r. thee from being king, 26. j 16. 1. 2 Kin. 17. 1.5. r. his statute.-) J20. L. r. all the seed Isa..')3. 3. r. of men |j Jer. 2. 37. r. thy conliden. Jer. 6. 19. J\ my law jj 30. L. hath r. them, 7. 29. 8. 9. r. the word |j 14. 19. hast thou r. Judah Lam. 5. 22. utterly r. us jj Hos. 4. 6. r. knowledge Matt. 21.42. builders r. Mark 12. 10. Luke 20. 17. Mark 8. 31. shall be r. of the elders, Luke 9. 22. Luke 7. 30. lawyer > r. jj 17. 25. he must first be r. Gal. 4. 14. ye r. not j| Heb. 6. 8. is r.jjl 2. 17. was -r. REJECTETH, r. John 12. 48. 1 Thes. 4.1 S. REIGN, 5. ] Kings 6. 1. of Solomon's r. over Is. -2 Kings 24. 12. took Jehoiachin in 8th year of r. 1 Chr" 4. 31. r. of Davidii29. 30. king David's r. 2 Chr. 36. 20. till r. of PersiajjNeh. 12. 22. Darius Esth. 2. 16. 17th year of his r.jlLuke 3. 1. Tiberius REIGN, t. Gen. 3T. S. pi-iaitihour. over us r REI REJ ¥73 Exod. 15. 18. Lord shall r. for ever, Ps. 146. 10. Lev. 26. 1 7. they that hate you shall ?\ over you Deut. 15. 6. thou shalt r. over mauy nations Judg. 9. 8. the trees said, r. thou over us, 10, — 14. 1 Sam. 8. 7. 1 should not r. || 9. king that shall r. 9. 17. this same shall r.jj 11. 12. shall Saul r. 12. 12. but a king shall r.jj 2 Sam. 3. 21.mayestr. 1 Kin. 1. 11. Adonijah doth7'.|| 13. Sol. shall r. 17. 24. saidi Adonijah shall r. |) 2. 15. 1 should r. 11. 37. thou shall r. |j 16. 15. Zimri did r. 2 Chr. 1. 8. me to r. in his stead [J 23. 3. shall r. Job 34. 50. that hypocrite r. not, lest the people Prov. 8. 1 5. by me kings r.| j Ecel. 4. 14. cometh to r. Isa. 24. 23. r. in Zion || 32. 1. a king shall r. in Jer. 22. 15. shait thou r. || 23. 5. a king shall r. 33. 21. that David should not have a son to r. Mic.4.7.L. shall 7-. j] Matt. 2. 22. Archelaus did r. Luke 1.33. he shall 7'. over the house of Jacob 19. 14. we will not have this man to r. 27. Rom. 5. 17. r. in life |) 21. even so might grace r. 0. 12. let not sin r. |j 15. 12. rise to r. over Gent. 1 Cor. 4. 8. would to G. ye did r. || 15. 25. must r. 2 Tim. 2. 12. r. with him || Rev. 5. 10. r. on earth Rev. 11. 15.r. for ever, 22. 5. |) 20. 6j-. a 1000 years REIGNEO, ;>. Gen. 36. 31. before any king r. Judg. 9. 22. Abimelpch had r. |) l Sam. 13. 1. Saul 2 Sam. 2. 10. Ish-bosheth |j 5. 4. David ?\ 5. J 8. 15. 10. 1. Hanum his son r. in his stead. 1 Chr. 19. 2. 16. 8. house of Saul, in whose stead thou hast ?\ 1 Kings 4. 21. and Solomon r. over all kingdoms, 11.42. 1 Chr. 29.28. 2 Chr. 9. 26, 30. 11. 24. Rezon r. in Damasc- 1) 25. r. over Syria 43. Rehoboam r. 12. 17. 2 Clir. 9. 31. ] io. 17. 14. 31. Abijam his son r. 2 Chr. 12. 16. | 13. 2. 15. 8. Asa j\ II 24. Jehoshaphathisson, 2 Chr.17.1. 25. Nadab || aS. Baavha|| 16. 6. Elah r. iu 16. 10. Zimri || 22. Omri || 23. Ahab |j 22. 40. 22. 50. Jelioram r. 2 Kin. 3. 1. 1 8. 17. 2 Chr. 21 . 5. 2Kin.8. 15.Hazael||10.35. Jehoaha2|j36. Jehur. 12. l.Amaziahjl 13. 24.Benhadad||l4.l6. Jerob. 14. 29. Zachariah|| 15. 2. Azariah || 7. Jotham 15. 10. Shallum || 14. Menahem |j 22. Pekahiah 25. Pekah || 30. Hoshea y 38. Ahaz, 16, 2. 16. 20. Hezekiah t'. || 19. 37. Esarhaddon r. 20. 21. Manasseh || 21. 18. Anion || 26. Josiah 23.3 1 . Jehoahaz \\ 36. Jehoiakim || 24. 6. Jehoiach. 24. 18. Zedekiah r. || 2 Chr. 22. 12. Athaliah r. Esth. 1. 1. Ahasuerus||Jer. 22. ll.Sliallum whor. Rom. 5.14. death r. 1 7. || 21. as sin r. to death 1 Cor. 4. 8. ye have r. as kings without us Rev. 11. 17. and hast r. || 20. 4. r. with Christ REIGNEST, V. 1 Chr. -a^. 12. thou r. over all REIGNETH, v. 1 Sam. 12. 14. 2 Sam. 15. 10. 1 Kings 1. 1 8. Adonijah r. || 2 Kin. 9. 1 13. Jehu r. ? Chr. 16. 31. the L. r. Psal. 96. 10. | 97. 1. 1 99. 1. Psal. 47. 8. God r. over heathen || 93. 1. the L. 7\ Prov. 30. 22. servant r. \\ Isa. 52. 7. thy God r. Rev. 17. 18. r. over the kings |[ 19. 6. Lord God r- REIGNING, p. 1 Sam. 16. l. rejected from r. REINS, s. or Kidneys. Lev. 15. t 2. | 22. t4- Job 16. 13. he cleaveth my ?\ \\ 19. 27. tho' my r. Psal. 7. 9. trieth the r. || 16. 7. my r. instruct 26. 2. try my r. \\ 73. 21. 1 was pricked in my r. 139. 13. possessed my r. || Prov. 23. 16. r. rqjoice Isa. 11. 5. and faithfulness the girdle of his r. Jer. 11. 20. triest the r. \\ 12. 2. far from theirn 17. 10. I trv the r.\\ 20. 12. that seest fhe r. 61 Lam. 3. 13. enter in r. jj Rev. 2. 23. s'earcheth f;/ REJOICE, V. Deut. 12. 7. ye shall r. 14. 26. 16. 14.th«ishaltr. 15. I 26."'ll 1J2S.63. | 30.9- 32. 43. r. O ye nations j| 33. 18. of Zebulon, r. Judg. 9. 19. r. iu Abim. 1) 16. 23. gathered to ?\ 1 Sam. 2. 1. 1 r. in thy salva.|| 19. 5. and didst r. 1 Chr. 16. 10. let heart r. that seek L. Ps. 105. 3. 32. let the fields r. || 2 Chr. 6. 4 1. let saints r. 2 Chr. 20. 37. L. hath maxle them to r. Neh. 12. 43. Job 20. 18. he shall not r. \\ 2i. 12. r. at the organ Psal. 2. 11. r, witli trembling]! 5. 11- put trust r. 9. 14. I'll ?\ in thy salvat. j) 13. 4. trouble mer. 13. 5. my heart shall r. in thy sal v. 20. 5. 1 35. 9. 14. 7. Jacob shall r. [j 21. 1. greatly shall he r. 30. 1. foes to T'. 11 33. 21. our heart shall r. in 35. 19. let not mine enemy 7'. 24. 26. j 38. 16. 4 3. 11. let Mount Zion r.jj 51. 8. bones may r. 58. 10. righteous shall r. jj 60. 6. I'll r. 108- 7. 63. 7. in shadow of wings r. |j 11. king shall r.* 65. 8. dut-goings of morning r. jj 12. little hills t*. 66. 6. there did we r. jj 63. 3. let righteous 7\ 68. 4. r. before him || 71. 23. my hps sha'l r. 85. 6. people may r. || 86. 4. r. tlie soul of thy 89. 12. Tabor ?\ || 16. in thy name shall lie rT" 42. thou hast made all his enemies to r. 96. 11. 'et the heavens r.\\ 12. trees of wood r. 97. 1. let the earth r.|| 98. 4. r. and sing praise 104. 31. L. shall r. || 106. 5. 1 may r. in gladn. 107. 42. righteous r. || 109. 28. let thy servant 7'. 119. 162. I r. at thy word (| 149. 2. let Israel v. Prov. 2. 14. r. to do evil jj 5. 18. r. ^vith the wife 23. 15. my heart shall r. || 10. yea my reins r. 24. father of righteous r. || 25. she that bear r. 24. 17. r. not when enemy j| 27. 9. r. the heart 28. 12. when righteous r. || 31. 25. she shall 7*. 29. 2. people :\ |) 6. righteous doth sing and ?'. Eccl. 3. 12. r.and dogood|l22.r.in his works, 5. 19. 4. 16. come after, not ?\ || 11. 8. and r. in tiiem 11. 9. r. O young man \\ Isa. 8. 6. r in Rezin Isa. 9. 3. as m£n r. |l 13. 3. r. in my highness 14. 8. fir-trees 7\ ||29. r. not thou Paiestina 23. 12. nx) more r. O virgin || 24. 8. that r. 2'9, 19. poor among men r. \\ 35. 1. desart r. 2. 61. 7. for confusion r. \\ 62. 5. so shall God ?•. 65. IS. my servants shall r. || 19. I'll r. in Jerusa'l. 66. 10. r. ye with Jerus. jj 14. you* heart shall r. Jer. 31. 13. virgin r.jj 32. 41. I'll 7\ over them 51. 39. r. and sleep || Lam. 2. 17. thy enemy to ?\ Ezek. 7. 12. let not buyer r.\\ 35.15. as thou didst 7\ Hos.9.1. 7\ not, O Israel |j Amos 6. 13. i\ in a thing Mic. 7. 8. r. not against me, O mine enemy Zeph. 3. 11. r. in thy pride II 17. L. will r. over thee Zech. 2. 10. sing ami r. j) 9. 9. r. greatly, 10. 7. Luke 1. 14. 7'. at his birth 1| 6. 23. r. ye in that day 1 0. 20. rather r. |j 15. 6. r. with me, for, 9. 19. 36. began to r. || John 4. 36. reapeth may ?\ John 5. 35. for a season to r. jj 14. 28. ye would r. 16. 20. world shall r. \\ 22. your heart shall r. Acts 2. 26. therefoae did my heart r. my tongue Rom. 5. 2. r. in hope ]| 12. 15. r. vrith them that r, 15. 10. he said, r. ye Gentiles with his people ^ 1 Cor. 7. 30. r. as tho' |j 12. 26. all the members r. 2 Cor. 2. 3. 1 ought to r. || 7. 9. 1 r. not|| 16. 1 r. that Gal. 4. 27. r. thou barren jj Phil. 1. 18. and will r. Phil. 2. 16. 1 may r.jj 17. 1 r. with you all, IS. 28. ye may 7'. || 3. 3. r. in Christ Jesus, and Col. I. 24. who now r.l! i The?. 5. 16- ''. evermore^ REL •REM Jam. 1 . 9. let brother of low degree r. |) 4.1G. ye r. 1 Pet.l .6. ye greatly r.\\ 8. r. vvithjoy unspeakable 4, 13. but r. inasmuch as ye are partakers of C Rev. 11. 10. r. over them, I8.20.|j 1:^. IS.r.yeheav. REJOICE before the Lord. Lev. 23. 40. Deut. 12. 12, 18. I 16. 11. 1 27.7. REJOICE in the Lord. Psal. 33. 1. j 97. 12. Isa. 41. 16. I 61. 10. Joel 2. 23. Hab. 3. 18. Zech. 10.7. Phil. 3. 1. | 4. 4. REJOICED, p. Exod. 18.9- Jethro r. for all the Dent. 28. 63. as the L. r. over you to do, 30. 9. Jndg. 19. 3. father of the dam -el saw him, he r. 1 Sam. 6. 1 3. r. to see ark 1 1 1 1 .15 . Saul and Israel r. 1 Kings 1. 40. people 7\\\ 5. 7. Hiram r. greatly 2 Kin. 11.14. people r. 1 Chr, 29. 9. 2 Chr. 23. 1.3. 2Chr. 15. 15. Judah r.|| 24. 10, princes and people 29. 36. Hezekiah r. || 30. 25, the strangers r. Neh. 12. 43. the wives r. || 44. for Judah r. for Esth. 8. 1.5. Shushan r.\\ Job 31. 25. if I r. 29. Psal. 35. 15. they r. \\ 97.8. daughters of Judah r. 119. 14.1 r. in the way|| Eccl. 2. 10. my heart r. Jer. 15. 17. 1 r. notj] 50. 11. ye r. O destroyers Ezek. 25. 6. Ammonites r. || Hos. 10. 5. priests r. Obad. 12. nor r. over Judali [| Jonah 4. 1 6. Jonah r. Matt. 2. 10. saw star, they r. |j Luke 1. 47. r. in G. Luke 1. 58. Eliz. friends r. \\ 10.21. Jesus r. inspirit 13. 1 7. people r. [j John 8. 56. Abraham r. to see Acts 7. 41. r. in the works of their own hands 15. 31. r. for the consolation || 16. 34. jaylor 7*. iCor. 7. 30. as tho'they r. not|)2Cor.7.7. 1 j-.more Phil. 4. lO: I r. greatly, 2 John 4. 3. John 3. REJOICETH. 1 Sam. 2. 1. my heart r. in Lord Job 39. 1 21. the horse r. || 41. f 22. sorrow r. Psal. 16. 9. my glory r. |J 19. 5 r. as a strong man 28. 7. therefore my heart greatly r. I'll praise Prov. 11. 10. the city r. |j 13. 9. light of right, r. 15. 30. light of eyes r \\ 29. 3. r. his father Isa. 5. 14. he that r. || 62. 5. as the bridegroom r. 64. S.meetest him that r. j) Ezek. 35. 14. earth r. Matt. 18. 13. Isay to you, her. more of that sheep Jolni 3. 29- but the friend of the bridegroom r. 1 Cor. 13. G.r.in thetiuth|| Jam. 2. 13. mercy r. REJOICEST, v, Jer. 11.15. dost evil, thou r. REJOICING, p. 1 Kings 1. 45. are come up r. 2Chr.2.3.18. to offer with r. \\ Job 8. 21. fill with r. Psal. 19. 8. r. the heart |j 45. 15. r. be brought 107. 22. declare his works with r. II 118. 15. of?*. 119. 111. 1'. of my hearty 126. 6. come again r. Prov. 8. 30. r, always \\ 31. r. in habitable part Isa.i5. 18. Jerus. a r. || Jer. 15. 16. r. of my heart Hab. 3. 14. r. to devour || Zeph. 2. 15. r. city Luke 15. 5. he layeth it on his shoulders, r. Acts 5. 41 .r. counted wor*^hy || 8. 39. on his way r. Rom. 12. 12. r. in hope jj 1 Cor. 15. 31. by your r. 2 Cor. 1. 12. our r. is this |) 14. we ar« your r. 6. 10. yet alway r. j| Gal. 6. 4. r. in himself Phil. 1. 26. r. be abund. || 1 Thes. 2. 1 9. crown of r. Hf b. 3. 6. r. of the hope|| Jam. 4. 16. such r. is evil REKEM, Void, or lain. Num. 31. 8. Josh. 18. 27. RELEASE. To forgive, remit, discharge. Called in Hebrew Shemittah, in Greek Aphesis ; that is, forgiveness or remission. Deut 1 5. 1. at the end of seven years make a r. 2. this is the manner of the r. it is Lord's r. 3. thy hand shall 7\ jJ 9. year of r. at hand Sl.lO.'of the year of r.|j Esth. 2. 18. he made a r. *Matt. 27. 15. wont to r. Luke 23. 17. John 18. 39. Mat.27.17. will ye that In Blark 15.9. John 18.39. John 19. 1 0. power to r. || 12. Pilate sought to r. RELEASED, p. Matt. 27. 26. then r. he Bas rabbas to them, Mark 15. 6, 15. Luke 23. 25. RELY, ED, p. 2 Chr. 13. 18. | 16. 7, 8. RELIEF, * Acts 11. 29. determined to send r. RELIEVE, -v. Lev. 25. 35. thou shalt r. him Isa. 1. 17. r. the oppressed || Lam. 1.11. meat to r. Lam.1.1 6. comforter that should r.j| 19. meat tor. 1 Tim. 5. 16. may r. them that are widows indeed RELIEVED, ETH. Psal. 146. 9. 1 Tim. 5. 10. RELIGION, s. is\iut i'or,[l}True godlinesSf Jdixn. 1. 27. [2] A profession, Acts 26. 5. Acts 26. 5. after the straitest sect of our r. I lived Gal. 1. 13. heard of my conversation in Jewsr.l4. Jam. 1. 26. this man's r. is vain |j 27. pure r. RELIGIOUS, a. Acts 13. 43. Jam. 1.26. REMAINDER, s. Exod. 29. 34. burn the r. Lev. 6. 16. 7\ his sons eat, 7. 16. |j 17. r. burnt 2 Sam. 14. 7. name nor r. |) 2 Chr. 36. t20. Psal. 76.10 r. of wrath shalt restrain || Jer. 51. 1 35. REMAIN, r. Gen. 38. 11. r. a widow at thy fath, Exod. 8. 9. frogs r. || 12. 10. let nothing of it r. 23. 18. nor fat r. till morning || 29. 34. r. burn it Lev. 19. 6. if ought r. II 25. 28. is sold shall r. 27. 18. years that r. || Num. 33. 55. r. be pricks Deut. 2. 34. left none to r. || 16. 4. nor flesh r. till 19. 20. those which r. shall hear and fear. 21. 13. she shall r.|| 23. body not r. all night Josh. 1. 14. little onesr.HS. 11. nor r. any courage 2. 22. let none r. 10. 28. |] 23. 4. nations that r. 7. Judg. 5. 17. why did Dan r. in ships || 21. 7, 26. 1 Kings 18. 22. 1 only r. a prophet of the Lord 2Kings7.13. horses thatr. |j Ezra 9. 15. r. escaped Job 21.32. r. in the tomb ||27. 15.r. shall be buried 37. 8. beasts 7*.|| Psal. 55. 7. I r. in wilderness Prov. 2.21. perfect r. in land || 21 . 16. r. in congr. Isa.10.32. r. at Nob|| 32. 16. righteousness shall r. 65. 4. r. among graves || 66. 22. now earth r. Jer. 8. 3. residue thatr. || 17. 25. city r. for ever 24, 8. residue that v. || 27. 11. will I let r. still 27. 19. vessels that r. 21. || 30. 18. palace shall r. 38.4. hands thatr.|| 42. 17. none shall r.44. 7, 14, I 51.62. Ezek. 7. 11. Ezek. 17.21. r. be scattered jj 31, 13. fowlsr. 32.4. 39. 14. r. of Gog II Amos 6. 9. if r. ten men Obad. 14. nor delivered those that r. in distress Zech. 5.4. roll shall 7\ \\ 12. 14. families thatr. LukelO.7. r. eatinglj John 6. 12. fragments that r. John 15. 11. my joy might r. \\ 1-6. fruit should r. , 19. 31. the bodies should not r. on the cross 1 Cor. 7. 11. r. unmarried || 15. 6, greater part r. iThes. 4. 15. we which r. 1 7. || Heb. 12. 27. may r. 1 John 2. 24. if r. in you || Rev. 3. 2. things that r. REMAINED, p. Gen. 7. 23. Noah only r. alive Exod. 8, 31. flies r. not one || 10. 1 9. r. not one 14. 28. there i\ not so much as one of them Num. 11. 26. r. two men j| 35. 28. r. in city of ref. Deut. 3. 1 1. Og r. of the giants ||4.25.r. long in land Josh. 10. 20. rest who r. jj 11 . 22. r. Anak. 1 3. 12. 18. 2. r. of Israel 7 tribes |) Judg. 7. 3. r. with Gid. 1 Sam. 23. 1 i. David r. in a mount. || 24. 3, cave 2 Sam. 13. 20. Tamar r. desolate || 1 Kings 22, 46. 2 Kin. 10- 11. Jehu slew all that r. of Ahab's, 17. 13. 6. r. the grove || 25. 22. people that r. he 1 Chr. 1 3. 14. ark r. || Eccl. 2. 9. my wisdom r. Jer. 34. 7. fenced cities r. || 37. 10. r. wounded m. REM REM < , T W Jer. 37. 16. Jeremiah r. in dungeon, 21. | 38. 13. 39. 9. captive people that r. 41. 10. | 52. 15. 48. 11. taste r. in him || 51. 30. r.in holds Lam. 2. 22. none r. jjEzek. 3. 15.1 r. astonished Dan. 10. 8. r. no strength, 17.j{13. 1 7\ with kings Matt. 11.23. r. till this day j] 14. 20. fragments r. Luke 1.22. r. speechless \\ Acts 5. 4. while it r. REMAINEST,r. Lam. 5. 19. Hcb. 1.11. REIMAINETH, v. Gen. 8. 22. while earth r. Exod. 10.5. that which r. 12. 10. | 16. 23. Lev. 8. 52. r. of the flesh and bread burn 10. 12. offering that r. eat||16. 16. r. among Num. 24, 19. destroy him that ;•. || Josh. 8. 29. Jo>h. 13.1. there r. yet much land to be possessed lSam.6. IS. 7\ to this day || 16.11. r. the youngest Job 19. 4. my error r. || 21. 34. r. falsehood 41. 22. in neck r. strength 1| Isa. 4. 3. r. be holy Jer. 3S. 2. r. shall die jj 47. 4. cut off that r. Ezek. 6. 12. r. shall die || Hag. 2. 5. my spirit r. Zech. 9. 7. r. be for God || John 9. 41. your sin r. 1 Cor. 7. 29. it r. that they |I 2 Cor. 3. 1 1. r. is glor. 2 Cor. 3. 14. same vail r. || 9. 9. his righteousness 7\ Heb. 4. e.itr. some must enter (| 9. n a rest to 10. 26. r. no more sacri. j| 1 John 3. 9. his seed r. REMAINING, p. Num. 9. 22. Deut. 3. 3. Josh. 10. 33. he left none r. 37. 39, 40. | 11.8. 21. 40. r. ofLevites || 2 Sam. 21. 5. fr. r. in coasts 2 KingslO.l 1. Jehu left none r,|jl Chr.9.33.who r. Jobl8. 19. nor have any r.f|Jer. 30. 1 23. r. whirlw. Obad. 18. not r.of E.t 16. 3. r. the day||24. 9. r. what G. did to Miriam 25. 17. r. what Amalekdid|l32. 7. r. days of old Josh. 1. 13. r. word||Judg. 9. 2. r. I am your bone 1 Sam. 25. 31 . Abigail said, then r. thy handmaid 2 Sara. 14. 11. r. the Lord |j 19. 19. nor f. what 2 Kings 9. 25. r. when I and thou rode after Ahab 20. 3. r. how I have walked before, I^. 38. 3. 1 Chr. 16. 12. r. his marvellous works, Ps. 105. 5. 2 Chr. 6. 42. r. the mercies of David thy servant Neh. 1. 8. r. the word||4. 14. the L.||13'29. them Job 4. 7. r. who ever perished, being innocent 7. 7. O r. my life is wind || 10. 9. r. thou made 11. 16. r. it as waters || 36. 24. r. thou magnify 41. 8.r. tlie battle || P.^al. 20. 3. r. thy offerings Psal. 20. 7. but we will r. the name of the Lord 22. 27. r. and turn to L. |j 25. j6. r. thy mercies 25. 7. r, not the sins of my youth, r. thou me 74. 2. r. thy eongreg. || 18 ?^. enemy r»'proached Psal. 79. 8. O J'.not against us former iniquities 81.'. 47. r. how short my time is j| 50. r. Lord 103. 18. r. his command. || 119, 49. r. the word 132. 1. r. David \\ 137. 7. r. children of Edoni Prov. 31. 7. drink, and r. his misery no more Eccl. 5. 20. not much r. j( 11. 8. r. daysof darku. 12. 1. r. thy Creator || Song 1. 4. r. thy love Isa. 43. 18. r. ye not the former things, 46. 9. 25. rilnotr. thy .sinsj{44. 21. r. these, O Jacob 46. 8. 7'. this (I 47. 7. nor didst r. latter end of it 54. 4. notr. |j 64. 5. meetest those thatr. thee 64. 9. be not wroth, nor r. iniquity for ever Jer. 3. 16. nor r. it|| 14. 10. he'll r. their iniquity 14. 21. r. break not covenant j| 17. 2. r. altars 18. 20. V. that I stood |j 31. 20. I do earnestly r. 44. 21. did notthe L. r.||51. 50. r. the Lord afar Lam. 3.tl9. r. my affliction jj 5. 1. r. O L, what is Ezek. 16. 61. shall r. thy ways, 63.|20. 43.!36. 31, 23. 27. so thou shall not r. Egypt any more Hos. 8. 13. now will he 7\ their miquity, 9. 9. Mic. 6.5. r. what Balak did||Hab. 3. 2. r. mercy Mai. 4. 4. r. ye the law of Moses my servant Matt. 16. 9. r. five loaves II 27. 63. Sir, wer. Luke 1. 72. r.his holy cov. || 16.25. r. in life-time 17. 32. n Lot's wife jj 24. 6. r. how he spake John 1 5. 20. r. the word 1| 1 6. 4. come, ye may r. Acts 20. 31. r. that by tlie space||35. r, the words Gal. 2.10. r. the poor || Eph. 2. 11. r.in times past Col.4.18.r. my bondslJlThes. 2.9. yer. our labour 2Thes. 2. 5. r. ye not |] 2 Tim. 2. 8. r.C.was raised Heb. 13. 3. r. them in bondslJ7. r. them who rule Jude 17. r. the words spoken of the apostles Rev. 2. 5. r. from whence fa!lenj|3. 3. r. howthou / REMEMBER. Gen. 41. 9. 1 Sam. 15. 2. Job 21. 6. Psal. 42. 4. | 63. 6. | 137. 6. I 143. 5. Jer. 2. 2. Hos. 7. 2. / u-ill REMEMBER. Gen. 9. 15. Lev. 2.6. 42, 45. Psal. 42. 6. 1 77. 10, 11. Jer. 31. 34. Ezek. 16. 60. Heb. 8. 12 |10. 17. 3 John 10. REMEMBER me. Gen. 40.tl4. Judg. 16. 28. 1 Sam. 1. 11. Neh. 13. 14, 22, 29, 31. Job 14. 13. Psal. 25. 7. | 106. 4. Jer. 15. 15. Ezek. 6. 9. Zech. 10. 9, Luke 23. 42. 1 Cor. 11. 2. REMEMBRANCE, s. Exod. 17. 14. put out r. Num. 5. 15. an offering bringing iniquity to r. Deut. 25. 19. blot outr. of Am,|j32. 26. r.to cease 2 Sam. 18. 18. name in r.||l Kin. 17.18. my sin tor. Job 18. 17. his r. shall perish from the earth Psal. 6. 5. in death no r.||30. 4. thanks at r. 97.12. 34. 16. to cutoft>.!|38. 1. to bring tor. 70. 1. 77. 6. 1 call tor. my song || 83. 4. no more in r. 102. 12. thy r. to all gen. j)112. 6. in everlasting r. Eccl. 1. 11. no r. of former things H 2. 16. of wise Isa. 26. 8. desire is to the r. |1 43. 26. put me in r. 57. 8. set up thy r. || Lam. 3. 20. hath still in r. Ezek. 21. 23. call to r. iniquity || 24. come to r. 23. 19. calling to r. 21. |1 29. 16. iniquity to r. Mai. 3. 16. a book of r.|JMark 11. 21. Peter tor. Luke 1. 54. in r. ofhis mercy|j22. 19. 1 Cor.11.24. Johnl4. 26. allthingstor.||ActslO. 31. alrasinr. 1 Cor. 4. 17. bring you in7'.|| 11. 25. this do inr. Phil. 1. 3. on every r.jjl Thes. 3. 6. good r. of us 1 Tim. 4. 6. if thou put the brethren in r. of 2 Tim. 1. 3. r. of thee || 5. when I call to r. the 6. 1 put thee in r. \\ 2. 14. put them in r. Heb. 10. 3. a r. of sins \\ 32. but call to r. tlie REM REM 2 Pet. 1. 12. to put you always in r. Jude 5. 13. putti»g you in r. j| 15. things always in r. 3. 1. by way of r. j| Rev. 16. 19. JBaby. came in r. REMEMBRANCER, *. 2 Sam. 8.H6.I20. 24. REMEMBRANCES, s. Job 13. 12. your r. are REMEMBERED, p. Gen. 8. 1. God r. Noah 19. 29. God r. Abraham |j 30. 22. Rachel i| 42. 9. Exod. 2. 24. God 7\ his covenant with Abr. 6; 5. Num. 10. 9. ye shall be r.|ijudg. 8.34. r. not theL. 1 Sam. 1. 19. L. r. Hannah || 2 Chr. 24. 22. r. not Eslh. 2. 1. r. Vashti|j9. 28. days of Purimber. Job 24. 20. no more v. Jer. H. 19. Ezek. 21. 32. 1 25- 10. Hos.-2. 17. Zech. 13. 2. Psal. 45. 17. name to ber.j| 77. 3. I r. God 78. 35. they r. that God || 39. r. they were flesh 42. r. not his hand j) 98. 3. r. his mercy and 105. 8. r. his covenant |j 42- i'. his holy promise 106. 7. r. not thy mercies || 45. r. his covenant 109. 14. let the iniquity be r.||16. r. not to shew 111.4. works to be r. |) 119. 52. Ir. thyjudgm. 119. 55. 1 r. thy name || 13G. 23. r. us in low 137. 1. when we r. Zion|| Eccl. 9. 15. no man r. Isa.23. 1 6. mayest be r. \\ 57. 11. not r. me nor 63. 11. r. days of old j| 65. 17. heavensnotr. Lam. 1. 7. Jerus. r. || 2. 1. r. not his footstool Ezek. 3. 20. his righteou:-ness not be?'. 33. 13. 16. 22. thoii hast not r. 43. || 21. 24. iniquity r. Hos. 2. 17. they shall no more be v. Zech. 13. 2. Amoj 1. 9. r. not brotherly cov.l|Jonah 2.7.1 r. L. Matt. 26. 75. Peter r.wordsthatJe.^us,Luke22.6l. Luke24.8. theyr.hiswords,John2. 17,22.112. 16. Actsll.16. thenr. Ithe wordi|Heb.li.t22.Joseph Rev. 18. 5. and God hath r. her iniquities REMEMBEREST, r.Psal. 88. 5. Matt. 5. 23. REMEMBERETH, v. Psal. 9.12. he r. 103. 14. Eccl. 5.t20. yet he r. ]j Lam. 1. 9. r. not her end John 16.21 . she r. no more||2Cor. 7.15. whilst her. REMEMBERING, p. Lam. 3. 19. 1 Thes. 1. 3. ^REMETH, Highly. Josh. 19. 21. REMISSION, s, Matt. 26. 28. shed for the r. Mark 1. 4. baptism of repentance for ?\Luke 3. 3. Luke 1. 77. kno>yledge of salvation by r. of sins 24. 47. that r. should be preached in his name Acts 2. 38. for r. of sins 1) 10. 43. receive r. of sins Rom. 3. 25. for the r. of sins that are past thro' Heb, 9. 22. without shedding of blood is no r. 10. 18. where r. is, there is no more offering REMIT, TED, p. John 20. 23. r. they are r. REMMON, A pomegranate. Josh. 19. 7, 13. ,Jer. 40. 11. king left a r-.of Judah j| 13. r. perish 19. O ye r. of Judah iI44. 12. Til take the i\ 44. 14. none of r. escape || 28. r. shall know 47. 4. Lord will spoil the r. of the country, 5. Ezek. 5. 10. r. I'll scatter || 6. 8. yet I'll leavear. REMNANT, s. A few, or escaping. Lev. 2. 3. r. be Aaron's, S. 13. |) 14. 18. r.of oil Deut. 3. 11. ther. of giants, Josh. 12. 4.|13. 12. 28.54. eye evil to r. (| Jo:^h. 23. 12. 7\ of nations 2 Sam. 21. 2. r. of Amorites||l Kin. 12. 23. 1 14. 10. 2 Kin. 19.4. prayer for ther. 30, 31. Isa. 37.4,31. 21. 14. I'll forsaken \\ 2 Chr. 30. 6. return to r. Ezra 3. 8. r. of priests||9. 8. leave us a r. to escape 9. 14. be no r. || Neh. F. 3. r. left of captivity Job 22 20. r. tire consumed || Isa. 1. 9. a small Isa. 7.13. ther. shall return, even the r.iO. 21. 11. 11. to recover r. || 16. highway for the r. 14. 22. cut ofFr. || 30. and he shall slay tiiy r. 15. 9. bring lions on r. |j 16. 14. r. he small 17.3.r. of Syria ||46. 3. hearken, all the r. Jer. 6. 9. glean the r. |j 11. £.3. shall be no r. 15. 11. be well with r. || 23. 3. gather the r, 55. 20. r. of Aslrdod 11 31. 7. O Lo save the n r. 11. 13. an end of the r 23. 25. thy r. shall fall 14. 2^. be left a r. 25. 16. destroy the r, Joel 2. 32. in the r. whom the Lord shall call Amos 1. 8. r. perish||5. 15. gracious to r. of Joseph 9. 12. they may possess the r. of Edom Mic. 2. 12. gather the r. || 4. 7. that halted a r. 5. 3. r. return \\ 7. the r. of Jacob shall, 8. 7. 18. r. of his heritage j| Hab. 2. 8. r. shall spoil Zeph. 1. 4. cut r. of Baal || 2. 7. coast be forr. 2. 9.r. possess || 3. 13. r. shall not do iniquity Hag. 1. 12. r. obeyed j| 14. stirred up spirit of r. Zech. 8. 6. in eyes of the r. |j 12 r. to possess Matt. 22. 6. r. took his servants and slew them Rom. 9. 27. a r. shall be saved || 11.5. there is a r. Rev. 11. 13 r.affVighted||l2. 17.warwithr. 19.21. REMORSE, s. Rom.ll.t8. given the spirit of r. REMOVE, V. Num. 36. 7. inheritance not r. Deut. 19. 14. r. land-m. Job 24. 2. Prov. 22. 28. Josh. 3. 3. ye shall r. (| 2 Sam. 6. 10. not r. ark 2Kin.23.27. I'll r. Judah,24.3.||2Chr. 33. 8. nor r. Job 27. 5. I'll not r. mine integrity from me Ps.36.1 1 . let not wicked r.jne|f39.lO. ?\ thy stroke 119. 22. r, from me reproach |) 29. way of lying ' Prov. 4. 27. r. thy foot from eviljl5. 8. r. from her 22. 28. r. not land-mark, 2.3. 10. || 30. 8. r. lies Eccl. 11. 10. r. sorrow j| Isa. 10.127. his burden r. Isa. 13. 13. earth shall r. || 31.t2. not n 46. 7. Jer. 4. 1. shall not r. |j 27. 10. to r. you far from 32. 31. r. it before thy face || 50. 3. they shall r. 50. 8.r. out of Babyl. || Ezek. 12. 3. r. in sjght Ezek. 21. 26. r. the diadem jj 45. 9. r. violence Hos. 5. 10. 7\ the bound || Joel 2. 20. r. the army Joel 3. 6. r. from border || Mic. 2. 3. not r. necks Zech. 3. 9. r. the iniquity (| 14. 4. half r. to north Matt. 17. 20. r. hence, it shall r.l|Luke22.42.r.cup 1 Cor. 1 3. 2. r. mountains] jRev. 2. 5. r. candlestick REMOVED, j>. Gen. 12. 8.Abrarar. 13.18. 26.22. Isaac r.|| 30.35. Jacob jj 47. 21. Joseph r. Exod. 8. 31. Lord r. flies] 1 14. 19. angel of God r. 20. 18. people r Num. 12. 16. | 21. 12. j 33. 5. Deut. 28. 25. shaltbe r. into all the kingdoms 1 Sam. 6. 3. why hand is not?'. Jj 18. 13. r, David 2 Sam. 20. 12. r. Amasajjl Kin. 15. 12. Asa r. idols 1 Kin. 15. 13. r. mother from being Q.2Chr.l3.16. 14. high-places were not r. 2 Kings 15. 4, 35. 2 Kin. 17. 18. Lord r. Israel out, 23, 26. | 23. 27. Job 14. 18. rock is r. || 18. 4. shall rock be r. 19. 10. my hope hath he r. || 36. 16. r. thee out Ps. 46. 2. tho' earth be r.||81. 6. I r. his siioulde^' 103. 12. so far hath he r.our transgressions 104. 5. earth be not r. }) 125. 1. cannot be r. Prov. 10. 30. the righteous shall never be r. Isa. 6. 12. Lordr. men farjJlO. 13.1 r. the bounds 10. 31. Madmenah is r. |j 17.tll. harvest be r. 22. 25. nail be r. |] 24. 20. earth shall be r. like 26. 15. ?\ it to ends of earth Jj 29. 13. r. heart 30. 20. not teachers be r. \\ 33. 20. not stakes r. 38. 12. mine age is r. \\ 54. 10. hills be r. but Jer. 1 5. 4. cause them to be r. 24.9.|29. 18.l34.l7. Lam. 1. 8. she is r. \\ 3. 17. r. my soul from peace Ezek. 7. 19. gold r.]] 23. 46. give them to be r. 36. 17, ar. woman jj Amos 6. 7. bapquet be r. REN Mic. 2. 4. r. it from me || 7. 1 1 . decree be far r. Matt. 21. 21. if ye say, be thou r. Mark 11. 23. Acts 7. 4. r. Abr.j|13. 22. r. Saul||Gal.l. 6. soon r. REMOVETH, v. Deut. 27. 17. r. land-mark Job 9. 5. r. mountains II 12. 20. r. the -peech Eccl. 10. 9. whoso r. stone*|jIsa. 27.t8. r. rough w. Dan. 2. 21. he chanijeth the seasons, he r. kings REMOVING,;). Gen. 30. 32. r. the speckled Isa. I4.t6. without r. ||49. 21. a captive r. to Jer. Ij.t4. I'll givetliem for ar. 24.t9. I 34.tl7. Ezek. 12. 3. stuffforr.4.|;Heb. 12. SZ-siguifiethr. REMPHAN, Giants, or Moloch. Xcis 7. 43. REND, V. Lev. 10. 6.|13. 56. 1 Kings 11. il, 13. 2 Chr. 34. 27. didst r. thy clothes and weep before RENDER, V. Num. 18. 9. offering they r. holy Deut. 32. 41. 1 will r. vengeance to mine, 43. Judg. 9. 57. evil of the men of Sechem did God r, 1 Sam. 26. 23. r. to every man, 2 Chr. 6. 30. Job 33. 26. r. to man hisrighteousne>«,34. 11. Psal. 28. 4. r. their desert||38. 20. r. evil for good 56. 12. r. praises fl 79. 12. r. seven-fold into 94. 2. r. a reward || 116. 12. what shall I r. to J'rov. 24. 12. r. to every man according, Rom. 2.C. 20. 1 6. r. a reason || Isa. 66. 1 5. to r. his anger Jer.51.6. r.arecompence, 24. Lam. 3.64. Joel 3.4. Hos. 14. 2. r. the caIves||Zeeh.y. 12. I'll r. double Matt. 21. 41. r. the frnitslj^S. 21. r. to Cesar Rom. 13. 7. r, to alltheirdnesjjl Cor. 7. 3.r. benev. 1 Thes. 3. g.^hanks can we r.\\h. 15. none r. evil RENDERED. Judg. 9. 56. 2 Kings 3.4.|l7.t3. 2 Chr. 32. 25. Hezekiahr.not|]Prov. 12. 14. be r. RENDEREST,i\ Pal. 62. 12. r. to every man RENDERETH, v. Isa. 60. 6. r. recompeiice to RENDERING,]). 1 Pet. 3. 9. not r. evil for evil RENE\y, V. 1 Sam. 11. 14. r. kijigdom there Psal. 51. 10. and r. a right spirit within me Isa. 40. 31.-?\ their strength, 41. 1. }j Lam. 5. 21. Heb. 6. 6. if fall, to r. them again to repentance RENEWED, p. 2 Chr. 15. 8. Asa r. altar of the Job 29. 20. my bow was ;-, |j Ps. 103. 5. youth r. 2 Cor. 4. 16. inward man •■. Eph. 4. 23. Col. 3. 10. RENEWEST, v. Job 10. 17. Psal. 104. 3a RENEWING, p. Rom. 12.2. Tit.3. 5. RENOUNCED, y. 2 Cor. i. 2. r. hidden things RENOWN, s. Gen. 0. 4. men of r. Num. 16. 2. Ezek. 16. 14. thy r. 15. || 34. 29. a plant of r. 39. 13. shall be a r. jj Dan. 9. 15. gotten thee r. RENOWNED. Num. 1. IQ. Isa. 14. 20. Ezek. 23. 23. lords and r. jj 26. 17. the r. city RENT, s. Isa. 3. 24. instead of a girdle, a r. Matt. 9. 1 6. r. is worse, Mark 2. 21. Luke 5.36. RENT. Gen. 37. 33. Joseph is r. in pieces Exod. 28. 32. ephod be not r.|| Josh. 9. 4. bottles r. a Sam. 15. 32.coat r.|jl Kings 13. 3. altar be r. 5. Ezi-a 9. 5. r. garment II Matt. 27. 51. vail of the temple was r. Mark 15. 38. Luke 23. 45. Mark l.tl O.John .saw the heavens r. and spirit RENT, V. a. Judg. 14. 6. Samson r. Hon 1 Sam. 15. 27. r. the skirt|j28. r. kingdom, 28. 17. 2 Sara. 13. 19. Tamar r. \\ l Kmgs 1. 40. earth r. 1 Kings 11. 31. behold, I'll r. the kingdom, 14. 8. 19. 1 1. and a strong wind r. the mountains 2 Kings 17. iil. r. Israel || Ezra 9. 3. I nmy garm. Job 1.20. r. mantle, 2. 12.-||26. 8. cloud not r. Eccl. 3. 7. a time to r.|[Isa. 64. 1. ">: the heavens Jer. 36. 24. were not afraid, nor ?-. their garments pxek.l 3.1 1 . stormy wind r. it, 1 3.i:2y.7.r. shoulder REP ^177 Ezek. -30. 16. No shall be r.]|Hos. 13. 8. I'll r. caul Joel 2. 13. r. yourheart, and not your garments Matt. 7. 6. turn and r. youii27. 51. the rocks r. Mark 9. 26. r.him sore|;John 19. 24. let us notV. RENTEST, r. Jer. 4. 30. tho' thou r. thy face RENTING, I). Psal. 7. 2. tear ray soul, r. it in REPAIR, V. 2 Kings 12. 5. r. the house of God, 7, 8, 12. I 22. 5,^6. 2 Chr. 24. 4, 12. | 34. ^, 10. Ezra 9. 9. Isa. 61. 4. and they shall v. the waste cities, the REPAIRED, p. Judg. 21. 23. Benjamin r. cities 1 Kings 11. 27. Solomon j\i|18. 30. Elijah r. altar 2 Kings 1 2. 6- priests had not r. || l4. r. house 1 Chr. 11. 8. Joab r. |i2 Chr. 26.t9. Uzziah r. 2 Chr. 29. 3. Hezekiah r. 32. 5.||33. 16. Manasseh Neh. 3. 4. next to them r. \\ 6. after him r. 7, — 24. REPAIRER, s. Isa. 58. 12. be called the r. of REPAIRING, p. 2 Chr. 24. 27. r. the house REPAY, r. Deut. 7. 10. he II r. him to his face Job 21. 31. who shall r. \\ 41. 11. 1 should r. him Isa. 59. 18. r. iV.vy}!Luke 10. 35. I'll i\ thee Rom. 12. 19. I'll r.'saith L.|| Philem. 19. I'll r. it RE PAYED, ETH. Deut. 7. 10. Prov. 13. 21. REPEATETH. Prov. 17. 9. he that r. a matter REPENT, I". Exod. 13. 17. lest the people r. 32. 12. r. of this eviljiNum. 23. 19. he should r. Deut. 32.36. L. shall r.||l Sam. 15. 29. the strength of Israel will not r. not a man that he should r. 1 Kings 8. 47. if they r. \\ Job 42. 6. I r. in dust Psal. 90. 13. an. I will not r. 110. 4. Heb. 7. 2!. 135. 14. he will r. Jer. 18. 8, 10. | 42. 10. Jer. 4. 23. will not r. Ezek. 24. I4.|i26. 3. f. me Ezek. 14. 6. r. and turn yourselves from, 18. 3\). Joel 2. 14. if he will return and r. Jonah 3. 9. Matt. 3. 2. r. for the kingdom i-< at hand, 4. 17. Mark 1. 15. r. and believe || 6. 12. men should r. Luke 13. 3. except ye r. 5.||16. 30. dead, they'll r. 17. 3. if thy brother r. forgive him, 4. Acts 2. 38. r. and be baptized, 3. 19. | 8. 22. 17. 30. all men to r.|l26. 20. that they should r. 2 Cor. 7. 8. made you sorry, I do not r. tho' I did r. Rev. 2. 5. except thou r. || 16. r. or else 111 21. space to r. || 22. except they v. of deeds 5. 3. hold fast and r. || 19. be zealou^and r. REPENTANCE, s. is either, [1] Distress and trouble for the calamities procured by sin, in uhich se7ise Cain, Ahab, and Judas repented^ Gen. 4. 13. 1 Kings 21. 29. Matt. 27. 3. Or, [2] A godly sorrow for sin, on account of its malignant nature, and offensiveness to God, which is accompanied iciih an hatred of sin, and a love of holiness, Acts 11. I8. 2 Cor. 7. 10. Repentance, when ascribed to God, does not in- tend a change of his mind, but a change of his outward conduct in his dispensations, Mai. 3. 6. Jam. 1. 17. Hos. 13. 14. r. shall be hid from mine eyes Matt. 3. 8. forth fruit meet for r. 11. Luke 3. 8. 9.13. to call sinners to r.Mark 2. 17. Luke 5. 32. Mark 1. 4. preach i\ Luke 3.3. Acts 13. 24.|19.4. Luke 15. 7. need no r.|| 24. 47. 7\ be preached Acts 5. 31. exalted to give r. || 11. 18. granted »'. 20. 21. r. toward G.|;26. 20. do works meet for r. Rom. 2. 4. leadeth to r. || 11. 29. gifts without r. 2 Cor. 7. 10. godly sorrow wovketh r. tosalvatioo 2 Tim. 2. 25. if God peradventure will give them r. Heb. 6. 1. foundation ©f,r.n6. to reisnv again ton REF REP Heb. 12. 17. iioplaceofr.l|2 Pet. 3.9. all come to r. REPENTED, p. Gen. 6. 6. it r. the Lord tliat Exod. 32. 14. the Lord r. Judg. 2. 18. 1 Sam. 15. 35. 2 Sam. 24. 16. 1 Chr. 21. 15. Psal. 106. 45. Jer. 26. 19. Amos 7. 3. Jonah 3. 10. Judg. 21. 6. •'. for Benjamin 1| Jer. 8. 6. no man j\ Jer. 20. 16. r. not||31. 19. after I was turned. I n Zech 8. 14. I r. not || Matt. 11. 20. cities r. not Matt. 11. 21. would have r. long ago, Luke 10.13. 12. 41. r. at preaching of Jonas, Luke 11. 32. 21. 29. r. and went, 32. || 27. 3. Judas r. Irims. 2 Cor. 7. 10. not to be r. of |[ 12. 21. have not r. Rev. 2. 21.andsher. not, 9. 20, 2l.| 16.9. 11. REPENTEST. Jonah 4. 2. r. thee of the evil REPENTETH. Gen. 6. 7. it r. me, 1 Sam. 1511. Joel 2. 13. r. him of the evillJLuke 15.7. that r*. 10. REPENTING, S,p. Jer. 15. 6. Hos. 11.8. REPETITIONS, ts. Matt. 6. 7. use not vain r, as REPHAH, Releasing the snare. 1 Chr. 7. 25. REPHAEL, The physic of God. 1 Chr. 2G. 7. REPHAIAH, The same. 1 Chr. 3. 21. | 4. 42. I 7. 2. I 9. 43. Neh. 3. 9. REPHAIM, Giant, physician, or preserver. Gen. 14. .5. 2 Sam. 5. 18. | '23. 13. Isa. 17. 5. REPHIDIM, Places of rest. Exod. 17. 1.|19. 2. Num. 33. 14, 15. REPLENISH, V. Gen. 1. 28. r. the earth, 9. 1. REPLENISHED, p. Isa. 2. G. they be r. from 23. 2. r. Tyre'l Jer. 31. 25. r. sorrowful soul Ezek. 26. 2. 1 shall be r. || 27. 25. thou wast r. REPLIEST, y. Rom. 9. 20. that r. against God ? REPORT, s. Gen. 37. 2. evil r. Num. 13. 32. I 14. 37. Neh. 6. 13. 2 Cor. G% 8. Exod. 23. 1. not raise a false r.|jDeut. 2. 25. hear 1 Sam. 2 24. no good r. j| 1 Kings 10. 6. a true r. Prov. 15. 30. a good r.||Isa. 23. 5. atr. of Tyre Isa. 28. 19. a vexation on'y to understand the r. 53. 1. who hath believed our r. John 12.38. Rom. 10. 16. Jer. 50. 43. heard the r. \\ Hab. 3.t3. heard thy r. Acts 6. 3. men of honest r. || 10. 22. of good r. 22. 12. 2 Cor. 6. 8. Phil. 4. 8. 1 Tim. 3. 7. Heb. 11.2, 39. 3 John 12. REPORT, V. Jer. 20. 10. 1 Cor. 14. 25. REPORTED, p. Neh. 6. 6. it is r.lJ19. tl>ey r. Esth. 1. 17. Ezek. 9. 11. Matt. 28. 1.5. Acts 4. 23. 1 16. 2. Rom. 3. 8. 1 Cor. 5. 1. 1 Tim. 5. 10. 1 Pet. 1. 12. REPROACH, s. signifies, [1] Scorn or derision^ Neh. 2. 17. [2]] Sliatney infamy, or disgrace, Prov. 6. 33. [3 J Censures and reflections, Isa. 51. 7. [4] Injury, 2 Cor. 12. 10. Josh. 5. 9.r. ofEgypt||l Sam. 17. 26. r.from Israel >Ieh. 1.3. in great r.||4. 4. turn their r. 5. 9. Psal. 57. 3. save me from r. || 69. 7. I've born r. 69. 20. r. hath broken] |71. 13. covered with r. 76. 66. a perpetual r.|j79. 12. their r. where 89. 50. I bear the r.||il9. 22. remove?', and Prov. G. 33. his r.||18. 3. cometh 7\||19. 26. and r. 22. 10. go out, yea, strife and r. shall cease Isa. 4. 1 . to take away our r. || 51. 7. fear not r. 54. 4. r. of widowhood||Jer. 23. 40. everlasting r. Jer. 31. 19. 1 did bear the r.\\51. 51. heard r. Lam. 3. 30. filled with r.j|61. heard their r. 5.1. behold our r. || Ezek. 16. 57. time of j'. Ji^zek. 21. 28. concerning r.||36. 15.nor bear r. 30. Ban. ll.lS.r.to pcasejillos. 12.14. r.return to him Joel 2. 17. heritage to r.]|Mic. 6. 16. bear r. of* Zeph. 2. 8. r. of Moabl|3 18. r. ofit a burden 2 Cor. 11. 21. 1 speak as concerning r. as though 1 Tim. 3. 7. lest he fall in r.\\ 4. 10. and suffer r. Heb. 11. 26. r. of Christi|13. 13. bearing his r. A REPROACH. Gen. 34 14. I Sam. 11. 2. Neh. 2. 17. Psal. 15. 3. [ 22. 6. | 31. 11. 1 39. 8. I 44. 13. I 79. 4. | 89. 41. | 109. 25. Prov. 14. 34. Isa. 30. 5. Jer, 6. 10. [ 20. 8. j 24.9. I 29. 18. I 44. 8, 12. | 49. 13. Ezek. 5.14,1.5. I 22.4. Dan. 9. 16. Joel 2. 19. My REPROACH. Gen. 30 23. 1 Sam. 25. 39. Job 19. 5. I 20. 3. Psal. 69. 10, 19. | 119. 39. Luke 1. 25. REPROACH, V. Ruth 2. 15. and r.her not 2 Kin. 19.4. to r. the living God, 16. Isa. 37.4, 17. Neh. 6. 13. might r. me] j Job 27. 6. heart not r. Psal. 42. 10. enemies r. me, 74. 10. | 102. 8. Luke 6. 22. when men shall r. you for my sake REPROACHED, p. 2 Kings 19. 22. Isa. 37. 23. Job 19. 3. ten tunes r.HPeal. 55. 12. enemy r. Psal. 69. 9. r. thee, are fallen on me, Rom. 15. S. 74. 18. enemy hath r. 79. 12. | 89. 51. Zech. 2. 8. they r. 10. |) 1 Pet 4. 14. if ye be r. for REPROACHES, s. Isa. 43. 28. and Israel to r. 2 Cor. 12.10. pleasureinr.||Heb. 10. 33. both by r. REPROA CHEST, v. Luke 11. 45. thou r. us REPROACHETH, v. Num. 15. 30. r. the Lord Psal. 44. 16. voice that r.j|74. 22. foolish man r. 1 1 9. 42. to answer him that r. me, Prov. 27.11. Prov. 14. 31. despise th poor r. his Maker, 17. 5. REPROACHFULLY,acZ. Job 16.10. 1 Tim.5.14. REPROBATE, S, s. A person lost to virtue, and abandoned to sin. A refused one. The word signifies adulterate or counterfeit, Jer. 6. 30. r. silver] |Rom. 1. 28. r. mind, to do 2 Cor. 13. 5. except ye be r. || 6. we are not r. 7^ 2 Tim. 3. 8. r. concern, faith] jTit. 1. 16. being r. REPROOF, s. Job 26. 11. astonished at his r. Prov. 1. 23. turn youat my r.l]25. none of my r. 30. despised my r. 5. 12. Jj 10. 17,refuscthr. 12. 1. he that hateth r. 1.5- 10. j) 13. 18. regardelb 15. 5. that regardeth r. \\ 31. heareth r. 33. 17. 10. a r. entereth]|29.t 1. a man of r. tliat 29. 15. rod and r. J] 2 Tim. 3. 16. doctrine, r. REPROOFS, s. Psal. 38. 14. Prov. 6. 23. REPROVE, V. 2 Kings 19. 4. Isa. 37. 4. Job 6. 25. but what doth your arguing r. 26. imagine to r.\\ 13. 10. he'll surely r. you 22v 4. for fearJlPsal. 50. 8. I'll not r. thee Psal. 50. 21. I'll r. thee]!l41. 5. let him r. me Prov. 9. 8. r. not a scorner Jj 30. 6. lest he r. thee 19. 25. and r. one that hath understand, and he'll Isa. 11.3. nor r. after the hearing of his ears, 4. Jer. 2. 19 backslidingsj'.|]Hos. 4. 4. nor r. another Mai. 2.t3. r. your seed ]| John 16. 8.r. the world Eph. 5. 1 1. but rather r.j|3 Tim. 4. 2. r. rebuke REPROVED, p. Gen. 20. 16. and she wasr. 21. 25. Abraham r. Abimelech because of a 1 Chr. 16. 21. r. kings for their sakes, Ps. 10.5. 14. Prov. 29. 1. being often r. II Jer. 29. 27. why not r. Hab. 2. 1. answer when r. I (Luke 3. 19. r. by John John 3. 20. lest deeds be r. || Eph. 5. 13. are r. REPROVETH. Job 40. 2. he that r. God let Prov. 9. 7. r. a scorner, 15. 12. || Isa. 29. 21. that r. REPROVER,*. Prov. 25. 12. Ezek. 3.26. REPUTATION, tf. Eccl. 10. 1. r. for wisdom RES RES Acts 5. 34. Gamaliel in r. || Gal. 2. 2. of r. lest Phil. 2. 7. of no r. || 29. and hold such in r. REPUTED, p. Job 18. 3. r. vile \\ Dan. 4. 35. REQUEST, S, 5. Judg. 8. 24. 1 desire a ?\ of you 2 Sam. 14. 15. that king will perform the r. 22. Ezra 7. 6. granted his r. || Neh. 2. 4. for what r. Esth.4. 8. tomaker.||5.3.whatisthyr. 7. 2.|9. 12. 7. 3. my people at my r. |j 7. to ?\ for his Hfe Job 6. 8. O that I might liave my r. and that Psai. 21. 2. V. of hi- hps || 106. 15. gave their r. Rom. 1. 10 making r. for a prosperous journey Phil. 1. 4. r. with joy |j 4. 6. r. he made kn. to G. REQUESTED, /;. 1 Kings 19. 4. Elijah r. that 1 Chr. 4. 10. God granted that he r. || Neh. 13. t 6. Dan. 1. 8. r. of the prince |) 2. 49. Daniel r. of REQUIRE, V. Gen. 9. 5. blood I'll r. of beast 31.39. at my hands didst r.||43. 9. shaltr. him Deut. 10 12. what doth the Lord r. Mic. 6. 8. 28. 19. I'll r. it 11 23. 21. Lord will surely r. it Josh. 22. 23. let the L. himself r. it, 1 Sam. 20. 1 6. 2 Sam. 3. 13. one thing I r. |J 4. 1 1. shall I not r. 19. 38. r. that 111 do || 1 Kings 8. 59- matter r. 1 Chr. 21. 3. why doth L. r. |( 2Chr. 24. 22. r. it Ezra 7. 21. what Ezra shall r. |) 8. 22. ashamed to r. Neh. 5. 12. f . nothing || Psal. 10. 13. wilt not r. Ezek.3. 18. his blood will I r. 20. | 33. 6, 8. 20. 40. r. your offerings |( 34. 10. r. my flock 1 Cor. 1. 22. Jews r. a sign |( 7. 36. need so r. REQUIRED, p. Gen. 42. 22. also his blood is r. 1 Sam. 21. 8. r. haste |j 2 Sam. 12. 20. when he r. 1 Chr. 1 6. 37. to minister as every day's work r. 2 Chr. 8. 14. as duty of every day r. Ezra 3. 4. 24. 6. why hast thou not r.\\ Neh. 5. 18. r. I £sth. 2. 1.5. she r. nothing, but what Hegai app. Psal. 40. 6. hast not r. \\ 137. 3. r. of us mirth Prov. 30.7. two thingsl r.|j Isa. 1. 12. who hath r. Luke 1 1. 50. r. of this general. | j 1 2. 20. soul be r. 12. 48. be much r. |) 19. 23. r. mine own with 23. 24. as they r. |j 1 Cor. 4. 2. r. of stewards REQUIREST, v. Ruth 3. 11. I'll do all thou r. REQUIRETH, v. Eccl. 3. 15. Dan. 2. 11. REQUIRING, p. Luke 23. 23. instant r. that REQUITE, V. Gen. 50. 1 5. r. us all the evil Deut. 32. 6. do ye thus r. || 2 Sam. 2. 6. I'll r. 2 Sam. 16. 12. L. willr. |) 2 Kings 9. 26. I'll r. thee Psal. 10. 14. beholdest, to r. it |j 41. 10. I may r. Jer. 51. ,56. surely r. |j i Tim. 5. 4. learn to r. REQUITED,/). Judg. 1.7. 1 Sam. 25. 21. REQUITING, p. 2 Chr. 6. 23. r. the wicked RERE-WARD, s. The last of all the camp. Num. 10. 25. Dan was r. || Josh. 6. 9. r. came 1 Sam. 29. 2. D. and his men passed on in the r. I«:a. 52. 12. God of Israel will be your r. 58. 8. RESCUE, ED, p. Deut. 28. 31. none to r. them 1 Sam. 14. 45. r. Jonathan || 30. 18. D. r. his wives Psal. .35. 17. r. mysoul||Hos. 5. 14. Acts 23.27. RESCUETH, V. Dan. 6. 27. delivereth and r. RESEMBLANCE, s. Zech. 5. 6. this is their r. RESEMBLE, f. Luke 13. 18. whereto shall I r. RESEMBLED, p. Judg. 8. 18. each one r. the RESEN, A bridle. A city. Gen. 10. 12. RESERVE, V. Jer. 3. 5. | 50. 20. 2 Pet. 2. 9. RESERVED, p. Gen. 27. 36. nor r. a blessing Num. 18. 9. holy things r.|| Judg. 21. 22. r. not Ruth 2. 18. she gave her motlier that she had /•. 2 Sam. 8. 4. but r. for 100 chariots, 1 Chr. 18. 4- Job 21. 30. '.ylcked is r. \\ 38. 23. which.I've r. Acts 25. 21. to be r. || Rom. 11. 4. r. 7000 meji. 1 Pet. 1. 4. r. in heaven || 2 Pet. 2. 4. r. to judgnv 2 Pet. 2. 17. is r. for everjj3. 7. r. unto fire against Jude 6. r. in everlasting chains, jj 13. blackness RESERVETH, v. Jer- 5. 24. Nah. 1. 2. RESIDUE,*'. Exod. 10. 5. locusts shall eatther. 1 Cor. 6. 66. r. had cities il Neh. 11 20. r, of I.srael Isa. 21. 17. r. of archers || 28. 5. a diadem to r. 38. 10. r. of my years |j 44. 17. r. a god, 19. Jer. 8. 3. chosen by r. || 15. 9. r. I'll deliver 24. 8. r. of Jerusalem ||27. 19. r. of the vessels 29. 1. sent to r. of elders [j 39. 3- r. of princes 41. 10. carried captive r. || 52. 15. r. of people Ezek. 9.8. wilt destroy r.|j23. 25. r. be devoured 34. 18. tread r. of pastures || 36. 3. unto the r. 36. 4. deri'iion to r. j) 5. spoke again:-t r. of the 48. 18. r. in length |j 21. ?*. be for the prince Dan. 7. 7. stamped r. 19 jj Joel 1. 1 4. r. palmer-w, Zeph. 2. 9. r. shall spoil || Hag. 2. 2. speak to r. Zech 8. 1 1. not be to r. || 14. 2. r. not be cut off MaL 2. 15. r. of the spirit \\ Mark 16. 13. told r. Acts 15. 17. that the r. might seek after the Lord RESIST, r. Zech. 3. 1. Satan at right-hand to r. Matt. 5. 39. r, not evil||Luke 21. 15. not able to r. Acts 6. 10. not able to r. jj 7. 51. ye do always r. Rom. 13. 2. they that r. j| 2 Tim. 3. 8. r. trutli Jam. 4. 7. r. the devil, 1 Pet. 5. 9. || 5. 6. not 7'. RESISTED, p. Rom. 9. 19. Heb. 12. 4. RESISTETH. Rom. 13. 2. Jam. 4. 6. 1 Pet. .5. 5. RESOLVED, p. Luke 16. 4. lam r. what to do RESORT, u. Neh. 4.20. r. ye thither |) Psal. 71. 3. Mark 10. 1. people r. to himajjain, John 18. 20. RESORTED, p. 2 Chr. 11. 13. Levites r. to him Mark 2. 13. multitude r. to him, John 10. 41. John 18. 2. Jesusoftimesr. || Acts 16. 13. wom. r. RESPECT, signifies, [1] To accept. Gen. 4. 4. [2] Partiality to regard the rich more than the poor, which God doth not, 2 Sam. 14. 14. Acts 10. 34. and man ought not. Jam. 2. 1, 9, [3] To trust and rely on God, Isa. 17. 7. Gen. 4. 4. had r. to Abel || 5. to Cain had not r. Exod. 2. 25. G. had J'.to them||Lev. 26. 9. r. to you 1 Kings 8. 28. have r. to the prayer, 2 Chr. 6. 19. 2Kin.l3.23.L. hadr.||2Chr.l9.7. nor r. of persons with God, Rom. 2. 11. Eph. 6. 9. Col. 3. 25. Psal. 74. 20. 7\ to covenant jj 119. 6. r. to all thy 119. 15. r. to thy waysjj 117. r. to thy statutes 138. 6. r. to tlie lowly || Prov. 24. 23. | 28. 21. Isa. 17. 7. r. to the holy Ooe || 22. 11. nor had 7\ 2 Cor. 3. 10. no glory in this r. || Phil. 4. 11. in ?% Col. 2. 16. r. of holy dayjjHeb. 11.26. Moses had r. Jam. 2. 1. r. of persons, 3, 9. 1 Pet. 1. 17. RESPECT, r. Lev. 19. 15. not r. person of poor Num. 16. 15. r. not of!'||Deut. 1. 17. not ;\ 16. 19» 2 Sam. 14. 14. nor doth God r.jj Isa. 17. 8. nor r. RESPECTED, j). Lam. 4. 16. r. not the priest RESPECTER, s. Acts 10. 34. G. is no r. of pers. RESPECTETH. Job 37. 24. Psal. 40. 4. RESPITE, s. Exod. 8. 15. 1 Sam. 11. 3. REST, signifies, [1] Repose, cessation from labour, Exod. 5. 5. [2] The Lord Jesus, Psal. 116. 7. Matt. 11. 28. [3] The church, Psal. 132. 14. I. Dan. 7. 5. the lieast had three 7'. in the mouth of it- RIBAI, Strife, or increased. 1 Chr. 11. 31. RIBBAND, s. Nmn. 15. 38. borders a j-. of blue RiBLAH, Quarrel. Num. 34.11. 2 Kin. 23. 33. 1 25. G, 21. Jer. 39. 5, 6, 10, 26. | 52. 9, 27. RICH, a. Wealthy, precious, ov fruitful. Gen. 13.2. Abraham was r.j|l4.23. say, I made A. r. Exod. 50. 13. r. not give morejILev. 25.47. wax r. Ruth 3. 10. poor or r. || 1 Sam. 2. 7. L. maketh r. 2 Sam. 12. 1, the one r. \\ 4. traveller to r. man Job 15. 29. he shall not be 7'.j|27. 19- r. lie down 34. 19- nor regardeth the r. more than the poor Psal. 45. 12. r. intreat favour || 49. 2.1iear, both r. 49. 16. be not thou afraid whgn one is made r. Prov. 10. 4. diligent maketh r.jj 22. blessing of L. 15 T-. man's wealth is his strong city, 18. 11. 13. 7. maketh himself r.|j 14. 20. r. hath friends 1 S. 23. r. ans. roughlylJ21. 17. loveth oil not be r. 22. 2. r. and poor meet |j 7. r. ruleth over poor 16. giveth to r. || 23. 4. labour not to be /■. 28. 6. tho' he be r. \\ 11. r. is wise || 20. 22, Eccl. 5. 12. abundance of J'. || 10. G. j'.sit in low pi. 10. 20. curse not the r. || Isa. 53. 9. with the r. Jer. '5. 27 waxen r. [j 9. 23. let not r. glory in Ezek. 27. 24. r. apparel || Hos. 12. 8. become r. ?\Iic. 6. 12. r. full of violence||Zech. 11. 5- 1 am r. Matt. 19. 2.5. r. hardly enter, 24.- Mark 10. 25. 27. 57. came a r. man of Arimathea, Joseph Mark 12. 41. many r. cast in much, Luke 2i. 1. Luke 1. .^3. r. seiitempty jj C. 24. wo to you r. 12. 16. ground of a r.man j| 21. not r. toward G- 14. 12. call not thy r. neighbo;irs, lest they bid 16. 1. r. man liad two sons jj 21. ?% man's table .n:an died jj 18.. 23. he w^as very r. 19. 3, on RID RIG Rom, 10. 1 5, L. is r. to all 1| 1 Cor. 4. &. ye are r. 2 Gor. 6. 10. making many r.j|8. 9. tho' he was r. Eph. 2. 4. but God, who is r. in mercy, for his 1 Tim. 6. 9. will be r. fall || 18. r. in good works Jam. 1. 10. let the r. rejoice j] 11. r. fade away 2. 5. r. in faith || 6. do not r. men oppress you ? 5. 1, go now ye r. men, weep and howl for Rev. 2. 9. thou art r. || 3. 17. say est I am r. and 3. 18. mayest be r.|| 6. 15. r. hid themselves 13. 16. r. and poor }| 18. 3. are waxed r. 15, 19. RICHER, V. Dan. 11. 2. fourth be far r. than all RICHES, s. Gen. 31. 16. r. isours||36. 7.r. more Josh. 22. 8. muchr.jl 1 Sam. 17. 25. with great r. l-Kin. 3. 11. neither hast asked r. 13. 2 Chr.l. 11. 10.23. Solom. exceeded all for r. 2 Chr. 9.22. 1 Chr. 29. 12. bothr. and honour come of thee 28. David died full of days, r. and honour 2 Chr. 17. 5. Jehoshaphat hadr. and hon. 18. 1. 20. 25. found r. ||32. 27. Hezekiah had much r. Esth. 1. 4. he shewed the r. || 5. 11. told of his r. .Job 20. 15. swallowed r.\\ 36. 19. esteem thy r. Vs. 37. 16. better than the r.||39. 6. heapeth up r. 44. 1 12. sellest without r. |) 49. 6. boastin r. 52. 7. trusted in r. |) 62. 10. if r. increase set not 73. 12. increase in r. |] 104. 24. full of thy r. 112. 3. wealth and j'.jl 119. 14. as in all r. Prov. 3. 16. in left hand r. 1| 8. 18. yea, durable r, 11. '4. r. profit not || 16. strong men retain r. 28. trusted in r. fall || 13. 7. yet hath great r. 13. 8. ransom of lifer.|| 14. 24. crown is their J 9. 14, r. inheritance of fathers] |22. 1. than r. 22. 4. by fear of Lord r. || 23. 5. r. make wings 24. 4. pleasant r.\\ 27. 24. r. are not for ever 30. 8. give me neither poverty nor r. \\ 31.t29. Eccl. 4. 8 nor satisfied with r. \\ 5. 13. r. for Imrt 5. 14. r. perish 1) 19. Godhath given r. 6. 2. 9. 11. nor yet r. to men of understanding, nor Isa. 8. 4. r. of Damas. || 10. 14. found as a nest r. 30. 6. r. on young asses||45. 3. hidden r. of 61. 6. eat r. of Genti!es|| Jer. 9. 23. glory in r. Jer. 17. 11. r. not by right||48. 36. r. perished Ezek. 26. 12. a spoil of thy r. \\ 27. 12. b$^ reason of multitude of all kind ofr. 18, 27, 33. 28. 4. hast gotten r. \\ 5. increased thy r. and Dan. 11. 2. thro' his r. || 13. come with much 24. scatter ?\j|28. return with great r. and Matt. 13. 22. care of the world and the deceitful- nessofr. choke the word, Mark 4. 19. Luke 8.14. Mark. 10. 23. how hardly they that have r. enter < 24. them that trust in r. to enter, Luke 18. 24. Luke I6.t9. friends ofr. || 11. commit true r. Rom. 2. 4. r. of his goodness || 9. 23. r. of glory 11. 12. r. of Gentiles||33. O depth of the r. £ Cor. 8. 2. abounded to the ?'. of their liberality Eph. 1. 7. r. of his grace, 2. 7.||18. r. of the glory 3. 8. unsearchable r.\\ 16. ther. of his glory Phil, 4. 19 according to his r. in glory by C J. Col. 1. 27. r. of the glory||2. 2. r. of full assurance 1 Tim. 6. 17. uncertain r. ||Heb. 11. 26. greater r. Jam. 5. 2. your r. are corrupted, your garments Rev. 5. 12. to receive r.\\ 18. 17. so great r. are RICHLY, ad. Col. 3. 16. 1 Tim. 6. 17. Tit. S.-fe. RID, V. Gen. 37. 22. r. him out of their hands Exod. 6. 6. r. out of bomlage||Lev. 26. 6. r. beasts Psal. 82. 4. r. them out||144. 7.r. me, and, 11. RIDDANCE, s. Lev. 23. 22. clear r. of thy field Zeph. 1. 18. he shall make a speedy r. of all them RIDDEN, p. Num. 22. 30. ass, which thou hast n RIDDLE, s. All enigma, or dark question. Judg. 14. 12. I will now put forth a r. 14, — 19. Ezek. 17. 2. put forth a r. and speakjjl Cor. 13.tl2. RIDE, 1?. Gen. 41. 43. made him r. Dent. 32. 13. Judg. 5. 10. r. on asses, 2 Sam. 16. 2. ) 19. 26. 1 Kings 1.33. cause Solomon n on my mule, 38.44. 2 Kings 10. 16. made him to r.jjjob 30.22. me to r. Ps. 45. 4. r. prosperonsly||66. 12. caused men to i\ Isa 30. 16. said, we will r.|| 58. 14. r. on high p^ Jer. 6. 23. they r. on horses set in array, 50. 42. Hos. 10. 11. Ephraimto r.j|l4. 3. not r. on horses Hab. 3. 8. thou didst r.jjHag. 2. 22. those that r. RIDER, .s. Gen. 49. 17. his r. fall backward Exod. 15.l.horseandr.21.||Job39. 18.scornethr. Jer. 51. 21. I'll break horse and r. Zech. 12. 4. RIDERS, s. 2 Kin. 18.23. if able to setr. Isa.36.8. Esth 8. 10. sent by r.\\ Zech. 10. 5» r. confounded RIDETH, V. Deut. 33. 26. r. on the heaven in Esth. 6.8. kjngr. on||Psal.68. 4.r. on heavens, 33. Isa. 19. 1. L. ?'. on a cloud || Amos 2. 15. r. horse RIDING, p. Num. 22. 22. Balaam was r. on ass 2 Kings 4. 24. slack not thy r. for me, except I bid Jer. 17. 25. kings shall enter r. in chariots, 22. 4. Ezek. 234 6.young men, horsemen r. onhorses,l2o 23. great lords, all of them r. upon hoises 38. 15. thou and thy people with thee r. on horses. Zech. 1. 8. 7'. on a red horse||9. 9. r. on an ass RIDICULOUS, a. Isa. 33. f 19. of a r. speech RIDGES, s Psal. 65. lo. waterest the r. thereof RIE, s. Exod 9; 32. Isa. 28. 25. RIFLED,]^. Zech 14. 12. houses r. and women RIGHT, s. Gen. 1 8. 25. judge of all do r. Num. 27. 7. speak r.jjDeut. 21. 17. r. of first-born Ruth 2.t20. r. to redeem |j 4. 6. redeem my r. 2 Sam. 19. 28. whatr. to cry ||43./'. in David 1 Kings 8. f 45. maintain their r. 2 Chr. 6.f35, Neh. 2. 20. portion nor r. II 9. 33. hast doner. Job 34. 6. lie against ray r. jj 17. hateth r. govern 36. 6. he givetbr. || P.sal. 9. 4. maintained r. Psal. 17. 1. hear r, O L. || 140. 12. r. of the poor Prov. 16. 8. revenues without r. || 13. speaketh r. Isa. 10. 2. take r. from poor||32. 7. needy speak r, Jer. 5. 28. r. of needy |j 17. 11. riches, not by r. 32, 7. r. of redemption||Lam. 3. 36. aside the r. Ezek. 21. 27. who.se r.itis |)22. t29. without r. Amos 5. 12. turn aside poor from r. Matt. 3. 5. John l.-}-12. gaveher.||Heb. 13. 10. nor. to eat RIGHT. Gen. 24. 48. led me in r. w ay Exod. 15. 26. do that which is r. 1 Kings 11.38. Deut. 6.18. do what is r. 12. 8,25,28. | IS. 18. |21. 9. Judg. 17. 6. 1 21. 25. 1 Kings 11. 33. 32. 4. just and r. || Josh. 9. 25. good and r. to Judg, 12. 6. to pronounce itr.||14.t3. she is r. 1 Sam. 12. 23. r. way, Ezra 8. 21. Psal. 107. 7. 2 Sam. 15. 3, see thy matters are good and r. 1 Kings 14. 8. did that which was r.ll, | 15. 5. |22. 43, 2. Kings 12. 2. | 14. 3. | 15. 3, 34. 1 18. 3. I 22. 2. j 26. 2. 2 Chr. 14. 2. | 20. 32.' 2 Kings 10. 15. is thy heart r. || 30. r in my eyes. 17. 9. did notr. |j Neh. 9. 13. r. judgments Estk 8. 5. and the thing seem r. before the king Job 6. 25. r. wordsjj 33. 27. 1 perverted that is r. 34. 23. he will not lay on man more than r. 35. 2. r. that thousaidst || 42. 7. not spoken r. Psal. 19. 8. statutes are r, ||45. 6. a r. sceptre 33. 4, word of Lord is r. || 46. 5. that r. early . RIG RIG ^^S Fsal. 51. 10. renew a r. sp.||78.37. heart was not r. 107. 7. he led them forth by the r. way that 139. 14. r. well || 119. 75. judgments r. 12&. Prov. 4. 