Class Book . TT"^ n GopyriglitE? COFXmCKT DEPOSm Digitized by tine Internet Arcinive in 2011 with funding from Tine Library of Congress OUT-DOOR SPORTS FOR BOYS (AND GIRLS) JV / Edited by lynds Ef jones COPIO USL V ILL USTRA TED r '^^^ ::-,,?>' OP cof^ GEORGE ROUTLEDGE AND SONS, Limited New York : 9 Lafayette Place London, Glasgow and Manchester \ IN UNIFORM STYLE. History of the United States. History of England. Great African Travellers. Out-Door Sports for Boys {and Girls). In-Door Games for Girls {and Boys). Each 160 pages, quarto. With numerous illustrations. Boards, lithographed double cover, each, 75 cents. GEORGE ROUTLEDGE & SONS, Limited. New York : 9 Lafayette Place , London, Glasgow and Manchester. Copyrighted, 1890, by Joseph L. Blamirk. PREFACE. It is, perhaps, needless to say that no attempt has been made in this volume to include every form of out-door recreation with which boys and girls amuse themselves during vacation or in play-time. Only such games as have proved their popularity, and only such sports as seem especially adapted to the taste of young Americans, have here been described. To have attempted more than this — to have endeavored to make it a complete manual of open-air pastimes — would have resulted in a volume so bulky and unwieldy as to have destroyed its real usefulness and defeated the main purpose of its preparation. No amusement, however, of assured merit, or which would be naturally looked for in such a book has, it is believed, been omitted, and a few games have been included which are but little known in this country, though they are favorites in other parts of the world. In making the selection the wants of every age have been considered, and the young- est child as well as the oldest has been regarded. Different dispositions and temperaments have also been provided for, and the weaker ones will find that they have not been passed by in favor of those who are stronger. The aim has been to afford healthy out-door recreation for all, whatever may be their sex, age, or robustness. As it is not to be supposed that any one person could understand all games equally well, different authorities have been consulted and freely quoted in the various descriptions here given. This especially applies to sports of foreign origin. By this means greater exactness has been obtained, so that the rules and conditions of play here laid down can in every case be implicitly and absolutely relied upon. LYNDS E. JONES. Brooklyn, N. Y., 1890. CONTENTS. PAGE Base-Ball i Cricket 7 Foot-Ball 16 Lacrosse 24 Lawn Tennis 28 Croquet 35 Golf 38 Curling 43 Polo 45 Archery 47 Fencing 49 Skating 53 Roller-Skating 56 Ice-Boating 57 Skating-Wings 58 Tobogganing 60 Snow-Shoeing 62 Horseback-Riding 64 Driving 68 Bicycling 71 Swimming 76 Rowing 80 Sailing 86 Canoeing 89 Miniature Yachting 92 Fishing 93 Bowling 97 Rackets 99 Bowls loi Athletics 102 Training 102 AValking 104 PACK Athletics. — Continued. Running , 105 Jumping 106 Leaping 108 Climbing a Board 109 Climbing the Pole 109 Climbing the Rope no Climbing Trees no The Giant Stride no The Trapeze 112 Hare and Hounds, or Paper Chase .. 115 Playground Games 118 Skittles 118 Knur and Spell 118 Fungo 119 Hand-Ball 119 Cap-Ball 120 Hockey (or Shinney) 120 Hole-Ball 121 Two Old Cat 121 Trap Ball 121 Balloon Ball (Pallone) 122 Dog-Stick and Splent 122 The Cross-Bow 123. Quoits 123 Lawn Billiards 124 Ring-Toss 125 The Boomerang 125 Throwing the Javelin 125 Les Graces 126 Battledore and Shuttlecock 127 The Sling 127 IV CONTENTS. Playground Games. — Continued. The Cleft-Stick 127 The Pea-Shooter and Putty-Blower . . 128 The Catapult 128 Prisoner's Base 129 Tip-Cat 129 Leap-Frog 130 Pollow My Leader 130 Hop Scotch 130 Duck and Drake 132 Tag 132 I Spy the Wolf 133 Hide and Seek, or Whoop 133 Jingle-Ring 133 Bound Hands 133 Playground Games. — Continued. Bull in the Ring 134 Sling the Monkey 134 Baste the Bear 134 Dropping the Handkerchief 134 Drawing the Oven 135 Fly the Garter 135 Spanish Fly 135 Cock-Fighting 136 Jump, Little Nag- Tail 136 Winding the Clock 136 Kites 137 Marbles 138 Tops 141 Hoops 143 OUT-DOOR SPORTS FOR BOYS BASE-BALL. There is probably no game played throughout the world which affords as much pleas- ure to so great a number of people as the game of base- ball. It is the national game of America and there is scarcely a city, town or vil- lage in the United States in which cannot be found at least one club. Though heretofore less known abroad it has of late steadily been growing more popular in other countries, and when American teams now visit foreign lands their games are witnessed by con- stantly increasing crowds of visitors. Boys and men both play it and are equally absorbed in watching finely contested matches. This interest is not confined to the young, but is shared as well by older persons, who are often found among the most enthusiastic spectators of the sport. Nor are ladies absent from the field when pennants are to be striven for or championships decided, though naturally, as it is a game in which they take no part themselves, they ordinarily form but a minority of the on-lookers. One reason for its great popularity is the quick- ness with which it is usually played, thus prevent- ing weariness in either actors or audience. An- other reason for the favor in which it is held is the ease with which its general principles are mastered, thus enabling even the inexperienced with but little coaching to intelligently follow the progress of a game. Then the players for the most part are so scattered over the field that the spectators can readily see what each one is doing, and thus appre- ciate every point that is made. Above all, it fur- nishes so many opportunities for spirited and brill- iant play that in a well-matched game the excite- ment does not flag for an instant, but is maintained at fever-heat from start to finish. While a great deal of money can be spent (and is spent by professional and some amateur clubs) in preparing elaborate grounds, in purchasing costly equipments and on the salaries and travelling ex- penses of players, plenty of amusement can be had from it at a very trifling outlay. The only absolute essentials for the game are a bat, a ball and the use of as level a tract of ground as can be obtained. The larger this tract is (within reason) the better. On it should be marked off (with chalk, lime or in any other convenient manner) a square, the length of each side being just ninety feet. At each corner of this square there should be securely fastened a flat stone, metal plate or canvas bag, prominent enough to be easily seen from any part of the " dia- mond" (the popular name of the square). These four stones, plates or bags are called respectively the first, second, third and home bases, the regula- tion size of each of the first three being fifteen inches square and that of the home base a square foot. (It is not necessary that the bases should be these exact dimensions excepting for professional clubs or when amateurs prefer to play a very strict game.) Eighteen players are needed for a game, and they are divided into two sides of nine each. When two clubs are playing against each other the nine on either side are of course all members of the same club. One of each side is appointed captain, and he directs the playing of his men, decides in what order they shall go to the bat and (unless their positions have previously been determined upon, as is generally the case in clubs) the place each shall OUT-DOOR SPORTS FOR BOYS. occupy in the field. Besides these eighteen players there is ordinarily an umpire to settle all disputes and doubtful points that arise during the game, and two scorers (one for each side) whose duty it is to keep the record. Before a game commences the two captains arrange, by tossing a coin (or in any other chance way), which side shall first go to the bat and which to the field. When three batsmen have successively been put out (in the manner to be described further on) their side changes places with those in the field, the latter taking their turn at the bat, or their " innings " as it is termed. This rota- tion continues until each side has had nine innings (or had three of its men put out nine times), which ends the game. The game begins by one of the batting side tak- ing his bat and placing himself a little to the left (or to the right if he is left-handed) of the home base and facing the centre of the square. The captain decides which player this shall be. The others on his side have for the present nothing to do but to await their turn at batting, though cus- tomarily the captain and perhaps one other stand near at hand to advise or coach the batsman. The fielding side arrange themselves as follows : one (the catcher) stands just behind the batsman ; an- other (the pitcher) about fifty feet in front of the batsman and of course in the square ; a third (the first baseman) near the first base, but outside the square and with the base between himself and the batsman ; a fourth (the third baseman) takes a similar position behind the third base ; a fifth (the second baseman) stands near the second base and usually to the left of it as he faces the batsman (and outside the square) ; a sixth (the short stop) stands between the second and third bases (but a little nearer to the former than to the latter), just outside the square ; the seventh (the right-fielder) at some little distance back (and to the left) of the second baseman ; the eighth (the centre-fielder) directly back of (but at a considerable distance from) the second base ; and the ninth (the left-fielder) behind (and to the right of) the short stop. These places are not fixed ones, but are simply given as the best (and usual) ones for the men to occupy. The players can all move freely about as they judge advisable during the game. The pitcher, however, must always be at the specified distance from the batsman when throwing the ball to be batted. A glance at the accompanying diagram of a base-ball field will make this description of the positions much clearer. It will also serve to show that the first base is the one to the right of the batsman as he stands at the home base facing the pitcher and the third base the one to his left. The second base is of course directly (and diagonally) opposite to the home base. In popular language the pitcher and catcher are known as " the battery ; " the three basemen with the short stop as " the infield ; " and the right, left and centre fielders as "the outfield." / TOUCH IN GOAL iSlit.-wide IN TOUCH GROUND " ■a IN TOUCH GROUND FIVE YARD LINES LINE OF KICK OUT PLACE OF KICK OFF 1 * ICO leet wide DIAGRAM OF FOOT-BALL GROUND. of the touch-lines " in touch ground " ; and that at each corner beyond the intersec- tion of the goal and touch- lines "touch in goal." Two sides of eleven men each face each other in this field with a soft egg-shaped hall (its greatest circumfer- ence about twenty-eight inches) between them, and the struggle in foot-ball is to get possession of this ball so as to kick it (under certain restric- tions) over the cross-bar and between the posts of the opposite goal, that is, of the goal which the side faces at the opening of the game. Five points are credited to a team whenever one of its men thus kicks a goal/rom the field. Four points are made when a player touches the ground back of his opponents' goal with the ball, or makes a "touch-down," as this is termed. After a " touch-down," the side making it has the priv- ilege of a " try at goal " without interference from its opponents. This is done by carry- ing the ball back into the field (any distance desired, usually about twenty paces), on a straight line (i. e., one crossing the goal-line at right angles) from the point where the touch-down was made, and then attempting to kick it over the goal. The best kicker on the side makes this at- tempt, as it is not nec- essary that it should be done by the same player who made the touch-down. Should he succeed in kickino- FOOT-BALL. 17 it over the goal, two points are scored in addition to the four from the touch-down. (Another way of " trying at goal " from a touch-down is by a " punt out," which will be described further on in this ar- ticle in connection with "fair catches.") Besides these three ways of scoring (a touch-down, a goal obtained from a touch-down, and a goal obtained from a field kick), there is a fourth way, called a "safety touch-down," made by a player touching the ground back of his own goal with the ball in order to protect it from the enemy. This counts two against the side making it. Unlike most other field sports, a game of foot-ball always lasts a fixed length of time, and it is the side that scores the most points during this period that wins the match. One hour and a half is the time set (exclusive of all unavoidable delays from settling disputes, accidents, intermission, etc.), divided into two equal periods of forty-five minutes each, and at the end of each half time play has to stop as soon thereafter as the ball becomes " dead " in any of the ■ways to be described further on — unless a " touch-* the choice of " kick-off," or first chance at the ball. When a goal is made, the side losing the goal has the following " kick-off." But in the second half, the '■ kick-off" always goes to the side which did not have it at first. Goals are exchanged at the end of the half, the choice in the first place commonly being given to the team which did not have the kick-off. When the game begins, the ball is placed on the ground exactly in the centre of the field, and each of the two teams (in its own half of the ground) range themselves in four lines in front of their goal. Nearest to the ball are the " rushers," seven in num- ber, stretched across the field in a line parallel to the goal-line, the two end men usually hanging a little behind the others, so as to the -more readily tackle any opponent who may break through the down" has just been made, when a " try at goai " can follow. At the opening of the game the two captains decide by a toss-up which side is to have COLLARED. middle of the line. The heaviest work in the game comes upon the rushers, and they should therefore be the largest and strongest players on the side, but they need speed and agility as well as weight and muscle. From his place in the line their leader, who should be their most powerful man, is often called " centre rush." Directly back of the centre rush, in a line by himself, stands the " quarter-back," usually of smaller build than the rushers, but an active, alert player, who can quickly pass the ball to the " half-backs" Vi'ho are stationed (at some dis- tance apart) behind him. Occasionally the quarter- back will stand actually in the rush line, making as it were an eighth rusher. The half-backs (two in number) form the third line of each side, and they ought to be the best runners and dodgers in their team, as either is expected when he once gets hold i8 OUT-DOOR SPORTS FOR BOYS. of the ball to be able to carry it well forward into the enemy's territory. But, above all, they should be X 60AL F.B.X H.B.X X H.B. X Q.3. R. X K R. KICKOFFO X R, X G.B H.B. X X H>B. It F.B. GOAL Struggling to get control of the ball and to keep it away from their own goal and to carry it towards the opposite goal. To an uninitiated spectator they seem almost continuously to be in a hopeless tangle. Three kinds of kicks are defined in foot-ball : a " place-kick," when the ball is lying on the ground at the time it is kicked ; a " punt," when the ball is dropped and kicked before it touches the ground ; and a " drop-kick," when the ball is kicked as it rebounds from the ground after being dropped. (As a matter of fact, the ball in a place-kick, instead of actually lying on the ground, is held a very little above the ground by another player until the kicker is ready ; it is then put down by the one holding it, and instantly kicked by the other.) The kick-off must be a place-kick, and as it is not allowable (nor would it be very easy) to make a goal from a kick-ofif, the captain of the team who won the toss-up usually starts the game by kicking the ball gently back (" dribbles " it, as it is called) to his own side, so as to give one of his half-backs an opportunity, if pos- sible, to run with it through or around the opposing rushers towards the enemy's goal. If the captain, instead of thus sending the ball back, should vigor- ously kick it forward, it would probably at once come into possession of his opponents, and thus DIAGRAM OF FOOT-BALL POSITIONS. Strong and expert kickers, as the chances of making ft goal come to them oftener than to any other play- ers. The fourth line comprises only one man, the " full-back," who stands closest to the goal in the rear of all the rest. His especial duty is to guard the goal by driving the ball back into the field whenever it comes uncomfortably near his goal- line. These various positions are only held at the beginning of each half, or after a goal has been kicked, or at certain other stages of the game when it is necessary for the players to re-form their lines and to begin as it were afresh. Most of the time the men are surging back and forth over the field. DEFENDING THE GOAL. the advantage of the kick-off would quickly be lost to the side which had won it. The kick-off need 'f^p te' '" jgig&ilteiiSgg FOOTBALL. OUT-DOOR SPORTS FOR BOYS. not be made by the captain of the team ; in fact it is usually made by the centre rush, who may or may not be the captain ; and instead of actually kicking HEADING. the ball back, he may (and often does) give it a very slight kick forward, and then seize it himself and pass it to half-back. The opposing side must re- main at least ten yards away from the ball until it has been kicked, and then they are at liberty to rush forward to get the ball if they can. The rush- ers of the side having the kick-ofi can stand close up to the ball. Should the half-back (or other player) who gets the ball on the kick-off succeed in stealing through or past the opposing rushers — and he may dodge or elude them in any way he chooses (by doubling, by running forward or back or to one side or the other) provided he stays within the touch-lines — he can take his chances either of securing a goal by a place- or drop-kick (but not by a punt), or of making a touch-down and then of obtaining a goal from that. It is very probable, however, that before he can do either one of these things he will be intercepted and caught (" tackled ") by some opponent, who may grasp him anywhere between shoulders and hips, but who must not attempt to catch him by head, neck or legs. When the runner sees his danger and that he cannot escape, he can pass (throw) the ball to any one else on his side who is back, or at either side of him (he is not allowed to pass it forward), and the latter can try his luck at running with it, or in turn can pass it to some one else (not in front of him), who is a better runner or is at the moment better placed for running. But if the runner is fairly caught with the ball in his possession, he can only retain exclusive control of it and be freed from the tackier by dropping it, marking with his heel the spot where it fell and crying " down " — that is, the holder of the ball is supposed to do all this. In reality he generally keeps the ball and simply calls " down." Then results what is known as a " scrim- mage." The ball is placed on the spot where it fell, or where down was called, and the two sides form lines (parallel to the goal-lines) close to the ball, each with the ball between itself and the opposite goal. The centre rush (termed in a scrimmage the " snap- per-back ") of the team whose runner called " down " then quickly " snaps " (kicks) the ball back to one of his side, his opponents throw themselves forward to seize it and the ball is again in play. All of the men are massed so closely together in a scrimmage that it takes very sharp work to get or to retain control of the ball. The men, however, have to show great care that they keep on their own side (back of the ball) until it is snapped back, for if they are detected by the umpire with even their heads or shoulders over the line they are " off side." They are also "off side" whenever in the course of the game the ball is kicked or touched by any of their side between them and their own goal-line. While off side they can take no part in the game until (i) the ball has been kicked by an opponent, (2) or un- til it has touched an opponent, (3) or until one of A NASTY JAR. their own side runs in front of them (i.e., between them and the opposite goal) either with the ball or after having kicked the ball from some place be- FOOT-BALL. hind {i.e., between them and their own goal). Any- one of these acts puts them " on side," and they can resume play. The theory of "off" and "on" side is that men must only play behind X^t, ball, and that when they allow themselves to get in front of it, their privileges are suspended until some one of the events mentioned above occurs to restore their rights. No man, however, can become off side in his own goal ground (back of his own goal-line). Players are so constantly forced to be at times off side in a sharply contested match, that often it is practically impos- sible to keep track of their movements, and to de- termine whether or not they are on side. If a man attempts to take part in the game while off side, a foul is declared, as is also done when one intention- ally delays the game or takes hold of an opponent who has not the ball in his possession. The penalty and running with him, thus forming a sort of body- guard which their opponents may not find it easy to break through. If a player, tackling the holder of the ball, can get his arms around it or otherwise secure an actual grasp of it with both hands, he can cry "held," and then a scrimmage follows, the same as if " down " had been called by his opponent — the side which had the ball, however, snapping it back. Held is generally called when the tackier finds him- self unable either to wrest the ball from its pos- sessor, or to prevent the latter from advancing with it; down being called when the one with the ball fears it will be taken from him, or when he finds his- further progress stopped. Care has to be constantly taken that the ball is not thrown or kicked over a touch-line, or that the man running with it does not step with even one A FAST FORWARD GAME. for a foul is a " down " for the opponents if they have not the ball ; if they have it they are allowed to advance with it five yards. If an opponent tackling the holder of the ball can get control of it before its guardian cries " down," he can similarly pass it to one of his fellows, or run with it, or kick it, or in any other lawful manner seek to advance it towards the other goal. His own side can materially aid him sometimes in this task, not only by holding themselves in readiness to re- ceive and pass the ball, but also by conveniently getting in the way of opponents who are trying to tackle him. All striking, pushing, pulling, kicking and running against others, however, are strictly forbidden, and as already stated, only the one with the ball can be grasped or caught. The rushers of a team can on occasions greatly help their half-back who is carrying the ball, by partly surrounding him foot outside the touch bounds, for if either of these things occurs, the ball at once becomes " in touch " and is " dead." (A ball is dead whenever for the moment it is out of play, as when down is called, or a goal kicked, or a touch-down made.) Thereupon the player who secures (or has) the ball when it goes into touch brings it back to the point where it crossed the line. He can then (i) throw it into the field at right angles to the line; or (2) he can bound it in or touch it in with both hands (always at right angles to the line), and then run with it, or throw it, or kick it back ; or (3) he can carry it into the field any distance not over fifteen yards (still on a line at right angles to the touch-line), and then put it down for a scrimmage. If he does not throw it out at right angles the first time, he must throw it again. If he fails on three attempts, the ball goes to his opponents. Sometimes the scrimmage takes 22 OUT-DOOR SPORTS FOR BOYS. place close to the touch-line. In such a case the lines have to be formed extending from the ball into the field, as the men cannot play outside of the touch bounds. The centre rushers stand at the end of the line with the ball between them, and the snapper- back sends it along back of his men, being careful that it does not get " in touch " again while doing so. In no scrimmage is either the snapper-back, or the opponent opposite to him allowed to seize and run with the ball until it has touched another play- er after being snapped back. Should the snapper- bacli be off side in snapping back the ball, he must to the touch-lines. His opponents must come no nearer to him than the spot where the ball was caught. A " fair catch " may also be made from what is known as a "punt-out." When a touch- down has been secured in the opponents' goal, instead of bringing the ball out into the field for a " try at goal " from a place-kick, it can be kicked out with a punt by any player of the side which touched it down, and from any spot behind the point where it crossed the goal-line, provided it is not nearer to the goal than this mark on the goal- line. The object of the punter-out is to kick the ball A COLLEGE GAME. try again ; and on a third repetition of the offence the other side takes the ball. (Bringing the ball into play after it has been " in touch " is called " a fair.") At any time during the progress of the game a man catching the ball directly from the kick of an opponent (and before it has touched the ground, or the body, or dress of any other player on his side), can, on crying " fair catch " and marking with his heel the spot, have a free kick at the ball. This can be either a drop-kick, a punt, or a place-kick, and can be taken from any point back of the mark he made (termed " catcher's mark "), on a line parallel so that one of his own side (who must all stand at least fifteen feet from the goal-line) may make a fair catch, and hence secure a free kick, and, if possible, get a goal. Until the ball is punted, the opponents must all remain on their goal-line, leaving, however, a clear space of five feet on each side of the mark where the ball crossed the line. If a fair catch is made from a punt-out, the mark on the goal-line serves as the catcher's mark, and the catcher takes his free kick back of it in the field in the same way he would have done had he caught the ball on an opponent's kick. Should the touch-down be made FOOT-BALL. 23 in a " touch in goal " (the corner spaces outside the field bounded by the touch- and goal-lines), the punter's mark is the point of intersection of the boundary lines. When a safety touch-down is made the side mak- ing it is obliged to kick the ball out into the field from some point between its goal-line and its twenty-five yards line, its opponents meanwhile approaching no closer than the twenty-five yards line. Should the ball on the kick-out go into touch before striking a player, it must be kicked out again under the same conditions, and on the third occur- start of the game, irrespective of which won or lost the last goal. For violation of the rules (in addition to offside play and other fouls already spoken of) various penalties are imposed. Tripping a man or catching him by the neck or legs is punished by giving the opponents a free kick or advancing them twenty- five yards, as they may prefer. (If, however, the twenty-five yards would carry the ball across the goal-line the advance is limited to half the distance between the spot where the offence was committed and the goal-line, and the option of a free kick is THE RUGBY GAME, IN ENGLAND. fence of this it passes into the possession of the other side and is treated as if it had gone into touch twenty-five yards from the goal where the safety had been made. Every goal kicked necessitates placing again the ball in the centre of the field and re-forming the lines of players as they were when the game began — the kick-off, as was said before, going to the side which lost the goal. At the commencement of the second half the same thing is done, but the kick-off is then given to the team which did not have it at the not granted.) Unnecessary roughness and hacking {i.e., kicking another on the shins) or striking with the closed fist disqualifies a player from remaining in the game. No one can take part in any match who wears shoes with projecting nails or which have iron plates on them ; nor shall any sticky or greasy substance be used on the person of players. While foot-ball at the best must always be rather a rough game, there is no reason why it should be a brutal one or that those who take part in it cannot safely do so without risk of serious bodily injury. 