I — T S ass ! Ts ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF Peter Timmes' Son, 281, 283 & 285 N. SIXTH ST., AND 304, 306, 308 & 310 N. SEVENTH ST., Brooklyn, N. Y. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Chap. Copyright No. ShelL.X-.^..^8-5' UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. MARTIN B. BROWN Iprinttv anB Stationer 49-57 Park Place, N. Y. 1896.— ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF Peter Timmes' Son, 281, 283 & 285 N. SIXTH ST. „ . „., .,,-^ «»S" 304, 306, 308 & 310 N. SEVENTH ST., L, WWW, Brooklyn, N. Y. CopyRiOHTED, 1886. »y PtJlK Tiumes' Son. CopvRioMTio, 1896, ov Peter Timmes' Son. .-^ •1896 ^^ OFFICE OF Peter Timmes' Son, Nos. 281, 283 and 285 North Sixth Street, Nos. 304, 306, 308 and 310 North Seventh Street, BROOKLYN, N. Y. Gentlemen : In presenting to you my new Catalogue of Cemetery Goods, I have aimed to make it, for the convenience of my customers, as complete as possible. Attention is called to my new patterns of Gates and Railings, and especially to my New Designs in Settees, Chairs, Vases, etc., which, while in strict keeping as to adaptation for lawns and cemeteries, are both unique and elegant. My facilities for the manufacture of the above have been largely increased during the last few years. With the force of skilled workmen which I constantly employ, and stock on hand, all orders will be executed with promptness, despatch and in the best manner. By doing my own galvanizing, and giving all work my personal supervision, I am enabled to give first-class goods in every respect. In addition to the goods shown in this Catalogue, I also furnish Chain, Bars and Pipe cut any size and length to order. Lifting Bars of both Pipe and Iron, Chain Gates, Pipe Enclosures for graves and plots, and Wrougrht-Iron Gates ; also Lead in ingots. I invite attention to the following pages, solicit correspondence, and will be pleased to furnish estimates. Thanking you for past orders and hoping for a continuance of your esteemed favors, I remain. Yours truly, Peter Timmes' Son. /.,/! )) ^-\m)'] PETER TIMMES' SON, BROOKLYN. N. Y. Plate No. 1. CROWN GATE. Height, 3 feet 6i inches. OPENING, 3 feet O inches. PETER TIMMES' SON, BROOKLYN, N. Y. Plate No. 2. RENAISSANCE G-ATE. Height, 3 feet 8 inches. OPENINO, a feet lO inclies. PETER TIMMES' SON. BROOKLYN, N. Y. Plate No. 3. RENAISSANCE GATE WITH CROSS. Heiglit, -1 fiT't U inches. PETER TIMMES' SON. BROOKLYN, N. Y. Plate No. 4. G-ERMAN GOTHIC G-ATE. Height, 3 feet 8f inches. OPBNINGr, 2 feet 11 inches. PETER TIMMES