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Experience has taught that he must have. a certain amount of thorough drill in map study and map drawing. To this end these few lessons have been prepared. It is believed that even in their brief scope they furnish all the drill that is necessary in this line in fitting for college. The practice of looking up myths or historical facts con- nected with places is of three-fold importance ; it trains the student in the use of books of reference, helps by asso- ciation to fasten in the mind locations, and teaches mythol- ogy and history. This practice, together with that of tracing historic "routes," will serve to make the study of Ancient Geography alive and interesting, whereas it otherwise may be a dry and uninteresting subject. Some one hundred and forty names have been printed in black type for mythologi- cal or historical reference. Others may be added to these 4 PREFACE. at the option of the teacher or student. Blank pages have been inserted, to be used by the pupil for taking notes on these and other topics. Several standard atlases were consulted in the prepara- tion of these lessons. They are, therefore, based upon no one atlas to the exclusion of all others, but may be used with any good work of the kind containing well-defined maps. All topics called for, and not found in the Ancient Geog- raphy, may be found readily in a good Ancient History or Classical Dictionary. F. M. A. Wesleyan Academy, WiLBRAHAM, Mass., January, 1895. TABLE OF CONTENTS. LESSON PAGE I. Asia Minor 7 II. Asia Minor — Continued 8 III. Asia Minor — Continued 9 IV. Asia Minor — Continued 10 V. Graecia II VI. Graecia — Continued 12 VII, Graecia — Continued 13 VIII. Graecia — Continued: Islands 14 IX. Graecia — Continued: Surrounding Islands .... 15 X. Italia 16 XI. Italia — Continued 17 XII. Italia — Continued : Islands 18 XIII. Italia — Continued: Magna Graecia and Sicilia . . 19 XIV. Italia — Continued 20 XV. Africa 21 XVI. Gallia and Hispania 22 XVII. Thracia and Macedonia 23 XVIII. Orbis Romanus 24 XIX. Arabia and Syria 25 XX. PalaestIna 26 XXI. PalaestTna — Continued: Other Topics 27 XXII. Interior Asia 28 XXIII. Interior Asia — Continued 29 XXIV. Northern Europe: Other Topics 30 XXV. Miscellaneous 31 — r OUTLINE LESSONS IN ANCIENT GEOGRAPHY. 7 LESSON I. ASIA MINOR. I. Bound Asia Minor ; name and locate all its divis- ions. II. Locate the following : — 1. Greek Colonies. Aeolia, Doris, Ionia. 2. Rivers. Caicus. Mae and er. Cayster.^ Pactolus. Cydnus. Sangarius. Eurymedon. Scamander. Granicus. Scylax. Halys. Simois. Hermus. Thermodon 3. Mountains. Anti-Taurus. Mycale. Climax. Olympus. Cragus. Sipylus. Dindymus. Taurus. Ida. Tmolus. III. Draw an outline map of Asia Minor from mem- ory, showing all the above. 1 The student is expected to look up myths or historical facts connected with all names printed in heavy black type. 8 OUTLINE LESSONS IN ANCIENT GEOGRAPHY. LESSON II. ASIA MINOR. — Continued. I: Locate — 1 . Islands. Sporades. Chios. Cos. Cyprus. Icaros. Lemnos. Patmos. Lesbos. Rhodus. Symphlegades (or Cyaneae) Samos. Tenedos. 