24 OUT- DOOR SPORTS FOR BOYS. LACROSSE. Canada's national game is an inheritance from the Indians, among whom it was a favorite sport long before the whites settled in what is now the Dominion. As the principal implement (next to the ball) used in the game was originally shaped somewhat like a bishop's crosier the French (who were the first people to colonize Canada) gave it the name of la crosse, which in English means "the cross." The modern "crosse," however, has very little resemblance to the great religious emblem, and in other ways the game has altered considerably since its adoption by the whites. Though it is far from rivalling base-ball in American popularity it is now quite generally played throughout the United States, and has become a common amuse- ment in many of our schools and colleges, As in foot-ball the object of the game is to get the ball through either of two goals situated at op- posite ends of the field. The distance between the goals must be one hundred and twenty-five yards, and each goal consists of two poles, which must be at least six feet high and which are planted in the earth six feet apart. There is no cross-bar over which the ball must be sent ; it is sufficient for it to pass between the posts. The ball is of sponge rubber about eight inches in circumference, and the great peculiarity of the game is that this ball must not be touched by the hand during the progress of the match, but only by the crosse. (The few tri- fling exceptions to this rule will be duly noted in their proper place.) There is no limit set for the width of the field or for the space to be used back of the goals ; that depends upon the size of the tract of ground available for the purpose. But it is important before a game begins to mutually agree upon "bounds" beyond which the ball is to be considered out of play. The crosse is a piece of light wood (any length desired), one end of which is crooked, or bent in a curve. Across the crooked end a net is made by lacing it with catgut from the tip of the crook to a point about two and a half feet from the bend. In its widest part this net should not be over one foot. The lacing ought not to be tight as in a tennis racket, but sufficiently loose to sag a little so as to form a slight pocket for the ball when it rests upon the net. On the other hand the lacing must be tight enough to prevent its bagging and to cause the net to lie flat when the ball is not on it. The reason for this is that the crosse is used both for throwing the ball and for carrying it, hence it is necessary to have the netting firm enough to give the ball an impulse when thrown from it, but not so taut as to render it impossible for a skilful player to carry the ball on it while running. No metal whatever (screws or nails) can be used in making a crosse, and to prevent one crosse from getting en- tangled with another a string should be drawn from the extreme outer end of the crook to some part of the handle. This string is also of assistance in aiding a player to carry the ball on the crosse. The meshes of the net should be close enough together to avoid any chance of the ball slipping (or becoming /rN ^■M^ -^, ^^..^^--^i^S^a^^bSr-'--;;^:;'-*"' :--^-: LACROSSE. 25 caught) within them. If, notwithstanding this pre- caution, the ball should get caught in the netting during a game, it must not be removed by the hand, but only by striking the crosse on the ground. Each side in a lacrosse match consists of twelve players scattered over the field in pairs, every man of one team (excepting only the goal-keepers) being stationed by an opponent. In the middle of the field, with the ball (at the outset of the game) on the ground between them, are the two " centres," each with his right side to his own goal. Near each goal stands " point," and a little way off " cover commonly they are described simply as fielders. On the diagram here given of a lacrosse field the p GOAL :^ POINT HOME* COVER POINT FIELD • SND HOME 3RD HOME* •FIELD FIELD '''^'-°«f'?eld OENTREO • CENTRE • FIELD FIELD ofield FIELD* O3RD FIELD* HOME 02ND HOME • o^.MTaOHOME COVER POINT POINT* • GOAL ^ DIAGRAM OF A LACROSSE FIELD. The marks 9 aftd Q represent players of the respec- tive sides. point," each accompanied by an opponent. These with a "goal-keeper" (who stays close to his goal to defend it) for each team fill the principal positions — the other players comprising " the field." The opponents (companions) of point and cover-point are known as " home " and " second home " (or "inside home" and "outside home") and some- times the remaining twelve men are designated as "first defence," "second defence" and "third defence," and " first attack," " second attack " and " third attack " of their respective sides, but more THE TUSSLE. goal poles are represented with flags attached. These are a great convenience in the game as they show more clearly the goals to the players. It is also well for the men of each team to all wear alike some marked color about their dress in order to en- able the umpire and the spectators to more easily distinguish between contestants. Similar caps or blouses will answer as well as elaborate uniforms. When the men have all taken their places, the two centres kneel, and each, holding his crosse in both hands, lays it with its back close to the ball (its wood side on the ground), as shown in the follow- ing cut. The umpire then calls " play " or " go," and both men tussle for possession of the ball. In doing this neither of them must grasp the person or crosse of his opponent, nor must he touch the ball with his hands, nor can he catch the other's crosse under his arms or with his legs, nor is he allowed to strike, kick or trip the other. He may, however, strike his opponent's crosse with his own crosse, so as to PLAY. try to dislodge the ball, and shouldering (from the side only) is also permitted. (These rules apply 26 OUT-DOOR SPORTS FOR BOYS. generally to personal conduct in all stages of the game.) The object of the tussle is to pick up the ball with the crosse, so as to run with it (on the crosse) towards the opposite goal, or to throw it (only with the crosse always) towards that goal. Each of the centres while trying to do this is also striving to prevent his antagonist from doing the same thing, two working for opposite goals. The other players in the meanwhile should keep their places, waiting for the ball to come near them. If it should be pushed, thrown or dropped so"as to land close to another pair of opponents, then these two similarly struggle for its control. There is, however, no obligation on the part of the players to remain at their stations; but it is good play for them to do so, as crowding around the ball does CHECKING. not help a side, and desertion of a post (unless one has the ball) makes a weak spot in the defence or attack which may cost a side the game. Whenever the ball passes between the poles of a goal (from its field side), whether carried on a crosse or thrown from a crosse, it scores a game, and the team which scores the greater number of games during a given time (agreed upon in advance, usually an hour and a half) wins the match. If a player accidentally sends the ball through his own goal, it counts a game for his opponents — unless it passes through from behind the goal, when it counts nothing for either side. Goals must be exchanged at the end of every game, the choice in the first instance being decided by a toss-up. Under two circumstances only can the ball be touched by the hand : the first is when it gets lodged in some place inaccessible to the crosse. It is then taken out by the hand, placed on the ground, and the nearest pair of opponents " face " each other and tussle for it, as the centres did at the opening of the game. Should the ball be thrown out of bounds, it must be brought back to the spot in the field nearest the point it went out, and similarly "faced" by two opponents, the other men remain- ing in their places until the umpire sees that every- thing is in readiness, and until he calls " play" (oir " go"). The other instance in which the ball may be touched by a player is when it gets within six feet of a goal, and then the goal-keeper is permitted to pat it away with his hand, or block it in any manner he chooses with his body as well as with his crosse. This six feet line in front of each goal is called the " goal crease," and no opponent can cross it unless the ball has already passed cover point's position on that side of the field. Though players are not permitted to touch the ball with the hand (except in the cases just mentioned), they are allowed to kick it with the foot when contesting its possession with an opponent. Violations of rules in lacrosse constitute " fouls," and are punished by giving the man aggrieved his choice of either a free run or a throw. For this purpose, all of his opponents within ten feet of hira must stand back that distance, the others retaining their places. No one must stir until the player has started to run or to throw the ball (always, of course, with his crosse) after the umpire has called "play" (or "go"). But if the foul is allowed within twenty yards of the goal, the man must go back that far before taking his run or throw with the ball. Fouls are granted to a player whose crosse is grasped or held, or who is struck, tripped, or kicked, or who is shouldered from behind by an opponent, as pre- viously noted. They are also allowed him if any opponent (when more than six feet from the ball) runs in front of him, or in any way seeks to interfere with him and keep him from the ball until another opponent can reach it ; or, if he is interfered with by one opponent when pursuing another having the ball ; or, if he is shouldered even from the side by an opponent who is not at the time within six feet of the ball; or, if he is "charged into" by an opponent holding his crosse in both hands, so as to strike the body of the former with it ; or, if he is charged into by an opponent after throwing the ball. It is not a foul, however, if a player is acci- dentally hit by the ball, as it is his business to keep LACROSSE. 27 out of its way. More serious offences, where the intent is to injure another, are punished by exclud- ing the player from the field and compelling his side to finish the game shorthanded. No player wearing Lacrosse is a game full of life and snap, a little rough, perhaps, but not dangerously so. It is quickly played, and chains the attention of actor and watcher from first to last. Its theory and PICKING UP THE BALL. spiked shoes should ever be allowed to enter a match. The umpire, of course, is the sole judge of all offences and of all fouls and penalties. Instead of one, there are sometimes two umpires and a referee, the rules are simple, and can be readily learned in a very brief time. While it takes practice to master the handling of the crosse so as to promptly pick up and throw the ball with it, the skill is of a kind CATCHING. former placed one at each end of the field to de- cide whether the ball passes between goal poles, and the latter stationed near the players to see that the men " face" properly at the opening of the game, etc., and that the rules are observed. The final de- cision on all questions that arise is with the referee. which any one with a little patience can acquire. Strength, agility and speed are the three principal requisites for successful playing, in addition to the even temper and good judgment which are as essential in all amusements as they are in the more serious occupations of life. 28 OUT-DOOR SPORTS FOR BOYS. LAWN TENNIS. Thus far the games described have been intend- ed exclusively or principally for boys and men. The one next in order is equally adapted to both sexes and can be played with as much propriety by girls and women as by their masculine friends and relatives. It might be difficult to determine with which it is a greater favorite or among which it has a larger number of adherents, for certainly there are twenty-seven feet wide. Across the middle of this a net is stretched extending three feet beyond each side. The ends of the net are fastened to upright posts driven into the ground, and the top of the net should be three feet above the ground at its centra and three and a half feet at the posts. (A few inches space between the bottom of the net and the ground is a convenience in rolling "dead" balls few amusements which have so wide spread a pop- ularity among American and English people of all ages and classes as has lawn tennis. Either two, three or four persons can take part in the game, but an even number is better than an odd one. Each player must be provided with a racket, and two balls are required for common use. (It is as well to have extra balls always at hand in case the first two should get lost in the course of a " set.") On a level piece of ground there should be marked off (with white paint, slaked lime or marble dust) a rectangle seventy-eight feet long and back across the field to the server.) The erection of the net divides the rectangle into two spaces of equal size, thirty-nine feet long and (of course) twenty-seven feet wide. These in turn should be divided by a line running from the centre of the net (and at right angles to it) to each of the further boundaries, making four rectangles, each thirty- nine by thirteen and a half feet. Twenty-one feet each side of the net other lines should be drawn parallel to it. There will then be four divisions on each side of the net, two of which will be thirteen and a half by twenty-one feet, and two thirteen and LA WN TENNIS. 29 a half by nineteen feet. The whole forms a tennis- court for two players. By increasing the width four and a half feet on each side (the length re- maining the same) a court for three or four is made, the total dimensions of which would be seventy- eight by thirty-six feet. Sometimes courts are con- structed only for single (two-handed) play and sometimes only for double (three-or four-handed) play, as illustrated by the accompanying diagrams. If it is desired to have a court which can be used for either two, three or four players then the inte- rior side lines (as marked on the diagram of a dou- ble court) should be extended to the base line at each end. As the net must always project three feet beyond the side-lines, the total length of one required for double-court tennis is forty-two feet. This size can also be used in the single court game as there is « LEFT RIGHT SIDE W COURT. n COURT LINE. COURT. LINE. 18 Feet. Feet.. RIGHT LEFT 78 FEET COURT. COURT. LONG. e DIAGRAM OF FIELD FOR SINGLE-COURT LAWN TENNIS. 1 a q^aH9HlU99J «A tn m < HALF s SCOURT 1 r ■ z 5 1 1 z SIDE LINES ■10 f ppt -■ 1 DIAGRAM OF FIELD FOR DOUBLE-COURT LAWN TENNIS. There is no real necessity of extending what in the first diagram is called the " court line " (and in the second diagram the " half court line ") beyond the " service lines " (/. e., from the " service lines " to the " base lines "), as there is no distinction made in playing between the two spaces or courts ad- joining the base lines. But it is necessary to have the middle point of the base lines marked in some manner and it is as convenient to do this by extend- ing the court line as in any other way. no restriction upon the net's extending more than the distance mentioned outside the lines. One net can thus be made to answer for either style of court. The balls used in tennis are light and elastic (so as to easily rebound) weighing close upon two ounces with a diameter of about two and a half in- ches. The size and weight of the racket depends on the fancy of the owner. From eleven to sixteen ounces are as extreme weights as are often found. 3° OUT-DOOR SPORTS FOR BOYS. with perhaps fourteen ounces for an average. They are shaped somewhat Hke a battledore, a handle at one end and the other end wide and flat with which to strike the ball. This batting end is made by tightly lacing with catgut a half oval frame of wood. The handle may be of smooth wood, or may be covered with leather, or wound with cord, or & ^^ nTTT ^ s i ^^ ' ■ ■^ ^^^s. ks im ■^ ■ ^^^ MflL //iJwL ^^^^^s*. iIml "mi^^^^^*. mKL Zjm^^^^S allSr — Ill >-=^j==^= nlllmj vlUt J 1^^^^^ VlMt jffp^^^^ mS '^^^ vffi 'V r Vm yi^f H Y ^^^^ io ^ ^0*^ x^^ ■iem ■ slightly roughened in any way to prevent it slipping when in use. In a two-handed game one player stands on each side of the net, the choice of positions being de- cided by a toss-up. The winner of the toss-up, in- stead of choosing his position, can elect whether he will first " serve " the ball or have his opponent serve it. In that case his antagonist has the choice of courts, as the same player cannot choose both position and the privilege of serving (or not serving) the ball. This choice of courts may be quite im- portant as, owing to the direction of the wind, the position of the sun or inequalities in the ground (when an absolutely smooth tract cannot be ob- tained), one court may possess a considerable ad- vantage over the other. At the end of each "set" (as a tennis series of games is termed) courts are always exchanged by opponents crossing to oppo- site sides of the net. The player who first serves the ball stands back at the extreme end of his court with one foot out- side the " base line " (the line furthest from the net and parallel to it) and at the right of the middle (or "court") line. He serves the ball by tossing it lightly in the air with one hand and then striking it with the bat held in his other hand before it touches the ground. In striking it his object is to send it into the court of his opponent adjoining the net and which is at his (the server's) left, that is into the court diagonally opposite to him. (Whether there are two or more playing, the place into which the ball must be served remains the same : it is always into a single-court space. It is for this reason that on the double-court diagram the interior spaces next to the net are of the same size as in a single-court. The outer side lines are not regarded in serving the ball.) Should the server fail to send the ball into the proper court (z". e., should it first touch the ground outside of that court) a "fault" is called, and he must try again with the second ball from the same position. If that similarly fails to land in the court played for, " fifteen " is scored in favor of his opponent. The server then changes his place to the left of the court line (but standing with one foot beyond the base line as before) and serves into his opponent's other net court. Should he again not succeed in delivering either ball into this court another fifteen is credited to his oppo- nent (making the score against the server thirty in all) and the server returns to his former place and delivers the balls as at first. In this way the same player continues to serve through an entire game, alternating between his two furthermost courts whenever a point is scored for or against him. Every time he makes two " faults " in suc- cession (that is, misses with both of his balls) his opponents score, and a game is not infrequently lost by beginners in lawn tennis soley by faults in serving the ball. It is to be noted that a served ball touching the top of the net and then falling over into the proper court is counted neither as a fault nor as a good ball ; it simply is disregarded and the server delivers the ball over again. But if the server succeeds in sending either of his balls over the net into the proper court, then his opponent (the " striker-out ") must be ready on the first rebound of the ball from the ground to strike it back with his racket over the net. For this purpose he had better stand a little behind his " service line " (the line which is between, and par- allel to, the base and net lines). He is not allowed to strike a served ball before it touches the ground and only then on its first rebound. If he fails to hit it before it touches the ground a second time, " fifteen " is scored for his opponent (the server). Or if he does hit it in time and it strikes against the net, falling back into the court of the striker- out ; or if it clears the net and lands outside of the LA WN TENNIS. 