A FAMILY-TEXT BOOK FOR THE COUNTRY ; THE FARMER AT HOME: BEINO A CYCLOPAEDIA OF THE MORE IMPORTANT TOPICS IN MODERN AGRICULTURE, NATURAL HISTORY AND DOMESTIC ECONOMY , ADAPTED TO RURAL LIFE. BY REV. JOHN L BLAKE, D. D. AUTHOR OF FARMER'3 EVERY DAYBOOK; AGRICULTURE FOR SCHOOLS; THE FARM AND IHI FIRESIDE ; FAMILY BNCYCLOPAESIA, A:^ QENBRAL BIDSRAPUICAL DICTIONARY. NEW YORK: A. 0. MOORE, AGRICULTURAL BOOK PUBLISHER, No. 140 FULTON STREET. 1859. \ Entered according to the Act of Congress, in the year 1852, by JOHN L. BLAKE, Li the Cleri's Office of the District Court of the United States for the District of New Jeriey y night on vegetables, and is very fat. Its akin is used for pistol furniture, its flesh makes good bacon, and its hair is used for brushes to soften the shades in painting. BAG-PIPE. A well known wind instrument, mostly used in rural life. It is of high antiquity among the northern nations, and has long been a favorite with the natives of Scotland. It consists of two principal parts ; the first comprises a leather bag, which receives and holds the wind conveyed by a suiall tube, furnished with a valve, to prevent the wind from returning. The second part of the instrument consists of three pipes ; the wind is forced into them by compressing the bag under the arm, while the notes are regulated, as in the flute or hautboy, by stopping and opening the holes, with the ends of the fingers. It is not known when the bag-pipe first made its way into Scotland, but it is probable the Norwegians and Danes first introduced it into the Hebrides. The music is very simple, and yet sweet ; and every traveller remembers it with delight. BAIT. A feed of oats, or any other material given to an animal employed in travelling or labor. It also signifies anything applied with the view of catching an animal ; particularly in angling. BAKING. The art of reducing meal or flour of any kind, or any other substance, into bread. This art, simple and necessary as it may appear, docs not seem to have been discovered till a late period in the history of mankind. The earlier nations knew no other use of their meal than to make of it a kind of porridge. Such was the food of the Roman soldiers for several centuries, or at most their skill proceeded no farther than to knead unleavened dough into biscuits or cakes. Even at present there are many countries where the luxury of bread is unknown. It is said that scarcely any nation lives without bread, or some- thing as a substitute for it. The Laplanders have no corn, but they make bread of their dried fishes, and of the inner rind of the pine, which seems to be used not so much on account of the nourishment to be obtained from it, as for the sake of having a dry food. In Norway they make bread that will keep thirty or forty years, and the inhabi- tants esteem the old and stale bread in preference to that which is newly made. For their great feasts pai-ticular care is taken to have the oldest bread ; so that at the christening of a child, for instance, they have usually bread which has been baked jierhaps at the birth of the father, or even the grandfather. It is made from barley and oats, and baked between two hollow stones. A person whose business i? that of baking and selling bread, is THK FARMER AT HOME. 33 called a baker. The origin of this useful profession is not ascertained, though it is certain that the first public bakers appeared in the East, and passed from Greece to Italy, about the year of Rome 583. Prior to that period, every housewife baked her own bread. By the English statutes, no person exercising the mysteries or sciences of baking, brew- ing, surgery, or writing, shall be deemed a handicraft. Since the year 1155, the tirst-mentioned artisans have foriTied a brotherhood in that country ; though the white bakers were not incorporated till 1407, and the brown bakers until 1621. BANIAN TREE. This is one of the greatest wonders of the vegetable kingdom. For many centuries it continually extends itself; for every branch shoots downward, and, striking into the ground, becomes itself a parent tree, whose branches, in like manner spread. One of them, the Cubeer Burr, had 350 stems, equal to large oaks, and more than 3000 smaller ones, covering space sufficient to shelter 7000 persons. Its branches are crowded with families of monkeys, and with birds of every description, and also with enormous bats, all of which find luxurious subsistence on the rich scarlet figs that grow upon it. The common fig-tree, and the sycamore of Scripture, is of the same species, and the wood of the latter is almost imperishable. BANTAMS. An Indian breed of barn-yard fowls so diminutive in size, as rarely to weigh more than a pound ; and they have been bred so small as not to be much larger than a lark. Small as they are, they are held iir high estimation, both for the beauty of their plumage, and for their utility. The male is a gallant little fellow, of such courage that he will not shrink from measuring his prowess with one of another race, though double of his own size. The hens hy a profusion of eggs, of such excellent quality, that notwithstanding 2* 34 THE FARMER AT HOME. their inferior dimensions, their efiect in pastry, is thought by many, to equal those of the Dorking fowl. BAOBAB, or BAHOBAB. The name of a huge tree which grows on the west coast of Africa, from the Niger to the kingdom of Benin. The circumference of its trunk is generally between seventy and eighty feet, though the height of the trunk seldom exceeds twelve feet. The branches, which are remarkably thick, shoot out horizon- tally to the length of hfty or sixty feet, and their extremities, being bent to the ground by their own weight, they form a hemispherical mass of foliage, about one hundred and thirty feet in diameter. The decayed trunks of the Baobab are hollowed out into burying-places by the negroes, for their poets and musicians. The bodies are thus pi'eserved perfectly dry, and resist putrefaction as if they had been embalmed. BARILLA. A plant, whose salts are used in manufacturing glass. When this plant is grown to its pitch, it is cut down, and let dry ; afterwards it is burnt and calcined in pits, like lime kilns, dug in the ground for that purpose ; which are closely covered up with earth, so that no air may come at the fire. The matter, by these means, is not reduced into ashes only, but is made into a very hard stone, like rock salt, which must be broken with hammers to get it out. BARK. Li the anatomy of plants, the exterior part of trees, corresponding to the skin of an animal. As animals are furnished with a imnnicidua adiposus, usually replete with iat, which invests and covers all the fleshy parts, and screens them from external cold ; so plants are encompassed with a bark replete with fatty juices, by means whereof the cold is kept out. and, in winter time, the spicules of ice prevented from fixing and freezing the juices in the vessel ; whence it is, that some sorts of trees remain evergreen the year round, by reason their barks containing more oil, than can be spent and exhaled by the sun. It appears that trees stripped of their bark in the time of their sap, and sutiered to die, afford heavier timber, more uniformly dense, stronger, and fitter for service, than if the trees had been cut down in their healthy state. BARK-BREAD. Is a species of bread which the Laplanders prepare from the inner bark of pine trees. For this purpose the most lofty and clearest branches are selected, the scaly bark taken oft, and the succulent white alburnum is collected^ dried on coals till it is friable, when it is pulverized, kneaded wnth water into cakes, baked in an oven, and eaten as bread. In Siberia, when the ermine hunters find their ferment, with which they make their quass, destroyed by the cold, they digest the inner bark of the pine with w^ater over a fire for an hour, mix it with rye meal, bury the dough in the snow, and after twelve hours find the ferment ready prepared in the sediment. BARLEY. One of the most common cultivated grains, in use from time immemorial, and extensively cultivated in modern times. THE FARMER AT HOME. 35 It has a thick spike, with long arms attached to the kernel. It is divided into several kinds ; of which the most common are the long- eared, or two-rowed harley, the square or six-rowed, and sprat or battle-door barley. The six-rowed is most commonly cultivated in the north of England and Scotland, having the reputation of being die hardiest plant. In this country the long-eared or two-rowed has usually obtained the preference ; producing a whiter, fairer grain, and emutting less than other kinds. Barley, in this country, is principall) used for malting ; in other countries it is extensively used for bread, and for feeding cattle. Barley has met with little favor in this country, as food for horses, but there is nothing improper in the grain, as is evident from the fact, that barley is almost the only grain given to horses in the east, where the best and finest horses are found. The difiiculty lies in the mode of feeding. Barley is one of the best substitutes for corn in making pork. It requires a rich soil, rather moist and dry ; and the ground sho-uld be made fine before the seed is sown. From two to two and a half bushels of seed per acre, is the usual quantity allowed. BARM, or YEAST. Used in the composition of bread, to render it light. When the art of brewing became known, this ingredient, which is much better adapted to the purpose than any thing previously used, was discovered. It is the spume which arises on the surface of the beer in fermentation. BAROMETER. A machine for ascertaining the weight of the itmosphere, in order chiefly to determine the changes of the weather; ilence usually termed a weather-glass. It consists, generally of a glass tube, somewhat more than thirty-one inches in length. It is filled with quicksilver and immersed in a small basin of the same metal, the immersion being so made, that no air can ascend to the upper part of the tube ; hence the small space above the quicksilver is usually a complete vacuum, and hence the ease with which the metal moves up and down in the tube, according as the atmosphere presses upon the quicksilver in the basin. The usual range of the barometer in this country is from twenty-eight to thirty-one inches ; at twenty-eight the air is lightest ; at thirty-one heaviest. Of course when the air is light, the vapors which are suspended in it when it is heavy, must fall to the ground. When high winds blow, the quick- silver is generally low ; it rises higher in cold weather than in warm ; and is also higher at morning and evening than at mid-day. In hard frosts the air is purest and heaviest, the barometer then being at its highest point. The changes in the height of the column of m.ercury, preceding or during changes of the weather, have given great value to this instru- ment, and obtained for it, among common people, the name oi weather- glass, as foretelling the weather. It is a most valuable instrument at sea ; its rapid fall previous to violent storms, putting the mariner gg THE FAnMER. AT HOME. on his guard, and since its use has been understood, has been the means of saving many valuable vessels and lives annually. It might be of essential s:?rvice to farmers ; but, as yet has not received from them the attention it deserves, as connected with metereology, a science in which they are so much interested. BASIN. A term in geology, used to designate a section of country converging to a point lower than the remainder, which part is most usually occupied by lakes, swamps, or rivers. Thus we speak of the basin of the Hudson north of the Highlands, that of the Mohawk above Little Falls, or the basins of Lake Erie and Lake Ontario. The best defined basins of Europe are those of London and Paris. The first of these basins is a bed of clay, in some places 700 feet in thickness. The basin of Paris is formed of chalk, alternating with limestone, marls, and gypsum. BAZAAR.. Among the Turks and Persians, an exchange, mar- ket-place, or place where goods are exposed to sale. The word is of Arabic origin. Some bazaars are open, others are covered with lofty ceilings or domes, pierced to give light. At the bazaars, or in the neighborhood of them, are the coflee houses, so much frequented in Turkey, Persia, and other places in the East, and, as the Orientals live almost entirely out of doors, the bazaars of populous cities, besides their mercantile importance, are of consequence as places of social intercourse. The bazaar of Ispahan is one of the finest places in Persia. That of Tauris is the largest known, and will contain 30,000 men. At Constantinople are two bazaars. In the Oriental tales, for instance, in the Arabian Nights, the bazaars occupy a conspicuous place. Since the system of credit is almost entirely unknown in Eastern trade, and all commercial transactions lake place in merchandise and money, the places where this merchandise is brought and changed from one to another are, of course, very much frequented. BEAN. A vegetable, the seed of which is used for food. Among the ancients, many prohibitions were uttered against them by various teachers. The reasons upon which they were thus interdicted, are not clearly understood by the moderns. The precept of Pythagoras, "Abstain from beans," has been variously interpreted. It is gene- rally supposed to have some hidden meaning. Beans were used ia balloting for public offices ; and hence some have imagined, that Pythagoras, in reality, charged his disciples not to meddle with the affairs of the state. For whatever reason, beans appear to have been held by several nations in aversion, and even abhorrence. Cicero suggests, that they are unfavorable to tranquility of mind. BEE, or APIS. A genus of interesting insects. A hive consists of a queen, several hundred drones, and from ten to twenty thousand workers. The body of the queen is considerably larger than that of the others. The government is a regular monarchy, and if there THE FARMER AT HOME. 37 Bhould be two queens, they fight till one has killed the other. The qneen is an object ot" incessant solicitude and attention to the other bees ; she lays eighty thousand eggs in a season ; the drones do noth- ing, but after living three months they are killed by the workers. These collect honey and wax Irom the nectaria of flowers, bread from the pollen, and resin for their combs. \Mj^ Queen. Worker. Drone. Bees finish a comb in a short time ; it is composed of six-sided cells, arranged in two layers with opposite openings, so constructed as to afford the greatest space with the least material, and the whole is geometrically perfect. It is a wonderful system ; and the workers are so much engaged in their own industrious pursuits, that they never attack or sting except when assaulted or endangered. An admirable and very profitable system of preserving them, instead of barbarously suffocating them with sulphur, has lately been introduced, and cannot be too much commended and encouraged. BEEF. Of all kinds of animal food used, it is believed there is none finer flavored, more easily digested, or more nutritious than beef; certainly there is none more universally used as an article of human sustenance. To have beef in perfection, it is necessary that the animal should be well fed, and, if salted, that the pickle should be carefully made, containing salt enough to harden the lean to the color of maho- gany. Dried beef, properly prepared, is an excellent article, and one which should be found among the stores of every farmer. In the tropi- cal regions beef is preserved by being cut, as soon as killed, into thin slices, and thoroughly dried in the sun. Such beef, in the language of the country, is called jerked beef. In some parts of the world, particu- larly in Abyssinia, beef is eaten raw. At a feast, the animal is tied to the door post, and the flesh is cut from the living beast, being served to the guests, the muscles still quivering with life, and the more distinct this action, the more highly is the flesh esteemed. BEER. A liquor produced by brewing together malt, hops, and water, and when properly made, is a nourishing and wholesome drink. Beer is, however, like most of the other liquors of commerce and trade, adulterated to a great extent, by the introduction of ingre- dients of a cheaper nature than malt or hops, if not absolutely poison- Dus in their effects upon the system. The quantity of beer consumed by the English laborers is incredible, especially during harvest, when 88 THE FARMER AT HOME. it is provided by the employer. The greater part o/ the barley groM'n in this country, as well as in England, is made into beer, though the establishments for the manufacture here are on a small scale, com- pared with the magnificent and expensive ones of that country. If the good old home-brewed beer, from malt and hops, could be substi- tuted for strong beer, or whiskey and rum, among the classes that con- sume the most of these drinks, the health and morals of the country would receive a decided improvement. BERKSHIRE HOG. BERKSHIRE HOGS. This breed of swine has been generally considered to be one of the best in England, on account of its small- ness of bone, early maturity, aptitude to fatten on little food, hardi- hood, and the females being such good breeders. Those of the pure original breed have been known to attain an immense size, and weigh from eight to ten hundred pounds. One bred at Petworth measured seven feet seven inches from the tip of his snout to the root of his tail, and seven feet ten inches in girth round the centre ; five feet round the neck, ten inches round the thinnest part of his hind leg, and two feet across the widest part of his back. He stood three feet nine inches high ; and, what was most remarkable in this monstrous hog, he did not consume more than two bushels and six gallons of ground oats, peas, and barley, per week. BEET. A common vegetable, of which there are several varieties, such as the common beet of our gardens, the mangel wurtzel, or field beet, cultivated for cattle, and the vhite Siberian beet, grown pr'nci- THE FARMER AT HOME. 39 pally for the sugar manufacture. The mangel wurtzel is a valuable root, producing heavy crops, and being excellent food for sheep, fatten- ing animals, and for milk cows. It requires a rich loam. The manu- facture of sugar from beets, in its most improved state, consists in slicing the roots thin after they are well washed, drying them thoroughly in ovens, grinding them to powder, and then, by putting this powder into water, dissolving the sugar, while the fibre and the mucilage, which rendered the crystallization difficult, remains unchanged, and is sepa- rated from the sweet solution by straining. This is then evaporated, and the syrup chrystallized in the usual manner. Beets thus treated yield from eight to ten per cent. For cooking, medium-sized beets are to be preferred, as they are found to be sweeter, and less fibrous than those of larger size. Unlike most other roots, beets are fit for use as soon as they attain a sufficient size ; but they do not attain their full perfection till October, and when wanted for winter use, should stand as long as consistent with safety from frost. BETEL. Is the leaf of a climbing East Indian plant, which belongs to the same tribe as pepper, and, in shape and appearance, is not much unlike ivy, but is more tender and full of juice. There is an almost incredible consumption of betel throughout India, and other parts of the East. The inhabitants chew it almost incessantly, and in Buch a quantity that their lips become quite red, and their teeth black — a color greatly preferred by them to the whiteness which the Europeans and Americans so much affect. They carry it, in little white boxes, about their persons, and present it to each other, by way of compliment and civility, in the same manner as we do snuff. This is done by the women as well as by the men ; and it would be considered an offence, if those, tc whom it is ofTei'ed should refuse to except of and chew it. The leaves are sometimes used alone, but much more commonly when covered with a kind of lime made of sea- shell, and wrapped around slices of the ai'eca nut, the fruit of the areca palm, of the size of a small egg, and resembling a nutmeg de- prived of its husk. BIENNIAL. Any thing that continues or endures two years. This term is usually applied to plants that grow one year and flower the next, after which they perish. They only differ from annuals in requiring a longer period for the maturity of fruiter seed. Most bien- nials, if sown early in the spring will flourish in the autumn, and then die, thus actually becoming annuals. BIRD'S NEST. In China and some other countries adjacent to it, the nest of a small swallow is delicately tasted, and is mixed with soups. This nest is found in the rocks ; it is of the hemispherical figure, of the size of a goose egg, and in substance resembles isinglass. In the East the.se nests are esteemed a great luxury, and sell at very high prices. BISON. A quadruped o~ the bovine genius, usually, but improp- 40 THE FARMER AT HOME. erly called the buffalo. Tlje proper buffalo is a distinct species, peculiar to the warmer climates of the Eastern Continent. The bison is a wild animal, with short, black, round horns, with great intervals between their bases. On the shoulders is a large hunch, con- sisting of a fleshy substance. The head and hunch are covered with a long undulated fleece, of a rust-color, divided into locks. In win- ter, the whole body is covered in this manner ; but, in summer, the hind part of the body is naked, and Avrinkled. The tail is about a foot long, naked except a tuft of hairs at the end. The fore parts of the body are very thick and strong ; The hind parts slender and weak. These anim.als inhabit the interior parts of North America, and some of the mountainous parts of E urope and Asia. BISON. BISSEXTILE. Every fourth year is called bissextile, or leap- year, in which a day is added to the month of February, on account of the excess of six hours, which the civil year contains, above 365 days. This excess is eleven minutes and three seconds too much ; that is, it exceeds the real year, or annual revolution of the earth. Hence, at the end of every century divisible by four, it is necessary to retain the bis- sextile day, and to suppress it at the end of those centuries which are not divisible by four. Thus 1600 and 2000 are leap-years; but 1700, 1800, and 1900, are common years of 365 days. With this mode of computation it will require a period of nearly 5000 years in order to produce a difference of a single day between the civil and the tropical year. BITUMENS. Oily matters, of a strong acrid smell, and of differ- ent consistencies. Bitumens are combustible, solid, soft, or fluid sub- stances, whose smell is strong, acrid or aromatic. They are found either in the internal part of the earth, or exuding through the clefts of rocks, or floating on the surface of waters. Like oils, they burn with a THE FARMER AT HOME. 42 rapid flame. Natural historians have divided them into several genera ; but modern chemists arrange them according to their chem- ical properties, and are only acquainted with six species, which are very distinct from each other : these are, amber, asphaltos, jet, pit coal, ambergris, and petroleum. BLACK. Something opaque and porous, that imbibes the great- est part of the light that falls on it, reflects little or none, and there- fore exhibits no color. Bodies of a black color are found more inflam- mable, because the rays of light falling on them are not reflected out- wards, but enter the body and are often reflected and refracted within it, till they are stifled and lost. Black substances are generally found to be lighter than white, being more porous ; clothes dyed of this color wear out faster than those of any other, from the quantity of vitriol necessary to strike the dye. BLx\ST. A disease of plants, to which by different writers has been given the name of blight, blast, and mildew. The latter, how- ever, is evidently a distinct disease, and produced by difl'erent causes. Blast or blight has been divided into several varieties, aflecting plants in different ways, and with varying intensity. Among these may be mentioned blight originating from cold. The north or easterly winds of spring often produce this, by freezing the tender shoots, or by re- tarding the flow of the juices. Thus the young fruits are deprived of their nourishment, and fall from the stem. Blast or blight from sultry wet weather, originating contagious diseases of plants, is another of the forms noted, and mildew sometimes seems to result from this cause. The blight which sometimes strikes the grain of whole districts, v/ould seem to be owing to atmospheric causes thus generated, since the disease appears to follow, and be governed by the course of winds. Blast from the want of nourishment, is another form, but of which the cause is usually obvious. Impoverished land, too great quantities of seed, or injudicious culture, may produce this blight ; but in this coun- try, it is oltener observed as the effect of drought. Blast from fungi is the kind of blight which attacks grain also, and which has been erroneously attributed to particular plants, as the barberry bush, since the fungi on the leaves of this plant, and those that cause the blight in wheat, are clearly distinct. BLASTING OF rocks. The process of blasting rocks, or stones, consists in boring a cylindrical hole, about ten or twelve inches deep, in the rock, by means of a chisel for th^t purpose. The lower part of this hole is filled with gunpowder. The upper part of the hole is then filled up with fragments of stone, firmly rammed together ; a hole being left through these materials, by the insertion of an iron rod, which is turned round during the operation of ramming. This hole is next filled with powdar, and a match is applied to it in such a manner, that the operator has timf to run out of the reach of the 42 THE FARMER AT HOME. a mann ir, that the operator has time to run out of the reach of the fragments of the rock. This process, which is hoth tedious and dangerous, is now abandon- ed for one which is more simple and eflectual, and which consists merely in introducing a straw, filled with gunpowder, among the powder at the bottom of the cylindrical hole in the rock, and filling the rest of the cylindrical hole witl loose sand. By applying a match to the gunpowder in the straw, an explosion takes place ; and, instead of the loose sand being driven out of the cylindrical hole, as might naturally be expected, the rock is completely shivered in pieces. Mr. Jessop tried the experimep.t with great success on some of the hard rocks at Fort William, and also on the lime works at Bristol. BLINDNESS. No animal is so subject to blindness as the horse, and in most cases it can clearly be traced to the treatment they receive. Severe drawing in the harness, or racing, either on the course or otherwise, will not unfrequently produce blindness, some- times temporary, but often permanent. An examination of the pupils of the eye, will most usually enable an observer to determine whether there is blindness or not. If the pupils, when exposed to light after being in a dark stable, contract, the horse is not blind ; if they con- tract unequally, or one not at all, then the vision is imperfect, or gone in one of the eyes. The hand placed close over the eye for a few minutes, so as to render the eye dark, will show the dilation or con- traction of the pupil, when no other convenient means of excluding light are at hand. A horse, blind with both eyes, will usually have his ears in constant motion, directing them in quick succession to every quarter, relying on hearing rather than sight ; and, he will lift his feet high, as if he were stepping over some obstacle, when there is actually nothing in the way. BLOOD. The circulating fluid of animal bodies, and by means of which the functions of nutrition and life are carried on. Blood is usually divided into arterial blood, which is that given by the lungs to the heart, and by that thrown into the arteries of the system, and the venous blood, which is returned to the lungs through the veins from the surface and extremities. The venous blood is of a dark purple hue when passed into the lungs, and it leaves them of a rich vermilion color. This change is efiected by the absorption, while in the lungs, of oxygen, from the atmospheric air with which they are filled in breathing. Blood is of much use in some of the manufacturing processes, some valuable coloring pigments being derived from it. From the large quantities of albumen it contains, it is the principal ingredient in free- ing sugar or rnolass3S from its iin])urities. previous to the conversion into lump and loaf sugar. Blood is found to be one of the most powerful manures when applied to tho ground, and large quantities of it, mixed with other materials, are o) tained from the slaughter- THE FARMER AT HOME. 43 houses of our principal cities, and appropriated to this purpose. When animals are attacked with lever, one of the surest remedies is bleeding, either local or general, as the cause may demand. In a fluid of such importance as the blood, it will readily be inferred that many material changes are constantly going on, both of a physical and chemical kind, so as to modify constitutional tempera- ments, regulate the condition of health, and influence morbid aflec- tions ; these changes, however, have not hitlierto been ascertained with anything like a precision sufBcient to authorize inferences as to the coimection of such and such variations with such and such mala- dies. Indeed the seemingly innoxious nature of the blood, while the frame is under the influence of the most noxious poisons, is a striking fact in the animal economy. It has, for example, been ascei'tained that the flesh and the blood of an animal that is laboring under hydrophobia, and which animal, by its saliva, is capable of innocu- lating another with the specific disease, may be eaten with impunity. Again, puncture the veins of an individual who is the subject of small-pox, take blood from that subject, and mix it with the blood of another, you will not by this process impart the sickness ; an imparta- tion which every one knows to be efi'ected with facility by a very minute portion of the matter taken from the pustules that charac- terize the disorder. BLOSSOM. The opening of flowers in general. It is a term applicable to every species of tree or plant, and more frequently used than flower or bloom, when we have reference to the fruit which is to succeed. Thus, we s,a.y Jiotvers, when we speak of shrubs cultivated for ornament ; and we say bloom, in a more general s«ns« in reference to the beauty of flowers. BLUBBER. Is the fat of whales, and other large sea animals, whereof train oil is made. It is properly the adeps of the animal ; it lies immediately under the skin, and over the muscular flesh. In the porpoise, it is firm and full of fibres, and invests the body about an inch thick. The whole quantity yielded by one of those animals ordi- narily amoimts to forty or fifty, sometimes eighty hundred weight, or even more. BOA. The negro name of a great tree that grows in some of the parched districts of Africa, and in a wonderfial manner furnishes sup- plies of water. The trunk of this tree, which is of a prodigious bulk, is naturally hollow like a cistern. In the rainy season it receives its fill of water, which continues fresh and cool in the greatest heats, by means of the tufted foliage which crowns its summit. Another man- ner in which Providence has contrived a supply for the thirst of man, in sultry places, is no less worthy of admiration. Nature has placed amidst the burning sands of Africa, a plant, whose leaf, twisted rovuid like a cruet, is always filled with the quantity of a large glass full of 44 THE FARMER AT HOMS, fresh water : the gullet of this cruet is shut by the extremity of the leaf itself, so as to pi-eveut the water from evaporating. BOG. A swampy piece of ground, usually containing large quan- tities of vegetable matter, frequently of the nature of a quagmire, and with tufts of coarse grass mingled with aquatic plants spread over its surface, is in Europe, and also in this country, termed a bog. Such pieces of amphibious soil are not common in the United States, but in Scotland and Ireland, a very considerable portion of the surface is occupied by such non-productive lands. Where bogs exist, the only modes of bringing them under culture, are, by draining or covering the surface with tirm earth, and fre juently it is necessary to combine both operations. Draining the land consolidates the surface, and affords opportunity to cut off' the bogs or coarse tufts of grass, and introduce more valuable grasses, if not to submit it to the action of the plough. Where the boggy ground is mostly composed of vegetable matter, it is desirable to incorporate the common earths with the surface, thus giving increased powers of production and greater firmness. Gravel or sand may be carried on when the ground is frozen, if the surface is not hard enough at other times, and by thus uniting draining and the application of earths to impart consistency, such soils, worthless in their natural state, are rendered most valuable and productive. BOILING, or EBULITION. The bubbling up of any fluid. The term is most commonly applied to that bubbling which happens by the application of fire, though that which ensues on the mixture of an acid and alkali is sometimes also distinguished by the same name. Boiling, in general, is occasioned by the discharge of an elastic fluid through that which is said to boil ; and the appearance is the same, whether it is common air, fixed air, or steam that makes its way through the fluid. The boiling of water is proved by Dr. Hamilton, of Dublin, in his Essay on the Ascent of Vapor, to be occasioned by the lowermost particles of the water being heated and rarefied into vapor by reason of the vicinity of the bottom of the containing vessel ; in consequence of which, being greatly inferior in specific gravity to the surrounding fluid, they ascend with great velocity, and lacerating and pushing up the body of water in their ascent, give it the tumul- tuous motion called boiling. The degree of heat at which dilTerent fluids boil, is very different. Spirits boil at the lowest temperature, pure water next ; at a still higher temperature, the firod oils. The degree of heat at which a fluid boils, is called its boiling point. This is used as one of the fixed points in the graduation of thermometers. Ether may be made to boil at the common temperature, by merely exhausting the air from the vessel in which it is contained. BOLTON GREY HENS. One of the varieties of the Hamburg fowls is known by this name. The breed is much esteemed. It is handsome, active, ani valuable for eggs as well as the richness of its THE FARMER AT HOME. 45 meat. It is known in various parts of England, sometimes under other names — to wit, the Coral, the Creole, and the Pencilled Dutch. In some sections of that country it is more highly esteemed than any other fowl. In Pennsylvania it is called the Creole, and is much admired. Where a small number only is kept for family use, the breed has been thought preferable to all others. The weight rarely exceeds six pounds a pair, but when fat, the deficiency of weight is more than made up by the tender and nutritious qualities of the flesh. The comb is generally double or rose comb, though single combs some- times are shown by \he thorough-bred fowls. The legs and feet are of a light blue or leaden color. Their ground color is a silver white, that is marked with black or dark blue, in several parts of the body. The tail in both sexes is darker than the body, and by its form adds much to the beauty of the bird. The best specimens of Bolton Greys are noted for their fecundity. Some hens will lay daily, for several mouths in succession, without evincing any desire to sit ; but they are not all so prolific. They vary in this respect.just as cows of a particular breed vary in their milking qualities, or the members of a family in their dispositions and habits. The general character of the variety may be good, but it has numerous exceptions. Taken altogether, however, we do not know of any fowl which is more likely to give satisfaction to the common breeder — attractive in its appearance, and, perhaps, as profitable as any. BOLTON GREY HENS. FiONE. The frame-work of animals, constituting the skeleton, la called bone, and is composed of several ingredients, the principal one of which is the earth called the phosphate of lime. This material 16 THE Farmer at homs. appears to have Veen selected for this purpose, as forming much hardei compounds with animal membrane than the carbonate, which is used in the composition of shells. The harder and more solid the bone, the greater the proportion of the phosphate : thus the bony portions of the ear are very hard, and they consist almost wholly of the phos- phate. The long part of the teeth contains considerable carbonate, but the enamel, or cutting parts, which sometimes approaches to the hardness of steel, is nearly pure phosphate. The composition of bone can be determined by fire, or more accurately by acids ; and they are found to consist of phosphate of lime, a small quantity of carbonate lime, the whole cemented together by a strong, elastic animal mem- brane, to which is added oil, of which the principal depository is the interior of the bone. The use of bone dust, or bones reduced to powder by grinding, has introduced, a new era in agriculture in some parts of the world. Crushed bones were first extensively introduced as a manure in the counties of Lincoln and York about the beginning of the present cen- tury, and they are now considered the best and most efficacious appli- cation that can be made to the soil. It has been estimated that by extending the growth of the turnip crop to districts where it was not before grown, and thus increasing the means of raising cattle and sheep, and through these, indirectly, the culture of wheat and barley, the means of subsistence in England has been increased one-fifth. The experience of farmers who have used this manure, shows that it succeeds best on light, dry, calcareous loams, or in general on any soils that are dry, and do not contain too much alumine. The finer the dust, the more rapid is the action, while as a matter of course, that which is not so fine, is the most durable in its effects. Twelve bushels per acre drilled in, is the usual allowance, but it is sometimes sown broadcast, and the quantity varied from ten to twenty bushels an acre. Where lands are much impoverished, thirty bush- els an acre have been used with success. In our own country the use of bone dust, as a manure, is annually increasing, especially in the neighborhood of large cities, wdiere bones are easily collected, and where mills for reducing them to powder have been constructed. BOTS. A species of small worms found in the intestines of the horse, is called by this name. A fly deposits its eggs on the knees of the animal, which are sometimes bitten ofi', and then carried to the stomach, Avhere they are hatched. The young bots adhere to the stomach by little hooks, and are nourished by the mucus of the stomach, or the food it contains, until the next spring, or the first of the sum- mer, when, having attained full size in the larvae state, they drop their hold, and are usually carried along with the contents of the stomach, and are voided. They then burrow in the ground, and remain a few weeks in the chrysalis state, when they undergo a more important transformation, and become flies, or perfect insects, pursuing the course TH^ FARMER AT HOME. 47 of their predecessors. This is the course that nature has provided for their propagation; and some contend that hots never injure a horse, but are beneficial. Others thinic that very rarely they injure him. BOTANY. This is the branch of nat\iral history which treats of vegetables, of the dilierent plants, and of the distingui.«hing marks by which each individual species may be known from every other. Or, botany is the science of the structure, functions, properties, habits, and management of plants, and of the technical characters by which they are distinguished. The study of this science is not a tritling employ- ment, undeserving the time and attention bestowed upon it. Our food, our medicine, our lu.\uries are improved by it. By the inquiries of the curious new acquisitions are made in remote countries, and our resources of various kinds are augmented. We find that gardening, the most elegant, and agriculture, the most useful of all arts, are im- proved only in those countries in which botany is made subservient to their advancement. And as knowledge of this science is more gene- rally diflused throughout our country, we may expect to see it more frequently enriched with fields, and adorned with gardens, which, "while they bestow honor on their possessors, shall prove a pleasant recreation to the old, and a useful study to the young. BOTTLE. A name given to certain small vessels, differing in size and form, and composed of diflerent materials. We find them square, circular, and cylindrical ; some with short, and others w^ith long necks. We have bottles of wood, stone, glass, and leather ; all of them used either for ripening or preserving liquors. Common bot- tles are made of a coarse, green-colored glass. When a finer sort is employed, and the exterior of the vessel has been wrapped about with straw or wicket, it gets the name oi Jiask. By this covering, it is rendered less brittle, and is much used by travellers. Glass bottles were unknown to the ancients, at least the knowledge of them has not been traced to a period earlier than the fifteenth century. The country people of Persia never go a journey without carrying by their side a small leathern bottle, in which to keep their water. The Spaniards still use them under the name of Borrachas. They are convenient, likewise, as the best means of preserving other sub- stances, such as butter, cheese, and honey. The manner of preparing them is thus described by Chardiu : •' When the animal is killed, they cut ofTits feet and its head, and draw it in this manner out of the skin, without opening its body. They afterw^ards sevv up the places where the legs were cut ofi', and the tail, and when it is filled they tie it about the neck." It is certain that bottles of skin were universally employed as wine vessels among the ancient Jews. And we may here notice the Abyssinian Girba, though it does not properly rank under the term bottle. It is made of an ox's skin, squared and stitched together so closely as to be water tight, and will contain about sixty gallons. 48 THE I'-ARiMER AT HOME. BOW. A well known ofiensive weapon, which has been used in war and hunting from times of the most remote antiquity. Although the iuveiition of the bow is, at first sight, extremely obvious and sim- ple, yet the application of a missile body along with it, renders the use of it more complicated. Hence the rudest class of savages are entirely unacquainted wifh its properties, though they possess Aveapons apparently of more difficult construction. The form and substance of the bow have been greatly diversified in different countries ; wood, horn, and steel, have all been succes- sively adopted ; but the first, from convenience, is in most general estimation. In Tartary, Persia, and other eastern regions, bows are manufactured from the horns of the antelope, and beautifully orna- mented. They are sometimes composed of wood and horn, two pieces of equal length beitig applied parallel to each other, bound together by catgut, and then covered with the smooth bark of a tree, which receives suitable decorations, and a coat of varnish. The Laplanders are said to frame their bows of two flat pieces of birch and fir glued together ; and in England the modern bows are constructed of yew or cocoa wood, with a slip of ash, or some other elastic wood glued on the back. BOX TREE. The box tree is a shrubby evergreen tree, twelve or fifteen feet high, which has small, oval, and opposite leaves, and grows wild in several parts of Britain. It has been remarked, that this tree was formerly so common in some parts of England, as to have given name to several places, particularly to Box- hill, in Surrey, and Boxley, in Kent; and in 1815, there were cut down at Box-hill as many trees of this sort as produced upwards of fifty thousand dollars. This tree was much admired by the ancient Romans, and has been cultivated, in later times, on account of its being easily moulded into the forms of animals and other fantastic shapes. The wood is of a yellowish color, close grained, very Jiard and heavy, and admits of a beautiful polish. On these accounts it is much used by turners, by en"-ravers on wood, carvers, and mathematical instrument makers. Flutes and other wind instruments are formed of it ; and furniture, made of box-wood, would be valuable were it not too heavy, as it would not only be very beautiful, but its bitter quality M'ould secure it from the attacks of insects. In France, it is in much demand for combs, knife-handles, and button-moulds ; and it has been stated that the quantity annually sent from Spain to Paris is alone estimated at more than ten thousand livres. An oil distilled from the shavings of box-wood has been found to relieve the toothache, and to be useful in other complaints ; and the powdered leaves destroy worms. BRAIN. The soft substance within the skull. It has been thought probable that the soul is seated in the fluid of the ventricles of the brain. This opinion is drawn from the fact that the organs of vision, hearing, taste, and smell are all at their origin in contact with, and THE FARMER AT HOME. 4g exposed to the action of this fluid ; from the sane taking place in regard to the nerves of touch, and those belonging to the organs of the voice, and the motions of the eyes ; from the impossibility of finding a solid part of the brain nito which the terminations of all the nerves can be traced ; from the nerves of the finest senses, viz: hearing and seeing being most extensively expanded, and most directly in contact with this fluid ; from the preternatural increase of it in the ventricles of rickety children, which may, perhaps, be the cause of their uncom- mon acuteness of mind ; and, finally, from the fact that no animal possesses so capacious and so perfectly organized ventricles as man ; they being in the other mammalia much smaller than in him, still less in birds, least of all in fishes, and absolutely wanting in insects. BREAD. In the earliest antiquity, we find the flour or meal of grain used as food. The inconvenience attending the use of the grain in its natural state, and, perhaps, the accidental observation, that when bruised, and softened in water, it formed a paste, and when dried again a more compact, mealy substance, led, by degrees, to the artificial preparation of bread. Easy as it seems to us, it must have been a long time before it was completely successful. The grain was first bruised between two stones, and, from the meal mixed with milk and water, a dry, tough, and indigestible paste was made into balls. This is yet the chief food of Northern Africa. The Carthagenians, also, eat no bread, and hence were called, in derision, by the Romans, pultiphagi, that is, pottage eaters. The best and most wholesome bread is made in the United States and in France. In England, the flour is adulterated with too many foreign substances, in order to make the bread whiter. In some parts of Sweden, the bread is composed, in part, of the bark of trees in win- ter. In Westphalia, a kind of very coarse, black bread is made, of which the peasants bake one large loaf for the whole Aveek. This is divided for use with small saws. In many parts of Germany, bread is made of grain nearly entire, or but just bruised, which is very coarse, and frequently forms part of the food of horses. Bread is found wherever civilization has extended. The want of bread has often occasioned public commotions, particularly in Paris and ancient Rome. BREAD FRUIT. The fruit of the arto-carpu^, or bread-fruit, appears to have been first discovered to Europeans by the great navigator Dampier. It is indigenous in the islands of the South Sea. The tree is said to be of the size of a large apple tree ; the leaves broad, and of a dark green. The fruit is appended to the boughs in the manner of apples, and of about the size of a pound of bread, in- closed in a tough rind, which, when ripe, turns of a yellow color. The internal part is yellow, 5oft, and sweet. The natives of the countries where it grows, bake it in an oven till the rind is black ; and this being scraped ofif, they eat the inside, which is then white, 3 50 THE FARMER AT HOME. resembling newly baked bread, having neither seed nor stone. If kept in thi? state twenty-four hours, it prows haish. It is said to be very satisfying to tlie stomach, full of nourishment, and therefore, proper for hard working people. It is known at Bantam, by the name of foccum ; and Anson calls the tree rima. It supplies food during three-fourths of the year. BREAD FRUIT. BREECHES. An article of clothing in use even among the Babylonians, and wliich, with them,, were made so as to cover the foot, and supply the place of stockings. In Europe, we find hose first used among the Gauls. In the fifth century, they had become fashionable in Rome ; but the breeches-makers were expelled from the city by an imperial edict, it being considered unworthy of the lords of the world to wear these barbarous investments. The stock- ings were separated from them some centuries since. Sometimes they were worn small, and sometimes large, as the fashion changed In some instances, an immense quantity of clotli was put into them. The poor stulled theirs out with such substances as they could procure Joachim II., Elector of Brandenburg, who had forbidden the wearing of these enormous integuments, made a person, whom he saw with a pair, rip them open, Avheu some bushels of bran fell out of them. Osiander and Musculus raised their voices against this preposterous fashion. The modern breeches were first introduced during 'he reign of Louis XIV. BREEDING-. A term applied to the improvement of animals by crosses, or breeding from new varieties, by Avhich new and superior kinds are obtained, and any desirable quality, whether of size, pro- pensity to fatten, or for milk, secured. It is only within the last half century, that the business of breeding has received the attention it deserves; and the astonishing improvement made in the animals of those countries where it is best understood and practiced, shows that THE FARMER AT HOME jl few steps in reducing agriculture to a science, have been attended ■with happier consequences. Such has been the result in England and Scotland, that the average individual weight of the immense numbers of caltle and sheep nowannually slaughtered at Smithfield, is nearly or quite one-half greater than it was at the time the first efiorts at improvement by breeding commenced. Of the many who distinet long. The interior of the leaf is used like hemp and flax for cordage ; the fruit, lying towards the top of the trunk, under the leaves, is in thin snowy flakes, sweeter than the almond ; the pith produces a kind of sago, and the nuts, called areca nuts, yield oil by decoction. In short, every part of this tree is useful ; it is esteemed one of the most beautiful of trees. CACAO. Chocolate is a kind of cake, or hard paste, the basis of which is the pulp of the cacao, or chocolate-nut, a production of the West Indies and South America. Plantations of cacao are numerous on the banks of the river Magdalena, in South America. They are usually formed in morassy situations, and are sheltered from the intense heat of the sun by larger trees, which are planted in them. There are two principal crops of cacao in the year; the first in June, and the second in December. As soon as the fruit is ripe, it is gathered and cut into slices ; and the nuts, which are, at this time, in a pulpy state, are taken out, and laid in skins, or on leaves to be dried. They have now a sweetish acid taste, and may be eaten like any other fruit. When perfectly dry, they are put into bags, each containing about an hundred weight, and, thus packed, are exported to foreign countries Previously to being formed into chocolate, these nuts are generally roasted or parched over the fire in an iron vessel, after which process their thin external covering is easily separated. The kernel is then pounded in a mortar, and subsequently ground on a smooth, warm stone. Sometimes the arnatto is added ; and with the aid of water the whole is formed into paste. This is put whilst hot, into tin moulds, where in a short time it congeals ; and in this state it is the chocolate of the shops. By the natives of South America, the chocolate nuts are used for food. A white, oily matter, about the consistence of suet, is also obtained by bruising them, and boiling the pulp. The oil is by this means lifjuified, and rises to the surface, where it is left to cool and THE FARMER AT HOME, g3 uongeal, that it may be more easily separated. This, which is called the butter of cacao, is without smell, and, when fresh, has a very mild taste. Its principal use is an ingredient in pomatums. From the nuts, Avhen slightly roasted, an oil is sometimes obtained by pres- sure, which is occasionally u.sed in medicine. CACAO TREE. The tree that produces the chocolate-nut, and is a native of South America. In size and shape, it somewhat resembles a young blacklieart cherry. The flower is of a saflron color, extremely beautiful, and the pods, which in a green state are much like a cucumber, proceed immediately from all parts of the body and larger branches. As they ripen they change their color, and turn to a fine bluish red, a.most purple, with bluish veins The cacao-tree bears two crops a year, yielding at each from ten to twenty pounds weight, according to the soils and seasons. It is a tree of great delicacy : it is obnoxious to blights, and shrinks at the first appearance of drought. CALABASH TREE. The calabash-tree is the production of the "West Indies, and the continent of America, about the heisfht and dimensions of an apple-tree, with crooked, horizontal branches, wedged- shaped leaves, pale white flowers on the trunk and branches, and a roundish fruit, from two inches to a foot in diameter. The uses to which the fruit of the calabash-tree is applied are very numerous. Being covered with a greenish yellow skin, which encloses a thin, hard, and almost woody shell, it is employed for various kinds of domestic vessels, such as water-cans, goblets, and cups of almost every description. So hard and closely-grained are these shells, they may even be put several times on the fire as kettles, when they con- tain some fluid, vi'ithout any injury. When intended for ornamental vessels, they are sometimes highly polished, and have figures engraven on them, which are variously tinged with indigo and other colors. CALCINATION. A term given by chemists to that process by which minerals, when exposed to a certain degree of heat, are deprived of their water ; stones converted into lime ; and metals into calx. A metal never becomes calcined, but when in contact with air : the more extensive this contact, the larger is the quantity of metal which becomes calcined : and Lavoisier has proved, that a given quantity of air can only serve for the calcination of a given quantity of metal. The metal thus calcined is termed a metallic calx. CALCIUM. This is the name of a metal discovered by Sir H. Davy, and constitutes the basis of lime. It is of a silver color, burns with great brilliance when brought in contact with atmospheric air, and absorbs oxygen so rapidly, that it instantly assumes the form of lime. The term calcareous, as applied to earths containing lime is derived from this word ; and in the^form of carbonate of lime, or common limeston .^ there is perhaps no substance more universally 64 THE FARMER AT HOME. diffused, or which acts a more important part in the ecoromy of veg- etation. CALENDAR. A table containing the days, months, festivals, ice, happening in the year. The Roman calendar from which ours is borrowed, was composed by Romulus, who made the year consist of no more than three hundred and sixty-four days. Numa Pompilius made it consist of twelve lunar months of thirty and twenty-niue days alternately, which made three hundred and fifty-foux days; but being fond of an odd number, he added one day more, which made it three hundred and fiity-five days ; and that the civil year might equal the sun's motion, he added a month every second year. Julius Ceesar, as a farther improvement, made the year consist of three hundred and sixty-five days, and left the six hours to form a day, at the end of every fourth year, which was added to the month of February. This calendar was called the Julian or the old Uyle, in contra- distinction of the new &Lijle introduced by Gregory. In 1582, Pope Gregory XIII, finding perplexity to arise in the computation of time, from some errors in the Julian calendar, thought proper to order the formation and adoption of a new style of reckoning. The astrono- mers and mathematicians whom he summoned to Rome for that pur- pose, after spending several years in investigating the subject, and adjusting the principles of another system, produced what has been since called the Grrgorian Calendar. In fornring this method of computation eleven daj's were lopped oil" from the old calendar ; leaving out in the future, one bissextile day every hundred years, and making every four hundredth a leap year. The Gregorian style, thus formed, was soon adopted by all the catholic states ; and in most of the protestant countries, before the commencement of the 18th cen- tury. But it was not until the year 1752, when Britain and her dependencies, by an act of parliament, adopted the nciv style; at the same time, the EcclesiastiaJ year, which had before commenced on the 25th of March, was mads to coincide with the civil year, and ordered, like that, to be computed from the first of January. CALM. In metereology that state of the air and water when there is no wind stirring. A calm is more terrible to a seafaring man than a storm, if he has a strong ship, and sea-room enough ; for under the line, excessive heat sometimes produces such dead calms, that ships are obliged to stay two or three months, without being able to stir one way or the other. Two opposite winds will sometimes make a calm. This is frequently observed in the gulf of Mexico, at no great distance from the shore, where some gust, or land wind, will so poise the general easterly wind, as to produce a perfect calm. Calms are never so great in the ocean as in the Mediterranean, by reason the flux and reflux «f the former keep the water in a con tniual agitation, even where there is no wind ; whereas, there being no tides in the latter, the calm is .sometimes so dead, that the face of THE FARMER AT HO.ME. g3 the waier is as clear as a looking-glass ; but such calms are almost constant presages of an approaching storm. On the coasts about Smyrna, a long calm is reputed a prognostic of an earthquake. CALORIC. Tills name is applied to fire, or the substance which produces the sensation we call heat, but never to the sensation itself, or the efiect produced by fire. Animal heat is preserved chiefly by the inspiration of atmospheric air. If the hand be put upon a hot body, part of the caloric leaves the hot body, and enters the hand ; this produces the sensation of heat. Ou the contrary, if the hand be put upon a cold body, part of the caloric contained in the hand leaves the hand to unite with the cold body ; this produces the sensation of cold. Caloric comes to us from the sun, at the rate of two hundred thousand miles in a second of time. Caloric may be procured by combustion, percu.ssion, friction, the mixture of ditierent substances, and by means of electricity and galvanism. In a latent state, caloric exists in all substances with which we are acquainted ; but it com bines with difierent substances in very different proportions. On agriculture, this agent acts with great efiect, since the soil L cold or hot according as it retains or parts with the caloric it receiv^•u from the sun. Soils that are black or white receive the least benehv from heat ; the black mould, while it acquires heat with rapidity, giving it ofi" still more freely ; and the white soils, owing their color principally to clay that retains moisture very strongly, scarcely feel its influence, the heat being carried off in evaporating the water. The experiments of Rumford and Leslie show, that a vessel covered with lamp-black radiated heat at the rate of one hundred degrees, while one made of bright tin plate, gave out only twelve degrees. Soils in which mould or black earth is properly combined with silex and alumine, Avill retain heat the longest, as the black gives it out to the others instead or radiating it into space. A melon laid on a bed of powdered charcoal, will ripen, when one on common earth will remain green and immature. CALVES. The rearing of calves is an important branch of I'ural economy. The value of the future ox or cow is greatly depend- ing on the treatment the calf receives. The subject is of more conse- quence to the farmer than generally supposed. Where circumstances will permit, allowing the calf to run with the cow and draw its food directly from her, is probably the best method, since it is that of na- ture ; but as the milk for dairy purposes is valuable, breeders have suKstituted many modes of feeding the calf, in which milk is partly dispensed with, some other nutritive substance takmg its place. As a general rule, the calf should be allowed to suck the cow till the milk is good. Some allow them to suck a week or fortnight, according to their strength, but it has been found that where calves are to be takea ofT, the earlier it is done, the better, both for cow and calf each mak- ing less ado at the separation. After removed from the cow, the 66 THE FARMER AT HOME; following mode of feeding calves has been recommended. For the first few meals, new milk ; the next few meals, new milk and skim- med milk mixed together ; then skim nriilk alone, or porridge made of milk, water, meal, and sometimes oil-cake or linseed meal. In the season of making cheese, the whey may be given to them. When fed from the pail, calves require about two gallons daily ; but care must be taken not to give it to them too cold, as it v.'ill cause them to purge. When this is the case, one or two spoonsful of rennet in the milk will be a good remedy. Great regularity should be ob- served in feeding calves, and they should always have sweet grass, or good clover hay on which to nibble at intervals of their more regular food. They are easily taught to eat carrots or turnips, small ears of corn, and indeed almost every thing that is eaten by cattle. And, if the farmer would see them thrive well, he must constantly look to their wants. If in the first year they become stinted, no subsequent efibrt will advance them to the size they might have attained, provid- ed in this period they had been amply fed. CAMEL. The camel is one of the larger quadrupeds, being six or seven feet from the ground to the highest part of the back, and it carries the head when erect about nine feet above the plane of its position. The carcass weighs three or four hundred pounds ; but the size and weio-ht are far from alike in all. The natural abode of this animal is in the warmer climates, and places abounding with sand, where food is scanty, and exposure to long protracted privations are unavoidable ; insomuch that, from the configuration of its foot, diffi- culty is experienced in treading another soil, and in the richer or more fertile countries where attempts have been made for its natural- ization, it grows feeble, languishes, and dies. The motion of the camel is unlike that of most other animals ; both the feet on the same side are successively raised, and not alter- nately like those of the horse. Its pace is naturally slow, and when accelerated, the rider experiences the most severe jolting, which it requires continued practice to endure. Properties which are denied to the greater part of quadrupeds are possessed by the camel, and in their fullest extent converted to the use of mankind. It is docile, patient of labor, and capable of abstinence in a wonderful degree ; it can endure scorching heats with impunity; it feeds on thistles, on the stunted shrubs and withered herbage of the desert, and can pass successive days in total want of water ; thus seeming as if purposely devised by nature for the most cheerless and inhospitable regions. But these properties are improved to a great extent, by tlie mode in which the camel is reared. At the earliest period, the legs are folded under the body, in which position it is constrained to remain. Its back is covered with a carpet, weighed down by a quantify of stones gradually augmented : it receives a scanty portion of food ; it is rarely supplied with water ; and, in this manner, is regularly THE FARMER AT HOME. 67 brought up in. a system of privation. When the time of trial has elapsed, and it is broke into subservience, it kneels at the command of the master, who either mounts it himself or loads it with a heavy burden ; and, trusting to its strength, and the privations it can sutler, he ventures to traverse the trackless desert. The camel annually casts its hair in spring ; and in the space of three days is as bare as a sucking pig. During that interval, the keeper is careful to tar it over, in order to ])reserve it against the annoyance of the ilies. But the color and abundance of hair depend entirely on the particular species of camel, and the climate which it inhabits : that ot the Arabian Camel is thin and whitish ; that of the Bactrian camel thicker and darker colored. From the hair a coarse kind of clothing, almost impermeable by water, is made for camel-drivers and shepherds; and the same commodity, for an analo- gous purpose, is used as M-rappers of merchandise long exposed to wet in heavy rains. But in Persia and the Crimea more valuable marm- iixctures are produced in narrow cloths of diflerent colors, and fine stockings, of M'hich white are the highest priced. It is wrought into drawls, carpets, and coverings for the tents of the Arabs. According to Pallas, the Tartar women of the plains manufacture a kind of warm, soft, and light narrow cloth from the hair of the Bactrian or Tauridan camel, preserving the natural color. The hair of diflerent colors is an article of export from Asia and Africa ; its value is pro- portioned to the fineness and color, that which is black being the dearest As Mahomet the prophet himself rode a camel, it is considered a sacred animal in the east, nor will his votaries at all times admit of its being devoted to the service of Christians. They seldom eat its flesh themselves, not so much from entertaining any scruples on the lawfulness of doing so, as from reluctance to sacrifice an animal so valuable to them ; but where fanaticism prevails, selling it to Chris- tians would be deemed profanation. After the annual pilgrimage to Mecca, the camel which carries the standai'd of Mahomet is ever after- wards exempt from labor, and the Mahometans even believe that it will participate in the pleasures of a future life. CAMELEON. A species of lizard, abounding in some parts of Egypt. This creature, with its tail extended, is about fifteen inches long. Its usual color is of a light green, though it varies its dye according to that of whatever plant or flower the animal rests upon. The cameleon devours prodigious quantities of flies ; but being very slow and inactive, it would be impossible for him to take his prey, had not nature taken care to supply those defects, by a peculiar gift, which he improves with great success : ibr, sitting as if he were inat- tentive to his prey, the unthinking fly uses no caution in approaching him, when of a sudden, he darts out a longue about six inches long ; the end of which is concave, and covered with a glutinous matter, so 68 THE FARMER AT HOME. that is is impossible for the fly to escape destruction. The foregoing description is from Lord Sandwich's voyage. Souini, on the other hand, says, that the changing of color in cameleons, is not to be ascribed to the objects presented to them; and that their difierent affections increase or diminish the inteusity of the tints, which cover, and, as it were, marble their very delicate skin. CANARY BIRD. A native of trie Canary Islands. They havf, a variety of coloring ; some white, some mottled, some beautifullj'' shaded with green ; but they are more esteemed for their song than their beauty, having a high piercing pipe, continuing for sometime in cue breath without intermission, then raising it higher by degrees, with great variety. They are capable of surprising improvement from imitation : the only art necessary with those that have no very fine note, is to breed them up with one of a more melodious voice. A canary bird, in London, was taught to pick up the letters of the alphabet at the word of command, so as to spell any person's name in company ; and this the little animal did by motions from his master, which were imperceptible to every other spectator, CANDLE. This is a long, but small cylindrical body of tallow, wax, or spermaceti, formed on a M'ick composed of linen or cotton threads loosely twisted, and is used for artificial light in dwelling- houses or elswhere. A tallow candle made of the tallow of a bullock and sheep, is considered best ; that made of the fat of hogs, unless chemically prepared, is soft, has an offensive odor, and emits a black smoke. Candles are dipped or moulded ; the former by having the wick successively immersed in melted tallow, and the latter by having the wick confined in a mould, and then having the melted tallow poured on it. The Chinese obtain from the tallow-tree a kind of vegetable fat, with which they make a considerable portion of their candles, which are firmer than those of tallow, and free from all ofiensive odor ; but they are not equal to those of wax, or spermaceti. Cheap candles are also made of tallow, and even of grease of too little consistence to be used, without the contrivance of being coated with the firmer sub- stance of the tallow-tree or of wax. The surface of these candles is sometimes painted red. Their wicks are made of different materials. The candle makers at Munich prepare tallow candles with wooden wicks, which afibrd about the same quantity of light as a wax candle, burn also with great steadiness and uniformity, and never crack or run. CANDLESTICK. A household utensil, contrived to hold one or more lighted candles. Larger and more stately candlesticks, con- trived for holding a great number of candles, are called branches and girandoles, and when made of glass, lustres. The golden candlestick was the richest utensil in the Jewish tabernacle. It was made of solid gold, and weighed a ta ent; and, according to Cumberland, the THK FARMER AT HOME. ' (39 value of it, exclusive of the workmanship, was £5076. It contained seven lights, six brai. ching out in three parts on each side of the upright stem, and one on the top of it. Each branch was adorned with cups, knots, and flowers, alternate and equidistant ; and on the top of each Avas fixed a lamp, in form of an almond, which might be put on or taken off occasionally; and in these were put the oil and the wick, or the cotton, which was drawn in or out by tongs or snuflers ; under them were snufl-dishes for receiving the sparks, or refuse of tlie oil that fell from the lamps. This candlestick was placed in the ante-chamber of the sanctuary, on the south side, and served to illu- minate the altar of perfume, and the tabernacle of the show-bread : and it was the business of the priest to light the lamps every evening, at the time of incense, and to extinguish them at the same time every morning. In Solomon's temple there were ten golden candlesticks of the same form with that described by Moses ; five on the north, and five on the south side of the holy place. But after the Babylonish cap- tivity, the golden candlestick was placed in the temple, as it had