Glass -_ Book. [ w <~ ^tt ; - DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR BUREAU OF FISHERIES GEORGE M. BOWERS, Commissioner THE SALMON. FISHERIES OF THE PACIFIC COAST Bureau of Fisheries Document No, 751 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1911 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR BUREAU OF FISHERIES GEORGE M. BOWERS, Commissioner THE SALMON FISHERIES OF THE PACIFIC COAST Bureau of Fisheries Document No. 751 » WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1911 c^ THE SALMON FISHERIES OF THE PACIFIC COAST By John N. Cobb Assistant Agent at the Salmon Fisheries of Alaska Bureau of Fisheries Document No. 751 W% CONTENTS Pap;p. Introduction '. 5 I. The species of salmon and the runs 6 Chinook, quinnat, or king salmi in 6 Sockeye, blueback, or red salmon 8 Silver or coho salmon 9 Humpback or pink salmon 10 Dog or chum salmon 11 SI ' selhead ( rout 11 II. Fishing grounds and history of the fisheries L2 Wa sh ington 12 Columbia River 13 Oregon 15 California 18 Alaska 21 III. Apparatus and methods of the fisheries 23 Gill nets 23 Haul seines 24 Diver nets 25 Dip nets 25 Squaw nets 25 Purse seines 26 Traps, or pound nets 27 Indian traps 29 Wheels 30 Reef nets 32 Trolling 32 Bow and arrow 34 Spear and gaff 34 IV. Fishermen and other employees 35 V. Fishery regulations 37 Controversial forms of apparatus 37 Laws and their enforcement 40 VI. Methods of preparing salmon 46 ( 'aiming 46 Early days of the indusl ry 46 Handling the salmon 49 Dressing 50 Cutting 50 Salting 51 Filling the cans 51 Washing the cans 52 Capping 53 Soldering 53 Testing 54 Cooking 54 3 4 CONTENTS. VI. Methods of preparing salmon — Continued. Canning — Continued. Page. Sanitary, or solderless, cans 55 Repairing cans 56 Lacquering 57 Labeling 58 Brands 59 Boxing or casing 60 Can making 60 Mild curing 60 Pickling 62 Dry salting 62 Smoking 63 Freezing 64 Miscellaneous products 65 Oil and fertilizer 66 VII. Statistics of the Pacific salmon industry for 1909 68 Persons employed 68 Investment 68 Products 70 Products canned 70 Miscellaneous products 73 Washington 74 Statistics by counties 75 Statistics by waters 83 Columbia River 90 Oregon 92 Statistics by counties 92 Statistics by waters 97 California 105 Statistics by counties 108 Statistics by waters 112 Alaska 115 British Columbia 119 VIII. Statistical data for other years J 21 Canning industry of Pacific coast of North America from 1864 to 1910. 121 Canning industry shown by species and waters 123 Pickling industry 136 Mild-curing industry 137 IX. Trade with outlying possessions 138 X. Foreign trade in salmon 140 Exports of canned salmon 140 Exports of fresh and cured salmon 149 Imports of fresh salmon 152 Imports of cured salmon 153 XI. Salmon culture 154 California 154 Oregon 159 Columbia River and tributaries 164 Washington 168 British Columbia 172 Alaska 174 THE SALMON FISHERIES OF THE PACIFIC COAST By John N. Cobb, Assistant Agent at the Salmon Fisheries of Alaska. INTRODUCTION. The most valuable commercial fisheries in the world, excepting only the oyster and herring fisheries, are those supported by the sal- mons. Of these the most important by far are the salmon fisheries of the Pacific coast of North America, where California, Oregon, Washington, and Alaska, including also British Columbia, possess industries representing millions of dollars of investment and millions of output annually. No published reports contain data for the en- tire coast, or have pertained to the same year for both Alaska and the States. In the following pages, containing the returns from a canvass occupying several months, the data are complete for the United States coast and Alaska for the year 1909, and to make the report more comprehensive, historical and geographical aspects of the subject, as well as methods of the fisheries and allied industries, are discussed at some length. Figures for British Columbia have been included also, so far as possible, the official reports of the Dominion of Canada and of the Province itself having been drawn upon for this purpose. The statistics for Alaska are taken from the already printed (1909) report of Mr. Millard C. Marsh and the present writer. " The fisheries of Alaska in 1909. By M. C. Marsh and J. N. Cobb, agents at the salmon fisheries of Alaska. Bureau of Fisheries Document No. 730. 1910. I. THE SPECIES OF SALMON AND THE RUNS. The Pacific coast salmons are all included in the genus Oncorhyn- chus. With them the fishermen incorrectly class the steelhead trout, which really belongs to the closely related genus Salmo. As long ago as 1731 the species of Oncorhynchus were first made known by Steller, who, almost simultaneously with Krascheninikov, another early investigator, distinguished them with perfect accuracy under their Russian vernacular names. In 1792 Walbaum adopted these vernacular names in a scientific nomenclature for these fishes. Five species of salmon (Oncorhynchus) are found in the waters of the north Pacific, ranging northward from Monterey Baj^ on the American coast and Japan on the Asiatic, the extreme northern distribution of certain of the species having not yet been accurately determined. The five species are: (1) Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, quinnat, tyee, chinook, spring, or king salmon; (2) Oncorhynchus nerka, blueback, red, sukkegh, or sockeye salmon; (3) Oncorhynchus kisutch, silver, coho, or white salmon; (4) Oncorhynchvx keta, dog or chum salmon; and (5) Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, humpback or pink salmon. CHINOOK, QUINNAT, OR KING SALMON. The largest, best known, and most valuable of these is the chinook or king salmon (0. tschawytscha). It is found throughout the region from the Ventura River, Cal., to Norton Sound, Alaska, and on the Asiatic coast as far south as northern China. As knowledge extends, it will probably be recorded in the Arctic. In the spring the body is silvery, the back, dorsal fin, and caudal fin having more or less of round black spots, and the sides of the head having a peculiar tin-colored metallic luster. In the fall the color is. in some places, black or dirty red. The fish has an average weight of about 22 pounds, but individuals weighing 70 to over 100 pounds are occasionally taken. One was caught near Klawak, Alaska, in 1900, which weighed 101 pounds without the head. The Yukon River is supposed to produce the finest examples, although this supposition is not based on very reliable observations. The southeast Alaska fish average as high as 23 pounds in certain sea- sons, followed by an average of about 22 pounds in the Columbia River, and about 16 pounds in the Sacramento. 6 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. 7 In most places the flesh is of a deep salmon red, but in certain places, notably southeast Alaska, Bristol Bay, Puget Sound, and British Columbia, many of the fish, the proportion being sometimes as much as one-third of the catch, have white flesh. A few examples have been taken with one side of the body red and the other white, while some are found with mottled flesh. No reasonable explanation of this phenomenon has yet been given. In its southern range the quinnat strikes in at Monterey Bay in sufficient numbers to justify commercial fishing about the middle of April, where it is seen feeding upon the inshore moving schools of herring and sardines, continuing until in August. There are two runs of spawning fish in the Sacramento, the first or " spring run " beginning in April and continuing throughout May and June, these fish spawning mainly in the cold tributaries of the Sacramento, such as the McCloud and Fall Rivers. The second or " fall run " occurs in August, September, and October, and these fish spawn in the riffles in the main river between Tehama and Redding, also entering the tributaries in that vicinity. The two runs merge into each other. It is also claimed that there is a third run which comes in December. In former years the San Joaquin and the American and Feather Rivers of the Sacramento system had large runs of salmon, but ex- cessive fishing and the operation of various mining and irrigation projects have practically depleted them. The Eel and Mad Rivers of northern California have only a late or fall run, while the Klamath River has both a spring and a fall run, and Smith River has a spring run alone. Rogue River in Oregon has both a spring and a fall run, and the Umpqua and several other const streams of Oregon have small early runs. The Columbia River has three runs, the first entering during January, February, and March, and spawning mainly in the Clack- amas and neighboring streams. The second, which is the best run, enters during May, June, and part of July, spawning mainly in the headwaters. The third run occurs during late July, August, Sep- tember, and pait of October, and spawns in the tributaries of the lower Columbia. In Puget Sound chinook salmon are found throughout the year, although it is only during the spawning season that they are very abundant. In the Fraser River, a tributary of the Sound, the run occurs from March to August. In the Skeena River, British Columbia, the run occurs from May to July, the same being approximately true of the Nass also. In southeast Alaska they are found all months of the year. From March to the middle of June they are abundant and feeding in the numerous straits and sounds; in May and June the spawning fish enter the Unuk, Stikine, Taku, Chilkat, Alsek, and Copper Rivers 8 SALMON FISHEEIES OF PACIFIC COAST. in large numbers, and in a few smaller streams in lesser abundance. In August, September, and October the}^ are again to be found in large numbers feeding in the bays and sounds, while during the winter months a few have been taken on trawls set for halibut, show- ing that they are living in the lower depths at this time. In Cook Inlet the run occurs during May and June and is com- posed wholly of red-meated fish ; in the rivers of Bristol Bay the run comes in May and June, and the same is true of the Togiak, Kusko- kwim, and Yukon Rivers, although fish may be seen in the upper courses of the Yukon in July, the lateness here being due to the immense distance the fish have to cover. On the Asiatic side the chinook is found in some of the rivers of Siberia. SOCKEYE, BLUEBACK, OR RED SALMON. The sockeye or blueback salmon (0. nerka), which forms the great- est part of the canned salmon of the world, when it first comes in from the sea is a clear bright blue above in color, silvery below. Soon after entering the river for the purpose of spawning the color of the head changes to a rich olive, the back and sides to crimson and finally to a dark blood red, and the belly to a dirty white. The maximum weight is about 12 pounds, and length 3 feet, with the average weight about 5 pounds, varying greatly, however, in different localities. Ob- servations of Chamberlain a in Alaska show that the average weight of a number of sockeyes taken from Yes Bay was 8.294 pounds, while the average weight of a number from Tamgas was only 3.934 pounds. Evermann and Goldsborough h report as a result of the weighings of 1,390 red salmon, taken from as many different places in Alaska as possible, an average weight for the males of 7.43 pounds ; for the females, 5.78 pounds; or an average weight for both sexes of 6.57 pounds. A run of small, or dwarf, males accompanies certain of the main runs, these being especially noticeable in the Chignik lagoon, Alaska, run. This species usually enters streams with acces- sible lakes in their courses. A few specimens of the sockeye have been taken as far south as the Sacramento River. In Humboldt County, Cal., small runs are said to occur in Mad and Eel Rivers. Only an occasional specimen appears in the coastal streams of Oregon. The Columbia is the most southern river in which this species is known to run in any numbers, entering the river with the spring run of chinooks. From here south the species is called blueback exclusively. A considerable run enters the Quinniault River, Wash., and there is also a small run in Ozette Lake, just south of Cape Flattery. a Some observations on salmon and trout in Alaska. By F. M. Chamberlain, naturalist. U. S. Fisheries Steamer Albatross. U. S. Bureau of Fisheries Document no. 627, p. 80. 6 The fishes of Alaska. By B. W. Evermann and E. L. Goldsborough. Bulletin Bureau of Fisheries, vol. xxvi, p. 257. SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. 9 In the Puget Sound region, where it is known as the sockeye, this species ascends only the Skagit River in commercial numbers, although a small run appears in the Lake Washington system of lakes and, possibly, in the Snohomish, Stillaguamish, and Nooksack Rivers. The greatest of all the sockeye streams is the Fraser River, Brit- ish Columbia, and this stream has been famous from very early days for its enormous runs of this species, a peculiar feature of which is that there is a marked quadrennial periodicity in the run. The maximum run occurs the year following leap year, the minimum on the year following that. The greater part of the catch of the Puget Sound fishermen is made from this run as it is passing through Washington waters on its way to the Fraser. The fish strike in during July and August on the southwest coast of Vancouver Island, apparently coming from the open sea to the northwest. They pass the Straits of Juan de Fuca, Rosario, and Georgia, spending con- siderable time in the passage and about the mouth of the river. Small numbers run as early as May and as late a.s October, but the main body enters about the first week in August. The sockeye occurs in most of the coastal streams of British Columbia, and is usually the most abundant species. The prin- cipal streams frequented are the Skeena, Rivers Inlet, Nass, Lowe Inlet, Dean Channel, Namu Harbor, Bella Coola, Smith Inlet, Alert Bay, and Alberni Canal. In Alaska, where this fish is generally known as the red salmon, it is abundant and runs in great numbers in all suitable streams, of which, in southeast Alaska, the following are the most important : Boca de Quadra, Xaha, Yes Bay, Thorne Bay, Karta Bay, Xowiskay, Peter Johnson, Ffessa, Hetta, Hunter Bay, Klawak, Redfish Bay, Stikine, Taku, Chilkoot, Chilkat, Alsek, Seetuck, Ankow, etc.; in central Alaska, Copper, Knik, Kenai, Sushitna, Afognak, Karluk, Alitak, Chignik; in the Bristol Bay region, the Ugashik, Ugaguk, Xaknek, Kvichak, Nushagak, and Wood. It is also supposed to occur in the Togiak, Kuskokwim, and Yukon Rivers, which debouch into Bering Sea, and probably occurs in the Arctic streams of Alaska. The run in Alaska begins usually in June and extends usually to the middle of August. It begins earlier in Prince William Sound, and sometimes extends into September in southeast Alaska. On the Asiatic side the species is known to occur at Bering Island and in all suitable streams south to Japan, where it is found land- locked in Lake Akan, in northern Hokkaido. SILVER OR COHO SALMON. The silver or coho salmon (0. hisutch) is silvery in spring, green- ish on the upper parts, where there are a few faint black spots. In 10 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. the fall the males are mostly of a dirty red. The flesh in this species is of excellent flavor, but paler in color than the red salmon, and hence less valued for canning purposes. This species has a maximum weight of about 30 pounds, with a general average of about 6 pounds. The silver salmon is found as far south as Monterey Bay, where it appears during the month of July and is taken by the trollers. From Eel River, in California, north, it is found in most of the coastal streams. It usually appears in July and runs as late as November, the time of appearance and disappearance varying some- what in different sections. Owing to its late appearance compara- tively few, and they usually in the early part of the season, are packed by the canneries, most of which shut down in July and August. This fish also tarries but a short time about the mouth of the stream it is to enter, and is wary of nets, which makes it rather unprofitable to fish for the latter part of the season when it is running alone. On the Asiatic side the coho ranges down the coast to Japan. HUMPBACK OR PINK SALMON. The humpback or pink salmon (0. gorbuseha) is the smallest of the American species, weighing from 3 to 11 pounds, the average being about 4 pounds. In color it is bluish above, silvery below, the posterior and upper parts with many round black spots, the caudal fin always having a few large black spots, oblong in shape. The males in fall are dirty red and are very much distorted in shape, a decided hump appearing on the back, from which deformity the species acquires its name. The flesh is softer than in the other species ; it is pale in color, hence its canned name, " pink " salmon. The southern limit of the fish is the Sacramento River, but only occasional specimens are found here and in the rivers to the north- ward until Puget Sound is reached. Here a large run appears every other year, the only place on the coast, where such is the case. The humpback occurs in varying abundance in the waters of Brit- ish Columbia, but it is in the waters of southeast Alaska that it ap- pears in its greatest abundance. Many of the canneries in this region depend mainly upon the humpback for their season's pack, and the canned product now occupies an excellent position in the markets of the world. The fish spawn in nearly all of the small, short streams. In central and western Alaska the runs are much smaller and the humpback is not much sought after by the cannery men, who are usu- ally able to fill their cans with the more valuable species. On the Asiatic side it is found in the rivers of Siberia (abundant in the Amur), but not in Japan. In southeast Alaska the run begins in June and continues until September, or even later in some places. In western Alaska the period is somewhat shorter. In Puget Sound it continues until late in the fall. SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. 11 DOG OR CHUM SALMON. The dog or chum salmon (0. kef a) reaches a maximum weight of 1() pounds, the average being about 8 pounds. When it first ap- pears along the coast it is dirty silvery, immaculate or sprinkled with small black specks, the fins dusky, the sides with faint traces of grid- ironlike bars. Later in the season the male is brick red or blackish, and its jaws are greatly distorted. Its flesh is quite pale, especially when canned, when also it is mushy in texture. It is especially good for freezing, salting, and smoking. This species has a wide distribution. It is found as far south as San Francisco, but is not utilized commercially in California except on Eel River. It is found in most of the coastal streams from here north, being especially abundant from Puget Sound northward to southeast Alaska, both inclusive. In this region it is being utilized in greater abundance each year, as the market for it widens. In central, western, and arctic Alaska the species occurs in varying abundance, but is utilized sparingly, except by the natives, with whom it is the favorite species dried for winter food. This is the most abundant species of salmon in Japan, where it is called sake, and large quantities are dry-salted each year. In Siberia the species is abundant and is known as kaita or kita. The run of dog salmon comes later than that of any other species except the coho. In Alaska it begins in June, but the height of the season does not occur until late in August or early in September, and fish are found as late as November. In Puget Sound they run from about the middle of August till late in November, and practically the same is true in the Columbia River. STEELHEAD TROUT. The steelhead trout (Salmo gairdneri) is commonly classed as one of the salmons by the fishermen of the Pacific coast, and it has been included in this report on this account. In different localities the average weight is placed at from 8 to 15 pounds, while extreme sizes reach 45 pounds. The excellent quality of its flesh causes it to be highly prized for the fresh market, but owing to its pale color only limited quantities are canned. The principal center of abundance of this species is the Columbia River. It is found from Carmel River, Cal., north to central Alaska, and possibly has an even wider range in Alaska. It seems to be found in the rivers during the greater part of the year. In the Columbia River the spawning season is from February to May, in Puget Sound in the spring, and in southeast Alaska in May and June. The best commercial fishing is in January, February, and March. In Califor- nia the catching of this species is restricted to hook and line fishing. II. FISHING GROUNDS AND HISTORY OF THE FISHERIES. WASHINGTON. Puget Sound. — Strictly speaking, the name Puget Sound should be restricted to that long, narrow arm extending south from the Strait of Juan de Fuca, but a practice has developed, and is now common among fishermen and others, of designating all the great water area in the State of Washington comprising Puget Sound proper, Strait of Juan de Fuca, Canal de Haro, Rosario Strait, the Gulf of Georgia, and the smaller straits, bays, and sounds, as Puget Sound, and this practice, for convenience sake, has been followed in this report. This great indentation in the coast, with its numerous islands and many fine harbors, has greatly aided the development of this portion of Washington and has been especially favorable to the prosecution of the salmon and other fisheries. Numerous rivers and creeks enter the Sound, the more important of these being on the eastern shore and comprising the Nooksack, Skagit, Stillaguamish, Snohomish, Duwamish. Puyallup, and Nisqually. On the southern and western shores the tributary streams are nearly all small, the more important being the Skohomish, Quilcene, Dungeness, and Elwha. The first fishing operations by white men were begun soon after the settlement at what is now known as Seattle, about 1852. For many years the catch was sold either fresh or salted. The first salmon cannery on Puget Sound was erected in 1877, at Mukilteo, in Snohomish County. The first pack was of 5,000 cases, composed wholly of silver or coho salmon. Later this plant put up the first humpbacks ever canned. In 1880 the cannery was removed to West Seattle. In 1885 other canneries were erected at Mukilteo, Seattle, Tacoma, and Clallam Bay, most of them packing silver and hump- back salmon alone. The first sockeye salmon cannery was established at Semiahinoo. in Whatcom County, in 1892, from which time on the industry fluctuated considerably, 15 canneries being operated in 1910. Quillayute River. — This is a small stream, about 30 miles in length, which flows through the southwestern part of Clallam County and empties directly into the ocean. The Quillayute Indian Reservation is located here and the natives catch some salmon and market them on Puget Sound. 12 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. 13 Quiniault River. — This river, which enters the ocean in the north- western part of Chehalis County, has a length from the ocean to Quiniault Lake of about 40 miles, wholly within the boundaries of the Quiniault Indian Reservation. Fishing is restricted to the In- dians and the catch is generally shipped by rail to Hoquiam and Aberdeen, on Grays Harbor, and sold to the dealers at these places. Grays Harbor. — This is the first important indentation on the coast of Washington south of Cape Flattery. It is about 40 miles long from east to west and about 20 miles wide in the widest part. The principal tributary is the Chehalis River, but there are a number of small streams which debouch into the harbor. As early as 1878 there was a cannery on Grays Harbor, but from then until 1891 the data relating to this branch of the industry are very meager. In 1910 two canneries were in operation at Aberdeen and Hoquiam, respectively. Willapa Harbor. — The entrance to this harbor, which also includes Shoalwater Bay, is about 27 miles south of Grays Harbor. The har- bor runs east and west and is about 25 miles long. Shoalwater Bay extends south from it a distance of about 30 miles ; its southern por- tion ending about a mile from the Columbia River, and on the west- ern side being separated from the ocean by a spit varying in width from three-fourths to 1 mile. The bay is shallow, excepting in the main channel. The principal salmon streams entering the harbor are the Xasel and North Rivers, in which most of the pound or trap nets are located. Data relating to the early history of the fisheries of this section are very meager. In 1887 there were four canneries in operation, probably the largest number ever operated. In 1910 there was but one — at South Bend. COLUMBIA RIVER. The Columbia, which is the largest river of the Pacific coast, rises in British Columbia, flows through AVashington, reaching the north- ern border of Oregon about 75 miles west of the State's eastern boundary ; from this point the river forms the dividing line be- tween Oregon and Washington, its general course being westerly. It empties into the Pacific at Cape Disappointment. Its principal tributaries are the Snake, John Day, Deschutes, and Williamette Rivers, and through these the main river drains an enormous extent of territory. This river, which has produced more salmon than any other river in the world, has had a most interesting history. Many years be- fore the white man saw its waters the Indians visited its banks during the annual salmon runs and caught and cured their winter's supply of food. It was about the year 1833 that a small trading sloop, under the command of Capt. Lamont, came into the Columbia 14 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. River on one of her regular trips and dropped anchor near what is now known as St. Helens. While waiting several months for a re- turn cargo the captain salted a number of barrels of chinook salmon, using old Jamaica rum kegs for the purpose. This is the first record of the export of this toothsome fish. In 1861, H. N. Rice and Jotham Reed began packing salted salmon in barrels at Oak Point, 60 miles below Portland. The first season's pack amounted to 600 barrels. The venture proved fairly profitable and was soon participated in by others. In the spring of 1866 William Hume, who had assisted in starting the first salmon cannery in the United States, on the Sacramento River, in 1861, finding the run of fish in the latter stream rather dis- appointing, started a cannery on the Columbia at Eagle Cliff, Wash., about 40 miles above Astoria. Then the river literally swarmed with salmon, and the cannery had no trouble in packing 4,000 cases, which it increased to 18,000 the next year and to 28,000 cases in 1868. In 1867 a crude cannery on a scow was started by S. W. Aldrich, who did all the work, from fishing to canning, himself. In 1868 a cannery was built near Eagle Cliff by one of the Humes, and from this time on for a number of years the industry grew by leaps and bounds. The banner year in the canning industry was 1884, when 620,000 cases of chinook salmon were marketed. At this time the runs were so enormous that tons and tons of salmon were thrown overboard by the fishermen because the canneries were unable to handle them. At the present time (1910) there are 10 canneries in operation on the river, while large quantities of salmon are also frozen, mild cured, pickled, smoked, and sold fresh in the markets of the world. Commercial fishing is carried on mainly between the mouth of the Columbia and Celilo, a distance of about 200 miles, and in the Wil- lamette River. The most of it is in the lower part of the river, within about 40 miles of its mouth. Bakers Bay, on the Washington or north side, and just within the river's mouth, is the favorite ground for pound-net fishing. The principal gill-net drifting ground is from the river's mouth to about 20 miles above Astoria, but drifting is done wherever convenient reaches are found much farther up the river. Most of the drag seines are hauled on the sandy bars in the river near Astoria, which are uncovered at low water. Wheels are operated in the upper river above the junction of the Willamette with the main river. Astoria is the principal center for all branches of the industry, but more especially for canning. Other places in addition to Astoria at which canneries are located are Ilwaco, Eagle Cliff, Altoona, Brookfield, Pillar Rock, Cathlamet, on the Washington shore, and at Warrendale, Rooster Rock, and Seuferts, on the Oregon shore. SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. 15 OREGON. Necanicum Greek. — This short stream is in Clatsop County and enters the Pacific Ocean about 10 miles south of the Columbia River. Its fisheries are of small importance. Nehalem River. — The Nehalem is a small coastal river that rises in the mountains of Clatsop and Columbia Counties, and flows into the Pacific Ocean in the northern part of Tillamook County. As early as 1887 there was a small cannery here, and the business has been followed ever since. Tillamook Bay and Hirer. — Tillamook River is a very short stream which enters Tillamook Bay, the latter being in Tillamook County and about 45 miles south of the mouth of the Columbia River. Fishing is carried on mainly in the bay. The earliest record we have of canneries on this bay is of 188G, when two were in operation. Since 1891 but one has been operated. Nestucca River. — This stream enters the ocean in the southwestern part of Tillamook County. A cannery operated here in 1887 and the business has been carried on intermittently since then. Siletz River. — This river has its source in the mountains of Polk County, and enters the ocean in the northern part of Lincoln County. The commercial development of the fisheries was hampered for many years owing to the fact that the river was within the boun- daries of what was then the Siletz Indian Reservation. The first cannery was established here in 1896. Yaquina Bay and River. — The Yaquina ("crooked") River is about 60 miles long; its general course is nearly west through the county of Benton. The river is narrow throughout the greater part of its length. A few miles from its mouth it suddenly broadens out into an estuary from one-half to three-fourths of a mile wide which is commonly called Yaquina Bay. The river enters the Pacific about 100 miles south of the Columbia. Salmon canning was begun on this river in 1887, when two small canneries were constructed. The next year an additional plant was erected. The business has fluctuated considerably since then and there is now but one cannery. The fishing grounds are all in the bay and the lower section of the river. The fishermen of this section are fortunate in that they have railroad communication with the outside world, the only place on the ocean side of Oregon, except Tillamook, so situated. Alsea Bay and River. — Alsea River rises in the southwestern part of Benton County, and flows in nearly a northwesterly direction to the Pacific, a distance of about 60 miles. Like the Yaquina, the " bay " is merely a broadening out of the river just inside its mouth. The first cannery was established in 1886 and by 1888 there were three in operation. For many years past but one has been in operation. 101379°— 11 2 16 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. The best fishing grounds are from the mouth of the river to about 5 miles inland. Siuslaw River. — This river has its source in the mountains of Lane County, and its course lies first in a northwesterly direction and to the westward until the Pacific is reached. Through part of its course it is the dividing line between Lane and Douglas Counties. As early as 1878 there were two canneries operated on this river, but from 1879 till 1888 there are no data available showing the ex- tent of the fisheries. At present there are two canneries in operation. The salmon fishing grounds extend from near the mouth of the river to about 20 miles upstream. Umpqua River. — With the exception of the Columbia this is the largest and longest river in Oregon. It is formed by north and south forks, which unite about 9 miles northwest of Roseburg, and the river then flows northwestwardly and enters the Pacific. Prac- tically all of this river is within the boundaries of Douglas County, one of the largest counties in the State. A railroad is now being built along this river and when this is completed there will doubtless be a large development of the fisheries of this region owing to the opportunities which will then be offered for shipping fresh fish. As early as 1878 there were two canneries located on the Umpqua. The number has never been larger than this, and usually there has been but one operating. In 1910 there was but one, at Gardiner. Coos Bay and River. — Coos Bay is a navigable semicircular inlet of the ocean with numerous arms or branches. There is much marshy ground in the bay, and a number of sloughs, or small creeks, which empty into the bay from both sides. Coos River proper is an unimportant stream, but a few miles in length. North Bend, Marsh- field, and Empire are the principal towns on the bay. A branch railroad is being built to these points from the main line of the South- ern Pacific Railway, and as soon as this is completed the fishing in- dustry will receive a great impetus. Heretofore this region has de- pended upon steamers and sailing vessels plying to Portland and San Francisco for its communication with the outside world, and this slow and infrequent means of shipment has very seriously handicapped the fisheries. Salmon canning began here in 1887, when two canneries opened for business. The business has fluctuated considerably since, most of the time but one cannery being operated, and such being the case in 1910. Fishing is carried on mainly in the bay. A few set nets are oper- ated in the river. Coquille River. — This river is formed by three branches, called the North, Middle, and South Forks, which rise in the Umpqua Moun- SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. 17 tains and unite near Myrtle Point, the head of tidewater, about 45 miles by river from the mouth of the stream. It is a deep and slug- gish river, with no natural obstructions to hinder the free passage of fish. Its fisheries have been seriously hampered by the lack of rail- road communication, but this will be remedied, as the railroad to Coos Bay will eventually connect with a short line now in existence between the Coquille and Coos Bay. The principal towns on the Coquille River are Bandon, Prosper, Coquille, and Myrtle Point. Bandon is the shipping port. Pickled salmon were cured and shipped from this river very early, the first recorded instance of any considerable quantity being in 1877, when 3,000 barrels of salmon were sent to San Francisco. The salt shipments were important until within recent years. The first sal- mon cannery was erected in 1883, at Parkersburg. In 1886 another was built at the same place, and the following year still another was erected close by. This was the largest number ever in operation in any one year. In 1910 two canneries were operated, both at Prosper. The fishing grounds are from the mouth to Myrtle Point, about 45 miles inland. Sixes River. — This small river is located in the northern part of Curry County, and is about 40 miles in length, entering the Pacific a very short distance above Cape Blanco. The salmon caught here are either salted or shipped fresh to the canneries on the Coquille River. Elk River. — This is another small stream about 40 miles in length, which enters the Pacific just south of Cape Blanco. As on the Sixes River the salmon are either salted or sold fresh to the canneries on the Coquille River. Rogue River. — This river has as its source Crater Lake in the Cascade Mountains, on the western border of Klamath County, flow- ing a distance of about 325 miles to the ocean, which it enters at Wedderburn. Its principal tributaries are the Illinois, Applegate, and Stewart Rivers. Owing to canyons and falls in the main river between the mouth of the Illinois River and Hellgate, the latter near Hogan Creek, which runs through the town of Merlin, naviga- tion and fishing are impossible in that section. Except at the mouth of the river the population is very sparse until about the neighbor- hood of Hogan Creek, where the river approaches the railroad, and from here on for some miles there are numerous growing towns. Owing to the fact of there being both a spring and a fall run of salmon in this river, the fisheries early became of importance, al- though sadly hampered because of being compelled to depend wholly on vessel communication with San Francisco, many miles away. In the early years the salmon were pickled and shipped to San Fran- 18 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. cisco. In 1877 Mr. R. D. Hume, who had been canning salmon on the Columbia River, removed to the Rogue River, and established near the mouth a cannery which he operated every season (except 1894, when the cannery burned down) until his death in November, 1908, since which date it has been operated by his heirs. Mr. Hume also operated a large cold-storage plant at Wedderburn for several years. The development of the fisheries of the lower Rogue River was very much hampered by the monopoly which Mr. Hume acquired and maintained until his death. He bought both shores of the river for 12 miles from its mouth, and also owned an unbroken frontage on the ocean shore extending 7 miles north from the mouth of the river. As a result of this, independent fishermen could find no convenient places for landing, which was necessary in order to cure, handle, and ship the fish caught. Since Mr. Hume's death the property has been sold to various parties, but the people of Oregon, upon an initiative and referendum petition, voted in 1910 to close Rogue River to all commercial fishing. In the upper river ranchers living along the banks have engaged in fishing for a number of years, the catch for the most part being sold fresh. In recent years, as the country has developed, this fishery has become fairly important. Chetco and Windchuck Rivers. — These two unimportant streams empty into the Pacific in the lower part of Curry County, not far from the California line. The former is about 20 miles and the latter about 25 miles in length. Both have runs of salmon, and small fisheries have been maintained for some years, the catch being either pickled or sold to the California canneries. CALIFORNIA. Smith River. — This river, which is the most northerly one in the State, rises near the Siskiyou Mountains, and runs in a westerly direction to the Pacific Ocean. The river has only a spring run of salmon, and the early recorded history of the fisheries is fragmentary. The pickling of salmon was the main business at first and has been important ever since, as the cannery, which was first established in 1878, operated irregu- larly, and seems to have shut down entirely in 1895. Klamath River. — This is the most important river in California north of the Sacramento. It issues from the Lower Klamath Lake in Klamath County, Oreg., and runs southwesterly across Siskiyou County, passes through the southeastern section of Del Norte County, keeping its southerly course into Humboldt County, where it forms a junction with the Trinity River, and thence its course is directed to the northwest until it reaches the Pacific Ocean. SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. 19 The Klamath River is important as a salmon stream because it has both a spring and fall run of salmon. In 1888 a cannery was estab- lished at Requa, at the mouth, and this has been operated occasion- ally ever since. The pickling of salmon has been done here for a number of years. Some years part of the catch has been shipped fresh to the cannery on Smith River, or to the Rogue River, Oreg., cannery. Humboldt Bay and tributaries. — The shore line of Humboldt County is bold and high except in the vicinity of Humboldt Bay, where it is rather flat. The latter is the only harbor along the county shore, and it is quite difficult of access, owing to the bar at the entrance, upon which the sea breaks quite heavily. The bay is about 12 miles long and about 3 miles wide. Mad River, which has its rise in the lower part of Trinity County, runs in a northwesterly direction, then makes a sharp turn and enters the bay from the north side. Eel River, which has its rise in Lake County, far to the south- cast, runs in a northwesterly direction and enters the bay at its southern extremity. Small railroads running south from Eureka traverse the shores of both rivers for some miles. A railroad to run from the north side of San Francisco Bay to Eureka is now nearing completion, and when in operation it will doubtless aid very mate- rially in extending the market for salmon caught in these rivers. Mattole River. — This is a small and unimportant river in the southern part of Humboldt County, and is said to have a good run of salmon each year, but no commercial fishing has as yet been car- ried on here. Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers. — These two rivers are the most important rivers in California. The Sacramento is quite crooked, the distance by river from Red Bluff to San Francisco be- ing about 375 miles, while the distance by rail between these two places is only 225 miles. The river rises in several small lakes in the mountains about 20 miles west of Sisson, in Siskiyou County, and for nearly half its length flows through a narrow canyon. The upper portion is a typical mountain stream, with innumerable pools and rapids. A little above Redding the river emerges from the can- yon and widens into a broad shallow stream. Below Sacramento it runs through a level country and is affected by tides. Sloughs are numerous in this stretch, some connecting it with the San Joa- quin. The Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers join as they empty into Suisun Bay. The principal tributaries of the Sacramento which are frequented by salmon are the Pit and McCloud Rivers and Battle Creek. At one time salmon frequented the American and Feather Rivers, but mining and irrigation operations along these streams either killed them off or drove them away. 20 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST., The San Joaquin River has its source in the Sierra Nevada Moun- tains. Flowing westerly and forming the boundary between Fresno and Madera Counties for a considerable distance, it then turns ab- ruptly to the north just where it is joined by Fresno Slough, which drains Lake Tulare. From here its general course is northwesterly until it joins the Sacramento River, near the latter's mouth. The Chouchilla and Fresno Rivers are the principal tributaries of the San Joaquin. The principal fishing grounds for salmon are Suisun Bay, the lower part of San Joaquin River, and the Sacramento River as high as the vicinity of Sacramento. Drift gill nets are used almost exclusively in this section. From Sacramento to Anderson there is considerable commercial fishing, more particularly with haul seines. Owing to the early and excellent railroad facilities which the fish- eries of the Sacramento River have enjoyed, they have not been handicapped so seriously as most of the other Pacific coast rivers in finding profitable outlets for the catch. Soon after the first trans- continental line was opened the shipping of fresh salmon to eastern points began and it has been an important, feature of the industry ever since. The chief event in the history of the salmon fisheries of this river is the fact that the canning of salmon on the Pacific coast had its in- ception here in 1864. The circumstances leading up to this event and its consummation are interestingly told by Mr. R. D. Hume in the following words: The first salmon cannery of the United States was located at Washington, Yolo County, Cal. A part of the building was originally a cabin situated on the river bank outside of the levee just opposite the foot of K Street, Sacra- mento city. It was built in 1852 and occupied by James Booker, Percy Wood- som, and William Hume. William Hume came to California in the spring of 1852, bringing with him a salmon gill net, which he had made before leaving his home at Augusta, Me. In company with James Booker and Percy Woodsom, Mr. Hume began fishing for salmon in the Sacramento River just in front of the city of Sacramento. William Hume had been salmon fishing in the Kennebec River in the State of Maine with his father, where his father and grandfather had been engaged in the same business since 1780, and their ancestors in Scotland had for pleasure pursued the sportive salmon on the Tweed and Tay for centuries before. In 185(3 William Hume went back to Maine, and on his return to California the same year was accompanied by his brothers, John and G. W. Hume, who also engaged in salmon fishing in the Sacramento River. Among the schoolmates of G. W. Hume was one Andrew S. Hapgood, who had learned the tinsmith's trade, and who a short time after G. W. Hume left for California went to Boston and entered the employ of J. B. Hamblen, a pioneer in the canning business, and was sent by him to Fox Island on the coast of Maine, to engage in canning lobsters. The canning of lobster was a new and growing industry, and Mr. Hamblen, to increase his business, a short time after sent Mr. Hapgood to the Bay of Chaleur. an arm of the sea which divides the Province of Quebec from that of New Brunswick, SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. 21 where, in addition to the canning of lobster, they also canned a few salmon. I believe this was the first salmon canned on the American Continent, and I am informed that the business in a small way is still carried on in that section of the country. In 1863 G. W. Hume went back to Maine, and while there visited Mr. Hapgood at Fox Island, to which place he had been again sent by Mr. J. B. Hamblen to take charge of the works at that place During the visit of Mr. (J. W. Hume to his friend Hapgood a talk about salmon was had, and it was agreed that if salmon on the Pacific coast were as plentiful as repre- sented by Mr. Hume much money could be made in a salmon-cannery business. The plan decided on was that Mr. G. W. Hume, on his return to California, should try and induce his brother William to engage 'u the business with them, and, if he succeeded in so doing, Mr. Hapgood should purchase the necessary machinery and come out to California in time for the spring season of 1S64. Mr. William Hume being agreeable to take part in the enterprise, Mr. Hapgood set out on the journey and arrived at San Francisco on March 23, 1864, and a few days later at the location where the operations were afterwards conducted." For a considerable time after the salmon-canning business was inaugurated the packers suspended operations in the early part of July of each year, as at that time the market would take only goods which showed a rich oil and the best food values.'' The business languished after the firm established its cannery on the Columbia River, but in 1874 was renewed again by others and continued with varying success until 1905, when it ceased, owing to the smaller quantity of fish available and the difficulty of competing with the mild-cure packers and the fresh-fish dealers. Monterey Bay. — The first harbor south of San Francisco is Mon- terey Bay, a large indentation cutting into Santa Cruz and Monterey Counties. Only a portion of it is well sheltered, however. For a number of years it had been known that salmon frequented the waters of this bay for the purpose of feeding on the young fishes which swarmed there. Sportsmen frequently caught them with rod and reel, but it was not until the early eighties that the industry was established on a commercial basis. It has since grown very rapidly. The catch has either been mild cured at Monterey or shipped fresh. ALASKA. Alaska is the most favored salmon-fishing region. Many rivers, some of great length and draining enormous areas, intersect the dis- trict in every direction, w T hile the number of small creeks is countless. Almost every one of these have runs of salmon of varying abundance. The principal streams entering Bering Sea are the Yukon, Kus- kokwim, Togiak, Nushagak, Kvichak, Naknek, Ugaguk, and Ugashik; in central Alaska the Chignik. Karluk, Alitak, Sushitna, and Copper "The description of the machinery used and the methods of canning have been quoted in full under " Canning " elsewhere in this report. 