11. in r. paths || 25. let eyes look r. on 8. 6. be )'. things, 9. || 9. 15. r. on their ways 12. 5. thoughts r. || 14. 12. seemeth r. 16. 25. 12. 15. fool is r. in his pwn eyes, 21. 2. 20. 11. work be r. jj 21. 8. pure, his work is r. 23. 16. when thy lips shall speak r. things 24, 26. shall kiss his lips that giveth r. an-^wer Eccl. 4. 4. r. work |] 11.+6. whether shall be r. Isa. 30. 10. prophesy not r. |j 45. 19. 1 declare r. Jer. 2. 21. a r. seed'lj 17. 16. of my lips was r. 23. 10. their force is not r. [j 26.tl4. do as is r. 34. 15. had done r. || 49. 5. driven out r. forth Ezek. 18. 5. lawful and r. 19. | 21. 27.|33. 14, 19. Hos. 14. 9. ways of L. are r.||Amos 3. 10. to do r. Matt. 5. 39. r. cheek [j 20. 4. is r. I'll give, 7. Mark 5. 15. cloathed m his r.mind, Luke 8. 35. Luke 10. 28. answered r. |1 12. 57. judge wliatis r. Acts 4. 19. r. in the sight of God, 8. 21. 13. 10. r. ways of Lord |j Eph. 6. 1. for this is r. 2 Pet. 2.15.forsaken r. wayJiRev. 22. 14. r. to tree HIGHT-Pillar. 1 Kings 7.21. he set up the r. - RIGHT. Josh. 3. 16. r. over against Jericho RIGHTEOUS, a. In Hehrew, traddik,inGreek, dikaios,just, innocent. See signification o/JusT. Gen. 7. 1. thee I've seen r. j| 18. 23. destroy the 7-. 18. 24. if fifty r. 2G, 28. \\ 25. far, to slay the r. 20. 4. slay a r. nation \] 38. 26. she more r. than Exod. 23. 7. r. slay not |l 8. gift pevverteth the r. Num. 23. 10. die death of r.lJDeut. 4. 8. judg. so r. Deut. 25. 1. they shall justify the r. 2 Chr. 6. 23. Judg. 5. 11. the ;\acts of the Lord, 1 Sam. 12. 7. 1 Sam. 24. 17. art more r. 1| 2 Sam. 4. 11 . slain a r. 1 Kings 2. 32. more r. jl 8. 32. justifying the r. 2Kin.l0.9. 5'ebej\||Ezra 9. 15. L. art r. aSeh. 9. S. Job 4. 7. where r. cut ofF|| 9.15.tho'I werer. 10. 15. if I be r. || 15. 14. that he should be r. 17. 9. r. hold on his way |I 22. 3. that thou art r. 22. 19. the r. see it, and are glad, Psal. 107. 42. 23. 7. r. might dispute || 32. 1. r. in own eyes 34. 5. Job hath said, I am r. || 35. 7. if thou be r. 30. 7. withdraweth not his eye from r. Ps. 34. 15. 40. 8. wilt condemn me, thattliou mayest be r. Psal. 1. 5. congregation of r. || 6- way of the r. 5. 12. bless the r.\\ 7. 9. r. God trieth reins 7. 11. God judgeth r.l|ll. 3. what can the r. do 11. 5. L. trieth the r. || 14. 5. G.isingener. ofr. 19. 9. judgments r. 119. 7, 62, 106, 160, 164. 31.18.speakag.r. 1|32.11. rejoice ye r. 33. 1. 34. 17. r. cry II 19. many the afflictions of then 21. hate r. be desolate 1| 35. 27. my r. cause 21. r. sheweth mercy 29. r. inherit land 17. Lord upholdeth r 25. not seen ?\ forsaken 30. r. speaketh wisdom || 32. watcheth the r 39. salvation of the r.\\ 52. 6. r. shall see and 55. 22. r. to be moved |1 58. 10. r. shall rejoice 58. 11. reward forr. || 64. 10. r. shall be glad 68. 3. let r. be glad |i 69. 28. not written with r. 72. 7. r. flourish j] 75. 10. r. shall be exalted 92. 12. r. shall flourish || 94. 21. against soul of r. 97. 11. light sown for r.||12. rejoice in Lord ye r. 112. 4.L.isr. 116. 5.|| 6.r. in everlasting rem. 1 18. 15. r^oicing is in the tabernacles of the r. 20. this gate into which the r. shall enter 119. 137. »'. art thou, Q Lord, 145. 17. Jer. 12. 1. Ps. 119. 138.testimoniesr.|jl25. S.onlotoftlier. 140. 13. r. shall give thanks || 141. 5. r. smite 142. 7. r. compass me||l46. 8. Lord loveth the r, Prov. 2. 7. wisdom for?*. || 20. keep paths of r. 3. 32. secret is with r. | j 10. 3. of r. to famish 10. 16. labour of r. tendeth to Ufe||2l. hps of r.32. 24. desire of r. be granted || 25. r.n foundation 28." hope of r. gladness \\ 30. r. never removed 11. 8.r. is delivered, 21. || 10. goeth well with r. 23. de>ix'eof r. only good || 28. r. flourish 30. fruitofr.isa tree|j 3^.r. recompensed 12. 3. root of ?'. not moved |j 5. thoughts of r. 7. houNe of r. stand (j 12. root of r. yieldeth 26. the r. is more excellent than his neighbour 13. 9.hght of r. rejoiceth || 21. to r. good repaid 25. the r. eateth to the satisfying of his soul 14. 9. among r. favour |( 19. bow at gates of r. 32. but the r. hath hope in his death 15.6. house of ?\ treasure i| 19. way of r. plain 28. r. studieth to answer j| 29. heareth^the r. 16. 13. r. lips are the delight of kings, and 18. 5. to overthrow r. \\ 10. r. runneth into it 21. 18. ransom for r. || 'iG.r. giveth and sparetU 23. 24. fat of r. rejoice|j24.l5. not waitagamstr. 24. 24. thou art r. \\ 28. 1 . r.i> bold as a lion 28. 10. r. to go astray || 28. the r. increase 29. 2. »'. in authority || 6. )•. doth sing and 7.r. considereth cause || 16. r. see their fall Eccl. 3. 17. God shall judge r.\\7. 16. r. overmuch 8. 14. to work ot'r. fj 9. 1. r. in hand of God 9. 2. one event to the r. and to the wicked Isa. 3. 10. say ye to the r. jj 24. 16. gloiy to the r» 26. 2. r. nation may enter |j 41. 26. say, he is r. 53.11. r. servant 1| 57. 1. r.peri3hethl|60.21.allr. Jer.l2. 1. r. art thou|j20.12. triest r.j|23. 5. r. bran. Ezek. 13. 22. r. sad |) IG. 52. thy sisters more ?•. 18. 24. when the r. turnethaway from, 33. 18» 21. 3. 1 11 cut otf r. II 33. 13. to r'he shall live - Amos 2. 6. because they sold the r. for silver Hab. 1. 4. wicked doth compass about the r. 13. Mai. 3. 18. discern between?-, and the wicked Matt. 9. 13. to call the r. Mark 2. 17. Luke 5. 32-. 13. 43. r. shine forth || 23. 28. appear r. 29. 23. 35. all the r. blood shed on the eaitli from. 25. 37. then shall r. answer || 46. r. into life Luke 1. 6. were bothr. || 13. 9. they were r. John 7. 24. judge r. || 17. 25. O r. Father, the Rom. 2. 5. r. judgment |j 3. 10. none 7\ no not 5. 19. so by obedience of one many be made r. 2 Thes. 1. 5. ?'. judgment || 6. it is a r. thing 2 Tim. 4. 8. the j-. judge 1| Heb. 11. 4. he was r. 1 Pet. 3. 12. over the r. [| 4. 18. if r. scarcely 2 Pet. 2. 8. vexed his r. soul from day to day 1 John 2. 1. Jesns Christ the r. || 29. know he is r, 3. 7. is r. as he is r. || 12. and his brother's r. Rev.l6.5. thou art r.O Lord 7.ll9. 2.|I22.11. r. still RIGHTEOUS ?Jan or 3Ien. Psal. 37. 16. Prov. 10. 11. mouth of r. - 1| 12. 10. r. - regardeth 13.5. r.- hate th lying j| 21. 12. r. - wisely consid. 25. 26. a V. - falling || 28. 12. when r. - rejoice Isa. 41. 2. raised r. -\\ Ezek. 3. 50. r. - turn, IS. 26. Ezek. 3. 21. if warn v.- 1| 23. 45. r. -shall judge Matt. 10.41. receiveth a ?\ - 1| 13. 17. r. - desired Luke 23. 47. saying, certainly this was a r. man Rom. 5.7. scarcely for a r.-||lTim. 1. 9. law not for Jam. 5. 16. prayer of ar.-||2 Pet.2.8. for that r. - RIGHTEOUSLY. Deut, 1.16. judge r.Prov.31.9. RIG RIG Psal. 67. 4. thou slialt judge tlie people r. 96.10. Isa. 33. 15. walketh r.|| Jer. 11. 20. judged r. Tit. 2. 12. live soberly, r. || 1 Pet. 2. 23. judgeth r. RIGHTEOUSNESS, s. signifies, [1] A perfection of GocVs nature, or his essence, Psal. 11. 7. [2] The obedience and sufferings of Christ, Jer. 23. 6. Dan. 9. 24. Rom. 10. 4. [3] TAe frw^/i aiid faithfulness of God, Psal. 31. 1. Isa. 42. 6. j 45. 19. [4] Uprightness and equity betiveen man and man, Luke 1. 75. Eph. 4. 24. [.5] Holiness of life and conversation^ 1 Cor. 15. 34. 2 Cor. 9. 10. Gen. 15. 6. counted for r. Pt-al. 106. 31. Rom.4.3. 30. 33. my r. answer |j Deut. 6. 25. be our r. Deut. 9. 4. saying, for my r. Lord brought, 5. 6. 24. lo. it shall ber. || 33. 19. sacrifices of r. 1 Sam. 26. 23. the L. render to every man his r. 2 Sam. 22. 21. according to my r. 25. Ps. 18. 20. 1 Kings 3. 6. walked in r.j|8. 32. according to his r. Job 6. 29. my r. is in it || 8. 6. habitation of r. 27. 6. r. I hold fast || 29. 14. 1 put on r. and 33. 26. render his r. [| 35. 2. my r. is more 35. 8. r. may profit |136. 3. I'll ascribe r. unto Psal. 4. 1. O God of my r.||5. offer sacrifices of r. 6. 8. lead me in thy r. || 7. 8. according to my r. 7.17. according to his r.||11.7. L. loveth r. 33. 5. 15. 2. that worketh r. || 17. 15. behold face in r. 22. 31. declare liis r. \\ 23. 3. in the paths of j\ 524. 5. r. from the G. || 31. 1. deliver in r. 71. 2. 35. 28. my tongue shall speak of thy r. 71. 24. 36. 6. thy r. is like mount. |j 10. continue thy r. 37. 6. bnng forth thy r. || 40. 9. 1 preaclied r. 45. 4. meekness, r. || 7. thou lovest ?•. Heb. 1.9. 48. 10. full of r. I) 50. 6. declare his r. 97. 6. 51.14. sing of thy r. || 19. with sacrifices of r. 52. 3. than to speak r. \\ 58. 1. do ye speak r. 65. 5. by terrible things in r.||69. 27. in thy r. 71. 15. shew forth thy r. \\ 16. mention thy r. 19. thy r. is very high || 24. talk of thy r. 72. 1. thy r. to king's son |j 3. little hills by n 8.5. 10. J', and peace kissed || 11. r. look down 13. r. go before him || 88. 12. thy r. known 89. 16. and in thy r. shall they be exalted 94. 15. return to r.jj96. 13. judge with r. 98. 9. 97. 2. r. is the habitation || 98. 2. his r, shewed 9^. 4. executestr. 103. 6. j] 103. 17. r. to child. 106. 3. blessed that doth r. |) 11 1. 3. r. endureth 112. 3. r. endureth, 9.||118. 19. the gates of ?\ 119. 40. quicken me in thy r. \\ 123. woid ofr. 142. thy r. is an everlasting r. 144, 172. 132. 9. priests clothed with r. \\ 143. 1. in thy r. 143. 11. for thy r. sake || 145. 7. sing of thy r. Prov. 2. 9. understand r.\\ 8. 8. words are in r. 8. 18. durable riches and r. |! 20. I lead in r. 10. 2. but r. dclivereth from death, 11. 4, 0. 11. 5. r. shall direct |) 18. soweth7\ a reward 19. r. tendeth to life || 12. 17. sheweth forth r. 12. 28. way ofr. is life j| 13. 6. r. keepeth him. 14. 34. 7'. exalteth a nation |j 15. 9. followeth r. 16. 8. alittle with r.|jl2. throne established by r. 31. r. isa crown of glory f| 21. 21. followeth r. 25. 5. his throEC shall be established in r. Eccl. 3. 16. place oi'r. \\ 7. 15. perisheth in his x. Isa. 1. 21. r. lodged in it [j 26. called the city ofr. 27. her converts with r. jj 5. 7. he looked for r. .5. 16. sanctified in r. \\ 23. take av.ay the r. of 10. 22. cousumption decreed ovdiTiow with r. Isa. 11. 4. with r. judge |j 5. r. the girdle of loins 16. 5. hasting r. |j 26. 9. will learn r. 10. 28. 17. r. to plummet j| 32. 1. king reign in r. 02. 16.r. shall remain |j 17. work of r. peace 50. 5. filled Zion with r. |) 41.t2. raised up r. 41. 10. right hand of my r. (| 42. 6. called in r. 42. 21. for his r. sake f]45. 8. let r. spring up 45. 13. raised him up in r.|[19. 1 speak j-.I deck 24. in the Lord have I r. t in the Lord is all r. 46. 12. far from r. (j 13. I bring near my r. 48. 1 . nor in r. || 18. thy r. as waves of .sea 51. 1. ye that follow r. || 5. my r. is near ^ 6. r. not beabohshed || 7. ye that know r. 8. ray r. shall be for ever, and my salvation 54. 14. in r. established j| 17. their r. is of me 56. 1. r. to be revealedlj57. 12. I'll declare ti»y r, 58. 2. as a nation that did r. f| 8. thy r.go before 59. 16. his r. it sustained || 17. he put on r. 60. 17. exactors r. || 61. 3. called trees ofr. 61.10. a robe of 7\|) 11. r. to spring forth 62. 1. till r. go forth j| 2. Gentiles see thy r. 63. 1. speak in r. || 64. 5. that worketh r. Jer. 4. 2. swear in r. j| 9. 24. exerciseth?*. 22. 3. execute ye r. || 23. 6. Lord our r. 33. 15. 33. 15. branch of7\ |) 51. 10. brought forth our r. Ezek. 3. 20. turn from his r, and, 18. 24, 26. 14. 14. by thdr r.||18. 20. r. of righteous, 33. 12. Dan. 4. 27. break off thy sins by r.|!9. 7. r. belong 9. 1 6. according to thy r. \\ 24. an everlasting r. 12. 3. they that turn many to r. shall shine as Hos. 2. 19. betroth in r. || 10. 12. sow in r. reap Amos 5. 7. leave off j*. || 2i. let r. run || 6. 12. of Mic. 6. 5. may know the r. \\ 7. 9- behold his r. Zeph. 2. 3. seek r. || Zech. 8. 8. their God in r. Mai. 3. 3. an ofleriug in r. 1| 4. 2. Sun of r. rise Matt. 3. 15. to fulfil all r. || 5. 6. thirst after r. 5. 10. persecuted for j\j)20. r. exceed r. of scribes 6. 33. seek his r. j|21. 32. John came in J'. Luke 1. 75. in r. before him all the days of our John 1 G. 8. of sin and r. || 10. of r. becau.'-e I go Acts 10. 35. worketh r. jj 13. 10. enemy of all r. 17. 31. judge world in r. || 24. 25. reasoned ofr. Rom. 1. 17. V. of G. revealed [|2. 26. ?\ of the law 3. 5. r. of God, 21, 22. jj 25. declare his r. 26. 4.3. counted for r. 5, 6, 9, 22, Gal. 3. 6. 6. imputeth r. jjlLseal of r.j) 13. r. of faith 5. 17. gift ofr. jj 18. r. of one |j 21. reign thro' r. 6. 13. instruments ofr. 16.IJ18. servants of r. 19. 8. 4. r. of the law II 10. spirit is life because of r. 9. 28. cut it short in r. j| 30. followed not r. 31. 10. 3. not submitted to r. of G.| j4. end of law for r. 5. r. of the law |j 6. the r. which is of faith , 10. beheveth to r. || 14. 17. but r. and peace 1 Cor. 1. 30. made to us r. || 15. 34. awake to r. 2 Cor. 3. 9. ministration ofr. j| 5. 21. r. of God 6. 7. by armour of?'. || 14. fellowship hath r. ? 9. 9. his r. remaincth |i 10. fruits ofr. jj 11. 15. Gal. 2. 21. if r. come by lawjj 3. 21. verily, r. 5. 5. wait for hope ofr. || Eph. 4. 24. created in ?'. Eph. 5.9.frniL of spirit is hi 7\ll6.14.breast-pl. ofr. Phil. 1. 11 . filled with fruits ofr. || 3. 6. touching r. 3. 9. r. of G. jjl Tim. 6. 11. follow r. 2 Tim. 2. 22. 2 Tim. 3. 1 6. instruction in r. \\ 4. 8. a crown of r. Tit. 3.5. not by works of ?\|jHeb.l.8. sceptre ofr. Heb. 5. 13. in word ofr. j| 7. 2. king of ?\ and 11.7. heir of r.j j 33. wrought r.|| 12. 11. fruitof ?-. Jam. 1. 20. not r^of G. jj 2. 23. imputed for r. RIS RIV / 7 3am. 3.18. fruit of r. i> sown |j lPet.2. 24. live to r. 1 Pet. 3. 14. if ye suffer for r. sake, happy ai-e ye 2 Pet. 1. 1. thro' r. of God || 2. 5. a preacher of r. '2. 2\. way of r. Ij 3. 13. wherein dwelleth r. 1 John 2. 29. that doth ?\ 3. 7. || 10 doth not r. Rev 19. 8. the r. of saints jl 11. in r. doth judge RIGHTEOUSNESS, s. 'judg. 5. t 11. 1 Sam. 12. t 7. Isa. 33. + 15. 1 45. t 24. [ 64.6. Ezek. 3. + 20 I 33.13. Dan. 9. 18. RIGHTLY, ad. Gen. 27. 36. r. named Jacob Luke 7.43. J', jndced I J20.21. teachest r.| j2Tira.2.15. RIGOUR, 6-. Exod. 1. 13, 14. Lev. 25. 43 1 46. bS. RIMiMON,'yi pomegranate. Jo-h. 15. 32. Judg. 20. 45. fled tolhe rock R. 47. | 21. 13. ^ Sara. 4. 2. sons of i?. 5. 9. |j 2 Kin. 5. 13. house 1 Chr. 4. 32. villages Ain, JR.|| 6. 77. given i?. Zech.l4. 10. laiid turned as a plain fr. Geba to R. Ri^IMON-PAREZ, Breach of Elevation. Num. 33.19, 20. RING, s. Gen. 41. 42. Exod. 26. 24. Estli. 3. 10, 12. j 8. 2, 8, 10. Luke 15. 22. Jam. 2. 2. RING-LEADER, s. Acts 24. 5. a r. of the 6. 12. not able to r. () 119. 62. at midnight r. 140. 10. deep pits that they r. not up again Prov. 24. 22. calamity r. (| 28. 12. wicked r. 28. Song 3. 2. I'll r. now I) Isa. 14. 21. they do not r. Isa. 24. 20. earth not r. || 26. 14. thev'shall not r. So. 10. now I'll r. Ij 43. 17. they shall not r. they . 54. 17. every tongue that shall r. \\ 58. 10- light r. Jer. 25. 27. r. no more |) 51. 64. Babylon not r. Amos 5. 2. virgin no more r. |j 7. 9. 1 will r. again Matt. 5. 45. sun to r. \\ 20. 19. third day r. again 24. 7. nation .shall r. Mark 13. 8. Luke"" 21. 10. 11. many false prophets shall r. Mark 13. 22. 26. 46. r. Ictus be going || 27. 63. I will r. again Mark 4. 27. r. night and day |i 10.49. r. he calleth 12. 23. in the re.surrection when they r. 25. 26. liUke 1 1. 7. I cannot r. 8. |j 12. 54. a cloud r. 22. 46. r. and pray || 24. 46. to r. from the dead John 5.8. Jesus saith, r. take up thy bed and walk 1 1.23. thy brother shall r. again, 24. jj 20. 9. must ,Acts 10.1S.r.Peter|j26.16.PaulIJ 23. r.fromdead Rom.l5.12.r. to reign]! 1 Cor. 15. 15. if dead r. not 1 Thes. 4. 16. the dead in Christ shall r. first Heb.7.11. another priest r.| I Rev. 11. l.?\ measure RISE iLp. Gen. 19. 2. | 31. 35. Exod. 8. 20. I 12. 31. Lev. 19. 32. Num. 10.35. j 22. 20. I 23. 18, 24. Deut. 2. 13, 24. 1 19. 11, 15, 16. I 28. 7. I 29. 22. [31.16.; 32. 38. Josh. 8. 7. Judg. 20. 38. 1 Sam. 29. 10. Neh. 2. IS. Job 20. 27. Psal. 3. 1. j 17. 7. | 18. 48. i 55. 11. I 41. 8. I 44. 5. ! 59. 1. | 74. 23. | 92. 11. 1 94. 16. 1 127. 2. 1 159. 21. Prov. 31. 28. Eccl. 10. 4. 1 12. 4. Song. 2. 10. Isa. 5. 11. I 14. 22. I -28. 21. 1 32. 9. Jer. 37. 10. | 47. 2. 1 49, 14. I 51. 1. Lam. 1. 14. Amos 8. 8, 14. Obad. 1. Nah. 1. 9. Hab. 2. 7. Zeph. 3. 8. Zech. 14. 13. Mat. 10. 21. 1 12. 41,42. Mark 3. 26. \ 14. 42. Luke 5. 23. | 6. 8. j 11. 31. Acts 3. 6. Rev. 13. 1. RISEN, V. Gen. 19. 23. sun was r. when Lot - Exod. 22. 3. if sun be ji. |J Num. 22.14. ye are r. Judg. 9. 18. ye are r. \\ Ruth 2. 15. r. to glean 1 Sam. 25. 29. r. to pursue || 2 Sam. 14. 7. family r. 1 Kings 8. 20. 1 am r. |j 2 Kings 6. 15. sei'\ ant r. 2 Chr. 13. 6. servant is r. ][ 21. 4. Jehoi-am was r. Psal. 20. S. w-e are r.\\ 27. 12. false witnesses r. 54. 3. strangers r.l| 86,14. proud are r. up against? Isa. 60. 1. glory is r.|] Ezek. 7. 11. violence is r. Ezek. 47. 5. waters r. \\ Mic. 2. 8. my people is r. Matt. 11. 11. not r a greater |j 14. 2. John is r. 1 7. 9. till the Son of man be r. |) 26. 32. 1 am r. 27. 64. say he is r. \\ 28. 6. he is r. Mark 16. 6. Mark 16. 9. esus was r. early, 14. John 21. 14. Luke 7.16. prophet is r. 9.8,19.||13. 25. master r. 24. 34. the L.is r. |j John 2. 22. when he was r. « Acts 17. 3 needs have r. || Rom. 8. 34. is r. again 1 Cor. 15. 13. then is C. not r. 14. || 20. now- is C. r. Col. 2. 1 2. r. w ith him || 3. 1. if ye be r. w ith Christ Jam. 1.11. the sun is no sooner r. with heat RISEST, f. Deut. 6. 7. when thou r. 11. 19. RISETH. Deut. 22. 26. as when a man nag. Josh. 6. 26. cursed that r. up j| 2 Sam. 23. 4. sun r. Job y. 7. sun it r. not || 14. 12. man r. not till 24. 22. he r. up, 27. 7. jj 31. 14. when God r. up Prov. 24. 16. just r. again|j31.15. .she r. also I>a. 47. 1 1. whence it r. || Jer. 46. 8. Egypt r. up Mic. 7. 6. daughter r. \\ John 13. 4. Jesus r. from RISING, s. Lev. 13. 2. if in the skin of his f]esh a r. or bright spot, 10, — 43. 1 14. 56. Neh. 4.21. 7'. of morning II Prov. 30. 31. there is no 7\ Isa. 60. 3. brightness of thy r. ||Mark9. 10. the r. Luke 2. 34. this child is set for fall and r. of many Sun RISING. Num. 2. 3. ] 21 . 11. | 34. 15. Deut. 4. 41,47. Josh. 12. 1. 1 13. 5. \ 19 12, 27,34^ Psal. 50. 1. I 113. 3. Isa. 41. 25. | 45. 6. 1 59. 19. Mai. 1. 11. Mark 16. 2. Luke 1. 178. RISING, p. 2 Chr. 36. 15. r. betimes. Job 24. 5. Job 16. 8. my leanness r.\\ 24.14. the murderer r. Prov. 27. 14. r. early, Jer. 7. 13, 25. | 11. 7. | 25. 3. I 26. 5. 1 29. 19. | 32. S3. \ 35. 14, 15. \ 44. 4. Mark 1. 35. ^ Lam. 3. 63. down and r. up, I am their music RISSAH, Sprinkling. Num. 33. 21, 22. RITES, 5. Num. 9. 3. Acts 6. 1 14. Heb. 9. + 10. RITHMAH, A place of junipers, or binding, or sound, or noise. Num. 33. 18. RIVER, s. is put for, [l] Abundance, Job 29. §. ROA ROC l>sal. 36. 8. Mic. 6. 7. [2] TJie clouds, Psal. 65. 9. [3] The love, grace, and mercij of God, Psal. 46. 4. Isa. 66. 12. John 7. 38. Gen. 31. 21. passed over r.|)36. 37. by the i\ 41. 1. Exod. 1. 21. cast into r. |) 2. 5. to wash at the r. 4. 9. r. become blood |) 7. 18. fish in r. shall die 8. 3. the r. shall bring forth frogs, 9. 11. Deut.2. 24. pass over the r. |)3. 16. to r. Arnon Josh. 13. 9. city in the midst of r. 16. 2 Sam. 24.5. Jjidg. 4. 7. I'll draw to the r. Kishon, 5. 21. 2Sam.l7. 13. city into r.|)l Kin. 4.21. reigned fr.7\ Ezra 4. 10. on this side the r. 16. | 5. 3.]| 8. 15. to r. Job 40. 23. behold, behemoth drinketh np a r. Psal. 36. 8. r. of thy pleasures || 46. 4. there is a r. 63. 9. the r. of God || 72. 8. dominion from r. 80. 11. branches to ?\ |j 105. 41. ran hke a r. Isa. 8. 7. waters of the?-. || il. 15. shake over r. 19. 5. dried up |) 23. 3. harvest of r. is her 23. 10. pass thro' as a r. | j 27. 12. channel of j'. 48. 18. peace been as a »-. || 66. 12. peace like a r. Jer. 2. 18. drink waters of r. || 17. 8. roots by r. Lam. 2. 18. tears like an |) Ezek. 29. 3. my r. 9. Ezek. 47. 5. it was a r. I could not pass over, 9. Am. 6.14. r. of wilderness II Mic. 7.12. fortress to 7\ Zech. 9. 10. dominion from v. || 10. 1 1. r. dry np Mark 1.5. bc*)tizedinr. |) Actsl6. 13. by?', side Hev. 22. 1. a pure r, |] 2. on either side of the r. was kee Bank, Brink, Beyond. RIVERS, s. Exod. 7. 19. hand on the r. 8. 5. Lev. 11. 9. fins in the r. j| Deut. 10. 7. land of r, 2 Km. 5. 12. r. of Damascus || 19. 24. Isa. 37. 25. Job 20. 17. r. of honey If 28. 10. cutteth out r. 29. 6. when the rock poured me out r. of oil Psal. 1. 3. planted by r. |) 74. 15. driedst up r, 78. 16. run like r. || 44. turned r. into blood 89. 25. right hand in r. |) 107. 33. he turneth r. , 119. 136. r. run down |)137. 1. by r. of Babylon Prov. 5.16. r. in streets j| 21. 1. as r. of waters Eccl. 1. 7. all r. run into sea || Song 5. 12. by r, Isa. 7. 18. hibsfor fly inr. || 18. 2.r. spoiled, 7. 19. 6. turn r. \\ 30. 25. on every high hill r. and 32. 2. as r. in a dry place || 33. 21. broad r. and 41. 18. 1 will open r. |) 42. 15. make r. islands 43. 2. passest thro' r. |j 19. r. in the desart, 20. 44. 27. 1 will dry up thy r. || 47.2. pass over the r. 50. 2. 1 make the r. a wilderness, their fish Jer. 31. 9. walk by ther.||46. 7. moved as r. 8. Lam. 3.48. eye runneth down with r. of waters Ezek. 6. 3. saith the Lord to r. || 29. 3. dragon in r. 29. 4. bring thee out of thy r. || 10. against thy r. 30. 12. 1 will make r. di-y \\ 31. 4. with her r. 12. 32. 2. thou earnest with thy r.\\6. r. full of thee 14. r. run like oiI|| 34. 13. feed them by the r. 35. 8. inr. shaUfall|j 36. 6. say to r. 1| 47.9. r. come Joel 1. 20. r. are dried [| 3. 1 8. r. of Judah flow Mic. 6.7. r. of oil||Nah. 1. 4. drieth up all r, Nah. 2. 6. gates ofr. be opened |) 3. 8. among r. Hab.3. 8. was the Lord displeased against the r.g John 7. 38. out of his belly shall flow r. of living Rev. 8. 10. third part ofr. || 16. 4. vial on the r. RIZPAH, Stretched out. 2. Sam. 3. 7. | 21. 8,10. ROAR, V. 1 Chr. 16. 32. let sea r. Psal. 96. 11. Psal. 46. 3. tho' the waters r. || 74. 4. enemies r. 98. 7. let the sea r. |j 104. 21. the young lions r. las. 5. 29. r. like young lions, 30. Jer. 51. 38. 42. 13. Lord shall r. \\ 59. 11. we r. like bears Jer. 5. 32. tho' they r. \\ 25. 30. the Lord shall r. Hos. 11.10. Joel 3. 16. Araos 1. 2. Jer. 31. 35. when waves r. |j 50. 42. r. like the sea 51. 55. r. like waters || Amos 3. 4. will the lion r. ROARED, p. Judg. 14. 5. r. against Samson Psal. 38. 8. I r. by reason Ijlsa. 51. 15. waves r. Jer. 2. 15. young lions r. |j Am. 3. 8- lion hath r. ROARETH. Job 37. 4. Jer. 6. '13. Rev. 10. 3. ROARING, s. Job 4. 10. the r. of the lion Psal. 22. 1. words of my r. || 32. 33. old thro* r. Prov. 19. 12. king's wrath as r. of a lion, 20. 2. Isa. 5. 29. their r. be like lion || 30. r. of the sea Ezek.l 9. 7. land desolate by r. || Zech. 11.3. voice ROARING, a. Psal. 22. 13. ravening and r. lion Prov. 28. 1.5. a r. lion, Isa. 31. 4. Ezek. 22. 25. Zeph. 3. 3. r. lions || Luke 21. 25. sea and waves r. 1 Pet. 5. 8. the devil as a r- lion, walketh about ROARINGS, s. Job 3. 24. my r. are poured ROB, V. Lev. 19. i:>. shall not r. Prov, 22. 22. 26. 22. shall r. you || 1 Sam. 23. 1. r. the floors Isa. 10. 2. i\ the fatherless || 17. 14. lot that r. us ROBBED, p. Judg. 9. 25. r. all that came by 2 Sam. 17. 8. as a bear r.jj Psal. 119. 61. r. me Prov. 17. 12. let a bear r. || Isa. 10. 13. I have r. Isa. 42. 22. a people r. || Jer. 50. 37. shall be r. Ezek. 33. 15. give that he r.\\ 39. 10. that r. them Mai. 3. 8. ye have r. me, 9. || 2 Cor. 11.8. 1 r. other ROBBER, S, s. Job 5. 5. r. swalloweth up their 12. 6. tabernacles ofr. |j 18. 9. r. prevail against Prov. 23.t 28.as a r.|) Isa.42.24. who gave Isr. to r. Jer. 7. ll.adeuofr.|| Ezek. 7. 22. r. defile it Ezek. 18. 10. a son, a r. || Dan. 11. 14. r. exalt Hos. 6. 9. as troops of r. 7. 1. 1| Obad 5. if r. by John 10. 1. thief and ar. 8.|) 18.40. Barabbasar. Acts 19. 37. not r. of churches || 2 Cor. 1 1. 26. of r. ROBBERY, s. Psal. 62. 10. become not vain in r, Prov. 21. 7. r. destroy || Isa. 61. 8. 1 hate r. for Ezek. 22. 29. exercised r. || Amos 3. 10. store up r. Nah. 3. 1. full ofr. |) Phil. 2. 6. thought it no r. ROBBETH, V. Prov. 28. 24. whoso r. his father ROBE, s. In Hebrew, Megnil ; in Greek, Hypo- dutes. It was a long garment worn next uv-der the ephod, Exod. 28. 31. Exod. 28. 4, 34. ] 29. 5. | 39. 25, 26. Lev. 8. 7. 1 Sam. 18. 4. 1 24. 4, 11. 1 Chr. 15. 27. Job 1. 1 20. I 29. 14. Isa. 22. 21. | 61. 10. Jonah 3. 6. Mic 2. 8. M^tt. 27. 28, 31. Luke 15. 22. | 23. 11. John 19. 2, 5. ROBES, s. 2 Sam. 13. 18. 1 Kings 22. 10, 30. Ezek. 26. 16. Luke 20. 46. Rev. 6. 11. | 7. 9, 13, 14. ROCK, S, s. is put for, [l] ^ sure foundation^ Mat. 7. 25. [2] Unfruitful hearers, Luke 8. 6. [3] A safe place, Num. 24.21. Job 24, 8. [4] A barren place, Ezek. 26. 4. [5] The first of a people, Isa. 51. 1. [6] God the Fa- ther, 1 Sam. 2. 2. 2 Sam. 22. 2. [7] Jesus Christ, 1 Cor. 10. 4. who is comparable to a rock tor~Stre7igth, Psal. 89. S.—Heighth, Phil. 2. 9.— Depth, Isa. 28. IQ.—Safety, Psal. 71. 3. I 91. 1, 9.— Defence. Psal. 61. 2. Isa. 25. 4. Nah. 1. 7. — Shade, Isa. 32. 1, 2.— Living water, Psal. 105. 41. 1 Cor. 10. 4. Rev. 22. 1. — The oil of grace, and honey of comfort, Deut. 32. 13. Job 29. 6.— Treasures, Job 28. 10. Eph. 3. 8. — Duration, Heb. 13. 9. — Offence to carnal men. Matt. 21. 44. Acts 4. 11. 1 Cor. 1. 23. Exodo 17. 6. staad on r. S3. 21. ]| 22, cleft ofr. ROD Num. 20. 8. speak to the r.|| 11. smote the r. 23. 9. from top of r. I see (| 24. 21. nest in a r. Deut. 8. 15. water out of ?•. || 32. 4. he is the r. 32. 13. honey and oil out of r. |J15. r, of salvation 1 8. r. that begat thee | ) 30. r. had sold them , 31. not as our r. || 37. where is their r. in Judg. 6. 20. lay tiiem on r, j| 21. tire out of r. 7. 25. r. Oreb || 13. 19. Manoah offered it on r. 15. 8. r. Etani || 20. 45. fled to the r. Rimnion 1 Sam. 2. 2. any r. like our G. jl 13. 6. hid in r. 14. 4. a sharp r. || 23. 25. David came into a r. t28. r. of divisions] |24. 2. David on the t. 2 Sam. 21. 10. Rizpah spread sackcloth on then 22.2.theL.ismyr. Ps. 18.2. 1 19.tl4. | 92.15. 32. who is a r. save our God ? Psal. 18. 31. 22. 47. L. Uveth, blessed be my r. Psal. 18. 46. 23. 3.7'. of Israel spake || 1 Kings 19. 11. brake r. lChr.11.15. went to the r.||2Chr. 25.1 2.cast from r. Neh. 9. 15. water outofr. Psal. 78. 16. | 105. 41. Job 14. 18. r. is removed \\ 18. 4. r. be removed 19. 24. graven in the r. \\ 24. 8. embrace the r. 28. 9. hand oti r. || 10. rivers among r. and 29. 6. r. poured oil \\ 30. 6. to dwell in the r. 39. 1. wild goats of the r.\\ 28. on crag of r. Psal. 27. 5. set me on a r. 40. 2.|)28. 1. O L. my r. 31. 2. be my strong r. \\ 3. art my r. 71. 3. 42. 9. God my r. 62. 2, 7. | 71. t3. | 73.t26. 78. 15. clave the r. 20, (| 35. God was their r. 81. .16. honey outofr.]) 89. 26. r. of my salvat. 94. 22. ?'. of my refuge jj 95. 1. r. of our salvation 104. 18. r.are a refuge || 114. 18. turned the r. Prov. 30. 19. serpent on a r. || 26. houses in r. Song 2. 14. my dove, that art in clefts of the r. Isa. 2. 10. enter into the 7'. 19. || 21. of ragged r. 7. 19. holes of the r. |) 8. 14. a r.,of offence 10. 26. r. of Oreb || 17. 10. r. of thy salvation 22. le.habitationinar. II 26.t4. r. of ages 30.t29. r. of Israel |) 31 .t9. r. pass away for 32.2. shadow of a r. jj 33. 16. munitions of r. 42. 11. inhabitants of r. sing jj 44. t8. no r. I 48. 21. flow out of r. ||5l.l.look tother. 57. 5.,clifts of r.|| Jer. 4. 29. climb on the r. 3^Y. 5. 3. faces harder than a r.||13. 4. hole of a r. 16. 16. holes of 7'. || 18. 14. snow from the r. 21. 13. O inhabitant of r. ||23. 29. breaketh r. 43. 28. dwell in the r. 49. 16. || 51. 25. from r. Ezek. 24. 7. top of a r. 8.||26. 4. like top of a r.l4. Amos 6. 12. horses run on r.|]Obad. 3. clefts of r. Neh. 1. 6.r. are thrown down|jHab. I.tl2. O r. Matt. 7. 24. house upon a r. 25. Luke 6. 48. 16. 18. on this r. build chnrch||27. 51. r. rent 27. 60. tomb hewn out in the r. Mark 15. 46. Luke 8. 6. some fell on a r.|| Acts 27. 29. upon r. Rom. 9. 33. lay in Zion a r. of offence, 1 Pet. 2.8. 1 Cor. 10. 4. drank of r. and that r. was Christ Rev. 6. 15. hid in r.||l 6. said to r. fall on us ROD, s. is put for, [l] A staff, 1 Sam. 14.27. [2] Correction, Job 9. 34. | 21. 9. [3] Af- fiiction, Psal. 89. 32. [4] Power, Psal. 2. 9. [5] J preached gospel, Psal. 110. 2. Isa. 11.4. [6] Authority, Psal. 125. 3. Isa. 14. 29. [7] Kingly state, Jer. 48. 17. Exod. 4. 4. a r. in his hand || 20. took r. of God 7. 9. take thy r. 19. || 12. cast down his r. 20. he lifted up the r. and smote waters,! 4.1 6. 21. 20. if a man smite his servant with a r. Lev. 27. 32. of whatsoever passeth under the r. 63 ROO i^i Num. 17. 2. write every man's name on his r. 8. r. budded || 20. 11. with r. he smote rock 1 Sam. 14. 27. end of his r.||2 Sam.7.14. r. of men Job 9. 34. take his r. from me 1| 21. 9. r. of God Ps. 2. 9. break with a r. of iron, Rev. 2. 27. 1 19. 15. 23.4. thy r. comfort |j 74. 2. r. of inheritance 89. 32. visit with a r.jj 110. 2. r. of thy strength 125.3. r. ofAvicked||Prov.l0.13.r.forfools,26.3. Prov. 13. 24. spareth his r. || 14. 3. r. of pride 22. 8. r. of his anger [j 15. r. of correction drive 23. 1 3. beat with r. 14.|| 29. 1 5. r. and reproof Isa. 9. 4. broken r. jj 10. 5. r. of mine anger 10. 15. as if the r. shake || 26. r. on the sea 1 1. 1 . 7\ out of Jesse || 4. r. of his mouth and 14. 29. J*, is broken 1)28. 27. cummin with ar. 30. 31. smote w4th a r. \\ Jer. 1. 11. 1 see a r. Jer. 10. 16. Israel tlie r. 51. 19.||48. 17. r. broken Lam. 3. 1. 7*. of his wrath || Ezek. 7. 10. r. blossom Ezek. 7. 11. ?\ of wickedness 11 19. 14. no strong r. 20. 37. pass under r. || 21. 10. contemn 7'. 13. Mic. 5. 1. shall smite judge of Israel with a r. 6. 9. hear ye the r. || 7. 14. feed with thy r. 1 Cor. 4. 21. come with a 7'.||Heb. 9. 4. Aaron's r. Rev. 11. l.a reed likea7'.}|12. r. of iron, 19. 15. RODS, s. Gen. 30. 37, 41. Exod. 7. 12. Num. 17. 6, 7. Ezek. 19.11, 12. Matt. 26.167. 2 Cor. 11. 25. RODE, s. 1 Sam. 27. 10. whither made a r. to day RODE, V. Geji. 24. 61. Judg. 10. 4. | 12. 14. 1 Sam. 25. 20. | 30. 17. 2 Sam. 13.t29.|lS. 9.|22. 11. 1 Kings 13. 13. | 18. 45. 2 Kings 9. 16, 25. Neh. 2. 12. E«th. 8. 14. ROEjS. s. 1 Chr. 12.8. Prov. 5. 19. | 6. 5. Song 2. 7, 9, 17. I 3. 5. I 8. 14. Isa. 13. 14. IVild-ROE. 2 Sam. 2. 18. A>ahelas a - r. ROE-BUCKS. Deut. 12. 15. eat r. 22. j 14. 5. 15. 22. may eat r. || 1 Kings 4. 23. besides r. ROGELIM, A footman. 2 Sam. 17. 17. 1 19. 31. ROGHAH, Drunken with talk. 1 Chr. 7. 34. ROLL, i\ Gen. 29. 8. till 7*. away stones Josh. 10. 18. 7'. great stones, 1 Sara. 14. 33. Psal. 37.t5. r. thy way on the L. Prov. 16.13. Jer. 51. 25. I'll 7'. thee down || Amos 5.t24. Mic. 1. 10. 7'. in dust||3Iark 16. 3. r. stone from ROLL, s. Ezra 6. 2. found a r. and therein was Isa. 8. 1. take a r. Jer. 36. 2, 28. || 29. burnt r. Ezek. 2. 9. awd lo, a r. 3. 1, 3. Zech. 5. 1, 2. ROLLS. Ezra 6. 1. in the house of the r. ROLLED, ?>. Gen. 29. 3, 10. Josh. 5. 9. Job 30. 14. Psal. 22.^-8. Isa. 9. 5. | 34. 4. Lam. S.fie. Matt. 27. 60. 1 28. 2. Mark 15.46. I 16.4. Luke 24. 2. Rev. 6. 14. ROLLER, s. Ezek. 30. 21. to put a r. to bind it ROLLETH,i*. Prov. 26. 27. he that 7\ a stone ROLLI]SG,a. EzraS.tS. Isa. 17. 13- ROMAN, 5. Acts 22. 25. ] 23. 27. | 25. 16. ROMANS. John 11.48. i?. shall come Acts 16. 21. being R. 37, 38.|]28. 17. hands ofR. ROMANTI-EZER, Ecralting the palace, or / have exulted my palace. 1 Chr. 25. 4, 31. ROME, Stre?igth, exalted. Acts 2. 10. | 18. 2, 1 19. 21. I 23. 11. 1 28. 10. Rom. 1. 7, 15. 2 Tim. 1.17. ROOF, s. Gen. 19. 8. Dent. 22. 8. Josh. 2. (5. Judg. 16.27. 2 Sam. 11. 2. | 18.24. Neh. 8. 16. Ezek. 40. 13. Matt. 8. 8. Mark 2. 4- Luke 7-6. ROO EOY ROOF, with 3Iouth. Job 29. 10. Psal. 137. 6. Song 7. 9. Lam. 4. 4. Ezek. 3. 26. Hos. 8.tl. ROOFS,s. Jer. 19. 13. on r. burnt inceni:e,32. 29- ROOM, S. s. Gen. 6. 14. \ 24. 23, 31. | 26. 22. 2 Sara. 19. 13. in r. of Joab, 1 Kinj^s 2. 33. 1 Kin. 5. 5. in thy r. 19. 16. 1 1 20. 24. 1 Chr. 4. 41. Psal. 3 1. 8. in a large v.\\ 80. 9^. preparedst r. Prov. 18. 16. gift niaketh 7'.|';Mal. 3. 10. not be r. Matt.2. 22. r. ofHerod|!23. 6. uppermost r. at feasts, Mark 12. 39. Luke 14. 7. ] 20. 46. Mark 2. 2. there was no r. \\ 14. 15. large upper r. Luk e 2. 7. no r. m the inn [^ 12. 17. I have no r. 14. 8. sit not down in the hijrhest r. 9, 10. ^2. yet tiiere is r. \\ Acts 1. 13. an upper r. Acts 24. 27. in Felix r.l|l Cor. 14. 16. occupieth ROOT, s. is put for, [1] Stability, Matt. 13.6. [2] The cause of a thing, 1 Tim. 6. 10. 1 3] Christ, Isa. 11. 10. Rev. 5. .5. [4] Parents, Dan. 11. 7. [5] Strength,' Ua. 14. 30. |"6J Some grand sin, Heb. 12. 15. [7]] Prosper it ij, Isa. 5. 14. [8] Foundation, Job 28. 9. [9] S£oc/c, Rev. 22. 16. Dent. 29. 18. amonk you a r. that beareth gall Jud-i- 5. 14. out of Ephraim a r. against Amalek 2 Kin. 19. 30. take r. downward, Is .. 27.6.|37. 31. Job 5. 3. foolish taking r. || 14. 8. r. wax old in 19. 28. r. of the matter \\ 29. 19. my r. spread P.al. 80. 9. deep r.l|Prov. 12.3. r. of riuhteous, 12. Isa..5.24. r.berotten.llU.10.r.ofJesse,Rom.l5.12. 1¥. 29. serpents r. |j 30. I'll kill thy r, with fam. 40. 24. vtock not take r. \\ 53. 2. grow as a r. Jer. 12. 2. taken r. \\ Ezek. 31. 7. r. by waters Dan. 11. 7. branch of her r. |j Hos. 9. 16. r. dried Mai. 4. 1. it shall leave them neither r. nor branch Matt. 3. 10. ax laid to the v. of tree, Luke 3. 9. 13. 6. had not r. 21. Mark 4. 6. Luke 8. 13. Luke 17. 6. say, be thou plucked p.p by the r. Rom. 11.16. if r. be holy j] 18. bearest not the r. 1 Tim. 6.10.r.ofallevill!Heb.l2. 15. r. of bittern. Rev. 5. 5. r. of David |! 22. 16. 1 am r. of David ROOT, V. 1 Kings 14. 15. r. up Israel cut of land Job 31. 12. r. out increaseHPsal. .52. 5. r. tliee out Jer. 1. 10. to r. outjj Matt. 13. 29. lest ye r. up ROOTED, p. Deut. 29. 28. Lord r. them out of Job 18. 14. shall be r. out || M. 8. ofispring be r. Prov. 2. 22. trausgressor- be r.||Zeph. 2. 4. Ekrou Matt. 15. 13. be r. upHEph. 3. If. bein£:r.Col.2.7. ROOTS, s. 2 Chr. 7. 20. Fll pluck up by the r. Job 8. 17. r. are wrapped || 18, 16. his r. dried up 28. 9. mountains by r. \\ 30. 4. juniper r. for Isa. 11.1. grow out of his v. |IJer. 17. 8. out her r. Ezek. 17.6. r. under him || 7. did bend her r. 9. Dan. 4. 15. stump of his r. 1'3. (| 7. 8. plucked r. Hos. 14.5. ca-;t forth his r.lJAmos 2. 9. destroyedr. Mark 11.20. dried from r.jljude 12. plucked by r. ROPES, s. Judg. 16. ll.newr.jl 2 Sam. 17. 13. 1 Km. 20.31. r. on our headsl|Acts 27. 32. cut off r. ROSE, s. Song 2. 1. 1 am the r. of Sharon, and Isa. 35. 1. the desert shall blossom as ther. ROSE, V. Gen. 4. 8. Cain r. up against Abel 19. 1. Lot r. f( 22. 3. Abrah. \\ 25. 34. Esau r.up 32. 3!. the sun r. || 37. 35. sons r. to comfort Exod. 10. 23. nor r.\\ \2.S0. Pharaoh r. up in 1 5. 7. rhem that r. jj 33. 8. people r. np, 10. Num. 25. 7. Piiineas r. jj Deut. 33. 2. tiie Lord r. Judg. 6. 21. fii'e r. uplj 20. 5. men of Gibeah r. Ruth 3. 14. she r.\\2 Sam.^ 22. 40. r. ag. Ps. 18. 39- 1 Kings 2. 19. king r. |j 2 Kings 7. 5. lepers r. 2 Chr. 26. 19. leprosy r. |j 28. 15. the men r. up Pah 124. 2. when men r. || Song 5. 5. 1 r. up Jer. 26. 17. r. certain || Lam. 3. 62. r. against me Dan. 3.24. Nebuchadnezz. r. jj 8. 27. 1 r. up and Jonah 1. 3. Jonah r. 1| Zeph. 3. 7. they r. early Luke 4. 29. r. up, 5. 28. || 16. 31. tho' one r. from 22. is. r. from prayer |) 24. 33. r. the same hour John 11. 31. Mary r. || Acts 5. 17. high-priest r. Acts 5. 36. r. Theudas |l 10. 41. after he r. from 26. 30. king r. up|{Rom. 14. 9. Christ died and i\ 1 Cor. 10. 7. r. up to play || 15. 4-r. third day 15. 12. r, from dead || 2 Cor. 5. 15. and r. again 1 Thes.4. 14. Jesus »'. || Rev. 19. 3. her smoke r. ROSH, Head, or t s. Neh. 9. 14. thy holy 5. |) 10. 31. not buy on 5. 13. 16. sold on the s. || 18. profaning s. 19, 21. Isa. 56. 2. blessed is the man that keepeth s.^is. 58. 13. call s. a delight jj 66. 23. from one 5." Ezek. 46. l.ons. beopenedl|Amos 8. 5. 5. begone Matt. 28. 1. in end ot s. came Mary, Mark 16. 1. Mark 2.27. s. made for man] J28.L. ofs. Luke6. 5. Luke 6. 1. second 5. |! 13. 15. on s. loose his ox 23. 54. 5. drew on || John 5. 13. broken the s. Acts 13. 42. preached next s. || 16. 13. on the s. 18. 4. reasoned every s.|jHeb. 4.t9. keeping of*. See Day, Days. SABBATHS, s. Exod. 31. 13. speak to Israel say- in^^, my ». ye shall keep, Lev. 19. S, 30. | 26. 2. Lev. 23. 15. seven s. be complete, 25. 8. 26. 34. the land enjoy her s. 45. 2 Chr. 36. 21. 1 Chr. 23. 31. offer in s. 2 Chr. 2. 4. | 8. 13. | 31. 3. Isa. 1. 13. new moons and s. || 56. 4. keep my s. Lam. 1. 7. mock at her s. \\ 2. 6. s. forgotten Ezek. 20. 12. I gave them my a. to be a sign 13. s. polluted, 16, 24. | 22. 8, 26. j 23. 38. 44. 24. tollow my s. || 45. 17. offerings for s. 46. 3. worship on s. || Hos. 2. 11. cease her s. S4BDI, A dowry, plenty. 1 Chr. 8. 19. | 27. 27. SABEANSjS. Captivity. Job 1. 15. Isa. 45. 14. Ezek. 23. 42. Joel 3. 8. SABTAH, Compassed. Gen. 10. 7. 1 Chr. 1. 9. S ABTECHA, Cause of smiting. Gen. . 1 0. 7. SAC AR, A price, or drunk. 1 Clir. 1 1 . 35. SACK, S. Gen. 42. 25, 35. | 43. 12, 21. | 44. I, 2,11, 12. Lev. 11. 52. Josh. 9. 4. SACKBUT, s. A wind instrument of music. Dan. 3. 5. ye hear the sound of the s. 7, 10, 15. SACKCLOTH, s. This is a pure Hebrew word, and has spread into almost all languages. It ivas used in time of great mourning. Gen. 37. 34. and Jacob put s. on his loins, and 2 Sam. 3. 31. gird you with s. || 22. 10. took s. 1 Kings 20.31. let us puts. 32.|i21. 27. Ahabputa. 2 Kings 6. 30. people looked, and he had s, within 19. 1. Hezekiah covered himself with s. Isa. 37.1. 1 Chr. 21. 16. clothed with s. Neh. 9. l.Esth.4. 1,2. Job 16. 15. 1 sewed e.\\ Psal. 30. 11. put off my s. Psal. 55. 13. sick, my clothing was s. 69. 11. Isa. 3. 24. a girding of «. 15. 3. | 22. 12. |) 20. 2. 32. 11. gird «. Jer. 4. 8. | 6. 26. | 48. 37. | 49. 3. .50. 3. 1 make5.1JLam.2. 10. Ezek.7. 18. | 27.31. Dan. 9. 3. seek L. with fasting and s.||Joel 1. 8, 13. Amos 8. 10. bring up s. upon all loins] |Jonah 3. 5,8. Rev. 6. 12. black as s. |] 11. 3. prophesy in s. SACRIFICE, is a solemn act of religious worship, which consisted in offering up, or devoting, some- thing animate or inanimate, on an altar, by the hands of a priest, either as an expression of gra- titude to God, for some special f a cour, or to own their dependence on him, or to conciliate his fa- vour. Sacrifices icere in use before, as well as under the Law of Moses, and were of beasts, birds, bread, oil, &c. They may be distin- guished into, [Ij Typical sacrifices, as those already mentioned, Exod. 12. 27. [2] The per- fect, all-sufficient^ and infinite sacrifice of Christ, ivhereby he hath atoned for and put away sin, Heb. 9. 26. a«rf reconciled us to God, Col. 1. 21, 22. [3] Spiritual sacrifices, Psal. 51, 17. Rom. 12. 1. I 15. 16. Phil. 2. 17. | 4. 18. Heb, 13. 15, 16. 1 Pet. 2. 5. [4] Profane, Eccl. 5. 1. [5], Diabolical, Exod. 34. 1.5. 2 Kings 5. 17. Psal. 106. 37, 38. Acts 7. 41. Gen. 31. 54. then .Jacob offered s. 46. 1. Exod. 3. 18. let us go s. 5. 3, 8.]8. 25, 27.110. 25. 8. 26. shall we s. aljomination of Egyptians 12. 27. s. of Lord spassoverl|13. 15. 1 s. to the L. 20. 24. s. thereon]] 23. 18. not s. with leaven 34. 15. thou eat of his s. || 25. nor s. left unto Lev. 7. 12. s. of thanksgiving, 13, 16. | 22. 29. 17. 8. whoso offereth a s.]j27. 11. do not offer s. Num. 15. 3. or a s. in performing a vow, 8. 28. 6. a s. made by fire, 8. 13,-24. ] 29. 6, 36. Dent. 15. 21. bieniish, not s. it, 17. l.j|16. 2, 5, 6. Josh. 22. 26. not for s.jjjudg. 16. 23. s. to Dagon SAC 1 Sam. 1. 3. Elkanah went yearly to s. 21. j 2. 19. 2. S!9. kick at my s.\\ 3. 14. not purged with s. 9. 12. a s. to-day || 15. 22. obey better than s. 16. 3. called Jesse to s. || 20. 6. a yearly s. 29. 1 Kin. 3, 4. to Gibeon to s. \\ 12. 27. if s. at Jerus. 18. 29. prophesied till time of the evening s. 36. 2 Kin. 5. 17. not offer s. to other gods, 17. 35, 36. 10. 19. s. to do to Baal II 14. 4. s. on high-places 2 Chr. 2. 6. to burn «. || 7. 5. s. of 22,000 oxen 7. 12. for a house of s. || 11. 16. to s. to the L. Ezra 4. 2. we seek G. and do s. \\ 9. 4. evening s. Psal. 40.6. s. didst not desire, 51.16. Heb, 10. 5. 50. 5. covenant by s. \\ 54. 6. I'll freely s. to 107.22. s. sacrifices of thanksgiving, 116. 17. 118. 27. bind the s. \\ 141. 2. as the evening s. Prov. 1.5. 8. s. of the wicked is abomination, 27. 21.3. is more acceptable than s. Eccl. 5. 1. Isa. 19. 21. Egyptians shall do s.||34. 6. s. in Bozra 57. 7. to offer s. || Jer. 33. 11. s. of praise in Jer. 33. 18. nor want a man to s.||46. 10. hatli a 5. £zek. 39. 17. s. that I do s. || 19. drunk of my s. 44. 11. slay the s. || 46. 24. boil s. of people Dan. §. 11. daily s. 12, 13. ( 9. Si7. \ 11. 31.|12. 11. Hos. 3. 4. without a *. || 4. 13. s. on tops of m. 4. 14. 5. with harlots || 8. 13. they s. but the L. 6. 6.1 desired mercy, and not s. Matt. 9.13.|12.7. 12. 11. s. bullocks II 13. 2. that s. kiss the calves Amos 4. 5. offer a s. of thanksgiving, Jonah 2. 9. Jonah 1. 16. offered a s.||Hab. 1. 16. «. to their net Zeph. 1. 7. L. prepared a s. 8.||Zech. 14. 21. that s. Mai. 1. 8. if ye offer the blind for s. is it not evil Mark 9. 49. s. be salted||Luke 2. 24. to offer a s. Acts 7. 41. offered s. to idol || 14. 13. done 5. 18. Rora. 8.t3. by a s. for sin || 12. 1. a living s. to 1 Cor. 8. 4. ins. to idols, 10. 19, 28.|jl0.20. devils Eph. 5. 2. a s. to God for a sweet smelling savour Phil, 2. 17. s. of your faith y 4. 18. a s. acceptable Heb. 7. 27. not daily to offer s.|| 9. 26. s. of hims. 10. 12. offered one s. \\ 26. no more s. for sin 11. 4. a more excellent s. \\ 13. 15. s. of praise SACRIFICED, />. Exod. 32. 8. a calf and s. to it Deut. 32. 17. s. to devils||Josh. 8. 31. s. peace-off. Judg. 2. 5. they s. there ||1 Sam. 2. 15. that s. 1 Sam. 1U15. to Gilgal and s.||2 Sam. 6. 13. D. s. 1 Kin^ 3. 2. only people s. in high-places, 3. 2 Kings 12. 3. | 15. 4,35. [ 16. 4. 2 Chr. 28. 4. 11. 8. s. to their gods ||2 Kings 17. 32. | 23.t20. 1 Chr. 21. 28. he s'. there || 2 Chr. 5. 6. s. sheep 2 Chr. 28. 23. Ahaz s. \\ 33. 16. Manasseh s. on 33. 22. Amon s. to carved images || 34. 4. had Psal. 106. 37. s. sons to devils |j 38. s. daughters Ezek. 16. 20. these thou s. || 39. 19. I s. for you Hos. 11. 2. s. to Baalim II Mark 14. 1 12. s. passov. 1 Cor. 5. 7. Christ is s. || Rev. 2. 14. s. to idols, 20. SACRIFICEDST,]). Deut. 16. 4. flesh thou s. SACRIFICES,*. Exod. 10. 25. give us s.||l 8. 12. Lev. 10. 13. s. made by fire || 17. 7. s. to devils Num. 25. 2. s. of their gods |j 28. 2. my s. observe Deut. 12. 6. bring s. \\ 32. 38. eat fat of their s. 33. 19. offer the s. of righteousness, Psal. 4. 5. Josh. 13. 14. s. tlieir inherit. II 22. 28. not for s. 1 Sam. 6. 15. sacrificed s. || 15. 22. delight in s. 2 Chr. 7. 1 .consumed s. \\ 29. 31. brought in s. Ezra 6. 3. place where they offered s. be laid, 10. Neh. 12. 43. also that day they offered great s. Psal. 4. 5. offer the s. of righteousness, put trust 27. 6.S. of joy ]} 50. 8. not reprove for thy s. SAI Psal. 51. 17. s. ofGodlll9.with». of righteousness 106. 28. eat s. of dead || 107. 22. s. of thanksg. Prov. 17. 1. house full of s. with strife, Isa. 1. 11. Isa. 29. 1. let them kill s. || 43. 23. with thy s. 43. 24. fat of thy e. || 56. 7. s. be accepted on Jer. 6. 20. nor s. sweet 1| 7.21. put offerings to s. 7. 22. conceraing s. || 17. 26. s. of praise unto Ezek. 20. 28. saw every high hill, and offered s. Hos. 4. 19. ashamed ofs.|j9. 4. s. as bread of mourn. Amos 4. 4. bring your s. \\ 5. 25. ye offered 5.? Mark 12. 33. more than s.j|Luke 13.1. with theirs. Acts 7. 42. kave ye offered s.||l Cor. 10. 18. eats. Heb. 5. I. s. for sins || 8. 3. ordained to offer s. 9. 9. both gifts and s. || 23. with better s. than 10. 1. can never with those s. make comers 6. in s. for sin had no pleasure||ll. tlig same s. 13. 16. with such s. || 1 Pet. 2. 5. off spiritual s. SACRIFICETH, V. Exod. 22. 20. s. to any god Eccl. 9. 2. s. and s. not 1| Isa. 65. 3. s. in gardens Isa. 66. 3. s. a lamb||Mal. 1. 14. s. a corrupt thing SACRIFICING, p. 1 Kin.8.5.|12.32.Rom.l5.tl6. SACRILEGE, s. Robbing God. Rom. 2. 22. SAD, a. Gen. 40. 6. and behold, they were s. 1 Sam. 1. 18. no more s.jjl Kings 21. 5. why so . Neh. 2. 1. 1 had not been s. \\ 2. why counten. s. Ezek. 13. 22. made righteous s. \\ Matt. 6. 16. Mark 10. 22. he was s. \\ Luke 24. 17. and are s. SADDER, a. Dan. 1. 1 10. see your faces s. SADDLE, s. Lev.15.9. 2Sam.l9.26. lKin.13.13. SADDLED, p. Gen. 22.3. Num. 22. 21. Judg. 19. 10. 2 Sam. 16. 1. [ 17. 23. 1 Kings 2. 40. I 13. 13. I 23. 27. 2 Kings 4. 24. S ADDUCEES, s. Just merij Syr. Cut^ or schisms. So called from Sadoc, their first founder ^ who lited under Antigonus Socchceus, ivho succeed- ed Simon the Just. Tliey rejected all scripture except the five Books of Moses, denied the im- mortality of the soulj future reu'ordSj the re- surrection of the body, and the existence of angels or spirits. Matt. 3. 7. 1 16. 1, 6, 12. | 22. 23, 34. Acts 4. 1. I 5. 17. I 23. 6, 7, 8. SADLY, ad. Gen. 4. 7. why look ye so s. to-day SADNESS, s. Eccl. 7. 3. by s. of countenance SADOC, Just, or justified. Matt. 1 . 14. SAFE, a. 1 Sam. 12. 11. and ye dwelled s. 2 Sam. 18. 29. is Absalom s. \\ Job 21. 9. houses s. Psal. 119. 117. hold thou me up, and I shall be *. Prov. 1 8. 10. righteous run into it, and are s. 29.25- Isa. 5. 29. prey s.||Ezek. 34. 27. be s.jjLuke 1 5.27. Acts 23. 24. s. to Felix 11 27. 44. all s. to land Phil. 3. 1 . to write same things, for you it is s. SAFEGUARD, s. 1 Sam. 22. 23. shalt be in s. SAFELY, ad. Psal. 78. 53. he led them on s. so Prov. 1. 33. dwell s.||3. 23. walk 5.1|31.11. s. trust Isa. 41. 3. passed s. || Hos. 2. 18. to lie down s. Zech. 14. 11. s. mhabitedlJMark 14. 44. Acts 16.23. SAFETY, s. Job 3. 26. 1 was not in s. nor had 5. 4. far from s. || 11. low be exalted to s. 11.18. take thy rest in s. 1| 24. 23. to be in s. Psal. 12. 5. set him in s. \\ 33. 17. vain for s. Prov. 11, 14. in multitude of couns. is s. 24. 6. 21. 31. 5, is of the L. II Isa. 14. SO. lie down in 5. Acts 5. 23. shut with all s. || 1 Thes. 5. 3. peace, s. See Dw^ELL. SAFFRON, s. Song 4. 14. s. calamus andcin. SAID, p. Gen. 2. 23, Adam a. \\ 3. 1. hath God «. SAl Exod. i'2. 5L as ye have s. 32.||ir. 10. as Moses*. Num. 23. 19. liatli he s. and shall he not do it 36. 5. s. well (I Deut. 1. 21. as God hath s. Jiidg. 6. 56. as thou hast s. 37. 2 Sam. 7. 25. 1 Khigs 17. 13. 1 Chr. 17. 23. Ezra 10. 2. g Sam. 23. 1. sweet psalmist s. \\ 2 Kine;s 7. 17. P.^al. 12. 4. s. with our tongue |j 14. 1. fool hath s. 27. 8. my heart s.\\ Prov. 7. 13. she s. to him Isa. 14. 13. thou hast s. |) 28. 15. ye s. we made 30. 16. ye s. no, we'd flee j) 47. 10. thou hast s. Jcr. 2. 8. priests s, not || 23. 25. what prophets a. 28. 6. s. amen || Ezek. 9. 8. I s. ah Lord God Ezek. 27. 3. thou hast s. || 28. 2. s. I am a god 29. 3. s. my river my own || Dan. 3. 28. | 8. 13. Matt. 26, 64. thou hast s. |j !^7. 63. deceiver e. John 1. 2'3. s. Esaias, 12. 4l.|)Acts 17. 28. poets s. Rom. 7. 7. except law had s. |j Ga!. 1. 9. as we s. Answered and SAID. Exod. 24. 3. 1 Sam, 10. 12. Job 2. 4. I 40.1. Matt. 20. 13, Luke 9.49. V, See Answered. 9. 27. 3S. 16. shall s. in thee |J 48. 1 1, for priests s. JoJui 10. 36. whom Father s. \\ 17. 19. might be s. Acts 20. :V2. among all them v.hich are ••. 26. 18. 64 Rom. 15. 16. 5. by Holy G-jjl Cor. 1. 2. «. in Christ 1 Cor. 6. 11. ye are s. || 7. 14. husband is s. by 1 Tim. 4. 5. s.'by the word|(2 Tim. 2. 21. s. vessels Heb. 2. 11. s. are all of oneJIlO- 10. s. thro' Jesus 10. 14. perfected for ever tliem that are s. 29. blood of the covenant wherewith lie was e. Jude 1. to them that are s. by God tiie Father SANCTIFIETH, v. Matt. 23. 17. 5. the gold, 19. Heb. 2. 11. bothhetha^s. ||9. 13. if bl. of bvHsa. S AN CTU ARY, s. is put for[ 1 ] TheHolyof Holies, both in the tabernacle, Lev. 4. 6. and temple, 1 Kings 6. 16. [2] The tabernacle and tem- ple, Lev. 12. 4. 2 Chr. 30. 8. [3] The land of Canaan, F.xod. 15. 17. [4] Place of pub- lic worship, Psal. 73. 17. [5] The Church, Ps. 114. 2. [6] Place of safcti/, Ezek. 11. 16. [7] Sijnagogues, Psal. 29. f 2-"| 74. 7, 8. [8] Heaven, JPsal. 102. 19. Exod. 15. 17. plant them ins.|j25. 8. makeme as. 30. 13. shekel of s. 24. | 38. 24. Lev. 5. 15. |27. 3, 25. Num. 3. 47 | 7. 13,-37. | 18.16. Lev. 4. 6. vail of the s. \\ 10. 4. from before s. 12. 4. nor come into s. || 16. 33. atonem. for s. 19. 30. reverence s. 26. 2. || 21. 12. nor profane Num. 3. 28. charge of 5. 38. 1| 4. 12. minister in s. 7. 9. serv.ce of s. 1| 8. 19. Israel come nigh s. 10. 21. Koathites bearing s. || 18. 1. miquiiy of J 8. 5. keep Qharge of s. |1 19. 20. defiled the 5. 1 Chr. 9. 29. instruments of s. || 22. 19. build s. 24. .5. goveraors of 5. || 28. 10. build house for s- 2 Chr. 20. 8. built as. || 26. 18. go out of the s. 29. 21. offering for s. || 30. 8. enter into his s. 30. 19. purification of s. 1| 36. 17. slew in the s. Neh. 10. 39. where are the vessels of the s. i Psal. 20. 2. send help from s. \\ 28. t 2. thy holy s. 29. t 2. glorious s. II 63. 2. seen theem the s. 68. 24. goings in s. \\ 73. 17. till I went into s. 74. 3. wickedly in s, || 7. cast fire in thy s. 77. 13. thy way is in s. \\ 78. 54. border of s. 78. 69. and he built his s. Uke high palaces 96. 6. beauty in hiss. || 102. 19. height of 5. 114. 2. Judah was his s. \\ 154. 2. in the s. bless 150. 1 praise the Lord, praise God in his s. Isa. 8. 14. be for a s. \\ 16. 12. come to s. to pray A3. -8. princes of 5. || 60. 13. beautify the s. 63. 18. trodden s. \\ Jer. 17. 12. place of our t. Lam. 1.10. heathen m s. \\ 2. 7. L. abhorred s. 2. 20. slam in the s. || 4. 1. stones of the s. are Ezek. 5. 11. defiled my s. 23. 38, 39. Zcph. 3. 4. 11. 16. as a httle s. || 42. 2O. between the ■". and 44. 5. going forth of s || 27. goeth into the s. 45. 3. in itise the s. \\ 47. 12. issued out of the s. 48. 8. the 8. shall be in the midst of it, 10, 21. Dan. 8. 11. s. cast down, 13. (| 14. s. be cleansed 9. 17. shine on thy «. |j 26. destroys. 11. 31. Heb. 8. 2. a minister of s. || 9. 1 a wordly s. 9. 2. called the s. || 13. 11. blood into the s. SANCTUARIES, s. Lev. 21. 23. j 26.31. Jer. 51 51. Ezek.28. 18. Amos 7. 9. SAND, 5. is put for, [1] Multitudes, Gen. 22. 17. [2] A great weight. Job 6. 3. [3] Slippery, precarious, uncertain. Matt. 7. 26. Gen. 22. 17. thy seed as s. 32. 12. |j 41 49. com Exod. 2. 12. hid him in the s. Deut. 33. 19. Josh. 11.4. went out much people, even as the s. Judg. 7. 12. camels ass.jjl Sam. 13. 5. Philistines 2 Sam. 17. 11. Israel as 5. 1 Kinss 4. 20. Hos. 1. 10. SAR SAT 1 Kin. 4. 29. Solomon largeness of heart as the s. Job 6. 3. heavier than s. |j 29. 18. days as the s. Psal. 78. 27. fowls hke s. \\ 139. 18. more than s. Prov. 27. 3. a stone is heavy, and the s. weighty Isa. 10. 22. tho' Israel be as the s. Rom. 9. 27. 48. 19. seed had been as the s. and ottspnng of Jer. 5. 22. s. for a bound |) 15. 8. widows as s. 33. 22. as s. cannot be measured || Hab. 1. 9. Matt. 7. 26. house on the s.l|Heb. 11.12. as thes. Rev. 13. 1. 1 stood on the s. || 20. 8. number as s. SANDALS, s. At first ivere only soles tied to the feet with strings; afterwards tliey were covered; and at last they called shoes sandals. Mark 6. 9- be shod vviih s.JlActs 12. 8. bind thy s. SANG,i\Exod. 15.1. thens. iVloscsHNum. 21.17. Judg. 5. 1. then s. Deborah 1| 1 Sam. 'ZO. 5. they s. 2 Chr. 29. 28. singers s. |j 30. s. praises withgiad. Neh. 12. 42. s. aloud || Job 38. 7. morning stars s. Psal. 106. 12. s. his praises||Acts 16. 25. Paul s. SANK, r. Exod. 15. 5. they s. as a stone, 10. SANSANNAH, A bramble. Josh. 15. 31. SAP. Psal. 104. 16. trees of Lord are full of s. SAPH, A bason post, or sea. 2 Sam. 21. 18. SAPHIR, Dwellest fairly Micah 1.11. SAPPHIRE, S, A precions stone of a pare blue, which in its finest state is very beautiful and valuable, and second only to the diamond in lustre, hardness, and price, Exotl 24. 10. j 28. 18. 1 39. 11. Job 28. G. place of 5. 1) 16. the onyx, or the s. Song 5. 14. overlaid with s.||Isa. 54. 11. lay with s. Lam. 4. 7. her Nazarites, their polishing was of s. Ezek. 1. 26. appearance of s.\\\0. 1 . as it were a s. 28. 13. s. and emerald || Rev. 21. 19. wall a s. SAPPHIRA, Declaring, or fair. Acts 5. 1. SARAH, A lady, or princess. Gen. 17. 15. not Sarai but S. \\ 18. 9. where is S. ? 18. 11. ceased to be with .S'. |j 12. .S'. laughed, 13. 20. 2. Abraham said of S'.ljli. Abim. rest( red S. 211. Lord did unto S. \\7. S given suck 12. S. said, hearken || 23. 1. years of S. 127. 23. 19. Abraham buried S". |) 24. 67. S. tent Num. 26. 46. daugh. of Asher -b'.||Isa. 51.2. look to Rom. 4. 19. deadness of N. || 9. 9. shall have a son Heb. 11.11. thro' faith ||1 Pet. 3. 6. ^\ obeyed Abr. SARAI, My dame, or tnistress. Gen. 11. i;9, 30. | 12. 17. [ 16. 6, 8. | 17. 15. SARAIAH, Blistress of God. 1 Chr. 4. 13, 14. SARAPH. 1 Chr. 4.22. SARDINE, The same with Sardius, Rev. 4. 3. SARDIS, Prince of Joy. Rev. 1. 11. | 3. 1,4. SARDITES, Removing discord. Nnm. 2fi. 26. SARDIUS, yJ gem found about Sardis of a bloody colour. It teas the first in Aaron's breast-plate, Exod. 28. 17. Ezek. 28. 13. Rev. 21. 20. SARDONYX, A precious stone looking white, and red underneath, like a man's nail. It huth its name from a Sardius and an Onyx, as purtakli.g of both their colours, Rev. 21. 20. SAREPTA, A goldsjuith's shop. Luke 4. 26. S4RG0!\, Taking away. Isa. 20. 1. SARHITES. Num. 26. 26. family of S. SARID, Remaining, Jush. 19. 10, 12. SARON, His plain, h's song. Acts 9. 35. SARSECHIM, Master of the ward-robe, or of perfume. Jer. 39. 3. SARUCH, Palm-tree, or a twig. Luke 3. 3b. SATAN, Contrary, an advei'sary, an enemy, an accuser See Devil. 1 Chr. 21. 1. 5. provoked David to number Israel Job 1. 6. 5. came also, 2. 1. || 1. 12. 5. went out Psal. 109. 6. and let s. stand at his right hand Zech. 3. 1. 5. standiiig || 2. Lord rebuke tiiee, O s. Matt. 4. 10. Jesus saith to him, get thee hence, «. 12. 26. if 5. cast out s. Mark 3. 23. Luke 11. 18. 1 6. 23. get behind me s. Mark 8. S3. Luke 4. 8. Mark 4. 15. s. cometh and taketU away the word Luke 10. 18. 1 beheld s- jj 1.3. 16. whom s. bound 22. 3. s. entered into J uclasj!31. Simon, Simon, s. John 13. 27. and after the sop, s. entered into hiui Acts 5 . 3. wiiy hath s. ? |; 26. 1 S. power of s. to G. Rom. 16. 20. God shall bruise s. under your feet 1 Cor. 5. 