been before in the tabernacle of Moses ; and when the temple was destroyed, it -was deposited in the Temple of Peace, built by Vespasian ; and the representation of it still remains on the triumphal arch, at the foot of Mount Palestine, on which Vespasian's triumph is delineated. CANE. A kind of strong Indian reed, used for walking sticks ; also the plant which yields the sugar, and grows freely in the East and West Indies, and parts of North and South America. The skin of the sugar-cane is soft, and the spongy matter or pith it contains, very juicy. It is now extensively cultivated in Louisiana, Alabama, and some of the other southern States of the American Union. It has become an important branch of our rural economy. CANOE. The term generally used to designate the small vessels which uncivilized people, living near the water, use. In the East Indies, there is a kind of boat which goes by this name, sometimes from forty to fifty feet long, and five or six broad. The North American Indians generally impel their canoes Math paddles, which have a very large blade, and are managed perpendicularly. The canoes of Canada are of the most fragile texture, and of so little \\ eight, that, in passing from one river to another, the boatmen carry them on their heads across the portages. They are mostly covered with bark, the pieces of wliick are sewed together with a kind of grass. This bark is generally not more than a quarter of an inch in thickness ; yet in these frail vessels, the Indians and Canadians do not hesitate to descend very dangerous rapids. The Esquimaux were exceedingly dexterous in the manage- ment of their canoes. These consist of a light, wooden frame, covered with seal-skins, sewed together with sinews. The skins are not only extended round the bottom and sides, but likewise over the top, terming 70 THE FARMER AT HOME. a complete deck, and having only one opening to admit the Indian to his seat. The Greenlandeis and Esquimaux r^e the same kind of canoes, and it is astonishing, when we consider their insignificant construction, at what a distance from the regions they commonly inhabit, these people, especially the former, are found in them. CAP. A garment serving to cover the head, and made nearly of its figure. The era of caps and hats is referred to the year 1449, the first seen in Europe being at the entry of Charles VII. into Rouen; from that time they began, by little and little, to take place of the hoods or chaperons, that had been used till that period. The Romans wore many ages without any regular covering for the head : when either the rain or sun was troublesome, the lappet of the gown was thrown over the head ; and hence it is that all the ancient statues appear bareheaded, excepting sometimes a wreath, or the like. And the same usage obtained among the Greeks, where, at least during the heroic age, no caps were known. The cap was the head-dress of the clergy and graduates. The giving of the cap to the students in the universities, was to denote that they had acquired full liberty, and were no longer subject to the rod of their superiors, in imitation of the ancient Romans, who gave a pileus or cap to their slaves in the ceremony of making them free. Hence, also, on medals the cap is the symbol of Liberty, whom they represent holding a cap in her right hand by the point. When this cap was exposed to the view of the people on the top of a spear, as in the case of the conspiracy which had occasioned the death of Csesar, it was intended as a public invitation to the people to embrace the liberty that was offered to them by the destruction of their tyrant. This thought of the conspirators on occasion of this event, was not new ; for Saturnius, in his sedition, when he had possessed himself of the Capitol, exalted a cap on the top of a spear, as a token of liberty to all the slaves who would join with him ; and though Marius, in his sixth consulship, destroyed him for that act, by a decree of the senate, yet he himself used the same expedient afterwards to invite the slaves to take arms with him against Sylla, who was marching with his army into the city to attack him. The Chinese have not the use of the hat, like us, but wear a cap of a peculiar structure, which the laws of civility will not allow them to put off: it is diflerent for the different seasons of the year; that used in summer, is in form of a cone, ending at the top in a point. It is made of a very beautiful kind of mat, much valued in that coun- try, and lined with satin : to this is added, at top, a large lock of red silk, which falls all round as low as the bottom ; so that in walking, the silk, fluctuating regularly on all sides, makes a graceful appear- ance : sometimes in.stead of silk, they use a kind of bright red hair, the lustre whereof no weathe» effaces. In winter they wear a kind of plush cap, bordered with martlet's or fox's skin ; as to the rest, like THE FARMER AT HOME. 7I those for the summer. Nothing can be neater than these caps ; they are frequently sold for eight or ten crowns ; but they are so shoit that the ears are exposed. CARBON. Charcoal is a word often employed synonymously with carbon : but, although charcoal is the form under which carbon most commonly occurs, yet it is in this form mixed with several extraneous ingredients. The diamond was concluded, by Guyton Morveau, to be the only form of pure carbon ; but the experiments of Allen and Pepys have tended to show that these hard substances, although so widely different in external character and appearance, are chemically the same; the difference between them seeming to result from the different state of aggregation of their particles It further seems that the diamond is absolutely free from both water and hydrogen ; and it is in ihis particular, as well as in the mode by which its particles are aggregated, that the difference seems to obtain between charcoal and the diamond. Diamond converts iron into steel; which power is likewise characteristic of charcoal. Charcoal appears to be the same substance from whatever wood it is procured, but it is usually made upon a large scale from oak, chestnut, elm, beech, or ash wood. Lampblack may be regarded as a very pure carbon, after it has been heated red-hot in a very close vessel. This is prepared by causing the dense smoke, arising from refuse resin burnt in a furnace, to be collected. Carbon forms the base of all wood, and consequently of all trees and plants, and is, therefore, one of the most important principles ol nature. To the farmer it is one of peculiar interest. Plants, how- ever, never take up the minutest particle of carbon while in that state, if ever so finely reduced. By a wise provision of Providence, an inexhaustible reservoir of carbonic acid gas, carbon converted into air, is found in the atmosphere, which readily combines with water, and in that state is taken up by the roots for the support of the plant. The leaves of trees also perform a species of respiration, by whiclr car- bonic acid gas is taken into the plant during one-half of the day, to be decomposed by the solar rays; and, while the carbon is retained, the oxj'gen is set free, and thrown off by the plant to purify the air. CARIOLE. A name given by the Canadians to a sledge, by which they transport themselves over the snow, from place to place, in the most agreeable manner, and with a degree of celerity that ap- pears almost incredible ; for with the same horse, it is possible to go eighty miles in a day, so light is the draught of one of these carriages, and so favorable is the snow to the feet of the horse. This cariole will hold two persons and a driver, and is usually drawn by one horse. Its shape is varied according to the fancy and taste of the owner. CARMINE. The most splendid of all red colors is made from the cochineal insect. It is deposited from a decoction of powdered cochineal in water, to which alum, carbonate of soda, or oxyde of tin, 72 THE FARMER AT HOME. is added. As the beauty of this valuable color is afiected, not only by the mode of appljing it, but also by the quantity of the ingredients mixed with it, we find various recipes for the preparation of it. The manufacturers which prepare the best carmine carefully conceal the method. The best natural cochineal is formed in Mexico. CARNIVOROUS. An epithet generally applied to animals of every description, that subsist for the most part or entirely on animal food. In a more limited sense we understand by carnivorous animals, those only of a savage and voracious nature, assimilating in our ideas some instinctive ferocity of character in the manners of those creatures when seeking and attacking their prey, as well as actually feeding on flesb. We naturally consider, for this reason, among the principal carnivorous animals, the lion, the tiger, and the wolf; or among birds, the eagle, and the kite, with a host of other rapaoious crea- tures, upon which nature has bestowed pre-eminent advantages of courage, strength, and arms to aid them in seizing upon, and tearing into pieces, those animals on Avhich they feed ; they have either for- midable cairine teeth or fangs ; claws, or talons ; the quadrupeds pos- sessing both, and the birds the latter; fishes with very few exceptions are carnivorous, but their only offensive weapons are the teeth, or in some species the spines and prickles disposed on various parts of the body. It is a dispute among naturalists, whether or not man be naturally carnivorous. Some contend that the fruits of the earth were intended as his sole food ; and that it was necessity in some places, and luxury in others, that first prompted him to feed upon his fellow animals. Pythagoras and his followers looked upon it as a great impiety ; and strictly abstained from all fl.esh, from the notion of a metempsychoso- sis ; and their successors, the Bramins, continue the same to this day- In this, however, as in most other controversies, the truth lies between the two extremes ; there is an obvious connexion between. the conformation of the teeth, stomach, and intestines, and the nature of the food upon which an animal subsists ; and according to the rules laid down by comparative anatomists on this subject, man was designed to use a mixed food in common ; but, if circumstances re- quired it, his organs were adapted to digest either animal or vegeta- ble substances. His teeth are neither calculated for grinding coarse vegetable food, nor for tearing the flesh, or breaking the bones of animals. They arc only fitted for masticating such matter when divided by machinery or prepared by the operation of heat, in the several proces.ses of cooking. C.AR-ROT. It is believed that this plant was brought into Europe from the Island of Crete. It was carried to England by the Flemish refugees, during the reign of Elizabeth, and the leaves were then used by ladies in their head dresses at evening parties. The root of the THE FARMER AT HOjME. 73 wild carrot is white and small, as well as dry and strong flavored ; which illustrates the remarkable improvement that has been efiected in our common esculents by cultivation for a long series of years. The various uses of the carrot in cookery are well known. But although it contains much nutriment, it is difficult of digestion, particularly if eaten raw or imperfectly boiled. Carrots are an excellent fodder for horses, either alone or mixed with hay ; and if given to cows in win- ter, or the early part of spring, they are said to cause a great increase of milk, which will have a much less offensive taste and smell than when they are fed on turnips. Crickets are so fond of these roots, that they can easily be destroyed by making a paste of flour, powdered arsenic and scraped carrots, and leaving the compound near the places of their resort. They are a profitable crop for the farmer, being raised at an expense of eight or ten cents per bushel, and an acre of land yielding from five hundred to one thousand bushels. For stock they cannot be estimated at less than forty cents a bushel, so that the net profits of the carrot will be from one hundred and fifty to three hundred dollars to the acre. CART. For a long period the use of the waggon for farming purposes Avas almost unknown in this country. The reliance was on the cart and oxen, instead of the waggon and horses. When a boy we never saw the latter ; but as the latter increased, the former gave way ; and now, the use of the cart is mostly confined to farms on which cattle alone are used, and some particular sections of country. It is a question however which deserves serious consideration by far- mers, whether more on the whole has not been lost, than has beesi gained by the change. On grain-growing farms, M^here much plough- ing is to be performed, horses are indispensable, and the waggon of course may be preferred ; but, there are multitudes of farmers who, we think, would greatly promote their interests, by discarding their waggon and its attendant span of inferior horses, and substituting in their place, the old fashioned and less costly cart, and a yoke or two of prime working oxen. CASHMERE GOAT. A nobler species of common goats, is descended from the goat of Thibet, which pastures on the Himalaya. The goats of Thibet 9.nd Cashmere have the fine curled wool close to the skin, just as the under hair of our common goat lies below the coarse upper hair. The wool is shorn in the Spring, shortly before the warm season — the time when the animal, in its natural state, Beeks thorns and hedges in order to free ijtself from the burden of its warm covering. All the hard and long hairs are picked most care- fully. The wool, thus purified, is washed, first in a warm solution of potash, and afterwards in cold water,, ip which process felting must be carefully avoided. It is then bleached upon the grass, and carded for spinning. The shawl-wool is three times died — before carding, after spinning, and in the shawl. The Asiatics avoid spinning the 4 74 THE Farmer at home. wool haid, in order thai, the shawl may be soft. They use a spindle which consists of a ball of clay, with an iron wire attached. The fiager and thumb of the spinner are kept smooth by steatite powder. CAT. A domestic animal, who«e good and ill qualities are too generally known to need a description. The ancient Egyptians paid a religious homage to this little animal ; and among tbem nothing could more expose a man to popular rage, than killing a cat. The following is, in substance, I'elated by Diodorus Siculus, as a fact of which he was an eye-witness. While embassadors from Rome, which was at that time the proud mistress of the world, were in Egypt, and were treated by the Egyptians, not only with all the courtesy of respect, but with all the servility of fear, one of their attendants hap- pening unintentionally to kill a cat, this circumstance excited such a genei'al horror and mdignation, that neither the remonstrances of the officers sent by Ptolemy, their king, nor the fear of the Romans, could save the unhappy man from the fury of the populace. " What is called the Wild Cat, is an animal in most i-espects similar to our common cats, but ditlerent in its disposition and dimensions. It is much larger, stronger, and fiercer, than any of our domestic cats, and seems to be of the same disposition and color as the wolf." Strings ibr musical instruments, of superior and uni'ivalled excellence, are made of catgut. CATAMOUNT. One of the most fierce and dangerous quadru- peds of l^Torth America. It is supposed to be the same animal which the ancients called lynx, and which is known in Siberia by the name ounce. In the form of its body it much resembles a common cat ; it is generally oi' a yellow color, bordering upon a red or sandy, and is larger than the largest dogs. Some years ago, a catamount, at Ben- nington, in Vermont, took a large calf out of a pen, where the fence was four ieet high, and carried it off upon his back. With this load it ascended a ledge of rocks, where one of the leaps was fifteen feet in height. Two hunters finding the catamount upon a tree, one of them discharged his musket, and wounded it in the leg. It descended with the utmost agility and lury, did not attack the men, but seized their dog by one of his ribs, broke it ofi'in the middle, and instantly leaped lip the *ree again with astonishing swiftness and dexterity. The other hunter shot him through the head, but his fury did not cease but with the last remains of life. CATARACT. In farriery, a disease in the eyes of horses, in which the crystalline humor is rendered opaque, and the vision im- peded or destroyed. The only certain method of cure in these com- plaints is to remove the lens by means of extracting or couching. By the first mentioned operation, an incision is made into the eye, and the opaque lens taken out — by the second, it is depressed by the poi»i\ of a couching needle, thrust into the eye, and being carried to the lower part of the chamber of the eye, or vitreous humor ; it is left THE FARMER AT HOME, 75 there to be absorbed. The first operation is the more effective, but the more hazardous of tlie two, owing to the inflammation which suc- ceeds. The second is tedious, and sometimes fails ; but it is free from the risk of inflammation. CATTLE. The value of the ox tribe has been in all ages and tribes highly appreciated. The natives of Egypt, India, and of Hin- dostan seem alike to have placed the cow among their deities , and, judging by her usefulness to all classes, no animal could perhaps have been selected whose value to mankind is greater. In nearly all parts of the earth cattle are employed for their labor, for their milk, and for their food. In southern Africa they are as much the associates of the Cafl'res as the horse is of the Arab. They share his toil, and assi.st him in tending his herds; they are even trained to battle, in which they become fierce and courageous. In central Africa, the proudest ebony beauties are to be seen on their backs. They have drawn the plough in all ages ; in Spain they still trample out the corn ; in India raise the water from the deepest wells to irrigate the thirsty soils of Bengal. When Caesar invaded England, they constituted the chief riches of that country ; and they now form, in that country, as well as in our own, no small item of the wealth of the inhabitants. Within the present century, great improvements have been made in the breeds of domestic cattle, particularly in Great Britain, where Bakewell, and Collings, and Bevey, with other spirited individuals, have rendered the most valuable service in this important enterprise. Within this period, the average weight of English cattle has risen one- third ; and the present appearances do not indicate that this increase has reached its highest point. The great improvements already effected, have been made by judicious crosses, and breeding with reference to certain desirable qualities of form, size, milk, or aptitude to fatten ; and these objects have been attained in some of the best modern breeds of cattle to an extent that would once have been deemed impossible. It is evident that care must be taken, or there will exist a tendency to retrograde to the original standard ; a ten- dency which will become less and less, as the type and constitution of the improved breeds recede farther from the point of their origin, and of course more fixed and stable. The breeds of cattle at present in most repute, and bej'ond all competition in any other varieties, are the Herefords, the Devons, and the Short-Horns, including several distinct crosses. Indeed, it is scarcely possible to conceive of more perfect models of form and beauty among animals, than are to be found among those named, particularly the high-bred varieties in the latter classification. Great pains have latterly been taken to introduce into the United States the very best breeds of Europe, and finer herds of cattle are nowhere to be found than now exist in Kentucky and Ohio, which States have taken the lead in this laudable business. As to the general treatment of cattle, JQ THE ?ARMER AT HOME. our plan does not embrace it any further than to remark, that cattle require kind treatment, plenty of good food at all times, and protection from the severity of our winters. On these things, next to skilful breeding, the excellence of cattle is mainly to depend. See Youatt and Martin on Cattle. CAULIFLOWER. This is a species of cabbage. What is the head in common cabbage, in the cauliflower is a mass of buds and flowers, possessing a richness and delicacy seldom found. It is the most curious, as well as the most delicately-flavored, of the numerous varieties of the cabbage family. The white flower buds form a large, firm head, surrounded by long, green leaves. Its history is not so well known as that of some other plants, less valuable in the culinary department. On its being introduced into England from the island of Cyprus, about the beginning of the seventeenth century, much attention was paid to its culture, by which means its appearance and character have been greatly improved. In our own country, it is much less known than its merits deserve. To show to what an enor- mous size it can be made to attain under skilful management, we mention a single plant raised in the garden of the late Hon. Peter C. Brooks, of Medford, Mass. The bare flower measured thirty-eight inches in circumference, and weighed .six pounds and five ounces. CAUSTICITY. A substance is said to be caustic when it pro- duces the same effect on the tongue as that of actual fire ; that is, an immediate sensation of burning, followed by a slight disorganization of the surface actually in contact. Thus alkalies are called caustic when deprived of carbonic acid, because, M'hen concentrated, they then burn and blister the tongue almost instantly. Caustic substances are also generally corrosive, or such as act on organized matter, and decompose it with rapidity. The term caustic, prefixed to the alkalies and earths to distinguish the pure or decarbonated state, is now almost always omitted as unnecessary, by the use of the term carbonic ; thus to the terms caustic potash, and mild potash, are substituted those of potash, and carbonate of potash, respectively. We also say lime, and the carbonate of lime. Caustic medicines are principally used to reduce irregular excresences of the flesh. CEDAR. A well known evergreen, very like the juniper in appearance, which flourishes in cold mountainous places. The leaves are much narrower than those of the pine tree, and the seeds are pro- duced in large cones. The most celebrated species is that of Lebanon, which is also found in Russia, and which is introduced by transplant- ing into various parts of Europe and America. CELERY. This is a hardy biennial plant. The blanched leaf- stalks are a very excellent raw salad. It is supposed to be a native of Great Britain, and, in its Avild state, is found in marshy grounds and ditches, having a coarse, rank taste. Under judicious cultivation, it 19- surprisingly altered, becoming sweet, mild, and crispy. There THK FARMER AT HOME. tjf are many varieties, "but wKat is called the white solid, is usually esteemed the best. It is produced from seed, and one ounce of seed is sufficient for a thousand plants. It requires a soil rather moist, rich in vegetable mould, but not rank, iiom new unrotted dung. Some of the New Jersey gardeners, who supply the New York mar- ket, have raised each 60,000 heads in a season, which, at siv cents the head, the wholesale price, would amount to $3600. This shows how profitable its culture may he made, small as the business may appear. If it were generally understood how easily it is produced, few only would neglect to raise enough for their own families. For the culture of it, see Schenck's Text Book, and Buist's Fainily Kit- chen Gardener* CELLAR. An important appendage to every dwelling is the cellar, and great care should be taken to have this so arranged that the full benefit desired from it may be obtained. The cellar should be well walled with stone or brick, laid in cement ; if inclining to be wet, it should be drained, so as to present a hard, smooth surface, and this will be better if covei-ed with clean gravel. Cellars should wholly exclude from frost, without being too warm, as fruit and vege^ tables, kept in a warm cellar, will not be as good as in one of an equally dry but lower temperature. Since the commencement of the cultivation of roots in this country to a considerable extent, and since the making of pork from steamed apples and potatoes has succeeded so well, cellars attached to barns and piggeries have become necessary, and are already constructed in many cases. Cellars of this kind for the reception of roots, should be made so that cart or waggon loads of fruit or roots can be thrown into them at once, without the labor of repeated handling. CHALK. Compost limestone, or carbonate of lime, passes into chalk, when the particles that compose the mass are so loosely con- nected as to render it friable or capable of easy division ; in its essen- tial qualities it does not differ materially from unburn t lime. Chalk is extensively used instead of lime for agricultural purposes in many parts of England, where it abounds. In the United States there is no chalk, properly so called. The immense beds of white marl, found in some parts of western New York, are a near approach to it, and the value of such beds as a resource for easy liming soils, will be bet- ter appreciated hereafter than it now seems to be. CHAMOIS GOATS. The Chamois inhabits the most inaccessi- ble parts of the woody regions of the great mountains of Europe. He bounds over the chasms of rocks — he springs from one projection to another with unerring certainty — he throws himself from a height of twenty or even thirty yards upon the smallest ledge, where there is scarcely room for his feet to plant themselves. This extraordinary power of balancing the body — of instantly finding the centre of gravity, — is a peculiarity of all the goat tribe, to which the Chamois* 78 THE FARMER AT HOME. is nearly allied. The ability of the eye to measure distances, with such undeviatiug exactness, is associated with this power of finding the centre of gravity. In the Chamois these are instinctive faculties, which he possesses almost from the moment of his birth. They are not the result of training; for the young Chamois has only' acquire the necessary strength to able him to imitate the feats of his more practised companions. CHARCOAL. A kind of coal that is made of wood hali burnt, under a covering of turf and dust. The microscope discovers a sur- prising number of pores in charcoal ; they are disposed in order, and traverse it lengthwise. If a piece be broken pretty short, it may be seen through with the microscope. In a range the eighteenth part of an inch long. Dr. Hook reckoned one hundred and fifty pores. Charcoal is a powerful antiseptic ; consequently it has lately become a practice to char casks, or to burn charcoal in them, before filling them with water for a sea-voyage ; by this means, it is said, water may be kept sweet durinjj the longest voyage. There is one property of charcoal, that ought to be universally known ; it is its wonderful power of consuming respirable air. Mr. Lavoisier found that one pound of charcoal, in burning, actually consumed two pounds nine Dunces of oxygen or vital air. Hence the extreme danger, or rather almost inevitable death of persons sleeping in a close room with burn- ing charcoal by the bed-side. Charcoal is insoluble in water, destroys the odor, color, and taste of many substances ; and hence, its use in the arts and in the purifica- tion of tainted meats and putrified waters. It also separates from water any decayed animal matters or coloring substances which it may hold in solution. Hence, its use in filters for purifying and sweet- ening impure river or spring w'aters, or for clarifying syrups and oils. In or upon the soil, charcoal, for a time, will act in the same manner, will absorb from the air moisture and gaseous substances, and from the rain and flowing waters, organized matters of various kinds, any of which it will be in a condition to yield to the plants that grow around it, when they are such as are likely to contribute to their growth. Charcoal has the property also of absorbing disagreeable odors, in a remarkable manner. Hence, animal food keeps longer sweet when placed in contact with it ; hence, also, vegetable substances, contain- ing much water, such as potatoes, are more completely preserved by the aid of a quantity of charcoal. It exhibits, also, the still more singular property of extracting from water a portion of the saline substances it may happen to hold in solution, and thus allowing it to escape in a less impure form. The decayed, half carbonized roots of grass, which have been subjected to irrigation, may act in one or all these ways, on the more or less impure water by which they are irrigated ; and thus gradually arrest and collect the materials which are fitted to promote the growth of the com'ng crop. THE FARMER AT HOME. 79 Charcoal may be applied with advantage, in the powdered stato, m the form of a top dressing. About foi-ty bushels to the acre, sown over grass lands, or among young plants, as turnips, it has been found will produce an increased yield. Wherever an increased supply of ammonia, escaping from the air, the earth, or any putrescent mutter is desirable to be caught and retained, charcoal will always do good. But the best, and perhaps the only advisable mode of using charcoal is, to compost the powder with night soil, urine, blood, and other pu- trescent bodies, either liquid or solid. By this method, it tends to absorb or dry up these fluids, and retain the ammonia formed during their decomposition or decay. Such composts, when added to the soil, retain the virtue of these bodies much longer than when they are used alone. KENDALLL'S CHEESE PRESS. CHEESE. In rural economy, is composed of coagulated milk, which has undergone a chemical process, combined with the mechani- cal operation of a powerful press, usually employed to expel the serum or whey, which would otherwise retain it in a nearly fluid state, and as such produce decomposition. The quality, and as sucli the value, of cheese generally depends on the nature of the milk employed, which varies considerably in difierent places. There is likewise a «ind of medicated cheese made by intimately mixing the express juice of certain herbs, as sage or mint, with the curd, before it is formed PQ THE FARMER AT HOME. into a cheese. The Laplanders manufacture a species of cheese ol the milk of their reindeer which is not only of great service to them as food, but also for a variety of other purposes connected with domestic economy. CHEMISTRY. Is an instructive, interesting and valuable sci- ence. Within the last hundred years its empire has been wonderfully e.\:tended. There is scarcely an art of human life which it is not fitted to subserve ; scarcely a department of human inquiry or labor, either for health, pleasure, ornament, or profit, which it may not be made in its present improved state, eminently to promote. To the husbandman this science furnishes principles and agents of inestima- ble value. It teaches him the food of plants, the choice and use of manures, and the best means of promoting the vigor, growth, produc- tiveness, and preservation of the various vegetable tribes. To the manufacturer chemistry has lately become equally fruitful of instruc- tion and assistance. In the arts of brewing tanning, dyeing, and bleaching, its doctrines are important guides. In making soap, glass, pottery, and all metallic wares, its principles are daily applied, and are capable of a still more useful application, as they become better understood. Indeed, every mechanic art, in the different processes of which heat, moisture, solution, mixture, or fermentation is neces- sary, must ever keep pace in improvement with this branch of philoso- phy. To the physician this science is of still greater value, and is daily growing in importance. He learns from it to compound his medicines, to disarm poisons of their force, to adjust remedies to dis- eases, and to adopt general means of preserving health. Finally, to the domestic economist this science abounds with plea- sing and wholesome lessons. It enables him to make a proper choice of meats and drinks ; it directs him to those measures with respect to food, clothing, and respiration, which have the best tendency to promote health, enjoyment, and cheapness of living ; and it sets him Oil his guard against many unseen evils, to which those who are ig- norant of its laws are continually exposed. In a word, from a spec- ulative science, chemistry, since the middle of the eighteenth century, has become eminently and extensively a practical one. From an obscure, humble, and uninteresting place among the objects of study, it has risen to high and dignified station ; and instead of merely gratifying curiosity, or furnishing amusement, it promises a degree of utility, of which no one can calculate the consequences or see the end. The object of chemistry is to ascertain the ingredients of which bodies ai'e composed, — to examine the compounds formed by those in- gredients, — and to investigate the nature of the power which produ- ces these combination^. The science therefore naturally divides itself into three parts ; a description of the component parts of bodies, or of "I ementary or simple substances as they are called — a description of the compound bodies formed by the union of sim}>le substances — and f^ THE FARMER AT HOME. 81 an account, of the nature of the power which produces these combi- nations. CHERRY. There are two kinds of the cherry tree which are of considerable importance ; the first, the wild or black cherry of our forests, is much valued for the excellence of its wood, which is used exten.sively for the manufacture of furniture. It is one of the most beautiful of our forest trees, throwing up a tall straight trunk, from six to nine feet in circumference, some seventy or eighty feet. While the use of liquor was more tolerated and fashionable than at present, the cherries of this tree were in great demand, to be steeped in rum. The other knid of cherry is the cultivated variety, and is one of our most valuable fruit trees, easily grown, very hardy, and early in the season. Cherries flourish best in a dry and rather light soil ; and a heavy wet or clay soil is not only injurious to the tree, but the fruit on such trees is of an inferior quality. For the varieties of this fruit see Cole's American Fruit Book. CHESTNUT TREE. A tree that is common in the United States, and highly valuable both for its timber and fruit ; it some- times grows to a prodigious size. In the Gentleman's Magazine, of 1770, we are told of a Spanish chestnut, measuring fifty-seven feet in circumference, which grows in Gloucestershire in England. It is supposed by Evylin and Bradley to have been planted in the reign of king John, from mention of it in records of that antiquity ; and if so, it must have been about six hundred years old. According to Dr, Howel, the famous chestnut tree of Mount Etna is one hundred and sixty feet in circumference, but quite hollow within ; which, however affects not its verdure ; for the chestnut tree, like the willow, depends upon its bark for subsistence, and by age loses its internal part. In the cavity of this tree the people have constructed a commodious house, which they use for various purposes ; it is called the tree of a liundred horses, as so many may at one time be shelterd under its boughs. The wood of the chestnut tree (says St. Pierre) is never attacked by insects, and is excellent for wainscoting. A judgment (he adds) may be formed of the beauty and of the duration of its wood, from the ancient wainscoting of the market of St. Germain, in France ; of which the joists are of a prodigious length and thickness, perfectly round, though more than four hundred years old. CHIMNEY. In architecture, a particular part of a house, where the fire is made, having a tube or funnel to carry off the smoke. The effect of chimneys is often destroyed by their being constructed on un-scientific principles. It will be found for the most part that the smoking of chimneys arises from their being carried up narrower at the top than at the bottom, and from their being thrown in a zigzag direction. Now it is evident from the very principle on which smoke rises at all in a chimney, that the higher it rises the less is the force that drives it, and the slower it must move, and consequently the 4* 82 THE FAHMER AT HOME. more room it should have to move in, whereas in the usual way it has less. Chimneys, therefore, should be built as nearly perpendicularly as possible ; they oupht to be free from all roughness on the inside ; and a few inches wider at the top than at the base. This would etiectually prevent smokini; ; and might be so managed as not to interfere with the form of the exterior. CHINA PAPER. The Chinese, for making paper, use the bamboo reed, the cotton shrub, the bark of the kou-cliee, and of the mulberry tree ; also hemp, the straw of wheat and rice, the cods of the silkworm, and several other substances, the greater part of which are unknown in this manufacture in Europe. Most of the Chinese paper is very susceptible of moisture ; dust easily adheres to it, and worms insensibly get into it ; but their paper is much superior to ours in softness, smoothness, and the extraordinary size of the sheets ; it being no difficult matter to obtain, from certain manufactories, sheets thirty or forty feet in length. CHINCHILLA. This interesting animal, which produces the well known fur passing under that name, is a species of Field Mouse, and is common in the high plains of Chili and Peru. It is about nine inches in length, and has a tail about half the length of its body. It Bits upon its haunches, and takes its food in its paws like a squirrel. It leeds chiefly upon bulbous roots. ^i/^f CHINESE GOOSE. >!!HINESE GOOSE. Only a few of the varieties of the goose family have been brought from China to the United States. The cut represents one of them which belonged to Mr. C. N. Bement. The form of these is very handsome ; their necks are long, with a THE FARMER AT HOiME. 83 graceful curve ; their bodies round, and the bill rises in a knob ; a characteristic of all the Asiatic goose-tribe, so far as we know ; and both the bill and the lej^s are black. Their general color is almost as uniform as that of our American wild geese ; and their fiesh is said to be very excellent. At the Agricultural Fair held at Poughkeepsie, N. Y., in 1844. fine specimens of the Chinese goose were exhibited, belonging to A. & H. Messier, of Fishkill. In the August following, the talented editor of the Albany Cultivator visited the farm of these gentlemen, where he saw their entire flock of these geese. He says it was the finest exhibition of them that he ever beheld ; that there were three or four broods of goslings, hatched in May, but grown np, apparently as large as the old ones ; and the geese which hatched them were all sitting tor a second brood, which were expected to be out the first of September. CHINESE AGRICULTURE. The pursuits of agriculture have always been and still are held in hgh estimation by the Chinese, who commence the agricultural year with a grand festival in honor of spring. On this occasion the emperor, in imitation of his ancient predecessor, performs the operation of ploughing and sowintr seed in a field set apart for that purpose, a custom that has very seldom been neglected by the sovereigns of the Chinese Empire, who have thus by their own example, stimulated their subjects to the performance of these useful and necessary labors, and maintained the honorable position and character of the husbandman, who even now holds a rank in society above that of the soldier or merchant, however wealthy the latter may be. Among the ancients, particularly the Egyptians, Persians, and Greeks, it was a common practice to hold games and festivals, min- gled with religious ceremonies, at that season when the earth is ready to receive the seed, thus showing the cheerfulness with which the farmers returned to their rustic toils, and the reliance they placed on the Supreme Being to reward them with an abundant harvest. The old festival of Plough Monday in England, was probably derived from these customs of the ancients, and was formerly celebrated in all of the rural districts with great merry-makings on the Monday following the twelfth-day ; some of the rites observed being not unlike those among the Chinese, as an instance of which the plough-light was set up before the image of some patron-saint in the village church ; a custom somewhat similar to that observed among the Chinese, who place lighted candles opposite certain images in their temples. The plough, the harrow, and the hoe, all of the rudest construc- tion, are the chief implements used by a Chinese farmer, the spade being only seen occasionally. The plough is usually drawn by buf- faloes, but sometimes that labor is performed by men, and even by women, among the lowest class of farmers. The great object of cul- tivation is rice, the stable food of all classes, lirom the prince to the 84 TilK FARMER AT HOME. peasants. Most of the plains present an endless succession of rice oi paddy fields, which, in the early stages of the crops, exhibit a vast surface of bright green, but turn yellow as the grain ripens. The seed is first sown in small patches, Hooded with a particular prepara- tion of liquid manure, which promotes its immediate development, so that in a few days the shoots are five or six inches in height, when they are transplanted to the fields, some of the laborers being employed in taking them up, others in making holes to receive them, and a third party in dropping them into the holes, about six together. All these men stand up to the ankles in water, ibr it is requisite that rice should be kept constantly wet, or it would be spoiled ; but when the rice is ripe, the fields are drained, so that the reapers, whose labors pommence about midsummer, work on dry ground. CHINESE HOG. CHINESE HOG. The Chinese is among the smaller varieties, aud without doubt is the parent stock of the best European and Ameri- can swine. They necessarily vary in appearance, size, shape, and color, from the diversity in the style in breeding, and the various regions from which they are derived. The animal is too small for general use, and it requires to be mixed with larger breeds to produce ihemost profitable carcase, especially for the market. For the pur- ]^ose of refining the coarse breeds, no animal has ever been so success- ful as this. They are fine-boned, short, and very compact, with THE FARMER AT HOME. 85 bellies almost touching the ground, light head and ears, fine muzzle, of great docility and quietness, small feeders, and producing much meat for the quantity of food consumed. CHOCOLATE. A kind of cake or confection, prepared of cer- tain di-ugs ; the basis or principal whereof is the cocoa-nut. The Spaniards were the first who brought chocolate into use in Europe ; and that, perliaps, as much out of interest, to have the better market for their cocoa-nuts, vanilla, and other drugs which their West Indies furnish, and which enter the composition of chocolate, as out of regard to those extraordinary virtues which their authors so amply enumerate in it. The method first used by the Spaniards was very simple, and the same with that in use among the Indians ; they only used cocoa-nuts, maize, and raw sugar as expressed from the canes, with a little achiotte, or roucon, to give it a color ; of these four drugs, ground be- tween two stones, and mixed together in a certain proportion, they made a kind of bread, which served them equally for solid food, and for drink ; eating it dry when hungry, and steeping it in hot water when thirsty. The Indians, to one pound of the roasted nuts, put half a pound of sugar, dissolved in rose-water, and half a pound of flour of maize. The Spaniards esteem it the last misfortune that can befall a man, to be reduced to want chocolate ; they are never known to leave it, excepting for some other liquor that will intoxicate. Hoffman con- siders chocolate as an aliment, and, in a medicinal view, he recom- mends it in emaciating diseases, both as an aliment and medicine ; and next very strenuously in hypochondriacal cases ; and in confirm-ii- tion. adduces that of Cardinal Richelieu, who, he says, was restored to health by living on chocolate. He is not less copious on its good effects against the heemorrhoids. The newest chocolate is esteemed the best ; the drug never keeping well above two years, but usually degenerating much before that time. CHRYSALIS. In natural history, a state of rest and seeming insensibility w^iich butterflies, moths, and several other kinds of insects, must pass through before they arrive at their winged or most perfect state. The first state of these animals is in the caterpillar or reptile form ; then they pass into the chrysalis state, wherein they remain, immovably fixed to one spot, and surrounded with a case or covering, which is generally of a conical figure ; and, lastly, after spending the usual time in this middle state, they thrown oft' the exter- nal case wherein they lay imprisoned, and appear in their most perfect and winged form of butterflies, or flies. CHURN. An implement for agitating creamer milk, so as to effect the production of butter. Some churns are made upright, of a tapering form, and are worked by means of a pole and cross ; the former passing through a hole in the lid. These are pail or bell- 86 THE FARMER AT HOME. churns. A great variety of churnb are in use ; but, in general, their formation evinces more ingenuity than practical knowledge. Perhaps the horizontal churns, and also the upright ones, operated with a crank by hand, are an exception to this remark ; and, where there is a large number of cows, whether the entire milk or the cream only is to be churned, what is called the dog-power applied to the chum, is an important saving of manual labor. And there has recently been in- vented, by F. G. Simpson, of New Jersey, a churn to be operated by machinery with a weight applied, similar to the running of a clock. Nothing is required but to put the milk or cream into the churn, and then wind up the machinery, when the moderate and unilbrm agita- tion of the liquid is begun and continued till butter is produced, with- out the aid of any other power. Thus far this invention works well ; and if no difficulty hereaiter arises in its use, it M'ill be generally adopted wherever the labor heretofore required iu churning has beet found a great burden. DOG-POWER CHURN. CIDER. This is the expressed and fermented juice of apples. To produce good cider, it is necessary that the fruit should be ripe, that it should be sound, that it should be all of one kind, and that there should be a perfect grinding of the apples. If the apples are not ripe, the saccharine matter necessary to make a good fermented liquor is not developed ; rotten apples impart an unpleasant flavor to the liquor ; and different kinds of apples afibrd a liquor that will not ferment equally or perfectly. When the liquor is pressed from the pomace, it should be puf in sweet, clean barrels, allowed to ferment, and filled up occasionally, that all the feculent matter may escape. It may be fined by isinglass, or drawn off for bottling. Where mak- ing good cider is an object with the farmer, it is usually racked off after the fermentation is closed, and time allowed for all sediments to THE FARMER AT HOME. 87 leave the liquor, into clean new barrels fumigated with sulphur, and will then keep good for a considerable length of time. Cider was ibrmerly used extensively for distillation into apple brandy, but is now but little used for that purpose. According to Brande's analysis of fermented liquors, wines contain from 25 to 10 per cent, of alcohol, and cider from 10 to 5 per cent. Cider makes an excellent vinegar, and large quantities are consumed for that pur- pose. The best cider made in the United States is produced in New Jersey, owing, probably, to the skill in manufacturing, more than to any peculiar excellence of fruit or singularity of the soil or climate. CINNAMON. This well known spice is the bark of the Lawnis cinnamo?ium, which is cultivated both in the Spice Islands and at Cayenne, though most abundantly in the former, whence almost the whole of the cinnamon for the European market is brought. Captain Percival has given the fullest account of this plant that has ever met our eye, and the following account is substantially derived from his history of Ceylon. The cinnamon gardens are within half a mile of the fort of Columbo in Ceylon. They extend over a surface of more than fifteen miles, which is traversed by various roads. There are also plantations of the shrub at Madeira, and Point de Galle. It thrives best in a loose white sand. It has a slender trunk, rises to the height of from four to ten feet, innumerable branches shoot from the stem, and give it the appearance of the Portugal laurel. The wood is light and porous, like that of the osier. It is used as fuel. Shoots spring up from the roots in immense profusion. The leaves, when they first burst, have a beautiful scarlet color ; they then become green, and have both the taste and smell of cloves. The blossom is white, and has no smell. The fruit resembles an acorn. It is ripe at the end of autumn, when oil is obtained by bruising and boiling it. The natives anoint themselves with oil, which is skimmed off, and they also mix it with cocoa nut oil, and burn it in lamps. During all audiences with the sovereign of Candy, this oil is burnt. When the trees become too old, they are cut down, and their places are soon occupied by young shoots, that rise from the roots in vast profusion. Formerly, many of these young twigs were cut as sticks, which are highly prized ; but this is now prohibited. The branches M'hich are three years old are lopped off; the epidermis is scraped off with a knife, having one side concave, and the other convex ; the true bark is then ripped up, loosened by the convex side of the knife, and separated from the wood. The smaller portions are then put into the larger. They are then dried in the sun. "When the drying is complete, the cinnamon is packed into bundles, which weigh about thirty pounds. These bundles are bound with bamboo twigs. They are then marked and numbered. When the cinnamon is brought to Columbo, previous to its ship- ment for Europught it impossible to get over ; J 36 THE FARMER AT HOME. of a second, who seeing the moon shine through a small hole in the wall, attempted to light his candle at it ; and, another that fell down drunk in the street, and when the people attempted tn help him up, exclaimed, "What, can I not he quiet in my own rcom l" DRY-ROT. This is a term applied to a rapid deca3'of any vege- table matter, when it has the appearance of being tolerably dry, but, in general, is applied only to timber when in that state, and is so named in contradistinction to the common mode of decay, by being exposed to the alternate states of wet and dry. There are a great many causes for this species of decay — some are quite simple, others are very complicated ; yet, whatever may be the original cause, simple or compound, the effects are the same, namely, to render the timber useless, by destroying its elasticity and toughness, rendering it insufficient to resist any considerable pressure, and, indeed, for any of the useful purposes to which timber is applied. When timber is in a tolerably dry state, any means which will absorb or extract its oxygen from the other component parts will leave it in the state commonly called dri/ rotten. Moist, warm situations, with little or no current of air, are the most likely to generate this evil. The effluvia from timber in such a state of decay will rapidly carry its eflects to the circumjacent timber, however dry it may appear; and any sort of timber will be, in a very little time, rendered quite useless. There are no means of restoring rotten timber to a sound state, and the dry rot can only be cured by removing the decayed and affected parts, clearing all the fungi, and destroying its vegetating principle, with which the hard materials such as bricks or stone, may have been impregnated. For this purpose a strong solution of iron, copper, or zinc, is used with advantage. This, with the admis- sion of a large quantity of air, is very advantageous. Many persons have written on the subject ; and the nostrums proposed are as numerous as their authors. But no means of checking the evil can be depended upon, except that of removing the corrupted and con- tagious matter, and admitting a free circulation of air. Much also may be done by cutting timber in winter, and properly seasoning it, by steeping it in water for some time, and thoroughly drying it before it is used in building. DUCK. A very extensive and natural genus of birds is repre- sented by this name. They are known in all parts of the world. It has been divided by naturalists into an infinity of genera ; to such a degree, indeed, that, according to some of the distinctions which have been made, it would be impossible to leave the females of several species in the same genus with the males. We have thii'ty-one species of this interesting genus, inhabiting Nt '-th America, being Avithin one of the number found in Europe — of nese twenty-oni are common to both countries, leaving ten pecul. .r to America, and eleven to Europe. THE FARMER AT HOME 137 DUCTILITY. Ill physics, a property possessed by certain solid bodies, which consists in their yielding to percussion or pressure, and in receiving different forms without breaking. Some bodies are duc- tile both when they are cold, and when they are hot, and in all cir- cumstances. Such are metals, particularly gold and silver. Other bodies are ductile only when heated to a sufficient degree ; such as wax and^ other substances of that kind, and glass. Other bodies, particularly some kinds of iron, called by the woi'kmen red-short, brass, and some other metallic mixture, are ductile only when cold, and brittle when hot. The degrees of heat requisite to produce ductility in bodies of the first kind, vary according to their difierent natures. In general, the heat of the body must be such as is sufficient to reduce to a middle state betwixt solidity and perfect fusion. As wax for instance, is fusible with a very small heat, it may be rendered ductile by a still smaller one ; and glass, which requires a most violent heat for its perfect fusion, cannot acquire its greatest ductility until it is made perfectly redhot, and almost ready to fuse. Lastly, some bodies are made ductile by the absorption of a fluid. Such are certain earths, particularly clay. When these earths have absorbed a suffi- cient quantity of water, to bring them into a middle state betwixt solidity and fluidity, that is to the consistence of a considerably firm paste, they have then acquired their greatest ductility. Water has precisely the same efiect upon them in this respect, that fire has upon the bodies above-mentioned. DURATION OF PLANTS. The several kinds of plants vary very much in their degrees of longevity, some being annual, perfecting their growth within a year, ripening their seeds and perishing. Others are perennial and continue to grow and flourish for years and cen- turies. Warm or cold climates have much influence on the duration of plants, and in some few instances plants that are annual in cold climates, become perennial when transplanted into warm regions, and vice versa. There are some kinds of trees that are very short-lived, as the peach and the plum, others reach a great age as the pear and the apple. Some kinds of the forest trees are remarkable for their duration, and specimens are in existence seemingly co-eval with the date of the present order of things on our globe. The oak and chest- nut or pine of our forests reach the age of from three hundred to five hundred years. The cypress or white cedar of our swamps has fur- nished individuals eight or nine hundred years old. Trees are now living in England and Constantinople more than one thousand years old, of the yew, plane and cypress tree varieties ; and Addison found trees of the boabab growing near the Senegal in Africa, which, reckon- ing from the ascertained age of others of the same species, must have been nearly four thousand years of age. It may be remarked that plants of the same variety attain about the samr^ age in all climates where they are produced. 138 THE FARMER AT HOME. DYEING. The ovigiii of the art of dyeing: is involved in that obscurity which pervades the history of all those arts connected with the common wants and necessities of life. They have originated in times beyond the reach of history or tradition, and are the offspring of the natural faculties of man directed by tlie great primeval wants of food, shelter, and raiment. The art of dyeing is, of course, posterior to many of these, and is founded less on the necessities than passions of mankind. A love of distinction is common to man in every stage of civilisation, but that passion for admiration which is displayed in a love of finery and ornament, is peculiar to him in his most barba- rous and uncultivated state. Hence savage nations delight in bril- liant and gaudy colors, and many paint their skins, and adorn them- selves with feathers, stones, and shells of various hues. History has not furnished us even with her fables on the origin of dyeing; but from analogy, as well as observation of the practice of barbarous na- tions at the present day, we may trace the rude beginnings from whence the art has sprung. The rich and gaudy plumage of birds, the finely-spotted skins of animals, colored stones, and such other sub- stances as nature herself supplies, would afford the first materials for savage finery and dress. The caps and mantles of the chiefs of the South Sea Islands, such as were brought home by Captain Cook, are composed almost wholly of feathers I'ichly colored. Purple has been almost every where a mark of distinction at- tached to high birth and dignity. It was an ornament of the first officers of Rome, but luxury, which was carried to great excess in that capital of the world, rendered the use of it common among the opulent, till the emperors reserved to themselves the right of wearing it. Soon afterwards it became the symbol of their inaugui'ation. They appointed officers to superintend the manufactories, pi-incipally established in Phoenicia, where it was prepared solely for their use. The punishment of death was decreed against all who should have the audacity to wear it, though covered with another color. The penalty so tyrannically denounced against this whimsical species of treason, doubtless occasioned the loss of the art of dyeing purple ; first in the West, but much later in the East, where it flourished considerably till the eleventh century. The ancients had such a veneration for this color, that it was es- pecially consecrated to the service of the Deity. Moses used stuffs of purple for the works of the tabernacle, and the habits of the priest. The Babylonians gave purple habits to their idols ; it was the same with most of the other people of antiquity, The pagans were even pei-suaded that the purple dye had a particular virtue, and was capa- ble of appeasing 'the wrath of their gods. Among the presents which the Israelites made to Gideon, the Scriptures make mention of purple habits found among the spoils of the kings of Midian. Homer gives us pi linly to understand, that it only belonged to the princes to wear THE FARMER AT HOME. I39 this color, and we may remark, that this custom was observed by all the nations of antiquity. EAGLE. A bird of prey, of the genus falco, of which there are several species. It is said to be the swiftest, strongest, and boldest of all birds. The eagle has a long hooked beak, yellow scaly legs, thick crooked talons, a short tail, and a very keen sight. The wings of the sea-eagle extend seven feet. The eagle, as a bearing in a coat armor, is reckoned as honorable among the birds, as the lion is among the beasts. The bald eagle is the national emblem of the United States of North America. EARTHQ,UAKES. Shaking or vibrations of the ground are called earthquakes. They are sometimes accompanied by rents and rocking or heavings of the surface, so as to overthrow buildings, and swallow up towns and large tracts of country. They are attended with a terrible subterranean noise, like thunder, and some- times with an eruption of fire or water, smoke or wind. They are occasioned by an electrical action between the atmosphere and some deep substrata ; or the sudden formation of gaseous matter beueath the surface of the earth by internal volcanic fires. The great earth- quake of 1755 extended over a tract of at least 4,000,000 of square miles. It appears to have originated beneath the Atlantic ocean, the waves of which received almost as violent a concussion as the land. Its efTects were even extended to the waters in many places where the shocks were not perceptible. It pervaded the greater portions of the continents of Europe, Africa, and America ; but its extreme vio- lence was exercised on the southwestern parts of the former. Lisbon, the Portuguese capital, had already suffered greatly from an earth- quake in 1531 ; and, since the calamity of 1755, has had three such visitations, 1761, 1765, and 1772, which were not however attended by equally disasti'ous consequences. This earthquake was also felt at Oporto, Cadiz, and other pai-ts of Europe, and equally severe in Africa. A great part of the city of Algiers was destroyed. In many places of Germany the effects of this earthquake were very per- ceptible ; but in Holland the agitations were still more remarkable. The agitation of the waters was also perceived in various parts of Great Britain and Ireland. At sea, the shocks of this earthquake v/ere felt most violently. Among other catastrophes, the captain of the Nancy, frigate, off St. Lucas, felt his ship so violently shaken, that he thought she had struck the ground, but on heaving the lead, found she was in a great depth of water. E.