6 The first salmon cannery. By R. D. Hume. Pacific Fisherman, Seattle, Wash., vol. n, no. 1, January, 1904, p. 19-21. 22 SALMON" FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. Rivers are the main streams, while in southeast Alaska are found, among many others, the Anklow, Seetuck, Alsek, Chilkat, Chilkoot, Taku, Stikine, and Unuk Rivers. Most of the fishing in Alaska is carried on in the bays into which these rivers debouch. In southeast Alaska, which is composed largely of islands, the fishing is carried on mainly in the bays, sounds, and straits among these. Even before the purchase of the District from Russia in 1867 our fishermen occasionally resorted to southeast Alaska and prepared salted salmon. The salmon fisheries did not become important, how- ever, until canning was begun. The first two canneries in the District were built in the spring of 1878, both being located in southeast Alaska. One was built by the Cutting Packing Co. at the Redoubt, Old Sitka, on Baranof Island, while the other was constructed at Klawak, on Prince of Wales Island, by the North Pacific Trading & Packing Co., which latter company still operates at the same place. The first cannery in central Alaska was built by Smith & Hirsch at Karluk, on Kodiak Island; in western Alaska the first was con- structed on Nushagak Bay in 1884 by the Arctic Packing Co. Owing to the increased demand for canned salmon and the inability of the coast States canneries to keep pace with it, the number of canneries in Alaska rapidly increased for some years until in 1890, when there were 38 in operation. The inevitable happened about this time, however, the production having far outstripped the demand, and canned salmon became a drug on the market. Heretofore each cannery had operated without regard to the others, but with this condition of affairs prevailing it was soon perceived that steps to reduce the output would have to be taken, and a number of the companies pooled their packs, reduced the number of plants oper- ated, and thus cut down the output nearly one-half. The first ar- rangement was only temporary, but in 1893 a number of the com- panies combined permanently and formed the Alaska Packers' Asso- ciation, which was then, and is yet, the largest company operating in the District. Since 1893 the industry has experienced periods of alternate pros- perity and adversity. In 1910 there were in operation 23 canneries in southeast Alaska, 10 in central Alaska, and 19 in western Alaska, a total of 5'J. The high prices realized for salmon in 1,910 have drawn more capital into the industry, and in 1911 13 new canneries will be constructed and operated. III. APPARATUS AND METHODS OF THE FISHERY. GILL NETS. The gill net is the oldest and most popular form of apparatus in use in the salmon fisheries of the Pacific coast. There are two kinds, drift and set, these names clearly expressing the difference between them. Fine flax or linen twine is generally used in their manufac- ture, although in some places cotton twine is employed, and it has usually 12 threads and is laid slack. They are hung in the ordinary manner — to a rope with cork floats to support the upper portion of the gear, and to a line with lead sinkers attached, which keeps the net vertical in the water and all its meshes properly distended. The nets are tanned, usually several times each season. Drift nets vary greatly in length and depth, depending upon the width of the fishing channels, the depth of water, etc. On the Sac- ramento River they average about 300 fathoms in length, are 45 meshes deep, and have a stretch mesh of from 7^ to 9^ inches. On the coastal rivers of Oregon these nets average about 125 fathoms in length, and are about 30 meshes in depth, the mesh varying with the species of salmon sought. On the Columbia River the nets aver- age about 250 fathoms in length and have a stretch mesh for chinooks of 9 to 9| inches. On the Willamette River, the principal tributary of the Columbia, *the} r average about 75 fathoms in length, with meshes of 8 and 9| inches. On Willapa Harbor drift gill nets run from 100 to 250 fathoms in length, are 30 meshes deep, with stretch meshes of 7 and 8-| inches. On Grays Harbor they average 100 fathoms in length, the chinook nets run from 24 to 45 meshes in depth, with a stretch mesh of 9 inches, while the silver or coho nets are 35 meshes in depth, with a stretch mesh of 7 inches. In the Puget Sound region the nets average 300 fathoms in length, with meshes suitable for the particular species sought. In Alaskan waters the nets vary greatly in length and depth, depending upon the places where fished. Drift gill netting is prosecuted chiefly in the estuaries of the rivers in and near the channels. If the water is clear the nets are set only at night, but should the water be muddy or discolored with glacial silt, fishing can be carried on either night or day. Night fish- ing is most common in the States, while day fishing is most common 23 24 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. in Alaska. When fishing in rivers it is necessary to work in a straight stretch of water of fairly uniform depth ahd free from snags or sharp ledges, these being called " reaches." In setting the net the boat puller rows slowly across the stream while the other man pays out the apparatus, to the first end of which a buoy has been attached. When about two-thirds of the gear is out the boat is turned downstream at nearly right angles to her former course, so that the net. when set, approximates the shape of the letter L. The net is laid out at nearly right angles or diagonally to the river's course, so that it will intercept the salmon that are running in, and is usually put out about an hour before high water slack and taken in about an hour after the turn of the tide. In Alaska the fishermen usually fish on both the high and low slack. The nets are allowed to drift for the time specified, the fishermen drifting along at one end, then the net is hauled into the boat over a wooden roller fixed in the stern, and the fish, which have become gilled in the meshes, are removed and thrown into the bottom of the boat. Set gill nets are made in the same way as drift nets, in many in- stances being fragments of the latter, and are usually operated in the upper reaches of the rivers. They vary in length from 10 to 100 fathoms, from 35 to G5 meshes in depth, and have the same sizes of meshes as the drift nets, the size varying, of course, with the species sought for. Sometimes these nets are staked, sometimes anchored, while occasionally only one end is tied to the shore or a stake set in the water. On the flats off the mouth of the Stikine River, in southeast Alaska, a combination of the drift and set method is followed. A double set of stakes, about 6 feet apart, are set out from the shore for a distance of several hundred yards. An hour or two before slack water the fishermen pay out the net parallel to the line of stakes and about 50 feet from them. The tide drifts the net down until it is caught against the stakes, which retain it until slack water, when the fisher- man takes it up and repeats from the opposite direction on the next turn of the tide. HAUL SEINES. On the Columbia Eiver, where this form of apparatus plays a prominent part in the fisheries, the nets vary in length from 100 to 400 fathoms ; the shallowest end is from 35 to 40 meshes deep, but it rapidly increases in width and is from 120 to 140 meshes deep at the other wing. The " bunt," or bag, in the central part of the net is about 50 fathoms long. These nets are usually hauled on the numer- ous sand bars which are a very noticeable feature of the river at low tide. Buildings are erected on piles on these sand flats, in which the SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. 25 men and horses take refuge at high tide, when the bars are covered with water. Operations begin as soon as the beach or bar uncovers, so that the men can wade about. The net is placed in a large seine boat, with the shore end attached to a dory. At the signal the seine boat is headed offshore, while the dory heads toward the bar. As the seine boat circles around against the current the net is paid out in the shape of a semicircle. The dory men hurry to the bar with the shore end of the net, the idea being to get that in as soon as possible in order to prevent the escape of the salmon in that direction. As soon as this has been accomplished, the outer shore line is brought to the bar, when several horses are hitched to the line and begin to haul in the net. care being taken by the men to work it against the current as much as practicable, and to get it in as speedily as they can in order to prevent the escape of salmon either by jumping over the cork line or finding some outlet below the footrope or lead line. The only other place on the coast where haul seines are important is at Karluk, on Kadiak Island, in Alaska. Here the seines are hauled upon the narrow sand pit dividing the lagoon from the strait, and practically the same method is followed as in the Columbia River. DIVER NETS. These are in use in the Columbia River, mainly throughout the middle and upper portions of the river. They vary from 100 to 200 fathoms in length and are used almost exclusively for chinook salmon. In construction they somewhat resemble a trammel net. Two nets are attached together side by side. The outer one, or the one toward the oncoming fish, has a larger mesh than the other, so that if the fish manages to pass through the first, it will be caught in the smaller meshes of the second. DIP NETS. These consist of an iron hoop secured to the end of a stout pole with a bag-shaped net fastened to the hoop. They are generally r.sed at the cascades on the rivers, small platforms being erected upon which the operator stands while fishing. Indians formerly used them to a large extent, but, ow T ing to the steady decline in the num- ber of Indians, and the appropriation of favorable spots by the whites for other forms of apparatus, they are but little used now. SQUAW NETS. This type is virtually a set net. It consists of an oblong sheet of gill netting, about 12 feet long and 8 feet deep, its lower edge weighted to keep it down, and its upper edge attached to a pole that floats at the surface, and is held by a line or lines to another pro- jecting pole which is securely fastened to the shore, so that it will not 26 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. swing around with the strain of the swift current on the net. A single block is attached to the pole, and through this passes a rope, thus making a tackle for the more convenient manipulation of the net. The dip-net fishermen of the Columbia River use this net, which derives its name from the fact that it used to be commonly operated by Indian" squaws for taking salmon. But few are now in use, for the same reasons as given for the decline in the use of dip nets. PURSE SEINES. This form of apparatus is in quite general use in Puget Sound and southeast Alaska, and has proved highly effective in these deep, swift waters. These seines are about 200 fathoms long, 25 fathoms in the bunt, and 20 fathoms in the wings, all with a 3-inch mesh. The foot line is heavily leaded and the bridles are about 10 feet long. The purse line is made of 1^-inch hemp. The rings through which the purse line is rove measure about 5 inches in diameter and are made of galvanized iron. On Puget Sound the purse seiners congregate mainly on what are known as the Salmon Banks, off the lower end of San Juan Island, during the run of sockeyes. After this run is over they go up the Sound and fish for dogs and cohos, and later go to the head of the Sound and fish for dogs, cohos, chinooks, and steelhead trout. In southeast Alaska they follow the fish all over the bays, straits, and sounds of that section. Purse seines are used in a few other places, but the fishery is secondary to those with other forms of apparatus. On Puget Sound special power boats, which are fitted with a power winch for hauling in the net, are used almost exclusively in operat- ing the purse seines. As soon as a school of fish is sighted one end of the seine is attached to a dory, and while this remains stationary the seine boat starts off, the crew paying out the net over a roller in the stern. A circle is made around the fish, the boat returning to the dory. The purse line is then attached to the winch, and the line slowly hauled in by power. As the net comes in, the slack is neatly coiled up on a platform in the stern of the boat, the cork line lying on one side and the lead line on the other. As the circle gradually narrows a man stands at the davit with a long pole which he con- tinually plunges into the circle and between the purse lines for the purpose of frightening the fish away from the center of the net, which is open for about a third of the time required to purse it. The poleman in time becomes very expert and is able to plunge the pole into almost any part of the center and have it return unaided to his hands. After the net has been pursed, the bag is either rolled into the boat or the fish dipped or gaffed from the net into the boat. This style of fishing is said to have been introduced on Puget Sound by the Chinese in 188G. SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. 27 TRAPS OR POUND NETS. A trap is stationary and consists of webbing, or part webbing and part wire netting, held in place and position by driven piles. This piling usually is held together above water by a continuous line of wood stringers, also used to fasten webbing to or to walk on if nec- essary. In building, the " lead " is first constructed. This runs at right angles, or very nearly so, to the shore, and consists of a straight line of stakes, to which wire or net webbing is hung from top of high water, or a little higher, to the bottom, making a straight, solid Avail. At a little distance inshore of the outer end of the lead begin what are called the "hearts. 11 These are V-shaped and turned toward the lead, beginning at a distance of 30 to 40 feet on either side of same and running in the same general direction, the " big heart" or outer heart first, the inner heart, supplementing the first, being smaller, and the end of the outer heart leading into it. The narrow end of the inner heart leads into the " pot " and forms what is known as the ''tunnel. 1 ' The tunnel ends in a long and narrow opening, running up and down the long way, and is held in position by ropes and rods. Below this is what is known as the " apron," a sheet of web stretched from the bottom of the heart upward to the " pot," in order to lead the fish into the tunnel when swimming low in the water, and to obviate the necessity of building the pot clear to the bottom, which would be expensive, as the pots of the traps are usually in quite deep water. Some traps have "jiggers" (a hook-shaped extension of the outer heart) on each side, which help to turn the fish in the required direc- tion. The " pot " is placed at right angles with the inner heart and im- mediately adjoining same. It is a square compartment, with web walls and bottom connected in the shape of a large square sack, fas- tened to piling on all sides. This pot is hauled up and down by means of ropes and tackles, either by hand or, as is most popular, by steam. The " spiller " is another square compartment adjoining either end of the pot (sometimes there are two " spillers," one at each end), and is simply a container for fish. A small tunnel leads the fish from the pot into the spiller, from whence the fishermen lift them out. This is accomplished by closing the tunnel from the pot, after which the ropes holding the front of the spiller are loosened and the net Avail allowed to drop almost to the level of the Avater. A steam tug then pushes a scow alongside the spiller and takes position on the outside of this scoav. From the deck of the tug a derrick is rigged with a running line from the steam capstan through the block at the top of the derrick. This line is attached 28 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. to the far end of a net apron, called a " brailer," which is heav- ily weighted by having chains along each side and leaded cross- ways at several places. A small boat is run inside the spiller, and the men in this draw the brailer across the barge and let it sink in the spiller. The fish soon gather over it, when the steam capstan quickly reels it in, the net folding over as drawn in from its far side and spilling the fish out on the scow. Men on the scow pick out and throw overboard the undesirable fish. The apron is then drawn back across the pot and the operation repeated so long as any fish remain. In this manner a trap with many tons of salmon in it is quickly emptied. Traps, like nearly all other fixed fishing appliances, are built on the theory that salmon, like most other fishes, have a tendency to follow a given course in the water, whether a natural shore line or an artificial obstruction resembling one ; also that the fish very seldom turns in its own wake. The trap has taken advantage of these natural tendencies of the fish, and is arranged so that, although the salmon may turn, he will continually be led by the wall of net toward and into the trap. If a trap is located in a place where fish play and where an eddy exists, and the fish run one way with the incoming tide and the opposite with the outgoing, it will fish from both directions; if located where the fish simply pass by, as, for instance, on a point or reef, it will fish from one side only. A variation of the trap, to be used in places where piles can not be driven, is the floating trap. An experimental trap of this variety was used at Uganuk, on Kodiak Island, Alaska, as early as 1896. Its use was abandoned in 1897, not to be resumed until some years later. A number of floating traps (of the type invented by Mr. J. R. Heckman, of Ketchikan, Alaska) have been and are being used in southeast Alaska, the first having been installed in 1907. The de- sign of this trap follows the shape of an ordinary Puget Sound driven trap. It is constructed of logs, 20 to 26 inches at the butt, bolted and braced together in one solid frame. Suspended from this frame through the logs are 2^-inch pipes extending down in the water 30 feet. Halfway down these pipes and also on the extreme lower ends are eyebolts, to which the web is drawn down and fas- tened. Thus the web is kept in place as well as if the pipes were driven piles. The lead is also a continuation of large piles or logs bolted firmly together with similarly suspended pipes and webbing. The so-called wooden traps on the Columbia River are essentially weirs, being a modification of the brush weirs or traps used by the Indians for the capture of salmon long before the advent of the white men. They are built on shore, of piling and planks, the lat- ter arranged like slats with spaces between. The bowl, or pot, is SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. 29 provided with a movable trapdoor that can be opened during the closed season and on Sundays, so that the fish can pass through and run upstream. These weirs, after being built, are launched into the river, placed in proper position near the shore, and then ballasted so that they sink to the bottom. According to Collins, " pound nets were introduced on the Colum- bia River in 1879. In May of that year Mr. O. P. Graham, formerly of Green Bay, Wis., built a pound net on the river similar to those used on the Great Lakes. The success of this venture led to the employment of more apparatus of this kind, and many fishermen went West to participate in the fishery." According to the same authority 6 Mr. H. B. Kirby, who had pre- viously fished on the Great Lakes, set a pound net in Puget Sound about 1883, but it was a complete failure. On March 15, 1888, he again set a pound net, which he had designed to meet the new con- ditions, at Birch Bay Head, in the Gulf of Georgia. It proved a complete success, and was the forerunner of the present large number which are set annually in these waters. In Alaska the first trap was set in Cook Inlet about 1885. Brit- ish Columbia refused to permit the use of pound nets in its waters until 1904, when their use was allowed within certain limited regions. Some of these trap nets, especially on Puget Sound, have proved extremely valuable. The years 1898 and 1899 covered practically the high-water mark, as several desirable locations changed hands in those years at prices ranging from $-20,000 to $90,000 for single pounds, the original expense of which did not exceed $5,000. But few have brought such high prices since, however, owing to the decline in the run of salmon. The location of sites for these nets is regulated by law in Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia, but in Alaska the procedure is not well defined and has proved rather confusing to strangers. Some acquire the necessary shore line by mineral location or by the use of scrip, while still others have merely a squatter's right. Within the bounds of the forest reserve no land can be acquired except by lease, which may be secured from the United States forestry agent, Ketchikan. Alaska. INDIAN TRAPS. The natives, especially in Alaska, have various ingenious methods of catching salmon. In the Bering Sea rivers they catch them by means of wickerwork traps, made somewhat after the general style of a fyke net. These are composed of a series of cylindrical and conical baskets, fitting into each other, with a small opening in the a Report on the fisheries of the Pacific Coast of the United States, by J. W. Collins, Report of Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries for 1888, p. 210. 1891, * Ibid., p. 257. 30 SALMON" FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. end connecting one with the other and the series terminating in a tube with a removable bottom, through which the captive fish are extracted. Some of the baskets are from 15 to 25 feet in length and are secured with stakes driven into the river bottom, while the leader, composed of square sections of wickerwork, is held in place by stakes. During the summer of 1910 the author found and destroyed an ingenious native trap set in Tamgas stream, Annette Island, south- east Alaska. This stream is a short and narrow one, draining a lake, about midway of which are a succession of cascades. In the narrowest part of the latter, and in the part up which the fish swim, a rack had been constructed of poles driven into the bottom and cov- ered with wire netting, so as almost wholly to prevent salmon from passing up. Just below, and running parallel to the rack and at right angles to the shore, was placed a box flume with a flaring mouth at the outer end. At the shore end the flume turned sharply at right angles and discharged into a square box with slat bottom and covered over with boughs. The fish in ascending the stream would be stopped by the rack and in swimming around many of them would be carried by the current into and down the flume, eventually landing in the receiving box alongside the shore. WHEELS. Fish wheels are of two kinds, the floating or scow wheel, which can be moved from point to point if need be, and the shore wheel, which is a fixed apparatus. They operate in exactly the same man- ner, however. The stationary wheel is located along the shore in a place where experience has shown that the salmon pass. Here an abutment is built of wood and stone, high enough to protect it from an ordinary rise in the river. To this is attached the necessary framework for holding the wheel. The latter is composed of three large scoop-shaped dip nets made of galvanized-iron wire netting with a mesh of 3^ to 4 inches. These nets are the buckets of the wheel, and they are so arranged on a horizontal axis that the wheel is kept in constant motion by the current, and thus picks up any fish which come within its sweep. The nets are fixed at such an angle that as they revolve their contents fall into a box chute through which the fish slide into a large bin on the shore. The wheels range in size from 9 to 32 feet in diameter and from 5 to 15 feet in width, and cost from $1,500 to $8,000, the average being about $4,000. A number of them have long leaders of piling running out into the river, which aid in leading the salmon into the range of the wheel. The scow wheel consists of a large square-ended scow that is usually decked at one end and open at the other. Several stanchions, some 8 to 10 feet high, support a framework upon which an awning SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. 31 is spread to protect the fish from the sun's rays and the crew from the elements. To one end of the scow are fastened two upright posts, which are guyed by wooden supports, while projecting from the same end is the framework which supports the wheel, the latter being con- structed in the same way, but on a smaller scale, than the stationary wheel. In operation the scow is anchored with the wheel end point- ing downstream, and as the wheel is revolved by the current the fish caught fall from the net into a box-chute, through which they slide into the scow. As stationary wheels can be used only at certain stages of water, the scow wheel is a necessary substitute to be used at such times as the former can not be operated. The above forms of wheels are used exclusively on the Columbia River. An ingenious device is used by some of the wheelmen on the Columbia River in getting their catch to the canneries, a few miles farther down the river. The salmon are tied together in bunches and these attached to air-tight casks and sent down the stream. At the canneries small balconies have been constructed at the water end of the building. A man armed with a pair of field glasses is stationed here, and as soon as he sights one of these casks he notifies a boatman, who goes out and tows in the cask and salmon. About 800 pounds of salmon are attached to a keg, and a tag showing the wheel from which shipped is tied to the fish. In 1908 the first fish wheel to be located in the coastal w y aters of Alaska was operated in the Taku River, in southeast Alaska. The wheel was set between two 4-foot scows, stationed parallel to each other, and each 40 feet in length. The wdieel had two dips, each 22 feet in width and hung with netting. It could be moved from place to place, the same as the scow wdieels on the Columbia River. It was operated throughout the king and red salmon runs, but caught almost no salmon, and was not set in the succeeding years. For many years the natives of the interior of Alaska have been resorting to the banks of the Yukon River and its tributaries in order to secure a sufficient supply of salmon to sustain them through the succeeding winter. The favorite apparatus of these natives is a type of fish wheel of local invention, which has been in use by them for many years, probably long before the white man first saw the Yukon. A square framework of timbers is constructed in the water and moored to the bank by ropes. A wheel, composed of three dips, is placed in this, the axle resting upon the framework. The shape of the dip is such that the salmon caught roll off it into a trough, down which they slide into a boat moored between the wheel and the shore. Although crude in construction, it is very effective and a large num- ber of them are set each season. 101379°— 11 3 32 SALMON" FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. The Columbia River fish wheel is a patented device. It was first used by the patentees, Messrs. S. W. Williams & Brother, in 1879, and for several years they retained a monopoly in its use. A number are now operating on the river. The device was not new even when pat- ented, as the natives of the Yukon River Basin had been using a precisely similar principle for an unknown number of years previ- ously, while a similar " fishing machine," as it is called, had been in use prior to this time and is still used by white fishermen on the Roanoke River, in North Carolina. REEF NETS. As the name indicates, this device is used around the reefs. Under natural conditions the reef is covered with kelp throughout its length, the kelp floating at the top of the water. A channel is cut through this, and in it is placed a tunnel of rope and netting, which flares at the outer end, in deep water, and into which is thatched grass, kelp leaves, or any other article resembling submarine growth, to hide the construction sufficiently to avoid frightening the fish. Short leads of kelp are also arranged on the sides so as to draw the fish to the tunnel, which is held in place by anchors. On the reef it- self two boats are anchored parallel to each other and some feet apart. An apron of netting is fastened to the rear of the two boats, while the other end extends under the small end of the tunnel and is kept in place by men in the forward ends of the boats, who have lines fastened so the apron can be raised by them. The device can only be used with the tide entering the tunnel at the large end. When the fish have entered and passed through the tunnel upon the apron, the men raise the floating end of the latter and dump them into the boats. At one time this was a favorite device of the Puget Sound natives for catching sockeye salmon. They attribute its origin to one of the Hudson Bay Company's employees, who, they say, taught them a long time ago how to catch salmon in this way. Owing to the large number of men required to work them, and the fact that they can be worked only at certain stages of tide and in favorabje weather, these nets have gradually been supplanted by other devices. In 1909 but five were used and these were operated off the shores of San Juan, Henry, Steuart, and Lummi Islands, and in the vicinity of Point Roberts. TROLLING. Each year the catching of salmon by trolling becomes of increasing importance commercially. For some years sportsmen had this ex- citing and delightful occupation to themselves, but eventually the mild curers created such a persistent and profitable demand for king, or chinook, salmon that the fishermen, who had previously restricted SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. 33 their operations to the use of nets during the annual spawning runs, which last but a small portion of the year, began to follow up the fish both before and after the spawning run and soon discovered that they were to be found in certain regions throughout nearly every month in the year. The Monterey Bay, Cal., trollers use 48 cotton line generally. A few inches below the main lead an additional line is added, with a small sinker on it. This gives two lines and hooks, and as the main line has but the one lead, and that above the junction with the branch line, it floats somewhat above the latter, which is weighted down with a sinker. The main stem is about 20 fathoms in length, while the branch lines are about 5 fathoms each. These lines cost about $3.50 each. Xo spoon is used, but bait almost invariably. A few fishermen use a spread of stout steel wire, 4 feet long, with 5 or 6 feet of line on each end of the spread, two lines and hooks. On the upper Sacramento River (mainly at Redding and Kes- wick) some fishing is done with hand lines. A small catch was made here in 1908, but none were so caught in 1009. Even as early as 1895 trolling was carried on in the Siuslaw River, Oreg., for chinook and silver salmon. At Oregon City and other places on the Willamette River a number of chinook salmon are caught by means of trolling each year, mainly by sportsmen. A spoon is quite generally employed in place of bait. The fishermen claim that the salmon are not feeding at this time, as their stomachs are shriveled up. For a number of years the Indians living at the reservation on Neah Bay, Wash., have annually caught large numbers of silver and chinook salmon in the Strait of Juan de Fuca. A few white fisher- men also engage in this fishery at the present time in the same waters, while others troll for the same species, but more particularly silvers, in parts of Puget Sound proper. The ordinary trolling line, with a spoon instead of bait, is used. The most remarkable trolling region is in southeast Alaska. For j-ome years the Indians here had been catching king salmon for their own use during the spring months, and about the middle of January. 1905, king salmon were noticed in large numbers in the vicinity of Ketchikan. Observing the Indians catching these, sev- eral white fishermen decided to engage in the pursuit, shipping the product fresh to Puget Sound ports. They met with such success that 271,644 pounds, valued at $15,000, Avere shipped. The next year several of the mild-cure dealers established plants in this region, thus furnishing a convenient and profitable market for the catch, and as a result the fishery has grown until, in 1910, 204,82:5 king salmon and 0.000 coho salmon were caught and marketed. The length of the fishing season has also lengthened until now the busi- ness is prosecuted vigorously during about seven months in the year, 34 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. and in a desultory manner for two or three months more, only the severe winter weather preventing operations the rest of the year. In southeast Alaska the fishermen generally use either the Hen- dryx Seattle trout-bait spoon no. 5 or the Hendryx Puget Sound no. 8. The former comes in nickel or brass or nickel and brass, the full nickel preferred. The Siwash hook no. 9/0, known as the Vic- toria hook in British Columbia, is in quite general use. As a rule, but one hook is used, and this hangs from a ring attached to a swivel just above the spoon, while the point of the hook comes a little below the bottom of the spoon. Occasionally double or treble hooks are used. Some fishermen use bait, and when this is done the herring, the bait almost universally employed, is so hooked through the body as, when placed in the water, to stretch out almost straight and face forward as in life. A small commercial fishery is carried on in this region for coho salmon, mainly in August and September, in the neighborhood of Turnabout Island, in Frederick Sound. A Stewart spoon with two hooks on one ring is used, baited with herring in such a way that the fish is straightened out and faced toward the spoon. The sportsmen of Ketchikan also fish with rod and reel for this species in the neigh- borhood of Gravina Island, using a Hendryx spoon (kidney bait no. 0), which is silvery in color on one side and red on the other. Although much smaller than the king, the coho salmon is more gamy. Reports from the trailers of southeast Alaska prove that all species of salmon will take the hook at some time or other in the salt waters of this region, an examination of their stomachs generally showing that they are either feeding or in a condition to feed. BOW AND ARROW. On the Tanana River, a tributary of the Yukon River, in Alaska, the Indians hunt salmon in birch-bark canoes with bow and arrow. As the canoe is paddled along and the Indian sees the dorsal fin of the salmon cutting the surface of the muddy water he shoots it. The tip of the arrow fits into a socket, and when struck the tip, which when loose is attached to the stock by a long string, comes out of the socket and the arrow floats, easily locating the fish for the fisherman. SPEAR AND GAFF. Spears of varying shapes and styles have been in use by the In- dians from time immemorial and are still employed on many rivers in which salmon run. With the exception of the Chilkoot and Chil- kat Rivers of Alaska, practically all of the catch secured in this manner is consumed by the fishermen and their families. In the Chilkoot River the Indians have built numerous racks in the stream and on the banks, upon which they stand and hook the fish out with a gaff attached to a pole. The catch is sold to the cannery located on Chilkoot Inlet. IV. FISHERMEN AND OTHER EMPLOYEES. In the early days canning was a haphazard business, and workmen came and went as common laborers do in the wheat fields of the West. As the business increased in importance and the need of skilled labor became imperative, men were put to certain work and kept at it from season to season, with the result that in a few years a corps of highly skilled laborers had been evolved, and this had much to do with the rapid extension of the industry. For many years Chinese formed the greater part of the cannery employees, the superintendent, foreman, clerks, machinists, and the watchmen alone being whites. No other laborers have ever been found to do the work as well or with as little trouble as the Chinese. In times of heavy runs, when the cannery would have to operate almost night and day in order to take advantage of what might be the last run for the season of the sometimes erratic salmon, the Chinese were always willing, even eager, to do their utmost to fill the cans, and if fed with the peculiar food they insisted upon having and due regard was had to certain racial susceptibilities, the can- nery man could almost invariably depend upon the Chinese doing their full duty. The Chinese-exclusion law cut off the supply of Chinese, and as the years went by and their ranks became decimated by death, dis- ease, and the return of many to China, the contractors were com- pelled to fill up the rapidly depleting crews with Japanese, Filipinos, Mexicans, Porto Ricans, etc., with the result that to-day in many canneries special quarters have to be provided for certain of the races — more particularly the Chinese and Japanese — in order to pre- vent racial hatred from engendering brawls and disturbances. The Japanese now compose about one-half of the cannery em- ployees. "While a few cannery men express themselves as well pleased with this class of labor, the majority find it troublesome. In Alaska and at a few places in the States Indians are employed in the canneries. In Alaska more would be employed if they could be secured. They make fair workpeople, but are rather unreliable about remaining through the season. The supplying of this kind of labor is done largely through the contract system. In the large cities along the coast are labor agencies, mainly owned by Chinese, which make a specialty of fur- nishing labor for this work. In the agreement between the canning 35 36 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. company and the contractor the company guarantees to pack a cer- tain number of cases during the coming season and the latter agrees to do all the work from the time the fish are delivered on the wharf until they are ready to ship at the end of the season, for a certain fixed sum per case. Should the cannery pack more than the guar- anteed number, which it usually does if possible, the excess has to be paid for at the rate per case already agreed upon, while if the pack, for any reason should fall below the contract amount the company must pay for the shortage the same as though they had been packed. The company transports the Chinese to the field of work and carries them to the home port at the end of the season. It provides them with a bunk house, and furnishes fuel, water, and salt. The con- tractor sends along with each crew a " boss," who has charge of the crew, and furnishes their food, the company transporting this free. White men do the greater part of the fishing for salmon, many na- tionalities being represented, but Scandinavians and Italians pre- dominating almost everywhere. A number of Greeks are to be found fishing in the Sacramento, while Slavonians do most of the purse- seining on Puget Sound. The native-born American is not often found actually engaged in fishing, but frequently is the owner of the gear or has a responsible position in the packing plants. A number of Indians participate in the fisheries of Alaska, and a few fish in Washington. The only Chinese engaged in fishing are in Monterey Bay. A number of Japanese also fish in this bay, which is the only place in American territory where they fish for salmon, except in Alaska, where the small number of 13 were occupied in 1909. A number of Japanese engage in fishing in Canadian waters. In many places on the coast, particularly in Alaska, fishing is a hazardous occupation. In Alaska most of it is done in the bays, sounds, and straits, where storms are frequent, and the annual loss of life is heavy. The records of the Alaska Fishermen's Union show for its members the following losses of life by drowning: 1905, 10 men; 1900, 5 men; 1907, 10 men; 1908, 17 men; and 1909, 17 men. The fishermen early saw the advantages of organization, and nearly every river now has a union, which is subordinate to the gen- eral organization. One of the most typical of these is the Alaska Fishermen's Union, which has active jurisdiction over all sections of Alaska, except a portion of southeast Alaska. Early in the year this organization enters into contracts with the salmon canneries and salt- eries, by which the rates of wages, duties, etc., of the fishermen are fixed in advance. As a result of this mutual agreement upon terms, but little trouble is experienced with the fishermen, who generally conform scrupulously to the terms of the contract, and strikes and bickerings, which were very common a few years ago, are now almost entirely absent. V. FISHERY REGULATIONS. CONTROVERSIAL FORMS OF APPARATUS. From time immemorial the users of certain forms of fishing appa- ratus have complained of and condemned the use of other forms, which, either through disinclination, through lack of financial means, or because it was not suitable for use in the section in which they fished, they themselves have not seen fit to employ. In some instances these complaints are well founded, but an unprejudiced observer is apt to view with suspicion charges advanced under condi- tions when personal interest may so easily cloud or color the indi- vidual judgment. In a court of equity it is a well-established prin- ciple that the plaintiff must appear with clean hands, and that is a difficult matter for the users of any form of apparatus in the salmon fisheries of the Pacific coast. If in one section the fishermen live strictly within the letter and spirit of the law, the users of the same apparatus in another section may be the most persistent and destruc- tive violators. And, again, while the law may be strictly observed, the law itself may be inadequate or purposely deficient, and the apparatus therefore be doing incalculable damage to the fisheries. While all forms of apparatus in use in the salmon fisheries of the Pacific coast have been objected to in some one section or another, the principal complaints have been against fish wheels and trap or pound nets. The wheels are used only in the Columbia River. The traps are found in the Columbia River and in the other waters of the State of Washington and in Alaska. To the objections of other fishermen the owners of wheels and traps retaliate by charging prejudice and self-interest, and with some justification. It is unquestioned that these costly fonns of apparatus are beyond the financial means of the ordinary fishermen, that their use reduces the number of persons employed in the fisheries, and that the owners, who are usually the packers or others closely affiliated with them, can, if they so desire, render themselves largely inde- pendent of other fishermen, such as the gill netters and seiners, and thus keep down the cost of the fish to the packers. Although not often advanced publicly, this is the real basis of the most of the com- plaints. Publicly the objections are based upon higher grounds, 37 38 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. such as the waste through catching and killing in wheels and traps of enormous quantities of salmon which can not be handled in the limited time available, or of species which the packers have no use for, and which they find it easier or less expensive to kill by much handling than to release and in so doing lose a few salmon. One thing should never be lost sight of, however. Fishery appa- ratus is set for the purpose of catching fish, and its value is depend- ent upon the degree of effectiveness with which it accomplishes the object sought with the least expenditure of money and time for con- struction and operation. It is a question whether, under present conditions, if the use of traps were abolished, the other forms of apparatus would be able to keep pace with the demand for fish. But the question of whether traps should be allowed or not in any one section should be settled by reference solely to the conditions prevailing in that section, and not to theoretical or general objections to traps as traps or to objec- tions based upon trap fishing in some other and, possibly, vastly different section. There are some regions on the Pacific coast where if traps were permitted they would soon destroy the run of salmon, while there are many other sections where they would not injure the fisheries at all, unless possibly by use in too great numbers. The latter is especially true in many parts of Alaska, where the chief objection is that in a few places too many of them are grouped together. A considerable part of the objection to the use of traps is doubtless due to the generally shameless disregard of the laws in the past, and in some sections also to-day. In Alaska up to 1908 the trap owners paid practically no attention to the laws, and the same is true to a large extent to-day on Puget Sound, and to a lesser extent, possibly, in the Columbia River. Since the enactment and rigid enforcement of the excellent trap law of 1906 in Alaska, the objections to trap nets have decreased very noticeably, though the traps have probably caught more fish than they did under the old conditions, the only difference being that the catch has been distributed more equally, and not, as in former times, caught chiefly in those traps situated nearest to the ocean, while those in the upper reaches took but few. The Washington law prescribes minutely the method to be fol- lowed in closing traps during the weekly closed season and appears on its face to be an excellent plan. In practice it is quite otherwise, however, for one person can close or open the trap in one or two minutes' time, and all the watchman has to do in the weekly closed season is to let the apron down whenever he sees a boat approaching, raising it again as soon as he is sure the visitor is not a fish warden. Thus it is practically impossible to detect any but the boldest or most careless violations of the law. SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. 