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The Bohemian fathers and mothers deplore the fact that their children have Americanized so quickly, that in the second generation their mother tongue is half obliterated. We can see their side of it, those im- migrants who left their fertile and beautiful land be- cause long years of despotism, class prejudice, heavy taxation and other unjust vexations have made it well- nigh impossible for a poor peasant or laborer to better himself there. The average American can have no con- ception of what it means to tear one's self up by the very roots, leave one's native land and dearest re- latives forever, start life anew in a strange country, and learn a new language. On the other hand, we can see clearly the childrens' side of the situation. They have been born, raised and educated in America, and this country will always be their home. Their parents' land is to them but a picture or a story. Among our people in the country settlements the children talk and even read and write Bohemian to a greater extent than in the cities, but in any event it is safe to say that with the third s'enera- tion the large majority cease to be Bohemians, except in name. Each country has its special style of cookery, and I think that is one way of preserving the nationality to a certain extent and for a time at least, for we all like those dishes which our mothers prepared for us. If the daughters cook like the mothers did, and teach 4 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. their daughters to do likewise, it will at least be a re- minder of our parents' native land. As far as the demand of American housewives for foreign cookery books is concerned, that is no doubt brought about by the ever increasing custom of travel- ing abroad, which of course makes cosmopolitans of us. The average American, who travels only in his own country and does not live near settlements of industrious and progressive foreigners, generally has about three names for all Europeans, namely: Dago, Dutchman or Swede. Of the Slavs he usually knows nothing at all. It is different with the American who has been abroad. If he is at all intellectual and observ- ing, he knows that there is culture and crudeness in all nationalities, and that aside from certain racial characteristics, we are all the same human beings, with the same struggles, sorrows, hopes, aspirations and problems. Perhaps the present war has done more to open the minds of Americans to the status of the various nationalities composing Europe, and the relation they bear to each other, than anything else. And when it comes down to cooking itself, the real cook, no matter what her nationality, is always eager to try something new. I know that the American housewife will find many new and tasty dishes in this book. My mother, Mary Rosický, was born in Klatovy, Bohemia, December 8th, 1854, and died in Omaha, Nebraska, October 9th, 1912, having come to this coun- try when thirteen years of age. The women in her family were noted for their fine cooking, so that she acquired her art through a natural inheritance. However, while good cooking is in the main an inborn art, it can be learned by perseverance, patience and diligence. ROSE ROSICKÝ. Omaha, Nebraska, March 25th, 1915. PREFACE. ^^YC> BOOK is valuable, if the reader does not read J\j it carefully and does not grasp the spirit in Á\ which it is written. When following directions given in a cook book, it is necessary that every- thing be done exactly a^ the recipe states, even though some thing may seem insignificant, for very often suc- cess depends upon that very insignificant thing. American cookery is, in many respects, more simple than Bohemian cookery, for in America many appliances and improvements are used which are not known in Bohemia. Besides those, baking powder is used ex- tensively, often instead of yeast, and that is entirely un- known in Bohemia. Among Bohemians who came here from their mother country, there are many who think that American cookery is not as good as Bohemian. This is probably owing to the fact that many American housewives like to prepare only those dishes that require the least time and labor, but even Bohemian foods may be poor, if proper care is not given to their preparation. That American cookery does not always appeal to those who have grown up in any European country is easily understood, for we usually like best those foods to which we have been accustomed from childhood. We give in this cook book also some Ame- rican dishes and think the readers will find that they are as good as any, when properly made. It will not be amiss to give a few hints in general, regarding the kitchen: Iron kettles, etc. which were used a great deal for- merly and still are used to a certain extent, when new should be filled with water, to which has been added some charcoal, and this should be kept boiling for a while. Then we may scour the kettle well and it is ready for use. Iron skillets, griddles, etc. should be well greased 6 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. and then the grease should be burned or smoked off^ once or twice, before they are used. Where conditions permit, nothing but granite and ahiminum ware should be used. If we wish to use stone or earthen ware, it is best to fill new pieces with cold water and let it come slow- ly to the boiling point. In this way we may ward off the cracking thereof. When washing greasy kitchenware, put a little soda into the water. Vinegar cruets, water bottles and bottles in general may be cleansed with water and small shot, tacks or sand. Put two or three 03'ster shells, thoroughly cleansed, into your water kettle and the sediment from the water will settle on them, instead of on the inside of the kettle.. It goes without saying that the kitchen should be as thoroughly equipped as possible. Below is a table of measures and weights, whiclj may come in handy to the housewife: Sixteen ounces are one pound. Four quarts or eight pints are one gallon. Four pecks are one busliel, and a peck is two gal Ions or eight quarts. Four cups are one quart. An ordinary tumbler is half a pint. Two heaping teaspoons contain as much as one heaping tablespoon. One heaping tablespoon of sugar weighs one ounce. Two level teacups of granulated sugar weigh one pound. Two heaping tablespoons of flour weigh one ounce. One teacup contains five heaping tablespoons of flour. Five teacups. of sifted flour weigh one pound. BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. 7 A quart of sifted flour weighs one pound. A liberal tablespoon of butter weighs one ounce. A piece of butter, the size of an egg, weighs two ounces. A teacup full of soft butter contains four table- spoons. Two teacups of butter, well packed, weigh one pound. Eight large or ten medium sized eggs weigh one pound. In conclusion it may be noted that inasmuch as a great many of the recipes in this book call for various condiments (mace, cloves, allspice, garlic, cara- way seed, lemon rind, anchovies etc.) it is impossible to give the exact amount, because individual tastes vary. The housewife must use her own judgment, and if necessary omit some of them altogether. The expert foreign cook depends entirely on her tongue in this respect, adding a little of this, tasting the food, then adding a little of something else and so on. Some people do not like garlic or caraway seed. These may be omitted altogether, without spoiling the dish, and that is true of many of the others. However, those who do like the various flavors, like to have food seasoned that way. In the recipes for bread, raised tarts, etc., the exact amount of flour is seldom given. As every cook knows, flours vary, and she must be guided by her experience. After one or two failures she can tell just how much flour to use. Many recipes call for flour and butter blended together, without giving the exact amounts of each. In this too the housewife must be guided by the taste of her family. She can use from one tablespoon of butter to two of flour to half of each (a tablespoon of butter to a tablespoon of flour). Wherever the word "pepper'^ is used, black or 8 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK white pepper is meant. In recipes calling for red pep- per or paprika, it is so stated. A pinch or dash of spices means of course ground spices. In recipes calling for wine, sour wine is used for meats, gravies, and sauces requiring sweetening, in all others use sweet wine. Soup. — Polévka. The amount of water used is governed by the amount of meat. A pound of meat requires a quart of water. If you wish to have good soup, place the meat in cold water, and let it simmer gently. If you do not care for very strong soup and wish the meat to have a better flavor, you may place it in boiling water. Some cooks prefer to skim soup, but this is not ne- cessary, in fact, it will be stronger if the scum be left in it and the soup be strained before putting in the rice, noodles or whatever you are going to use. Two quarts of soup is considered enough for six or eight people and the average recipe is figured out accordingly. Soups are divided into two kinds: meat soups and Lenteii soups. Both kinds may be clear or thick. Clear, thin soups are usually served with croutons, etc. Meat Soups. — Masité polévky. I. ORDINARY BEEF SOUP. Ohi/čejná čistá hovězí polévka. Wash two pounds of beef in clear cold water (this will do for six people) and pound lightly with a wooden pounder for the purpose. Place the meat in two quarts of cold water and let it simmer. When the soup ceases foaming, add salt and various vegetables, usually the more the better, as: celery tops and roots, parsley tops SOUPS. 9 and roots, onion, leek, kale, carrots, tomatoes, cabba^i>-e, cauliflower, etc. Needless to remark that all the ye^e- tables should first be carefully washed. If vegetables are scarce, as for instance in winter, a handful of dry peas, a small piece of garlic, a dash of caraway seed, a few dried mushrooms, onions and two tablespoons of canned tomatoes will add a good flavor. The cook may use such vegetables as the family likes and must govern herself thereby. A good flavor is added to soup if we add minced onion and beef liver fried in butter. Beef kidneys and bones also add flavor. After putting in the vegetables, let the soup simmer very gently two and a half to three hours. If the soup evaporates to any extent, add boiling water, to keep up the required amount, a little at the time. When the soup is finally done, strain through a sieve into another kettle, bring to the boiling point and add whatever you wish, accord- ing to the recipes that follow. 2. BOUILLON. Bouillon. Bouillon is prepared in the same manner as the foregoing, with the exception that the meat is cut into cubes, which makes the soup stronger. Bouillon is served in cups. 3. SAGO SOUP. PoUvl'a se sag em. Wash the sago several times in warm and finally in hot water, tlien let it boil in clear beef soup a few minutes. Before serving, add salt and a dash of grated mace. One tablespoonful of sago is required to a person. 4. SAGO SOUP WITH YOLKS. Ságová polcvl'a se žloutl- ij. Wash the sago as in the foregoing and place in a kettle of I'lear soup. When the sago is soft, add four yolks beaten in a small quantity of warm soup, and 10 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. take away from the fire immediately. If the yolks were to boil, they would curdle. 5. BARLEY SOUP. Ohijčejná l-rupová 'poUvka. Wash thoroughly half a cup of pearl barley, pour over it a cup of liot water, add a tablespoon of butter and a pinch of salt and boil it one hour and a half, being careful that it does not burn or dry out. When the barley is done, place it in a tureen, add a little minced parsley and chives, pour hot clear beef soup over it and serve. 6. RICE SOUP. Rf/žová poUvha. Pick over half a cup of rice, wash in tepid water, changing same several times, place it in a pan, pour a cup of boiling water over it, add salt, ground mace, a little piece of good butter and let it boil until tender. If the water evaporates, add boiling water. The rice must not burn or be broken. When the rice is done, turn it into the tureen, add minced parsley, a pinch of saffron and the clear soup. You may finally add one egg beaten with a cup of sweet cream. 7. RICE SOUP WITH SPRING CHICKEN. Rýžová polévka s hiiřaty. Pick over a cup of rice and wash thoroughly. Place it in a saucepan and pour over it two or three cups of boiling water, add a piece of good butter, salt, and boil the rice until it is tender. Make soup of two spring chickens. When done, take them out and cut up in small pieces and place in the tureen. Strain the soup, skim off all the fat, add a little gTated nutmeg and minced parsley and pour all over the rice and then pour this mixture over the chickens in the tureen. SOUPS. 11 8. CREAM OF RICE SOUP. Rýžová poUvl'a na způsob IrupovJcy. Wash tlioroiiglily a cup of rice in hot water. Mix two tablespoons of flour with cold water, add it to the rice, then pour over it strong beef soup (if possible, add to the soup-meat half an old chicken). Put this to boil and mix constantly until the soup begins to boil. Then add salt, a small piece of good butter and allow it to boil one hour, adding clear soup as it evaporates. Then strain through a fine strainer and place again over the fire. When it begins to boil, pour into a tureen, add tAVO yolks beaten with three table- spoons of cream and serve. 9. POTATO SOUP. Hovězí poUvl-a s hramhori/. Boil four peeled and quartered potatoes in salted water. When done, pour the water off, place the po- tatoes in a tureen, pour clear seasoned soup over them and serve. 10. MUSHROOM SOUP. PoUvl'a z čerstvijcli liulj. Clean six large mushrooms thoroughly, slice thin, add minced parsley, and allow all to stew in two table- spoons of butter, then dust with flour and stew a little while longer. Then pour on enough good clear soup to make it of the consistency of very thin gravy, add a pinch of mace and several tablespoons of good cream, allow it to boil and pour over bread croutons. 11. CAULIFLOWER SOUP. PoUvl'a z harfiolu. Wash a nice head of cauliflower, separate into pieces of the same size and let them boil in soup until tender. Place a tablespoon of good butter in a sauce- pan; when melted, add a tablespoon of flour; when it bubbles, add some of the soup in which the cauliflower has been boiling. Add a pinch of ground mace, two tea- 12 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. spoons of cream and two beaten yolks, mix well and let it boil a little. Place croutons and minced fried liver in a tureen, pour the soup over this, add the boiled cauliflower and serve. 12. PEA SOUP. Ilracliovcl polévka. To serve six person soak a cup of dried peas in cold water over night. The next day boil until tender, then mash and put through a sieve. Pour over them good beef soup, add a pinch of marjoram, a little ňiinced parsley, two grated raw potatoes and allow it to boil. In the meantime, blend a tablespoon of flour with a tablespoon of butter until a golden brown, add to the soup and pour all into a tureen in which you have placed bread croutons. 13. MOCK PEA SOUP. PoUvl-a z těstového lirachu. Beat together two eggs, two tablespoons of flour, two tablespoons of milk, a pinch of salt and mace, until the batter is smooth. Place lard or rendered butter in a saucepan and when it is smoking hot, force the batter into it through a ricer. When it is fried a golden brown, take it out with a skimmer, place in a tureen and pour good clear soup over it. 14. NOODLE SOUP. PoUvl'a s nudlemi 7ieho flíčky. Place on the molding board two cups of flour, make a well in the center and break into it two eggs. Add a little salt and with a knife or fork work the flour and eggs together until you can handle the dough with your liands. Then work thoroughly with your hands until the dough is smooth and soft as velvet, but it must not be too stiff with flour. Cut this dough into three pieces and after thoroughly dusting your board with flour, roll out each piece as thin as you can. Allow these to dry, then cut into strips a little over an inch SOUPS. 13 wide, place one on top of anotlier in a pile about two inches high. With a sharp knife cut fine noodles, spread them out over the board and allow them to dry thoroughly. You may also make little squares. For these the dough need not be rolled as thin as for the noodles. When it is partially dry, fold it over and cut into pieces about a quarter of an inch square. 15. CHICKEN SOUP WITH NOODLES. Polévka se slepici a nudlemi. Wash and clean an old chicken, place in a kettle, pour two quarts of cold water over it, add salt and allow it to simmer. Take off the scum and w^ien the soup is clear, add vegetables. When the chicken is tender, take the kettle from the fire, skim off the fat, take the chicken out, cut it up into small pieces, and place them in a tureen. Strain the soup, let it come to a boiling point, add noodles and boil five minutes, pour over the chicken and serve. 16. GOOSE GIBLET SOUP. PoUvl^a z husich drobečků. Wash thoroughly the wings, giblet, liver, heart and neck of a goose, cut into small pieces, place in a kettle, pour over them two quarts of cold water, add salt and allow it to simmer. Skim off the scum and when the soup is clear, add vegetables, as for beef soup. When the contents are tender, take them out, strain the soup, add a pinch of mace, and noodles made with one egg. Place the giblet, liver, etc. into a tureen and pour the soup over them. The liver is more palatable if minced and fried separatel}^ and then added to the soup. 17. TRIPE SOUP. Polévka s drUkami. Thoroughly clean and wash tripe, place in a kettle, cover with cold water and boil half an hour. Then take it out, clean once more, wash in cold water, place in a kettle, pour cold water over it, add salt, and allow it 14 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. to boil until tender. Take it out, cut in tliin strips, place them in a kettle, pour good beef soup over them, add minced parsley, butter and flour blended to^etlicr until brown, a pinch each of mace and marjoram, a clove of garlic mixed to a paste with salt. When it ]ias all boiled together a few moments it is ready to serve. 18. DOUGH DROPS SOUP. PoUvl'a s l-apcinim. Place four teaspoons of flour in a bowl, add one whole egg, salt and beat thoroughly. The dough must be thin, as for pancakes. Drop with a spoon into boil- ing soup, stirring it with a fork as you pour it in. Boil about five minutes and serve. 19. GRATED DOUGH SOUP. PoUvl-a se stroulicinJcou. Make dough as for noodles, except that you add more flour, so it be very stiff. Then grate it on a grater, dipping it in flour as you go along. Allow the grated dough to dry, then drop into boiling soup. 20. CROUTON SOUP. Polévka se sušenijm hilijm cJileheni neh žemličl-ou. Cut stale white bread into dice. Place a table- spoonful of butter in a saucepan and when it is melted, turn the croutons into it and let them fry a golden brown. If the soup is strong and rich, it will be suf- ficient to simply toast tlie dice in the oA^en. The clear soup and croutons are served separately. 21. SOUP WITH RYE BREAD. Polévka se žitným chlebem. Cut thin slices of rye bread and toast them well, until brown. Then i:>lace the bread in a pan, pour clear soup over it, add salt, pepper, half an onion minced and fried in butter, a dash of ground mace and the same of caraway seed. Let all boil together for a few minutes, then add minced parsley, chives and a I SOUPS. 15 pincli of saffron and pour all into the tureen. Finally beat two eggs with two or three tablespoons of cream and add to the soup. ^ 22. MEAT PUREE. PoU'vl-a se sekaninou. Chop or grind fine a cup of beef or veal, boiled or roasted (you may use left-overs this way). Fry one minced onion in a tablespoon of butter, add the chopped meat and let is simmer a while. Then pound all to a paste in a mortar. To one quart of good beef soup add two slices of white bread or three soda crackers, two or three hard-boiled yolks creamed to a paste and finally the meat. Mix all together thoroughly and strain through a sieve. If necessary, add clear soup and serve with croutons. 23. POTATO PUREE. Hovězí poUvl-a z bramborů. Boil three medium sized potatoes, peel, cool and grate. Cut a slice of white bread into small dice and fry to a golden brown. Add the yolks of three hard boiled eggs to the grated potatoes, the fried bread and mash smooth. Place this in a pan, pour one quart of clear beef soup over it and allow it to boil half an hour. Mix with clear soup, strain and serve. 24. BARLEY PUREE. Kriqjovl-a. Boil a cup of barley. When done, put it in another pan, add a little piece of good butter and mix well. Then add two quarts of hot beef soup, strain and add a pinch of mace. Beat six yolks with a small quantity of tepid soup, add this to the hot soup, take from the fire immediately, beat with an egg beater and serve in cups. IG BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. 25. SOUP WITH FARINA QUENELLES. Polévka s thnijini knedííčky krupičnými. Cream ,^ tablespoon of butter, add one Qg^^ and one yolk, a teaspoon of minced, chives and finally four tablespoons of farina. Allow the mixture to stand ten minutes, then make balls the size of English wal- nuts, drop them into the boiling soup, cover and boil ten minutes. Add minced parsley, chives, a pinch of saffron and serve. 26. SOUP WITH CALF'S BRAIN QUENELLES. Polévka s knedlicky z mozku. Wash thoroughly a calf or hog brain and parboil in salted water. Skin it and mince fine with parsley, add salt and pepper and fry all together in butter. Then put this into a mortar, add a slice of stale white bread that has been soaked in milk, and pound all to a paste. Or else you may cream together thoroughly with a spoon. Cream a tablespoon of butter, add to it the prepared brain, one whole egg and one yolk, some dry bread crumbs and mix together. Make balls the size of a walnut. Boil one to test it. If it is too soft, add a little more of the bread crumbs. The quenelles are boiled in the soup. Before serving add a pinch of saf- fron and mace. 27. SOUP WITH CALF'S LIVER QUENELLES. Polévka s jaternimi knedlicky. Mince fine half a pound of veal or beef liver, take out all veins, skin, etc. and then mix well with two tablespoons of beef marrow or butter, add a pinch of marjoram, grated lemon rind, a clove of garlic mixed to a paste with salt, a pinch of mace and pepper, two eggs, salt and enough bread crumbs to make the mix- ture not stiff or thin. Always remember that the bread crumbs swell in boiling, so that if 3"ou put in too much, the quenelles will be hard. This is true also of farina. Form balls of this and boil ten minutes in two SOUPS. 17 quarts of good strong soup. You may use goose liver in place of the beef or veal. 28. SOUP WITH VEAL QUENELLES. Polévka s knedlicky masitými. Mince fine half a pound of boiled or baked veal, add three slices of white bread soaked in milk, and cream both to a paste. Cream two tablespoons of but- ter, add two eggs and one yolk, mix this with the paste and if the mixture should be too thin, add bread crumbs. Salt to taste. Make small balls, cover them with bread crumbs and fry a golden brown. Place them in a tureen, pour clear beef soup over them and serve. 29. SOUP WITH POTATO QUENELLES. Polévka s knedVwhy z bramboru. Boil four large mealy potatoes, peel and grate. Cream two tablespoons of butter, add minced parsley, one eggy three yolks, salt, and cream again. Add the grated potatoes and mix thoroughly. Make balls the size of a walnut, cover with bread crumbs and fry a golden brown in butter or lard. Place them in a tureen, pour clear soup over them and serve. 30. SOUP WITH MARROW QUENELLES. Polévka s knedlíčky z hovězího morku. Cream two tablespoons of beef marrow until it is white, then add two eggs, mixing in one at the time, a dash of salt, mace and grated lemon rind. Mix thor- oughly, add enough bread crumbs to make the mixture firm enough to form balls. Boil one ball, to see if it is of the right consistency. If too thin, add bread crumbs. Boil the balls ten minutes in beef soup and serve. 31. SOUP WITH EGG QUENELLES. Polévka s knedlíčky z vajec. Place two whites in a cup and add the same quantity of cream or milk. Place a tablespoon of good Cook Book 2 18 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. butter in a saucepan and when it is hot, pour the whites and cream into it. Stir constantly while it is frying*. When done, allow it to cool, add three yolks, a little salt, nutmeg- and pepper. Mix thoroughly and drop with a teaspoon into clear boiling soup. Allow the balls to boil two or three minutes and serve. 32. SOUP WITH FARINA COLOMBINES No. 1. Folcvl'ci s Irupičnijmi vandlicl'avii. Pour two cups of clear soup into a saucepan. When it begins to boil, add half a cup of farina and let it boil until thick, then take from the fire and let it cool. Cream three tablespoons of good butter, add three eggs, one at the time and each time add also a third of the thickened farina. Salt to taste. Grease colom- bine pans, dust thoroughly with bread crumbs and half- fill with the above. Bake slowly. When the colombines are baked thoroughly, place them in the soup tureen, add clear hot soup and serve. Colombines may also be steamed. Place the pans containing the batter into an- other pan with hot water and let them steam in this, in a hot oven. 33. SOUP WITH FARINA COLOMBINES No. 2. Polévl-a se svítkem l-rupičným. Beat two eggs five minutes. Add a pinch of ground mace and the same of salt and pepper, half a cup of fine farina and mix all together lightly. Place three tablespoons of lard into a deep saucepan, or half butter and half lard. When it is smoking hot, pour in the mixture and fry. When one side is fried, turn like a pancake and fry the other. When it is thoroughly done, turn out to cool, cut into dice, place them in clear boiling soup and let them boil about five minutes. When boiled the proper time, tlie colombines will swell to the right consistency, but if boiled too long, they will be- come hard. SOUPS. 19 34. SOUP WITH CALF'S BRAIN COLOMBINES. Polévka s vandličkami z mozku. Parboil a calf brain in salted water, then clean thoroughly. Place in a saucepan two tablespoons of butter and some chopped green parsle}^ and fry the brain in this slightly. Soak two slices of bread in milk, squeeze dry and place in another saucepan. Add one cup of milk and let it boil down a little, stirring constant- ly, then put aside to cool. Cream one tablespoon of good butter, add the boiled bread, a dash of salt, one whole egg and two yolks, and then cream all together half an hour. Finally add the beaten (2) whites. Grease the colombine pans, dust with fine bread crumbs, place in each mould a layer of the mixture, then a layer of the prepared brain and on top a layer of the mixture. Steam this, as directed in the preceding- recipe. When done, place the colombines in a tureen, add clear beef soup and serve. 35. SOUP WITH FLOUR COLOMBINES. Polévka se svítkem nioucníjni. Cream two tablespoons of butter, add one whole Qgg and two yolks, mix well, then add flour so that the dough will drop from a spoon, then add the two beaten whites. Grease a shallow pan with butter, pour the dough into it and bake until a golden brown. When done, turn out to cool, and cut into dice or croutons. Pour good clear soup over them and serve. 36. SOUP WITH BEEF COLOMBINES. Polévka se svitkem z Jiovězílio masa. Grind fine boiled beef, add salt, pepper, minced onion and minced parsley. Put some lard into a sauce- pan and let the mixture simmer in it. In the meantime cream a tables] )oon of butter, add one eggj a small quantity of wliite bread crumbs soaked in milk, tlien squeezed dry, and finally the simmered meat, which must be cool. Mix all together well, place in a greased 20 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. pan and bake. When done, cut into dice, pour clear beef soup on them and serve. 37. SOUP WITH BREAD COLOMBINES. Polévka se svítkem žemlovým něho cldehouým. Cut stale white bread into dice, and soak in cream. Beat two whole eggs and one yolk, add a pinch of ground mace, the bread, a little salt and mix tho- roughly. Grease a baking pan with butter, dust with bread or cracker crumbs, pour in the mixture and bake to a golden brown, then turn out and when cold cut up into dice. Brown butter and flour together, add it to clear beef soup and serve it with the croutons, separately. Lenten Soups. — Postní polévky. 38. VEGETABLE STOCK. Svařenina ^e všech zelenin k postním polévkám. Place in a deep kettle two carrots, three onions, several stalks of leek and a bunch of celery, all cut into small pieces, add a small piece of good butter and allow the vegetables to fry a golden brown. Then add half a cup of peas, a bit of fresh parsley and two or three kohlrabi. Cover with cold water and simmer gently two or three hours, skimming the scum as it rises. When done, take from the fire and allow the soup to stand half an hour with the vegetables in it and then strain carefully into a stone jar. Cover and stand in a cool place. This stock is suitable for all Lenten soups or gravies. 39. FISH SOUP. Ryhi polévka. Take out carefully the insides of two fish, one con- taining eggs and tlie other milt, being careful to sep- arate the gall and intestines, which of course are re- jected. _ Place the fish in a kettle and pour over them vegetable stock, as described in recipe 38, add minced SOUPS. . 21 green parsey, a pincli of salt and boil slowly one liour. Then add flonr and bntter blended together un- til a golden brown color, a pincli of grated mace and the same of grated ginger. Allow the soup to simmer a short time and then ponr into a tureen in which you have placed croutons. 40. SOUP WITH FISH QUENELLES. Eyhi poUv'ka s hnedliclcy. Prepare stock as given in No. 38. Chop fine two slices of fish, taking out all the bones and skin, and then pound to a paste with three hard-boiled yolks. Cream two tablespoons of butter, add two whole eggs and one yolk, a pinch of mace, the same of grated ginger, a bit of grated lemon rind, salt, the fish paste, and mix all thoroughly. Then add bread crumbs sufficient to form small balls and allow them to boil in the soup. When they are done, thicken the soup with flour and butter blended to a light brown and serve. 41. TURTLE SOUP. Želví pole vie a. The turtle should be killed the evening before and hung up, to bleed thoroughly. The best way to induce a turtle to stick its head out is to place a red hot iron on its back. When the head is projected, cut it off with a sharp knife, also the extremities, and hang the turtle up. The extremities are placed for a few mo- ments in boiling water, so they may be skinned easily, and are then put away in a cool place. In the morning- separate the shells carefuly, in order that the gall bag be not broken. The eggs, flesh and extremities are then placed in cold water and boiled two hours. There should be once as much water as we wish to have SOU]). Skim carefully. In two liours add a few slices of ham and a fourtli of a pound of butter and boil two hours longer. Then add a wineglass of rice, the same amount of flour mixed to a paste with a tablespoon of 22 • BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. butter, one onion minced fine, two stalks of celery, green parsley, a bay leaf, thyme and sage, half a tea- spoon of cloves and allspice, a pinch of paprika and boil one hour longer. 42. MOCK TURTLE SOUP. Napodobená želví polévliO. Boil a small calf's head. When it is done, pick off the meat, cut into small pieces and strain the stock. Blend two tablespoons of butter with two tablespoons of flour and when it is a golden brown, pour in two quarts of the stock. Boil five minutes, then add the meat, sliced fresh or canned mushrooms, a dash of cloves, allspice, and' paprika, green parsle}^, and boil five minutes longer. Then add two hard boiled eggs cut into slices and half a l^mon sliced, and serve. 43. PUREE OF PEAS. Polévl-a z hrachu. Boil a cup and a half of peas until tender, masli thoroughly and pour over it a quart of stock (No. 38), add two cloves of garlic mashed to a paste and boil a little longer. Strain, add a pinch of marjoram, mace and ginger, butter and flour blended until brown, and boil a while longer, then pour over bread croutons. 44. PUREE OF LENTILS. PolévJíU čočková. Lentil soup is made as the foregoing, with the ex- ception of adding a pinch of ground allspice. Instead of croutons, thin slices of bread fried in butter are used. 45. BEAN SOUP. Fazolová polévl-a. Boil small white beans until tender, then force through a strainer. Blend butter and flour to a light brown, add vegetable stock, the beans, salt, spices, a pinch of marjoram and a clove of garlic mashed to a paste with salt. SOUPS. 23 46. VEGETABLE SOUP. Polévlai ze zelcniKij. Chop fine the following vegetables: three carrots, four onions, four small potatoes, two cups of cabbage, one tomato and a handful of green peas. Place in a saucepan and cover with just enough water to stew. When the vegetables are tender, add enough boiling water to make the right amount of soup and simmer fifteen .minutes. Then add two cups of milk, a table- spoon of butter and two beaten eggs. Finally add a little flour, a pinch of soda and boil a few minutes longer. 47. GARLIC SOUP. Old: rop. Cut rye bread in thin slices and fry in butter. Mash three cloves of garlic to a paste with butter and salt, place in boiling water and let it simmer a while, then pour over the bread. You may use onion instead of garlic. Garlic soup is considered a preventive of disease. 48. CABBAGE SOUP No. 1. Zelnice čili coiiracka. Place in a kettle a quart of water in which cabbage has been boiled, add a pint of sour-kraut, a quart of water, and allow it to simmer a while. Beat six yolks or three whole eggs with a cup of good cream and a piece of butter, pour this into the soup, beat it in tho- roughly and serve. If you like a thick soup, you can add flour to the ^gg^ and cream. 49. CABBAGE SOUP No. 2. Zelná polévl-a na jiný způsob. Allow a cup of sour-kraut to a quart and half of water and boil gently fifteen minutes. In the mean- time mix a cup of sour cream with two tablespoons of flour, add to the soup, also salt. Then break into the soup, five or six eggs, one at the time, beating them in, boil three minutes longer and serve. 24 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. 50. BEER SOUP No. 1. Pivní polévha. Boil one quart of beer with one quart of water. When it begins to boil, add two tablespoons of sugar, a tea- spoon of butter and a pinch of grated nutmeg. Beat three yolks with a cup of cream or milk, add to the boiling soup, beat it in thoroughly, so it will not curdle and serve when it begins to bubble. 51. BEER SOUP No. 2. Pivní polévha na jiný způsob. Boil equal quantities of beer and milk, each sep- arately. Add a tablespoon of sugar to the beer, and a pinch of salt to the milk. When both have begun to boil, pour the milk into the beer carefully, to prevent curdling. Then beat two or three eggs (according to the amount of soup) with a little water, and add to the boiling soup. Beat thoroughly, so the eggs will not curdle. 52. BEER SOUP WITH RYE BREAD. Polévka pivní s clilebem. Cut two or three slices of rye bread into dice, place in a kettle, add a quart of water and a quart of beer, a pinch of salt and caraway seed, a clove of garlic mashed to a paste with butter, and boil half an hour. Beat four yolks with a cup of cream and add to the boiling soup, beating it thoroughly, to prevent curdling. 53. WINE SOUP. Polevl'a z vína. Boil equal amounts of water and white wine, add sugar to taste, a stick of whole cinnamon, a slice of le- mon rind, skimming until clear. Beat four yolks with two tablespoons of cream, add a teaspoon of flour, cold wine, and salt, mix thoroughly and pour into the boil- ing wine and water, w^hicli has previously been strained. Beat all together thoroughly, but do not boil any more. Serve in cups. SOUPS. 25 54. POTATO SOUP. PoUvlca hramhorovd. Fry minced onion, parsley and marjoram in butter to a golden brown, then add sliced boiled potatoes, pour over all stock No. 38 and boil a while. Blend but- ter and flour together until a light brown, add to the soup with a dash of grated ginger. Boil a little longer, strain and serve. 55. POTATO SOUP WITH MUSHROOMS. PoUvlca hramhorovd s lioiihami. Peel and quarter four large potatoes, place them in two quarts of cold water and boil. Add salt, celery and fresh or dried mushrooms. When the potatoes are ten- der, take out the celery. Blend butter and flour to a light brown (two tablespoons of butter and one of flour) and thicken the soup with this. Mash a clove of gar- lic w^ith salt, add it and a pinch of marjoram to the soup, and serve. 56. BARLEY SOUP WITH MUSHROOMS. PoUvl-a Ivrwpková se sušenými houhami. Boil a small cup of pearl barley in salted water with a small i3Íece of butter. In another saucepan boil three handfuls of dried mushrooms, then pour off the water and mince them fine with a little green par- sley. Add stock No. 38 and the liquor from the mush- rooms, the barley, a pinch each of salt, pepper and grated ginger, butter and flour blended light brown. Allow it to boil a minute or two and serve. 57. WHEAT BREAD SOUP. PoUvlca žemlová (panadlová). Boil four or six slices of white bread in salted wa- ter fifteen minutes. Beat three eggs with a cup of cream, add a small piece of butter and pour into the boiling bread soup. Add a pinch of mace and serve. 26 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. 58. SWEET MILK SOUP. í^l(idl-á jjolérl-d z iniéíca. Allow a (|uart and a half of sweet milk to come to the boiling point, acid a tablespoon of sugar and a pinch of salt. Beat three yolks with a little cold milk, add a lump of sngar which 3^ou have rubbed on a lemon, to get the flavor of the rind, and pour all into the hot milk, beating it in well. Cut white bread into dice, place on a pie plate and sprinkle with powdered sugar. Toast in a hot oven and serve with the soup, separately. 59. MILK SOUP WITH RICE. Mléčná poJcvhi s rfjží. Wash half a cup of rice in several hot waters, place in a saucepan and pour over it a cup of hot water, add a tablespoon of butter, a pinch of mace, cover and boil. When the water has nearly evaporated add two quarts of milk, salt and when it comes to boil, beat in well one beaten yolk and serve. 60. MILK NOODLE SOUP. Mléčná polevil a s nudlemi a flíčky. Allow two quarts of milk to come to the boilins; point. When it begins to bubble, add noodles (made with one egg), salt and a small piece of butter. Boil a moment or two and serve. 61. TOMATO SOUP. Polévl-a z rajsJiijcJt jal>líč('l-. Take one dozen small ripe tomatoes, or a three pound can of same, add one quart of water and an onion. Boil half an hour, force through a strainer into another kettle, add' a fourth of a teaspoon of baking soda, two cups of milk which has been thickened with a teaspoon of flour, and allow to come to the boiling point. When it begins to boil, add a tablespoon of but- ter, a teaspoon of sugar, salt and pepper to taste. If the soup should be too thick, thin with hot water or milk. SOUPS. 27 62. OYSTER SOUP. is t lico vcl pole V ka . Allow a quart of milk to come to the boiling- point. When it begins to boil, add a quart of oysters, a table- spoon of butter, salt and pepper, and take away from the fire the minute the oysters begin to curl around the edges. Serve with oj^ster crackers. 63. OYSTER BISQUE. Polévka ze sekaníjck líatřic. Chop fine one pint of oysters. Allow a quart of milk to come to the boiling point. When it begins to bubble, add a tablespoon of butter creamed with half a tablespoon of flour, the chopped oysters, salt and pepper. Ser^'e the moment the soup comes to the boil- ing point, otherwise the oysters will be hard. 64. BROWN SOUP. Pražená polévka. • Boil about a tablespoon of caraway seed in salted water. Blend butter and flour until brown, add to it the water which has been strained and allow it to boil a little longer. Pour over rye bread croutons. 65. FARINA SOUP. Krupic lid polévka. Place in the kettle a tablespoon of caraway seed, a l)it of parsley, celery, and salt. Pour over this boiliuii' water and allow it to boil a while, then strain, and when the strained liquor has again come to the boiling point, add half a cup of farina. Stir occasionally, so it will not become lum])y, boil fifteen minutes, then beat one or two eggs with two tal)les])oons of cream, add to it a tables])oon of butter, a ])incli of mace and ginger, and beat this thoroughly into the soup. Serve im- mediately. 28 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. 66. FRESH MUSHROOM SOUP. PoUvJca z čerstvýclb hub. Clean and slice several fresli mnslirooms, stew them in a little butter, adding salt, caraway seed and minced parsley. When they have become partially dry, add as much water as you wish to have soup. This water must be boiling and must have been thickened with flour and butter browned together. Boil a while longer, then pour over croutons. 67. BREAD SPONGE SOUP. Kvasová poUvJca. Prepare the sponge the evening before, using foui or five tablespoons of rye flour. It is best to place it in a small stone jar and cover with a cloth. Put it in a warm place, in order that the sponge may sour thor- oughly. When you are ready to make the soup, have on hand as much boiling water as you wish soup, proper- ly salted, and pour the sponge into it with one hand, mixing it well with the other. When it has boiled up a moment or two, take away from the fire. It should be as thick as a thin gravy. When you have put it on the back of ther stove, place a tablespoon of butter in a saucepan and when it is hot, fry minced onion in it, then two or three eggs, stirring constantly, as for scrambled eggs. Add these to the soup, with three or four tablespoons of sour cream and serve. Sauces for Beéf . — Omáčky k hovězímu masu. 68. TOMATO SAUCE. Omáčka z rajshijcli jahlíčel:. Place in a saucepan two large or four small to- matoes, or half the contents of a three pound can. The fresh tomatoes should be cut up. Add half an onion, minced, whole pepper, allspice, one clove, and a piece of lemon rind. Stew all in a little butter, about fifteen minutes. Then pour into it two cups of good beef soup SAUCES FOR BEEF. 29 and boil fifteen minutes more. Masli tliorougiily and force tlirougli a strainer, add vinegar and sugar to taste, butter and flour browned together, boil a few mo- ments and serve. 69. DILL SAUCE No. 1. Omáčka koprová. Blend butter and flour, but do not let it get brown. Mix this with as much soup as you wish to have gravy. When smooth, add vinegar to taste and boil. Before serving, add fresh dill minced fine and several table- spoons of good sour cream. If you do not have sour cream, you may use half a cup of sweet cream, to which you have added a little vinegar. 70. DILL SAUCE No. 2. Jiná koprová omáčka. ■ Mix together four tablespoons of vinegar, half a teaspoon of flour and a little minced fresh dill, then add one egg and mix until smooth. Add a cup of sweet cream. Boil over* a quick fire, stirring constantly and when it is done, add salt, and if you like, a little sugar. 71. PICKLE SAUCE. Omáčka z naložené okurky. Cut in thin slices one dill pickle, pour over it beef soup and a little good vinegar, minced green dill, and boil. When it has boiled a while, add butter and flour browned together, beating it in thoroughly and boil a few moments longer. 72. ANCHOVY SAUCE. Omáčka sardelová. ^ Wash two anchovies in cold water, pick out the bones and rub tlie fisli to a paste with a piece of good butter. Pour soup over this and let it boil a while, then add butter and flour browned togetlier, beating- it in well, and serve. If you wish, you may add a small piece of lemon rind. 30 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. 73. ONION SAUCE. Bílá cihulová otnáčka. Mince fine one onion, stew it in butter until ten- der, but do not brown, add a tablespoon of butter, mix thoroughly, add beef soup and boil half an hour. If you like, you may add a little vinegar. 74. CAPER SAUCE. OináčJi-a s kaparami. Blend butter and flour until brown, add soup and boil a while, then add a tablespoon of capers and lemon juice to taste, and serve. 75. DRIED MUSHROOM SAUCE. Oináčl-a ze suciti/cJi Jtuh. Wash dried mushrooms, pour beef soup over them and stew until tender, then strain, mince the mushrooms fine, pour over them the strained liquor, add butter and flour blended together until brown, a pinch of mace, boil a little longer and serve. If you wish, you may add a little vinegar. 76. FRESH MUSHROOM SAUCE. Ouiáčlca z čc I'd ví/ cli hub. Thoroughly wash and slice fresh mushrooms and stew them fifteen minutes in beef soup. Then add flour and butter blended together until brown, or sour cream thickened with flour, a i^incli of grated mace, boil a while lono-er and serve. '&' 77. COLD HORSERADISH SAUCE. bHudenf/ khn s octe in. To grated horseradish add a teasi)oon of bread crumbs, a grated a])ph% salt and sugar to taste, a tea- spoon of beef soup and enough vinegar to make it the proper consistency. SAUCES FOR BEEF. 31 78. WHITE HORSERADISH SAUCE. Křen siHciauovf/. Cream a little butter and flour together, add half a dozen blanched almonds ponnded to a paste, half a teaspoon of sngar, a cup and a half of warm cream, mix all together well and allow it to boil a few minutes, stirring constantly. When it begins to thicken, add grated horseradish and a pinch of salt, mixing it well, and serve. 79. PLAIN HORSERADISH SAUCE. Křen polévl^ový. Cream together a little butter and flour, add warm beef soup, mix until smooth and boil a while, then add grated horseradish and a pinch each of salt and grated mace. 80. GARLIC SAUCE. On) áčka česneková. Blend butter and flour until brown, add beef soup, a pinch of salt and let it boil a bit. Then add two cloves' of garlic pounded to a paste with a little butter, and, if you like, a pinch of marjoram, and serve immediately. 81. MUSTARD SAUCE. Oni á čka li ořčicová. Blend butter and flour until brown, add soup, a tablespoon of dried mustard and lemon juice to taste. Beat one yolk with two or three tablespoons of cream, add to the sauce and serve. 82. CELERY SAUCE. Omáčka celerová. Blend butter and flour until brown, add two cups of beef soup, salt and pepper. When it has boiled a while, grate half a celery root into it, boil a little longer and serve. 32 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. 83. LEMON SAUCE. Omáčka citrónová. Cream butter and flour together, pour into it beef soup, mixing it until smooth; add two beaten yolks, the juice of one lemon, and a bit of grated lemon rind. Stir constantly until it thickens, but do not allow it to boil. 84. BREAD SAUCE. Omáčka chlebová. Mince fine one onion and boil it in as much milk as you want sauce. When the onion is done, strain the sauce into one cup of grated bread crumbs and allow it to stand half an hour. Then place this in a saucepan, add two tablespoons of butter, salt and pepper to taste, and when it begins to bubble serve. If too thick, thin with a little hot water. 85. DRAWN BUTTER SAUCE. Omáčka máslová. Cream, four tablespoons of butter with two table- spoons of flour. Pour two cups of water into a sauce- pan and when it begins to boil, add the butter and flour, stirring constantly. When it begins to bubble, add salt, pepper, minced parsley and serve. 86. OYSTER SAUCE. Omáčka ústřicová. Chop fine one pint of oysters and stew in their liquor five minutes. To one cup of boiling milk add a tablespoon of butter creamed with a tablespoon of flour, stirring constantly. When this is done, add the oysters, two beaten yolks, salt and pepper, and serve. 87. BROWN SAUCE. Omáčka zapražená. Brown two tablespoons of butter with two table- spoons of flour. Add two cups of beef soup, boil a while and strain. This sauce may be served this way, or may be used as a foundation for other sauces. SAUCES FOR BEEF. , 33 88. YELLOW ONION SAUCE. Omáčka žlutá cibulová. Mince fine half an onion, j)our over it beef soup and let it simmer a while. Place in another saucepan two slices of bread that have been soaked in milk and squeezed dry, add a piece of good butter, a pinch of saf- fron, mix together thoroughly, pour over it the onion sauce, mix until smooth and boil a while longer. Final- ly add butter and flour browned together, a pinch of caraway seed and boil a few moments longer. By sub- stituting garlic for onion, you can prepare garlic sauce in the same way. 89. POTATO SAUCE. OmáčJca hrami) orová. Stew half a minced onion in butter or lard, add three large boiled and grated potatoes, as much soup as you wish sauce, a little vinegar and salt to taste, boil half an hour, strain and serve. 90. CHIVE SAUCE. Omáčka pažitková. Stew minced chives in a little butter, add soup, salt, pepper, a pinch of grated mace, butter and flour blend- ed until brown, and boil a while. If you wish, you may add one or two yolks beaten with half a cup of cream. 91. PARSLEY SAUCE. Omáčka petrželová. Wash thoroughly several parsley roots, cut in very thin slices, add minced green parsley and about half a cup of fried bread crumbs. Pour over all beef sou]:), let it boil, adding salt and pepper and before serving, add a piece of butter and a little cream. 92. WINE SAUCE. Omáčka vinná. Mince fine about a cup of parsley, add three yolks and cream together well. Then add as much tepid Cook Book 3 34 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. wine as you wish to liave sauce, then mace, pepper, nut- meg and ginger, a pinch of each. Simmer slowly about five minutes, stirring constantly. 93. FRENCH MUSTARD. Hořčice h masu. Slice a large onion into a bowl, cover with vinegar and allow it to stand two or three days. Pour off this vinegar, add to it a teaspoon of pepper, a teaspoon of salt, a tablespoon of brown sugar and enough dry mustard to make it sufficiently thick. The dry mustard must of course be first mixed with vinegar, until smooth. Place on the stove, stirring constantly and remove when it begins to bubble. This is served cold. 94. CATSUP No. 1. Kc čap, čilí studená omáčl-a z rajslých jahlíčel'. To a gallon of boiled and mashed tomatoes add three onions grated or finely minced, four tablespoons of salt, five tablespoons of brown sugar. When this has boiled together until tender, strain and to the strained mass add four tablespoons of dried mustard, eight tablespoons of black ground pepper, two table- spoons of ground cinnamon, two teaspoons of ground cloves, a teaspoon of paprika, one grated nutmeg, and three and a half cups of vinegar. Allow this to simmer slowly until thick, stirring now and then, so it will not burn. Seal in bottles while hot. 95. CATSUP No. 2. Kečap na jiný způsoJ). Pour boiling water over half a bushel of tomatoes, peel and place in a granite or enameled kettle to boil. When soft, strain through a fine sieve, place on the fire again, add six medium-sized onions and three green peppers from which the seeds have been taken. Boil until thick and strain once more, then add two cups of cider vinegar, half a cup of sugar, two teaspoons of salt, one teaspoon of ground cinnamon, one teaspoon of BEEF. 35 ground allspice, a teaspoon of grated nutmeg and half a teaspoon of ground cloves. Boil ten minutes more and seal while hot. Beef. — Hovězí maso. 96. BOILED BEEF. Vařené hovězí maso. As every cook knows, the meat from different parts of the animal varies. The rump is best to use for boiled beef, but is must not be too fat. The brisket and flank do not have a good flavor and are suitable only for soup. As has already been stated, boiled beef tastes best when placed in boiling water, whereas if your aim is to get good soup only, the meat is placed in cold wa- ter. Beef, and in fact all meat, is more tender if not freshly killed. The meat sold by the packing houses is generally from three to six months old, it being kept in cold storage that long, before being put on the market. Such meat is very tender. ^ The cook must use a little judgment in boiling beef. If the meat is from a young animal, a two pound piece may be boiled an hour and a half. If from an old animal, it will take longer. The meat must be boiled so long until it is easily pierced with a fork. If boiled too long, it crumbles and loses fla- vor. When putting the meat to boil, cover well and when it has come to a boil, let it simmer gently. If boiled rapidly, it will be tough. Boiled beef is cut into small pieces and usually served with a sauce. 97. STEWED BEEF No. 1. Dušené hovézí. Place in a saucepan a fourth of a pound of minced bacon and two sliced onions. When it begins to brown, add a piece of chuck steak well pounded and brown on both sides over a quick fire. Then add a cup of hot water, salt and pepper, a clove of garlic jDounded to a paste with a little salt, cover and simmer over a slow 36 BOHEMIAN- AMERICAN COOK BOOK. fire. Be careful that it does not burn, and add a little liot water now and then, if necessary. A piece of youni^ beef will be tender in two hours. When done, thicken the sauce with a tablespoon of flour mixed smooth with a little water, pour over the meat and serve. • 98. STEWED BEEF No. 2. Dušené hovězí maso na jiný způsob. Place in a saucepan a piece of lard, one sliced onion, a bay leaf, a piece of lemon rind and one clove. Pound and salt two pounds of beef, add it to the fore^oin^, stew a while, dust with flour and stew a little longer, then add beef soup and a little wine and stew until the meat is tender. Before serving, sprinkle with ^"rated lemon rind. 99. STEWED BEEF No. 3. Dušené hovězí maso ještě na jiný způsob. Pound well two pounds of nice beef, place in a crock, pour vinegar over it and allow it to stand thus twenty-four hours. • When you are ready to pre- pare the meat, interlard with bacon, place it in the saucepan or kettle, add salt, vinegar, a little beef soup, one sliced onion, a sliced carrot, a bay leaf, several whole peppers, allspice, cloves. Cover and simmer slow- ly. In another saucepan place a tablespoon of butter; when it is hot, add a tablespoon of flour, one of sugar and blend together until brown. Add slowly two cups of hot soup, or hot water, and the liquor from the meat, having skimmed off the grease, boil it fifteen minutes, until it forms a thick, brown, slightly sour gravy. Skim off the fat, pour the gravy over the meat and let it simmer thus a little longer. 100. BEEF ROLLS. Dušené hovězí závitky. Pound thoroughly four pounds of nice beef, (rump is best) cut in slices an inch thick, pound again, sprinkle with salt, ground allspice and mace, spread on each BEEF. 37 slice of meat a very tliin slice of bacon, roll up and fasten with a toothpick. Dip each roll in flour. Heat a piece of butter in a skillet, i^lace the rolls therein, co- ver and fry about ten minutes over a medium fire, turn- ing- them once during this time. Then pour in from one side enough boiling water to half cover the rolls, be- ing careful however, not to wet them from the top. Co- ver closely and stew the rolls an hour over a slow fire. When done, take out the toothpicks, arrange the rolls on a platter, place fried potatoes around them and pour the gravy over all. 101. BOILED BEEF ROLLS. Hovězí závithij z vahnclio masa. Trim a joound and a half of boiled beef, takini>' out all the fat, gristle, etc. and mince the meat fine. Blend butter and flour until a light brown, add enough beef soup to make a thick gravy and let it boil fifteen minutes, stirring constantly. Cream together a piece of butter with three yolks, add this to the soup and beat all together well. Now add the minced meat, a table- spoon of minced parsley, a dash of pepper and salt and mix thoroughly. When cold, sprinkle a molding board with rolled crackers or bread crumbs, divide the mixture into sixteen parts, place them on the board, roll into squares, sprinkle each square with more bread crumbs and roll. Beat three whites, add a tea- spoon of melted butter, a teaspoon of water and mix thoroughly. Dip each roll in this and then in bread crumbs. Fry in smoking fat (in a frying basket) un- til golden brown, take out, dust with a little salt, place on a platter, garnish with parsley and serve. 102. BEEF TENDERLOIN No. 1. Svíčková pečeně. The proper cut for this dish is not always as easily obtainable here as in Bohemia. It must be the tender- loin, the portion from which porterhouse steak is cut, 38 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. and as porterhouse steak is used in this country so much, the butcher rarely has any beef tenderloin on hand. However, if you wish to prepare this dish and can obtain the proper cut, trim it, interlard thickly with bacon, salt and place in a crock. Place in a saucepan one sliced onion, half of a whole ginger, several whole pep- pers and allspice, a pinch of thyme, one bay leaf, two cups of good vinegar and the same of water, and boil all together half an hour. Pour this over the prepared meat, allow it to stand tlms two days, turning it every day. Bake in a slow oven in butter, basting with sour cream. 103. BEEF TENDERLOIN No. 2. HovGzi na způsob svicImvc. Wash four pounds of meat without any bones, trim off the fat, gristle, etc. and interlard with one pound of bacon cut into strips. Place in the pan one large onioii sliced, several whole allspice, several whole peppers, a piece of ginger, two bay leaves. Place the meat in this, salt, dust with flour and add two cups of water. Roast in the oven, basting frequently. When done, cut the meat into neat pieces, add to the liquor a little le- mon juice and grated lemon rind, and if you like it, a little sugar. Strain and pour over the meat, or serve in a separate dish. 104. ROAST BEEF, BOHEMIAN STYLE. Ohyčcjná Itovczi pcceiu'. Wash a rib roast, salt, stick whole ginger and cloves of garlic here and there info the meat, place in a baking pan, add several small onions into each of which you have stuck a clove, several bay leaves, one small sliced carrot, and a little water. Roast three or four hours, turning and basting it frequently. If the meat dries out, add liot water from time to time. When the meat is done, place on a platter, surround with boiled and peeled potatoes, pour over the meat the strained gravy and serve. BEEF. 39 105. ROAST BEEF, AMERICAN STYLE. * Hovězí jJečeně po aniericku. Roast beef is best wlien a large piece of meat is used, six pounds or more. However, four pounds is usualh^ plenty for a small family. Dust the roast with salt and pepper, place in a deep pan, rub a tablespoon of butter over the top, pour a cup of hot water under it and roast in a hot oven. The oven should be very hot at first, so as to sear the meat, later it should be slower, so that the meat will be tender. After it has been roasting half an hour, sprinkle sliced onion over it and turn. When the meat is done, make a gra- vy of the fat. If very fat, pour off some and add a cup of hot water. Mix flour and water until smooth and thicken the gravy with it. The meat should roast fifteen minutes for every pound, so that a four pound roast requires one hour, etc. 106. ROAST BEEF WITH SOUR CREAM. Pečeně s kyselou smetanou. Cut a piece of rump into medium sized pieces, pound and interlard with strips of bacon and dust with salt and pepper. Place a sliced onion and minced bacon in a skillet, add the meat, cover well and stew until the juice has evaporated. Then add a little vincjo'ar, a little water, one or two bay leaves and stew until ten- der. Then take out the meat, strain the liquor, mix with about an equal quantity of sour cream, place the meat back in the skillet, pour the gravy over it, stew a while longer and serve. 107. ROLLED BEEF. S^vinuté hovězí. Pound well a flank or round steak, dust with salt and pepper. Make a dressing by soaking three slices of bread in milk and then squeezing them dry, add two eggs, one minced onion fried in butter to a ííolden brown, minced parsley, a piece of good butter, a pinch 40 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. of mace, salt and pepper, mix together and spread over the -steak, roll up, tie around with strong- thread. Place in a pan, pour a cup of hot water under it, dot bits of butter on top and bake slowly two hours, bastins: every ten minutes. When done, slice and serve. 108. BEEF WITH SOUR GRAVY. Hovězí maso na hyselo. Boil two pounds of beef with any vegetables you may have on hand, or you may use cold left-over meat. Slice nicely, cover with water, add two tablespoons of vinegar, a piece of lemon rind, half a minced onion, five or six allspice, four or five cloves, a bay leaf and salt. Cover and let it boil a while. Blend two tablespoons of butter with one of sugar, when brown, add a heap- ing tablespoon of flour and add this to the meat. 109. BEEF A LA VENISON. Hovězí maso na divoko. Mince half a pound of bacon and fry. Slice one large carrot, one celery root, one parsley root and one onion, mix all with the hot bacon, add two bay leaves, a pinch of thyme, five whole black peppers, five wdiole allspice, and brown all together. Salt two pounds of rump and stew it in the foregoing. If it dries out, add one or two tablespoons of hot water at the time, being careful that the meat does' not get too dry. When the meat is tender, take it out, add to the liquor two cups of hot water and boil a while longer. Then strain and to the strained liquor add two cups of good sour cream, with which you have mixed two tablespoons of flour, Put the meat back into the gravy, stew a little longer, and serve with dumplings. BEEFSTEAK. Beefsteak is an English and American dish. A great many Bohemians never learn to like it and they cannot understand its popularity among Americans. BEEF. 41 This is partly because it requires so little preparation, while Bohemian recipes call for a much longer and more thorough cooking of meats. Then, too, beefsteak is so often taken from poor cuts and is therefore tough and unpalatable. The real beefsteak is the porterhouse. The next best is sirloin and the next chuck steak, but neither of these has the flavor, juiciness and tenderness of the porterhouse. 110. FRIED STEAK. Beefsteak smažený. If you wish to fry a porterhouse steak, it will not require much pounding, but the sirloin or chuck steaks need to be pounded well. Never wash a steak; if ne- cessary, wipe it with a cloth. For a two pound steak place in a skillet two tablespoons of butter, or the fat trimmed from the steak, but never lard. When the but- ter or fat is smoking hot, place the steak in the skillet, salt and pepper the top, allow the underside to brown quickly, to keep in the juice, then turn, salt and pepper the other side, allow the underside to brown and then, if you like the steak well done, it need not fry as quickly as at the beginning. When the steak is done, add to the fat a little minced onion and when it has browned, add a little hot water and pour this gravy over the steak. If you wish, you may thicken it with a little flour. 