SON, BROOKLYN, N. Y. TTT^rT~m Plate No. 6. GERMAN GOTHIC GATE WITH CROSS. Height, 3 feet 8} inches. < 'l-KNING-, a feet 11 inches. PETER TIMMES' SON, BROOKLYN, N. Y. Plate No. 6. G-ERMAN DOUBLE GOTHIC GATE. Height, 4 feet 4J iuclies. OPENING, 4 feet G inches. PETER TIMMES' SON, BROOKLYN, N. Y. Plate No. 7. GERMAN DOUBLE GOTHIC GATE WITH CROSS. Height, 4 feet 5i inches. OPKNING, 'V ffcl r, inches. 10 PETER TIMMES' SON, BROOKLYN, N. Y. Plate No. 8. LOW RENAISSANCE GATE. Height, 2 feet 8 inches. OPENING, 3 feet 3 inches. BUIT.\BI.E FOR ONE-BAR PENCE. PETEH TiMMES' SON, BROOKLYN, N. Y. 11 Plate No. 9. LOW RENAISSANCE GATE WITH CROSS. Height, 8 feet 1^ inches. OPENING, 3 feet H inchos. aillT.MlI.E KOH ONE-BAB FENCE. 12 PETER TIMMES- SON, BROOKLYN, N. Y. Plato No. 10. MEDIEVAL G-ATE. Height, 2 feci 5 inches. OPENING-, 3 feet JJ inches. SUITABT.E FOR ONE-I5AK PENCE. PETER TIMMES' i>ON, BROOKLYN, N. Y. 13 Plate No. 11. OLD PATTERN GATE. IIciRliI, 3 feet OJt inches. OPKNING. 3 feet « inohp.s. 14 PETER TIMMES' SON, BROOKLYN, N. Y. Plate No. 12. SING-LE GOTHIC GATE. Height, 3 feet 6 inches. OPENING-, 2 feet 9 inclies. PETER TIMMES' SON, BROOKLYN, N. Y. 15 Plate No. 13. DOUBLE GOTHIC GATE. Height, 3 foet 7} inches. OPENTCNG. 4 feet 1 inch. lU PETER TIMMES- SON, BROOKLYN, N. Y. Plate No. 14. SINGLE SCROLL GATE. lltiglit, with Drops, 'S feet 44 inches. OPENING, a feet 8 inches. PETER TIMMES' SON, BROOKLYN, N. Y. Plate No. 15. DOUBLE SCROLL GATE. Height, with Dropti, ;} feet 7A iiichus. OPKNING, 4 reel. 18 PETER TIMMES' SON, BROOKLYN, N. Y. Plate No. 16. CAST IRON SQUARE BAR GATE. Height, from Ceulri; lo Centre of Bars, 1 foot 4.J iuches. Total Height, 1 foot 9J inches. OPENING-, 3 feet. CAN ALSO BE MADE OP WBODGHT IKON IN ANY SIZE OR GRADE REQUIRED. PETER TIMMES- SON, BROOKLYN, N. Y. 11* Plate No. 17. CAST IRON SQUARE BAR GATE. Ilfiglil, from Ceiilrc lo C'ciiln; of liars, 1 foot l! iiulK's. Tol:il Ili'iitlil, :i feel 8 inches. OPKNINO, :« loet. CAN ALSO UK MADK OF WUOnillT IKON IN ANY SI/.K Oil GHADK RICqi'IUF:!). 20 PETER TIMMES" SON, BROOKLYN, N. Y. Plate No. 18. WROUGHT IRON DOUBLE GATE. MADE ANT SIZE TO ORDBB. PETER TIMMES' SON, BROOKLYN, N. Y. 21 Plate "".No. 19. 1, 1', and 1'. INCH PIPE GATE. BUITA1II.E FOU ONK-HAK FKNCK. Mciillil, to Cciilrc of Pipe, lOj inclios. Total llcislil, 1 foot 81 iiiclic.s. OPENING, .'1 li-<-t. C:in tip in:in:i Order. PLEASE NOTICE THAT SIZE OK I'lTE (IIVEN 18 l^'^IOE MKA8UKE.MENT. PETER TIMMES' SON, BROOKLYN. N. Y. Plate No. 26. 