39 The provision in the Alaska fisheries law regulating the manner of closing traps during the weekly closed season is without question the test in the country, and Washington could adopt it with much profit. It requires that " the gate, mouth, or tunnel of all stationary or floating traps shall be closed, and 25 feet of the webbing or net of the 'heart' of such traps on each side next to the 'pot' shall be lifted or lowered in such manner as to permit the free passage of sal- mon and other fishes." With two men stationed on the trap at least 15 or 20 minutes of most strenuous work is required to open or close the trap in this manner, and the fishery agent has ample time to reach the scene before the operation is completed. This fact has been found to be an excellent deterrent. At first the owners advanced the plea that the lowering of 25 feet of the web of the heart next to the pot won Id so weaken the trap that it might be carried away by the very strong and high tides which prevail in Alaska, but three years' actual trial has proved this fear to be groundless, and now no objections are heard to this feature of the law. Although not used to as great an extent, wheels have probably occasioned more controversy than traps. While the traps are usually set in either bays, straits, and sounds, where the water is salt or brackish, or in the lower reaches of all the rivers, the wheels are set in the upper courses of the Columbia River only. After the fish have run the gauntlet of the almost countless gill nets, seines, and trap nets in the lower and middle river, and are approaching their spawning beds, they meet with the runways leading to the wheels, which in some instances are set in natural channels in the cascades or falls, or in artificial channels through which the greater part of the run must of necessity pass. Nearly all of the salmon hatcheries on the Columbia are located either on the main river below Cascade Locks, or on one of the tributaries entering the river below there, while above this point there were operated in 1909 17 stationary wheels and 5 scow wheels. It may be maintained that a salmon which has successfully evaded the nets in the section of the river below Cascade Locks is of vastly more importance to the preservation and perpetuation of the fish- eries than a number which have not yet crossed the bar at the mouth of the river. Thus, it has been argued, while wheels have not done anything like the damage to the fisheries ascribed to them, a regard for the perpetuation of the fisheries of the Columbia River demands that their use, as well as that of all other forms of apparatus for the taking of fish commercially, should be prohibited above Cascade Locks. This brings up the question of the justice of such an arrangement from the standpoint of the owners of the wheels. When they put 40 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. in these wheels their use was lawful, and the same is true to-day. They are expensive apparatus, and many thousands of dollars are invested in them. In addition there is an important salmon cannery located at Seuferts, just above The Dalles, which would be absolutely worthless if the above action were taken. It would be no more than just, if the States of Oregon and Washington decided to abolish all commercial fishing above Cascade Locks, that a fair valuation for losses be fixed by arbitration and paid to those affected. There is also no question but what too many gill nets and trap nets are now being fished in the lower part of the river, and some scheme ought to be devised by which the number of licenses annually granted can be reduced very materially. Strict regulations of the forms of apparatus used in the salmon fisheries and the curtailment of certain or all forms when they be- come too numerous will be of greater efficacy in the perpetuation of the industry than any other method which has been so far rec- ommended or tried except that of closed seasons. LAWS AND THEIR ENFORCEMENT. The history of the enactment and enforcement of laws relating to the salmon fisheries of the Pacific coast (except possibly California) is not one that those earnestly and sincerely desirous of preserving and perpetuating the fisheries have reason to be proud of. In the first place, it has been and is yet exceedingly difficult to secure effi- cient laws, owing to the influence of the selfish interests which have no regard to the future. In the second place, it was and is yet diffi- cult to secure the enforcement of even the laws that are on the statute books. In most States a change in the governorship almost invari- ably entails a change in fish commissioner, who is often more con- cerned with pleasing the interests that secured his appointment and retain him in office than in giving the affairs of his department the attention that they require. This condition, not peculiar to the Pacific Coast States alone, doubtless will eventually be removed to a great extent by divorcing the fisheries departments from politics. The Pacific Coast States have had in the past and still have some earnest men who have been and are doing good work, and this num- ber can easily be increased by making the positions permanent. Un- der present conditions a fish commissioner scarcely has a compre- hensive grasp of the intricate problems of his department and begins to be of value to the State before a change of administration occurs and he is compelled to give way to another man, who in turn must be taught all that his predecessor had learned. The worst condition of affairs in regard to the making and enforce- ment of fishery laws is found to prevail in those waters which form the boundary between States or between Canada and the United States. SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. 41 The Columbia River, which forms the boundary between Oregon and Washington, affords a typical example of the evils which can result from a division of responsibility between two States. For many years each State enacted laws regulating the fisheries of the river with very slight regard usually to laws already in force in the other State. As a result of this the fishermen transferred their residence for license purposes from State to State as the laws of one or the other best suited their particular purposes. The fishermen and packers also were in apparently irreconcilable conflict as to the proper means to be taken to conserve the fisheries, and each session of the legislatures saw strong lobbies present to work for certain selfish ends, while the few earnest men who had the real welfare of the fisheries of the river at heart had difficulty in making the slightest headway against the influence of these lobbies. To further complicate the matter, in 1894 Oregon claimed that under the provisions of the enabling act admitting it as a State it had jurisdiction to the Washington shore, and proceeded to arrest Washington men who were fishing in what was the open season ac- cording to Washington law but the closed season under Oregon law. In June, 1908, the voters of the State of Oregon had presented for their consideration two bills radically affecting the waters of Columbia River. One closed the river, east of the mouth of the Sandy River, against all fishing of any kind except with hook and line, and was originated by gill-net fishermen of the lower river for the purpose of eliminating fish wheels in the upper waters. This bill was the first presented to the people, and when it appeared the upriver men re- taliated by presenting a bill affecting the lower river to such an extent that it practically prohibited the net fishermen from operating. Very much to the surprise of all concerned both bills were passed and became laws on July 1, to take effect, as provided, on August 25 and September 10, respectively. The Oregon master fish warden proceeded to enforce both laws, arresting all violators on both sides of the river, irrespective of whether or not they were operating under a Washington or Oregon license, and incidentally did the fisheries a great service by bringing prominently before the public the anoma- lous condition of affairs which were occasioned by the archaic system under which the fisheries of the Columbia were governed. The State of Washington appealed to the United States courts, which, after argument, issued an injunction preventing the warden from enforc- ing the laws so far as the Washington fishermen were concerned. In the meantime the attention of the general Government had been drawn to the apparently irreconcilable conflict between the two States, and fearing that in the melee the interests of the fisheries would be lost sight of. President Roosevelt, in a message to Con- gress, after reciting briefly the lack of harmony in jurisdiction by the 42 SALMON" FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. States, recommended that the general Government take over the control of the fisheries of the Columbia, as well as other interstate rivers. This had the effect of bringing matters to a head and negotiations were soon in progress looking to the preparation of a treaty between the two States by which uniform laws would be adopted, and thus each State have concurrent jurisdiction to the opposite shore of the river. The legislatures each appointed a committee of eight mem- bers to confer and frame joint legislation. The two committees met in Seattle, "Wash., early in 1909, and agreed upon the following recommendations : First. A spring closed season from March 1 to May 1. Second. A fall closed season from August 25 to September 10. Third. A Sunday closed season from 8 p. m. Saturday of each week to 6 p. m. the Sunday following between the 1st day of May and the 25th day of August. Fourth. We suggest the mutual recognition by each State of the licenses issued to floating gear by the other State. Fifth. That the State of Oregon repeal chapter SO of the session laws of Oregon for the year 1907, relative to the operation of purse seines and other like gear on the Columbia River. Sixth. We recommend the enactment of similar laws in both States carrying an appropriation of at least $2,500 in each State and providing for the destruc- tion of seals and sea lions and the granting of a bounty on the same, to be $2.50 for seals and $5 for sea lions. Seventh. We recommend the repeal of both the fish bills passed under the provisions of the initiative and referendum in June, 1007, by the people of the State of Oregon, said bills being designated on the ballot as 31S, 319 and 332, 333. The recommendations were enacted into law by both States, and at the same time the State of Washington in its bill also prohibited fishing for salmon within 3 miles of the mouth of the CJplumbia between March 1 and May 1 and between August 25 and September 10, or salmon fishing on tributaries of the Columbia, except the Snake, between June 1 and September 15; and also prohibited fishing by any means for salmon save by hook and line in the Kalama, Lewis, Wind, Little White Salmon, Wenatchee, Methow, and Spokane Rivers and in the Columbia River 1 mile below the mouth of any of the rivers named. The agreement was subjected to a rather severe strain, however, when it was discovered that the Oregon Legislature had failed to provide the same closed periods for the tributaries that were enacted for the Columbia, thus leaving the Willamette, Clacka- mas, Lewis and Clark, and Youngs Rivers and Spikanon Creek open to fishing for 15 days in March and 15 days in April, while the Columbia was closed. The cry of bad faith was at once raised by the Washington fishermen, and for a short time it appeared that the agreement would be broken at the very beginning. The Oregon Board of Fish Commissioners took the matter up, however, and by SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. 43 order closed these streams to all fishing during the times of closed season on the Columbia, and thus restored peace once more. The conditions which prevail in Puget Sound adjacent to the boundary between Washington and British Columbia have also been the cause of serious anxiety to those interested in the perpetuation of the salmon fisheries. The great schools of sockeye salmon which are on their way from the ocean to the spawning beds in the Fraser River pass through this section, and it is here that the greater part of the fishing is done. The Province of British Columbia has made earnest efforts to preserve this run, but unfortunately the same can not be said of the State of Washington. The laws are fairly good, but owing partly to the small force and facilities available for executing them and partly to other reasons, they have not always been enforced as they should be. This condition of affairs on Puget Sound and similar conditions in other boundary waters led the general Government to take up the matter, and on xVpril 11, 1908, a convention was concluded between this country and Great Britain for the protection and preservation of the food fishes in international boundary waters of the United Sta tes and Canada. Both Governments appointed international commis- sioners — Dr. David Starr Jordan for the United States and Mr. S. T. Bastedo (who was succeeded later by Prof. Edward Ernest Prince) for Canada — whose duty it was to investigate conditions prevailing in these waters and to recommend a system of uniform and common international regulations. After an exhaustive investigation the commissioners submitted recommendations, which included the fol- lowing affecting the boundary waters dividing the State of Washing- ton and the Province of British Columbia, these waters 1 icing defined as the Strait of Juan de Fuca. and those parts of Washington Sound, the Gulf of Georgia, and Puget Sound lying between the parallels of 48° 10' and 49° 20' : GENERAL REGULATIONS. 3. Disposition of prohibited catch. — In case any fish is unintentionally captured contrary to the prohibitions or restrictions contained in any of the following regulations, such fish shall, if possible, be immediately returned alive and uninjured to the water. 4- Dynamite, poisonous substances, etc. — No person shall place or use quick- lime, dynamite, explosive, or poisonous substances, or electric device in treaty waters for the purpose of capturing or killing fish. 5. Pollution of waters. — No person shall place or pass, or allow to pass, into treaty waters any substance offensive to fishes, injurious to fish life, or destruc- tive to fish fry or to the food of fish fry, unless permitted so to do under any law passed by the legislative authority having jurisdiction. No person shall deposit dead fish, fish offal, or gurry in treaty waters, or on ice formed thereon, except in gurry grounds established by the duly consti- tuted authorities. 44 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. 6. Capture of fishes for propagation or for scientific purposes. — Nothing contained in these regulations shall prohibit or interfere with the taking of any fishes at any time for propagation or hatchery purposes, and obtaining at any time or by any method specimens of fishes for scientific purposes under authority granted for Canadian treaty waters by the duly constituted authorities in Canada and for United States treaty waters by the duly constituted authorities in the United States. 12. Capture of immature salmon prohibited* — No salmon or steelhead of less than 3 pounds in weight shall be fished for, killed, or captured in treaty waters. 13. Salmon weirs, etc., aboi-e tidal limits prohibited. — No salmon and no steel- head shall be fished for, killed, or captured by means of a net of any sort, any weir or any fish wheel, above tidal limits in any river in treaty waters. l.'j. Close season for sturgeon. — During the term of four years next following the date of the promulgation of these regulations no sturgeon shall be fished for, killed, or captured in treaty waters. 15. Capture of fish for fertilizer or oil prohibited. — Fishes useful for human food shall not be fished for, killed, or captured in treaty waters for use in the manufacture of fertilizer, or of oil other than oil for food or medicinal purposes. 16. Naked hooks and spears prohibited. — No spear, grappling hook, or naked hook, and no artificial bait with more than three hooks, or more than one burr of three hooks attached thereto, shall be used for the capture of fish in treaty waters. This regulation shall not prohibit the use of a gaff in hook-and-line fishing. 17. Torching prohibited. — No torch, flambeau, or other artificial light shall be used as a lure for fish in treaty waters. The following regulations relate specifically to the waters named: STRAIT OF JUAN DE FTJCA AND ADJACENT WATERS. The following regulations (G2 to G6, inclusive) shall apply to the Strait of Juan de Fuca, those parts of Washington Sound, the Gulf of Georgia, and Paget Sound lying between the parallels of 4S° 10' and 49° 20' north latitude: 62. Close season for salmon. — From August 25 to September 15 in each year, both days inclusive, no salmon or steelhead shall be fished for, killed, or cap- tured for commercial purposes in these treaty waters; provided, however, that in the waters to the westward of a line drawn southward from Gonzales Point to the shore of the State of Washington silver salmon, or coho salmon, may be fished for, killed, or captured from September 1 to September 15 in each year, both days inclusive. 6'.?. Weekly close season for salmon and steelhead. — From 6 o'clock Saturday morning to 6 o'clock on the Monday morning next succeeding, no salmon or steelhead shall be fished for, killed, or captured in these treaty waters. It is, however, provided that in the waters to the westward of a line drawn southward from Gonzales Point to the shore of the State of Washington the weekly close season shall begin 12 hours earlier, and shall end 12 hours earlier. 6k- Construction of pound nets. — All pound nets or other stationary appliances for the capture of salmon or steelhead shall be so constructed that no fish what- ever shall be taken during the weekly close season. The erection or addition to the pound net of a jigger is prohibited. 65. Location of pound nets. — All pound nets shall be limited to a length of 2,500 feet, with an end passageway of at least 600 feet between one pound net and the next in a linear series, such distance being measured in continuation SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. 45 of the line of direction of the leader of such net, and a lateral passageway of at least 2,400 feet between one pound net and the next. On and after January 1, 1911, the inesh in pound nets shall be 4 inches in extension in the lender and not less tban 3 inches in other parts of the net. 66. Nets other than pound nets. — No purse net shall be used within 3 miles of the mouth of any river and no seine within 1 mile of the mouth of any river in these treaty waters. No gill net of more than 900 feet in length or of a greater depth than GO meshes shall be used in these ti'eaty waters. In Alaska previous to 190G the conditions prevailing were very similar to those in Oregon and Washington, but in that year Con- gress enacted a comprehensive and excellent law regulating the fish- eries, the enforcement of which was entrusted to the Bureau of Fish- eries. The force of agents is still inadequate, although materially increased in 1911, and its facilities for covering the territory are very meager. Conditions approaching the ideal will not prevail until these defects have been remedied; but respect for the fishery laws in Alaska obtains very generally now as a result of their per- sistent enforcement during the past five years. VI. METHODS OF PREPARING SALMON. CANNING. EARLY DAYS OF THE INDUSTRY. In the salmon industry canning is, and has been almost from the time of the discovery of a feasible method of so preserving the fish, the principal branch. The first canning of salmon on the Pacific coast was on the Sacramento River in 1864, when Messrs. G. W. and William Hume and Andrew S. Hapgood, operating under the firm name of Hapgood, Hume & Co., started the work on a scow at Washington, Yolo County, Cal. The Hume brothers, who came from Maine originally, had been fishing for salmon in the Sacramento River for some years before the idea of canning the fish had entered their minds, while Mr. Hapgood had previously been engaged in canning lobsters in Maine, and was induced by the Humes to participate in order that they might have the benefit of his knowledge of canning methods. The late Mr. R. D. Hume, who worked in the original cannery and later became one of the best known canners on the coast, thus describes the plant and the methods employed : a Before the arrival of Mr. Hapgood [from Maine] the Hurne brothers had purchased a large scow, on which they proposed to do the canning of salmon, and had added an extension to the cabin 18 by 24 feet in area, to be used as a can-making shop. This had a shed on the side next to the river for holding any cans that might be made in advance of the packing season. A few days after the arrival of Mr. Hapgood [March 23, 1864], the tools and machinery were packed and put in position. Mr. Hapgood made some stovepipe and two or three sheet-iron fire pots, and in a short time was ready for can making. The following list of tools and machinery will shown how primitive our facili- ties were as compared with present methods: 1 screw hand press, 1 set cast- iron top dies, 1 set cast-iron bottom dies, 1 pair squaring shears, 1 pair rotary shears, 1 pair bench shears, 1 pair hand shears or snips, 1 pair 24-iuch rolls, 1 anvil (weight 50 pounds), 1 forging hammer, 1 tinner's hammer, 1 set punches for makiug stovepipe, 1 rivet set, 1 grooving set. 2 iron slabs grooved on one side to mold strips of solder, 1 iron clamp to hold bodies of cans while solder- ing the seams, 1 triangular piece of cast iron about three-eighths of an inch in thickness and 6 inches in length, with a wooden handle attached to the apex, also used for holding can bodies in place while being seamed. "The first salmon cannery. By R. D. Hume. Pacific Fisherman, vol. n, no. 1, Janu- ary, 1904, p. 19-21. 46 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. 47 The process of canning was as follows: The bodies of the cans were first cut to proper size by the squaring shears, a line was then scribed with a gage about three-sixteenths of an inch from one edge, and they were next formed into cylindrical shape by the rolls. They were then taken to the soldering bench, and one edge lapped by the other until the edge met the line that had been scribed and fastened there by being soldered a small part of the length to hold them in place for the further purpose of seaming. They were then placed either in the iron clamp, which had a piece of wood attached to its under side, and held firmly, the clamp being closed by the operation of a treadle, or were slipped on a piece of wood, which was bolted to the bench, while being held in place by the triangular hand seamer, which was pressed down on the lap of the seam by the left hand of the operator. When this had been done a piece of solder, which had been prepared by shaking in a can together with rosin, was placed on the seam, and melted and rubbed lengthwise of the seam. After cooling the bodies were ready for the end or bottom, which operation was brought about by first cutting out circular blanks with the rotary shears, and then placing them in the cast-iron die, and bringing the handle of the screw press around with a swing with force enough to form up the end or bottom. In this operation there were many difficulties, as the ends or bottoms would many times stick to the upper part of the die and refuse to come off, and finger nails were pretty short in those days. To get the ends out of the lower part of the die was not so bad, as a wooden plunger operated by a treadle knocked them out, but sometimes they were in pretty bad shape. When the bottoms or ends were ready they were slipped on the bodies, and the edge of the bottom rolled about in a pan of powdered rosin until the seam was well dusted. A piece of solder similar in size and preparation as used for the side seam was placed in the can. They were then placed on the smooth side of the cast-iron slabs, and the operator, with a hot soldering copper shaped to fit the circle of the can, melted the solder and, by turning the can rapidly, soldered the full circumference. The output of this can factory was very imperfect, as at least one-half of the seams burst, owing to the lack of experience of the manager or want of good judgment. When the can making was well underway Mr. Hapgood then turned his at- tention to getting the apparatus for canning on board the house boat. This in the. cooking department consisted of a kettle made of boiler iron about 36 inches in diameter and 5 feet in depth, set in a brick furnace and fired from under- neath. Alongside was a round bottom cast-iron pot holding about 60 gallons of water and heated in the same manner. These kettles, with a dozen coolers or circular sheet-iron pans with ropes attached and with holes cut in the bottoms for drainage, a set of 5-inch blocks and tackle, with a sheet-iron fire pot and a scratch awl, completed the bathroom outfit. The can filling and soldering room was furnished with a table through the center, where cutting the salmon in pieces to suit and the filling of the cans was done. On each side of the room there was a bench running the full length, on the end of one of which the cans were placed to receive the pickle, which was used at that time instead of the small quantity of salt that is placed in the cans during the opera- tions of these later days. After the salmon had been cleaned by removing the entrails and washing them outside the covered portion of the scow, they were brought inside and placed on the table, and a man with a butcher knife in one hand and a stick in the other, which had a mark showing the length of the pieces desired, cut gashes in the side of the salmon as a guide, and then cut the fish into sections corresponding to the length of the mark on the stick. He 101379°— 11 4 48 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. then proceeded to cut the sections in pieces to suit the cans. Then three or four operators placed the salmons in the cans and shoved them along the table to where a boy wiped the top edge and passed them along to two others who placed tops which fitted inside of the rim. The cans were then taken in wooden trays to the bench opposite the starting point, which was fitted with four sheet- iron pots, and at the one nearest the entrance to the house on the scow a man put a soldering flux on the top edge, which was made by adding zinc to muriatic acid, and then with a pointed soldering copper and a stick of solder melted the solder until a small portion could be drawn around the groove formed by the edge of the can and the bevel of the top. From there the cans were taken to the other parts of the bench, where two men finished soldering the head in, and then taken to the third man, who soldered, or, as it was called, buttoned the end of the seam lap. The cooking department or bathroom, as it was called, was separated from the filling and soldering room by a partition. The cans were shoved through a hole in the partition. At this time the process was a secret. Mr. Hapgood did the cooking and all the work done inside, no one but a member of the firm being allowed to go in. This privacy was continued until the firm moved to the Columbia River and, the labor becoming too arduous for Mr. Hapgood to perform alone, a boy by the name of Charlie Taylor was taken in as an assistant. * * * But to return to the original proposition : When the filled cans had been soldered and entered the bathroom they were put in the coolers and lowered into the cast-iron pot, one cooler of cans being cooked at a time. The cooler was lowered into the boiling fresh water until the cans were submerged to within 1 inch of the top ends and left to cook for one hour ; then they were hoisted out and the vent holes in the center of the top soldered up, after which they were dumped into the boiler-iron kettle, which held a solution of salt and water of density sufficient to produce, when boiling, a heat of 228° to 230° F. They were cooked in this solution for one hour and then taken out of the kettle with an iron scoop shaped like a dip net, with a wooden handle about 6 feet in length. They were dumped into a tank of water on the other side of the partition which separated the bathroom from the packing room through an opening in the partition, receiving many a bump and bruise in the operation. Then they were washed with soap and rag to remove the dirt and grease, each can being handled separately. When this was done they were piled on the floor of the packing room and in a few days were painted with a mixture of red lead, turpentine, and linseed oil, for at that time buyers would have no canned salmon, no matter how good the quality, unless the cans were painted red. When packs of 10,000 to 15,000 cases were made in a season only the absolutely essential machinery was used, the rest of the work, such as cutting and cleaning the fish and placing them in the cans, being done by hand. When larger canneries were constructed, especially in Alaska, where labor is expensive and difficult to obtain, the greater part of the workmen having to be brought up from the States, ma- chinery to do as much as possible of the work became absolutely essential. The inventive genius of the country came to the rescue and one by one machines for cutting and cleaning the fish, filling the cans, putting the tops on, and washing them, were invented and put into use, while automatic weighing machines were produced and extensive improvements and alterations were made in the machines previously in use. There are to-day many large manufacturing es- SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. 49 tablishments which devote all or the greater part of their facilities to furnishing machinery and supplies to this giant branch of the salmon industry. When salmon canning was in its infancy a pack of from 150 to 200 cases was considered a good day's work. Now it is not an uncommon occurrence for a cannery to turn out from 1,500 to 2,000 cases in one day, and there are a few which have even greater capacity. During the height of the salmon run a cannery is an exceedingly busy and interesting place, and a description of the methods used at the present time will show the giant strides the industry has made since the days of Ilapgood, Hume & Company. HANDLING THE SALMON. At convenient spots near the fishing grounds large scows and lighters are anchored and the fishing crews deliver their catches aboard these, the tallyman on each scow keeping a record and giving the crew a receipt. Men fishing near the cannery deliver their catch alongside. Steamers and launches are used to tow out empty scows and bring in those filled. In the old days the fish were pitched by hand into bins on the wharves, but this laborious method has been superseded by the use of an elevator, which extends from a short distance above the top of the wharf to the water's edge, pro- vision being made for raising or lowering the lower end according to the stage of the tide. This elevator is slanting, and is made of an endless chain operating in a shallow trough. About every 2 feet there is attached to the chain a crosspiece of wood. At the top of the elevator are chutes which deliver the fish at various convenient spots on the cutting-room floor. At a few places tracks have been run down to the low-water stage and the steamers, launches, and scows come alongside these, small cars being run down to meet them, and be filled by men pitching the fish from the boats, the cars when filled being run up into the cutting room and dumped upon the floor. At other places men armed with pews (single-tined forks) pitch the fish up to the wharf, where other men pitch them to the cutters. If the salmon have been in the scow t s for from 20 to 24 hours they are used as soon as possible after being delivered at the cannery: otherwise that length of time is usually allowed to elapse, the can- nerymen claiming that if not allowed to shrink the fish will be in such condition that when packed much juice w r ill be formed, so that in "blowing," after cooking, light-weight cans will be produced. The danger of canning fish that are too fresh, however, is of minor im- portance as compared with the tendency in the other direction. Before dressing the fish a stream of water is kept playing over them in order to remove the dirt and slime, after which men with pews separate the different species into piles. 50 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. DRESSING. The majority of the canneries still use the old hand method of dressing the fish, and in such places the selection of the butchering or dressing gangs is of prime importance. Two men constitute a " butch- er's gang," and the number of these gangs is dependent upon the output of the plant. Boys place the fish, with the head out, upon the cutting tables. One man cuts off the heads, and is followed by another who removes the fins, tails, and viscera. The offal is thrown into a chute, whence it passes into the water under the cannery, while the dressed fish is transferred to a tank of water, to be scaled, washed, and scraped. It is then passed to another tank of water, where it receives a second washing, scraping, and final brushing with a whisklike broom, which removes any offal, blood, and scales that were overlooked in the first washing, after which it is removed to large bins on either side of the cutting machine. The most useful cannery inventions in recent years have been of machines for doing the work of the dressing gangs. Several have been invented and work more or less satisfactorily. The one now in general use in canneries where such machines are employed was first used in 1903 at Fairhaven (now Bellingham) , Wash. It removes the head, tail, and fins and opens and thoroughly cleans the fish ready to cut into pieces for the cans. By the use of these machines the dressing gang is almost entirely done away with, dispensing with 15 to 20 men. CUTTING. The usual method of cutting the salmon is by a machine. This is generally a large wooden cylindrical carrier, elliptical in shape, thus having a larger carrying capacity. Ledges or rests on the outside the length of the carrier are wide enough to hold the fish, and are slit in cross section through the ledges and outer casing to receive the gang knives. The latter are circular, fixed on an axle at the proper distances apart, and revolve at the highest point reached by the carrier and independently of the latter. The carrier and gang knives are set in motion, each revolving on its own shaft. As a rest on the carrier comes to a horizontal position, men stationed at the fish bins lay a fish on each ledge as it passes. Thence it is conveyed to the revolving gang knives and, after being divided, passes through on the downward course, sliding off the rest into the filling chute. The knives in these machines are so arranged as to cut the fish transversely in sections the exact length of the cans to be filled. The rotary cutter shunts the tail pieces to one side, and these are carried by means of a chute to baskets. But few of the larger tail pieces are canned, the rest being thrown away, this forming a con- SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. 51 siderable part of the tremendous annual waste of the salmon can- neries. As the tail portion is much smaller, with less meat, it can not be placed in the cans with the middle and head sections without detracting from their value, but if packed under a distinct and separate label, as is now done in a few canneries, there is no reason why the tails should not supply the demand for a cheap grade of fish. In some of the smaller canneries, especially in those packing flat cans, the gang knives are worked by hand. In this case the knives are not circular, but elongated or semicircular in shape, tapering at the outer ends. They are mounted on an axle having a large iron lever at one end, and when this lever is raised the ends of the gang knives are thrown up and back. The fish is then placed in position under them and the lever pulled forward, the knives, with a scimitar- like movement, dividing the fish. The original method of cutting was by means of a long knife- wielded by a Chinaman who stood at a regular butcher's block. Although his strokes were incredibly quick, the rotary cutting ma- chine is a vast improvement over the old way. SALTING. Every can of salmon is seasoned with one-fourth of an ounce of salt, which, to insure uniformity, is added by mechanical means. A table is used, in the top of which are holes equal distances apart. On the under side of the top is a sheet-iron plate, with an equal number of holes, which slides in a groove at the sides, and is worked either by a hand or foot lever. Just below is an open space large enough to accommodate a tray holding 3G or 48 cans. A workman stands in front of the table and slides a tray of cans into the open space. He then throws a quantity of salt upon the table and im- mediately scrapes this off with a thin piece of wood, each hole being filled in the operation, and the salt being prevented from falling through by the iron plate underneath. The lever is then pressed, the iron plate moves forward until the holes in it are directly under the table top. when the salt drops through into the cans. This opera- tion can be repeated four or five times in a minute. FILLING THE CANS. Most canneries now use filling machines, although a few, more particularly those packing flat and odd-sized cans, still fill by hand. The filling machine consists of a chute with a belt to which are attached wire racks about 4 inches apart, set at an angle to prevent the salt from spilling out, into which the salted cans are fed from the floor above and pass into the machine. At the same time the divided sections of salmon pass down another chute into the mouth of what 52 SALMON FISHEKIES OP PACIFIC COAST. looks like a hand coffee mill. They pass through here down a smaller chute and are forced by two dogs into a receptacle through which the plunger, or filler, passes. Here the plunger comes opposite the open mouth of the empty can, which when it reaches this point is caught by a clasp or hook and held in front of the plunger, which is immediately thrust forward through a chamber filled with salmon, cutting the fish longitudinally and at the same time filling the can. The next movement forces the can out upon a table. When running at full speed one of these machines will fill about 80 cans a minute. On being released by the clamp the cans roll upon a long table and are picked up by a man stationed here, who strikes each one upon a square piece of lead set in the table, in order to settle the contents down into the can and for the purpose of detecting any deficiency in weight. If not quite full the cans are pushed to the other side of the table, where a man adds the quantity of fish needed, a supply of small bits being kept at hand for this purpose. Gen- erally the cans overrun in weight, frequently as much as an ounce. Occasionally a can is weighed in order to see that the machine is in perfect adjustment. In the hand method the fillers stand on each side of a long table with a trough running down the middle from end to end. This is filled with the cut pieces of salmon, and the fillers, usually women and children, put into the cans large pieces at first and then smaller pieces to occupy the vacant spaces. WASHING THE CANS. The cans are put upon an endless belt by a workman and pass from the filling-machine table to the washing machine. This is a rotating apparatus, consisting of an iron framework holding 10 rests or stands on which the cans sit. Immediately overhead are small per- pendicular shafts with an iron cap, the diameter of a can, fixed to the end of each. Each can as it reaches the machine is caught by one of the washers and the cap brought down over the top, a tight- fitting flange preventing water from getting inside. Revolving rap- idly as it goes, with a stream of water against it of sufficient force to remove the dirt and grease, the can is carried until the machine has revolved 180 degrees, when it is released and passes out on a belt. A more modern method is to use jets of steam for washing, while one of the latest devices is to clean the cans by a cold-air blast which strikes directly on the top edge. A set of brushes against which the cans revolve is used in a few canneries. After being washed the cans continue on an endless belt and pass two children whose duty is to put a small piece of scrap tin on the top of each. These pieces are called " chips," are from 1| SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. 53 to 2 inches, and are scraps from the sheet tin used in making the tops of the cans. The shape is of no particular importance so long as the pieces are long enough to cover the hole in the top of the can, or the cap as it is called. CAPPING. The endless belt delivers the can to the capping or topping ma- chine. On reaching this the can passes under a cap holding a top, the latter being fed in through a separate aperture, and the cap immediately falls with just sufficient force to put the top on the can without injuring either. The can is then forced out from under the capper by the rotation of the machine, and the next capper is brought around to receive another can. As the cans revolve they are carried under a crimper, situated directly opposite the capper, which presses the edge firmly around the body. While one can is being topped another is being crimped, after which it rolls out upon a belt on its side, and is taken through the acid trough. Before the tops are sealed the edges must be treated with a solution of muriatic acid, which is in a glass receptacle and is applied as the cans are rolled through the acid trough on the endless belt. SOLDERING. For many years the tops and also all other parts of a can were sol- dered by hand, a long, tedious, and expensive process, which even- tually gave way to the soldering machine. This is composed of an endless chain about 6 feet long, revolving around two shafts at either end of an iron trough. In the bottom of the trough is the solder, which is kept at molten heat by a row of oil blast jets underneath. Between the lower part of the chain and trough is just enough room for a can to pass without jamming, and they are forced along the trough by a chain in contact with their sides. They enter the trough at an angle, their bottoms slightly inclined, which causes the top rim to be submerged in solder, thus distributing it evenly all around the edge. In passing through the trough the cans make about half a dozen revolutions, which cause the tops to become very hot, and it is to prevent them from being blown off by the pressure of the steam which quickly generates that the center hole in the top is made. The "chip" previously mentioned prevents the hole from being choked with salmon. A soldering machine having, instead of the endless chain to give motion to the cans, a metal spiral running the length of the machine and revolving on an axle through the center, is used in some can- neries. Each loop grasps a can and follows it to the end, thus giv- ing the cans the proper motion and preventing them from rolling 54 SALMON FISHEKIES OF PACIFIC COAST. side by side and lapping the solder over the ends, as is frequently the case with the chain machines. A few canneries use a revolving cooler, which has a disk upon which the cans rest. This disk is filled with running water, and after it makes two revolutions the cans are forced into an inclined trough under a stream of water. The usual method, however, is for the cans on leaving the soldering machine to pass under sev- eral jets of water to set the solder and at the end of the belt to be transferred by workmen to coolers or crates, which are made of flat strap iron, square shaped, and hold about 9G cans. The crate having been filled, it is placed upon a square truck and rolled aside, where the vent holes are stopped with a drop of solder. TESTING. The testing tank is a square wooden tank filled with water heated almost to the boiling point by steam pipes arranged in a coil at the bottom. The crates are hoisted into the test tank by a block and tackle attached to an overhead track, which permits the coolers to be swung to any place desired. This test is for the purpose of detecting leaks due to imperfect soldering and is conducted by two workmen skilled in this operation. The slightest leak is detected by the appearance of small bubbles issuing from the cans. The spots where the bubbles appear are marked with a small iron tool held in the hand, and the cans are taken out and placed in small wooden trays, in which they are carried to the bench men, whose duty it is to mend them. Cans that have been mended are again tested as before. The bench men are located in front of a long bench on which are numerous fire pots, supplied with oil and air led through small tubes, in which the soldering irons are kept heated, the heat and air being regulated by connecting valves. Kerosene oil and gasoline are the fuels generally used now. COOKING. The salmon are invariably cooked in rectangular retorts which rest in a bed and have a track running the long way. In front of each is a turntable for the purpose of receiving trucks coming from any direc- tion. Four trucks each holding 6 crates of cans, piled one upon another, are run into the retort, which is then closed and steam turned on, entering at the bottom. The amount of pressure is from 6 to 12 pounds, the heat 250° F. In most establishments the first cooking is continued about 60 minutes. After the first cooking the crates are taken out and placed on a long table called a " venting table," where the cans are pricked with a wooden-headed hammer fitted with a small brad, to allow the steam SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. 55 and superfluous water to escape. After the venting lias been done the holes are soldered up, the crates again loaded on a truck and rolled into the second retort, where they are subjected to the same pressure of steam and heat as in the first cooking and for a period of about 60 minutes. In some canneries the retorts for first cooking are made of heavy plank, well bolted to resist the steam pressure. In the early days much secrecy and mystery was thrown about the cooking, and the work was carried on in a separate room, known as the " bathroom, 11 under lock and key. The first cooking was done in common tubs. The early retorts were made of wood. Later, round iron kettles were substituted, nearly one-half consisting of cover, and round crates were used for holding the cans. For many years cannery men believed that the double cooking of salmon was absolutely necessary, but in 1898 Mr. F. A. Seufert, at his cannery on the Columbia River, at Seuferts, Oreg., a short dis- tance above The Dalles, discarded this idea, and has since used a one- cooking method. By the new process the cans are tested for leaks after the center hole in the top is soldered up, as before, and are left in the retort 70 minutes at 245° F. and 12 pounds steam pressure. According to its originator, this method saves more than one-half the labor in the bathroom, saves nearly one-half the labor in washing the cans after cooking, and also better retains the color of the fish. SANITARY, OR SOLDERLESS, CANS. A recent improvement in the canning business, and one which accomplishes the same purpose as the single cooking in retorts, is that of "sanitary cans, 1 ' so called. In order to use these cans a quite radical, but economical, change in machinery is necessary. As the cans leave the filling machine they pass into a steam exhauster, con- sisting of a box about 30 feet in length, in which are three endless- chain belts running side by side. Under and over each belt are steam coils, and under each of the lower coils are single pipes, which through small holes throw jets of live steam upon the coils, creating an intense heat. The cans pass along the first belt, are then trans- ferred to the second belt, on which they return to the entrance of the box, whence they pass to the third belt, and continuing along this to the end pass out to the topper and crimper, the whole operation occu- pying five minutes 1 time. One style of exhauster has 10 ovals formed by the pipe, and the cans pass along these from side to side of the exhauster until discharged at the far end. By this means the contents of the can are heated and the greater part of the air exhausted, which is the object of the first cooking in the retort under the method in general use. 56 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. The topper and crimper is a circular machine with six rests for the cans. The first work performed by the machine is to " true up " the upper edge of the can, which is done by a plunger that presses the upper flange of the can upon a shoulder. In the meantime the top, which is coated around the outer edge with cement, has been automatically fed into the machine, is now clamped on the can, and by another operation is crimped on tight. The cans then leave the machine on an endless conveyer and pass to the men who transfer them to the coolers, and these are immediately placed upon the trucks and run into the retort for the one cooking they are to receive. The time they are to remain here is somewhat variable, 70 to 125 minutes with a temperature of 212° F. being the common period. By the use of these cans the soldering machine, and in fact all use of solder and acid, is done away with, a distinct sanitary improve- ment, for sometimes the substances would get into the can and cause a deleterious chemical change in the contents. It also does away with the first cooking and the subsequent venting and soldering, a saving both in labor and time consumed. REPAIRING CANS. Imperfect cans which are repaired before the first cooking are naturally in the same condition as if there had been no defects. If the leaks are discovered after cooking and are repaired at once and the contents recooked, they are still very good, the only difficulty being that by blowing or venting them a second time they lose weight, The above goods usually go in with the regular pack of their kind and are not classed as regular " do-overs." When, however, a cannery is running at full capacity, defective cans can not always be repaired and recooked at once and are some- times set aside for days. Decomposition follows, of course, as with any other meat that is exposed to the air, and the fish becomes unfit for food. When recooked the meat becomes mushy and the blowing or venting makes the cans very light, a defect which is frequently corrected by adding salt water. This, the " do-over," is the lowest class of goods. In the old days, and even yet to some extent, such cans are sold without labels to brokers, or else are given some indefi- nite label, perhaps with the name of some fictitious cannery, and sold in the lumber, mining, or negro districts, or shipped to foreign coun- tries with less fastidious tastes in the matter of salmon. In 1910 one of the leading companies of Alaska adopted the policy of throwing overboard all " do-overs." On coming from the second retort the crates are lowered into a bath of lye, or, as in some canneries, the cans are run through such a bath on an endless belt, which, with the aid of a slight rinsing and a SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. 