\RTHS. The earths that are of the most consequence to the agriculturist as constituting arable soils, are silica, lime, alumina, magnesia, oxyde of iron, and some few saline substances as sulphate and phosphate of lime. The arable soils or earths are produced by the decomposition of the rocks which form the basis of our globe, and their quality is depending on the proportion in which the several 140 THE FARMER AT HOME. ingredients enter into combination. Not one of these earths is of itself adapted to cultivation, and where any one is found in excess, sterility is the inevitable result. The best earths, or those best adapted to agriculture, are those that unite the properties most in demand by vegetables, and nearly in the proportion in which they exist in the most valuable plants. There is to be a distinction between earths and soils, though the difference is frequently over- looked or forgotten. The earths are made by the decomposition of the primitive elements of the globe ; this material is converted into soil by the admixture and combination of animal or vegetable matter, and the fertility is usually depending on the proportion in which this is blended with the earths. The earths in some form exist in all plants ; and by reducing them to ashes and submitting them to analysis the proportion and kind of earths may be ascertained. EARWIGr. There is an insect of this name, so called because it is supposed to insinuate itself into the ears of persons who incau- tiously sleep among grass where it is found. It is troublesome in Europe, but rarely ibund in the United States. It is extremely doubtful whether the animal intentionally enters the ear; and, indeed, there is no reason whatever that it should, except from mere accident. EARTHWORM. This worm is the common angle worm of the fisherman ; though apparently of little consequence to the agriculturist, is in some places found in such numbers as to prove somewhat of a nuisance. It is generally most abundant in moist lands, or in gardens that are heavily manured, and their presence may readily be known by observing the earth after rains, when numerous openings will be found, each accompanied by a small portion of earth apparently forced upward from the opening. There is a difference as to the effect they produce on the soil. Some have supposed they impoverish it by absorbing the nutriment that sustains the plant, although there is no proof that they feed directly on the root^. The opinion of others is that these worms benefit the soil by loosening it. If desired, they can be destroyed by lime or salt. EAST. The point in the hea^'ons where the sun is seen to rise at the equinox, or when it is in the equinoctial, or the corresponding point on the earth ; one of the four cardinal points. The east and the west are the points where the equator intersects the horizon. But to persons under the equinoctial line, that line constitutes east and west. ECHO. A sound reflected or reverberated to the ear, from some solid body. As the undulatory motion of the air, which constitutes sound, is propagated in all directions from the bounding body, it will frequently happen that the air, in performing its vibrations, will im- pinge against various objects, which will reflect it back, and so cause new vibrations the contrary way. Now, if the objects are so situated THE FARMER AT HOME. 141 as to reflect a sufiicienl number of such vibrations as proceed different ways, to the same place, the sound will be there repeated, and is called an echo ; and the greater the distance of the object is, the longer will be the time before the repetition is heai'd ; and when the sound, in its progress, meets with objects at difierent distances, suffi- cient to produce an echo, the same sound will be repeated several times successively, according to the different distances of these objects from the sounding body, which makes what is called a repeated echo. ECLIPSES. These natural and now well understood phenomena were formerly beheld by mankind with terror and amazement ; and were looked upon as prodigies which portended calamity and rriisery. Such fears, and the erroneous opinions that produced them, originated in ignorance. The illiterate in all ages have beheld eclipses with a kind of terror ; and, not having been able to account for the obscura- tion of any of the celestial bodies, superstition has invented a thou- sand ridiculous stories to account for this seemingly wonderful exhi- bition of nature. The natives of Mexico kept fasts during eclipses, imagining the moon had been wounded by the sun in a quarrel. Other nations have thought, that in an eclipse of the sun, that body has turned away its face -with abhorrence f'om the crimes of mankind ; and, by fasting, they thought to appease the excited wrath. This ignorance and superstition were greatly sex-viceable to the celebrated navigator, Columbus. When he arrived at St. Domingo, on his fourth voyage of discoveries, in the year 1502, he had the mortification to find the Spanish governor, who resided there, would not allow his ships to anchor, because he was jealous of the favors which Columbus had received from Isabella, then queen of Spain. This obliged him to put to sea in search of some more hospitable harbor. After he had searched in vain for a passage to the Indian ocean, he returned, and was shipwrecked on the coast of Jamaica. Being driven to great distress in consequence of the natives with- holding a supply of provisions, he had recourse to a happy artifice, which not only produced the desired success, but heightened the favor- able ideas the Indians had originally entertained of the Spaniards. By skill in astronomy, he knew there would shortly be an eclipse of the moon. He assembled all the principal persons of the district the day before the eclipse happened ; and having reproached them for their caprice in withholding their assistance from men whom they had .so lately and so highly respected, he told them the Great Spirit was 60 offended, at their want of humanity to the Spaniards, that as a sign he intended to punish them with extreme severity, and that as his vengeance was I'eady to fall on them, he would cause the moon that very night, to conceal its light, and appear of a bloody hue, the certain emblem of Divine wrath. This artifice was a most success- ful one. It led to the speedy supply of all his wants Some of these 142 THE FARMER AT HOME. poor ignorant creatures did indeed hear his threat with indifference, while others listened to it with a degree of astonishment ; but whea the raoou began gradually to be darkened, all were struck M'ith fear. They immediately ran with consternation to their houses, and returned instantly, loaded with provisions. EFFLUVIA. Fluxes, or exhalations of minute particles from any body ; or emanations of subtle corpuscles from a mixed sensible body by a kind of motion of transpiration. Odoriferous bodies every one knows, are continually emitting substantial effluvia, by means of which they excite in us the means of smelling. These minute efflu- via are sometimes perceived by the eye, in form of fumes and vapors. Some bodies are found to emit effluvia for a great number of years, without any considerable loss, either as to bulk or weight ; as different odorous bodies, the tenuity of whose emanant corpuscles is incredible ; not but that the loss they sustain by the continual emis- sion of effluvia may be made up to them by the reception of other similar elflnvia of the same kind of bodies diffused through the air. That aifluvia are emitted to very great distances, we have a notable proof in odoriferous effluvia being in many cases perceived at the distance of many leagues. Again, that the generality of effluvia retain the proper color, smell, taste, and other properties and the effects of the bodies whence they proceed, and this even after they have passed through the pores of other solid bodies, we have abun- dant proof. EGGS Eggs differ very much according to the birds that lay them, as to their color, form, bigness, age, and the different way of dressing them ; those most used in food are hen's eggs ; of which, such as are new laid are best. As to the preservation of eggs, it is observed, that the egg is always quite full when it is first lain by the hen, but from that time it gradually becomes less and less so, to. its decay ; and however compact and close its shell may appear, it is nevertheless perforated with a multitude of small holes, though too minute for the discernment of our eyes, the effect of which is a daily decrease of matter M-ithin the egg, from the time of its being laid ; and the perspiration is much quicker in hot weather than in cold To preserve eggs fresh, there needs no more than to preserve them full, and stop the transpiration ; the method of doing which is, by stopping up the pores vi'ith matter which is not soluble in watery fluids ; and on this principle it is, that all kinds of varnish, prepared with wine, will preserve eggs fresh for a long time, if they are care- fully rubbed all over the shell ; tallow, mutton fat, and even fresh butter, are also good for this purpose; for such as are rubbed ov(r with any of these will keep as long as those coated over with varnish. THE FARMER AT HOME. 143 The art of hatching chickens by means of ovens has long been practised in Egypt, chiefly in a villafre named Berme, and its envi- rons. About the beginning of autumn, tlie natives scatter themselves all over the country ; where each undertakes the management of an oven. These oven.s are of diflerent sizes, but in general they contain from 40,000 to 80,000 eggs, and they usually keep them working for about six months ; as, therefore, each brood takes up in an oven, as under a hen, only twenty-one days, it is easy in every one of them to hatch eight diflerent broods of chickens. Every Bermean is imder the obligation of delivering to the person furnishiiijj him with eggs, oiriy two-thirds of as many chickens as there have been eggs put under his care ; and he is a gainer by this bargain, as more than two- thirds of the eggs usually produce chickens. This useful and advan- tageous method of hatching eggs was discovered in France by the ingenious M. Reamur ; who, by a number of experiments, reduced the art to fixed principles. ELECTRICITY. The surface of the earth, and of all the bodies with which we are acquainted, is supposed to contain or possess a power of exciting or exhibiting a certain quantity of an exceedingly subtile agent, called the electric fluid or power. The quantity usually belonging to any surface, is called its natural share, and then it produces no sensible eflects ; but when any surface becomes pos- sessed of more, or of less, than its natural quantity, it is electrified, and it then exhibits a variety of peculiar and surprising phenomena ascribed to the power called electric. If you take a stick of sealing- wax and rub it on the sleeve of your coat, it will have the power of attracting small pieces of paper, or other light substances, when held near them. If a clean and dry glass tube be briskly rubbed with the hand, or with a piece of flannel, and then presented to any small light substances, it will immediately attract and repel them alter- nately for a considerable time. The tube is then said to be excited. If an excited glass tube, in a dark room, be brought within about half an inch of the finger, a lucid spark will be seen between the finger and the tube, accompanied with a snapping noise, and a peculiar sensation of the finger. Dry flannel clothes, when handled in the dark, frequently exhibit a sparkling appearance, attended with the same kind of noise that is heard in the experiment of the glass tube. All those bodies which transmit or conduct electricity from one surface to another, are called conductors, and those surfaces that will not transmit the electric power, are called electrics or non-conductors. The general class of conductors comprehends metals, ores, and fluids in their natural state, except air and oils. Vitrified \nd resinous sub- stances, amber, sulphur, wax, silk, cotton, and featners, are electrics »r non-conductors. Many of these, such as glass, resin, and air, become conductors by being heated. When a surface is supposed to 144 THE FARMER AT HOME. have more than its natural quantity of this fluid, it is said to be posi- tively electrified ; and when less than its natural share, to be nega- tively electrified. When an electrified conductor is wholly surrounded by non-conductors, so that the electric fluid cannot pass irom it along conductors to the earth, it is said to be insulated. The human body is a good conductor of electricity ; but if a person stand on a cake of resin, of on a stool supported by glass legs, the electric fluid cannot pass from him to the earth, and if he is touched by another person standing on the ground, the same sparkling appearance and noise, as mentioned above, will be exhibited. Two surfaces, both positively, or both negatively electrified, repel each other ; and two substances, of which one is positively, and the other negatively electrified, attract each other. The efiect of electricity on vegetation has not received that atten- tion which it probably deserves. That plants push forward much faster where the electric currents are active is well known to the scientific farmer ; but how far this new agent may be used to hasten vegetation is not generally understood. Some experiments seem to show the power to be very great. Thus bv sowing the seeds of cresses in a suitable earth, watered and of a proper temperature, and apply- ing the soltaic battery, the seeds are germinated, and the plants fully developed in a few days ; and very similar eflects are produced on other seeds. Hence, it may be inferred, that all vegetation owes perhaps its very existence to currents of this fluid, and if man is able to produce or control them, they may be made of essential service. The effect of electricity in hastening vitality in the embryo of animals is not less striking. The eggs of the common fowl require from twenty to twenty-five days to produce the young, according to the temperature. By exposing -hem to the electro-magnetic current, the young are hatched in five or six days ; and some of our readers are doubtless aware of the result of Mr. Cross's experiments, in which insects were repeatedly produced by the passage of the current through silicate of potash. ELEMENT. In Physiology, a term used by philosophers to denote the original component parts of bodies, or those into which they are ultimately resolvable. It seems to have been an opinion estab- lished among philosophers in the remotest ages, that there are only four simple bodies, namely, fire, air, water, and earth. To these they gave the name of elements, because they believed that all substances are composed of these four. This opinion, variously modified indeed, was maintained by all the ancient philosophers. We now know that all these supposed elements are compounds ; fire is composed of caloric and light ; air of caloric, oxygen and azotic gases ; water of oxj'gen and hydrogen ; and the earth includes ten different substances. ELEPHANT. The human race excepted, the elephant is the most respectable of animals. In size he surpasses all other terrestrial THE FARMER AT HOME. j45 creatures, and in understanding he is inferior only to man. Of all the brute creation, the elephant, the dog, the ape, and the beaver, are most admirable for their sagacity ; but the genius of the dog is only borroM'ed, being instructed by man in almost every thing he knows ; the monkey has only the appearance of vv'isdom, and the beaver is only sensible with regard to himself, and those of his species. The elephant is superior to them all three ; he unites all their most emi- nent qualities. The hand is the principal organ of the monkey's dexterity ; the elephant with his trunk, which serves him instead of arms and hands, with which he can lift up, and seize the smallest, as well as the largest objects, carry them to his mouth, place them on his back, hold them, or throw them far off', has the same dexterity as the monkey, and at the same time the tract ableness of the dog ; he is like him susceptible of gratitude, and capable of a strong attach- ment ; he uses himself to man without reluctance, and submits to him, not so much by force, as by good treatment ; he serves him with zeal, intelligence, and fidelity ; in fine, the elephant, like the beaver, loves the society of his equals, and makes them understand him. In regions where our cannons and murdering arts are yet scarcely known, men fight still with elephants. At Cochin, and in parts of Malabar, they do not make use of horses, and all those who do not fight on foot are mounted upon elephants. In Tonquin, Siam, and Pegu, the king, and all the grandees, never ride but upon elephants ; on festival days they are preceded and followed by a great number of these animals richly caparisoned, and covered with the richest stuffs. On comparing the relations of travellers and historians, it appears that the elephants are more numerous in Africa than in Asia ; they are there also less mistrustful, not so wild, and, as if they knew the un- skilfulness and the little power of the men with whom they have to deal in this part of the world, come every day without fear to their habitations. If the elephant is vindictive, he is no less grateful. A soldier of Pondicherry, who commonly carried to one of these animals a certain measure of arrack every time that he received his pay, having one day drank more than common, and seeing himself pursued by the guard, who threatened to conduct him to prison, took refuge under the elephant, and slept there. It was in vain that the guard attemped to draw him out from his asylum ; the elephant defended him with his trunk. The next day the soldier, become sober, was struck with terror to lie under an animal of this enormous bulk. The elephant, who, no doubt, perceived his consternation, caressed him with his trunk, to remove his fears, and made him understand that he might depart freely. ELK. This animal dwells in the northeastern parts of Europe, in Asia, and North America, chiefly frequenting the colder climates. In the latter country it is called the moose deer, or wampoose by the 7* 146 THE FARMER AT HOME. natives. It is said to consist of two kinds, the real elk or moose deer, which is larger than the tallest horse, and has heen eight or ten feet high, of a dark gray color, sometimes black, but much paler on the legs and beneath the tail ; the hair is long and coarse, ten or twelve inches in length on the ridge of the back, and forming a kind of mane on the upper part of the neck. There is a sort of carbuncle or excrescence pendent from the throat of some ; but it is not ascertained whether this is a general characteristic of the animal, or belongs only to the male. The tail is short, the eyes and ears are large and erect, and the hoofs broad. But the elk is chiefly distinguished by two wide spreading palmated horns of great size, proceeding from the forehead, between two and three feet long, or even between four and five in those of the greatest size ; and they have undoubtedly been seen in recent instances, though not so large, yet of such dimensions as to enable us to admit the probability of the fact. It is probable that some species of these animals are extinct, unless they remain in the recesses of those forests as yet unexplored by the modern races of men. But we know from undoubted evidence, that they once dwelt in countries, where they no longer exist, noi does any tradition of them now remain. Horns of enormous size are frequently discovered near the surface of the earth, or far below it, which the present elk, though its neck be of great strength, would almost seem incapable of supporting. Nor is it less singular, that such remains are often associated with those of other animals so difierent in nature, as to render it doubtful whether the living race of both could survive together. ELM. There are about twenty species of the elm ; all inhabiting the temperate parts of the northern hemisphere, and three of them natives of the United States. The American white elm is found mostly from the forty-ninth to the thirtieth parallel of latitude, is abundant in some of the Western States, and extends even beyond the Mississippi. This tree often rises to the height of one hundred feet, with a trunk four or five feet diameter. At the height of fifty or sixty feet it separates into a few primary limbs, which gradually diverge, diffusing on all sides long, arched, 2)endulent branches, grace- fully but majestically floating in the air. In many parts of the eastern and middle States these trees are highly esteemed for their venerable appearance, and for the refreshing shadows from their thick foliage in the hot days of summer. When found on the public grounds of the quiet village, m the spacious squares of the densely populated city, and about the secluded country mansion, there is a rural magnificence, and a delightfid playing of the winds, which can- not fail being appreciated by the lovers of nature and by all of good taste. ENDOGENOUS. In some plants the additions made to their growth takes place from the interior of the plant, and in some from THE FARMER AT HOME. 147 Ihe exterior. In the first case the plant is caWed ench^efious, and in the last, erogetioiis. All trees belonginfr to the family of palms, the date, cocoa-nut tree, bread-fruit tree, the bamboo, sugar cane, and indeed most of the trees belonging to tropical climates, as well as all gramineous and lilaceous plants, are endogenous. On the contrary, most of the trees of temperate or northern regions, such as the oak, pines, and elms, and the various fruit trees, are exogenous. In the first, each successive addition is made from within, like drawing out an additional slide to a telescope ; in the last the addition is made between the bark and the wood of the previous year's growth, and these successive layers determine the age of the tree, as the joints of the palm do that class. The stems of endogenous plants, after they become consolidated, never increase in size ; they can only increase in height ; while the exogenous ones continue to increase in circum- ference as well as in height during their whole life. ENRICHING-PLANTS. A term u,sed by Tull and other farmers to designate such plants as are found to improve land, rather than to exhaust it, and in consequence of which the same piece of land will produce a good crop of corn, though it would, without the assistance of their having been planted on it, have yielded a very poor one. The mystery of this difference between plants, some of which are found to burn up, that is, impoverish lands, while others enrich it, and leave it fitter for succeeding crops than they found it, is explained by Mr. Tull. This author having observed, that breaking the earth, by digging or horse-hoeing between the plants, gave them great increase, found that it was this practice that enriched the earth ; and that, while corn and such plants as stand close, and cannot be hoed between, impoverish the ground, and suffer no means of enriching it again to be used, there were some other things, the crops of which being planted thinner, gave room to the earth to be ploughed, dug, or hoed between, and that these were the plants which were called the enriching kinds by farmers ; and the whole secret lay in this, that the hoeing, ploughing, or otherwise breaking the earth between them, in order to kill the weeds, enriched the ground greatly more, in propor- tion, than these plants exhausted it ; and the consequence was, that though they had thriven very well, yet the earth was left richer than before, notwithstanding all that they had imbibed from it. EPIDERMIS. In botany the exterior cellular coating of the -ark, leaf, or stem of plants or trees. It is composed of cells com- pi^sted together into a stratum, varying in thickness in different spe- cies, and is often i-eadily separable by gentle violence. It is believed to be intended by nature as a protection of the subjacent parts from the drying effects of the atmosphere. ERA. An account of time, reckoned fi'om any particular period, term, or epoch. The Jews had several eras, as from the creation of J48 THE FARMER AT HOME. the world, from the universal deluffe, from the confusion of languages, from Abraham's journey to the land of Canaan, from the departure of their forefathers out of Egypt, from the building of Solomon's temple, and from the Babylonish captivity. The ancient Greeks reckoned time by Olympiads, which were public games celebrated every fifth year ; the first Olympiad they placed in the year of the world 3187. The ancient Romans reckoned from the building of their city, which was in the era of the world 3113. The Christians take their era from the birth of our Saviour, this method of computing time com- mencing among them, about the beginning of the seventh century. The Mahometans compute their time from Hegira or flight of their prophet, in the year of our Lord, 617 ; subtracting this number (617) from the Christian year, the remainder will be the Mahometan year. ERGOT. This is an elongated irregular excrescence, curved and dark colored, sometimes found groM'ing on the heads of several of the cultivated grasses, particularly rye, and the smooth stalked June grass. It most commonly appears in hot, damp summers. It is known to be present by the change which the grains assume ; but these seldom exceed five or six in an ear. The ergotted grains have a heavy, unpleasant odor, and an acrid, nauseous taste, leaving a slight sensation of heat in the palate. Ergotted rye is poisonous both to man and other animals. When in bad seasons, it has prevailed, and has been ground into flour with the rye, and baked into bread, it has caused many fatal, depopulating diseases in the north of Europe. On quadrupeds its use is followed by emaciation, palsy of the hind legs, and extreme debility ; males in South America lose their hoofs and hair when fed on ergotted maize ; and hens who have ergotted rye mixed with their food lay eggs without shells, owing to its excite- ment of the oviduct. It is employed as a medicine in difficult partu- rition, but it ought not to be administered without great caution and discretion. Ergot is not so prevalent in this country as to occa- sion great loss to farmers ESSEX HOGS. In England is a breed of swine, known by this name and much admired. Youatt says the Essex pigs have been indebted for their improvement to crosses with foreign breeds, and especially the Neapolitan, and with the Berkshires. They are mostly black and white, the head and hinder parts being black, and the back and belly white ; have smaller heads than the Berkshire pigs, and long thin upright ears, short hair, a fine skin, good hind quarters, and a deep round carcase ; they have small bones, and the flesh is delicate and well flavored. Lord Western's stock of these hogs is entirely black, and is distinguished by having tea*^-^'ke appendages of .^c skin depending from the upper part of the ne^ K which are com- monly termed wattles. Some of these animals have reached the THE FARMER AT HOME. 149 weight of nearly five hundred pounds. It is stated that he has done •"nuch to improve the Essex ; and, that the pigs are much sought throughout the British realm. ESSEX HOG. EVAPORATION. The volatilization of a fluid by means of heat, M'ith access of air, in order to diminish its fluidity, or to obtain any fixed salts it may hold in solution, or diminish the quantity of a residuum. In this manner, the water of the sea is evaporated, and the salt obtained, and decoctions made into extracts. Evaporation is one of the great chemical processes, by means of which Nature sup- plies the whole vegetable kingdom with the dew and rain necessary for its support. Hence, it takes place at all times, not only from the surface of the ocean, but also from that of the earth. Nor is it con- fined to these ; it is even carried on from the leaves of trees, grass, and flowers, with which the earth is covered. Great part of the water which is thus raised, descends again during the night, in the form of dew ; being absorbed by those vegetables which yielded it before. One of the most beneficial efiects of evaporation, is to cool the earth, and prevent it from being too much heated by the sun. This property of producing cold by evaporation, ha? but lately been observed by chemists, who have accordingly availed themselves of it in its fullest extent ; though their mode of procuring cold, by means of those expensive fluids, ether and spirits of win, \ can only be employed 150 THE FAKMER AT HOME. by way of experiment. The most simple method, however, of pro- ducing cold by the evaporation of water, may be applied to various useful purposes, especially in warm countries ; thus sailors are accus- tomed to cool their ca«ks of liquors, by sprinl^ling them with sea- water Dr. Darwin justly observes, that the evaporation of moisture from the surface of the earth, produces so much cold as to injure those ter- restrial plants, which are too long covered with it. Hence, such parts of wall trees as are sheltered from the descending dews, by a coping stone on the wall, are not so liable to be injured by frosty nights ; because they are not made colder by the evaporation of the dew, and also have less water to be congealed in their vessels, and to burst them by its consequent expansion. EVERGREENS. Are a species of perennials, that preserve their old leaves a long time after the formation of the new, and do not drop them at any determinate time. In general, the leaves of evergreens are harder, and less succulent, than those which are renewed annually. The trees are generally natives of warm climates ; and the common evergreens are those belonging to the pine and spruce families, of which the white pine, hemlock, black spruce, yew trees, fir balsam, and arbor vitce, may serve as specimens. In orna- mental planting, evergreens are very desirable ; and where they can be successfully transplanted constitute one of the greatest beauties of the landscape. Their rich foliage amid the frosts and snows of winter is inimitably rich and magnificent. Some herbaceous peren- nials, as the house-leeks, and naval-worts, enjoy the same privilege with the evergreen trees, and resist the severities of winter ; some can even exist out of the earth for sometime; being replete with juices, which the leaves imbibe from the humidity of the atmosphere, and, which, in such plants, are of themselves sufficient for effecting the purposes of vegetation. For this reason, unless in excessive hot weather, gardeners seldom water fat succulent plants, as the aloes, which rot when they are moistened, if the sun does not quickly dry them. The leaves of all the evergreen shrubs and trees have a thin compact .skin over their surface, as is easily discovered by macerating them in M'ater, to separate the parenchyma, or pulp, from the vessels of the leaves ; which cannot be effected in any of these evergreens till a thin parchment-like cover is taken ofl^. They are found by experi- ment to perspire but little, when compared with those which shed their leaves ; and it is, perhaps, principally owing to this close cover- ing, that they retain their verdure, and continue through the winter on the trees. The nutritive juices of these plants always abound, more or less, with an oily quality, which secures them from being in- jured by severe frost, so that many evergreens grow in the coldest parts of the habitable woi'ld. EXCRETIONS. From experiments that have been made by THE FARMER AT HOME. 15] Decondelln and others, and repeated by Leibig, it is established be- yond all question that the roots of plants throw off' an excrement during the progress of their growth, and that the excrement of" each ])lant is peculiar to itself". And lurther, that the presence of such matter in a soil, impedes the growth of plants of the same kind, whilst in some instances it becomes a source of nourishment to others. This fact is used as an argument, among other known reasons, in favor of a rotation of crops. And much will depend upon the nature and character of the soil itself as to what time should elapse before a certain crop may be successfully repeated. EXHALATION. Generally speaking, denotes effluvia or steams, M-hieh arise from the surface of the earth, or other bodies, in the form of vapor. Plants and flowers afford a grateful exhalation, provided their fragrance be not loo stro ig ; hence they should never be placed in confined apartments, as instances have occurred of persons being almost suffocated, by sleeping in rooms where quantities of fresh flowers Mere exposed. In serene weather, however, fresh plants or evergreens (but by no means flowers) may be strewed M'ith advan- tage, during the day, in the apartments of valetudinarians ; as such vegetables, especially in sunshine, generate a vital air, which produces salutary effects on the lungs. The exhalations arising from vast numbers of burning candles, as also from the breath of many persons respiring in the same room, are peculiarly unwholesome to weak and consumptive habits. This incon- venience may, however, be remedied by means of conical tubes, the funnels or broad ends of which should be placed so as to communicate in or above the windows, with the open air ; thus the latter will be impelled into the rooms with considerable force, and ventilate them more effectually, and at much less expense, than is accomplished by fumigations or other methods. The vapor arising from charcoal ig particularly hurtful, and, in close apartments, often productive of fatal accidents. The greatest precaution is therefore requisite, when char- coal is employed for culinary or domestic purposes. In a similar manner humid air of every kind is very detrimental to health ; and we seriously reprobate the keeping of damp linen, wet clothes, and even wet umbrellas, in dwelling-rooms ; as, by paying due attention to this circumstauce, many serious accidents might easily be pre- vented. EXOTIC. An appellation for the produce of foreign countries. Exotic plants are such as belong to a soil and climate entirely differ- ent from the place where they are raised, and therefore can be pre- served for the most pai-t only in green-houses. Exotic plants of the hot climates are very numerous, and require the utmost attention of the gardener. Even if they can be brought to blossom, it is rare that they produce fruit, and still more rare that the seeds ripen. It is only bv care and accurate observation of their nature and wants, that 152 THE FARMER AT HOME. some of them can be acclimated, or made to flourish on the foreign soil. EXUVIiE. Formed from exure, to put ofl", to divest ; in Physi- ology, transient parts of certain animals, which they put ofl", or lay down, and assume new ones. Such, especially, are the skins or sloughs of serpents, shells of lobsters, and the like ; which are annu- ally changed, and renewed in the spring. The outer integument of the body, which in man and other large animals is so durably fixed on the body, is in many of the animals of the reptile kind much more loosely fixed, and is changeable several times during the period of their lives. The serpent kind all shift their skins several times in their lives, and the water-newt has been lately observed to do the same ; but no creature in the Avorld does it so often as the caterpillar, almost every species of these insects throwing ofl" their old skin once in ten or twelve days, or less ; and this in such a manner as is ex- tremely worthy of an attentive observation. Malpighi observed that the common silk-worm changed its skin four times during its continu- ance in that state, the fii'st of these changes happening at eleven or twelve days irom its appearance from the egg, and the others at the distance of five or six days each ; and probably the rest of the cater- pillar kind observe nearly the same periods. Neither is this change of the skin confined to the few creatures we have mentioned ; but among the whole insect class, the most numerous of that of all animated beings we know, there is scarcely one species, every individual of which does not throw oft" its skin, once at least, before it arrives at its full growth. The term changing the skin is scarcely expressive enough for this operation in the caterpillar kinds ; for the creature throws ofl" the external covering of even the minutest part and organ of its body, and the skins tliey thus deposit have so much the appearance of a complete insect, that they are very often mistaken for such, presenting us with every thing that we see in the external apjxarauce of the living animal. EYE. In anatomy, the organ of sight, or that part of the body whereby visible objects are represented to the mind. The term eye is used in a great variety of senses. In architecture, it signifies an aperture at the top of a dome, also the centre of a volute ; in agricul- ture, it means either a little bud or shoot, ingrafted into a tree, or the part of a potato cut ofl" for seed ; and in printing it is used for the graving in relievo on the top of the letter. In a symbolical sense, there is no term of which so much use is made to denote the opera- tions of the understanding and the aflections. EYELID. The eyelid is the external covering of the eye. Its peculiar adaptation to its proper offices cannot be sufliciently admired. It forms the cover which closes the eye during sleep, when it remains motionless for hours ; it serves the purpose of wiping and cleansing the ball of the eye, as well as moistening it by spreading the tears TIIK FARMER AT HOME. I53 over its surface, for the performance of Avhich offices it is, during the waking hours, in incessant motion. It screens the eye also from ex- cessive light, which might often be injurious or destructive to it. The Fympathy between the eye and its lids is very close, as was ab- solutely necessary to their proper action ; and this is so much the case, that in weakness of the nerve of the eye, the smarting, which warns us to close them, is always felt in the lids. Their diseases, like those of the eye, are various, but of minor importance. FAGOT. In agriculture, is a bundle of any sort of small wood tied up closely together by means of a withe, or other kind of ligature. They are mostly made up from the cuttings or thinnings of under- woods, coppices, and hedges, being sold in many districts to the bakers, for the purpose of heating their ovens. They usually fetch a good price in many situations, especially near large towns. In mak- ing up these bundles the workmen trim ofi' the superfluous spreading branches from the sides and ends, which gives them a neater appear- ance. These trimmings are put in the middle of the fagots which are to be made up, by which they appear to greater advantage. These trimmings are of little or no use in the fagots, and ought to be left on the ground ; for being small, they would soon rot there, and would manure the ground so as to be of more advantage to the next growth than is easily imagined The leaves of the trees falling to the earth, manure it very much ; but this is nothing to the advan- tage of these little pieces of wood ; any rotten wood, but in a moder- ate quantity, will turn a common bad earth into good garden mould, and the growth of young trees is more forwarded by this manure where it is left, than by any other means that can be used to it. We always see the land where wood-stacks have stood enriched to a sur- prising degree by them, and the same advantage will occur wherever wood of any kind is left to moulder and rot upon the ground. That sort of small wood which is bound up in fagots is called fagot- wood, and sometimes bush-wood. FAIR. In England, a greater kind of market granted to a town, by privilege, for the more speedy and commodious buying arid selling, or providing such things as the place stands in need of. It is inci- dent to a fair in England, that persons should be free from being arrested in it for any debt, except that which has been contracted in the same, or, at least, promised to be paid there. There is a toll usually paid at fairs, for the pi'ivilege of erecting stalls, from which to sell goods, as well as booths, either for entertainment or pastime. The most important fairs now held are probably those of Germany, and particularly the Leipsic fairs. In German, a fair is called Messe, which also signifies a mass. High masses, on particular festivals, collected great numbers of people, and thus, probably, became the origin of markets, and, at a later period, of fairs, which as we have already said, are only privileged markets. 7* 154 1'HE FARMER AT HOME. The most important fairs, in this country, are those for the exhi- bition of afrrieultnra] productions and of specimens of skill in the mechanic arts, and in domestic economy. They are intended not so much for selling the articles produced, as for comparing them together, to see who, in his own efforts, has been most successful. The motive for such comparison is to obtain premiums or testimonials for cases of rare excellence in the rearing of animals, in the products of the farm and garden, and in whatever is manufactured, whether in the family or the workshop. The moral influence of agricultural fairs especially is of the first importance. By attending them, each one of our farm- ers is stimulated to embark in all experiments made by others, which have been found advantageous. Each witnesses the perfection which may be attained in the improvement of farm animals, whether in cattle, horses, swine, sheep, and even poultry ; and is enabled to note the profit arising from them, above what is experienced where such improvement has not been made. Each wit^ossesthe saving of labor in the use of the best constructed agricultural in.plements, and becomes resolved to adopt them. And each, without cost to himself is en- abled to avail himself of all that his more enterprising brethren have achieved by a free use of capital, and a long period of study and per- severing labor. In a word, each becomes possessed of what all others know without paying for it FALCON. A bird of prey, once much esteemed as an auxiliary of the savage arts of man, in destroying the feathered race. Falcons were formerly tamed and trained, just as pointer-dogs are at present trained ; and hawking or falconry, was, to a certain class of minds, as interesting as shooting or hunting is to the same class in our days. They are carnivorous, the beak hooked, and the head covered with feathers, and the legs and feet scaly. FALLOW. A term applied to land which is left uncultivated for one or more years, with a view to exterminate weeds, and to enable it to fix those atmospherical elements which promote vegetable growth, and which are exhausted by repeated crops of the same kind, though the same effect is produced by the rotation of a crop for man, and a crop for beasts. FALLOW-DEER. No two animals can be more nearly allied than the stag and the fallow-deer ; and yet no two animals keep more distinct, or avoid each other with more fixed animosity. They are never seen to herd in the same place ; it is even rare, unless they have been transported thither, to find fallow-deer in a country where stags are numerous. They seem to be of a nature less robust and less savage than the stag ; they are found but rarely wild in the forests, and are bred up in parks, where they are, as it were, half domestic. England is the country of Europe where they most abound ; and there their flesh, which dogs are observed to prefer to that of all other animals, is held in no small estimation. Tt seems to be an animal THE FARMER AT HOME. J55 formed for a temperate climate ; for it is never found in Russia, and very rarely in the forests of Sweden, or iu any other northern coun- try, and as the fallow-deer is less savage, more delicate, and, indeed, it may be added, more domestic than the stag, it is likewise subject to a greater number of varieties Besides the common deer, and the white deer, we know of several other kinds still ; and the deer of Spain, for example, which are always as large as stags, but whose neck is more slender, Avhose color is more obscure, and whose tail is rather black than white underneath, and longer than that of the common deer ; the deer of Virginia, wdiich are almost as large as those of Spain ; other deer, whose forehead is compressed and flat- tened between the eyes, whose ears and tail are longer than those of tlie common deer, and of whose hind legs the hoofs are marked with a white spot ; and others, which are spotted or streaked with white, black, and yellow ; and others still, which are entirely black. The horns of the buck, like those of the stag, are shed every year, and take nearly the same time for repairing. It frequently happens, that a herd of fallow-deer is seen to divide into parties, and to engage each other with great ardor. Each seems desirous of gaining some favorite spot of the park for pasture, and of driving the vanquished party into the coarser and more disagreeable parts. Each of these factions has its particular chief, namely the oldest and the strongest of each herd. These lead on to the engajre- ment ; and the rest follow under their direction. Their combats are singular enough, from the disposition and conduct by which their mutual eflbrts seem to be regulated. They attack with order, and support and assault with courage ; they come to the assistance of each other ; they retire, they rally, and never yield the victory upon a single defeat. The combat is renewed every day, till at length the most feeble side is obliged to give way, and is content to escape to the most disagreeable part of the park, where alone they can find safety and protection. The fallow-deer may easily be brought to live in stables, and seems to acquire an afiection for the horse. One which was kept at Newmarket in England, used to delight in galloping round the course with the racers while the jockeys were exercising them . FANNING MILL. Tliis is a contrivance employed for separa- ting, by an artificial current of air, the chaft' from the grain, after it has been threshed out of the straw. The importance of this contri- vance must be apparent to every one who has seen the slow and tedi- ous process of a separation without the aid of a Fanning Mill, where perhaps the farmer would have to wait day after day, subsequent to the threshing of his grain, before he could have the benefit of natural breezes to efiect it ; and, even when Boreas seemed propitious to his wishes, the operation was painfully protracted. All know the •^'inds, like the passions of man, are fickle in the extreme ; one moment rapid 156 TIIK FAKMIOR AT HOMK. and the next moment slow, and then anon not perceived at all There are various accounts given of the first introduction of the Fan- ning Mill ; and there are sundry claimants for the honor of the in- vention. It is probably pretty generally admitted that the idea or desi"-n of the first used in England and Scotland was obtained from Holland ; but there has been a succession of improvements upon it. In the United States there have been patents for several ditierent mills, each having its own admirers, and each having, probably, some peculiar merit not belonging to the others. It is very obvious, that in addition to a thorough and expeditious separation of the grain from the chatl', it is important that there should be in a Fanning Mill sim- plicity and durabihty of construction, so as to prevent liability for getting out of order ; or, if by accident it becomes broken or deranged the proprietor or any common mechanic may repair it. FANNING MILL. FARMING. Signifies the art of managing, or general detail of the business of a farm. It is an employment of considerable diffi- culty and trouble, as requiring constant care, united with great activity and judgment. In order to conduct it with propriety and advantage, it demands an intimate practical knowledge of the various sorts of cultivation and management which are in use, as well as of THE FARMER AT HOME. 157 the nature and value of every description of live stock ; likevi'ise a perfect acquaintance with the various methods of buying and selling, and the constant state of diflerent markets and fairs. And, besides these, there are other minutiae which are of equal importance to the success of the farmer. The advantages of farming difler materially according to the nature, situation, and circumstances of farms as well as the care and management that are bestowed upon them. FARRIER. Is the designation of the smith who devotes his attention chiefly to shoeing horses, and to curing them of all kinds of diseases. It was pi'obably owing to the opportunities aflbrded to the smiths, while shoeing horses, of observing the vai-ious diseases of the foot, and consequently of haranguing on the subject, that they, in time, acquired an undue reputation for perfect ability in not only that particular, but for a general knowedge of whatever related to the animal at large. FARINA . This is an article of food maimfactured from the flour of wheat, and usually cooked for a desert on the dinner table. It is a new mode of using wheat, and is becoming very popular. One house in New York manufacture 800,000 pounds annually, which requires 80,000 bushels of wheat ; a bushel of the grain furnishing only ten pounds of farina, the rest of the wheat being converted to other purposes. Hence, it is seen that farina is made only from the finest portion of the flour of wheat ; and, the process of producing it is a long one ; the grain passing through eight different run of stones, every one of them bearing its part in breaking the kernels and reduc- ing the pai'ticles to the required size, the different parts being separated also thereby ; and finally it is screened by passing through a hand- seive. FAT. An oily matter contained in the cellular substances of animals, of a white or yellowish color. It seems to answer several important purposes ; it facilitates the motion of the various parts where it is lodged ; it fills up interstices in different situations ; and as it is a bad conductor of heat, it appears to contribute to the preser- vation of the temperature of animals. It is used with other animal substances as an article of food ; and where the digestive powers are strong, it proves highly nutritious. Those animals which sleep all the winter, are generally fat at the commencement of their long slum- ber, and come out of it very lean, owing to the fat having been absorbed and carried into their system for the purpose of nutrition. Fat has a tendency to accumulate very much in some persons who live luxuriously, using great quantities of animal food, with porter and other malt liquors, and who take little exercise. Others without such causes, seem to get corpuleivt from peculiarity of constitution. It sometimes proceeds to such an extent as to be a real disease, incapac- itating the individual from exercise and from performing the duties of life, besides rendering him liable to apoplexy and other diseases 158 THE FARMER AT ,IOME. analogous to it. Such overgrowth of fat is to be counteracted by abridging the quantity of food taken, by abstaining from malt liquors, and by taking constant and regular exercise. Instances are upon record, of persons who have made a sudden and total change in their manner of life, in order to diminish their corpulency ; and this with- out any bad effects : but such sudden transitions from one mode of life to another are not advisable, and it is better to make them gradually, but steadily. FAT-RUMPED SHEEP. FAT-K.UMPED SHEEP. This is a variety of sheep that has fiom the earliest times inhabited the countries over which the patri- archal shepherds roai-aed. It is but little known in Africa, but pre- vails extensively in the north and south of Asia ; is found in Palestine in greater numbers than any other breed, and reaches far into the interior and northern parts of Russia. It is the purest in the deserts of lireat Tartary, no other variety being near to contaminate its blood. This breed often weighs two hundred pounds, and may be considered the largest of the unimproved sheep ; of which weight the soft oily fat alone that forms the rump amounts to from twenty to forty pounds. In the neiirhborhood of Caucasus and Taurida, the hind quarters of the sheej are salted as hams, and sent in great quantities to the northern provinces of Turkey In parts of Russia the fat-rumped THE FARMP.R AT HOME. 159 sheep bears a somewhat fine fleece, but generally speaking it is coarse, and is adapted only for the purposes of inferior manufactures. FAT-TAILED SHEEP. This race of sheep is more extensively diffiised than the fat-rumped, since it is found throughout Asia, a great part of Africa, as -well as through the north eastern parts of Europe. Dr. Kussell, in his history of Aleppo, gives the following account of it as it appears in Syria. The dead weight of one of these sheep will amount to fifty or sixty pounds ; but some of the largest that have been fattened with care, weigh one hundred and fifty pounds, the tail alone composing one third of the whole weight. This broad, flattish tail is mostly covered with long wool, and. becom- ing very small at the extremity, turns up. It is entirely composed of a substance between marrow and fat, serving very often in the kitchen instead of butter, and cut into small pieces, makes an ingredient in various dishes. FEATHERS. In Compaiative Anatomy, constitute the peculiar covering of the class of birds. In no other tribe of animals are they met with ; for the plumes which belong to some of the lepidopterous insects are different from the feathers of birds, both with respect to their structure and mode of growth. No bird is entirely deprived of feathers, although some species want them on certain parts of the body. The turkey and vulture have the head and part of the neck uncovered. The ostrich and the wading birds have bare thighs ; those birds which have ceres, combs, or pieces of flesh on the head, have those parts without feathers. FEELING. Is one of the five external senses, by which we ob- tain the ideas of solidity, hardness, softness, roughness, heat, cold, wetness, dryness, and other tangible qualities. Although this sense is perhaps the least refined, it is of all others the most sure, as well as the most universal. Man sees and hears with small portions of his body, but he feels with all. The author of nature has bestowed that general sensation Avherever there are nerves, and they are every- where found where there is life. If it were otherwise, the parts want- ing this sense might be destroyed without our knowledge. On this account it seems wisely provided, that this sensation should not require particular organization. Feeling is, perhaps, the basis of all other sensations. The object of feeling is every body that has consistency or solidity enough to move the surface of our skin. To make feeling perfect, it was necessary that the nerves should form small eminences, because they are more easily moved by the impression of bodies than a uniform surface ; and it is owing to this structure that we are enabled to distinguish not only the size and figure of the bodies, their hardness and softness, but also their heat and cold. T!o the blind, feeling is so useful a sensation, that it supplies the office of eyes, and in a great measure indemnifies them for the want of sight. We have known persons totally blind, whose sense of feeling was so acute that 160 THE FARMER AT HOME. they could, by the impression maie on their feet, go from place to place with the precision of persons who can see, not only in their own houses and about their own premises, but for miles from home, find- ing any fixed object with unfailinp: certainty. True, such a discipline of feeling cannot be achieved without repeated and successive eHbrts. And we have known persons both blind and deaf with whom one might converse tolerably well by spelling the words to be used, and marking each letter with the finger, on the inside of their hands, they pronouncing the letters as soon as made, as though they had seen them. FENCES. In this country, next to a good soil, good fences may be considered one of the most indispensable conditions of good farm- ing. Without them the crop is never safe ; cattle are sure to become unruly and troublesome ; and neighbors, too, become vexed, and at last quarrelsome. In some countries, as in France, there are few or no enclosures. The inhabitants principally live in villages, and the animals of all kinds are kept under the charge of individuals who pre- vent them injuring the crops. In England stone walls and hedges are used for forming enclosures, and the last are so abundant as to form one of the most prominent and beautiful features in the land- scape. In the United States, rail fence of some kind is principally used ; the most common being the post and rail, or the Virginia worm fence. The hedge-fence is yet scarcely known among us, and the attempts that have been made to introduce it, either owing to unskilful ness, the selection of improper materials, or the peculiar nature and dryness of our climate in the summer months, have not been very successful. It is probable, however, that these difficulties will eventually be surmounted, and hedges become common. At present, where stone can be procured suitable for wall, fences partly or wholly of this material are the best that can be made. A stone wall of five feet is better security against unruly animals than a rail fence of seven ; and though generally costing more at first, is not un- frequently the cheapest in the end. Where stone for a wall cannot be had, a good fence is made by laying a wall of three feet, placing a rail on the top of this, then staking it, and finishing with another rail. FERMENTATION. An intense commotion, to which certain substances of vegetable or animal origin are, more or less, liable, from the spontaneous reaction of their constituent elements. The process embraces a series of changes of composition, and terminates in the formation of new products, which differ essentially from the original substance, as well as from one another. Fermentation is accordingly divided into three kinds ; and to these, epithets have been applied descriptive of the products to which it gives birth, namely, the saccharine, the vinous, the acetous, and the putrefactive. The first of these produces sugar ; the second, alcohol., the third, vinegar, THE FARMER AT HOME. 161 and the fourth, vegetable mould. It is with the last that the farmer is principally interested ; as on this process depends the advantages he derives from manures, from green crops used as dressings, and. from the preparation of composts. The vinous and acetous fermentation are confined to a very few substances, chiefly of a saccharine nature ; the putrefactive stage embraces a wider field, and takes place in almost every body of a vegetable or animal nature. The vegetable matters which undergo putrefaction most readily, a»'e soluble in water; though those which are but imperfectly soluble, .f kept in a moist state, are not exempted from this species of decomposition. This process is promoted by the same circumstances which are favorable to the others, namely, mois- ture and elevation of temperature. The presence of air, also, has no less influence on the putrefactive, than on the acetous stage. The elastic fluids which are evolved from vegetables durinnf the putrefactive fermentation, are combinations of the elements of the vegetable substance, and have for their bases hydrogen and carbon. When the decomposition takes place under water, the hydrogen, by its greater tendency to elasticity, makes its escape, and the residual matter consists almost entirely of carbon. Hence wood which has been long buried in the beds of rivers, is reduced nearly to the state of charcoal. If the carbonaceous part, however, be exposed to the air, it undergoes a gradual change, and is at last entirely decomposed, by being converted into cai'bonic acid. When animal matters suffer putrefaction, they evolve, besides the usual elements of vegetables, a quantity of ammonia. They yield also certain other products which are more peculiar to them, particularly combinations of sulphur and phosphorus ; and to these substances must be. ascribed fetid odor and noxious properties of the gases, which are extricated from them dur- ing putrefaction. Animal bodies scarcely sufier any change when they are well dried, and completely excluded from the air. Even in the wai'mer climates, beef, which has been effectually freed from its juices, may be preserved a long time without salt ; and meat, which has been sufficiently roasted, and afterwards covered with melted suet, may be preserved in that state perfectly untainted for several months. Ani- mals enveloped in ice, have been preserved for ages without suffering any change. It appears, also, that animal bodies powerfully resist putrefaction, which have been buried in morasses of peat ; probably because, in such places, the carbonaceous part of the woody matter being converted into a substance resembling tan, produces upon the animal matter the usual effects of that vegetable.product. FEVER. A disease characterized by an accelerated pulse, with increase of heat, impaired functions, diminished strength, and often with preternatural thirst. Fevers are often or generally preceded by chills or rigors, called the cold stage of the disease. Fevers are of 162 THE FARMER AT HOME. various kinds ; but the priucipa] division of fevers is into remitting fevers, whicii subside or abate at intervals ; and continued or contin- ual fevers, which neither remit nor intermit. FIBRIN. A peculiar organic compound, found both in veo^eta- bies and animals. It is a soft sohd, of a prreasy appearance, insoluble in water, which softens in the air, becoming viscid, brown, and semi- transparent. On hot coals it melts, throws out greasy drops, crackles, and evolves the smoke and odor of roasting meat. It is procured, in its most characteristic state, from animal matter. It exists in chyle ; it enters into the composition of blood ; and it forms the chief part of muscular flesh ; and hence it must be regarded as the most abundant constituent of the soft solids of animals. FILAMENTS. Vegetable filaments form a substance of great use in the arts and manufactures, lurnishing thread, cloth, cordage, and the like. For these purposes the filamentous parts of hemp and flax are employed among us. DifTerent vegetables have been em- ployed in difierent countries for the .same uses. In some parts of Sweden a strong cloth is said to have been prepared from the stalks of hops. These have been tried elsewhere, but without success. Vegetable filaments, and the thread or cloth prepared from them, dif- fer remarkably from wool, hair, silk, and other animal productions, particularly in their disposition to imbibe coloring matters ; sundry liquors, which give a beautiful and durable dye to those of the animal, giving no stain at all to those of the vegetable kingdom. FILTRATION. This is the act of clarifying impure water for domestic purposes. Filters for doing it are of various construction ; but they all act, somehow or other, as a sieve, or strainer, having innumerable small passages through which the fluid can percolate slowly ; but as the passages are not sufficiently large to allow the particles of matter which are mixed with the fluid to escape, they are detained by the instrument. In cities where the water of wells is usually impregnated with the various substances with which the entire earth is there saturated ; and, indeed, wherever the water furnished is impure, artificial filters are of great importance in domestic economy. Every family should be supplied with one. Rarely can spring water be found so free from extraneous mixtures, as that which has thus been artihcially purified. All springs of water which we are accustomed to call pure, are only rendered so by the effect of natural filtration ; for the rain falling upon the surface of the earth, soaks first into the vegetable mould with which the surface is almost everywhere covered ; in passing through this, it takes up not only dirt or earthy particles, but the remains of vegetable substances, which are in the progress toward decomposition ; the water is thus renJered turbid and unwholesome for domestic purposes ; such is the state of the waters of most rivers which are not supplietl by springs alone, but by brooks running on THE FARMER AT HOME. Ig3 vhe surface, Tnat porlion of the water which soaks into the earth having passed through a sutlicient thickness of porous strata, either by ascent or descent, will have all exti'aneous mixtures detained, and become clear spring water. It should be observed, that filtration can only produce transparency, by arresting such particles of matter as are in a state of mechanical mixture with the fluid, for any matter which is held in chemical solution in the fluid will pass with it, Uirough the pores of the most minute filter, unless the substance of the filter itself should have a greater affinity for such matter than the fluid which contained it. In this case, a new combination will be formed, and the matter in solution, leaving the fluid, will be taken up by the filter, not simply because the passages are too small to per- mit its particles to pass, but on account of the superior elective attrac- tion between the substance of the filter and the dissolved matter. Filtration, on this principle, cannot continue to produce a natural spring for any great length of time ; because, by the constant addition of matter, the filter Avill at last become saturated M-ith it, or choaked up. In applying this reasoning to springs, we shall find a reason why so few springs produce pure water, although it is always trans- parent. In reality, the great natural filters which produce springs, are almost always on an opposite principle, viz., that the sub- stance which composes the filter has a great affinity for the water, and its particles are thereby taken slowly in solution, and carried of!" at the same time that the extraneous matters, which are only in mixture with the water, are detained in the pores of the filtering strata ; thus we find few springs which have not some mineral held in solution by the water, although invisible to the eye ; and in cases where heat is generated in making the new combination we have spoken of hot springs will be produced. The most common mineral taint which water receives in its natural filtration, is sulphate of lime or plaster of Paris ; this renders the water hard, as it is called, so that it will not produce a lather with soap, but curdles it. Sulphate of iron or vitriol is also frequent in springs. Add to this, that in great towns, the drainage water which soaks into the earth is contaminated by animal matters as well as vegetable, and in such an ofiensive state, that the filtration through the soil can scarcely restore its purity. Gravel, in thick beds, is the most perfect natural filter ; and instances may be met with, of springs from gravel producing water very nearly as pure as distilled water. Sand, when white, such as that of the seashore, is also very good ; but if colored, it generally contains iron ; and where the color is deep, the iron is often in such excess, that it will be commiuiicated to the water in passing through it. Beds of sandstone filter extremely well, and also some porous limestone. FIXED STARS. The universe, so far as human observation has extended, consists of infinite or boundless space, in which are 164 THK FARMER AT HOME. numberless fixed stars, of the nature, bulk, and properties of the sun ; but because they are at such immense distances from the earth, they appear to our eyes only as so many beautiful shining points. They are called fixed stars, because they do not change, like the planets, their relative position ; and they are distinguished from the planets by their twinkling light. It is supposed that the fixed stars have primary and secondary planets revolving round them, as the planets of our system revolve round the sun. Were the sun as far from us as these stars are, it w^ould doubtless appear as they now do. It is certain that they do not reflect the sun's light as do the planets ; for their distance is so great, that they would not, in that case, be visible. All the fixed stars, with the exception of the polar or north star, notwithstanding they do not change their relative position, appear to have a motion like the sun and moon, rising in the east, increasing in altitude until they approach the meridian, and declining to the western horizon, where they disappear. This apparent miotion is caused by the revo- lution of the earth on its axis from v/est to east. FLAIL. This is a wooden instrument for threshing corn. The construction of this implement is too well known to require description. The ancient Romans used a kind of whip-flail, to a limited extent, for the performance of this agricultural process ; but the prevailing mode, among the nations of antiquity, for separating grain from straw, was for cattle to tread it out in the open air. In modern times the flail is perhaps the universal implement used in this process, unless threshing is performed by machinery. All large farmers should have a threshinjr machine : and even among small farmers there should be one in every neighborhood of a dozen families ; for the labor saved in a single season would be more than an equivalent for the cost of it. A good machine, to be operated by one horse only, with two men and a boy to tend it, will thresh from seventy-five to an hundred bushels in a day. FLAME OF A CANDLE. Is a curious mechanical action and re-action of oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon. Whenever the light gas, called hydrogen, is excited, oxygen combines with it, and produces heat, and if carbon is combined with the evolving hydrogen, light is the result. A tallow candle, or the wick of a lamp, consists of hydro- gen and carbon, and on being evolved by great motion, as by the touch of a match, or any other flame, the oxygen flows in and is fixed, and causes heat, and at the distance from the wick, where the efflux and influx cross each other, the film of the flame is created ; less carbon, makes blue light, a due proportion, white light, and an excess, the smoke of a car^dle, an excess of hydrogen, makes the blue light, and an excess of oxygen, red light. In truth, a candle is a prism, arising from the same principles differently exhibited. FLANNEL A kind of woolen stuff", composed of a woof and THE FARMER AT HOME. Ig5 a warp, and woven after the manner of baize. Various theories have been adopted to prove the utility of flannel as an article of dress. It is unquestionably a bad conductor of heat, and on that account very useful in cold weather ; this is accounted for from the structure of the stuff; the fibres touch each other very slightly, so that the heat moves slowly through the interstices, which being already filled with air, give little assistance in carrying off the heat. On this subject Count Rumfbrd has made many experiments, from which it should seem, that though a woolen substance is warmest in winter, it is also preferable, under certain circumstances, in summer. He expresses his surprise, that the custom of wearing flannel next the skin should not have prevailed more universally. He is confident it would pre- vent a number of diseases ; and he thinks there is no greater luxury than the comfortable sensation which arises from wearing it, espe- cially after one is a little accustomed to it. And he says it is a mistaken notion, that it is a too warm clothing for summer. He says, also, that he has worn it in the hottest climates, and at all seasons of the year ; and never found the least inconvenience from it. This is his philosophy in the case. It is the warm bath of perspiration con- fined by a linen shirt, wet with sweat, which renders the summer heat of southern climates so insupportable ; but flannel promotes perspiration, and favoi-s its evaporation ; and evaporation, as it is well known, produces positive cold. FLAX. This plant has been cultivated from remote antiquity, throughout a great part of Europe, Asia, and the north of Africa, for various purposes. Its native country is not known with certainty, though, according to Olivier, it is found wild in Persia. It is culti- vated principally for the fibre yielded by the bark, of which linen cloth is made The use of this article is so ancient, that no tradition remains of its introduction. The ancient Scandinavians and other bai'barous nations were clothed with linen. The mummies of Egypt are enveloped with it, and immense quantities are still made in that country, especially about the mouths of the Nile ; and it is worn almost exclusively by the inhabitants. The seeds of the flax are mucilaginous and emollient, and an infusion of them is often used as a drink in various inflammatory dis- orders ; they also yield an oil, Avell known in commerce under the name of linseed oil, which differs, in some respects, from most expressed oils, as in congealing in water, and not forming a solid soap Avith fixed alkaline salts. This oil has no remarkable taste, is used for lamps, sometimes in cookery, and also forms the base of all the oily varnish made in imitation of China .varnish. It is much employed in the coarser kinds of painting, especially in situations not much exposed to the weather. Equal parts of lime-water and linseed oil form one of the best applications for burns. The cakes remaining after the oil has been expressed, are \x9-id for fattening cattle and sheep. Igg THE FARICER !. r HOME. Flaxseed has been substituted for grain in times of scarcity, but it if heavy and unwholesome. FLEA. The history of those animals with which we are best acquainted is one of the first objects of our curiosity. If the flea be examined with a microscope, it will be observed to have a small head, large eyes, and a roundish body. It has two feelers, or horns, which are short, and composed of four joints ; and between these lies it» trunk, M'hich it buries in the skin, and through which it sucks tho blood in large quantities. The body appears to be all over curiously adorned with a suit of polished sable armor, neatly joined, and beset with multitudes of sharp pins, almost like the quills of a porcupine. It has six legs, the joints of which are so adapted, that it can, as it were, fold them up one within another ; and when it leaps, they all spring out at once, whereby its whole strength is exerted, and the 6ody raised above two hundred times its own diameter. The young fleas are at first a sort of nits or eggs, which are round and smooth ; and from these proceed white worms, of a shining pearl color ; in a fortnight's time they come to a tolerable size, and are very lively and active ; but if they are touched at this time, they roll themselves up in a ball ; soon after this they begin to creep like silk- worms that have no legs ; and then they seek a place to lie hid in, where they spin a silken thread from their mouth, and with this they enclose themselves in a small round bag or case, as M'hite within as writing paper, but dirty without ; in this they continue a fortnight longer ; after which they burst from their confinement perfectly formed, and armed with powers to disturb the peace of an erTi- peror. FLORIST. In Gardening, a name applied to such persons as are curious in, or have much skill in the knowledge and nature of flowers A good florist should be perfectly acquainted with the names, char- acters, and kinds, or sorts of flowers ; and at the same time have a thorough knowledge of their nature, habits, and methods of cultiva- tion and management. FLOUR. The meal of any grail but more particularly of wheat, ground and sifted for the purpose of fov.d. The grain itself is not only subject to be eaten by insects in that state, but when ground into flour, it gives birth to another race of destroyers, who eat it unmerci- fully and increase so fast in it, that it is not long before they wholly destroy the substance. The finest flour is most liable to breed them, especially when stale or ill prepared ; in thib case, if it be examined in a good light, it will be perceived to be in a continual motion ; and on a nicer inspection, there will be found in it a great number of little animals of the color of the flour, and very nimble. If a little of this flour be laid on the plate of a double microscope, the insects are very distinctly seen in great numbers, very brisk and lively, continually crawling over one another's backs and playing a thousand antic tricks THE FARMER AT HOME. |g7 together, whether '')r diversion or in search of food, it is not easy to be determined. These animals are of an obkinof slender form, their heads are fur- nished with a kind of trunk, or oblonjr lioUow tube, by means of which they take in their food, and their body is composed of several rings. They do vast mischief among the magazines of flour, laid up for- armies and other public uses ; when they have once taken possession of a parcel of this valuable commodity, it is impossible to drive them out, and they increase so fast, that the only method of preventing the total loss of the parcel, is to make it up into bread as soon as can be. The way to prevent their breeding in the flour is, to preserve it from damp ; nothing gets more injury by being put up damp than flour, and yet nothing is so often put up so. It should be always carefully and thoroughly dried before it is put up, and the barrels also dried into which it is to be put ; then if they are kept in a room tolerably warm and dry, they will preserve it well. Too dry a place never does any hurt, though one too moist always spoils it. FLOWER. In physiological and systematical Botany, compre- hends all those organs of a plaut which are preparatory and necessary to the impregnation and perfection of the fruit or seed. Flowers are usually the most ornamental part of vegetables, but the most fleeting and transitory. After their production, tiie vegetation of the plant, however rapid and luxuriant before, is checked, at least for a time, even in perennial plants and trees ; and annual ones survive flowering only till they can ripen their seed. The same species which will endure for several winters without blossoming, after this event loses its vigor and yields to the first attacks of frost, Pliny observes that "blossoms are the joy of trees, in bearing Avhich they assume a new aspect, vieiiig with each other in the luxuriance and variety of their colors." M. Dutens, a traveller in Holland, says, " I was witness to a circumstance I could not otherwise have believed, respecting the price of flowers in Holland. I saw 475 guineas offered and refused for a hyacinth. It was to be sure the most charming flower I had ever seen. It belonged to a florist, at Hague, and another florist offered this price for it." FLUID. In physiology, an appellation given to all bodies whose particles easily yield to the least partial pressure, or force impressed. The natu:-e of a fluid, as distinguished from that of a solid or hard body, consists in this, that its particles are so loosely connected to- gether, that they readily move out of their places, when pressed with the least force one way more than another ; whence philosophers have concluded that these particles are exceedingly minute, smooth, and round ; it being otherwise impossible they should move with such freedom, upon the least inequality of pressure. Those particles, con- sidered .separately, are endowed with all the common properties of matter, and are subject to the same lav s of motion and gravitation IQg THE FARMER AT HOME. with larger bodies. To inquire, therefore, into the nature of fluids, is to consider what appearances a collection of very small round bodies, subject to these laws, will exhibit under difi'erent circum stances. FLYING. The progressive motion of a bird or other winged animal in the air. The parts of birds chiefly concerned in flying are the wings and the tail ; by the former, the bird sustains and wafts himself along ; and, by the latter, he is assisted in ascending and de- scending, to keep his body poised and upright, and to obviate the vas- cillations thereof It is by the largeness and sti'ength of the pectoral muscles that birds are so well disposed for quick, strong, and continual flying. These muscles, which in men are scarcely a seventieth part of the muscles of the body, m birds, exceed and outweigh all the other muscles taken together. FOG, or MIST. A meteor consisting of gross vapors, floating near the surface of the earth. Mists, according to Lord Bacon, are imperfect condensations of the air, consisting of a large proportion of the air, and a small one of the aqueous vapor ; and these happen in the winter, about the change of the weather, from frost to thaw, or from thaw to frost ; but in the summer and the spring, from the expansion of the dew. If the vapors, which are raised plentifully from the earth and waters, either by the solar or subterraneous heat, do, at their first entrance into the atmosphere, meet with cold enough to condense them to a considerable degree, their specific gravity is by that means increased ; and so they will be stopped from ascending, and return back, either in form of dew, or drizzling rain, or remain suspended some time, in the form of fog. Vapors may be seen on the high grounds as well as the low, but more especially about marshy places. They are easily dissipated by the wind, as also by the heat of the sun. They continue longest in the lowest grounds, because these places contain most moisture, and are least exposed to the action of the wind. Hence we may easily conceive, that fogs are only low clouds, or clouds in the lowest region of the air ; as clouds are no other than fogs raised on high. When fogs stink, then the vapors are mixed with sulphureous exhalations, of which they smell. Objects viewed through fogs appear larger, and more remote, than through the com- mon air. Boyle observes, that upon the coast of Coromandel, and the most maritime parts of the East Indies, there are, notwithstand- ing the heat of the climate, annual fogs so thick, as to occasion those of other nations who reside there, and even the more tender part of the natives, to keep their houses close shut up. FOOD. Many persons are unaware of the great difference of nutritious matter contained in difl'erent articles of food in daily use. One might distend his stomach like a bladder, upon turnips, and yet THE FARMER AT HOME. 169 have very little to sustain life, or give him strength to labor. Pota- toes contain much more nutriment than turnips, but nothing in pro- portion, according to bulk or cost, that is contained in many other substances used as human food. The following facts will show this difference. For instance, one thousand pounds of prime wheat contain 'J55 pounds of human food ; one thousand pounds of barley, 910 pounds ; one thousand pounds of rye, 792 pounds ; one thousand pounds of oats, 743 pounds ; one thousand pounds of beans, 570 pounds; one thousand pounds of dry peas, 514 pounds ; one thousand pounds of potatoes, 230 pounds ; one thousand pounds of carrots and parsnips, 98 pounds ; one thousand pounds of cabbage, 73 pounds ; and one thousand pounds of turnips, only 50 or 60 pounds. It may be seen frotn this that there is no economy in purchasing many of the coarse kinds of food in common use. Potatoes, at the prices they have ranged for several years, must be considered a luxury rather than a cheap diet ; for their cost is nearly the same per pound as wheat, and it takes more than four pounds of them to yield the nourishment in one pound of wheat. Indian corn is probably tlie cheapest food that can be had ; and it is far more economical to use beans, dry peas, beets, and parsnips, than potatoes. The following anecdote of a poor woman in Cincinnati shows a tact in economizing food rarely seen. She had seven children to be fed, and at one time she found herself wholly destitute of the means of providing for them, save eight laying hens. Here was an egg a day for each one ; but a pittance, all can see, wholly inadequate to fit the human frame for labor, and barely to sustain life. What could be done ? She ex- changed each day six of her eggs for half a peck of beans, which, with a small piece of poor meat, procured with the other two eggs, was regularly made into a thick soup, and this enabled her to sustain her family till other means could be had. Such an example might be made worth thousands of dollars to the poor. FOOD OF PLANTS. A plant or a tree can no more exist without food than can an animal ; and it is only because the mode in which they receive it is less evident to us, that we do not commonly think of vegetables as equally dependant with animals, upon the matex'ials supplied to them by the elements around. We are con- stantly witnessing the act of feeding in all the animals that are under our notice ; but the growth and reproduction of plants seem to take place with so slight an introduction of solid matter into their system, that it cannot be comprehended, without further examination, how they derive the ijcieans of uprearing the gigantic masses of wood and foliage which many of them present to our admiring view. It is the business of the farmer to ascertain what kind of food is wanted for the growth of vegetation, and then to provide it. The absurdity of rearing or maintaining any animal without an adequate supply of the elements needed in animal substances, is too apparent to need illustra- 8 170 THE FARMER A I HOME. tion. Can an animal have bones, or blood, or muscles, vnless sup- plied with food that contains the principles of these animal constitu- ents ? To suppose it, is contrary to common sense. The food of plants is furnished by the soil in which they grow, and the atmos- phere. Hence, the soil must contain every portion of vegetable con- Btituent not furnished by the air. If it does not contain it, plants will not flourish. They may have a feeble and sickly existence, but cannot flourish In agricultural productions, if the soil does not con- tain it, the crops will be small, at best ; perhaps not paying the labor of tillage. Let the farmer study this subject. To aid him we recom- mend to him a popular Treatise on Vegetable Physiology, published by Lea & Blanchard, or Johnston's Agricultural Chemistry. FORCE, Comparative, of Men and Horses. There are several curious as well as useful observations in Desagnlier s Experimental Philosophy, concerning the comparative forces of men and horses, and the best w^ay of applying them. A horse draws with the greatest advantage when the line of direction is level with his bi'east ; in such a situation, he is able to draw two hundred pounds eight hours a day, walking about two miles and a half an hour. And if the same horse is made to draw two hundred and forty pounds he can work but six hours a day, and cannot go quite so fast. On a carriage, indeed, where friction alone is to be overcome, a middling horse will draw one thousand pounds. But the best way to try a horse's force is by making him draw up out of a well, over a single pulley or roller ; and in such a case, one horse with another will draw two hundred pounds. Five men are found to be equal in strength to one horse, and can, with as much ease, push round the horizontal beam of a mill, in a walk only nineteen feet wide ; whereas, three men will do it in a walk forty feet wide. The worst way of applying the force of a horse, is to make him carry or draw up hill ; for if the hill be steep, three men will do more than a horse, each man climbing up faster with a burden of one hun- dred pounds weight, than a horse that is loaded with three hundred pounds, a difference which is owing to the position of the parts of the human body being better adapted to climb than those of a horse. On the other hand, the best way of applying the force of a horse, is in an horizontal direction, wherein a man can exert least force ; thus a man, weighing one hundred and forty pounds, and drawing a boat along by means of a rope coming over his shoulders, cannot draw above twenty-seven pounds, or exert above one-seventh part of the force of a horse employed to the same purpose. The very best and most eflectual posture in a man is that of rowing ; wherein he not only acts with more muscles at once for overcoming the resistance, than in any other position ; but as he pnlls backwards, the weight of his body assists by way of lever. FOREST. In Geography. The Caledonian and Hercyn'\a THE FARMER AT tlO.ME. 171 forests are famous in history. The first was a celebrated retreat of the ancient Picts and Scots ; the latter anciently occupied the greatest part of Europe ; particularly Germany, Poland and Hun-'5, the hair grows out again of itself HALO. A halo is a luminous circle, usually of various and beau- tiful hues, surrounding the sun or moon during certain conditions of the atmosphere. A halo of the moon is usually a white circle with an inner edge sometimes tinged with pale red. There is much truth in the remark, that a dense halo close to the moon portends rain. Lunar halos are most frequent, because the sun's rays are too dazzling to admit of their being seen. The most probable cause of this phe- nomena is, that it depends on the refraction of light in passing through small transparent prisms of ice, floating in the higher regions of the atmosphere. HAMS. The ham is one of the most valuable parts of the hog, and which, if properly cured, may be preserved for almost any length of time, retaining its fine properties. The most esteemed, are made from hogs fed on solid feed, corn being the best, which are allowed considerable exercise ; which do not weigh more than two hundred or two hundred and fifty pounds, and which have a large portion of muscular or lean flesh in their structure. The quality of the meat depends also on the manner of pickling and smoking it. Saltpetre in the curing of it gives it a good color, and prevents it from being too salt ; the meat having a greater affinity for the former than for the latter of these substances. A little saleratus will render it tender, and sugar or molasses will give general improvement to the flavor. Our own rule is, to every hundred pounds of flesh, one pound of saltpetre, half a gallon of molasses, or its equivalent in sugar, and half a tea- cup of saleratus, made into a pickle, with salt sufficient to raise an ess half above the surface, the whole being simmered over the fire till all the impurities rise and are skimmed off". When cold, the hams are buried in it, and remain there from four to six weeks, when they may be taken out, dried, and put in the smoke-house. The smoke of cobs or hickory wood is best. They may be kept through the season hanjring in the smoke-house, now and then making a little smoke under them ; or, they may b.) sewed up in bags and white- washed, or they may be packed in ashes ; either, if well done, will protect them from flies. THE FARMER AT HOME. 199 HAND. A member of the human body, at the extremity of the arm. The mechanism of the hand is excellently fitted for the various uses and occasions we liave lor it, and the great number of arts and manufactures in which it is to be employed. It consists of a com- pages of nerves, and little bones jointed into each other, which give it a great degree of strength, and at the same time an unusual flexi- bility, to enable it to handle adjacent bodies, lay hold of them, and grasp them, in order either to draw them towards us or thrust tliem ofl. Anaxagorons is said to have maintained, that man owes all his wisdom, knowledge, and superiority over other animals, to the use of his hands. The right hand was the place of honor and respect. Amongst the Greeks and Romans it was customary for inferiors to walk on the left hand of superiors, that the right hand might be ready to alFord protection and defence to their left side, which, on account of the awkwardness of the left hand, was more exposed to danger. HAND AND HORSE GRAIN MILL. In many localities, and particular!