i!.^*0/« o o z: Author Title Imprint l«--47S72-8 ai»0 'i rsssE .G456 MEN MAY COME AND MEN MAY GO. BUT THE SONGS OF A NATION LIVE FOREVER iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiy In no section of our country has the gentle muse found readier response than in dear old Georgia. In presenting these fragments from the Immortals our embarrassment lay mostly in selection. Many of these were written in those dark and troublesome days that tried men's souls, yet they carry a ring of patriotism that may be helpful to the youth of this generation. As such they are presented with the compliments of THE GRAND COMMANDERY KNIGHTS TEMPLAR gf GEORGIA 1916 SiiiiiiiimSSi^SSiiS^SiiSSim^Si Most of these poems are under copyright and are printed here by courtesy of the publishers. \i^e are under special obligations to the firm of D. Appleton &' Company of New York "Yet would I rather in the outward state Of Song's immortal temple lay me down, A beggar basking by that radiant gate, Than bend beneath the haughtiest empire's crown." So wrote Paul U. Haifiie. of AuijuKta,