57 few rubs with a brush over the top, removes from the can all the grease and other material, and then passes them into another bath where the lye is washed off in hot fresh water. The cans then go to the cooling room, where a stream of water is played upon them, or, during rainy weather are placed out of doors upon the wharf, and there allowed to cool. The top and bottom of the cans contract in cooling, and for several hours a sharp popping noise is heard. Here, as in nearly every proc- ess through which they pass, the cans are again tested, this time by tapping the tops with a small piece of iron about 6 inches long, or, sometimes, a 12-penny nail. The sound conveys to the ear of the tester an unmistakable meaning as to the condition of the can. and the faulty cans that escape notice during the other tests are invari- ably found in this one. LACQUERING. An almost universal custom in the salmon-canning industry, but one that is not common in the canning of vegetables, fruits, etc., is that of lacquering the cans. This idea of protecting the can on the outside has been followed from the very beginning, for two reasons: (1) That the English market which, at that time especially, absorbed the greater part of these goods, insisted on their shipments being- finished in this way, and (2) from the fact, as these canners speedily found out, that if they did not protect their cans in some way enor- mous losses through rust would ensue. The first experiment of this nature was to paint the cans by hand with red paint, treating each singly. Next a composition of logwood extract and alcohol was tried, which, however, did not produce satis- factory results for a very plain reason — the can was dyed instead of being lacquered. The next attempt was to varnish the cans with a japan varnish reduced with alcohol, but this was found to dry too slowly for speedy handling. After extended experimentation the quick-drying brown lacquer of the present time was evolved, which carries asphaltum in the form of an asphalt varnish as its base, this being supplanted in some cases by gilsonite. This lacquer can be pro- cured in either a heavy or light body, is generally reduced with ben- zine or gasoline, and is applied according to the requirements of the market, which in some localities demands a heavy coating and in others a much lighter finish, the latter giving a rich golden brown color. Some experiments have also been made in using brighter col- ored lacquers for this work. Several of these, made to give a bright golden, copper, or other color, are extremely attractive in appearance, while at the same time protecting the tin against rust quite as well as the brown. 58 SALMON FISHEKIES OP PACIFIC COAST. The industry soon outgrew the hand method of lacquering, and the process which for a number of years was universal in the trade, and is still used by some canneries, succeeded it. For this there are a number of rectangular box vats about 40 by 80 inches and 18 inches in depth, the number varying with the capacity of the cannery. These are usually lined with galvanized metal and provided with a grid- iron-shaped iron frame, hung from a windlass or other tackle for lifting or lowering from top to bottom of the vat. The cans are loaded on this gridiron, being placed in an inclined position to allow the draining of the lacquer, and are lowered in the vat sufficiently to submerge them in the lacquer wifh which the vat is charged to a depth of 7 to 10 inches. The loaded gridiron is then raised to the top of the vat and the cans allowed to drain and dry before piling. This method, while being more effective in regard to the volume of work, was still of necessity a very slow and tedious operation. In damp or rainy weather, especially when it is not possible to open warehouse doors and windows, the gas arising from a number of these vats makes effective drying almost impossible. Another principal objection to this method of lacquering, which applied also to all earlier attempts, was the impossibility of obtaining an even coat of lacquer when the can was allowed to dry in any stationary position. There was also a large waste by evaporation. Notwithstanding repeated efforts at invention, however, it was not until 1001 that an effective machine for handling this difficult work was put on the market. The apparatus now in use by a number of canneries receives the cans on a revolving wheel fitted with rests for holding them while passing through the lacquer bath. From here they roll upon an endless chain which revolves the cans as they pass through a long box in which a hot blast dries them before they reach the end of the machine. The rotating or rolling motion given to the can after the lacquer bath, preventing the lacquer from draining to and consequently accumulating on any part of its sur- face, also has the effect of distributing the lacquer evenly and results in a clean and neatly finished can. The air blast facilitates the work of drying to such an extent that it requires only about two minutes after being deposited on the drying bed of the machine for the cans to be ready for handling, while the quantity of cans which can be han- dled in a day is vastly greater than by the old method. A few flat and oval cans are not lacquered, but are protected from rust by wrapping in tissue paper, over which the label is placed. LABELING. While machines have been made for this purpose, and some of them are in use, the work is usually done by hand. A number of men SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. 59 seat themselves about 4 feet apart in front of the pile of cans. Each man has in front of him a package of several hundred labels, and by bunching them on a slant so that successive margins protrude beyond each preceding, he can apply paste to the entire number with one stroke of the brush. A can is placed on the label, is quickly rolled, and the label is on much quicker than one can tell it. Each man places to his right the cans he labels, forming a pile of length and width equal to his unlabeled pile, and when the entire lot has been labeled it has been shifted only about 4 feet. Cans of fancy brands of salmon put up on the Columbia River and in the Puget Sound region are wrapped in colored tissue paper before the label is put on. Cartons similar to those used by the sardine packers would make good containers for fancy brands and would be much cheaper than the present method. Several attempts have been made to popularize salmon packed in glass and porcelain jars, and while these have met with some favor, it was not sufficient to warrant a continuance of the practice for any length of time. None are being so packed at the present time. BRANDS. A very important feature of the canning industry is the selection of appropriate brands or labels for the various grades of salmon. Each company has a number of these, which it has acquired either by designing them or by absorbing another company which owned them. A well-known brand has a value in itself and sometimes is a very important asset. A company will sometimes market a con- siderable part of its product in one section, and here, where the consumer has become familiar with the brand and pleased Avith the contents of the can, he will ask for and accept no other, despite the fact that the latter might be, and probably is, the equal of the product he has been using. Up to a few years ago one of the most serious evils in the trade was the use of misleading and lying brands. The high-grade product would almost invariably be correctly and fully branded, but " chums " and " pinks " were usually branded as " Fresh salmon," " Choice salmon," etc., which would deceive all persons but those well ac- quainted with the industry. " Do-overs " and very poor fish were usually marketed under a brand which bore the name of a fictitious company or of no company at all. The passage of State laws of varying degrees of efficiency govern- ing the branding of salmon helped slightly to remedy this condition of affairs, but it was not until the Pure Food and Drugs Act, approved June 30, 1906, was put into force by the Government that any radical improvement was noticeable. At the present time but few mislead- ing brands are in use. 60 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. BOXING OR CASING. A case of salmon generally contains 48 one-pound cans or their equivalent, i. e., 24 two-pound cans or 96 half-pound cans. Some canneries pack their half-pound cans in cases of 48. These cases are usually made of wood and cost from 9 to 11 cents each knocked down. CAN MAKING. Some of the canneries in the coast States purchase their cans ready made, but the usual method is to purchase the sheet tin and make up the cans in the canneries. This is especially necessary in Alaska, as it would be impossible to find room on the cannery ships for such a bulk as they would make in addition to the other supplies necessary. Furthermore, the making of cans provides work for a large part of the crew, otherwise unemployed while the rest are getting ready the other necessary paraphernalia. The work is done by machinery and occupies several weeks' time. MILD CURING. The beginning of the business of mild curing salmon, or " sweet pickling," as it is sometimes called, is of comparatively recent date. In 1889 a German dealer came to the Columbia River and tried to interest some of the cannery men in the business. Messrs. J. O. Han- thorn, M. J. Kinney, and J. W. Cook were persuaded to prepare some, and the plant of the Northwest Cold Storage Company, at Portland, was used to keep the fish at a low temperature during repacking and preparation for shipment. These fish were shipped to Germany, but the shippers received no financial returns, word coming back that the fish were not satisfactory. Owing to this lack of success from the first effort no further at- tempt was made until 1894, when Mueller & Loring, of Chicago, put up a carload of mild-cured salmon at Kalama, Wash., and shipped it to Germany. In 1896 Charles Ruckles and Wallace Brothers, of Kalama, packed several carloads for the German market. It was not until 1898 that the business was permanently established on the Columbia, the Trescott Packing Company and S. Schmidt & Sons putting up plants at Warrenton and Astoria, respectively. In 1900 the Trescott Packing Company began packing the spring and fall runs, and the Sacramento River Packers' Association packed the fall run, on the Sacramento River, the business being carried on here every year since. In 1901 the Sacramento River Packers' Association began at Monte- rey the mild curing of the spring salmon that were taken with hook and line in the open ocean. SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. 61 S. Ellmore & Company started the industry in 1902 at Tillamook, and the business began on Puget Sound in 1001, when the San Juan Fishing & Packing Company and the Seattle Fish Company took it up. Prior to 11)06 several of the Alaska cannery men put up each season a few tierces of mild-cured salmon, but it was not until this time that the industry really began as such. In that year J. Lindenberger (Inc.) started packing at Ketchikan, Alaska. The following year several other plants were started, and in 1010 almost all of the king salmon taken in southeast Alaska were mild cured. In mild curing the fish are split down the middle, the head, tail, and all fins except the pectorals removed, and the backbone cut out. The fish is then in two halves. Each of these halves, or sections, is then scored on the outside eight or nine times with the knife. They are then thrown into a cleaning vat, and here the inner side of each section is carefully scraped clear of blood and membrane with a knife, while the outside is thoroughly cleaned with a scrubbing brush. The sections are then laid carefully inner side up in another vat partly filled with clear, cold, running water, or into a tierce partly filled with fresh water and cracked ice, in which they remain for an hour. Formerly the fish were put into brine, but it has been found that ice water answers the purpose much better. After being thoroughly cooled, the sections are salted down in the tierces, each one being laid with its tail toward the center. Usually about 50 whole fish are required to fill a tierce. The fish are but lightly salted, and owing to this fact must be kept in cold storage until used. In the early days of the industry different preparations, which included salicylic and boracic acids, were used to help preserve the fish. This caused much complaint from the Germans, and finally their Government subjected our product to a rigid inspection, with most salutary results, as now it is one of the purest and best prod- ucts put up on this coast, the use of acids being done away with entirely. The king salmon is almost invariably the species mild cured, being the only one large enough to answer the requirements of the trade. In 1907 a Ketchikan, Alaska, packer put up a quantity of coho, dog, and humpback salmon, but he found so much difficulty in disposing of the product that he abandoned further efforts in this line. The principal consumers of the mild-cured salmon are the smokers, who take them from the tierce, wash them for a few minutes, and then have a practically fresh fish to smoke, and not, as in the days when hard-pickled salmon were used, one that had lost most of its oil and flavor through the excessive amount of salt needed to pre- serve it. 62 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. The greater part of the product put up on this coast goes to Eu- rope, Germany being the principal consumer, but considerable quan- tities are sold in Norway, Sweden, and other countries, while the smokers of the cities east of the Rocky Mountains use large ship- ments every year. PICKLING. The earliest method of preserving salmon on the coast was by pickling. At times this industry attained to large proportions, but during the last 10 years it has been declining, largely because of the increasing popularity of mild-cured salmon. All species of salmon are pickled, but the most popular is the red salmon. In dressing salmon for pickling the heads are removed, the fish split along the belly, the cut ending with a downward curve on the tail. The viscera and two-thirds of the backbone are removed, and the blood, gurry, and black stomach membrane scraped away. The fish are then thoroughly scrubbed and washed in cold water. They are next placed in pickling butts with about 15 pounds of salt to every 100 pounds of fish. The fish remain here about one week, when they are removed, rubbed clean with a scrub brush, and repacked in market barrels, one sack of salt being used to every three barrels of 200 pounds each. About 40 to 52 red salmon, 25 to 35 coho salmon, 70 to 80 humpback salmon, 10 to 14 king salmon, and 25 to 30 dog salmon are required in packing a barrel of pickled salmon. A few salteries also pack " bellies." This product is merely the belly of the fish, which is the fattest portion, and as most of the packers threw away the rest of the fish, thus causing a very large waste of choice food, this method has come under the ban of the law in some of the coast States and in Alaska. As a result but few " bellies " are packed now, and most of these only when some economic use is made of the remainder. Humpback salmon furnish the major part of the " belly " pack. DRY SALTING. During the progress of the Russian-Japanese War the preparation of dry-salted dog salmon became an important industry, but as soon as the Japanese fishermen resumed their former occupations the de- mand fell off so much that the industry was virtually abandoned in the United States, although a number of Japanese continue it in British Columbia. The fish, after being dressed, were packed in boxes, in salt, these boxes holding about 560 pounds of fish, and were shipped in this condition to Japan. At a number of places in Alaska the bellies of red and coho salmon are cut out and salted, after which the backs are dried in the sun and, SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. 63 thus cured, are used for fox food at the numerous fox ranches. This product is called " ukalu." SMOKING. The smoking of salmon is virtually a continuation of the pickling, as the fish must be pickled before being smoked, the main purpose of the pickling being to preserve them until the time arrives for smok- ing, which may be weeks or months after the fish are caught. For smoking them the salmon are taken out of the barrel and soaked until as much as possible of the salt is removed. They are then put into the smokehouses and subjected to the heat and smoke of a fairly hot fire for about two days in order that they may be thoroughly dried and hardened. Exposure to a smoldering lire (alderwood is a favorite fuel) for about three days completes the process. For shipment smoked salmon are packed in wooden boxes, oil paper being placed between the fish. A variation of the smoking process is known as ""kippering." With this method the salmon are dried in a hot fire for about 20 hours and then smoked over another hot fire for about 24 hours. The "buckling" process is also similar to this. Dog and king salmon are often cut into steaks and kippered. As the sale of white-meated king salmon is somewhat hampered by the whiteness, the smokers use a coloring preparation, known in the trade as Zanzibar carmine. This gives the outside of the fish a deep- colored red gloss, but leaves the inside its natural white color. The steaks are wrapped in paper and packed in baskets holding 10 pounds each. A smoked product known locally as "beleke," is put up at Kodiak, Alaska, from red and colio salmon. Steelhead trout are the best for this purpose, but are not often utilized owing to their scarcity in this region. In preparing " beleke " only the backs of the fish are used, the belly part being cut out and pickled separately. The backs are divided into three grades, according to size, viz, " small," " medium," and " large." They are first put into a brine, the " large " being put in first, followed by the "medium" and "small" at in- tervals of 1 hour each, so that all will be cured at about the same time. The coho backs, being the largest, are kept in the brine from 19 to 20 hours, while the red salmon backs, which are smaller, re- main in the brine only about 16 hours. After being thoroughly salted the backs are removed from the brine and rinsed in fresh water, then hung in the air for about 21 hours to dry and to allow a thin skin to form on the outside. They are then hung in the smoke- house, in the presence of a little fire of cottonwood or alder. On dry days the gable windows -arc thrown open and the wind allowed to 101379°— 11 5 64 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. pass through while the smoking is going on. The smoking must be done slowly, two weeks being devoted to it. There is a good demand for this product locally, the fish selling for from 15 to 20 cents a pair, but little effort has been made to ex- tend its sale outside of central Alaska. FREEZING. The process of preserving fish by freezing was first introduced in 1888. Previous to this the comparatively ancient method of packing with ice, or in rare instances letting the fish freeze naturally during the winter months, was followed. Packing with ice is in quite general use to-day for shipments of fish which are to be pre- served for short periods of time. Cooling with ice never results in a. temperature lower than 32° F., which, of course, does not freeze the fish. The freezing of salmon and steelhead trout began on the Sacra- mento and Columbia Rivers in the late eighties. It was taken up in a small way on Puget Sound in 1892. That year Wallace Bros, and Ainsworth & Dunn froze a small lot, and the venture was so successful that the next year nearly all of the wholesale dealers on the Sound took up the business. In Alaska the preparing of frozen salmon began in 1902. The San Juan Fishing & Packing Company, soon to be succeeded by the Pacific Cold Storage Company, put up a cannery and cold-storage plant at Taku Harbor, in southeast Alaska, in 1901, though it did not operate the cold-storage portion until 1902. This is the only plant which has operated in Alaska, although the New England Fish Company erected in 1909 a large plant at Ketchi- kan for the freezing of halibut primarily, but will probably freeze salmon also. The freezing of salmon is almost invariably carried on in connec- tion with other methods of handling and preserving, and the purpose is usually to secure the fish when numerous and cheap, freeze them, and then hold them until the runs are over and the fish are once more in good demand at high prices. The business proved so profit- able, however, that the dealers began to look for wider markets for their product. Europe, more especially Germany, was prospected and a profitable market soon delevoped, with the result that to-day frozen Pacific salmon can be secured in nearly every town of any size in western Europe, while large quantities are marketed all over our own country. There are four important features in packing and using frozen salmon: (1) To get fresh fish; (2) to keep them cold (about 15° above zero) after they are frozen; (3) to keep a coat of ice on them, and (4) to allow them to thaw slowly in cold water before cooking. SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. 65 In selecting salmon for freezing only the finest and freshest of each species are used. The current belief that freezing destroys the flavor of the fish is erroneous, the flavor depending entirely upon the condition before freezing, and the quicker they are frozen after being caught the better will the natural flavor of the fish be pre- served. Frozen salmon are just as wholesome as fresh, and their chemical constituents are almost identical. The danger lies in the temptation to freeze the fish after decomposition has set in, but, fortunately, this is now very rarely practiced in the salmon industry. The coho, or silver, and the chum, or dog, salmon are the choicest of the salmons for freezing. The other species except the red, or sockeye, which is too oily and rarely frozen, are also frozen in vary- ing quantities. The steelhead trout, which is ranked by the Pacific coast dealers among the salmon, is considered the ehoicest fish of all for freezing. One of the most modern plants on the coast — that of the New England Fish Company, at Ketchikan, Alaska — has four freezers, each 25 feet by 10 feet 6 inches, in which a temperature of from 25° to 30° F. below zero can be maintained if desired, although a tempera- ture of more than 10 below zero is rarely ever required. All freezing is by direct expansion and each freezer is piped with about 2 feet of 1^-inch pipe per cubic foot of freezing space. The bunkers in the freezers are in pairs, each nine pipes wide, spaced 10 inches apart. This leaves a Mi-foot passage through the center of each freezer opposite the 31 by 6i foot swing doors. The salmon are laid on pans, which are placed on the tiers of pipes. After freezing, the salmon are passed through openings in the rear of the freezers into the glazing room, which has a temperature of about 20°F., where they are dipped into water, and when removed are covered with a thin glaze of ice, which may be thickened by re- peated dippings. This is an extra precaution to exclude the air from the fish. After being thoroughly frozen and glazed, each fish is covered first with a parchment, like rolls of butter, and then with a piece of heavy brown paper. They are then packed in boxes holding about 250 pounds each, placed in the cold-storage cars and shipped. MISCELLANEOUS PRODUCTS. A few years ago a company on the Columbia River put up what was known as " fish pudding." In preparing this the salmon was ground fine, mixed with milk and eggs, and then packed in tin cans. The preparation was soon abandoned. In 1003 one of the Point Roberts canneries packed a new product which was called " salmon paste." For this the fish was ground up, 66 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. cooked, seasoned with spices, etc., and made into fish balls, a very palatable dish when warmed over. In 1905 a Seattle concern began the manufacture of wienerwurst sausages from halibut and salmon. The Indians in the Bristol Bay region of Alaska occasionally dress the skins of salmon and make of them leather for the tops of boots, also bags and other small articles. Every year immense quantities of salmon roe are thrown away in the fisheries of the west coast, though there is but little doubt that, if properly prepared, a market could be found for this now waste part of the fish. In France there is a good market for a product known as u rogue," which is the spawn of cod, haddock, hake, and pollock salted in casks, and which is used as bait in the sardine fisheries. Salmon spawn is the choicest and most successful bait used on this coast, and if properly prepared would undoubtedly answer the purpose as well, if not better, owing to its oiliness and attractive color, than the regular "rogue." The roes should be soaked for some days in old brine and then packed in strong casks holding about 25 gallons each. It might also prove to be a good bait for tolling mackerel on the Atlantic coast. In 1910 a considerable quantity of salmon roe was prepared in Siberia and sold in competition with caviar, which is prepared from sturgeon eggs. The product met with favor in Europe and several Alaska firms are preparing to put it up in 1912. It should be pre- pared in the same manner as caviar. Several establishments are putting up these eggs in jars and her- metically sealed cans for use as bait in sport fishing. A product which was first made in Norway is prepared by means of an invention which quickly dries and pulverizes the flesh of fresh fish. The resulting powder, called k " fish flour," is easy to transport from one place to another and has great nutritive value. It is probable that the tailpieces of the fish, which are at present thrown away, and the cheaper grades of salmon might be prepared in this way and thus furnish another market for salmon. OIL AND FERTILIZER. As early as 1888 there was a small plant at Astoria. Oreg., where the refuse of the canneries was utilized for the manufacture of oil and fertilizer. In that year 8,000 gallons of oil (chiefly from salmon heads), and 90 tons of fertilizer were prepared. The oil was worth 22^ cents per gallon and the fertilizer had a market value of $20 per ton. Most of the refuse was dumped into the river, however. In 1898 a similar plant was established in the Puget Sound district SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. 67 of Washington, but for some reason the industry has languished almost from the start. In 1882 the Alaska Oil & Guano Company established a fertilizer plant at Killisnoo, Alaska, for the extraction of oil and fertilizer from herring, and has operated the plant continuously ever since. In some years large quantities of whole salmon have been handled at this plant, and the resulting product was found to sell as well as that from herring. Probably the most serious evil in the salmon industry to-day is the enormous wastage which annually occurs. About one-fourth of the total weight of each fish handled at the various packing plants is thrown away. With the exception of the tailpiece, which is dis- carded at most canneries owing to the excessive amount of bone which would be in the product if canned, this waste material could not be utilized as food, comprising as it does the head, viscera, fins, and tail. When not conveniently near the very few fertilizer plants at present in operation this product is either allowed to pass through chutes into the water under the cannery, or is dumped into scows and towed to the ocean or the deeper waters of the sounds, and here thrown overboard. This procedure, not only exceedingly wasteful, is also far from beneficial to the waters where deposited. The great desideratum in the salmon fisheries of the Pacific coast at the present time is the invention of a small odorless-fertilizer plant, costing not more than $2,500 or $3,000, which can be installed at the various salmon canneries and salteries. The offal from the cannery could there be utilized and the product obtained would doubtless net a fair return on such an investment, while at the same time the present (in the aggregate) enormous waste would be stopped, and the waters adjacent to the canneries rendered far more agreeable to the fishes as well as to the people on shore. It is absolutely essen- tial that the plant shall be odorless, as the smell of the ordinary fer- tilizer establishment would be very offensive to persons visiting the cannery and would not enhance the demand for canned salmon. At the present time the cheapest plant available costs about $10,000, and very few canneries can afford to invest this sum of money in the dis- posal of their own offal alone. VII. STATISTICS OF THE PACIFIC SALMON INDUSTRY IN 1909. This is the first report in which detailed statistics of the salmon fisheries of Washington, Oregon, California, and Alaska have been shown for the same year. Partial statistics of British Columbia and Yukon Territory of the Dominion of Canada are also included. PERSONS EMPLOYED. The large army of -28.945 men. women, and children were employed in the salmon fisheries of Alaska and the three coast States. Alaska leads with 11,433, followed by Washington. Oregon, and California in the order named. Over two-thirds of the grand total is made up of whites. The Chinese and Japanese have almost the same number, while 2,803 Indians were employed. Persons Engaged in the Salmon Fisheries of the Pacific Coast States and Alaska in 1909. Occupation and race. Alaska. Washing- ton. Oregon. Califor- nia. Total. Fishermen: 2,486 1,176 4,426 221 4,179 2,114 13, 205 1,397 15 168 15 13 181 Total 3,675 4,647 4,179 2, 297 14,798 Shoresmen: Whites ■ 1,911 1,246 1,992 2, 136 2,091 115 1,270 1,102 404 276 15 4,682 1,376 411 256 3,673 . 5 3,499 Total 7,285 4,578 1,071 296 13, 230 Transporters: 413 30 292 70 82 887 30 Total . 473 292 70 82 917 Total: Whites 4,840 2,452 1,992 2,149 6,809 336 1 , 270 1,102 4,653 2,472 15 15 173 18,774 2,803 411 256 3,688 3,680 11,433 9,517 5,320 2,675 28,945 INVESTMENT. The total investment in the salmon fisheries was $25,157,813, of which Alaska furnishes more than one-half. Gill nets are the princi- pal form of apparatus in use, followed by stationary traps, or pounds, diver nets, haul seines, purse seines, etc. 68 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. 69 Investment in the Salmon Fisheries of the Pacific Coast States and Alaska in L909. Items. Alaska. Num- ber. Value. Washington. Oregon. Num- ber. Value. Num- ber. Value. Transporting vessels: Power vessels Tonnage Outfit Sailing vessels Tonnage Outfit Power boats Fishing boats, power Fishing boats, sail and row... Scows and house boats Pile drivers Apparatus, shore fisheries: Purse seines Haul seines Gill nets, drift Gill nets, set Diver nets Traps, stationary Traps, floating Reef nets Wheels, stationary Wheels, scow Spears Lines, trolling Lines, hand Shore and accessory property Cash capital 133 5,891 $1,007, 944 43 59.761 17 (>0 1,821 310 43 9S 94 1,209 Total. 20 266,986 1,085,400 93 1,158 $440, 500 30 2ss $119,900 135, 625 25, 350 108,540 24, SKI 30.000 211,671 171,005 90, 555 27. 188 27,731 111,750 130,794 21,250 5 404 2, 244 398 62 101 240 1,620 1,624 48 525 1 9 13 3 30 523 5,601,259 4,970,799 13,948,271 3,950 472,650 128,945 168,673 124, 350 44, 150 28,955 168,831 37,259 10,100 1,324,968 L'. 000 4,500 70.000 8,500 15 287 1,890 114 48 2,818 1,122 418 21 28,900 139, 000 224.545 45, 050 1,800 16,280 523,331 27,014 22, 375 25, 750 313,000 22,000 201 1 , 730, 030 1,424,500 1,554,780 551,500 0,334,S07 3,041,775 Transporting vessels: Power vessels Tonnage Outfit Sailing vessels Tonnage Outfit Power boats Fishing boats, power Fishing boats, sail and row... Scows and house boats Pile drivers Apparatus, shore fisheries: Purse seines Haul seines Gill nets, drift Gill nets, set Diver nets Traps, stat ionary Traps, floating Reef nets Wheels, stationary Wheels, scow Spears Lines, trolling Lines, hand Shore and accessory property. Cash capital California. Number. Value Total . 41 171 1,158 50 47 1,086 $37, 74S 3, 920 63,300 91,050 12.S. 245 13,925 5,650 167,570 1,149 10 497,393 223.000 1 . 232. 960 Total. Number. Value 200 7, 393 43 59,701 7,113 S72 107 a 199 *435 ' 6, 733 d 2, 746 e466 019 16 9 39 12 20 81,666,092 431, S81 i. os:.. loo 108,540 120,990 733,300 693,406 398,653 216, 705 71,338 78,616 971,488 64, S73 32, 535 1,481,512 23,250 4,500 3S9.000 30, 500 30 1,933 10 9,383,462 7,109.799 25,157,813 a Aggregate length of 104,570 yards. b Aggregate length of 111,558 yards. c Aggregate length of 2,356,847 yards. d Aggregate length of 151,655 yards. « Aggregate length of 65,800 yards. 70 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. PRODUCTS. The total products amount to 365,336,482 pounds, which returned the fishermen $7,224,024. Bluebacks, sockeyes, or red salmon were most numerous in Alaska and Washington, chinooks hi California, coho or silver, dog or chum, and steelhead trout in Washington, while humpbacks were taken commercially in Alaska and Washington alone, being especially numerous in Alaska. Products of the Salmon Fisheries of Alaska and the Pacific Coast States in 1909. Species. Alaska. Washington. Oregon. Pounds. Value. Pounds. Value. Pounds. Value. Blueback, sockeye or red Chinook, king or spring 116,014,486 8,959,544 3,526,404 9,456,048 37,965,928 11,050 $1,029,079 151,984 41,233 15.583 95,065 400 77,280,9S9 11.016.476 21,328,466 25,520,426 17,495,586 2.427,251 82,835,666 604,906 554, 157 L64 300 46. 187 130, 186 844,324 13.952.814 5,184,520 699,348 $34,703 736, 456 127 204 Dog or chum Humpback or pink 3,818 1,510.285 66, 802 Total 175,934,060 1,333,344 155,069,194 4,335,702 22,191,291 968,983 Species. Blueback, sockeye or red. Chinook, king or spring... Coho, silver or white Dog or chum Humpback or pink Steelhead trout Total. California. Pounds. Value 21,000 11,962,248 145,500 4,200 S.'.IV.I 12,141,937 580,094 4,575 553 585, 995 Total. Pounds. 194,160,799 45,891,082 3D.184.890 35,680,022 55,461,514 3,958,175 365,336,482 Value. 13,900,137 2,073,440 727, 169 183,785 141,252 198, 241 7,224,024 Note.— In addition to the above, British Columbia produced S9,852,089 pounds, which returned the fishermen SI, 832, 573, and the Yukon Territory (Yukon River), 80,565 pounds, which returned the white fishermen $10,209. PRODUCTS CANNED. In order to show the total pack of the Pacific coast of the North American Continent, the pack of British Columbia has been included. The total pack reduced to a common basis of forty-eight 1 -pound cans amounted to 5,392,306^ cases, valued at $25,518,669. Alaska leads m the total pack, with Washington second. Alaska also leads in the pack of sockeyes, humpbacks, and chums. Washington leads in the pack of cohoes and Oregon in the pack of cliinooks and steelhead trout. SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. 71 Salmon Canned in Alaska, British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, and California in 1909. Alaska. British Columbia. Washington. Products. Cases. Value. Cases. Value. Cases. Value. Chinook, king, or spring: 300 1,214 $1,440 7,314 23,550 40,730 606 $98, 780 268,849 4,242 176 17,613 516 94,110 48,034 $207,624 21,426 110,593 441 2,886 1,110 10.212 Total 48,034 207,624 19,807 100,266 87,422 498,676 Coho, silver, or silverside: 2,132 5,911 61,520 5,969 28,373 258, 400 34,292 28,885 137,008 427 94,417 1-pound flat 1,206 55.350 5,543 225.486 134,755 570.030 2,562 Total 56,556 231,029 69, 563 292, 742 200, 612 801,764 Chum, or don: 1,300 219 83,664 1,950 591 120,712 274,110 16,573 39,775 197,932 Total 120.712 274, 110 16.573 39.775 85,183 200,473 Humpback, or pink: 2.267 27,722 6,234 66,581 2,030 368,963 5.585 464,873 1.114,839 896, 757 Total 464,873 1,114,839 29, 989 72,815 370,993 902,342 Sockeye, blueback, or red: 16,385 85,193 63,888 236,609 183,760 314, 706 12,880 277,893 17,650 406 8,312 1,935,040 1,888,236 42,504 1,500,623 75.013 2,639 49,872 229,502 151.. 712 927,967 2,746,667 1,611,916 7,310,053 487 474 2,558,993 Total 1,713,494 7.610.550 1,115,607 5,493,927 1,173,693 6,233,627 Steelhead trout: 945 3,794 3,897 2,937 19,422 1-pound tall 22,602 Total 8,630 1 44,961 Grand total 2,403,669 9,438,152 1,251,539 6,005,525 1,926,539 8,681,843 72 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. Salmon Canned in Alaska, British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, and California in 1909 — Continued. Products. Oregon. California. Total. Cases. Value. Cases. Value. Cases. Value. Chinook, king, or spring: 69,557 54,591 $289,534 396, 809 93, 467 102,198 606 176 110,130 534 2,402 458 $389, 754 5,663 $28,315 701,287 4,242 516 23,057 534 848 458 148,815 2,670 8,242 1,833 567,142 2,670 21,340 1,833 Total 149,045 847,903 5.663 28,315 309,971 1,688,784 Coho, silver, or silverside: 20,331 11,755 39.326 315 56,928 51.702 157,886 945 56,755 47,757 293,204 742 157,314 220,373 1,211,802 3,507 Total .. 71,727 267,461 398, 458 1,592,996 Chum, or dog: 1,300 219 230, 174 1,950 591 9,225 21,218 533,035 Total 9,225 21.218 231,093 535,576 Humpback, or pink: 4,297 861,613 11,819 55 132 2,078,309 Total 55 132 865,910 2,090,128 Sockeye, blueback, or red: 32,071 6,645 133,095 39,870 761,718 863,256 12,880 2,377,338 17,650 406 8,312 3,059,990 4,911,382 42,504 50 320 11,369,989 75,013 2,639 49,872 Total 3S.766 173,285 4,041,560 19,511,389 Steelhead trout: 7,064 1,365 4,320 22,084 7,695 25,056 8,009 5,159 8,217 25,021 27,117 47,658 Total 12,749 54,835 21,385 99,796 281,567 1,364,834 5,663 28.315 o5,868,977 25,518,669 a All 1-pound cases contain forty-eight 1-pound cans; the ^-pound cases contain forty-eight .Vpound cans. Reduced to a common basis of cases containing forty-eight 1-pound cans, the aggregate pack amounts to 5,392,306^ cases. SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. 7a MISCELLANEOUS PRODUCTS. The total miscellaneous secondary products prepared amounted to 29,808,129 pounds, valued at $2,096,030. Of these the largest quan- tity and value is represented in the mild-cured pack. The pickled pack is second in quantity but is exceeded in value by the frozen pack. Alaska leads Washington very slightly in the quantity of products prepared, but both are exceeded in value of products by Oregon. Miscellaneous Secondary Products Prepared in Alaska and the Pacific Coast States in 1909. Products. Alaska. Washington. Oregon. Pounds. Value. Pounds. Value. Pounds. Value. Frozen: 74,183 528, 177 1,304.072 62,945 504,105 $7,418 30,149 07, 101 1 , 888 46,615 14,000 210, 175 $1,400 13,868 Coho, silver, or silverside 35,721 77,882 .$1,072 1 , 55S 9,450 473 1,446,685 144.058 Total 123.053 3.103 2,534,442 153,231 1,070,800 159,926 Mild-cured: 1,833,600 140.300 2,292,800 273,826 4,365,442 434,825 Pickled: 88,200 7,000 63,600 227,750 7,000 311.400 11,200 109, -ISO 5. 31 II. 501) 783,600 3,798 1 75 1,000 (..75(1 540 671 2,000 100 9,405 224 7,396 167,298 13,902 50.1100 1,015, 00(1 175 48,450 Humpback, or pink Humpback backs 172, too 8,620 Rockeye, blueback, or red Total 6,970,730 1,845,150 58,456 3,000 154 Dry-salted and dried: Chinook, king, or spring sun 14,50(1 71,600 51 , 500 83,000 45 549 1,038 545 2,302 Coho, silver, or silverside, backs. . Sockeye, blueback, or red, backs. Total 221,400 4,479 Smoked: 30. 105 100.500 30,000 2,413 10,050 127,700 19 155 Chinook, white-meated, kip- 1,,X0II 20.000 2,000 4,(100 585 400 43 517.245 5.000 100,000 25,862 500 5,000 Sockeye, blueback, or red, backs. 40,300 2,780 Total 44,885 3, 223 872,010 51,025 147,700 21,155 Fertilizer 159,224 120.113 2,287 3,210 1,210,000 380.648 18,610 14,101 Oil 9,473,005 374,324 9,135,950 500 00'J 6.193.002 616, 060 74 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. Miscellaneous Secondary Products Prepared in Alaska and the Pacific Coast States in 1909 — Continued. Products. California. Total. Pounds. Value. Pounds. Value. Frozen: 88,183 780,373 1,442,554 62, 945 1,960,300 $8 818 45, 089 68 719 1 888 191,746 Total 4.334,355 316,260 Mild-cured: 4,887,962 $520,468 13,379,804 1,378.419 Pickled: 89,600 13, 750 66, 200 227,750 57,000 1,926,400 11,200 341,880 5,301,500 783,600 4,362 846 2,615 3,843 365 57, 855 224 16,016 167,298 13,902 Total 1 8,818,8S0 267, 326 Dry-salted and dried: 800 14,. 500 71,600 51,500 83,000 45 549 1,038 545 1 2,302 Total 221,400 4,479 Smoked: 110,550 14,643 268,415 190, 500 57,660 4,000 517,830 5,000 100,000 40,300 36,211 16,050 7,660 626 4,426 400 25,905 500 5,000 2,780 Total 118,210 15, 269 1,183,705 91,272 1,369,224 "500,761 20, S97 Oil 17,:!77 5,006,172 535, 737 29,808,129 2,096,030 a Represents 66,728 gallons. WASHINGTON. Owing to the quadrennially heavy run of sockeye salmon and the biennial run of humpback salmon into Puget Sound occurring in 1909, the catch of both species of salmon was very heavy. The purse seiners made exceptionally heavy catches of sockeye salmon, while the traps had so many humpbacks in them that the greater part were turned out, it being impossible to find a market for them. In many places people were allowed to take away with them, free of charge, as many humpbacks as they wished. In Grays Harbor the run of salmon was fairly good. On the Quiniault River the Indians made very successful catches. Early in the season a meeting of the tribe was held, and it was decided that a SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. 75 50-foot runway in the center of the stream should be kept clear of nets so as to allow the fish an opportunity to reach the spawning beds in the lake. In Willapa Harbor the run was fair. On the Columbia River the catch was not as large as in 1908, which was due partly to the shortening of the open fishing season. STATISTICS BY COUNTIES. Persons employed. — The total number of persons employed was 9,517, of which the large majority were whites. Persons Employed in the Salmon Fisheries op Washington, by Counties and Nationalities, in 1909. Counties. "ishermen Shoresmen Whites. Indians. Total. Whites. Chinese. Japanese. Indians. Total. 643 193 303 273 284 527 276 50 67 241 56 68 112 616 533 61 13 82 28 643 205 303 273 284 527 276 50 67 241 232 68 145 616 533 61 13 82 28 1,056 42 569 2 6 55 12 631 40 290 488 40 414 55 2,230 12 1 22 Skagit 40 1 313 9 6 55 12 Kitsap 176 63 163 16 IS Ml 6 20 70 45 40 i.;i 12 50 15 21) 63 9.3 20 303 33 76 78 277 6 2 1 ■) 1 Total 4,426 221 4.1,47 2,091 1.270 1,102 115 4,578 Counties. Trans- porters. Total employed. Grand total. Whites. Whites. Chinese. Japanese. Indians. Whatcom San Juan Skagit 129 9 1 , 828 244 947 275 290 601 290 .50 67 241 125 243 131 645 638 68 13 84 29 031 40 290 488 40 414 55 12 40 3,002 336 1,691 275 290 19 2 601 290 50 67 241 6 12 3 11 25 1 20 70 45 40 134 12 50 15 20 63 176 20 33 333 383 224 705 835 Cowlitz 68 Clarke 13 84 29 Total 292 6,809 1,270 1,102 336 9,517 76 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. Investment, apparatus, etc. — The total investment in the fisheries amounted to $6,334,807. Whatcom County has the largest invest- ment, nearly one-third of the total. Investment in the Salmon Fisheries of Washington, by Counties, in 1909. Whatcom. San Juan. Skagit. Islam 1. Snohomish. Items. Nitm - ber. Value. Num- ber. Value. Num- ber. Value. Num- ber. Value. Num- ber. Value. Transporting vessels: 36 517 $192,500 3 48 8 73 47 5 $15,500 4,600 21,250 3. 190 15,833 23,600 2.. V,( i 18 293 43 207 31 $108,900 Outfit 60,500 59,850 8,210 101,350 61,000 3,900 1. LOO 12, 250 6,200 372,540 1,(1110 32,400 37,250 7.410 9,150 Fishing boats, power Fishing boats, sail and 40 L»47 188 13 9 9 71 96 72 22 85 63 2 1 27 1 1 29 $13,900 3,210 18,200 9,000 500 2,010 300 10 176.500 26 203 17 $16. 400 6,380 Scows and house boats. . 3,800 Apparatus, shore fish- eries: 4 17 338 336 12 1,500 1 . 285 26, 270 5. 700 46,500 4 20 130 537 S 1,000 3,005 Gill nets, drift Trap nets,stationary 3 18 23 7 225 310 116,178 3,500 1,036 6,317 35,000 15 Shore and accessory 600,003 679,000 37,350 45,000 382,044 309,(100 5.250 6,245 Total 2, 159, 403 289, 086 967, 409 228.880 79, 198 King. Pierce. Thurston. Mason. Kitsap. Items. Num- ber. Value. Num- ber. Value. Num- ber. Value. Num- ber. Value. Num- ber. Value. Transporting vessels: 7 56 $23,300 1 5 1 23 88 $2, 500 Tonnage Outfit... 11,400 800 200 (,0.200 3.300 Fishing boats, power. . . . Fishing boats, sail and 60 234 107, M|)0 7,350 1 27 $2, 500 880 4 29 $3,800 1,310 26 85 6 1 12 36 7 f $36, 900 3,055 850 2,000 Apparatus, shore fish- eries: 37 52 193 82 18,500 4,650 8,760 820 22 25 73 143 8,500 1.950 1.900 3, o 8 4 16 1,000 600 100 400 1 13 1 22 500 1,025 300 600 5,700 2,930 Gill nets, drift Gill nets, set Trap nets, stationary Shore and accessory 1,950 88 13.500 L66,800 60,000 15,375 5,000 200 300 ' 850 Total 409. 480 103,325 5,680 7,835 67.823 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. 77 Investment in the Salmon Fisheries of Washington, by Counties, in 1909— Continued. Clallam. Jefferson. Chehalis. Pacific. Wahkiakum. Items. Num- ber. Value. Num- ber. Value. Num- ber. Value. Num- ber. Value. Num- ber. Value. Transporting vessels: Power vessels Tonnage Outfit 3 27 $12,000 •1,11110 1,500 1,600 9,580 1,000 4 50 $29,000 0, 100 1 8 $3,000 6 •IS 2 ss 317 9 37 2 207 46 2S0 $16,700 4,315 1,800 46,800 22,820 3,300 23,300 500 350 36,000 1.340 506,400 13 101 1 72 191 16 $36, 100 500 10,660 1 2 212 450 Fishing boats, power Fishing boats, sail and 5 29 16 1 2,200 940 5,050 5.000 5 115 1 3 2,500 8,350 400 450 43,500 38, 735 Scows and house boats. . 8,990 Apparatus, shore fish- eries: 8 70 8 900 700 100 11 25 I 800 340 430 8,000 2,000 11 417 33 52 5.500 Gill nets, drift Gill nets, set Trap nets, stationary 100 1S9 15 8,000 9,724 :;. loo 70.700 615 36,800 246 20,325 2(1.1)110 Shore and accessory 60,345 50,000 ' 36,753 20,000 59, 625 38,000 310,455 190.500 Total 71,951 170,205 93.077 761,250 1 753,005 Cowlitz. Clarke. Skamania. Klickitat. Total. Items. Num- ber. Value. Num- ber. Value. Num- ber. Value. N " m " V-ilne ber. x alue - Num- ber. Value. Transporting vessels: 1 5 $1,000 93 1,158 $440, 500 Tonnage Outfit 350 135.025 5 404 2, 244 398 62 a 101 6 246 • 1,020 d 1,1 124 «48 525 1 9 13 3 3,950 Fishing boats, power Fishing boats, sail and 28 29 11,700 1,200 1 12 $400 360 10 46 2 $4,000 1,945 750 472,650 15 $720 128,945 168,673 124,350 Apparatus, shore fish- eries: 44. 1.50 1 150 4 1,500 2 1,200 28,955 Gill nets, drift 168,831 Gill nets, set 18 350 5,300 8,400 12 ISO 1.210 32 13 3 455 3,650 750 2 20 37,259 10, 1(50 4 1,000 1,324,968 2.000 4,500 10 -11.000 7,000 3 1 32,000 1,500 76,000 8, 500 261 Shore and accessory 21,800 8,000 10 5,075 1,225 1,730,030 1.424,500 Total 5S, 250 2.11,0 69. 125 37,665 6,334,807 o Aggregate length of 68,900 yards. b Aggregate length of 44,S24 yards. c Aggregate length of 429, 115 yards. :<,(., in i 20,414 194, 200 5,S'.I0 :;.v,,\oo 7,958 GILL NETS. 75,000 60,515 30,000 3,750 1,578 150 17,000 7-1,000 48,000 24,500 7,000 970 40,000 81,000 25,000 4,000 1,200 640 1,000 240 IS, ooo 33,000 154,000 2,300 490 395 6,140 115 2 220 240 Sockeye, or blueback 980 33,055 1,653 350 Total 150.000 3,0S0 207,300 7,140 198, 570 7,131 170,500 4,760 TRAP NETS. 100,225 504,074 1,333,704 5,305 13,020 6,669 4,2S2 205,662 1,036,472 1,735 199 6,642 5,182 87 Total 1,944,003 24,994 1,308,151 12,110 LINES. 