MWs'7 '7 f= 123 ■fl3 W57 Copy 1 "The Towne of Albany is an Ancient Towne '* (Testimony of the Dongan Charter, 1686) ALBANY GUIDE BOOR " Let us go out into pleasant places Mellowed by shadows of days of old" ALBANY J. B. LYON COMPANY, PRINTERS 19 I 7 ■A S W^J Copyright, 1917 BY John D. Whish All Rights Reserved •UN II 1917 ©aA46a»28 EXPLANATORY np HIS booklet's purpose, primarily, is to help strangers visit the Ancient City of Albany easily, pleasantly and profitably. It also will prove a desirable handl)ook for Albanians. The tourist with but an hour at his command can get a good idea of Albany. If several hours are at his disposal he can pass them all to advan- tage. If his days are his own he can spend a num- ber of them in visiting public buildings and exploring historic places. If you can't stop over, read this book and see what you have missed. ALBANY The Capital of New York, the Empire State Is the oldest surviving European settlement in the thirteen original states ; the oldest chartered city in the United States and the second oldest city in America. Named after the Duke of York and Albany when the British took possession m 1664. Familiar early names were Fort Orange and Beverwyck. The city was chartered by Gov- ernor Thomas Dongan, July 22, 1686; the first mayor was Peter Schuyler. It was the meeting place in 1754 of the Continental Congress to con- sider Federal union ; became the State capital In 1797. Legislature first met here January 27- March 14, 1780, in the old Court Flouse at Broad- way and Hudson avenue. Albany now is the fifth largest city in the State ; second largest express office ; third largest mail transfer station ; fourth in value as a port of entry. Internal reve- nue receipts (1916), $9,219,845.10; customs re- ceipts (1916), $123,986.00; value of imports, $1,099,484; vessels registered from this port, 526. The city was settled about 1624 and originally 6 Albany Guide Book was a stockaded trading post. It is located on the west bank of the Hudson river, 143 miles from New York; latitude 42*", 39', IV north; longitude 3°, 18' east from Washington. Eleva- tion (base line of Capitol) above sea level, 161.09 feet, estimated from low water in New York har- bor, and 158.48 feet above low water in the Hud- son river. Population (State census, December, 1915), 107,979, including 8,159 aliens. The city direc- tory for 1916 contained 57,980 names. It is the center of the richest commercial quad- rilateral in the country — New York, BuiTalo, Montreal, Boston; is a railroad center; the termi- nus of the Erie (barge) canal, and practically the head of Hudson river navigation. Has every advantage to make it a hustling business city ; was once a big stove manufacturing center, live ^^ stock, lumber and grain market ; is still full of business and steadily growing. During the past five years the city has spent on new construction alone, for schools, $1,582,700; other public build- ings, $186,000; parks, $209,500 ; streets, $2,553,300 ; sewers, $1,180,000; river front improvements, $967,000. Its present area is 19.381 square miles, of which 3.647 were added in 1916 from parts of the towns of Bethlehem, Colonic and Guilderland. Albany Guide Book 7 Always a political center, the city enrollment of 1916 showed a total of 29,198, including 18,131 Republicans, 6,085 Democrats, 622 Progressives. It now is the 28th Congress, 28th Senate and 3d Judicial district. The total city valuation in 1916 was $169,753,500, including realty, $92,929,768; per- sonal, $6,868,300; exempt, $60,455,840; owned by the city, $9,500,000; city debt, $6,270,001.55, less sinking funds of $935,061.27. Cost to run the city (1916 budget), $2,112,082.91; State and county taxes (1916), $774,719.67. On August 17, 1848, the " Great Fire " de- stroyed 600 houses, causing a loss of $3,000,000. The city has (1916) 204 licensed saloons and 22 hotels and restaurants in which liquor is sold. Albany is substantially built, has excellent pa\'ements (in 1916 the total was 108 miles, in- cluding granite block, 31 miles; brick, 44^ miles; asphalt, 17^ miles; macadam, 5^ miles). It has an abundant filtered water supply, is thor- oughly lighted by electricity, and is well drained. It has ample public buildings and churches ; un- surpassed schools ; excellent police and fire de- partments, street car and telephone service. Average summer temperature, 70.4° (June, July, August) ; average winter temperature, 25.0"^ 8 Albany Guide Book (December, January, February), according to Government records extending over 42 years. The highest recorded temperature during this period was 104° ; the lowest, 24° ; average annual rainfall, 35.23 inches; relative annual humidity, 76; average hourly velocity of wind, 6 miles, and highest recorded, 70 miles. During the '' Big Blizzard," March 12-14, 1888, the snowfall was 42 1/5 inches. Other heavy snowfalls were : February 14, 1914, total 23^ inches; December 13-14, 1915, total 24^ inches, with a northwest wind at 26 miles per hour. The average death rate (State Health Depart- ment record) is 19.12 per 1,000, showing the city to be one of the healthiest in the country. In 1916, Albany spent for education $5.12 per capita ; for health and sanitation, $2.55, and for recreation purposes, parks, playgrounds, etc., $0.86. The records also show during the same period 3,160 building permits issued, covering an estimated expenditure of $4,842,820, and including 2 schools, 1 hotel, 6 office buildings, 152 garages, 5 factories, 11 stores, 8 warehouses, 459 dwellings and many extensions to existing structures. The city is popularly divided into North, South and AVest Albany. East Albany is across the river. Albany has namesakes in Australia, Albany Guide Book 9 Georgia, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri. Oregon, Ohio, Tennessee, Texas, Wisconsin and elsewhere. The '' Albany Beautiful " movement, which led to and began with the great river front improve- ment and the transformation of the foot of State street into a beautiful plaza, Avas initiated by Wil- liam Barnes, editor of the Albany Journal, and was given its first recognition after much discus- sion by Mayor James B. McEwan, who secured the noted architect, Arnold W. Brunner, in 1912 to prepare plans and make tentative sketches for the proposed work. In his book of " Studies for Albany," Mr. Brunner said : " To-day Albany is essentially picturesque — it possesses an indi- viduality among our cities that is most pro- nounced." Note. — In 1540 French fur traders sailed up the Hudson river and built a stone fort on Van Rensselaer island, just south of the present city site. In 1609 Henry Hudson, English navigator hired by the Dutch East India company to explore "The Grande" (Hud- son river) sailed the Half Moon from Holland, reach- ing the present site of Albany on September 19. He remained 4 days exploring the river in search of a 10 Albany Guide Book passage to India. In 1615 on the strength of Hudson's report, members of his crew got the Dutch company to send over another ship and rebuilt the old French fort (called The Castle) naming it Fort Nassau. This structure was wrecked by a freshet in 1618 and aban- doned. In 1624 the Walloons (exiled French Protes- tants) got the Dutch company's permission to settle along the Hudson river and in March thirty families located on the present site of Albany, building Fort Orange in June. In 1629 this venture was abandoned by the Dutch company because of expense. In 1630 the Dutch West Indies company undertook to settle the territory through manorial grants, Kiliaen Van Rensselaer, a rich Amsterdam pearl merchant, getting the first concession. He bought from the Indians in August the territory including the present site of Albany. In 1651 Jan Baptiste Van Rensselaer, young- est of the family, came to Fort Orange as director of the manor. In 1652 Pieter Stuyvesant, chief officer of the Dutch company, visited Fort Orange and named the manor Beverswyck (beavers fuyck — from the abundant animal and the curving shape of the bay sug- gesting a net called a fuyck). In 1664 the English Claimed the territory; King Charles II granted the site to his brother James, Duke of York and Albany; the territory was seized in September and the name of city site changed to Fort Albany. In 1673 the Dutch retook the territory, changing its name to Willemstadt. In 1674 the name again became Albany on the declaration of peace between the Dutch and English. In 1686, July 22, Col. Thomas Dongan, Governor of the Province of New York, chartered Albany as a city, commissioning Albany Guide Book 11 Col. Pieter Schuyler as first mayor. In its early days the city was a stockaded trading post, important in the warfare with the French and Indians. In 1680 missionaries who visited the settlement wrote: "Albany is built against a hill with several poor streets on which are 80 or 90 houses; is surrounded by a stockade and has several gates corresponding to the streets; has a Dutch Reformed and a Lutheran church. The English have built a fort on a hill back of the town: the Dutch fort (Fort Orange) on the river bank is abandoned." In 1685 Albany was called " The House of Peace " by a Mohawk Indian chief while addressing a commission a.>-.sembled to renew an important treaty. 12 Albany Guide Book MEMORANDA Albany Guide Book 13 ONE HOUR IN ALBANY Whether the tourist comes to Albany by boat or by rail, but a few steps are required to reach historic ground. If by rail on the Central, a turn to the left on passing out of the depot into Broadway brings the visitor quickly to Steuben street, where stood the old North gate of the city (p. 102), at which Symon Schermerhorn, in the early morning of February 9, 1690, shouted the first news of the Schenectady massacre. If by boat, directly in front *and to the left on stepping upon the wharf, is the site of old Fort Orange (p. 100), where treaties w^ere established and the first courts were held in the early days, and north of which the first church was erected. A bronze tablet nearby tells the story. But whether coming by boat or by rail, the visi- tor's way lies always directly into the broad busi- ness street called Broadway, formerly known suc- cessively as Traders', Court and Market street. Leaving the boat in early morning, say 7 o'clock, and bound, of course, for Saratoga or the north, the popular D. & H. train does not start until 8 :30, and there is easily an hour to spare for sight-seeing. After noting the inscription on the 14 Albany Guide Book tablet in Steamboat square, the path lies to the right np Broadway. All the buildings on the east side, from the boat landing to State street, were removed in 1915 to make room for the Plaza, but the few blocks remaining on the west side are alive with business, and have been for hours. Opposite the third right hand corner stood a pro- saic red brick building, occupying the site of the second city hall, and a white marble tablet set high up in the front recorded among other things that here " The Declaration of Independence was first publicly read in Albany." A few doors above on the same side a misplaced monument (p. 109) told the story more in detail. Both these have been placed in the Plaza. A block beyond is the home of the famous old Argus, which has been a giant in the newspaper world since its founding in 1813. Pausing here a moment to look across the Plaza, one sees an attractive park effect, beyond which rises the handsome gothic building housing the Delaware & Hudson railroad offices, below and adjoining which is the new home of the Albany Evening Journal. The next short block ends at State street, a broad thoroughfare leading straight up the hill, at the top of which is the Capitol (p. 42) shining in the morning sun. The gray granite Albany Guide Book 15 structure on the rii^ht at the corner of State and Broadway is the Government building (p. 88), containing the Post Office (p. 146) and Federal offices. A\'here now is the broad intersection of these two streets was the old Dutch church (p. 55) and its surrounding burial ground in the early days. A passing electric car marked " Pine Hills " offers a ready means for a quick view of the city. From the start at the foot of State street the tourist passes between blocks of handsome and substantial buildings that are the seat of the city's business and financial life. On the corner at the right towers the Albany Trust Company's home, where once stood the old Museum building, in which, among other things, was the Marble Pillar restaurant. A few doors above is the First Na- tional bank. On the left, across from the Trust building, is the Hotel Hampton, occupying what formerly was the palatial home of the National Commercial bank. Midway up the next block on the same side is the new massive granite edi- fice of the Commercial bank, and just above it the pretty marble structure of the Home Savings bank. Opposite, on the right hand side of the street, is the site of the old home of the Evening- Journal, made famous by Thurlow^ Weed, who 16 Albany Guide Book was its first editor, and on the corner is the Mechanics & Farmers' bank building, which, a tablet on the front tells you, occupies the site of the home of Anneke Janse (p. 103), once owner of the famous Trinity church property in New York city. Above, on the next corner and on the same side, is the building occupied by the *State bank (p. 33), also suitably monumented. The car stops for a moment at the next cross street (Pearl) and a glimpse may be had of an- other business center. The County bank building at the left occupies the site of the birthplace of Philip Schuyler (p. 103). At the right is the site of the first brick building erected in North Amer- ica (p. 108). Opposite towers the new Ten Eyck hotel, on the famous corner where stood the Tweddle building, on the site where Philip Liv- ingston, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, was born (p. 106), and where Web- ster's famous almanac and spelling book were printed and the first Albany newspaper (The Gazette) was published. To the north of this *A bronze tablet on the front of the bank has the inscripton: "New York State Bank. Chartered, and this building erected, 1803. The oldest bank in this city, and the oldest building erected for and continu- ously used as a banking house in the United States." Albany Guide Book 17 hnildini^- on Pearl street is the beautiful home of the Albany Saving-s l)ank, fashioned like an old Greek temple and occupying' the site where once stood the \"anderheyden Palace (p. 103). made famous by Washington Irving in " Bracebridge llall." As the car goes on it passes at the right the original Hotel Ten Eyck building (p. 114), occupying the site of the old Corning man- sion. About opposite the upper part of the Ten Eyck Hotel at the corner (Chapel street) in the middle of the street stood the first English church (p. 104), on ground granted by letters patent from King George. The left hand corner of Pearl street is occupied by the .\rkay building, which stands on the old Globe hotel site. Alidway up the block is the Albany City Savings bank, a neat little theater and the commodious home of the Albany club. At the next crossing (Lodge street), St. Peter's historic church (p. 35) at once attracts attention on the right. It marks the site of the northeast bastion of old Fort Frederick (p. 101). BcA^ond it to the right may be seen the Masonic Temple (p. 125), and still further along on the opposite side of the street is St. Mary's church (p. 54), standing on the site of the first Roman Catholic church in 2 18 Albany Guide Book Albany and of the original cathedral of this dio- cese. Opposite St. Peter's on State street is the " Geological Hall " (erected 1797) corner, where for many years was housed the State Museum, now safe in the Education building (p. 75), and down the cross street on the opposite side is the Odd Fellows Temple (p. 133), which was de- stroyed by lire in 1916. Midway up the block on State street, left hand side, is the Municipal Gas company building; the Adelphi club (p. 60) occupying the old John Taylor Cooper mansion, and just above this the attractive clubhouse of the Elks (p. 77). The short block at the right is notable chiefly for the fact that the first railroad depot (p. 69) stood a few doors below the next corner (Eagle street), on the right hand side. As the car sweeps around the curve into AVash- ington avenue (once King and Lion streets) a passing glimpse may be had on the right of the City Hall (p. 59), old State House (p. 164), and the County Court building (p. 64), which occu- pies the site of the old High School, wdiere once the city reservoir stood. Across the attractive small park stands the famous old " Boys' Acad- emy " (]:>. 26). This park also is historic ground, for here, in 1864, w^as held the great Army Albany Guide Book 19 Bazaar. In the academy Professor Henry con- ducted those electrical experiments which went far .toward making telegraphy a possibility. As the car passes on, a good view may be had of the Capitol (p. 42) and its approaches and the Sheri- dan memorial (p. 160). Across the Capitol park at the left towers the great marble home of the Telephone company (p. 196) ; on the right across from the Capitol itself looms the classic beauty of the State Education building (p. 75). There is nothing else to distract the attention from these two noble edifices. At the next crossing (Swan street) beyond the Education building may be had at the right a glimpse of the front of All Saints cathedral (Episcopal) (p. 54). Just above this corner, at the left, standing well back from the street, is the Fort Orange club (p. 60), occupying a fine old mansion in which Aaron Burr once lived. All along the avenue are substantial residences and it is yet shaded by handsome elms, although the requirements of trade are steadily replacing both the homes and the trees. Just below the next corner, which is Dove street, and standing well back from the avenue, is the home of the Albany Institute and Historical and Art Society (p. 26), containing very many valuable collections. On 20 Albany Guide Book the corner at the right is the residence of Col. AA'illiam Gorham Rice and across from it stands the University club (p. 61), which occupies the old Amsdell mansion. Almost at the end of the block, also well back from the avenue, is Har- manus Bleecker hall (p. 89), adjoining which on the corner (Lark street) is the State Armory (p. 28). As the car turns sharply to the left a view may be had of the broad open space with the triangular Townsend park (p. 137), where Central and Washington avenues meet. Up Cen- tral avenue the car line extends west to Schenec- tady. The ride over Lark street also is through a resi- dential section and is of brief duration. Soon a turn to the right brings the car into Madison avenue. Far away at the left on a clear day may be had a view of the Helderberg and Catskill mountains. In the foreground is the Teachers' Training school, fronting on a small park space, in which is the Dana Memorial fountain. At the right on the corner above AVashington park (p. 133) begins and stretches westward in terraced beauty for many blocks. As the car speeds along the visitor will find every foot of the way inter- esting. Across the park at its third entrance may be seen the King Fountain — a colossal Albany Guide Book 21 figure of " Moses Smiting the Rock." As the second carriage entrance is passed, off at the left on New Scotland avenue may be seen the mas- sive grouped buildings of the Albany hospital (p. 112.) Thereafter, when the park is passed, both sides of the wide avenue are filled with handsome residences which are continued in the section where the interesting part of the railroad ends. The time from the foot of State street to the end of the trip has been but 20 minutes, and since leaving the boat but 35 minutes in all have been utilized. The car line extends out through a sparsely settled country as far as the Country club (p. 62). On the return trip a stop may be made at the western front of the Capitol and a walk taken around the great building. The exterior carv- ings are well worth seeing and a good idea of the vast proportions of the granite edifice may be thus gained. The visitor also may briefly inspect the beauties of the Education building and of the Episcopal cathedral. Thereafter by a leisurely walk or by taking a passing car down the hill the depot may readily be reached from which trains for the summer resorts and elsewhere may be taken. 22 Albany Guide Book A DAY IN ALBANY For the leisurely traveler a day or more in Albany offers many pleasures. If a general sight- seer he can walk about a bit — probably to the best advantage on Broadway, State and Pearl streets — which will give an idea of the city's business life ; continuing with a short stroll across Eagle street, through Academy park (p. 134) and up Elk street which formerly was the exclusive society quarter, going on past the Childs hospital and St. Agnes school (p. 156) and crossing over to Washington avenue past the Cathedral of All Saints (p. 54) and the Educa- tion building (p. 75) and thus to the Capitol (p. 42). It will take an hour or two to see the big building properly and a guide is desirable. When the Capitol has been " done " the magnifi- cent Education building should be visited. Here is housed the great library of the State (p. 165) and the entire upper floor is occupied by the won- derful collections of the State Museum (p. 166). The walk may then be continued over Eagle street to see the Executive Mansion (p. 79) and the beautiful Cathedral of the Immaculate Con- ception (p. 53). Returning and passing down Albany Guide Book 23 State street, before luncheon, if the day is clear, as summer da3's usually are, a birdseye view of the city and surrounding territory may be had from the roof or upper floors of the Hotel Ten Eyck (p. 114). After luncheon a ride in a Pine Hills car will show the beauties of the residen- tial section as mentioned in " One Hour." A stroll through ^^'ashington park (p. 133) will repay any one and the King fountain, Soldiers and Sailors' Memorial, Burns monument, the Colonel Willett Memorial boulder and other attractions should by all means be seen. If possessed of literary tastes much time can be spent among the rare books and manuscripts in the State Library (p. 165). If a collector of art objects, books or curios, the Historical and Art Society building (p. 97) should be visited. Proper credentials also will open to view private collections of treasures (p. 221) nowhere else to be found. In fact, the individual bent can be gratified in Albany to almost any extent imagin- able. For the artist there are the studios (p. 29), the scenery of the nearby mountains and the beauties of the cemeteries (p. 49). For the col- lector are offered many things according to his taste. For the engineer there are the electrical power houses of the street railway, the W^ater- 24 Albany Guide Book vliet arsenal ( p. 29) and the great filter system of the cit}' water plant (p. 80) and the sewage dis- posal plant (p. 69). The literary man can find rare treasures in many a private collection (p. 221). The scientist ma}^ visit the State museum p. 166), the observatory (p. 132), the laboratory and collection of the Medical college (p. 129) or the Bender laboratory (p. 122). In other words, to all strangers within her gates the Ancient City of Albau}^ offers congenial surroundings and at- tractions to each after his kind. Even the poet is not neglected, for one of the many beautiful drives (p. 72) leads directly to the " Vale of Tawasentha " (p. 199), made famous by Long- fellow's Hiawatha, but better known to the resi- dent populace by the prosaic name of " Normans- kill." (An alphabetic index to 'places and things of interest fcllovv^s.) Albany Guide Book 25 MEMORANDA 26 Albany Guide Book ABBEY A favorite old roadhoiise at Glenmont, about a mile below Kenwood (p. 122) is called "The Abbey." The ride there is attractive and the property has a hne frontage on the river. ALBANY ACADEMY This old school, popularly known as " The Boys' Academy " occupies the beautiful brown- stone building- fronting the park across from the Capitol park. It was incorporated in 1813 and the cornerstone laid in 1815. The school opened on September 11 of that year at State and Lodge streets with Benjamin Allen as its first principal. In 1816 the academy building was completed, and occupied the following- year. In it Prof. Joseph Henry carried on the remarkable series of experiments that made telegraphy possible. On its centennial anniversary in 1916 the Archi- tectural Record said : " Of all the wealth of archi- tectural landmarks that the old city of Albany once possessed, the Academy stands alone." ALBANY INSTITUTE Occupies a handsome building standing well back from the street on \\'ashington avenue near Dove street. Contains a oreat varietv of valu- Albany Guide Book 27 able collections of art objects and curios. See Historical and Art Society (p. 97). The Institute was formed May 5, 1824, by con- solidation of the Society for the Promotion of the Useful Arts with the Albany Lyceum of Natural History (incorporated 1823) ; Institute chartered February 27, 1829. ALBANY ORPHAN ASYLUM This institution which is a private corpora- tion, is endowed and receives normal children between the ages of 2 and 16 years on the order of county superintendents of the poor or of a justice of the peace. It was founded in 1829 ; incor- porated 1831. In 1832 and for many years there- after it was located at Robin street, Washington and Western avenues, where it was greatly enlarged in 1852; abandoned in 1907. Has branches for its work in the Lathrop IMemorial on Washington avenue and the Lathrop Mem- orial Summer Home at Castleton. Its location on New Scotland avenue where the new modern group of buildings is situated forms one of the best types of such institutions in the State. It comprises residence cottages, administration and school buildings, a steam laundry, a farm, stores and other village features. First occupied 1905. 28 Albany Guide Book Strangers are welcome at any time ; visiting days for relatives and friends 2 to 4 p. m., on the first Thursday of each month. Take New Scot- land avenue bus. AMUSEMENTS The city is very liberal in its provisions for the entertainment of visitors. Every taste can be gratified. See Drives, Excursions, Sports, Theaters, etc. ARMORY Alban)^ has been State militia headquarters since the adoption of the Constitution in 1777. Troops are now quartered in the big armory at Washington avenue and Lark street; erected in 1889; has a drill shed 170 by 240 feet and every other convenience. In this armory are housed the four companies of the Tenth battalion, and the Second Field Hospital corps. The Adjutant General's ofhce on State street across from the lower end of the Capitol is headquarters of the Third brigade and Third Brigade Signal corps. Troop B, First Cavalry, has its own armory on New Scotland avenue, formally opened March 11, 1916; cost $250,000; has one of the best riding rings in the State and an excellent equipment. Note. — Troop B originated in the old Third Signal Albany Guide Book 29 corps which was founded in 1893 as a result of a pro- posal to form a battery in Albany. The corps dis- banded in 1902 and Troop B was formed. ARSENAL The Watervliet arsenal (Government prop- erty) noted for the manufacture of great defense guns, is located about six miles from the city. Take Troy electric car on Broadway. The site was selected in 1813; building erected in 1816 Originally the property was about 12 acres ; now it is over 100. A massive stone wharf on the river front with a huge crane is for loading and unloading the big guns and materials used in their manufacture. The grounds which are hand- somely laid out contain many fine trees and sub- stantial buildings, also specimens of Spanish and other captured cannon. An important post. Admission on application. Note. — The old State arsenal, now the property of the Catholic Union, was at Hudson avenue and Eagle street. In 1789 proposals were asked to build a State arsenal at the southeast corner of Broadway and Law- rence street. ART AND ARTISTS The city has attractive art stores, numerous studios and many very valuable public and priv- ate collections. Sculpture is seen at its best in 30 Albany Guide Book decorative work about the Capitol (p. 42) in famous monuments in the Rural cemetery (p. 49), in the two great cathedrals (pp. 53 and 54) and in St. Peter's (p. 55) and other churches. The devotional edifices also contain many not- able windows which compare favorably with famous similar works abroad. Paintings of great value may be seen in the rooms of the Historical and Art Society (p. 97) and every visitor should see the handsome mural decorations in the Legis- lative library (p. 124) in the Capitol and in the State Education building (p. 75). The familiar names of Will Low, Launt Thompson, George Boughton, Charles L. Elliott, Edward Gay, Leonard Ochtman, Frederic Remington, Homier D. Martin, Walter Launt Palmer, James McDou- gal, Robert Pennie, Charles M. Lang, Alfred T. Crook, Asa W. Twitchel and many others are intimately connected with Albany's art history and some of their best works may be seen in the local galleries. ASYLUMS Extensive public and private charities are administered in Albany. See Charitable Institu- tions (p. 50). The more important are: Albany Orphan Asylum — incorporated 1831, form- erly at Western avenue and Robin street, now occupy- Albany Guide Book 31 in^: adequate group l)uildings on New Scotland avenue. Opened 1905. Take New Scotland avenue bus. l""resh Air Guild — incorporated 1897; conducts vaca- tion home for children at Canaan. Home for the Friendless — incorporated 1852; Clin- ton avenue and North Lake avenue. Take Clinton avenue car. Humane Society — incorporated 1892, Eagle and Howard streets. Little Sisters of the Poor — incorporated 1880; at 391 Central avenue. Take West Albany car. Old Men's Home — incorporated 1876; Troy road near Menands road. Take Troy car. Open Door Mission — incorporated 1882; at 3 Colum- bia place. St. Margaret's House — established 1883; Elk street, corner Hawk. Take car to Washington avenue and Hawk. St. Vincent's Male Orphan Asylum — incorporated 1849; upper Western avenue. Take Pine Hills car. St. Vincent's Female Orphan x\syluni — incorporated 1849. is at 106 Elm street. Not on car line. AUTOMOBILES Power cars are very generally used in Albany and the number grows yearly. F'or temporary use the tourist can order an auto through any hotel or restaurant. Rates vary but are reason- able. In 1916 there were in Albany county 57,237 automobile owners and 12,958 licensed drivers : 32 Albany Guide Book there were 3,522 pleasure cars in use and 551 mercantile vehicles. Note. — The first steam automobile was brought to Albany December 26, 1900, by Archibald M. Dederick. The auto was first adopted for physicians' use by Dr. William E. Milbank, July 30, 1902. There is a good auto bus service between Albany and nearby localities. The principal stage lines are : For Berne — Starts from depot on Broadway. Castleton — Starts from 38 State street. Delmar and Slingerlands — Starts from 442 Broadway. Elsmere, Delmar, Slingerlands — Starts from front of depot on Broadway. Guilderland Center — Starts from 8 North Pearl street. Loudonville — Starts from 442 Broadway. New Scotland avenue to Allen street — Leaves depot every half hour. Pittsfield, Mass.