m — MM [3F 5^ ^J mm W\ ^1 H ^ [g ill »] ^1 MM Delta (lamma •?-• P' ^iU^ mm ^ te 3 ^^S s&^ mm ^ S ^ b^ S3S •BSJ. Mm Ml LH f ^ T K m w BMiaiHiiCifl g ^ r^J^fiE ^P IT? fPj5f^ jm ^O^ ^^^ 'cm.. \ iif [ ir cit g I li ^ mi r nn SI V^mI l;ii« I ^ € ^v. rF ^fHiFi^f i '.nrnrra' H irmrro Pi Class n , -D 3a. DOOK ■-„-7i .- : < o ■\^n: Gopiglit^? GOF»^IGHT DEPOSnx r l_^{LA.Kj put through meat grmder twice 1}4 pounds pork J ''^ 1 egg 2 cups dried bread crumbs salt and pepper onion juice, very little, if desired Work all together ten minutes, putting in little soup stock as you work it. Let stand one-half hour. Mix well again, make into small balls, brown in butter, and then add little water or soup stock and simmer about one-half hour. Mary Bassett Bray (Lambda) . Chili Con Carni Grind two pounds round steak and put in kettle with small lump of suet and cup of water. Add can of kidney beans or two cups of Mexican beans partially cooked. Senson with salt, sugar and red pepper or chih pepper and after cooldng half an hour add cup of cooked tomatoes. Cook until all are thoroughly mingled and remove suet. Mrs. F. E. McCleary (Xi Zeta). American Chop Suey IH pounds round steak 1 large bunch celery 2 medium sized onions seasoning and thickening Cut the steak into pieces about a finger in length and an inch wide, add onions and seasoning and stew for two hours. Add the celery cut into bits and cook for twenty minutes more. Thicken with flour and serve inside a ring of boiled rice, garnished with parsley. j^Harriet Moore Pier (Lambda Nu). MEATS 41 Croquettes Two cups ground meat mixed with sauce made of two tablespoons butter, four tablespoons flour, one-half cup stock or water, three- fourths cup cream or milk, salt and paprika to taste. Cook sauce thick and add meat. Then add about one tablespoon onion juice, grating of lemon, one teaspoon minced parsley, grating of nutmeg, and one tablespoon catsup. All the flavoring may be added to taste. Spread on platter in a flat loaf shaped cake and let cool. When thoroughly cold, cut in equal sized pieces, roll on a paper into desired shape, dip in shghtly beaten white of egg to which a little water has been added, and then into sifted bread crumbs. Roll into shape again if necessary and place where cold until ready to fry. Have fat hot and fry about three minutes in French fryer. Florence McGuire (Xi). . Mock Chicken Croquettes 1}4 cups cold chopped pork or veal, or both; or one may use chicken }/2 teaspoon onion juice 1 tablespoon butter 3^ teaspoon salt 3^ tablespoon flour J^ teaspoon pepper }/^ cup milk or stock 3^ tablespoon lemon juice dash of nutmeg 1 egg Cook the flour in the butter, add the milk gradually, then the seasoning and meat. Remove from the fire, add the egg well beaten, mix and cool. Form into croquettes, dip into beaten egg, roll in crumbs and fry in deep fat. Mary Bassett Bray (Lambda Nu) . Hungarian Goulash Butter an earthen baking dish, put in a layer of round steak cut into inch squares, salt and pepper and bits of butter. Prepare two or three potatoes and carrots (depends on size) and slice raw in layers on the meat, seasoning each layer. Add left over cooked rice, canned or fresh tomatoes. Celery cut in small pieces adds to the flavor. A little onion may be added if so desired. You can vary your vegetables according to j^our larder but tomatoes are essential. When the dish is well filled, cover with cold water and bake for two 42 DELTA GAMMA COOK BOOK hours in a slow oven. Liquid left after baking can be thickened by- stirring in a tablespoon of flour, worked smooth in cold water. Cook gravy over a low fire for a minute or two. Lilhan Smith Burwell (Lambda Nu). Hungarian Goulash 3 pounds veal, cut into two-inch cubes 3 large potatoes, diced 2 cloves of garUc Yi cup water 3^ teaspoon paprika 1 teaspoon salt 1 cup cream 1 cup butter or drippings Yi teaspoon black pepper Put the butter or drippings into a kettle on the range and when hot add the veal. Cook until brown. Add the water, cover closely and cook very slowly. When meat has been cooking about three-fourths of an hour, mash the two cloves of garhc to a smooth paste with part of the salt and add it to the meat. When the meat is tender, add the rest of the salt and the paprika and place potatoes on top of the meat. Cover and cook until the potatoes are tender, but not falhng to pieces. Add the cream and cook five minutes longer. Florence Dyer Kahn (Chi Sigma) . Cabbage Meat Loaf 4 pounds beef 2 eggs 2 pounds pork, put through 1 tablespoon corn starch meat grinder Yi cup bread crumbs 2 cups boiled rice salt and pepper Work all together, at least ten minutes. Let stand fifteen minutes to swell. Make into balls and wrap in cabbage leaves which have been scalded. Brown slowly in butter. Then add a little water or soup stock and let simmer about one hour. Mary Bassett Bray (Lambda). Meat Souffle 1 cup white sauce heat and add 2 beaten egg 1 cup chopped meat yolks Cook one minute, cool, then stir in two beaten egg whites. Bake in buttered dish twentj'' minutes in moderate oven. Serve with tomato sauce. Adelaide Moys Washburn (Phi and Chi Sigma). MEATS 43 Vienna Stew Cut into dice 13^ pounds raw shoulder steak or roast Sprinkle over it 1 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon vinegar Let stand 1 hour Place one small onion cut fine in a granite kettle. Pour over it the meat. Cover very tightly, using no water (about three quarters of an hour over slow flame). Boil down until it fries a little. Then add one cup cream (shghtly sour will do as well as fresh). Season with one teaspoon caraway seed, salt and pepper, and marjoram. Serve with parsley. Marjorie Preston Stevens (Lambda Nu). Mock Terrapin Use cold veal, chicken or turkey, hght or dark. Take 2 cups cold cooked meat, diced 2 hard boiled eggs, diced juice 1 lemon 1 small onion grated Mix all these (this part can be prepared several hours before needed). Heat up at meal time in the following sauce: 1 tablespoon butter 1 tablespoon flour Stir together, add one cup cream and one cup milk, salt, pepper and one big teaspoonful of chopped parsley. Boil until smooth and creamy. Add meat mixture and cook un- til well heated. Serve on small squares of toast, or for formal luncheon, in pattie shells. Marjorie Preston Stevens (Lambda Nu). Meat Sauces Cold Meat Sauce 4 tablespoons tarragon vinegar 4 tablespoons catsup 2 heaping tablespoons currant jelly Let the ingredients come to a boil, then add a few sprigs of mint, if desiredjjand serve warm. Alice Christopher Browne (Sigma) . 44 DELTA GAMMA COOK BOOK Creole Sauce 2 tablespoons chopped onions 4 tablespoons green peppers, finely chopped 2 tablespoons butter 2 tomatoes 6 olives, stoned ]4: cup sliced mushrooms 114 cups brown sauce salt and pepper to taste and a dash of sherry Cook onion and pepper with butter five minutes; add tomatoes, mushrooms, olives, and cook two minutes. Then add brown sauce. Bring to boiling point and add wine to taste. Serve with filet of beef. AHce Christopher Browne (Sigma). Cucumber Sauce Make a French dressing of 3 tablespoons of olive oil ]/2 teaspoon of salt 2 tablespoons of vinegar cayenne and paprika to taste Add dressing to cucumber, chopped fine and drained, and mix well, keep cold. Serve with fish. Elsie Foulke Haney (Lambda). Hollandaise Sauce (Especially good for salmon loaf). 3^2 cup butter 1 saltspoon salt yolks 2 eggs pinch cayenne pepper juice }/2 lemon 3^ cup boiling water Rub butter to a cream, add egg yolks, one at a time, beat well, add lemon juice, salt and pepper. Just before serving add boiling water. Cook, stirring rapidly, until it thickens like custard. Pour over fish. Florence-Schuyler Thorpe (Lambda). Hollandaise Sauce Cream one heaping tablespoon flour with two tablespoons butter. Add one-half pint boiling water and salt to taste. Beat yolks of three eggs. Add to drawn butter and cook until smooth. Then add juice of one-half lemon. Ina Firkins (Lambda Nu). MEATS 45 Madeira Sauce 3 tablespoons butter 1 cup milk 3 tablespoons flour 3^ cup heavy cream 2 tablespoons Madeira sauce 2 chopped truffles salt and pepper to taste Melt the butter, add the flour and stir until well blended, then pour on gradually while stirring the milk and cream. Bring to boiling point, add truffles and wine. Herberta Fonda (Kappa). Mushroom Sauce 1 pint soup stock (white preferred) 1 can mushrooms Thicken with roux of one-half cup flour and two tablespoons butter. Season with salt and pepper. Ina Firkins (Lambda Nu). Sauce for Salmon Loaf 1 tablespoon butter chopped onion 2 tablespoons flour Cook until light brown, add one pint milk, juice one-half lemon, salt and pepper. Anne Wright (Kappa) . Tartare Sauce To one-half pint mayonnaise, add one cup of chopped olives and capers. Or use any chopped mixed sour pickle instead of the olives and capers. Ina Firkins (Lambda Nu). Tomato Sauce for Meats or Steamed Rice 1 cup tomatoes 2 tablespoons butter 2 tablespoons flour Y2 slice onion salt and pepper Y2 bay leaf Stew tomatoes, bay leaf and onion three minutes. Strain into a bowl. Then proceed as in white sauce, using tomato as moisture and serving it hot. Elizabeth Mogg (Rho Sigma). 46 DELTA GAMMA COOK BOOK Tomato Sauce •Boil together two cups tomatoes, one cup water, one apple quartered, six cloves, six pepper corns, one bay leaf, one-half teaspoon salt, until apple is tender. Thicken with one teaspoon flour rubbed into one teaspoon butter. Florence Irwin Smith (Rho). Dumplings That Cannot Fall 1 egg 1 heaping teaspoon baking \}/2 cups flour powder 1 teaspoon salt (scant) 1 tablespoon butter 3/2 cup milk Sift flour, salt, and baking powder twice. Work in butter, add egg and milk. Drop in pot from tablespoon but first set pot of of stove. Never drop them in while water is boiling. Have meat or chicken just barely covered, so that the dumplings do not settle in liquid. Put back on fire, cover tight and do not ^disturb for twenty minutes. (Low fire). Serves four moderately. Hazel Whitaker Vandenberg (Xi) . English Yorkshire Pudding To two beaten eggs and a pint of milk add sufficient flour, into which has been sifted one teaspoon of salt and one teaspoon baking powder, to make a very thin batter. Pour this into the dripping pan containing a roast of beef, one-half hour before taking it from the oven. Vera Burridge (Xi), What to Serve with Meats Roast Beef grated horse radish. Roast Veal tomato or horse radish sauce. Roast INIutton currant jell3'". Roast Lamb mint sauce. Roast Turkey chestnut dressing, cranberry jelly. Roast Venison black currant jelly or grape jelly. Roast Goose tart apple sauce. Roast Quail currant jelly, celery sauce. MEATS 47 Roast Chicken . . .■ bread sauce. Fried Chicken cream gravy, corn fritters. Roast Duck orange salad Roast Pork baked apples. Unsigned. Beef White or sweet potatoes, mushrooms, cooked bananas, hominy- croquettes, rice, marcaroni, tomatoes. For informal dinners also, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, beets, spinach, oyster plant, squash, turnips, green corn, egg plant, peas and beans. Sauces: brown, mustard, mushroom, Maitre d'Hotel, tomato. Ham or Pork White or sweet potatoes, spinach, beets, beet greens, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage, apples. Sauces: apple, chive, champagne. Lamb or Mutton White or sweet potatoes, rice or farina croquettes, tomato croquettes, green peas, celery, cucumbers, asparagus, spinach, squash, turnips, parsnips, brussels sprouts, cauhflower, egg plant. Sauces: mushroom, champagne, onion, tomato, currant. Veal White or sweet potatoes, spinach, beets, peas, beans, parsnips, cauliflower. Sauces: cream, brown, chive, Hollandaise, Madeira, mushroom, onion, sorrel, tomato. Poultry White or sweet potatoes, rice croquettes, hominy, cucumbers, celery, mushrooms, peas, beans. Sauces: white, bechamel, chestnut, curry, Madeira, mushroom, olive, onion, tomato. Fish Potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes. Sauces: Hollandaise, tartare, Maitre d'Hotel, tomato. VEGETABLES Asparagus Souffle 3 tablespoons butter 3 eggs 3 tablespoons flour 3^ teaspoon salt, cayenne ^ cup milk 1 cup fresh cooked asparagus, already boiled Cut asparagus in one inch lengths, using only tender portions of the stalks. Put the butter into a sauce pan and when hot add the flour and stir until smooth, add milk and seasonings. Cook two minutes. Remove from fire and add the well beaten yolks and the asparagus. Set away to cool. When cold add the whites of the eggs beaten to a stiff froth. Turn into a buttered baking dish and bake twenty to twenty-five minutes. Serve at once. Grace Stilwell Boswell (Lambda Nu). Baked Bananas 6 bananas 2 tablespoons butter 'j/s cup sugar 2 tablespoons lemon juice Remove the skins and cut in halves lengthwise. Put in a shallow granite pan. Cream the butter and sugar and add lemon juice gradually. Baste the bananas with half the mixture. Bake twenty minutes in a slow oven, basting during baking with the remaining mixture. Very good to serve as a vegetable with steak. May be used as dessert. Norma Rosholt Cammack (Lambda). Baked Beans Soak beans in water for twelve hours. Boil one-half pound salt pork until tender. Put half of the well soaked beans into a baking dish, placing on top a layer of the sliced pork and several slices of on- ion. Add the remaining beans and another layer of pork and onion. Use the water in which the pork was cooked to moisten dish. Bake seven hours in a slow oven. Emma Hinsdale (Pi). 48 VEGETABLES 49 Cabbage 1 cabbage, medium size 1 cup milk salt, pepper 2 tablespoons butter 3^ cup buttered bread 2 tablespoons flour crumbs Remove stalk from cabbage, separate leaves and drop one at a time into a large kettle nearly full of rapidly boiling water, press down with a spoon; let boil fifteen minutes with the kettle uncovered. Drain leaves in a colander, cut slightly with a knife, place in a baking dish and pour over them a white sauce made of the butter, flour, milk and seasoning; sprinkle bread crumbs on top and brown in the oven. Ruth Wetzek (Chi Upsilon). Escalloped Cabbage First put cabbage into boiling water to which a little soda has been added. Boil five minutes. Drain and place cabbage in clean water to cure, and boil until tender. Chop drained cabbage and put layer in buttered baking pan, cover with white sauce, sprinkle with grated cheese — more cabbage, etc. Sprinkle top with paprika and grated cheese and buttered bread crumbs. Bake until well browned. Brussel sprouts and cauliflower may be cooked the same way. Vienna Stewed Carrots Peel carrots, cut into small pieces, boil in salted water until tender, and drain. Brown one tablespoon flour in two tablespoons butter, add one-half cup water in which the carrots were boiled, two table- spoons vinegar and one teaspoon sugar. Let all boil, then add the carrots and one cup cooked peas, some chopped parsley and pinch of pepper. Use about two cups of carrot to one of peas. Simmer ten minutes and serve hot. Mrs. J. C. ElHott King (Lambda). Cauliflower with Cheese Clean cauliflower, cut off leaves. Cover with hot water and boil until nearly tender. Make one pint thick cream sauce and add to it one-fourth pound grated cheese. Pour this over cauliflower, grate a little more cheese over top, and bake. Serve whole. Ina Firkins (Lambda Nu). 