;fflr ||*|^-j - r ^ 11 -;:', "i^- -^i s^^Ppa?:^^?^S^w?,.^iai^^£S^^ ii'fi'-'.fc )M li^V.?;: !>dN^^« *:.0.;.i ^ Sti:°'W-::?pS ii&?ir (^■s>■•^S>/^ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. -T' 8 M "^^^^ Chap.......... Copyriglit No... ^co'S?;; ia 1 8 9 T 4 "E" CATALOGUE ARCHITECTS' EDITION. L.Wolff Manufacturing Co I V (ESTABLISHED 1855) MANUFACTURERS OF. PLUMBING GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. ■im General Offices: 93 W. LAKE STREET. Showrooms: 91 DEARBORN STREET. FACTORIES: 93-117 W. Lake Street, 7^4-776 Fulton Street, 804-8^2 and 837-8^1 Carroll Avenue CHICAGO. BRANCHES: DENVER, COLO., 1^33-1937 Blake Street. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN., 11 N. Washington Avenue. TWe COPIES Hl?CElVEt) U. S. A. ^^^x ^-inch Beveled Mirror, two Tumbler Holders, two No. 10 Nickel Plated Improved Fuller Faucets, Nickel Plated all over Ideal Waste, Nickel Plated Brass Adjustable Standard Trap, two Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes with Air Chambers, two Nickel Plated Apron Supports and Nickel Plated Brass No. 19 Legs. Price as described, with Triple Bead Molding, ------------ $78-25 IX-inch Italian Marble Floor Slab, 32x22 inches, deeply Countersunk, with Nickel Plated Safe Waste Strainer and Coupling, extra, $8.75. Italian Marble Wainscoting for above, 32x28^ inches, extra, $6 50. If without Tumbler Holders, deduct $3.00. The Supply Pipes, Trap and Legs are adjustable. E-1103 can also be furnished in Pink Republic, Old Red and other Tennessee Marbles, in Onyx or fancy colored Imported Marbles ; of the latter we usually keep in stock, in regular sizes, St. Beaume and Rose Jasper. The "Ideal" Basin is a new and original design. In shape it is a combination of the regular Oval and Straight Back Basins. It is roomier than either, will keep cleaner and will empty more rapidly than any other Basin now in use. "Ideal" Basins furnished with our Lavatories are selected, ground on top edge and carefully fitted, and are made of "Duroware," the glaze of which will not craze, crack or peel off. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY WOLFF'S "STANDARD" OPEN LAVATORIES. WITH " IDEAL " BASIN. E-1 105. E-UOo " standard " Lavatory includes 1^-inch Countersunk Italian Marble Slab, 32x22 inches, with Fancy Shell Soap Cup, 16-inch high Back and 5-inch Apron on front and ends, 14x19 inch "Ideal" Basin (Duroware), two No. 10 Nickel Plated Improved Fuller Faucets, Nickel Plated all over Ideal Waste, Nickel Plated Brass Adjustable Standard Trap, two Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes with Improved Air Chambers, two Nickel Plated Apron Supports and Nickel Plated Brass No. 19 Legs. Price as described, with Triple Bead Molding, ....-.-.--- $i)0.^o iX-inch Italian Marble Floor Slab, .32x22 inches, deeply Countersunk, with Nickel Plated Safe Waste Strainer and Coupling, extra, |8.75. Italian Marble Wainscoting for above, 32x28^ inches, extra, $)6.50. Towel Racks, Brush and Sponge Holders are shown on pages 57 to 60. The Supply Pipes, Trap and Legs are adjustable. E-1105 can also be furnished in Pink Republic, Old Red and other Tennessee Marbles, in Onyx or fancy-colored Imported Marbles ; of the latter we usually keep in stock, in regular sizes, St. Beaume and Rose Jasper. The "Ideal" Basin is a new and original design. In shape it is a combination of the regular Oval and Straight Back Basins. It is roomier than either, will keep cleaner and will empty more rapidly than any other Basin now in use. "Ideal" Basins furnished with our Lavatories are selected, ground on top edge and carefully fitted, and are made of "Duroware," the glaze of which wil] not craze, crack or peel off. When ordering or specifying, please give Catalogue Name and Number, 10 U WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S "STANDARD" OPEN LAVATORIES. E-1 106. E-1106 " Standard " Lavatory includes l^-inch Countersunk Italian Marble Slab, 32x22 inches, with Fancy Shell Soap Cup, 16-inch High Back and Left-Hand End and 5-inch Apron on front and end, 14x19 inch "Ideal" Basin (Duroware), two No. 10 Fuller Faucets, Nickel Plated all over Ideal Waste, Nickel Plated Brass Adjustable Standard Trap, two Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes with Improved Air Chambers, two Nickel Plated Apron Supports and one Nickel Plated Brass No. 19 Leg. Price as described, with Triple Bead Molding, $18.00 IX-inch Italian Marble Floor Slab, 32x22 inches, deeply Countersunk, with Nickel Plated Safe Waste Strainer and Coupling, extra, $8.75. Italian Marble Wainscoting for Back and End, 82x28^ inches, and 22x28|!( inches, extra, $11.00. Towel Racks, Brush and Sponge Holders are shown on pages 57 to 60. The Supply Pipes, Trap and Legs are adjustable. E-1106 can also be furnished in Pink Republic, Old Red and other Tennessee Marbles, in Onyx or fancy-colored Imported Marbles ; of the latter we usually keep in stock, in regular sizes, St. Beaume and Rose Jasper. The "Ideal" Basin is a new and original design. In shape it is a combination of the regular Oval and Straight Back Basins. It is roomier than either, will keep cleaner and will empty more rapidly than any other Basin now in use. "Ideal" Basins furnished with our Lavatories are selected, ground on top edge and carefully fitted, and are made of "Duroware," the glaze of which will not craze, crack or peel off. When ordering or specifying, please give Catalogue Name and Number, L. WOIvFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 11 WOLFF'S "STANDARD" OPEN LAVATORIES. WITH " IDEAL" BASIN. E-1107. EM107 "Standard" Lavatory includes lji(-inch Countersunk Italian Marble Octagon Slab, 24x24 inches, with Fancy Shell Soap Cup, 5-inch Apron on front and 9 inch Apron Brackets on sides, 16-inch High Backs, 14x19 inch "Ideal" Basin (Duroware), two No. 12 Fuller Faucets, Nickel Plated all over Ideal Waste, Nickel Plated Brass Adjustable Standard Trap, two Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes with Improved Air Chambers and two concealed Apron Supports. Price as described, with Triple Bead Molding, $43.25 If Slab is 26x26 inches instead of 24x24 inches, add $1.50. IX-inch Octagon Italian Marble Floor Slab, 24x24 inches, deeply Countersunk, with Nickel Plated Safe Waste Strainer and Coupling, extra, $7.25. Towel Racks, Brush and Sponge Holders are shown on pages 57 to 60. The Supply Pipes, Trap and Legs are adjustable. E-1107 can also be furnished in Pink Republic, Old Red and other Tennessee Marbles, in Onyx or fancy-colored Imported Marbles ; of the latter we usually keep in stock, in regular sizes, St. Beaume and Rose Jasper. The "Ideal" Basin is a new and original design. In shape it is a combination of the regular Oval and Straight Back Basins. It is roomier than either, will keep cleaner and will empty more rapidly than any other Basin now in use. "Ideal" Basins furnished with our Lavatories are selected, ground on top edge and carefully fitted, and are made of "Duroware," the glaze of which will not craze, crack or peel off. When ordering or specifying, please give Catalogue Name and Number, 12 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S "STANDARD" OPEN LAVATORIES. WITH "IDEAL" BASIN. E-1 109. E-1109 "Standard" Lavatory includes 1^4" -inch Countersunk Italian Marble Slab 32x22 inches, with Fancy Shell Soap Cup, 16-inch High Back and Ends and 5-inch Apron on front, 14x19 inch "Ideal" Basin (Duroware), two No. 10 Fuller Faucets, Nickel Plated all over Ideal Waste, Nickel Plated Brass Adjustable Standard Trap, two Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes with Improved Air Chambers, two Nickel Plated Apron Supports and two Nickel Plated Tumbler Holders. Price as described, $49.00 IX-incli Italian Marble Floor Slab 32x22 inches, deeply Countersunk, with Nickel Plated Safe Waste Strainer and Coupling, extra, |8.75. If without Tumbler Holders, deduct $3.00. Towel Racks, Brush and Sponge Holders are shown on pages 57 to 60. The Supply Pipes, Trap and Legs are adjustable. E-1109 can also be furnished in Pink Republic, Old Red and other Tennessee Marbles, in Onyx or fancy-colored Imported Marbles ; of the latter we usually keep in stock, in regular sizes, St. Beaume and Rose Jasper. The "Ideal" Basin is a new and original design. In shape it is a combination of the regular Oval and Straight Back Basins. It is roomier than either, will keep cleaner and will empty more rapidly than any other Basin now in use. "Ideal" Basins furnished with our Lavatories are selected, ground on top edge and carefully fitted and are made of "Duroware," the glaze of which will not craze, crack or peel ofi". When ordering or specifying, please give Catalogue Name and Number, L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 13 WOLFFS "STANDARD" OPEN LAVATORIES. E-1110. E-lllO " Standard " Lavatory includes l^-inch Countersunk Italian Marble Slab, 32x22 inches, with Fancy Shell Soap Cup and 16-inch High Back, 14x19 inch "Ideal" (Duroware) Basin, two No. 4 Nickel Plated Improved Fuller Faucets, Nickel Plated all over Ideal Waste, Nickel Plated Brass Adjustable Standard Trap, two Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes with Improved Air Chambers and Stop Valves, and two No. 27 Nickel Plated Cast-Brass Brackets and Braces to Wall. Price as described, with Triple Bead Molding, --.......-.- $48.00 Extra Fancy Shell Soap Cup or Brush Cup, extra, |3.2o IX-inch Italian Marble Floor Slab, 32x22 inches, with corners to conform with Slab, with Waste Strainer and Coupling, extra, $8.75. Italian Marble Wainscoting for above, 32x28^ inches, extra, $6.50. If with No. 26 Brackets, shown on page 53 deduct $1.00 ; if without Stop Valves, deduct $2.00. If with Plain, in place of Embossed Basin, deduct $1.00. The Supply Pipes and Trap are adjustable. E-1110 can also be furnished in Pink Republic, Old Red and other Tennessee Marbles, or in Onyx and fancy colored Imported Marbles ; of the latter we usually keep in stock, in regular sizes, St. Beaume and Rose Ja.sper. The "Ideal" Basin is a new and original design. In shape it is a combination of the regular Oval and Straight Back Basins. It is roomier than either, will keep cleaner and empty more rapidly than any other Basin now in use. "Ideal" Basins furnished with our I,avatories are selected, ground on top edge and carefully fitted, and are made of "Duroware," the glaze of which will not cra/.e, crack or peel off. 14 Iv. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFFS "STANDARD" OPEN LAVATORIES. WITH "IDEAL" BASIN. E-1 112. E-1112 Lavatory includes IX-inch Countersunk Italian Marble Slab 22x32 inches, with 12-incli Higb Back and 5-inch Apron on front and ends, 14x19 inch "Ideal" Basin (Duroware) and Nickel Plated all over Ideal Waste, two No. 4 Fuller Nickel Plated Faucets, No. O Nickel Plated Brass Trap, two Nickel Plated No. O Cast-Brass Apron Legs, two No. O Apron Supports and two No. O Brass Supply Pipes with Air Chambers and Floor Flanges. Price, as described, with O. G. Molding, $40.50 F-1112 can also be furnished with Right or Left Hand End (see E-1139) as may be desired ; if so furnished, deduct from above price 85 cents. Can also be furnished in Pink Tennessee Marble. When ordering or specifying, please give Catalogue Name and Number, L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S OPEN LAVATORY. WITH "IDEAL" BASIN. E-1 1 13. E-1113 Lavatory includes li4:-inch Italian Marble Slab 20x.30 inch, 12-inch Back, 14x19 "Ideal" Basin, all Nickel Plated " Ideal " Waste, two Nickel Plated Doherty Self-Closing Basin Cocks, two Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes, with Air Chambers and Loose Key Stop Valves, Nickel Plated Cast Brass No. O Trap with Adjustable Con- nection, Waste to floor and Vent to wall and two 16x18 Nickel Plated Brass Brackets. Wall and Floor Flanges for Trap and Supplies. Price as described, with O. G. Molding, $35.50 E-1 1 13. If with Supply Pipes to floor, add 50 cents. If with Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes to floor (E-1231), without Stop Valves, deduct |1.50. If with 1-inch Air Chambers on Supply Pipes, add |1.50. If with Boston Self-closing Faucets (E-434:), deduct 50 cents. If with "Columbian" Basin, as shown in E-1192, deduct |2.50. Above can be arranged with any of our Lavatory Fittings, shown elsewhere, and furnished in any kind of Marble. The Supply Pipes are Iron Pipe size, and of the Best Annealed Drawn Tubing. For other Faucets, see elsewhere. ' ' Ideal ' ' Basins furnished with our Lavatories are selected, ground on top edge and carefully fitted, and are made of " Duro- ware," which will not craze, crack or peel off. When ordering or specifying, please give Catalogue Name and Number, viz: E-1113. WOLFF'S OPEN LAVATORY. WITH "IDEAL" BASIN. E-1 114. With Back and Left-hand End. E-1114 Lavatory includes 13^ -inch Italian Marble Slab 20x30, inch and 12-inch Back, and Left-hand End, 14x19 "Ideal" Basin, all Nickel Plated "Ideal" Waste, two Nickel Plated Doherty Self- closing Basin Cocks, two Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes with Air Chambers and Loose Key Stop Valves, Nickel Plated Cast Brass No. O Trap with Adjustable Connection, Waste to floor and Vent to wall and one 16 x 18 Nickel Plated Brass Bracket. Wall and Floor Flanges for Trap and Supplies, Price as described, with O. G. Molding, $35.00 E-1 1 14. If with Supply Pipes to floor, add 50 cents. If with Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes to floor (E-1231), without Stop Valves, deduct |1.50. If with 1-inch Air Chambers on Supply Pipes, add $1 . 50. If with Boston Self-closing Faucets (E-434), deduct 50 cents. If with "Columbian" Basin as shown in E-1192, deduct |2.50. Above can be arranged with any of our Lavatory Fittings, shown elsewhere, and furnished in any kind of Marble. The Supply Pipes are Iron Pipe size, and of the best Annealed Drawn Tubing. For other Faucets, see elswhere. "Ideal" Basins furnished with our Lavatories are selected, ground on top edge and carefully fitted, and are made of ♦' Duro= ware," which will not craze, crack or peel off. When ordering or specifying, please give Catalogue Name and Number, viz: E-1114. 16 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S '^ STANDARD" OPEN LAVATORIES. WITH "COLUMBIAN" BASIN. E~1 1 1 6.— (COLUMBIAN BASIN.) E-1116. "Standard" Lavatory includes 134-inch Countersunk Italian Marble Slab 30x20, with 12-inch Back, 14x19 Columbian Basin, two No. 14 Nickel Plated Fuller Faucets, Nickel Plated Brass Trap and Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes, with Air Chambers and two 16 x 18 Nickel Plated Brass Brackets. Price as described, with O. G. Molding, $31.25 If with 10-inch Back, deduct 60 cents. If with Plain Bowl in place of Embossed, deduct, 50 cents. If with "Ideal" Basin and "Ideal" Waste, as shown in E-1194, add ;Jt2.50. All of our Marble Lavatories are of selected stock, deeply countersunk, carefully finished and highly polished. See page 51 for Sectional Cut of Columbian Basin. The Supply Pipes are Iron Pipe size, and of the best Annealed Drawn Tubing. When ordering or specifying, please give Catalogue Name and Number, viz: E-1116. Iv. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 17 WOLFF'S "STANDARD" OPEN LAVATORIES. WITH OVAL BASIN. E " 1 1 1 T— (oval basin.) E-1117. "Standard" Lavatory includes IJ^^-inch Countersunk Italian Marble Slab 30x20 inches, with 12-inch Back, 14x17 Oval Embossed Basin, with Patent Overflow and Rubber Stopper, two No. 14 Nickel Plated Fuller Faucets, Nickel Plated Brass Trap, and Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes with Air Chambers, and two 16 x 18-inch Nickel Plated Brass Brackets. Price as described, with O. G. Molding, $28 , 50 Deduct if with Nickel Plated Iron Brackets, |3.00. If with Plain Bowl in Place of Embossed, deduct .50 cents. If with lO-inch Back, deduct W) cents. If with 14x17 Embossed Oval Basin with "Ideal" Basin Waste, Nickel Plated all over, add |4.00. AW of our Marble Lavatories are of selected stock, deeply countersunk, carefully finished and highly polished. The Supply Pipes are Iron Pipe size, and of the best Annealed lirawn Brass Tubing. When ordering or specifying, plea.se give Catalogue Name and Number, viz: E-1117. 