5. deliver to s. || 7. 5. that s. tempt you 2 Cor. 2. 11. lest s.jjll. l4. s. is transformedJii2. 7. 1 Thes. 2. 18. s. hitidredii2Thes.2. 9. working of s. 1 Tim. 1. 20. I delivered to s-\\5. 15. aside after s. Rev. 2. 9. synagogue of s. 3. 9. || 13. s. dwelleth 24. not known depths ofs.j| 12. 9. called s. 20. 2. laid hotd on s. \\ 7. s. be loosed out of SAT. Gen. 31. 34. Rachel s. \\ 38. 14. Tamar Exod. 12. 29. s. on tluone|llG. 3. we s. by flesh-p. 18. 13. Moses s. to judge |j 23. 6.s. down to eat Deut. 33. 3. they s. down at thy feet|jjudg.20. 26. 1 Sam. 1. 9. now En s. on a seat by the, 4. 13. 1 Km. 16. 11. as soon as he s. on his throne 21. 13. children of Belial s. |j 2. 10. kings s. 2 Kings 6. 32. Elisha s. in his house, elders with 1 Chr. 17. 1. Davids. lti.|:Ez. 9.3.s. down, 10. 16. Neh. 1.4. Is. down |{ 8. 17. s. under booths Job 2. 8. Job s. among ashes |j 29. 25. 1 s. chief Psal. 26. 4. I've not s. \\ 137. 1. there we s. down Song 2. 3. 1 s. down under his shadow with great Jer. 3. 2. in the way thou s. |j 15. 17. 1 s. aione 36 22. king jj Ezek. 8. 1. as I s. ]) 14. s. wouiea Ezek. 20. 1. elders s. jj Dan. 2. 49. Daniels, m Matt. 4. 16. s. la danaiess |j 26. 20. he 5. down 26. 55. Is. daily teaching |[58. Peter s. with Mark 10. 46. s. beggini>, Luke 18. 35. John 9. 8. 16. 19. s. on riirhtliand of G. Heb. 1. 3. ) 10. 12. Luke 4. 20. and s. dowii, j. 3. |j 7. 15. he s. up 10. 39. Mary s. at Jesus' feet \\ 1 9. 30. never s. John 4. 6. s. on the well || 8. 2. s. and taught Acts 2. 3. cloven tongues s. || 3. 10. s. tor alms 13. 14. they s. downj| 16. 13. we s. and spake Rev. 4.3. he that s. |j 14. 14. one s. like son 19. 11. he that s. on hnn was caked faithful, 19. SATTEST, V. Psal. 9. 4. Ezek. 23. 41. SATIATE, ED, p. Jer. 31. l4, 23. | 46. 10. SATISFACTION, s. Num. 35. 31. take no s. 32. SATISFY, V. Job 38. 27. s. the desolate ground Psal. 90. 14. Os. us eariy |i 91. 16. long life I'd s. 132. 15.1 will s. lier poor with bread Prov. 5. 19. let her breasts s. || 6. 30. if steal to s. Isa. 58. 10. if s. afflicted Ezek. 7. 19. snail not s SATISFIED, i>. Exot ll.L. shall s. thy soul Mark 8. 4. whence s. . 15. 9. Lev. 26. 26. Deut. 14. 29. tat and be s. || 33. 23. s. with favour Job 19. 22. why not s.|j 27. 14. not be s. 31. 31. Psal. 17. 15.1 shall be s. ||22. 26. eat and be s. 36. 8. abundantly s. || 37. 19. m fanune be s. 59. 15. grudge if not s. |j 63. 5. s. with mai row 65. 4. s. with goodness II 81. 16. siiould I have s. 104. 13. earth i- s. |j 105. 40. s. with bread of Prov. 12. 11. tiheth land be s. \\ 14. s. with good SAT SAV Prov.l4.l4.5.from himseifll 18.20. belly be 5.\vith 19. 2j. shall abides. |j 20. 13 tiiou suait oe s. 30. 15. tlieie are three things that are never s. Eccl.l. 8. eye is not s. 4. 8. |, 5. 10. 5. witli iiiver Isa. 9. 20. shall eat and not be s. Mic. 6. 14. 44. 16. roast, and IS s. ]i 53. ll.travei,and be s. 66. 11. «. with the oreasts of her consoiations Jer. 31. 14. peopie be s. with i:Oodness, 5u.l0,l9. Lam. 5. 6. to be s. |: Ezek. 1 6. 28. couldst not be s. Amos 4. 8. were not s. |i Hab. 2. 5. cannot be s- SATISFIEST, r. Po in this thy nnii,ht, thou suait s. 15. wnerewithsiiail 1 s. Israel, 36. 37. 7. 7. by 300 men that lapped \\ ih I s. you 1 Sam. 9. 16. may s. my people |, 10. ^'4. God s. thekmar, 2Sau1.l6.l6 2Kin.ll.l2. 2Ciir.23.1l. 14. 6. to s, by niany |j 1 9. 1 1. if thou s. not thyself 23, 2. s. Keilahji 2 Sam. 3. 18. I'll s. I-rael £Sam. 22!. 28. afflicted peo.lhou wilr s- Ps. 18. 27. 42. there was none to s. tiiem, Psal. 18. 41. 1 Kings 1. 12. s. thy own litie |; 25. G. s. king, 34. £0. 31. peradventure he will s. thy life 2 Kin.19.34. I'll defend this city to s.it, Isa. 37.35. Neh. 6. 11. would £0 into temple to s. his afe Job 2. 6. s. his life jj 20. 20. he j^hall not s. of that 22. 29. s. humble I; 40. 14. riiiiit hand can s. Psal. 12. 1 1. s. Lordj 20. 9. |' 28. 9 s. thy people 37. 40. he shall 5. them |j 44. 3. nor own arm s. 60. 5. s. with tiiy right-h. | 69. 35. G. will s. Zion 72. 4. s. children of needy, 13.(| 76. 9- s. meek 86. 2. s. thy servant [j 16. s. son of iiandmaid 109. 31. s. iiini |l 118. 25. s. now O Lord, send 145. 19 he will ff. |i Prov. 20. 22. shall s. thee Isa. 35. 4. come and s. you |;45. 20. cai.not s. 46. 7. nor s. him (| 47. 13. let astrologers 5. 15. 49.25. I'll 5. thy childr.|j59.1. that it cannot s. 63. 1. mighty to s. \\ Jer. 2. 28. if they can s. Jer. 11.12. >hall not s. Ii 14- 9. that cannot s. 15. 20. with thee to 5. 30. ll.|42. ll.|46. 27. 30. 10. I'll s. thee fiom far \, 31. 7. s. thy people 48. 6. fiee, s. your lives, be like the heath in Ezek. 3. 1 8. to's his hfe, 13. 1 22. |; 34. 22. s. flock 36. 29. Til s. yon jj 37. 23. I'll s. them, Hos. 1. 7. Hos. 13. 10. that may s. Hab. 1. 2. wilt not s. Zeph. 3. 17, he wiilV |] 19. s. her thathalteth Zfch. 8. 7. I'll s. my people, 9. 1 6. | 10. 6. 1 12. 7. Matt. 1. 21. 8. his people (i 16. 25. s. his hfe shall lose it, Mark 8. 35. Luke 9- 24. j 17. 33. 18. 11. to s- that which was lost, Luke 19. 10. • 27. 40. s. thyself, 42. Mark 15. 30. Luke 23. 37. Mark 3. 4. is it lawful to s. hfe or, Luke 6. 9. Luke 9- 56. not to destroy, but to s John 12.47. Acts 2. 4v . 5. yourselves |i 27. 43. \M..inu: to s. P. Rom. 11. 14. if I mi^dit « some, 1 Cor. 9. 22. 1 Cor. r. 21.of preachin-; to s I 7. 16. s. thy wife 1 Tim. 1.13. Cuiist came to s. || 4. 16 s. thyself Heb. 5. 7. able to s. 7. 2.i. Jam. 1 21. | 4. 12. Ja-n. 2. 14. can faith s | 5. 15. s. the sick, 20. Jude 23. others f?. with fear, pulling them out See Alive. SAVE me. 2 Kings 16. 7. Psal. 3. 7. | 6. 4. | 7. 1. I 22. 21. I 31. 2, 16. I 44. 6. | 54. 1. | 55. 16. j 57. 3. I 59. 2. j 69. 1. | 71. 2, 3. | 109. 26. I 119. 94, 146. I 133. 7. Isa. 38. 20. Jer. 17. 14. Matt. 14. 30. John 12. 27.. SAVE tts Josh. 10. 6. 1 22. 22. 1 Sam. 4. 3. | 7. 8. I 10. 27. I 11. 3. 2 Kings 19. 19. 1 Chr. 16. 35. P al. 80. 2. 1 106. 47. Isa. 25. 9. | 33. 22. 1 37. 20. Jer. 2. 27. Lara. 4. 17. Hos. 14. 3. Matt. 8. 25. 1 Pet. 3. 21. SAVE for Besides. Gen. 14. 24. | 39. 6. Exod. 12. 16. 1 22. 20. Num. 14. 30. | 26. 65. | 32. 12. Deut. 1. 36. 1 15. 4. 2 Sam. 12. 3. 1 Kin. 15. 5. Psal. 18. 31. Matt. 11. 27. Acts 21. 25. 1 Cor 2. 2. Gal. 6. 14. SAVED, p. Gen. 47. 25. thou hast s. our lives Exod. 1. 17. midwives s. men children alive, 18. Num. 22. 33. 5. her alive j; 31. 15. ir. the women Josh. 6. 25. s. RahabJ! Judg. 7. 2. own hands. Judg. 8. 19. if ye hads. || 21. 14. wives they s. 1 Sam. 23. 5. s. Keilah|!27. 11. s. man nor woman 2 Sam. 19. 5. s. thy life jj 9. the king s. ns and 2 Kings 6. 10. s. himself there, not once nor Neh. 9. 27. gavest tliem saviours, who s. them Pjal. 33. 16. no king is s. |j 44. 7. thou hast s. us 106. 8. nevertheless he s. them for his name's,10. Isa. 43. 12. and have s. (45. 22. look and be s. Jer. 4. 1 4. niayest be 5. || 8. 20. we are not s. Matt. 19. 25. saying, who then can bes..^ Mark 10. 26. Luke 18. 26. 24. 22. no flesh .should be .S. 8. 14, 51. 17. when Saranel saw S. \\ 24. S- did eat 10.11. is S. among the prophets.^ 12. | 19.24. 21. -S. was taken || 11. 6. spirit came on S. 11.7. not after S. |) 12. shall S. reign over us ? 15. made S. king jj 13. 3. S. blew trumpet / 13. 7. S. yet in Gilgal jj 10. went to meet S. 14. 24. -S". adjured || 35. built an altar to the Lord 37. S. asked counsel || 52- saw any stKong man 15. 1 1. it repenteth me that I have set up S. 31. S. worshipped || 35. no more to see S. 16. 1. mourn for 8. ? jj 2. if S. hear it, he will 14. departed from S. \\ 23. evil spirit, 18. 10. 17. 8. you servants of S'.? || 12. in days of S. 38. S. armed David || 18. 6. to meet king S. 18. 9. . 18. wiiere is the s. where is, l Cor. 1. 20. Jer.:)G. 12. Eiishatiia|j 26.Bainciijr37.15.Jonathaa Matt. 8. 19.a s. said, Ma.ster |j 13.52. s. instructed Mark 12. 32. s. sai-i, well Master || 1 Cor. 1. 20. SCRIBES, «. 1 Knigs 4. 3. the sonsof Shisha s. 1 C ir. 2. .^5. faniilits of s. {'■ 2 Ciir. 34. 13. were s. Esth. 3. 12. kinii's s. 8. 9. |i Jer. 8. 8. pen ot the s, Viatt. 5. 20. riuhteousn. of s. ji 7. 29. not as the .v. 16. 2 1, sutler of s.|j 17. 10. why say s.Mark 9.11. 20. 18. son of iuai] be betiayed tos. Mark 10. 33. 21, 1.5. when s. saw |.l 23. 2. s. sii m Moses' seat 23. 13. wo to you, s. 14,— 29. Luke 11. 44. 26. 3. assembled s. Mark 14. 53. Luke -/'i. 66. Mark 2. 6. certain s. |; 16. when s. saw him eat 3. 22. and the s. said, he hath Beeizebub, and 8. 31 . son of nian oe rejected of s. Luke 9. 22. 9. 14. s. questioninjj || 11. 18. s. heard it, and 12. 28. Oiie of s. asked I j 35. how say the s. tiiat 38. beware of s. Luke2u. 46. |j 14. l.s. sought Luke 5. 30 s. nuirmured, 15. 2.|i 6. 7. s. watched 11. 53. 5. began to urgey 20. 1. s. came on him 20. 19. s. sought to lay hands on him, 22. 2. 23.10. s. accused |j Joun 8 3. s. broUi;ht a woman Acts 4. 5. the 5. gathered against the apostles 6. 12. s. brought Stephen li 23. 9. s. arose SCRIP, s. ^J bag, 1 Sam. 17. 40. Matt. 10. 10. Mark G. 8. Luke 9. 3. ) 10. 4. j 22. 3^, 3G. SCRIPTURE, s. or writ ing. The inspired wntings of the old an J new testament. Dan. 10. 2 L shew what is noted in the s. of truth Mark 12. 10. not read tiuss.|| 1.5. 28. s. was fultil. Luke 4. 21. he said, this day is this s. fulfiiied Joim 2. 22. they bciieved s. jj 7. 3S. as s. saitii 10. 35. s. cani;ot be broKeu j; 19. 37. anotlier s. Acts 1. 16. 5. must needs || 8. 35. began at same s. Rom. 4. 3. what saith tneV 11.2. Gal. 4. 30. 9. 17. for the s. saith, 10. 11. 1 Tim. 5. 8. SEA SEA C^al. 3. 8. s. foreseeing 1 1 22. s. hath concluded all STiin 3. 16. all s is by in^spir.|) Jam. 4. 5. s. saith lPet.2.6. contained in s.\\ 2Fet.l .20.no pvoph, oi's. SCRIPTURES, s. att. 21. 42. never read in 5. 22.29. do err, not kuowinsj the s. Mark 12.24. ^6. 54. how shall s. be fulfilled, Mark 14. 49. Luke 24.27. expounded s. || 32. opened to us the s. 45. understand the s. |) John 5. 39. search the *. Acts 17.2. reasoned out of s.|jll. searched the s. 18. 24. mighty in the s. \\ 28. shewing by the s. Rom. 1. 3. in the holy s. |) 15. 4. comfort of the s. 16. 26. by the 6-. of the prophets made known iCor. 15. 3.Christdied||4.roseaccordingtothes. 2Tim. S.lS.known the holy 5.||2Pet. 3.16. others. SCROLL, s. or book, Isa. 34. 4. Rev. 6. 14. SCUM, s. Ezek. 24. 6, 11, 12. SCURVY, s. Lev. 21. 20. s. or scabbed, 22. 22. SCYTHIANS, Tanners, or coblers. Col. 3. 11. SEA, s. 1 Kin. 7. 23. a molten s. 24, 25, 39. 2 Kin. 16. 17. [ 25. 13. 2 Chr. 4. 2, A, 6. Jer. 27. 19. SEA, s. In Hebrew, Jura ; in Greek, Thalasse. It signifies, [1 ^^ Any great collection of waters. Matt. 4. 18. [<2\ A^reat lake, Matt. 8. 32. Luke 8. 33. [3 J Troubles, Jer. 51 36. [4] Great multitudes, Isa. 60. 5. [5] A great army, Jer.51.42. [6] Turbulent commotions, Dan.7. 2, 3. Gen. 1. 26. over fish of the s. 28. i 9. 2. Psal. 8. 8. 22. 17. as sand on the s. 41. 49. ||49. 13. liaven Exod I4.2.encamp by s. 9.||16. thy hand overs. 21. s. to go back || 30. dead on the s. shore 15. 1. thrown into 6-. 21. || 8. in heart of the s. 19. brought again waters of the s. upon them 20. 11. Lord made the s. Psal. 9.5. 5. Jonah 1. 9. Acts 4. 24. f 14. 15. 23. 31. set thy bounds to the s. of the Phihstines Num. 11. 31. quaiis from 5. || 13. 29. dwell by s. 34. 11. of tiie s. of Chmneretli, Josh. 12. 3. Dent. ,30. 13. who shall go overs, jj 34. 2. utmost Josh. 24. 6. you came to s. Egyptians pursued, 7. 2 Sam. 17. 11. as sand by s.\\ 22. 16. channels of 5. 1 Kin. 4. 20. as sand bys. |)5. 9. convey them bys. 14. 25. s. of the plain || 18.44. cloud out of the s. 1 Chr. 16. 32. let the s. rorc, Psal. 96. 11. | 98. 7. 2 Chr. 20. 2. a multitude against thee beyond s. Neh. 9. 11. didst divide the s. went thro' the s. Job 26. 12. Psal. 74. 13. | 78. 13. Jer. 31. 35. Job 6. 3. heavier than sand of s. |) 7. li^. am I a s. 9. 8. treadeth on waves of the s.jj 11. 9. broader 12. 8. fishes of s. declare || 14. 11. fail from s. 28. 14. s. saith, it is not |J 36. 30. covereth s. 38. 8. or who shut up the s. || 16. springs of the s. 41. 31. he maketh the s. like a pot of ointment l*sal. 33. 7. gathereth s. || 65. 5. afar off on the s. 66. 6. s. into dry land || 68. 22. depths of the s. 72. 8. from s. to s. Amos 8. 12. Mic. 7. 12. 77. 19. way is in the s. \\ 78. 53. s. overwhelmed 80. 11. boughs to the s. (| 89. 9. rulest the s. 93. 4. Lord is mightier than the waves of the s. 104. 25. wide s. |j 107. 23. go down to the s. 114.3. fi.sawit, 5. II 139. 9. utmost parts of the s. Prov. 8. 29. when he gave to the s. his decree Lsa. 5. 30. like ronng oi's. || 9. 1. by way of the s. 10. 22. as sand of the s. Hos. 1. 10. Rotn. 9. 27. 11.9. as the waters cover the s. Hab. 2^14. 1J6. 8. gone over the s. || 18. 2. ambassadors by s. 19, 5. fail from s. \\ 23 2. that pass over the s. Isa. 23. 4. s. hath spoken || 11. his hand over the s. 24. 14. cry aloud from s.|j27. 1. dragon in the s. 42. 10. down to s.\\ 43. 16. a way in the s. and 48. 18. righteousness as s. |j 50. 2. I dry up the s. 51. 10. dried the 5. |j 15. divided the s. whose 57. 20. like troubled s.||60. 5. abundance of the s. 63. 11. he that brought them np out of the s. Jer. 5. 22. bound of the s. |) 6. 23. roreth like s. 15. 8. above sand of s. |) 33. 22. nor s. measured 48. 32. plants gone over s. \\ 49. 23. sorrow on e. 50. 42. voice rore like s. j| 51. 36. dry up the s. 51. 42. s. is come up on Babylon, she is covered Lam. 2. 13. breach like s. || 4. 3. even s. monsters Ezek. 26. 3. as the s. causeth his waves to come 17. strong in the s. || 18. isles in the s. troubled 27. 3. situate at entry of s. j| 29. pilots of the s. 38. 20. fishes of s. shake |) 47. 8. go into the s. Dan. 7. 3. four great beasts come up from the s. Hos. 4. 3. fishes of s. are taken||Amos 5. 8.|9. 3, 6, Jonah 1. 4. a mighty tempest in the s. 5, 15. Mic. 7. 19. cast their sins into the depth of the .?. Hab. 1. 14. men as fishes of s. |j 3. 15. walk thro' s. Zeph. 1. 3. consume fishes of s. || 2. 5. s. coast, 6. Zech. 9. 10. from s. to s j) 10. 11. pass thro' the s. 14. 8. toward the former s. and to the hinder s. Matt. 4. 15. by way offi. || 18. a net into the s. 8. 24. a great tempest lu s. || 26. rebuked the s. 32. whole herd of swine ran into s. Mark .5. 13. 13 1. sat by the s. \\ 47. like a net cast in the s. 1 4. 25. walking on the s. Mark 6. 4S. John 6. 1 9. 17. 27. go thou to the s. || 18. 6. depth of the s. 21. 21. be thou cast into the s. Mark 11. 23. 23. 15. hypocrites, for ye compass s. and land Mark 4. 1. was by the s. || 9. 42. he cast into s. Luke 17. 6. planted in the s.||21. 25. the s. roring John 21. 7. Peter did cast himself into the s. Acts 27. 40. committed to s.||28. 4. escaped the*. 1 Cor. 10. 1. all our fathers passed through the s. 2 Cor. 11. 26. in perils in s. || Jam. 1. 6. wave of s. Jam. 3. 7. beasts and things m the s. are tamed Jude 13. raging waves of the s. foaming out Rev. 4. 6. a s. of glass || 5. 13. such as are in the s. 7. 1. not blow on s. |) 2. ttf hurt earth and the s. 8. 8. s. became blood |j 10. 2. right foot on the s. . 10. 5. stand on s. 8. 11 12. 12. wo to inhabitants of 5. I 13. 1. rise out of the s. || 14. 7. that made the s. 15. 2. a s. of glass] 1 16. 3. poured his vial on tiie s. 18.17. as trade bys. 19. || 21. cast it in tiie s. 20. 13. s. gave up the dead|| 21. l.no more s. See Red, Salt, Sand. SEA-SJiore. Gen. 22. 17. Exod. 14. 30. Josh. 11. 4. Judg. 5. 17. 1 Sam. 13. 5. 1 Kings 4. 29. Jer. 47.7. Heb. 11. 12. SEA-Side. Deut. 1. 7. Judg. 7. 12. . 2 Chr. 8. 17. Matt. 13. 1. Mark 2. 13. | 4. 1. Acts 10. 6, 32. SEAS. Gen. 1.10. gathering of waters called s. Lev. 11. 9. what hath fins and scales in the s. eat Deut. 33. 19. suck of the s.|iNeh.9. 6. made the s. Psal. 8. B. patli,^ of s. |l 24. 2. founded it on the s. 65. 7. stilleth noise of the s. \\ 69. 34. let s. praise 135. 6. what the Lord pleased, that did he m the s. Isa. 17. 1 2. like noise of the s. \\ Jer. 15. 8. above s. Ezek. 26.tl7. inhabited of s.|i27. 4. midst of the s. 25, 26, 27, 33, 34. j 28. 2, 8. Jonah 2. 3. 32. 2. Pharaoh, thou art as a wlmle in tlie s. Dan. 1 1. 45. between the s. \\ Acts 27. 4l. two s. SEA SEC w 28. 13. s. fruit I 4. 30. SEAL, s. signifies, [1] An instrument by which writings are sealed and ratified, Esth. 3. 12. [2] The testimony and witness of the Spirit in the heart f whereby the soul knows its relation to God, Eph. 1. 13. I 4. 30. [3] The decree of election, 2 Tim. 2. 19. [4j To be highly esteemed. Song 8. 6. [5 J Exceeding secret, Rev. 5. 7. [6] Assent, John 3. 33. [7j To perform, Rom. 15. 28. 1 Km. 21. 8. Jezebel sealed letters with Ahab'ss. Job 38. 14. as clay to 5. || 41. 15. as a closes. Song 8. 6. set me as as.\] John 3. 33. set to his s. Rom. 4. 11. 5. ofrighteom|jl Cor. 9.2. s. ofapostl. 2 Tim. 2. 19. having this s. the L knoweth his Rev. 6. 3. second s.\\ 5. third s.|{7. fourth s. 9,12. 7. 2. s. of hving God |l 8. 1. opened seventh s. 9. 4. have not the s. \\ 20. 3. set a s. on him SEALS, s. Rev. 5.1. seven s. 5, 9. | 0.1. SEAL, V. Neh. 9. 38. priests «. to it, 10. 1. Isa. 8. 16. s. the law jj Jer. 32. 44. and s. therti Dan. 9. 24. s. up the vision || 12. 4. s. the book Rev. 10. 4. s. those things||22. JO. s. not sayings SEALED,;). Deut. 32. 34. is not this s. up among Esth. 3. 12. dvAs. 8. 8.|iJob 14. 17. transgressions. Song 4. 12. a fountain 5. || Isa. 29. 1 J. a book s. Jer. 32. 10. I subscribed and s. the evidence, 14. Dan. 6. 17. kings. it|| 12. 9. words are s. till Jolm 6. 27. him hath G. s. |) Rom. 15. 2 Cor. I. 22. who hath s. us, Eph. 1. Rev. 5. 1. a book s. |j 7. 3. till we have s. the 7. 4. there were s. 144,000 of all tlie tnhes SEALEST, V. Ezek. 28. 12. s. up the sum full SEALETH, f. Job 9. 7. s. stars || 33 1 6. | 57. 7. SEALING,/). Neh. 9.t38.|10.tl. Matt. 27.66. SEAM, 5. John 19. 23. coat without s. woven SEARCH, s. Deut. 13. 14. shalt make .s.and ask Ezra 4. 15. s. may be made, 19. j 5. 17. | 6. 1. Job 8. 8. s. of the fathers |{ 38. I6.s. of depth Psal. 64. 6. a ddigents. 77. 6. |j Jer. 2. 34. secret SEARCH, V. Lev. 27. 33. he shall not s. Num. 10. S3, tos. a resting place jj 13. 2. s. land 14. 7. land we passed thro' to s. it, is good, 38. Deut. 1. 22. they shall s. |) 33. L. went before to s. Josh. 2. 2. came men to s.||Judg. 1 8, 2. sent to s. 1 Sam. 23. 23. I'll s. him out || 2 Sam. 10. 3. city 1 Kin. 20. 6. they shall s.|i2Kin. 10. 23. Job 13. 9*. Ps. 44. 21. shall not G. s.\\ 139. 23. s. me, O G. Prov. 25. 2. to s. out matter |) 27. s. own glory Eccl. 1.13.1 gave my hearttos. by wisdom, 7.25. Jer. 17. 10. I 5. the heart |i 29. 13. ye shall s. for Lam. 3. 40. let us s. and try our ways, and turn Ezek. 34. 6. none did s. 8. || 11. I'll both s. and 39. 14. shall they s. \\ Amos 9. 3. I'll s. and take Zeph. 1. 1'^. s. Jerusa!em|jMatt. 2. 8. s. diligently Jolm 5. 39. s. the scriptures || 7. 52. s. and look SEARCHED, p. Gen. 31. 34. Laban s. 35, 37. 44. 12. steward s. for cup j! Num. 13. 21. | 14. 6. Deut. 1. 24. Eshcol, and 5. it |j Job 5. 27. we s.it Job 28. 27. s. out, 32. 11. | 36. 26. |j Psal. 139. 1. Je('. 31, 37. foundations of eartli s.||46. 23. not s. Obad. 6. how are the things of Esau s. out ? Acts 17. 11. Bereans s. |j 1 Pet 1. 10. prophets s. SEARCHEST, v. Job 10. 6. Piov.2. 4. SEARCHETH, v. 1 Chr. t^8. 9. L. s. all hearts Job 28. 3.S. all perfection || 39. 8. s. every green Prov. 18. 17. neighbour s. \\ 28. 11. poor s. him Rom. 8. 27. 5. the hearts, knoAAS the mind of Spi. 85 1 Cor. 2.10. Spirit s. all thingsJIRev. 2. 23. 5. reins SEARCHING,;). Num. 13.25. returned from ;■. Job 11.7. canst thru by s. \\ Prov. 20. 27. s. belly Isa. 40. 28. there is 10 s.]il Pet. 1. 11. s. what time SEARCHINGS. Judg. 5. 16. great s. of heart SEARED, p. 1 Tim. 4. 2. their consciences, with SEASON, Gen. 40. 4. Exod. 13. 10. Deut. 16. 6. s. thou camest j| 28. 12. rain in s. Josh. 24. 7. dwelt a long s.\\ 2 Kin. 4. 16. this s. 1 7. 1 Chr. 21. 29. at that s.j| 2Chr. 15. 3. for a longs. Job 5. 26. Cometh in his s. ]| 30. 17. in night s. 38. 32. canst bring forth Mazzaroth in his s. Psal. 1. 3. fniit in his s. jj 22. 2. 1 cry in night s. Prov. 15. 23. a word in s. Isa. 50. 4. || Eccl. 3. 1. Jer. 5. 24. rain in his s. |j 33. 20. in their s. Ezek. 34. 26. shower in s. || Dan. 7. 12. prolonged Hos. 2. 9. wine in the s. {| Mark 12. 2. at the s- Luke 1. 20. my words shall be fulfilled in theirs. 4. 13. departed for a s.[!l3. 1. at that s. told 20. 10. at the s. he sent jl 23. 8. of a long s. John 5. 4. at a certain s. \\ 35. Milling for a s. Acts 13. 11. for a s. 19. 22.|!24. 25. convenient s. 2 Cor. 7. 8. but for as. || 2 Tim. 4. 2. instant in 5. Philem 1 5 .departed for a s.\ |Hcb. 1 1.25 . sin for a s. 1 Pet. i.e.for s. if need be|,'Rev. 6.11. Uttle s. 20. 3. See Appoij^ted, Due. SEASONS, s. Gen. 1. 14. be for signs and for 5. Exod. 1 8. 22. judge people at all s y6.|'Lev. 23.4, Psa. 16. 7. instruct in night s.||104. 1 9. moon for s. Dan. 2. 21. chan^eths. jjMatt. 21. 41. frnitin s. Acts 1 . 7. the times and s- 1) 14. 1 7. and fruitfiil s. 20. 18. with you at all s. || 1 Thes. 5. 1. of the s. SEASON, r. Lev. 2. 13. Mark 9.50. SEASONED, p. Luke 14. 34 Col. 4. 6. SEAT, s. Is put for [Ij Place of J ustice,J oh 29.7. [2j Place of abode, Job 23. 3. [3] Dignity, au- thority, Esth. 3. 1. Luke 1. 52. Judg. 3. 20. and Egion rose out of his s. 1 Sara. 1. 9. Eli sat upon a s. 4. 13, 18. 20. 18. thy s will be empty || 25. king on his s. 2 Sam. 23. 8. sat in tlies.||l King. 2. 19- caused as. Job 23. 3. even to his s. ||29. 7. I prepared my s. Psal. 1.1. s. of scornfull|Prov. 9- 14. sitteth on as. Ezek. 8.3. s. ofjealonsyj 28. 2. 1 sit in the s. of G. Dan. Il.t38. Aim. in his s. || Am. 6. 3. violence Mat. 23. 2. sit in MosW s. || Rev. 2. 13. Satan's s. See^LVGMEUT, Mercy. SEATED, ;). Deut. 33. 21. in portion was he s. SEATS, s. Jer. 18.+3. Mat. 21. 12. | 23. 6. Mark 11. 15.|12. 39. Luke 1. 52. | 11.43. | 20.46. Rev. 4. 4. I 11.16. SEBA, Captivity, compassing about, or an old man. Gen. 10. 7. Ps. 72. 10. Isa. 43. 3. SEBAT, A sceptre, or rod. A month, answering to January and February^ Zech. 1.7. SECACAH, A little shadoic. Josh. 15. 61. . SECANIAH, Habitat ion of the Lord. 1 Chr. 3.21, SECHU, A defence, or bough. 1 Sam. 19. 22. SECOND, a. Gen. 6. 16. with s. and third stories 32. 19. commanded s. || 41. 43. in the s. chariot Exod. 26. 4. coupling of s.il28. 18. s. row, 39. 11. Num. 2. 16. s. rank f| Josh. 19. 1. s. lot for Sim. Judg. 6. 25. s. bullock, 26. II 28. s, was ofiered 1 Chr. 15. 18. s. deuree |[2 Chr. 35. 24. s. chariot I>cl. 4. 8. not a s. j| 15. s. child that shall stand Matt. 21. 30. came to s. |i 22. 26. s. had her to 22. 39. s. command is like te it, Mar. 12. 31, ^c SEE 11. 2 Kin. 19. 29. I 4. 24. Isa. 37. 30. 15. I 2. 10. Zech. iLuke 6. 1. s. sabbath 1| 12. 38. watch j| 19. 18. John 4. 54. s. iniracie || Acts 13. 33. s. psalm 1 Cor. 15.47. 5. man is the L.l|2 Cor. 1. 15. benefit Tit. 3. 10. 5. admonition] jHeb. 8. 7. no place for s. Heb. 9. 3. s. vail, 7. || 10. 9 may establish they. 2 Pet. 3. 1. 5. epistle||Rev. 2. 11.5. death, 20.6. Rev. 4. 7. ff. beast, 6. 3.\\8. 8. «. angel, 16.3. 11. 14. €. woe is past |j 20. 6. death, 14. ] 21. 8. 21. I't s, fonndation of the wall was a sapphire SECONi:) Time. Gen 22. 15. | 41. 3. 1 43. 10. Lev. 13. 58. Num. 10. 6. Josh. 5. 2. iSam. 26. 8. 2 Sam. 14. 29. 1 Kin. 9. 2. | 18. 34. 1 19. 7. 2 Kin. 10. 6. 1 Chr. 29. 22. Esth. 2. 19. Isa. 11. 11. Jer. 1. 13. 1 13. 3. 1 33. 1. Jon. 3. 1. Nah. 1.9. Matt. 26.42. Mark 14. 72. Joha 3. 4. | 21. 16. Acts 7. 13. 1 10. 15. 2 Cor. 13. 2. Heb. 9. 28. SECOND Yeu7\ Gen. 47. 18. Exod. 40. 17. Num. 1. 1. I 9. 1. I 10 2 Chr. 27. 5. Ezra 3. 8 Dan. 2. 1. Hag. 1. 1 1. 17. SECONDARILY, arf. 1 Cor. 12. 28. s. prophets SECRET, s. signifies, [1] ^ thing hid, or not known, Deut. 29. 29. [2] The special favour and grace of God, Psa. 25. 14. Prov. 3. 32. [3] That which ought not to be revealed, Prov. 25. 9. [4j God's counsel, Amos 3. 7. [5j In private, Psai. 64. 4. ^6] The meaning of a dream or vision, Dan. 2. 18. ] 4. 9. Gen. 49. 6. my soul, come not into their s. Job 15. B.s. of God, 29. 4. 1| 40. 13. bind in s. Psal. 25. 14. «. ofL. is with them that fear him 27. 5. in 5. of his tabernacle hide me, 31. 20. 64. 4. shoot in s, jj 139'. 15. I was made in s. Prov. 3. 32. his s. is with righteous, Amos 3. 7. 9. 17. eaten in s. \\ 21. 14. a gift in s. pacifieth 25. 9. discover not a s. \\ 26.f26. hatred is s. Isa. 45. 19. 1 have not spoken in s. 48. 16. Jer. 23.tl8. s.of the L.|jEzek. 28. 3. no s. hide Dan. 2. 19. s. revealed || 4. 9. no s. troubleth Matt. 6. 4. alms may be in s. ||6. pray in s. 18. Jolin?. 4. doth anything ins. || 10. went up in s. IS. 20. ins. I said nothing! |Eph. 5. 12. in s. SECRET, a. Deut. 27. 15. idolin s. place 29. 29. 5. things belong to the Lord our God Judg, 3. 19. a s. errand (| 13. 18. seeing it is s. 1 Sam. 5.9.S. parts||19. 2. abide in a s place Job 14. 13. keep me in s. || 15. 1 1. any s. thing 20. 26. s. places, Psal. 10. 8. | 17. 12. Song 2. 14. Isa. 45. 3. Jer. 13. 17. | 23. 24.|49. 10. Psal. 18. 11. his 5. place || 19. 12. from s. faults 64. 2. 5. counsel of wicked [1 81. 7. s. place of 90. 8. our s. sins || 91. 1. s. place of most High Prov. 27. 5. s. love || Eccl. 12. 14. every s. thing Isa. 3. 17. their s. parts || 26.tl6. a s. speech Jer. 2. 34. s. search |) Lam. 3. 10. as a Hon in s. Ezek. 7. 22. my s. place I| Dan. 2. 22. s. things Matt. 13.35. kept s.frora foundation, Rom. 16.25. 24. 26. s. chambers || Mark 4. 22. Luke 8. 17. Luke 11. 33. no man putteth a candle in a s place SECRETSjS. Job 11. 6. shew the s. of wisdom Psal. 44. 21. for he knoweth the s. of the heart , l»rov. 11.13. revealeth s. 20.19. Dan. 2. 28, 29,47. Rom.2.16. judge the s.|jl Cor. 14.25.5. of his heart SECRETS, s. Deut. 25. 11. wife taketh bv the s. SECRETLY, ad. Gea. 31. 37. wherefore flee s. 1 Deut. 13. 6. entice thee s. H 27. 24. smiteth s. 28. 57. eat o, j] Josh. 2- 1- sent to spy s. saying 1 Sam. 18. 22. commune s. || 23. 9. s. practised 2 Sam. 12. 12. thou didst it 5.||2 Kin. 17. 9. did j. Job 4. 12. s. brought to me || 13. 10. if s. accept 31. 27. and if my heart hath beens. enticed Psal. 10. 9. lieth in waits. || 31. 20. keep them $. Jer. 37. 17. asked s.I|38. 16. sware|| 40. 15. spake Hab. 3. 14. their rejoicing was to devour poor s. John 11. 28. called Mary s. || 19. 38. s. for fear SECT, s. Is in Greek the same with heresy. A- mong the Jews were known four several sectSy though united in communion with each other : The Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenians, and He- ro dians. Acts 5. 17. s. of Sadducees || 15. 5. Pharisees 24. 5. a ringleader of the s. of the Nazarenes 26. 5. straitest s.\\ 28. 22. this s. is every where SECTS, s. 1 Cor. 11.-J-19. nmst be also 5. among SECUNDUS, Second. Acts 20. 4. SECURE. Judg. 8. 11. host 5. |) 18. 7, 10, 27. Job 11. 18. shall be s. j] 12. 6. provoke God are $, Matt. 28. 14. we will persuade him, and s. you SECURELY, ad. Prov. 3. 29. Mic. 2. 8, SECURITY, s. Acts 17. 9. taken s. of Jgson SEDITION, S, s. Contention, strife, insuirectioH. Ezra 4. 15 moved s. 19.1{Luke 23. 19. certains. Acts 24. .5. a mover of s. || Gal. 5. 20. s. heresies SEDUCE, V. Mark 13- 22. shew signs to s. if it 1 John 2. 26. them that s.jjRev. 2. 20. Jezebel to s. SEDUCED, p. 2 Kin. 21. 9. Manasseh s. them Isa. 19. 13. S.Egypt jl Ezek. 13. 10. s. my people SEDUCERS, s. 2 Tim . 3. 1 3 . s. wax worse and w. SEDUCETH, V. Prov. 12. 26. way of wicked 5. SEDUCING, p. 1 Tim. 4. 1. heed to s. spirits SEE, V. signifies, [1] To behold, Exod. 23. 5^ [2] To approve. Gen. 1. 4. [3] To consider, orobsene, Matt. 22. 11. l^] To visit, 1 Cor. 16. 7. [5] To bear, Ezra 4. 14. [6] To hear, Exod. 20. 18. [7] To feel, Psal. 90. 15. [8j To taste, Luke 2. 26. [9] To know or learn, Gen. 37. 14. [10] To understand ex- perimentally, Exod. 5. 19. Rom. 7. 23. [11] To beware, or take care, Rev. 19. 10. j 22. 9. [12] To believe, John 6. 40. Heb. 11.27. [13] To have the full enjoyment of God, Job 19.26. Gen. Il.f5. Lord came to s.l|22.tl4. Lord will «•. 29.-J-32. s. a son [j 34. 1. Dinah went to s. the 42. 9. s. nakedness 1| 44. 23. s. my face no more 45. 28. I wills. Joseph || 48. 11. to s. thy face Exod 3. 3. s. this great sight j] 13. 17. they s. war 14. 13. stand still ands.|| 33. 20. s. me and live 33. 23. 5. back parts [j 34. lO.s. work of the L. Lev. 13. 10. priest s. himjl 20- 17. s. her nakedn. Num. 14. 23. nor s. land j) 23. 9. from rocks I s. 24. 17. s. him, but not now |j 32. 8. ». land, 11. Deut. 1. 36. Caleb shall s. || 3. 25. let me a. the 23. 14. s. no unclean || 28. 68. s. it no more again 29. 4. not eyes to s. || 34. 4. caused thee to s. 1 Kin. 12. 16. s. to thy house, David, 1 Chr. 10.16. 20. 7. s. how this man (| 22. mark and s. what 2 Kin. 7. 2. thou shall s. it||13. let us send and 3. 9. 17. 1 s. a company |) 34. s. this cursed woman 10. 16. s. myzealt) 19. 16. Lord s. Isa. 37. 17. 2 Chr. 18. 16. 1 did s. all Israel] |20. 17.*. salvation 25. 17»corae, let us s. one another in the face SEE Neh. 9. Q. didst s. the affliction of our fathers Esth. 8. 6. how can I endure to s. the evil that Job 3. 9. neither let it*. |J 7. 7. no more s. good 7. 8. shall s. me no more |j 9. 25. they 5. no good 10. 15. «. mine affliction || 17. 15. who shall s. it 19. 26. yet in my flesh shall I 8. God, 27. 20. 9. 0. him no more j 21. 20. s. destruction 22. 19. righteous s. it ) 24. 15.no eye shall*. 28. 27. then did he s. it |) 31. 4. he s. my ways 33. 26. s. his face with joy || 28. life shall s. light 35. 5. s. the clouds || 36. 25. every man may s. Psal. 10. 11. G. will nevers.it 1 1 14. 2. to 5. 53. 2. 16. 10. nor s. corruption, Acts 2 27, 31. | 13. 35. 22. 7. all that 5. me |) 27. 13. believed to s. the 31. 11. s. me, fied |j 34. 8. O taste and s. that L. 34. 12. s. good 11 37. 34. cut oif, thou shalt s. it 40. 3. many shall s. || 41. 6. if he s. me, he speak 49. 1 9. never s. Hght |) 52. 6. righteous shall s. 59. 10. s. desire on enemies, 92. 11. | 118. 7. 63. 2. to s. thy power 1| 64. 8. all that s. flee away 6(i. 5. come and 5. the works || 69. 32. humbles. 86. 17. hate me, may s. it || 91. 8. s. reward of 97. 6. all 3. his glory (( 106. 5. s. good of chosen 107. 24. s. works of the L. || 42. righteous shall j?. 112. 8. till s. his desire Ij 10. wicked shall s.it 119. 74. glad when they s. || 128. 5. s. the good 128.6. 5. thy children's children, and peace upon 139. 16. s. my substance || 24. s. if there be any Prov. 24. 1 8. lest the Lord s. |j 29. 16. righteous 5 Eccl. 1. 10. s. this is new || 2. 3. 6. what was good 3. 18. that men might s. || 7. 11. that s. the sun Song 2. 14. s. countenance || 6. 11. s. fruits, 7. 12. Isa. 5. 19. we may s. || 6. 10. lest they s. with 26. 11. s. and be ashamed || 29. 18. s. out of obsc. 30. 20.5. thy teachers II 32. 3. s. shall not be dim 33.17. 5. the king in his beauty || 20. s. Jerusalem S5. 2. *. glory of the Lord jj 40. 5. all flesh shall s. 41. 20. ye may a. and know || 48. 6. s. all this 49.7.kings shall s. |j 528. watchmen s. eye to eye 52. 10. earth s. salvation || 15. shall they s. and 53.2. when we s him || 10. s. seedH 11. s. travail 60. 5. s. and flow|| 61. 9. all that s. them shall 62. 2. Gentiles .shall s. \\ 66. 18. and s. my glory Jer. 1. 11. I ». a rod|| 13. I 5. a seething pot 2. 10. s. if there be sucrh a thing || 19. know and s. 23. s. thy way || 3. 2. s. where thou hast been 5. 1. 5. and know |) 6. 16. stand in ways and s. 7. 12. s. what I did to it || 1 1. 20. let me s. 20.12. 20. 18. to 5. labour II 22. 12. s. this land no more 30. 6. 8. whether a man doth travail with child Lam. 1. 11. s. O Lord |j 12. s. if any sorrow like Ezek. 8. 6. shall s. greater abominations, 13. 15. 13. 9. s. vanity, 21. 29. || 16. s. visions of peace 16. 37. 5. thy nakedness || 20. 48. all flesh shall s. S3. 6. 8. the sword l| 39. 21. the heathen shall s. Dan. 3. 25. I «. four men loose, walking in the Joel -2. 28. young men shall s. visions. Acts 2. 17. Blic. 6. 9. 8. thy namel|7. 10. enemy shall s. it 7. 16. nations shall s. || Hab. 2. 1. I'll watch to s. Zech'. 4. 10. shall s. the plummet || 5. 2. 1 s. aroll,5. 9. 5. Gaza shall 8. it j| 10. 7. children shall s. it Mai. 1.5. your eyes shall s. and you shall say Matt. 5. 8. shall s. God || 16. s. your good works 7. 5. «. clearly |j 8. 4. s. thou tell no man, but 11.7. what went ye out to s. 8. 9. Luke 7. 24. 12.38. would 8. a sign || 13. 15. lest they should 5. 13. 16. blessed, for tliey «. |j 17. have desired to s. SEE ^n Matt. 15. 31. blind to s.\\ 16. 28. till they s. Son of 22. 11. to «. guests II 24. 30. s. the Son of man 26. 58. serv. to s. the end || 27. 4. s. tiiou to that 27. 24. 8. ye to it || 49. let us s. whether Elias 28. 6. 8. where the L. lay j| 10. there shall s. me Mark 6. 38. go and*. |1 8. 24. 1 s. men as trees Luke 3. 6. all flesh shall 5. || 8. 1 6. s. light, 11.33. 8. 20. desiring to s. thee, 9- 9.j| 23 8. to s. him 9. 27. s. kingdom || 14. 1 S. I must go and s. it 17. 22. desire to 8. one \\ 23. s. here, or s. there 19.3.Zaccheus sought to 5. Jesus, who he was, 4. 20. 13. when they s. \\ 24. 39. handle me and s. John 1. 39. come and 8. 46.|11. 34. Rev. 6.1,3, 5,7. 4. 29. come, s. a man |1 8. 51. shall never s. death 8. 56. Ab. rejoiced to s. my day iJ 9. 15. and do 5. 9. 25. was blind, now I s. |) 39. *. not, might a. 11. 40. 5. gloiy of God || 12. 21. would s. Jesus 16. 22. 1 will 5. you again || 20. 25. except I s. Acts 15.36.5.howthey do 11 19- 21. 1 must s.Rome 20. 25. ye all shall s. my face no more, 38. 22. 14. and a. that just One|| 28. 20. to s. you Rom. 1.11 . 1 long to s. you || 7.23. 1 s. another law 15. 21. they shall s. || 24. 1 trust to a. you in my 1 Cor. 8. 10. if any s. |i 2 Cor. 8. 7. s. ye abound Eph. 3. 9. to make all s. || 5. 15. *. that ye walk Phil. 1. 27. a. you or be absent || 2. 23. as 1 5. Iiow 1 Thes. 2. 17. to s. your face || 3. 6. greatly to s. us 5. 15. a. none render evil || lTira.6. 16. nor can s. 2 Tim. 1. 4. desiring to s. \\ Heb. 8. 5. s. thou make Heb. 12. 14. *. the L. |j 25. s- ye refuse notj| 13.23. lPet.l.22.s.ye love oneanother||3.10.5.good days Ijohn 5. 16.5. his brother sin I) 3johnl4. .shortly 5. Rev. 1. 7. every eye shall 5 himjj 12. 1 turned to s. 3 18. thou may est s. || 6. 6. s. thou hurt not oil 11. 9. 8. tlieir dead bodies || 16. 15. a. his shame 18. 7. 8. no sorrow II 9. s. smoke of her burning 19. 10. he said to me, s. thou do it not, 22. 9. 22. 4. and they shall a. his face, and his name in SEE not, or not SEE. Gen. 21. 16. | 27. 1. | 43. 3. I 44. 26. I 48. 10. Exod. 33. W. Num. 11. 15. I 14. 23. I 23. 13. Deut. 22. 1, 4. 1 Sam. 3. 2. | 4. 15. 2 Sam. 3. 13. | 14. 24. 1 Kings 14. 4. 2 Kings 3. 17. | 22. 20. Job 9. 11. I 20. 17.4 22. 11. 1 23. 9. I 34. 32. | 35 14. 137.21. Psal. 49. 9.1 58.8. | 69.23. j 74. 9. I 89. 48. I 94. 7, 9. 1 115. 5. 1 135. 16. Isa. 26.11.1 30. 10. I 33.19. I 38. 11. I 44.9,18. Jer. 5. 21. 1 12. 4. | 14. 13. [ 17. 6, 8. | 23. 24. Ezek. 12. 6, 12, 13. Dan. 5. 23. Zeph. 3. 15. Matt. 13. 13. I 23. 39. [ 24. 2. Mark 8. 18, Luke 2. 26. | 8. 10. | 17. 22. John 3. 3, 36. I 9. 39. I 12. 40. 1 16. 16. I 18. 26. Acts 22. 11. Rom. 11. 8, 10. 1 Cor. 16. 7» Heb. 2. 8. 1 11. 5. 1 Pet. 1. 8. 2 Pet. 1. 9. We SEE. Gen. 37. 20. Psal. 36- 9. Jer. 5. 12, I 42. 14. Mark 15. 32- John 9. 41. Rom. 8. 25. 1 Cor. 13. 12. 1 Thes. 3. 10. Heb. 2. 9. i 3. 19. 1 John 3- 2. Ye SEE, or SEE ye. Exod. 14. 13. | 16. 7. Josh. 3. 3. 1 Sam. 10. 24. 2 Chr. 29. 8. | 30. 7. Neh. 2. 17. Job 6. 21. Song 6. 13. Isa. 6. 9. I 18. 3. I 42. 18. | 66. 14. Jer. 2. 3U I 42. 18. Ezek. IS. 23. [ 14. 22, 23. Dan. 2.8. Matt. IS. 17. | 24. 2, 33. | 26. 64. | 27. 24. I 28. 7. Luke 12. 54, 55. | 13. 28. j 21. 20, 30. I 24. 39. John 1. 51. I 4.48. | 6. 62.. ! u. 19. 1 16, 10, i§. i 17. 19. Acts f. as. SEE SEE 25.24. iCor. 1. Heb. 10. 1^5. 26. Gal. Jam. 2. Acts3. lC.i!9.26. 1 6. 11. Pliil. 2. 28. 24. 1 Pet. 1. 8. SEED, .s. is put for, [1") That spirituous humour in miai's body which is fitted for generation, Gen. 38. 9. [2] That matter which in all plants and fruits is disposed for the propagation of the Ajiecies, Gen. 1. 11. [3] Posterittj, Gen. 17. 7. 8. [4] Jesus Christ, Gen. 12. 13. Gal. 3. 16.' [5] fhe word of God, Luke 8.11. 1 Pet. 1. 23. [6"] IVorks if mercy, Eccl. 11. 6. Gen. 1. 11. bring- fortii herbs yielding s. 12, 29. . o. 15. put enmity between ttiy 5. and her s. 4. 25. another s. \\ 7. 3. to keep s. alive upon 9. 9. your s. Exod. 32. 13. Lev. 22. 3. Isa. 66. 22. 12. 7\ to thy s, will I give this land, 13. 13. | 15. 18. 1 17^ 8. I 24. 7. 1 26.3.1 28.4, 13. | 35. 12. I 48. 4. Exod. 33. 1. Deut. 34. 4. 13. 1 6. I'll make thy 5. as dust, 16. 10. 1 28. 14. 13. 3. to me oiven no s.\\ 5. so shall thy ^. be 17. 19. estab. my covenant with Isaac, and his s. 19.32. preserve s.]l21.12. s. be called,Heb.ll.l8. 22. 18. in thys. blessed, 26.4. 1^8.14. Acts 3.25. 38. 8. marry her, and raise up s. to thy brother, Matt. 22. 24, Mark 12. 19. Luke 20. 28. 9. s. siiould not be his||46. 6. all his s. 7. 48. 11. shewed nie thy s. || 19. his s. become Exod. 28. 43. a statute'^to his s. after him, 30. 21. Lev. 15. 16. s. of copulation |) 21, 21. s. of Aaron 27. 1 6. an homer of barley s. valued at 50 shekels Num. 5. 28. shai! conceive s. \\ 14.24. s. possess 24. 7. 5. in many waters |! 25. 13-. s. after him Deut. 1. 8. to give it to their s. after them, 11. 9. 4.37. chose their s. 10. I5.|j28. 38. much s. 28. 59. plagues of thy s. \\ 30. 6. s. to love the L. 30 1 9. s. may live j| 31 . 21. mouths of their s. Ruth 4. 12. s. the Lord sliall give of this woman 1 Sam. 2. 20. Lord dve thee s.\\ 8. 15. tenth of s. 20. 42. Lord be between my s. and thy s. 24. 21. 2 Sam. 7. 12. 1 will set up thy s. 1 Chr. 17. 11. 22. 51. to David and his 5. for ever, Psal. 18. 50. 1 Kin. 2. 33. on head of Joab and his s. for ever 11. 39. afflicts, of Dav. II 18. 32. two meas. of s. 2Kin. 5. 27. cleave to thy s, || 1 1 . i. s, royal, 25. 25. 17. 20. the Lord rejected all the s. of Israel iChr. IG. 13.0ye5.ofIsr.l|Ezra2. 59. Neh.7. 61. Ezra 9. 2. holy s. \\ Neh. 9. 8. to give it his s. Esth. 6. 13. s. of Jews |) 9. 28. nor perish from s. 10. 3. speaking peace to s. \\ Job 5.25. s. be great Job 21 . 8. 5. is established || 39. 12. bring thy s. Psal. 21. 10. 5. destroy || 22. 23. all ye s. of Jacob 30. a s. shall serve him jj 25. 13. his s. inherit 57. 25. nor his s. begging || 26. liis s. is blessed 89. 29. his s. endure, 36. || 102. 28. s. established 112. 2. s. be mighty (| 126. 6. bearing precious s. Prov. 11. 21. s. of righteous shall be delivered Eccl. 11. 6. sow thy s.||Isa. 1.4. s. of evil-doers Isa. 6. 13. holy s. || 43. 5. I will bring thy 5. from 44. S. Spirit on thy s. \\ 48. 19. s. had been as 53. 10. see his 5. j|54. 3. thy s. inherit Gentiles 55. 10. s. to the sower II 59. 21. nor thy seed's s. 61. 9. s- be known jj 65. 23. the s. of the blessed Jer. 22. 30. for no man of his s. shall prosper 31. 27. s. of man, s. of beast !| 37. cast off s. of • S3. 26. not take his s. \\ 35. 7. nor sow s. nor 36. 31. punish his a. jj 49. 10. his 5. is spoiled Dan. 2. 43. e. of men |j 9. 1. the s. ©f the Medes Joel 1. 17. s. is rotten || Hag. 2 19. is «. in bam Zech. 8.12. s. be prosperous j| Mal.2.15. a godly ^i Matt. 13. 19. receive s. 20. || 27. good s. 37, 38. Mark 4. 26. if a man should cast s. in the ground Lukel.55. Abraham's S.John 8.33, 37. Rom. 4.13. 8. 11. the s. is the word|| Acts 7. 5. his s. 6. Rom. 1.3. made ofthes. of David, 2 Tun. 2.8. 4. 16. sure to all his s. || 9. 8. counted for the s. 9. 29. had left us a s.\\ 11. 1. of s. of Abraham 1 Cor. 15. 38. and to every s. his own body 2 Cor. 9. 10. ministereth s.|| 11. 22. s. of Abraham Gal. 3. 16. thy s. which is C. || 19. s. should come Heb. 11.11. to conceives. II 18. in Isaac shall thy s. 1 Pet. 1. 23. born again, not of corruptible s. but 1 John 3. 9. s. remainetli || Rev. 12. 17. of her s. Your SEED. Exod. 32. 13. land give to -s. Lev. 22. 3. ofall-s. || Isa. 66. 22. -s. remain SEED-Tiwf, s. Gen. 8. 22. s.- and harvest, and SEEDS,.?. Deut. 22.9. divers s. II Isa. 59. 21.s.seed Matt. 1 3. 4. some s. fell, 32. Mark 4. 31. |] Gal. 3. 16. SEEING, p. Exod. 4. 11. who maketli the s. or Prov. 20. 12. the Lord raaketh the s. eye Eccl. 1. 8. the eye is not satisfied with 5. nor ear Isa. 21. 3. dismayed at the s. jj 33. 15. from s. evil 42. 20. s. many things || Ezek. 22. 28. s. vanity Matt. 9. 2. s. their faith |) 13. 14. s. ye shall see John 9. 7. he went and washed, and came s. Acts 3. 3. s. Peter and John || 8. 6. s. the miracles 9. 7. s. no man || 13. 11. blind, not s. the sun Heb. 11. 27. endured as s. him, who is invisible 2 Pet. 2. 8. in s. and hearmg, vexed his righteous SEEK, V. Gen. 43. 18. may s. occasion against us Num. 16. 10. s. ye the priesthood || 24. 1. not to s. Deut. 4. 29. if thou s. him with all thy heart, 1 Chr. 28. 9. 2Chr.l5.2.Prov.8. 17. Jer.29. 13. 1 Sam. 9. 3. s. the asses || 23. 15. to s. his life, 25. 25. 26. s. evil to my lord|| 26. 20. to s. a flea 28. 7. 3. me a w'oman || 2 Sam. 5. 17. to s. David 1 Kings 18. 10. sent to s. jj 19. 10. s. my life, 14. 2 Kings 2. 16. s. thy master|| 6. 19. to man ye s. 2 Chr. 19. 3. prepared thy heart to 5. God, 30. 19. 31. 21. to 5. his God || 34. 3. Josiah began to s. Ezra 4. 2. we s. your God || 7. 10. prepared to s. 8, 21. s. of him a right way for us and our, 22. Neh. 2. 10. come a man to s. the welfare of Israel Job 5. 8. 1 would s. to God || 7. 21. shall s. me 8. 5. if 5. to God betimes 11 20. 10. s. to please Psal. 4. 2. s. leasing 1 1 9. 10. not forsaken that s. 10. 15. s. out his wick' dness || 14. 2. s. G. 53. 2. 22. 26. they shall praise the Lord that s. him 24.6. generation that s.\\ 27. 4, that will I s. after 27. 8. s. ye my face, thy face. Lord, will I s. 34, 14. s. peace, and pursue it, 1 Pet. 3. 11. 35. 4. s. my soul. 38. 12. j 40. 14. | 54. 3. j 63. 9. I 70. 2, I 71. 13, 24. 63. 1. early will I s. || 69. 6. that s. tliee be conf. 69. 32. live that s. Godjj 70. 4. s. thee rejoice 83. 16. may s. thy name|| 104-21. young lions s. 109. 10. s. their bread || 119. 2. blessed that s. 119. 4.5. T s. thy precepts || 176, s. thy servant 122.9.becauseof house of LordjI will s.thy good Prov. 1. 28. shall s. me\\ 8. 17. that *. me early 21. 6. s. death || 23. 30. s. mixtwinejl 35. s. again 29. 10. just s. his soul II 26. s. the ruler's favour Eccl. 1.13.S. wisdom, 7. 25. || 8. 17. labour to s. Song 3, 2. 1 will 5. him |j 6. 1. we may s. him with Isa. 1. 17, s. judgnient ii 8.19. s. to their God SEE Isa. 11.10. Gentiles *. || 19. 3. s. to the charmers 2G. 9. s. thee early ||34. 16. s. out of book of 41. 12. s. and not find || 17. needy s. water and 45. 19. s. ye me in vain || 51, 1. s. the Lord 55. 6. s. ye the Lord |j 58. 2. 5. me daily, and Jer. 2. 24. s. her m her month |j 33. to s. love ? 4. 30. s. thy hfe, 11. 21. | 19. 7, 9. j 21. 7. i 22. 25. I 38. 16. I 34. 20, 21. | 44. 30. 29. 7. 5. peace of city |( 13. s. me and find me 46. 26. to those that 5. their lives, 49. 37. Lam. 1. 11. s. bread |) Ezek. 7. 25. shall s. peace E/ek. 7. 26. s. a vision jj 34. 6. none did s. after I 34. 11. I'll both search my sheep, and s. 12, 16. Dan. 9.3. to s. by prayer [j Hos. 2. 7. s. but not Amos 5. 4. s. me and ye shall live, 6, 8, 14. 8. 12. s. the word of the Lord and not find it Nah. 3. 7. whence «. comforters I) 11. s. strength Zeph. 2. 3. s. ye the Lord||Zech. il. l6.shallnot s. Zech. 12. 9. m that day I'll s. to destroy nations Mai. 2. 7. s. the law |' 15. might 5. a godly seed Matt. 2. 13. 5. young child || 6. 32. do Gentiles s. 6. 33. s. first the kingdom of God, Luke 12. 31. 7. 7. s. and ye shall find, knock and, Luke 11.9. 28. 5. for I know that ye s. Jesus, Mark 16. 6. Mark 1. 37. s. for thee, 3. 32. |j 8. 1 2. *. a sign Luke 13. 24.8. to enter in || 15. 8. s. diligently 17. 33. 8. to save his hfe|) 19. 10. to s.and save 24. 5 why 3. ye tlie living among the dead Joiin 1. 38. what5. ye|j6. 26. yes. me, not because 7- 25. s. to kill (I 34. ye shall s. me, and, 36. 8. sil. ye shall, s. me, 13. 33. \\ 8. 37. s. to kill 18. 4. Jesus said to them, whom, s. ye, 7, 8. Acts 10. 19. three men s. thee, 21.JI11. 25. s.Saiil Rom. 2. 7. s. for glory || 11. 3. they s. my hfe 1 Cor. 1 . 22. Greeks s. wisdom || 10. 24. s. own 14. 12. s. ye may excel |j 2 Cor. 13. 3. s. a proof Gal. 1. 10. s. to please men |) 2. 17. if while we s. Pliil 2.21. all 5. their own|{Col. 3.1.5. things above Heb. 11. 6. he is a rewarder of them that s. him 14. declare plainly that they s. a country 13. 14. here we have no city, but s. one to come Rev. 9. 6. in those days shall men s. death and See Face, Lord. Not SEEK, or SEEK not. Lev. 13. 36. | 19. 31. ISum. 15. 39. Dent. 23. 6. Ruth 3.1. Ezra 9. 12. Psal. 10.4. I 119. 155. Jer. 30. 14. I 44. 5. Amos 5. 5. Zech. 11. 16. Luke 12. 29. John 5. 30, 44. | 8. 50. 1 Cor. 7. 27. 2 Cor. 12. 14. SEEKEST, V. Gen. 37. 15. what s. thou? Judge. 4. 22. I'll shew thee the man thou s. 2 Sam. 17. 3. man thou 5. |i 20. 19. s. to destroy 1 Kings 11. 22. s. to go |j Prov. 2. 4. s. as silver Jer. 45. 5. s. thou great things? seek them not John 4. 27. what s. thou || 20. 15. whom s. thou SEEKETH, I'. 1. Sam. 19. 2. Saul s. to kill thee 20. 1. s. my life, 22. 2.3. 2 Sam. 16. 11. 23. 10. s. to destroy || 24. 9. David s. thy hurt 1 Kings 20. 7. this man s. mischief, 2 Kings 5. 7. Job 39. 29. she s. the prey||Pjsal. 37. 32. s. to slay Prov. 11. 27. s. good procureth favour, but he 14.6. s. wisdom II 13. 14 knowledge, 18. 15. 17. 9.S. love II 11. rebellion || 19. s. destruction 18. 1. s. all wisdom II 31. 13. s. wool and flax Ecd. 7. 28. s. but I find not || Isa. 40. 20. he^. to Jer. 5. 1. s. truth||30. 17. Zion, whomno man s. 38. 4. 8, not ATelfare Ij Lanj. 3. 25, seal that e. SEE 5^7 Ezek. 14. 10. s. to him i| 34. 12. as a shepherd 9. Matt. 7. 8. and he that s. fiudeth, Luke 11. 10. 12.39.S. a sign, 16.4. |j 18. 12.1eaveth 99 aud^. John 4. 23. s. such to worship || 7. 18. s. glory 8. 50. one that s. || Rom. 3. 11. none that s. God Rom, 11. 7. which he s. for||l Cor. 13. 5. charity s. SEEKING,;). Esth. 10.3. s. the wealth of his p. Isa. 16. 5. s. judgment || Matt. 13. 45. s. pearls Matt. 12. 43. s. rest,findeth none, Luke 11. 24. Mark 8. 11. 5. a sign || Luke 2. 45. back s. him Luke 11. 54. 5. to catch|| 13. 7. I come s. fruit John 6. 24. and came to Capernaum s. for Jesus Acts 13, 8. s. to turn deputy||ll. s. some to lead 1 Cor. 10. 33. not s. profit |j 1 Pet. 5. S.s. whom SEEM, V. Gen. 27. 12. I shall s. as a deceiv:er Deut. 15. 18. not ff.hard|| 25. 3.s. vile to thee Josh. 24. 15. if it s. evil |j Neh. 9. 32. s. little Esth. 8. 5. if 5. right || Nah, 2. 4. s. like torches 1 Cor. 11. 16. 5. contentious Ij 12. 22. s, feeble Heb. 4. 1. s, to come shorty Jam. 1. 26. s. religious See Good. SEEMED, p. Gen. 19. 14. s. as one that mocked 29. 20. s. a few days{| Eccl. 9. 13. it s. great Jer. 27. 5. s. meet || Luke 24. 11. s. as idle tales Gal. 2. 6. s. to be somewhat |j 9. s. to be pillars ^ SEEMETH, V. Num. 16. 9. s. it a small thing 1 Sam. 18. 23. s. it hght to be a king's son-in-law Prov. 14. 12. s. right, Ifi. 25. || 18. 17. s.just Ezek. 34. 18. s. it a small thing to have eaten up Luke 8 1 8. from him be taken what he s. to have Acts 17. 18. s. asetter forth |! 25. 27. s. unreason. 1 Cor. 3. 18. 6'. to be wise || Heb. 12. 11 s. joyous See Good. SEEMLY. Prov. 19- 10. not s. for a fool, 26, 1. SEEN, c. Gen. 31. 42. s. my aftiiction and labour Num. 14. 22.5. my glory || 23. 21. s perverseness Deut. 1. 31. hast s. how the L. bare thee, 3. 21. 11. 7. s. the great acts || 33. 9. I've not s. him Josh. 24. 7. your eyes have s. what, Judg. 2. 7. Judg. 13.22. we have s. God|| 18. 9. s. the land 1 Kings 20. 13. hast s- all this great multitude 2 Kings 20. 15. what have they s. Isa. 39. 4. Ezra 3. 12. that had s. the first house, wept Job 8. 1 8. his place say, I've not s. thee, 20. 7. 28. 7. vulture's eye not s.jl38. 17. hast thou s. 22. Psal. 10. 14. thou hast s. it, 35. 22. || 48. 8. we s. 68. 24. s. thy goings jj 98. 3. ends of earth s. Isa. 6. 5. s. the Lord || 9. 2. have s. great light 66. 8. who hath s. \\ 19. not 5. my glory, and Jer. 1.12. hast well 5. j) 3. 6. hast thou s. that 12. 3. s. me, and tried || Lam.l. 8.J2. 14.13. 60. Ezek. 8. 12. s. what the ancients do, 15. [ 47. 6. 13. 6. s. vanity, 7. |j Dan. 9. 21. Gabriel, I had s. Zech. 10. 2. ff. alie 1| Matt. 2. 2. s. his star in Matt. 13. 17. have not s. them, Luke 10. 24, 21. 32. and ye, when ye had s. it, repented not Mark 9. 1. till they have s. the kingdom of Ga,d Luke 1. 22. s. a vision \\ 2. 26. s. Lord's Christ 5. 26. 5. strange things || 24. 23. s. a vision, 37. John 1. 18. no man hath s. God, 1, John 4. 12. 3. 11. testify that we have s. 32. Acts 4. 20. 5. 37. not s. his shape, 6. 46. || 6. 14. 5. miracle 8. 57. hath s. Abraham \\ 9. 37. hast both s. him 11. 45. s. what Jesus did ||14. 9, s. the Father 15. 24. 5. and hated I| 20. 18. s. the Lord, 25. 20. 29. because thou hast s. thou hast beUeved Acts 9. 12. *. in a visioa jl 27. had s. tlie Lord SEE SEL Acts, tl. 13. fl.an angell]23. s. the grace of God 16. 10. 9. the vision |] 40. had s. the brethren 22. 15. be witness of wiiat thou hast a. 26. 16. 1 Cor. 2. 9. eye hath not s. || 9. 1. 1 not s. Christ Phil. 4. 9. *. in me, do (j Col. 2. 1. have not s. 18. 1 Tim. 6. 16. whom no man hath s. nor can see 1 John 1. 1. which we have s. 2, 3. || 3. 6. not s. 4. 14. s. do testify |) 20. love God he hath nots. 3 John II. he that doeth evil hath not 3. God Rev. 1. 19. write things hast «. || 22. 8. I had s. Have I SEEN. Gen. 7. 1. 1 Chr. 29- 17. Psal. 37. 25. Eccl. 7. 15. | 8.9. j 9.13. Jer. 46,5. Zech. 9. 8. 1 have SEEN. Gen. 31. 12. | 32. 30. | 33. 10. Exod. 3. 7, 9. I 32. 9. Deut. 9. 13. Judg. 6. 22. I 14. 2. 1 Sam. 16. 18. 2 Kings 9. 26. |20.5. Job4. 8. [5.3. I 15.17. j 31. 19. Psal. 37. 35. I 55.9. | 63. 2. | 119. 96. Eccl. 1. 14. 3. 10. I 5. 13, 18. 1 6. l.|10. 5, 7.| Isa. 38. 5. 44. 16.157. 18. Jer. 7. 11. 1 13. 27. | 23. 13, 14. Lam. 3. 1. Dan. 2. 26. j 4. 9, 18. Hos. 6. 10. John 8. 38. Acts 7. 34. Ye have SEEN. Gen. 45. 13. Exod. 14. 13. j 19. 4. I 20. 22. Deut. 29. 2, 17. Josh. 23. 3. Judg. 9. 48. 1 Sam. 17. 25. Job 27. 12. Isa. 22. 9. Jer. 44. 2. Ezek. 13. 8. Luke 7. 22. John 6. 36. | 8. 38. J 14. 7. Acts 1. 11. Jam. 5. 11. SEEN, (passively.) Gen. 22. 14. in mount be s. Exod. 33. 23. face not be s. || 34. 3. nor man be s. 2 Sam. 22. 11. s. on wings of the wind||Ps. 18. 15. Isa. 47. 3. shame be s. |) 60. 2. his glory be s. on Matt. 6. I. to be.«. of men, 23.5.i|9. 33. never so s. Acts 1. 3. being s. of them forty days, 13. 31. Kom. I. 20. clearly a. |j 8. 24- hope that is s. is 1 Cor. 15.5. s. of Cephas, 6. |) 8. s. of me also 2 Cor. 4. 18. not at things s. but things not s. 1 Tim. 3. 16. 5. ofangels|jHeb. 11. 1. things not s. Heb. 11.3. are s.\\7. things not 5.||i3. s. afar oft 1 Pet. 1. 8. having not s. \\ Rev. 11.19. was s. in SEER,.4 prophett hat knew secrets,andfutureevents. 1 Sam. 9. 9. let us go to the s. || 19. 1 am the s. 2 Sam. 1 5. 27. art not thou a s. | j 24. 1 1. David's s. 1 Chr. 9. 22. Samuel the s. 26. 28.||25. 5. Heman 29. 29. written in the book of Gad the s. 2 Chr. 9. 29. Iddo the s. 12. 15. |) 16. 7. Hanani 19. 2. Jehu II 29. 25. the king's 5. 35. 15. 29. 30. Asaph the s. |j Amos 7. 12. O thou s. flee SEERS, s. 2 Kings 17. 13. testified by the s. 2 Chr. 33.18. words ofs. 19.|jlsa. 29.10. s. covered Isa. 30. 10. to s. see not || Mic. 3. 7. s. be ashamed SEEST, V. Gen. 13. 15. land thou s. I give it 16. 13. thou G. e. me. (j Exod. 10. 28 s. my face Deut. 4. 19. when s. sun || 21. 11. g. a beautiful 1 Kin. 21. 29. s. how AhablJJob 10. 4. or s. thou Prov. 22. 29. s. a man diligent |j 29. 20. hasty Isa. 58. 3. thou *. not || 7. when s. the naked Jer. 1. 11. word came to Jeremiah, what g. thou, 13. I 24. 3. Amos 7. 8. j 8. 2. Zech. 4. 2. | 5. 2. 20. 12. s. reins || 32. 24. behold, thou e. it Ezek. 8. 6. e. thou what they do || 40. 4. all Mark 5.31.S. multitude || 13. 2. e. buildings? Acts 21. 20. s. thou how many thousands believe Jam. 2. 22. s.how faith || Rev. 1. 11. s. write in SEETH, V. Exod. 12. 23. when he s. the blood 1 Sam. 1 6.7. Lord s. not as man s. he looks Job 28, 24. and ke 9. under thq wrhole heaven Job 34. 21.5. all his goings jf 42. 5. eyes &. thee Psal. 37. 13. s. that his day||49. 10. s. that wise die Eccl. 8. 16. nor s. sleep || Isa. 29. 15. who «. us. Isa. 47. 10. none s. me, Ezek. 8. 12. | 9. 9. Matt. 6. 4. s. in secret, 6, l8.)|Luke 16. 23. s. Abr. John 1. 29. Johns. Jesus |{ 5. 19. s- the Father do 6. 40. s. the Son || 9. 21. by wliat means he s. 10. 12. 5. the wolf II 1 1. 9. he s. the liglit of 12. 45. he that s. me || 14. 17. it s. him not 14. 19. s. me no more || 20. 12. s. two angels 21 . 20. s. the disciple whom Jesus loved, follow.- SEETHE,«. To boil, Exod. 16.23.|23.19.|29. 31. I 34. 26. Deut. 14. 21. 2 Kings4. 38. Ezek. 24. 5. Zech. 14. 21. SEETHING. I.Sam. 2. 13. Job 41. 20. Jer. 1. 13. SEGUB, 31ade strong, or exalted. 1 Kings 16.34. 1 Chr. 2. 21, 22. SEIR, Hairy, goat, devil, tempest. Gen, 33. 14. Gen. 32.3.unto the land of S. the country of Edom 36. 20. these are the sons of S. 21. 1 Chr, 1. 38. Num. 24. 18. S. shall be a possession for enemies Deut. 1.44.destroyed you in S'.||33.2. rose from S. Judg. 5. 4. Lord, wnen thou weutest out of .S. 2 Clir. 20. 23. an end of S.||25. 11. smote of S. 14- Isa. 21, 11. callethto me out of S.|| Ezek. 25. 8. Mount SEIR. Gen. 14. 6. Horites in their - S. S6. 8. dwelt Esau in - S. \\ Deut. 2. 1. compassed Deut. 2. 5. 1 have given - S. to Esau, Josh. 24. 4. 1 Chr. 4. 42. of sons of Simeon 500 went to - S. 2 Chr. 20. 22. set ambushments against - S. 23. Ezek. 35. 2. set thy face against- .S. 3. 7, 15. SEIRATH, as SEIR. Judg. 3. 26. SEIZE, ED,|>. Josh. 8. 7. s. upon the city Job 3. 6. let darkness*. |j Psai. 55. 15. let death s, Jer. 49. 24. fear hath s. || Matt. 21. 38. s. inherit. SELA, A rock. 1. Kings 14. 7. Isa. 16. 1. SELAH, Is a word found seventy-four times in the Book of Psalms, and thrice in Haoakkuk. Some think it signifies a rest or pause in singing, or a change of tone ; or, as others, the elevation of the voice, or an high note. Also, for ever, or, so be it. But it is in general concluded, that it properly signifies the end or pause. See Psal. 3. 2- 4, 8. | 4. 2, 4. | 7. 5. | 9. 