|JS% \h »^-\>.. ;*«■«>: i ';^j.-.' '•Je. ,•■ .■.^-■^^■:^.y^ '/-.■•■ -' f- •J A , '^^Al ■fi.'^i:' >"'.:..•!!■;>■■. ' !i ■■■»:. 'mil' ■'.»'!: .s -/i. x>: ^<- ^^ "u. .0( A 7^' .' 4^ o V. , -<. '^■^.^ ^' I'J. V- X^' ''■S^. ,A--' 0^ <5 0' \^ ■^ ,0 s. CO ■3 <<. .A-^ ■J ,\. ,f-^ "'^^ '^>- s*' .^^ •% O-. » » 1 V ,x^-^ ■'■>•, -^.^ A' ^^^.. ,'0 s. ''V- >? ^' -5- ->'/ V oN- aN^' .^^ " ^d^ •V' .■^ .■% ' -^. „^^ ■^.. \' >■ -^r. ^^ % >- s^" ,>• ^ .x^^- -":; ^ s"^ '•'.>■ .vN^" -. - V .-^v ?;i- '■' v^% s:^>"^ i- -r. ^^ ^ ^°.. . .-. r^ ^°^. •- '' , " ,. ■ \ 6 ^ ^^.\ "^^ <^ - :"■ : * : ^^ ^^ ^^^d^ ■%^ .^" '^^ -'t> j>_ 'Oo V*~ .0'^' '-<-' .-N' ^00 .^^ ■/•. :^^^\o .A' ,^ -5; .^\ ,>i '>- <^' .>!> '■^-.. .^-^ ''-> ^"""-^ ^' -^ C^ ^:>' -^ '^. V k i: \^BSTMENTS, BANNERS < f, ^l^ ►> >I-«^NI>»^> <^ Sj* ^i^ L IP » «^«4 'W(SJ> C=^ OUR OWN • M^NUFHCTURE • ►I* HND IMPORTED- ommr'^^ 'V Benziger Brothers Pontifical Institute of Christian Art 36 a, 38 BARCLEY ST. CrNCiNNATi ►^ Chicago ■ n V 11 ^^, /'"y -'^-'^ ^ -- *¥ »•]•'" '-^^ 1^-^f ^, ►i,- •«^ a! ^ E OJ Q JJ ■^ o plain \Dc8tment8. ^- IScnsiocr Brothers, • 1Flc\v l!?orh, • Cincinnati, • Cbicaoo -^ M . g o o o o 05 "O 'o th d^ iT) CO t*^ ■5 =="^" '^ M M O O O ;^ w o o o '^ n i^ ^ 00 ;z; c I-. w CI (D J3 a o o c. ^ O O O O bo j< " o o o <^ " .- a o o o o t- t/3 i; " H^ C^ ^ t/1 o ri o g o o to ^ t7> '1' O O ^^ B "3 tfl cfl tfi <-> o c o c> o S ■c 4-> o «» t^ o s A O Tl- o u- o^ c*^ > ri ^ Ul I- IJ T) o ^ ^' 8 o o 8 o O xn 8 n V) rt o -r oo t> t N (1) bo < ^ N c ;-• o vi O a a o n O O o M O d q O to g 2 •d U be c^ n n o o QJ ri o o o t-i s .2 ^ § (O 0) U at <^ a, Xi > o B a (_i B B 43 a 6 C/3 o o d 8 o o d N o '13 a "3 8 1 8 a 3 a 3 •g '£ « o 1 J3 a. o Q '5 ^ u O H > CO >. O o O o •5 ^ n o o ON o 3 n o o- H -d o a lU •o o • ;3 c n o o 2 .2 ^ -*-» -$ o o o s o CO to > a > o n' o =3 1 ' ' z o (U ■4-* bO w a 1 ' ' S 1 US '*■ p ^ ' 1 ' CO '4-t o en 1 o a "3 Q o O 2 '53 o i 3 ^ (U >;rt's^»;^^.^^^f3'^:S~$#.. ''"■^^.^'>^>^m'^^^^^&^ So ■a, o o o c o o •a B « ■a "o tio 6 > •a B e T 3 c ;-• c S - ■ O c o 60 c •T3 > O o « s 1 a^ IDcstntents Untcrvvovcn with jflovvers anb (3olb, ^2»- Bensioer Brothers, • 1Flew ^ovK • Cincinnati • Cbicaao^*^- o 'a o •O ■3 bO c o -3 K*^ t^ \rt o ^ o « ta o „ ^ o •? 2 « S ^ ■" M O 2 <© g ^ I o P 0) i! o o H > w E E -B «D fc- ta s u t> s h $> el >-• 5 ^; £! •a £i & •^^ M-^ es ^ C s «» ^ J •t>rf s c B lS 4-> «» .c c ^ 1 1 § s 1 1 (J cj o fi "^ •-^ »n in J3 M l/^ ij XT} CO ir» N Tf ^ ?i |!ft> -d « r^ ^ ° ■ Ul 3. ^:5 •Si ^ 6 « .a ■3 Q (D > m ul B 4) > -^3 M 00 w I-^ -* ^ E E <^ ■^ fe ■ • • tn O m E "3 Q o o 4-. '^ a E J3 O H > «} lDe8tment6 Unterwoven with jFIowers anb (3olb. -*-Bcn3ioci- aSi-otbci-s, • mew &oi% ■ Cincinnati, • Cbicago -** ■d a -d a 3 O ■a "S 3 c '5 CD I- •^ -a q o - -S <« " QJ r^ 3 U « a. i. o P ""So > M 2 o «> ■— «i» ^ o 'w5 «> o c :-> rt U o (n ^ &>■ >-> o Ja; o '-J ^ o s: :^ o ja ^ -4-4 u c £3 E F 4-> O d •^i^ es a C •" O *= •!-• :* c £ 1 '«-» <» o C & Q ;a « 2 P o S J-- Co i^ t/3 "^ C/J CO GO O CI ^ .•a rt ■« 3 a U ta . Q o S u o O H > W > IDestments Untcvvvoven with dflowers anb 6olb» -^-Bensiocr :©votbcr8, • IRcvv !J)ork, ♦ Cincinnati, - Cbtcaoo -^ o o o o X^ * R ■"•^. o J2 a w o o o o o o o q q o (^ vd (^ d 6 o r^ o * 9 ii o u B > w £ m a:> S-t o o w o o /O t—t £! o tJ £> S £5 ^ U ■i-» CS ■a c X3 ■o e E jj •« « «3 8 o o 8S o "1. r^ CO t^ r- r^ CO ^ 6& 5 rn o ^ -M O O o o O 'U o o O o o o O 2 1 iTi vO -^ N m inO p 13 rf < 13 <^ •^ o s 8 o O O o tn a > o o o in ti, V-i il rt o- O^cn -r r^ r, ^ s ? ^ rt a ;^ O -ss ja o P- ."" ■s< o u H > C/1 m ifl >n o i-i N -r o ■d 'S •a p - I 13 O O U H > CO Silk lEntbtoibereb IDestments. ^- Bensioet Btotbets, • Bew IJovh, • Cincinnati, • Cbicago -^h- «» :-> o o y <-. <_* tt> w «J O s t> !*5 »^ .££ C5 m C o c cs >1C «) •^* S-t in ;-) r- o ••^ m /O >££ in A o & Ut £t iO £= w ^ i ^ iA « o o n 8 8 CI B •o o o rt o in »n r^ ■^ r^ Ct HI ^ «. o K o - ■M n O n o o 10 o •c > > o o q in o o xr> 6 M T ^n 1 ^ «> Ul rr > v> «M o Ai ^ o o n o o — - o O to __ H -t \n n v-i OS Cfl < c3 «© c^ o M c T) to Si ^ O o § XT, O CO o »n r^ OS 5 »r R <^ JD a O w - M a ■«! m > 8 j: ?. f ,y <» ^ .^ 2 o 1 X » M II > 0) a ca 8 > O g s 2 a ca TJ O ^ CO o -i) -^ s C/J < ^ c a -« g T! fl *4-l o U3 •c -a a ^j S CA O Silh lEmbvoibevcb Destments, ^- IBcnsxQCX Brotbets, • Bcw IJovh, • Cincinnati, • Cbicaoo -** " is ^ Si i ^ si; 5 O en O '^ CO CI in /o tj o s-> c> o /O u o (J t-t A «-» S « =: (» o & s: X5 E E •c H h fi W p -o •A ■a P a o Z E aT -d 'S Cj ^ ai O c ;^ h .a w (Tt tH OJ X « J3 (U o 0) XJ - - - =1 a Xi U 8 o 8 8 \n o \n N C/] ■O 0! 0) o ^ T •::: J3 C3 U Silk lEnibroibcreb IDestmcnts. 13 -*-J6en3iocv iBrotbcre, • IRew ^ovK • Cincinnati • Cbicacjo ~i^ >£C •«« m c ••^ >o * o t-> s-> o o o A> u o £) :-> «J £> t-t O OS «> o So I; .a I •^ ^ ■« Q M o o o o o o 8 8 o o •^ ■^ I o u e' > M fi* «» o ^ ■d m ID 'o (-• a w O "■goo goo II) CO rt ct O •d J3 S >, O c o o o o o •^ o o o o o S -n d o 6 d- _ « in o w a.| u ii S3 O U H > CO Silk lEmbroibcreb IDestments. 15 -Ht- Bensioer Bvotbers, • Bcvv l^ovk, • Cincinnati, • Chicago -^ o e o o «» O D s o Z c^ "S •2 b a^ to 1 <3 ■^ "^ ■Si Out Own nibanufacturc. l6 ^3ti- Bcnsiocr Brothers, • IRcvv HJorh, • Cincinnati, • Cbicaoo -*^ o TO «> £: ij tJ3 t— o ^« o .S 5J CI /O « o 2 u> o A ra iO ■♦^ «a s ■a E E H > o -h; 9 q q > U-) »A 6 d d IT) i-i •^l- N HI w ^•«' o 8 8 r;2 tfl o 0) cU . 2 ^ J3 fO :ri d rt CO en " 1 M a 'o d "^ k z o S ■^ tH .s ° q § 0) 'o a °" (^ c^ w «^ •t 00 en w 5- «9. E J3 . ^ 8 8 ■5; 2. ° ?,:? 2 O £ }s. rt 5 3 s . s ^ tn Q ^ aj" ;? - O O « > M s 5> il4 o 5? AH sil damas $30.01 d d CO q ci -1 C rj- -O M a "> ^— Y "^ 2 "5. .^ k ■v: ^ 1° ° 2 •^ q q c 2 <^ in vn d CO ^ ^ M s^ •:j- tnc/D w " ^ 1) a ^ C3 <-> i^ \n \n d in d d -s in CO o^ cn CI tc a 2 J^ -^ S 8 •i3 -2 B) q q q q 5 Alls dami $28, c^ d d »n in ^1 'd ^ oo N l-H "o fi be <^ o - a ^^ q q ^ « d t' in in \n 1 r^ ^ -t- li". r^ CI ^ 1 M ,i ° «5 6 ■ri c q q K* z: t:! ^1 CO d tn en ri- <; 0) i-t O en m p.- N M 'S 5 ^ xn \r> d cn ■ri C) en "T r^ « w •S «^ — -,-w 3 w Destments lEmbroibereb in Ibalf Jfine (3olb, 17 ^- Bensiocr Bvotbcrs, • IRcw ^ovh, - Cincinnati, • Cbicago -^ m o is ^ iO o o ^ K-i o c 6 r— /D «-« C5 iO tt> o ;^ :-• «J o O >o >-> o o 5^ A f> «l^ ^ o \a e «i> «> s: ■I-. ^ S 5 £ > "S q > uS ^ <% ^ ^ 2 q ■3 - 13 M <: «B' Zi tC *■. 9 8 2 ^ •« '0 \n c S in ""* Z T3 C| l-l § '0 c 8 § 1-. •^ Ci XI rt J^ g c/3 «? «9 w (D 3 en ca U 1 > CJ q q q s in iri \r> \A in ^ »n r^ * N e ^ '-' 'a to § ij ^' 's q q «9 OD CO in OD ci r^ ^ •Tf r^ •+ ^ a V, •5! 