18 L. Vx/OLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S ''STANDARD" OPEN LAVATORIES. 'COLUMBIAN" BASIN. E " T 1 20. -(COLUMBIAN BASIN.) E-1120. "Standard" Lavatory includes 32x22xl^-inch Italian Marble Slab, Shell Soap Cup, 16-inch Back and 5-inch Aprons, 14 x 19-inch "Columbian" Basin (Duroware), all Nickel Plated Columbian connected Supply with Ring Cup (Compression Valves), Nickel Plated Brass Standard Trap and Supply Pipes, Nickel Plated Apron Supports and No. 19 Nickel Plated Cast Brass Legs, Price as described, with "Triple Bead" Molding, $48.25 If with Fuller Supply Valves, add |1.00. If with Supply Pipes with Improved Air Chambers, add $3.00. E-1120 can be furnished in any kind of Marble, and with Molding as may be desired, also with l-txl7 "Columbian" Basin. All of our Marble Lavatories are of selected stock, deeply countersunk, carefully finished and highly polished. When specifying or ordering, please give Catalogue Name and Number, viz: E-1120. I,. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 19 WOLFF'S "STANDARD" OPEN LAVATORIES. "COLUMBIAN" BASIN. E-1 121. E-1121. Lavatory includes 13^-inch Countersunk Italian Marble Slab 36 inches long by 22 inches across center, by 16 inches at Wall Ends, with 16-inch High Back and two Ends (Ends 16x16), 14x19 Columbian Basin (Duroware), Columbian Connected Supply with Ring Cup (and Compression Valves), Nickel Plated Brass Standard Trap and Supply Pipes and Four Brass Angle Clamps. Price as Described, with O. G. Molding, $40.50 If with Fuller Supply Valves, add |1.00. If with Supply Pipes with Improved Air Chambers, add ^.3.00. E-1121 can be furnished in any kind of Marble, and with Molding as may be desired, also with 14x 17 " Ideal " Basin. All of our Marble Lavatories are of selected stock, deeply countersunk, carefully finished and highly polished. When specifying or ordering, please give Catalogue Name and Number, viz: E-1121. 20 I,. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFFS "STANDARD" OPEN LAVATORIES. WITH " COLUMBIAN " BASIN. ^'ta E-1 122. E;-1122 I^avatory includes Ij^'-inch Countersunk Italian Marble Slab 22x32 inches, with 12-inch High Back and 5-inch Aprons on front and ends, 14x19 inch "Columbian" Basin (Duroware), two Nickel Plated No. 4 Fuller Faucets, No. O Nickel Plated Brass Trap, two Nickel Plated No. O Cast-Brass Apron Legs, two No. O Apron Supports and two No. O Brass Supply Pipes with Air Chambers and Floor Flanges. Price as described, with O. G. Molding, $37.75 E-1122 can also be furnished with Right or Left Hand End (See E-1139)as may be desired ; if so furnished, deduct from above price 85 cents. Can also be furnished in Pink Tennessee Marble. When ordering or specifying, please give Catalogue Name and Number, h. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 21 WOLFF'S OPEN LAVATORY. WITH "COLUMBIAN" BASIN. E-1124 Lavatory includes l^-incli Countersunk Italian Marble Slab 22x32 inches, and 12-incli High Back, 14x19 "Columbian" Basin with Removable Overflow Strainer, two Nickel Plated No. 10 Fuller Faucets, Nickel Plated Standard Supply Pipes, with Improved Air Chambers, Nickel Plated Standard Adjustable Trap with Vent to wall and two Nickel Plated(E-1240)Brass Brackets. Wall and Floor Flanges for Trap and Supplies. Price as described, with O. G. Molding, $36.25 If with "Ideal" Basin and "Ideal" Waste, as shown in E-1194, add $2.50. E-1 124. 1 WOLFFS OPEN LAVATORY. WITH "COLUMBIAN" BASIN. With Back and Left-Hand End. E-1123 Lavatory includes IX -inch Countersunk Italian Marble Slab 22x32 inches, and 12-inch High Back and Left-Hand End, 14x19 "Columbian" Basin with Removable Overflow Strainer, two Nickel Plated No. 10 Fuller Faucets, Nickel Plated Standard Supply Pipes, with Improved Air Chambers, Nickel Plated Standard Adjust- able Trap with Vent to wall and one Nickel Plated (E-1240) Brass Bracket. Wall and Floor Flanges for Trap and Supplies. Price as described, with O. G. Molding, $35.75 If with "Ideal" Basin and "Ideal" Waste, as shown in E-1194, add f 2. 50. "Columbian " Basins furnished with our Lavatories are selected, ground on top edge and carefully fitted, and are made of " Duro- ware," which will not craze, crack or peel off". E-1 123. 22 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFFS OPEN LAVATORY. WITH "COLUMBIAN" BASIN. E-1126 Lavatory includes IX-inch Countersunk Italian Marble Slab 20x30 inches, and 12-inch High Back, 14x19 "Columbian" Basin with Removable Overflow Strainer, two Nickel Plated Doherty Self-Closing Basin Cocks, two Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes, with Air Chambers and Loose Key Stop Valves, l^-inch Nickel Plated Cast-Brass Trap with Adjustable Connection, Waste to floor and Vent to wall and two Nickel Plated (E-1240) Brass Brackets. Wall and Floor Flanges for Trap and Supplies. Price as described, with O. G. Molding, P2.00 If with Supply Pipes to floor, add 50 cents. , If with Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes to floor (E-1231) without Stop Valves, deduct ^1.50. If with 1-inch Air Chambers on Supply Pipes, add $1.50. If with "Ideal" Basin and "Ideal" Waste, as shown in E-1194, add $2.50. Above can be arranged with any of our Lavatory Fittings shown elsewhere, and furnished in any kind of Marble. The Supply Pipes are Iron Pipe size, and of the best Annealed Drawn Tubing. "Columbian " Basins furnished with our Lavatories are selected, ground on top edge and carefully fitted, and are made of "Duro- ware," which will not craze, crack or peel off. E-1 126. WOLFFS OPEN LAVATORY. WITH "COLUMBIAN" BASIN. With Back and Left-Hand End. E-1127 Lavatory includes IX-inch Countersunk Italian Marble Slab 20x30 inches, and 12-inch High Back and Left-Hand End, 14x19 "Columbian" Basin with Removable Overflow Strainer, two Nickel Plated Doherty Self-Closing Basin Cocks, two Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes, with Air Chambers and Loose Key Stop Valves, iX-inch Nickel Plated Cast-Brass Trap with Adjustable Connec- tion, Waste to floor and Vent to wall, one Nickel Plated (E-1240) Brass Bracket, and Nickel Plated Brass Wall Support. Wall and Floor Flanges for Trap and Supplies. Price as described, with O. G. Molding, $32.00 E-1 127. If with Supply Pipes to floor, add 50 cents. If with Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes to floor (E-1231), without Stop Valves, deduct 50 cents. If with 1-inch Air Chambers on Supply Pipes, add $1.50. If with "Ideal" Basin and "Ideal" Waste, as shown in E-1194, add |2.50. E-1127 can also be furnished with Left-Hand End or for Recess ; can be arranged with any of the Lavatory Fittings shown on pages 53 to 60, and furnished in any kind of Marble. The Supply Pipes are Iron Pipe size, and of the best Annealed Drawn Tubing. "Columbian " Basins furnished with our Lavatories are selected, ground on top edge and carefully fitted, and are made of "Duro- ware," which will not craze, crack or peel off. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 23 WOLFFS "STANDARD" OPEN LAVATORIES. E-1 128. E;-1128 includes l^-incli Countersunk Italian Marble Slab with 12-incli high Backs, 14x19 Columbian Basin (Duroware) with Removable Overflow Strainer, two Nickel Plated "Extra Pattern" Compression Low-Down Faucets, No. O Nickel Plated Cast Brass Trap with Adjustable Connection, Waste to floor. Vent to Wall and two Nickel Plated Brass Brackets (8x10). Price as described, Slab 24 x 24 inches " 26x26 " ^25 . 25 26.25 If with two Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes, E-1231, add |4.00. If with two Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes, E-1221, add |6.00. If E-1128 is furnished with Nickel Plated all-over Ideal Waste and 14x19 Ideal Basin, add $2.50. "Columbian" Basins furnished with our Lavatories are selected, ground on top edge and carefully fitted, and are made of "Duroware." which will not :raze, crack or peel off. See page 51, showing section of "Columbian" Basins. When ordering or specitying, please give Catalogue Name and Number, 24 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFFS "STANDARD" OPEN LAVATORIES. WITH "COLUMBIAN" BASIN. E-1 129. E-1129 Standard" Lavatory includes IX-inch -Countersunk Italian Marble Slab 32x22 inches, with 12-inch High Back, 14xl9-inch "Columbian" Basin (Duroware), with Removable Overflow Strainer, two Nickel Plated No. 10 Fuller Faucets, two Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes with Air Chambers and Loose Key Stop Valves, Nickel Plated Cast-Brass No. O. Adjustable Trap with Vent to wall and Waste to floor and two Nickel Plated Cast-Brass No. 20 Offset Legs with Brass Slab Support to wall. Price as described, with O. G. Molding, 38.00 If with Supply Pipes to floor, add 50 cents. If with Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes to floor (E-1231), without Stop Valves, deduct |1.50 If with 1-inch Air Chambers on Supply Pipes, add $1.50. If with "Ideal" Basin and "Ideal" Waste, as shown in F-1194, add |2.50. and Tf M^TrblT ^^'^ ^' ^^''^^^^^'^ ^^^^ End or for Recess; can be arranged with any of the Lavatory Fittings shown on pages 57 to 60, and furnished The Supply Pipes are Iron Pipe size, and of the best Annealed Drawn Tubing, lu any When ordering or specifying, please give Catalogue Name and Number, U WOI.Fl^ MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 25 WOLFF'S ''STANDARD" OPEN LAVATORIES. E-1130. E-1130 " Standard " Lavatory includes l>^-inch Countersunk Italian Marble Slab, 54x22 inches, with two Fancy Shell Soap Cups, 18-inch High Back and 5-inch Apron on front and ends, two 14x17 inch "Duroware" Oval Basins, four No. 10 Nickel Plated Improved Fuller Faucets with Ivory Celluloid Handles, Fuller Shampoo Faucet with Swing Tube and Celluloid Handles, two Nickel Plated all over Ideal Wastes, two Nickel Plated Brass Adjustable Standard Traps, four Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes with Improved Air Chambers, two Nickel Plated Brass Apron Supports and two Nickel Plated Brass No. 19 Legs. Price, as described, with O. G. Molding, $97.00 IX-inch Italian Marble Floor Slab, 54 x 22 inches, deeply Countersunk, with Nickel Plated Safe Waste Strainer and Coupling, extra, $13.75. If with 15x19 inch Oval or 14x17 inch Square Basins, add $1.50. Italian Marble Wainscotting for above, 54x28^ inches, extra, $11.00. The Supply Pipes, Traps and Legs are adjustable. E-n.30 can also be furnished in Pink Republic, Old Red and other Tennessee Marbles, or in Onyx and Fancy colored Imported Marbles; of the latter we usually keep in stock, in regular sizes, St. Beaume and Rose Jasper. The " Duroware " Basins furnished with above will not craze, crack or peel off. 26 I.. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFFS "STANDARD" OPEN LAVATORIES. E-1 131. E-1131 "Standard" Lavatory includes l^-inch Countersunk Italian Marble Slab, 32x22 inches, with Fancy Shell Soap Cup, 16-inch High Pack and 5-inch Apron on front and ends, 14x17 inch Oval Basin (Duroware), two E-306 Nickel Plated Extra Pattern Compression Faucets, Nickel Plated all over Ideal Waste, Nickel Plated Brass Adjustable Standard Trap, two Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes, two Nickel Plated Brass Apron Supports and Nickel Plated Brass No. 19 Legs. Price as described, with O. G. Molding, ----.-....._ *45 25 I^i'-inch Italian Marble Floor Slab, 32x22 inches, deeply Countersunk, with Nickel Plated Safe Waste Strainer and Couplirg, extra, $8.75. Italian Marble Wainscoting for above, 32x28|< inches, extra, $6.50. Towel Racks, Brush and Sponge Holders are shown on pages 57 to 60. E-1131 can also be furnished in Pink Republic, Old Red and other Tennessee Marbles, in Onyx or fancy-colored Imported Marbles ; of the latter we usually keep in stock, in regular sizes, St. Beaume and Rose Jasper. Basins furnished with our Lavatories are selected, ground on top edge and carefully fitted, and are made of "Duroware," the glaze of which will not crack or peel off. When ordering or specifying, please give Catalogue Name and Number, L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 27 WOLFF'S "STANDARD" OPEN LAVATORIES. E-1133. E-1133-' standard" Lavatory includes l^-inch Countersunk Italian Marble Slab, 32x22 inches, with Fancy Shell Soap Cup, 16-inch High Back and Left-Hand End and 5-inch Apron on front and end, 14x17 inch Oval Basin (Duroware), two No. 10 Fuller Faucets, Nickel Plated all over Ideal Waste, Nickel Plated Brass Adjustable Standard Trap, two Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes with Improved Air Chambers, two Nickel Plated Apron Supports and one Nickel Plated Brass No. 19 Leg. Price as described, with Triple Bead Molding, $46.50 iX-inch Italian Marble Floor Slab, .32x22 inches, deeply Countersunk, with Nickel Plated Safe Waste Strainer and Coupling, extra, |8.75. Italian Marble Wainscoting for Back and End, 32x28^^ inches, and 22x28^ inches, extra, $11.00. Towel Racks, Brush and Sponge Holders are shown on pages 57 to 60. The Supply Pipes, Trap and Legs are adjustable. E-1133 can also be furnished in Pink Republic, Old Red and other Tennessee Marbles, in Onyx or fancy-colored Imported Marbles ; of the latter we usually keep in stock, in regular sizes, St. Beaume and Rose Jasper. Basins furnished with our Lavatories are selected, ground on top edge and carefully fitted, and are made of "Duroware," the glaze of which will not craze, crack or peel off. When ordering or specifying, please give Catalogue Name and Number, 28 Iv. WOI.FF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFFS "STANDARD" OPEN LAVATORIES. E-1134. E-1134 " Standard " Lavatory includes IJ^-inch Countersunk Italian Marble Octagon Slab, 24x24 inches, with Fancy Shell Soap Cup, 5-inch Apron on front and 9-inch Apron Brackets on sides, 16-inch High Backs, 14x17 inch Oval Basin (Duroware), two No. 12 Fuller Faucets, Nickel Plated all over Ideal Waste, Nickel Plated Brass Adjustable Standard Trap, two Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes with Improved Air Chambers and two concealed Apron Supports. Price as described, with Triple Bead Molding, $42.25 If Slab is 26x26 inches instead of 24x24 inches, add $1.50. IX-inch Octagon Italian Marble Floor Slab, 24x24 inches, deeply Countersunk, with Nickel Plated Safe Waste Strainer and Coupling, extra, $7.25. Towel Racks, Brush and Sponge Holders are shown on pages 57 to 60. F-1134 can also be furnished in Pink Republic, Old Red and other Tennessee Marbles, in Onyx or fancy-colored Imported Marbles ; of the latter we usually keep in stock, in regular sizes, St. Beaume and Rose Jasper. Basins furnished with our Lavatories are selected, ground on top edge and carefully fitted, and are made of "Duroware," the glaze of which will not craze, crack or peel off. When ordering or specifying, please give Catalogue Name and Number, U WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 29 WOLFFS "STANDARD" OPEN LAVATORIES. E-1 135. E-1135 " standard " Lavatory includes 1^-inch Countersunk Italian Marble Slab, 32x22 inches, with Fancy Shell Soap Cup, 16-inch High Back and Ends, and 5-inch Apron on front, 14x17 inch Oval Basin (Duroware), two No. 10 Fuller Faucets, Nickel Plated all over Ideal Waste, Nickel Plated Brass Adjustable Standard Trap, two Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes with Improved Air Chambers, two Nickel Plated Apron Supports and two Nickel Plated Brass Tumbler Holders. Price as described $47.50 IX-inch Italian Marble Floor Slab, 32x22 inches, deeply Countersunk, with Nickel Plated Safe Waste Strainer and Coupling, extra, $8.75. Towel Racks, Brush and Sponge Holders are shown on pages 57 to bO. E-ll."3.5 can also be furnished in Pink Republic, Old Red and other Tennessee Marbles, in Onyx or fancy-colored Imported Marbles ; of the latter we usually keep in stock, in regular sizes, St. Beaume and Rose Jasper. Basins furnished with our Lavatories are selected, ground on top edge and carefully fitted, and are made of "Duroware," the glaze of which will not craze, crack or peel off. When ordering or specifying, please give Catalogue Name and Number. 