16, ^c. SELA-HAMMA-LEKOTH, The rock of divi- sions. A place, 1 . Sam. 23. 28. SEEED, Ajfiiction, or rest. 1 Chr. 2.30. SELEUCIA, Troubled. Acts 13. 4. SELF-same, Matt. 8. 13. 1 Cor. 12. 11. 2 Cor. 5. 5. for the s. saine thing, 7. 11. SEEF-mil. Gen. 49. 6. in their s. will they SEEF-willed. Tit. 1.7. 2 Pet. 2. 10. Own SELF. Exod. 32. 13. John 5. SO. | 17. 5. 1 Cor. 4. 3. Philem. 19. 1 Pet. 2.24. SELL, V. Gen. 25. 31. s. me thy birth-right 37. 27. let us s. him |j Exod. 21. 7. if a man s. Exod. 21. 8. not s. her to a strange nation 21. 35. e. the live ox || 22. 1. and kill it, or s. it Lev. 25. 29. if a man *. a dwelhng-house in 47. if thy brother s. himself to the stranger Deut. 2. 28. s. me meat || 14. 21. s to an alien 21, 14. not s. herfor money || Judg. 4. 9. s. Sisera 1 Kin. 21. 25. Ahab did s. || 2 Kin. 4. 7. s. the oil Neh. 5. 8. will ye s. your brethren |j 10. Sl.to s. Prov, 23.23, buy the truth, s. it not, also wisdom Ezek. 30. 12. s. jandl|48. l4. not s. first-fruits Joel 3. 8. I'll e. your eons into the hand of Judali 1 SEN SEN 511 Amos 8. 5. new-moon gone that we may s. 6. Zech. 11,5. and they thatsay, s. them, I am rich Matt. 19.21. go s. \iark 10.21. Luke 12.33.|18.22. 25. 9. go rather to them that s. and buy for Luke 22. 36. s. his garment, and buy a sword Jam. 4. 13. buy ands.|| Rev. 13. 17. buy or 5. SELLER, S, s. Neh. 13. 20. s. lodged without Jer. Isa. 24-. 2. so with 5. || Ezek. 7. 12. nor 5. mourn Ezek. 7. 1 3. .s. not retnrnlj Acts 16. 1 4. s. of purple SELLEST, r. Psal. 44.1 2.5. thv people for nought SELLETH,r. Exod. 21. 16./. hmi, Deut.24. 7. Ruth 4. 3. he said, Naomi s. a parcel of land Prov. 11.26. a. corn|j 31. 24. linen and s. it Nail. 3. 4. s. nations j| Matt. 13. 44. he s. all SELVEDGE, s. Exod. 26. 4. 1 36. 11. SELVES. Psal. 100. 3. not we ours, we are his Rom, 8. 23. even we our s. groan within our s. 2 Cot. 1. 9. not trust in our s. but in God who 3. 5. not sufficient of our s. to think any thing 4. 5. preach not our s. || 7. 1. cleanse our s. 10.12. or compare our 5.|]13. 5. examine your s Eph. 2. 8. not of your s. \\ 1 Thes. 5. 2, 11,13, 15- Heb. 13. 17. submit your s. Jam. 4. 7. 1 John5.2l.keepyour s.||2 JohnS.look to yours. SEMAIAH, Joining. 1 Chr. 3. 22. SEMATHLA, Joi«tJ to the Lord. 1 Chr. 26. 7. SEMEI, Hearing, or obeying . Luke 3. 26. SENAAH, A bramble, or enemy. Ezra 2. 35. Neh. 7. 38. SENATE. Acts 5. 21. called all the s. of Israel SENATORS, Elders. Psal. 105. 22. SEN D, V. Gen. 24. 7. shall 5. his angel, 40. 12. s.rae good speed |j 54. 3. me away, 56. SO. 25. s. me away || 38. 17. 5. thee a kid 42. 16. s. one of you || 43. 8.5. the lad with 45. 5. God did s. me before you to preserve life Exod. 4. 13. s. by the hand || 12. 33. s. them out 33. 12. not let me know whom thou wilt s. Lev. 16. 21. 5. goat away |j 26. 36. s. a faintness Num. 13. 2. s. men to search || 31. 4. s. to war Dent. 1. 22. we'll s. men || 7. 20. s. the hornet 11. 15. rii s. grass [1 19. 12. elders shall s. and 24. 1, s. her out || 28. 20. s. cursing, 32. 24. 1 Sam. 5. U.S. away the ark of God, 6. 2, 8. 9. 16. I'll s. thee a man || 26. 1 may s. thee a\vay 16. U.S. fetch David, 19. || 20. 12. and I s. no't 21. 2. business whereabout I s. || 25. 25. didst s. 3 Sam, 11. 6. s. me Uriah || 14. 32. 1 may s. thee 15. 36. by them s. to mel|l7. 16, s. quickly, tell 1 Kin. 18. 1. I'll s. ram || 20. 6. s. my servants 20. 9. s. for I'll do jj 34. I'll s. thee 'a\vay with 2 Kings 2. 16. ye shall nots. [| 17. he said, 5 they 5. 7. doth «.to me ? || 6. 13. spy, I may s.and 7. 13. let us s. and see || 9. 17. s to meet Jehu 15. 37. to 3. against Judah |j 19. 7. s. a blast 1 Chr. 13. 2. let us a. a broad to our brethren 3 Chr. 6. 27. and s. rain|j7. 13. if I s. pestilence Ezra 5. 17. let the king s. his pleasure to us Neh. 2. 5. s. me to Judah |i 8. 12. s. portions Job 21. 11. s. forth little ones j| 38. 35. s.lishtning Psal. 20. 2. s. thee help ji 43 3. O s. out thy light 57. 3. s.frora heaven || 68. 9 didst s. rain 68. 33. s. out his voice 1| 1 10. 2. s. the rod of 118. 25. s. prosperity || 144. 7. s. tliy hand from Prov. 10. L'6. s. him, 25. 13. || 22. 21. s. to thee Isa. 6. 8. whom shall I s. here am I, s. me 10. 6. «. hun against an l| 16. Lord s. leanness Isa. 16. 1. 5. ye the lamb !! 19. 20. «. a Saviotir 32. 20. s. forth thither jj 66. 19. I'll s. those Jer. 1. 7. to all I 5. thee|j8. 17. I'll s. serpents 9. 16. «. a sword, 24. 10.|25. 16.|29. 17.|49. 37. 16. 16. s. for fishers || 25. 15. all to whom I «. 27. 3. s. the yokes || 42. 5.9. thee to us, 6. 48. 12. I'll s. wanderers || 51. 2. I'll s. fanners Ezek. 2. 3. 1 s. thee to the children of Israel, 4. 14. 21. when I s. my four sore judgments Joel 2. 19. I'll 5. corn'll Amos 8. 11. s. a famine Mai. 2. 2. I'll s. a curse j| 3. 1. s. my messenger 4. 5. behold I will s. you Elijah the prophet Matt. 9. 38. s. forth labourers into, Luke 10. 2. 10. 16. 5. you as sheep jj 34. to s. peace on earth 11. 10. s. my messenger, Mark 1. 2. Luke 7. 27. 12. ,0. s. forthjudgmentjj 13. 41. s. angels 15. 23. s. her away || 32. not s. them fasting 23. 34. 1 s. you prophets and, Luke 11. 49. Mark 3. 14. he might s. them to preach, 6. 7. 5. 12. s. us into swine || 12. 13. they s. to him Luke 16. 24. s. Lazarus || 27. s. to ray father's ' 20. 13. s. my son II 24.49. I s. the promise of John 14. 26. Comf Father will s. 15. 26. | 16. 7. 17. 8. thou didst s. me j| 20. 21. even so 9. I yoti Acts 3. 20. he shall s. Jesus|l7. 35. same did God 5. 10. 5. s. men to Joppa, 32. | 11. 13. f|29. relief 15. 22. s. chosen men, 25. |j22. 21. s. thee far 25. 21. 1 s. him to Cesar jJ 26. 17. now I s. thee 1 Cor. 16. 3. them I'll s.jj Phil. 2. 19, 23, 25. 2 Thes. 2. 11. s. delusions ||Tit. 3. 12. s. Artemas Jam. 3. 11. a fountain s.j I Rev. 1. 11. j 11. 10. See Fire. SENDEST, r. Deut 15. 13. s. him out free, 18. Josh. 1. 16. s, us we will go || 2Kin. 1. 6. thou s. Job 14. 20. s. him awav || Psal. 104. 30. s. spirit SENDETH, I*. Deut."'24. 3. if husband s. her oat 1 Kin. 17. 14. till the day that the Lord s. rain Job 5. 10. who s. waters (( 12. 15. he s. them out Psal. 104. 10. s. springsjjl47. 15. *. command, 18. Prov. 26. 6. s. a message || Song 1. 12. s. smell Isa. 18. 2. 3. ambassadors || Matt. 5. 45. s. rain Mark 11. l.s.two, 14.13.||Acts 23. 26. s. greeting SENDING, p. 2 Sara, 13. 6. this evil in s. me 2Chr. 36. 15. s. his messengers. Jer. 7. 25. | 25. 4. I 26. .5. j 29. 19. | 35. 15. | 44. 4. Esth. 9. 19 s. portionsjiPsal 78.49. s. evil angels Isa. 7. 25. s. forth oxen || Rom. 8. 3. s. his son SENEH, Bush. A rock, 1 Sam. 14.4. SENIR, A candle, or teacher. Ezek. 27. 5. SENNACHERIB, Bramble of destruction, 2 Kin. 18. 13. i 19.16,36. 2 Chr. 32.1. Isa. 36. 1. SENSE, 5. Or meaning of scripture, Neh. 8. 8. SENSES, s. Heb.5.14. s.exercised to discern both SENSUAL. Jam. 3. 15. s. devihsh, Jude 19. SEN T p. Gen. 3. 23. s. him from garden of Eden 8. 7. Noah s. forth a ravenjj 8. he s. forth a dove 21. 14. s. her away jj 25. 6. Abrah. s. them away 32. 23. brook, and s. over j| 58. 23. s. this kid 45. 7. God s. me 11 27. waggons Jo.seph s. to Exod. 2. 5. s. her maid |) 3. 12. 1 have s. thee 3. 14. 1 AM hath s. me jj 5. 22. why s. me ? Num. 16. 29- then the Lord hath not s. me 21. 6. s. serpents jj 52. s.to spy Jaazer 22. 10. Balak s. me jj 32. 8. s. from Kadesh Judg. 9. 23. Gods. an evil spirit between Abim. 1 Sam. 12. 8. Lord s. Moses j| 18. Lord s. thunder 19. 17. . away mine enemy |j 20. 22. Lord s. SEN SEP 2 Sam. 12. 1, L. 5. Nathan || 14. 32. behold I 5. to 22.17, he s. from above, he took me, Psal. 18.16. 1 Kin. 14.6. 1 am s. with heavy (f 18. 10. hath not s. 2 Kin. 17. 25. he 5. Uons|)18.2r. hath ray masters. 24.2. Lord 5. bands, and s. them against J udah to 1 Chr. 21. 12. him that s. me |) 14. s. pestilence 2 Chr. 24. 19. 5. prophets |j 34. 23. teli man that s. Neh. 6. 4. s. to me four times j) 12. that G. had s. Job 22.9. s- widovv^s |l 39.5. who e. out wild ass free Psal. 105. 17. he s. a man || 107. 20. s. his word 111. 9. lie s. redemption II Prov. 9. 3. s. maidens Isa. 48. 16. his spirit s. me || 55. 11. thing I s. it 61.1.hehaths.me to bind np broken-h.Liike4.18. Jer.7.25.l5.allmyservants,26. 5. | 35.15. |44. 4. 14. 3. nobles have a. their little ones to the waters 14.15. them not, 15. | 23 21,32. | 27.15. | 29.9. 19. 14. whither Lord had s. him || 23. 21. not s. 42. 20. wh nye*. nte|)49. 14. an ambassador is s. Ezek. 2. 9. an hand was s. || 3. 5. not 5. to a people 13. 6. L. hath not s. them || 23. 40. ye s. for men Dan. 3.28. s. his> angel || 5. 24. part of hand s. from 6. 22. s. his angel 1 1 10. 11. to thee am I now s. Hos. 5. 13. s. to king Jareb || Joel 2. 25. army I 5. Amos 4. 10. 1 s. pestilence || Jonah 1. 4. s- a wind Mic. 6. 4. 1 6-. Moses II Zech. 2.8. s. me to nations Zech. 6. 15. L. of hosts jrath 5. me jj 7. 2. had ^ to JMal. 2. 4. ye shall know that I have s. this comm. Matt. 2. 8. s. to Bethlehem || 16. 5. and slow all 10. 5. these twelve Jesus s. forth jj 40. thats. me 15. 24. 1 am not s. but || 20. 2. s. them into vmey. 21. 37. last he s. his son || 22. 3. s. his servants, 4. 23. 37. stonest them that are s. \\ 27. 19. wife s. Luke 1. 19. Gabriel, and am s. |j 26. s. from God 4. 43. therefore am I s. || 7. 3. he s. the elders 7. 20. John Baptist hath s. us jj 9. 2. s. to preach 10.1. s. them two and two || 15. 15. s. him to field 19. 14. s. a message II 20. 1 1. s. him away empty 22.35. s. you without purse II 23.7. hes. him, 11. John 1 .6. a man s. from God || 8. s. to bear witness 22. them that s. ns || 33. tiiat s. me to baptize V 3. 1 7. G. s. not his Son || 28. 1 am s. before him 4. 34. to do will of him that s. me, 5. 30. | 6. 38. 5.33. yes. to John II 36. Father hath s. me,37,38. 6.40. the will ofhim that s. me, 44, 57. | 7. IC. 7. 28. but he that s. me, 8. 16, 29. | 9. 4. 9.7. is by interpretation S.|| 10.36. Father hath s. 17. 18. as thou hast s. me into the world, so I s. 23. know thou hast s. 25. || 18. 24. s. him bound 'Acts 3. 26. s. him to bless |j 7. 12. s. our fathers 7. 14. 5. Joseph II 8. 14. they 5. unto them Peter 10.8. s. them to Jfoppa|| 20. go, for I have s. them 29. as soon as I Avas s. for |j 33. I s. to thee, and 36. word which God s. || 11 . 1 1, s. from Cesarea 11. 22. they s. Barnabas |} 30. s. it to the elders 32. 11. s. his angel j| 13. 4. they being s. forth 13.15. rulers s.\\ 26. is the word of this salvations. 16.35. magistrates s. 36. 1| 17. 14. s. away Paul 19.31.S. to him, desiring him II 20.l7.s.to Ephesus 24. 24. he s. for Paul|j 28. 28. is s. to Gentiles Rom. 10.15.howshall theypreach except theybes. ? 1 Cor. 1.17. Christ s. me || 4. 17. 1 s. Timotlieus 2 Cor. 8. 18. s. with him the brother, 21. |j 12. ) 7,18. Gal. 4. 4. God s. forth his Son |j 6. s. his Spirit Eph. 6. 22. whom I s. to you, Phil. 2. 28. Col. 4. 8. Phil. 4. 16. ye s. once || 1 Thes. 3. 5. 1 s. to know Philem. 12. whom I s.\\ 2 Tim. 4. 12. s. Tychicus Heb. 1.14. 8. to minister p, Jam. 2. 35. Raiiab s.out 1 Pet. 1.12. Holy Ghost s. down || 2. 14. s. by him 1 John 4. 9 s. his only begotten || 10. s. his Son to Rev. 1.1. 5. and signified II 5. 6. s. into all the earth 22. 6. God s. his angel to shew his servants, 16. . SEN TEST, V. Exod. 15. 7. s. forth thy wrath Num. 13. 27. s, us, 24. 12.|| 1 Kin. 5. 8. s. to me SENTENCE, S, s. Dent. 17. 9, 10, 11. Psal. 17. 2. Prov. 16. 10. Eccl. 8. 11. Jer. 4. 12. Dan. 5. 12. | 8. 23. Luke 23. 24. Acts 15. 19. 2 Cor. 1. 9. SENUA, as SENEH. 1 Chr. 24. 8. Neh. 11. 9. SEORIM, Gates, tempest, ^c. 1 Chr. 24. 8. SEPARATE, V. Gen. 1 3. 9 s. thyself, I pray thee 49. 26. top of head of him that was s. from his Lev. 15. 31. thus s. Israel || 22. 2. that they e. Num. 6. 2. a vow to s || 3. Nazarite shall s. himself 8.l4.s.Levites|| 16.21. s. yourselves from among Dent. 19. 2. s. three cities|j29. 21. s. him unto evil 1 Kin. 8. 53. didst s. jj Ezra 10. 11. s. yourselves Jer. 37. 12. went to s. {| Matt. 25. 32. s. them as a Luke 6. 22. when men shall s.| j Acts 1 3. 2. s. me B. Rom.8.35.who shall s. us from love of Christ ? 39. Jude 19. these be they who s. themselves, sensual SEPARATE, ED. Gen. 13. 1 1. and Lot s. thems. 25.23.two manner of people be s. from thy bow. 49. 26. was s. from his brethren, Deut. 33. 16. Exod.33.l6.s.fromall people on earth,Lev.20.24. Num. 16. 9. that the God of Israel hath s. you Deut. 10. 8. s. Levi || 32. 8. e. the sons of Adam Josh. 16. 9. s. cities || 1 Chr. 12. 8. s. to David 1 Chr. 23. 13. Aaron was s. || 25. 1 . David s. the Ezra 6. 21. s. themselves, 9. 1. 1| 8. 24. 1 s. twelve 10. 8. be s- from congregation J 1 16. ail were 5. Neh. 4. 19. we are s. jj 9. 2. s. themselves from 10. 28.they that had s.|| 13. 3.s. ii, Lor©, Mmm. si^m SEH iSfi-RVANT, and SERVANTS of God. Gen. 50. 17. 1 Chr. 6. 49. 2 Chr. 24. 9. Neh. 10. 29. Dan. 6. 20. | 9. 11. Tit. 1. 1. 1 Pet. 2. 16. Rev. 7. 3. | 15. 3. SERVANTS, s. Gen. 9. 25. a servant of s. shall 27. 37. given him for s. |j Lev. •25. 5.5. Israel s. Josh. 9. 11. we are yours. || 1 Sam. 17. 9. our s. 1 Sam. 25. 10. niavjy s. || 41. wash feet of «. of my 2 Sam. 8. 2. David's s. 6, 14. | 10. 4. 1 Chr. 19. 4. 11. 11. 5. of my lord are encamped in the fields 1 Km. 2.39. s. ofShemeij;2 Km. 21. 2.S. Araon's s. Ezra 5. 11. we are the s. of the God of heaven Neh- 5. 15. s. bare rule |j 9. 36. we are s. this day Job 1. 15. slain s. II Psai. 123. 2. as the eyes of s. Ecc.i. 2. 7. I got u-e s. || 10. 7. s- on horses, and Isa. 14. 2. possess for s. |j Jer. 34. 11. s. return liam. 5. 8. s. ruled || Dan. 3. 26. ye s. of most H. Joel 2. '29. on s. pour || Zech. 2. 9. a spoil to s. Matt. 22. IS.saidkingto s. || 25. 19.L. of those s. Liiice 12.37. blessed arethoses-ljlf. 10. unprofit.s. John 1 5. 15. henceforth I call you not s. for the Acts 16. 17. these men are s. of most high God Rom. C. 16. yield yourselves s. || 17. s, of sin, 20. 1 Cor. 7. '23. be not s. of men |j 2 Cor. 4. 5. your s. Epli. 6. 5. 5. be obedient to your masters accord- ing, 6, Col. 3. 22. Tit. 2. 9. 1 Pet. 2. 18. Phil. 1. 1.5. of Christ || Col. 4. 1. give your s. ITim. 6. 1. let as many s. II I Pet. 2. 16. as s.ofG. 5 Pet. 2. 1 9. 5. of corruption || Rev. 7. 3. s. of God «is SERVANTS. Gen. 40. 20. Exod. 9. 20. il2. 30. Num. 22. 22. Deut. 32. 36^ 43. 1 Sam. 8. 17. | 19. 1. | 22. 6. 2 Kings 5. 13. 1 Chr. 19. 3. '2 Chr. 12. 8. | 32. 16. Neh. 2. SO. Job 4.' 18. Psal. 69. 36. | 105. 25. j 135. 14. Prov. 29. 12. Isa. 56. 6. | 65. 15. 1 66. 14. Jer. 22. 4. | 36. 31. Ezek. 46. 17. Dan. 3. ^8. Matt. 18.23. | 21. 34. Luke 19. 13. Rom. 6. 16. Rev. 1. 1. | 19. 2, 5. | 22.'3. My SERVANTS. Lev. 25. 42. 1 Sam. n. 2. 1 Kings 5. 6. I 20. 6. | 22. 49. 2 Kings 9. 7. Neh. 4. 16, 23. | 5. 10, 16. j 13. 19. Isa. 65. 9, 13, 14. Jer. 7. 25. | 44.4. John 18. 36. Acts 2. 18. Rev. 2. 20. T7t^ SERVANTS. Gen. 42. 11. | 44.16. | 47.3. 1 50. 18. Exod. 5. 15. I 11.8. [ 32. 13. Num. 32. 25. Josh. 9. 8. | 10. 6. 1 Sam. 12. 19. 1 22. 14. 2 Sam. 19. 7, 14. 1 Kings 2. 39. I 5. 6. I 8. 23, 32. .[ 10. 8. | 12. 7. 2 Kings 6. 3. Neh. 1. 10, 11. Psal. 79. 2, 10 j 89. 50. I 90. 1.3, 16. I 102. 14, 28. | 119. 91. Isa. 37. 24. Dan. 1. 12, 13. Acts 4. 29. S~'e Women. !?ERVE, V. Gen. 15.13. s. them 400 years, 14. 25. 23. elder shall s.|;27. 29. let people s. thee 29. 18. I'll s. thee seven years for Rachel, 27. Exod. 1. 13. to s. with rigourH3. 12. ye shall s. G. • A: 23. go, that ye may s. me, 7. 16. | 8. 1, 20. I 9. 1,13. I 10.3. 14. 12. let us alone that we may s. Egyptians 20.5. not bow down to them, nor s. Deut. 5. 9. 21. 2. six years s. I) 6. he shall s. him for ever l,ev. 25. 39. not compel him to s. as a bond-serv. Num. 4. 24. Gershonites to s. || 26. so shall they s. 8. 25. from the age of fifty, they shall s. no more Deut. 6. 13. shalt fear the L. thy G. and .«. him, 10. '12, 20. I 11. 13. I 13. 4. Josh. 22. 5. 54„ 14, 15.. 1 Sam. 7, 3. j 12. 14, 20, 24. Deut. 28.48. therefore shalt thous. thine enemies Josh. 24. 15. choose you this day whom you wiU s. Judg. 9. 28. s. Sechem (| 38. that we s. him ? is 1 Sam. 10. 7. as occasion s. |j 11. 1. we'll s. thee 12. 10. we wills, thee |j 17. 9. servants ands uS 2 Sam. 22. 44. a people I knew not s. Ps. 1 8. 43. 1 Kin. 12 4. yoke lighter and we'll s. 2 Chr. 10. 4. 2 Kin. 10. 18. s. Baal much || 25. 24. s. king of r.abylon, Jer.27.11, 12,17.|28. 1+.|40. 9. 1 Chr. 28. 9. and s. him with a perfect heart 2 Chr. 29. 1 1. chosen you to s. |j 34. 33. made all ^.. Job- 21. 15. that we should s. II 36. 11. if they 5. 39. 9 will unicorn be willing to s. thee? will Psal. 22. 30. a seed shall s. \\ 72. 11. all nations s. 97. 7. s. graven images || 101. 6. be shall s. me Isa, 14. 3. made to s. || 19. 23. Egyptians shall s. 43. 23. not caused thee tos. \\ 24. s. with thy siria 56. 6. join to L. to s. || 60. 12. will not s. perish Jer. 5. 19. s. strangers || 17. 4. s. thine ehemies 25. 14. shall s. themselves, 27. 7. | 30. 8. | 34. 9. 40. 9. saying, fear not to s. the Chaldeans, 10.- Ezek. 20. 32^ to s. wood || 40. all shall s: me 29. 18. s. a great service || 48. 18. s. city, 19. Dan. 3. 17. G. whom we s. \\ 28. might not s. 7. 14. nations and iaaguages should s. him, 27.^ Zeph. 3. 9. call on L. to s. Inm with one consent Mai. 3. 14. ye have said, it is vain to s. God Matt. 4. 10. him only shalt thou s. Luke 4. 8. 6. 24. no man can s. two masters, Luke 16. 1^. Luke 1. 74. might s. him |j 10. 40. left to s. alone 12. 37. come forth and s. || 15. 29. do I s. thee 17. 8. gird thyself and s. \\ 22. 26. that doth .9. John 12. 26. if any man s. me, let him follow Acts 6. 2. s. tables||27. 23. angel of God whom I St- Rom. 1. 9. whom I s. || 6. 6. we should not s. sin 7. 6. s. in newness of spirit || 25. 1 s. law of God 9. 12. elder shall s. 11 16. 18. «. not our Lord Jesus Gal. 5. 13. by love s.|| Col. 3. 24. ye s. the Lord 1 Thes. 1 . 9. to s. Hving G. || 2 Tim. 1. 3. whom I s. Heb. 8.5. s. to the example || 9. 14. s. hvmg God 12. 28. s. G. acceptably || 13. 10. s. tabernacle Rev. 7. 15. and s. him day and night, 22. 3. SERVE, joined with gods. Exod. 23. 24. | 28. 14, 33. Deut. 4. 28. j 6. 14. j 7. 4. | 8. 19. 1 11. 16. I 12. 30. I 13. 2. j 28. 36, 64. | 29. 18. Josh. 24. 16, 20. Judg. 2. 19. 1 Sam. 26. 19. 2 Chr. 7. 19. Jer. 11. 10. j 13. 10. 1 16. 13. I 25. 6. I 35. 15. | 44. 3. Dan. 3. 12, U, 18. SERVED,/;. Gen. 14.4. 12 years s. Chedorlaoraer 29. 20. Jacob s. seven years for Rachel, 30. 30. 29. thou knowest how I s. thee, 31. 6, 41. Deut. 12. 2. s. their gods, 17. 3. | 29. 26. Josh. 25. 16. I 24. 2, 14, 15. Judg. 10. 13. 1 Kin. 9. 9.^ Josh. 24. 31 . s. L. all the days of Joshua, Judg. 2.7* Judg. 2. 1 1. .9. Baahm, 13. | 3. 7. | 10. 6, 10. 3. 8. s. Chushan |j 14. s. Eglon eighteen years 8. 1. whys, us thus II 10. 16 ands. the Lord 2 Sam. 10. 19. Syrians s. Israel || 16. 19. as I s. in 1 Kmgs4. 21.5. Solomon II 16. 31. s. Baal, 22. 53. 2 Kin. 10. 18. s. Baal a Uttle || 1 8. 7. s. not Assyria 21. 3. Manasseh s. host of heaven, 2 Chr. 33. 3. 21. Amon s. idols, 2 Chr. 24. 18. | 33. 22. Psal. 106. 36. s. their idols||137. 8. as thou s. us Eccl. 5. 9. the king himself is s. by the field Jer. 5. 19. s. strange gods, 8. 2. | 16. 11. | 22. 9. Ezek. §4. 27. delivered out of haod of those tliats. SET SEV 5/> Jolm 12. 2. Martha s.|) Acts 13. 36. s. his gener. Horn. 1.25. s. the creaturejj Phil. 2. 22. s. with me SER^^DST, /). Deut. 28. 47. thou s. not Lord SERVEST, V. Dan. 6. 16. God whom thou s. 20. SERVETH, V. Num. 3. 36. all that 5 thereto Mai. 3. 17. spareth his son thats. || 18. that s. God Luke 22. 27. or he that s. |) Rom. 141 8. that s.Chr. 1 Cor.l4. 22. prophesying s. Ij Gal. 3.19.5. the law SERVICE, s. Gen. 30. 26. knowest the s. which Exod. 1. 14. in all s. \\ 12. 2.5. keep this s. 13. 5. SI. 10. may make the clothes of s. 35. 19. Num. 3. 7. Levi to do s. jj 31. s. of sanctuary 4. 24. this is the s. of the Gershonites, 27, 28. 7. 5. do 9. of tabernacle || 8. 11. s. of the Lord 18. 6. Levites are given as a gift to do the s>. Josh. 22.27. might do the s. || lKin.l2. 4.5. lighter 1 Chr. 6. 31. over the s. 9. 13. | 24. 3. | 26. 8. I 28. 13, n. I 29. 5, 7. 2 Chr. 8. 14. 2 Chr. 12. 8. may know my s. |j 24. 12. as did s 29. 35. s. of the house |) 31. 2, 21. | 35. 2, 10. Ez)a6. 1^^.«. ofG. 7. 19. |i Neh. 10. 32. s. of house Psdl.lU4. 14. s. of n»an|jjer. 22. 13. neighbour's 5. Ezek. ii9. 18. serve a great s. || 44. 14. for all s. John 16. 2. killeth you think that he doth God s. B.om. 9. 4. JJ. of God |! 12. 1. your reasonable s. 15. 31. that my s. may be accepted of the saii.ts 2 Cor. 9. 1^. of this s.\\ 11.8. wanes to do you s. Gal. 4. 8. ye did s. \\ Epii. 6. 7. doing s. as to Lord Piul. 2. 17. s- of your faith || 30. your lack of 5 1 Tmi. 6. 2. rathei do them s. because they are Heb. 9. I. divine s. |) 6. s. of God (j 9. that did s. R<'v. 2.19. 1 know thv works, and charity, and s. jBoh. Gen. 3. 7. Ezi'a4.tl2. Job 16.15. SEWEST, ETH. Job 14. 17. Mark 2. 21. SHAALABIM. The understanding, or son of a fox, or looking back. Josh. 19. 42. SHAALBIM, that beholds the harts; ajist or fox in the sea. Judg. 1. 35. 1 Kin. 4. 9. SHAALBONITE, Son of a fox. 2 Sam. 23. 32. SHAAPH, Flying, or thinking.' 1 Chr. 2. 47. SHAARIM, as SEORIM. A city, 1 Chr. 4. 31 . SHAASHGAZ, He that presses the fleece jor that shears the sheep. Estb, 2. 14. SHABBETHAI, 3Iy rest. Ezra 10. 15. Neh. 8.7. SH ACHIA, Protection cf the Lord. 2 Chr. 8. 10. SHADE, s. Psal. 121.5. the Lord is thy s. upon SHADOW, s. Image, likeness, or representation of a body by light ; also a defence. Gen. 19. 8. therefore came under 5. of my roof Judg. 9. 15. trust in my s. \\ 36. thou seest the s. 2 Kings 20. 9. shall s. go forward ten degrees, 11. 1 Chr. 29. 15. our days are as a s. Job 8. 9. Job r. 2. servant desireth the s.\\ 14.9. flcpth as a s. 17. 7. members as a s. || 40. 22. with their s. Psal. 17. 8. s. of thy wings, 36. 7. \ 57. 1. | 63. 7., 80. 10. s. of it|| 91. 1. under s. of Almighty 102.11. days like as. 109.23-1 144.4. Eccl.8.15, Eccl. 6. 12. life as a s. \\ Song 2. 3. under his s. Isa. 4. 6. tabernacle for a s. || 16. 3. make thy ^. 25. 4. a s. from the heat || 5. a s. of a cloud 30. 2. s. of Egypt, 3. || 32. 2. s. of a great rock 34. 15. under her s. || 38. 8. I'll bring thes. 49. 2. in s. of his hand hath hid me, 51. 16. Jer. 48. 45. s. of Heshbonjj Lam. 4. 20. under his si«v Ezek. 17. 23. in s. dwell || 31. 6. under .?. 12. 17 T Dan. 4. 12. beasts of the field had s. under it Hos. 4. 13. 5. is good || 14. 7. dwell under his s. Jonah 4. 5. a booth, and sat under it in the s. 6. Mark 4. 32. lodge under a. \\ Acts 5. 15. *. of Peter Col. 2. 17. s. of things to come, Heb. 8. 5. 1 10. 1. Jam. 1.17. with v.hom is no s. of turning SHADOWS, s. Song 2. 17. till s. flee away, 4. 6. Jer. 6. 4. the s. of the evening are stretched out SHADOWING, p. Isa. 18. 1. land s. with wings Ezek. 31. 3. a s. shroud || Heb. 9. 5. s. mercy-seati SHADRACH, A tender nipple. Dan. 1. 7. 1 3. 12> SHADY, a. Job 40. 21. under s. trees, 22. SHAFT, s. Exod. 25. 31. his a. 37. 17. Num. 8.4. Isa. 49. 2. and he hath made me a polished «. SHAGOB, Ignorance. 1 Chr. 11. 34. SHAHARAIM, A tempest. 1 Chr. 8. 8. SHAHAZIMAH, A city. Josh. 19. 22. SH AKE, V. Exod. 29. 1 24. s. to and fro for a Judg. 16. 20. s. myself II Neh. 5. 13. so God ». Job 4. 14. made all my bones s. \\ 15. 33. s. oft" 16. 4. heap up words, and s. my head at you Psal. 2 ?. 7. s. the head |) 46. 3. tho' mountains s. 69.23. their loins to s.||72. 16. s. like Lebanojjt Isa. 2. 19. when he ariseth to s. the earth, 21. 10. 1.5. as if the rod s.||32. shall s. his hand 11.15. Lord shall s. his hand |j 13. 2. s. hand 13. 13. I'll s. heavens, Joel 3. 16. Hag. 2. 6, 21. 24. 18. the foundations of the earth do s. 33. 9. s. off their fruits || 52. 2. s. thyself from Jer. 23. 9. my heart is broken, all my bones s. Ezek. 26. 10. thy walls s. || 15. shall not isles s. 27. 28. suburbs s. || 31. 16. nations 5. at sound 38. 20. all men of earth shall s. at my presence Dan. 4. 14. s. off his leaves|| Amos 9. 1. posts s. Hag. 2. 7. s. all nations || Zech. 2. 9. s. my hand Matt. 10.14.S. offdust, Mark6. 11. Luke 9. 5. 28. 4. keepers did s. II Luke 6. 48. could nots.it Heb. 12. 26 once more I s. not the earth only SKAKED, p Psal. 109. 25. they s. their heads SHAKEN, V. Lev. 26. 36. of a s. leaf shall 1 Kin. 14. 15. smite Israel as a reed s. in water 2 Kin. 19. 21. s. her head at thee, Isa. 37. 22. Neh. 5. 13. even thus be he s. out and emptied Job 16. 12. s. me to pieces || 38. 13. wicked be s. Psal. 18. 7. the foundations of tlie hills were s. Nah. 2. 3. fir-trees s. || 3. 12. if s. they fall in , Matt. 11.7. a reed s. with the wind, Luke 7. 24. 24. 29. heaven be s. Mark 13. 25. Luke 21. ^6. Luke 6. 38. good measure, pressed, s. together Acts 4. 31. place was s. || 16. 26. of prison were s. 2Thes. 2.2. benotsoons.|jHeb.l2.27.cannotbeij. Rev. 6. 13. as a fig-tree when 5. of a mini! tj' wind SHAKETH,t". Job 9. 6. s. earth out of her place Psal. 29. 8. voice of the Lord s. |j 60. 2. for he s; it SHA Ra. 10. 15. shall saw magnify against him that s, it J 9. 15. which he s. over it |) 33. 15. s. his hand SHAKING,/). Job 41. 29. at thes. of a spear Psa!. 44. 14. tiie s. of tJie head among the people Isa. 17. 6. a-s fhes. of an olive tree, 24. IS. 19. 16. s. of the hand || 30. 32. in battles of 5. Ezek. 37. 7. behold a «. || 38. 19. be a great s. SHAhEM, Peace. A city. Gen. 33. 18. SHALIiVI, Fox^fist, or path. 1 Sam. 9. 4. SHALISHA, Three, or principal . 1 Sam. 9, 4. SHAJXUM, Peaceable, or perfect. 2 Kin. 15. 10. 1 Clir. 2. 40, 41. 2 Chr. 34. 22. Jer. 22. 11. SHALMAI, My garment. Ezra 2.46. Neh. 7. 41- SHALMANESER, Peace,r€tribiUion, 2Km.l7. 3. I 18. 9. SHALMANi, Perfect, peaceable. Hos. 10. 14. SH.AMA, Hearing, or obeying. 1 Clir. 11.44. SHAMBLES, s. I Cor. 10. 25. soldm the s. eat SHaME, s. a consciousness of having done amiss. It IS put for, [1] Injury, Prov. 9. 7. [2J Trouble for sin, Rom. 6. 21. [3] That tvliich hidings to shame, Hos. 9. 10. [4] Scorn, deri- sion, contempt, Ezek. 36. 6. [5] Sec7^et imrts, Isa. 47. 3. JMic. 1. 11. [6J Reproof, 1 Cor. 6. 5. [7] Calamity, Ezek. 36. 6. [8] Ex- ecrable, Eph. 5. 12. Ex. 32. 25. naked to their «.)|Judg. 18. 7. put to 1 Sam.20.34.donehin;«.|!2Sani. 13.1 3. my*. to go 2 Chr. 32. 21. «. offaccjjjob 8. 22. clothed with s. Psal. 4. 2. my gloiy to s. \\ 35. 4. put them to s. 3.). 20. clothed with s. 109. 29. [ 132. 18. 40. 14. put to s. 44.7,9 153. 5. | 83. 17.1 119.31. 44. 15. s. of my face hath covered me, 09. 7. 69. 19. known my s. \\70. 3. for a reward of s. 71. 24. brought to s. \\ 83. 10. till faces with s. 89. 45. thou hast covered him with s- Selah Prov. 3. 35. s. shall be the promotion of fools 9. 7. gettetli 5. 1) 10. 5. is a son that caiisetii s. 11. 2. conicths. II 12. 16. prndentcovereth s. 13. 5. comethtos. |^| 18,*. shall be to him 14. 35. ag. him that causeth s. \7.2. \ 19. 26. 1S.J3. ii is y. to him jj25. 8. put thee to s. 10. 29. 15. a chiJd leftbringeth his motl.'er to s. Isa. 20. 4. 5. of Egypt |j -22. 18. chariots be the s. 30. 3. be your 5. 5. \\ 47. 3. thy s. shall bo seen 50. fi. fi.and spitting 1154.4. not ptit to a-, nor 01. 7. for your s. you shall have double, and Jer. 3. 24. s. devoured II 2.5. we he down in 3. 13.26. s. may appear |i 20. 18. consumed with s. 23. 40. a perpetual s. |! 46. 12. heard of thy s. 48. 39. back with s. \\ 51. 51. s. hath covered Ezek. 7. 18. s. on all faces||l6. 52. bear thy s. 54. 16.63. because of thy s. || 32.24. borne s- 25, 30. 34. 20. nor bear s. \\ 30. 6. yc have borne s. 36. 7. they shall bear theirs. 39. 20. | 44, 13. Dan. 12. 2. many of them awake, some to s. Hos 4. 7. glory into ,s. || 18. rulers with s. love 9.10. separated to that 5. |j 10. 0. receive s. Obad. 10. s. shallcover thee|jiVIic. 1. 11. 6. naked Mic. 2. 6. not take s. || 7. 10. s. shall cover her Nah. 3. 5. 1 w ill shew the kingdoms thy s. Hab. 2. 10. consulted s. \\ 10. art filled with 3. Zeph. 3. 5. unjust knoweth no s. jj 19. put to s. Luke 14. 9. begin with s. || Atts 5. 41. to snr/ers. 1 Cor. 6. 5.1 speak to your s. 15. 34. 11. 6.5. fora woman, 14. 3.5. |j 11. 14. it is a s. Epu. 5. 12. a s. to speaivll Phd. 3. 19. elory is ins. ■>Heb. 6. 6. to an open s. || 12. 2. de.spising the s. SHA ••w«i' Jude^lo. raging waves, foaming Out their own s^ Rev. 3. 18. s. oftiiy nakedness||16. 15. see his s./ SHAME, r. Ruth 2.-|-l 5. sheaves, and s. Iier not 1 Cor. 4. 14. not to s.youlill. 22. s. them that^ SHAMED. 2 Sam. 19. 5. Psal. 14. 6. SHAMETH, V. Prov. 28. 7. riotous 9. his father SHAMEFACEDNESS, s. 1 Tim. 2. 9. with 5. SAMEFUL, a. Jer. 11.13. Hab. 2. 16. SHAMEFULLY, ad. Hos. 2. 5. hath dones. Mark 12. 4. s. handled, Luke 20. U. 1 Thes. 2.S. SHAMELESLV, ad. 2 Sam. 6. 'iO. s. uncoveretll SHAMER, Prison, bush, dregs. 1 Chr. 6. 46. SHAMGAB^f Named a stranger. Jwdg. 3. 31. l5.^. SHAMHUTH, Desolation. 1 Chr. 27. 8. SHAMIR, as SHAMER. Judg. 10. 1, 2. SHAMMAH, Loss, desolation. 1 Chr. 7. 37. Gen. 36. 17. duke S. || 1 Sam. 16. 9. 8. to pass by 2 Sam. 23. 11. after him S. \\ 25. S. Harodite 33. Harantc || 1 Chr. 1 . 37. S. and Mizpali SHAMMAI, The same. 1 Chr. 2. 28. SHAM MOTH, as SH AMMA. 1 Chr. 1 1 . Sf. SHAMMUA, Hearing. Num. 13. 4. 2 Sai^. 5. 14. I 17. 13. I 23. 11, 25. 1 Chr. 14.4. Neh. 11. 17. SHAMSHERAI, Conqueror. 1 Chr. 8. 26. SHAPE, s. Luke 3. 22. John 5. 37. SHAPE >f, r. Psal. 51.5.1 was s. in iniquity SHAPES, s. Rev. 9. 7. s. of locusts like horses SHAPHAM, as SHAPHAN, 1 Chr. 5. 12. SHAPHAN, Rabbit, rat, or lip. 2 Kings 22 3. Josiah sent S. 8. 2 Chr. 34. 8, 15. 12. king commanded .S'. to enquire of the Lord 25. 22. Ahikam the son of S Jer. 39. l4.|40. 11. Jer. 26. 24. .S". with Jer. || 29. 3. Jer. sent son of ^. 36. 10. read m chamber of Geniariah son of S. Ezek. 8. 11. in midst stood Jazariahsonof S^. SHAPHAT, A judge, or judging. Num. 13. 5. S. the son of Hon to spy the land 1 Kin. 19. 16. Elisha the son of S. to be prophet 2 Kin. 6. 31. if the head of Ehsha the son of S: 1 Chr. 3. 2^. Neariah, S. \\ 5. 12. S. chief, 27 29. SHAPHER, Beauty, comeliness, or a sweet trum* pet or cornet. Num. 33. 23. SHARAI, My Ij)rd, my song. Ezra 10. 4-0. SHARALM, Asona. Jo.^h. 15.36. SHARAR, Nacel, or siiiging. 2 Sam. 23. 33. SHARE, -s. 1 Sam. 13. 20. every man his s. SH \REZER, A treasurer. 2 Kings 19. 37. SHARON, His p'ain, his song. Soiig2. 1. A fruitful country between Joppa and Ccsarea^ called Saro7i, Acts 9. 35. 1 Chr. 5. 16. dwelt in S. \\ 27. 29. herds hi S. Song 2. 1. 1 am the rose of S". |l Isa. 33. 9. like Isa. 35. 2. excellency of .S. |j 65. 10. S. a fold SHARONITE. 1 Chr. 27. 29. SHARP, a. Exod. 4. 25. took as. stone and- Josh. 5. 2. 5. knives, 3. || 1 Sam. 14.4. a s. rocfc Job 41. 30. s. stones are under him, he sprea10TH, The same. 1 Chr. 24. 22. SHELTER. Job 24. 8. for want of s.||Psal. 61. 3. SHELUMIEL, Peace of God. Num.1.6. prince of Simeon, 5'.2. 12. |7. 36. |10. 19. SHEM, I\ame, or renown. Gen. 9. 18. Gen. 5. 32. Noah begat S. 6. 10.|10. 1. 1 Chr. 1. 4. 9. 23. S. took a garment and went backward 26. blessed be G. of S.\\'^T. dwell in tents of .S". 10.21,childrenof /S. 22. | 11. 10. 1 Chr. 1. 17. Luke 3. 36. Arphaxad, which was the son of ^S*. ^HEMAH, Hearing. Josh. 15. 26. 1 Chr. 2. 43. SHEM AI AH, Obeying the Lord. 1 Kin.l2.22.wordoVL.cameto 5.2Chr.ll.2.]r2.7. I Chr. 4. ST. the son of S.\\5. 4. son of Joel, S. 9. 14. of the Levites, S. 16.|15. 8, 11.J24. 6. |26. 4. 2 Chr. 17. 8. | 29. 14. | 31. 1.5. | 35. 9. Ezra 8. 13, 16. j 10.21, 31. | 11. 15. | 12.6. Neh. 3. 29. S. keeperofeastgate||6.10.houseof ,5. 10. 8. S.ix priest sealed|Jl2. 34. S. priest, 42. Jer. 26. 20. Urijah the son of S. 2-9. 24, 3l.|36. 12. SHEMAKIAH, God is my guard. 1 Chr. 12. 5. SHJiiMBBEK, Nmnt offorc^. Gen. U. 2. SHEMER, A keeper. 1 Kings 16. 24. SHRMIDAH, Name of knowledge. Num. 26. 3^, SHEMINiTH, The eight. An lastiument with eight strings. The title of Psal. 6. and 12. 1 Chr. 15. 21. SHEMIRAMOTH, Tlie height of the heavens, or natiie. 1 Chr. 15. 18,20. | 16. 5. 2 Chr. 17. 8. SHEMUEL, Appointed of God. Num. 34. 20. SHEN, Tooth, ivory, change ; or he that sleeps. The name of a place, 1 Sam. 7. 12. SHENAZAR, The same, i Chr. 3. 18. SHENIR, A sleeping candle. Deut. 3. 9. Song 4.8. SHEN UAH, A bramble, or enemy. Neh. 11. 9. SHEFHAM, judging. Num. 34. Is, 11. SHEPHATiAH, The Lord judgeth. 2 Sam. 3.4. SHEPHERD, S, s. Is put for, [ij magistrates, Isa. 44. 28. [2j iVinisters, l>a. 56. 11. Zecb. 11. 17. \_b'] Tlie Lord Jesus Christ, who knows, iva::ihts, leads, feeds, heals, restores, de- fends, ana watches over his sheep and people, John 10. 14. Gen. 46. 32. men are s. 47. 3.|j34. s. is abomin. to 49. 24. from thence is the S. the stone of Israel Exod. 2. 17. s. drove them], 19. out of hand of s. 1 Sam. 17.40. into a s. bag|i25. 7. thy s. with us 1 Psal. 23. 1. the Lord is my s-HSO. 1. give ear Os. Eccl. 12. 11. from one s. [jSong 1. 8. the s. tent Isa. 13. 20. nor s. make folds || 31. 4. multit. of 4r. 38. 12. as a s. tentl|40. 11. feed his flock like as. 44. 28. Cyrus, he is my s.l|56. 11. they are s. that 63. 11. brought them up witli the s. of his flock Jer. 6. 3. s. shall come || 23. 4. I'll set up s. over 25. 34. howl ye s. |( 35. s, have no way to flee 36. cry of the s. || 31 . 10. keep him as a s. doth 33. 12. an habitation of s.||43. 12. as a s. putteth 49. 19. who IS that s. that will stand, 50. 44. 50.6.S. caused them to goastray(j51. 23. break*. Ezek. 34. 2. woe to the s.l{5. because there is no*. 8. thes. fed themselves|jlO. I am against the*. 12. as a s. seeketii||23. I'll set up one s. 37. 24. Amos 1. 2. habitations of s.|j3. 12. as thes. taketh Mic. 5. 5. raise sevens.l|Nah. 3. 18. thy s. slumber Zeph. 2. 6. the sea-coasts shall be cottages for s. Zech. 10. 2. there was no s.|j5. auger against thes. 11. 3. howling of the s.||5. own s. pity them not 8. three s.\ cut ott||l 5. instruments of a foolish s. 16. I'll raise up a s.|jl7. woe to the idol s. that 13. 7. awake, O sword, against my s. and against Luke 2. 8.s.in thefield|i20. the s.returned, glorif, John 10. 12. and not the s.||l4. I am tiie good s. 16. onefold and ones.jjHeb. 13. 20. great s. of 1 Pet. 2. 25. s. and bishop || 5. 4. chiefs, appear SHEPHI, A beholder, honey-comb. I Chr. 1. 40. SHEPHO, A desart, bank, or brook. Gen. 36. 23. SHEPHUPHAN, A serpent. 1 Chr. 8. 5. SHERAH, Flesh, consanguiiiity. 1 Ciu*. 7. 24. SHERD, S. s. Isa. 30. 14. E/ck. 23. 34. SHEREBIAH, Drought of the Lord. Ezra 8. 18; SHERESH. 1 Chr. 7. 16. SHEREZIR. Zech. 7. 2. SHERIFFS. Dan. 3.2. gather the s.jlS. andruleiss SHESHACH, Bag of flax. Jer. 25.'26. j 51.41.- SHESHAI, Six, or inerry. Num. 13. 2-2. SHESHAN, Li,y, rose, or joy. 1 Chr. 2. 31. SHESHBAZZAR, Jo?/ iw^ri^wZa^ion. Ezra 1. g, 11. I 5. 14,16. SHETH, iSet,ovpia. Gea. 4.2.5. iChr. t.t. SHE SHI [ETHAR, Searching out. Eslh. 1. 14. \ [ETHAR-BOZNAI, Despising. Ezra 5. 3, 6. I 6. 6. 3HETRAI, Gatherer of money. 1 Chr. 27. 29. SHEVA, Vanity, or tumult. 1 Chr. 2. 49. miEW -Bread. Exod. 25. 30. | 35. 13. j 39. 3G. Num. 4. 7. I Sam. 21. 6. 1 Kings 7. 48. 1 Chr. 9. 32. | 23. 29. | 28. 16. 2 CUr. 2. 4. (4. 19. I 13. 11. 1 29. 18. Neh. 10. 33. Matt. 12. 4. Mark 2. 25. Luke 6. 4. Heb. 9. 2. SHEW, s. Psal. 39. 6. walketh in a vain s. Jsa. 3. 9. the s. of their countenance doth witness JiUke 20. 24. for a s. |j Gal. 6. 12. a fair s. in flesh Col. 2. 15. a s. of them openly|)23. a s. of wisdom ~3HEW, V- Exod. 18. 20. s. the way, Deut. 1. 33. 33. 13. s. me now thy way||18. s. me thy glory Deut. 7. 2. s. mercy, 13. 17. Judg. 1. 24. Psal. 85. 7. I 109. 16. Isa. 27. U. i38. 50. nor s. favour |j 32. 7. and he w ill s. thee ♦Josh. 5. 6. the Lordsware he would not s. the land 1 Sam. 10. 8. I'll come and s. thee what tiioushalt 14. 12. come up to us, and we will s.you a thing 1^ Sam. 1 5. 25. he will s. me both it and his habita. 1 Kmgs 2. 2. 5. thyself a man 1| 18. 1. s. thy.self 2 Chr. 16. 9. to s. himself strong m behalf of them Jlzra 2. 59. could not s. father's house, Neh. 7.61. Job 10. 2 s. me wherefore] )33. 23. messenger to s. J^s-di. 4. 6. who will s. us any good |j 9. 14. s. forth 16. 11 . s. me path of life |j 25.4. s. me thy ways 25. 14. s. his covenaatjj51. 15. s. forth thj' praise &5. 7. s. us thy mercy|j86 17. s. me a token for 8;^. 10. wilt s. wondcrs||9 .'. 15. to s. that the L. 94. 1. O God, s. thyself || 106. 2. who can s. Jsa. 27. U.S. no favour|'oO. 30. s. the lighting 41. 22. s. us what shall happen, s. former, 23. 43. 21. s. forth my praise || 44. 7. let them s. to 46. 8. s. yourselves men |j 49. 9, s. yourselves 58. 1. s, transgressions |) 60. 6. s. forth praises Jer. 16. 10. 5, these words|)13. not s. yon favour 42. 3. God may s. us the way||51. 31. s. the king J^zek. 22. 2. a. abominations||33. 31. s. much love 37. 18. s. what meanest|{43. 10.5. thehouse Pan. 2. 6. s. the dream||9. 23. come to s. thee Zech. 7. 9. execute true judgment, and s. mercy Matt. 8. 4. s. thyself to the priest, Luke 5. 14. IJ. 4. s. John Ij 12. 18. s. judgment to Gentiles 14. 2. mighty works do s. forth, Mark 6. 14. 16. 1, s. asign|{24. 24. s. great signs and wonders John 1 4.8.S. us the Father j| 1 6.1 S.s.tliings to come 16. 14. s. it to you, 15.j)25. s. you plainly of Rom. 9. 17. might s. my power|i22. to s. his wrath % Cor. 11. 26. s. Lord's death|jl2. 31. yet i'. I you 15. 51. Is. you a mystevy|j2 Cor. 8. 24. s. proof ISph. 2. 7. 5. exceeding richesjjl Tim. 5. 4. s. piety Heb. 6. 11. 5. same diligence [J 17. G. willing to s. Jam. 2. 18. s. me thy faith|j3. 13. s. his w orks out 1 Pet. 2.9. s. forth thepraisesl|Rev. 1.1. angel to s. IwillSUEW. Gen. 12. 1. Exod.33. 19. Judg. 4.22. 1 Sam. 16. 3. | 20. 13. 1 Kings 18. 15. 2 Kings 7. 12. Job 15. 17. [ 32. 10. Psal. 9. 1. f 50. 23. I 91. 16. Jer. 18. 17. | 33. 3. j42. 12. Dan. 2. 24. | 10. 21. ( 11. 2. Joel 2. 30. ' Mic. 7. 15. Nah. 3. 5. Zech. 1. 9. Luke 6. 47. Acts 9. 16. Jam. 2. 18. Rev. 4. 11. I 17.1. 1 21. 9. SHEWED, p. Lev. 13. 19. s. to the priest, 49. Num. 13. 26. and s. them the frwt of the land I>eut. 34. 12. which Moses «. in the sight of IsracJ Judg. 13. 10. s.her husbandjil6. 18. j?. all his heart 2 Kin. 20. 13. Hezekiah «. the house, Isa. 39. 2,4. Job6.14.pity should be s.||Ps. 71.18. s. thy strength Psal. 105. 27. s. his signs |) 142. 2. s. my trouble Luke 10. 37. he thats. mercyljl4. 21. s. his lord John 20. 20. s. his handsl|21. l.^s. hinis. Acts 1.3. Acts 7. 26. Moses fi.jj36. 5. wonderslJ52. s. before 11. 13. *•• how he had seen||l 9. 18. s. their deeds 20. 20. s. and taughti|35. 1 have 5. you ail things Heb. 6. 10. love ye s. \\ Jam. 2. 13. s. no mercy Rev. 21. 10. s. great city || 22. 1. s. a pure river God or Lord SHEWED, expressly or implicitltf. Gen. 19. 19. [ 24. 14. ) 32. 10. | 39. 21. j 41. 25, 39. i 48. 11. Exod. 15. 25. | 25. 40. Lev. 24. 12. Num. 8. 4. | 14. U. Deut. 4. 36. 1 5. 24. 1 34. 1. Judg. 13. 23. 1 Kings 3^. 6. 2 Kings 8. 10, 13. 2 Chr. 7. 10. Ezra ^. 8. Psal. 31. 21. I 60. 3. I 71. 20. | 78. 11. |98. 2.|111. 6. 1 118.27. Isa. 26.10.14,3. 12. |48. 3, 5. Jer. 24. 1. | 38. 21. Ezek. U. 2.5. l20. 11. Amos 7. 1, 4, 7. | 8. 1 . Mic. 6. 8. Zech. 1.20. 1 3.1. Luke 1. 51,58. Acts 3. 18. I 10. 28, 40. Rom. 1. 19. 2 Pet. 1. 14. SHEWEbsT,p. Neh. 9. 10. Jer. 11.18. SHEWEST,i'. Job 10. 16. s. thyself marvellous Jer. 32.18. s. kindn.||John2.18. what sign«. 6. 30. SHEWETH, V. Gen. 4l. 28. he s. to Pharaoh 2 Sam. 22, 5 1 . s. mercy to his anointed, Ps. 1 8. 50. Job 36. 9. s. them tlieir work||33. noise thereof s. Psal. 19. l-finnament s.lJ2. night s. knowledge 112. 5. s. favour || 147. 19. s. his word to Jacob Prov. 12. 17. s. righteousn.l|27. 25. tender grass sr. Isa. 41.26. none that s.jjjohn 5. 20. s. the Son all Matt. 4. 8. s. him all the kingdoms of the world SHEWING, p. Exod. 20.6. .5. mercy. Dent. 5.10. Psal. 78.4. s. to generation |j Song 2. 9. s. himself L'ran 4. 27. by s. mercyjiLuke 8. l. s. glad tuhngs Acts 9. 39. s. "the coats|!l8. 28. s. by scripture that 2 Thes. 2. 4.s. hims«^lf lJTit.2. 7.s. thyself a pattern Tit. 2. 1 0. s. all good fidehtylJS. 2. s. all meekness SHEWING. Luke 1. 80. till day of hiss, to Israel SHIBBOLETH, IVater-course. Judg. 12. 6. SHIBMAH, 3Jucli cantinty. Num. 32. 38. 8HICRON, Drunkenness. Josh. 15.11. SHIELD, s. Is a defensive peace of armour. And is put for, [1] ilia§7.9^. 32. light not to s. 37. 15. light of his cloud to s.\l 41. 18, 32. Psal.31.16.facet0 5. 67.1. | 80.3, 7,19. 1 119.135. 80. 1. 5. forth II 104. 15. oil to make his face s. Eccl. 8. 1 . a man's wisdom maketh his face to *. Isa. 13. 10. moon not s. |) 60. 1. arise s. for thy Jer. 5. 28. tliey s. they overpass the deeds of the Dan. 9. 16. thy face to s. \\ 12. 3. wife shall s. as Matt. 5. 16. let your light so s. || 13. 43. s. as sun 17. 2. his face did s. as the sun, and his raiment 2 Cor. 4. 4. lest gospel should s. \\ 6. the light to 5. Phil. 2. 15. among whom ye s. as lights in world Rev. 18. 23. s. no more at all || 21. 23. moon to s. SHINED, p. Deut. 33. 2. the Lord s. forth from Job 29.3. when his caudle s.| J31.26. sun when it s. Psal. 50. 2. out of Ziou God s. \\ Isa. 9. 2, light s. Ezek. 43. 2. earth s. \\ Acts 9. 3. suddenly there s. Acts 12. 7. a light s. \\ 2 Cor. 4. 6. s. in our hearts SHINETH, V. Job '25. 5. moon, and it s. not Psal.l 39.12. night s.|| Prov. 4. 1 8. 5. moreand more Matt. 24. 27. as lightning s. to west, Luke 17. 24. John I. 5.S. in darkness |) 2 Pet. 1. 19. s. in a dark 1 John 2. 8. and the true light now s. Rev. 1.16. his countenance was as the sun s. SHINING, p. 2 Sam. 23. 4. as clear s. after rain Prov. 4. 18. as the s. light || Isa. 4. 5. s. of a fire Joel 2. 10. stars shall withdraw their s. 3. 15. Hab.3.ll.s.ofspearl|Mark9. 3. became sas snow Luke 11. 36. .5. of a candle jj 24. 4. in s. garments John 5. 35. a 5. bght|j Acts 26. 13. s. round about SHION, Sound, or grief Josh. 19. 19. SHIPPHI, A multitude. 1 Chr. 4. 37. SHIP, S, s. Gen. 49. 13. a haven for s. Num. 24. 24. and s. shall come from Chittira • Deut.28.68.Lord shall bring thee to Egypt with j?.. Judg. 5. 17. and why did Dan remain in s. ? 1 Kin. 9. 26. a navy of s. 22. 48, 49. 2 Chr. 20. 37. 2 Chr. 8. 18. sent by s. \\ 9. 21. king's s. went Job 9. 26. as swift s. \\ Psal. 48. 7. *. of Tarshish Psal. 104. 26. there go the s.||l07. 23. to the sea in s. Prov. 30. 19. way of a 5. || 31. 14. merchant s- Isa. 2. 16. the s. of Tarshish, 23. 1, 14. | 60. 9. Ezek. 27. 25. 33. 21. no gallant s. \\ 43. 14. cry is in the *. Ezek. 27. 9. all tlie s. of sea |) 30. 9. go forth in s. Dan. 11. 30. s. of Chittim || 40. come with s. Jonah 1. 3, found a s. going to Tarshish, 4, 5. Matt. 4. 21. in a .s. with Zebedee their father 8. 24. e. was covered, 14. 24. Mark 4. 37. Mark 1.19. were in the s. mending their nets 8. 14. had in the s. \\ Luke 5. 7. filled both the 5. John 6. 21. s. wasat laud || 21. 6. right side of «. - Acts 20. 38. and they accompanied him to thes. 21.2. a«.sailingtoPhenicia|j27. 2. as. of AndrJ Jam. 3. 4. behold the s. || Rev. 8. 9. third part of sj. Rev. 18. 17. company in s. stood afar off, 19. SHlF'boards. Ezek. 27. 5. s. of fir-trees SmP'Mastn. Jonah I. 6. I^ev. 18. 17. SHO SHO SHIP-MEN, s. 1 Kings 9. 27. Acts 27. 30. SHIPPING, s. John 6. 24. they took s. and SHIPVVRFXK,s. 2C01MI.25. 1 Tim. 1.19. SHIPHR4H, Fair, or o pipe. Exod. 1. 15. SHIPHTAN, A judge, or judging. Num. 34. 24. SHISHA, .S'J4:; of marble, pleasant, or . Hab. 1. 4. the law is 5. judgment SLACKNESS, s. 3 Pet. 3.9. as some men count s. SLA SLA SLAIN, V. a. Gen. 4. 23. I've s. a man Nuni. 14.1 6. he hath s. thein||22. 33. 1 had s. thee Deut. 1. 4. s. SihonJI 21. 1. known who hath s. Judg. 9. 18. s. his sonsl|15. 16. s. 1000 men || 20. 5. 1 Sara. 18. 7. s.his thous. 21. ll.||22. 21. s. priests 2 Sam. 1. 16. s. L.anointed|j3. 30. had s Asahel 4. 11. s. a righteous person|jl2, 9. hath s. Uriah 13. 30. s. all king's sons||21. 16. to have 5. Dav. 1 Kings 1. 19. s. oxen. 25. || 9. 16.s. Canaanites 13. 26. lion hath s. him[| 16. 16. Zimri hath s. 19. 1. ff. all the prophets |) 10. s. thy prophets 2 Kings 14. 5. which had s. the king his father 2 Chr. 21. 13. s. thy brethren || 22.^1, 9- 23. 21. s. Athaliah |j 28. 9. s. them in a rage Esth. 9- 12. s. in Shushan || Job 1. 15. Sabeans s. Prov. 7. 26. been s. by her||Isa. 14. 20. s. thy peo. Jer. 33. 5. s. in my anger||41. 4. s. Gedaliah, 9. Lam. 2. 21. s. them in the day of thy anger, 3.43. Ezek.16.21. iJ. my childre.)y23.39. s.their children Hos. 6. D. Ive s. themjjAinos 4. 10. young men I s. Acts 2. 23. crucif ands.||7.52..5. them that shewed 23. 14. we will eat nothing till we have 5. Paul SL\1N, ( passive.) Gen. 34. 27. came on the s. Lev. 14. 51. blood of s. birdl|26. 17. ye shall be s. Num. 11. 22. shall the flocks and herds be s. 19. 16. whosoever toucheth any s. 18. | 31. 19. 23. 24. drink l)lood of s.||25. 14. that was s. 15. '31. 8. beside the rest of them that were s. Dent. 21. 1. if one be found s.j|3. elders next to s. 28. 31. thine ox shall be s.||32. 42. blood of the s. Josh. 11.6. deliver all s.|[l3. 22. Balaam among ff. Judg. I6.t24. multiplied our s. || 20. 4. that was s. 1 Sam. 4. 11. Hophni s. || 19. 6. he shall not be s. 19. 11. thou Shalt be s. \\ 20. 32. shall he be 5. SI. 1. fell down s in mount Gilboa, 1 Chr. 10. 1. 8. when the Philistm s eam6 to strip the s. 2 Sam. 1. i9. beauty of Israel is s.l|22. blood of s. 25. Jonathan thou ^vast s.\\l8. 7. Israel were s. 1 Kings 11.15. when Joab w as gone to bury the s. 2 Kings 3.23. kings are surely s.||ll.8. let him be s. 11. 16. laid hands on her, and there was she s. 1 Chr. 5.22.fellmany s.||2 Chr. 13.17. fell s. .500000 Esth.7.4.sold to be s.\\Q.l 1. number of s. in Shushan Job 39. 30. and where thes. are there is she Ps. 62.3. be s. all of you|]88. 5. like s.|l89.10. one s. Prov. 22. 13. I shall be 5.||24. 11. ready to be s. Isa. 10. 4.fall under the s.Jjli. 19. those that ares. 22. 2. thy s. men || 26. 21. no more cover her s. 27. 7. or is he s.||34. 3. s. be c.ast|]66. 16. s, of L. Jer. 9. 1. weep for s. \\ 14. 18. behold the s. wdth 18. 21. let young men be s.||25. 33. «. of the Lord 41. 9. filled pit with s. \\ 51. 4. s. shall tall, 47. Lam. 2. 20. prophet be s. || 4. 9. s. with hunger Ezek. 6. 7. s. shall fall j| 13. s. be among idols 9. 7. fills courts with s. 1| 1 1. 6. multiplied the s. 11. 7. s. are the flesh || 21. 14. sword of the s. 26. 6. daughters bes. || 28. 8. death of the 5. 30. 4. s. shall fall in Egypt 1| 11. fill land with s. 31. 17. w^ent into hell with s. 18. | 32. 20,-32. 35. 8. with hiss. men||37. 9. breathe on these s. Dan. 2. 13. wise men should be s. |) 5. 30. kings s. 7. 11. beast was s. || 1 1. 26. many shall falls. Nah. 3. 3. a mult, of 5. |jZeph. 2. 12. shall be s. Luke 9. 22. Son of man must be s. and be raised Acts 5. 36. Theudaswass.|[7.42.s.beasts|jl3.28. Eph. 2. 16. s. the enmity||Heb. 11. 37. they were s. Rev. 2. 13. Antipas, -who was s. among you ' Rev. 5. 9. thou wast s. 1| 12. Lamb that was s. 13.8. 6. 9. souls that were s. 11. 13. 1 18. 24. 1 19. 21. SLANDER, s. Num. 14. 36. by bringing up a s. Psal 31. 13. s. of many II Prov. 10. 18. uttereth a s. SLANDERED, p. 2 Sam. 19. 27. s. thy servant SLANDEREST. Psal. 50. 20. s. thy mother's son SLANDERETH. Psal. 101. 5. «. his neighbour SLANDERERS, s. 1 Tim. 3. 11. be grave, not s. SLANDEROUSLY, ad. Rom. 3. 8. s. reported SLANDERS, s. Jer. 6.' 28. walking with s. 9. 4. SLANG, V. 1 Sam. 17. 49. David took and s. it SLAVE, S, s. Jer. 2. 14. Rev. 18.13. SLAUGHTER, s. 1 Sam. 14. 14. that first s. 30. a much greater s. || 17. 57. s. of Philistines 2 Sam. 17. 9. there is a s. f| 2 Chr. 25. 14. from s. Psal. 44. 22. as sheep for s. Jer. 12. 3. Rom. 8. 36. Prov. 7. 22. as an ox to s. || Isa. 10. 26. s. of Midian Isa. 14. 21. prepare s. \\ 27. 7. according to the s. 34. 2. destroyed and deUvered them to the s. 53. 7. as a lamb to the s. Jer. 11. 19. Acts 8. 32. 65. 12. and ye shall bow down to the s. because Jer. 7. 32. not Tophet, but the valley of 5. 19. 6. 25. 34. days of your s. \\ 48. 15. down to the s. 50. 27. go down to s.\\ 51. 40. like lambs to 5. Ezek. 9. 2. a s. weapon || 21. 10, to make a sore s, 21. 15. wrapt up for s. 28. || 26. 1.5. s. is made Hos.5.2. profound to make 5. ||0bad.9.cut off by s, Zech. 11. 4. feed flock of s. \\ 7. I'll feed flock ofs. Acts 9. 1. breathing out s. \\ Heb. 7. 1. s. of kings James 5. 5. nourished your hearts as in a day ofs. See Great. SLAY, V. Gen. 4. 14. findeth me, shall s. me 20. 4. Lord wilt thou s. also a righteous nation 11. they will s. me|| 22. 10. hand, to s. his son 27. 41. 1 will s. Jacob || 34. 30. gather and 5. me 37. 18. conspir. to s. him |j 20. let us 5. him, 26. 42. 37. s. my two sons || 43. 16. s. make ready Exod. 2. 15. to s. Moses |j 4. 23. 1 will s. thy son 5. 21. to put a sword in their hand to s. us 21. 14. to s. with guile |j 23. 7. rigltteous s. not 29. 16. s. the ram |J 32. 12. to s. them l| 27. and s. Num. 19. 3. s. red heifer || 25. 5. s. ye every one 35. 19. 9. murderer, 21. || Deut. 9. 28. to s. thcra Deut. 19.6. lest avenger s. \\ 27. 25. reward to s. Josh. 13.22. s. Balaam 1| Judg. 8. 19. not s. you Judg. 8. 20. up and s. them || 9. 54. and s. me 1 Sam. 2. 25. because the Lord would s. them 5. 10. ark to s. us, 11. |j 14. 34. bring ox and s. 15. 3. s. both man and wom. || 19. 5. to s. David 19. 11. Saul sent to s. him || 20. 8. s. me thyself 20. 33. to s. Dav. || 22. 17. turn and s. the priests 2 Sam. 1. 9- Saul said, s. me || 3. 37. to s. Abner 21. 2. Saul so!ight to s. them in his zeal to the 1 Kings 1.51. swear he'll not s. me || 3. 26, 27. 15. 28. did Baasha s. || 17. 18. art come to s. 18. 9. Ahab, to s. me || 12. he shall s. me ; but 19. 17. shall Jehu s. \\ 20. 36. a lion shall s. thee 2 Kings 8. 12. and their young men wilt thou s. 10. 25. go in, s. them || 17. 26. sent lions to s., 2 Chr. 26. 23. utterly to s. \\ 23. 14. s. her not in 29. 34. priests too few to s. all burnt-offerings Neh. 4. 11. w^e'll s. them || 6. 10. they will s. thee Esth.8.11. to destroy, to s. \\ Job 9.23. s. suddenly Job 13. 15. tho' he s. me j| 20. 16. viper's tongue .?. Psal. 34. 21. evil shall s. || 37. 14. to a. such as, 32. 59. 11. s. them not, lest || 94. 6. s. the widow 109. 16. s. broken in heart |j 139. 19. -s. wicked ] i SLE Prov. 1. 32. turning away of simple shall s. them Isa. 11.4. witli breath s. wicked || 14. 30 s. renin. 27. 1.5. the dragon 11 65. 13. L. God shall s. thee Jer. 5. 6. a lion shall 5. || 15. 3. the sword to s. 18. 23. counsel to 5. me || 20. 4. and s. Judah 29. 21. shall s. Ahab W 40. 15. I'll s. Ishmael 41. 8. said s. us not |j 50. 27. s. all her bullocks Ezek. 9. 6. s. us utterly old || 13.19. to*, the souls 23. 47. s. their sons || 26. 8. s. thy daughters 40. 39. to s. thereon the burat-offering, 44. 11. Dan. 2. 14. to s. wise menl|Hos.2. 3. s. with thirst Hos. 9. 16. I'll s. the fruit || Amos 2. 3. s. princes Amos 9.1. I'll s. last of them with the sword, 4. Hab. 1. 17. to s. the nations] |Zech. 11. 5. possess s. Luke 11. 49. some they shall s. || 19. 27. s. them John 5. 16. sought to s. || Acts 5. 33. | 9. 29. Rev. 9. 15. prepared to s. the third part of men SLAYER, s. Num. 35. 11. cities of refuge that s. may flee, Deut.4. 42. ( 19. 3, 6. Josh. 20. 3. Josh. 21. 13. city of refuge for the s. 21, 32, 38. Ezek. 21.11 sword is furbished to be given to s. SLAYETH, V. Gen. 4. 15. s. Cain || Deut. 22. 26. Job 5. 2. s. silly one || Ezek. 28. 9. that s. thee SLAYING,/?. Josh. 8. 24. an end of s. 10. 20. Judg. 9. 56. s. hisbreth. |j 1 Kin. 17. 20. s. her son Isa. 22. 13. behold, s. oxen || 57. 5. s. the children Ezek. 9. 8. while they were s. them, I was left SLEEP, s. is put for [1] Slothy indolence, Prov. 19. 15. I 20. 13. [2] Cai'nal security under the prevalence of sin, Rom. 13. 11. [3] Death, John 11. 11. [4] Safety, Psal. 4. 8. Gen. 2. 21. a deep s. 15. 12. 1 Sam. 26. 12. Job 4. 13. Psal. 76. 6. Prov. 19. 15. Isa. 29. 10. 28. 16. awaked out of s. || 31. 40. s. departed Judg. 1 6. 14. Samson awaked out of his s. 20. Job 14. 12. not awake, nor be raised out of his s. 4. 13. when deep s. falleth on men, 33. 15. Ps, 13.3. lestl S.JJ76. 5. stouthearted slept theirs. 78. 65. as one out of s. \\ 90. 5. they are as a s. \ 127. 2. giveth his beloved s. \\ 132. 4. not give s. \ Prov. 3. 24. s. shall be sweetl|4. 16. 5. taken away 1 6. 4. give not s. \\ 9. when arise out of thy s. h 10. yet a little s. a little slumber, 24. 33. / 20. 13. love not s. \\ Eccl. 5. 12. the s. is sweet Eccl. 8. 16. nor night seeth s. || Isa. 29. 10. deep s. Jer. 31. 26. my s. was sweet || 51. 39. perpetual s. Dan. 2. 1. his s. brake, 6. 18.|j8. 18. a deep s. 10. 9. Zech. 4. 1. as a man that is wakened out of 5. Matt.1.24. raised from s. 1 1 Luke 9. 32. heavy with s. John 11. 11. that I may awake him out of s. 13. Acts 16. 27. awaking out of s. \\ 20. 9. a deep s. Rom. 13. 11. it is high time to awake out of s. SLEEP, r. Exod. 22. 27. wherein shall he s. Deut. 24. 12. thou shall not s. with his pledge 31. 16. Shalt s. with thy fathers, 2 Sam. 7. 12. Judg. 16. 19. s. on her kneesljl Sam. 3. 3. laid to s. 1 Kin. 1. 21. kins: shall s. I) Esth. 6. 1. not king s. Job 7. 21. for now shall I s. in the dust and Psal. 4. 8. in peace and s.|| 121. 4. slumber nor s. Prov. 4. 16. s. not except || 6. 9. how long wilt s. Eccl. 5. 12. not suffer him to s.jjSong 5. 2. 1 s. but Isa. 5. 27. none shall s. \\ Ezek. 34. 25. s. in woods Jer. 5 1. 39. they may s. a perpetual sleep, 57. Dan. 12. 2. many that s. || Matt. 26. 45. s. on now Mark 4. 27. should s. and seed spring || 14. 41. LuVie 22. 46. why s. ye || John 11.12. Lord, if he s. 1 Cor. 11. 30. mauv among vou 5.! '15. 51. not all s. SLE T35 1 Thes. 4. 14. s. in Jesus || 5. 6. not s. as do other? 5.7. s. sleep in the night || 10. we wake or s. SLEEPER, s. Jonah 1. 6. O 5. arise, call on God SLEEPEST, V. Ps.44.23.whys. thouHProv. 6. 22. Mark 14. 37. Simons. thou||Eph. 5. 14. thou that s. SLEEPETH,f. 1 Kings 1 8. 27. peradventure he s. Prov. 10. 5. s. in harvest || Hos. 7. 6. baker s. Matt.9.24. not dead, but s. Mark 5. 39. Luke 8. 52. John 11. 11. hesaith, our friend Lazanis s. SLEEPING, p. 1 Sam. 26. 7. Saul lay s. in trench Isa. 56. 10. watchmen blind, s. loving to slumber Mark 13. 36. find you s. 14. 37.||Acts 12. 6. Peters. SLEIGHT, 5. Eph. 4. 14. by the s. of men, and SLEPT, V. Gen. 2. 21. Adam s.||4l. 5. Pharaoh s. 2 Sam. 11. 9. Uriah s. \\ 1 Kin. 3. 20. handmaid s. 1 Kings 19. 5. as he lay and s. \\ Job 3. 13. have s. Psal. 3.5.1 laid me down and s.