50 DELTA GAMMA COOK BOOK Cauliflower au Gratin Break a medium sized, solid head of cauliflower into uniform sections and soak in cold salt water one-half hour. Throw into boiling salted water and boil until tender. Make a white sauce using three tablespoons melted butter, three tablespoons flour, three-quarters pint milk. Add cauliflower drained from the water. Season lightly with black and red pepper, put in buttered baking dish, cover top with grated cheese and brown in hot oven. Martha Dever Moulton (Lambda). Celery Grind two cupfuls of celery. Mix with one cup of bread crumbs. Season and moisten with milk. Bake until brown. Maud Case (Lambda Nu). Stewed Celery Wash and cut up stalks of celery, discarding leaves. Boil until tender, about twenty minutes, in salted water, using enough to scarcely cover. When tender, lower fire to simmering heat and add one tablespoon butter, rubbed into one tablespoon flour and one cup cream or part cream and part milk. Stir until milk thickens and serve. Mary Louise Longbrake (Lambda). Com and Bacon Shce one-half pound bacon and cut into very small pieces. Strain off liquid from one can of corn. Add two tablespoons melted butter. Mix well and fry. Persis Dewey (Iota). Baked Com 1 pint grated corn 1 teaspoon butter 1 teaspoon sugar 1 cup milk 1 teaspoon salt pepper to taste 3 eggs beaten separately Use fresh or canned corn. Mix ingredients in order given, adding whites of eggs just before putting into oven. Bake forty-five minutes in a moderate oven. Happy Hay ward Carpenter (Sigma). VEGETABLES * 51 I Com Croquettes ^ cup canned grated corn 4 soda crackers 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon melted butter 2 eggs, well beaten Make into small balls, roll in cracker crumbs and brown in butter. Helen Butler (Kappa). Corn Fritters Add two egg yolks to one pint grated corn, then add one and one-fourth cups flour. Season with salt and pepper. Fold in the whites. Drop a little in hot deep fat. If the batter does not hold together, add a little more flour, as the moisture in the corn varies. Fry in deep fat. Mary Louise Longbrake (Lambda). Corn Oysters 2 cups grated corn 4 tablespoons flour 2 eggs, well beaten 3^ teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon baking powder ^'s teaspoon black pepper 1 or 2 tablespoons cream If corn is old use two tablespoons cream^ if young, one will probably be sufficient. Drop by small spoonfuls onto hot buttered griddle and fry. Serve immediately. Marion Kappes (Sigma). Scalloped Corn With Pimentoes 1 can corn 2 eggs l}^. cups milk 3^ teaspoon salt 'j/2 cup rolled crackers few grains of cayenne pepper 1 chopped green pepper, or 1 chopped pimento Beat eggs and add milk, chopped pimentoes added last. Put in a slow oven and bake until firm, thirty minutes or more. Louella Cordier (Theta). 52 DELTA GAMMA COOK BOOK Corn Souffle Grate sweet corn. To one cup of grated corn add two cups very thick cream sauce, salt, pepper and the beaten yolks of two eggs. Just before baking add beaten whites of two eggs. Bake in a moderate oven about thirty minutes. Serve at once. Ina Firkins (Lambda Nu). Fried Egg Plant Slice egg plant about one-fourth inch thick. Cut off rind, sprinkle with salt and drain on slanting surface for one-half hour. Dip in beaten egg and cracker crumbs. Fry in lard. Unsigned. Egg Plant With Tomato Sauce Peel a large egg plant and cut into one-half inch cubes. Soak over night in salted ice water. Boil until clear and tender in salted water one-half hour to forty-five minutes. Prepare a rich tomato sauce by frying one sliced onion and one bay leaf in two tablespoons butter, adding two tablespoons flour, one teaspoon salt, one teaspoon sugar, pepper to taste, one chopped, scalded green pepper and one can of tomatoes. Boil about ten minutes and strain over the egg plant in a baking dish. Cover with crumbs and bake from fifteen to twenty-five minutes. Dorothy Watkins (Kappa). Baked Macaroni Butter a baking dish, put in a layer of cooked tomatoes, a layer of cooked macaroni, a layer of chopped cooked beef, then a laj^er of tomatoes. Pour over all a small amount of stock and put bread crumbs and pieces of butter on top. Bake about one-half hour. Edna McKinley (Rho Sigma). Creamed Macaroni with Cheese Cook one cup finely broken macaroni in rapidly boihng salted water until tender. Drain, cover with cold water and drain again. Add two cups white sauce and one cup grated cheese to macaroni in VEGETABLES 53 a baking dish. Mix thoroughly and cover with two-thirds cup cracker crumbs and one-third cup melted butter. Brown in oven. Unsigned. Peppers with Macaroni Fill green sweet peppers with finely chopped cooked macaroni, adding to each pepper a large spoonful of grated cheese. Bake in granite pan with but httle water. Cover pan. Serve as entree with tomato sauce. Good with fish. Jean M. Cunningham (Gamma). Macaroni Timbales 3^ cup macaroni 1 cup cream or milk 1 cup soft bread crumbs Y2 cup grated cheese yi cup butter Y2 red and green peppers 1 teaspoon onion juice 1 tablespoon chopped parsley 3 eggs beaten separately Break macaroni into inch pieces and cook until soft in boiling salt water, then throw into cold water and drain. Scald milk and pour over bread crumbs. Mix all together and bake in buttered moulds, set in pan of hot water. Ina Sackett (Lambda). Spanish Spaghetti 1 package spaghetti 1 can tomatoes 1 pound cheese 3 red peppers 1 small bottle stuffed olives 1 large onion Fry onion and peppers in two tablespoons of butter until brown. Add tomatoes strained and a tablespoon sugar. Boil the spaghetti, drain, put in baking dish and grate cheese over it. Add ohves cut in half, and other ingredients. Bake until brown, sprinkling cheese over the top. Gertrude Nelson Buck (Psi Phi). 54 DELTA GAMMA COOK BOOK Spaghetti or Macaroni Sauce a la Martini 4 good sized onions, chopped fine 2 kernels garlic, chopped fine 1 quart can tomatoes, heated and pressed through sieve 1 tablespoon finely chopped parsley 2 tablespoons butter 2 tablespoons olive oil Add onions and garlic to melted butter and oil. When of a golden color add parsley, tomatoes, one-fourth teaspoon crumbled bay leaf, six cloves, six dashes paprika, one teaspoon sugar, one teaspoon Worcestershire sauce, one teaspoon Armour's extract of beef diluted in cup of boiling water, and salt and pepper to suit taste. Cook covered one-half hour, then remove cover and cook slowly two and one-half hours, adding hot water occasionally. Sauce must not be too thick or solid. This amount will do for two servings of two pounds macaroni or spaghetti. It can be kept in sealed can in cool place for several days; when using second time, heat and add hot water and a little butter. Boil macaroni in salted water (three quarts to one pound) fifteen to twenty minutes, or until tender. Drain and place on platter, sprinkle three or four tablespoons grated Parmesan or Roman cheese on top, then pour on sauce and mix. Instead of Armour's extract of beef, one can substitute one pound round steak chopped fine or one pound chopped veal or chicken giblets or two pounds solid chunk beef, adding it to sauce before adding tomatoes. Nellie L. Glover (Eta Upsilon). Mock Oysters Slice green tomatoes thin and soak in salt water. Fry brown after dipping in salt, pepper and flour. Harriet Van Bergen Deering (Lambda). Mock Oyster Croquettes Boil salsify (oyster plant) until tender. Drain, cool and dice. Make a thick white sauce, add the diced salsify and shape into croquettes. Roll in crumbs and fry in deep fat or bake in the oven until brown. Ruth Rosholt (Lambda). VEGETABLES 55 Baked Peppers Choose symmetrical peppers, cut off stem end. Scrape out seeds and boil in salted water until tender. Pour carefully into them some tomatoes, previously cooked and seasoned with pepper, salt, chopped onion and bread crumbs. Bake until brown. Winifred Sherman Updike (Kappa). Stuffed Green Peppers Cut off stem end of seven green peppers, remove seeds and parboil ten minutes in one quart boiling water, to which has been added one- eighth teaspoon soda. To one-half cup boiled rice add one-half cup highly seasoned tomato puree and let stand on back of range until rice has absorbed tomato ; then add one-half cup cold, cooked chicken or veal, cut in small cubes, and season with salt and paprika. Fill peppers with mixture, cover tops with buttered crumbs, and bake un- til crumbs are brown. Remove to circular pieces of sauted bread. Serve with mustard sauce. Gertrude White (Rho Sigma). Baked Sweet Potatoes and Marshmallows Cook six large sweet potatoes in boiling water; mash these; add hot milk and butter; beat them. Put them into a casserole and cover with marshmallows. Put in the oven for a few minutes until the marshmallows are light brown. Two tablespoons sugar and vanilla may be added before baking. Potato Boats Select long potatoes, cut in half the long way and bake until thoroughly done. Remove potato from shell and mash. Shred a few slices of bacon and fry with some chopped green peppers, add this with grease to the potato which has been removed from the shell and mashed. Salt to taste. Replace mixture in the shells, sprinkle dry bread crumbs over top, place in oven and brown. Marie Weesner (Kappa). 56 DELTA GAMMA COOK BOOK Candied Sweet Potatoes Cook potatoes in a thick syrup composed of one cup sugar to one cup boiling water; when tender add one tablespoon butter, place in a baking dish and brown in the oven. Alice Scott EUis (Xi). Glazed Sweet Potatoes 6 sweet potatoes 3^ cup water y^ cup of white or brown sugar 3^ teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons butter or substitute Wash and pare sweet potatoes. Cut into slices or different shapes. Arrange potatoes in a greased baking dish, cover with sugar, butter and water mixture and bake one hour. Lilhan Smith Burwell (Lambda Nu). Maitre d'Hotel Potatoes Cut potatoes into one-half inch cubes or balls. Cook two cups of potatoes in boihng salted water until soft. Drain and add Maitre d'Hotel butter. Unsigned. Potatoes O'Brien au Gratin Dice, boil almost tender and drain two quarts potatoes. In one-half cup melted butter fry one tablespoon minced onion and three minced pimentoes. Add two cups cheese (old cheese grated or new put through meat grinder). Mix all together, salt and pepper to taste and bake about twenty minutes. Mary Bassett Bray (Lambda). O'Brien Potatoes 1 quart chopped cold boiled potatoes 2 tablespoons finely chopped onion 1 tablespoon finely chopped pmiento 3 tablespoons melted butter Season with salt and pepper, mix all together, pack in a very shallow baking dish, put bits of butter over top. Bake until brown. Louise F. Todd (Omega). VEGETABLES 57 Potato Omelet Put two tablespoons lard and butter in spider. Pack one pint raw potatoes, chopped fine, compactly in spider after the fat is smoking hot. Pour over them three tablespoons water. Cook twenty or twenty-five minutes over low fire. Ruth Bachman (Rho). • Parisienne Potatoes To one-half pint of mashed potatoes add a little salt, one egg, one teaspoonful of baking powder and flour enough to roll out. Roll them out as thick as your finger, cut out the size of a quarter and drop in boiling fat. They will become round in frying. Edith V. Power (Alpha Beta). Potato Patty Shells Sweetbreads and mushrooms 3 cups mashed potato, seasoned to taste 1 egg Shape like patty shells, cover with fine cracker crumbs and fry to a light brown in deep fat. Use a frying basket to keep shells in shape. Fill with creamed sweetbreads, mushroom or chicken. Serve with a small mould of cucumber jelly. Mrs. J. H. Long (Sigma). Potato Pufifs 2 tablespoons melted butter 1 cup mashed potato 2 eggs beaten separately Mix like a light mashed potato with 1 cup milk yolks of eggs }/i cup flour, sifted 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon baking powder pepper Last put in whites of eggs and fry in lumps in deep fat until brown. Helen Adams (Rho). 58 DELTA GAMMA COOK BOOK Potato Scones \}/2 cups flour 1 cup mashed potatoes 1 egg 2 teaspoons baking powder 3^3 cup butter 1^2 teaspoon salt Milk enough to mix into a stiff dough. Fry on a griddle. Eleanor A. Brettle (Rho Sigma). Sweet Potatoes Southern Style About eight or ten medium sized potatoes. Boil in skins in salted water. Pare and cut lengthwise. Put into large flat pan, cover one-half inch thick with brown sugar. Add one-fourth pound butter and one tablespoon molasses. Baste often. Cook one hour. Alcetta Gilbert Clarke (Lambda Nu). Rice Cakes 1 cup boiled rice 1 egg 1 cup flour 1 tablespoon sugar ^ cup milk 3^ teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon baking powder Put the rice into a bowl, add the milk and mix well, then add the well beaten egg, sugar and salt. Sift the flour and baking powder into the mixture and stir well. A little ground cinnamon or grated nutmeg can be added. Bake on a hot griddle, allowing a tablespoon to a cake. Serve with maple or brown sugar. Lou Ashley Hubble (Rho Sigma). Escalloped Rice and Cheese Wash in three waters one cup large grain rice, add one teaspoon salt, one tablespoon butter, three cups boiling water and cook one-half hour in a fireless cooker or a double boiler. To this add one-half pound of cheese cut fine, one well beaten egg added* to one cup milk. Stir in carefully with a fork and bake in a quick oven for twent}'^ min- utes. Margaret Murray (Iota). VEGETABLES 59 Rice Haste 1 cup milk 1 cup chopped meat 1 cup boiled rice 2 tablespoons butter YTup 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon baking pwdcr 3 tablespoons melted lard 1 well beaten egg 1 cup nuts if desired Bake about an hour in a slow oven. Annabel Carolyn Teal (Phi). 116 BREADS 117 Bran and Whole Wheat Bread 1 cup bran Yi teaspoon salt 1 heaping cup whole wheat flour 1 teaspoon soda 1 scant cup seeded raisins, halved 2 tablespoons molasses 1^ cups sour milk or buttermilk Stir all dry ingredients together, then add molasses and milk. Have batter so it will drop easily from the spoon, but not run. Bake slowly about one hour. Florence McGuire (Xi). Brown Bread 3^ cup molasses 2 cups soin- milk % cup brown sugar 2 cups whole wheat flour 3 tablespoons melted lard 2 cups graham flour Yi teaspoon salt nuts, raisins 2 teaspoons soda Put in oven hardly warm, bake slowly one hour. Jane Evetyn Thomas (Alpha Zeta). Boston Brown Bread 1 egg 1 cup som- milk 1 heaping teaspoon soda dissolved in 1 tablespoon boiling water 1 cup rye flour 1 cup molasses 1 cup wheat flour 1 cup yellow corn meal 1 teaspoon salt Beat egg, add milk; add dissolved soda to molasses and beat until foamy; add to egg and milk, then add the dry ingredients. Boil for three hours in covered mould. Norma E. Sammons (Omicron). Brown Bread 1 cup sweet milk 2 cups sour milk Yi cup molasses 2 cups corn meal 1 teaspoon salt 1 cup flour 2 teaspoons soda This will make a thin batter. Fill well-greased covered cans half full, steam two hours and bake in a moderate oven thirty minutes. Jessie Ware Libby (Lambda Nu) . 118 DELTA GAMMA COOK BOOK Brown Nut Bread 2 cups sour milk Yi cup brown sugar 1 cup white flour 1 teaspoon salt 2 cups graham flour 3^ cup broken nuts Y2 cup molasses Yi cup seeded raisins 2 scant teaspoons soda Stir the soda into the sour milk and mix with the other ingre- dients. Grease baking tins well and fill three-fourths full. Let rise one hour and bake one hour. Harriet D. Moore (Lambda). Mississippi Corn Bread 1 quart buttermilk 1 tablespoon butter \Yi quarts Southern corn meal 2 eggs 1 rounding teaspoon soda Add soda last, dissolved in a little warm water. Pour at once into a hot greased spider and bake in a quick oven one-half hour. Alice Scott Ellis (Xi). Date Bread Mix one cup of warm wheat mush, one-fourth cup brown sugar, one tablespoon butter, one-half teaspoon salt. When lukewarm add one-fourth yeast cake, dissolved in lukewarm water and enough bread flour to knead. Cover and let rise over night. In the morning, cut down and knead in one cup chopped dates. Let rise and bake in a moderate oven. Frances Firkins (Lambda). Date Bread y^ cup sugar 13^ cup white flour 1 cup sour milk 1 cup whole wheat flour 1 tablespoon each of butter and lard 1 egg 1 pound dates 1 small teaspoon soda nuts if desired Bake in moderate oven about half an hour. Julia B. Gould (Lambda Nu). BREADS 119 German Coffee Bread 1 cup scalded milk 1 egg }/^ cup butter, or butter and lard }4 cup sugar 3^ yeast cake, dissolved in }/2 teaspoon salt 3^ cup lukewarm milk Add butter, sugar, and salt to milk. When lukewarm, add dissolved yeast cake, egg, well beaten, and flour to make a stiff batter. Cover, let rise over night and in morning spread very thin in buttered dripping pan. Cover and let rise again. Before baking, brush over with beaten egg, and cover with following mixture: melt three tablespoons butter and one-third cup brown sugar. When sugar is partially melted, add three tablespoons flour. Bake about fifteen minutes. Marion Kappes (Sigma). Graham Bread 2 cups buttermilk 2 tablespoons molasses 1 teaspoon baking soda 1 teaspoon salt Mix and stir in two cups graham flour. Bake in slow oven one hour. Florence M. Sylvester (Lambda). Graham Bread 4 cups graham flour 2 tablespoons brown sugar 3}/^ cups white flour 3^ cup lukewarm water 2 tablespoons molasses 1 heaping teaspoon salt 3 cups lukewarm milk 3^ teaspoon soda Icake yeast 2 tablespoons butter Mix together the dry ingredients, rub in the butter. Add the molasses with the soda dissolved in it. Add the lukewarm milk and the yeast dissolved in the lukewarm water. Knead the dough well for twenty minutes. Cover and set to rise. Form into two loaves, put into pans and let rise again. Bake in a moderate oven for an hour and a quarter. Florence Dyer Kahn (Chi Sigma). 