30 Iv. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFFS "STANDARD" OPEN LAVATORIES. E-1136. E-1136 " Standard " Lavatory includes l^-incli Countersunk Italian Marble Slab, 32x22 inches, with Fancy Shell Soap Cup and 16-inch High Back, 14 x 17-inch Oval "Duroware" Embossed Basin, two No. 4 Nickel Plated Improved Fuller Faucets, Nickel Plated all over Ideal Waste, Nickel Plated Brass Adjustable Standard Trap, two Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes with Improved Air Chambers and Stop Valves, and two No. 27 Nickel Plated Cast-Brass Brackets and Braces to Wall. Price as described, with Triple Bead Molding, - - - - - - - - - Extra Fancy Shell Soap Cup or Brush Cup, extra, |3.2o. IX-inch Italian Marble Floor Slab, 32x22 inches, with corners to conform with Slab, with Waste Strainer and Coupling, extra, |8.75 Italian Marble Wainscoting for above, 32x28|4' inches, extra, $6.50. If with No. 26 Brackets, shown on page 53, deduct $1.00 ; if without Stop Valves, deduct $2.00. If with Plain, in place of Embossed Basin, deduct $1.00. The Supply Pipes and Trap are adjustable. $46.50 E-1136 can also be furnished in Pink Republic, Old Red and other Tennessee Marbles, or in Onyx and fancy colored Imported Marbles ; of the latter we usually keep in stock, in regular sizes, St. Beaume and Rose Jasper. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 31 WOLFF'S "STANDARD" OPEN LAVATORIES. WITH RECESSED BASIN. E-1 137. With Improved "Universal" Recess Basin and Octagon I/egs. E-1137 Lavatory includes l^-inch Countersunk Italian Marble Slab, 32x22 inches, with Fancy Shell Soap Cup, 16-inch High Back and 5-inch Apron on front and ends, 1-1x17 inch Oval Imported "Universal" Recess Basin, with Nickel Plated Improved Waste and Overflow, two No. 10 Nickel Plated Improved Fuller Faucets, Nickel Plated Brass Adjustable Standard Trap, two Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes, with Improved Air Chambers, two Nickel Plated Apron Supports and Nickel Plated Brass No. 18 Legs. Price, as described, with Triple Bead Molding, $47.75 IX-inch Italian Marble Floor Slab, 32x22 inches, deeply countersunk, with Nickel Plated Safe Waste Strainer and Coupling, extra, $8,75. Italian Marble Wainscoting for above, 32 x 28|^ inches, extra, $6.50. If with 15x19 inch Basin, add $1.00. The Supply Pipes, Trap and Legs are adjustable. E-1137 can also be furnished in Pink Republic, Old Red and other Tennessee Marbles, or in Onyx and fancy colored Imported Marbles; of the latter we usually keep in stock, in regular sizes, St. Beaume and Rose Jasper. 82 I.. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFFS OPEN LAVATORY. E-1 138. E-1138 Ivavatory includes IX -inch Countersunk Italian Marble Slab, 20 X 30 inches, with 12-inch High Back and 5-inch Aprons on front and ends, 14x17 inch " Duroware " Patent Overflow Oval Basin with Metal Plug, Rubber Stopper, Snap and Chain and No. 4 Nickel Plated Chain Stay, two Nickel Plated No. 4 Improved Fuller Faucets, No. O Nickel Plated Brass Lavatory Trap, two Nickel Plated Brass No. O Apron Legs, two No. O Apron Supports and two Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes with Air Chambers and Floor Flanges. Price as described, with O. G. Molding, $34.00 If with Nickel Plated all over Ideal Waste and no Overflow "Duroware" Basin and 21-inch wide Slab, add |3.75 Can be furnished in any desired size in Pink Republic, Old Red and other Tennessee Marbles. "Duroware" will not craze, crack or peel off. E-1 138. WOLFFS OPEN LAVATORY. E-1 139. E-1139 Lavatory includes IX -inch Countersunk Italian Marble Slab, 20x30 inches, with 12-inch High Back and Left-Hand End and 5-inch Aprons on front and Right-Hand End, 14 x 17 inch Patent Overflow "Duroware" Oval Basin with Metal Plug, Rubber Stopper, Snap and Chain and No. 4 Nickel Plated Chain Stay, two No. 4 Nickel Plated Improved Fuller Faucets, No. O Nickel Plated Brass Lavatory Trap, No. O Nickel Plated Brass Apron Leg, two No. Apron Supports and two Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes with Air Chambers and Floor Flanges. Price as described, with O. G. Molding, $32.50 E-1 139. If with Nickel Plated all over Ideal Waste and no Overflow "Duroware" Basin and 21-inch wide Slab, add |3.7o "Duroware" will not craze, crack or peel off. Can be furnished in any desired size in Pink Republic, Old Red and other Tennessee Marbles. When ordering or specifying, please give Catalogue Name and Number. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 33 E-1 142. WOLFF'S OPEN LAVATORY. E-1 142. E-1142 Lavatory includes l^-inch Countersunk Italian Marble Slab, 20x30 inches, with 12-inch High Back, 14-inch Round Common Overflow Basin, with Metal Plug, Rubber Stopper, Snap and Chain and No. 5 Chain Stay, two Nickel Plated No. 4 Improved Fuller Faucets, No. O Nickel Plated Brass I,avatory Trap, with Common Overflow and Waste Connection, two Nickel Plated Brass No. O Brackets, two Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes, with Air Chambers and Floor Flanges and Nickel Plated Basin Clamps. Price as described, with O. G. Molding, $29.00 If without Nickel Plated Common Overflow Connection and with 14-inch Round P. O. Basin, deduct $1.60. If with 14 X 17 inch Oval Basin, with Common Overflow, add $1.00. If with Supply Pipes to wall and with E-1238 Half S Trap, deduct $1.00. If with 14x17 inch Oval Basin and Ideal Basin Waste, Nickel Plated all over, and 21-inch wide Slab, add $4.00. E-1142 can also be furnished in Pink Republic, Old Red and other Tennessee Marbles. WOLFFS OPEN LAVATORY. E-1 142J^. E-11421^ Lavatory includes l^-inch Countersunk Italian Marble Slab, 20x30 inches, with 12-inch High Back and Left-Hand End, 14-inch Round Common Overflow Basin with Metal Plug, Rubber Stopper, Snap and Chain and No. 5 Chain Stay, two Nickel Plated No. 4 Improved Fuller Faucets, No. O Nickel Plated Brass Lavatory Trap, with Common Overflow and Waste Connection, one Nickel Plated Brass No. O Bracket, two Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes, with Air Chambers and Floor Flanges and Nickel Plated Basin Clamps. Price as described, with O. G. Molding, $28.50 If without Nickel Plated Common Overflow Connection and with 14-inch Round P. O. Basin, deduct $1.60. If with 14x17 inch Oval Basin with Common Overflow, add $1.50. If with Supply Pipes to wall and with E-1238 Half S Trap, deduct $1.00. If with 14 X 17 inch Oval Basin and Ideal Basin Waste, Nickel Plated all over, and 21-inch wide Slab, add $4.00. E-1142 1^ can also be furnished in Pink Republic, Old Red and other Tennessee Marbles. Duroware ' ' will not craze, crack or peel off'. E-1 142H. 34 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S OPEN LAVATORIES. WITH FIXTURES TO WALL. E-lli3 Lavatory includes iX-inch Countersunk Italian Marble Slab, 20x30 inches, with 12-inch High Back, 14-inch Round Basin ("Duroware"), with Metal Plug with Rubber Stopper, Snap and Chain and No. 5 Chain Stay, two Nickel Plated No. 4 Improved Fuller Faucets, IX-inch Half S Nickel Plated Brass Vented Trap with Nickel Plated Brass Waste and Overflow Connection, two Nickel Plated Brass No. O Brackets and Nickel Plated Basin Clamps. Price as described, with O. G. Molding, $24.00 If with 14x17 Oval Basin, "Duroware," add $1.50. If Trap and Brackets are polished Brass, deduct 75 cents. For Supply Pipes, etc., see pages 53 to 56. Can also be fur- nished in any of the various Tennessee Marbles. The Trap has an Improved Adjustable Union where Connec- tion is made with the Overflow and Waste. If without Brass Overflow Connection and with 14-inch Round P. O. Basin, deduct $1.60. Can be furnished with Oval or Square Basins also. E-1 143. WOLFFS OPEN LAVATORIES. WITH ENAMELED IRON BRACKETS. E-1144 Lavatory includes IX-inch Countersunk Italian Marble Slab, 20 X 30 inches, with 10-inch High Back, 14-inch Round Patent Overflow Basin ("Duroware"), with Metal Plug with Rubber Stopper, Snap and Chain and No. 4 Chain Stay, two Nickel Plated Doherty Self-Closing Faucets, l^-inch Half S Nickel Plated Brass Vented Trap and two Enameled Iron Brackets. Price as described, with O. G. Molding, - $18.75 If with No. 2 Improved Fuller Basin Cocks, E-377 deduct $1.50. If with 14x17 P. O. Oval Basin ("Duroware"), add $1.60. If with two No. O Nickel Plated Brass Slab Brackets, E-1241, add 13.50. Can also be furnished in Tennessee Marble, or with Oval Basins, as shown elsewhere. The Trap is furnished with Adjustable Union. E-1 144. I.. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 35 WOLFF'S HOSPITAL LAVATORY. E~1 1 45. — (hospital LAVATORY.) E-1145. Hospital Lavatory includes 13^-inch Italian Marble Slab, 72x22 inches, and 16 inch High Back, three 14x19 Columbian Basins (Duroware), six Duro-metal Supply Spouts and Chain Stays, three Nickel Plated Brass "Special" Half "S" Traps with continuous Waste, with Vent at end, and Nickel Plated 0-inch Drum Trap with Vent, two E-1210 and two E-1240 Nickel Plated Brass Brackets, and three Wolff's Pedal Supplies with Valves for hot and cold water, with Bronze Tops and Duro-metal Pedals. The Pedal Valve Boxes can be furnished with Safe Waste Strainer and Coupling. Price as described, with " Roll-edge " Molding, $143.00 E-1145 is intended for use in hospitals, medical institutions, and for university use where the operators' hands must be kept antiseptic. The water supply of above is entirely controlled by foot power. Each Basin has a special Trap close to Outlet. The Drum Trap has removable top. The Floor Plates of Valve Boxes are made of Bronze and the Pedals of Duro-metal. Combination Supply E-Illfj^^ (next page) can be furnished in place of separate Spouts, price is same. The Basins are made of Duroware which will not craze, crack or peel off. 36 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S HOSPITAL LAVATORY. E-1 1 4.6/^. -(combination spout.) E-1 146. E-1146. Hospital Lavatory includes Ij^-inch Italian Slab 30 x 20 x 12-inch Back; 1.5 x 19 Columbian Basin (Duroware); two Duro-metal Supply Spouts; Nickel Plated Brass Trap to wall; two E-1240 Nickel Plated Brass Brackets and one Wolff's Pedal Supply with Valves for hot and cold water, with Bronze Top and Duro-metal Pedals. Price as described, with "Roll-edge" Molding, $41.00 E-1146 can be furnished with E-1146i^ Combination Spout at same price. E-1146 is intended for use in hospitals, medical institutions, and for university use where the operators' hands must be kept antiseptic. The water supply of above is entirely controlled by foot power. The Basin has a special Trap close to Outlet. The Floor Plates of Valve Boxes are made of Bronze and Pedals of Duro-metal. Combination Supply E-1146}^ can be furnished in place of separate Spouts, price is same. The Basin is Duroware which will not craze, crack or peel off. , PEDAL AND GIELOW SELF-CLOSING STOP. E-1 148. E-1148. Can be fitted to any Slabs now in place. Price, One Pedal with Stop all Nickel Plated - - . - . . When ordering E-1148 state if for 20, 21 or 22-inch wide Slab. $10.00 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 37 WOLFF'S "STANDARD" BARBER SLAB. E-1 147. E-1147. Includes l^^^-inch countersunk (extra deep) Italian Marble Slab 4 feet 6 inches x 24 inches, and 5-inch Aprons, two 14x19 Columbian Basins, four Nickel Plated No. 15 Fuller Faucets and E-400 Nickel Plated Fuller Shampoo with Sprinkler Holder, Nickel Plated Brass Drum Trap and Waste Pipes, two Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes and four Nickel Plated Brass No. 19 Legs with Braces. Price as described, with O. G. Molding, $90.00 Can be furnished with other Faucets, see page 249. The Supply Pipes are connected to the Faucets and the Shampoo. All of our Marble Lavatories are of selected stock, deeply countersunk, carefully finished and highly polished. Towel Racks, Brush, Tumbler and Sponge Holders are shown on pages 57 to 60. E-1147 can be furnished in any kind of Marble and of size to suit requirements, other styles of Faucets are shown elsewhere in this Catalogue; should changes be desired from what is specified above, give Catalogue Number in specification, this will avoid error and delays. When ordering or specifying, please give Catalogue name and Number, viz: E-1147. 38 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S "STANDARD" BARBER SLAB. E-1 149. E-1149. Includes lij-inch countersunk (extra deep) Italian Marble Slab, 48x22 inches with 16-inch Back and 5-inch Apron; two 14x19 Columbian Basins; four Nickel Plated No. 6 Fuller Faucets, Chain Stays and Chains; one Special Design Double Fuller Shampoo Faucet with Hose and Sprinklers; two Nickel Plated Standard Cast Brass Traps; two No. 26 Nickel Plated Cast Brass Brackets and Apron Supports. Price as described, with O. O. Molding, $74. 00 If Top Slab is of li4'-inch Marble, deduct |5.00. All of our Marble Lavatories are of selected stock, deeply countersunk, carefully finished and highly polished. Towel Racks, Brush, Tumbler and Sponge Holders are shown on pages 57 to 60. E-1149 can also be furnished in Pink Republic, Old Red and other Tennessee Marbles. When ordering or specifying, please give Catalogue Name and Number, viz: E-1149. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 39 WOLFFS ''STANDARD" OPEN LAVATORIES. FOR OFFICE BUILDINGS. THE "OFFICE" LAVATORY. E-1150. Italian Marble Slab, with 12-iiich High Backs, two Nickel Plated Self-Closing Faucets, Nickel Plated Chain Stay Plug and Chain, 14-inch Round Patent Overflow Basin and Enameled Iron Ornamental Combined Apron and Bracket. Price as described, with Slab, 20x20 inches, " 21x21 " 22x22 •• Prices. $18.00 19.00 20.00 E-1 151. Italian Marble Slab, with 12-inch High Backs, two Nickel Plated Self-Closing Boston Faucets, Nickel Plated Chain Stay Plug and Chain, 14-inch Round Patent Overflow Basin and Enameled Iron Ornamental Apron and Bracket. Price as described, with Slab, 20 x 20 inches, " 21x21 " " 22x22 " Prices. $19.00 20.00 21.00 Can also be furnished with Common Overflow Basin and Nickel Plated Brass Overflow Connection, Nickel Plated Brass Trap, other Self-Closing Faucets or Improved Fuller Faucets; The "Office" Lavatory is designed to meet the demand for a substantial and practical Lavatory Fixture which is inexpensive, attractive and perfectly sanitary, for use in schools, public and especially office buildings. These requirements are fully met in the construction of E-1150 and E-1151. The Marble Slab is deeply Countersunk, and all the surfaces are highly polished, the Ornamental Combined Apron and Bracket is porcelain covered, the glossy surface of which, together with the fine polish of the Marble, makes it at all times a handsome and desirable fixture, easily kept clean and bright looking. These Lavatories can also be furnished with Oval, Square, Universal or Straight Back Basins. 40 Iv. WOIvFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S ENAMELED IRON LAVATORIES. /^^^ ■iimiiiuiiiiii miniiiiii -^^^Tn E-1 152.