111. BROILED STEAK. Beefsteak na rosti. Broiled steak is always rare and the true beefsteak lover prefers it this way, because it is the juiciest. For broiling, thicker slices of steak are used than for fry- ing. Pound the meat as for frying, place on a broiler and broil over a clear fire, turning over when one side is done. When done, place on a hot platter, sprinkle with salt and pepper, dot bits of butter over it and serve. 42 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. If you do not have a regular broiler, you may ''pan broil" the steak, although this does not give it the real broiled flavor. Allow the pan or skillet to become smoking hot, then rub over it a piece of fat trimmed from the steak, place the steak thereon, broil on both sides and before serving add salt, pepper and bits of butter. 112. BAKED STEAK. Beefsteak pečený. Place the steak in a baking pan, having sprinkled salt and i^epper over it. If it is not very fat, put a piece of butter on top and cover with grated bread crumbs. Pour a little hot water under it and bake about twent}^ minutes; longer, if you like it well done. 113. STEWED STEAK. Beefsteak dušený. Cut up two pounds of steak into small pieces, place in a saucepan with salt and pepper, add one or two sliced onions and hot water. Cover and simmer gently until the meat is tender. Cream two tablespoons of but- ter with two tablespoons of flour, add to the stew, mix- ing until smooth. 114. STEAK WITH SOUR GRAVY. , Beefsteak na kyselo. For this purpose round steak may be used. Trim well and pound. Place a tablespoon of lard in a skillet and when it is smoking hot, brown the steak in it on both sides over a hot fire, then cover the meat with boiling water, add salt and a large onion sliced. Cover and simmer over a slow fire. If the liquor evaporates, add as much boiling water as you wish to have sauce. There should be a cup of liquor to a pound and a half of meat. To this liquor add a cup of good sour cream thickened with a little flour. Stir constantly while pouring this in, so the gravy be smooth. Then add a tablespoon of catsup and more BEEF. 43 salt or a little vinegar, if it needs either. Cut the meat into small pieces, place in the hot gravy and serve. 115. HAMBURGER STEAK. Ilamhurskfj steak. Grind in a meat grinder or chop fine two pounds of good beef. The markets in the cities have on hand ground meat, but it is hardly ever prepared from really nice meat and it is much better to buy a good piece and do this yourself. You may add a little of the suet and one onion. Salt and pepper and work thorou^'hly with your hands, make small cakes, cover with flour and fry in hot lard and butter, half of each. 116. GOULASH. Guláš. Cut into small squares two pounds of meat from the shoulder. Fry one large minced onion in two table- spoons of butter until golden brown, add the meat, salt, four whole cloves, eight whole allspice, a slice of le- mon, a bay leaf, two tablespoons of vinegar, one table- spoon of sugar and allow it to stew. When the meat is tender, dust with a tablespoon of flour and if quite dry, add a little hot water, two or three tablespoons of cat- sup and a pinch of paprika. iVllow this to stew a while longer, then serve. 117. HUNGARIAN GOULASH. UJierslcjj guláš. Cut beef, mutton and pork into small squares. Fry one large minced onion with bacon, adding to it a pinch of caraway seed and pepper. Place the beef in this and stew a while, stirring occasionally; then add the mutton and later the pork, dust with flour, add beef soup or hot water, salt, paprika, several whole allspice and, if you wish, a little wine. Stew until the meat is tender. You may stew potatoes with the meat. Two or three pounds of meat is sufficient for six i3eople. 44 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. 118. IRISH STEW. Dušené hovězí s Ijramhorami. Cut three pounds of rump into squares. Peel six potatoes and slice, and mince two onions. Place a layer of meat in a deep kettle, then a layer of potatoes, siDrinkle with onion, salt and pepper and bits of butter, repeat until all is used. The last layer should be po- tatoes. Dot bits of butter over the top, pour half a cup of water over it, cover and stew in the oven two hours. 119. BEEF STEW WITH BREAD. Dušené hovězí s chlebem. Wash a piece of rump, salt and pound thorou^'hly, interlard with bacon and place in a skillet, in which you have browned minced onion in butter. Add a few cloves and let it stew. Cut rye bread into dice, add to the meat, baste with soup and if you wish, add a wine- glass of white wine. When done arrange the meat in slice's and pour the strained gravy over it. 120. BEEF A LA MODE. Hovězí dušené s I'Openim,. Roll bacon strips in ground cloves, pepper and salt, then interlard pounded beef well with it, place in hot lard with parsley, onion, carrot and a few ba7/ leaves. When the meat begins to brown, turn, add pepper, ground cloves, ground allspice, and a little wine. Cover and stew three hours over a slow fire. When the meat is done, place it on a platter, pour the liquor over it, surround with stewed sliced carrots or sliced lemons and serve. 121. JELLIED BEEF. Hovězí V rosolu. Boil a beef shank six hours, then take out the bones and fat. Cut the meat and tendons into pieces. When the liquor in which it has boiled is cool, skim off the grease and add enough to the meat to form a thick mush. Add salt, pepper, mace, allspice and boil BEEF. 45 fifteen minutes, stirring constantly. Pour into a dish and when entirely cold, cut in thick slices. 122. BOILED CORNED BEEF. Naložené hovězí. Wash the meat thoroughly and, if very salty, place in cold water, boil ten minutes, pour the water off and add fresh boiling water. If the meat is not salty, set it to boil in hot water. Skim the foam and allow half an hour for every pound. If you intend to serve the corned beef cold, let it cool in the liquor, then put it on a clean board and place weights on top, to l^ress it down. 123. CORNED BEEF WITH CABBAGE. Naložené hovězí s hlávkoíi. Wash in hot water three pounds of corned beef, i:)lace it in a kettle, cover with cold water, and when it boils, skim the foam, then cover and simmer gently. When it has been boiling an hour and a half, add a head of cabbage, which you have prepared thus: Cut the head in quarters, take out the stalk, soak the cabbage fifteen minutes in cold water, then put it with the corned beef and add four or five peeled turnips. Fifteen minutes later add four or five peeled potatoes and boil until ten- der. Serve the meat on a platter, surrounded by the boiled vegetables. 124. HOW TO CORN BEEF No. 1. NaJdádání hovězího masa do jíchy. Dissolve a tablespoon of saltpeter in a gallon of water and boil together for fifteen minutes, then add a pound and a half of salt and allow the mixture to cool. Pour this over the beef and it will keep fresh all sum- mer. Pork may be corned this way also, but more salt must be used. 46 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. 125. HOW TO CORN BEEF No. 2. Nakládání hovězího masa na jiný způsob. For 200 pounds of meat take six or seven pounds of salt and one box of ground assorted spices. Two heads of garlic, mashed to a paste with salt, may also be added. Mix all together and rub over the meat. The meat is then packed well into a jar or keg, so that there are no crevices between the pieces. Place a board and weight on top. 126. PICKLED BEEF. Nal'ladani hovězího masa na hijsclo. Boil the meat just enough so that it will not be raw, then cut out the bones. For the brine boil equal amounts of water and vinegar with ground assorted spices. The meat must cool thoroughly. The next day cut it up into two or three pound pieces, pack in jars or kegs, pour the brine over it and it will keep a long time. 127. CHIPPED BEEF WITH CREAM. Sušené hovězí se smetanou. Tear the thinly chipped beef into pieces and soak in cold water two or three minutes. Melt a tablespoon of butter. When hot, add the beef, squeezed dry. Let it sizzle five minutes, turning often, so that it will not burn. Add a tablespoon of flour. Mix well. When brown, add three-fourths of a cup of milk or cream. Sim- mer a while, then add a beaten ^gg and pepper and serve. 128. RIBS OF BEEF. Hovězí žehrá. Cut up two or three beef ribs into pieces about four inches long, then interlard the meat with bacon, and sprinkle it with salt, pepper and minced parsley. Heat butter in a skillet, place the ribs in it and brown on both sides, tlien cover ^ tlie skillet and place it in the oven. When the ribs are done, arrange them on a^dish, pour over them the strained liquor, from which you have skimmed all the fat, and garnish with fried potatoes. BEEF. 47 129. BEEF LOAF. Hovězí sekanina. Three pounds of finely minced or ground beef, a fourtli of a pound of finely minced bacon, three heap- ing tablespoons of grated bread crumbs soaked in milk, three beaten eggs. Mix together thoroughly, add salt, pepper and sage. Grease a baking pan with butter, form a loaf of the meat, sprinkle grated bread crumbs on top and bake two and a half or three hours, basting- occasionally with melted butter. This may be served hot or cold. 130. HASH. Sekanina ^e zbytků. The best meat for hash is beef, although pork or veal may also be used, or all three together. The meat should be ground or minced fine. Chop separately cold boiled potatoes, using about half the ai}aount of potatoes as meat. Place in a skillet two tablespoons of butter and fry one minced onion in it until golden brown. Then add the meat and potatoes, two tablespoons of hot water, salt and pepper, and stew over a hot fire fifteen minutes, stirring constantly. 131. BAKED HASH. Pečená sekanina. Mince cold beef. Peel and grate six large raw po- tatoes, add two or three eggs, a minced onion, two tablespoons of flour, salt and pepper to taste. Mix together and bake in a greased pan. 132. BEEF KIDNEYS. Hovězí ledvinky. Soak beef kidneys in cold water one hour. Then slice tliem thin, heat a piece of butter in a saucepan with a dash of caraway seed, pepper, one minced onion, or a clove of garlic mashed to a paste with a little salt. Place the kidneys in this and stew them. When near- ly done, add salt, a tablespoon of flour, stir, add several 48 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. tablespoons of good* beef soup, stew a while lon^-er and serve. 133. BEEF KIDNEYS WITH CREAM GRAVY. Hovězí ledvinky se smetanovou omáčkou. Soak beef kidneys one hour in cold water, then cut in slices, cover with cold water and boil. Skim the foam that arises, when clear add salt, two or three tablespoons of vinegar, a piece of lemon rind, a bay leaf, six whole allspice, four whole cloves, a sliced onion and a tablespoon of butter. Cover and simmer. When tender, add a cup of good sour cream thickened with a tablespoon of flour. Let the kidneys stew in this a while and before serving add one beaten yolk. 134. FRIED UDDER. Smažené vemeno. Boil the udder in salted water until it is tender, which will take about four hours. When it is done, take it out and slice thin. Beat two eggs, adding salt and pepper. Dip the sliced udder in flour, then in the eggs, then in grated bread crumbs and fry to a golden brown in rendered butter. You can prepare tripe or tongue in the same way. 135. TRIPE WITH SOUR GRAVY. DrHky na kyselo. Cut up two pounds of tripe which has been boiled until tender, place in a kettle and pour over two cups of water and half a cup of vinegar, add one minced onion, a few whole allspice, four cloves and a clove of garlic mashed to a paste with salt. Allow this to boil a while. Blend two tablespoons of butter with one table- spoon of sugar and one of flour, until a rich brown. Add this to the tripe with a pinch of pepper and a pinch of marjoram, boil a minute or two and serve. BEEF. 49 136. BEEF TONGUE. Dušený hovězí jazyk. Wash and boil a beef tongue half an hour, if lari>'e, one hour. Peel, cool and trim. Place minced bacon in a kettle, several pieces of veal, two sliced carrots, four sliced onions, a pinch of thyme and cloves, then add the tongue. Cover with beef soup and stew until the toni!:ue is tender, which will take three or four hours. Add soup from time to time and also the juice of one lemon. When the tongue is tender, take it out, cut it len^^th- wise, beginning from the larger end, but do not cut through, leave it joined together at the smaller end. Spread out the severed ends and pour over the tonp:ue the graVy strained through a sieve. 137. BEEF TONGUE WITH POLISH GRAVY. Hovězí jazyh s polskou omáčkou. Blend butter or fresh suet with a tablespoon of su- gar, until a dark brown. Add a wineglass of wine, a little vinegar, and enough beef soup to -form a rather thick gravy. Then add twelve whole peppers, five allspice, five cloves, a bay leaf, lemon rind, salt and sim- mer fifteen minutes. Strain, add a handful of raisins and two ounces of sliced blanched almonds. If the gravy is too thick, add beef soup. Salt to taste and stew a while longer. Peel and trim the boiled tongue, cut in rather thick slices, place in a dish and pour the gravy over it. 138. BEEF TONGUE WITH SAUCE OR HORSERADISH. Vařený hovězí jazyk s omáčkou neb křenem. Boil a tongue until tender. Peel, cut len^'thwise and sprinkle with capers. You may serve with this caper or anchovy sauce, or grated horseradish. Cook Book 4 50 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. Pork. — Vepřové maso. 139. •pORK CHOPS. Vepřové řízlcy. Wash the chops, arrange on a skillet, dust with salt and caraway seed, add three or four tablespoons of hot water, cover and stew. When the water evapo- rates, the fat in the chops begins to fry out. If there is not enough, add a little lard. When browned on one side, turn and brown on tli^ other. When done, arrange on a platter, add hot water and half a table- spoon of flour to the grease in the skillet, salt if ne- cessary, and when it bubbles, pour over the chops. Pork chops may also be baked in the oven. 140. PORK CUTLETS No. 1. Vepřové hotletky. Trim and pound pork cutlets, dust with salt and pepper, dip in a beaten egg, then in bread or cracker crumbs, to which you may add a little minced onion or sage, and fry. When done, arrange on a platter, gar- nish with parsley and potato croquettes or various vege- tables. 141. PORK CUTLETS No. 2. Vepřové hotleiky na jiný zpúsoh. Dust pork cutlets with salt and pe^^per, dip in melted butter, then in bread crumbs, fry on both sides to a golden brown, about fifteen minutes. In an- other saucepan fry four sliced onions in one tablespoon of butter, add a tablespoon of flour, a cup of hot water, a teaspoon or two of beef extract, salt, several whole peppers, half a teaspoon of sugar, and allow all to sim- mer together until the onion is tender. Then strain through a sieve into the center of the dish and arrange the cutlets around it. PORK. 51 142. ROAST LOIN OF PORK. Vejjřová pečené ledvinová. Wash a pork loin, dust with salt and caraway seed, place in a pan, pour a little water under it. The oven should he hot for the first twenty minutes or so, then it may he slower. If the roast is too fat, the surplus fat must be trimmed off. Leg of pork may be roasted in this manner. 143. PORK AND BEANS. Slanina s fazolemi. Soak two cups of beans in cold water over night. In the morning place them over tlie fire, adding half a teaspoon of baking soda, a little salt and boil about half an hour. Place in a saucepan three or four fresh tomatoes, or half the contents of a three lb. can, one sliced onion, a tablespoon of butter and stew half an hour. Wash well a pound of salt pork, add it to the beans, then the strained tomatoes, a tablespoon of syrup and one of sugar, salt to taste, cover well and bake slowly two or three hours. 144. PORK WITH KOHL-RABI. Vepřové s hrukvi. Wash a piece of pork and boil with various vege- tables, the same as beef. Peel and cut into dice or slice kohl-rabi, pour water over it and when it begins to boil, pour it off and add the water in which the pork has been boiling, add salt, and if it is to be sweet, also a little sugar, otherwise a dash of pepper. When the kohl-rabi is tender, add flour and butter blended to- gether until a golden brown. When it begins to bubble, put the meat in, cut into small pieces, let it stew thus a while and serve. If you like a darker gravy, you may add a piece of browned sugar. Pork is also prepared thus with carrots, turnips or kale. o^: BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK 145. PORK, POLISH STYLE. Vepřové po polskii. Boil two pounds of pork from the ribs in salted water. Blend a tablespoonof butter with one of flo:u' until a light brown, thin this with the liquor from the meat, add a little vinegar, grated lemon rind, allspice, a dash of cloves, several blanched almonds, a handful of seedless raisins, a little syrup, half a cup of grated gingerbread, and stew all together. AVhen the meat is done, cut into i^ieces, place in the gravy, let all stew together a few moments and serve. 146. SCRAPPLE. Vepřové maso s kul-uřiénou moul'ou. For this you may use almost any pork, even left overs, but the best is a boiled pork head, liver, heart, etc. Place all in a kettle with water, salt, pepper,' gar- lic and marjoram. When the meat is tender, take it out, strain the liquor and add to it enough corn meal to make as much mush as you have meat. Boil half an hour. Chop the meat fine and add to the cornmeal. Pour the hot mixture into shallow pans to cool. This can be sliced cold and fried golden brown. 147. PORK ROLLS WITH RICE. Vepřové zavitl'i/ s výií. Cut from a pork leg slices half an inch thick, pound and dust with salt. Grate several onions, fry in a little butter and spread over the slices, place on each slice a tablespoon of washed rice, roll and tie around with thread, arrange in a greased pan a bake over a quick fire until about half done. Then add a little beef soup, and stew until meat and rice are tender. 148. SPARE-RIBS WITH SOURKRAUT. Vepřová žehí?'Jca se zelím. Take two pounds of spare-ribs and cut them up, so there will be two or three ribs in one piece. Wash, PORK. ' 53 salt and place in a kettle with water. When they have boiled half an hour, add a quart of sourkraut and half of an onion sliced, cover and stew until meat and kraut are tender. Finally thicken the kraut with water and flour. 149. PICKLED LEG OF PORK. Vepřová nakládaná kýta. Trim a pork leg, wash, dust with salt and place in a deep dish. Boil together two cups of vinegar, the same amount of water, one sliced onion, several bay leaves, a pinch of thyme, a piece of ginger, several whole peppers, cloves and allspice, and when this li- quor cools, pour it over the pork. Allow it to stand thus three days, turning it twice each day. On the third day put it in a pan, strain over it some of the liquor and roast it, basting occasionally. When it is near- ly done, mix a tablespoon of flour with a little sour cream, add to the liquor in the pan and, when the gra- vy thickens, serve. 150. BOILED HAM. y arena šunka. Soak a ham thoroughly in cold water. Place in a large kettle, cover with water and boil gently ui^til ten- der, which takes from two to three hours or more, according to size. If the ham is very salty, pour off the liquor when it is about half done and add fresh boiling water. Turn several times and keep adding boiling- water, keeping the ham covered all the time. When done, take off the skin while warm, dust with marjo- ram and pepper, cover with the skin and cool. 151. CpLD HAM. Sunka. Slice boiled or baked ham in thin slices, arrange on a dish, garnish with parsley and serve with vinegar, pepper and mustard, each separately. Potato salad is usual Iv served with ham. 54 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. 152. HAM ROASTED IN DOUGH. SunJiii pečená v iésté. Hams are usually rather salt}^ If so, soak over night in cold water, keeping it entirely covered. Trim off the skin and fat, cover about half an inch thick with bread dough, so that no crevice remains. Pierce the dough oyer the top several times, so it will not burst in baking and bake the ham four or five hours in a slow oven. When done, take off the dough and serve. 153. BROILED HAM. BoHéná sunJi'a. Cut raw ham in thin slices, pound and broil in a dry hot pan, on both sides. When done, spread each slice with butter, arrange on a platter and pour over the juice from the ham. 154. HAM AND EGGS. ňunlri s vejci. Slice boiled ham thin, fry in hot butter, arrange on a ]ieated dish and on each slice of ham place a fried egg. Serve with fried potatoes. 155. HAM WITH SCRAMBLED EGGS. Šunlri s míchanými vejci. Mince boiled ham, fry in a little hot butter,- add several eggs and mix thoroughl}^ Six eggs are suf- ficient for half a pound of ham. A little minced par- sley or chives adds a good flavor to tliis dish. 156. SMOKED PORK. Uzené vepřové. Wash smoked pork thoroughly and simmer until tender. When done, cut in slices and serve with rye bread and grated horseradish, or dumplings and sour- kraut, or boiled peas and dill pickles. PORK. 55 157. SMOKED PORK WITH RICE. Uzené vepřové s rýži. Mince fine a pound of boiled smoked pork. Boil half a pound of rice in the liquor in which the pork has been boiled. Grease a pan, put in a layer of rice, then a layer of minced meat and repeat, putting rice on top, dot with bits of butter, pour over a tablespoon of soup and bake an hour in the oven. If you have on hand fresh mushrooms, stew them in a little butter, adding a pinch of mace. If you have dried mushrooms, boil in soup, mince and add them, in either case, to the minced pork. 158. FRIED BACON. Smažený uzený špeh. Fry thinly sliced bacon in a hot skillet, until near- ly all of the fat has fried out. When done, arrange on a dish with eggs fried in the same fat. 159. BAKED BACON. Pečený uzený špď. Bacon may be baked until crisp in the oven and is served with fried potatoes. 160. ROAST PIG. Pečené podsvinče. Dust inside with salt and pepper and caraway seed a thoroughly cleaned suckling pig. Place in- side a slice of bread and sew up the opening. Fasten the feet together and place greased paper frills on the ears. Now jDlace the pig on a pan, across which you have laid sticks of wood, which must contain no rosin. Arrange the pig on these, feet upwards. It must not touch the pan anywhere. Pour under it several tablespoons of beer or cider and bake in the oven, rubbing it now and then with a little but- ter. When the skin is red and crisp on top, turn and do not forget to rub butter over it occasionally un- til done. Before it is quite done, baste a few times 5tí BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. witli beer, which makes the skin more crisp. Now take the pig out, shish the skin around the neck, co the steam may evaporate and the skin does not lose its crispness, arrange on a platter, garnish with sliced lemon, place a lemon in the mouth and serve with sourkraut. 161. ROAST TENDERLOIN. Pečená vepřová svíčka. Clean pork tenderloin, arrange on a pan, dust with salt, flour and caraway seed, add a piece of lard and a little water and roast, basting frequently. 162. FRIED PORK TENDERLOIN. Smažená vepřová svíčka. Wash and trim pork tenderloins. Cut each in four pieces, first lengthwise and then across. Pound well to flatten them out, dust with salt, pepper and flour, dip in beaten eggs and then in bread crumbs to which you have added a pinch of sage, and fry in hot fat. 163. HAM CROQUETTES. Karbanátky ze šunky. Mince two cups of boiled ham or smoked meat, add four cups of boiled riced potatoes, two tablespoons of flour, three eggs, a dash each of salt, pepper and mace. Mix together well, make small cakes, dip in bread crumbs and fry in butter or lard. 164. CROQUETTES. Karbanátky ze zbytků. Mince fine any left-over meat. If you have about three cups of this, add three eggs, a pinch each of pep- per, allspice, ginger, salt, caraway seed and grated le- mon rind. Mix together and form into cones. Fry gol- den brown. Potatoes served in the following manner are good with this: boil peeled potatoes in salted wa- ter. When done, drain, add two beaten yolks, a table- spoon of butter, enough milk to moisten, mash thor- oughly, place on a dish and pour rendered butter over them. PORK. 57 165. SAUSAGE MEAT. Vepřová sel'duina. Mince fine pork from the shonlder, not too lean. To five i30unds of meat nse two heaping tablespoons of salt, a heaping teaspoon of pepper, an even teaspoon of sage, half a teaspoon of ginger. Mix together well and put in a cool place, where it will keep several days. You may fry this as meat cakes, or add warm water to thin it and put it in casings, making pork sausage. 166. FRIED SAUSAGE MEAT. Smažená selrinina. Mix together thoroughly a pound of minced pork, three eggs, a dash of pepper, a minced onion, salt and four slices of bread grated. Form into cakes and fry in hot lard. 167. DEVILED HAM. Sekaná šunl^a. At night place in a deep dish a ham, with the skin upwards, cover with cold water and place a weight on top, so it stays under water. In the morning wash well in two waters. Make a batter of water and flour, cover the ham all over, pressing down well, and bake three or four hours in a slow oven, according to the size. When done, take off the covering and allow the meat to cool. Trim off the lean meat, put through a meat grinder and grind fine. Add paprika or pepper to taste, allspice and salt if necessary. Mix together well, pack in Mason or other preserving jars and put away in a cool place. The fat, trimmed from the ham may be fried out, being first but into dice. This shorten- ing is good to use in biscuits. The rind may be used to grease pancake griddles. 168. PORK LOAF. Pečená sekanina. Chop fine three pounds of pork, add four slices of bread soaked in water or milk, or six crackers, half a 58 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. grated onion, a i^incli of grated lemon rind, three eggs, a little white wine, salt, pepper and mace. Mix to- gether well and form a loaf. Grease a pan with butter or lard, j^lace the loaf in it, dnst over with bread crumbs and bake in a medium oven. Sprinkle melted butter or lard over the top several times. When done, arrange in slices on a platter, pour the liquor over it and serve with lemon sauce. 169. SOURKRAUT WITH SAUSAGE MEAT. Kyselé zelí s vepřovou selwiinou. Drain a quart of sourkraut and put it in a stone jar or a crock. Grind one pound of pork, add salt and X)epper, add it to the sourkraut, mix together, cover and bake in the oven about an hour. When done, pour a cup of sour cream over it, but do not stir. Bake fif- teen minutes longer. When brown on top, it is done. 170. PRESERVED ROAST PORK. Zapečené vepřové maso. When the meat has thoroughly cooled after killing, it is cut into pieces about half an inch thick, all fat and bones are trimmed off, the meat is salted and allowed to stand thus one hour. Then place the meat in a bak- ing pan, scatter a little caraway seed over it and bake, without adding any water to it. When all the meat is baked and cooled, pack it in stone jars or crocks, as solidly as possible and pour melted lard over it, leaving a layer of lard two inches thick on top. When using this meat, cover the remainder carefully with lard, so it will not spoil. 171. ROAST PORK TONGUE. Pečené vepřové jazyl-y. Parboil pork tongues, peel off the top skin, inter- lard with bacon, salt and fasten the ends together with a white cotton string or toothpicks. Pour a little melted butter over them and bake to a golden brown. Make a PORK. 59 sauce of equal parts of wine and vinegar, a little sugar, lemon rind, a few cloves and a pinch of mace. When this has simmered a while, thicken with browned flour and butter and serve with the tongues. 172. BOILED PORK HEAD WITH HORSERADISH. Vepřový ovar s křenem. Boil a pork head and part of the neck in salted wa- ter. Serve with grated horseradish. 173. PICKLED PIGS' FEET. Naložené vepřové nožíchy. Place in a kettle thoroughly cleaned and washed pigs' feet, cover with water and when they have been boiling an hour, add salt and boil until tender. Pack in a crock and pour over them hot vinegar, which you have boiled with an onion and the various spices, as all- spice, whole pepper, cloves, whole mace, etc. Allow the contents to stand in this two days before using. Pigs'^ feet require four to five hours boiling. 174. STUFFED CABBAGE No. 1. Ptáčci hez hosii. Prepare a nice head of cabbage, leaving it whole, place it in a deep kettle and cover with boiling water. Put it on the back of the stove, cover and let it stand thus, until it becomes tender. It must not boil. When it can be pierced with a fork, take it out to cool. In the meantime wash a cup or two of rice, pour boiling water on it, add salt, a piece of butter, or if you have soup, use it instead of the water, in which case you do not have to use butter. Cover and let it stew in tlie oven, until about half done. Do not use too much wa- ter or soup, so the rice will not become sticky; it should be rather dry. When the rice is half done, take it out and cool. Mince fine or put through tlie meat grinder a nice piece of lean pork and also a piece of veal or young beef, although pork alone may be used. The pro- 60 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. portion of meat and rice varies, according to taste. Equal amounts of each are good, or if you do not like it rich, use more rice than pork, or you can use more pork that rice. Mix both together, add salt and pepper, two, three or four beaten eggs, according to the amount, four, five or six tablespoons of cream and a finely minced onion fried in butter. It should be quite moist, as the baking will dry it out. If too stiff, add more cream or milk. Take the head of cabbage apart, being careful to keep the leaves whole. Line a casserole with cabbage leaves. Put a tablespoon of the mixture on a leaf, fold the ends over each other, so as to enclose the contents. If you wish, you can fasten the ends with toothpicks. Arrange these in layers and when you have the dish full, half fill it with hot water or soup and cover with cabbage leaves and sliced tomatoes, then cover the dish and bake from three quarters to one hour. When done, serve with sauce, either tomato sauce or one made of sour cream, butter and the yolk of an egg. 175. STUFFED CABBAGE No. 2. Ptáčci hez kostí na jiný způsob. In two tablespoons of lard fry one large minced onion until yellow, then add to it two pounds of lean pork cut into small pieces. Add a pinch of paprika and salt, cover and stew over a slow fire. Do not use any water. When the meat is half done, cool and mince fine, add a cup of raw rice, the liquor from the meat and mix together. Then proceed as in the foregoing recipe. 176. LIVER SAUSAGE. Jaternice. Boil a pig's .head. If too large and fat, trim off the fat. Boil the lungs, heart and kidneys in a separate kettle. Use only half of the liver and chop that raw. When all is done, mince fine. To one part of meat use two parts of stale white bread soaked in water and then PORK. 61 squeezed dry. Mix together, add pepper, salt, ground allspice, a pinch of ground cloves, grated lemon rind, marjoram and a few cloves of garlic, (mashed to a paste). Have ready thoroughly cleaned beef casings, cut into pieces about six inches long, and also string or toothpicks, to fasten the ends. When the mixture is pre- pared, fill one casing, tie or fasten each end and place the sausage in boiling water, in order to test it. If it needs any more spices, salt, etc. add what is needed and proceed to fill the casings. Some people boil these sausages in large quantities at one time, but in this way they are more likely to break. It it better to have two moderately sized kettles, filled with the liquor in which you have boiled the meat. Put in each just a few sausages at a time, so the kettle is about half filled. When they rise to the top, take them out, put them in a dish containing clear cold water for a moment or two and then lay them on a clean board. The liquor in which you boil them if used for soup should be cooled and skimmed, so it will not be greasy. 177. BLOOD SAUSAGE. Jelita. When killing pork, catch the blood and beat it, so it will not clot. Take a piece of pork from the neck and a piece of leaf lard, boil both until partly done, then cut both up into fine dice. Divide this into two parts. To one part add stale white bread soaked in • milk and squeezed dry, half of the blood, salt, grated lemon rind, pepper, ground allspice, ginger, cloves, minced onion fried in lard and enough melted lard to make it rather moist. Mix well, fill thoroughly cleaned casings, fasten the ends and boil. Add barley that has been boiled in water to the other half, the rest of the blood, salt, pep- per and spices as above, put in casings and boil. 62 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. 178. BOLOGNA SAUSAGE. Uzenice. Take two parts of beef and one part of pork, minee fine, add salt and pepper, mix well and with this till thoronghly cleaned casings. Put them to smoke the next day and smoke two days. Before using, bake half an hour, in a little water. 179. WINE SAUSAGES. Klobásy. Mince fine a piece of pork from the neck. Use one part of white bread soaked in cream to three parts of meat. Add pepper, mace, grated lemon rind, salt, a little white wine, work together about ten minutes and put into thoroughly cleaned mutton casings. Or you may use two parts of pork, one part of veal, minced fine, moistened with cream and spiced with salt, pep- per, etc. as above. For wine sausage, the casings may be left quite long and should be rolled up in a spiral. They will not keep, especially in' warm weather, so must be used right away. Before serving, fry in a skillet, as you would breakfast sausage, adding a little wine to the water. 180. HEAD CHEESE. Masovfj sýr. Boil pork from the leg, the head (trim off the fat around the chin), the ears, snout and tongue (you may use a beef tongue also). When done, trim out the bones, cartilages etc., skin the tongue, cut all into small pieces. Have ready a round form, such as a bucket. In the bottom place a layer of meat from 111 o leg, dust with salt, pepper, mace, then put in a layer of the ears and snout, dust with salt, etc., then a layer of the tongue and con- tinue until the dish is full. Cover, place a weight on top, and let stand thus over night in a cool place. Tlie next day take this cheese out, slice and serve with mustard, oil and vinegar, or sliced lemon. This must VEAL. 63 all be packed wliile warm, otherwise it will not stick to- gether. When taking the cheese out, run a sharp knife around, so it will fall out whole. You may use ground cloves or sage instead of mace. If you wish, you may line the form with thoroughly cleaned and boiled pork skins. 181. PRESSED BLOOD SAUSAGE. Baclior, Boil the head, snout, ears, tongue, and a piece of meat from the neck. When done, cool and cut into dice, add rendered lard and the cracklings, fresh blood, salt, pepper, ginger, allspice, minced onion fried in lard and mix well. Fill a thoroughly cleaned pork stomach with this and boil half an hour in the same liquor. When you pierce it with a toothpick and no blood runs out, it is done. Place it in a press wliile warm, or put a heavy weight on it. If you add a nice beef tongue to this, it will be extra good. It is served sliced fine, with vinegar and. pepper or vinegar and onion. Veal. — Teleci maso. 182. VIENNA SCHNITZEL. Vídenské nzl-y. For this use veal steak, m^edium thick. Cut into medium sized pieces, pound each well, dust with salt and flour, dip in a beaten egg, then in bread crumbs and fry golden brown in butter or lai:d. Arrange on a plat- ter and garnish with sliced lemon. You may omit the egg and bread crumbs and you may use half butter and half lard. 183. BREADED VEAL CUTLETS. Teleci hotlethy. Trim veal cutlets from the ribs, scraping off the end of the bone about an inch in length. Pound, dust with salt, pepper and flour, dip in a beaten egg, then in 64 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. bread crumbs and fry golden brown in hot fat. These are good served with tomato sauce. 184. VEAL CUTLETS, PRAGUE STYLE. Pi-ažsTié kotletl-y. Use a pound of veal from the ribs, take out tlie bones, trim off the skin etc. and mince fine with a fourth of a pound of beef marrow, one small onion, a little green parsley and grated lemon rind, add salt and mix together well. Form small cutlets of this, dip in a beaten Qgg, then in bread crumbs, and attach to each a well scraped rib, then fry in butter or lard. Arrange on a platter, sprinkle with lemon juice, garnish with fried potatoes or vegetables and serve. 185. STEWED CUTLETS. Dušené telecí řízky. Cut veal steak into medium sized pieces, dust with salt and interlard with bacon. Place in a saucepan a piece of fresh butter, half a carrot sliced, one onion sliced, add beef soup and stew the veal in this quickly, until browned on both sides. If the liquor evaporates, add soup from time to time. Place in another saucepan a piece of butter, about four tablespoons of small onions, a little water and stew until tender. In another sauce- pan blend a tablespoon of butter with a tablespoon of flour, add a cup of cream and let it bubble a while. When the meat is done, arrange on a dish, pour the sauce over it, garnish with the stewed onions and serve. 186. CUTLETS WITH MUSHROOMS. Telecí řízky se žampiony. Cut veal steak into medium sized pieces, pound and dust with salt. In a saucepan place four or five slices of bacon, put the meat on them, put sliced onion on the meat, sprinkle with minced parsley, grated lemon rind and melted butter, cover and stew until tender, adding from time to time a little wine and beef soup. Clean thoroughly fresh mushrooms and slice VEAL. 65 thin. There should be a plateful of them. Heat three tablespoons of butter in a saucepan, add the mushrooms, sprinkle with the juice of one lemon, a small onion minced fine, salt, and stew until tender. Place the meat in a dish, pour over it the stewed mushrooms and serve. 187. STUFFED VEAL BRISKET. Teleci lirudi nadívané. Ask the butcher to make an opening in the brisket, or you may do so yourself with a sharp knife. Make a dressing as follows: cream two tablespoons of butter, add two eggs, salt, one onion minced fine, half a cup of milk, minced parsley, grated lemon rind, a pinch of mace and pepper, and enough grated bread crumbs to form a rather thin batter. Mix thoroughly and stuff into the opening, sewing it up with white thread. Salt and pepper the meat all over, place in the pan with the ribs on top, dot bits of butter over it, add a little hot water and roast, basting frequently. It is well to dust all roast veal with grated bread crumbs, adding them after it has been roasting about an hour, as veal gets too dry in the oven and the bread crumbs pre- vent this. 188. ROAST FILLET OF VEAL. Ledvinková 'pečené. Wash three or four pounds of veal from the loin with the kidney, dust with salt and pepper, place in a pan, dot with bits of butter, add a little hot water and roast in the oven. When browned on one side, turn. While the meat is roasting, iiib butter over the to]3 four or five times. About half an hour before it is done, sprinkle bread crumbs over the top. If the liquor evaporates, add hot water, and baste frequently, so the bread crumbs will adhere to the meat. Cook Book 5 66 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. 189. ROAST PICKLED FILLET OF VEAL. Naložená ledvinková yeceně. In a saucepan place one sliced onion, a few whole peppers, allspice, cloves, a cup of water, a cup of vinegar, boil half an hour and cool. Wash a piece of veal from the loin with the kidney, place in a crock, pour the liquor on it and allow the meat to stand thus three or four days, turning it each day. On the third or fourth day take it out, interlard with bacon, and dust with salt. Place in a baking pan with sliced onion, carrot, celery root, parsley root, a cup of the liquor in which it has been pickled, and roast. When done, cut in slices and arrange in a heated dish. Beat three yolks with a little beef soup, add to the liquor in the pan and when the sauce begins to bubble, pour over the meat. It is well to baste this roast with wine or cream. Veal roast from the leg may be prepared in this manner also. 190. STEWED LEG OF VEAL. Dušená teleci hýta. Interlard a leg of veal with bacon, which has been dusted with ground allspice, pej^per, cloves, mace, finely minced onion and parsley, then dust the meat with salt and place in a kettle. Add onion, carrots, lemon, orange rind, each sliced, a cup of good white wine, a little cog- nac, several tablespoons of beef soup, a teaspoon of su- gar and spices to taste. Cover well and stew over an even fire. When done, serve with the strained liqour poured over it. 191. ROAST LEG OF VEAL. Pečená teleci hýta. Clean and trim a nice leg of veal, dry with a nap- kin, dust with salt and pepper. Place in a baking pan, stick four cloves into the meat, add half an onion sliced, one small bay leaf, a little water, half a cup of butter and roast two hours in the oven. Then turn it, sprinkle VEAL. 67 grated bread crumbs over the top, dot with bits of but- ter and roast to a golden brown, basting frequently. Serve with the strained liquor poured over it. 192. LEG OF VEAL WITH ANCHOVIES. Teleci kýta se sardelemi. Trim a leg of veal, cutting away the skin and pound well. Clean and bone four anchovies, cut them into thin strips, also cut into strips two cloves of garlic. With a thin sharply pointed knife gash the meat and stuff each gash with the anchovies and garlic, cover the meat with a najikin and allow it to stand thus half an hour. Then proceed as in the foregoing recipe, except that you may use anchovy paste instead of ordinary butter. Half an hour before serving add half a cup of good cream. Serve with the sauce. 193. LEG OF VEAL WITH WINE GRAVY. Teleci kýta s vinnou omáčkou. Trim off the fat, skin etc. from a five or six pound leg of veal. Interlard with strips •of bacon, dust with salt. Place in the baking pan two sliced onions, one sliced carrot, one sliced celery root, one sliced par- sley root, a piece of butter, and place the meat in this. Dot pieces of butter over the top, add two cups of hot water and roast in the oven. When half done, add a cup of white sour wine. When ready to serve, melt half a tablespoon of butter with a teaspoon of flour and then add half a cup of sour cream. Turn the leg with the side up that will be on top wlien on the table, pour the sauce (butter, flour and cream) over it, a little at the time, and continue until all is used up. That is, sprinkle a little over the meat and when it has been absorbed, repeat etc. When it is well done, rub butter over it and allow it to brown. Strain the liquor, add half a cup of wine, a piece of lemon rind and let it simmer together. Mix half a CU13 of cream with one teaspoon of flour until smooth, 68 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. add it to the boiling liquor, stirring constantly. Salt to taste and serve with the meat. 194. VEAL WITH CREAM GRAVY. Teleci maso se smetanovou omáčkou. Cut two pounds of veal into dice an inch and a half square and dust with salt. Place a piece of butter and one large minced onion in a saucepan, add the meat, and let it bake brown. Mix together until smooth two tablespoons of vinegar, a teaspoon of flour, a pint of sour cream and a pinch. of pepper, add a slice of lemon and let it come to the boiling point. When it bubbles, strain and pour it over the meat and serve same with fried potatoes. 195. VEAL WITH PAPRIKA. Teleci maso s paprikou. Wash two pounds of veal and cut into medium sized pieces. Place in a saucepan three tablespoons of but- ter and two finely minced onions. When it bubbles, add the meat, salt, cover and stew until tender, then add several tablespoons ctf beef soup, dust with flour, add a pinch of paprika and stew a while longer. Then add a cup of sour cream and when it bubbles, take out the meat, pour over it the strained gravy and serve. 196. VEAL WITH LEMON GRAVY. Teleci maso s citrónovou omáčkou. Slice veal from the shoulder into medium sized pieces, place in a saucepan, pour beef soup over it and stew half an hour. Then blend a tablespoon of but- ter with two tablespoons of flour, thin this with the liquor in which the meat has stewed and put the meat back into the gravy. Add the juice of half a lemon, a bit of grated lemon rind and a pinch of mace. Stew the meat in this until tender and serve. 197. VEAL WITH CARAWAY SEED. Teleci maso s kmínem. Cut two pounds of veal into small pieces, place in a saucepan, add two heaping tablespoons of butter, a VEAL. 69 little salt, caraway seed, water, and stew rapidly. When tender, dust with flour, add a little boiling water, when it bubbles a moment or two, serve. 198. VEAL WITH TOMATOES. Teleci maso s rajskými jdblhy. Place in a saucepan one sliced onion, two table- spoons of butter, eight tomatoes, and allow this to stew. When done, dust with three tablespoons of flour, stir, add two cups of beef soup and two or three tablespoons of vinegar, a wineglass of wine, a pinch of grated lemon rind, half a teaspoon of sugar, salt to taste, and simmer half an hour, then strain. Cut a pound and a half of veal steak into medium sized pieces, put them into the sauce, which has been strained, and stew three quarters of an hour. 199. VEAL WITH CAULIFLOWER. Teleci maso s I'arfiolem. Cut two pounds of veal steak or shoulder into pieces and stew half an hour. Clean and take apart one large or two small heads of cauliflower and stew in beef soup. Blend butter and flour, thin this with soup in which you have stewed the cauliflower, add salt, and let this sauce simmer a while, then add a pinch of mace, put the meat into the sauce, place the cauliflower on the meat, allow all to simmer together a while longer and serve. 200. VEAL WITH WINE GRAVY. Teleci maso s vínem. Cut two pounds of veal brisket into small pieces and stew in beef soup. When the liquor ceases to foam, add a wineglass of white wine, a few cloves, a pinch of pepper, two or three slices of lemon (without the rind) and stew half an hour. Then strain the liquor, thicken with flour and butter blended togetlier. Place the meat in the sauce and stew a while longer, then add two beaten yolks and serve. 70 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. 201. FRICANDEAU OF VEAL. T elect frikando. Pound two pounds of veal steak, trim off the skin and interlard with bacon. Place in a saucepan a slice of bacon and a slice of ham, both minced, a finely minced onion, parsley and celery, add the meat and stew it in this, adding a little beef soup from time to time. When the meat is tender, place in a dish, pour over it the strained sauce and garnish with lemon cut in quarters. 202. STUFFED VEAL ROLLS. Teleci závitky. Mince fine a slice of ham or any roasted meat, a piece of bacon, minced onion or chives, and fry all together in butter. Add minced, stewed or canned mushrooms, a dash of pepper, two eggs, mix together and thin with beef soup. Take veal steak sliced thin, pound with the back of a knife, dust with salt and pepper, spread over it the foregoing mixture, roll and fasten around with white thread. Place in a skillet, add minced onion and bacon, cover and stew slowly about an hour, adding a little soup from time to time. Make a sauce of the liquor and the remainder of the mixture. When the rolls are done, take off the thread, arrange on a dish, pour the strained sauce over them and garnish with sliced lemon. You may add wine to the sauce, if you wish. The rolls may be spread with ordinary stuffing. 203. HASH OF CALF'S HEAD. Teleci hlava sekaná. Boil a thoroughly cleaned calf's head in salted wa- ter. When done, take out. the bones and cut the meat into dice. Mince fine a piece of veal and a piece of veal suet from the kidney, add a minced onion, a pinch of grated lemon rind, two slices of bread soaked in milk and squeezed dry, mix together well and rub to a paste, then add three scrambled eggs, four anchovies rubbed VEAL. 71 to a paste with butter, six yolks, six tablespoons of cream, salt and mix. Grease a baking dish, put in it half of the mixture, then a layer of the diced meat, sprinkle with lemon sauce, then another layer of the mixture, sprinkle the top with melted butter and bread crumbs and bake in a slow oven. 204. VEAL CROQUETTES. Teleci liarhanátky. Mince fine two pounds of veal steak. Cream two heaping tablespoons of butter or two tablespoons of marrow, add two eggs, cream together, and add this to the meat. Add four slices of bread, grated, the rind of half a lemon, salt, pepper, a pinch of mace and mix thoroughly. Form meat cakes, dip in bread crumbs and fry brown in butter. Serve with lemon cut in quarters. 205. VEAL LOAF. Teleci seli'anina. Mince fine two pounds of veal steak. Cream two salt pork (or use a fourth of a ]X)und of butter in- stead of salt pork). Add three eggs, one minced onion fried in butter, two slices of bread soaked in milk, two tablespoons of cream, one clove of garlic mashed to a paste, a dash of grated lemon rind, salt and pepper. Work all together thoroughly several minutes, then form a loaf, place in a greased pan, dot butter over the top, add two tablespons of water and bake about two hours, basting often. 206. VEAL HASH. Sekané teleci. Mince fine about two cups of left-over veal. Blend two tablespoons of butter with one of flour and a tea- spoon of minced onion until a light brown color, add a little minced parsley, thin with beef soup; if you have any liquor left from the roast, add that, and simmer all about ten minutes. Then add the minced meat, a little 72 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. salt, minced or grated lemon rind, cover and allow this to stand on the stove, but it must not boil or simmer. Sprinkle lemon juice over it and serve. 207. SWEETBREADS WITH BROWN GRAVY. Brzliky s hnédou omáčkou. Wash four veal sweetbreads and parboil in salted water, then throw them in cold water, trim out the undesirable portions and slice thin. Mince green par- sley, six green onions, a few mushrooms and stew all together half an hour. Melt a piece of butter in a saucepan, arrange the sliced sweetbreads in it, dust them with salt, and fry on botli sides. Add the minced mixture, two cups of brown gravy, soup or hot water, and stew fifteen minutes. Before serving, take out the sweetbreads, skim the fat off the gravy, add the juice of a lemon, salt if necessary, and serve. Brown gravy for this is prepared thus: slice an onion, a carrot, a parsley root and fry 'a few moments in three tablespoons of hot butter, add half a wineglass of white wine, salt and pep- per. Simmer a while and strain. 208. FRIED SWEETBREADS. Smažené telecí 'brzliky. Wash veal sweetbreads, soak them fifteen minutes in tepid water, to whiten them. Then place them in boiling salted water, boil five minutes, drain and pour cold water over them. Trim out the undesirable parts, slice thin and dust with salt. Beat two eggs with a tablespoon of melted butter, dip the sweetbreads in it and then in bread crumbs. Fry in good butter until light brown, arrange on a dish, sprinkle with lemon juice and serve. 209. FRICASEED SWEETBREADS. Zadělávané hrzUky. Boil several sweetbreads in salted water five minutes, then cool in cold water, trim and quarter. Put VEAL. 73 in a saucepan a tablespoon of butter, a grated onion,' a pinch each of minced parsley, and finely minced lemon rind, salt, and stew several minutes. In the mean- time, blend butter and flour a light brown, thin with beef soup and simmer until smooth. Add a little lemon juice to the sauce, put the sweetbreads in it, simmer all together about ten minutes and serve. 210. SWEETBREADS WITH MUSHROOMS. Brzlihy s houbami. Soak sweetbreads in salted tepid water one hour, then put them on the stove and boil two minutes, then throw them into cold water. Trim and interlard with bacon. Blend butter and flour until a light brown, thin with beef or chicken soup. When smooth, add a wine- glass of wine, put the sweetbreads in the sauce and stew. When about done, add mushrooms that have been stewed in wine, and when all has simmered to- gether two. or three minutes, arrange the sweetbreads in a dish, pour the gravy over them and garnish with the mushrooms. » 211. CALF'S LIVER AND BACON. Teleci játra se spelt em. Fry six or eight slices of bacon. When done, arrange on a warm plate and keep in a warm place. Fry sliced liver in the bacon fat, having dusted it with pepper, flour and caraway seed, adding salt when done. Serve with the bacon. 212. CALF'S LIVER WITH CREAM. Teleci játra s kyselou omáčkou. Wash the liver, trim off the skin and interlard with strips of bacon rolled in pepper. Place fresh lard in a saucepan, add sliced onion, sliced carrots, leek, celery and parsley roots, a bay leaf and a pinch of thyme.- Add the liver to this and bake in the oven un- til a light brown, then add half a wineglass of vinegar, a 74 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. cup of sour cream, two tablespoons of bread crumbs, and allow the liver to stew slowly, basting frequently. Add salt before serving. Never salt liver or kidneys until serving, as it makes tliem tough. Skim the fat from the gravy, strain and serve with the liver. 213. STEWED CALF'S LIVER. Dušená telecí játra. Wash the liver, trim off all the skin, and slice thin. Fry one minced onion in butter, add the sliced liver, dust with pepper and stew, turning the liver frequently. It must be done just right; if overdone, it will be tough. Before serving, add salt and if you like, a dash of grated lemon rind. 214. LIVER DUMPLINGS. Jaterni hnedlilcy. Cream four tablespoons of butter, add six eggs, three cloves of garlic mashed to a paste with salt, the grated rind of half a lemon, a pinch of ground all- spice, white pepper, marjoram, salt, and mix all to- gether well. Grate two pounds of fresh liver, adď to the foregoing, then add enough grated bread or rolled crackers to form into balls, remembering that you must allow room for the bread crumbs to swell. Let this stand half an hour, then form balls the size. of an egg or a small apple, and boil half an hour in salted water. When done, cut in halves, sprinkle with grated bread crumbs, melted butter and serve. 215. VEAL KIDNEYS WITH SOUR GRAVY. Telecí ledvinhj na Jcyselo. Veal kidneys are prepared the same as liver with cream (No. 212). The kidneys are sliced thin. 216. STEWED VEAL KIDNEYS. Dušené telecí ledvinky. These are prepared the same as stewed liver (No. 213). VEAL. 75 217. BAKED VEAL PLUCK. Pečené telecí osrdi. Boil the pluck (lungs and heart) in salted water, then slice, take out all the veins, fat, etc., and mince fine. Cream three tablespoons of butter or lard, add three eggs, a pinch each of grated lemon rind, marjoram, pepper, a clove of garlic mashed to a paste, the minced pluck, two slices of bread soaked in milk and squeezed dry, a slice of bread grated, and mix all together well. Grease a baking dish, dust with bread crumbs and bake the mixture in it an hour. Serve with anchovy of caper sauce. 218. STEWED VEAL PLUCK. Zadělávané telecí hrudi. Wash thoroughly and boil a veal pluck until ten- der, cool and cut into fine strips. Blend two tablespoons of butter with one heaping tablespoon of flour, add a minced onion and fry until light brown, then add minced parsley, thin with beef soup, to this add the pluck, a little grated lemon rind, a tablespoon of browned sugar, vinegar to taste, and simmer half an hour. Before serving, add salt and the juice of half a lemon. 219. BAKED VEAL HASLET. Pečené telecí oJcruží. Wash and boil the haslet, mince fine, add a piece of butter or lard, four slices of bread grated, three eggs, a bit of minced parsley, chives or leek, a dash of mace, pepper, grated lemon rind and mix thoroughly. Grease a baking dish, dust with bread crumbs and bake in the oven. 220. CALVES' BRAINS WITH EGGS. Telecí mozelc s vejci. Soak two brains half an hour in tepid water, then trim away all the membranes and wash in cold water. Stew one minced onion in one and a half tablespoons of butter, add the brains which you have salted and sea- 76 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. soned with a dash of mace, and when nearly done, add four eggs and scramble. 221. FRIED CALVES' BRAINS. Smažený telecí mozeh. Soak calves' brains half an hour in tejiid water, then trim off all membranes and place in cold water. Dry in a napkin, cut each in half, dust with salt, pep- per and flour, dip in a beaten egg, then in bread crumbs, fry golden brown in butter and serve with le- mon cut in quarters. 222. CALVES' BRAINS TOAST. Pavczhi] z viozliii." Clean the brains, parboil, mince fine, add salt and pepper, a pinch each of minced chives, minced parsley, grated lemon rind and mix together. Prepare very thin slices of stale bread, spread each with the mixture and put another slice on top, dip in beaten eggs, then in bread crumbs and fry golden brown in butter. 223. CALF'S TONGUE. Telecí jazyk. This is prepared the same as beef tongue. 224. FRIED TONGUE CUTLETS. Jazykové řízky. Cut boiled tongue in slices about half an inch thick. Beat one or two eggs with a tablespoon of water, add a dash of nutmeg, salt and a few drops of lemon juice. Dip the slices in bread crumbs and then in the eggs and fry on both sides in butter. 225. FRIED CALF'S FEET. Smažené telecí nožičky. Boil the feet until tender, dry, cut each in four pieces, take out the larger bones, salt, dip in flour, then in a beaten egg, then in bread crumbs or rolled crackers and fry a golden brown in butter. MUTTON. 77 Mutton. — :Skopové maso. 226. MUTTON CHOPS. Sl'opovG řízky. Dust the chops with salt and pepper, and if you like, rub with a bit of mashed garlic, and fry quickly in hot butter. They should be done in ten or twelve minutes. 227. BREADED MUTTON CHOPS. SI' opové kotletkij. Dust cutlets or chops with salt and pepper, dip in melted butter or lard, then in bread crumbs, and fry a golden brown in hot fat. Serve with tomato or other sauce 228. MUTTON CUTLETS. Smažené sJcopové řízky. Trim the end bone of the cutlet clean, so it may be taken up with the fingers. Dust with salt, pepper, and fry quickly in hot butter. They should be done in five or six minutes. 229. ROAST LEG OF MUTTON. Pečená skopová kýta. Wash and trim a leg of mutton, dust with salt, in- sert bits of garlic over the surface, place in a pán with a little water, and roast. Eub ' butter or lard over it occasionally, and before it is done, baste with the liquor, so as to give it a nice color. If the meat is not very young, you will have to pound it before salting. If very old, stew it first in a kettle and then roast. Half an hour before the roast is done, add peeled and halved potatoes. 230. STUFFED LEG OF MUTTON. Nadívaná skopová kýta. Take the bone out of a leg of mutton, and cut out enough meat to make a good-sized opening. Fry minced onions and anchovies in butter, add the meat (minced) which you took out, four tablespoons of bread crumbs, four tablespoons of sour cream, three eggs, salt and 78 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. mix well. Fill the opening with this dressing and fasten so that it will not drip out. Place in a baking pan two sliced onions, two sliced carrots, a little water, melted butter, add the mutton and roast in the oven. Baste from time to time with a little sour cream. When the meat is done, take out the fastenings or threads, skim the grease from the gravy and serve. 231. PICKLED LEG OF MUTTON WITH CREAM GRAVY. Naložená shopová hijta. Trim a leg of mutton and dust with salt. Boil to- gether a cup and a half of vinegar, two cups of water, one large sliced onion, six cloves, ten allspice, ten black peppers, a bay leaf, a piece of ginger, two cloves of gar- lic, cover and boil fifteen minutes. Then let it cool and pour over the leg of mutton. Let it stand thus two or three days in summer and five or six days in win- ter, turning it two or three times during that period. When ready to bake it, interlard with strips of bacon, place in a baking pan, add about half of the brine, a cup of water and a piece of lemon rind. Put bits of butter on top and bake. When about half done, baste with five or six tablespoons of good sour cream. Turn over once while baking and baste frequently. When done, take out and add to the liquor a cup of sour cream thickened with a teaspoon of flour and a beaten yolk, strain and serve with potatoes or dumplings. 232. ROAST SADDLE OF MUTTON. Pečený shopovff lirhet. Soak a saddle of mutton three days in sour cream or vinegar, turning it frequently. When ready to use, trim off all fat and skin, interlard with bacon, place in a baking pan, add salt, a little of the brine in which it has soaked, a little water, quite a bit of butter, and cover with a greased paper. Bake three hours, basting frequently, then serve with potatoes or dumplings. MUTTON. 79 233. MUTTON WITH CARROTS. Skopové s mrkví. Stew mutton ribs in a little salted water, adding any vegetables you may have to flavor it. Wash and scrape six or eight carrots and cut them into slices or short strips. Stew the carrots in a saucepan with but- ter, pepper and a tablespoon of sugar, adding from time to time a little of the broth from the meat, and stew un- til tender. Then thicken with butter and flour blended together until a light brown (a tablespoon of each), put the meat in the gravy, let it bubble once or twice and serve. You may use half carrots and half turnips, or half carrots and half Savoy cabbage, or Savoy cabbage altogether. 234, MUTTON STEW WITH GREEN PEAS. Bhopové se zeleným hrášhem. Cut into dice two pounds of mutton from the shoulder. Dust with flour and fry brown in half but- ter and half lard. Add salt and pepper, water to co- ver, cover and stew until tender. When done, take the meat out and skim the grease from the liquor. Before serving, pour the skimmed liquor into stewed green peas, stir the meat into them, and serve. 235. MUTTON POT PIE. Skopové s knedliky. Place two pounds of mutton steak in a kettle, add half a sliced onion, a clove of garlic mashed to a paste with salt, salt and enough water to cover the meat, and stew until tender. When the meat is done, mix two cups of flour with a teaspoon of butter, a dash of salt, one teaspoon of baking jDowder, one beaten yolk and a cup of milk, making dough as for biscuits. Roll out about half an inch thick and cut into squares about two inches across. Be sure to have plenty of broth on the meat. If this is not the case, add enough hot water to make a sufficient quantity. Place the pieces of dough 80 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. over tlie meat, cover well, so that no steam escapes, and boil ten minutes. Then take ont the meat and pie, thicken the liqnor with a tablespoon of flour mixed with half a cup of milk and serve. 236. MUTTON WITH KOHLRABI. Sk opové s kedlubny. Stew mutton ribs until tender. Peel and cut into strips young kohl-rabi, stew it in a saucepan with a little butter, pepper, sugar and the crisp tops minced fine. When the meat and kohl-rabi is tender, blend butter and flour together, thin -with the broth in which the meat has stewed, add this to the kohl-rabi, flavor with a pinch of marjoram, pour over the meat and serve. 237. STEWED SHOULDER OF MUTTON. Dušené sk opové plece. Pound a shoulder of mutton, trim and take out the bones, dust inside and out with salt, roll and wind a strong thread around it. Place in a deep, saucepan, add a cup of soup, one onion, one carrot sliced, a bay leaf, a small clove of garlic, several black peppers, two cloves, a bit or green parsley and stew until brown. Then add another cup of soup and stew until tender. "When the meat is done, take it out, remove the thread, skim the sauce, add a teaspoon of Liebig's Extract, strain and pour over the meat. 238. MUTTON BRISKET WITH RICE. Teleci hrudí s rýží. Trim a mutton brisket, cut off the lower bone and parboil the meat fifteen minutes in salted water, then cool. Now trim the brisket nicely and stew in beef soup until tender. In the meantime wash one large cup of rice, place in a saucepan with two cups of water and two cups of the meat liquor, an onion with two cloves stuck in it, a piece of butter, and salt. Cover and stew slowly until the rice is done and has absorbed all the MUTTON. 81 liquid. Arrange the rice on a platter, place on top the meat cut into slices, pour over it a little broth in which the meat has stewed and serve. . 239. STEWED MUTTON WITH RICE. Zadělávané skopové maso s rýží. Cut mutton from the shoulder or ribs into medium sized pieces and stew with various vegetables until ten- der. To two pounds of meat allow one cup of rice, wash this several times in hot water, add to it the broth in which the meat is stewing, and boil until tender. Blend butter and flour until a light brown, and add it to the rest of the broth. Place the meat in a saucepan, add the thickened broth, then the rice and finally a pinch of mace. Simmer a bit longer and serve. 240. STEWED MUTTON WITH VEGETABLE GRAVY. 'Zadělávané shopové maso s omáčkou ze zeleniny. Cut left-over roast into small pieces. To two cups of meat allow one minced onion stewed in two tablespoons of butter or lard, four sliced mushrooms, dust with flour, add a wineglass of wine, two of hot water or beef soup, and simmer slowly half an hour, then add salt and pepper. Place the meat in the gravy and heat it well, but do not boil. Finally add a tablespoon of flour, a cup of hot water and a teaspoon of meat extract. Arrange on a dish, dust the top with three tablespoons of bread crumbs and serve. 241. MUTTON WITH MARJORAM GRAVY. SkopovG - maso s marjánkovou omáčkou. Stew three pounds of young mutton until tender, then cut into neat pieces. Blend a tablespoon of butter with one and a half* tablespoons of flour until a light brown, thin with broth from the meat, place the meat in it, allow for each pound of meat one clove of garlic mashed to a paste with salt, a little minced parsley, a Cook Book 6 82 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. pinch of marjoram and a pinch of mace. Boil small potatoes in their skins. When done peel, add to the meat, let all simmer together a while. Put the meat on a platter, arrange the potatoes around it, pour the gravy over it and serve. 242. STEWED MUTTON HASH WITH POACHED EGGS. Skopová sekanina s vejci. Mince fine the remains of a mutton roast. Mix brown gravy, half as much beef soup, a dash of salt, and lemon juice, and strain over the minced meat. Set in a warm place. Before serving, place over a quick fire, stir until the meat begins to bubble, then arrange on a disli, garnish with poached eggs and serve. 243. STEWED MUTTON KIDNEYS No. 1. Dušené shopové ledvinky. Slice mutton kidneys thin lengthwise and wash thoroughly in cold water. Stew minced onion in but- ter, add the kidneys, sprinkle over them a dash or car- away seed and stew. When they are done, add salt, flour or bread crumbs, stew a few moments longer and serve with fried potatoes. 244. STEWED MUTTON KIDNEYS No. 2. Dušené skopové ledvinky na jiný způsol). Wash mutton kidneys, boil one hour in salted wa- ter, trim off the skins, cut each in half lengthwise, and then across in thin slices. Season several tablespoons of flour with salt and pepper, dip the sliced kidneys in it. Heat butter in a saucepan, add minced onion and fry the kidneys in this ten minutes, stirring occasionally. Then add the juice of one lemon, a cup of hot water or juice from a roast, a cup of red wine, and allow all to thicken, but do not boil. MUTTON. 83 245. STEWED MUTTON KIDNEYS No. 3. Dušené sl'Opove ledvinlvy ješté na jiný způsob. Wash mutton kidneys, dry, cut in half lengthwise, and then across in thin slices. Heat a piece of butter in a saucepan, add four green onions sliced, several sliced mushrooms and minced parsley, stew the kidneys in this until tender. Then take them out, add to the liquor several tablespoons of hot water or soup, a little flour, and mix until smooth. Put the kidneys back in- to this, add salt, the juice of one lemon, stew a bit longer and serve. 246. STEWED MUTTON TONGUES. Dušené slvpové jazyky. Soak mutton tongues in tepid water one hour, then parboil fifteen minutes, cool, skin, cut each in half lengthwise and dust with salt. In a saucepan place a piece of butter, cover the bottom Avith sliced onion about an inch thick, arrange the halved tongues on this, dust with pei3j)er, dot with bits of butter, cover and stew un- til tender. The onion must not burn or be very brown, it must stew just like the tongues. When done, arrange the tongues on a platter, sprinkle w^itli lemon juice and serve. 247. MUTTON TONGUES WITH LEMON SAUCE. Sl'opove jazyl'y s citrónovou omáčkou. Stew several mutton tongues in salted water, add- ing celery and parsley roots, a carrot and half an onion. Then skin the tongues, cut each lengthwise and place them in a saucepan. In another saucepan place a table- spoon of butter, one of flour, a teaspoon of sugar, a dash of grated lemon rind, the juice of one lemon, blend all together, then add a ladleful of broth in which the tongues have boiled, a wineglass of white wine, mix, pour over the tongues and simmer a while. You -may thicken the sauce with two beaten yolks, if you wish. 84 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. Lamb.— Jehněčí maso. 248. ROAST HIND SADDLE OF LAMB. Pečený jelměčí zadeJv. Wash thoroughly, salt and lay in the baking pan with the fleshy side down, having put bntter or lard in the pan. It is best to use a pan with bars or sticks of wood across the bottom (the wood must contain no ro- sin). Eoast the meat, basting and rubbing frequently with butter, adding hot soup or water, if necessary. When more than half done, turn over, sprinkle the top with bread crumbs, dot with bits of butter and roast brown. When done, pour the liquor over it and serve. A saddle of lamb requires from one and a half to two hours roasting, according to size. Saddle of kid is roasted in the same manner. 249. FRIED LAMB. Smažené jelméoí. Cut into uniform pieces the neck, shoulder and brisket of lamb, dust with salt, pepper and flour, dip in beaten eggs, then in bread crumbs and fry in rendered butter. When done, dust lightly with salt, arrange on a platter, garnish with parsley and serve. 250. LAMB CUTLETS No. 1. Jehněčí hotletky. Pound the cutlets slightly, dust with salt, and fry on both sides in butter two minutes. Trim one pound of veal, leaving no skin, glands, etc. and mince or grind together with one pound of kidney suet. Add salt, a dash of nutmeg, a teaspoon of minced and fried onion, three eggs and mix together. Spread this on both sides of the cutlets, dip in beaten eggs, then in bread crumbs, fry in rendered butter eight minutes. Arrange on a platter, garnish with peas and serve. LAMB. 85 251. LAMB CUTLETS No. 2. Jehněčí hotletl-y na jiný způsob. Fry or broil quickly lamb cutlets, salt, arrange on a heated platter and garnish with parsley. 252. LAMB STEAK. Jelméčí nzJcy. Dust the steak with salt, fry quickly in rendered butter or lard, or broil. Arrange on a heated platter, garnish with parsley or minced fried onion and serve. 253. STUFED BRISKET OF LAMB. Nadívané jelinččí hrudi. Wash the brisket, make an opening and fill with dressing the same as for veal, sew up the opening, dust all over with salt and pepper. Place sliced carrot and onion in the baking pan, put in the meat, pour melted butter or lard over it, add a little hot water or soup and roast about an hour, basting frequently. When done, take it out and allow the liquor to boil down with a little beef soup, skim the fat and pour over the meat. 254. LEG OF LAMB WITH MINT SAUCE. Jehněčí kýta s mátovou omáčkou. Trim and wash the leg, pound and salt, place in a baking pan with lard or butter. Dot bits of butter over the top and roast, adding hot water or soup and basting frequently. Mix four tablesiDoons of minced mint leaves with one tablespoon of sugar and a pinch of paprika, add four or five tablespoons of wine vinegar, adding a little at the time. When the meat is done, skim the fat, pour the liquor over it, and serve with the mint sauce in a separate dish. 255. STEWED LAMB WITH ANCHOVIES. Jehněčí dušené se sardeJenii. Cut the fore quarter of a lamb in rather small pieces. Place it in a saucepan Avith three or four table- spoons of butter or lard, sliced celery and parsley roots, 86 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. salt, and stew, adding hot water or soup, if necessary. Wash and bone five anchovies, and rub to a paste with butter. Blend half a tablespoon of butter with one of flour, add the anchovy paste, then add equal parts of soup and wine, to make the desired amount of gravy. You may add a bit of canned lobster. Take out the stewed meat, strain and add the liquor to the gravy, place the meat in it, simmer a Avliile, and serve. You may omit the wine, if you wish. 256. STEWED LAMB WITH BUTTER GRAVY. Jehněčí s máslovou omáčkou. Place in a saucepan three tablespoons of butter, a sliced onion and carrot, put in this a lamb forequarter cut into pieces, add salt and grated lemon rind and stew until half done. In another saucepan melt three table- spoons of butter and blend it with two tablespoons of flour, then add enough soup or hot water to form a ra- ther thick gravy. Now add several black peppers, two cloves, a dash of nutmeg, minced parsley and let it sim- mer a while. Pour this over the meat, add a wineglass of white wine, the juice of one lemon and stew the meat until done. When done, take the meat out, skim and strain the sauce, salt and serve. 257. FRICASEE OF LAMB. Zadělávané jehněčí. Wash thoroughly a forequarter of lamb and boil fifteen minutes in salted water, then place it in cold wa- ter, cool and cut into medium sized pieces. Blend three tablespoons of butter with three tablespoons of flour, thin with the strained liquor from the meat, add a small grated onion, a dash each of minced parsley, grated lemon rind, a wineglass of wine and boil until smooth. Then place the meat in the sauce and stew until tender. When done, take it out, add to tlie simmering gravy four beaten yolks or two whole eggs beaten with a little cream, a little lemon juice and pour over the meat. LAMB. 87 258. LAMB WITH PAPRIKA GRAVY. Jehněčí s paprikou. Wash and cut into pieces a f orequarter of lamb. Place in a saucepan four tablespoons of good butter, one onion, one carrot, leek and a celery root, all sliced. Add tlie meat, salt and stew until half done, then dust with a tablespoon of flour, add a little good beef soup and a cup of sour cream. Finally add a pinch of paprika and stew the meat until done. When done, take the meat out, skim the gravy, add salt and paprika ; if necessary, strain, pour over the meat and serve. This gravy must be rather thick. 259. LAMB KIDNEYS. Jehněčí ledvinky. Wash and cut lengthwise several lamb kidneys, then fry in butter or lard. Dust with salt and pepper, add a small minced fried onion, several minced fried mushrooms, minced celery, lemon juice to taste, a piece of good butter. Pour the gravy over the kidneys, gar- nish with potato croquettes and serve. 260. LAMB PLUCK. Jehněčí osrclí. Wash the pluck, cut into small pieces, place in a crock or stone jar, add sliced onion and carrot, a few sprigs of thyme and parsley, a few bay leaves, salt, pepper, mace, vinegar and olive oil and allow the meat to soak in this twelve hours, turning frequently. When ready to cook it, melt a piece of butter, add the pluck, stew a while, then dust with flour, pour in equal parts of soup and wine and stew until tender. When done, take the pluck out, strain the gravy over it and serve. Lamb pluck may also be prepared the same as veal pluck. 88 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. Poultry. — Drůbež. PREPARING POULTRY. PHprava drůbeže. All poultry should be killed twenty-four hours be- fore using. It should be cleaned, drawn and salted im- mediately after killing and put in a cool place. 261. BROILED SPRING CHICKEN. Roštěné kuře. Cut spring chickens in halves, dust with salt and pepper and broil on both sides. Eub fresh butter over them and serve hot, 262. ROAST SPRING .CHICKEN. Pečené hůře. Salt the chickens, dust inside with a .little pepper, place a piece of butter and fresh parsley inside, fasten the drumsticks together and put the chickens in the pan. Add a piece of good butter, a little hot water or soup and roast a light brown. Baste every ten minutes and rub butter over them occasionally. Pour the gravy over the chickens and serve. 263. ROAST CHICKEN WITH GRAVY. Pečený kohout s omáčkou. Cut the chicken up, dip each piece in a beaten egg and then in bread crumbs. Place in a skillet, add a lit- tle butter or lard, minced onion and caraway seed, co- ver and bake over a slow fire. When done, take it out, add flour to the gravy and fry a light brown. Then add milk to make a gravy of the proper consistency. 264. FRIED CHICKEN. Smažené kuře. Chickens weighing one or one and a half pounds are best for frying. Cut in quarters or smaller pieces, salt, dip in flour, then in a beaten egg (to which has been added a teaspoon of minced parsley), sprinkle POULTRY. 89 thickly with bread crumbs or rolled crackers, and fry to a golden brown in rendered butter or lard. When fry- ing older chickens, it is best to dip them in flour only. 265. STUFFED CHICKEN. Nadívané hůře. Prepare the chicken as for roasting, salt inside and out. For the dressing cream' two tablespoons of butter, add two eggs, half an onion minced fine and fried in butter, half a cup of milk, salt, pepper, a pinch of mace and enough bread crumbs or cracker crumbs to make the mixture medium stiff. Stuff the chicken with this, sew up the opening, place in a baking pan, dot bits of butter over the top, pour water under it and bake, bast- ing frequently. 266. STEWED CHICKEN. Dušené kuře. Salt a chicken inside and out, fasten the drumsticks together, rub butter over the breast, place in a saucepan, add an onion, carrot and parsley root, all sliced, a few black peppers, a bay leaf, a slice of bacon, and enough good soup or water to cover. Cover the pan tightly and allow the chicken to stew, turning it once. When done, take it out, cut in pieces, boil the liquor over a rapid fire until thick, skim off the fat and pour over the chicken. A young chicken will be done in one and a half hours, an older one in two hours. 267. STEWED CHICKEN WITH BROWN GRAVY. Dušené hůře s hnědou omáčkou. Salt a chicken inside and out, place inside a piece of good butter, rub lemon juice and butter over the breast, place in a saucepan, cover and stand aside. In another saucepan place three onions, two small carrots, a couple of leeks and a parsnip, all sliced, add a piece of butter and stew, then add a quart of soup and stew a while longer. Half an hour before serving, strain the 90 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. gravy over the chickens and allow them to stew, being careful that they remain juicy and the meat white. When done, take the chickens out and pour over them a brown gravy, made as follows: place in a saucepan a piece of fresh butter and a little sugar. Let it brown, then blend with flour. Thin this with soup, so as to make a gravy, add a pinch of ground ginger and mix thoroughly. 268. STEWED CHICKEN WITH MUSHROOM GRAVY. Dušené Jcuře s hotihovou omáčkou. Stew and prepare a chicken as given in the fore- going reciiJe and pour over it mushroom sauce, made according to recipe No. 76. 269. STEWED CHICKEN WITH WINE GRAVY. Dušené hůře s viníiou omáčkou. Cut a chicken into pieces. Place for a few mo- ments in cold water. Put in a saucepan a slice of ham, a piece of butter, dust with flour, add an onion into which you have stuck a few cloves, one lemon sliced, a parsley and celery root and one carrot. Tie the vege- tables with a thread. Add the chicken and stew it in beef soup. When ready to serve, add a wineglass of wine and the juice of one lemon, allow all to simmer a few moments. Take the chicken out, strain tlie gravy over it and serve. 270. STEWED CHICKEN WITH SOUR CREAM GRAVY. Dušená kuřata s kyselou omáčkou. In a saucepan place a piece of butter, one onion in- to which you have stuck two cloves, a carrot, a cup of soup, and salt. Put the chicken in this, either whole or cut into pieces. Let it stew, but not too long. Place in a saucepan a piece of butter, a sliced onion, minced par- sley, two tablespoons of flour, blend together until brown, thin with the strained liquor and mix smooth. POULTRY. 91 Add the chicken and simmer a while. Before serving, beat two yolks with a little cream and add to the gravy. Take the chicken out, strain the gravy over it and serve. You may add lemon juice, if you wish. 271. CHICKEN WITH DUMPLINGS. Kuře s hnedlíčky. Cut up two chickens and stew in soup, or in butter and hot water. In the meantime, prepare dumplings thus: cream a tablespoon of butter, add two eggs, a teaspoon of minced parsley, a dash of mace, pepper, salt and enough bread or cracker crumbs to form dumplings. Make dumplings the size of English walnuts and boil them separately in salted water. When the chickens are tender, take them out, strain the liquor and if you liave not enough to make a gravy, add hot water, thicken with butter and flour blended together, put back into the saucepan, add the chickens and simmer a while. Arrange the dumplings over the chickens and pour gravy over all. 272. CHICKEN WITH LEMON SAUCE. Kuře s citrónovou omáčkoic. StcAv a nice chicken according to the foregoing re- cipe. When done, take it out, cover and place where it will keep warm. Blend a tablespoon of butter with one of flour, thin with the strained liquor, add the juice of lialf a lemon, a ]3Ínch of grated lemon rind, a bit of su- gar, a few tablespoons of white wine, and simmer un- til smooth. When done, pour over the chicken. 273. CHICKEN WITH PAPRIKA. Kuře s paprihou. Place in a saucepan tw^o tablespoons of fresh but- ter, one onion sliced thin, add two quartered young chickens, salt, cover and stew until half done. Then take them out, add a tablespoon of flour to the liquor, mix smooth, thin with beef soup, add several table- 92 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. spoons of sour cream and simmer a while. Strain over the chickens, which you have placed in a saucepan, add half a teaspoon of paprika and allow all to simmer to- gether until done. 274. CHICKEN WITH RICE. Kure s rýži. Wash a cup of rice first in cold then in hot water, then pour on it soup or hot water and boil until ten- der, being careful that the grains keep whole. Beat three yolks or two whole eggs with a piece of butter, add a little beef soup and a dash of mace, pour this on the rice, add a teaspoon of minced parsley and mix to- gether. Arrange stewed chickens on a platter, garnish wdtli the rice and serve. 275. CHICKEN WITH KOHLRABI. Kuře s he dluh ny. Place a piece of butter or lard in a saucepan, add a chicken that has been cut up into pieces. Peel the kohl- rabi, cut into dice or strips and add to the chicken, then salt and pepper. Cover and stew over a moderate fire. Half an hour before it is done prepare dumplings, as follows: two eggs beaten with a cup of milk, salt, a teaspoon of baking powder and enough flour to make a medium stiff dough. Divide this into four parts, place over the chicken. When the dumplings are half done, turn them over. When they are done, take them out, add a little hot water to the liquor, thicken with a little flour and water mixed together. Serve each, the chicken, kohl-rabi and gravy, separately. 276. CHICKEN WITH CAULIFLOWER. Kuře s karfiolern. Stew two chickens. Blend a heaping tablespoon of butter with one and a half tablesjooons of flour, thin with the liquor in which the chickens have stewed. In the meantime, boil a head of cauliflower in water pro- POULTRY. 93 perly salted. Cut the chickens into pieces, place them in a saucepan, pour over them the strained sauce, add a pinch of mace and simmer a while longer. Place the chickens with the gravy in a dish, arrange the cauli- flower around them and serve. Chickens may be pre- pared in this way with asparagus. 277. CHICKEN WITH ROOT CELERY. Kuře s celerem. Stew two chickens, either in soup or butter with a little hot water. Boil two celery roots until tender. Slice one and add it to the chickens. Mash the other fine and cream with a piece of fresh butter and two yolks, add a pinch of mace, thicken with butter and flour blended together, strain over the chickens and let all simmer together a moment or two. Then arrange the chickens in a dish, pour the gravy over them, garnish with sliced root and fresh celery tops and serve. 278. CHICKEN WITH TOMATOES. Kuře s raj shy mi jablíčky. Stew two or three tomatoes, add bread or cracker 'Crumbs which have been soaked in cream, a little beef soup, a dash each of mace and lemon rind, a bit of sugar, mix together and strain over stewed chicken. 279. CHICKEN WITH MUSHROOMS. Kuře s houbami. Slice thoroughly cleaned mushrooms and stew with a little butter and minced parsley, then add chickens that have been cut into pieces, salt, cover and stew, be- ing careful not to burn them. When done and the li- quor begins to evaporate, dust with flour, add beef soup, simmer a moment or two and serve. You may add a little sweet cream to the gravy. 280. CHICKEN WITH MAYONNAISE. Kuře s majonézou. Salt the chicken, fasten the drumsticks together, rub lemon juice over the breast to make it whiter, and 94 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. stew with butter, minced parsley and soup. When done, cut into pieces and cool. Beat with a silver fork six yolks, add a wineglass of olive oil, drop by drop, or melted butter, beating constantly, then add the juice of one lemon, salt and pepper. Arrange the chickens on a platter, pour the sauce over them, garnish with lettuce and hardboiled eggs and serve. 281. RISSOLES OF CHICKEN. Risolhy z Jiuřete. Mince left-overs of roast or stewed chicken. To two cups of this meat allow four tablespoons of stewed minced mushrooms, four tablespoons of brown sauce, four yolks, salt, pepper and mace. When all is blended together, add minced parsley and lemon juice to taste, then take out and cool. Have ready dough rolled out as for noodles. Cut out with a biscuit cutter, rub the white of an egg around the edges, put a tablespoon of the mixture on each piece, cover with another piece, press the edges together and place the rissoles on a floured board. Have ready a deep kettle of hot lard, dip each rissole in beaten eggs and fry a light brown. Arrange on a platter, garnish with fried green parsley and serve with any suitable sauce. You may prepare rissoles of various other meats in the same manner. 282. CHICKEN CROQUETTES. KroheU'y z driihezich zhythii. Mince fine two cups of left-over chicken. Cream two tablespoons of flour with one of butter, add two cups of hot milk, boil until thick and smooth, stirring constantly. Salt and pepper (use both white pepper and paprika) the minced meat, add grated nutmeg, a tablespoon of minced celery and a teaspoon of minced onion. Mix together, add the sauce, mix again and cool. When cool, make small cakes, dip in a beaten egg, then in bread crumbs and fry brown in hot fat. Half lard and half butter is good. POULTRY. 95 283. CHICKEN PIE. Paštika z kuřat. Cut into pieces a four or five pound chicken. Fry a minced onion in butter, add it to the chicken, then add two cups of hot water and stew. You may add half a pound of ham cut into small pieces. Peel and dice po- tatoes, boil half an hour and drain. When the chicken is done, remove the larger bones. Line a shallow pan with pie crust dough, place a layer of potatoes in the bottom, then a layer of meat, on this put the pieces of dough that you have trimmed off around the pan, sprinkle with a teaspoon of minced parsley, a pinch of salt and pepper and dot with pieces of butter. Cover the top w^ith pie crust, which has one or two slits through the center, spread a beaten white over the top and bake half an hour in a hot oven. In the meantime prepare sauce as follows: place a teaspoon of butter in a sauce- pan, when, melted, add two level tablespoons of flour, blend but do not brown, add a cup of the liquor in which the chicken was stewing and a cup of milk, stirring con- stantly. When it begins to bubble, add salt and pepper, a beaten yolk, a tablespoon of minced parsley and iDour into the pie, through the opening. Or you may serve the sauce separately. You can prepare veal, rabbit or squirrel pie in this manner. 284. CHICKEN WITH HERRING. Kuřata se slanečkem. Wash two chickens and stew in beef soup until half done, then take them out and cool. Wash and cut in fine strips one herring, interlard the breasts of chickens with it, then cut them in halves, place them in a sauce- pan, pour over them the liquor in which they stewed, add a piece of butter, a dash each of mace, grated lemon rind and lemon juice and the remainder of the herring. Mince the milt of the herring and add it toihe rest, then dust with flour and stew until the chickens are tendei\ 96 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. When done, take tliem out, strain the gravy over them and serve. 285. ROAST TURKEY. Pečený krocan. Turkeys are best not more than a year old. Pick and clean as any other poultry, salt inside and out and put in a cool place at least twenty-four hours before roasting in summer, and two or three days in winter. When ready to roast it, put it in the roaster, dust in- side and out with pepper, place bits of butter inside and over the top, about a cup in all, add a cup of water and roast. Baste every fifteen minutes and roast brown, having a steady though not a quick fire. Serve with cranberry sauce. 286. TURKEY WITH SAGE STUFFING. Krocan se šalvějovou nádivkou. Prepare the turkey for roasting as directed in the preceeding recipe. Make stuffing as follows: mix three cups of bread crumbs with two eggs, salt, pepper, a piece of butter, enough milk to make it properly stiff, and a tablesiDOon of sage rubbed to a powder. Stuff the turkey, sew up the opening and roast as directed in the preceding recipe. 287. TURKEY WITH OYSTER STUFFING. Krocan s ústncovou nádivkou. Prepare the turkey and stuffing as shown in the foregoing, using minced fried onion instead of sage and adding two dozen fine large oysters. 288. TURKEY WITH CHESTNUT STUFFING. Krocan s nádivkou z kaštanů. Peel two pounds of chestnuts, place them in boiling water and let them soak until the brown skin can be rubbed off with a napkin, then wash them in cold water and drain. Brown four tablespoons of butter with two of sugar, add soup or hot water, then add the chestnuts and stew until partly soft, being careful to keep them POULTRY. 97 whole. Then take them out and cool them. Fill the crop with this stuffing, sew up the opening and proceed with the roasting as directed before. 289. TURKEY WITH ALMOND STUFFING. Krocan s nádivkou mandlovou. Cream two tablespoons of fresh butter, add two or three eggs, a few teaspoons of cream, a fourth of a pound of blanched sliced almonds, a dash each of mace, grated lemon rind, salt, and if you wish the stuff- ing to have a sweetish taste, a little sugar, then add enough bread crumbs to make it properly stiff. Stuff the crop of the turkey with this, sew up the opening, and roast the turkey, basting frequently and rubbing butter over it occasionally. 290. ROAST GOOSE. Pečená husa. Wash a properly dressed goose, salt inside and out, rub inside with caraway seed, place in a roasting pan, add a little water and roast rather slowly, turning it occasionally and basting frequently. When done, drain off the grease and allow the goose to brown over a quick fire. While it is roasting, pierce the skin on the back and under the wings, which allows the surplus fat to escape, and makes the skin crisp. 291. GOOSE WITH APPLE STUFFING. Husa s jaMkovou nádivkou. Prepare the goose as shown in the foregoing. Make stuffing as follows: mix together two cups of stewed and mashed tart apples, a cujo of grated bread crumbs, a dash of powdered sage, a minced onion and a dash of red pepper. Stuff the goose and roast as shown above. 292. STEWED GOOSE. Dušená husa. An old goose that would not roast well may be stewed. Place in a kettle minced bacon, minced veal, a Cook Book 7 98 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. sliced carrot, parsley and celery roots sliced, add the goose properly salted, a few bay leaves and several whole black peppers, soup and if you wish, a little white wine, then cover and stew until tender. 293. GOOSE GIBLETS WITH RICE. Husí drohecJx'y s rýží. Boil the giblets until tender. Skim the broth, add a celery and parsley root, and salt. Place in a saucepan three tablespoons of butter, a cup of rice that has been picked over and washed in several hot waters, a little soup, a pinch each of salt, mace and saffron, and simmer over a slow fire until tender. See that is does not scorch and add hot water or soup, if necessary. Blend butter and flour together, thin with soup, add a pinch each of mace and salt and boil until smooth. Arrange the giblets in a dish, strain the sauce over them, garnish with the rice and serve. Instead of blending the butter and flour together, you may fry minced par- sley and caraway seed in goose lard. Tlie giblets con- sist of wings, feet, neck, liver, gizzard and heart. 294. GOOSE GIBLETS WITH NOODLES. Husí drohečhy s nudlemi. Boil the giblets as shown in the foregoing. Make noodles with two eggs and flour. When the giblets are done, strain off the liquor, and when it has settled, pour it off into another saucepan and let it come to a boil, then boil the noodles in it. Place the giblets in a dish, put the noodles over them and serve. You may use macaroni and cheese instead of noodles, if you wish. 295. GOOSE GIBLETS WITH QUENELLES. Zadělávané husí drohečky s nudlemi. Boil giblets with various vegetables, as for beef. Cream a tablespoon of butter, add three eggs, a pinch of grated lemon rind, grated or minced goose liver from which the veins have been trimmed, salt, mix together. POULTRY. • 99 then add a few tablespoons of cream and enough bread or cracker crumbs to make small balls. You may add a clove of garlic mashed to a paste and a little marjoram. Let this mixture stand. Blend butter and flour in a saucepan, thin with half of the liquor in which the giblets have been boiled. Strain the rest of the liquor into a saucepan and boil in it balls the size of an English walnut, made of the above mixture. When done, add the giblets, thicken with brown sauce, add a dash of mace, and simmer a moment of two. Then take the giblets out on a dish, garnish with the quenelles and pour the gravy over all. 296. GOOSE GIBLETS WITH CAULIFLOWER. Husí clroheH-u s l-arfioJeni. Boil the giblets as shown in the foregoing. Pick over a head of cauliflower, boil it in soup or in the li- quor in which the giblets have boiled, being careful that it remains firm, then take it out and place in cold wa- ter, so it whitens. Blend butter and flour until brown, strain into it the liquor from the giblets, add a dash of mace, then the giblets and cauliflower and simmer a while. Arrange the cauliflower on a platter, place the giblets around it and pour the gravy over all. 297. ROAST DUCK. Pečená Inch na. Duck is roasted in the same manner as goose. You may also use the following stuffing: mince fine three onions, add a teaspoon of powdered sage, two table- spoons of bread crumbs, one eggj a piece of butter, salt and x>epper. 298. DUCK WITH MUSHROOMS. Kachna s liouhaini. Place lard or bacon fat in a saucepan, add a sliced onion, a few whole black peppers and stew the duck in this a short time, then add several tablespoons of soup, 100 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. cover the pan and stew, turning the duck once. When it is more than half done, add two or three dozen small mushrooms. When all is done, place the duck on a plat- ter, garnish with the mushrooms and pour over it the strained liquor, which you have mixed with tomato sauce. 299. STUFFED SQUABS. Nadívaná holoubata. Cut off the heads of properly dressed squabs, take out the crop carefully and make an opening in the breast, for stuffing. Cream a tablespoon of butter, add one egg and one yolk, two tablespoons of milk, a pinch of salt, a dash of grated lemon rind, a bit of minced parsley, four tablespoons of bread crumbs, and mix to- gether thoroughly. Stuff the squabs with this, sew up the opening, fasten the drumsticks to the back, and place the squabs in the roasting pan with butter and water. Eoast until done, basting frequently. 300. STEWED SQUABS WITH ASPARAGUS. Dušená holoubata se šparglem. Boil properly dressed squabs in salted water about three minutes, then cool and dry them. Place in a sauce- pan a piece of butter, one sliced onion, one sliced car- rot, a parsley root, add the squabs, salt and stew a few minutes. Dust with flour, add soup and stew half an hour longer, skimming off the grease. When the squabs are done, put them into another saucepan and stand in a warm place. Place the gravy over a rapid fire, add four beaten yolks, a teaspoon of sugar, a dash of lemon juice and salt, strain and pour over two cups of aspar- agus tips boiled in salted water. Pour this over the squabs and serve. 301. STEWED SQUABS WITH BROWN SAUCE. Dušená holoubata s hnědou omáčkou. ■ Place in a saucepan a piece of butter or diced ba- con, a dash of thyme and parsley, one sliced onion, a POULTRY. 101 few wliole black peppers, a piece of ginger and four cloves. Add the squabs, salt, two tablespoons of wine vinegar, cover and stew until tender. When done, cut them in halves, place them in another saucepan and stand in a warm place. Melt a piece of butter in a saucepan, add two even tablespoons of flour and a tea- spoon of sugar. Blend together until brown, thin with the liquor in which the squabs have stewed, if necessary add beef soup, simmer a while and then strain over the squabs. Let all get thoroughly hot, but it must not bubble. You may add a sliced lemon to the gravy. 302. SQUABS WITH GREEN PEAS. Holoubata se zeleným hráškem. Cut in quarters properly dressed squabs. Place in a saucepan with a piece of butter, salt, and stew about half an hour, then dust with two tablespoons of flour, stir, then add two cups of beef soup and simmer until smooth. Take the squabs out, strain the gravy, add to it a quart of green peas, a bit of sugar and a dash of mace. Simmer all a while, then add the squabs and sim- mer until done. Arrange the squabs on a platter and surround with the peas. 303. STUFFED PIGEONS. Nadívaní holubi. Proceed as with squabs, making an ojDening in tlie breast, right under the skin. Mince the gizzards and livers with parsley, add bread crumbs soaked in milk, a piece of butter, a dash of mace and i^epper, two eggs, salt and mix thoroughly. Fill the crop and breast with this stuffing, fasten the opening, also the necks, place the birds in a roasting pan with water and butter, dust them with salt, and roast, basting frequently. When done, sprinkle with browned grated crumbs and pour the liquor over them. 102 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. 304. STEWED PIGEONS. Dušení holubi. Cut properly dressed pigeons in quarters. Place in a saucepan a piece of butter, a sliced onion, two bay leaves, a sprig of thyme, a few juniper berries, six whole black peppers, six allspice and a piece of ginger. Add the pigeons, a bit of wine vinegar, cover and stew. Then take them out and put them in another saucepan, strain the liquor over them, thicken with three tablespoons of flour creamed with a piece of butter, and simmer until the gravy is smooth and thick. You may add a piece of browned sugar. 305. SALMI OF FOWL. Ztijtki) drííheže s podpouštJcou. Place in a saucepan equal parts of vinegar and wa- ter, or vinegar and soup, add a piece of lemon rind cut into strips, one whole onion, a sprig of thyme, two or three bay leaves, a few whole black peppers, a few whole allspice, and salt. Simmer, add butter and flour blend- ed together until light brown, a bit of browned sugar and two or three tablespoons of white wine. Simmer a while, then strain over the left-overs of any kind of fowl, which have been cut into small pieces. Heat the meat in this gravy and serve with fried potatoes. Game. — Zvěřina. 306. ROAST RABBIT. Pečený zajíc. Interlard and salt the rabbit. Place in a roasting pan three sliced onions, a dash of thyme, one bay leaf, ten whole allspice, eight whole black peppers, two cloves, a clove of garlic, a slice of bacon, and the rabbit, add a little wine vinegar, water and a piece of butter, and roast rather quickly. When it is more than half done, turn it and roast brown, rubbing it frequently GAME. 103 with cream or butter. When done, cut into pieces. Add flour to the gravy, strain, add cream and simmer a mo- ment or two and serve with the rabbit. 307. ROAST RABBIT WITH SOUR CREAM GRAVY. Pečený zajíc v I'ljseJc smetaně. Wash and salt a properly cleaned rabbit. Boil to- gether about fifteen minutes a cup of vinegar, a cup of water, one large sliced onion, a sprig of thyme, two or three bay leayes, a few whole black peppers, a few whole allspice, a piece of ginger and three or four cloves. Cool and pour over the rabbit, which lias been cut into pieces. Let it lie thus three or four days in warmer weather, or eight days in cold, turning it each day. When ready to cook it, interlard with strips of bacon and place in a roaster with a piece of butter, two sliced onions and some of the brine. Place the rabbit in the pan with the interlarded side down. While roasting it must be turned frequently and basted with cream and dotted with bits of butter over the top. If the gravy evaporates, add more liquor or sour cream. 308. RABBIT FRICASSEE. Zajíc scl-anij. Mince or grind the meat from the forequarters of a rabbit w^ith two pounds of pork. If the pork is lean, add three ounces of minced bacon, two slices of bread soaked in wine and squeezed dry and one slice grated, one or two eggs, a dash each of salt, pepper and grated lemon rind. Mix together well, form into a loaf (if possible mold into the form of a rabbit) interlard with bacon and bake with butter and onions, basting fre- quently. You may bake this with sour cream, in which case .the lemon rind is left out. 309. JUGGED RABBIT. Předeh zajíce na čenio. Cut the forequarters of a rabbit into pieces, place in a saucepan with butter or lard, a dash of thyme, one 104 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. sliced onion, a piece of lemon rind and a bay leaf. Add enough water to cover tlie rabbit an inch from the top, salt, cover and stew. When the rabbit is nearly done, take it out, strain the gravy, add to it enough vinegar to make it sourish, add butter and flour blended to- gether and a small cup of grated ginger-bread. Brown a teaspoon of sugar, pour into it a little soup and add this to the gravy. Put the rabbit in the gravy, simmer a while and serve. 310. RABBIT WITH CREAM SAUCE. Zajíc s hilou omáčhou. Cut a young rabbit into small pieces, salt, place in a skillet with minced bacon, two sliced onions, a piece of lemon rind, a sprig of thyme, one bay leaf, a few whole black peppers, three tablespoons of wine vinegar and stew until tender. Then take the meat out and strain the sauce. Blend one tablespoon of butter with one and a half of flour, add the sauce, two cups of sour cream, and the liquor from the rabbit. If necessary, add vine- gar, soup or hot water, simmer a while. If the gravy is too sour, sweeten to taste. 311. FRIED RABBIT. Smažený h'aliJc. Cut up the rabbit into uniform pieces, wash and dry thoroughly with a napkin. Dust with salt, pepper and flour, dip in a beaten egg, then in bread crumbs and fry a golden brown in lard or butter. 312. VENISON. Srnčí a jelení maso. Deer, roebuck and antelope are considered venison. Animals two and a half or three years old are best. Venison is usually pickled several da^^s in brine com- posed of water, vinegar, onion, allspice, cloves, whole black peppers, bay leaves, etc. boiled together ten or fifteen minutes. It is then roasted and the following GAME. • 105 gravy prepared for it: place in a saucepan lialf a bottle of red wine, add a cup of pepper sauce, as is described in the following recipe, a cup of currant jelly, two tablespoons of vinegar and the pulp of one lemon. Simmer a while, then strain and serve with the meat. 313. SADDLE OF VENISON WITH PEPPER SAUCE. Jelení livhet s pepřovou omáčl-ou. Wash and salt the saddle, place in a kettle, add several bay leaves, a sprig of thyme, a piece of ginger, one sliced onion, a clove of garlic, three or four cloves, carrot, leek, celery and parsley roots, two wineglasses of wine vinegar, cover and stew slowly. When done, place on a platter and serve with the following sauce: blend light brown a piece of butter and two teaspoons of flour, thin with soup or hot water and simmer a while. Place in another saucepan a sliced onion, add a cup of vinegar, a teaspoon of whole black peppers and sim- mer. Add this to the gravy, simmer a while, skim the fat, salt and strain. 314. SADDLE OF VENISON WITH HORSERADISH. Pečený jelení hřbet neb Vyta. Wash the meat, salt and place in a crock. Pour over it wine, vinegar and water, enough of each to make it agreeably tart, add a few whole black peppers, a few allspice, a few cloves and juniper berries, a few sprigs of thyme, two or three bay leaves, one onion and stew the meat in this until tender. Then take it out and add to the sauce horseradish prepared as follows: grate the rind of half a lemon, add a tablespoon of su- gar, the juice of a lemon, half a cup of vinegar and enough grated horseradish to form a thick sauce. 315. ROAST SADDLE OR LEG OF VENISON. Jelení kýta. Trim nicely a saddle or leg of venison, interlard with bacon and dust with salt. Place in a crock a sliced 106 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. carrot, two sliced onions, a parsley root, two bay leaves, two cloves and a few whole black peppers. Place the meat in this, add a qnart of good vinegar, cover and let it stand until the next day. Then take it out, place it in a roaster, add some of the liquor and a little hot water, dot with pieces of butter or lard and roast un- til tender. Serve with the sauce which has been skimmed. 316. LEG OF VENISON. Jeleni hřbet s citronovfjm Ixvenem. Wash and trim the meat and pound it well. Pour vinegar over it, dust with salt and let it stand thus two or three days. When your are ready to cook it, dust with black pepper, salt and interlard with bacon. Place sliced bacon in a roaster, add the meat, roast a while, then add some of the brine, soup or hot water and sprinkle the venison with bread crumbs. Eoast un- til tender, then rub butter over the top, pour a little sour cream into the jDan and roast a bit longer. Serve with the gravy. You may omit the cream, if you wish. 317. VENISON WITH GRAVY. Zvěřina s oniacl'ou. Wash three pounds of venison, place it in a sauce- pan, add water, vinegar, wine, salt, a few each of all- spice, juniper berries, bay leaves, sliced onion^ and sira- jner until tender. Melt two tablespoons of rendered butter in a saucepan; when hot, add two tablespoons of flour, a handful of fresh crumbs of rye bread, and brown all together. Thin this with a little of the li- quor in which the venison is stewing, add the strained gravy and finely minced lemon rind. If you wish, you may add to the . gravy a few gingersnaps or a piece of hard gingerbread a few moments before it is done. 318. STEWED SHOULDER OF VENISON. Dušené srnčí plece. Wash two shoulders, take the bones out and sprinkle the cavities with minced onion, minced parsley, salt and GAME. 107 pepper, and then roll each piece up, tie around with strong white thread, interlard the surface with strips of bacon and salt. Place in a saucepan sliced carrots and onion, a few whole black peppers, two cloves, a bay leaf and a piece of good lard. Put the meat in this, add a little vinegar and soup and simmer slowly until tender. When it is tender, take it out, remove the thread and place the meat on a platter. Add a few tablespoons of soup to the gravy, simmer a few mo- ments, skim, strain and pour over the meat. You may serve in addition to this, separately, pepper sauce as shown in recipe No. 313. 319. STEWED LIVER OF VENISON. Dušená srnčí játra. Wash the liver, trim off all skins, and slice thin. Place a little butter in a saucepan, an onion finely minced, a dash of pepper and add the liver. When fried on both sides, dust with flour, add a little vinegar and salt, and and allow it to simmer a bit. 320. VENISON CUTLETS. Srnčí neh jelení I'otletlcy. Prepare the cutlets as you would mutton cutlets, dust with salt, dip in melted butter and bake in the oven, or on the stove in a skillet. To the liquor add vinegar and pepper sauce, simmer down until thick, and serve with the cutlets. 321. SLICED VENISON. 8rnči neh jeleni řízky. Cut a leg of venison into nice slices, soak them two hours in the following: vinegar and water to taste, sliced onion, sliced lemon, two or three bay leaves, a few whole black peppers and allspice. Then take them out, dust with salt and fry in melted butter. Serve with pepper or other sharp sauce. 108 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. 322. BEAR STEAK. Medvědí kýta. Steak cut from young bear is very good and tastes almost like beefsteak. Dust with salt and broil or frv in butter like beefsteak. Serve with anchovy, mustard or other sharp sauces. Bear tongue is prepared the same as mutton tongue. 323. BROILED QUAIL ON TOAST. Roštěné JiřepeUiij. Clean the quail thoroughly, cut in halves and place on a well greased broiler, the inner side down. When broiled a nice brown, dust with salt and pepper and rub with butter. Serve on toast. Snipe are prepared the same way. 324. ROAST QUAIL. Pečené křepelky. Dress and wash the quail, dust lightly with salt, cover with bacon and grape leaves, and tie around with thread. Place them in a roasting j^an, dot with bits of butter, baste with soup and bake a light brown. AYhen done, take off the covering, pour over them the strained liquor and serve. Quail may also be stuffed in the usual way. When roasting the quail, you may add a sliced onion, green parsley and mushrooms, and when they are nearly done, a small glass of red wine. 325. STEWED QUAIL. Zadělávané křepelky. Dust the quail witli salt and pepper, fry slightly in butter, then dust with flour, add water and wine (half of each) one bay leaf, half an onion, and salt. Stew, turning occasionally. When the quail is tender, place them in a dish, set same in a warm place and prepare the sauce by allowing it to simmer down thick, and then strain it. Other game birds may be prepared this way. GAME. 109 326. STEWED QUAIL WITH SPICED GRAVY. Dušené křepelky s kořeněnou omáčkou. Dress and clean tlie quail, dust with salt, cover witli sliced bacon and tie around with thread. Grease a skillet with butter, place the quail in it, add a small sliced onion, a sliced carrot, one bay leaf, two cloves, several whole black peppers, water, a small glass of white wine, cover and stew 15 minutes over a slow fire. Then take the quail out, pour over them the strained sauce, surround with peas, stewed cabbage or colewort, and serve. 327. PRAIRIE CHICKENS. Tetřívky. These may be prepared in the same manner as quail. 328. ROAST WILD DUCK. Pečená divoká kac^ma. Boil together 10 or 15 minutes one part of vinegar to two of water, several whole peppers, one sliced onion, one sliced carrot, a strip of lemon rind and a dash of salt. When cool, pour it over thoroughly cleaned wild ducks, which you have placed in a crock or stone jar, and let them stay in this several days, turning once each day. When ready to cook the ducks, dry thoroughly, salt, interlard the breasts with strips of bacon (4 to 6 rows), place them in the roasting pan, dot with bits of butter and roast until tender, basting occasionally with cream and the brine in which they have been pickled. When done, take out, pour the strained gravy over them, and serve. 329. STEWED WILD DUCK. Dušená divoká kaclina. Soak the cleaned ducks in cold water half an hour, then interlard with strips of bacon. Put in a saucepan one sliced onion, one sliced carrot, a parsley and celery root, a bay leaf, a piece of ginger, several whole black peppers; a few juniper berries, a few cloves, and several no BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. thin slices of ham. Place the duck, properly salted, in this, add a little water, and stew slowly, occasionally basting'. Prepare a sauce of fresh mushrooms, add the strained liquor to it, then pour all over the duck and let it stand in a hot place 15 minutes. You may make a sauce of the strained liquor, thickened with flour and butter browned together, and then thinned with soup to the proper consistency, if you wish. 330. WILD GOOSE. Divoká- husa. Young geese may be roasted, older ones will have to be stewed. They are prepared the same as wild ducks, although in the case of an old goose it is best to skin it, as the skin adds an unpleasant flavor to the meat. 331. WILD PIGEON. Divohý lioluh. Clean and salt young wild pigeons, place in a crock or stone jar, pour over them wine and vinegar, add a sliced onion, several bay leaves, a few strips of lemon rind, and let it stand thus two days. When ready to cook the pigeons dry them with a cloth, interlard the breasts with strips of bacon, place in a roasting pan, dot with bits of butter, and roast, basting frequently with cream and the liquor in which they have been pickled. Then brown butter and flour, thin with the pickling li- quor, add the liquor in the roasting pan, sv/eet or sour cream, and boil together until smooth. 332. SMALL BIRDS. Mali ytáčJiOvé. Clean, cut off the heads, and salt. Put a piece of but- ter in a roasting pan, a sliced onion, and add the birds, breasts down. Bake in a quick oven about 15 minutes, and when they are beginning to brown, sprinkle with grated bread crumbs. When done, add several table- spoons of soup, and serve. FISH. Ill Fish. — Ryby. In Boliemia fish are usually bought alive, to avoid the danger of getting a fish that died before it was caught. In this country it is usually the other way, but if we deal with a reliable firm, we can be reasonably sure that the fish is in good condition. Fish caught for the market are usually caught on a large scale, and those who are engaged in this industry want to keep a good reputation. Fresh fish have clear bulging eyes, flexible jaws, red fins and shiny scales. Cleaned fish may be kept for several days in win- ter by salting it and letting it freeze. Fish is killed by striking in the head and tail with a wooden mallet, then cutting across the upper part of the body, under the fins. The belly is cut lengthwise and the entrails- are carefully taken out, being careful that the gall bladder is not torn. It is then washed in cold water, scaled and cut into pieces or not, according to whether it is to be baked or fried. To scale a fish, place it on a board, take hold of the tail, and with a dull knife, held horizontally, scrape off the scales, working toward the head. This is best done outside, as the as the scales fly in all directions. Then wash the fish and dry with a cloth. Fish having a taste of earth or mud may be soaked in salted water before preparing. Always cook the fish on the day when you bought it. If you want to have the fish a blue color, you must wet the board on which you clean it, so that the fish does not lose any of its sliminess. This is what pro- duces the blue color. Never allow fish to soak in wa- ter long, it spoils the flavor. Fish are good only in season. For frying use more lard and just a small pro- portion of butter. Salted dried fish should be soaked, the part covered with skin being on top. 112 BOHEMIAX-AMERICAX COOK BOOK. 333. BOILED FISH. Vařená ryha. All large fish having firm flesh may be boiled. Clean the fish well, cut into pieces, pour over it boiling salted water and boil slowly half an hour. Serve with sauce. 334. BOILED FISH WITH GRAVY. Vařená ryha s oméčlcou. Clean the fish and wrap firmly with a clean white cloth. Place in the kettle, pour boiling water over it, add salt, and boil one half to three quarters of an hour. Make a sauce thus: chop fine six hard-boiled eggs, add two tablespoons of butter, a teaspoon of pepper, a teaspoon of salt, half a teaspoon of mustard and a little milk. Boil this all together and pour over the fish, after you have taken off the covering and placed it in a dish or platter. 335. FRIED FISH CUTLETS. Smažené ryhi řízky. Cut in slices any kind of fresh fish, dust with salt and pepper, dip in thin batter, and fry in hot lard. Ar- range on a platter, surround with sliced lemon and x^ar- sley, and serve. 336. FISH WITH BLACK SAUCE. Eyha na černo. Pour into a saucepan a quart of water and a pint of vinegar, add two sliced onions, one celery root, one parsley root, one carrot, one clove of garlic, two bay leaves, a sprig of thyme, fifteen allspice, fifteen cloves, two small pieces of ginger, and boil all together 15 mi- nutes. Then put the fish into this and while it is boiling prepare the following: stew two pounds of dried prunes until tender. Strain, saving the liquor. Stone the prunes and chop them fine, then turn them back into their li- quor, add three pints of beer, the rind of haK a lemon cut into strips, half a pound of rye bread cut into dice, FISH. 113 half a pound of grated gingerbread (marzipan) a table- spoon of butter, a cup of raisins, a cup of nuts, the juice of half a lemon and half a cup of sugar. When the fish is done, take it out, strain the liquor, put it back into the kettle, add the foregoing mixture, and when it comes to the boiling point, thicken with butter and flour browned together. Pour this gravy over the fish and serv^e. Carp, sturgeon or any fish that boils nicely may be prepared this way. 337. FRIED CARP. Smažený kapr. Cut a cleaned carp into pieces. Wash them in cold water, dry thoroughly, salt, pepper, cover with a nap- kin and allow it to stand thus half an hour. Dip the pieces in flour, then in beaten eggs and then in cracker or bread crumbs, and fry in hot fat (lard and butter, half of each.) 338. BLUED CARP. Kapr na modro. •Place in a kettle a cleaned carp cut into pieces. Boil a pint of good vinegar with a little salt and pour hot over the fish. This will give it a nice blue color. Then pour off the vinegar into a saucepan, add more vinegar, celery, parsley roots, and an onion, all sliced, three or four cloves of garlic, a few whole black pej)- pers, a few allspice, five cloves, one bay leaf, a piece of ginger, a piece of lemon rind cut into strips, salt, and boil half an hour. Pour this over the fish, and if ne- cessary, add more vinegar, so that the fish is well co- vered, cover and boil half an hour over a slow fire. Take the fish out, arrange in a dish, pour over it the strained gravy, sprinkle with finely cut lemon rind and celery leaves, cover and put away in a cold place. This is eaten cold, and sometimes served with French dress- ing (oil, vinegar and pepper.) Cook Book 8 114 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. 339. MARINATED CARP. Marinovanij hapr. Cut a cleaned carp into pieces, salt and bake, rubbing frequently with butter. Then place it in a deep dish, cover and set aside. Boil together (15 minutes) vinegar, sliced onion, several whole black peppers, a few allspice, two cloves of garlic, a small piece of gin- ger, three cloves, a piece of lemon rind. Pour it over the fish, cover and set away to cool. Serve with French dressing. 340. JELLIED CARP OR SALMON. Kapr neh losos v rosolu. Boil together two cups of vinegar, two cups of white wine, and enough water to make it agreeably sour, add salt, one large onion sliced, one clove of gar- lic, twenty whole black peppers, twenty allspice, a piece of ginger, six cloves, a sprig of thyme, two bay leaves, a piece of lemon rind, a little gelatine, and salt. Cover and boil half an hour, strain, pour back into the kettle and when it begins to boil, add to it about four pounds of carp, cut into pieces, boil 15 or 20 minutes. When cooking salmon this way, it is well to wrap each piece in a piece of muslin, for thus it will keep its color. When the fish is done, take it out and arrange in a dish. To the gravy add two beaten eggs', and allow it to boil a moment, then strain through a fine sieve, pour over the fish, and put it in a cool place, to set. When ready to serve, place the fish in hot water, which will enable you to turn out the contents whole, garnish with sliced lemon, capers etc. and serve. Salmon cooked thus is served with mayonnaise sauce. 341. CARP WITH CREAM SAUCE. Kapi' pečený s hyselou omáčkou. Cut a cleaned carp into pieces, dust with salt and pepper. Grease a roasting pan with butter, place in it two bay leaves, then put in the fish, pour over it thick FISH. 115 sour cream, the juice of one lemon, and bake a golden brown, basting frequently with sour cream. When done, put the fish on a platter, and serve with the strained gravy, each separately. 342. STUFFED BAKED CARP. Nadívaný pečený kapr. Clean the carp, saving the eggs. Place the latter in a saucepan, add cold water and the juice of one le- mon, and boil about five minutes. Cream four table- spoons of butter, add two slices of bread soaked in milk and squeezed dry, two scrambled eggs, the fish eggs finely chopped, six yolks, a dash of ground mace, the same of pepper and salt, and mix together. Stuff the carp Avith this dressing and sew up the opening. Grease a roasting pan with butter, place in it slices of onion, then the fish, dotting it with bits of butter and bake to a golden brown. Before it is done, you may sprinkle it with finely minced anchovies. "While baking, you must baste the fish frequently. If you wish, you may add to the dressing, instead of ordinary butter, anchovy paste and mushrooms finely chopped and stewed in butter. 343. CARP WITH BROWN GRAVY. Kapr s Imčdoii omáčkou a se smrži. Grease a saucepan with butter, place in it a carp cut into pieces, dust with salt, pepper and two ground cloves. Add a finely minced onion, a sprig of thyme, and stew. In another saucepan brown butter and flour, add a pint of vegetable stock (see recipe No. 38) or soup, and wine vinegar. Boil a while and then strain, add this to the fish, then add three minced anchovies and about twenty fresh mushrooms, and stew all to- gether a while. When done arrange on a platter, sur- round with mushrooms, and serve the sauce separately. 116 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. 344. BOILED PIKE. Stiha ve slané vodě vařená. Pike is good wlien simply boiled in salted water. Insert the tail into the mouth, wind strong white thread around the mouth, to hold it and the tail together. Co- ver with salted water and boil until tender. When ready to serve, place the fish on a platter, with the tail touching the head, garnish with small boiled potatoes, pour over all good melted butter mixed with chopped parsley. When cooking pike, be careful not to get it too tender. 345. PIKE, HOLLAND STYLE. Stil-a po holandshu. Boil together two parts of salted water with one of wine, add the pike cut into pieces and boil half an hour. In the meantime melt a fourth of a pound of butter, add three ounces of finely minced anchovies, a teaspoon of minced green parsley and fry five minutes. Then place the fish on a platter, sprinkle it with bread crumbs, pour over it the prepared butter, to which you have added the juice of one lemon and serve. 346. BAKED PIKE. Pečená štika. Wash the fish and dust with salt, inside and out, cover with a napkin, let it lie thus two hours, then wipe dry, and cut several gashes in it. Place in a sauce- pan one large onion, one carrot, a celery root, leek, all finely sliced, add a piece of butter and fry a golden brown. Add two tablespoons of flour, stew a few mo- ments, add a pint of soup, a small cup of vinegar, a wineglass of wine, a few whole peppers, one bay leaf, and boil all half an hour. Grease a roasting pan with butter, place in it sliced celery and parsley roots, then add the fisli and bake, rubbing occasionally with butter. When done, place the fish on a platter and pour the strained gravy over it. FISH. 117 347. PIKE WITH OYSTERS. Stil'a s ústncemi. Boil a pike as you would blued carp (Recipe 338). Place in a saucepan a piece of butter, about four anchovies, the liver of the pike, finely minced, and several oysters. Add a slice of white bread soaked in white wine, a pinch of mace, and a bit of finely minced lemon rind. Mix all together with a bit of wine, add the liquor in which the fish was boiled, and when it bubbles, pour over the fish. You may add lemon juice, or serve with sliced lemon. Other fish having white meat may be prepared this way. 348. BLUED PIKE. Stika na modro. Blued pike is prepared the same as blued carp, ex- cept that you add a piece of butter. 349. PIKE WITH DUMPLINGS. Zadělávaná štika. Cut a pike into pieces, set several of these aside whole, and after taking the bones out of the others, chop the meat fine. Boil the whole pieces in salted wa- ter, cover and set aside. Pound the chopped meat in a mortar with two hard-boiled yolks and a slice of bread soaked in milk and squeezed dry. Cream a piece of butter, add to it the pounded paste, two eggs, a pinch of minced lemon rind, salt, mace, and mix thoroughly. If this is too thin, add bread crumbs. Make small dumplings of this and boil them in the liquor in which the fish has boiled, first removing the fish. When done thicken the sauce with butter and flour browned to- gether, add a pinch of ground mace and ginger, put the fish back, simmer all together a moment or two, and serve. 118 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. 350. FRIED PIKE. Stika smažená. Cut the pike into pieces, dust with salt and pepper, cover and let it stand thus an hour. Then dry with a cloth, rub with anchovy paste, dip in flour, then in beaten egg and finally in cracker or bread crumbs and fry a golden brown. 351. PIKE WITH SOUR CREAM GRAVY. Stika s kyselou omáčhou. Boil the pike in accordance with the recipe for blued carp (338). When done take the fish out and prepare the gravy as follows: clean and pound to a paste three or four anchovies, cream with butter, add a tablespoon of flour, mix together, then add a small cuj) of soup and the same of thick sour cream, a dash of mace and white ginger (both grated), beat until smooth and boil a while. Then add a few capers, pour all over the fish and serve. 352. BAKED SALMON WITH GRAVY. Pečený losos s omáčkou. Cut the salmon into pieces. Place in a saucepan a few tablespoons of melted butter, a few finely minced small onions, a few capers, four minced anchovies, a piece of parsley root, the juice of one lemon, salt and pepper. Add the fish and let it lie thus 24 hours, turn- ing the meat several times. When ready to prepare, which is half an hour before serving, place the fish in a well buttered roasting pan, dot with bits of butter and bake in a quick oven .20 minutes, basting frequently with the liquor in which the fish has soaked. When done, serve with a gravy prepared by browning butter and flour together, thinning it with soup and the rest of the liquor. Boil a few moments, strain and serve with the fish. FISH. 119 353. BAKED SALMON WITH MAYONNAISE SAUCE. Pečený losos s majonézou. Cut the salmon into pieces about one and a half in- ches thick, salt and bake in butter. Arrange in a dish, pour over it melted butter, the juice of one or two lemons, minced lemon rind and capers. Sprinkle the meat with a few allspice, a few whole black peppers, and four cloves (all coarsley pounded) and let it stand thus several hours. Then take it out, arrange on a lolat- ter, pour mayonnoise sauce in the center, garnish with parsley and serve. 354. BOILED SALMON No. 1. Vařený losos. Wash the salmon in cold water, place in a kettle, pour in vinegar, add a sliced onion, one bay leaf, salt, and enough water to cover the fish. Cover the kettle and stew the fish until tender. Press four hard-boiled yolks through a sieve, add six tablespoons of good melted butter, mix until smooth, then add a bit of green parsley minced fine, a few small onions also minced, a tablespoon of mustard, salt, pepper to taste and enough vinegar to make a rather thick gravy. Eub smooth and serve with the boiled salmon. 355. BOILED SALMON No. 2. Vařený losos na jiný způsol). Salmon which is to be served boiled must not be dry. Wrap the fish in cheesecloth, pour hot water over it, and boil gently. When done, take off the wrapping, place on a hot dish and serve Avith anchovy or other fish sauce, garnished with sliced lemon. 356. FRIED SALMON. Smažený losos. Cut slices two inches thick, dust with salt and pep- per, cover and let them stand about an hour, then dip each in melted butter mixed with yolks of eggs, then 120 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. ill bread or cracker crumbs, place in a buttered pan, sprinkle witli melted butter, and bake until golden brown. Serve with tlie bread crumbs, adding lemon juice to taste. Catfish and carp may be prepared in this manner. 357. CANNED SALMON. Nakládaný losos. Take the salmon out of the can, remove the bones, skin, etc. break into small pieces with a fork and serve with sliced lemon, onion, pepper and vinegar, or may- onnaise sauce. 358. CANNED SALMON CROQUETTES. Kroketky z nakládaného lososa. Take the salmon out of the can, remove bones, skin, etc., add two eggs, four tablespoons of bread crumbs, salt and pepper, mix thoroughly and form into cro- quettes. Place butter and lard in the skillet and when smoking hot, fry the croquettes. 359. FRIED PERCH. Smazenfj okoun. Clean the fish, dust with salt and pepper, allow it to stand thus fifteen minutes and then fry the same as carp. 360. BROILED PERCH. Okoun pečený neJ) roštěný. Clean the fish, dust with salt and pepper, allow to stand thus fifteen minutes. Then rub with good fresh butter and broil or panbroil in the usual manner. Serve with lemon, or sprinkle with lemon juice. 361. BOILED PERCH. Okoun vařený. Cut in fine slices a carrot, parsley root, celery root and leek, place in a pan with a piece of butter, add green parsley, a few whole black peppers, salt, and let it fry a bit, then add a quart of hot water and stew 15 or FISH. 121 20 minutes. In the meathne prepare the cleaned percli, salt and place in a kettle, ponr over them the strained liquor, cover and simmer until tender. When the fish is done, thicken the sauce, and serve with the fish. 362. BLUED PERCH. Okoun na modro. This is prepared in the same manner as blued carp, (338). 363. BOILED BASS. Vařená lupiče. This is a very choice fish, its meat being white, fine and juicy. Place the cleaned fish in cold salted water, to harden the flesh. In fact, it is best to salt the fish and place it on ice over night. When boiling bass, if the fish is large, cut it into pieces, place in boiling salted water, and boil about fifteen minutes. In the meatime rub a good-sized piece of butter with the juice of one lemon and melt it. Drain the boiled fish, place it on a platter, pour over it the melted butter and dust with fried bread crumbs. Bass is fried in the same manner as perch. 364. STEWED BASS. Dušená lupiče. Cut the fish into quarters, wash and salt. Place butter, sliced onion, a bay leaf or two, a sprig of rose- mary, three cloves, a blade of mace, several whole black peppers in a saucepan, add the fish, white wine or vinegar, and let all simmer. In the meantime in an- other pan blend a piece of butter with a tablespoon of bread crumbs, and a pinch of flour. When the fish is tender, take it out, strain the liquor, add to it the blend- ed flour, butter and breadcrumbs, boil until smooth, then add a few drops of lemon juice. Place the fish on a platter, pour the gravy over it, garnish with sliced lemon and serve. 122 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. 365. BASS WITH OYSTERS. L'upice s vstřicemi. Wash the cleaned fish, cut open along the back- bone, skin, bone, and cut the flesh in small thin pieces, dust with salt and simmer in hot butter. When done, pour the butter off, arrange the fish on a platter, pour over it oyster sauce and serve. 366. BOILED WHITE FISH. Vařená hélice. Clean the fish and boil in salted water to which you have added lemon juice, sliced onion and a bunch of green parsley. When done, place the fish on a hot dish, pour over it melted butter to which has been added chopped parsley, garnish with sliced lemon and parsley and serve. 367. BAKED WHITE FISH. Pečenci bělice. Clean the fish, wipe dry and salt inside. Make a stuffing of bread crumbs soaked in milk, mixed with a piece of butter, salt and pepper. Stuff the fish and sew the opening up. Dust with cornmeal, place in the pan, pour under it a bit of water and bake about an hour, basting frequently. Lake trout and pike may be baked in the same manner. 368. WHITE FISH IN WINE. Bělice s vínem. Clean and salt the fish, stuff with ordinary stuff- ing, or stuffing as for carp, place in a buttered pan, sprinkle with flour and butter mixed together, pour over it half a pint of red wine and bake one hour, bast- ing frequently. Then take the fish out, strain the li- quor, add more wine, a teaspoon of browned flour, a dash of paprika, mix well, pour ove^* the fish, garnish with sliced lemon and serve. FISH. 123 369. LAKE TROUT. Jezerni pstruzi. These are prepared in the same manner as white fish. 370. BLUED BROOK TROUT. Psiruzi na modro. Cnt the trout into pieces, pour over them boiled salted vinegar, in order that they get a nice blue color, then place them in a kettle, add spices as for blued carp (see recipe 338), enough water, vinegar and white wine (equal parts of each) to cover the fish, salt and stew fifteen minutes. Then take the fish out, pour the strained sauce over it, and let it get stiff. 371. BROOK TROUT IN WINE. Pstruzi s vinem. Salt the cleaned fish and allow it to stand thus one hour. Place sliced onion in a pan, add the fish, pour over it a pint of Burgundy wine, add two or three bay leaves and boil fifteen minutes. When done, take out the fish, pour the strained sauce over it, and serve. 372. FRIED BROOK TROUT. Smažení pstruzi. For frying use small trout. Cut each fish o])en lengthwise, salt, cover, and let it stand thus half an hour, then dr}" with a cloth, dip in flour, then in beaten eggs, cover with bread crumbs and fry in butter. Serve with sliced lemon. 373. BROOK TROUT WITH SAUCE. Pstruzi s omáčkou. Brook trout are fried and served with anchovy, ca- per, oyster or tomato sauce. Blued trout may be served with mayonnaise, garnished with anchovies, aspic, ca- pers or hard-boiled eggs. 124 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. 374. MARINATED BROOK TROUT. Marinovani pstruzi. Place small fried trout in a deej) disli and let them get entirely cold. In the meantime mix together a sliced onion, several whole peppers, a bay leaf, a sprig of rose- mary, a few strips of lemon rind and enough wine vinegar to cover the fish. Let this simmer about an hour, then cool. When cold, add a few teaspoons of olive oil and pour all over the fish. The fish should stand thus several hours in a cool place, before serving. 375. BAKED STURGEON. Pečený jeseter. Sturgeons must be skinned, for the skin is too thick. Wash the skinned fish, dust it with salt, place it in a pan greased with melted butter, rub it with butter, sprinkle with bread crumbs and bake. Then place it in a dish, pour over it melted butter mixed with lemon juice and serve. 376. FRIED STURGEON. Smažený jeseter. Sturgeon is fried in the same manner as carp. Small fish about half a pound in weight are fried whole, large fish are cut up in slices. 377. STURGEON IN WINE. Jeseter s vínem. Take a large piece of sturgeon, preferably the middle, about four pounds in weight, place it in a deep pan, add sliced carrot, onion, a bunch of green par- sley, salt, pepper, two blades of mace, two cloves of garlic, enough red wine and beef soup (equal parts) to cover and simmer all about an hour. Then take the fish out, set in a warm place, strain the sauce, thicken with butter and flour browned together, let it simmer a bit, then add to it two anchovies rubbed to a paste, the juice of one lemon and a pinch of paprika, strain and serve with the fish. FISH. 125 378. CATFISH. Sumec americký. These are cleaned and prepared in the same manner as sturgeon. 379. SHAD. Ales. Place in a pan a piece of butter, a piece of parsley root, a bunch of green parsley, a sliced onion, a blade of mace, add the cleaned fish, salt, pepper, cover with red wine, cover the pan and simmer gently three quarters of an hour. Then take the fish out, arrange on a platter, garnish with the onion and set in a warm place. Strain the gravy, thicken with flour and but- ter browned together, simmer a bit, then strain once more, add a bit of good butter, the juice of a lemon and a pinch of paprika, pour over the fish, and serve. Other fish may be prepared in the same manner. 380. BROILED HERRING. Roštěný slaneček. Wash cleaned fresh herring, cut open lengthwise on both sides, place in a deep dish, dust with salt and pepper, sprinkle with lemon juice and olive oil and let it stand thus one hour, turning occasionally. Then broil and serve with cream sauce. Broiled fresh herring may be served with bits of parsley butter dotted over them. Herring may be prepared also in the same manner as perch. 381. FRIED HERRING. Smažený slaneček. Wash the cleaned fish, soak in cold milk several hours, then dry thoroughly, open lengthwise and bone. Make a very thin batter of eggs, flour, milk and wine, properly salted. Dip the fish in this and fry in hot butter. Or dust it with flour mixed with a little pej)- per, dip in beaten eggs, then in bread crumbs, and fry in butter. 126 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. 382. MARINATED HERRING. Marinovanij slanečelc. A thick, milky fluid (milt) is found in male fish, while the female fish have the eggs. Both are used in cooking, as they add flavor. Clean three male herring, soak over night in milk. Wash them the next day, re- move the milt, put it in a small saucepan. Halve and bone the herrings, roll each and fasten each roll with a toothpick. Cream the milt, add wine vinegar (a spoon- ful at a time, creaming constantly) until you have enough sauce to cover the herring. Then beat until it thickens. Line a deep bowl with sliced onion, place in it the herring, cover with sliced lemon, add a few bay leaves, a few whole peppers and allspice, a few capers, pour the sauce over all and allow to stand thus for several hours. 383. FRIED SMELTS. Smažené řepachy. Clean, wash and dry the fish, dip in milk, then in flour and fry in butter. Or you may dust with flour, dip in beaten egg to which has been added salt and pepper, then in bread crumbs, fry and serve with sliced lemon. 384. BROILED SMELTS. Pečené řepachy. Clean, wash and dry the fish, salt, pepper and rub with melted butter and then broil or panbroil them. Arrange in a dish, pour over them melted butter to which has been added minced parsley and serve with sliced lemon. 385. BAKED MACKEREL. Makrelka pečená. Mackerel is a sea fish, sold in inland markets salted down. Wash and soak the mackerel over night in about three quarts of water, if you wish to serve it for break- fast. Drain the water off in the morning, pour boil- FISH. ' 127 iiig water over the fisli and allow it to stand thus a minute or two without boiling. Then drain the water off again, and place the fish in a well-buttered pan or skillet, the inner side upwards. Pour over it half a cup of sweet cream and add pepper to taste. Bake un- til a light brown. If you wish to serve the mackerel for lunch oř dinner, soak six hours. 386. BOILED MACKEREL. MaJcrelka vařená. Soak as described above. In the morning drain off the water, pour hot water over the fish and let it soak in this about five minutes. Then drain, place the fish on a hot platter, dot with bits of butter and garnish with small boiled potatoes. 387. CREAMED CODFISH. Treslca s mlékem. Dried and salted codfish is soaked in cold water three or four hours, or over night (in the latter case do not use as much water). When ready to prepare it, drain, pour over it fresh cold water and parboil, then drain again, cool, pick to pieces, and bone. Pour over it cold milk and boil. When done, rub a heaping tea- spoon of butter with the same amount of flour and add to the milk, stirring constantly. You may add one or two beaten eggs if you wish. Salt and pepper to taste and serve. 388. SCALLOPED CODFISH. Pečená tresha. Drain boiled codfish, pick to pieces and bone. But- ter a baking pan well, dust with bread or cracker crumbs, place in the bottom a layer of fish, then a layer of crumbs mixed with chopiDed anchovies, a dash each of minced lemon rind and nutmeg, then a layer of fish etc., the top layer being of crumbs. Pour cream over it, dot with butter and bake. 128 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. 389. CODFISH BALLS No. 1. Karhandthj z tresky. Bone boiled codfish and chop the meat. Mix with an equal amount of boiled and mashed potatoes. Add a tablespoon of butter, one eg^, a bit of pepper, mix, form balls or cakes, dip these in flour and fry in hot fat, composed of equal parts of butter and lard. 390. CODFISH BALLS No. 2. Karbanátky na jiný způsob. Bone boiled codfish, chop the meat, add a table- spoon of minced parsley, a dash of red pepper, the juice of one lemon and mix together. Eub together a table- spoon of butter with one of flour, add it to a cup of boiling milk or cream, and boil together three minutes. Then add the fish and allow all to cool. When cool, make balls or croquettes, dip in beaten egg and bread crumbs and fry in hot lard. Garnish with parsley. 391. BLUED EEL. Uhoř afi modro. Eel must be skinned. Fasten it to the table with a fork, slit the skin on the head and with the aid of a cloth or napkin skin carefully, being careful not to break the gall bag which is found near the head. Wash in cold water and cut into pieces. In a pan place one celery root, one parsley root, a carrot, an onion, all sliced, a bay leaf, a bit of sage, a few whole black pep- pers and a few allspice, salt and enough vinegar to co- ver and let all simmer together half an hour. Then add the eel, a wineglass of wine, and if necessary, more vine- gar to cover, and simmer fifteen minutes. When done, arrange the fish in a dish and strain the sauce over it. You may also serve Hollandaise sauce in addition. This is made as follows: mix smooth a tablespoon each of flour and cold water, add six yolks, four tablespoons of butter, cream together, add twelve whole black pep- pers, a bit of ground mace, a pint of the liquor in which FISH. 129 the fish boiled, aud let it come to a boil, stirring con- stantly. However, it must not boil. Add the juice of half a lemon, and strain through a fine sieve. 392. EEL WITH MAYONNAISE SAUCE. Ulior s majonézou. Prepare as described in recipe 339 ''Marinated Carp'\ Arrange on a platter in a circle, pour mayon- naise in the center and garnish around with aspic. 393. FRIED EEL. Uhoř smažený. This is prepared in the same manner as fried carp. 394. BROILED EEL. Úhoř pečený na rošti. Skin, wash and cut into pieces about three inches long, dust with salt and pepper and let it stand thus an hour. Fasten three or four pieces together with a tooth- pick, placing a sage leaf on each piece. Butter the broiler, place the fish on it and brown on both sides, dust with bread crumbs, take out the toothpicks, place the meat on a platter and garnish with lemon. 395. ROAST EEL. Pečený úhoř. Skin and clean the fish, salt, cover and let it stand an hour. Heat a bit of butter in a pan, add a bit of sage, cover and let it stand thus in a warm place fif- teen minutes. Now dry the eel, strain the butter into a shallow pan, put the eel on two thin slices of bread, and roast on both sides. When done, arrange on a plat- ter, garnish with the bread sprinkled with lemon juice, and serve. 396. MARINATED EEL. Marínovaný úhor. This is prepared in the same manner as max'inated carp, (recipe 339). Cook Book 9 130 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. Oysters,^ Crabs, Shell Fish, Frogs, Etc. Ostřice, raci, žáby, atd. 397. RAW OYSTERS. UstHcG syrové. Oysters are edible from September to April, the ''K'^ months. When eaten raw, they are served with catsnp, vinegar, salt, pepper, Worcestershire sauce and lemon juice, and oyster crackers. 398. FRIED OYSTERS. UstNce smažené. Dry the oysters, which should be large. For two dozen oysters beat two eggs and one yolk, dip the oysters in flour, then in the eggs and then in finely powdered cracker crumbs or corn meal. Fry quickly in hot fat, composed of equal parts of butter and lard. 399. BAKED OYSTERS. Ustnce pečené. Butter a pan or skillet, dust the bottom with bread crumbs, place in it a layer of oysters, salt and pepper them, dot with bits of butter, cover with a layer of bread crumbs, moisten with the liquor mixed with milk and continue until the dish is full, the top layer being of bread crumbs dotted w^itli butter. Pour over all a cup of milk mixed with a beaten egg and bake fifteen minutes in a hot oven. 400. FRICASSEED OYSTERS. Ustnce s podpouHhou. Boil the liquor from two dozen oysters with a table- spoon of butter, a small amount of beef soup and a pinch of pepper and nutmeg. Add the oysters, boil about two minutes, then take them out and strain the liquor. Brown together a tablespoon of flour and one of butter, add enough liquor to make a fairly thick gravy, salt, pepper and simmer about ten minutes. Beat two yolks SHELL FISH, FROGS, ETC. 131 or one egg with a tablespoon of butter and the jnice of one lemon, add this to tlie grav.v, strain and let it come to a boil while constantly stirring, but it must not boil. Place the oysters in a dish, pour the sauce over them and garnish with rice croquettes. The oysters can be kept warm while the gravy is being made by setting the dish in a pan of hot water. 401. CREAMED OYSTERS. UstHce s hiloii omáčkou. Bring to a boil the liquor from two quarts of oysters, add the oysters and in a moment or two take them out. Salt the liquor, add a tablespoon of butter, the juice of one lemon, a cup of cream thickened with a tablespoon of flour, two beaten yolks or one egg, and let all simmer gently, stirring constantly; it must not boil. Place the oysters in a hot dish, pour the gravy over them, sprinkle with minced parsley and serve. 402. OYSTER STEW. Ustřice V mléce. To a quart of oysters heat a quart of milk, to the boiling point, thicken' with a tablespoon of butter and a teaspoon of flour. When it begins to bubble, add the oysters with a little of their liquor and as soon as they begin to rise, take off the stove, salt, pepper and serve. 403. BROILED OYSTERS. Roštěné list nee. Drain nice, large oysters, dip each in melted butter and broil quickly. When brown on both sides, add salt, pepper, butter and place on hot buttered toast, which has been ^slio-htlv moistened witli milk. These must be eaten hot. CLAMS. Mušle. Hard clams are small and rounded, soft clams are larger and oblong. They are edible from the beginning of May to the end of August, at a time when oysters are 132 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. not in season. Before cooking in any way, llie hard mnscle mnst be taken out of each. 404. BAKED SOFT CLAMS. Pečené měhké mušle. On each shell lay one large or two small clams, salt and pepi^er, sprinkle each with half a teaspoon of minced parsley stems, six small dice of bacon, rub with butter and roast in the oven until a golden brown. Ar- range on a platter lined with a napkin, garnish with parsley or cress and serve. 405. TRIED SOFT CLAMS. Smažené ínéhlcé mušle. Take out of the shells, cut out the large muscle and drain on a napkin, then salt, pepper and dust with flour, dip in a beaten egg and bread crumbs and fry in hot fat. Serve garnished with sliced lemon and parsley. 406. CLAM'S WITH CREAM. MuÁle se smetanou. Boil the liquor, place the clams in it and let them harden a trifle, then take out and drain. Fry slightly one minced onion in butter, add the clams, a pinch of salt and pepper, a wineglass of wine and a tablespoon of cognac, and heat thoroughly, then thicken with cream mixed with beaten yolks and butter. Stir constantly and do not let it boil, then pour over the clams and serve with small pieces of toast. 407. CLAM STEW. Dušené mušle. Boil the liquor from 50 clams. In the niean time mince the clams. Skim the boiling liquor, add two cups of water and when it comes to a boil, add the minced clams, pepper and simmer five minutes. Then add two tablespoons of fresh butter, two cups of milk, and serve when it begins to boil, after adding a few crackers broken into small bits. SHELL FISH, FROGS, ETC. 133 408. CLAM CHOWDER No. 1. Dušeiiiím z mušlí. Place in a deep kettle half a pound of minced ba- con or ham, three potatoes cut into small dice, minced onion, a pinch each of thyme, marjoram, green parsley, salt and pepper. Then add a layer of veal (one pound) cut into half inch dice, then a layer of two cups of canned or stewed tomatoes, and finally a layer of 50 clams, minced. Cover with boiling water, cover and simmer gently half an hour, without stirring. Then add two cups of milk, six crackers broken fine, stir thoroughly, boil ten minutes longer and serve hot. The tomatoes may be omitted, if desired. 409. CLAM CHOWDER No. 2. Dušenina z viušlí na jiný způsob. Fry three or four slices of bacon cut into dice, add a cup of boiling water, one large onion minced fine and two potatoes cut into dice. Cover and stew until the potatoes and onion are tender, then add one pint of milk, and when it begins to bubble, add the contents of a can of clams, take away from the fire immediately, season with salt and pepper and serve. 410. BOILED CRABS. Raci vaření. Wash the crabs, place in a kettle, add caraway seed and pepper, enough salted boiling water to cover, cover well and boil briskly fifteen minutes or longer. Drain, arrange on a dish and garnish with parsley. They should be a bright scarlet color. 411. FRIED CRABS. Bad smažení. Boil the crabs as directed above, shell, dust with flour to whicli you have added salt and minced parsley, and fry in butter over a hot fire. Arrange on a dish and serve with fried parsley. 134 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. 412. STEWED CRABS. I^aci dušení. Take the meat out of the claws and tails of large crabs, cut fine and mix with a fourth of the amount of bread crumbs and a bit of minced parsley. Salt and pepper, stuff the shells, place in a ,pan, dot with bits of butter, sprinkle with the juice of one lemon, a layer of bread crumbs, dot with butter, cover and bake in the oven about twenty minutes. 413. HARD SHELL CRABS. Krahi tvrdí. Boil about fifteen minutes in boiling salted water, then serve. Or you may mince the meat, mix it with half the amount of boiled rice, add a pinch each of salt, paprika, nutmeg, thyme, moisten with milk and fill the shells with this. Dust with bread crumbs, put a tíit of butter on each crab and bake in the oven. 414. LOBSTER. II u mra. Tie the claws together, place the lobster in boiling salted water and boil fifteen minutes to the pound.' If boiled too long, the meat will be tough. When done, halve and serve with mayonnaise sauce. 415. CANNED LOBSTERS. Humry nakládané. These are served with mayonnaise or with vinegar and pepper. 416. SHRIMPS. Mořští váčkové. These are boiled in boiling salted water a few mo- ments and they may then be placed in hot butter a few moments. As far as the inland markets are concerned, they are sold mostly in cans, in which case they should be washed in fresh cold water before using. SHELL FISH, FROGS, ETC. 135 417. TURTLE. Želva. Kill the turtle as described in the recipe for turtle soup, remove the top shell, take out the meat, being careful to reject all the internal organs and the gall bag, and cut the meat up. Fry a minced onion in but- ter, add a tablespoon of flour, and when it has browned a little, add beef soup, a wineglass of wine, a bit of pepper, the rind (minced) of two lemons, a bit of minced parsley, the juice of one lemon and boil until smooth. Simmer the meat in this sauce, when done place in a dish, pour over it the strained sauce, and serve w^ith small pieces of toast. 418. FROG LEGS A LA POULETTE. Zadélávaná žabí stehynl'a. The hind legs of frogs marked with a green stripe on the back are the ony edible kind. Soak them twenty- four hours in fresh water (after being skinned and cleaned), then parboil in hot salted water. Then place them in a skillet with a piece of butter, sprinkle with lemon juice and simmer a while. Then thicken with butter and flour browned together, simmer until ten- der and before serving add two or three beaten yolks, thinned with beef soup, a tablespoon of minced parsley, and serve. 419. FROG LEGS WITH EGGS. Zahi stehýnka s vejci. Skin the legs and salt, leaving them thus a while, then bone and mince the meat fine. Place a piece of butter in a skillet, one minced onion, a tablespoon of minced parsley and a pinch of mace. Add the minced meat to this and simmer uncovered until the liquor that forms is absorbed again, then add a piece of but- ter, thicken with a few beaten eggs and serve in a hot dish. 136 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. 420. FRIED FROG LEGS. Smažeiiá žal)í síeliýnl:a. Skin the legs, place in a deep dish, salt, pour over them lemon juice and olive oil, minced onion and minced parsley and allow to stand thus an hour. Drain, dust with flour, dip in beaten ^g^ and bread crumbs, fry in hot fat and serve with parsley. Eggs. — Vejce. 421. BOILED EGGS. Vejce vařená. Soft-boiled eggs are such when the yolk is liquid and the white not too hard. This may be attained by placing fresh eggs in boiling water and immediately withdrawing the dish to the back of the stove, allow- ing them to stand thus in hot water (not boiling) five minutes. These are especially digestible for sick people. Another way is to place the eggs in cold water and let them come to the boiling point. As soon as the water begins to boil, count twelve very slowly. And still an- other way is to place them in boiling water and let them boil three minutes. When boiled five minutes, they will be half hard, and when boiled eight or ten minutes, they will be hard. 422. FRIED EGGS. Vejce smažená. Melt three tablespoons of lard and one of butter in a smooth skillet. When hot, break into the fat one egg at the time, being careful not to break the yolk. When there is any question about the eggs being fresh, it is best to break them first into a saucer and examine each. When the eggs begin to fry, throw the hot fat over them with a tablespoon, which fries them on top and makes them look nicer than if turned. Fried eggs are usually served with fried ham or bacon and make an ideal breakfast dish. EGGS. 137 423. SCRAMBLED EGGS. Vejce míchaná. Melt a piece of butter in the skillet, pour in the eggs beaten together, add salt and pepper, and when they begin to thicken, scrape from the bottom and sides. Milk or cream may be added, a tablespoon to each ^gg^ also minced chives or parsley. 424. SCRAMBLED EGGS WITH HAM. Míchaná vejce se šunlcou. Mince fine boiled ham (the small ends may be used this way). Fry in butter with minced chives or par- sley, add pepper and finally mix with scrambled eggs. Or you may add the minced ham to the eggs while they are being fried. Or you may cut bacon into dice, fry it in its own fat and then add the beaten eggs and scramble all together. Minced anchovies and parsley, stewed in butter, may also be added to the eggs. 425. SCRAMBLED EGGS WITH ANCHOVIES. Míchaná vejce se sardelemi. Beat several eggs with two tablespoons of sour cream, a teaspoon of flour, a pinch of salt and pepper, and add anchovies or herring cut into thin strips, and scramble together. 426. SCRAMBLED EGGS WITH CHEESE. Míchaná vejce se sýrem. Beat several eggs with salt, pepper, add diced Swiss cheese, proceed as with scrambled eggs and when ready to serve, sprinkle with grated cheese. Boiled asparagus tips, stewed mushrooms, fried onion, fried chicken li- ver, etc. may each be added to scrambled eggs. 427. SCRAMBLED EGGS WITH MUSHROOMS Míchaná vejce s houbami. Clean and dice fresh mushrooms, stew in butter, adding a pinch of caraway seed, salt and minced par- 138 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. sley. Stew until tlie juice has been absorbed, then add more butter. Beat several eggs with a little cream, pour into the pan and proceed as with scrambled eggs. 428. POACHED EGGS. Ztracená vejce. Pour a pint of boiling water into the pan, add two tablespoons of vinegar and one of water, and salt to taste. Break eggs into a saucer, one at the time, and slip each carefully into the boiling water. Boil five minutes, take out with a skimer and pour melted but- ter over each, serving them on toast. 429. FRIED POACHED EGGS. Smažená ztracená vejce. Poach eggs as shown in the preceding recipe and let them get cool. Then brush with beaten egg, sprinkle with bread crumbs or cracker crumbs, and fry in hot butter. 430. BAKED EGGS. Pečená vejce. Cream two tablespoons of butter, add five yolks, a teaspoon of flour, salt and mix together, then add a little vinegar, two cups of thick sour cream, a dash of pepper and mix together thoroughly. Then add ten hard-boiled eggs cut into dice. Pour all into a buttered baking dish, sprinkle with melted butter and bake in the oven. 431. BAKED EGGS WITH MASHED POTATOES. Pečená vejce s bramborovou kaší. Boil and mash the potatoes smooth, seasoning with salt, butter, hot milk or cream and pepper. Put them in a buttered baking dish, then with a small croquette mold (you may use a clean egg, if the mold is lacking) make deejj little hollows in the potatoes. Drop care- fully a raw egg into each hollow, dust each with salt and EGGS. 139 pepper, dot with butter, and bake in the oven. Serve at once. 432. EGGS BAKED IN SOUR CREAM. Sázená vejce v Ij/selé smetané. Pour a cnp of sbnr cream into a buttered baking dish, break into this six eggs, one next to the other, dot with bits of butter and bake until set. 433. FRIED STUFFED EGGS. Smažená nadívaná vejce. Boil hard as many eggs as you wish to use. Cut off the ends, so that the eggs stand up. Cut off the other end deeper, so that you can take out the yolk. Cream the ^^olks to a paste. Cream a piece of butter, add the creamed yolks, minced parsley, anchovies cut into bits, a few tablespoons of cream, bread crumbs, salt and mix together. Stuff the eggs with this, place on each the top that has been sliced off, dip each in beaten egg, then in bread crumbs mixed with flour and fry in hot fat. Brown flour and butter together, thin with beef soup, add anchovies cut into dice, minced parsley, lemon juice, a few tablespoons of cream, boil together and pour over the eggs. 434. BAKED STUFFED EGGS. Pečená nadívaná vejce. Halve hard-boiled eggs, take out the yolks, cream with a piece of butter, add two raw eggs, a bit of minced lemon rind, minced parsley, salt, milk and enough bread crumbs to form a dressing. If you wish, you may add anchovy paste, minced crab meat, stewed goose liver, minced stewed sweetbreads or mushrooms. Mix to- gether, fill the whites, place the eggs in a buttered bak- ing pan, thin the remaining mixture with cream, place it around the eggs and bake half an liour. 140 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. ' 435. STUFFED EGGS WITH WHITE SAUCE. Nadívaná vejce s hílou omáčkou. Hardboil six eggs and cool. Cut in halves, take out and cream the yolks, add half the amount of minced ham, a tablespoon of melted butter, salt and pepper. Fill the whites with this and place in a baking pan, pouring over all the following sauce: melt two table- spoons of butter, add two tablespoons of flour and when it has blended with the butter, add a cup of milk, salt and pepper, and when smooth, 230ur over the eggs, cover with bread crumbs, dot with butter and bake. 436. DEVILED EGGS. Nadívaná vejce. Halve hard-boiled eggs^ lengthwise or crosswise. Cream the yolks, add dry mustard, salt, pepper, melted butter, vinegar or lemon juice to taste, mix thoroughly, and fill the whites with this. These are nice for picnic lunches. 437. SOUR EGGS. Vejce na kyselo. Melt a piece of butter, add a tablespoon of flour and when it bubbles, add a few tablespoons of vinegar and while stirring constantly add enough milk to form a gravy. While this is boiling, add a pinch of mace, then break in as many eggs as you wish, let them set stiff in the gravy and serve. 438. EGGS WITH SOUR CREAM'. Vejce s kyselou smetanovou omáčkou. Boil together two cups of water, two tablespoons of vinegar, a dash of salt and sugar, two or three table- spoons of minced fresh dill. ^Mix together a tablespoon of flour with a cup of sour cream, beat it into the boil- ing water and when bubbling, break into it five or six eggs. Se.rve with boiled beef. EGGS. 141 439. EGGS WITH POTATOES. VejcG s hrmnhory. Slice several hard-boiled eggs and as many cold boiled potatoes. Butter a pan, place a layer of potatoes in the bottom, sprinkle with minced chives, salt and pepper, then a layer of eggs and so fill up the pan, the top layer being of potatoes. Beat four yolks or two eggs with a cup of sour cream or sweet milk, pour over the mixture and bake. You may sprinkle the top with bread crumbs and bits of butter. 440. EGG TOAST. Vejce pečená s topinkami. Butter a shallow baking dish, put in it a layer of toast, cut into narrow strips, then a layer of hard-boiled whites of eggs, cut into slices, then another layer of toast. Sprinkle with the yolks pressed through a coarse sieve, pour over all a rich cream sauce highly seasoned, and place in the oven until well browned. 441. PICKLED EGGS. Naložená vejce. Hardboil two dozen eggs, shell and place in a stone jar. Boil together five minutes two cups of vine- gar, six or eight allspice, a piece of ginger, four or five cloves, a clove of garlic, then pour over the eggs. These are to be used in two weeks. The vinegar in which beets have been pickled may be used, as it makes the eggs a pretty red color. 442. PLAIN OMELETTE No. 1. Jednoduchá omeletlca. Beat with a fork four eggs, add four tablespoons of cold water (one tablespoon to each egg), salt and pep- per, and if you like, add minced parsley or chives. Heat a teaspoon of butter in the skillet, pour the beaten eggs into it and bake rather slowly, occasionally lifting up the edges with a knife, so the liquid runs into the bot- 142 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. torn of the pan. When thoronglily set, roll one end over the other and serve on a hot plate. 443. PLAIN OMELETTE No. 2. Jednoduchá omeJetka na jiný způsob. Use two eggs to each person, a tablespoon of milk or a teaspoon of cream. Beat the eggs with the milk and a dash of salt and pepper. Heat a bit of butter or lard in the skillet, pour into it the beaten eggs, so that the mixture spreads evenly. Proceed as described in the preceding recipe, roll the omelette and serve on a hot plate. You may sprinkle with sugar, before roll- ing, or lemon juice and sugar. Omelettes should be a golden color on top and soft inside. 444. PLAIN OMELETTE No. 3. J ed noduchá omelctka ješté na jiný způsob. Beat eight yolks, add the grated rind of half a lemon, a teaspoon of sugar, a dash of salt, the beaten whites, and mix together very carefully. Melt a piece of butter in a skillet, pour in part of the mixture, bake a golden brown and continue until all is used up. Sprinkle the omelette with powdered sugar and cinna- mon and serve on a warm platter. 445. PLAIN OMELETTE No. 4. Jednoduchá onieletl'a ještě na jiný způsob. Beat several eggs, add as many tablespoons of flour as there are eggs, salt and enough milk to make the mixture thin, a little thicker than for x^ancakes. Beat thoroughly. Heat a piece of butter in a skillet, pour into it a part of this mixture, when baked on one side turn and bake on the other. When done, take it out, put more butter and mixture into the skillet and proceed thus until you have baked all the batter. Sprinkle each omelette with powdered sugar and cinna- mon, roll, dust with fine sugar and arrange on a hot platter. EGGS. 143 446. OMELETTE WITH APPLE SAUCE. Omeletka s jablky. Bake the omelettes as described above. Butter the skillet, place in it one omelette, spread an inch thick with apple sauce or apple butter, place on it the other omelette. Beat one white, add to it a tablespoon of sugar, half an ounce of blanched almonds cut into strips and a dash of minced lemon rind. Spread the top of the omelette with this and let it brown in the oven. 447. BAKED OMELETTE. Pečená otneletka. Beat five or six eggs. Mix half a teaspoon of cornstarch with half a teaspoon of flour and two table- spoons of milk, then add enough milk to make not quite a cupful. Cream is better than milk. Add this to the beaten eggs, mix, salt and pour into a buttered hot pan. Bake in the oven fifteen minutes. 448. OMELETTE WITH HAM. OineUtl'a se šunkou. Beat the eggs with minced ham, fried minced onion, salt, pepper, minced parsley or chives, and cream, if you wish. Bake as described in the preceding recipes. 449. OMELETTE WITH BACON. Omeletl'a s uzeným špehem. Cut the bacon into dice, parboil in salted water, then fry in a skillet and pour off the fat. Make a plain omelette and when ready to serve, spread the bacon over the top and roll. Garnish with parsley. 450. OMELETTE WITH MEAT STUFFING. Omeletka s masitou nádivkou. Make a plain omelette, spreading the top with minced ham, stewed and minced sweetbreads, kidneys, brains, goose liver, oysters, crabs or fish meat. Each of these must be minced and stewed in butter before spreading. Roll the omelette and serve. 144 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. 451. OMELETTE WITH VEGETABLES. Omeletka se zeleninou. Bake a plain omelette, spread with boiled green peas, minced fried onion, or any suitable vegetable, minced or diced. 452. OMELETTE WITH CHEESE. Otneletl'a se sýrem. Proceeding as described in the preceding recipes, stirring grated or diced cheese into the omelet before baking. 453. OMELETTE SOUFFLE. OmeletJca třená. Mix fonr yolks with four tablespoons of sugar, a bit of grated lemon rind, and cream together fifteen minutes, then fold in carefully four whites beaten stiff. Pour the mixture into a deep buttered baking pan and bake about ten minutes in a slow oven. 454. SWEET OMELETTE. Moučná sladivá omeletka. Separate three eggs. Add three tablespoons of sugar to the yolks and beat together five minutes or more. Beat the whites stiff, add them to the yolks, then add carefully three tablespoons of sifted flour. The whites and flour should be folded in carefully, other- wise the omelette will not be li^ht. Melt a teaspoon of butter in the skillet, pour in the mixture about an inch thick, and bake in a hot oven ten minutes. When done, spread with strawberry or raspberry preserves or jelly, roll and serve sprinkled with powdered sugar. 455. SPONGE OMELETTE. Omeletka piškotová. Beat six yolks with six tablespoons of sugar; beat the whites and add them carefully to the yolks. Melt a teaspoon of butter in a pan and pour into it about a third of the mixture. When baked, take it out and put in another third, and. when all three are baked, butter EGGS. 145 tlie pan again, place in it one omelette, spread it with strawberry or raspberry jam, place on it the other omelette spread with jam and add the third omelette, sprinkling- this last with powdered sngar and lemon juice, and bake fifteen minutes in a medium hot oven. 456. OMELETTE WITH MILK CHEESE. Omeletka nadívaná tvarolieiti. Mix in a bowl five yolks with three teaspoons of melted butter and three teaspoons of sugar, add enough flour to make a thin batter, as for pancakes. Then add carefully the five beaten whites. Melt a piece of butter in a skillet, pour in a part of the batter and bake on both sides. Take it out, add more butter and bake the rest. Spread each with milk cheese, roll and place in a buttered pan. Pour under half a cup or a cup of milk mixed with a beaten egg, and bake about ten minutes in a hot oven, being careful that they do not get too dry. 457. POTATO OMELETTE. Omeletka hmmborová. Cream four tablespoons of butter, add two cold boiled grated potatoes, two tablespoons of grated blanched almonds, four tablespoons of sugar, tw^elve yolks, salt, and mix together, then fold in carefully the beaten whites. Bake three omelettes of this mixture, on both sides, sprinkle with sugar, place one on top of another and serve. 458. BUTTERMILK OMELETTE. Omeletka s podmáslíui. Mix together four eggs (whites and yolks beaten separately) a cup of buttermilk, half a teaspoon ef baking soda, three fourths of a cup of finely rolled cracker crumbs, a scant teaspoon of salt, a dash of pepper. Heat two tablespoons of butter in a frying pan, pour the mixture into same, fry a light brown, then place in the oven ten minutes. When firm, roll and serve. Cook Book 10 146 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. Vegetables. — Zeleniny. Young green vegetables should be placed in boil- ing salted water. Medium sized potatoes should be boiled half an hour. Green peas boil tender in half to three quarters of an hour. String beans require two hours or more, and the water is poured off once, to take aAvay the bitter taste. Lima beans require three quarters of an liour from the time they begin to boil. Asparagus requires three quarters of an hour. Spinach requires fifteen minutes, after being placed in boiling water. Green corn requires five minutes' boiling. It is placed in boiling salted water. 459. BOILED POTATOES. Brambory vařené. Peel the potatoes and let them lie in cold water an hour. Then place them in boiling water and boil slowly, until done. Drain, take off the cover, sprinkle with salt and shake the dish, so that all the moisture evaporates. Then cover and let them stand in a warm place a few minutes before serving. Old potatoes are better if placed in cold water and allowed to come to the boiling point. 460. POTATOES BOILED IN THEIR JACKETS. Brambory na loupacku. Wash the potatoes, place in a kettle, pour cold water over them, add salt, and boil until done. Then drain, cover the kettle with a cloth, and allow them to steam a while. Serve in the jackets, with fresh butter and salt. VEGETABLES. 147 461. BOILED NEW POTATOES. Nové brambory vařené. Scrape the potatoes, wash in cold water, place in a kettle and cover with cold water. Add salt, a pinch of caraway seed, green parsley and boil. When done, drain, take ont the parsley, shake the potatoes into a dish, allow them to stand tluis a few moments in a warm place, tlien pour melted butter over them and serve. You may add minced parsley or fried onion to the butter. 462. BAKED POTATOES. Bramborij pečené. Wash medium-sized potatoes, cut a thin slice off of each end, and bake in a medium oven. If baked in a very hot oven, they will be soggy. 463. POTATOES WITH BACON. Brambory se špekem. Cut fresh bacon and a small onion into dice and fry, then add boiled sliced potatoes, salt, x)epper and fry a golden brown. 464. GERMAN FRIED POTATOES. Brambory os maž en é. Boil small potatoes and cool, or use left-overs, peel and slice. Heat a tablespoon of lard in a skillet, when hot add the potatoes, salt and pepper and turn with a knife, until well fried. Place in a dish, sprinkle with chopped parsley and serve. 465. FRENCH FRIED POTATOES. Brambory snuižené. Cut rather large potatoes in eighths and soak one hour in salted cold water. Heat a liberal quantity of lard in a kettle. Dry the potatoes thoroughly with a napkin and place in the lard. A frying basket faci- litates this work. They must be fried a deep brown" 148 . BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. all over and be soft in the center. Drain thoroughly and serve in a heated dish. 466. FRIED POTATOES. Brambory smažené na jiní) způsob. Slice peeled potatoes, soak half an hour in cold water, then dry with a napkin. Place in a kettle half lard and half butter, salt and pepper the potatoes, place them in the skillet and cover. Turn with a knife so they fry a nice brown. 467. SARATOGA CHIPS. SaratogsTcé bramboi-y. Cut the potatoes in very thin slices. Soak half an hour in cold salted water, tlien dry with a napkin. Thorough drying is very important. Heat a liberal quantity of lard and fry the potatoes, which requires but a few moments. A frying' basket is very convenient for this. If necessary, sprinkle the fried potatoes with salt before serving. 468. MASHED POTATOES. BramJ)orová haše. Boil until done, drain and mash with a potato masher, then add salt, a piece of butter and enough cream to make the mixture light and creamy. Form in a mound on a disli, i)our melted butter and fried onion over them, add pepper and serve. 469. BAKED MASHED POTATOES. Brainboroud kaše pečená. Butter a baking dish, fill it with mashed potatoes prepared as described in the preceding recipe, dot with bits of butter, sprinkle with bread crumbs and bake a golden brown. 470. POTATO PUFF. Míchané brambory pečené. Mix one yolk with one and a half ciq)s of mashed "potatoes (left-overs may be used), a tablespoon of butter, VEGETABLES. 149 half a cup of milk, salt, pepper and the beaten white, and stir carefully. Fill a buttered baking dish and bake a golden brown. 471. SOUR POTATOES. Kyselé brambory. Place a heaping tablespoon of butter in a pan, add two tablespoons of flour and when it bubbles, add a tablespoon of minced onion. When golden brown, add enough beef soup to make a gravy, then add vine- gar to taste, minced lemon rind, pepper and salt, and let it simmer. Peel and slice boiled potatoes, pour the sauce over them and simmer a few moments before serving. 472. CREAMED POTATOES. Dušené bramhory. Old potatoes are made palatable this w^ay. Fry a minced onion in a heaping tablespoon of butter, add half a tablespoon of flour and wdien it bubbles a bit add a cup of milk. When it begins to boil add a plate- ful of sliced boiled potatoes. Add a bit of caraway seed, salt and pei)per, cover and put on the back of the stove. When the potatoes have absorbed the milk, they are done. 473. STEWED POTATOES. Zadělané brambory. Blend a tablespoon of butter with about half that amount of flour, add minced parsley, and wdien the mixture begins to brown, add a minced onion and fry a bit. Then add beef soup, vinegar to taste, minced lemon rind, a sprig of thyme and pei)])er. When this has simmered a while, add sliced boiled ])otatoes and about a cup of sour cream, but after this it must not boil any more. 150 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. 474. POTATOES WITH MARJORAM GRAVY. Brambory s marjánkovou omclckou. Blend two tablespoons of butter with two of flour, add a clove of garlic maslied to a paste with a bit of butter, and when all begins to brown, add a few marjo- ram leaves, then beef soup or the liquor in which mutton has boiled (this adds a very nice flavor) so that it makes a gravy. Then add the sliced boiled potatoes, salt, a pinch of ground white ginger, and let it simmer a bit. 475. POTATOES WITH MILK. Bi'ambory s mlékem. Slice raw potatoes very thin, place in a skillet with a tablespoon of lard, stirring constantly. When the potatoes are about done, add a cup of milk. This is eaten hot. 476. STUFFED POTATOES. Nadívané hramhory. Wash and peel medium-sized potatoes, dig out a cavity in each, and fill with the following mixture: mince boiled or roast beef or pork, add minced fried onion, salt, pepper and if necessary moisten with hot buttered water or beef soup. Butter a baking pan and place in it the potatoes stuffed with the mixture. The potatoes must stand firmly, so that the stuffing does not fall out. Cover and bake. When done, uncover and let them get brown. 477. POTATO MUSH No. 1. Brarn h o ro vé šl' uh ánl -y. Boil about a quart of peeled potatoes, add a tea- spoon of salt, and when nearly done, add a small cup of flour and boil five minutes longer. Then -drain, salt the potatoes, add a piece of butter and mash smooth. Take out by the spoonful, arrange one next to the other, and pour over them melted butter and sprinkle with milk cheese or poppy seed. VEGETABLES. 151 478. POTATO MUSH No. 2. Bramborové šhuhánhy na jiný zjmsob. Peel as many potatoes as are needed, cut into pieces and place in cold water to boil. When done, drain off half the water and make wells in the potatoes with the handle of a wooden spoon or paddle. Fill these wells with flour (about two cups in all) and boil a while longer, being careful not to burn them. When this has been boiling fifteen minutes, salt and mash thoroughly until smooth, and add a tablespoon of butter. Then dip a large spoon in melted butter or lard, and take out the mixture with it, placing one piece next to another. Sprinkle with ground poppy seed and sugar, or grated milk cheese, and melted butter. 479. POTATO NOODLES. Bramborové nudle. Boil a plateful of potatoes, peel and while hot roll out on the molding board with a rolling pin, then add salt, two tablespoons of flour and three eggs, knead into a dough, roll it thin and cut it into large noodles, the size of a finger. Butter a shallow pan, arrange the noodles in it and bake a golden brown on both sides. These noodles may be boiled in salted water, drained and served with melted butter and grated milk cheese sprinkled over them. 480. POTATO PANCAKES. Bramborové placky neb lívance. Boil half a dozen potatoes, peel and cool, then grate, add two eggs, two cups of flour, salt and knead thor- oughly. Make pancakes about half an inch thick. Fry in lard, spread with jam and serve. 481. BAKED SWEET POTATOES. Sladké brambory pečené. Wash well and bake in the oven. Small potatoes require half an liour to bake, large ones an hour. Serve with butter, salt and pepper. 152 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. 482. FRIED SWEET POTATOES. ^Sladké hranihory smažené. Wasli and boil sweet potatoes. When done, cool, peel and halve each. Place a liberal quantity of butter or lard in a skillet, salt the potatoes, dip them in flour, and fry quickly a nice brown. 483. TURNIPS. Vodnice. Peel and slice turnips and wash in cold water. Place a heaping tablespoon of butter in a pan and a teasi)oon of sugar, and brown both together. Add the turnips and simmer, adding mutton broth from time to time, stirring carefully. When nearly done, brown butter and flour together, thin with mutton broth, pour over the turnips, add a pinch of grated ginger and all^ spice, and simmer until done. 484. MASHED TURNIPS. Vodnice rozmíchaná. Boil sliced or diced turnips until tender, changing the water once, lest it be bitter. Add salt and a tea- spoon of sugar, cover and simmer until tender. Drain and mash, adding butter, salt and pepper to taste, two or three tablespoons of cream and serve hot. 485. SOUR TURNIPS. Vodnice na l-yselo. Peel and slice turnips, then cut into strips, cover with boiling water, cover and let them stand a while. In the meantime brown a teaspoon of sugar with a tablespoon of lard or butter, add the turnips (drained), minced onion, salt and caraway seed, simmer a while, then dust with flour, simmer a bit and then add wine vinegar to taste. 486. RUTABAGA. Bílá řepa neh tiiHn. Cut rutabaga into dice and boil one hour in beef soup. Blend a heaping tablespoon of lard and a tea- VEGETABLES. 153 spoon of sugar in a saucepan, add the drained rutabaga, salt and simmer until tender. Brown flour and butter or lard togetlier, add the strained liquor, mix smooth, add the rutabaga and a pinch of ground ginger. This is served with boiled pork. 487. STEWED KOHLRABI. Dušené kedluhny čili hruhve. Peel and slice several kohl-rabi. Melt a tablespoon of butter with a teaspoon of sugar, add the kohl-rabi, a little beef soup, salt, and simmer until tender, then thicken witli flour and butter browned together and add a bit of ground ginger. The young leaves of kohl- rabi may be boiled in salted water, then chopped, stew- ed in butter and soup, thickened with browned flour and butter, and served as a garnish to the kohl-rabi. 488. STUFFED KOHLRABI. Nadívané kedlubny. Peel young kohl-rabi of even size, dig a cavity in each and place in cold water. Prepare a stuffing by chopping or grinding a piece of raw veal and boiled pork or smoked meat, the part that you dug out of the kohl-rabi, (minced), three eggs, three tablespoons of bread crumbs, a pinch of ground mace, a piece of butter and salt. Mix together and stuff the kohl-rabi, cover- ing each with the top^ which you sliced off before digging out the cavity. Arrange in a buttered baking dish, add a little good soup, so that the liquor reaches halfway up, and stew in the oven. When done, thicken the liquor and serve as a gravy with the kohl-rabi. 489. CAULIFLOWER. Karfiol. This may be prepared in either of these two ways: take apart, wash thoroughly, cover with cold salted water and boil until tender. Then drain, add a piece of good butter, sugar to taste and half a cup of cream. 154 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. Or it may be prepared thus: tliicken a small amount of liquor in which it has boiled with flour and butter browned together and add sugar to taste. Cauliflower adds a very good flavor to soup. 490. CREAMED CAULIFLOWER. Karfiol se s7netanou. Clean and take apart, leaving a bit of the stalk on each piece, wash in cold water and boil in salted water, not too tender, and then drain. Place in a bowl eight yolks and two tablespoons of flour mixed smooth with two cups of cream, put the bowl in a pan of boiling- water, and beat until it thickens. Then beat until cool. Arrange the boiled cauliflower on a buttered dish and pour the sauce over it. Now place it in the oven on a tripod or other low foundation and bake an hour, dot- ting once with butter. 491. CAULIFLOWER WITH GRAVY. Karfiol s omáčJvon. Wash the cauliflower after separating it, and boil in salted water. When done, drain and pour- over it the following gravy: brown butter and flour together, add as much beef soup as you wish to have gravy, add minced parsley and a pinch of nutmeg, simmer until smooth, then add a few drops of lemon juice and a bit of the water in which the cauliflower has boiled and pour over same. Or you may serve it with ordinary cream sauce. 492. FRIED CAULIFLOWER. - Smažený harfiol. Boil the cauliflower whole, then slice, dip each slice in egg and bread crumbs and fry in hot fat, half butter and half lard. 493. ASPARAGUS. Chřest čili špargl. Clean the asparagus and cut away the thick, pithy ends, making all the same length. Wash, arrange with VEGETABLES. 155 the tips together, tie with strong thread and boil in salted water, being careful not to overboil, as the tender tips would break. Then drain, take off the thread, arrange on a platter, sprinkle with bread crumbs and melted butter. 494. ASPARAGUS WITH BUTTER GRAVY. Chřest s omacl'ou máslovou. Boil as shown in the preceding recipe, arrange on a dish and serve with the following gravy: cream two tablespoons of butter, add four yolks and cream again, then add a tablespoon of flour, the juice of one lemon, a dash of salt, and cream again, then add two cups of good soup or hot water, and stir constantly until it thickens. 495. ASPARAGUS WITH MUSHROOMS. direst se smrži. Cut the asparagus into pieces an inch long, dis- carding the pithy part, then boil in salted water. Blend butter and flour together but do not brown, add soup to make a gravy, then add to it fresh sliced mushrooms and simmer a 1)11. Arrange the asparagus on a dish, pour the gravy over it and serve. 496. SPINACH WITH MEAT GRAVY. Špenát V masité omáčce. Wash the spinach and parboil in salted water, drain, cover with cold water, drain again and chop fine. Brown butter and flour, add the spinach, simmer- ing slowly, adding from time to time a bit of soup, also a pinch of mace, salt and pepper. When done, it should be rather thick. 497. SPINACH WITH NOODLES. špenát s flíčliy. Make thick noodles, boil in salted water and drain. Now place in a dish a layer of the noodles and then a layer of spinach prepared as shown in the preceding 156 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. recipe, the last layer being spinach. Sprinkle well with bread crumbs and melted butter and serve. 498. SPINACH WITH EGGS. Špenát s vejci. Pick over and wash a fourth of a peck of young, crisp spinach (this will be enough for six people). Cover with boiling water, add salt and boil about ten minutes, then drain. Then chop fine in a wooden bowl, put it back in the pan, add one and a half cups of beef soup. You may use hot water, but soup is better. Add salt to taste and simmer about twenty minutes. Blend a tablespoon of butter with a teaspoon of flour, thicken the spinach with this, add two eggs, pepper, stir and simmer a bit longer. Nutmeg may also be added. 499. SPINACH WITH SOUR CREAM. Špenát s kyselou omáčkou. Pick over and wash the spinach, place in hot salted water and boil until tender, then drain, cut up with a knife, add half a cup of sour cream mixed with three or four tablespoons of vinegar and sugar to taste. It may be garnished with sliced hard-boiled eggs, 500. SPINACH WITH CREAM. Špenát se sladkou omáčkou. Wash young crisp spinach, place in boiling water and boil about five minutes. Then drain, place in a chopping bowl with the green tops of young onions and mince fine. Then place in the pan, adding about a cup of beef soup or hot water. Cover and simmer until thick. Then add salt and pepper. Thicken with a heaping tablespoon of butter, two rolled crackers and half a cup of cream (for each cupful of spinach). 501. ENDIVE. Štěrhák. Take eiglit or ten endives which must be sound inside, pick off the outer green leaves, wash the yellow VEGETABLES. 157 leaves and cut them into small pieces, drain or dry and boil in salted water until tender. Drain again, cool and mince fine. Melt a piece of butter, add the minced endive and simmer until thick, then add two cups of cream, salt, sugar to taste and a pinch of mace. Simmer fifteen minutes, add a tablespoon of fresh butter and serve. 502. FRIED EGGPLANT No. 1. Smažená granátová dýně. Peel the eggplant, slice half an inch thick and soak it an hour in salted water. Dry, dip each slice in beaten Q^g, then in bread or cracker crumbs and fry in hot fat until crisp on the surface and tender inside. 503. FRIED EGGPLANT No. 2. Smažená granátová dýně na jiný způsob. Boil until tender, then halve and scrape out the pulp. Season with salt and pepper, take up by spoon- ful, dip each in beaten egg and bread crumbs, and fry in hot fat. 504. BAKED EGGPLANT. Pečená granátová dýně. Boil until tender, cut in half, take out the pulp, mash same and to each cupful add a tablespoon of cracker crumbs, a tablespoon of butter, salt and pep- per, mix well and place in a baking dish. Beat an egg, spread half of it over -the eggplant, dust thickly with cracker crumbs, spread these with the remaining half, dust again with crumbs, and bake a golden brown. 505. STEWED TOMATOES. Dušená rajsl'a jablíčka. Place nice ripe tomatoes in boiling water for a moment or two, peel, cut in halves. Place in a sauce- pan a piece of good butter, add the tomatoes, salt, pej)- per and sugar to taste and sinnner about half an hour. Mix a tablespoon of flour with a cup of milk or cream, 158 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. acid t done. add to the tomatoes and when it begins to bubble, it is 506. FRIED TOMATOES. Smaženíi rajsl'a jablicha. Peel small tomatoes as directed in the foregoing recipe, cut in thick slices, salt, pepper, sprinkle with lemon juice, dip each slice in a thin batter of butter, eggs and flour, and fry in hot lard. You may add minced parsley to the eggs. Or you may dip the toma- toes in beaten eggs and bread crumbs and fry them. 507. STUFFED TOMATOES No. 1. Nadívaná rajshá jahličlca. Cut off the tops to form a lid or cover. Take out the seeds and pulp, mix it with fried bread crumbs, minced parsley, salt, pepper, and stuff the tomatoes with this, then cover eacli with the lid and arrange in a buttered pan or baking dish, which you have sprinkled over with bread crumbs. Dot with butter, cover with thick paper and bake 20 or 25 minutes in a medium oven. 508. STUFFED TOMATOES No. 2. Nadívaná rajsM jablíčka na jiný způsob. Prepare the tomatoes as directed in the foregoing recipe. Mince fine left-over meat or poultry, add a minced fried onion, two tablespoons of bread crumbs, salt and pepper and simmer a moment or two, then add a beaten yolk, mix well and stuff the tomatoes with the mixture. Arrange them in a buttered baking pan sprinkle with bread crumbs, dot witli butter and bake. 509. TOMATOES ON TOAST. Bajshá jablíčka na topinkách. Scald, peel and stew four tomatoes (medium-sized) and two small onions minced, about forty-five minutes. Drain, add salt and pepper, a small cup of sweet milk or cream, a piece of butter and stir thoroughly. Pour over toast and serve. VEGETABLES. 159 510. STRING BEANS. . Fazolové luslxij. Wasli the beans, cut off the ends and string them, cut each into three or four pieces and boil in salted water. Drain, pour melted butter over them and sprinkle with fried bread crumbs. 511. STRING BEANS WITH SOUR GRAVY. Fazolové lusky na kyselo. Prepare the beans as directed in the foregoing- recipe and boil in salted water to which you have added a piece of baking soda, the size of a pea. When the beans are tender, thicken with a tablespoon of flour, a teaspoon or sugar and a tablespoon of butter browned together, add a tablespoon of vinegar and serve. 512. STRING BEANS WITH SOUR CREAM GRAVY. Fazolové lusky s kyselou smetanou. Cook the beans as directed in the foregoing recipe and when they are tender, add a cujd of sour cream thickened with a tablespoon of flour, two tablespoons of chopped fresh dill, and simmer a while. 513. LIMA BEANS. Velké máslové fazole-. Shell a pint of lima beans and boil until tender in salted water. Drain, pour over them a cup of cream or milk, add a tablespoon of butter, salt and pepper, simmer a bit and serve. 514. GREEN BEANS. Mladé fazole. Shell beans that are very young, so that they mash between the fingers. Melt a piece of fresh butter with half a teaspoon or more of sugar, add the beans, cover, and simmer. In about twenty minutes thicken with flour, add hot cream and beef soup. Simmer until 160 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. the liquor lias been absorbed, as beans prepared this way must not be too liquid. To two cups of beans three tablespoons of cream and one of souj) will be enough. 515. GREEN PEAS. Zelený hrášeh. Pour half a cup of water over a quart of shelled peas, add salt and sugar and boil until tender, or about half an hour, if the peas are really young. If the water evaporates, add a little at the time. When tender, cream half a tablespoon of good butter with half a tablespoon of flour and add to the peas. When it bubbles, add a small cup of cream or good milk, a pinch of pepper, and serve. 516. DRIED PEAS. Hrách. Pick over, wash in cold water and soak in same over night. Dried peas swell to once their size while boiling, so if you put two cups of dried peas to boil, you will need a quart pan. In the morning drain off the water in which the peas have been soaked, and cover with fresh water. Soft water is best; if you do not have this add a pinch of baking soda. Cover and as the water evaporates add hot water, and when the peas are nearly done add salt. Then drain, place the peas in a dish, pour over them goose or pork fat, garnish with boiled smoked meat and serve with sauer- kraut or dill pickles. 517. PEAS WITH BARLEY. Hrách s I'roupami čili svarha. Cook the peas as directed in the foregoing recipe and at the same time boil barley, seasoned with salt and caraway seed. When both are done, drain the peas, put a layer of each alternately in a baking dish, allow the mixture to simmer á while, then turn it into a dish, pour over it melted butter or lard, and garnish with wienies or liver sausage. VEGETABLES. 161 518. LENTILS. Čočka. Lentils are prepared the same as peas. 519. LENTILS WITH SOUR GRAVY. Cochi s I'ljselou omáčkou. Pick over and wash two cups of lentils, cover with soft water and boil forty-five minutes, then drain and add salt. Brown a grated onion in lard, add it to the lentils, also a bit of powdered thyme, thicken with flonr and butter browned together, add vinegar and water to taste, and simmer until done. 520. MUSHROOMS WITH EGGS. Ilouhij s vejci. Clean, wash and slice fresh mushrooms, simmer with butter, salt and caraway seed. When the liquor has evaporated, add butter, a pinch of pepper and minced parsley ,and several beaten eggs. Scramble together, and serve. 521. STEWED MUSHROOMS No. 1. Dušené houby. Clean and peel fresh mushrooms, cut the stems off, not entirely, wash in cold water, slice and place in a saucepan with butter, the juice of one lemon, minced onion, salt and several tablespoons of good beef soup. Stew about fifteen minutes. You may add a bit of white wine and thicken with yolk and cream beaten together. 522. STEWED MUSHROOMS No. 2. Dušené liouhy na jinii zpiisoh. Wash, peel and slice fresh mushrooms, place in a saucepan with a piece of fresh butter, minced parsley, a bit of caraway seed and salt, and stew about forty- five minutes, stirring occasionally. You may add a bit of white wine and thicken with flour and butter blend- ed together. Or you may add a bit of wine vinegar Cook Book 11 162 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. and sour cream, and simmer a while longer. If you wish, you may bake them when done, that is: place the stewed mushrooms in a buttered baking' dish, sprinkle with bread crumbs and grated cheese, dot with butter and bake until brown. 523. FRIED MUSHROOMS. Smažené houhy. Wash, peel and slice thickly large mushrooms, salt, pepper and dip in beaten egg, then in bread or cracker crumbs and fry brown in hot lard. You may add a bit of minced parsley or powdered caraway seed to the egg, ' 524. STUFFED MUSHROOMS. Nadívané žampiony. Peel and stem large mushrooms, 'scrape a cavity in each and place in water to which, you have added lemon juice. Chop the stems fine with parsley, add a pinch of caraway seed and simmer in butter, then add a tablespoon of fried bread crumbs, salt and mace to taste, two beaten yolks, mix together and fill the scooped mushrooms with this stuffing, arrange in a buttered shallow pan and bake until the stuffing browns. 525. MORELS (MUSHROOMS). Use only fresh morels, the dried mushrooms being indigestible and used only for flavoring. Wash in several tepid waters, being careful that no sand remains, slice, place in a saucepan with butter, minced onion, minced parsley, salt and nutmeg, and simmer until done. Blend butter and flour together, thin with beef soup, add this to the mushrooms and simmer a bit longer. Finally add lemon juice to taste and serve hot. VEGETABLES. 163 526. SWEET CORN ON COB. Kukuřičné Masy. Husk young sweet corn, clean off all the silk, but leave the inside husks. Place in boiling salted water, to which you may add a bit of sugar. Boil until tender, drain, take off the remaining husks and serve with butter, salt and pepper. 527. STEWED GREEN CORN. Čerstvá kul'tmce dušená. Corn that has lost its milkiness is prepared thus: cut or scrape the kernels of six ears, add a cup of milk and stew about ten minutes. Cream a tablespoon of butter with one of flour, add it to the corn, also salt, pepper and a júnch of sugar, and when it begins to bubble, serve. Canned corn may be prepared this way. 528. FRIED GREEN CORN. Čerstvá huhuHce smažená. Scrape or cut off the kernels. Heat butter or lard and when smoking hot, add the kernels, salt and pepper, cover and fry fifteen minutes, stirring occasionally. Left-over boiled ears may be used this way. 529. CORN CUSTARD. Čerstvá kukuřice s vejci. Cut or scrape off the kernels of six ears of corn, add a cup of milk, two beaten eggs, pepper and salt. Bake half an hour in a medium oven. 530. CARROTS. Mrkev. Wash and scrape the carrots, cut into small strips. Heat butter in a saucepan, add the carrots, minced parsley, a bit of sugar, a pinch of salt, and simmer the carrots in their juice, stirring occasionally. When nearly done, add a little beef souj) and when entirely done, dust with flour and a pinch of paprika. 164 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. 531. CARROTS WITH GREEN PEAS. M7'l'ev se zeleným hráškem. Scrape and wash carrots, cut into fine strips and wash in cold water. Melt a piece of butter in a sauce- pan, add a bit of sugar and simmer the carrots in this, adding salt when you put them in the pan, and then from time to time hot water or soup. When nearly done, dust with flour, add soup and cream, a pinch of mace and simmer a while longer. Place in another saucepan a piece of butter and a quart of young green peas, add a bit of sugar and simmer until tender, then add minced parsley, dust with flour, salt, add beef soup and simmer. When ready to serve, place the peas in the center of the dish *or platter and surround with the carrots. 532. STEWED SALSIFY. Dušené salsify. Scrape the roots. and place in cold water, in order that they do not become discolored. When you have the desired quantity scraped, cut in slices half an inch thick, cover with water and boil until tender. When done, drain, cover with milk, salt and boil a while. Thicken with flour and butter blended together, and serve. You may serve this on toast also. 533. BREADED SALSIFY. Obalované salsify. Scrape the roots, cut lengthwise and boil until tender. Dry with a napkin, dip each piece in the following: mix six tablespoons of flour, a tablespoon of melted butter, salt and enough water to make a thin batter, and add two beaten whites to it. Fry brown in hot fat. 534. FRIED SALSIFY. S^niažené salsify. Scrape and wash the roots, cut lengthwise, and fry in butter, adding salt and pepper of course. VEGETABLES. 165 535. STEWED PARSNIPS. Dušeníj pašiinák. Scrape and wash, cut into strips or slices and place in boiling water. When tender, place in a sauce- pan with a piece of butter, salt, pepper and minced parsley, and stew, stirring occasionally. When done, place in a hot dish, cover with sauce made of milk thickened with a beaten Qgg or flour and butter blend- ed together. 536. FRIED PARSNIPS. Smažen fi past in cil'. Scrape, wash and boil until tender. Cut length- wise and fry in hot bacon fat. 537. MASHED PARSNIPS. Boz m achaný past in á k. Scrape, wash and boil the parsnips, then press through a sieve,, add salt, pepper, a bit of butter and cream, mix thoroughly, heat and serve. 538. FRIED ONION. Smažená cibule. Dice bacon and fry it. When brown, take out the cracklings and in the hot fat put four medium-sized onions sliced very thin, cover and stew about 15 minutes, stirring occasionally. Salt and pepper to taste. 539. STEWED ONION. Dušená cibule. Peel green onions and soak in cold water half an hour. Drain and place in cold water, boil three minutes after coming to the boiling point, then drain, add fresh water and repeat, draining again after boiling three minutes. Then add fresh liot water and boil until tender. AVIien done, drain and cover with milk, add salt and pepper, blend a tablesiiooii of butter with the same amount of flour and thicken with this. 166 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. 540. PUMPKIN. Turhj čili tyJcve. Peel and take out the seeds, cut into cubes or strips, dust with salt, and allow to stand thus fifteen minutes. Then drain, dry with a napkin, dip in flour and fry in hot lard. Arrange on a hot dish, dust with salt and pepper and serve. 541. SQUASH. Díjné. Peel and take out the seeds, cut into cubes and boil in salted water. Then drain, place in a stewpan with a piece of butter, salt, pepper and simmer. You may press the boiled squash through a sieve, add sugar, butter and cream, mix thoroughly, place in a buttered pan, sprinkle with bread crumbs, dot with butter and brown in the oven. Or you may make small oblong cakes of this mixture and fry them in hot fat. 542. BOILED CABBAGE No. 1. Vařené zelí z hlávek. Pick off the outer leaves, cut the head into quarters, cut out the stalk, and mince the cabbage fine with a sharp knife. Then press down in a pan, add water, vinegar, salt, caraway seed and simmer. When nearly done, thicken with flour and butter blended together and simmer until done. If it should be too thick, add beef soup and vinegar to taste. If too sour, add sugar to taste. Before serving add melted butter or the melted fat of pork roast, goose, duck, etc. 543. BOILED CABBAGE No. 2. Vařené ^clí z lilável: na jiný způsoh. Piek off the outer leaves, cut in quarters, cut out the stalk, and soak fifteen minutes in cold water, then drain and boil in salted water. When l)oiling about fi^'e minutes, drain and add fresh hot water. When the cabbage is tender and the water evaporated, thicken VEGETABLES. 167 with a tablespoon of flour and a tablespoon of butter jjlended together, add a pinch of sugar and pejjper, and serve. 544. STEWED CABBAGE. Dušené zelí z hlávlnj. Pick over, quarter, cut out the stalk and mince a head of cabbage. Cover with boiling water, drain, squeeze dry. Place in a saucej)an a piece of butter or lard, a minced onion, salt and simmer, then add the cabbage and stew, stirring frequently. When nearly done, dust with flour, and stew brown. Finally add vinegar diluted with water or soup and sugar to taste, pepper and caraway seed, and stew until done. 545. SOUR CABBAGE. llldvl'a na I'ljselo. Pick over, quarter, cut out the stalk and mince fine a head of cabbage, place it in boiling water and parboil. Then drain, as the first water is bitter, especi- ally if the cabbage is not strictly fresh. In the mean- time mince and fry two large onions. Place the drained cabbage in a granite or enameled pan, add the onion, salt, a pinch of caraway seed, two tablespoons of lard, and stew slowly. If the liquor evaporates, hot water must be added from time to time. When the cabbage has been stewing about half an hour, peel and grate a raw potato, mix with a cup of water, add to the cab- bage, stirring it in thoroughly. Blend a tablespoon of lard with the same amount of flour, add to the cabbage with vinegar to taste. You may add the fat from roast goose or duck. 546. SOURKRAUT No. 1. Kysané zelí. Place a quart of kraut in a pan, add a minced onion and a pinch of sugar. Cover and stew half an hour. Place a tablespoon of lard and half a small onion minced in another pan and when the onion is 168 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. beginning to brown, add tlie kraut. Mix smooth a tablespoon of flour with cold water, add to the kraut and when it begins to bubble, it is done. You may add a tablespoon of hot fat from roast pork or duck. 547. SOURKRAUT No. 2. Kysané zeli na jiný zpiisoh. Place in a pan a minced onion and a tablespoon of lard. When the onion is beginning to brown, add the kraut and stew fifteen or twenty minutes. If it become too dry,- add hot water. Then thicken with flour, simmer a bit longer and serve. 548. KALE. Kapusta. Pick off the outer leaves, quarter, wash in cold water, cover with boiling water a few moments, then drain. Place a piece of butter or lard in a stewpan, add the parboiled kale, salt and sugar to taste and sim- mer until tender. Blend butter and flour together, add hot water or souj), a pinch of pepper and ginger, a clove or two of garlic mashed to a paste, and thicken the kale with this. 549. HASHED KALE. Fašírovaná l:apusta. Pick off the tender leaves, boil in salted water until very tender, then place in cold water for a moment, drain and mince. Place a piece of butter in a saucepan, a minced onion, a tablespoon of flour and when it begins to brown, add beef soup or the liquor from a roast, a bit of sugar, j^epper, salt and ginger, add the minced kale and simmer a bit. 550. FRIED CUCUMBERS. Snmžené ol-urhy. Peel and slice thick, cutting out the pulp containing seeds. Salt and allow to stand thus fifteen minutes, then drain, dry, dip in flour and fry in hot lard. Or you may dip them in beaten egg and bread crumbs and fry. SALADS. 169 Salads. — Saláty. 551. LETTUCE SALAD. Hlávkový salát. Pick off the outer leaves of a head of lettuce, wash thoroughly, cut in quarters, salt and arrange on plates. Pour vinegar diluted with water and olive oil and seasoned with paprika or pepper on each portion. 552. LETTUCE SALAD WITH BOILED EGGS. Illavl'ovy salát, s vejci. Pick over, quarter and wash carefully, drain. Cream two liard-boiled yolks with three tablespoons of good fresh melted butter, add salt, pepper and a few tablespoons of wine vinegar, mix well, pour over the lettuce, and surround with hard-boiled eggs cut in quarters or slices. 553. LETTUCE SALAD WITH SOUR CREAM. Hlávkový salát s kyselou smetanou. Pick over, quarter and wash head lettuce. Add three tablespoons of wine vinegar to a pint of thick sour cream, a dash of salt, pepper, minced chives, mix thoroughly with an egg beater, pour over the lettuce and serve. 554. LETTUCE SALAD WITH BACON. Hlávkový salát se špekem. Pick over, wash and drain the lettuce and add salt. Dilute vinegar with water, add sugar to taste and pour over the lettuce. In the meantime fry diced bacon and when done, pour over the lettuce and serve. 555. CUCUMBER SALAD. Salát okurkový. Peel the cucumbers carefully and slice thin, add salt, vinegar and good thick cream, stirring well and finally adding pepper. Some cooks think it necessary to salt the sliced cucumbers, allow them to stand thus 170 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. and tlien drain them, as they consider the juice indi- gestible. ^J^he contrary is tnie, tliey are made indi- gesti))le l)y this method. 556. POTATO SALAD No. 1. Bramlorovfj salát. Boil, peel and cool the potatoes. When quite cold, cut in thin slices, add finely minced onion, salt and pepper, stir together, pour over them fried diced bacon and vinegar diluted with water, adding salt and sugar to taste. Stir with a knife, arrange in a dish, cover with sliced hard-boiled eggs and serve. 557. POTATO SALAD No. 2. Bramhoivvij salát na jiný způsob. Boil, peel and cool potatoes; when cold, cut in thin slices. Arrange ii\ a dish, add salt, pepper, minced onion and minced celery, pour olive oil or melted butter and vinegar over all, and stir carefully. You may also add thinly sliced sour apples. 558. POTATO SALAD WITH HERRING. Bramboroví] salát se slanečkem. Wash, skin and halve two herrings, bone and cut into dice. Stir together sliced potatoes with diced apples and minced onion, salt, and pepper, and cover with the diced herrings. Add vinegar, water and oil, mixed to taste. 559. POTATO SALAD WITH SOUR CREAM. Bramhorovt) salát s hyselou smetanou. Boil, peel and cool potatoes, then slice them. Stir into them minced onion, salt and pepper, and pour over all the following sauce : boil three tablespoons of vinegar, a tablespoon of water and a tablespoon of sugar. Beat three yolks with two cups of thick sour cream and add to the foregoing while it is boiling. When it begins to bubble, take off the stove and cool. SALADS. 171 560. COLD SLAW No. 1. ' Salát Ze zelné hlávky. Eed cabbage is nice for this, when it may be had. Pick over, cut out the stalk, mince fine, cover with boiling water, drain dry and add minced onion if yon wish. Boil together vinegar, butter and salt, add to the cabbage and stew quickly ,in a covered pan stirring frequently. Then cool, season with pepper and serve. Ordinary cold slaw is made thus: mix minced onion, vinegar, salt and pepper with the raw minced cabbage. 561. COLD SLAW No. 2. Salát ze zelné hlávky na jiný způsob. Piek over, quarter, cut out the stalk and mince a head of cabbage. Fry a fourth of a pound of diced bacon with a minced onion, add to it a i3Ínt of wine vinegar, add the cabbage, salt, and simmer about ten minutes, then dust with pepper and serve. 562. COLD SLAW WITH CREAM SAUCE. Salát ze zelné hlávky se sladkou omáčkou. Mince the cabbage, place it in a wooden bowl, add salt, half a minced onion, and pound with a wooden masher five minutes. Then i)lace in a dish and pour over it the following sauce: heat two tablespoons of good butter; wlien quite hot add a tablespoon of vinegar and when it begins to boil add a small cup of sweet cream, stirring constantly, so that it does not curdle, and finally a dash of pepper. 563. COLD SLAW WITH SOUR CREAM SAUCE. Salát ze zelné lilávky s kyselou smetanou. ]\Iince the cabbage. Heat a tablespoon of butter, add the cabbage, three tablespoons of boiling Avater, cover and allow to stand on the edge of the stove fif- teen minutes, (it must not boil). Then beat one egg, add it to the slaw, also half a tablespoon of vinegar, 172 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. salt and pepper and finally half a cup of sour cream. Serve cold. 564. ENDIVE SALAD. Salát ze štěrháku. Endive is best in autumn. Pick off the green leaves, wash the yellow ones in cold water and drain well, then place in a dish, dust with sugar. Mix several tablespoons of wine vinegar with olive oil and salt, pour over the endive, mix thoroughly and put in a salad bowl. 565. CAULIFLOWER SALAD. Salát z karfiolu. Take apart and stew the cauliflower in salted water and a piece of butter, so that the pieces are tend- er but whole. When cold, drain thoroughly on a nap- kin, then arrange in a salad bowl. Press through a sieve four hard-boiled yolks, mix with four table- spoons of olive oil, five tablespons of vinegar, salt and pepper or paprika, stir well and pour over the cauli- flower. 566. CELERY ROOT SALAD. Salát celerový. Scrape, wash and soak the Toots in cold water, then boil in salted water, place again in cold water, scrape thoroughly and slice. Stand the tops in the center of the salad bowl, arrange the sliced roots around them, garnish these with cress; mix together wine vinegar, olive oil, salt and paprika or pepper, and pour over all. 567. CELERY SALAD WITH APPLES. Celerový salát s jahll'jj. Chop fine in a wooden bowl equal amounts of celery and tart apples, each separately. Mix together and pour mayonnaise sauce ovei all. SALADS. 173 568. CELERY SALAD. Salát zc stonků naťového celeru. Choose the nice and crisp stalks. Wash, soak a bit in cold water, then cut into pieces one and a half inches long, and cut these into fine strips. Wash again, dry, dust with salt, pepper, dry mustard, pour over them vinegar and olive oil, shake together, and ar- range on lettuce leaves. You may use the regular mayonnaise in place of the French dressing. 569. ASPARAGUS SALAD. Šparglový salát. Pick over the asparagus, choosing the crisp tips, boil in salted water, drain dry, arrange in a bowl, pour over it vinegar, olive oil and paprika or pepper. You may garnish this with boiled cauliflower. 570. WATER CRESS SALAD. Řeřichoví/ salát. Pick the cress over, wash and serve with French dressing. You may garnish with sliced tart apples, endive or cabbage. 571. BEET SALAD. Salát z červené řepy. Wash and boil red beets, peeland slice them. Wash and scrape horseradish roots, and slice them. Place in a stone jar a layer of beets, garnish with the sliced horseradish, sprinkle with a bit of anise seed or fennel and a bit of salt. Continue until all is used, then pour wine vinegar over all and let it stand thus twenty- four hours. You may use cloves in place of anise or fennel seed. Serve with the liquor. 572. TOMATO SALAD No. 1. Salát z rajshých jahlíčel'. Scald, peel and slice nice tomatoes, arrange in a bowl, add a minced onion, salt and pepper, and pour over all vinegar and water, sweetened to taste. 174 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. 573. TOMATO SALAD No. 2. Salát z rajshijch jahličeJc na jiný způsoh. Slice twelve tomatoes and arrange in a bowl. Mix smooth four hard-boiled yolks, add one raw yolk, a teaspoon of salt, half a teaspoon of paprika, a table- spoon of sugar, a tablespoon of melted butter, two tablespoons of mustard and a cup of vinegar. Mix thoroughly, pour over the tomatoes and serve cold. 574. CHICKEN SALAD No. 1. Salát z kuřat. Dice the meat of one boiled chicken, mince one small head of cabbage and an equal amount of celery stalks, each separately. Hardboil twelve eggs, chop the whites fine and cream the yolks smooth with two tablespoons of butter, two tablespoons of sugar and a tablespoon of mustard, add a cup of wine vinegar and mix together. Mix the three first named ingredients, pour the sauce over all and serve. 575. CHICKEN SALAD No. 2. Salát z kuřat na jiný způsoh. Dice the meat of one boiled chicken, mix with the same amount of chopped celery stalks and three table- spoons of mayonnaise sauce, arrange on lettuce leaves and pour over it mayonnaise, garnish with hard-boiled eggs cut in quarters, olives, or capers. You may use finely chopped pickles in place of the celery, or crisp lettuce . leaves. You may also use French dressing, in place of the mayonnaise. Salads of sweetbreads, goose liver and other meats may be prepared in this manner. 576. LOBSTER, CRAB OR FISH SALAD. Salát z humriij, rahů a ryb. These are prepared the same as chicken salad. Other fish salads are prepared by mixing the diced meat with anchovies or capers, placing a layer of sliced SALADS. 175 potatoes and sliced red beets over a layer of the meat, then pouring over all the desired dressing. 577. SALMON SALAD. Salát z lososa. Use the contents of a pound can of salmon, take out the bones and skin, chop fine. Chop an equal amount of cabbage. Mix smooth four hard-boiled eggs, add a teaspoon of sugar, a teaspoon of salt, a teaspoon of mustard, a tablespoon of melted butter and two tablespoons of vinegar. Mix together and pour over the salmon mixed with the cabbage. 578. BOHEMIAN SALAD. Český salát. Boil potatoes and peel while hot, then slice them. Dice two peeled tart apples, one onion, a piece of boiled ham, a piece of cold veal, a piece of boiled smoked tongue, and a cleaned and boned herring. Chop fine hard-boiled whites and the yolks, each separately, and cut cleaned anchovies into strips. Place in the bowl a layer of potatoes, sprinkle with apples, onion, herr- ing, meat and capers, and continue until the bowl is full. Garnish the top with anchovies in the form of a star, filling the spaces between with the minced yolks and whites alternately. Garnish around the edge with sliced potatoes and red beets^ alternately, and finally pour French dressing over the salad. 579. DRIED BEAN SALAD. Fazolový salát. Soak two cups of dried beans over night. Drain in the morning and cover with fresh boiling water, add a fourth of a teaspoon of baking soda, salt and boil until tender. If necessary, add water while boiling, as the beans must be covered all the time. While boiling, stir in a tablespoon of butter. When done, drain well and place in a bowl, sprinkle with minced onion, and 176 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. pour over all vinegar and water sweetened to taste, while tlie beans are warm. Add pepper and serve cold. 580. RAW MEAT SALAD. Salát ze syrového masa. Mince very fine a pound of beef from the round, form four cones of this, sprinkle each with salt, pepper and minced onion, pour over them vinegar and oil, and allow to stand thus half an hour, so that the meat absorbs all the flavoring. You may garnish with ancho- vies, capers or hard-boiled eggs. Cold Sauces for Meats or Salads. — Studené omáčky k masu a na saláty. 581. MAYONNAISE DRESSING. Majonéza. Beat two yolks, add a pinch of salt and pepper, and while constantly beating, add gradually, drop by drop, a cup of olive oil, or fresh melted butter. When all the oil has been added, thin with two tablespoons of lemon juice or vinegar, beating all the while. You may also add paprika and mustard, if you like. If the mix- ture should begin to separate, beat in another bowl one yolk with salt and pepper and add, bit by bit, the separated sauce. 582. BOILED SALAD DRESSING. Omáčka na saláty. Mix three yolks, a teaspoon of mustard, two tea- spoons of salt, half a tablespoon of paprika, two table- spoons of sugar, two tablespoons of melted butter or olive oil, a cup of cream, half a cup of hot vinegar and the three whites beaten partly. Mix together in the order as named and boil in a double boiler over a slow fire, or in a dish that is placed in boiling water. When it thickens, cool. This will keep two weeks in COLD SAUCES FOR MEATS OR SALADS. 177 a cool place. It can be thinned with sweet or sour cream before using. 583. REMOULADE SAUCE. Remuláda. This is prepared the same as mayonnaise, except that hard-boiled yolks are used in place of raw eggs, being mixed smooth with salt, pepper and oil before the procedure begins. 584. AROMATIC SAUCE. Omáčka aromatická. Pound in a mortar several slices of bread (soaked in vinegar) with three hard-boiled yolks, a bit of thyme, several bay leaves, a teaspoon of capers, two of anchovies and half an onion. Add wine vinegar and oil, then strain and thin with cold beef soup. This sauce is served with beef and cold veal. 585. COLD GAME SAUCE. Studená omáčka k zvěřině. Pound in a mortar ten juniper berries with a bit of sugar and finely minced lemon rind, add three hard- boiled yolks, half a minced onion, and pound some more. Then add two tablespoons of olive oil or melted butter, ten tablespoons of wine vinegar and the juice of two lemons, mix well and strain. If necessary thin with vinegar. 586. COLD ANCHOVY SAUCE. Studená sardelová omáčka. Wash and bone four anchovies, mix to a paste with six hard-boiled yolks and minced parsley. Mix this with olive oil or melted butter and vinegar and serve. 587. FISH SAUCE No. 1. Ryhi omáčka. Place in a saucepan a piece of butter, a piece of cleaned carp or pike, sliced carrot and celery root. Cook Book U 17tí BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. pepper, mace, ginger and saffron to taste, and simmer, adding water now and then, so it does not burn and has enough liquor at all times. Then strain, thicken the sauce with butter and flour blended together, add a little wine and four grated hard-boiled yolks, mix together and cool. This sauce is served with pike or trout. 588. FISH SAUCE No. 2. liyhi omáčl-a na jiný způsob. Pound to a paste a tablespoon of minced parsley, add three yolks, half a teaspoon of salt, a dash of red pepper, a tablespoon of vinegar and then slowly a cup of melted butter and a tablespoon of very finely minced pickle. 589. COLD MEAT SAUCE. Omáčka h studenému masu. Press through a sieve four hard-boiled eggs, add half a cup of olive oil and mix until smooth, then add three cleaned and finely chopped anchovies, a table- spoon of minced parsley, two tablespoons of mustard, one tablespoon of sugar, a pinch of white pepper, a cup of wine vinegar, a bit of water and a dash of salt. Mix together thoroughly and serve with cold meat or fish. This will keep eight days or longer in a cool place. 590. RED PEPPER SAUCE. Peprnd omáčka. Boil two quarts of vinegar, fifteen minutes, with three dozen red peppers, two heads of cabbage, one horseradish root, a cup of mustard seed, a few cloves and sugar to taste. Allow to stand three hours after boiling, then strain and bottle. 591. BLACK PEPPER SAUCE. , Pepřová omáčka. Blend two tablespoons of butter with two of flour until quite brown, add a minced onion, a tablespoon of whole black peppers, a teaspoon of powdered black COLD SAUCES FOR MEATS OR SALADS. 179 pepper, several allspice, a piece of ginger, a clove of garlic, two cloves, two bay leaves, a sprig of tliyme, about two tablespoons of wine vinegar, and as much beef soup, as you wish to have sauce. Boil gently about half an hour and strain. If too thick, add soup; if not sour enough, add vinegar. 592. EGG SAUCE. Vaječná omacl'a. Mix three tablespoons of butter with two table- spoons of flour, add salt, pepper, a jiinch of nutmeg, a pint of boiling water, and beat thoroughly until smooth, then boil a bit. Add two beaten yolks, a fourth of a pound of butter and the juice of one le- mon, strain through a fine sieve or cloth, and finally add two hard-boiled eggs chopped fine. 593. HOLLANDAISE SAUCE. Holandská omáčka. Mix smooth a tablespoon of flour with water, add six yolks or three whole eggs, a fourth of a pound of fresh butter, a few whole black peppers and enough fish stock or parsley Avater to make the desired amount. Mix constantly and when it begins to bubble, add the juice of half a lemon and strain the sauce. This is served with fish and must be prepared immediately before serving. If it be necessary that it stand a while, place the bowl in hot water. 594. PIQUANTE SAUCE. Pikantní omáčka. Boil a small cup of wine vinegar with one bay leaf, a sprig of thyme, three shallots or one small onion, a dash of salt and pepper. When about half done, add beef soup and boil half an hour longer. Then strain, thicken with flour and butter browned together, sweet- en to taste, simmer a bit more and serve. 180 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. 595. WINE SAUCE. Vinná omáčka. Pound in a mortar three tablespoons of parsley, add three or four yolks, mix together and then add warm wine, but not much, so it would not be too thin. Then strain through a fine sieve or cloth, season with mace, ginger, pepper and nutmeg, and simmer careful- ly, stirring constantly, until the sauce becomes a nice color. Dumplings.— Knedlíky. 596. DUMPLINGS No. 1. Obyčejné moučné knedlíky. Beat two eggs in a bowl, add a cup and a half of milk, a teaspoon of butter, salt, and enough flour to make a thick dough, which can be thoroughly beaten with a spoon. Beat five or more minutes, until the dough is smooth, then let it stand half an hour. In the meantime fry in butter two slices of bread cut into dice, cool and add to the dough. Make dumplings the size of a small apple, dust your hands with flour and roll each into a round ball. Place in boiling salt- ed water and boil 10 minutes. , Then you place the dumplings in the water, they usually fall to the bottom and would stick, unless you pry them loose with a knife. Then cover tightly and do not uncover for five minutes. They must boil constantly but not too rapidly. This applies to the manner of boiling dumplings in general although the time may vary. Dumplings serv- ed with meat should be torn apart with two forks, (cutting with a knife impairs the lightness), and sprinkled with fried minced onion or fried bread crumbs and melted butter. Dumplings are usually done in ten minutes, sometimes longer, as shown in the recipes. Try one by tearing it in halves, if raw inside, boil a while longer. DUMPLINGS. 181 597. DUMPLINGS No. 2. Moučné hnedliliy na jiný způsob. Cream half a tablespoon of butter, add three eggs, one at the time, adding with each eg.s: a heaping table- spoon of flour, and beat together thoroughly. Then add six tablespoons of milk or cream (it may be a trifle sour) and add with each a tablespoon of flour, beat thoroughly and salt. Brown in butter two slices of bread cut into dice and when cool add to the dough. 598. DUMPLINGS No. 3. Moučné hnedlihy ješié na jiný způsob. Cream a heaping tablespoon of butter or lard, add two eggs, mix together, add half a pint of sweet cream or rich milk, a pound of flour, and beat well, until the dough does not stick, then add four slices of bread cut into dice and broAvned in butter, and beat thoroughly. Boil half an hour. 599. DUMPLNGS No. 4. Moučné knedlíky ještě na jiný způsob. Beat three eggs, add a cup of sweet milk, a table- spoon of salt, a teaspoon of baking powder sifted with three cups of flour, beat thoroughly and make five dumplings. 600. RAISED DUMPLINGS No. 1. Kynuté knedlíky. In the morning set half a cup of milk, three table- spoons of flour and a cake of compressed yeast. If you wish, you may set dry yeast over night. When it rises, cream a tablespoon of butter with two eggs, add the raised batter, two cups of milk, salt and enough flour to make the dough as stiff as for bread. Beat thoroughly, then knead on the bread-board and when the dough is smooth, place back in the bowl, to rise. When it has doubled its bulk place it on the board, cut into pieces the size of an apple, form each into a ball and let each rise once more on the board. Then boil 182 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. lialf an hour in boiling water, in a tightly covered pan. Wlien done, tear each in halves with forks, ponr over them melted butter or the fat from duck or geese and serve. 601. RAISED DUMPLINGS No. 2. Kynuté liiedlihy na jiný způsoh. Mix together three fourths of a pound of flour, half a pound of cream cheese, three eggs, a cake of dissolved yeast, salt to taste and enough milk to make a stiff dough. Beat well and let it rise. Then form small dumplings, which should rise once more in a cool place. Then fry them in hot butter. 602. CRUMB DUMPLINGS. Strouhánkové Imedlíky. Sift half a cup of flour with a teaspoon of baking powder and mix this with a cup of fine bread crumbs, add half a cup of milk mixed with a beaten egg, salt to taste, mix together. Form three dumplings and boil ten minutes. 603. DUMPLINGS WITH BACON No. 1. KnrdVd-y špďové. Cut into dice four slices of bread and half a pound of bacon, and fry both together. Cool, add two cups of milk, three whole beaten eggs and two yolks, salt and mix together. Then add enough flour to form a thick batter, which is beaten thoroughly. Make dump- lings the size of apples and boil in salted water. When done, tear each in halves with two forks, sprinkle with bread crumbs, pour over them melted butter and serve with smoked meat. If boiled in the water in which smoked meat has been boiled, they will be especially good. 604. DUMPLINGS WITH BACON No. 2. Knedlil-y špehové na jiný způsob. Heat a fourth of a pound of diced bacon, add half an onion minced, half a tablespoon of minced parsley DUMPLINGS. 183 and half a pound of diced boiled smoked meat. Fry together until the onion turns yellow. Dice eight or ten slices of bread, add to the rest and mix until the bread absorbs the fat, then cool. Place all on a well floured board, pour over it two or three eggs beaten with half a cup of milk, and flouring your liands well form dumplings the size of a small apple. Boil fifteen minutes. 605. DUMPLINGS WITH SMOKED MEAT. Knedlík 11 s uzeninou. Mince fine a pound of lean smoked meat, add three slices of bread diced and fried in butter, three slices of bread soaked in milk, three eggs and three yolks, two cups of milk, salt and mix together, then add enough flour to make a stiff dough, and beat thor- oughly. Make dumplings the size of an apple and boil half an hour. 606. COTTAGE CHEESE DUMPLINGS No. 1. Tvarohové Tínedliky. Cream two tablespoons of fresh butter, add three eggs and cream again, then add a quart of cottage cheese squeezed dry, salt and mix until smooth. Then add enough farina to make the dough stiff enough to form dumplings. Flour the hands well and roll each dumpling in the flour and place in boiling water, Avhich must boil constantly, or the dumplings would crumble. When they begin to bob around on the surface, take one out, tear in halves and see if it is done. If raw in the center, boil a bit longer. 607. COTTAGE CHEESE DUMPLINGS No. 2. Tvarohové knedlíky na jiný způsob. Cream a piece of butter, add three eggs and three yolks, a pound of cottage cheese, salt and mix until smooth, then add enough bread crumbs and flour to form dumplings. Make small dumplings and boil them fifteen minutes in salted water. 184 BOHEMIAN^AMEKICAN COOK BOOK. 608. FARINA DUMPLINGS No. 1. Krwpicne l-nedliky. Cream two tablespoons of butter, add one yolk and two whole eggs, half a cup of farina, salt and mix thoroughly, then allow it to stand one hour. Then make small dumplings; that is, take the dough up on a teaspoon, drop it in salted boiling water and boil half an hour. Take them out with a skimmer, arrange on a dish, sprinkle with bread crumbs and ]30ur melted butter over them. These are nice with creamed pi- geons, chickens or veal. 609. FARINA DUMPLINGS No. 2. Krupičné knedlíky na jiný způsoih. Pour one cup of hot milk or hot water and butter over two cups of farina and stir until it cools, then add three eggs beaten with a little milk, three slices of bread diced and fried, salt and mix together. Then dip your hands in cold water and make small round dumplings. Boil half an hour. 610. FARINA DUMPLINGS WITH SMOKED MEAT. Krupičné knedlíky s uzeninou. Cream two tablespoons of butter with three eggs, add two cups of farina and half a pound of finely minc- ed smoked meat, salt and mix together. Take up on a tablespoon and drop in boiling salted w^ater. When done, take out with a skimmer, arrange on a dish, sprinkle with fried bread crumbs and pour melted butter over them. 611. FARINA DUMPLINGS IN CUSTARD. Krwpicne knedlíky v krému. Make a porridge of two cups of farina and milk or milk and water, cool, beat into it two eggs, a piece of butter, a teaspoon of sugar, salt, mix together. Take up on a teaspoon and drop into boiling salted water. When done, take out with a skimmer and drain dry on DUMPLINGS. 185 a napkin. Butter a i)an, dust it with bread crumbs and arrange the dumi:)lings in it. Beat five yolks with a cup of cream .and a tablesi30on of sugar, pour over the dumplings and steam one hour. Before serving, place in a hot oven a few minutes, sprinkle with powdered sugar and serve. 612. FRESH PRUNE DUMPLINGS No. 1. Švestkové hnedlilcij. Mix together a pound of flour with two beaten eggs and as much milk or cream as will form a stiff dough, salt, beat thoroughly, place on the board and roll out about half an inch thin. Cut into pieces about three inches square and roll each piece around a fresh prune (blue plum) being careful that the dough en- cases it firmly, otherwise the water would get inside. Place in boiling salted water, boil about ten minutes. Drain, arrange on a platter or dish, sprinkle with fried breadcrumbs, cottage cheese, gingerbread or ground poppy seed, and pour melted butter over all. You may add a piece of butter to the dough and stone the plums, if you wish, putting sugar in the cavity. Fruit dump- lings are torn in halves with two forks, and sprinkled liberally with sugar, grated cottage cheese, ginger- bread or ground poppy seed, and melted butter. 613. FRESH PRUNE DUMPLINGS No. 2. SvesthovS knedlíky na jiný způsob. Cream three tablespoons of butter with three of cottage cheese, add three eggs, a pinch of salt, a pound of flour, and enough milk or cream to make a stiff dough. Beat thoroughly, roll the dough out on a well- floured board, cut it into small pieces, dust the hands well with flour and roll a blue plum in each piece of dough. Boil and serve as shown in the preceding recipe. 18(3 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. 614. FRESH PRUNE DUMPLINGS No. 3. Švestkové hnedlíl-j/ ještě na jiný způsob. Cream a tablespoon of fresli butter, add three eggs, beat together, then add six cups of flour, salt, three tablespoons of liquid yeast, beat together, add enough milk or cream to make a stiff dough, then beat thoroughly and let it rise. When it has doubled its bulk, roll the dough out on a floured board, cut into pieces about two inches square, wrap each around a fresh blue plum, place one next to the other on the board, and let them all rise again, then boil as shown above. 615. FRESH PRUNE DUMPLINGS No. 4. Švestkové hnedlihif ještě na jiný způsob. Cream a tablespoon of fresh butter, add two eggs and cream well, then add a cup of milk, a tablespoon of sugar and salt to taste, sift two cups of flour with a teaspoon of baking powder and add to the rest. If necessary, add enough flour to make dough about as stiff as for biscuits. Take the dough up on a table- spoon, dip each in flour and form into a ball, then roll out and wrap each around a plum. Boil about fifteen minutes in boiling salted water. They must not over- boil, or they would fall. You ma}^ use apples cut in quarters, or if small, in halves. 616. DRIED PRUNE DUMPLINGS. Knedlíky se suchými švestkami. Prepare dough as shown in the preceding recipe. Boil nice dried prunes until tender with sugar and a bit of lemon rind. California prunes are the best for this purpose. When done, cool and stone, and put two or three in each dumpling. Boil about fifteen minutes. Sprinkle with fried bread crumbs and pour melted butter over them. DUMPLINGS. 187 617. FRUIT DUMPLINGS, (BOILED). Ovocné hnedlíhy, vařené. Prepare dough as shown for prune dumplings, cut it into pieces, roll each flat and wrap around a stoned peach. If the peaches are large, you may put a half in each dumpling. Boil as shown in the preceding recipe. You may use diced apples, cherries, plum jam or cottage clieese instead of peaches. 618. FRUIT DUMPLINGS, (BAKED). Ovocné l-nedlíkij, pečené. Prepare a rich biscuit dough, cut it into pieces, roll each into a ball, roll out flat and wrap in each a peeled and stoned peach. Arrange in a pan, sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon, pour hot water until it reaches one third the height of the pan, cover the pan and place in a hot oven. In ten minutes take the cover off, and bake the dumplings ten or fifteen minutes longer, until brown. Serve with custard, melted butter or cream. You may use apples or cherries instead of peaches. 619. CREAM DUMPLINGS. Smetanové JcnedUJcy. Beat six eggs with a quart of cream, add a quart of flour, a pinch of salt and beat well. The batter should be like pancake batter. Dice twelve slices of bread, fry in hot butter, when cool mix with the fore- going. Take the dough up on a tablespoon dipped in cold water and drop into rapidly boiling salted water. Boil about half an hour. Then drain, cut in slices, arrange on a dish, sprinkle with bread crumbs, and pour melted butter over them. 620. POTATO DUMPLINGS No. 1. Knedlíky z vavených hramhor. Soak two slices of bread in milk, add salt and minc- ed chives, three eggs, minced and fried onion, and a pound of boiled grated potatoes. Beat together thor- oughly, form dumplings and boil them in salted water. 188 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. 621. POTATO DUMPLINGS No. 2. Branihorové Vnedlthy na jini) zptisoh. Boil six medium-sized potatoes. Peel while hot and roll on the board with a rolling pin. Then form into a heap, make a well in the middle, pour in two beaten eggs, a dash of salt and a cup of flour, knead together and roll, adding more flour, so that the mixture be quite stiff. • Cut into six pieces, make dumplings and boil in boiling salted water. When done, halve, sprinkle with melted butter and fried minced onion. 622. RAW POTATO DUMPLINGS No. 1. Knedlil'y ze syrových hr-amhor. Grate six raw peeled potatoes, drain (not too dry), add enough flour to make a stiff batter, salt, knead, and make dumplings. Boil them in rapidly boiling salted water. You may add one or two eggs if you wish, they will be lighter. Or you may use equal parts of raw and boiled potatoes. 623. RAW POTATO DUMPLINGS No. 2. Knedlíky ze syrových hrainhor na jiný způsob. Place three tablespoons of lard in a saucepan with half a cup of farina and two tablespoons of sugar, stir until the farina is light brown. Grate a plateful of boiled potatoes, add one egg, salt, a fourth of a cup of milk, half a tablespoon of butter and enough flour to make a rather stiff batter, but not too stiff. Make small oblong rolls, about the size of half a finger, and drop them in boiling salted water. When they rise to the top, take them out, drain and place in hot fat and fry light brown. PANCAKES. 189 Pancakes. — Lívance. 624. WHEAT PANCAKES. Lívance z pšeničné mouky. Beat two yolks with two cups of sour milk, add salt, a cup of sifted flour and beat. If too thin, add flour. The batter should be thin enough to run. Beat two whites, add to the batter with a bit of baking soda dissolved in a teaspoon of hot water, and fold in care- fully. Bake on a hot greased griddle. 625. GRIDDLE CAKES. Lívance z niouhy připravené. These are made with the prepared self -rising flour. Mix a cup of this flour with two cups of sweet milk, or two cups of water to which you have added a beaten Qgg. Bake in the usual manner. • 626. RAISED GRIDDLE CAKES. Lívance Icynuté. Beat three eggs with two cups of milk, add a tea- spoon of powdered, sugar, a piece of melted butter, two or three tablespoons of liquid yeast, or half a cake of dissolved compressed yeast, salt and beat thoroughly, then add enough flour to form a batter of the right consistency, and let it rise. Bake in the usual manner, spread each pancake with jam, sprinkle with grated cottage cheese, or ground poppy seed and sugar mixed together, and pour over it melted butter. You may substitute sugar and cinnamon. 627. BAKING POWDER PANCAKES. Lívance s práškem. Beat two cups of milk with six yolks, add a tea- spoon of melted butter, a cup of flour sifted with a heaping teaspoon of baking powder, and mix together. 190 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. Beat the six whites and fold carefully into the batter, then bake in the usual manner. 628. BUTTERMILK PANCAKES. Lívance z podmásU. Beat two eggs, add a quart of buttermilk, a tea- spoon of baking soda dissolved in hot water, salt to taste and enougli flour to form a batter. Bake in the usual manner. 629. BUCKWHEAT CAKES. Pohanl'ove lívance. Dissolve a cake of compressed yeast in two cups of lukewarm water and the same amount of milk, or use a cake of dry yeast, add enough buckwheat flour to make a thin batter, and let it rise over night. In the morning add a teaspoon of salt, two tablespoons of syrup and half a teaspoon of baking soda dissolved in warm water, beat together, and bake over a hot fire. •If you do not have milk use water, adding two beaten eggs to a quart of water. If this is added to the batter before baking, it will take the place of milk. The syrup- gives a better color. Pancakes made of self-rising buckwheat flour are made in the same manner as shown in recipe 624. 630. POTATO PANCAKES. Lívance hranihorové. Grate six peeled raw potatoes, drain dry through a cloth, add six tablespoons of sweet cream, two beaten eggs, four tablespoons of flour and a pinch of salt. Mix and fry on hot butter. Sprinkle with sugar before serving. 631. CORNMEAL PANCAKES. K uJi' u rial é I iva nee. Pour hot water over two cups of cornmeal, allow it to stand thus half an hour and when cool add a tea- spoon of butter, a teaspoon of sugar, a dash of salt, five tablesi)oons of sweet milk and three beaten yolks. PORRIDGES. 191 Sift together a teaspoon of baking powder with a table- spoon of wheat flour, add to the batter and mix. Finally add three whites beaten stiff, and bake. 632. RAISED CORNMEAL PANCAKES. Kukuřičné lívance kijnuté. Pour hot water over a cup qf cornmeal, but not more than it will absorb. This is done in the evening. When cool, add two cups of milk and two tablespoons of liquid yeast, or half a cake of compressed j^esist dissolved, a tablespoon of brown sugar and let it rise over night. In the morning add two beaten eggs, salt, half a teaspoon of baking soda dissolved in hot water, mix and bake. 633. CRUMB PANCAKES. Chlebové lívance. To a quart of milk add three beaten eggs, a table- spoon of melted butter and a teaspoon of salt. If the milk is sweet, use a teaspoon of baking powder mixed with a tablespoon of flour. If sour, use a teaspoon of baking soda dissolved in hot water. Add two cups of bread crumbs to the milk, mix and bake. Porridges. — Kaše. 634. FARINA PORRIDGE No. ll^ Krupióná hase. Melt two tablespoons of good butter, add tw^o cups of farina and let is get a light brown, but it must not scorch and it must be smooth. Then add gradually en- ough hot water to make a thick mush, stirring con- stantly. Add a pinch of salt and pour melted butter over it before serving. 635. FARINA PORRIDGE No. 2. Krupičná Vaše na jinfj způsob. Bring a quart of milk to the boiling point, then add gradually two cups of farina, stirring constantly. 192 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. Set aside and simmer ten or fifteen minutes, stirring occasionally. Then salt, place in a dish, sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon, pour over it melted butter and serve. 636. BARLEY GRITS PORRIDGE. Kaše z krupice. Porridge made of barley grits, rice, oatmeal, etc. should be cooked in a double boiler. Wash a cup of barley grits in several waters, the last being hot, add a qii^rt of milk and boil in the double boiler two hours. When done, add salt, and pour over it melted butter and sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar before serving. 637. OATMEAL PORRIDGE. Kaše ovesná. Boil together a quart of milk, or half water and half milk, a teaspoon of butter and salt to taste. When it begins to boil, add the the oatmeal and boil two hours or longer. Serve with cream and sugar. 638. CORNMEAL PORRIDGE. Kaše kuhuřičná. Mix a cup of cornmeal with cold water, so it forms a thin batter. If boiled in a double boiler, use two quarts of milk or half milk and half water. If boiled in an ordinary kettle, use water, as the milk would scorch. When the milk or water begins to boil, pour the batter into it and boil two hours. 639. FRIED CORNMEAL MUSH. Smažená kaše kukuřičná. Mix a quart of cornmeal with cold water to form a batter. Pour this into two quarts of water boiling in a crock, add salt and boil slowly two hours, stir- ring occasionally. When done, pour the mush into a shallow pan, so that when set the mixture will be not more than two inches thick. The next morning cut this in slices, dip each in beaten egg and bread crumbs, or. in flour only and fry in hot fat. Serve with syrup. PORRIDGES. 193 640. CORNMEAL PORRIDGE WITH CRACKLINGS. Ruslcé jídlo z kuhančné mouky se škvarky. Boil the cornmeal musli as shown in the preceding recipe, adding a generous quantity of cracklings and stirring them in. Cover, place the dish in the oven, and bake one and a half hours. When done, pour into a shallow dish, cut in slices with a strong thread, sprinkle with grated cheese or cottage cheese and serve. 641. BAKED RICE PORRIDGE No. 1. Pečená rýže. Wash a small cup of rice, place in a deep baking dish and add three pints of milk, four tablespoons of sugar, a dash of salt and bake in a slow oven three hours. As the milk evaporates, add hot milk. Serve with sugar and cream. 642. BAKED RICE PORRIDGE No. 2. Pečená rýže na jiný způsob. Pick over and wash half a cup of rice, pour over it a quart of milk, add three tablespoons of butter, two tablespoons of sugar and a pinch of salt. Pour it into a baking dish, and bake slowly until the milk evaporates. Serve with sugar, cinnamon and melted butter. 643. BOILED RICE PORRIDGE. Rýžová kaše. Pick over and wash a cup of rice, add a quart of milk and boil, stirring occasionally. When done, add salt to taste, place in a dish, sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar, and pour over it melted butter. Some cooks add boiled and stoned prunes to boiled rice. 644. PEARL BARLEY PORRIDGE. Krupičná kaše. Wash two cups of barley, add one and a half quarts of water, salt, a large pinch of caraway seed, and boil until tender and thick, stirring often. Then turn Cook Book 13 194 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. into a dish, pour over it melted butter and serve with smoked meat. 645. PEARL BARLEY PORRIDGE WITH MUSHROOMS. Černý kuba. Boil two cups of barley as shown above. In the meantime stew a cup of sliced fresh or half a cup of dried mushrooms in butter with a bit of green parsley. Mix the mushrooms with the boiled barley, add a bit of creamed butter, a dash of pepper, marjoram and a clove of garlic rubbed to a paste with salt, mix all together and bake half an hour. If you use dried mushrooms, you must soak them in cold water several hours before using. 646. MILLET PORRIDGE. Jáhelná lease. Pick over and wash three times in boiling water. To two cups of millet add one and a half quarts of water, salt and boil one and a half or two hours, stirring often. Then turn into a dish and sprinkle over it minced onion fried in butter. You may also boil millet in milk, adding salt to taste and serving with grated gingerbread and melted butter. If you beat an egg with milk and add a tablespoon of flour, mixing it smooth, and pour this over the mush while boiling, it will add very much to its flavor. 647. MILLET PORRIDGE WITH SMOKED MEAT. Jáhelná lease s uzeným masem. Wash the millet in lukewarm water, boil in sweet milk until tender and thick, then cool. Use a cup of millet to a quart of milk. Beat four eggs and add them to the mush with a dash of salt. Slice smoked pork, arrange the pieces in the baking pan, pour the mush over them and bake until light brown. m NOODLES, ETC. 195 NoodleSy etc. — Nudle, atd. Noodles are always placed in boiling water, salted to taste. 648. BUTTERED NOODLES. Nudle mastě né. Sift four Clips of flour on the bread-board, make a well in the middle, break four eggs into it, and knead a smooth dough. Gut it into several pieces and allow them to stand ten or fifteen minutes. Then roll each out rather thick and after drying cut into coarse noodles. Boil these in salted boiling water, drain, turn into a dish, sprinkle with grated cottage cheese or bread crumbs, pour melted butter over them and serve. 649. NOODLES IN MILK. Nudle v ínléce. Make coarse noodles as shown in the preceding recipe. Boil them in boiling milk, when nearly done add a pinch of salt, a jjinch of mace, a bit of sugar, and simmer a bit longer. 650. NOODLES WITH COTTAGE CHEESE. Nudle s tvarohem. Cream two whole eggs, two yolks and a piece of butter, add four tablespoons of sugar, the grated rind of half a lemon, a pound of good cottage cheese, a table- spoon of blanched almonds pounded to a paste, and mix thoroughly. Then add carefully boiled noodles made of flour and one egg and one yolk, mix lightly, turn into a buttered dish, dot with butter, sprinkle with sugar and grated almonds, and bake light brown. Beat three yolks with half a cup of hot cream, add powdered sugar and pour over the noodles before serving. 651. NOODLES BAKED WITH ONIONS. Nudle pečené s rajshmi jaMicky, cibulí a sýrem. Make coarse noodles and boil them. In the meantime fr>^ a quantity of minced onion. Turn the drained 196 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. noodles into tlie onion, add a pinch of salt, tomatoes to taste, a clove of garlic pounded to a paste, mix together, turn into a buttered dish, cover with grated or thinly sliced cheese, cover and bake about three quarters of an hour. Uncover ten minutes before it is done, so that the top browns nicely. 652. NOODLES WITH HAM. Flíčky s uzeninoii. You may use the left-over bits of a ham, or you may boil smoked meat. Eoll out noodle dough rather thick, cut it into tiny squares instead of noodles and boil. If you use smoked meat, boil the noodles in its liquor. Butter a pan thickly, place in it a layer of the noodles, a layer of the ham or meat minced, and so continue, the top layer being noodles. Beat four yolks with two cups of milk or cream, pour over the mixture, dot the top with butter and bake slowly until a light brown. 653. COTTAGE CHEESE ROLLS. Tvarohové tašky. Make a thick batter of one egg, a cup of water and flour, salt and let it stand a while. In the mean- time prepare the cottage cheese. Add sugar to taste to three fourths of a pound of cottage cheese, two eggs, a handful of currants (washed), a few bitter almonds (blanched and grated), and mix together. Eoll out the dough thin as for noodles, spread the cottage cheese mixture evenly over it, roll up, and cut into pieces two or three inches long (like cinnamon rolls). Press together at both ends and boil in boiling salted water. When done, sprinkle with bread crumbs and melted butter. 654. FRIED FARINA QUENNELLES. Smažené Iduzhy krupičné. Pour two tablespoons of melted lard over two cups of farina, add salt to taste, and enough boiling water to make a soft batter. Cool, add two beaten eggs. Dip a tablespoon in cold water and take the i STRUDELS. 197 batter up on it, dropping it into boiling salted water. When done, drain, fry in butter and serve. 655. CRUMB QUENNELLES IN CREAM. Kluzký ve smetaně. Cream six yolks with four tablespoons of sugar, add enough bread crumbs to make a rather thick. batter, salt to taste and mix together. Take this batter up on a teaspoon, and fry light brown in butter. Bring two cups of cream to the boiling point, add two tablespoons of sugar, the grated rind of one lemon, mix five beaten yolks wdth a bit of cold cream, add to the rest, beat thoroughly. Arrange the quennelles in a dish, pour the cream over them, place the dish on a tin dusted with salt, and put it in a hot oven. When real hot (it must not bake) take it out and serve. 656. MACARONI. MaJcaronJcy. Break into small pieces a pound of macaroni and boil half an hour in salted water, adding two table- spoons of butter, and a dash of salt. Drain, put a layer of same into a buttered baking dish, sprinkle with grat- ed Swiss cheese, dot with butter, and so continue, sprinkling over the top a layer of bread crumbs. Tli^ macaroni should not bake, it must simply get thor- oughly hot in the oven. Or you may cover the boiled macaroni with four yolks beaten with a cup of cream, sprinkle with cheese and bake. Strudels. — Strudle. 657. APPLE STRUDEL No. 1. Tažená strudle s jablky. Melt a piece of butter the size of a large walnut in a cup of lukew^arm water. Beat in one egg, a fourth of a cup of sugar and a pinch of salt. Sift a quart of flour on the bread-board, make a well in the center, 198 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. pour into it the foregoing, and knead the dough thor- oughly, beating it with the rolling pin. Cover with a hot bowl and let it stand one hour. In the meantime peel and slice thin some apples. Pick over and clean half a pound of raisins and fry bread crumbs in butter. Now spread a white cloth on the table, dust it thickly with flour and stretch the dough over it, until it is almost transparent, (it must not tear or break). Two can do this much better than one. Then spread apples over tlie dough, sprinkle with the bread crumbs, raisins or currants and sugar, cinnamon and melted butter. Lift the cloth at one side and thus roll the strudel up like a jelly roll. Butter a baking pan, turn the strudel into it carefully, rub it over with butter and bake slowly one hour. Rub with butter after it begins to bake and when it is half done, pour over it a cup of milk or cream. When done, cut in slices, dust each thickly with powdered sugar and serve. 658. APPLE STRUDEL No. 2. Tažená štrudle s jaMky na jiný způsoh. Beat three fourths of a cup of tepid water with one e^g and a tablespoon of butter. Sift a cup of flour on tlie bread-board, make a well in the center and pour into it the foregoing, then knead thoroughly, adding flour if necessary. Pound the dough with a rolling pin, place it on a napkin and cover with a warm bowl or pan, letting it lie thus fifteen minutes. In the mean- time peel and slice apples, mince blanched almonds, pick over and wash seedless raisins, and prepare cinna- mon, sugar and melted butter. Then stretch the dough as directed in the foregoing recipe, cover with the sliced apples, sprinkle with the almonds, cinnamon, sugar and thin slices of fresh butter, roll and bake as directed in the preceding recipe. STRUDELS. 199 659. RICE STRUDEL. Tažená štrudle s rýii. Prepare the dough as directed in the foregoing recipe. Have ready a cup of rice boiled in a quart of milk, add to it two tablespoons of creamed butter, salt to taste, five beaten yolks, sugar and vanilla flavoring to taste, and mix thoroughly. Finally fold in three whites beaten stiff. Then stretch the dough, spread with the rice filling, roll and bake as shown in the foregoing recipe. 660. CHOCOLATE STRUDEL. Tažená štrudle s čokoládou. Cream six yolks with six tablespoons of sugar, add a fourth of a pound of blanched almonds pounded to a paste, two squares of grated chocolate, three beaten whites, and mix together carefully. Prepare the dough as shown in the foregoing recipes, spread with butter and then with the chocolate filling, roll and bake in a buttered pan, after having sprinkled the strudel with grated chocolate and poured over it a cup or so of cream. 661. CREAM STRUDEL. Tažená smetanová štrudle. Prepare the dough as shown in any of the foregoing recipes, cover with a hot pan. Cream three table- spoons of butter with four yolks, add a cup of sweet cream and fold in the four whites beaten stiff. Stretch the dough, spread with the filling, sprinkle with raisins, chopped blanched almonds and sugar, roll and bake slowly. Allow tw^o cups of cream to come to the boiling pointy add six yolks beaten with a bit of wine and fine sugar, beat until thick, and serve as a sauce with the strudel. 662. COTTAGE CHEESE STRUDEL. Tažená štrudle s tvarohem. Prepare the dough as shown in any of the preced- ing recipes. Cream four tablespoons of butter with one 200 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. pound of cottage cheese, add four yolks, one whole egg, sugar and vanilla to taste. The cheese should be quite sweet. Stretch the dough, rub with beaten egg, spread with the prepared cheese, sprinkle with raisins and chopped blanched almonds, roll and bake. 663. CHERRY STRUDEL. Tažená štrudle s višněmi. Prepare the dough as shown for apple strudel. Pit two quarts of nice juicy cherries, stew them a bit, then drain and cool. Pound a fourth of a pound of blanched almonds to a paste, add half a cup of sugar and the grated rind of half a lemon. Grate two slices of stale bread and mix all together. Stretch the dough, rub with melted butter, spread with the stewed cherries, sprinkle with the mixture, roll and bake. 664. RAISED DOUGH STRUDEL. Kynutá štrudle s mákem. Cream four tablespoons of butter, add six eggs, beat well, add a tablespoon of sugar, a cup of cream, and enough flour to make the batter medium stiff, add a pinch of salt, and a piece of compressed yeast (dis- solved in tepid milk or water), and let it rise. When light, place the dough on a thoroughly buttered board and roll very thin. Mix together two cups of ground poppy seed boiled in milk, half a cup of sugar and finely chopped rind of half a lemon, spread over the dough and roll. Bake in a buttered pan, slowly. 665. FRENCH PANCAKE STRUDEL WITH COTTAGE CHEESE. Litá štrudle s tvarohem. Mix smooth eight tablespoons of flour with a small amount of milk, add five eggs, a tablespoon of sugar and the grated rind of one lemon, a pinch of salt, mix thoroughly, then add enough milk to make batter as for pancakes. Bake on both sides in a tin or griddle, pouring in a small amount of batter, so it bakes very PUFF PASTE. 201 thin. Cream half a pound of cottage cheese with a tablespoon of butter, add five yolks, six tablespoons of sugar, the grated rind of half a lemon and a hand- ful of cleaned seedless raisins. Mix all together thor- oughly, spread over the baked individual pancakes, roll each, arrange in a buttered pan, sprinkle with sugar, pour under a bit of hot milk, and bake in a slow oven. When done, take out with a pancake turner, arrange on a dish, sprinkle with fine sugar and serve. 666. FRENCH PANCAKE CHOCOLATE STRUDEL. Litá Hrudle s čokoládou. Grate a fourth of a pound of chocolate, place it in a pan with six tablespoons of flour and the same amount of sugar, a quart of milk, mix well and boil thick over a slow fire, stirring or beating constantly. Cool, add two tablespoons of butter, eight yolks, beat- ing these in thoroughly, and fold in the eight whites, beaten stiff. Bake pancakes as shown in the preceding recipe, spread with the chocolate filling, roll each and proceed as shown in recipe No. 665. 667. FRENCH PANCAKE CHERRY STRUDEL. Litá štrudle s višněmi. Pit two quarts of cherries, stew until thick with four tablespoons of sugar and a bit of grated lemon rind. Spread on baked pancakes, roll each and proceed as shown in the two mentioned recipes. Puff Paste and Pies. — Máselné těsto a páje. 668. PUFF PASTE No. 1. Máselné těsto. This is very difficult to make according to a printed description, and the best success is attained when one can watch an experienced cook work. The illustration shown Iierc will give some idea of the way puff paste must be handled. To two cups of flour use one cup of firm butter. This should be unsalted. If 202 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. you have salted butter, wash it in cold water and dry it thoroughly with a napkin. Work about a handful of flour into the butter, then put it on ice. Add two yolks, a pinch of salt and enough water to the rest of the flour to make a stiff dough. Knead this until it does not stick to the hands or board. Then put it on ice for five minutes. Now roll it thin (about half an inch) on a floured board. Place the butter in the center of the dough (see Fig. 1.) and fold over it one half of the rolled dough (Fig. 2.), then the other half (Fig. 3.), and then each end over the other (Fig. 4). Place between two plates and put on ice for ten minutes. Now roll the dough very thin, then fold over three times (Fig. 5.), then fold each end, toward the center (Fig. 6) and finally fold over once more (Fig. 7). Or you may roll out into a long strip (Fig. 8) and fold over as shown in Fig. 9. The dough and atmosphere should be cold, in order that the butter does not melt into the dough. However, if this work is being done PIES. 203 in the summer, when the air is necessarily warm, you will have to put the dougli on ice for ten minutes after each folding, before making the next fold. When used for very fine pastry puff paste is rolled and folded over nine and ten times; for pies, six or eight times. It is best to do this the day before using, and put the paste on ice until the next day. It will remain in good condition (on ice) five days. 669. PUFF PASTE No. 2. Máselné těsto na jiný způsoh. Wash in clear cold water a pound of butter, take off about two tablespoons and place the rest on ice, between two plates. Place on the board four cups of flour, mix with it the two tablespoons of butter, add three eggs, a dash of salt and enough cold water to form a stiff dough. Knead thoroughly and place on ice, between two plates. When the dough is cold and hard, roll. Roll out the butter, place it on the rolled dough, fold over three times, roll again, and fold over three times, then place on ice for half an hour. Then roll, turn over, fold as before, and roll out very thin. It is then ready for use. 670. PIE CRUST. Pájové těsto. Add a cup of lard and a pinch of salt to a quart of sifted flour, work it in thoroughly, then add just enough cold water to make the dough stick together. Roll in one direction. You may add half a teaspoon of baking powder. This will make two pies, or four without the upper crust. If you wish richer crust, you may mix a quart of flour with a cup of lard and a cup of butter, adding two yolks, a pinch of salt and cold water. Pie crust may also be made by sifting two cups of flour with one even teaspoon of baking- powder and moistening with milk. It is not as good as the other. 204 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. 671. APPLE PIE No. 1. Jablkový páj. Line a pie plate with thinly rolled pie crust, fill with thinly sliced apples, sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon or grated nutmeg, dot with bits of butter, moisten the edge with water, cover with the top crust, which you have pricked with a fork or knife, and bake forty-five minutes in a rather slow oven. Always use tart apples for pies. 672. APPLE PIE No. 2. Jabll-ovi/ páj na jiný způsob. Line a pie plate with crust, put in a layer of thinly sliced apples sprinkled with sugar and cinnamon, then a layer of seedless raisins stewed in wine, sprinkle with sugar and grated lemon rind, then a layer of apples, cover with the top crust and bake forty-five minutes in a slow oven. 673. APPLE CUSTARD PIE. Páj s jablkovým custardem. Take three cups of tart boiled apples pressed through a sieve, one cup of sugar, six beaten eggs, a quart of milk, a bit of grated nutmeg, mix together and pour into a pie plate lined with pie crust. When baked, spread with the beaten whites properly sweet- ened, brown and serve. 674. PEACH PIE No. 1. Broskvový páj. Slice peaches or cut them into small pieces, sprinkle with sugar, and, if you wish, with a bit of rum. Then proceed as with apple pie. Apricot and plum pies are made this way also, the fruit being peeled, stoned and halved. 675. PEACH PIE No. 2. Broskvový páj na jiný způsob. Line a pie plate with crust, fill with peeled and halved peaches, dust with two tablespoons of flour, PIES. 205 sprinkle with a cup of sugar or more if necessary, pour over it a cup of thick sweet cream, and bake. 676. CHERRY PIE. Višňový páj. Pit the cherries, sprinkle with sugar, also with brandy if you like, dust with flour and fill a lined pie plate with them. Strawberry, raspberry, blackberry blueberry and grape pies are made this way. The amount of sugar is of course regulated by the acidity of the fruit. 677. PINEAPPLE PIE. Ananasový páj. Cream a cup of sugar with half a cup of butter, add five beaten yolks, a cup of sweet cream, one pared and grated pineapple, mix together, then fold in care- fully the five whites beaten stiff, fill a pie plate lined with crust. This will make two pies without the upper crust. 678. PIEPLANT OR RHUBARB PIE. Bebarhorový páj. Wash and peel the pieplant stalks, cut them into pieces an inch long, sprinkle well with sugar, fill a pie plate lined with crust, dust with flour, cover with the upper crust, and bake. Dust the under crust with flour before putting in the pieplant. 679. GRAPE PIE. Hroznový páj. Line a pie plate with crust. Beat one ^gg, add half a cup of sugar and a large cup of stemmed grapes. Spread over the crust, dust with flour, dot with butter, put on the top crust and bake. 680. RAISIN PIE. Hrozinl'ovy páj. Seed a cup of large plump raisins, place them in a Í3'á'ň with a cup of water, four tablespoons of vinegar, half a cup of sugar and an even tablespoon of butter. 206 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. You may add a pinch of grated lemon rind, if you wish. Stew about fifteen minutes, tlien add enough flour to make the filling as thick as for lemon pies. Line a pie plate with the crust and bake half done, then spread with the filling, and bake until done. When done, spread witli whites beaten stiff with sugar to taste, and brown in tlie oven. 681. CUSTARD PIE. Vaječní/ púj. Beat three eggs with a quart of milk, add a cup of sugar, a tablespoon of cornstarch mixed smooth with a bit of milk, a dash of salt and vanilla to taste. Beat together thoroughly, pour into two pie plates lined with crust and bake rather slowly. You may use only the yolks if you wish, and spread the pies when done with tlie wlutes beaten stiff, as with lemon or cream pie. 682. LEMON PIE No. 1. i^ifronovfj páj. Bring a cu]) of milk to the boiling point, add a teaspoon of cornstarch mixed smooth with a bit of cold milk, let it boil a moment, then cool. Then add two eggs beaten with four tablespoons of sugar, the grated rind and juice of one lemon, mix together, fill two pie plates lined with crust, and bake about half an hour in a slow oven. If you wish, you may add a teaspoon of butter, and use only the yolks, using tlie whites l)eaten stiff and sweetened to spread over tlie pie when done. This will make two pies. 683. LEMON PIE No. 2. Citrónový páj na jiný zpiisoh. Pour one cup of milk over three soda crackers. Cream one teaspoon of butter with one yolk and one whole egg, the grated rind of one lemon and sugar to taste. Mix together with the soaked crackers and pour into a pie jilate lined with crust. When done. PIES. 207 Spread with the beateu white, to which you have added a tablespoon of sugar, let it brown in tiie oven, and serve. 684. LEMON PIE No. 3. Citrónový páj ještě na jiný zimsoh. Mix until smooth a tablespoon of cornstarch with as much cold water, add it to one cup of boiling w^ater, and let all boil a moment or tw^o. Then add a tablespoon of butter and cool. When cool, add three yolks, the grated rind of one lemon, the juice of half a lemon and half a cup of sugar. In the meantime line a pie plate w^th crust and bake same. When done, pour in the mixture, spread with three whites beaten stiff with sugar to taste and the juice of half a lemon, let it brown in the oven, and serve. 685. COTTAGE CHEESE PIE. Tvaroliový ycij. Line a pie plate with crust. Fill with a cup of fresh cottage cheese, dot with bits of butter, sprinkle with half a cup of thoroughly cleaned currants. Make a custard of two beaten eggs, a cup of sweet milk, two tablespoons of sugar and lemon extract to taste. Pour this over the mixture and bake. 686. PRESERVE PIE. Páj se zavařeninou. Line a pie plate with crust, fill with preserves or marmeládě, cover with strips of pie crust and bake. 687. PRUNE PIE. Páj s jahlkoi'ymi 'povidlí/. Mix or chop smooth boiled prunes, spread over a pie plate lined with crust, half filling same and bake. When done, spread with two whites beaten stiff, pro- perly sweetened, brown in the over and serve. 688. PUMPKIN PIE. Tf/kvový páj. A quart of boiled pumpkin pressed through a sie\'e, four whole eggs, two cups of sugar, a table- 208 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. spoon of syrup, a teaspoon of grated ginger, a tea- spoon of cinnamon, half a teaspoon of grated nutmeg, half a cup of melted butter, three pints of milk. Mix together, fill two pie plates lined with crust and bake forty-five minutes. . 689. CREAM PIE No. 1. Smetanový páj. Line a pie plate with crust and bake it. In the meantime prepare the filling. Boil two and a half cups of sweet cream with three tablespoons of sugar. Mix smooth two tablespoons of corn starch with half a cup of cream, add it to the boiling cream. When thick, pour into the baked crust. This will make two pies. When done, spread with two whites beaten with sugar, sprinkle with cocoanut, and brown in the oven. 690. CREAM PIE No. 2. Smetanový páj na jiný způsob. Line a pie plate with crust. Mix a cup of cream with a cup of sugar, fold in three whites beaten stiff, pour all into the crust and bake. Prick the dough before baking, so it will not blister. 691. SOUR CREAM PIE, Páj z hijselé smetany. Mix a cup of sour cream with half a cup of sugar, two eggs, half a cup of currants, a pinch of cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg, half a teaspoon of baking soda, pour into a pie plate lined with crust, and bake. This is good, but it will not keep longer than one day. 692. MINCE PIE. Makový páj. Boil three pounds of nice lean beef, chop and season it with salt. Add two pounds of raisins, two pounds of currants, half a pound of citron, three nut- megs grated, a pound and a half of chopped suet, eighf large tart apples chopped fine, a pint of brandy, a cup PUFFS. 209 of sugar and a i)iiit of cider. Mix all together, and heat thorongldy (it must not boil). When partially cooled, i^lace in stone or glass jars for future use. Use five or six tablespoons of this for one pie. 693. TYROLESE PIE. Tyrolský páj. Rub a piece of compressed yeast with three table- spoons of cream and let it rise. When foamy add it to the following batter: a cup of flour, one egg, a pinch of grated lemon rind, a tablespoon of sugar and a pinch of salt. Beat thoroughly and let it rise in a place that is not too wann. Mix together a cup of flour with half a cup of butter, knead it into a ball and place on ice for ten minutes. Then roll out each dough, place the butter paste over the other, fold over, roll and repeat three times. Finally roll out the dough very thin and cut in halves. Place one half in a pan. Peel and slice thin six large tart apples, spread the dough in the pan with them, sprinkle with a fourth of a cup of blanched and chopped almonds, sugar, cinnamon and seedless raisins. Cover with the other half, pinch- ing the edges together. Bnish with a beaten egg, let it rise a bit, and bake slowly about an hour. Puffs.— Svítky. 694. FARINA PUFF No. 1. Ki'upicmj sviieh. Beat two whites stiff, add two beaten yolks, a pinch of salt, nutmeg and sugar to taste. Now add slowly and carefully enough farina to form a batter as for pancakes. Butter a pie plate, pour the batter into it, and bake quickly. When done, cut into squares, put these in boiling milk and let them boil a moment or two. Serve with the milk. Cook Book 14 210 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. 695. FARINA PUFF No. 2. Krupičný svitek na jiný způsob. Beat six eggs, add salt to taste, a cup of farina, pour the batter into a buttered' pan and bake in a hot oven. This is also cut into squares and placed in boil- ing milk. 696. WHEAT FLOUR PUFF. Moučný svítek. Cream four tablespoons of butter, add six eggs, four tablespoons of sugar, two cups of sifted flour, three tablespoons of cream, salt to taste and mix to- gether. Pour into a buttered pan so it be half full and bake slowly. When done, take the pan out, gash the puff in several places with a knife, pour cold milk over it and when this has been absorbed, pour over it more milk, this time sweetened and flavored with va- nilla. When thoroughly soaked, drain off the surplus, cut into squares, turn into a dish, pour over it warm wine sauce and serve. This should be eaten immedately, lest it falls. 697. WHEAT FLOUR PUFF WITH CALVES' BRAINS. Moučný svitek s mozečkem. Melt three tablespoons of butter, add three heap- ing tablespoons of flour; when it bubbles, add slowly two cups of boiling milk, stirring constantly, and then boil until smooth and thick. Cool, add six yolks, beat- ing them in thoroughly, salt to taste, and finally fold in three whites beaten stiff. Pour into a buttered pan three parts of the batter, saving the fourth for later use, and bake. In the meantime parboil one and a half calves' brains in salted water, trim out the undesirable portions, slice, stew with a bit of butter, minced pars- ley, minced onion, salt and pepper. Slice the baked puff in three parts or layers. Cover one piece with the brains, place over it the second piece, cover that with brains, place over it the third piece. Spread PUFFS. 211 the remaining fourth part of the raw batter over the top, place the baking dish or pan into another pan containing boiling water, and bake thus forty-five minutes. 698. BREAD PUFF. Svítek žemličkový. Grate the crust off of half a loaf of bread and soak the rest in two cups of cream. Cream four table- spoons of butter with three yolks, add the soaked bread, salt to taste, fold in carefully the three whites beaten stiff, and finally the grated crust. Butter a pan or baking dish, sprinkle with bread crumbs, pour in the mixture about an inch thick and bake. 699. CALF'S LIVER PUFF. Svítek z telecích jater. Wash half a pound of calf's liver, grate and press through a sieve. Melt three or four tablespoons of beef marrow, press through a sieve and cream it, then add three yolks, one at the time, ten tablespoons of bread moistened with milk, the liver, and mix together thoroughly, adding also a bit of grated lemon rind, pepper and salt. Finally add three whites beaten stiff. Butter a baking dish, sprinkle with bread crumbs, pour in the batter and bake slowly one hour. 700. VEAL PUFF. Svítek z telecího masa. Mince fine a pound of veal, a piece of leaf lard, a bit of lemon rind, and slice of bread soaked in milk and squeezed dry. Cream two tablespoons of butter, add four eggs, then the mixture, two tablespoons of cream, salt, pepper, two tablespoons of grated bread crumbs, and mix together thoroughly. Bake in a but- tered baking dish. 701. DRIED MUSHROOMS PUFF. Svítek ze sušených hub. Wash in cold water two cups of dried mushrooms, boil them in salted water until tender, then drain and 212 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. chop fine. Cream two tablespoons of butter, add four eggs, the minced mushrooms, two slices of bread grated and soaked in milk, a bit of grated lemon rind, a pinch of caraway seed, mace, salt and mix together. Put in a buttered baking dish lined with bread crumbs and bake. Garnish with spinach, lentils or other vegetables. 702. EGG PUFF. Svítek z vajec. Boil hard 'ten eggs and mince them fine. Cream three tablespoons of butter, add five yolks, mix well, add two slices of bread soaked in milk and then creamed with a piece of butter, a pinch of mace, several tablespoons of cream, salt, the minced eggs, mix to- gether well, then fold in the beaten whites and pour all into a buttered baking dish. 703. VANILLA PUFF. Moučný svítek s vanilkou. Mix together five beaten yolks, two teaspoons of sugar, two cups of milk, a pinch of salt and enough flour to form batter as for i^ancakes, finally fold in the five whites beaten stiff. Heat a piece of butter in a pan, pour the mixture into it and bake in the oven. Boil a piece of vanilla bean in two cups of cream with sugar to taste, and place tlie baked puff, cut into squares, in same. Or you may make a custard, adding five yolks and a tablespoon of flour to the cream, letting it simmer until thick. Puffed Puddings. — Nákypy. Bohemian puddings are somewhat different than American or Englisli ]juddings, that is they are all lighter and may be called puffed puddings. To make tliese successfully, the cook must remember the follow- ing: the whites must be beaten very stiff and must be PUFFED PUDDINGS. 213 folded into the batter very carefully. The baking dish must be shallow, in order that the oven heat permeates evenly. The dish should be well buttered and dusted with bread crumbs, and it must be only half filled with batter. Finally, the cook must time herself so that the pudding is eaten immediately after being taken out of the oven. 704. FARINA PUFFED PUDDING. Krupicnij nákyp. Make a thick porridge of one quart of milk and a cup and a quarter of farina (half a pound). Cream three tablespoons of butter, add graduall}^ six yolks, then the boiled and cooled porridge, six tablespoons of sugar, the grated rind of half a lemon, mix together, add a pinch of salt and finally fold in carefully the six whites beaten stiff. Pour into a buttered dish dusted with crumbs, sprinkle Avith sugar, and bake forty-five minutes in a fairly hot oven. You may use bread crumbs, doughdrops or noodles boiled in milk, instead of farina. 705. FRENCH ROLL PUFFED PUDDING. Žemlový nal'ijp. Pare the crust from four rolls, soak them in milk, and mix until it forms a thick mush. Then add half a cup of sugar, a fourth of a pound of blanched almonds pounded to a paste, a bit of grated lemon rind, eight yolks and a dash of salt. Mix thoroughly, fold in the eight whites beaten stiff, and bake as directed half an hour. 706. RICE PUFFED PUDDING No. 1. Bijžovij nákyp. Boil a cup of carefully picked and washed rice in milk or cream until thick, then cool. When cool, add two tablespoons of butter, eight yolks, half a cu]j of sugar, vanilla to taste, a pinch of grated lemon rind and a dash of salt. Cream all together fifteen minutes, 214 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. then fold in carefully the eight whites beaten stiff, pour into a buttered baking dish, sprinkle with sugar, ÍDake forty-five minutes, dust again with sugar and serve. Sago puffed pudding is prepared in the same way. 707. RICE PUFFED PUDDING No. 2. Rýžový nákyp na jiný způsol). ^ Wash a cup of rice, put it in boiling water and boil ten minutes, drain, and let stand uncovered a while. Then add a heaping tablespoon of butter, stir- ring it in with a fork, a dash of salt, and a cup of milk. Boil slowly half an hour, until the rice is done. Turn into a dish, add a bit of grated nutmeg, two table- spoons or more of sugar, four beaten yolks, and finally four whites beaten stiff. Pour into a buttered dish and bake in a hot oven. When done, sprinkle with sugar and serve. 708. RICE PUFFED PUDDING No. 3. Rýžový nákyp ještě na jiný způsoh. Wash a cup of rice in hot water, then pour over it boiling milk and boil until half done, over a slow fire. When cool, add five yolks beaten with sugar to taste, a pinch of grated lemon rind and a dash of lemon juice. Finally add the five whites beaten stiff and pour into a buttered pan, sprinkled with bread crumbs. Place this in another dish containing hot water, cover, place over a slow fire for forty-five minutes. Then place in the oven for fifteen minutes, in order that the top will brown. 709. RICE PUFFED PUDDING No. 4. Rýžový nákyp ještě na jiný způsol). Boil a cup of rice in a quart of milk, and when done, cool. Fry bread crumbs in butter. Beat five eggs. Butter a baking dish, sprinkle witli the fried crumbs, place in it about an inch of the rice, sprea(^l with beaten eggs, raisins, sugar, cinnamon and bits of PUFFED PUDDINGS. 215 butter, then a layer of rice and continue until you have three layers of rice. Bake in a slow oven. 710. CORNSTARCH PUFFED PUDDING. Nákyp z hukiiřičné škrobové mouky. Boil a cup of milk. Mix smooth one and a half tablespoons of cornstarch with two tablespoons of water and a pinch of salt and add it to the boiling milk. When thick and smooth, take from the stove. When partially cool, fold in one beaten white, and fill indivi- dual cups with the mixture. Make a sauce as follows: boil a quart of milk, add one yolk beaten with three tablespoons of sugar and a tablespoon of cold milk, stir constantly and when thick add a few drops of vanilla and cool. Turn each cup of pudding on a plate, pour the custard over it and serve. 711. FRENCH PUFFED PUDDING. Clilehový nákyp. Peel apples and slice them thin, then steam until tender. Put a layer of bread crumbs in a buttered baking dish, then a layer of apples, sprinkle with cinnamon, sugar, seedless raisins and chopped blanched almonds, follow with a layer of crumbs and proceed thus until you have used all. Beat three whole eggs and three yolks, (leaving aside three whites), with two cups of cream, pour over the pudding and bake one hour in a slow oven. When done, cover with the three whites beaten stiff and put back in the oven for a moment or two. 712. BREAD PUFFED PUDDING WITH WINE. Clilehový nákyp s vínem. Cream two tablespoons of butter, add four yolks, one at the time, adding a tablespoon of sugar to each yolk. Add a bit of grated lemon rind, a tablespoon or two of grated blanched almonds and four tablespoons of bread crumbs. Fold in the four whites beaten very stiff, pour into a buttered dish and bake. When done, 216 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK, turn into a pndding dish, ponr over it a cnp of liot wine properl}^ sweetened and serve. 713. CHOCOLATE PUFFED PUDDING. Coholádový nákyp. Moisten three tablespoons of bread crumbs with milk, add two tablespoons of butter, two tablespoons of sugar, and boil all together, stirring constantly, tlien cool. Then add four squares of grated chocolate, a bit of grated lemon rind, six yolks and mix together thoroughly, adding finally the six whites beaten stiff. Pour into a buttered baking dish. Sprinkle with crumbs, bake slowl}^, turn out, sprinkle with sugar and serve. 714. STRAWBERRY PUFFED PUDDING. JaJiodový náhyp. Mash and put through a sieve a quart of nice strawberries. Melt a small cup of sugar in a bit of water over the fire, but do not let it brown. Pour into a dish, add the strawberries, mix together, fold in carefully ten whites beaten stiff, and stir slowly, until very stiff. Butter a baking dish, put the mix- ture into it, heaping it up, sprinkle with powdered sugar and bake slowly. When it begins to crack, it is done. Raspberry pudding is prepared this way also. 715. POPPY SEED PUFFED PUDDING. Malcovy nákyp. Pound or grind fine four tablespoons of poppy seed, add two tablespoons of sugar, two tablespoons of almond paste, the grated rind of one lemon, seven cloves powdered, five yolks, and cream or beat fifteen minutes, then add five whites beaten stiff, and pour into a dish that has been buttered and sprinkled with crumbs. Steam one hour. Serve with chocolate sauce. PUFFED PUDDINGS. 217 716. CHERRY PUFFED PUDDING. Třcšíiovíj nal'ijp. Soak six slices of bread in boiling milk, having- cut away the crust. Place in a pan with three table- spoons of melted butter and mix until smooth. Take it away from the fire, add a bit of grated lemon rind, three tablespoons of sugar, and when cool, add six yolks and mix together. Pit a pound of cherries, stew them a bit with sugar and wine, drain well and add to the rest, mixing together. Finally fold in six whites beaten stiff. Butter a baking dish, sprinkle with bread crumbs, pour in the batter and steam forty-five minutes. Serve with cherry sauce. 717. CREAM PUFFED PUDDING. Smetanový nákyp. Cream two tablespoons of butter, add a fourth of a pound of blanched almonds pounded to a paste, half a cup of sugar, eight yolks, a cup of thick sour cream, the grated rind of half a lemon, and cream all together at least fifteen minutes, then fold in eight whites beaten stiff. Bake in a buttered dish. When done, turn out, sprinkle with powdered sugar and serve. 718. PRUNE PUFFED PUDDING. Švestkový nakyp. Cream six yolks with half a cup of sugar, then add a few grated blanched almonds, the grated rind of half a lemon, and a bit of butter. Have ready half a pound of boiled and stoned prunes, saving the liquor or juice from these and pouring same over the crumbs of four slices of bread. Chop the prunes fine, mix with the bread crumbs and add to the first mentioned mixture. Fold in six whites beaten stiff. Pour into a buttered dish and steam one hour, that is, place the pudding in another dish containing hot water, cover well, and place in the oven. When done, turn out, sprinkle with powdered sugar and rum. 218 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. Ordinary Baked Puddings. Pečené puddingy. 719. PRUNE PUDDING. Švestkový pudding. Beat two eggs, add two tablespoons of sugar, a cup of milk, three tablespoons of melted butter, a pinch of salt, a cup of flour sifted with two tea- spoons of baking powder. Pour half of this batter into a buttered baking dish, cover with boiled and stoned prunes, sprinkle witli sugar and cinnamon, add the remaining batter and bake half an hour. Serve with whipped cream. When fresh peaches are used the pudding is even nicer. 720. APPLE PUDDING. Jablkový pudding. Butter a baking dish and sprinkle with bread- crumbs, then cover with sliced apples, sprinkle these with sugar and chopped blanched almonds, then add another layer of apples and proceed thus until the dish is half full. Beat four eggs with a cup of sugar half an hour. Then fold in carefully two and half cups of flour, adding vanilla or lemon flavoring to taste, and pour over the apples. Bake slowly one hour. 721. LEMON PUDDING. Ciironový pudding. Cream a tablespoon of butter, add a cup of sugar, four yolks, a quart of milk, two cups of bread crumbs, the grated rind and juice of one lemon and stir together thoroughly. Pour into a buttered dish and bake half an hour. When done, spread the top with four whites beaten stiff with half a cup of sugar and the juice of one lemon, let it brown in the oven and serve. BAKED PUDDINGS. 219 722. ORANGE PUDDING. Pomerančový pudding. Peel and slice four large oranges, sprinkle with a cup of sugar and let them stand a while. Mix smooth two tablespoons of cornstarch with cold water, add same to a quart of boiling milk, add half a cup of sugar, three beaten yolks and when thick, cool. When cool, pour over the oranges, which should be in a baking dish. Beat stiff three whites with a table- spoon of sugar, spread them over the top, and brown in the oven. 723. FARINA PUDDING. Krupičnij pudding. Stir four tablespoons of farina into two cups of boiling milk, boil about two minutes, stirring constan- tly, salt and cool. Cream two tablespoons of butter, add three yolks, stir this into the cooled mush, add two tablespoons of sugar and three whites beaten stiff. Butter a baking dish, cover with sliced apples, sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon, and cover with a layer of of mush. Put a layer of apples on this and so continue, the top layer being mush. Bake half an hour. 724. TAPIOCA PUDDING. Tapiolvovij pudding. Soak over night half a cup of tapioca in two cups of water. In the morning add a cup of boiling water and boil about an hour, until clear. Sweeten with two tablespoons Df sugar. Butter a baking dish, place in it a layer of tapioca, then a layer of sliced apples or pine- apple or peaches, a layer of tapioca, and continue until all is used. Bake half an hour. This is served cold with cream and sugar. 725. POTATO PUDDING. Bra m b o ro vfj pu dding . Peel and boil five or six medium-sized potatoes. When done, press througli a sieve. In the meantime 220 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. heat a cup of milk with a tablespoon of butter. Add two yolks to the potatoes, salt, pepper, the hot milk and butter, and two whites beaten stiff. Mix together, pour into a buttered dish and bake 20 minutes in a hot oven. Serve immediately, or it will fall. 726. MILLET PUDDING. J cihelný pudding. Wash millet in tepid water, then boil it in milk, add sugar and grated lemon rind to taste and turn into a buttered pan. Pour beaten eggs over the top, a bit of cream, dot with butter, and bake three quarters of an hour. You may add sliced apples or boiled and stoned dried prunes to the pudding, if you wish. 727. CHERRY PUDDING. Třešňový pudding. (Buhlaniria s višněmi). Cream two tablespoons of butter, add four yolks and two whole eggs, four tablespoons of sugar, and vanilla to taste. Mix together, then add two cups of flour, a cup of cream, a dash of salt, and beat well. Pour half the batter into a buttered pan, cover with juicy pitted cherries, sprinkle with sugar and then pour in the rest of the batter. Bake slowly one hour. The oven should be hot at first, then slower. 728. BROWN BETTY. Žemlová háha. Cut six slices of bread in thin w^afers. Beat three eggs with a quart of milk, adding a dash' of salt, and pour it over the bread. Butter a pan, place a layer of bread in it, then a layer of thinly sliced peeled apples, sprinkle with raisins, sugar and cinnamon, then a layer of bread and proceed until all is used. Beat two eggs with a cup of cream, pour over the betty, dot with butter and bake. BOILED PUDDINGS. 221 Boiled Puddings.— Vařené puddingy. Puddings are boiled in a pudding cloth or steamed. When steaming them, be sure that all parts of the steamer fit well, and that you have enough water, add- ing boiling water if necessary. Before serving, place in the oven for a few moments, to set it. If boiling in a cloth, butter and flour the cloth well, place the batter in it, tie Avitli a strong string, but not too tight. You must allow room for the pudding to swell. Put the bag in a large kettle containing enough boiling water so that the pudding has plenty of room, adding more water if necessary. 729. PLUM PUDDING. Hrozinkový pudding. Chop fine a cup of suet, add a cup of sugar, a cup of seedless raisins, a cup of cleaned currants, a cup of chopped citron, a cup of flour, half a pound of bread crumbs, four eggs, four tablespoons of brandy, half a teaspoon of ground allspice and the same of cloves, a cup of milk to which has been added a pinch of salt. Place in a floured pudding bag, tie loosely and boil one and a half to two hours. 730. ECONOMICAL PUDDING. Dohry a laciný pudding. Half a cup of syrup, half a cup of hot water to which has been added a teaspoon of baking soda, half a cup of large seedless raisins minced fine, one beaten egg and a cup and a half of flour. Mix together well, place in a floured pudding bag, tie loosely and boil one hour. Make a sauce of a cup of sugar, half a cup of water, half a cup of butter and a tablespoon of currant jelly, boiled together five minutes. 222 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. 731. COTTAGE CHEESE PUDDING. Tvarohový pudding. Cream smooth a pound of cottage cheese, add four eggs, two tablespoons of butter, a cup of farina, a dash of salt, and cream together thirty minutes. Then butter a pudding cloth, sprinkle with crumbs, put in the mixture, tie loosely, and boil one hour. Serve sprinkled with bread crumbs and melted butter. Fritters, Fritures, Toast, Etc. Smaženky, smažence, topinky, atd. 732. PLAIN FRITTERS. Jednoduché smaženky. Beat two eggs, whites and yolks separately. Add a cup of milk, half a teaspoon of salt and enough flour to make a batter thinner than for pancakes. Beat the batter until smooth. Have a liberal supply of smoking fat in a kettle. Add two tablespoons of baking powder to the batter, stir thoroughly, and drop by the tea- spoonful into the hot fat. When brown on one side, turn and brown on the other, take out with a skimmer and serve hot. Do not prick with a fork, the steam escapes and they become soggy. 733. APPLE FRITTERS. Jablkové smaženky. Peel several nice apples, slice them about a quarter of an inch thick, take out the seeds, place the sliced apples in a dish, sprinkle with brandy and powdered sugar and let them stand thus half an hour. Or you may dip freshly sliced apples in batter, omitting the rum etc. Beat two eggs with a teaspoon of melted butter, a dash of salt and enough flour to make a very thin batter. Dip the apples in this, fry in hot lard, sjjrinkle with sugar and cinnamon, or sugar only and serve. TRITTERS, FRITURES, TOAST, ETC. 223 734. ORANGE AND OTHER FRITTERS. Pomerančové a jiné smažeiiky. Peel and quarter oranges, take out the seeds, sprinkle with sugar, dip in fritter batter and fry. Peel and cut bananas into small pieces, sprinkle with sugar and lemon juice, dip in batter and fry. Apricots and peaches are peeled, halved and sprinkled with sugar. Boiled pruned are stoned, the cavity filled with an almond or nut, then dipped in batter and fried. All fritters should be served hot, thoroughly sprinkled with sugar. 735. PLAIN FRITURE. Jednoduchý smaženec. Beat together six yolks, two teaspoons of sugar, four tablespoons of flour, a dash of salt and a cup of milk. Beat the whites stiff and fold into the batter. Heat two tablespoons of butter in a shallow pan, pour in the batter, when fried on one side, turn carefully and stir somewhat as you would when making scram- bled eggs, sprinkle with sugar and serve. 736. CRUMB FRITURE. Zemličkový smaženec. Cut thin slices of bread, having trimmed off the crust. Beat three eggs with two cups of milk, add a dash of salt and pour over the bread, allowing it to soak thoroughly. Melt one and a half tablespoons of butter in a pan, pour in the soaked bread and let it fry a light brown on the under side, then stir and fluff with a spoon, and fry a bit longer. Sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon and serve. 737. APPLE FRITURE. Jablkový smaženec. Peel and slice thin twelve nice apples. Butter a baking dish, sprinkle with bread crumbs, place in it a layer of the sliced apples about an inch thick, sprinkle with sugar and raisins, then add a layer of crumbs 224 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. and so continue nntil all is used, the last layer being l)read ernmbs, dotted with l)utter. Bake in a moderate oven, basting several times with white wine, a cup in all. When done, turn, sprinkle with sugar and serve. 738. FARINA FRITURE. Krupičný smaženec. Melt two tablespoons of sugar in one quart of milk, add a piece of good butter, a dash of salt and a cup of farina. Stir occasionally until it thickens. Wlien partially cool, beat in six whole eggs and a piece of l)utter. Melt three tablespoons of butter in a pan, pour in the farina mush, cover and fry until the under side is light brown, then turn, stir or scramble, let it a fry a bit longer, sprinkle with sugar and serve. 739. RICE FRITURE. Rýžový smaženec. Wash in several waters (hot) a cup of rice, boil it in a quart of milk, adding two tablespoons of sugar and a dash of salt. When done and partially cool, beat in four eggs and a piece of butter. Melt four table- spoons of l)utter in a pan, pour in the mixture, and proceed as directed in the preceding recipe. •^ 740. CHERRY CRUSTS. Smažené žemličky s třešněmi. Pare the crust from buns, cut off the tops and dig out the inside, making a cavity in each. Then fr}^ them in hot butter. Stew pitted cherries with sugar and a bit of orange rind. Fill the cavities with this, cover with the tops, arrange in a baking dish, pour red wine over them and bake in the oven. Sprinkle with sugar and serve. You may use other fruit or marmeládě for the filling. 741. FRIED APPLE BALLS. Jablkové hiedlíčhj v červeném vině. Peel and cut tart apples into dice, enough to fill a plate. Mix with an equal amount of cracker or TOAST. 225 bread crumbs, the grated rind of two lemons, four tablespoons of sugar and a dash of cinnamon. Finally fold in carefully four whites beaten stiff. Form small balls, the size of a very small apple, dip in bread crumbs and fry in hot fat. Boil one quart of red wine with half a cup of sugar, a bit of lemon rind and a piece of whole cinnamon. Place the fried balls in this for two or three moments, drain, arrange on a plate and sprinkle with powdered sugar. 742. PLAIN TOAST. Jednoduché topMy. Use bread two or three days old, slice and dry brown in the oven, or on a toaster, on both sides. Butter while hot, or dip in hot buttered water for a moment, and place on each piece a fried or poached o^gg, minced ham, left-over minced meat, or whatever you intend to serve on toast. 743. MILK TOAST No. 1. Topinky v mléce. Prepare plain toast. Boil a quart of milk, thicken it with a tablespoon of flour mixed smooth with a bit of cold milk, add a dash of salt and a piece of butter and when it bubbles, pour over toast arranged in a deep dish. Serve immediately, before the toast becomes soggy. This is a nice breakfast or supper dish for children. 744. MILK TOAST No. 2. Topinlcy v mléce na jiný způsob. Boil two cups of milk. Melt one cup of butter. Dip sliced stale bread, one slice at the time, in the milk and when properly moistened, arrange on a plate, pour over it the melted butter, sprinkle with poppy seed ground or pounded in a mortar and mixed with sugar. Cook Book 15 226 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. 745. MILK TOAST No. 3. Topinlvjj V mléce ješté na jiný způsoh. Slice and cut into dice bread, rolls or buns, place in a crock and moisten with hot milk. A cup of milk will do for a galon crockful. Cover and bake half an hour in a slow oven. Turn into a dish, pour melted butter over it and sprinkle with po]3py seed mixed with sugar. 746. DIPPED TOAST. Topinky máčené. Slice stale bread, dip each slice lightly in milk (one side only) and arrange in a baking pan. Mix sugar with cinnamon or grated orange or lemon rind, sprinkle over the bread and toa"Sl in a slow oven. This is nice served with coffee or tea. 747. PRESSBURG TOAST. Sucluiry prešpurské. Mix smooth a piece of compressed yeast with two cups of tepid milk, beat in enough flour to make a medium-thick batter and let it rise. If dry yeast is used, the batter must be prepared the evening before. When the batter is light, beat in, one at 41ie time, eight yolks, then add ten tablespoons of sugar, the grated rind of half a lemon and a pinch of nutmeg. Knead the dough well, but do not add much more flour. Roll, place in a baking pan about 8 x 14 inches, and when the dough has risen so it fills the pan three fourths full, bake in a moderate oven. When cold, cut in slices about half an inch thick, spread both sides with icing made of whites of eggs and sugar, sprinkle with chopped almonds or peanuts mixed with bread crumbs and sugar, arrange in a pan and toast a light brown in a slow oven. These will keep a long time, if put away in a dry place. YEAST. 227 748. FRENCH TOAST WITH WINE. Vinné řízky. Mix together a liandful of blanched and chopped almonds, a cuj) of bread, crumbs, a dash of lemon or orange rind grated, a dash of cinnamon, two yolks and finally two whites beaten stiff. Spread this over four- teen or sixteen slices of bread, on one side. Fry in hot fat, the spread side down, turn and fry the other side a light brown, sprinkle with sugar, moisten with wine and serve. 749. FRENCH TOAST. Osmažený cldcl). For eight or ten slices of bread beat three eggs with half a cup of milk and a dash of salt. Melt four tablespoons of lard and when smoking hot, dip the bread in the eggs and fry a light brown on both sides. Serve with jam, honey or syrup. 750. SANDWICHES. Sandvlce cili obložený cJileha. A sandwich consists of*two very thin slices of bread, with a thin slice of meat, cheese or various chopped mixtures spread between them. If buttering very thin slices of bread is difficult, butter before slicing. The daintiest and most appetizing sandwiches are those containing a rather moist filling, such as minced meat, eggs, etc, moistened with dressing, but it must not be too moist, lest the bread become soggy. Yeast and Bread. — Kvasnice a chleba. 751. DRY HOP YEAST No. 1. 8 licit c domácí l-vasnice. This is best when made in warm weather, as it dries quicker. Pour a quart of water over one fourth of a i)ackage of lio])s and simmer about fifteen minutes, tlien cool. Strain and add to the water enough white flour to make a thin batter. Then add dry yeast dis- 228 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. solved in tepid water or home made liquid yeast and beat well. If you wish more yeast, you may add warm water. After this has fermented thoroughly, stir a bit and let it rise again. Then stir in enough cornmeal to make a stiff dough. Knead thoroughly and roll thin, cut into small squares and lay them on a board sprinkled with corn meal. Dry outside in the open, turning each day, and taking it in at night. When thoroughly dry, hang in a dry place in clean bags. This yeast lasts a long time and is very good. 752. DRY HOP YEAST No. 2. Suché domácí kvasnice na jiný způsob. Dissolve a piece of yeast in tepid water and mix with flour to make a sponge as for bread. Do this in the afternoon. In the morning boil three peeled and sliced potatoes in two quarts of water about ten minutes, then add five cents ' worth of dry hops and a tablespoon of salt and boil longer. When done, strain into cornmeal, add a cup of sugar, and stir into a stiff dough. When cot)l, add the raised batter pre- pared the day before, let it rise one hour, then add enough cormeal to make the dough stiff as for bread. Let this rise again, then roll, cut into squares and dry by the fire or in the sun. One piece of this yeast is sufficient for six loaves of bread. 753. DRY HOP YEAST No. 3. Suché domácí kvasnice ještě na jiný způsob. Peel and boil two large potatoes in a quart of water with two ounces of hops. Boil half an hour, cool and strain. Sift corn meal, add a teaspoon of sugar and the hop water, making a stiff dough. While the hops are boiling, dissolve one cake of yeast in tepid water, beat smooth with enough flour to make a thin batter, let it rise and then add it to the dough. Let this rise, then knead on the board with corn meal, until the dough is very stiff. Roll half an inch thick, cut into YEAST. 229 squares and dry in a shady place, turning daily. When thoroughly dry hang in a dry place in clean bags. 754. BUTTERMILK YEAST. Kvasnice z podmásU. Dissolve three cakes of dry yeast in a cup of tepid potato water. Heat two quarts of buttermilk, add enough cornmeal to form a stiff batter and boil thor- oughly, stirring occasionally. When done, turn into another dish, cool and when cold, pour the dissolved yeast into the batter and let the mixture rise over night. In the morning add enough cornmeal to make the dough very stiff, roll thin, cut into squares and dry. 755. HOME MADE YEAST. Domácí Icvasnice. Add six large peeled and grated potatoes to three quarts of boiling water, let it boil a moment or two, then take away from the stove, add a tablespoon of sugar and when it has cooled so that it is tepid, add a pint of liquid yeast, or two cakes of dry yeast dis- solved in tepid water. Mix well. After standing all day in a warm kitchen the yeast is ready for use. One cup of this yeast will be enough for one large loaf or more. 756. STARTER. liidlic domácí kvasnice. Boil six peeled potatoes in a gallon of water, in the evening. Strain, saving the water, mash the pota- toes and press them through a sieve. When the pota- toes are cool, pour over them the water in which they have boiled, add one piece of dry yeast or one piece of compressed yeast, dissolved in tepid water, or one cup of liquid yeast, a cup of sugar, half a cup of salt, mix, and let it stand until morning. In the morning pour off a pint of this yeast for future use and use tlie remainder for making bread. This starter is used in- stead of the regular sponge, that is, you may set the 230 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. dough with it in the morning when you want to bake. Put a pint of the starter in a Mason jar and keep in a cool place for future use. If will keep two weeks. When ready to bake bread the next time, boil potatoes and proceed as directed, adding the starter instead of yeast. If you do not make enough bread to use a gallon of water, use less potatoes, etc. 757. WHEAT BREAD No. 1. Pšeničný chléb. For three loaves of bread use one cup of liquid yeast or one cake of dry yeast (this should be soaked half an hour in tepid water). Pour the liquid or soaked yeast into a crock, add a cup of tepid water and enough sifted flour to make a thin batter, as for pancakes. Beat w^ell and put in a warm place to rise. In the winter the batter or sponge is made in the afternoon before baking. In warm weather set the sponge in the evening and in very hot weather late in the evening. If- the sponge rises too quickly, it sours or ferments. When this occurs, it may be re- medied by adding a pinch of baking soda moistened with hot water. In the morning add a quart of tepid water to the sponge, a dash of salt and a teaspoon of sugar. One or two grated potatoes will add to the flavor of the bread. Then add enough flour to make the dough medium stiff. Beat thoroughly with a wooden paddle, then knead on the board, adding flour, until the dough does not stick. Place the dough in the crock and let it rise double its bulk. The time for this varies from one and a half to two hours, depending upon the amount of yeast and the atmosphere. The quicker the dough rises, the lighter the bread will be. When the dough has risen, knead again about five minutes and let it rise once more, fifteen or twenty minutes. Then form loaves and x>la<:*e them in buttered l^ans, letting them rise double their bulk. When indi- BREAD. 231 vidiial bread pans are not used, two or tliree loaves may be formed and put in one pan, buttering the sides of each loaf, so that they may be easily taken apart after they are done. Rub the top with lard and bake. The oven should not be too hot. The proper test is when the heat is such that you can keep your hand in while quickly counting twenty. After the bread is in the oven, the heat should be kept even for forty- five minutes, then it may be lessened until the bread is done. Bread, like cake, is done when it has shrunk from the sides of the pan and is a nice brown color. 758. WHEAT BREAD No. 2. Fšeničnij cliJéb na jiný zpi'isoh. Make a sponge with a pint of starter described in recipe No. 756 and let is rise in a warm place. It should be ready in an hour. Add enough flour to make the dough medium thick, then proceed as des- cribed in the preceding recipe. 759. POTATO SPONGE BREAD. Chleh s hramhorouým kvósl^eni. Peel and boil six large potatoes, then drain, mash and pour over them three pints of tepid water and drain through a colander. Add enough sifted flour to make a thin batter and then add a cup of liquid yeast. When this has risen, add enough sifted flour to make a medium stiff dough, beat well and let it rise. When it has risen, add enough flour to make a' stiff dough and let it rise again. When it has risen, make loaves and let them rise once more in the pans, then bake. 760. MILK SPONGE BREAD. Mléčný cliléh. Mix together two cups of boiling water, a teaspoon of sugar, a fourth of a teaspoon of salt and a fourth of a teaspoon of baking soda. Allow this to become tepid, then add enough flour to make a rather thick batter. Beat two minutes, then set the vessel in another 232 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. containing warm water, but not too hot, so the batter would not be injured. Keep at even heat until the batter rises. If you set this in the morning, it should be ready for mixing by eleven oclock. Use milk in- stead of water when mixing, and proceed as shown in the preceding recipes, being careful not to let the dough rise too much. 761. BROWN BREAD. Hnědý chleb. Mix a quart of corn meal, two cups of rye flour (sifted), a cup of New Orleans molasses, a teaspoon of baking soda dissolved in hot water and enough sour milk to make the batter thicker than for pancakes, add salt, and beat well. Pour into pans and bake four hours in a slow oven. 762. BOSTON BROWN BREAD. Bostonský Jmédý cliléh. Mix two cups of corn meal, one cup of rye flour, half a cup of syrup, a heaping teaspoon of baking soda dissolved in hot water and added to three cups of sour milk, salt and beat thoroughly. Place in a round tin (a lard bucket, coffee can etc.) and steam four hours, then place in the oven for twenty minutes. 763. GRAHAM BREAD. GrahamsJcý chléb. Graham bread may be made with yeast, the same as white bread. With soda it is made as follows: mix together two cups of sweet milk with nearly two-thirds of a cup of molasses, a pinch of salt and a teaspoon of baking soda dissolved in hot water. Beat well, add a quart of Graham flour, beat thoroughly and bake forty-five minutes in a slow oven. 764. RYE BREAD No. 1. Žitný chléb. When making rye bread, it is best to leave a piece of dough from one baking to the next, about BREAD. 233 two tablespoons. The day before baking, pour about two cups of, tepid water on this dough, to pro- perly moisten it. Stir it up in the evening, add enough flour to make batter as for pancakes, and let it stand over night in a warm place to rise. If you have not a piece of dough to begin with, dissolve a piece of dry or compressed yeast in two cups of tepid water the evening before baking, or use a cup of liquid yeast, add enough rye flour to make batter somewhat thicker than for pancakes, beat smooth, add a pinch of fennel or caraway seed, or both, and let the batter rise over night in a warm place. In the morning add a quart of tepid water in which you have dissolved a fourth of a teaspoon of baking soda, salt, arid enough rye flour to make a stiff dough. Beat with a wooden paddle until the dough does not stick, sprinkle with flour, cover with a napkin and let it rise half an hour. Then knead the dough on the board, make a loaf and let it rise in the pan. Bake in a hot oven. One quart of water and four pounds of flour will make one loaf, but as flours vary, the cook must use her experience to guide her in this matter. You may use part milk, whey or sour milk, — the bread will be better and' more digestible. 765. RYE BREAD No. 2. Žitný chléb na jiný způsob. Boil three large peeled potatoes in two quarts of water the evening before baking. When boiled until nearly dissolved, press through a sieve, and if the water has boiled away, add enough cold water to make two quarts, then add half a cup of flour, a cake of compressed yeast dissolved in tepid water, beat and set in a warm place over night. In the morning add a pinch of salt and enough rye flour to make batter as for pancakes, let it rise half an hour. Then pour on a floured board, add more flour and knead until 234 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. tlie dough does not stick. Place in tlie bowl and let it rise fifteen minntes. Knead again, let it rise a short time, then form loaves, place in pans and when they have risen once their bnlk, bake. 766. CORN BREAD No. 1. KuhuHcnii chléb. Mix two cups of sour milk, two yolks, a pinch of salt, half a teaspoon of melted lard, two cups of corn- meal, a teaspoon of baking soda dissolved in hot water, beat thoronghly with a wooden paddle. Beat two whites and fold into the batter. Ponr into a but- tered pan and bake a light brown. You may add two tablespoons of 'cracklings instead of the lard. 767. CORN BREAD No. 2. Kukuřičný chléb na jiný způsob. Beat together one egg, two tablespoons of sugar, half a teaspoon of salt, tw^o tablespoons of melted butter or lard, three fourths of a cup of white flour, one and three fourths of a cup of corn meal, a liberal cup of sour milk to which you have added a teaspoon of baking soda. Pour into a buttered pan and bake at least half an hour. 768. CORN BREAD No. 3. Kukuřičný cJiléb ještě na jiný způsob. Mix together a quart of corn meal, a teaspoon of salt, three pints of sweet warm milk, a teaspoon of soda dissolved in two tablespoons of hot water, eight eggs, the whites and yolks beaten separately. Fold the whites in last. Bake one hour in a medium oven. 769. CORN BREAD No. 4. Kukuřičný chléb ještě na jiný způsob. Mix together one beaten egg, a tablespoon of lard, a cup of corn meal, a pinch of salt, four tablespoons of sugar, beat smooth. Add a cup of sour milk or butter- milk, then add a fourth of a cup of milk in which BREAD. 235 has been dissolved a teaspoon of baking soda. Pour into a warm buttered pan and bake in a quick oven. 770. STEAMED CORN BREAD. KuhuHčný chJch v páře připravený. Pour one cup of boiling water over three cups of corn meal, stir well and when it has cooled, add one cup of white flour, a cup of milk, a cup of molasses, two teaspoons of baking powder and salt to taste, stir thoroughly and steam three hours. 771. TEA RUSKS. Zemličky. In the evening before baking warm two cups of milk, add a tablespoon of sugar, a cake of compressed or dry yeast dissolved in tepid water, or half a cup of liquid yeast, and enough flour to make a batter as for pancakes, sprinkle with flour and stand in a warm place over night. In the morning add half a cup of butter, one beaten yolk and two whites beaten stiff, salt and enough flour to make a stiff dough. Knead until it does not stick, and let it rise. When it has risen, roll three fourths of an ýicli thick and cut with a biscuit cutter. Eub each with lard, fold one end over, place on a greased pan and let them rise. When light, bake in a hot oven twenty-five minutes. You may make rusks with bread dough also, adding to same a i)iece of butter or lard and sugar, if you like. 772. BAKING POWDER BISCUITS. BisJcetij s prášivém. Sift one quart of flour with two teaspoons of baking powder and a pinch of salt. 'Work in a table- spoon of lard, then add a cup of sweet milk, stir but do not beat, turn on a floured board and roll about an inch thick. Cut with a biscuit cutter and ])ake in a buttered pan twenty minutes in a hot oven. Handle as lightly as possible. 236 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. 773. SODA BISCUITS No. 1. Biskety sodové. Sift one quart of flour with a pinch of salt. Work in a tablespoon of lard, then add one and a half cups of sour milk or buttermilk, to which you have added a teaspoon of baking soda moistened with vinegar, and mix all together. Turn the dough out on a floured board and knead until smooth, but not stiff. Cut with a cutter and bake in a hot oven. 774. SODA BISCUITS No. 2. BisJcety sodové na jiný způsoh. Eub four cups of sifted flour with a tablespoon of solid lard and salt to taste. Dissolve a teaspoon of baking soda in a tablespoon of hot water, pour it into two cups of sour milk and pour this on the flour, stirring constantly. If necessary add flour enough to make quite a stiff dough, then roll and cut. Bake twenty or twenty-five minutes in a hot oven. 775. RAISED BISCUITS. Biskety hynuté. Warm two cups of sweet milk, when it is tepid add two tablespoons of sugar, one cake of compressed yeast and two tablespoons of butter. When light, pour into a bowl, add salt and three cups or more of flour, enough to make dough as for bread. Beat well, turn on a floured board, knead fifteen minutes, adding flour, until the dough does not stick. Then place .back in the bowl and let it rise in a warm spot. When risen double its bulk, knead two or three minutes, roll half an inch thick, cut and place in a buttered pan. Rub with butter,- let them rise once more and bake in a hot oven. 776. RAISED POTATO BISCUITS. Kynuté hisl'ety hranihorové.- Peel and boil six medium-sized potatoes, drain and mash. Add two cups of hot milk, two heaping BREAD. 237 tablespoons of butter or lard, a teaspoon of salt and the same of sugar, half a cup of flour, beat and let it cool. When cool, add a cup of liquid yeast or one cake of compressed yeast dissolved in tepid water and enough flour to make a stiff dough, beat about five minutes until it does not stick, cover, stand in a warm place and let it rise three hours, then add enough flour to make a soft dough, knead lightly and quickly fifteen minutes, then roll half an inch thick and cut. Arrange in a buttered pan, cover and stand in a warm place. When light, bake in a hot. oven. 777. BOHEMIAN BISCUITS WITH JAM. Vdolhy, Melt a piece of butter in two cups of tepid milk, add two eggs, a pinch of mace, salt, compressed or dry yeast dissolved in tepid milk and enough white flour to make dough softer than for dumplings. Beat until smooth, let it rise, turn on a floured board, roll and cut rather large biscuits. Let these rise, then bake on both sides, or fry in lard. Spread with prune jam, sprinkle with cottage cheese or grated marzipan, and melted butter or thick sweet cream. _ 778. BREAD STICKS. Chlebové hůlčičky. For these you must have the regular bread-stick form or pan, called "bread-stick pan". When making bread, take a piece of dough, work into it a table- spoon of lard (to one pound of dough) and let it rise. Then knead lightly, cut into small pieces and roll these into slender long rolls or ''sticks". Place in the buttered bread-stick pan, let them rise forty-five minutes in a warm place, and bake in a very hot oven. The hot oven is necessary, because the bread-stick pan is iron and must heat quickly. Cover the top with paper. Bake twenty-five minutes until brown and crisp. 238 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. 779. VIENNA ROLLS. Videtíshé roliličhy. Beat together two cups of tepid milk, two yolks, half a cup of butter, a cake of compressed or dry yeast dissolved in tepid milk, salt and enough flour to make dough as for dumplings. Let it rise, turn on a floured board, knead medium stiff, roll about half an inch thick, cut into squares, cut off one corner of each and roll up, the cut-off part inside. Place on a buttered pan, shaping each into a crescent, brush with beaten egg, sprinkle with, poppy seed or caraway seed and salt, and bake. 780. BUTTER ROLLS. Máselné rohlidh/. Dissolve a cake of compressed yeast in a cup of tepid milk, add enough flour to make a thin batter and let it rise. When it is light, add one beaten egg and two yolks. Cream half a cup of butter with two tablespoons of sugar, add it to the batter, mix together with a fork and add a dash of salt. Add enough flour to make rather stiff dough, knead and stand in a warm place to rise, then knead lightly and make rolls. Roll the dough half an inch thick, cut into oblong- pieces, about four by six inches, roll each up, pinching the ends down well. Arrange in a buttered pan, shape each in a crescent, brush with melted butter and let them rise. When light, brush witli beaten egg and bake in a hot oven. 781. CABBAGE ROLLS. ZclnU'y. Pick over and wash a four-pound liead of cabbage, mince fine, press out the juice, season with salt, and stew in the oven, until tender. Blend a piece of butter the size of an egg witli enough flour to thicken it. Add half a cup of hot water, then the stewed cabbage, a tablespoon of sugar and pepper to taste, and if necessary BREAD. 239 more salt. Prepare dough as for tarts (see recipe 786). When the dough has risen, roll half an inch thick, cut into squares, place a tablespoon of the cabbage in each and roll up, pressing the edges down all around so the cabbage does not run out. Arrange in a buttered pan and bake about half an hour. ^ . 782. TWISTS. Hously. *■ Prepare the dough as for rolls. When light, divide into three parts. EoU out in long round pieces, and. braid together in one loaf. Let this rise, brush with beaten egg, sprinkle with poppy seed and bake. You may sprinkle with caraway seed and salt instead of the poppy seed, if you wish. 783. MUFFINS. Boclíánl-y. Mix together a quart of buttermilk, two beaten yolks, a teaspoon of baking soda dissolved in a table- spoon of hot water, salt, and enough flour to make a batter thicker than for pancakes; finally fold in the whites of two eggs beaten stiff. Pour the batter into heated buttered muffin rings and bake twenty minutes in a hot oven. 784. CREAM MUFFINS. Bochdnl-y smetanové. Beat together two cups of sweet cream, three yolks, a tablespoon of butter, salt and enough flour (adding a teaspoon of baking powder to same) to make a batter somewhat thicker than for pancakes. Bake as directed above. 785. HOE CAKES. Plachy. Sift a pound of flour on the board, make a well in the middle, pour in two eggs, six tablespoons of lard, salt, a pinch of mace, enough milk to form a stiff 240 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. dough, mix with a knife and then knead smooth. Eoll half an inch thick, cut round or square, make several dents in each with the dull edge of a knife, arrange in a pan and bake slowly. Raised Tarts and Cakes. — Koláčky, koláče a buchty. m In order to make good pastry, especially that composed of raised dough, the cook must observe several rules. The flour should be of good quality, dry and warm, the butter, eggs and yeast must be fresh. When setting the sponge, the milk or water must be tepid, never hot. Compressed yeast seems to give more satisfactory results than dry yeast. Half an ounce of fresh compressed yeast is about right to one pound of flour. However, the richer the dough, the more yeast it will require. In order to be sure that the yeast is fresh, mix it with several table- spoons of tepid milk, add a teaspoon of sugar and two or three teaspoons of flour, beat and set in a warm (not hot) place. If it begins to bubble and foam within a short time, the yeast is good. You may then mix the other ingredients together, add the sponge, beat very thoroughly until the dough glistens and does not stick, then set again in a warm place. The dough must be right, the oven must be right, and the baking must be done right. Success depends on all these things, not on any one of them. If the oven bakes too quickly on the under side, set the pan on a tin plate or iron stand, if too quickly on top, cover with a paper. 786. BOHEMIAN TARTS No. 1. Koláčky. Cream one cup of butter, add four to six yolks, one at the time, one cake of compressed yeast dissolved RAISED TARTS. 241 in tepid milk, four whites beaten stiff, one quart of sweet cream, a handful of sugar, the grated rind of a lemon, a dash of salt, one quart of sifted flour, and beat imtil the dough does not stick, then set in a w^arm place. When it has risen to double its bulk, take out by the tablespoonful on a floured board, roll each into a ball, then roll out like a cooky, about half an inch thick, arrange in a pan, brush with melted butter, spread with fruit jam, cottage cheese or other filling (see Jams, Fillings, etc.) let them rise again in the pan and then bake in a hot oven. 787. BOHEMIAN TARTS No. 2. Koláčky na jiný způsob. Dissolve one cake of compressed yeast in half a cup of tepid milk with a teaspoon of sugar and four tablespoons of flour. Beat well and place in a warm spot. Cream a cup of butter in a crock, add two yolks, one at the time, the grated rind of half a lemon, and a dash of cinnamon. When the sponge has risen, add it to this with a dash of salt, beat, then add two cups of warm milk, four cups of sifted flour, or more if necessary, beat thorough^, dust with flour and let it rise. When it has doubled its bulk, 'flour the board, take the dough out by tablespoonful, roll each into a ball, then roll out half an inch thick, or press out with the fingers, in the form of a cooky, arrange on a buttered tin (not too close together) brush each with beaten yolk mixed with a bit of milk, spread with jam, poppy seed or cottage cheese, let them rise again and bake in a hot oven. Sprinkle with powdered sugar while hot. 788. BOHEMIAN TARTS No. 3. Koláčhy ještě na jiný zpilsoh. Prepare the dough as shown in the preceding recipe. When it is light, roll out very thin, cut in squares, place in the center of each a tablespoon of the desired Cook Book 16 242 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. filling', take up the two cross-corners and pinch together over the center, then do the same with the other two corners, arrange on a bnttered tin, brush with beaten yolks, sprinkle with chopped blanched almonds, or butter, flour and sugar rubbed together, let them rise once more and bake in a hot oven. 789. PUFFDOUGH TARTS. Kolclcl'ij z máselného těsta. řleat a cup of cream, when tepid add one tea- spoon of sugar and one and a half cakes of compressed yeast, mix smooth and set in a warm place to rise. Mix together two and three fourths of a cup of flour, a dash of salt, the grated rind of half a le- mon and a dash of mace. Work in a heaping table- sjDoon of cold butter, add four yolks and the fermented yeast, beat thoroughly. If necessary add flour, for this dough must be rather stiff. Stand in a rather cool, (that is, not very warm), place to rise. Take a cup of unsalted butter. If salted, wash thoroughly in cold water, dry and place on ice. When the dough has risen, let it get cool and roll it out about half an inch thick. Then roll out the butter, making a smaller piece than the' dough, so that when you place the rolled butter on the rolled dough, there will be an inch-wide edge of dough all around. Then fold over as illustrated in the recipe for making puff paste, (recipe 668). With a rolling pin beat the folded dough lightly, roll again, fold, beat and repeat this once more, that is proceed this way three times altogether. Then roll the dough half an inch thick, cut it into squares, put a tablespoon or teaspoon of filling on each, (according to how large you wish to have the tarts) pinch the corners together over the center, arrange on a buttered tin, brush with beaten yolk, let them rise to double their bulk and bake in a hot oven. Sprinkle with powdered sugar while hot. RAISED TARTS. 243 790. BUTTER TARTS. Krelil'e holáčhy. Sift a quart of flour on the bread board, sprinkle over it three fourths of a pound of finely chopped fresh firm butter, work the butter into the flour, gather into a heap, make a well in the middle, drop into it six yolks, half a cup of cold water, a heaping table- spoon of sugar, a dash of salt, mix with a knife, knead, roll, fold, roll and fold again. Dust a napkin with flour, wrap the folded dough in it and place on ice for half an hour. Then roll, cut into round or square pieces, spread or fill with jam or other filling (if you make them square, pinch the corners together), ar- range on a buttered tin and bake rather slowly. Or you may roll tlie dough out half an inch thick in one piece, enough to fill a pie plate, cover with sliced apples, quartered fresh peaches, stoned plums, straw- berries, cherries etc., sprinkle with sugar and bake. 791. CARLSBAD TARTS. KarlovarsJcé l^oláčky. Cream six tablespoons of good butter with eight yolks, then add two cups of flour, four heaping table spoons of powdered sugar, the grated rind of half a le- mon, a cup of milk, a cake of yeast dissolved in tepid milk with a teaspoon of sugar, a dash of salt, beat thor- oughly and set in a warm place to rise. Line a pan with waxed or buttered paper, dot with pieces of dough the size of a walnut, spread each flat with a knife, about half an inch thick, cover each with a thick layer of whites beaten stiff, sprinkle with pow- dered sugar, place in the center of each a candied cherry or other fruit, and bake in a hot oven. Do not prepare any more tarts than you can bake at one time. If you spread them with the beaten whites and let them stand, the whites will become watery. 244 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. 792. YOLK TARTS. Zloutkové 1'oláčhj. Dissolve two cakes of compressed yeast aud a teaspoon of sugar in eight tablespoons of tepid cream, then add four tablespoons of flour to make a thin batter and let it rise. Cream together a cup of butter, two tablespoons of sugar, the grated rind of half a lemon, and a dash of mace. Then add four eggs, one at the time, beating them in thoroughly, then add, in the same manner, four yolks. Now add the raised batter and two cups of sifted flour. Beat very thor- oughly and let it rise, but not too quickly. When light, roll and cut thin round cakes, place on a buttered pan, brush with beaten yolk, spread with jam^ let them rise once more and bake. 795. LARGE FRUIT TARTS. Ovocné holáče. Prepare dough as given in the preceding recipe. Roll about half an inch thick, line a pie plate or small pan with it, cover with quartered apples, halved pea- clies or plums, whole strawberries, pitted ciierries, etc., sprinkle with sugar (you may mix cinnamon with the sugar for apples), let the cake rise once more and bake. 794. GERMAN LARGE TARTS. NeniecJi'e Icoláče. Prepare dough as for Bohemian fruit tarts (recipe 786), line a pie plate or pan with the dough half an inch thick, being careful to have the edge high, prick with a fork, brush the edges with beaten yolks and the rest of the dough with melted butter, vspread with jam or cottage cheese. Cottage cheese filling may be ornamented with seedless raisins; jam or poppy seed with blanched and halved almonds. Or you may cover a strip of dough with cherries, strawberries or otlier small fruit, leave a strip bare and cover another strip, or in au}^ way to make a pretty design. RAISED CAKES. 245 795. HANOVER LARGE TARTS. Htmoversl'e koláče. Cream half a cup of butter with three yolks, add a tablespoon of powdered sugar, Vanilla flavoring, a cup of cream or rich milk, a dash of salt and two cups of flour, a cake of compressed yeast dissolved in tepid milk, or dry yeast dissolved in warm water, and beat thoroughly. Butter a baking tin, spread over it half the dough, cover this with a layer of filling (jam, poppy seed or cottage cheese), then spread over this the rest of the dough, press the edgeá* together, and let it rise. Til en brush the top with a beaten yolk and bake. 796. STUFFED RAISED CAKES. Bii cliiicl'ij nadi vane . Sift into a deep bowl two quarts of flour, make a well in the middle, pour into it a cup of melted cool butter, a cup of sugar, four yolks or two whole eggs, a dash of mace, a bit of grated lemon rind, a dash of salt, a cake of compressed yeast dissolved in enough tepid cream or milk to make the batter medium stiff. Beat well until the dough does not stick, let it rise in a warm place. When light, take out by the table- spoonful or cut into small pieces, roll each about half an inch thick, spread with cottage cheese, poppy seed or jam filling, or sugar and cinnamon mixed together, or peach or apple butter or marmeládě, roll each as for Vienna rolls but do not shape into a crescent, pinch the ends together, arrange on a buttered pan, let them rise once more and then bake. 797. RAISED CAKE No. 1. Buchta. Cream four tablespoons of butter, add five yolks, one at the time, six tablespoons of sugar, the grated rind of one lemon, a dash of mace and the same of salt, and beat, then add four cups of flour, a cake of com- pressed yeast dissolved in tepid milk, four whites beaten stiff and enough cream to make the batter quite stiff. 24G BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. Beat lialf an hour. Butter a cake form, sprinkle with bread crumbs, pour the dough into it, brush the top with melted butter and bake slowly forty-five minutes. Turn out on a plate and sprinkle thickly with powdered sugar. 798. RAISED CAKE No. 2. BucMa na jiný způsob. Melt eight tablespoons of butter, then cream it half an hour, add twelve' eggs and three cups of flour, that is, add one egg and one tablespoon of flour at the time, then add four tablespoons of sugar, half a tea- spoon of vanilla extract, a dash of salt, a cake of com- pressed or dry yeast properly dissolved, and beat fifteen minutes. Fold in five whites beaten stiff and pour the dough into a buttered form, so that it is half filled. Place in a warm spot to rise and when the form is nearly full, bake in a slow oven, about forty minutes. When done, turn out on a plate and dust thickly with powdered sugar. 799. RAISED CAKE No. 3. Buchta ještě na jiný způsob. Cream eight tablespoons of butter half an hour, add six tablespoons of fine sugar, the grated rind of one lemon, twelve yolks and twelve tablespoons of flour, that is one yolk and one tablespoon of flour at the time, beating a while before adding the next, then add a dash of salt and a cake of dissolved compressed yeast. Beat the dough very thoroughly, then add three whites beaten stiff. Butter a cake form, sprinkle witli bread crumbs, pour the dough into it, let it rise double its bulk and bake about an hour in a slow oven. When done, turn out on a plate and dust thickly with powdered sugar. RAISED CAKES. 247 800. RAISED CAKE WITH ALMONDS. Buchta s mandlemi. Cream eight tablespoons of butter, add eight eggs, one at the time, three tablespoons of sugar, a small cup of cream, a dash of mace and salt, stir thoroughly, then add four cups of sifted flour, one and a half table- spoons of blanched and finely chopped almonds, one and a half ounces of minced citron, a cake of com- pressed yeast properly dissolved, and beat half an hour, then add five whites beaten stiff. Butter a form, fill half full with the batter, let it rise once its bulk, then bake in a rather slow oven. Turn out on a plate and dust with powdered sugar. 801. RAISED CAKE WITH CHERRIES. Buclita s višněmi. Cream four tablespoons of butter, add seven yolks, one at the time, two tablespoons of sugar, a dash of mace and salt, two cups of tepid cream, beat thoroughly, then add enough sifted flour to make the dough rather stiff. Now add a cake of compressed yeast properly dissolved and beat until the dough does not stick. Butter a form, sprinkle with chopped blanched almonds, dust with flour, pour in over half the dough, cover this with a layer of preserved cherries, pour in the rest of the dough, and let it rise in a warm place, then bake in a slow oven. When done, turn out and dust thickly with powdered sugar. , 802. COFFEE CAKE. Buchta lve kávě. Cream a cup of butter with eight tablespoons of sugar, four yolks, a bit of grated lemon rind, a dash of mace and of salt and add two pounds of flour, then add a cake of compressed yeast dissolved in milk, and four whites beaten stiff. The dough should be medium stiff. Beat half an hour and then let it rise. Butter a pan, sprinkle with bread crumbs, place the 248 BOHEMIAN-AMEKICAN COOK BOOK. doiigli iu it, rolled about half au inch thick, brush the surface with melted butter, let it rise and then bake slowly. Sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon before baking. 803. CROWN CAKE. Báhovl-a. The evening before baking prepare the batter by dissolving a cake of compressed yeast in tepid milk, adding a teaspoon of sugar and two or three table- spoons of flour. In the morning cream together half a pound of butter, half a pound of lard, half a pound of sugar, then add six yolks, one at the time and two whole eggs, a dash of salt, tw^o cups of milk, the yeast batter, beat thoroughly, then add enough flour to make a thick batter. Finally add a fourth of a pound of cleaned and seeded raisins, and let the cake rise. Butter a form, sprinkle with bread crumbs, pour in the dough, let it rise again and bake in a rather slow oven. 804. CROWN CAKE WITH POPPY SEED. Bucliia maková. Cream a cup of butter with eight yolks. Dissolve two cakes of compressed yeast in two tablespoons of milk and eight tablespoons of cream, add this to the butter and yolks, half a cup of blanched and chopped almonds, the grated rind of one lemon, and stir thor- oughly. Then add four whites beaten stiff, three cups of flour, beat until smooth, then add two cups of poppy seed ground to a paste, half a cup of sugar and a dash of salt. Beat thoroughly, then pour into a buttered form which you have sprinkled with halved blanched almonds and bread crumbs. Let the dough rise in this, then bake. 805. CHRISTMAS TWIST. Yánočka. Sift eight cups of flour into a crock or deep bowl, work into the flour half a pound of butter, add two DOUGHNUTS. 249 whole eggs or four yolks, a cup of sugar dissolved in milk, a bit of grated lemon rind, salt, mace (or i)o\v- dered anise seed), a cake of compressed yeast dissolved in cream or milk, and beat thoroughly. The dough should be rather stiff. Beat until the dough does not stick, then cover with a warm cloth and place in a warm spot to rise. When it has risen, stir in a cup of seedless raisins and half a cup of chopped blanched almonds, knead the dough on the board a while, then divide into four large portions and five smaller ones. Eoll each into a long roll and let each piece rise, then braid the four large pieces together, forming a loaf. Place this on a pan lined with buttered paper, braid the three smaller pieces and place them on top of the loaf, and then the remaining two, putting them on top, shaping all nicely. Let it rise once more, then brush with beaten yolks and bake in a slow^ oven. If this cake rises very much, it must have a hotter fire. By using whole eggs, the cake will be more moist, but by using yolks only, it will be richer. 806. HOT CROSS BREAD. Velikonoční hocltánelc. Prei)are the dough as directed in the preceding recipe, make two or three loaves of it, rub each with beaten egg, cut a cross on the top of each, let them rise and bake in a slow" oven. Doughnuts and Other Fried Cakes. Koblihy a jiné smaženice. 807. PLAIN DOUGHNUTS. Jednoduché koblihy. Cream a cup of sugar, a tablespoon of butter and two eggs. Add a cup of sour milk to which you have added half a teaspoon of baking soda dissolved in hot water, or a cup of sweet milk, in which case you must use a teaspoon of baking powder instead of soda. Then 250 BOřlEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. add flour enough to make dough as for biscuits. Koll half an inch thick, cut with a doughnut cutter and fry in hot fat. 808. FILLED DOUGHNUTS. Nadívané hoh liJiy. Cream three tablespoons of butter, add two eggs well beaten, half an ounce of yeast dissolved in a bit of tepid milk, three tablespoons of sugar, a bit of grated lemon rind, a dash of salt, a pound of sifted warm flour, a tablespoon of rum or wine (this is used so that the doughnuts will not absorb too much fat), a cup of milk or cream. Beat fifteen minutes, in one direction, then sprinkle with flour and place in a warm spot to rise. Turn the dough out on a floured board, roll about half an inch thick, cut like cookies, that is plain round pieces. Cover a piece with apricot, prune or other stiff jam or preserves, place over it another piece, cut each with a trifle smaller cutter, which will press both pieces together tightly, so the jam inside will not run. Let the cakes rise once more, then fry them in deep fat, not crowding them too much. Cover and when fried on one side, turn over (do not prick) and let them finish frying. Do not cover after turning. Drain in a strainer or on a blotter and sprinkle gene- rously with powdered sugar. Do not pile them over each other while hot. 809. FRIED CAKES. Šišky. Cream together half a cup of butter, four yolks, a dash of salt, a dash of grated lemon rind, a dash of mace, add a quart of warm flour, then a cake of compressed yeast dissolved in tepid cream enough to make a thick batter. Beat until the dough does not stick, then stir in two tablespoons of seedless raisins, sprinkle the dough with flour and let it rise. When it has FRIED CAKES. 251 risen, turn it out on a floured bread board, cut into small pieces, roll each into a small roll,' let them rise again, then fry in deep hot fat. When done on both sides drain and dust with powdered sugar. 810. CELESTIAL CRUSTS No. 1. J^oží milosii či hrehotinky. Cream together three eggs, three teaspoons of sugar, a tablespoon of butter and a fourth of a cup of sweet milk, add a dash of salt and enough flour to make a stiff dough, not quite as stiff as for noodles. Work this smooth, roll very thin, cut into squares, prick each several times with a fork, then fry in deep fat. 811. CELESTIAL CRUSTS No. 2. Khliotinl'ii na jiný zpiisoh. Sift on the bread board a cup of flour, pour into it a cup of sweet cream, two beaten yolks, one whole egg, a dash of salt and a teaspoon of sugar. Work smooth and stiff, as for noodles. Roll thin, cut into squares, prick eacli with a fork and fry in hot lard. 812. WONDERS. Zloutl'Ove I'rehotinJi.y. Cream four yolks with a tablespoon of sugar, add a tablespoon of white sweet wine, three tablespoons of cream, a few drops of vanilla, and enough flour to make a stiff dough. Beat well, turn on a floured board, roll and beat with the rolling pin. Then roll very thin, as for noodles, cut into squares or long- pieces, cut two slits in each and fry in hot lard. Drain and dust with powdered sugar. 813. FRIED ROSETTES No. 1. Eůžice. Prepare dough as for celestial crusts, roll thin, cut with any fancy-shaped cutter, brush each with the white of an egg, put three together, one on top of the other, press well in the middle with your finger, and 252 BOHEMIAN-AMEBICAN COOK BOOK. fry in deep hot lard. When done drain, phice a 1)it of preserves or jam in the center and sprinkle with ])ow- dered sngar. 814. FRIED ROSETTES No. 2. Růžice na jiný způsoh. To fonr whole eggs (take ont one white for fnture nse) add eight tablespoons of sngar, six tablespoons of sweet cream and a dash of salt. If yon wish, yon may add fonr tablespoons of sweet wine, it adds flavor. Stir well, then add enongh flonr to make the dongh not qnite as stiff as for noodles. Roll as thin as for noodles and cnt with five different sized cntters, one just a little smaller than the other. Beat the white, rub the center of the largest piece, place the next size on it, rub this in the center with the white and so continue until you have all five. In doing this, care must be taken not to rub more than the center with the white, as the cakes would stick together. Merely rub the center with your finger dipped in the.wliite, making a little dent at the same time, to press the pieces together. When you have all done this w^ay, fry carefully in hot deep fat. When done, place a bit of jam or jelly in the center of each or a bit of beaten white sprinkled with red sugar. If these are made right, they are very pretty, as the edges rise up in frying, so that each rosette looks like a real rose. 815. CRUSTS. Kraple. Weigh a pound of flour and a pound of firm butter. Divide the flour in halves, to one add the butter, working it in thoroughly and to the other four yolks and one whole egg, having first beaten them, a dash salt and a cup of sweet milk, so that the dough is not too stiff. Add enough flour to roll out, then place on it the butter and flour worked together and roll that over the yellow dough. Fold CAKES. 253 into a square. Spread on the table a clean tablecloth well floured, and roll the dough on it as thin as possible. When this is done, fold as you would a handkerchief and put it on a plate. Let it stand over night. In the morning roll again, as thin as for noodles, cut into strips about three inches wide, then across, to form squares. Fold each square with the corners in the center, bake on a buttered tin and when done spread with jam and sprinkle with powdered sugar. • Cakes, — Dorty. Layer Cakes. — Skládané Dorty. In order to make good cakes, all the ingredients must be fresh and of good quality, properly put together, and the oven must be heated so that no fuel need be added during the baking. If the oven is too hot for baking layer cakes, the layers crack on the surface; if not hot enough, the dough shrinks and does not rise properly. When baking a laj^er cake, do not open the oven during the first ten minutes. Measure the flour after sifting, it may be sifted four or five times. To each cup of flour add a teaspoon of baking powder. Use finely granulated sugar. The eggs should be cold, as tlie whites beat stiffer that way. A pinch of salt added to the whites helps to make them stiffer. Stir the batter in a crock, using a wooden spoon or paddle. Grease the pans with cold butter or lard and dust evenly with flour. Let the cake cool before applying icing or frosting. When putting the ingredients together, do it thus: cream the butter, then add sugar gradually, cream the two together, then add the beaten yolks and flavoring, then add the flour and milk, alternately, a small quantity at the time, stirring until smooth, then fold in carefully the whites beaten stiff. The cups used as measure in the following recipes are ordinary coffee 254 ^ BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. cups, containing- one half pint each. Layer cakes require a hotter oven than loaf cakes. When the cake shrinks from the sides of the pan, it is done. Another test is inserting a tooth-pick and if nothing adheres to it, the cake is baked. 816. CHOCOLATE LAYER CAKE No. 1. Sliádaný čoholádový dort. Cream together half a cup of butter with one and a half cups of sugar, add three beaten yolks, two thirds of a cup of water, three cups of flour with two teaspoons of Ijaking powder, and finally the beaten whites and vanilla flavoring. Pour into layer cake tins and bake. Filling: half a cup of sugar, half a cup of syrup, half a cup of milk or cream, a teaspoon of butter, boiled together five minutes, then add five tablespoons of grated chocolate. Boil until thick, then add a few drops of vanilla and when cool spread between the layers. 817. CHOCOLATE LAYER CAKE No. 2. Sl-ládanij čoholádový dort na jiný způsob. Cream a fourth of a cup of butter with a cup of sugar, add two beaten yolks, half a cup of milk and three tablespoons of grated chocolate. Stir well, then add one and a half cups of flour to which you have added a teaspoon of cream of tartar, and after stirring well, add half a teaspoon of baking soda dissolved in hot water and vanilla flavoring. Three teaspoons of baking powder may be used instead of the cream of tar- tar and soda. Bake in layer cake tins. Filling: melt the desired quantity of chocolate, add it to beaten whites, then add sugar until it thickens. 818. CHOCOLATE LAYER CAKE No. 3. Skládaný čokoládový do7't ještě na jiný zpásoh. Boil together half a cup of sweet milk, one beaten yolk and half a cup of grated chocolate, stirring con- stantly until it thickens, then cool. Now add a cup CAKES. 255 of sugar, one heaping tablespoon of butter, half a cup of milk and two cups of flour sifted with two tea- spoons of baking powder, a teaspoon of vanilla flavor- ing, beat smooth and bake in four layer tins. When cool spread with the following filling: boil together one cup of fine sugar with two tablespoons of water. When it spins a thread, pour it into a beaten white, beating until cool. 819. COCOANUT LAYER CAKE. Skládanij kohosový dort. Cream half a cup of butter with a cup of sugar, add three beaten yolks, a cup of sweet milk, two tea- spoons of baking powder and enough flour to make the batter thicker than for pancakes. Bake in layer cake tins. Filling: beat the three whites stiff, add about a cup of powdered sugar and a few drops of vanilla flavoring. After spreading each layer with the frosting, sprinkle with cocoanut. 820. JELLY LAYER CAKE. Skládaný dort s ovocnými rosoly. Cream half a cup of butter with a cup of sugar, add three beaten yolks. Sift two cups of flour with two teaspoons of baking powder. Add half a cup of milk to the first named, then half of the flour, then add the other half cup of milk and the rest of the flour, beat smooth, add a teaspoon of vanilla flavoring and fold in the three whites beaten stiff. Bake in layer cake tins. When cool, spread with currant, strawberry, or other jelly except the top layer. Sprinkle that with powdered sugar. 821. LEMON LAYER CAKE No. 1. Skládaný citrónový dort. Cream half a cup of butter with two cups of sugar, add three yolks, a cup of milk, three cups of flour, three teaspoons of baking powder and a tea- spoon of lemon flavoring. Bake in layer cake tins. 256 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. Filling: boil together half a ciii3 of water, a cup of sugar, two beaten eggs, the grated rind of one lemon, the juice of two lemons, a teaspoon of butter and two tablespoons of flour. Boil in a double boiler until thick. When cool, spread between the layers, but not on top, dust that thickly with powdered sugar. You may use orange juice and rind instead of lemon, if you wish. 822. LEMON LAYER CAKE No. 2. SJdádaíiý citrónový dort na jiný způsob. Beat six whites stiff, fold in carefully two cups of flour sifted with two teasj^oons of baking powder. Cream the yolks with two cups of sugar, mix the yolks and whites together carefully, bake in six layer cake tins and when cool spread with any kind of jelly. Lemon filling is very good when. made thus: cream three eggs with one cup of sugar, one cup of butter, the juice and rind of three lemons, and boil until thick. 823. SILVER LAYER CAKE. Skládaný stříbrný dort. Cream a scant cup of butter with two and a half cups of sugar, add a teaspoon of vanilla extract, a cup of milk, three cups of flour sifted with three tea- spoons of baking powder, then fold in carefully eight whites beaten stiff. Bake in four layers. When cool spread with ordinary frosting or icing. 824. GOLD LAYER CAKE. Skládaný zlatý dort. Cream a cup of butter with two and a half cups of sugar, add a teaspoon of lemon extract, a cup of milk, one beaten egg, seven beaten yolks and three cups of flour sifted with three teaspoons of baking powder. Spread with yellow frosting, as described under ''Frostings''. CAKES. 257 825. RIBBON LAYER CAKE. SJvládaný pentlový dort. Bake four layers according to recipe No. 823 (Silver Layer Cake) omitting- the flavoring. Prepare the gold colored dough thus: cream half a cup of butter with a cup of sugar, add a teaspoon of cinnamon extract, seven yolks and one whole Qgg, half a cup of milk, a cup and a half of flour sifted with a teaspoon and a half of baking powder. Beat smooth, pour into layer cake tins half the usual quantity, cover with choped or sliced figs, dust with a bit of flour, add the rest of the batter and bake. This will make two layers, and you will thus have four white layers and two gold colored. Make two cakes, putting one gold colored layer between two white. Spread with cinnamon frost- ing. You may use preserved strawberries, raspberries or pineapple instead of the figs. 826. BLACK LAYER CAKE. Sl'ladanf) čeniij dort. Cream one and a half cups of butter with one and a half cups of sugar, add five beaten yolks, one cup of black coffee, stir well, then add enough flour to make the batter thicker than for pancakes. Now add half a teaspoon of cinnamon, half a teaspoon of cloves, half a teaspoon of allspice and two teaspoons of baking powder. Beat smooth, fold in five whites beaten stiff. Bake in a medium oven, in layer cake tins. When dpne and cool spread with the following: boil a fourth of a cup of water with one and a half cups of sugar to a thick syrup. In the meantime beat two whites and when the syrup spins a thread, pour it into the beaten whites, beating constantly. Add a few drops of vanilla and beat until cool. Cook Book 17 258 "BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. Loaf Cakes. — Dorty v celku. 827. WEDDING CAKE. Svatehní dort. Cream one pound of butter with two pounds of powdered sugar, add a cup of sweet cream, two pounds of flour previously sifted several times, a tea- spoon of lemon flavoring-, beat smootli. Beat twenty- four whites stiff and fold them in carefully. Line a deep form with buttered paper, fill three fourths full and bake about an hour in a slow oven. When done, spread with frosting or icing and garnish with candied flowers, ornaments, etc. 828. COCOANUT LOAF CAKE No. 1. Kokosový dort. Beat two eggs (except one^ of the whites, which reserve for future use), add a cup of sugar, a fourth of a cup of butter, cream all together. Add a cup of sweet milk, two cups of flour sifted with two tea- spoons of baking powder, beat smooth. Now add a cup of shredded cocoanut and bake. Beat the white, add powdered sugar, spread over the cake and sprinkle with cocoanut. 829. COCOANUT LOAF CAKE No. 2. Kokosový dort na jiný způsob. Prepare the batter as directed in the preceding recipe. Place five tablespoons of same in a bowl and add enough red sugar to it to make it a pretty red color, then add a fourth of a cup of cocoanut. Pour the white batter into a buttered form, then add the red batter, placing a tablespoonful about an inch apart. When baked, the red batter falls to the bottom, forming thus red stripes in tlie white. Spread with frosting and cocoanut. CAKES. 259 830. CROWN CAKE. Óeshý dort. Cream a cup of butter, adding gradually a cup of sugar. Beat five yolks and whites, separately, and then carefully mix the two together. Add this to the butter and sugar, the grated rind of half a lemon and two cups of flour, to which you have added a heaping teaspoon of baking poAvder. Beat thoroughly, then add half a cup of blanched almonds cut into fine strips, a few drops of vanilla and a tablespoon of rum or sweet wine. Pour the dough into a buttered form, and bake about an hour in a slow oven. 831. SNOW CAKE. ^nčliový dort. Creaní one cup of sugar with half a cup of butter, add half a cup of milk and a cup and a half of flour sifted with one teaspoon of baking powder, and finally fold in four whites beaten stiff. Bake in a form. 832. MARBLE CAKE No. 1. Mramorový dort. Cream one cup of butter with two cups of sugar, add half a cup of sweet milk, three cups of flour sifted with two teaspoons of baking powder, one tea- spoon of vanilla flavoring and six whites beaten stiff. .Divide this batter into two parts. To one add two ounces of chocolate, grated. Put the batter in the form, alternating one tablespoon of dark with one of white and bake about an hour in a slow oven. 833. MARBLE CAKE No. 2. Mrámorou f/ dort na jinfi způsob. Cream half a cup of butter with half a cup of brown sugar, add three beaten yolks, half a cup of molasses, half a cup of sour milk to which you have added half a teaspoon of soda dissolved in hot water, two cups of flour and one teaspoon of allspice. Now prepare the light batter by creaming half a cup of 260 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. butter with a cup of sugar, add three beaten whites, half a cup of sweet milk, vanilla flavoring and two cups of flour sifted with a heaping teaspoon of baking powder. Place alternate layers of light and dark batter in a buttered form, filling it half full, then bake slowly one hour. 834. PLAIN CAKE. Laciný dort. Cream a heaping tablespoon of butter with one cup of sugar, add two eggs and cream again, then add one cup of milk, two and a half cups of flour mixed with two teaspoons of baking powder, vanilla or lemon flavoring, and bake either in layers or loaf. 835. MAY CAKE. Májový dort. Beat two whites and one whole Q^g with a cup of sugar ten minutes, then add four tablespoons of melted butter and half a cup of flour to which you have added a teaspoon of baking powder. Pour into a square buttered tin 'and bake rather slowly fifteen or twenty minutes. When done, turn on a platter, cut into squares, cover each with icing or frosting and place a halved English walnut or candied cherry in the center of each. 836. ANGEL FOOD CAKE. Andelsl'y dort. Place an even teaspoon of cream of tartar in a cup of flour and then sift same five times. Sift five times a cup of finely granulated sugar. Beat eleven whites, but not too stiff. It is best to use a wire beater for this, not the revolving kind. Then slowly pour the sugar into the whites, beating constantly, after which add the flour in the same manner, adding at last vanilla flavoring to taste. Pour into an un- greased form and bake in a slow oven forty-five minutes. Do not open the oven during the first fifteen CAKES. 2(Jl minutes, or tlie cake might fall. For this reason do not walk heavily on the floor etc. When done, turn on a plate, but do not take the form off until the cake is cool, otherwise it might shrink or fall. Cover with icing made by creaming as much powdered sugar with a tablespoon of cream or milk as the latter absorb, and a few drops of vanilla. 837. POUND CAKE. Liberhový dort. Cream a pound of butter, add a pound (8 or 9) eggs, a pound of sifted sugar, a teaspoon of almond flavoring, two tablespoons of rum or cognac, beat half an hour, then add a pound of sifted flour. Butter a form, fill three fourths full with the batter, bake slowly and then done spread with icing. 838. FRUIT CAKE. Ovocný dort. Cream a cup of butter with a cup of sugar, add seven beaten yolks, half a cup of molasses to which you have added half a teaspoon of soda dissolved in hot water. Then add seven whites beaten stiff and a quart of sifted flour. Wash and dry a pound of currants, a pound of raisins (seeded), slice fine half a pound of citron, mix all together and dust with a fourth of a cup of flour. (The fruit will not sink to the bottom if covered with flour.) Add this to the batter, also a pound of blanched almonds cut into fine strips, a teaspoon of nutmeg, a teaspoon of cinnamon, half a teaspoon of cloves and half a teaspoon of allspice. Butter a form, line it with buttered paper, pour the batter in three fourths full and bake in a slow oven two hours. If the oven is too hot, cover the cake with paper. 839. ALMOND CAKE. Mandlový dort. Blanch three fourths of a pound of sweet almonds and one ounce of bitter almonds, pound in a mortar 262 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. to a paste with three yolks. Now put them in a bowl, add three fourths of a pound of powdered sugar, ten yolks and a dash of mace, and beat one hour. Then add two slices of toast pounded to a powder in a mortar, and finally fold in ten whites beaten stiff. Butter a form and sprinkle it with bread crumbs. Pour the batter in it and bake one hour. Try the oven by placing a piece of paper in it. If it browns, the oven is right. When done, cover with icing. 840. HAZEL NUT CAKE. Oříškový dort. Blanch and grate fine a fourth of a pound of hazel nuts, add half a pound of sifted sugar, then eight beaten yolks and cream at least half an hour, until it thickens, then add carefully four whites beaten stiff and two tablespoons of flour. Butter a form, sprinkle with bread crumbs, pour the batter in it and bake slowly. When done, turn out and cool. Then cover with icing and embellish with nuts or candied fruit. You may use English walnuts instead of hazel nuts, if you choose. 841. SPONGE CAKE. - Piškotový dort. Cream eight yolks with half a pound of sifted sugar half an hour, then add eight whites beaten stiff and cream half an hour longer, then add two cups of flour and cream a while longer. Butter a form, sprinkle with bread crumbs, pour in the batter so that the form is not quite full and bake slowly. 842. MILFOIL CAKE. Lístkový dort. Prepare puff paste as described in recipe 668. Roll very thin, cut out five or six cakes; that is, with the aid of plates graduated as to size cut first one large round piece, then another smaller one, etc. Place each on waxed or buttered paper, brush with beaten egg and CAKES. 263 bake. When done and cool, spread preserves or jam over eack, place one on top of the other, according to size, except the last one, which is spread with icing and sprinkled with chopped blanched almonds. 843. FRENCH CAKE. Francouzský dort. Sift one pound of flonr on the bread board, work into it half a pound of fresh butter, add a fourth of a pound of sifted sugar, one egg, a dash of salt and half a cup of cold water. Knead thoroughly, then place on ice between two plates, for at least one hour. Then roll very thin, line a buttered form and bake half done. Then spread with preserves and fill nearly full with sponge cake batter, chocolate or almond cake batter and bake slowly one hour. 844. CREAM CAKE. Dort se smetanovou pěnou. Prepare puff paste as shown in the preceding recipe, roll very thin, lay it on a piece of waxed paper, cut a round pie«e with the aid of a plate, brush the edges with beaten egg. Roll a strip about an inch or wider of the remaining dough, press it around the edges of the large piece, to make a rim, prick the round piece with a fork or sharp knife, so that it does not puff up in baking, lay it with the i^aper on a tin and bake. When done fill with whipped cream sweetened and flavored, and garnish with berries. 845. JELLY ROLL. Piškotový závin. Cream three eggs with a cup of sugar, add a cup and a half of flour to which you have added two teaspoons of baking powder, a dash of salt and then add four teaspoons of hot water, beating constantly. Pour into a square tin and bake. It must not be too thick, not more than half an inch when done, other- wise it would break. TIjís amount will fill a tin 264 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. 13 X 13 inches. When done, dip a cloth in hot water and wring it, spread it on the table, turn the cake on it, spread Avitli jelly, and roll it np with the aid of the cloth. Let it stand covered about ten minutes, then unwrap and sprinkle liberally with powdered sugar. 846. BOHEMIAN MOLASSES CAKE. Cesl'y perník. Cream together half a cup of butter, a cup of sugar, a cup of molasses, half a cup of black coffee, two yolks, and a teaspoon of baking soda dissolved in hot water. Then add two cups of flour, a teaspoon of ginger, a dash of cloves, cinnamon and allspice, also half a pound of raisins, if desired. Bake rather slowly. When done and cool, cover with icing as follows: beat the two whites, pour into them, beating constantly, syrup made by boiling a cup of sugar with a fourth of a cup of water. 847. STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE. Jahodovfj dort. Mix together four cups of flour, two teaspoons of baking powder, a dash of salt, then add half a cup of firm butter cut into small pieces. Work this into the flour, as for biscuits. Add as much milk as for biscuits, turn the dough out on a floured bread board, roll out an inch thick (or less, as desired) line a pie plate with half the dough, rub with butter, cover with the other half and bake in a hot oven about half an hour. When done, separate the halves and let the cake cool. Then cover one half with a thick layer of mashed or chopped sweetened strawberries, place on it the other half and put a layer of berries on that, sprinkle Vith powdered sugar and serve with cream. Or you may cover the top with whipped cream, dotted thickly with straw- berries. COOKIES. 265 848. POTATO CAKE. Bramborový dort. Cream four tablespoons of butter, add eight yolks, th3 grated rind of one lemon, a dash of salt, a cup of sugar, three medium-sized potatoes boiled and grated, and eight whites beaten stiff. Pour into a buttered form and bake about one hour in a sIoav oven. 849. BOHEMIAN SPONGE CAKE. Ceskfj jňškotovfj dort. Cream together a cup of sugar, the grated rind of a lemon or orange, six eggs and six yolks, then add two cups of sifted flour, beat quite a while and pour into a buttered form, which you have sprinkled with chopped blanched almonds. Bake forty-five minutes. Cookies, Small Cakes, Confectionery, Etc. Kukesy, dortíčky, cukrovinky, atd. 850. GINGERSNAPS. Zázvorky. Heat a cup of butter, add a cup of molasses, a cup of sugar, a cup of sour milk or buttermilk, a table- spoon of ginger, the same of cinnamon and two eggs. Stir well, then add enough flour to roll and a tea- spoon of baking soda dissolved in hot water. Roll thin and bake in a medium oven. 851. MOLASSES COOKIES. Perníkové iňacícky. Cream together one cup of lard, half a cup of sugar, one cup of molasses, one cup of sour cream, two eggs, one teaspoon of powdered fennel seed, one tea- spoon of ginger, half a teaspoon of caraway seed, half a teaspoon of cinnamon, half a teaspoon of cloves, half a teaspoon of allspice, half a teaspoon of salt and one nutmeg grated. Mix all together, add a teaspoon of 26G BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. baking' soda dissolved in hot water, mix well, then add enongli flour to roll. Bake in a medium oven. 852. SUGAR COOKIES. Cukrové Tcukesy. Cream one cnp of butter with two cups of sugar, add one cup of sweet milk or cream, three eggs, vanilla flavoring and two teaspoons of baking powder in enough flour to roll. 853. YOLK COOKIES. Žloutkové Iviihesy. Boil six eggs twenty minutes and then put them in cold water. By rapid cooling the yolks retain a nice yellow color. While the eggs are cooling, cream one cup of butter with a cup of sugar, three yolks and one whole egg, adding a pinch of mace and grated lemon rind. Now take out the hard-boiled yolks (the yolks only) mash them to a paste and stir into the rest, add three tablespoons of milk and' enough flour to roll. Cut, brush with beaten yolk, sprinkle with chopped blanched almonds and bake rather slowly. 854. PEANUT COOKIES No. 1. Halušhové Imhesy. Cream one cup of butter with one cup of sugar, add a cup of chopped or rolled peanuts, half a cup of milk, two eggs and enough flour (with a teaspoon of baking powder) to roll. 855. PEANUT COOKIES No. 2. Halušhové Jciihesy na jiný zpiisoh. Cream one half cup of butter with one cup of sugar, add one half cup of milk, one egg (yolk and white beaten separately), one pint of flour with two teaspoons of baking powder and a heaping cup of chopped peanuts, oř other nuts. Add the flour in two or three parts, not too much at the time. Handle very lightly and do not roll too thin. SMALL CAKES. 267 856. CREAM PUFFS. Smetanové mechuřinJvy. Boil together two cups of hot water and one cup of butter. When it begins to boil, stir in two cups of flour and cool. When cold, add six eggs (not beaten) one at the time and beat five minutes, then take out by tablespoonful and place on a greased tin, being careful that they do not touch each other. Bake in a hot oven 25 minutes and do not open same any more than necessary. The filling is made thus: mix smooth three tablespoons of flour with a bit of cold milk, add one cup of milk, one beaten egg, a cup of sugar and a tea- spoon of vanilla. Boil until thick, then cool. Slit each puff in one side with a sharp knife, and put the filling in with a teaspoon. 857. FANCY ALMOND CAKES. Mandlové věnečhj. Blanch and cut into fine strips half a cup of almonds. Beat four whites stiff, add a tablespoon of sugar and beat until thick enough to cut. Use the rest of a cup of sugar (after taking out the table- spoonful) and mix it with the almonds. Mix this with the beaten whites, add a bit of vanilla and stir care- fully. Rub a tin with beeswax, dot it with table- spoonsful of the mixture, spread each flat with a knife and bake very slowly. 858. NOUGATS. Stoleté l-oláctiij. Cream one pound of butter, then add one pound of fine sugar, the grated rind of one lemon, fifteen yolks, one at the time, a fourth of a pound of blanched and grated almonds, a dash of mace and salt, mix well, then add one pound of fine dry flour and beat half an hour. Line a pan with waxed or greased paper, dot with tablespoonsful of the dough, rather far apart, press in each a candied cherry, brush with beaten 268 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. yolks, si^rinkle with finely chopped almonds and powdered sugar and bake in a slow oven. 859. KISSES. Sněhové hopechy. Beat four whites, add two dups of powdered sugar and vanilla or lemon flavoring, then beat this fifteen or twenty minutes, until very stiff. Butter thick white pajDer, line with it a tin or a hardwood plank (this is better), dot it with tablespoonsful of the mixture, an inch apart, and bake or rather dry in an open oven. They must not brown. If you wish, you may press two kisses together, when done, by pasting the bottoms together with icing. Do not take off the tin until cold. 860. COCOANUT KISSES. Kol-osové kopečky. Mix together one pound of shredded cocoanut, a pound of powdered sugar, three unbeaten whites, ten tablespoons of water, and boil fifteen minutes, stirring constantly. Butter a tin and dust it with flour. Beat one white stiff and stir it into the mixture. Form kisses with the aid of two teaspoons, using one to slide off on the pan the mixture in the other, and dry in an open oven. Do not take off the tin until cold. 861. SPANISH KISSES. Španělský sníh. Beat five whites stiff, then add carefully one pound of powdered sugar and the grated rind of one lemon. Drop on a buttered pan by teaspoonsful and bake very slowly, or rather dry in a slow oven. 862. LADY FINGERS. Fis koly. Cream eight yolks with half a pound of granulated sugar, then add eight whites beaten stiff and two cups of sifted flour. Add the flour a little at the time. SMALL CAKES. 269 Pour into greased lady-finger pans dusted with flour, and bake in a slow oven. 863. ALMOND LADY FINGERS. Mandlové piškoty. Blanch and pound to a paste a fourth of a pound of almonds with two whites. Put this in a bowl, add ten tablespoons of fine sugar, stir thoroughly, add four- teen yolks, and cream half an hour. Beat seven whites stiff and fold them in carefully with two tablespoons of flour. Butter and dust lady-finger pans with flour, pour the batter in not quite full and bake slowly. 864. CHOCOLATE ALMOND LADY FINGERS. Mandlové piškoty s čokoládou. Prepare as directed in the preceding recipe, adding two ounces of grated chocolate, and proceed as -directed. 865. VIENNA LADY FINGERS. Tvrdé piškoty vídeňské. Cream five yolks with a cup of sugar, then add slowly one unbeaten white. Beat the other four, add them and then add a tablespoon of cold syrup (water and sugar boiled together) and finally two cups of sifted flour. Bake in buttered lady-finger pans. 866. IMPERIAL LADY FINGERS. Císařské piškoty. Beat four whites stiff, add carefully two cups of powdered sugar, the grated rind of one lemon, four beaten yolks and two cups of flour. You may use vanilla extract instead of lemon rind, if you wish. Pour the batter into greased lady-finger pans, sprinkle with fine sugar, and bake rather slowly. 867. RAISED LADY FINGERS. Kynuté piškoty. Cream four tablespoons of butter with four yolks, add two tablespoons of sugar, four cups of flour, a cup of sweet cream, a cake of compressed yeast 270 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. dissolved in milk, and beat together tlioronglily, finally add two whites beaten stiff, and let the dough rise. When light, turn out on a floured bread board, roll and cut with a lady-finger cutter. Put them on a buttered pan, let them rise once more, rub with beaten egg, sprinkle with fine sugar and bake. 868. CINNAMON STARS. Skořicové hvézdičhj. Pound to a paste half a pound of blanched almonds with the wliite of an egg, then cream with one pouud of powdered sugar and half an ounce of powdered cinna- mon. Roll very thin, cut out in the form of stars, arrange on a pan lined with greased paper and bake slowly. When you take them out of the oven, spread with icing to which you have added a bit of cinnamon. Do not take off the paper until cool. 869. VANILLA STARS. Vanilkové hvězdičky. Prepare as directed in the preceding recipe, using vanilla flavoring instead of cinnamon. 870. BAVARIAN CAKES. Bavorské linlky. Mix together three cups of flour, two and a half teaspoons of baking powder^ one and a half teaspoons of cinnamon, one and a half teaspoons of cloves, one and a half teaspoons of allspice, one cup of Avliite sugar, one cup of brown (or two cups of white). Then add two, tablespoons of syrup, two tablespoons of brandy, three ounces of chocolate, four eggs, and mix thoroughly. Sift two cups of flour on the bread board, turn the dough out on it and knead thoroughly. Bake a little piece first, to try it. If it rises quickly it will be good, but if it runs, more flour must be added. Now knead in a fourth of a pound of unblanched almonds, then form long strijis, the length of the pan, about two inches SMALL CAKES. 271 wide and two inches thick. Arrange them half an incli apart, brush with tlie white of an egg and bake in a slow oven. Bake about half an hour and then try a piece by cutting it. If too heavy, they are not done. They should be of the consistency of rye bread when done. When done, turn out and let them cool a few moments, then separate and cut each strip into cakes about an inch wide. These will last a long time in a dry place and are good in an emergency, in case of unexpected company, etc. 871. SUGAR ROLLS. Cukrové rolilíchy. Peel and dice or grate several apples, place in a hot saucepan in which you have melted a tablespoon of lard, add sugar to taste and simmer until tender, stirring ocassionally, then add a bit of grated lemon rind, citron minced fine, a tiny dash of pepper and enough finely chopped blanched almonds to make the mixture quite stiff. Let it cool a bit, then turn out on a board thickly dusted with sugar, form in small rolls, and bake rather slowly. 872. ANISE PRETZELS. CuJcrové jaterníčky. Rub two tablespoons of butter with two cups of flour, add two eggs, half a cup of powdered sugar and two teaspoons of powdered anise seed, mix into a smooth dough. Form pretzels by rolling long thin rolls, and then forming these into pretzels, place on a tin rubbed with beeswax, brush with a beaten egg and bake a light brown. 873. CREAM ROLLS. Trubičky se smetanou. Prei)are puff paste as directed in recipe 668. Roll very thin, cut into long strips, roll around tin rolls for that purpose, arrange on a tin, brush with a beaten 272 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. egg and bake in a quick oven. When cool, fill with frosting or whipped cream to which you have added sugar and flavoring. 874. CORNUCOPIAS. Kornoutktj. Beat together until it bubbles two eggs, two table- spoons of sugar, two heaping tablespoons of flour and a tablespoon of milk. Butter a tin, heat it, dot with teaspoonsful of the mixture, rather far apart so they will not run together, and bake quickly about five minutes. Roll each into a cornucopia while hot. Beat three whites, add sugar, boil until thick, and fill the cornucopias with this. 875. ALMOND DARIOLES. Mandlové taštički/. Prepare puff paste with half a pound of butter. (See recipe 668). Eoll very thin and cut into twelve squares. Beat together four yolks, half a cup sugar, the grated rind of one lemon, three ounces of blanched and grated almonds, and finally fold in four whites beaten stiff. Place a teaspoon of this mixture on each square, brush the rest of the surface with beaten egg, fold the corners together over the center, arrange on a buttered tin and bake. Sprinkle with powdered sugar while hot. 876. CARDS. Karty. Cream two tablespoons of butter, add one whole egg, two yolks, two ounces of powdered sugar, half a teaspoon of vanilla extract, two ounces of flour, a dash of cinnamon, cloves, mace and grated lemon rind, mix' together and knead smooth on the board. Roll very thin, cut into squares, brush with the white of an egg, cover with halved blanched almonds, sprinkle with fine sugar and bake rather slowly. You may bake řSMALL ("AKES. 273 these before putting aiiytliiiig on tlieni, then spread with icing and co\'er with bhmehed abnonds. 877. IMPERIAL BREAD. C is a rs hi'i clilcbicek. Cream ten \olks with half a cup of sugar forty-five minutes, then add a cup of flour, half a cup of seedless raisins, a fourth of a pound of blanched almonds cut into strips, a fourth of a pound of grated chocolate and a teaspoon of chopped citron. Mix smooth, then fold in carefully ten whites beaten stiff, pour into a buttered form, bake slowly and cut in slices when cool. 878. BISHOP'S BREAD. BislupsJi'!/ cli Jehíčcl'. With a wire beater beat three eggs with a cup of sugar half an hour, until it thickens. Then add a cup of flour to which you have added a teaspoon of baking powder, a cup of whole unblanched almonds, and a cup of seedless raisins dusted with flour. Mix well and pour into a buttered form dusted with flour. Bake slowly about half an hour. When cool, cut in slices. 879. MARCHPANE (MARZIPAN). Marcipcui. Boil a cup of sugar w^ith two tablespoons of water until thick, then add half a pound of blanched almonds pounded to a paste, mix and boil a while longer. Add the juice of one lemon, and wdien it has cooled a little, add two whites beaten stiff. Roll about two inches thick, brush with the white of an egg, cover with halved blanched almonds and bake in a slow oven on a buttered tin. When done, cover with white or red icing. 880. SUGAR CRESCENTS. Cukrové rolilicky. Beat two whites, add carefully six ounces of sugar pounded with a bit of vanilla bean and a dash of Cook Book 18 274 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. grated lemon rind, mix very carefully with grated unblanched almonds, form into crescents and arrange on a tin rubbed with beeswax. Bake very slowly. Take them off the tin while hot.- 881. ALMOND CRESCENTS. Mandlové obloučky. Work four tablespoons of butter with two cups of flour, add half a cup of sugar and a dash of salt, the grated rind of half a lemon, a dash of mace. Do this on the bread board. Now make a well in the center, pour in four yolks and a wineglass of rum and knead smooth. If too stiff, add an egg. Roll thin, fold as you would puff paste, roll again and fold once more. Roll thin the third time, cut into strips about one by six inches, brush with the beaten whites, sprinkle with finely chopped blanched almonds mixed with powdered sugar, a fourth of a pound of each, and arrange on a crescent tin. This is a tin made for the purpose. Any tinsmith will make it acording to direc- tions. It is long enough to fit the oven, about six inches in diameter, and looks, as to shape, like a halved stove pipe. The crescents are laid over the rounded tin, and when baked and cool, they retain that shape. Bake in a rather quick oven. You may use milk instead of rum. 882. CINNAMON LOZENGES. Skořicové poh'outky. Cream half a cup of sugar, one whole egg and one yolk, half an hour, then add a teaspoon of cinna- mon, the grated rind of half a lemon, a fourth of a pound of flour and mix well. Rub a tin with beeswax, dot with teaspoonsful of the mixture, sprinkle each with chopped blanched almonds and sugar, and bake slowly. CONFECTIONERY. 275 883. LEMON LOZENGES. Citrónové jmh'outhij. Beat two whites, add carefully a fourth of a pound of powdered sugar, the juice of one lemon and cream half an hour, then add the grated rind of a lemon and two tablespoons of chopped blanched almonds. Eub a tin with beeswax, dot with teaspoonsful of the mixture, sprinkle each with sugar and bake quickly. If the batter is thin, add sugar and cream a while longer. You may use cocoanut and vanilla flavoring instead of almonds and lemon juice. 884. SUGARED ALMONDS. Cukrované mandle. Boil a cup of sugar with a cup of water until it spins a thread. In the meantime soak a pound of almonds in hot water, so that they become crisp. When the syrup is done, add the almonds to it and stir until .all are coated with it. Mix together powdered sugar land cinnamon and a bit of flour, stir the almonds in this until they remain separated, then dry thoroughly on a covered sieve. 885. CHOCOLATE FUDGE. Col'oladove špalíčky. Boil together two cups of sugar, half a cup of cream or milk, a tablespoon of butter, and two ounces of chocolate, about ten minutes over a quick fire. Then add a teaspoon of vanilla flavoring, chopped nuts, pea- nuts or cocoanut, if you wish. When it is quite thick, pour on a buttered plate, let it get cold, then cut in squares. 886. CHOCOLATE CANDY. Čokoládové culcrovinky . Boil together a cup of brown sugar, a cup of syrup, a cup of grated chocolate, one and a half cups of butter, one and a half cups of water and half a cup of sweet cream. Boil over a quick fire until it spins a 27G BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK ROOK. thread, then pour on a buttered ])latter, mark in sijnares and cool. 887. COCOANUT CANDY. Kokosové cukrovinky. ijjjl Boil two cups of sngar Avitli' half a cup of sweet cream and a teaspoon of butter. Boil about fifteen minutes, then add grated or shredded cocoanut and a teaspoon of vanilla flavoring, pour on a buttered plate and when cold, cut in squares. 888. CHOCOLATE CARAMELS. Čokoládové karamelky . Melt over a slow fire a fourth of a pound of grated bitter chocolate, four tablespoons of butter, a pound of brown sugar, lialf a cup of syrup, half a cup of cream and a teasi)oon of vanilla flavoring. When melted, boil until it forms a ball in cold water. Pour on a buttered platter and when cool, cut in squares. 889. MACAROONS. Makaronky. Dry crisp in the oven half a pound of blanched almonds, then pound to a paste in a mortar with four wliites. Place the paste in a bowl, add two cups of fine sugar, the grated rind of one lemon, one white and l)eat it smooth. Line a tin with buttered paper, dot with teaspoonsful of the mixture, nuiking very small cakes about the size of a fifty-cent piece, and bake in a slow oven. The macaroons must rise while baking and crack over tlie top, be white inside and light brown on the under side. You may use hazel nuts instead of almonds. 890. CHpCOLATE MACAROONS. Čokoládo vé makarón ky. Prepare as directed in the preceding recipe and add three ounces of melted chocolate. Or you may use i\\\ ounce of finely powdered cinnamon instead of SWEET SAUCES. 277 the chocolate. You may use instead of the lemon rind a bit of vanilla bean pounded fine with sugar. Sweet Sauces and Custards. Sladké omáčky a krémy. 891. CUSTARD SAUCE. Krémová omáčJca. Put two cups of milk to boil. In the -meantime cream four yolks with half a cup of sugar, then add it to the boiling milk and beat until it thickens. Add a few drops of vanilla and do not let it boil any longer, or it might curdle. 892. MOLASSES SAUCE. Syrohová omacl'a. Boil together about twenty minutes a cup of syrup, a cup of water, one tablespoon of butter, a dash of cinnamon, an even teaspoon of cornstarch mixed smooth with a bit of water, a dash of salt, and lemon juice or vinegar to taste. 893. BRANDY SAUCE. Omácl-a s rumem. Cream a tablespoon of flour with a tablespoon of butter and two of sugar. Add enough hot water to make it rather thick and let it boil a moment, then add three tablespoons of rum or brandy and a bit of grated nutmeg. 894. HARD SAUCE No. 1. Tuhá omáčl-a. Cream three fourths of a cup of powdered sugar with a cup of butter, then add a few drops of vahilla or lemon flavoring, and kee]) it cold until served. 278 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. 895. HARD SAUCE No. 2. Tuhá oniářhi na jiní/ způsoh. Cream lialf a eiip of butter witli a ciip of sugar, add two whites, cream a bit longer and finally add a bit of nutmeg. 896. CREAM CHOCOLATE SAUCE. Smetanová onuička s čoli-oládou. Melt a fourth of a pound of sweet chocolate in a cup of hot milk, stir smooth, add two teaspoons of cornstarch dissolved in cold milk, four tablespoons of sugar, place on the stove, add slowly a cup and a half of hot cream, stirring constantly. Boil a few moments, pour through a sieve, and let the dish stand in warm water until serving same. 897. WINE SAUCE No. 1. Omáclia z červeného vina. Boil about fifteen minutes a cup of red wine, half a cup of water, a handful of seeded raisins, a piece of whole cinnamon, a piece of lemon rind and sugar to taste. Blend together a piece of butter and flour. Strain the sauce into the flour and butter, let it simmer about fifteen minutes, then strain again and serve. 898. WINE SAUCE No. 2. Omáčka vinná na jiný způsoh. Mix smooth in a saucepan a tablespoon of flour with white wine, then add four beaten yolks, a piece of whole cinnamon, the grated rind of half a lemon, two cups of white wine, half a cup of sugar and let it thicken, stirring constantly. When it comes to a boil, take from the stove and strain, serving im- 7uediately. SWEET SAUCES. 279 899. ORANGE OR LEMON SAUCE. Omáčka pomerančová neb citrónová. With a sharp knife pare off the yellow rind of half an orange, being careful not to leave any of the white. Place in a saucepan with two cups of boiling cream, four tablespoons of sugar, cover and set away to cool. In the meantime mix smooth a tablespoon of flour with a bit of cold milk and four beaten yolks, add it to the cooled cream, place on the fire and stir until it comes to a boil. Then take away from the stove, strain and serve. You may use lemon rind instead of orange, if you wish. 900. APRICOT OR PEACH SAUCE. Omáčka meruňková neb broskvová. Place in a saucepan a cup of apricot or peach preserves, add slowly a cup of white wine, a piece of whole cinnamon and the rind of half a lemon. Stir until it comes to a boil, then take away and strain through a fine sieve and add sugar to taste. Cover and place in a warm spot until serving it. 901. CREAM ALMOND SAUCE. Omáčka smetanová s mandlemi. Pound to a paste two ounces of blanched sweet almonds with four or five bitter almonds. Mix four beaten yolks with a teaspoon of water, sugar to taste, add a bit of vanilla bean or lemon rind, then add the almonds and two cups of sweet cream. Place on the stove and beat constantly until it thickens. It must not boil. Before serving take out the vanilla bean or lemon rind. 902. CREAM VANILLA SAUCE. Omáčka smetanová s vanilkou. Mix smooth a teaspoon of flour with a bit of cream, then add five beaten yolks, sugar to taste, a 280 BOHEMIAN-AMEKICAN COOK JiOOK. few drops of vanilla flavoring and a pint of sweet cream. Place on the fire and beat until it thickens. It must not boil. You may use a piece of lemon rind instead of the vanilla flavoring, if you wish. 903. WINE CHAUDEAU. Vinné šodó. Beat together four yolks, four tablespoons of sugar, the grated rind of one lemon, add a piece of cinnamon, a pint of white wine, and with a wire beater beat over a slow fire until it foams. It must not boil. When it thickens, serve immediately. 904. LEMON CUSTARD. Citrónový Irém. Boil in a double boiler. Slice two large lemons, pour over them four cups of water and boil until tender. In the meantime cream six yolks with three cups of sugar and half a cup of butter, strain into this the lemon water and let it come to a boil. When it boils, add five tablespoons of cornstarch mixed smooth with cold water, and boil a bit longer. Then take from the stove and fold in six whites beaten stiff. Serve cold. 905. CHOCOLATE CUSTARD. Colioládový l-rcm. Boil a small cuj) of sweet grated chocolate with four cups of milk. In the meantime cream six yolks with a cup of sugar and a tablespoon of butter, add it to the milk and chocolate when it comes to a boil, tlien five tablespoons of cornstarch mixed smooth with cold water. Boil a bit, then take from the stove and fold in six whites beaten stiff. Serve cold. FILLINGS FOR TARTS. 281 Fillings for Tarts. Povidla a jiné nádivky do koláčů. 906. PRUNE JAM. S vest JvO I'd po vidla. Pick over, wash and boil dried prunes, stone and chop fine or press through a sieve. Place in a saucepan, add a small piece of butter, a bit of grated lemon rind, a bit of powdered cloves and sugar to taste. Boil a while and cool, when the filling is ready for use. If too thick, add a little of prune juice or water. 907. APPLE BUTTER. Jahlhovci povidla. Peel and core a bushel of tart apples, using of course only good ones. Boil as many at the time as are well covered, then put more in the kettle. When all are tender press through a colander. Boil a gallon of sweet cider down to half that quantity. Add the cider to the strained apples and boil over a slow fire, stirring often. About an hour before the butter is done, add cinnamon, cloves and allspice to taste. The butter may simmer several hours, and it must be thick and light brown when done. 908. PEAR JAM. Hrušková povidla. In the evening before making pare and quarter the pears and sprinkle with sugar, using two pounds of sugar to ten pounds of fruit. The next day boil them three hours just as they are, not adding any- thing, then pour into stone jars, cover with a clean cloth and «et aside in a cool place. 909. PEACH JAM. Broskvová povidla. Peel and stone peaches, place in a granite or enameled kettle, cover so the steam cannot escape, and place in a hot oven. When soft, mash and add 282 BOHEMIAN-AMEIUCAN COOK BOOK. • sugar (a cup and a half to half a gallon of fruit). Stir well, cover and place in the oven again. Stir occasionally, and bake a nice brown color. Then pour into glass or stone jars and set in a cool place. Jam prepared thus does not scorch easily and has a nicer flavor. Before using add a bit of grated cloves, lemon rind and nutmeg. 910. COTTAGE CHEESE FILLING. Tvcu'oli vá nadivil a. Cream a tablespoon of butter, add a pound of fresh cottage cheese, four beaten yolks, six tablespoons of sugar, the grated rind of half a lemon, a dash of salt and half a cup of seedless raisins, or blanched almonds cut into strips. 911. POPPY SEED FILLING No. 1. Maková nádívha. Grind or pound fine the desired quantity of poppy seed. Place it in a saucepan, add enough cream to so it can simmer. When it thickens, stir often so it does not scorch. Then add sugar or honey to taste, a bit of cloves, grated lemon rind, vanilla flavoring or chopped blanched almonds. 912. POPPY SEED FILLING No. 2. Maková nádivka na jiný způsoh. Cream six tablespoons of sugar with three yolks, add a cup of ground poppy seed boiled in cream, three tablespoons of melted butter, three or four tablespoons of cream, half a cup of seedless raisins, a dash of cinna- mon and a few drops of vanilla flavoring. Mix smooth, then stir in three whites beaten stiff. 913. CRUMB FILLING. Nádivka ze strouhanýcli housek. Grate four slices of bread and fry in nice butter, then cool. Now add chopped blanched almonds, raisins, sugar and flavor with vanilla or cinnamon. FILLINGS FOR TARTS. 283 914. APPLE SAUCE FILLING. Jahleč?iá nádivka. Place sliced tart apples in a saucepan, add water and sugar, vanilla, cinnamon or lemon rind, and sim- mer until tender. Then strain through a sieve, add one or two whites beaten stiff and raisins or chopped blanched almonds. 915. RAISIN FILLING. Hrozmhová náďMa. Wash, dry and seed a fourth of a pound of raisins, chop and place in a saucepan, add a few teaspoons of white wine, the grated rind of half a lemon, sugar to taste, a dash of cloves and cinnamon, simmer a while, then cool. 916. HAZEL NUT FILLING. Nádívl-a z lískových ořechů. Cream three tablespoons of butter with two yolks, add six tablespoons of sugar with which you have pounded a bit of vanilla bean, half a cup of chopped hazel nuts and a bit of white wine. 917. WALNUT FILLING. Nádivka z vlašských ořechů. Boil half a cup of sugar with half a cup of water, pour into a bowl, add a cup of walnuts pounded to a paste, a bit of vanilla flavoring or grated lemon rind, and stir smooth. 918. ALMOND FILLING. Mandlová nádivka. Cream together three yolks, six tablespoons of sugar, the grated rind of a lemon, and half a cup of blanched almonds pounded to a paste. Stir stiff, then fold in three whites beaten stiff. 919. SUGAR ROUX. Cukrová jiška. Brown four tablespoons of flour with a small piece of butter, then add two ounces of powdered 284 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. sugar. Or nib three tablesiioons of butter with a cup of flour and three tablespoons of fine sugar. Eitlier of tliese may be used to sprinkle jam tarts. 920. GINGERBREAD ROUX. Perniho vd nadivila. Grate a piece of hard gingerbread, place in a saucepan with a piece of butter and sugar to taste, and let all brown together. Frostings. — Polevy. 921. WHITE FROSTING, NOT BOILED. , Bild poleva, nevařená. Beat two whites, stiff, add gradually three fourths of a cup of powdered sugar. You may add vanilla flavoring, or lemon juice. In the latter case, you must use more sugar. Beat a while, then spread on the cake after same has cooled. The frosting must be very white and thick. 922. WHITE FROSTING, BOILED. Bild poleva, vařená. Boil a cup and a half of granulated sugar with two tablespoons of water until it spins a thread. In the meantime beat two whites, then pour into them the syrup, beating constantly, and beat until cold and smooth. Tlien add vanilla or lemon flavoring. To be successful with this frosting, the syrup must be just right. 923. CHOCOLATE FROSTING, NOT BOILED. CoJi-oládová poleva, nevařená. Beat three whites stiff, then add slowly three cups of sugar, beating constantly. Stir until smooth, then add grated chocolate to taste. PRUIT JELLIES. 285 924. CHOCOLATE FROSTING, BOILED. Čokoládová poleva, vařená. Grate half a cake of bitter chocolate and boil it with half a cup of milk or cream and half a cup of sugar until very thick. 925. COLORED FROSTING. Barevná poleva. Prepare white frosting as directed in either of the first two recipes. For yellow frosting tie up a bit of saffron in a cloth, soak it in hot water, then squeeze a few drops into the frosting. For pink frosting use cochineal. For green, wash and pound fine fresh sjiinach, using a few drops of its juice. 926. CINNAMON FROSTING. Skořico vá poleva. Prepare white frosting, adding a teaspoon of cinnamon extract or finely powdered cinnamon. Fruit Jellies. — Ovocné rosoly. Jellies are made by boiling together the juice of fruit that is not too ripe, and sugar. The fruit is boiled soft and the juice strained through a jelly bag. If strained first through a sieve and then through the bag, it will be clearer. Do not press the juice through the jelly bag, it must drip of its own weight, and this is best done by letting it drip overnight. The strained juice is boiled with sugar (which should be heated before adding it to the juice) and it should boil over a quick fire. As the jelly bubbles up quite a bit, it is more convenient to make a small quantity at the time. Skim while boiling. Try it by pouring a bit on a cold plate. If it coagulates sufficiently, you may pour it into glasses immediately. When cool place a round piece of white paper dipped in rum in each glass and cover. Or you may seal with hot ])a]*affin. 286 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. ' 927. GRAPE JELLY. Hroznový rosol. Stem and wash nice sound grapes and place in the preserving kettle. To each eight pounds of fruit add one cup of water and boil about half an hour, stirring occasionally, then cool. Strain through a piece of cheese- cloth, letting it drip of its own accord. Measure the juice, pour it back into the kettle, heat the sugar in the oven, then add as many cups of sugar as there are cups of juice. The juice must be boiling thirty minutes before adding the sugar. Then boil ten minutes, skimming constantly. Set aside and when somewhat cool, pour into glasses. Wild grape jelly is very good, or half and half. 928. PLUM' JELLY. Slívový rosol. Wash and stone wild or ordinary red plums and boil with a small quantity of water until soft. Then strain and proceed as with grape jelly. If the plums are very sweet, they will not require as much sugar. 929. CHERRY JELLY. Třešňový rosol. Wash and stem the cherries, mash together with the pits, let them stand overnight. Then strain, add one part of currant juice to three parts of cherries, boil and strain. Proceed as with grape jelly. 930. APPLE JELLY. Jablkový rosol. Use ripe, juicy, tart apples. Peel and quarter, placing them in cold water as you proceed, in order that they do not discolor. Boil until tender, strain through the bag and proceed as with grape jelly. JAMS. 287 931. CURRANT JELLY. Ryhízový rosol. Prepare as grape jelly. Blackberry, raspberry or strawberry jelly must contain a fourth or more currant juice, otherwise it would not jell, as this fruit is not acid enough. 932. ELDERBERRY JELLY. Bezinl'ovf/ rosol. Pick over and wash elderberries, and boil with a small quantity of water. At the same time peel, quarter and boil apples. When the elderberries begin to burst and the water is highly colored, strain and strain the apples also. To one part of elderberry water use three parts of the apple water. Now add one part of sugar to two parts of the water and boil, stirring constantly, until of the proper consistency. Jams. — Povidla. While jellies are made with fruit not quite ripe, jams can be made with fruit ripe or overripe, but of course it must be sound. The fruit is peeled and stoned or pitted, and is then be boiled with sugar until thick. 933. GRAPE JAM. Hroznová povidla. Wash and stem the grapes, squeeze out the pulp, putting the skins in one pan and the rest in another. Boil the latter without adding any sugar or water, about half an hour, or so long until the seeds can be pressed out. Strain or squeeze through a cheesecloth. Place the juice back in the kettle, add the skins, and to each cup of fruit add half a cup of sugar or more, to taste. Simmer one and a half hours. 288 BOHEMIAN-AM lOKK^AN ťOOK 1U)0K. 934. CURRANT JAM. liyhízová povidla. Stem and wash tlie currants, place in a kettle, mash and boil. When they have been boiling a short time, add sngar, three fonrths of a cup to each cup of fruit. Mash with a wooden masher and boil slowly half an hour. Gooseberry jam is made this way also. 935. RASPBERRY JAM. Malinová povidla. Wash and pick over the berries, mash in a kettle and when they have boiled a short while, add half a cup of sugar to a cup of fruit, then boil half to three quarters of an hour. Blackberry and strawberry jam is prepared this way also. 936. APPLE JAM. Jahlkovd povidla. Peel and slice the apples, put them 'in a kettle with a small quantity of water (a cup of water to a gallon of apples) and boil twenty minutes, stirring often. When done, strain through a sieve or cheese- cloth and place back in the kettle. When they have boiled a short time, add sugar, (half a cup of sugar to a cup of fruit) and a bit of grated lemon rind. Boil half or three quarters of an hour, stirring often. 937. PLUM JAM. Slívová povidla. Wash and stone ripe plums and boil with a small quantity of w^ater. If the stones cannot be taken out easily, boil the plums whole. When soft press through a sieve and place back in the kettle. When the jam has been boiling a short time, add half a cup or more of sugar to a cup, of fruit, a bit of cinnamon and cloves and simmer to the desired thickness, stirring often. i JAMS. 289 938. QUINCE JAM. Kdoulová povidla. Peel and quarter ripe quinces, boil soft, drain and press through a sieve. To each cup of fruit add three fourths of a cup of sugar and the juice of one lemon. Boil until thick. 939. PEACH JAM No. 1. Bi'oskvova povidla. Peel and stone nice ripe peaches, press through a sieve, add half a cup of sugar to a cup of fruit and let it boil thick, skimming and stirring often. 940. PEACH JAM No. 2. Broskvová povidla na jiný způsob. Wash and rub off the down, quarter and place in a kettle with an equal amount of sugar. Simmer five or six hours, stirring often. 941. TOMATO JAM. Povidla z rajských jablek. Pour boiling water over nice ripe tomatoes, then skin and put them in a kettle, mash and simmer about forty-five minutes. Then add half a cup of sugar to each cup of tomatoes, sliced lemon (one lemon to a gallon of tomatoes) and a piece of whole ginger. Boil about an hour. 942. TOMATO AND APPLE JAM. Povidla z rajských jablek a jablek. Stew, each separately, five quarts of skinned tomatoes and six quarts of peeled and quartered apples. When each mixture has boiled down thick, mix together, add six pounds of sugar, two tablespoons of cloves and three of cinnamon (both powdered) and simmer one hour. Cook Book 19 290 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. Butters. — Másla. 943. ANCHOVY BUTTER. Sardelové máslo. Clean and bone two ounces of anchovies, pound them to a paste with a bit of paprika, then cream smooth with half a pound of fresh butter. Put in a cold place. This is used to season roasts or sauces. 944. PARSLSY BUTTER. Petrželové máslo. Mix smooth half a pound of butter, two table- spoons of chopped parsley, the juice of one lemon, a dash of mace and salt. Used to season roasts or sauces. 945. MUSTARD BUTTER. Hořčičné máslo. Cream half a pound of fresh butter with three hard-boiled yolks and three tablespoons of ground mustard, add salt and pepper and place in a cold spot. You may use two tablespoons of paprika and the juice of one lemon instead of the mustard. 946. CHOCOLATE BUTTER. Čokoládové máslo. Cream half a pound of fresh butter with three hard-boiled yolks and two ounces of grated chocolate. You may add sugar and vanilla flavoring, if you wish. This is served with fresh rolls etc. Fruit Sauces.— Kompoty. Fruit sauces (compotes) are for immediate use, therefore they are not boiled as long as preserves etc., and do not need as much sugar. 947. CRANBERRY SAUCE. Mechyňkovf/ kompot. Pick over and wash a quart of cranberries, cover them with cold water, add a pinch of soda and let FRUIT SAUCES. 291 tliein lioil until they burst, tlien add two cups of sugar and simmer one hour. 948. RHUBARB SAUCE. Reharborovif Jiompot. Wash, skin and cut rhubarb stalks into small pieces, put in a pan, sprinkle generously with sugar, cover and bake in the oven about twenty-five minutes, then add a bit of grated nutmeg. If necessary, add more sugar. 949. PEACH SAUCE. Broskvový kompot. Boil one cup of sugar with five tablespoons of water about ten minutes. In the meantime peel, stone and halve nice ripe peaches. Place them in the boiling syrup and simmer about ten minutes. 950. APPLE SAUCE. JahlJvOvij kompot. In a kettle put half a cup of sugar, two cups of water, the juice of one lemon, twelve peeled and quartered tart apples, and simmer until tender, but not mushy. Then take the apples out on a dish, boil the syrup down and pour over the apples. You may, add a piece of whole cinnamon, or half water and half white wine, if you wish. 951. PEAR SAUCE. Hruškoví) kompot. Peel and halve the pears, take out the seeds, boil in syrup, as directed in the preceding recipe, adding a piece of cinnamon and lemon rind. When done, place in a dish, boil the syrup down and pour over the fruit. You may use half red wine and half water, instead of water, and you may boil the pears whole, if you wish. 952. PRUNE SAUCE. Švestkový kompot. Halve and stone fresh prunes (the large blue plums) then boil with sugar, a piece each of whole cinna- 292 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. mon and lemon rind. When done, take them out and bolí the syrup down. You may also peel the plums, leaving them whole and simmer them in red sweet wine. 953. CHERRY SAUCE. Třešňový kompot. Use a fourth of a pound of sugar, a cup of water and a piece each of whole cinnamon and lemon rind, to each pound of fruit. Boil the syrup first, then add the cherries, letting them boil quickly. When done, drain, and boil the syrup down. A bit of red wine adds flavor. 954. BLACKBERRY SAUCE. Ostružinový kompot. Wash and drain the berries, place them in boiling syrup as directed for apple sauce, adding a piece of cinnamon. When done, drain, boil the syrup down, pour it over the fruit, sprinkle with sugar and garnish with sliced oranges. You may use half water and half red wine and lemon rind instead of cinnamon, if you wish. Preserves. — Zavařeniny. General Directions. — Všeobecná pravidla. Before beginning this work, look over the jars. See that none are cracked or injured in any way, and that each has the proper cover. Never use old rubber bands. They do not cost much and it is far cheaper to buy a new supply each time than to waste the pre- serves. Fruit for preserving should be sound, ripe and firm. Juicy fruit, such as berries, is picked over and washed. Larger firmer fruit, as apples, quinces etc. must be peeled and parboiled first. When the fruit is preserved, fill the jars with it, having first scalded them well. It is best to have several jars stand- ing in a large pan of hot water, and as these are filled, replace with a new supply. Have ready an ordinary PRESERVES. 293 boiler for clothes, place laths or straw in the bottom, screw the covers loosely on the ,iars and put same in the boiler, having filled them with the preserved fruit. Pour in cold water so it reaches about an inch lower than the lower edge of the covers, and when it has come to a boil, boil ten minutes, then take out the jars, and when cold, tighten the covers thoroughly. When entirely cold, dip the top of each jar in melted paraffin, being careful to coat the space around the lower edge of the cover. Then put the preserves away in a cool, dry place. Examine them within a few days and occasionally thereafter, for if they ferment and you discover it in time, you may remedy the matter by boiling the fruit over and resealing. . 955. PRESERVED STRAWBERRIES. Zavařené jahody. Pick over ten or twelve quarts of berries, wash and drain well. Boil two pounds of white sugar with half a cup* of water ten minutes in an enameled kettle. Now add the berries to the boiling syrup and boil about twenty-five minutes, skimming often, but not stirring, so as not to mash the fruit. Then take the berries out with a skimmer, put them in the jars, being careful not to break them, boil the syrup down, pour it over the fruit, filling each jar quite full. Place the jars in the boiler and proceed as directed. 956. PRESERVED PEACHES. Zavařené broskve. Peel, halve and stone the peaches, place them in cold water. Boil to a syrup a pound of sugar with one and a half cups of water. Fill the jars with fruit, putting a layer of sugar on each layer of fruit, fill the jar with hot syrup, cover, put them in the boiler and proceed as directed. 294 1U)HEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. 957. PRESERVED PEARS. Zavařené hrušhi/. Use firm pears, the soft kind will hoil mushy. Peel, halve or quarter, take out the seeds, and place in cold water. Boil one quart of sugar with two table- spoons of water, then place two quarts of fruit in the boiling syrup and simmer several hours. Then pro- ceed as directed. 958. PRESERVED CRAB APPLES. Zavařená pláňata. These are preserved in the same manner as pears, but more water must be used, a cup of water to a quart of sugar. Crab apples are preserved whole, stems and all. 959. PRESERVED PLUMS. Zavařené slívy. Pour hot water over the plums, skin and then proceed as with peaches. 960. PRESERVED APPLES. ' Zavařená jablka. Use nice, juicy, rather sweet apples. Peel, quarter, take out the seeds and place immediately in cold water. Put as much water in a kettle as there is fruit, and use a quart of sugar to a gallon of water. Boil to a syrup, skimming often, then add the fruit, a few pieces of whole cinnamon and boil until the apples are tender. Fill the jars and proceed as directed. 961. PRESERVED CHERRIES. Zavařené třesné. Wash and pit the cherries, then proceed as with plums, using less water, as the cherries are juicier. 962. PRESERVED PEARSHAPED TOMATOES. Zavařovaná malá rajská jablíčka. At night pour hot water on small, yellow, pear- shaped tomatoes. These must not be too ripe. Skin, ^ PICKLES. 295 prick each with a large needle, and sprinkle with as much sugar as there are tomatoes, according to weight. In the morning drain off the juice and boil it to a syrup. Then add the tomatoes, a piece of lemon rind and whole ginger, and simmer until the tomatoes are transparent. Seal hot. 963. PRESERVED WATERMELON RIND. Zavařený vodní meloun. Pare off the green rind and all the red meat, leaving only the firm white part. Cut into large dice, about an inch or so square. Prepare a syrup of four cups of sugar and one cup of water, place the rind in the boiling syrup and simmer four hours. Then add a large sliced lemon (or two small ones), four table- spoons of raisins, and simmer one and a half hours longer. When done, it should be yellow and clear. Pickles. -Naloženiny. 964. PICKLED PEACHES. Naložené hrosl've. Use ripe, hard, clingstone peaches. Rub off the down with a dry cloth. To eight pounds of fruit use four pounds of sugar, two ounces of whole cinna- mon and a quart of vinegar. Boil this five minutes. Then stick two whole cloves into each peach, place them in the boiling syrup, and when tender (try them with a fork) take them out, put them in jars, boil the syrup down, pour over the fruit and then finish in the boiler, as directed in Greneral Directions, page 292. 965. PICKLED GRAPES. Naložené vinné hrozny. Wash and stem sound, hard grapes. Place them in a stone jar. Boil together vinegar, whole pepper, all- spice, cinnamon and sugar to taste. When this has been boiling half an hour, pour it over the grapes. When 296 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. cool, tie a cloth over the jar and put it in a cool place. The grapes must be covered with the vinegar and weighted down. Put a plate in the jar and a stone on top of it. 966. GREEN TOMATO PICKLE. Naložená zelená rajshá jablíčka. Boil together ten minutes one gallon of green tomatoes sliced, two quarts of vinegar, one quart of sugar, a fourth of a cup of mustard seed, two tea- spoons of whole allspice, one teaspoon of ground pepper, one tablespoon of salt, twelve sliced onions. Then put this in a stone jar and cover. 967. PICKLED TOMATOES No. 1. Naložená rajská jablíčka. . Wash and dry medium-sized tomatoes, sprinkle with salt and let them stand thus four hours. Then boil a sufficient quantity of good vinegar and when cool, pour over the tomatoes. The next day drain off the vinegar, boil, cool and pour on the tomatoes again. The third day boil a fresh quantity of vinegar and when cool pour it on the tomatoes, in glass jars, filling them up to two inches from the top. Place these in a boiler with cold water and boil five minutes after the water has begun to boil. Then take out the jars, put a rubber band on each, tighten the covers, place the jars back in the boiler and let them stand in it until the water cools. Tomatoes pickled thus keep very well. 968. PICKLED TOMATOES No. 2. Naložená rajská jablíčka na jiný způsob. Wash and dry tomatoes that are not too ripe. Have ready a three-gallon stone jar and put the tomatoes in it. Boil a sufficient quantity of vinegar and pour hot on the tomatoes. Cover with a plate, so they cool slowly. Tie a cloth over the jar and put it in a cool place. They keep well. PICKLES. 297 969. PICKLED TOMATOES No. 3. Naložená rajská jahlívka ještě na jiný způsob. Select ripe, firm tomatoes, wash and dry and place in glass or stone jars. Boil vinegar with salt, whole pepper, allspice and cloves to taste and when cool, pour over the tomatoes, which must be covered with it. Now cover the top with melted butter or suet. You may use equal parts of water and vinegar, using more salt in this case. Cover and put in a cool place. 970. PICKLED WATERMELON. Naložený vodní meloun. Pare the green rind away and cut off all the meat, leaving only the white firm rind. Cut into small pieces, place in a stone jar, cover with vinegar and water to taste, and let it stand over night. In the morning put it on to boil, adding three pounds of sugar to four pounds of melon, half a lemon, several pieces of whole cinnamon and about eight cloves. Simmer slowly until it becomes a reddish color and the juice juS a thick syrup. Stir occasionally. When cool, put in stone jars, cover these and put them in a cool place. 971. PICKLES. Naložené okurky. Wash the cucumbers and put them in a stone jar. Boil water with a generous quantity of salt and pour hot on the cucumbers to cover them. You may add dill seed or the plant itself, if you wish. Cover with a plate and stone. In three or four days fill glass jars with the pickles, cover with boiled vinegar and put away. 972. DILL PICKLES. Naložené oharky s koprem. Place the cucumbers in cold water in the evening. While they are soaking prepare a salt brine strong enough to float an egg. Then wash the cucumbers well and put them in the brine. In the morning wipe 298 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. tliem dry and put them in a five gallon keg, putting a layer of dill over each layer of cucumbers. Fasten the cover on tight. Boil water and vinegar, one part vinegar to three of water, with whole pepper and allspice. Cool and pour on the cucumbers through the bunghole in the top of the keg. Cork tight. Two pails of cucumbers will be enough for a five gallon keg. These will last a long time, if not exposed to the air. 973, DILL SUMMER PICKLES. Láčené okurky. Use medium-sized cucumbers. Line the bottom of a stone jar with green dill and grapevine leaves, or cherry leaves. Now put in a layer of cucumbers, then a layer of dill and leaves and so proceed. Boil water with a generous quantity of salt and a small amount of sugar (a tablespoonful to four gallons). When cool, pour over the cucumbers. Place two or three crusts of rye bread in the vinegar, put a plate and stone on top, to keep the pickles submerged, and put away in a cool place. They can be eaten in a week and taste best when two weeks old, after that they get too sour. 974. SWEET PICKLES. Naložené okůrčičky na sladko. Use the smallest kind of cucumbers. Pour boiling- water over them and let them stand four hours. Boil vinegar with sugar and spices, using a cup of sugar to a gallon of vinegar, a cup of salt, a teaspoon of pulverized alum, an ounce of cinnamon stick, a table- spoon of whole cloves. Simmer all about fifteen minutes. Put the cucumbers in glass jars, pour the hot vinegar over them and fasten the tops tightly. 975. SWEET PICKLED CUCUMBERS. Zralé oJciirky íialožené na sladko. Peel and halve large, ripe, yellow cucumbers, take out the seeds, cut into pieces and soak about an hour in salted water. Then pour boiling water over them PICKLES. 299 and let thorn stand over night. In the morning drain and simmer in the following: a pint of vinegar, a pint of liot water, two heaping cups of sugar, a tea- spoon of cinnamon, a teaspoon of cloves, a teaspoon of black pepper, a teaspoon of mace or nutmeg, a handful of raisins. When tender add a pint of fresh vinegar and put in jars. 976. PICKLED ONIONS. Naložené cibulky. Peel small white onions and boil ten minutes in half milk and half water, adding a dash of salt. Then drain, put in glass jars and cover with hot spiced vinegar. Do not use any allspice, as it would darken the onions. Seal hot. 977, PICKLED CAULIFLOWER. Naložený kai'fiol. Select young and crisp cauliflower, clean it and cut into small pieces, about one and a half inches long, sprinkle with salt and let it stand thus sixteen hours. Then drain, pour on fresh water and drain and so continue until the salty flavor has been washed away, draining thoroughly at last. In the meantime boil the vinegar, adding to each cupful of same a cup of sugar and spices to taste (a tablespoon of each to four cups of vinegar). When it comes to a boil, pour over the cauliflower and boil fifteen minutes. Seal hot. 978. CAULIFLOWER PICKLED IN MUSTARD. Karfiol naložený v hořčici. Prepare as dii-ected in the preceding recipe, using less sugar. When it has been boiling about ten minutes, add the following: to one head of cauliflower mix smooth two cups of vinegar, a cup of sugar, a teaspoon of salt and two tablespoons of dry mustard, and seal. 300 BOHEMIAN-AMEEICAN COOK BOOK. 979. PICKLED MUSHROOMS. Naložené liouhy. Wash, cut off the stems and put the mushrooms in cold water. Boil together vinegar, sliced onion, whole pepper, allspice and salt, and when it begins to boil, add the mushrooms and let them simmer five minutes. Then drain, put them in glass jars, pour over them the cooled vinegar with which you have boiled a few cloves and whole peppers and seal. 980. PICKLED DILL. Naložený hopr. Wash the fresh dill leaves, put in a kettle, cover with wine vinegar, a few whole peppers and cloves and simmer a few minutes. Take off the stove, cool, put into jars and cover tight. The dill must be submerged in the vinegar and if this dries out, add more. 981. CHOW-CHOW. Ůaii-čau. Chop half a peck of green tomatoes, one large head of cabbage, a dozen ripe and a dozen green peppers and a dozen onions, each separately, then mix, salt, put in a sack and let the contents drain over night. In the morning squeeze dry, put in a kettle, cover with cold vinegar, let it stand six hours and then squeeze dry again. Then add a cup of whole and a cup of ground cinnamon, three tablespoons of celery seed, a tablespoon of ground mace, three tablespoons of allspice and a quart of grated horseradish. Mix well, place in glass or stone jars and cover with hot vinegar boiled with a pound of sugar. * The chowchow must be covered with the vinegar. When cool put into jars and cover these. 982. SOURKRAUT. Kyselé zelí. Take off the outer leaves, quarter the heads of cabbage, and cut out the stalks. Slice fine, using a PICKLES. 301 sourkraut cutter. The cutter is placed over a tub and the kraut sliced into same. When the desired quantity has been sliced, work in salt, using a pound and a half to five dozen large heads, two tablespoons of caraway seed and the same amount of dill seed. Mix well with the kraut. Line the bottom of a firm oak barrel, or keg, or large stone jar with nice whole cabbage leaves. Put in a layer of kraut, pound thoroughly with a heavy wooden masher, put in another layer and pound, and so proceed until the keg is full. Do not put in too large a layer, as the kraut must be pounded until it exudes moisture. Cover with whole cabbage leaves, then with a clean white wet cloth, put on a lid that fits inside of the barrel and place on the top of this a heavy weight. Place the barrel in a warm spot and let it stand there eight days until the kraut ferments, then put it in a cool spot, where it will not freeze. Every time you take any kraut, level the top and put a clean white wet cloth on it, washing the cloth each time. If you make a large quantity that lasts quite a while, you must wash the board and stone occasionally. If the kraut dries, you must add water. Some house- wives add fennel seed, mustard, pepper or juniper berries. Peeled and grated apples, added to each layer, give a good flavor. If you put the kraut in a barrel that contained white wine, the flavor will be better. Do not use too much salt, in that case the kraut will not ferment. It is better to use several smaller kegs than one large barrel. You may put the kraut in large stone jars, if you wish. 983. STUFFED PICKLED MANGOES. Naložená nadívaná yaprika. Select large fine mangoes or green peppers, slit each in the side and take out the seeds. Cover with salted water and let them soak six days, renewing the water a few times. Chop fine onion, cabbage, tomatoes. a02 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. carrots,' kernels of corn, and small onions, grate a piece of horseradish, mix well, add mustard, celery seed and curry powder to taste. Drain the mangoes, dust inside with pepper, cinnamon and allspice, fill with the mixture and sew up the slits. Arrange in a stone jar, cover with boiled and cooled spiced vinegar, cover and put away in a cool place. Beverages. — Nápoje. 984. COFFEE. Káva. For five cups of coffee three heaping tablespoons of coarsely ground coffee are generally used. Add the coffee to water boiling in the pot, let it boil up a few times, then take from the fire and let it settle. A bit of cold water added after it is done, or a small quantity of the white of an egg, or a bit of whole beaten Qgg mixed with water, stirred into the coffee grounds before boiling, clears coffee. 985. FRENCH COFFEE. Káva po francouzsl'ii. For this you must use the coffeepot for the purpose, which has a small muslin bag, attached inside. This has to be washed each time after using it. The coffee must be ground fine. Put it in the bag, pour in the requisite amount of boiling water, let the pot stand on the back of the stove a few moments (it must not boil) and it is ready to serve. Pouring the clear coffee over the bag once more makes it stronger. 986. TURKISH COFFEE. Káva po tur echu. Use the requisite amount of ground coffee, adding to each cup a teaspoon of pulverized coffee and a piece of sugar. Boil two minutes and pour unstrained into cups. You may add a few drops of orange juice. BEVERAGES. 303 987. TEA. Caj. There are several different kinds of tea, the principal ones being black or green. On the continent tea is served with rum and lemon, but in England and America cream is used instead. Use a teaspoon of tea to three cups of water. Pour the boiling water on the tea leaves, let it steep a few moments and serve immediately. 988. TEA WITH EGGS. Caj s vejci. Prepare tea as directed in the preceding recipe, strain, add sugar and cream, or rum and lemon juice. Beat several yolks with a bit of cold water, pour them into the tea, beating constantly. Beat over the fire until it foams, (it must not boil)-, and serve. 989. COCOA. Kahao. It is better to buy the whole cocoa beans, roast them in the oven as coffee beans, and then grind them to a powder. The prepared cocoa is not as pure. Use one teaspoon of ground cocoa to each cup of milk. When the milk comes to a boil, add the cocoa which has been mixed smooth with hot or cold water. This is the average proportion, it can be varied to suit the individual taste. 990. CHOCOLATE. GohoUda. Melt a pound of grated sweet chocolate in a quart of boiling water stirring constantly, then serve with sugar and hot cream. Or you may boil half a .pound of grated chocolate in a pint of milk or cream. When it has thoroughly dissolved, add a pint of cream, beat smooth and serve. You may beat in a few beaten yolks. Some housewives boil a bit of vanilla bean with the chocolate. Sen^e with whipped cream. 304 BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK BOOK. 991. ALMOND MILK. Mandlové mléko. Pound a fourth of a pound of blanched sweet almonds to a paste, adding a few drops of water while pounding, in order that they do not become oily. Place in a saucepan, add a quart of water, stir well, let it stand a while, then strain through a fine cloth and sweeten to taste. A few bitter almonds add flavor, but these must be omitted when preparing the milk for people who are ill. 992. HARVEST DRINK. Nápoj ženců. Add a tablespoon of ground and sifted ginger to a quart of cold water, three tablespoons of sugar and a cup of vinegar. Very pleasant and wholesome. 993. LEMONADE. Limonáda. Add the juice of three lemons and six tablespoons of sugar to a quart of water. Let it stand until the sugar dissolves, stir thoroughly and serve. The water should be very cold, or contain ice. Hot lemonade is made in the same manner, using hot w^ter of course. For orangeade use oranges. 994. CLARET CUP. Limonáda s vínem. Prepare lemonade as directed in the preceding recipe, using however, half water and half claret wine. The addition of a few strawberries, raspberries or pieces of pineapple adds a good flavor. 995. FRUIT LEMONADE. Ovocná limonáda. To a quart of cold water add a cup of raspberry, blackberry, strawberry, cherry, currant or other fruit juice, the juice of two lemons, sweeten to taste, mix and serve. BEVERAGES. 305 996. GROG. Grog. Dissolve three fourths of a pound of sugar in a quart of boiling water, add a pint of good rum or arac, let it heat thoroughly and serve hot. You may add lemon juice to taste. 997. SPICED WINE. Kořeněné vino. To two bottles of red sour wine add half a pound of sugar, the grated rind of one lemon, a piece of cinnamon and several cloves. Place on the back of stove, so it blends together, but it must not boil. Strain and serve hot. 998. CHERRY LIQUOR. Yimovlca. Fill a large glass jar or bottle half full with ripe pitted cherries, add sugar to taste (half a pound of sugar to two pounds of fruit is the average) a few pieces of cinnamon, a few cloves, an ounce and a half of sweet flag and a few cracked cherry pits. Fill the bottle with good rye whiskey or wine alcohol, cork tight and set in a place where the sun shines. Shake occasionally. It is ready for use in three weeks. 999. DANDELION WINE. Pampeliškové víno. To a market basket of dandelion leaves, add five gal- lons of cold water and boil one hour. Then let it stand twelve hours, or over night, and strain. Then add seven pounds of white sugar and five pounds of brown, the pulp of half a dozen oranges chopped fine, and the same of five lemons, stir and when the sugar has dissolved, place in a jug to ferment. When it has fermented, cork tight. Cook Book 20 :{0f) BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN COOK ÉOOK. 1000. ELDER BLOSSOM WINE. Bezinkové víno. Pick over ten quarts of nice elder blossoms. Put five gallons of water to boil. When it boils add the blossoms, stir thoroughly, take the kettle off the stove, cover and let it stand twenty-four hours. The next day strain through a four sack into a vessel. Put five gallons of water to boil, add twenty-five or thirty pounds of sugar, seven large or ten small lemons, sliced and seeded, and, of you like, a quan- tity of raisins. Boil about fifteen minutes, then strain and cool and add it to the elder blossom water. The lemons must not soak too long, or they will impart a bitter flavor. When the mixture has become tepid, add five cakes of dissolved compressed yeast, stir well, cover and let it stand a few hours. When it begins to foam, strain into a keg but do not cork. As the wine ferments, the quantity lessens somewhat, so reserve enough to add, keeping the keg full. If you do not have enough, boil water and sugar and use that. When the wine ferments but slightly, put the cork in the opening, but do not press it in. As the fermenting grows weaker, tighten the cork. When you see that the wine does not ferment at all, cork tightly. Let it stand two months, then drain with the aid of a small hose into another keg, as the bottom of the first keg will be covered with a sediment. It can than be used, but the older it is, the better. CONTENTS Pages Meat Soups, Recipes 1 — 37 8 — 20 Lenten Soups, Recipes 38 — 67 20 — 28 Sauces for Beef, Recipes 68—95 28—35 Beef, Recipes 96—138 35-^9 Pork, Recipes 139—181 50—63 Veal, Recipes 182—225 63—76 Mutton, Recipes 226—247 77—83 Lamb, Recipes 248—260 84—87 Poultry, Recipes 261—305 88—102 Game, Recipes 306—332 102—110 Fish, Recipes 333—396 : 111—129 Oysters, Shell Fish, Frogs, etc., Recipes 397^20 130—136 Eggs, Recipes 421—458 136—145 Vegetables, Recipes 459—550 146—168 Salads, Recipes 551—580 169—176 Cold Sauces for Meats or Salads, Recipes 581—595 176—180 Dumplings, Recipes 596 — 623 180 — 188 Pancakes, Recipes 624—633 189—191 Porridges, Recipes 634—647 191—194 Noodles, etc.. Recipes 648—656 195—197 Strudels, Recipes 657—667 197—201 Puff Paste and Pies, Recipes 668—693 201—209 Puffs, Recipes 694—703 209—212 Puddings (puffed). Recipes 704—718 212—217 Puddings (baked). Recipes 719—728 218—220 Puddings (boiled). Recipes 729—731 221—222 Fritters, Fritures, Toast, etc., Recipes 732—750 222—227 Yeast, Bread, Biscuits, Rolls, etc., Recipes 751—785 227—240 Raised Tarts and Cakes, Recipes 786—806 240—249 Doughnuts and other Fried Cakes, Recipes 807—815 249—253 Cakes (layer), Recipes 816—826 253—257 Cakes (loaf), Recipes 827—849 258—265 Cookies, Small Cakes, Confectionery, etc., Recipes 850—890 265—277 Sweet Sauces and Custards, Recipes 891—905 277—280 Fillings for Tarts, Recipes 906—920 281—284 Frostings, Recipes 921—926 284—285 Fruit Jellies, Recipes 927—932 285—287 Jams, Recipes 933—942 287—289 Butters, Recipes 943—946 290 Fruit Sauces, Recipes 947—954 , 290—292 Preserves, Recipes 955—963 292—295 Pickles, Recipes 964—983 295—302 Beverages, Recipes 984—1000 302—306 INDEX Pao:e Almond Cakes 2(57 " Darioles 272 " Crescents 274 Milk 304 Almonds, Sugared 275 Anchovy Butter 290 Anise Pretzels 271 Apple Balls, Fried 224 '' Butter 281 Asparag-us, Boiled 154 with Butter Gravy 155 ' ^ Mushrooms 155 Bacon, Baked 55 Fried 55 Bass, Boiled 121 Stewed 121 with Oysters 122 Bavarian Cakes 270 Beans (Green) 159 (Lima) 159 (String) 159 with Sour Gravy 159 " Sour Cream Gravy... 159 Beef, a la Mode 44 a la Venison 40 Boiled 35 Chipped, with Cream 46 Corned, Boiled 45 Corned, with Cabbage 45 How to Corn 45 — 46 Hash 47 " Baked 47 Irish Stew 44 Jellied 44 Loaf 47 Pickled 46 Ril)S 46 Rolled 39 Rolls 36 Rolls, of Boiled Beef 37 Page Beef, Roasted, American Style 39 Roasted, Bohemian Style... 38 '' with Sour Cream. 39 Stewed No. 1 35 " No. 2 36 " No. 3 36 ' ' with Bread 44 Tenderloin No. 1 37 " No 2 38 with Sour Gravy 40 Kidneys 47 " with Cream Gravy 48 Tongue 49 '' with Polish Gravy. 49 ^' '^ Sauce or Horseradish 49 Udder, Fried 48 Beef Sauces and Gravies (See Sauces for Beef). Beefsteak, 40 Baked 42 Broiled 41 Fried 41 Stewed 42 with Sour Gravy . 42 Biscuits, Baking Powder 235" Bohemian, with Jam 237 Potato (Raised) 236 Raised 236 Soda No. 1 236 '' No. 2 236 Bishop's Bread 273 Bread, Bishop's 273 Boston Brown 232 Brown 232 Corn No. 1 234 '' No. 2 234 " No. 3 234 '' No. 4 ....Í 234 " Steamed 235 I Pa^e Bread, Graham 232 Hot Cross 249 Imperial 273 Milk Sponge 231 Potato Sponge 231 Rye No. 1 232 '' No. 2 233 Wheat No. 1 230 No. 2 231 Bread Sticks 237 Batter, Anchovy 290 Apple '.281 Chocolate 290 Mustard 290 Parsley 290 Cabbage, Boiled No. 1 1G6 " No. 2 166 Sour 167 Stewed 167 Cake (Layer) Gen. Directions 253 Black ' 257 Chocolate No. 1 254 " No. 2 254 '■' No. 3 254 Cocoanut 255 Gold 256 Jelly 255 Lemon No. 1 255 '' No. 2 256 Ribbon 257 Silver 256 Cake (Loaf), Almond 261 Angel Food 260 Cocoanut No. 1 258 " No. 2 258 Cream 263 Crown 259 French 263 Fruit 261 Hazel Nut 262 Marble No. 1 259 '' No. 2 259 May 260 Milfoil 262 Molasses (Bohemian) 264 Page Cake, Plain 260 Potato 265 Pound 261 Snow 259 Sponge 262 Sponge (Bohemian) 265 Wedding 258 Cake (Raised) No. 1 245 No. 2 246 No. 3 246 with Almonds 247 " Cherries 247 Crown 248 " with Poppy Seed.. .248 Cakes Bavarian 270 Fried 250 Raised, General Directions 240 (Raised) Stuffed 245 Calf's Brains, with Eggs.... 75 '' Fried 76 " Toast 76 Feet, Fried 76 Liver with Cream 73 ' ^ and Bacon 73 '' Stewed 74 Tongue 76 Candy, Chocolate 275 Cocoanut 276 Caramels, Chocolate 276 Cards 272 Carp, Blued 113 Fried 113 Jellied 114 Marinated 114 Stuffed and Baked 115 with Brown Gravy 115 ' ' Cream Sauce 114 Carrots 163 with Green Peas 164 (^atfish 125 Catsup No. 1 34 " No. 2 34 Cauliflower 153 Creamed 154 Page Cauliflower, Fried 154 with Gravy 154 Celestial Crusts No. 1 251 No. 2 251 Cherry Liquor 305 Cherry Crusts 224 Chicken, Broiled .' 88 Fried 88 Roasted 88 Roasted, with Gravy 88 Stewed 89 Stuffed 89 with BroAvn Gravy 89 " Cauliflower 92 ' ' Dumpling's 91 ^ ' Herring- 95 '' Kohl-rabi 92 ' ' Lemon Sauce 91 ' ' Mayonnaise 93 ' ' Mushrooms 93 ' ' Mushroom Gravy 90 " Paprika 91 " Rice 92 " Root Celery 93 ' ' Sour Cream Gravy ... 90 '' Tomatoes 93 '' Wine Gravy 90 Croquettes 94 Pie 95 Rissoles 94 Chocolate 303 " Butter 290 " Custard 280 Christmas Twist 248 Clam Chowder No. 1 133 No. 2 ..133 Clam Stew 132 Clams 131 Baked 132 Fried 132 with Cream 132 Claret Cup 304 Codfish, Creamed 127 Scalloped 127 Balls No. 1 128 Page Codfish, Balls No. 2 128 Cocoa 303 Coffee 302 French 302 Turkish 302 Coffee Cake ; 247 Cold Slaw No. 1 171 " " No. 2 171 Avith Cream Sauce 171 '^ Sour Cream Sauce.. 171 Cookies, Molasses 265 Peanut No. 1 266 No. 2 266 Sugar 266 Yolk 266 Corn, on Cob 163 Fried 163 Stewed 163 Custard 163 Cornucopias 272 Crabs, Boiled 133 Fried 133 Stewed 134 Hard Shell 134 Cream Puffs 267 Crescents, Almond 274 Sugar 273 Crusts 252 '' Celestial No. 1..... ...251 " No. 2 251 '' Cherry 224 Cucumbers, Fried 168 Custard, Chocolate 280 Lemon 280 Dandelion Wine 305 Darioles, Almond 272 Doughnuts, Plain 249 Filled 250 Duck, Roasted 99 with Mushrooms 99 AVild, Roasted 109 '' Stewed 109 Dumplings No. 1 180 No. 2 181 Page Dumplings, No. 3 181 No. 4 181 Calf's Liver 74 Cottage Cheese No. 1 183 '' '' No. 2 183 Cream 187 Crumb 182 Farina No. 1 184 " No. 2 184 " in Custard 184 '' with Smoked Meat 184 Fruit, Baked 187 '' Boiled 187 Potato No. 1 187 " No. 2 188 '' (Raw) No. 1 188 '' '' No. 2 188 Prune (Fresh) No. 1 185 '' No. 2 185 '' " No. 3 186 '' No. 4 186 Prune (Dried) 186 Raised No. 1 181 '' No. 2 182 with Bacon No. 1 182 " '' No. 2 182 '' Smoked Meat 183 Eel, Blued 128 Broiled 129 Fried 129 Marinated 129 Roasted ,...129 with Mayonnaise Sauce.... 129 Eggplant, Baked 157 Fried No. 1 1157 " No. 2 157 Eggs, Baked 138 '* in Sour Cream.. 139 '' with Maahed Po- tatoes 138 " with Toast 141 Boiled 136 Deviled 140 Fried 136 Pickled 141 Page Eggs, Poached 138 " and Fried 138 Scrambled 137 " with Anchovies. .137 " '' Cheese ....137 '' Ham 137 " '' Mushrooms 137 Sour 140 Stuffed and Baked 139 '' and Fried 139 " with White Sauce. 140 with Potatoes 141 '^ Sour Cream 140 Elder Blossom Wine 306 Endive 156 Fillings for Tarts etc. Almond 283 Apple Sauce 283 Cottage Cheese 282 Crumb 282 Hazel Nut 283 Poppy Seed No. 1 282 " " No. 2 282 Raisin 283 Roux, (Gingerbread) 284 Roux (Sugar) 283 Walnut 283 Fish Ill Boiled 112 '' with Black Sauce... 112 " '' Gravy 112 Cutlets, Fried 112 Fried Cakes .' 250 Fritters, Plain 222 Apple 222 Orange, etc 223 Friture, Plain 223 Apple 223 Crumb 223 Farina 224 Rice 224 Frog Legs, a la Poulette 135 Fried 136 Avith Eggs 135 Pase Fro.stinjv, White, (not boiled) 284 (boiled) ....284 Chocolate, (not boiled) 284 '' (boiled) 285 Cinnamon 285 Colored 285 Fruit Sauces (See Sauces (Fruit). Gingersnaps 265 Goose, Roasted 97 Stewed 97 with Apple Stuffing 97 Giblets, with Cauliflower. . . 99 '' '' Noodles 98 " " Quenelles ... 98 '' '' Rice 98 Wild 110 Goulash 43 Hungarian 43 Grog 305 Ham, Boiled 53 Broiled 54 Cold 53 Croquettes 56 Deviled 57 and Eggs 54 Roasted in Dough 54 with Scrambled Eggs 54 Hamburger Steak 43 Harvest Drink 304 Head Cheese 62 Herring, Broiled 125 Fried 125 Marinated 126 Hoe Cakes .....239 Hot Cross Bread 249 Imperial Bread 273 Jams 287 Apple 288 Currant 288 Grape .....287 Peach No. 1 289 '' No. 2 289 Peach 281 Page Jams, Pear 281 Plum 288 Prune 281 Quince 289 Raspberry 288 Tomato 289 Tomato and Apple 289 Jelly Roll 263 Jellies, General Directions. . . .285 Apple 286 Cherry 286 Currant 287 Elderberry 287 Grape 286 Plum 286 Kale 168 Hashed 168 Kohl-rabi, Stewed 153 Stuffed 153 Lady Fingers, Almond 269 Chocolate Almond 269 Imperial 269 Raised 269 Vienna 269 Lamb, Brisket, Stuffed 85 Cutlets No. 1 84 No. 2 85 Fricasseed 86 Fried 84 Kidneys 87 Leg, with Mint Sauce 85 Pluck 87 Saddle, Roasted 84 Steak 85 with Anchovies 85 " Butter Gravy 86 ' ^ Paprika Gravy 87 Lemon Custard 280 Lemonade, Plain 304 with Fruit ....304 Lentils 161 with Sour Gravy 161 Lobster 134 Canned 134 Lozenges, Cinnamon 274 Page Lozenges, Lemon 275 Macaroni 197 Macaroons 276 Chocolate 276 Mackerel, Baked 126 Boiled 127 Marchpane 273 Marzipan 273 Mayonnaise Dressing 176 Muffins 239 Cream 239 Mushrooms, with Eggs 161 Fried 162 (Morels) 162 Stewed No. 1 161 '' No. 2 161 Stuffed 162 Mustard Butter 290 Mutton, Brisket with Rice.... 80 Chops 77 '' Breaded 77 Cutlets 77 Hash, with Poached Eggs. 82 Leg, Pickled, with Cream Gravy 78 " Roasted .- 77 " Stuffed .■ 77 Pot Pie 79 Saddle Roasted 78 Shoulder, Stewed 80 with Carrots 79 " Green Peas 79 '' Kohl-rabi 80 ' ' Marjoram Gravy .... 81 '' Rice ' 81 ^' Vegetable Gravy §1 Kidneys No. 1 82 '' No. 2 82 " No. 3 83 Tongues, Stewed 83 ' ' with Lemon Sauce 83 Noodles 195 Baked with Onions 195 Buttered 195 in Milk 195 Page Noodles, with Cottage Cheese. 195 " Ham 196 Nougats 267 Omelette, Plain No. 1 141 " No. 2 142 " No. 3 142 '' No. 4 142 Baked 143 Sponge 144 Sweet 144 with Apple Sauce 143 " Bacon 143 '' Buttermilk 145 '^ Cheese 144 " Ham 143 " Meat Stuffing 143 " Milk Cheese 145 '' Potatoes 145 ' ' Vegetables 144 Onion, Fried 165 Stewed 165 Oyster Stew 131 Oysters, Baked 130 Broiled 131 Creamed 131 Fricasseed 130 Fried 130 Raw 130 Pancakes, Baking Powder 189 Buckwheat 190 Buttermilk 190 Cornmeal 190 Cornmeal, Raised 191 Crumb 191 Potato 190 Raised 189 Self -Rising (Griddle Cakes) 189 Soda (Wheat) 189 Parsley Butter 290 Parsnips, Fried 165 Mashed 165 Stewed 165 Peas, Green 160 Dried 160 '' with Barley 160 Page Perch, Boiled 120 Blued 121 Broiled 120 Fried 120 Pickles, Cauliflower 299 Cauliflower in Mustard 299 Chow-chow 300 Cucumbers, Sweet 298 Dill 300 Grapes 295 Mangoes, Stuffed 301 Mushrooms 300 Onions 299 Peaches 295 Pickles 297 " Dill 297 " Dill Summer 298 " Sweet 298 Tomatoes (Green) 296 " No. 1 296 " No. 2 296 . '' No. 3 297 Watermelon 297 Pie Crust 203 Pie, Apple No. 1 204 '' No. 2 204 Apple Custard 204 Cherry 205 Cottage Cheese 207 Cream No. 1 208 " No. 2 208 Cream (Sour) 208 Custard ..206 Grape 205 Lemon No. 1 206 '' No. 2 206 No. 3 207 Mince 208 Peach No. 1 204 " No. 2 204 Pineapple 205 Pieplant 205 Preserve 207 Prune 207 Pumpkin 207 Page Pie, Raisin ..205 Rhubarb 205 Tyrolese 209 Pig, Roasted 55 Pigeons, Stewed 102 Stuffed 101 Wild 110 Pike, Baked 116 Blued 117 Boiled 116 Fried 118 Holland Style 116 with Dumplings 117 '' Oysters 117 '^ Sour Cream Gravy... 118 Pork, Chops 50 Croquettes 56 Cutlets No. 1 50 '' No. 2 50 Feet, Pickled 59 Head, Boiled, with Horse- radish 59 Leg, Pickled 53 Loaf 57 Loin Roasted 51 Polish Style 52 Preserving ., 58 Rolls with Rice 52 Scrapple 52 Smoked 54 ' ' with Rice 55 Spare-ribs with Sourkraut. 52 Stuffed Cabbage No. 1.... 59 No. 2.... 60 Tenderloin, Fried 56 " Roasted 56 Tongue, Roasted 58 with Beans 51 " Kohl-rabi 51 Porridge, Barley Grits 192 Cornmeal 192 " with Cracklings. 193 '' Fried 192 Pa;?e Porridge, Farina No. 1 191 " No. 2 191 Millet 194 " with Smoked Meat. 194 . Oatmeal 192 Pearl Barley 193 " '' with Mush- rooms 194 - Rice (Baked) No. 1 193 '' '' No. 2 193 " (Boiled) 193 Potato Mush No. 1 150 '' No. 2 151 Noodles 151 Pancakes 151 Puff 148 Potatoes, Baked 147 Boiled 146 " in Jackets 146 ^' New Potatoes 147 Creamed 149 French Fried 147 Fried 148 German Fried 147 Mashed 148 " and Baked 148 Sour 149 Stewed 149 Stuffed 150 with Bacon 147 * ' Marjoram Gravy 150 " Milk ' 150 Saratoga Chips 148 Poultry, Preparing Same 88 Prairie Chickens 109 Preserving, General Directions 292 Apples 294 Cherries 294 Crab Apples 294 Peaches 293 Pears 294 Plums 294 Strawberries 293 Tomatoes (Pearshaped) . . .294 Watermelon Rind 295 Page Pretzels, x\nise 271 Puddings (Baked) : Apple 21S Brown Betty 220 Cherry 220 Farina 210 Lemon 218 Millet 220 Orange 210 Potato 219 Prune 218 Tapioca 219 Puddings (Boiled) : 221 Cottage Cheese 222 Economical 221 Plum 221 Puddings (Puffed): 212 Bread, with Wine 215 Cherry 217 Chocolate 216 Cornstarch 215 Cream 217 Farina 213 French . .• 215 French Roll 213 Poppy Seed 216 Prune 217 Rice No. 1 213 " No. 2 214 " No. 3 214 " No. 4 214 Strawberry 216 Pudding Sauces (See Sauces for Puddings). Puff, Bread 211 Calf's Liver 211 Egg 212 Farina No. 1 209 " No. 2 210 Vanilla 212 Veal 211 Wheat Flour 210 " '' with Calves' Brains 210 Page Puff Paste No. 1 201 No. 2 203 Pumpkin 166 Quail, Broiled on Toast 108 Roasted 108 Stewed 108 with Spiced Gravy 109 Quenelles, Crumb, in Cream. . .197 Farina, Fried 196 Rabbit, Fricassee 103 Fried 104 Jugged 103 Roasted 102 with Cream Sauce 104 '^ Sour Cream Gravy... 103 Raised Tarts and Cakes, Gene- ral Directions 240 Rolls, Butter 238 Cabbage 238 Cottage Cheese 196 Cream 271 Sugar 271 Vienna 238 Rosettes, Fried, No. 1 251 " No. 2 252 Rusks 235 Rutabaga 152 Salad, Asparagus 173 Beet ' 173 Bohemian 175 Cauliflower 172 Celery 173 " with Apples 172 '' Root 172 Chicken No. 1 174 '' No. 2 174 Cold Slaw No. 1 171 '' '' No. 2 171 '* " with Cream Sauce 171 '* " with Sour Cream Sauce 1 71 Crab 174 Cucumber 169 Dried Bean 175 Page Salad, Endive 172 Fish 174 Lettuce 169 ' ' with Boiled Eggs . . 169 '' '' Sour Cream.. 169 '' '' Bacon 169 Lobster 174 Potato No. 1 170 " No. 2 IfO *' with Herring 170 " with Sour Cream .. 170 Raw Meat 176 Salad Dressing (Boiled) . . .176 Tomato No. 1 ...173 No. 2 174 Water Cress ^ . . 173 Salad Dressings (See Sauces for Meats or Salads). Salmi of Fowl 102 Salmon, Baked, with Gravy . . 118 '^ with Mayon- naise Sauce 119 Boiled No. 1 119 " No. 2 119 Canned 120 Croquettes 120 Fried 119 Jellied 114 Salsify, Breaded 164 Fried 164 Stewed 164 Sandwiches 227 Saratoga Chips 148 Sauces for Beef: Anchovy 29 Bread 32 Brown 32 Caper 30 Catsup No. 1 34 " No. 2 34 Celery 31 Chive 33 Dill No. 1 29 " No. 2 29 Drawn Butter 32 Page Sauces for Beef: Garlic 31 Horseradish, Cold 30 " Plain 31 '' White 31 Lemon 32 Mushroom, Dried 30 " Fresh 30 Mustard 31 French 34 Onion 30 Yellow 33 Oyster 32 Parsley 33 Pickle 29 Potato 33 Tomato 28 Wine 33 Sauces (Cold) for Meats or Salads: Anchovy 177 Aromatic 177 Black Pepper 178 Ego- 179 Fish No. 1 177 " No. 2 178 Game ; 177 Hollandaise 179 Mayonnaise 176 Meat 178 Piquante 179 Red Pepper 178 Remoulade 177 Salad Dressing (Boiled) .. .176 Wine 180 Sauces (Fruit) : Apple 291 Blackberry 292 Cherry 292 Cranberry 290 Peach ..' 291 Pear ! 291 Prune 291 Rhubarb 291 Page Sauces (Sweet) for Puddings etc.: Apricot 279 Cream Almond 279 Cream Chocolate 278 Cream Vanilla 279 Custard 277 Hard No. 1 277 " No. 2 278 Lemon 279 Orange 279 Peach 279 Wine No. 1 278 " No. 2 278 '' Chaudeau 280 Sausage, Blood 61 Bologna 62 Liver 60 Pressed Blood 63 Wine -62 Sausage Meat 57 Fried 57 with Sourkraut 58 Scrapple 52 Shad 125 Shrimps 134 Small Birds 110 Smelts, Broiled 126 Fried 126 Soup, General Directions 8 Barley 10 '^ with Mushrooms ... 25 Beef 8 Bean 22 Beer No. 1 24 '' No. 2 24 " with Rye Bread 24 Bouillon 9 Brown 27 Cabbage No. 1 23 No. 2 23 Cauliflower 11 Crouton 14 Dough Drops 14 Farina 27 Garlic 23 Pa^e :5oap, Goose Giblet 13 Grated Doug-h 14 Milk, with Noodles 26 '' with Rice 26 '' Sweet 26 Mock Pea 12 '' Turtle 22 Mushroom 28 Noodle 12 '' with Chicken 13 Oyster 27 ' ' Bisque 27 Pea 12 Potato 11 '' 25 '' with Mushrooms ... 25 Puree of Barley 15 '' of Lentils 22 '' of Meat 15 '' of Peas 22 '' of Potatoes 15 Rice 10 '' Cream of 11 ^' with Spring Chicken. 10 Rye Bread 14 Sago 9 " with Yolks 9 Tomato 26 Tripe 13 Turtle 21 Vegetable 23 Vegetable Stock 20 Wheat Bread 25 Wine 24 with Beef Colombines 19 '' Calf's Brain Colom- bines 19 '' Bread Colombines 20 ' ' Farina Colombines No. 1 IS ' ' Farina Colombines No. 2 18 '^ Flour Colombines.... 19 " Calf's Brain Quenel- les 16 Page Soup, with Calf's Liver Quenel- les 16 Egg Quenelles 17 Farina Quenelles 16 Fish Quenelles 21 Marrow Quenelles.... 17 Potato Quenelles 17 Veal Quenelles 17 Sourkraut No. 1 167 No. 2 168 Making Same 300 Spiced Wine 305 Spinach, with Cream 156 with Eggs 156 '' Meat Gravy 155 '' Noodles 155 '' Sour Cream 156 Squabs, Stuffed 100 with Asparagus 100 " Brown Sauce 100 '' Green Peas 101 Squash 166 Stars, Cinnamon 270 Vanilla 270 Strawberry Shortcake 264 Strudel, Apple No. 1 197 '' No. 2 198 Cherry 200 Chocolate 199 Cottage Cheese 199 Cream 199 French Pancake, with Cher- ries 201 French Pancake, with Cho- colate 201 French Pancake, with Cot- tage Cheese 200 Raised Dough 200 Sturgeon, Baked 124 Fried 124 in Wine 124 Sweetbreads, Fricasseed 72 Fried 72 with Brown Gravy 72 Sweetbreads, with Mushrooms. 73 Sweet Potatoes, Baked 151 Fried 152 Tarts (Raised) and Cakes, General Directions 240 Tarts, Bohemian No 1 240 No. 2 241 No. 3 241 Butter 243 Carlsbad 243 Puffdough 242 Yolk 244 Laro-e Fruit Tarts 244 Lar^e German Tarts 244 Laro-e Hanover Tarts 245 Tea 303 with Eoo-s 303 Toast, Dipped 226 French 227 French, with Wine 227 Milk No. 1 225 '' No. 2 225 " • No. 3 226 Plain 225 Pressburg- 226 Tomatoes, Fried 158 on Toast 158 Stewed 157 Stuffed No. 1 158 No. 2 .158 Tripe, with Sour Gravy 48 Trout (Brook) Blued .* 123 Fried 123 Marinated 124 in Wine 123 with Sauce 123 Trout (Lake) 123 Turnips, Mashed 152 Sour 152 Stewed 152 Turkey, Roasted 96 with Almond Stuffing. .. . 97 '' Chestnut Stuffing.... 96 " Oyster Stuffing 96 " Sage Stuffing- 96 FsLge Turtle 135 Twist, Christmas 248 Twists 239 Udder, Fried 48 Veal, Brisket, Stuffed 65 Croquettes 71 Cutlets, Breaded 63 '' with Mushrooms... 64 " Prague Style 64 '' Stewed 64 Fillet, Pickled and Roasted 66 '' Roasted 65 Fricandeau 70 Hash 71 '' of Calf's Head 70 Leg, with Anchovies 67 " Roasted 66 ' ' Stewed 66 " with Lemon Gravy... 68 '' Wine Gravy.... 67 Loaf 71 Rolls, Stuffed 70 Vienna Schnitzel 63 w4th Caraway Seed 69 ' ' Cauliflower 69 ' ' Cream Gravy 68 ' ' Paprika 68 " Tomatoes .* 69 " Wine Gravy 69 Haslet, Baked 75 Kidneys, with Sour Gravy 74 '' ' Stewed .*. 74 Liver Dumplings 74 Pluck, Baked 75 Stewed 75 Tongue Cutlets, Fried 76 Vegetables, General Directions 146 Venison 104 with Gravy 106 Cutlets 107 Leg of 106 Liver, Stewed 107 Saddle of. With Pepper Sauce 105 Pa<>'e ^'eiiison, Saddle of, with Horse- ^ ' or Leg', RoastedlOo Shoulder, Stewed 106 Sliced 107 ^hite Fish, Baked 122 Boiled 122 in Wine 122 IVild Duck, Roasted 109 Stewed 109 ^Yild Goose 110 ^Vild Pioeon 110 Paííe Wine Cliaudeau 280 Wine, Dandelion 305 Elder Blossom 30G Spiced 305 Wonders 251 Yeast Buttermilk 229 Dry Hop No. 1 227 '' '' No. 2 228 '' '' No. 3 228 Homemade 229 Starter 229 TELEPHONE DOUGLAS lOOS National Printing Co. Printers oi Anything In Any Tongue lllllll ^ B Established 1S71 WE PRI\T AND PUBLISH NEWSPAPERS, BOOKLETS, CATALOGUES, BOOKS, BUSINESS LETTER HEADS WEDDING INVITATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS, CARDS, P0ST1ÍRS, ETC. j:: 'K JC 'K ?C 'ÍC COLOR WORK OUR SPECIALTY S^^ ADVERTISERS WISHING To REACH PROSPEROUS MARKET of OVER 31,000 BOHEMIAN FARMERS TRY THE HOSPODAŘ jdL^iUte m ?e Publishers of the Bohemian Family Weekly OíSVĚXA AivierickA Largest paid-in-advance circulation of any Bohemian Family Weekly in the U. 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