110.880 571,284 4,000 4,800 17,649 20 Total 686,164 22,469 TOTAL. 158,225 1,514.064 5,035,704 2,199,000 24,280 7,905 38,850 29,734 87,940 1,214 216,880 741,799 73,000 10,100 22,527 500 42,282 461,602 1,312,072 32,500 13,935 2,219 Coho, or silver Dos, or chum 585,998 1,237,000 125,000 7,600 15,380 7,010 5,000 492 12,622 7,910 1,380 Steelhead trout 47,255 2,363 697 1,955,598 27,882 8,931,273 165,043 1,078,934 35,490 1,862,451 24,828 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. 81 Products of the Salmon Fisheries of Washington, by Apparatus, Species, and Counties, in 1909 — Continued. Apparatus and species. Chehalis. Pacific. Wahkiakum. Cowlitz. Pounds. Value. Pounds. Value. Pounds. Value. Pounds. Value. I'URSE SEINES. 8,919 2,184 L,090 4,742 $535 Coho, or silver 44 49 190 Sockeve, or blueback Total 16,935 818 .1 HAUL SEINES. 11,500 345 312,616 42,417 19,722 112,221 818,957 SIS 888 5,411 50,000 $3,000 12,000 28,000 600 Total 11,500 345 486,970 26,104 90,000 5 000 GILI. NETS. Chinook, or kins 571,586 si;,. 840 813,978 187,000 57,800 4,500 45,142 47,253 5,500 432 203 2,328 1,100,511 316., 274 400,224 66,031 6,325 2,354 Coho, or silver 641,858 306,256 638 118,000 16,571 1,889 23,200 4,066 Dos, or chum Sockeve, or blueback 139,877 6,994 13,000 6.20 Total 2, 27.'., 7(10 61,566 1.108.420 55,716 1,956,886 81,704 13,000 620 DIVER NETS. 172,667 76,533 10,S20 3,827 Total 249,200 14,647 TRAP NETS. 49,000 165,000 36,000 1,113 3,875 225 1,208,963 620,461 725,652 113,195 431,615 67,996 9,649 8,990 5,093 21,779 31,669 458,571 634,384 492 9,172 3,490 69,690 203,000 65,600 303 4,290 410 32,416 1,621 6,800 290 Total 250,000 5.213 3,099 886 113,513 1,157,040 14,775 345,090 5, 293 TOTAL. 620,586 806,858 342, 256 638,000 118,000 16,953 20, 446 2,114 23,200 4,060 2,043,360 809,645 783,452 118,785 481 . 499 116,129 15,193 9,428 5,345 24,297 1,444,796 817,262 1,034.608 19,722 284,514 85,480 16,345 5,844 888 14,026 292,357 203.000 65,600 12,000 124,333 14,123 4,290 410 Blueback, or sockeve 600 6,137 2,525,700 06,779 4,236,741 170,392 3,600,902 122,583 697,290 25,560 82 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. Products of the Salmon Fisheries of Washington, by Apparatus, Species, and Counties, in 1909 — Continued. Clarke. Skamania. Klickitat. Total. Pounds. Value. founds. Value. Pounds. Value. Pounds. Value. FURSE SEINES. 216,116 3,085,916 9,030,000 205,000 17,425,085 37,942 810,379 SO, 942 53,150 650 670,135 2,144 Total 30,000,059 SI 7, 400 HAUL SEINES. ISO, 000 $12,600 856,759 3.022,665 6,900,600 236,000 63,722 507,609 51,059 200,000 ,$6,000 84,683 54,658 588 24,000 IS, 000 1,200 900 3,088 300,480 15, 024 25,240 Total 222,000 14,700 500,480 21,024 11,587,355 219,316 GILI. NETS. 3,000 8,015 $210 244 15,944 6,216 1,115 186 SOO 1,000 50 30 3,702,213 4,547,210 1,959,698 59,800 2,972,050 983,267 182,343 134,672 11,688 746 2,850 9,150 143 45S 111,734 9,700 485 600 36 58,442 Total 20,715 939 34,160 1,902 2,400 116 14.224,238 499,625 DIVER NETS. 14,000 9S0 77,614 2,000 3,000 5,433 60 150 264,281 2,000 82,533 17,233 60 3,000 150 4,127 Total 17,000 1,130 82,614 5,643 :mvm4 21,420 REEF NETS. 45,000 136,000 96,400 365,000 2,250 4,080 500 14,600 Total 642,000 21,430 TRAP NETS. 4,200 3,000 294 90 14,600 17,600 1,022 528 5,453,851 9,349,310 7,530,128 16,994,786 56,269,490 559,348 315,371 217,487 44,284 44,203 SOO 3,600 40 180 2,250 6,600 128 366 2,028,243 28,212 Total 11,600 604 41,050 2,044 96,156,913 2,677,800 WHEELS. 261,736 18,751 173,842 52,552 16,039 666 7,358 2,081 105,640 314,080 11,800 204,000 5,432 6,418 508 10,240 367,376 332,831 185,642 256,552 21,471 7,084 7,866 12,321 Total 506, 8S1 26,144 635,520 J2..59S 1,142,401 48,742 LINES. 110,880 852,534 4,000 4,800 25,149 20 Total 967,414 29,969 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. 83 Products of the Salmon Fisheries op Washington, by Apparatus, Species, and Counties, in 1909 — Continued. Apparatus and species. Clarke. Skamania. Klickitat. Total. Pounds. Value. Pounds. Value. Pounds. Value. Pounds. Value. TOTAL. 17,000 8,015 SI, 190 214 39, 194 29, 9137 835,481 1,002 121,040 532,680 80,504 12,970 11,010,470 21,328,466 25,520,420 17,495,586 77,280,989 2, 427, 251 8604,900 554,157 104,300 40, 187 201,492 80,302 8,741 3,769 14,050 511,680 636 25,666 2,835,000 12,700 035 130,480 Grand tolal 37,715 2,009 857,255 48,993 1,179,450 45,782 155,009,194 4,335,702 STATISTICS BY WATERS. Persons employed. — Puget Sound leads in the number of persons employed in all branches of the industry, followed by Columbia River, Grays Harbor, and Willapa Harbor in the order named. Persons Employed in the Salmon Fisheries of Washington, by Waters and Nationalities, in 1909. ( »ccupal ion and race. Puget Sound. Grays Harbor. Willapa Harbor. Columbia River. Total. Fishermen: Whites.. 2, 981 188 112 33 130 1,203 4,426 221 Total. . 3,169 145 130 1 , 203 4,647 Shoresmen: Whites 1 , 'JOS 115 1,051 1,004 16 10 97 2,091 115 45 15 10 10 104 73 1 , 270 1 , 102 Total 4,138 70 30 334 4,578 Transporters: Whites 252 3 4 33 292 Total: Whites 5,201 303 1,051 1,004 131 33 45 15 144 1,333 6,809 336 10 10 164 73 1 , 270 1,102 7,559 224 164 1,570 9,517 84 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. Investment, ajiparatus, etc. — Puget Sound leads in the total invest- ment. The principal forms of apparatus used in the waters of Washington are gill nets, haul and purse seines, traps, and wheels. Investment in the Salmon Fisheries of Washington, by Waters, in 1909. Puget Sound. Grays Harbor. Willapa Har- bor. Columbia River. Total. Items. Num. ber. Value. Num- ber. Value. Num- ber. Value. Num- ber. Value. Num- ber. Value. Transporting vessels: Power vessels Tonnage Outfit .. 72 996 $383,700 1 8 $3,000 500 2 19 $8,500 2,190 18 135 3 175 562 19 35 b2 «18 »544 ml31 "48 325 $45,300 93 1,158 5 464 2,244 398 62 101 246 1 , 620 1,624 4S 525 1 9 13 3 $440,500 119,860 1,700 363, 750 54,815 155, 233 100,600 43,650 20, 255 54, 131 24,575 13,075 2,250 98,600 59,440 10,240 21,500 500 8,350 101,100 2, 000 10,160 536, 950 135,625 Power boats Fishing boats, power. . Fishing boats, sail and 2 260 1,519 370 22 a99 c226 /896 i 1,292 3,950 5 115 1 3 2,500 8,350 400 450 24 48 8 2 7,800 6,340 2,800 1,800 472,650 128,945 Scows and house boats . 168,673 124,350 Apparatus, shore fish- eries: 44,150 d-2 k 80 J 12 350 5,600 360 28,955 Gill nets, drift Gill nets, set S100 *189 8,000 9,724 168,831 37,259 10, 160 Trap nets, station- 150 1 9 768, 218 2,000 4,500 15 3,400 35 16, 400 1,324,968 Trap nets, floating. 2,000 4,500 Wheels, stationary 13 3 76,000 8,500 76,000 8,500 261 1.295,087 261 Shore and accessory 36, 753 2(1.000 50,000 IS. 000 348, 190 218,500 1,730,030 1,168,000 1,424,500 Total 4,560,335 93,077 120,1 HI 1,561,255 6,334,807 a Aggregate length of 68,100 yards. A Aggregate length of 28,000 yards. b Aggregate length of 800 yards. i Aggregate length of 268,200 yards. c Aggregate length of 35,841 yards. ;' Aggregate length of 57,980 yards. d Aggregate length of 300 yards. * Aggregate length of 27,960 yards. « Aggregate length of 8,683 yards. I Aggregate length of 720 yards. / Aggregate length of 112,915 yards. >« Aggregate length of 5,370 yards, g Aggregate length of 20,000 yards. » Aggregate length of 19,200 yards. Products. — The total catch amounted to 155,069,194 pounds, valued at $4,335,702, of which Puget Sound produced 141,934,141 pounds, valued at $3,853,544. Trap nets were the most effective. No humpbacks were taken commercially elsewhere than in Puget Sound, while no sockeyes or bluebacks were taken commercially in Willapa Harbor. SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. 85 Products of the Salmon Fisheries of Washington, by Apparatus, Species, and Waters, in 1909. Apparatus and species. Fuget Sound. (irays Harbor. Willapa Harbor. Pounds. Value. Pounds. Value. Pounds. Value. PURSE SEINES. 207, 197 3,083,732 9,030,000 2(15.01)0 17,423,995 33, 200 $9,844 SO.. SON 53,1511 650 670,086 1 , 954 29,983,124 816,582 HAUL SEINES. 302, 643 2,780,248 6,900. C.II0 236,000 8,000 48,908 16,157 77,835 54,658 588 400 2,505 11,500 $345 Total 10, 276, 399 152, 143 11,500 345 GILL NETS. 1,196,394 3,386,847 1,195,418 59, 800 2,326,700 647, 798 51,844 105,816 7,013 710 88, 188 43.455 571,586 641,858 306, 256 $15,840 16,571 1 , 889 40,000 22.000 9,800 1,200 2, 200 162 638,000 IIS, 000 23,200 4,066 16,000 800 Total 8,812,957 297,062 2, 275, 700 61,566 87,800 4,362 REEF NETS. 45,000 136,000 96,000 365, 000 2, 250 4,080 500 1 1.1,00 Total 642,000 21,430 TRAP NETS. 4,075.729 7,881,678 6,068,492 16,994,786 56,153,245 78,317 244,151 189,883 31.103 44,203 2,022,982 3.976 49.000 165,000 36,000 l.ll 3 3,875 225 187, 799 262,271 643,332 6, S90 2,485 8,482 170 7 2,536,358 250,000 5.213 1,093,572 17,864 LINES. 110,880 852,534 4.000 4,800 25,149 20 Total 967,414 29.969 TOTAL. 5,937,843 18,121,039 23,294,510 17,495,586 76, 276, 940 808, 223 329,046 483,661 146, 504 46, 187 2, 796, 256 51,890 620,586 806,858 342, 256 16, 953 20, 446 2,114 239, 299 284, 271 653, 132 8,435 4,685 8,644 638,000 118,000 23,200 4,066 Steelhead trout 16.170 807 141,934,141 3,S53,544 2, 525, 700 66, 779 1,192,872 22,571 86 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. Products of the Salmon Fisheries of Washington, by Apparatus, Species, and Waters, in 1909 — Continued. Apparatus and species. Columbia River. Total. Pounds. Value. Pounds. Value. PURSE SEINES. 8,919 2,184 $535 44 216,116 3,085,916 9,030,000 205,000 17,425,085 37, 942 $10,379 80, 942 53, 150 650 1,090 4,742 49 190 1 670, 135 2,144 Total 16,935 818 30,000,059 817,400 HAUL SEINES. 542,616 212,417 34, 557 6,848 856, 759 3,022,665 6,90H. I'm) 236,000 63,722 507,609 51,059 84, 683 54, 658 588 55,722 | 458,701 2,688 22,735 3,088 25, 240 1,299,456 66, 828 11,587,355 219,316 GILL NETS. 1,894,233 496, 505 448, 224 113,459 10,085 2, H24 3,702,213 4,547,210 1,959,698 59, 800 2,972,050 9S3, 267 182,343 134,672 11,688 746 7, 350 201,469 346 10,121 111,734 58,442 Total 3.047,781 136,635 14, 224, 238 499,625 I>IVER NETS. 264,281 2,000 82,533 17,233 60 4,127 264, 281 2,000 82,533 17,233 60 4,127 348,814 21,420 34S,814 21,420 REEF NETS. 45,000 136, 000 96,000 365,000 2,250 4,080 500 14,600 642,000 21,430 TRAP NETS. 1.141,323 1,040,361 782,304 63,217 21,244 4,414 5,453,851 9,349,310 7,530,128 16, 994, 786 56,269,490 559,348 315,371 217, 487 44,284 44, 203 116,245 480,861 5,261 24,229 2, 028, 243 28,212 Total 3,561,094 118,365 96,156,913 2, 677, 800 WHEELS. 367, 376 332, 831 185, 642 256,552 21,471 7,084 7,866 12,321 367, 376 332, 831 185, 642 256,552 21, 471 7,084 7,866 12, 321 Total 1,142,401 48, 742 1,142,401 48,742 LINES. 110,880 852,534 4,000 4,800 25, 149 20 1 967, 414 29,969 TOTAL. 4, 218, 748 2,116,298 1,230,528 250,472 45, 365 7,038 11,016,476 21,32S,466 25,520,426 17, 495, 586 77, 280, 989 2, 427, 251 604, 906 554, 157 164,300 46, 187 366, 049 1, 484, 858 16, 210 73,723 2, 835, 666 130, 486 9, 416, 481 392,808 155,069,194 4,335,702 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. 87 Products canned. — Of the total pack of 1,926,539 cases, valued at $8,681,843, 1,757,539 cases, valued at $7,917,608, were packed on Puu-et Sound. One of the canneries operating on the Columbia River brought some sockeyes from Puget Sound, and the Puget Sound packers could have packed many more humpbacks than they did, but refrained from doing so because of the low prices prevailing at the time for canned humpbacks. Pack op Canned Salmon in Washington in 1909. Products. Puget Sound. Grays Harbor. Willapa Harbor. Cases. Value. Cases. Value. Cases. Value. Chinook, or king, red: 655 8, 278 $2, 620 49,668 197 S837 2,003 10,817 y.;,i4 SI.".. 501 1 . 258 5,032 Total 10.936 63, 105 3.544 15. 594 1.455 5,869 Chinook, or kinc, white: 2,033 378 S.210 1,289 2,177 5. 22.:. Total 2,411 9,499 2.177 .5. 225 Coho, or silver: 24,061 21,431 109,249 427 05.771 103,268 458,845 2,562 1,088 1,176 7,299 3, 046 5,174 29,926 4.8.:.: 17,359 Total 155, 168 630,446 9,563 38, 1 l'i 4,822 17.359 Chum, or dog: 1,300 1,950 210 53,469 591 128,325 5.047 11,608 5,097 11,213 Total 128,916 5,047 11.008 6,397 13,163 Humpback, or pink: 2,030 368, 963 5,585 896,757 • Total... 370,993 902,342 Sockeye, or blueback: 224,455 454,381 485, 507 906,770 2,728, 186 2,548,344 244 1,405 1,464 7,587 Total 1,104.343 6,183,300 1,649 9,051 1,757,539 7,917,608 21,980 79.024 36,391 SALMON FISHEKIES OF PACIFIC COAST. Pack of Canned Salmon in Washington in 1909 — Continued. Products. Columbia River. Total. Cases. Value. Cases. Value. Chinook, or king, red: 22,895 30,222 606 12, 066 1,110 $96, 160 210, 134 4,242 78, 636 10,212 23,550 38, 697 606 18,871 1,110 $98, 780 260, 639 4,242 110,079 10,212 Total ... 66,899 399, 384 82,834 483,952 Chinook, or king, white 2,033 2,555 8,210 6,514 Total... 4,588 14,724 Coho, or silver: 9,143 6, 278 15,638 25,600 26,313 63,900 34, 292 28, 885 137,008 427 94, 417 134,755 570,030 2,562 Total 31,059 115,813 200, 612 801,764 Chum, or dog: 1,300 219 83, 664 1,950 591 20,051 46, 786 197,932 Total 20,051 46, 786 85. 1S3 200, 473 Humpback, or pink: 2,030 368,963 5,585 890, 757 Total ... 370,993 902, 342 Soekeye, or blueback: .. 5,047 2,087 567 21,197 17,017 3,062 229,502 456, 712 487,479 927,967 2, 746, 667 2, 558, 993 Total 7,701 41,276 1,173,693 6, 233, 627 Steelhead trout: 945 3,794 3,897 2,937 19,422 22, 602 945 3,794 3,897. 2,937 19,422 22,602 Total 8,636 44,961 8,636 44,961 134,346 648, 220 b 1,926,539 8,681,843 a Includes 997 cases, valued at $4,187, packed with sockeves from Puget Sound. b All 1-pound cases contain 48 1-pound cans; the J-pound cases contain 48 J-pound cans. Reduced to a common basis of cases containing 48 1-pound cans, the pack is 1,781,317J cases. SALMON FISHERIES OF PACTFTC COAST. 89 Miscellaneous products. — By far the greater part of the miscellane- ous secondary products were prepared on Puget Sound. Pickled salmon predominate in quantity, but mild-cured salmon represent the greatest value. Miscellaneous Secondary Products Packed in Washington in 1909. Note. — Mild-cured salmon have been figured on a basis of 800 pounds to the tierce and pickled fish on a basis of 200 pounds to the barrel. Products. Puget Sound. Grays Harbor. Willapa Harbor. Pounds. Value. Pounds. Value. Pounds. Value. Frozen: Coho, or silver, round 396,477 60,000 1,099,985 264,687 62,945 70, 183 4,000 202,165 $21,989 -t,2l«l 55,250 11,911 ! , 888 7,018 Kin 18,195 Coho, or silver, dressed Dog, or chum, dressed Humpback, round King, or spring, dressed Steethead trout, round 70,000 §0,300 Total 2,160,442 120,851 70,000 0,300 Mild cured: 1,687,200 210, 770 60,000 9,000 23.200 $1,856 Pickled: 1,000 540 King, or spring, bellies Dog, or chum 50,000 1,615,000 172,400 175 48, 150 8,620 Humpback bellies Total 1,837,400 57,245 1 . 000 540 Smoked: 30,000 517,245 5,000 100,000 30, 165 190,500 1,800 25,862 500 5,000 2,413 10,050 Dog, or chum Dog, or chum, kippered Humpback backs, kippered King, or spring, white, kippered Total 872,910 51 . 625 Fertilizer 1,210,000 3*0, < 14 S lS.lilO 14,101 Oil 8,148,000 473, 202 131,000 15,840 23,200 1,856 90 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. Miscellaneous Secondary Products Packed in Washington in 1909 — Continued. Products. Columbia River. Total. Pounds. Value. Pounds. Value. Frozen: 72,000 $3,960 468,477 60,000 1,099,985 204,687 62, 945 70, 183 4,000 504, 165 $25,949 4,200 55, 250 11,911 1 . 888 7,018 400 232,000 22, 120 46,615 Total 304,000 26,080 2,534,442 153,231 Mild cured: 522,400 52,200 2,292,800 273,826 Pickled: 1,000 6,750 50,000 1,615,000 172, 400 540 6,750 671 671 175 48,450 8,620 Total 6,750 671 1,845,150 58, 456 Smoked: 30,000 517,245 5,000 100,000 30, 165 190,500 1,800 25,862 500 5,000 2,413 16,050 Total 872,910 51,625 1,210,000 a380,64S 18,610 Oil.... 14,161 833,150 78,951 9, 135, 950 569,909 a Represents 50,713 gallons. COLUMBIA RIVER. As the Columbia River forms the boundary between Oregon and Washington and the citizens of both States operate in the river, for convenience tables showing persons employed, investment, catch, and the packs of canned salmon and miscellaneous secondary products on both sides of the river are combined in the tables given below, in addition to showing most of these data in the regular state tables. Persons Employed in the Salmon Fisheries op the Columbia River in 1909. Occupation and race. Number. ( (ceupation and race. Number. 4,443 Transporters: Whites SO Total: Whites Shoresmen: Whites 426 417 268 4,949 417 268 Grand total Total 1,111 5,634 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. 91 Investment in the Salmon Fisheries of the Columbia River in 1909. Items. Number. Value. Items. Number. Value. Transporting vessels: 39 335 $118,400 Apparatus , shore fisheries-Con . Gill nets, drift 2,755 443 166 346 39 12 $571,305 8,163 Outfit 29,875 26,550 222, 700 254,395 51,950 23,300 Diver nets 32, 535 14 425 502,700 Wheels, stationary 3S9.000 Fishing boats, sail and row. . . 1,923 30, 500 110 37 1,577,300 047,000 Apparatus, shore fisheries: Total 52 1 21,250 2 500 4,567,423 Catch, by Apparatus and Species, in the Salmon Fisheries op the Columbia River in 1909. Apparatus and species. PURSE SEINES. Chinook, or king Coho, or silver Blueback. or sockeye. Steelhead trout Total HAUL SEINES. Blueback, or sockeye. Chinook, or king Dog. or chum Silver, or coho Steelhead trout Total , GILL NETS. Blueback, or sockeye. Chinook, or king Dog, or chum Silver, or coho Steelhead trout Total DIVER NETS. Chinook, or king Silver, or coho Steelhead trout Total Pounds. 8,919 2,184 1,090 4,742 10,935 110,503 1,392,377 24,000 500, 139 1,07s, lis 3,111.437 8,350 11,958,512 542, 172 792.774 515,940 13,818,048 884,538 2,000 84,333 970,871 Value. S 535 44 49 190 818 5, 183 85,201 150 12, 135 52,502 155,291 390 667,221 3,223 16,504 25.2:12 712,030 55,880 60 4,217 60, 163 Apparatus and species. TRAP NETS. Blueback, or sockeye Chinook, or king Dog, or chum Silver, or coho Steelhead trout Total WHEELS. Blueback, or sockeye Chinook, or king. . . . Silver, or coho Steelhead trout Total TOTAL. Blueback, or sockeye Chinook, or king Dog, or chum Silver, or coho Steelhead trout Grand total. .. Pounds. 141.205 1,198,383 931,504 1,002,581 527,1)71 4,400,864 949,105 1,091,751 603,453 592,819 3,237,188 1,210,373 10,534,480 1,498,030 3,509,431 2,803,023 25,555.343 Value. 16,387 05,823 5,188 32,888 20, 540 136,826 38,898 64,082 12,683 27,835 143,498 50,913 938,808 8,561 74,314 136,636 1,209,232 92 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. Canned Pack on Both Sides op the Columbia River in 1909. Products. Cases." Value. Products. Cases." Value. Blueback, or soekeye: 6 37,118 8,732 c617 $154,292 56,887 3,382 Humpback, or pink: <*55 $132 Silverside, coho, or white: 12,447 14,498 21,455 34,852 62,468 Total 46,467 214,561 Chinook, or king: 90,281 84,212 606 29,519 534 1,919 458 379,181 603,651 4,242 193,827 2,670 18,142 1,833 Total 48,400 185,070 Steelhead trout: 1-pound flat exports 8,009 5,159 8,217 25,021 27,117 47,658 Total 21,385 99,796 T t 1 207.529 1,203.546 348,378 1 760 220 Chum, or dog: 24,542 57,115 a All 1-pound cases contain 48 1-pound cans; the ■£- pound cases contain 48 A-pound cans. b Of these, 5,592 cases, valued at $22,883, were filled with sockeyes brought from Puget Sound, Wash. c Of these, 50 cases, valued at $320, were filled with sockeyes brought from Puget Sound.Wash. d Filled with fish brought from Puget Sound, Wash. Pack op Miscellaneous Products on Both Sides of the Columbia River in 1909. Products. Pounds. Value. Products. Pounds. Value. Frozen: 14.000 2S8.175 1,646,662 $1,400 17,828 163,887 Smoked: 127,700 20,000 $19,155 Silverside 2,000 Total 147,700 21,155 T t 1 1,948.837 183,115 ot 6,535,533 648 125 Mild-cured: 4,432,246 44:1.184 Pickled: 6,750 671 OREGON. The catch of salmon in the Columbia River hi 1909 was only fair, owmg partly to the shortening of the open fishing season. On the coast streams conditions were far from favorable. Low water at one time kept the salmon from entering the streams; afterwards freshets and storms made fishing impossible at times. A few places, however, show increases over the previous year. STATISTICS BY COUNTIES. Persons employed. — The total number of persons employed was 5,320. All of the fishermen and transporters were whites. Clatsop County, in which Astoria is located, has more than half of the per- sons employed. SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. 93 Persons Employed in the Salmon Fisheries op Oregon, by Counties and Nationalities, in 1909. Counties. Fisher- men. Shoresmen Trans- porters. Total. Whites. Whites. Chi- nese. Japa- nese. Total. Whites. Whites. Chi- nese. Japa- nese. Total. 48 6 88 80 149 2,803 154 144 121 100 270 33 111 21 33 8 02 09 119 86 178 3.158 169 153 130 107 312 53 113 33 8 110 6 29 68 42 139 2 68 42 229 80 21 258 11 9 7 5 20 15 2 21 555 70 42 51 34 70 19 2 8 37 4 2 2 10 5 178 152 50 19 30 19 36 4 145 9 14 14 10 14 152 50 19 30 19 36 4 145 9 14 14 10 14 3,455 228 180 174 130 302 57 113 Total 4,179 404 411 250 1,071 70 4,653 411 256 5,320 Investment, apparatus, etc. — The total investment amounted to $3,641,775, of which more than one-half is contributed by Clatsop County. The gill net is the principal form of apparatus used in most counties. Investment in the Salmon Fisheries of Oregon, by Counties, in 1909. Wasco. Hood River. Multnomah. Clackamas. Columbia. Items. Num- ber. Value. Num- ber. Value. Num- ber. Value. Num- ber. Value. Num- ber. Value. Transporting vessels: 1 11 S4,000 4 26 $10,900 Outfit 001) 1.000 7.900 2.300 1,350 400 500 871 0, 250 1,570 1 16 53 5 1 8 26 2 76 33 4 4 1,800 1 10 S'J.000 800 17.100 Fishing boats, sail and row S240 43 SI, 290 1,810 1,500 Apparatus, shore fisheries: 1 500 1,400 Gill nets, drift.... 7T 3.470 792 4 70 20 300 50 89 10 920 15,825 6,750 Wheels, stationary 14 4 200,000 0,1100 201,000 45,000 12 5 53,000 10,000 123,015 103,500 Shore and accessory property . 115 69,565 15,000 Total 575,970 600 320, 746 5. 007 144,140 94 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. Investment in the Salmon Fisheries op Oregon, by Counties, in 1909 — Continued. Clatsop. Tillamook. Lincoln. Lane. Douglas. Items. Num- ber. Value. Num- ber. Value. Num- ber. Value. Num- ber. Value. Num- ber. Value. Transporting vessels: 16 163 $58, 200 2 16 1 3 74 $7,300 1 7 $3,000 950 1 5 $2,000 Tonnage Outfit 14,630 •21,5011 97,100 188,515 38,860 1,800 10,600 466, 175 2,550 300 19,000 774,815 1,750 2,000 600 5,550 400 8 157 1,210 82 2 28 2,131 115 3 11 2 3 73 $600 1.500 5,925 6 90 7 1,200 2,670 1,020 Fishing boats, sail and row... 50 2,100 Apparatus, shore fisheries: 1 51 108 130 6,195 1,502 Gill nets, drift 63 151 8, 230 4,530 112 153 10, 400 4,490 30 116 2, 125 4,420 69,883 28,000 41,848 12.500 17,100 13,500 21,589 265,000 12,000 Total 1,959,045 127,843 77, 263 47,267 44,634 Coos. Curry. Josephine. Total. Items. Num- ber. Value. Num- ber. Value. Num- ber. Value. Num- ber. Value. Transporting vessels: 4 34 $24,500 1 26 1 $10,000 30 288 $119,900 Outfit 4,100 1,350 2,000 25,350 15 287 1,890 114 2 a 48 t>2,818 •:■;• ;d 51,917 Dog J 50 9,898 29,905 Total... 25,652 292 5,248 330 2,052,433 94,305 GILL NETS. 1,000 11,637,261 12,000 526,088 3,903,204 502,691 50 462, 000 4,620 10,691 600,189 480 Doi,-. 2 894 72,000 107.100 1,200 2,018 1,698 1,920 210 85 100,063 18,982 Total 611,100 7,838 168,708 10,986 16.582.244 722,658 UIVEH NETS. 620.257 1,800 38.653 90 Total 622,057 38, 74:1 POUND NETS. 25,020 57,060 1 19,260 40.210 1,129> 2.000 Dos; ! 774 11.644 2,311 Tolal 839,770 18,461 WHEELS. 763,523 724,375 270,622 336,267 31,032 42,611 5,51)9 15.514 Toral 2,094,787 94. 756 TOTAL. Blueback 844,324 13,940,814 12,000 699,318 ."..184,520 1,510,285 34,703 487, 652 4,912 170,338 11,021 735,976 480 Do? 3,818 .silver 72,000 107,100 1 , 200 2,018 1 , 698 1,920 210 85 127,2(11 Grand total 666,752 ; 8,130 173.956 11,316 22,191,291 968,983 STATISTICS BY WATERS. Persons employed. — The Columbia River furnishes about four-fifths of the total number of persons employed. The Coquille River is second and the Siuslaw River third in this respect. 98 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. Persons Employed in the Salmon Fisheries op Oregon, by Waters and Nationalities, in 1909. Occupation and nationality. Colum- bia River. Nehalem River. Tilla- mook Baj Nestucca River. Siletz River. Yaquina Bay and River. Alsea Bay and River. 3.240 48 46 tin 10 63 65 Shoresmen: Whites 329 253 195 5 23 6 6 27 3 2 2 5 5 5 14 9 Total 777 34 36 2 12 28 47 4 Total: Whiles 3,616 253 195 53 23 6 56 27 3 60 18 65 5 5 70 14 ' 9 4,064 82 S6 60 18 75 93 Occupation and nationality. Siuslaw River. Umpqua River. Coos Bay. Coquille River. Rogue River. Total. 121 100 114 162 144 4,179 Shoresmen: Whites 7 30 14 5 19 10 14 14 4 12 22 10 17 4 404 411 256 Total :,1 34 32 44 21 1.071 2 2 10 5 70 Total: Whites 130 30 14 107 19 10 138 14 4 174 22 10 106 4 4,653 411 256 174 136 156 206 170 5,320 Investment, apparatus, etc. — More than two-thirds of the invest- ment is found on the Columbia River, and this is the only river on which diver nets, pound or trap nets, and wheels are employed. SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. 99 Investment in the Salmon Fisheries op Oregon, by Waters, in 1909. Items. Columbia River. Nehalem River. Tillamook Bay. Nestucca River. Siletz River. Num- ber. Value. Num- ber. Value. Num- ber. Value. Num- ber. Value. Num- ber. Value. Transporting vessels: I'ci wit vessels 21 200 $73,100 2 16 $7,300 Tonnage Outfit 16,800 24,300 124, 100 194,955 41,710 1,800 12,900 470,205 5,563 22,375 25.750 313,000 22,(100 1.229,110 128,500 1,750 2,000 600 1,500 11 250 1,361 2 34 2,211 312 lis 21 26 9 1 3 20 1 Fishing boats, power. - . Fishing boats, sail and 24 $1,800 30 $2,250 9 1 425 Scows and house boats . Apparatus, shore fish- eries: Haul seines Gill nets, drift Gill nets, set 17 70 1,980 2,100 26 31 3, 250 930 20 50 1,500 3 8 300 240 Pound, or trap, nets. Wheels, stationary. Shore and acce orj 53,078 10,000 16,605 18,000 200 17 174 1 000 Total 3,006,168 68,958 51,935 6,950 20,339 Items. Yaquina Bay and River.' Alsea Bay and River. Siuslaw River. Umpqua River. Num- ber. Value. Num- ber. Value. Num- ber. Value. Num- ber. Value Transporting vessels: 1 $3,000 1 5 $2 000 Tonnage Outfit 950 400 Power boats 1 St 00 3 30 $1,500 2,600 (i 90 7 1 51 108 1,200 2,070 1,020 130 6, 195 1,502 17,100 13,500 Fishing boats, sail and row.. . Scows and house boats 34 1,900 50 2,100 Apparatus, shore fisheries: Gill nets, drift 60 SO 5,200 2,300 5,500 1.000 40 6.5 4,000 1.050 19,174 10,500 30 116 2 125 •'1 589 1" ooo Total 18,100 38,824 47,267 44,631 Items. Coos Bay. Coquille River. Rogue River. Total. Num- ber. Value. Num- ber. Value. Num- ber. Value. Num- ber. Value. Transporting vessels: 4 34 $24,500 1 26 $10, 000 1,350 'J, 001) 30 288 15 287 1,892 114 2 4N $119,900 Tonnage Outfit 4,100 25 350 Power boats 1 28,900 139,600 224.515 45,050 Fishing boats, power 22 26 5 11,000 3,325 890 3 138 11 $600 4.S00 1,430 Fishing boats, sail and row. . . Scows and house boats 78 5, 220 Pile drivers 1,800 Apparatus, shore fisheries: 2 165 46 550 14,176 1,120 6 114 120 1,800 9,000 3,600 5 72 116 900 16,280 523 331 Gill nets, drift 3 000 ">. 81S 2,389 1,122 418 21 26 9 27,614 22,375 25 750 Diver nets Pound, or trap, nets Wheels, stationary 313,000 22 ooo Wheels, scow 40,000 17,000 21,400 25,000 107 850 1 554 780 Cash capital 15,000 551 500 Total 123, 261 67, 630 147,709 3,641,775 100 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. Catch. — The Columbia River produces more than two-thirds of the total catch, the Siuslaw River is second, and Coos Bay third. Blue- backs are taken on the Columbia River alone. The gill net is the only form of apparatus employed in most of the rivers. Products op the Salmon Fisheries of Oregon, by Apparatus, Species, and Waters, in 1909. Apparatus and species. Columbia River. Nehalem River. Tillamook Bay. Nestucca River. Pounds. ! Value. Pounds. Value. Pounds. Value. Pounds. Value. HAUL SEINES. $2,495 50,704 150 5,287 29,827 Chinook or king, fresh 849,761 Dog or chum 21,000 619,417 Total 1,811,981 88,463 GILL NETS. 1,000 10,064,279 94,248 296,209 314.471 50 553,762 599 0,419 15,171 Chinook, or king, fresh 50,284 81,509 314, 810 259,856 1 16,592 5,000 87,870 1,299 3,005 100 - '•■;• 82,537 Silver, or coho 200,820 63,624 5,171 318 08, 109 3.408 Total 10,770.207 570,001 320.734 6,998 720.258 12.934 120,902 5,945 DIVER NETS. 620,257 1,800 38,653 90 622,057 38,743 POUND NETS. 25,020 1. 120 2,606 774 11,644 2,31] l .",7.0011 Dog, orchum 149,260 Silver, or folio 562.220 46,210 Total 839,770 18,401 WHEELS. 763,523 724.37.5 270,622 336,267 31,032 42,611 5,599 15,514 Total 2,094,787 94,756 TOTAL. 844,324 12,315,732 207,51)8 1,393,133 L, 318, 165 34,703 688,336 1 , 523 28,949 62,913 50,284 1,509 314,810 259,850 140. 502 5,000 7,870 52.733 2,537 1,299 3,005 100 63,624 5,171 318 68, 169 3,408 10,138,802 810,424 320, 734 0,998 720, 258 12,934 120.902 5,945 SALMON ETSHEKIES OF PACIFIC COAST. 101 Products of the Salmon Fisheries of Oregon, by Apparatus, Species, and Waters, in 1909 — Continued. Apparatus and species. Siletz River. Yaquina Bay and I; iver. Alsea Bay and River. Pounds. Value. Pounds. Value. Pounds. Value. GILL NETS. 53,690 82,148 33, 722 42,640 240, 738 81,532 267 6, 752 167,850 29.72H 333, m 0.200 88,393 10,003 2 18 Total 2,148 323,100 8,551 537,220 18,830 TOTAL. Chinook, or king, fresh 53,690 2, 1 is 33,722 42,640 246,738 1 , 532 267 6,752 167,856 29,720 333, til 6,200 8,393 186 Id 003 2 is 2, 148 323,100 8 . 55 1 537,220 18,830 Apparatus and species. Siilslaw River. Umpqua l: iver. Coos Bay. Pounds. Value. Pounds. Value. Pounds. Value. HAUL SEINES. 5,000 8,000 8125 200 12.100 39,000 3.90(1 8363 975 78 Total 13,000 325 55,000 I 410 GII.L NETS. Chinook, or king, fresh 82,304 12,000 2,1157 180 62,912 $1,573 100,181 2,812 36,000 351,072 13,000 225 8,728 2(10 970,348 7,4 ,.)(: 660,240 19,000 10,500 980 Total 1,064,652 20, 793 10,786 809,421 20 ''os TOTAL. 87,304 12,000 2,1sl> 480 62,912 1,573 112,281 3 175 36,000 351,072 13,001) 225 8,728 21111 978,348 24, 156 099.240 52,900 17.481 1 05S 1,077,652 27.118 462,984 1(1.780 804.421 21 714 102 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. Products op the Salmon Fisheries of Oregon, by Apparatus, Species, and Waters, in 1909 — Continued. Apparatus and species. Coquille River. Rogue River. Total. Pounds. Value. Pounds. Value. Pounds. Value. HAUL SEINES. 54,781 901,801 24,000 448,474 023,317 $2,495 4,100 $103 30, 900 $622 51,917 150 137.452 3,436 9.898 29,905 Total 141,552 3,539 30,900 622 2,052,433 94,365 GILL NETS. 1,000 11,037,261 12,000 520. OSS 3,903,204 502,691 50 27.400 685 627,090 15,311 000,189 480 2,894 549,808 6,000 13,745 120 73. 6'. is 109,020 1,410 2,103 100,063 18,982 Total 583,208 14,550 809,808 18,824 10,582,244 722.658 DIVER NETS. 620,257 1.800 38,653 90 622,057 38, 743 POUND NETS. 25,020 57,060 149,260 562,220 46,210 1,126 2,606 774 11,644 2,311 Total 839, 770 18,461 WHEELS. 763,523 724,375 270.022 336,267 31,032 42,611 5,599 15,514 Total 2,094,787 94,756 TOTAL. 844,324 13,940,814 12.000 635,724 5.184.520 1,573,909 34,703 Chinook, or kins;, fresh 31,500 788 657,990 15,933 735,976 480 3,500 687,260 6.000 17,181 120 73.698 109,020 1,410 2.103 127,204 67,120 724,760 18,089 840, 708 19.440 22,191,291 968,983 Products canned. — As in other branches of the industry the Co- lumbia River leads, producing more than two-thirds of the pack of canned salmon. But little was done on the Rogue River, owing to the recent death of Mr. R. D. Hume, owner of the principal cannery. Bluebacks and steelheads were packed on the Columbia River alone. All of the humpbacks and part of the sockeyes packed on the Columbia River were brought from Puget Sound, Wash. .SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. 103 Pack of Canned Salmon in Oregon, by Waters, in 1909. Products. Columbia River. N'ehalem River. Tillamook Bay. Yaquina River and Bay. Cases. Value. Cases. Value. < !ases. Value. Cases. Value. Blueback, or sockeye: o32,071 6,645 6 50 8133,095 39,870 320 Total 38,766 173.285 Chinook, or king: 67,386 53,990 17,453 53 1 809 458 283,021 393,517 115,191 2,670 7,930 l , 833 228 $084 965 S2,895 1-pomiil Hal 1,643 9,858 2,128 12,768 1-pound oval 2-pound nominal Total 140,630 1,871 10,542 3,093 Chum, or dog: 4.491 10.320 909 2,091 3.712 8,538 33 876 Humpback, or pink: c55 132 Silverside, coho, or white: J-pound flat 3,304 8,220 5, si 7 9,252 36, 17.5 23,850 2,540 :. 129 2,119 3,281 13,124 5 169 15,876 1,139 4, 556 Total 17.341 69,257 5,827 20,253 6,088 21.809 1,139 4,556 Steelhead trout: J-pound flat 7,064 1,365 4.320 22. 084 1-pound tall 25,056 Total 12,749 214,032 1. 112,000 8,607 32,886 12,893 46,010 1,172 4,632 Products. Alsea River and Bay. Siuslaw River. I'mpqua River. Coos Bay. Cases. Value. • lasi s. Value. Cases. Value. Casi 5. Value. Chinook, or king: 928 50 211 S150 1,013 655 130 032 83,792 500 §3,000 39 312 Total 1,583 0.714 632 3.792 500 3,000 300 1.475 Chum, or dog: 80 184 Silverside, eoho, or white: 4-pound flat 2,C01 7,283 4,017 11,248 2,088 1,841 759 315 5,846 8, 100 ■1, 186 16,744 5.427 21.708 7.77;; 31,012 3 036 945 Total 6, 787 24.027 9.444 32.956 7, 753 31,012 5,003 17,927 Grand total 8, 450 30, 925 10, 070 36, 748 8,253 •34,012 5,303 19, 402 a Of these, 4,595 cases, valued at SIS. 096, were filled with sockeyes brought from Puget Sound, Wash. * l'acked witli sockeye salmon from Puget Sound, Wash, c Racked with humpback salmon from Puget Sound, Wash. 104 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. Pack of Canned Salmon in Oregon, by Waters, in 1909 — Continued. Products. Coquille River. Rogue River. Total. Cases. Value. Cases. Value. Cases. Value. Blueback, or sockeye: 32,071 6,645 50 $133,095 39 870 320 ! 38,766 173 285 Chinook, or king: 69, 557 54,591 23,057 534 848 458 289 534 204 46 $97'J 276 ISO Si. 300 390, 809 148 815 2 670 8 242 1,833 Total 250 1,255 186 1,300 149,045 847,903 Chum, or dog: 9,225 21,218 Humpback, or pink: 55 132 Silverside, coho, or while: 3,656 1,220 6,704 10,237 5,394 27, 056 20,331 11,755 39.320 315 56,928 51 702 4 US 231 2, 053 924 157 886 945 Total 11.040 42. 087 099 2.977 71,727 •'07 461 Steelbead trout: 7,064 1,305 4,320 22, 084 T 695 25 056 Total 12,749 54 835 11,896 43,942 885 4,277 a281,507 1,364,834 a All 1-pound cases contain 48 1-pound cans; the 1-pound cases contain 48 |-pound cans. Reduced to a common basis of 4s 1-pound cans the pack is 210,788£ cases. Miscellaneous secondary products.- — The Columbia River produces a large part of the miscellaneous secondary products. Mid-cured salmon form the greater part of the pack, followed by frozen, smoked, and pickled salmon in the order named. Pack of Miscellaneous Secondary Products in Oregon, by Waters, in 1909. Products. Columbia River. Nehalem River. Tillamook Bay. Siletz River. Pounds. Value. Pounds. Value. Pounds. Value. Pounds. Value. Frozen: 14,000 216,175 1,414,662 $1,400 13,808 111.71,7 Total 1,644,837 157,035 Mild-cured: 3,909,846 390, 984 15,485 $1,239 59,595 $4,708 41,575 $4,003 Smoked : 127,700 20,000 19,155 2,000 Total 147,700 21,155 Grand total 5,702,383 509, 174 15,485 1,239 59, 595 4,708 41,575 4,003 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. 105 Pack of Miscellaneous Secondary Products in Oregon, by Waters, in 1909— Continued. Products. Alsea River and Pay. Siuslaw River. Umpqua River. Pounds. Value. Pounds. Value, Pounds. Value. Mild-cured: 32,386 $3,158 12,000 $960 4.002 $240 Pickled: 4(11) 2,600 24 130 Total 3.000 154 32,380 3,158 15,000 1,114 1.002 240 Products. Coos 15 ay. Rogue River. Total. Pounds. Value. Pounds. Value. Pounds. Value. Frozen : 14,000 216,175 1,446,685 SI. 400 L3,868 v ir .••: $2,891 144,658 Total 32.023 2,891 1,676,860 159,920 Mild-cured: 48,000 $4,800 242,553 21.673 4,365,442 434.825 Pickled: 400 2.00(1 24 L30 Total 3,000 154 Smoked : 127.700 20.01)0 19,155 2,000 Total 1 i 147,700 21 , 155 48,000 4,800 274,576 27,564 6,193,002 616,060 CALIFORNIA. In Eel River the runs of all species of salmon were very poor. For the first few days of the season the catch was very heavy, after which the run dwindled down to almost nothing. Nearly all of these were shipped fresh to San Francisco, where the dealers claimed that most of them arrived in had condition. In the Sacramento River the run was a very fair one, and all of the product was marketed in either a fresh, mild-cured, or smoked condition, none being canned. The interesting table following shows the daily deliveries of chinook salmon to one of the mild-curing plants on the river, and the total and average weights of same. 106 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. Daily Deliveries of Chinook Salmon to a Mild-Curing Plant on the Sacra- mento River, Season of 1909. Date. Num- ber. Total weight. Aver- age. Date. Num- ber. Total weight. Aver- age. Spring, 1909. 21 13 109 305 111 183 331 163 28 1 75 104 116 358 251 171 175 107 66 132 96 308 152 89 •-71 25 1 310 323 210 226 154 166 315 422 342 245 268 197 330 299 421 297 2,411 7,512 2,826 4,510 7,708 3,919 5,918 1,788 2.391 2. 7 Hi 8,059 5, 739 4,016 4.128 2,490 1,680 2,957 2,287 7,302 3,717 2,056 6,635 6, 201 7,378 7,844 .-,,037 5, 246 3, 778 4,150 7,290 9,917 7,767 5,900 6, 496 4,82(1 7,529 7,250 20.0 22.0 22.0 24. (i 25.4 21. 6 23. 2 24.0 23.8 23. 8 23.0 23.2 23. 22. 8 23. 1 23. 5 22. (1 25.4 22.4 23. 8 23. 3 24.4 23. 1 24. 2 24.4 23. 8 24.2 23.9 23.2 24. 5 25. 23. 1 23.5 22.7 21.0 24. 2 24.5 22.8 24.2 Fall, 1909. Aug. 17 279 325 147 IS;", 39 1,731 458 279 315 145 86 1.300 812 628 356 242 111;", 1,176 915 758 704 677 369 1,917 1,343 751 047 1 . 403 6,658 8,021 4,018 4,954 1,011 42. 829 1 1 , 888 7,444 8,250 3, 747 2,309 32,926 21,018 16, 331 9,654 6,582 2, 885 31,640 24,277 19, 8< 1 18,851 18,204 9,592 49,781 35, 555 20,097 17,328 35,883 23.8 ' i T 18 24.6 19 19 27.3 20 211 26.7 21 21 23 24 25 25.9 22 24.7 23 26.0 94 26.7 26 2li 2(1.0 27 27 25.8 28 28 28.0 29 30 25.3 30 31 25.8 Sept. 1 26.0 9 27.1 4 3 27.1 5 4 27.4 6 (i 26.9 7 7 26.5 8 8 2(1. 2 10 9 26. 7 12 10 26.8 13 11 26.0 14 13 25.9 15 14 26.4 17 15 26.7 is 16 26.7 19 17 24.0 Total 21 18,182 471,607 25.9 Grand total 2-1 26,201 661,699 25.45 25 26 27 28 29 30 Total 8,019 190.092 23.7 The southernmost point on our coast where salmon are taken com- mercially is in Monterey Bay, and it is here that trolling was first engaged in to any extent. Yearly the chinooks come into Monterey and Santa Cruz Bays, where they sometimes remain feeding for months. When they strike in, which in numbers they usually do the latter part of April, they are in the pursuit of squid, sardines, anchovies, and other small fish, and their presence is first indicated to the fishermen by the occasional disturbances of the surface by the small fish. It is a signal for the fishermen and sportsmen, who go out in both sail and row boats. During 1909 most of the catch was made in the vicinity of Mon- terey, the salmon appearing in but small numbers in Santa Cruz Bay. While evidently coming in schools at first, salmon soon scatter about in pursuit of their prey, thus making the use of nets unprofit- able. In a dead calm troll fishing practically ceases, but with the return of the breeze the fish resume biting. SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. ]()7 The silver salmon come into Monterey Bay in July and are usually taken in that one month alone. Some of them run as large as 12 to 13 pounds each and all are feeding. During 1909 the dealers had an agreement with their fishermen, who are mostly Japanese, under which they kept hack a certain per- centage of tlie price until the end of the season. This was done in order to make certain that the fishermen would not go oiF and sell to some one else the better fish and bring them the poorer quality. The following table shows the daily receipts of chinook salmon at the mild-curing plant of one of the companies operating at Mon- terey during 1909. The table also shows the number of boats fishing, the number of fish caught, and the total weight of same, and the average weight per fish : Daily Deliveries ok Chinook Salmon at a Mild-curinc. Plant on Monterey Bay, Season of 1909. Date. 1909 Apr. 30. . May 1.. 3.. 4-;, 6.. 7.. s. . 10.. 11.. 12.. 13.. 14.. 15.. in.. 17.. is.. 19. . 22.. 23.. 24.. 26. . 27. . 28 . . 30.. 31.. June 1.. 2.. 3.. 4.. 5.. 6.. 7.. s 9.. 10. . 11.. 12.. 13.. 14. 15.. 16.. 17.. 18 19.. 20... Num- ber of boats. 70 69 12 30 41 35 23 15 28 82 83 93 103 16 107 S7 63 31 82 107 111 US 54 OS 93 US 119 95 115 109 112 96 114 95 80 68 66 S3 95 106 so 112 115 105 117 112 111 Num- Total A V IT- ber of fish. weight. age weighl 91 it') 10,002 18.3 319 4,090 12. S 20 369 18.4 152 2,512 L6 5 J 20 1 , 758 14.(1 93 1,084 11.6 47 602 13.(1 47 633 13.(1 50 770 13.4 6 12 8,210 12.5 613 6,250 10. 2 847 9,993 11.8 615 7,835 12.7 20 429 10.0 1,152 14,012 12.7 318 4,0(17 15.0 135 1,073 12. 5 46 007 15.0 170 (,,iii.; 12.7 1,652 23,600 14.3 3,390 50,62] 15. 1,190 17,59(1 12.0 94 1,019 17.0 222 3, 158 15.5 0511 9,874 15.5 2, 852 38,567 13.5 l.lMi;, 14,02". 14. 493 8,273 17.0 1,245 20,256 17.0 1,000 1 1,304 14.0 724 1(1,437 14.0 1,015 22, :,71 14.0 988 12,91)1 13. 485 7,(112 14.5 307 4,804 10.0 200 3, 437 17.0 243 4,786 22.0 3 is 6, 187 19.0 623 10,218 16.0 499 7,905 10. 390 0,055 IS. 1,729 27, 524 16.0 3,092 48, 138 15.4 1 , 395 24,430 17.6 3,725 61,789 16.7 2, 083 35, 265 17.0 1 , 442 23,3:::, 16. 2 l Date. L909. June 21 22.... 23.... 24 .... 28. 29. 30. July 1. 2. 3. 0. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 1.-.. 10. 17. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 20 . 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. Aug. 2. 3 4. 6... 7.... 9-12. Num- ber of boats. 106 110 104 111 100 L08 40 44 ss 101 111 100 10S 113 111 110 so 111 ss 79 02 91 os 85 85 55 91 02 os 79 95 IDS 104 105 SS 59 47 79 43 21 43 70 52 12 Num- ber of fish. 1,808 1 , 678 1,135 1,811 595 615 142 212 500 1.175 1, 110 634 1,313 1.0S7 1,568 1 . 42S 971 973 :,si 400 1H7 100 513 195 500 257 122 21 1.", 350 40(1 1 , 284 1,170 1 , 487 901 267 114 144 287 78 71 170 274 114 20 71,019 Total, weight. 30,090 20,576 15,901 26,826 9,549 9,645 1,831 2,719 7,030 14,499 18,363 S, 570 10,000 24,508 20,054 20, 401 13,350 13,236 8,184 5,190 4,847 5,469 0, 166 .-,,713 .-,,097 3,187 3,252 5,178 0, 237 15,391 16, 137 22,700 IS, 570 5,521 2.. MS 2,S:i2 I, 01 IS 1,574 1,300 3,546 4,845 2,150 502 1,043,358 Aver- age weight. 10.0 12.2 1 1.0 1 4. 5 10.0 15.0 12.7 1 2. X 1 2. 5 L3.0 13.0 13.5 12.2 15.0 13.0 14.27, 14.0 13.5 14.0 13.0 12. 11.7 12.0 11. 6 11.25 1 2. 4 13.1 I.",. 75 15.0 L3 5 12.0 14.0 17 30 19.5 20. 7 22. 7 19.9 17. 20.0 19.0 20. 9 15. 19.0 25.0 14.6 108 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. STATISTICS BY COUNTIES. Persons employed. — The total number of persons employed was 2,675, Contra Costa County leading with 774 persons. Persons Engaged in the California Salmon Fisheries, by Counties, in 1909. Fishermen. Shoresmen.** Trans- porters (whites). 3 Counties. Whites. Japa- nese. Chi- nese. Total. Whites. Indians. Japa- nese. Total. total. 84 339 84 339 17 19 25 15 32 19 25 119 358 25 8 60 42li 1)54 04 42 17.S 12 45 20 45 10 65 68 8 60 42(1 654 88 42 178 12 45 20 45 10 224 68 8 60 50 78 60 50 7s 8 24 42 128 494 774 San Joaquin Yolo... 24 88 42 178 - 12 Butte 5 50 1 1 5 21 5 50 10 144 IS 26 26 250 68 Total 2.114 168 15 2. 297 271". 15 5 290 82 2, 075 a All the shoresmen reported for Alameda County and part of those reported for San Francisco County are employed by one of the Alaskan canning companies and have been reported here, as they are employed here the whole j ear. Investment, apparatus, etc. — The total investment amounts to $1,232,960. The shore property reported for Alameda County belongs to one of the companies operating in Alaska. Contra Costa leads in the total investment. Gill nets, haul seines, and trolling lines are the principal forms of apparatus in use. Investment in the Salmon Fisheries of California, by Counties, in 1909. Del Norte. Humboldt. Alameda. Marin. San Francisco. Num- ber. Value. Num- ber. Value. Num- ber. Value. Num- ber. Value. Num- ber. Value. Transporting vessels: 1 9 S3. 24s 1 32 $25,000 Outfit 750 1,240 4 15 15 7,000 IS, 000 54 2,640 253 2 17 286 $6,625 100 2,450 19,375 7,750 4,500 4 $400 1.500 Apparatus, shore fisheries: 4 50 550 11,300 Gill nets, drift 4 1,050 50 30 7,875 17,020 1 10,000 SIS? v0 155,320 43,500 Total 45,508 40,800 159,550 1,500 259,435 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. 109 fiNTVESTMENT IN THE SALMON FISHERIES OF CALIFORNIA, BY COUNTIES, IN 1909— Continued. Solano. Contra Costa. San Joaquin. Yolo. Sacramento. Items. Num- ber. Value. Num- ber. Value. Num- ber. Value. Num- ber. Value. Num- bei . Value. Transporting vessels: 1 10 $4,000 1,000 19,500 10.400 36,400 4.000 39,500 1 5 23 32 300 11 322 $5,500 Outfit 930 36,800 21,000 58,500 4,800 64,400 10 117,113 85,000 14 30 183 10 210 Fishing boats, power Fishing boats, sail and row.. . . 28 16 $8,400 2,900 4 17 5 21 $1,600 990 1,000 2,550 17 77 19 113 JSe 800 .5.170 3,050 A pparatus, shore fisheries: (iill nets, drift 44 6,600 14,320 29.900 50,000 581 1 145 815 Total 194,700 394.053 IS. 480 6,285 30,755 Sutter. Butte. Glenn. Tehama. Items. Num- ber. • Value. Num- ber. Value. Num- Value. Num- ber. Value. Apparatus, shore fisheries: Fishing boats, sail and row 6 3 $375 375 20 $840 6 $300 20 $1,000 10 1,000 4 400 10 1,020 Gill nets, drift 6 600 50 2,075 600 2 150 Total 1,400 3,915 1,300 Shasta. Monte r ey. Santa Cruz. Total. Items. Num- ber. Value. Num- ber. Value. Num- ber. Value. Num- ber. Value. Transporting vessels: 4 56 $37, 748 Tonnage Outfit 3 920 41 171 1,158 50 a 47 61,086 63,300 2 4 170 $13, 851 1 7,805 21 13 SI 1,000 2.000 Fishing boats, sail and row House boats and scows 4 $200 128,245 13 925 Apparatus, shore fisheries: 2 230 (iill nets, drift 167,570 1 140 8S6 263 1 1 a n d lines 1 10 275 3,900 30,000 100 497,393 223 ooo Cash capital Total 705 50,441 13 963 1.232,960 a Aggregate length of 13,449 yards. b Aggregate length of 438, 120 yards. 110 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. Catch. — The total catch amounts to 12,141,937 pounds, valued at $585,995. Contra Costa County leads in catch, followed closely by Solano County. Nearly four-fifths of the catch was made with gill nets, while chinook salmon comprise almost all of the catch. Products op the Salmon Fisheries of California, by Apparatus and Species, in 1909. Del Norte. Humboldt. Marin. San Francisco. Apparatus and species. Pounds. Value. Pounds. Value. Pounds. Value. Pounds. Value. GILL NETS. 9,300 463,649 $317 10,970 524.225 27.000 50.000 20,000 $8,532 1 , 220 900 1,000 5.3S0 $310 91,003 $4,055 23,000 690 4,700 235 Total 021,225 1 1 . 052 500,649 18,212 5,3S0 310 91,063 4,055 SEINES. 11 $00 301,600 32,049 12.111)11 2.1)00 4,200 372 12.004 2,932 360 100 84 10,000 400 24,000 800 34,000 1,200 303.540 15,912 TOTAL. 21,000 765,249 32.049 35,000 2,000 4,200 4,700 689 20,034 2,932 L,050 100 84 235 z.A :■■: 37,000 50,000 44,000 1,020 900 1,800 5,380 310 91,003 4.055 055,225 12,852 804, 198 34,124 5,380 310 91,003 4,055 Apparatus and species. Solano. Contra Costa. San Joaquin. Yolo. Pounds. Value. Pounds. Value. Pounds. Value. Pounds. Value. GILL NETS. SI 08. 713 3,944,902 678 $210,855 41 61,187 12,585 197,520 $10,852 Total 3,238,788 108,713 3,945,580 210,896 01,187 2,585 197,520 10, 852 LINES. 3,500 270 3,500 270 TOTAL. 3,238,788 108,713 3,944,902 4,178 210,855 311 01,187 2,585 197,520 10,852 108-713 3, 149.080 211.100 61,187 2, 585 107,52') 10,852 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. Ill Products of the Salmon Fisheries op California, by Apparatus and Species, in 1909— Continued. A pparatus and species. Sacramento. Sutter. Butte. Pounds. Value. Pounds. Value. Pounds. Value. GILL NETS. 599,723 $32,690 62,119 $1,917 Total 599,723 32.690 62,119 1,917 SEINES. 103,022 88,285 Total 163,022 8.285 TOTAL. 599,723 32,690 62,119 1,917 163,022 8,285 32, 690 62,119 1,917 163,022 8,285 Apparatus and species. Glenn. Tehama. Shasta. Pounds. Value. Pounds. Value. Pounds. Value. SEINES. 72,547 $3,627 314,102 $16,905 46, 475 $2, 789 Total 72.547 3,627 314,102 16,905 46,475 2,789 TOTAL. 72. 517 3.627 314.102 16,905 46,475 2,789 72,547 3,627 314,102 16,905 46,475 2,789 Apparatus and species. Monterey. Santa Cruz. Total. Pounds. Value. Pounds. Value. Pounds. Value. GILL NETS. 9.300 9,188,556 27,000 73,000 20.000 5,378 $317 457,479 1.220 1,590 1,000 276 Total 9,323,234 461,882 SEINES. 