— (PATENTED.) Made in two sizes. Includes Enameled Iron Slab, with Soap Cup and Oval Basin with WolfTs Patent Enameled Overflow, Chain, Snap and Stopper, Enameled Back, two Nickel Plated Brass Brackets, Nickel Plated l^-inch Brass Trap with Vent and Waste to wall, and two Nickel Plated Boston Low- Down Self-Closing Faucets. Price as described, 16x20, with 11x14 inch Basin, 10^-inch Back, -..-..-. Price as described, 18x24, with 12x15 inch Basin, 10>^-inch Back, ------ If with Polished Brass Trap and Brackets in place of Nickel Plated, deduct 75 cents. If with one Faucet only and No. 3 Chain Stay, deduct $1.75. If without Faucets, deduct $4.00. $21.75 23. 75 >^N E-1 153. -(PATENTED.) Made in two sizes. Includes Enameled Iron Slab, with Soap Cup and Oval Basin with Wolffs Patent Enameled Overflow, Chain, Snap and Stopper, Enameled Back and Left-Hand End, one Nickel Plated Brass Bracket, Nickel Plated 1 X-inch Brass Trap with Vent and Waste to wall, and two Nickel Plated Boston Low-Down Self-Closing Faucets. Price as described, 16 x 20, with 11 x 14 inch Basin, 10>^ -inch Back, --..---- $22.00 Price as described, 18x24, with 12x1-5 inch Basin, 10>^-inch Back, - - - - - - - ^- - 23-75 If with Polished Brass Trap and Bracket in place of Nickel Plated, deduct 50 cents. If with one Faucet only and No. .3 Chain Stay, deduct $1.75. If without Faucets, deduct $4.00. Can be furnished with Doherty Faucets at same price. The above style of Enameled Lavatory will be found a most desirable and practical sanitary fixture for schools, public buildings, athletic institutions, railroad depots, government barracks, etc. As shown, Faucets for both hot and cold water are provided; other style Faucets may be used however, and for cold water only, the other Faucet hole being capped, or Chain Stay used. An entirely new feature, not heretofore attempted in Enameled Ware, is the shape of the Basin, the arrangement of the Soap Cup and general design of the Slab. The shape of the l'2xl5 inch Basin is oval and of same size inside measurements as 14x17 inch earthenware Basins and has Patent Overflow. The Slab has raised edge similar to Countersunk Marble Slabs; all parts are accessible and carefully fitted together; all exposed surfaces are either enameled, painted or bronzed, making it a substantial and perfectly sanitary plumbing fixture, easily kept clean and bright looking. L. WOI.FF MANUFACTURING COMPANY 41 Xa^^ :>^5N WOLFFS ENAMELED IRON LAVATORIES. E-1 155. Made in two sizes. Includes Enameled Iron Lavatory, with Soap Cup and Oval Basin, with Wolfifs Patent Enameled Overflow, Chain, Snap and Stopper, Enameled Back, 10>^ inches high, two Galvanized Cast-Iron Legs, Nickel Plated l^-inch Brass Trap with Vent and Waste to wall, and two Nickel Plated Boston Low-Down Self-Closing Faucets. Price as Described. 16x20 inch, with 11x14 inch Basin, - 18x24 " " 12x15 " $20.25 21.75 E-1 155.— (PATENTED.) 7^5\ WOLFF'S ENAMELED IRON LAVATORIES. E-1156. Made in two sizes. Includes Enameled Iron Lavatory, with Soap Cup and Oval Basin with Wolff's Patent Enameled Overflow, Chain, Snap and Stopper, Enameled Iron Back and Left-Hand End, 10)4 inches high, Galvanized Cast-Iron Leg, Nickel Plated IX-inch Brass Trap with Vent and Waste to wall, and two Nickel Plated Boston Low-Down Self-Closing Faucets. The 16x20 inch size has Oval Bowl opening, 11x14 inches. " 18x24 " " " " 12x15 Price as Described. 16 X 20 inch, - 18x24 " $21.25 22 75 E-1 156.— (PATENTED.) If without Brass Trap, deduct $3.00. Can be furnished with any other Faucets shown on pages The above style of Enameled Lavatory will be found a most desirable and practical sanitary fixture for schools, public buildings, athletic institutions, railroad depots, government barracks, etc. As shown. Faucets for both hot and cold water are provided ; other style Faucets may be used however, and for cold water only, the other Faucet hole being capped, or Chain Stay used. An entirely new feature, not heretofore attempted in Enameled Ware, is the shape of the Basin, the arrangement of the Soap Cup and general design of the Slab. The shape of the 12x15 inch Basin is oval and of same size inside measurements as 14x17 inch earthenware Basins and has Patent Overflow. The Slab has raised edge similar to Countersunk Marble Slabs ; all parts are accessible and carefully fitted together ; all exposed surfaces are either enameled, painted or bronzed, making it a substantial and perfectly sanitary plumbing fixture, easily kept clean and bright looking. 42 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. ROLL-EDGE CAST-IRON LAVATORIES. PATENTED. Price, Roll-Edge Slab and Bowl with Back and Patent Overflow. Length of Back, 13 inches ; diameter of Bowl, 12 inches. Painted. Galvanized. Enameled. $2.25 $3.00 $3.50 E-1 159. Roll-Edge Slab and Bowl for corner, with Backs and Patent Overflow. Length on Side, 12>2 inches ; diameter of Bowl, 12 inches. Price, Above are cast in one piece and have Roll-Edge. Painted. Galvanized. Enameled. $2.25 $3.00 $3.50 E-1 160. With Oval Bowl. Length of Back, 19 inches ; Bowl, 11x14 inches. £-1161. With Oval Bowl. Length on Side, 15 inches ; Bowl, 11 x 14 inches. Roll-Edge Slab with 11x14 inch Oval Bowl, Back, Soap Cup, Patent Overflow Roll-Edge Slab for corner, with 11x14 inch Oval Bowl, Backs, Soap Cup, Patent and Bronzed Iron Brackets. Overflow and Brackets. Price, Painted. Galvanized. Enameled. $4.50 $6.50 $8.00 Price, Painted. Galvanized. Enameled $4.00 $6.00 $7.50 If with Nickel Plated Iron Brackets, add 75 cents. These Lavatories are cast in one piece, have large Improved Patent Overflow, Roll-Edge, Ornamental Exterior ; and E-1160 and E-1161 also have Soap Cups. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 43 WOLFF'S CAST-IRON SECTIONAL LAVATORIES. PATENTED. E-1 163. Made in two sizes. With Oval Basins and Right-Hand End. Dimensions and Prices. Size of each Section, - - - - - - - - - - - - - 16x20 Height of Back, -...--,. .... 10>^ in. Length over all (2 Sections), ----- . - . - _ - - 40 in. Size of Basin, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11 x 14 in. Price, Enameled, 2 Sections with Back and End, Overflow, Plug, Chain and Stopper (Faucets and Brackets not included), $22.50 Price, Galvanized, 2 Sections with Back and End, Overflow, Plug, Chain and Stopper (Faucets and Brackets not included), 15.25 Price, Painted, 2 Sections with Back and End, Overflow, Plug, Chain and Stopper (Faucets and Brackets not included). 11.00 18x24 10)4 in. 48 in. 12x15 in. $25.50 17.50 13.00 E-1 164. Made in two sizes. With Oval Basins and L,eft-Hand End. Dimensions and Prices same as E-1163 Above can be furnished with any of our Faucets shown on pages Bronzed Iron Brackets, each, extra, 50 cents. If without End Piece, deduct for Painted, $1.00; for Galvanized, $l..iO ; and for Enameled deduct $2.50. The above Slabs and Bowls are cast in one piece, the Basins are Oval, each Slab has raised edge similar to Countersunk Marble Slabs, and is provided with Improved Overflow and Soap Cup. 44 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S ENAMELED IRON LAVATORIES. PATENTED. E-1 165. Made in two sizes. E-1165 Sectional I,avatory includes five Enameled Iron Combined Slabs and Bowls, with Oval Basin with Wolff's Patent Overflow and Improved Overflow Strainer, Chain, Snap and Stopper, Enameled Back, Bronzed Iron Brackets, Soap Cup and two Nickel Plated Doherty Self-Closing Faucets for each Slab. Price, Enameled Sectional Lavatory with five Slabs and Bowls, as shown and described, For each additional Complete Section, add - - - - Should less than five Basins be desired (not less than two), deduct for each Complete Section 20x16 PRICES. 24x18 with 11x14 inch Basin, with 12x15 inch Basin, lOK-inch Back. $73.75 14.75 14.75 lOJ^-inch Back. $81.25 16.25 16.25 If without Faucets, deduct for each Faucet, $2.00. Above can be furnished with Boston Self-Closing Faucets instead of Doherty at same price. Right or Left End Piece, each, $2.50. Can be furnished in any number of sections. For single section, see E-llo2. The above style of Enameled Lavatory will be found a most desirable and practical sanitary fixture for schools, public buildings, athletic institutions, rail- road depots, government barracks, etc. As shown, Doherty Faucets for both hot and cold water are provided ; other style Faucets may be used however, and for cold water only, the other Faucet hole being capped. A Brass Trap may be used, or, where practical, a continuous Waste with Trap as shown in E-1168. An entirely new feature, not heretofore attempted in Enameled Ware, is the shape of the Basin, the arrangement of the Soap Cup and general design of the Slab. The shape of the Basin is oval, has Patent Overflow with Improved Enameled Overflow Strainer. The Slab has a raised edge similar to Countersunk Marble Slabs ; all parts are accessible and carefully fitted together ; all exposed surfaces are either enameled, painted or bronzed, making it a substantial and perfectly sanitary plumbing fixture, easily kept clean and bright looking. For Brass Half S or Full S Lavatory Traps, see E-1236 and E-1238. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 45 WOLFFS ENAMELED IRON LAVATORIES. PATENTED. E-1166. Made in two sizes. E-1166 Sectional Lavatory includes five Enameled Iron Combined Slabs and Bowls, with Oval Basin with Wolffs Patent Overflow and Improved Overflow Strainer Chain, Snap and Stopper and Enameled Back, Bronzed Iron Legs, Soap Cups and two Nickel Plated Doherty Self-Closing Faucets for each Slab. Price, Enameled Sectional Lavatory with five Slabs and Bowls, as shown and described, For each additional Complete Section, add ------ Should less than five Basins be desired (not less than two), deduct for each Complete Section PRICES. 30x16 with 11 X 14 inch Basin, 10>^-inch Back. $77.50 15.50 15.50 24x18 with 12x15 inch Basin, 10^-inch Back. $85.00 17.00 17.00 If without Faucets, deduct for each Faucet, |2.00. Above can be furnished with Boston Self-Closing Faucets instead of Doherty at same price, or, when desired, E-1166 can be furnished with Faucets coming through the Back. Right or Left End Pieces, each, $2.50. Can be furnished in any number of sections. For single section, see E-1152. The above style of Enameled Lavatory will be found a most desirable and practical sanitary fixture for schools, public buildings, athletic institutions, rail- road depots, government barracks, asylums, etc. As shown, Doherty Faucets for both hot and cold water are provided ; other stj-le Faucets may be used however, and for cold water only, the other Faucet hole being capped. A Brass Trap may be used, or, where practical, a continuous Waste with Trap, as shown in E-1168 An entirely new feature, not heretofore attempted in Enameled Ware, is the shape of the Basin, the arrangement of the Soap Cup and general design of the Slab. The shape of the Basin is oval, has Patent Overflow with Improved Enameled Overflow Strainer. The Slab has a raised edge similar to Countersunk Marble Slabs ; all parts are accessible and carefully fitted together, all exposed surfaces are either enameled, painted or bronzed, making it a substantial and per- fectly sanitary plumbing fixture, easily kept clean and bright looking. Note. — E-1166 can be furnished with Legs 6 inches shorter than those shown, reducing height from floor to top of Slab to 24 inches ; this is desirable when intended for children's use. For Brass Half S or Full S Lavatory Traps see E-1236 and E-1238. 46 L. WOI.FF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S ENAMELED IRON LAVATORY. PATENTED. E-1 167. Made in two sizes. E-1167 Sectional Double Lavatory includes ten (five on each side) Enameled Iron Combined Slabs and Bowls, with Oval Basins with Wolff's Patent Overflow and Imoroved Overflow Strainer, Soap Cup, Nickel Plated Chain, Snap and Stopper and Enameled Connecting Plate, - Bronzed Iron Legs and two Doherty Self-Closing Faucets for each Slab. Connecting Plate adds 2 inches to the width. PRICES. Prices. 20 xie section 24 x is section with II X 14 inch Basin. with 12 x 15 inch Basin. Price, Enameled Double I^avatory with ten Slabs and Bowls (five on each side), as described, - - $168.25 $176.25 If more than five Sections are desired, add for each additional complete Section, two Slabs (one on each side), - 33.75 35.25 Should less than five Sections (not less than two) as shown be desired, deduct for each complete Section, - 33.75 35.25 If without Faucets, deduct for each Faucet, $2.00. Above can be furnished with Boston Self-Closing Faucets at same price. Can be furnished in any number of Sections. The above style of Enameled Lavatory will be found a most desirable and practical sanitary fixture for schools, public buildings, athletic institutions, rail- road depots, government barracks, etc. As shown, Doherty Faucets for both hot and cold water are provided; other style Faucets may be used however, and for cold water only, the other Faucet hole being capped. An entirely new feature, not heretofore attempted in Enameled Ware, is the shape of the Basin, the arrangement of the Soap Cup and general design of the Slab. The shape of the Basin is oval, has Patent Overflow with Improved Enameled Overflow Strainer. The Slab has a raised edge similar to Countersunk Marble Slabs ; all parts are accessible and carefully fitted together, all exposed surfaces are either enameled, painted or bronzed, making it a substantial and perfectly sanitary plumbing fixture, easily kept clean and bright looking. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 47 WOLFF'S ENAMELED IRON LAVATORIES. E-1 168. -(PATENTED.) E;-1168 Sectional I^avatory includes four Enameled Iron Combined Slabs and Bowls, each 24x18 inches, with 12 x 15-inch Square Basin with Patent Overflow and Improved Overflow Strainer ; Cham, Snap and Stopper and 10>^-inch high Enameled Back, Bronzed Iron Brackets, Soap Cup and two Nickel Plated Special Fuller Bibbs, with Connected Galvanized Iron Supply Pipes with Loose Key Stop Cocks, Rough Brass Continuous Waste and Trap. Price, Enameled Sectional L,avatory with four Slabs and Bowls, as shown and described, - - - - - If without Brass Trap, deduct $4.00 ; if without Brass Continuous Waste or Trap, deduct $10.00. For each additional Complete Section with Galvanized Supply Pipes but without Waste or Trap, add $17.75. Add for Waste for each additional Section, $1.50. If without the two Nickel Plated Loose Key Stops, deduct $2.00. Above Lavatory can be furnished in any number of Sections. If used with Legs in place of Brackets, add for each Section, $1.00. $83.50 CORNER SECTIONS FOR CAST-IRON SECTIONAL WASH SINK. WITH ROLL RIM. E-1 169. WITH ROLL RIM. E-1 170. E-1169 and 1170 are intended for use with E-1172 Sectional Wash Sink, when necessary to turn corners. Painted. Add to prices of F-1172 for Corner Section either K-1169 or 1170, ----.. $20.00 When desired, outlet can be placed in Corner Section. When ordering or specifying, please give Catalogue Name and Number. Galvanized. $34.00 Knameled. 137.00 48 U WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S CAST-IRON ROLL-RIM SECTIONAL WASH SINK. PAINTED, GALVANIZED OR ENAMELED. E-1172. Above illustration represents Sectional Roll-Rim Wash Sink of three Sections, each 5 feet long, with 12-inch high Back with Outlet in center, and l>^-inch Rough Brass Trap, Overflow Connection, Galvanized Iron Supply Pipe with two Brass "Extra Pattern" Compression Faucets for each Section, Galvanized Soap Cups, Loose Key Stop and Painted Iron Brackets. The Wash Sink can be furnished in one Section only or in Sections up to 45 feet long, and to turn Corners, see E-1169 and 1170. Prices for One Section, 5 Feet Long. painted. Galvanized. Enameled. One Section 5 ft. long, with Back, Soap Cup, Overflow, Galvanized Supply Pipe, two Brass Faucets and Iron Brackets, $20.00 $34.00 $36.00 For each additional Complete Section, add --------- - 18.00 30.00 31.00 If with Standing Overflow, add $2.00. l>^-inch Rough Brass Trap, with Vent, extra, 14.50. Extra Brass Faucets, each, $1.25. Brass Loose Key Stop, extra, 90 cents. CAST-IRON ROLL-RIM SECTIONAL WASH SINK, WITH LEGS. E-1 173. Above illustration represents Sectional Wash Sink of three Sections, each 5 feet long, with 12 inch high Back with Outlet in center, and l>^-inch Rough Brass Trap, Overflow Connection, Galvanized Iron Supply Pipe with two Brass "Extra Pattern" Compression Faucets for each Section, Galvanized Soap Cups, Loose Key Stop and Painted Iron Legs. The Wash Sink can be furnished in one Section only or in Sections up to 45 feet long, and to turn corners, see E-1169 and 1170 Prices for One Section, 5 Feet Long. painted. Galvanized. Enameled, One Section 5 ft. long, with Back, Soap Cup, Overflow, Galvanized Supply Pipe, two Brass Faucets and Iron Legs, $20.00 $34.00 $36.00 For each additional Complete Section, add --......