31 boundary lines (z. e., beyond the base and side lines) of his opponent's courts it scores the same (fifteen) for the server. Should the ball be properly returned over the net by the striker-out and the server sees that it is going to land within one of his courts, he must be equally prepared to send it back again by striking it with his racket either on the first bound or before it touches the ground — the prohibition from hitting balls on the fly ("volleying" it is called in tennis) only applying to balls as they are served. On the server's returning the ball over the net the striker- out in turn sends it back again (if he can), and so the ball is struck back and forth over the net until finally it lands outside of the bounds (when it scores is called " deuce " and one of them must make two- strokes in succession to secure the game. The first who makes a stroke after the score has reached "deuce" is said to have the "advantage" (com- monly shortened to "vantage"). If his opponent then makes a stroke the score returns to " deuce ; ' if the same opponent then makes the next stroke, the latter then has the " advantage ; " and if the next stroke is again made by the same player he wins the game ; but if it is made by the first player " deuce " is once more the score and the two must again struggle first for the advantage and then for the game. In calling out the score as the game progresses that of the server is customarily named first : thus, " fifteen-forty " means the server FIELDING. against the one who last hit it), or until one of the players fails to strike it before its second rebound or else lands it within his own court-lines (when it scores against him). Whenever a score is made the balls become dead, the server takes them again and, returning to his base-line, plays for the court into which he did not last serve. This is done whether the point scored had been made by the one side or the other or off the first or second ball previously served, the alternation in courts follow- ing the score and not the number of balls delivered. As already stated, the first point gained by either player counts fifteen and the second fifteen more, or thirty in all. His third stroke advances him to forty and his fourth wins him the game, provided his opponent has not yet scored more than thirty. When, however, both players have each made three strokes and therefore are tied at " forty " the score has made one stroke (fifteen) and his opponent three strokes (forty) ; " thirty all " signifies that each has make two strokes (thirty) ; " forty-love " indicates that the server has made three strokes and his opponent none; "vantage for" shows that the advantage (over deuce) is in favor of the server, and "vantage against" that the stroke beyond deuce was made by the striker-out. Whichever player first secures six games wins the " set " or contest, which thus may require eleven games to decide it. Sometimes it is agreed in ad- vance that if the score should become five to five "vantage games" shall be played, in other words that one of the contestants must be the winner of two consecutive games after the score of "deuce games" (or "games all " as it is generally called) is reached. In such a case the set may necessitate the playing of twenty or more games to determine the 32 OUT-DOOR SPORTS FOR BOYS. match, as the advantage may swing back and forth between the players for a long time. It is the ex- ception and not the rule, however, to play " vantage games," and it is not commonly done except in con- tests between clubs or for championships. One player having served throughout the first game, the other serves during the second ; in the third the service returns to the one who had it before, and so it alternates until the set is completed. Each player serves from his own side of the net, courts ordinarily being exchanged only at the end of sets. When four are playing, the partner of the server generally stands well up towards the net on the opposite side of the court-line from which the server is delivering the balls. He is thus in a position to return the ball if the striker-out succeeds in sending it back over the net. The partner of the first striker-out, on the other hand, stations him- self back near the base-line also with the court-line between himself and the striker-out. By placing themselves in this way the two sides of each court are protected as well as the front and back. The part- ners usually arrange in advance whether, after the ball is once in play, one shall look after the right- hand side of their court and the other the left-hand side, or whether one shall have particular charge of the front and the other of the back. Which of these arrangements it is best to make will depend largely upon the style of play of the individuals, and of course it would not be wise to always adhere rigidly to either plan, but to modify it as emergencies in the game arise. The two opponents of the server receive the balls alternately during the game, one those delivered into the right-hand court and the other those played into the left-hand court, the same person not being permitted to act as striker- out for two successive strokes. In the second game of a four-handed match the one who had been the first striker-out becomes server and the partner of the former server now first acts as striker-out; the latter in tlie third game becoming server. The partner of the first striker- out serves in the fourth game. This order of rota- tion is preserved during tne set and results in each player's serving in regular turn. At the beginning of a second set in either a two or four-handed contest the first server is customarily the one who was the first striker-out in the last game of the previous set. Though the ball must be served into the same sized space in a four-handed game as in a two- handed one, it can be returned (in the former case^ into any part of the enlarged double-court, and the server or his partner can similarly then send it back anywhere within their opponents' double-court. The increased width of a double-court is thus avail- able for every purpose excepting serving balls. But in a three-handed game where one piayer is pitted against two others the latter can only return balls within the single-court bounds, while the former has the privilege of sending the ball within the double- court limits of his opponents' territory. This is but just as there are two men to cover the ground in one case and only one in the other, and it would be almost impossible for a single player to properly guard so great a tract unaided. The single player serves every alternate game in a three- handed contest. Should the ball at any stage of a game fall on a boundary line it is considered as within the adjoin- ing court. Any ball which a player strikes at or attempts to return is to be reckoned a good ball even if it would otherwise have landed outside of the court-space. Generally, however, when it is quite evident that the ball will not fall within the boundaries a player, standing on or near his base- line, is allowed to stop it (on crying " fault " or " miss " before he intercepts it) without its scoring against him. This is permitted in order to save a needless waste of time in chasing balls. The server must not deliver a ball until the striker-out is ready, indicated usually by the latter taking his position or responding when the former calls " play." A ball delivered before the striker-out is ready counts for nothing (like a " net ball ") and must be de- livered over again. But should the striker-out at- tempt to return it, he cannot then claim it was not a good ball. If a ball when returtud by either player strikes the net and then falls over it, it is regarded as a good ball — though a served ball under similar circumstances (as already explained) is not counted. Should a player, however, send the ball against one of the posts of the net, or allow it to touch himself or anything he wears or carries, ex- cepting his racket in the act of striking, it scores against him ; as it also does if he hits the ball twice or more, or if he touches the net or posts with his racket while the ball is in play. Perhaps as useful a conclusion to this description as any that could be written will be the decisions which Mr. James Dwight, a well-known English authority on lawn tennis, has prepared on a few doubtful cases such as are most likely to arise in the experience of any one when learning the game. Case I. Can a player follow a ball over the net with his racket, provided that he hits the ball on his own side of the net.' A GAME AT TENNIS. 34 OUT-DOOR SPORTS FOR BOYS. Decision. Yes. The only restrictions are that he shall not volley the ball until it has crossed the net, and that he shall not touch the net or any of its supports. Case 2. A player is standing outside of the court and volleys the ball ; he then claims that the ball was out. Decision. The ball is in play until it touches the ground outside of the court. The player's position is of no consequence whatever. Case 3. A player, standing outside of the court, catches the ball, and claims that it was certainly going out. Who wins the stroke } Decision. His adversary. It is a very common thing for a player to stop a ball in this way, and score the point, but it is by courtesy only that he is allowed to do so. He loses the stroke if his oppo- nent claims it. Case 4. The service is delivered before the striker- out is ready. He tries to return it and fails. Is he entitled to have it played over .' Decision. No. If he attempts to return the ser- vice, he is deemed ready. Case 5. A ball having been played over the net bounces back into the court from which it came. The player reaches over the net and plays it before it falls. Has he a right to do so .' Decision. Yes, provided he does not touch the net. He has a right to play the ball at any time from the moment it crosses the net into his court, until it touches the ground a second time. Case 6. A ball is played into the net ; the net player on the other side, thinking that the ball is coming over, strikes at it and hits the net. Who loses the stroke ? Decision. It is simply a question of which hap- pened first. If the player touched the net while the ball was still in play, he loses the stroke. Hitting the net after the ball is dead can make no differ- ence. Case 7. A player is struck by the ball served be- fore it has touched the ground, he being outside of the service court. How does it count ? Decision. The player struck loses the point. The service is presumably good until it strikes in the wrong court. A player cannot take the decision upon himself by stopping the ball. If it is going to be a fault he has only to get out of the way. Case 8. A by-stander gets in the way of a player ; the latter attempts to return the ball and fails. Has he a right to have the hand played again .' Decision. Not if he attempted to return the ball. But if he makes no such attempt, and, in the um- pire's opinion, the bystander was distinctly in the way, he shall then have a right to have the hand played over. CROQUET. 35 CROQUET. Perhaps not even lawn tennis is more popular than croquet as an out-door game for boys and girls or for men and women — for either sex by itself or for the two playing together. It is a less active game, requiring not nearly as much exertion as any of those hitherto mentioned, and for this reason it can be enjoyed by those who have less endurance than the followers of ball or tennis require. While it is easily understood and quickly learned, real pro- ficiency in it needs a practised and skilled hand, a sure eye and cool and clear judgment. Properly played it is one of the most scientific of all amuse- ments. Two, four, six or eight persons can take part in a game of croquet — or even an odd number (from three to seven), though the latter would rnake un- equally divided side*. One of the smaller numbers is best, however, as six or eight cause a game to be tedious and slow. Each player is provided with a ball and mallet marked alike with some distinctive color, blue, black, white and red being those gen- erally used in two- or four-handed games. The balls are made either of wood, celluloid or solid rubber (the last now being preferred by most skilled play- ers) and their regulation size is three and a half inches in diaraeter. The mallets can be of any weight and size desired. The handles are of hard wood and range in length from eight to thirty-two inches, with cylindrical heads of boxwood or ama- ranth which sometimes have hard rubber ends screwed on. Instead of being cylindrical the heads occasionally are cubical. Formerly all players used the long handled mallets, but now experts in the game usually choose the shorter ones. The strik- ing end of the head of the mallet is always flat. In addition to balls and mallets, two stakes and nine wickets are required for the game. The former (made of wood) can be of any length whatever, and are driven into the ground seventy feet apart, though a shorter distance will suffice when the ones can be obtained for younger players. They are made of iron or steel, bent into a u-shape like tract available is limited, or the players are inexperienced. Wickets made for clubs are not over four inches in width and stand from eight to ten inches above the ground, but larger (especially wider) an arch. The first wicket is placed seven feet in front of the starting stake ; the second seven feet in front of the first ; the third fourteen feet to the right (and one foot in advance) of the second ; the fourth on a line with the first and second and twenty-one feet in advance of the second ; the fifth in a line with the third and in the same relative position to the turning (second) stake that the third is to the starting stake ; the sixth and seventh fourteen and seven feet respectively from the turn- ing stake ; the eighth and ninth in similar positions to the third and fifth, but on the opposite (left) side of the field. There will thus be five wickets in line between the stakes and four wing wickets. (These measurements are given for a full-sized field where the stakes are seventy feet apart and will need to be proportionally reduced when a smaller ground is used.) Should the contest be between four or more players each has a single ball ; should it be between two each takes a couple of balls, playing with each one alternately. The object of the game is to drive the balls (by hitting them with the mallets) through the wickets in regular order to the turning stake and after touching that (with the gg ip balls) to drive them similarly back to the starting stake. Which- ever side first does this, bringing all of its balls home before the other, wins the game. A player can only strike his own ball with his mallet, and he must not touch it with anything else (except to place it in position under certam circumstances to 36 OUT-DOOR SPORTS FOR BOYS. be noted in their proper place), but he can cause his own ball to strike other balls and in the doing of this is the science of croquet, as he can thus greatly assist his partner (or himself if he is using two balls) and bother his opponents. Whoever is to open the game (chance as usual deciding which that shall be) places his ball on the ground half way between the starting-stake and the first wicket. He then strikes it (once only) with his mallet, endeavoring to send it through that wick- et. If he succeeds, he can strike it again, trying to send it through the second wicket. If he is again successful, he strikes it once more, this time playing for the third wicket off at the right-hand side of the field. Whenever he makes a wicket he is en- titled toanother shot, provided his ball goes through in the right direction, that is from the side nearest the starting-stake. (After reaching and touching the turning-stake, the balls must pass under the arches from the side nearest that stake.) The or- der in which the wickets must be passed through is (i) the one next the starting-stake, (2) the one in front of that, (3) the nearest one on the right-hand side, (4) the centre one, (5) the distant right-hand one, (6) the second one from the turning-stake, (7) the one next to that stake. Then the turning-stake must be touched and after that the order is (8) the wicket nearest the turning-stake, (9) the second one from that stake, (10) the distant left-hand one (as looked at from the place of starting), (11) the centre one, (12) the near left-hand one, (13) the second from the home stake and (14) the first wick- et again. Each ball on a side must also touch the home-stake after making all the wickets to secure the game. It will be seen that all the wickets have to be made twice, with the exception of the four wing ones. Including the two stakes that must be touched, every ball has virtually sixteen points to make. A wicket made out of its regular order or from its wrong side does not count. It is very likely that the first player will miss on the third wicket, as that is a difficult shot to make when there are no other balls in the field on which he can play and so assist himself. But whether it is that wicket he fails to make, or the next one, or the first of all, he must leave his ball on the field exactly where it stopped after his miss. His oppo- nent then has a turn and places his ball on the ground where the first had been. He can not only play for the wickets but he can also play for his oppo- nent's ball. Should he hit it he makes what is called a " roquet," and he is then entitled to a " croquet.'\ This consists in placing his own ball (which he can touch with his hands for this purpose) in contact with the one roqueted (as soon as the latter stops rolling after being hit), and on whichever side of it he chooses, and then striking his own ball with his mallet, so as to move both of them, either in the same or in different directions according as they were placed and as the blow was struck. This is sometimes termed a " loose croquet " or a " ro- quet-croquet " to distinguish it from what is known as a " tight croquet,' or striking the ball when the player's foot is pressing it down. In this case the impulse from the blow of the mallet is communi- cated to the roqueted ball and the latter moves, while the ball actually struck remains still. The loose croquet is now oftener employed than the tight croquet, and in some associations the latter is no longer allowed. Each player can roquet and croquet every other ball in the field once (and only once) after every point (wicket or turning-stake) he makes. But of course this does not absolve him from making any of the wickets, it only enables him to get an opponent out of the way or to advance his own ball or that of his partner. After roqueting a ball the player is entitled to another shot, the same as if he had advanced a point. A ball ro- queted or croqueted through the wicket for which it is in play {i. Familiarize yourself with the bicycle by walking with it a few times around the room or over the road or wherever you are learning its management. Study it carefully, noting just how each part works and what it is intended to do. Then when you feel that you understand it thoroughly get on it as fol- lows : taking hold of the handle, run forward three or four steps with the machine, keeping on its right side ; then place your left foot on the step and, bal- ancing yourself well, throw the right foot over the wheel and, at the same time, lift yourself into the seat and place your feet on the pedals, grasp the handle and you are mounted and already riding. All of this has to be done very quickly and while the motion you imparted to it by running a few BICYCLING. 73 steps still lasts ; for the instant a bicycle stops it falls. It can only be kept upright by moving. But there is time enough to do it in if one does not lag. ing, a friendly wall at the right is serviceable in sav- ing falls. Once on the machine the pedals must be kept going in order to preserve that uprightness of 11 irl RESTING-PLACE. Whether or not this sounds easy, it is not so easy to accomplish it successfully the first time it is tried. A few efforts, however, will overcome the difficulties and make it seem a very simple affair. In practis- beanng which is mor^ essential to wheelmen than to any other class of .nankind. If, after you are on the bicycle, you feel yourself falling, turn the wheel in the direction of the threatened tumble, and if it 74 OUT- DOOR SPORTS FOR BOYS. does not check the toppling over, go down with the machine ; that is, on the same side as it inclines. By disengaging the leg nearest the ground, and ex- tending it, you will in all probability come down gently on that foot ; then disengage the other. To dismount, you must let the machine slow up and then as the left pedal is on the " long throw " (furthest down), step on it, throwing the right leg over the backbone,"and you are off. Any fair, hard even surface is suitable to ride on. In the large cities asphalt or macadamized pave- ments are the best ; in towns and rural districts a good country road will answer very well. Irregular surfaces are to be avoided as the jolts they occasion are apt to destroy the balance and so send rider and horse down. The balance is, of course, the great thing to be preserved. That is easily done, after a few trials, on ordinary occasions, but it is almost impossible to do so when either wheel strikes a small stone or other impediment in the road. When such an obstruction is encountered unexpectedly, and the rider is off his guard, it may send him off his wheel head foremost, the worst and most dan- gerous fall he can have. But if he has his eyes on the road, and sees his danger in time, he can, even if unable to avoid it, throw himself over sideways, and by extending his. leg and landing on his foot prevent any very serious mishap. Bicycling is so healthful and fine a pastime, and has become so favorite a recreation, that hundreds of clubs of wheelmen have been formed all over the country. They have their own rules, conventions, parades, tours and journals. So proficient have some become and so emulous are many of excelling one another that they have gradually raised the rec- ord until it now (1890) stands at two hundred and ten miles for a run of eighteen hours out of the twenty-four — an achievement of which they may well be proud, and which would have been regarded as impossible a dozen years ago. /lywkeiliirr! ound ar|d.rour[f% t^ioilt a aoiJi|d- TRICYCLING. 76 OUT-DOOR SPORTS FOR BOYS. SWIMMING. Swimming is the most aseful of all athletic ac- complishments, as by It human life is frequently saved which might have been sacrificed. It is also useful in the development of muscular strength, as well as highly beneficial to the nervous system. The art of swimming is by no means difficult of at- tainment, and many writers have supplied directions to facilitate its acquisition. Above all things, self- confidence (not rashness leading into danger) is re- quired ; for when this is possessed, all difficulty soon ceases. Dr. Franklin, himself an expert swim- mer, recommends that at first a familiarity with the buoyant power of water should be gained ; and to acquire this, he directs the learner, after advancing into the water breast high, to turn round, so as to bring his face to the shore ; he is then to let a white stone fall in the water, which will be seen at the bottom. His object must now be, by diving down with his eyes open, to reach and bring up the stone. He will easily perceive that there is no danger in this experiment, as the water gets shallower, of course, towards the shore, and because, whenever he likes, by depressing his feet, he can raise his head again above water. The beginner, in this initial experiment — for it is the very first lesson in swimming — will be forcibly struck by the difficulty he experiences in his attempt to get at the stone under water, in consequence of the resistance the water itself offers to his progress. He realizes at once, by actual experiment, that his body will not so readily sink as he imagined ; and this important fact inspires him at once with a de- gree of confidence at the very outset which is of it- self half the battle. He becomes aware of the great sustaining power of water, and learns how buoyant, his body can become in the water by a slight exei- tion of muscular force. Having thus learned this truth practically, and also- the great importance of always keeping his lungs well expanded with air, he will soon attain a practical knowledge of the other branches of the art. Should a person accidentall}' fall into the water, provided he retained his presence of mind, a knowl- edge of the above facts would save him probably from a " watery grave," even if he did not know how to swim. The body being but very slightly heavier than the volume of water it displaces, will, with a vetY slight motion of the hands under water, float. When the chest is thoroughly inflated with air, it is lighter than water, and floats naturally, having half the head above water ; so that the person exposed to danger has only to turn upon his back, in order that that half consisting of his face, with the mouth and nostrils, be above the water line. But to float thus upon the water, the greatest care must be taken not to elevate the arms or other parts above its sur- face ; and it is in remembering this caution that presence of mind in the time of danger confers so much benefit ; for in the moment of terror a person, thrown into the water, almost instinctively stretches out his hands aloft to grasp at some object, thereby depriving himself of the very means which would frequently keep him afloat until succor arrived. By elevating any part of the body in this way, we remove it from the support afforded by the water, and thus render sinking inevitable. So much for floating. Now for swimming. In the first place, never enter thewater within an hour of eating a meal, either before or after, especi- ally after. If you go into the water with a hungry stomach you withdraw from the digestive functior" valuable heat necessary to digest food ; while if you go in too soon after a full meal, digestion is im- peded, and still more serious results are likely to follow. Never enter the water when you feel cold or chilly, as you need all the heat of your system to produce the reaction from your first dip m the water. It is a very mistaken notion to enter cold water after a " cooling off " process. It is even worse than going in overheated. A man can jump into cold water while in a perspiration and experience no ill effects from it, provided he comes out of the water before a reaction is prevented. But to enter the water while he is cold, and lacks the natural heat to produce the reaction so essential to health in bath- ing, is to lose all benefit from the bath. The best aid a learner can have is that of an ex- perienced friend who can direct and criticise his efforts and lend assistance should it be necessarj^, but if no such friend is at hand let him advance gradually up to his arm-pits in the water, and then, turning about, strike slowly out towards the shore, taking care to keep his legs well up from the bottom- Rigid perseverance in this course will, in a very short time, enable him to feel himself afloat, and 78 OUT-DOOR SPORTS FOR BOYS. moving at "all fours " — a delight equal to that ex- perienced by the child who first feels that he can walk from chair to chair. In striking olif, the learner, having turned himself to the shore, as before recommended, should fall towards the water gently, keeping his head and neck perfectly upright, his breast advancing forward, his chest inflated ; then, withdrawing the legs from the bottom, and stretching them out, strike the arms forward in unison with the legs. The back can scarcely be too much hollowed, or the head too much thrown back, as those who do otherwise will swim with their feet too near the surface, instead of allow- ing them to be about a foot-and-half deep in the water. The hands should be placed just in front of the breast, the fingers pointing forward and kept close together, with the thumbs to the edge of the fore-fingers ; the hands must be made rather con- cave on the inside, though not so much as to dimin- ish the size. I n the stroke of the hands, they should be carried forward to the utmost extent, taking care that they do not touch the surface of the water; they should next be swept to the side, at a distance from, but as low as, the hips ; and should then be drawn up again, by bringing the arms towards the side, bending the elbows upwards and the wrists downwards, so as to let the hands hang down while the arms are raising them to the first attitude. The legs, which should be moved alternately with the hands, must be drawn up with the knees inwards, and the soles of the feet inclined outwards ; and they should then be thrown backwards, as widely apart from each other as possible. These motions of the hands and legs may be practised out of the water ; and whilst exercising the legs, which can only be done one at a time, the learner may rest one hanQ on the back of a chair to steady himself, while he moves the opposite leg. When in the water, the learner must take care to draw in his breath at the instant that his hands, descending to his hips, cause his head to rise above the surface of the water ; and he should exhale his breath at the moment his body is propelled forward through the action of the legs. If he does not attend precisely to these rules, he will invariably have a downward motion, and, as the boys say, swim furthest where it is deepest. When under the water, the swimmer may either move in the usual way, or keep his hands stretched before him, which will enable him to cut the water more easily, and greatly relieve his chest. If he ob- serves that he approaches too near the surface of the water, he must press the palms of his hands up- wards. If he wishes to dive to the bottom, he must turn the palms of his hands upwards, striking with them repeatedly and rapidly whilst the feet are re- posing ; and when he has obtained a perpendicular position, he should stretch out his hands like feelers, and make the usual movement with his feet, then he will descend with great rapidity to the bottom. It is well to accustom the eyes to open themselves under the water, at least in those beds of water that admit the light, as it will enable the swimmer to ascertain the depth of water he is in. To swim on the side, the body should be turned either on the left or right side, while the feet per- form their usual motions. The arm from unti^er the. shoulder stretches itself out quickly, at the same time that the feet are striking. The other arm strikes at the same time with the impelling of the feet. The hand of the latter arm begins its stroke on a level with the head. While the hand is again brought forward m a flat position, and the feet are contracted, the stretched-out hand is, while work- ing, drawn back towards the breast, but not so much impelling as sustaining. As swimming on the side presents to the water a smaller surface than on the SWIMMING. 