gib filial In V 111 p! I I'll lb 1)1 ( m P ad r ^ -iA 8SJf>. C^ sija. '^•' WJ.'if ^pfl^ t t 'i ■■'■ Tit f cL cp v / "f* V * V' 3>S; «^S-3^TS». ru -1 u! IrijbT rii-'rii In 5- Ln p'i.ii O O KT r?, ^^ ID I ,*^-^ i'UIii-I^aED BY naa east division street. CHICAGO, ILL. r ri riifiiJ BiilS 1 ifj|[n 1.11 i PI In 5 b] 111 < pJ nJ ' nl l;i in n 1 5 nj 11! 10^ rJ ^* ni hat'] ?< Inxli ln:.un M mi n'spj ml (life Is N^^ National Hymn. Hail, thou land, by God selected Freedom's golden hearth to be Hail ye people, once elected Free, by fathers bravery ! -Hold, O hold ye fast forever Holy, high ! North and South ; forget ye never Freedom's blessings, far and nigh ! Sing ye praise immortal, Sing at every portal ! All defy ! All defy, be brave, be bold, Shining stars and stripes unfold! Land of Freedom, Nation chiefest Grand in glory, world renowned, Where the humblest son receivest Toil and care so richly crowned. -Land of plenty, land of blessing, Country Free ! Iron hail nor cannon's' hissing Shall supply thy wants to thee, Swords and helmets shining Shall not cause thy smiling, Count I y Free ! Country, free for ev'ry race. Freedom's blessing shall embrace. 3. Hajl, thou land, of gifts the sweetest, Freedom, if preserved by thee, If, O flag of peace, thou greetest, Mountain, shore in fullest glee -Live and grow may you forever Country Free ! Trumpet's voice be still, endeavour Silence keep on land and sea ! North and South will render Thanks for blessing's splendor. -Brothers ye ! Brothers ye, O do not rest, Heroes' sons of East and West ! 4. Hail, thou land, if truth and honor Strive to reign through care and toil, Gold not dares thy duty's banner, J^ar Ibv jeDse_ pthonor s»iili_ -Life will then be ever pouring. — High above Science, art and graces soaring Through thy gates of peace and love. Sons of ev'ry clime will enter, Nations' ties surrender. Sigh for love ! Sigh for love. They praise thee still Years to come in pride and skill. God, Almighty, hear our prayer, Grant protection as of yore ! Right, let truth desert us ne'er Shield our honor, we implore ! — Vice, corruption, tear asunder, Lord of Hosts, Drive them off with deafning thunder Strike them down and shame their boasts ! Preserve us as a nation Grant, O grant in Thy compassion. Lord of Hosts ! Lord of Hosts, that they sanctify Hearts and hands to Thee on high. Idea and form of the hymn, without rhymes, by W. Cokbadi. TnneUted into German rhymes by A. Beinke. Translated into English by A. GmOH. The notes and verses are printed on separate pages and loosely enclosed in the cover, so that they may be readily taken in hand by various participating singers in the family. 020 994 163 6