} in seasons of drought, farmers are subjected to material inoonvenierice in having their grain ground. This usually happens HAND AND HORSE GRAIN MILL. when time can least be spared to go a long distance for it, in the sea- son of hay-making and harvesting To relieve them from this incon- 200 THE FARMER AT HOME. venience, small portable mills, operated by hand, or horse power, as occasion requires, have been provided. The accompanying cut rep resents one kind that has been highly commended. The grinding surfaces are made of iron, and when they are too much worn ibr use new ones can be substituted in their place. The mill is strong and durable. With horse-power applied, four bushels of fine meal can be made in an hour ; and a greater quantity of coarse. And, what is very important, the mill is not liable to get out of repair. HARDENING OF TIMBER. The Venetians are famous for the soundness of their ships, which do not rot as those of other nations, but will endure much longer than the others. Tachenlus tells us, that the whole secret of this consists in the manner of their hardening their timber intended for this service ; and that this is done by sink- ing it in water while green, and leaving it there many years. This prevents the alkali, or tliat salt which furnishes the alkali in burning, from exhaling afterwards ; and by this means the timber becomes al- almost as incorruptible as stone. It is evident that the exhaling of this salt, and the rotting of wood, have some very great connection with one another, since the more sound any piece of timber is, the more salt it proportionably yields ; and the wood which is rotten is found on trial to contain no salt at all. HARROW, HARROW. Next to the plough, the harrow may be said to bft the oldest agricultural implement. It is represented on the most THE FARMER AT HOME. 201 ancient sculptures of Eirypt. and is known in some form wherever the earth is cultivated. Various forms are given to the harrow, from that of the wedge to the square, and the teeth are adapted to the work it has to perform. The great use of the harrow is in pulverizing the earth, tearing and freeing the soil from the roots of weeds and grasses, and covering seeds when sown. For this purpose, the harrow is preferred to the plough, as the latter usually places the small seeds at too great a depth for cei'tain germination. Many of our best farm- ers, however, prefer the plough to the harrow for covering wheat ; and as this grain, if sown in autumn, germinates better, and endures the winter better to have greater depth of earth than the harrow usually gives, they are probably correct in their preference. The Triangular Folding Harrow, represented in the preceding cut, is one of the best in use. HARVEST. In Agriculture, a name which is commonly applied to the season in which grain, hay, and other crops are cut down, car- ried and secured in the barns or stack-yards. The particular period at which the harvest for corn and hay takes place, is sooner or later according to the nature and state of the climate, the qualities of the soil, and the peculiar circumstances of the crops in regard to situation and kind. HARVEST. MOON. An ephithet applied to those moons which, in the autumnal months, rise on successive nights, soon after sunset, owing to the oblique ascension of the signs of the zodiac, through which the moon is then passing ; which signs, in turning the globe, ascend almost horizontally. HAULM. This is a name given to the stalks of beans and peas. When well harvested, these form a very hearty species of fodder. Both of these and all other kinds of straw haulm, should be given as fresh as possible from the flail, for they grow brittle, and lose a portion of whatever sap they possess, by exposure to the air ; if kept long they grow musty also, and in that state are neither wholesome or readily eaten. HAY. In most countries where the length and severity of the winters make some provision for domestic animals necessary, grass cut and cured in the form of hay, has always been the cheapest and most valuable. Grass for hay should be cut at the time when the nutritive parts are most developed, and that is in most cases when the plants are forming the seeds, but before they are ripened. In curing it, great care should be taken not to have it damaged by rain, nor should it be long exposed to the sun. In the first case the hay is washed and whitened, and in the last, the leaves crumble and fall off, thus mate- rially lessening the quality of the article for fodder. Clover makes a hay which all animals eat greedily, but it requires more strict pre- caution in curing, and will bear less handling without injury, than any other of the grasses. The hay called rowen, or the second crop, is 9* 202 THE FARMER AT HOME. very fine and good for lambs and calves, but has not the nourishment which the more natured plant possesses. HEAD. In Anatomy. The head, besides possessing muscular parts and integuments in common with the rest of the body, is the seat of the organs of the external senses, and of the bony cavity in which the brain is placed. This variety of structm-es and of the functions which are performed by them, renders the head liable to many dis- eases, of which some affect the skin, muscles, and cellular texture, others the organs of sense, and others the brain and internal parts of the skull. The head is liable to all the varieties of external injury, of wounds of the scalp, and fractures of the skull ; the organs of sense, to their peculiar maladies ; and the brain and the internal parts to very many diseases. In an important work with which the profession has been favored by Dr. Abercrombie, he classes the diseases of the internal parts of the head under the inflammatory, the apoplectic, and the organic. HEARING. The ear is the organ of hearing. In man it con- sists of an external ear, and an internal 'bony cavity with numerous circular and winding passages, by which the vibrations of the air are collected and concentrated, and by a peculiar mechanism conveyed to the auditory nerves. The ear is supplied with peculiar glands, which secrete an unctuous substance, called the wax of the ear. The internal auditory passage proceeds in a spiral direction to the tympanum or drum of the ear, which forms a complete partition between this pas- sage and the internal cavities. Beyond the tympanum is a hemi- spherical cavity which leads to the fauces, or opening at the back of the mouth. This opening is of a trumpet form. The inner cavity, including the winding passage, is aptly called the labyrinth of the ear. The sense of hearing is, perhaps, still more important than that of seeing ; but as we can have no just conception of the real state of social existence without either of these senses, it is idle to speculate on such comparisons. HEAT. Heat is the well known sensation which we perceive on touching any substance whose temperature is superior to that of the human body. Chemists have agreed to call the matter of heat caloric, in order to distinguish it from the sensation which it produces. Caloric has a tendency to difiuse itself equally among substances that come in contact with it. If the hand be put upon a hot body, part of the caloric leaves the hot body, and enters the hand ; this produces the sensation of heat. On the contrary, if the hand be put upon a cold body, part of the caloric contained in the hand, leaves the hand to unite -with the cold body : this produces the sensation of cold. If you pour warm water into one basin, cold water into a second, and a mix- ture of hot and cold water into a third; then put one hand into the cold water, and the other into the warm, for two minutes, and after that put both hands into the luke-warm water, to the ens hand it -will THE FARMER AT HOME. 203 feel cold, and to the other hot. Persons ascending from the burning shores of Vera Cruz, on the road to the mountain hind of Mexico, will feel ihe climale become colder, and will put on their great coats, and yet they will meet peo])le descending conij)l;uning of the heat. Cold, therefore, is nothing but a negative quality, simply implying the absence of the usual quantity of caloric. When gaseous substances become liquid, or liquid substances solid, by this change of state they lose, in a great measure, their capacity for caloric. During the slaking of quicklime, the caloric which is evolved escapes from the water in consequence of its changing from a liquid to a solid form by its union with the lime. When solid bodies become liquid or gaseous, their capacity for caloric is proportionably increased. If you place a glass of water in a mixture of equal quan- tities of snow and salt, during their conversion to a liquid, the water will be frozen in consequence of parting with its caloric to supply the increased capacity of the mixture. The portion of caloric necessary to raise a body to any given temperature is called its specific caloric. The instrument in common use for measuring the temperature of bodies, is called a thermometer. It consists of a glass tube containing a portion of mercury, with a graduated scale annexed to it. When a thermometer is brought in contact with any substance, the mercury expands or contracts till it acquires the same temperature ; and the height at which the mercury stands in the tube, indicates the exact temperature of the substance to M'hich it has been applied. It will not show the absolute caloric in substances ; for it cannot measure that portion which is latent, or chemically combined with any body. Caloric is the cause of fluidity in all substances capable of becoming fluid, from the heaviest metal to the lightest gas. It insinuates itself among their particles, and invariably separates them in some measure from each other. Thus ice is converted, into water, and by a further portion of caloric, into steam. We have reason to belieA'e that every solid substance on the face of the earth might be converted to a fluid, or even to a vapor or gas, were it submitted to the action of a very high temperature in peculiar circumstances. Some bodies give out their superabundant caloric much sooner than others. Iron is a quicker conductor of caloric than glass, and glass than wood. The study of the laws of caloric to the agriculturist, is of great mterest and importance. Although some plants can exist with a very small degree of heat, yet some of it is essential to all fluidity, as already ^ated, and also, of course, to circulation, and consequently without it there can be no growth. The rapidity of all vegetation is in a great measui-e depending on the degree of heat combined with moisture, to which the plant is subjected, and there are many which cannot exist except in countries and places of high temperature. The eflect in forcing the growth of plants may be seen every season in our fields and gardens, and it has been ascertain id by actual experiment, that 204 THE FARMER AT HOME. a difference cf five degrees in lemperature will advance or retard plants of the same kind and same advantages, temperature excepted, ten or fifteen days. Of all our cultivated plants, corn is the one which requires the highest temperature, and will endure it the longest with- out injury. Melons require more heat than the climate of the northern States atibrd to reach the perfection of which they are capable further south ; and, in England, they cannot be growu. at all, without the aid of artificial heat. HEDGE. One of the most beautiful and durable of fences, made of living plants, usually those of a thorny nature, and disposed to grow in a close and impervious manner. One of the most striking features of the English landscape, is the hedges which serve to divide the estates from each other, or the several farms into suitable fields for the purpose of agriculture. In the United States, n. merous attempts at making hedges have been made, but owing to some unexplained cause, with but little success on the whole. The plants used here have been generally the same variety of the foreign hedge thorn, but the deep green of the English hedge is not seen on the same plants here, and they are liable to the attacks of worms, which speedily destroy them. The Osage orange, the honey locust, the crab apple, and the wild mulberry, are natives of this country, and have been tried with different degrees of success. And there has been introduced for this purpose, into the vicinity of Boston, the buckthorn, and there are some beautiful specimens of hedges from this plant, which promise to be all the lovers of this kind of fence can desire. However, it is apprehended that as the circumstances here, are so difierent from what they are in England, it will be long indeed before hedges in this country become general. HEMP. This is an annual plant of great use in the arts and manufactures, furnishing thread, cloth, and cordage. Hemp bears a near analogy to flax, not only in form, but also in culture and use. The bark of the stalk, as in flax, is the chief object for which it is cultiva- ted. Large portions of the Western States are peculiarly adapted to the production of hemp, both so far as soil and climate are concerned ; and for many years it has been a conspicuous object of attention. Kentucky may as yet be considered the great hemp growing portion of the American Union. It requires a warm, rich, vegetable mould, to produce it in perfection, and the best limestone lands in Kentucky and Tennessee are admirably adapted to it ; and, it is to be hoped, _ that ere long enough of it will be raised to prevent the necessity of further importations of it from abroad. HEN. The number of eggs laid in a year by the domestic hen are above two hundred ; provided she be well fed and supplied with water. In the wild state the hen seldom lays more than fifteen eggs. When she begins to sit, her perseverance and patience are very remarkable ; she continues for some days immovable ; and when THI FARMER AT HOME. 20; hunger forces her away fii^m the nest, she quickly returns. While she sits, she carefully turns her egofs, and even removes them to dif- ferent situations, till at length, in about three weeks, the young bi-ood give signs of bursting their confinement. When they have broken with their bills a passage for themselves through the shell, the hen continues to sit till they are excluded. Wheu all are produced, the strongest taking the lead, and the weakest following, she leads them forth to provide for themselves, and in various ways seek the food that is necessary to supply their wants. yhe recalls them when they wander, spreads her wings over them to defend them against the inclemency of the weather, and broods a second time. In these expressions of anxiety and attention, her own health is visibly impaired, and she may be distinguished from every other hen by her rulfled feathers and trailing wings. The hoarseness of her voice, and its different inflections, are all expressive of her situation, and of her maternal aflection and solicitude. For their preservation she neglects herself and exposes her life to danger in their defence. Whatever the enemy be that assails them, she warns them by her repeated cries, and boldly attacks the foe, whilst her brood are driven into some place of security. HEREFORD COW. HEREFORD CATTLE . This is an English breed of the bovine family, deriving the distinctive name, from the county of Hei-eford, where it is common to the exclusion of most other breeds. They are usually of a dark red; some of them are brown, and even yellow, 206 THE FARMER AT HOME and a few are brindled ; but they are principally distinguished by their white faces, throats and bellies. In a few the white extends to the shoulders. The old Herefords were brown, or red -brown, with not a spot of white about them. It is only within the last fifty or sixty years that it has been the fashion to breed for white faces. Whatever may be thought of the change of color, the present breed is superior to the old one. The cows are not generally admitted to be equal in milking qualities to those of some other breeds ; but, they have their admirers in this country as well as in England. And if universally judged deficient in these qualities, the deficiency is bal- anced by the great weight to which they can be fattened. And the oxen are thought more profitable for the shambles than for the yoke, notwithstanding their great strength and docility. HERON. This bird builds in cliffs over the sea ; though it some- times will be found in numbers on high trees. The heron was for- merly much esteemed as food ; it is remarkably long-lived, some- times exceeding even si.xty years. It is a great devourer of fish, and does more mischief to a pond than even an otter. It has been found that a heron will eat fifty moderate sized dace and roaches in a day ; and that in carp ponds, visited by this bird, one heron will eat up a thousand store carp in a year, and will hunt them so close as to let very few escape. HICKORY. This name is applied to one of our well-known trees. The wood is coarse-grained, very heavy, exceedingly tough and strong, and red at the heart ; but it is not as durable as the wood of some other trees. It is employed for the shafts and springs of car- riages, for large screws for presses, for bows, chair backs, whip handles, wooden cogged wheels, cask hoops, and a variety of other purposes. It is one of the most economical kiiids of wood for fuel. The nuts of one species of this tree are much prized. They are commonly called shag-barks, from the roughness of the scaly surface of the bark of the tree on which they grow. HIDE-BOUND. This is applied to a certain disease of cows and horses, in which the skin adheres to their sides. Want of proper care, spare diet, and bad food — sometimes long, rank grass, in swampy situations, and musty hay or oats, may be the causes of this affection. The skin of the hide-bound animal loses its pliability and flexible nature ; the surface of it is hard and dry ; the minute scales with which it is covered no longer yield to the hair, but separating themselves in every direction, they turn it in various ways, and so give to it that irregular and ragged appearance which is one of the characteristics of want of condition. HIGH WATER. That state of the tides when they have flowed to the greatest height, in which state they remain nearly stationary for about fifteen or twenty minutes, when the water begins again to fibb. The Hme of high water is always nearly the same in the same THE FARMER AT HOME. 207 place at the full of the moon, and at all other times, the time of hi^yh water depends upon the age of the moon ; the rule for finding which, the age of the moon being given, is as follows, viz : add four-fifths of the days of the moon's age, as so many hours, to the time of high water at the full of the moon, and the sum is the time of high water, answering to that day nearly. HOEINCt. In the new husbandry, is the breaking or dividing the soil by tillage while the corn or other plants are growing thereon. It differs from common tillage in the time of performing it ; and it is much more beneficial to the crops than any other tillage. This sort of tillage is performed various ways, and by means of different instru- ments. Next to ploughing, hoeing is one of the most effectual opera- tions in farming ; and, especially in countries where Indian corn is grown, it may be considered indispensable. There are many kinds of the hoe adapted to its various uses in the garden or the field ; and in the form of it, and in the material used for its construction, depends its excellence. The blade or cutting part of a good hoe should be sufficiently hard to keep a good edge and not batter, and at the same time so elastic and fine tempered as not to be easily broken. HOGr. In grossness of manners, the hog tribe stand unrivalled among quadrupeds ; and their general appearance corresponds, in a great measure, with their habits. The natural term of the life of this animal is from fifteen to thirty years ; and it increases in size and strength until four or five years of age. In Minorca, it is said, that the hog is used as a beast of draught. The wild boar, from which most of our domesticated varieties are derived, is found in most parts of Europe and Asia, and is by no means so stupid or filthy an animal as the tame hog. Hunting the wild boar has always been a favorite amusement. When roused, he goes slowly and uniformly forward, frequently stopping and facing his pursuers, often inflicting severe and even mortal wounds. The common hog, in a tame state, is almost universal, except in very high latitudes. In the forests of South America, it is found in vast droves, derived from the European varie- ties again relapsed into* a state of nature. The common hog appears to enjoy none of the senses in perfection except that of smell. In their taste they discover a strange degree of caprice ; for while they are sin- gnlarly delicate in their choiceof herbs, they will devour with voracity the most nauseous and putrid carrion. HOLLYHOCK. A malvaceous plant, a native of the East, and very frequently cultivated in gardens for the sake of its ornamental spikes of large and beautiful flowers. The root is biennial, and shoots up one or several very upright, hairy stems, which attain the height of from five to eight feet. The leaves are cordate at base, and divided into from five to seven lobes. The flowers are subsessile, rose-colored, and situated in the axils of the superior leaves, thus forming a long terminal spike. From cultivation, many varieties have arisen, bear- 208 THE FARMER AT HOME. ing flowers, single or double, white, yellow, red, or even almost Mack. It is a hardy plant, and easily reproduced from seed. HONEY BEES. A species of animals remarkable for industry, economy, and ingenuity. They have all things in common, and yet live under inviolable laws. Mindful of the coming winter, they toil in. summer, and lay up food in common stock. Some are employed in the fields, gathering honey and wax ; some construct the combs ; some fill the cells with honey ; some watch at the gates to observe the weather, or receive the loads of those that return to tlie hive. All have one time of labor ; all have one rest from work. In the morn- ing they rush out of the gates without delay ; at evening all is hushed for the night. It has been remarked, that " if Newton had been a bee," he could not have constructed the combs or cells, with more geometrical exactness. In a hive of bees are commonly found from fifteen to eighteen thousand inhabitants ; over which there is always a queen, that reigns absolute. The queen is distinguished from the other bees, by the form of her body ; she is longer and larger than they are, and her wings are much shorter than theirs in proportion to her body. Her hinder parts are more taper than those of other bees ; her belly and legs are of a deep golden yellow. A hive of bees cannot subsist without a queen, as she lays all the eggs, and thus produces the whole posterity. No other earthly monarch has such obedient subjects. If you take the queen, wherever you put her in sight, the whole hive will follow, and presently surround her ; and when a queen happens to die, the bees of her hive immediately leave working, consume their honey, fly about their own and other hives at unusual hours when other bees are at rest, and pine away, if not soon supplied with another sovereign. HONEYDEW. A term frequently applied to a clammy sac- charine substance, which is often seen covering the leaves and other parts of difierent kinds of trees and plants, at some particular seasons of the year. It does not appear that the cause of this extraordinary appearance is yet fully understood, as it has not by any means been well ascertained whether it derives its origin from external circum- stances, or some morbid aflection of the vegetables themselves. It is generally, however, supposed to be the production of insects. HOP. A plant with a creeping root, the stalks of which climb and twist about whatever is near them ; wherefore, in hop grounds, poles are fixed near to the plant for them to rise upon. Hops are said to have been introduced into England from the Netherlands in the sixteenth century : they are principally used to boil up with beer, in order to prevent it from turning sour, and to give it a strengthening quality. Hops require to be planted in open situations, and in a rich strong ground. The two best sorts are the white and the gray kind. These should be planted in hills about eight or nine feet asunder. About the beginning of July hops begin to blow, and are ready to THE FARMER AT HOME. 209 gather about the latter end of August ; when, by their strong scent, their hardness, and the brown color of the seed, they may be known to be fit. The best method of drying hops is on a kiln over a char- coal fire ; when the stalks are brittle, and the top leaves easily fall off, they are promptly dried. When taken from the kiln, they should be laid to cool for three weeks or a month before they are bagged. FLYING CHILDE RS; AN ENGLISH RACE HORSE, HORSE. The horse is known to most nations as the most useful and manageable of those animals that live under the sway of man. In gracefulness of form and dignity of carriage, he is superior to almost every other quadruped ; he is lively and high spirited, yet gen- tle and tractable ; keen and ardent in his exertions, yet firm and persevering. The horse is equally qualified for all the various pur- poses in which man has employed him ; he works steadily and patiently in the loaded wagon or at the plough ; becomes as much excited as his master in the race ; and appeal's to rejoice in the chase. The horse feeds on grass and grain, and defends himself with his hoofs and teeth. His flesh, although rejected among civilized nations, is much used among several rude tribes ; and from the milk of the mare, the Calmucks and other Tartars prepare a spirituous drink of consider- able strength. The voice of this animal is peculiar, and well known under the name of neighing. The life of the horse, when not short- ened by ill usage, extends from twenty-five to thirty years. The horse, like the other tame animals, was no doubt originally wild, but his domestication happened at so early a period, as to leave no record of the event, and it is now impossible to ascertain, with any 2J0 THE FARMER AT HOME. certainty, in what country he originated. Wild horses, it is true, are found in various parts of the world, but in most cases it is impossible to say whether they are the remains of the ancient stock or are derived from the domesticated animal ; though, as respects those found in the American continent, there is no doubt but that they were originally introduced by the Spaniards. Desmarest gives upwards of twenty varieties of the horse, and his catalogue is by no means com- plete. We shall only be able to notice the princip.al. The wild horses of Tartary are smaller than the domestic ; their hair, particu- larly in winter, is very thick, and generally of a mouse color. Their heads are larger, in proportion to their bodies, than those of tame horses, and their foreheads remarkably arched. These horses are very watchful of their common safety. Whilst a troop is feeding, one of their number is placed on some eminence as a sentinel ; when danger of any kind approaches, he warns his companions by neighing, and they all betake themselves to flight. The most esteemed horses are the Arabian. These are seldom more than fourteen to fourteen and a half hands high, more inclined to be lean than fat ; they rise higher from the ground than other blood horses, and gather much more quickly. The breed in Arabia is never crossed as in other countries, but preserved unmixed with the utmost solicitude. The Arabs prefer the mare, as being more capa- ble of bearing hunger, thirst and fatigue ; and these must neither bite nor kick, or they are deemed vicious ; indeed, it is no uncommon thing to see children play and fondle about the mare and her foal without fear of injury. Madden says, when an Arab sells his mare, he rarely sells all his property in her ; he generally reserves, the second or third foal. That author also observes, that it is so difficult to get a thorough-bred Arab mare to .send out of the country, that he doubts if any ever go to Europe; those usually sent as such being Dongola horses, which are very inferior, being worth only from one hundred and twenty to one hundred and fifty dollars, whilst an Arabian is worth from fifteen to two thousand dollars. The Persian horses ai'e much esteemed, but not equal to the Arabian. The Barbary horse, which approaches the Arabian, is the origin of the Spanish and Italian. The Andalusian horse is much prized. It is small, but beautifully formed. The head is, however, rather large in proportion to the body, the mane thick, the ears long, the eyes animated, the breast full, the legs finely shaped, and the hoofs high. The Italian horses are not so much esteemed now as formerly ; they are large, and move well, and are used tor cai-riage horses and heavy cavalry. The Danish horses are stout and well built, but seldom elegant The same may be said of the Dutch horse, which is preferred for draught throughout Europe. The French horses differ much, according to the part of the country from whence they are derived. The breed of horses in England and the United THE FARMER AT HOME. 211 States is as mixed as that of the inhabitants, the frequent introduction of foreign horses liaviug; produced an infinite variety. HORSE-POWER. What is usually termed horse-power in rural economy, is the construction of machinery (or the performance of labor, Ibrmerly done by man, and sometimes that done by water- power or steam. The more ordinary kinds of this labor are thrashing and winnowing grain ; the sawing of wood . the grinding of grain ; also the sowing or planting seeds, the reaping of grain, and the raking of hay. For the three first of these operations the same machine is used, having distinct fixtures for each one of them ; and, for each of the three last there is a distinct machine complete by itself It i» HORSE POWER. reasonable to suppose, and it is proved by the fact, that horse-power thus applied is a great saving of manual labor, in some cases is of very great convenience, and on large farms is seemingly indis- pensable. Tn the fii'st contrivances to effect these objects there have been defective results ; but, wherever this has happened new efforts have been induced, so that at present, of the numerous ma- chines devised, those that can be selected, apparently approximating perfection, that of Emery and Company, manufactured at Albany, is very highly recommended, and by many is esteemed superior to all others. HORSE-CHESNUT. This is an ornamental tree ; a native of the northern parts of Hindostan, and frequently cultivated in Europe and the United States. It was unknown to the ancients, and is now cultivated only for the sake of its beauty, the wood being of no value. It is one of our m.ost admired ornamental trees. Its large and brijjht green foliage, its full rich form, and the profusion of spikes of flowers, of the most delicate and brilliant colors with which we are acquainted, render it one of the most showy trees to be found. In Europe, the fruit is used for feeding various kinds of cattle, who are said to be fond of it. For this purpose, it is first soaked in lime water, or an alkaline solution, which deprives it of its bitterness ; it is then washed and boiled to a pulse. In Turkey it is ground and mixed with pro- vender for horses. 212 THE FARMER AT HOME. HORTICULTURE. In its more limited application this is the culture of the kitchen garden and orchard. As such, the chief differ- ence between horticulture and agriculture is, that in the former art the culture is performed by manual labor in a comparatively limited space, called a garden ; while in the other it is performed jointly by human and animal labor in fields, or in an extensive tract of ground called a farm. In its more extended and popular sense, horticulture not only means the cultivation of esculent vegetables and fruits, but the management of ornamental plants and the formation of rural scenery, for the purposes of utility and embellishment. It is difficult to imagine any occupation more conducive to the promotion of good taste and susceptibility to moral sentiment, than that of the well edu- cated horticulturist. Nature is spread before him in full beauty ; it is from her teachings that he constantly receives instruction ; and thus, while he is storing his own mind with the idea of all that is beautiful and lovely, he has the every-day consciousness of laboring for the wants and for the pleasure of his fellow-creatures. Those who inculcate a taste for horticulture are public benefactors, and The Horticulturist of Downing should be in every farmer's family. HOTBED. In Gardening, a name given to a sort of bed con- structed for the purpose of producing artificial heat, and the raising of different sorts of culinary and other vegetables and plants. It is chiefly by the aid of these beds, also, that various tender plants, flow- ers, and fruits, are raised in perfection, which, without such artificial heat, could not possibly be produced or continued in this climate. By this means, likewise, vast numbers of seeds, which would otherwise remain years in the earth, and some never grow at all, are made to generate, form plants, continue their growth, and produce their flow- ers and fruits as in their native soils. And the cuttings and slips of many sorts of trees and shrubs, which would otherwise remain inac- tive and perish, are also made soon to emit root-fibres and shoots, and become plants in due time. By this means, too, many valuable esculent plants, that succeed in the full ground at one time of the year or the other, are brought to perfection much sooner than they could otherwise be obtained, as the cucumber, asparagus, peas, beans, kidney-beans, radishes, carrots, strawberries, and various salad herbs, and other plants, which grow in the open ground of the garden departments. And annual flower- ing plants, as well as those of the herbaceous and shrubby kinds, are also brought to more early perfection and flowering by them. They are therefore of great use in the practice of gardening in numerous cases of ibrcing early productions. HOUSES. Houses in our own country are of almost every possi- ble imaginative device, from the cheapest log cabin to the most stately and enduring mansion. In the country, however, there has generally been manifested a lamentable want o'. taste and regard to comfort. THE FARMER \T HOME. 213 In the early settlement of the country, a necessity existed for the erection of some kind of a shelter, without regard to beauty or even for comfort, save to obtain protection from the inclemency of the weather. There was a peneral want of mechanical skill, of the requisite materials, and in most cases of the pecuniary ability, to pay regard to ornament, or the principles of architecture. This style of houses, or rather want of all style in them, originally the result of necessity, almost as a matter of course, with the masses of our yeo- manry, has been perpetuated, in no small degree, after the neces.sity ceased to exist. Within the last few years there has been a praise- worthy manifestation of desire to correct the evil ; and we are now beginning, in transient localities, to observe the rising of the neat cottage, the commodious farm-house, and the expensive villa. This, as it becomes more general, will add much to the attractions and pleasure of rural life. The English and Scotch cottages differ in their external appear- ance and management. The best English cottages of recent con- struction are built of brick and covered with slate. The use of these materials has changed the character of this class of dwellings. In many cottages the chimney stack forms the principal bearing of the floors and roof. The Scotch cottage has not only a different appear- ance when compared with the English, but, from its being so much wider, it admits of two apartments being formed on the ground floor. This is also a matter of necessity, as they are seldom raised more than one story. The material for the walls is most commonly stone ; the roof is large and heavy in appearance, and has but a small projection beyond the walls ; the gable walls also run up frequently above the roof, forming a parapet, which is sometimes notched so as to resemble steps, or has a battlement appearance. As the French and Italians of the middle classes do not generally live in separate houses like the English, but on floors containing a series of rooms, it follows that the arrangement of their houses differs from that of the English The staircase, as in public chambers, is common to each floor. The rooms communicate with each other, and generally with a passage or balcony on one side ; chimneys are rare, stoves being most commonly used to heat the rooms. French and Italian houses are mostly built of rough stone stuccoed ; the floors are seldom boarded, being paved with glazed tiles or unglazed bricks. The Spanish houses are very spacious ; they have large courts in the interior, and are formed with galleries round the inside of the quad- rangular courts, families occupying the separate floors. The houses in many parts of Germany, approach nearer to the English in their arrangement, than the French and Italian houses. In many places the houses are a frame work of wood, and the interstices are filled with unbaked bricks, and are plastered with clay. The city archi- tecture of Russian houses, both in its effect and arrangement, resemblea 214 ^HE FARMER AT HOME. the architecture of the Italian and French houses, except that the roofs are covered with sheet iron painted with vivid colors, mostly reA and preen. The windows are donhle. The history of architecture i» curious in the extreme, and would furnish amusement as well as use- ful instruction. It deserves more attention than it has received. HUMMING-BIRD. The least of all the feathered tribes ; it» body being not bigger than the end of one's finger, and its eggs no larger than small peas : it is a native of America. On this little biro nature has profusely lavished her most splendid colors ; the most per- fect azure, the most beautiful gold color, the most dazzling red, are forever in contrast, and help to embellish the plumes of its majestic head. Like the bee, it finds its food in flowers and blossoms ; when it feeds, it appears as if immovable, though continually on the wing. Myriads of these little birds are seen, feeding on the flowers and blossoms, in the southern parts of the United States, and in the Floridas. HUMUS. The general name of humus is given to fine, dark- brown or blackish particles of decayed vegetation, which impart their richness to all fertile soils. It is frequently oalled vegetable mould. The amount of humus in the soil is readily increased by green fallows, by ploughing in straw, prepared peat, and all vegetable rubbish. The leaves of trees which fall in the forest in autumn, and the old roots of grass in the meadows, are likewise converted into humus. HUNGER. The feeling of a want of food. When the stomach has digested and disposed of the food and drink which it contained, its peculiar nervous power is destroyed, and some time is necessary before it collects it again. This time is shorter in proportion as the individual is healthy, young, strong, and active. As soon as this nervous power is restored, the activity of the organ is again awakened, and produces a longing to eat, which we call, in its first degree, appe- tite. If this is not gratified, it gains strength, and becomes hunger, which, if not appeased, turns to voracity. Appetite is not a disagree- able feeling, but hunger is an ever-increasing pain, on account of the ever-increasmg sensibility of the nerves of the stomach. To some men, whose stomachs are morbidly sensitive, the first desire for food is unpleasant, and if this desire is not immediately gratified, they are seized with griping pains in the parts about the stomach, which, if not appeased, are followed by sudden weakness, and even fainting. If hunger is not allayed, a dreadful state of the body ensues, and finally death. After long continued hunger, the blood becomes weak, acrid, and thin, on account of the want of mate- rials to compensate for the nutritious matter expended in the support of the body ; hence the whole body becomes lean and weak, bloody fluxes take place from all parts, as well as violent irritation of the nervous system, caused by the excessive sensibility of the nerves of THE FARMER AT HOME. jjg the stomach, which at length extends to the whole region of the abdo- men, is carried to a still greater height, and produces pain over the whole body, sleeplessness, convulsions, raving madness, until at length death puts an end to the scene. HUSK. Among Botanists, the part which a flower grows out of. The husks or cups of the flowers of plants are not so much regarded with a view to their medicinal virtues as they deserve. Petiver, in the Philosophical Transactions, speaking of the virtues of the verti- cillate class of plants, among which are included the sage, rosemary, and the like, observes that it is an erroneous, though general opinion, that the flowers of these plants contain their principal virtues, for that the husks are the part in which it is lodged. For instance, in the rosemary, the fine scent of the Hungary- water is not in the flowers, but husks; and the flowers alone, when clean picked from them, yield very little odor. The cup. in this and other plants of the same class, is the only part in which their viscous and sulphureous qualities are lodged, and that something of this kind is deposited particularly there, may be perceived by the touch and smell ; for they appear moist and feel clammy ; and this clammy matter, when received upon the fingers, is of a very strong and agreeable smell, much more so than the rest of the plant. HYACINTH. The numerous and splendid varieties of the garden hyacinth have always been general favorites, and, in some countries, the fondness for this plant amounts to a complete mania. In Holland, upwards of two thousand varieties have received distinct names, recog- nised by the diflerent florists, and the price of one thousand florins has been paid for a single plant. The environs of some of the Dutch towns astonish the traveller, from the gorgeous appearance produced by the vast profusion of these flowers. The wild plant is a native of the Levant, and has a bulbous root, from which rise a few linear lance- olate leaves and a leafless stem, bearing six or eight bell-shaped flowers, of a blue or white color. The cultivated double varieties have very graceful forms and a remarkable diversity of color. The natural aflinities of this plant place it in the same family with the squill and the onion. All the species of hyacinth are natives of the eastern continent. HYBERNATION. Hybernation s that state of inaction and rest, which some animals and many plants undergo dui-ing the cold season of the year, and exhibits some remarkable phenomena, well deserving the attention of the naturalist. On the approach of winter, the badger, the marmot, ground squirrel, frog, toad, snakes, and some other animals, betake themselves to their retreats in the earth, where, in a torpid, motionless state, with but just circulation enough to pre- serve vitality, they remain until the returning summer rouses their drowsing faculties to action once more. Those instances in which animals and insects have been found in positions where they must 216 THE FARMER AT HOME. have remained for centuries, as frogs and toads in solid rocks, are examples of continued hybernation, produced by being placed in a position where the temperament and the confined state adopted at the commencement of the hybernation, is continued by causes afterwards superinduced. Thus the bats enclosed in the old mine, at Cheshire, (Conn.,) by a slide from the mountain, while in a state of hyberna- tion, remained in that state for more than a quarter of a century, and were so found at the reopening of the mine. Thus toads hybernating in swamps, if covered, while in that state, to a depth which would prevent the usual effects arising from the changes of the seasons, would remain in that position, and the subsequent conversion of the covering matter into stone, would enclose them forever in the rocky mass. It is to this indurating process that we must ascribe the wonderful pre- servation and continued vitality of those reptiles which are found in the sand stones of the transition series. The condition of plants, too, during our winters, in which the sap ceases to circulate, or circulates but to a limited extent, and in a lan- guid manner, is a species of hybernation. It is a rest of the plant, a cessation of its functions, growth ceases, and what may be called a sleep of the plant ensues. Other causes may produce this rest of plants. Numerous instances have occurred in which a second blos- soming has taken place, and the flowers of the first of October have vied with those of the first of May or June. This reviving of the plant has been noticed in the apple, plum, and pear. It is unquestion- ably to be attributed to the check which the extreme hot and dry weather gave to the trees, and which produced on them an effect similar to that of the hybernation of tropical plants. The functions of the plant were for a time partially suspended ; heat had performed the effect of cold ; the secretions of the plant, which prepare it for blooming and reproduction, had been performed, and when rains suc- ceeded the drowth, their blossoming in October as well as in May, was che natural result. HYBRIDS. When copulation takes place between different spe- cies of animals, the progeny which in some cases is the result, is termed a hybrid, as partaking of the qualities of both, yet distinct irom either. Thus, a connection between the ass and the mare, pro- duces the mule, and between the horse and the female ass. the hinny, the two most common hybrids among animals. The hybrids among animals do not have the power of reproduction, a proof tlrat muling is a violation of nature's laws, by which the races as distinct species are governed. There has been in the highlands of Scotland a hybrid between the stag and the mai'e, the first ever known. HYDROGEN. A constituent of water, and a rare gas, sixteen times lighter than atmospheric air, and on that account used to fill balloons. But its most important function is that of absorbing oxygen from surrounding parts, when excited by any accession of heat or undue THE FARMER AT HOME. 217 motion. Combined with carbon, it thus fixes orcondenses the oxygen, forming aqueous vapor and smoke, thereby locating great heat, while the reaction of the excited parts causes a difl'used action which is the important eflect called light. With oxygen only it creates a yellowish light, but with a suitable proportion of carbon it makes all the colors of the prism, when the resulting light is mechanically decomposed by it. Of course, coals, bitumens, oils, tallow, spirits, and all bodies that burn, abound in it, for burning means nothing more than its power of absorbing oxygen when duly excited, and this absorption creates by reaction in the space, heat, flame, and light, universally. The car- buretted vapor of hydrogen, evolved by subterranean heat from coal in the cavities of mines, is exploded by oxygen, with destructive effects when first excited by the similar process of a candle. When the same gas is made by distillation, and sent through pipes, it gradually explodes at the orifice, forming what are called gas lights. And when gradually evolved at the wick of a candle or lamp from the com- pound of carbon and hydrogen in the tallow and oil, the explosion accompanying the evolution of the gas creates our domestic lights. So also with the flame of a coal fire. IBEX. This animal is distinguished by large knotted horns, re- clining backwards, a small head, large eyes, a thick, short, strong body, short legs, very short hoofs, and a short tail. Its body is of a deep brown color, with a mixture of hoary hairs ; its belly is of a tawny white ; its legs partly black, partly white ; the space under the tail, in some individuals, is tawny, in others white. The hair is harsh, and the male is furnished with a beard. These animals arc seldom found, except in the most precipitous and inaccessible heights of lofty rrvountains, where they assemble in flocks, sometimes consist- ing of ten or fifteen individuals. During the night, they feed in the highest woods, but, at sunrise, they again ascend the mountains, till they have reached the most perilous heights. They are remarkably swift, and display amazing agility and dexterity in leaping. They are objects of the chase, but, from the inaccessible nature of the places to which they generally resort, their dexterity in leaping, and the danger attendant on a pur- suit of them, the ibex hunter must have a head that can bear to look down from the most tremendous precipices without terror, address and sure-footedness in the most difficult passes, and also much strength, vigor, and activity. Another danger attendant on this chase is, that the ibex, when close pressed, will sometimes turn on his pursuer, and tumble him down the precipices, unless he has time to lie down, and permit the animal to pass over him. The ibex will mount an almost perpendic- ular rock of fifteen feet, at three successive bounds, appearing mei'ely to touch it, to be repelled, like an elastic substance striking against a hard body. The fore legs being considerable shorter than the hinder, 10 218 THE FARMER AT HOME. enables these animals to ascend with more facility than to dtecend, and hence, when pur.sued, they always attempt (o gain the summits of the mountains. They inhabit the chain of mountains extending from Mount Taurus, between Eastern Tavtary and Siberia. In Eu- rope, they are found on the Carpathian and Pyrenean chains, and in the Grisons and other parts of the Alps. ICE. A brittle transparent body, formed of some fluid, frozen or fixed by cold. The specihc gravity ot ice to water is as eight to nine ; or the specific gravity of water being one, that of ice is ninety-three ; hence, being lighter than water, it floats upon it. The specific gravity of ice was tried by Dr. Irving, in Phipps' voyage to the north pole ; who found that when a piece of the most dense ice which he could meet with was immersed in snow-water, the thermometer thirty-four degrees, fourteen-fifteenth parts sunk under the surface of the water ; in brandy just proof, it barely floated; in rectified spirits of wine, it fell to the bottom at once, and dissolved immediately. This rarefac- tion of ice has been supposed to be owing to the air bubbles produced in ice while lireezing ; these, being considerably large in proportion to the water Irozen, render the ice so much specifically lighter. Accordingly, it is said that a considerable quantity of air is lodged in the interstices of water, though it has not there any elastic property, on account of the disunion of its particles ; but these particles coming closer together, and uniting as the water freezes, light, expansive, and elastic air bubbles are thus generated, and increase in bulk as the cold grows stronger ; whence of course the ice grows lighter, and these air bubbles acquiring an elastic force, burst to pieces any vessel in which the water is closely contained. But snow-water, or any water being boiled over the fire, aflbrds an ice more solid than ordi- nary, and with fewer bubbles. Pure water, long kept in vacuo, and Irozen afterwards there, freezes much sooner, on being exposed to the same degree of cold, than water unpurged of its air and set in the open atmosphere. And the ice made of water thus divested of its air, will expand in freezing ; though it is much harder, more solid and transparent, and more ponderous, than common ice. ICE-HOUSE. An ice-house may be simply a large cellar with hollow walls, containing flxed air ; or, which is better, with walls filled in with sawdust or tanning, which is a non-conductor of heat, and furnished with roof and door, made in the same maimer, and also with a drain to allow the escape of water produced by a partial thaw. The drain is as important as the non-conducting walls and roof; for standing water, on the floor or bottom of the vault contain- intr the ice, is as prejudicial to the preservation of the article as heat itself. Latterly it has been judged preferable to erect an ice-house above ground, to having it under ground, or in a cellar. In both cases, the construction is similar ; the walls, roof, and door being double, say with an intervening space of twelve inches, well filled and THE FARMER aI HOME. 219 rammed solid, of the sawdust or tannin. The west side of a hill, or under trees of dense foliajre, is a desirable location for an icehouse; and it miglit be well that it should be covered over with ivy or grape vines, or honey suckle, to intercept the rays of the sun or the warm at- mosphere. It is advisable also that the door should be on the west side, and that it should bo opened during the night or in the morning when there is no current of hot air to rush in. By a small expense, every farmer may have a small ice-house, that in the hottest weather of summer will keep fresh meat in good order for any reasonable length of time, and where butter may be kept hard, adding at least ten per cent, to its value, whether designed for market or family use. Such saving from an ice-house would soon balance the cost of its erection. ICE TRADE. A very curious traffic within a few years has sprung up ; to wit, the transportation of ice from New England to tropical regions in diflerent parts of the world. In the East Indies the artificial formation of ice has been long carried on, as the only means of cooling beverages and food The ground near Hoogley, about forty miles from Calcutta, is formed into shallow troughs ; into these troughs, on a layer of straw, are placed pans of porous earthen- ware. Shortly beibre midnight in the winter months, and when the win4 iiappens to be blowing from the north-M'est, a little water is poured into each vessel or pan ; and if all the circumstances are favorable, a film of ice is found in each pan on the following morning ; and this ice is collected and stored with the utmost care. The selling price of this ice at Calcutta is about six pence per pound ; but the Calcutta inhabitants were surprised by the arrival, in 1833, of a ship from the United States, laden entirely with ice, which was offered for sale at three pence pei* pound, which afforded the shipper a good pro- fit. Since that time the price has been reduced ; and the traffic has become regular, and of very considerable magnitude. It is mostly pi'ocured in the vicinity ;f Boston, where the article is very pure and solid, and can be obtained in any quantity desired. The contrivances for collecting, handling, and preserving it are exceedingly curious, and give evidence of American ingenuity and enterprise. ICHNEUMON. An animal of the weasel kind, bred chiefly in Egypt. It has the strength of a cat, and is more nimble and more cun- ning ; it easily strangles a cat that is larger than itself It takes to the water when in danger, and will live a considerable time under water. More expert than cats in catching rats and n.ice, they are used in Egypt for that purpose The animal makes war with great courage and eagerness upon all kinds of serpents. If bitten by the viper or the asp, it uses a certain root that cures the poison. Its principal service to the ancient Egyptians was in discovering and destroying the eggs of crocodiles ; and for its usefulness in this respect it was worshipped by that idolatrous people as a deity. 