11.700 897,746 42,049 12,000 26,000 4,200 372 43,670 3,332 360 900 Dog 84 Total 993,695 48,718 LINES. 1,769,524 10,000 $72,634 500 37,373 4,500 111 $1,759 225 1,806,897 14,500 3,611 74,393 Silver 725 277 Total 1,77(1.524 73,134 41,984 1.991 1,825,008 75,395 TOTAL. Blueback 21,000 11,893,199 69,049 99,500 46,000 4,200 8,989 6S9 Chinook , fresh 1,769,524 72,634 | 37,373 1,759 575, 542 Chinook, salted 4,552 Silver, fresh 10,000 500 4,500 225 2,675 Silver, salted 1,900 Dog 84 Steelhead trout 111 7 553 Grand total 1,779,524 73,134 1 41.984 1,991 12,141,937 585,095 101379°— 11- 112 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. STATISTICS BY WATERS. Persons employed. — Of the 2,675 persons employed in the industry, 1,880 were on the Sacramento River. The next largest number was employed on Monterey Bay. Persons Engaged in the Salmon Fisheries op California, by Waters and Nationalities, in 1909. Occupation and race. Smith River. Klamath River. Mad River. Eureka Bay. Eel River. Sacra- mento River. Monterey Bay. ' Total. Fishermen: Whites 47 37 41 7 291 1,558 133 15 144 2,114 15 24 168 Total 47 37 41 7 291 1,582 292 2,297 Shoresmen: 17 15 6 13 214 26 276 1.5 5 5 Total 32 6 13 219 26 296 Transporters: Whites 3 79 112 Total: 64 15 40 41 13 304 1,851 159 2,472 15 15 144 15 29 173 Grand total 79 40 41 13 304 1,880 318 2,675 Investment, apparatus, etc. — More than nine-tenths of the total investment is represented in the Sacramento River. Trolling lines are used in Monterey Bay. Investment in the Salmon Fisheries op California, by Waters, in 1909. Smith River. Klamath River. Mad River. Eureka Bay. Items. Num- ber. Value. Num- ,- , ber. Value " Num- ber. Value. Num- ber. Value. Transporting vessels: Power vessels 1 9 $3,248 Tonnage Outfit 750 1,870 Fishing boats, sail and row 23 4 IS $770 550 800 420 31 33 4 37 $865 500 1,800 100 7 $175 Apparatus, shore fisheries: Haul seines Gill nets, drift 35 1 7 525 Shore and accessory property 16,600 10,000 900 Cash capital 1,500 Total 2,540 42,968 3,265 3 100 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. 113 Investment in the Salmon Fisheries of California, by Waters, in 1909— Continued. Items. Eel River. , Sa< ^" t0 Monterey T . , Bay. 10tal - Num- ber. Value. Num- ber. Value. Num- ber. Value. Num- ber. Value. Transporting vessels: 3 47 $34,500 4 56 837,748 ouim 3, 170 63,300 66,200 108,575 13,825 2,0511 3,920 41 126 668 48 20 750 41 171 1,158 50 47 1,086 63,300 45 183 $2 t . 851 1 10,405 213 13 242 $5, 585 100 1,050 17,050 128,245 13,925 Apparatus, shore fisheries: 5,050 Gill nets, drift 1,149 10,7,571) 1,149 10 408,023 178,500 10 6, 750 3,000 4,000 30,000 497,393 223, (100 Total 34, 135 -- 1.070. "IS 70,404 1,232,000 Catch. — About four-fifths of the total catch was made on the Sac- ramento River; Monterey Bay was second and Eel River third. With the exception of Monterey Bay, gill nets take the largest part of the catch on all the waters. The catch of species other than chinook is very small. Products of the Salmon Fisheries of California, by Apparatus, Species, and Waters, in 1909. Apparatus and species. Smith River. Klamath River. Mad River. Eureka Bay. Pounds. Value. Pounds. Value. Pounds. Value. Pounds. Value. GILL NETS. 3,800 50, (KM) SI 52 2,000 40,000 20,001) SI, 200 800 484,225 7,000 50,000 20,000 87,332 420 900 1,000 28,000 $840 Chinook, salted 12,000 300 Total 60,000 2,000 561.225 9,652 65,800 2,512 28,000 840 HAUL SEINES. 2, 100 28,000 6,000 7,000 84 1,120 360 210 Chinook , fresh Chinook, salted 10,000 400 Silver, fresh 24,000 800 Total 34,000 1,200 43,100 1,774 TOTAL. Blueback 5,900 78,000 6,000 19,000 236 3,120 360 570 40,000 30, 000 1,200 1,200 484,225 7,000 50, 000 20,000 7,332 420 900 1,000 28,000 840 Chinook, salted Silver, salted 24,000 800 Grand total 94,000 3,200 561,225 9,652 ION. 0011 4,286 28,000 840 114 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. Products of the Salmon Fisheries of California, by Apparatus, Species, and Waters, in 1909 — Continued. Apparatus and species. Eel River. Sacramento River. Monterey Bay. Total. Pounds. Value. Pounds. Value. Pounds. Value. Pounds. Value. GILL NETS. 5,600 385,649 $165 14, 130 9,300 9, 188, 556 27,000 73,000 20.000 5,378 $327 .: II fc8Z 8431,977 457,479 1,220 11,000 330 1 , 590 1,000 4.70U 235 678 41 276 Tot al 400,849 14,860 8,201,360 1 12,018 9,323,234 461 , S92 HAUL SEINES. 9, 600 273, (J00 26,049 4,200 5,000 2,000 288 10,944 2,572 84 150 100 11,700 897,746 42.049 4,200 12,000 26,000 372 596, 146 31,606 43,670 3,332 84 360 900 Total 320, 449 14. 138 596.146 31,606 993,695 48, 718 LINES. 1,806,897 14,500 111 $74,393 725 7 1,806,897 14.500 3,611 74,393 725 3,500 270 277 Total 3.500 270 1,821,508 75, 125 1,825,008 75,395 TOTAL. 15,100 659, 249 26,049 4,200 16,000 2,000 4,700 4:.:: 25.0,-4 2, 57 .! si (-0 100 235 21.000 11,893,199 69,049 4,200 99,500 46, 000 8,989 689 8,796,828 463,583 1,806,897 74,393 575, 542 4,552 Dog, or chum 84 14,500 725 2,675 1,900 4,178 311 111 7 553 Grand total 727.298 28,998 S, S01, 006 463, 894 1.S21.50S 75,125 12,141,937 585, 995 Products canned. — But one cannery was operated in 1909, and that at Requa, on the Klamath River. The pack of this cannery was 5,663 cases of 1-pound flat chinooks, which sold for $28,315. Miscellaneous secondary products. — Mild-cured and smoked salmon comprise the secondary products prepared. Pack of Miscellaneous Secondary Products in California, by Waters, in 1909. Products. Eel River. Sacramento River. Monterey Bay. Total. Pounds. Value. Pounds. Value. Pounds. Value. Pounds. Value. Mild-cured: 64,000 $6,400 4, 095, 162 .$4.50,019 728,800 $64,049 4.887,962 $520, 468 Smoked: Chinook Silver 50.000 3,000 5,000 300 56, 550 4,660 8,943 326 4,000 700 110,550 7,660 14,643 626 Total .53,000 5,1 61,210 9,269 4,000 700 118,210 15, 269 Grand total 117,000 11,700 4,156,372 459, 288 732,800 64, 749 5,006,172 535, 737 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. 115 ALASKA. The season of 1909 was a very quiet one in Alaska. Owing to the expected quadrennial heavy run of sockeye salmon on Puget Sound, several cannery men who operate there and in Alaska shut down their Alaska plants and devoted all their energies to the Sound, which materially reduced the amount of fishing gear used in Alaska, and as a consequence the total quantity of products produced. In western Alaska the ice hampered operations in the early part of the season, but, with the exception of the Ugashik and Ugaguk Rivers, the runs were fairly good. The weather was very severe on Nus- hagak Bay and as a result eight fishermen lost their lives there by drowning. In Central Alaska the run of salmon in the neighbor- hood of Karluk fell off very materially as compared with 1908, but in Chignik the usual good run appeared. In southeast Alaska, except in the lower portion, the run was very good, but the cannery men packed no more of the cheaper grades than they felt could be disposed of at the then unremunerative prices prevailing. Persons engaged. — The total number of persons engaged in the Alaska salmon fisheries was 11,433. Western Alaska leads in the total number, followed by southeast and central Alaska in the order named. A large number of Indians are employed in this industry. Persons Engaged in the Alaska Salmon Fisheries in 1909. Occupation and race. Southeast Alaska. Central Alaska. West cm Alaska. Tola!. Fishermen: Whites 662 982 13 400 184 1,424 10 2,486 1,176 13 1 Total 1,657 5S4 1 , 434 3,675 Shoresmen: Whites 442 815 546 348 277 124 377 356 1,192 307 1,069 1,432 1,911 1,246 Japanese 1,992 2,136 Total 2,151 1,134 4.0(H) 7,285 Transporters: Whites 148 13 108 17 187 443 30 Total 161 125 1S7 473 Total: Whites Indians 1,252 1,810 546 361 785 325 377 356 2,803 317 1,069 1,432 4. 840 2, 452 1,992 Japanese 2,149 Grand total. . 3,969 1,843 5,621 11,433 110 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. Investments, apparatus, etc. — The total investment amounted to .$13,948,271. Gill nets predominate, while purse and haul seines and stationary traps are important. Investment in the Alaska Salmon Fisheries in 1909. Southeast Alaska. Central Alaska. Western Alaska. Total. Items. Num- ber. Value. Num- ber. Value. Num- ber. Value. Num- ber. Value. Transporting vessels: 69 1,173 $263, 256 25 1,482 9 14, 270 4 $213,019 39 3,236 29 38,057 2 $591,669 133 5,891 43 59,761 17 60 1,821 310 43 a 94 6 98 cl,209 73 15 $1,067,944 Outfit 65,814 158,000 53, 255 289,000 147,917 638,400 266,986 5 7,434 1,085,400 Outfit 15,800 11,760 30,000 25,981 38,175 34,405 12,451 27, INS 34,030 79.700 19,750 523 30 1,788,902 28,900 8,400 63,840 4,680 108,540 Power hoats Fishing boats, power Fishing boats, sail and row... Scows and house boats 11 60 766 98 13 45 98 256 36 14 24,840 30,000 300 79 15 49 21,215 30,930 29,850 15, 280 755 133 15 164,475 101,900 26,300 211,671 171,005 90,555 Apparatus, shore fisheries: 27, 731 27, 188 Gill nets, drift 57 20 1 11,020 29,450 1,500 896 17 66, 706 21,644 111,756 Traps, stationary 130,794 21,250 523 Spears 20 20 30 1,200,716 890,531 2,611,641 1,856,775 5,601,259 2,223,493 4,970,799 Total 4,829,258 2,823,066 6,295,947 13,948,271 a Aggregate length of 30,430 yards. ' Aggregate length of 35,070 yards. c Aggregate length of 301,480 yards. Catch. — The total catch amounted to 175,934,060 pounds, valued at $1 ,333,344. Red or sockeye salmon comprise almost two-thirds of the total catch. As compared with 1908, the catch of all species, except king salmon, decreased very materially, due to causes described elsewhere. Catch, by Species and Apparatus, in the Salmon Fisheries of Alaska in 1909. Apparatus and species. Southeast Alaska. Central Alaska. Western Alaska. Total. Pounds. Value. Pounds. Value. Pounds, j Value. Pounds. Value. SEINES. Coho, or silver Dog, or chum Humpback, or pink King, or spring. . . Red, or sockeye 991,062 3,102,192 22,288,020 6. 146 6,426,325 $13,214 5,817 55,720 193 102. S21 313,548 $2,090 1,304,610 $15,304 5,817 510,196 85,954 10.194,165 057 195 81 , 553 22, 7! is. 216 92,400 16.620,490 56, 677 388 184,374 Total 32,814.045 177, 765 11,103,863 262,560 TRArs. Coho, or silver Dog, or chum Humpback, or pink. King, or spring , . Red, or sockeye . . . 673,278 2,699,160 14,515,760 112,354 5.362,896 8,977 5.061 36, 289 3,371 71.505 539,508 3,597 59,580 811,648 60 68,112 2,540,055 $397 1,015 1 155 20,320 1,272,366 3,510,808 14,530,780 1,162,370 18,665,726 12,971 6,076 14,960 981,904 10.762,775 28 2.232 86, 102 36,318 5.758 177,927 Total 23,363,448 — 125,203 12,299,147 !t|.'.!5'.l 3.479,455 21,888 39.142,050 239,050 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. 117 Catch, by Species and Apparatus, in the Salmon Fisheries of Alaska in 1909— Continued. Apparatus and species. Southeast Alaska. Central Alaska. Western Alaska. Total. Pounds. Value. Pounds. Value. Pounds. Value. Pounds. Value. GILL NETS. 473.070 72.328 509,688 1,510,498 2,391,990 $6,308 136 1,274 15,315 38,272 428,358 2,770,720 127.214 2,835,646 75,669,360 $6,010 3.554 796 10,781 605,355 901,428 2,843,048 636,932 4,743,442 80,501,270 $12,318 Doe, or chum Humpback, or pink. King, or spring Red, or sockeye — 3,690 2.070 397,298 2, 439, 920 $902 19,519 56,998 663,146 Total 4,957,574 I 91.305 2.837,218 20,421 81,831,328 626, 496 89, 626, 120 738,222 LINES. 48,000 2,961,332 11,650 lito 88,840 100 48,000 2,961,332 11.650 640 King, or spring 88,840 400 Total 3,020.982 89,880 3.020,982 89,880 SPEARS. 227,000 227.000 3,632 TOTAL. Coho, or silver 2, 185,410 5,873,680 37.313. 168 t, 590, 630 11,650 29,139 11,014 93,283 137,719 216,230 400 853,056 5,687 487,938 3,582,368 127,304 2, 903. 758 7s. 209, 415 6,407 4,569 707 10,936 625,675 3.521'., 40) 9.456.04S 37,965,928 8,959,544 116,01 1,486 11,650 41,233 15,583 Humpback, orpink. King, or spring Red, or sockeye 525.15(1 1,405,156 985 3,329 1ST. 174 95,065 151.984 1,029,079 400 Grand total. . 64,383,049 487,785 26,240,228 197,175 85,310.783 648.384 175,934,060 1,333,344 Products canned. — The total canned pack amounted to 2,403,669 pound and half-pound cases, valued at $9,438,152. More than two- thirds of the pack was composed of red salmon. Three canneries were not operated, which very materially reduced the size of the pack. Output of Salmon from the Canneries in Alaska in 1909, by Speciks and Size of Cans." Products. Southeast Alaska. Central Alaska. Western Alaska. Total. Cases. Value. Cases. Value. Cases. Value. Cases. Value. Coho, or silvpr: 1-pound flat 1-pound tall 1,206 ;in. 71 4 $5,543 155,431 1,206 55 , 350 $5,543 10.275 $43, 155 6,361 $26,900 22.".. 186 Total 30.020 160.074 10.275 43,155 6.361 2''.. 000 56,556 231.029 Dog, or chum: 1-pound tall 83 001 ISO 154 37,711 87,656 120.712 274.110 Humpback, or pink: 1-pound tall 455. 000 1,092,389 5,581 13.394 3,293 9,056 464,873 1,114.839 King, or spring: 1-pound tall 857 3.. 50S 16.913 74,418 30,264 129, 60S 48.034 207. 624 Red, or sockeye: 1-pound flat 1-pound tall 14.898 Ml.. '00 185, 144 5S.535 20 1.962 825,926 1 . 487 2,057 1,071,123 5,353 11,108 (,858,756 16,385 85,193 1,611,916 63, 888 2. 0.HC. 355.349 15,539 1,625,371 236,609 7.310,053 Total 280.542 1.094,423 358,285 1,640,910 1,074. (167 4,875.217 1,713,404 7,610.550 Grand total 860,319 2,537,838 391,054 1,771,877 1,152,296 5,128,437 2,403.669 9, 438, 152 a All 1-pound cases contain forty-eight 1-pound cans; the 4-pound cases contain forty-eight 4-pound cans. Reduced to a common basis'of cases containing forty-eight 1-pound cans the pack is 2,395,47,^ cases. 118 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. Miscellaneous products. — The total miscellaneous products pre- pared amounted to 9,473,005 pounds, valued at $374,324. Owing to the low prices prevailing for pickled salmon, the pack of such very materially declined. Restrictive regulations in regard to the pickling of salmon bellies also aided in reducing the pack. The mild-cured pack shows a gratifying increase over 1908. Miscellaneous Secondary Salmon Products Prepared in Alaska in 1909. Products. Southeast Alaska. Central Alaska. Western Alaska. Total. Pounds. Value. Pounds. Value. Pounds. Value. Pounds. Value. Frozen: 35,721 77,882 9,450 11,072 1,558 473 35,721 77,882 9,450 $1,072 1,558 473 Total 123,053 3,103 123,053 3,103 Mild-cured: 1,833,600 149,300 1,833,600 149,300 Pickled: 40,400 1,405 17,800 227,750 $810 3,843 5,400 $270 63,600 227,750 7,000 311,400 11,200 169,480 88,200 7,000 5,301,500 783,600 2,485 3,843 3,000 311,400 11,2110 123, -ISO 6,200 7,000 90 9,405 224 6,896 248 175 4,000 100 190 9,405 Humpback bac ks Humpback bellies 224 40,000 500 7,396 82,000 3,550 3,798 175 437,. S00 783,600 17,319 13, i«l2 4,863,700 149,979 167,298 13,902 Total 502,080 18,443 1,512,950 36,374 4, 9.55, 100 153,899 0,070.730 208,716 Dry-salted and dried: 14,500 549 14,500 71,600 51,500 800 83,000 549 Dog 71,000 50,000 800 1,038 500 45 1,038 Humpback backs 1,500 45 545 45 83,000 2,302 2,302 Total 122,400 1,583 99,000 2.896 221,400 4,479 Smoked: 4,000 400 4,-000 585 40,300 400 Dog 585 43 43 28,300 1,580 12,000 1,200 2,780 Total 585 43 32, 300 1,9S0 12,000 1,200 44,885 3,223 159,224 120,113 2,287 3,216 159,224 a 120, 113 2,287 Oil. 3,216 177,975 1,644,250 i 41,250 1,907,10(1 155,000 9,473,005 374,324 a Represents 16,015 gallons. As the fisheries of Alaska are carried on almost wholly in innumer- able bays, straits, and sounds, but little being done in the rivers, it does not seem desirable to show them by waters, owing to the amount of space required for the tables. SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. 119 BRITISH COLUMBIA. The canned salmon pack of British Columbia was the only branch of the salmon industry of the Province which could be shown by species. Owing to the quadrennially heavy run occurring in the Fraser River in 1909, the pack of British Columbia is quite large. The pack is shown by water areas. Pack of Canned Salmon in British Columbia, Canada, in 1909. • Fras, (113 20, 189 100 081 406 2,639 8,312 705 890 49,872 Total 3,509,227 125,620 582,788 119,927 571,140 33,827 168, 728 731,315 3 617 'ill 181,038 770,435 122, 198 579,903 16, ' i 218,671 120 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. Pack of Canned Salmon in British Columbia, Canada, in 1909 — Continued. Species. Northern miscel- laneous waters. Vancouver Island. Total. Cases. Value. Cases. Value. Cases. Value. Coho, or silver: 2, 132 5,911 61,520 $5,969 28, 373 13,071 $54,898 13,4(19 $56,318 258,400 Total 13,071 54,898 13,409 56,318 69, 563 292,742 Dogs, or chums: 1,568 3,763 2,280 5,472 16,573 39, 775 Humpback, or pink: 2,000 4,000 5,500 9,600 2,267 27,722 6,234 3,000 7,200 66,581 Total 3,000 7,200 4,000 15, 100 29,989 72,815 King, or spring: 360 1,214 176 17,613 444 1,440 7,314 516 2,218 11,977 500 2,700 fc 94,110 2,886 Total 2,218 11,977 500 2,700 19,807 106,266 Sockeye, or red: 18,806 75, 224 19,800 20, 400 79.200 122,400 483,760 314, 706 12,880 277, S93 17,650 406 8,312 1,935,040 1,888,236 42,504 29,694 i 60, 348 41,643 224,872 1,500,623 7."., 013 2,639 49,872 Total 48,500 235,572 81,843 426, 472 1,115,607 5,493,927 68,357 313,410 102,032 506,062 a 1,251,539 6,005,525 a All poimd cases contain forty-eight 1-pound cans; the J-pound cases contain forty-eight J-pound cans. Reduced to a common basis of eases containing forty-eight 1-pound cans the pack is 993,060 cases. VIII. STATISTICAL DATA FOR OTHER YEARS. CANNING INDUSTRY OF PACIFIC COAST FROM 1864 TO 1910. From the beginning of the canning of salmon on this coast it has been the most important branch of the industry, and the table below shows in condensed form the number of cases packed in each year on the Pacific coast of North America from the beginning of the industry in 1864 to 1910. As British Columbia is a Province of the Dominion of Canada it does not come strictly within the scope of this report, but in order to show the pack of canned salmon on the North American shores of the Pacific Ocean, which would be incomplete without that of the Province, it has been included also. Pack of Canned Salmon on the Pacific Coast, by Years and Waters. Year. Puget Sound. Grays Harbor. Willapa Harbor. Columbia River. Coastal streams of Oregon. Smith River, Cal. 1866 ( 'ases. ( 'ases. ( ases. Cases. 4,000 18,000 28,000 100.000 150,000 200.000 2511. 1100 250,000 .",.511,000 375,000 450, 000 380,000 10(1. 000 ISO. 000 530, 000 .5.50, 000 541,300 629,400 620,000 553,800 448,500 3.50,000 372,477 309,885 435. 774 398,953 487,338 415,876 190.100 634,696 481,697 552,721 487,944 332, 774 358,772 390.1s:; 317,143 3.39. 577 395, mi 397.27:'. 391.S9S 324,171 2.-.::. 3ii 274,087 391.41.5 Cast s. ( 'ases. 1S07. 1868. . . 1869 1870. . . 1871.. 1872... 1873 1874 1875... 1876 1N77. . 5,500 238 1,300 5, 100 8,500 7,901) 1,500 5,500 12,000 17,000 •_'.'. 000 21 , 97.5 11,674 8,000 20,529 20,426 89,774 95, 400 179,908 L95, 664 494,026 100,200 919,611 109. 150 1,380,590 581,659 478, 4ss 291, 188 1,018,641 430,602 COS, (ISO 448, 765 1,632,949 567,883 7,804 16,634 8,571 7 772 12! 320 19, ISO 16, 156 12,376 9,310 49, 147 73, 996 92,863 98,. SOO 17.009 24,500 S3. 00(1 .52, 77S 54,815 77.878 87,360 60,158 7.5.079 82,041 12,2.17 58,618 44,236 54.S61 98. 874 89,055 107, 332 79,712 52, 47S .58, 109 103,617 1878.... 5, 120 4.277 1S79 1880 7,500 1881 1882 1883 1SS| L886 1SS7. ISSN 37,000 22.. 51 HI 2,347 1889 1890 1891 .500 1(5, 500 22,000 21,400 11,449 21,274 13, 300 12, LOO 24.210 30. SOO 41,500 31,500 "27.559 22.0.50 22.0011 14,000 11.000 19.7S7 51,1.30 8,000 14,500 16. 19.5 1.5,100 22,000 24,941 29,600 21,420 21,314 26,300 34,000 39, 492 5,890 20.400 14,950 14, 440 13,382 20,457 12.024 14,508 L892. 1893 1.500 1894 1.500 189S L896 2,250 1S97 IS! IS | V!9 19(111 1901 1902 I'.m:: 1901 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909. 1910 Total 10,548,380 459,509 418,013 16, 960, 199 1,829,942 19, 374 121 122 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. Pack of Canned Salmon on the Pacific Coast, by Years and Waters — Con Year. Klamath River, Cal. Eel River, Cal. Sacramento River. Alaska. British Columbia. Total. 1864 ( 'ases. Cases. Cases. 2,000 2,000 i 'ases. Cases. Cases.a 2,000 1805 2,000 4,000 1800. 1807. 18,000 2S.000 1808. 1809. 100, 000 1870. 150, 000 1871 200,000 1872 250, 000 250, 000 352, 500 378, 000 467 247 1873 1S74 2,500 3,000 10,000 21,500 34,017 13,855 62,000 181,200 200, 000 123,000 81,450 90,000 39,300 30, 500 US. 1)7.". 57.300 25, 065 10, 353 2, 2S1 23,336 28,463 25,185 13,387 38, 543 29, 731 32,580 39. 304 17,500 14,043 8,200 14, 407 2,780 1875 1870. 7,247 :,s.;;s7 89,946 01,093 61,849 109, 570 240, 401 163,438 123, 700 108,517 152,964 2oi.os:; 184,040 417.211 411,257 314,511 248, 721 010, 202 492,232 587,692 617, 782 1,027,183 492, 551 765,519 600, 540 1,247,212 027, 161 473.. S47 465,894 1,167,822 629,460 547. 459 566,303 993. 000 760,830 1S77 8,500 10, 500 481 691 1878. s. 159 12.530 0,539 8,977 21,745 18,337 04,880 83,415 142,005 206,677 412,115 719,196 682,59] SOI, 401) 474,717 643,654 686,440 626,530 900, 707 909, 07S 965,097 1,078,146 1,548,139 2,016,804 2,536,824 2,240,210 1,953,756 1.894,516 2,219,044 2,169,873 2,606,973 2,395, 177 2,413,054 029 191 1879... 577 349 INS!) 6, 250 087, 010 1881 . 930, 573 1,030 592 L882. 1883 981 831 1884 907, 918 1885 857, 042 848, 976 1886 1887 899 256 1888. 4.400 1.217 7Q' 1 1889 1,614 066 1.609 690 1891 1,578 746 1892 1,354 0S3 1893... 1,600 1,700 1,000 1,876,915 1.SS7 150 1894 1895... 2, 109 848 1896 2,408 812 1S97 3, 124 609 1898 2,484 722 1899 1,600 3.257 S25 1900 3,091 542 1901 5, ISO 407 1902 2, 500 4,194 558 1903 3,007 073 1904 3,400 3, 270, 882 4,007 0S7 1905 1900 3,817,776 3,52'' 506 1907 1908 3,902,317 1909 5.633 8,016 5,393 070 1910. . . . 6,000 4,316,453 Total 30,449 31,250 1.352.S55 33, 569, 671 15, 695, 756 ' 80,593,711 a Reduced to a common basis of forty-eight 1-pound cans to Ihe ease. SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. 123 CANNING INDUSTRY, BY SPECIES AND WATERS. The tables below show separately, by waters and as far as possible by species, the salmon canned on the Pacific coast from the beginning of the industry until 1910. It is only within recent years that the published statistics have shown the pack of the different species sep- arately. In the early years of canning, the chinook, or quinnat, salmon was used exclusively, the other species not being utilized until the chinook had begun to decrease in abundance, or a demand had arisen for a cheaper product. There is a very great difference in the selling value of the highest and lowest grades, and it is necessaiy to have complete statistical data now in order intelligently to compre- hend the trend of the industry. While every effort has been made to make these tables complete, there are, unfortunately, some gaps which it was found impossible to fill. Pack of Canned Salmon <>n Puget Sound from 1877 to 1910. Year. Num- ber of can- neries. Chinook. Bluebacl . Silver. Cases. Value. Cases. Value. Cases. Value. 1877 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5.(«li) 238 1,300 1878 .. 1879. .. 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 Inn;, 1886 1887 1888 4 2 1 2 2 3 3 11 12 18 19 19 1889. .. 240 1.000 382 86 1,200 5,000 2,101 473 6, 180 7,480 3.i)(li) 5,869 7,206 11,812 22,418 50,865 82.640 91,900 98,600 111,387 12S, 200 37,400 1890 15,000 1891 1892 5,538 2,954 47, 852 41,781 6.-,, 143 72,979 312,048 252,000 499, 646 229,800 824,921 11, sir, 103,371 188,014 273, 108 350, 299 1,248,192 1,058,400 2,368,334 1,1 19,000 19,368 2-1.500 1893 1894 . . 59,060 89,672 1895 1,542 13,495 9,500 11,200 24,364 22,350 7.: 125 67,475 39,045 50, 621 103,180 134,100 154, 218 1896 264, US 1897 1898 282, 133 335, 240 1899 418, 176 1900 512,800 1901 . . 1902 1903 21 22 13 24 16 14 11 24 15 30, (149 14,500 14.441 1,804 8,139 1.814 95,210 13,019 10,064 150,245 72,500 69,352 9,922 48,834 16,326 666,4?0 72, 604 60,324 372, 301 167.211 109,264 825, 453 178, 74S 93, 122 170,951 1,097,904 248,014 2,047.655 1,003,260 653,871 4,952,718 1,251,236 698, 116 1,196,657 6,183,300 1,673,095 St 81 7 103,150 118,127 79,335 94, 497 119,472 128,922 143,133 162,755 429, 085 413,800 1904 447. 851 1905 . . . 337.174 1906 472, 485 1907 . . . 4 7 6, 288 1908 644,922 1909 630, 446 1910 895, 153 124 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. Pack of Canned Salmon on Puget Sound from 1877 to 1910 — Continued. Year. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1SS4. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. I SMI. IS'. 10. 1891. 1892. 1893. 1894. 1895. 1896. IS! 17. lS'.IS. is; HI. 1900. 1901. 1902. 1903. 1904. 1905. 1900. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. Num- ber of can- neries. Dog. Cases. 1.145 4.000 3,093 16,180 11,380 22,152 38,785 20,550 23,310 38,400 31,481 89, 100 93, 492 12,001 49.050 41,057 149,218 50,249 47,607 53,688 146,942 Humpback. Cases. 500 83, 135 12.11111) 10,825 56,630 :>! . 21)5 60,918 94,741 73,013 64,103 105,600 86,427 245,025 467,460 30, 002 124,254 102, (343 708, 7S1 150, 847 142,821 128,910 514,297 17,530 9,049 23.033 57,268 '252,733 Value. 181,320 70. 992 433, 423 0.1175 370,993 10S 87,584 15,246 47. :m 24,432 02, 550 171,804 '734,241 407 984 212,970 1,300.209 18,225 902, 342 388 Total. Cases. 1, 5, 8, 7, 1, 5, 12, 17, 22, 21, 11, 8, 20, 26, 89, 95, 179, 195. 494. 400, 919, 409. 1,380, 5S 1. 47S, 291, 1,018, 430, 698, 448, 1,032, 567, Value. $5,090 120,356 49.019 32,000 72, 401 93,419 217,537 303,036 591,948 755,235 1,805,277 1 . 549, S04 3,710,358 1,940,925 3,094,445 1,927,540 1,295,328 5,615,433 2,481,336 2,642,146 2,669,095 7,917,608 3,143,256 Pack of Canned Salmon on Grays Harbor from 1878 to 1910. Year. Num- ber of can- neries. Chinook. Silver. Dog or chum. Total. Cases. Value. Cases. Value. Cases. Value. Cases. Value. 1878 1 1 5,420 $29, 268 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1880 1887 1888 4 37,000 $212, 750 1889 1S90 1891 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 500 9.000 12,000 4,100 8,870 9,278 8,300 4.800 15,740 12,900 SI, 500 30, 780 48, 000 10, 400 28, 403 29.689 23,481 16,320 59,025 51,600 500 16, 500 1 , 500 1892 4,500 4,500 12,300 56 7,816 3,100 5,100 5. Ill 10 0,700 815,390 22, 500 01,500 202 30, 806 11,741 23,052 21,250 33,500 3,000 5.500 5,000 2,517 4,180 1,900 2,200 3,500 11,200 $9, 415 55, 585 85, 350 1S93 14,850 13,500 6,922 11,495 5,000 0, 050 8,750 30,800 22, 000 21,400 11,449 21,274 13,300 12, 100 24,240 30, 800 41,500 31,500 1894 91,400 1895 35, 527 57, 990 1890 1S!)7 40, 222 1898 45, 422 1899 89.025 1900. .. 115,900 1901 1902 1 4,000 20,000 10, 000 45,000 17, 500 70,000 135,000 1904 2 4.339 20.103 9,225 10, 000 7.000 7,000 20,819 90,718 14,904 13,000 11.500 9,500 9,500 9,019 21,768 51,854 52,000 43,900 47, 500 47,500 38,146 108,840 8,310 7.000 8,000 :-!.: 3,500 5, 047 13,867 21,022 18, 200 21,500 11,500 11,500 LI, 608 48, 534 27,559 22,050 22, 000 14. 000 14,000 a 19. 787 6 51 ,'130 93, 039 1905 2 2,050 2 2. 500 79,425 l!l(ll> 75,400 1907 1 1 1 3 1,000 1,000 5,721 15, 495 06, 000 1908. .. 66, 000 1909 . . . 70, 573 1910. .. 248, 092 « Also 1,049 cases, valued at $9,051, with sockeyes brought from Puget Sound. b Also 4,350 cases of " Quiniault, " or sockeye salmon. SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. 125 Pack of Canned Salmon on Willapa Harbor from 1887 to 1910. Year. Num- bpr of can- neries. Chinook or Black. Silver. Dog. Total. Cases. Value. Cases. Value. Cases. Value. Cases. Value. 1887 4 3 L888 22,500 1889 1890 1891 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 3 3 S.000 9,000 7,895 5.00(1 13.047 11,940 14,600 9,809 10, 675 12,400 824,000 30,780 31,580 22,400 41,150 38.208 44.822 33,351 10,031 19,600 8,000 14,500 16, 195 15,100 22,600 24,941 29,600 21.42(1 21,314 26,300 34,1 30,-102 5,890 20, 40(1 14,950 11,440 13,382 20. 457 12,024 14, 508 21,000 1892 3,000 1,700 2.70(1 4, 636 4,551 8, 100 5,865 5,650 6, 700 $10,260 9, 180 1 1,580 23, 180 22, 755 33,291 26,510 25, 425 33,500 2,500 6,600 0,800 4,917 8,450 6,900 5,746 4,989 7. 2(H) ST. 7 15 18,150 18.700 13.222 21 , 23 S 18,975 15,802 13.720 19,800 18,785 1893 58,910 1894 55,680 1895 77, 552 1896 82,201 1897 07. OSS 1898 75,663 1899 70. 170 1900 102, 000 1901 1902 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 5 836 2.300 3, 0(10 4,650 4,000 3,530 4.017 1, 155 2, 923 29. ISO 13,800 12,000 20.925 16,000 15,354 20,585 5,869 15, 077 9.128 2,390 7,400 4,300 5, 340 9.228 5,923 4,822 5,096 41.076 10,755 28, 440 17, 200 21,300 36,682 23,692 17,359 25,480 24,528 1,200 16.000 0.000 5,100 624 10.517 5,747 3.489 97, 112 3. 300 38,700 15.000 13,260 2.4(10 36,809 13.103 22,711 167,368 1903 27,855 1904 70. 110 1905 53, 125 1906 1907 50.020 54,532 1908 81,086 1909. .. 36,391 63,268 1910 126 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. o o o © ©■ ~ © ~ ~ c ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ © r : c : c c :i o o t * -^ c n © r~- © >- © © © o co © © © ©©©©©©©©©©©■©©©©©© — ~ — - i .- ■- © ?- oi © m ,— i oi j - ~ • — -_; w ooooo©©© © © © © © c © ~ c © © © © © x x -t- © ~ © i— i © x co o j — . o ! © to ■—< © -t co w o o o o c *- — u-. ci© c: © . © x © to © C * i ' o ? i . - r- io © -r >o t ^ oi co co X i—i ro oi © o i -c- - ro © © - - © -r ^h © co oi co © © -r t ■ C © '0: _ © -f r- ©■ - © -h © to — h — oi x -f : -r © — i-H 1-T oi oi oi ol oi oi oi o I oi oi oi oi cooioioioi oir-n >i oici oi hOhO) OHCOH l-O r-H 0-1 Ol oicoToi oi © t~- Ol oi r-H Ol oi t*i ;^- oi t-ri — - © © I- 01 tHi-IrnVi O O Q O O O O O O O O O O OO OO O © © O © t^ <0 ^MQCCOCN- ©©©■©■ z: ©©©■©©©©■© O ■: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCC ) O C C C O G N CTJ t- iO c. . - - ■■" © x io © -i- x i - © co> x -— < © © i - © t - i - -— t r-i ir: — i Tf 00 00 © © © © © © iO © © © © © © r-H ■", © CO X © Ol © iO X I- "0 CT-HCINCI X.' © 1- © iO .— < oi © '" z jo io c i - z -~ ~ / ■— © ro x >o x co co co co co co co . r- © © oi -r x oi oi © ci © to ■ X — >0 © C X -r '-O ■ -r »0 XX ■ © i-O © ■ O CO t-i X © © © © -T CO 1-H ©> h x x z © ro x io z © : iO *0 Ol 'Z '0 © © Ol X oi©' so lO^HMtDOOOiCDtOWO ■ -r ro -P .rHTHrHOJ^lCqWTHiH r-H • -T X © Ol X CO © t- -* r^ I © T Ol Ol f- © -r 1- © © : © oi iifoi ©*©*©' O^-T©' ■CO — X • © iO © . 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Ci 00 - OS -r M II5H CO CM C X C10C 327,106 311,334 258,433 210,096 162.131 244.285 Ci Ci Ci 1* lo lo • O CO l~ r. Ci O Ci Ci e F- *| CM_ OS -G 101379°— 11- 128 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. Pack of Canned Salmon on the Nehalem River, Oreg., from INK? to IDIO. Year. Num- ber of can- neries. Chinook. Silver. Dog. Total. Cases. Value. Cases. Value Cases. Value. Cases. Value, 1887 1 5,000 5530, 000 18S8. . . 1889 0,000 9,000 3,500 10,000 0, 723 6, 493 6, 904 8,046 11,750 9,508 10.077 32,000 1890 45, 500 1891 . . 1 4, 000 1892 . . 10, 000 5,031 1,866 5. 152 5,218 8,366 5,700 7,405 S 10. Hill) 20, 124 19, 464 16,486 15,054 25.09S 19, 3S0 26,658 40, 000 1893 . 1,692 1.627 1,752 2,828 3,384 3,808 1 . 384 $6, 70S 6, 508 7,008 8, 484 10, 152 9,891 5,536 26, 892 1894. . . 25,972 1895 23, 494 1896 24, 138 1897 35, 250 ISMS 29,271 1S99 1.2SS $3,864 36, 058 1900 1901 268 271 686 500 2,700 3,987 4,000 5,000 1 , 985 3,500 1,139 1,431 3,670 'J,50ll M, 200 23,922 3,273 3,109 4,615 5,000 2,900 4,976 0,000 6, 100 4,554 5,400 13,092 13,468 19,614 ■jo, 000 12,325 1 1,928 2,669 2, 570 7,200 10,280 6,210 6, 010 5,301 11,500 11,000 11,020 12, 600 21,437 1902 25, 179 1903 . 1904 I. 000 2,(0:7 2,000 12.000 15,000 5,143 34,500 1905 43,525 1906 42,993 1907 1908 2,011', 009 1 . 500 1909 10.542 20,253 2, 091 10, 400 32, 886 1910... Pack of Canned Salmon on Tillamook Bay, Oreg., from 1886 to 1910. Year. Num- ber of can- neries. Chinook. Silver. Dog. Total. Cases. Value. Value. Cases. \ alue. Cases. Value. 1880 2 2 2 37,000 21,000 14,633 9,600 14,009 L887 $115,500 L888 84,140 1889 52,250 1890 79,049 L891 - 1892 IS, 000 4,000 7,763 0.514 4,860 9,000 10,342 3,889 $72,000 10,, 000 31,052 20,845 14,580 27,000 35,102 18,000 11,416 0,103 13,515 7,000 11,000 15,342 11,190 72 000 1893 497 700 $1 , 988 2,800 0.919 700 7,001 .$17,297 1,750 19, 253 35,285 35, 602 40,098 21, ISO ' 01 2,000 5.01)0 2. ISO 6 , 00 6,000 13,000 8,720 1897 33,000 48,162 38,119 1! 99 . , 1900 ! 1,036 5,121 15, 363 1901 SIS 215 4,240 1,135 2,133 2,287 2J727 4,400 1,700 2,304 3,410 0,000 5.029 1 ) 58 ■ 90! 9,720 4,093 11,500 2,020 17,600 0,500 7,050 8,800 7 092 10, 728 10,372 10,480 13,000 22,000 3, 175 6,882 6,595 5,347 10,900 11,600 5,504 7,724 1902 22 070 1904 30, 600 36,250 1905 1 906 1,100 1.S70 2,000 2,300 2,615 2,900 1 .,mi 11,220 1907 2,314 4,000 3,712 2.000 1908 . 1909 1910 15,663 (1,809 8,53S 1 1 , 350 9,400 40,010 SALMON FISHEKIES OF PACIFIC COAST. 129 Pack of Canned Salmon on Nestucca River, Oreg., prom L887 to 1910. Year. Num- ber of can- neries. Chinook. Silver. Dog. Total. Value. Cases. Value. Value. Value. 1 1 1 4,300 5,000 6,700 823,650 ISSS 28,750 36,850 1891 1 :::::::::: 1S9S 1899 1 1 1 1,109 $4, 430 $10,922 513 $1,539 4,656 16,897 1 'too 1901 279 1,116 L3, 323 391 4,228 15, 528 1904 1905 1 1 1 1 3,000 2 622 2, 100 2,000 IS. coo l.-», 7.12 1,000 2. 468 3,540 3,000 4. 250 7,404 400 165 1 50 100 1,000 413 4,400 5, 255 5,790 23,250 1905 23,549 1907 190S 1910 1 2,000 3,300 ! 5,440 Pack of Canned Salmon on Siletz River. Oreg., from 1896 to 1910. Year. Num- ber of can- neries. Chinook. Silver. Dog. Total. Cases. Value. Cases. Value. Cases. Value. Cases. Value. 1896 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2, 500 3,510 3,200 2,200 $7,500 1.900 $5, 700 15,045 14,722 8,696 4,400 8,525 7,530 4,719 $13,200 1897 10,530 8,360 9,900 5,015 4, 330 2,319 25, 575 1898 23,082 1899 200 $550 19, 146 1900 . L901 876 600 4,380 3.1 OS 3,740 1,917 16,830 S. 1 47 360 500 1,260 2,000 4,976 3,017 22, 470 1902 13,315 1903 1904 1 1 1 1 1 1,000 1,500 2,635 2,333 2,100 9,000 15,810 3,300 1,700 3,192 4,300 4,7.)!) 13,200 7,225 9,570 1,000 900 107 200 300 •J, 0110 2,250 418 5,300 4,100 5,994 6,833 7,100 20, 200 190 , 18,475 190 25, 804 11107 1908 1909... 1910... "l 2,200 ... 4,600 27.0 7,07,1) 130 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. Pack of Canned Salmon on Yaquina Bay and River, Oreo., prom 1887 to 1910. Year. Num- ber of can- neries. Chinook, Silver. Dog. Total. Value. Cases. Value. Cases. Value. Cases. Value. 1887 1888.... 3 5,088 5,000 1889 27, 500 1890 1891 1 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 .- 1 1,714 85, i 12 615 81,845 2, 329 6,987 1897 1898 170 316 412 1,422 3,234 5, 202 12. 127 1 . 700 5. 644 1 1,300 83,575 4. 850 17.124 1900 1901 96 ISO 12,816 549 1,647 3 m 14,943 1902 2,050 1.000 1,139 2,669 5, 262 8,840 8,613 9. 300 450 62 60 I'.i 787 1,080 1 55 150 1,553 3, 100 2.312 l ! ! 1.172 0,049 1904 50 200 500 83 ! 200 3,000 10. 120 1906 9,968 12.450 1007 1908 1909 1,556 13, 345 33 76 4.032 1910 2,669 13, 345 Pack op Canned Salmon on Alsba River and Bay, Oreg., from 1886 to 1910. Year. Num- ber of can- neries. Chinook. Silver. Dog. Total. Case . Value. Value. Cases. Value. 1886.... 1 1887 2 ::::::: 11, ISO 10, 000 $64,285 1888 ' 3 .",."..315 L889 55,000 1890 1891 1 1892 3,600 3,240 4, 160 3,280 3, 100 3,200 2. 170 5.010 12,000 10.040 1 1 . so.s 10, 200 600 7, 378 19, 038 1 4,500 4,600 4,980 0,000 5.1100 0. 100 7, 100 1 I. too 1.200 440 1.7O0 3,500 1,800 4,206 2,150 2,200 6, 375 10.500 5 100 11,170 9. 138 10.200 ISO! 18,840 ISO.") 18, 1S3 1896 20, 700 1S07 15.000 1898 IS..", IS 1899 28, 170 1900 1901 695 701 1,0.31 1,000 2,500 3, 702 800 1.200 1. L19 2.500 3,475 3,702 5, 516 5,000 15,000 22, 212 4.020 4,530 4,242 6,500 1,800 3,843 5.100 6,000 5, 4S0 5,900 IS, 790 19,253 18.029 26,000 o 11,529 891 670 44 300 700 2,680 88 000 1,750 6,215 5.001 5,317 7,800 5,000 7,545 6, 250 7 600 6,685 2, 83 1902 5 L903 23,633 L904 31,600 1905 24, 400 : : .. 741 1906 1907 ... 350 400 SO 100 1908 1909 6,714 .) 027 134 9 i 1910 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. 131 Pack of Canned Salmon on the Siuslaw River, Oreg., prom 1878 to 1910. Year. Num- ber of ea i neries. Chinook. Silver. Total. Cases. Value. Case; . Value. 1 Value. Value. 1878 2 1879 1880 1881 1882 L883 - . . 1 1 1 88 ' 1.SS.5 1886 1887 1888 1 1 12 000 68, 770 tit;, ooo 1890... 1891 - . 2 2 2 2 '.' 1 1 1 1 •_> I 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 ; ! 1 -./ 10, 165 9.000 10,000 17,: 20 35,2; 1 18,000 13,301 16,858 12.102 11,700 5,000 10,850 8,600 I 1893 1,471 1.871 1,637 2,700 L, 100 850 s. 100 2,210 L894. 69,303 41, U3 1896 27, 000 11,700 34,000 26,363 35, LOO 1897 15.000 36.210 L899 1900 1 is 31. 3.51 i 1901 1 . 288 1,519 8,675 6. SCO 2,500 1,320 6,842 6.500 29,079 26,000 9.22:; 5,608 8,361 7.0110 1903 37,206 1901 28,500 1905 1906 1,500 27,000 1.5.77:! 8,600 7,436 12,800 45,000 00 3,750 21.000 1.5,77:', S.I ',00 8,068 22, L58 7.5, 7.50 1907 1908 1909 632 B56 32,956 l6 '"& 1910 Pack op Canned Salmon on thi Cmpqi \ River, Oreo., prom L878 to 1910. Year. Num- ber ol can- nerii s. Chinook. Silver. Dog Total. Value. ( i i Cases. Value. 1878 • _> 8, LOO 1879 1880 ISM 1882 1883 1884 1 1 1885. 1 $87 1 12.000 1 ... 1 51,750 1889 1 L890 1891 1 1892 1 3.201 6,875 ; 8,000 12,816 24,000 10.000 4,013 7.110 8.689 9,300 40,000 1893 1 809 235 992 1,300 $4,045 1 . I 75 3, 720 10,861 1894 2S.67.5 1895.. . 1 32,583 1 27,000 1897 1898 1899 o 2 925 27.000 11.5 8.616 31,211 1900 1901 L902 1905 1 1 1 1 23 .500 6,100 1,143 2,500 6,858 <: "■:- 9,500 L0 500 28,615 16,839 566"| i,"666" 6,756 10,500 16,600 6, 756 28,738 41,500 81,225 1906 23,697 1907 1909 1 1 .500 2.000 A ;o2 8,253 13,000 34, 012 1910 132 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACTFTC COAST. Pack of Canned Salmon on Coos Bay and River, Oreo., from 1887 to 1010. year. Num- ber of can- neries. Chinook. Silver. Total. Cases. Value. Cases. Value. Cases. Value. 1887 2 1 1 11,300 5, 500 7,000 $62, 150 188S 31.025 1889 38,500 1891 2 ] 893 1 1 1 1 1 o 2 1 1 3,125 8, 12 ■ 2,332 2.000 2,200 7, ISO 5, 174 $12,500 3:;, 712 8.934 6,000 6, 600 24, 412 18,626 3,125 12.500 L894 1895 l:. v 5,110 13,000 6,200 3, 142 1,273 19,163 18,600 8,169 5,092 8,591 7.442 15,000 8, too 10, 322 6, 447 34.527 28,097 L896 15.000 1897 . 25.200 1898 32,581 L899 23, 718 1901 1,215 412 6.075 2, L75 4. on:: 2.040 lt/;2S 11, 220 5, 207 3,052 22,403 1902 13, 395 1904 1 2, 033 7,725 7,200 24, 480 9,233 32, 205 1906 1 2,043 12. 258 1.755 = 2fcs 3, 708 17,523 1910 1 1 275 1,475 3.959 5,500 17,927 4. 234 0.000 19, 402 Pack of Canned Salmon on t the Coqudlle River, Oreo., from 1883 to 1910. Num- ber of can- neries. Chinook. Sili T er. Total. ^ ear. Cases. Value. Cases. Value. Cases. Value. 1883 1 1886 2 3 2 1887 1888 11,000 8,600 $63, 250 47, 300 1891 1 1 1 1 2 1892 5,000 0.500 2,000 8, 724 7,800 $20, 000 20,000 8,000 .".2, 015 23,400 5.0Q0 6, 500 2,000 9, 184 9,025 20.000 1893 .. 20,000 1894 . 8,000 1895 760 1,225 $2, 887 3,675 35, 502 1896 27, 075 1898 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 541 050 2,030 133 286 331 i ii ii i 2, 100 821 306 1,407 3,800 13,180 665 1,510 1,771 2,400 12,000 1,920 7,485 7,550 9,001 5.090 5,877 8,685 13,686 11,343 17,979 13,220 19,174 9,818 10,037 ?, ! 409 28,500 38,404 20,384 24,927 36,911 54,744 48,208 53, 937 8,026 8,500 12, 237 5, 229 6,163 9, 016 14,286 13,443 18,800 13, 520 19, 174 10, 068 17,057 20,906 1899 32, 300 1900 51,584 1901 21.049 1902... 26. 437 1903 38, 682 1904 57, 144 1905 60, 808 1906 58,863 1908 1009 250 42o 1,255 42, 687 43,942 1910 a Burned. SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. 133 Pack of Canned Salmon on Rogue River, Oreg., prom 1877 to 1910. Year. Niim- ber of can- neries. Chinook. Silver. Total. Cases. Value. Cases. Value. Cases, j Value. 1877 a 1 CO 7,804 8, 534 8,571 7. 772 12,320 10. 1X0 10, 15(1 12,376 9,310 12,147 17,216 21,002 22.000 24.000 21,000 10.000 3,200 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 [883 1884 1886 1887 1888 SI 21, 107 1889 132, 000 120,000 1891 105,000 1892 10,000 3,200 859, 000 10.000 9,000 $36, ooo 95,000 1893. .. 16,000 1895 10,377 15,000 15,355 5, 481 41,508 75, 000 01,420 51,550 30, 145 4,385 3,000 3,653 501 1 , 745 15, 347 0.000 10,959 1,303 6,980 14,702 IS, 000 10,008 13,405 7,220 56,855 1897 84,000 72, 379 1898 52, 853 37,127, 1900 1901 2,681 3,799 8, 418 16,000 18,500 12.000 7, 537 1,354 186 232 13,405 20,058 15,036 64,000 111.000 72,000 4. 184 4,091 4.702 3,255 1.500 6,000 1,796 2,650 099 2,711 17,736 17,387 20.366 1 1 . 392 6,375 18,000 6,865 7,890 13,210 19,255 20.000 18,000 9.333 0,004 885 1,943 31,141 11102 37, 44.', 05, 402 1904 7;.. 302 1905 117,375 1906 90, 000 1907 190S . . 1909 1,300 2,077 4,277 1910 .. a Burned down during season. b Not operated. Pack of Canned Salmon on Smith River, Cal., in Specified Years. Years. Num- ber of can- neries. Chinook salmon. Silver salmon. Total. Cases. Value. Cases. Value. Cases. Value. 1878 4,277 7,500 2, 347 1,500 1 , 500 2. 250 $23,096 4,277 7,500 2,347 2,000 2, 000 2,250 $23,096 1880 1888 14,082 14,082 1893. . 500 500 1894 . . . 1895 9,990 9.990 Pack of Canned Salmon on Klamath River, Cal., in Specified Years. Year. Num- ber of can- neries. Chinook. Silver. Total. Cases. Value. Cases. Value. Cases. Value. 1888 4.400 1,000 1,700 1,200 1,600 2,500 $20, 400 4,400 1.000 1,700 1,0011 1,600 2, 500 3,400 5.033 8,010 $26, 400 1893 . 1894 . . . 1895 5,321 8,800 400 $1,500 6, 821 1899 . . . 8, SOT 1902... 1904... 3, ion 18.300 18,360 1009 5,633 28.315 28,315 1010. . 8,016 134 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. Pack of Canned Salmon on Eel River, Cal., in Specified Years. Year. Number of can- neries. Chinooks. Cases. Value. 1 1 1 1 8,500 S51.000 10,500 1 50,700 1880 6,250 6,000 1910 Pack of Canned Salmon on the Sacramento River, from 1864 to 1905. Year. N umber of can- neries. Cases packed .« Value. Year. Number of can- neries. Cases packed." Value. 1864 1 1 2.000 2,000 L886 39,300 36,500 68,075 57,300 25.065 10,353 2. I'M 23.330 28,463 25,185 13,387 38,543 29.731 32,580 39,304 17,500 14,043 8,200 14.407 2.780 1887 1866 1888 6 3 8423,750 1867 1889 1890 1868 1869 1891 1870 L892 1871 1893 1872 1894 1873 1895 3 111, 821 1874 2,500 3,000 11 1, 000 21,500 34,017 13,855 62,000 181,200 200, 123.000 81,450 90,000 1896 1875 L897 1876 2 L898 1877 $183,692 59,577 L899 : ■,(! £88 1878 6 4 9 1900 1879 1901 1880 1902 1881 1903 1882 19 21 1904 2 1 6,9 16 1883 1905 Total 1885 6 1,352,855 a All were quinnat or Chinook salmon. Pack of Canned Salmon in Alaska, by Districts, from the Inception of the Industry. Southeast Alaska. Central Alaska. Western Alaska. ■ Total. Year. Can- neries. Pack. Can- neries. Pack. Can- neries. Pack. Can- neries. Pack. 2 2 1 1 1 4 4 3 4 5 6 12 12 11 7 8 9 9 9 9 10 Cases. 8, 159 12,530 0,539 8,977 11,501 20,040 22, 189 16,728 18,660 31,462 81,128 141,760 142,901 156, 615 115,722 136,053 142. 544 14S, 476 262,381 271,867 251,385 310.219 456,639 Cases. Cases. 2 2 1 1 3 6 7 6 9 10 16 37 35 30 15 22 21 23 29 29 30 32 42 Cases. 8.159 1879 12,530 1880 6,539 1S81 8,977 L882 2 2 2 2 2 2 6 21 19 14 6 11 10 10 12 13 14 14 14 10,244 28,297 42, L".i7 52,687 74,583 102,515 241,101 461,451 421,300 511,367 295, 196 399, 815 435,052 327,019 485,990 382.899 395.009 356,095 402, 223 21.745 1883 48,337 1884 1 1 3 3 4 4 4 5 2 3 4 6 8 7 7 9 12 a 4(M) 14,000 48,822 72,700 SO. ssi', 115, 9S5 118,390 133,418 63,499 107,786 108, S44 150, 135 218, 336 254,312 318,703 411,832 599,277 64,886 1885 83,415 1886 142, Olio 1887 206, 677 1888 412,115 1SS9 719,196 1890 682,591 1891... 801,400 1S92 474,717 1893 643, 654 1894 686, 440 1895 626,530 IS'!!', 966. 707 1897 909,078 1898 965,097 1899 1,078,146 1900 1,548,139 a Experimental pack. SALMON PISHEEIES OP PACIFIC COAST. 185 Pack of Canned Salmon in Alaska, by Districts, from the Inception of the Industry — Continued. Southeast Alaska. Central Alaska. Western Alaska. Total. Year, Can- neries. Pack. Can- neries. Pack. mail's. Pack Can- neries. Pack. 1901 21 21 12 13 20 22 23 19 Cases. 735, 119 906,070 642,305 569,003 133,607 767,285 887,503 1,011,648 852,870 1,066,399 13 12 12 11 9 8 8 8 s 10 < 'ases. 562, 142 583,690 H7, 175 499. 485 371, 755 432,517 21 26 27 32 25 19 18 19 is la 719,213 1,046,458 1,186,730 885,268 1,089,154 978,735 !. 169,004 1,151,553 914,138 55 64 60 55 17 47 48 50 45 52 ( 'ases. 2 016 804 1902 2,536,824 2 246 "in 1903 . 1904 1905 L906 1907 1908 1,953,756 1,894,516 2,219.044 2,606,973 •' 395 177 1909... 1911) Total 23 2,413,054 10.647,220 10, 195,739 ]■' - ',; 719 33,569,671 Pack of Canned Salmon in Alaska from 1S98 to L910, by Species. i loho, or silver. I >og, or chum. Humpback, or [link. Cases. Cases. Value. 1898 54,711 39 102 50,984 65,509 82, 723 120,506 85,741 67,394 109, 141 85, 190 68,827 114,026 5,184 1,931 30,012 47,464 159,849 35,052 21,178 11 972 254,812 184,173 218,513 120,712 254. 21 S 109.399 232,022 541.427 549,602 355,799 34S.297 561,973 644, 133 164,873 554,322 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 sll ;;.■•. 730,235 547,757 554, 197 274.110 773,409 1905 1906 1907..- 191 IS 1909 1910 8215,875 382, L09 337.384 274,089 231.1)29 559,666 8498, 191 1,040.951 1,799,280 1, 11 1.S39 1,764.055 King, or spring. Red, or sockeye. Total. Cases. Value. Cases. Value. Value. 1898 12,862 23,400 37,715 43. Of,',) 59. 104 47,609 11,950 782,941 864 254 1,197.406 1,319,335 1,687,244 1,574, 128 1,475,961 1,295, 113 1,651,770 1,705,302 9(i5,097 1,078, 146 1,548, 139 2,016,804 2,536,824 2,246,210 1,953,756 1,894,516 2,219,044 2, 169,873 2,606,973 2.::;'-,, 177 2,413,054 1899 1900 1901 190'' 1903 1904 - .,. :;- 5.620,875 5, 915, 227 7,524,251 7,610.550 7,774,390 1905 1906 1907 30 834 43,424 23,730 1 ,034 40,221 8141,999 116,222 181.718 99. 867 207,624 214,802 86,304,671 7,896,392 [90$ 10,185,783 9, 438, 152 11,086,322 1909 1910 136 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. Pack of Canned Salmon in British Columbia since the Inception of the Industry, by Waters. Year. Num- ber of can- neries. Fraser River. Skeena River. Rivers inlet. Nass River. Vancouver Island. Northern miscellane- ous waters. Total. 1876 5 8 9 9 11 16 20 14 9 10 20 21 2s 33 38 36 44 42 49 56 65 67 68 69 78 69 61 51 64 59 42 50 Cases. 7.247 5.-,,. -is; 81.446 50,490 42, 155 142,510 199,204 105,701 34.037 89,617 99, 177 130,088 70.010 310.122 244,352 177,989 9s. -191 474,237 363,566 432,920 375,344 879, 770 204.225 527,390 331,371 998,913 327, 197 237, 162 i 18,903 846,998 220, 744 103, 110 89,184 567,230 223, 148 Cases. Cases. Cases. Cases. Cases. Cases. 7,247 58, 387 1877 3,000 8.5(10 10,003 19,694 21,560 24,522 31, 157 53,786 1.2,900 37,587 58 592 70, 100 58,405 91.015 77.1157 90,750 5 l 021 61,005 69,356 97,863 61,310 SO. 102 112,562 135,424 125,845 155,930 98,688 154,869 114,085 102,420 159, 255 209,177 142. 740 222.035 1878 89, 946 1879.. 01,093 61,849 1880 5,500 4,600 6, 400 7.000 1,200 4.200 5,000 7. 102 11,060 3.850 4,300 8,098 109, 576 1882 5 , 035 10,780 20,383 6,500 9,400 S.500 240.401 1 881 ! 163, 438 IsM 123,706 1885 108,517 [886 15.000 11,203 I'll. DUO 21,722 33,500 36,500 14,955 35, 116 40, 101 5S. 575 107, 173 40,090 105, 2,02 76,428 74, 190 66, 794 70, 298 b9,389 9 1. 292 83, 122 122,878 94,064 75.090 91.014 129,398 152, 964 1887 204,083 1 888 12,318 19,800 24,700 11,058 26, LOO 15,680 20,000 20,541 14,649 20,000 20,000 19,442 20,200 15.004 23,212 18,094 29,587 32.725 32,534 31,832 40, '/OS 40.090 39,720 184,040 1889 1S90 1891 1892 1893 1894 6,666 8,057 14, 125 17.750 7,500 3,000 14,5.50 12.200 10,323 17,541 28,247 29.051 34,086 38, 154 43,355 39,917 44,343 22.570 62,026 92 132 92'. 505 417,211 411,257 314,511 248,721 010,202 492,232 587,692 017,782 1,027,183 192,551 705,519 000,540 1.2 47,212 627, 101 473,847 465,894 1,107,822 1895 1S96 1S97 1898. 1899 1900 1901 L902 1903 3,300 7,903 13,807 12,539 12, 150 17. 102 11.005 10, 432 12,300 U.sss 50, 975 40,511 70.010 83,918 58, 954 53,904 1904 1905 1900 1907 190S 1909 029, 460 547.459 566,303 993,000 1910 760, 830 Total 9, 402. 095 2,891,557 1,623,718 579. 194 500, 794 038, 098 15,695,756 PICKLING INDUSTRY. The salmon-pickling industry was so overshadowed by its giant brother, the canning industry, that statistical data, except for Alaska, were found in extremely fragmentary shape, and only that portion is shown relating to Alaska from the time of annexation to 1909. Pack of Salted Salmon in Alaska, 1868 to 1900. Year. Salmon. Salmon bellies. Dry-salted salmon. Barrels. Value. Barrels. Value. Pounds. Value. L868 2,000 1,700 1,800 700 1,000 900 1,400 1,200 1,800 1,950 2, 100 3,500 3, 700 1 . 700 $16,000 13, 600 14,400 6, 300 9.000 7,200 1S09 1870 1871... 1872 1873 1874 11,200 1875. . . 9,000 14,400 15,700 16,800 28, 000 29,000 15,840 53, 010 1876 1877 1878 1879. 1880. . . 300 $3,300 1881 1882 5, S90 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. 137 Pack of Salted Salmon- in Alaska, 1868 to 19(H) — Continued. Salmon. Salmon bellies. Dry-salted salmon. \ ear. Barrels. Value. Barrels. Value. 1 ounds. Value. 