120 DELTA GAMMA COOK BOOK Graham Bread 2 cups sour milk 1 teaspoon salt 1 cup sugar 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 cup white flour graham flour 1 teaspoon soda Mix flour and baking powder and soda. Mix all ingredients. Add enough graham flour to make quite stiff as a "drop" batter. Bake three-fourths hour. This makes two small loaves. Adelaide Conners (Lambda Nu). Nut Bread 2 eggs 13/2 cups milk 13^2 cups sugar 4 cups flour 1 cup finely chopped English walnuts 4 teaspoons baking powder Let rise twenty minutes and bake one hour. Jeanette Hand Sherman (Psi Phi). Nut Bread 2 cups graham flour Yi cup sugar 2 cups white flour 2 cups sweet milk % cup EngUsh walnuts 1 egg 4 rounded teaspoons baking powder Sift flour and baking powder. Cream egg and sugar. Add milk, then flour and stir well, then add nuts. Bake about one hour. Gertrude Darrow Chubb (Lambda). Nut and Date Brown Bread Y2 cup brown sugar 2 cups wliite flour Y2 cup corn syrup or molasses 2 cups graham flour 2 cups sweet milk 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon soda dissolved in Y cup luke warm water 1 pound dates, cut in thin strips \„ i 1 cup walnuts, broken coarsely / Mix in order given and bake in slow oven one and one-half hours. Two burners turned on for first fifteen minutes and one burner turned low for remaining time. Grace Ware Chambers (Lambda). BREADS 121 Oatmeal Bread Put one cup rolled oats in two cups boiling water. Add one tablespoon butter. When lukewarm, add six cups white flour, one-third cup molasses, pinch of soda, one yeast cake, soaked in a little warm water. Let rise over night. In the morning knead and put in tins. Let rise and bake slowly. Bertha Wilson Carter (Rho). Peanut Butter Bread 2 eggs Yi teaspoon salt 2 cups white flour 3^ cup sugar 1 cup sweet milk 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 cup peanut butter Rub dry ingredients together except flour, which is added last. Eggs beaten light. Bake thirty minutes in moderate oven. Makes one loaf. Blanche Garten (Kappa). Pettijohn's Bread Shake a little salt in a quart of warm water, add one yeast cake and one-half package Pettijohn flour. Let it rise. Add one egg, butter the size of an egg, one-half cup sugar, one-half cup walnuts, and white flour enough to stiffen. Elaine Shields (Xi). English Raisin Bread 2 cups flour Y2 cup currants 4 teaspoons baldng powder dash of grated nutmeg 2 tablespoons shortening 1 egg Y2 cup sugar Yi cup milk 4 cup raisms Mix dry ingredients, cut the shortening into this. Add fruit. Beat whole egg and add milk to it. Combine the two mixtures as in baking powder biscuit. Put in greased pan and bake in a medium oven from forty to forty-five minutes. Olive M. Brink (Sigma). 122 DELTA GAMMA COOK BOOK Old Fashioned Raisin Bread 1 cup milk, scalded and cooled 1 cup luke warm water 2 tablespoons shortening 1 compressed yeast cake 1 teaspoon salt ^ cup sugar 13^ cup seedless raisins Make a sponge of water, milk, lard or butter, yeast, sugar, salt, and two cups of flour. Beat until smooth. Cover and set to rise in warm place until light. When well raised add raisins and remaining flour or enough to make moderately soft dough. Knead lightly, place in well greased bowl, cover and let rise until double its bulk. Form into loaves, half fill well greased pans, cover and let rise five minutes. Grace Ware Chambers (Lambda). Snickerdoodle 14, cup butter and lard 1 cup sugar 23^ cups flour 1 egg a little salt 1 cup milk }/2 cup currants 2 teaspoons baking powder Before baldng sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar. Bake twenty minutes. Contributed. Southern Corn Meal Spoon Bread Scald with boiling water one cup of corn meal and then make quite thin with butter milk. Add salt and soda, one-half teaspoon of each, two tablespoons of melted butter and one well beaten egg. Cook in greased pudding dish for twenty minutes. A favorite dish in the South for breakfast, eaten with butter or steak gravy. Mrs. Mary Comfort Leonard (one of Delta Gamma's Founders). Scotch Short Bread ]/2 pound butter 3^ cup powdered sugar 2 cups sifted flour Cream butter and sugar. Add one cup flour and stir until flour is all worked into the butter and sugar. Take the bread board and put the second cup of flour on the board and work this into the dough. BREADS 123 When the flour is all worked in sprinkle a little additional flour on the board and roll the dough into a sheet about one-half inch thick. Cut with a cookie cutter or leave in sheet, marking off squares with a fork. Bake on the bottom of a dripping pan or cookie sheet, first putting " a piece of unbuttered white paper on the pan. Bake in a slow oven for thirty minutes, but do not brown. Should be almost white or butter colored. When done sprinkle with powdered sugar. Rae Goodnow Hensel, (Lambda Nu). Rolls Cinnamon Rolls 2 cups flour 2 tablespoons lard 2 heaping teaspoons baking powder 1 beaten egg added to 3^ cup milk Roll out and spread with melted butter, sugar and cinnamon, then roll up and cut into pieces the desired thickness. Miriam Starrett (Kappa). French Rolls Prepare dough as for bread and work in one-fourth pound butter and one-fourth pound sugar. Add four well beaten eggs, form into rolls and put in buttered baking pan. Let them rise half an hour, brush top with beaten egg and bake. Mrs. J. C. Elhott King (Lambda). Hot Cross Buns 1 cup scalded milk 14, cup sugar ^ teaspoon cinnamon 3/^ yeast cake dissolved in 3^ cup luke warm water 2 tablespoons butter 3 cups flour }/2 teaspoon salt 1 egg 14: cup cut up raisins or currants Mix butter, sugar, salt and milk. When luke warm add dis- solved yeast cake, cinnamon, flour, and egg (well beaten). When thoroughly mixed add raisins and cover. Let rise over night. In morning shape and form into large biscuits. Place in greased pans 124 DELTA GAMMA COOK BOOK one inch apart. Let rise, brush over with beaten egg. Let bake twenty minutes (sprinkle with a Httle sugar and cinnamon after brushed with egg). Mildred Lawrence (Alpha Delta). Light Rolls Make a sponge of one cake compressed yeast, one-half cup warm milk and flour enough for stiff batter. Let rise until double its size, add: 2 eggs, whites beaten 34 scant cup sugar 3^ cup lard Yi teaspoon salt 13^ cups warm milk Add more flour to make stiff and let rise again. Form into rolls, let rise and bake. These require no kneading. Breta Bills (Kappa). Luncheon Rolls Add one-fourth cup butter, one and one-half tablespoons of sugar and one-half teaspoon salt to one cup of scalded milk. When mixture is lukewarm add one cake of yeast, dissolved in one-fourth cup of lukewarm water, the white of one egg well beaten and three and three-fourths cups sifted flour. Knead, let rise. Shape by cutting with large biscuit cutter, spread with melted butter, fold over. Let these rise and then bake in a moderate oven for about twenty minutes. This makes two dozen rolls. Beulah Guthrie Rice (Phi Omega). Parker House Corn Rolls Sift together, one and one-fourth cups white flour, three-fourths cup corn meal, two teaspoons baking powder, one-half teaspoon salt, one tablespoon sugar. Cut in two tablespoons butter as in pastry. Add one beaten egg to one-half cup milk and turn into the dry ingredients, making a soft dough that can be handled. Add more milk if necessary. Turn on to a floured board, toss lightly and roll out, cut one-half inch thick with biscuit cutter. Put bits of butter in center of each and fold opposite edges to meet in center. Brush top with milk and bake in quick oven fifteen minutes. Helen Berkman Judd (Lambda). BREADS 125 Penny Rolls Pour two cups boiling water over 2 tablespoons lard 1 teaspoon salt Yi cup sugar When cool add one compressed yeast cake and one egg, well beaten. Make as stiff with flour as you can stir with a spoon. When twice its bulk, make into small balls and raise in muffin pans. When very light bake seven minutes in hot oven. This can be kept in cold place in winter or in ice chest in summer and made into rolls and raised and baked as desired. Elsie Irvine Sovereign (Sigma). Potato Rolls 1 cup flour 1 cup milk 1 cup mashed potatoes Yi cup sugar ^ cup lard 2 well beaten eggs pinch of salt 1 cake compressed yeast, dissolved in Y cup lukewarm water Mix flour, lard, potatoes, sugar, salt. Add eggs, then milk and, lastly, yeast. Let it rise for two hours. Make into soft dough by adding about one quart of flour and set to rise again. Roll thin, spread with softened butter. Cut with small cutter. Place two rounds together, one on top of the other. Bake in quick oven. Martha Dever Moulton (Lambda). Tea Rolls 2 quarts sifted flour 1 cake compressed yeast, dissolved in lukewarm milk 1 heaping teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons powdered sugar % cup butter lukewarm milk enough to make a moderately stiff dough Set to rise about two p. m. When well risen, make into rolls and set them to rise. Bake in quick oven from twenty minutes to one-half hour. If wanted for br-lialf cup candicnl cherries, chopped fine. This cake is best if served the day it is iuad(^ Eleanor Dickinson Tate (Lambda Nu). 144 DELTA GAMMA COOK BOOK Chocolate Cake 1 tablespoon butter or Crisco 1 cup sugar 2 eggs (save 1 white for frosting) 1 square chocolate % cup milk 1 cup flour 1 heaping teaspoon baking powder Bake in long pan. JuUa B. Gould (Lambda). Chocolate Cake No. 1 2 eggs vanilla cream 1 cup flour 1 cup sugar 2 teaspoons baking powder }/2 teaspoon salt 2 squares chocolate )4: cup hot water Break eggs into measuring cup, fill the cup with cream. Add other ingredients, and lastly, the chocolate, dissolved in hot water. This is a very good plain cake without the chocolate. Grace Conners Nelson (Lambda Nu). Chocolate Cake No. 2 ^ cup butter 11^ cups sugar 2 cups flour 1 cup sweet milk 2 teaspoons baking powder whites of 4 eggs (in chocolate cake 2 whole eggs may be used) 3^ cake chocolate, melted Cream butter and sugar, add milk, mix flour and baking powder before adding to mixture. Beat whites, then add to mixture. Add chocolate last. This makes good white cake if chocolate is omitted. Grace Conners Nelson (Lambda Nu). Chocolate Cake 1 cup sugar 1 square chocolate 1 egg 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 cup milk 1 teaspoon soda 1 tablespoon butter 1 cup flour Cream sugar and egg, beaten, add cup of milk. Then add flour, baking powder and soda sifted together. While mixing cake, melt CAKES 145 butter and chocolate together. Add this to batter. Bake about twenty minutes. Frosting : 6 tablespoons sugar 6 tablespoons cream 13^ squares chocolate Boil for seven minutes. Stir until smooth. Pour over cake. Corn Starch Cake 1 cup flour Yi teaspoon soda 1 cup cornstarch Flavor with lemon or van- whites of 4 eggs ilia 1 cup sugar Y2 cup butter Yi cup sweet milk Y2 teaspoon cream of tartar (Pi). Corn Starch Cake whites of 2 eggs, beaten to a froth Y2 cup butter 1 cup flour 1 cup sugar 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 cup sweet milk flavor with lemon Yi cup cornstarch (Pi). Date Cake \Yi pounds dates, stoned Y2 pound walnuts 1 cup flour 2 rounding teaspoons baking powder Y teaspoon salt V16 teaspoon cloves 1 cup sugar 4 eggs 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 teaspoon vanilla Leave dates and walnuts as near whole as possible. Sift dry ingredients over dates and nuts. Separate eggs, beat yolks very light, add to mixture, then add whites, beaten very light. Add last the vanilla. Let stand for few days before serving. Cut in very thin slices and cover with powdered sugar. A good cake for reserve. Adelaide Miller (Omega). 146 DELTA GAMMA COOK BOOK Date Cake 1 cup dates, picked in pieces 1 cup sugar 1 teaspoon soda 1 egg 1 cup boiling water 13^ cups flour 1 tablespoon butter ^ cup walnut meats Sprinkle soda over dates and add hot water. Let them stand while mixing the remainder of cake and add last. Jo Pierce (Alpha Zeta). Devil's Food 1 egg, beaten 1 cup thick sour cream 1 cup sugar * 1}^ cups flour 2 squares chocolate, dissolved in 3/^ cup boiUng water 1 even teaspoon soda, added to cream 1 teaspoon vanilla Gail H. Luther (Lambda). Devil's Food Cake 2 cups brown sugar 1 teaspoon soda 1 cup butter 2 cups flour 3 eggs 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 cup sour milk 3^ cup chocolate Cream butter and sugar, then the beaten eggs, add the sour milk and soda alternately with the flour. Then at the last add the melted chocolate. Bake in loaf. Ruth Wortman (Eta). Devil's Food Cake 3^ cake grated chocolate 1 teaspoon soda }/2 cup hot water Mix well and let stand until cake is mixed. 2 cups brown sugar 2 eggs, beaten together 3^ cup butter, creamed well ^ cup sour milk 1 teaspoon each ground cinnamon, allspice and cloves 23^ cups flour Bake in layers. Louise Riggs (Theta). CAKES 147 Devil's Food Cake with Black Walnuts 6 tablespoons chocolate, dissolved in 5 tablespoons boiling water 4 eggs beaten separately 3^ cup butter 114, cups sugar 1 teaspoon baking powder 2 cups flour 1 teaspoon vanilla 3/2 cup sweet milk Cream butter, add sugar, add egg yolks, stir in chocolate, add milk, then flour and whites of eggs alternately, sifting in baking powder with teaspoon flour, add vanilla and a cup of black walnut meats. Bake in layers put together with: Mocha Icing cream butter size of egg 2 tablespoons cocoa 2 cups powdered sugar Mix well, then moisten with hot or cold clear coffee until of a consistency to spread. Margaret Jayne (Tau). Eggless Cake 1 cup sugar 1 cup sour milk 1 tablespoon lard 1 teaspoon soda little salt 2 scant cups flour 1 cup raisins, or half nuts and raisins 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 teaspoon nutmeg Frances Firkins (Lambda). Easy White Cake Place the unbeaten whites of two eggs in a measuring cup. Fill to one-half with melted butter, then fill to the top with milk. Add 114 cups flour 1 heaping teaspoon baking powder 1 cup sugar Beat all these together for five minutes or more, as the success of this cake depends upon the beating. Dorette John (Iota). '1M DIOI/rA (JAMMA OOOK HOOK Fruit Cake 1 cup Hutr^nr 1 (uip buUnr 1 (!up iri<)lnws(^M 4 c^KS 2^2 t" 2;*.f cups flour 1 tc'UHpoon Hoda, dissolved in inolassofl 1 icuHpooii (',1()V(5H, cinniunon, allspico and nuiniog I2 pound l)lan(!h(Ml almonds, I 2. pound <;ilTon, 1 pound raisins 1 t(\aspoon (trivitn of l,ar(.ar in (lour Bake two or thnu- hours. Makcis about six pounds. Maudo Stodinan (^in-tis (Oino^a). Fruit Cake Without Eggs 1 cup brown suj^ar 1 toaspon soda 1 (Mip .sour milk I cup raisins 2 (Mips (lour 1 teaspoon cloves 4 tablespoons melUid butter 1 teaspoon (iinnamon 1 teaspoon mil iiief:;, or mace nuts Cornelia Lindsey (Kappa). Fruit Cake 1 pound btilier 10 eggs 1 pound su;;;ar 2 pounds raisins 1 pound sliellcnl pecans 1 pound blanched almonds 1 |)oiind crystaUized pineapple 1 pound (M'yslalli/,(nl cluMiies 1^2 pound citron ^ teaspoon cloves 1 («>aspoon a,llspi(ui 1 grated mitnu^g 1 pound Hour, sifted 5 limes 1 cup b(\s|, fruit jui(u^ Add spices to flour; add the flour to creamed bulier, sugar and eggs; flour Ihe fruit well and .'uld to above mixf ure. Add fruit juice last. Steam four hours, and bak»> one hour. Leave the cherries whole. The small jiiiiounl of (lour only binds fogelluT the fruit. Mrs. Mary (■omfort 1 Leonard (One of Delta (lamnm's Founders). Gold Cake (Loaf or Layer) yolkH S ^'.t!;^r,t^, or \) if small y^ (Jup sweot, milk 1 rup Hup;iir VA cups (lour 2 tciispooiis h.'ikin^!; powder 3^ cii|) hul.l.cr, sciini, 3^ ti^jispooM salt viinilla and liMiion Heal, yollcH thoroughly; (ircam butter and su^ar; udd milk, then Hour, sifted four or five times with hakin^f powder and salt. Flavor and heiit lli()roup;hly. Mrs. ('ha,rl«\s Loring (liamhda). Jennie's Roll Jelly Cake :i eggs, l)eat(ui very light H spoon salt 1 eup sugar 1 (Uij) Hour ',\ cookspoons wat(n- vanilla or lemon 2 lioaping tcjaspoons baking powder Biiki) in thin shoot, sproad with j(;lly and roll while warm. Louise Ca-dy Loft (Lambda, Nu). Lemon Cake 13^ (Hips granulated sugar 1 cup butter 1 cup milk yolks of 7 (^ggs, whites of 'I, beaten together A tur Hake in loaf or layers. Filling and Icing Whites of thnu', <^ggs, grated rind and juiite of two h-mons, two pounds pulverized sugar. Mix all together without berating. lOlba Fickol (Theta). Molasses Layer Cake 'A <^ggH, heaving oiil, 2 whitirs for frosting 3^ cup butt(U- 1 i(!aspoon soda 1 cup sugar 2 cups Hour 3^ cup molasHes I teaspoon cinnamon 3^2 <"'P wool' '•>>"< yz toanpoon nutmeg J Jake in two layers. Alcotta (Jilbert Clarke (Lambda Nu). 