220 THE FARMER AT HOME. ICELAND SHEEP. The sheep of Iceland are of two kinds; the first, termed the native breed, is small, in color from dun to almost black ; the second is larger, the fleece white, and supposed to have originated from more southern regions. The fleece of these breeds consists of hair externally, with a white, close layer of wool ICELAND SHEEP. within, impervious to cold and wet ; it is worthless for manufactur- ing, and is used for horse collars, and more or less exported and appropriated to this purpose. The principal pecuHarity about the native sheep is the number of their horns, many individuals having four and five, and instances have been known of eight. These hardy animals propagate without the care of man, and seek refuge from storms among the caverns of the coast during the winter season. ICELAND MOSS. This lichen, thouofh a native of the higher mountains of the northern parts of Britain, is procured mostly from Norway and Iceland, on the lava of the west coast of which latter country it abounds and attains a large size. When dry it has scarcely any odor, and the taste is bitter and un})leasant. The pow- der or flour is of a whitish gray. When the bitter principle is removed, the starchy matter diflers from wheat flour in nutritive properties, though some authorities assert that a soup made of it is twice as nutritive as one made with flour. Certain it is that the THE FARMER AT HOME. 221 inhabitants of Norway Lapland, and above all Iceland, use it exteu sively as an alimentary substance, the latter regardinjj it as the gift of a bountiful Providence, which sends to them this bread in that frozen clime. It is submitted to no other preparation than repeated steepings in cold water, drying, and powdering ; after which it is either made into cakes or boiled in milk. The e.x:cellence of Iceland Moss depends upon its I'reshness, and freedom from accidental impu- rities, which should be carefully removed before it is used. IDLENESS. In China it is a maxim, that if there be a man who does not work, or a woman that is idle, in the empire, somebody must sutler cold or hunger ; the produce of the lands not being more than sufficient, Avith culture, to maintain the inhabitants ; and there- fore, though the idle person may shift oft^ the want from himself, yet it must fall somewhere. The court of Areopagus at Athens, punished idleness, and examined every citizen how he spent his time. The intention was that the Athenians, knowing they were to give an account of their occupations, should folloM' only such as were laudable, and that there might be no room left for such as lived by unlawful arts. INCOMBUSTIBLE CLOTH. M. Magellan informs us that the Romans enclosed dead bodies in cloth of this kind. In 1756 or 1757 he tells us, thatWie saw in the Vatican a large piece of asbestos cloth, found in a stone tomb, with the ashes of a Roman, as appeared by the epitaph. The under-librarian, to show that it was incombus- tible, lighted a candle, and let some drops of wax fall on the cloth, which he set on fire with a candle in his presence, without any det- riment to the cloth. lis texture was coarse, but much softer than he could have expected. INCUBATION. Birds, fishes, insects, worms and reptiles, as is well known, lay eggs, from which the young animals are produced by means of warmth. The four last named classes leave the fecun- dation of the eggs to the warmth of the sun ; birds employ the warmth of their own bodies for tliis purpose. The process which they use is called incubation. All known birds, with the exception of the cuckoo, discharge this office themselves. The cuckoo deposits its eggs in the nest of the hedge-sparrow and other small birds. The ostrich, contrary to the common opinion^ sits upon its eggs, the male in company with several females, day and night. Birds in general become comparatively tame during this period. Others defend their nests with the greatest courage. The domestic hen boldly encounters the largest dog. Only a few birds living in a state of freedom, allow their nests to be disturbed. Many desert them entirely, if a man has displaced the e24 THE FARMER AT HOME. manner journeys of considerable lenuth with tolerable facility. They will travel, with a rider on their back, fifteen or sixteen hours in a day, at the rate of six miles an hour. So it has been stated by early writers ; but later ones reduce their daily travel to half that distance Their action is particularly fine — nothing like that of our cattle, with the sideway circular of their hind legs. They are very active in travelling and leaping, bringing their hind legs under them in a straight line like as the horse does. Their most common color is a light ashy gray, passing into a cream color ov milk white ; but it is not unfrequently marked with various shades of red or brown, and occasionally it becomes perfectly black. INDIAN CORN, or MAIZE. This grain is too well known to require a particular description. The native country of it remains undetermined. It is usually attributed to America, where it was cultivated by the aborigines at the time of the discovery; but no botanist has hitherto found it growing wild in any part of the new continent ; and most certainly it did not so exist in any portion of the territory of the United States. It is also certain that its culture did not attract notice in Europe, Asia, or the north of Africa, till after the voyage of Columbus. It was unknown to ancient Greek and Roman writers, and is not mentioned by the earlier travellers who visited China, India, and other parts of Asia and Africa, and who were very minute in describing the productions of the countries they visited. Indian corn is now very extensively cultivated, not only in America, but throughout a great part of Asia and Africa, and also in several countries in the south of Europe, as in Spain and Italy. In many of the provinces of France, it forms almost exclusively the sus- tenance of the inhabitants. It requires a warm climate, a rich soil, and good cultivation. Under these circumstances it yields a large crop. As generally as it is produced in this country, the valley of the Mississippi is perhaps more favorable to its growth than any other part of the world. It is there cultivated with so much ease, requires so little labor, and tiie yield is so great to the acre, that there is no iixinjr limits to the amount which will there be raised in coming time. IRON. One of the most useful and abundant, and one of the first metals that was known and worked. This metal is easily oxi- dized, but is infusible, except by an intense heat ; it is, however, malleable at a less degree of heat, and several pieces may be united into one mass, by a process called welding. Iron is the only metal that is susceptible of magnetic attraction. Pure iron is very rarely to l^e found ; the principal varieties of iron au the cast or pig ii'on, or that which is immediately extracted from the ore ; wrought iron, that which has gone through the process of melting in a furnace ; and steel, that which has been heated in charcoal, and hardened by its combination with carbon. f THE FAKMKR AT HOME. 225 IRRIGATION. The importance of water to vejjetation is known to every larmer, yet very few are the instances in which this natural want is supplied by artificial means. In most cases, by a wise dispensation, of Providence, showers supply the requisite moisture, and of all water that can be applied to plants, rain water is found the most suitable ; but there are some soils and some crops which require more water than others, and which are greatly benefited by artificial supplies Thus the driftinjj sands of Arabia are axTcsted and covered with vejre- tation by water ; the rice fields of India and the South, are flooded to secure a crop, and irrijjation, or an occasional flowino^ of water from brooks, rivers, or sprinirs, over meadows, is found to add much to their productiveness. All water contains more or less matter essential to plants. The soluble salts, the finely divided organic matters, and the richest parts of all soils are continually passing- away in the streams by which our fields are watered, and it is l^is cause which forms one of the drawbacks on their fertility. To arrest and detain these matters from passing away and being lost to the soil, is another important end of irrigation. The more foreign matter any water contains, the more valuable it will be for irrigation ; thus river water is better than that of springs, and rivers below large towns, are found to act more efficiently than those above. Of this there is abundant evidence in the use of the Thames' water below and above London, and particularly the celebrated Craigintinny meadows below Edinburgh. Water generally contains sulphate of lime, at least all hard waters do, and a single flowing of a meadow with such water for a few days, besides the other materials it deposites, will leave more of this sulphate or plaster, than is usually applied per acre by farmers. Some of the best meadows and lands of England, have been formed by flowing them and increasing the deposit until poor lands have become like the richest alluvion. In tliis country, few instances of irrigation have as yet been attempted, but where it has been done by system, and with reference to permanent results, they have proved most successful ; and the practice, as the soils become older, and other methods besides manuring become proper to promote fertility, will doubtless be common. ISINGLASS. This substance is almost wholly gelatin ; one hun- dred grains of good dry isinglass containing rather more than ninety- eight of matter soluble in water. Isinglass is made from certain fish found in the Danube, and the rivers of Muscovy. Willoughby and others inform us, that it is made of the sound of the Beluga ; and Nuemaun, that it is made of the Huso Germanorum, and other fish, which he has frequently seen sold in the public markets of Vienna. Mr, Jackson remarks, that the sounds of cod, properly prepared, afford this substance ; and that the lakes of America abound with fish from which the very finest sort may be obtained. Isinglass receives its different shapes in the following manner :— 10* 226 THE FARMER AT HOME. The parts of which it is composed, particularly the sounds, are taken from the fish while sweet and fresh, slit opea, washed from their slimy sordes, divested of a very thin membrane which envelopes the sound, and then exposed to stiffen a little in the air. Tn this state they are formed into rolls about the thickness of a finger, and in length accord- ing to the intended size of the staple ; a thin membrane is generally selected for the centre of the roll, round which the rest are folded alter- nately, and about half an inch of each extremity of the roll is turned inwards. Isinglass is best made in the summer, as frost gives it a disagreeable color, deprives it of weight, and impairs its gelatinous principles. Isinglass boiled in milk, forms a mild nutritious jelly, and is thus sometimes employed medicinally This, when flavored by the art of the cook, is the blanc-mange of our tables. A solution of isin- glass in M'ater, with a very small proportion of some balsam, spread on black silk, is the court-plaster of the shops. IVORY. The tusk, or tooth of defence of the male elephant. It is an intermediate substance between bone and horn, not capablo of being softened by fire, nor altogether so hard and brittle as bone. Sometimes it grows to an enormous size, so as to weigh nearly two hundred pounds. The entire tooth is of a yellowish, brownish, and sometimes a dark brown color on the outside ; internally white, hollow towards the root, and, so far as it is inserted into the jaw, of a blackish brown color. The finest, whitest, smoothest, and most compact ivory comes from the island of Ceylon. The grand consumption of this commodity is for making ornamental utensils, mathematical instru- ments, cases, boxes, balls, combs, dice, and an infinity of toys. The coal of ivory is used in the arts under the denomination of ivor-y-black. Particular vessels are used in the manufacture of this pigment, for the purpose of rendei-ing it perfectly black. Some travellers speak of the tooth of the sea-horse as an excellent ivory ; but it is too hard to be sawed or wrought like ivory. It is used for making artificial teeth. JACKAL. There is no essential difiiirence between the dog and the jackal, as they will breed together, producing prolific offspring. This species of quadrupeds is very widely extended thi-oughout the warmer regions of ihe old \\>jild. It is found in Africa, from Barbary to the Cape of Good Hope ; in Syria, in Persia, and throughout all south- ern Asia. It is about two feet and a half in length, and about fourteen inches in height ; the length of the tail, about eight inches ; the eyes are small ; the tail bushy ; the head, neck, sides of the belly, thighs, and outer parts of the limbs and ears, of a dirty yellow ; underneath, and on the sides of the lower jaw, the end of the upper lip, under the neck and belly, and the inner surface of the limbs, somewhat white ; the back and sides of the body, to the tail, of a gray yellow, which is abruptly divided from the surrounding lighter colors ; the tail a mix- ture of yellow and black hair, the black prevailing at the extremity ■ the muzzle and nails, black. THE FARMER AT HOME 227 All travellers ivho have been in the counlries where the jackals are found, mention the ravages they commit, and, their di-eadful noc- turnal cries, which, answered as they are by all their companions, produce the most apjiallinir effects. Their voice lias often been described as more terrific than the howl of the hya;na or the roar of the tiger, and deprives of repose all hearers who have not been long accustomed to it. The jackal can be tamed with tolerable facility, but always preser\"es an extreme timidity, which he manife.sls by con- cealing himself on hearing the shghtest unusual sound, or at the sight of a person he is unaccustomed to. This fear is different from that of most wild animals, and he closely resembles a dog in fear of chas- tisement, for he will offer no resistance when he is touched. The most celebrated commentators on the Bible, consider the three hundred animals, to whose tails Samson tied firebrands, were jackals. This opinion is grounded on the great number of these animals found in Syria, and on their assembling in large flocks ; whereas the fox is comparatively scarce, and is always solitary. The jackal has been popularly termed the lion's provider, from an opinion that it rouses the prey for that quadruped. The fact appears to be, that every crea- ture in the forest is set in motion by the fearful cries of jackals ; the lion and other beasts of prey, by a sort of instinct and the call of appe- tite, attend the chase, and sieze such timid animals as betake them- selves to flight at the voice of this fearful pack. Buffon gives the following description of the jackal ; — It unites the impudence of the dog with the cowardice of the wolf, and participating in the nature of each, is an odious creature, composed of all the bad qualities of both. JANUAK Y. The first month of the year, among the western nations, is from the Latin word Januarius — a term given to it from Janus, one of the Roman divinities ; or rather perhaps from Janua, a Latin word signifying gate, the first month being, as it were, the gate of the year. Numa Pompilius made January, Romulus March, the first month in the year. JAUNDICE . Is a disease of which the distinguishing peculiarity is, that the whole .skin becomes yellow. It proceeds from some dis- ease about the liver or its e mmunication M'ith the bowels. The internal symtoms are those of all disorders of the digestive organs, except that the water is dark and loaded with bile, while the bowels appear to be deprived of it. The yellow color is first perceptible in the whiter parts of the body, as the white of the eye, and soon over- spreads the whole body. There is often an extreme itching and prickling over the whole skin. After the disease has continued long, the color of the skin becomes gradually deeper and darker, till the disease becomes, at last, what is vulgarly called the black jaundice. This appearance arises from the bile being retained, from various causes, in the liver and gall-bladder, and thus being absorbed and circulated with tie blood. It may be produced by obstacles to the 228 ■ '^'^^^'- FAR.MHd AT HOME. passage of the bile of various kinds, and is often suddenly induced by a violent fit of passion, or more slowly by long continuance of melan- choly and painful emotions. The jaundice also attacks horses and cattle, and sometimes be- comes quite intractable and dangerous. It is usually occasioned by some obstruction in the ducts and tubes which convey the bile from the liver to the intestines. The disease is easily detected by the yel- lowness of the eyes and mouth, and of the skin generally ; the urine is high colored, and the appetite is impaired. In the ox or cow, the disease is more difficult of management, and more frequently proves fatal, than in the horse. Bleeding and purgatives are required ; but for the purgative Epsom salts are to be preferred to any other. Some have recommended as a certain cure ibr this disease, when taken in season, two ounces of flour of mustard, mixed with some liquid, and given twice in twenty-four hours. As all animals are more liable to be attacked in Spring, than at other times, it proves that green food of some kind is essential to their health, and it is probable that roots will be one of the most effectual preventives of this disease. If the system becomes inflamed or feverish, bleeding must be resorted to, and there are few cases of jaundice in which it would not be useful. JELLY. Is a form of food, or medicine, prepared from the juice of ripe fruits, boiled to a proper consistence with sugar; or the strong decoctions of the horns, bones, or extremities of animals, boiled to such a height as to be stiff' and firm when cold, without the addAtion of sugar. The jellies of fruits are cooling, saponaceous, and accescent, and therefore are good in all disorders of the prim?e vise, arising from alkalescent juices. Jellies made from animal substances are all alka- lescent, and, therefore, good in all cases in which an acidity of the humors prevails ; the alkalescent quality is, however, in a great mea- sure taken off" by the addition of lemon juice and sugar. A. sort of jellies were formerly much in use, called compound jellies ; these had the restorative medicinal drugs added to them, but they are now seldom prescribed. JESUITS' BAEK. Or Peruvian Bark, an invaluable drug, used with great success in ntermittent fevers. The tree which produces it, grows chiefly in Q,uito, a province of Peru. It is about the size of a cherry tree, and bears a kind of fruit resembling an almond ; but it is only the bark that possesses those excellent qualities for which it is so much celebrated. It is said that the medicinal virtue of this bark was discovered in the following: manner. Several of the trees were felled for other purposes into a lake, when an epidemic fever of a very mortal kind prevailed at Loxa, in Peru ; and the woodmen acci- dentally drinking the water were cured. Some Jesuits carried this bark to Rome, about the year 1639. JET. In Natural History, a bituminous substance, which Ma- gellan supposes to be similar to amber, differing only in its color, THE FARMER AT HOME. 229 which is black. Great quantities of it have been du^ up in tha Pyrenees ; and it is also found in parts of Portugal, Spain, Italy, Ger- many, Prussia, Sweden, and Ireland. It bears a jrood polish, and is made into trinkets. It is also reduced into powder, formed into a varnish, and, when mixed with lime, it is an extremely durable cement. JOINTS. The joints of the human body are called by anatomists articulations. The suppleness to which the joints may be brought by long practice from infancy is very surprising. One of the most wonderful instances was a person of the name of Clark, and famous for it in London, where he was commonly known by the name of "Clark, the posture-master." This man, by long practice, distorted many of the bones, of which nobody before had ever thought it possi- ble to alter the position. He had such an absolute command of his muscles and joints, that he could almost disjoint his whole body; so that he once imposed on the famous Mullens by his distortions, in such a manner, that he refused to undertake his cure ; but, to the amaze- ment of the physician, no sooner had he given over his patient, than he saw him restore himself to the figure and condition of a proper man, with no distortion about him. JUICES OF PLANTS. The proper juice of plants, that which is essential to their growth and nutrition, is the sap, after it has undergone the changes consequent on being received into the circula- tion of the plant. It seems to be elaborated from the sap, by the vital power of the plant, and hence varies much in different plants. In some, it is sweet, as the sugar maple ; in others, acrid or corrosive, as in the wild parsnip ; in others, narcotic, as in the poppy ; in others, aromatic, as in cinnamon. The color of the proper juices of plants, varies as much as their qualities. In the milkweed it is white, in the periwinkle green, in the celandine yellow, in bloodroot or logwood red, and in others clear and pure. The medicinal qualities princi- pally reside in their proper juices, of which the balsam and turpentine of the fir an3 pine, are familiar instances. Although it was long doubted, it now seems to be generally ad- mitted, that there is a proper circulation of the juices of plants, as the result of their organization. Indeed, in some plants this current is clearly seen, by the microscope, as is exhibited in the plates of Roget's Vegetable Physiology. Such a function, in some form, seems neces- sary, or plants would be unable to free themselves from uniTecessary or adventitious matters which are taken up by the sap, as it is clear they do by the process of excretion. Professor Knight's account of thi.'i circulation and its results, in substance, is as follows : — When the seed is planted under favorable circumstances, moisture is absorbed, and slightly modified by the cotyledons, is conducted to the radicle, mingled with that continually taken up from the soil, ascends to the plumelet, which now exiands, and gives the due preparation to lh« 230 ' THE FARMER AT HOME. ascendiiie sap, which is returned in its elaborated state to the tubes of the bark. Throu.tively to him, is that of high excitement ; and liability to inflammatory diseases. When habits ai-e once formed with respect to the quantity and quality of food, they should not be suddenly altered. Some have no doubt been successful, in rapidly changing from a nutritious and stimulant diet to a spare one ; but it is generally safer to alter the habits by degrees, provided it be really and steadily done. On the other hand, it is equally well known, that those who have been long fasting run the greatest risk of sufiering, even fatally, by the sudden use of too much nourishing food. MECHANICAL PO VERS. The mechanical powers are simple 270 THE FARMER AT HOME. instr:'ments or machines in the hands of man. by which he is enabled to raise great weights, and overcome such resistances as his natural strength could never effect without them. They are six in number, the lever, the pulley, the wheel and axle, the inclined plane, the wedge, and the screw, one or more of which enters into the composi- tion of every machine. In order to understand the power of a machine, four things are to be considered ; the power that acts, which consists in the effort of men and horses, of weights, springs, running waters, wind, and steam ; the resistance which is to be overcome by the power, which is generally a weight to be moved ; the centre of motion, or, as it is termed in mechanics, the fulcrum, which is the point about which all the parts of a body move ; and lastly, the respective velocities of the power, and of the resistance, which must depend upon their respective distances from the axis of motion. The power and weight are said to balance each other, or to be in equili- brium, when the effort of the one to produce motion in one direction, is equal to the effort of the other to produce it in the opposite direction. The power of a machine is calculated, when it is in a state of equi- librium, that is, when the power just balances the resistance opposed, and the momentum of each is equal. MELON. A species of cucumber, indigenous in warm climates, where its juicy fruit is highly acceptable. In cold ones, its coolness is somewhat dangerous. The cantalupe melon is in principal estima- tion. To raise melons with a proper regard to wholesoraeness and flavor, that water which is usually given, in order to increase their size, should be kept away. MERCURY. This a mineral or metallic fluid, vulgarly called quicksilver, and distinguished from all other metals by its extreme iijsibility, which is such, that it does not assume the solid state, until cooled to the 39th degree below on Fahrenheit's thermometer, and of course is always fluid in temperate climates. It is volatile, and rises in small portions at the common temperature of the air ; it readily combines with gold, silver, lead, tin, bismuth, and zinc, and on that account is usefully employed in the silvering of looking-glasses, making barometers and thermometers, and for various other purposes. MERIDIAN. Meridian is a great circle passing through the poles of the earth, and some given place on its surface. It therefore divides this surface into two hemispheres, the eastern and the western. As the terrestrial meridian is the circle over which the sun is at noon, it is consequently in the plane of the celestial meridian with which the centre of the sun coincides at that time. Now as, by the earth's revolution about its axis from west to east once in twenty-four hours, every part of the equator is successively presented to the sun, all places that are situated eastM^ard or westward of each other have their respective meridians It is, therefore, always the same hour of the day at all places situated on the same meridian. The first meri THE FARMER AT HOME. 27. dian of a country is that from which its geographers, navigators, and astronomers, commence their re^^oniiig of longitude ; and, the meri- dians having nothing in themselves to distinguish them from each other, the fixing upon any one for this purpose is quite arbitrary ; hence different perscnis, nations, and ages, have commenced their longitudes at diflt?rent points, which has inti'oduced no small confusion into geography. But national and even scientific jealousies are too strongly prevalent for us to hope that the world will, at an early period, fix on a common first meridian. MERINO SHEEP. The variety of sheep known by this name is long in the limbs, but the bone is small ; the breast and back are narrow, and the sides are rather flat ; the fore shoulders and bosoms are heavy, and the skin under the throat is loose and flabby, or indeed pendulous ; the forehead and cheeks are covered with coarse long 0M:. MERINO RAM. hair, but the lower part of the face is smooth and velvety ; the head is large, and the forehead rather low. The male carries compara- tively large horns, spirally contorted, the curvature often being very graceful. The females are mostly destitute of horns, and where these appendages are present, they are small. The wool of the Merino sheep is exquisitely fine, and admirable for its felting properties. Mr. Youatt gives confirmatid n to the general testimony in favor of the 272 THE FARMER AT HOME. article, but also in favor of the large amount annually yielded by each individual sheep. The length and density of the wool furnishes the animal with excellent protection against cold ; and consequently ren- ders it well adapted to the varying latitudes to which it has been removed. The growing of wool in our country is of the greatest importance to the American farmer. The amount of it wanted for home con- sumption is incalculable. In al the Northern States, the principal of our clothing is made from it. No country could prosper if obliged to import all that it needed for a population now large and destined to increase to an unlimited extent. It is believed also that wool, with our facilities for producing it, in a commercial view is equally deserv- ing consideration, both with the political economist, and the agricul- turist. Hence, with our enterprising citizens, the introduction of Merino has long been an object of attention. If in some cases, as in most new enterprises, there has been manifested a wildness of cal- culation that eventuated in individual loss, there can be no doubt, that if the pioneers in these eflbrts have not invariably or generally made themselves rich, they have rendered an excellent service to their countrymen. Another generation will profit from the experience of the present one, so that hereafter fine wool will be one of the great staples of the American States. METHEGLIN. A species of mead ; one of the most pleasant and general drinks the northern parts of Europe aflbrd, and much used among the ancient inhabitants. There are various methods of making it ; one of the best is the following :' — Put as much new honey, naturally running from the comb, into spring water, as that when the honey is thoroughly dissolved, an egg will not sink to the bottom, but be just suspended in it ; boil this liquor for an hour or more, till the egg swim well above the liquor ; when very cool, next morning, it may be barrelled up, addinsf to each fifteen gallons an ounce of ginger, as much of mace and cloves, and half as much cinna- mon, all grossly pounded ; a spoonful of yeast may also be added at the bunghole to promote the fermentation. When it has done work- ing it may be closely stopped up ; and after it has stood a month it should be drawn oft" into bottles. MIGRATION. The migration of birds, as the swallow, quail, stork, crane, field-fare, woodcock, nightingale, and other birds of pass- age, is a very curious article in natural history, and furnishes a notable instance of the powerful instinct impressed by the Creator. Dr. Derham observes two things remai-kable in this subject : the first, that these untaught, unthinking creatures, should know the proper times for their passage, when to come, and when to go ; as also, that some should come when others go. No doubt the temperature of the air, as to cold and heat, and their natural propensity to breed their young, are the great incentives to those creatures to change their habi- THE FARMER AT HOME. 273 tations. But why should they at all change their habitation ? and why is not some certain place to be found, in all the terraqueous globe, affording them convenient food and habitation all the year round ^ The second, that they should know what way to steer their course, and whither to go. What instinct is it that moves a poor foolish bird to venture over vast tracts of land and sea. If it be said, that by their high ascents up into the air, they can see across the seas ; yet what should tear^h or persuade them that another land is more proper for the purpose than this ? that Britain, for instance, should afford them better accommodation than Egypt ? than the Canaries ? than Spain ? or any other of the intermediate countries? The manner of the birds of passage journeying to their southern abode may vary, according to the different structui'e of their bodies, and their power of supporting themselves in the air. Those birds with short wings, though they are incapable of such long flights as the swallow, or of flying with so much celerity, yet may pass to less distant places, and by slower movements. Swallows and cuckoos may perform their passage in a very short time ; but there is for them no necessity for speed, since every day's passage affords them an increase of warmth, and a continuance of food. Providence, which has guided the defenceless animals in many other instances to the safest methods of performing their necessary works, may have instructed many of these birds which have shorter passages to make, or places to stop at by the way, to fly only in the night, that they may be secure from the birds of prey ; and Mr. Catesby gives a proof that some species do so, from his own observation ; for, lying on the deck of a sloop on the north side of Cuba, himself and the whole company heard succes- sively, for three nights, flights of rice birds, which are easily distin- guished from all other birds by- their notes, and which were passing over their heads northerly ; which is their direct way from Cuba, and the southern continent of America, from whence they get to Carolina, annually, about the time that rice begins to ripen, and from whence they return southward again, when it is gathered, and they are become fat. MILK. The fluid secreted in the breasts of females for the nour- ishment of their young. That of the cow being furnished in greatest abundance, is of much importance as an article of diet. By boihng milk, its albuminous part is not coagulated into a mass like the white of an egg, on account of the larger quantity of water through which it is diffused ; but a thin film rises to the surface, which, if removed, is replaced by another, and if this be continued, the whole of the albu- men will be removed. This renders the milk less nutritive, but more easily digestible ; and hence many delicate stomachs can take boiled milk, who could not take it in its natural state. As milk is sufficiently nourishing, and holds'a just medium between the spare nutriment of vegetables and the stimulant nature of animal food, it is directed with TO* 274 1HE FARMER AT HOME. great benefit to patients laborinj; under various diseases. One of those in which we find it advisable to direct a r.iilk diet most frequently, iis consumption, as nourishment enough is supplied by it to the body without any tendency to increase the inflammatory diathesis, which we so much dread in this disease. When consumption is further advanced, the milk of the ass has been considered not only as nutri- tive but medicinal ; and, in conjunction with other observances, should be dii'ected, when there is the means of procuring it in suffi- cient quantity. With respect to milk, considered as the food designed by nature for the early periods of infancy ; in general, the milk of most parents agrees well with their offspring, but in some cases, it proves too pur- gative, or too flatulent, and the child is not properly nourished. In some cases, it may be necessary for the woman to desist from suckling her child, or to make a complete alteration in her diet, manner of living, and place of abode ; by which the milk may perhaps become more congenial to the stomach of the child. Human milk is of easy digestion, light, and very nutritious, requiring little labor from the stomach, and easily convertible into chyle. It contains a larger pro- portion than any other milks, of the fat or buttery part ; and having less of the cui'dy or cheesy part, it is more digestible. MILL. A combination of machinery to effect purposes which require great force. The force employed is sometimes water, some- times wind,' and at others steam, or horses. The principle is always the same ; a main shaft enters the works, to which wheels with cogs arc affixed, and the power being the contrary of the velocity, small wheels give great power, and large wheels less power ; other wheels are then connected with these in various directions, and the resulting force applied to any desirable object. When corn is to be ground, large stones, cut in grooves, are made to work one against the other in such manner as to break or pulverize the grain. There ax'C also bark mills, paper mills, and oil mills, which operate by the force of percus- sion ; also, silk, cotton, and flax mills, which perform sundry operations ; and saw mills, which revolve circular saws with great energy and precision. MINER'S BEE-HOUSE. The cut connected with this article, is from an original design, and is not so much for general use as for an ornament to flower gardens or lawns of a gentleman keeping bees. The idea of Mr. Miner, to connect with the bee-culture an object of architectural taste and I'ural beauty, deserves a public acknowledgment, and is worthy the consideration of apiarian amateurs. We scarcely know a branch in rural economy, invested with more absorbing in- terest than the physiology of the honey-bee ; and as much as we have been delighted for years, to study its habits, the volume from which this cut is copied, has inspired us with additioifal desire for increased knowledge on the subject. We know not a more interesting book to THE FAIJMER AT HOME. 275 persons haviiiji the least taste for the topics on which it treats. Not haviii": had the long experience that he has had iu relation to them, nor the leisure to make them subjects of critical investigation, we feel ourselves incompetent to express an opinion upon some of the results to which his inquiries have led him. 01' this, however, we can affirm, that no man seemingly is more able to give a well authenticated theory than Mr. Miner. He has labored long in forming his conclusions ; his success in the bee-culture has rarely been equalled ; and he has even a passion, we should judge, for this department of natural history. We have never tried his hives, represented in the cut. aiul, of course, cannot speak of them from experience, but we have such confidence in his sufficiency to make improvement in bee-hive?, that we should not hesitate to think well of those he has devised, and we can espe- cially recommend, in sincerity, to every person keeping bees, " The American Bee Keeper's Manual," to which we hav^ above alluded. ■'■OS ft reuse MINER'S FANCY BEE-HOUSE. MILLET. The common name of a plant which grows naturally in India, whence it was first imported into Europe. It is greatly cul- 276 THE FARMER AT HO.MK tivated in Italy, Spain, and ihe southern part of France, for the food C'f men as well as that of poultrj'. It may also be raised in this climate. This is a plant that delights in a lifrht sandy soil, prepared in the same manner as for maize ; and in siich lands it branches out into many stalks, sometimes thirty or forty, not iinlike reetls either in their shape or leaves, of which there is one at each joint* The top of each stalk is terminated by a large, loose panicle, which hangs on one side, with a chafiy flower, which is succeeded by a small round seed, about the bigness of a turnip or cabbage seed, of a yellowish white color in one variety, and of a dark red inclining to black in another, which are the small millet, and the large, a distinction which some make, as only varieties of the same species. It is likewise said to thrive extremely well in strong land ; but will not do in stony ground, or where the bottom is of either a chalky or clayey nature. Miller advises, that it should be sown in the beginning of April, that it may ripen in August ; but in warmer climates, the general rule is to sow it either between the middle and the end of May, or about midsummer. The former crop is reaped at the end of Septem- ber, and the latter about the end of October. The seed is usually sown in furrows, very thin, and covered with the plough or rake. The largest sort should be sown thinnest, because it branches most. When the plants are about a month old, the ground should be stirred round them with a hand hoe, as A\ell to lay fresh earth to their roots, as they require much nourishment, as to clear them from weeds, which they afterwards prevent by ovei'-topping them. At the same time, the millet plants should be thinned out wherever they grow too close, so as to leave in general, about six inches between each plant. MINERAL. In Natural History, is used, in general, for all fos- sil bodies, whether simple or compound, dug out of a mine. Minerals are inorganized or inanimate bodies, that increase in volume by the juxtaposition of parts, and the force of attraction. The early natur- alists divided minerals into a great number of classes ; but, by the moderns, they are divided only into three sections. Under the first are arranged earths and stones which have no taste, and do not bum Avhen heated with contact of air ; under the second, saline matters, having more or less taste, which melt in water, and do not burn ; and under the third, combustible substances, not soluble in water, and exhibiting a flame, more or less evident, when exposed to a fire Math access of air. MIEROR. Mirror is used for any polished body that forms the images of objects, by reflection of the rays of light. Mirrors are either plain, convex, or concave. The first ]-eflect the rays of light in a direction exactly similar to that in which they fall upon them, and therefore represent bodies of their natural magnitude. The convex ones make the rays diverge much more than before reflection, and therefore greatly diminish the images of those objects which they THK FAEMER AT HOME. 277 show ; while the concave ones, by collecting the rays into a focus, not only magnify the objects they show, but will burn very fiercely when exposed to the rays of the sun ; and hence they are commonly known by the name of burning mirrors. In ancient times mirrors were made of some kind of metal ; and from a passage in the Mosaic writings we learn that the mirrors used by the Jewish women were made of brass. The Jews certainly had been taught to use that kind of mirrors by the Egyptians ; whence it is probable that brazen mirrors were the first kind used in the world. Any metal, indeed, when well polished, will reflect very powerfully, but silver reflects the most, though it is too expensive a material for common use. Gold also is very powerful ; and metals, or even wood gilded and polished, will act very powerfully as burning mirrors. Even polished ivory, or straw nicely plaited together, will form mirrors capable of burning, if large. Since the invention of glass, and the application of quicksilver to it, became generally known, it has been universally employed for those plain mirrors used as ornaments to houses ; but in making reflecting telescopes they have been much inferior to metallic ones. MISLETOE. A plant which alwa3's grows on trees, and was thought, therefore, to be an excrescence of the tree ; but it has been found to be propagated by the seed or berry which is conveyed by the misletoe thrush from one tree to another ; this bird being fond of these seeds, it sometimes happens that the viscous part of the berry sticks to his beak, and, in his attempts to disengage himself from it by strik- ing his beak against the bark of the tree, the berry sticks to the latter ; and if it happen to light on a smooth part, it will take root, and sprout out the next winter. This plant adheres most readily to the ash and other smooth rinded trees, as the apple. MOCKING BIRD. The mocking bird, like the nightingale, is destitute of brilliant plumage, but his ibi-m is beautiful, delicate and symmetrical in its proportions. His motions are easy, rapid and graceful, perpetually animated with a playful caprice, and a look that appears full of shrewdness and intelligence. He listens with silent attention to each passing sound, treasures up lessons from any thing vocal, and is capable of imitating with exactness, both in measure and accent, the notes of all the feathered creation. As if conscious of his unrivalled powers of sor g ; and animated by the harmony of his own voice, his music is as it were, accompanied by chromatic dancing and expressive gestures ; he spreads and closes his light and fanning wings, expands his silvered tail, and with buoyant gaity, and enthusiastic ecstasy, he sweeps around, and mounts and descends into the air from his lofty spray, as his song swells to loudness, or dies away in sinking whispers. While thus engaged, so various is his talent, that it might be supposed a tria. of skill from all the assembled birds of the country ; and so perfect his imitations, that even the 278 THE FARMER AT HOME. sportsman is at tii:ies deceived, and sent in quest c' Thirds that have no existence around. The feathered tribes themselves are decoyed by the fancied call of their mates ; or dive with fear into the thicket, at the well- feigned scream of the hawk. Soon reconciled to the usurping fancy of man, the mocking bird often becomes familiar with his master ; playfully attacks him through the bars of his cage ; or at large in a room, rest- less and capricious, he seems to try every expedient of a lively imagi- nation, that may conduce to his amusement. Nothing escapes his intelligent and discerning eye or faithful ear. He whistles perhaps for the dog, who, deceived, runs to meet his master ; the cries of the chicken in distress, bring out the clucking mother to the protection of her brood. The barking of the dog, the piteous wailing of the puppy, the mewing of the cat, the action of a saw, or the creaking of a wheelbarrow, quickly follow, with exactness. He repeats a tune of considerable length; imitates the warbling of the Canary, the lisping of the Indigo bird, and the mellow whistle of the Cardinal, in a man- ner so superior to the originals, that mortified and astonished, they withdraw from his presence, or listen in silence, as he continues to triumph by renewing his etlbrts. In the cage, also, nearly as in the woods, he is full of life and action, while engaged in song ; throwing him.self round with inspiring animation, and as it were, moving in time to the melody of his own accents. Even the hours of night, which consign nearly all other other birds to rest and silence, like the nightingale, he often employs in song, serenading the houseless hunter and silent cottager to repose, as the rising moon illuminates the darkness of the shadowy scene. His capricious fondness for contrast and perpetual variety, appears to deteriorate his powers. His lofty inaitations of the musical brown thrush, are perhaps interrupted by the crowing of the cock, or the barking of the dog ; the plaintive warblings of the blue bird are then blended with the wild scream and chatter of the swallow or the cackling of the hen ; amid the simple lay of the native robin, we are surprised with the vociferation of the whip-poor-will ; while the notes of the garrulous jay, woodpecker, wren, and many others succeed, with such an appearance of reality, that we almost imagine ourselves in the presence of the originals, and can scarcely realize the fact, that the whole of this singular concert is the effort of a single bird. MOLASSES. This is the gross fluid matter remaining of sugar after refining, and which no boiling will bring to a consistence more solid than that of syrup ; hence it is also called syrup of sugar. Pro- perly, molasses is nothing else but the sediments of coarse or brown sugar, and that is the refuse of other sugars not capable of being whitened and reduced into loaves. Molasses is used in the prepara- tion of tobacco, and large quantities of it are distilled into rum. As well known, it is extensively used as a cheap substitute for sugar and THE FARMER AT HOME. 279 as such is generally considered favorable to health as well as nutri- tious. But the products of it, when distilled, are most deleterious, especially if freely used as a beverage. MONEY. The circulation of gold and silver in different ages and in different parts of the world, is a curious and interesting, but, in some respects, a difficult subject ol investigation. It appears that those metals were used as a medium of com;;ierce so early as in the time of Abraham ; and that they served as ornamental articles of dress, in a period little less remote ; and, indeed, although we have no authentic information relative to this particular, it is extremely probable that gold and silver were used as ornaments before they were established as a medium of commerce, and the standard whereby to estimate the comparative value of other articles. We may collect from sacred history, that gold and silver, as well as divers kinds of precious stones, wei'e sufficiently plentiful in Egypt at the time of the egress of the Israelites ; and the valuable offerings of the people for the construction of the tabernacle, M'ith all the rich materials of which that structure was composed, as well as those used for the high priest's garment, and in the whole apparatus of religion, were furnished out of those treasures which they had carried from that country ; for no other channel can be discovered, or even with any appearance of pro- bability imagined, by which the Israelites could at that period be sup- plied with such plenty of those valuable commodities ; for they had not then obtained any wealth by the plunder of enemies ; the spoils of Midian being the first considerable acquisition of this kind after their departure from Egypt ; and the Midianitish war was an event posterior to the construction of the tabernacle. In regard to commerce, there is no mention made, nor the least appearance of any being carried on by the Israelites, whereby they could have obtained such a stock of valuable materials so soon after their entrance into the wilderness. In their conquests of the land of Canaan, they appear to have sometimes obtained a considerable booty ; but it is not until the reign of David that we observe that profusion of wealth, which seems astonishing in a period of such remote antiquity. And the abundance of gold and silver which Jeru- salem displayed in the succeeding reign of Solomon, has staggered the credulity of some readers of the Jewish history. It appears, however, that those metals were at that time very plentiful in Egypt, and in several countries of Asia. The history of David's wars and conquests, make it appear evident that very considerable quantities of gold and silver had, by some means, been introduced into the countries situated between the Euphrates and the Levant Sea ; and it seems that this influx of wealth must have been, in a great measure, the effects of the trade carried on by the Tyrians and Egyptians with the eastern and southern parts of the world. In whatever parts of Africa or Asia these metale were found, it is probable, that they were introduced 280 THE FARMER AT HOME. into Egypt, and the western parts of Asia, by the Arabian, Egyptian, and Tyrian merchants. The Egyptians, especially, might bring a considerable part of them by their caravans, which, from time imme- morial, travelled into Ethiopia, under which name all the interior and southern parts of Africa were formerly comprehended ; as the Ethio- pian caravans in like manner traded into Egypt. In the flourishing ag6s of Greece, gold and silver began to be plentifully introduced into that countiy, particularly after the conquest of Persia by Alexander, which caused the wealth of that empire to circulate westward. During this time Rome was exceedingly poor, and her warlike citizens possessed a very small quantity of those valuable metals, until the conquest of Macedonia and the Greciaik kingdoms of Asia, caused the riches of the east to flow into her bosom. After the Goths and other northern nations began to make successful inroads into the Roman empire, the plunder of its provinces put them in possession of part of its riches ; and gold and silver, "with which they had before been almost wholly unacquainted, began by their pre- datory wars to be introduced among them. After the total subversion of the western empire, those riches, which Rome had accumulated by so many centuries of successful rapine, were by degrees difiused over all Europe, and gold and silver introduced into the regions of the north. It is common to imagine that the more money a country possesses the more atHuent is its condition. And that is usually the case. But the cause is often mistaken for the eflect. A great quantity of it is necessary to circulate a great quantity of commodities. Rich flourish- ing countries require abundance of money, and possess the means of obtaining it; but this abtmdance is the consequence, not the cause of their wealth, which consists in the commodities circulated, rather than in the circulating medium. The wealth which proceeds from industry resembles the copious yet tranquil stream, which passing silent- ly, and almost invisibly, enriches the whole extent of country through which it flows ; but the treasures of the new world, like a swelling torrent, were seen, heard, felt, and admired ; yet their first operation was to desolate and lay waste the spot on which they fell. The shock was sudden ; the contrast was too great. Spain overflowed with specie, while other nations were comparatively poor in the extreme. The prices of labor, of provisions, and of manufactures, bore propor- tion to the quantity of circulating cash. The consequence is obvious ; in the poor countries industry advanced ; in the more wealthy it de- clined. MONKEY. The general name of the ape, baboon, and simia tribe, the several varieties of which are principally found in the tro- pical climates. They inhabit forests in prodigious numbers, and, though mischievous, their manners are fantastical and interesting. They have hands like man, and also walk on two legs, but they prac- tice no arts beyond the necessities of the hour. They are afl'ectiouate THE FARMER AT HOME. 281 to their younfj, and often exhibit great sagacity^ but their brain is smaller than that of man, and they are without his risible muscles, and less in size. They throw missiles with great dexterity, and live on vegetables. MONSOONS. In the Indian ocean these winds are partly general, and blow all the year round the same way, as in the Ethiopic Ocean ; and partly periodical, that is, half the ye^" blow one way, and the other half nearly on the opposite points ; and these points and times of shifting differ in different parts of this ocean. These latter are what we call monsoons. The shifting of these monsoons is not all at once ; in some places the time of the change is attended with calms, in others with variable winds, and particularly those of China, at ceasing to be westerly, are very apt to be tempestuous ; and such is their violence, that they seem to be of the nature of the West India hurricanes, and render the navigation of those seas very unsafe. These tempests the seamen call the breaking up of the monsoons. Monsoons take their name from an ancient pilot, who first crossed the Indian sea by means hereof ; but others derive the name from a Por- tuguese word, signifying motion or change of wind and sea. Lucre- tius and Apollouius mention annual winds which arise every year, which seem to be the same with what in the East Indies we now call monsoons. MONSTER. A monster is a birth or production of a living being, degenerating from the proper and usual disposition of parts in the species to which it belongs : as, when there are too many members, or too few ; or some of them are extravagantly out of proportion, either on the side of excess or defect. Aristotle defines a monster to be a defect of nature, when, acting towards some end, it cannot attend to it, from some of its principles being corrupted. Monsters do not pro- pagate their kind ; for which reason some rank mules among the number of monsters, as also hermaphrodites. Monster is also used for an animal enormous for bulk ; such as the elephant among terrestrial quadrupeds, and the shark and the whale among sea animals ; for other animals remarkable for fierceness and cruelty ; and for animals of an extraordinary species, arising from the copulation of one animal with another of a difl'erent genus. MONTH. In Chronology, the twelfth part of a year, otherwise called a calendar month, to distinguish it from the astronomical month, which is either solar or lunar. A solar month, or the time in which the sun passes through a whole sign of the zodiac, is thirty days six- teen hours twenty-nine minutes five seconds ; a lunar month, or the period of one lunation, is twenty-nine days twelve hours forty-four minutes. MOON. Our moon is one of the heavenly bodies often ranked among the planets ; but more properly a satellite, or secondary planet. As all tKe other planets move primarily round the sun, so does the moon 282 THE FARMER AT HOME. round the earth ; her orbit is an ellipsis, in which she is retained by the force of gravity ; performing' her revolution round the earth, from change to change, in twenty-nine days, twelve hours and forty-four minutes, and round the sun with it every year ; she goes round her orbit in twenty-seven days, seven hours, and forty-three minutes, moving about 2290 miles every hour ; and turns round her axis exactly in the time that she goes round the earth, which is the reason of her keeping always the same side towards us ; and that her day and night taken together are as long as our lunar month. Among the ancients the moon was an object of prime regard. By the Hebrews she was more regarded than the sun, and they were more inclined to worship her as a deity. The new moons or first days of every month, were kept as festivals among them, which were celebrated with sound of trumpets, entertainments, and sacrifice. Peo- ple were not obliged on these days to rest. The feasts of new moons were the miniature representation of the feast of trumpets, which was held on the first of the month Tisri, which was the beginning of the civil year. The Jews, not being acquainted with the physical causes of eclipses, looked upon them, whether of sun or moon, as signs of the divine displeasure. The Grecians looked upon the moon as favorable to marriage ; and the full moons or the times of conjunction of the sun or moon, were held the most lucky seasons for celebrating mar- riages ; because they imagined the moon to have great influence over generation. The full moon was held favorable for any undertaking by the Spartans; and no motives could induce them to enter upon an expedition, march an army, or attack an enemy, till the full of the moon. The moon was supposed both by Greeks and Romans to preside over childbirth. The patricians at Rome wore a crescent on their shoes, to distinguish them from the other orders of men. This crescent was called Lanula. Some say it was of ivory, others that it was worked upon the shoe, others that it was only a particular kind of fibula or buckle. MOROCCO. This is a fine kind of leather, prepared of the skin of an animal of the goat kind, in the countries of the Levant. The name was probably taken from the kingdom of Morocco, whence the manner of preparing it was borrowed. The skins are steeped twenty- four hours in a river, taken out, stretched on the leg, beat with the knife, returned into the water for twenty-four hours, rebeaten on the leg, re-steeped, thrown into a vat, and, for three weeks taken out and returned every morning, to dispose them to peel. Being taken out for the last time, they are scraped with the knife, and when the hair is quite off', thrown into pails of fresh water, where lhey are rinsed, then the flesh side is scraped, thrown into the pails, and thus alter- nately from the leg to the pails, till they leave the Avaler clean. They are then put into lukewarm water, with the sumac, and, after twelve hours, rinsed in clear water, and scraped on the leg on both THE FARMER AT HOME. 283 fides, pounded in pails, and the water changed three times ; then wrung and stretched on the leg, and passed after each other into water, with alum dissolved in it. Thus alumed, they are left to drain till the morning, then wrung out, pulled on the leg, and folded from head to tail, the flesh inward. In this state they receive their first dye, hy passing them from one to anothei ni a red liquor, prepared Avith lacca, and some other ingredients. MOSS. A parasitic plant, something like down, and adheres to the trunks of trees, and was formerly supposed to be merely an ex- crescence, but is now found to be a perfect plant, having roots, flower, and seeds, yet cannot be propagated by seed. It is ollentimes very injurious to fruit trees, and ought to be scraped off" in the spring season and in moist weather. MOTH. The clothes-moth itself is perfectly innocuous. The devastation is committed by the caterpillar. This begins to form a nest as soon as it quits the egg. For this purpose, having spun a thin coating of silk around its body, it cuts filaments of wool or fur close to the thread of the cloth, and applies the pieces to the outside of its case. This covering it never leaves, except in cases of urgent neces- sity. When it wishes to feed, it puts out its head at either end of the case, as may be most convenient. When it wishes to change its position, it protrudes its head and about half its body, and thus moves forward, dragging its case by fixing its hinder legs firmly in it. W'hen, from its increase in size, the case becomes too small, it makes an addition to it at each end. This operation can be readily traced by transferring it from cloth of one color to another, when each addi- tion will be conspicuous, from the difference of color. After changing into a chrysalis, it remains quiescent for about three weeks, when a small nocturnal moth, of a silvery-gray color, comes forth, but too well known to almost every mistress of a family. The usual mode of destroying these pests is by oil of turpentine, camphor or tobacco, all of which will answer the purpose to a certain degree ; but all have the disadvantage of communicating odors to the clothes, to which they have been applied, extremely disagreeable to many persons. As moths never attack unwashed wool, and even abandon the places where it is kept, this substance may be advan- tageously substituted for the above mentioned articles, by placing it in layers betweexr clothes, or keeping small parcels in the corners of shelves or drawers. For this plan to be effectual, the wool must be used as it comes from the back of the animal, before any cleansing process has been employed that will deprive it of its natural oil or smell. MOTT'S AGRICULTURAL FURNACE. This is undoubtedly the best apyjuratus for cooking vegetables and other food for stock that has been devised. The largest size holds 120 gallons, and the Bmallest onh' fifteen gallons, and there are seven intermediate sizes, 284 THE FARMEK AT HOME. with a progressive increase of capacity. It can be placed and used in the open air, or in any enclosed room where the smoke can be con- veyed to a chimney through a common stove pipe. It is also well adapted to the various household purposes where a large quantity of water is to be heated. The cooking is effected with great rapidity, and requires only a small amount of fuel. The apparatus consists of two kettles, one within the other, and united at the top. The dimen- sion of the inner one is so much less than of the outer one as to leave a space all round between them from one to three inches, according to the size of the kettle. The outside kettle is so connected with the furnace at the bottom which receives the fuel, that the heat rises into, and circulates in every part of the space between the kettles. No -^/a_ MOTT'S AGRICULTURAL FURNACE. heat, therefore, passes off in the flue, or by mixing with the sur- rounding air, till it has been brought in contact with, and expended upon the surface, which encloses the substances to be affected by it. Our own, which holds thirty gallons, can make water boil in less than half an hour ; and then the merest trifle of fuel is wanted to keep up the temperature and to complete the process of cooking. We have had it in use from three to four years ; and, so great is our confidence in the economy of cooking food for stock, and in the adaptation of this furnace for the purpose, that we considered the value of it to us the first winter was more than an equivalent for its cost, which was fifteen dollars. To others of more extensive farming operations the impor- tance of its use would be greatly augmented. THE FARMER AT HOME. 285 MOXJLDINESS. A term applied to an appearance in bodies which are much exposed to the humidity of the atmosphere, and which shows itself by a kind of white down, or lanugo, on their sur- face. It is liable to afi'ect diflferent articles of farm produce, unless guarded against by depositing them in proper dry places. This mouldiness, when viewed with a microscope, affords a curious spec- tacle ; being a kind of meadow, out of which arise herbs and floM^ers ; some only in the bud, others full blown, and others decayed ; each having its little root, stalk and other parts. The same may be ob- served of the mouldiness which gathers on the surface of liquid bodies. Mr. Bradley observed this mouldiness in a melon very accurately, and found the vegetation of these little plants to be exceedingly quick. Each plant had its seeds in great abundance, which did not seem to be three hours before they began to shoot up ; and in six hours more the new plant was complete and mature, and the seed ready to fall. When the fruit had been covered with a mould tor six days, its vege- tative quality began to abate, and it was entirely gone in two days more ; then came on a putrefaction, and the fleshy part of the melon yielding nothing but a stinking water, M'hich began to have a gentle motion on its surface; and in two days' time maggots appeared, which in six more laid themselves up in their bags, where they continued four days, and then came out flies. These maggots were owing to the eggs of flies deposited in the putrefaction. MOULTING. Among farmers, a term signifying the changing of the feathers in animals of the domestic bird kind. It is a process which takes place annually towards the latter end of the year, when care should be taken to have them well fed, and kept as much as pos- sible in a sheltered situation. In some sorts of birds, as the goose, advantage is taken of this season for collecting the feathers for various useful purposes. Moulting is sometimes applied to horses, when they alter, change, or cast their coats towards the latter end of autumn. As they become weak at this period, they should be well kept, and not have too much work. Great care should likewise be taken in the cleaning and dressing of them. MOUTH. In some creatures the mouth is wide and large, in others little and narrow ; in some it is formed with a deep incisure into the head, for the better catching and holding of prey, and more easy comminution of hard, large, and troublesome food ; and in others with a shorter incisure, for the gathering and holding of herbaceous food. In birds it is neatly shaped for piercing the air ; hard and horny, to supply the want of teeth ; hooked, in the rapacious kind, to catch and hold their prey ; long and slender in those that have their food to grope for in moorish places ; and broad and long in those that search for it in the mud. Nor is the mouth less remarkable in insects ; in some it is forcipated, to catch, hold, and tear the prey ; in others, aculeated, to pierce and wound animals, and suck their blood ; in 286 THE FARMER AT HOME. others strongly rigid, with jaws and teeth, to gnaw and scrape out their food, carry burdens, perforate the earth, nay, the hardest wood, and even stones themselves, for houses and nests for their young. MUCILAGrE. A soft glutinous substance, made by dissolving different kinds of gum ; or the roots, leaves, or other parts of plants that abound with it. Mucilaginous drinks and mixtures are very useful in disorders of the bowels, and in catarrhs, where our object is to cover any acrid matter, so as to prevent its irritating the parts over which it passes. A solution of gum arable, an infusion of linseed, or water gruel, are all to be considered as mucilaginous drinks. MUCK. This is the common name for peat, marsh mud, and decaying vegetable matter generally. The value of it in restoring fertility to declining soils that have long been used for tillage, is a mat- ter of common sense, and has been well tested by the experience of our best farmers. The swamps and bogs, and all low lands that have been uncultivated, consist, in no small measure, of what has been washed upon them from the adjacent hills and uplands, as well as of the decayed substances that have there been accumulating for an unknown succession of years. These substances are the essence of all vegetable composition ; and, whenever collected, duly prepared and properly applied to fields to be used for tillage, it is apparent that the provident husbandman may expect a good crop. The value, how- ever, of muck, as a fertilizer, will greatly depend on the fact of the swamp or bog having been able to retain without waste the vegetable elements that may have there been collected. For, if there has been a stream of water running through it, the soluble portions of the mud must have been partially separated from the vegetable remains, and washed away ; whereas, the muck taken from those swamps or bog- holes, having no mode of discharging their water, except by evapora- tion, retain most of the soluble portions of their animal and other organic remains, and consequently is richer in nitrogen and fertilizing salts. In dry seasons, the prudent farmer will be industrious in removing or carting muck from evaporated swamps or other sunken places on or near his farm, and composting it with the dung or urine of ani- mals, night soil, soap suds, or other putrescent matter ; or, what is better, to lay it in his barnyard, pigsty, or sheepfold, and let it become thoroughly mixed with the dung and urine of his stock. When thus managed, the compost is excellent, and suitable for almost any variety of soil, though best for those that are sandy and light. The majority of farmers in this way might annually double the amount of their crops, as well as add much to the value of their farms. All fiirms are not alike favorably situated for being thus enriched, but there are a few only, and it is believed not any, but what might be vastly ben- efited in this way, if the proprietors were duly observant of the means for doing it. THE FARMER AT HOME. 287 MURIATIC ACID. Muriatic acid is generally in a liquid form, having a strong and pungent smell, and a taste very sour and caustic ; exposed to the air, it emits white fumes. It is a solution of the muri- atic acid gas in water, which deserves attention in a medical point of view, as being employed in fumigation for destroying contagion. It is extricated lor this purpose by pouring sulphuric acid on common salt, by which the fumes of muriatic acid are disengaged, and sulphate of soda is formed. Muriatic acid has been successfully administered in typhus and scarlet fever, in the proportion of a dram to a pint of gruel or barley water, with sugar or syrup to correct its acidity, and to ren- der it more palatable. This mixture is to be used for common drink ; but must not be put into a leaden or pewter vessel or spoon. It is recommended as good against worms, in the dose of from five to twenty drops in a strong infusion of quassia, frequently repeated. MURRAIN. Murrain, or gargle, is a contagious disease incident to cattle. The symptoms are, a hanging down and swelling of the head, abundance of gum in the eyes", rattling in the throat, a short breath, palpitation at the heart, staggering, a hot breath, and a shining tongue. To prevent this disease, the cattle should stand cool in summer, and have plenty of good water. All carrion should be speedily bui-ied ; and as the feeding of cattle in wet places, on rotten grass and hay, often occasions this disease, dry and sweet fodder should be given them. MUSCLE. The parts that are usually included under this name consist of distinct portions of flesh, susceptible of conti-action and re- laxation ; the motions of which, in a natural and healthy state, are subject to the will ; and, for this reason, they are called voluntary muscles. Besides these, there are other parts of the body that owe their power of contraction to their muscular fibres ; thus the heart is a muscular texture, forming what is called a hollow muscle ; and the stomach, intestines, &c., are enabled to act upon their contents, merely because they are provided with muscular fibres ; these are called in- voluntary muscles, because their motions are not dependent on the will. The muscles of respiration being, in some measure, influenced by the will, are said to have a mixed motion. MUSHROOM. A plant remarkable for the quickness of its growth and decay, for the remarkable bad smell it diliuses when in a state of decay, and for yielding a nutritive article for the table. Care must be taken that those eaten are of the right sort, as there are sev- eral fimguses resembling them that are highly poisonous. The marks of good esculent mushrooms are the following. The true mushrooms are known by their external whiteness, and by being of a pale red within when young, and of a deeper red, or dark, when older ; they arc at their first appearance of a round figure, and not much larger than a small nut ; after they have a little unfolded their membranes, they appear red full, and close ; on the top is a disagreeable softness, 288 THE FARMER AT HOME. equal, and white ; the matter within is very white, with short and thick stalks. They grow in fertile grojind and should be gathered for eating as soon after springing up as possible, for they then contain an oily and a saline part, and if they stay long before they are gath- ered, their salts become more active and hurtful. Another species of mushrooms, is that kind which produces the circular appearances in fields, and called fairy rings. Its substance is tough, and consequently it is used only to make catchup, or in powder. MUSK. A substance secreted into a kind of bag in the umbilical region of the moschus mosciiifer. It is of a brown red color, feels unctuous, and has a bitter taste. Its smell is aromatic and intensely strong. It is partially soluble in water, which acquires its smell ; and in alcohol, but that liquid does not retain the odor of the musk. Musk is dissolved by nitric and sulphuric acids, but the odor is by them destroyed. Fixed alkalies develope the odor of ammonia. MUTTON. Mutton is the flesh of sheep ; and perhaps m no one point has the skill of the breeder of animals been more marked, than in that of producing breeds of sheep, in which the greatest amount of flesh, and the smallest quantity of ofial, seems to have reached a point beyond which progress will be difficult. The quality of mutton is greatly depending on the age of the animal, and the mode of feeding. Its general use in England, has caused great atten- tion to producing it of superior quality, and the success has been un- rivalled elsewhere. To be first-rate mutton, the sheep should not be less than five years old, and as a general rule, it may be said the older the mutton the finer the flavor, in this respect differing from most other meats. The flesh of mutton five or six years old will be firm, dark colored, and when cooked full of the richest gravy, while at two or three, the flesh will be comparatively light colored, and be soft and flabby. As a general rule wether mutton is superior to that of ewes of the same age, though connoisseurs in this flesh assert that a maiden or spayed ewe of five years old, produces mutton preferable to any other. The south downs are highly prized for mutton, and their reputation in this respect abroad, has been well sustained here. MUSCiUITOES. Small insects which abound in countless mul- titudes in the East and West Indies, and are particularly annoying, especially to new comers. They inflict a small wound, which is soon surrounded by a pimple, accompanied by troublesome itching ; and in some cases so numerous are those annoying bites, that a great degree of general fever is induced. The best application is lemon juice. It is fortunate that the bites of these insects seem to produce a certain change in the blood, which renders it disagreeable tp them afterwards, as those who have occasion to visit warm countries often, are rarely attacked by them with much violence on their second oi subsequent voyages. MYRTLE. A genus of plants consisting of aromatic trees or THE FARMER AT HOME. 289 shrubs, with simple opposite leaves, which are sprinkled with pellucid glandular points, and having axillary or terminal white or rose-colored flowers. One species, the common myrtle, is a native of the south of Europe, and other countries bordering on the Mediterranean. It has been celebrated from remote antiquity on account of its fragrance and the beauty of its evergreen foliage, and, by different nations, was con- secrated to various religious purposes. Myrtle wreaths adorned the brows of bloodless victors, and were the symbol of authority for mag- istrates at Athens. With the moderns, it has always been a favorite ornamental plant, and is commonly cultivated in gardens both in Europe and America. Pimento or allspice is the produce of a species of myrtle" inhabiting tropical America, and consists of the berries, which are collected before they are ripe, and dried in the sun. NAIL. A bony excrescence, growing at the ends of the fingers and toes of men and animals. The several parts of nails have their respective nanies. The extremity is called the apex ; the opposite end, the root or base ; and the white part near the latter, somewhat resembling a half moon, lunula. The substance of the nail is that of the skin, hardened, but firmly connected with it. For this reason, it is extremely sensible at its root, where the substance is yet tender ; but at the apex, where it is perfectly hardened, capable of being cut without pain. NANKEEN. A well known cotton stuff, deriving its name from the ancient capital of China. According to Van Braam, it is manu- factured in the southeast of the province of Kiang-nam upon the seashore. The color of nankeen is natural, the cotton down of which it is made being of the same tinge with the cloth. The color, as well as superior quality of this cotton, seems to be derived from the soil ; for it is said that the seeds of the nankeen cotton degenerate in both particulars when transplanted to another province, however little different in its climate. The common opinion, that the color of the stuff is given by a dye, occasioned an order from Europe, some years ago, to dye the pieces of nankeen of a deeper color than they had at that period ; and the reason of their being then paler than formerly is as follows; — "Shortly after the Americans began to trade with China, the demand increased to nearly double the quantity it was possible to furnish. To supply this deficiency, the manufacturers mixed common white cotton with the brown ; this gave it a pale cast, which was immediately remarked ; and for this lighter kind no pur- chaser could be found till the other was exhausted. But the demand ifterwards lessening, the white cotton was no longer mixed with it, and the color returned to its former standard." NASTURTIUM. Indian Cress is a frequent name for this plant. It is a native of South America, and is distinguished for its brilliant show of orange and crimson colored flowers. It was carried to Eng- land in the sixteenth century. Being a good climber, it is useful in 13 290 THE FARMER AT HOME, covering a trellis or lattice as a screen, and for its gay dress is often made a tenant of the flower garden. As so few culinary vegetables are considered ornamental, we heartily recommend the Nasturtium to the attention of every person having a kitchen garden. Let it be placed in a conspicuous situation. Few things are more attractive in appearance ; and it is useful as well as beautiful. In addition to the gaiety of its successive blossoms, the fruit, when pickled, is desirable, and by many esteemed superior to capers. The tops, too, by some are used for salad. NATURE Of this word, which occurs so frequently, with sig- nifications so various and so difficultly defined, Boyle has given the following explication ! — Nature is sometimes used for the author of nature, as. Nature has made man partly corporeal and partly imma- terial ; for Nature, in this sense, may be used the word Creator. Nature sometimes means that on whose account a thing is what it is, and is called, as when we define the nature of an eagle ; for nature, in this sense, may be used for essence, or quality. Nature sometimes means what belongs to a living creature at its nativity, or accrues to it by its birth, as when we say a man is noble by nature, or a child is naturally froward. This may be expressed by saying, the man M^as born so, or the thing was generated such. Nature sometimes means an internal principle of local motion, as we say the stone falls, or the flame rises, by nature ; for this we may say that the motion up or down is spontaneous, or produced by its proper cause. Nature some- times signifies the established course of things corporeal, as nature makes the night succeed the day ; this may be tei'med established order, or settled course. Nature means sometimes the aggregate of the powers belonging to a body, especially a living one ; as when physicians say that nature is strong, or nature left to herself, will do the cure ; for this may ba used constitution, temperament, or structure of the body. Nature is put likewise for the system of the corporeal works of God ; as there is no phoenix or chimera in nature. For nature, thus applied, we may use the M'orld, or the universe. Nature is sometimes, indeed commonly taken for a kind of semi-deity ; in this sense it is best not to use it at all. NAVIGATION. No art or profession has appeared more aston- ishing and marvellous than that of navigation, in the state in which it is at present. This cannot be made more evident than by taking a retrospective view of the tottering, inartificial craft to which navi- gation owes its origin ; and by comparing them with the noble and majestic edifices now in use, containing a thousand men, with their provisions, drink, furniture, Avearing-apparel, and other necessaries for many mouths, besides a hundred pieces of heavy ordnance, and carry- ing all this vast apparatus safely, on the wings of the wind, across immense seas. These majestic floating structures are theresult of the ingenuity and united labor of many hundreds of hands, and are com- THE FARMER AT HOME. 291 posed of a great number of well-proportioned pieces of timber, nicely fastened together by means of iron nails and bolts, and rendei.