— Starts daily from 442 Broad- way at 9 a. m., 2:30 and 5:45 p. m. Ravena — Starts from 8 North Pearl street. Rensselaerville — Starts from depot. BANKING INSTITUTIONS Albany boasts of 13 banking institutions which are among the most prosperous and handsomely housed in the country. They include 4 national MECHANICS AND FARMERS BANK Albany Guide Book 33 banks, 2 trust companies and 7 savings banks, located on Broadway, State and Pearl streets. Note. — The first financial institution organized in the city was the Bank of Albany in 1792. It was the second formed in the State and the fourth in the Union. Capital, $75,000,; first president, Abraham Ten Broeck; continued in business 70 years, during which several orher banks were formed; finally suspended because of the unsettled conditions during the Civil War. The remaining survivors are: New York State National; organized 1803; commodious new building erected 1916. National Commercial; chartered 1825; opened its magnificent new home May 2, 1904. Mechanics & Farmers; began business July 29, 1811; opened in pres- ent attractive quarters in 1875. First National; char- tered 1864; occupied its handsome new building at 35-37 State street 1907. The Albany Savings bank is the pioneer of its kind and received its first deposit on June 1, 1820. The Albany Trust company occupies the site of the noted old Museum building and Marble Pillar restaurant at the northwest corner of State street and Broadway. It v/as organized March 20, 1900; opened on September 15, 1904. The oldest bank building is that occupied by the State bank on the front of which is a bronze tablet suitably inscribed (p. 16). Bank buildings most likely to attract the visitor's attention are the great granite structure of the National Commercial; the beautiful home of the National Sav- ings bank just above it on State street; the Mechanics 3 34 Albany Guide Book & Farmers bank at State and James streets (p. 102); the County bank at State and Pearl streets; and the massive domed building of the Albany Savings bank at North Pearl street and Maiden lane. The latter contains a notable mosaic by Frederick Dielman repre- senting " Thrift and Prosperity." THE BASIN The Albany basin, once an important part of the old canal system, was formed by the inclosed water space between the city dock front and the pier built in 1825. It originally was chiefly used as a winter harbor by canal boats and other craft. Finally it became filled in and fouled by the out- pouring from the city sewers. It finally was obliterated and the pier lines extended in the great river front improA^ement in 1914-15. The substitute space which is comparatively clean is valued as a harbor for small craft. BATHS Attractive public baths are located as follows : No. 1, at 665 Broadway; opened in December, 1902. No. 2, at 94 Fourth avenue, opened in June, 1905. No. 3, at 380 Central avenue; opened in July, 1908. All are substantial structures, well equipped with shower and swimming baths and are well patronized. There also is a good Turk- ish bath on State street, popularly known as Albany Guide Book 35 " The Tub." The Y. ^1. C. A. (p. 203) also has excellent showers and a swimming tank con- nected with its well-equipped gymnasium. BELLS Albany churches contain some 70 bells ot which several are historical and very old. The so-called " Queen Anne " bell in the memorial tower of St. Peter's church (p. 55 ) is the oldest, and the inscription shows date of 1751. It prob- ably came from England and now is used only to strike the date of each new year. St. Mary's church (p. 54) boasts of another very old bell, cast by L. Aspinwall, Watervliet, but no date is shown. The Second Presbyterian church (p. 54) has two bells dated respectively 1838 (cast by L. Aspinwall) and 1852 (cast by Aleneely, Water- vliet). The Dutch Reformed church (p. 55) on North Pearl street has a bell cast in 1859 by Jones & Co. of Troy. The " Big Ben " of the city bells is in the City Hall tower (p. 59) and is used for striking fire alarms, the hour of 9 o'clock, and for municipal purposes generally. It was cast in 1882 by Meneely of West Troy; weight, 7,049 pounds ; height, 50^ inches ; diameter at mouth, 70 inches ; thickness, 5 1/20 inches ; placed in position October 28, 1882. 36 Albany Guide Book There are three sets of beautiful chimes: In the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, 11 bells ; cast 1860 ; weight from 452 to 3,040 pounds. In St. Peter's church, 11 bells, the gift of George Tweddle, Christmas, 1875, as a memorial to members of his family and Rev. Dr. Walton W. Battershall, rector; all finely finished and suit- ably inscribed; weigh from 250 to 3,150 pounds. In St. Joseph's church, at Ten Broeck and Second streets, 10 bells. BOAT CLUBS Noted oarsmen have helped to make Albany famous in the past but the coming ot power boats has changed the favorite water sport even to the point of eclipsing the sailing yacht. The first boat club organization was the Pioneer Rowing club. May, 1857; the Hiawatha and Excelsior rowing clubs followed in 1859. The noted Mutual boat club was organized August 1, 1865; the Hudson River Amateur Rowing association in April, 1867; the famous Beverwyck rowing- club on February 22, 1870. The $1,000 silver trophy won by the Bever- wyck crew at the international races at Philadel- phia in 1876 is now in the Flistorical and Art Society building to which it was presented by Albany Guide Book Z7 Mrs. Wm. R. Hills, wife of the captain of the famous crew. See also Yacht Club. BOOKS, BOOK STORES Although book stores are few and far between in Albany, the city is noted as a literary center, and a very respectable library could be formed of the books written either by Albanians or about the city, its prominent men, its buildings and his- toric places, its celebrations and other attractions. Noted authors have sprung from Albany and their writings, gathered for the first time in 1898 by Cuyler Reynolds while curator of the Histori- cal and Art Society (p. 97) form one of the valued attractions of that repositor3^'s noted collections. The catalog prepared by him contains 172 authors and 340 titles. There are many others. Some of the authors thus gathered are: Bret Harte (born in Albany in 1839) ; Gen. Charles King, U. S. A. (born in Albau}^ in 1844) ; John G. Saxe, long a resident, who died in Albany in 1887; Col. Willard Glazier, Rev. Peter Bullions of classical text book fame. Rev. Frederick R. Marvin, John Boyd Thacher, Rev. W. W. Bat- tershall, Michael J. Monahan, etc. Of course the collections of Joel Munsell head the list. 38 Albany Guide Book Book stores may be found on Broadway (Albany News Company), North Pearl street and elsewhere. The noted " Olde Booke Man," McDonough, is located on Hudson avenue below South Pearl street. Note. — The first book store recorded was opened in 1771 at the Old Elm Tree corner (State and Pearl streets) by Stuart Wilson. BOULEVARDS Albany has a popular and extensive boulevard system already and will have a more elaborate one in time to come. The several sections now f(^rm favorite drives and attract many tourists. The Manning boulevard, which commemorates a distinguished name in Albany, extends froni North Pearl and Van Woert streets around Dud- ley park and the Tivoli lakes, across Livingston, Clinton and Central avenues and across Allen street and Washington avenue to Western ave- nue where it now ends. \n extension has been authorized between Western and New Scotland avenues, and later it is to go still further to con- nect with the Southern boulevard at Delaware avenue. The Southern boulevard extends from Dela- ware avenue and Milton street south to the South Albany Guide Book 39 Bethlehem '' Stone Road," crossing the Normans- kill on a high bridge. This boulevard was com- pleted in 1916. The Northern boulevard starts at Washington park and extends northerly to the Loudonville road. It is one of the favorite thoroughfares lead- ing to Saratoga and the north country. A\^estern avenue from Washington avenue westerly to Manning boulevard is really also a part of the park system of attractive driveways. BREWERIES Making good beer and ale in plenty has been characteristic of Albany almost since is founda- tion. The brewing business is a very extensive one and dates back to 1600. The Government records show that the number of barrels of ale and lager brewed here in 1916 totaled 333,822, of which 213,544 were lager and 120,273 ale. The value of the output was approximately about $3,000,000. Note. — No record seems to show who was the first brewer or where or how much he brewed. But it is known that in 1649 the Patroon's brewery produced 330 tuns of beer; that in 1665 Marcellus Jansen was the highest bidder for the position of excise collector under the Dutch West Indies company; that in 1796 the old Arch street brewery was established by James Boyd and 40 Albany Guide Book that in 1829 it was estimated that 42,000 barrels of beer were brewed in the city. The well known local anti- quarian, Cuyler Reynolds, who has specialized in brew- eries says (February 14, 1916), " I estimate that 25 men were running breweries in Albany between 1650 and 1675." In evidence he quotes from Pearson's " Early Settlers": Jan Jansen Ouderkirk, cooper, 1664; John Fine, cooperage, 1696; Jacob Jansen Schermerhorn, brewer, 1636; Volckert Jansen Douw, brewer, 1638; Evert Pells (van Stetlyn), brewer, 1642; Pieter Bronck, brewer, 1645. Harmen Harmense Gansevoort, in 1660, owned a brewery on the present site of Stanwix Hall (p. 114). Many similar records exist to show the great antiquity of brewing and allied trades in Albany. The best known local breweries at present (1916) are: The Beverwyck, 56 North Ferry; first brewing, 1845; capacity, 250.000 barrels lager; 100,000 barrels ale. Dobler's, Swan street near Elm street, first brewing, 1892; capacity, 175,000 barrels. Citizens, Jay and Lancaster streets, near Dove; first brewing, 1916; capacity, 175.000 barrels. Hedrick's, 404 Central avenue; first brewing, 1848; capacity, 50,000 barrels. Hinckel's, Myrtle avenue and South Swan street; fiist brewing. 1880; capacity, 150,000 barrels. BRIDGES Three bridges across the river make communi- cation easy and are much used. The middle and lower bridges accommodate foot passengers (toll Albany Guide Book 41 2c), the middle bridi^c carrying also steam rail- road tracks and the lower the electric roads. The upper bridge, carrying steam railroad tracks only, was opened February 22, 1866; the first train crossed the middle bridge on December 28, 1871 ; the lower bridge was opened 1882. Records show that in 1814 a bridge across the rix'er at All^any was proposed but Troy objected tliat it might interfere with the sloop traffic on the Hudson. A neat cement bridge across the new basin, connecting Quay street with the Recreation pier was built in 1916 and cost $67,000. Note. — Before the construction of bridges the river was crossed by ferries. This service tov^ard the last was handled by large, steam propelled boats which carried hundreds of passengers as well as large amounts of all kinds of freight. The first record of a ferry between Albany and the opposite shore is in 1642 when a large scow crossed from where the Bekverkill emptied into the Hudson (about at the foot of Arch street). Hendrick Albertsen was appointed ferryman by the Patroon. Later ferries were run by horse power. In 1751 the sole right to run a ferry between Greenbush and Albany was secured at auction by Cornelius Van Vech- ten for one year for £3 sl9, and between Albany and Greenbush by Jeremiah Van Vechten for the same period for £3 s4. 42 Albany Guide Book BUSINESS Information about the greatly diversified busi- ness interests of Albany can be most readily had at the rooms of the Chamber of Commerce (p. 50) in the Arkay building- at State and South Pearl streets. CANAL Albany has been greatly aided commercially by the canal since its opening and the visitor will be impressed by the great fleets of boats w^hich form here and are taken in tow by the many busy tugs. Note. — The Erie canal from Albany to Buffalo was completed and the first boat, the Seneca Chief, arrived in the Albany basin on November 2, 1825, having started from Buffalo on October 26 on its trip from Lake Erie to the Hudson river. The arrival of this boat was made the occasion for a great public celebration. The law for the construction of the Erie canal was passed in 1817 and work began on July 4 of that year. CAPITOL The grand granite edifice crowning State street hill, 155 feet above the level of the Hudson river, stands in a square containing 7.84 acres. The building measures 300 feet north and south by 400 feet east and west. The walls, which are over 16 feet thick at the base, rise fully 108 feet above the water table, surrounding a central court Albany Guide Book 43 92 by 137 feet. It is open to the public from 7 a. m. to 5 p. m., except on holidays and Satur- days when it closes at noon, and on Sundays. Access can however be had by reputable persons at almost any time. Official guides may be had at 25c per hour per person, with reductions for parties. The usual length of a complete tour of the building is 1^ hours, but a " hurry tour " can be made in one-half hour, during which the experienced guide will point out many objects of interest which the unaccompanied visitor will miss. Memorandum History A resolution introduced by Senator James A. Bell was adopted by the Legislature in 1863 to j)rocure plans for a new Capitol. A bill appro- priating $100,000 to make a beginning w^as intro- duced in 1864 by Senator Laimbeer. In 1865 various cities were invited to offer sites. In 1866 the Legislature passed an act ratifying the selec- tion of the present location. In 1867 the first appropriation of $250,000 was made with the pro- viso that the building should not cost more than $4,000,000. The plans of architect Thomas Fuller were adopted. Ground was broken December 9, 1867; the average depth of the excavation was 15^ feet and the building stands on a concrete 44 Albany Guide Book floor 4 feet thick. The first foundation stone was laid July 7, 1869, by John V. L. Pruyn ; the corner- stone was laid June 24, 1871, by the Grand Lodge F, & A. M., in spite of violent protests. Gov. John T. Hofifman and Hamilton Harris delivered addresses. A grand opening reception took place on January 7, 1879, but the building was not formally occupied by State officers and the Legis- lature until February 12 of that year. The Capitol was declared completed by Gov- ernor Black on August 28, 1898 (all but a steel tower to cost $570,347.90; carving on interior to cost $500,000; cleaning and pointing up exterior to cost $100,000). The total cost to that date had been, exclusive of the cost of the land, $23,693,- 383.27 and the time taken to finish the building (with the exceptions noted) 'had been 27 years. The Assembly chamber was first occupied on January 7, 1879, but formal occupation ceremon- ies were not held until February 12. The Sen- ate chamber was first occupied on March 10, 1881. At the end of the fiscal year 1911 a total of $24,265,082 had been expended on the building. In the early morning hours of March 29, 1911, a fire which started at 2 :30 a. m., in the old Assem- bly library after a prolonged committee meeting, practically destroyed the western section of the Albany Guide Book 45 Capitol, including- the State library and many very valuable collections. The fire spread rapidly and with astounding fierceness in the supposedly fireproof edifice, doing damage estimated at about $3,000,000. The 1911 Legislature appropriated $635,000 for immediate work on the burned sec- tion ; in 1912 the sum of $1,005,000 was appropri- ated, and in 1913 the sum of $500,000. Up to December, 1916, the books of the Comptroller showed that the Capitol had cost $26,916,045.26, of which $24,265,082.67 went for construction and $2,650,962.59 to repair the damage done by the fire. Attractions for Visitors Outside — General appearance of building; grand eastern approach and its carvings ; western entrance; carvings on north and south porticos. First Floor — Beginnings of the three grand staircases, especially the western ; old cannon, etc., in eastern entrance hall ; bronze statue of Professor Sheldon (erected by school children) in Senate staircase well (George Francis Brines, sculptor), unveiled January 11, 1900.) There is a post office, newspaper booth and a cigar and souvenir stand on the \\ ashington ave- nue side of this floor. Second Floor — The main entrances, east and 46 Albany Guide Book west ; carvings on the three staircases, especially the western ; military trophies and curios in the eastern entrance hall and the Military Bureau opening from it ; Executive chamber with carved fireplace and valuable paintings; curious figures formed by venation of marble wainscoting in corridors. Third Floor — Senate and Assembly cham- bers ; Legislative library and its mural decora- tions ; carvings on western staircase at this point ; Senate stairway ; Assembly stairway ; views from the windows. Fourth Floor — Top of grand western stair- case ; date stone of original Capitol building of 1807 set in the south wall ; views from windows. The guide will point out many other interest- ing things while conducting the visitor through the building and give a lecture during the tour which is in itself well worth the price. The fifth and sixth floors are devoted to oftices. Note. — Albany was made the State capital in 1797 and the Legislature held its first session there from January 27 to March 14, 1780, in the old State House which stood at the northeast corner of Broadway and Hudson- avenue. In 1804 it was decided to erect a Capitol building at the head of State street. The cor- nerstone was laid April 23, 1806, by Mayor Philip S. Van Rensselaer with Masonic ceremonies. The new Albany Guidk Book 47 building was first occupied in November, 1808. It cost $110,685.42. according to the report of the Governor to the Legislature. In 1883 the building was torn down to make way for the present edifice. CARS (STREET) Albany has one of the best street railway ser- vices in the State — about 50 miles to date. All important parts of the city can be reached readily and the fare is uniformly 5c. Connections can be made with lines runnin^^ to adjoining places — Rensselaer, Watervliet, Troy, Cohoes and all other important cities and villages within a radius of 7}^ miles. Note. — The Albany street railway was organized September 12, 1863, with James Kidd as first president. Horse cars began running from the foot of State street up the Bowery (now Central avenue) February 22, 1864, to what is now the Northern Boulevard. Operations on South Pearl street to Kenwood began May 9, 1864, and cars ran on North Pearl street in July, 1865; on Hamilton street in July. 1875. The first electric car ran on State street hill April 28. 1890. The North Albany car barns were built in 1892. In 1900 the administra- tion building at Broadway and Columbia street wass opened on June 14. The title of the road was changed to the United Traction company and finally it was bought by the D. & H. railroad on November 18, 1905. Schenectady cars first ran into Albany September 23, 1901. and the Albany and Hudson third rail electric road opened in January, 1901. 48 Albany Guide Book MEMORANDA Albany Guidi-: Book 49 CATHOLIC UNION An association of the faith indicated, having headquarters with a Hbrary, athletic and social features attached, organized October 21, 1887. It occupies the old arsenal building at Hudson ave- nue and Eagle streets and is an important factor in city life. CEMETERIES ^^ery beautiful burial grounds are situated on the Troy road about 4 miles north of the city, easily reached by the Broadway line of electric cars (fare 10c), by the D. & H. belt line train or by an attractive carriage or automobile drive. They are known as the Rural cemetery, St. Agnes (Roman Catholic) and Beth Emeth (Jewish) and adjoin each other. The Rural ; chartered April 2, 1841 ; site selected May 14 that year; consecrated in 1844, includes 475 acres in which are 35 miles of picturesque drives. First interment May, 1845. It is noted for its numerous beautiful monu- ments and several pieces of sculpture that are known the world over. Among them are^* The Angel at the Sepulchre" (Banks plat)/ '' Th^^' Angel of Sorrow " (Arthur plat), '' Religfon Con- soling Sorrow" (Godfrey plat), ''The Recording Angel" (Myers plat), ''The Angel of Peace" (Manning plat) and the Soldiers' monument. 4 50 Albany Guide Book Other cemeteries are Eagle Hill, at stop 4^ Western avenue ; Graceland, Delaware avenue, near old city line; St. John's, Bethlehem turn- pike, below Kenwood. Note. — In 1756 the Common Council granted St. Peter's church land north of Fort Frederick for a burial ground. In 1789 the council named a committee to select a cemetery site because the burial grounds were too much scattered. In 1806 a cemetery was estab- lished at State and Knox streets where now is Wash- ington park. In 1868 about 40,000 bodies were removed from this cemetery and interred in the Rural. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE A body of citizens organized to promote the business welfare of the city has commodious rooms in the Arkay building at State and South Pearl streets. Information about the industries of the city and the inducements ofifered business men and manufacturers to locate here can be had of the secretary. Organized in January, 1900, The old Board of Trade was organized in 1847. CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS Albany has for years been noted for the extent of its charities, both denominational and secular. A good idea of the scope of this work may be gained by the interested visitor who will take a Albany Guide Book 51 conveyance at, say State and Pearl streets, and make the following tour: To the Humane Society building, Eagle and Howard streets (Founded 1892; present building occupied, 1901). To St. Vincent's Female Orphan asylum, 106 Elm street (Founded 1817). Past the Albany hospital, New Scotland avenue (Founded 1849). To the Albany Orphan asylum, just beyond (Founded 1829; present site occupied 1907). To St. Vincent's Male Orphan asylum (Founded 1849). To the Brady Maternity hospital, on North Main avenue (Founded 1913). To the Tuberculosis hospital, on Western avenue (Organized 1909). To St. Ann's School of Industry and House of the Good Shepherd, West Lawrence street (Founded 1884). To the Home for Aged of the Little Sisters of the Poor, 391 Central avenue (Founded 1871). To the Home for Aged Women (Albany Guardian Society), 553 Clinton avenue (Founded 1886). To St. Margaret's House, Elk and Hawk streets (Founded 1883). x\ tuberculosis pavilion which originated with and is supported by the Albany Federation of Labor is located on Kenwood Heights and is nota- ble as the first institution of its kind in the labor world. The building was erected at an initial cost of $5,000 which was contributed by working- 52 Albany Guide Book men and prominent citizens interested in the movement to stamp out the " white plague." Dedicated August 28, 1908; opened for work December 17 that year. This institution has effected many cures and afforded much relief ever since its founding. The Home for Aged Men on the Troy road at Menands (p. 128) also is well worth visiting if time allows. (Incorporated 1876; dedicated March 28, 1878 ; first inmate admitted April of that year.) For further and more detailed particulars con- cerning the charities of Albany the visitor should inquire at the rooms of the Society for Associated Charities of Albany at 74 Chapel street (the Spencer Trask building). Notable institutions will be found under the appropriate headings in this book. CHARTER The original charter of the city, a curious parchment document granted July 22, 1686, by " Thomas Dongan, Lieutenant and Gov- ernor of the Province of Newyork and dependen- cies in America, under his most sacred Majesty James the Second," may be seen on application at the mavor's office. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION CATHEDRAL ST. PETER S CHURCH Albany Guide Book 53 CHURCHES There are 79 places of worship in Albany (1916) representing all forms of belief. These include 3 synagogues, 2 cathedrals (Episcopal and Roman Catholic), 6 Reformed churches, 6 Methodist, 6 Episcopal, 1 United Presbyterian, 1 Reformed Episcopal, 8 Lutheran, 8 Baptist, 10 Presbyterian, 16 Roman Catholic, 1 Congrega- tional, 2 Evangelical, 1 Unitarian, 1 Adventist, 1 Spiritualist, 1 Christian, 1 Friends, 1 Christian Science, and several convents and missions. Those of particular interest to the tourist are the Catholic Cathedral of the Immaculate Concep- tion at Eagle street and ^ladison avenue, the Episcopal Cathedral of All Saints at Elk and North Swan streets, old St. Alary's church at Lodge and Pine streets, St. Peter's church at State and Lodge streets, the old Eirst Reformed at North Pearl and Orange and Monroe streets, Beth Emeth synagogue at Lancaster and Swan streets. There also is the Salvation Army at Green and Beaver streets. Descriptions of the important edifices follow : Cathedral of the Lnmaculate Conception, Madison avenue and Eagle street. Very handsome brownstone 54 Albany Guide Book edifice, said to be one of the finest examples of gothic architecture in the country. Fronts 95 feet on Eagle and 230 feet on Madison avenue and Jefferson street. Cornerstone laid July 2. 1848, by Archbishop Hughes; edifice dedicated November 21, 1852; completed in 1892. Height of spires, 210 feet; seating capacity, 2,500; ceil- ir.g 55 feet high supported by 12 massive columns. Noted for its great triple organ, its many exceedingly beautiful stained glass windows, its magnificent gold bronze and mahogany altar rail (the gift of A. N. Brady and Eugene D. Woods), its carved pulpit (the gift of John A. McCall), its magnificent altar and its wonder- ful acoustic effects. All Saints Cathedral, Swan and Elk streets. Site given by Erastus Corning in 1883. Present unfinished building, instituted by Rt. Rev. William Croswell Doane on becoming bishop of the Albany diocese February 2, 1869, will be a magnificent edifice when completed. Seating capacity, 2,400. Incorporated 1873; cornerstone laid June 3, 1884; dedicated November 20, 1888. Noted for its great organ (the gift of Mary Parker, dedicated April 6, 1891), its many beautiful memorials, including windows dedicated to Mrs. Doane and her sisters, and its interior ornamentation. St. Mary's Church, Pine and Lodge streets. The present structure is the third to be erected on the site and was dedicated March 14, 1869. The original, built in 1797, was the first Catholic church in the city and the second in the State. The second edifice was the Albany Guide Book 55 original cathedral of the diocese. It contains a very old and magnificent canvas fresco back of the altar representing the Holy Sepulchre. St. Peter's Church, State and Lodge streets. Organ- ized 1715; incorporated 1769; present (third) edifice con- secrated 1860; seating capacity, 900. Noted for the architectural beauty of its memorial tower, its beauti- ful chimes (given by George Tweddle on December 25, 1875. as a family memorial) containing one bell dated 1751, for its communion service donated by Queen Anne in 1716, for its parchment grants given by George I and George III, for its beautiful memorial windows, and for its sculptured memorial marble altar (the work of St. Gaudens, presented by Robert C. and Charles L. Pruyn. 1885). In the vestibule floor is a memorial tablet (dedicated May 30, 1915) which marks the place where the body of Lord Howx is asserted to lie. The idea of this monument originated with Mrs. J. V. L. Pruyn and was carried out by her daughter, Mrs. William Go r ham Rice. First Reformed Church, North Pearl and Orange streets. Popularly known as the " Two Steepled Church " and the " North Dutch Church." Houses one of the oldest religious organizations in America. The first pastor (Megapolensis) came over in 1642 and service was held in Dutch up to 1782. The first edifice was on the present Steamboat square; second (1656) at present intersection of Broadway and State street. Present edifice dedicated 1799; improved in 1860. Noted for its many interesting antic|uities. 56 Albany Guide Book Note. — In 1642 Dominie Megapolensis arrived at Fort Orange with wife and four children, being sent by the Amsterdam classis at the request of Kiliaen Van Rensselaer. A house and church were built for him west of the fort where now is Steamboat square. In 1656 the Lutherans decided to worship by themselves and located their church at Yonkers and Handlaer streets (now State and Broadway). It was the second religious edifice built in Fort Orange and also was a blockhouse, with three small cannon on top command- ing the three roads leading into the city. In 1657 the directors of the Dutch West Indies company sent a small bell for the church. In 1680 the Lutheran society bought property on the west side of South Pearl street, between Hudson avenue and Beaver street. In 1741 St. Peter's church was licensed to build by Gover- nor Hunter and a grant of land at the head and in the center of Yonkers (State) street made which caused much opposition. The same year the Dutch Reformed church also got a permit to build its third edifice at Market and Yonkers streets. In 1715 St. Peter's church opened with Thomas Barclay as rector; its written records began April 15, 1718; in 1731 it was damaged by fire. In 1760 the Common Council licensed the Presbyterians to establish a church, and a site was granted in 1762 on the northwest corner of Hudson avenue and William street. (The church now worships at State and Willett streets, building erected in I884.) In 1766 the German Reformed church was granted land on the hill north of the fort, and the same year St. Peter's Albany Guide Book 57 church was chartered by Governor Moore. In 1799, September 13, the cornerstone of St. Mary's church was laid on the site at the northwest corner of Barrack (Chapel) and Pine streets; the congregation organized in 1776; the city gave the site and the brick church was built in 1798; cornerstone of second edifice was laid in 1820. the third on August 11, 1867. The Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception organized 1847; cornerstone laid July 2. 