2. Bodies of Water. (seas.) Aegeum. Internum, or Euxinus. Magnum. Icarium Propontis. (gulfs.) Issacus. Smyrnaeus. (STRAITS.) Bosporus. Hellespontus. 3. Cities. Alexandria Troas. Assus. Amisus. Ephesus. Antandrus. Miletus. Antiochia Pisid. Tarsus. OUTLINE LESSONS IN ANCIENT GEOGRAPHY. LESSON III. ASIA MINOR. — Continued. I. Locate — Abydos. Adramyttium. Amasia. Ancyra. Aspendus. Attalla. Cabira. Celaenae. Chalcedon. Cnidus. Colossae. Colophon. Cos. Cumae. Cities. Cyme. Cyzicus. Derbe. Grordium. Halicarnassus. Heraclea Pont. Iconium. Issus. Laodicea. Lystra. Magnesia. Myra. Mytilene. lO OUTLINE LESSONS IN ANCIENT GEOGRAPHY. LESSON IV. .1 ASIA MV^O'^. — Cojitimied. I. Locate — Nicaea. Nicomedia. Patara. Perge. Pergamus. Philadelphia. Rhodus. Sardis. 1. Cities. Seleucia. Sinope. Smyrna. Thyatira. Trapezus. Troja (Ilium). Xanthus. • Zela. II. Name and locate the " Seven Churches of Asia." (According to Rev. i. 2.) III. Carefully draw a map of Asia Minor, showing all divisions, chief rivers, mountains, cities, surrounding waters, and islands. OUTLINE LESSONS IN ANCIENT GEOGRAPHY. II LESSON V. GRAECIA. I. Bound Greece ; name the divisions of Northern Greece, and of Central Greece or Hellas. 11, Bound Attica, Boeotia, Epirus, Phocis, and Thessalia. III. Locate — 1. Rivers. Achelous. Acheron. Cephissus. Cocytus. Peneius. Aero Ceraunii. Aracynthus. Cithaeron. Helicon. Hymettus. Oeta. Olympus. 2. Other Waters. Ambracius Sinus. Maliacus Sinus. Opunticus Sinus, or Euboicum Mare. Euripus (strait). Copais Lacus. 3. Mountains. Ossa. Othrys. Parnassus. Parnes. Pelion. Pentelicus. Pindus. 12 OUTLINE LESSONS IN ANCIENT GEOGRAPHY. f LESSON VI. 1 GRAECIA. — Continued. I. Locate — Cities. Anthedon. Athenae. Aulis. Buthrotum. Chaeronea. Coronea. Cynoscephalae. Delium. Delphi. Dodona. Eleusis. Haliartus. Larissa. Leuctra. Marathon. Megara. Munychia. Nicopolis. Pandosia. Panormus. Fharsalus. Phthia. Piraeus. Flataea. Salamis. Thebae. Thermus. Thespiae. OUTLINE LESSONS IN ANCIENT GEOGRAPHY. 1 3 LESSON VIL GRAECIA. — Contimied. I. Name and locate all the divisions of Southern Greece or the Peloponnesus. II. Locate — 1. Rivers. Aipheus. Eurotas. Peneus. 3. Gulfs. Argolicus. Corinthiacus. Cyparissus. Laconicus. Messeniacus. Saronicus. 2. Seas. Aegeum. Creticum. Ionium. Myrtoum. 4. Lake. Stymphalus. 5. Mountains. Cyllene. Erymanthus. Lycaeus. Taygetus. III. Draw map of the Peloponnesus from memory 14 OUTLINE LESSONS IN ANCIENT GEOGRAPHY. LESSON VIII. Q^KRCIP^.— Continued: ISLANDS. I. Locate — 1. Cities. Argos. Mvcenae. Corinthus. Nemea. Elis. Olympia. Lerna (place or lake). Orchomenus. Man tine a. Pisa. Megalopolis. Sparta or Lacedaemon 2. Islands, — Cyclades. Andros. Naxos. Ceos. Olearos. Delos. Par OS. Gyaros. Tenos. Melos. Thera. Myconos. 3. Places of Interest. Pass of Thermopylae. Vale of Tempe. ., OUTLINE LESSONS IN ANCIENT GEOGRAPHY. 1 5 LESSON IX. GRAECIA. — a;^/. .• SURROUNDING ISLANDS. I. Locate — Cephallenia. Corcyra. Creta. Cythera. tuboea. Ithaca. 1. Islands. Leucadia. Salamis. Scyros. Strophades. Zacynthus. 