79 waist, when rapidity is required, the former is often preferable to the latter. Treading water is a sort of perpendicular swim- ming and can be done in two ways. In the first the hands are compressed against the hips and the feet describe their usual circle. The other mode consists in not contracting both legs at the same time, but one after the other, so that while the one remains contracted the other describes a circle. In this mode, however, the legs must not be stretched out, but the thighs are placed in a distended posi- tion and curved as if in a half-sitting position. To swim dog-fashion each hand and foot should be alternately used. The hands, one after the other, are drawn towards the chin in a compressed form, and then expanded and slightly hollowed, with fingers close, and as they strike the water the feet are likewise drawn towards the belly and struck backwards with a kind of kick. In swimming on the back one should turn over in the water by the combined motion of the arm and leg, and then extend his body, his head being in a line with it, so that the back and upper part of the head may be immersed, while the face and breast are out of the water. The hands should be placed on the thighs straight down, and the legs moved as in forward swimming, taking care that the knees do not rise above the surface in striking them out. Sometimes the hands are used after the motion of a wing or fan, by which a slight progression is also made at the same time that the surface of the body is well lifted out of the water. To swim on the back without employing the feet, the body is placed in a horizontal position, the feet are stretched out stifHy, and the heels and toes are kept in contact ; then the body is to be somewhat curved at the seat, the hands are to be stretched flatly forward over the body, and slowly striking in small circles, the loins are somewhat drawn up at each stroke. This will move the body in the direc- tion of the feet. To go in an opposite direction, the body is placed horizontally, but somewhat curved in the seat, the head in its natural position, the arms are kept close to the body, with the elbows inclined inwards, and the hands describe small circles from the back to the front, at about a foot and a half from the hips. These modes serve to exercise and strengthen the arms in an extraor- dinary degree without in the least fatiguing the breast. In the thrust the swimmer lies horizontally upon his waist, and makes the common motions in swim- ming. He then simply stretches one arm forwards, as in swimming on the side, but remains lying upon the waist, and in a widely described circle, he car- ries the other hand, which is working under the breast, towards the hip. As soon as the arm has completed this motion, it is lifted from the water in a stretched position, and thrown forward in the greatest horizontal level, and is then sunk with the hand flat into the water ; while the swimmer thus stretches forth the arm, he, with the other hand , stretched as wide as possible, describes a small circle in order to sustain the body; after this he brings his hand in a largely described circle rapidly to the hip, lifts the arm out of the water, and thrusts it forward. During the describing of the larger circle the feet make their movements. To make the thrust beautifully, a considerable degree of practice is required. This mode of swimming is useful where a great degree of rapidity is required for a short distance. 8r OUT-DOOR SPORTS FOR BOYS. ROWING. It may be safely assumed that every boy who takes to rowing or sailing for amusement wishes to go fast ; now, every fast boat is more or less liable to be upset, even with the best and most skilful management ; and when a boat is upset, he who ■can swim laughs at the adventure ; he who cannot -swim is not only himself in danger, but endangers others, who feel obliged to risk their own lives in ■order to save his. Therefore, let every one learn to swim before he attempts either to row or sail in a fast boat ; he will then be able to enjoy the amuse- ment, and his friends on shore will feel at ease, and not wish to deter him. Having acquired this art, lie may safely proceed in learning to row and with it to learn the general management of a ^owing- l)oat. Boys at school and men at college can often row very well without being watermen — ^that is t& say, without understanding how the boat, the oars, the rudder, etc., ought to be fitted, or how to steer or manage a boat in difficulties, or how to rowex- cept in a boat and with an oar fitted exactly as it w^wr ought to be ; but let the beginner not follow this example — let him determine to learn how to detect and correct any fault in the fittings of a boat, and how to row under difficulties. Of course any one can row better in a properly-fitted boat than in one that is not so ; but grumbling at the boat and fit- tings is the sign of a greenhorn ; a good waterman should be able to row anywhere and anyhow, and at the same time should know how to make the best of a good boat and oars when he has got them. These arts are only to be acquired by rowing in all sorts of boats, by listening to what experienced oarsmen have to say on the subject, by always looking out to pick up something new and to learn something every day. And first let the beginner PAIR-OAR. FOUR-OAR. learn the names and use of every part of a boat and of its fittings. It should be borne in mind that in order to be- come a " first-rate oar " in the light crank boats now used for racing purposes, early hours, moderate diet, regular and vigorous exercise are imperative requirements, and success is only attainable by great perseverance, toil and self-denial. A terrible strain upon the muscular system is inseparable from a closely contested boat-race, and there is no hope of success except as a result of special training for the task. There is one special compensating result for the arduous character of the work, however, and that is that the prepa!ratury process is a sure pres- ervation from the dissipation incident to youth, for excellence in rowing is utterly incompatible with any form of vicious indulgence. LITTLE ROWERS ON THE RIVER. 82 OUT-DOOR SPORTS FOR BOYS. ♦ ^ ^ i ^H n ^^^4^^^^ 1 1 - -^ '^^^^^_:ilIIaBu^^^fe PRACIISING STROKE (l). Rowing-boats consist of the bows; the stem, or entrance ; the stern, where are the rudder and the lines for steering ; the rowlocks, for giving purchase to the oars ; and the thwarts, or seats. At the bot- tom are the foot-boards, which are easily removed in order to bail out any water which may leak into the boat. Besides these parts there is a board placed across the boat for the feet of the rower, called a stretcher. The whole boat is composed of one or more planks, called streaks, nailed upon a light oak framework, called the timbers, or ribs; and the upper streak, upon which the rowlocks are placed, is called the wale-streak. Boats with two rowlocks opposite each other are called sculling boats, and are propelled by a pair of light oars called sculls, the art being called "sculling." When a boat is fitted with a pair of rowlocks not opposite each other, it is called a pair-oared boat. If with two in the middle opposite each' other, and two others, one before and the other behind, but not opposite each other, it is called a randan. When a boat has four rowlocks, none of which are opposite one another, it is called a four-oared boat, and so on up to ten oars, which is the utmost limit in common use for any kind of boat but the pleas- ure barge, which sometimes has twenty-four oars, as in the city barges of London. The rowlock nearest the bow is called the bow rowlock, or No. i; the next No. 2, and so on ; and the oars used in them receive the same number, the one nearest the stern being called the " stroke oar." The rowlocks in river and sea boats are somewhat different in shape, though identical in principle, both consist- ing of a square space of about the breadth of a man's hand, and both lying on the wale-streak ; but in river boats they are generally bounded before and behind by a flat piece of oak or ash called, respec- tively, the thowl-pin and stopper; while in sea boats they are merely common round wooden pins dropped into holes made in the wale-streak, but still receiving the same names. The thowl-pin is for the purpose of pulling the oar against, while the stopper prevents the oar from slipping forward when the rower is pushing it in that direction after the stroke. When the rower rows with an oar in each hand, the oars are called sculls, and are shorter; when he uses only one oar, it is called an oar, and is about thirteen feet five inches long. The rower should, as far as possible, take some good oarsman for his model, and endeavor to imi- tate him in every respect, which is the only mode of acquiring a good style. Description is useful in putting the learner in the way of acquiring what is to be taught, but it is not all-sufficient for the pur- ROWING. 83 pose. In the first place, the learner should place himself square on the seat, with his feet straight before him, and the toes slightly turned out. The knees may either be kept together or separated considerably, the latter being the better mode, as it allows the body to come more forward over the knees. The feet are to be placed firmly against the stretcher, which is to be let out or shortened, to suit the length of the individual ; and one foot may be placed in the strap which is generally attached to the stretcher in modern boats. The oar is then taken in hand, raising it by the handle, and then either at once placing it in the rowlock, or else first dropping the blade flat on the water, and then rais- ing the handle it may gently be lowered to its place. The hands should both grasp the oar tight- ly, the thumbs being underneath the handle of the -i-a A SPILL. are extended, the knuckles will be uppermost. Put the oar into the water ivhe7t yoti have stretched forward as far as you can, and do this without splashing. Let the blade dip " crisply " and easily into the water. Then throw your shoulders back and pull the hands home close to the body just A SCRATCH EIGHT ("PEAL OF BELLS "). oar, not above it. Sit straight and upright, not lolling over the seat either forward or backward. When leaning forward to the stroke, separate the knees a little, and keep the arms straight, and do not move your hands at all, so that, when the arms FEATHER "UISDER" THE WATER. below the waist, elbows close to the sides. By keeping your hands tightly on the oar and pulling back, you will find the knuckles will naturally come down and the finger-tips up. Then by dropping the wrist neatly you will feather the oar (slip the blade out of the water edge upwards) without all that excessive wrist action which is so wearisome to a novice. Mind you pull hard from start to finish, and if you can continue the pull with the outside hand close to the side, you will get a longer stroke. Bring the oar out of the water smoothly and "cleanly," but do not jerk it up, or pull in " fits and starts." All rowing should be done regularly, in " time," and no good oarsman will pull himself back with his head in the air. Pull as far back as you can effectively ; but if you go too far, you lose " time," and the boat will roll from side to side as you resume your " pull." Rowing is done from the waist ; the seat and legs should be firm as possible, else the boat will roll. 84 OUT-DOOR SPORTS FOR BOYS. In " backing water " the reverse of these actions takes place. The oar is first reversed in the row- lock and then it is pushed through the water with as much power as is needed a.nA picHedthrough. the air. When the oars on one side are pulled and those on the other are backed, the boat is made to turn on its own water. " Holding water " is effected by the oars being held in the position of backing without rnoving them. The essential points in rowing are: ist, To straighten the arms before bending the body for- ward ; 2d, to drop the oar cleanly into the water : them, and called backing w^ter, when the boat re- cedes ; or by pulling one side only, on which the boat describes a segment of a circle, which is made smaller by pulling one oar, and backing the other. By means of a rudder the boat is made to take a certain course, independent of the rowers, called " steering," the chief art in which consists in keep- ing the rudder as still as possible, by holding the lines " taut," and avoiding pulling them from one side to the other more than is absolutely necessary. It is not a difficult matter to steer, but there are a few instructions to be attended to. First, the po- AN AMERICAN RACE. 3d, to draw it straight through at the same depth ; 4th, to feather neatly, and without bringing the oar out before doing so ; 5th, to use the back and shoulders freely, keeping the arms' as straight as possible ; and 6th, to keep the eyes fixed upon the rower before them, avoiding looking out of the boat, by which means the body is almost sure to swing backward and forward in a straight line. Every boat without a rudder is manoeuvred in the water, either by pulling both sides alike, in which case it progresses in a straight line, or by revers- ing the action of the oars, equally on both sides, pushing them through the water instead of pulling sition of the coxswain should be easy with legs crossed at the ankles so as to separate the knees. Grasp the lines firmly so that you can "feel" the tiller ; a turn of the line round the hands will give the necessary hold. (It is a good plan to fasten the lines round you in front.) Lean forward a trifle as the boat is pulled. The right-hand line will steer to the right, and left to the left, but in all cases steer "small." Do not by a long pull at the lines turn the boat far to either side. Look well ahead and give room for the oars or sculls near a bank. In going up stream keep out of the current under the bank, and keep inside descending boats. ROWING. 85. permitting' towing and following boats to go inside of you. In descending keep the centre of the river where the stream is usually strongest. The great- est pull should be on your " lines " when the oars are out of the water ; such a course will lighten the rowers' labor. Due allowance should be made for the breeze by keeping the boat's head out, and put the boat's head up to the " wash " when a steamer has passed. When a crew are steered by a competent cox- over the boat, being able to cause her to be rowed slowly or quickly, or to be stopped, backed or turned on her own centre. It is very essential that a boy should be able to scull neatly, and this is only done by practice. The first thing is to pull so that your sculls shall not "jam " your fingers together, and this can be obvi- ated by the beginner by pulling one hand a trifle behind the other, till, when you lean back, you naturally separate the hands ; or, better still, shift A GENERAL VIEW OF THE HENLEY REGATTA, LONDON. swain, they ought to be perfectly obedient to his commands, rowing exactly as he tells them. His orders are communicated by the following words, viz.: when desiring his crew to row he says, "Pull all ; " or if wishing any one oar to be pulled, he says, " Pull bow," or " Pull, No. 3," or 4, etc., as the case may be. If they are to stop rowing he says, " Easy all," or for any one oar, " Easy bow," or No. 2. The same kind of order is conveyed when " backing " or " holding water " is desired ; the only variation, as before, being between confining his order to any one or more oars, or extending it to all. In this way all the evolutions practicable on the water are managed, and the coxswain has complete control the body an inch or two to either side, and the hands will clear each other. In beginning the pull, lean well forward, dip both sculls at once and to the same depth', and not too deep, in the water. The only difficulty is in the meeting of the hands, and this got over, as explained, the sculler will pull his elbows to his hips and his hands just below the chest. Feather by slightly lowering the wrists (if necessary), and by a quick recovery of the body lean forward with straightened arms. Let arms and body work together like machinery all the time. Jerking will never do. Smoothness and steadi- ness are essential to the sculler as well as to the- S6 OUT-DOOR SPORTS FOR BOYS. SAILING. Any object floating on the water will have a tendency to drift before the wind ; but a boat, with its scientifically constructed hull, sails and rudder, can be so guided as to sail with the wind on her quarter or abeam, or even close-hauled, as it is called — that is, with the wind meeting her at an angle of about forty-five degrees. Fig. I represents the deck plan of a boat sailing close-hauled under two sails. The sails a and b are drawn aft with the sheets (ropes) till they form an .acute angle with the line of the keel. The wind, •«# whose direction is indicated by /the arrow w, strikes the sails at a very acute angle, so that they do not shake, but are just full. The result of this pressure on the sails is that the boat is pro- pelled forward and also side- ways away from the wind, mak- ing leeway, as it is called. If a boat has a deep keel, her lateral (or side) resistance to the water will cause the leeway to be insignificant. If the boat is of very shallow draught and so offers little lateral resistance to the water, she will not go ahead at all, and the entire force of the wind will be expended in driving her bodily to leeward. Lee-boards and centre-boards are fitted to shal- low boats in order to obviate this. The pressure of the wind on the sails, in addition to producing the above effects, heels a boat over. A sailing-boat is so constructed as to resist this tendency to capsize. Either she is made narrow and deep and is weighted with ballast as far as pos- sible below the water-line, or she is shallow but of considerable beam (width). The deep and weighted boat will heel over more readily than the beamy shallow boat, but the further she heels the greater pressure of wind is necessary to make her heel still more, for the leverage of her ballast increases as ■she heels, and many boats with lead upon their keels are practically uncapsizable. On the .other hand, the beamy shallow boat does not heel so readily, but after she has heeled to a certain angle she will capsize. The pressure of the wind on the sails not only propels, drives to leeward and heels over a boat, but, unless the sails are absolutely balanced, it tends to turn her in one direction or the other. In Fig. I we have a boat with two sails. If the after sail is the more powerful, it is obvious that the wind will drive round that sail and the stern of the boat with it in the direction of the arrow C, while the head of the boat will run up into the wind. If, on the other hand, the head sail be the more powerful of the two, the bow will be driven off the wind and the boat v/ill bear away. The sails of a boat should be so balanced that she has a slight tendency to run into the wind; and to counteract this weather-helm as it is called, the steersman will have to keep the rudder slightly to leeward of the line of the keel. If a boat carrying weather-helm be left to her own devices in a squall she will at once do the right thing, luff up into (point towards) the wind and be in safety; whereas a boat with too much head-can- vas and carrying lee-helm will run off her course and put herself in a dangerous position. A boat should notgrz'pe — that is, carry too much weather-helm — for steering will then be very hard and the rudder, forced far over to counteract the helm, will act as a serious drag in the water. In balancing the sails, it must be remembered that the further out a sail is on an extremity of a boat, the greater its effect in driving that end of the boat off the wind. Sometimes a vessel's sails are not properly bal- anced because the ballast has not been stowed in the right place. It is evident, for instance, that if ballast be shifted aft the weather-helm will be diminished, for the stern of the boat will draw more water and so offer more lateral resistance, whereas the stem (bow) of the boat will draw less water and will therefore be more easily blown round. A centre-board, again, is generally placed well for- ward, as it is found that when this is lowered the weather-helm of the boat is considerably increased. It has been explained that a boat properly con- structed and rigged can sail within forty-five de- grees of the wind. Now, if it be desired to sail to some point more directly to windward than this, what is called tacking becomes necessary. This consists of sailing a certain distance close hauled SAILING. 