1848; dedicated November 21, 1852, Patrick C. Keely. architect. St. Peter's present (3d) edifice is on the site of the second which was torn down; cornerstone laid June, 1859; first service on Sep- tember 16 that year; consecrated October 4, 1860. CITY BUILDING The building at South Pearl and Howard streets, police and city courts and offices, is out- grown and a modern municipal building is to be erected at Eagle and Daniel streets, on the site of the old First Congregatonal church which site cost $35,000. On February 26, 1917, an appropri- ation of $100,000 was made for the new building. There the Second Precinct station house will be located, the Police court and offices and the Fire Bureau. The police headquarters and the Fire Chief's room contain many interesting relics. Albany Guide Book MEMORANDA THE CITY HALL Albany Guide Book 59 CITY HALL The city administration is housed in the hand- some SjA story gothic granite edifice with base- ment and tower (190 feet high and 26y2 feet square) at Eagle street and Alaiden lane. Com- pleted 1883; cost $325,000; architect, the famous H. H. Richardson. The exterior of this building is highly prized for its architectural beauty by artists and architects and has been extensively copied. The Common Council chamber contains a very valuable collection of portraits of the gov- ernors of the State. The city bought the present site in 1827; cor- nerstone of old building laid August 31, 1829; first occupied by Common Council July 25, 1831 ; cost $92,336.91 ; destroyed, by fire February 10, 1880; present edifice erected 1881. Interior reconstructed 1917; contracts awarded totaled $352,289. CLUBS Social life always has been a notable feature of Albany, and the city now has no less than 45 clubs. These include 3 commercial, 2 profes- sional, 16 social, 1 commercial travelers', 1 auto- mobile, 7 sporting, 1 yacht, 2 gun, 1 fish and game, 1 camping, 1 raquette, 1 boy scouts', 3 literary, 2 musical, 2 curling, 4 political (the 60 Albany Guide Book Capital City, Unconditional, Young Men's Repul)- lican. Equal Suffrage), 1 chess, 1 boys', 1 girls', 1 mothers' and 1 woman's. The best known clubs are Adelphi, 134 State street — Organized January 26, 1873; as the Adelphi Literary association at South Pearl and Division streets; present handsome club- house formally opened 1898, occupies the old General John Taylor Cooper mansion whose beautiful interior has been for the most part preserved, although very extensive improvements and additions have been made. Aurania, South Allen street, west of Madison ave- nue — Incorporated • May 7, 1902; clubhouse opened November 20, 1902, has been greatly enlarged and improved. It is a family club and its well-equipped quarters and spacious grounds are enjoyed by a large membership. Take Pine Hills car. Albany, 102 State street — Incorporated 1886; occu- pies the spacious old mansion of Erastus Corning, senior, to which additions have been made extending through to Howard street in the rear. One of the most popular and best equipped clubs in the city. Commercial Travelers — Meets 564 Broadway across from depot; organized 1888. Fort Orange — Easily the leading city club and one of the best known in the State; organized January 31, 1880; occupies spacious quarters at 110 Washington avenue, surrounded by well kept grounds. The main building once was the fine old mansion built in 1810 by Samuel Hill and once occupied by Aaron Burr while a lawyer in Albany. Aliianv GuiDK Book 61 Elks — The B. P. O. E. No. 49. occupies at 138 State street a specially constructed and very spacious building which is the pride of the order. It extends through to Howard street and contains besides the spacious lodge room every convenience for social enjoyment of the members. It was erected at a cost of $200,000 and fc^rmally opened on May 5-6, 1913. Scottish — St. Andrew's society which has an attrac- tive home at 69 Howard street is the pride of citizens of Scottish birth. It was organized on October 19, 1803, and does much charitable work. The Burns club, organized in 1853, and the Caledonian club, organized in 1874. also are well known. University — Organized March 21, 1901; occupies the spacious residence of the late George I. Amsdell at Washington avenue and Dove street with grounds extending through to Elk street, a full block. Yacht — Organized April 16, 1873; formerly located across the river in a frame building which was destroyed by fire July 3. 1905. Now has a magnificent home in a specially erected clubhouse on Recreation pier opposite the foot of State street which it occupied November 1, 1913. The Rotarian and Kiwanis clubs also are large and growing centers of social life. Country Clubs There are four of these clubs attached to the city's social life and each has a large member- ship. They are : 62 Albany Guide Book Albany Country Clul) — Beautifully located on Great Western turnpike, about 2 miles west of city. Bought property April 1, 1895. Clubhouse reconstructed and enlarged 1898, dining-room seats 300; now has 132 acres with attractive scenery including a lake and creeks; 8 tennis courts; 18-hole golf course. Continu- ally being improved. Take Country Club car. Colonie Country Club — Acquired Adelphi club country property April 1, 1915. Has 59 acres well located, containing 4 tennis courts, 9-hole golf course, baseball ground and other desirable features. Attrac- tive clubhouse with huge living room (35 x 65 ft.), and wide veranda on three sides. Take Country Club car. Helderberg Golf Club — Organized 1914. Purchased old Helderberg Inn property at Altamont. Located 800 feet up among Helderberg mountains and noted for magnificent views from house and grounds. Has 65 acres containing many natural attractions. Has 3 tennis courts and 9-hole golf course. D. & H train to Alta- mont, or automobile. Wolfert's Roost Country Club — ^^ Occupies house and grounds noted as home originally of " Fritz " Emmett, the actor; acquired 1891 by David B. Hill when U. S. Senator. Located on Van Rensselaer boulevard. Organized May 1, 1915; opened September 11, 1915; 100 acres with lake and other attractions; has 6 tennis courts; 18-hole golf course. Specialty is athletics and sociability. Albany Guide Book 63 Women's Clubs Xo less than 27 clubs formed exclusively by women and coverini^- all fields of activity exist in Albany. The best known are: Dana Natural History Society — Organized Novem- ber 19, 1868, by prominent women of the time and named after Prof. James D. Dana of Yale. Meets in the Girls' Academy; speciaUy, field meetings on call for Nature study purposes under the leadership of some eminent scientific man. The association has as memo- rials Dana park and the Dana fountain at Madison avenue and Lark street. Mothers' Club — Organized 1900; meets in Y. W. C. A. building. Specialty, the betterment of the condition.-; surrounding little children. This club originated and fosters the open-air playgrounds (p. 142) of the city, five in number, in several of the parks so located as to serve the most densely populated and growing sections. It is a widely known, popular and highly respected body. Woman's Club — Organized in June, 1910; meets in the Historical and Art Society building. Specialty, civic betterment. Pine Hills Fortnightly Club — Organized 1898; meets in the Aurania club. Specialty, literary and historical studies. There also are many patriotic societies and church organizations doing good work. One organization of particular merit is the Albany 64 Albany Guide Book Girls' club, whose home is on Madison avenue. Its specialty is to teach girls home duties and to improve their social condition and education. CONVENTS The number of these institutions has grown considerably during the past ten years in Albany until there are several of considerable importance. The most notable is the Convent of the Sacred Heart, an imposing brick edifice rising from a wooded eminence sotith of the city, reached by the Kenwood cars. It was instituted in 1853 ; present buildings, erected in 1866, cost $200,000. The grounds which front 310 feet on the river contain many magnificent trees and beautiful walks. Open to visitors. Other convents are : Our Lady of Angels, 183 Central avenue. Take West Albany car. Dominican, 880 Madison avenue. Take Pine Hills car. St. Ann's, Franklin street and Fourth avenue. Take South Pearl street car. Vincentian, Morris street, west of Partridge. Take West Albany car. COUNTY COURT HOUSE An adequate and substantial edifice to meet the requirements of the growing county business was erected at Eagle and Columbia streets in Aij'.ANV GuiDi: Book 65 1913 at a cost of $1,250,000; cornerstone laid May 8, 1915; formally dedicated September 23, 1916, when County Attorney Ellis J. Staley received the keys from the building- committee of the board of supervisors. On August 7, 1916, County judge Ceorge Addington held the hrst legal hear- ing in the building (an excise case). On Octo- l)er 2, 1916, Justice Alden Chester convened the tirst term of the Supreme Court in the new build- ing with justice A\'ilHam l\ Rudd and County Judge Addington occupying the bench with him. Appropriate gavel sets were presented through Commander J. Harris Loucks as memorials donated In' Phil Sheridan Camp, S. of Y., and :M()hawk Chapter, D. A. R. The gift of the Daughters contained an iron inset from the brace which su])ported the Liberty bell in Independ- ence hall, Philadelphia, and the gift of the Sons contained an inset from the old statue of Jus- tice which for 7? years surmounted the dome of the old Capitol. The court house occupies the site of the old High school on which the original city reservoir stood. In its massive hreproof vaults attached to the Count}- Clerk's (|uarters are man}- ver}' old and rare count}- documents running back to 1630 when under Dutch rule Albanv (then Fort 66 Aij;any Guide Book Orange) was the center of a square 25 miles on each side of the river. There also are many old deeds signed by Indians. The Old Dutch and English records include deeds showing property ownership from 1656; mortgages from 1765; jus- tice of the peace records from 1665, and many very old and valuable maps. COURTS Nine courts are held in Albany, located as fol- lows : Appeals — In the old State House (p. 164) which is now occupied solely by this august body. Claims — In the Capitol. Supreme and Surrogates — In the County court house at Eagle and Columbia streets. United States District — In the Government building at Broadway and State street. Police — In City building (p. 57). City — In City Hall (p. 59). County — In County court house. Recorder's — In County courthouse, temixjranly. Note. — Albany's first court was established by Pieter Stuyvesant in the old fort in 1652. xA-fter the State House was built at I'roadway and Hudson avenue in 1673 (rebuilt in 1740) some were held there; there als(j were the jail and \vhipi)ing post. Later the number of courts increased and lliey were held in various places. In 1898 the county bought the Albany Savings Batik Albany Guide Book 67 building at State and Chapel streets for a county build- ing and the courts were held there until 1916 when the removal to the new County Court building took place. COURT OF APPEALS Organized by Constitution of 1846 and held first session July 5, 1(S47, in old Capitol ; members made elective by Constitution of 1869 ; moved into new Capitol in July, 1883; opened perma- nent quarters there July 14, 18S4. On January 8, 1917, the court formally took possession of the famous old State House (p. 164) which had been remodeled for its exclusive use. State Architect Louis F. Pilcher who did the work was compli- mented by Associate Judge Chase for retaining the classic outlines of the old building with its great pillared portico, its famous " flying " stair- case and its columned rotunda ; also for reproduc- ing entire in the 85 by 65 addition in the rear the noted court room in which the court had met for so many years in the Capitol, with its oak panel- ing, carved desk, onyx fireplace and paintings of former judges. The renovated building was referred to as " The Temj^le of Justice " but the massi\'e bronze door l)ears the sim])le inscription '' Coin^t of Appeals." ( )tlicr featiu-cs of the rem(.)dele(l building arc the great library room on the second floor, commodious rooms for the 68 Albany Guide Book judges and clerical force, retiring and lounging rooms for attorneys. The appropriation for the work was $350,000, which was not .entirely used. DEPOTS Albany is an important railroad center and the traffic of six great lines is handled through a commodious granite building on Broadway popu- larly known as the " Union Station." Here pas- sengers alight from the trains of the New York Central, the Delaware & Hudson, the Boston & Albany, the West Shore, the Rutland and the Boston & Maine roads, over which an average of 196 passenger trains, 103 freight trains, 210 light passenger engines and 165 light freight engine:^ run daily. The depot building occupies the whole block between Steul:)en and Columbia streets (once the site of the famous old Delavan House, burned Deceml)er 30, 1894), and from it run the many trains connecting the East with the West, which " Take you anywhere at any time " (in the summer time especially to the Adiron- dack mountains, the Thousand Islands, Lake George, etc.). It was ojiened December 17, 1900, has a waiting-room 134 feet lung by 103 feet wide and 52 feet high, and even with this capacity must ])t enlarged. Ar.r.AXv Gutdf Book 69 The Delaware & Hudson road serves the ,2^reat army of travelers to the northern summer resorts — the Eastern Adirondack's. Saratoi^a, Lake (leors^e and " ( )nt Sus(|uehanna Way. " Its mag- niticent new administration Ijuilding fronts the riaza (p. 144) at the foot (^f State street. Note. — The tirst Albany depot stood at the head of this street on the north side at a short distance below Eagle street where now is the building known as Van Vechten Hall. It was built for the old Mohawk & Hud- son railroad (now part of the New York Central) run- ning from Albany to Schenectady (first train arrived in the city May 14. 1832). See Railroads. DIRECTORIES Travelers will find a convenient library of directories for all cities of importance at 448 Broadway. The first Albany director}^ w^as issued in 1813 by Joseph Fry and contained 60 pages and 1,638 names out of a population of 11,000. It sold for 50c. The 1916 directory con- tained 57,980 out of a population of 107,979 and cost $6.00. DISPOSAL PLANT This great modern improvement was begun in 1914 and was to be finished in the spring of 1917. It cost $650,000. It consists of sixteen 70 Ar.r.ANY Guide Book settling- tanks (Imhoff system) into which the dry weather flow of sewage amounting to about 30,000,000 gallons daily is taken. The capacity of the plant is about 60,000,000 gallons daily in order to provide for the future growth of the city. The object of the plant is to prevent the pollution of the river in front of the city by the great amount of sewage which hitherto poured into it. At the plant is located an electrically operated sewage pumping station which takes the sewage from the intercepting sewer (p. 120) and delivers it into the great tanks. On Broadway near Tivoli street a smaller pumping station pumps the North Albany sewage up to and into the big sewer which ends at the disposal plant on Wes- terlo (Van Rensselaer) island below the city proper. The city owns about 173 acres at this point where the disposal plant is located of which about two-thirds is held for future use should the U. S. Government finally decide to deepen the Hudson river to 27 feet when the city will build concrete docks and terminals with warehouses on the site and thus create a great business cen- ter there. On March 5, 1917, the Common Council appro- priated $200,000 to complete the disposal plant. Albany GuinR V n DISTANCES The numl)er of miles from All)any to places most commonly sought by travelers is as follows : Asbury Park 203 Atlantic City 287 Ausable Chasm 157 Bluff Point (Lake Champlain) 164 Blue Mt. Lake 124 Cooperstown (Otsego Lake) 91 Catskill 31 Howes Cave 40 Long Branch 200 Lake Placid 251 Lake George (Cald- well) 70 Lake Charaplain (Ti- conderoga) 100 Montreal 242 New York 143 Niagara Falls 319 Ocean Grove 187 Old Point Comfort... 514 Round Lake 26 Raquette Lake 170 Saratoga 39 Saranac Lake 241 Schenectady 1/ Sharon Springs 59 Thousand Islands ... 203 Washington 376 DOCKS See under '* River Front '' for information con- cerning- these structures. The original city docks were three in number and constructed of stone. Later, wooden docks were built all along the waterfront. These finally were replaced by the present concrete structures. DOCTORS Over 200 practitioners representing all schools of medicine are at vour service in Albanv and 72 Albany Guide Book can readily be reached 1)y telephone. The city has raised several eminent medical men, notal)ly Dr. John Swinburne, Dr. Alden March, Dr. James H. Armsby, Dr. Jacol) S. Mosher, Dr. James W. Cox and Dr. Samuel B. Ward. DRIVES Those of means and leisure can spend much time agreeably in driving about the city and its suburbs. The price is $1.50 per hour for a car- riage holding four persons and having a speed rate of about four miles per hour. The taxicabs charge 40c per mile for one or two persons and $1.50 per hour waiting time. Satisfactory arrangements as to fare for parties or long dis- tance rides can be made through any hotel or restaurant. Some of the drives recommended, in addition to visits to the country clubs, tours around the boulevards, etc., are the following: Through Washington park, 4 miles. Country roads to Slingerlands, 6 miles. To the Old Abbey, river road, 3^ mile=. Country roads to Sloane's, 8 miles. Rural Cemetery, 4 miles. Cedar Hill, 6 miles. To old Forbes Manor house (Rensselaer). 1^ miles. To Hurst's roadhouse, 3^ miles. To old Canton roadhouse (now "Smith's Tavern"), 4 miles. Albany Guide Rook 7^ Cohoes Falls, 9 miles. Grcenbush Heights. 4 miles. The Ridge Road (Rensselaer). 6 miles. Sacred Heart Convent. 2 miles. Castleton, 8 miles. Shaker Village. 7 miles. Xormanskill (The vale of Tawasentha) 4 miles. Van Rensselaer Manor. 2 miles. Short drives also can be taken down the river bank on either side, out Western avenne to the Country club and to some of the smaller parks. One general favorite is to Delaware avenue, to \Miitehall road, to Xew Scotland road, to Pine Hills, to Manning- boulevard, and back. An experienced driver will suggest others. Probably one of the best trips to " see the city " is to start from the depot, down Broadway to State street, to Washington avenue past the Capitol and Edu- cation building, to AVestern avenue, past the Nor- mal college and High school to the Xorthern boulevard, around Tivoli lake to Manning boule- vard, to Madison avenue, to South Lake avenue, to Xew Scotland avenue to Morris street to Eagle street, past the Executive mansion to Madison ave- nue, to Washington park emerging at Englewood place, then to State street to Eagle to Hudson avenue to the Public ^larket square, to' South Pearl street, to Steuben street, to Broadway. Albany Guide Book MEMORANDA Alp.any Gutde Book 75 EDUCATION BUILDING The maL^niticent edifice on W^ashington avenue, opposite the Capitol and occupying- an entire city block, was authorized l)y law in 1906; work began July 29, 1908 ; building formally dedicated Octo- ber'l5-17, 1912. Cost nearly $5,000,000 of which $446,440.75 was for the site. It covers over ly^ acres, is of classical design and is said to be architecturally one of the finest buildings in the United States. The construction above the gray granite base is of white A'ermont marble as also are the front and end walls and the many columns. The rear walls are of light-colored vitreous brick. The roof is of concrete covered with copper. The idea of having an editice solely for educa- tion originated with Commissioner Andrew S. Draper. Dimensions of building : 590 feet long by 330 deep in the center and 125 feet on the sides. Height at Hawk street. 148 feet ; at Swan street. 125 feet. The striking feature of the exterior is the great colonnade with 36 massive columns each 60 feet high. The main entrance is in the center of the building on A\^ashington avenue. The building provides quarters for the adminis- trative offices of the State Education Depart- 76 xA.Lr,ANY GuTDE Book ment ; the Stale Museum and State Library and contains also auaauditorium witli a seating;- capac- ity of 900. In the Ijiasement are located the heatuig, ven- tilatini^- and lighting- apparatus, workrooms, toilets and the lower iioors of the great library book stack running 30 feet down under ground and having a capacity of 2,000,000 volumes; also the auditorium known as " Chancellor's Hall," and adequate safety vaults for the very valuable manuscripts. The many elevators also start here. Features of the tirst floor are the great cor- ridor running" east and west the entire length of the building and giving access to the general offices of the Education department, the library workrooms, the elevators and the spacious stair- case leading to the floor above. On the second floor the feature is the great rotunda measuring about 100 feet and having in the center a dome 94 feet in height. From this rotunda extends a great vaulted corridor 48 feet high leading to the group of five special libraries (law, medicine, periodicals, legislative reference and public documents), also to the principal refer- ence room 125 by 107 feet and 55 feet high, modeled after the Bibliotheque Nationale in Albany Guide Book 77 Paris. The rotunda bears appropriate inscrip- tions and is beautified by a series of notable mural paintings ])y the celebrated artist, Will H. Low. The general theme of the paintings is '* The Aspi- rations of Man for Intellectual Enlightenment." The third floor contains rooms for the exami- nations division, the extension division, the divi- sion of archives and history, etc. The fourth floor is devoted entirely to the great museum of the State and rooms used by the director and staff. The main exhibition hall is 570 feet long, 50 feet high and 54 feet w^ide. The museum contains wonderful collections in geol- ogy, mineralogy, botany, etc., and life size groups illustrating the life history of the Six Nations of the Iroquois Indians. ELKS Lodge No. 49, I>. P. C. E., instituted Septenr- ber 18, 1886, occupies a handsome permanent home at 138 State street which was erected at a cost of $200,000. The building was formally opened on May 5-6, 1^>13, and is one of the most commodious and u])-to-date clubhouses particu- larl}- ada])ted to the re(|uirements of the order in the country. 78 Albany Guide Book EXCURSIONS Time and means alone limit the list of attrac- tive excursions which may be taken with Albany as the center, A few of those recommended are (see also Drives (p. 72) and Distances (p. 71) : By Trolley To Troy, to Cohoes to Waterford and return, 22 miles, 2 hours, 30c round trip. To Troy, to Waterford, to Mechanicville, to Still- water and return, 20 miles, 40c each way. To Troy, to Albia, to Averill Park and return, 21 miles, 3 hours. 60c round trip. A favorite city trolley trip is to Pine Hills and return; from foot State street, 35 min., 10c. By Train To Saratoga, 3.9 miles, $2.34, round trip, 1 day. To Lake George, 70 miles, $4.20, round trip, 1 day. To Round Lake, 26 miles, $1.56, round trip, 1 day. To Sharon Springs, 59 miles, $3.54. round trip, 1 day. A delightful day may also be spent in the Indian Ladder region of the Helderberg moun- tains (see Thacher Park, p. 224). D. & H. train to Meadowdale, 14 miles, 42 cents one way. By Boat To Maple Beach, 4 miles, 5c. To Troy and return, 12 miles, 10c. To Castleton and return. 28 miles, 30c. To Catskill and return, 60 miles, 75c. To Kingston Point and return, 120 miles, $1.00. Albany Guide Book 79 EXECUTIVE MANSION The home which the State has provided for its governors stands on a terraced site in the midst of beautiful grounds on Eagle street at the south- west corner of Elm street. The original site w^as ])ought while Samuel J. Tilden was governor and the mansion was built under the supervision of Isaac G. Perry while State architect. It was hrst occupied by Governor Tilden and formally opened at his public reception January 25, 1876. Not open to visitors. EXPRESS COMPANIES Albany is the second largest express center in the country and both the American and National express companies are located here. The Ameri- can, formed in 1850 by the consolidation of sev- eral small companies, has its offices at 31 North Pearl street and at the depot ; the National at 33 North Pearl street and at the depot. Both are readily reached l:)y telephone. FEMALE ACADEMY This famous old school for girls is located at 155 Washington avenue where its new building- was opened on January 1, 1892. The school 80 Albany Guidl Book began its career of usefulness in a l:)uilding- on Montgomery street May 21, 1814, with Horace Goodrich as principal ; its next building was on North Pearl street where now stands the Dris- lane store. This was dedicated May 12, 1834, and cost $30,000. It was noted for its great columned portico. Incorporated 1821. FILTER PLANT Albany's water supply is obtained by pumping from the Hudson river north of the Lumber dis- trict. Three centrifugal pumps driven by com- pound engines and each having a daily capacity of 15,000,000 gallons pump the water up 18 feet into a sedimentation basin with a capacity of 14,600,000 gallons. After settling about 18 hours the water is pumped by two 30,000,000 gallon cen- trifugal pumps u]:)on 16 preliminary mechanical lilters, each 810 square feet in area, in which the water is hltered through about two feet of sand at a comparatively high rate. Alum is used on these filters when the condition of the raw water requires it. The pre-hltered water next flows by gra\'it\' u])on 8 slow sand filters each 0.7 acre in size and containing from 2 to 4 feet in dcptli of sand through which the water filters slowlv. Albany Guidi-: Book 81 These filters are protected from cold weather by \aulted concrete arches covered with earth, l^he eftluent of the slow sand filters is further purihed b}- the addition of minute quantities of licpiid chlorine which frees the water from bac- teria. After the purifying processes the water flows by gravity through 7,913 feet of 48-inch pipe to the Ouackenbush street pumping station where it is pumped directly into the high and low dis- tribution systems w^ith reliefs to the Prospect and I'leecker reservoirs respectively. The Ouacken- bush street station is equipped with hve vertical triple-expansion pumping engines, three of which have capacities of 5,000,000 gallons each and two of 12,000,000 gallons each. During 1916, the consumption of w^ater was 21,559,000 gallons per day or about 196 galVjns per capita per day. About 19,990 buildings are supplied with water of which 7,810 or about 39 per cent are metered. The water works were originally built l)y the Albany \\'ater W^jrks Co., incorporated in 1802, and sold to the city in 1850. A\'ater first was obtained by pumping from the Hudson river in 6 82 Alijany Guide Book 1876. Slow sand filters placed in operation in 1899, preliminary filters in 1908. Note.— The purifying plant, said to be one of the largest and mo^t complete in the United States, occu- pies 45 acres on the flats north of the Luml^er dis- trict. Take Broadway car to North street. Work began in the fall of 1897; plant partly used in July, 1899; cost originally $496,633; designed by Allen Hazen. FIRE DEPARTMENT Albany is adequately protected against fire by a highly efficient body of trained men equipped with all modern appliances for the work. The department dates back to 1706 and has been " up to date " ever since its inception. It now is a paid department and comprises a Chief with office in the City building (p. ?7) and three battalions quartered in 14 handsome engine houses so located as to cover the entire city and suburbs promptly when called. The firemen in addition to the officers number 126. The appara- tus consists of the chief's automobile, three auto- for the battalion chiefs, 11 engines, 3 aerial and 1 city truck, 4 auto and 8 horse drawn chemicals, 1 autu insurance i)atr(d ])ropularly known a^ "The Protectives." Alarms are given througli an elaborate signal system covering the entire Alkany Guil)1£ Book 83 city with 220 public boxes covering the city gen- erally and 68 private lK)xes covering institutions and business places. The heart of the signal sys- tem is located in an adequate building (p. 84) at Delaware avenue and Morris street. For years the number of a box indicating the location of a fire has been struck on the huge bell in the city hall tower (p. 35). See Fire Alarm. Note. — In 1688 '' Firemasters " were appointed and ladders and fire hooks were required to be kept in each ward. In 1732 the first hand pumping engine was brought from London and kept in a shed at South Pearl and Beaver streets. It had 40 feet of leather hose. A second engine was bought in 1763 and cost $397.50. The city then had 31 firemen. That year the city bought 48 leather fire buckets to be kept at the homes of the aldermen and prominent citizens. A third engine was bought in 1792 from a Philadelphia firm and was kept in the shed of the English church on Yonkers street. In 1834 the Common Council named Harmanus Van Ingen as the first fire chief; in 1839 an alarm bell was ordered placed in the cupola of the jail; in 1843 the salary of the chief was fixed at $600: in 1847 James McQuaid was elected fire chief; in 1848 the Fire Department was organized ])y law; in 1849 a hose depot was started on Philip street. In 1864 a steam fire engine was bought by the city and the Beaverwyck steam fire engine company was organ- ized. One year later the city had 3 such engines — the 84 Albany Guide Book James McQuaid. Putnam and the Thomas Kearney. The paid department was instituted September 1, 1867; a fire alarm system installed in 1868 and Michael J. Higgins was made chief on the death of Chief McQuaid. The Protectives organized in June, 1872. and the alarm bell was placed in the City Hall tower in 1882. In 1897 the city bought 3 chemical engines. Chief Higgins died in 1911 and was succeeded by Wil- liam W. Bridgeford under whom the auto apparatus came into use. FIRE ALARM In 1867 the Common Council appropriated $15,000 for an alarm system and on June 1, 1868, the city had 75 alarm boxes working. In 1882 the big bell was installed in the City Hall tower at Eagle street and Maiden lane. The system has kept pace with the growth of the city and now is housed in a handsome building of Dutch style of architecture located in an adequate plat bounded by Delaware and Myrtle avenues, Lark and Morris streets. The building is 70 by 40 feet and the lot 195 by 200 feet, and it is equipped with every modern convenience and a])])liance for successful work. Erected 1916-17. Take a Del- aware avenue car. P'or some account of big hres which have visited Albany see Addenda (p. 213). Albany Guidr Book 85 FRATERNAL ORDERS Albanians arc essentially " Joiners " and if there is a fraternal organization not represented in the city it has hut to make itself known to he assured of a hearty welcome. Besides the Free- masons, Odd Fellows, Rebekahs, O. E. S., K. of P., Redmen, Elks, G. A. R., Foresters, Druids, Royal Arcanum, C. B. L., \\'oodmen, K. O. T. M., Flaymakers and K. of C, there are a host of others whose insignia appears on buttons worn by the inhabitants. For the older orders see under the proper headings. Among the societies are in- cluded also 13 Jewish, 4 Italian, 1 Irish, 3 Scotch and several German associations. GEOLOGICAL HALL The big brick building at State and Lodge streets, now occupied by the Department of Agri- culture, originally housed the State Museum of Natural History and was known as the Geological Hall. It was built in 1858 on the site of the old State Hall which was erected in 1797. It was here that Prof. James Hall, who was State geolo- gist from 1836 to 1898, presided over the famous collections which made him as well as the State famous. 