2. Mountains. 3. Cities. Dicte. Chalcis. Ida. Cnossus. Leuca. Cydonia. Eretria. Gortyna. 4. Promontories. Actium. Malea. Artemisium. Scyllaeum. Taenarum II. Carefully draw a map of Graecia according to directions in Lesson IV. 1 6 OUTLINE LESSONS IN ANCIENT GEOGRAPHY. Anio. Umbro. Arnus. Tiberis. Padus. Ticinus. Rubico. Trebia. 2. Mountains and Hills. Alpes. Aventinus. Appeninus. Capitolinus Vesuvius. Palatinus. Sacer. IV. Draw an outline map of Italia from memory, showing states, rivers, mountains. LESSON X. : ITALIA. , -^ Italy may be divided into the three general divis- j ions of Northern Italy or Gallia Cisalplna, Central Italy or Italia Media, and Southern Italy or Magna Graecia. Italia Media extends from the southern border of Liguria and Gallia Cispadana to Lucania and Apulia. I. According to the above, name and locate the states of each division. 11. Bound Italia as a whole, and also the states of Campania, Etruria, and Latium. III. Locate — 1. Rivers. OUTLINE LESSONS IN ANCIENT GEOGRAPHY. 1/ LESSON XI. ITALIA. — Continued. I. Locate Adriaticum. Ionium. Inferum. Tuscum. Tyrrhenum. Alba Longa. Andes. Aquileia. Ariminum. Baiae. Arplnum. Beneventum. Cajeta. Capua. CremGna. 1. Seas, Gulfs, etc. Ligusticus. Tarentinus. Tergestinus. Siculum Fretum. Avernus Lacus. Trasimenus Lacus. 2. Cities and Villages. Cumae. Faesulae. Florentia. Formiae. Genua. Herculaneum. Lavinium. Mantua. Mediolanum. Mutina. 1 8 OUTLINE LESSONS IN ANCIENT GEOGRAPHY. LESSON XII. ITALIA. Continued: ISLANDS I. Locate — 1. Islands. Aegates. Melita (Malta) Aeoliae. Ortygia. Corsica. Sardinia. Ilva. Sicilia. 2. Cities. Neapolis (Naples). Ravenna. Nola. Reate. Ostia. Regium Lep. Parma. Roma. Patavium. Salernum. Pisae. Sulmo. Placentia. Tergeste. Pompeii. Ticinum. Praeneste. Tusculum. Puteoli. Verona. I f OUTLINE LESSONS IN ANCIENT GEOGRAPHY. 1 9 LESSON XIII. ITALIA. — Continued. (Magna Graecta and Sicilia.) I. Locate — 1. Mountains. Aetna. Eryx. 2 Promontories and Rocks. Charybdis. Pelorum. Pachynum. Agrigentum. Asculum. Brundusium. Cannae. Canusium. Croto (Crotdna). Drepanum. Enna (Henna;. Gela. Heraclea. Hybla. Lilybaeum. Scylla. 3. Cities. Messana. Paestum. Pandosia. Panormus. Petilia. Rhegium. Rudiae. Segeste. Syracusae. Tarentum. Thurii. Venusia. 20 OUTLINE LESSONS IN ANCIENT GEOGRAPHY. LESSON XIV. ITALIA. — Continued. I. Carefully draw a map of Italy according to pre- vious directions. 11. Draw a map of Ancient Rome, showing the position of its ''seven hills," the Tiber, Forum Roma- num. Circus Maxim us, Colosseum and Campus Martins. III. Draw a plan of the Forum Romanum ; name and locate the surrounding buildings. Via Sacra and the rostra. IV. Trace the Appian Way from Rome to Brundu- sium. OUTLINE LESSONS IN ANCIENT GEOGRAPHY. 21 LESSON XV. AFRICA. I. Name and locate all the divisions of Africa bor- dering on the Mediterranean Sea. II. Bound Africa (proper), Numidia, and Aegyptus. III. Locate — 1. Rivers and Other Waters. Atlanticus. Mediterraneum. Arabicus. Nilus. Bagradas. Aethiopia. Ammon. Gaetulia. 