87 with the wind on one side, and then turning round and sailing close hauled with the wind on the other side. A zigzag course is thus taken, each tack being at about right angles to the last. One diagram of Fig. 2 illustrates the process of tacking with the wind right ahead, and in the other diagram the wind is a point or two off, so that one tack is longer than the other, there being, in sailor language, a short leg and a long leg. That the action of the rudder, when forced over till it is at an angle with the keel, is to act as a drag on that side and so deflect the boat's course, is plain enough. But it is not so obvious a fact that this action of the rudder in turning the boat is not '^., .0/ to turn her bow round through the water, but to push the stern sideways while the bow is almost at a standstill. For the centre of rotation of a boat — that is, the imaginary pivot on which she turns — is always well forward. In Fig. 3 A is the centre of rotation. So when the rudder is put over to the right, the boat will re- volve on the pivot A till she is in the position in- dicated by the dotted lines. It will be observed that the stern has moved about twice as far as the bow. The further forward the centre of rotation the greater will this disproportion be. It is very important to remember this effect when sailing very near any object, such as a buoy, for while steering so as to turn the boat's head away from the object and avoid it, the stern is made to FIG. 3. approach the object, and the very action that seems calculated to prevent a collision may become the cause of one. Having shown what are the relations of the sails, hull and rudder of a boat to the wind and water, and explained how a vessel requires either ballast or beam to prevent the wind from capsizing her, and needs draught to in- crease her lateral resistance and prevent her from being blown to leeward, it re- mains to add that the lon- gitudinal resistance to the water must be diminished / as much as possible, so that 1 the boat can slip easily *' through the water and travel with speed. For this reason a sharp stem is put on a vessel, so that she can open a way for herself through the water like a wedge, and she is given what is called a fine ru7t aft, so that her stern will not drag heavily. Again, the larger the area of the boat's greatest cross-section (Fig. 4), the more resistance that re- sults and the slower she will travel. The area of the cross-section is diminished by making a boat of narrow beam, while the necessary displacement is obtained by increased length and depth. Now, the difficulty arises that most of the quali- ties that insure speed in a boat have a tendency to lessen her stability and even her lateral resistance^ It follows that, while constructing a boat, a com- promise has to be made between these three ; and the problem of how to produce the fittest craft becomes a very complicat- ed one that has never been solved yet and probably never will be. Thus a long, narrow, shal- low boat will run the fastest before the wind, but she will not turn to windward at all and will capsize with great ease. FIG. 4. As it is recognized that beam is opposed to speed, it has long been the fashion in England to con- struct racing yachts extremely narrow and of great draught. Such boats do attain speed, but at the expense of all comfort and when a heavy sea is running go through it instead of over it. To come to the opposite extreme, there is the 88 OUT-DOOR SPORTS FOR BOYS. flat-bottomed very shallow and very beamy craft, with a deck plan not unlike a flat-iron — a veritable skimming-dish. Provided with a centre-board, such a boat is well adapted for shallow and sheltered waters. The centre-board can be raised while crossing a shoal and the boat will then draw only as many inches as a deep-keel boat of her size would draw feet. She will be very fast in smooth water, but in rough water she will pound heavily into the seas and, having no good hold of the water and little momentum, will lose her headway and soon prove dangerous. For real comfort and seaworthiness — and some now maintain for racing purposes as well — a boat that is something between these two extremes answers the best ; that is, a boat that is moderately beamy and has a moderate draught of water. This compromise between the deep-keel and the centre- board types of boat has long been popular in America, and probably the victories of our yachts , constructed on these principles over the English crack deep-keelers will gradually modify British views on this subject. Most Englishmen maintain that a long hole through the bottom of a boat must weaken ^her; that the great strain ! of the centre- board, concentrated as it is on one small portion of the keel, must render a large craft thus fitted ill- adapted to buffet with a really heavy sea. American builders, on the other hand, emphatically deny that a centre-board is a cause of weakness and point to our stanch pilot vessels and trading schooners, which are all provided with centre-boards and which are exposed to every sort of weather. It is unnecessary to dwell on this controversy; for though there is much divergence of opinion as regards large craft, there can be no question as to the advantages of fitting centre-boards into many kinds of small craft, especially in those that are intended for river sailing. The theory of sailing thus set forth applies to boats with one sail as well as those with two, and to the smallest as well as to the largest. Row-boats are often fitted with a movable mast so as to be used for sailing as well as rowing. Or a clever boy can put up a mast for himself and rig a sail that will answer his purpose as well as a more expensive craft. A block with a hole in it just large enough to rest the foot of the mast should be securely fas- tened in the bottom of the boat well forward. Di- rectly over this, from gunwale to gunwale, a board should be nailed, with a similar hole for the mast to pass through so as to steady it. This mast and its accompanying sail can thus be easily slipped out and placed in the bottom of the boat during a calm or when one wishes to row, and put up again if a breeze springs up. A rudder can be readily shaped out of any flat piece of board — or the steering at a pinch can be done by an oar. When a sail-boat is thus improvised out of a row-boat, a " false keel " should be attached by fastening a long board edge- wise to the bottom of the boat. It is taken for granted that no boy, or man either for that matter, will start out in such a boat or in any boat until he has learned its practical manage- ment from an experienced sailor. One lesson will not suffice ; he must have had many lessons before he can safely trust himself alone in a boat. The first time he attempts the management himself his teacher should be with him to aid him by sugges- tions and to lend a hand if needed. Water is so uncertain an element ; storms may arise so suddenly that only a thorough master of seamanship should venture any distance from shore in a sailing vessel of any description. Npt only should one understand how to sail a boat before attempting to do so by himself, he ought also to learn to swim before going on the water at all. The art is so easily acquired that there is little or no excuse for any one's remaining in ignorance of it. However good a sailor the mas- ter of the boat may be, it is always possible for accidents to occur, and then a knowledge of swim- ming may enable one to save the lives of others as well as his own life. Therefore, the two most im- portant rules for the would-be yachtsman to observe are : first, learn to swim before going into any boat ; and secondly, learn how to manage a boat before assuming charge of it. CANOEING. 89 CANOEING. Despite the assertion of even so great an au- thority as Mr. Macgregor, whose name has now be- come a household word, canoeing is an amusement that must necessarily involve a considerable amount of danger and ought to be indulged in by no one who has not, according to the school phrase, passed in swimming. Whether or not it is a very comfortable means of locomotion is purely a matter is to be accounted for, and must receive as much consideration as the baggage that is to be carried. Oak is the best wood that can be used, with the top streak of mahogany and the deck of fine cedar. These were the materials of the Rob Roy (Mr. Mac- gregor's famous boat), and as her weight with all her fittings was only 71 lbs., it would be unreasona- ble to want one lighter; indeed, for anything like of personal feeling; but in face of the fact that the American and English canoe clubs now number many hundreds of members it is only fair to sup- pose that those who venture enjoy the mode of lo- comotion. In having a canoe built, it is a matter of consider- able moment that in certain portions of its frame- work it should be constructed for and peculiarly adapted to the particular person who is going to use it. The length of the foot decides the height the canoe should be from keel to deck ; the length of the legs the space required for the " well ; " while the weight, of course, decides the displacement that knocking about, flimsy canoes are utterly and entirely useless and only aggravate the labor of paddling. The length over all should be 14 feet ; beam, 26 inches ; depth, from top of deck to bottom of keel, 12 inches, though towards the gunwale this is reduced to Z% inches. The well should be 33 inches long and 20 broad, and protected by a comb- ing of oak half an inch in height. If the canoe is intended for travelling purposes, the beam should be 6 inches abaft midships ; so that when stores, provisions, sails and so on are stowed away for- ward it brings the craft to very nearly an even keel. Otherwise, it should only be i foot abaft 90 OUT-DOOR SPORTS FOR BOYS. midships. The boards that compose the floor, and on which you have to sit, resting your back against the baclcboard, are about two feet long, and are fitted so that the knees just touch the combing, while the heels are against the footboard on the keel, thus obviating the discomfort that would fol- low on having to keep the legs stretched out straight at full length. As it is taken for granted that no one would think of going to the expense of having a canoe built without securing the ser- vices of some one who could supply him with the many minor details that it would be im- possible to give here, less important matters need not be entered into ; only it should be added that a comfortable backboard, after the following pat- tern, goes a long way to lightening the labor of pad- dling. It should be made of two strips of oak, i8 while — in fact, until he is thoroughly at home in his craft and the way to manoeuvre her. Spruce-fir is the best wood of which to have it made, as it com- bines lightness and durability, two qualities that can be readily appreciated after a day's locomotion. The action, though it may not be violent, except in currents and so on, is very fatiguing, owing to the motion the body takes from side to side. At the same time, practice will prove to the novice that he requires to move but very little from one side to the other. There can of course be no harm in hav- ing a mast fitted to your canoe, and as soon as you feel capable of the risk, set it up, hoist your sail and — be prepared to capsize. This latter alternative is only added by way of warning. With caution nothing of the sort need happen, for the stiffness of canoes under sail in a strong wind and heavy inches long, 23^ inches wide, arched by two cross- pieces, one of which should be grooved, so as to rest on the combing, and work after the fashion of a hinge, it being fastened thereon by a stout cord. The result is that the muscles down the back are supported and rested while the spine is left free. The greatest possible care should be taken in se- lecting the apron, which is too often left to the last moment and chosen in a hurry. Being in- tended to prevent the water making its way over the deck into the well, and at the same time to avoid being fastened in any way likely to impede the canoeist in case of an upset, it may readily be understood that it requires nice discrimination and handiwork. It should fit close to him — in short, he should be measured for it as for a coat. The novice in canoeing should be content with propelling himself by the aid of his paddle for a weather has been satisfactorily proved on more than one occasion. In learning the management of a canoe practical instruction is as indispensable as in all other kinds of boats and in most occupations and amusements of life. A few hints, however, may be of service and are therefore given. First. It is almost absolutely necessary that the canoeist should learn to swim. An upset in a canoe is not a pleasant thing, and at any rate a knowledge of swimming is always useful. Therefore learn to swim. Secondly. On entering the canoe, be steady. Step into it in the centre, and put the feet down quietly. You can then seat youself slowly, keeping the body as straight as possible, and then straight- ening the legs. Thirdly. Hold the paddle ^rwz/c — a slip may be CANOEING. 91 fatal ; hands not too far apart. A steady stroke is necessary at first; afterwards you can try quick paddling. No nervousness or sudden jerking must enter into catioeing work. Perfect self-possession and movement only of the arms, till practice has made you perfect, are strictly enjoined. Have an attendant at first ; it will give you confidence, and his instruction will be of much assistance. Do not overdo your first trials, and look well ahead for snags and other partly submerged obstructions, which to a beginner appear sometimes formida- ble. Lastly. Practise. Let the blade of the paddle drop into the water as near the side of the canoe as you can, but not deep in the water, and go ahead with a long and steady " draw." The true canoeist must not only learn how to paddle and how to sail ; for paddling and sailing, to quote the words of an expert " are only branch- es of canoeing. He must learn to be a boat- builder, for he may at any time have to repair his own canoe himself. He must learn to be a sail- maker, for he will always be trying to make im- provements in the rig of his canoe. He must learn to cook — in which science are included the prob- lems of building a fire with wet wood and of find- ing provisions in a wilderness. He must learn geography with a minuteness with which only the man can learn who personally explores streams on which no boat except a canoe, has ever float- ed. He must learn the art of running rapids and detecting at a glance where the channel through them lies — an art, which, more than any other art or any known science, develops decision of character. He must learn that wet and cold and heat and damp are of no consequence, and can even be made sources of delight. And, above all, he must learn to bear with the infirmities of the canoeist who cruises in company with him, and never to shirk his rightful turn of duty in connec- tion with scouring the frying-pan." The canoeist is at once the captain, pilot, crew, steward and cook of his little craft all in one. He paddles when not sailing ; steers with his feet, trims the sails when not paddling, and, in fact, he is " monarch of all he surveys " from the seat in the centre of his canoe. The sport is a most healthful one and can be enjoyed from May to September in the Eastern States and Canada, and nearly all the year round in the South. 92 OUT-DOOR SPORTS FOR BOYS. MINIATURE YACHTING. The building of miniature yachts, together with the rigging and sailing of them on the park, ponds of our large cities, has come to be as favorite a pastime with American boys as it is on the park ponds in London. It affords the most exciting kind of sport to the boys, and in itself is a recre- ation which presents an ample field for the de- velopment of mechanical skill and ingenuity in the construction of the little vessels, besides which it fosters a love of yachting, and it is very instruc- tive in affording information in the building of model yachts and in the method of sailing them. At the Brooklyn Prospect Park the sixty-acre lake is set apart for the use of owners of miniature yachts, and it is surprising how many " old salts " there are, who have for years been to sea in the mercantile marine, and who take interest in these miniature yacht races, teaching the boys how to sail their yachts, besides helping them to con- struct them. At Conservatory Lake at Central Park, New York, too, these little yachts are al- lowed to sail. The sport has come from England, where miniature yachting is quite a feature of the sports of London boys. In fact, the little yacht regattas which take place on the Serpentine Lake in Hyde Park each summer are quite important events. The Royal Model Yacht Club is presided over by the Prince of Wales, and the royal family generally have taken great interest in the pro- ceedings on these occasions. Some of the yachts belonging to this club are valued at ^looo, and yet they do not exceed five feet in length. The regattas are sailed for twelve guinea cups, and the events are quite exciting at times. There are over a dozen of these model yacht clubs in London, and the leading club, learning of the establishment of a similar organization in New York not long ago, sent a communication over to New York desiring information looking to an international contest with miniature yachts. The subject may seem a trifling one at a cursory glance, but the influence of these miniature yacht associations in cultivating a taste for nautical knowledge, and especially in giv- ing opportunities for testing new models, is such as to make the organizations worthy of support and encouragement. FISHING. 93 FISHING, In days gone by, with rare exceptions, the Ameri- can angler was a mere novice in the Waltonian art. A bamboo cane, a thirty-foot line, a simple leaden sinker, and a couple of common hooks attached to years ago a boyish sport has become a pastime as popular with the wealthy and cultivated class of American society as it is in England. Here in America we have an immense advantage in pisca- torial resources over every other nation in the world, inasmuch as the extent of our country and its range of climate admits of fishing all the year round. Our ardent anglers can throw their lines for game fish from January to De- cember, in either one State or the other of our great republic. Hence, our facilities for game fishing are greater than in any other land on the face of the globe. Salmon in the Penobscot in Maine, muscalonge in the large lakes, striped bass on the shores of the Atlantic at Newport and other : watering-places, and "sheeps- ^.: 2 _ head" and " snappers" in the ^, Florida bays, are among the , ^c£f largest of our American r- game fish, the salmon - ''^■■" .„ ranging as high as forty ^. pounds, muscalonge at times reaching a weight of as much as .J^ cord snells, composed the "'■' outfit of the old amateur fisherman. This majority class of the angling fraternity of some twenty-five years ago used to smile rather superciliously at the expen- sive rods, the delicate lines, the vari- <;ty of hooks and the elaborate prepa- '"''-'s., rations generally made by the scientific '\'s!^'':. and practised angler to tempt game fish ,.-'' from their native element. Now all this is .^'il— — '^ changed. Angling has become an art as much practised in this country as in Eng- land. We have our anglers' clubs and our fisher- men tourists, who make the sport a specialty. We now also have our regular seasons for the vari- ous kirds of game fish, and what was some twenty fifty pounds, and the large bass frequently turning the scale at seventy or eighty pounds ; while the . Southern sheepshead will range in the twenties and snappers exceed at times that weight. Then to 94 OUT-DOOR SPORTS FOR BOYS. these monsters for line fishing are to be added the angler's pets — the beautiful and palatable brook trout and the river bass — together with the weak- jish and the infinite variety of fish for sea-coast anglers ; while the lakes provide an abundance of pickerel, black bass, perch, etc. In catching these game fish, rods and tackle of infinite variety are used, from the heavy salmon and bass rod to the delicate, whip-like rod of the trout-fly fisherman. Fishing rods are made of bamboo cane, hazel, hickory and other kinds of wood. They are of different lengths, some fitted as walking-sticks and others made to pack in canvas bags. The bamboo ones are the best for general angling; but those made of white cane are much superior for fine fish- ing, being very light in weight and at the same time very stiff. In choosing a rod, observe that it is perfectly straight when all the joints are put together and that it gradually tapers from the butt to the top, and is from twelve to sixteen feet long. A bad rod is likely to snap in striking a heavy fish. Rods fitted with several tops are at once the best and most convenient. Some anglers have one rod for trolling, another for barbel, perch or other heavy fish, as well as one for fly-fishing, but a thoroughly good rod will answer as well for all purposes. A good trolling rod should be made of the choi- cest stout and well-seasoned bamboo cane, from fourteen to sixteen feet in length. When trolling with the gorge, or live-bait fishing, a long rod is necessary, to enable the angler to drop in his baited hook over high sedges, rushes, etc., as also when the water is bright, for he should then keep as far away from it as he can, which a long rod enables him to do while dipping, casting or spinning his bait. If either a jack or pike see him, it is very rare indeed that it will take the bait ; and again, with a long rod you will be able to drop your baited hock in some very likely place for jack or pike, such as a small hole, division or clear place among a bed of weeds, in a river or any other water where there are any weeds. There is some difference of opinion among an- glers about the number of rings necessary for troll- ing rods ; those who have their line on a thumb- winder, or on a bank-runner, seldom place more than two or three rings on their rod, and others have only one large ring at the top ; but if a winch is used, there should be a ring to every joint includ- ing the butt ; make each ring of double twist wire, fixed so as always to stand out, and nearly large enough to admit the top of your little finger ; the top joint should have two rings, the top one nearly three times the size of the others; this prevents any obstruction of the line running, which is of material consequence. When not in use, rods should be kept nicely stowed in a moderately dry place, and they ought to be well scraped and re- varnished every three years; should the joints be- come loose by shrinking, they should be slightly moistened. Should any accident befall a rod while fishing, and you should not have a spare top with you, your only remedy will be to splice your rod. To do this the ends of the broken pieces for about two inches must be laid parallel to each other, and then tightly bound together with waxed silk or very strong yellow hempen twine. Next to the rod the line is of the utmost impor- tance. Good lines should be well twisted. The twisted lines should be made wholly of silk, or silk hair, but those made of gut are the strongest and best for young anglers; the twisted hair are the cheapest, and the single horsehair the finest. The young angler will find a line of about four yards in length the most useful. A single gut line, with a small porcupine float, is commonly useful for general fishing; the plaited silk lines are the best for trolling, and are less inclined to break or tan- gle than the twisted. The line must be shotted that the float may par- tially sink in the water; and in putting on the shots place them altogether within three inches of the bottom loop of the line ; to which loop fix the loop of the hair or gut to which the hook is tied. When you make a line of silk, gut or hair, remember it must be always finest at the bottom, where the hook is fastened, very gradually increas- ing in thickness to the top. There are vari- ous kinds of floats, each adapted for . different kinds of fishing. The prin- cipal are (i) tip- capped floats, (2) cork floats and (3) plugged floats. The tip-capped floats are made of several pieces of quills, or of reed for the middle and ivory FISHING. 95 or tortoise shell for the top and bottom, and nar- row at each end, gradually increasing in circumfer- ence to the middle. They are superior to all others for angling in waters which are not very rapid, particularly in roach fishing, as the least movement or fine bite sinks them below the water. Cork floats are generally made of quills at the top, with a piece of cork, which is burned or bored in the middle to admit the quill and then filed or ground down smooth and painted. The bottom is plugged with wood and has a ring to allow the line to pass through. Cork floats are most suitable for fishing in heavy or rapid streams, as they require a great many shot to sink them and this weight of shot prevents the baited hook from passing too rapidly over the bottom. They are of various sizes and forms ; instead of common quills the quills of the porcupine are sometimes introduced and these make an excellent strong float. A tapering cork is usually preferable to a round one. The cheapest floats are the plugged ones. They are made of in- different quills, some of them of one goose quill with a wooden plug at the bottom from which they take their name. There is little to recommend them excepting their cheapness as, they easily loosen by the plug coming out and so cause a good deal of annoyance. A reel or winch is a most necessary addition to the rod and line, as it enables you to vary the length of your line at pleasure, and to play your fish. The best winches are those made to be fixed in a groove on the rod, and which are fastened with brass ferrules made for the purpose on the butt, because you can fast- en such a winch to any sized joint. There are three kinds of winches, check, multi- pliers and plain ; the multiplying winch is apt soon to get out of order, unless carefully and constantly oiled, and is otherwise the least efficient and most expensive of the three. Young anglers are recom- mended, at first, to purchase a plain and strong winch, which will answer every purpose, and be much less expensive. A check winch is, however, the best. Reel lines are mostly made of silk and horsehair, twisted or plaited together, but some are made en- tirely of silk. The latter is preferable, as it is less likely to twist, runs more freely and is not so apt to rot. The length of lines varies from fifteen to eighty yards ; but for general purposes thirty or five-and-thirty yards is quite long enough. The line should always be unwound after a day's fishing, as, if it is allowed to remain wet on the reel, it soon rots. Hooks can be bought of all sizes, suitable for every kind of fish to be caught. There are many controversies among adept anglers about them, and these are sometimes as violent as those upon politics or religion. The hooks found most suit- able for the following fish are these : Barbel, 1,7, 8, 9. Bleak, 11, 11, 13. Bream, 10. Carp, 7, 8, 9. Chub, 8, 9. Dace, 10, II, 12. Eels, 8. Flounders, 3. Grayling, 10, 12. Gudgeon, 9, 10. Loaches, 13. Miller's thumb, 13, Minnow, 13. Perch, 7. Roach, 10, II, 12. Rudd, 10. Ruffe, 10. Smelt, 9, 10. Tench, 9, lo. Trout, 6, 10. To bait a hook with a worm, use the following method : First enter the point of the hook close to the top of the worm's head, and carry it care- fully down to within a quarter of an inch of its tail ; to do which you must gently squeeze or work up the worm with your left thumb and finger, while with your right you are gradually working the hook downwards. The small lively piece of the worm at the point of the hook moving about will entice the fish ; but, mind, if too much of the worm hangs loose, though it may entice fish to nibble, j'et they will seldom take the whole in their mouth, so as to enable the angler to hook them ; on the contrary, he is frequently tantalized with a bite, and, when he strikes, finds part of his worm gone, and his fish too. Therefore, to bait a hook well with a worm is necessary to insure hooking a fish when you strike ; and it consists in drawing the worm without injuring it (use him as you would a friend, Walton says) quite over and up the shank of the hook, leaving only a small lively part of the tail below. If you bait with half a worm, choose the tail end, and enter the point of the hook into the top part, and bring it down nearly to tne end of the tail, leaving only a very small piece of it loose. If you bait with two worms on the same hook, draw the. first up above the shank, while you put the second on in the same manner as directed with one worm, but enter the hook near the tail of the second worm ; then draw the first one down on the second over the shank of the hook, and all will g6 OUT-DOOR SPORTS FOR BOYS. then be well covered, and the bait will be a very bon-bon for perch, chub, carp, barbel and all large fish ; but when angling for gudgeon and other small fish half a red worm is sufficient, and the tail end is best. If blood-worms are used, put on two or three, in doing which be tender, or you will burst them. BAITS. The principal baits are : 1. The Lob-worm. 2. The Brandling. 