86 Albany Guide Book Note. — Professor Hall did his studying- for the most part in a little red brick building which still stands in Lincoln park (p. 136) and which for half a century was the active center of geological study in the United States. At their session in the Education building in 1916 the National Geological Association ordered the building monumented with a bronze tablet bearing the following inscription " This Building Was Erected By JAMES HALL State Geologist of New York 1836-1898 " For 50 years it served as his office and laboratory, and from it graduated many geologists of merit and distinction. During most of that period it was an influ- ential and active center of geological science in this country. " Erected By The Association of American State Geologists 1916" AL15ANY ClUTDE BoDK 87 MEMORANDA 88 Albany Guide Book GOVERNMENT BUILDING The granite edifice at State street and Broad- way houses the Federal offices. It occupies the site of the old Exchange, and of the Mechanics «Sc Farmers bank ; cost about $700,000 ; corner- stone laid by the Masonic fraternity May 7, 1879. Occupied by the Internal Revenue department December, 1883; by the Post Office, January 1, 1884; contains the Federal offices and courts. Just inside and facing the Broadway entrance a battered fragment of the cornerstone of the old Exchange building is framed into the wall, show- ing a nearly defaced inscription with the dates 1727 and 1837. The custom house receipts for duties in 1916 were $123,486.51 ; value of mer- chandise $1,099,484.00; the internal revenue receipts $9,219,845.10, which sufficiently indicate Albany's importance as a port of entry. A total of 526 vessels were enrolled at the port in 1916. GRAND ARMY HEADQUARTERS In the Capitol, opposite the main entrance on the second floor, is located the Military Bureau containing the museum of war relics and the war records of the State. The local Department of the G. A. R. is represented by Alp.anv Guide r>ooK 89 Lew I'enedict Ppst. Xo. 5, located at 31 (jreen street. L. ,0. Morris Post, No. 121. located in County Court House. George S. Dawson Post, No. 63, located at 206 Washington avenue. \V. A. Jackson Post. No. 644. located in County Court House. There also is a Woman's Relief Corps, No. 45; a circle of the Ladies of the G. A. R.; two camps of Sons of Veterans (Sheridan and Ten Eyck) ; a camp of Spanish War Veterans and an auxiliary; a camp of V^eterans of Foreign Wars, and an auxiliary, and the Margaret Vander Veer Tent of the Daughters of Veterans. HALLS, PUBLIC In Harmanus Bleecker Hall, Washington ave- nue, near Lark street, Albany originally had one of the best public halls in the country, but the interior has been changed and the handsome auditorium spoiled for the purpose for which the building was dedicated and intended in order to make it into a paying theater property. The building was made possible by the bequest of about $130,000 by a public spirited citizen whose name it perpetuates, augmented by generous public subscriptions ($56,000 besides the sum of $10,000 from Erastus Corning). Even the public school children oave their mite. Harmanus 90 Albany Guide Rook ]^)leecker wanted to i^ive to. Albany something that would be of 1)enelit to the city and a public hall was decided on at the time. The building forms a part of the Young Men's Association property. It was opened October 9, 1889 ; inte- rior remodeled in 1898. It is hreproof and equipped with all modern conveniences. It had one of the largest stages in the country as a pub- lic hall. The space in front was reserved under the original plan for a building to be occupied by one similar to that of the Historical and Art Society to contain relics of old Albany. An arcade was to give access to the hall. Note. — Harmanus Bleecker, born October 19, 1779; died July 19, 1849; was prominent as a lawyer, phil- anthropist. Assemblyman, Congressman, Regent of the University and Minister to the Hague. He lived at the southeast corner of Chapel and Steuben streets. He left a bequest "for the benefit of tlie city" and his widow on her death turned the property over to J. V. L. Pruyn " to be used in some judicious way to be per- manently beneficial to the city of Albany." Mr. Pruyn transferred the bequest to Amasa J. Parker who desired to see a fireproof public hall erected, capable of seat- ing 2,500 people, and offered the property to the city for such a memorial purpose. It was accepted on March 9. 1877. A citizens' committee with John Boyd Thacher at its head undertook to raise $50,000 to secure the bequest of $130,000. They actually collected $56,518 Albany Gutof. Book 91 of which the public school children gave $682.14 and the High school pupils $451.45, the understanding being- at the time that future coniniencenient exercises should be held in the new hall when erected. For a time the hall was much enjoyed by the people but the trustees found the income from it was not sufficient to support the defunct Y. M. A., and its library and the J. V. L. Pruyn library afterward erected at North Pearl street and Clinton avenue and the trustees changed the hall over into its present condition, thus nullifying the original purpose of the bequest and benefitting the city nothing. In 1913 the trustees who control the property placed the following tablet at the side of the west entrance to the building: HARMANUS BLEECKER HALL Cornerstone Laid October, 1888 Building Dedicated October. 1889 The erection of this building was made possible by Sabastiana Cornelia Coster, of Holland, the widow of Harmanus Bleecker, late of Albany, New York, who, in accordance with the expressed wish of her husband, gave to John V. L. Pruyn. in trust, an estate, inherited from her husband, that it might in the discretion of the trustee be devoted to a use beneficial to the people of Albany; by testamentary devise of John V. L. Pruyn this estate passed to Amasa J. Parker, by whose instrumentality it was given to the '' Young Men's As- sociation for Mutual Improvement in the City of Albany " for the construction of this edifice, all of which was supplemented by the avails of the bequest 92 Albany Guide Book of Erastus Corning', Senior, and the generous givings of the people of Albany incliuling the school children. Board of Trustees 1888—1889 Erastus Corning, President Henry R. Pierson, Vice-President William P. Rudd. Secretary and Treasurer. Dudley Olcott Amasa J. Parker, Jr. John H. Van Antwerp Maurice E. Viele. Ex-officio Members of the Board Charles L. Pruyn, Frederick Easton, Curtis N. Doug- las, Elmer Blair, Charles J. Buchanan, Lewis M. Gray, Leonard Kip. Fuller and Wheeler, architects. Other halls which are available for gatherings are as follows : Cameron, 286 Central avenue; capacity 300. Centennial, at Lodge and Pine streets — Erected 1898, property of St. Mary's church; capacity 700. Chancellor's, Education building; capacity 1,000. Eastern Star, at Lark street and Hudson avenue — Erected 1916; capacity 500. German Hall, Beaver street, below South Pearl street — Erected 1906; capacity 1,000. Graduates Hall. Elk street, above St. Agnes school; capacity 200. K. of C, 131 North Pearl street — Erected 1909; capacity 500. ^t^Mf Ali:.\nv (jUidk Hook 93 St. Andrews, 69 Howard street; erected 1902; capac- it} 250. Union Hall, 84 Eagle .street; capacity 1,000. There also are a num]:)er of others strictly used for fraternal purposes. HIGH SCHOOL The magnihcent million dollar building front- ing on Lake avenue with entrances on Western and Washington avenues is one of the newest monuments in progressive Albany from an educa- tional standpoint. The building is c64 feet long by 107 feet wide, with an auditorium in the rear 72 1)y 80 feet. It was opened in the fall of 1913. The material is tapestry brick, and in round num- bers the details of the cost were : Construction, $800,000; condemnation, $128,000; grounds and walks, $12,000; equipment, $60,000. Note. — The High school is the direct outgrowth of the old Albany Free Academy which was established in 1868 after much opposition. It was opened in what now is known as Van Vechten hall on State street just below Eagle and the lirst principal was John E. Bradley. In 1876 the first High school building was opened at Eagle and Columbia and Steuben streets on the site of the old city reservoir where now stands the County Court House. It remained there and attained a high position in the educational world until the present magnificent edifice was opened. 94 Albany Guide Book HISTORIC HOUSES Most of the ancient historic houses for which Albany was noted have been razed to make way for modern improvements, but some remain that are still well preserved and by their interesting- attributes attest the notable past of the city. Leading all is the famous Schuyler mansion located on an eminence at the head of Schuyler street. It was built in 1762 and restored to its original condition as far as might be by the State in 1915. It was formally opened on April 17 of that year by Mrs. Daniel Manning and the board of trustees. There also is the old Ten Broeck mansion standing in the spacious grounds between Livingston avenue, Ten Broeck street and Ten Broeck place ; built by General Abraham Ten Broeck in 1798 and having dimensions of 44 by 52 feet. It now is the property of Mr. Dudley Olcott, the banker, who has carefully looked after its preservation. The old Prentice mansion at Kenwood, noted for its massive gateway sur- mounted by sculptured lions is now used for charitable purposes. Across the river in Riverside avenue, Rensse- laer, is what is known as old Fort Crailo where the contemptuous song known as " Yankee Aij'.ANv Gliidk Book 95 Doodle "' is said to have been written. For years it has been asserted that this house was built in 1(A2 by Kiliaen \^an Rensselaer, the orii>inal Pat- roon ; that it was changed into a dwelling' house in 1704 by his grandson Hendrick and enlarged in 1740 1)y his great grandson, Col. Johannes Van Rensselaer. It now is a sturdy three-storied brick building which after many vicissitudes was bought by Mrs. A. IL Strong of New Brunswick, X. J., November 4, 1915, and presented to the Daug'hters of the American Revolution for use as a meeting place and as a museum. It was not found desirable for the society and in 1916 it was offered to the State for preservation. At that time its claims to fame and antiquity were seri- ously questioned by State Historian James Sull- ivan. Crailo is said to have been named after an estate in Holland and the word is said to mean a *' crow." A stone in the cellar is inscribed " KVR 1642," and another " Do. Megapolensis." Over the north door is the inscription " JVR 1740." If the prevailing beliefs are true it is the first home of the Van Rensselaer family in Amer- ica and the oldest continuously inhal)ited dwell- imi- in the United States. 96 Albany Guide Book HISTORIC OLD HOUSE SITES Oldest Albany building- — The County bank at the southeast corner of State and South Pearl streets occupies the site of the oldest building, that Albany once had. A bronze bi-centennial tablet on the Pearl street side recites that this was the site of the birthplace of General Philip Schuy- ler and of Elizabeth Schuyler (afterward the wife of Alexander Hamilton) and that near it stood the famous Lewis Tavern on the west. The original building was familiarly known as the " Staats House " and was famous for its interior decorations. It was removed in 1887. First Van Rensselaer Manor — This occupied a plat on the west side of Broadway near Tivoli street where a tablet simply announces that it was the " Residence of the Patroons." Opposite stood the first manor house, just north of Thacher street, removed in 1893 and in part re- built as a Sigma Phi fraternity house on Williams College campus. Lansing House — This stood at the northeast corner of North Pearl and Columbia streets and the location w^as long known as the " Pem1)er- ton corner " because uf a business conducted there. The original was built in 1710 and was a Albany Guide Book 97 trading post outside the stockade. It was removed in 1886 and replaced by the business col- lege. Quackenbush House — Site was at southeast corner of Broadway and Quackenbush street. It was built before the Colonial wars. " Burgoyne is said to have served his captors with refresh- ments here and John Jacob Astor to have slept here while on a trading trip.'' The old Van Rensselaer office building in North Albany, near Pleasant street, in which the last Patroon, Stephen Van Rensselaer, trans- acted his business was torn down in the fall of 1916 to make room for the International Har- \'ester plant. The building was estimated to be about 250 years old when razed. It was a small, one-story brick structure, valuable only from an historic viewpoint. Neither the city nor the family descendants would undertake to preserve this sole remaining monument of the old family. HISTORICAL AND ART SOCIETY The spacious building occupied by the Albanv Institute (p. 26) and Historical and Art Society on Washington avenue, near Dove street, con- tains one of the most remarkable collections of 7 98 Albany Guide Book curios and art treasures ever brought together to illustrate a city's history and interest its resi- dents and visitors. Ancient Albany heirlooms, rare china, bronzes, beautiful tapestry and paint- ings and collections of books, autographs, etc., are among the treasures sure to attract students, historians and collectors. The building is open from 2 to 5 p. m., free of charge on Saturdays and Sundays; on all other days a fee of 25c is charged. Note. — The Historical and Art Society was organ- ized September 25, 1886, as one result of the bi-centen- nial celebration loan exhibition. Its object is " to care for the historical and artistic interests of Albany." It inherits the traditions and relics of the Albany Gallery of Fine Arts (incorporated 1846) and the Albany Insti- tute (organized 1791, incorporated 1829) which prac- tically merged in 1900. In 1877 the organization bought and occupied a building at 176 State street; in 1908 the present building costing $85,000 was dedicated. The paintings of the old Gallery of Fine Arts which had been cared for by the Y. M. A., formed the nucleus of the present art gallery which was greatly augmented in 1901 by munificent gifts of paintings by J. Townsend Lansing. The collections now in the building are con- sidered priceless. " Within the compass of the Society's Dutch and English collections, its galleries, books and portraits and incunabula there is comprised and illus- trated the real significance of Albany in the State and Nation, an exposition of the type of the city Albany is and has been, and of the homes and the people. All Albany Guide Book 99 the way from Dutch pewter and Bibles printed in time- blurred Hollandish, to English colonial spinnet and footstove. there is Albany's past plain to the observer in the Society's collections; while the archives of the old Institute bear witness to the group of scientists in the early part of the Nineteenth century that made Albany memorable and finally produced the Society for the Advancement of Science in America, and through Joseph Henry, the actual germ of this "electric age"; while the pictures and objects of art in the Society's collections stand for what culture has come to the old Dutch city, the artists of note it has produced and the standard of refinement and appreciation of the finer things of life in its homes." HISTORIC PLACES Albany is particularly rich in historic and inter- esting places, although most of the quaint old buildings have been displaced by modern struc- tures and few even of the residents know their former locations. Fortunately for the visitor and the new resident as well, during the celebration of the city's 200th anniversary in 1886 a series of enduring bronze tablets was set up to show the sites of the old landmarks, locate interesting places and record the ancient names of the streets. The custodian of these tablets now is the City Engineer. The most important tablets are : 100 Albany Guide Book Municipal Tablet On Eagle street wall of City Hall, near Maiden Lane corner. Contains coat of arms of city and inscription Tablet commemorating- the two hundredth anni- versary of Albany as a chartered city. Settled about 1624. Charter granted by Gov. Dongan, July 22, 1686. State Legislature held here per- manently since 1797. Early names of city: Fort Orange, Beverwycke, Wilemstadt. First City Hall erected near Fort Orange about 1686. Sec- ond one northeast corner Broadway and Hudson avenue about 1705. Third one on this site 1829. Burned 1881. Fourth or present building erected 1883. First Mayor, 1686, Pieter Schuyler. Cen- tennial Mayor, 1786, Johannes Jacobs Beekman. Bi-centennial Mayor, 1886, John Boyd Thacher. (The names of the bi-centennial committee foL low.) Fort Orange Tablet ,. At Steamboat square, east of bend in Broad- way, granite block bearing bronze tablet. Inscription : Upon this Spot, washed by the tide, stood the North East bastion of Fort Orange, erected about 1623. Here the powerful Iroquois met the deputies of this and other colonies in confer- ence to establish treaties. Here the first courts were held. Here in 1643, under the direction of Albany Guide Book 101 Dominie Johannes Megapolensis, a learned and estimable minister, the earliest church was erected North West of the fort, and to the South of it stood the dominie's house. Fort Frederick Tablet Granite l)lock bearing- tablet stands on sidewalk near curb on lower edge Capitol park. Inscrip- tion : Facing the river on an eminence on this broad street opposite St. Peter's church stood Fort Frederick. Built about 1676. Removed 1789. Gallows Hill to the South. Fort burial ground to the North. City Gate Tablets On granite 1)lock in IMaza facing Broadway. Inscription: On the North East corner of Broadway, then Court street, and Hudson, then Spanish street, stood the second City Hall, erected 1705, in which the famous Congress of 1754 "Met and prepared a union of the several colonies for mutual defense and security." The South East gate of the city stood in front, to the South of the City Hall. On this ground was the house where lived Pieter Schuyler, the first and for eight suc- cessive years Mayor of Albany. r02 Albany Guide Book On granite block on walk near curb in front of 59 North Pearl street. Inscription : Near this corner stood the North West gate of the city. On this spot Governor De Witt Clinton, the promoter of the great Erie canal, died Feb. 11, 1828. On north wall of depot building, Broadway and Steuben street. Inscription: A little to the East of this spot stood the North East gate of the city. Here it was that Symon Schermerhorn at five o'clock in the morning " Die Sabbithi," February 9, 1690, after a hard ride by the way of Niskayuna in the intense cold and deep snow, shot in the thigh and his horse wounded, arrived with just enough strength to awaken the guard and alarm the people of Albany with the news " Yt ye French and Indians have murthered ye people of Skinnech- tady!" Symon's son and negroes were killed on that fatal night. Symon died in New York, 1696. To the north was the road to the Canadas. Through this gate passed many of the troops ai various times rendezvoused at Albany. The remains of Lord Howe were brought back this way, and Burgoyne returned a prisoner. Old House Site Tablets On State street side Mechanics & Farmers bank. Inscription : Albany Guide Book 103 Upon this corner stood the house occupied by, and wherein died, Anneke Janse Bogardus, 1663. The former owner of Trinity church property, New York. On walk at northeast corner North Pearl and Columbia streets. Inscription : The old Lansing house. Built 1710. Known for 68 years as The Pemberton Corner. A trading house outside the stockade. On South Pearl street wall County Bank build- ing- (at first was on the original house torn down to make place for the bank). Inscription: Vjhe oldest building in Albany, built 1667. Birth- place of General Philip Schuyler and Elizabeth Schuyler, his daughter, wife of Alexander Ham- ilton. Adjoining on the west was the famous Lewis Tavern. South Pearl street, formerly Washington street, was but twelve feet wide, having a gate at this place. There should be on the North Pearl street front of the new Albany Savings Bank building a tablet which was on the old Perry building, erected by Johannes Beekman, which occupied the site. Inscription : Site of Vanderheyden Palace. Erected 1725. Demolished to make space for the First Baptist Church, 1833. (The weather vane was taken to Sunny side by Washington Irving.) 104 Albany Guide Book On Catharine street side of retaining wall inclosing grounds at head of Schuyler street. Inscription : The Schuyler Mansion. Erected by General Brad- street, 1762. Washington, Franklin, Gates, DeRochambeau, Steuben, La Fayette, and many of the great men of that time were entertained here. Gens. Burgoyne and Reidesel as guests though prisoners of war, 1777. Alexander Ham- ilton and Elizabeth Schuyler married here 1780. *On granite block on walk on west side Broad- way near Tivoli street. Inscription : Opposite, Van Rensselaer Manor House erected 1765. Residence of the Patroons. The site of the first Manor house. On wall of old mansion in Rensselaer. Inscrip- tion : This Manor House built by Johannes Van Rens- selaer, 1642. Old Church Tablets On State street front of St. Peter's near Lodge street. Inscription : In the middle of State, formerly Yonkers street. one block below stood the first English Church, *The handsome old building popularly known as "The Patroons," was offered to Albany to be rebuilt in Washington park as a museum. It was given to Wil- liams College and in part rebuilt there as a Sigma Phi chapter house in October, 1893. • Albany Guide Book lOo built A. D. 1715 upon ground granted by letters patent from King George the First. It bore the name of St. Peter's church. The parish was incorporated 1769. The second St. Peter's church was built on this site A. D. 1802, and bore this inscription — " Glory to the Lord for He is good, for His mercy endureth forever." The present edifice was built A. D. 1859. Upon this spot stood the north east bastion of Fort Frederick. On Government building, Broadway at corner of State street. Inscription: Opposite, at the intersection of these streets, stood the Old Dutch Church. Built 1656. Rebuilt 1715. Removed 1806. Burial ground around it. On Pine street wall, St. Mary's church, near Chapel street. Inscription : Site of Old St. Mary's. Built A. D. 1797. The first Catholic parish church in Albany and second in the State. The entrance was directly under this tablet. A second building on this same spot fac- ing on Chapel street, was the original cathedral of this diocese. On Hudson avenue wall of building northeast corner Grand street and Hudson avenue. Inscrip- ton : Site of first Presbyterian church. Built 1763. • Removed 1796. 106 Albany Guide Book On South Pearl street front of City building. Inscription : Site of first Lutheran church. Built 1669. Removed 1816. Burial ground around it. Between this spot and Beaver street flov^ed Ruttenkill. On wall of building southeast corner North Pearl and Orange streets. Inscription : On this south east corner of Orange and Pearl streets Mras erected the first Methodist church, 1792. Famous Citizen Tablets On Eagle street front, City Hall. Inscription : Kilian Van Rensselaer, the progenitor of the Van Rensselaer family in America, a merchant of Amsterdam, Holland, the original proprietor and first patroon of the Manor of Rensselaerw^yck, under a grant from the Dutch government in 1629. In the follov^ing years he bought from the Indians lands lying both sides of the Hudson, from Baeren Island to Cohoes Falls and estab- lished the settlement. On North Pearl street front of Ten Eyck hotel. Inscription : Where Philip Livingston, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, was born, 1716. On southeast corner Boys' Academy. Inscrip- tion : Joseph Henry, an eminent discoverer and leader in science. Born in Albany, 1799. Died in Wash- ington, 1878. His experiments in electricity were Albany Guide Book 107 made in this building wiiile professor of mathe- matics, 1826-1832. ****'Pq i-iig discoveries in electro-magnetism the world is indebted, more than to any other man for the possession of the telegraph. On front of the building, 60 State street. Inscription : In memory of Joel Munsell, printer of Albany, who a native of Massachusetts, did more than any other man to preserve the ancient records of his adopted city. Born 1808, died 1880. Here he ])egan his earliest work. On Steuben street wall of High School, which stood at the corner of Eagle street, was a tablet with inscription : Whereas, the teaching of the English tongue is necessary in the government, I have therefore thought fitt to give Lycence to John Shutte to be the English schoolmaster at Albany, and upon condition that said John Shutte shall not demand any more wages for each schollar than is customarily given by the Dutch to the Dutch schoolmaster, I have further granted to the said John Shutte that hee bee the only English schoolmaster at Albany. Given under my hand at Fort James in New York the twelvth day of October 1665. Richard Nicolls, Governor. (This tablet was taken down when the school was razed and will be placed in or on the new school.) 108 Albany Guide, Book Notable Locality Tablets On granite block on walk at curb, northwest corner State and North Pearl streets. Inscrip- tion : Old Elm Tree Corner. So named from a tree planted here by Philip Livingston about 1735 Removed 1877. Also the site upon w^hich were published Webster's famous reading, spelling book and ahnanac, and the first Albany news- paper, the Albany Gazette, 1771. On North Pearl street wall of building, north- east corner State. Inscription : Lydius corner. Upon this site stood the first brick building said to have been • erected in North America. Of material imported from HollancI for the Rev, Gideon Schaet's parsonage, 1657. On Beaver street wall of building, northwest corner Beaver and Green streets. Inscription : Site of Hugh Denniston's tavern. The first stone house in Albany, where Gen. Washington was presented with the freedom of the city in 1782 and 1783. It was removed during the year of the first cholera, 1832. On front wall of building where stood the old Green street theater. Inscription : First theater in Albany erected on this spot 1811. First theatrical representation given (place not known) by British officers quartered in Albany, 1760, during the French war. The first profes- sionals played at the old hospital, present site Albany Guide Book 109 of Lutheran church, corner Pine and Lodge streets, 1769. In Academy park at intersection of walks. Inscription : Upon this ground the ratification of the Constitu- tion of the United States was celebrated, 1788. In 1856 the dedicatory ceremonies of the Dudley observatory, and in 1864 the great Army Relief Bazaar were held here. In Capitol park near State street side. Inscrip- tion : Site of main entrance to Old Capitol, erected 1806. Gen. La Fayette was received here, 1824. The remains of President Lincoln and many other prominent men lay in state here. The State Library ^vas adjoining and with the Capitol, demolished 1883. Fronting on this park stood Congress Hall, famous for its distinguished guests. Daniel Webster addressed the citizens from its steps. 1844. * On Broadway front of building which stood at northeast corner Broadway and Hudson ave- nue. Inscription: The Declaration of Independence was tirst pub- licly read in Albany by order of the Committee of Safety, July 19. 1776, in front of the City Hall, then on this site. This memorial of the event was placed here by the citizens July 4. 1876. A\'hen this building was torn down in 1915 the tablet was removed to the Plaza. *Marble tablet. Not bi-centennial. 110 Albany Guide Book Ancient Watercourse tablets On granite block on walk near curb on Arch street near corner South Pearl. Inscription : Beaver kill. Ancient water course flowing to river. Arched over. Buttermilk Falls in the ravine to the West. On south wall of building, corner Sheridan avenue and North Pearl street. Inscription : Foxen kill — ancient water course flowing in early times to the river — now arched over. This is Canal street, formerly Fox street. On South Pearl street front of City building. Inscription : * * * * Between this spot and Beaver street flowed Ruttenkill. HOMES FOR AGED There are two well known institutions for the care of the aged in the city — one for men and one for women : The Home for Aged Men occupies a handsome building on the west side of the Troy road at Menands (p. 128); incorporated October 5, 1876; this building dedicated March 28, 1878; " first inmate received in April of that year. Home of the Friendless (for women only) is located at the northeast corner of Clinton avenue and Perry street in a substantial brick building erected on the site given by James Kidd; dedicated May 5, 1870. The work is in charge of the Albany Guardian Society. Albany Guide Book ' 111 MEMORANDA 112 Albany Guide Book HOSPITALS Eii^ht excellent institutions exist in Albany for those needing;- either medical or surgical aid. The largest is the Albany hospital, incorporated 1849, formerly for years at Eagle and Howard streets where it was popularly known as the City hos- pital. It now occupies a magnificent group of modern buildings on New^ Scotland avenue, opened 1898. Dr. Jacobi of New York called it the " most complete and best equipped modern hospital in the world." Take New Scotland ave- nue l)us. Other hospitals are : St. Peter's, at Broadway and North Ferry street — Site of old Stephen Van Rensselaer mansion: incorpor- ated 1869 and occupied in November of that year. Homeopathic, at 161 North Pearl street — Incorpor- ated 1872 and opened in May that year; present build- ing opened 1909. Child's, at Elk and Hawk streets — Established 1874. Incurables — Opened March 26. 1875. at 390 Madison avenue; incorporated 1884: now occupies old Prentice mansion at Kenwood Heights where it opened April 26. 1903. Maternity, the A. N. Brady. Main avenue and Lan- caster street — Opened in February. 