4. Islands. Fortunatae. Pharos. Alexandria. x\rsinoe. •Barce. Bernice. Caesarea. Carthago. Cyrene. 2. Mountains. Atlas. Oases and Deserts. Libya. Phazania. 5. Shoals. Syrtes — Major. Minor. 6. Cities. Heliopolis. Memphis, and Pyramids. Thapsus. Thebae. ITtica. Zama. 22 OUTLINE LESSONS IN ANCIENT GEOGRAPHY. LESSON XVI. GALLIA AND HISPANIA. L Bound Gallia and Hispania ; name and locate the divisions of each. II. Locate — 1. Rivers and Anas. Durius. Garumna. Other Waters. Rhodanus. Sequana. Tagus. Iberus. Cantabricum Mare Liger. Gallicum Fretum. Mosa. Gallicus Sinus. Mosella. Lacus Lemanus. Rhenus. 2. MOUNT.AIXS. 3. Islands. Jura. Baleares. Pyrenaei. Major. Vosegus. Minor. 5. Cities AND Towns. Alesia. Massilia. Aquae Sextiae. Munda. Avaricum. Narbo. Carthago Nova. Numantia. Corduba. Saguntum. Gades. Salmantica. Genava. Tarraco. Gergovia. Valentia. Lugdunum. Vienna. Lutetia. I I OUTLINE LESSONS IN ANCIENT GEOGRAPHY. 23 LESSON XVII. THRACIA AND MACEDONIA. I. Bound Thracia and Macedonia. II. Locate — 1. Rivers. Aegos-Potamos. Hebrus. Danubius (Ister). Strymon. Haliacmon. 2. Mountains. Athos. Rhodope. Haemus. 3. Islands. Samothracia. Thasos. 4. Cities. Acanthus. (H)adrianopolis x\ppollonia (Mac). Neapolis (Mac.) Amphipolis. Philippi. Beraea. Pydna. Byzantium. Thessalonica. Edessa. 24 OUTLINE LESSONS IN ANCIENl^ GEOGRAPHY. LESSON XVIII. ORBIS ROMANUS. I. Bound approximately the Orbis Romanus as it was at its greatest extent. II. Name its divisions (i) in Europe; (2) in Asia; (3) in Africa. III. Bound Dacia and Moesia. IV. What and where were Britannia, Caledonia, Cambria, Hibernia, and Valentia.'' V. Name and locate the six largest islands and six groups of islands in the Aegean and Mediterranean Seas. VI. Locate — 1- Divisions or Provinces. Achaia. Helvetia. Noricum. Pannonia. Asia. Ulyricum. Rhaetia. Vindilecia. 2. Rivers. 3. Mountains. Dravus. Carpates. Savus. 4. Walls of — Tamesis. Antoninus. (H)adrian. 5. Islands. 6. Cities. Appollonia Mona. Dyrrhachium. Paphos. (Illyr.). Thule. Epidaurus. Tomi. Cyprus. Vectis. Londinium. 7. Districts. Dalmatia. Liburnia. 4 i OUTLINE LESSONS IN ANCIENT GEOGRAPHY. 2$ LESSON XIX. ARABIA AND SYRIA. I. Bound Arabia and Syria, and locate the divisions Deserta, Felix, Petraea, Palaestina, and Phoenicia. II. Locate — 1. Tribal Divisions. 2. Rivers. Edom, or Abana. Idumaea. Jordanes. Midian. Leontes. Moab. Orontes. Sheba. Parphar. 3. Other Waters. 4. Deserts Arabicus Sinus. Paran. Mortuum Mare. Syrian. Tiberias Lacus. Zin. 5. Mountains. Anti Libanus. Libanus. Hermon. Seir. Hor. Sinai. Horeb. 6. Cn ies. Antiochia. Seleucia Pieria. Damascus. Sidon. Emesa. Thapsacus. Heliopolis (Baalbek). Tripolis. Hierosolyma (Jerusalem). Tyrus. Palmyra (Tadmor). 26 OUTLINE LESSONS IN ANCIENT GEOGRAPHY. LESSON XX. PALAESTINA.* I. Bound Palaestlna as it was under the Romans. II. Locate — 1. Divisions. 2. Rivers and Other Waters Galilea. Gennesaritis (Tiberias). Judaea. Jabbok. Peraea. Jordanes. Samaria. Kishon. Merom. Mortuum Mare. 3. Mountains. Bashan. Gilboa. Beatitudes. Gilead. Calvaria. Nebo. Carmelus. Olives. Ebal. Pisgah. Gerezim. Tabor. 