150 DELTA GAMMA COOK BOOK English Nut Cake 1 scant cup buttermilk 2 teaspoons cinnamon 2 cups brown sugar 1 teaspoon cloves Yi cup butter ^ teaspoon nutmeg yolks of 5 eggs 1 pound raisins 1 teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 pound English walnuts 2 teaspoons brandy Bake about forty minutes in a medium oven, Gladys Lee (Theta). One Egg Cake l/€ cups sugar 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 tablespoon butter, rounded 1 cup milk 1 egg salt 2y2 cups flour flavoring Cream butter and sugar gradually, then add well beaten egg. Sift dry ingredients together and alternate with liquid. All measure- ments are level. Margaret Monroe Williamson (Lambda). Orange Cake 1 cup granulated sugar Yi teaspoon cream tartar 5 eggs flavor with lemon juice 1 cup flour Beat eggs separately. Sift into beaten whites one-half cup sugar. Beat remainder of sugar into yolks. Slowly add yolks to whites. Fold in flour, cream of tartar and flavoring. Bake in two layers in moderate oven, about twenty minutes. Fillmg Make one-half cup custard milk, sugar and cornstarch; add one-half cup orange marmalade. Spread between layers. Make icing of confectioner's sugar and lemon juice. Spread on top and sides. Decorate with small pieces of the rind picked out from the marmalade and cut in small pieces. (Candied orange peel may be used but it is not so delicate.) Ina Firkins (Lambda). CAKES 151 Orange Cake 1 small half cup butter 2 cups sugar 2 cups flour yolks of 5 eggs and whites of 4 Y2 cup water 3^ teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon cream of tartar grated rind and juice of 1 orange Beat butter to cream. Add sugar gradually, then orange, eggs beaten, water and flour in which the soda and cream of tartar have been mixed. Bake in layers. Orange Sponge Cake 6 eggs the weight of the eggs in sugar half their weight in flour the grated rind of an orange 2 tablespoons orange juice Beat the yolks until thick and Hght in color. Gradually beat in the sugar and grated rind and juice of the orange. Beat the whites until dry. Cut and fold half of them into the cake mixture, then cut and fold in half of the flour, then the' other half of the whites and the other half of the flour. Bake in a moderate oven about thirty minutes. Helen Butler (Kappa). Orange Sponge Cake 1 cup granulated sugar \\i cups flour 4 eggs, beat white and yolks separately pinch salt rind of 1 orange, 4 tablespoons juice add whites last Bake thirty or forty minutes. Leulah Hawley (Lambda Nu). 152 IMOI/I'A «UMI\tA I'OOIv HOOK '2 (nipN li^lll liinwii MII|JrMI' A r»M»l. cmKo w\vo(»I «'Iu»ooIhIo 1 iMip inii tiirnlH I in\tin loiuoii nr VMiiillit oxlrncl lliiKo in liiytM'H ill ii inodonilo ovni I 'mo whilo or cIiocoImN' iiMiiK. NvWw Mmiv OIxm 0'l>«^fi»). yuUU (.'txhr I llOMpillg Ollp tlolir 1 Irvrl t'Mp ^11^,01' t licMpiiiK (onnptton l)!iKii)g powtld- Hif(> (Imvotvlonon.|j,.ouo 1\mH (MiprniMinwnltM'.omMnidlluor qtinihMj^ OUpr* Hour, (cMMpooo nodi), lilllo niitturf)., «Mi\tiMi))ou. tu«l m:\1I. Add rmHillM «lnMlH«'d Wllh Momo ol I he llom UmKo u\ ;;ti\MlI l>t»\Md pMn. Mnkrrt rtdlu>i m rtiuMll IomI I oiM I'tMHiMiil I'rnnvn'K v' •'>">l'*l'»^- Kihbou (.'rtlip I'pO Ml'M. Podd'M ViMMpI^ I'or \vl»ill< OmKp t\\u\ !\^\y\ ;l lull o|n>(^l i!Unll\M. im\od Willi ,\ 111 do lliUM, ;n\d I>mKo \\\ Imvois. I'"or TAKMM 103 tlnvK |>Mi( wn" tliooifiht yollowf* loft fn>m »l\ilos, M«KUugoMo whoU'r^.^; boMt u\\\\\ hf.\h( :\\u\ m»M (\vt» imuvh Nugar tlnm>uni>l^v oivnino*! with oxw full «nip ol" l>\>lt»M-, (o[\v »n«pM of .'til'toil thmv l\Mviu><; M«hlo«l (wo loMM|u>our< 1>mK»11>^ poWiltM'. MM(1 (luOO llMUlhM (MJ|> WtUoi'. To (l\tM l»Mt(«M' !Uhl oiuM'ouvth pound oitix^n, ono oup ol\opp(ul pomnf*. o«u> (oMipoou tS'ioh po\V(l«M(^l olovoM, oii\t»uu\>u fn\«l nlbipioo. I«muoi\ n\u\ \i\\\\\\:\ oxhnol. HmKo n\ Imvcmm t\\u\ put (nm^lhor \\\[\\ \vl\tlo Imvoim \v»(U boilotl ioing, MvM N\olo\jO. Spt>UKf' ^'.mUo 5^ op;p.f< 1 tOMMpoou oitv'uu of (Mrtnr I 0\lp MU^Ml" ^l(l wrtitM' U«>mI :«ip.Mr Mu»l vollvM of op;p.M tiniil lip.lU. Add \vt>l(M' tu\d flour. iM'oMui of Imi'Imv !>if((^l \u llour. mxl.'i in \vm((m-. IW^mI until vor^' light, l.nj^dy ndd whdtvi 1m\'iIou ;i(ilT. HmKo (wrulv Mui\ulort, ({r.'U'o ( "t>uM(M'M Notion vl fuuhdn NuV Spt»nj.*r i'txho ■\ o^!.fj.;i, Hopamlo Mm! lu^nt (lio noIIvi with I oup !iup.Mf uulil vr Mud 1 ' v l.'d>l(vipoouM ooruHlMii'h. I''ill up «Mip wilh llo\U' wrll Miflod. Slil' mII logodior, i\^\i\ tho hctdru wludvi tiiid ou<» ti'MMpOOU VMUilla. Al»Molult>ly rt'linhlo foi' roll jolly onUi'' or willi muv IroMlnifj. do.uuod. nillvo »'f'»i7 nlowly, NiiiM W'lnjiurt ^,SluiU{i), lh»l Widni Si»ouf?o Crtlio 12 OKHi'^ I cup llour 1 otip NUgnr Wj (Mip ItoilliiH \vnl«>r I h<>iipin^ ioiiMpoon luiKiuf). powdrr llMvo^•i^^^);, prrfeinhly nliuoud \\',\\\ti nhout oui^ half hour, in ii uiodiUMi o\ on, .Itilirtio ( lidivi (Sinnin). 152 DELTA GAMMA COOK BOOK Potato Cake 2 cups light brown sugar J^ cup butter 5 cent cake sweet chocolate 1 cup nut meats 1 cup riced potatoes 2 cups flour 3^ cup sweet milk yolks of 5 and whites of 3 eggs 2 rounding teaspoons baking powder }4 teaspoon each nutmeg, cloves and cinnamon lemon or vaniUa extract Bake in layers in a moderate oven. Use white or chocolate icing. NeUie Mary Ober (Theta). Quick Cake 1 heaping cup flour 1 level cup sugar 1 heaping teaspoon baking powder Sift these together. Put four tablespoons melted butter in the bottom of measuring cup, break in two eggs and fill cup up with milk. Pour into dry ingredients and beat well. Flavor and bake in two small layers about twenty-five minutes. Good for tea cakes. Sadie Corbet Selby (Upsilon). Boiled Raisin Cake (Cheap and Good) Cover one cup raisins with boihng water and simmer twenty minutes. Cool, drain and save water. V^ cup butter ) ^, > cream %[ cup sugar, j Add one beaten egg, one-half cup raisin water, one and three-quarters cups flour, teaspoon soda, Uttle nutmeg, cinnamon, and salt. Add raisins dredged with some of the flour. Bake in small bread pan. Makes rather a small loaf. Lois Tennant Pennock (Lambda). Ribbon Cake Use Mrs. Dodd's recipe for white cake and add a full cup of chopped raisins, mixed with a little flour, and bake in laj^ers. For CAKES 153 dark part use the eight yellows left from whites, adding one whole egg; beat until light and add two cups sugar thoroughly creamed with one full cup of butter, four cups of sifted flour having added two teaspoons baking powder, and three-fourths cup water. To this batter add one-fourth pound citron, one cup chopped pecans, one teaspoon each powdered cloves, cinnamon and allspice, lemon and vanilla extract. Bake in layers and put together with white layers with boiled icing. Eva Webb Dodd (One of Founders of Delta Gamma). Sponge Cake 3 eggs 1 teaspoon cream of tartar 1 cup sugar 3^ teaspoon soda 13^ cups flour y^ cup cold water Beat sugar and yolks of eggs until hght. Add water and flour, cream of tartar sifted in flour, soda in water. Beat until very hght. Lastly add whites beaten stiff. Bake twenty minutes. Grace Conners Nelson (Lambda Nu). Sponge Cake 4 eggs, separate and beat the yolks with 1 cup sugar until very light add 3 tablespoons cold water Take measuring cup and put in 34 teaspoon salt, V/i teaspoons baking powder and 13^2 tablespoons cornstarch. Fill up cup with flour well sifted. Stir all together, add the beaten whites and one teaspoon vanilla. Absolutely rehable for roll jelly cake or with any frosting desired. Bake very slowly. Nina Winans (Sigma). Hot Water Sponge Cake 2 eggs 1 cup flour 1 cup sugar 3^ cup boiling water 1 heaping teaspoon baking powder flavoring, preferably almond Bake about one-half hour, in a medium oven. Juhette Gates (Sigma). 156 DELTA GAMMA COOK BOOK White Cake 1)4, cups sugar 1 cup milk }/2 cup butter whites 4 eggs 3 cups flour, sifted before measuring \]/2 teaspoons baking powder Margaret Banta (Theta). White Cake 1 packed cup butter 3^ cups flour 1 scant cup sugar whites 8 eggs 2 teaspoons Royal baking powder, rounding Sift flour and measure. Add baking powder and sift three times. Cream butter and sugar thoroughly. Beat whites lightly but not to a stiff froth. Mix in flour and eggs and then water. Flavor with one teaspoon lemon and one teaspoon vanilla. If baked in loaf, have oven warmer to begin with and gradually increase heat. It takes one hour. This will make three or four layers. Eva Webb Dodd (A Founder of Delta Gamma). White Cake H cup sugar U^.^^. ^^^u i^ cup sugar 14: cup butter J '' Y2 cup milk add 2 unbeaten eggs and beat again \yi cups pastry flour measured after sifting 3 level teaspoons baking powder vanilla Bake in shallow pan twenty-five minutes. Grace T. Adams (Lambda). Drop Cakes Cocoa Tea Cakes 1 cup sugar Y2 cup cornstarch 3^ cup butter }/i cup cocoa 2 eggs 2 teaspoons baking powder Y2 cup milk 1 teaspoon vanilla Y2 cup flour Sprinkle with nuts and bake in gem pans. (Pi). CAKES 157 Ginger Cakes ^ cup butter or lard Yi cup molasses }/2 cup sugar and 1 egg 2 cups flour 3^ cup sour milk or buttermilk 1 teaspoon soda, good measure Bake in shallow tin and cut in squares. Sprinkle with sugar before baking. Gertrude Willard Phisterer (Chi Upsilon). Mary Anns 2 eggs, beaten ^ cup flour 1 cup brown sugar small cup walnuts yi teaspoon baking powder Spread very thin and bake in gem pans. Half a walnut on top of each improves cakes. Margaret Denfeld Hudson (Lambda). Mocha Tart V/i cups sugar 2 teaspoons baking powder 3/2 cup butter 3^ cup milk 4 eggs 6 teaspoons coffee extract 2 cups flour Mix in order given and bake in shallow tins. Filling Add at time of serving. Y2 pint of cream (whipped stiff)" 3^ cup sugar 2 tablespoons of coffee extract Nut Brown Tea Cakes ^ cup butter . , \ cream together 1 cup brown sugar J ° 1 egg vanilla 3^ cup sweet milk 2 scant cups flour, sifted Y teaspoon soda, dissolved in milk Y2 cup chopped walnuts Mix in order given, beat well and bake either in small tins or dropped from a teaspoon on greased cookie sheet. These are very good plain, but may be frosted as desired. They may be varied by adding four tablespoons melted chocolate to batter. Very good and rehable as well as inexpensive. Grace Ware Chambers (Lambda) . 158 DELTA GAMMA COOK BOOK Sour Cream Drop Cakes }/2 cup brown sugar 1 teaspoon cloves 3/^ cup white sugar J^ teaspoon ginger }/2 teaspoon cinnamon Mix well, add one egg beaten up in one cup of sour cream to which one level teaspoon soda has been added. Add one-fourth cup chopped nuts and one-half cup scalded raisins, one cup sifted flour. Bake in greased muffin tins. Dorothy Watkins (Kappa). Sour Cream Drop Cakes 1 cup sugar 13^ cups white flour 2 well beaten eggs 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 cup sour cream 1 teaspoon vanilla 3^2 teaspoon soda Bake in medium oven in gem pans about twenty minutes. Katherine Esterly (Beta Sigma). Spice Cakes 1 cup sugar ]/2 cup butter 3/2 cup thick sour cream ]/^ teaspoon cinnamon 2 eggs, beaten well 3^ teaspoon nutmeg 2 scant cups flour 1 cup raisins 1 level teaspoon soda • 1 cup English walnuts }/^ teaspoon cloves Bake in gem pans. Maude Macomber Cuscaden (Kappa). Peter Pans ' These cakes are delicious for afternoon tea and will keep a long time. lYz cups dates, cut into large pieces 13/^ cups walnuts, chopped a little 114. cups granulated sugar, creamed with 3/2 cup butter 2 teaspoons vanilla 1 cup milk Y2 teaspoon orange extract 3 eggs 2 teaspoons baking powder, sifted in 1% cups white flour This makes seventy small cakes. CAKES 159 Add the beaten yolks to the creamed butter and sugar and then add nuts, floured dates, extracts, a little milk and a little flour, a little more milk and a little more flour until all arc stirred in, then add the whites of eggs beaten stiff. Put one teaspoon of batter in each well greased cup cake hole of the smallest cup cake pans made, bake in medium hot oven eight minutes and last of all shake in a bag containing powdered sugar. Ruth Scott Daucer (Xi). Rocks, Brownies and Nut Bars Brownies 1 cup sugar 2 eggs, beaten light Y2 cup butter 2 squares chocolate good sized Yi cup flour vanilla and chopped nuts Spread thin and bake. Cut like lady fingers while hot. Melt butter and chocolate together. Margaret Denfeld Hudson (Lambda). Nut Bars 1 cup light l^rown sugar pinch of salt 1 egg pinch of soda 1 cup nut meats 5 tablespoons flour Break the egg into a dish and beat light, adding sugar gradually. Mix soda and salt with flour. Spread very thin in square tins and cover with nuts. Bake in a medium oven fifteen minutes. As soon as taken from the oven cut into squares, run the knife under- neath and remove at once. Cora Morrison (Tau Zeta). Date Bars 1 pound dates, stoned 3^ cup water Y2 cup sugar Cook and mash to jam paste with potato masher. 2Y2 cups rolled oats 1 cup butter or % cup 2Y2 cups white flour cooking oil Y2 cup cold water 1 cup brown sugar yi teaspoon soda 160 DELTA GAMMA COOK BOOK Cream butter and sugar, add water. Then sift flour with soda and add rolled oats. Mix all. Roll thin. Spread one-half of your rolled dough with date paste and cover with other one-half of rolled dough. Cut in oblong bars and bake in moderate oven ten to fifteen minutes. May Elliott Bostwick (Beta Sigma). Baked Fudge Cook until blended two ounces Baker's chocolate and one-half cup melted butter. Beat three eggs, add one cup sugar and three-fourths cup flour sifted with one-half teaspoon salt and one-half teaspoon baking powder. Combine these mixtures and add one cup nuts and one teaspoon vanilla. Bake in a dripping pan and cut in squares. Bake twenty- five minutes in moderate oven. Annabel Carolyn Teal (Phi). Oatmeal Hermits 2 cups oatmeal 1 cup melted shortening 3^ cup English walnuts 2 weU beaten eggs 1 cup seeded raisins 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 cup white sugar 1 teaspoon nutmeg 1 tablespoon soda, dissolved in 2 cups flour 6 tablespoons sweet milk Put the oatmeal, nuts and raisins through the coarse cutter of meat chopper. Mix sugar, shortening and eggs. Add soda, milk, flour and spices. Stir in chopped materials. Drop from a dessert spoon wet in milk, on tin sheets, having drops about three inches apart. Bake in moderately hot oven. Makes about three dozen. Mabel Buckley (Tau). Rocks 1 cup butter 1 good tablespoon cold 13^ cups sugar water 3 eggs 1 pinch of salt 3 good cups flour 1 cup dates 13^ cups walnuts 14, teaspoon cloves 1 teaspoon soda in flour 3^ teaspoon allspice 1 teaspoon cream tartar in flour 1 teaspoon cinnamon Chop walnuts and dates. Drop from teaspoon and bake as cookies. Florence C. McMillen (Omega). CAKES 161 Chocolate Rocks 1 cup sugar 1 teaspoon baking powder }/2 cup butter 1 cup nuts ^/i cup milk 1 cup raisins 1 egg 1 teaspoon vanilla 2 cups flour 2 squares chocolate Mix in order given. Add beaten white of egg last. Bake in moderate oven. Grace T. Adams (Lambda). Chocolate Rocks ^ cup granulated sugar ^ cup brown sugar 23^ cups flour 3 eggs 1 teaspoon cloves 2}/^ heaping teaspoons baking powder 1 tablespoon grated chocolate, or cocoa 2 teaspoons nutmeg ]/i teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons cinnamon 2 cups seeded raisins 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 cup English walnuts }/2 cup home-made wine or grape juice Cream butter and sugar, add wine, spices and chocolate. Allow to stand one-half hour. Add one-half cup of the flour to the raisins. Miriam Starrett (Kappa). Date Rocks 1 cup butter 1 teaspoon soda in 13^ cups sugar 3^ cup hot water 3 eggs 1 teaspoon cinnamon 2]/2 cups flour 3^ teaspoon cloves 2 pounds dates 1 pound walnuts, before shelUng Drop from spoon. Have quick oven. Mary Basset Bray (Lambda). COOKIES Chocolate Cookies 1 cup sugar 1)4, cups flour, sifted }/2 cup butter 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 egg 3 squares chocolate, melted }/2 cup milk 1 cup chopped nuts Mix in order given. Drop from teaspoon onto floured pans and bake in hot oven ten or fifteen minutes. Have a pan of water on bottom of oven to prevent cookies burning. Frost with chocolate frosting if so desired. Helen M. Smith (Lambda Nu). Cocoanut Cookies 1 cup sugar 1 tablespoon milk 2 eggs 1 cup cocoanut 1 cup butter 1 heaping teaspoon baking powder mixed in 1 cup flour Add a bit more flour if necessary. Roll very thin. Marion Gay lord (Lambda Nu). Date Bars 1 cup sugar 1 pound dates 3 eggs 1 cup flour 1 cup walnuts 1 teaspoon baking powder Combine egg yolk with sugar, stir until creamy, add pinch salt. Mix flour and baking powder. Add dates, stoned and quartered. Beat egg whites stiff, add alternately with flour. Bake twenty minutes in a moderate oven. Remove from pan, Avhen almost cold cut into bars and roll in powdered sugar, or ice with orange frosting and decorate with nut meats and dates. Mabel D. Ricketts. 