1915; a memorial building, fireproof and having a thoroughly modern Albany Guide Book 113 equipment; in charge of Sisters of Charity; accommo- dates 50 patients; special ambulance service attached. Note. — The hrst institution was the "old army hos- pital" located on Pine street near Lodge; a two-story building with 40 wards used only for soldiers. The old City Hospital opened at the southwest corner of Dove street and Madison avenue November 1, 1851; bought the old jail property at Eagle and Howard streets in 1852 and occupied it August 8, 1854. Cornerstone of new group buildings on New Scotland avenue laid by Masonic fraternity June 23, 1898. See above. Others were added as the city grew and the requirements of the ill or injured made greater accommodations necessary. HOTELS All purses and requirements can be suited by the hotels of Albany. For many years the seat of local hotel life was the famous old Delevan House which stood where the depot now is and which was destroyed by hre on the night of December 30, 1894, with the loss of several lives. It was partly remodeled but finally closed Septem- ber 2, 1898, and the site sold to the New York Central railroad. The great hotel of the city now is the Ten Eyck which began in a handsome ])uilding at State and Chapel streets, the site of the old Van Rensselaer mansion which was 8 114 Albany Guide Book rebuilt and occupied by Erastus Corning, Jr. See further description of this hostelry on page 115. Other hotels are : The Hampton, at 38 State street — Occupies the remodeled building of the Commercial bank (p. 33) ; opened in 1906; capacity 192 rooms; European plan. Stanwix Hall, at southeast corner Broadway and Maiden lane — Occupies site of the birthplace of General Peter Gansevoort, the hero of Fort Stanwix; erected 1833 and originally called " The Pavilion " but the name changed in honor of the owner's father; remodeled in 1844; capacity 130 rooms; American and European. Keeler's, at southwest corner Broadway and Maiden lane — For men only; opened 1888 but since that date greatly enlarged and improved; capacity 225 rooms: European. New Kfenmore, at North Pearl and Columbia streets — Erected 1878, improved in succeeding years and practically rebuilt and greatly enlarged in 1915 and 1916; capacity with annex 350 rooms; European. Wellington, 136 State street — Opened 1911 and greatly enlarged in 1915; capacity 200 rooms; rooms only. HOTEL TEN EYCK This great ^modern hostelry now towering at the corner of State and North Pearl streets began to cater to the public in the building at State and 4 B^ ^0^^ ( te^ ILl^ TEN EYCK HOTEL r 1 him' -■-^, :y , ^^^ \m>v^ nri - mmt aiKi ■>■ > ' ^^ J. •: ^ .p Albany Guide Book 115 Chapel streets where once stood the old Van Rensselaer mansion which afterward was re- modeled and occupied for years by Erastus Corn- ing, Jr. This part of the hotel was erected in 1898 and opened May 21, 1899. The new addi- tion to the Ten Eyck occupies a still more noted site as it replaced the Tweddle building on the famous " Elm Tree Corner " (p. 108). Here the progressive president of the Ten Eyck Company, Frederick \\\ Rockwell, has now^ the final thing in hotels in the State. The new edifice towers 18 stories above the '* busy corner " of the city and in it is contained every device known for the com- fort of the traveler. The management continues in the hands of Alfred H. Rennie, who is widely known for his success in giving the public just what it wants. The great building was started in May, 1916, but its opening was deferred until the summer of 1917. Stores and offices occupy the lower floors of the new addition to the Ten Eyck but so great is the capacity that the complete hotel wall have over 400 desirable rooms, the great majority of which have private baths. The main dining-room has a Tennessee marble floor, and is provided with a specially improved lighting system of unusual beauty. A model air-washed ventilating system, 116 Albany Guide Book which is used throughout the hotel will add greatly to the comfort of guests. The popular restaurant in the front of the original building will invite all comers by its added beauty of deco- ration. The former ballroom has given place to a beautiful tearoom having all the added attractions which artistic talent can give. The familiar lobby in enlarged form, with new floor and decorations, continues to attract patrons. It has in addition to the cigar stand an up-to-date barber shop. The familiar basement grillroom is retained in enlarged and improved form for the convenience of guests preferring this restaurant which will be made doubly attractive in its new design. Special features of the new part are a com- modious and handsome ballroom and an elaborate roof garden located on the sixteenth floor, com- manding a wonderful view of the city and the Hudson river. These have as desirable adjuncts convenient and attractive retiring rooms, a thor- oughly modern and sanitary gas kitchen and the necessary pantries. The decorations of the ball- room and garden are especially beautiful. On the assembly floor below a feature is made of handsomely decorated and convenient private dining-rooms. Albany Guide Book 117 In addition to the special attention which is given throughout to sanitation, the management has provided most convenient means for reaching every floor by quick and smoothly running ele- vators, fully adequate to the demands of the single guest or of the groups desirous of reaching the private dining-rooms, the garden restaurant or the ballroom on the upper floors. In short, the Ten Eyck offers the best possible service and is fully equipped to handle the business of its patrons to their fullest satisfaction at all times. HUMANE SOCIETY The Mohawk and Hudson River Humane Society, incorporated in 1892, acquired the old hosi)ital building at Eagle and Howard streets in 1901 and conducts its activities from adequate (|uarters there. Its objects are to(^ well known to rccpiire lengthy description. 118 Albany Guide Book MEMORANDA Albany Guide Book 119 INDUSTRIES Few cities in the country have more diversified industries than Albany. Many of those located here are peculiar to the place and have even reached other countries through their branches. In 1914 a $200,000 building was erected by popu- lar subscription at 1031 Broadway to attract smaller industries and is known as the Industrial building. Among the things which Albany has in the industrial line are these : The largest factory in the world for the manu- facture of embossed dominoes, checkers and alphabet blocks; the largest factory for the manu- facture of car-heating apparatus ; the largest fac- tory for the manufacture of composition billiard balls ; the largest and only one for the making of s tove specialties ; the largest factory for making ridhesive pastes; one of the largest known for the manufacture of stationery ; the largest axle grease factory known ; the largest factory for making ribbed underwear; the largest factory for making college caps and gowns ; the original and greatest plant for making perforated paper; the largest factory for making paper-makers' felts ; one of the largest and best equipped engraving plants in the country ; one of the greatest aniline dye factories in the United States ; and so manv other and so 120 Albany Guide Book greatly diversified lines of industries that it would not be possible to enumerate them all within rea- sonable space. For further ideas on the subject see the Chamber of Commerce lists (p. 50). INTERCEPTING SEWER In July, 1914, the city began the construction of a great sewer to do away with existing nuis- ances inherent in the old system. The work was finished late in the summer of 1915 and cost $404,118.03. The sewer extends from the north end of the city at Tivoli street and Broadway parallel with the river, intercepting all the old sewers which formerly drained into the river and the basin and carries the flow to a great disposal plant located on Westerlo island just south of the city. The sewer is ^jA miles long and from 2 to 6 feet in diameter. It has a fall of about 12 feet between the north and the south terminus. This great sanitary engineering work was undertaken to remedy the foul condition of the water front, due to the discharge of. all sewers for years into the old basin, producing a condition at once dis- graceful and dangerous. Plans for the work were prepared by Dr. Rudolph Herring, a noted sani- tary expert of New York city. As a result, Albany now no longer pollutes the Hudson river Albany Guide Book 121 with its filth and in time all the cities and vil- lages along the banks of the great river will be compelled to adopt some similar means for the disposal of their sewage and the river again will become clean, habitable for tish and useful for drinking purposes. Note. — The first sewage system for Albany was inaugurated in 1854 under City Engineer Reuben H. Bingham. JAIL The jail now occupies what formerly was the Albany County Penitentiary on Delaware avenue south of ^ladison avenue. The city's first jail was located in or near the original court house at Broadway and Hudson avenue. It was removed to State street about where \^an Vechten Hall i.'ow is. On July 30, 1810, the cornerstone of a building for jail purposes was laid at Eagle and Howard streets and it continued there until 1853 when the Albany hospital took the property. The prisoners had been removed on June 2 of that year to a building on Maiden lane just below the City Hall. On September 1, 1904, the Maiden Lane jail was abandoned and the prisoners trans- ferred to the old Penitentiary (p. 138), after which the Maiden Lane jail was razed. 122 Albany Guide Book KENWOOD A pretty suburb at the. terminus of the South Pearl street car line bears this name. It is the site of the Sacred Heart convent (p. 64) and is on the road to '' The Abbey " (p- 26). LABORATORY (THE BENDER) This institution which is highly interesting from a scientific standpoint, was given to the city by Matthew Bender. It is located on Lake ave- nue and is devoted to bacteriological work, LAW SCHOOL The law department of Union University is located on State street, just above Swan street in an unpretentious brick building from which some of the most noted lawyers in the country have graduated. It was organized on April 21, 1851. ' LEGISLATURE The law-making body of the State holds its ses- sions in the Capitol during the winter months, after January 1, daily on Tuesday to Friday be- tween the hours of 11 a. m. and 2 p. m., with night sessions every Monday beginning at 8 :30 o'clock. Open to visitors. Note. — The first session of the Legislature was held in the original City Hall at the northeast corner of Albany Guide Book 123 Broadway and Hudson avenue on January 27, 1780. It expected to meet on January 4 but was prevented by a heavy snowstorm. In 1797 Albany became the permanent seat of State government as the capital. In 1809 the Legislature granted reporters permission to attend the sessions and the old Gazette first published the proceedings of the session at that time. LIBRARIES Besides the State Library (p. 165) there are eight others supplying the people with facilities for reading and study. These circulate about 300,000 volumes yearly, and are as follows : Albany Free Library, South Pearl street branch at 324 South Pearl street. Pine Hills branch at 272 Ontario street. Catholic Union Free Library — Located 80 Eagle street. High School Library — Located in High School ('p. 93). Pruyn Library — Memorial to J. V. L. Pruyn located at southeast corner North Pearl street and Clinton avenue in a handsome building erected on the site of his birthplace, April 8. 1901; accepted by the Y. M. A. (p. 202) as a branch on March 25, that year. Young Men's Association Library — Located in Harmanus Bleecker Hall. 124 Albany Guide Book There also are good libraries in connection with the Y. M. C. A. at North Pearl and Steuben streets (p. 203) and the R. R. Y. M. C. A. at West Albany (p. 203). Note. — In 1759 the Albany Library Society was organized and maintained a library. In 1791 on Decem- ber 20 the Albany Library Association was formed by citizens who subscribed $25 each. It was incorporated on February 24, 1792; its first librarian was James Van Ingen. The Legislature has a library of its own in the Capitol back of the Assembly chamber. It was organized May 7, 1915, and is thoroughly equipped for ready reference work and adapted specially to meet the requirements of the law- makers. The leading newspapers and periodicals are on file during the session. The walls of the library are beautified by a notable series of deco- rative panels painted by Will H. Low. LUMBER DISTRICT Albany is probably the oldest, as it once w^as the largest lumber market in the United States. The business was transacted mainly in the dis- trict extending north from North Ferry street and reached an enormous total. Considerable busi- ness is yet done in the district. MASONIC TEMPLE Albany Guide Book 125 MAPLE BEACH A summer resort four miles above the city, formerly known as *' Lagoon Island," now bears this name. Take a Troy boat. Open all day and part of the night and has many of the so-called ** Coney Island '' attractions. MARKET An asphalted space bounded by Hudson ave- nue. Grand and Beaver streets is known as the Public Market. It contains 7,461 square yards and was opened in 1889. Agitation for more space and for a modern covered market is under way. Note. — The original market place in 1791 was located in the center of Broadway between State street and Maiden lane. In 1829 the city located public markets on South Pearl street between Howard and Beaver streets, and on Steamboat square. For years State street was used for market purposes from Broad- way up and there the farmers, butchers, hucksters and truckmen ranged their wagons on either side in long rows. Agitation to clear the street was begun in 1886 and resulted in the present market site, long since out- grown. MASONIC TEMPLE Eight lodges, two Chapters and nine other Masonic bodies besides the Shrine and Grotto occupy the substantial granite building at Lodge 126 Albany Guide Book street and Maiden lane which is entirely devoted to the craft. The Temple occupies historic ground as is indicated by bronze tablets in the vestibule which bear the following inscriptions : On this site, purchased Oct. 17, 1776, by Brother Samuel Stringer, the first lodge house owned by a Masonic lodge in America was erected in 1776 and remained the property of Masters Lodge, No. 5, until presented to the Masonic hall association in 1895. 1776-1896. Masonic Temple. Erected by the fra- ternity of Albany. Corner stone laid June 24, 1895. Dedicated October 26, 1896. Note, — The first lodge of Free Masons to meet in Albany was composed of officers of the Second Bat- talion Royal, then quartered in the city. They held a warrant from the Grand Lodge of Ireland dated Octo- ber 26. 1737. and the local lodge was No. 74, registry of Ireland. In 1759 the Battalion was ordered to another post and citizens who had been initiated were author- ized to continue the meetings which for a long time afterward were held a the homes of the brethren. The first lodge constituted was Union, on February 21, 1765, under authority of the Provincial Grand Master. It afterward became Mount Vernon No. 3. Masters Lodge was organized in 1768; Temple Lodge No. 14 in 1796; Washington No. 85 in 1841: Ancient City No. 452 in 1852; Wadsworth No. 417 in 1856; Guttenberg No. IZl in 1873; James Ten Eyck No. 831 in 1901. No records exist between 1768 and 1798 but the Craft notices called meetings " at the usual place." From 1798 to 1811 the fraternity met at 486 South Market street Albany Guidk Book 127 (now Broadway). Thereafter meetings were held at various places including 41 and 43 North Pearl street in 1859 and after March 1, 1875. in the Albany Sav- ings Bank building at State and Chapel streets. This was the local Temple up to May 1, 1896. Ground for the present Temple was broken by M. W. James Ten Eyck on May 1, 1895; cornerstone laid June 24 that year; Temple dedicated October 26, 1896. The growth of the Craft has now made additional room necessary. The Temple is open to visitors from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. daily, except Sundays and holidays, and every evening to the Craft. The Temple contains valuable libraries and collections peculiar to the order. MEDICAL COLLEGE The medical department of Union University is located on Eagle street between Jay and Lan- caster streets, occupying the old Lancaster school building erected in 1816. The college was organ- ized in 1838 and incorporated in 1839 in which year its first class was graduated. In 1873 by the incorporation of Union University the Albany Medical school w^as made a constituent part of the University wdiich is located in Schenectady ; present building bought in 1877. The college was completely reorganized in 1915 with assurances of largely increased hospital facilities with teach- ing services both in medicine and surgery. The laboratory staff was increased and the courses 128 Albany Guide Book rearranged to conform to improved modern methods. Site for a new and thoroughly modern building has been secured on New Scotland ave- nue between the Albany hospital and the Dudley observatory and near the Bender laboratory. The grant of land on the old penitentiary (p. 138) grounds made by the city was exchanged for the new site under a law signed March, 1916, by Gov- ernor Charles S. Whitman. Note. — The old Medical College museum was consid- ered one of the best in the country. It contained many rare specimens collected by Drs. March, Armsby, Mac- Naughton, Haskins, Vander Veer and others and was especially rich in embryology, hipjoint disease, skulls and brain casts, skeletons, manikins and models. One interesting subject was the mummified body of Calvin Edson, the famous " living skeleton," who died aged 45 years in 1833, and weighed but 45 pounds. MENANDS A pretty suburb of Albany, about three miles north of the city, bears this name which commem- orates that of its founder, Louis Menand, who was a noted horticulturist. Take a Troy car. MERIDIAN Formerly the true astronomical meridian of Albany was indicated by a broad strip of brass Albany Guide Book 129 set in white marble running diagonally across the sidewalk at Eagle street and Maiden lane at the City Hall corner. A bronze tablet set in the wall of the building tells about it. The effect of rain (^r snow on the strip proved, however, that others than the wicked may stand in slippery places and the danger was removed. Small arrows now point out true north and south. MUSEUMS The State Museum of Natural History (p. 166) in the Education building, the Museum of ]\lili- tary Trophies and Curios on the second floor of the Capitol, the remarkable collections of the His- torical Society and the valuable collections of the Medical College offer attractions according to the inclinations of the visitor. Note. — The Trust Company building at the corner of Broadway and State street occupies the site of what once was called the '' Museum Corner " because of a noted place of amusement which stood there from 1831 to 1855. Afterward the Western Union Telegraph Company was located there and in the basement was a famous old restaurant called the "'Marble Pillar." The Western Union left the site in 1902 when it was torn down to make a place for the Trust Company building. 130 Albany Guide Book MEMORANDA Albany Guide Book 131 NEWSPAPERS There has been no lack of newspapers in All^any since the first (The Albany Gazette) was issued in 1771 by Alexander and James Robertson. The leading;- newspapers now are Evening Journal — Republican, office on State street just below James; soon to bave magnificent new build- ing on tbe Plaza adjoining tbe D. & H. building. Times-Union, evening — independent Democrat; con- solidated 1891; occupies building corner Green and Beaver street; established 1803. Argus, morning — Democrat; office at Broadway and Beaver street; established in 1803. Knickerbocker-Press, morning — independent Repub- lican; office on Beaver street just above Broadway. There is an evening (ierman paper (P>eie Blaetter) and an Italian paper also is published daily. NORMAL COLLEGE This State institution for higher education occupies a commodious structure adjoining the new million dollar High school in the big park- like plat bounded by Western, Lake and Wash- ington avenues and Robin street. The college formerly occupied a handsome building fronting the park on Willett street. It is the oldest insti- tution of its kind in the State and was established 132 Albany Guide Book by the Legislature in 1844; opened December 16 that year in old railroad depot building at 119 State street ; in 1849 moved into the building now occupied by the Christian Brothers Academy on Lodge street back of the old Geological hall. In 1885 it removed to the Willett street building which was destroyed by fire in 1906, January 8. OBSERVATORY A modern building for astronomical purposes, called the Dudley observatory is located on Lake avenue, west of the city proper. Its name com- memorates a distinguished mayor of the city whose wife contributed largely to the construc- tion of the original building which was located on " observatory hill " in North Albany. The original site was given by General Stephen Van Rensselaer. This location was exposed in after years to the jar of the passing trains and was abandoned for the present location. The observ- atory was organized in 1850; incorporated in 1852 ; opened by the American Academy of Science in 1856; the old building burned May 16, 1904; new observatory occupied in 1893. The observatory contains the Olcott meridian circle (one of the finest and best known in the world), the Pruyn equatorial telescope (a twelve-inch Albany Guide Book 133 glass equipped for photographic work), several smaller telescopes, a Scheutz calculating engine (one of the only two ever made), and clocks, chronographs, etc. The entire equipment is thoroughly modern and adapted to the require- ments of modern research. An adequate endow- ment sustains the institution which has won renown for its research and other work. Open daily except Sunday ; Tuesday evenings only on application to Professor Boss, the director. ODD FELLOWS This popular and powerful order had a hand- some temple on Lodge street at Howard street which was burned down January 27, 1916. It will be rebuilt but only occupied by part of the fra- ternity, four lodges having bought property at No. 13 Elk street (the old Pruyn mansion). Cornerstone of old temple laid July 18, 1894. PARKS No city of its size has more attractive parks than has Alban}^ and the visitor will find them easy of access. The most popular and the largest is Washington park, containing 90 acres, created by law in 1869 from the old Washington parade ground and the old State street burial grounds. 134 Albany Guide Book It was opened in part in July, 1871, and wholly in June, 1872. The park contains about three miles of beautiful drives, six miles of shady walks and has a pretty lake covering about six acres. Special features are the noble old elms, admirable landscape effects, handsome shrubbery and beau- tiful flowers in season, rustic shelters, an attrac- tive lake house], the King- fountain representing " Moses Smiting the Rock " (presented by Henry L. King as a memorial to his brother, Rufus H. King; unveiled September 29, 1893; J. Massey v.R.hind, sculptor))^he Burns monument (the gift "*^f the McPherson estate, unveiled August 30, v4888, Charles Calverly, sculptorU a statue of Ceres, the Dr. James H. Armsby memorial bust (unveiled November 25, 1879), the Soldiers and jailors' monument (p. 162), and several others. Attention also is directed to Academy Park. — Tn front of the famous Albany academy, 2.1 acres. In 1820 citizens proposed the im- provement of Academy park, then known as "The Commons," and in 1831 the Common Council author- ized the improvement, citizens subscribing $3,200 to- ward the expense. On February 22, 1864, the famous Army Relief Bazaar was opened there, closing March 10, with receipts of $111,493.49 and expenses of $29,584.99. Albany Guide Book 135 Beverwyck Park. — About 4 acres of open space now used as a ball ground, but one day to be a real park; bounded by Washington avenue, Ontario and Partridge streets. Bleecker Park. — About three acres in front of the Catholic cathedral; contains the first public fountain erected in the city, the gift of William Fleming, dedi- cated 1863. Capitol Park. — About 100,000 square feet in front of the Capitol; contains the Sheridan statue and beauti- fully kept lawns. Col. John Mills, who fell at the battle of Sacketts Harbor, was buried in the center of this park in 1844, but was removed to the Rural' cemetery May 30, 1883. Clinton Square. — A breathing place containing about three acres between Clinton avenue, North Pearl and Orange streets. Colonic Park. — About seven acres known as the Pleasant Street Playgrounds, located between Broad- way, North Pearl and Pleasant streets. Dana Park. — Two acres in front of School 24 at Madison and Delaware avenues and Lark street; con- tains the Dana fountain erected by the Dana society. Dudley Park. — Some 40 acres between Manning boulevard and N. Y. Central avenue, popular as a play- ground. Hudson Park. — About 10,000 square feet of breath- ing space between Hudson avenue, Liberty and Dallius streets. 136 Albany Guide Book Lincoln Park. — Formerly known as Beaver Park, but name changed in 1916; take Delaware avenue car. As far as improved, contains an athletic field, quarter-mile running track, swimming and wading pools, baseball fields, tennis courts, coasting hill, children's playground and suitable shelters and conveniences for the people. This park, which originally was the first open-air pub- lic playground for children, was secured as such by the Albany Mothers' Club and contains in its western section the spacious building once occupied by Dr. James Hall, the famous State geologist. It has been remodeled to better accommodate the great work which the Mothers' Club is conducting here. The improved park will be the out-of-door recreation center of the city. Contains 78 acres; was created by law in 1892; work began May 1, 1894; Jacob Leonard gave 19 acres for it May 30 that year. Observatory Park. — The 24 acres around the obser- vatory bounded by New Scotland. Lake and Myrtle avenues. Plaza Park. — The attractive open space between State street and Broadway and the D. &. H. building. Riverside Park. — A raised breathing place fronting the river and containing something over one acre be- tween Broadway, Herkimer and Westerlo streets. Very popular in the section as playground for foreign children. St. Joseph's Park. — Nearly three and one-half acres adjoining St. Joseph's church between First and Sec- ond and Ten Broeck streets. A pretty terrace. Albany Guide Book 137 Sheridan Park. — Familiarly known originally as " Prospect " and " Landslide park," some three acres yet to be developed, but having great possibilities, lies between Elk, Spruce. Swan and Dove streets. Name suggested by Lew Benedict Post. G. A. R. Sunken Gardens. — Nearly nine acres yet to be devel- oped as the name indicates, lies between Main avenue, Ontario, Lancaster and Chestnut streets. Swinburne Park. — Commemorates Albany's greatest surgeon and is a popular plat of over nine acres located between Manning boulevard, Clinton avenue and Sec- ond street. Formerly part of the old reservoir prop- erty; a popular playground. Tivoli Lakes Park. — Comprises about 51 acres around the lakes and is rapidly developing. Townsend Park. — A triangular four acres between Washington avenue. Central avenue and the Northern boulevard. Original intention was to place a monument to Washington there, but project was abandoned and name changed to commemorate one of the popular mayors. Improved in 1916. Van Rensselaer Park. — About one and three-tenths acres between Ten Broeck and Second streets and Hall place. On March 5. 1917, the common council appropriated $30,000 for another park, to be located on Walter street. North Albany. Note. — City planners in 1916 said: "When Beaver, Sheridan, Swinburne and Riverside parks are com- 138 Albany Guide Book pleted, Albany will have a most beautiful and unusual chain of parks. Dudley park is at the beginning of the Manning boulevard, which running by the Tivoli lakes to Swinburne park, makes a circuit of the west- erly portion of the city and ends now at Western ave- nue. This should be extended through Hawkins ave- nue to New Scotland avenue and eventually to Dela- ware avenue to connect with the Southern boulevard, making a parkway connecting with Washington park and Beaver park, and from Beaver park one can go through Warren and Arch streets to Broadway. It will thus be seen that this circumferential drive, be- ginning on North Pearl street at Van Woert street, connects five parks and ends on South Broadway." Other very desirable park improvements in the region south of Delaware avenue and in that around Rensse- laer lake where over 1,000 acres could be utilized, have been sketched out by the same authorities. PENITENTIARY The striking structure and grounds on Dela- ware avenue, south of Madison avenue, once was the noted Albany penitentiary. It was opened in 1846 under Amos Pilsbury as superintendent and for years held the record as a successful institu- tion of the kind. On September 1, 1904, it became the Albany county jail. Take Delaw^are avenue car. Albany Guide Book 139 PERFORATED PAPER INDUSTRY One of the distinctive Albany business enter- prises which has grown from a small beginning in the city to be of world-wide importance is that conducted in the big plant at 1271-1293 Broadway by the A. P. W. Paper Co., as it is known to the trade. As the result of the genius of one man who invented and perfected the wonderful machinery used the plant is well worth the atten- tion it attracts. The company was incorporated in 1877 by ^Ir. Seth AMieeler and from a small l)eginning now has grown to a product of 2,000,000 pounds of perforated paper monthly. The new factories into which the firm has just moved occupy a space fronting 200 feet on Broad- way, extending back 300 feet tow^ard the river and containing nearly three acres of floor space. The buildings which are tw^o stories high are built of steel, concrete and brick and so well lighted that the sanitary inspectors declare there are " no dark corners " in them Two big 100 horse power boilers furnish heat for the plant and two giant fans driven by powerful electric motors deliver 42,000 cubic feet of fresh air every minute, which after being properly warmed is forced to all parts of the buildings. Tissue and towel papers are made specially for 140 Albany Guide Book use in the cabinets and fixtures which experts manufacture in the new plant. Wrapping paper is no longer made. Practically everything is done by the wonderfully ingenious machinery used in the factories where, nevertheless, over 300 hands are employed in a business which requires some portions of the plant at least to be run night and day. Visitors to the A. P. W. Paper company see on the first floor the great storage rooms and the work of making toilet paper fixtures and the many necessary packing cases. On the second floor is located the machinery proper where upward of 100 ingenious devices perforate, slit, fold and print the paper which is delivered by automatic conveyers wherever it is wanted. Everywhere there are automatic signals commu- nicating with a central switchboard in the execu- tive department through which any employee can be summoned speedily at any time or instructions conveyed. Should an accident ever happen, it is provided for in advance by a fully equipped " emergency " room where injuries or illness can receive skilled first-aid treatment " till the doctor comes." There are also commodious coat, wash and dressing rooms for the army of employees. Albany Guide Book 141 Machinery practically does all the work of the plant for which skilled labor is not necessary. The thousands of boxes required are made, the prepared paper is packed in them and the pack- ages are weighed and stamped automatically and the whole finally delivered to the shipping depart- ment mechanically. Paper after being perforated or cut to the exact size is either wound on spools or interfolded by ingenious devices in 1,000 sheet packages for the famous " Onliwon " cabinets or is pinned together by wire which is looped to hang up readily. Machinery also makes the handsome cabinets for the toilet paper or the san- itary towels, and skilled mechanics are at work in convenient rooms daily perfecting new devices for the benefit of the public. Another feature of the plant is the preparation of all the printed matter furnished in connection w^ith the product of the machines, and there is also issued as a feature a bright little publication called the '' A. P. W. News " which is devoted to disseminating information about the company's business in all its branches. The A. P. W. Paper company's products are demanded by every hotel, restaurant, home and office, railroad train and steamboat in the world and are sold through branch offices covering the civilized globe. Auxil- 142 Albany Guide Book iary factories are operated in England, France, Germany and Switzerland to keep up with the growing demand. But Albany boasts of being the home of the great business and points to it as one of its most distinctive industries. The Broad- way cars form an easy means of visiting the plant. PIER, THE RECREATION For an extended description of this part of the water front improvement see under heading Recreation Pier. PHOTOGRAPHS The galleries of Albany have taken prizes in the contests of the w^orld and there are many places where visitors can secure the services of real experts in photography. The best known galleries are located on Broadway and North Pearl street. Cameras and supplies and the use of darkrooms can be had at stores on Maiden lane, North Pearl street and Broadway. PLAYGROUNDS A notable series of public playgrounds exists in Albany, secured and fostered 1)y the Mothers club (p. 63). The first summer playground for children was established in Beaver (now Lin- Albany Guide Book 143 coin) park where it opened on July 16, 1900, with over 1,000 children in attendance under the care of Miss Blanche Tozier of Boston. The growth of the movement was great and there now are ti\e well equipped and very popular public play- grounds 1»esides many attached to schools having adequate grounds for them. The public play- grounds are as follows : Beaver Park (Lincoln Park). — Located at Delaware avenue between Park avenue and Morton street; opened July 18. 