1, Hi and VA INCH PIPE GATE. Height, from Centre to Centre of Pipe, 1 foot 4 inches. Total Height, 2 feet 7A inches. OPENINGr, 3 feet. Can be made to lit any Opening to Oriler. PLEASE NOTICE THAT SIZE OF PIPE GIVEN IS INSIDE MEASITREMENT. PETER TIMMES' SON, BROOKLYN, N. Y. a'j Plate No. 27. 1, 1', and 1'- INCH PIPE GATE. Height, from Cuntre U) Coiiire of Tipe, 1 fool 4 hiilit-.s. Total Height, 2 fcfl lOi iiulics. OrKNING-, 3 feet. Can bo inaae to ill any Opeiiinu: to t)i-^ INCH PIPE GATE. Height, from Centre to Centre of Pipe, 1 foot 4 inches. Total Height, 1 foot 7i inches. opening;-, 3 feet. Can be made to flt any Opening to Order. PLEASE NOTICE THAT SIZE OF PIPE GIVEN IS INSIDE MEASUREMENT. PETER TIMMES' SON, BROOKLYN, N. Y. 6i Plate No. 29. 1, I'l and !■-■ INCH PIPE GATE. Height, from Centre to Centre of Pipe, 1 foot 4 inches. Total llii^rlit. '- f<'Ol "1 inrhes. OPKNINCr, li (opt. C'.-in l)^ in!\i><'iiinji lo < )reniiis{ to Or int-hes and 3 feet. Can be made to lit any Opening to Order- PLEASE NOTICE THAT SIZE OF PIPE GIVEN IS INSIDE MEASOUEMENT. ^VK^fmrnmrn PETER TIMMES' SON. BROOKLYN, N. Y. IHilWlllJi'Wii'WWiWMlPlWfflWffl Plate No. 41. IH INCH PIPE GATE-LEAF PATTERN. eniTABI,E KOR ONK-IIAK FENCE. Height, to CViitrc of I'ipe, II! iiiclit-s. Tnlal llfi|,'lit, 2 ftet ■I iiichrs. OpeninK ~ ieet !<• inclieB an»l 3 (eet. fan b« iriaile to fit any Openiut: to Order. PLEABE NOTICE THAT SIZE OK I'll'E OIVKN l» INBIDE MEASDHEMENT. 44 PETER TIMMES' SON, BROOKLYN, N. Y. Plate No. 42. 3 INCH PIPE GATE. SUITABLE FOR ONE-BAIl FENCE. Height, to Cfulrc of Pipe, 11| ioches. Total Height, 2 feet 4 inches. OPENING, 3 feet 8 inches or more. PLEASE NOTICE THAT SIZE OF PIPE GIVEN IS INSIDE MEASUREMENT. PETER TIMMES' SON. BROOKLYN, N. Y. 45 Plate No. 43. NEW MEDIEVAL GATE. Ili'iglit. 2 fi'ct (! inches. OfKNING, :« loet. aUITAIII.K KIIU ONK II.VK KKNCK. 46 PETER TIMMES' SON, BROOKLYN, N. Y. Plate No. 44. NEW MEDIEVAL GATE WITH CROSS. SUITABLE FOK ONE-BAU PENCE. Height, 2 feet 10 inches. OPENING, 3 reet. PETER TIMMES' SON. BROOKLYN, N. Y. 47 Plate No. 45. !'■ INCH PIPE FRONT. SUITABLE KOIl I-OTS WITH SMAI.I. KHONT. Can l>o m.-Kln wiUi O-ate I'l.-itew Nom. -. ; i. Id, .-,,1,1 |.(. CAN AI.80 IIK MADK WITH DOIHI.K IIAUS WITH s^l AHi; I'll,; .iATKS (.11 HIOII OABT-IUON OATKS. 48 PETER TIMMES' SON, BROOKLYN, N. Y. Plate No. 46. I'A INCH PIPE FRONT. SUITABLE FOR LOTS WITH SMALL FRONT. Can also be made with Gate Plates Nos. 11), ao, 21, 30 and 40. PETER TIMMES* SON, BROOKLYN, N. Y. ■I '.I Plate No. 47. CEMETERY RAILING. AllOVK SECTION SHOWS SqUARB BAHS WITU CENTRE AND END ORNAMBNTB, CHAIN AND TABSKLS. (AN Al.Sd m: MADE WITH CENTRE AND END ORNAMENTS ONLY. 50 PETER TIMMES' SON, BROOKLYN. N. Y. Plate No. 48. CEMETERY RAILING. ABOVE SECTION SHOWS ROUND BAIiS WITH CENTHE AND END OUNAMENTS, CHAIN AND TASSEIA PETER TIMMES' SON. BROOKLYN, N. Y. r,\ I J * Plate No. 49. CEMETERY RAILING-. ABOVE SECTION SHOWS ROUND BARS WITH CENTRE AMI KNI) ORNAMENTS. 