3. The Marsh-worm. 4. The Tagtail. 5. The Ash-grub. 6. Cowdung bait. 7. Caterpillars. 8. Cabbage-worms. 9. Crab-tree-worms. 10. Gentles. 11. Cad-worms. 13. Flag-worms. 13. Grasshoppers. 14. Wasp-grub. 15. Cockchafers. 16. Bread paste. 17. Cheese paste. To scour and preserve worms the angler should provide himself with a quantity of fresh moss. Wash out all the earth and squeeze it, but not too dry ; then put it into a jar and squeeze it lightly down and throw in the worms upon it. The jar should be kept in a cool place in summer and the moss changed once in three or four days. The landing-hook or gaff is a large hook, which is sometimes barbed like a fish-hook, and sometimes plain, fastened to one end of a handle ; this latter is occasionally composed of several pieces, which run one into' another, like the slides of a telescope. A landing-net is a small net mounted on an iron ring, which is fastened, like the landing-hook, to the end of a handle or pole. The clearing-line is made of several yards of strong small cord, to the end of which is fastened a heavy ring of lead or brass. If the hook should get fast in a heavy weed, post or anything else, this ring is put over the butt of the rod, and suffered to slip down the line to the hook. The rod should be held in the right hand, the top pointing downwards, the clearing-line in the left; the ring falling on the hook, from its weight, generally clears the hook from what it may have struck against. If not, the angler should hold the rod firmly and draw the line sideways and break away. In this case, the angler seldom loses more than a hook, if he acts as above directed ; but without the assistance of a clearing- line he frequently loses his float as well as his hook and line, and sometimes breaks his top joint. The brass clearing-rings are to be preferred because they are jointed, and in consequence can be used when the angler has a winch in his rod, in which case the leaden ring could not be passed over the winch. The drag is a piece of iron with three or four stout wire hooks without barbs, placed back to back, fastened to a strong cord line, and which is used to draw away weeds. The bank-runner is mostly used in the day-time, when the angler is fishing for roach, barbel, etc. It is stuck in the bank, the bottom being strong turned wood, sharpened for the purpose, with a winder at the top for the line, which should be from forty to sixty yards long, made of silk, thin cord, or plaited Dutch twine. But there should be a cork and bullet to the line, and the bait a dace or gudgeon, which should swim about mid-water. The disgorger is an instrument with a forked top, about six inches long, made of iron, brass or bone. Its use is to get the hook from a fish when swal- lowed ; and in using it the forked end is thrust down upon the swallowed hook with one hand, while the line is held tight with the other : pressure disgorges the hook, and it is then easily drawn out. In attempting to get a gorged hook from a fish without this instrument, you run a hazard of break- ing the hook and hurting yourself. When the fish is hooked through the lip, the angler has only to hold the fish steadily m one hand, while with the other he carefully disengages the hook. ANGLING AXIOMS. 1. Never fish any water without leave from the proprietor, unless it be water that is free to all comers. 2. Never use unfair bait, or attempt to take fish in any but a fair and sportsman-like manner. 3. Never start on a day's fishing without first con- sidering the wind, weather and water. 4. Never let your shadow fall on the water. 5. Use the finest tackle of which your fishing will admit. 6. Never begin bottom fishing without first plumbing the depth. 7. Never intrude upon another fisherman's water. 8. And always remember that nothing is lost by politeness. BOWLING. 97 BOWLING. Though bowling in reality is an in-door game, yet it is so active an exercise and is practised so much more by boys and men than by girls and women, that it is thought it should properly find a a place in this volume. It is by no means, however, exclusively a masculine amusement. Girls and women belong to many bowling-clubs and enjoy the sport almost, if not quite, as much as do their brothers and husbands. But the sterner sex forms undoubtedly a majority of bowlers, and so the game is placed among the boys' pastimes. Fifty years ago it was the most popular sport for once more established in public favor, and it has become a feature of fashionable recreation at the prominent watering-places in summer and in the cities during the winter. There is but one draw- back to it, and that is that it exercises the muscles of one side of the body too much, especially those of the right side of the chest and right arm. When either arm can be used with equal facility, the sport is a valuable exercise for health. A bowling-alley is usually about sixty feet long and about five feet wide. It should be made of very hard wood and be perfectly level. At each an all-the-year-round game in our large cities. Es- pecially was it a favorite in New York, where in 1840 there was scarcely a block on Broadway, from Barclay to Bleecker Street, which had not its bowl- ing alley. American bowling differs from the old English game of "skittles," which was played on an alley on which nine pins were laid in diamond form. This game came under the ban of the law in this country years ago, during a Puritan crusade against " ye wicked sport of bowling," and the law was evaded by substituting ten pins, set up on a triangle instead of a diamond, and now this is the "scientific" game of bowling. Twenty-odd years ago saw bowling almost " played out " as a popular game in this country, but of late years it has ob- tained a renewed existence, having been started on a new lease of life by the German residents o' Brooklyn, who introduced large balls containing finger holes in them, by which the bowlers were en- abled to impart a bias to the balls. The game is side of the alley is a gutter leading into the pit (beyond the end of the alley) into which the pins are knocked and the balls roll. Alongside of the alley an inclined trough is placed to enable whoever sets up the pins to return the balls to the player. Four pins are placed in a row near the edge of the pit ; in front of these three others stand, in front of them two more are set ; and the tenth pin forms a row by itself in advance of all the rest, being the apex of the pyramid or triangle and closest to the player. Near the head of the alley a line is drawn across it, beyond which the bowler is not allowed to step in delivering the balls. The balls are made of hard wood and vary in size to suit the taste and strength of the players. Each bowler has ten turns (or " frames " as they ire called), alternating with the others. At each turn he rolls three balls and scores for that frame as many pins as the three balls knock down. (None of the pins are set up again until the three 98 OUT-DOOR SPORTS FOR BOYS. balls have all been rolled.) Should the whole ten fall before his first two balls, he makes what is known as a " spare ; " if his first ball brings them all down, it is a " strike." Either event counts him ten, with one or two balls, as the case may be, yet to be rolled. These remaining balls are not rolled at once. Nor is it customary to record the score of a spare or strike as soon as made. But when the turn of the bowler comes round again to play he adds to the ten previously made the number of pins then knocked over by his first ball, if it is a spare he is completing, or by his first two balls, if he is working out a strike, and the total is then placed on the frame score. In addition to this he of course scores what he makes on his three balls when com- pleting his spare or strike. For example, if a play- er makes a spare, say at his first frame, he puts on the score board simply some mark (usually this, /), to indicate the spare. At his next turn he knocks over perhaps five pins on his first ball, two on his second and one on his third. He then records fifteen for his previous frame and eight more for the present one. Should he make two strikes in succession, he cannot complete the record of the first one until his turn comes round for a third play. (Strikes are commonly indicated on the frame by the mark of a cross, thus X.) Clubs including many members, where a dozen or twenty players take part in a game, often roll only two balls to a frame. This is done, as is the method of playing off spares and strikes, to shorten the length of the contest, which otherwise would be tediously long. Of course its effect is to reduce the total score which the average player will make on his ten frames, though it is possible, if a spare or strike is made at every turn, to reach as high a count in a two-ball game as in one in which the full number is rolled. Time is also saved by using two alleys instead of one ; in fact, this is real- ly essential to comfort where four or more partici- pate in the contest. Two, four or any even number of persons can play the game. They are divided into two sides, an equal number on each side, and the party whose total score in the ten frames aggregates the most wins the game. Sometimes an odd number take part, but as this causes unequally matched sides it is undesirable. The highest possible score for an individual to make is ten strikes, which would net him three hundred points — a maximum, it is hardly necessary to add, that is rarely attained. Two hundred is a good average, though many bowlers can be depended upon in matches to regularly run up two hundred and fifty and a few even two hundred and seventy-five. In rolling the balls they should not be thrown or dropped so as to bump along the alley. It is best to hold the ball with the arm hanging down and swinging slightly. By thus swinging the ball and running a few steps with it, sufficient impetus can be given it to enable it to knock over all the pins if it strikes them properly. The eye should be fixed upon the head-pin, which should be struck a trifle to the right or left of its centre. This causes the ball to deflect a little from its straight course and so knock over the pins on one side, while the head-pin will fall over towards the opposite side and push over the remaining pins there. Expert players can also give the ball a twist as they roll it, the effect of which when it strikes the pins is to twirl them around as they fall and so make them do more damage among the ones not actually hit by the ball. Pins knocked over by a ball rebounding from the back of the pit must be reset and do not score. The same regulation applies to pins knocked over by " dead men " (other fallen pins), when this is caused by a ball in the gutter striking the " dead men." Generally speaking when a ball rolls into the gutter before striking any standing pin, no pins knocked down by it are counted. When two alleys are used it is customary to ex- change alleys at the end of each game ; and in matches between different clubs this is done after each frame. RACKETS. 99 RACKETS. A RACKET court resembles a hand-ball court, just as the game of rackets resembles hand-ball; but it is larger, and can be erected only at a con- siderable cost. Hence, it is for the most part only in the large cities that a racket court can be found. FRONT WALL A B C BACK D WALL These courts are of various sizes, ranging from fifty to fully eighty feet in length, and from thirty to forty feet wide, with a very high roof and a back wall of less height, having at the top of it a gallery for spectators, who can thus look into the court from above. Across the front wall, which is black, is fixed a board, or balk, about two feet two inches high, and a white line, called the " cut " line, is also traced across it, about seven feet nine inches or eight feet above the floor. The floor itself, which should be of smooth stone, asphalt, or concrete, perfectly level, is divided into sections, as shown in the diagram. About half way down the court, but nearer to the back wall than the front, a line is marked parallel to those walls ; and the back part so markec off is divided into two equal portions, C and d, by a line traced at right angles to the back wall. The two small spaces marked a and B are service spaces, within which the person who serves must place one or both of his feet. The balls are not more than half the size of hand-balls, and are played with " rackets," a pe- culiar kind of bat, like a battledore, with strong cat- gut laced crosswise through the frame. The game is begun by one of the players (the server) striking the ball against the front wall, above the white line, so as to fall, without bounding, into the back court opposite. Thus, if he stands at A, he must strike the ball into D, where it must be taken by one of the players on the other side, either at the volley or at first bound. If, in serv- ing, the ball is struck against the side wall, or roof, or floor, before it hits the front wall, or if it is served below the balk line, or is struck so hard as to go out of court, it is a " hand out " — that is to say, the striker loses his innings. If the ball is served from the wrong place, or if it hits the front wall above the balk line, but below the white one, or if, after properly hitting the front wall, it fall in- to any but the right court, or hit the roof or gallery without going out of court, it is a " fault," and the person to whom it is served is not obliged to take it. He may do so, however ; and if he does, the game proceeds as if it had been properly served. Should he attempt to take it, and fail, the server then scores an ace ; and the same result follows whenever his opponent or opponents fail to return the ball above the lower line. When an ace is won, the man in goes over from A to B, and then " serves left " — that is to say, into court c. The out-players stand behind the server while the ball is being served and taken ; and afterwards the usual ar- rangement is that the server shall take all the balls which fall inside the cross line, and his partner shall take all which fall farther back. The man who is served to, on the other side, takes all which fall in the back courts, while his partner attends to those which fall nearer the front wall. The game is made up of fifteen aces, and after the first player is put out, the others succeed one another in order, each pair of partners having to be put out before the other side goes in. Thus, supposing that M and N are playing against X and Y, and that M and X are both better players than their respective part- ners. The question which side shall go in first is OUT-DOOR SPORTS FOR BOYS. usually decided, not by tossing a coin as in cricket, but in the following way : It will be discovered, on looking closely at a racket, that at the thin end of it, nearest the handle, the strings which cross the frame from edge to edge are twisted round the other which go lengthwise, so as to project on one side or face of the racket, and give it a " rough " appearance, whereas on the other side they do not project, but are " smooth." When, therefore, it is required to decide as to innings, one of the players holds his racket downward with the handle between his finger and thumb, so that the top part of it rests on the floor of the court. He then gives it a spin, and lets it fall, while one of the adversaries in the meantime calls " rough " or " smooth." When the racket has fallen on its face, it is examined to see which side is uppermost, and the question of innings is decided accordingly. Supposing, then, that M and N have called " rough " and that " rough it is," M, being the better player of the two, will proceed to serve, and as he and his partner score each ace, the game will be called " one love," " two love," " three love," etc. If he is put out after making three aces, X will succeed him, and as he serves the game will be called " love three." As he makes his score it will be called " one three," "two three," "three all," and so on, until he also is put out, when his partner must go in, and serve from the court opposite to that from which the last ser- vice was made. When he is out M wiU go in, and be followed by N. When a game has been won there is no change of innings, but the player who was serving when the game ended begins the next game at " love all," and when he is out his two ad- versaries go in in what order they please. Thus it will be seen that at the commencement only one hand is allowed to go in, but afterward the two hands on each side go in successively till the game is won. It will also be remarked that a player who is good at serving has a great advantage, as when- ever he scores the game, which he is sure often to do, he secures not only this benefit, but that of first innings in the next game. It is generally the rule, that when the game is called " thirteen all," it may, upon the demand of the out-player, be " set at five," in which case five aces must be added to the score of 13 before the game can be concluded on either side. At a tie of 14 the game may be " set at three." If in serving a ball, it should touch either the server or his partner, before it has bounded twice, it puts him out. If a striker in returning the ball hits the ball against his partner's racket or person, it counts an ace against him, or a hand out if he is in. It is a " let " if the out hand unintentionally gets in the way of the striker, and a " hinder " or " balk " if he do it purposely, and in the latter case counts an ace against him. Two consecutive " faults " put a server out. fpuSilffiBraipliHS m If 1 n: / -3 BOWLS. BOWLS. Bowls is one of -the oldest games of ball extant, and centuries ago was the most popular of field games among the English nobility, bowling greens in the olden time being as numerous as tennis lawns are now. The regular game is played with hard ligniim^uzits balls, turned in such a manner as to make them diverge from a straight line when bowled on the green and turn in toward the "Jack," or ball, which the bowler aims for. In fact, the regular game is quite a scientific sport, and presents a field for a great display of skill. The game as To lay down a bowling court like that below, a level piece of hard surface ground is necessary, and it would be well to sink the level of the court about four or six inches below the surface, boarding the sides of the court. When a regular court is not laid out in this way, the game can be easily played on a croquet or tennis lawn, the only points to be laid down being the "tees "at the two ends and the lines behind which the bowlers are to stand when bowling. A small quoit is laid down in the centre of the circle at each end, and this forms the " tee." This court would be marked out as shown in Fig. 2. From one to five players on a side can take part in the game, each player rolling two balls, one each alternately with an opponent. In delivering the balls the bowler must stand with both feet back of the bowler's line. All the players on both sides bowl from the same place and for the " tee " at the opposite end of the court. When all the balls of both sides have been bowled the " end " is com- pleted, and the side having the ball nearest the " tee " counts one ace. Should a side have more than one ball nearer the " tee " than any ball of the opposite side, an additional ace is to be counted for each additional ball. A ball bowled so as to settle in the centre of the " tee " quoit counts two LINE FROM "TEE" TO "TEE" |50 feet in lengtli ^ 5 FIG. I. -© H W FIG. modernized for young players differs from the regular game materially, and it is this latter game of bowls only which is included in the list of sports in this work. For this a special court is laid down, in form as shown in Fig. i. aces, provided it remains in position until the com- pletion of the end. The game is won by the side which first makes twenty-one aces. Ends are re- served and the other " tee " bowled for whenever all the players have rolled each two balls. OUT-DOOR SPORTS FOR BO VS. ATHLETICS. Gymnastic exercises may be begun by a boy about eight years old, or may be commenced at any age ; but in all cases one should begin gently and proceed gradually without any abrupt tran- sitions. They should be practised before break- fast in the morning or before dinner or supper, but never immediately after meals ; and the pupil should be very careful, after becoming heated by exercise, of draughts or colds, and in especial should refrain from lying on the damp ground or from standing without his coat Or other gar- ments. Above all he should rigidly abstain from the dangerous habit of drinking cold water, which in many instances has been known to produce Jatal results. TRAINING. It is impossible for any one to indulge to any ex- tent in pedestrianism, rowing or other vigorous athletic contests without going into some sort of training, however slight it may be. Before any can be thoroughly enjoyed, it is essential that the body should be brought into condition and the constitu- tion prepared for the severe tests to which it is sure to be put. Until this has been satisfactorily accom- plished (and it cannot be done without much per- severance and self-denial) success at regattas or in other out-door sports is quite out of the question, and the most serious results will attend any attempt to take part in such proceedings. Courage and determination to win a race, whether on land or water, are qualities very much to be admired, yet they are entirely after-considerations ; the first and chief endeavor must be to reduce the superfluous ' fat without weakening the system, to secure sound- ness in wind and limb — in short, thoroughly to pre- pare the body so that it may be equal to the emergencies that may hereafter present themselves. Training should not, however, be begun hastily. Before it is commenced, care should be taken to get the stomach into condition for the dieting it will have to undergo. These preliminary pro- ceedings will be more or less prolonged, according to the habits of life of the person. If a boy has been given to eating unwholesome food, or smoking, he does not begin under such favorable circumstances as those who have not so indulged themselves. Probably he has injured his digestion and interfered to, at least, a slight degree with his liver ; a state of things that he can readily appreciate by the restless- ness of his night's sleep, a furred tongue and an unpleasant taste in his mouth in the morning. The first thing he must do is to give up pastry and other indigestible food and throw away his tobacco. When once he has made up his mind to go in for a system of training, he should commence by taking a mild aperient dose, such as salts and senna or a little rhubarb. He should avoid extremes and only take medicine enough to clear his stomach pre- paratory to its new treatment. If he has been wise enough to satisfy himself with very little in the way of sweets and has refrained altogether from tobacco, which to young people is simply poison, he may, unless of weak or sickly constitution, begin to train without any preliminary preparations. If his heart and soul are really in the contest for which he de- sires to get himself into condition, and he possesses a small amount of strength of mind, he will soon become accustomed to the daily routine of food and exercise. It is no use beginning, and then yielding to the temptation for this or that nice thing; when GYMNASTICS. 