4. Cities. Bethlehem. Nazareth. Capernaum. Samaria. Jerusalem or Shiloh. (Hierosolyma) . I * Teachers who wish to shorten the work, and take only such lessons as bear upon the usual Greek and Latin read, may find it convenient to omit Lessons XX., XXL, and part of XXIV. OUTLINE LESSONS IN ANCIENT GEOGRAPHY. 2] LESSON XXI. YK\.KY.STmK.— Continued: OTHER TOPICS. I. Locate — 1. Cities. Ascalon. Ashdod. Beersheba. Bethel. Bethsaida. Caesarea. Caesarea-Philippi. Cana. Dan. Engedi. Esdraela (Jezreel). Gath. Gaza. Gilgal. Hebron. Jericho. Joppa (Japho). Nain. H. Draw a map of Palaestma according to previous directions. HI. Trace the Missionary journeys of St. Paul, IV. Trace the wanderings of the Israelites as far as known. V. Trace the supposed route of St. Paul from Caesarea to Rome. 28 OUTLINE LESSONS IN ANCIENT GEOGRAPHY, LESSON XXII. INTERIOR ASIA. I. Bound Armenia, Assyria, Media, and Mesopo- tamia. II. Locate — 1. Divisions. Albania. Colchis. Babylonia. Iberia. Chaldaea. Susiana. 2. Tribes. Carduchi. Caspian!. 3. Rivers and Other Waters. Araxes. Tigris. Cyrus, Caspium Mare. Euphrates. Persicus Sinus. Phasis. 4. Mountains. Ararat. Orontes. Caucasus. Zagrus. Niphates. 5. Cities. Aea. Cunaxa. Larissa. Susa. Arbela. Ecbatana. Ninus. Tigranocerta Babylon. Edessa. Seleucla. Ur (?). Ctesiphon. Caugamela. OUTLINE LESSONS IN ANCIENT GEOGRAPHY. 29 LESSON XXIII. INTERIOR ASIA. — Continued. I. Locate — 1. Divisions. Aria. India intra Gangem. Bactriana. India extra Gangem Carmania. Parthia. Gedrosia. Persis (Persia). Hvrcania. Scythia. Sogdiana. 2. Rivers. Ganges. Indus. Hydaspes. Jaxartes. Hyphasis. Oxus. 3. Other Waters. Erythraeum Mare. Oceanus Eous. Gangeticus Sinus. Oxiana Palus. 4. Mountains. Emodi. 5. Cities. Alexandria Ultima Harmozia. (Alexandreschata). Cyropolis. Pattala. Gaza. Persepolis. II. Trace the route of Alexander the Great from " start to finish." 30 OUTLINE LESSONS IN ANCIENT GEOGRAPHY, LESSON XXIV. NORTHERN EUROPE: OTHER TOPICS. I. Locate — 1. Divisions. Burgundy. Normandy. Germania. Sarmatia. Lombardy. Scandinavia. 2. Tribes and their Migrations. Angles. Lombards. Burgundians. Normans. Cimbri. Ostrogoths. Danes. Saxons. Franks. Suevi. Goths. Vandals. Huns. Visigoths. Jutes. 3 Rivers AND Other Waters. Hypanis. Germanicus Mare Rha. Palus Maeotis. Tanais. Pontus Euxinus. Vistula. 4. Peninsulas. i.l Cimbrica Chersonesus. Taurica Chersonesus. Thracia Chersonesus. jl OUTLINE LESSONS IN ANCIENT GEOGRAPHY. 3 I LESSON XXV. MISCELLANEOUS. L Draw a map of the " Homeric World." 11. Trace the route of the " Ten Thousand." in. What and where were the " Seven Wonders " of the world } IV. Locate sixteen successive stopping-places of Aeneas and his companions after leaving Troy. V. Trace the route of Hannibal. VI. Trace the route of the "Argonauts " to the place where they found the golden fleece. ^0 J ^-/ e wo o ClV w o * *^ *-|i \/.-M'- %/ -^-i ^-Z -itev v*^i /"V i *^->> <*W^*J> v^^'y -o^*^^*" ..^r. ,^ V^V V^v ..X"^^* LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 019 699 145 1 ■ ' t' t'l '■ ■ » t.ti' ,1*- • L . * i, k , i" r aillBl