1900; known as the " Central Play- ground "; average daily attendance, 400 to 1,000. Dudley Park, the North End Playground. — Located on the old Observatory hill in North Albany; opened June 26, 1904; average daily attendance, 200. Riverside Park, the South End Playground. — Located on Broadway between Herkimer and Westerlo streets; opened June 29, 1908; average daily attendance, 200. Sage Playground. — A spacious and well-equipped tract presented to the children of Albany by Senator Henry M. Sage in 1916. Its notable features are the shelter and the wading pool and a two-storied shelter house with adequate equipment. Swinburne Park, the West End Playground. — Lo- cated on Manning boulevard between Clinton avenue and Second street; opened June 28, 1908; average daily attendance about 250. 144 Albany Guide Book PLAZA The great open space situated east of Broad- way and lying between State street and Steam- boat square was created as part of the water front improvement by razing a large number of old l^uildings chiefly used for business purposes. The Plaza is 350 feet wide by 580 feet long and provides a thoroughfare 100 feet wide inclosing a small park, 320 feet long by 60 feet wide, beau- tified by trees and plants. The street contains a 20-foot roadway and the park has paths 20 feet wide with a central circle 75 feet in diameter for a fountain or suitable monument (possibly of Ful- ton who invented and brought the first steamboat to Albany). There also are grass plats and trees. The main advantage ofifered by the Plaza is to furnish a handsome breathing place to people waiting for the trolley cars which have run loops around it and carry passengers all over the city and 37 miles south to Hudson, 72 miles north to Warrensburg and 50 miles west to Gloversville. The great, ornate edifice which serves as a screen to hide the Hudson river and the costly Recreation pier from view is the administration building of the Delaware & Hudson railroad and cost $700,000. Adjoining it on the south is the new home of the Evening Journal. A subway Albany Guide Book 145 here furnishes safe access to Quay street and the artistic concrete brido^e leading to the Recreation pier and the handsome home of the Albany Yacht club. POLICE DEPARTMENT Headquarters of the excellent force that guards the city were for years located in the City build- ing at South Pearl and Howard streets. New quarters are to be located in the new Municipal building (p. S7) at Eagle and Howard streets. The present force comprises a chief, 8 captains, 5 lieu- tenants, 22 sergeants, 5 detectives, 4 court offi- cers, 133 patrolmen, 3 patrol wagon drivers, 1 stableman, 1 surgeon and 1 matron. The Department is practically a battalion of five com- panies, each assigned to a section of the city: the First to the South end; the Second to the Busi- ness section; the Third to the North end; the Fourth to the central and residential section and the Fifth to the West end of the city. Washing- ton park is covered by a sub-station. There are 10 mounted men in charge of the captain of the Traffic precinct. Note. — In 1669 there were two men who patroled the city from 10 p. m. to dawn. In 1686 the force con- sisted of a High Constable and three deputies. In 1793 the Common Council established a night watch 10 146 Albany Guide Book of 24 young men drawn by lot to serve from 8 p. m. to daybreak. In 1851 a regular police force was es- tablished by law (first chief was William Morgan) and the city was divided into 4 precincts. In 1893 a patrol wagon was placed in service. The present efficient department followed and was reorganized in 1900 un- der the Second Class City charter law as part of the Department of Public Safety. The first Commissioner was Frederick C. Ham. POST OFFICE An imposing granite building on Broadway at the foot of vState street houses the Post Office and several other Federal departments. The Post Office dates back to 1783 but tradition says there was one in Albany in 1775. The site was authorized by Congress in 1872 and occupies the grounds formerly containing the old Exchange building and the Mechanics & Farmers bank (removed in 1875) ; cornerstone laid in 1879; Post Office opened for business January 1, 1884; build- ing 113 feet on Broadway by 150 on State street cost $530,000. It is the third largest Post Office in the United States. The building also contains the Internal Revenue office, the U. S. Court, the Weather Bureau and a number of other Federal offices. Note. — In Revolutionary days letters were carried by post riders paid by residents along the roads. In 1786 Albany Guide Book 147 there were two weekly mails l)etween Albany and New York and Albany and Springfield. The postoffice was established in 1784 on the east side of Broadway, north of Maiden lane. In 1800 William B. Winne became the first local letter carrier and served 48 years. (Be- fore that, in 1795, there was a "penny post" system and the carrier collected one cent from each person receiving a letter). In 1812 the post office was in a diug store at Broadway and State street kept by Jacob Mancius. In 1813 the post office was removed to the Exchange building on the site of which part of the present building now stands. In 1873 the post office was located on the east side of North Pearl street, south of Columbia street. POWER HOUSE Two tall yellow brick chimneys risiiii^- from the ravine occupied by Sheridan avenue (once Canal street) mark the site of the big State Power Mouse which cost $400,000 and furnishes the Capitol and Education building with heat, light and power. It was opened in December, 1912; contains 8 boilers of 300 H. P. each ; 4 engines of 310, 465 and two of 600 H. P. respectively; 4 dynamos of 200, 300 and 400 kilowatts respec- tively with room for additions as required. There also is a water pressure SA'stem (150 pounds to the square foot) to furnish means for lighting fire in the big buildings. 148 Albany Guide Book MEMORANDA Albany Guide Book 149 RAILROADS Albany is an important railroad center and is known commercially as the '' Albany Gateway " because so much of the general traffic east and A^est passes through the city. An average of 196 passenger and 103 freight trains pass through daily. The steam railroads centering in Albany are the New York Central, Delaware & Hudson, Boston & Albany, West Shore, Boston & Maine, and Rutland. The vast resources of the New York Central are too well known to need ex- planation. The Delaware & Hudson is the great artery of summer travel to the Adirondacks, Saratoga, Lake George, Lake Champlain and Montreal, while its southern connections reach such well-known places as Cooperstown, and it penetrates Pennsylvania to Carbondale. Both the New York Central and the Delaw^are &: Hud- son railroads maintain great construction and repair plants in connection with their work. The shops of the Central are located at West Albany where they cover a vast area and give employment to thousands of men. The Dela- ware & Hudson, at Colonie, has one of the larg- est railroad plants in the w^orld, extending from the west side of W^atervliet to the tracks of the 150 Albany Guide Book road. It was opened in 1912 and cost over $3,000,000. This is the main plant of the entire system and is equipped with electric power, has its own foundry and produces its rails from its own ores. A great terminal freight house on Dean street, between Maiden lane and State street, handles daily about 400 tons, while another great terminal at Van Rensselaer island provides for the interchange of rail and water traffic. Here a giant trestle handles thousands of tons of coal, iron and supplies from the great mills and mines of northern New York. Electric roads which take you almost any- where at almost any time start from the Plaza (p. 144). Besides the city service interurban lines run fifty miles west, thirty-seven miles south and seventy-two miles north. The United Trac- tion Company runs all over the city and to Troy, Watervliet and Cohoes, with connections over the Hudson Valley Railway to Mechanicville, Round Lake, Ballston, Saratoga, Stillwater, Schuylerville, Greenwich, Fort Edward, Hudson Falls, Glens Falls, Lake George and Warrens- burg. The Schenectady Railway, which runs cars every half hour between that city and Albany, connects at Schenectady with the Fonda, Johns- town and Gloversville road. The Albany South- Albany Guide Book 151 ern Railway runs to Hudson and intermediate points. Note. — In 1826 the Legislature considered a bill creating the Mohawk & Albany railroad (between Al- bany and Schenectady), which was capitalized at $300,- 000 and was to be built in six years. The first train was run on September 24, 1831, from Schenectady to Albany, the terminal being at Madison and Western avenues; on May 24, 1832. the trains ran to Gansevoort street. The locomotive De Witt Clinton was put in commis- sion in 1831 on July 27 for the first passenger railroad in America, although the grand opening was not until September. The cars were drawn by horses from the first depot which stood on State street near Eagle about where now is the Beauman dancing academy, to the junction of the two avenues, where the engine was attached. This road afterward was called the Schenec- tady and Hudson. On October 1, 1851, the first train vv'as run from New York to Albany and on its arrival there was a big celebration. RIFLE RANGE A permanent, well-equipped range is located at Rensselaerwyck, reached b}^ belt line trains from the depot (p. 68). It is almost daily patronized by the expert marksmen of the vicinity during the summer months and is the practice range of the National Guardsmen. 152 Albany Guide Book RESERVOIRS Albany is now supplied with water from two distribution systems into which it is pumped at the Quackenbush street station. When the quan- tity of water pumped exceeds that consumed the surplus goes to the reservoirs — Prospect on the high service and Bleecker on the low service — and when the consumption exceeds the pumpage the deficiency is drawn from the reservoirs. In case of a shortage of filtered water, Bleecker reservoir may be supplied by gravity through an egg-shaped conduit (4 ft. by 3'ft. in size and four miles long) from Rensselaer lake. The Tivoli system of reservoirs comprising the Sand Creek and Russell road reservoirs are now used for supplying the West Albany shops, with the Tivoli reservoir held in reserve for supplying the lower portion of the city in case of emergency. The Maezlandtkill reservoir (built in 1800, capacity 225,000 gallons) is no longer in use. The city requires (1916) about 21,559 gallons daily. The hydrant pressure for fire purposes is from 25 to 95 pounds per square inch. The following data relative to the city reservoirs was furnished by Wallace Greenalch, Commissioner of Pub- lic Works: Bleecker (Clinton avenue and Ontario street) built 1852, repaired 1898; capacity, 32,000,000 Albany Guide Book 153 gallons; depth, 15 feet; elevation above river, 242 feet. Prospect (N. Y. Central avenue) built, 1876; capacity, 7,300.000 gallons; depth, 16 feet; elevation above river, 297.5 feet. Rensselaer Lake (old Six mile waterworks), built 1852; capacity, 122.000,000 gallons; elevation above river. 262 feet. "Russell Road, built, 1888; capacity, 28,- 000,000 gallons; elevation above river, 195 feet. Sand Creek, built 1888; capacity, 16.000.000 gallons; elevation above river, 213 feet. Tivoli, built 1888; capacity, 19,- 000,000 gallons; depth, 28 feet; elevation above river, 176.8 feet. Note. — The old city reservoir was a massive granite structure of Egyptian architecture and stood where the new county court house now is. It was replaced by the original High School, which gave place to the court house in 1916. The Albany Waterworks Com- pany was incorporated in 1802; reservoir built in 1811; water conducted through bored logs from the " kill " to the site; removed in 1875 to make place for the school. RECREATION PIER A spacious and solid concrete structure on the river front opposite the foot of State street replaced the old pier, long used for business pur- poses, as part of the general improvement of that section. On it is situated the handsome home of the Albany Yacht Club, there is a shelter at each end and a comfort station is located at the north end and a music pavilion at the south end. 154 Albany Guide Book The principal access to the pier is across an . ornamental arched concrete bridge from Quay street. RESTAURANTS The number of eating houses in Albany has increased rapidly during the past ten years. Every section is now supplied at prices to suit every purse. Most of them are open day and night, the largest being Keeler's, at Broadway and Maiden lane, which is a general favorite with travelers. RIVER FRONT Most of the Albany river front now is of con- crete and contains the necessary modern struc- tures for handling properly the enormous river freight and passenger business. This great im- provement was begun in 1913, during the admin- istration of Mayor James PJ. McEwan and under City Engineer Frank Lanagan. Concrete work alone cost $300,000. In 1915, after nearly two years' work, the reconstruction of the river front was practically complete with concrete docks, the old pier replaced by an attractive recreation place, the ofifensive old basin filled in and a new one provided and other modern improvements made. Most of this great work was paid for by the Albany Guide Book 155 railroads and steamboat companies benefited, the city retaining its ownership of the water front. The Hudson Navigation Company's dock on Steamboat square is 850 feet long and 40 feet wide, with adequate steel and concrete structures for handling its business. These improvements cost $100,000. The Hudson River Day Line has 469 feet of improved dock, which is beautified by a steel structure 242 feet long by 33 feet wide, with a spacious pavilion, 35 by 25 feet, at each end. The shed is surmounted by an artistic promenade deck accessible by stairways from the pavilion. This cost about $90,000. The Central Hudson Steamboat Company's dock is 200 feet long and lies between those just mentioned, ^rhesc three river front improvements alone make a continuous dock more than 1,500 feet long and were all constructed by the corporations and deeded to the city in return for the land formerly under water acquired by the building of the wall. The city leases the docks to the boat companies. The Delaware & Hudson and the New York Central railroads alone are said to have spent upward of $4,000,000 on their share of the work. The Albany and Troy Steamboat Company also has, at the foot of Maiden lane, a handsome dock with adequate structures for its 156 Albany Guide Book business. On March 5, 1917, the Common Council appropriated $130,000 to extend the river front improvement south to the bridge. SAFE DEPOSIT A modern fire-proof and burglar-proof build- ing for storing valuables stands at Maiden lane and Lodge street It began business in 1883 ; present building opened in 1893. SAINT AGNES SCHOOL This well-known institution for girls is located on Elk street above Hawk. It was founded by Bishop Doane in 1870 and is a part of the Corn- ing Foundation for Christian work (incorporated in 1871). The school was formally opened on Hallowe'en, 1872, and has achieved a high stand- ing in educational centers. SCHOOLS Albany's educational institutions rank among the best in the country. The public school sys- tem includes 23 primary schools, 1 vocational, 1 open air, 1 ungraded, 1 teachers' training and 1 high school. There also are 26 private schools and colleges including denominational, techni- cal and professional institutions. What the Albany Guide Book 157 present has and tlie future promises for educa- tion in Albany may well be judged from this statement by President Jacob A. Herzog of the Board of Education : "The magnilicent million-dollar High School; the greatly enlarged Schools 16 and 18; the wonderful School 14, one of the best grammar schools in the United States; the evening schools, giving practical instruction to thousands of men and women, boys and girls; the open-air schools, with their message to the weak and sickly; the ungraded schools and special classes, which remove the drag-stone from the ordinary class-room. and help the slow and plodding one to do better things; the establishment of health direction with it^^ physician, dentist and nurses; the physical department with its director for boys and girls; vocation schools with their cooking, sewing, carpentry work, printing and various other industries so necessary in these times — all of these things and many more lead us to hope that education in Albany at present is on such a plane that we compare favgrably with any city of simi- lar size in the country. " We see in the future, with the eye of hope and mayhap, prophecy, a technical school and commercial high school; separate high schools for boys and girls where the arts are taught; new schools in the rapidl}-- growing suburban districts; playgrounds at every school; a solution of the problem of larger classes, and the constant endeavor for better conditions for teacher and student." 158 Albany Guide Book Information concerning the Albany (Boys') Academy, Brothers Academy, Business College, College of Pharmacy, Female Academy, High school, Law school, Medical college. Sacred Heart academy, St. Agnes school. State Normal college, Vincentian Institute and others is easily obtainable and for the most part may be had under appropriate headings in this volume. Note. — Colonists in 1650 subscribed to build a school house; in 1665 John Schutte was licensed by Governor Nichols to be the first English school teacher; in 1721 the Common Council agreed to give Johannes Glandorf free house rent to " teach spelling, reading, writing and ciphering;" in 1793 the common school system was recommended by the Regents. After the revolution the people petitioned the Common Council and had founded an academy, which was held in the Van Der- heyden palace on North Pearl street near Maiden lane, and continued nearly 20 years as a seminary under a teacher brought from Philadelphia. In 1812 the first free school was built, known as the Lancaster school, on Eagle street where now is the Medical college. It was incorporated and opened May 5, 1817, remain- ing in active usefulness until abandoned with the in- coming of the public schools. (In 1838 the building was leased by the Medical college which opened there in January, 1839.) In 1830 the public school system was inaugurated and commissioners elected; in 1855 the Board of Education replaced the commissioners; in 1866 the Board of Public Instruction was created, and Albany Guide Book 159 in 1869 the Albany Free Academy was founded in spite of strong opposition, afterward becoming the Albany High school (p. 93). SCHUYLER MANSION This fine old hkstoric residence stands on an elevation at the head of Schuyler street. It was erected in 1762 by General Philip Schuyler, who occupied it until 1804. After various vicis- situdes the State bought the property in 1911 and the old house was restored under the direc- tion of State Architect Louis Pilcher, in 1915. It was formally opened by the D. A. R. in April of that year and now^ forms a most interesting memorial of old Albany The place is rich in historical lore, being frequented during Revolu- tionary times by prominent military men and statesmen who enjoyed the famous hospitality of General Schuyler. The room where the wed- ding of Miss Schuyler and Alexander Hamilton occurred particularly interests the tourists. The mark in the staircase, said to have been made by the tomahawk of an Indian, who hurled it after the fleeing inmates during an attack on the dwelling, also excites much speculation and has felt the hands of thousands. 160 Albany Guide Book SEWAGE DISPOSAL PLANT (See Disposal Plant, page 69.) SHAKERS The original Shaker settlement in America, where Mother Ann Lee of Manchester, England, who founded the sect in 1774, is buried, is at the terminus of the Shaker road about 7 miles west of Albany. Mother Lee died on September 8, 1784. The settlement is a finely kept farm col- ony, but steadily dying out and in part now used for other than the original purpose SHERIDAN STATUE The handsome equestrian memorial statue of General Philip Sheridan in the Capitol park at the foot of the great entrance stairway was ded- icated on October 7, 1916. Mrs. Sheridan was present as the city's guest of honor, and many of General Sheridan's old soldiers attended by special invitation. Two children, Olive Whit- man, daughter of the Governor, and Sallie Davis, granddaughter of Mayor Joseph W. Stevens un- veiled the monument. The statue grew out of a suggestion made by Martin H. Glynn when Governor, who advocated it at a Lincoln dinner of Sheridan ^amp, S. of V. The city subscribed SHERIDAN' MEMORIAL TELEPHONE BUILDING Albany Guide Book 161 $10,000 and the State gave $20,000. The design was by J. Q. A. Ward and the statue was com- pleted by his pupil, Daniel Chester French. The inscription on the bronze plate set in the base says : *' Philip Henry Sheridan, General United States army, born, Albany, N. Y., March 6, 1831 ; Died, Monquitt, Mass., August 5, 1888. Erected by the citizens of x\lbany and the State of Xew York under Chapter 100 of the Laws of 1914." The names of the commission then follow. / SHOPPING DISTRICT ^^'omen travelers will find the shopping dis- trict located on North Pearl street betw^een State street and Clinton avenue. Clothing, furs and gent's furnishings may also be found on Broadway, State street, South Pearl street and Maiden lane in particular. Note. — During repairs on August 8, 1905, the J. G. Myers store collapsed and several of the employees were killed and many injured. SLUMS To Albany's credit it may truthfully be said that there is nothing of this kind to induce a visitor to employ a police guide to see safely a district noted for squalor and misery. 11 _J62 Albany Guide Book /soldiers and SAILORS' MONUMENT The beautiful memorial in Washington park at the Northern boulevard entrance was dedi- cated by the G. A. R., on October 5, 1912. It was designed by Harmon Atkins MacNeil and represents *' The Nation of Peace Won Through Victorious W^ar." Its cost was $100,000. The monument is built of Tennessee marble above the seat and the remainder is of Stony Creek granite. It is 22 feet high, 21 feet long and 5 feet 6 inches deep, surrounded by a seat, the whole resting upon a platform 70 feet long by 64 feet deep. The inscription reads : In commemoration of the men of Albany who gave their lives to save the Union, and in grateful recognition of all whose patriotism aided in giving to this nation un- der God a new birth of freedom, in making love of country a national virtue and in endowing our land ^vith the blessings of peace and prosperity.^ { As one enters the park from the boulevard tnere is seen in front of the main relief a bronze heroic figure typifying the Nation. She holds in her arms the palms of victory. The figure, which is nine feet in height, is that of a strong, reso- lute but tender and compassionate woman who has risen from a chair of Roman design. She bears in her right hand the Sword of War Albany Guide Book . 163 sheathed. On the panel behind her is the coat of arms of New York State and on the pedestal beneath the figure is the coat of arms of the city of Albany. Cut in the marble, back of the figure, are shown the soldiers and sailors marching away to her defense. On the park side of the memorial is shown a battery in relief, moving to action. The bas-relief on the west end of the monument shows Patriotism inspiring a wounded drummer boy. On the east end is seen a soldier returning to his wife and child after the close of the war. The monument contains over 60 life-size figures. Note. — Albany county's gross expenditure on ac- count of the Civil War was reported on November 28, 1865, as $4,485,276.45^ SOUVENIRS A variety of Albany souvenirs may be found in many places by the traveler. Jewelry stores, book and stationery stores offer a great variety of such articles. The cigar stand at the Capitol also is well stocked wath appropriate souvenirs. SPORTS Athletic sports always have been in great fa- vor in Albany, and the vogue follows the trend of the times. There are a number of associa- 164 Albany Guide Book tions of various kinds, ranging from athletic to yachting. If a visitor is more '' sporty " than athletic, a quiet talk with his hotel clerk in all probability will furnish the necessary informa- tion as to the haunts of Fortune. The city is lib- eral but orderly. STATE HOUSE The imposing old marble edifice on Eagle street, facing Academy park, is the State House which was remodeled internally and a western wing added in 1916 to provide a permanent home for the Court of Appeals, which occupied it in part in December of that year. The building was completed in 1843, but was used in part in 1840. It was renovated and an elevator added in 1898. Once it was set aside for the State Mu- seum by the Legislature, but the State officers occupying it then refused to vacate. The old building attracted engineers and architects by its simple and satisfactory construction and the re- markable stairways, one of which it yet contains. It was built of stone quaried and prepared by convict labor at Sing Sing prison and originally cost $350,000. Albany Guide Book 165 STATE LIBRARY The great library of the State, established by the Legislature in 1818, is housed in the Educa- tion building. On May 4, 1844, it was placed under the control of the Regents of the Uni- versity and in 1854 it was housed in a specially constructed building facing on State street and connected with the old Capitol. It grew rap- idly and in 1883 was removed to the new Capitol building where it occupied the third and parts of the fourth and fifth floors. It continued to in- crease in size and value until it was practically destroyed by the disastrous fire of March 29, 1911, which wrecked the entire western section of the Capitol. At that time it was one of the greatest American state libraries. The loss by the fire was about 500,000 books, 300,000 manu- scripts and the costly apparatus of administra- tion besides many priceless souvenirs and relics, which had given the New York State library a rank among the first half dozen in the A\'estern hemisphere and among the first twenty in the world. The library now, as ever, is extensively patronized by students and literary workers and is fast regaining its former greatness. The man- uscript collections are declared to be " the most 166 Albany Guide Book important body of archives in the custody of the State " to the historian. The city also contains many very valuable pri- vate collections (see Addenda, p. 221). STATE MUSEUM Very valuable and attractive exhibits are housed in the Education building, where they are visited by thousands. Open to the public daily from 9 a. m. to 4 :30 p m. ; Saturdays to noon; Sundays 2 to 5 p. m. The Museum was formally opened December 29, 1916, with an ad- dress by Theodore Roosevelt, Governor Whit- man presiding in the chair once 'occupied by Governor Clinton. The Museum occupies prac- tically the entire fourth floor of the great build- ing. On the south side is a vast exhibition hall, 570 feet long by 54 feet wide and 50 feet high in which are the wonderful collections in geol- ogy, mineralogy, and paleontology. In a sim- ilar hall in the east mezzanine are the collections in archaeology and botany. In the west mezza- nine are six life-size Indian groups representing the life of the six nations of the wonderful Iro- quois federation. The north extension in the Elk street wing contains another great hall 107 by 132 feet in which are the collections in ento- mology and zoology. i Albany Guide Book 167 According to Dr. John M. Clarke, director of the Museum, the most interesting- objects to the casual visitor probably are the Naples tree, the Cohoes mastodon, the giant scorpions, the relief map of the State, the salt works and other min- ing exhibits, the mineral gems, the Indian groups, the butterfly and moth collections, the animal and bird exhibits and the restorations of mushrooms. The Naples tree is a reproduction of a fossil found at Naples in this State. It stands in the center of the great hall ; represents one of the oldest trees known to science and was the ancestor of the plants which produced the coal formations. The Cohoes mastodon was dis- covered in 1866 while excavating the site for the Harmony mills. The skeleton is one of the largest in existence as well as the most perfect. It stands about ten feet high. The giant scor- pions form a remarkable collection of models of an extinct species that existed before the fishes and in some cases attained a length of eleven feet. The relief map shows the dominant geo- logical formations of the State. It is 25 by 35 feet and a notable piece of work. The salt works by models show the two principal methods of getting out salt. Nearby are shown products of the thirty various mining industries of the State. 