52 PETER TIMMES' SON, BROOKLYN. N. Y. m H & < O Q Q W K & W O o H o p< |i< o t-4 ^ « (Si IS Pk b in '. ^ f (D '- ■*-> n cS ^ -^ u o b 54 PETER TIMMES' SON, BROOKLYN, N. Y. Plate No. 56. SMALL. TASSELS. Plate No. 60. EXTRA LARGE. Plate No. 57. Plate No. 58. MEDIUM. Plate No. 59. PETER ITMMES' SON. BROOKLYN. N. Y. 55 COLLARS OR WASHERS. Plate No. 63. KOU l}4 I'"*'" '■"■'•- AND 2 INCH KOL'M) llAK. Plate No. 61. KOK 1 INfll PirF, AM) 1)^ T.N( ir IHH Nl) ItMt. Plate No. 62. I--<1K II4 INCH ril'K AND 1% INCH KDINI) llAlt. Plate No. 64. KOU 2 INCH riPK ANI) 252 rNCIl IIOINI) llAII. 56 PETER TIMMES' SON, BROOKLYN. N. Y. Plate No. 65. WASHERS. Fon 1 INCH SQUAUE BARg. Plate No. 66. WASHERS. FOR 1}.^ AND IJ^ INCH SQUARE BARS. Plate No. 67. HALL CHAIR. Plate No. 68. MEDALLION CHAIR. PETER TIMMES' SON, BROOKLYN, N. Y. Plate No. 69. GRAPE CHAIR Plate No. 70. MORNING GLORY CHAIR. Plate No. 71. GRAPE SETTEE. 58 PETER TIMMES' SON, BROOKLYN, N. Y. Plate No. 73. CURTAIN CHAIR Plate No. 74. LYRA CHAIR. Plate No. 75. LAWN CHAIR. PETER TIMMES' SON, BROOKLYN, N. Y. 59 Plate No. 76. COMMON SENSE CHAIR I1-..I1 'Work Galv:inii5tr^ inclii'N. SIZrc OF" irOO'P. r^ inotioH Rriuare. Can iilBo be ni:iot >-<\4 iiichoR Brmnro. 68 PETER TIMMES' SON, BROOKLYN. N. Y. ^j^^^,^4 inches. lIciKht. . . . 16^ " HKlGrHT. ovfi- nil, t 1 iuchoB. PKDKSTAL. Sijiiarc, , . 14;2 inches. Height, , \1]4 70 PETER TIMMES' SON, BROOKLYN, N. Y. Plate No. 88. JARDINIERE VASE. Diameter, Height, 21 inches. 36 " PETER TIMMES' SON, BROOKLYN. N. Y '. i Plate No. 89. LEAF VASE, ON ORNAMENTAL SLAB PEDESTAL. VASE. DiaiiU'liT. Height, 25 inclicH. 17 " PKDKSTAL. Square, ... 17 inches. Height, . . 22 •' HEIQH'r, froin ground to lop ol rim. 30 Inobes. 72 PETER TIMMES' SON, BROOKLYN, N. Y. Plate No. 90. GRECIAN VASE ON RENAISSANCE PEDESTAL. VA.SK. Diameter, Height, 24 inclies. 21 " PEDKSTA.L. Oblong, . . . 34x28 inches. Height, . . . 18K " HIGICtIIT, from ground to top of rim, 3f>^ incliee. PETER TIMMES' SON, BROOKLYN. N. Y. r:] : " -'■<'- T'fe^t3'C3to»<^'>?-^^ r3*f: T.^^,Ti<. ^-Tm.i.r.i.", -Irt inohes. 74 PETER TIMMES' SON, BROOKLYN, N. Y. Plate No. 92. •GRECIAN" VASE ON "LOUIS QUATORZE" PEDESTAL. VA.SE. Diameter, 24 inches. PEDESTAL. Square 19J^ inches. Heiffht, .... 