-- 18.00 30.00 31.00 If with Standing Overflow, add $2.00. l>^-inch Rough Brass Trap with Vent, extra, $4.50. Extra Brass Faucets, each, $1.25. Brass Loose Key Stop, extra, 90 cents. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 49 WOLFFS EXTRA WIDE ROLL- RIM SECTIONAL WASH SINK. E-1 174. Above illustration represents Extra Wide Roll-Rim Sectional Wash Sink of three Sections, each Section 3 feet long by 24 inches wide, with 15-inch High Back, 1^-inch Waste Plug with Coupling and Tailpiece, Bronzed Iron Brackets and two Extra Pattern Compression Faucets. Painted. Galvanized. Enameled. Price, three Sections, each 3 feet long by 24 inches wide (9 feet over all), with two Faucets and Brackets as shown, $47.50 $80.50 $86.50 Add for each additional Section, 3 feet long, with two Faucets, - - - - - - - 17.50 28.50 30.50 If with Standing Overflow, add $2.00. l>^-inch Rough Brass Trap with Vent, extra, $4.50. Extra Brass Faucets, each, $1.25. E-1 175. Extra Wide Roll-Rim Sectional Wash Sink of three Sections, each Section 3 feet long by 24 inches wide, with 15-inch High Back, l>^-inch Waste Plug with Coupling and Tailpiece, Bronzed Iron Legs and two Extra Pattern Compression Faucets. Painted. Galvanized. Enameled. Price, three Sections, each 3 feet long by 24 inches wide (9 feet over all), with two Faucets and Legs as shown, $50.50 $83.50 $89.50 Add for each additionalvSection, 3 feet long, with two Faucets, ------- 18.50 29.50 31.50 Above Sinks are especially made for use in hotels, hospitals, barracks, etc., where wide large Sinks are required. 50 Iv. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. MARBLE SLABS. E-1 1 78.— (two backs, for corners. Size of Slabs, 8-in. Backs, lOin. Backs, 12-in. Backs, Number o:f Feet in Slabs. 18 19 20 21 22 24 in. 4 ft. 11 in. 5 ft. 4 in. 5 ft. 9 in. 6 ft. 2 in. 6 ft. 7 in. 7 ft. 6 in. 5 ft. 5 in. 5 ft. 10 in. 6 ft. 4 in. 6 ft. 9 in. 7 ft. 3 in. 8 ft. 2 in. 6 ft. 6 ft. 5 in. 6 ft. 11 in. 7 ft. 4 in. 7 ft. 11 in. 8 ft 11 in. E-1 179.— (single back. All Slabs have 8-inch backs, unless otherwise ordered. In ordering Slabs, be particular to state size, kind of Marble, number of Cock Holes, if for Chain Stay and Clamps, size of Bowl, and whether round oval or square. In calculating measurements add one inch to each finished edge. Number of Feet in Slabs. Size of Slabs, 19x24 20x24 20x26 20x28 20x30 22x28 22x30 22x36 in. 8-in. Backs, 5 ft. 3 in. 5 ft. 6 in. 5 ft. 10 in. 6 ft. 4 in. 6 ft. 8 in. 6 ft. 9 in. 7 ft. 1 in. 8 ft. 6 in. 10-in. Backs, 5 ft. 7 in. 5 ft. 10 in. 6 ft. 3 in. 6 ft. 9 in. 7 ft. 2 in. 7 ft. 2 in. 7 ft. 6 in. 9 ft. 12-in. Backs, 6 ft. 6 ft. 2 in. 6 ft. 8 in. 7 ft. 2 in. 7 ft. 7 in. 7 ft. 7 in. 8 ft. 9 ft. 6 in. N. B. — Slabs ordered without Backs or sides cost more per square foot. Slabs for Combination Cocks and Oval Bowls must not be less than 22 inches wide. Number of Feet in Slabs. Size of Slabs, 19x24 20x24 20x26 20x28 20x30 22x28 22x30 22x36 in. 8-in. Backs, 6 ft. 4 in. 6 ft. 7 in. 7 ft. 7ft. 5in. 7 ft. 10 in. 7 ft. 11 in. 8 ft. 3 in. 9 ft. 8 in. 10-in. Backs, 6 ft. 11 in. 7 ft. 2 in. 7 ft. 8 in. 8 ft. 1 in. 8 ft. 6 in. 8 ft. 8 in. 9 ft. 10 ft. 6 in. 12-in. Backs, 7 ft. 7 in. 7ft.lOin. 8ft.4in. 8ft.9in. 9 ft. 3in. 9ft. 4in. 9ft.lOin. llft.4in. E-1 181 .—(with back and right hand end.) Number of Feet in Slabs. Size of Slabs, 19x24 20x24 20x26 20x28 20x30 22x28 22x30 22x36 in. 8-in. Backs, 6 ft. 4 in. 6 ft. 7 in. 7 ft. 7 ft. 5 in. 7 ft. 10 in. 7 ft. 11 in. 8 ft. 3 in. 9 ft. 8 in. -10-in. Backs, 6ft.llin. 7 ft. 2 in. 7ft.8in. 8ft.lin. 8 ft. 6 in. 8 ft. 8in. 9 ft. 10ft.6in. 12-in. Backs, 7 ft. 7in. 7ft.lOin. 8ft.4in. 8ft.9in. 9 ft. 3in. 9 ft. 4in. 9 ft. 10 in. 11 ft. 4 in. In ordering Slabs, be particular to state size, kind of Marble, number of Cock Holes, if for Chain Stay and E-1 182. -(WITH back and left hand end.) Clamps, size of Bowl, and whether round, oval or square. E-1 180.- (with back and two ends.) The above cut represents the Slab with Nosings or End Projections, to finish on wall. When Nosings are made they are measured to extreme ends, and also one inch for the edge. In ordering Recess Slabs great care should be exercised in sending us the exact width and depth of Recess. E-1 183.— (with back and two ends.) The above cut represents Slab to finish flush with the wall. Recess Slabs vary so in size that a table of measurement would be of no benefit to customers. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY 51 WOLFFS "STANDARD" OPEN LAVATORIES. WOLFFS "COLUMBIAN" DUROWARE BASIN. E-1 191. Price, "Columbian" Basin, "Duroware," each, as shown. E-1 192.— CROSS SECTION OF E-1 191. 14x17 $1.50 14x19 $5.00 Our "Columbian" Basin is a new and original design. In shape it is a combination of the regular oval and straight back basins. It is roomier than either, will keep cleaner and will empty more rapidly than any other basin now in use. The Overflow, as will be seen by referring to sectional cut, is placed entirely out of the way, has a large, unobstructed waterway, and by swinging Strainer to one side is readily accessible for cleaning purposes. The Brass Waste and Overflow Plug is provided with smooth, round Grate Bars instead of the old style Strainer arrangement. The Bars are so arranged that matter which could cause stoppage in the Trap or Pipes cannot pass. The Bars being round and smooth and pointing downward, horizontal flat surfaces are thus avoided ; therefore, this part of the Plug is thoroughly flushed and cleaned each time the Basin is emptied. Stoppage in the Plug, caused by soapy residue, etc., which in the old style arrangement readily accumulates on the projecting horizontal surfaces, hardens there and eventually closes up the openings in the Strainer, cannot occur in our improved Waste Plugs. Metal parts are carefully fitted to each Basin. Basins are selected, and ground on top edge, and are made of " Duroware," which is absolutely non-absorbent and impervious to all moistures anA positively will not craze. "Duroware" is fired to such an extreme degree of heat that the glaze and body are partially fused, forming a strong, semi-fused uniform material thoroughout ; therefore, the glaze cannot, like regular ware, craze, crack, or peel off. Above can be furnished with any of our Ivavatories. WOLFFS "IDEAL" DUROWARE BASIN, WITH "IDEAL" BASIN WASTE. E-1 193. Price, "Ideal" Basin, "Duroware," Basin only. E-1 194. — CROSS SECTION OF E-1 193. 14x17 ^2.50 14x19 $3.00 The "Ideal" Basin is in quality, shape, outline and dimensions the same as the "Columbian" Basin shown and described above, except that it has no Overflow, being intended for use with our Lavatories, fitted with our "Ideal" Basin Waste, as shown in E-1I94. MOLDINGS FOR WOLFFS "STANDARD" LAVATORIES. \ \ E-1 185. Sectional Cut .showing O. G. Molding. E-1 186. Sectional Cut .showing ildii] E-1 187. Sectional Cut showing Plain Chamfer Molding. Fillet and Chamfer Molding. When ordering Lavatories be particular to state kind of Molding wanted. E-1 188. Sectional Cut showing Triple Bead Molding. I,. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. UNIVERSAL" RECESS BASIN. Nickel Plated Waste and Overflow, each, E-1203. If Embossed, add $1.00. 14x17 15x19 $6.00 $7.00 WOLFF'S ENAMELED IRON BASINS. ENAMELED IRON "COLUMBIAN" BASIN. Price, each. E-1205. With Brass Overflow Connection Plug and Chain. See E 1206 Sectional Cut. ENAMELED IRON ROUND BASIN. E-1207. 14 -in. P. O. Enameled, each, 14-in. N. O. 14-in. C. O. $5.00 ^__^H E-1206. Section of E-1205. ENAMELED IRON OVAL BASIN. E-1208. $3.50 3.00 3.00 14x17 P. O. Enameled, each, 14x17 CO. 14x17 N.O. $4.50 4.00 4.00 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 53 WOLFF'S "STANDARD" LAVATORY FITTINGS. E-1211. Nickel Plated Cast-Brass Lavatory Bracket No. 27. 1210. Nickel Plated Cast-Brass Lavatory Bracket No. 26. E-1240. Heavy Brass Lavatory Bracket Made iu three sizes, 15x17, 10x18 and 18x20. Nickel Plated Cast-Brass Lavatory Leg No. 11 with Brace to wall. E-1212. Nickel Plated Cast-Brass Recess Lavatory Leg No. 19 for 5-inch Apron. Above Brackets and Legs can be furnished with any of our Lavatories. When ordering be careful to give Catalogue Number. Can be furnished Silver Plated when desired. E-1213. Nickel Plated Cast-Brass Recess Lavatory Leg No. 22 for 5-inch Apron . Note. — D-6"3 can be furnished with our Lavatories at same price as D 620. 54 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. ''STANDARD" LAVATORY FITTINGS. E-1218. Adjustable "Standard" Lavatory Trap to wall. E-1217. Adjustable "Standard" Lavatory Trap to floor. E-1225. 'Standard" Supply Pipe to wall, with Wolff's Improved Air Chambers. E-1223. "Standard" Supply Pipe to wall, with Wolff's Improved Air Chambers and Stop Valve. K3 (5^ V_5)^ j(t_y E-1220. E-1216. Adjustable ''Standard" Lavatory Trap to wall, with Coupling behind Trap. The Outlet for above is 2)4 inches higher from floor than E-1218. E-1221. "Standard" Supply Pipe, with Wolff's Improved Air Chambers. E-1222. 'Standard" Supply Pipe, with Wolff's Improved Air Cham- bers and Stop Valve. For Left-Hand For Right-Hand ..g.. -, _ < „«^ End. End. ■ " E-IZ^^-. "Standard" Apron Supports for 5-inch Apron. Wolff's "Ideal" Waste, Adjustable. Above Fittings are for our '\Standard" Lavatories shown on preceding pages, and may be substituted for Fixtures shown in those illustrations. All of above Fittings are Adjustable, and can be easily, quickly and securely connected. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 55 NO. BRASS LAVATORY FITTINGS. ADJUSTABLE LAVATORY LEGS. SUPPLY PIPES. E-1228. Regular Slab Leg. Polished Brass, each, Nickel Plated, each, E-1233. Polished Brass, each, Nickel Pated, each, E-1229. For 5 -inch Apron. Corner Leg. SUPPLY PIPES. E-1230. For 5-inch Apron. Center Leg. $3.00 3.25 $2.50 2.75 E-1234. Supply Pipe with Stop Valve. Polished Brass, each, - $2-00 Nickel Plated, each, 2.25 E-1231. Polished Brass, each, - $1-80 Nickel Plated, each, 2-00 E-1232. Polished Brass, each, - $2.75 Nickel Plated, each, 3.00 "EXTRA PATTERN" COMPRESSION STOPS FOR LAVATORY SUPPLY PIPES. WITH LOOSE KEY. E-282. J^-inch, Polished Brass, each, - $1.00 Nickel Plated, .15 E-285 E-287. With Loose Key. >^ -in.. Polished Brass, each, $0.75 >^-in.. Polished Brass, each, $1.00 Nickel Plated, each, - .90 Nickel Plated, each, - 1.15 Can also be furnished % and 1 inch, 56 L. WOI.FF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. No. O APRON BRACKET BRASS LAVATORY FITTINGS. E-1242. Size, 18x20, for 5-inch Apron. Polished Brass, each, Nickel Plated, each, NO. O SLAB BRACKET. $5.50 Polished Brass, each, 6-00 Nickel Plated, each, E-1241. Size, 18x20. 12.25 2.50 No. O BRASS TRAP. E-1235. iX-INCH FULL S TRAP WITH VENT AND FLANGES AND COMMON OVER- FLOW CONNECTION. Polished Brass, each, Nickel Plated, each, E-1236. $3.50 Polished Brass, complete, each, 4.00 Nickel Plated, complete, each. te.75 3.00 l^-INCH HALF S TRAP WITH EXPANSION JOINT, VENT AND FLANGES. E-1238. Polished Brass, each, Nickel Plated, each, - If with Waste Pipe to floor, add $1.00. ^2.75 8.00 WASTE AND OVERFLOW CONNECTION WITH COUPLING AND TAILPIECE FOR C. O. BASINS. E-1237. Polished Brass, each. Nickel Plated, each. $1.50 1.75 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 57 LAVATORY AND BATH ROOM FITTINGS. WITH UNION AND WASTE TUBE. E-1245. Nickel Plated, with Gold Lined Soap Cup, each, - $3.00 WITH REMOVABLE SQUARE CUP. OVAL SOAP CUPS. WITH STRAINER. WITH REMOVABLE OVAL SOAP CUP. E-1246. E-1248. E-1246. Nickel Plated, with Gold E-1248. Nickel Plated, with Gold Lined Soap Cup each, - $2.00 Lined Soap Cup, each, - $2.75 SWINGING TOWEL RACK WITH FOUR ARMS. BRUSH HOLDER. E-1247. E-1250. E-1247. Nickel Plated, with Gold Lined Soap Cup, each, $3.25 E-1250. Nickel Plated, each, E-1253. $6.00 E-1253. Nickel Plated, each. $4.00 NICKEL PLATED BRASS TOWEL RACKS. Size, length over all, Nickel Plated Brass. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii^ E-1251 20 $3.00 24 3.50 80 36-in. 4.00 4.50 Size, length over all. Nickel Plated Brass, E-1252. 20 $4.00 24 4.75 30 5.50 36-in. 6.50 58 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. BATHROOM FITTINGS. Size, length over all, Nickel Plated Brass, Size, length over all, Nickel Plated Brass, Size, length over all, Nickel Plated Brass, iiiiiiiiiil NICKEL PLATED BRASS TOWEL RACKS. E-1256 20 in. $1.75 20 in. $2.25 24 in. $2.00 24 in. $2.50 24 in. $3.25 30 in. $2.25 30 in. $2.75 30 in. $3.75 36 in. $2.75 36 in. $3.50 36 in. $4.50 I I liii I llliill I I "J'l III IIII IMl! ■■ ■I 1"!!^ E-1260. Nickel Plated Brass, 20-inch, $1.25 ; 24-inch, $1.50 ; 30-inch, $1.75. E-1259. Nickel Plated Brass, 20-inch, $1.50 ; 30-inch. $2.00. E-1262. Brass Swinging Towel Rack, Nickel Plated, $1.50; length of Bars, 6 in. E-1261. Brass Towel Rack, with Swinging Hooks, Nickel Plated, t.OO. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 59 BATHROOM FITTINGS. E-1244. BRASS OVAL SOAP CUP. Nickel Plated, with Gold Lined Cup, $2.75 BRASS SOAP CUP. Nickel Plated, 3x4)4 in., - Nickel Plated, 3x6 in., - 11.75 2.00 E-1243. BRASS TUMBLER HOLDER. Nickel Plated. $1.25 E-1272. BRASS SOAP CUP FOR BATH TUB RIM. Nickel Plated, 3x4^ in., Nickel Plated, 3x6 in.. $2.25 2.50 E-1273. BRASS SOAP CUP FOR BATH TUB RIM. Nickel Plated, 3>^x6 in., $2.50 E-1267. OVAL SPONGE HOLDER. Nickel Plated Brass, 9>^ x7>< in.. m^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ i $5.00 E-1268. SPONGE HOLDER. Nickel Plated Brass, 11x6 in., $8.00 60 Iv. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. One-half full size. E-1269. BRASS HAT HOOK. BATHROOM FITTINGS. Nickel Plated, each, One-half full size. E-1270. BRASS HOOK. $0.50 Nickel Plated, each, 11.00 E-1263. MATCH BOX HOLDER. Nickel Plated, - - - - $1.25 E-1275. PAPER HOLDER For Sheet Paper, Nickel Plated, E-1264. BRUSH HOLDER. Nickel Plated, $1.50 E-1265. MATCH HOLDER. Nickel Plated, E-1276. Nickel Plated, each, $1.50 E-1277. PAPER HOLDER. $2.00 For Roll Paper, Nickel Plated, Any of above Fixtures can also be furnished Silver Plated. When ordering or specifying, please give Catalogue Name and Number. $1.50 $3.00 L. WOIyFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 61 LrP5 Cn^ncLciD) 1' Mm N exterjsive plant especially eauipped for E^nameling purposes, a Gjuality of Er)amel unsurpassed, perfect worknnariship and thorough experierK^e, er^ble us to place on the nnarket Eriameled Iron Qath T^ubs of every size and description, which are fully illustrated in the following 63 pa^es. We have r\g\ confir^d our product to the old desidr\s on the nnarket for many years, but have introduced mostly Raths of our own desidns, new and original in outline and construction, nneetind every requirement of modern ideas. T^hese ai^ termed "Wolff's New /Aodel P)aths, ' and afe show^ on pages 62 to IzO. W^hen modelind our patterns for the ifedular shape Piaths, changes v/ere made, difeatly improv- ing this style in outline, appearar^ce and cor^struction, with a view to improve r]o\ only the shape of the tub, but to enable us to fit to them the necessary supply and waste attachments in a far better manner than yet attained. T^his illustration shows our oVerflow connection, made of cast brass and fui^lshed with a coupling and tailpiece, enabling plumber to make a permanent and- safe connection; impossible with the iifon outlet and putty joint, rhe waste opening is near the end of the tub, removed as far as possible from interference with bather, tl^refofe standing oVerflow can be used ("see our "A\onitor, j wh^en desired, to good advantage. T^l^ waste plug is provided with grate bars ir^tead of the old style strair^er arrangement; the bars are so arranged that matter which could cause stoppage in the trap or pipe cannot pass; the bars being rounded and smooth and pointing downward, hori- zontal flat surfaces are avoided. 