|j76.5. s. their sleep Matt. 13. 25. while men s. \\ 25. 5. all slum, and s. 27. 52. saints which s. \\ 28. 13. stole while we s. 1 Cor. 15. 20. the first fruit of them that s. See Fathers. SLEW, V. Gen. 4. 25. Cain s. \\ 34. 25. s. males 34. 26. s. Hamor II 49. 6. in anger they s. a man Exod. 2. 12. Moses s. \\ 13. 15. L. s. all first-born Lev. 8. 15. s. bullocks II 9. 8.calf || 12. burnt-off. Num. 31. 7. they s. all the males of Midian, 8. Josh. 8. 21. s. men of Ai |j 9. 26. Gibeonites s. not 10. 26. Joshua s. the five kings, and hanged Judg. 1 . 4. s. 10000 men || 10. they s. Sheshai, 17. 3. 29. s. of Moab 10000 || 31. Shamgars. 600 ^ 7. 25. s. Oreb and Zeeb |! 8. 21. s. Zebah, Zalm. 9. 5. Abimelech s. || 54. say not, a woman s. him 12. 6. s. him at passages |] 14. 19. Samson s. 30. 15. 15. Samson s.a 1000||16. 24. s. manyof us, 30. 1 Sam. 1.25. Elkanah s. || 4. 2. Phihstines s. 4000 11. 11. Israel s. Ammonites || 14. 13. s. after him 14. 32. s. oxen || 1 7. 36. s. both lion and bear 17. 50. David s. Gohath||19. 5. c. the Philistines 22. 18. Doeg s. 85 persons j| 29. 5. Saul s. his 30. 2. s. not any II 31. 2. Philistines s. Jonathan 2 Sam. 1 . 10. 1 s. him |! 4. 7. they s. Ish-bosheth 10. 1 s.him II 12. David s. them and cut off 8. 5. David s. 22000 Syrians || 10. 18. David s. 18. 15. S.Absalom || 21. 1. Sauls. Gibeonites 21. 21. Shimea s. him|j23. 20. s. two hon-Hke men 23.21. s. an Egypt, a goodly man, 1 Chr. 11. 23. 1 Kings 2. 5. Abner he s. || 34. fell on Joab and s. 13. 24. a lion s. him, 20, 36 |! 16. 11. Zimri s. 18. 13. when Jezebel s. |j 40. Ehjah s. prophets 2 Kings 9. 31. had Zimri peace, who s. his master 10. 9. who s. all these || 17. s. all that remain 11. 18. s. Mattan || 20. s. Athahah, 2 Chr. 23. 15. 14. 5. Amaziah s. his servants that had slain 6. but their children he s. not, 2 Chr. 25. 4. 7. s. of Edom || 1 9. s. Amaziah, 2 Chr. 2.5. 27. 15. 10. Shallum s. him || 30. Hosea s. Pekah 16.9. s. Rezin|| 17. 25. Lord sent lions which s. 21. 23. Anion s. him || 24. people s. 2 Chr. S3. 25. 23. 20. Josiah s. priests I| 29. Pharaoh-nechoh s. 25. 7. Nebuchad. s. the sons, Jer. 39. 6. | 52. 10, 1 Chr. 7. 21.menofGaths.||10. l^.L. s.him 2 Chr. 21. 4. Jehoram s. |i 22. 8. Jehu s. princes 24. 25. s. him on his bed || 28. 6. Pekah s. in 32. 21. own bowels s. him || 33. 24. servants s. Neh. 9. 26. s. thy prophetsjjEsth. 9- 16. Jews s. ot Psal. 78. 31. s. the fattest || 34. when he s. them ie.> 29. s. their fish |} 135. 10. s. kings, 136. 18. SMA SMI Isa. 66. 3. as if he is. a noanlj Jer.20. 17. s. me not Jer. 26. 23. Uvijah s. him || 41. 2. Ishmael s. 3. Lam. 2. 4. he s. all that were pleasant to the eye Dan. 3. 22. fire s. the men || 5. 19. he would he s. Matt. 2. 16. Herod s. |) 21. 39. cast him out and s. 22. 6. remnant s. |) 23. 35. s. between temple I-uke 13. 4. on whom tower in Siloam fell and s. Acts .5. 30. whom ye s. 10. 39. || 22. 20. that s. him Rom. 7. 11. sin s. me |j 1 John 3. 12. Cain, who 5. SLEWE8T, V. 1 Sam. 21. 9. of Goliath thou s. SLIDE, r. Deut. 32. 35. Psal. ^5. 1. | 37. 31. SLIDDEN, V. Jer. 8. 5. why then 5. back by a SLIDETH, V. Hos. 4. 16. Israel s. back as a SLIGHTLY. Jer. 6. 14. healed hurt s.S.ll. SLIiVIE, ,s. Gen. 11.3. | 14. 10. Exod. 2. S. SLING. Jurlg. 20. 16. s. sstones at an hair-breadth 1 Sam. 17. 40. David had his s. in his hand, 50. 25. 29'. s. enemies as out of the middle of a s. Prov. 26. S. a stone in a s. |I Jet. 10. 18. I'll 5. out SLINGS, s. 2 Chr. 26. 14. Uzziah prepared s. to SLINGERS, s. 2 Kin. 3. 25. s. went and smote SLING-STONES, s. Job 41. 28. s. are turned SLIP^-y. 2 Sam. 22. 37. feet did not 5. Psal. 18. 36. Job 12. 5. ready to 5. || Psal. 17. 5. footsteps s. not Jer. 37.tl2. to s. away |) Heb. 2. 1. lest let them 5. SLIPPERY, «. Psal. 35. 6. | 73. 18. Jer. 23. 12. SLIPPETH,?;. Deut. 19. 5. Psal. 38. 16. | 94. 18. SLIPS, s. Isa. 17. 10. shalt set it with strange s. SLIPT,t\ 1 Sam. 19. 10. Davids, out || Ps. 73. 2. SLOTHFUL, rt. Judg. 18. 9. be not s. to go to Prov. 12. 24. s. be under tribute j| 27. s. rosteth 15, 19. way of s. is ahedi^e || 18. 9's. is i)rother 19.24. s.hideth, 26. 15.||21.25. desire of s.killeth 22. 13. s.saith, a lion, 26. 13. jj 24. 30. field oi's. Matt. 25. 26. lord said, thou wicked and s. serv. Rom. 12. 11. not."?, in business||Heb. 6- 12. be not 5. SLOTHFULNESS,5. Prov. 19.15. Eccl.10.18. SLOW, a. Exod. 4. 10. s. of speech || Neli. 9.17. Prov. 14.29. s. to wrath || Luke 24. 25. s. of heart Tit.1.1 2. 5. beilies|!Jam.i .1 9.s.to speak, s. to wrath SLOWLY, ad. Acts 27. 7. we had sailed s. many SLUGGARD, s. Piov. 6. 6. go to ant, thou s. 9. 10. 26. so is the s. |j 13. 4. soul of the s. desireth 20. 4. 5. will not plow || 26. 16. the s. is wiser in SLUICES, s. Isa. 19. 10: all that make s.and SLUMBER, V. Psal. 121. 3. he will not s. 4. 132. 4. I'll not give .^. \\ Prov. 6. 4, 10. ( 24. 33. Isa. 5. 27. none shall s. nor|| 56. 10. loving to s. Nah. 3. 18. thv shepherds s.||Rom. 11. 8. spirit of s. SLUMBERED,;). Matt. 25. 5. they all s. and SLUMBERETH. 2 Pet. 2. 3. damnation s. not SLUMBERINGS. Job 33. 15. G. speaketh m s. SMALL, a. Gen. 30. 15. is its. a matter that Exod. 9. 9. became s. dust|)16. 14. as. round thing 18. 22. every s. matter |) 30. 36. beat it very s. Num. 16. 9. a s. thing, 13. |) Deut. 32. 2. as s. rain 2 Sam. 7. 19. a 5. thing!) 22. 43. beat s. Ps. 18. 42. 1 Kin. 2. 20. one s. petition||19. 12. a still s. voice 2 Kin. 19. 26. inhab. were of s. power, Isa. 37. 27. 23. 6. stampt s. 15. || 2 Chr. 24. 24. | 35. 8, 9. job 8. 7. tho' beginning was s. \\ 15. 11. consolat. 36. 27. s. the drops || Psal. 119. 141. I am 5. yet Prov. 24. 10. strength is o.\\ Isa. 1. 9. a s. remnant Isa. 7. 13. a s. thing, Ezek. 16. t 47. j 34. 18. 16. 14. remnant be *. || 29- 5. 3. dust, 40. 15. 43. 23. the s. cattle \\ 54. 7. for a s. moment 60. 22. a £. one shall l^ecome a strong nation Jer. 30. 19. glorify them and they shall not be 6v 44. 28. a s. number return || 49. 15. make «. Ezek. 16. 20. a s. matter || Dan. 11. 23. a s. people Amos 7. 2. Jacob is s. 5. |) Obad. 2. 1 made thee s, Zech. 4. 10. day of s. things || Mark 8. 7. s. fishes John 2. 15. scourge of 5. cords || 6. 9. two s. fishes Acts 12. 18. no s.stir, 19. 23. (| 15. 2. no s. dissen. 19. 24. no s. gain jj 27. 20. when no s. tempest 1 Cor. 4. 3. a very s. thing |] Jam. 3. 4. a s. helm SMALLEST, a. 1 Sam. 9. 21. 1 Cor. 6. 2. SMART, V. Prov. tl. 15. surety, shall s. for it SMELL, Gen. 27. 27. s. of my son is as the s. Exod. 30. 38. to s. thereto || Lev. 26. 31. I'll not s, Deut. 4. 28. neither see nor s. \\ l Sam. 26. 1 19. Psal. 45. 8. s. of myrrh |) 115. 6. noses, but s, not Song 1. 12. sendeth forth the s. |J 2. 13. a good s. 4. 10. s. of thy ointment I) 11. like s. of Lebanon 7. 8. the s. of thy nose like apples || 13. give a s. Isa. 3. 24. instead of sweet s. || Dan. 3. 27. nor s. Hos. 14. 6. 5. as Lebanon || Am. 5. 21. 1 will not s. Phil, 4. 1 8. sent from you an odour of sweet s. SMELLED. Gen. 8. 21. Lord s. \\ 27. 27. Isaac SMELLETH. Job 39. 25. he s. the battle ^far SMELLING. Song 5. 5. sweet s. myrrh, 13. 1 Cor.l2. 17. where were the s.||Eph. 5. 2. 5. savour SMITE, V. Gen. 32. 11. I fear him lest he s. me Exod. 3. 20. s. Egypt I) 7. 17. s. with the rod 8. 2. s. all thy borders |) 12. 12. s. the first-born 17. 6, shalt s. the rock || 21. 20. s. servant, 26. Num. 14. 12. s. with pestilence |) 22. 6. we may s. 24. 17. s. corners of Moab || 25. 17. Midianites s. 35. 18. if s. with weapon || 21. or in enmity s. Deut. 7. 2. shalt s. them||13, 15. surely 5. that city 19. U.S. him mortally |j 20. 13. s. every male 28. 22. L. shall s. thee, 27, 28, 35. || 33. 11. s, thro' Josh, 7. 5, s. Aijj 10. 19. s. the hindmost of them 12. 6. then did Moses and Israel s. 13. 12. Judg. 6. 15. s. Midian|)20. 31. began tos.li21. 10. 1 Sara. 17. 46. I'll s. thee || 18. 11. 1 will s. David 19. 10. Saul sought to s. 20. 33. || 23. 2. go, and s. 26. 8. let me s. him |) 10. the Lord shall s. him 2 Sam. 2. 22. why should I s. thee || 5. 24. s. host 13. 28. s. Amnon 15. 14. lest he s. the city 17. 2, 1 will s. the king only [j 18. 11. why not s. iKin. 14 15. Lord shall s. Israel || 20. 35.s. me 2 Kings. 3. 19. s. every fenced |) 6. 21. shall I s. 9. 7. s. house of Ahab |) 13. 18. s, on the ground 1 Chr, 14. 15.tos. hostlJS Chr. 21. 14. will the L. s. Psal. 121. 6. sun not s. II 141.5. let righteous 5. me Prov. 19. 25. s, a scorner||Isa. 3. 17. s. with a scab Isa. 10. 24. s. thee with a rod || 11. 4. s. the earth 1 1. 15. s. it in 7 streams || 19. 22. L. shall s. Eg. 49. 10. heat nor sun s. them |) 58. 4. ye fast to s. Jer. 18. 18, let us s. him || 21. 6. he shall s. 43. 11. Ezek. 5. 2.S. with a knife || 6. 11. s. with thy hand 9. 5. go ye, and s. jj 21. 12. s. upon thy thigh 21.14. s. thy hands||17. I'll s. mine hands togethei' 32. 15. when I shall s. |! 39. 3. 1 will s. thy bow Am. 3. 15. s. winter house, 6. 11, || 9. 1. s. lintel Mic. 5. 1. s. judge of Israel || Nah. 2. iO. knees ^. Zech. 10. 11. s. waves of sea||11.6. s. the land 12. 4. in that day I'll s. every horse and rider 13. 7. s. the shepherd, Matt. 26. 31. Mark 14. 27. 14. 12. plague wherewith L. will s. people, 18. i»Ial. 4. 6, lest I come and s. earth with a curse IMatt. 5. 39. s. on the cheek || 24, 49. begin to s. Luke 22.49. shall we s.jj Acts 23. 3. G. shall s. thee SMO 2 Cor.l 1. 20. ye suffer, if a man s. you on the face Rev. 11. 6. to s. the earth II 19. 15. s. the nations SMITERS, s. Isa. 50. 6. 1 gave my back to the 5. SMITEST. V. Exod. 2. 13. why s. John 18. 23. SMITETH, v. Exod 21. 12. he that s. a man, 15. Dent.25.11. him that s.\\27. 24.cursed be he thats. Josh. 1 5. 1 6. he that s. Kirjath-Sepher, Judg. 1.12. 2 Sam. 5. 8. that s. the Jebusitestirst, 1 Chr. 11.6. Job 26. 12. s. thro' the proudj|Isa. 9.13. him that s. Lam.3.30.cheek to him that g.l|Ezek. 7. 9. L.thats. Luke 6. 29. s. thee on one cheek, turn the other SMITH, s. 1 Sam. 13. 19. no s. found in Israel Isa. 44. 12. s. with tongsl|54. 16. 1 created the 5. Acts 19. 24. a silver fi.|)2 Tim. 4. 14. the copper s. SMITHS. 2 Kings 24. 14. Jer. 24. 1. | 29. 2. SMITING, p. Exod. 2Al.s. an Hebrew, one of 2Sam.8.1 S.from s.Syrians| jlKm.20.37.so that in s. 2 Kin. 3. 24. forward s.jjMic. 6. 13. sick in s. thee SMITTEN, V. Exod. 7. 25. after the Lord had s. 9. 31. barley was s. 32.||22. 2. be s. that he die Num.l4.42.go not up that ye be not s. Deut.1.42. 22. 28. 5. me these three tmies, 32.||33.4.L. had s. Deut. 28.7. enemies to be s.||25. thee to be s.bef Judg. 1. 8. s. Jerusalem |) 20. 32. they are s. 39. 1 Sam. 4. 2. Israel was s.\\S. why hath Lord s. us 5. 12. s. with emerodslj6. 19. Lord had s. many 7. 10. Philistines were s. || 13. 4. garrison||30. 1 . 2 Sam. 2. 31. s. of Abner's men || 8. 9. 5. tlie host 10. IS.sawthey weres.|jll.l3.may be s. and die 1 Kin. 8.33. when Israel be s.jjl 1.1 5. s, every male 2 Kin. 2. 14. s. the watersj|3. 23. kings have s. 13. 19. s. five or six times||l4. 10. hast s. Edoni 2Chr.20.22.M.and Seir were 5.||25.l6,why hes. 26. 20. Lord had s. him|)28. 17. Edomites had 5. I Job 16. 10. they have s. me upon the cheek I Psal. 3. 7. thou hast 5.||69. 26. whom thou hast s. 102. 4. my heart is s. || 143. 3. s. my life down Isa. 5. 25. Lord hath 5. his people|i24. 12. gate is 6\ 27. 7. hath he s. him|(53. 4. stricken, s. of God Jer. 2. 30. in vain have I s. your children, they 14. 19. why hast thou s. us|)37. 10. tho' ye had e- Ezek. 22. 13. s. myhand|)33. 21. city is 5. 40. 1. Hos. 6. 1. hehatii s. \\ 9. 16. Ephraim is s. their Amos 4. 9. Ihave*. you, yet ye have not returned Acts 23.3. to hes. against law ?|)Re v. 8. 12. sun was SMOKE, s. is put for, [1] The fading condition of wicked men, Psal. 37. 20. [2] Offensiveness, grievous, Pro v. 10. 26. [3] The anger and wrath of God, Rev. 14. 11. [4] Great cala- mities, Isa. 14. 31. [5] Blindness, Isa. 6. 4. |]6J yi sign of God's presence, Isa. 4. .5. {]7] H'cak grace, Isa. 42. 3. [8] Prayers, Rev. 8. 3. Gen. 19. 28. s. of the country went up as the s. Exod. 19. 18. mount Sinai was altogether on a s. Deut. 29. 20. anger of L. shall s. against that man Josh. 8. 20. s. of Ai ascended up to heaven, 21. Judg. 20. 38. should make s. rise out of tlie city 2 Sam. 22. 9- up a s. out of his nostrils, Ps. 18. 8. Job 41. 20. out of his nostrils goeth s. as from Psal. 37. 20. consume into a;.|)68. 2. as s. is driven 74. 1 . O God, why doth thine anger s. against 102. 3. days like«.||104 32. hills, and they s. 119. 83. like a bottle in thes.||l44.5. theyshalU. Prov. 10.26. as s. to the eyes|jSong 3. 6. like pillars Isa. 4. 5. a s. by day|j6. 4. house was filled withs. 9. 18. lifting up of s. || 14. 31. from north as as. 34. 10. the 5. thereof shall go up for ever ; from SNA 536- Isa. 51.6. vanish like s.|| 65. 5. are a s. in my nose Hos. 13. 3. be as the s. \\ Joel 2. 30. pillars of 5. Nail. 2. 13. burn chariots in s.jjActs 2. 19. fire, 5. Rev. 8. 4. s. of the incense j| 9. 2. arose as. 3. 9. 17. issued fire and s.||l8. killed by the fire and s. 14. 11. s. of torment] j 15. 8. temple tilled with s. 18. 9. see the s. 18.j|19. 3. her s. rose up for SMOKING, 2). Gen. 15. 17. a s.ilirnace, and a Exod. 20. 1 8. mountain s.jjlsa. 7. 4. s. firebrands Isa. 42. 3.S. flax shall he not quench. Mat. 12. 20. SMOOTH, a. Gen. 27. 1 1. 1 am a s. man. 16. 1 Sam. 17. 40. five s. stoues|)Isa. 30. 10. s. things Isa. 57. 6. among the s. stones of the stream Luke 3. 5. and the rough ways shall be made s. SrtlOOTHER, a. Psal. 55. 21. Prov. 5. 3. SMOOTHETH, v. Isa. 41. 7. s. with hammer SMOTE, V. Gen, 19. 7. s. the men at the door 36. 35. s. Midian infield of Moab, 1 Chr, 1. 46. Exod. 7. 20. s. waters||8. 17. s. dust j{ 9. 25. hail s. 12. 29. s. the first-born in land of Egypt, Num. 3. 13. I '8. 17. Psal. 78. Sl.jlOS. 36. | 135. 8. Num. 11. 33. s. the people||14. 45. Amalekitess*. 20. 11. Moses s. the rock twice, Psal. 78. 20. 22. 23, s. the ass||24. 10. Balak s. his hands 32. 4. country the Lord s. \\ 35. 21. that s. him Deut. 25. 18. Amalek 5.||^9. 7. and w'e s. thera Josh. 7. 5. menof Ais. 1| 9. 18. s. them not, bee. 11. 12. s. all their kings || 20. 5. s. unwittingly Judg. 4. 21 . Jael 5. the nail, 5. 26.||7. 13. tent, s. it 15. 8. Samsons. theni||20. 35. Lord s. Benjamin 1 Sam. 4. 8. gods that s. Egyptians] j6. 9. s.us, 19. 17. 49. David s. Philistine|jl9. iO. s. the javelin 24. 6. David's heart s. him, 2 Sam. 24. 10. 25. 38. the Lord s. Nabal||30. 17. David s. them 2 Sam. 2. 23. 5. him under the fifth rib, 3. 27.|4. 6. 6. 7. G. s. him, 1 Chr. 13. 10. |j 14.7. s. his brother 1 Kin. 20. 37. the mans. him||22. 24. s. Micaiah 2 Kin. 2. 8. Elijah s. watersl]'l4. Elisha s. waters 6. 18. s. with biindnessj|15. 5. Lord s. the king 19. 35. angel of the L.s. 185,000, Isa. 37. 36. 37. bis sous s. him with the sword, Isa. 37. 38. 2 Chr. 13. 15.S. JeroboamI|l4. 12. s. Ethiopians 28. 5. Syria s. Ahaz ; king of Israel s. him. Neh 13. 25. s. certainlJJob 2. 7.s. Job with sore Psal. 78. 31. s. 'chosen men|j 66. s. his enemies Song 5. 7. tlie watchmen found me, they s. me Isa. 10. 20. stay on him thats.|jl4. 6. he who s. 14. 29. rod that s. thee is broken|i27. 7. as he s. 30. 31. s. with a rodl|4l. 7. that «. the anvil .57. 17. wrath, and s. himj|60. 10. in wrath I s. Jer. 20. 2. s. JeremiahlJSl. 19. 1 s. on my thigh 37. 15. princes s.himy41. 2. Ishrn. s. Gedaliah Dan. 2. 34. s. inmge||5. 6. knees s.|i8. 7. s. the ram Jonah 4. 7. s. gourd||Hag. 2. 17. 1 s. with blasting Matt. 26.51.s.oileariJ68.' who s. thee, Luke 22.64. 27, 30. and s. him on the head, Mark 15. 19. Luke 22. 63. John 19. 3. Luke I8.13,s. on his breast||23. 48. s. their breasts Acts 12. 7. angel s. Peter||23. ansjel of L. s. Herod SMOTEST, V. Exod. 17. 5. rod thou s. the river SMYRNA, Myrrh. A city of Ionia in Asia, about 46 miies from Ej^/jesMS, and is * by the Turks called Esmir. Rev. 1, 11, | 2. 8. SNAIL, s. Zn Hebrew, comet ; in Greek, saura, i. e. the hzard. Lev. 11. 30. Psal. 58. 8. SNARE, s. Exod. 10. 7. this man be a s. to us 23. 33. it will be a s. Deut. 7. 16. Judg. 2. 3. ao SOJ Exod. 34. 12. make no covenant^ lest it be a s. in Judg. 8. 27. which thing became a s. to Gideon 1 Sara. 18. 21. she may be a s.||28. 9. s.for myhfe Job 18. 8. he walketh on a s.||10. s. is laid for Iiim Psal. 69. 22. let their table become a s. Rom. 11.9. 91. 3. s. of the fowler|1106, 36. which were a s. 119. 110. Iaidas.||l24. 7.S. is broken, and we 140. 5. laid a s. 142. 3.||141. 9. keep me froms. Prov. 7. 23. hasteth to the s.\\l8. 7. lips are the s. 20. 25. it is as. totheman||22. 25. get as. to thy 29. 6. in the transgression of an evil man isa s. S.bring acity toas.j|25.fearofmanbringethas. Eccl. 9. 12. as birds that are caught in the s. Isa. 8.14. for a s. to the inhabitants of Jerusalem 24. 17. fear and a s. are upon thee, 18. Jer.48.43. 29. 21. lay a s. \\ Jer. 50. 24. a s. for Babylon Xam. 3. 47. fear andas ||Ezek. 12. 13. my s. 17.20. Hos. 5. 1. a s. on Mizpah|]9. 8. the prophet is a s. Amos 3. 5. can a bird fall into a s. take up a s. Luke 21.35. asas.come||l Cor. 7. 35. may castas. 1 Tim. 3. 7. fall into s. 6. 9. ||2 Tim. 2. 26. out of s. SNARED, p. Deut. 7. 25. lest thou be s. 12. 30. Psal. 9.16. wicked is s. Prov. 6. 2. | 12. 13. Eccl. 9. 12. the sons of men s. in an evil time Isa. 8. 15. fall and hes. 28. 13.||42. 22. s. in holes SNARES, s. Josh. 23. 13. they shall be s. traps a Sam. 22. 6. s. of death prevented me Psal. 18.5. Job 22 10. s. are round|j40. 24. pierceth thro' s. Psal. 11. 6. rains.||38. 12. lay s. for me, 64. 5. Prov. 13. 14. to depart froms. of death, 14. 27. 22. 5.S. in the way]jEccl. 7. 26. whose heart is s. Jer. 5. 26. settcths.|jl8. 22. digged and hid s. SNATCH, V. Isa. 9. 20. shall s. on the right hand SNORTING, p. Jer. 8. 16. s. of his horses was SNOUT, s. Prov. 11. 22. jewel in a swine's s. SNOW, s. Exod. 4. 6. hand was leprous as «. Num. 12. 10. leprous as s.||2 Sam. 25. 20. time ofs. 2 Kings 5. 27. Gehazi went a leper as white as s. Job 6. 16. s. is hid }| 9. 30. if I w^ash myself m s. 24. 19. consume s. waters |) ST. 6. saith to the s. 38. 22. hast thou entered the treasures of the s. Psal. 51. 7. be whiter than s.||68. 14. s. in Salmon 157. 16. he giveth s. \\ 148. 8. s. and vapour Prov. 25. 13. as cold ofs. 26. l.||31. 21. afraid ofs, Isa. 1. 18.be white as s.||55. 10. s. from heaven Jer. 1 8. 14. s. of Lebanon || Lam. 4. 7. purer than s. Dan. 7. 9. garment was white as s. Rev. 1. 14. Matt. 28. 3. his raiment white as s. Mark 9. 3. SNOWY, a. 1 Chr. 11. 22. in a pit in a s. day. SlSiVFF-dishes. Exod. 25. 38.||37. 23. Num. 4. 9. SNUFFED, p. Jer. 14. 6. Mai. 1. 13. SNUFFERS, s. Exod. 37. 23. 1 Kings 7. 50. 2 Kings 12. 13.|25. 14. 2 Chr. 4. 22. Jer. 52. 18. SNUFFETH, v. Jer. 2. 24. s. up the wind at SO, A ineasurCy or vail. 2 Kings 17. 4. SO he it. Josh. 2. 2l . Jer. 11.5. Not SO. Gen. 19. 7,lSi29. 26.148. iS.ExodlO. 11. Num. 12. 7. Judg. 2. 17. | 14. 15. 1 Sam. 20. 2. 2 Sam. 20.21. | 23. 5. Job 9-35. | 24. 25. I 35. 15. Psal. 1. 4. Prov. 15. 7. Isa. 10.7. ! j20. 26, 14. 2. Eph. 4, It was SO. 6. 58. I 19. 30. 1 Sam. 10. 9. I 30. 25. 2 Sam. 15. 2, 5. Acts 12. 15. Sec in other ivords. Id. 6. Jer. 48. 30. Matt. 19. 8. . i 25. 9. Luke 1. 60 . 22. 26 . John Acts 10. 14. on 11.8. Rom. 5. 3,11. Gen. 1. 7,9, 11,15, 24, 30. Judg. SOBER, a. 2 Cor. 5.13. whether we be s. it is 1 Thes. 5. 6. watch and be s.||8. let us be s. 1 Tim. 3. 2. a bishop must be*. 11. Tit. 1. 8. Tit. 2. 2. aged men be s.||4. women to be s. 6. 1 Pet. 1. 13. be s. and hope to end, 4. 7. j 5. 8. SOBERLY. Rom. 12. 3. think s.jjTit. 2. 12. SOBERNESS. Acts 26. 25. words of truth and s. SOBRIETY, s. Rom. 12.t3. 1 Tim. 2. 9, 15. SOCHO, A covering, or bough. 1 Chr. 4. 18. SOCHOH, Tlie same. 1 Kings 4. 10. SOCKET, s. Exod. 38, 27. a talent for a s. SOCKETS. Exod. 26. 19,-37. | 27. 10,-17. |35. 11, 17. I 36. 24,-36. | 38.27, 31. | 40. 18. Num. 3. 36, 37. | 4. 31, 32. Song. 5. 15. SOCOH, Tabernacles. Josh. 15. 35, 48. SOD, V. Gen. 25. 29. e. pottage, 2 Chr. 35. 13. SODDEN. Exod. 12. 9. nots. at all with water Lev. 6. 28. if*, in a pot||Num. 6. 19. s. shoulder 1 Sam. 2. 15. not have s. fleshjjLam. 4. 10. s. child SODERINO, p. Isa. 41. 7. it is ready for the s. SODI, My secret. Num. 13. 10. SODOM, Their secret, a heel, or mortar. Gen, 10. 19. I 13. 10. I 14. 2,-21. i 18. 16, 20, 26. I 19. 1, 24, 28. Deut. 29. 23. | 32. 32. Isa. 1. 9, 10. I 3. 9. I 13. 19. Jer. 23. 14. |49. 18. I 50. 40. Lam. 4. 6. Ezek, 16. 46,-56. Amos 4. 11. Zeph. 2. 9. Matt. 10. 15. i 11. 23,24. Luke 11. 12. | 17. 27. Rom. 9. 29. 2 Pet. 2. 6. Jude7. Rev. 11. 8. SODOMA, As Sodom, Gen. 10. 19. SODOMITE, S. Deut. 23. 17. 1 Kings 14. 24. [15.12. 2 Kings 23. 7. SOFT, a. Job 23. 1 6. God maketh my heart s. 41. 3. will he speak s. || Psal. 65. 10. makest it s, Prov. 15. l.a s. answer ||25. 15. a s. tongue break. Matt. 11.8. clothed in s. raiment, Luke 7. 25. SOFTER, a. Psal. 55. 21. words were s. than oil SOFTLY. Gen. 33. 14. 1'lllead ons. || Judg. 4. 21. Ruth 3. 7. she cames.jll Kin. 21. 27. Ahab went s. Isa.8.6.gos.||38. 1 5. 1 shall go s.|| Acts 27. 13. blew SOIL, s. Psal. 37. + 35. a tree growing in own s. Ezek. 17. 8. planted in a good s. by great waters SOJOURN, t\ Gen. 12. 10. Abraham went to s. 19. 9. this fellow came in to s. |( 26. 3. | 47. 4. Exod. 12. 48. stranger s. Lev. 19. 33. Num. 9. 14. Lev. 17. 8. strangers who s. 10. | 20. 2. j 25. 45. Judg. 17. 8. a Levite w ent to s. where he could, 9. Ruthl.l.Elimelech||lKin.l7. 20.withwhomlg. 2 Kings 8. 1. arise, s. It Psal. 120. 5. 1 s. in Mesech Isa. 23. 7. afar off to s.||.^2. 4. to Egypt to *. there Jer. 42. 15. in Egypt to s. 17, 22. | 44. 12, 14, 28. Lam. 4. 15. no more s. |j Ezek. 20. 38. where s. Ezei: 47. 22. strangers who s.||Acts7. 6. his seed s. SOJOURNED,^. Gen. 20. 1. 1 21 . 34. 1 32. 4. 1 35. 27. Deut. 18. 6. | 26. 5. Judg. 17. 7. | 19. 16. 2 Kings 8. 2. Psal. 105. 23. Heb. 11. 9. SOJOURNER, s. Gen. 23. 4. 1 am a s. Psal.39.12. Lev. 22. 10. I 25. 35, 40, 47. Num. 35. 15. SOJOURNERS. Lev. 25. 23. and s. with me 2 Sam. 4. 3. s. in Gittaim|)l Chr. 29. 15. we are s. SOJOURNETH, i'. Exod. 3. 22. of her that *. 12. 49. one law to stranger that s. Lev. 16. 29. Lev, 17. 12. nor shall the stranger that s. eat blood 18. 26. he that s. shall keep my statutes, 25. 6. Num. 15. 15. one ordinance for him thats. 19. 10. Josh. 20. 9. stranger that s.||Ezra 1. 4. where he s. Ezek. 14. 7. s. iu"lsrael || 47. 23. in what tribe s'. II II SOL SON S$f SOJOURNING. Exod. 12. 40. «. was 430 years Judg.ig.l.a Levite s. \\ lPetl.l7. time of your «. SOKED, p. Isa. 34. 7. land shall be s. with blood SOLACE, s. Delight, pleasure. Piov. 7. 18. SOLD, V. Gen. 25.^33. Esau *. his birth-right to J. 31 . 15. our father hath s. us || 37. 28. s. Joseph 41. 56. Joseph s. corn, 42. 6. j) 45. 5. ye s. rae 47. 20. the Egyptians s. eveiy man his field, 22. Exod. 22.3. if nothing, then shall be s. for his theft Lev. ^.5. 23. land not be s. for ever, 25, SS, 34. ^ 42. not s. as bondmen |i 27. 28. no devoted s. Deut.l5.12.ifbrotherbes.|j28. 68. yeshallbes. 32. 30. except their Rock had s.tliein, and shut Judg. 2. 14. the Lord s. them, 3. 8. | 4. 2. | 10. 7. 1 Sam. 12. 9. he s. them |j 1 Kings21 . 20. s, thyself 2 Kings 6. 25. asses head s. \\ 7.1 .s. for a shekel,! 6. 17. 17. Israel s. themselves to do evil in sight Neh. 5. 8. s. to heathen || 13. 16. s. on the sabbath Estli. 7. 4. we are s.\\ Psal. 103. 17. Joseph was s. Isa. 50.1. s.yourselves, 52. 3. || Jer. 34.14. been s. Lam. 5. 4. our wood is s. |) Ezek. 7.13. which is s. Joel 3. 3. s. a girl || 6. Judah have ye s.unto 7. Amos 2. 6. s. the righteous for silver, and the Matt. 10. 29. two sparrows s.||l 3. 46. s. all he had 18. 25. his lord commanded him to be s. and 21.12.thats. doves, Mark 11. 15. Luke 19. 45. 26. 9. beens. for much, Mark 14. 5. John 12. 5. Luke 12.6.five sparrows s. \\ 17.28. bought,they s. John 2. 14. s. oxen || 16. said to them that s. doves Acts 2. 45. s. possessions, 4. 34, 37. | 5. 1, 4, 8. Rom. 7.14.5. under sin||lCor.l0.25. «. in shambles Heb. 12. 16. for one morsel of meat s. his birth-r. SOLDIER, S, s. 2 Chr. 25. 13. s. fell on cities Ezra 8.. 22. to require,*. |j Isa. 15. 4. s. of Moab Matt. 8. 9. having s. under him, Luke 7. 8. 27. 27. s. took Jesus || 28. 12. gave money to s. Luke 3. 14. 5. demanded |) 23. 36. s. mocked him John 19. 2. s. platted || 23. s, took his gannents 32. s. brake the legs \\ S4. one of the 5. pierced ActslO. 7. a devouts.||l2. 6. sleeping betw. twos. 12. 18. stir among s. || 21. 35. borne of the s. 23. 23. 200 s. to go|i 2/. 31. Paul said to s. 42. 28. 16. suffered P. to dwell by himself, with a s. 2 Tim. 2. 3. as a good s. |) 4. chosen him to be a s. SOLE, s. Gen. 8. 9. no rest for the s. of her foot Deut. 28. 35. from the s. of thy foot, 56, 65. Josh, 1. 3. every place s. of your foot shall tread 2 Sam. 14. 25. from s. of foot, Job 2. 7. Isa. 1 . 6. Ezek. 1.7. s. of their feet like s. of a calf's foot SOLEMN, a. Merryyjoyfuly public, glorious. Num. 10. 10. s. days Ij Psal. 92. 3. with a s. sound Isa, 1. 13. s. meetmg II Lam. 2. 22. as in a s. day Hos. 9. 5. in the s. day [} Zech. 8. 1 19. s. tiroes See Assembly, Feast. SOLEMNITY, s. Deut. 31. 10. Isa. 30. 29. SOLEMNITIES. Isa. 33. 20. Ezek. 45.17.1 46.11. SOLEMNLY, Earnestly. Gen. 43. 3. 1 Sam. 8.9. SOLES. Deut. 11. 24. Josh. 3. 13. | 4. 18. Ezek. 43. 11. Mai. 4. 3. SOLITARY, a. Quiet, affiided, desolate, &c. Job 3. 7. let that night be s. \\ 30. 3. they were s. Psal. 68. 6. 8. in fan)ilies|| 107. 4. in a V way Isa. 35.1. s. place, Mark 1. 35. |j Lam. 1.1. city sits. SOLITARIL^ ,ad. Mic.7. 14. which dwell 5. in SOLOMON, Peaceable, perfect, or that recom- penses. 2 Sam. 5. 14. | 12. 24. 1 Kn.gs 1. 10. 12. 1. Neh. 13. 26. Mutt. 6.29. | 12.42. Luke 69 12. 27. John 10. 23. Acts 3. il. | 5. 1 2. ! 7. 42. SOME, a. 2 Chr. 12. 7. I'll grant s deliverance Matt.13.4.5. fell by way side, Mark 4.4. Luke 8,5. 16. 14. art John, s. Elias, Mark 8. 28. Luke; 9. 19. 28. be*, standinghere, who,Mark 9.1.Lul^e8.7. John 6.64. s. believe not |ij 1 1.46.5. Avent then- way Acts 8. 31. except s. man (1 17.4.s. believed and 28. 24. and s. believed, and s. believed not Rom. 3. 3. what if 5. did not believe, shall their 5. 7. s. even dare to die j) 11. 14. might save «. 1 Cor. 6. 11. such were s. of you)) 9. 22. save s. 10. 8. ass. of them |] 15. 34. s. have not kuowl. Eph. 4. 11. s. apostles j] Phil. 1. 15. s. preach C. 1 Tim. 1. 3. charge s. \\ 4. 1. s. shall depart from 2 Tim. 2. 1 8. overthrow faith of s. ]) 20. s. vessels Heb. 4. 6. s. must enter) 10. 25. manner of s. is 2 Pet. 3.9. as s. count slackness )|1 6. s. things hard Jnde 22. on s.have compassion || Rev. 2.10. casts. SOMEBODY, s. Luke 8.46. Acts 5.36. SOMETHING. lSam.20.26. Mark5.43. Luke 11. 5A. John 13. 29. . Acts 3. 5. | 23. 15, 18. Gal. 6. 3. SOMETIMES, ad. Eph. 2. 13. | 5. 8. Col. 1. 21. I 3.7. Tit. 3. 3. lPet.3. 20. SOMEWHAT. Lev. 4. 13, 22, 27. 1 13. 6, 19, 56. I Kin. 2. 14. s. to say, Luke 7. 40. 2 Cor. 5. 12. Acts 23. 20. to enquire s. |j 25. 26. 5. to write Rom.15,24. be s. filled || Gal. 2. 6. seemed to be s. Heb. 8.3. s. also to offer \\ Rev. 2.4. s. against thee SON, s. is put for, [l] A male child, Gen. 4. 25. [2] A grandso7i, 2 Sam. 19. 24. [3] A sue- cessor, Isa. 19. 11. [4] A scholar, 1 Sam. 3. 6, Prov. 1. 8. I Tim. 1. 2. [5] A people, Exod. 4. 22. [6] One that is adopted of God, Gal. 4. 7. Gen. 4. 17. his s. Enoch j| 9. 24. his younger s. had 1 1.31. Terah took Abr. his s. ||18.10. shall have a " IS. 14. Sarah shallhave s.|) 21. lO.heir withmy s. 21.11. thing was very grievous because of his s. 22. 2. take now thy s. thy only s. Isaac 12, 16. 24. 5. bring thy s. again 1)27. 21. feel thee my s. 27. 24. art thou my very s. || 32. 1 am thy s. thy 30. 24. add another s. |) 35. 17. have this s. also 37. 3. s. of his old age)) 32. if thy s. coat, 34. Exod. 2. 10. became her s. )) 4. 22. Israel is my s. 10. 2. tell in the ears of thy $. and thy sons s. 13. 8. shew thy s. || 14. when thy s. asketh thee 20. 10. thou nor thy s. j) 21. 9. betroth to his s. 29. 00. s. that is priest || 32. 29. consecrate s. Lev. 24. 10. the s. of an Israelitish woman Num. 23. 18. thou s, of Zippor || 27. 4. hath no s* Deut. 1. 31. as a man doth bear his s.]j5. 14. nor 5. 6. 20. when thy s. asketh|j 21. say to thy s. we 7. 3. thy daughter thou shalt not give to his «. 8. 5. as a man chastens his s. || 13. 6. s. entice 21. 17. s. of tlie hated || 18. if a rebeUious s. 20. 28. 56. her eye shall be evil towards her s. Josh. 6.26. his youngest s. |j 7. 19. my s. give glory 15. 8. s. of Hinnom|| Judg. 5. 12. s. of Abiuoam Judg. 6. 30. bring out thy s.}|8.^2. thy s.and sons s. 11.2. s. of a stranger||17. 2. blessed be thou my s. Ruth 4.13. Ruth bareas. ||17. a s. born to Naomi 1 Sam. 1 . 23. gave hers, suck j} 3. 6. ray s. iie down 3. 16. Samuel my s. || 4. 16. what is done, my s. 4. 20. for thou hast born a s. \\ 9. 1. s. of Abdiel 10.2. what shall I do for my s. ||16. 18. s. of Jesse 17. 55. whose s. is this|| 26. 30. s. of perverse 20.31. as long ass. of Jesse || 22.9.1 saws, of Jesse 25. 8. to thy 5. David jj 26. 17. is thy voice my 5. SON SON 2 Sam. 4. 4. Jonathan had a s. that was lame 7. 14. he shall be ray s.|| 13.4. being the king's s. 16. 11. my s. Avhich came forth of my bowels 18. 33. Absalom, my s. my s. Absalom, 19. 4. 1 Kings 3. 6. hast given him a 5. || 20. tOok my s. 22. the living is my s. and the dead is thy s. 23. 8. 19. thy s. that shall come forth out of thy loms 11. 12. I'll rend it out of the hand of thy s. 36. and to his s.will 1 give one tribe, that David 13. 11. his s. told I) 14. 5. ask a thing for her «. 15. 4. to set up his s. ({ 17. 13. dress for'my s. .17.23. Elisha said, see thy s. liveth j| 22.26.king's 2 Kin.l.l7.becanse he had no s.j|4. 6. said to her s. 4. 16. about this season thou shalt embrace a s. 28. did 1 desire a s. j| 37. took up her s. and 6. 2i^. said, give thy s. that we may eat him, 29. 8. 1. woman, whose s. he had restored to life 9. thy s. Benhadad |j 16. 3. Ahab made his s. 16. 7. I am thy 6-. ]j 21. 6. his s. pass thro' fire 1 Chr. 3. 10. Abia bis s. Asa his s. Jehoshaphat 17. 13. he shall be my s. || 20. 6. s. of a giant 22. 10. he shall be my s. \\ 1 1. now my s. the Lord 28. 6. Solomon thy s. shall build, 2 Chr. 6. 9. 2 Chr. 21.17. not a s. left |j 23. 3. king's ?. reign 24. 22. slew his s- 1| 25. 18. daughter to my s. to Job 18. 19- he shall neither have^s. nor nephew Psal. 2. 7. thouartmys.Actsl3.33.Heb.l.5.|5.5. 12. kiss the 5. |j 50. 20. thy own mother s s. 72. 1. to the king's s. \\ 20. of Dav. the s. of Jesse 86. 16. s. of thy hand-maid j| 89. 22. s. of wick. . 116. 16. I am the s. of thine handmaid, thou Prov. 1 . 8. my s. hear || 10. my s. if sinners entice 15. my s. walk not || -2. 1. my s. if thou wilt 3.1. my s. forget not||ll. my s. despise not, 21. 4. 3. 1 was my father's s. j) 10. hear, O my s. 20. 6.1. my s. if thou be surety || 3. do this now, my s, 10. 1. a wise s. maketh a glad father, 15. 20. S.astliatrauseth shame II 13.1.a wises, heareth 13. 24. hateth his s. || 17. 25. foolish «. is grief 17. 2. rule over a s. that causeth shame, 19. 26, 19. 1 3. a foolish s. j| 18. chasten thy 5. while there 23. 26. my s. gave me thine heart, and let eyes 24. 13. my s. eat honey || 21. my s. fear the Lord 27. 1 1 . my .s.|)8. uncertain s. Heb. 12. 19. s. of a trumpet || Rev. 1. 15. as thes. Rev. 9. 9. s. of their wings||l 8. 22. s. of a milstone SOUND, a. Psal. 119. 80. let my heart bes. in Pfov.2. 7.S. v\isdom,3. 21. |8. 14. || 1 4. 30. s. heart Luke 15. 27. safe and s.j|l Tim. 1. 10. s. doctrine 2 Tim. 1. 7. as. miTid|!l3. s. words|j4. 3. doctrine Tit. 1. 9. by s. doctrine, 2. l.||13. s. in faith, 2. 2. 2. 8. s. speech that caunot be Condemned, that SOUND, r. Lev. 25. 9. trumpet ofjubile to s. on Num. 10. 7. s. an alarnj||l Chr. 15. 19. Asaph tos. Isa. 16. 11. bowels shall s. for Moab, Jer. 48. 36, Joel 2. 1. s. an alarm || Matt. 6. 2. do not s. a tr. 1 Cor. 15. 52. the trumpet shall s. dead be raised Rev.8.6.preparedtos.|jl3.yettO5.||10.7. begin to SOUNDED, p. Exod.l9.l9.when trumpets, long 1 Sam. 20. 12. s. my father jj 2 Chr. 7. 6.|13. 14. 2Chr.23.13.peoples.29.28.|iNeh.4. 18.hethat^. Luke 1. 43. salutation s.|jActs 27. 28. s. and found 1 Thes. 1. 8. from you s. out the word of the Lord Rev. 8. 7. first angels. 8. 10, 12.|9. 1. 13.|11. 15. SOUNDETH, V. Exod. 19. 13. trumpet s. long SOUNDING,^. 1 Chr. 15.16. singers s. by lifting 2 Chr. 5. 12. priests s.|j 13. 12. with s. trumpets Psal. 150. 5.S. cymbals j| Isa. 63. 15. s. of bowels Ezek. 7. 7. 5. of mountains || 1 Cor. 13. 1. s. brass SOUNDNESS, s. Psal. 38. 3. there is no s. 7. Isa. 1. 6. there is no s.jjActs 3. 16. this perfect s. SOUNDS, s- 1 Cor. 14. 7. distinction in the s. SOUR, see Sowre. SOUTH.s. Gen. 12. 9. journeved to s. 13.1. 13. 14. s. ward. Num. 3. 29.113. 17. Dan. 8. 4. 20. 1. s. country, 24. 62. Josh. 11. 16. Zech.6. 6. 28. 14. thou shalt spread to the north and s. Exod. 26. 18. s. side, 36. 23. Num. 2. 10. | 10. 6. Ezek. 42. 18. | 47. 1. { 48. 16, 33. Num. 13. 29. Amalekites dwell in land of the s. 34. 3. s. border, s. quarter, Josh. 15. 2. j 18. 15. Deut. 33. 23. O Naphtali, possess thou the s. Josh. 10.40. smote s.|] 18. 5. Jndah abideon thes- 15. 19. hast <>iven me a s. land, Judg. 1.15. Judg. 1. 9. to fight against Canaanites in thes. 1 Sam. 20. 41 . toward the s. 1. Kin. 7.25. 2Chr.4.4. 1 Sam. 27. 10. against the s.||30. 1. invaded s. 14. 30. 27. to them which were in s. Ramoth 2 Sam. 24. 7. to the s. of Jiidah,2 Chr. 28. IS. Job 9. 9. chambers of the s. || 37. 9. out of the .?. 37. 17. e. wind, Psal. 78. 26. Song 4. 16. Luke 12. 55. Acts 27. 13. | 28. 13. 39. 26. and stretch her wings towards tlie s. Psal. 75. 6. nor from the s.lj89. 12. north and s. 107. 3. gathered from s.||126. 4. as streams in s. Ecci. 1. 6. wind toward s. \\ 11. 3. tree fall toward Isa. 21. 1. whirlwinds ins. || 30. 6. beasts of the s. 43. 6. 1 will say to the s. keep not back, bring Jer. 13. 1 9. cities of s. || 17. 26. come from the s. 32. 44. and in the cities of the s. 33. 13. Ezek. 20. 46. drop thy word toward the s. proph. 47. say to s.|,21 . 4. from the s, to the north 40. 2. frame of a city on s. || 24. toward s. 44, 41. 11. a door to the s. || 46. 9. way of s. gate Dan. 8. 9. horn waxed great to s.ll. 5. king of s. 11.9. king of the s. 11, 2.5, 40. || 15. arms of s. Obad. 19. they of s. possess mount of Esau, 20. Zech. 7.7. when men inhabit s, of the plain 9. 14. whirlwinds of s. |j 14. 4. half toward s. Matt. 12.42. queen of s.||Luke 13. 29.come from s. Acts 8. 26. go toward the s. || 27. 12. the s. west Rev. 21. 13. on thes. three gates, on the west SOUTH-M-arrf. Exod. 2o. 18.|27. 9- | 38. 9. ] 40. 22. Deut. 3. 27. Josh. 15.1,2,21. | 17. 9. 10. 1 Sam. 14. 5. 1 Chr. 6. 15, 17. Ezek. 47.19. i 48. 28. SOW, s. 2 Pet. 2. 22. s. washed to her viollowing SOW, V. Gen. 47. 23. and ye shall s. the land Exod. 23. 10. six years s. the land, Lev. 25. 3. Lev. 19. 19. not s. with mingled eed. Dent. 22. 9. 25. 20. we shall nots.||26. 16. s. seed in vain SPA 2 Kin. 19. 29. in the third year ff. ye, Isa. 37. 30. Job 4. 8. that s. wickedne8s||31. 8. then let me s. Psal. 107. 37. s. fields and |) 126. 5. that 5. in tears Eccl. 11.4. shall not s. |j 6. in the morning s. thy Isa. 28. 24. plow all day to s. |) 30. 23. s. ground 32. 20. blessed are ye that ;?. beside all waters Jer. 4. 3. break fallow-ground, s. not among thorns 31. 27. I'll ^. the house || 35. 7. nor s. seed, nor Hos. 2. 23. I'll s. her||IO. 12. s. in -righteousness Mic. 6. 15. s. butnotreap||Zech. 10. Q.I'lls.them Matt. 6. 26. fowls s. notyi 3. 3. went forth to s. 13. 27. didst not thou s. good seed in thy field 25. 26.reapest that thou didst not s. Luke 19. 21. Luke 12. 24. consider the ravens, they neither s. SOWED, p. Gen. 26. 12. Isaac s. || Judg. 9. 45. Matt. 13. 4, 24, 25, 39. Mark 4. 4. Luke 8. 5. SOWEDST, p. Dent. 11. 10. Egypt where thous. SOWN,p. Deut. 21.4.valleyneitherearednors. Psal. 97. 11. light is s. for||Isa. 19. 7. s. by brooks Isa. 40. 24. they shall not bes.yei. ll.s.to spring Jer. 2. 2. a land not s.\\l'2. 13. s. wheat, but reap Kzek. 36. 9. be tilled and s.||Hos. 8. 7. s. the wind Nah. 1. 14. of thy name be s. \\ Hag. 1. 6. .«. much Matt.l3. ig.catchethaway th'atwas5.Mark4.15. 25.24.anhard man reaping where thou hast nots. Mark 4. 18. s. among thorns || 31. when s. is less 1 Cor. 9.11.5. spiritual things[|15.42.s.in corrup. 15. 43. s. indishonour||44. it iss. a natural body 2 Cor. 9. 10. your seed s.||Jam. 3. 1 8. is s. in peace SOWER. Isa. 55. 10. seed to s.||Jer.50.16.cut off s. Matt. 13. 3. behold, a .5. 18. Mark 4. 3. Luke 8.5. 2 Cor. 9. 10. now he that ministereth seed to s. SOWEST. I'Cor. 15. 36. that which thou s. 37. SOWETH. Prov. G. 14. s. discord, 19. | 16.28. 11. 18. s. rigliteoiisne^s \\ 22. 8. that s. iniquity Amos 9. 13. overtake him that s. || Matt. 13. 37. John 4. 36. both he that s.||37. one s. and another 2 Cor. 9. 6. s. spai'ingly |j Gal. 6. 8. s. to his flpsh SOWING. Lev. 11. 37. if fall on any 5. | 26. 5. SOWRE, «. Isa. 18. 5. Jer. 31. 29. Ezek. 18. 2. Hos. 4. 18. their drink is s. they have committed SPACE. Gen. 29. 14. s. ofa month||32. 1 G . put a s. Lev. 25. 8. s. of seven sabbaths|(30. s. ofa full year Josh. 3. 4. as. betweenark||l vSam.26.13.betw.D. Ezra 9. 8. for a little s.||Jer. 28. 11. Luke 22. 59. Acts 5. 7. the s. of three honrs||34. forth a little s. 7. 42. 5. of forty years |j 13. 20. s. of 4.50 years 19. 8. s. of three monthsjjlO. by the s.of two years 34. s. of two hours|)20. 31. bys. of three years Jam. 5. 17. it rained not by the s. of three years Rev. 2. 21. s. to repent || 8. 1. s. of half an hour 14. 20. the 5. of 1600 furlongs || 17. 10. a short s. SPAIN, Precious, or barren. Rom. 15. 24, 28. SPAKE, V. Gen. 19. 14. Lot s. to his sons in law 24. 30. thus s. the man |j 29. 9. while he yet s. 39. 10. as she s. to Josephj|42.23.s.by interpreter 43. 27.'old man of whom ye s.is he alive, 29. 50. 17. Joseph wept when they s. to him, 21. Num. 12. Lands, against Moses, 21. 6.|)32. 2. Deut. 1.43.seIs.to"you||28. 68. way whereof I s. Judg. 19.22. s. to the master \\ Ruth 4. 1. Boaz s. 1 Sam. 1. 13. Hannahs, in her heart|!l8. 24. s. D. 20. 26. Saul s.^notpO. 6. people s. of stoning him 1 Kings 1. 42. while he yet s.jjS. 22. thus they s. 1 Chr. 21. 19. D. went up at saying which Gad s. 2Chr. 18. 19. ones.saying||30. 22. s. comfortably 32. 16. s, against L, 10.JI33. 18. s. to Manasseh SPA Neh. 13.24. s. half in speech of AshdodHEsth.3.4. Job 2. 13. none s. a word |) 19. 18. s. against me 29. 22. s. not again || 32. 16. for theys. not, but Psal.39.3.».I withmytongue||78.19.«.againstG. 106. 33. s. unadvisedly |l Prov. 30. l.s. to Ithiel Song 2. 10. my beloved s.|| 6. 6. failed when he s. Ezek. 24. 18. so 1 5. j] Dan. 7. 11. which the horn s. Hos. 13. 1. s. trembling II Mai. 3. 16. s. often one M^tt. 9. 18. while he s. these things, 17. .5. 1 26. 47. , Mark 5. 3.5. 1 14. 43. Luke 8. 49. | 22. 47, 60. 33.devil was east out; dumb s.l2.22.Luke 11.14. 21. 45. they perceived that he s. of them Luke 1. 55. s. to our fathers || 9. 11. *. of kingdom 9. 31. s. of his decease || 22. 65. blasphemously s. 24. 6. how he's, in Gahlee || 36. as they thus s. Johnl.15.he of whom Is. || 7.13. no mans, openly 7. 46. never man s. like || 8. 27. s. of the Father 10.41. all that Johns. II 11.13.Jesuss.of his death 1 1.51. this s. he not of himself || 12. 29. angel s. 12. 38. saymg be fulfilled which he s. 18. 9, 32. 13. 22. looked, doubting of whom he s. 24. 28. what intent he s. ||21. 19. s. he signifying Acts 6. 10. spirit by which he s. |j 8. 6. which Philip 10. 44. while Peter yet s.|| 13.45. Jews s. against 14.1.S0S. that Jews believed|| 19. 9. s.eviiofway 20. 38. words he s. || 22. 9. heard not voice that s. 26. 24. s. for himself || 28. 25. well s. the H. G. 1 Cor. 13.1 1. 1 s. as a child || 14. 5. s. with tongues Gal. 4. 15. where is tiien the blessedness you s. of Heb.7.l4.s. nothing of priesth. || 12. 25. s. on earth 2 Pet. 1. 21. holy men of G. s. as they were moved Rev. 1.12. voice that s. II 13. U.S. as a dragon God, or Lord SPAKE. Gen. 24. 7. | 35. 15. Exod.20.1. G. s. ail these words II Deut.l.6.s. iuH. Josh.23.l4.notone thing failed of good things G.s. 1 Sam. 9. 17. S.I a word II 28. 17. as hes. by me 2 Sam. 7.7. s. I a word || 23. 3. rock of Israel s. 1 Kings 6. 12. word I s. unto David thy father 2 Chr. 6. 4. fulfilled that he s. \\ 32. 24. s. to him Psal. 33.9.he s. and it was done || 99. 7. s. in cloud 105. 31!. hes. and there came flies and lice, 34. Isa. 65. 12. when I s. ye did not hear, 66. 4. Jer. 7. 13. Is. to you, ri8ing|l22. 1 s. not to fathers 14. 14. nor s. I to them || 19. 5. romm. not, nor s. 22. 21. Is. to thee II 31. 20. since Is. against him Ezek. 1.28. voice of one thats. 2. 2.|j 3.24. he s. 10. 2. Iw- s. unto the man clothed with linen Dau.9.12.confirmed words he s,||Hos.l2.4.theres. Mark 12. 26. how in the bush God s. to him Luke 1. 70. as he s. || 24. 44. the words which I s. John 9. .29. s. to Moses I| Acts 7. 6. s. on this wise Heb.l. i.s. in time past ||4.4.s.in a certain place oa SPAKEST, V. Judg. 13. 11. man that s. || 17. 2. 1 Sam. 28. 21. 1 hearkened to words which thou s. 1 Kings 8. 24. s. also with thy mouth, 2 Chr. 6. 15. 26. s. to David |) 53. as thou s. by Moses thy Neh. 9.13. thou s. with them from heaven Psal. 89. 19.S. in vision || Jer.48. 27. since thou s. SPAN, s. Exod. 28. 16. |39. 9. l^Sam, 17. 4. Isa. 40. 12. Lam. 2. 20. Ezek. 43. 13. SPANNED, p. Isa. 48. 13. hath s. the heavens SPARE, V. Gen. 18. 24. s.for fifty righteous, 26. Deut.l3.8.nots. 29.20.|| 1 Sam. 15. 3. s. them not Neh. 13. 22. s. me |t Job 6. 10. let him not s. for Job 16.13. doth not s. jf 20. 1 3. tho' he s. it and 27. 22. G. shall not s. j| 30. 10. s. not to spit in my Psal. 39. 13. s. me, that |! 72. 13. he shaU s. poor SPE Prov. 6. 34. he'll not«. |) 19-18. letnotthy soul s. Isa.9.19. no man shall s. 13.18, || 30.14. shall not s. 54. 2. s. not len§then|| 58. 1. s. not, hft up voice Jer. 13. 14. I'll not s. them, 21. 7. Ezek. 24. 14. 50. 14. s. no arrows |) 51. 3. s. not younji men Ezek. 5. 11. nor mine eye s. 7. 4, 9. | 8. 18. 1 9. 10. 9. 5. let not your eye s. neither have you pity Joel 2. 1 7.S. thy people | ! J onah 4.1 1 . should not I s. Hab. 1. 17. not s. to slay \\ Mai. 3. 17. I'll s. them Luke 1.5. 17. enough and to s.||Rom. 11. 'il.s.not 1 Cor. 7. 28. but I s. you || 2 Cor, 1 . 23. not s. 13.2. SPARED, p. 1 Sam^ 1.5. 9. but Saul s. Agag, 15. 24. 10. bade me kill thee, but my eye s. thee 2 Sam. 12. 4. s. his own flock |j 21. 7. s. Mephib. 2 Kings 5. 20. s. Naaman|| Psal. 78. 50. he s. not Ezek. 20. 17. mine eyes. || Jonah 4. 1 10. s. gourd Rom. 8. 32. s. notuis own son || 11. 21. if Gods. not 2 Pet. 2. 4. if God s. not the angels that sinned, 5. SPARETH, Prov. 13. 24. s. rod || 17.27. s. words 21 . 26. giveth, and s. not | j Mai. 3. 1 7. s. his son SPARING, LY, ad. Acts 20. 29. 2 Cor. 9. 6. SPARK, S. Job 5. 7. trouble, as s. fly upward 18. 5. s. of his fire not shinejj 41. 19. s. of fire Isa. 1. SI. maker be as a s. \\ 50. 11. about with s. SPARK LED, p. Ezek.l .7. s. like burnished brass SPARROW, s. Psal. 84. 3. -s. hath found || 102. 7. SPA RRO\VS,s.Matt.l0.29.two.s.sold Luke 12.7. SPAT, r. John 9. 6. he s. on the ground, and SPEAK, V. Gen. 18. 27. taken upon me to s. 31. 24. 50. we cannot s. || 31. 24. s. not to Jacob 32.4. thus s. to Esau, 19.||44.16. what shall we s. Exod. 4. 14. he can s. w ell || 7. 2. thou shalt s. all 23. 2. not s. in a cause |j 29. 42. s. there to thee 32. 12. wherefore should the Egyptians s. and 34. 35. until he went in to s. with the Lord Num. 12. 8. were ye not afraid to s. against Moses 21. 27. s. in proverbs |l 22. 8. as the Lord shall s. 22. 35. that thou shalt s. || 23. 5. thus shall s. 12. Deut. 18. 19. my words s. |) 20. who presume to s. 26. 5. and thou shalt s. and say before the Lord Josh. 22. 24. your children s. |j lSam.25.17. can't s. 2 Sam. 3. 19. Abner went to s. |) 27. Joab to s. 7 17. so did Nathan s. \\ 19. 10. Avhy s. ye not 20. 16. come near that I may s. \\ 18. wont to s. 1 Kin. 2. 19. s. for Adonijahjl 12. 7. s. good words 22. 24. from me to s. to thee, 2 Chr^ 18. 23. 2 Kin. 18. 27. to thy master to s. these, Isa. 36. 12. 1 Chr. 17.18. what can David s. mere to thee Neh. 13. 24. could not s. in the Jews language Job 8.2.howlong wilt s.jj 11. 5. O that God would 13.7. will you s. wickedly |) 18. 2. mark, will s. 27. 4. not s. wickedness II 32. 7. days should s. 36. 2. to s. on God's behalf|| 37. 20. if a man s. 41. 3. will he s. soft words unto thee.-' Psal. 2. 5. s. to them in his wrath || 5. 6. s. leasing 12. 2. s. vanity II 17. 10. proudly || 28. 3. peace 29. 9. s. of his glory || 31. IS. s. grievous things 35. 20. s. not peace ji 28. s. of thy righteousness 38. 12. s. mischievous things i|40. 5. s. of them 41. 5. s. evil of me || 49. 3. s. of wisdom, and 52. 3. than to 8. righteousness |l 59. 12. lying 63. 11. s. lies |j 69. 12. s. against me, 71.10. 73. 8. s. loftily || 85. 8. what the Lord will s. 94. 4. s. hard 'things || 109. 20. evil, 139. L^O. 115. 5. s. not, 135. 16. 11 119. 23. s. agamst me 119. 172. s. of thy word |j 127. 5. s. with enem. 145. 6. 9. of the might of tbv acts. 11,21. 70 SPE S'iS Prov. 8. 7. s. truth || 23. 16. when s. right things Eccl. 3. 7. a time to s. |j Song 7. 9. are asleep to s. Isa.8.20.s.not according || 19. 18. s. language of C. 28. 11. another tongue s.||29. 4. s. out of ground 32. 4. s. plainly 11 6. villany jj 50. 4. in season 52. 6. I am he that doth s. || 59- 4. they s. lies Jer. 1. 7. what I command e. || 5. 14. s. this word 7. 27. s. all these words, 13. 12. | 26. 2, 8, 15. 18. 7. at what instant I s. about a nation, 9. 29. 24. s. to Shemaiah II 32. 4. s. mouth to mouth Ezek. 2.7. shalt s. my words |! 3.10. words that Is. 20. 49. not s. parables || 2 >. 27, and thou shalt .?. 32. 21. strong shall s. |j 33. 8. s. to warn wicked 33. 10. thus ye s. || 30. they s. one to anofber o7. 18. when children of thv people &hall s. to Dan. 2. 9. corrupt words to s. jj 3. 29. s. amiss 7.25. s. great words || II. 27. s. lies at one table Hab. 2. 3. but at the end it shall s. and not he Matt. 10. 19. how or what ye shall s. Jlark 13. 11. 12. 34. how 8. good things \\ 36. idle word men s< Mark 2. 7. s. blasphemies || 9. 39. lightly s. evil 14. 71. man of whom ye s. || 16. 17. s. with long. Luke 1. 19. 1 am sent to s. to theel|20. notable to 4. 41 . suffered them not to s. j| 6. 26. all s. well 1 1. 53. provoke him to s. || 1 2. 10. s. against Son John 3. 1 1. 3. that we know || 9. 21. s. for himself 16. 13. that shall he s. \\ 25. no more s. in prov. Acts 2. 7. are not all these who s. Galileans, 11 . 4. 1 8. not to s. at all, 5. 40. || 20. we can't but 29. with boldness they may s. [| 6. 11. s. blasph. 10. 32. shall s. to thee || 11. 15. as I began to s. 14. 9. same heard Paul s. || 21.39. suffer me to s. 25. 5. not s. evil of ruler || 26. 1. permitted to s. 26. 25. 1 s. forth the words of tnith and sobera. Rom. 15. 18. 1 will not dare to s. of any of those 1 Cor. I, 10. all s. same thing || 2. 13. which we s. 3. 1. I could not s. |j 12. 30. do all s. with tongiies 14. 23. if alls. II 35. women to s.|| 39. forbid not 2 Cor. 2. 17. s. we in C. 12. 19, || 4. 13. therefore s. Eph. 5. 12. a shame to s. |i Col. 4. 4. as 1 ought to 1 Thes. 1. 8. need not to s. || 2. 4. even so we s. 2. 1 6. forbidding us to s. \\ Tit. 3. 2. s. evil of no Heb. 2. 5. whereof we s. || 6. 9. tho' we thus s. 9. 5. of which we cannot5,|| Jam. 1. 19. slow to s. 1 Pet. 2. 12. s. against you |[ 3. 10. s. no guile 3. 16. s. evil of j-ou || 2 Pet. 2. 10, s. evil of dign, 2 Pet. 2. 18. s. great swelling words of \anity 1 John 4. 5. therefore s. they of the world Jude 8. .?. evil of dignities jj 10. s. evil of those Rev. 2. 24. as they s. || 13. 15. beast should s. SPEAK, Imperatively. Exod. 20. 10. s. thou Num. 20. 8. s. ye to the rock before their eyes Deut. 3. 26. s. no more to mejj 5. 27. s. thou tons Judff. 5. 10. s. ye that ride || 19. 30. s. your minds 1 Sam. 3- 9. s. L. 10. || 2 Sam. 17. 6. if not, s. thou 1 Kin. 22. 13. 3. that which is good, 2 Chr. 18. 12. 2 Kin. IS. 26. s. in the Syrian language, Isa. 36.11. Esth. 5. 14. and to-morrow s. thou to the king Job 12. 8. s. to the earth || 13. 22. or let me s. 33. 32. s. for I desire to justify |j 34. 33. s. what Ps.75.5.s.not with a stiff neck ||Prov. '-23. 9. s. not Isa. 8.10. s. the w ord | ' 30.10. s.to us smooth things 40. 2. s. ye comfortably i| 41. 1. and let them s. 56. 3. s. saying, the Lord hath utterly separated Jer. 1. 17. s. all I command ji 23. 28. s. my word Dan. 10. 19. let my lord s. for thou hath streng, Zech. 8. 16. ?. every man the trath. Eph. 4. 25^ SPE SPE Matt. 8. 8. only s. word j| 10. 27. s. in the ligtit MarklS.l l.that «.ye||Lukel2.13.s.to my brother Acts2. 29. let me freely ». || 5.2(),gos,||l8.9.buts. iCor. 14. 28. «. to himself j| 29. let prophets s. two Tit. 2. 1. s. the things Ij 15. these things s. and Jam.2.12. so s. ye || 4.11. s- not evil one of another 1 Pet. 4. 11. let him s. as the oracles of God / SPEAK. Exod. 1 9. 9. may hear when Is. with 23. 22. do al! that Is.\\ N uni. 22. 38. that shall /. Beat. 5. 1. Is. iu your ears |) 11. 2. /s. not with 1 Km. 22. 14. what the Lord saith, that will Is. Job 9. 19. ii' Is. of strength |1 35. then would is. 13. 3. /would s.\\ 13. let me alone /may s. 16. 4. /also coutd s. \\ 6.tho' Is. \\ 37. '20. that Is. Psal. 45. 1. /will s. 11 77. 4. that / cannot *. 120. 7. but when Is. they are for war Isa.45.l9./s. rigiiteousnt'ss [j 63. I. Is. in right. Jer. 1. 6. /cannot s. \\ 6. 10. to whons shall Is. 28. 7. hear this word Is. \\ 38 '20. obey voice Is. Ezek. 3. 27. when Is. with thee, I'll open mouth Davi. 10. 11. underst. word that Is.\\ Matt. 13.13. John 4. 26. /thats. anj he i| 6 63. the words Is. 7. 17. whether /s.of myself|| 8.26. Is. those things 8. 28. as my Fatiier taught me, Is. 38. | 12. 50. 13. 18. Is. not of you all || 14.10./ s. not of myself 17. Ip. and these things Is. in the world that Acts 21. 37. way Is. to thee 1] 26. ^G. Is. freely Kom. 3. 5^. /s. as a man, 6. 19. Gal. 3. 1.5. 7. I. Is. to them tirat know the law|| 11. 13. 1 Cor. 6. 5. / s. to your shame, 15. 34. 7. 6. Is this by per!visiion|| 12. to the rest s. I 35. Is for your profit II 10. 15./s.as towi.^emen 13. 1. tho' Is. I! 14. 6. except 7s- by revelation 14. 13. Is. with tonguesjl 19. /had rather s. five 2Cor. 6. 1 3.1s. as to chii iien \\7 3. Is. not this to 1 1. 17. that which Is. Is.\\ 21. Is. foolishly, J3. Eph. 5.32. Is. ••0!icevrjingC.l|6 20. /may s. boldly Phd. 4.11, not that /s.|i 1 Tmi. 2. 7. Is. the truth / will SPEAK, or will I SPEAK. Gen. 18. 30. Num. 12. 6, 8. \ 24 13. De.ut. 32. 1. Judg. 6. 59. 2 Sam. 14. 15. 1 Kings 2. 18. I 24. ly. 2 Chi. 18. 13. Job 7. 11. ! 10. 1. 1 Sj. 20. \ 3S. 31. 1 42. 4. P^al. 50. 7. 1 73. 15. 1 1 19 4o. I !4.5. 5. Prov. 8. 6. Jer. 5. 5. Ezek. 2. 1. I 12. 25. Hos. 2. 14- 1 Cor. 14. 21. SPEAKER, s. Psal. 140. 11. Acts 14. 12. SPEAKEST, r. I Sam. 9. 21. wherefore s. so to 2 Sam 19. 29- why s. thou any more of thy matters 2 Kin. 6. 12. s. in thy bed-chamber \\ Job 2. 10. Psal. 50. 20. sittest and s. j|51. 4. when thou 5. Isa. 40. 27. why s. thou, O Israel, my way is hid Jer. 4i». 16. thou s. falsely, 43. 2. Zech. l'3. 3, E^ek. 3. 18. nor s. to warn the wicked from his Matt. 13.10. why 5. to theminparab. Luke 12. 41. John 16. 29. s. no proverb |i 19. 10. s. thou not Acts 17. 19- may we know this whereof thou s. SPEAKETH, V. Gen. 45. 12. my mouth that s. Exod. 33. 11.5. to his friend 1) Num.23. 26. that I/. Deut. 18. 22. when a prophet s. in name of Lord Job 17. 5. s. tlattery j| 33. 14. for God s. once Psal. 12. 3. s. proud things |) 15. 2. s. the truth 37. 30. s. wisdom jj 41. 6. he s. vanity, 144. 8. Prov. 2. 12. s. froward things || 6. 13. s. with feet 6. 19. s. lies, 14. 25. | 19. 5, 9. || 10. 32. s. frow. 12. 17. s. truth II 18. s. like piercings of a sword 16. 13. love him that s. right |j 21. 28. | 26. 25. Isa. 9. U.S. folly I (32. 7. right || 33. 15. uprightly Jer. 9. 8, s. deceit \\ 10. 1. hear word the Lord s. 28. 2. thus*, the Lord the Goc^of Israel, 29. 25. I 30. 2. Hag. 1. 2. Zech. 6. 12. j 7. 9. Ezek.lO. 5. of G. when he s. \\ Am. 5. 10. uprightly Matt. 10. 20. spirit s. in you || 1 2.32. s. against Son 1 2. 34. abundance of heart mouth s. Luke 6. 45. John 3. 31. s. of the earthy 34. s. words of God 7. 18. y. of himself |j 26. but lo, he s. boldly 8. 44. «. ahe, s. of his own || 19. 12. s. ag. Caesar Acts 8. 34. of whom s. \\ Rom. 10.6. s. on this wise 1 Cor. 14. 2. 3. my-^teries || 3. s. to men, 4, — 13. I Tim. 4. 1. now the Spirits, expressly that in Heb. 1 1. 4. dead, yet s. I| 12. 5. s. to you as sons 12. 24. s. better things jj 25. refuse not him that Jam. 4.11. s. evil]} Judelb.s. great swelling words SPEAKING, p. Gen. 24. 15. had done s. 45. Deut. 5. 26. voice of God s. || 11.19. s. of them Ruth 1. 18. she left s.|| Esth. 10. 3. and s. peace Job 1. 16. was yet s. 17, 18. || 4. 2. withhold s. 32. 15. they answered no more, they left oiF«. Psal. 34. 13. refrain from s. guile || 58. 3. s. lies " Isa. 58. 9. s. vanity || 13. not s. thy own words 59. 13. s. oppression II 6'i. 24. while s. I'll hear Jer. 7. 13. rising up early and s. 25. 3. | 35. 14. 38. 4. in s. such words || 27. so they left off s. Dan. 7. 8. a mouth s. great things, Rev. 13. 5. 8. 13. one saint s. \\ 9. 20. while I was s. 21. Acts 14. 3. s. boldly || 20. 30. s. perverse things lCor.l2.3.s.bythespirit||2Cor.l3.3.proofofC.s. E}»h. 4. 15 s. the truth || 5.19. s. in psalms, and 1 Tim. 4. 2. s. lies |j 5. 1 3. s. things they ought not 1 Pet. 4. 4. to same excess of riot, s. evil of you See End. SPEAKING, S, s. Matt. 6. 7. for their much s. Eph. 4. 31. let all evil s. be put away, 1 Pet. 2. 1. SPEAR, s. Josh. 8. 18. stretch out thy s. 26. Judg. 5. 8. was there a s. seen, 1 Sam. 13. 22. 1 Sam. 17.7.«. like weaver's beam, 2 Sam. 21. 19. 21. 8. is there not as. || 26. 7. his s. stuck, 16. 2 Sam. 1. 6. leaned on his 5. || 2. 23. end of the s. 23. 7. staff of a s. \\ 8. he lift up his s. 18, 21. Job 39. 23. guttering s. \\ 41. 29. laugheth at s. Psal. 35. 3. draw out the s. || 46. 9. breaketh s. Jer. 6. 23. lay hold on s. || Nah. 3. 3. lifteth up s. Hab. 3. 