Class J?__S.r7- 2^_ Book_ >G'i; ( Lto Copyright N»^llojE__ COPYRIGHT DEPOSm ??^f . CELIA E.GARDNERS NOVELS NEW EDITIONS JUST PUBLISHED. 1 STOLEN WATERS—" Stolen Waters are Sweet." $i 50 2 BROKEN DREAMS-A Novel in Verse 150 3 TESTED— A Story of Woman's Constancy i 50 4 RICH MEDWAYS TWO LOVES i 50 5 A WOMAN'S WILES 150 6 TERRACE ROSES i 50 7 COMPENSATION— A Story in Verse i 50 » A TWISTED SKEIN— A Story in Verse 1 50 9 SERAPH— OR MORTAL i 50 10 WON UNDER PROTEST (New) i 50 Sent FREE by mail on receipt of price, BY G. W. Dillingham Co., Publishers, NEW YORK. COAIPENSATION. A STUDY OF EXPERIENCE. BY CELTA E. GARDNER, A U THOU OF STOLEN WATEKS," "BllOKl'.X DKEAMS," '•TEllHACE EOSEB,' "A AVOMANS WILES.' '■ IIKH MEDWAY'S TWO LOYES," " EVEUV INCH A KINO;" "TESTED/' ;jic., E10. A bliman siririt liere records The annals of ils human strife ; A luinian liand hntli tonehed these chords ; This tale ni:iy all be idle words — But yet — it ouee was life." Loud Lytton. For one shall li'rasp, and 0!ie resi<>-n ; One drink life's rue, and one its wine : And God shall make the balance g-ood."' J. G. WlIITTtEE. ^. NEW YORK: &. W. DillinghaM Co.. Publishers. tuBRARY of congress) ! Two Copies Receivea j JAN Z\ 1908 i OoMyriifiu entry