5^11 brass work furnished is of our own manufacture. Qefore shipment is made each tub is carefully inspected ^nd labelecl. m 62 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S ENAMELED IRON BATHS. E-1285. White Enameled Bath Tub with Nickel Plated Overflow Strainer, and Waste Plug Dimensions and Prices. Width inside, 24 inches ; Width over all, 26}4 inches ; Depth inside, 19 inches ; Height on Legs, 26 inches. Size of Tub, - - - - - - - - - 3 1^ ft. 4 ft. 4 14 ft. 5 ft. Price as described, White Enameled, ------ $24.00 $25.50 $28.50 $31.50 Galvanized Bath Tub with Fittings as above, - - - - - 20.50 21.75 24.00 26.25 Add for two Bosses at bottom, tapped for ^-inch Iron Pipe, $1.25. 5i^ ft. 6 ft. $34.50 $37.50 28.50 31.50 ^■'^4 ft. 5 ft. Price as described, White Enameled (Rabbeted Rim), ----- $33.50 $86.75 $40.00 If with No. (not Rabbeted) Rim, deduct $1.50. Two Nickel Plated Supply Pipes, extra, $3.00. Mahogany or Bird's-eye Maple Rim, extra, $4.00. Nickel Plated Brass Legs, each, extra, $1.75. The Rims furnished by us are made only of the best seasoned hardwood, put together with great care and finished in the best manner possible, Oak Rims will be sent unless otherwise ordered. Cherry same price. 514 ft. 6 ft. $43.50 $47.00 L. WOLFK MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 63 WOLFF'S ENAMELED IRON BATHS. LOW-DOWN PATTERN. i^*-^ E-1287. E-1287. White Enameled Bath Tub (Low-down Pattern) with Nickel Plated Overflow Strainer, Chain and Waste Plug with Rubber Stopper and No. O Oak Rim. Size of Tub, Prices as described. White Enameled, Dimensions and Prices. Width inside, 24 inches; Depth, inside, 173^ inches; Height on Legs, to top of Wood Rim, 24 inches. 4 ft. 4>4 ft. 5 ft. 53^ ft. 6 ft. $28.50 $31.75 P5.00 $38.50 $42.00 Add for two Bosses at Bottom, tapped for %-inch Pipe, |1.25. If with Rabbeted Rim, add $1.50. ijiiiiii' ,,f ,i iiipi ...;,fl;„i(Bli. "11 Hi'r^^ Blll!llllll!lllliil|lllllllllllliTi|:iiiiiiiiiiii|||i||i|i Ill!nilllll{llllljr;i|ii|]||||iii||ii!iiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiii{||^^ illiilllllilllilllllllllliilll^^ ^^-* -T^ E-1288. E-1288. Includes White Enameled Bath Tub (Low-down Pattern) with Nickel Plated No. 1 Fuller Double Bath Faucet, Overflow Strainer and Chain, Plug with Rubber Stopper, and No. O Oak Rim. Size of Tub, Prices as described, White Enameled Dimensions and Prices. 4 ft. i}4 ft. 5 ft. 5>^ ft. 6 ft. $32.00 $35.25 $88.50 $42.00 $45.50 If with Rabbeted Rim, add fl.oO. Two Nickel Plated Supply Pipes, extra, |3.00. Mahogany or Bird's-eye Maple Rim, extra |4.00. Nickel Plated Brass Legs, each, extra, |1.75. The Rmis furnished by us are made only of the best seasoned hardwood, put together with great care and finished in the best manner possible. Oak Rims will be sent unless otherwise ordered. 64 I,. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S ENAMELED IRON BATHS. LOW-DOWN PATTERN E-1289. E-1289. Includes White Enameled Bath (L,ow-down Pattern), Nickel Plated No. 1 Fuller Double Bath Faucet, No. O, Rough Brass Connected Overflow and Waste Connection, Rubber Stopper and Nickel Plated Chain and No. O Oak Rim. Dimensions and Prices. Height on Legs to top of Wood Rim, 24 inches; Width inside, 24 inches; Depth inside, 173^ inches. Size of Tub, - - - - - - - - - - - 4 ft. 4>^ ft. Prices as described, White Enameled, - - - - - - - - $34 . 00 $37 . 25 If Waste Connection is Polished and Nickel Plated, add $1.00; if Nickel Plated on the Rough, add 50 cents. If with two Nickel Plated Supply Pipes, add $3.00. If with Rabbeted Rim, add |1.50. 5 ft. .50 5>^ft. $44.00 li 3 [:'^:;2; oiri^ |ri!ifs»^::;=i;, I!)<1 lyji' 1& I™ '' ' ■""" I ' '""JIJ %.' E-1290. E-1290. Includes White Enameled Bath (Low down Pattern), with No. O Oak Rim and Wolff's Puller "Monitor" Combination Supply, Waste and Overflow, Nickel Plated. Size of Tub, Prices as described. White Enameled, Prices. If with two Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes, add $3.00. If with Rabbeted Rim, add $1.50. 4 ft. 4)^ ft. 5 ft. $36.50 $39.75 $43.00 5^ ft. $46.50 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 65 WOLFF'S ENAMELED IRON BATHS. LOW-DOWN PATTERN. imiiiiMuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnin'Miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i^*-^ iiiimniii E-1291. Enamei,ed on Rim. :E-1291. White Enameled Bath (Low down Pattern), with Enameled Rim, with Nickel Plated Overflow Strainer, and Waste Plug with Rubber Stopper. Dimensions and Prices. Width, over all, 27 inches; Depth, inside, 173^ inches; Height on Legs, 223^ inches. Size of Tub, - - - - - - - 4 ft. 4^ ft. 5 ft. 5j4 ft. 6 ft 4 ft. 2>^ in. 4 ft. 8>^ in. 5 ft. 2)4 in. 5 ft. 8j4 in. 6 ft. 2% in. Length over Rim, _ . . Prices as described, White Enameled, $29.00 $32.00 $35.00 $38.00 $41.00 ^^-^ E-1292. Enamei^ed on Rim. E-1292. White Enameled Bath (Low-down Pattern), with Enameled Rim, Nickel Plated No. 1 Fuller Double Bath Faucet, Overflow Strainer and Chain and Plug, with Rubber Stopper. Dimensions and Prices. Dimensions are same as E-1291. - 4 ft. 4% ft. 5 ft. 5/2 ft. 6 ft. 4ft. 2)4 in. 4 ft. 8^ in. 5 ft. 2)4 in. 5 ft. 8)4 in. 6 ft. 2}^ in. $32.50 $.35.50 $38.50 $41.50 $44.50 Two Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes, Iron Pipe size, extra, |3.00. When ordering or specifying please give Catalogue Name and Number. Size of Tub, Length over Rim, - - . Prices as described, White Enameled, 66 L. WOIvFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S ENAMELED IRON BATHS. LOW DOWN PATTERN. ';:ii,fr will, *"" if..,,,;.-- ''I ',■■--- ,v. iii»ii, ]|'s,'"i f - "-^ iiiiii''^ — fi .ill \k:.b' l^.f^% ii.: :J ■«'"•- ' -■ »•* I*'"" ■■^^' .;:.■'; „ iHiiB:;. » ■ & iiiiiiinniiiiiiiiii9iiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiipniiiliiiiii i;,^i,iiiiiiiiii i,iiwiiii'i",",!lj ^-^ inniiiniiniiiiiiiiiiii E-1294. EnameIvEd on Rim. E-1294. White Enameled Bath Tub (Low-down Pattern) with Enameled Rim, Nickel Plated No. 1 Fuller Double Faucet, No. O Rough Brass Connected Overflow and Waste Connection, Rubber Stopper and Nickel Plated Chain. Dimensions and Prices. Dimensions are the same as E-1291. Size of Tub, - Length over Rim, Price, White Enameled, 4 ft. 4>^ ft. 5 ft. 5;^ ft. 6 ft. - 4 ft. 2% in. 4 ft. 8y2 in. 5 ft. 2}^ in. 5 ft. 8j4 in. 6 ft. 2^^ in. $34.50 $37.50 $40.50 $43.50 $46.50 If Waste Connection is Polished and Nickel Plated, add fl.OO; if Nickel Plated on the Rough, add 50 cents. Two Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes, Iron Pipe size, extra, $3.00. E-1295. Enameled on Rim. E-1295. White Enameled Bath Tub (Low-down Pattern) with Enameled Rim and Wolff's Fuller "Monitor" Patent Combination Supply, Waste and Overflow, Nickel Plated. Dimensions and Prices. Dimensions are the same as E-1291. Size of Tub, Length over Rim, Price, White Enameled, 4 ft. 4:% ft. 4 ft. 2y2 in. 4 ft. 8% in. $37.00 $40.00 Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes, Iron Pipe size, extra, |3.00. 5 ft. 5>^ ft. 6 ft. 5 ft. 2}4 in. 5 ft. 8j4 in. 6 ft. 2^ in. $43.00 $46.00 $49.00 h. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 67 WOLFF'S ROLL- RIM ENAMELED IRON BATHS. Size of Tub, Length over Rim, Length over all. Price as described, E-1297. E-1297 includes White Enameled Bath, with 3-inch wide Enameled Roll-Rim, Nickel Plated Overflow Strainer and Waste Plug. Dimensions and Prices. Height on Legs, 27 inches ; Width over all, 29 inches ; Depth inside, 20 inches. White Enameled, 4 ft. 4}4 ft. 5 ft. 5i^ ft. 6 ft. 4 ft. 3 in. 4 ft. 9 in. 5 ft. 3 in. 5 ft. 9 in. 6 ft. 3 in 4 ft. 4 in. 4 ft. 10 in. 5 ft. 4 in. 5 ft. 10 in. 6 ft. 4 in $34 00 $37.50 $42.00 $47.50 $57.50 lameled Iron ] [^egs, each, extra. $1.00. Add for two Bosses at bottom, tapped for X^inch Iron Pipe, |1,00. E-1298. E-1298 includes White Enameled Bath, with ,S-inch wide Enameled Roll-Rim, No. 1 Nickel Plated Fuller Double Bath Faucet, No. O Rough Brass Waste and Overflow Connection, with Rubber Stopper and Nickel Plated Chain. Dimensions and Prices. Height on Legs, 27 inches ; Width over all, 29 inches ; Depth inside, 20 inches. Size of Tub, ........ Length over Rim, ....._. Length, including fittings, -.__.-. Price as described, White Enameled, _ - . . If Overflow Connection is Polished Brass, Nickel Plated, add $1.00; if Nickel Plated on the Rough, add 50 cents. Add for two Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes, Iron Pipe Size, with Wolffs Air Chambers, $6.00 ; if without Air Chambers, add $3.00. If with Rough Brass Trap with Vent, as shown in E-1311, add $2.."jO; if Polished and Nickel Plated, add $3.50 ; Extra Long Vent to Wall, extra, 75 cents. Nickel Plated Brass Legs, each, extra, $1.75. Enameled Iron, each, extra, $1.00. For Large Cast^Brass Heavy Overflow and Waste Connection, with Cleanout Screw and Large Waterway, see E=i3i4- 4 ft. 4>^ ft. 5 ft. bj4 ft. 6 ft. 4 ft. 3 in. 4 ft. 9 in. 5 ft. 3 in. 5 ft. 9 in. 6 ft. 3 in 4 ft. 4 in. 4 ft. 10 in. 5 ft. 6 in. 5 ft. 10 in. 6 ft. 6 in. $39.50 $43.00 $47.50 $53.00 $63.00 68 L. WOIvFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S ENAMELED IRON ROLL-RIM BATHS. FOR PUBLIC BATHS, SANITARIUMS, HOSPITALS, BARRACKS, ETC. E;-1299, 1300 and 1301 Baths are provided with fixtures suitable for Public Baths, Sanitariums, Hospitals, etc. E-1299 has extra large Supply and Waste Fittings. The Faucets each have a full inch waterway, and the Waste Plug has a 2-inch Stopper and Outlet, there- fore Tub can be filled with water and emptied in the least possible time, an important feature where baths must be given in rapid succession. For Sanitariums and Hotels at bathing resorts E-1300 shown on opposite page, is a desirable arrangement. The Supply and Waste Fittings have extra large openings, 1-inch Supply and 2-inch Outlet, and is provided with Supply Pipes to floor. When desired, Nickel Plated Overflow can be furnished. E 1301 is adapted for use in Hospitals, Asylums, etc. The Fixtures, as shown, have no loose or removable parts. The Supply Fixtures can be operated only by the attendant, and should Plug and Chain be objectionable, valve arrangement can be furnished for the waste. Any of our French shape Tubs can be furnished with fixtures as shown in E-1299, 1300 and 1301. E-1299. E-1299 includes White Enameled Bath, with 3-inch wide Enameled Roll-Rim, with two Nickel Plated Special 1-inch "Extra Pattern" Compression Faucets, Overflow Strainer and Chain, Nickel Plated Waste Plug with 2-inch Outlet and 2-inch Rubber Stopper. Dimensions and Prices. Height on Legs, 26 inches ; Width over all, 29 inches ; Depth inside, 20 inches. Size of Tub, - - - - Length over Rim, Length, including Fittings, Price as described, White Enameled, 4 ft. 4 ft. 3 in. 4 ft. 4 in. $40.00 41^ ft. 4 ft. 9 in. 4 ft. 10 in. $43.50 5 ft. 5 ft. 3 in. 5 ft. 4 in. $48.00 5>^ ft. 5 ft. 9 in. 5 ft. 10 in. $53.50 6 ft. 6 ft. 3 in. 6 ft. 4 in. $63 50 If with two 1-inch Iron Pipe Size Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes, add $4.00. If with Monitor Standing Overflow, add $2.50. Nickel Plated Brass Legs, each,. extra, $1.75; Enameled Iron, each, extra, $1.00. NOTE.— E-1299 has extra large Supply and Waste Fittings. When ordering or specifying, please give Catalogue Name and Number, L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 69 WOLFF'S ROLL-RIM ENAMELED IRON BATHS. FOR PUBLIC BATHS, SANITARIUMS, HOSPITALS, BARRACKS, ETC. E-1300. E-1300,includes White Enameled Bath, with 3-ii)ch wide Enameled Roll-Rim, with 1-inch Nickel Plated Special Compression Supply Fittings, with 1-inch Nickel Plated Supply Pipes, Overflow Strainer and Chain, Nickel Plated Waste Plug with 2-inch Outlet and 2-inch Rubber Stopper. Dimensions and Prices. Height on I^egs, 27 inches ; Width over all, 29 inches ; Depth inside, 20 inches. Size of Tub, 4 ft. 41^ ft. 5 ft. h% ft. 6 ft. Length over Rim, - - - - - - - 4 ft. 3 in. 4 ft. 9 in. 5 ft. 3 in. 5 ft. 9 in. 6 ft. 3 in. Length, including Fittings, - . . - - - - 4 ft. 6 in. 5 ft. 5 ft. 6 in. 6 ft. 6 ft. 6 in. Price as described, White Enameled, ... - - $47.00 $50.50 $55.00 $60.50 $70 50 If Fixtures are not Nickel Plated, deduct $1.50. E-1301. F. 1301 includes White Enameled Bath, with .3-inch wide Enameled Roll-Rim, Loose Key Brass Valves with Bottom Supply Connection, Rough Brass Overflow and Waste Connection with Overflow Strainer, Chain and Rubber Stopper. Fixtures mside of Tub are Nickel Plated. Size Of Tub, - - 4ft_ 4>^ft. Length over Rim, - - - - - - - - 4 ft. 3 m. 4 ft. 9 in. Price as described. White Enameled, ... - - $43.75 $47.25 If Fixtures are Polished and Nickel Plated, add $3.75. If with Supply Pipes to floor and Waste Coupling to floor, add U 00. If Tailpieces are bushed for Iron Pipe, add $1.00. Above arrangement can be furnished with Wood-Rim or Flat-Rim Baths When ordering or specifying, please give Catalogue Name and Number. Dimensions are same as E-1300. 5 ft. 5 ft. 3 in. $51.75 5>^ ft. 5 ft. 9 in. $57.25 6 ft. 6 ft. 3 in. $67.25 70 Iv. WOIvFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S ENAMELED IRON BATHS. THE " VENETIAN." E~ 1 304.— (LOW-DOWN PATTERN.) E-1304. Includes White Enameled "Venetian" Bath, "Low-down" Pattern, with 3-inch wide Enameled Roll Rim, Polished and Nickel Plated all over (Fuller Supply Fittings) arranged for bottom Supply with Nickel Plated Supply Pipes and Nickel Plated all over "Ideal" Bath Waste. Dimensions and Prices. Height on Legs, 22}^ inches; Width over all, 32 inches; Depth inside, 17 inches. Size of Tub (I,ength over Rim), Price as described, White Enameled, ^% ft. $66.00 5 ft. $70.00 5>^ft. $75.00 6 ft. $81.00 Can be furnished with Compression Valves instead of Fuller Valves at same price. ' If finished Zinc White outside, add $16.00; two Gold Bands, extra, $4.00. If Fixtures below Rim are Nickel Plated on the Rough instead of Polished and Nickel Plated, deduct $5.50. If without Polished and Nickel Plated Supply Pipes, deduct $3.00. Nickel Plated Legs, each, extra, $1.75; Enameled Iron, each, extra, $1.00. Designs and Prices of Hand-Painted Borders furnished upon application. Dimensions and Prices of deeply countersunk Italian Marble Floor Slabs for above, with Nickel Plated Safe Waste Grates. Size of Tub, Size of Slab, Prices, 4>^ ft. 5 ft. 5>^ ft. 6 ft. 6 ft. X 39 in. 5 ft. 6 in. x 39 in. 6 ft. x 39 in. 6 ft. 6 in. x 39 in. $25.75 $28.25 $31.00 $38.50 When ordering or specifying, please give Catalogue Name and Number, viz: E-1304. WOLFF'S "NEW flODEL" BATHS. "CORONA," "LETHEAN," "MINERVA," "SULTANA," "NEPTUNA," AND "TRITON" BATHS ^- ALL EXCEPT THE " CORONA " HAVE UNDER-ROLL RIM. The " CORONA " RIM, as now made, is an entirely new design, being an improvement over the old style as shown in our D Catalogue. ALL OF OUR "CORONA" TUBS ARE NOW FURNISHED WITH THE NEW DESIGN RIM.... The Under-Roll Rim is our invention. We produce a perfect, continuous, enameled roll, in appearance surpassing the All- Porcelain Bath. Fixtures furnished by us with our Tubs are of special design, well made, finely finished and carefully fitted to each tvib before shipment. When desired, Bath Tub Fittings can be furnished in Duro-Metal instead of Brass. Price upon application. Duro-Metal is the same metal clear through; in appearance, its polished surface is brighter and whiter than ordinary Nickel Plating. ALL BATH TUBS ARE INSPECTED AND LABELED- LABEL SHOWING NAME AND STYLE OF TUB AND HOW FITTED ^...i^^Hi^^ky 72 Iv. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S ''NEW MODEL" ENAMELED IRON BATHS. THE "CORONA." 1 iiii.JlliliHliillilliilliiiiliilllliiiiliiiiiiiiiiiniiniiii^^^^^^^^^ nil iiiiniiinn'i mum nn iiiim S)*fS^ illlllllllllll!lllllllllllllll[!lllll1llll'lll niiillillllHiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiipuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiGiiiiiiiiiiiiin^^ E-1308. The "Corona" Bath (New Model). E-1308. Includes White Enameled "Corona" Bath, with new design Enameled Rim, Nickel Plated Overflow Strainer with Brass Coupling and Tailpiece, Rubber Stopper and Brass Waste Plug. Dimensions and Prices. Height on Legs, 23 inches ; Width over all, 303^ inches ; Depth inside, 17 inches. Size of Tub, - - - - - - - - - - 4 ft. 4^^ ft. Length, including Fittings, - - - - - - - - 4 ft. 2 in. 4 ft. 8 in. Price as described, White Enameled, - - - - - - - $29.00 $32.00 See following pages for ' ' Corona ' ' fitted with Supply and Waste Fittings. 5 ft. by^ ft. 5 ft. 2 in. 5 ft. 8 in, $36.00 $41.00 THE "CORONA." - "H'-NS 1 1 iniiiiiiNiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i ■iiiiiiiibi - ^ M>Kl ^ 11 iiiiiiiiiillllllllllllliiiliillHiiliilllllinui ililiiiiiiniiiiiinniiiiii i '-fj E-1309. The "Corona" Bath (New Model). E-1309. Includes White Enameled "Corona" Bath, with new design Enameled Rim, Nickel Plated Fuller "Corona" Double Bath Faucet, Nickel Plated Overflow Strainer with Brass Coupling and Tailpiece, Nickel Plated Chain, Rubber Stopper and Brass Waste Plug. Dimensions and Prices. Height on Legs, 23 inches ; Width over all, 303^ inches ; Depth inside, 17 inches. Size of Tub, 4 ft. 4j^ ft. Length, including Fittings, - - . . . . . . . 4 ft. 2 in. 4 ft. 8 in. Price as described. White Enameled, - - - - - - - $32.50 $35.50 5 ft. 5>^ ft. 5 ft. 2 in. 5 ft. 8 in. $39.50 $44.50 If with two Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes, add |3.00. Nickel Plated Brass Legs, each, extra, $1.75; Enameled, |1.00. I.. WOIvFI^' MANUI^ACTURING COMPANY. 1? WOLFF'S "NEW MODEL" ENAMELED IRON BATHS. THE "CORONA.' 'i:i;,iiiii,iii!ii!iiiii;;:iaiiiHi,i~ :■ iiiii:«i;;t;;;jG '" iiiiiiiiiniiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiM iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'vaiiiignaiiiiiniiiiiiniiiiiiJiiiiiinniiiiiMiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilinijiiiiiiiiiiigiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir''^ E-1310. The "Corona" Bath (New Model). E-1310. Includes White Enameled "Corona" Bath, with new design Enameled Rim, Nickel Plated Fuller "Corona" Double Bath Faucet, No. O Rough Brass Connected Overflow and Waste Connection, Rubber Stopper and Nickel Plated Chain. Dimensions and Prices. Height on I^egs, 23 inches ; Width over all, 303^ inches ; Depth inside, 17 inches. 4 ft. 4>^ ft. 5 ft. 5^ ft. 4 ft. 2 in. 4 ft. 8 in. 5 ft. 2 in. 5 ft. 8 in. $34.50 $37.50 $41.50 $46.50 If Waste Connection is Polished and Nickel Plated, add fLOO. If with two Nickel Plated Supply Pipes, add |3.00 ; if with Supply Pipes with Wolff's Air Chambers, add $6.00. Nickel Plated Brass I/egs, each, extra, |1.75; Enameled Iron, $1.00. If with Rough Brass Trap with Vent, as shown in E-1311, add |2.50; if Polished and Nickel Plated, add |3.50. For Large Cast-Brass Overflow and Waste Connections, see page 74. Size of Tub, Length, including Fittings, Price as described, White Enameled, E-1 311 .—Patented. E-1311 can be used on E-1310 Bath instead of Coupling. Above Trap is reversible and can, when desired, be used as indicated by dotted lines. Pi ices given above. The "Corona" is especially designed for use in Hotels and Apartment Houses; it has a medium special design Enameled Rim, is about two inches less in height and is wider than the ordinary bath tubs. Its shape and general outline is of entirely new design. In appearance, adaptability, construction and cost, the "Corona" will recommend itself to all desiring a Fine riodern Bath, and particularly to those requiring a first-class, high-grade bath tub for Hotels or Apartment Houses. The Supply and Waste Fittings are our standard grade, are carefully fitted to each tub and inspected before shipment. When ordering or specifying, please give Catalogue Name and Number, viz : E-1310. 74 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY WOLFF'S "NEW MODEL" ENAMELED IRON BATHS. THE "CORONA." E-1312. E-1312. Includes White Enameled "Corona" Bath, new design Enameled Rim, Nickel Plated Fuller "Corona" Double Bath Faucet, No. 1 Rough Brass Connected Overflow and Waste Connection, Rubber Stopper and Nickel Plated Chain. Dimensions and Prices. Height on L,egs, 23 inches; Width over all, 303^ inches; Depth inside, 17 inches. Size of Tub, - - - - - - - - - - 4 ft. 4>^ ft. Length over Rim, including Fittings, . . . - . . . 4 ft. 2 in. 4 ft. 8 in. Price as described, White Enameled, - - - - - - - $36.25 $39.25 • If Waste Connection is Polished and Nickel Plated, add $1.00; if Nickel Plated on the Rough, add 50 cents. If with two Nickel Plated Supply Pipes, add |3.00; if with Supply Pipes with Wolff's Air Chambers add |6^00. Nickel Plated Brass Legs, each, extra, $1.75; Enameled Iron, fl.OO. 5 ft. 5>^ft. 5 ft. 2 in. 5 ft. 8 in $43.25 $48.25 OVERFLOW CONNECTIONS. E-1313. NO. 0. 134-Inch Outlet. Rough Brass, - - - - - - |2.00 Nickel Plated, - - - - - - - 3.00 E-1314. NO. 1. 13^-lNCH Outlet. Rough Brass, |3.75 Nickel Plated - - - - - - - 4.75 E-1315. NO. 2. 2-Inch Outlet. Rough Brass, - - - - - - |5.00 Nickel Plated, - 6.00 Above prices apply onlj' when furnished with Tubs. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 75 WOLFF'S "NEW MODEL" ENAMELED IRON BATHS. THE "CORONA." E-1317. The "Corona." Bath (New Model). E-1317. Includes White Enameled "Corona " Bath, with new design Enameled Rim, Nickel Plated Fuller " Corona " Double Bath Faucet and Polished Brass Nickel Plated all over Ideal Bath Waste. Dimensions and Prices. Height on Legs, 23 inches ; Width over all, 30}4 inches ; Depth inside, 17 inches. 4 ft. 4^ ft. 5 ft. Size of Tub, Length, including Fittings, Price as described, White Enameled, TRAP FOR IDEAL WASTE. 5}4 ft. 4 ft. 5 in. 4 ft. 11 in. 5 ft. 5 in. 5 ft. 11 in. $42.00 $45.00 $49 00 $54.00 If Ideal Waste is Nickel Plated on the Rough, deduct ;fl.50. If with two Nickel Plated vSupply Pipes, add |3.00 ; if with Supply Pipes with Wolff's Air Chambers, add |6.00. Nickel Plated Brass Legs, each, extra, $1 75 ; Enameled Iron, |1.00. If Tub is finished Zinc White outside, add |16.00; two Gold Bands, extra, $4.00. E-1318. Rough Brass, each, - - - - $2.25 Nickel Plated, each, 3.2.0 The "Corona" is especially designed for use in Hotels and Apartment Houses; it has a medium special design enameled rim ; is about two inches less in height and is wider than the ordinary bath tubs. Its shape and general outline is of entirely new design. In appearance, adaptability, construction and cost, the "Corona" will recommend itself to all desiring a Fine riodern Bath, and particularly to those requiring a first-class, high-grade bath tub for Hotels or Apartment Houses. The Supply and Waste Fittings are our own make, standard grade and are carefully fitted to each Tub before shipment. When ordering or specifying, please give Catalogue Name and Number, viz: E-1317. 76 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S " NEW MODEL" ENAMELED IRON BATHS. THE "CORONA." lllimil iillllliinililllllllllllilillliinniini liiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiigii u I «*t:K!L- ;! --kX Visit t--h k?^-- «'"- -\,:/^=.. '-'— ■ ■'- - - iiiiii«ijiiajiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiii{{i''?iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiDniiiiiiin^ " E-1320. The "Corona" Bath (New Model). E)-1320. Includes White Knameled "Corona" Bath, with new design Enameled Rim and Wolff's Fuller "Monitor" Combination Supply, Waste and Overflow, Nickel Plated. Patented. "Monitor" Combination Supply, Waste and Overflow, included in 5-1320 (Fuller). Dimensions and Prices. Height on Legs, 23 inches; Width over all, 303^ inches; Depth inside, 17 inches. 4 ft. 4>^ft. 5 ft. 5>^ft. 4 ft. 2 in. 4 ft. 8 in. 5 ft. 2 in. 5 ft. 8 in $37.00 $40.00 $44.00 $49.00 Size of Tub, lyengtli, including Fittings, Price as described, White Enameled, If with two Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes, add |3.00. Nickel Plated Brass Legs, each, extra, |1.75; Enameled Iron, fl.OO. If with E-1311 Rough Brass Trap, as shown on page 73, add |2.50; if Nickel Plated, add $3.50. Extra Long Vent to Wall, extra, 75 cents. Our Improved ' ' Monitor ' ' Combination Supply, Waste and Overflow is a simple and most practical modern sanitary arrangement ; being placed very near the end of the Tub it does not interfere with the bather. The waste opening is two inches clear, therefore Tub can be quickly emptied, the waste pipes at the same time receiving a thorough flushing. All parts are accesssible. By removing cap on tube, the inside of same can be reached and kept as clean as its exterior surface. By comparing prices it will be seen that our "Monitor" attachment is hardly more expensive than the ordinary old style overflow, plug and chain arrangement. When ordering or specifying, please give Catalogue Name and Number, viz: E-1320. I,. WOIvKF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 77 WOLFF'S ''NEW MODEL" ENAMELED IRON BATHS. THE "CORONA." iiilliilillliiillliliiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiniilllliiiii""Liiiiiniiiiiii ' .'-f/ E-1322. The; "Corona" Bath (New Model). E-1322. Includes White Enameled "Corona" Bath, with new design Enameled Rim and Wolff's Compression "Monitor" Combination Supply, Waste and Overflow, Nickel Plated. Dimensions and Prices. Height on I^ft. 5 ft. 5>^ft. . ft. 2 in. 4 ft. 8 in. 5 ft. 2 in. 5 ft. 8 in $37.00 $40.00 $44.00 $49.00 Size of Tub, Length, including Fittings, Price as described, White Enameled, If with two Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes, add |3.00. Nickel Plated Brass Legs, each, extra, ^.75; Enameled Iron, |1.00. If with E-1311 Rough Brass Trap as shown on page 73, add |2.50; if Nickel Plated, add |3.50. Extra Long Vent to Wall, extra, 75 cents. Patented. "Monitor" Combination Supply, Waste and Overflow, included in E-1322 (Compression). Our Improved "Monitor" Combination Supply, Waste and Overflow is a simple and most practical modern sanitary arrangement ; being placed very near the end of the Tub it does not interfere with the bather. T/ie waste opening is two inches dear, therefore Tub can be quickly emptied, the waste pipes at the same time receiving a thorough flushing. All parts are accessible ; by removing cap on tube, the inside of same can be reached and kept as clean as its exterior surface. By comparing prices it will be seen that our "Monitor" attachment is hardly more expensive than the ordinary old style overflow, plug and chain attachment. When ordering or specifying, please give Catalogue Name and Number, viz: E-1322. 78 I.. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S "NEW MODEL" ENAMELED IRON BATHS. THE "CORONA." FOR PUBLIC BATHS, SANITARIUMS, HOSPITALS, BARRACKS, ETC. E-1323, 1325 and 1326 Baths are provided with Fixtures suitable for Public Baths, Sanitariums, Hospitals, etc. B-1323 has extra large Supply and Waste Fittings. The Falicets each have a full inch waterway, and the Waste Plug has a 2-inch Stopper and Outlet, therefore Tub can be filled with water and emptied in the least possible time, an important feature where baths must be given in rapid succession. For Sanitariums and Hotels at bathing resorts B-1325, shown on opposite page, is a desirable arrangement. The Supply and Waste Fittings have extra large openings, 1-inch Supply and 2-inch Outlet, and is provided with Supply Pipes to the floor. When desired, Nickel Plated Overflow can be furnished. B-1326 is adapted for use in Hospitals, Asylums, etc. The Fixtures, as shown, have no loose or removable parts. The Supply Fixtures can be operated only by the attendant, and should Plug and Chain be objectionable. Valve arrangement can be furnished for the Waste. Any of our Tubs can be furnished with Fixtures as shown in illustrations mentioned. lliiiMiii II III 111 II nil I III nil IIIIIHII llllllllllll Illlllllllllll ■III III III Willi E-1323. E 1323. Includes "White Enameled "Corona" Bath, with new design Enameled Rim, with two Nickel Plated Special 1-inch "Extra Pattern" Compression Faucets, Overflow Strainer and Chain, Nickel Plated Waste Plug with 2-inch Outlet and 2-inch Rubber Stopper. Dimensions and Prices. Height on 1/egs, 23 inches; Width over all, 30^^ inches; Depth inside, 17 inches. Size of Tub, - - . - I,ength over Rim, . . _ Length (including Fittings) Prices as described. White Enameled, 4 ft. 4)^ ft. 5 ft. 5j^ ft. 4 ft. 2 in. 4 ft. 8 in. 5 ft. 2 in. 5 ft. 8 in 4 ft. 4 in. 4 ft. 10 in. 5 ft. 4 in. 5 ft. 10 in $35.00 $38.00 $42.00 $47.00 If with two 1-inch Iron Pipe Size Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes, add |4.00. E-1323 has Extra Large Supply and Waste Fittings. AVhen ordering or specifying, please give Catalogue Name and Number, viz: E-1323. Iv. WOIvFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 79 WOLFF'S "NEW MODEL" ENAMELED IRON BATHS THE "CORONA." FOR PUBLIC BATHS, SANITARIUMS, HOSPITALS, BARRACKS, ETC. E-1325. E-1325. Includes White Enameled "Corona" Bath with new design Enameled Rim, with 1-inch Nickel Plated Special Compression Supply Fittings, 1-incli Nickel Plated Supply Pipes, Overflow Strainer and Chain, Nickel Plated Waste Plug with 2-inch Outlet and 2-inch Rubber Stopper. Dimensions and Prices. Height on Legs, 23 inches; Width over all, SO^j inches; Depth inside, 17 inches. 4 ft. 41^ ft. Size of Tub, ----.._-. Length over Rim, --...-.-._ Length (including Fittings), _-.__.-. Prices as described, White Enameled, ------- If Fixtures are not Nickel Plated, deduct $1.50. See page 74 for Overflow Connections. 5 ft. 5^ ft. 4 ft. 2 in. 4 ft. 8 in. 5 ft. 2 in. 5 ft. 8 in. 4 ft. 5 in. 4 ft. 11 in. 5 ft. 5 in. 5 ft. 11 in. $42.00 $45.00 $49.00 $54.00 llllliinillllinilllHr.iiilllliiininiiHIIlllliiiniii u.Biiiiiiiiiiiii{iiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii";i[Niiiiiiin!{iiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiniii!iiiii!:i|iiii mmmm^i%SM E-1326. E-1326. Includes White Enameled "Corona" Bath, with new design Enameled Rim, Loose Key Brass Valves with Bottom Supply Connection, No. 1 Rough Brass Overflow and Waste Connection with Overflow Strainer, Chain and Rubber Stopper. Fixtures inside of Tub are Nickel Plated. Dimensions and Prices. Size of Tub, ---....-.- 4 ft. Length over Rim (including Fittings), - - - - - - - 4 ft. Sin. Prices as described. White Enameled, ------- $38.75 If Fixtures are Polished and Nickel Plated, add $3.75. If with Supply Pipes to floor and Waste Coupling to Floor, add $1.00. If Tailpieces are bushed for Iron Pipe, add $1.00. When ordering or specifying, please give Catalogue Name and Number. 4t}4 ft. 5 ft. 4 ft. 8 in. 5 ft. 2 in. $41.75 $45.75 5^ ft. 5 ft. Sin. $50.75 80 I.. WOI.FF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S ''NEW MODEL" ENAMELED IRON BATHS. THE "CORONA." i. V^. ^.^---.AJ^fV I ^'^i.' ^\jf-* f»\||| .:.S-^,.£Jn-sr L^,r^iJa?^,,,;«| r^-^.^J]s^''i rr~^j_-^JL- ] -^-..i.'^ t- rs. r/.,;( |i|K. ti^L*^;! ."