37 HEIGrHT, from ground to top of rim, -iOH inches. PETER TIMMES' SON, BROOKLYN. N. Y. Plate No. 93. GRECIAN-' VASE WITH HANDLES. ON "LOUIS QUATORZE" PEDESTAL. VASK. Diameter, . . 24 inclics. Diameter, including handles, 88 Height, .... 21}^ " Height, including bandies, 30 " PKUESXA.L. Sl"a™ 1914 inches. Height, • . . 27 HKIG-HT, from t;rounESTA.L. Square, . . 16 inches. Height, . . 16 HEIGrUT, from grounil to top of rim, 37 inches. PETER TIMMES' SON. BROOKLYN, N. Y. 77 Plate No. 95. GRECIAN" VASE WITH HANDLES, ON ORNAMENTAL ROMAN PEDESTAL. va.sk;. Diamctrr, ... 24 innlien. Dinrncler, including hindlcs, 36 "eight 21 " IIi'i),'lit, including bandies, 2'.>l^ " PKOKSTAL. Square, Height, 16 inches. 16 " IIKIGHT, from ci-ouiwl to top ol li.-iii^ inches. PETER TIMMES' SON, BROOKLYN, N. Y. ','j Plate No. 97. GRECIAN" VASE WITH HANDLES, ON "RENAISSANCE" PEDESTAL. VASE. Dilimeter. ... 80 inclies. Diurootcr, including handles, 42 " Height 25 J^ " Height, including handles, 34 " PKDKSTAr.. Oblong, . . 28 X 32 inches. Height, ... 23 " HKIGtHT, fi-oin ground to top of handles, GT inches. 80 PETER TIMMES' SON BROOKLYN, N. Y. HlliiH llllillllNIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Illlllilllllllllll Illlllllllllllllllllllil Plate No. 98. GRECIAN " VASE ON "LOUIS QUATORZE" PEDESTAL. VASE. Diameter, Height, 30 inches. 26 " Square, Height, 24 inches. 32 " HEIGrHT, from srounci to top of rim, .'iS inches. PETER TIMMES' SON, BROOKLYN, N. Y. 81 Plate No. 99. GRECIAN" VASE WITH HANDLES, ON "LOUIS QUATORZE" PEDESTAL. VASK. Piamptcr. ... 30 inches. Diameter, iiicludinj; liandles, 42 Height, . . 20 '• Height, including handles, 34 PKDKS'I'AI-.. Square 24 iiiclies. Height :!2 HKicm T. from m-ouixl lo lop ol li.indlOH, < !< i inohe«. 82 £ETER TIMMES' SON, BROOKLYN N. Y. Plate No. 100. GRECIAN" VASE ON ORNAMENTAL SLAB PEDESTAL. VASE. Diameter, Height, 24 inches. 21 ■■ PKDEST.A.L. Square, Height, 17 inches. 22 " HEIGHT, from ground to top of rim. 43 inches. PETER TIMMES' SON, BROOKLYN, N. Y. Plate No. 101. "GRECIAN" VASE WITH HANDLES, ON ORNAMENTAL SLAB PEDESTAL. VA.SK. PKDKSrAL. Diameter. ... 24 inches. Square I )iatiicter, including handles, 36 " Height lli-ight, . . 21 " Height, including handles, 29}^ " HEIGHT, from Kroiiml to top of liandleH, .'jIH inohoa. 17 inches. 22 " 84 PETER TIMMES' SON, BROOKLYN, N. Y. Plate No. 102. Diameter of pot, GIPSY POT. 20 inches. Depth of pot, HEIGHT of Poles, GO inches. 12 inches. PETER TIMMES' SON, BROOKLYN, N. Y. 85 Plate No. 103. GIPSY POT WITH BIRD HOUSE. niiinifliT of pot, 17 inches. Di'plli of i)ol, 10 inches. HKIGHX of Pol«a.