168 Albany Guide Book The collection of gem minerals shows the appli- cation of these to jewelry and ornament and contains chiefly semi-precious varieties and many that are little known. The Indian groups and relics are of great value to the student ana highly interesting to the ordinary observer. They include implements of all sorts, pipes, wampum belts (19 historical belts valued at $10,- 000 placed in custody of the State in 1898 by the Iroquois League), and six life-size groups show- ing aboriginal activities. These groups are de- scribed by Arthur C. Parker, the expert of the division, as follows : '' The figures are life casts of the best types obtainable. Panoramic paint- ings of historic spots form the backgrounds and the group settings represent the Indians in de- velopment through scenes of hunting, warfare, council, ceremony, industry and agriculture. The first group represents a Seneca family clustered about the dooryard of its hunting lodge, each individual engaged in an allotted duty. The sec- ond group shows the advance party of a Mo- hawk war expedition. In the third group the Turtle clan chiefs are portrayed discussing some vital tribal subject within the private bark lodge of their firekeeper. The fourth group shows the midwinter purification rite, when evil spirits are Albany Guide Book 169 driven from all the houses in the Iroquois vil- lage by grotesquely clad and masked medicine men. Six typical Iroquois industries are seen in the fifth group which depicts a company of Oneidas gathered in a sheltered spot in their capital village on Nichols pond in Madison county. The sixth group portrays a harvest scene in the Genesee valley where Indians are gathering and braiding corn, shelling beans and performing other tasks connected v/ith agricul- ture. In the butterfly and moth collections arc shown practically every insect known to exist in the State with many others. The butterfly col- lection is specially attractive and the models showing insects at work on plants of various kinds are very instructive. The cases containing the animal and bird collections have suspended over them the skeletons of two whales, one of which is 63 feet long. About 2,000 specimens of birds are shown, including some 200 pairs of do- mestic fowd. Mushrooms are contained in the botanical exhibit where are shown thirty groups of edible mushrooms in actual colors with pois- onous varieties and fungi known to be destruc- tive. There also are shown some eighty sections of New York State trees. Countless other equally attractive and instruc- 170 Albany Guide Book tive exhibits are contained in the Museum and will appeal to those interested in special sub- jects. The proper route to take through the Mu- seum, according to the officials, is as follows : Beginning with the Hall of Minerals (west end) follow the main floor through the halls of geol- ogy, fossil botany (at the main elevators), fossil vertebrates, fossil invertebrates to the east end (Hawk street). Next take in the east mezzanine to the hall of Indian relics ; returning, take the west mezzanine to the hall of the Iroquois groups; finally go through the corridors (fishes) and the north wing or Zoology hall. There also is a very large herbarium to be seen on applica- tion to the State botanist. The entire object of the Museum is to show the people of the State the natural resources of New York. Note. — The Museum was organized in 1836 as a result of the geological survey of the State. The col- lections were placed in the old geological hall in 1840, and the State Agricultural Society also was quartered there, where it still remains. The museum was created by law in 1870 and in 1883 a law was passed giving the old State House on Eagle street for its uses, but certain State officers refused to abandon it and remove to the Capitol. Finally the museum was placed in its present location. It contains the most complete collec- tion of Paleozoic fossils in the world. Albany Guide Book 171 STEAMBOATS As practically the head of river navigation, Al- bany always has had a series of docks and piers which the great river front improvement, now practically completed, has made into a modern system for the handling of passengers and freight. The boat lines of most interest to the travelers are : Hudson River Day Line. — Leaving from a spacious wharf east of their office at Broadway and Division street daily except Sunday at 8 :30 a. m., stopping at the principal points along the river and reaching New York at 5 :30 p. m. Hudson Navigation Company Night Line. — Steamers Berkshire and Morse, leaving Steam- boat square daily except Sunday at 8 p. m.; night express 11 p. m. Arrive at New York in early morning. Sunday, day service, steamers Trojan and Rensselaer; leave Albany 10 a. m. ; stop at Kings- ton and Newburgh ; arrive New York 8 p. m. Newburgh Line. — Steamer Tremper, leaving foot of Hamilton street 8 a. m. Monday, Wednes- day and Friday, stopping at intermediate sta- tions; arriving at Newburgh 5:30 p. m. 172 Albany Guide Book Catskill Line. — Steamer Ursula, from foot of Herkimer street at 3 p. m., daily, for Catskill and intermediate landings. Note.— On September 5. 1807, at 11:27 a. m., the Clermont, the first steamboat on the Hudson river, landed at the foot of Lydius street (Madison avenue) having left New York at 6:42 of the previous day. The boat was 100 feet long, 12 feet wide and carried 24 passengers, who each paid $7.00 for their fare. The inventor, Robert Fulton, was in charge. The return trip was made on September 30 with 100 passengers. In 1880 the name of the boat was changed to the North River and the hull lengthened to 150 feet and the width to 18 feet; the tonnage was 165. The second boat to run was the Car of Neptune in 1809; tonnage 295; length 175 feet. The third boat was the Hope in 1811; tonnage 280. In 1811 a small boat called the Trial be- gan making trips between Albany and Troy twice daily; in 1812 the steamer Fire Fly was placed on this route. The Hudson River line was established in 1825. In 1826 the Day Line boat. The Sun, advertised trips to New York. In 1834 the Peoples Line (Hudson Navigation Company) was established as a day line. In 1845 (April 6) the steamer Swallow was wrecked on a rock near Athens and 35 passengers drowned. Albany Guide Book 173 MEMORANDA 174 Albany Guide Book STREETS So far as has been discovered, no rule or regu- lation was followed in laying out the first Al- bany thoroughfares. The original streets were State (called Yonkers), Broadway (called Handlaer) and Pearl. An unfortunate tendency to substitute something new for the old historic names has deprived the city of many valuable indications of its past. Examples are seen in the change of name from Lydius street to Madison avenue and of the Bowery to Central avenue in 1867. Colonel William Gorham Rice in a note on street names furnishes this interesting data: *' Upon a plan of the city of Albany by Simeon DeWitt, dated 1794, I find these streets running about east and west and beginning at the south, Nucella, Plum, Bassett, Cherry, Schuyler, Spruce, Rensselaer, Beaver, Ferry, Sturgeon, Westerlo, Herring, Van Schee, Bass and Ly- dius." It has been suggested that the names of fish in this list originally were suggested by what once was a great industry in the very sec- tions where the names originally applied. Bronze tablets at the intersections of the more notable of the old thoroughfares are intended to perpetuate similar memories. Some of these tablets are : Albany Guide Book 175 On Broadway front government building, near State street. Inscription: "This is Broadway, formerly in succession Handelaar (or Traders), Court and Market streets." At Washington avenue and Park place. Inscription: " Washington avenue, formerly King then Lion street." At corner Hamilton and South Pearl streets. Inscrip- tion: "Hamilton street, formerly Kilbey Lane." At State and Dean streets (on government building). Inscription: "Dean street, formerly Dock street." On Old Museum corner. Inscription: '"State street, formerly Yonkers or Gentlemen's street." On Mechanics and Farmer's bank. Inscription: "James street, formerly Middle Lane." At State and Eagle streets. Inscription: "Eagle street, formerly Duke street." On north side government building. Inscription: " Exchange street, formerly Mark Lane." On Beaver block. Inscription: "Norton street, formerly Store street." At corner Franklin street and Madison avenue. Inscrip- tion: "Franklin street, formerly Frelinghuysen street." At Clinton avenue and North Pearl street. Inscription: " Clinton avenue, formerly Patroon street. North of this street was the "Old Colonic!" On south side Dutch Reformed church. Inscription: " Monroe street, formerly Van Schaick street." Note. — The city streets were lighted, guarded and paved from an early date. In 1771 the city had twenty- 176 Albany Guide Book one oil street lamps; in 1841 the Albany Gas Light Company was incorporated and in 1845 supplied illumi- nating gas to residents on a test; in 1850 the Common Council adopted gas in place of oil for street lighting; in 1872 the gas company established its plant on the Troy road; in July, 1881, the first electric lights were used on the city streets; in 1916 the electric lights used numbered 1,295 and cost $111,000. The first pavements were of cobblestones; the present pavements are of split granite block on a concrete base with an asphalt surface. STREET LOCATIONS The following " Pathfinder " shows at a glance the beginning and ending of all city streets thus far laid out ; of all avenues, boulevards, roads, turnpikes, drives, lanes and alleys ; also the loca- tion of all terraces, squares, '' places," etc. Al- phabetical arrangement makes it easy for any seeker after information to get it quickly. The steady growth of the city has caused a large ad- dition to the number of thoroughfares during recent years. STREETS Adirondack — Stop 4^ Western Ave., South. Albany — 1098 B'way to Watervliet. Alexander — 357 South Pearl to 244 Eagle. Allen, North — 519 Western Ave., to 658 Central Ave. Allen, South — 1116 Madison Ave., to New Scotland Ave. Albany Guide Book 177 • Almon — Kenosha Ave., South. Anne — O'Connel St., East. Arch — ^147 Quay to 152 Grand. Arthur — Manning Boulevard to Lincoln Ave. Babcock — Zimmerman to Alexander. Barclay — 295 Delaware Ave., West and North. Barnet — Parkwood to Erie. Barrow — 454 Second Ave. to Leedale. Bassett — 117 Quay to 324 South Pearl. Beacon — Stop 4^ Western Ave., South. Beaver — 414 Broadway to 63 Eagle. Beekman — 424 Delaware Ave. to Second Ave. Benjamin — 25 First Ave. to 30 Second Ave. Benson — 135 Quail to Main Ave. Bertha — 348 Delaware Ave. to McCarty Ave. Bingham — McCarty Ave., South. Bleecker — 53 Church to 146 South Pearl. Boenau — 165 Second Ave., North. Bonheim — 1298 Broadway, West. Bouck — 505 South Pearl to 210 Broad. Bowker — Allen St., South. Bradford — 117 Lexington Ave. to Partridge; 7 West Lawrence, North. Brevator — Washington Ave. to Western Ave. Bridge — Broadway to Lumber district. Broad — 124 Arch to Seymour Ave. Broadway — 1 Gansevoort to north city line. Browne — McCarty Ave., South. Buchanan — 282 Manning Blvd. to Bradford. Caldwell — Pine Ave., So., Westerly. Carroll — Spencer St., North. Catherine — 25 Clinton St. to 178 Delaware Ave. 12 178 Albany Guide Book Center — 15 Livingston Ave. to 12 N. Lansing St.; Champlain to 1231 Broadway. Champlain — Erie to North. Chapel — 22 Clinton Ave. to 87 State. Charles — 139 Grand to High (continued). Cherry — 171 Quay to 119 Franklin. Cherry Hill — First Ave. to McCarty Ave. Chestnut — 8 South Hawk to 226 Lark. Church — 286 Broadway to Gansevoort. Clermont — Quay to Broadway. Cleveland — Manning Blvd., So., to Lincoln Ave. Clifford — 98 Troy road, Westerly. Clinton — 134 Arch to 23 Second Ave. Colby — 611 Central Ave. to 784 Livingston Ave. Colonie — 126 Water to Pennsylvania Ave. Columbia — 73 Pier to Eagle. Congress — Capitol Place to South Swan. Corning — From end of Sumpter (W. A.) Cortland — Partridge to Marion Ave. Cuyler — 91 Elizabeth over Sloan. Dallius — 42 Hudson Ave. to 47 Madison Ave. Daniel — 86 Beaver to 75 Eagle. Davis — Stop 3. Western Ave., South. Dean — 14 Maiden Lane to State. Delaware — 55 Clinton St., West. Dewitt — 172 Montgomery to 843 Broadway. Division — 350 Broadway to 82 South Pearl. Dove — 216 Clinton Ave. to Spruce; Elk to Park Ave. Continued; 266 Morton Ave. to 207 Second Ave. Duane — Summit Ave., South. Eagle — 40 Sheridan Ave to 111 Alexander. Elizabeth — 17 Warren to 59 Second Ave, Albany Guide Book 179 Elk— Eagle to 102 Ontario. Elm — 79 Grand to 16 Delaware Ave. Elmendorf — First Ave to McCarty Ave. Emmet — 1086 Broadway, West. Erie — Canal to 1157 Broadway (North Albany); Lincoln Ave., South to New Scotland Ave. Ethelbert — 1322 Broadway, West. Exchange — 47 Quay to 39 Dean; Watervliet Ave., West to Sand Creek road. Fairview— Partridge to beyond Oakwood. Federal — 347 Delaware Ave. to Summit Ave. Ferry, No. — The river to 881 Broadway. So.— 134 Broadway to 220 South Pearl. First — 22 Ten Broeck to 90 Ontario. Franklin — 94 Madison Ave. to 23 Gansevoort. Fulton — 10 Market to 125 Madison Ave. Gansevoort — 205 Quay to 372 South Pearl. Garden — O'Connel to Hurlbut. Genesee — 1124 Broadway to 483 North Pearl. Glenn — First Ave. to McCarty Ave. Glenwood — New Scotland Ave. to beyond Fairview. Gould — 115 Colonic, North. Grand — 66 Beaver to 15 Morton Ave. Graves — From Central Ave., S. W. Green — 50 State to Gansevoort. Halfmoon — Quay to Broadway. Hamilton — 324 Broadway to 284 Lark; 245 Quail to 213 Partridge. Hampton — 468 Second Ave. to Leedale. Hancock — 146 Second Ave. to Liebel. Herkimer — 65 Church to 154 South Pearl. 180 Albany Guide Book High — 168 State to 230 Madison Ave. Hodge — 93 Quay to 283 Broadway. Howard — 15 South Pearl to opposite 36 Eagle. Hurlbut — 318 Delaware Ave. to 325 Second Ave. Hutton — Mohawk St., North. Irving — 182 South Swan, West. Jackson — 49 Spencer to 50 Livingston Ave. James — 63 State to 44 Columbia. Jay — 64 Eagle to 250 Lark; also, from 197 Quail, and East from 61 Allen St., North. Jeanette — Zld Delaware Ave. to Avenue C. Jefiferson — 122 Eagle to 12 Delaware Ave. John — 133 Quay to 39 Franklin. Judson — 473 Clinton Ave. to Manning Blvd., No. Kate — 12 Cuyler Ave., S. W. Kehoe — McCarty Ave. to end First Ave. Kent — 159 Allen, No., to West Lawrence. Knox — 494 Madison Ave., South to Myrtle Ave. Krank — 58 Second Ave., South to Seymour Ave. La Fayette — 1 Park PI. to North Hawk. Lancaster — 54 Eagle to 36 Willett; Ontario to Manning Blvd., So. Lark — Colonic to Morris. Lawn — 1282 Broadway to Rensselaer Ave. Lawrence — From the river to 861 Broadway. Learned — 59 North Ferry to 16 Thacher. Leedale — Hampton to Barrows. Leonard — 90 Second Ave., South (to end Seymour A-ve.). Liberty — 30 Hudson Ave. to 39 Madison Ave. Liebel — Leonard St., West. Lily — Hazelhurst Ave., Westerly. Albany Guide Book 181 Locust — Western Ave (Stop 5^) East. Lodge — 90 Columbia to 75 Beaver. McKinley — Manning Blvd., South to Lincoln Ave. McKown — O'Connell, East. Magazine — City line, near west bounds. Main — Champlain to 1247 Broadway. Manor — 979 Broadway to the canal. Maplewood — New Scotland Ave. to Fairview Ave. Market — 73 South Pearl to 87 Eagle. Marshall — '364 Delaware Ave., across Second Ave. Matilda — Second Ave. to beyond city line. Mercer — 141 South Lake Ave. to Marion Ave. Mill — Manor, North over bridge. Milton — Delaware Ave., South to McCarty Ave. Mohawk — 1112 Broadway, West. Monroe — 114 North Pearl to opp. 14 Sheridan. Montgomery — Columbia to 24 North Ferry. Moore — 183 Second Ave., north to Zimmerman. Morris — Delaware Ave. to 41 Allen, So. Mosher — 12 Hamilton to 85 Madison Ave, Mulberry — 160 Quay to 97 Franklin. Nineteenth — Washington Ave. to Western Ave. (Pine Hills). Norfolk — Kenosha Ave. ( near Leighton Ave.) south. North — From the canal to 1263 Broadway. North Ferry — From the river to 881 Broadway. North Fifth — Broadway, W^est (North Albany). North First — 1142 Broadway to Rensselaer Ave. (North Albany). North Fourth — Broadway, West (North Albany). North Hawk — 31 Washington Ave. to 40 First St. North Lansing — 134 Water to 823 Broadway. 182 Albany Guide Book North Pearl — 11 State to city line, North. North Second — 1190 Broadway, West. North Swan — 84 Van Woert to 153 Clinton Ave. North Third — 1268 Broadway, West (North Albany). Norton — 7 Green to 24 South Pearl. Oak — 233 Second St. to Swinton. Oakwood — New Scotland Ave., N. E. O'Connell — McCarty Ave. to Anne St. Odell — 50 Second Ave., South to Seymour Ave. Ontario — 583 Livingston Ave., South to 131 Wood- lawn Ave. Orange — Qi-iay to Robin. Ormand — South from Stop 3 Western Ave. Osborne — 39 Elizabeth, West to Dove. Oxford — North from Stop 5 Western Ave. Park — 156 State to 11 Lancaster. Parkwood — New Scotland Ave. to Edison Ave. Partridge — 718 Clinton Ave., South to New Scotland Ave. Philip — 112 Hudson Ave. to Providence. Pine — Eagle to 47 Chapel. Pleasant — 940 Broadway to Railroad. Plum — 183 Quay to 147 Franklin. Providence — 9 Elizabeth to Beaver Park; So. Lake Ave. to Allen St. So. Pruyn — 310 Broadway to 46 Liberty. Putnam — 170 Second Ave. South. Quackenbush — 64 Montgomery to 683 Broadway. Quail — Livingston Ave. to New Scotland Ave. Quay — 2 Quackenbush to Gansevoort. Rathbone — 31 No. Ferry to Thacher. Albany Guide Book 183 Rawson — 589 Central Ave. to Reservoir; 663 Third to Livingston Ave. Rensselaer — 153 Quay to 262 So. Pearl. Revere — 355 Delaware Ave. to Summit. Road — Opp. 129 Sheridan Ave. to 21 So. Swan. I>obin — 486 Clinton Ave. to Myrtle Ave. Russell — Western Ave. East (at Stop 5. Sand — 235 Second Ave.. North. Sanders — 196 Second Ave. to First Ave. Schuyler — 80 Broadway to 40 Clinton. Scott — Krank to Leonard (So. of 2d Ave.) Second — Opp. 49 Ten Broeck to Manning Blvd., North. Seneca — Woodlawn Ave. (opp. Ontario to New Scot- land Ave.) Sherman — 171 Lark to Partridge. Sligo — From O'Connell, East. Slingerland — 219 Second Ave. to Catherine. Sloan — 100 Third Ave. to 85 Second Ave. South — Champlain to 1213 Broadway. South Ferry — 134 Broadway to 220 So. Pearl. South Hawk— 184 State to 185 Third Ave. South Jackson— Third Ave. to Second Ave. South Lansing — 77^^ Church to 21 Franklin. South Pearl — 88 State to Bethlehem line. South Swan — 150 Clinton Ave. to Catherine, Spencer — Water St. to 719 Broadway. Spring — 21 Dove to opp. Northern Blvd; 11 Cortland Place to 186 Ontario. Main Ave. to Pine Ave.. North. Spruce — Eagle to Northern Blvd. Stanwix — 420 Delaware Ave. to Second Ave., So. 184 Albany Guide Book State — Recreation pier to Western Ave.; Cortland Place to 135 Partridge; 107 No. Allen to 123 Pine Ave., No. Stephen — 50 Third Ave. to 43 Second Ave. Steuben — Railroad to Lodge. Sumpter — 2 Exchange to Corning (W. A.) Swan — See North and South Swan. Swinton — Oak St. terminus to Judson. Sycamore — New Scotland Ave., South. Ten Broeck — Zl Clinton Ave., across Colonic. Terminal — 610 Livingston Ave. to Railroad. Teunis — Zd Third Ave. to 7>Z Second Ave. Thacher — The canal to 939 Broadway. Third — 40 North Swan to Grant Ave. Thornton — 281 Second St. across McCrossin Ave. Tivoli — East of Mill St. to Northern Blvd. Van Orden — 14 Putnam, Southeast. Van Tromp — 638 Broadway to 107 No. Pearl. Van Woert — 868 Broadway to Northern Blvd. Van Zandt — 113 So. Pearl to 44 Philip. Vine — 194 Quay to 169 Franklin; Tafft Ave. to Pine Ave., South. Walter — No. First St., North to city line. Warren — 153 Grand to Beaver Park; So. Lake Ave. to So. Allen. Water — 13 Columbia to North Ferry. Watervliet — Loudonville Road to north city line. Wayne — Benjamin, West over Leonard. Wendell — 52 Howard to 97 Beaver. West — 98 Robin to 146 Ontario; West Lawrence to Allen. Albany Guide Book 185 West Lawrence — 620 Central Ave. to New Scotland Ave. West Van Vechten — 207 Second Ave., North across Garden St. Westerlo — 124 Quay to 42 Trinity Place. Whitehall — 289 Second Ave. to Garden. Wilbur — 93 Grand to 76 Philip. Willett — opp. 2)11 State to 469 Madison ave. William — 10 Howard to 87 Hudson Ave. Willow — West Lawrence to 219 No. Allen. Wilson — 740 Broadway to TiZ Ten Broeck. Wood — 151 Colonic, North. Yates — 150 So. Lake Ave. to 25 So. Allen. Zimmerman — Dove St. continued over Moore to Babcock. AVENUES Albion — 515 Delaware Ave., West. Alden — Second Ave., South. Almon — Kenosha Ave., South. Arcadia — Zoor Ave., West. Austin Ave. — Central Ave., near Mereline, South. A — Frisbie Ave., East. 40 Seneca St., East. B — Bertha St., East. Grove Ave. to Seneca St. C — Bertha St., East. D — Frisbie Ave. to Bertha. Besch — 201 Delaware Ave., West. Beverly — No. Bvd. to Judson. Bohl — 602 Delaware Ave., East. Brookline — Western Ave., South. Brookside — Troy Road at Menands. 186 Albany Guide Book Carpenter — O'Connell, East. Cemetery — Troy Road to cemeteries. Central — 183 Lark to city line. Clare — 204 Second Ave., across McCarty Ave. Clinton — 682 Broadway, to Manning Square. Clover — Wilkins Ave., Northwest. Colvin — Washington Ave. to Central Ave. Cuyler — 449 Delaware Ave., over city line. Dana — Delaware Ave. to Robin, Darwin — Kenosha Ave., South. Daytona — Stop 4 Western Ave., South. Delaware — 422 Madison Ave., South. Dongan — 46 Madison Ave. to Gansevoort. Edgewood — Across end Melrose Ave. Edison — Glenwood to Oakwood. Elmhurst — Magazine, Easterly. Elmwood — From 110 Troy Road (Menands). Euclid — From Western Ave. (near stop 1), South. Fairlawn — Western Ave., Northeast. Fern — Wilkins Ave., Northwest. Filbert — Livingston Ave., Northeast. First — 513 So. Pearl, West to Bertha St. Forest — New Scotland Ave., South. Fourth — 189 Quay to 68 Elizabeth. Frisbie — 268 Second Ave. to First Ave, Frost — Hazelhurst Ave., South. Glendale — New Scotland Ave. to Helderberg Ave. Glenwood — from Troy Road (near fair grounds). Grant — 665 Central Ave. North. Grove — 261 New Scotland Ave. to Woodlawn; south to Helderberg Ave. Haverhill — McCarty Ave., South. Albany Guide Book 187 Hawthorn — Across Melrose Ave. beyond Fairlawn. Hazel — Livingston Ave., Northeast. Hazelhurst — Mereline, beyond Central Ave., West. Helderberg — Highland Ave. to Forest Ave. Hickory — Livingston Ave. (near Quail), Northeast. Highland — New Scotland Ave. (beyond So. Lake Ave.), South. Hillcrest — South from Stop AYi, Western Ave. Hoffman — 310 Second Ave., across McCarty Ave. Holland — Delaware Ave. to New Scotland Ave. Homestead — Western Ave. (near 19th St.), across Melrose. Hudson — 392 Broadway to Partridge; Main Ave. to Allen St., North. Hunter — Manning Blvd. North to Grant Ave. Jasmine — Wilkins Ave., Northwest. Kenosha — Philbrick Ave., Southeast. King — 700 Central Ave. to Bradford St. Laurel — Fairlawn Ave., Northwest. Lawnridge — New Scotland Ave. (near Quail), South. Leighton — McCarty Ave., South. Lenox — Western Ave. (near Stop 2). Lexington — 284 Second Ave. to 325 Washington Ave. Lincoln — West Lawrence over No. Allen; Erie to Magazine St. Livingston — 110 Water St. to 63 Watervliet Ave. Lyons — Brookside Ave. to Menands Road (Menands). McArdle — Livingston Ave., Northeast to Beverly. McCarty — 531 So. Pearl to Delaware Ave. McCrossin — Manning Blvd., Northwest. 188 Albany Guide Book Madison — Quay St. West to 836 Western Ave. Main, No. — 1059 Madison Ave., North. Main, So. — 1024 Madison Ave., South. Maple — Grove Ave. to Woodlawn. Mapleriidge — Delaware Ave. beyond Whitehall Road, Northwest. Maplewood — Crossing Locust and Russell Sts. Marion — Western Ave. to Hawkins Ave. (Pine Hills). Martin — 76 Manning Blvd., North to 99 Watervliet Ave. Melrose — 19th St., Northwest beyond Edgewood. Mereline — Central Ave. beyond City Line West to Washington Ave.; Delaware Ave. opp. McCarty to Simpson. Morton — 13 Clinton St. to 170 Delaware Ave. Mount View — Delaware Ave. (beyond McCarty), East. Mountain View — Philbrick Ave., Southeast. Myrtle — 127 Grand to Marion Ave. New Scotland — 558 Madison Ave. to City Line. N. Y. Central — Manning Blvd. North (beyond 3d) to Railroad. North Lake — 141 Western Ave. to 406 Second. Norwood — New Scotland Ave. to Woodlawn Ave. Nyack — Kenosha Ave., South. Onderdonk — Cortland St. West to New Scotland Ave. Orchard — Westerly from Stop 7, Western Ave. Orlando — Westerly from Stop 4, Western Ave. Park— 149 Grand St. to Allen St., South. Albany Guide Book 189 Pennsylvania — Livingston Ave. (beyond Northern Blvd.) to Manning- Blvd., North. Philbrick — McCarty Ave., South to city line. Pierpont — Kenosha Ave. (near Haverhill) South. Pine, No. — Western Ave. to Washington Ave. Pine, So. — Western Ave. to New Scotland Ave. Pleasant Viev^^ — South from Stop 7, Western Ave. Prospect — From Terminal near Railroad. Railroad — 824 Broadway to 16 Van Woert St. Saco — Kenosha Ave., South. Second — 467 So. Pearl to Delaware Ave. Seminole — South from Stop 3j^ Western Ave. Seymour — Broad (below 2d Ave.) to Leonard St. Sheridan — 90 No. Pearl to Robin. So. Lake — 142 Western Ave. to New Scotland Ave. Sparkill — Delaware Ave. to McCarty Ave. Summit — Barclay St., South. Tafft — Cortland South to New Scotland Ave. Tampa — South from Stop 3^ Western Ave. Tappan — Nyack Ave., Southeast. Ten Eyck — Delaware Ave. (near Second Ave.) over city line. Terrace — Western Ave. (beyond 19th St.) over Mel- rose Ave. Teunis — Allen St. South (beyond Cortland) to West Lawrence. Third — 419 South Pearl to 161 South Hawk. Tillinghast — W'est from opp. 59 Troy Road (Me- nands). Van Rensselaer — Loudonville road North to city line. View — Mona Terrace, North and South. 190 Albany Guide Book Washington — Eagle West to City Line. Watervliet — 635 Central Ave. to West Albany. Western — 312 Washington Ave. to Guilderland line. Wilkins — Livingston Ave. (beyond Thornton), Northeast over Beverly Ave. Woodbine — From Idlewild park (Colonie). Woodlawn — 159 So. Lake Ave. to 393 Partridge St. Zoor — From 6 Mapleridge Ave. PLACES Ash Grove — 45 Trinity to 114 Grand. Avon — Locust to Russell. Bleecker — 151 Eagle to 96 Philip. Capitol — Washington Ave. to State. Cliff — Allen St., South. Columbia — Eagle, near Columbia St. Cortland — 470 Washington Ave. to 159 Western Ave. Cuyler — McCarty Ave. to Sparkill Ave. Dale — Allen St., South to West Lawrence. Ditson — 229 Livingston Ave. to 250 Colonie. Droogan — From 5 Clinton St. Elberon — 47 South Lake Ave. to opp 193 Quail. Englewood — Western Ave. to the Park. Frost — Central Ave, beyond Mereline, Southerly. Garfield — 14 Colby to 35 Watervliet. Hall — Second St. to Ten Broeck Place. Kenmore — Between 65 Columbia and Chapel St. Kings — 27 North Swan, East. Kirk — 902 Broadway to 383 North Pearl. Leonard — 69 Delaware Ave., West. Madison — 493^ Philip to 125 Eagle St. Albany Guide Book 191 Merchant — 162 Hamilton to 105 Eagle. Orr — 74 Myrtle Ave. to 91 Park Ave. Park — 2 La Fayette to 1 Washington Ave. Phoenix — From 144 Hudson Ave. Prospect — 119 Philip to Eagle. Providence — 103 Delaware Ave., West. Ramsa — New Scotland Ave., West of Norwood Ave. St. Ann's — From 95 Fourth Ave. Sheridan — 69 Sheridan Ave. to 102 Orange St. Sprague — 312 Washington Ave. to 461 State. Ten Broeck — opp. 11 Ten Broeck to 41 North Swan. Trinity — 126 Madison Ave. to 125 Arch St. Whitehall — From Delaware Ave. (opp. Second Ave.). BOULEVARDS Berkshire — Orlando Ave., North, Manning, No. — 549 Central Ave. to Van Woert St. Manning, So. — Western Ave. to 542 Central Ave. Northern — 401 State St. to Van Rensselaer Ave. ROADS Bethlehem — From end South Pearl St., South. Kenmar — From 3 Lyons Ave. (Menands). Kenwood — From So. Pearl near Bethlehem line. Loudonville — From 998 Broadway, Northwest. McDonald — Whitehall Road to Maplebridge Ave. Menands— 77 Troy Road, West. Russell — Central Ave., North to city line. Sard — Whitehall Road to Mapleridge Ave. 192 Albany Guide Book Schenectady — Terminus Central Ave. to railroad bridge. Shaker — Loudonville Road, West to City Line. Troy — Continuation of Broadway from City Line. Villa — From Brookside Ave. (Menands). Whitehall — Continuation of Second Ave. TURNPIKES Albany and Schenectady — From end Central Ave., West. DRIVES Catalpa — Summit Ave., West. LANES Garbrance — Troy Road, East. Hart's — From Cemetery Ave. Maiden — .34 Quay St. to 25 Eagle. Ward's — Troy Road (beyond Chadwick park) Me- nands. ALLEYS Center — Porter Court, North. Eagle — Opposite 19 Hamilton to opp. 8 Pruyn. Garden — 101 Dove, Westerly. Hunter's — 72 North Swan, West. John St. — 12 John to 19 Westerlo. Lancaster — 3 Lancaster to Park. Ludlow — 57 CHnton Ave. to 83 North Hawk. Mosher St. — 15 Mosher, West. Warren St — 6 Warren to 10 Elizabeth. W^atson — 50 South Hawk to 131 South Swan, Wendell — 104 Eagle to 56 High St. Albany Guide Book 193 TERRACES Bogart — 216 Second Ave., South Delaware — 235 Delaware Ave., North. MacPherson — 475 to 511 Clinton Ave. Magnolia — 247 Delaware Ave., West. Mona — Delaware Ave., East. St. Joseph's — Opp. 30 First St. to Second St. Thurlow — Opp. 99 Western Ave., South. SQUARES Clinton — North Pearl between Orange and Clinton Ave. Delaware — Myrtle Ave., Lark St., Delaware Ave. Manning — Junction Central and Clinton Aves. Market — 90 Beaver to 95 Hudson Ave. Steamboat — Broadway and Church St. HEIGHTS Dudley — Junction Manning Blvd., North, and North- ern Blvd. Kenwood — South Pearl, South of McCarty Ave. MISCELLANEOUS Island Creek — Foot of Green St. Lumber District — North Ferry St., North. Osborne Row — Clare Ave. from McCarty, North. Porter Court — 52 Benjamin St. to 2 Odell. Prospect Hill — Between Prospect Ave. and Railroad. Speedway — Washington Ave. from Quail to Allen. 