~d so tight with tow and pitch, that no water can penetrate into any part. To give motion to these enormous machines, lofty pieces of timber called masts, have been fixed upright in them ; and sails of linen cloth are placed for the purpose of catching the wind, and receiving its propelling power. It has been requisite also to add vast quantities of cordage and tackling. Yet all these would be insufficient for the perfect government and direction of the vessel, if there were not fastened to the hinder part of it, by means of hinges and hooks, a m0\'^eable piece of wood called the rudder, very small in proportion to the whole machine, but the least inclination of which to either side is sufficient to give immediately a different direction to the enormous mass ; so that two men may direct and govern this ffoating town, with the same or with greater ease than a single man can direct a boat. Even the vaulted part of the fabric, together with its sharp termination underneath, is proportioned according to the nicest calcu- lations ; and the length, width, and strength of the sails and tackling, are all in due proportion to one another, according to certain rules founded upon the principles of the art of ship-building. A violent storm of wind will make us tremble with fear in a well-built house, in the midst of a populous city ; but the seaman, provided he has a good ship, rides with unshaken courage, amidst the enraged waves, when the whole surface of the ocean presents to the eye an awful scene of immense watery mountains and bottomless precipices. NATURAL HISTORY. This branch of useful knowledge is a generic term, and presents topics of great interest and utility. It has more commonly been used for a systematic description of that part of nature which is immediately connected with man and human wants, although formerly embracing a w.\der range of investigation. Thus limited, natural history is a science both useful and entertaining. It is intimately connected with all the other sciences ; and with all the arts, from the simplest and rudest to the most complicated and most elegant. "We cannot M^ell avoid becoming more or less acquainted vinth the manners of animals, the economy of vegetables, and the general appearance of nature. From an acquaintance with these, many advantages have already accrued to man ; and, from a more intimate knowledge of them, many more will doubtless be derived. The husbandman ought to know the characters of the tame animals which he employs ; what advantages are to be derived from them ', whether there are others that would suit his purpose better ; where they are to be found ; how they maybe procured, and how supported ; the qualities of the soil which he cultivates, and the means of man- aging and of improving it ; the nature of the grains and grasses which he raises, and whether he might not, with advantage, substitute a difTerent species for that in common use. Even the meanest mechanic 92 THE FARMER AT HOME. hould have a -^^retfy accurate kncwledge of many of the qualities oi hose natural objects with which liis craft is connected. The fine Its, though usually considered as the peculiar province of imagina- ion, depend greatly also upon natural history. From the vicissitudes of the seasons acting upon the senses; from he presence of surrounding objects ; from the necessity of deriving rom them food, clothing, and shelter ; natural history must have been I study of the first importance to man, and attended to from the earliest leriuds of society. Before the invention of letters, however, the ob- ervations and discoveries of individuals were neither likely to be ommunicated to those at a distance, nor recorded for the information f posterity. In a more polished state of society, the case is diflerent ; nd hence we find*Alexander the Great decreeing a collection of ani- rials for the examination of Aristotle; and wild beasts, from every uarter of the globe, produced and exhibited in the amphitheatres at lome. Yet Aristotle is almost the only ancient writer on zoology hat merits attention ; for even Pliny and vElian, with this great ex- .mple before their eyes, ofil^r us nothing but crude collections, discrimi- lated with little taste or judgment, truth and falsehood being blended II one common mass : and for many succeeding years, from various auscs, all Europe is well known to have been immersed in ignorance nd credulity as to the most common facts of this study. The bodies, as well of plants as of animals, consist of fluids and olids ; they have both vessels designed to contain the fluids, and ;lands to secrete dilloront juices : while the blood circulates through he bodies of animals, the sap of vegetables ascends and descends, so s to produce the same effects on the vegetable, which the motion of he blood, by the force of the heart and the arteries, produces on the .nimal system. These are but a few of the resemblances which have )een observed between the species of the animal and those of the vegetable kingdom. Almost every one of the parts common to animal )odies, has been represented by one naturalist or another, as matched ly some correspondent part in vegetable bodies. Such analogies are ometiines plain and striking, and sometimes scarcely perceptible, or nerely imaginary. They afibrd, however, an agreeable subject of peculation ; and it cannot be denied that they increase the difficulty if a.scertaining the limits by which these two departments of nature ire divided. But however numerous and strong the analogies between Luimals and vegetables, however difllcult it may be to discern the )re(Mse line Avhich separates the one kingdom from the other, yet the eading characteristics are sufficiently distinct. The privileges which mimals enjoy above the other parts of the creation, are in most in- tances highly conspicuous. Animals have an organized structure, which regularly unfolds tself, and is nourished and supported by air and food ; they conse- [uently possess life, and are subject to death ; they are moreovei i THE FARMER AT HOME. 2! endowed with sensation, and with spontaneous, as well as voluntar motion. Vegetables are organized, supported by air and food, endow( with life, and subject to death as well as animals. They have, some instances spontaneous, though we know not that they ha' voluntary motion. They are sensible to the action of nourishmer air, and light, and either thrive or languish, according to the whol some or hui^tful application of these stimulants. The spontaiieo movements of plants are almost as readily to be observed as the living principle. The general direction of their branches, and esp cially of the upper surface of their leaves, though repeatedly disturbe to the light, the unfolding and closing of their flowers at stated time or according to favorable or unfavorable circumstances, with some st more curious particulars, are actions undoubtedly depending on the vital principle, and are performed with the greater facility in propc tion as that principle is in its greatest vigor. Plants alone have power of deriving nourishment, though not indeed exclusively, fro inorganic matter, mere earths, salts, or airs, substances certainly inc pable of serving as food for any animals, the latter only feeding ( what is or has been organized matter, either of a vegetable or anim nature. So that it would seem to be the office of vegetable life alon to transform dead matter into organized living bodies. NEEDLE. A name given to various small instruments in tl useful arts. The most common acceptation of the word is to deno the common sewing-needle, which is so well known as to require i description : besides this, there is the knitting-needle ; the nettin needle ; the glovers-needle, with a triangular point ; the tamboii needle, which is made like a hook, and fixed in a handle ; the hoc being thrust through the cloth, the thread is caught under the hoo and the needle is drawn back, taking the thread with it. Needle a name given to a part of the stocking-frame, lace-machine, and mai other machines in the "manufactures. The manufacture of sewin needles, is one of the most remarkable pursuits of the age, both tec nically and locally. In a technical point of view, it is striking for tl number of processes which every individual needle passes througl while it is not less noteworthy on account of the grouping of tl manufacture about one town of England in particular — Redditch, Worcestershire — where it has been calculated there are sixty or seven millions made every week I In our own country, but few attempts this miportant branch of artistic industry have been made. It is sai however, that in the recent ones at Newark, (N. J.,) the results pr raise a degree of success highly auspicious to the enterprising inc viduals who made them. NECTARINE. The nectarine is only a variety of the peac with a smooth skin. In its growth, habit, and general appearanc it is impossible to distinguish it from the peach. The fruit, howeve is rather smaller, perfectly smooth, without down and is one of tl 294 THE FARMER AT HOME; most wax-like and exquisite of all productions for the dessert. In flavor, it is ])erhaps scarcely so rich as the finest peach, but it has more piquancy, partaking of the noyeau, or peach-leaf flavor. The cul- ture of the nectarine is, in all re.speets, precisely similar to that of the peach, and its habits, also, are completely the same. It is loii^er lived and hardier when budded on the plum, but still the nurserymen here usually work it on the peach stock. rt-mv^ NEWFOUNDLAND DOG. NEWFOUNDLAND DOG. The Newfoundland dog is of the Spaniel family, but derives its name from the island of which it is a native. It is usually of a large size, and has long shagged hair, with a coat of fine, soft fur beneath the outer covering, which is almost im- penetrable by water. His color is most frequently black ; sometimes spotted, and partially flecked or grayish ; and occasionally bufi'. He is remarkably docile and obedient to his master ; and, although very serviceable as a watch dog, when well trained, is good natured to all not suspected of mischievous intentions upon the property of his owner. He will defend his master and his master's property, and suffer no person to injure the one or the other ; and however extreme may be the danger, ho will not leave them for a minute. He seems only wanting in speech, in order to make his good feelings and wishes known to all around him. One of the most striking traits of the Newfoundland dog, is his fearlessness of water; and particularly as connected M'ith the preser- vation of human life. A writer in the Farmer's Library, Mr. Youatt, gives the following narrative illustrative of this trait. A native of Germany was travelling one evening on foot in Holland, accompanied THE FARMER AT HOME. 295 by his large dog. Walking on a high bank wh.\ch formed one side of the dyke, his foot slipped, and he was precipitated into the water, iind being unable to switn, soon became senseless. When he recovered his recollection, lie ibund himself in a cottage on the contrary side of the dyke, surronnded by peasants, who had been using the means fir the recovery of drowned persons. The account given by one of them was : that returning home from his labor, he observed, at a consider- able distance, a large dog in the water, swimming and dragging, and sometimes pushing along, something that he seemed to have great difficulty in supporting, but which he at length succeeded in getting into a small creek on the opposite side. When the animal had pulled what he had hitherto supported, as far out of the water as he was able, tiie peasant discovered that it was the body of a man, whose face and hands the dog was industriously licking. The peasant hastened to a bridge across the dyke, and having obtained assistance, the body was conveyed to a neighboring house, where proper means soon restored the drowned man to life. Two very considerable bruises, M'ith marks of teeth, appeared, one on his shoulder, and the other on his poll ; hence it was presumed that the faithful dog had at first seized his master by the shoulder, and swam with him in this manner for some time, but that his sagacity had prompted him to quit his hold, and shift it to the nape of his neck, by which he had been enabled to support the head out of the water ; and in this way he had conveyed him nearly a quarter of a mile before he had brought him to the creek, where the banks were low and accessible. NIGHT. That part of the natural day during which the sun is underneath the horizon ; or that space wherein it is dusky. Night was originally divided by the Hebrews, and other eastern nations, into three parts or watchings. The Romans, and afterwards the Jews from them, divided the night into ibur parts, or watches, the first of which began at sunset and lasted till nine at nisfht, according: to our way of reckoning ; the second lasted till midnight ; the third till three in the morning ; and the Iburth ended at sunrise. The ancient Gauls and Germans divided their time not by days but by nights ; and the jjeople of Iceland and the Arabs do the same at this day. The like is also observed of our Saxon ancestors. NIGHT- AIR. Many diseases are brought on by imprudent exposure of the body to the night-air ; and this, at all seasons, in every climate, and variety of temperature. The causes of this bad property of the night-air, it is not difficult to assign. The heat is almost uni- versally several degrees lower than in the daytime ; the air deposits d(;w and other moistures ; the pores of the body are open, from the exercise and fatigues of the day ; the evening feverishness leaves the body in some degree debilitated and susceptible of external impres- sions ; and from all these concurrent causes, are produced the various effects of cold acting as a check to perspiration ; such as catarrhs. 296 THE FARMER AT HOME sore throats, coughs, consumptions, rheumatisms, asthmas, fevers and dysenteries. In warm climates, the night-air and night-dews, with their tainted impregnations, act with much malignancy on the unwary, who too often, after an imprudent debauch, still more absurdly lays himself down in the woods oi verandahs, to receive the full attacks of the morbific powers then unusually active. In civilized life, and in crowded towns, how many fall victims to their own imprudence, in exposing themselves to the cold, the damp, and the frostiness of the night-air. Issuing from warm apartments with blazing fires, or from crowded churches, theatres, or ball-rooms, with exhausted strength, profuse perspiration, thin dresses, and much of the person uncovered, how many are arrested with the benumbing cold and the universal shivering, which prove the forerunner of dan- gerous inflammation of the brain, of the lungs, or of the bowels, which either cut them off in a few days, or lay the foundation of consump- tion or other lingering illnesses. Such being the dangers of exposure to the night-air, it ought to be inculcated on all, both young and old, to guard against them, by avoiding all rash and hasty changes of place and temperature, by hardening the frame by due exercise and walking in the open air in the daytime ; and on occasions when the night-air must be braved, taking care to be sufficiently clothed ; and to avoid drawing in the cold air too strong or hastily with the mouth open. NIGHTMARE. Nervous or indisposed persons are oppressed during sleep with a heavy pressing sensation on the chest, by which respiration is impeded, or the circulation of blood intercepted, to such a degree as to threaten suffocation. Frightftd ideas are recollected on waking, which occupied the dreaming mind. Frequent attempts are made to cry out, but often without effect, and the horrors and agita- tions felt by the patient are inexpressibly frightful. The sensations generally originate in a large quantity of wind or indigestible matter in the stomach of supper-eaters, which pressing the stomach against the diaphragm, impede respiration, or render it short and convulsed. Inflated intestines may likewise produce similar effects, or mental perturbations. There is another species of nightmare mentioned by authors, which has a more dangerous tendency ; and this arises from an impeded circulation of blood in the lungs, when lying down, or too great relax- ation of the heart and its impelling powers. Epilepsy, apoplexy, or sudden death, are sometimes among the consequences of this species of disturbed sleeep. NIGHT-SOIL. Human excrements are usually known under this name, which is one of the best fertilisers. The history of the use of the night-soil, as a manure, is attended with ditliculties ; for the very nature of it predisposes every experimentalist in our country as well as England, to bo silent as to his knowledge of its powers. Many THE FARMER AT HOME 297 absurd prejudices are entertained by the laboring classes ; such as the imaginary taste it imparts to vegetables, when added to the soil ; and in the earliest authorities, it is mentioned with cautious reserve. Long experience, however, has taught many nations the value of this manure. In China it is preserved w 'th the greatest care, mixed with a fat marl ; and according to Sir George Staunton, is made into cakes, which after being dried in the sun, constitute a regular article of traffic between the citizens and the cultivators of that singular empire. The same useful practice is carried on in Belgium. What we too often throw into our rivers, or allow to waste itself in the open air, or in deep vaults, the more thoughtful Belgians turn to account ; what is a nuisance in American cities, is a source of revenue at Brussels. The best mode of preparing night-soil for use is by mixing it with powdered charcoal, half burnt peet, or soil that is rich in vegetable matter, duick lime has been applied to it for a similar purpose ; but, although it destroys the odor, it dissipates, at the same time, a large portion of the ammonia. During the decomposition of night soil, an evolution of carbonic acid, ammonia, sulphureted and phosphu- reted hydrogen takes place. After the escape of these gases, the odor ceases, and the remainder, when dried, constitutes what is sold in large cities under the name of poudrette. The odor of recent night- soil may be destroyed, and the volatile elements retained, by adding to it gypsum, or dilute sulphuric acid. This manure is used in the form of compost and as a top dressing in the form of poudrette. One of our most scientific writers remarks, that rich as are the liquid eva- cuations of the barn-yard and horse-stable, they are surpassed by those of the farmer's own dwelling, especially when it is considered with what ease these last may be preserved. If it be a fact, that each man, as asserted, evacuates annually, enough to manure an acre of land, it is easy to form some estimate how much might be added to our agricultural products without material increase of lafeor, if all the night-soil of the country, in cities especially, were properly saved. NITRE. Saltpetre ; a perfect neutral salt, formed by the union of the nitrous acid with the fixed alkali of tartar. It is found im- mersed in imperceptible particles, in earthy substances, as the parti- cles of metals in their ores ; but sometimes it is gathered native and pure, in the form of an efflorescence, or shapeless salt, either on its ore, or on old walls. The earth from which nitre is made, both in Persia and the East Indies, is a kind of marl, found on the bare sides of hills exposed to the northern or eastern winds, and never in any other situation. The people of those countries collect large quantities of this earth ; and having a large and deep pit, lined with a hard and tenacious kind of clay, they till it half full of water, and into this they throw the earth. When this is broken and moulded to powder, they add more water, and, mixing the whole together, sufier it to remain 13* 298 THE FARMER AT HOME. four or five days. After this, they open a hole made in one of the sides of the pit, which lets out all the clear water into a channel of about a foot wide, which is also lined with clay, and through which it runs into a very wide and shallow pit, which is pre- pared in a level ground, secured by slight walls on all but the northeast side, and open to the sun at the top. Here the water evaporates by degrees ; and the salt which it had imbibed from the earth, cystallizes into small, brownish white, hexaedral, but usually imperfect crystals. This is the rough saltpetre brought from the East Indies. There are some other methods of procuring it ; but the far greater part of the nitre used in the world, is prepared in this manner. ^Saltpetre is of great use in various manufactures. Besides being the basis of gunpowder, it is employed in making white glass, and is of the same use as common salt in preserving meats. From the same substance, also, are prepared Grlauber's spirit of nitre, sweet spirit of nitre, vitriolated nitre, and aquafortis. NITROfiBN. Nitrogen, also called Azote ; a substance existing in great abundance, but is never found except in combination with some other body. It is a principal component part of the air we breathe, which consists of 78 parts of nitrogen, and 22 of oxygen. It is accordingly hei-e united with oxygen, and a certain portion of caloric and light. The nitrogen and oxygen of the atmospheric air may be separated, so that we may have the nitrogen by itself, but then only in a state of gas, and its properties are very ditierent from those of the atmospheric air. Nitrogen gas will not support animal life. It is a little heavier than atmospheric air, elastic, and capable of expan- sion and condensation. It produces no change on vegetable colors, and when mixed with limewater does not make it milky, as does carbonic acid gas. Nitrogen gas and oxygen gas artificially mixed, in proportions in which air is found in the atmosphere, have exactly the same properties as atmospheric air, which they become, in every respect. All animal and vegetable substances contain a large propor- tion of nitrogen. * NORMAN HORSE. It is not the design of the present work to discuss the nice points resulting from the crosses of our best farm animals. This is left for more elaborate treatises, and to persons more competent to the task. We aim only at calling attention to some of these most prominent points. By them it will be perceived that there is a vast difierence in the appearance and also in the merits of them, and heuce the great importance to our rural interests, that general public attention should be directed to the subject. Of the horse fam- ily there is much iti the Norman branch to elicit observation. They are of Arabian descent, and are much used in France, particularly for drawing the heavy diligence coaches. The admired Canada horses are more or less a mixture of this stock. A writer in the British (duarterly Journal of Agriculture, say"-, the Norman horses are capital THE FARMER AT HOME. 299 in the collar for hard work and scanty fare. They are enduring and energetic beyond description ; also that they are gentle and docile ; never kicking or becoming otherwise vicious ; so that any person may pass about hundreds of them in perfect security. For further particu- lars respecting these horses, see Genesee Farmer, Albany Cultivator, Allen's Domestic Animals, and a valuable work on the Structure and the Diseases of the Horse, published by Derby and Miller, Auburn, N. y., being Youatt revised an** enlarged, by W. C.Spooneraud Henry S. Randall. NORMAN HORSE . NORTH. One of the four cardinal points of the Avorld ; being that point of the horizon which is directly opposite to the sun in meridian. The north wind is generally accompanied with a con- siderable degree of cold. It sometimes blows M'ith almost irresistible fury. It is often mentioned by the classic authors under the name of Boreas, which is of Greek original. NUT, COCOA. The fruit of the cocos nucifera of Linnaius. Within the nut is found a kernel, as pleasant as an almond, and also a large quantity of liquor resembling milk, which the Indians greedily drink before the fruit -a ripe, it being then plejisant, but when the nut SQO THE FARMER AT HOME. is matured the liquor becomes sour. Some full frrown nuts will con- tain a pint or more of this milk, the frequent drinking of which seems to have no bad eflects upon the Indians ; yet we should be cautious of making- too free with it at first, for when Lionel Wafer was at a small island in the South Sea, where the tree giew in plenty, some of his men were so delighted with it, that at parting they were resolved to drink their fill, which they did ; but their appetites had like to have cost them their lives, for though they were not drunk, yet they were BO chilled and benumbed, tha' they could not stand, and were obliged to be carried aboard by those who had more prudence than them- selves, and it was many days before they recovei'ed. The shells of these nuts being hard, and capable of receiving a polish, are often cut transversely, when, being mounted on stands, and having their edges silvered or gilt, or otherwise ornamented, they serve the purpose of drinking cups. The leaves of the tree are used for thatching, for brooms, baskets, and other utensils ; and of the reticular web growing at their base the Indian women make cauls and aprons. NUTS. There are several kinds of nuts used as articles of diet ; but they are not in general to be much recommended. They abound in oily matter, are viscid and glutinous, and are apt with many peo- ple to prove very difficult of digestion. Dr. Paris thinks it would be wise to banish nuts from our tables, for there is a fascination in them, which will lead most persons who begin to eat them, to take a quan- tity which the best disposed stomach cannot bear with impunity. Hoffman observes, that dysenteric complaints are always more com- mon in those years in which the harvest of nuts is plentiful ; and there is not a physician in any practice who will be inclined to doubt his statement. NUTMEG. In natural history, the kernel of a large fruit, not unlike the peach, the produce of a tree called by botanists Myristica. The nutmeg is separated from its investient coat, the mace, before it is sent over to us ; except that the whole fruit is sometimes imported in preserve, by way of sweetmeat, or as a curiosity. The nutmeg, as we receive it, is of a roundish or oval figure, of a tolerably compact and firm texture, but easily cut with a knife, and falling to pieces on a smart blow. Its surface is not smooth, but furrowed with a num- ber of wrinkles, running in various directions, though principally longitudinally. It is of a grayish brown color on the outside, and oi a beautiful variegated hue within, being marbled with brown and yellow variegations, running in perfect irregularity through its whole substance. It is very unctuous and fatty to the touch, when powdered, and is of an extremely agreeable smell, and of an aromatic taste, without the heat that attends that kind of flavor in most of the other species The largest, heaviest, and most rmctuous of the nutmegs to be chosen ; such are in shape of an oliv , and of the most fragrant smell. THE FAILMIiR AT HOME 301 NUTRITION. Ill Physiology, a function common to all organ- ized bodies,, in which their various component tissues convert nutritive matter into their ovv^n substance and add it to the particles which pre- viously entered into their composition. The materials of nutrition are pi'epared by several previous processes ; by digestion, in which the Ibod is altered ui its qualities, and reduced to a homogeneous mass ; by absorption, in which this nutritive part of the aliment is extracted and conveyed into the blood ; by circulation and respiration, in which this nutritive matter is converted into blood. Nutrition is the completion of the functions of assimilation ; the aliment, animalised by the series of processes just enumerated, and rendered similar to the substance of the being which it is to nourish, is applied to the organs, whose waste it is to repair ; and this identification of the nutritive matter to our organs, which take it up, and appropriate it to themselves, constitutes nutrition, in which there is a real conversion of the aliment into our own substance. The component particles of an animal body are in a state of con- stant change ; the old ones are detached and removed by the absorb- ents, and their place is supplied by new matter laid down by the arteries. Until the body has attained its full size, the movement of composition predominates over that of decomposition, and all the parts increase ; when the growth is completed, and there is no apparent change of bulk, they are moved and the added portions balance each other ; and, as the body declines, the absorption exceeds the addition of new matter. But, at all times, there is an interior motion of the component parts. Hence the body has been compared by a French physiologist to the vessel of the Argonauts, so often repaired in the course of a long and perilous navigation, that on her return, no part of her former materials remained. An animal body probably contains none of the same molecules at two distant periods. The experiments peribrmed by mixing madder with the food of animals, prove most unquestionably this incessant de- composition of animated and living matter. This mixture, in conse- quence of a chemical affinity between the madder and phosphate of lime, dyes all the bones of a red color ; when the madder is left off for a sufficient length of time, the color disappears. It is obvious, that the calcareous phosphate in the osseous system previous to the commence- ment of the experiment, must be gradually removed, and it.s place supplied by the* colored earth ; while this is again absorbed in its turn, after the madder is discontinued, to make room for a new un- colored deposition. If the hardest and most solid parts, apparently the most calculated to resist decay, are undergoing perpetual motion of decomposition and regeneration ; there can be little doubt that this motion must be far more rapid in those, whose power of cohesion is much inferior ; for example, in the fluids. In the nails, hair, and cuticle, a constant growth is so regularly observed, that it is not ne- 302 THE FARMER AT HOME. cessary to particularise, the phenomena. The fact is not so apparent in the soft parts, although we :;annot doubt of its existence. OAK. Among the most useful of the productions of temperate climates are the dilierent species of oak, truly the pride of the north- ern hemisphere, to which part of the globe they are almost exclu- sively couhued, with the the exception of a few on the mountainous parts of the equatorial regions. They are shrubs, or trees, many of them of the largest size. More than eighty species are known, of which one half inhabit North America, either within the territory of the United States, or on the mountains of Mexico. Among the va- rious uses to which the wood is applied, the most important is ship building. The European oak is tougher and more durable than our own ; but if the American vessels are more liable to decay than the European, it is more owing to the timber not being thoroughly sea- soned, than to any other cause. In Europe, it is usual, after stripping the oak of its bark, to leave it standing ibr three or four years before it is cut lor use. The European oak, which is most common there, and is so highly prized for its wood, has leaves resembling th»se of our white oak, and it attains a height of from sixty to one hundred feet, with a trunk six to twelve feet or more in circumference. Previous to the introduction of mahogany, oak was much used for furniture. Old specimens produce a very beautiful effect when carved, as may be seen in many of the large and ancient European mansions as well as churches. Some of those specimens denote a magnificent size attained by the tree, as well as a beautiful texture. In Dudley Castle there is, or was, an oak table seventy-five feet long and three feet wide, formed from one plank ; and at Goodj'ieh Castle is an oak beam sixty-six feet long by two feet square its whole length. The mainmast of the Royal Sovereign, built in the reign of Charles I., was ninety-nine feet long by three feet diameter at the lower end, and formed out of one piece of oak. These samples will give an idea of the size to which the oak in Europe has attained. The quantity of tliis timber used, especially in ship-building, is as wonderful as the magnitude of the trees. It is said that fifty acres of oak plantation are required to produce the timber for a seventy-four gun ship ; and that when the British Royal Navy was the largest, say in the early part of the present century, the ships composing it contained in their structure more than eleven hundred thousand loads of oak. OAK BARK. The bark of the oak, which is very useful in tan- ning. The bark of oak trees was formerly thought to be extremely useful in vegetation. One load, Mr. Mills in his Treatise on Husbandry informs us, of oak bai'k, laid in a heap and rotted, after the tanners have used it for dressing of leather, will do more service to stiffen cold land, and its effects will last longer than two loads of the richest dung ; but this has been strenuously controverted. The bark, in medicine, is also a strong astringent ; and hence is recora- THE FARMER AT HOME. 3O3 mended in haemorrhages, alvine fluxes, and other preternatural or immoderate secretions ; and in these it is sometimes attended with good effects. Some have alleged that by the use of this bark every purpose can be answered which may be obtained from Peruvian bark. But, after several very fair trials, this is found not to be the case. Be- sides the bark, the buds, the acorns, and their cups are used ; as also the galls, which are excrescences, caused by insects, on the oaks of the eastern countries, of which there are divers sorts ; some perfectly round and smooth, some rougher with small protuberances, but all generally having a round hole in them. OAK,. A long piece of timber, flat at one end, and round or square at the other, used to make a vessel advance upon the water The flat part, which is dipped into the water, is called the blade, and that which is within the board is termed the loom, whose extremity, being small enough to be grasped by the rowers, is called the handle. To push the boat or vessel forwards by means of this instrument, the rowers turn their backs forwards, and, dipping the blade of the oar in the water, pull the handle forward, so that the blade, at the same time, may move aft in the water. But since the blade cannot be so moved without striking the water, this impulsion is the same as if the water were to strike the blade from the stern towards the head ; the vessel is therefore necessarily moved according to the direction. Hence it follows, that she will advance with greater rapidity, by as much as the oar strikes the water more forcibly ; consequently, an oar acts up- on the side of a boat or vessel like a lever of the second class, whose fulcrum is the station upon which the oar rests on the boat's gun- wale . OATS. The great use of oats, and the ease with which they are raised on almost every kind of soil, from the heaviest loam to the lightest sand, have made them occupy a place in almost every rota- tion of crops. It is said that the best oats are raised in Scotland and Friesland. The average yield on good soils is from thirty to forty bushels per acre, and on the richest soils when well cultivated, the produce has been over one hundred bushels to the acre. The oat is exposed to fewer injuries than other grain, being seldom affected by rust, smut, or insects. It succeeds best in cold and moist countries. The meal is nutritious, and, in some countries, forms an important article of food, for instance in Ireland particularly ; but the bread made of it is rather indifftjrent in quality, and somewhat bitter. Beer is made from this grain in Britain and Poland ; and it is besides dis- tilled to procure ardent spirits. Oats are the best food for horses, and for this purpose, in our own country, are principally cultivated. OIL STONE. In Natural History, is a stone of a whitish color, with a faint mixture of a bluish grey ; and it is sometimes ornament- ed with black spots and dendritse. It is of a moderately fine and compact texture, hard and heavy, and capable of a tolerable polish. 304 THE FARMER AT HOME. It is not acted upon by acids, gives fire very freely with steel, and when burnt, acquii'es a pure white color. This stone has not yet been found in England ; but in the eastern parts, and in G-ennauy, there are large strata of it. It is much used by our artificers for set- ting a fine edge on their tools, and is only used with oil, which by degrees changes its color to a deep brown. OLIVE OIL. This is prepared from the fruit of the olive when fully ripe, by pressing it gently ; it then yields the purest oil, but an inferior kind is procured by heating the remainder, and squeezing the fruit more strongly. Olive oil enters largely into the diet of many nations, and is much used in medicine and pharmacy. When good, it is of a pale yellow color, of a bland taste, and without smell ; when long kept, it becomes rancid. When taken internally, it acts as a mild laxative, but not many stomachs can retain enough for this pur- pose. It is sometimes given in pretty large doses for the expulsion of worms, particularly some kinds of taenia or tapeworm. And it may also be given internally in small doses, with mucilage and other ad- ditions, as an emulsion in cases of catarrh and sore throat. In cases where certain poisons have been swallowed, large quantities of oil are given to correct the acrimony of the substance swallowed. When applied externally, it acts as an emolient, and forms a good medium for frictions which are designed to promote absorption, and to discuss indolent swellings. Warm oil rubbed on the belly, gives much I'eliei in dysentery and other abdominal complaints ; and the same applica- tion is one of the best means for dispersing the knots in the breasts of childbed women, in the first days of their confniement. Olive oil is an ingredient in many pla.sters and ointments. Combined with hartshorn, it forms the volatile liniment, so useful as an external stimulant. Some have said that anointing the body with oil prevents a person from receiving the infection of the plague. OLIVE TREE. The olive tree, in all ages, has been greatly celebrated, and held in peculiar estimation, as the bounteous gift of heaven ; it was formerly exhibited in the religious ceremonies of the Jews, and is still considered as emblematic of peace and plenty. The utility of the fruit is very extensive. Pickled olives, which are of two kinds, Spanish and French, are extremely grateful to many stomachs, and said to excite appetite and promote digestion ; they are prepared from the green unripe fruit, which is repeatedly steeped in water, to which some quicklime or alkaline salt is added, in order to shorten the operation ; after this they are washed and preserved in a pickle of common salt and water, to which an aromatic is sometimes added. The principal consumption, however, of this fruit, is in the preparation of the common salad oil, which is obtained by grinding and pressing them when thoroughly ripe ; the finer and purer oil issues first by gentle pressure, and the inferioi sorts on heating what is left, and pressing it more strongly. The bes" olive oil is of a bright THE FARMER AT HOME. 305 pale amber color, bland to the taste, and without any smell ; it be- comes rancid by age, and sooner if" kept in a warm situation. With regard to its utility, oil, in some shape, forms a considerable part of our food, both animal and vegetable, and affords much nour- ishment. With some, however, oily substances do not unite with the contents of the stomach, and are frequently brought up by eructation ; this happens more especially to those whose stomachs abound with acid. Oil, considered as a medicine, is supposed to correct acrimony, and to lubricate and relax the fibres ; and therefore has been recommend- ed internally, to obviate the effects of various stimuli, which produce irritation, and consequent inflammation ; on this ground it has gene- rally been prescribed in coughs, catarrhal affections, and erosions. Oil rubbed over the body is said to be of great service in dropsies, particularly ascites. Olive oil enters several officinal compositions, and when united with water, bv the intervention of alkali, is usually ofiven in coughs and hoarsenesses. ONIONS. Of the several varieties of onions, the yellow or silver skinned, and the large red, are the best for a general crop. The bulbs are handsome, of firgn growth, and keep well through the win- ter. The New England white are handsome for the table, and are very suitable for pickling, as well as to pull when quite young, and generally prove a very profitable crop. The admirable Portuguese onions are only raised in perfection near the seashore, in places moist- ened by the tide ; hence moisture and a little salt should be secured to the growing plants. It is a well established fact, that the mild or strong qualities of the onion depend more on climate and cultivation than on any inherent property of it ; as those grown in Spain, Portu- gal, Madeira, and Teneriffe, are more benignant in their flavor than those cultivated in the northern parts of Europe or of the United States. And the inhabitants of the warmer climates, as in the trop- ics, requiring their meats and soups highly seasoned, prefer onions of the strongest flavor ; while those of more temperate and colder regions, who more frequently eat them served up with melted butter or white sauce, seek the opposite property, mild and sweet. The onion is supposed to be a native of Spain, yet that is not an established fact. The history of its culture is not fully known. This, however is known, that wherever the ground is duly prepared, and the cultivation is properly obsei'ved, the crop is highly profitable. They require a rich friable soil ; a situation enjoying the full influ- ence of the sun, and entirely free from trees, which are very inimical to them. If the soil be poor, or exhausted, abundance of dung should be applied in the preceding autumn or winter, and the ground thrown into ridges. By these means it becomes well decomposed and incor- porated with the soil ; for rank, unreduced dung, is generally injurious to the crop. If, therefore, the application of manure is neglected until spring, it should be taken from an old hot-bed, or other .source whencp 306 THE FARMER AT HOME. it is to be Kad, in a thoroughly putrescent state, and turned in only to a moderate depth. A dressing also of gypsum, soot, and wood ashes is favorable to the growth of onions ; and we have found neither better than finely decomposed hen-dung. OPHIR. In Sacred Geography, the place from which Solomon procured the gold and other precious articles with which he enriched himself, and adorned the temple of Jerusalem. Concerning the pai't of the world in which Ophir was situated, there have been many and various opinions and conjectures ; some of them extremely fanciful, not to say absurd ; and others supported and elucidated with no in- considerable portion of ingenuity and learning ; still, however, the exact situation of this place is undetermined, though the opinion that it was somewhere either on the eastern or western coast of Africa seems the most plausible, and to obtain the sanction of the most learned and well informed writers, who have discussed or adverted to this point of sacred geography. OPTICS. Optics is the science which treats of light, and of the instruments by which it is applied to useful purposes. It is one of the most interesting branches of natural philosophy, but not one of the easiest to understand ; it will be necessary, therefore, that you give to it the whole of your attention. Light, when emanated from the sun, or any other luminous body, is projected forwards in straight lines in every possible direction ; so that the luminous body is not only the centre from whence all the rays proceed, but every point of it may be considered as a centre which radiates light in every direction. The particles of light are so extremely minute, that although they are pro- jected in different directions, and cross each other, yet they are never known to interfere, and impede each other's course. It is still a dis- puted point, however, whether light be a substance composed of par- ticles like other bodies. In some respects, it is obedi^-nt to the laws which govern bodies ; in others, it appears to be independent of them : thus, though its course is guided by the laws of motion, it does not seem to be influenced by the laws of gravity. It has never been dis- covered to have weight, though a variety of interesting experiments have been made with a view of ascertaining that point. Some sup- pose that the rays of light, instead of being particles, consist of the undulations of an elastic medium, which fills all space, and which produces the sensation of light to the eye, just as the vibrations of the air produce the sensation of sound to the ear. Most of the phe- nomena may be accounted for by either hypothesis, but that of their being particles apjilies more happily to some of the facts respecting the modifications of light by refraction and reflection. OPIUM. In chemistry and medicine, an inspissated gummy juice, which is obtained from the head of the "papaper somniforum." It is imported from Persia, Arabia, and other warm parts of Asia, in flat cakes, covered with leaves, to prevent their sticking together. It has THE FARMER AT HOME. 3O7 a reddish brown color, and strong peculiar smell : its taste at first is nauseous and bittei-, but this soon becomes acrid, and produces a .slight warmth in the mouth. A peculiar substance has been detected in opium, to which it is supposed the properties it possesses of producing sleep are owing. On account of this property, this substance has re- ceived the name of narcotic matter. Is is obtained from the milky juices of some plants, as those of the poppy, lettuce, and some others. Opium, which is extracted from the poppy, is prepared by the follow- ing process : The heads of the white poppy, which is cultivated in diflerent countries of the east for this purpose, are wounded with a sharp instrument : a milky juice flows out, which concretes, and is collected and formed into cakes. In this state opium is a tenacious substance, of a brownish color ; has a peculiar smell, and a disagree- able bitter taste. It becomes soft with a moderate heat. It readily takes fire, and burns rapidly. OE.ANG OUTANG. Cuvier thus describes this animal. The average height of the species is from three to four feet. The body is covered with coarse red hairs. The forehead equals in height one-half of the rest of the visage. The face is bluish. There are neither pouches in the cheeks, nor callosities on the posteriors. The hinder thumbs are remarkably short. This celebrated ape resembles man more nearly than any other animal, in the form of the head and the volume of the brain. The natural history of the orang outang has been miserably disfigured by the mixture of it with that of other apes of the larger size, more especially with that of the Chimpanse. Upon a critical examination, it is ascertained that he inhabits the most ori- ental countries only, as Malacca, Cochin China, and particularly the great island of Borneo, whence he has been brought to Europe by way of Java, though but rarely. He is gentle, easily tamed, and capable of attachment. From the character of his physical conformation, he can arrive at some facility in the imitation of several human actions ; but his intelligence by no means equals the exaggerated accounts we have received of it, nor does it appear to surpass much that of the canine species. Camper has discovered and ably described two mem- branous sacks, which produce a thickness and hoarseness in the voice ; but he was wrong in believing that the nails are always wanting on the hinder thumbs ORANGE. A low, evergreen, branching tree, bearing oblong oval, acute, smooth and shining leaves, inserted on winged leafstalks, by which character it is easily distinguished from the lemon. The flowers are white, contaiiring about twenty stamens, and are disposed in clusters of from two to six upon a common peduncle. The fruit i.s globose, bright yellow, and contains a pulp, which consists of a col- lection of oblong vesicles, filled with a sugary and refreshing juice : it is, besides, divided into eight or ten compartments, each containing several seeds. The principal varieties are the sweet or China, and 308 THK FARMER AT HOME. the bitter or Seville orange ; the Maltese orange is also deserving of notice, from its red pulp. Though now extensively cultivaled in the south of Europe, the introduction of the orange is of modern date, and it was unknown in that continent till about the beginning of the fifteenth century. At the present time, it forms an extensive branch of commerce between the Mediterranean and the more northern coun- tries. It is exceedingly long lived, and is still esteemed young at the age of a century. An essential oil is obtained from the flowers, which is hardly less esteemed than the celebrated ottar of roses. Bersfamot is a well known perfume, obtained from the rind of a variety of the orange, and has received the name from the town of Bergamo, in Italy, where this variety is much cultivated. The wood of this tree is fine grained, compact, susceptible of a fine polish, and is employed in the arts. The orange, together with the lemon, citron, lime, shaddock, and indeed almost the entire family aurantiacece, is a native of tropical Asia and the East Indies. A singular exception is found in our own country : a species of orange, bearing fruit of a very agreeable flavor, is extremely abundant in East Florida, and, accord- ing to the testimony of scientific travellers, is undoubtedly native : it has not, however, been accurately compared with other species, and, what is more remarkable, although mentioned by early travellers, has not hitherto found its way into systematic works on our botany. ORES. Metals, when found in a state of combination M'ith other substances, have the name of ores. They are in general deposited in veins of various thickness, and at various depths in the earth. The mode of obtaining them is to penetrate from the surface of the earth to the vein, and then to follow it in whatever direction it may lie. The hollow places thus formed are called mines, and the men cm* ployed in them are denominated miners. When the veins are at a great depth, or extend to any considerable distance beneath the surface of the earth, it is necessary, at intervals, to make openings, or shafts, to the surface, for the admission and circulation of air ; and also to draw ofl' the water, which collects at the bottom, by means of drains, pumps, or steam engines, as the situation or circumstances require. After the metallic ores are drawn from the mine, they, in general, go through several processes before they are in a state fit for use. Some of these are first washed in running water, to clean them from loose, earthy particles. They are then piled together with combustible sub- stances, and burnt, or roasted, for the purpose of ridding them of the sulphur or arsenic with which they may happen to be combined, and which rises from them in a state of fume or smoke. Thus having been freed from impurities, they undergo the operation of melting, in furnaces constructed according to the nature of the respective metals, or the uses to which they are subsequently applied. ORGANIC REMAINS. A name applied to all those animal and vegetable substances which have been dug out of the earth in a THE FARMER AT HOME. 3O9 mineralized state, and serve as stronp: evidences of the universal deluge, and the changes which ensued. They also afibrd reason to believe that the matter composing the solid parts of the globe, has undergone violent and extensive revolutions, and that whole classes of vegetables and animals now extinct, have existed on the globe, anterior to the present constitution of things. ORNITHOLOGY. That branch of natural history which considers and describes birds, their natures and kinds, their form, external and in- ternal, and teaches their economy and uses ; also, the several orders and genera in the alphabetical order. Birds are divided, according to the form of their bills, into six orders, viz : Accipitres, as eagles, vultures, and hawks : Picse, as crows, jackdaws, humming-birds, and parrots : Anseres, as ducks, geese, swans, gulls : Grallae, as herons, woodcocks, and ostriches : Gallina?, as peacocks, pheasants, turkies, and common fowls : and Passeres, comprehending sparrows, larks, swallows, &c. Birds are distinguished from quadrupeds, by their laying eggs : they are generally feathered ; some few are hairy, and instead of hands or fore-legs, they have wings. Their eggs are covered by a calcareous shell, and they consist of a white, or albumen, which first nourishes the chick during incubation ; and a yolk, which is so suspended within it as to preserve the side on which the little rudiment of the chicken is situated continually uppermost, and next to the mother that is sitting upon it. The yolk is in great measure received into the abdomen of the chicken, a little before the time of its being hatched, and serves for its support, like the milk of a quadruped, and like the cotyledons of young plants, until the system is become sufficiently strong for ex- tracting its own food out of the ordinary nutriment of the species. OSTRICH. The ostrich is a bird very anciently known, since it is mentioned in the oldest of books. It has furnished the sacred writers with some of their most beautiful imagery ; and its flesh was, even previous to the days of Moses, apparently a common species of food, since we find it interdicted, among other unclean animals, by the Jewish legislator. The ostrich is generally considered as the largest of birds, but its size serves to deprive it of the principal excellence of this class of animals, the power of flying. The medium M'eight of this bird, may be estimated at seventy-five or eighty pounds, a weight which would require an immense power of wnng to elevate into the atmosphere. The head and bill of the ostrich somev/hat resemble those of a duck ; and the neck may be compared to that of a swan, but that it is much longer ; the legs and thighs resemble those of a hen ; though the whole appearance at a distance bears a strong resemblance to that of a camel ; it is usually seven feet high from the top of the head to the ground, but from the back it is only four ; so that the head and neck are above three feet long. Some reach the height of nine feet. From the top of the head to the rump, when the neck is stretched out in a right line, it is six feet long, and the tail is about a foot more. 310 THE FARMER AT HOME. One of the wings, without the feathers, is a foot and a half; and bein» stretched out, with the feathers, is three feet. The plumage is much alike in all ; that is, generally black and white ; though some of them are said to be gray. The greatest feathers are at the extremities of the wings and tail, and the largest are generally white. The next row is black and white : and of the small feathers on the back and belly, some are white and others black. There are no feathers on the sides, nor yet on the thighs, nor under the wings. The lower part of the neck, about half way, is covered with still smaller feathers than those on the belly and back ; and those, like the former, also are of diflerent colors. The head and upper part of the neck are covered with hair. The season for laying depends on the climate ; in the northern parts of Africa it is about the beginning of July; in the south it is about the latter end of December. These birds are very prolific, and lay generally from thirty to forty eggs in a season, and about twelve at one clutch. It has been commonly reported that the female de- posits them in the sand; and, covering them up, leaves them to be hatched by the heat of the climate, and then permits the young to shift for themselves. Very little of this, however, is true : no bird has a stronger affection for her young than the ostrich, and none watches her eggs with greater assiduity. It happens, indeed, in those hot climates, that there is less necessity for the continual incubation of the female ; and she more frequently leaves her eggs, M'hich are in no fear of being chilled by the weather : but though she sometimes for- sakes them by day, she always carefully broods over them by night ; nor is it more true that they forsake their young after they are excluded the shell. On the contrary, the young ones are not even able to walk for several days after they are hatched. During this time the old ones are very assiduous in supplying them with grass, and very careful to defend them from danger ; nay, they encounter every danger in their defence. OTTAR OF ROSES. An aromatic oil, obtained from the flowers of the rose, but in such small quantities that half an ounce can hardly be procured from a hundred pounds of the petals. This oil is solid and white at the common temperature oi' the atmosphere, but on the application of heat, becomes fluid, and assumes a yellow color. It is brought in considerable quantities from Turkey, and is sold at the extravagant price of from fifteen to twenty dollars an ounce. That from the East Indies, where it is said to be chiefly manufactured, when genuine, has been sold at a much more exorbitant price. It is frequently adulterated with oil of sandal wood, but the fraud is easily detected by those who are af customed to its scent, and also by the fluidity. The true ottar of roses is, undoubtedly, the most elegant perfume known. OTTER. The American otter is about five feet in length, in- THK FAKMER AT HOME. 3jj cludin": the tail, the length of Avhich is eighteen inches. The color of the whole body, except the chin and tnroat, which are dusky white, is a glossy brown. The fur throughout is dense and fine. This otter inhabits t^outh, as well as various parts of North America, along the fresh water streams and lakes, as far north as to the Coppermine river. In the Southern, Middle, and Eastern States of the Union, they are comparatively scarce, but in the Western States they are in many places still found in considerable numbers. On the tributaries of the Missouri, they are very common ; but it is in the Hudson's Bay pos- sessions that these animals are obtained in the greatest abundance, and supply the traders with the largest number of their valuable skins. Seventeen thousand and three hundred otter skins have been sent to England in one year, by the Hudson's Bay Company. Nature appears to have intended the otter for one among her effi- cient checks upon the increase of the finny tribes, and every peculiarity in its conformation, seems to have this great object in view. The length of body, short and flat head, abbreviated ears, dense and close fur, flattened tail, and disproportionately short legs, with webbed feet, all conspire to facilitate the otter's movements through the water. In the crystal depths of the river, few fish can elude this swiftly moving and destructive animal, which unites to the qualities enabling him to swim with fish-like celerity and ease, the peculiar sagaciousness of a class of beings far superior in the intellectual scale to the proper tenants of the flood. In vain does the pike scud before his pursuer, and spring into the air in eagerness to escape ; or the trout part with the velocity of thought from shelter ; in vain does the strong aiul supple eel seek the protection of the shelving bank or the tangled ooze in the bed of the stream ; the otter supplies by perseverance what may be wanting in swiftness, and by cunning where he is deficient in strength, and his aflrighted victims, though they may for a short time delay, cannot avoid their fate. When once his prey is seized, a single eflort of his powerful jaws is sufficient to render its struggles unavail- ing ; one crush with his teeth breaks the spine of the fish behind the dorsal fin, and deprives it of the ability to direct its motions, even if it still retain the least poM'er to move. OUNCE. A little weight, the sixteenth part of a pound avoirdu- poise, and the twelfth part of a pound troy : the ounce avoirdupoise is divided into eight drams, and the ounce troy into twenty pennyweights. The avoirdupoise ounce is less than the troy ounce, but the avoirdu- poise pound is greater than the troy pound. One hundred and seventy- five troy ounces are equal to one hundred and uinety-two avoirdupose ounces : but one hundred and forty-four pounds avoirdupose are equal to one hundred and seventy-five pounds troy. Therefore one pound avoirdupoise, is equal to one pound, two ounces, eleven pennyweights, sixteen grains troy. OXYGEN. Oxygen is one of the most important agents in na- 312 1'HE FARMER AT HOIV.E. tui'e ; there is scareely a single process, either natural or artificial, in which oxygen has not a share, but it is known only in combination with other bodies. It forms nearly or quite half of the material of our globe. Of every nine pounds of water, eight pounds are oxygen. Of air it forms the one-fifth part. Of the solid ground, nearly one-half is oxygen ; but to make an estimate correctly we must look at the several minerals composing the earth, and then, knowing the amount of oxygen in each one of these, we may have an idea of its amount in the whole. Silica and alumina are more abundant than all the others together ; the former is composed, 24 parts of oxygen, and 22 of sili- con, the latter of 24 of oxygen and 27 of aluminum. Water is an important constituent of nearly all minerals, and being mainly com- posed of oxygen, it helps to enlarge our estimate of the vast amount of this element in the formation of our planet. But its importance is not more conspicuous in its amount than in the part it acts in the ani- mal and vegetable world. Every grown up person consumes 150 cubic feet of it in his lungs daily. It unites with the carbon of our bodies, and then we exhale it as carbonic acid gas. How constantly are our lives dependent upon it I If deprived of it from three to five minutes, our lives are extinct. Drowning causes death simply by depriving us of oxygen. Strangling or choking instantly causes death in the same way. When we think of hoAv much oxygen is daily consumed by the 800,000,000 people of our earth, by all the myriads of animals, and by all the fires for warming, cooking, and manufacturing purposes, we are astonished at its vast daily consumption I How shall the air receive a new supply ? Only from the leaves of plants I They imbibe carbonic acid in the leaves, decompose it, take the carbonic for build- ing up their structures, and give out the oxygen for the support of men and animals. We are just as much dependent upon plants for the air we breathe as for our food and clothing. And plants are equally as dependent on animals for their necessary supplies of car- bonic acid. Plants have this power of absoi'bing carbonic acid and giving out oxygen only through the influence of the yellow rays of sun- light. At night this mysterious process does not go on, and if with a prism we decompose the rays of the sun, we find that in the yellow rays alone they give out oxygen. Here we see the dependence of one part of creation upon another, and how in fact the whole fabric of the known universe is a unity ! No science is complete in itself alone, because no department of creation is disconnected with the other parts. All are most intimately interwoven, and their greatest beauty and grandeur is seen in their connections and their harmonious operations. Creation is a great machine — no portion of it is for an instant at rest. And among all these motions not one is independent. Each is caused by the other in a mazy round, and the grand Powder THE FARMER AT HOME. 3I3 which originally started the whole, and now sustains and guides it, is God ! In all the arts oxygen acts as important a part as in the natural world. The smelting of iron, zinc, copper, lead, and mercury, is done by oxygen operations. ^nk blackens after writing on paper by imbibing oxygen from the air ; cider turns to vinegar from the same cause, and so butter becomes rancid, oil thickens, and dough sours if it be not baked soon enough. Oil mixed with paint makes it hold on ; it imbibes oxygen from the air and turns into a solid gum, which is smooth and glossy. If a house be painted in extremely hot weather, the oil evaporates and flies away, and does not harden on the boards or bricks to keep on the paint. Often the parlors of fine houses are painted white with the air kept out as much as possible while the operation is going on and until it is dry — even the keyholes of the doors are shut up. This keeps out the oxygen to some extent, and prevents it from uniting much with the oil or turpentine of the paint, and from turning into gum. Hence such rooms have a chalky, milky whiteness, and no shining gloss, but the work is most deleterious to the health of the painter. The mak- ing of varnish is a process for uniting the oxygen of the air with oil, spirits of turpentine, and various gums. The rusting of metals is but the union of oxygen with their sur- faces. Dampness hastens the rusting because of the oxygen dissolved in the water. In sickness the death of men and animals is hastened by the same cause. Even when we are unable to take food, the oxygen we breathe unites with our systems, and carries them oft" little by little ; soon we become very thin and light, and the vital organs give way. Cooked meats and vegetables are preserved many years when shut up away from the oxygen in tin cans that are air tight. Winter apples that keep so long have a peculiar gum in the skin which prevents the entering of the oxygen. Eggs are said to keep long if covered with a thin coating of wax which protects them from this destructive gas. Meats after being smoked remain sweet a long time, because the creosote of the smoke unites with the albumen of the meat and forms an impervious coating which the oxygen cannot penetrate. PAIRING. In the animal economy this is the union of animals in couples for the purposes of rearing their young. All wild birds pair ; but with a remarkable difi'erence between such as place their nests on trees and such as place them on the ground. The young of the former, being hatched blind and without feathers, require the nursing care of both parents till they are able to fly. The male feeds his mate on the nest, and cheers her with a song. As soon as the young are hatched, singing yields to a more necessary occupation, that •f providing food for a numerous issue ; a task that employs both parents. Eagles, and other birds of prey, build on trees, or on other 14 314 THE FARVIER AT HOME. inacesssible spots. They not only pair, but continue in pairs all the year round ; and the same pair procreates year after year. This at least is the case with the eagles ; the male and female hunt tojjether, unless during incubation, at which time the female is fed by the male. A greater number than a single pair are never seen in company. Gregarious birds pair, probably to prevent discord in a society confined to a narrow space. This is the case particularly with pigeons and rooks. The male and female sit on the eggs alter- nately, and divide the care of feeding their young. Eider ducks pair like other birds that place their nests on the ground ; and the female finishes her nest with down, plucked from her own breast. If the nest is destroyed for the down, which is remarkably warm and elastic, she makes another nest as before. If she is robbed a second time, she makes a third nest ; but the male furnishes the down. The black game never pair ; in spring, the cock, on an eminence, crows and claps his wings ; and the females within hearing resort to him. Pairing birds, excepting those of prey, flock together in February to choose their mates. They soon disperse ; and are not seen after- wards but in pairs. Pairing is unknown to quadrupeds that feed on grass. To such it would be useless ; as the female gives suck to her young while she herself is feeding. Beasts of prey, such as lions, tigers, wolves, pair not. The female is left to shift for herself and for ner young ; which is a laborious task, and often so unsuccessful as to shorten the lives of many of them. Pairing is essential to birds of prey, because incubation leaves the female no sufficient time to hunt for food. Pairing is not necessary to beasts of prey, because their young can bear a long fast. Among animals that pair not, males fight desperately for a female. The beavers, with respect to pairing, resemble birds that place their nests on the ground. As soon as the young are produced, the males abandon their stock of food to their mates and live at .