162 COOKIES 163 Drop Cookies 1 cup sugar, preferably brown }/2 cup butter, drippings, or substitute 1 cup raisins, dates or prunes, cooked 1 cup walnuts 2 eggs, well beaten V/i cups flour Yi teaspoon soda, dissolved in hot water 1 teaspoon cinnamon \i teaspoon each, cloves, nutmeg Mix ingredients in order given, creaming fat first, and adding sugar, then eggs, dry ingredients. Prunes keep the cookies moist and are nice change from dates or raisins. Margaret Monroe Williamson (Lambda). Easiest Cookies in the World 1 cup flour 2 eggs 1 cup walnut meats pinch salt 1 cup sugar Drop from spoon. • Eleanor Simpkins (Pi). Filled Cookies 3^ cup butter and lard 2Y2 cups flour 1 cup sugar 2 teaspoons cream tartar 1 egg 1 teaspoon soda Y2 cup milk 1 teaspoon vanilla Roll thin, cut round and put in pan. Put one heaping teaspoon filling on each and place another circle on top. Press edges together. Filling 13^ cups chopped raisins or figs, or dates Yi cup sugar Y2 cup water Boil until thick. Bake in moderate oven. Marguerite T. Way (Lambda Nu). 164 DELTA GAMMA COOK BOOK Filled Cookies 3 eggs 1 teaspoon soda, sifted in flour 1 cup butter salt 1 cup sour cream flour 1 cup white sugar 2 cups brown sugar Filling for Cookies 1 pound chopped dates, or raisins 1 cup sugar 1 cup water May need a teaspoon of flour. Boil until it forms a rather thick filling. Roll out cookies, put a teaspoon of filling on, then put another cookie on top. Do not have cookies rolled too thick. Ruth Kautsky (Alpha Zeta). Fruit Cookies 1 cup granulated sugar 1 teaspoon soda, dissolved in % cup butter 1 tablespoon hot water 2 cups flour 1 cup walnuts 2 eggs 1 cup dates or figs 1 teaspoon cloves 1 teaspoon cinnamon Drop by small teaspoonfuls into buttered tins. Ruth Thomburgh (Gamma). Fruited Cookies 1 cup butter \ , , . } cream ly2 cups sugar J 3 eggs, beaten light 13^ tablespoons hot water with 1 teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon cinnamon }/2 teaspoon salt 3^ cup nutmeats, chopped }/2 cup raisins, chopped }/2 cup currants, chopped Syz cups flour Roll thin and bake in quick oven. Marguerite Way (Lambda Nu). COOKIES 165 Fruit and Nut Cookies 1^ cups brown sugar 1 cup nuts 1 cup butter 2]/^ cups flour 3 eggs 1 teaspoon cinnamon 3/^ cup cold coffee 1 nutmeg \}/2 cups raisins 3^ teaspoon cloves 1 teaspoon soda in coffee Mix as for a cake and drop from a spoon into pans. Bake in a quick oven. Raisins, currants, walnuts, dates or figs may be added. Florence Klinkenberg (Xi). Ginger Cookies 1 pint molasses Let come to a boil, then add, 1 cup lard 1 teaspoon soda little salt 1 tablespoon ginger After it cools, thicken with flour. Roll* thin and bake. Julia B. Gould (Lambda Nu). Ginger Snaps 1 cup molasses 2 teaspoons ginger 3^ cup sugar 1 teaspoon soda ^ cup softened butter (part lard may be used) flour enough to make a thin dough Heat molasses and pour over sugar. Then add other ingredients and bake quickly. Dorothy Mill (Phi). Ginger Snaps }/2 cup granulated sugar 1 level teaspoon soda ]/2 cup molasses 3 teaspoons ginger ]/^ cup melted lard 3 cups flour 3 tablespoons hot water Put soda in with flour. Roll and cut with knife in oblongs and bake in hot oven. Minnie Stinchfield Brown (Lambda Nu). 166 DELTA GAMMA COOK BOOK Ice Box Cookies 1 cup white sugar 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 cup brown sugar 1 teaspoon nutmeg 1 cup lard 1 teaspoon cloves 1 cup butter 1 teaspoon salt 3 eggs 6}/2 cups flour 1 level teaspoon soda in two tablespoons hot water }4: pound walnuts or almonds, broken up Cream the butter, lard and sugar. Add the other ingredients in their order. Thi& mixes into a stiff dough which you put into a bread tin and stand in the ice box over night. In the morning put the loaf on the bread board and slice in thin slices as you would any meat loaf. Bake on cookie sheet in quick oven. This makes a good many but they keep nicely. Julia Gould (Lambda Nu). Lace Curtain Cookies 1 cup sugar salt 1 tablespoon butter, creamed 23^ cups oatmeal 2 eggs, beaten separately 2 teaspoons baking powder Drop onto tins and bake in hot oven. Unsigned (Kappa). Marshmallow Cookies Rub one-half cup butter to a cream. Add four tablespoons cocoa, yolks three eggs beaten, and one-half cup water. Then incorporate beaten whites of eggs and one and one-half cups flour, sifted with three tablespoons baking powder. Bake in small tins ; when done cover with boiled frosting and press into top of each a marshamallow or two. Ethel Richter Megeath (Lambda). Molasses Cookies 2 cups molasses 1 egg little ginger or cinnamon 10 tablespoons hot water 1 teaspoon salt 3 teaspoons soda 12 tablespoons shortening 5 or 6 cups flour Stir up and let stand an hour before baking. Theodora Carpenter (Lambda). COOKIES 167 Nut Cookies 2 tablespoons butter }/i teaspoon salt ^ cup sugar Yi cup flour 1 egg 2 tablespoons milk 1 teaspoon baking powder lemon or vanilla Yi cup finely chopped nuts Cream the butter, add sugar and egg well beaten. Mix and sift baking powder, salt and flour, add to first mixture, then add milk, nuts and flavoring. Drop the mixture from a teaspoon on an unbut- tered sheet an inch apart. Bake from twelve to fifteen minutes in a slow oven. This recipe will make twenty-four cookies. Margaret W. Price (Chi Sigma). Oatmeal Cookies 2Y2 cups oatmeal, ground 1 teaspoon soda 1 cup brown sugar salt Y cup hot water cinnamon 23^2 cups flour yi cup shortening Add all ingredients except flour and water. Pour hot water in mixing dish, then add flour. Roll out thin, cut in strips. If you wish, make a paste of dates and a little water. Spread on strips and bake. Cover with another strip before baking. Grace Conners Nelson (Lambda Nu). Pineapple Cookies ^ cup butter, scant 23^ cups flour 1 cup sugar 2 eggs Y cup pineapple 2 tablespoons cream Y2 cup pineapple juice 2 teaspoons baking powder, heaping 1 teaspoon vanilla Cream butter and sugar, add eggs, slightly beaten, then pine- apple and juice. Sift into this flour and baking powder. Add cream and vanilla. Drop from spoon onto buttered pan and bake in moderate oven. If not stiff enough to make good drop cakes, add more flour. Irma Child Browne (Beta). 108 DELTA OAMMA COOK HOOK Rnisiii Cookies, Children's Delight 1 cup Bour crt'Miu 1 cup migar 1 <(visp()()ii soda I (»g^ 1 pinch smII. I'lnoiigh (lour to roll well, nboul four cups. Koll thin, spread one pound choppcMl raisiiis, douhh* over, roll slif!;hlly. Cut in scpiaros aiul bake in hot oven. A^;n(>s Clay pole Moody (Chi). Shredded Wheat Cookies 1 cup \vhit(> su^;ar 2 onj^s I cup brown su,i!::tr 1 (caspoou sod.a in • '2 cup lard } 2 <'iip i^<'*i^" '>>il'^ J-'i cup butter 3 cups of (lour (» shr(>dd(>d wheat cak(\s, rolhul Droj) the batter into pans aecordini>; to size of cooky desired. lOlaino Shields (Xi). Sour Cream Cookies crt>ani ' -j cup butter and 1 cup sugar 1 beaten egg 2^^ cujis flour y^2 t'*'P thick sinu' i'ri\'uu S^-'j teaspoiuis baking pow- }-4 tt'Mspmtn soila der IU>at wt>ll into first niixtunv Atid ouc ti>asp«Hm vanilla. Prop from spi>on ou buttered pans. Mrs. Mac Sun\uer (Kta l^psilon). Sugar Cookies 1 cup sugar '2 teaspoons baking powder 1 cuj) butter 3 eggs 4 cuivs tlour I teaspiHui cinnamon Hake in thin strips and cut int(> diamonds while hot. l.(H>nora Mann (Lambda Nu). KISSES. MACAROONS. AND MARGUERITES Kisses whiles og^:8 M (iiblrspoons gmnuluUHl sugar 1 cup pecan nuts, not choppod rut siij^ar into wliitrs of rjigs and boat unti stiff rnounh ti) drop from a spt)i>n. All suj^ar must bo dissolvod. Prop onto ungivasod papor. Hako in a slow ovrn for forty minutoa. Margarot C. lli>nry (Sigma). Corn Flake Kisses 1 scant cup sugar -'.j cup cocoanut ;{ ogg whites, beaten stilT tiny pinch salt 2 cups corn llakca Heal eggs stilT, tiien beat in sugar grailually and other ingr(>dienls. Drop on buttered tin by spoonfuls. Bako in slow oven until lirni. Lois Tcnnant Pennock (Lambda). Cocoanut Macaroons whites 2 eggs, well beaten 1 cup powdered sugar pinch salt 2 tablespoons corn starch 2 cups cocoanut Drop on buttered pans and bake. Mrs. I'anny Huntley Truair (Uho 8igma). Nut Macaroons white of 1 egg 1 cup nut moats 1 cup light brown sugar \.i teaspoon salt Take a very scant cup of sugar and if it is loo dark brown, use a little white to make the nu>asure. Heat white of egg until light, and while beating conslanlly, add sugar gradually. Fold in nut meats, finely chopped, ami sprinkU>d with salt. Drop from tip of spoon one inch apart on buttered sheet, and bake in ;i moderate oven until delic!iltlve macaroons. Alice CMuistopher Browne (Signuv). 169 170 DELTA GAMMA COOK BOOK Peanut Macaroons 1 cup powdered sugar 1 cup peanut meats 1 tablespoon flour whites of 2 eggs Mix flour and sugar, add peanuts and eggs, bake on buttered tins. Mabel Kellogg (Chi). Peanut Macaroons whites of 3 eggs, well beaten 1 cup sugar, beaten in 1 glass of peanut butter Mix and drop on oiled paper. Bake in moderate oven for twenty or twenty-five minutes. Helen Stevens West (Sigma). Marguerites white of one egg, beaten stiff 4 tablespoons granulated sugar Yi cup EngMsh walnuts, finely chopped Stir in one-half teaspoon mapleine. Spread on salted wafers and bake until brown. This is sufficient for twenty chips. Jeannette R. Fox (Nu). Marguerites Boil one cup sugar and one-half cup water until it threads. Re- move to back of stove and drop in five marshmallows, cut in pieces. Let stand to dissolve, then gradually pour onto whites of two eggs, beaten until foamy. Add two tablespoons shredded cocoanut, one- fourth teaspoon vanilla. When partly cool, add one cup English walnut meats. Spread on saltines and brown slightly in a hot oven. This quantity will spread between three and four dozen crackers. Grace Johnston (Omieron). Mocha Cakes Cut a square or oblong of angel cake into small cubes about one and three-quarters inches each way. Mix powdered sugar and but- ter to form a filhng that will be soft enough to spread easily. Spread on all sides of each little cube of angel food and roll in ahnonds that have been browned and ground or chopped fine. These are very nice for afternoon tea. Ruth Scott Dancer (Xi). COFFEE CAKE AND GINGER BREADS Bishop's Bread 3 eggs 1 cup almonds not blanched 1 cup sugar 1}/^ cups flour 1 cup raisins 13^ teaspoons baking powder Mix eggs and sugar thoroughly, add other ingredients, put in shallow pan and bake in slow oven. Cut in strips while warm and leave in pan to cool. Margaret Jayne (Tau). Blitz KUchen }/2 cup butter 2 eggs % cup sugar rind 1 lemon, grated }/2 cup milk \}/2 cups flour, measured after sifting 3/2 teaspoon baking powder blanched almonds, cut lengthwise and mixed with sugar and cinnamon Cream butter, add sugar and beat well, stir in eggs, lemon rind, milk, and flour with baking powder, alternately. Spread in two biscuit tins, cover with almonds. Bake twenty minutes. Evelyn N. Walbridge (Omega Sigma). Almond Short Bread 1 pound flour pinch salt }/2 pound butter 5 ounces sugar 1 ounce blanched and chopped almonds Sift the flour and salt onto a baking board. Knead the butter and sugar together, then gradually draw in the flour, kneading well, add the almonds and knead again, keeping the lump firm in both hands. When all is worked up into a stiff paste cut it into three pieces and make each piece round, and about half an inch thick, pinch the edges, dust over with finely chopped almonds, and bake in a moderate oven until they are a nice brown color. The time depends on the thickness of the cakes — from one-fourth to one-half hour. Jean Mearns (Alpha Ganuna). 171 172 DELTA GAMMA COOK BOOK Scotch Short Bread )/2 cup sugar 2 cups flour 1 cup butter 1 teaspoon salt Cream butter and sugar, add flour and salt together. Bake in shallow tin. Cut while hot. Margaret Benton Eichhorn (Lambda Nu). Coffee Cake 3^ cup sugar 2 cups flour, sifted 1 well beaten egg }/2 teaspoon soda 1 cup buttermilk or sour milk ^ teaspoon nutmeg y^ cup melted butter 34 teaspoon salt 134 teaspoons baking powder Bake in two pie tins twenty to thirty minutes and spread over top; one-fourth cup sugar, one-fourth cup chopped nuts, one tea- spoon cinnamon, bits of butter. Julia B. Gould (Lambda Nu). Coffee Cake 1 cup very strong coffee 3 eggs 1 cup butter 13^ pints flour 2 cups sugar 3^ cup chopped citron \}/2 teaspoons baking powder 3^ cup milk 1 cup stoned raisins, cut in two 1 teaspoon allspice and 1 of nutmeg Bake in a hot oven fifty minutes. Louise Schriefer (Omicron). Coffee Cake 34 cup butter or oleo 2 eggs ]/2 cup sugar 13/^ cups flour pinch salt milk enough to make a soft dough, about 34 cup 1 heaping teaspoon baking powder Cream butter and sugar, add beaten eggs and milk, then dry ingredients, sifted together. Sprinkle top with sugar, cinnamon and chopped walnuts. Bake in shallow pan in hot oven, taking care to avoid burning. Lucia E. Lyons (Xi). COFFEE CAKE AND GINGER BREADS 173 Chocolate Ginger Bread 1 cup molasses 2 teaspoons melted butter ]/2 cup sour cream or milk J^ teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon soda, dissolved in 1 tablespoon water 1 teaspoon ginger 2 cups flom* 1 teaspoon cinnamon 4 tablespoons (2 squares) grated chocolate Mix in order given. Bake in a loaf in a moderate oven. Theodora Stark Carpenter (Lambda). Cold Tea Ginger Bread }/2 cup cold tea 3^ cup molasses ]/2 cup sugar 1^ cups flour 1 teaspoon soda 1 egg 14, cup butter Cream butter and sugar. Add other ingredients and add egg last. Grace Conners Nelson (Lambda Nu). Frozen Gingerbread 1 cup New Orleans molasses 1 cup sugar 1 tablespoon soda 1 cup melted lard 1 tablespoon cinnamon 2 eggs 2 tablespoons ginger 4 cups flour 1 cup boiling water Mix molasses, sugar, and lard, then spices, salt to suit taste, yolks of eggs, stir in all flour you can, add boiling water with soda dissolved in it, beaten whites of eggs last. This batter can be set in a cool place and kept for two weeks, and any quantity baked as desired. Susanna H. Parry (Alpha Beta). Molasses Ginger Bread 2]/2 cups flour ]/2 teaspoon nutmeg ']/2 cup sugar 3^ tablespoon ginger }/2 cup butter }/2 teaspoon cinnamon ]/2 cup molasses 13^ teaspoons soda ^2 cup sour milk 3^ teaspoon salt 2 eggs Melt together in an earthenware dish butter, sugar, molasses and 174 DELTA GAMMA COOK BOOK spices, then remove from fire. Add eggs well beaten, milk, soda, dissolved in a little hot water, and lastly flour. Bake in moderate oven from twenty to thirty minutes. This makes a deUcious cold weather dessert, served with sweetened and flavored whipped cream, Mabel W. Wright (Phi Omega). Nothings 1 egg pinch salt 1 tablespoon cream 2 tablespoons sugar Flour enough to make thick enough to roll. Roll very thin, cut in strips or in queer shapes. Fry in deep fat until brown. Dust with powdered sugar. Lois Marshall (Theta). Scotch Scones for Tea 2 cups flour 1 teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons baking powder buttermilk enough to make a stiff batter Roll out, cut with cookie cutter. Fry on a griddle or in a pan, on both sides and edges. Split with fork and butter. Blanche Garten (Kappa). DOUGHNUTS Fattimands Bockles 2 eggs, well beaten 2 tablespoons cream 2 tablespoons sugar flavor with nutmeg flour enough to make it stiff Roll very, very thin. Fry in deep lard. Margaret Denfeld Hudson (Lambda). Comfits 1 cup sugar 2 eggs 1 cup milk 1 teaspoon lemon extract 3 cups flour salt 2 teaspoons baking powder Drop dough into hot lard and fry as doughnuts. When pow- dered with sugar they are pretty enough to serve with tea or coffee in the afternoon. Ethel Rockwood Phillips (Lambda). Doughnuts 2 eggs, well beaten 3^ nutmeg, grated 1 cup sugar, added 3 teaspoons full melted httle salt butter Cream the above thoroughly. Add one cup milk. Flour enough to roll. Two teaspoons baking powder. Keep as soft as possible. Beat hard after half the flour is in. Roll all out before frying as stand- ing improves them. Marion Prest (Lambda). Potato Doughnuts 2 well beaten eggs 13^ cups sweet milk 1 cup mashed potatoes 1 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons melted lard flour enough to handle 6 level teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon nutmeg or cinnamon The secret of successful doughnut making lies in adding just enough flour to handle, frying in Crisco or lard, to which a tablespoon of vinegar is added before the blue haze arises and not chilling the grease by placing all the fresh dough in the kettle at the same time. Nelhe Mary Ober (Theta). 