11. glittering s. || John 19.34. a*, pierced SPEARS. 1 Sam. 13. 19. lest they make s. 2 Kin.11.10. did priest give king D. s. 2 Chr. 23. 9, 2Chr. 11.12. in every city put shields and 5. 26.14. Nell. 4. 13.1 .set people with s. and bows, 1 6, 21. Psal. 57. 4. teethares. |IIsa.2. 4. beats. Mic.4. 3. Jer. 26. 4. furbish the s. || Ezek. 39. 9. burn the s.' Joel 3. 10. beat your pruning hook into s. let SPEAR- Mm. Psal. 68. 30. Acts 23. 23. SPECIAL, a. Deut. 7. 6. Mai. 3. 1 17. Acts 19. 11 . SPECKLED, p. Gen. 30. 32. the s. cattle, 31. 8. Jer. 12. 9. as a s. bird |) Zech. 1. 8. red horses, s. SPECTACLE, s. 1 Cor. 4. 9. a s. to the world SPED, p. Judg. 5. 30. have they not s.? have SPEECH, s. Gen. 4. 23. hearken to my s. for 11.1. earth was of one s. |j Exod. 4.10. slow of s. Deut. 22. 14. occasions of s. || 32. 2. my s. distil 2 Sam. 14. 20. this form of s. |j 19. 11. s. of all Isr. iKin. 3.10.Solomon's5.|jNeh. 13. 24.5. of Ashdod Job 12. 20. he removeth away s. of the trusty 13. 17. hear diligently my s. 21. 2. Psal. 17. 6. Isa 28. 23. I 32. 9. SPI SPI Job 15.t4. restrainest s. |) 24. SS.s.nothing worth 29. 22. my s. droppeth||37. 19- can't order ours. Psai. 19.2. utter s.\\3. there is no s. || 64. t5. evil s. Prov. l.fo. eloquent s. \\ 7. 21. with her fair s. 17. 7. excellent s. |j Song 4. 3. s. is comely Isa. 3.t5. skilful ofs.\\ 26.tl6. a secret s. 29. 4. 5 shall whisper || 33. 19. of a deeper s. Jer. 31. 23. as yet they shall use this s. in Judah Ezek. 1. t^4. voice of s. || 3. 5. people of strange s. Hab. 3.2.1 heard thy s. || Matt 26.73.S. bewrayeth Mark 7. 32. impediment iu his s. \\ 14. 70. thy s. John 8. 43. why do ye not understand my s ? Acts 14. 11. s. of Lycaonia|| 20. 7. contain, hiss. X Cor. 2. 1. excellency of s. 4. |j 4. 19. not the s. 2 Cor. 3. 12. plainness of s. || 7. 4. boldness of 5. 10. 10. s. is contemptible || 11. 6. tho' mde in s. Col. 4. 6. s. be with grace || Tit. 2. 8. sound s. SPEECHES, s. Num. 12. 8. not in dark s. and Job 6, 26. s. of desperate |j 15. 3. or with s. 32. 14. nor answer with your s.j)tl5. removed s. Rom. If). 18. by fair s. |J Jude 15. their hard s. SPEECHLESS, a. Matt. 22. 12. he was s. Luke 1. 22. Acts. 9. 7. SPEED, s. Gen. 24. 12. Lord send me good s. Ezra 6. 12. done with s. j| Isa. .5. 26. come with s. Acts 17. 15. all s. Ij 2 John 10. nor bid God s. 11. See Make, Made. SPEEDY, o. Zeph. 1.18. make a s. riddance SPEEDILY, od. 1 Sam. 27. 1. s. to escape to the 2 Sam. 17.16.5. passover||2Chr. 35. 13. divided s. Ezra 6. 13. so they did s. || 7. 17. mayest buy s. 7. 21. it be done s.\\ 26. be executed s. upon P.«al. 31. 2.deiivermes.||69. 17. bear me s. 143. 7. 79. 8. 8. prevent us |j 102. 2. answer me s. Eccl. 8. 11. because sentence is not executed s. Isa. .58. 8. sprms: forth s.jijoel 3. 4. recompense s. Zech. 8. 21 . let us go s. || Luke 18. 8. avenge s. SPEND, V. Deut. 32. 23. *. mine arrows upon Jot) 21. 13. s. days in wealth, and go, 36. 11. P«»l. 90. 9. s.ouryears|j Isa. 55. '■Z. why s. money Acts 20. 16.S. time in Asia I! 2 Cor. 12. 15. gladly s- SPENDEST, r. Luke 10. S5. what thou s. more SPENDETH, V. Prov. 21. 20. | 29. 3. Eccl. 6. 12. SPENT, V. Gen. 21. 15. water was s in bottle 47. 18. our money is s. || Lev. 26. 20. strength Judg. 19. 11. day was far s. \\ 1 Sam. 9. 7. bread s. Job 7. 6. my days are s.|| 17.tl. my spirit is s. Psai. 31. 10. my life is s. |; Isa. 49- 4. s. my strength Jer, 37. 21. till all the bread in thefcity was s. Mark .5. 26. had s. all that she had, Luke 8. 43. 6. 35. when the day was far s. Luke 24. 29. Luke«l5. 14. hads. all|| Acts 17. 21. s. their time Rom. 13. 12. night is far s.||2Cor. 12. 15,andbes. SPEW, Set Spue. SPICE, 5. Exod. 35. 28.5. and oil for t| Song 5. 1. SPICES, s. Gen. 43. 11. carry down balm and s. Exod. 25. 6. take s. 23, 34. | 33. 8. | o7. 29. 1 Kin. 10. 2. camels that bare s. 25. 2 Chr. 9. 1. 2 Km. 20. 13. Hezek. shewed them s. Isa. 39. 2 1 Clir. 9. 29. were appointed to oversee the s. 30. 2 Chr. 9. 9. gave Soi. s.\\\6. 14. divers s.|{3-2. 27. Song 4. 10. than all s. || 14. with all the chiefs. 16. that s. may flow out || 5. 13. as a bed of s. 6. 2. to the beds of s. || 8. 14. mountains of s. Ezek. 27. 22. occupied m fairs with chief of all s. Mark 16. 1. Mary had brought sweet s. Luke i^4.1. Luke 23. 56. prepared^.and ointments^ J ohnl 9.40. SPICE, V. Exod. 24. 10. consume and s- it wetl SPICE-Merc/ia«is. 1 Kmss 10. 1.5. traffic of s. - SPICED, p. Song 8. 2. drmk of s. wine of the SPICERY,^. Gen. 37. 25. [sa. 30 2. SPIDER, s. Job 8. 14. Prov. 30. 2S. Isa. 59. 5. SPIKENARD, An aromatic plant, the best oj which comes from the East-Indies. It is esteem- ed as an alexipharmic ; being warm and spicy, and helpful f ■ promote sweating. It is also ac- counted a good stomachic a strengthener of the fibres, and a dispeller of wind. Song 1. 12. s. sendeth || 4. 13. camphire with s. 14. Mark 14. 5. came a woman having an alabaster box of ointment of s.verv precious,Johnl2.3. SPILLED. Gen. 38. 9. Mark 2. 22. Luke 5. 37. SPILT, j:;. 2 Sam. 14. l4. we are as water s. ou SPIN. Exod. 35. 25. Matt. 6. 28. Luke 12. 27. SPINDLE, s. Prov. 81. 19. her hands to thes. SPIRIT, s. In Heb. Ruach ; in Gr. Pneuma. It is taken for, [I] The Deity, John 4. 24. [2] The third person in the Deity, John 6. 63. Rom. 8. 13, 16. [3j Inspiration of the holy Spirit, Matt. 22. 43. [4j His gifts and graces. Gal. 3. 2. [5j The motions, counsels, and directions of the Spirit, Rom. 8. 1. [GJ The new nature in a believer. Matt. 26. 41. [7] Zeal, 1 Tim. 4. 12. [8j Pure, holy, spiri- tual, John 3. 0. [9] Judgment, autiiority, and consent, 1 Cor. 5. 4. [lOj The gospel, 2 Cor. 3. 6, 8. [11 J Love, thought, and care, Col. 2. 5. [12] Disposition, temper, V&?i\. 51. 10. [13] The reasonable soul. Acts 7. 59. [14] Angels good and bad, Mark 5. 13. Heb. 1. 14. [15 I Passion, anger, wrath, Eccl. 10. 4. [16] The wind, Amos 4. 13. Zech. 6. 5. John 3.t8. [17] The breath, respiration, or animal life that is in beasts, Eccl. 3. 21. Gen. 6. 3. ir^y s. siiall not always strive with man 7. 122. s. of life I! 2h.t35. bitterness of s. to Israel 41. S.s. was troubled] j45. 27. s. of Jacob re\ived Exod. 6. 9. for anguish of s.lj35.21 . s. made willing Num. 11. 17. intake of the s. that is on thee, 25. 26. s. rested on them, and tuey prophesied, 29. 14. 24. hadanothei- s. \\ 27. IS. in whom is the s. Dent. 2. 30. hardened hiss. |jJosh. 5. 1. nor s. in Judir. 8t3. s. was- abated || 15. 19. his s. canse ag. 1 Sam. 30. 1 2. hiss, came |i 1 Kin. 10. 5. no «, in her 1 Kin. 21. 5. why is thy s. sad |! 22. 21. came a s. 2 Kin. 2. 9. let a double portion of thy s. be on 15. they said, the A-. of Elijah dotu rest ouEnsha 1 Chr. 5. 26. s. of Pu!| 12. 18. s. catriC on Amasai 28. 12. had by the s \\2 Chr. 21. 16. s. of Philist. Ez. 1.5. whose s.G.rai«ed| Neli.9.3o.s. in propiiets Neh. 9. 20. thou gavest thy lood s. Num. 11. 17. Job 4. 15. then a s. passed |)6. 4. dnnketh up my s. 7. 11 anguish of my s. |i 10. 12. pie'^erved my s. 15. 13. turnestthy s. \\ 20. 3. s.of my nnderstar.d. 21. 4. my s. be troubled |i 26. 4. whose s. came 26. 13. by his s. srarnished || 32. 8. a s. in man 32. 18. s. within me |! 34. 1 4 . if he gathered his s. Ps. 31. 5. commit mj s.ji32. 2 in whose s. no guile 34. 18. as be of a contrite s. Isa. 57. 15. | 66. 2. 51. 1 1, tale not thy holy s.\l 12. thy free s. 17. a. broken s. Prov. 15. 13. | 17. 22. 76. 12. cut s. of prmces |i 77. 3. s- overwhelmed 77. 6. s. made Hi litjent search \' 78. 8. whose s. ^ 104. 30. sendcst forth thy s.ji 106. 33. provoked*. SPI SPI psal. 139. 7". whither shall I go from thy s. 7 or 142. 3. my s. was overwhehiied in me, 143- 4. 143. 7. my s. faiieth || 10. thy s. isgood,iead me Prov. 11. 13. a faithful s. |) 14. 29. that is hasty of s. 15. 4. is a breach in the s. |(16. 18. a haughty s. 16. 19. to be of an humble 5. 29. 23. Isa. 57. 15. 32. ruleth his s. || 17. 27. is of an excellent s. 18. 14. but a wounded s. j| 20. 27. s. is a candle 25. 28. no rule over his own s. is like a city Eccl. 3.21. s. of man, s. ofbeast||7. 8. patient in s. 7. 9- be not hasty in thy s.\\ 8. 8. to retain s. 10. 4. s. of ruler I J 11.5. what is the Avay of s. 12. 7. the e. shall return to God who gave it Isa. 4. 4. s. of judgment, 5. of burning, 28. 6. 11. 2. s. of the Lord rest|) 19. 3. s. of Egypt fail 19. 14. a perverse A'. |j26. 9. yea, with my *. 29. 10. the s. of deep sleep || 24. that erred in s. 30. 1. but not of mv s. (| 31. 3. flesh and nots. 34. 16. his s. hath gathered |j38. 16. life of my s. 40. 7. s. of L. bloweth||l 3. directed s. of the Lord 42. 1. put my s. upon him |j 5. that giveth s. to 57. 16. s. should fail |) 59. 21. my 5. that is upon 61. l.A'.of Lord God is upon me||3.s. of heaviness 63. 10. vexed his holy s. |j 14. s. of Lord caused 65. 14, of heart, and shall howl for vexation of s. Jer. 51.11. raised up the s. of kings of the Medes Ezek. 1. 12. s. was to go |j 2. 2. s. entered into me 3. 12. s. took me up, I4.j|8.3. | 11. 1. |43. 5. 11. 19. put a new s. within you, 18. 31. | 36. 26. 13. 3. follow their own s.\\36. 27.pnt my .s.S7. 14. 37. 1. and carried me out in the s. of the Lord 43. 5. so the s. took me up into the inner court Dan. 2. 1. Nebuchadnezzar's s. was troubled, 3. 4. 8. the s. of tiie holy gods, 9, 18. | 5. 11, 14. 5. 12. an excellent s. 6. 3. |l 7. 15. grieved in s. H0S.4.12.S. of whoredoms caused them to err,5.4. 9.t7. man of s. is mad |t \m. 4.tl3. createth s. Mich. 2. 7. is s. straitened IJ 11. waikin$>- in the 5. Hag. 1. 14. s. of Zet ubbabel |) 2. 5. s. remain^^th Zech. 4. 6. but bv my s. || 6. 8. quieted mv s- in 7. 12. sent in his s. || 12. 1. formeth s. oi'man 12. 10. s. of grace |j 13. 2. unclean s. to pass Mai. 2. 15. residue of the s. \\ 16. take heed to s. Matt. 4. 1. Jesus was led up of tiie s. Luke 4. 1. 5. 3. the poor in s-\\ 10. 20. but s. of your Father 12. 18. put my s. on him |j \A.*26. it is as. and 22, 43. how doth David in s. || 26. 41. s. wilhng Mark 1. 10. the 5. descendingon him, John 1. 32. 12. the s. driveth him || 2. 8. perceived in hiss. 6. 49. supposed it had been a s. Matt. 14. 26. 8. 12. sighed deeply in s. || 9. 20. the s. tare him 9. 25. Jesus rebuked the fculs. jj26. thes. cried Luke 1. 17. in the s. of Elias || 47. my s, rejoiced 80. waxed strong in s. |j 2. 27. came by the s. 4. 14. poM er of the .s. \\ 8. 55. her s. came again 9. 39. lo, a s. taketh him || 55. what manner of s. 10. 21. rejoiced in s. |j 13. 11. as. of infirmity 23. 46. 1 commend my s. \\ 24. 37. seen a s. 39. John 1. 33.5. descending I) 3. 5. born of the s. 8. 3. 34. not s. by measure || 4. 23. worship in s. 4. 24. God is a s. ]| 6. 63. it is s. that quickeneth 13. 21.he wastroubledin s. and testified and said 14. 17 s. of truth, 15. 26. 1 16. 13. 1 John 4. 6. Acts 2. 4. as the s. gave utterance |) 17. pour my s. 6. 10. not able to resist s. \\ 7. 59. receive my s. 8.29. a. said to Philip||10.19. s. said to Pet. 11.12. 16, 7, B. suffered them not || I6r s, of divination Actsl7.16.hiss.wasstirred|I18.S. Paul pressed in*. 18. 25. being fervent in s.|il9. 21. purposed in 5. 20. 22. 1 go bound in s. || 21. 4. said thro' the s. 23. 8. neither aneei nor 5. || 9. if a s. or an ang«l Rom. 1. 4. s. of holiness || 9. 1 serve with my s. 2. 29. of the heart, in s. || 7. 6. newness of s. 8. 1. butafter thes. 4. || 2. the law of the s. oflife 5. things of the s. I| 9. have not the s. of Christ 10. s. is life 11 13. if ye through the s. mortify 14. as many as are led by the s. of God, they 1 5. s.of bondage |1 1 6. s.beareth witness with our 23. first-fruits ofs.||26.s.helpeth our infirraities 27. mind of the s. \\ 1 1. 8. the s. of slumber 12. 11. fervent in s. || 15. 19. power of the s. 15. 30. and for the love of the s. that ye strive 1 Cor. 2. 4. demonstration of s.||lO. reveaied by s. U.S. of a m.an || 12. but s. which is of God 4. 21. s. of meekness |j 5. 3. but present in thes. 5.4. and my 5.||5. that s. may be .saved in the day 6. 11. by the s. of our God || 17. is one s. 20. 7.34. holy in body and s. || 12. 4. same s. 8. 9,11. 12. S. speaking by the s. || 8. to one by the s, 13. for by one s.||l4. 2. in s. speaketh mysteries 14. 14. my s. prayethl|l 5. 1 will pray with the s. 16. bless with the s. || 15. 45. a quickening s. 16. 18. refreshed my s ||2 Cor. 1. 22. earnest of s. 2 Cor. 2. 13.no restin mys.||3. 6. but of the s. 3. 8. ministration of 5.be||l7. the Lord is that 5. 4. 13. same s. of faith || 5. 5. earnest of the s. 7. 1. filthiness of s. 1) 13. his s. was refreshed 11.4. another s. || 12. 18. not in the same s. Gal. 3. 2. received ye that s. \\ 3. begun in the s. 5. ministereth by .v. || 14. promise of the s. thro' 4. 6. s.of his Son|!29. born after the s. even so it 5. 5. we thro' the s. wait j| 16. walk in the s. 17. lusteth against the s. || 18. if led by the s. 22. the fruit of the s. \\ 25. if we live in the s. 6. 1. in the s. of meekness || 8. soweth to the s. 1 8. grace of our Lord be with yours.Philem. 25. Eph. 1. 13. s. of promise jl 17. the s. of wisdom 2. 2. s. that now workethjl 18. access by one s. 22. thro' the s.\\S. 5. now revealed by the s. 3. 16. strengthened by the s.||4. 3. unity of s. 4. 4. and one s |I23. be renewed in the s. of your 30. grieve not the 5. \\ 5. 9. the fruit of the s, is 5. 18. be filled with the 5. |j 6. 17. sword of the s. 6. 18. prayinsr always with all prayer in the s. Phil. 1. 1 9. supply of the s.\\^^7. stand fast in one s. 2. 1. fellowship of the s. || 3..3. worship God in s. Col. 1 . 8. love in the *. || 2. 5. 1 with you in the s. 1 Thes. 4. 8; given us his s. \\ 5. 19. quench not s. 5. 23. I pray your s. soul and body be preserved 2 Thes. 2. 2. nor by s.|| 8. with s. of his mouth 13. chosen you thro' sanctification of the s. and iTim. 3.16. justified in the s. II4.1.S. speaketh expr. 4. 12. be thou an example in s. in faith, in purity 2 Tim. 1. 7. not s. of fear || 4. 22. be with thy s. Heb.4. 12. dividing soul and s.|| 9. 14. the eternal 10. 29. and hath done despite to the s. of grace Jam. 2. 26. body without s.l|4. 5. s. lusteth to envy 1 Pet. 1. 2. sanctification of s. |j 22. through the s. 3.4. meek and quiet s. \\ 18. quickened by the s. 4. 6. according to God in the s. |) 14. s. of glory 1 John 3. 24. s. he hath given |1 4. 1. not every s. 4. 2. s. that confesseth,'3. || 6. know we the s. 13. given us of his s.|j5. 6. 5. beareth witness, 8, Jude 19. these be sensual, not having the s. SPO SPO JRev. 1. 10. I was in the s. on the Lord's day ii.7.s.saith to churches, 11,17,29. ■ 3. *3, 13,22. 4. 2. 1 was in the 5. || 11. 11, s. of hfe from God 14. 13. yea, saith the s.\\ 17. 3. in the s. 21. 10. 18. 2. every foul s.\\ 19. 10. the s. of prophecy 22. 17. and the s. and the bride say, come See Familiar, Holy, Vexation. SPIRIT of God. Gen. 1.2. | 41. 38. Exod. 31. 3. I 3.5. 31. Num. 24. 2. 1 Sam. 10. 10. | 11. 6. I 19. 13, 20. 2 Clir. 15. 1. Job 27. 3. I 33. 4. Ezek. 11. 24. Matt 5. 16. | 12. 28. Rom. 8. 9, 14. | 15. 19. 1 Cor. 2 11, 14. I 3. 16. I 6. 11. I 7. 40. I 12. 3. 2 Cor. 3. 3. Eph. 4. 30. 1 Pet. 4. 14. 1 John 4. 2. See Spirit of the Lord. Unclean SPIRIT. Zech. 13. 2. Matt. 12. 43. Mark 1. 23, 26. | 3. 30. | 5. 2, 8. \ 7. 25. Lnke 8. 29. | 9.42. | 11. 24. SPIRIT of Wisdom. Exod. 28. 3. Deut. 34. 9. Isa. 11.2. Eph. 1.17. SPIRITS, s. Num. 16. 22. God of the s. 27. 16. Psal. 104. 4. who maketh his anaels s- Heb. 1. 7. Prov. 16. 2. weigheth the s. |l Zech. 6. 5. four s. Matt. 8. 16. cast out the s.\\ 10. 1. unclean s. Mark 1. 27. unclean s. 3. 11. | 5. 13. | 6. 7. Luke 4. 36. Acts 5. 16. | 8. 7. Rev. 16. 13. 14. Luke 10. 20. rejoice not that s. are subject to you 1 Cor. 1 2. 1 0. discerning ofs.!il4. 32. *. of prophets E|)h. 6.tl2. wicked s. II 1 Tim. 4. 1. to seducing s. Heb. 1. 14. all nnnistrina: •?. || 12. 9. Father of s. 12. z3.and to the s. of just men made perfect 1 Pet. 3. 19. s. in pnson|jl John 4. 1. but try the s. See Evil, Familiar, Seven. SPIRITUAL, a. Hos. 9. 7. the s. man is mad Rom. 1. U.S. ^ift|i7. 14. law is s.|)15. 27. s. thincs iCor. 2. 13. comparin£r«||15. he thatiss. judgeth 3. 1. as unto s. \\ 9. 11. if sown unto you s. thinas 10. 3. same s. meat || 4. drink the same s. drink 12. 1. s. gifts, 14. 1, 12. II 37. a prophet, or s. 15.44. 2LS. body II 46. was not first which is 5. Gal. 6. 1. ye which are s. restore such an one in Eph. 1.3. all s. blessin2:s||.5. 19. s. songs, Col. 3.16. 6. 12. s. wickedness || Col. 1. 9. s. understanding 1 Pet. 2. 5. built a s. house, to offer s. sacrifices SPIRITUALLY, ad. Rom. 8. 6. to be s. minded lCor,2.l4.5. discerned||Rev.l 1. 8. s. called Sodom SPIT, V. Lev. 15. 8. hath the issue, s. on him Num. 12. 14. s. in her facefjDeut. 25. 9. in his face Job 30. 10. s. in my face || Matt. 26. 67. in his face Matt. 27. 30. they's. upon him, Mark 10. 34. Mark7. S3, s. and touched his tonguejjS. 23. on eyes 14. 65. and some began to s. on hmi, 15. 19. SPITE, ,v. Psal. 10. 14. thou beholdests.to requite SPITEFULLY, arf. Matt. 22. 6. Luke 18. 32. SPITTED, ING,p. Isa. 50.6. Luke 18. 32. SPITTLE, s. 1 Sam. 21. 13. Job 7. 19. John 9. 6. SPOIL, s. Gen. 49. 27. Benj. shall divide the s. Exod. 15. 9. the enemy said, I will divide the s. Num. 31.9. Israel took the s. of their cattle, 11. Deut. 2.35. s. we took, 3.7. Josh. 8. 27. | 11.14. 13. 16 gather s.jl^O. 14. s. take to thys. Josh. 8.2. Judg. 5. 30. necks that take 5.||14.19. Samson took 1 Sam. 14. 30. eaten freely of s. |i 32. flew on s. 1'). 19. didbt fly on the s. 21. || 30. 16. great s. 30. 26. he sent of the s. to the elders of Jndah 2 Sam. 3. 22. a great s. |j 12. 30. the 5. of Rabbah 2 Kin. 3. 23. Moab,to the s. \\ 21. 14. become a s. 2 Chr. 14. 13. carried s. \\ 15. 11. offered of the s. 20. 25. ff. was so much l| 24. 23. Syrians sent s. 2.5. 13. took much s. || 28. 8. they took much s. Ezra 9. 7. our kings have been delivered to a s. Esth. 3. 13. to take the s. 8. Il.|j9. 10. but on s. Job 29. 17. 1 plucked the s. out of his teeth Psal. 68. 12. divided the s.||119. 162. findeth great Prov. 1. 13. we shall fill our houses with s. 16. 19. divides, with proudjjSl. 11. no need of s. Isa. 3. 14. s. of poor j| 8. 4. s. of Samaria taken 9- 3. divide the s. \\ 10. 6. charge to take the s. 33. 4. s. be gathered |j 23. of a great s. divided 42. 22. for as. 24. |{ 53. 12. divide s. with strong Jer. 2.tl4. why is Isr. a s. || 6. 7. s. is heard in her 15. 13. rii give to the s. 17. 3. || 20. 8. violence 30. 16. shall be a s.49. 32. | 50. 10. Ezek. 26. 5. Ezek. 7. 21. give for a s. || 25. 7. Ammonites a s. 29. 19. take s. of Egypt ji 3S. 12. go to take a *. 38. 13. art come to take as. || 45. 9. remove s. Dan. 11. 24. scatter s. \\ 33. they shall fail by s. Amos 3.tlO. store up s. \\ 5.t9. strengtheneth s. Nah.2. 9. takes, of silverjiHab. 2. 17. s. of beasts Zech. 2. 9. they shaii he a s. |l 14. 1. s. divided SPOIL, V. Exod. 3. 22. ye shall s. the Egyptians 1 Sam. 14. 36. s. tiilmorn.||2 Sam. 23. 10. only tos. Psal. 14. 10. they who hate us s. for themselves 89. 41. s. him |j 109 11. let the stranger s. his Prov. 22. 23. s. the soul || 24. 15. s, not his resting Song 2. 15. s. the vines j| Isa. 11. 14. they shall s. Isa. 17. 14. portion of them that s.| 133. l.ceai-e tos. Jer. 5. 6. a wolf shall s. || 20. 5. Jerusalem to s. 30. 16. they that s. thee || 47. 4. to s. Phihstines . 49. 28. s. men of east |i 50. 10. all that s. her Ezek. 14. 15. they s. it||32. 12. s.pomp of Egypt 39. 10. they shall s. those that spoiled them Hos. 10. 2. he shall s. 13. l5.(iHab. 2. 8. shall s. thee Zeph. 2. 9. residue of my people shall s. them Matt. 12. 29. how can s. his goods, Mark 3. 27. Col. 2. 8. beware lest any man s.you thro' philoso. SPOILED, /J. Gen. 34"! 27. came and s. city, 29- Exod.l2.36.s.Egyptians|jDeut.28.29.oppressed,s. Judg. 2. 14. into hand of spoilers that s. them, IC. 1 Sam. 14. 48. them that s. || 17. 53. s. Philistines 2 Kin. 7.1 6. s. tents of Syrians|j2 Chr. 14. 14. Asa £. Job 12. 17. he leadeth counsellors away s.'19. Psal. 76.5. stout-hearted are s.|lProv.22.23.thats. Isa. 13. 16. houses be s. || 18. 2. rivers have s: 7. 24. 3. land be s. || 33. 1. wast not s. \\ 42. 22. and s. Jer. 2. 14. why is he s. || 4. 13. for we are s. 4. 20. whole land is s. JI 30. when thou art s. 9. 19. how are we s. || 10. 20. tabernacle is s. 21. 12. and deUver him that is s. 22. 3. 25. 36. Lord s. their pastures || 48. 1. Nebo is s. 48. IS.Moab iss.||49. 3. Ai iss.|| 10. Esau is s. 51. 55. because the Lord hath s. Babylon Ezek. 18. 7. hath s. none by violence, 12, 16. 23. 46. 1 will give them to be removed and s. 39. 10. spoil those thats.||Hos. 10. 14. fortresses Amos 3. 11. palaces be s. || 5. 9. strengtheneth s. Mic. 2. 4. we be utterly s. || Hab. 2. 8. thou hast s. Zech. 2. 8. nations which s. |[ 11. 2. mighty are s. 11. 3. glory is s. |l Col. 2. 15. s. principalities SPOILER, S, s. ' Judg. 2. 14. he delivered them into the hand of the s. 2 Kin. 17. 20, 1 Sam. 13. 17. s. came out|| 14. 15. s. trembled Isa. 16. 4. the s. ceaseth || 21. 2. the s. spoileth SPO Jer. 6. 26.5. shall come on us, 12. 12. | 51. 48. 15. 8. 1 brought a s.|j 48. 8, s. shall come, 18. 48. 32. s. is fallen \\ 51. 56. s. is come on Bab. SPOILEST, V. Isa. 33. 1. woe to thee that s. and SPOILETH, t'. Psal. 3.5. 10. from him that s. Hos.7. 1. robbers s. || Nah. 3. 1 6. canker-worm s SPOILING, ;p. Psal. 35. 12. to -he s. of my soul Isa. 22. 4. s. of danghter||Jer. 48. 3. s. destruction Hab. 1. 3. s. and violence! jHeb. 10. 34. s. of goods SPOILS, s. Josh. 7. ^ 1 . 1 saw among the s. a good. 1 Chr. 26. 27. s. in battle |) Isa. p. 11. with the s. Lnke 11= 22. divideth his s.jjHeb. 7. 4. tenth of 6-. SPOKEN, v. Gen. 21. 2. of which God had s. 24. 51. as the L. had s. \\ 28. 1,5. whi.ch I have s. 41. 28. tins IS the thing I have if. to Piiaraoh Exod. 4. 10. nor since thou hast 6-.|| 10. 29. s. well 32. 13. this land I have s. of, will I give, 34. Num. 14. 17. as thou hast s. |j 28. as ye have s. 23. 19. hath he s. and sliall iie not make it good ? Deut. 1.14. hast s. is good || 5, 28. all they have s. 13. 5. s. to turn you away || 18. 17. have well s. 18. 22. prophet hath s. it|) 26. 19. as he hath s. 1 Sau). 1. 16. out of my grief have I s. hitherto 3. 12. perform thmgs I *. (| 20. 23. whicii I've s. 25. 30. wiien the L. shall have done all he hath s. 2 Sam. 2. 27. unless thou hadst s. \\ 6. 22. j 7. 19. 14.19. ought kuig hath 5. || 17. 6. Ahitophel s. 1 Kin. 2. 23. s. ag. Iiis own life|| 13. 11. s. to king 2 Kin. 1. 17. Elijah had s. |) 4. 13- be s. for to lung 7. 18. as man of G. had s. || 20. 9. do that he s. 20. 19. good is the word thou liast s. Isa. 39. 8. Job 21. 3. after I Isave s. mock onl|40. £. once I s. Psal. 60. 6. G. hath s.62.11.1108. 7.||66. I4.haths. 87. 3. glorious tilings are s. jj 109. 2. s. ag. nie 116. lO.I believed, therefore have 1 5. 2Cor.4.13. Prov. 15. 23. a word s. in due season, how, 25. 1 1. Eccl. 7. 21. take no heed to all words that are s. Song 8. 8. in the day when -he shall be s. for Isa. 1. 2. the Lord hath s. 20. 23. 45. 46. 21. 17. I 22. 25. I 25. 8. 4. the sea hath s. \\ 38. 7. he hath s. 15. 1 9. 1 have not s. in secret, 48. 16. 11. I have s. it, 48. 15. || 59. 3. hps s. lies Jer. 3. 5. thou hast s. \\ 4. 28. because I have s. it 23. 21. 1 have not s. to them |) 25. 3. I have s. 26. l9Aie hath s to us j| 29. 23. s. lying words 32. 24. hast s. is come |) 33. 24. this people have s. 36.2. write all the words I have s. to thee, 30. 2. S3. 1. Jer. had s. 44. 16. || 44. 25. s. with mouths 48. 8. as Lord hath 5.||51. 62. Lord thou hast s Ezek. 13.7. albeit I have not s.||S. have s. vanity 23 24. 1 have s. it, 24. 14. | 26. 14. ] 39. 5. 36. 5. s. against residue |j 6. s. in myjealonsy 38. 17. he of whom I have s. in old time |) 19. 39. 8. saith G. this is the day whereof I have s. Dan. 4. 31. to thee it is s. || 10. 1 1. when he had s. Hos. 7. 13. 3. lies || 10. 4. words || 12. 10. 1 have s. Am. 3. 1. Lord hath .9. 8. |j 5. 14. as ye have s. Obad. 12. s. proudly \\ Mic. 6. 12. have s. lies, and Zech. 10. 2. s. vanity j) Mai. 3. 13. what have we s. Matt. 3. 3. he that wass. of || 26, 63. s. blasphemy Mark 12. 12. s. the parable ag. them, Luke 20. 19. 14. 9. this shall be s. of for a memorial of her Luke 2. 34. be s. against |j 12. 3. s.in darkness 18. 34. nor knew thmgs s. \\ 1 9.58. had thus s. 24. 25. to believe all that the prophets have s. John 11. 13. had s. of taking rest|!l2. 48. word I s. SPR John 12. 49. not s. of myself || 14. 25. these things have Is. 15. 11. | 16. 1, 2.5, 33. 1 8. 22. had thus s. Acts 19. 41. | 20.36. | 26.30. 23. if I have s. evil || 20. 18. had s. these, 21. 19. Acts 2. 16. s. by Joel|| 3. '2\. which God hath s. 8. 24. things ye have s. |j 9. 27. Barnabas had s. 13. 40. s. of m the prophets || 45. s. by Paul 46. first have been s. jj 19- 36. not be s. a;iainst 23. 9. or an angel hath s. \\ 28. 22. «. against 28. 24. things which were s. jj 25. s. one word Rom. 1. 8. your faith is s. of || 4. IS. to that s. so 14. 16. good be evil s. of || 1.5. 21. was not s. of 1 Cor. 10. 30. why am I evil s. of||l4. 9. whatiss. Heb. 1.2. s. to us by his Son |) 2 2. if the word s. 3. 5. were to be s. after || 4. 8. s. of another day 7. 13. for he of whom these things are s. pertain. 8. 1. of the things s.|j9. 19. iiad s. every precept 12. 19. not be s. any more ]j 1 3. 7. have s. to you Jam. 5. 10. wtiohave s. in the name of the Lord 1 Pet; 4. 14. on their part he is evii s. of, but on 2 Pet. 2. 2. truth evil s. of || 3. 2. woi ds s. before Jude 15. sinners have s. \\ 17. words s. before of SPOKES, s. 1 Kin. 7. 33. their feiloes and s. were SPOKESMAN, s. Exod. 4. 16. shall be thy «. SPOON, S, 5. Exod. 20.29. i 37.16. Num. 4. 7, 14. I 7. 29, 84. 1 Kin. 7. 50. 2 Kin. 25. 14. 2 Chr. 4. 22. | 24. 14. Jer. 52. 18, 19. SPORT, .5. Judg. 16. 25. Samson make us s. 27. Prov. 10. 23. s. to a fooljl 21.tl7. thatloveth s. J6. 19. am not I in s. \\ Isa. 57. 4. s. yourselves SPORTING, p. Gcu. 2o. 8. 2 Pet. 2. 13. SPOT,s. Num. 19. 2. without s. 28. 3, 9. |29. 17. Deut. 32. 5. their s. is not the s. of his children Job 11. 15. shall lift up thy face without s. Song 4. 7. no s. in theeji Eph. 5.27. not iiaving s. 1 Tim. 6. 14. without s.Heb. 9. 14. 1 Pet. 1. 19, 2 Pet. 3. 14. that ye may be found without s. See Bright. SPOTTED,]). Gen 30. 32, 39. Jude 23. SPOTS, s. Jer. 13. 23. 2 Pet 2. 13. Jude 12. SPOUSE, s. Song 4. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. j 5. 1. SPOUSES, s. Hos. 4. 1 3. s. commit adultery, 14. SPOUTS, s. SeeWATER-spouts. SPRANG, u. Mark 4. 8. fruit s. up, Luke 8. 8. Acts 16. 29. and s. in trera. || Heb. 7. 14. | 11. 12. See Sprung, SPREAD, t\ Gen. 10. IS.Canaanitess. abroad 28. 14. thou shall s. || 33. 19. s. his tent, 35. 21. Exod. 9. 29. I'll s. my hands 1| 33. Moses s. his 37. 9. cherubims s. out wings, 1 Chr. 28. 18. 40. 19. he s. abroad the tent over the tabernacle Lev. 13. 5. and the plague s. 6, — 55. j 14. 48. Num. 4. 6. s. cloth of blue jj 14. s. badger's skin 11. 32. s. quails 11 24. 6. as valleys are s. forth Deut. 22. 17. s. the cloth before elders of the city Judg. 8. 25. s. a garment!) 15. 9. Philistines s. Ruth 3. 9. s. thy skirt over thine handmaid 1 Sam. 4.t 2. battle was .9. jj 30. 16. they were s. 2 Sam. 5. 18. Philist. s. themselves, 1 Chr. 14. 9- 16. J22. s. Absalom a tent |1 17. 19. s. a covering 21. 10. s. sackcloth || 22. 43. I s. abroad enemies 1 Kin. 6. 32. s. gold i| 8. 7. cherubims s. wings 8. 22. Solomon s. his hands, 38, 54, 2 Chr. 6. 12. 2 Kin. 8. 15, Hazael s. cloth || 19. 14. s. the letter before the Lord, Isa. 57. 14. 2 Chr. 26. 8. Uzziah's name s. abroad, 15. Job 29. 19. my root was s. |j 37, 18. hast s. sky SPR STA 559 1 1 ir*sal. 105. 39. he«. a cloud||l40. 5. they 5. a net Prov. 1. 17. surely in vain the net is $. in sight of Isa. 1.15 when ye«.hauds|jl4. 11. the worm is s. 19. 8. that s. nets || 25. 7. vail that is s. over all 2.5. 11. he shall s. forth iiis hands|j33. 23.not5.sail 42. 5. 9. fortlf the earth || ig.t 13. s. out iieaven 58. 5. s saekclothj 65. 2. I've s. out my hands to Jer. 8. 2. a.before the sunjilO.O. silver s. into plates 43. 10. *. royal pavilion jl 48. 40. s. wings, 49. 22. Lauj. 1. 10. adversai'y sAm hand jj 13. s. a net for E/ek. 2, 10. and hes. the roll before me 12. 13. my net also will I s. upon him, 17. 20. 16. 8. I s. my skirt |) 19. 8. nations s. their net 26. 14. place to s. netsjjSS. 3. 1 will s. out my net Hos. 5. l.anets. onTabor||7. 12. I'll 5. my neton 14. 6. his braiicnes s.jjJoel 2. 2. as the morning s. Hab. 1. 8. their horsemen shall s. theuiseives Zech. I.17.yet bes. abroad||2.6.I've s. you abroad Mai. 2. 3. behold, I will s. dung upon your faces Matt. 9. 31. they s. abroad his fame in all that country, Mark 1. 28. | 6. 14. 21. 8. «. their garments, Mark 11.8. Luke 19.36. Acts 4. 17. it s. no furtherljl Thes. l. 8. faith is s. SPREADEST, v. Ezek. 27. 7. 5. forth for thy sail SPREADETH, r. Deut. 32. 11. as an eagle s. her Job 9. 8. s. the heaven&|;26. 9. *. his cloud upon it 36, 30. he s. his li "ht uponit|j41. .30. hes. sharp Prov. 29. 5. that flattereth his neii^hbour s. a nel Isa. 25 11. s. forth his hands|j40. 19. goldsmith s. 40. 22. s. the lieavens||44. 24. s. abroad the earth Jer. 4. S. daughter of Zion s. her hands. Lam. 1.17. 17. 8. a tree thats. out her roots by the river SPREADTNG,p.Psal.37.35. Ezek. 17. 6.126. .5. SPREADINGS. Job 36. 29. s. of the clouds SPRIGS, s. Isa. 18. 5. cutoff a. ||Ezek. 17. 6. shot SPRING, s. 2. Km. 2. 21. he went to tiie s. ofw. Prov. 23. 26. a corrupt s.|)Song 4. 12. a ;. shut up Isa. 58. ll.hkeas5.||Hos. 13. 1.5. hiss, shall be dry SPRINGS, s. Deut. 4.49. under the s. of Pisgah Josh. 10.40u'smote country of s.|{12. 8. plains ands. 15. 19. give me s. he gave upper s. Judg. 1.15. Job 38. 16. hast thou entered into s. of the sea Psal. 87. 7. all my s. are in theel!l04.10. sendeth s. 107. 33. he turaeth waters, into dry ground, 35. Isa. 35. 7. thirsty land s. 41. 18.|149. 10. by the s. Jer. 51. 36. I'll dry up her sea, and make s. dry SPRING, i\ Num. 21. 17. s. up, O well sing ye Deut. 8. 7. depths that s.|jJudg. 19. 25. day to s. Job 5. 6. nor trouble s. \\ 38. 27. tender herb to s. Psal. 85. 11- truih shall s. \\ 92. 7. when wicked s. Isa. 42. 9. before they s. |j 43. 19. now it shall s. 44. 4. s. up as among grass |j 45. 8. right, s. up 58. 8. health shall s. |j 61. 11. cause praise to s. Joel 2. 22. pastures do. s. |f Mark 4. 27. seed s. SPRING. 1 Sam. 9. 26. Ezek. 17. 9. SeeJyAY-spring. SPRINGETH, V. 1 Kings 4. 33. hyssop that s. 2 Kin. 19. 29. which s. of the same, Isa. 37. 30. Hos. 10,4. judgments, upas hemlock in field SPRINGING, p. Gen. 26. 19. a well of s. water ^ Sam. 23. 4. as grass s. |) Psal. 65. 10. blessests. John 4. l4.of waters. up|iHeb.l2.15.s. up, trouble SPRINKLE, ED, In Greek, Rantizo, from Raiuo, to sprinkle. Exod. 9. 8. let M. s. the ashes towards heaven, 10. Lev. 14. 7. he shall s, on him, 16. 27, 51. |16. 14. Num. 8. 7. s. water |j 19. 18. 1 shall s. it, 19. Job 2. 12. s. dust II Isa. 52. 15. s. many nation^ Ezek. 36. 25. then will I s. clean water on you Heb. 9. 19. he s. the brook j| 10. 22. our hearts «. SPRINKLETH, u. Lev. 7. 14. Num. 19. 21. SPRINKLING, p. Heb. 9. 13. s. the unclean 11. 28. kept the s.|| 12. 24. the blood of s. 1 Pet. 1. 2. and the s. of the blood of Jesus Christ SPROUT, V. Job 14. 7. tree that it will s. again SPRUNG, V. Gen. 41. 6, 23. Lev. 13.42. Matt. 4. 16. light is 6\ j| 13. 5. they s. Mark 4. 5. 13. 7. thorns s. |j 26. when blade s. Luke 8. 6. SPUE, ED. Lev. 18. 28. Jer. 25. 27. Rev. 3. 16. SPUING, p. Hab. 2. 16. and shameful s. shall SPUN, V. Exod. 35. 25. v»^hich they had s. 26. SPUNGE, s. Matt 27. 48. took a s. and filled it with vinegar, Mark 15. 36. John 19. 29. SPY, V. Num. 13. 16. to s. the land, 17. j 21. 32. Josh. 2. 1. I 6. 22. Judg. 18. 2. j 14. 17. 2Sam, 10. 3. 1 Chr. 19. 3, 2. Kin. 6. 13, go and s. || Gal. 2.4. to s. our liberty SPIED, p. Exod.2.1 1. s. an Egyptian||2.Kin.9.17, 2 Kin.13.21. tliey«. a band|j23. 16. hes. sepulchres See Espy, Espied. SPIES, s. Gen. 42. 9. Jos. said, ye are s. 14, 16,34, Num. 21. 1. way of thes. |l Josh. 6.23. s. went in Judg. 1. 24. the s. saw a man come out of the city 1 Sam. 26.4. David sents.||2Sam. 15.10. Absalom Luke 20. 20. sent forth s.||Heb. 11. 31. received s. SQUARE, ED. 1 Km. 7. 5. Ezek. 41. 21. 1 45, 2. SQUARES, s. Ezek. 43. 16. in the four s. 17. STABILITY, s. Isa. 33. 6. knowledge be the s. STABLE, s. Ezek. 25. 5. I'll make Rabbali a s. STABLE, a. 1 Chr. 1 6. 30. world shall be s. not to STABLENESS, s. Psal. 37. f 3. in s. shall be fed See EST4BLISH, ed, eth. STACHYS, Jn ear of corn. Rom. 16. 9. STACKS, s. Exod. 22. 6. s. of corn consumed STACTE, So called in Greek ; in Hebrew, Na- taph, i. e. dropping, or liquid myrrh. It is a sweet and precious gum that drops from the myrrh-tree, Exod. 30. 34. STAFF, s. is put for, [1] Help, assistance, 2 Kin. 18. 21. [2] Thegospel, Psal. 23. 4. | 110. 2. [3] The provisions of life, Isa. 3. 1. Gen. 32. 10. with my s.||38, 18. signet and s. 25. ■ Exod. 12. 11. eat it with your s. in your hand 21. 19. if he rise again, and walk on his s. then Num. 13.23. between two on a s.|j22. 27. with as, Judg. 6. 21. the angel put forth the end of his s. 1 Sam. 17. 7. s.hke a weaver's beam, 2 Sam. 21.19, 2 Sam. 3. 29. leaneth on a s.||23. 7. fenced with s. 23. 21. went down to him with a s. 1 Chr. 11. 23. 2 Km. 4. 29. lay my s.j|18.21.truslestons- Isa.36.6. Paal. 23. 4. thy rod and thy s. they comfort me Isa. 3. 1. take the s.|)9.4. hast broken the s. of his 10. 5, s. in their handiJlS. as if 5. lift up, 24, 14. 5. broken the s. j| 28. 27. beaten out with s. 30. 32. grounded s. |j Jer. 48. 17. how is strongs. Ezek. 29. 6. a s. of reed jj Hos. 4. 12. s. declareth Zech. 8. 4. s. in his hand || 11. 10. s. beauty, 14. liark. 6. 8. save a s. onlyjjHeb. 11. 21. top ofhiss. STAGGER, t\ Job 12. 25. s. like a drunken man Psal. 107. 27. Psalm. 99. f 1. let earth s. |j Isa. 29. 9. they .^. but STAGGERED, p. Rom. 4. 20. hes. not at the STAGGERETH, v. Isa. 19. 14. s.in bis vomit STAGGERING, p. 1 Sam. 25. 1 31. nos.to thee STA STA STAIN, V. Job 3. 5. Isa. 23. 9. | 63. 3. STAIRS, s. 1 Kings 6. 8. winding s. \\ 2Kin. 9. 1 3. Neh. 9. 4. stood on the s. [| Song 2. 14. secret of 5. Ezek.43.17.s. look towards|| Acts21 .40.stood on s. STAKES, s. Isa. 33. 20. not one of the s. || 54. 2. STALK, S, s. Gen. 41. 5. Josh. 2. 6. Hos. 8. 7. .STALL, s. Amos 6. 4. Mai. 4. 2. Luke 13. 15. STALLS, s. 1 Kin. 4. 26. 2Chr.32. 28. Hab. 3. 17. STALLED, p. Prov. 15. 17. than a s. ox, and STAMMERERS, s. Isa. 32. 4. tongue of the s. STAMMERING, p. Isa. 28. II. s. lips, 33. 19. STAMP, w. 2 Sam. 22. 43. Ezek. 6. 11. STAMPED, p. Deut. 9. 21. I s. the calf, and 2 Kmgs 23. 6. Josiah s- the y;rove to powder, 15. 2 Chr. 15. 16. A,sa s. idol |j Ezek. £5. 6. s. with feet Dan. 7. 7. fourth beast 5. 19. |) 8. 7. he-iroat s. 10. STAMPING,;). Jer. 47. 3. at the DOise of s. STANCHED, p. Luke 8. 44. her issue of blood s. STAN D, s. Ezek. ^9. 7. thtu- loias to be at a s. STAND, V. Gen. 19. 9. they said, s. back, this 24. 13. behold I s. by the well of water, 43. Exod.9.1 1. maj;ic. could not s.\\i 3. s. before Phar. 14. 13. fearye not s. still, and see, 2 Chr. 20. 17. 17. 6. 1 11 s. before thee |j 9.11! 5. on top of the lull 18. 14. and all tlie people s. b> thee till even Lev.i9.l6.nor .^naaiist biood[i 27.14. so shall its. 26. 37. no power to s. Josh. 7. 12, 13. Judg. 2. 14. Nimi. 1 . 5. men that shall s. \\ 9. 8. s. still, and I ll 1 1. 16.S. there with thee || 16. 9. s. before congr. 2S.,S. s. by burnt-offrrinj^ || 27.21..S. before Eieaz. 30.4. vows s. 5, 7, 1 1. Ij 35. 12. till he .s. Josh. 20.0. Deut. 5. 31. 5. thou here by me, and I will .-peak 7. 24. there shall no man be able to s. before tiiee, 11. 25. Josh. 1. 5. | lO'. 8. [ 23. 9. 0. 2. who can s.\\ 10. 8. Levi to s. before the Lord to minister, 2 Chr. 29. 11. Ezek. 44. 11, 15. 24. 1 l.s. abroad IJ 25. S. if he s. to it, and say, I 27. 12. s. on Gerizzim || 29. 10. ye stand this day Josh.3.8.s. in Jordan |j 13. they shall s. upon a heap 7. 12. couid not 5. 13. jj 10.*12. sun, s. thou stili Judg. 4. 20. s. in the door of the tent, and say t Sam. 6. 20. vviio is able to s. |j 9. 27. s. thou still ' 12. 16. s. and see j) 14, 9. wc will s. still in our 16. 22. let Dav.5.||19.3. Iwillgo out and s. beside 2 Sam. 1. 9. 5. upon me|| 18. 30. turn aside, s. here 1 Km. 1.2. let her. s. before kingjjS.ll.could not s. 10. 8. who s. and hear thy wisdom, 2 Chr. 9. 7. 17. 1. Elijah said, as the Lord iiveth, before wliom I s. IS. 15. 2 Kings 3. 14. | 5. 16. 19. 11. go, and s. upon the mount before the Lord 2 Kin. 5. 11. come out to me, and s. and call*' 6. 31. if head s. on him j|10. 4. how shall we s. 1 Chr. 21.16. angelof L. s.'\\23. 30. to s. and thank 2 C'ir.20. 9. we s. before this iiouse|j35. 5. s. in holy Ezra 9. 15. we cannot s. || 10. 13. not able to s. 14. Esth. 3. 4. his matters would s. \\8. II. s. for life Job 8. 1 5. but it shall not s. 1)19. 25. s. at latter day 30.20. Is. up II 33. 5. s.i\p\\ 37.14.S. still consideV 38. 14, they .9. up||4l.l0. who is able to s. before Psal. 1.5. ungodly not s. 5. 5. |j 4.4. 5. in awe 20. 8. we s. upright |) 24. 3. who shall s. in his 30. 7. to 5. strong !| .35. 2. s. up for mine help 38. 11. s. aloof II 45. 9. did s. the queen in gold 73. 7. eyes s. out || 76. 7. wivo may s. in thy sight 78. 1.3. waters to .t.ji 89. 28. my covenant shall s. 89. 43. not made him to s. \\ 94. 16- who will .9. 109. 6. let Satan s. \\ 31. s. at right-hand of poor Psal. 111.8.5. for ever II 122.2. our feet shall 5. in 130. 3. L. who shalls. |J 134. 1. by night s.l35. 2. 147. 17. cast forth ice, who can s. bemre his cold Prov. 12. 7. house of rights. || 19.21. counsel of L. 22, 29. s. before kings [| 25. 6. s. not in place 27. 4. but who is able to s. before envy? Eccl. 4. 15. s. up in his stead || 8. 3. s. not in evil Isa. 7. 7. it shall not«. 8. 10. || 11. 10. s.for ensign 21. 8,1 5. continually |j 27. 9. images shall nof s. 32. 8. by hberal things s. }| 40, 8. word shall s for 44. 11. let them s up |j46. 10. my counsel shall s. 47. 12. s. now with thine enchantments, 13. 48. 1 3. tliey s.up together || 50.8.1etus s. together 51. 17. s.np, O Jerusalem ||61.5. stranger.ss. and 65. 5, s. by thyself, I am holier than thou Jer. 6. 16. s.in the way || 7. 10. come and s. before 14. 6. asses dids. || 15. 19. thou shall s. before me 17. 19. go s. in the gate || 26. 2. s. m the court 35.l9.a man to s.||44. 28. whose word shall s. 29. 46. 4, s. forth || 14. s. fast || 21, they did not s. 48. 10. 5. -;y the way || 49. 19. who will s. 50. 44. 51 .50. ye that have escaped the sword, s. not still Ezek. 2. 1 . s. on thy feet || 1 3. 5. to s. in the battle 17. 14. covenant mi;ihts. || 22. 30. s. in the gap 27. 29. pilots shall s. |) 31. 14. nor trees s. up 44.24. shalls. injudgm-nt ||46. 2. s. by the post 47. 10. tisiiers shall s. upon it from Ev)gedi Dan. 1. 4. s. m king's palace || 5. s. before the king^ 2. 44. kingd. s. for ever|j7. 4. s. upon the feet as 8. 4. no beast might s- 1| 22, four kingdoms s. up 23. a king shall s.np || 25. s.np against Prince of 10. U.S. upright II 1 1 . 2. s. up three kings in P. 1 1. 3. s. up a mighty king jl 7. of roots shall ones. 14. many shall s. up |) 20. s. up a raiser of taxes 16. none shall s. bef. shall s. in the glorious land 17. not .s. on his side|| 21.shall s. up a vile person 25. he shall not 5. || 31. arms shall s. on his part 12. I.Michaels, up II 13. s.in thy lot at the end Amos 2. 15. nor shall he s. |j Mic. 5. 4. s. and feed iSiah. 2. 8. s. s. shall they cry, but none look back Zech. 3. 7. these that s. by || 4. 14. s. by the Lord 14.4. his feet shall s.in tiiat day ||l2.s.on their feet Mai. 3. 2. and who shall s. when he appeareth Matt. 12. 25. a house or kingdom divided against itself camiots. 26. Mark 3. 24, 2.5. Luke 11.18. 47. thy brethren s. without, Luke 8. 20. 1 1 3. 25. 20. 6. why s. ye idle || 24. 15. s. in holy place Mark 3.3. he saith to the inan,s. forth,Luke 16, 8. 9. 1. some s. here|| 11. 25. when yes. prayuig Luke l.l9.s.in presence of G. || 21.36.worthy to «. John 11. 42. because of the people which s. by Acts 1.11. why s. ye gazing jj 4. 10. s. here whole 5. 20. go s. and speak || 8. 38. chariot to *. still 10. 26.' s. up, 14. 10. I 26. 16. || 26. 6. now I s. Rom. 5. 2. grace wherein we s. ||9. 11. '^lections-. 1 4. 4. is able to make him s. || 10. we shall all 5. 1 Cor. 2. 5. faith should not s. || 15. 1. wherein ye s. 15. 30. why s. we in Jeopardy II 16. 13. s. fast in 2 Cor. 1. 24. by faith ye s. j| Gal. 4. 20. 1 s. in doubt Gal.5 . 1 . s. fast therefore in the liberty Christ hath Eph. 6. 11. be able to s. || 13. done all, to s. 14. Phil. 1. 27. s. fast, 4. 1 . 1 Tbes. 3. 8. 2Thes. 2. 15. Col. 4. 12. s. perfect|] Jam. 2. 3. s. thou there 1 Pet, 5. 12. the true grace of God wherein yc s. Rev, 3. 20. behold, I s. || 6. 17. who be able to s. 10. 5. angel I saw s. Ij 15, 2. s. on the sea of glass 18. 15. s. afar off || 20. 12. small and great s. bef STA STA STANDARD, S, s. A bqnner, flag, of colours, carried in time of war. Num. 1. 52. every mau by his own s. 2. 2, — 25. 10. 14. in the first place went the s. of Judah Isa. 10. 18. shall be as when a s. bearer fainteth 49.22. Illsetupmys. t|59. 19. lift up as. 62.10. Jer. 4. e.set up the s. 21. j 50. 2. | 31. 12, 27. STANDEST, v. Gen. 24.31 . wherefore s. without Exod. 3.5. the place whereon thou s. is holy ground, Josh. 5. 15. Acts 7. 33. Psal. 10. 1. why j?. afar off || Rom.11.20. s. bvfaith STANDETH, v. Num. 14. 14. thy cloud 5 'over Dent. 1. 38. Joshua who s. |j 17. 12. priest that s. 29. 15. s.here this day|j Judg. 16. 26. the house s. Esth. 6. 5. Hainan s in the court || 7. 9. gallows s. Psal. 1. 1. nor s. in the way || 26. 12. my foot s. 33. 11. counsel of the L. s. \\ 82. 1. G. s. in congr. 119. 161. but ray heart s. in awe of thy word Prov. 8. 2. wisdom s. || Song 2. 9. behold, he s. Isa. 3. 13. the Lord s. up to plead |) 46. 7. and he s. 59. 14. justice s. afar off, truth is talieu in street Dan. 12. 1 . prince who s. } j Zecli. 11.16. thats. still John 1. 26.5. one among you |' 3. 29. fnend s. and Rom. 14. 4. to his own master he s. or falleth 1 Cor. 7. 37. s. stcdfast || 8. lo. while the world *. 10. 12. let him that thinketh he s. take heed 2 Tim. 2. 19. foundation of G. s. || Heb. iO. 11. Jam. 5. 9. the judge s. j! Rev. 10. 8. augel who s. STANDING, p. liCv. 26. 1. nor rear a s. image Num. 22. 2'J. augei of the Lord s. in the way, 31. 1 Sam. 19. 20. Samuel s. \\ 22. 6. his servants s. lKin.lO.t.5. s. of his ministry!! 13. 25. lion «. 23. 22.19.the host of heavens, by him, 2 Chr. 18. 18. 2 Chr. 9. 18. two lions s. |( Estli. 5. 2. the queen s. Psal. 69. 2. in deep mire where there is no s. 107. 35. tuineth wilderness into s. water, 114, 8. Dan. 8.6. which I had seens.|| Am. 9.1. tli'.' Lords. Mic. 1. 11. receive of you hiss.|| 5. 13. s. iuiages Zech. 3.1. Satan s. \\ 6.5.s. before the Lord of earth Matt.6.5.pray«.|| 16.28. somes, here, Luke 9.27. Mark 3. 31. s- without jj 13. 14. abomination s. Luke 1.11. an angel s. || 18. 13. publican s. afar off John 8. 9. s. in the midst || 20. 14. she saw Jesus s Acts 2. 14. Peter s. up || 4. 14. the man healed s. 5. 23. found keepers s. jj 25. the men are s. in 7. 5.5. acd Jesus s. on, 56. !j 22. 20. I was s. by Heb. 9. 8. tabernacle was s. \\ 2 Pet. 3. 3. earth s. Rev. 7. 1. four angels s. || 11. 4. s. before God 18. 10. s. afar off|| 19. 17. and I saw an angel s. STANK, V. Exod. 7. 21.1 8.14.|16. 20. 2.SanhlO. 6. STARE, V. Psal. 22. 17. my bones look and s. STAR, s. /« Hebrew, Chocbab, a luminous globe Num. 24.17. a s. outof Jacob ||Isa.47. 13. s. gazers Amos 5. 26. but ye have borne the s. of your god Matt. 2. 2. we have seen his s. in the east, 7, 9, 10. Acts 7.43. s. of your godjj 1 Cor. 15. 41. ones.diff. 2 Pet. 1.19. till the day s. arise in your hearts Rev. 2.28. morning-s. 22.16.!! S.lO.fellas.ll. I 9.1. STARS, s. Gen. 1. 16 he made the s. also 13. 5. tell the s. |j 37. 9. sun, moon, and eleven s. Dent. 4. 1 9. moon and s. (| 1 0. 22. as the s. 28. 62. Judg. 5.20. A-. in their courses || l Chr. 27. 23. the s. Neh. 4. 21. till s. appeared (1 9. 23. as s. of heaven Job 3. 9. let the s. be dark |) 9. 7. sealeth up the s. 22. 12. height of the s. ij 25. 5. s. are not pure 38. 7. when the morning s. sang together and Psal. 8. 3. moon and s. 136. 9. Ij 147. 4- telletli s. 71 Psal. 148. 3. praise him yes. I! Eccl. 12. 2. sun ors. Isa. 13. 10. s. ofheaven|| 14. 13. above the s. of God Jer. 31.35. s. for a light || Ezek. 32.7, makes, d. Dan. 8. 1 0. it cast down «. !] 12. 3. sliine as the s. Joel 2. 10. 8. shall withdraw their shming, 3. 15. Amos ^.8. the seven s.|| Obad. 4. set nest among*. Nah. 3. 1 6. above the s. |j Matt. 24. 29. s. shall fall Luke 21. 25. signs in s. || Acts 27. 20. sun nor s. iCor.l 5.41, glory of the s.jj Heb. 11. 12. many as s. Jude 13. wandering a. || Rev.l. 16. seven s 2u.!3.1. Rev. 6. 13. s. fell |! 8. 12. third part of the a. 12. 4. 12. 1. and upon her head a ciown of twelve a. STATE, 5. Psal. 39. 5. Matt. I:^. 45. Luke 11. 26. STATELY, ad. Ezek. 23. 41. satest on a s. bed STATION, s. 2Chr. 35.tl5. Isa. 22.tl9. STATU i'E, s. Num. 13. 32. are men of great s, 1 Sam. 16. 7. look not on the height of his s. 2 Sam 21.20. a man of greats. I Ciir.ll.23.!20. 6. Song 7. 7. this thy s. is like to a paim-tree, and Isa. 10. 33. high ones of s. || 45. 14. men ofs. shall Ezek. 13. 18. head of every s.jjl". 6. vmeofiow*. 19. 11. hers, was exalted I! 31. 3. of an highs. Matt. 6.27. not add one cubit to hiss. Luke 12. 25. Luke 2. 52. increased in s. l\ 19. 3. was little of s. Eph. 4. 13. unto rr.easure of s. of fulness of Christ STATUTE, s. Exod. 15. 25. he made a s. and Lev.3.17.a perpetual s.i6. 34.|24. 9. Num.19. 21. Num. 27.11. itshallbeforas. ofjudgraent,35. 29. Josh. 24. 25. set as. II 1 Sam. 30. 25. D. made it a ». Ps. 81. 4. a s. for Israel |) Dan. 6. 7. a royal s. 15. STATUTES. Exod. 18. 16. know the s. of God Lev.l 0.11. teach Israel s.||Num.30.16. these are s. Deut. 4. 6. hear all these s. i| 6. 24. do all these s. 16. 12. observe and do these s. (| 17. 19. keep s. 1 Kings 3. 3. walking in the s. of David his father 2Kingsl7.8. s. of heathen, 19. || 34. nor do theirs. 37. s. observe to do || 2 Chr. 33. 8. to do the s. Neh. 9. 14. s. and laws!iPs.l9.8.s. of Lord are right Ezek. 20. 25. s. not good || 33. 15. walk ins. of life Mic. 6.16.«. of Omri are kept, and works of Ahab //is STATUTES. Exod. 15. 26. Deut. i. 17. I 10. 13. !U.l. I 27. 10. I 28.15. 2 Sam.22.-23. 1 Kings 8. 61. 2 Kings 17. 15. | 23. 3. 2 Chr. 34. SL Ezra 7. 11. Psal. 18. 22. | 103. 45. Jer. 44. 23. My STATUTES. Gen. 26. 5. Lev. 18. 5, 26. i 19. 19. I 25. 18. I 26. 3, 15, 43. 1 Kings 3. 14. 1 9. 6. 1 11.11,34. 2 Kings 17. 13. 2 Chr. 7.19. Psal. 50. 16. ! 89. 31. Jer. 44. 10. Ezek. 3. 6, 7. j 11. 20. | 18. 19. ! 36. 27. Zech. 1. 6. Viy STATUTES. 1 Chr. 29. 19. Psal. 119. 12, 16, 23, 26, 53, 48,-54, 64,68, 71, 80,83. ] 12, 117, 118, 124, 135, 155, 171. STATES, s. Exod. 25. 13. s. ofshittira-wood, 14, 28. I 27. 6, 7. ! SO. 5. | 27. 4, 5, 15. j 38. 7. Num. 21.18. the nobles digged it with their s. lSani.l7.43.comestwiths.|| lChr.l5. 15. carried*. Hab. 3. 14. with his s. || Zech. 11. 7. 1 took two s. Matt. 10. 10. nor take two coats, nor «. Luke 9. 3. 26. 47. came with s. Mark 14. 43. Luke 22. 52. STAY, s. Lev. 13. 5. if the plague be at a s. 37, 2 Sam. 22. 19. the Lord was my s. Psal. 18. 18. Isa, 3. 1 . the whole s. of bread |i 19. 13. are the g. STAYS, s. 1 Kings 10. 19. 2 Chr. 9. 18. STAY, V. Gen. 19.17. nor s. thou in all the plain Exod. 9. 28. ye shall *. no longer fj Lev. IS. 23, 2*, STE STI Josh. 10. 19. 5, you not i| Ruth 1. 13. would ye $. 1 San). 1.). 16. s. and I'll tell thee|| 20. 38. s. not 2 Sain, 24. 16. s. now thine hand, 1 Chr. ai. 15. Job 37 A. he will not s. I| 38.37. who cans, bottles Prov. 23. 1 7. let no man .s. him jj Song 2. 5. s. ine Isa. 10. 20. no more 5. on him {j 29. 9. s. youv.selve« oO. 12. s. on oppression \\ 31. 1. s. on horses and 48. 2. s. themseivevS j{ 50. 10. and s. on his God Jer.4.6. retire, s. not |j 20. 9. weary, I could not s. Dan.4. 35. none can s. \\ Hos. 13. 13. should not s. STAYED, [). Gen. 8. 10. .v. yet seven days, 12. Exod. 10. 24. hn your flocks be s. j| 17. 12. s. up iSiHm.l(3.48.stood between dead and living,pla. ins. of th.e thorn sliall coi/'C up fir-tree Ezek. 16. 32. taketh stranicvs iu s. of her husband 2€or,.">.20,prav you in Christ's s.\\ Phdcm 13. thy s. STRADS, s. i Chr. 5. 22. they dwell in their s. STKADY,«. Exod. 17. 12. handss.i|2Tim. 2,tl9. STEAL, ';. Gen. 31. z7. wherefore d.idst s. away 44. 8. how tlien should we s. silver_or gold Exod. i'O; 15. thou shall not s. Lev. 19. 11. i^eut. 5. 19. Matt. 19. 18. Kom. 13. 9. 22. 1, if a man s. an oxjj 2 Sam. 19.3. s. away Prov. 6.30. if he s. to satisfy !j30.9. be poor and.?. Jer, 7. 9. will ye s. murder || 23. 50. s. my words Matt. 6.1 9. iireak thro" and s. || 27.64. s. hnn away Mark 10. 19. do not kill, do not s. Luie 18. 20. John 10. 10. but ^or to s. \\ Rom. 2. s? -dost thou-s. Eph. 4. 23. let iiim that stole s. no inore, but STK ALERS,.?. iTim. 1. 10. law made for men s. STE \LETH, V. Exod. 21 .,16. he that s. a man Job 27. 20, a tempest s- \\ ^edi. 5. 3. s. be cut off STEALING, p. ])eut.24.7. found s. |! Hos.4.2.by STEALTH, s. v Sam. 19. 3. gat by s.\\ Job 4. tl2. S rEDFAST, a. Job i 1. 1 5. yea thou shall be s. ' Ps. 78. 8. nots.with^i. 37. jj Dan. 6.26. 5. for ever 1 Cor. 7. 37.standeth $. \\ 15. 58. be s. unmovable 2 Cor. 1. 7. our hope of you is s. knowing that Heb. 2. 2. if word was s. \\ 3. 14. confidences, to 6. 19. sure and s. || 1 Pet. 5. 9. whom resist s. in STEDFASTLY,a(L Ruth 1.1 8. she wass, minded 2 Kings 8, 11. his countenance s.jj Luke 9. 31. s.set Acts 1. 10. looked s. 7. 55. jj 2. 42. continued s. 6. 15. all looking s. || 14. 9. who s. beholding him 2 Cor. 3r7. not s, behold face || 13. could not s.look STEDFASTNESS, s. Col. 2. 5. 2 Pet. 3. 17. STEEL, s. 2 Sam. 22. 33. a bow of s. Psal. 18. 34. Job 20. 24. the bow of 5. || Jer. 15. 12. iron and 5. STEEP, o. Ezek. 38. 20. 5. places shall fail and ^Iic.1.4. s. place,.'Matt.8.32. Mark5.13.Luke 8. 33. STEM, s. Isa. 11. 1. a rod out of the s. of Jesse STEP, PED,jj. iSam. 20. 3. Job 31.7. John 5. 4. STEPPETH, V. Johns .7. another s. down before STEPS, s. Exod. 20. 26. nor go up by s. to altar 2 Sam. 22. 37. thou hast enlarged my s. Ps, 18. 36. 1 Kings 10. 19. throne had six s. 20. 2 Chr. 9. 18. Job 14. 16. numberest my .5. || 18. 7. s straitened 23. 11. held his s. || 29. 6. I washed my s. with 31.4. count all my s. jl 37. the number of my s. Psal. 17. 1 1. they have now compassed us in ours. 37. 23. s. of a good ma'- 1| 31. none of liis s. sUde 44. 18. nor s. decUned || 56. 6. they mark my s, 57. 6. a net for my s. jj 73. 2. s. had well nigh slipt 8.3. 13. in way of his i-.jj 119. 133. order my s. Prov.4.12.s.notstraitenedli5.5.s.takehold onheli l'6.9.Lord dircctethhiss jj Isa. 26. 6. -s, of needy Jer.1 23. to direct his s.jj Lam. 4. 18, hunt our s. Ezek. 40. 22. by seven s. 26, || 31, eight s. 34,49, Dan.11.43. Ethiop. be at s. jj Rom.4.12.s. of faith 2 Cor. 12.18. in same s. jj 1 Pet. 2. 21. follow hiss. STiCPHANAS, A crown. 1 Cor. 1. 16. | 16. 15. STEPHEN, The same. Acts 6. 5, [7. 59. | 8. 2. I 11. 19. I 22. 20. STERN, .s. Hind-most part of a ship. Acts' 27. 29. STEWARD, .?. Gen 13. 2. s, of my house is this 43. 1 9. s. of Joseph's house II iKin.l 6.9. house of s. Matt. 20. 8. lord of the vineyard saitli to his *. Luke 8. 3. Herod's s. || 12. 42. faithful and wiscf. 16. 1. who had a s. 8. jj Tit. 1. 7. as a s. of God STEWARDS, s. 1 Chr. 28. 1. assembled the s. . 1 Cor. 4.1. s. of the mysteries || 2. it is required in .s. 1 Pet. 4.10. as good s. of the manifold gi;ace of G STICK, t\ Job 33. 21 . his bones not seen s. out 41.1 7. his scales s. \\ Psal. 38. 2. thy arrows s. fast Ezek. 29. 4. 1 11 cause the fish to s. to thy scales STICKETH. P10V.I8.24.S. closer thana brother STICK, S, s. Num. 15. 32. gathered s. on sabbath 1 Kin. 17. 10. widow" woman was gathering s, 12. 2 Kin. 6.6. cut down a s. jj Lam. 4. 8, skin like a .?. Ezek, 37. 16. take one s. and write on it, 17, 20. Acts 28. 3. when Paul had gathered a bundle of s. STIFF, V. Exod. 32. 9. a s. necked i)eople, 33. 3, 5. I 34. 9. Deut. 9. 6, 13. j 10. 16. 2 Chr. 30. 8. Acts 7. 51. Deut. 31. 27. s. neckf|Ps.75.5.speaknotwiths.n. Jer. 17. 23. made their necks s. \\ tilzek. 2.4.s. heart. STIFFENED, p. 2 Chr. 36. 13. he s. his neck and STILL, a. Exod. 13. 16. be as s, as a stone, tin Josh.24.10. ble.ssed you .s.jj Judg.l8.9.and are ye s. 1 Kings 1 9. 12. a s. small voice jj 22. 3. and we be .«. 2 Kings 7. 4. if we stt s. we die || 12. 3. sacrificed s. JoO £ 3. s. he hoideth fast || 9. dost thou s. retain 3. 13. 1 have Iain s. jj 20. 13. tho' he keep it s. STO STO Psal. 4. 4. be s. (j 8. 2. mightest s. the enemy and 23. 2. the »,waters||46. 10. be s. and know liiat 68. 21 . 5. in his trespasses || 76. 8. earth was s. 83. 1. be not s. O God || 84. 4. be s. praisinj; thee 107. 29. waves are s.!|IS9. 18. I am s. with thee Isa. 5. 25. is stretched out s. 9, 12, 17, 21. | 10. 4. Sj.a.be s. ye inhabitantsjj30.7. strength is to sit s. 42. 14. 1 have been s.||Jer. 8. 14. why do we sits. Jer. 31. 20. remember him s. \\ 47. 6. sword bes. Ezek. 33.30. s. talking ai>ahist |j 41. 7. windmg s. Zech. 11. IG. SLandetus.|jMark4. o9.peace, be*. John 7. 9. abodes. 11, 6. Acts 15. 34. | 17. 14. Rom. 11. 23. if abide not s.\\l Tim. l. 3. abides. Rev. 22. 11. let iiim be unjust s. filthy s. holy s. STILLED, ;>. Num. 13. 30. a-, people, Neh. 8. 11. STILLEST, ETH. v. Psal. 65. 7. s. seas, 89. 9. STING, S, s. 1 Cor. 15. 55^ 56. Rev. 9. 10. STINGETH, c. Prov. 23. 02. s. like an adder STINK. Gen. 34. 30. made me to 5. among the Exod. 7. 18. river shall s. || 16. 24. manna s. 1 Sam. 13.t4. Israel did s. 27.712. 1 Chr. I9.t6. Psal. 38. 5. my wounds s. and are corrupt because Isa. 3. 24. be a s.\\S4. 3. s. shall come, Joel 2. 20. Amos 4. 10. made s. of vour camps to come up STINKETH, r.Isa.50. S.fi'ih 5.|!John 1 1 . 39. he s. STINKING, p. Psal. U.fS. Eccl. 10. 1. STIR, V. Num. 24. 9. as a lion who shall s. him ? Job 17. 