7,251 6, 106 3,231) 4,861 3,978 9,500 li, 457 18,030 8,913 17,374 24,005 32,011 14,234 9,314 15,848 22,670 22, 382 31,852 24, 477 30,31 i 27,921 13.074 10,071 17,283 22,307 31,472 28, 443 12,779 865,259 54,954 20,070 43, 740 35,802 85,500 58,013 162,351 71,304 140,057 120,083 176,060 85,404 65, 198 110,936 181,360 !07, SO.", 238,890 171,339 212. OSS 223,368 SO, 20!) 143,811 120, 194 203, L27 266,713 183,400 111.034 L887 1889 I gl i' i 1891 1892 53 i 8! 13 1894 :.: 1895 150 2,846 580 235 2,353 652 328 3,007 20S i 160 1,338 2,965 7,600 1,070 1,020 1,200 28,460 5,800 2,350 23, 530 3,816 2,952 32,973 1,950 11, 355 13,644 37,422 85,994 2.-,, 358 19,007 1897 1898 1899 1900 ' -. 511,400 $10,228 1901 1902 1903 1904 1906 101)7 1908 1909 1910 300,000 966,812 7,280,234 1, 107. oso 107. 5S0 2o, son 71,000 22, 178 5,500 it;, lso li:,, til; 10,000 1,505 41 (i 1,038 554 Total 517,238 3,883,988 2S.231 299,926 10,388,284 168,033 MILD CURING INDUSTRY. The beginning of this industry on the Pacific coast, is of compara- tively recent elate, and the following table is complete, with the pos- sible exception of a few tierces, which may not have been reported for the coastal rivers of Oregon: Number of Tifrcks of Mild-Cured Salmon* Packed ox the Pacific Coast from 1897 to 1910« Year. Alaska. British Colum- bia. Puget Sound, Wash. Grays Harbor, Wash. Willapa Barbor, Wash. Colum- bia River, (both sides). Coastal rivers, Oreg. Eel River, Cal. Sacra- mento River, Cal. Mon- te re \- Bav, Cai. Total. 1897 400 700 1,250 1 . 275 3.000 4,213 0.725 9,088 9,805 6,070 4,960 5. 540 7.922 400 1898 70 130 :::::::::: 770 1899 375 1,755 1900 950 3,100 2, 125 3,600 4,719 2.970 2,177 4,102 3,243 5,111 5,516 504 r>4 248 310 510 582 252 911 75 2,225 6,767 1901 67 07 s 34 189 1,120 i.e.-,: 1,378 2, 202 3! 357 1,17.-, 957 1 . 903 1 , 000 1,560 1,638 000 ! ■ 82 1 1,250 3,000 2,060 1902 lss 7,722 11,511 1001 415 710 710 ■JIM 175 140 15,539 loo:, 1000 1907 1908 20 100 17,873 13,685 17,464 10, 893 1000. 2, III:) 2. 435 75 67 29 560 1 , 398 80 18 267 1910 22,408 Total. 10,375 8,383 12.703 537 129 68,948 4,041 595 37,822 3,746 147,279 a The net weight of fish in a tierce is about 800 pounds. King, chinook, or spring salmon were used al- mostexclusively. From most places the data are complete from the time of the inception of the industry, but from a few minor places the data are somewhat fragmentary. IX. TRADE WITH OUTLYING POSSESSIONS. As a result of the war with Spain the United States in 1898 ac- quired possession of Porto Rico, Guam, and the Philippine Islands, while in the same year Hawaii became a part of this country at its own request, and in 1900 two islands of the Samoan group were ac- quired by a partition agreement with Great Britain and Germany. The trade with the Philippine Islands is shown to date in the tables of exports and imports to foreign countries, but the trade with the other possessions has been eliminated from these tables and shown separately ever since their annexation to the United States. HAWAII. The islands constituting this Territory, owing to their reciprocity treaty with this country for a number of years before annexation, purchased their supplies of salmon from the United States almost exclusively. In recent years the Territory has imported the following quantities of salmon from the mainland: Year. ('mined. All other, fresh or cured. Pounds. Value. 1907 1.120,217 965,029 L40,410 1,381,398 $89,286 89,025 121,716 L13,526 Value. $64,232 1908 67,143 1909 73,848 1910 72, 194 PORTO RICO. Of recent years, the following shipments of domestic salmon have been made to this island: Vear. ('mined. All other, fresh or cured. Pounds. Value. 1907 604,627 512,038 381,171 511,055 $53,916 48, L95 34,777 4:s, 494 Value. $2,893 1 428 1909 3.S10 1910 6,243 138 SALMON FISHEK1ES OF PACIFIC COAST. GUAM. 139 Since annexation, this country and Japan have been competing for the trade of this island, which, in earlier years, Japan controlled quite largely. During the last two years, however, the United States has secured the advantage. The following table shows the extent of the trade, which is made np almost entirely of salted or pickled salmon: United Japan i aited States. Japan 1 rnited Slates. Japan United Japan United Japan Year and counl ry. . salmon. rounds. Value. Pounds 1,415 1,22] 19,862 1,601 7.406 6, 130 623 (65 10.779 1,295 7-10 344 000 TUTUILA, SAMOA. The customs statistics lump the imports of fish under one general heading, thus making it impossible to show separately the imports of salmon. X. FOREIGN TRADE IN SALMON. As we do not consume all of the salmon produced by our fisheries, it is necessary to find a foreign market for the surplus each season, but as canned salmon has become one of the staples of the world, there is not much difficulty in this respect, especially since our only compet- itors are Canada and Japan. The latter has not yet become much of a factor in the canned-salmon market, though she will as her fish- ing operations are extended. There is more competition in the pickled, fresh, and frozen markets, several European and Asiatic countries being large producers of these goods, as is Canada also, for a consider- able proportion of which she is compelled to find an outside market. EXPORTS OF CANNED SALMON. From the beginning of the industry a considerable proportion of the salmon canned lias been exported, especially of the higher grades. In Europe the chief customer is Great Britain, taking about nine- tenths of all sent to European ports. Great Britain does not, how- ever, consume this quantity, for a considerable part of her importa- tions are reexported. On the North American Continent and adja- cent islands the best customers are Mexico, Panama, and the British West Indies, in the order named. In South America, Peru, Argen- tina, and British Guiana were the leading markets in 1910. In 1908 Chile imported 4.196,060 pounds; in 1909 the importations dropped to 97,993 pounds, but increased in 1910 to 1,556,629 pounds. In Asia, Hongkong and China import canned salmon, although neither buys great quantities. The islands of the Pacific and Indian Oceans are large consumers. British Australasia took 5,474,S18 pounds, valued at $551,312, in 1910, and other good customers were the Brit- ish East Indies and British, French, and German Oceania. In Africa the British and Portuguese possessions are the largest importers. The movements of these products are naturally often influenced favorably or adversely as the tariffs of the various countries in which they are marketed are raised or lowered. 140 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. 141 The following table shows the yearly exports of domestic canned salmon and the countries to which exported for the period from 1900 to 1910, inclusive: Exports, by Countries, op Domestic Canned Salmon, 1900 to 1910. North America: Dominion of Canada — Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, etc Quebec, Ontario, Man- itoba, etc British Columbia Newfoundland and Lab- rador Miquelon, Langley, etc Mexico Central American States- British Honduras Costa Rica Guatemala Honduras Nicaragua Salvador Bermuda West Indies — British Danish Dutch French Haiti Santo Domingo Cuba Porto Rico South America: Argentina Bolivia Brazil Chile Colombia Ecuador Guiana- British Dutch French Peru Uruguay Venezuela Europe: Austria-Hungary Azores, and Madeira Is- lands Belgium Denmark France Germany Italy...'. Malta, Oozo, etc Netherlands Portugal Russia, on Baltic and White Seas Spain Sweden and Norway Switzerland United Kingdom Asia and Oceania: Aden Chinese Empire China — Russian Hongkong Japan Korea Russia, Asiatic Turkey in Asia East Indies — British Dutch Pounds Value. 24,137 382,811 82,514 33, 151 240 162,785 16,488 70,458 2,666 7,193 26,647 550 59,672 259,249 9,085 13,303 432 468 2.7(14 8,406 4,394 104.307 637,638 647.328 92,868 50,387 168,718 13,096 3,240 75.021 2.S37 42,125 2,208 48 31,118 24,492 22,544 16.110 120 20 14,806 1 . 604 6,114 277 677 2,684 en 6,158 25,651 873 1,610 45 44 297 786 390 s.s22 76,152 61,800 9,075 5,631 10,197 ::, 553 299 7, 3! '2 285 3.712 309 7 3.1S6 2,455 2.130 1,431 10 3,048 19,776 299 1,779 1,168 24 1S.S20.453 216 40,960 63,210 11,560 112 3 1.870,004 6,488 1,200 538,180 Pounds. 101 25.251 100,425 19.331 69, 135 11,361 7,681 21.543 550 63,786 315,209 8,612 16,591 1,084 595 1,899 20,407 127.751 240 207.033 H15.323 97,1113 98,587 13H.192 (11.331 2.24S 124,823 9,408 66,911 950 5,800 3,168 61,790 77,921 2, 196 141 288 1 . 530 720 31,722,853 149,295 20,034 78,960 285,030 1,105 1 , 495 144 312, S05 3,960 $10 223.230 14,967 2,054 6.76S 1,151 776 2,256 55 7,39S 33,635 929 1,944 127 65 192 1 , 883 10.910 37 23.50(1 (14.059 9.975 10,387 14. SO- il. 542 2(11 12,52(1 933 0,913 92 600 326 6,565 7.507 214 21 30 Pounds. 22.442 1,866,272 S10 387,905 23.407 70,030 15,325 4,924 17.125 1 . 828 76,456 212.999 14,526 13,112 900 920 1.531 20,196 ss.022 15,110 87,800 384,766 SI 1.040 24,937 140.502 92,971 8,316 313,470 1,010 42.430 250 336 860 23,956 10,905 151 70 4,800 336 8,400 675 72 3,219,196 I 30,032,961 15,263 2,058 S,050 28,990 115 145 16 31,528 400 117,043 9,460 551,860 14,578 2,208 6,572 733,685 101,940 Value. $1 2, 493 159,682 31,041 2.370 5,954 1 . 324 498 1 . 635 161 7,768 24.191 1.390 1 . 506 96 88 140 1,618 7,816 1,147 8,350 28,529 7.451 1,868 14,604 S.71S 850 24,444 104 4.020 25 39 92 1,889 1,068 400 35 932 67 2,620,729 8,716 772 40,261 1,220 179 521 50.912 12,093 142 SALMON FISHEEIES OF PACIFIC COAST. Exports, by Countries, of Domestic Canned Salmon, 1900 to 1910 — Continued. Pounds. Value. Pounds. ' Value. Asia and Oceania— Con tin ued. British Australasia 2,804,004 British Oceania French Oceania 103, 940 German Oceania Guam" Hawaii'' Philippine Islands Tonga, Samoa, and all other Tutuila« Africa: British A friea Canary Islands French Africa Liberia Portuguese Africa All other Africa 480 860,682 1,160 632,012 4,320 312 47,812 $283,110 3,442,085 10,732 US, 355 8, 180 50 84, SOS 120 11,646 57,387 39,316 73,040 sir,, 133 656 421 4, (ISO 30 4,696 35,384 Total RECAPITULATION Europe North America South America Asia Oceania Africa 27,082,370 18,941,109 1,051,808 L, 868,225 654,126 3,882,646 684,456 2,693,648 41,289,500 1,881,725 98,064 192,918 67,941 390,466 62,534 31,877,663 2, 143,561 1,577,013 853, t::i 3,681,276 856,553 $343,540 12,026 S74 3,925 7,168 79,063 66 415 3.459 4,230,271 3,234,862 297.440 160,862 86,571 367.533 83.003 Pounds. Value 7.131,641 L51,998 142,570 12,900 718,876 21,176 2,581,088 52,726 6,200 $599,671 10,555 11,355 997 46, 712 1,451 219,233 4,931 582 47.173,114 30,683,551 2,780,844 1,291,998 1.597.346 S, 179. 161 2,640,214 3,991,402 2,625,284 242,029 107,907 120,674 670,741 224,767 Countries. 1903 1904 1905 Pounds. Value. Pounds. Value. Pounds. Value. North America: 290,850 $21. 121 Nova Scotia, New 49 153,697 1,086,370 $4 9,558 9.",. 021 Quebec, Ontario, Man- 43. 107 85, 171 287,212 Newfoundland and I. ili- 240 493,371- 28,959 93,580 20, 498 14, 434 42. 103 112,320 2. 296 33,821 366, 747 9,474 13, 051 660 1,611 4,855 36, 903 120, 586 170 1881342 821,171 SI, 239 121,894 135. 424 45,231 11,684 151,832 3, 250 28,005 25 Mexico Central American States British Honduras 356,951 24. 1S7 36,806 3,527 7.455 20, 089 -t ys? 2.316 3. 072 295 716 1.771 538,949 28, 044 58, 828 15, 732 12,428 28, 159 18,466 1,304 36, 022 409, 219 7, 442 17,878 984 2,115 7, 660 24, 677 66, 275 672 114,033 1,218,266 lis, 269 .-,0,266 112,360 78, 464 11,169 214,982 2,246 59, 857 iS 691 2, 534 4,668 1.131 1,090 2.394 1,671 32(i 3,778 37,389 752 1,999 86 228 719 2,324 6,612 80 11.742 72, 205 10. 104 4,041 11,226 8,280 1,307 15, 530 225 5,981 40, 597 2,534 8,179 Guatemala Honduras 1,583 1,221 3,146 9, 211 3,360 64, 264 418, 636 9,647 22. 9S1 892 2,496 3,290 21,636 72. 445 384 88,740 1.044.490 149,272 45. 126 172,300 52, 138 18, 752 89,440 2, 140 20, 9S7 252 6,792 38,434 903 2,480 92 238 335 1,789 6,808 40 8,481 59,354 11.194 3,115 16,829 4.959 1,805 7,309 185 1,839 184 3,634 West Indies 34,262 965 Dutch 1,419 French 64 Haiti . . . 164 Santo Domingo Cuba 452 3,373 South America: Bolivia Brazil Chile Colombia Ecuador Guiana- British Dutch 11,263 17 17.908 56, 160 7,491 7,941 13, 617 4,797 1,228 Peru 11,369 Uruguay Venezuela 325 2,825 o Guam was annexed to the United States in 189S. t> Hawaii was annexed to the United States in 1898. ■ Tutuila was acquired in 1898. d Panama separated from Colombia in 1903. SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST, J 43 Exports, by Countries, op Domestic Canned Salmon, 1900 to 1910 — ( - ontinued. Countries. 1903 1904 ■ 1905 Pounds. Value. Pounds. Value. Pounds. Value. Europe: 400 825 ; J ,N4 48 480 100 4,800 18, 790 5, 232 4,072 1,440 1,400 70 836 5 53 8 600 1,717 556 414 150 140 7 Azores, and Madeira Is- 384 0,760 J41 Belgium 788 80 2, too 32,268 1,120 1 . 072 96 3, 108 73 8 260 2,470 114 124 10 316 1,019 21.005 1,210 5, 760 3, 250 2, 262 122 Italy 465 349 2, 700 96 249 10 240 35,369,196 24 3,121,774 dnited Kingdom 33,555,080 I A. 1C2 21,026,108 2,520 249,386 1,872,902 Asia and Oceania: ISO 166,522 53.368 814,008 13.536 2,152 48 13,602 5, 1 1 1 56,225 1,015 179 4 218,142 40,000 160,367 11,817,343 3,888 482 18,770 3.032 11,870 841,461 292 41 17,587 518,42'. 2,437,484 2,572 36, 635 162, 524 186 384 673,897 720 109,476 31 East Indies- British 473,740 39,367 636, 320 44,669 55, 599 69 Dutch 235,680 240 4.268,652 36,018 153,696 451,824 601,324 1,454,226 144 2,220 '384 167, 964 19 }:x. 24 360,720 2, 2! 10 12,179 26,614 42.702 127,921 15 207 41 17,043 110,216 10 3,136,728 28,670 185,848 340. 464 206, 896 794, 75S 9,018 1 290,307 1,941 15,305 19,326 14,970 77,911 7,893 Britisli Australasia 4,075,004 42,624 133,204 324,888 681,636 1,259,269 900 4,800 140 200,826 2, 448 389,518 3,645 French ( leeania German Oceania Philippine Islands Africa: 11.414 20,651 42, 700 121, 120 90 3, 200 140 137,640 388 320 14 13, 906 30 460 14 20,365 204 5,200 506 Total 50,353.334 4,350,791 55,924,278 5.224,598 35,006.555 3,035,469 RECAPITULATION. Europe 35,410,768 4,285,406 1.756,211 1 . 759, 294 5,511.514 1,630,138 3,125,197 378,655 121,918 134,783 ■114,505 145,733 33,591,890 2,446,023 2,055,859 12,995,768 3,898,606 936, 126 3,508.818 204,363 147,333 930.051 341,849 92, 181 21,071.263 1.565.773 1,708. si's 3,994.862 5,257,446 l,4i • 1,877,509 132,134 134,941 280,704 Oceania Africa 467.028 142, 253 19 06 19 07 19 08 Pounds. Value. Pounds. Value. l'ounds. Value. North America: I dominion of Canada Mexico Central American Slates— British Honduras 236. 664 699,002 43.15:, 106,879 26,925 15, lis 39,949 30S, 624 2,880 24,679 471,814 9,713 11,643 200 2,953 11,688 57.441 814,814 56, 747 3,639 8,968 1,989 1,319 3,022 25,965 197 2,406 43,368 1,011 1,230 20 291 1,137 5,823 793,247 877,989 36,020 148, 157 31,242 23,508 41.106 443,687 4,092 29, 139 515,664 13.336 24,275 100 914 9,278 1 60,904 $65,356 73,582 3,214 12,260 2. 535 2. 0)s 3,335 38,642 331 2,711 46,51!) 1,340 2. 428 9 91 891 5,855 7.320 1,068,824 32. 632 138,421 29,777 33,955 27,721 487,079 5,854 25, 183 687,620 15,604 21,368 96 804 13,887 57,970 $587 94,278 3,080 12.260 Guatemala 2,319 3.202 2,302 46,883 467 2,579 West Indies- 64,275 1,058 Dutch 2,234 11 Haiti . 85 Santo Domingo Cuba 1,371 5,288 a Sweden and Norway separated in 1905. 101379°— 11 10 t> Panama separated from Colombia in 1903. 144 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. Exports, by Countries, of Domestic Canned Salmon, 1900 to 1910 — Continued. Countries. South America: Argentina Bolivia Brazil Chile Colombia Ecuador Guiana- British Dutch French Peru Uruguay Venezuela Europe: Austria-Hungary Azores, and Madeira Is- lands Belgium Denmark France Germany Italy Malta, Gozo, etc Netherlands Norway* Portugal Spain Sweden « United Kingdom Asia and Oceania: Aden Chinese Empire Hongkong Japan Korea Russia, Asiatic Siam Turkey in Asia East Indies- British French Dutch British Australasia British Oceania French Oceania German Oceania Philippine Islands Africa: British Africa Canary Islands French Africa German Africa Liberia Portuguese Africa Turkey in Africa— Egypt Total RECAPITULATION. Europe North America. South America. Asia Oceania Africa 1900 200.200 1,720 188,278 .402.147 51,987 80,876 120,016 65,654 12,650 269,858 10,436 35, 775 1,260 500 40,200 29.980 4,896 4,920 420 8,280 40,200 1,930 10,000 31,918,816 480 32,189 105,581 9,051 1,632 1,440 750 477, 234 16,262 134,796 5,230,076 11,952 125,998 214,920 757,400 1,029,787 782 144 161,178 2,400 32.061,402 2,069,357 3, 4991603 779,415 6,340,346 1,194,291 Value. $20,339 181 18,975 154,396 4,667 5,855 12, 391 6,246 1,305 20,342 1,075 3,280 135 60 4.112 3,000 420 413 36 959 3,981 193 1,050 2,739,284 50 2,321 7,1152 713 128 102 90 38,263 1, 162 9,692 426,814 923 10.274 14,503 56, 743 87,881 76 14 16,001 200 3,847,943 ,753,643 171,946 249,052 60, 173 509,257 103,872 1907 Pounds. 262, 667 18,951 150,592 4,168,876 II. 964 203,930 116,120 66,530 17,950 551,160 16, 124 14,826 1 , 220 883 9,150 10,230 11,098 3,208 7,' 726,991. 59,110 122,482 22,881 1,500 770 1,440 1,043,618 1(17. 590 5,451,378 40,080 137,472 156,939 933,288 504,848 144 600 "164,837 Value. $25,801 1,577 14,880 286,229 3,850 15, 599 12,202 6,494 1 , 829 40.431 1,546 4,336 112 976 86 1 303 788,245 4,386 9,959 1 . 77.-, 129 M 90 75,001 13,940 462,648 2,958 I 1 . $94 1 1 , 267 63,838 47,74s 17 60 i6.367 25,218,105 7,756,780 3,052,658 5,659,690 1,419.391 6,719,157 610,429 2,183,049 791,436 261,138 414,774 105,364 552,205 58,132 Pounds, j Value. 394, 306 11,702 146,826 4,196,060 51,786 174,920 140,514 59,390 23,218 316,701 17.934 37, 583 10.575 45,977 17.(17(1 7.577 27,900 10,500 13,200,887 23, 126 144.624 2, 472 1,156 582 3,264 290 702,169 720 126,168 3,054.756 14,661) 185, 60S 105,696 1,171,834 454,892 4s 5,079 83,640 28,226,045 13,321,086 2,654,175 5,571,000 1,004,571 5,131,554 543,659 o Sweden and Norway separated in 1905. SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. 145 Exports, by Countries, op Domestic Canned Salmon, 1900 to 1910 — Continued. Pounds. North America: Dominion of Canada Mexico Central American E British Honduras Costa Rica Guatemala Honduras Nicaragua Panama" Salvador Bermuda West Indies— British Danish Dutch French Haiti Santo Domingo Culm South America: Argentina Bolivia Brazil Chile Colombia Ecuador Guiana- British Dutch French Peru Uruguay \ enezuela Europe: Azores, and Madeira Island:; Denmark France ( i ermany Italy.... Netherlands Russia on Baltic and White Seas. Spain Sweden* United Kingdom Asia and Oceania: Chinese Empire China— British Leased territory.. Hongkong Japan Korea Russia, Asiatic Siam East Indies- British French Dutch All other Asia British Australasia British Oceania French Oceania German Oceania Philippine Islands Africa: British Africa Canary Islands < lerman Africa Portuguese Africa Turkey in Africa— Egypt Total. Europe. North America. South America. Asia Oceania Africa RECAPITULATION. f 229,934 756,052 35, 195 118,266 13,957 14,112 21,534 528,228 9,184 23,774 358, 1 1 t 14,. sis 16,621 564 2,184 13,258 53,580 259,192 6,184 176,150 58,518 255,039 100,259 22,816 295,885 15,140 34,618 192 17,096 5, 1 18 11,612 2,050 3,160 20,000 22,969,218 53, 448 103, 148 15,078 2,652 5,380 14,880 989,592 528 201,696 5,704,960 109,936 162,336 279,792 484,196 510 350 102, 31 4 36,117,109 23,028,476 2,209, 105 1,461,662 1,386,702 7,383,494 647,370 Value. 521.773 58, 124 3 261 9, s2S 1,117 1 . 1 79 1,656 50,940 754 2, 401 36,644 1,568 1 , 883 69 203 1,300 5,277 17,030 047 17.109 6,918 5, 707 10,952 25,981 2,164 22,040 1 . 330 3,058 18 i , 7.-,: 500 1,017 205 311 1,940 2,201,446 4,887 9,707 1,245 266 394 1,025 85,094 56 10, 90S 590,094 7,437 14,570 18,311 74,792 48,220 51 36 14.604 Pounds. 99,022 097,217 28,310 157,946 16,821 16,240 28,116 482,717 5, 498 26,484 548,561 14,655 9,838 196 2,038 22,120 OS. 737 229.401 33,502 207,37,4 1,556,629 111.274 272.411 222,398 .",7.7,0'. I 17,724 367,676 11.730 43, 144 100 1,878 424 9.744 11,580 5,100 44,737,072 28,522 3, 120 121,558 3.710 2,010 1,008 1,246,751 L89,604 480 5. 474, sis 66.826 241,200 360,576 5, 427,. 404 357,051 910 151.470 1,440 3,416,436 | 63,860,696 2,207,194 198,043 123,502 119,582 705. 204 02,911 44,765,898 2,224.7,10 3,193,812 1,596 77.", 11,568,824 510,871 Value. 87,7,70 50,782 2.000 12,237 1,361 1,361 2,000 45,401 423 2,383 53.930 1,512 1,100 IS 185 2,058 6,486 15,090 2.941 28,241 92 259 9.494 It,. 187 22,133 0,297 1,784 21, si 7 1.167 4,887 12 223 51 1,020 1,210 500 4,709,100 2,688 345 12,234 352 220 93 101,019 15,920 45 57.1,312 5,160 22.7s!l 22 554 396^604 37,707 92 14,674 120 6,314,258 4,712,182 191,551 220, 197 133,516 998,219 52,593 « Panama separated from Colombia in 1903. '' Sweden and Norway separated in 1898. 146 .SALMON FISHERIES OE PACIFIC COAST. Tlie table following shows for the past 11 years the customs districts from which the canned salmon was exported. Up to 1910 about two-thirds of the total exports have gone from the port of San Fran- cisco, while about one-fifth of the total passed through the port of Puget Sound, Wash. In 1910, however, the exports from Puget Sound exceeded those from San Francisco. The only other port through which any considerable quantity is shipped is New York City. It is usual now to load the salmon on steamers and sailing vessels at San Francisco and the Puget Sound cities to go direct to Europe. Exports, by Customs Districts, of Canned Salmon, 1900 to 1910. Customs districts from which 1900 1901 1902 exported. Pounds. Value. Pounds. Value. Pounds. Value. Atlantic ports: 648 $115 334,580 833,053 324 10 172,110 4,365,074 $34 1 Boston and Charlestown, 222,770 3,485,32(1 110,500 1,012 20, 488 340,538 9, 100 81 192,676 7,960,104 77,01)0 582 27,372 847,294 9,050 72 20,224 407, 009 Philadelphia, Pa 480 75 60 St. Johns, Fla.. 7 Norfolk and Portsmouth, Va . 269, 3S0 30,888 400 30 Gulf ports: Key West, Fla 100 7,340 47,0X5 In, lot MO 1,220 4,859 43 816 4,567 1,869 115 9S 291 10,530 28,332 6,253 108 23,843 2S9 958 2, 472 71 if, 21 2, 134 38 11,032 39,081 23, 879 300 164, 167 3,636 48 9,864,259 6,202 32,327,572 155,500 1,055 3,910 Mexican border ports: 2, 350 Brazos de Santiago, Tex... Paso del Norte, Tex Pacific ports: 29 13,119 558 4 Li" ./-.■ 3,094 21,611,030 76,800 144,l).V.l 2, 164,904 5,320 2,271,306 3,574 30,014,055 43,318 26,200 101 2X2,441 293 2, 983, 982 3,517 2,700 10 S72,912 487 San Francisco, Cal 2,654,020 11,250 Northern border and Lake ports: 120 24,000 17 12 2,500 2 16,200 1,800 39,312 50 4,368 Memphremagog, Vt 5 Total 27,082,370 2, 693, 648 11,289,500 4,230,271 47,173,114 3, 991, 402 RECAPITULATION. 3,820,656 38,868 30,2(i4 23,168,445 24,137 370,302 3,430 2,861 2,311,541 2,51 I 8,834,322 55, 125 20, 1 10 : ! 2,:«7, 112 42,501 947,729 5. 426 2,082 3,270,524 4,510 4,538,073 50,116 188,346 42,357,217 39, 362 427,335 4,965 15,498 3,539,231 Northern border ami Lake 4,373 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC (OAST. 147 Exports, by Customs Districts, of Canned Salmon', 1900 to 1910 — Continued. Customs districts from which exported. Atlantic ports: Baltimore, Md Bangor, Me Boston and Charlestown, Mass New York, N. Y Philadelphia, Pa Providence, R. I Gulf ports: Key West, Fla Mobile, Ala New Orleans, La Tampa, Fla Mexican border ports: Arizona Brazos de Santiago, Tex. . Paso del Norte, Tex Saluria, Tex Pacific ports: Alaska Hawaii Puget Sound, Wash San Diego, Cal San Francisco, Cal Willamette, Oreg Oregon, Oreg Northern border and Lake ports: Detroit, Mich North and South Dakota. . Superior, Mich Vermont, Vt Duluth, Minn Total. RECAPITULATION. Atlantic ports Gulf ports Mexican border ports Pacific ports Northern border and Lake ports Pounds. 104,750 5,627,654 540 685 9,612 44,404 26,988 "i03,"375 16,527,456 5,897 27,448,182 409, 444 400 74 43,033 50,353,334 5,734,469 54,016 130, 363 44,391,379 43, 107 Value. 12,266 599,393 54 63 824 4, 261 8.938 1904 Pounds. 490 121 2,400 2, 129, 523 587 1,549,319 421 2,138.019 29, 142 25 1,500 9,203 61,909 180 7,568 96 347,218 366 153,600 48 19, 766, 003 5,678 33. 212, 614 224,549 $50 9 215 214,016 42 125 811 5, 503 16 745 7 23, nil 30 9,550 7 1,655,666 422 3,303,292 10,628 580 20 7 5,164 25 4,350,791 55,924,278 611,868 5,085 11,741 3,716,926 5,171 2,133,121 72, 792 355,248 53,362,492 625 5,224,598 214,332 6,455 24, 183 4,979,565 63 Pounds. 576 294 2,683,775 8,858 460 , 102 , 999 262,014 6, 5S0 4,848 148 4,444.562 3,594 27,498,325 5.775 28, SIX) 35, 066, 555 2,693,503 97,561 289,439 31,957,252 28,800 266,./. 19 576 23 561 7,841 20,687 583 557 15 326, 485 259 2,406,422 531 2, 364 3,035,469 267,263 S, 425 23,148 2,731,269 2,364 Customs districts from which 1906 1907 1908 exported. Pounds. Value. Pounds. Value. Pounds. Value. Atlantic ports: Baltimore, Md 196 3,275,875 1,400 100 $21 318, 128 159 13 156 2,313,335 722 $28 227,646 67 301 2, 332, 392 $37 New York.N. Y... 226.8*0 Philadelphia, Pa Portland and Falmouth, Me 720 71 St. Johns, Fla 322 40,213 312 11,675 112,850 38 3,216 25 992 10,217 1,250 292 190 10,823 194,711 104 155 Gulf ports: 60 890 38, 267 88,014 8 94 3,031 7,775 23 18 Mobile, Ala 1,051 New Orleans, La 18,144 Sabine, Tex 9 Tampa, Fla 24 45,883 2 4,128 Mexican border ports: 34,479 3,268 43,035 3ii, 931 1 626,837 22,887 790 144 3,856 Corpus Christ i , Tex 2,775 Paso del Norte, Tex Saluria, Tex 387,568 21,962 30,336 1,666 513,202 22,662 305, 294 42,54s 1,960 33,315 56,147 2,341 Pacific ports: Alaska 99 14 Los Angeles, Cal 840 17,286,930 4,22s 24,613.868 540 53 1,499,819 331 Puget Sound, Wash San Diego, Cal 9,340,000 8. 456 S4 ■> 982 661 1,012,199 241 6,351,440 6,994 18,601.705 100 528,558 567 San Francisco, Cal Willamette, Oreg 1,969,214 12,502,876 55 1 3,723 1,597,735 22 148 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. Exports, by Customs Districts, of Canned Salmon, 1900 to 1910 — Continued. Customs districts from which exported. Northern border and Lake ports: Huron, Mich Minnesota, Minn Oswegatchie, N. Y Vermont, \*t Total RECAPITULATION'. 19011 Pounds. 177,734 35 Atlantic ports 3, 277, 571 Gulf ports. Mexican border ports Pacific ports Northern border and Lake ports 127,255 455,413 41,906,406 Value. 813,107 45,944,414 3,847,943 318,321 10,910 36, 130 3,469,472 13,110 1907 Pounds. Value. 1908 Pounds. ,000 48 780 S570 25,218,105 2,183.049 28,226,045 2.311,535 L65.050 570, 343 22, 160, 349 7,828 227,779 14, 450 47,776 1,892,398 640 2,334,663 206, 120 723.689 24.961.173 400 Value. 2,438,518 227,113 19,245 6.-.. 1 19 2, 126,995 46 Customs districts from which exported. Atlantic ports: Baltimore, Md Bangor, Me Boston and Chariest own, Mas New York, N. Y Philadelphia, Pa Norfolk and Portsmouth, Va. . - Perth Amboy, N. 3 Gulf ports: Galveston, Tex Key West, Fla Mobile, Ala New Orleans, La Tampa, Fla Mexican border port s: Arizona Brazos de Santiago, Tex Corpus Christi, Tex Paso del Norte, Tex Saluria, Tex Pacific ports: Alaska Los Angeles, Cal Puget Sound, Wash San Diego, Cal San Francisco, Cal Willamette, Ore:; Northern border and Lake ports: Detroit , Mich North and South Dakota Duluth, Minn Mont una and Idaho Total. RECAPITULATION. Atlantic ports Gulf ports Mexican border ports Paeific ports Northern border and Lake ports. Poun 192 216 162,024 ,848,870 405 32, UK) 876 40 13,505 92,537 27,735 138 26,220 150,636 14,399 66.020 13,370 ,858,552 5, 546 ,761,656 42,000 12 \ alue. Pounds. 36,117,109 4,043,807 107,018 '.'19. US 31, 705. 144 42,012 $22 25 16,837 390,266 44 2,739 4 1,247 7,615 2,733 13 2,450 14,850 1,528 0.203 934 716,370 400 2,247,957 3,990 1 3,410,436 409,933 8,954 21,574 2,971,984 3,991 3,000 ,999,480 700 214 155 340 14,018 103, 980 66 54, 425 641 27,365 125, 169 47,117 9,229 32, 406 ! 617 6,355 28,027,911 78 33,200 600 63,860,696 3,003,430 118,559 254,717 60, 450, 190 33,800 Value. $3 280 305,732 18 12 27 1,322 8,187 6 4,612 64 2,414 11,560 2,853 820 3,331,174 583 2,641,608 11 ,800 83 6,314,258 306,122 9,554 21,503 5,974.196 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. 149 EXPORTS OF FRESH AND CURED SALMON. The following table shows, by countries, the value of the exports of fresh and cured salmon for the period 1900 to 1910, inclusive. As with the canned salmon, the greater part of these exports go to European countries, Germany taking by far the largest quantity. A small portion of this is salmon caught in eastern waters. Exports, by Countries Receiving, of Domestic Pickled, Fresh, etc., Salmon', 1900 to J!) 10. Exported to - moo 1901 10H2 1903 1904 1905 North America: $88 7 $14 9 $11 $21 22 $246 $120 418 3,572 25,913 340 1 2 40 107 94 Dominion of Canada- 3 Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, etc .... 1,516 80,652 220 2,555 53,922 703 1,051 125,910 218 6,083 53,592 178 11 1 78 7,499 10, 299 Central American States— Costa Rica 192 208 5 20 26 53 40 75 315 22 004 939 370 31 107 122 191 7 1,397 5, 150 114 84 177 199 54 1,330 943 429 12 195 120 1S1 1.214 998 1 , 925 2, 348 273 38 293 315 104 1.200 3,867 194 13 197 273 11 1,136 West Indies — 4,999 Cuba 162 67 Dutch 238 100 124 070 85 57 14 143 26 South America: 1,641 1,200 419 172 142 410 38 385 70 441 227 104 17 1.100 Chile 223 057 05 30 286 134 27 245 15 Guiana British Dutch French 30 400 420 20 90 3 82 220 290 202 11 434 02 25 00 700 251 194 101 176 65 112 42 108 Europe: 123 4,750 2,315 57 1.001,944 85 1,002 15,285 300 320,309 88 10,904 378 180 300,291 053 22,952 470, 057 741,034 1 ,666, 787 158 Italy 100 475 50 55 184 2S0 3,023 28 4.127 12,765 3,105 12,295 300 7,896 300 2,574 56 7 5,595 5,685 1,838 8,523 54 17,770 38, 959 1,528 400 990 9 15 30 29, 355 Asia: 25 201 East Indies- 121 71 115 275 462 470 135 Dutch 507 2,807 10 39, 867 519 25,228 1,840 3,499 4,797 14,516 25, 037 Oceania: CIS 33, 785 340 1,325 13 31,503 29 1,877 948 25, 208 27 1,838 977 21,595 22 1,729 2,299 861 57 58,870 3,420 Hawaii a Sweden and Norwa y separated in 1898. 150 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. Exports, by Countries Receiving, op Domestic Pickled, Fresh, etc., Salmon, 1900 to 1910— Continued. Exported to — 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 Oceania— Continued . $384 $478 $13 $308 $636 $215 10 304 21 Africa: British Africa- West South 170 85 24 12 859 114 5 Total 535.276 4LV73S 694, 435 809,352 1,163,489 1,832,655 RECAPITULATION. 87, 964 1,702 340, 643 3,324 101,388 255 60, 416 901 344,368 15,037 5,982 24 132, 704 3,063 496, 637 25,843 35, 863 325 67,225 1,690 760, 197 5,393 34, 835 12 36, 408 1,822 1,094,950 1,382 28, 063 864 25,809 3,438 1,748,039 30, 170 25.085 114 Exported to- 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 North America: $173 14 32, 925 46 40 $20 $23 1,030 16, 964 189 902 2, 451 1,317 1,878 460 975 104 39 $68 $630 Dominion of Canada— Nova Scotia, 18, 785 213 21,973 217 18 23,559 Central American States- 197 62 92 27 2,211 528 208 371 108 93 16 277 255 500 39 380 1,231 1 , 046 128 30 94 31 175 199 4,890 121 165 49 14 335 128 11 775 555 West Indies- 3,007 97 42 Dutch 78 19 678 228 19 Haiti 97 100 85 308 15 105 283 313 South America: 120 3,029 Chile 20 67 391 5 133 36 1,103 36 56 90 22 290 70 271 21 555 167 Guiana — 218 287 57 1,317 208 48 130 75 118 823 Dutch 217 695 311 10 Europe: 95 114 36, 023 410 81, 195 250 1,038,530 108, 269 150 1,601,166 90,015 83,580 415 1,670,366 137 793 9,303 1,422,846 1,223,595 Italy 204 11,390 1,650 140 55 23,409 48, 237 293 2,947 22, 104 22, 917 45,885 14,735 289 23,670 43, 952 41 18 5,260 32, 554 26, 196 3,391 63 21,540 28,083 170 66 42, 725 66,555 Asia: 89 East Indies — 60 Dutch . 41 1,339 88,068 687 18,395 3 6 13 3,592 809 2,772 10 90 3 121 55 SALMON FISHERIES OP PACIFIC COAST. 151 Extorts, by Countries Receiving, of Domestic Pickled, Fresh, etc., Salmon, 1900 to 1910— Continued. Exported to— 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 Oceania: $15, 169 21 2,154 74!) 821 20 40 $23, L86 $26,591 11 1,7".' 373 $25,466 $22,826 89 2,136 1,11 2 12, 287 1,528 1,229 712 1,886 1,189 2,089 Africa: 1,268 198 289 Total 1,927,464 1,878,743 1.648,044 1,288,560 1 , 532, 640 RECAPITULATION. 36, 943 2,000 1,776,086 92,861 18,914 60 23,204 2,351 1,794,885 19,384 38,721 198 27,263 517 1,587,535 ■ 3,962 28, 767 28, 383 1,365 l, 2 ::<, ins 3,040 28, 935 289 29,688 5,242 1 , 468, 015 348 28,079 1,268 The exports of domestic fresh and cured salmon from 1900 to 1910, inclusive, are shown below, by customs districts. The greater part of the shipments pass through the New York City customs district: Exports, by Customs Districts, op Domestic Pickled, Fresh, etc., Salmon, 1900 to 1910. Customs districts from which exported. Atlantic ports: Baltimore, Md Bangor, Me Belfast, Me Boston and Charlestown, Mass. New York, N. Y Philadelphia, Pa Portland and Falmouth, Me. . . Savannah, Ga Gulf ports: Mobile, Ala New Orleans, La Mexican border ports: Arizona Brazos de Santiago, Tex Corpus Christi, Tex Paso del Norte, Tex Saluria, Tex Pacific ports: Alaska Oregon, Oreg Puget Sound, Wash San Diego, Cal San Francisco, Cal Willamette, Oreg Northern border and Lake ports: Champlain, N. Y Detroit, Mich Genesee, N. Y Huron, Mich Memphremagog, Vt Montana and Idaho North and South Dakota Superior, Mich Vermont, Vt Total . recapitulation. Atlantic ports Gulf ports Mexican border ports Pacific ports Northern border and Lake ports . $12 16 346,853 10 11 22 414 700 2,377 80, 493 108 102,666 2 523 346,924 1,192 185,644 1,516 330,805 68 13 67 370 12,422 17,500 55,727 19 7,030 1,464 742 6 162 115 426, 738 330,890 5 535 92,698 2,610 $158 12 34 503,219 143 416 13 1 , 42S 150,900 20 36,958 449 24 225 6 694,435 503,439 143 1 , 857 188,177 819 52 760,128 1,151 47 30 115 19 30 1,063 4,375 5\,27s 34 36,331 1,542 869,352 767, 397 30 1,227 99,018 1,680 418 1,102,542 7 60 8 116 4 208 Ml 1,003 29,212 73 25,851 28 1,183 1,393 26 24 378 1,163,489 1,103,034 124 1,160 56, 167 3,004 1 , 757, 742 '"79 14 206 777 1,184 36, 145 4 27,939 1,500 2,142 4,445 6 247 33 22 1,832,655 1,757,832 159 997 66,772 6,895 152 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. Exports, by Customs Districts, of Domestic Pickled, Fresh, etc., 1900 to 1910— Continued. Salmon, Customs districts from which exported. Atlantic ports: Baltimore, Md Bangor, Me Belfast, Me New York, N. Y Philadelphia, Pa Portland and Falmouth, Me. . Gulf ports: Mobile, Ala New Orleans, La Mexican border ports: Arizona Brazos de Santiago, Tex Paso del Norte, Tex Saluria, Tex Pacific ports: Alaska Puget Sound, Wash San Diego, Cal San Francisco, Cal W illamette, Oreg Hawaii Northern border and Lake ports: Buffalo Creek, N. Y Cape Vincent, N. Y Champlain, N. Y Detroit, Mich Duluth, Minn Huron, Mich Memphremagog, \ T t Minnesota, Minn Montana and Idaho North and South Dakota Vermont, Vt Total . RECAPITULATION. Atlantic ports Gulf ports Mexican border port s Pacific ports Northern border and Lake ports. 1906 $11 15 781,330 105 15 14 8 80 44,436 63,626 44 31,500 992 3,954 1,927,464 1,781,476 14 788 139,606 5,580 1,780,105 ILL". IS 276 134 290 151 44,492 28,984 92 4,333 1,972 1,590,757 14 128 7, 098 13 "t.Vi 803 14,370 28 29,112 1 , 359 1,667 52 92 3 161 1,878,743 45 20 1,387 1,648,044 1,797,411 270 424 73,927 0,705 1,590,778 7,220 107 44,313 5,500 $31 58 11 1,230,430 37. 59 154 1,230,542 49 25 50, 834 7,110 197 212 22,666 12 27,028 3 598 "68 1,419 1,532,640 1,479,050 74 202 50,521 2,187 IMPORTS OF FRESH SALMON. For some years it was the custom of the canneries on Puget Sound, when fish were scarce on the American side and abundant on the Canadian side, to import fresh salmon to fill out the domestic supply, and the Canadian canneries would do the same when the conditions were reversed. In 1904 the Canadian Government pro- hibited the export of fresh salmon to Puget Sound for packing pur- poses, and in 1910 an effort was made to have Congress retaliate by enacting a similar law for this side of the line, but the bill failed of passage. The reciprocity agreement with Canada now before Congress provides for the free entry of fresh fish and would permit the can- neries of either country to import salmon as they wished. This agreement, if adopted, will undoubtedly be of considerable impor- tance to the Puget Sound canneries in securing full packs in certain poor years. SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. 153 The table below shows the yearly imports of fresh salmon from British Columbia: Imports of Fresh Salmon from British Colt mbia, Canada, for a Series of Years. Year. Pounds. Value. Year. Pounds. Value. Year. Pounds. Value. 1890 1891 4,660 4,950 6,288 64,811 3,872 1 1,000 11,799 $241 170 301 3,639 219 1,403 419 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1903 93,454 11,580 19,404 27,072 22,353 6,860 $2,681 278 4,101 2,050 739 343 1904 1905 40,610 1,015 3,457,738 1 13,224 8,S80 41,073 198,251 81,025 35 L892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1900 1907 1909 1910 64,408 4,131 795 2,346 10,116 IMPORTS OF CURED SALMON. Below are shown the imports into this country of foreign-cured salmon, the product of the Pacific salmon fisheries, from 1886 to 1909, inclusive. Imports of Foreign Pickled Pacific Salmon, L886 to 1009. Year. British Columbia. Japan. Hongkong, l; ussia, Asiatic Total. Pounds. Value. Pounds. Value. Pounds. Value. Pounds. Value. Pounds. Value. 1886 5,600 200 86,000 18,200 600 200 $224 4 1,031 860 36 5 5,600 200 86,000 18,200 600 200 8224 1 887 4 1888 4,031 1889 860 1890 36 1891. - 5 L892. . :::::::::: 1893 5.47S 149,410 6,550 6,530 6,890 4, 145 15,875 162,558 165.243 175,411 161,549 282,210 282,027 35,475 6,393 13,230 30,710 111,645 291 17,592 250 474 156 188 1,554 11,061 11,225 13.794 11,756 23,319 25,584 1,730 322 631 1 , 523 5,505 5,478 162,485 7.150 6,530 6,890 14,045 a 16,032 163,158 165,243 176,017 161,909 283,610 285,042 40,985 7.H7:; 17,415 34,247 291 1894 1,200 600 829 13 11,875 17,919 1895 263 1896 474 1897 156 IS! Is 9,870 266 456 1899 a 1 , 560 1900 600 11,102 191 II 11.225 1902 i ;i it i 360 1,400 3,015 5,510 680 4,185 3,537 28 18 52 133 17.-, 31 174 lis 13,822 1903 1 1 . 774 1904 23,371 1905 25.717 1906 1,905 1907 333 L908 805 L909. 1,617 1910 a Includes 157 pounds, valued at 86, from china. XI. SALMON CULTURE. CALIFORNIA. HISTORY. The first fish-cultural station on the Pacific coast was located on McCloud River, a stream of the Sierra Nevada Mountains emptying into Pitt River, a tributary to the Sacramento, 323 miles nearly due north of San Francisco. The site on the west bank of the river, about 3 miles above the mouth, was chosen after investigation of a number of places on the Sacramento, by Air. Livingston Stone, one of America's pioneer fish culturists, and the station was named Baird, in honor of the then Commissioner of Fisheries, Prof. Spencer F. Baird. Although the season had nearly passed when the station was sufficiently advanced to handle eggs, 50,000 eggs were secured, and while 20,000 were lost, owing to the excessive heat, the remaining 30,000 were shipped east, all of which were eventually lost but 7,000 fry, which were planted in the Susquehanna River, in Pennsylvania. The main object of the hatchery the first few years was to secure eggs to ship to the East for the purpose of introducing Pacific salmon in the waters in that section. The Commission early made an agree- ment with the State of California, however, under which the latter at first paid part of the expense, and the Commission hatched and planted a portion of the take in the McCloud River. Later, part of the eggs were turned over to the State, which hatched and planted the salmon in local waters. In 1881 the station buildings were washed away in a freshet, but were immediately rebuilt. From 1884 to 1887, both inclusive, all operations were suspended. In 1889 a hatchery was established at Fort Gaston, on the Army reservation in the Hoopa Indian Reservation in Humboldt County, but it was not put into operation until 1890. As the reservation was abolished on July 1, 1892, the Commission took complete charge of the plant, and in 1893 established a tributary station on Redwood Creek. The same year Korbel station was established about one- half mile above Korbel, on Mad River, in Humboldt County. Owing to the lack of money this station was closed in the fiscal year 1896, but was reopened during the fiscal year 1897. That same year the Commission erected, on ground owned by the State, a hatchery at Battle Creek, in Tehama County, and also took charge of and operated the hatchery erected at this place by the State fish commission the previous year. LTnder the terms of an 154 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. 155 agreement the Commission was to deliver to the State as many eyed spawn as the latter could hatch at Sisson, its own station. Owing to their inaccessibility, the Fort Gaston hatchery and its substations were abandoned in 1898. The same year an experi- mental station was established at Olema, Bear Valley, in Marin County, whence eggs were transferred from Baird station, hatched out here, and planted in Olema Creek in order to see if they could not be domesticated here, where they had not been found pre- viously. During the fiscal year 1902 a substation was established on Mill Creek, a stream which has its source in the foothills of the Sierra Mountains, in the northeastern part of Tehama County, and empties into the Sacramento River from the east about a mile above the town of Tehama. The eggs are retained here until eyed and then shipped to other hatcheries. As stated above, the State aided the work of the United States Fish Commission in a financial way and also by hatching and dis- tributing the eggs turned over to its care. In 1885 the State legis- lature passed a bill authorizing the establishment of a hatchery of its own, and the same year such a station was built upon Hat Creek about 2\ miles above its junction with Pitt River, a tributary of the Sacramento River. As the work of the first few seasons devel- oped that the location was unsuitable, the hatchery was removed in 1888 to Sisson, in Siskiyou County. The work of this hatchery was to handle the eggs turned over to it by the United States Fish Commission. In 1895 another hatcher}' was built by the State near the mouth of Battle Creek, a tributary of the Sacramento River. In 1896 and 1897 this hatchery was operated jointly b\^ the State and the United States Fish Commission while awaiting the appropriation of money by the Commission to purchase it from the State. In the fall of 1897 a hatchery was established by the State on Price Creek, a tributary of Eel River, in Humboldt County, and in 1902 this hatchery made the hrst plant in the State of steelhead trout fry. Santa Cruz Count)' has had a hatchery at Brookdale for a number of years. OUTPUT. The following tables show separately the quantity of eggs, fry, etc., distributed by the United States Fish Commission and the State since the inception of the work. The large quantity of eggs shown by the Commission represents largely the eggs supplied to the State, which hatched and distributed them, and eggs sent to other States and to foreign countries. 156 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. Output of Hatcheries Owned by the United States Bureau of Fisheries. Chinook. Silver fry. Steelhead trout. Total, June 30a _ Eggs. Fry. Eggs. Fry. Eggs. Fry. 30, 000 1.400,000 4,155,000 6,250,000 5,065,000 4,983,000 7. MO. (Kill 4,250,000 3,800,000 4,300,000 30,000 1,400,000 4,155,000 6,250,000 5,065,000 4,983,000 7. M0, 000 4, 250. ooo 3,800,000 4.300,000 1873 1874 850,000 1,750,000 1, :,oo, 000 2,000,000 2,500,000 2,000,000 3, 100. 000 3,991,750 770. L25 1,500.000 84,000 777.000 315,500 1.100. 100 138,500 500, 000 715,700 3,056,701 15,643,300 3, '275. 110 3,533,950 889,570 2,115.560 1. ois, ooo 2,350, 130 7,561,380 2,512,250 4,780,855 3,590,078 2,286,257 850,000 1875 1,750.000 1876 1,500,000 1877 2,000,000 1878 2,500,000 ] 879 2,300,000 1880 2,000.000 1881 3,100.000 1882 3,991,750 776, 125 [889 6 3,450,000 1,554,000 2,988,000 2,902,000 3,530,000 7,500,000 3,676,000 6,170,800 18,232,590 30,605,000 27,665,000 3,934,036 17,580,410 11,275,777 64,598,354 96,025,765 107,905,945 73,376,315 64,990,550 32,278,205 30,539,467 3,450,000 1,554.000 2,988,000 2, 002, 000 3.530.O00 7.575,000 3,070,000 6,345,800 18,282.590 30,665,000 27. OO:,. 000 2.025,000 3,934,036 17,580,410 11.275,777 64,598,354 96,025,765 107, OO,",, 045 73,376,315 64,990,550 32,278,265 30,539,467 1,500,000 1890 84,000 1891 777.000 1892 315,500 1893 1,190.100 1894 . 2X0,1(00 cl, 250,000 7:,. 000 308,500 SI, 184,500 107,808 257.000 07,0,000 1,027,000 2,934,500 1896 17.-., 000 ;,o,ooo 00.000 823,508 1897... 298, 137 3,611,838 1898 16,293,300 1899 3,275,110 1900 3.533.950 1901 889,570 * 2,115.560 1, CIS, 066 1904 2,350,130 7,561,380 1906 3,496,405 2,512,250 1908 4,780,855 1909 3,590,078 1910 2,286,257 Total 655,746,274 1,828,137 2.507,808 656,100.274 87,334,232 a The calendar year was used up to 1889. 6 The hatchery was closed from 1884 to 1888. c Includes 560,000 fingerlings, yearlings, or adults. d Includes 332,000 fingerlings, yearlings, or adults. t Includes 138 fingerlings, yearlings, or adults. Output of Hatcheries Owned by the State of California. Chinook. Steel- head fry. Total. "V ear. Eggs. Fry/! Eggs. Fry. 1873 520,000 850,000 2,250,000 2, 000, con 2,200,000 2,500,000 2,300,000 2. 225, 000 2, 120,000 3,991,750 000.000 150.000 200.000 1.290,000 2,168,000 1,320,000 2,798.000 2,651.000 3,941,650 520,000 1874 850,000 1875 1876 ! 250,000 2,250.000 2,000,000 1877 2.200,000 1S7S 2.500.000 1S79 2,300,000 1880 2.225,000 1881 2. 120.000 1882 3,991,750 1884 600,000 1 886 150,000 1887 200.000 1888 1,290,000 1 881 1 2,168,000 1890 1,320,000 1891 2. 70S, OOO 1892 2,651,000 1893 ! 3,941,650 a The greater part of the output of Chinook fry was from eggs supplied by the United States Fisheries hatcheries in California. b All were lost. Bureau of SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. 157 Output of Hatcheries Owned by the State of California — Continued. Year. Chinook. Steel- head fry. Total. Eggs. Fry. Eggs. Fry. 1894 7,776, 100 3,435,000 15,283, 183 18,123,000 7,776,400 3,435,000 189.5 1896 15,283, 183 1897 18 123.000 1898. 31 I7fin noo 435.500 045,201,236 275,000 1,690,137 500.000 3, 410, 50S OREGON. HATCHERIES ON COASTAL STREAMS. Rogue Elver. — In 1.S77 Mr. R. T>. Hume, who had been packing salmon on this river for some years, erected a hatchery at Ellens- burgh. In 18SS the Oregon Legislature appropriated a sum of money for the enlargement and support of this hatchery, Mr. Hume to retain complete control. As the location is on tidewater it is necessaiy to catch the parent fish and hold them until they are ready to spawn, and in order to do this Mr. Hume had an excavation 32 by 62 feet and 11 feet deep made in the bank of the river. This was lined with concrete 1 foot thick, which, when filled with water, made a pond 30 by 60 feet and 10 feet deep. Over the entire pond he constructed a building which could be closed up so as virtually to 101379°— 11 — -11 160 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. exclude the light. It is supposed that retaining the fish in a dark place aids in keeping them in good physical condition until ready to spawn. The death of Mr. Hume in 1908 may lead to the abandon- ment of this hatchery, unless the State or Government takes it over. In 1897 Mr. Hume built and equipped a hatchery on the upper Rogue River at the mouth of Elk Creek, about 26 miles from the town of Central Point, in Jackson County, and, in pursuance of an understanding with the United States Fish Commission, the latter operated then and still continues to operate this plant. In 1900 the Government established an auxiliary station for the collection of steelhead trout eggs on Elk Creek, about 10 miles above the main station. In 1905 a substation was operated at Grants Pass, while during the fiscal year 1908 substations were operated at Findley Eddy, on the Rogue River, Illinois River, and Applegate Creek, tributaries of the Rogue. Many of the eggs gathered at the upper Rogue River stations were shipped to Mr. Hume's hatchery, on the lower river, and there hatched out and planted. Coquille River. — The State formerly had a hatchery on this river, but it was abandoned during the winter of 1902-3. In the winter of 1904-5 a substation was established on one of the tributaries of the Coquille River, about 6 miles from the South Coos River hatchery, and was used in hatching eggs brought to it from the latter place. Coos River. — A hatchery was built by the State in 1900 on the South Coos River, about 20 miles from the town of Marshfield. Umpqua River. — In 1900 the State built a hatchery on the north fork of the Umpqua River, near the town of Glide and about 24 miles east of Roseburg. In 1901 a station was established farther up the north fork, at the mouth of Steamboat Creek. After working here two years the station was moved a couple of miles farther up the stream. In 1907 work was resumed again at the original station near Glide, as winter freshets had seriously damaged the upper station. Siuslaw River. — In 1893 the State erected a hatchery on Knowles Creek, a tributary of the Siuslaw River, about 20 miles above the mouth of the river. It was turned over to the United States Fish Commission to operate, but no fish came up to the hatchery because the fishermen lower down stretched their nets entirely across the river. In 1897 and 1898 the United States Fish Commission operated a hatchery owned by a Mr. McGuire and located close to Mapleton, about 2 miles below the head of tidewater. In 1902 the State established an experimental station at the Bailey place, near Meadow post office. In 1907 a permanent station was established by the State on Land Creek fork of the Siuslaw River. SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. 