104 OUT-DOOR SPORTS FOR BOYS. once the ordeal has been commenced, it must be carried out strictly and acciirately, or it may as well be abandoned altogether ; for the desired state of body can only be arrived at by one means, namely, a large amount of self-denial and close adherence to the prescribed diet. There is of course some slight difference in the systems of training to be pursued for rowing and pedestrianism ; at the same time, in the chief and important points precisely the same course has to be taken. If a boy has a walking or running race in view, he must remember this, that he has to suit his daily exercise according to the distance of the competition in which he is going to take part. For short races he need do little more than keep his digestion and wind in good order, taking care to have, say, a couple of hours' good exercise in the course of the day. We would here venture to correct a grave mistake made very often by young runners, who think that by continual practising and "spurting" they learn to improve their pace. They can adopt no better means for defeating their own end than this, as it will tend far more to diminish their pace than to improve it. On the other hand, if they have a long course for several miles to get over, speed is not so much a matter of importance as endurance, and this latter quality can only be obtained by accustoming the body to long and severe exercise. For young persons, how- ever, it is extremely injudicious to attempt too great distances, and we would advise that two miles, and no more, be made the outside limit. Longer spins than this are seldom, if ever, tried in ordinary amateur races. According as the match that is to be contested is in running or walking, so must the day's exercise be regulated. Avoid, if for the former, taking too much running practice, and that never for a greater distance than that of the race in which you are to take part. Good sharp, brisk walking is more serviceable than anything else in getting the body in order. And now, presuming that a boy is in sound health, with good lungs and no unpleasant thumpings about his heart, let us see how he should regulate his training. Six o'clock to get out of bed and commence the day. No one who intends to train himself really seriously will wish to lie longer. Then a cold tub with a big sponge and lots of water, followed by a severe rubbing with a rough Turkish towel, that leaves you all aglow. Dress as quickly as you can, and go out for half an hour's walk, or run, as you feel inclined. Be sure, however, not to fatigue yourself, and see that you come in to breakfast, say at half-past seven, with a good appe- tite. Those who can eat porridge will find it a cap- ital thing to commence breakfast with, followed by the lean portion of a broiled chop or steak, with bread at least two days old. Neither tea nor coffee is desirable ; a glass or two of milk being much better. There is no need to bind yourself down to a stip- ulated quantity of food ; eat what you feel you re- quire, and no more. After breakfast get as much rest as you can, say, for a couple of hours ; then take yourself off for a couple of hours' walking or run- ning, getting back to dinner by about two o'clock. The programme for this meal is simple enough : a joint of roast meat, either mutton or beef, a potato, and sometimes a little cauliflower, or brocoli, just to make a change, bread as before, and another glass or so of milk. Poultry is sometimes intro- duced, but we hardly think it good — in fact, as far you can, stick to the good plain joint, or chop, or steak, with bread and milk, and you will be aston- ished how you will find your condition improved. After dinner rest again for two or three hours, and then about six o'clock take yourself off for another hour's exercise, on your return from which you will no doubt be fully prepared with an appetite for sup- per. This meal should always be a light one, as it is bad at all times, and especially in training, to go to bed on a full stomach. Unless you feel you abso- lutely require it, do not take any meat ; otherwise, a chop is the least objectionable. Butter, spices,, peppers and sauces should on no account be taken, and, as we said before, so we again repeat, smoking must be abjured. If the directions given are fol- lowed out, defeat will not be occasioned througk any error in the system of preparation. WALKING. In all gymnastic exercises walking, running and jumpmg deserve the preference because they are the most natural movements of man and those which he has most occasion to use. Walking, which is within the reach of everybody, ought to be placed among the forms of exercise which are direct, conservators of health, and which have the most important beneficial effects upon our mental and moral economy. It provokes appetite, assists di- gestion, accelerates the circulation, brings the fluids to the skin, strengthens the memory, and gives cheerfulness to the mind, and in fatiguing the limbs gives repose to the senses and the brain. It might be supposed that every one knows how ATJfLEriCS. i°5 SHORT STRIDE. to walk: not so, however; some persons crawl, some hobble, some shuffle along. Few have the graceful, noble movement that ought to belong to progression, or, how- ever well formed, pre- serve a really erect po- sition and an air of becoming confidence and dignity. To teach walking — that is to say, to ■ teach young persons to walk prop- erly — it is suggested that a class of them unite, that they may be able to teach them- selves, which they may I readily do if they fol- low the instructions given below. A company of boys being formed, the el- dest, or the one best adapted to the task, should act as captain, and at the word of command, "Fall in," all the boys are to advance side by side, preserving between each the distance of about an arm's length. At the word " Dress " each boy places his right hand on the left shoulder of the next, extending his arm at full length, and turning his head to the right. At the word " Attention " the arms fall down by the side and the head returns to the first position. The captain should now place his little reg- iment in the following manner: i. The head up. 2. The shoulders back. 3. The body erect. 4. The stomach in. 5. The knees straight, the heels on the same Ime. 6. The toes turned very slight- ly outwards. The cap- tain now stands before his men, and advancing his left foot, his knee straight, and his toe inclined towards the ground, he counts one, two, placing his boot on the ground. A FINE TREE STRIDE. the toe before the heei ; he then directs his pupils to obey him, and to follow his motions, and says, "March," when each foot is advanced simulta- neously, till he gives the word " Halt." He then makes them advance, wheel to the right and left, in slow time, quick time, always watching the posi- tion of the body, and requiring that they move all together. A nother variation of walking is the tip-toe march, an excellent preparation for running and jumping. The boys being in line, the word " On tip-toes " is given : each boy places his hands on his sides, and waits for the word, " Rise," when they all gently A WALKING RACE. raise themselves on their toes, joining their heels together, and keeping the knees straight, remain in this position till the word " Rest" is given, when they fall back slightly on their heels, their hands at the same time falling down by their sides. Proceeding in this manner through a few courses, with such changes as may present them- selves, the pupils will soon acquire a habit of grace- ful walking, of the highest importance to everyone who studies a gentlemanly bearing. RUNNING. Running is both useful and natural ; it favors the development of the chest, dilates the lungs and, if io6 OUT-DOOR SPORTS FOR BOYS. not practised immoderately, is a highly beneficial exercise. To run fast and gracefully one should as it were graze the ground with the feet, by keeping -,^\ "■^ a X 5 y < 4 1 i. - « ^ \ HOME. LEAP FROG. 132 OUT-DOOR SPORTS FOR BOYS. 6 and 7, and rest himself ; but he must of course resume hopping before he kicks the tile out ; he then passes through the beds 9, 10, 11, as before directed ; 12 is another resting-bed, in which he may put down both feet, and when he comes to the half circle he must kick the tile out with such force as to send it through all the other beds at one kick ; it is not necessary to send the tile out so forcibly from any of the other beds, the play- ers being allowed to use as many kicks as they please. The other rules of the game are the follow- ing: If the player throws the tile into the wrong number, or if it rests on one of the chalked lines, either when he has endeavored to pitch it into a bed, or when he is kicking it out, he loses his in- nings ; he loses his innings also if he places both feet down in any other than a resting-bed, or if he, hopping out, puts his foot on a line, or kicks the tile over the side lines. DUCK AND DRAKE. Duck and drake requires at least three players, but its interest is considerably increased when there are six or eight. A large stone called " the base," hav- ing a tolerably flat top, is placed on the ground, and "home" is marked off about twelve feet from it. Each player being provided with a stone called a duck about double the size of a base-ball, the game is commenced by pitching for " drake " — that is, by all standing at the home and throwing their stones or ducks in succession at the base. The player whose duck falls or rolls farthest from it becomes " drake " and must place his stone on the top of the base. The other players are allowed to take up their ducks and go to the home unmolested while " drake " is placing his stone down ; they then throw their ducks, one after the other, at it, and en- deavor to knock it off the base. Drake must re- place his stone whenever it is knocked off, and the throwers must pick up their ducks and endeavor to run home while he is so engaged. Should the duck remain on after four or five have thrown at it, the stones must rest where they fell, until some play- er more skilful than the others knocks off the duck, and so gives the throwers a chance of getting home. If drake can touch one of the throwers as he is run- ning home with his duck in his hand, the one so touched becomes drake. When the duck is knocked off by any player, it must be instantly replaced, as drake cannot touch any one while it is off the base. When a thrower's duck falls and lies before the base drake may touch him if he can, even before he picks up his duck. When drake succeeds in touching a thrower, he must run to the base and quickly remove his duck ; if he has time, he should tap the base twice with his duck, and call out " double duck ! " as he may then walk home without fear of being touched by the boy whom he has just made drake. Should all the players have thrown without being able to knock the duck off, it is fre- quently proposed by some of them to take either a "heeler," a "sling" or a" jump" toward home, in order that they may have a chance of reaching it. Drake may refuse or assent to these proposals at his option. The " heeler " is performed by the player kicking his duck backward toward home ; the "sling" by placing the duck on the middle of the right foot, and slinging it as far in the direc- tion of home as possible; and the "jump" by placing the duck between the feet, and holding it in that manner while a jump is taken, the jumper let- ting the stone go as he alights, so that it may roll forward. If the duck is so far from home that one sling, jump or heeler will not suffice, two or more of each may be taken, provided of course that drake allows them. If the player does not get his duck home in the number of slings, jumps or heelers agreed on, he becomes drake. Duck and drake is one of the liveliest of games, but we must caution boys against playing roughly or carelessly at it, as they may through negligence do one another much harm, on account of the weight of the stones and the force with which they must be thrown. TAG. Any number of boys or girls can play tag. One of the players volunteers to be " tag " or else he is chosen to fill that office by lot. Tag then endeav- ors to touch one of the others as they run in all di- rections to avoid him. When a player is touched he becomes " tag," and in his turn strives to touch one of the others. When " tag " succeeds in touch- ing another, he cries " no tag," which signifies that the player so touched must not touch the player who touched him, until he has chased and touched somebody else. The game is sometime varied by requiring " tag " to chase one player until another runs across his path, between him and the boy pursued, upon which tag must immediately run after the one who crossed. PLAYGROUND GAMES. 133 until some other crossing between them must in his turn be followed ; in this way the game continues until one is touched, who takes the office of tag and gives chase to the others. This is called " cross- tag." Another variation is granting safety to those pursued when they touch either wood or iron, the rule being that " tag " must touch them as they run from one piece of wood or iron to another. I SPY THE WOLF. In the game of " I spy the wolf " the players are divided into two equal parties, one of which is given a certain length of time to hide themselves, the oth- er party remaining meanwhile at home. As soon as this time has expired or as soon as one of the out- players cries " whoop ! " the seekers leave home to look for them. When one of the hiders is dis- covered, the finder shouts out, " I spy the wolf," and he and his companions rush back home, to escape being touched. If the hiders catch a certain number of the seekers before they can return home, they hide again ; if not the seekers take their turn. HIDE AND SEEK, OR WHOOP. In hide and seek one player takes his station at a spot called the " home," while the others go to seek out various hiding-places ; when all are ready, one of them — the most distant from home — calls out " Whoop ! " on which the player at " home " goes in search of the hiders, and endeavors to touch one of them as they run back to " home ; " if he can do so, the one caught takes his place at the " home," while he joins the out-players. But if all reach home safely without being touched then the same player has to seek for the rest when they hide again. JINGLE-RING. Jingle-ring is a lively out-door variation of blind- man's buff. It is played to best advantage on a grass-plot encircled with a roped boundary. The players rarely exceed ten. All of these, except one of the most active, who is the " jingler," have their eyes blindfolded with handkerchiefs. The jing- ler holds a small bell in his hand, which he is obliged to keep ringing incessantly so long as the play continues, which is commonly about twenty minutes. The business of the jingler is to elude the pursuit of his blindfolded companions, who follow him by the sound of the bell, in all directions, and sometimes oblige him to exert his utmost abilities to effect his escape, which must be done within the boundaries of the rope, for the laws of the sport forbid him to pass beyond it. If he be caught in the time allotted for the continuance of the game, the person who caught him wins the match ; if, on the contrary, they are not able to take him he is proclaimed the winner. BOUND HANDS. Bound hands is a spirited game, and is peculiar- ly adapted for wintry weather. It is played by two parties, one — the inners — being called "Jacks," and the other — the outers — " Johnnies." A line should be made on the ground at about four feet from a wall, and running parallel with it ; within this bound one of the players takes his station with his hands clasped together, and, after calling out, " Johnnies, look out," he jumps out, runs after and strives to overtake and touch one of the others, without dividing his hands ; if he is successful in his attempt, they both return to the bounds, where they join hands, and after repeating the warning rush out again, and each endeavors to touch an op- ponent ; if they can achieve this, they all return and join hands as before. When they sally forth again, the outside players only try to touch, and of course every one they touch returns to " bounds " with them, and joins in the line. Whenever an out- player is touched, the Jacks let go their hands and scamper back to " bounds " as fast as their legs will carry them, as the out-players can demand to be carried home by the Jacks if they can catch them when the line is broken. The out-players are al- lowed to attack the line in the rear, in order to com- pel the poor widdies to let go their hands. The game may be kept up until all the out-players are caught. Sometimes the one who commences the game is allowed his liberty as soon as he has caught four. As a matter of course, no out-player can be touched when the Ime is broken. 134 OUT-DOOR SPORTS FOR BOYS. BULL IN THE RING. Bull in the ring can be played by any number of boys, and is commenced by their joining hands and forming a ring, having enclosed some boy in the middle, who is the bull. It is the bull's part to make a rush, break through the ring, and escape, and the part of the boys who form the ring to hold their hands so fast together that he cannot break their hold. Before making a rush the bull must cry " boo " to give warning, so that the boys may grasp their hands more tightly. The whole ring gener- ally replies to the bull's challenge by crying " boo " all together. When the bull breaks through the ring he is pursued until captured, and the boy who seizes him first is " bull " when they return. A good " bull " will lead them a pretty dance, clearing hedges and ditches, and if he gets back and touches some mark agreed upon, near to where he broke through the ring, he is " bull " again. SLING THE MONKEY. Sling the monkey is a favorite game on ship- Isoard, but it can be played just as well in the coun- try wherever there are trees. One player, who is chosen by lot, takes the part of the monkey and is fastened to a tolerably high branch of a tree by a strong cord knotted in a bowline loop and passed round his waist. The other players then baste the monkey with knotted handkercief s, and he, similar- ly armed, endeavors to retaliate. If he succeeds in striking one of them, he is at once released and the other takes his place as monkey. He must make haste in doing it, or he may be basted until he is fairly in the loop. With boys that do not mind a little buffeting this game becomes exceedingly live- ly : an active monkey cannot safely be approached without considerable difficulty and of course gives much more life to the game. The cord should be just long enough to enable the monkey to reach the ground comfortably un- der the branch. Half the fun of the game consists in ^oXuslXy slinging the monkey, one of whose most effective ruses is to throw himself forward on the rope, pretend to start off in one direction and then come back with an unexpected swing in the other. BASTE THE BEAR. Basting the bear is a very similar amusement to sling the monkey. The players should toss up for the first bear, who kneels on the ground within a circle marked out for the purpose ; each bear may select his own master, whose office it is to hold him by a rope, and use his utmost efforts to touch one of the other players, as they try to thrash the bear with their handkerchiefs knotted and twisted very tightly. If the bear's master can touch one of the assailants without dragging the bear out of the ring, or letting go the rope, the boy touched becomes bear, selects his keeper as before mentioned, and the sport is continued. DROPPING THE HANDKER- CHIEF. For the game of " dropping the handkerchief " a tolerably large ring should be formed by several boys standing in a circle and joining hands ; anoth- er boy, who stands out, when all are ready walks round outside the ring, drops a handkerchief behind one of the players, and immediately runs off; he is instantly followed by the one behind whom he dropped the handkerchief, and who must track him in all his windings in and out, under the arms of the boys in the ring, who elevate them for the pur- PLAYGROUND GAMES. ns pose. Should the pursuer be able to touch the pursued before the latter passes the spot where he dropped the handkerchief, the former takes the handkerchief in his turn, and the latter joins hands in the circle. If the pursued party escapes being touched, however, he again takes the handkerchief and drops it behind another boy. DRAWING THE OVEN. In the game of drawing the oven several players seat themselves on the ground, in a line, one behind the other, and clasp each other round the waist; two players then take hold of the foremost sitter by both his hands, as represented above, and endeavor to detach him from the line by pulling away vigor- ously. When they have succeeded in doing this, they take hold of the second sitter in the same manner, and so continue " drawing the oven," until they have drawn all the players from the ground. FLY THE GARTER. The game of " fly the garter " is played by first chalking or marking a line, or, as it is usually termed, " a garter," on the ground ; on this line one of the players must place himself and bend down as in leap-frog, while the other players in rotation leap over him, the last one as he flies over calling out " Foot it." If he should fail in giving this notice, he is out, and must take the other boy's place at the garter. The boy, immediately the word is given, rises, and places his right heel close to the middle of the left foot ; he next moves the left forwards and places that heel close up to the toes of his right foot and bends down as before. This movement is called a " step," and is repeated three times. The other players ' should fly from the gar- ter each time a step is made and the last player must invariably call out "Foot it" as he leaps over. After making the three " steps," the player giving the back takes a short run, and, from the spot where he made his last step to, jumps as far forwards as he possibly can, and bends down again ; the others jump from the garter and then fly over. Should any of the players be unable to jump easily over the one giving the back, but rather slide down upon, or ride on. him, the player so failing must take the other's place at the garter, and the game be begun again ; if, also, through the impetus ac- quired in taking the jump from the garter, a play- er should happen to place his hands on the back of the player bending down, and then withdraw them in order to take the spring over, he is out, and must take his turn at the garter. It is usual, in some places, for the boy giving the back to take a hop, step and a jump after he has footed it three times, the other players doing the same, and then flying over. SPANISH FLY. Spanish fly is capable of being varied to any ex- tent by an ingenious boy, but it is generally played in the following way : One boy, selected by chance, sets a back, as in " fly the garter," and another is chosen leader. The game is commenced by the lead- er leaping over the one who gives the back, and the other players follow in succession ; the leader then leaps back, and the others follow ; then they all go over in a cross direction, and return, making, in all, four different ways. The leader then takes his cap in both hands, and leaves it on the boy's back while he is " overing," and his followers perform the same trick ; in returning, the last man takes the lead, and removes his cap without disturbing the others, and each boy does the same ; this trick is repeated in a cross direction. The next trick is throwing up the cap just before overing, and catch- ing it before it falls ; the next, reversing the cap on the head, and so balancing it while overing, without ever touching it with the hands ; both tricks must be performed while leaping the four different ways. The leader, with his cap still balanced, now overs, and allows his cap to drop on the opposite side ; the others do likewise, but they must be careful not to let their caps touch the others, nor to let their feet touch any of the caps in alighting ; the leader now stoops down, picks up his cap with his 136 OUT- DOOR SPORTS FOR BOYS. teeth and throws it over his head and the boy's back ; he then leaps after his cap, but avoids touch- ing it with his feet. The other players follow him as before. The next trick is " knuckling " — ^that is to say, overing with the hands clenched ; the next, " slapping," which is performed by placing one hand on the boy's back, and hitting him with the other, while overing ; the last, " spurring," or touch- ing him up with the heel. All these tricks. must be performed in the four different ways. JUMP, LITTLE NAG-TAIL ! n COCK-FIGHTING. Cock-fighting is a very amusing game for younger boys. Two players are made to sit on the ground, draw their legs up and clasp their hands together over their shins. A stout stick is then passed through under their knees and over their arms at the bend of the elbows, and there they sit trussed like a couple of fowls. Thus prepared, the two combatants are placed face to face, their toes touching, and are left to fight it out. This they do by striving to knock each other down, each seeking to overbalance the other without losing his own equilibrium. Two falls out of three decide the game ; if both fall it is no " round " and does not count. As the player may not unclasp his hands even when down, he is helpless and must be helped up by his friends. This game had a wonderful run of popularity once at one of the English naval ports. A foreign man-of-war had put in to refit after a severe gale ; her officers, of course, received the hospitality of the local authorities, and one evening after mess, sky- larking being in vogue, cock-fighting was intro- duced. This so took the fancy of the foreigners, that next day, when some of their hosts of the preceding evening went to call upon them, they found them earnestly engaged, several pairs of them, in this their new pastime, and were called upon with pride to see what proficiency they had attained in a short time. For the rest of their stay the game still main- tained its popularity amongst them, and no doubt they carried it with them to their own home. One authority declares that the last thing seen of the vessel when far out at sea, was the captain cock- fighting with the first lieutenant on the quarter- deck and the parson with the doctor ; but perhaps this is an exaggeration. WINDING THE CLOCK. To wind the clock all the players join hands, and extend their arms to their full extent. One of the outside players remains stationary, and the others run round him as fast as they can, which proceed- ing is called " winding the clock." In this manner the straight line becomes a confused spiral, and all the players get huddled together in a most laugh- able manner. In the game of " jump, little nag-tail ! " eight players on each side is the best number. The two leaders should toss up for choice of partners, and after selecting them, toss again for innings. The loser must then place himself quite upright, with his face to a wall, against which he rests his hands ; and one of his partners should next stoop down, and put his head against his leader's back ; another partner also bends, and places his head against the back of the second player, and the rest of the partners must take their places in the same manner, one behind the other. When thus arranged, they are called " nags." One of the winning party next takes a run and, placing his hands on the back of the last player or " nag," endeavors to spring on to the back of the first, or at least to clear as many " nags " as he possibly can, in order to allow room for those following him to leap on the backs of the other "nags," which they should do in succession, until they are all fairly astride. If any of the " nags " sink under the weight, or in trying to support them- selves touch the ground either with their hands or knees, or if the riders can keep their seats without touching the ground, whilst their leader counts twenty, or repeats the words, " Jump, little nag-tail, one, two, three ! " three times, concluding with " oflf, off, off ! " the riders resume their innings, and begin again ; on the contrary, should there not be suffi- cient space for all to leap on, or they are unable to keep their seats on the back of the " nags," they lose their innings, and become "nags" in their turn. The " nags " must, while in the line, hold either by the trousers of the player before them, or else lean their hands on their knees, or cross their arms on their breasts. Each rider must call out "Warning" before he leaps on the back of one of the " nags." PLAYGROUND GAMES. 