^arge ; but return frequently to visit them while they are suckling their young. Hedgehogs pair, as well as several of the monkey kind. We are not well acquainted with the natural his- tory of these animals ; but it would appear that the young require the nursing care of both parents. Seals have a singular economy. Polygamy seems to be a law of nature among them, as a male asso- ciates with several females. The sea turtles have no occasion to pair, as the female performs her task at once, by laying her eggs in the sand. The young are hatched by the sun, and immediately crawl to the sea. PALMS. A natural family of plants, the pride of tropical cli- mates, and which, more than any other, contributes to give a peculiar and imposing character to the vegetation of those regions. Their lofty, straight and un branching trunks, crowned at the summit by a tuft of large radiating leaves, give them an aspect entirely unique, and far surpassing that of other trees in majesty. Aside from the THE FARMER AT HOME. 315 grandeur of their appearance, many of them hardly yield to any other vegetables in useful properties. The species are numerous, but are not well understood ; and many fruits exist in collections which can- not be referred to known genera. The stem is simple, or very rarely branching, and is sustained by a li^ss of fibrous roots at the base. Though usually attaining the stature of a tree, and sometimes ascending to a very great height, in some species the stem rises only a few inches above the surface of the ground. This stem is cylindrical, but, internally, the fibres are arranged in fasicles, and not in concentric circles, as with trees generally. The centre is soft, while the circumference is firm and hard like horn. In these respects, the palms are analogous to other monocotyledonous vegetables. This stem is covered externally with the sheaths of the fallen leaves, or with their cicatrices, and is ter- minated by a tuft of pinnate or flabelliform leaves. From the midst of these arises a simple or branching spadix, on which the numerous small flowers are disposed, and which at first is enveloped in one or several spathae, or sheaths. Many of the palms appear to be confined within narrow limits, and it has been remarked that, whenever a dis- trict is characterized by striking peculiarities of soil or climate, it appears to be inhabited by peculiar species. All the palms are not strictly confined within the tropics, but a few inhabit the warm regions on their borders. Five species are found in the United States ; of these, the palmetto, or cabbage tree, extends along the Atlantic coast as far as north latitude thirty-five degrees ; the others are dwarfs and are confined to more southern latitudes. Among the more useful of the palms may be mentioned the cocoa-nut, the sago and the date. PARADISE, BIRD OF. The great beauty of this bird's plu- mage, and the deformity of its legs, have been the means of giving rise to a variety of fabulous tales. The savage inhabitants of the Molucca Islands, of which the bird of paradise is a native, perceiving the eagerness with which the Europeans purchased this favorite bird, resolved to make it appear diflereut from any other of the feathered race ; and, by cutting off' the legs with some degree of ingenuity, asserted that it lived wholly in the air ; and this improbable invention was actually believed. Of this bird there are two kinds, the most common of which is about the size of a pigeon, and the other not larger than a lark ; the head, throat, and neck, are of a pale gold color, though the hinder part of the former is of a shining green ; the body and wings are a beautiful brown, intermixed with purple and gold ; the upper part of the tail feathers are a pale yellow, but the under ones, which are longer, are a delicate white. Yet, what chiefly excites the observation of the curious, are two long naked feathers, which spring from the upper part of the back, near the tail ; these feathers are usually three feet in length, bearded only at the 316 THE FARMER AT HOMK. beginning and end ; the shaft of which is a deep black, but thfl feathered part is changeable, like the mallard's neck. BIRD OF PARADISE. These birds, which for beauty exceed all others of the pie kind, asso- ciate in large flocks in the Molucca Isles ; br.t, in the Island of Aro, they are still more abundantly found ; and, as the country where they breed has its tempestuous seasons, when raiiasanJ thunder continually disturb the atmosphere, they are supposed at those periods to seek a more tranquil clime, and are never seen in the air until it becomes composed. The natives, who make a trade of killing and selling the bird of paradise to Europeans, hide themselves in those trees to which THE l-VRMER AT HOME. 317 they resort, and contrive to ccnceal their persons, by forming a bower of the branches which are over their heads, from which they shoot at their prey with reedy arrows, that only slightly damage the beauty of their plumes ; they then take out every part of their entrails, and run a hot iron up their body, which dries up the juice ; and, after filling them with salts and spioe, they offer them for public sale. It is assei-ted by the n itives, that each flock of these curious birds is under the dominion of one, that is considered as king, and that this is distin- guished by a peculiar brilliance of plumage, which the natives them- selves can easily discern ; and if the fowlers are able to destroy their monarch, the rest of the flock quickly become their prey. PARASOL. It appears from ancient monuments and descriptions that this well known instrument, or something exceedingly resem- bling it, was used among the ancients, not for the purpose so much of preservation from the rays of the sun as in religious ceremonies and processions. In the festivals of Ceres and Minerva, the young females who celebrated them bore, among other sacred instruments, the par- asol ; it was, in fact, one of the most ancient marks of dignity that we find indicated either by relics of arts ojr by authors. In process ol time, when the Romans began to lay aside the simple habits of their forefathers, the parasol, by a natural transition, began to be used for the purpose to which it is still applied. The matrons, particularly, used to be followed by slaves, whose office was to protect the delicacy of their charms by intercepting the solar heat by the agreeable shade of the parasols. They were constructed of wands, or twigs, disposed in such a manner as to admit of their being put up or down, in much the same way as those used at the present day. The substance em- ployed, was often of rich stuff', such as silk, of showy colors, and ele- gantly embroidered. In many countries, where the sun is powerful, it is well known that parasols are used by men, as well as women. PARCHMENT. The article called parchment is the skin of the sheep, lamb, pig, or calf, prepared for writing with a pen, or for inscriptions with types or plates used by engravers. When the skin is divested of its hair, or wool, it is placed for some time in a lime pit, and then stretched on a square wooden frame drawn tight by pegs. When in the frame it is first scraped on the flesh side with a blunt iron, then wetted with a moist rag, covered with pounded chalk, and rubbed well with pumice stone. After a short pause these operations are repeated, but without chalk. The skin is then turned, and scraped on the hair side only once. The flesh side is scraped once more, and again rubbed over with chalk. All this helns done, and when the skin is well dried, it is removed from the frame and sent to the parchment maker, who with a sharp instrument further prepares the surface for the use to which it is to be applied, by scraping and smoothing it. PARSNIP. This root is among the most valuable raised in th* 318 THE FARMER AT HOME, garden, for family use, and on the farm for stock. What renders it particularly desirable in the family, is its being kept in the ground without injury till spring, when there are but few fresh vegetables that can be had. It is known also that the flavor of the parsnip is improved by remaining in the ground. The customary mou':; of pre- paring them for the table is to boil them with meat ; this gives additional richness to their juices ; and a still further improvement in them is efiected, if afterwards cut into slices and fried brown. The slices should be thin, and sometimes, if designed to be very nice, the slices before being fried, are dipped into a batter of flour, butter, and eggs. Parsnips, as well known, are sweet, and in a small degree aromatic, and they contain a moderate percentage of vinous substance They are sometimes mashed with potatoes and butter and mixed with milk. They also make a kind of marmalade that is by many highly relished. Of late years the parsnip has been highly commended for field culture, yielding a large crop, and being among the most nutritious of vegetables for most kinds of stock. Some have fatted pork upon it without any other feed ; and the pork was of the best quality. Beef is fatted with it, and in the London market such beef is highly prized, and commands the highest price. Dairy cows eat them as readily as they would carrots ; and the quantity and quality of the milk are essentially promoted. The butter made from cows fed with parsnips is peculiarly rich. Horses and sheep, too, are not less dis- posed to feed upon them, and to give evidence that they are conducive to thrift. It is estimated that parsnips may be raised cheaper than potatoes. Twelve hundred bushels have been obtained from a single acre ; and with the same degree of culture, in ordinary seasons, not more than three hundred bushels of potatoes could be had from it. They are rarely injured by insects ; and they penetrate so deep into the ground as not to be efiected by drought. However, they require a rich mellow soil, and in the early part of the season, to be properly thinned out and kept free from weeds. PARING AND BURNING. This is an operation, in modern agriculture, which consists in cutting a thin slice from the surface of land which is overgrown with grass, heath, fern, or any other plant which form a sward by matting together of their roots. The sods are allowed to dry in the sun, to a certain degree, after which they are arranged in heaps, and burnt slowly, without flame or violent heat. The result is a mixture of burnt earth, charred vegetable fibre, and the ashes of that part which is entirely consumed. The object of this operation is two-fold — first, to kill the insects and destroy use- less and noxious weeds completely ; and secondly, to obtain a power- ful manure, impregnated with alkaline salts and carbonaceous matter, which experience has shown to be a very powerful promoter of vege- tation. The instrumeuts by which this is effected, are either a com- THE FARMER AT HOME. 319 mon plough with a very flat share, which may be used when the surface is very level, without being encumbered with stones or large roots, as in low moist meadows, or in most other cases, a paring iron, used by hand, the cross bars of which are held by both hands ; and the upper parts of the thighs, being protected by two small slips of board, push the instrument into the ground, so as to cut a slice of the required thickness, which is then turned over by moving the cross handle. The labor is severe, and a good workman can scarcely pare more than one-sixth of an acre in a day. This mode of paring and burning is but bai'ely known in our own countiy. PARROT. Of all foreign birds, the parrot is best known to us ; it is at once beautiful and docile, and with very little difficulty is taught to speak. A grave writer assures us, that one of these birds, at command, would repeat a whole sonnet from Petrarch ; and a dis- tiller, who had been greatly injured by the malevolence of an inform- er that lived opposite to him, taught his parrot the ninth command- ment, which the bird was continually repeating, to the entertainment of those neigiibors who were acquainted with the ungenerous part the despicable man had played. Willoughby tells us that a parrot, be- longing to King Henry VII., who then resided at Westminster, in his palace by the Thames, had learned many words from the passen- gers who took water at that place. One day, sporting on his perch, the poor bird fell into the stream, at the same time calling as loud as he could, "A boat I twenty pounds for a boat I" A waterman, hear- ing the cry, made to the place, where the parrot was floating, and taking him up, restored him to the king. As it was known the bird was a favorite, the man insisted that he ought to have a reward rather equal to his services than his trouble ; and as the parrot had cried twenty pounds, he said the king was in honor bound to grant it. The king agreed to leave it to the parrot's determination ; which the bird hearing, instantly cried out, '• Gift^e the knave a groat." PASTRY. Pastry, or dough mixed with butter, is used in a great variety of forms, and is grateful to the taste, but injurious to the health. It is a fertile source of all the varieties of stomach complaints, and is apt to occasion plethora and the apoplectic tendency, as well as many skin diseases. At dinner, in the shape of tarts and confec- tionary, pastry is thrown into the ^already loaded stomach, and its overtaxed powers are unable to digest what is difficult to manage at its most vigorous times. To children, pastry is peculiarly unsuitable. Its taste is pleasant, and injudicious fondness is apt to indulge them with it ; but those children who use it much, are subject to runnings from the ears, disorders of the bowels, eruptions on the skin, and in- flammatory complaints of various kinds. Pastry should be almost totally excluded from the nursery-table. PASTURES. The land usually appropriated to permanent pas- turage, is that which is mountainous or hilly, or encumbered with 320 THE FARMER AT HOME. large stones, so as not to bo susceptible of tillage, or if susceptible, oc- casioning so much labor, as to render the process inexpedient. Other lands which are habitually cultivated, may be benefited by allowing them for a few years, after a long period of de v^otion to cropping, to be used as pastures. The soil is made better. The roots of the grass which remain furnish a large amount of organic matter, which, to a soil poor in this constituent, is of great advantage. Land which thus lies several years will be more improved than when it lies but a single year ; but the first year enriches it more than any succeeding year. The result to the land will be nearly the same, whether the grass be mown or eaten off by the stock. If farmers have not land necessarily appropriated to permanent pasturage, a year or two of temporary pasturage, on each of their meadows, might be advisable, prior to the regular course of rotation of crops, Besides the benefit which the soil derives from the organic mat- ters left in it during the pasturage, whether temporary or permanent, some of its mineral constituents are, by the action of the air, moisture, and the roots of the grass, brought into a soluble state to be of advan- tage in the succeeding year. Another advantage of pasturage, es- pecially on stiff clay soil, is that it renders it more loose and friable. On dry, sandy soils, pasturage is beneficial, by causing the moisture to be retained longer, and also the dry organic matters and fine sand upon the surface, which would otherwise be blown away by the winds. Insects too have an agency in improving lands, by no means to be overlooked. They subsist upon the organic matters of the soil, which they bring into a minute state oi' division and deposit on the surface as they ascend by night through their holes. They furnish also, con- siderable organic matter, which is rich in nitrogen, by the death and decay of their own bodies. Thus these earth worms and insects, in the lapse of a few years, furnish a vast amount of the richest manure without the smallest expense, and as a compensation for the nuisance occasioned by their existence. PEACOCK. If empire were obtained by beauty, and not by force, the crested peacock, without dispute, would be the king of birds. There is none of the feathered offspring, upon which nature has heaped her treasures with such boundless profusion. Of a tall stature, majestic step, and elegant proportions, every thing belonging to this bird seems to announce a creature of importance and distinc- tion. It is crowned with a fine moveable crest, of the richest hue, which adorns and heightens, without burdening its head. The plu- mage and tail of this magnificent bird are adorned with colors so rich and various, that no human art can imitate, nor language describe them. When it struts in the sunshine, every moment produces a thousand shades of undulating and evanescent colors, that are con tinnally replaced by other shades, always diflerent and always adrai rably beautiful. THE FARMER AT HOME. 321 But this brillianv plumage, which exceeds the lustre of the finest flowers, fades, like them, every year, and drops in the moulting sea- son ; when the poor bird, as if afflicted on account of his loss, and afraid to be seen in so humiliating a condition, always seeks to con- ceal himself in some gloomy retreat, till the return of spring again restores him his splendid dress. At that season he resumes his sta- tion in the open field, to receive the homage due to his beauty ; for it is alleged, that nothing so much gratifies his pride as the admiration of his gaudy apparel. PEACOCK. Peacocks, though spread over the greatest part of Europe, came originally from India ; where they are found in vast flocks, in some parts of the hither peninsula and the Islands of the Indian ocean. So early as the days of Solomon, they were imported into Judea, by the fleets which that monarch equipped upon the Red Sea ; and which, in all probability, traded to the coast of Malabar. When the peacock was first brought into Greece, it was only to gratify the eye with the sight of his plumage. The Romans, howev- er, who were richer, and carried by consequence every excess of luxury to a greater length, soon served them up as one of their most delicate dishes. Hortensius, the orator, is said to have first made the 14* 322 THE FARMER AT HOME. peacock an article of food. His example was soon followed by the epicui'es in Rome, insomuch that the price paid for these birds soon became exorbitant. The luxm-ious and effeminate empei'ors that suc- ceeded, refining upon the luxury- of former times, took a pride in col- lecting immense dishes of the heads or brains of peaccck* ; dainties which had nothing to recommend them but the prodigious expense at which they were provided. The same thing may be said of their flesh, which is hard and dry. But probably the Roman cookery, which was carried to a very high degree of perfection, might compen- sate for these defects. Only the young at present are deemed good eating : the old are seldom dressed, except at some formal and splen- did feast. In France, they were formerly served up with all their plumage, merely for show ; a purpose for which they are per- fectly suited, as their flesh is said to remain unaffected by corruption, for a longer period than that of most birds. PEACH. The peach is a native of the warm climate of Persia. The tree is small and short-lived, but is rapid in its growth. It is sometimes known to bear fruit the third year ; but usually not till the fourth or fifth. This, however, is but a short time to be in wait- ing for fruit of such delicious excellence ; and then, although the tree does not long continue to bear, by setting out every year a few new trees, the family will annually have a supply of it. The fruit is too well known to need description. It flourishes finely in our Middle, Western, and Southwestern States ; and occasionally it is found in tolerable perfection a-s far north as Vermont and New Hampshire. In climates and on soils most congenial to its health and productive- ness, the culture of the peach is made a source of large remuneration. In New Jersey, Delaware, and Maryland are extensive peach orch- ards, in some cases, containing 20,000 trees, and yielding five, ten, or fifteen thousand dollars in a year from a single plantation. With such an inducement, it is a wonder that the number engaged in the business is not greater than it is. Occasionally the buds are destroyed by the frosts. PEAR. The pear is a tall tree, of upright growth, generally smaller than the apple-tree, yet rarely it is found larger. It is a native of Europe and Asia, but not of Africa and America. In its original state, the fruit was austere and useless for dessert. Gradual improvements have been m.ade, so that it is now rich, melting, and delicious, and in some of our finest kinds, it seems to be almost in a state of perfection. Under favorable circumstances, the pear forms a long-lived tree. Some are said to be several hundred years old. A Perry pear-tree in Herefordshire, England, produced fifteen hogsheads of perry in one year. The branches bent down and took root, cover- ing half an acre of land. The Endicott pear-tree is still flourishing in Danvers, Massachusetts It was imported by Governor Endicott in 1628 Near Vincennes, Illinois, is a pear-tree forty or fifty years THE FARMKR AT HOME. 323 old, that is ten feet in circumference, and its branches extend sixty- nine feet. In 1834, it yielded 184 busliels of fruit. The original Harvard pear-tree is nine feet in circumference. And the late Mr. S. W. Cole, author of the American Fruit Book, a work of great merit, and of its size believed to be the best extant, had a wild pear- tree that was over seven feet in circumference, and he stated that the oldest inhabitants in its vicinity did not remember the time when it was much smaller than at present. Our best pears sell at from ten to fifteen dollars per barrel ; and from one to two dollars per dozen. PEA. The original locality of this hardy annual seems to be unknown. It has been cultivated in India, China, and Japan, for many centui-ies, and was introduced into this country at the time of its first settlement. It probably went to Great Britain from Italy. In the reign of Q,ueen Elizabeth, the most delicate varieties were brought from Holland, and Fuller observes that they "were fit dain- ties for ladies, they came so far, and cost so dear." At the present day, the pea is very extensively diffused, and is well known as one of the most important culinary plants. The varieties are numerous, differing in stature, productiveness, the color of the fl.owers, and the time of ripening. They are adapted to almost any dry soil ; yet they will give a much better yield on rich land. Fresh manure is not good for either peas or beans. They M'ill bear a much heavier soil than the bean, good clays being highly favorable to their growth. For early table use in the family they are ordinarily raised in the garden ; being sowed in drills and furnished with small poles or brush, 60 that they may occupy the least possible space, and be in a conve- nient position for being picked. When wanted in larger quantities for families, to be used dry, or for stock, they receive a field culture. The land designed for them should be ploughed in the fall ; and they may be sown in the spring immediately after the hard frosts, either in drills or broadcast. They should be covered in the soil to the depth of about two inches. If in drills, after they are up, a plough may be used to destroy the weeds. Where the soil is adapted to them, and the seed takes well, broad- cast sowing is equally efficient in preventing weeds, as their vigorous growth effectually overshadows and keeps them under. The best kind for field sowing is the grass-pea, and the marrow-fat for garden cidture. Earlier kinds should be selected in part for the garden. When broadcast, from two to four bushels of seed to the acre is the usual quantity used. In the garden, there should, in all parts of the season, be successive sowings about once in two weeks. By this means a family may be successively kept supplied for months ; or till beans and other vegetables are grown. However, the hot weather of mid-summer is unfavorable to the growth of peas. PEAT. This is a substance of vegetable origin, found wherever the soil has been soaked with water which has no outlet, and does 324 THE FARMER AT HOME. not completely evaporate by the heat of the sun. When dried peat is examined, it is found to consist of roots and fibres in every stage of decomposition, from the natural wood to the complete black vegetable mould. From the nature of its formation under the surface of water, it acquires a portion of tannin, wdiich has the property of preserving animal aiul vegetable matter from decomposition. Hence large branches and tx'unks of trees are found embedded in peat, which have no mark of decomposition, except what have taken place before the wood was completely immersed in the peat. Peat contains all the elements of the richest manure, and may. by an easy process, be con- verted into humus. For this purpose, the agency of alkalies is the most effectual. If the tannin be decomposed, that of the vegetable fibre will go on, and soluble humus will be formed. When peat is newly dug up, if caustic lime be added to it, before it is dry, the moisture of the peat slakes the lime, which acts on the galic acid in the peat, and neutralizes it. If this mixture be then excited to fer- mentation by the addition of .animal matter, such as urine or dung, oxygen is absorbed, and carbonic acid evolved ; and the residue is converted into an excellent manure, containing much soluble humus. The same may be effected more slowly by mixing peat with clay or marl, and allowing the mixture to remain exposed to the atmosphere for a considerable time, frequently turning it. But nothing acceler- ates this process like the addition of putrescent animal matter, which acts as a ferment, and greatly hastens the decomposition. PELICAN. The pelican of Africa is much larger in the body than a swan, and somewhat of the same color and shape ; its four toes are all webbed together, and the form of its neck bears some resemblance to the swan's. The singularity which peculiarly distin- guishes this bird, chiefly consists in the form of its bill, and the great pouch which hangs underneath it, which has given rise to a variety of fabulous tales. This enormous bill is fifteen inches, from the point to the opening of the mouth, which is a good way back, behind the eyes ; at the base it is rather greenish, but varies towards the end to reddish blue ; in the beginning it is veiy thick, but tapers off towards the point in the form of a hook. To the under chap hangs this extra- ordinary bag, which extends along the whole bill, and reaches to the neck, and is said to be capable of containing no less than fifteen quarts ; this bag the bird has the power of wrinkling up into the hol- low of the under jaw ; it is not covered with feathers, but with a soft, very smooth down, and, when empty, is scarcely , perceptible ; but when the pelican has been successful in fishing, it is astonishing to see to what a size it Avill extend ; and it has been asserted, that it would contain as many fish as vi'ould satisfy the appetites of six hun- gry men. PERENNIAL. In Botany, is applied to those plants whose roots will abide many years, whether they retain their ieaves in win- THE FARMER AT HOME. 325 ter or not ; those which retain their leaves are called evergreens ; but such as cast their leaves, are called deciduo-us. Some of these have annual stalks, vi'hich die to the root every autumn, and shoot uc again in the spring PERENNIAL PLANTS. In Gardening, are such as are of Ion? duration. Such plants as are perpetuated by the roots, whether the leaves and stocks decay annually in winter, or always remain, pro- vided the roots are of many years duration, are perennial. All plants., therefore, with abiding roots, both of the herbaceous, shrub, and tree kinds, are perennials ; though in the general acceptation of the word perennial, it is most commonly applied to herbaceous vegetables with durable roots, more especially those of the flowering kind, which, among gardeners, are commonly called simple perennials, particularly the fibrous-rooted tribe ; but it is equally applicable to fibrous, tuber- ous, and bulbous-rooted plants, whose roots are of several years dura- tion ; likewise all shrubs and trees of every denomination, as having abiding roots, are perennial plants. PERIOD OF LIFE. The natural limit of human life seems to be from 80 to 90 years. Few men survive that period — the greater majority die long before they even approach it. Of all new-born in- fants, one out of four dies the first year. Two fifths only attain their sixth year ; and, before the twenty-second year, one half of the gene- ration is consigned to the grave. The order which death observes in cutting off his victims, is one of the most wonderful phenomena in nature — the causes by which it is efi'ected are too numerous and too complicated to be here considered in detail. The unhealthy nature of certain occupations, the impetuosity of the passions, and the cor- ruption of manners, prove no less fatal to life than the original weak- ness of the human frame. In general, the mean duration of human life is between 30 or 40 years ; that is, out of 30 or 40 individuals, one dies every year. Rare examples, however, of extreme longevity, of a life of 150 years and upwards, seem to be common to all countries without dis- tinction. If England, the salubrity of which is so highly extolled, has furnished three or four examples of men arriving at the age of from 150 to 169 years, Hungary, which, generally speaking, is not a very healthy country, has seen the celebrated Peter Czartan prolong his life to the 185th year, and John Rovin, at the age of 172, had a wife of 1G4, and a younger son of 1 17. It is in the Bannat of Teme- suar, a very marshy district, and subject to the putrid fever, that these examples of longevity, and many others, have been observed. A. mode of life, which is sober, and unruffled by tumultuous passions, singularly contributes to longevity. According to the author of a very curious little work, called the Apology for Fasting, 152 hermits, taken in all ages, and under every climate, produce a sum total of ll,58i> years of life, and consequently an average of 76 years and a little 326 THE FARMER AT HOME. more than three months for each ; whereas the samf number of Academicians, the one half beloufjiug to the Academy of Sciences, and the other to that of Belles Lettres, give only 10,51 1 years of life, consequently 69 years and a little more than two months for the mortal career of each. It is therefore not improbable, that in the ages of patriarchal innocence, the period of 150 or even 200 years, was much more commonly attained than it is in our times. PERSPIRATION OF PLANTS. In vegetable physiology, takes place chiefly from the surface of their leaves. In order to collect the liquor perspired, it is only necessary to introduce a branch of the plant into any sufficiently capacious glass vessel ; when the fluid M^hich exudes will trickle down the sides of the glass, in great abundance, especially if the experiment be made in sunshine. The liquor thus obtained is of a clear watery nature, scarcely distinguishable to our senses, or to our chemical inquiries, from the sap of the same plant, whatever it may be, procured by wounding its branches before the foliage expands. This, which may be termed insensible perspiration of plants, becomes in some cases sensible ; as when it runs down, like a slight shower, from willow or poplar trees, in hot suiniy weather ; or when it collects in drops on the leaves of plaintain trees in a stove. Hales and others have made experiments to ascertain the quantity of insensible perspiration in various plants. The great annual sun- flower was found to perspire about seventeen times as much as the ordinary insensible perspiration of the human skin. The Cornelian cherry, Cornus mascula, is said to discharge, in twenty-four hours, as much fluid as is equal to twice the weight of the whole shrub. Suc- culent leaves perspire much slower than others, though they absorb in a far more rapid proportion. This watery perspiration is the only excrementitious discharge of the vegetable body. The sap being carried up into the leaves, where it is acted upon by the air and light, for the most important purposes, yields those various and highly curious secretions, which, being carried down into the bark, afford matter for the increase of the tree, as well as for the manifestation of its various qualities. The great bulk of the sap which remains, as it does not return to the root, like the blood of animals to their heart, can be disposed of no otherwise than by a copious evaporation. Dr. Darwin was of opinion that this watery perspiration rendered a further service to the plant, by being acted upon by light, so as to give out oxygen, which was immediately ab- sorbed by the air vessels. PEWTER. A factitious metal used in domestic utensils. It is vei-y uncertain in its composition. The common utensils of the lowest price, are made from an alloy composed of about twenty of tin, three of lead, and one of brass. The lead is of no use but to make it cheaper, and doubtless on this account is often used in larger propor- tion. The brass is intended to give stiffness and hardness, the tin THE FARMER AT HOME. 327 being of itself much too soft. Another alloy of this kind is made without lead, consisting of tin combined Avith antimony, and copper in small proportion, to give it hardness This is manufactured into almost all the articles which are usually made of plated copper, and is known by the name of Britannia metal. The practice of putting lead into these alloys is extremely dangerous. Malt liquor, and par- ticularly porter, always contain more or less ascetic acid, which cannot fail to dissolve some of that deleterious metal. Lead may be mixed with tin in any proportion, without destroying the malleabihty of the compound metal, whereas the brittle metals, and copper, impart a brittleness to the alloy, when they exceed certain proportions. Hence lead and tin, with or without other smaller addi- tions, form the pewter in ordinary use. Lead being the cheapest of the two metals, the manufacturer finds it his interest to employ it in as large a proportion as possible ; but danger having been apprehended fi'om this noxious metal, the French government appointed a commis- sion of some very able chemists to examine the subject ; and they found, that M'hen wine or vinegar is allowed to stand in vessels com- posed of an alloy of tin ana lead in difl'erent proportions, the tin is first dissolved ; whilst the lead is not sensibly oxydated by these liquors, except at the line of contact of the air and the liquor, and no sensible quantity of lead is dissolved even by vinegar, after standing for some days in vessels that contained no more than about eighteen per cent of lead. Hence it was concluded, that as no noxious effect is pro- duced by the very minute quantity of tin which is dissoh'ed, a pewter may be considered as perfectly safe, which contains about eighty or eighty-two per cent, of tin ; and where the vessels are employed merely for measures, a much less pi'oportion of tin may be allowed. But the common pewter of Paris was found to contain no more than about twenty-five or thirty per cent, of tin, and the remainder was lead. PHOSPHATE OF LIME. The substance called phosphate of lime, is simply a compound of common lime and phosphoric acid. It is an important element in vegetable composition, and is the principal constituent of dry bones. Consequently, so far as the soil may be de- ficient in the phosphate of lime, the powder made from bones is a sure remedy. Eight pounds of bone dust in phosphates, are equal to one thousand pounds of hay or wheat straw. The value of bones is not dependent alone on the phosphates, but partly upon the gelatine and other organic matters which enter into their composition. These latter operate in the same way as the other organic tissues of animals. Bones are prepared for manure by boiling, by maceration in sulphuric acid and water, and by grinding ; the last of which methods is thought on all accounts to be preferable. The phosphate of lime is needful for the gi'owth of about every description of the cereal family, in the seed, in the bran, and in the stem ; for in the ashe« of each it is found more 328 THE FARMEh AT HvJME. or less abundant. However, in most varieties there is not a large quantity ; and it is calculated that two hundred and sixty pounds of bone dust — less than six bushels — are sufficient for all the phosphates contained in the crops which are procured from an acre, in a rotation of four years, in turneps, barley, clover, and wheat. Some lands will exhibit the benefit of such a dressing for twice or thrice that time. PITCH LAKE OF TRINIDAD. Near point La Braye, Tar Point, the name assigned to it on account of its characteristic feature, in the island of Trinidad, is a lake which, at the first view, appears to be an expanse of still water, but which, on a nearer approach, is found to be an extensive plain of mineral pitch, with frequent crevices and chasms filled with water. On its being visited in the autumnal season, the singularity of the scene was so great, that it required some time for the spectators to recover themselves from their surprise, so as to examine it minutely. The surface of the lake was of an ash color, and not polished or smooth, so as to be slippery, but of such a con- sistence as to bear any weight. It was not adhesive, although it re- ceived in part the impression of the foot, and could be trodden without any tremulous motion, several head of cattle browsing on it in perfect security. In the summer season, however, the surface is much more yielding, and in a state approaching to fluidity, as is evidenced by pieces of wood and other substances, recently thrown in, having been found enveloped in it. Even large branches of trees, which were a foot above the level, had, in some M'ay, become enveloped in the bitu- minous matter. The interstices, or chasms, are very numerous, ramifying and join- ing in every direction ; and being filled with water in the wet season, present the only obstacle to walking over the surface. These cavities are in general deep in proportion to their width, and many of them unfathomable : the water they contain is uncontaminated by the pitch, and is the abode of a variety of fishes. The arrangement of the chasms is very singular, the sides invariably shelving from the surface, so as nearly to meet at the bottom, and then bulging out towards each other with a considerable degree of convexity. Several of them have been known to close up entirely, without leaving any mark or seam. The pitch lake of Trinidad contains many islets covered with grass and shrubs, which are the haunts of birds of the most exquisite plumage. Its precise extent cannot, any more than its depth, be readily ascertained, the line between it and the neighboring soil not being well defined ; but its main body may be estimated at three miles in circumference. It is bounded on the north and west by the sea, and on the south by a rocky eminence, and on the east by the usual argillaceous soil of the country. PLAYFULNESS OF ANIMALS. Small birds chase each other about in play, but perhaps the conduct of the crane and the trumpeter is the most extraordinary. The latter stands on one leg, hops about THE FARMER AT HOME. 329 in the most eccentric manner, and throws somersets. This is some- times called the mad bird, on account of these singularities. The crane expands its wings, runs round in circles, leaps, and, throwing little stones and pieces of wood in the air, endeavors to catch them again, or pretends tc avoid them, as if afraid. Water birds, such as ducks and geese, dive after each other, and cleave the surface of the water with outstretched neck and flapping wings, throwing an abun- dant spray around. It is amusing to witness the sportive habits of turkies. Sometimes the whole flock, more particularly when the young brood is about half-grown, will start of! like race horses, upon a run, as if a wager were to be awarded to the swiftest. Birds of the pie kind are the analogues of mc^ikeys, full of mischief play, and mimicry. There is a story told of a tame magpie, which was seen busily employed in a garden gathering pebbles, and with much solemnity and a studied air, dropping them in a hole about eighteen inches deep, made to receive a post.* After dropping each stone, it cried currack I triumphantly, and set oft' for another. On examining the spot, a poor toad was found in the hole, which the magpie was stoning for his amusement. Deer often engage in a sham battle on a trial of strength, by twisting their horns together and pushing for the mastery. All animals that pretend violence in their play, stop short of exercising it ; the dog takes the greatest precaution not to injure by his bite ; and the ourang outang, in wrestling with his keeper, attempts to throw him and makes feints of biting him. Some animals carry out in their play the semblance of catching their prey I young cats, for instance, leap after every small and moving object, even to the leaves strewed by the autumn wind ; they crouch and steal for- ward ready for the spring ; the body quivering and the tail vibrating with emotion, they bound on the moving leaf, and again watch, and again spring forward at another. Rengger saw young jaguars and cuguars playing with round substances like kittens. Young lambs collect together on the little hillocks and eminences in their pastures, racing and sporting with each other in the most interesting manner. Horned cattle, particularly steers and young oxen, may be seen exer- cising together with their horns, as if they were taking lessons in means of self-defence. And calves will seemingly enjoy their frolics and gambols as much as boys in playing ball, or hide and seek. PLANTAIN. This fruit is eaten to a remarkable extent by the inhabitants of the torrid zone. From its nutritious qualities and general use, it may, whether used in a raw or dressed form, be re- garded rather as a necessary article of food than as an occasional lux- ury. In tropical countries, the plantain is one of the most interesting objects of cultivation for the subsistence of man. Three dozen fruits will maintain a person, instead of bread, for a week, and appears bet- ter suited to him in warm countries than that kind of food. Indeed, the plantain is often the whole support of an Indian family. The 330 THE FARMER AT HOME. fruit is produced from among the immense leaves in bunches, weigh- mg thirty, sixty, and eighty pounds, of various colors, and of great diversity of form. Ii is ususlly long and narrow, of a pale yellow or dark red color, with a yellow farinaceous flesh. Br.* in form it varies to oblong and nearly spherical ; and in color it oflers all the shades and variations of tints that the combination of yellow and red, in dif- ferent proportions, can produce. Some sorts are said always to be of bright green color. In general, in our climate, Ave place little value on it ; to most of us the taste of it is insipid, unless it has had some preparation to make it palatable. It is more used in the West Indies than on the eastern continent in corresponding latitudes. PLOUGHS AND PLOUGHING in rural econorijy denotes the stirring and turning over of land with the plough. This is one of the most essential operations in the culture of the earth, and requires to be performed with the greatest care. Whatever, therefore, may be the design of the farmer, or the destination of the ground thus moved, it ought never to be ploughed in a wet state ; because the soil cannot be improved by such labor. Farther, the plough ought to be carried to a considerable depth into the soil ; and, if one turning be not suffi- cient, it will be advisable to pass another plough over the same fur- row, so that the land may be eflectually stirred ; when, being thus exposed to the air, its fertilizing properties will not only be consider- ably augmented, but all perennial weeds will be completely eradicated. Deep ploughing, however, is unnecessary for land that has been recently manured with lime or marl, but, on exhausted soils, it is un- commonly beneficial, and has, therefore, been generally recommended by the most skilful husbandmen. Ploughing increases the food of plants ; as it opens the soil for the reception of vegetable aliment from the air and light ; and. the sur- face being consequently enlarged, a greater portion of land is thus exposed to its influence. Farther, by breaking up the ground, if it be too solid, and rendering it firm, in case it be too light, this opera- tion greatly tends to improve the earth ; and, as weeds and other vegetable substances are thus reduced to a state of putrefaction, it promotes the nourishment of the new roots. Lastly, ploughing re- moves too great humidity, by forming the land into small ridges, and contributes to the eradication of weeds, as it first causes their seeds to vegetate, and afterwards tearing up the young plants, exposes their roots to the drought, in consequence of which they are deprived of their vegetative power. The oldest forms of the plough of which we have any description in ancient authors, or which are represented on monuments or coins, are very simple ; a mere wedge with a crooked handle to guide it, and a short beam by which it was drawn, form the whole instrument. The Hindoo plough, now in use in many parts of India, seems to dif- fer little from the old model. The greatest improvements in modern THE FARMER AT HOME. 331 ploughs are in the shape of a mould-board, and contrivances for regu- lating the line of draught so as to go at an equal depth, and cut oft' a regular slice of equal breadth, without any great force being applied by the ploughman. In addition to a regard to the form of the plough best accomplishing these objects, it is but little less important to com- bine lightness with strength, and with a reference to the least resist- ance in its progress by friction or otherwise, so as to diminish to the lowest possible degree the power to be applied in drawing it onward. If by improvements in these latter respects two oxen can accomplish what lour oxen formerly did in the same time, and, if in the i'ormer respects, a boy is enabled, as ploughman, to perform with ease the labor formerly requiring the strongest man, the magnitude of saving to the whole agricultural community is immense. The substitution of iron for wood in the construction of the plough, and the present peculiar adaptation of form for an easy accomplishment of the objects to be attained, is a saving to that amount if no more. PLOUGH. Mechanical philosophy has rarely or never done a better service than in making improvements in an agricultural implement, of which from fifty to one hundred thousand are manufactured every year. We know single establishments that make each ten thousand in a year. Hitherto for some years past, so numerous have been the im- provements in them, that it might seem that the article at present nearly approximates perfection. The kind of ploughs we used half a dozen years ago, then recommended as the best to be had, we have laid by to be preserved as memorials of a bygone period, and adopted others better adapted to our wants. It is scarcely to he presumed that one establishment can for any long period produce an implement materially of better form than all others ; for any one neglecting to adopt improvements of general notoriety, would soon be left without patronage. When the particular form of ploughs in particular estab- lishments is no longer susceptible of improvement, the reputation of them is to be kept up by superior artistic finish, in connection with an invariable use of the best wood and iron in their construction. The ploughs of Prouty and Mears have an enviable reputation, and 332 THE FARMER AT HOME. where they can most easily be procured, no one ^\ill be likely to seek for better articles ; but the Eagle or "Worcester ploughs, manufactured by Ruggles, Nourse, and Mason, occupy the most prominent place in public opinion, it appears to us. The oak used at Worcester is pro- verbially as tough as leather. In addition to the mechanical skill belonging to the establishment, it is believed, that the vievi^s of the Hon. F. Hoi brook, pei-haps the most critically scientific ruralist on this subject in the country, have been adopted by the proprietors ; and to complete their claims to this high excellence, they have re- ceived over four hundred premiums for their ploughs from different asfricultural societies in the United States. PLUM. The plum is a native of Asia, the south of Europe, and America; but most of our cultivated kinds are foreign, or descendants from them. It is a small tree, of a rather low spreading form, gener- ally of rapid growth, and moderate duration. The plum is a fine dessert fruit, some varieties being remarkably rich and luscious. It is used extensively for preserves, for which it is excellent. Some acid and austere kinds are used exclusively for this purpose. It is also used for pies, tarts, sauces, and various condiments. In France, dried plums are an important article in commerce. Varieties called prunes are used in this way. Plums well ripened, and used moderately, are nutritious and healthful ; but in excess they are injurious, as they are rich and cloying. The great obstacle to the raising of plums is the curculio, an insect which, soon after the blossom falls, punctures the young fruit, and then lays an egg in the wood. The gum oozes out, the egg hatches, the worm eats towards the centre of the plum, which falls, often before half growai, and the worm enters the earth, where it remains in a pupa state, some say a few weeks, others say till the next spring, when it emerges to commit a similar ravage on the fruit of the plum tree. As yet no antidotes effectually protect the plum against the depredations of this mischievous insect. POLAND HENS. Poland fowls, as they are generally called, were according to English authors, said to be imported from Holland. Their color is a shining black, with a white top-knot of feathers on the heads of both cock and hen. They are not so thickly covered with feathers as some other breeds, and still less so with down. They are quiet' and domestic, neither quarrelsome or mischievous, and their eggs of a good size, fine ffavored, and thin shells. The true breed is rather above the middling size ; their form is plump and deep, and the legs of the best sort are not too long, and most have five claws. The top-knot of upright, white feathers, covers so much of the head as almost to blind the eyes. The contrast of this perfectly white crest with the black plumage, is exceedingly beautiful ; but the top-knot of the cock differs from that of the hen — hers being broad and erect feathers, while his are narrow and hanging down in every direction ; but they must be perfectly white and the rest of the plumage black ; THE FARMER AT HOMfc 333 broken colors, it is said by some, show a cross breed. The Poland hens, by many, are esteemed the best layers, seldom wantinet apart, will yield between forty and fifty bushels of the seed. This oil is as mild as sweet oil, and is equally agreeable with it in salads, and as a medi- cine. It may also be used with advantage, in paints, varnishes, and ointments. The seed is raised with little trouble, and grows on land of moderate fertility. SWALLOW. A common summer bird that seems ever on the wing. They fly in circles, seemingly in play, but actually in pursuit of little insects of the air which form their food. When the weather is fine these insects venture aloft, and the swallows follow them; but when the air is filled with vapor, the insects and their pursuers fly near the earth. It has been doubted by some able naturalists, whe- ther it is possible for the swallow to live inclosed with water and mud. " I saw an instance," says Dr. Williams, '' which puts the possibility of the fact beyond all doubt. About the year 1760, two men were digging in the salt marsh at Cambridge, in Massachusetts ; on the banks of the Charles river, about two feet below the surface, they dug up a swallow, wholly surrounded and covered with mud. The bird was in a torpid state, but being held in their hands, it revived in about half an hour. The place where this swallow was dug up, was every day covered with the salt water ; which at every high tide, was four or five feet deep. The time when this swallow was found, was the latter part of the month of February.'' The species of this bird called the Chimney Swallow, has been found during the winter, in hollow trees. This curious fact has been put beyond all doubt, in Dr. Williams's History of Vermont ; which particularly describes two swallow trees, the one at Middlebury, and the other at Bridgeport. In those trees, the swallows used to have their winter residence ; issuing out about the first of May like swarms of bees. SWAN. Is the most majestic and picturesque of all birds that swim in the waters. When it exhibits itself smoothly sailing along the stream, displaying its graceful attitudes, and moving Ibrward without the smallest effort, a more beautiful figure can scarcely be found within the range of animated nature. This elegant bird admits 412 THE FARMER AT HOME. of two varieties, the wild and the tame swan ; the former has a loud cry, wh'ich may be heard at a frreat distance, but the latter seldom emits any sound. The wild swan is smaller by about one-fourth than the tame kind, and also of a diflerent color, its back and the tips of its wings beintr ash-colored ; while the tame swan is remarkable for the delicate and uniform whiteness of its whole plumage. In Cum- berland county, in New Holland, black swans are very common, and three of the species were in 1806 exhibited at Exeter 'Change, London. SWAN. The wild swan is a native of the arctic regions, and visits more temperate climates only when compelled by the severity of the cold. During the summer season they frequent the lakes of Lapland, in common with the numerous flocks of other aquatic fowl ; there it also breeds and rears its young. Of the tame swan, any minute descrip- tion is unnecessary ; to give some idea of its size, it is sufficient to say, that it grows to the weight of upwards of twenty pounds. Its majes- tic appearance has been already noticed ; and it is not less remarkable for the delicacy of its appetite than the elegance of its form ; its food consists of corn, with herbs and roots that grow in the water, or are found near the margin. SWEET POTATO. This plant is a native of the East Indies, but is now cultivated in all the warmer parts of the globe, and has produced numerous varieties. Formerly the roots were imported into England from the West Indies by the way of Spain, and sold as a THE FARMER AT HOME. 413 delicacy. Lt is the potato of Shakespere and contemporary writers, the common potato beinjj then scarcely known in Europe. The roots are fleshy and spindle shaped, giving rise to herbaceous vines, which take root at intervals ; the leaves are smooth, varying in form, but usually hastate, or three lobed ; the flowers are white externally, and purplish within, disposed in clusters upon axillary foot-stalks. In Warm climates, the culture is very easy, and they are obtained almost throughout the j^ear, by planting at diflerent periods. In northern climates, the culture becomes more difficult; but one varie- ty succeeds even in the vicinity of Paris. Considered as an ali- ment, the sweet potato is very nutritious, wholesome, and easy of digestion. The consumption is very considerable, especially in the warmer parts of America, where even several savage tribes have introduced it, on account of its easy culture. In the United States, it is very little cultivated north of New Jersey, and even there is inferior in quality to those which grow in Carolina. SWIMMING. Swimming has with great propriety been pro- nounced " the purest exercise of health ;" combining in itself the advantages of muscular exertion with those of bathing. It is to be observed, however, that there is, perhaps, no exercise which calls into violent action a greater number of muscles, and which, therefore, so quickly induces fatigue. It is on this account, independent of the effects of the cold water in which the body is immersed, an amuse- ment but ill adapted to the aged, and those of an enfeebled and deli- cate constitution. Even by the young, the healthful, and robust, it should not be carried too far, lest injury, rather than benefit result from it. Immediately on leaving the water, the body should be always wiped perfectly dry by friction with a coai-se towel ; and after dress- ing, a gentle degree of exercise ousjht to be taken. Nothing is indeed CDC ~ ^ more prejudicial to health, than sitting, or remaining inactive, subse- quently to bathing. Walking briskly to and from the place selected for swimming, particularly if it be at a reasonable distance from the dwellinsr, will in most cases be the best exercise that can, be adopted, both before entering, and after coming out of the water. It was not our intention, in the present article, to teach the art, or to describe the various modes of swimming. With Franklin, Saint Pierre, Saltz- man, and others, we are of opinion, however, that such instruction should constitute an item in the education of every child, not merely to enable him to enjoy a beneficial exercise, but to insure his own safety, and to enable him to minister to that of others, in cases of accidental submersion. TADPOLE. The young of the frog is called by this name. It is produced from an egg, and is extremely unlike the animal it is to perpetuate, seeming to consist of head and tail only. The head is large, black, and round, the tail slender and margined with a broad, 414 THE FARIVJER AT-HOME. transparent fin. Its mot'ons are very lively. Its food consists of small water plants and different animalciilse. The mouth has very minute 3eth. About five or six weeks after it is hatched, the first change .akes place. The hind leg:s first appear, and, gradually increasintr in length and size, are succeeded, in about tM^o weeks, by the forelegs, which are formed at an earlier period beneath the.skin. The tail now decreases, so that in a day or two, it is quite obliterated. After this change, the animal leaves the water and reposes upon the shore. Sometimes they are there seen in countless multitudes. The appear- ance of so many young frogs has probably induced the popular but groundless belief of their having fallen from the clouds in showers. Tadpoles, just after they are hatched, are perfectly transparent ; and when placed before the double microscope, the pulsations of the heart may be easily seen, and the blood protruded thence, may be observed in its passage through the whole body. TALLOW. This is an animal substance, or fat, melted from the membraneous matter which is naturally mixed with it. When pure, tallow is white, and nearly tasteless ; but the tallow of commerce usually has a yellow tinge. A very large proportion of the tallow that becomes an article of export from the country where obtained, is furnished by Russia, which annually exports 250,000,000 pounds, mostly furnished by the ste}tpes of Southern Russia. The cattle are brought by thousands, driven to the salgans, or tallow factories, and there fattened and slaughtered. After the animals are slaughtered and skinned, a little of flesh and intestines are removed, and the rest of the carcase, cut into pieces, is thrown into the boilers, of which there are from four to six in every salgan, each large enough to contain the flesh of ten or fifteen oxen. During the boiling, the fat, as it col- lects on the top, is skimmed off with large ladles, and before it is quite cold, it is poured into the casks in which it is afterwards shipped. The first fat which comes off is the best, and is quite white, while that which follows has a yellowish tinge ; and a still coarser tallow is obtained by squeezing the bones and flesh in presses. An ox, in prime condition, will yield from two to three hundred pounds. The merchants of St. Petersburg divide the tallow which they receive from the interior, into white and yellow candle tallow, and common and Siberian soap tallow ; the latter, which is considered the best tallow for soap-making, being brought by water transit from Siberia. Yellow candle tallow, when good, should be clear, dry, hard when broken, and of a fine yellow color throughout. The white can- dle tallow, when good, is white, brittle, hard, dry, and clean. The best white Russia tallow, is brought from Woronesch. In our own country and England, tallow is obtained, as in Russia, from the melted fat of cattle and sheep. With the fat, however, there is left remain- ing as little meat as possible, as that is worth more to be cooked for food, than to be boiled with the fat for tallow. The membraneous THE FARMER AT HOME. 41 5 matter remainintj, after the fat is extracted, called scraps or graves, on being macerated in M'arm water, softens and swells, and becomes a wholesome and palatable article of food for poultry, dogs, and other domestic animals. It is extensively used in fattening poultry, and sometimes swine, for market. TALIPOT. A remarkable tree, that grows in the greatest luxuri- ance in the island of Ceylon. Robert Knox, who is said to have given the best account extant of Ceylon, tells us, that one of the leaves of the talipot is capable of covering ten persons. When it is dry, con- tinues he, it is at once strong and pliant, so that you may fold and unfold it at pleasure, being naturally plaited like a fan. In this state, it is not bigger than a man's arm, and extremely light. The natives cut it into triangles, though it is naturally round, and each of them carries one of those sections over his head, holding the angular part before, in his hand, to open for himself a passage through the bushes. The soldiers use this leaf as a covering to their tents. They consider it, and with good reason, as one of the greatest blessings of Providence, in a country burnt up by the sun, and inundated by the rains, for six months of the year. TALLOW TREE. There are various plants whose expressed oil is sufficiently thick, and in sufficient abundance to answer the pur- pose of tallow, and to be employed instead of animal oil, in the manu- facture of candles, and which are hence called tallow trees. It is about the height of a cherry tree, its leaves in form of a heart, of a deep shining red color, and its bark very smooth. Its fruit is enclosed in a kind of pod, or cover, like a chestnut, and consists of three round white grains, of the size and form of a small nut. each having its pe- culiar capsule, and wilhin a little stone. This stone is encompassed with a white pulp, which has all the properties of true tallow, both as to consistence, color, and even smell, and accordingly the Chinese make their candles of it ; which would doubtless be as good as those in Europe, if they knew how to purify their vegetable, as well as we do our animal tallow. All the preparation they give it is to melt it down, and mix a little oil with it, to make it softer and more pliant. It is true, their candles made of it yield a thicker smoke, and a dim- mer light than ours ; but those defects are owing, in a great measure, to the wicks, which are not of cotton, but only a little rod of dry wood covered -with the pith of a rush wound round it ; which, being very porous, serves to filtrate the minute parts of the tallow, attracted by the burning stick, which, by this means, is kept alive. In like man- ner, the Americans make wax candles of the waxy berry of the candle- berry myrtle, which burn with a fine clear light, for a long time, and possess a fragrant myrtle odor. TAMARINDS. Of the two species of the genus Tamarindus the fruit is much larger in the East Indian than the West Indian. The shell being removed, there remains the flat, square hard seed, 416 THE FARMER AT HOME. imbedded in pult, with membraneous fibres running through it. In the East Indies the pulp is either dried in the sun, and used for home consumption, or with salt added, it is dried in copper ovens ; this kind is that sent to Europe and this country. This sort^called natural tamarinds, is mach darker and drier than the West Indian, which are called prepared tamarinds. The West Indian tamarinds reach maturity in June, July, and August, when they are collected, and the shell being removed, they are put into jars, either with layers of sugar put between them, or boiling syrup poured over them, which pene- trates to the bottom. Prepared tamarinds therefore possess much more saccharine matter than others. TANKS. The importance of collecting rain-water for domestic purposes, especially in districts where springs are deficient or lie at a great depth, has been much overlooked in our country. Mr. Waistell, an English gentleman, urges, in a forcible manner, the importance of placing spouts round all the buildings of a farm to col- lect the rain-water which falls upon them into a tank or tanks ; observing that, besides the value of the supply of water thus obtained, the buildings will be benefited by the walls and foundations being kept drier than when the water from the roof is suffered to fall upon them. He states that the quantity of Avater that falls annually upon every hundred superficial or square feet is about fourteen hundred gallons. Upon this calculation a dwelling house thirty by forty feet and a barn fifty by thirty, a horse stable and carriage house twenty by twenty-five feet, acorn house twelve by eighteen feet, and a moderate sized shed, will catch in the year fifty thousand gallons, afibrding a constant supply of more than four barrels for each day in the year. Most farmers might make arrangements for a much greater quan- tity. This M'ould certainly be an easy method of supplying a stock of cattle as well as a family with all the water needed, if the wells were deficient, or there were on the premises no living springs. The expense of tanks or cisterns, independent of the labor furnished by each far- mer for himself, would be inconsiderable. Most farmers have an abundance of small stones, as good or better than brick, so that money would have to be paid out only for the cement and mason work. If made below the surface of the ground, the water would be kept cool and fresh, and might be placed wherever most convenient, and not be in the way of any thing else. Rain-water thus kept, when filtered, is as good for any family purpose as the best of well or spring water. They should be of cii-cular form, because that is more firm and unyielding against external pressure, with an arch at the top, and an opening just sufficient to admit a man to enter, in case cleansing or repairs are required. TANNIN. A vegetable extract which combines Avith animal gelatine, forming a tough substance, and hence its use in converting skins into leather. Oak bark, and Leicester willow, yields one-six- THE FARMER AT HOME. 4I7 teenth of its weight, but other barks only a thirtieth or fortieth. Four pounds of good oak bark make one pound of leather ; but one pound of catechu, or earth brought from Bengal, is equal to eight pounds of oak bark. By an immersion into tan liquor, which is an infusion of bark, the combination of the tannin with the organized gelatine, which forms the animal fibre, is slowly established ; and the compound of tannin and gelatine not being soluble in water, and not liable to putrefaction, the skin is rendered dense and impermeable, and not subject to spontaneous change, which it would otherwise soon undergo. To render it equal throughout the whole substance of the skin, the action of the tan liquor must be gradual ; and hence the tanning is performed by successive immersions of the skin in liquors of different strength. Sir H. Davy observes, that leather slowly tanned in weak infusions of bark, appears to be of better quality, being both softer and stronger than when tanned by dense infusions ; and he ascribes this to the extractive matter which they imbibe. TANNING. The preparation of skins, by means of which they are rendered into leather. The first part of this preparation consists in taking off the hair, which is effected by steeping in lime water. When this is done and everything superfluous is removed with the knife and the pumice, as in the preparation of parchment, the skin is put into the tan ; that is, being stretched in a pit, it is covered with tan, and the pit filled with water. At Hunter, Greene county. New York, tanning has been carried on very extensively. The tannery has seven powerful water wheels, adapted to its various machinery. In one year, of which we have its statistics before us, 26,360 sides of sole leather were tanned in this establishment. They weighed 637,413 pounds, and were manufactured with the labor of forty-nine hands, and with 3,200 cords of bark. TAPIOCA. This is an excellent article, well known in domestic economy, obtained from the farina of the roots of an American plant called Mandioc and Cassiva, and is used for puddings and other light food for invalids. Bread is also made from it. The plant is indigen- ous in tropical America, and is cultivated from Florida to Magellan, and in several countries of Asia and Africa. The stem is smooth and branching, and rises to the height of six or seven feet. It is easily cultivated, grows rapidly, and produces abundantly. The roots attain the size of a man's thigh, shaped somewhat like a parsnip ; and two years are required to bring it to perfection. Every part of the plant is filled with a milky juice, which is a very violent and dangerous poison, bringing on death in a few minutes if swallowed ; and it may well excite surprise that human ingenuity should have converted the roots into an article of food. The flour made firom these roots, when kept free from moisture, continues good for fifteen or twenty years. It is very nutritious, half a pound a day being sufficient for 18* 418 THE FARMER AT HOME, any one. The Creole women prefer bread made from it to wheat bread ; but for bread we consider it insipid. TAPIR. The American tapir, when full grown, is six feet in total length, and about three and a half in height. In general form it resembles the hog ; but the legs are rather longer in proportion, and the nose is prolonged into a small movable proboscis. The fore feet have four toes, and the hind ones three only. The ej'es are small and lateral, and the ears long and pointed ; the skin thick, and covered with scattering, short silky hairs ; the tail short, and slightly hairy. The teeth resemble those of the horse. It is the largest animal of South America, and is found in all parts of that continent, though most abundant in Guiana, Brazil, and Paraguay. It shuns the habitations of men, and leads a solitary life in the interior of the forests, in most situations, but selects for its abode a place somewhat elevated and dry. By travelling always the same rounds, it forms beaten paths, which are very conspicuous. It comes out only in the night, or during rainy weather, and resorts to the marshes. Its ordi- nary pace is a sort of trot ; but it sometimes gallops, though awk- wardly, and with the head down ; and, besides, swims with facility. In the wild state, it lives on fruits and young branches of trees, but when domesticated, eats every kind of food. Though possessed of great strength, it makes use of it only for defence ; and its disposition is mild and timid. The flesh is dry and disagreeable tasted ; but the skin is very tough, and might be applied to useful purposes. The Indian tapir has only been discovered within a few years. It inhabits Sumatra, Malacca, and some of the surrounding countries. The colors are remarkable. The head, neck, feet and tail are black ; the rest of the body and tip of the ears white. TAR. Tar is obtained from the wood and roots of various kinds of pine by the agency of fire ; it is too -well known to need descrip- tion ; that which is thirmest and blackest is the best. It is exten- sively manufactured in Norway, Sweden, Germany, Russia, North America, and other countries in which those trees abound. The mode of making tar in Sweden is as follows : a conical cavity is made in the ground, generally in the side of a bank or sloping hill ; the roots, as well as billets and logs of the fir, are packed into the cavity, when the whole is covered with turf, which is beaten down firmly upon the wood. The fire is then kindled, and a slow combustion takes place without flame. The tar exudes into a cast iron pan, at the bottom of the funnel, having a spout, beneath which barrels are placed to receive the tar. This process is the same, in fact, as that described by Theophrastus and Dioscorides, as practised by the ancient Greeks. Tar is made in France and Switzerland in ovens built for the purpose. Tar is used in medicine ; and for innumerable purposes in the arts. In England a vast amount of tar is wanted for the navy, THE FARMER AT HOME. 4I9 for which she is mainly dependent on Sweden for the supply, although she has a1 tempted to produce it in her American colonies. TA.TTOOIN(t. Among all the known nations of" the earth, none have carried the art of tattooing to so high a