161 Alsea River. — In 1902 the State established a station on the Willis Vidito place, near the town of Alsea. In 1907 an experimental station was established on this river at the mouth of Rock Creek, about 14 miles above the head of tidewater. Yaquina River. — In 1902 the State established a hatching station on the Big Elk River, a tributary of Yaquina River, about 3 miles above its confluence with the main river. This station was made permanent the next year. Tillamook Bay. — In 1902 the State established a station on Wilson River, a tributaiy of Tillamook Bay, and about 8 miles above tide water. In 1906 the station was removed to the Trask River, a tribu- tary of Tillamook Bay. DISTRIBUTION. The following table shows the distribution of fry in the coastal streams of the State by the Government and the State. Distribution of Salmon Fry in the Coastal Streams of Oregon. Tillamook Bay and tributaries. Yaquina River. Alsea River. Year ending June 30— Chinook. Silverside. Steel- head. Chinook. Silverside. Steel- head. Chinook. Silver- side. Fry. Fry. Fry. Fry. Fry. Fry. Fry. Fry. 1898 19,994 1901 213,500 557. 7(H) 3,144,380 1,407,470 816,608 1,919,508 2, 193, 043 485,500 324, 038 1903 251,875 799, 300 67, 750 1904 985,220 3, 009, 075 4,178,000 1,955,793 909,855 1,006,309 28,815 1905 780, 500 1,033,150 376, 245 1,000,000 806, 938 1,000,000 1906 1,785,351 1907 312,700 2, 124, 000 2,648,000 1,629,000 4,896,000 3,506,990 1908... 199, 700 812, 300 1909 569, 690 2,309,770 1910 624,800 Total 4, 132, 669 12, 679, 990 2, 879. 460 11, "061, 747 12,073,067 2, 189, 895 2,074,388 3,597,651 Siuslaw River. Umpqua River. Coos Bay and tributaries. Year ending June 30— Chinook. Silverside. Steel- head. Chinook. Chinook. Silverside. Steel, head. Fry. Fry. Fry. Fry. Fry. Fry. Fry. 1897 180,000 440,275 2, 700, 000 213, 500 112,000 389, 239 822, 567 435, 162 1,826,531 608, 949 729, 130 191,267 273, 352 1898 1899 1901 730,000 1,136,000 1,596,213 1,399,860 2,654.925 4,903,700 4,685,900 2, 378, 853 4,093,848 5,686,273 235,000 2,416,350 1902 214, 800 1903 1904 4,079,274 3, 877, 172 2,744,000 4,014,400 3, 000, 000 2,084,500 1,683,738 1905 311,900 1,296,732 1,030,486 1,127,293 1,092,540 25, 289 1906 397,355 1907 1908 1909 98, 243 1,032,000 222,000 1910 Total 8,921,972 5,099,040 495,598 29,205,572 24,134,434 1,032,000 222,000 162 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. Distribution of Salmon Fry in the Coastal Streams of Oregon — Continued. Coquille River. Rogue River and tributaries. Chinook. Silverside. Chinook. Silverside. Steeihead. Fry. Fry. Fry. Yearlings, finger- lings, and adults. Fry. Fry. is;; 50, 000 1,910,045 2, 156, 945 2,967,058 4, 750, 763 3,480,300 9, 023, 428 4, 758, 653 47,500 5,880,290 6,597.027 771,710 1,430,292 1898 1900 1901 235,000 128,000 424,530 680, 800 65,850 1902 20, 250 1903 3,084,577 1,000,000 2,210,000 2,978,700 2, 840, 000 2,450,000 1904 8,073 531,000 1905 1,250,432 1906 75,000 12, 625 1907 1,375,000 158,000 643,000 105,300 1908 226,600 1,185,800 170, 051 937, 680 1900 878, 847 1910 89, 850 Total 14,798,277 1,412,400 43,824,011 245,051 4,659,762 2, 649, 475 Total. Year ending June 30 — Chinook. Silverside. Steeihead. Fry. Yearlings, fingerlings, and adults. Fry. Fry. 1877 50, 000 180, 000 2,370,314 2, 700, 000 2, 156, 945 4,594,058 8,415,113 9,427,654 20,268,809 16,343,382 14,123,977 20,261,747 19,671,753 7, 626, 825 10,022,493 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 128,000 639, 330 680, 800 985,220 5,571,407 7,260,083 7,009,279 4,863,048 9,855,649 3,561,094 65,850 1902 20, 250 1903 1904 . 8,073 1905 1,311,500 190!) 75. 000 1,443.130 1907 . 481,545 1908 170,051 937, 680 1909 1,768,780 1910. . . 2, 399, 620 Tota 1 138,213,070 245,051 40,553,910 8. 436, 428 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. 163 The following tables show the total output of the hatcheries in Oregon owned by the United States Bureau of Fisheries and the State of Oregon: Output of Hatcheries Owned by the United States Bureau of Fisheries. Year ending June 30 — 1889. 1890. 1891. 1892. 1893. 1894. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. 1900. 1901. 1902. 1903. 1904. 1905. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. Chinook. Silver. Eggs. 1,000,000 700,000 23,000 Total. 27, 000 1,800,000 1.100.000 L,866,000 4,884, loo 3,113,000 30,000 28,200 1,061,390 2,045, 3,531,000 3,953,992 25,762,982 Fry. 4,500,000 2, 776, 475 4,901,525 1,332,400 4,100,000 213.000 a 2, 832, 4,922, 16,915, 4,300, 4, 126, 1,669, 11,587, 5,453, 15.270, 9, S22, 2,454, 8,542, 7.S44, 5,021, 4, 220, 122,807,506 Fingerlings, yearlings, and adults. Eggs. 1,668 250 122,980 627,856 2,763 1,312,892 680,800 Fry. 146,824 128,000 424,530 1,250,432 158,000 1,799,915 680,800 3,907,701 Fingerlings, yearlings, and adults. 57.932 58,232 Year ending June 30- Steelhead trout. Eggs. 1890. 1891. 1892. 1893. 1894. 1S95. 1896. 1897. 1818. 1899. 1900. 1901. 1902. 1903. 1904. 1905. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. Fry. Total 2,126,193 159,000 415,000 246, 000 481,000 400,000 50, 000 10.000 50, 000 263, 725 51,468 12,125 99, 000 65, 850 20, 250 262, 700 23, 205 534, 000 1,294,485 105, 300 952, 680 1,374,308 2.074.188 Fingerlings, yearlings, and adults. 25, ooo 62, 033 11,090 40.383 6,818,091 138,506 Total. Eggs. 1,000,000 700,000 23, 000 186,000 2,215,000 1,346,000 2,347,000 5,965,200 3,113,000 80,000 38,200 1,711,390 2,308,725 3,582,468 3,953,992 28, 569, 975 Fry. 4,500,000 2,776,475 4,901,525 1,332,400 4,100,000 213,000 2.832,150 4,922.634 16,915,512 4,312,325 4,372,191 1,863,707 12,031,841 5,716,560 15, 293, 880 11,607,068 3,748,856 8,647,404 8.955,507 8, 195, 878 6,294,385 Fingerlings, yearlings, and adults. 557. 150 26,668 62, 283 11,090 163,663 CN.5. 788 2, 763 225 133,533,298 I 1,509,630 a All but 17,000 of these were from eggs received from the California stations. b All raised from eggs received from the California stations. 164 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. Output of Hatcheries Owned by the State of Oregon. Year. 1877 18S0. 1881. Chinook fry. 1889. 1890. 1895. 1896. 1899. 1902. 1903. 1904. 1905. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 11, is 6 48 16 c 27 d25. e 21 /20 (7 24 50,000 79, 620 876, 500 834, 290 554, 290 300,000 500,000 990,000 792,000 500,000 500,000 700,000 500,000 562,000 220,550 502, 072 730,791 393, 249 404,596 156, 732 209, 394 108,990 169,365 Silverside fry. Steelhead trout fry. 7,957,000 3,288,600 3,974,185 5,509.085 7, 503. 655 6,446,628 5,359,709 '.I, 212.649 3,631,827 Total 244,634,439 : 52.883.338 200,000 245,000 256,327 300,850 143,849 1,495,735 1,859,696 376, 245 1,403,129 2,364,120 8,644,951 Total. 50,000 79,620 1,876,500 1,834,290 2,554,290 1,300,000 4,500,000 990,000 792,000 2,500,000 2,500,000 2, 700, 000 2,700,000 7,807,000 19,433,877 22,091,522 52, 848, 825 23,398,069 36, 767, 947 31,979,605 26,569,103 30, 724, 768 30,16,5,312 306, 162, 728 a Eggs from which hatched obtained from United States Bureau of Fisheries. b 6,826,540 eggs were obtained from United States Bureau of Fisheries. <■ 7.714,000 eggs were obtained from United States Bureau of Fisheries. d 3,550.000 eggs were obtained from United States Bureau of Fisheries. e 3,020,000 eggs were obtained from United States Bureau of Fisheries. / 6,581,000 eggs were obtained from United States Bureau of Fisheries. 3 6,465,300 eggs were obtained from United States Bureau of Fisheries. COLUMBIA RIVER AND TRIBUTARIES. The first fish-cultural work upon the Columbia River and in Oregon was at Clackamas, on the Clackamas River, a tributary of the Willa- mette River, which empties into the Columbia River about 180 miles from its mouth. This hatchery was built in 1876 by the Oregon & Washington Fish Propagating Co., which operated it until 1880. In 1887 the State provided for and there was appointed a State fish commission. Almost the first work of the commission was to spend $12,000 appro- priated by the legislature to put in repair and operate this hatchery. On July 1, 1888, it was informally turned over to the United States Commission of Fish and Fisheries, which paid over the purchase price, took formal possession in the following winter, and has oper- ated it ever since, with the exception of several years when the build- ing of dams stopped the progress of salmon to the hatchery. During this period a temporary station for the collection of eggs was estab- lished on Sandy River, about 15 miles away, and on Salmon River, a tributary of Sandy River, both tributaries of the Columbia River. Some eggs were also brought in from the California hatcheries and hatched at the Clackamas station. In 1901 the hatchery was moved about 4 miles down the river and has since been operated as both a rearing and a collecting station. In 1901 the State established SALMON FISHEKIES OF PACIFIC COAST. 165 another hatchery on the Clackamas River about 30 miles below the main station and between the North and South Forks. In 1904 all were turned over to the United States. In 1907 an experimental station for the collection of eggs of the early variety of chinook salmon was established by the State of Oregon on the Clackamas River below the Portland Railway, Light & Power Co.'s dam at Cazadero, but this is now operated by the United States Bureau of Fisheries. In 1889 the State established a hatchery in the cannery of Mr. F. M. Warren, at Warrendale, in Multnomah County, on the Colum- bia River, which was operated in that year and in 1890. In 1895 some of the Oregon salmon packers combined and organ- ized the Columbia River Packers' Propagating Co., which estab- lished a hatchery on the upper Clackamas River at the junction of the Warm Springs and the Clackamas and operated it in 1895 and 1896. The Government operated it in 1897 and 1898, after which it was turned over to the State and moved to the opposite side of the river. In 1898 the collection of steelhead trout eggs was first undertaken on the northwest coast by the State of Oregon on Salmon River, a tributary of the Columbia River, and met with fair success. In March, 1899, the Government sent a party to the falls of the Willa- mette River, near Oregon City, to collect steelhead eggs, and also operated for this purpose at its substation on the Salmon River, but the latter effort met with failure, as the rack was washed away. This station was turned over to the State on June 15, 1899. In 1901 the State of Oregon did some experimental work at Swan Falls, on Snake River, the boundary for a considerable distance between Oregon and Idaho. During the winter and early spring of 1902 the State also worked Tucannon River, which is a tributary of Snake River, for steelhead, but met with poor success. Snake River was worked again in 1902 at the foot of Morton Island, which is situated 2 miles above Ontario, in Malheur County. Title to the necessary property was secured from the W"ar Department in 1903 and permanent buildings were erected. In 1901 the State of Oregon established an experimental hatchery in Wallowa County, on the Grande Ronde River, at the mouth of a small tributary called the Wenaha River, which enters the main stream about 50 miles from its mouth. A permanent station was established in the canyon about l?r miles below the Wallowa bridge on the Wallowa River, a tributary of the Grande Ronde River, in 1903. In 1902 the State of Oregon erected a permanent plant on Salmon River at its junction with Boulder (reek. In the same year the State established an experimental station on the McKenzie River, a tributary of the Willamette River, about 166 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. one-half mile above Vida post office. This experimental work was; resumed in 1905 at a point 2 miles below Gate Creek. The hatchery was permanently established at a spot about 30 miles from Eugene and near the town of Leaburg a year or two later. In 1906 an experimental station was established by the State on Breitenbush Creek a short distance above its junction with the Santiam River, a tributary of the Willamette River, but the plant was destroyed very shortly after its establishment, by a forest fire. An experimental station was reestablished here in 1909, but a heavy freshet raised the river so high that the penned fish escaped around the rack. In 1909 the State of Oregon built at Bonneville, on Tanner Creek, a tributary of the Columbia River, a large central hatchery capable of handling 60,000,000 eggs, it being the intention of the State to hatch at this plant the eggs collected at other stations. The first entrance of Washington (then a Territory) into fish- cultural operations was in 1879, when the State fish commissioner paid the Oregon & Washington Fish Propagating Co., which was operating the hatchery on the Clackamas River, $2,000 for salmon fry deposited in that river. In 1S93 the State legislature estab- lished a hatchery fund which was to be supplied by licenses from certain lines of the fishery business. In 1895 its first hatchery in the Columbia River Basin was built on the Kalama River, about 4 miles distant from its junction with the Columbia, and in Cowlitz County. Another station for the collection and eyeing of eggs was established on the Chinook River, a small stream which empties into Baker Bay near the mouth of the Columbia. During the fiscal year 1897 the United States Fish Commission established a station on Little White Salmon River, a stream which empties into the Columbia, on the Washington side, about 14 miles above the Cascades. During the fiscal year 1901 an auxiliary station was operated on Big White Salmon River, while fishing was carried on in Eagle and Tanner Cieeks, in Oregon, the eggs obtained from these creeks being brought to the Little White Salmon hatchery. In 1899 the State of Washington built and operated hatcheries on the Wenatchee River, a tributary of the Columbia River, about 1^ miles from Chiwaukum station on the Great Northern Railway, and on Wind River, a tributary of the Columbia, about 1 mile from the junction. In 1900 Washington State hatcheries were established in the Columbia River basin as follows: White River hatchery, which was built on Coos Creek, which empties into a tributary of the White River, the location being about 2£ miles from where the Green River joins the White River; Methow River hatchery, built on the Methow River at the point where it is joined by the Twisp, about SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. 167 22 miles from the Columbia River; Colville River hatchery, built on the north bank of Colville River, about 1£ miles from its mouth, and about 1 mile from Kettle Falls; Klickitat River hatchery, located on the east bank of the Klickitat River, about 6 miles from its mouth; and one on the Little Spokane River, about 10 miles from its mouth and about 9 miles north of the city of Spokane. The Klickitat River hatchery never was operated, while most of the others were operated intermittently. In 1906 a hatches was established by the State of Washington on the Lewis River, some distance above the town of Woodland. The following table shows the plants of salmon and steelhead trout in the Columbia River and its tributaries by the Bureau of Fisheries and the States of Oregon and Washington: Table Showing the Plants of Salmon Fry ix the Columbia River Basin Since 1S77. Columbia River and tributaries. Year ending June 30 — Chinook fry. Silverside fry. Steelhead trout fry. Total. 1S77 300,000 79,620 3,070,500 l.S.34,290 2,. ',54. 290 1,3011.1)1)1) 4,500,000 3, 756, 475 .",691.000 1,332,400 4.100,000 213,000 a 2,523,000 b 10,389,300 10.641,394 26,212,074 19, 97!), 2 11 22,510,869 c24,978,978 44,328,085 40,171,313 71,694,587 17,107,217 / 36, 372. 785 23,171,23.3 i 34, 852, 008 ;' 33,098,943 2 37,744,002 300, 000 79, 620 3,076,500 i s;s 1879 1880 1,834 290 I SSI 2,551 290 ISSN 1,300,000 1SS9 4,500 000 1890 3,756 175 1891 5,694,000 1892 1,332,400 1893 : 1 100 000 1S94 213 000 1895 2,523 ooo L896 10,389,300 L897 10,641 394 1898 26,212,074 1899 8 :■■>, 299.01)11 245,000 256,327 d 600, 583 158,981 e 768,235 '< 1,769,191 26,640 15,000 k 1,058,657 m 2,063,688 19.9S7.soi'. 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 7,175,824 5,559,750 17,545,724 8,721,720 8,422.085 L,354,610 g 828, 872 2.657,349 1,705,543 2,439,415 3,374,733 29.9S5.693 30,783,728 62, 130, 136 49,496,616 80,275,653 19.230,062 38,971,151 25,855,224 30,572,551 36, 597, 015 43, 182, 423 Total 484,518,606 59,785,625 7. 270, 230 551,574,461 a Includes 23,000 eggs. b Includes 557,150 yearlings, fingerlings, or adults. e Includes 1,668 yearlings, fingerlings. or adults. d Includes 37,033 yearlings, fingerlings, or adults.* e Includes 50,000 eggs. / Includes 48,200 eggs and 47,980 yearlings, fingerlings. or adults. g Includes 300 yearlings, fingerlings, or adults, ft Includes 24,383 yearlings, fingerlings, or adults, and 58,000 eggs. i Includes 1,995,746 yearlings, fingerlings, or adults. i Includes 16,949 yearlings, fingerlings, or adults. * Includes 50,000 eggs. I Includes 225 yearlings, fingerlings, or adults, m Includes 25,000 eggs. 168 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. WASHINGTON. Wittapa River. — In 1899 Washington established a hatchery on Trap Creek, a tributary of the Willapa River, situated about 200 yards from the creek's mouth. Chehalis River. — The construction of a hatchery on the Chehalis River, about 4 miles above the city of Montesano, was begun by the State in October, 1897, but owing to bad weather and extreme high water was not completed until late in 1898. The hatchery was a failure until 1902 when a fair season was had, as was again true in 1903. It was not operated in 1904. Since the State began taking eggs from the Satsop River, a tributary of the Chehalis, it has been possible to fill the hatchery each season. Puget Sound and tributaries. — In 1896 the State established a hatchery on Baker Lake, which is the head of Baker River, a tribu- tary of the Skagit River, and this was the first establishment for the hatching of sockeye salmon. In July, 1899, it was sold to tire United States Fish Commission. In 1901 steelhead trout eggs were collected on Phinney Creek, about 5 miles from the town of Birds- view, and some 30 miles from Baker Lake. In 1901 an auxiliary station was opened at Birdsview, on Skagit River, and steelhead trout eggs were collected on Phinney and Grandy Creeks and brought to Baker Lake to be hatched. In 1898 a private hatchery (the necessary money being raised by subscription among the residents of Fairhaven, now Bellingham, and vicinity) was built near Lake Samish, a few miles from Fair- haven. In 1899 a hatchery was built by the State on Kendall Creek, a tributary of the Nooksack River, about 300 yards from same, and about 2 miles from the railway station of Kendall. Except in 1903, this hatchery has since been operated continuously. An eyeing station was built in 1907 on the south fork of the Nooksack River, about 1 mile from Acme. In the same year the State built a hatchery on the Skokomish River, about 4 miles from its mouth. An eyeing station was also erected on the north fork of the same river. The main station was not operated in 1904 and only on a small scale in 1903 and 1905. The State in 1899 built a hatchery on Friday Creek, a tributary of the Samish River, situated about 1 mile from the mouth of the creek. The following State hatcheries were first operated in 1900. Sno- homish hatchery, built on the west bank of the Skykomish River, a few miles from its mouth; Nisqually River hatchery, built on Muck Creek, about one-half mile from the Nisqually River, and about 4 miles from the town of Roy, in Pierce County; and the Stillaguamish hatchery, located on the Stillaguamish River, about 4 miles from the SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. 169 town of Arlington, in Snohomish County. The latter has since been moved to Jim Creek, a tributary of the south branch of the Stillaguamish River. The Startup hatchery, located near Startup, on the Skykomish River, was formerly used as a collecting station for the Snohomish hatchery. It is still used for this purpose, but also retains and hatches a considerable quantity of spawn. The station is about 4 miles from the Snohomish hatchery. In 1900 the State established a fisheries experimental station at Keyport Landing, on the east arm of Port Orchard Bay, with Pear- son as the nearest post office. The work of the station is devoted to salmon and oysters. The State established a hatchery on the Dungeness River, about 7 miles from the town of Dungeness, in Clallam County, in 1901. In 1906 it constructed a hatchery on a small tributary of the Skagit River, between Hamilton and Lyman. The station built on Sauk River, a tributary of the Skagit, has been operated only occasionally since the Skagit hatchery was built. The United States Bureau of Fisheries has now (1911) under con- struction hatcheries on the Duckabush and Quilcene Rivers in Hoods Canal. The following tables show the total output of the salmon hatch- eries in the State of Washington owned by the United States Bureau of Fisheries and the hatcheries owned by the State itself: Output of the Salmon Hatcheries in Washington Owned by the United States Bureau of Fisheries. Chinook. Sockeye, or blueback. Silver. Year ending June 30— Eggs. Fry. Finger- ings, yearlings, and adults. Eggs. Fry. Finger- lings, yearlings, and adults. Eggs. Fry. 1897 1,848,760 7,391,886 1,791,050 (i. 020, 947 5,427,680 15,637,687 16,774,030 17,386,183 4.230.270 14,846,905 6,512,738 12,372,503 11,505,553 9, 175, 610 1898 1899 4,926,000 2,686,000 6,581,000 1900 10.683,000 3,834,453 3,371,000 ;i,7.;i,7s'.i 3,855,000 7,819,281 3,285,130 4, 224. 255 S. 51 4, 305 5,430,020 4, 554, 825 1901 174,041 1902 1903... 81 , 812 1904 7,506,000 3,984,645 I! to;, 10,000 9,500 107,000 239, 180 760, 000 296,000 272,000 275, 000 8,071,081 L906 7,714,000 3,550,000 1,485,000 3,050.000 3,818,250 880, 000 0, 445, 574 1907 3,636,952 1908 1.537.941 14, 186 75.000 100,000 13, 202, 714 1909 7,001,110 1910 10, 888, 025 Total . . 41,311,250 131,593,814 1,552,127 1,055,000 59,303,664 19, 500 1,949,180 54,205,954 170 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. Output of the Salmon Hatcheries in Wash ngton Owned by the United States Bureau of Fisheries — Continued. Humpback. Steelhead trout. Total. Year ending June 30— Eggs. Fry. Eggs. Fry. Finger- lings, yearlings, and adults. Eggs. Fry. Finger- lings, yearlings, and adults. 1897 1,848,760 7,391,886 1,791,056 17,335,947 '.1.436,174 19,118,687 21,027,631 25, 472, 425 20.129,843 26,087,599 15,315,450 41,051,200 25,374,980 27, 423, 498 1899 4,926,000 2,686,000 6,581,000 1900 26,000 1901 1902 110,000 440, 000 70, 000 3, 205 540, 000 941,505 136,916 717,691 1,437,038 1903. . . 80, 000 255,000 414, 400 348,000 200,000 224,000 220, 000 300, 000 223,815 80,000 7,761,000 521,400 9,183,180 4,510,000 2,582,000 3,642,000 4,388,250 223, 815 1904 176,597 1905 10,000 1906 2,000 969, 990 9,500 1907 1908 502, 666 i 764 762 1,537,941 1909 14,186 1910 1,368,000 Total... 504, 000 9, 279, 349 2,041.400 4,422,355 223,815 46,860.830 258,805,136 1,795,442 Output of the Salmon Hatcheries Owned by the State of Washington. Year ending June 30— Chinook fry. Dug fry. Hump- back fry. Silverside, or coho, fry. Sockeye, or blue- back, fry. Steelhead trout fry. Total. 1896 4,500,000 4.050,000 4.275,000 8,595.000 12.251,600 12,275,400 14,766,822 14,283,499 13,261,184 7,101. ISO 10,943,550 8,897,670 18,647,600 17,440,950 21,168,350 4, 500, 000 1897 5.500,000 5,400,000 9, 550, 000 1898 9,675,000 1899 189, 000 13, 778, 280 19, 747, 894 32, 964, 593 28,659,079 15,725,196 12.226.294 28, 906, 380 28,668,600 29,273.202 24.543,200 30,894,100 8,784,000 1900 10,301.760 16,478,280 9,937,390 9,937,390 1,736,560 1,398,476 2,481,371 3, 134, 076 3,868,866 2,433.635 2, 769, 784 3,575,943 4,578,075 4,080,450 4,855,000 38, 068, 200 1901 49, 900, 050 1902 60.150,176 1903 56,014,044 1904 295,2(10 33,150,446 1905 21,761,109 1906 3,268,800 6,120,000 4,342,350 8,218,000 8,607,500 45,888,514 1907 47,262,213 1908. . 2.655.900 59,497,127 1909. 54,282.600 1910. 519,600 66,044,550 Total 172, 457, 805 77,211,470 3,470.700 265,575,818 10,900,000 34,912,236 564, 528, 029 Note. — As the printed reports of the State in many instances report as the output the number of eggs gathered, it has been necessary in such cases to make an arbitrary reduction from these figures, in order to .allow for the loss in the egg stage. SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. 171 The following table shows the plantings made in waters of Wash- ington other than the Columbia River by the United States Bureau of Fisheries and the State of Washington : Plants of Salmon Fry in the Waters of Washington Other Than the Columbia River. Year ending June 30 — 1897. 1898. 1899. 1900. 1901. 1902. 1903. 1904. 1905. 1900. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. Total. Puget Sound and tributaries. Chinook. r, 470, 000 300,000 2,141,322 2,113,850 1,865,933 2,590,738 4, si 9, 290 3,907, 59S 8,356,709 9,647,288 11,681,060 Sockeye. 5,500,000 5,400,000 10,683,000 3,834,453 3,371,000 3,731,789 3,855,000 i 3,582,630 8,514,305 5,430,626 4,554,825 54 , 893 ,788 58 , 1 57 , 1 128 251 i , 284 , 392 Silver, or coho. Hump- back. Dog G 14 23 21 14 1(1. <*29 20 37 28 36 189,000 749,280 360, 185 161,069 507,771 071,845 441,375 770,414 960,552 613, 466 622,310 837,125 471,797 10,301,760 16,478,280 9,937,390 969,990 4,224,255 9,420,662 1,887,600 1,800,000 5,220,601) 2,278,350 6,048,000 7,748,500 16,974,304 ■ 69,749,670 Steelhead. 1,572,560 1,398,476 2,591,371 -'3, 320, 091 3,518,476 6 1,329,940 «3, 177,174 3,964,308 4,566,491 f 4, 499,141 6, 292.33S 36,236,366 Year ending June 30— 1899. 1900. 1901. 1903. 1904. 1905. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. Total. Chehalis River. Chinook. 1,215,000 2,355,300 1,909,800 900,000 103,00(1 148,000 403,000 Silver, or coho. 3,563,380 2,250,000 3,275,000 1,800,000 1,577,000 11,465,380 Dog. 1,468,800 900,000 2,064,000 1,757,000 859,000 7,04,8,800 Willapa River. Chinook. 881, 653, 2,163, 819, 030, 520. 393, 678, 322, 455, 7,520,233 Silver, or coho. 1,800,000 204,876 1,800,000 2,1 lid, 000 2,250,000 654,500 504,000 64,000 9,437,376 Steelhead. 190,000 500,000 420, 390 288,000 171,550 526, 500 148,500 399,000 2,643.940 Year ending June 30- 1878. 1897. 1898. 1899. 1900. 1901. 1902. 1903. 1904. 1905. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. Total. Total by species. Chinook. Sockeye. g 3,000 8,685,000 3,236,300 2,863,200 2,141,322 4,276,869 3,5X5,437 3,220,738 5.34S, 940 4,301,258 9,198,309 10, 117,488 12,539,260 5,500,000 5.400.000 lo, cs;:, ooo 3,834,453 3,371,000 3,731,789 3,855,000 t S8S 6S0 8,514,305 5,430,626 4,554,825 69,517,121 58,457,628 Silver, or coho. 189,000 0,749,280 14,360,185 23, 161,069 23,307,771 14,276,721 18,241,375 34,493,794 31,460,552 41,542,966 30,920,310 38, 478, 125 Hump- back. 471.797 969,990 4,224,255 9,420,662 1,887,600 7,187,148 16,974,304 76,798,470 38,880,301 Dog. 10,301,760 16,478,280 9,937,390 9,937,390 3,268,800 6,120,000 4,342,350 7.S05.000 8,607,500 Steelhead 1,762,560 1,398, 170 2,591,371 3,826,091 3,938,866 1,617,940 3,348,724 4,490,808 4,714,991 4, SOS, 141 6, 292, 338 Grand total. 3,000 5,500,000 5,400,000 8,874,000 32,732,900 38,934,594 41,202,152 45,079,910 26,127,821 23,080,053 51,012,878 50, 596, 873 77,733,583 59,177,565 72,359,648 537, SI 4, 977 a Of these, 218,200 were yearlings, fingerlings, or adults. 6 Of these, 14,400 were eggs. c Of these, 9,500 were, yearlings, fingerlings, or adults. d Of these, 14,840 were yearlings, fingerlings, or adults. « Of these, 15,000 were yearlings, fingerlings, or adults. / Includes 100,000 eggs. g These were brought from the Clackamas (Oregon) station and planted in some unnamed lake. 172 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. BRITISH COLUMBIA. Fraser River. — The first hatchery established by the Dominion of Canada on the Pacific coast was erected in 1884 at what is now Bon Accord, a point on the lower river some 4 miles above New West- minster, and on the opposite shore. The next built was in 1901 on Granite Creek, Shuswap Lake, which discharges into the Fraser through the South Thompson River, the lake being about 280 miles from New Westminster. In 1904 another hatchery was established on Harrison Lake on the Lillooet River, first large tributary of the Fraser on the north side; also one about 4 miles east of the lower extremities of Pemberton Meadows, at the junction of Owl Creek and the Birkenhead River, 4 miles above its confluence with the eastern branch of the Lillooet River, which in turn discharges into Lillooet Lake. In 1907 a hatchery was built on Stuart Lake, near the headwaters of the Fraser. The Province of British Columbia owns Seton Lake Hatchery, which was established in 1903 on Lake Creek, on the north side, about half a mile from the outlet of Seton Lake, and it has been operated continuously ever since. Seton Lake is a part of the Fraser River chain and is some 300 miles above the mouth of the river. Lake Creek, the outlet of Seton Lake, empties into the Cayoosh Creek, a tributary of the Fraser, 45 miles north of the hitter's junction with the Thompson, and 1 mile south of the town of Lillooet. Nimpkish River. — In 1902 Mr. S. A. Spencer, of the Alert Bay cannery (now belonging to the British Columbia Packers' Associa- tion), in return for certain special fishery privileges granted by the Dominion, established a hatchery on this river, which is located on the northeast shore of Vancouver Island. The hatchery was burned down in 1903, but was immediately rebuilt. Since its establishment it has been operated by the Dominion. Rivers Inlet. — A hatchery was established by the Dominion on McTavish Creek, one of the tributaries of Oweekayno Lake, about 20 miles up Rivers Inlet, in 1905, and has been operated ever since. STceena River. — In 1902 the Dominion established a hatchery on Lakelse Lake, in the Skeena River basin, about 65 miles up the river from Port Essington. In 1907 another was constructed on Babine Lake, the source of the Skeena River. SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. 173 The following table shows the plantings made in the waters of British Columbia from the Dominion and provincial hatcheries : Plants of Salmon Fry Made in the Waters of British Columbia. Fraser River. Year. Dog. Coho. Spring, or king. Hump- bark. Sockeye. Steel- head trout. Total. 1885 1,800,000 2,625,000 4,414,000 5,807,000 4,419, 6,640,000 3,603,800 6.000.0(H) 5,674,000 li. 300, 000 6,390,000 10,39:',. ooo 5,928,000 5,850,000 1,71.', 01 10 6,200, ooo [No fish.] 15,808,000 12,521.000 13.729.200 9,244.300 100,479,000 36,965,900 51,855,200 41,909,500 1,800,000 2.625.000 1886 1SS7 1 4,414,000 Isvs 5,807.000 1889 4,419,000 1890 6 6to ooo 1891 ' 3,603,800 6.000,000 1892 5 071 ooo 1894 6,300,000 1895 6,390,1 10,393,000 5,928,000 1896 ' L897 ■ ISDN 5,850,000 L899 4, 74-'. 000 1900 6,200,000 1901 1902 90,000 1,750,000 210,000 5,576,100 4.774.000 5,890,000 7,37.".. 400 450,000 75. 000 [2,000 4.000 15,973,000 1903 75.DIK) 22,000 50,000 14.368,000 1904.. . 14,001,200 1905 4,381,400 1,791,500 1,814,900 2. S 15, 000 5,772,400 6,300.000 19,201,800 1906 107,048,500 42,000,000 1908 22,500,000 S3, 000,' '00 1909 55,057,300 1910 112,062,500 Total 75,000 29.334,700 22,897,200 22.550.000 474,610.400 91,000 5 19 558 300 Year. Skeena River. Rivers Inlet. Nimpkish River. Sockeye. Sockeye. Spring, or king. Total. Sockeye. 3.450,000 4.000,000 3,767.000 3,784,450 4,125,750 8,946.950 11,882,400 "11,521,700 1 636 ooo 1904 2,496,000 1905 2,850,000 1906 S, 000, 000 8,440.000 8,594,000 13,300.000 12,750,000 8, 000. ooo 4.873.400 1907 s, 440,000 1 4,870,000 1908 4,706,000 13.300,000 , 4,800,000 13,300.000 ' 4,500,000 L909. . 1910 12,750,000 5. 055. ooo Total 51,479,150 51.0S4.000 4,706,000 55,790,000 , 31.080,400 a Includes 80,000 coho fry. 174 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. Plants of Salmon Fry Made in the Waters op British Columbia — Con. ALASKA. In 1891 several of the canneries operating at Karluk, on Kodiak Island, combined forces and built a hatchery on the lagoon at that place. As the cannery men were at swords' points in regard to their fishing rights on the spit, in 1892 the hatchery was closed. In May, 1896, the Alaska Packers' Association broke ground for a hatchery at the eastern end of the lagoon, near the outlet of Karluk Kiver, a short distance from where the hatchery was located in 1891, and has operated this plant ever since. In 1892 Capt. John C. Callbreath, manager of the Point Ellis cannery, on Kuiu Island, operated a small hatchery on the left bank of Kutlakoo stream. It was a very primitive place, and an exception- ally high tide destroyed the whole plant in September. It was never rebuilt. Capt. Callbreath, however, after seeing to the operation of the hatch- ery, had returned to Wrangell during the summer, where his attention was again attracted to hatchery work, and in the fall of 1892 he built a small hatchery on Jadjeska stream, Etolin Island, about 200 yards from its mouth. The stream is about one-half mile in length and is the outlet of a small lake. Finding the location unsuitable Capt. Callbreath removed the hatchery in 1893 to the northern side of the lake, about three-eighths of a mile from the head of the outlet, where it still stands. The owner's intention was to build up a stream which had a small natural run of red salmon until it had a large run, SALMON" FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. 175 with the hope that the Government would then give him the exclusive right to take these fish from the stream for commercial purposes. The experiment was kept up until the end of the season of 1905, when Capt. Callbreath's failing eyesight compelled the cessation of the actual hatching. Since then a man has been stationed on the stream during the run of spawning fish for the purpose of lifting them over the dam, so that they could reach the spawning beds at the head of the lake. The owner's expectation of a big run as a result of hatching operations was never realized. In 1896 the Baranof Packing Company, which operated a cannery on Redfish Bay, on the western coast of Baranof Island, built a small hatchery on the lake at the head of Redfish stream. The following winter was so cold that not only the flume, but the whole cataract, froze solid, and as the hatchery was thus left without water the eggs were put into the lake and left to their fate and the hatchery closed down permanently. In 1S97 the North Pacific Trading & Packing Company, at Klawak, Prince of Wales Island, established a hatchery near the head of Klawak stream, close to Klawak Lake. In 1898 the plant was moved to the mouth of a small stream entering the lake about halfway up the western shore. This hatchery has been operated continuously ever since. In 1909 the North Alaska Salmon Co. acquired a half interest in it. The Pacific Steam Whaling Company in 1898 erected a small hatch- ery on Iletta Lake, on the west side of Prince of Wales Island, which was operated until the close of the hatching season of 1903-4, when the Pacific Packing & Navigation Company, successor to the original owner, went into the hands of a receiver. In 1907 it was reopened by the Northwestern Fisheries Company, which had acquired the inter- ests of the old company, and has been operated each season since. Lip to 1900 the work of hatching salmon was entirely voluntary on the part of the packers. On May 2 of that year the following regulation was promulgated at the Treasury Department, which at that time had control of the Alaska salmon-inspection service: 7. Each person, company, or corporation taking salmon in Alaskan waters shall establish and conduct, at or near the fisheries operated by him or them, a suitable artificial propagating plant or hatchery; and shall produce yearly and place in the natural spawning waters of each fishery so operated red salmon fry in such numbers as shall be equal to at least four times the number of mature fish taken from the said fisheries, by or for him or them, during the preceding fishing season. The manage- ment and operation of such hatcheries shall be subject to such rules and regulations as may hereafter be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury. They shall be open for inspection by the authorized official of this department; annual reports shall lie made, giving full particulars of the number of male and female salmon stripped, the number of eggs treated, the number and percentage of fish hatched, and all other con- ditions of interest; and there shall be made a sworn yearly statement of the number of fry planted and the exact location where said planting was done. 101379°— 11 12 176 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. On January 24, 1902, this regulation was amended so as to require the planting of "red salmon fry in such numbers as shall be equal to at least ten times the number of salmon of all varieties taken from the said fisheries." Although the regulation was mandatory, but few of the packers obeyed it, some because no suitable place was to be found within a reasonable distance of their plants, others because the establishment and operation of such a hatchery would cost more than their returns from the industry justified, and others because of lack of knowledge required in hatchery work. The greater number of them absolutely ignored it, and as a result those who conformed to the regulation were placed under a heavy financial handicap. The injustice of this arrangement was patent on its face, and in 1906, when a comprehen- sive revision of the law was made by Congress, provision was made for reimbursing in the future those cannery men who operated sal- mon hatcheries. The section covering this point reads as follows: Sec. 2. That the catch and pack of salmon made in Alaska by the owners of pri- vate salmon hatcheries operated in Alaska shall be exempt from all license fees and taxation of every nature at the rate of ten cases of canned salmon to every one thousand red or king salmon fry liberated, upon the following conditions: That the Secretary of Commerce and Labor may from time to time, and on the application of the hatchery owner shall, within a reasonable time thereafter, cause such private hatcheries to be inspected for the purpose of determining the character of their operations, efficiency, and productiveness, and if he approve the same shall cause notice of such approval to be filed in the office of the clerk or deputy clerk of the United States district court of the division of the District of Alaska wherein any such hatchery is located, and shall also notify the owners of such hatchery of the action taken by him. The owner, agent, officer, or superintendent of any hatchery the effectiveness and productiveness of which has been approved as above provided shall, between the thirtieth day of June and the thirty-first day of December of each year, make proof of the number of salmon fry liberated during the twelve months immediately preceding the thirtieth day of June, by a written statement under oath. Such proof shall be filed in the office of the clerk or deputy clerk of the United States district court of the division of the District of Alaska wherein such hatchery is located, and when so filed shall entitle the respective hatchery owners to the exemption as herein provided; and a false oath as to the number of salmon fry liberated shall be deemed perjury and subject the offender to all the pains and penalties thereof. Dupli- cates of such statements shall also be filed with the Secretary of Commerce and Labor. It shall be the duly of such clerk or deputy clerk in whose office the approval and proof heretofore provided for are filed to forthwith issue to the hatchery owner, caus- ing such proofs to be filed, certificates which shall not be transferable and of such denominations as said owner may request (no certificate to cover fewer than one thousand fry), covering in the aggregate the number of fry so proved to have been liberated; and such certificates may be used at any time by the person, company, cor- poration, or association to whom issued for the payment pro tanto of any license fees or taxes upon or against or on account of any catch or pack of salmon made by them in Alaska; and it shall be the duty of all public officials charged with the duty of col- lecting or receiving such license fees or taxes to accept such certificates in lieu of money in payment of all license fees or taxes upon or against the pack of canned salmon at the ratio of one thousand fry for each ten cases of salmon. No hatchery SALMON FISHEEIES OF PACIFIC COAST. 177 owner shall obtain the rebates from the output of any hatchery to which ho might otherwise be entitled under this act unless the efficiency of said hatchery has first been approved by the Secretary of Commerce and Labor in the manner herein pro- vided for. In 1901 the Pacific Steam Whaling Company established two small hatcheries — one on Nagel stream, which enters the northern side of Quadra Lake, on the mainland of southeast Alaska, and one on a stream entering Freshwater Lake Bay, Chatham Strait. Both were closed down in 1904 when the company failed. In 1908 the North- western Fisheries Company, winch had acquired the Quadra plant, removed it to a small stream entering the head of the lake and has operated it ever since. In 1901 the Alaska Packers' Association erected a hatchery on Heckman Lake, the third of a series of lakes on Naha stream, Reviila- gigedo Island, and about 8 miles from Loring, where the association has a cannery. Tliis is without question the largest and costliest salmon hatchery in the world, having a capacity of 110.000,000 eggs. and the association is entitled to great credit for the public spirit it has shown and the work it has done, entirely without remuneration until 1906, in building and operating not only this hatchery but also the one at Karluk. The Union Packing Company, at Kell Bay, on Kuiu Island, and Mr. F. C. Barnes, at Lake Bay, on Prince of Wales Island, in 1902 built and operated small hatcheries, both of winch were abandoned after one season's work. Up to 1905 the work of hatching salmon in Alaska was confined to the salmon cannery men. In that year, however, the United States Bureau of Fisheries erected a hatchery on Yes Lake, which empties through a short stream into Yes Bay, on Cleveland Peninsula. In 1907 the bureau constructed another hatchery, on Afognak Lake, near Litnik Bay, Afognak Island. The following tables show the eggs gathered and the fry planted from the government and privately owned hatcheries in Alaska: output of the salmon hatcheries ix alaska owned by the united states Bureau of Fisheries, 1900 to 1910. Yes Lake hatchery Afognak hatchery. Year ending Red, or sockeye. Coho, or silver. Steelhead trout. Red, or soel Humpback. June 30— Eggs taken. Fry liber- ated. taken. Fry liber- ated. Eggs taken. Fry liber- ated. Fry liber- al ci 1. Eggs taken. Fry liber- ated. 190f. 7,031, 180 58,210,000 65,550,000 50,000,000 72,000,000 5,638,550 " 1,610.801 01,369,000 1907 182,000 143,500 1908. L909. 18,653,000 69,879,600 17,000 9,900 46,380,000 70,020,000 39,325,870 71,647,170 12,000 499, 400 10,000 1910 303, 740 Total. 252,791,480 211,150,950 17,000 9,900 182,000 143,500 122,400,000 UO,973,04o! 511,400 373, 740 178 SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. Output of the Salmon Hatcheries in Alaska Owned by the United States Bureau of Fisheries, 1906 to 1910 — Continued. Total by species. Grand total. Year ending Bed, or sockeye. Coho, or silver. Humpback. Steelhead trout. Eggs taken. Fry liber- ated. Eggs taken. Fry liber- ated. Eggs taken. Fry liber- ated. Eggs taken. Fry liber- ated. Eggs taken. Fry liber- ated. 1906 7,031,480 58,210,000 65,550,000 96,380,000 148,020,000 6,638,550 54,610,800 61,369,000 87,978,870 141,520,770 7,031,480 58, 392, 000 05,550,000 96,409,000 148,519,400 6, 638, 550 182,01)0 143,500 54,754,300 61,309,000 1909 1910 17,000 9, 900 l 10, 000 363, 740 87,998,770 499, 400 141,890,510 Total . 375.191,480 352,123,990 17,000 9,900 511,400 373, 740 182,000 143,500 375,901,880 352.051,130 Output of Private Salmon Hatcheries of Alaska, 1893 to 1910. Note.— Unless otherwise stated in footnotes, all of the fry liberated were red salmon. Year ended June C'allbreath's hatchery. Karluk hatchery. Klawak hatchery. 30— Eggs taken. Fry liberated. Eggs taken. Fry liberated.. Eggs taken. Fry liberated. 1893 qm nm 600,000 2,204,000 5,291,000 5,475.000 4,390,000 2,520,000 2,050,000 2,335,000 1894 3,000,000 6, 300, 000 6,200,000 4,400,000 3, 400, 000 3,000,000 3, 400, 000 6,000,000 6,000,000 0,000,t Kin 0,050,000 7,700,000 1895 1890 1897 ]898 3, 230, 000 8,454,000 4,491,000 10, -I'." ..'Mil 19,334,000 32, SOO, 000 23,400,000 2,s, 113,000 45,500,000 36,933,000 38,679,200 47, SOS 200 40,320,000 45,228,000 2,556,440 6,340,000 3,369,000 7, 872, 0L>0 15,566,800 28,700,000 17,555,000 22,000,000 33,070,000 28,236,412 36,846,000 43,655,000 37,105,000 40,020,000 2,023,000 3, 600, 000 3,600,000 (0 3,500,000 3,500,000 3,000,000 2,800,000 2,800,000 3,000,000 3,500,000 3,500,000 5, 800, 000 800,000 1899 3, 000, OCX) 1900 a 1,000,000 1901 1902 5,500,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,250,000 6,500,000 («) h) 2,800,000' 1903 1,500,000 1901 1,700,000 1905 2,000,000 1906 2,300,000 1907 1,187,000 1908....: 1909 1910 Total 2,770,000 3,200,000 5,300,000 / 13, 350, 000 52,121,000 384, 793, 300 324,091,052 41,223,000 27,563,000 Year ended June 30— Helta hatchery. Quadra Bay hatchery. Freshwater Bay hatchery. Eggs taken. Fry liberated. Eggs taken. Fry liberated. Eggs taken. Fry liberated. 1899 2,800,000 2,000,000 1,800,000 2,500,000 4,800,000 5.127,500 (?) 2,000,000 1,500,000 a 500, 000 1,700,000 4,000,000 3,750,000 (?) (9) (9) 0,125,000 8,134,000 9,000,000 1900 1901 1902 (,.",00,000 .5,500,000 coo, 001) (?) (?) (?) 3,325,000 10, S63, 000 3,500,000 4,( c 400, 000 (?) (?) (?) (?) 3,025,750 9,850,000 1,500,000 (») W (?) (?) (?) (?) (?) (?) 1,000,000 1903 m 1904. .. (d) 1905. (?) 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 Total (?) (?) 8,000,000 8, 100,0110 10,313,000 (?) (?) (?) (?) (?) 45,710,500 37,309,000 24,788,000 20,775,750 1,500,000 1,000,000 a Many eggs frozen. b No run of fish. c Hatchery was nr t used, the eggs being hatched out in the lake. d No report. « Fish coming in to spawn were lifted over the dam. / A considerable proportion of these are coho eggs. g Not operated. SALMON FISHERIES OF PACIFIC COAST. 179 Output of Private Salmon Hatcheries of Alaska, 1893 to 1910 — Continued. Year ended June 30— Fortmann hatchery. Kell Bay hatchery. Total. Eggs taken. Fry liberated. Eggs taken. Fry liberated. Eggs taken. Fry Iibeiated. 1893 900,000 3,000,000 6,300,000 6,200,000 8,636,000 13,877,000 13,891,000 19, too, Olio 21,134,000 62,260,000 85,750,000 65,043,500 119,360,000 116,] is, ooo 147,729,200 100,588,200 80,010,000 125,544,000 600,000 1894 i 2,204,000 1895 ! 5,291,000 1896 5, 47."., 000 1897. 6,946, 140 9,006,000 1898 1899 11,019,000 12,707,000 1900 1901 16,066,800 1902 11, 11,0,0111) 40,050,000 22,203,000 65,010,000 68,715,000 105,450,000 6 41,280,000 24,465,000 53, 340, 000 10,300,000 • 2! (,00."!, OOO 13,780,000 63,181,000 67,643,000 80,973,000 33,920, 22,785,000 50,725,000 53,500,000 2.500,000 (a) (a) (a) (<*) (a) (a) 2.000.000 (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) 63, 060, 000 40,030,00ft 101,101,000 104,679, U2 1904. 1906 1907 110,000,000 86 476 000 1909 1910 74,249,750 115,495,000 Total 431,973,000 372,312,000 2,500,000 2,000,000 995,807,800 837,172,402 a Not operated. b Includes 30,000 coho eggs taken and 27,000 fry liberated. o LBJL 12