8. innocent s. up||4l. 10. none dare s. him Ps. 35. 23. s. up thyself, 80. 2.ji 78. 38. did not s. up Prov. 15.1. s. upanser||Sonf:;2.7. s. not, 3. 5.} 8. 4. Isa. 10. 26. s. up a scouvge||i3. 17. s.up the Medes 42. 13. shall 5. up jealousy like a man of war Dan. 11. 2. s. up all aijainst realm of Grecia, 2.5. gTim.l. 6. s. up the jiift||2 Pet.l.lS.fi.you up, .-3.1. STIR, s. Acts 12. 18. there was no small *. 19. 23. STIRS, s. La. 22. 2. thou art full of s. a tuniul. STIRRED,]). Exod. 35.21. hearts. up,26.|36.2. 1 Sam. 22. 8. my son hath s. \ 26. 19. if L. have s. 1 Kin. 11. 14. Lord s. up, ij3.l!21. 2.5. Jezebel s. up 1 Cur. 5. 26. God s. up, 2 Clir. 2l. 16. | 36. 22. Ezra 1. 1. s. up Cyrus||P.sal. 39. 2. sorrow was s. Dan. 11. 10. ui.=i sous be s. || 25. 5. king of south Hag. 1. 14. Lord s. up the spirit of Zeruhb tbel Act> 6. 12. they A', up the ptople, 17. 13. 1 21. 27. 13. 50. Jews s. up, 14. 2 || 17. 16. Paul was s. STIRRHTH, r. Deut. 32. 11. as an eagle s. up Pjov. 10. 12. s. up sU-ife, 15. 18. | 28. 25. | vO. 2-^. Isa. 14. 9. hell s. up j| 64. 7. none s. up himself Luke 23. 5. he s. up the people, teaching thro' STOCK, s. Lev. 23. 47. s. of stranger's family Job 14. 8. tho' the s. thereof erson,}iev. 2. 17, I wiil give him a white stone. Which is spoken in allusion to an heathen custom of deliv- ering- a white stone to such as they acquiUed in judgment. They also gavea white stone as a re- ward to such as conquered in thAr games. Gen. ll.3.brick for A.j 28.1 8.set up as. 22.|31.45. 29. 3. rolled the s. frotu the well's njoutli, 8, 10. 35. 14. set up a pillar of s. || 49. 24. s. of Israel Exod. 4. 25. took a sharp s.l|7. 19. m ve.'^sels of s. 15. 5. sank as a s. jj 16. shall be as still as a s. 17. 12. they took a s. || 20. 25. if make altar of s. 2t. 18. if smite With as. |1 28. 10, fi\ on one s. Lev. 26. 1, nor image ofs. |i Nuin 33. 17. smite Deut. 4. 13. two tables ofs. 5. 22. | 9, 9, 10, 11. I 10. 1, 3. Exod, 24. 12. I 31. 18. | 34. 1, 4. 1 Kings 8. 9. 2 Cor. 3. 3, 28. gods of wood and s. 28. 36,64. |29. 17. 2 Kings 19. 18. La. 37. 17. Ezek. 20 32, Josh. 4, 5. every maa as.||l.3 s. of Bohan,! 8, 17. 24. 27, behold, tiiis s. siiail be a witness to us Judg. 9, .5. he slew seventy persons on one s. 18. 1 Sam. 6. 18. great s.of Abv'il|7.12.s. ofEbcn-ezer 17. 49. 5, sunk dowri into|;fi0. prevailed wi*:ii as'.^ 20. 19. by the s. Ezel \\2fi. 37. 'le became as as. 2 Sam. 17. IS.notonesuall s. || 20. 8. grj^at s.in 1 Kings 1. 9 s. Zeholeth jl'.5. IS s.-squavers lid 6. 7. house was built of s. |j 18. was no s. seen 2 Kings 3. 25. cast hiss. || 12. 12. to hewers ofs. 22. 6. hewn s. to repan- tiie house, 2 Chr. 34- IL 1 Chr. 22. 15. there are with thee hewfrsofs. Neh. 4. 3. break down s. wall||9. 11. deep as a s. Job 28 2. is molten out of s.]j'38. 6. laid corner s. 38. 30 hid as with a s. |! 41. 2i. heart is as a s Ps. 91. 12. foot against as. Matt. 4.j3. Luke4.11. 118. .2. s. builder ref Matt. 21. 4/. Mark 12. 10. Prov. 17. 8, precious s. 26.-|-S Song 5.f 12. Isa. 28. 16. Kzek. 28. 13. 1 Pet. 2. 6. Rev. 17. 4.;ji'l. 11. 24. 31. s. wa 1 jl 26. 8. a s. in a shu::, so is he 26. 27. rolietha s. |! 27. 3, a s. is heavy and Isa. 8. 14, a s. of stumbling, Rom. 9. 32. 1 Pc t. 2,8. 28. 16. a tried s |, Jer. 2. -27. and to a s. thou Jer. 51. 26. not take of thee a s. for a comer Lam. 3, 9. Avith hewn s. |j 53. and cast as. on me Ezek. 10, 1. a sapphire s. 9. ]; 40. 42. of hewn s. Dan. 2. 34. a s. was cut out, 4.' \\r). 4. gods of -s. 23. 6. 17. a s. was laid upon the ."iiouth of the dtn Amos5. 11. built ofhewHff.ljHab.2.1 1.5. shalicry STO STO Hab. 2.19. dumb s. arise |lHag.2. 1 5. before a s.was Zec-h. 3. 9. on one s. seven eyes |) 4. 7. the head s. 7. 12. they made their hearts as an adamant s. 12. 3. 1 will make Jerusalem a burdensome s. for Matt. 7. 9. will he give him as. Luke 11. 11. 21. 44. fall on this s. be broken, Luke 'iO. 18. 24.2.not'leftone5. Mark 13.2. Luke 19-44.121.6. 27. 66. sealing the s. \\ 28. 2. rolled back the s. Li'ke 4. 3. command this s. that it be made bread 20.17. s. builders rejected, Acts 4. 11. 1 Pet.2. 7. 24. 2.foun^i s. rolled away, Mark 1 6. 4. John 20.1. John 1. 42. Cephas is a s.j|2. 6. six water-pots of s. 8. 7. first castas. II 11. 38. as. lay on it, 39, 41. 2 Cor. 3. 3. not in tables of s. but in fleshly tables Eph. 2. to. being the chief corner 5. 1 Pet. 2. 6. 1 Pet. 2. 4. to whom coming as to a living s. Rev. 2. 17. a white s. || 9. '2O. idols of wood and s. 16. 2 ^ every s. the weightJil8.21.took up as. like STONE, V. Exod. 8. 26. will they not s. us 17. 4. ready to s. me |j Lev. 20. 2. s. with stones Lev. 20. 27. s. wizards] 124. 14. s. him that cursed Num._l4. 10. bade s. them||15. .33. s. sab. -breaker Deut.13.10. s.enticers to idolat.lJ17. 5. s. idolaters 22. 21. 8. rebellious son j] 24. 5. adu'terers with 1 Kin. 21. 10. carry Naboth,and s. him that he die E/ek. 16. 40. shalU'. thee |) 23. 47. s. them with Luke 20.6. people wills, usijjohn 10. 31.tos. him John 10. 32. for which of those works do yc s. 11. 8. Jews sought to s.||A.cts 14. 5. assault to s. STONED,p. Exod. 19. l.S. surely be s. 21.28,29. Josh. 7. 25. s. Achan|| 1 Knisjs 12. 18. s. Adoram 1 Kin. 21. 13 s. Naboth || 2 Chr. 24. 21. s. Zecliar. Matt. 21. 35. s.anotherlljohn 8.4.sucii should bes. Acts 5. 26. have been s. \\ 7. 58. they s. Stephen 14. 19. Jews s. Pauljj 2 Cor. 1 1. 2.^. once was I s. Heb. 1 1. 37. they were.?. |, 12. 20. it shall be s. STONES,*. Gen.28. ll.he took of the s 31.46. Exod. 25. 7. Onyx s. \\ 28. 11. engrave the .9. 12. 28. 17. setting of s. |[ 21. s. with names of Israel 31. 5. ruttmg of s. |j 39. 7. s. for a memorial to Lev. 14. 40. take away the s. 43.|k'1.20.s. broken Deut. 8. 9. 8. are iron |j 23. 1. womided in the s. 27. 4. set up these s. in mount Ebal|j5. altar of s. Josh. 4. 3. take twelve s. 6,21. || 8. 32, wrote on s. Judg. 20. 16 could sling s. at an hair-breadth iSani. 17. 4(*. five sn)ooths.||2 Sam. 1 6.6. casts. 13. 1 Kin. 5. 17. costly s. 7. 9, 10. |; 12. of hewed s. 10. 27. silver nijert's.ass. 2. Chr. 1.15. | 9. 27. 15. 22. took away ihe s. of Raniarh, 2 Chr. 16. 6. 18 31. Elijah too\ 12. s. || 32. with s. he built 2 Kio. 3. 19. mar land \yith s.| 16. 17.pavem. ofs. 1 Chr. 29. 2. onyx s. and marble s. m abundance Ezra 5. 6. great e. 6. 4. || Neh. 4. 2. revive the s- Job 5. 23. in league with s. |) 6. 12. strenfrth ofs. 8. 17. seeth place ofs.|)]4. 19. waters wear the s 22. 24. s. of the brooksl!28. 3. s. of darkness 28. 6. s. places ofsapphiresl|40. 17. sinews ofs. 41. 28. shngs. are turnedjj30. sharp s. are under Psal. 102. 14. pleasure in her s.||137. 9. against s. 144. 12. our daughtersmay beas corner s. polish. Eccl. 3.5. tocastaways.||10.9.whosoremoveths. Isa. 5. 2. gathered out s.jjg. 10. build it with h. s. 14. 19. s. of the pit ||27. 9. s. of altar as chalk s. 34. 11. s. of emptiness (1 54. 11. I will lay thy s. 54. 12. borders of pleasant s. 1| 57. 6. smooth s. 60. 17. and for s. iron || 62. 10. gather out the 5. Jer. 3. 9. adultery with s. Ij 43. 10. tlirone on s. Lam. 3. 16. with gravel s. || 4. 1. s. of sanctuary Ezek.26.12.1ay s.in water || 28. 14. s. of fire, 16. Mic. 1. 6. 1 will pour down the s. into the valley Zech. 3.4. consume the s || 9. 1 6. as 5. of a crowm Matt. 3. 9. of these s. to raise children, Luke 3. 8. 4. 3. command that these s. be made bread Mark 5. 5. cutting himself with s. || 12. 4. cast s. 13. 1. Master, see what manner of s. are here Luke 19. 40. s. would cry 1| 21. 5. with goodly s. John 8. 59. they took up s. to cast at him, 10. 31. 2 Cor. 3. 7. engraven in s. jl 1 Pet. 2. 5. as lively s. Pra-?m. 1 Sam. 30. 6. spake ofs. David STOOD, c. Gen. 18. 2. three men s. || 8. he s. by 22: Abra. yet s. || 23. 7. Abra. s. up and bowed 41. 46. s. before Pharaoh || 45. 1. s. no man with Exod. 15. 8. floods s. upright || 20. 18. s. afar off 32. 26. Mo.ses s. in the gate || 33. 8. s. at his tent Num. 11.32. peoples, allthatday || 12.5. s. indoor 16. 48. s. between dead || 22. 22. s. in the way 22. 24. s. in a paih IJ 23. iatt.3.3. pathss. Mark 1.3. Luke 3. 4. John 1.23. Luke 13. 13. she was made 5. and glontied God Acts 9. 11. street called S. \\ Heb. 12. 13. s. paths STRAIGHTV/AY, ad. 1 Sam. 9. 13. ! 28. 20. Prov. 7. 22. L'octh s. || Daji. 10. 17. s. remained Matt. 3. 10. Jesus went 5. out of water, Mark 1.10. 4. 20. 5. left their nets || 21. 3. s. he will send 27. 48. and s. one ran l| Mark 3. 29- [ 6. 54. Liike 5. 39. 5. desireth new|| 14. 5. s. pull him Joim 13 32. and God shall 5. glorify hiui Acts 5.10. fell down s.|i9.20. s. he preached Christ 16. 33. all his 5. || 22. 29. 5. they departed from 23. 30. 1 sent s. \\ Jam. 1. 24. and 5. forgetteth STRAIN, V. Matt. 23. 24. s. at a gnat, and sw. STRAIT, S, s. 1 Sam. 13. 6. }*aw they were iu &•. 2 S,tm. 24. 14. I am in a great s. 1 Chr. 21. 13. Job 20. 22. he shall be in .?. |! 36. 16. out of 5. Lam. 1. 3. between s. \\ Phil. 1. 23. 1 am in a 5. STRAIT, a. 2 Kings 6, l. place is too s. for us Isa. 49. 20. place is too s. for me, give place to Matt. 7. 13. enter at the s. gate, 14. Luke 13. 24. STRAITEN, V. Jer. 19- 9. seek lives s. them STRAITEN ED, ;j. Job 18. 7. steps be s.||37. 10. Pi-ov. 4. 12. steps not be s.jjEzek. 42. 6. building s. Mic. 2. 7. is tiie Spirit of the Lord 5. are these Luke 1 2. 50. how^ am I s. \- 2 Cor. 6. 12. ye are s. STRAITEST, a. Acts 26.5- 5. sectofour relidon STRAITEN ETH, a. Job 12. 23. s. tliem again STRAITLY, ad. Gen. 43. 7. the man asked us s. Exod. 13. 19.5. sworn Isi-ael II Josh. 6. 1.5. shut up 2 Sam 14. 2S. thy father s. charged the people Matt. 9. 30. 5. charged them, saying, see that no man, Mark 1 . 43. | 3. 12. | 5'. 43. Luke 9. 21 . Arts 4. 17. 5. threaten ]) 5. 28. we 5. command STRAITNESS, s. Deut. 28. 53. eat child, in 5. 55. Job 30. 1 6. where is uo s. \\ Jer. 19. 9. eat in s. STRAKE, V. Acts 27. 17. s. sail, and so Avere Sl'RAKES, s. Gen. 30. ST. Lev. 14. 37. ^IRANGE, a. Gen. 42. 7. made himself s. to sfil STR Exod. 2. 22. ill a s. land, 18. 3. Psal. 137. 4, Acts 7. 6. 21. 8. a 5. nation |) 30. 9. offer no s. incense Lev. 10. 1. offered s. fire Num. 3. 4. | 26. 61. Judg. 11. 2. a s. woman, Prov. 2. 16. | 5. 3, 20. I 6. 24. ) 20. 16. I 23. 27. | 27. 13. 1 Kin. 11. 8. s. wives, Ezra 10. 2, 11. Neh. 13. 27. 2Kin.l9.24.dig2;edanddtunks.waters,Isa.37.25. Job 19. 3. 3'ourselves s. |j 17. my breath is s. to 31.3. a s. {junishment to the workers of iniquity Psal. 81. 9. be no a^ god jj 1 14. 1. of a s. language Prov. 21. 8. froward and s. |j Isa. 17. 10. s. slips Isa. 28. 21. his s. work, bring to pass his s. act Jer. 2, 21. of a s. vine j) 8. 19. with 5. vanities Ezek. S. 6. of a s. speechi|Hos. S. 12. asas. thing Zeph. 1. 8. .■?. apparel (| Luke 5. 26. seen s, things Acts 17. 20. bringest s. things j)2f>. 11. to s. cities Heb. 11. 9. as in a s. country |j 13. 9. s. doctrines 1 Pet. 4. 4. think it *. |j 12. as tho' some s. thiiig Jade 7. as Sodom and Gomor. going after s. flesh STRANGE- frw«e??. 1 Kings 11. 1. So!, loved 5.- Frov. ^2. 14. mouth of 5.-||23, 33. eyes behold s.- See Children, God, Gods. STRANGER, s. signifies, [1] A foveignei^, Gen. 23.4. [2] One that is not a Jew, Isa. 14. 1. [3j ^Any one not of Aaron's seed, though an Is- raeiite, Num. 3. 10. j 16. 40. | 18. 4. [4j One ihatw seeking' a heacenlij country, Psal. 39. 12. Heb. 11. 13. [5] Ujiregenerate men, Eph. 2, 12. [6] One that fs not a wife, Prov. 5. 20. [7] Persons of a cruel inhumane disposition, Psal. 54. 3. [83 Persecuted or bmdsked Chrisiians, Heb. 13. 2. [y] False teachers, John 10. 5. Gen. 1.5. '13. thy seed be a s.|jl7. 8. art a s. 28. 4. 17, 12. or that is bought with money of a .s\ 27. 23.4. I am a s. with yon, Psal. 39. 12. | 119. 19. 37. 1. in tlie land wherein his father was a s. E^^od. 2. H^2. been aA-.jjl2. 19. whether as. or born in the land, Lev. 16. 29.|17. 13. Num. 15.30. 12. 43. no s. eat, 29. 33.||48. when a s. keep pass. 49. one law to s. Lev. 24. 22. Num. 9. 14. 20. 10. nor thy 5. within thy gates, Deut. 5. 14. 22. 21 . not vex 5. |j ^3. 9. ye know heart of a s. 23. 12. s. may be refreshed] iSO. SS.putteth on«. Lev. 17. 12. nor s. eat blood |i 19. 10. leave for s. 19. 33. if s. sojourn jj 34. s. as one born among 22. 10. no 5. eat of the hoiy things, 12, 25. 24. 16. as well the 5. || 25."^35. tho' he be a s. Num. 1. 51. s. that conieth nigh be put to death, 3. 10, 38. I 16. 40. ( 18. 4, 7. Ezek. 44. 9. 15. 14. if a s. sojourn |j 19. 10. to s. a statute for 35. 15. six cities of refuge for the s. Josh. 20. 9. Deut. 1. 16. and judge righteously between the 5. 10. 18. Lord loveth the 5.||19. love the s. for ye 14. 21. give that to s. [j 17. 15. nor set a s. over 23. 7. tliou wast a s. jj 20. to a s. niayest lend £5. 5. not marry to s.jj26. 11. rejoice thou and s. 28. 43. s. get above thee jj 29. 11. s. in covenant 29. 22. s. shall say || 31. 12. gather thy s. that Josh.S.33. s. stood"' to hearj|Judg.l9.'l2. city of as. Kuth 2. 10. why 1 found grace, seeing I a.m a s. 2 Sam. 1. 13. 1 am a son of a s.||l5. 19. thou art a s. 1 Kin. 3. 18. there was no 5. with us in the house 8. 41. moreover concerning a s. 2 Chr. 6. 32. Job 15. 19. no &•. passedj|19. 1 5. maids count me a 31 . 32. the s. did not lodge in street, but I opened Psal. 39. 12.1 am a s. with thee, as all, 119. 19. psal. 69. 8. 1 am become a s.jj94. 6. they slay the s, 1 09. 1 1. Set s. spoil his labour !j 137. 1 4. land of s. Prov. 2. 16. deliver from 5. jj 5. !0. house of as. 5. 20. bo.som of a « jj 6. 1. stripken hand with s. 7. 5. keep thee from s.jjl 1.15. surety for s. smart 14. 10. a s. doth not intermeddle with his joy 20. 16. take his garm. that is surety for s. 27. 13. 27. 2. let a s. praise thee||Eccl. 6. 2. a s. eateth it Isa. 56. 3. nor let s. speak [j 6. sons of the s. 62. 8. Jer. 14. dt. why shouidst thou be as a s in land Ezek. 14. 7. every s. that setteth up his idols 22. 7. they dealt by oppression with the s. 29. 44. 9. no 5. uncircuni. shall enter the sanctuary 47. 23. that in what tribe the s. sojom-neth Obad. 12. he became a s. \\ Ma!. 3. 5. turn aside s. ]Matt. 25. S5. 1 was a s. 43. H 38. saw we thee a s. Luke 17. 18. save this 5.|j24. 18. art thou only as. .John 10. 5. a s. not follow || Acts 7. 29. Moses a s. STRANGERS, s. Gen. 31. 1 5. couiited of iiim s. 36. 7. the land wlierein they were s. Exod. 6. 4. Exod. 22. 21 . for ye Ave re s. m the land of Egypt, . 23. 9. Lev. 19. 34. | 25. 23. Deut. 10; 19.. Lev. 17. 8. s. that offer an oblation, \i2. 18. 10. whosoever of the s. that eateth any blood 2iy. 2. s. give seed to Molech|j25. 45. of s. bay Deut. 24. l4. not oppress s-.jj31. 16. gods of the s. Josh. 8. 35. s. that were conversant among them 2 Sam. 22. 45. s. shall snl)init themselves to me 46. s. fade away and be afraid, Psai. 18. 44. 1 Chr. 16. 19. when ye were s. in it, P!inglejjlO. 1 3. by s. of hand 17. 10, rock of thy s. \\ 23. 14. 9. is laid waste. STR STR Ba. 25. 4. a s. to the poor j| 26. 4. is everlastings. 27. 5. let him take hold of my s. to make peace 23. 6, a s. to them that turn jj 30. 3. s. of Phar. 30. 7. s. is to sit still || 15. in quietness be your s. 33. 6. s. of salvation |j 36.5. 1 have counsel and s. 40. 9. lift up thy voice with s. \\ 29. increasetli s. 31. shall renew their s. 41. l.||44. 12. s. faileth 45. 24. righteousness and s. || 49. 4. spent my s. 49. 5. my God shall be my s. |) 51. 9. put on s. O 52. I. put on thy .?. O Zion}|62. 8. arm of hiss. 63. 1. greatness of his s. || 6. bring down their s. 15. where is thy s-lfJer. 16. 19. O Lord, my s. Jer. 20. 5. delivers, of cityj|51.53. heightof hers. Lam. 1. 6. without s.|)l4. my s. to fall|l3. 1 8. my s JEzek. 24.21. excellency of your s.j|25. take their s. 13. 15. will pour myfury on Sin, the s. of Egypt 18. pomp of her s, shall cease in her, 33. 28. Dan. 2. 37. given thee s. ||41. the s. of the iron 10. 8, remained no s. 17.|jl6. I received no s. 11.2. by his s. stir up || 15. nor s. to withstand 17. s. of his kingdom || 31. the sanctuary of s. Hos. 7. 9. devoured his s.||12. 3.by his s. had power Joel 2. 22. vme yield s.\\3. 16.5. of children of Isr. Amos 3.1 1. bring down thy s.|j6. 13. by our own s. Mic. 5. 4. and he shall feed in the s. of the Lord Nah. 3. 9. Egypt wereher s.||l 1. thou slialtseek s. Hab. 3- 19. G. is my 5-.||Hag. 2. 22. 1 will destroy 5 Zech. 12. 5. my s. in LordlJMark 12. 33.all thy g. , Luke 1.5l.hehathsheweds.l|l0.27. with all thy s. Acts 3. 7. ancle bones rec. s.\\9. 22. increased in s. Rom. 5. G. when yet without s. Christ died for us 1 Cor. 15. 56. sting is sin, and s. of sin is the law 52 Cor. 1. 8. pressed above s. \\ 12. 9. my s. perfect Heb. 9. 17. it isof nos.jjll. 11. rec. s. to conceive Rev. 1. IG. sun slnneth in his s. |) 3. 8. a little s. 5. 12. to receive s.|jl2. 10. come salvation and s. 17. 13. shall give their power and s. to the beast STRENGTHEN,!;. Deut.3. 28. encourage and s. Jndg. 16. 28. s. fne, I pray |i 19. t 5. s. thine heart 1 Kin. 20. 22. go, s. thyself 1 1 Ezra. 6. 22. s. hands Neh. 6.9. O God s. my handsjjjob. 1 6.5. 1 would s. Psal 20. 2. L. send thee help, and s. out of Zion 27. 14. M'ait on L. he shall s. thy heart, 31. 24. 41. 3. Lord s. him on bedjj 68. 28. s. O God that 89. 21. arm shall s.him (| 1 19. 28. s. thou me ace. Ba. 22. 21. I'll s. him || 30. 2. to s. themselves in 53. 23. could nots. mast(|35. 3. ye s. weak hands 41. 10. I will s. thee||54. 2. and s. thy stakes Jer. 4. "I 6. s. stay not|j23. 14. s. hands pf evil doers Ezek. 7. 13. norshalls. hims|)16.49.nordid shes. 30.24. I'll s. king of Babyl. 25.|)34.16.ril s. sick Dan. 11. 1. 1 stood to s.jlAmos 2. 14. strong not s. Zech. 10. 6. I'll s. Judali'il 12. Ills, them in Lord Liike22.32.s.thy bret!iren||lPet. 5. 10.stabhsh,s. Rev. 3. 2. be watchful and .s. things which remain STRENGTHENED,;). Gen. 48.2. Israel s. him?. Judg.*?. 12. Lord ft. Eglor.||7. 1 1. afterwards bes. iSam. 23. 16. Jonathan s.l|'2. Sam. 2. 7. hands bes. 1 Chr. 11. 10. who s. themselves with David 2Chr. 1.1. Solom.was 5.jjll.l7.s. kingd. ofjudah 12. 1. Rehoboam s.|{13. 7. s. against Rehoboam 1 7. 1. Jeho.sh. .5.1|21. 4. Jehorani!i23. 1. Jehoiada 24. 13. in his slate, ands.it}] 25. 11. Amaziah s. 26. 8. Uzziah s.li28. 20. s. him not j| 32. 5. Hez. s. Ezra 1. 6. s. their handsj|7. 28. 1 was s. as the hand Neh. 2. 18. so they s || Job4. 3. s. weak hands,4. Psal. 52. 7. 5. himself}! 147. 13. s. bars of thy gates Prov. 7. 1 13. s. her face||8. 28. s. fountains of deep Ezek. 13. 22. s. the wicked||34. 4. diseased not s, Dan. 10. 18.s.me, 19. || 11.6.s.herl|12.not be s. Hos. 7. 15. s. their arms || Acts 9. 19. Saul was s. Eph.3.16. bes.withmight|]Col.l.ll.s.withallm. 2 Tim. 4. 17. the Lord stood with me, and s. me STRENGTHENEDST.Ps.l38.3.s.mewithstr. STRENGTHENETH, V. Job 15.25. he s. himself Psal. 104. 15. s. man's heart jj Prov. 31.17. s. arms EcCl. 7. 19. wisdom s. wise ||Isa.44. 14, oak he s. Amos 5. 9. s. spoiled |1 Phil. 4. 13. thro' C. who s. STRENGTHENING. Luke 22. 43. Acts 18. 23. STRETCH, V. Exod. 7. 19. s. out thy hand, 8. 5. 8. 16. s. out thy rod || 25. 20. cherubims s. wings Josh. 8.18.S. outspear(|2Kin.21.13.s. lineofSam. Job 11.13. if thou s. thy hands [j 39. 26. haAvk s. Psal. 68. 31. shall soon s. out her hands to God Isa. 28. 20. than that a man can s. |j 34. 11. s. line .H. 2. s. the curtains |) Jer. 10. 20. is none to s. Ezek. 30. 25. s. out my swordyAmos 6. 4. s. thems. Matt. 12. 13. s. forth hand || John 21. 18. shalt s. 2 Cor. 10. 14.for we s. not ourselves beyond meas. STRETCHED,;). Gen. 22. 10. Abrahams, forth 48. 14. Israel s. outhis right hand, and laid it on Exod. 8, 6. Aaron s. outhis hand over waters, 17. 9. 23. Mos. s. forth hand to heav. 10. 13, 22.| 14.21. Josh. 8. 18. and Joshuas, out the spear, 19, 26. I Kings 6. 27. the cherubims s. forth their wings 17. 21. he s. himself on the child, 2 Kin. 4. 34. 1 Chr. 21. 1 6. angel s. || Job 38. 5. who s. the line Psal. 44. 20. or s. out hands jj 88. 9. 1 s. my hands 136. 6. s. out the earth || Prov. 1. 24. s. my hand Isa. 3.16. because they walked with s, forth necks 5. 25. hand is s. out still, 9. 12, 17,21. \ 10. 4. 14. 26. hand that is s. out on all the nations, 27. 1 6. 8, branches s. out|)23. 1 1. s. his hand over sea 42. 5. that s. out the heavens, 45. 12. 151. 13. Jer. 6. 4. the shadows of the evenmg are s. out 10. 12. he 5. out the heavens, 51. 15. \\ Lam. 2.8. Ezek. I.ll.wingss.||10.7.cherub||l6.27.1s.haud Hos. 7. 5. 5. outhis handi|Amos6. 7. s. themselves Zech. 1. 16, line bes.||Matt. 12. 13. he s. Mark3.5. Luke22.53. yes. forth no hands| I Actsl2.1. Herod*. Rom. 10. 21. all day long I have s. forth my hands STRETCHEDST. Exod. 15.12. s. thy righthand STRETCHEST, v. Psal. 104. 2. s. out the heav. STRETCHETH, v. Job 15. 25. s. hand against G. 26. 7. s. out the north || Prov. 31. 20. s. her hand Isa. 40. 22. s. out the heavens (| 44. 13. s. his rule 44. 24. s. forth the heavens alone, Zech. 12. 1. STRETCHING. Isa. 8. 8. s. ofwmors(lActs4.30. STRIFE, s. Gen. 13.7. as, between herdmen, 8. Exod. 17. t 7. name of place s. (| Num. 20. f 13. Num. 27. 14. s.of congr,||Deut. 1. 12. how bear s^. Judg. 12. 2, at great s.\\2 Sam. 19.9. at s. thro' Isr. Psal. 31. 20. s. of tongues || 55. 9. seen s. in city 80. 6. makest us a s. j| 106. 32. at the waters of s. Prov. 15. 18. a wrathful man stirreth up s. 29. 22. but he that is slow to anger appeaseth s. 16. 28. soweth s. |) 17. 1. than a house with s. 17. 14. the beginning of s. is [] 19. that lovetb s. 20. 3. honour to cease from s. || 22. 10. s. cease 26. 17. meddleth with s.||20. s. ceas. (| 21. kindle 28. 25. proud stirreth up s. || 30. 33. bringeth s. Isa. 41 . t 1 1. men of thy s. ({ 58. 4. ye fast for s. Jer. 15. 10. that thou hast born me a man of s. Ezek. 47. 19. even to tke waters of s. 48. £8. I STR Kab. 1. 3. raise up s. |) Luke 22. 24. there was a s. Rom. 13. 13. not in s. and envying, 1 Cor. 3. 3. Gal. 5. 20. the works of the flesh are s. wrath Phil. 1, 15. preach Christ of 5. |) 2. 3. done thro' s. . 1 Tim. 6. 4. s. railings || Heb. 6. 16. end of all s. I Jam. 3. 14. envying and s. (j 16. for Avhere s. is STRIFES, s. Prov. 10. 12. stirrethup s. but love 2 Cor. 12. 20. lest there be envyings, wraths, s. 1 Tim. 6. 4. s. of words || 2 Tim. 2. 23. gender s. j STRIKE, V. Exod. 12. 7. and s. the blood, 22. I Deut.21.4.5.off heifer's neck j| 2 Kin. 5.11. s.hand i Job 17. .3. who will s. hands || 20. 24. s. him thro' Psal. 110. 5. thro' kings in day of his wrath Prov. 7. 23. till a dart s. || 1 1. 1 15. that s. hands 17. 26. to s. prmces || 22. ti. one that s. hands Hab.3.14. didsts. thro'|| Mark 14. 65. didsJesus STRICKEN, p. Gen. 18.11. well s. in age, 24. 1. Josh. 13. 1. s. in years, 23. 1, 2. 1 Kings 1. 1. Judg. 5. 26. when Jael had s. thro' his temples Pi-ov.e. 1. if s. thy hand || 23. 35. they have s. me Isa. l.S.why s. any morejl 16. 7. surely they ares. 53. 4. did esteem him 5. |j 8. for transgressions was Jer. 5. 3. hast s. them |! Lam. 4. 9. s. thro' for want Luke 1. 7. Zacharias and Elisabeth s. in years,! 8. STRIKER, s. 1 Tim. 3. 3. bishop no s. Tit. 1.7. STRIKETH. Job 34. 26. Prov. 17. 18. Rev.9.5. STRING, S. Psal. 11. 2. arrows on thes. 21. 12. 33. 2. an instrument often s. 92. 3. | 144. 9. Mark 7. 35. the s. of his tongue was loosed and STRINGED,;). 1 Sam. 18. f 6.«.instruments,Ps. 150. 4. Isa. 38. 20. Hab. 3. 19. STRIPE, s. Exod. 21. 25. wound for w.s. for s. STRIPES, s. Deut. 25. 3. forty 5. 2 Cor. 11. 24. 2 Sam. 7. 14. «. of men || Psal. 89. 32. visit with s. Prov. 17. 10. than an 100 s. || 19. 29. s. prepared 20. 30. so do s. the inward parts of the belly Isa. 53.5. with Ms s. we are healed, 1 Pet. 2. 24. Luke 12. 47. beaten with many s.\\ 48. with few s. Acts 16. 23. laid many s. on |i 33. washed their s. 2 Cor. 6. 5. in s. 11. 23. || 11. 24. forty s. save one STRIP, V. NuYn. 20. 26. s. Aaron of his garment 1 Sam. 31. 8. Philist. came to s. slain, 1 Chr. 10. 8. Isa. 32.1 1 . s. ye |) Ezek. 1 6. 39- shall s. thee, 23. 26. Hos. 2. 3. lest I s. her naked, and set her as in STRIPPED. Gen. 37. 23. s. Joseph || Exod. 33.6. Num. 20.28. s. Aaron JilSam.l 8.4. Jonat.s.offrobe 1 Sam. 19. 24. Saul s'. off his || 31. 9. Phil. s. Saul 2 Chr. 20. 25. s. off for thems. || Job 19. 9. s. me Job 22. 6. and s. the naked of their clothing Mic. 1. 8. therefore I will go s. and naked Matt. 27. 28. and they s. him and |j Luke 10. 30. STRIPLING, s. lSam.l7. 56. whose son is this s. STRIVE, V. Gen. 6. 3. spirit not s.|| 26. 20. did s. Exod. 21. 18. if men s. together, 22. Deut. 25. 11. Deut. 33. 8. s. at Meribab || Judg. 11. 25. did he s. Job 33.13. why dost thou s. |j Psal. 35.1.S. with me Prov. 3. 30. s. not witli a man without cause 25. 8. go not forth hastily to s. lest thou know Isa. 41. 11. s. shall perish || 45. 9. let potsherd s. Hos. 4. 4. let no man s. || Matt. 12. 19. shall not s. Lnkel3.24.s. to enter \\ Rom. 15. 30.s. in prayers 2Tim.2.5.s.for masteries|j l4.s.not || 24.must not s. STRIVED, p. Rom. 15. 20., I s. to preach gospel .STRIVEN, V. Jer. 50.24. hast s. against the L. STRIVETH, t'. Isa. 45. 9. 1 Cor. 9. 25. STRIVING, p. Phil. 1. 27. s. for faith of gospel Col. 1 . 29. 1 labour, s. \\ Heb. 12, 4. s, aL'ainst sin 72 STR ls» STRIVINGS, 5. 2 Sam. 22. 44. Ps.l 8.43. Tit. 3. 9. STROKE, s. Deut. 17. 8. and between s. and s. 19. 5. a s. with the axe j| 21. 5. every s. be tried 2Chr.21.tl4. a great s. (| Esih. 9. 5. s. of the sword Job 23. 2. my s. is heavier || 36. 18. away with s.. •. Ps. 39. 10. remove thy s. || 38.tll. aloof from my s. Isa. 14. 6. a continual s. || 30. 26. L. healeth the s^ Ezek. 24. 16. I take desire of thine eyes with a s. STROKES. Prov. 18.6. fool's mouth callethfors. STRONG, a. Gen. 49. 14. a s. ass [J 24. the arms s. Exod. 6. 1. with a s. hand shall let them go, 13. 9. 10. 19. s. west wind || 14. 21. by a s. east wind Num. 13.18. s. or weak Ij 19. in tents or in s. holds 28. the people hes. that || 20. 20. with a s. hand 21.24. Amnion wass. J124.21. s. is thy dwelliug-p. 28. 7. the 5. wine to be poured out to the Lord Deut. 2. 36. not one city toos.|)11.8.yemay bes. 31. 6. be s. and of good courage. Josh. 1. 6, 7, 9. Josh. 14.11. Iamass.||17.13.waxens. Judg. 1.28. 19.^.the5. cityTyre||23. 9. great nations and s. Judg. 9. 51. as. tower II 14. 14. out ofs. sweetn. 18. 26.Micah saw that they were too s. for him 1 Sam. 4. 9. be s. l Kings 2. 2. 1 Chr. 28. 10. 2 Chr. 15. 7. I 25. 8. Ezra 9. 12. Dan. 10. 19. 14. 52. when Saul saw a s. man, he took him 2 Sam. 3.6.Abnermadehimself5. |j 10. 11. be too 11. 25. battle more *. || 15. 12. conspiracy was s. 16. 21. all with thee be s. || 22.1 8. too s. Ps.18.17. 1 Kin 8. 42. hear of thy s. hand |j 19. 11. s. wind 3 Kin. 2. 1 6. fifty s. men [| 24J^. all that were s. ■ 1 Chr.19.12. if Syrians be too s. || 28. 10. be s. do it 2 Chr.ll. 12. cities exceedings. || 17. Rehoboam s. 16. 9. to shew himself 5. \\ 26. 16. Uzziahwass. Neh.l.lO.redeemed by thy s.hand||9. 25. s. cities Job 8. 2. words like a s. wind |J 9. 19. lo, he is s. ■ 30. 21. with thy s. liand|| 37. 18. sky which is s. 39.28. in a s. place || 40. 18. as s, pieces of brass Ps. 10. 10. by his s. ones jj 19. 5. as a s. man to run 22. 12. s. bulls II 24. 8. the Lord s. and mighty 30. 7. mountain to stand s. || 31. 2. my s. rock 31. 21. kind, in a s. city || 35. 10. is too s. for him 38. 19. enemies are s. || 60. 9. s. city, 103. 10. 61. 3.as. tower |j71.3.my s.habitation jj 7. refuge 80. 15. s. for thyself, 17. || 89. 8. who is a s. L. 89.13.s.isthyhand |i 136. 12.s. hand, Jer.32.21. 144. 14. that our oxen may be 5. to labour Prov. 7.26. yea many s. men (| 10.15. s. city,18.1I. 11.16. s. men retain riches || 14.26. s. confidence 18.10. name as. tower |j 19. be wonthanas. city 24.5. a wise man is s. II 30. 25. ants a people not*.' Eccl.9.11. battle not to s. 11 12. 3. s. men shall bow Song 8. 6. for love is s. as death, jealousy is cruel Isa. 1. 31. s. be as tow |j 8. 7. waters s. dpd niaoy 8. 11. spake with a s. hand || 17. 9. his s. cities 25. 3. s. people glorify thee || 26. 1. a s. city, sal. 27. 1. with his s. sword || 28. 2. mighty and 5. one 28. 22. bands be mades. || 31. 1. they are very s. 35. 4. be s.fear not j|40. 10. come with s. hand 40. 26. he is s. in power j| 41. 21. your s. reasons 53. 12. divide spoil with s. \\ 60. 22.'?! s. nation Jer. 8. 16. of his s. ones 1| 21. 5. fight with s. arm 48. 14. 5. men for warjj 17. how is- the s. staff 49. 19. come against the habitation of s. 50. 44. 50.34. their redeemer is s.|| 51.12. make watch s. Ezek. 3. 8. made thy face s. i| 14. band of L. was s. 7. 24. pomp of s. to cease |] 19. 11. had s. rods 19.12. hers.rods were broken || 14. hath no s. rod 22. 14. can thv hav.-h hes.\\ '25. U.S. garrisons STIT t Ezek.26.17.citywhich wass.||30.21.tomakeits. 30. 22. break the s.arn1s]| 32.21. s. shall speak 34. 16. but I will destroy the fat and the s. Dan. 2. 42. be partly s. \\ 4. 11. tree was s. 20, 4. 22. king, artbecome s. || 7. 7. s. exceedingly 8. 8. when he was s. || 10. 19. be s. yea, be s. 11.5. king of south be s. he shall be s. above him 23. shall become s. \\ 32. be s. and do exploits Joel 1. 6. a nation s. 2. 2. || 2. 5. as a s. people set 3. 10. let weak say, lam s. || Amos 2.9. «. as oaks Amos 2. 14. s. not strengthen || 5. 9. against the s. Mic. 4. 3. rebuke s. || 7. make her s. || 6.2 foundat. Nah. 2.1. .make thy loins s. || 3.14. s. the brick-kiln Hag. 2.4. be s. O Zerubbabel, be s. O Joshua, be s. Zech. 8. 9. lethands be s. 13. || 22. s. nations shall Mat.12.29. enter into a s. man's house, Mark 3.27. Luke 1. 80. s. in spirit, 2. 40. || 11.21.S. man armed Acts 3. 16. thro' faith hath made this man 5. Rom. 4. 20. s. in faith || 15. 1. we that are s. ought 1 Cor. 4. 10. but ye ares. || 16. 13. like men, be s. 2 Cor. 12. 10. then am I s. \\ 13. 9. weak, ye are s. Eph. 6. 10. be s.intheL.|| 2Thes. 2. 11 . s. delusion 2 Tim. 2. 1. be s. in the grace that is in Christ Heb. 5.7. s. cryingsjl 12.s. meat, 14. j| 11.34.made 6. 18. we might have s. consolation, who fled 1 John 2. 14. ye are s. || Rev. 5. 2. 1 saw a s. angel Rev. 18. 2. s. voice II 8. for s. is the Lord God who STRONG Hold and Holds. Num. 13. 19. Judg. 6. 2. 1 Sam. 23. 14, 19, 29. 2 Sam. .5. 7. 1 24. 7. 2 Kings 8. 12. 2 Chr. 11. 11. Psal. 89.40. Isa. 23. ll.|3l. 9. Jer. 48. 18, 41. ' ' Lam. 2. 2, 5. Dan. 11. 24, 39. Mic. 4. 8. Nah. 1. 7. I 3. 12, 14. Hab. 1. 10. Zech. 9. 3, 12. 2 Cor. 10. 4. STRONGER, «. Gen. 25. 23. one people be s. 30. 41. s. cattle did conceive || 42. and s. Jacob's Num. 13. 31. s. than we 1| Judg. 14. 18. than a lion 2 Sara. 1. 23. s. than lions || 3. 1. Davifl waxed s. 13. 14. Amnon being s. || 1 Kings 20. 23, 23. Job 17. 9. hath clean hands shall be s. and s. Ps. 105.24. s. than enemies || 142. 6. are s. than I Jer. 20. 7. thou art j. than I|I 31. 11. s. than he Luke 11. 22. a s. than he shall come upon him 1 Cor. 1. 25. weakness of G. is s.\\ 10. 22. are we s. STRONGEST, a. Prov. 30. 30. a lion which is s. STRONGLY, ad. Judg. 8.tl. 1 Chr. 11. 1 10. Ezra 6. 3. let the foundations thereof be s. laid STROVE, u. Gen. 26. 20. Esek, because they s. Exod. 2.13. two men s.j|Lev. 24. 10. s. in camp Num. 20. 1 3. s. with the L.||26. 9. s. against Moses 2 Sam. 14. 6. s. in the field 1| Dan. 7. 2. winds s. John 6. 52. the Jews s. among themselves, saying Acts 7. 26. as they s. || 23. 9. arose and s. saying STRUCK, V. 1 Sam. 2. 14. 3. it into the pan or 2 Sam. 12. 1 5. L. s. the child || 20. 10. Joab s. him 2 Chr. 13. 20. L. s. Jeroboam || Matt. 26.51. s.ser. Luke 22. 64. .s. Jesus on the face, John 18. 22. STRUGGLED. Gen. 25. 22. children s. together STUBBLE, s. Exod. 5. 12. to gaiher s.|| 15>.ass. Job 13. 25. pursue diy 5. II 21. 18. they are as s. 41.28. turned into s. || 29. darts are counted as s. Psal. 83. 13. make them as s. before the wind Isa. 5. 24. devoureth s. \\ 33. 11. and bring forth s. 40. 24. take away as s. |] 41. 2. as driven s. 47. 14. Jer. 13. 24. scatter them as s. || Joel 2. 5. devoureth Obad. 18. Esau be for s. \\ Nah. 1.10. as *•. fully dry Mai. 4. 1. proud be as s. \\ 1 Cor. 3.12. wood,hay,ff. STUBBORN, a. Deut 21. 18. have as. son, 20. SUB Judg. 2. 19. they ceased not from their s. way Psal. 78. 8. a s. generation || Prov. 7. 11. she is s. STUBBORNNESS, s. Deut. 9. 27. look not to s. 1 Sam.15.23. 5. isasiniquity 1| Jer. 3.T 17. j 7. 1 24. STUCK, u. iSam. 26.7. Psal.119. 31. Acts 27.41. STUDS, s. Song 1.11. borders of gold with s. of STUDY. Eccl.l2. 12. 1 Thes. 4. 11. 2 Tim. 2. 15. STUDIETH,t;. Prov. 15. 28.*; to answer || 24. 2. STUFE, s. Gen. 31. 37. searched my s. || 45. 20. Exod. 22. 7. s. to keep || 36. 7. s. was sufficient Josh. 7. 11. have put it even among their own s. 1 Sam. 10. 22. among s. || 25.13. abode by s. 30. 24. Ezek.12.3. prepare thee s.jl Luke 17.31. s. in house STUMBLE, V. Prov. 3. 23. foot shall not s. 4. 12. 4. 19. the wicked knlow not at what they s. Isa. 5. 27. none s. || 8. 15. many shall s. and fall 28. 7. s. injudgment II 59. 10. s. atnopn||63. 13. Jer. 13. 16. feet s.||18.15. caused tos. j| 20.11. shall 31.9. shall not s. || 46. 6. shall s. and fall, 50. 32. Dan.ll.l9.heshalls.l|Nah. 2. 5.theyshalls.3. 3. Mai. 2. 8. caused many to s.||lPet. 2. 8.s.at word STUMBLED, ;j. 1 Sam. 2. 4. they thats. are girt iChr. 1 3. 9. oxen s. || Psal. 27. 2. they s. Jer. 46.12. Rom.9. 32. they s.at that stumbling'stonc, 11. 11. STUM BLETH,r.Prov.24.17.not glad when he s, John 11. 9. he s. not, 10. || Rom. 14. 21. brother s. STUMBLING,/). lJohn2.10.noneoccasion of s. STUMBLING-BLOCK, s. see Offence. Lev. 19. 14. not put a s. i| Psal. 119. 1 163. no s. Isa. 57. 14. take up the s. || Ezek. 3. 20. 1 lay a s. Ezek. 7.19. s. of their iniquity, 14. 3,4, 7. 1 44. flS. Rom. 11. 9.trap,andas. || 14. 13.no manputas. tCor.1.23. tothe Jewsas. || 8.9.1iberty become s. Rev. 2. 14. tausht Balak t6 put a s. before Israel STUMBLING-BLOCKS, s. Jer. 6.21.Zeph.l.3. STUMBLING-.. Neh. 9. 24. thou s.mhabitants SUBDUETH, V. Psal. i8.47.| 144. 2. Dan. 2. 40. SUBJECT, V. Gen. 3.tl6. desire be s. to husband Luke 2. 51. Jesus was s. \\ 10. 17. devils are s. 20. Rom. 8.7. not s. to the law || 20. made s. to vanity 13. l.s. to higher powers |i5. ye must needs be s. iCor. 14. 32. s. to prophets || 15.28. son also be s. Eph. 5. 24. church is s. to C.|| Col. 2. 20. why s. to Tit.3. l.bes. topowers||Heb.2.15. sAo bondage Jam. 5. 17. Elias s. to like passions as we are 1 Pet. 2. 18. servants be s. |i 3. 22. angels being s. 5. 5. vea, all of you be s. one to another SUBJECTED,^. Rom. 8. 20. s. the same in hop^e SUBJECTION, s. Psal. 106. 42. enemies in 5. -jm o sue Jer. 34. 11. brought in s.l6.||lCor.9.27. body ins. 2 Cor. 9. 13. professed s.||Gal.2.5. gave place by s. 1 Tim. 2. 11. in silence with alls. || 3. 4. child ins- Heb. 2. 5. put in s. the worid |) 8. all things in s. 12. 9. rather bein s. || 1 Pet. 3. 1. wives be in s,5. SUBMIT, V. Gen. 16. 9. s. thyself under her 2 Sam. 22. 45. strangers shall s. Psal. 18. 44. Psal. 66. 3. enemies s. |j 68. 30. till every one s. 1 Cor. 16. 16. s. yourselves, Eph. 5.'22. Col. 3. 18. Heb. 13."l7. Jam. 4. 7. 1 Pet. 2. 13. | 5. 5. SUBMITTED,/}. 1 Chr. 29. 24. Psal. 81. 15. Rom. 10 S.have not 5. to the righteousness of God SUBMITTING, p. Eph. 5. 21. s. yourselves one SUBORNED, p. or Hired, Acts 6. U. SUBSCRIBE, V. Isa. 44. 5. Jer. 32. 44. SUiVSCRIBED.p.Jer.32.10.Is. the evidence,12. SUBSTANCE, s. Gen. 7. 4. destroy living s. 23. 12. ,5. Abr. took, all the s. \\ 13. 6. s. was great 15. 14. with great s. |j 34. 23. s. be ours j| 36. 6. Deut. 11. 6. swallowed s.|| 33.1 l.bless,Lord,his 5. Josh.14.4. cities for their s. || 1 Sam.9.tl. man of s. 1 Chr. 27.31. rulers of the s. || 28. 1. stewards of s. 2 Chr.21.17.carried away s.||31.3. portion of his s. 32. 29. God gave him s. |j 35. 7. of the king's s. Ezra 8. 21. for all ours. || 10. 8. hiss, be forfeited Job 1. 3. Job's s. 10. 1 1 5. 3. robber swalloweth s. 6. 22. give of your 5. (I 15.29. nor hiss, continue 20. 18. according to hiss, shall restitution be 22. 20. our s. is not cut down || 30. 22. dissolvest Psal.l7.l4.s.to their babes || 105. 21. ruler over s. 139. 15. my s. was not hid||l6.eyes did see my s. Prov. 1. 13. find all precious s. we shall fill our 3. 9. honor the L. with thy s. ||6. 31. give all s. 8. 21. to inherits. || 10. 3. casteth away the s. of 12. 27. s. of a diligentman |) 28. 8. increaseth s. 29. 3. spendeth his s- \\ Song 8. 7. his s. for love Isa. 6. 13. S' is in them, so holy seed shall be the S' Jer.15.13. s. to spoil, 17. 3. \\ Hos. 12. 8. 1 found s. Obad.l3.nor laid hands on s. |) Mic. 4.13. consecr. Luke8.3.ministredoftheir s. j| 15.1 3. wasted hiss. Heb. 10. 34. a better s. |) 11. 1. now faith is thes. SUBTIL, a. Prudent, sly, artful, cunning, refined. Gen. 3. 1. now the serpent was more s. than any 2 Sam. 13.3. a very s. man j) Prov. 7. 10. s. of heart SUBTILLY, ad, 1 Sam. 23. 22. Psal. 105. 25. Acts 7. 19. the same dealt s, with our kindred SUBTILTY, s. Gen. 27. 35. brother came withs. 2 Kin. 10.19. Jehu diditins. |) Prov. 1.4. to gives. Prov. 8.tl2. dwell withs.||Mat. 26. 4. take J. by s. Acts 13.10. O full of all s.||2 Cor. 11. 3. thro' hiss. SUBVERT, V. Lara. 3. 36. Tit. 1. 11. SUBVERTED, p. Tit. 3. 11. he that is such is s. SUBVERTING, p. Acts 15. 24. 2 Tim. 2. 14. SUBURBS, s. Lev. 25. 34. Num. 35. 3, 7. Josh. 14. 4. I 21. 3,-42. 2 Kings 23. 11. 2 Chr. 11. 14. Ezek. 27. 28. | 45. 2. | 48. 15, 17. See Cities. SUCCEED, ED, p. Deut. 2. 12, 21, 22. | '25. 6. SUCCEEDEST, v. Deut. 12. 29. s. them, 19. 3. SUCCESS, s. Josh.l. 8. Ps. lU.tlO. Prov. 3.t4. SUCCOTH, Tabernacles, tents, or booths. Gen.33.17.Jacob journeyed to (S.and made booths Exod. 12. 37. Ramases to S. ] 3. 20. Num. 33. 5, 6. Josh.l3.27.valley of ^.IJJudg.S. 5. men of 5. 8, 16. 1 Kings 7. 46. cast them between .S". 2 Chr. 4. 17. Psal. 60.6. 1 will mete out the valley of S. 108. 7. SUCCOTH-BENOTH, Tabernacles, or anoint- ings of daughters, 2 Kings 17. 30. SUD SUCCOUR, V. 2 Sam. 8. 5 Syrians came to s. 18.3. s. us out of thecity||Heb. 2.18. is able to s, SUCCOURED, p. 2 Sam. 21. 17. 2 Cor. 6. 2. SUCCOURER, s. Rom. 16. 2. she hath been a s. SUCHATHITES, A family of Scribes. 1 Chr. 2. 55. SUCH. Gen. 41. 38. can we find s. a one as Deut. 5. 29. s. an heart |j 1 Kings 10. 12. none s. Ezra 4. 10. peace, and at s. a time, 11, 17.|7. 12. Job 14.3. eyes on s. a one II 15.13. lettests. words Psal. 139. 6. s. knowledge is || 144. 15. ins. a case Matt. 9. 8. given s. power to men ||1 8. 5. receive s. 19. 14. of s. is kingd. Mark 10. 14. Luke 18. 16. Mark 4.33. many s. parables |j 6.2. s. mighty works Luke 9. 9. 1 hear s. things || 13. 2. suffered s. things Acts 3. 6. s. as I have, I give 1| 26. 29. s. as I am 1 Cor. 5. 1. s. fornication || 6. 11. s. were some of 1 1. 16. no s. custom || 15.48. s. are earthy, s. are 2 Cor.3.4.s. trust||i2. s. hopeljio.ll.lets. a one 12. 20. s. as I would, be found s. as ye would not Gal. 5. 21. and s. like || 23. against s. is no law Eph. 5. 27. or any s. thing |j 2 Tim. 3. 5. from s. * Tit. 3.11.hfithatiss.||Philem. 9. s. a one as Paul Heb. 7. 26. s. an high-priest, 8. 1. || 11. 14. say s. 12. 3. s. contradiction |j 13. 16. s. sacrifices God Rev. 16. 18. s, as was not since || 20. 6. on s. the SUCH and SUCH. 1 Sam. 21. 2. 2 Kings 6. 8. 2 Sam. 12. 8. 1 would have given s. - s. things SUCK. Gen. 21. 7. should have given children s.? Deut. 32. 13. s. honey || 33. 19. s. of abundance 1 Sam.l. 23. Hannah gave s.jj 1 Kin.3. 21.give j?. Job 3. 12. or why the breasts that I should s.? 20.16. s. poison of asps ||39. 30. youngs, up blood Isa. 60. 16. s. milk of Gentiles, s. breasts of kings 66. 11. s. and be satisfied || 12. then shall yes. Lam. 4. 3. they give s. || Ezek. 23.34. and s. it out Joel 2. 16. gather the children and those that s. Matt. 24. I9.that give s. Mark 13.17.Luke 21.23. Luke23.29.blessed are the paps that never gave s. SUCKED, p. Song 8. 1. s. breasts || Luke 11.27. SUCKING. Nunvll.l2.s.child,Isa.ll.8. [49.15. 1 Sam. 7.9. s. lamb|| Lam. 4. 4. tongue of s. child SUCKLING, S, s. Deut. 32. 25. the s. also with 1 Sam. 15. 3. but slay both iufant and s. 22. 19. Psal. 8. 2. mouth of babes and s. Matt. 21. 16. Jer. 44. 7. cut oif s. || Lam. 2. 11. the s. swoon SUDDEN, a. Job 22. 10. s. fear troubleth thee Prov. 3. 25. s. fear || 1 Thes. 5. 3. s. destruction SUDDENLY, atTNum. 6. 9. die very s. by him 12. 4. L. spake s. || 35. 22. if he thrust him s. Deut. 7.4.destroy you s.jjJosh.lO.Q. cames. li. 7. 2 Sam. 15.14. overtake us s. 1| 2 Chr.29.36. done s. Job 5. 3. but s. I cursed 1 1 9. 23- if scourge slay «• Psal. 6. 10. ashamed s. || 64. 4. s. do shoot at, 7- Prov. 6. 15. calamity come 5. be broken s. with 24. 22. calamity rise s. || 29. 1. s. be destroye?l\ Eccl. 9. 12.falleths. |1 Isa. 29. 5. at an instant s. Isa. 30. 13. cometh s. 47. 11. || 48. 3. 1 did them s. Jer. 4. 20. s. tents spoiled || 6. 26. spoiler s. come 15. 8. to fall on it s. |j 18. 22. bring a troop s. 49. 19. s. run, 50. 44. || 51. 8. Babylon is s. fallen Hab. 2. 7. not rise up s. || Mai. 3. 1. s. come to his Mark 9. 8. s. saw no man || 13. 36. lest coming s. Luke 2. 13. s. with the angel || 9. 39- s. crieth out Acts 2. 2. s. came a sound || 9. 3. s. there shined 16. 26. s. an earthquake |j.2 8. 6. fallen deads. 1 Tim. 5. 22, lay hands s. on no man, keep thyself SUN SUE, v. Mat. 5. 40. if any man will s. thee at law SUFFER,u.Exod.l2.23.nots. destroyer to come 22.18.not s.a witclito live|| Lev.l9.17.not s. sin Nnnj.21.23. not s. Israel to pass||Josh. 10.19. s.not Judg. 15.1. not s. him to go inj|16.26.s. Imay feel 2Sam.i4.11.not s. revengers ||1 Km.15.17. not s. Job 9. 18. not s. me to take breath |) 21. 3. s. me 24.11. and s. thirst || 36.2. s. me a little, I'll shew Ps.16.10. nor s. thine holy One, Acts 2. 27.|13.35. 34.10. lions s. hunger || 53. 22.-Hever .9. righteous 88. 15. s. thy terrors \\ 89. 33. nors. faithfulness 101.5. proud heart, not s. |j 121.3. not s. foot lo Prov.l0.3.L.will not s. soul of righteous to famish 19.15. idle s. hunger j) 19. a man of wrath shall s. Eccl. 5.6. s. not thy mouth | j 1 2. not s. him to sleep Ezek. 44. 20. nor s. their locks to grow long Matt. 3. 15. s.it to be so now||8. 21.5. me to bury 8. 31. s. us to go away into the swine, Luke 8.32. 16. 21. he must s. many things of the elders, 17. 12. Mark 8. 31. | 9. 12. Luke 9. 12. | 17. 25. 17. 17. how long shall I s. you, bring him hither, Mark 9. 19. Luke 9. 41. 19.14. s. little cbildren,Mark 10. 14. Luke 18.16. 23. 13. nor s ye them that are entering to go in Luke 22.15. to eat before I *. |) 51. s. ye thus far 24. 46. it behoved Christ to s. Acts 3. 1 8, | 26.23. Acts 5. 41 worthy tos. shame||7.24. ones, wrong 9. 16. how great things he must s. for my sake 21. 39. s. me to speak || Rom. 8. 17. if so be wes. lCor.3.15. he shall s. loss||4. 12. persecuted we s. 6. 7. why not rather s. || 9. 12. but s. all things 10. 13.nots. to be tempted I) 12.26. if members. 2 Cor.1.6. we also s. || 11. 19. yes. fools gladly,20. Gal. 5. 11. why s. persecution (| 6. 12.1ests.perfec. Phil. 1. 29. to s. for his sake I j 4. 12. and tos. need lThes.3.4. s. tribulat.|)2Thes.l. 5. for which ye s. 1 Tim. 2. 12. Is.nota woman |J 4. 10. s. reproach 2 Tim. 1. 12. 1 s. these things |i 2. 9. 1 s. trouble 2. 12. if we s. we shall reign |j 3.12. s. persecution Heb. 11. 25. choosing rather to s. affliction with 13. 3. who s. adversity! |22. s. the word of exhor. 1 Pet. 2. 20. and s. for it \\ 3. 14. if ye s. for right 3. l?.,s. for well-doing |j 4. 15. but let none s. as 4. 16. s. as a Chiistian |j 19. let them that s. ac. Rev.2.10. things thou shall s.||l J . 9. not s. dead b. SUFFERED, p. Gen.20. 6. s. 1 thee not to touch 31. 7. Gods, him not to hurtjj 28. s. me to kiss Deut.B.S.s. thee to hunger||18.l4. not s. thee so to Judg. 3. 28. s. not a man to pass || 1 Sam. 24. 7. 2 Sam. 21 . 10. she s. not the birds to rest on them 1 Chr.l6. 21. he s. no man to wrong, Ps. 105. 14. Job Sl.SO.s.my mouth to sin |) Jer. 15. 15. rebuke Matt.3.15. lies, himj) 19. 8. i\iosess. Mark 10. 4. 24. 43. nor s. house to be broken, Luke 12. 39. 27. 19. 1 have s. many things in a dream because Mark 1. 34. he s. not devils to speak, Luke 4. 41. 5. 19. Jesus s. him notj) 26. s. of physicians, and 37. he s. no man to follow him save Peter Luke 8. 32. and he s. them (| 51. s. no man to go 13.2.because theys.|j24.26.oughtnot Christ tos. Acts 13.18. s. their manners ||14. 16. s. all nations 16. 7. the Spirit s. them notj 1 17. 3. needs have s. 19. 30. disciples s. him not |) 28. 16. s. to dwell 2 Cor.7.12. that s. wrong |( 11 . 25. 1 s. shipwreck Gal. 3. 4. have ye s. in vain j)Phil. 3. 8. s. the loss 1 Thes. 2. 2. after we had s. |) 14. ye s. like things Heb. 2. J 8. :. being tempted jj 5.8. by things he s. Heb. 7. 23. not s. to continue Ij 9.26. often have s. 13. 12. wherefore Jesus also s. without the gate 1 Pet. 2. 21. Christ s. for us || 23. when h» s. he 3. 18. Christ once s. 4. 1. 1| b. 10. after ye have s. SUFFEREST, v. Rev. 2. 20. thou s. Jezebel SUFFERETH, v. Psal. 66. 9. s. not our feet to 107. 38. s. not cattle || Matt. 11. 12. s. violence Acts 28. 4. vengeance s. \\ 1 Cor. 13. 4. charity s. SUFFERING, p. Acts 27. 7. wind not s. us, we Heb. 2. 9. s. of death || Jam. 5. 10. example of s. 1 Pet.2.19. s. wrongfully II Jude 7. s. vengeance of SUFFERINGS, s. Rom. 8. 1 8. s. of this present 2 Cor. 1. o.s. of C. abound || 6. of the same s. 7. Plul.3.10. fellowship of his s. ||Col. 1.24. in my s. Heb. 2. 10. perfect thro' s.||l Pet.l.ll.s. of Christ 1 Pet.4. 13. partakers of Christ's s||5.1. s. of Christ SUFFICE, V. Num. 11. 22. herds be slain to s. Deut. 3. 26. let it s. thee || 1 Kings 20. 10. if dust s. Ezek. 44.6. let its. 45. 9||1 Pet. 4. 3. time past s. SUFFICED, p. Judg. 21. 14. Ruth 2. 14, 18. SUFFICETH, V. John 14. 8. Father, and its. us SUFFICIENCY, s. Job 20. 22. 2 Cor. 3.5.|9.8- SUFFICIENT, ad. Exod. 36. 7. s. for the work Deut.15.8. lend hmi s. || 33. 7. let his hands be s, Prov.25.16. eat honey as is 5.||Isa.40.16. s, toburn Matt. 6. 34. s. to the day 1| Luke 14. 28. s. to finish John 6. 7. 200 penny-worth of bread is not s. for 2 Cor. 2. 6. s. to such a man j] 16. and who is s. for 3. 5. not s. of ourselves (| 12. 9. my grace is s. SUFFICIENTLY, flcZ. 2 Chr. 30. 3. Isa.23. 1^. SUIT, S, s. Judg. 17. 10. s. of apparel, Isa. 3. 22. 2 Sam. 15. 4. any s. or cause || Job 11.19. make s. SUKKIMS, A people of ^/rica, 2 Chr. 12. 3. SUM, s. Exod. 21. 30. laid on him a s. of money 30. 12. takest the s. [j 38. 21. s. of tabernacle Num. 1. 2. take the s. 49. | 4. 2, 22. | 26. 2, 4. I 31. 26, 49. 2 Sara. 24. 9. 1 Chr. 21. 5. 2 Kin. 22.4. s. the silver |jEsth. 4. 7. s. that Haman Psal. 139. 17. how great is the s. of them ! Ezek. 28. la. sealest up the s.jjDan. 7.1.told the s. Acts 7. 16. bought for a s. \\ 22. 28. with a great s. Heb. 8. 1. things we have spoken, this is the s. SUMMER, s.Gen. 8. 22. s. and winter, day and Judg. 3. 20. in a s. parlour jj 24 in hiss, chamber 2Sam.l6.1.s. fruits, Jsa. 16. 9. Jer. 40. 12. | 48.32. Psal. 32.4. drought of s.||74.17. thou hast made s. Prov. 6. 8. »nt provideth her meat in s. 30. 25. 10. 5. gathereth in s. || 26. 1. as snow in s. and Isa. 18. 6. fowls shall *.||28.4.hasty fruit before .?. Jer. 8. 20. s. is ended |j Dan. 2. 35. s. threshing-fl. Mic. 7. 1. gathered s. fruits, Amos 8. 1,2. Am. 3. 15. smite s. house || Zech. 14. 8. in s. and iVIatt. 24. 32.5. is nigh, Mark 13. 28. Luke 21.30. SUMPTUOUSLY, ad. Luke 16. 19. fared s. , SUN, 5. is put for [l] Jesus Christy Mai. 4. 2. [2] God's special favour and grace, Psal. 84.11. [3J Comfort and joy, Job 30. 28. [4] Pros- perity and peace, Job 31. 26. Isa. 60. 19, 20. [5] The beauty and purity of the church, Song 6. 9. [6] The glorious presence of God, Rev. 21. 23. Christ may be compared to the Sun, [1] On account of its unity ; there is but one Sun, 1 Tim. 2. 5. [2j The Sun is the fountain of light, John 1. 14. [3] The Sun is a pure, bright and refulgent creature, Psal. 45. 2. Heb. 1. 3. [4] The Sun hath his orb, or tent, Psal. 19. 4. Heb, 7. 25. [5 The Sun 'is a communicative SUN SUP bewg, John 1. 16. [6] The Sun is subject to the command of God, Josh. 10. 12. John 14. 10, [73 The Sun is an universal light to all the loorld, John 1. 9. | 8. 12. [8] The Sun is the superintendant over the world, the governor and head of influences, Matt. 28. 18. John 17. 2. Eph. 1. 22. Heb. 1. 2. [9] The Sun is a great, powerful, and magnificent being, Jer. 50. 34. Song 5. 10, — 16. [10] The Sun expels dark- ness, Isa. 42. 6. I 49. 9. [11] The Sun is a loonderful and astonishing creature ; all behold it ivith admiration, and some have ignorantly wor- shipped it as a god, Isa, 9. 6. 1 Tim. 3. 16. [12] The motions and infiuences of the Sun are very strong and powerful, Psal. 110. 3. [13] The Sun exhales and dries up the gross and filthy vapours of the earth, Ezek. 36. 26. Matt. 9. 20. [14] The Sun is, as it were, the life and soul of the world, producing variety of fruits in the earth. Sec. John 5. 25. Gal. 5. 22, [15] The Sun doth not visit every hemisphere, nor shine in every horizon at the same time ; and it differs in degrees of heat, in the respective latitudes, ac- cording as they are nearer to, or more remote from, the equinoctial, Psal. 147. 19, 20. Matt. 11. 25, 26. Rom. 9. 15, 16. [16] The Sun is of a tvarming, healing, reviving nature, Mai. 4. 2. Psal. 30. 5. Hos. 14. 5, 6, 7. [17] The Sun operates according to tlie matter it shines upon ; it softens wax, hardens clay. Sec. Luke 22. 61, 62. 2 Cor. 2.15, 16. [18] The Sun is often covered with clouds, Psal. 30. 7. [19] The Su7i absorbs and swallows up the glory-of the lesser luminaries, Psal. 73. 25. Song 5. 10. [20] The light of the Sunaffords great pleasure, Eccl. 11. 7. Psal. 80. 1, 19. Phil. 3. 3. Gen. 15. 17. when s. went down || 19. 23. s. risen 28. 1 1. s. was set|)32. 31. s. arose||37. 9. 5. moon Exod. 1 6. 21. s. waxed hot || 22. 3. if s. be risen Lev.22.7.s.is down, he shall be clean, Deut. 23.11. ^um. 25. 4. hang them up before L. against the s. Deut. 4. 19. thon seest s.||17. 3. worshipped the s. 24. 15. nor s. go down |) 33. 14. forth by the s. Josh. 1. 4. going down of s. || 8. 29. s. was down 10. 12. s. stand thou still Ij 13, the s. stoo /I Job 19. 10. encamp round my t. ]) 20.26. left in t. John 12. 2. that sat at t 29.4.secret ofGod on my ^. |j 31 . 31. men of ray t. \ Rora. 1 1 . 9. ^ a snare jj 36. 29. can any understand the noise of his t. Psal.ld. 1. who abide in thy 1. 1) 19. 4. a t. for sun 27. 5. in secret of his t. |j 6. I'll otfer in his t. CI. 4. rii abide in thy t. \\ 76. 2. in Salem is t. 78. 60. forsooti. the t. 67. || 132. 3. t. of my house Prov. 14. IL. the t. of the upright shall flourish Isa. 4. 6. shall be a 1. 1| 16. 5. sit in the t. of David 33.'^!0.^not he taken down|| Jer.l0.20.L spoiled Lam. 2. 4. he slew all that was pleasant in t. 6. .Ezek.37.27. t. be with them |( 41. 1. breadth oft. Amos 5. 26. borne the t. of Moloch, Acts 7. 43. 9. 11. will I raise the t. of David, Acts 15.16. Acts 7.46.desired to find a t. for the God of Jacob 2 Cor. 5. 1. house of this t. \\ 4. in this t. do groan Heb. 8. 2. the true t. \\ 5. about to make the t. 9. 2. was a t. made |j 6. went into first t. 11. more perfects. j| 21. sprinkled the t. and 13. 10. have no right to eat which serve the t. 2 Pet. 1. 13. as I am in this t. || 14. put olithis /. Rev. 13. 6. blaspheme his t.\\ 1.3. 5. t. opened 21. 3. the t. of God is with men, and ha will See Congregation, Door. TABERNACLE of JVitness. xVum. 17. 7, 8. I 18. 2. 2 Chr. 24. 6. Acts 7. 44. TABERNACLES, s. Num. 24. h. goodly thy t. Job 11. 14. let not wickedness dwell in thy t. 12. 6. t. of robbers prosper (j 15. 34. t. of bribery 22. 23. put away iniquity far from tiiy t. Psal.43.3. bring me to thy t. |j 46.4. t. of most H. . 78. 51. t. of Ham |J 83. 6. t. of Edom consulted 84. l.how amiable are thy t. O Lord of Hosts 118. 15. t. of righteous I) 132. 7. go into his t. Dan. 11. 45. ^ of his palace || Hos. 9. 6. thorns in t. ■Hos. 12. 9. to dwell in ^.|jMal. 2. 12. out of the*. Matt.l7. 4. make three t. Mark 9. 5. Luke 9. S3. Heb. 11. 9. Abraham dwelling in t. with Isaac TABITHA, A roe buck. Acts 9. 36, 40. Go(f, [3] TABLE,*, is put for, [l] Tlie altar of Mai. 1, 7, V2. [2] Food, Paal. 78. 19. Earthly dlessings, I'sal. 23. 5. | 69. 22. [4 Heavenly joys, Luke 22.30. \_^yT!ie heart, Prov. 3. 3 Exod. 25. 23. a t. of Shittim-wood, 27, 28. | 37.14. 26. 35. set t. without vail || 30. 27. anoint t. 37. 10. Bezaleel made t. \\ 39. 36. brought the t. 40. 4. t. set in order |j 22. put t. in the tent of Lev. 24.6. six on a row on f. \\ Num.S.Sl.be the t. Judg. 1. 7. kings gatheied meat under my t. 1 Sam. 20. 29. not to king's t. \\ 34. arose from t. 2 Sam. 9. 7. Mephibosheth eat at my t. 19. 28. 1 Kin. 2. 7. that eat at thy 1. 1|4. 27."Solomon's<. 10. 5. queen saw meat of his t. 2 Chr. 9. 4. 13. 20. as they sat at 1. 1| 18. 1 9. eat at Jezebel's 2 Kin. 4. 10. set for him a t. |j IS eh. 5. 17. at my t. Job 36. 16. that wiiich should be set on thy t. Psal. 23. 5. preparest a t. jj 69. 22. t. be a snare 78. 19. can God furnish a i.|jl28. 3. about thy f. Prov. 3. 3. t. of thy heart, 7. 3. || 9. 2. furnished t. Song 1. 12. while the kingsitteth at his t. my Isa. 21. 5. prepare the t. \\ 30, 8. wjite it in a t. 65. 11. i. for that troop jl Jer. 17. 1. 1. of heart Ezek. 23. 41. a t. prepared |! 39. 20. filled at my t. 41. 22. this is the t. || 44. 16. near to ray t Dan.11.27. speak lies at one f.||Mal.l.7.t.ofL. 12. Matt. 15, 27. fall from master s t, Mark 7. 28. Luke IC. 31. rich man's t. [,! 23. 30. drink at my t. jl 13. 28, no man at ^ 1 Cor. 10. 21. t. of devils ■SVe Shew-Breau. m-iting TABLE. Luke 1. 63. asked for a - /. TABLES, s. Exod. 32. 15. t. were written, 16. 19. cast the 1. 1) 34. 1. I'll write on these t. Dent. 10, 4. he wrote ontheY. according to first 5. and I put the t. in tiie ark, Hib. 9, 4. 1 Chr. 28. 1 6, David gave gold for ttje t. of 2 Chr, 4. 8. Solomon also nmde ten t. 19. Isa. 28. '8. all t. are full of vomit and filthiness Ezek. 40. 41. eight t. 42. || Hab. 2. 2. plain on f. Matt. 21. 12. overthrew t. Mark 11. 15. John 2.15. Acts 6. 2. serve t. \\ 2 Cor. 3. 3. but in fleshly ii Heb. 9. 4, Aaron's rod, and the t. of the covenant See Stone, Two. TABLETS, Houses of the soul. Jewels worn for ornament, OYsmelliug bottles. Exod. 35. 22. brought t. Num. 31. 50. || Isa. 3. 20. TABOR, Choice or purity. Josh. 19,12, 22. Judg. 4. 6, 12, 14. I 8. 18. 1 Sam. 10. 3. 1 Chr. 6.77. Ps, 89. 12, Jer. 46, 18. Hos. 5.1. TABRET, S, 5, A musical instrument. Gen.31. 27. sent thee with f.|jl Sara. 10. 5. |18. 6. Job 17. 6. I was as a t. \\ I$a, 5. 1*2. t. in feasts Isa. 24. 8. t. ceaseth j| 30. 32. be with t. and harps Jer. 31. 4. adorned with t. \\ Ezek. 23. 13, t. pipes TABRIMON, A good ponws.ranate. lKin.15.18. TACHES. Exod, 26. 33. | 36.13, 18. j 39. 33. TACHMONITE. 2 Sam. 23. 8. the T. sat in 2d TACKLING, S. Isa. 33. 23. Acts 27. 1 9. TADMOR, Mijrrh of confession. 2 Chr. 8. 4. TAHAN, Merciful. Num. 26. 35. 1 Chr. 7. 25, TARAPAS'ES, Hidden flight. Jer, 2.16. TAHATH, Fear or under. Num. 33. 26. TAHPENES, Stujidard, flight, temptai ion, secret, or covered banner. iKin. 11. 19, 20. Jer. 43. 7. I 46. 14. Ezek. 30. 18. TAHREA, Angry contention. 1 Chr. 9. 41. TAHTIM-HODSHI, Nether-land, newty-inhahi- ted. 2 Sara. 24. 6. TAIL, S, s. is put for, [1] Base, contemptible, Deui. 28, 13. [2] Satan's allurements, Rev. 12. 4. [3] An army, Isa, 7. 4. Exod.4. 4. take it by the ^||Deut. 28. 1 3. not the t. Judg. 15. 4. caught foxes, and turned f. to t. Job 40. 17. behemoth moved his t. like a cedar ha. 7. 4. for the two 1. 1| 9. 14, cut off head and /. 9, 15. prophet is the t|| 19. 15. which head or L Rev.9.10. t. like scorpions, 19. !|1 2. 4. his t. drew TAKE, t'. Exod. 6. 7. 1 11 1. you to me for a peo. 20, 7. not t. name of Lord in v^in, Deut. 5. 11. 34. 9. pardon and t. us for thine inheritance 16. lest thou t. of their daughters,. Deut. 7. 3. Num. 11, 17.f. of the spiritl|l6. 3. ye t. too much 55, 31. ye shall t. no satisfaction for the life, 32. Josh.7.14. family L. shall i.!iJudg.l9. 30. t. advice 2 Sam. 12. 28. lest 1 1. city |j 19. 30. let him t. all 1 Kin. i'O. 1 8. t. tnem aUye || 21. 15 t. possession 22. 26. t. Micaiah, carry him back, 2 Chr, 18, 25. 2 Kin. 4. 29, t. my stali ][ 5. 15. t. a blessing, 23. 8. 8. ^ a present jj 9. 1. f. this box of oil, 3. 1 Chr. 21. 24. I will not t. that which is thine Job 23. 10. way tliat I t. \\ 24. 3. t. pledge, 9. Psal. 2. 2. t. counsel || 50. 1 6. t. my covenant 51. 11. t. not thy holy spirit |1 71. 11. t. him 81. 2. t. apsahn"^y 89. 33. kindness not t. from TAK ^AK Ps. 109. 8.«.hisoffice|lll6. 13. t. cup of salvation 119. 43. t. not the word |) 139. 9. if 1 1. wings Pi'ov. 7. 18. t. our fill )) 20. 16. t. his garment Eccl. 5. 15. ^ nothing || Song 2. 15. t. the foxes Isa. 27. 6. Jacob to t. root, 37. 31. 2 Kin. 19. 30. Jer. 3. 14. t. one of a city (| 15. 19. t. precious Ezek. 11. 19. t. stony heartl|15.3. t. a pin to hang Hos. 1. 2. ^ a wife || 14. 2. *. with you words Matt. 6. 25. t. no thought, 28, 31, 34. | 10. 19. Mark 13. 11. Luke 12. 11. ] 22.26. 11. 29. t. my yoke || 18. 16. t, one or two more 20. 14. ^ that thine is II 26.26. «. eat, 1 Cor.11.24. Mark 6. 8. L nothing |l Luke 6. 29. t. thy coat Luke 10. 35. t. care of him || 12. 19. t. thine ease 14. 9. t. lowest room || 19. 24. t. the pound from John 7. 30. sought to t. him, 32. I 10. 39. 1 11. 57. 16. 15. t. of mine || 18. 31. t. ye him, 19. 6. Acts 12. 3. to t. Peter II 15. 37. t. with theip John 20. 13. to t. in Paul || 26. 1 1. you to record this 1 Cor. 6. 7. rather t. wrong |j 9. 9. t. care for oxen Eph.6.13.<. armour of God ||17. t. helmet of salv. 1 Tim. 3. 5. how shall he t. care of the church 2 Tim.4.11. t. Mark||Heb. 7. 5. Mithes of people Jam.5.10. i. prophets |j 1 Pet. 2. 20. t. it patiently Rev. 3. II. t. thy crown || 5. 9. to t. the book 6. 4. t. peace || 10. 8. t. book || 22. 17. t. freely TAKE away. Gen. 30. 15. | 42. 36. Exod, 2. 9. I 8. 8. I 10. 17. I 23. 25. | 33. 23. Lev. 3. 4. I 4. 31. I 14. 40. Num. 4. 13. | 17.10. | 21.7. Josh. 7. 13. 2 Sam. 4. 11. | 5. 6. | 24. 10. 1 Kin. 2.31. I 14. 10. | 16. 3. | 19.4, 10.|20. 6,24. 2 Kin. 2. 3. | 6. 32. | 18. 32. 1 Chr. 17. 13. Esth. 4. 4. Job 7. 21. | 9. 34. | 24. 2, 10. I 32. 22. I 36. 18. Psal. 26.t9. [ 31. 13. j 52. 5. i 50. 9. I 102. 24. Prov. 22. 27. | 25. 4, 5. Isa. 1. 2.5. I 3. 1. j 4. 1. I 5. 23. | 10. 2. I 25. 8. I 27. 9. I 39. 7. | 40. 24. j 58. 9. Jer. 4. 4. I 5. 10. 1 15. 15. Ezck. 11. 18. j 23.25,26. I 24. 16. J 33. 4. I 36. 26.' | 45. 9. Dan. 7.20. I 11. 31. Hos. 1. 6. I 2. 9. I 4. 11. I 5.14. 1 14. a. Amos 4. *2. I 5. 23. Mic. 2. 2. Zeph. 3. 11. Zech. 3. 4. I 9. 7. Mai. 2. 3. Matt. 5. 40. I 22. 13. Mark 14. 36. Luke 1. 25. I 17. 31. John 11. 39, 48. Rom. 11. 27. Heb. 10. 4. 1 John 3. 5. Rev. 22. 19. TAKE heed. Gen. 31. 24. Exod. 10. 28. | 34. 12! Num. 23. 12. Dent. 2. 4. | 4. 9, 15, 23. I 11. 16. 1 12. 13. I 24. 8. I 27. 9. Josh. 22. 5. 1 Sara. 19. 2. 1 Kings 2. 4. | 8. 25. 1 Chr. 28.10. 2 Chr. 6. 16. | 19.6,7. | 33.8. Job 36. 21. Psal. 39. 1. Eccl. 7. 21. Isa. 7. 4. Jer. 9. 4. Hos. 4. 10. Mai. 2. 15. Matt. 6. ' 1. I 16. 6. 1 18. 10. 1 24. 4. Mark 4. 24. 1 8. 15- \ 13. 5, 9, 23. Luke 8. 18. | 1 1. 3.5. | 12. 15. I 17. 3. I 21. 8, 34. Acts 5. 35. | 20. 28. | 22. 96. Rom. 11. 21. 1 Cor. 3. 10. | 8.9. | 10. 12. Gal. 5. 15. Col. 4. 17. 1 Tim. 4.1s. Heb. 3. 12. 2 Pet. 1.19. TAKE hold. Exod. 15. 14, 15.'| 26. 5. Deut. 32. 41. Job ^7. 20. ] 36. 17. I 38. 13. Psal. 35. 2. I 69. 24. Prov. 2. 19." | 4. 13. | 5. 5. Eccl. 7. 18, Song 7. 8. Isa. 3. 6. | 4. 1. | 13. 8. I 27. 5. I 56.4. | 64.7. Mic. 6. 14. Zech. 1. 6. I 8. 23. Luke 20. 20, 26. TAKE up. Gen. 41. 34. Lev. 6. 10. Num. 16. ' 37. Josh. 3. 6. I 4. 5. 2 Kin. 2. 1. | 4. 36. | 9. 25, Neb. 5. 3. Psal XG. 4. | ?7. 10. Isa. Jer.7. 29. 19. 10, 18. Ezek. 19. l.t 26. 17. I 27.2, 32. | 28. 12. | 32. 2. Amos 3. 5. i 5. 1. I 6. 10. Jon. 1. 12. Mic.2. 4. Hab. 1. 15. I 2. 6. Matt. 9. 6. | 16. 24- I 17. 27. Mark 2. 9, 11. | 8. 34. 1 10. .21. 1 16. 18. Luke 5. 24. | 9. 23. John 5. 8, 11, 12. TAKEN, p. Gen. 2. 23. she was t out of man 3. 19. out of ground t. j| 4. 15. vengeance be t. 12.19. might have t. her to wife l|14.l4.brother t. Num. 3. 12. t. Levites for first-born, 8. 16.|18.6. 16. 15. not t. one ass || 31.49. have t. thesum Deut. 4. 20. Lord hath t. you || 24. i.t.n wife, 5. Josh. 7. 11. t. accursed thing II 18. Achan was t. Judg. 11. 36. hath ^ vengeance, Ezek. 25. 15. 1 Sam. 4.11. ark of God was <. 1 7, 1 9, 2 1 , 22. 10. 21. Saul was t \\ 12. 3. whose ox have 1 1. 14. 42. Jonathan was t. || 30. 5. David's wives f. 2 Sam. 12. 27. t. city ofwatcrs||l6. 8. thou art <. 2 Chr. 30. 2. t. counsel, Psal. 83. 3. Isa. 7. 5. |23. 8. Ezra 10. 2. we have t. strange wives, 14, 18, 44. Job 16. 12. t. me by neck |j 19. 9. t. the crown 22. 6. t. pledge || 24. 24. they are *.||28.2.ironisf. Psal. 9. 15. own foot /.|jl0.2. let them be t. 59.12. 83. 3. t. counsel jl 119. Ml.t. as an heritage Prov. 3. 26. foot from being t. \\ 6. 2. thou art t. 7. 20. t. bag of money || 11. 6. t. in naughtine.ss Eccl. 2. 18. labour I had t. \\ 3. 14. nor t. from it 7. 26. sinner t. by her || 9. 12. fishes are t. in Isa. 8. 15. snared, and t. \\ 24. 18. t. in snare, Jer.i 48. 44. Lam. 4. 20. Ezek. 12. 13. | 17. 20. 28. 13. snared, and f.|| 33. 20. tabernacle not jf. 41. 9. whom I have t. \\ 49. 24. shall prey be t. 51. 22. t. cup of trembling || 53.^8. t. from prison Jer. 6. 11. wife 1. 1| 8. 9. wile t. || 12. 2. t. root 34. 3. surely be t. 38. 23. || 38. 28. Jerusalem t. 39. 5. had t. him 40. 1 . || 48. 1 . Kiriathaini t. 48. 7. thou Shalt be t. \\ 33. joy t. \\ 41. Kiriath t. 49. 24. sorrows have t. \\ 30. t. counsel against 50. 2. publish and say, Babylon is t. 24. | 51. 31. Ezck. 15. 3. shall wood be t.\\lG. 17. ^ fair jewels 16. 20. t. thy sons || 17. 12. t. the k'mg thereof 17. 13. t. an oath || 18. 8. nor t. any increase 19. 4. f. in their pit, 8. || 21.23. they may be <. 22. 12. t. gifts, t. usury |j Dan. 5. 2. vessels t. 3. Joel 3. 5. (-niy silver ||Amos 3. 4. if ^ nothing, 5. Amos 3. 12. so shall Israel be t.\\6.l3.t.to us horns Matt. 9. 15. bridegroom be t. \\ 21.43. kingdom t. 24. 40. one shall be t. 41. Luke 17. 34, 35, 36. 28. 12. t. couHsel || Mark 4. 25. be t. even that Mark 6-4l.t. five loaves I| 9. 36. t. in his arms Luke 5. 5. t. nothing || 19. 8. ifl have t. any thing John 7. 44. would have t. him || 8. 3. a woman t. Acts 2. 23. ye have 1. 1) 8. 33. for his life is t. 23. 27. this man was 1 1| 27. 33. t. nothing Rom. 9. 6. *. none effect|| lCor.10.13.no tempt, t. 1 Thes. 2. 17. being jt.||2Thes. 2. 7. t, out of way 1 Tim.5.9. t. into number l|2Tim. 2. 26. t. captive Heb. 5. 1, every priest <.||2Pet.2.12.made to be <. Rev.5. 8. #. book ||1 1.17.*. thy pow.||19.20. beasts TAKEN away. Gen. 21. 25. | 27. 35, 36. | SO. 23. I 31. 1,9. Exod. 14. 11. Lev. 4. 31. 1 6, 2. 1 14. 43. Deut. 26. 14. | 28. 31. Judg. 18. 24. 1 Sam. 21. 6. 1 Kings 22. 43. 2 Kings 2. 9. | 12. 3. | 14. 4. | 18. 22. 2 Chr. 15. 17. I 19. 3. 1 20. 33. | 32. 12. Job 1. 21, 1 20. 19. I 27. 2. 1 34, 5, 20. Psal. 85. 3. TAL TAL h/^ Prov. 4. 16. Isa. 6. 7. | 8. 4. \ 10. 27. | 16. 10. ( \7. 1. I 3fi. 7. j 49. 25.|52. 5.157. 1 i64. 6. Jer. 16. 5. Lam. 2. 6. Ezek. 33. 6. Dan. 7. 1^. I 8. 11. Hos. 4. 3. Amos 4. 10. Mic. 2. 9. Zeph. 3. 15. Matt. 13. 12. | 25. 29. Mark 2.20. Luke 8. 18. | 10.42. | 11. 52. ( 19. 26. John 19. 31. | 20. 1, 2, 13. Acts 8. 33. I 27. 20. 1 Cor. 5. 2. 2 Cor. 3. 16. TAKEN hold. I Kings 9. 9. Job. 30. 16. Psal. 40. 12. I 119. 143. Isa. 21. 3. Jer. 6. 24. TAKEN up. Exod. 40. 36, 37. Num. 9. 17. 22. 2 Sam. 18. 9. Isa. 10. 29. Jer. 29. 22. Ezek. 36. 3. Dan. 6. 23. Luke 9. 17, Acts 1. 2,— 22. j 20. 9. | 27. 17. TAKEST,i\ Exod. 4.9. water thou f.|)30. 12. sum Judg. 4. 9.journey thou t.\\\ Chr. 22. 13. if ^. heed Psal. 104.29. t. their breatl.||l44. 3. t. knowledge Isa. 58. 3. t. no knowl.jjLuke 19. 21. thou t. up TAKETH, V. Exod. 20. 7. t. his name in vain Deut. 10. 17. not t. reward (( 24. 6, t. man's life 25. 11, t. him by secrets |] 32. 11. as an eagle t. Josh, 7, 14, tribe the Lord t. \\ 15. 16. and^^. it lSam.l7.26.i.reproach|jlKingsl4.10.f.awaydung Job 5. 5. t. out of ||13, he t. the wise, 1 Cor^ 3. 13, 9. 12, t. away || 12. 20. t. understanding of aged 21. 6. trembling t. hold|| 27, 8. God t. his soul Psal. 15. 3. nor t. up reproach || 5. nor t. reward 118. 7. L. t. my part || 147. 10, t. not pleasure 147. 11. *, pleasure in them that fear, 149. 4. Prov. 1. 19. t. away life (j 16. 32. that t. a city 17. 23. t. a gift II 25. 20. t. away a gannent 26, 17. t. a dog by tiie ears|)30. 28. spider t. bold Eccl. 1. 3. labour he t. \\ 2. 23. heart t. not rest Isa. 13. 14. no man t. up || 40. 15. he t. up isles 44. 14. t. cypress || 51. 18. t. holy land || 56. 6. Ezek. 16. 32. t. strangers || 33. 4. t. not warning Amos 3, 12. as shepherd t. out of mouth of lion Matt. 4. 5. devil t. 8. || 10. 38. t. not his cross 12. 45. and t. seven other spirits, Luke 11, 26. 17. 1.^, Peter, .lames, and John, into an high mountain, Mark 9. 2. | 14. 33. Mark 4. 15. Satan t. away the word, Luke 8. 12. 5. 40. t. father of damsel || 9. 18. t. he teareth Luke 6. 29. t. thy cloke || 9. 39. a spiiit t. him 11 . 22. a stronger t. \\ 1 6. 3. t. stewardship, I John 1. 29. t. away sin ||10. 1 8. no man t. it from 15. 2. he t. away || 16. 22. joy no man t. from Rom. 3. 5. <. vengeance||l Cor. 11.21. every one f. Heb. 5. 4. t. this honour || 10. 9. t. away the first TAKING, p. 2 Chr. 19.7. with God no t. of gifts Job 5. 3, foolish t. root || Psal. 119. 9. by t. heed Jer.50. 46. t. of Babylon |j Ezek. 25. 12. t. veng, Hos. 11. 3. to go t. them by their arms ; but they Matt.6,27. which of you byV. thought, Lukel2.25. Mark 13. 34. son of man is as a man t. a far jour. Luke 4. 5. devil t. him || 19. 22. t. up that I laid John 11.13. of ^ rest||Rom. 7. 8, sin t. occasional- 2 Cor. 2. 13. t. my leave || 1 1, 8, f. wages of them Eph. 6. 16. t. shield of faith || 2Thes. 1. 8. t. veng. 1 Pet. 5. 2. t. oversight || 3 John 7. t. nothing of TALE, s. Psal. 90. 9. years as a t. that is told TALE-6earer, s. Lev.\9. 16. Prov. 11. 13. | 18. 8. I 20. 19. I 26, 20, 22. TALES, s. Ezek.22.9. carry /.||Luko 24.11. idlef, TALE, s. Exod. 5. 8. t. of bricks which they, 18. 1 Sam. IS. 27. in full t. {j l Chr. 9. 28, out by t. TALENT, S, 5. Tlie common talent ivaa ahovt 46 lb. 4 oz. The talent of the temple 92 lb, S oz. as appears by casting up the 3000 shekels, a shekel being Is. 3d. or the fourth part of an ounce ; therefore a common talent of gold was 2699i!. I2s. and a common talent of silver vjas 1871. 10s. The talent of the sanctuary teas twice as muciu In troy loeight, a common talent was 62 lb. 6 oz. and a talent of the sanctuary 125 lb. If a talent of gold was of no more value than a talent of silver, as some think, then in troy weight it was hut 3 lb. 11 oz, and in acerdupois 2 lb. 14 oz. consequently it is easy to account for the king's crown being a talent of gold, 2 Sam. 12. 30. and it might occasionally be worCj without any great inconvenience. Exod. 25. 39. of a t. of pure gold make it, 37. 24. 38. 24. offering was 29. ^ |i 27. t. for a socket 2 Sam. 12. 30. crown was a t.\\\ Kin. 1 6. 24,|20.39. 2 Kin. 5. 5. Naaman took ten t. \\ 23. take tv*ro t. 15. 19. gave Pul 1000 ^|| 18. 14. thirty ^ of gold 23. 33. land to a tribute of 100 1. 2 Chr. 56. 3. 1 Chr. 19. 6. sent 1000 ^||29. 4. David gave 3000 1. 29. 7. gave of gold .5000 t. of silver 10,000 t. 2 Chr. 25. 9. do for the 100 <.||27. 5. gave him 100 Zech. 5. 7. behold there was lifted up a t. of lead Matt. 18. 24. owed 10,000 f.}) 25. 15. gave five t. 25. 25. I hid thy 1. 1| 28. take the t. from him Rev. 16. 21. every stone about the weight of a t. See Gold, Silver. TALITHA-CUMI, Damsel arise, Mark 5. 41. TALK, V. Num. 11. 17. I will t. with thee there Deut. 5. 4. G. doth t. Avith man |j 6. '. t. of them 1 Sam, 2. 3, t. no more so || 2 Kin. 1 8. 26. t. not 1 Chr. 16. 9. t. of all his wond. works, Ps. 105. 2. Job 11.2. a man full of^||13. 7. will ye <. deceit, 15. 3. should he reason with unprofitable t. Psal. 69. 26. t. to the grief j| 71. 2i. t of right. 77. 12. t. of thy doings || 119, 27. ^of thy works 145. 11. speak of thy kingdom, f. of thy power Prov. 6. 22. it shall ^ |j 14. 23. the t. of the lips 24. 2. t. of mischief II Eccl. 10. 13. end of his t. Jer. 12. 1, let me t. || Ezek. 2. 22. I'll t. with theft Dan. 10. 17, can thy servant t. with my lord Matt. 22. 1 5. entangle him in ^||John 14. 30. not t. TALKED,;/, Gen. 45. 15. his brethren t. with Exod. 20. 2-i?. seen that 1 1. with you, Deut. 5. 4. 33. 9. t. with Moses || 34. 29. shone while he t. 1 Sam. 14. 1 9. while Saul t. |h.i Chr. 25. 16. as he t. Jer. 38. 2.5. if the princes hear that I have t. Luke 9. 30. t. with him, Moses||24. 32. while he t. John 4, 27, marvelled that he t. with the woman Acts 10. 27. as Peter f. ||20. 1 1 . and f. long, even 26. 31 . they t. between || Rev. 21. 15. he that i. TALKERS, H. Ezek. 36. 3. Tit. 1. 10. TALKEST, V. Judg. 6. 17. a sign that thou t. 1 Kings 1. 14. yet t.\\ John 4. 27. why t. with her TALKETH, v. Psal. 37. 30. John 9. 37. TALKING, p. Gen. 1 7. 22. he left off t. with 1 Kin. 18. 27. he is t. or || Esth. 6. 14. while yet f. Job 29, 9. refrained/, II Ezek, 33, SO.i.against thee Matt. 17. 3. Moses and Elias t. with, Mark 9. 4. Eph. 5. 4. norfoohsh 1. 1| Rev. 4. 1. f. with me TALL, a. Deut. 2. 10, 21. | 9. 2. 2 Kings 19.23. Isa. 37. 24. 1 will cut down the t. cedars thereof TALMAI, 3Iy furrow. Num. 13. 22. Josh 15. 14. Judg. 1. 10. 2 Sam. 3, 3.113, 37. 1 Chr.x5. 2. TAR Ezra 12. TALMON, Dew prepared. 1 Chr. 9. 17 -Z. 42. Neh. 7.45. I 11. 19. j 12. 25. TAMAH, Blotting out. Neh. 7. 55. TAMAR, A palm-tree. Gen. 38. 6. Ruth 4 2 Sam. Vs. 11. Ezek. 47. 19. | 48. 28. TAME, ED. Mark 5. 4. Jam. 3. 7, 8. TAMMUZ, Concealed, hid. Ezek. 8. 14. TANHUMETH, Consolation, or repentance. Jer. 40.8. TANNER, s. Acts 9- 43. | 10. 6, 32. TAPESTRY,*. Prov. 7. IG.covenngsoff. 31.22. TAPHATH, Distilling from the head. 1 Kin.4.ll. TAPPUAH, An apple. Josh. 12. 17. | 15. 34. I 16. 8. i 17. 8. 1 Chr. 2. 43. TAR AH, A bear, wretch, or banished. Num. 33. 27, 28. TAR A L AH, Searching strength. Josh. 18. 27. TAREA, Holding, doing evil. 1 Chr. 8. 35. TARE,r. 2 Sam. 13. 31. 2 Kings 2. 24. Mark 9. 20. the spirit t. him, Luke 0. 42. TARES, .s. A noxious pulse. Matt. 13. 25,-36. TARGET, S, s. A buckler borne on the arm. 17.6. 1 Kings 10. 16. 2 Chr. 9. 15. 1 Sam. I 14. 8. TARPELITES, TJdcves. Ezra 4. 9. TARRY; V. Gen. 19. 2. t. all night |) 27. 44. 30. 27. t. for I have learned || 4-5. 9- come, t. not Bxod. 12. 39. they could not ^.||24. 14. t. ye here Lev. 14. 8. leper shall t.\\ Num. ^2. 19. /. here also Jadg. 5. 28. why t. \vheels||6. 18. t. till thou come 19. 6. t. all nigiit, 9, \\ 10. the man would not t. Ruth 1. 13. would ye t.\\ 3. 13. /. this night, and 1 Sam. 1. 23. t. tillweancd |j 10. 8. t. till I come 14. 9. if they say, t. till we come to you, then 2Sam. 10. 5.^. at Jericho, til! beards, I Chr.l9. 5. 11. 12. ^.hereto-day 11 15.28. I'll t. in the phiin 18. 14. 1 may not t. |j 19. 7. there will not t. 2 Kin. 2. 2. t. here, 4. 6. || 7. 9. lepers said, if we t. 9. 3.t. not II 14. 10. glory of this, t. at home Psal. 101. 7. a liar not t. \\ Prov. 23. 30. t. at wine Isa. 46. 13. salvation not t. || Jer. 14. 8. aside to t. Hab. 2. 3. surely come, it will not t. Heb. 10. 37. Matt. 26. 38. t. ye here and watch, Mark 14. 34. JLiuke 24. 29- he Avent in tot.\\ 49. t. in Jerusalem ^ohn 4. 40. that he would t. \\ 21.22. that he t. 25. Acts 10. 48. prayed Peter to t. \\ 18. 20. Paul to t. 28. 14. were desired to t. with them seven days tCor. 1 1 . 33. t. one for another||i 6. 7. 1 trust to t. 8. 1 Tim. 3. 15. if 1 t. long|jHeb. 10. 37. come, not t. TARRIED, />. Gen. 24. 54. t. all night, 28. 11. 31. 54. t. all night I! Num. 9. 19. cloud t. long Judg. 3. 25. /. till ashamed||19. 8. t. till afternoon Ruth 2. 7. she t. a little |j 1 Sam. 13. 8. t. 7 days Q Sam. 11.1. David t. || 15. 17. the kinsj t. far off 15. 29. Abiatharf. |j2U. 5. t. longer than set 2 Kin. 2. 18. t. at Jericho |j 1 Chr. 20. I. David t. Psal. 68. 12. she that ^.[j Viatt. 25. 5. bricJegroom t. Luke 1. zl, marvelled that he f. jj 2. 43. Jesus t. John 3. 22. there he t. \\ Acts 9. 43. Peter t. in Acts 15. 33. t. at Antioch || IS. 18. Paul t. there 20. 5. these..j;oings before, t. for us at-Troas • 21.4. t. seven days|| 10. as we 1. 1| 25. 6. Festus t. 27. .33. t. tastmg|J28., 12. at Syracuse we t. 3 days TARRIEST, V. Acts 22. 16. whv t. thou ? avise TAKKIETH, v. 1 Sam. 30. 21.' Mic. 5. 7. TAR KYING, />. Psal. 40w 17. make no t. 70. 5. T.ARSHLSH, A precious stone. The seu. Also, 4. j 8. .31. Lukell.l.L. i.ustopray|il2. 12.HolyGh.shalk. John 7. 35. t. the Gentiles] j9. 34. dost thou /. us ? 14. 26. t. you all things (| Acts 1. 1. to do and t. Acts 4. 18.speaknor^..5. 23.|i5.42.ceasednot to^ 16, 21. <. customs \\ 1 Cor. 4. 17. as 1 1. every 1 Cor. 11. 14. nature itself ^ f| 14. 19. by voice t. 1 Tim. 1. 3. t. no other doctrinejj2. 1 2. woman to t. 3. 2. apt to t. 2 Tim. 2. 24.|j4. 11. command and 6. 2. these things t. \\ 3. if any man t. otherviise 2 Tim. 2. 2. able to t. \\ Tit. 2. 4. t. young women Heb. .5. 12, need that one t.\\8. 1 1. not t. every nian 1 John 2.27. that any /■.l|Rtv. 2. 20. Jezebel to t. TEACHER, S, s. TChr. y.'i. 8. t. as the scholar Psal. 119. 99. than all my ^.||Isa. 30, 20. see thy t. Prov. 5. 13, have not obeyed the voice of my t. Isa. 43. 27. t. transgresh^ed j| Dan. 12. t 3'. t. shine Joel 2.123. t. ofrightouusuessj|Hab.2. 18. f. oflies John3.2.a t. come from GodnActsl3.1.prophets,^ Rom.2.20,a JJ.of habesjj] Cur. 12. :28.hath set?. 29. Eph. 4. 1 1 . pastors and t'.jjl Tim. 1.7.^. of the law 1 Tim, 2.7. I am a t. of Use GentUes, 2 Tijn. 1 .11. 2 Tim. 4. 3. to themselves ^.jjTit. 2. 3. f. of good. Job 25. W.t. us more Psal. 94.10. he that ^ Heb. 5. 12. ought to be ^. (| 2 Pet 2. 1. be false u TEACHEST, v. PsaL 94. 12. t. out of thy law Matt. 22. 16. ^.in truth,Mark 12. 14. Luke 20.21. Acts 21. 21. #. the Jews ||Iiom.2. 21. thou that t, TEACHETH, t;.2Sam. 22.35. t. to war,Ps.l8.34. I 36. 22. who t like him il44, 1. 1. my hands to war Prov, 6.1 3. ^ witli his lingersljl 6.23. heart of vi'ise/. Isa. 9. 15. prophet that t. lies|j 48. 17. t. to profit Acts 21. 2t). t. all menj|Rom. 12. 7.t. on teaching 1 Cor. 2.13.whichnian s wisdom #. but Holy Ghost Gal, 6. 6. t. in allgood||l John 2. 27. t. all things TEACHING, p. is performed, [IJ By precept ^ Psal. 119. 31. [2] Bt/ example^ Prov. 24. 32. [3] By experience^ Gen. 57. 27. [4] By svf- ferivg, ,Tudg. 8. 16. Heb. 5. 8. 2 Chr. 15. 3. w ithout a ^. priest] jJer. 32. 33. t. them Matt. 4, 23. t. in synagogues, 9. 35. Luke 13. 10. 15. 9. t. for doctrines the command. Mark 7. 7. 21. 23. came as he was t. |j 26. 5b. I sat daily t. 28. 20. t. to observe all] I Luke 23. 5. t. thro'Jewry Acts 5. 25. t. in temple j| 15. 35. t, and preaching 18. 11. t. the word of G. |i28. 31. t. tho.se things Rom. 12. 7. or he that teacheth, on t. Col. 1. 28. warning and t. \\ 3. 16. t. in psalms Tit. 1.11.^. things they ought not jj 2. 12, t. us TEAR, V. signifies, [1^ To rend, or pull in pieces, Hos. 13. 8. [2] To destroy, Ps^l 7. 2. [3] To slander. Psal. 35. 15. [4] To thresJij Judg. 8.t7. Judg. 8. 7. 1 will /. yourfleshJlPsal. 7. 2. lest he/. P^al. 35. 15. they did t. me |j 50. 22. lest 1 1. you Jer. 15. 3. dogs to ^. [M 6. 7. nor shall men t, Ezek. 13. 20. pillows Til 1. 1| 21. kerchiefs I will?. Hos. 5. 14. 1, even I, will t. \\ 13. 8. wild beast t. Am. 1 11. anger f,l|Nah. 2. 12. lionyZech 11. 16. TEARETH, r. Deut. 33. 20. Gad t. the arm Job 16. 9, i. me in his wrath (| 18.4. t. himself Mic, 5.8. as a young lion t. in pieces, and none Mark 9. 18. heV. him, and he fometh, Luke 9. 39. TEARS, s. 2 Kin. 20, 5. I've seen thy t. Isa.38. 5. Job 16. 20,eyepourethif.j|Psal. 6. 6. couch with f. Psal. 39. 12. hold not peace atmy ^.iJ42.3. ?.meat 56. 8, put my t. in thy bottle i| 80, 5. bread oft, 116.8. eyes from t. |j 1£6. 5. th<:y that sow in ^ Eecl. 4. 1 .'behold thc^. of such as were oppressed Isa. 16. 9. water thee with ?.!j'25. 8. wipe away i. Jer. 9. 1. a fountain of ?. || 18. run down with i. 13. 17. run down with #. 14. 17.|j 31. 16. from t. Lam. I. 2. t. are on her cheeks 1| 2, 11. tail with^. 2. 18. let t. run jj Ezek. 24. 1 6. not t. run down Mai. 2. 13. altar with t. j| Mark 9. 24. said with t, Luke 7. 38. she began to wash Jiis feet with t. 44. ./\{;ts 20. 19. serving the Lord with many t.SU 2 Cor. 2. 4. I wiote with t. \\ 2 Tim, I. 4. of thy t. Heb. 5. 7, supplicat with if.j|12. 17. sought with ?. Rev. 7. 17. God shall wipeav/av al! t. 21. 4. TEATS, s. Isa. 32. 12, shall lament for the t. Ezek. 23. 3. there thev bruised the t. 21. TEBAH, A cook. Gen. 22. 24. TEBALIAH, Baptism of the Lord. iChr. 36. II,.. TEBETH. Goodness. . A month, Esth. 2. 16. TEDIOUS. Acts 24, 4. not further i. to thee TEETH, i'. is])utfor Power, tvraih, andavger. Gen. ^9. 12. t. be whiteilNum. 11. 33. between f. Deut. .32. 24. send t. of beastsj'l Sam. 2. 13. three t. Job i. 10. i. of liojjs brokenSHS. 14. flesh io niy t. \ TEL TEM job 19 20. skin of my ^.1|29 17. spoil out of the t. 41. 14. leviathan's t. are terrible round about Psal. 3. 7. broken t. of ungodly || 57. 4. t. spears 58. 6. break their 1. 1| 124. 6. not given to t. Prov. 10. 26. as vinegar to t.[\30. 14. ^are swords Song 4. 2. thy t, are like a flock of sheep, 6. 6. Isa. 41. 15. a sharp instrument having t. thou .ler. 31. 29. child, t. set on edge, 30. Ezek. 18. 2. Lam. 3. 16. broken my t. with gravel stones Dan. 7. 5. ribs between t. \\ 7. great iron 1. 19. Joel 1. 6. cheek-i. || Amos 4. 6. clearness of ^ Mic. 3. 5. bite with ^.jjZech. 9. 7. fi om betvi^een t. Matt. 27. 44. cast same in 1. 1| Rev. 9. 8. t. of lions TEHAPHNEHES, Moved. Ezek. 30. 18. TEHINNAH, A beseeching, 1 Chr. 4. 12. TEIL, A tree bearing sweet flowers called the Lin- den tree. Isa. 6. 13. eaten ; as a t. tree and as an oak whose TEKEIi, Weight. Dan. 5. 25, 27. TEKO A, Pipe, trumpet, or fastened. 2 Sam. 14.2, 4. 1 Chr. 2.24. | 4. 5. 2 Chr. 11. 6. | 20. 20. Jer. 6. 1. Amos 1.1. TELABIB, A heap of new corn. Ezek. 3. 15. TELAH, Greenness. 1 Chr. 7. 25. TELAIM, Lamb, or their dew. 1 Sam. 15. 4. TELASSAR, A bank. Isa. 37. 12. TELEM, as TELAIM. Josh. 15. 24. Ezra 10. 24. TEL-H ARS AH, Heap, or suspension of the plough, or of deafness. Ezra 2. 59. Neh. 7. 61. TELL, V. signifies, [Ij To number, Gen. 15. 5. [2J To make known. Gen. 12. 18. l3^ To teach, Exod. 10. 2. Deut. 17. 11. [4] To confess. Josh. 7. 19. [5] To publish, 2 Sam. I. 20. [6J To unfold, Dan. 2. 36. Gen. 15. 5. t.ihe stars, if |I 32. 5. to t. my lord 43 6. as to t. the man || 45. 13. t. my father Exod. 10. 2. mayest t. in the ears of thy son Lev. 14. 35. t. the priests, saying, itseemeth Num. 14. 14. they will t. it to tlie inhabitants 1 Sam. 6. 2. t. us wherewith |i 9. 8. to t. our way 17. 55. 1 cj^nnot t. \\ 22. 22. surely t. Saul that 25. U.OG. I beseech the^|| 'Z7. 11. lest they t. 2 Sam. 1. 20. t. it not in Gath || 2. 5. t. David 12. 18. feared to t.\\lb. 35. f. Zadog||l8. 21. king 1 Kin. 18. 8. go, t. thy lord, Elijah is here, 11, 14. 20. 9. t. my lord the kinii||ll. t. him, let not him 2 Kin. 7. 9. t. king's houshold jj 9. 12. t. us now 22. 15. t. the man that sent you, 2 Chr. 34. 23. Psal. 22. 17. ?. all my bones|j26. 7. publish and t. 48. 12. t. the towers (| 13. t. to the «;eneration Prov. 30. 4. if thou canst ^[{Eccl. 6. 1 2. who can t. Eccl. 8. 7. who can t. 10.14.||10.20. t. the matter Song 5. 8. that ye t. him that I am sick of love Isa. 6. 9. t. this pcopleiJ48. 20. t. this,utter it Jer. 15. 2. then t. them \\ 23. 27. dreams they t. ^6. 16. we'll t. the kingljir. ^.us how thou didst 48.20. t. itin Arnon |j Ezek. 24. 19. not t. us Dan. 2. 4. t. the dream, 7. 9. || .2.30 t. interpret Jt>el 1.3. f. children |j Jonah 3. 9. who can t. ifG. Matt. 8. 4. t. no man, 16. 20. Mark 7. 3{3. I 8. 26,30. j 9. 9. Luke 5. 14. j 8. 50. j 9. '2I. Acts 23. 22. 17.9. f. vision to no manjjlS. 15. r. him his fault 18. 17. t. it to church II 21. 5. t. daughter of Zion 24. 3. t. us when shall these things be,Mark 13.4. 26. 63. f. us whether thou be Christ,Luke22. 67. 28. 7. go ;. his disciples he is risen. INIark 16. 7- IMark 1. 30. anon they t. him 1| 5. 19. t. how great 11. 33. we cannot t. Matt. 21. 6. Luke 20. 7. Luke 7. 22. t. Jolm what things||13. 32. t. thatfox John 3. 8. canst not t. whencejji. 25. t. all things 8. 14. cannot t. whence || 16. 18. we cannot t, 18- 34. or did others t. it thee of me Acts 15. 27. t. you the same || 17. 21. t. or hear 23. 17. he hath a certain thing to t. him 2 Cor. 12. 2. 1 cannot ?.(|Heb. 11. 32. to t. of Gid. TELL me. Gen. 12. 18. 1 21. 26. | 24. 23, 49. | 29. 15. 1 31. 27. 1 32. 29.137. 16. Josh. 7. 19. Judg. 16. 6. Ruth 4. 4. 1 Sam. 9. 18. | 10. 15. 1 14. 43. I 20. 10. 2 Sam. 1. 4.| 13. 4. " 1 Rings 22. 16. 2 Kin. 4. 2. | 8. 4. Job 34. 34. Song 1. 7. Matt. 21. 24. Luke 7. 42. John 20. 15. Acts 5. 8. j 22. 27. j 23. 19. Gal. 4. 21. TELL thee. Gen. 22. 2. | 26. 2. Exod. 14. 12. Num. 23. 3. Deut. 17. 11. i 32. 7. Judg. 14. 16. Ruth 3. 4. 1 Sam. 9. 19. | 15. 16. 1 19. 3. i 20. 9. 1 Kin. 14. 3. ( 22. 18- 1 Chr. 17. 10. Job 1. 15, 16, 17, 19. j 8. 10. I 12. 7. Psal 50. 12. Isa. 19. 12. Jer. 19. 2. Luke 1-2. 59. ] 22. 34. Acts 10. 6. I 14. 14. Rev. 17. 7. / TELL you, or TELL 1 you. Gen. 49. 1. Isa. 5. 5. I 42. 9. Matt. 10. 27. 121. 27. Mark 11. 29, 33. Luke 4. 25. | 9. 27. j 10. 24. | 12. 51. I 13. 3, ^7. I 17. 34. | 18. 8, 14. | 19. 40. |20. 8. I 22. 67. John 3. 12. | 8. 45. | 13. 19. I 16. 7. Gal. 4. 16. 1 5. 21. Phil. 3. 18. TELLEST, V. Psal. 56. 8. thou t. ray wanderings Isa. 40. t 9. O thou that t. good tidings, get TELLETH, v. 2 Sam. 7. 11. L. t. thee he'll build 2 Km. 6. 12. Elisha t. \\ Psal. 41.6. abroad he t. it P.sal. 101. 7. he that t. Iies||l47. 4. t. num. of stars Jer. 33. 13. t. them || John 12. 22. Philip t. Andr. TELLING, p. Judg. 7. 15. Gid. heard t. of dream 2 Sam. 11. 19. hast made an end of ^. the matters 2 Kings 8. 5. as he was t. the king hovj' he restored TELMELAH, A heap of salt. Ezra 2. 59. TEMA, Perfection, or south-wind. Gen. 25. 15. 1 Chr. 1. 30. Job 6. 19. Isa. 21. 14. Jer. 25. 23. TEM AN, South, perfect. Gen. 36. 15. Hab. 3. 4. TEM ANI, The same. Gen. 36. 34. 1 Chr. 4. 6. TEMANITE.Job2.11. i 4. l.j 15. 1.142. 7,9. TEMPERANCE, .5. Acts 24.25. reasoned of ?. Gal. 5. 23. meekness, i.\\2 Pet. 1. 6. to t. patience TEMPERATE, a. 1 Cor. 9. 25. Tit. I. 8. | 2. 2. TEMPER, V. Ezek. 46. 14. to t. with fine flour TEMPERED,/). Exod. 29. 2.130. 3.5. iCor. 12.24. TEMPEST, s. signifies, \^l] A violent commotion in the air. Acts 27. 18. [2] Grievous and unex- pected affiiction,3ob 9.17. [3] God's judgments on the wicked,Vidi\. 11. 6. 1 83. 15. Job 9. 17. breakctii me with a ^.|| 27. 20. ^ steal Psal. 11. 6. horrible 1. 1| 55. 8. windy storm and t. 83. 15. persecute with thy t.\\l^dL. 28.2. t. of hail Isa. 29. 6. visited \\\\h t. \\ 30. 30. beaten with ^ 32- 2. covert from t. \\ 54. 1 1. to.ssed with t. Amos 1. 14. with a if. || Jonah 1. 4. a mighty t. 12. Matt. 8. 24. a great t. \\ Acts 27. 20. no small t. Heb. 12. 18. darkness and ^|I2 Pet. 2. 17. with at TEMPESTUOUS, a. Psal. 50. .3.. be very ^.round Jonah 1. 11. sea was t. 13.|iActs 27. 14. a ^.wind TEMPLE, .?. sxpiiii^SyAhouseordioelling ofGod, TEM TEN SI 7 or a building set apart for the worship of the true God. It is spoken, I. Of that magmjicent building erected by Solomon at Jerusalem, about a 1000 years before Christ. It was the grandest pile of building that was ever erected by men, not for its bigness, it being but an hundred and fifty feet in length, and an hundred and five in breadth, including the sanctuary, sanctum, and the porcb , ^according to some); but its excellency consisted in its materials, out-buildings, and costly orna- ments and decorations: And especially in those marks of divine favour it was honoured with, as, [1] The ark of the covenant. [2] The Shekinali, or divine presence. [3]] The Urim and Thuni- mim, by which the high-priest consulted God in difficult and momentous cases. [4] The holy fire, 1 King 8. 38. \_5'] The spirit of prophecy . All these were said to be wanting in the second temple; but were eminently in Christ, whose presence in it, made the gloi'y of it greater than that of the first temple. Hag. 2. 9. II. It is spoken of the taber- nacle, 1 Sam. 1. 9. 1 3. 3. III. Of Christ's body, or human nature,in which the fulness of the God- head dwells bodily, John 2. 19. Col, 2. 9. IV. Of the church of God, 2 Cor. 6. 16. V. Of heaven, which is God's throne, Psal. 11.4. Rev. 7.15. 1 Sam. 1. 9. by a post of /. || 3. 3. went out in t. 2 Sam. 22. 7. lie did hear my voice out of his t. and my cry came into, Psal. 18. 6. iKin. 6.5. t. and oracle j] 17. ^.before it was 40 cub. 2 Kin. 11. 10. king David's spears that were in t. 1 Chr. 6. 10. priests office in t.\\ 10. 10. ^of Dagon 2 Chr. 4. 7. candlesticks in 1. 1| 35. 20. prepared t. 36. 7. and put the vessels in his t. at Babylon Ezra 4^ 1. bailded the *. || 5. 14. brought tot. 6.5. Neh. 6. 10. hid ourselves in 1. 1| 11. go into the t. Psal. 27. 4. to enquire in his 1. 1| 29. 9. in his t. 48. 9. midst of thy i. ||68. 29. because of thy t. Isa. 6. 1. train filled /. || 44. 28. built, and to the t. 66. 6, a voice from the t. a voice of the Lord Jer. 50. 28. the vengeance of his t. 51. 11. Ezek. 41.1 . brought me tot.\\ Dan.5.2. vessels of?. Am. 8. 3. songs of ^ || Zech. 8. 9. t. might be built Mai. 3. 1. the Lord shall suddenly come to his t. Matt. 4. 5. set him on a pinnacle of t. Luke 4. 9. 12. 5. priests in the t. \\ 6. greater than the t. 21.12. bought in t. Mark 11. 15. Luke 19.45. 14. blind came to him in 1. 1| 15. crying in t. 23. 16. swear by the t. or gold of the t. 17, 21. 35. slew between 1. 1| 24. 1. buildings of the t. 26. 55. 1 sat daily teaching in t. Luke 21. 37. 26. 6 1. I am able to destroy the t. of God 27. 40. thou that destroyest the t. Mai-k 15. 29. 51. vail of the t. rent, Mark 15. 38. Luke 23.45. Mark 11.16. vessel thro' 1. 1| 14. 58. I'll dest. this t. Luke 1.21. tarried so long in 1. 1| 22. seen vision in 2. 27. capie into the t. \\ 37. departed not from t. 46. found him in t. j| 18. 10. into t. to pray 24. 53. were continually in the t. praising God Acts 2. 46. continued in /. || 3, 1. went up to t. 3. 2. at the gate oi't. || 5. 20. stand and speak in t. 19. 27. t. of Diana 1| 21. 26. Paul entered into t. 21. 28. brought Greeks also into the t. 29, 30. 22. 17. while I prayed in t. I was in a trance 24. 6. to profane the t. \\ 18. found purified in t. 25. 8. nor against 1. 1| S6. 21. caught me m t, 74 1 Cor. 3. 16. ye are the t. of God, 6. 19. 2 Cor. 6. 16' 8. 10. sit in an idol's t. |j 9. 13. of things of t. 2 Thes. 2. 4. he as God sitteth in the t. of God Rev. 3. 12. a pillar in the t. \\ 7. 15. serve in t. 11. 1. measure the t. \\ 19. f. of God was opened 14. 15. another angel came out of the t. 17. 15. 5. t. was opened || 6. angels came out of t. 8. t.wdLS filled with smoke from the glory of God 16. 1. voice out of 1. 17. |j 21. 22. I saw no t. See Holy, LorD« TEMPLES, s. Hos. 8. 14. and buildeth t. and Joel 3. 5. earned into your t. my goodly things Acts 7. 48. the most High dwelleth not in t. made with hands, 17. 24. > TEMPLES, s. Judg. 4. 21. smote nail in his t, 5. 26. when she had stricken through his t. Song 4. 3. thy t. hke a piece of pomegran. 6. 7. TEMPORAL. 2 Cor. 4. 18. things seen are t. TEMPT, V. signifies, [l] To prove, try, and evi- dence grace. Gen. 22. 1. Gal. 4. 14. Heb. 11. 17. [23 To allure and deceive, 1 Thes. 3. 5.. [3] To presume on God's l^elp out of his way, or without divine warrant. Matt. 4. 7. [4] To question God's care and kindness, Exod. 17. 2. [5] To sin impudently, Mai. 3. 15. [6] Perse- cution or affliction, Luke 8. 13. Jam. 1. 2. iPet. 1. 6. 2 Pet. 2. 9. Gen. 22. 1. 1. Abraham ||Exod. 17. 2. ye t. the L. Deut. 6. 16. shall not t. the Lord, your Godj Mat. 4. f. Luke 4. 12. Isa. 7. 12. nor will 1 1. [jMal. 3. 15. they thati. G. Matt.22.1 S.why ^ye me, Mark 12.15. Luke '20. 23. Acts 5. 9. agreed to ?. |1 15. 10. why t. ye God to 1 Cor. 7. 5. that Sat. t. you not || 10. 9. nor let us f. TEMPTATION, s. Exod. 1 7. f 7. called place t. Psal. 95. 8. as in the day of i. in the, Heb. 3. 8. Matt. 6. 13. and lead us not into t. Luke 11. 4. 26. 41. enter not into t. Markl4.38. Luke 22. 40. Luke 4. 13. ended all his /. [| 8. 13. in time of t. fall 1 Cor. 10. 13. there hath no r.lJGal. 4.14. andmy ?. 1 Tim. 6. 9. but they that will be rich fall into t. Jam. 1. 12. endureth t, \\ Rev. 3. 10. hour oft. TEMPTATIONS,*. Deut. 4. 34. a nation by t. 7. 19. the great t. 29. 3. || Luke 22. 28. in my t. Acts 20. 19. with many 1. 1) Jam. 1. 2. in divers t. 1 Pet. 1. fi. thro' manifold t. {] 2 Pet. 2. 9. out of f. TEMPTED, p. Exod.17.7. they t. the Lord, say. Num. 14. 22. i. me ten times p Deut. 6. 16. as ye t. Psal. 73. 18. they t. God in their heart, 41, 56. I 106. 14. 95. 9. when your fathers t. me, Heb. 3. 9. Matt. 4. 1 . to be t. of devil, Mark 1. 13. Luke 4.2. Luke 10. 25. a lawyer ^ him, saying, master 1 Cor. 10. 9. as some^|| 13. not suffer you to be t. Gal. 6. 1. lest thou be t. \\ 1 Thes. 3. 5. lest t. you Heb. 2. 18. being t. j| 4. 15. in all points /. hke as 11. 37. were sawn asunder, were t. were slain Jam, 1.13. I'm t. of God |1 14. every man when t. TEMPTER, 5. Matt. 4, 3. 1 Thes'. 3. 5. TEMPTETH, v. Jam. 1. 13. neither t. any man TEMPTING,/). Matt. 16. 1. Pharisees came f. Christ, 19. 3. 1 22. 35. Mark 8. 11. Luke 11. 16, Mark 10. 2. his wife t. him || John 8. 6. said, t. him TEN. Gen. 1 6. 3. Abram dwelt t. years in Canaan 18. 32. for t. sake i|24. 1 0. t. camels l| 22. shekels 32. 15. t. bulls II 42. 3. t. brethren ||45. 23. asses Exod. 04. 28. t, command. Deut. 4. 13. ] 10. 4. TEIS TER Lev. ^G. 26. t. women shall bake your bread hi 27. 5. and for the female t. shekels, 7. Josh. 17. 5. if. portions!) 21.5. t. cities, I Chr. 6.61. 1 Sam. 1. 8. than ^sons f| 17. 17. ?. loaves, cheeses 2 Sam. 1 5.1 6. t. concubines |1 19. 43. t. parts in king 1 Kin. 4. 23. ?.fat oxen (| 7. 24. knops || 27. bases 11. 31. take ?. pieces [| 14. 3. take t. loaves to 2 Kin. 25. 25. Ishmael took t. men, Jer. 41. 1, 2. 2 Chr. 4. 7. he made t. candlesticks |J 8. t. tables p]zra8. 24. ^ brethren || Neh. 11. 1. bring one of ^. Esth. 9. 10. t. sons of Haman slew they, 1^, 13. Psal. 33. 2. instrument of ^ strings, 92. 3. | 144. 9. Eccl. 7. 19. more than t. mighty men in the city Isa. 5. 10. t. acres I) Ezek. 45. 14. t. baths an hom. Dan. 7. 7. t. horns || Amos 5. 3. leave 1. 1) 6. 9. if*. Hag. 2. 16. were but 1. 1| Zech. 8. 23. t. men take Matt. 20. 24. when the t. heard it, Mark 10. 41. 25. 1. unto t. virgins || 28. which hath t. talents Luke 15.8. ^. pieces of silver || 17. 12. met Uepers 19. 13. t. pounds, and said unto them, 16, — 25. Rev. 12.3. t. horns, 13. 1. | 17. 3, 7, 12, 16. See Cubits, Days, Degrees, Thousand. TEN times. Gen. 31. 7. Num. 14. 22. Neh. 4. 12. Job 19.3. Dan. 1.20. TENS,s.Exod. 18.21.rHlersof^25.Deut.l.l5. TENTH, s. Gen. 28. 22. I'll give the t. to thee Lev. 27. 32. t. be holy || Num. 18- 21. given Levi t. Deut. 23. 2. t. general. || 1 Sam. 8. 15. take the t. lChr.l2.13.^captain,27.13.||24.11.*.lot,25.17. Isa. 6. 13. in it be a 1. 1| Jer. 32. 1. in the t. year John 1. 39. about t. hour \\ Rev. 21. 20. t. foundat. See Day, Deal, Month, Part. TEND, V. Prov. 21. 5. t. only to plentcousness TENDETH. Prov. 10. 16. t to life, 11.19.| 19. 23. 1 1. 24. <. to poverty |) 14. 23. t. only to penury TENDER, a. signifies, [1] IVeak a7id feeble, Gen. 33. 13. [2] Nice and delicate, Deut. 28. 56. (]3] Voung^ and carefully educated, Prov. 4. 3. [4] Pitiful, coinpassionaie, Eph. 4. 32. Gen. 18. 7. a calf ^. \\ 33. 13. the children are t. Deut. 28. 54. man that is 1. 1| 56. t. and delicate 32. 2. t. herb |) 2 Sam. 3^ f 39. I'm 1. 1| 23. 4. grass 2 Kin. 22. 19. bee. thy heart was t. 2 Chr. 34. 27. 1 Chr. 22.5.Sol.is t. 29. 1. 1|2 Chr. 13. 7. t. hearted Job 14. 7. t. branch not cease \\ 38. 27. t. herb Prov. 4. 3. if , and beloved (| 27. 25. *. grass sheweth Song 2. 13. t. grape, 15. (| 7. 12. whether t. grape Isa. 7. 1 4. nor let heart be t. \\ 47. 1. no more t. 53. 2. as a t. plant |) Ezek. 17. 22. crop off ^. one Dan. 1. 9. Daniel to t. love |j 4. 15. in t. grass, 23. Matt. 24.32. when his branch is t. Mark 13. 28. Lukel.78.?.niercy, Jam. 5.1 l.||Eph.4.32.?. heart See Mercies. TENDERNESS, s. Deut. 28. 56. foot for t. TENONS, s. Exod.26. 17, 19. | 36. 22, 24. TENOUR. Gen.43.7. t. of these words,Ex.34.27. TENT, s. signifies, \\] A moveable lodging-place, Gen. 4. 20. [2] Covering of the tabernacle, Exod. 26. 11. [3] The church. Song 1. 8. Gen. 9. 21. Noah in his t. (| 12. 8. pitched M3. 3. 13. 12. pitched his f. 26. 17, 25. | 31. 25. | 33. 18. 18. Abra. removed his 1. 1|18. 1. sat in thef.door 24. 67. his mother Sarah's t. \\ 31. S3. Rachel's 33. 19.acoveringfor ?. f|35.21. Isr. spread his t. Exod. 18. 7. Jethro came into t. \\ 26. 11. couple t. 33. 8. stood at t. door,10. \\ 35.11. ^and covering 39. 33. brought t, to Moses |1 40. 19. spread t. Lev. 14. 8. leper shall tarry out of his t. 7 days Num. 3. 25. charge be the t. \\ 9. 15. cloud cov. t. 11. 10. weep every man in ^|| 19. 14. dieth \\\t, 19. 18. sprinkle the t. \\ 25. 8. went into the t. Josh. 7. 21. midst of my 1. 1| 24. Israel burnt his t. Judg. 4. 17. t. of Jael II 5. 24. blessed in the t. 7. 8. every man to his ^ || 13. cake came to a t. 20. 8. we will not any of us go to his t. neither t .Sam. 4. 10. every man to his t. 13. 2. 2 Sam. 18. 17. I 19. 8. I 20. 22. 2 Chr. 25. 22- 2 Sam. 7. 6. I have walked in a ^. 1 Chr. 17. 5. 16. 22. spread Absalom a ^ || 2 Kin. 7. 8. one t. 1 Chr. 15. 1. David pitched a t. for the ark of God 16. 1. set it in the midst of the t. 2 Chr. 1. 4. Psal. 78. 60. the t. which he placed among men Isa. 1 3. 20. nor Arab, pitch. 1. 1| 38. 12. a shepherd's 40. 22. as a t. to dwell in j| 54. 2. enlarge thy t. Jer. 10. 20. none to stretch t. \\ 37. 10. rise in t. Acts 18. 3. by occupation they were t. makers TENTS, *. Gen. 4. 20. father of such as dwell in t, 9. 27. t. of Shem || 13. 5. Lot had herds and t. 25. 27. dwelling in t. \\ 31. 33. Laban went in t. Exod. 16. 16. gather ye for them that are in t. Num. 1. 52. Israel pitch 1. 1| 9. 17. pitched their i. 9.1 8.cloud abode, they rested in their ^.20, — 23. 13.19.if. or strongholds || 16. 26. t. of these wick. 24. 2. abiding in his t. \\ 5. how goodly are thy t. Deut. 1. 27. ye murmured in t. \\ 33. to pitch t. in 5. 30. get into your ?. j| 11. 6. swallowed up their 16. 7. torn and go to thy 1. 1| 33. 18. rejoice in t. Josh. 22. 4. return, and get you into your t. 6, 8. Judg. 6. 5. Mid. came with *. || 8. 11. dwelt in t, 1 Sam. 17. 53. they spoiled the t. 1 Kin. 7. 16. 2 Sam. 11.11. ark, Israel and Judah abide in t. 20.1. every man to his t. lKin.12.16. 2Chr.l0.16. 1 Kin. 8. 66. Israel went to their t. 2 Chr. 7. 10. • 2 Kings 7. 7. and the Syrians left their 1. 10, 16. 8. 21. and the people fled into their t. 14. 12. 13. 5. Israel dwelt in their t. 1 Chr. 5. 10. 1 Chr. 4. 4l. came and smote the t. 2 Chr. 14. 15. 2 Chr. 31. 2. t. of the Lord || EzraS. 15. abode in t. Psal. 69. 25. and let none dwell in their t. 78. 5b. Isr. to dwell in 1. 1| 84. 10. t. of wicked. 106. 25. murmured in ^|| 120. 5. t, (^f Kedar Song 1. 5. as t. of Kedar [j 8. beside shepherd's t, Jer. 4. 20. t. spoiled || 6, 3. pitch t. against her 30. 18. of Jacob's t. \\ 35. 7. ye shall dwell in t. 49.29. t. shall take away (| Hab. 3.7. t. of Cushan Zech. 12.7. save ^ of Judah II 14. 15. be in these*. TER AH, To breathe, scent, or blow. Gen. 11. 26. TEKAPHIM, An image. Judg. 17. 5. \ 18.14, 20. Hos. 3. 4. TERESH, as TERAH. Esth. 2. 21 . I 6. 2. TERMED, p. Isa. 62. 4. t. forsaken, *. desolate TERRESTRIAL, Earthly. lCor.l5.40.bodies L TERRIBLE, a. Exod. 34. 10. a t. thing I will do Deut. 1.19. went tliro' that t. wilderness, 8. 15. 7.21. a mighty G. 1. 10. 17. Neh. 1. 5.| 4-.14. | 9. 23. 10. 21. hath done for thee t. things, 2 Sam. 7. 23. Judg. 13. 6. was like an angel of God, very t. Job o7. 22. t. majesty || 39. 20. nostrils t. 41. 14. Psal. 45. 4. teach t. tilings || 47. 2. Lord is*, he is 65. 5. by *. things |j 66. 3. say unto God hew *. 66. 5. *. in his doing j) 68. 35. thou art *. out of 76. 12. *. to the kings (| 99. 3. praise thy *. name 106. 22. done *. things || 145. 6. of thy *. acts Song 6. 4. thou art *. as an army with banners TES TES ^ n Isa. 13. U. haughtiness of <• I| 18. 2. a people t.T. 21. 1. from a t. laud || 25. 3. ci^y ait. nations 25. 4. blast off. ones||5. branch of f. brought low 29. .'>. multitude of ^ ones shall be as chatf, 20. 49. 25.prey of thef. || 64. 3. thou didst t. things Jer.l5.21. outofhand of ^|) 20. 11. L. is as f. one Lam. 5. 10. t. famine || Ezek. 1. 22. as t. crystal Ezek. 28. 7. bring t. upon thee, 30. 11. | 31.12. 32. 12. I'll cause to fall the t. of the nations Dan. 2. 31. form of image was t. |j 7. 7. beast t. Joel 2. 11. day of L. i.31.|iHab. 1. 7.Chaldeans t. Zeph. 2. 11. Lord will be f.||Heb.l2.21.sof. sight TERRIBLENESS,s.Deut.26.8.outwith great t. 1 Chr.l7.21.anaraeof^|| Jer. 49. 16. ^ deceived TERRIBLY,ad. Isa.2. 19. shaken 21. Nah. 2.3. TERRIFY, r. Job 3. 5. let blackness of day*, it 9. 34. let not his fear t. \\ 31. 34. did contempt t. Psal. lO.flS. no more t.jj-^JCor. 10. 9, t. by letters TERRIFIED, p. Deut. 20.3. nor be ye ^.because 1 Sam. I6.tl4. an evil spirit from the L. t. him Luke 21. 9. be not t. |j 24. 37. but they were t. Phil. 1. 28. and in nothing t. by your adversaries TERRIFIEST, y. Job 7. 14. t. me thro' visions TERRISES, s. Walks or banks ofearth,raised in a garden or couH,to a due elecntion for a prospect; also roofs of houses that are flat to walk on, 2 Chr, 9. 11. TERROR, s. Great fear, dread, or horror. Gen.35.5. t. of G. in cities||Lev.26. 16. appoint t. Peut. 32. 25. t. within || 34. 12. in all that great t. Josh. 2. 9. and that your t. is fallen upon us Job 31. 23. a t. to me 11 33. 7. my t. not make Psal. 91.5. shalt not b^ afraid for the t. by night Isa. 10. 33. lop-bough with <.||19. 17. a f. toEgypt S3. 18. meditate t. \\ 54. 14. be far from t. it Jer. 17. 17. be not a t. to me |) 20. 4. t. to thyself 32. 21. and has brought forth Israel with great t. Ezek. 26. 17. cause ^ || 21. make thee a t. 27. 36. 32. 23. caused t. in the land, 24, 25, 27, 32. Rom. 13. S.^for rulers are not a t. to good works 2 Cor.S.U.^oftheL.IJl Pet. 3. 14. notafraid of*. TERRORS, s. Deut. 4. 34. take a nation by t. Job 6. 4. t. of G. dos€t||18. 1 1. 1. make him afraid 18. 14. to king oi't. \\ 20. 25. t. are upon him 24. 17. t. of shadow |] 27. 20. t. take hold on hiha 30. 15. t. are turned on me |j 39-120. nostril's t. Psal. 55.4. t. ol' death ||73. 19. consumed withi. 88. 15. while I suft'er thy t. \\ 16. t. cut me off Jer. 15. 8. 1 caused t. to fall]lLam. 2. 22. called t. Ezek. 21. 12. t. by reason of sword shall be on TERTIUS, The third. Rom. 1 6. 22. TERTULLUS, A liar, or impostor. Acts 24. 1. TESTAMENT, s. Or will, or covenant. Matt. 26. 28. my blood of the t. Mark 14. 24. Luke 22. 20. this cup is the new/- 1 Cor. 11. 25. 2 Cor. 3. 6. ministers of new t. \\ 14. the old t. Gal. 3.tl5. tho' it be but a m*n's t. yet if it is Heb. 7. 22. a better 1. 1| 9. ?5. mediator of new <. 9. 16. where a t. is || 17. /or a t. is of force after 20. blood of the f.(| li:.t24. mediator of new t. r 13.t20. blood of everlasting ^||Rev.ll.l9.ark of TESTATOR,^. Heb. 9.16. the death of the t.l7. TESTIFY, V. To bear witness, a£jrm, or protest. Num.35.50. one Avitness not i. against any person Deut. 8. 19. 1 1. against you Ij 19. 16. if witness ^ 31. 21. this song t. \\ 32. 46. to the words 1 1. Neh. 9. 34. thou didst t.}\ Job 15. 6. own lips t Psal. 50. 7. Israel, I'll t. against thee, BJ . 8. Isa. 59. 12. our sins 1. 1| Jer. l4. 7. our iuiquit. t. Hos, 5. 5. pride doth f.||Amos 3. 13. hear ye,andY, Mic. 6. 3.t. ag.me. \\ Luke 16.28. Lazarus may t. John 2. 25. that any .should *.|j3.ll. t. that we seen 5. 39.they^ of n^e 1)7.7. It. ofitl|15.26. f. of me Acts 2. 40. t. and exhort||10.vi2. to t. that it islie 20. 24. to t. the gospel || 26. 5. if they would f. Gal. 5. 3. 1 1. to every man || Eph. 4. 17. this 1 1, 1 John 4. 14. we have seen and do t. that the F. Rev. 22. 16. mine angel to t.\\lS. 1 1. to every man TESTIFIED,/). Exod. 21.29. ^ to his owner,and Deut. 19. 18. t. falsely 11 Ruth 1. 21. Lord hath t. 2Sam.l.l6.thymonthf.[]2Kin.l7.13.L.hathM5. 2 Chr. 24. 19. prophets t against thern, Neh.9.26. Neh. 13. 15. 1 1. against them, 21. Jer. 42.f 19. John 4. 39. worn. t. |j 44. Jesus himself t. 13. 21. Acts 8. 25./. and preached] |1 8. 5. Paul t. to Jews 23. 11. thou hast /.of me||28. 23. to whom he t. 1 Cor. 15. 15. we have t. of God, 1 Tlics. 4. 6. ■- 1 Tim. 2. 6. t. in due time |j Heb. 2. 6. but one t. 1 Pet. 1. 11. when it t. beforehand the sufferings 1 John 5. 9. ^ of his Son || 3 John 3. t. of the tnith TESTIFIEDST, p. Neh. 9. 29. t. ag. them, 30. TESTIFIETH, v. Hos. 7. 10. pride of IsraeU. to John'3. 32. that he t. \\ 21. 24. disciple which t. Heb.7.17.f.thou arta priest|) Rev.22. 20. which*. TESTIFYING, p. Acts 20. 21. t. both to Jews Heb.ll.4.G. *.ofhisgifts|jl Pet. 5. 12. f. that this TESTIMONY, s. signifies, [1] An evidence or proof, Acts 14. 3. [2] The whole word of God, Psal. 19. 7. [3] The two tables of the law, Exod. 25. 16.. [4] Tlui gospel, 1 Cor. 1. 6, I 2. 1. [5] The ark in which the law was deposited, Exod. 27. 21. Exod. 16. 34. manna before t. |j 25. 16. put in t. 27. 21. vail before t. \\ 30. 6. mercy-seat over t. 31. 18. two tables of *.32. 15.|j 38. 21. tab. oft Num. 1. 50. tabernacle of*. 53. \ 9. 15. | 10. 11. 17. 4. rods before *. 10. }j Ruth 4. 7. *. in Israel 2 Kin. 11. 12. give the king tlie*. 2 Chr. 23. 11. Psal. 78. 5. established a *.I|81.5.ordained for a*. 119. 88. so shall I keep *. || 122. 4. go up to *. 13i. 12. if keep my *.||Isa. 8. 16. bind up the *. Isa. 8. 20. to the laiv and to the *. if any man Matt. 8. 4. offer tlie gift conmianded for a *.Mark 1. 44. Luke 5. 14. 10.18.fora/.against,Mark 6.11.|13.9.Luke9.,5. Luke 21. 13. and it shall turn to you for a *. John 3. 32. and no man receiveth his *. 33. 8. 17. *. of 2 men is true |j 21.24. his *. is true Acts 13. 22. gave*. 14. 3. |) 22. 18. not rec. Xhy t. 1 Cor. 1.6. *.of Christ wasconfirmed|)2. 1. *. of G. 2Thes.l.lO.*.was bc]ievedj|2Tim.l.8.ashamed of*. Heb. 3. 5. for a *. |) 11. p. Enoch had this *. that Rev. 1. 2. *. of Jesus Christ, 9. [ 12. 17. | 19. 10. 6. 9. slain for the *. ||11. 7. have finished their *. 12. 11. word of their *. 1| 15. 5. tabernacle ot't. TESTIMONIES, s. De«t. 4. 45. *. Moses spake 6. 17. diligently keep *. || 20. what mean the *. 1 Kin. 2. 3. to keep his *. 2 Kin. 23, 3. 1 Chr. 29. 19. 2 Chr. 34. 31. Psal. 25. 10.|119.2,146. 2 Kin. 17. 15. they rejected his *, Neh. 9. 34. Psal. 78. 56. kept not his *. || 93. 5. thy *. are sure 99. 7. they kept his *. || 1 19. 14, 1 rejoiced in *. 119. 2^. for I have kept thy*. 31, 167, 168. 24. *. are my delight||36, incline my heart to *. THA Ps.119.46. I'll speak of thy ^|)59. turned feet to t. 79. known thy t. \\ 95. but I'll consider thy ^ 99. t. my meditation |j 1 1 1 . t as an heritage 11 9. I love thy 1. 1| 125. that I may know thy t. 129. ^a^e wonderful |j 138. t. are righteous 144, the righteousness of thy f. is everlasting 152. 1. 1 have known of old I) 157. not decline ^. Jer. 44. 23. because ye have not walked in his t. TETRAB.CH,Governorof a fourth jtart, Luke 3. 1. THADDEUS, Pfaising, confessing. Matt. iO. 3. THA HASH. Hasting. Gen. 22. ^4. THAMXHj Blotting out. Ezra 2. 53. THANK,r.lChr.l6.4.to#.theLord,7. | 23.30. 29. 13. we t. thee and praise thy, Dan. 2. 23. Matt. 11. 25. 1 t. thee, O Father, L. Luke 10.21. Luke 6. 32. that love you, what t. have ye ? 33. 17. 9. doth he t. that servantljis. 11. G. I /. thee John 11. 41. Father, I ^.theei|Rom.l.8.I t. G. 7. 25. iCor. 1. 4.1 t. God, 14. | 14. 18. Phil. l. 3. Philem. 4. 2 Tim. 1. 3. lThes.2.13.^weGod||2Thes.l.3. bound to t. G. 1 Tim. 1. 12. 1 ^ Jesus Christ|jPhiIem.4. t. myGod 8e^ Offering. THANKED, p. 2 Sam. 14. 22. Joab t. the king Acts ^8. 15. Paul t. God||Rom.6.17. but G. be t. THANKFUL, a. Psal. 100. 4. be t. to him, and bless his name, Col. 3. 15. Rom. I. 21. glorified him not, neither were *.but THAN KFULNESS,s. Acts 24. 3. accept with t. THANKING, p. 2 Chr. 5. 13. in t. the Lord THANK-MW^y, a. 1 Pet. 2. 19. this is t.-if THANKS, s. Neh. 12. 31. companies gave t. 40. Dan. 6. 10. and gave?. Matt. 26. 27. Luke 22.17. Mark 8. 6. loaves,and gave t.\\ii. 23. had given t. Luke2.S8.Anna gave f.||John 6.1 1. had given ^23. Acts 27. 35. Paul gave?.||Rom.l4.6.givethGod t. 1 Cor. 11. 24. had given t. (| 14. 17. givest t. well 15.57. *. be to God, 2 Cor. 2.14. | 8. 16. ] 9. 15. 2 Cor. 1. 11. t. may be given||Eph. 5. 20. t. to G. X Thes. 3. 9. what t. render jj Rev. 4. 9. we give t. See Give, Giving. THANKSGIVING,*. Praise to God for all his benefits and mercies bestowed on us. - Lev. 7. 12. if he offer it for a ^ 13, 15. [ 22. 29. Neh. 11. 17. begin t. in prayer 1| 12. 8. over the t. 12. 46. there were songs of praise and t. to God psal. 26. 7. voice oft. || 50. 14. offer to God t. 69. 30. I'll magnify with t. \\ 95. 2. come with t. 100. 4. enter gates with t, \\ 107. 22. sacrifice t. 116. 17. offer sacrifice of ^ || 147. 7. sing with t. Isa. 51. 3. <. and melody || Jer. 13.19. proceed t. Amos 4. 5. a sacrifice of 1. 1| Jonah 2. 9. voice oft. 2 Cor. 4. 15. t. of many || 9. 11. thro' us t. to God Phil. 4.6.with t. let your requests be made known Col. 2. 7. abounding with t.\\4:. 2. watch with t. 1 Tim. 4. 3. received with ^||Rev. 7. 12. f. honour THANKSGIVINGS,.?. Neh. 12.27. 2Cor.9.12. THANK-O/fmw^s. Ezek. 4.T27. Amos 5. 22. THAR A, A good smell. Luke 3. 34. THARSHISH, Seeing the sword; the turtleMrd of the sword; a jasper, or sea. 1 Chr. 7. 10. THAT is a particle, which denotes something spe- cial or singular, either good or bad, as in John I. 9. I 6. 48. Acts 2. 16. 2 Thes. 2. 8. Sfc, Jt is aho used frequently without any emphasis in eommm dificour$€. THl THEATRE, s. A public stage, whereon to exhibit scenic spectacles, or shows. Acts 19. 29, 31. THEBEZ, An egg, or silken garment j or flax. Judg. 9. 50. 2 Sam. 11. 21. THEEVES, see THIEVES. THEFT, S,s. Exod. 22. 3. be sold for his f. 4. Matt. 15. 19. out of heart proceed t. Mark 7. 22. Rev. 9. 21. neither repented they of their t. THELASAR, That unbinds, ov heaps. A part of Syria. 2 Kings 19.12. THEN is an adverb of time. Gen. 4. 26. t. began men to call upon the Lord Lev. 26. 42. t. I'll remember my cov. with Jacob 1 Kin. 8. 32. t. hear thou in heaven, 34,-49. Psal. 27. 10. t. the Lord will take me up 51. 13. t. will I teach || 55. 12. t. have borne it 106.12. ?. believed they] |U 96. ^ not be ashamed Isa. 08. 8. t. shall thy light |! 9. t. shalt thou call Mat.9.15.?.shall they fast, Mark 2. 20.Lukel8.26. Rom. 7. 7. what shall we say t. \\ 8. 17. t. heirs THENCE, ad. Gen. 24. 7. from t. 27. 45. 1 49.2,4. Num. 13. 23. [ 23. 13. Deut. 4. 29. j 30. 4. Judg. 19. 18. 1 Sam. 4. 4. 2 Kings 2. 21, 23. 2 Chr. 26. 20. Ezra 6:6. Isa. 52. 11. Jer. 36. 29. I 43. 12. Ezek. ll. 18. Hos.2.l5. Amos 6.2. Luke 16. 26. Deut. 5. 15. brought thee t, || 19. 12. fetch him t. 1 Kin.2.36.go not forth t.\\2 Kin.7.8.carried^silver Isa. 6.5.20.?. infant ofdays||Jer. 22. 24. pluck thee Jer. 37. 12. separate himself?. || 49. 16. down t. Amos 9. 2. dig into hell t. shall my hand take Obad. 4 t. bring thee downi|Mat.5.26.come out t. Mat. 10. 11. till ve go?. II Mark 6. 11. ye depart ?. THENCEFORTH. Lev. 32. 27. 2 Chr. 32. 23. Mat. 5. 13. ?. good for nothing] I John l9.12.from?. THEOPHILUS, A friend of God. Luke 1. 3. Acts 1. 1. THEREABOUT, ad. Luke 24. 4. perplexed t. THEREAT, arf. Exod. 30. f9.|40.3l. Mat. 7. 13. THEREBY, arf. Gen. 24. 14. t. shall I know that Lev.l 1 .43. defiled ?.||Job 22.21. ?. good will come Prov.20.1, deceived?. HEccl. 10. 9. endangered ?. Isa. 33. 21. nor pass ?. Jer. 51. 43. || 18. 16.|19. 8. Ezek. 12. 5. carry out ?. || 33. 12. not fall ?. in 33. 18. he shall even die ?. || 19. he shall live t. John 11. 4. glorified ?.||Kph. 2. 16. slain enmity f. Heb. 12, 11. exercised ?. || 15. ?. many be defiled 13. 2. ?. entertained || 1 Pet. 2. 2. may grow t. THEREFORE is an illative conjunction ; as since, seeing, wherefore, Sec. THEREFROM, art. Josh. 23. 6. 2 Kings 3. 8. THERFJOF,a(/. Gen, 2. 17. Exod. 12, 43, 44,45, 48. 2 Kings 4. 43. Job 24. 13. Psal. 34. 2. Prov, 1