175 176 DELTA GAMMA COOK BOOK Spiced Fried Cakes \]/2 cups sour milk 1 cup sugar 2 eggs 1 teaspoon soda 2 teaspoons baking powder 2 tablespoons shortening 1 teaspoon salt 1 heaping teaspoon nutmeg 1 teaspoon cinnamon pinch of ginger Flour enough to make soft dough. Add spices, soda, baking pow- der to some of the flour. Add all ingredients, then stir just enough to mix them. Make soft dough, but stiff enough to be handled on board. Fry in hot lard. CAKE FROSTINGS AUegretti Frosting Make a regular boiled frosting and spread on cake. When this has_hardened, put a coating of melted Baker's chocolate over all. Margaret Van Bergen (Lambda). Boiled Icing 1 cup sugar cold water enough to dissolve the sugar Boil until it threads. Pour over the beaten white of one egg and beat until stiff enough to spread on cake. Harriet Van Bergen Deering (Lambda). Burnt Sugar Frosting Burn sugar according to rule under "Burnt Leather Cake." Boil one and one-half cups sugar and about one-half cup water (enough water to dissolve sugar) . Add enough burnt syrup to darken this white syrup ( two or three tablespoons). Boil hard a few min- utes, then add four tablespoons of syrup to well beaten white of egg. Cook rest of syrup until it hairs at third or fourth drop, then add gradually to white of egg, beating continually. When stiff enough, spread on cake. Grace Nelson (Lambda). Caramel Icing 2]/2 cups light brown sugar 3/^ cup granulated sugar Stir over the fire until boiling. Add : 1 cup thick sweet cream 1 large tablespoon butter Cook until it hardens when tested in water. Remove from fire and beat hard until thick and creamy. If too hard, add a little boiling water; if too soft, return to the fire a few minutes. Spread on quickly and smooth with a silver knife dipped in hot water. Do not frost cake until both cake and frosting are cool. Martha Dever Moulton (Lambda). 177 178 DELTA GAMMA COOK BOOK Chocolate Frosting 2 cups powdered sugar 13^ tablespoons butter Cream together and add two tablespoons cold water, white of one egg beaten stiff, two squares melted chocolate, one-half teaspoon vanilla. Helen Plant Southall (Lambda Nu). Chocolate Filling Yi cup grated chocolate 2 cups sugar lump of butter the size of an egg ^ cup milk Mix and cook until it makes a soft ball in cold water. Remove from fire and beat until cool. If it should get too hard add a table- spoon or two of boiling water. Eva Webb Dodd (Founder) . Icing for Chocolate Cake No 2 3 cups sugar Y2 cake chocolate 1 cup milk Let milk and sugar come to a boil and then add chocolate. Boil until it forms soft ball in cold water. Let it stand until almost cool, then stir. Grace Conners Nelson (Lambda Nu). Filling for Any Chocolate Cake 2 cups milk 2 squares chocolate 1 cup sugar vanilla 4 dessert spoons cornstarch Boil this as you do chocolate pudding. Wlien it thickens set aside until partly cooled, then stir and put on cake. Grace Conners Nelson (Lambda Nu). Chocolate Icing 2 cups sugar 2 egg whites Yi cup boiling water • bit of butter in chocolate 23^ squares chocolate Boil sugar and water until it threads, then beat in stiff beaten whites. Wlien about ready to put on cake add melted chocolate. Then spread on cake. Anna Glindemann (Nu). CAKE FROSTINGS 179 Chocolate Icing beaten whites of 2 eggs 1 cup powdered sugar 2 squares melted chocolate then fold in 3^ pint cream, whipped use H of 3^ pint bottle. Doris Churchill (Rho). Chocolate Icing 7 tablespoons grated chocolate 1 egg, beaten whole ^ cup sugar 2 tablespoons sweet cream Beat well together and set on stove; bring to a boil, stirring con- stantly. When just boiling take from fire and add one-half teaspoon vanilla and beat until cool. Margaret Denfeld Hudson (Lambda). Frosting for Cake }/i cup cream, sweet or sour 1 teaspoon vanilla 2 squares chocolate, melted over hot water Stir powdered sugar into the cream, adding it slowly, until ahnost stiff enough to spread, then add the melted chocolate. Add sugar until stiff. Edith Foulke (Lambda Nu). Frosting 1 cup sugar pinch of salt Yi cup boiling water 1 tablespoon sugar whites of 2 eggs vanilla pinch of cream of tartar Cook the sugar and water together very slowly, without stirring. Beat whites of eggs and add one tablespoon of uncooked sugar and pinch of salt. Add one tablespoon of boiling sugar to beaten eggs and beat well. Add more gradually. Be sure the last three table- spoons of sugar syrup hairs well before adding to the beaten whites. Put the frosting in a double boiler and keep lifting carefully with a spoon. Cook until it keeps its shape when lifted with a spoon (about three or four minutes). Remove from the fire, add cream of tartar and vanilla. This makes a rich thick frosting for cake. Alcetta Gilbert Clark (Lambda Nu). 180 DELTA GAMMA COOK BOOK Lemon Filling 2 cups confectionery sugar 3 tablespoons cream Mix together and add yolks of three or four eggs. Flavor with lemon. Cora Harmon (Pi). Lemon Filling grated rind and juice of 1 lemon 1 egg 1 cup sugar Beat well and cook in double boiler untU done. Beat until thick enough to spread. Katharine F. Herrmann (Alpha Beta). Mocha Frosting 2 cups .powdered sugar 8 teaspoons cocoa 3^ cup oleomargarine 3 tablespoons hot coffee Stir and put on cake. Grace Conners Nelson (Lambda Nu). Mocha Icing a piece of butter the size of an egg 1 tablespoon cocoa Mix the cocoa and butter together. Then add: 2 tablespoons cold coffee 1 teaspoon vanilla 2 cups confectioner's sugar Gladys Gary (Eta). Marshmallow Filling 3 cups sugar 1 cup water 3 tablespoons corn syrup Mix and cook until it makes a soft ball in cold water. Remove from fire and beat slowly into stiffly beaten whites of three eggs. Add one cup of marshmallows, chopped fine, one cup chopped pecans and one teaspoon vanilla. Beat until cool and creamy. Eva Webb Dodd (Founder). CAKE FROSTINGS 181 Marshmallow Icing 2 cups sugar 1 cup water Cook until it threads. Pour over the well beaten whites of two eggs. Add one-half pound marshmallows and beat well. Spread between and over layers. Louise Riggs (Theta). Pecan Frosting 1 cup cream, sour or sweet 1 cup pecans, cut up 1 cup sugar Boil together until thick. Put whole pecans over top layer, aside from those chopped up and boiled with the mixture. Gladys Huffman (Pi). Snow Balls Cut pieces of pound cake about two inches square. Dip into stiffly beaten white of egg and dip in cocoanut. Alta Stevenson (Eta). Frosting whites of 2 eggs Beat a httle, add pinch of salt and pinch of cream of tartar. Beat stiff. add 1 cup sugar 3 tablespoons cold water Put in a double boiler and beat for eight minutes as it cooks, or until the mixture can be raised to a point from a spoon. This never fails. Kathleen Frazee Marcy (Lambda Nu). Caramel Frosting 13^ cups light brown sugar 1 tablespoon butter ]/2 cup cream or rich milk Boil slowly until it forms a soft ball in water. Take from the fire and add vanilla to taste. Beat until ready to spread. LiUian'Smith Burwell (Lambda Nu). DESSERTS Almond Pudding Line dessert cups with strips of sponge cake. Fill with following custard : 2 eggs 1 pint milk Y2 cup sugar 2 tablespoons cornstarch When custard is partly cool, flavor and add two-thirds cup chopped blanched almonds. Serve very cold. Helen Berkman Judd (Lambda). African Cream Into yolks of two eggs well beaten stir four tablespoons sugar, two tablespoons flour and flavor with vanilla. Pour this into one pint of boiling milk and stir until quite thick. Remove top and inside of a sponge cake and fill vacancy with the cream. Replace top and cover with chocolate icing. Leulah J. Hawley (Lambda Nu). Ambrosia Put layer of oranges sliced thm in dish, cover with powdered sugar and grated cocoanut, alternating layers until dish is full, leaving a cocoanut layer for top. Serve cold. Gayle Marshall (Theta). Angel's Dessert 1 cup brown sugar 1 cup nuts 2 eggs, well beaten 1 cup dates 1 teaspoon baking powder 2 teaspoons flour Stir sugar, flour and baking powder together and add the other ingredients. Bake in a slow oven twenty minutes. Serve with cream. Frances Skinner Blitz (Lambda). 182 DESSERTS 183 Delmonico Apple Stew and sweeten to taste one quart peaches, one quart apples. Chop together one and one-half pounds blanched almonds, twenty- cents worth macaroons. Put fruit in well buttered pan, add small lumps butter, then add nuts and macaroons, alternating layers until dish is fuU. Bake half hour, or until brown. Harriet Merrill Chf ton (Lambda) . Apricot Float Squeeze stewed apricots through sieve. To one cup apricots add whites of two or three eggs beaten light with a little sugar. Put in slightly buttered pan and brown lightly. Mabel M. Reese (Psi), Apples in Butter Sauce 4 large sweet apples water 2 tablespoons butter }/i teaspoon vanilla 2 tablespoons flour 3^ teaspoon cinnamon Melt butter and blend with flour, add water slowly until the consistency of white sauce. When smooth put in the apples, pared and cut into sixteenths. Then add enough water to cover apples. Cook until apples are tender and flavor with vanilla and cinnamon. If possible use "Weaver Sweet Apples." Ella Ward Carson (Epsilon). Apples a la Tomato Peel and core apples that do not break when cooking and put in water to cover them. Drop in enough red cinnamon candies to color the water and cook until done. Serve with whipped cream and nuts in the center. Irene Blades Hickman (Theta) . Apple Dumplings 1 pint flour pinch of salt 1 good teaspoon baking powder 2 large tablespoons butter Mix all together with milk until soft. Roll a little and fill with quartered apples sweetened. Put in a deep pan and after they have started to bake pour following sauce around them and continue baking. Cook together for five minutes: one pint boiling water, three tablespoons sugar, and two tablespoons butter. Mary M. Breene (Tau Zeta). 184 DELTA GAMMA COOK BOOK Stufifed Apples Peel and core sour apples, place in baking dish. Fill each center with sugar and one teaspoon of lemon juice. Measure one table- spoon of water for each apple and pour it around them. Bake until apples are soft, from twenty to forty minutes, basting every ten minutes. Place apples in dish, stuff with chopped nuts and dates, then pour juice over. Serve cold with whipped cream. Elsie Foulke Haney (Lambda) . Apricot Souffle 1 jelly glass of apricot marmalade 4 egg whites, Y2 stiffly beaten Y2 cup granulated sugar Beat eggs, add sugar gradually, then beat in marmalade. Bake in moderate oven from twenty to twenty-five minutes. Let it stay in open oven from which the heat has been turned off until ready to serve. Serve with whipped cream. Ina Firkins (Lambda Nu). Apple Souffle Make as above, using one cup grated raw apple, or very thick apple sauce instead of apricot. Serve with whipped cream. Ina TenEyck Firkins (Lambda). Transparent Apples 2 cups sugar (granulated) 1 cup water Boil five minutes, to a syrup. Add 1 teaspoon mapleine. Pare and core 6 apples. Place in syrup for about fifteen minutes. Turn over and cook until transparent. Take out, put on plate and cool. Serve with whipped cream. Very good served with pork. Frances M. Samuel (Rho). Banana Whip 1 banana 3^ cup double cream Y^ cup sugar 2 pistachio nuts 1 tablespoon lemon juice Peel bananas, scrape off the coarse threads and press pulp through a sieve, add sugar, and lemon juice and cook over fire, stirring con- DESSERTS 185 stantly until it boils. Remove from the fire' and let chill. Beat cream until firm to the bottom of bowl. Fold the chilled banana together and turn into two glasses. Chop nuts fine and sprinkle on top. Serves two. Norma Rosholt Cammack (Lambda). Bird's Nest Pudding Beat one egg well and add it to two tablespoons sugar, rubbed into one tablespoon butter. Then add one small cup of milk and one cup of flour sifted with one rounded teaspoon of baking powder. Fill a deep dish with small pieces of apple or other fruit, cover with a small cup of sugar and juice of half a lemon. Pour the batter over this and bake in a hot oven forty minutes. Serve hot with cream. Edna Judson Wilde (Lambda Nu). Black Pudding }/2 cup molasses 3^ teaspoon soda }4: cup butter 3^ teaspoon cloves ]4: cup sugar 3^ teaspoon cinnamon ]4: cup milk 13/2 cups flour 2 eggs Steam one hour. Serve hot with egg sauce. Egg Sauce Beat two eggs well, adding one cup sugar gradually and flavor with vanilla. H. Safford (Nu). Blueberry Pudding 2 eggs 2 tablespoons baking powder 2 cups flour 2 cups of berries 1 cup sweet milk 3^ teaspoon salt Steam for two hours. Elizabeth McDowell (Omicron). 186 DELTA GAMMA COOK BOOK Bread Pudding 1 pint of fine bread crumbs 1 quart sweet milk yolks of 4 eggs ]/2 cup brown sugar butter size of an egg grated rind of 1 lemon Bake until thick. Beat up the whites of the eggs, juice of the lemon, and a teacup of sugar. Spread over top and brown in the oven. Harriet Jefferson Pinkham (Lambda). Brown Betty 2 cups apples, sliced thin 1 cup bread crumbs 2 tablespoons butter, cut into bits Butter a baking dish and put layer of apples sprinkled with sugar and a little cinnamon, then layer of crumbs, alternating layers. Dot layers of crumbs with bits of butter. Add a few tablespoons of water. Bake closely covered thirty to forty minutes, then uncover and brown. Serve hot or cold with sweetened cream and nutmeg. Madge Smith (Chi). Boiled Caramel Custard 1 quart milk jt, 4 eggs 4 level tablespoons flour 4 tablespoons sugar besides the sugar used in making the caramel syrup 4 tablespoons caramel syrup, made by browning white sugar to a dark syrup and adding boiling water. pinch of salt vanilla to taste Beat up yolks of eggs and add sugar and flour mixed, salt, cara- mel and a little cold milk so it will pour easily. Add this mixture to a quart of hot milk, and cook in a double boiler until the custard thickens. The whites of the eggs may be used to make meringue. Beat and sweeten and put on top of the custard when ready to serve. Margaret Frisbie Wood (Lambda Nu). DESSERTS ■ 187 Brown Pudding 1 egg 13^ cups flour 2 tablespoons sugar 3^ cup molasses 1 teaspoon soda stirred well into molasses 2 tablespoons melted butter Beat well, then add one-half cup boiling water. This makes a thin pudding, but do not add any more flour. Steam one hour. Sauce Yolks of two eggs beaten with one-half cup sugar, the longer beaten the better. Add one-half pint whipped cream, but do not add until ready to serve. Flavor. Florence Bemis Reed (Omega). Carrot Pudding 1 cup granulated sugar 1 teaspoon soda 1 cup suet spices and vanilla 1 cup grated raw potatoes 1 cup raisins 1 cup grated raw carrots 1 cup currants 13^ cups flour Boil in double boiler for three hours. Serve with brandy sauce. Besse WUder (Pi). Cherry Pudding 1 cup flour ) 13^ teaspoon baking powder \ sift together pinch salt J Beat yolk of one egg and add one-third cup sugar, three table- spoons melted butter, one-quarter cup milk. Mix with the sifted mixture. Add one cup seeded cherries and white of egg beaten. Steam in five cups for twenty-five minutes. For chocolate pudding add two squares melted chocolate instead of the cherries. Serve with hard sauce. Hard Sauce }4 cup butter 2 tablespoons cream 1 cup powdered sugar vanilla Helen Plant Southall (Lambda). 