degree of perfection as the inhabitants of the Washington islands. The regular designs with which the bodies of the men of Nukaliiwa are punctured from head to foot, supplies, in some sort, the absence of clothing; for, under so warm a climate, clothing would be insupportable to them. Many people here seek as much to obtain distinction by the symmetry and regularity with which they are tattooed, as among us by the elegant manner in which they are dressed ; and although no real elevation of rank is designated by the greater superiority of these decorations, yet as only persons of rank can afibrd to ^e at the expense attendant upon any refinement in the ornaments, it does become, in fact, a badge of distinction. The operation of tattooing is performed by certain persons, who gain their livelihood by it entirely, and those who perform it with the greatest dexterity, and evince the greatest degree of taste in the dis- position of the ornaments, are as much sought after as among us a particularly good tailor. Thus much, however, must be said, that the choice made is not a matter of equal indiflerence with them as with us ; for if the punctured garment be spoiled in the making, the mis- chief is irreparable ; it must be worn, with all its faults, the whole life through. TEA. The culture of tea in China seems simple enough. The plants are raised from seeds, sown in the places where they are to remain. Several are dropped into holes four or five inches deep, and dhree or four feet apart. The plants rise up in a cluster when the rain comes on, and require little further care, except of removing weeds, till they are three years old, when they yield their first crop of ieaves. They are seldom transplanted, but sometimes four or five plants are put close together, so as to form a fine bush. After grow- ing seven or ten years they are cut down, in order that the numerous young shoots which then spring out, may afford a more abundant supply of leaves. In some districts the bushes grow unrestrained, in others they are regularly pruned to keep them low. The gathering of the leaves is performed with great care. They are usually gathered singly, first in March or May, according to the district, when the leaves are scarcely expanded ; the second about two months later, or May and June ; and the third in August, or about six months after the second ; but the times necessarily differ in differ- ent districts, as well as the number of crops to be obtained ; some avoid the third for fear of injuring the bushes. When the leaves are gathered they aie dried in houses which contain small furnaces, on each of which there is a flat iron pan, and upon this, when heated, Ihe leaves, partially dried by exposure to the sun, are thrown; which 420 THE FARMER AT HOME, then are to be frequently shifted and turned. When all are properly dried, they are quickly removed, either by the hand or with a shovel, and either thrown upon a mat or into baskets which are kept ready to receive them. Thev are then removed to a table where they are rolled and cooled, and the process is repeated ; after which they are sifted and sorted into several varieties. The appearance of one roll- ing- the leaves is like that of the baker kneading his dough. ROLLING PROCESS. Tea having become so extensive an article in domestic economy, and also in commerce, and a source of considerable revenue, various attempts have been made to introduce it into other countries ; as in Rio Janeiro, and in the warm parts of Brazil, in Penang, Asarn, and the Himalayas. Within the last few years, Junius Smith, LL. D., a gentleman well known for eminence in science and enterprise, has been engaged in experiments on its culture in our own country. Favorable reports are given of the teas grown in the East Indies, but as yet only small quantities of them are brought into market. The whole amount of teas raised, is enormous, almost surpassing credi- bility. Russia is annually supplied through Kiakhta with about seven millions of pounds ; France requires two millions of pounds ; Holland three millions ; in 1850, it is estimated that twenty-three millions of pounds came to our own country ; and in the same year, there were consumed, in the United Kingdom of the British Empire, over fifty millions of pounds. TEAK. The teak tree is a native of different parts of India, as THE FARMER AT HOMw. 421 well as of Birmah, chiefly along the banks of the Irawaddy, and of the islands of Ceylon to the Moluccas. The tree grows to an immense size, and is remarkable for its large leaves, which ai-e from twelve to twenty-four inches long, and from eight to sixteen inches broad, and are compared, by Oriental writers, to the ears of the elephant. From extensive experience, teak timber has been found the most valuable timber for shipbuilding, and has been called the oak of the East. The wood is light, brownish colored, easily worked, but at the same time strong and durable. It is soon seasoned, and from containing a resin- ous oil, resists the action of the water, as well as insects of all kinds. Some of the finest ships that float, have been made from it. Some interesting details have recently been published concerning the export of teak-timber from Moulmein, in India. Teak is the prin- cipal article of export from that province, both in quantity and value. During the year 1849, upwards of 25,000 tons were shipped to various parts of the world, all properly converted, by hand or machinery, and m the rough state estimated at 100,000 pounds. The teak of these provinces and the surrounding foreign states, which finds its way into Moulmein, is of very superior quality, and unequalled, for ship building purposes, by any other wood in the world. The annua] sup- ply is more than equal to the demand, in consequence of this port being but little known to the English ship owners and builders. There is almost an unlimited extent of teak forests in. the neighboring: states, of superior quality and easily w^orked. TEMPERATUUE. The presence of the sun is undoubtedly one of the principal sources of heat, as its absence is of cold ; but if those affections of the atmosphere depended solely on these two causes, an equal temperature would, at the same seasons, prevail in all places situated under the same parallels. This, however, is far from being the case ; for the temperature of the eastern coast of America, is far colder than that of the western shores of Europe, in the same lati- tudes ; and the same observation may, with some degree of variation, be extended to the whole of these two continents. It is equally ob- servable, that the tropical heats of Africa are far greater than those of the West India Islands, and some other parts of America, situated in the torrid zone ; and, indeed, an abundance of proofs might be adduced, to show that the temperature of the air, in different countries, depends on a variety of circumstances besides geographical position. One great source of heat exists in the earth ; but whether this arises from any central fire, or from elementary heat diffused through the whole mass, is a problem of no easy solution. • The warmth which the earth imparts to the atmosphere, tends greatly to moderate the cold ; and it has, by various observations, been found that the same degree of heat exists in all subterraneous situations at the same depth, or at least, that the variations are extremely small. The condensa- tion of vapor also is another cause of heat, of which, it is well known, 422 THE FARMER AT HOME. that vapor contains a great quantity. This condensation is often formed by the attraction of an electrical cloud, and hence arises that sultry heat which, in summer, is often felt before rain, and particularly befoi'e a thunder storm. As the earth is the source of heat, distance from the earth must, consequently, be a cause of cold ; and, in confirmatidn of this theory, it is invariably found that cold increases in proportion to our elevation in the atmosphere. Hence we find, even under the equator, moun- tains of a certain height have their tops covered with snow. An elevation of five hundred yards produces the same efl'ect as a distance of five thousand miles from the equator. Accordingly, at an eleva- tion of thirteen thousand feet we find the frosts of the frozen zone ; and at fifteen and sixteen thousand feet, the mountains, based upon the most scorching plains, are capped with perpetual snow and ice. The heat of the atmosphere is further augmented by the accumu- lation of the sun's rays at the surface of the earth. The rays are then reflected into the air and to surrounding objects ; so that the reflected heat is often greater than the direct heat of the sun. On this account, the heat in valleys, where the heat is reflected by hills and mountains, is sometimes very great. In an elevated valley in Switzerland, the heat is so much increased by reflection, that in the centre there is a spot of perpetual verdure, in the midst of perpetual snow and glaciers ; and there are plains on the Himmaleh mountains, fifteen thousand feet above the level of the sea, which produce fine pasturage ; and at the height of eleven thousand feet, which is above the region of per- petual snows on the Andes, in the same latitude, barley and wheat are known to flourish. Countries that are uncultivated and covered with wood, are much colder than those which are open and cultivated ; as the former pre- vent the access of the solar rays to the earth, or to the snow -which they may conceal, and also prevent a greater number of evaporating surfaces than the latter. To be convinced that the air of woody coun- tries is rendered colder by the evaporation from the trees and shrubs, it is only necessary to observe that a thick shade of trees is cooler than the shelter of buildings. As the land is capable of receiving and re- taining much more heat or cold, than Mater can imbibe, the vicinity of the sea is also a circumstance which considerably afiects the tem- perature of the air. The sea therefore moderates the heat in warm climates, and the cold in higher latitudes. When the rays of the sun strike upon the water, they will penetrate six or seven hundred feet, if there be that depth ; and the heat will be diflhsed through the whole mass, remaining till carried oft" by evaporation. Consequently, in hot climates, the body of the ocean is much cooler than the land ; and in cold ones it is wai'mer. TEMPERATURE OF THE EARTH. The circumstance of the earth being flattened at the poles and protuberant at the equator, ia THE FARMER AT HOME. 423 the natural and necessary result of its rotation on its axis. But in order that it might yield to the force resulting from such a motion, the matter of which it is composed must have been soft. Now, althoiigh water is capable of being compressed, and so far as we can judge, of taking any degree of density, according to the force exerted upon it, still the shape of the earth is not that which would have resulted from such a mass of water. There may be particular portions of the sea that extend to the depth of several miles, as there are particular points of the solid crust of continents, that rise to this height above the general level. Still we havo -reason to believe, that the average depth of the ocean does not much exceed three thousand feet. It is thought that heat may have been the original cause of the fluidity of the earth, and that there may still remain enough to keep the interior portions in the same state. The more the subject has been examined, the more the evidence has accumulated in favor of the po- sition that the temperature increases as we descend below the surface. There are numerous instances in which we have been able, by means of natural or artificial excavations, to penetrate to the depth of from thirteen to sixteen hundred feet. The general inference from all the observations made in different -parts of the earth is, that there is an increase of heat amounting to about one degree of Fahrenheit for every forty- six feet in depth ; that at the depth of ten thousand feet, the heat would be sufficient to boil water, and that at the depth of about one hundred miles, or one fortieth part of the distance to the centre, the heat would be intense enough to melt most of the earths and stones that are known to enter into the composition of the globe. These facts and inferences have an important bearing upon the phe- nomena of earthquakes and volcanoes, and open a wide field of specu- lation to the natural historian and geologist. THERMOMETER CHUBN. This churn has been so con- structed that the cream or milk is readily brought to the desired tem- perature without mixing water or other substances, and the tempera- ture certainly and definitely determined, which proves invaluable in the art of making butter. One improvement consists in the construc- tion of a double bottom made in the form of a semicircle, of two sheets of zinc, or other metal, placed one above the other, the cream to rest upon the uppermost. Between the two sheets forming the bottom is a space, or chamber, into which may be introduced cold or warm water, as may be required to increase or diminish the temper- ature of the cream or milk. The water is easily applied by means of a common tunnel, through an aperture or hole in the side of the churn. Another improvement is a thermometer permanently placed in one end of the churn, entirely secure from breaking or accident, marked at sixty-two degrees, and which is always visible, so that the operator may know and determine with certainty when the cream or 424 THE FARMER AT H0M:E-. milk is brought to the proper temperature. If the cream or milk is too warm, the mercury will rise above the mark of sixty-two degrees, and cold water should h-i applied in the chamber described ; if too cold, the mercury will fall below the mark, when warm water must be used instead of cold. The cream or milk should be stirred or agi- tated, by turning the crank, while the water is introduced, to give the cream or milk an equal temperature throughout. When the ther- mometer indicates that the cream or milk is of the proper tempera- ture, the water may be drawn out through the tube placed for the purpose, when the churning should be performed by giving the crank about forty revolutions to the minute. By reversing the motion of the crank, it is liberated, when both it and the dasher, or floats, are drawn out. This being done, the churn is easily cleaned. The con- struction of this churn in all respects is simple ; is not liable to get out of order, and can be used with ease. THERMOMETER CHURN. THIUST. Distinct from the first and most obvious purposes for which we take drink, viz., for allaying thirst, and for diluting the solid food taken into the stomach, there is another motive which has great influence over us all ; and that is, to gratify the taste, and tickle the palate. Thirst is a sensation amounting at times to a real irrita- tion or want felt in the throat and stomach. It is brought on by whatever stimulates these parts in such a way as to exalt sensation and diminish the customary discharge of fluids from their surfaces. Hence, thirst is excited by condiments and vinous spiritous drinks. This want is also greater by whatever stimulates the blood vessels and nerves of other parts, with which the stomach sympathizes ; and on this account i'; is very urgent, in consequence of exposure to the THE FARMER AT HOME. 425 sun's rays, and in a heated atmosphere, which stimulates both the skin and the lungs. Burns will cause raging thirst ; so fits of pas- sion, by their exciting powerfully the nervous system, have the same ellect. Thirst thus brought on, and augmented by external heating and irritating matters, and by irritation in various parts of the animal economy ; and when present, giving rise to increased heat and irrita- tion of the functions generally, can of course be mitigated and removed but by one class of agents. These are of a cooling, soothing, and sedative nature. Cool air applied to the skin and inhaled into the lungs, or cold water applied to the extremities, will sometimes answer. A depressing emotion, as of sudden fear, will, by its prompt sedative action on the nervous system, produce the same result. But that which above all other means is best calculated to soothe the heated and irritated surfaces of the throat and stomach, and thus remove all the troublesome secondary symptoms, is to drink simple water, or the blander watery fluids. The instinctive want of such fluids for drink, is strongly pronounced from the lowest animal up to man. They soothe the irritated sentient surfaces affected in thirst ; they furnish matter for the absorbents of these surfaces to carry into the circulation, and thus preserve the requisite proportion of water in the blood. While simple aqueous moisture is the chief assuager of thirst, and that without which the want would soon become a raging inflamma- tion and fever, leading to death, yet does temperature also exert a modifying influence. Coldness of the fluid contributes more efl'ectu- ally to allay the nervous irritation in extreme thirst ; but, though agreeable at the moment, it is not essentially necessary, and is often hazardous, after the individual has been enfeebled by long and exces- sive exercise and labor. The safer plan in such a case, is to apply the cold fluid, iced or spring water, to the hands and face, and use for drink that which is of the temperature of the river or flowing stream. Even in hot weather, water of the temperature which it assumes when exposed to the air, is the best quencher of thirst, though not the most grateful to the taste. Very cold water taken into the stomach, in some cases deadens the senses and produces spasms, and even death. In the most favorable condition of the animal economy, it is apt, especially in vigorous habits, to give rise to great reaction, increased flow of blood and sensibility of the parts, and of course a fresh call for drink. The lover of spiritous and fermented liquors, persuades himself that they are excellent quenchers of thirst and mitigators of heat ; because he experiences relief from these sensations after he drinks them of an icy coldness. The benefit here was from the adventitious property of the liquor, viz., its coldness ; but so soon as this has dis- appeared, then follows the stimulation and excitement from the alco- holic portion — the thirst is renewed, and if appeased in the same way, 426 THE FARMER AT HOME. soon returns with increased urgency ; and finally, the sipper of such liquors is at length brought into the fever of drunkenness, and is greatly surprised to hnd that his cold spirit and water, or cold wine, or beer, should heat him so excessively. The only element in most of these liquors, by which they at all palliate thirst, distinct from the efl'ect of their artificial coldness, is water. Next to simple water, and that with the addition of a little mu- cilage, the fluid, with a slightly saline impregnation, is useful in moderating thirst. Animals, especially herbiverous quadrupeds, usually so particular in taking no other drink but simple water, will often drink with avidity from a saline spring or lick. The vessels called absorbents, which drink up fluids to be carried into the circu- lation, to dilute the blood and aid in the various secretions, are usu- ally very careful to exclude foreign matters ; but when they allow the entrance of these, it is saline substances, in minute proportions, in preference to all others. But as few salts are pleasant to the taste, when they have been dissolved in water, it has usually been the practice to employ those solutions in which there is an excess of acid, as in the cream of tar- tar ; or what at the moment of their formation largely evolves fixed air, which stimulates agreeably the sense of taste, as in what are called soda and seidlitz powders. When we use them, we dissolve in one portion of water the acid, usually the tartaric ; and in another the alkali, combined with fixed air or carbonic acid in the form of a carbonate or bi-carbonate of soda. The tartaric acid unites with the soda, forming a salt, the tartrate of soda ; whilst the fixed air is dis- engaged from its combination with the alkali, and froths up in the glass at the moment of the mixture of the two solutions. THRASHING MACHINE. THRASHING. The act of beating out the corn from grain or other crops, is called thrashing. The flail was ihe implement formerly used in thrashing corn, and wiiich separated the grain from the straw and husks very efiectually and expeditiously ; but as it has now be- come expensive, where large quantities are raised, and always bruises a great many seeds, it has be.in attempted to avoid these inconveniences THE FARMER AT HOME. 427 by proper machines, provided with a number of flails, or other parts answering the same purpose, made to move by the power of water, wind, or horses. By this means the business of thrashing is found to be performed cheaper, more expeditiously, and with less damage to the liealth of the thrasher ; for it is well known that thrashing with flails is laborious in the extreme, and the dust constantly arising is in- jurious to the lungs. Thrashing machines have become quite numer- ous, each inventor endeavoring to obviate some fault in previous ones, and to introduce some new advantage not before accomplished. A correspondent of the American Agriculturist, living in Tompkins county, (N. Y.,) says : " Since I have owned one of Allen's machines, it has not cost me one bushel in twenty to thrash my grain. With two light horses, by changing them every hour, and with two men and a boy, I thrashed forty-five bushels of wheat in half a day. There are but few farmers who cannot thrash all of their grain on their rainy and leisure days, and incur very little expense, if they have a machine of their own. THUNDER AND LIGHTNING. The surface of the earth, and of all bodies with which we are acquainted, is supposed to contain or possess a power of exciting or exhibiting a certain quantity of an ex- ceeding subtle agent called the electric fluid. The quantity usually belonging to any surface is called its natural state, and it then pro- duces no sensible effects ; but when any surface becomes possessed of more, or less, than its natural quantity, it is electrified, and it then exhibits a variety of peculiar and surprising phenomena ascribed to the power called electric. If you take a stick of sealing-wax and rub it on the sleeve of your coat, it will have the power of attracting small pieces of paper, or any other light substances, when held near them. If a clean and dry glass tube be briskly rubbed Avith the hand, or with a piece of flannel, and then presented to any small light substances, it will im- mediately attract and repel them alternately for a considerable time. The tube is then said to be excited. If an excited glass tube, in a dark room, be brought within about half an inch of the finger, a lucid spark will be seen between the finger and the tube, accompanied with a snapping noise, and a peculiar sensation of the finger. Dry flannel clothes, when handled in the dark, frequently exhibit a sparkling ap- pearance, attended with the same kind of noise that is heard in the experiment of the glass tube. When any body is possessed of more than its natural quantity of electricity, it is said to be positively electrified ; and when possessed of less than its natural quantity, it is said to be negatively electrified. If two substances come in contact, one charged positively and the other negatively with electricity, so much of the fluid passes from the former to the latter, as to produce an equilibrium. Certain bodies have the power of transmitting electricity from one surface to another, 428 THE FARMER AT HOME. and are hence called conductors ; others not possessinp: this power are called non-conductors. Metals, ores, and fluids, in their natural state, excepting air and oils, are conductors ; vitrified and resinous suhstances, amber, sulphur, wax, silk, cotton, and feathers, are non-conductors. From the similarity between lightning and the electric fluid, it had long been supposed that they were one and the same thing ; but it was left for Dr. Franklin to prove the truth of this supposition. When the clouds and the difierent terrestrial objects, over which they pass, are charged, one positively and the other negatively, in the passage of this fluid from the former to the latter, there is presented what we call lightning. So likewise, where two clouds come in contact, differently charged, the same result takes place. Thunder is the report which accompanies the taking place of this electrical union. It is occasioned by the rarefaction or displacing of the air, and its sudden return to its original position. Thunder and lightning bear the same relation to each other, as the flash and report of a cannon. THUNDEE. ROD. This is a rod of metal attached generally to the side of a building, and extending from below the level of the ground, to a point several feet above the highest part of the roof of the building, in order to secure the edifice from the effects of thunder and lightning. The upper end of the rod terminates in a point, some- times in several points. It is to Dr. Franklin that the world is in- debted for the idea of raising pointed rods in order to secure buildings from the effects of atmospherical electricity ; and the recommendation was immediately adopted. These rods should be thick enough to con- vey the electric fluid to the ground without being melted by it ; and they should reach so far into the ground, as to relieve the building from danger of receiving the fluid from, the lower extremity of them. It is surprising that so few farmers avail themselves of a protection against one of the most fearful calamities to which they are always liable, when several times every year they are shocked with the reports of persons killed and valuable property destroyed by it. TILLAGE. This term, applied to arable land, signifies the stir- ring and preparing the soil, so as to render it fit for the vegetation of seeds ; and its object is to destroy the weeds as well as to make the soil mellow. The whole art of cultivation consists in tillaga and manuring, and the profits of the husbandman depend on the perfection of this process, and the economy of labor in producing his crops. A defect in tillage, bad ploughing, or any other want of due preparation of the soil, will cause a deficiency of his crops ; and, if such defect be perpetuated for a course of years, most land will become incapable of yielding enough to remunerate for the labor bestowed upon it. To ensure remunerating crops, the soil should be in such a state that the rains and dews may readily be dillused through it, without giving it a wet appearance, or evaporating too rapidly. The efi'ect of deep tillage is most remarkable. This may be seen in the use of the spade upon THE FARMER AT HOME. 429 garden lands, and in the use of the subsoil plough, for all kinds of field enlture. What would grow in the garden if the soil were loosened only to the depth of three or four inches I To raise garden vegetables on such a soil, would be deemed absurd ; and the attempt to ao it presumption. The principle is the same in field culture. Good tillage is the secret of successful farming. TIME FOR SLEEP. Night is evidently the period appropriated by nature for repose, and general experience has proved, that it is the only one during which we can with certainty obtain that sound, sweet, and refreshing slumber, so necessary for the preservation of health. Sleeping during the day is, indeed, on many accounts, a pernicious practice, which should be carefully avoided, excepting under particular circumstances of disease, or when a sufficient amount of repose cannot be obtained at the natural periods. This, however, does not apply to infants. For the first months after birth, a healthy child sleeps full two-thirds of its time. This propensity requires to be indulged by day as well as by night, but, with judicious management, it may be brought, in a short time, to require and enjoy repose during the latter period only. Youug children, when fatigued by exercise, will also, in general, be found inclined to sleep during the day ; from indulging them in a short repose, under such circumstances, no bad effects can result, provided their clothing be perfectly loose, so that every part of tlieir bodies is freed from bands or ligatures. The popular maxim, " early to bed and early to rise," is one which should be rigidly observed by every individual. It has been remarked that, in the natural state, the disposition to sleep usually comes on soon after the commencement of darkness ; and, according to the oldest and most accurate observers, three or four hours sleep before midnight is very nearly as refreshing as double that portion in the morning. Persons who spend the day in manual labor, or active exercise in the open air, with great difficulty keep awake for a few hours after the night has closed in ; and this disposition to early sleep is, perhaps, one of the strongest indications of perfect health. It has been very correctly remarked " that the atmosphere of the night is always more vitiated, and consequently less fit for respiration, than that'^f the day ; and as we respire a greater portion of air while awake than in a sleeping state, it follows that from these, independent of other causes, the system is more liable to injury in the former than in the latter state." Early rising is equally important to the health of the system as early rest. On no account should any one permit himself to again slumber, after the moment of his first awaking in the morning, whe- ther this happen at the early dawn, or before the sun has risen ; even though ii'om accident or unavoidable causes he may not have enjoyed his six or eight hours of repose. It is much better to make up the deficiency, if necessary, at some other time, than to attempt taking 430 THE FARMER AT HOME. another nap. "Whoever shall accustom himself 1 nus to rise, will enjoy more undisturbed sleep during the night, and awake far more re- freshed, than those who indolently slumber all the morning. TIN. This is a white soft metal, softer than silver and harder than lead. The native oxide, is the principal ore of tin which is found in Spain, Saxony, France, the East Indies, and South America ;, and in Cornwall and Devonshire, whence the greatest part of the tin consumed in Europe is procured. Camden supposes the abundance in these two provinces to have given the name Britain to the whole country. In the Syriac language varatanac signifies land of tin, from which Bochart derives the name Britain. The principal properties of tin are, that it is very flexible, next to lead in softness, and the most fusible of all the common metals, except mercury. It is of great use for coating the inside of copper vessels for culinary purposes ; but as thus it constitutes only an imperfect protection from the poisonous qualities of the copper, it is much better applied on thin sheets of iron, forming what are called tin plates, of which the tin ware, now chiefly used for the common purposes of the kitchen, is made. TOAD. A harmless but unsightly amphibious animal ; very tenacious of life, and believed when enclosed in stones and trees to be able to exist for many centuries ; being torpid during the winter, they creep into crevices and sometimes become enclosed by petrifaction or concretions. They live on small worms and insects, and are great enemies of wasps. The Pipa or Surinam toad is larger than our toad and more ugly ; but its young grow in cells on its back from eggs to tadpoles, and then to perfect toads in large numbers. Toads are fre- quently esteemed a kind of nuisance on one's premises ; and, truly they are not very comely to the sight. Yet, it would be difficult to tell of any injury ever done by them. On the contrary it is affirmed that in gardens they are of great service in destroying the vermin thei'e, oftentimes so annoying and destructive to tender plants. Some gardeners have been known to collect all the toads they can obtain to be thus employed. TOBACCO. A plant greatly in use, which was first found among the natives of America. In the year 1534, James Cartier, a Frenchman, was commissioned to explore the coasts of North Amai'ica, with a view to find a place for a colony. He observed that the na- tives of Canada used the leaves of an herb which they preserved in pouches made of skins, and smoked in stone pipes. It being very oflensive to the French, they took none of it with them on their return. Ralph Lane, at his return in 1586, carried it first into Europe ; and Sir Walter Raleigh, who was a man of gaiety and fashion, not only learned the use of it himself, but introduced it into the polite circles. It is related that a servant of Sir Walter, bringing a tankard of ale into his study as he was smoking his pipe and read- ing, was so alarmed at the appearance of smoke issuing out of hia I THE FAUMER AT HOME. 431 mouth, tLat he threw the ale into his face, and run 1o alarm the family, crying out that his master was on fire. Mucn of the peculiarity of taste and aroma, and the consequent value of tobacco, depends on the soil, and the preparation or sweating of the plants after drying. The former should not be too rich, and never highly manured, as the flavor is thereby materially injured, although the product will be increased. Yet it is an exhausting (irop, as seen by the large quantity and the analysis of the ash ; and the soil requires a constant renewal of well fermented manures, and particularly the saline ingredients, to prevent exhaustion. The culti- vation of tobacco, from the first settlement of Virginia, has been an object of primary attention in that section of our country ; and for a long tiny it formed the principal object of export from Virginia and Maryland. It is still largely cultivated there, and has become an object of considerable attention in some of the middle and western States. TOMATO. This plant or vegetable, sometimes called love apples belongs to the same genus with the potato, and was first foiuid in South America. The use of it as food is said to have been derived from the Spaniards. It has long been used also by the French and Italians. The date of its introduction into this Country is unknown. It is said that the tomato has been used in some parts of Illinois for more than fifty years. Its introduction on our tables, as a culinary vegetable, is of recent date. Thirty years ago, it was scarcely known but as an ornament to the flower garden, and for pickling. It is now cultivated in all parts of the country, and found either in a cooked or raw state on most tables. In warm climates, it is said that they are more used than in northern, and have a more agreeable taste. It is now used in various parts of the country, in soups and sauces, to which it imparts an agreeable acid flavor ; and is also stewed and dressed in various ways, very much admired, and many people con- sider it a great luxury. We often hear it said that a relish for the tomato is an acquired one ; scarcely any person at first liking it. It has, indeed, within a few years, come into general use, and is considered a particularly healtiiy article. A learned medical professor in the West pronounces the tomato a very wholesome food in various ways, and advises the daily use of it. He says that it is very salutary in dyspepsia and in- digestion, and is a good antidote to bilious disorders, to which persons are liable in scorns from a northern to a warmer climate. He recom- mends it also in diarrhoea, and thinks it preferable to calomel. The tomato is a tender, herbaceous plant, of rank growth, but weak, fetid, and glutinous. The leaves resemble those of the potato, but the flow- ers are yellow, and arranged in large divided branches. The fruit is of a light yellow, and a bright red color, pendulous, and formed like the large squash-shaped pepper. They should be planted near a 432 THE FARMER AT HOME. fence, or a trellis should be provided for them, in the same manner as for nasturtiums ; or they will do pretty well, if planted four feet from each other. Stakes, too, may be driven up among them, to keep then' from falling. They will bear till the frost. GARDENERS TOOL CHEST. TOOL SHOP FOR, FARMERS. Every farmer ought to pos- sess a variety of tools, such as are needed in repairing farming imple- ments — fences, gates, and pens ; and for doing such work generally, as will always be required on the premises, and which every person may acquire the habit of doing, although he has no mechanical trade. How often does a nail give way, and hence a board becomes loose I If he has nails and a hammer at hand, a few minutes will be suffi- cient to make it secure. Whereas, if permitted to remain insecure, it may fall and be broken, so that a new one will be required to supply its place. How often will the fastenings on a gate or door demand a sliffht attention, to prevent destruction from the wind, as well as to keep the stock from going where they ought not. How often does a rake-tooth or an axe-handle get broken ; a hoe-handle become loose in its socket ; an ox-bow pin gets lost ; a floor plank in the stalls becomes damaged. If he has tools and materials at hand for making repairs, he may do it himself in half the time to be occupied in going after a mechanic to do it ; besides, if he does it himself, he does not have to pay another person for doing it. To do these things, he must have hammers and hatchets, gimlets and augers, chisels and gouges, drills and screw-drivers ; saws and files, squares and compasses, pliers and pincers ; also a punch, a vice, THE FARMER AT HOME. 433 an adze, a drawing knife, a g'auge, and, perhaps, twenty other arti- cles, the cost of Avhich is not much — not equal to what they will enable a person to save in a single year, if he uses them as he may do. Besides, the time generally taken in such acts would never be missed ; it is fragments of leisure about the season of meals, or stormy days, when nothing else would be done. With such habits of attention to the farming implements, and to the various fixtures on the premises, whenever a job of work is to be undertaken, no delay is caused by the want of instruments to effect it. This is the secret why some farmers get along with their labor so much better than their neighbors. They do not have to wait a day before beginning any specified operation, in going after a carpenter, a wheelwright, or "blacksmith, after the laborers are personally ready to engage in it. TORNADO. A tornado seems to partake much of the nature of a whirlwind, or perhaps of a water spout, but is more violent in its efiBcts. It commences very suddenly, several clouds being previously drawn together, when a spout of wind, proceeding from them, strikes the ground in a round spot of a few rods or perches diameter, and proceeds thus half a mile or a mile. The proneness of its descent makes it rebound from the earth, throwing such things as are movable before it, but some sideways or in a lateral direction from it. A vapor, mist, or rain, descends with it, by which the path of it is marked with wet. TORPEDO. A fish that gives to those who touch it a kind of electric shock. The body of this fish is almost circular ; the skin is soft, smooth, and of a yellowish color, ma-rked with large annular spots ; the tail tapering to a point. Such is that unaccountable power it possesses, that, the instant it is touched, it numbs not only the hand and arm, but sometimes also the whole body. The shock received most resembles the stroke of an electrical machine ; sudden, tingling, and painful. Even if one treads upon it with the shoe on, it effects not only the leg, but the whole thigh upwards. The nerves are so affected, that the person struck imagines all the bones of his body, and particularly those of the limb that received the blow, are driven out of joint. All this is accompanied with an universal tremor, a sickness of the stomach, a general convulsion, and a univer- sal suspension of the faculties of the mind. TORRID ZONE. That portion of the earth over every part of which the sun is vertical, or perpendicular, at some time of the year. It extends from twenty-three degrees and twenty-eight minutes north latitude, to twenty-three degrees and twenty-eight minutes south. This zone comprehends the East and West Indies, the Philippine Islands, the greater part of South America and Africa, and almost all Captain Cook's discoveries, including the northern parts of New Hol- land. In order to prevent its being burnt up by the rays of the sun, Providence has placed in the torrid zone the largest diameter of the 19 434 THE FARMER AT HOME, South Sea, and the greatest breadth of the Atlantic Ocean ; and there it has coUecti'd the greatest quaiiiity of islands in existence. Farther, it has planted in the breadth of the coiitinenls, the greatest bodies of running water that are in the world, all issuing from mountains of ice ; such as the Senegal and the Nile, which issue from the moun- tains of the moon, in Africa ; the Amazon and Oronoko, which have their sources in the Andes. Again, it is for this reason that Provi- dence has multiplied in the torrid zone, and in its vicinity, lofty chains of mountains covered with snow, and that it directs thither the winds of the north pole and of the south pole, of which the trade winds al- ways partake. TORTOISE. There are many species of the sea-tortoise or turtle found in the West Indies and the South Seas, which are principally distinguished by the peculiarities of their feet. It has four legs and a tail, and the body is covered with so strong a shell, that several men may stand on it without doing it any injury. The tortoise digs round holes in the sand, in which it lays several membranaceous eggs. Some of the species, such as the common green turtle, and the hawks- bill turtle, grow to a very large size, and are not unusually four, five, or six hundred pounds weight. Those who take them watch them from their nests on shore, in moonlight nights ; and before they reach the sea, turn them on their backs, and leave them till morning, for they are utterly unable to recover their former position ; at other times they hunt them in boats with a spear, striking them with it through the sliell ; and as there is a cord fastened to the spear, they are taken much in the same manner as whales. Tortoises will live after being deprived of the brain, and even their heads. The flesh of many of the sea turtles is highly esteemed as food ; that of the hawksbill turtle is, however, inditi'erent ; this species is noticed chiefly as producing the tortoise-shell of commerce, so well known and used for various purposes. TRANSPLANTING LARGE TREES. The writer having made several uusuccessi'ul attempts to transplant tulip trees and make them live, resolved on the following expedient. In the autumn of 1849 he selected one standing in an open pasture, twenty-seven inches in circumliereiice, and about twenty-five leet in height. Around the trunk, eight feet in diameter, he dug a trench fifteen inches in depth, and nearly two feet in breadth. As soon as the frost rendered the mass of earth within the trench of a solid consistence, he commenced digging underneath it at the outer edge. This gave the frost a better opportunity to operate, till it became nearly as impenetrable as a stone. This undermining of it was continued at intervals for two months, till with levers, one side was.litled up and the tap root cut off — all the lateral roots being of course imbedded in the frozen earth. It waa then raised up by levers upon a sled, the whole being drawn by four oxen to the place prepared for it, an eighth of a mile, and afterwarde THE FARMER AT HOME. 435 easily deposited therein and made to stand upright, the position in which it was transported. On the return of" spring the budsexpanded and the leaves unfolded themselves with as much vigor as though it had never been touched ; nor has the growth to appearance been re- tarded. If very large trees are transplanted, even in this manner, it is ap- parent that it will be a long time before their growth will become vigorous, as so great a reduction is unavoidably made in the quantity of their roots. In all cases it is ordinarily a good rule in transplanting trees to remove as many of the branches as of the roots. Between the number of the roots and branches there is a correspondence in num- ber and size ; the existence of the former is necessary for the preserva- tion of the latter. TRANSMIGRATION. In pagan mythology, the passing of human souls into other bodies. This doctrine originated among the East Indians, and is of great antiquity. The Indians believed that the soul transmigrated from ^ody to body, for a long succession of ages ; that the punishment of crimes would be to -have the souls of the criminals thrust into some unclean or detested brute animals after death ; that the cruel or tyrannical, tor instance, would sufTer in other bodies the same kinds of distress and tortures that they had inflicted ; and that after a course of trials and transmigrations, the soul would be reunited to its original body, in order to enjoy eternal happiness. Accordingly, they scrupulously abstained from eating flesh and from spilling the blood of any of the inferior animals, lest they should eat or kill some near relation. Pythagoras, in his travels in India, learned this doctrine of the Indian Brachmans, and taught it m Greece. TREACLE or MOLASSES. The chief difference between this article and sugar appears to be in its mucilaginous or gummy color- ing matter ; it is more laxative than refined sugar ; and may by di- lution and the addition of yeast, be made to undergo the vinous and acetous fermentations. In the first, a considerable portion of spirit may be obtained from it, flavored of course with the peculiar taste which the sugar imparts, as in rum, the taste of which arises, no doubt, from the essential oil of the sugar. TREADMILL. An instrument of punishment, lately introduced into England and this country, consisting of a large wheel, about twenty or twenty-five feet wide, with steps on its external surface, upon which the criminals are placed. Their weight sets the wheel in motion, and they maintain themselves in an upright posture by means of a horizontal bar fixed above them, of which they keep hold. The power thus obtained may be applied to the same purpose as water power or steam. The exercise is very flitiguing, and the prisoners are relieved every eight or ten minutes. TRIANGLE. In Geometry, a figure of three sides and three angles. Triangles pre either plan i or spherical. A plane triangle ia 436 THE FARMER AT HOME. one contained by three right lines ; and a spherical triangle is one contained by three arcs of great circles of the sphere. Triangles are denominated, from their angles, right, obtuse, and acute. A right- angled triangle is that which has one right angle ; an obtuse-angled triangle is such as has one obtuse angle ; and an acute-angled triangle is that which has all its angles acute. The triangle is the most im- portant figure in geometry ; and its various lines bear the most inter- esting relations to each other. TREES. Few objects can be more innocently pleasing and of more importance in the economy of nature, and to man, than the various vegetable productions of the earth. The large proportion which its surface bears to its herbage and the immense extent of the forests in comparison with that of meadows, pastures, prairies, or plains, seem to indicate that trees and shrubs act an important part in the economy of our globe. In countries uninhabited by man, the influence of forests must be great on the climate, on the soil, and on the number of wild animals, and on the herbaceous vegetables. In civilized countries, to those influences must be added the relation in which they stand to man. It appears highly probable, that the greater part of the surface of our globe has been, at one time, covered with wood ; because among other reasons, coal is found in nearly all countries in both hemispheres, from the equator to the poles ; at all events, it is certain that this has been the case with the greater part of the temperate regions of the globe at no very distant period. The whole of the American conti- nent was, until lately, we are led to presume, almost entirely covered with trees and shrubs, and presented few naked surfaces, except those of the prairies, alluvial deposits on the banks of its large rivers, and on the tops of the highest mountains ; and what was so recently the condition of America must, we have reason to suppose, once, at least, have been that of every other part of the whole world. The influence which a predominance of forest must have in a country uninhabited by man, must have extended to the animals, the herbaceous vegetables, the soil, the waters, and the climate. To wild animals of every kind, especially to those of the more ferocious tribes, forests have, in all countries, furnished shelter, and in a great meas- ui'e, food ; birds, insects and reptiles are the more common inhabi- tants. Herbaceous plants are, for the most part, destroyed by dense forests ; but some kinds are encouraged by the thickness of the shade, and the moist heat which prevails among the trunks and the branches of trees. But the great influence of forest scenery in a wild state, is on the soil ; and in this point of view, natural forests may be regarded as a provision of nature for preparing the surface of the earth for the cultivation of the chief productions which constitute the food of man, and of domestic animals. It would be interesting to show how the soil is furnished with the organized matter, so essential to the growth THE FARMER AT HOME. 437 of perfect plants, by the decay of leaves, and, ultimately by the decay of trunks and branches. The water of a country, the rivers and lakes, are invariably aflected by the state of the woods of that country. These woods, and their mossy beds, must, in all cases, act more or less as sponge in retaining the water which falls on them ; and Avater must thus be supplied more gradually to the rivers, in countries covered with wood, than in those which are cleared and regularly drained. TROUT. A delicate fish, abounding in the rivers and ponds of England, and weighing from four to twenty-five pounds. They weigh less in the United States. It has a short roundish head, and wide moulh, filled with teeth, which cover the palate and tongue, the scales are small, the back ash-colored, the sides yellowish, and, when in season, it is sprinkled all over the body with small, beautiful red and black spots. These fish abound in small brooks and ponds ; anglers use worms or artificial flies as baits to take Ihem. TRUMPETER. A South American bird, about as large as a domestic fowl, refen-ed by naturalists to the waders, of which it has the long neck and legs ; but it possesses many characters in common with gallinaceous birds. The feathers of the throat and the upper part of the breast have the most brilliant reflections of green, gold, blue, and violet ; the other parts of the body are black, except the middle of the back and lesser coverts, which are reddish, and the greater coverts of the wings and tail, which are ash-colored. In the wild state this bird is found only in the mountainous and woody dis- tricts of the hottest parts of South America, where it lives on fruits. It runs swiftly, sometimes walks with a slow pace, or leaps. Its wings and tail are very short, and its flight clumsy. The name has been applied on account of the note which it utters. It is easily tamed, and shows as mnoh attachment and fidelity to its master as a dog. It obeys his voice, caresses and follows him, and recognises him after a long absence. It drives away all strange animals, and fears neither cat nor dog. Those which live in the streets of Cayenne will often attach themselves to a stranger, and follow him wherever he goes. In short, these birds are superior to all others in intelligence and social disposition ; and it would be desirable to naturalize them in our climate, — an experiment which has never been fairly tried, that we are aware of It is said that flocks of sheep are confided to their charge, and that they constantly bring them home every evening. It is certain that the care of poultry may be safely entrusted to them. TUNNEL. This term, in civil engineering, denotes an arched passage formed under ground to conduct a canal or road on a lower level than the natural surface. Long tunnels are usually made through hills, to avoid the inconvenience and loss of power occasioned by conducting a canal, road, or railway over elevated ground, and also the enormous expense of such an open excavation as would be 438 THE FARMER AT HOME. necessary in order to preserve the requisite level. The most extraor- dinary vi^ork in tunneling of antiquity was under the bed of the Rhone, below Avijrnon, undertaken by the Romans. A more splendid one, however, has been made under the Thames, to connect the portions of London on the opposite sides of this river. The Thames Tunnel was projected about the year 1825. The enterprise required a long preparation. The excavation of the tunnel was commenced in January, 1826, in a stratum of clay ; but several interruptions of the river took place ; and the one in 1828 was so serious in its consequences, that the company did not resume opera- tions till 1 835. The tunnel is twelve hundred feet in length, between the two shafts on the opposite banks of the river. It was not till 1843 that this tunnel was opened for foot passengers. But although it was one of the grandest undertakings in the history of human enterprise, in a commercial point it has by no means equaled the anticipations of its projectoi's. It is truly a great curiosity of art, and will remain so as lonsr as its massive abutments and arches retain their present firm position, which may be to the end of time ; but, even as such it does not attract that observation and admiration from the multitudes of foreigners visiting that proud metropolis, which might be supposed. TURKEY. The turkey, for the table, is an universally favorite bird. The finest and strongest are those of a bronzed black, as closely as possible resembling the original stock, which is the wild turkey. These are not only reared the most easily, but are generally the largest, and fatten the most rapidly. Some turkeys are of a coppery tint, some of delicate fawn color, while others are parti-colored, grey, and white, and rarely they can be found of a pure snow white. All of the latter are regarded as inferior to the black, their color indicating something like degeneracy of constitution, if not actual disease. Some have con- sidered the turkey a most profitable bird, inasmuch as it will provide for itself almost wholly, if permitted to run at large during the season when snails, slugs, worms, and grasshoppers are abundant. These, to the turkey, are a great luxury, and the young birds, after two months old, will grow on them better than any other food. The refuse meat from the slaughter house, chopped up fine, is excellent food for them However, they will sometimes, unless furnished with yards, (the larger the better,) from which they cannot escape, be very troublesome to the farmer. They will destroy double the grain they want to eat by tread- ing it down ; and in locations to which they have access, it is impossi- ble to raise cabbage. Notwithstanding turkeys are apt to provide feed for themselves, they should be fed at least in the morning, as it will tend to attach them to their home, and prevent them from wandering so far from it, as they would do if not thus fed. They will roost out on trees during the whole winter, but as their feet are tender, they will be likely to THE FARMER AT HOME. 439 freeze, should the weather be extremely cold. They should, therefore, be furnished with warm and comfortable shelters, and they should never be suffered to become poor from want of sufficient leed. In Browne's Treatise on Poultry, will be found ample directions for the rearing of turkeys. The work is called the American Poultry Yard. TURKEY. TURNIPS. Little is known of the history of this valuable plant. Its origin appears to be uncertain, but the choicest English varieties, from which our own are descended, were brought from Hanover. For culinary purposes, it has been prized from the earliest periods, long before it was considered important in an agricultural point of view. Cumella recommends its extensive cultivation, because that portion of the crop not wanted for the table will be greedily eaten by the farm 440 THEi FARMER AT clOME. cattle. At the present day, however, its merits are generally acknow- ledged, and in some countries it occupies a conspicuous position in every system of husbandry. It must be yet fresh in our minds, how, in the recent dearth in Ireland, the people placed their whole trust upon the success of the turnip crop. It has been remarked, that the turnip culture effected a great and beneficial revolution in English husbandry, as the introduction of the steam engine and spinning jenny effected in British manufactures. This crop has there proved a great source of wealth and fertility. It constitutes by far the greatest material for making beef and mutton, as well as for enriching or keeping up the fertility of the soil. In our own country, the turnip culture has not received the attention its im- portance demands. Those who have made sufficient experiments to testify in regard to its value, speak well of it. Six hundred bushels to the acre is a fair crop of the Swedish turnip Some raise double that quantity. TURPENTINE. A resin, flowing either naturally, or in conse- quence of incision, from various sorts of trees ; as the terebinthus, larch, pine, and fir. In medicine, the uses of turpentine are innumer- able. Among many other good offices, it cures wounds, cleanses ulcers, and relieves the lungs. The distilled oil or spirit of turpentine, is also a useful medicine, and, besides, is of great service in various arts. TWILIGHT, OR CREPUSCULUM. The time from the first dawn of the morning to the rising of the sun ; and again, between the setting of this luminary, and the last remains of day. It is usually computed to commence and terminate when the sun is about eighteen degrees below the horizon. Without this twilight, the sun's light would appear at its rising, and disappear at its setting, instantaneously ; and we should experience a sudden transition from the brightest sun- shine to the profoundest obscurity. The duration of twilight is different, in different climates ; and in the same place, it varies at different pe- riods of the year. ULMIN. A substance obtained from the elm tree, of very singu- lar properties. It resembles gum, but is hard, of a black color, and con- siderably bitter. In its original state, it is soluble in water, and insoluble in alcohol or ether ; but when nitric or oxymuriatic acid is poured into its solution, it changes into a resinous substance no longer soluble in water, but soluble in alcohol. UNIVERSAL CULTIVATOR. The Cultivator is a great labor- saving implement, for stirring the earth between the rows of corn and other crops. There are several patterns. What is called the Uni- versal Cultivator, is of recent construction, is longer than those pre- viously used, and entirely of iron, except the centre beam and handles. The side beams are of wrought iron, and so curved that they are expanded or contracted, by loosening the iron key that confines the teeth in their place. They are each moved forward or ba(;k, to a THE FARMER AT HOME. 441 point that -will afrain cause them to work parallel with the centre beam, and at equal distances from each other. To these are fitted several sets of difiereut teeth and scarifiers of wrought and cast iron. There is also one pair of teeth calculated to work in the rear, formed like small plough shares, turning the furrows in opposite directions. They can be so placed as to turn the furrows to or from the rows of vegetables. If the forward teeth are used at the same time, both together finely pulverise the soil. The cultivator is made to expand from two to five feet. A man and a horse will do the labor of half a dozen men in a cornfield, and far better than it can be done with a hoe. UNIVERSAL CULTIVATOR. URINE. This is the fluid excrement of animals, and is produced by the action of the kidneys on the blood. In birds and reptiles, the substances composing the urine are solid, and are voided in their dung. All urine contains the essential elements of vegetables in a state of solution ; but the various species of urine from difi'erent animals, differ in their constituents ; and the urine from the same animal alters when any material change is made in its food, as well as when there is an increased flow of milk. For instance, a cow in milk, when fed on rich food, yields less urine than one which is dry ; and the urine varies in quantity in proportion to the amount of milk she gives. The effi- cacy of it as a fertilizer, depends upon the quantity of solid matter which it holds in solution, upon the r ature of said matter, and espe- cially upon the rapid changes which the organic part of it is known to undergo. As little attention as has generally been paid to the saving of urine, it is one of the most valuable of all manures. That of the cow and hog is said to be more valuable, because it contains more solid soluble matter than that of any other domestic animal. The efficacy of urine as a manure, is owing to the large amount of urea, ammonia, and phosphates, and consequently of nitrogen, which it contains. Recent urine generally exerts an unfavorable influence on vegetation ; it is 19* 442 THE FARMER AT HOME. most bene fi.ci ally applied after fermentation has fairly commenced, and before it reaches the final state of the process, decomposition is attended with a diminution of urea and an increase of ammonia. It is important that it should be collected and fermented in tiphtly covered cisterns to prevent the escape of volatile matters ; and it has been proposed to add gypsum, sulphate of iron, or sulphuric acid, to the fermenting urine, in order to fix the ammonia ; the mixture of vegetable mould with it, has also been recommended as equally effective and more economical. The loss of manure in waste urine, in densely populated countries and large cities, is immense. If every human being voids annually enough urine to manure an acre of ground, which is the calculation of scientific farmers, then a family of ten persons, if so minded, could save enough to enrich ten acres ; and, the inhabitants of a city containing five hundred thousand inhabitants. New York, for instance, if means were provided to collect and convert their liquid evacuations into manure, would fertilize five hundred thousand acres of land ; which, if well cultivated, would yield vegetable food double the amount of their own consumption of it ; and enough, also, to rear and fatten the farm animals required for their nourishment. The same estimate may be made of the inhabit- ants of other localities. Again, it is calculated that each man will void six hundred pounds of urine in a year. But we will call it one half of that for each individual in a family, so that if the family is composed of ten persons, the urine voided by the whole in a year, will be three thousand pounds. This, at one cent a pound, (much less than the cost of guano,) will amount to thirty dollars ; so that if it were saved, and applied as a manure, would save annually to the family doing it. thirty dollars, now ordinarily lost. At this rate, there might be an annual saving in this article, from a city like New York, of one million and five hundred thousand dollars. URSUS. The bear, a genus of animals of ten species, which in- clude the brown bear, a solitary animal, which lives on vegeta])les and fish ; the American bear, which climbs trees ; the Polar bear, twelve feet long, white, with shaggy hair, and very courageous when attacked, or in attacking boats and ships ; the glutton, so called from its vora- city ; the raccoon ; and the badger, about two feet long, living under ground on roots, fruit, frogs, and insects, and quite inoffensive, but often destroyed amidst circumstances of great cruelty. VALERIAN. The root of this plant has been long extolled as an efficacious remedy in epilepsy, which caused it to be exhibited in a variety of other complaints termed nervous, in which it has been found highly serviceable. It is also in very general use, as an antispas- modic, and is exhibited in convulsire hysterical diseases. A simple and volatile tincture is prepared from it, for which directions are given in medical books. VANILLA. An exotic, parasitical plant, growing in Mexico; THE FARMER AT HOME. 443 whence its long slender pods, containina: numerous black grains, are imported. These seeds are warm and aromatic, possessing an oily taste and a fragrant odor, similar to thatof the Peruvian balsam. They are used chiefly for imparting an agreeable flavor to chocolate, in the proportion of one errain to an ounce. The drug itself is said to be resolvent and ooroborant ; to afford relief in flatulency; and to pro- mote the digestion of the oily matter contained in the cacao. On the other hand, if it be too freely used, its narcotic effects, thouo^h exhile- rating at first, like opium, are succeeded by uncommon debility, and relaxation of the nerves. When the fresh pods are opened, they exhale such powerful fragrance., as to intoxicate the person thus employed. VAPOR BATH. The vapor or steam bath may be regarded as a modification of the hot bath ; but its efl"ects are much less violent. The most usual mode of employing it is to expose the naked body in a room, into which the steam of hot water may be admitted. The room is generally heated to a temperature considerably above that of the atmosphere, and the body is suffered to remain for some time in the heated air, the common effect of which is, to increase its temperature, and to accelerate the circulation of the blood. After some time, the steam is admitted, when the former symptoms are removed, and a profuse perspiration is produced. This is usually promoted by friction, and a removal to a warm bed. The general effect of this process is to relax the body, to remove obstructions of the skin, alleviate pain and spasmodic contractions, and promote sleep. In the vapor bath, the stimulant power of heat is modified and tempei'ed by the moisture diffused through the air; and, as the elastic vapor, like air, is a less powerful conductor of heat than the watery fluid, the effect of vapor in raising the tempei-ature of the body is much less than that of the hot bath. Its heating effect is also further diminished by the copious per- spiration that ensues ; so that, on all accounts, the vapor bath is safer, and, in most cases, more effectual than the hot water bath. VE(tETABLE. a vegetable is composed of a root, stem, leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds ; and when all these different parts are fully developed, the vegetable is said to be perfect. The root is that part of the plant which is concealed in the earth, and which serves to convey nourishment to the whole plant. The stem, which commen- ces at the termination of the root, supports all the other parts of the plant. When the stem is large and solid, as in ti-ees, it is denomi- nated the trunk, which is divided into the wood and the bark. The bark constitutes the outermost part of the tree, and covers the whole of the plant from the extremity of the roots to the termination of the branches. The bark is compo.sed of three parts, namely, the epider- mis, the parenchyma, and the cortical layers. The wood immedi- ately under the bark, is composed of coucentric layers, which increase with the age of the plant. The wood next the bark, -which is softer 444 THE FARMER AT HOME. and whiter, is called the alburnum. In the middle of the stem is the pith, which is a soft and spongy substance composed of cells. In old wood this part entirely disappears, and its place is supplied by the perfect wood. To the vegetable also belong leaves, flowers, and fruit or seeds, each of which furnishes matter for study, on account of their beauty and utility in vegetable economy. VEGETABLE CUTTER. VEGETABLE CUTTER. To farmers who raise turnips, carrots, parnips, beets or potatoes for 'arm animals it is, as it were, indispen- sable to have what is called a vegetable cutter. Those which are large cannot be eaten unless they are cut ; and, those which are small should also be cut — unless they are, especially potatoes and flat turnips, cattle and sheep are liable to be cholied in eating them. To cut them by hand with a common knife is a work of great labor. Suppose a thousand bushels only were to be fed out in a winter, any one can tell how long a time it would take a man to cut them. If he were to cut thirty bushels in a day, which would be three bushels in an hour, it would occupy him nearly six weeks. To board a man this time, if no wages were paid, would be worth what it would cost to purchase a good cutting machine. The Cutting Machine of Ruggles, l^ourse, and Mason, will prepare sixty bushels in an hour. The THE FARMER AT HOME. 445 cutting wheel is made of cast iron, faced 011 one side, through which are inserted three knives like plane-irons. These cut the vegetables into thin slices with great rapidity, and then by cross knives they are cut into slips of convenient form and size for cattle or sheep to eat, without danger of choking. The pieces after cutting lie loosely and angularly thrown together, and can be easily taken up by the animal. VEGETABLE HA.BIT. Plants, like men, are much under the power of habit. The following examples are sufficient to evince the extent of this power. Several plants which are natives of warm climates, where their existence is prolonged for several successive years, have been removed to less temperate regions. They are unable to endure the cold of their new situations, and consequently must change their habits of growth ere they can be cultivated with success. To secure this object some of them pass through the successive stages of their existence with astonishing velocity, and accomplish in a single summer what they had been accustomed to require years to perform. Our garden Nasturtion was originally a shrub which flour- ishes without cultivation on the banks of the Peruvian streams ; yet, transferred to this country, it has become an annual plant, which arrives at maturitj' in a few short months. The habits of other tender plants are with more difficulty sub- dued, and they to be successfully cultivated must be gradually trans- ferred from their native soil. In the latter case the habit and the power they acquire to accommodate themselves to their new situation, overcome the natural impediments to their growth, which under different circumstances would have been irresistible. Therefore it is, that plants whose seeds were ripened in northern latitudes, are less liable to injury from frost, than they would have been if their seeds had been brought from a temperate climate. By thus gradually accustoming it to a diminution of temperature, rice was at one time cultivated with advantage in New Jersey, though without these precautions it rarely comes to maturity even in Virginia. The habits of the Indian corn aided by climate and culture have suffered still more remarkable changes. After having been for several years raised in Canada, it arrives at perfection in a few weeks, and on that account is employed by us as an early corn. But that which has been repeatedly cultivated in Virginia will not ripen even in New England, yet originally the small early Canadian, and the luxuriant Virginia corn were the same, both in habit and in every known property. They probably originated from the same identical seed. Numerous other examples might be mentioned, but enough has been done to justify the conclusion, that vegetables as well as animals are under the dominion of habit. VEGETABLE INSTINCT. A little attention to the subject of physiology will satisfy us that plants have a most curious kind of instinct or sensibility, as it is sometimes called. Their roots will 446 rHE FARMER AT HOME. take a direction to the place where moisture or other aliment existS; for their nourishment. Plants will distinguish between heat and cold, darkness and light, and the other sensible properties of the atmosphere which promote, from those which retard ve