13 194 Albany Guide Book TEACHERS COLLEGE A handsome building of classical design, at Western avenue and Robin street, houses the State College for Teachers. The main building is 200 by 80 feet; the science building 90 by 180 and the chapel 80 by 160 feet. The Western avenue front is very impressive because of the central facade and the colonnade. The school is now 72i years old and the present handsome building was opened in 1909. It has about 1,000 scholars enrolled and over 4,000 graduates up to date. It annually sends out about 150 teachers into the high schools of the State. TELEGRAPH OFFICES Both the Western Union and the Postal com- panies have their offices on State street, — the W^estern Union a few doors below James street and the Postal a few doors above Pearl street. Both have branches in the Capitol. Note. — The first telegraph office was opened in 1845 in the old Exchange building which stood on a portion of the site of the present Post Office building. The line between Albany and New York was completed in 1846. Albany Guide Book 195 MEMORANDA 196 Albany Guide Book TELEPHONE BUILDING The great marble edilice on State street near the Capitol is the home of the telephone com- pany and houses one of the best equipped ser- vices in the country. It was erected in 1914-15, is twelve stories high, l)uilt of steel, stone and concrete and cost approximately v$l, 500,000. It was occupied in 1915. The building fronts 75 feet on State street by 190 feet on Park street and is 211 feet high above the street. Experts say it is one of the few perfect office buildings in the State. The first, second, third and part of the fourth floors are used exclusively by the Tele- phone compau}' for its business ; other floors are occupied chiefly by State officers. There are two floors below the street level, the first containing the steam heating and refrig- erating plants, gas engines, cable vault and storerooms. In the basement are lockers and the janitor's quarters. On the main floor are located the local commercial offices of the Hudson river division of the company, covering eighteen counties. The long distance switchboards oc- cupy the second floor, where also are spacious lunch and rest rooms for the employees. The third floor is given over to the local switch- boards and the fully equipped training school Albany Guide Book 197 which the company conducts for its operators. Part of the fourth tioor is taken up by the termi- nal room, and on the sixth floor are located the company's offices. At present there are 86 operating positions with a capacity for serving- 20,000 stations. The Albany switchboard alone now handles 18,835 telephones with a daily average of 123,000 local and 1,600 long distance calls. There are 267 op- erators. In addition to the guaranteed fireproof con- struction, protection against fire is given by a fire-proof tower for exits, a huge standpipe, great tanks on the roof holding 3,500 gallons of water and a tank in the basement holding 10,000 gal- lons. A sprinkler system is used. Note. — Albany was one of the first cities in the coun- try to have a telephone installation and the interesting history of its development was given by Mr. F. H. Bethel before the City Planning Association in 1913. Tn substance he said: Early in 1877 a line was run from the Atlantic and Pacific Telegraph company at 444 Broadway to the residence of Charles Sewell at Bath- on-the-Hudson. This was about one year after Prof. Bell had exhibited his speaking telephone at the Cen- tennial exposition at Philadelphia. Early in 1878 the American District Telegraph company opened the first telephone exchange over the Van Heusen and Charles 198 Albany Guide Book store at 470 Broadway — the third in existence. A second telephone company formed during the follow- ing year with offices at 558 Broadway, but in 1880 there M'^as a consolidation and in 1883 the Albany company became a part of the Hudson River Telephone com- pany. In 1891 a telephone building was completed at Maiden lane and Chapel street which was occupied on October 1, 1892. The growth of the business was very rapid — from 1.000 telephones in 1891 to 4,100 in 1901, to approximately 16,000 in 1913. (In 1916 the total number of telephones in use in the city was approximately 20,190, and the growth steadily going on shows how necessary was the erection of the new building. THEATERS Player folk always have had a ready welcoine in Albany and students of things theatrical will find highly interesting details in the special study by Henry P. Phelps entitled " Players of a Cen- tury ; a Record of the Albany Stage." The lead- ing theatre at present is Harmanus Bleecker Hall (p. 89) ; owned by the Young Men's Associa- tion ; opened October 9, 1889; remodeled 1898; seats 1,800. Other playhouses are : The Old Leland Opera house on South Pearl street between Hudson avenue and Beaver street; occupies the site of an old theater erected in 1824; Academy of Music, Albany Guide Book 199 opened on the site by John M. Trimble in 1863; burned January 29, 1868; rebuilt and reopened December 30, 1869; seats 1,000. The Empire theatre, State street above Pearl street; built in 1898; opened September 12 that year; seats 1,200. There now also are many "motion pic- ture " theaters located in various parts of the city, having an aggregate seating capacity of 12,h4. Note. — Professional theatrical performers were first licensed to play in Albany in 1769 by Gov. Moore and the old hospital building on Barrack street (now Pine) was fitted with a stage for their use. In 1812 the famous Green street theater was built which opened January 18, 1813, and was the first theater in Albany; later it became a church, but on July 5, 1852, it re- opened as a theater and became a concert hall where Ada Isaacs Menken first appeared as Mazeppa. It was next a business house, then a variety theater (the Gaiety) and finally in 1913 burned down. VALE OF TAWASENTHA The beautiful valley of the Normanskill, made famous by Longfellow's " Hiawatha," is but four miles from the city and occasionally is vis- ited by visitors who are curious about the loca- tion described in the poem. 200 Albany Guide Book VIADUCTS Three spacious steel bridges span the valleys in various parts of the city, Hawk street ; length 986 feet ; opened in 1890. Knox street ; length 759 feet; opened in 1898. Northern Boulevard; length 653 feet ; opened in 1896. There also is a small viaduct called the " Broadway," which is for railroad use only. WATERWORKS The administration building is located on Quackenbush street just below Broadway, where also are the great pumping engines. An effort once was made (1885) to get a water supply from driven wells on the flats above the city, but it proved an expensive failure. The present ample water supply is secured from the river, filtered and purified (chemically) and in part stored in great reservoirs from which it is drawn as required. See " Reservoirs " (p. 152). Note. — In 1686 Albany got its water from a pond at the head of Yonkers (State) street, created by a dam across a stream, and through small bored logs. In 1796 the Legislature authorized the city to procure water by conduit. In 1797 Stephen Van Rensselaer granted the city permission to use Maezlandt kill (northwest of the city) for a water supply. In 1802 the Albany Albany Guide Book 201 Waterworks compaii}^ was incorporated and built a stone reservoir in 1911 where now stands the County court house at Eagle, Columbia and Steuben streets. In 1848 the Common Council voted in favor of a city- water supply " at public expense." . In 1850 the city water commission bought the Patroon's creek and ad- jacent land for $150,000 and later awarded $600,000 worth of work on a water system at West Albany. In 1851 Bleecker reservoir was under construction and later the Patroon's creek was dammed to form Rens- selaer and Tivoli lakes. The pumping station on Quackenbush street was established in 1875. WATER FRONT Taking the place of the old wooden docks and narrow street along- the river front now is a solid and attractive line of concrete docks on wdiich are erected the various structures required for the transaction of the steadily growing passenger and freight l:)usiness of the navigation lines. Ad- equate provision also is made here for safe con- nections for the great raih'oad lines connecting with navigation at this point (see p. 154). WEATHER BUREAU Located in the tower of the Government building at the foot of State street is a well- equipped and valuable observation station. Its records run back many years and are available 202 Albany Guide Book for reasonable use. The scientist in charge of the station is a Federal employee and has at his command all the latest inventions for use in his important work. WEST ALBANY This suburb contains the great repair shops and other buildings of the Central railroad which are located on private property and fenced in. Strangers having business to trans- act can, however, secure admission. The place once was one of the largest cattle markets in the country and also handled many sheep. Take a A\^est Albany car. YOUNG MEN'S ASSOCIATION This organization, which is the oldest of its kind in the United States, is located in Har- manus Bleecker Hall, which it controls. It con- ducts a useful library. It was founded in 1833 and incorporated in 1835. For years the associa- tion was located at North Pearl and Steuben street, where afterward was erected the Dela- ware & Hudson railroad building. See Public Hall (p. 89). Albany Guide Booic 203 YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION This very popular institution has its admin- istration building at North Pearl and Steuben streets, its Railroad branch well housed on Broadway and also a fine building at West Al- bany. It was organized March 23, 1857. It is thoroughly equipped for its work and the North Pearl street building contains an especially good library, gymnasium with baths and up-to-date apparatus, and a large lecture hall. At the en- trance is a bronze tablet inscribed : This building is the gift of James B. Jermain to the Young Men's Christian Association of the city of Albany, The site is the gift of citizens. Cornerstone laid September 20, 1866. Building dedicated September 22. 1877. • YOUNG WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION An attractive non-sectarian center for women occupies commodious quarters in the building facing on Lodge street and running from Steu- ben to Columbia. It contains pleasant parlors, reading rooms, Cafeteria, guest chambers for the accommodation of women strangers in the city and many other attractions. A spacious gymna- sium, the Acors Rathbun memorial, occupies a special adjoining building in the rear and was 204 Albany Guide Book given by Mrs. Rathbun in 1906 as a memorial to her husband. Note. — The institution grew out of a determination on the part of Mrs. Rathbun and Miss Tweddle in 1888 to provide a place where self-supporting- women could find lodging and protection. The newly organized y. W. C. A. first used two fiats at 128 State street; in 1891 the Whitney residence was bought for $15,000, and on May 18 dedicated to the work. In 1904 Mrs. Rathbun bought from the Jermain estate property No. 4 Lodge street and on November 15, 1905, the building was dedicated. Later the remainder of the block was S( cured. YACHT CLUB A popular organization formed on April 16, 1873, which for 3'ears maintained a fleet of swift sailing racers. Originally its house w^as on the opposite side of the river where it was destroyed by fire. Its present magnificent cpuirters are in the handsome house on Recreation pier and its fleet consists of many motor boats. The yacht clubhouse is one of the most attractive in the countrv. Albany Guide Book 205 ADDENDA ALBANY COUNTY HAMLETS List of villages and settlements of Albany county by towns, prepared in 1916 by Frederick Easton, Deputy County Clerk: Berne — Thompsons Lake, Berne. East Berne, West Berne, South Berne, Wolf Hill, Reidsville, Myrtle. Bethlehem — Hurstville, Slingerlands, Normansville, Elsmerc. Delmar, Kenwood. Glenmont, Bethlehem Center. Wemple, Beckers Corners, Cedar Hill, Calla- nans Corners (in three towns), South Bethlehem, Sel- kirk. Coeymans — Ravena, Coeymans. Acquetuck. Coey- mans Hollow, Indian- Fields, Keefers Corners, Alcove (also called Stephenville). Knox — Thompsons Lake, Knox, West Township, East Township. Colonie — Colonic, Lisha Kill, Karners, Verdoy, Shakers, Lathams. Newtonville, Irelands Corners, Loudonville, West Albany, Menands, Cemetery, Cres- cent Station. Guilderland — McKnownville, Meadowdale. Guilder- land. Guilderland Center. Altamont, Dunnsville, Sloans- ville (also called French's Mills), Fullers. New Scotland — Voorheesville. New Salem, New Scotland, L'nicnville, Clarksville, Onesquetha (also called Tarrytown), Feura Bush (also called Jerusalem), Stony Hill. 206 Albany Guide Book Rensselaerville — Rensselaerville, Smiths Corners, Medusa, Cooksburg, Preston Hollow, Potter Hollow, Connersville. Westerlo — Van Leiivens Corners, Westerlo (also called Chesterville), DormansviHe, South Westerlo, Lambs Corners. ARCHITECTURE Many of the public and private buildings in Albany are noted for their architectural beauty. Very apparent examples are the Delaware & Hudson railroad edifice on the Plaza, the Capi- tol, the State PMucation building, the City Hall, the State house, the County- Court house, the Albany Academy, the Municipal Gas company building, the Telephone building, several of the new schools and a number of residences. Some of the few notable old houses remaining are fa- mous specimens of the architectural genius of their day. Experts have declared that " Archi- tectural Albany of today takes rank with the best cities in the country." Many periods of architec- ture are represented and the best talent of the craft has been employed to furnish adequate and appropriate designs. Albany Guide Book 207 ARMS OF THE CITY Simon DeWitt, engineer on the staff of Gen- eral Washington, city surveyor and long sur- veyor-general of the State, is credited with de- signing the coat of arms of Albany which was adopted by the Common Council in 1789 and re- adopted in 1887. The device consists of a shield with sheaves of wheat on a red field (commemo- rating the city's early great flour trade) above which is a beaver at work (commemorating the early fur trade) ; on either side are a farmer and an Indian (producers of its wealth) ; above, a river" sloop under full sail (typifying the com- merce) ; below, the motto '' Assiduity " (com- memorating the dominant virtue of the early settlers). In 1752 the city seal containing a beaver was adopted by the Common Council. BI-CENTENNIAL The great historical celebration of the bi-cen- tenary of Albany as a chartered city opened on Sunday, July 18, 1886, with special appropriate services in all churches. The program included : Monday, July 19, Education day ; the opening of the city gates by Mayor John Boyd Thacher with ancient ceremonials; parade of trades and manu- 208 Albany Guide Book factures ; canoe races in Washington park ; fire- works in the park in the evening. Tuesday, All Nations day; parade of all nationalities; regatta on the river; planting in Washington park of an oak tree by the Germans and of an elm by the colored citizenry. Wednesday, Civic day ; grand general celebration. Thursday, Bi-centennial day ; grand general celebration and distribution of medals. Friday, ALanufacturers' day; parades and other events. The distinctive feature of the celebration was a big loan exhibition in the Al- bany Academy building, showing treasures of the old city homes, which opened July 5. The 'cele- bration was notable for a bi-centennial flag, a memorial book, a beautiful souvenir card and a number of distinctive medals. The attendance at this celebration w^as to great that tents were placed in the parks to accommodate visitors. BICYCLES In 1900 it was estimated that there were about 5,000 wheels in use in the city and riding was very popular. Several strong organizations ol; wheelmen existed, including the Albany Bicycle Club, organized 1880, house at 285 Lark street ; Capital City Wheelmen, house on Hudson ave- nue, near Willett street; Albany County Wheel- Albany Guide Book 209 men, organized 1886, house at Madison avenue and Allen street; North End Wheelmen, organ- ized 1896, house at Broadway and Tivoli street, and the Triangle Cyclers, located in the Y. M. C. A. building. These all now are practically out of existence. BOOKS ABOUT ALBANY Some of the better known books about Albany bear the following titles : Albany — Its Place in the History of the United States. Berthold Fernow, 1884. Albany Bicentennial, The: Historical Memoirs. A. Bleecker Banks, 1884. Albany Chronicles. Ciiyler Reynolds, 1906. Albany Handbook, The. Henry P. Phelps, 1884. Albany Rural Cemetery, The. Henry P. Phelps, 1893. Annals of Albany. 10 vols. Joel Munsell, 1869. Capital Centenary, The. 1897. Collections on the History of Albany. Joel Mun- sell, 1871. Early Settlers of x\lbany. Prof. Jonathan Pearson. History of the City of Albany. A. J. Weise, 1884. History of Albany and Schenectady Counties. Howell-Tenney, 1886. Landmarks of Albany County. Amasa J. Parker> 1897. 14 210 Albany Guide Book Players of a Century A Record of the Albany Stage. Henry P. Phelps. 1880. Public Parks of the City of Albany. Egerton, 1892. Reminiscences of Albany. J. J. Hill, 1884. Settlement and Early History of Albany. William Barnes, 1851. St. Peter's Church, History of. Rev. Joseph Hooper, 1900. There also are many monographs, histories of churches and other buildings, biographies, etc. CAPITAL DISTRICT PARK Agitation for public recreation ground to bene- fit Albany, Troy, Schenectady, Rensselaer, Watervliet and Cohoes was begun in 1916 by Lynn J. Arnold and on December 7 of that year the Capital District Recreation League was organized in the State Education building by women representing the localities named. Mrs. P>. Darwin Jenison, representing the Albany Mothers Club, was chosen chairman. Prominent speakers were present and Judge Arnold outlined a project for a vSix City park to be located in the old Shaker settlement, eight miles from each of the localities interested. Albany Guide Book 211 CITY FLAG As yet the city has no official flag. A move- ment in 1916 to adopt a city flag failed because of the violent opposition to putting the orange color in the emblem, although the Holland Society declared it was the original color of the United Netherlands and closely connected with the history of the city from its settlement by the Dutch. Judge Franklin M. Danaher, of the His- torical Society committee, insisted that the orange color would be offensive to many. The Common Council, on January 18, after hearing such arguments, voted for a flag having red, white and blue perpendicular bars. Mayor Joseph A\\ Stevens vetoed this on January 31, after many citizens had objected that orange, white and blue were the colors of old Fort Orange and thus properly the colors for Albany instead of the adaptation of the nation colors proposed. COASTING This winter pastime was popular with the early settlers and continued to be so for years until the city's grow^th and the street cars made it too dangerous. In 1887 a winter carnival was held which was notable for the " bob sled " parade, in which the Beverwyck, 28 feet long, and the 212 Albany Guide Bo6k Brooklyn Bridge, 40 feet long, took part. The coasting was done on Madison avenne hill, which was roped off and policed for safety. In 1888 an ice palace was erected in Washington park and a carnival held on January 15. In 1889 on Febru- ary 2, during a carnival, the sled races on Madison avenue were marred by fatal accidents and Charles O'llara w^as killed by the " bob " Alderman Connors. Thereafter the sport was discontinued because of the danger at the street crossings and the many serious accidents which kept occurring. FAMOUS CITIZENS Many distinguished men have claimed Albany as their home city all through its history. Among them were : (^Chester A. Arthur — Twenty-first President of the United States, notable sarcophagus in Rural cemetery?) James Dwight Dana — Eminent scientist, distinctive granite fountain erected 1903 by Dana Natural History society in small park at juncture of Madison and Dela- ware avenues. Joseph Henry — Distinguished scientist, commemor- ative bronze tablet on southeast corner of Albany Academy where he taught and his great discovery of the electro-magnet was made. Rufus H. King — Prominent banker, commemorative fountain in Washington park. Albany Guide Book 213 Philip Livingston — Patriot and puljlicist, commem- orative tablet on North Pearl street. Joel Munsell — Printer and historian of early city, commemorative tablet in front of 60 State street. Philip Schuyler — Distinguished earV resident, tab- let on southwest corner County bank building at State and South Pearl streets. General Philip Sheridan — Renowned soldier, monu- ment in Capitol park. Kiliaen Van Rensselaer — Noted early res'dtnt, tab- let on City Hall front. Colonel Marinus Willett — Tablet set in huge boulder in Washington park, near State and Willett street entrance. GREAT FIRES On Xovember 17, 1793, fire swept the territory between Broadway, Maiden lane. State and James streets; loss $250,000. Several slaves accused of starting this conflagration were after- ward hanged on Pinxter Hill. On August 4, 1797, lire destroyed fifty houses between Broad- way and Steuben street, Columbia street and the river. On April 17, 1828, a loss of $40,000 was caused by a fire which started in the bell foundry on Beaver street, ])etween Broadway and Green street, and burned through to Hudson avenue. On April 28, 1839, the *' Pearl Street House hre " destroyed property l^etween P^earl street, Madi- son avenue, Hamilton and Rose streets. . On 214 Albany Guide Book August 17, 1848, occurred '' The Big Fire " which was started by a washerwoman in the Albion Hotel at Broadway and Herkimer street, and, driven by a strong wind, swept Broadway and Church street, crossed to the pier and swept everything along Broadway from Maiden lane to Hudson avenue. It was checked b}^ a heavy rain at night but destroyed 600 buildings and did damage estimated at $3,000,000. On January 16, 1883, Tweddle Hall at State and Pearl streets burned. On March 3, 1883, the Dunlop elevator on Quay street, near Hamilton, was destroyed and there were several fatalities. HALL OF FAME In 1912 Rt. Rev. Bishop Doane, Episcopal bishop of Albany, by request, selected the '' Twenty Greatest Albanians " for a Hall of Fame for the city. The selection seems to have ended the matter, although the choice was very generally approved. The notable names on the list were : General Philip Sheridan — Greatest cavalry leader of the Union army. Professor Joseph P. Henry — Discoverer of the tele- graph. Mrs. Blandina Dudley — Founder of the Dudley observatory. Albany Guide Book 215 Harmaniis Bleecker — Philanthropist. Philip Livingston — Signer of the Declaration of Independence. Madam A^bani — Singer of world-wide fame. General Peter Gansevoort — Revolutionary hero. Dr. John Swinburne — Noted surgeon and founder of the first free dispensary. Dr. James H. Armsby — Physician and surgeon, of whom there is a statue in Washington park. Dr. Thomas Hun — Physician and one of the found- ers of the Albany hospital. Rev. Dr. William B. Sprague — Presbyterian min- ister. General Philip Schuyler — Revolutionary hero^ Thomas Olcott — Banker and philanthropist. James B. Jermain — Philanthropist. Daniel Manning — Banker and statesman. Professor T. Romeyn Beck — Educator. Professor Peter Bullions — Educator and author of classical grammars. John V. L. Pruyn — Chancellor of the University of the 3tate of New York. Erastus Corning — Business man and public spirited citizen. Joel Munsell — Publisher. HEALTH Albany's death rate is low and the city is well suited by natural advantages and modern re- sources to be a sanitary city. The building of the intercepting sewer and sewage disposal plant 216 Albany Guide Book have " cleaned house" most decidedly. There have been no serious outbreaks of disease in re- cent years. Past epidemics were : Cholera, in 1832, when stores were closed, church services abandoned, the Lancaster school turned into a hospital and hundreds died. In 1834 and 1849 the disease again was epidemic ; the latter year it broke out in June and was almost as deadly as in 1832. A slight cholera epidemic occurred again in 1854. HELDERBERGS A noted range of mountains about twenty miles west of the city from which they are easily visible. The name is derived from " Helle-berg " meaning " clear mountains," and was given by the original settlers of the section. The high cliffs are of limestone and filled with fossils. On their summit are the only two real lakes in the county — Thompson's and Warner's. The famous " Indian Ladder " region is included in Thacher park (p. 224) and is noted in song and story. Note. — On November 30, 1839, farmers in the moun- tains refused longer to pay toll to the Patroon and a short excitement known as the " Anti-rent war " resulted. It necessitated calling out the militia. Albany Guide Book 217 MOTHERS' CLUB In September, 1889, Mrs. D. O. Mears, when president of the State Assembly of Mothers, had a call issued from the pulpits of the city churches for a meeting of women interested in mothers' work. It was held in the rooms of the Y. W. C. A. and resulted in having the convention of the Mothers' Assembly held in Albany in October, 1899, in the Assembly chamber at the Capitol, the first time the great room ever was occupied by a woman's organization. In Xovember, 1899, over 100 prominent women met in the Y. W. C. A. rooms and decided to form the Al- bany Mothers' Club. In December the com- mittees were selected and in January, 1900, officers were chosen, Mrs. Charles W. Cole being the first president. In April following, the club established the first summer playground for chil- dren in PJeaver (now Lincoln) park — the first in the city or vicinity. It was formally opened on July 18. The club incorporated in March, 1904, and that year, Mrs. John D. Whish being president, Dudley park was opened as a play- ground. In 1908 Swinburne park playground was opened. The others followed (see Playgrounds). 218 Albany Guide Book NAMES MENTIONED IN TEXT PAGE Addington, George 65 Ainsworth, Danforth E. . 221 Albani, Madam 215 Albertsen, Hendrick 41 Allen, Benjamin 26 Armsby, Dr. J. H.72, 134, 215 Arnold, Lynn J 210 Arthur, Chester A 212^^ Astor, John Jacob 97 Banks, A. Bleecker 200 Banks, Mrs. R. L 221 Barclay, Thomas 56 Barnes, William 9 Battershall,Rev.W.W..36, 37 Beck, Prof. T. Romeyn. .215 Beekman, J. J 100 Bender, Matthew 122 Bethel, F. H 197 Bingham, Reuben H 121 Black, Gov. Frank S . , . . 44 Bleecker, Harmanus 89 90,215 Bogardus, Anneke Janse 16, 103 Boss, Prof 133 Boughton, George 30 Bowditch, Mrs. Edward. 222 Boyd, James 39 Bradley, John E 93 Brady, A. N 54, 112 Bridgeford, William W . . 84 Brines, George Francis. . . 45 Bronck, Pieter 40 Brunner, Arnold W 9 Bullions, Prof. Peter. .37, 215 Burr, Aaron 19, 60 Calverly, Charles I34vj Chester, Alden 65 PAGE Clarke, Dr. John M .167, 224 Clinton, Gov. Dewitt 102 Cole, Mrs. Charles W 217 Cooper, Gen. John Tay- lor 60 Corning, Erastus 60 .89,92,215 Coster, S., Cornelia 91 Crook, Alfred T 30 Cox, Dr. James W 72 Dana, Prof. J. D 63, 212 Danaher, Franklin M.. . . 211 Davidson, George G 221 Davis, Sallie 160 Dederick, Archibald M . . 32 De Witt, Simon 1 74, 207 Dielman, Frederick 34 Doane, Rt. Rev. W. C. 54, 214 Dongan, Gov. Thomas. . . 5 10, 52 Douw, Volckert J 40 Draper, Andrew S 75 Dudley, Mrs. Blandina. .214 Easton, Frederick 205 Edson, Calvin 128 Elliott, Charles L 30 Emmett, " Fritz " 62 Fernow, Berthold 209 Fine, John 40 Finley, Dr. John H 224 Fry, Joseph 69 Fulton, Robert 172 Fuller, Thomas 43 Gay, Edward 30 Gansevoort, H. H 40 Gansevoort, Gen. Peter 114.215 Glandorf , Johannes 1 58 Albany Guide Book 219 PAGE Glazier, Col. Willard 37 Glynn, Gov. Martin H. 160, 224 Goodrich, Horace 180 Greenalch, Wallace 152 Hall, Prof. James . 85, 86, 136 Ham, Frederick C 146 Hamilton, Alexander. ... 96 103,104 Harris, Hamilton 44 Harte, Bret 37 Hazen, Allen 82 Henry, Prof. Joseph 19 26, 99, 106 Herring, Dr. Rudolph ... 120 Herzog, Jacob A 157 Higgins, Michael J 84 Hill, Gov. David B 62 Hill, J. J 210 Hill, Samuel 60 Hills, Mrs. William R .. . 37 Hoffman, Gov. John T. . . 44 Hooper. Rev. Joseph. ... 210 Howe, Lord 55, 102 Hudson, Henry 9 Hughes, Archbishop 54 Hun, Dr. Thomas 215 Hunter, Governor 56 Irving, Washington . . .17, 103 Janse, Anneke f 6, 103 Jansen, Marcellus 39 Jenison, Mrs. E. Darwin. 210 Jermain, James B. . . 203, 215 Keeley, Patrick C 57 Kidd, James 47 King, Gen. Charles 37 King, Henry L 134 King, Rufus H 1 34, 2 12 ^' Kunz, Dr. George F 224 La Fayette, General 109 PAGE Lanagan, Frank 154 Lang, Charles M 30 Lansing, Mrs. C. G 222 Lansing, J. Townsend ... 98 Lee. Ann 160 Leonard, Jacob 136 Lincoln, President 109 Livingston, Philip 16 106, 109, 213, 215 Longfellow, Henry W.24, 199 Loucks, J. Harris 65 Low, Will H 30 77, 124,203 Manning, Daniel 215 Manning, Mrs. Daniel. . . 94 Manning, James H 221 March, Dr. Alden 72 Martin, Homer D 30 Marvin, Rev. F. R 37 MacNeil, H. A 162/^ McCall, John A 54 McDougal, James 30 McEwan, James B 9, 154 McQuaid, James 83 Mears, Mrs. D. 217 Menand, Louis 128 Menken, Ada Isaacs 199 Milbank, Dr. WilHam E . 32 Miller, George Douglas. . 221 Mills, Col. John 135 Monahan, M. J 37 Moore, Governor 57 Morgan, William 146 Mosher, Dr. Jacob S . . . . 72 Munsell, Joel 37 107, 209, 213, 215 Nichols, Governor 107 Ochtman, Leonard 30 O'Hara, Charles 212 Olcott, Dudley 92, 94 220 Albany Guide Book PAGE Olcott, Thomas 215 Ouderkirk, Jan Jansen ... 40 Palmer, Walter Launt. . . 30 Parker, Arthur C 168, 224 Parker, Amasa J. . 90, 92, 209 Parker, Mrs. A. J., Jr 222 Parker, Mary 54 Pearson, J 209 Pennie, Robert 30 Perry, Isaac G 79 Phelps, Henry P. 198, 209, 210 Pillsbury, Amos 138 Pilcher, Louis F 67, 159 Pruyn, Charles L 55 Pruyn, Robert C 55 Pruyn, John V. L. 44, 90, 215 Pruyn, Mrs. J. V. L 55 Rathburi, Acors 203 Rathbun, Mrs. A 204 Rathbun, Mrs. C. K 222 Remington, Frederic .... 30 Rennie, A. H 115 Reynolds, Cuyler . .37, 40, 209 Rhind, J. Massey 134 Rice, Col. W. G 20, 174 Rice, Mrs. W. G 55 Richardson, H. H 59 Robertson, Alexander.. . . 131 Robertson, James 131 Rockwell, F. W 115 Roosevelt, Theodore 166 Rudd, William P 65, 92 Sage, Dean 222 Sage, Henry M 143 Saxe, John G 37 Schermerhorn, Jacob J . . . 40 Schutte, John "107, 158 Schuyler, Elizabeth 96 103, 104 PAGE Schuyler, Col. Peter 11 100, lOI Schuyler, Gen. Philip. ... 16 96,103,159,213,215 Sewell, Charles 197 Sheldon, Professor 45 Sheridan, Gen. Philip H . 160 213,214 Sprague, Rev. W. B 215 Staley, Elhs J 65 Stevens, Joseph W. . 160, 211 Strong. Mrs. A. H 95 Stuyvesant, Pieter .... 10, 66 Sullivan, James 95 vSwinburne, Dr. John .72,215 Ten Broeck, Gen. A. . . 33, 94 Ten Eyck, James 127 Thacher, Mrs. E. T 224 Thacher, John Boyd 37 90, 100, 207 Thompson, Launt 30 Tilden, Gov. Samuel J. . . 79 Tozier, Blanche 143 Trimble, John M 199 Tweddle, George 36, 55 Tweddle, Miss 204 Twitchell, Asa W 30 Van Ingen, Harmanus. . . S^ Van Ingen, James 124 Van Rensselaer, Mrs. W. B. 222 Van Rensselaer, Jan Bap- tiste 10 Van Rensselaer, Johannes 95 Van Rensselaer, Kiliaen. 10 56,95,106,213 Van Rensselaer, Philip S. 46 Van Rensselaer, Stephen 97, 200 Van Vechten, Cornelius. . 41 Albany Guide Book 221 PAGE PAGE Van Vechten, Jeremiah. . 41 Whish, Mrs. John D 217 Ward, J. Q. A 161 Whitman, Gov. Charles S. Ward, Dr. Samuel B .... 72 128, 166 Washington, General. . . . 108 Whitman, Olive 160 Webster, Daniel 109 ■ Willett, Col. Marinus. 2^, 213 Weed, Thurlow 15 Wilson, Stuart 38 Weise, A. J 209 Winnie, William B 147 Wheeler, Seth 139 Woods, Eugene D 54 PRIVATE COLLECTIONS Danforth E. Ainsworth — Lincoln books and relics of Lincoln. Mrs. Robert L. Banks — Stamps. Ledyard Cogswell, Jr. — Old prints of Albany. George A. Davidson — Albany directories. J. Townsend Lansing — paintings (land- scapes). James H. Manning — Old prints, coins, auto- graphs, medals, Zuni pottery, photographs of celebrities, rare fin-niture. ]\Iasonic Temple — Rare books, medals and curios interesting to the craft. G. Douglass Miller — Antiquities. Samuel L. Munson — Old almanacs. Robert C.. Pruyn — Japanese ivories. (One of the finest collections in existence ; over 800 pieces representing all the great artists ; collected by Robert H. Pruyn while resident at Tokio as Minister to Japan, 1862-64.) 222 Albany Guide Book Dean Sage — Books on angling (finest collec- tion in xA.merica). Henry M. Sage — i\utographs, prints, antique furniture. George H. Thacher — Monumental extended copy of Phelps " Players of a Century " super illustrated, covering the whole field of the drama in the United States for a hundred years. Mrs. John Boyd Thacher — Autographs of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. Beautiful and very valuable specimens of his- toric and family china are possessed by Mrs. A. B. Banks, Mrs. Edward Bowditch, Mrs. Cath- arine Gansevort Lansing, Mr. A. J. Parker, Jr., Miss Cornelia Kane Rathbun, Mrs. AV. Bayard Van Rensselaer, and others. These collections are not open to inspection as a rule but may be seen if proper steps are taken. There also is much in the way of fine old silver, glass, furniture, books, prints, ivories, and many valuable paint- ings. A commendable custom has grown up among the possessors of such treasures to place them in the custody of the Historical and Art society where they are safe from fire and theft and may be enjoyed by the thousands who an- nually visit this notable institution. Albany Guide Book 223 In St. Peter's church there is a magnificent old silver communion service* dated 1712, the gift of Queen Anne. The First Reformed church has a pulpit, hour glass and bible (date 1730) that were brought from Holland. * This service consists of six massive pieces, each bearing the royal arms and the inscription " The Gift of Her Majesty Ann, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France and Ireland and of Her Plantations, in North America, Queen, to Her Indian Chappel of the Onondawgus." No such chapel was erected, and the plate was given into the custody of St. Peter's church, which was the chapel for all the Indians of the Province except the Mohawks, where it remained. 224 Albany Guide Book THACHER PARK A notably picturesque and historic tract of about 350 acres located in the famous Helderberg mountains about ten miles from Albany com- memorates the name of John Boyd Thacher, an eminent citizen and writer who died February 25, 1909. The memorial park is located in the towns of Guilderland and New Scotland. It was given to the State on March 4, 1914, by Mrs. Emma Treadwell Thacher, his widow, and was dedicated on September 14 with memorable exer- cises including- an historical pageant illustrating Indian customs of the locality and the coming of the white settlers, arranged by State Archae- ologist Albert C. Parker. Governor Martin H. Glynn, Dr. George F. Kunz (president of the American Scenic and Historic Preservation Society), Dr. John H. Finley (commissioner of State education) and Dr. James M. Clarke (State geologist) delivered addresses. Mr. Thacher bought the land to prevent the destruction of the historic limestone fossiliferous cliffs which con- tain the famous " Indian Ladder " section of the Helderbergs and several noted caves, besides a number of waterfalls and many bits of beautiful w^ooded scenery. -- INOE.X — « Store E<3ucation Buildtn6 2 ElW's Club ^ 3 Cit-c Hall ■* nrsHurhRran Church 5 Knights of Coiumbos 6 Tentyok Hotel 7 Terr trek Annex. e The Hampton Hotel. 9 Hotel Henmore. w Hotel Stanu>ix. 11 Weeler'3 Hotel. 12 The kVellindton Hotel 13 Hotel Albany. I* Directory Hotel. 15 Borthtuick Hotel. 16 Hotel vfendome 17 Capitol. 18 ArmorY- ijR.R. Stottoo, 20 Recreation Pier. 21 Fort OranAe Club. 22 University Club. 23 Albany Club. 24 Chombcrof Commerce 25 CountyCourtHouse, 26 Court of Appeals. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 222 424 (^ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS