PS 350^ .R721 S6 1912 Copy ^ V jTj,' .iTWOnMWEtPWlO«CfRFOR. ' i 'nUfi LiVfO'WtS SUl- BT MMSaPRICC. ! FfiOn Ctfl'TMllPl'.'.'.;) l-WiT or WfcR "^^^S^?S:?#^'>fiS^ I< \ The Spirit of Peace l^Vcd I'-mcrson Hrooks II ITiis poem \v:is written by Mr. Hrooks for Lookout Mountain, \\ . R. C, and read by its President, Mrs. (jeorj];ia Hod^man, at the dedication of the Peace Monument in Herkele\ , Cahtornia, l'el)ruary twenty-second, nineteen hundred and twelve, the seventli stanza bem^ set in tlie l)ronze tablet on the side of the monument F'roni the Press of Jo Anderson, 416 J Street Sacramento. Cal. Illustrations bv Marv Crete Crouch f"' I^ "3. •In . >^r^' ©Cf.A31880: e Kear IKe dead of ages cry- md all Ihe lolling millions plea iiowlong shall human teings die To salis^^ a nations greed! Lei Christian nations hear in mind Ihis world is hul a monster school ere Ihey are sel to teach mankind Gods charier law-lhe Golden l?ule. Can we our conscience jusliS'^ While selling savage nations rum? s war religions haltle cry? Shall we serve God wilh fife and dram? Lef all Ihe ships Ihat plow the sea Ihc human race slill closer bind; While ihaf proud banner of Ihe free lo world-wide peace leads all mankind. Let freedoms soaring eagle scare All warring vultures from Ihe earth And heavenward all ihe incense bear Iha) moihers burn around the hearth. War's curse is no! alone its dead : What endless grief the baHle slarlj The path of glorj^ heroes Iread is ever paved with broken hearts Let women weep no longer for uxQw loved ones slain ty mans caprice: from oul the palsied lliroal of war mere comes the silent prajer for peace. Tliis war scarred monster seems to s^: War is a nations only Vice: (me thou th)r fellow man fair play And make this world a paradise. ar clouds wiU never mar the slgr When peacehJ mortals come to hnow- The first to shout the tattle crj Do not themselves to Battle go. Le[ nalions Iry some wiser scheme. Willi world-wide laws lo make thcmjusl 'A world-empowered C^url Jupreme Willi world-police lo say^-lhe)^ musi ! Lcl precious blood no more be sKcd, Nor liuman backs wilb laxes bend; Lei war have no more Iribulc dead! Cries Reason: Lei Ihere be an end! ^ •^w ?FP 4 ^912 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from The Library of Congress llmu,!^!^^ °^ CONGRESS 018 602 294 4 /