137 Kites are so called from having originally been made in the shape of birds of that name. Though they are not used exactly in any game (that is, in any regular contest, as balls and marbles are), they are the means of a very common amusement in their season — ^the spring months — and will then be found all over the world. Probably they are no- where else as popular as in China, for kite-flying has been called the national pastime of that coun- try, and many of the fancy shapes now to be seen here have come to us from literally the opposite side of the globe. As every boy knows, a kite is made to fly in the air, and in order that it should do so it must first have a body (which is the kite proper) to fly, next a tail to steady it and lastly a string which causes it to fly and at the same time prevents it from flying away. Now, a kite can either be bought at a store or can be made at home, and one which its owner makes for himself will be valued much more than any which is bought. And making them is not very difficult : all that is required is a few light sticks of wood, some string, paper (tissue is the best) and kite ; the second, made with three sticks, is a house kite ; and the third, made with one straight stick and one bowed stick, a bow kite. The sticks must be first tied tightly together, and a string is then put around the outside, in notches cut for it, to paste the paper on to. The tail is fastened to the bottom and can be made of either paper or cloth. Care has to be taken that the tail is neither so heavy as to drag the kite down, nor, on the other hand, that it is so light as to fail in its object of steadying the kite and keeping it upright against the wind. The string to hold and sail the kite with should be strong (as if it breaks the kite is lost) and should be fastened to the kite about one-third the distance below the top. It is best to fasten it with a " belly-band ;" that is, to tie a cord of about double the width of the kite to the two extreme side joints and then attach the flying string to the middle of this cord. The string when not let out to fly the kite should be kept wound around a stick. paste made of flour and water. Three of the simplest kind are shown in the above illustrations : the first, made by crossing two sticks, is called a cross The shapes can be varied at will and a boy with a little ingenuity can devise some very novel effects — figures of men, fishes, etc. — and by painting them can get up very striking results. Only glaring colors should be used and the designs should be painted as coarsely as possible, to permit of their being seen when high up in the air. A few of these fancy shapes are suggested in the above \,j^.ey- following illustrations. Unless there be a good breeze stirring the kite- flyer need not expect to have much sport, as noth- ing can be more vexatious than attempting to fly a kite when there is not sufficient wind for the pur- pose. To raise the kite in the first instance, the flyer will require the aid of another boy. The own- er of the kite having unwound a considerable length of string, turns his face toward the wind and pre- pares for a run, while his assistant holds the kite by its lower extremity as high as he can from the ground. At a given signal the assistant lets the kite go, and if all circumstances be favorable it will soar upward with great rapidity. With a well-con- 138 OUT-DOOR SPORTS FOR BOYS. structed kite in a good breeze, the flyer need not trouble himself to run very fast nor very far, as his kite will soon find its balance and float quite stead- ily on the wind. The kite-flyer should be careful not to let out string too fast. When a kite pitches it is a sign that it is built lop-sided, or that its tail is not long enough. Some boys amuse themselves by sending mes- sengers up to their kites when they have let out all their string. A messenger is formed of a piece of paper three or four inches square, in the centre of which a hole is made. The end of the string is passed through the hole, and the wind quickly drives the messenger up to the kite. The kite-flyer should be careful not to send up too many messen- gers, lest they weigh down the kite. There are various games in which marbles are used and there are many different kinds of marbles. Those made of agate are prized the most, and in- deed their pre-eminence is fully justified by the ex- quisitely beautiful veining of some of them, and the rich and harmonious coloring of others. Alleys a.r& made of white marble striped and clouded with red, and when this color predominates, they are called blood-alleys. These marbles rank next in value to the agates. Taws or stoneys, of brown marble, streaked with darker tones of the same color, form the third class ; French taws of stained or colored marble the next ; the gaudy Dutch marbles of glazed clay, painted either yellow or green, and ornament- ed with stripes of a dark color, constitute class the fifth, while the unpretending yellowish clay mar- bles, or commoneys, are the cheapest of all. In many games with marbles, considerable skill is required. To shoot, or fillip a taw with precision is no easy task ; this operation is performed by placing the taw upon the inside of the forefinger and propelling it with the nail of the thumb. While a player is shooting his marble, his opponent can compel him to knuckle-down — in other words, to touch the ground with the middle joint of his forefinger ; this is to prevent unfair play. Bounce Eye, This game requires several players, who each put down a marble, and then form them into a small ring ; one player begins by holding a marble in his hand, close to his eye, and letting it fall upon the ring ; the marbles forced out of the ring by the con- cussion become his property, and the other players then try their skill in turn ; the players are termed "bouncers." Three Holes. Make three holes in the ground, four feet apart from each other, and draw a line, about six feet from the first hole. The first player begins, stand- ing at the line, by shooting into the first hole ; if he misses, the second player tries his fortune, each shooting alternately as his opponent fails. A play- er may, after shooting his marble into a hole, aim at his opponent's taw, if it is near, so as to strike PLAYGROUND GAMES. 139 it away as far as he can ; and if he can do so, he continues shooting into the holes as before. The player who gets first into the last hole is the win- ner ; and it is to be done in the following manner : First hole — second hole — third hole — second, first — ■ second, third. The loser then placing his knuckles at the first hole, the winner shoots as near the hole as possible, and fires three times at the said loser's knuckles, from the place where his marble rested. Ring- Taijo. Draw a circle, and let each player place as many marbles in it as may be agreed on, and then make that if one player's taw is struck by another's, the player whose taw is struck is out, and must give up to the striker all the marbles he may have pre- viously shot out of the ring. Increase Pound. This is very similar to ring-taw, the variations being, that if before a marble is shot out of the ring, one player's taw is struck by another's (except- ing his partner's), or, if his shot remains within the ring, he puts a shot in the pound, continues in the game and shoots again from the offing before any of his companions. Should his taw be struck after one RING-TAW. a line at a little distance off, from which the play- ers are, by turns, to shoot at the ring ; this line is called the offing. If a player shoots a marble out of the ring, he is entitled to shoot again before any of his companions. When the players have fired once, they shoot from the place where their mar- bles rested at the last fire, and not from the offing. If a marble is driven out of the ring by a player, it is won ; but if his taw remains in the circle, he is out, and must place a marble in it ; and if he has knocked any marbles out of the ring before his taw gets in, Ve must place them in likewise. It is a rule, also, or more marbles have been driven out of the ring, if he has taken any shots himself, he gives them to the player who struck him, puts a taw in the ring and shoots from the ofl5ng, as before. If, however, he has not won any marbles during the game, before his taw is struck, he is " killed " and put out of the game ; he is likewise out if, after any shots have been struck out, his taw gets within the pound ; if it remains on the line, it is nothing. He then puts the marbles (if he has won any) into the circle, adding one to them for the taw struck, and shoots again from the offing. In case he can- I40 OUT-DOOR SPORTS FOR BOYS. not gain any shots after his taw gets " fat," as re- maining in the ring is termed, he is Icilled, and is out for the rest of the game. When only one marble remains in the ring, the taw may continue inside it without being " fat." Each player seldom puts more than one marble in the ring at the beginning of a game. Arch Board., or Nine Holes. Cut out of a piece of wood a rude resemblance of a bridge, and make nine small arches in it and number them thus : The bowlers must endeavor, after giving the bridge-keeper a marble every time they shoot, to fire through the holes ; if any marble touches the sides of the arches, it becomes the property of the bridge-keeper ; and, on the contrary, if it passes through one of the arches, the owner of the bridge gives the number of marbles marked over the arch to the bowler. In some parts of the country this game is played with iron bullets instead of marbles. Picking the Plums. A line is drawn on the ground, along which each player places a certain number of marbles. At this line the players shoot their taws in turns from a given point. The marbles knocked off the line become the property of the striker and the game continues until no marbles remain. The marbles should be placed as close together as possible with- out actually touching. Pyramid. Let a player draw a circle on the ground, and then make a pyramid, either by placing three mar- bles triangularly, and one on top of them, or else with six first, then four, and then one ; the post of keeper of the pyramid ought to be taken by every boy in succession. Before a player can shoot at this pyramid, he must gi,ve a marble to the keeper ; and should he strike the pyramid with his taw, all the marbles driven by the concussion beyond the circle belong to him. Handers. For this game a hole, two or three inches in di- ameter, must be made in the ground, near a wall, if possible. When two boys play they first decide up- on the number of marbles to be staked by each at every throw, and then proceed to pitch the marbles into the hole, alternately, from a line at about three yards' distance. Let the number staked by each be four ; the thrower will then have eight marbles, which he must pitch at the hole all together. Should an even number of marbles fall in the hole, the thrower wins them all ; but should he be so unfort- unate as to hole an odd number, they become the property of his opponent. The players now stake again, and continue the game until they are tired of speculation. When there are more than two play- ers the game must be sligKtly altered. Having ar- ranged the turns, the first player pitches the staked marbles at the hole, and keeps all that fall in ; the next player takes up those that remain, and throws them in the same manner, keeping those he pitches in ; the others follow in turn. When all the mar- bles are holed, the player whose turn it is to pitch becomes the first player of the next game. Odd or Even. One player extends his closed hand containing some marbles, and asks his opponent to guess whether their number is odd or even. Should he guess wrong, he forfeits a marble, and his question- er tries him with another lot ; but should he guess right, the first player must pay him a marble, and take a turn at guessing. Eg, o-s in the Bush. This game is a great improvement upon odd or even. Dick asks Tom to guess the number of "eggs in the bush " — that is, the number of marbles in his closed hand. If Tom can guess the right number he takes all ; but if he is out in his reckon- ing he pays Dick as many marbles as will make up or leave the exact number. Suppose Dick has six marbles in his hand; now, if Tom should guess four or eight, he would have to forfeit two mar- bles to Dick, because four is two less and eight is two more than the exact number. The players hold the " eggs in the bush " alternately. The Conqueror. In this game, one boy places a marble down on a smooth spot where it is either hard earth or gravel ; turf, through its being too soft, and pave- ment much too hard, are both unsuitable ; another PLAYGROUND GAMES. 141 boy then throws his marble, with all his force, at that of the first player, endeavoring in this manner to split it; if he is unable to do so, the first player takes up, and in his turn throws his taw at that of the second ; and so on alternately, each striving to split his antagonist's taw. Good strong stone mar- bles are the best in this game, and when a marble has been victorious in many such games, it is only used against such as in like manner have proved themselves worthy of the honor of contending for the superiority. Suppose two boys are playing at this game, and that each of them have been victors in many former encounters with other opponents ; if one of the taws break, the owner of it must hand over to the conqueror all the marbles he may have won with that taw, and one also for the taw so broken. Humming-tops cannot easily be made, but can very easily be purchased by those who are so lucky as to have the money. They are made hollow, hav- ing at their crown a peg, round which is wound a string ; this being pulled through a kind of fork, gives motion to the top, and sets it spinnings the fork and the string being left in the spin- |^= ner's hand. In spinning =r the top, care should be taken to wind the string firmly and evenly on the peg ; and when it is pulled out neither too much nor too little force should be used, and a firm and steady hand should be employed, while the top should be held in a perpendicular position. The string should be drawn with a steadily increasing force or the top will not hum properly. Peg-tops can be purchased at all toy-shops ; those I which have tolerably long pegs are the best for " peg in the ring," as they describe a much larger circle when spinning, and are more likely to swerve out of the ring than those with short pegs, which are generally " sleepers " — that is, apt to keep in one spot while spinning ; the latter, however, are exceedingly well adapted for " chip- stone." In winding the cord on the top, it is the best plan to pass it two or three times round the peg before you commence winding it on the body of the top. Tops made of boxwood are the hardest and best, but they are the most expensive. Tops are also made of deal, elm, yew-tree, lignum- vitEe and other material. The Spanish peg-top is made of mahogany ; it is shaped somewhat like a pear, and, instead of a sharp iron peg, it has a small rounded knob at the end. As it spins for a much longer time than the common English peg-top, and does not require to be thrown with any degree of force in order to set it up, it is extremely well adapted for playing on flooring or pavement. Of the games in which tops can be used that of whip-top is a capital sport when played by two persons. It is played by first whirling the top into motion by turning it sharply with both hands and beginning to whip it as soon as it acquires a toler- ably strong rotary motion, being careful not to strike too hard at the first. A pliable eel-skin makes a far better whip for this sport than one made of leather, but it must not be kept either very dry or very wet, as in the former case it splits and cracks when used, and in the latter becomes heavy and unwieldy with moisture. The number of games with whip-tops is exceedingly limited, being only two — races, in which the boy who can whip his top to the greatest distance in the shortest time is the winner; and encounters, in which the players whip the tops against each other till one of them falls. Another game is chip-stone, also played by two boys, in the following manner. Two lines, about six feet apart, are marked upon the ground, which ought to be smooth and hard. Some small stones are then procured and placed midway between the lines ; they should not be larger than a small bean and the black and polished ones are the most sought after. The tops are set up spinning on the ground, and the players, each being provided with a small 142 OUT-DOOR SPORTS FOR BOYS. wooden spoon, dexterously introduce them under the pegs of the spinning-tops, and then, with the top still spinning in the spoon, throw the point of the peg against the stone, so as to chip it out of bounds; he who does this the soonest being the victor. While the top continues to spin, he may take it up with the spoon as many times as he can, and when it spins out he must again wind it up, pur- suing the same plan till he " chips out." In winding up the top do not wet the end of the line too much, and take care to lap it closely and evenly within the grooves. In throwing the top from you, the line to peg at it as quickly as they can. If none of them hit it while it is spinning, and if it rolls out of the ring, the owner is allowed to take it up, and having- wound it, to peg at the others which may be still spinning in the circle. Should any of the tops, when they cease spinning, fall within the ring, they are considered dead, and are placed in the centre of the circle for the others to peg at. The player who suc- ceeds in striking any of the tops out of the circle claims those so struck out. In some places each player may ransom his top with a marble. Sleeping-tops are exposed to much danger in the PEG-IN-THE-RING. must be pulled in with a peculiar jerk of the hand, which practice alone can give. The string button should be held close in the hand, between the last two fingers of the hand. There is what is called an "underhand " way of spinning top — i.e., by holding its peg downwards, throwing it in a straight line for- ward, and withdrawing the string. Peg-in-the-ring may be played by any number of boys. A ring about a yard in diameter is first marked on the ground, and another ring surround- ing the first, and at a yard's distance from it, is also marked. The players must stand on this ring, and from it throw their tops. One player begins by throwing his top spinning into the ring, and while it is there spinning the other players are at liberty play, for they offer a fair mark to the " pegger," and often get split, when the peg is taken by the splitter as his trophy. Long-pegged tops are the best for the game, for they lie more upon their sides after their fall and, before the spinning entirely ceases, are the more likely to spin out of the ring. There is a way of making the top spring directly it has touched the ground. Only long-pegged tops will execute this feat. It is done by drawing the hand sharply towards the body just as the top leaves the string. When the manoeuvre is well executed, the top will drive any opponent that it strikes ea- tirely out of the ring, while it does not remain with- in the dangerous circle itself for more than a few seconds. PLAYGROUND GAMES. M3 HOOPS. Trundling the hoop is a pastime of uncertain ■origin, but it has long contributed to the health and amusement of the young people of America and Great Britain. Girls generally prefer wooden hoops, but iron ones are most in favor with boys. These instead of being driven by a stick are usually pro- pelled aud guided by a slender iron hook with a rather long handle. The proper and legitimate hoop, however, should be made of a stout ashen lath, round on the outside and flat on the inside,and should be well fastened at its point of juncture ; it should be high enough to reach midway between the owner's elbow and shoul- der, so that he may not have to stoop while striking it. The stick should be about sixteen inches long and made of tough ash, and in bowling the hoop the bowler should strike it vigorously in the centre and in a direction horizontal with the ground. Wooden hoops, also, give due exercise to the arm ; and there is some tact required in knowing exactly where to strike a hoop, so as to propel it with the greatest force. This cannot well be done with iron hoops, and forms one of the objections to them. Moreover, boys always complain that they soon lose their round form and are awkward to bowl. Still, there is something cheering in the ringing sound of an iron hoop, as it rushes along under the pressure of the curved iron rod that takes the place of the hoop- stick. I The games, properly so called, that can be played with the hoop are very few, and not generally known. Among them is one called " encounters," in which two boys start at different ends of the playground with their hoops, and meeting in the middle, each endeavors to knock down the hoop of his antago- nist, while his own remains upright. There is no small skill required in this game, for it is not always easy to make the hoops touch each other at all. Then a light hoop has little chance against a heavy one, unless it can strike it sideways, for if it were struck directly in front it would be certainly upset. But a ready hand at recovering a falling or tottering hoop wins many a game that appears to be hopelessly lost. Another hoop-game is called " posting." In this bases, called posting-stations, are formed at regular distances, in a large circle or ellipse, and at each base a player is stationed. Every player, except the hooj>- driver, has charge of a base. Let us suppose that there are seven players — A, B, C, D, E, F and G, and that the latter holds the hoop : the other six play- ers having taken possession of their stations, G now starts from the station belonging to F, and drives the hoop towards A, who waits, with hoop-stick in hand, ready to relieve G of his charge. G stops at the posting station, while A trundles the hoop to B, who takes charge of it, and delivers it to C. C trundles the hoop to D ; D transfers it to E ; E deliv- ers it to F ; and F conveys it in safety to the first player, G. In this way the game continues, until all the players have worked round the circle five or six times. It is considered very disgraceful to touch the hoop with the hand, or to allow it to fall after it has been started on its journey. The game is rendered much more lively by increasing the number of players, so that two or three hoop- drivers follow each other from base to base. " Tournament " is a game very similar to " en- counters." Two boys drive their hoops one against the other, and he whose hoop falls in the encounter is conquered. With eight players this game may be rendered very exciting. Four of the players stand in a row, about six feet apart, and, at a considerable distance, the other four take their stand, facing them. At a given signal each player dashes towards his opponent, and strives to over- turn his hoop. The four victors now pair off, and charge two against two. The conquerors then urge their hoops one against the other, and he who suc- ceeds in overturning the hoop of his antagonist wins the game. Five or six boys can play at "turnpike," though only one hoop is required. Chance decides which of the players shall first take the hoop. The oth- er players become turnpike-keepers. Each turn- pike is formed of two bricks or stones, placed on the ground, and separated by about three fingers' breadths. These turnpikes are fixed at regular dis- tances, and their number is regulated by the number of keepers. When all is ready, the first player starts his hoop, and endeavors to drive it through all the turnpikes ; should he succeed in this, he turns the hoop, drives it back again, and retains it until it touches one of the turnpikes, the keeper of which now becomes hoop-driver. When a player touches the hoop with his hand, or allows it to fall, he must deliver it up to the nearest turnpike-keeper. Each keeper must stand on that side of his turnpike which is towards the right hand of the hoop-driver, and it therefore follows that he must alter his po- sition when the hoop-driver returns. Should a keeper stand on his wrong side, the driver need not send the hoop through his turnpike. I