'o < ^ ■^ ^ bO .s 55 (U 6 ■cr c £ q q \j s CC "0 00 6 vn CO cJ ■§ ^ M-l s 5 CO t-H d N s: § No. 215 red in ha c" q 8 8 8 8 CO 6 >-< d •a s ^ ^ 8 8 8 8 8 -^ -a /= • u-i 06 M ■5: 'O E a 2 "o r^ a en n 1 4" 3 SI B Ul « > _ar ^ d 0. ^ "o M 1 •1 +j V "S? >> > c q q q in q 1 ^ IT) r^ ■^ « •^ o> « u5 M j4 "« s 13 06 q CO q 06 q id •r r^ -i- CT) N ■3 < ^ '"' ^ M $ ^ q 8 8 1 tC CO 0" »/) c6 ci -1- CO "i- C*1 N . ^ <» 2i — 13 ^ r^ J3 ■?^ t> 6 S c 1 lA 06 d d 1 ■a 2 x ^ g 8 8 8 ^ XTl tn d 00 M B 2 1 r-' rr s •3 Q m M w oj" sT g^ "J* 3 U H > M lDc6tnicnt8 lEnibvoibcvcb in IF^alf fine (3olb, 18 — ^jIC"- Bensiocr Brothers, • Bevv l^ork, • Cincinnati, - CbicaQO -^ ts c Si ^ • «l i >o m c ^ C3 « o >o ? o ;-< e 1^ o ■se ^ in r^ •^■* cs >o o <1> u> K> o t-t o O 5^ S-t /> x> tJ s-> (1> « o S-i «» £> S « s £i *-> ^ K> rs "J3 o Z <0 ■d tA CIS -d ^ t^ is d M H 'r\ f-i 2: cT ^ Ej= tU t3 E s S g ^ rr\ UJ l1) OJ hn l-l a ni ■O ^-1 0) _Q ^ .0 e 1 — I CO O CO W -I H CO W Z ■5 3 O < 5 < N m Hi:-Bcn5iocr Brothers, • 1Rcw l^ork, • Cincinnati, - CbicaQO -^ mm •a •a J3 o 3 ■3 O E 'o h /2 3 (A CJ 3 ■d J3 a (K /3 3 J3 u y 'd V) a? V) ^' o P4 U7 s C -" 13 ■^ V -o x> o 3 n ja u L) ® < < ® >- bj a: u ® m N Z IJ CQ ^- Bcnsiocr :©rotbcr8, • IRcw ^ovhr • Cincinnati, • Cbicacjo tr-l CO Q w Q o p^ pq '^ W CO w :^ H OQ W > w O CO >H H CO 2 o 3 ■a o S £ O 1 3 ® < ^ < d z g z c o o o ^ u QD a> rt i \1 3 ■a (S) 0) > o -^s t- z i c ^ VI E > :^ t4-l b3 c z -a 4* J3 3 oJ 1 d: s u V ;>. 3. £ ® CD U .5 C) N o z: o o LJ u CQ u , -a 3 — c W -3 -3 ^ 1 ^ O -3f- Bcnsiocr Brotbcrs, • IRcw l^orh, • Cincinnati, • Cbicaoo -*^ RICH SUITS OF Fine QolS EmiFoidcFcd Ycstmcnts, C^AasiiOfest Copst ©afmattcst iSettedictioti Vetft ^tofe* THE importation of Full Suits of Vestments receives our special attention, and, when imported to order for Churches free of duty, prices will be reduced accordingly. For these Vestments in Suits we have a great variety of patterns to submit, from the plainest to the most gorgeous art embroidery. We solicit correspondence for accurate photographs showing the various designs and samples of the Vestments and Materials, with price and full information. Orders for importation free of duty will be filled at shortest notice. The many orders filled have given entire satisfaction, and we herewith submit some of the latest testimonials received : New York, St. James' Church. Messrs. Benziger Brothers : With regard to the five complete sets of Vest- ments bought of your firm, I can express only my utmost satisfaction. They have elicited from all who have seen them words of genuine admiration. Yours, etc., REV. JOHN J. KEAN. Cincinnati, St. Francis de Sales' Church. Messrs. Benziger Brothers: I beg herewith to extend to you my sincerest thanks for the truly magnificent set of Vestments you have furnished us. It is evident that no pains and outlay have been spared to make them very valuable. Much pains have been taken in drawing the designs, which are entirely original, and especially made to correspond to our Church and new marble Altar. Great taste has been manifested in the exquisiteness of the workmanship. The material is of the finest moire antique, and best quality of gold, and by this you have added another to your many encomiums for truth and honesty. The Vestments must be seen to be properly appreciated. You have certainly done far more than was anticipated. I hope they may long be an ornament to our Church, and an honor to your old and reliable firm. Very thankfully yours. Rev. AUG. M. QUATMANN. New York, Church of the Holy Innocents. Messrs. Benziger Brothers: I am very much pleased with the different sets of black, green and gold Vestments which you imported for me, and which are much admired. Yours respectfully, REV. JNO.LARKIN. Erie, Mich., St. Joseph's Church. Messrs. Benziger Brothers: The Vestments, Benediction Velum, etc., which you have imported for us lately (free of duty on affidavit) are very rich, and, considering the quality, cheap. Since 30 years I have been always satisfied with your goods; but it is only justice to compliment you, the last vestments being highly pleasing. Yours truly. Rev. CH. THOMAS. Philadelphia, Pa., St. Malachy's Church. Messrs. Benziger Brothers : Please find enclosed amount in full of your bill. I am very well pleased with the Vestments you imptirted for me. They are fully up to my expect- ations in richness and beauty, and I think the price is very reasonable. Yours respectfully, REV. E. F. PRENDERGAST. New York, St. Patrick's Church. Messrs. Benziger Brothers : I feel satisfied you have always done me justice. The Vestments which I piocured from you have been all you promised and I had any right to expect. Very truly, Rev. JOHN F. KEARNEY. St. Louis, Mo., St. Francis Xavier's Church. Messrs. Benziger Brothers : I received the gold Vestments you imported for me, and am indeed well satisfied with the same, and gladly recommend your firm to my friends. Rev. p. BOYCE, S.J. Cincinnati, Ohio, Holy F.^mily Church. Messrs. Benziger Brothers: Enclosed please find check for Vestments imported free of duty by you for the Church of the Holy Family. Allow me to express to you my sincere thanks for your willingness and prompt- ness in executing the order I gave you three months ago. The Vestments have given satisfac- tion in every respect. In quality, in design, and in finish they are all I could wish them to be. Respectfully yours. Rev. JOHN H. MENKE. Ifinporteb to ©rbcr, fxcc of But^. 29 ^- 36cn3iOcr Brotbcrs, • IRcw ^oi% • Cincinnati, • Cbicacjo -^ Chasuble, embroidered in fine gold. On fine gold cloth, if imported free of duty, $70.00. On moire antique, " " " 63.00. No. 250. Chasuble, embroidered in fine gold on moire antique. Imported free of duty, $45.00. Chasuble, embroidered in fine gold on moire antique. Imported free of duty, S60.00. Chasuble, embroidered in fine gold on moire antique. Imported free of duty, $70.00. Unipotteb to ©tber, jfrce of IDut^. 30 Mt- Bcn5ic3cr Brotbcrs, • IRcvv ^oi% • Cincinnati • Cbicaoo -*^ Complete Suit pine Cold and Silk Embroidered Vestments Un all Cburcb Colors. On Heavy Silk Satin. On Moire Antique. If taken from stock. If imported free of duty. If taken from stock. If imported free of duty. Chasuble, - $40.00 $28.00 $54.00 $38.00 Cope, - - 80.00 56.00 96.00 68.00 Two Dalmatics, 1 10.00 77.00 135.00 95.00 Benediction Veil, 32.00 22.40 39.00 28.00 Benediction Stole, iS.oo 12.00 21.00 16.00 The Complete Suit, 280.00 196.00 345.00 245.00 No. S19b. Thsss Halmatics have TU/n Embrnide'rsd Bands, The JJccBSBoriBs, ManiplE, Etc,) have also Embroidered Borders. ^■■M ■■■^■^■1 ^mS^ T^ ^^f^^H ^*J e^ '*r ^ ^I^T' '^ W '^ ^K- ^ 1 ^^■''^^-a ^^BB£^ ' ^B jJilKiltfl No. 219d. No. ZlQa. No. 219e. No. 219c. Umporteb to ®rbei% dftee of IDut^. 31 ^- 36cn3iocr Brotbcrs, • flew ]^oi% • Cincinnati, • Cbicaoo -*- a> ^ o c 3 ■a c c U PI t^ >r^ ci 2" C Sr ■S 6" c o d" o o c o c o d 6 o w o^ rt — CO en "-■ (A g ^ o -I rt O !> il - U > x ^ r* •- la 3 -C ri 2^ -w •- 'S n 2 3 o S 0! •*" S .? a "a A '" r] a 3 <; o 1) a oc a ^ -d -■ " - S a ■d n (S 3 3 en CIS O N Z CQ ^-ifScnsiocr :©rotbev8, • IRcw l^ovk, • Cincinnati, • Cbicapo --^ IRicb Suit of Jfinc 6ol^ ]Embroi^crc^ IDestmcnts. ■ffn all cburcb colors. On moire antique, real gold cloth, or silk velvet No. 312a. Chasuble. No. 312b. Cope. No. 3i2e. Veil. No. 512c. Dalmatics. /^u/l information -uill be cheerfully sent on application. Untportcb to (S^rber, jfrce of 2)ut^. No. 3 1 2d. Stole. 34 Hit- Bcnsioer Brotbcrs, • Bew J^ork, • Cincinnati, • Chicago -^ Cbasubles of Ibiobli? artistic Morl^manebip. ]Embroi&ere& In fine 0ol& an5 Stll?, iflgures in ffine IReeMewor!?. No. 256. I "5. •2. No. 255. ■^ No. 313. No. 262. Ifnipovteb to ®tbei% jfree of H)uti2* 35 -Mt-Bensiocr Brothers, • IKlevv Igork, - Cincinnati. ■ Cbicaoo -^ IRicb Suit of fine 6oI^ lEmbroi^erc^ IDcstments. 1ln all cburcb colors. The importation of full suits of Vi'stmcnls, free of dtBf, to order, receives our special attention. They can be had embroidered in fine gold on moire antique, real gold cloth, or silk velvet. No. Sb4c. No. ^o^L'. r.^M liiiL; Stole. 1[mporteb to ©rber, ffree of But^. 36 ^- 56cn5iocr JSrotbcrs, • 1Rcw l^orh, • Cincinnati, • Cbicatjo -^^ IRlcb Suit of Jfinc (BoI^ lembroi^crc^ Dcstments. IFn all cburcb colors. On moire antique, real gold doth, or silk velvet. No. S72C. 572d- AccuraU photographs showing the various designs and samples of the Vestments, with price and full information, will be cheerfully sent on application. Ifmporteb to ©rbcr, Jfvee of IDuti^. 37 ^- Bcnsiocr Brothers, • IRcw lljorh, • Cincinnati, • Cbicaoo -^ No. 226. No. 225. ■« a R 5 <, V V •^ ■5 -S <, ■^ K No. 223. No. 228. IFmporteb to ©rber, jfree of 2)ut^, 38 iBcnsitjcr Brothers, • IRcvv J^ork, • Cincinnati, • Cbicaoo -*^ No. 222. <§. •Si •■« ■*>i s •>. ■I &5 No. 294. No. 224. No. 22Q. ITmporteb to ©rber, Jree of 2)ut^, 39 ^- Bcnsiocr :f6rotber8, • flew lJ)orh, • Cincinnati, • Cbicacjo -^ The importation of full suits of Vestments, free of duty, to order, receives our special attention. They can be had embroidered in fine gold on moire antique, real gold cloth, or silk velvet. No. 231b. No. 231a. •ffntpovtcb to ®rbei\ Jftee of IDut^, 40 -^- :f6cn3it3cv Brothers, • IRcw ^ovK • Cincinnati, • Cbicacjo -*^ 6 (U \r> 3 CO p ^ ^ 1^ Ih o o ,Q •^ t4-l A ^ o ^ o ^ .h i-T rt XI 6 S^ D Z3 " c^ N T-, X . C A i*> -o u W) &< O o -4-1 2 "2 'o W o ^ 3 ^ "S B -co ^ CD ■" OJ o o t3 3 t- ^ o fi V. "> 1 E w e a 1 Sanctuary IDeils, Ciboriutn Covers, etc. 41 ^- Bensioer Brothers, • IFlew l?orh, • Cincinnati, • Cbicacjo -^ Canopies. 1 he prices are for complete Canopies, including poles ana gilt knobs. No. 198. Embroidered in fine gold, com- plete, on white moire antique, $150.00 to S300.00. On fine gold cloth, S150.00 to $300.00. Embroidered m half fine gold, complete, on white moire antique, $120.00 to $145.00; on gold cloth, $115.00 to $140 00. UMBRELLINOS. Of white silk damask or moire antique, trimmed with stars and half fine bullion fringe, lined with silk, complete, $30.00 to $70.00. No. 139. Canopies anb IHmbrellinos. 42 ^- :fi5cn3iocr SSrothcre, • IRevv ^oi% • Cincinnati, • Cbicaoo -^^ Prices are for complete Canopies, including poles and gilt knobs. Canopies. Prices vary according to richness of design. Embroidered in colored silk on moire antique or silk damask, $125.00 to $160.00. Embroidered in half fine gold on moire antique or silk damask, 200.00 to 250.00. Embroidered in fine gold on moire antique or silk damask, 300.00 to 350.00. No. 400. Canopies tor Small Churches. Embroidered in colored silk on moire antique or silk damask, $90.00 to Sno.oo. Embroidered in half fine gold on moire antique, silk damask or gold cloth, $150.00 to $175.00. Canopies. 43 -Nt- :Bcn3iocv Brothers, • Bcw ^Oi% • Cincinnati • Cbicacjo -*^ ttuuuiiiiiiiiiiiMaiitiiaMaiwiiirainnrniriaiiffliiiMMiiiii m z 3 O o c S ° rt o . jr. \n oi C tn xr. o €© 5J o p C3 jJ -^ M f-' o g s o S o o o o o ;j cl cj iS S2S 0) o 4» 0) <© > = 4i O cii 5S w O 1- O J3 5 ^ o 5 Hntcpcnbiunts anb palls. 44 ^~ Bcnsioct Brothers, • IRcvv l!?orh, • Cincinnati, • Cbicaoo -^ priests' Cassochs. No. i88. 3ur Cassocks are only made to order, so as to give perfect satisfaction in fit, cut, finish, and workmanship. Samples of material will be sent on application. rhe rules given for measurement suffice us for making a cassock; but if you are not sure that the measurements you have taken are correct, send us an old, good fitting cassock to work after. Cassocks No. I, of Serge, - - $i6.oo •• " 2, H ( * - - 18.00 '■ ■■ 3. of Drap d'Ete, - - 20.00 '■ •• 5, ( ( ( ( - - 25.00 '• ■ 9. of Diagonal, - - 20.00 '■ lO, * ' " - - 25.00 i I " 6, of Cloth, - - 28. 00 •' " 7, t t ( ( - - 30.00 a ( ( from $35.00 to 40.00 flDcasurement IRulcs for Cassochs. From the Collar A to Waist £ - - - From Waist B to Bottom of Cassock C - - From Middle of Back D to Seam £ From Seam E to Elbow F - From F to G Around the Breast, right under the Arms, over Vest, following the line H and J 7. Waist Measure over the Vest, following the line K and L . . . . . 8. Give Measure of the Shirt Collar you wear State Age Height Weight Round Shoulder ? Stooped ' ' Square ' ' Measuring blanks like the above will be sent on application. Inches. Single Breasted, Standing Collar, Frock Suit, of Cloth, Diagonal, or Corkscrew, from $25.00 up. Manufacture of Cassocks anb ©tber Clerical ClotbiuG. 45 -^- Bensiocv iBtotbers, • IRcw ^ovh, • Cincinnati • Cbicaoo -*^ Capee for ip^rieste. No. 196. Capes for Priests made to order in any kind of material. Samples of material and prices will be furnished on application. Cloahs for Ip^riesta No. 1Q7. Cloaks for Priests 7nade to order in any kind of material. Samples of material and prices will be furnished on application. In our department for the manufacture of Cassocks we have the facilities for making any kind of clerical clothing. Correspondence Invited. aitar an6 Cboiv JSo^s' ©utfit. No. 189. Cassocks are made of the best qtiality red, black, purple or white serge, according to size, from $6. 00 to $•/. §0. * Capes for same from $1.00 upward. Altar Boys' Surplices, y ^ cents to $.^.00, accordijig to tnaterial. In ordering boys' Cassocks, either take exact measurements, following the rule given for Priests' Cassocks, or, if general measurements are wanted, give lengtJi and breast measure of the Cassocks you wish. Manufacture of Cassocks anb other Clerical ClotbiuQ. 46 ^- :f6cn3ioer Brothers, • new ^ov\\, • Cincinnati • Cbicacjo -*- riDltres, lEmbrotbereb in fine (Bolt on IKIlbite HDotre antique m\b IReal (Bolb Clotb. From the plainest style of $11.00 up to $75.00, and even richer. Special designs submitted for rich styles. Mitres will be sent on selection if desired. No. 192. No. 191. No. 193. No. 194. No. 195. Bisbops', abbots' an^ {prelates' Desture. Samples of materials ani prices sent on application, as also directions for measurement. Black Cassocks, of cloth or drap d'ete. Purple Cassocks, of silk or cassimere. Cappa Magna, of silk or cassimere, hood lined with red silk. MozETTAs, of purple silk or cassimere. Mantilettas, of purple silk or cassimere. Barettas, of purple silk with long tassel, silk lining. Zachf.ttas, of purple silk. Rabbis, of purple silk, red silk lining, in all sizes. Tunics, of silk, very light weight, in all colors. Dalmatics, of silk, very light weight, in all colors. Veil (apron for Bishops), of fine gold cloth or white silk. Rochets, of linen with Brussels, or imitation point, or antique laces. Mitres, of white moire antique or fine gold cloth, plain with embroidered cross or richly embroidered in fine gold. Sashes, of purple grosgrain silk, 5 inches wide, with extra heavy silk fringe worked on end. Gloves, of silk in all colors, plain or with embroidered crosses. Hose and Socks, of silk in all colors. Sandals, of moire antique or satin, in all colors, with Maltese crosses embroidered in fine gold. In our factory, we also make Crosiers, Archiepiscopal Crosses, Pectoral Crosses and Cliains, Episcopal Rings, Bishop Chapels, Oils locks for Confirmation and Ordination , Bishops' Candlesticks, Vases for the I/oly Oils (for cathedrals). Ewers, Bishop'' s Fold Stool, Trowel, etc. Illustrated Catalogue with prices will be sent on application, and we shall be glad to furnish special designs and estimates. No. 190. fIDanufacture of Cassocks anb ©tber Clerical Clotbino. 47 ■>*- Bensiocr :Brotbcr6, • Bcvv l^orh, • Cincinnati, • Cbicaoo -*<- No. 129. Xlnen "Roman GoIIara. ■Co. a. Per Dozen, $2.50 " b, •' •• ... 2.00 No. 168. PRIEST'S RABBIS. Of Merino, . fo.75 to |i.oo. " Gros Grain Silk, . 1.25 ■' 1.75. " Silk Velvet. . 1.75 " 2.50. " Satin, . 1.30 " 1.50. No. 174. Celluloid IRotnan Collars. Per Dozen, . $2.40. In ordering please state the length and if narrow or wide size is desired. The collars are sloped to fit the neck having three extra bution-holes in the collar band to which the rabbi (or stock) can be buttoned. This is a great convenience and does away with the usual riding or slipping up. ttbe TRabbfs are made of the best merino silks, velvets and satins, in many different styles, from the plainest to the most elaborate. Are also sloped to Jit the neck, and are but- toned to our collars by three buttons on the neck-band, which does away with all strings and metal neck bands^ adding greatly to the comfort of the wearer. tlbe JBarettas both Stiff and Folding, are made of the best material and workmanship. We aim to make as light a hat as possible for the comfort of the wearer. Our Folding B.a.rettas are a novelty and convenience, which is gaining favor wher- ever used. They are alike in shape to the STIFF Baketta, and can be folded, and when to be used sprung into shape again. They are very convenient for traveling, as they fold into a small package to carry in a valise or coat pocket. If Barettas are desired to fold this has to be mentioned specially in ordering. ^ rj iJ BARETTA, (Troy Style.) with tassel or pompons. No. 167. BARETTAS, (Troy Style.) In ordering state exact size of circumference of the head, and if tassel or pompons is desired. Of Merino, . . I1.25 to $1.50. " Cassimere, . . 1.50 " 1.70. " Gros Grain Silk, . . 2.00 " 2.50. " Silk Velvet, . . 2.75 " 6.00. No. 164. BARETTAS, (Roman Style.) Same Prices as above. No. 182. Celluloid Guffa. In sizes from 9 to 11)^ ia Per dozen pairs, $4.80. BARETTAS, (komaii Style) with pompons or tassel. No. 121. Sasbce for priests. Of black cassimere, From $1.50 to $2.00. Of black silk. From $2.50 to S3- 50. No. 128. Surplices. Pocket surplice, made of illusion I2.50 Surplice, made of lawn trimmed with needle- work edging and insertion. From f 6. oo to $12.00 Surplice, Swiss lace (all lace), " S-SOto 12.00 Brussels lace, (all lace), . . " 8.00 to 20.00 Brussels lace (all lace), very rich, " 25 .00 to 50. 00 No. 163. Cinctures. White linen From I0.45 to $1.00 Silk, white, red, purple, green or black. From |i. 25 to $2.50 No. 169. aibs. No. 122. 36i6bop's IRocbet. Of fine linen or lawn, sleeves lined with red silk. With rich Brussels lace, . From $15.00 to $40.00 With imitation Point lace, " 25.00 to 50.00 With Antique lace, ... " 20.00 to 30.00 No. 169. aibg. Of pure Irish Linen. With Swiss lace From $ 5.50 to $g. 00 With lirussels lace, . . . With Brussels lace, very rich, 7.50 to 20.00 25.00 to 50.00 n^anutacture of Cassocks anb ©tbcv Clerical Clotbino. 48 -Mt- Bcnsioet :Brotbcr8, • Bcw ^oi% • Cincinnati, • Cbicaoo -*- C5 o s ft 53 T) o n 8 \n o o O o o 0) o (J r- o o o a 4) E « »n ^ N o e<^ N C4 M o jj o (1) CIS a 1-1 o 8 o o 6 HI d 1 Pi : cu M lU u J) s o tfj bo oj •S 'S. o 0) 0- 5 ■3 in" o if > o O H > 15 "3 s a U5 W ja U rt o rt ^ CD a) 6 > &. O. > !D o '-i rt rt ff d a) ^ U Clh < hJ CM CQ W fi ^ M vO r^ oo (7- o » r; a Ul Ul O o vO vO r- t^ •c ^4H <+j O - - » ■> •• « £h o o ^ 8 ir> o O •^ o 8 bo 5 'C o (d 3 el bo < a a t! d •= (3 tn a ■ « ii g g rt X o -M & § o I S ^ — B ^ O 44 .2 W l-< t/1 [/^ ^ H "" >o Q -o o o o a a c o o 00 «» o 01 o .dO a & O CI o '^ ^ ^ fl »^ i? •S -s a" " ° .2 .ii 1- o <2 ta 4> cj aj »-• Sffi S TO 01 a ^o cfl K .S d iz; o O - - ■" " ' " mM i im i i iiiii i ii i i i| |lllll lllj l l l lllllllMMIMM H lM ^ g» ^ n o z W o \n \n o r^ « M ^ a o t*-l > o g • u 2 c i c • o y: o 01 a ^ a 13 o ^ £ ^ J3 a! a be rt t/) ^ TJ ^ H ^ *- :Ben3iGer :©rotbcr8, • TRcw Igork. - Cincinnati • Cbicaoo -^ Iembroi^erc^ £mblcms jfor Cbasubles, Copes, JSenc&ictton Deils, Banners anC» HntepenDiums, In Various Sizes. ^ No. 401. Agnus Dei. No. 402. Pelican. No. 403. Dove. No. 405. " 1. H. S.' Nos. 401 — 407. Agiuis Dei, Pelican, Dove, Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, I. //. S., Sacred Heart of Jesus, The A'ume of God, Xa?ue of Mary, The Decalogue. Embroidered in fine gold and silver, 10 inches diameter, . . . $6.60 " in half-fine gold and silver, 10 inches diameter, . . 2.00 II 11 ■' " " 12 " "... 2.70 No. 404. Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary. 13 Embroidered in Real Gold and Colored Silk, 3.50 No. 445. No. 407. Name of Mary. No. 406. Sacred Heart of Jesus. No. 446. No. 447. Very Rich Real Gold and Silk Embroidery, in high relief. No. 448. No. 449. No. 450. Nos. 445-449. Emblems for Vestments, etc., from 10 to 20 inches high, from $1.50 to $12.00. " 450-451. " " " " " 12 " 15 " " " 12.00 " 20.00. HDaltese Crosses. No. 451. No. 423. No. 424. No. 425. No. 426. Embroidered in half-fine gold, from $0.50 to $o.go. Embroidered in fine gold, frpm $1.30 to $2.50. Enxblcnis, Hl^altesc (Xvo88C6. 5a No. 427. ■Ht- Bcnsiocr :fi5rotbcr6, • 1Rcvv ^ovK • Cincinnati, • Cbicacjo -^i^ FRINGES. Put up In lO yard piecos.— ^iVlli oulu Half-fine Gold Fringes. Sf/raU BulUon Fringes^ best quality. Small bullions. lest QiMlity. Small bullions. //. gwiUty. I inch, per yard $o.So I inch, per yard. $0.35 li •■ 0-95 n •• 0.45 li " I.20 It. " 0.55 2 " 1.50 14 " " 0.60 2h " 2.00 2 " " 0.70 3 " 2.35 2} •• 0.80 2.S " 0.85 3 " 1. 00 Small and large bullion. I J inch per yard. $1.25 2i inch, per yard, $2.10 2 " 1.70 3 " 2.45 Half-fine Silver Fringes. Small bullions. I inch, per yard. $0.31 2 inch, per yard. $0.60 li •• 0.35 2i " 0.65 li '• 0.40 2i " 0.70 ij *• 0.55 3 ■' 0.S5 Small and large bullions. 2 inches, per yard, $o.go 2i inches, per yard. $1.05 Small and Large Bullion Fringes, best quality. Thread Fringes — Imitation Gold or Silver. 2 inches, per yard, $0.25 3 inches, per yard, $0.45 Silk Fringes. Jn one, two or more Colors. From I'/i inches to 3 inches, per yard from $0.35 to $0.75 // is not possible to state a more definite price, as the prices vary con- stantly according to weight. The Border is not included in the measure 0/ our fringes. DAMASKS, GOLD CLOTHS, SILKS, VELVETS, ETC. Satins. Satin, silk face ; in all the Church colors From Damasks. DamasJc, silk face ; in all the Church colors " Damask Silk, " " .... " Heavy Damask Silk," " .... " Watered Silk Damask, " .... " Datnask, silk face, interwoven with flowers in colors, imitation gold and silver " Damask, silk face, interwoven with imitation gold flowers " Damask, silk face, interwoven with silk flowers of various colors " Damask Silk, white, with Gothic and other de- signs in corn-colored silk " Extra Heavy Damask Silk, white, purple, or red. with Gothic and other designs in yellow or white silk " Damask Silk, interwoven with flowers of silk in various colors, real gold and silver " Damask Silk, with small Gothic design in real gold " Damask Silk, interwoven with realgold flowers. " Brocades. Brocade, silk face, with all the Church colors. . . " Brocade, with colored and imitation gold flowers. " Brocade, with imitation gold flowers " Moire Antique. JHoire .Antique, orwatered silk, all Church colors. " 21 to 22 Per Yard. fo.75 to sli.75 0.95 " 1.35 " 2.25 " 1.45 " 1.20 2.00 3-50 2.00 1.65 '• 5.00 2.15 " 3.00 1.50 " 5.00 2.80 " 3.30 4-75 " 6.50 3- 50 " 8.00 4.50 " 4.10 " 6.00 10.00 1.50 " 3- 50 " 3-65 " 2-55 4.00 4.00 inches wide. Gold Cloth. Imitation Gold Cloth, plain (fristf) from Imitation Gold Cloth, watered Half-flue Gold Cloth,, plain (frisd) Imitaiioti Gold (7o//i, interwoven with flowers in various colors and gold Imitation Gold Cloth, interwoven with run- ning vine and silver bouquet Imitation Gold Cloth, interwdven with parti- colored gold and silver flowers ; very rich Real Gold Cloth Silver Cloth. Imitation Silver Cloth, plain Itnitation Silver Cloth, watered Brocade Imitation Silver Cloth Imitation Silver Cloth, with Gothic design in gold Real Silver Cloth Silk Velvets. Silk Velvet, in Church colors Silk Velvet, silk back 1.90 4.00 Linings. Lining Silks, in all the Church colors, 31 inches wide Muslin LininffS, watered and plain, various mialities, 31 inches wide Bltcfcl'aiH, different weights, 31 inches wide Per Yard. $i.35to|2.25 1.20 " 1.50 1.85 " 270 2.70 " 3.50 4.00 " 5.00 4.00 " 5.50 4.50 " 10.00 1.65 " 2.25 1.20 " 1.50 3.30 " 4.00 4.25 " 6.00 5.00 " 10.00 2.50 " 5.00 6.00 " 8.00 i.oo " 1.80 0.15 " 0.25 o. 18 BANNER SILKS AND DAMASKS. AXl Silk, red, white, green, purple and blue, 48 inches wide, . All Silk, " " " ' '• 60 • " . . Damask, all silk, red, white, green, purple and blue, 36 inches wide, Damask, " " " " " " 43 " per yard, $ 7-40 -| ^y^ ^.^^^ „„,^ (^^ " o 10 ( fi"^5t and heaviest 12:50] 'i^^'^'y- Samples will be sent on application. The complete Stock is only carried by our New York house. jfvinGCS, S)atna8h6, Silks, etc. 53 ^- Bcnsiocr Brothers, • IRcw ^oi% - Cincinnati, • Cbicat30 -*^ Our Galloons are put in GO yard pieces.— Will cut. GALLOONS. Systejne Lace^ 15 lignes. Systefne Lace^ 7 lignes. DENTELURE LACE. No. 74. 15 lignes, Imitation Gold or Silver, per yard. 7 " 15 " Half Fine Gold, 15 " Real Gold, 7 THREAD LACE. No. 7^. 15 lignes, Imitation Gold or Silver, per yard. . 12 " '• ■• " • " .. y ' ' " •• 6 " " " " " .. 15 " Half Fine Gold 12 " " " " " .. 9 " •• fO.I2 o.oS 0.35 0.20 1. 10 0.60 So. 2 1 o. 19 0.17 0.13 0.55 0.46 0.35 0.27 Silk Galloon in One Color {Grafte and Vine,) 15 lignes. Silk Galloon in One Color (Grape and Vine^ 7 lignes. SILK GALLOONS IN VARIOUS COLORS. 15 lignes, per yard, from $0.12 to $0.35 7 " " " " 0.08 to 0.21 SYSTEME LACE. No. 73. 15 lignes. Imitation Gold or Silver, per yard $0, 12 7 15 7 15 7 Half Fine Gold, Real Gold 0.08 0.35 0.20 l.IO 0.60 »itfifnmt,h ,t^^5i^&ffl^?^&i,,«1^&rfl^!!S&L'< Dentelure Lace, 15 lignes. Thread Lace, 15 lignes^ • SILK GALLOONS IN ONE COLOR, WHITE OB YELLOW. No. 76. 15 lignes, designed with Grapes and Vine, per yard $o. 1 5 " •• " •• " o. 10 No. 77. 15 " 7 " No. 7S. 15 " 7 " Gothic, with Straight Edge " o. 14 " " 0.09 Dentelure, " 0.16 " " 0.11 No. 79. Silk Galhon in Various Colors, Gothic, ij lignes. We have a Very Large Variety of Designs im Colored Silk Galloons. No. 80. Silk Galloon in Various Colors, Vine Leaves, ;j lignes. Samples will be sent on application. The Complete Stock is carried only by our New York house. (Balloons. 54 ^- Bcn5it3Ct Brothers, • Bcw ll^orh, • Cincinnati, • Chicaoo -f^ TASSELS. No. 81. No. 82. No. 83. Small Tassels for Tassels for Banners. Small and large Bullions, Tassels for Banners. Small Bullions, Badges, Half Fint etc. Gold. Half Fitie Gold. Half Fine Gold. 12 lignes, per doz. pairs, $1.10 3 inches, per pair . . . $0.65 4 " " .... 1. 00 3 4 inches, per pair $0 45 0.80 15 ' 18 ' i (( <( 1.20 1.40 5 " " ..•• 1.45 6 " " .... 1.85 5 6 " " 1.20 .... 165 21 ' 24 ' ( (( ti 1.50 2.05 7 " " .... 2.25 7 .... 2.00 27 ■ 30 ' . (< 2.25 3- 00 Half Fine Silver. 36 ' ( (( cc 3.75 4 5 6 inches, per pair $0.75 " .... 1. 10 .... 1.65 12 ligi 15 ' Half Fine es, per doz. Silver. pairs, $o.g5 1.15 Half Fine Gold, rich qualities vn th or -without stones. 18 ' 21 ' < «( 1.30 i.-io From 4 to 7 inches, per pair ... from $3.00 to $5.00 24 ' . <( 1.60 27 ' ( <( « 1.95 30 ' i . -1; if ' ;i TASSEL FOR STOLE, EXTRA RICH QUALITY. No. 84. Tassels for Stoles. Half line Gold. FROM TO Small and large bullions, with or without stones, extra rich quality, per pair. $1.25 $2.90 Small and large bullions, per pair go 1.25 Small bullions per pair. . 50 90 Half Fine Silver. Small bullions, per pair. . . 5° 80 White or Yellow Silk. Per pair 40 Silk in Different Colors. rer pair. 40 NO. 85. CORD FOR BANNERS. Imitation Gold, From lyito 2, lignes, per yard from 14 to 20 cents. Half Fine Gold. From i^ to 2^ lignes, per yard from ig to 33 cents. BULLIONS, SPANGLES, GOLD OR SILVER THREAD, ETC., IN ALL OUALITIES. These Prices are subject to variations of the market. The Complete Stock is only carried by our New York house. XTagsels. 55 ■>*- Bensiocr Brothers, • flew lJ)orh, • Cincinnati, • Cbicaoo -^ STARS, ROSETTES, ORNAMENTS, ETC.* No. 411. Stars. Half-fine gold or silver. From 3{ inches to 2^-^ inches. Per dozen, from $0.20 to |o.go. TAf}' can be had plain or with raised center. No. 414. Stars with 14 corners. Half-fine gold or silver, loith raised center. From 2'y^ inches to 3 inches. Per dozen, from $1.20 to $1.75. No. 412. Crosses. H.ilf-fine gold or silver. From 2 inches to 3 inches. Per dozen, from $0.75 to $1.50. SATINETTE ROSETTES. /;/ a/i Sfyies. Per dozen, from $1.25 to $7.50. Eagles, Harps, etc. Half- fine gold or silver. Per dozen, from $1.75 to $2.25. No. 413. Rosettes. Half-fine gold or silver, with/oils of different colors. From 1J2 inches to 2 inches. Per dozen, from $0.60 to $1.10. No. 415. Shamrocks. Half-fine gold or silver. Per dozen, from $1.00 to $1.50, Openwork Laces. No. 417. CHAINS. Half-fine gold or silver. From ;^ inch to i3^ inches wide. Per piece of 7J^ yards, from $0.75 to $2.75. Large selection of Designs. Soutache. No. 4i6. OPENWORK LACES. Half-fine gold or silver. From }i inch to 25^ inches wida Per piece of 7^^ yards, from $0.55 to $4. 5a Great variety of Designs. Ck.i No. 418. Braid. Imitation Gold. From i to 4 lignes ; per yard, from $0.02 to |o.o6. Half-fine Gold. From 1 to 4 lignes ; per yard, from $0.04 to |o.l2. No. 419. Soutache. Imitation Gold. From i to 3 lignes ; per yard, from $0.05 to $o.l2. As tliese prices are subject to the variations of the Jiiarkct, they will be given on application. The complete stock is only carried by our New York house. Stars, IRosettes, ©rnanients, etc. 56 /^:^ II. PART. '1 s \i r U ■■/I M 7m OUR OWN MANUFACTURE OF BANNERS FLAGS REGALIA Banners for Sunday Schools, Fairs, etc. Banners for Churches and Sodalities. Banners and Flags for Societies. They can be furnisfied in the richest style of embroid- ery, in the cheaper style of j^arid-pair^ted gold ornanrients, or iq a still cheaper but effective style richly trimmed. Special desigris for Flags and Banriers for Societies, ar^d samples of our SCARFS, COLLARS, BADGES, ETC., will be sent or) applicatior[. EQUIPMENTS FOR CATH OLIC KNIGHTS, Greatest variety of Swords, Helmets, Chapeaux, Caps, Hats, Belts, Cuffs, Gauntlets, Epaulettes, Shoulder Knots, Etc., made according to the Regulations of the different Societies. "Besides a great number of orders from Chnrches and Sodalities, we have done work for a great number of Societies of each of the following dissociations: Ancient Order of Hibernians, Catholic Benevolent Legion, Catholic Knights of America, Catholic Order of Foresters, Catholic Mutual Benevolent Association, Catholic Total Abstinence Union, and many others. Deutscher Roemisch-Kath. Centralverein, Irish Catholic Benevolent Union, Knights of Father Matthew, Rom. Cath. Union of the Knights of St. John, Societe St, Jean Baptist, Western Catholic Union, Our Qiiality of Silk Damask and Banner Silk is especially manufactured for us. We can show some /jig/jlp complimentary testimonials which we have reuived for work in this line. WE SOLICIT CORBESPONDENCE. We call s pecial attention to the fad that at the head of tJuJaigning^nd^mbroidcr^ departments is nn nrfhf of more than W Wars exfiericua, whil e ^^linted banners are the work of an arti st who has had charge of this department for more than 20 years. The making uj> of t he banners and regalia is also done in our establishment under our personal superrtswn. COPTBXQHr, 1882, BY BENZIGEIt BKOTUEia. -^-iBensioer Brothers, • 1Rc\v ^ov\\, • Cincinnati, - Cbicacjo -^ o c -a a ci O »^ O o c o o o o o o o \n 6 ^ N N " c "3 iO « « fit B C3 o M J5 C o T C rt o C4 > rt ^ ;a Ui bti rt * t/; . s J= J3 ■* hfl "^ CJ 1 (U -t o ^ ■^ g ■«• C3 .^j c u o ^ \o 1 1 1 ^ o 6 o 6 § u o c o %r^ o o ^ ff> !i O n n ^ -*-» o a o o o o o f> »n o ■a c » ^ c^ « g o Tl i- (A (U n o " c c M C •n ti ^ rt m ft .a o o J3 xn w ^ («■ CO is >, „ ^ fr ^ nl w E x; 'O t^ J3 ' " o a ri c: O o C4 o cf) I^ •o t o o 4) c t3 n plain Banners. 58 ^- SScnsiocr Brotbcrs, • 1Rc\v ^Oi% • Cincinnati, • Cbicaoo --^ <)«9 o o es :-> o ^> es o •a o s »< J3 ^ bfl J3 ^ ja >^ri « •^ a ja •o ^ f^ s a -»-« c ca a-° ■tt "3 Si-° ■a 2 3 9 o o be o n 11) bo 8 #> . c ^ o -a S o ^ ii f^ o ■s 3 - t-< ■a 'S CO G -« :s Tp^ o e ? ■s 6 o c o c 1 o E c^ c £ -c a> ■" ,c t/) o hr t3 tn X3 ■" i. 2 a> ^ c •c o J3 ^ O 8-^ s c-2 .2 ^ £1. O ■c & m -d n I) ■d .2 § CI. 6 o io bo <^ (=3 '3 O a S ° 6 o be y^ C a, •J J! ^ o -" a> ■3 S T3 o. " ?s ■ i^iMa :g OJ •s J3 ^ w 8 B ca >> d Z -a 1-, ^ o t/: ^ <1> 'O01 w o o « CA r^ (U n o ca W Banners S)ecorateb in Golb. 59 **- Ben3ioer Brothers, • IFlew IJorh, • Cincinnati, • Cbica^o -** es O es o ;:; ^ >. ci ' ' ^ -1 ^ h/1 rt a J2 J= ■$ u: >, ■c ^ t: o •a c !-: c rf ^ 1 ^ P ?! ^ § M-t Ol ^ •o o M "3 a (^ K 13 Cfl ^ ■d o o ^ a rt »r> V r^ o «. t^ to a •a s y. d .•o ^ o :S J3 br Tl C a: O ■^ 6 en 5 «r o •a t u. ■a ^ «^ > o tfl ^ c < d rt ^ Z ti .r. rt ifi ■O X c «> Ji! r Cl t/1 t: *♦-( o trt (U c a a CQ Banners IDecorateb in 6olb. 60 ^- Bcnsiocr Brotbcve, • Bcvv l^ovh, • Cincinnati, • Cbicaoo -^ Q. P ^ & TJ u A a o P. 00 s o il o ^ o 8 C3 p o ■a o "3 be □ J3 CI ° M «© o o ■" o 8 O \n :3 So o ^+^ •9 .S a «> 0) a, .S .S •S ^ >- '■" 'o 'S c o bo a "3 u a .3* n n t lEmbtoibereb Bannete, 61 -»- Ben3ioer Brothers, • IRcvv J^orh, • Cincinnati, • Cbicacjo -*- Entbroibcreb Banners. 62 ^- IBcn^iQCv :fi3rotber8, • IRcvv ^oi% • Cincinnati, • Cbicaoo -*^ n r-J ^ ■ al ■an d Z M C V. o Tl o o a 6 E f^ o; O u n XI O. X o 3 C ^ nt ^ C & s O -d c .s- o CI. 'u3 01 g c ;i:i c Tl W) ^ 0) •d •d 4) Tl c! O B U n O ■C CS S 'O ^ ••3 nl 9 g g o T) Ti "d dj (U ^ -o -9 dJ (U OJ t3 "O "O ■| '5 & jr. u^ m QJ OJ ^f}f-5x lEmbroibercb Banners. 66 -Ht- Bensioct Brothers, • Bcw l^orh, • Cincinnati, • Cbicaoo -*-^ s: c cs o ^ rl\ irv i •I I ^ •I Enibroibereb JSanners* 67 ^~- Ben3ioer iBtotbcrs, • Bew J!)ovh, • Cincinnati, • (Tbicaoo -*^ ■>< Society Banners, 6S J6cn3iocv Brotbcve, • mew Igoii-v • Cincinnati, > CbicaQO -^^ Society ^Banners. 69 ^- Bensiocr :©rotbcv8, • flew ll?orf^, • Cincinnati, • Cbicago -*^ o m o o ►5^ 1 I ■5 ■». ■»2 "fe I •«| «5 "^ to •^ Society Banners, 70 -^-Bcnsicjcr Brothers, • Bcw ^ovK • Cincinnati, • Cbicacjo .1. ■>. 1 t' '3 ,S a s "^ to Society Banners. n ^- Bensiocr Brotbers, • IPlew '&ov% • Cincinnati, • Cbicaoo -*^ Society jFlaos. 72 -:i-.- Ben3it3cv Bvotbers, • IFlevv ^Oi% • Cincinnati, • Cbicapo -:t.^ ■Vi « s ^ I 1 ■?? e >; •? S ! fe V > *^ ts ^ ^ -^ S c^ •Si V ^ ^ Society Jflaoe. 73 -V- BensiG^t: iBrotbers, • Bew l^oth, • Cincinnati, • Cbicaoo -^i^-^ Society jflags. 74 Bcnsiocv Brotbcvs, • IKlevv ^ov\\, • Cincinnati, • Cbicago -^^ Society jflags. 75 ^- Bensioer Btotbcrs, • ticw UJovh, • Cincinnati, • Cbicaoo -*^ [s. i^^gg;;)^ ;r; X5^^^ KMW'iM'mA^W'^im'l^iWi^iFJIW^ o«^ Society jfiaos. 76 -m:- :Bcn3iocr iBvotbers, • IRcvv ^oxK - Cincinnati, • Cbicaoo -^ Scarfs anb Collars for Catholic Societies, 77 ■^- Bensioer Brotbcre, • IFlcw ^ovh, • Cincinnati, • CFMcaoo -^i^ Babgcs tor Catholic Societies. 78 ^- Bcnsiocr Bvotbers, • 1Flew ^ovK • Cincinnati, • Cbicaoo -** (3olb anb Silver Babges for Catbolic Societies, 79 -^- J5en3iocr i^rotbcrs, • IRew l?ork, • Cincinnati, • Cbicacjo --^ «» ■^ o ,.^ ♦^i* •!-» o 7^ o AJ o O g IJi ^ <_> m o <-» -l>rf CS ~ t» o Z Swotbs tot (Tatbolic Societies. 80 '-:H- Bcn3ic3cr Brothers, • Bcw ^oi% • Cincinnati, • Cbicaoo --^ »s> o r^ •«^ z o •«— ^~» o m <-> M^ o •^ £J ■o 4-t es z kj Ut o <•-> «> >o ;^ tr\ o O 5^ 6 m 2 Sworbs tor Catholic Societies. 8l ^-Benstoev Btotbers, • 1Rew ^oi% • Cincinnati, • Cbicaoo -^ *G o o e a u o o Z Svvorbs for CatboUc Societies. 82 -Hc- BcnsiQCv :Brotbcr6, • IRcw l^orh, • Cincinnati, • Cbicaoo -*- o Z «» ■»r o ^ ■4-> o 2 •*^ o o Ift o <5 »^* o ^ £! 4-> 2: es t> L* o («-• «» >o :-i .«^ o ^ m z Sworbs for (TatboUc Societies. 83 -Ht- Bcnsiocr Brothers, • Bew l^ork, • Cincinnati, • Cbicaoo -*^ o Z Svvorbs for Catbolic Societies* S4 ^- Bcnoiocr Brothers, • 1Rc\v ^oi% • Cincinnati, • Cbicat30 Belts for Sworbs, Cbapeauy for Catholic Societies. 85 ^- Ben3it3er :Brotber8, • 1Rcw ^oi% • Cincinnati, • Cbicatjo -^ Ibelmets, Caps, If^ats tor Catholic Societies, 86 ^- IScnsioct Brothers, • 1Rcw l^orh, • Cincinnati, • Cbicaoo -*^ si o Ji o ■3 "p. 4) ,13 -4-» 6 o :3 a o -rH +-> o "a a. c o 1) rQ P. s oi 03 (X a! -4-» o c O a o .e (/} 6h Sboulbcr 1Rnot8, Sboulber Straps, Marshals' Staffs, etc, 87 ^- BensiGcr Brotbcre, • 1Flc\v I^ork, • Cincinnati, • Cbicaoo --^ 1^ o ° 1 \o Q- Z (/) 60 < z "H O (J flDiscellaneous for Catbolic Societies. ■ '' O H ^ o rt o t/l z ■^-'•'T'r L -l"- - J-«=& ^' ur '\ Benziger Brother's Factory, De Kalb Avenue and Rockwell Place, Brooklyn, N, Y. ©elecii©r) [pon^ aup lorqe cciialoquc of Our Own Manufacture ©enziger • ^Brothers PONTIFIGAli IfJSTlTUTE OF CHRISTIAN ART G OLD AND SILVERSMITHS . JEWELiERS, MEDAIiISTS, ENGRAVERS. ECCLESIASTICAL METAL WORKS . NEW YORK: 36 & 38 BARCLAY STREET. CINCINNATI: 143 Main Street. CHICAGO: 178 Monroe Street. No. 552. OSTENSORIUM, RoMAN STYLE. ig inches hij'.li. Sllverplated, rays and ornaments gilt, . . $20.00 All gilt, 24.00 No. 597. OSTENSORIUM. 26 inches hi.gh. All gilt, . . . $45.00 No. 553. OSTENSORIUM. BYZANTINE STYLE 27 inches high. Wreath, silverpl.ited, all other parts gilt, 30^ inches high, all gilt, . . $130.00 $So.oo (Can also be made 35 inches high.) No. 554. OSTENSORIUM. RENAISSANCE STYLE. No. 508. Ctbortum. 10 inches liigh, silver cup, all gilt, fi8 no 10 '* '■ solid silver, . 2400 10 '* " " " all gilr, 28.00 No. 272. Cir.oRirM, Gothic Stvi ( To match ihalicf No. bj) loJa in. high, Cup silver, all gilt, $32 00 loj^ " Solid " " 60.00 Cup Solid 35-0O 70.00 No. 516. ClBORIUM. 14 inclns hiyh, silver cup, all gilt, jjf40-oo 14 " " solid gilzer, " 60.00 No. 593. ClBORIUM. t2>a in. high, silver cup, all gilt, $ 75 00 12?^ " solid silver, " 125.00 )ALESR00MS: CINCINNATI Bcn^ioev Brothers' 0vvti nPanufacturc- CHICAGO. Factory : Brooklyn, N. Y. S.'^^o^^ No, 507. Chauce. Q inches high, Cup and Patin silver, all gilt, .... $18.00 9 inches high, Solid silver, . 24.00 9 " '* " '* all gilt, 28.00 No, 509. Chalice, Roman Style. 9>i inches, high» Cup and Patin silver, all gilt $24,00 9^2 inches high, Solid silver, all gilt, $38.00 9>k 9>8 No, 65. Chalice, Gothic Style, . high. Cup and Patin silver, gilt inside, . $25.00 *' " " " all gilt. . . . 27.00 *' Solid silver. Cup and Patin gilt inside, 40.00 " " " all gilt, 43«oo '^ Cup and Patin silver, gilt inside, . . 27.00 *' '* " " all gilt, , . . 30.00 ** Solid silver. Cup and Patin gilt inside, 46.00 " " ** all gilt, ,,..,,. 50.00 No. 517. Chalice, Gothic Style. 10*4 in. high, silver cup, all gilt, $32.00 xo.V " Solid silver, all gilt, 48.00 No. 62. Chalice, Gothic Style. No. 51S. Chalice, Gothic Style. 9^ in. high Cup and Patin silver, all • , • , ^., ^ ,, .. gilt, . $40.00 9*4 in high. Silver Cup, all gilt. . $45.00 q^ in. hivjh, Solid silver, all gilt, . . 70.00 g^i " Solid silver, .... 85.00 No. 550. Chalice, Gothic Style. Z% in. high, Cup and Patin silver, all gilt, ... $50 00 Z% in. high. Solid silver, all gilt, . 75.00 No. 596. Chalice. 8>i in. high, Cup and Patin silver, all gilt, $55.00 Z% ** Solid silver, all gilt, . . .100.00 No 510. Chalice. Set with 12 amethysts. 10*4 inches high. Cup and Patin silver, all gilt, . . . .$60,00 roJi inches high, solid silver, all gilt, 100.00 No. 594. Chalice. 10?^ inches high, Cup and Patin silver, all gilt, $65.00 loj^ inches high, Solid silver, all gilt, 100.00 No. 46. Chalice, Byzantine-Gothic Style. Extra Fine chasing^^ ivitk Stones. gl4 in. high, Cup and Patin silver, all gilt, $ 65.00 9H " Solid silver, all gilt, . . , 120.00 9>« " " " with cross of precious stones, . . . $13:;. 00 to 150.00 No. 505. Chalice, Gothic Styi.e. C«/, Knob ami Base elaborntcly chased in higit relit/, r'ari-colored gitiiing. loU in. nigh, Cup and Patin silver. all gilt S75.O0 io>iin. high. Solid silver, all gilt, set with amethystsand garnets, 125.00 ;al&sr0©ms; KEW YORK. CINCINNATI. CHICAGO. BenslQcr Brotbers' ®vvn Manufacture. Factory : Brooklyn, N.Y. No. J 248. No. 2o2g. Height. Enrh. Bnijht. Btch. ,5 inches high, each, 14 in., $1.40 24 in., $3.00 28 " " " 16 " 1.65 28 " 3.25 ., „ „ 19 " 1.75 32 " 4.65 33 aa *' 0.50 36 '* 5.60 38 " ** '* No. 2030. Height. Each. Brinhl. Earh *,.IO 20 in. 86.00 44 in., $20.00 3-85 =3 " 7 SO 48 " 30.00 27 " 8.25 54 " 40.00 S.to 3; ;.' 12.00 60 '* 55.00 8.10 3S '• ■3-50 No. 1700. 25 in. high, each, $4.00 30 " " 5-4° 35 " " 6.75 No. 141 7. No. 1699. 13 inches high, each, . . $3.25 2o>J inches high, 2t " " " . . 6.25 26 " •' '* , , 11,00 $8.50 No. 1247. Height Per Pair Height Per Pair 14 m., $3.30 26 in., $9.75 16 ■■ " ■ No. 1394. iSincheshigh, per pair, 55.00 No. 1419. No. 1723. No. 1783. No. 1249. 375 28 " 10 50 22 4.80 30 " 12.75 26 " 6.00 32 " 15.00 " 6.50 36 " 19.50 3" " 8.25 5-0O 18 nches ,iKh per 7.00 20 l.GO 24 10 4.00 36 48 pair, #13.50 20 in., high, per pair, $8.00 12 in. high, per pair, $3.00 20 inches high, per pair, 47.20 "°'^ 't !! " "°-" 'I '! " 3-=° '* " " 9" 24.00 ^8 '3 50 18 " 4.50 26 " " I2.00 33-00 66.00 1^ No. 1523. No. 1466. 