188 DELTA GAMMA COOK BOOK Cherry Torte 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 cup of flour 1 tablespoon butter 1 egg 6 teaspoons sugar Mix and put into pan. Pour in cherries and place in oven. Mix yolks of four eggs, one cup sugar, three-fourths cup milk and one tablespoon cornstarch. Pour over fruit and bake one hour. Beat whites of eggs with sugar and spread over pudding and brown. Florence Mayer (Tau Zeta). Chocolate Cream 2 cups scalded milk }/i teaspoon salt 1 cup sugar ^ cup cold milk 5 tablespoons cornstarch V/i squares Baker's chocolate 3 tablespoons hot water whites 3 eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla Mix cornstarch, sugar and salt, dilute with cold milk, add to scalded milk and cook over hot water ten minutes, stirring con- stantly until thickened. Melt chocolate, add hot water. Stir until smooth, and add to cooked mixture. Cool, add whites of eggs, beaten stiff, also vanilla. Mould, chill and serve with cream. Makes eight small puddings. Nelle Stinchfield Braasch (Lambda). Chocolate Pudding 1 cup fresh bread crumbs 2 cups hot milk 2 squares chocolate 1 egg 3/3 cup sugar 3^ teaspoon salt Soak the bread crumbs in one-half the hot milk. Melt the chocolate over hot water, add sugar and the rest of the milk. Add the bread crumbs and remaining ingredients. Bake in a casserole, or in cups about one-half hour. Serve cold with whipped cream. Theodora Stark Carpenter (Lambda). DESSERTS 189 Chocolate Puffs Beat white of egg until very light, add confectioner's sugar and cocoa until a good paste is formed. Add pinch of salt and vanilla to taste. Mould into httle balls, roll in granulated sugar and place in oven for three minutes. Lois Ward (Omicron). Chocolate Souffle Melt one rounded tablespoon butter in saucepan. Stir in two rounded tablespoons flour and cook a minute. Add slowly one-half cup milk and cook this until smooth and a little thickened. Remove from fire. Add slowly yolks of three eggs beaten with four large tablespoons sugar. Mix thoroughly and add three ounces of choco- late, melted. Stir and set away to cool. Rub a little butter over top to prevent crust forming. When ready to bake fold in lightly whites of four eggs beaten stiff. Bake in earthenware pudding dish in water. Leulah J. Hawley (Lambda Nu). Chocolate Steam Pudding Yi cup granulated sugar 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 egg 1 square chocolate melted Y2 cup milk 1 tablespoon butter Steam one and one-half hours. 1 cup flour Sauce Beat one egg, add one cup powdered sugar, a little melted butter and one teaspoon of vanilla. Mrs. R. K. Crawford (Eta Upsilon). Cottage Pudding 3^ cup butter 1 cup sugar 2 eggs, whites and yolks beaten separately Y2 cup milk 2 cups flour V/i teaspoons baking powder Serve with following sauce: mix one cup of sugar with butter size of an egg, melted; add one cup hot water; when it boils thicken with cornstarch, dissolved in a little water; flavor with lemon and vanilla. Edith Fryer Siebold (Lambda). 190 DELTA GAMMA COOK BOOK Baked Custard for Two 1 egg, beaten 1 cup cream 2 tablespoons sugar vanilla Bake twenty minutes in a pan set in water. Helen Plant Southall (Lambda Nu). Baked Caramel Custard 4 cups scalded milk 5 eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla ^ teaspoon salt Yi cup sugar Put sugar in omelette pan, stir constantly until melted to syrup of light brown color, add gradually to hot milk. When sugar is melted, add to eggs, slightly beaten. Add salt and vanilla. Strain into buttered mould or baking dish. Bake in pan of hot water about twenty minutes. Test with silver knife. Kate Sexton (Beta). Dark Pudding Y2 cup molasses 34 cup butter 2 cups flour Yi cup sour milk Yi teaspoon soda Yi teaspoon cinnamon, cloves, allspice 34 cup nut meats and 1 cup raisins, floured Steam one hour. Serves six. Serve with hard sauce. Grace C. Nelson (Lambda Nu). Dark Secret 1 cup white sugar 1 cup dates in halves 1 cup walnuts in quarters 3 eggs 3 tablespoons flour 1 teaspoon baking powder Bake in kiichen tins and break into pieces after baked. Put a layer on a plate, then a layer of oranges cut in small pieces, another layer of cake and a layer of bananas. Sprinkle fruit with sugar and cover with whipped cream. Esther Kelly (Omega). DESSEBTS 191 Date Pudding 3 eggs, beaten light, separately 1 cup sugar 3^ cup walnuts, cut coarse Yi cup dates, cut up 1 heaping teaspoon baking powder 1 heaping tablespoon flour Put dry ingredients together, then add eggs, first yolks, then whites, and whip. Bake in very slow oven thirty minutes. Serve with plain or whipped cream. Eleanor Hamilton Gregg (Lambda). Date Pudding 1 cup pecan meats salt 1 cup dates 1 pinch cinnamon 1 cup sugar 3^ cup bread crumbs 2 unbeaten eggs 1 teaspoon baking powder Pour in buttered dish and steam one hour. R. Wollman (Iota Sigma). Date Souffle Y2 pound dates, chopped and cooked in Yi cup boiling water mash until smooth 5 egg whites, beaten stiff Y cup sugar 1 tablespoon lemon juice, salt Pour into buttered baking dish and bake twenty-five minutes. Serve cold with a boiled custard or whipped cream. Mildred Lawrence (Alpha Delta). Delight Whip a pint of good thick cream slightly diluted with milk and flavor with vanilla. Cut in halves, and remove the seeds from half a pound of white grapes; break up into small pieces half a pound of English walnuts; and cut into cubes half a pound, or less, of very soft and fresh marshmallows. Stir all into the whipped cream until the mixture is of the consistency of paste. Cora Morrison (Tau Zeta) . 192 DELTA GAMMA COOK BOOK Eagle Sundae 1 can Borden's Eagle Brand condensed milk marshmallow sauce chopped nuts and candied cherries Do not open the can of milk but place it in a kettle of water and boil it sealed for three hours. This reduces the milk to caramel. Open the can and chill the contents. Serve in compote glasses with marshmallow sauce and garnish of nuts and cherries. This serves six. Harriet Moore Pier (Lambda). A Favorite Pudding 1 heaping pint of perfectly dry and very fine bread crumbs 1 egg 5 scant tablespoons melted Yi cup sugar butter 1 cup hot water 1 teaspoon soda 1 cup molasses 1 cup flour 1 heaping cup raisins 1 teaspoon cinnamon Steam two or two and one-half hours in buttered dish, serve with whipped cream or foam sauce. Water should boil rapidly while steaming. Dates may be substituted for raisins and chopped nuts may be added. Fig Pudding 1 cup suet 2 eggs 1 cup brown sugar Y2 teaspoon salt 1 cup sweet milk 1 teaspoon cinnamon 3 cups flour 1 pound figs 1 teaspoon baking powder Chop suet and figs. Beat the sugar and yolks of eggs together until light, then add milk and flour and beat until smooth. Add the spices, salt and whites of eggs, well beaten, then the baking powder, mixed with the flour. Next add the figs, well floured. Turn into a buttered mould and steam for three hours. Serve warm with a hard sauce. Julia Bearnes Gould (Lambda). DESSERTS 193 Fig and Date Pudding Chop fine one-half pound figs and one-half pound dates, two- third cup boiled rice, small cup sugar and pinch of salt. After soaking one-half box gelatine in one-half cup water for one hour add to fruit. Then add one pint whipped cream and pour into mould. Serve cold with whipped cream. This amount will serve ten people. Anne Puffer Taylor (Lambda Nu). Fig Souffle 2 eggs 2 tablespoons flour 1 cup sugar 1 cup chopped figs 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 cup chopped walnuts Bake slowly thirty minutes. Serve cold with whipped cream. Jean Frederickson (Omega). Fruit Cocktail 1 can sliced pineapple 1 cup sugar 3 oranges juice 1 lemon 3^ cup halved green grapes or fresh sweet cherries Drain juice from the pineapple and boil with sugar until sugar is dissolved. While this is cooking, cut pineapple fine, peel and cut oranges fine, and skin grapes. Pour juice of pineapple and lemon over this. Serve very cold in sherbet glasses, adding maraschino cherries if desired. Mary Louise Longbrake (Lambda). Graham Pudding 1 cup sweet milk 1 cup chopped raisins 1 cup molasses ^ cup corn meal \]/2 cups graham flour 2 teaspoons soda, dissolved in milk salt Steam two hours. Serve with pudding sauce. A. Evelyn Abel (Rho Sigma). 194 DELTA GAMMA COOK BOOK English Grape Pudding Boil one quart grapes in one quart of water, strain, add one cup sugar and stir in one cup cream of wheat. Cook in double boiler fifteen minutes, remove from fire and whip in well beaten whites of two eggs. Pour in moulds to cool and serve with following sauce: heat one pint milk; add yolks of two eggs, well beaten with one-half cup sugar and two tablespoons cornstarch; add salt and vanilla. Cook well and cool before serving. Ruby Bell (Rho Sigma). Honey Comb Pudding Y2 cup flour Yi cup sugar Yi cup milk Yi cup butter Y cup molasses 4 eggs 1 rounding teaspoon cinnamon 1 level teaspoon soda dissolved in hot water Mix flour and sugar thoroughly. Add molasses, then butter melted in the milk. Add the cinnamon, the eggs beaten together, and lastly the soda. Bake in buttered pan thirty minutes in a medium oven. Serve immediately with a lemon or hard sauce. Mary Louise Moss (Phi). Ice Box Cake 2 quarter-pound cakes German sweet chocolate 2 tablespoons powderedsugar 4 tablespoons water 4 eggs (separated) 3 dozen lady fingers Yi pint whipping cream Melt chocolate in double boiler, then add water, stirring con- stantly. Remove from stove and drop unbeaten yolks into it, one at a time, beating constantly; next add sugar and the beaten whites of the eggs. Have a loaf pan with removable bottom or use waxed paper for hning for packing the lady fingers. Put in one layer, very close together, pour the chocolate mixture over them, then pack in another layer and more chocolate. Add a little vanilla if wanted. Set into ice box to stiffen. Turn onto a platter and serve at table by slicing and adding whipped cream. Ahce McCelland Decker (Lambda). DESSERTS 195 Baked Indian Pudding Two heaping tablespoons of corn meal, wet with a little cold water. Stir gradually into a quart of hot milk, put in a little salt and boil until thick and smooth. Add one-half cup chopped suet or one-fourth cup of butter. When cool add : 3 eggs, beaten light }/i teaspoon ginger 1 cup sugar Yi teaspoon nutmeg 1 tablespoon molasses 1 teaspoon cinnamon Yi cup of seeded raisins Bake slowly one and a half hours. If hard sauce is to be served with it, leave out half of the quantity of sugar in the pudding. Juliette Gates (Sigma). Krummel Tart 1 cup dried bread crumbs, rolled fine 1 cup sugar yolks 6 eggs 1 cup chopped dates 1 cup English walnuts, chopped fine 1 teaspoon baking powder Mix together, then add the stiffly beaten whites of the six eggs. Bake and when cool serve with whipped cream. Alice Christopher Browne (Sigma). Lemon Pudding Beat yolks four eggs very light, add four tablespoons sugar, two tablespoons of water and grated rind and juice of one lemon. Cook to custard in double boiler. Beat whites of four eggs very light. Add two tablespoons sugar. Beat thoroughly into the custard. Serve in sherbet glasses. Elsie Sovereign (Sigma). Lemon Sponge Pudding Yi cup sugar 1 large lemon, or 2 small ones 3 eggs Yz packet gelatine Mix sugar with grated rind and juice of lemon, and add beaten yolks of the eggs. Also mix gelatine (previously dissolved) with well 196 DELTA GAMMA COOK BOOK beaten whites of the eggs. Stir together the two mixtures, beating until stiff. A httle sherry may be added for seasoning. No cooking, except to dissolve the gelatine. Mrs. James Warren McCrosky (Kappa and Chi Upsilon), Maple Mousse 1 pint milk 2 eggs 3 tablespoons cornstarch 1 cup dark brown sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla 3^ pint cream, whipped Put sugar in pan and cook until it turns dark brown. Heat milk, then add eggs and cornstarch. Boil twenty minutes. When thick- ened, add melted sugar, vanilla. Put in sherbet glasses and when ready to serve, add whipped cream and whole pecan nuts. Psi. Marshmallow Pudding One-half pound marshmallows, cut in four pieces. Soak marsh- mallows over night in one-half pint cream (part milk may be used). Put on ice before serving. Add oranges cut in small pieces, pine- apple, nuts, strawberries, Malaga grapes. Any kind of fruit may be used. Serve in ice cups. Whip one-half pint of cream and put on top with cherry or strawberry in center. A. Evelyn Abel (Rho Sigma). Nun Cake 3 eggs, beaten separately 3^ cup sugar, beaten into yolks of eggs 1 cup broken or chopped English walnuts 2 tablespoons flour 1 teaspoon baking powder vanilla Bake in two pans and fill with sweetened and flavored whipped cream. Leonora Mann (Lambda Nu). DESSERTS 197 Omelet Souffle 5 eggs 14: teaspoon salt 3 tablespoons powdered sugar grated rind ^ lemon 3 tablespoons lemon juice Beat yolks of eggs until light colored and thick. Add sugar gradually, then grated rind and lemon juice. Pour this mixture over whites of eggs, beaten with salt until dry, and cut and fold the two together. Pour into buttered baking dish or into individual cases and bake in quick oven until well puffed and of a delicate brown color. Serve at once with Sabayon sauce. Grace Johnston (Omicron). Orange Delicious , ) boil 8 minutes and add orange juice 1 cup water J . o ^ 2 cups orange juice yolks of 2 eggs 1 cup cream 1 cup whipping cream Scald thin cream and add eggs. Cook over hot water until mixture thickens. Cool and add to first mixture with cream beaten stiff. Freeze. Grace L. Adams (Lambda Nu). Orange Float One pint of boiling water, one and one-half tablespoons of corn starch, dissolved in a little cold water, one cup of sugar, juice of one lemon, grated rind of half of it. When cold pour it over two oranges, sliced. Beat the whites of two eggs, with two tablespoons of sugar and spread over the top. Carrie D. Reed (Kappa). Orange Pudding Peel four large oranges, cut and sprinkle with one cup of sugar. Let stand while making custard. Custard : 1 quart milk whites of 2 eggs yolks of 5 eggs little salt 1 tablespoon cornstarch Steam custard until it thickens, then turn over the orange. Beat the whites of three eggs with powdered sugar. Drop on custard and brown in oven. Marguerite Klinker (Kappa). 198 DELTA GAMMA COOK BOOK Orange Pudding 1 cup bread crumbs yolks 2 eggs }/2 cup sugar whites of 4 eggs grated rind and juice of }/2 large orange Cover bread crumbs with milk. Beat yolks until hght, add rind and juice of orange. Beat whites stiff and add sugar to whites. Add to batter. Bake in a pan set in water for thirty or forty minutes. Lois Tennant Pennock (Lambda). Golden Sauce for Orange Pudding ^ cup butter Q , I cream %, cup sugar Add beaten yolks of two eggs and rind and juice of one-half large orange. Then add one-third cup hot milk. Beat well and let it come to a boil. Serve hot. Lois Tennant Pennock (Lambda Nu). Orange Puffs 4 tablespoons butter yolks of 2 eggs 1 cup sugar 4 tablespoons milk 2 teaspoons baking powder whites of 2 eggs 1 teaspoon grated orange rind 2 cups flour Mix in order given and bake in small gem pans from twenty to twenty-five minutes. Serve hot with orange sauce. Lena F. Harris (Kappa). Orange Puffs 6 yolks of eggs 1 pint milk 5 tablespoons flour 3^ teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon melted butter Beat yolks of eggs very light, add milk, pour part of this mixture on the flour. Beat smooth and add the remainder of the mixture, then butter and salt. Half fill buttered muffin pans. Bake twenty minutes in a quick oven. Serve hot with sauce made from 6 whites beaten stiff 1 cup powdered sugar juice of 1 lemon or 2 oranges. Pour over the puffs. Marjorie Preston Stevens (Lambda). DESSERTS 199 Orange Short Cake 3^ cup butter 1 cup flour Y2 cup sugar 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 egg pinch salt 3<^ cup milk Yi teaspoon vanilla Cream butter, add sugar and egg well beaten. Mix and sift dry ingredients, adding alternately with milk to the first mixture. Beat thoroughly and bake. Cut up the oranges and cover with sugar cream sauce. Alberta E. Foote (Zeta). Cream Sauce for Orange Short Cake 1 cup whipping cream 1^ teaspoon vanilla 3^ cup powdered sugar Beat cream until stiff, add sugar and vanilla. Any kind of fruit or berries can be used in place of oranges. Alberta E. Foote (Zeta). Orange Short Cake Mix dough as for biscuit and bake in round pan. Split cake while hot and butter well. Slice oranges crosswise, removing seeds and place between the layers. Cover top of cake thickly with sugar. Serve with whipped cream. Edna M. McKinley (Rho Sigma). Baked Peaches Select large, fine peaches. Bake with skins (these may be removed before serving if pre- ferred). Before eating, it is better to remove the stone and cover the halves with sugar. Serve with either plain or whipped cream. Ina Firkins (Lambda). Baked Peach Dumplings 1 pint flour 1 teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 cup butter milk to make very soft dough Cut into strips and wrap around each peach (removing stones), leaving top and bottom of fruit exposed. Stand in baking dish in 200 DELTA GAMMA COOK BOOK which they will be. served. Have ready one cup of water and two of sugar just boiled. Pour over dumplings and bake one-half hour. Serve with cream. If canned peaches are used, drain them and add juice to the syrup before pouring it on dumplings. Reserve some