24 inches high, per pair, $12.75 26 in. high, per pair, $30.00 No. 1671. No. 1418. No. 1475. No. 1528. 32 in. high, per pair, $25.00 30 inches high, per pair,S43.oo 32 inches high, per pair. S18.00 ''5 "';,'"Sh, per pair, $85.00 *' o 1 r r » vj .~ too. 00 100.00 200.00 . NEW YORK. )ALESR80MS: Cincinnati. CHICAGO. Bensiget Buotbevs' ®wn iTDanufactute. Factory : Brooklyn, N. Y. No. 1425. 13 inches high. Per pair, $4.20 No. 1254. 14^2 inches high. Per pair, §6,10 No. 1553. lo'a inches high. Per pair, $6.40 No. 142 1. 12^ inches high. Per pair, $6.40 No. 1794. 14 inches high. Per pair, i^; 60 No. 1795. 34 inches high. Per pair, $5.50 No. 1426. 20 inche'; high, for 5 lights. Per pair, $S,io No. 1537. No. 1499. 20 inches high, for 3 h'ghts. 18 inches high, for 5 lights. Per pair. $8.60. Per pair, S9.00 No. 1502. 19 inches high, for 3 lights. Per pair, S9.50 No. 1532. 18 inches high, for 5 lights. Per pair, $16.00 No. 1591. 21 inches hiyh, for 3 lights. I'er pair, giS.oo No. 1 301. 24 inches high, for 5 lights, Per pair, $16.00 No. 1592. 26 inches high, for 5 lights. Per pair, $24.00 No. 1757. 2$}i inches high, tor 5 liglits. Per pair, $?6.oo No, 143S. 26 inches high for 5 lights. Per pair, $27.00 No. 1375. b3 inches high, forslight*;. Per pair, $18.50 No. 1371. 28 inches high, for 5 lights. Per pair, £16.50 Ey^emovingthetop.the Candelabra may be used as Candlesticks. No. 1422. i inches high, for 7 lights. Per p.iir, $23.00 No. i6?2— 18 inches higli 3 lights per pair g 9.40 inM3— 20 16^4-27 1605—33 1606 — 33 1607 — 3^' 1^.50 22.00 25.00 2S.00 30.00 NEW VORK. )ALEaSR0©MS: CINCINNATI. CHICAGO. JBen^ioev JStotbcre^ Qm\ fTDanufactuve. Factory : Brooklyn, N.Y. No. 1424. No. 153S. No. 1541. 30 in. high, for 5 lights, per pair, $18.00 30 in. high, for 7 lights, per pair, $19.50 40 inches high, for7liyhts. per pair $24.00. No. 1 512. 36 inches high for 7 Kghts, per pair, $27,00 No. 1477. 36 inches high, for 7 lights, per pair, $42.00 No. 2153. Angei o/zinc, richly painted in natural colors avd gilt decorations; Can- delabra 0/ brass^ varnished, 50 in. high, for 7 lights, per pair, ; The same, with Angel all Gilt, Per pair, $65.00 No. 1376. 52 inches high, for 15 Hghts, per pair, #76.00 No. I43g. 50 in. high, for 13 lights, per pair, $95.00 No. 13S8. 77 inches high, for 19 lights, per pair, $150.00 No. 1205. No. 1272. Holy Water For. with Sprinkle, In. Diam. 6>3 small, varnished, $2 75 5^^ medium, " 3. 5:* y^i large, " 4.40 5>2 small, silveiplated, 4.40 6% medium, *' 5.50 7>2 large, " 6. to No. 1207. No. 1450. Censer, with Boat. 7 inches diameter. Varnished, $9.30 Silveiplated, 11.50 Small, varn'd, .?3-70 " silverpl., 4.80 Medium, varn'd, 4.20 " silverpl.. 5 10 Large, varn'd, 4.70 " silverpl., 5.60 Large, varnished, $12.00 Large, silverplated, $18.00 No. 2034. Holy Water Font. 9 inches diam., of brass, var- nished, inside white, $4.50. No. 2 14 1. Per Pnii- 5 hi inches high, $3.00 7 '4 ' 3-75 9*2 " 4-25 No. 2070. Gong, with Striker. Pedestal oj" polished brnss^ resting on black walnut stand. 8 in. diameter, extra small, $io.'io 9 " " small. I2.05 10 *■ " nifdiiim, 14, jo 11 " " large. if.oo 5 00 12 " *' extra large, 20.00 NEW VORK. )ALESR0eMS: CINCINNATI. . CHICAGO. Bcnsioeu Brotbevg' ®wn fTDanufacturc. Factory : Brooklyn, N.Y. Xamps, of IBvaee varni6bc^. No. 1811. Lamp. 7^8 inches diameter, . . $3*25 No. 1812. 10 inc'ies diameter, 5.25 " 1813. 13 " " . 7-70 No. 1483. Lamp. 10 inches diameter, , $6.75 No. 1447. Lamp. II inches diameter, $10.00 No. 1815. 10 inches diameter, §19*50 " 2019. 143-1 " '* 33.00 No. 1823. Lamp. z8 inches diameter with branches. 13 inches diameter of body. $25-50 No. 2047. 20 inches diameter, 6 hghts. $17.00 No. 2048. 25 inches diameter, 9 lights, $25.00 No, 1449. Crown Lamp. If'iy/i sockets /or 6 lights. 15 inches diameter, . , $21.00 (Bilt lamps. No. 13S6. Balance Ball and Pulley for Lamps. 0/ Brass, polished. Nezv style. These pulleys are greatly improved, and cannot get out of order. For 7 lbs. weight, . . . $3'7S " 11 " "... 3.C0 " 20 " " ... 4.00 *' 33 " • 5-00 Extra large sizes to order. No. 1631. in. diam. w. branch. 1 S,-4 ■■ of body ■} ^^■■°° No. 1633. X5>i in, diam. w. branch. JO '* of body } $54.^ No. 1629. 7-!^ in. diam w. branch 5^a " of body " 1630, »3 w. branch 7 of body " 1637. 15^2' *' w. branch 9 of body " 1645- 20 w. branch. 15X " of body [S18.00 S27.00 (•$45.00 I $90.00 No. 1636. Roman Lamp. 14 inches diameter with branches. 8 inches diameter of body. $28.00 No. 1646 18 in. diam, w. branch. NEW YORK. )ALESR00MS; Cincinnati. CHICAGO. Bensioev JBrotbers' @wn mbanufacture. 15 in. diam. of body $=25.00 Factory ; Brooklyn, N. ^ -^ :Bcn5iocv Bvotbcrs, • IRcw Korh, • Cincinnati, • Cbicaoo -** PATENTED JULY 31, 1&B3. SEPTEMBER 19, tB93. Ben3i0cr'6 patent Candelabra. Of brass, varnished. Hre tbe original and bavc no equal. PATENTED JULY 31, 1883, :EPTEMBER 19, 181 No. 1843. SINGLE ROW PATENT CANDELABRA. Height of stem, 16 inches, can be raised to ig^ inches. Per pair, $25.00. No. 2166. DOUBLE ROW PATENT CANDELABRA. The two stems can be turned sideways (as shown on one of the illustrations), as well as raised and lowered. Height of front stem, 151^ inches, can be raised to 18 inches. Height of rear stem, 22 inches, can be raised to 33 inches. Per pair, $50.00. w ^ ff *2 •2 .> -5^ ■« J^ y ij (-1 "0 w 1; .^ la ESTMKNTS.BiRNNERS I OUR 0«'X MBN'LTBCTURE j-: nXD IMPORTED ^-^ J-ao^ ^1 ■ : CATALOCOE f(?^TER51bTHEH0LY APOSTCLh. St 7abIijherj&Bookjell| i6^3a BARCLAY 5T ^ mTOitM^f^ ■WE SHALL BE GLAD TO SEND ON APPLICATION ANY OF THE ABOVE CATALOGUES BENZIGER Brothers ■■■■ factory: BROOKLYN, N. Y. ,nv-^ sv^' oo »iS-. NEf.VV YORK: 38 & 38 Barclay Street CINCINIMA.TI: 143 Main Street CHICA.GO; ITS Monro© Street j^ — -^h-x^A ) J 3 *-^ > J (l)a0uMa,([oj)«^J)aln)alic . I Jf-ldf 'SUITS' OF f INK ^' ■J- \v ■■"o <^ ^A s* ^ -"->.. xO^.. 'i' ' ■ ... , ■t-.' ■' N •> ' ^^' • ' /. > O' ■■■" - . A^' c.^^- : .N' ,<^ '->- •'J ^' N -''^ ^0 O. '00^ v^-^ A^^' ,V^. .>^ ^^. ^OO, .>-^ -^c. .0^' -^ -Ct ^-^ ^^ / \ ^xV■ ^>>, 00' .^^^• -. ^^ .O'- .■^ -^- v^^^^ \0c :^; ^0^ ^ .^" N"^ <=<. ■^^^■% .^^•' 00 *5 ■'"ct ,0o .0^ % ,1 • ■'/ ^^^. v-^^ ■i.- '00^ .\"' .•i" •*>. - -I •I' ^^. 0^ v\o A-* ^■^-^ >v o aN- ^o. ^--^^ vi> -nj. ^- v^^ .^^ ^<^. "^^ v-V ..y -i:,. 'CO' \>^^* ax'^' ^^ .-is^ •V- .0* '-?•, ,0 c ^y. V* ^;*., s- .<- .^^ '^*. \v ,*^ , N ,. ^ .Do o5 -n. .^^ .^■^ ■% K*"" '■'t ■^:^^ "^ . "J -^^ , ^^ *~^ ■^^., -; *^ ''^^-. ■»% nO ^. .■•* "^•- cv xV -r- ^^ .*> '-^^ c-0' .^ -^> ^>. .^^' vO o. .s. -r. ,.A-> o- v° .^ -^^ x^'' -^^^ ■<^, „.>' ,N' O*^' "r-J. y aV ■■^. t LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 007 211 176 A • '"* -^T^'^S^j "'^^X^ :--:\:li ^ i 1 V..- *'«'a 1 '\. '-:^ H _♦ 4 1 ^.^ 1