syrup to be served with cream, the quantity being too much to use while baking. Handle as little as possible. Martha WilHam (Alpha Beta). Peach Delight Place one or two halves of large yellow canned peaches in sherbet glasses. Fill seed cavities with chopped candied cherries and nuts and fill glasses with whipped cream. Top with whole candied cher- ries. Edith Shirley Wegeng (Iota). Pear Toast Slice stale sponge cake and toast both sides. Heap whipped cream on top and lay halved pears which have been cooked in syrup on top, placing an ahnond meat in the core cavity. Margaret Van Bergen (Lambda). Petchen 1 cup sugar 3^ cup flour 2 eggs Mix half the sugar in the yolks and beat five minutes. Add the other half to the beaten whites. Mix and add flour. Bake in gem pans. Serve with any fresh fruit, putting whipped cream or ice cream on top. Lena Harris (Kappa). Yankee Pie 1 heaping cup flour 3^ cup milk }/8 cup sugar 1 egg }4 cup butter 1 tablespoon lard 2 teaspoons baking powder salt, few grains of nutmeg Mix dry ingredients and sift twice. Work in shortening with tips of fingers. Add egg, well beaten, and milk. Fill a deep tin with sliced apples, add sugar, bits of butter and nutmeg. Cover with the shortcake and bake in a moderate oven. Turn out, so that apples are on top. While still warm cover with whipped cream and serve. Alice Bean Fraser (Lambda). DESSERTS 201 Plum Pudding 13/^ pounds seedless raisins Yi cup sugar 2 ounces finely chopped citron 1 cup molasses Yi cup chopped ahnonds 1 teaspoon salt 3 sour apples, chopped fine V/i cup bread crumbs 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 cup water Y2 teaspoon allspice and cloves 1 cup chopped suet, juice and grated rind of 1 lemon Steam four to six hours. Sauce 1 egg, beaten well 1 cup sugar Yi cup butter Stir all to a cream. Add one tablespoon boiling water. Put in double boiler and boil until it thickens. Add vanilla. Maude Stedman Curtis (Omega). English Plum Pudding 2 pounds bread crumbs Y ounce ground ginger 2 pounds suet, chopped fine 1 pound granulated sugar 2 pounds currants 1 wine glass brandy 3 pounds raisins almond essence to flavor % pound mixed candied fruit peel 6 eggs little over Y ounce mixed spice little salt Mix with eggs, well beaten, the brandy and other ingredients. Butter a bowl well, add the pudding, then leave enough room at the top of bowl for a layer of pastry (mix flour, baking powder and water and roll out), then tie cloth over the top so as to keep the water out. This will make three large puddings or five medium ones. Put into boiling water and boil six or eight hours. This is the English plmn pudding recipe. Marguerite Thompson (Sigma). Whipped Cream Punch 1 egg Yi piiit whipping cream 6 tablespoons sugar 12 maraschino cherries Beat the yolk of the egg with the sugar. Add the beaten white of the egg. Add the cream beaten as stiff as possible and flavor with 202 DELTA GAMMA COOK BOOK maraschino cherry juice. Thoroughly chill. Just before serving beat well and add twelve maraschino cherries, cut fine. This recipe fills six ice cups. Alice Perry Gradle (Xi). Raisin Puffs 2 tablespoons sugar 2 eggs ]/2 cup butter 2 cups flour 1 cup sweet milk 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 cup raisins, stoned and chopped Steam one-half hour in cups. This recipe. makes twelve cups. Sarah Plaisance (Phi). Quick Pufif Pudding 1 pint flour pinch salt 2 teaspoons baking powder enough milk to make thick batter Put a spoonful of batter in well greased cups, then a spoonful of fruit, then another of batter, and steam. Sauce 1 cup sugar 2 eggs, well beaten }/2 cup butter 1 cup boiling milk 1 cup fruit or fruit juice Mary E. Bowman (Theta). English Plum Pudding 1 pound suet, chopped fine 1 pound flour 1 cup sugar 1 pound seeded raisins 3 eggs, well beaten 1 pound currants salt Add water enough to make stiff batter. Stir all together, put in a two quart bowl and tie a cloth loosely over the top. Put in kettle of boiling water and boil five hours. Keep covered with bofling water all the time. Mrs. Charles Loring (Lambda). DESSERTS 203 Prune Whip Cook primes. Rub through sieve. To one pint of pulp add whites of four eggs, well beaten, sugar to taste, a pinch of baking powder and one-fourth cup of nuts. Mix lightly and put in pudding dish. Bake very slowly until it rises. Let cool. Marguerite Klinker (Kappa). A Prune Whip Which Will Not Fall Squeeze cooked prunes through the potato ricer until there is a cupful. Add about a cup of sugar little by little to the whites of six eggs, each time beating the sugar in well before adding any more. The eggs should now be stiff. In the same way add the prunes little by little, beating them in well also. Put in a dish placed in a pan of cold water. Bake in a slow oven for about three-fourths of an hour. This serves eight people. Juanita Williams (Lambda). Raspberry Loaf Bake a sponge cake in a square tin. Cut off the top crust and remove center leaving the walls and bottom of the cake one inch thick. Fill the center with a layer of fresh whole red raspberries, which have had sugar sprinkled over them. Then add a layer of whipped cream to which has been added one tablespoonful of Knox Gelatine soaked in a little cold water, and dissolved in a third of a cup of hot milk. (Use the Knox Gelatine in the proportion of one tablespoonful to one pint of whipping cream.) Now add another layer of rasp- berries, and so on until the center is filled. Put the top back on the cake and put in the ice box to chill. When ready to sei-ve cut in slices and more whipped cream may be added if so desired. The cream should be sweetened and flavored with vanilla. Lillian Smith Burwell (Lambda Nu). Baked Rice Pudding 1 quart milk 4 tablespoons rice 1 cup sugar little salt 1 cup raisins Bake for two hours. The pudding should be stirred frequently while baking. Hazel Bisbee (Pi). 204 DELTA GAMMA COOK BOOK Rice and Dates 1 cup rice 1 tablespoon salt 2 quarts boiling water Boil twenty or thirty minutes, drain in coarse strainer, pour one cup boiling water over it. Return to kettle and set in warm place to dry off. Season with salt and butter. Arrange on dish in circle and fill with dates as follows: wash one-half pound dates, remove stones, cut into small pieces and cook with one-half cup water and one tablespoon sugar until soft and tender. Verna Cooper (Iota). Rice and Peach Pudding Boil one-half cup rice in water until tender. Cover with milk and cook till absorbed. Add one cup sugar, one tablespoon butter and two beaten eggs. Place a layer of this in a buttered baking dish, then a layer of cooked peaches. Bake about twenty minutes and serve with the following sauce: cream two tablespoons butter and four tablespoons brown sugar: add yolks of two eggs and one-half cup peach syrup and a little cinnamon; cook till thickened. Katharine H. Johnson (Lambda). Rice Custard Pudding 1 cup rice 3^ nutmeg ^ cup sugar 1 pint milk 2 heaping tablespoons seedless raisins 1 teaspoon vanilla peel from 3^ orange sliced fine 3 eggs Boil rice in liberal amount of water, until soft. Drain. Beat eggs, milk and sugar together until light. Add rice, vanilla and orange peel. Sprinkle nutmeg on top after putting in a baking dish. Bake until well browned. Serve hot with cream or cream sauce. Aileen Belyea Critchett (Lambda Nu). DESSERTS 205 Sally Lunn 2 tablespoons butter, melted IH cups cream or milk 3 eggs, beaten separately 3 cups flour Yi cup sugar pinch of salt 2 teaspoons baking powder in cup of flour Bake in loaf. Serve with hot pudding sauce. Mary Bogue (Gamma). Cold Short Cake 2 cups berries, measure after mashing 2 cups sugar, pulverized 2 egg whites, well beaten Beat sugar into berries, then beat in whites. Mix thoroughly. Cut any light layer cake into small squares, taking two squares for each person. Cover one piece with ice cream, put second piece on top cover it with ice cream, and put the above mixture over this. Harriet Waters (Lambda Nu). Short Cake 1 pint flour M teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons sugar 1 teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon cream of tartar \\i cups sweet milk 2 tablespoons butter Mix dry ingredients, add butter as for pie and then add milk. Half the recipe makes a small short cake, enough for two people. AUce Meese (Eta Upsilon). Short Cake 2 cups flour Vi teaspoon salt 4 teaspoons baking powder Yi cup milk 4 tablespoons butter 1 egg, beaten until very Hght Sift the flour, then measure and sift again with dry ingredients. Cut or rub the butter into the flour. Add milk and eggs mixed, to flour, mix lightly. Roll on floured board three-fourths of an inch thick. Bake in one cake or cut as large biscuits for individual short cakes. Split open, spread Ughtly with butter then thickly with 206 DELTA GAMMA COOK BOOK sweetened fruit. Cover with upper crust and serve with juice of fruit sweetened, and with cream. Strawberries, canned peaches, raspberries, or blackberries may- be used, or sliced oranges and bananas to which lemon juice and sugar have been added. Marguerite Stewart (Kappa). Snow Balls ]/i cup butter ^ teaspoon salt % cup sugar 2 cups flour 1 cup milk whites of 2 eggs 3 teaspoons baking powder Cream the sugar and butter, add the milk, salt, flour with baking powder, beat the whites of eggs stiff and add last. Steam in round bottomed glasses one-half hour. While hot roll in cocoanut or shredded blanched almonds. Serve with a fresh fruit sauce. This recipe serves eight. Frances Hall Cook (Sigma). Snow Pudding 1 pint boihng water 1 tablespoon sugar 4 tablespoons cornstarch pinch of salt Boil together three or four minutes. Remove and beat in whites of two eggs. Pour into mould and let cool. Harriet Waterman (Chi). Sponge Pudding 3^ cup sugar ^ cup butter ]/2 cup flour yolks of 5 eggs 1 pint milk, scalded Mix sugar and flour and little cold milk, cook until it thickens in hot milk, stirring carefully. Add butter and well beaten yolks, stirring constantly. Remove from fire, cool slightly, fold in stiffly beaten whites. Bake in pan set in hot water thirty-five or forty min- utes. DESSERTS 207 Sauce 14: cup butter, creamed; add ]/2 cup powdered sugar 2 tablespoons sherry, add slowly 2 tablespoons cream Just before serving place over hot water and stir until smooth. Margaret Monroe Williamson (Lambda). Pineapple Sponge 2 cups of grated pineapple 3^ teaspoon salt 3^ cup of minute tapioca 1 lemon, juice 3^ cup of sugar whites of 2 eggs Heat the pineapple in double boiler. Mix sugar, salt and tapioca, and add to hot pineapple. When transparent, add lemon juice and whites of eggs, beaten until stiff. Serve with cream and sugar. Theodora Stark Carpenter (Lambda). Strawberry Steamed Pudding 1 heaping tablespoon butter ^ cup milk 1 egg and yolk of another 1 cup of sugar 2 scant cups flour 1 cup mashed strawberries 1)4, teaspoons baking powder Put in individual cups which have been greased, and steam twenty minutes. Serve with fresh strawberry sauce. Florence Madsen (Gamma). Steamed Pudding )/2 cup corn syrup 13^ cups flour }/2 cup brown sugar few drops mapleine }/2 cup lukewarm water 3^ teaspoon soda 3^ teaspoon cinnamon 3^ cup raisins }/2 teaspoon cloves 3^ cup nut meats 3/^ teaspoon cream of tartar 2 eggs 3^ teaspoon salt Steam one hour. Serve with hard sauce. Helen Malcomson (Xi). 208 DELTA GAMMA COOK BOOK Boiled Suet Pudding y . . . 249 Orange Sauce 220 Orange Short Cake 199 Orange Sponge Cake 151 Oriental Jam 249 Oysters 18, 19 Oyster Soup 12 Pan Cakes 110 Parker House Corn Rolls 124 Pastry 131 Peach Charlotte Russe 227 Peach Delight 200 Peach Conserve 249 Peach Pie 136 Peach Mangoes 260 Peach Ice 223 Peach Mousse 227 Peach Salad 66 Peanut Brittle 239 Peanut Butter Bread 121 Peanut Macaroons 170 Peanut Mousse 226 Pear Salad 66 Page Pear Toast 200 Pecan Cheese Wafers 107 Pecan Frosting 181 Penny Rolls 125 Peppers Baked 55 Peppermint Drops 239 Peppermint Ice Cream 227 Perfection Salad 72 Petchen 200 Peter Pans 158 Pettijohn's Bread 121 Pickled Figs 258 Pickled Peaches 260 Pickled Peppers and Green To- matoes 260 Pie Crust 131 Pie Plant Conserve 249 Pimento Sandwiches 105 Pineapple Bavarian 210 Pineapple Cider 230 Pineapple Mousse 227 Pineapple Cookies 167 Pineapple Punch 232 Pineapple Sponge 207 Pineapple and Strawberry Pre- serves 250 Pineapple Tomato 66, 67 Pinoche 240 Pinoche Loaf 239 Plum Conserve 250 Plum Pudding 201 Poinsettia Salad 73 Pop Corn Balls 240 Pop Overs 130 Pork 34,35 Potato Boats 55 Potato Cake 152 Potato Doughnuts 175 Potato Flour Muffins 130 Potatoes O'Brien au Grautin, etc. 56, 57, 58 Potato Patty Shells 96 Potato Rolls 125 Potato Salad 73 Prune Salad 67 Prune Whip 203 Pudding Sauce . 220 Pumpkin Pie 136, 137, 138 Quick Cake 152 Quince Honey 251 Quick Puff Pudding 202 Quick Waffles 110 Rabbit 35 Raisin Cookies, Children's De- light 168 Raisin Cream Pie 138 Raisin Puffs 202 270 DELTA GAMMA COOK BOOK Page Raspberry Conserve 251 Raspberry Loaf 203 Raspberry Sauce 220 Rhubarb and Fig Conserve 251 Rhubarb Pie 138 Ribbon Cake 152 Rice Cakes, etc 58, 59 Rice Custard Pudding 204 Rice and Dates 204 Rice Griddle Cakes 115 Rice and Peach Pudding 204 Rice Souffle..... 215 Rocks 160 Rolled Bread 108 Rolled Flank Steak 25 Round Steak and Bacon 24 Royal Bouillon 7 Russian Pilaff 110 Russian Steak 25 Sabayon Sauce 221 Salad a la Normandy 66 Salad Russe 74 Sally Lunn 205 Salmon 20,21 Salmon Newberg 97 Salmon Relish Salad 77 Salmon Toulette 97 Salted Almonds 242 Sandwich Filling 103, 104 Sardine Loaf 21 Sauces 45, 112, 189, 201, 207, 214 Sauce for Any Steamed Pudding . 221 Scalloped Meat 97 Schaum Torte 209 Scotch Scones for Tea 174 Scotch Short Bread 122, 172 Shredded Wheat Biscuits with Strawberries 210 Shredded Wheat Biscuits for Breakfast 110 Short Cake 205 Shredded Wheat Cookies 168 Shrimp a la Newberg 97 SimpUfied Rarebit 98 Shrimp Wiggle 98 Snickerdoodle 122 Snow Balls 181,206 Snow Pudding 206, 215 Soft Sauce 221 Sour Cream Candy 240 Sour Cream Cookies 168 Sour Cream Drop Cakes ....... 158 Sour Cream Pie 134 Sour Cream Salad Dressing 80 Southern Corn Meal Spoon Bread 122 Page Spaghetti 53, 54, 98 Sunshine Cherries 246 Spanish Chowder 98 Spanish Cream 216 Spanish Frijolas 99 Spanish Omelet Ill Spanish Pepper Salad 74 Spanish Steak 26 Spice Cakes 154, 158 Spiced Currant Jelly 243 Spiced Fried Cakes 176 Spiced Gooseberries 247 Sponge Cakes 153 Sponge Pudding 206 Steak en Casserole 25 Steamed Pudding 207 Sterling Sauce 221 Strawberry Bavarian Cream. . . . 211 Strawberry Ice Cream 228 Strawberry Ice 223 Strawberry and Pineapple Jam. . 252 Strawberry Nut Sandwiches .... 104 Strawberry Sauce 221 Strawberry Sherbet 228 Strawberry Sponge 216 Strawberry Steamed Pudding . . . 207 Stuffed Apples 184 Stuffed Cabbage 26 Stuffed Eggs for Picnics 113 Stuffed Eggs with Tomato Sauce 113 Stuffed Prunes 240 Suet Pudding . 208 Sugar Cookies 168 Sun Preserved Strawberries 252 Sunshine Cake 155 Sweetbreads 36 Sweet Dill Pickles. . 258 Sweet Pickles 261 Swedish Meat Balls 40 Swiss Eggs 113 Swiss Pie 139 Swiss Steak 26 Syrup for Lemonade 231 Taffy 241 Tapioca Custard 208 Tapioca and Pineapple 209 Tapioca Pudding 209 TamalePie 26 Tarragon Vinegar Dressing 80 Tartare Sauce 45 Tea Biscuits 127 Tea Punch 232 Tea Rolls 125 Thousand Island Dressing 79, 80 Timbales 131 Toasted Cheese Sandwiches 108 INDEX 271 Page Toasted Egg with Cheese 113 Toasted Sandwiches 104 Tomato Bisque H3 Tomato Catsup 254 Tomato Conserve 252 Tomatoes and Eggs 113 Tomato Golden Buck 100 Tomato Jam 252 Tomato Jelly Salad 75 Tomato Pineapple Salad 67 Tomato Rarebit 100 Tomato on Toast 100 Tomato Sauce 112 Tomato Sauce for Meats or Steamed Rice 45 Tomato Soy 261 Tomatoes en Surprise 74 Tongue 36, 37 Transparent Apples 184 Transparent Pie 139 Tvma Fish Chowder or "Goulash' ' 22 Tuna Salad 77 Turkey 37 Turkish Delight 241 Turkish Rolls (Without Meat) . . 61 Tutti Frutti Pudding 216 Veal 37,38,39,40 Page Veal Salad 77,78 Veal Souffle 100 Vegetable Gelatine 75 Vegetable Pudding 209 Vegetable Soup 14 Vienna Stew 43 Vienna Stewed Carrots 49 Wafers to Serve with Tea 108 Waffles Ill Watermelon Pickles 261, 262 WeUesley Frosting 155 Wellesley Cake 155 Welsh Rarebit 101 Western Egg Sandwiches 106 What to Serve with Meat 46, 47 Wheat Fritters 210 Whipped Cream Punch' 201 Whipped Cream Sauce 222 White Cake 156 White Cherry Salad 64 White Salad 68 Whole Meat Muffins 130 Winter Dill Pickles 258 Yankee Doodle 101 Yankee Pie 200 Zweiback 126 ■•**^'' LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 486 997 7 O