^f /■* - till;, IIIIIIU " " iiilliilliiiiillliilliiii«iiiiiiiii[iiiiiiiiiiiiiii!i[!iii;. iiiiiiiiniiiiiiuiiii; i'nniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiF".iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii[in!i;niiiiiiiiiiiiuiiii I :-5"f^ ■■Si' ' ;i|s. ^-(^Lfi^*^! .-^igAi'-.Kii! -ar^yvi niiiiiiiliiliNUiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiinv'iiiinii iiiiiiiiiiiin-, E ~ 1 32T.-{WITH HANDLES THROUGH RIM.) E-1327. Includes White Enameled "Corona" Bath with new design Enameled Rim, Polished and all Nickel Plated Compression Supply Fittings with Supply Pipes to floor, Polished and Nickel Plated No. O Connected Overflow and Waste Connection. Dimensions and Prices. Height on Legs, 23 inches ; Width over all, 30^^ inches ; Depth inside, 17 inches. Size of Tub, - - - -. - - - - - - 4 ft. 4>^ ft. Length over Rim, including Fittings, - - - - . _ . 4 ft. 2 in. 4 ft. 8 in. Price as described, White Enameled, ---.-.. |44.00 $47.00 5 ft. 5^ ft. 5 ft. 2 in. 5 ft. 8 in $51.00 $56.00 If with No. 1 (li^-inch) E-1314 Connected Overflow and Waste Connection with Cleanovit Screw, add 11.75. If with No. 2 (2-incli) E-1315 Connected Overflow and Waste Connection, add |3.00. If Fixtures below Rim are Nickel Plated on the Rough, not Polished, deduct $2.00. If Tub is Finished Zinc White outside, add |1().00. If with two Gold Bands, add, extra, |4.00. Nickel Plated Brass Legs, each, extra, |;1.75. Enameled Iron, each, extra fl.OO. Designs and prices of Hand-painted Borders will be furnished upon application. * , No additional space is required for Supply and Waste Fittings. See Illustration. The Fixtures for our Tubs are of special design, our own make, standard grade, and are carefully fitted and adjusted. Each Tub is thoroughly inspected before shipment. When specifying or ordering, please give Catalogue Name and Number, viz: E-1327. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 81 WOLFF'S "NEW MODEL" ENAMELED IRON BATHS. THE "CORONA." E-1328. E-1328. Includes Wliite Enameled "Corona" Bath, with new design Enameled Rim, Polished and Nickel Plated all over Compression Supply Fittings arranged for Bottom Supply, Nickel Plated all over Ideal Bath Waste, Nickel Plated Supply Pipes. Dimensions and Prices. Size of Tub, Length over Rim, Length, including Fittings, Prices as described, White Enameled, FULLER SUPPLY FITTINGS WITH WOLFF'S AIR CHAMBERS. /© ^ Height on Legs, 23 inches; Width over all, 30% inches; Depth Inside, 17 inches. - - - 4 ft. 4% ft. 5 ft. 5>^ ft. 4 ft. 2 in, 4 ft. 8 in. 5 ft. 2 in. 5 ft. 8 in. - 4 ft. 5 in. 4 ft. 11 in. 5 ft. 5 in. 5 ft. 11 in. $54.00 $57.00 $61.00 $66.00 Can be furnished with Fuller Supply Fittings; see E-1329, as shown on this page. If Fixtures below the Rim are Nickel Plated on the Rough, not Polished, deduct |5.50. If Tub is finished Zinc White outside, add |16.0D ; if with two Gold Bands, add extra $4.00. Nickel Plated Brass Legs, each, extra, |1.7.j ; Enameled Iron Legs, each, extra, |1.00. Designs and Prices of Hand-painted Borders furnished upon application. Dimensions and Pricks of 1)4^ -inch deeply countersunk Italian Marble Floor Slabs for ABOVE WITH NICKEL PLATED SaFE WaSTE GrATE. E-1329. E1329 can be furnished with E-132M Bath Tub instead of Compression Valves, as shown. Add to prices of E-1328, if with Air Chambers, J3.(io. Size of Tub, Size of Slab, Prices, Size of Tub, Size of vSlab, Prices, 4:}4 ft 5 ft. 6 in. X 2 ft. 8 in. $23.25 5>^ ft. 6 ft. 6 in. x2 ft. 8 in. $27.00 5 ft. 6 ft. X 2 ft. 8 in. $24.75 6 ft. 7 ft. X 2 ft. 8 in. $21). 00 The vSupply and Waste Fittings are our own make, .standard grade, and are carefully fitted to each tub before shipment. When ordering or specifying, please give Catalogue Name and Numljer, viz : E-1328. 82 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S UNDER- ROLL RIM ENAMELED IRON BATHS. THE "LETHEAN." ^^^^. ^f^(!^^:^^m£^^^^M^K^^ i^%(^j^ :_ I V -iH^^^fe^' I'^X.'^ ' E-1332. The "Lethban" Under-Roli, Rim Bath. E-1332 includes White Enameled " Lethean " Bath, with 4-inch Enameled Under-Roll Rim, Nickel Plated Special Fuller Double Faucet, Rough Brass Connected No. 1 Overflow and Waste Connection, Rubber Stopper and Nickel Plated Chain. Dimensions and Prices. Height on Legs, 22 inches ; Width over all, 33 inches ; Depth inside, 17 inches. E-1 333.— Patented. Cast Brass "Lethean" Bath Tub Trap. Above Trap is reversible and can, when desired, be used as indicated by dotted lines. Size of Tub Price as described. White Enameled, - 4>^ft. $47.75 5 ft. $51.75 5i4 ft. $56.75 6 ft. $61.75 Prices given above. If Overflow Connection is Polished Brass Nickel Plated, add $1.75 ; if Nickel Plated on the Rough, add 75 cents. Add for two Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes, Iron Pipe size, $3.00 ; if with Wolfif s Air Chambers, add $6.00. If with Rough Brass Trap with Vent, as shown inE-1333add $2.50; if Polished and Nickel Plated, add $3.50. Nickel Plated Brass Legs, each, extra, $1.75; Enameled Iron, $1.00. If Tub is finished Zinc White outside, add $16.00 ; Two Gold Bands, extra, $4.00. The Supply and Waste Fittings are our own make, standard grade, and are carefully fitted to each tub before shipment. Note. — When specifying or ordering, please give Catalogue Name and Number. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 83 WOLFFS UNDER- ROLL RIM ENAMELED IRON BATHS. THE ♦'LETHEAN." iiiiniiii«niiii^^^^^^^ E- 1 334. The "Lethkan" Under -Roll Rim Bath. E-1334 includes White Enameled "Lethean" Bath, with 4-inch Enameled Under-Roll Rim, Nickel Plated Special Fuller Double Faucet, Polished Brass Nickel Plated all over Ideal Bath Waste, and two Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes, Iron Pipe size, with Wolff's Air Chambers. Dime;nsions and Prices. Height on Legs, 22 inches ; Width over all, 33 inches ; Depth inside, 17 inches. ■ - 4:% ft. Size of Tub Price as described, "White Enameled, $59.50 5 ft. $63.50 5>^ft. $68.50 6 ft. $73.50 If Waste is Polished and Nickel Plated on Top and Grate and Nickel Plated on Rough Body, deduct $1.00. If Nickel Plated on Top and Grate only, deduct $1.50. If without Supply Pipes, deduct $6.00 ; if with Supply Pipes without Air Chambers, deduct $3.00. Nickel Plated Brass Legs, each, extra, $1.75 ; Enameled Iron, $1.00. If Tub is finished Zinc White outside, add $16.00; Two Gold Bands, extra, $4.00. The "Lethean" is one of our "New Model" Baths, and has a 4-inch special design under-roll rim, different in shape and outline from any of these baths This tub is about two inches less in height and is wider than the ordinary bath tubs. The Supply and Waste Fixtures are of special design and are perfectly fitted to and through the rim, thus requiring no additional space. When ordering or specifying, please give Catalogue Name and Number, 84 Iv. WOIvFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S UNDER- ROLL RIM ENAMELED IRON BATHS. THE "LETHEAN." ^^^. ruuMiiumiiiiiimmTtiiiiiiiiiiii.... mum iuii:iiimmiiiiii^ ft. $59.25 6 ft. $64.25 If Trap is Polished Brass Nickel Plated, add ¥1.00. If without Trap, deduct $2.50. Two Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes, Iron Pipe size, extra, $3.00 ; if with Wolff's Air Chambers, $6.00. If Tub is finished Zinc White outside, add $16.00 ; Two Gold Bands, extra, $4.00. Patented. 'Monitor" Combination Snpply Waste and Overflow, included in B1335. The "Lethean" is one of our "New Model" Baths, and has a 4-inch special design under-roll rim, different in shape and outline from any of these baths The tub is about two inches less in height and is wider than the ordinary bath tubs. When ordering or specifying, please give Catalogue Name and Number, L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 85 WOLFF'S UNDER-ROLL RIM ENAMELED IRON BATHS. THE "LETHEAN." ^^-^ t^Tk|3^^^1l<§^Mg^^ E-1337. E-1337 includes White Enameled "Lethean" Bath, with 4-inch Enameled Under-Roll Rim and WolfFs Compression "Monitor" Combination Supply, Waste and Overflow, Nickel Plated. DiBIENSIONS AND PRICES. Height on Legs, 22 inches; Width over all, 33 inches; Depth inside, 17 inches. Size of Tttb (length over rim), Price as described, White Enameled, 41^ ft. $48.00 5 ft. $52.00 514 ft. $57.00 If with Straight Coupling to floor with Flange Nickel Plated, add SO cents. If with Rough Brass Trap as in E-1335, add 12.50 ; if Polished and Nickel Plated, add p.fjO. Add for two Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes, Iron Pipe size, $3.00. Nickel Plated Brass Legs, each, extra, |1.75 ; Enameled, each, extra, $1.00. 6 ft. $62.00 Patemtkd. Our Improved "Monitor" Combination Supply, Waste and Overflow is a simple and most practical modern sanitary arrangement ; being placed very near the end of the Tub it does not interfere with the bather. T/ie ivaste opening is two inches dear, therefore Tub can be quickly emptied, the waste pipes at the same time receiving a thorough flushing. All parts are accessible. By removing cap on tube the inside of same can be reached and kept as clean as its exterior surface. By comparing prices it will be seen that our "Monitor" atlacliment is hardly more expensive than the ordinary old style overflow, plug and chain arrangement. "Monitor" Combination Supply, Waste and Overflow, iucluded in E-1337. Note. — When specifying or ordering please designate as above, E-1337. 86 L. WOIvFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFFS UNDER- ROLL RIM ENAMELED IRON BATHS. THE "LETHEAN." ^^^ "imiimmiiiimiiiimiiiimiiiiiiii: -m. ; -^tf^^lMll^i^l^^rldBlir!^^ E-1338. The "IyEXhean" Under -Roi^ ft. 5 ft. 5^^ ft. 6 ft. Size of Slab, - - 5 ft. x 2 ft. 11 in. 5 ft. 6 in. x 2 ft. 11 in. 6 ft. x 2 ft. 11 in. 6 ft. 6 in. x 2 ft. 11 in. Price, with Nickel Plated) Safe Waste Grate, ( $23.00 $25.25 6 ft. X 2 ft. 11 in. $27.50 ).75 The "Lethean" is one of our "New Model" Baths, and has a 4-inch special design under-roU rim, different in shape and outline from any of these baths This tub is about two inches less in height and is wider than the ordinary bath tubs. The Supply and Waste Fixtures are of special design and are perfectly fitted to and through the rim, thus requiring no additional space. When ordering or specifying, please g^ve Catalogue Name and Number, L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 87 WOLFF'S UNDER-ROLL RIM ENAMELED IRON BATHS. THE "LETHEAN." E-1340. E- 1340 includes White Enameled "Lethean" Bath, with 4-inch Under-Roll Rim, finished Zinc White outside, with two Gold Bands, Polished and Nickel Plated all over Compression Supply Fittings for Bottom Supply, Nickel Plated all over Ideal Waste, Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes and E-1419 Nickel Plated Brass Shower with Supply Pipes to floor. Shampoo and 24x30 inch Oval Curtain Ring with Rubber Curtain, Rings and Holder. Size of Tub (length over all), Price as described, $135.00 5 ft. $139.00 5>^ ft. $144.00 6 ft. $149.00 When ordering or specifying, please give Catalogue Name and Number, I.. WOI.FF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S UNDER-ROLL RIM ENAMELED IRON BATHS. THE "LETHEAN." |ii^^irir^i®i^!'r^yut:^|(^l:; E- 1 34 1 . The "Lethean" Under -Roli, Rim Bath. E-1.341 includes White Enameled "Ivethean" Bath, with 4-inch Under-RoU Rim, Finished Zinc White Outside with two Gold Bands, Polished and Nickel Plated all over Compression Supply Fittings for bottom supply. Nickel Plated all over Ideal Bath Waste, Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes and Nickel Plated Brass Shampoo with Mixing Chamber and Sprinkler. Dimensions and Prices. Size of Tub (length over all), - - - - - - - - - 4>4 ft. Price as described, - - - - - - - - - - - $97.00 Nickel Plated Brass Legs, each, extra, |1.75. If with Check Valves on Shower Supply Pipes, add $5.00. Tub can be finished outside in Tints or with Decorated Border ; Can also be furnished with Fuller Supply Fittings ; see page 86. 5 ft. $101.00 5^ ft. $106.00 6 ft. 1111.00 Dimensions and Prices of I^-inch Deeply Countersunk Italian Marble Floor Slabs. Size of Tub, ----- Size of Slab, . . . . Price, with Nickel Plated Safe Waste Grate, 4^ ft. 5 ft. x2 ft. 11 in. $23.00 5 ft. 5 ft. 6 in. X 2 ft. 11 in $25.25 5>4 ft. 6 ft. 6 ft. X 2 ft. 11 in. 6 ft. 6 in. x 2 ft. 11 in. $27.50 $29.75 The "Lethean" is one of our "New Model" Baths, and has a 4-inch special design under-roll rim, different in shape and outline from any of these baths This tub is about two inches less in height and is wider than the ordinary bath tubs. The Supply and Waste Fixtures are of special design and are perfectly fitted to and through the rim, thus requiring no additional space. When ordering or specifying, please give Catalogue Name and Number, L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 89 WOLFF'S UNDER-ROLL RIM ENAMELED IRON BATHS. THE " MINERVA." The " Minerva " Bath has an Under-Roll Rim, a perfect continuous roll. This great improvement over the ordinary Roll Rim is a new and original construction introduced by us. The "Minerva" is classed with our "New Model Baths." These Baths are the very newest in design, are of superior outline and construction, and have been designed to meet every requirement of a modern Bath. THE "MINERVA," WITH COMB COCK ONLY. ^..-> iiM^- k3 ^;^d ■3j^^^^ inches ; Width over all, 31 inches ; Depth inside, 19 inches. Size of Tub - - 4>^"- 5 ft. 5>^ft. Length, including Fittings, Price as described, 4 ft. 8 in. $51.75 5 ft. 2 in. $55.75 5 ft. 8 in. $60.75 6 ft. 6 ft. 2 in, $67.75" If Overflow Connection is Polished Brass Nickel Plated, add $1.75 ; if Nickel Plated on the Rough, add 75 cents. Add for two Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes, Iron Pipe size, with Wolff's Air Chambers, if without Air Chambers, add $3.00. If with Rough Brass Trap with Vent, as shown in E-1345, add $2.50; if Polished and Nickel Plated, Extra Long Vent to Wall, extra, 75 cents. Nickel Plated Brass Legs, each, extra, $1.75; Enameled Iron, each, extra, $1.00. If Tub is finished Zinc White outside, add $16.00 ; Two Gold Bands, extra, $4.00. Soap Cup, Towel Racks, etc., are shown on pages 57 to 60 When ordering or specifying, please give Catalogue Name and Number, i.OO; add 13.50 L. WOIvFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 91 WOLFF'S UNDER-ROLL RIM ENAMELED IRON BATHS. FOR PUBLIC BATHS. SANITARIUMS, HOSPITALS, BARRACKS, ETC. ^rm^^-i^nr^0\^rm^fc^^\jr3^ ^3^'>\imiifW\(r^W}r^^ E- 1 346. E-13-i6 includes White Enameled "Minerva" Bath, with 3-inch Under-RoU Enameled Rim, with 1-inch Nickel Plated Special Compression Supply Fittings, with 1-inch Nickel Plated Supply Pipes, Overflow Strainer and Chain. Nickel Plated Waste Plug with 2-inch Outlet and 2-inch Rubber Stopper. Size of Tub Length, including Fittings, Price as described. Prices. 414 ft. 5 ft. 514 ft. 6 ft. 4 ft. 9 in. 5 ft. 3 in. 5 ft. 9 in. 6 ft. 3 in. $57.00 )1.00 $66.00 If Fixtures are not Nickel Plated, deduct $1.50. $73.00 E-1347. E-1347 includes White Enameled " Minerva" Bath, with 3-inch Under-Roll Enameled Rim, with two Nickel Plated Special 1-inch "Extra Pattern " Compression Faucets, Overflow Strainer and Chain, Nickel Plated Waste Plug with 2-iuch Outlet and 2-inch Stopper. Size of Tub - - - - - - - - 4)^ ft. 5 ft. Length, including Fittings, - _ . - . . . . - 4 ft. 7 in. 5 ft. 1 in. Price as de.scribed, -.-..----. $50.00 $54.00 If with two 1-inch Nickel Plated Supply Pipes, add 14.00. Note. — The Supply Fittings of E-134ti and 1347 have full 1-inch Waterways and the Wastes have 2-inch Openings, therefore Tub can be filled and emptied rapidly. 5>^ ft. 5 ft. 7 in $59.00 6 ft. 6 ft. 1 in. $66.00 92 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S UNDER-ROLL RIM ENAMELED IRON BATHS. THE '«niNERVA." ^^3^! „-~/n5,^S)^ "J~!j= -^S! I (r% ry^^ I (T ^S3^j> I ii ^?^l (i,:~^%^-3 iCf^^i^l (T^.:;^:^ (T"^ E-1349. The "Minerva" Under -Roli, Rim Bath. E-1349 includes White Enameled "Minerva" Bath, with 3iuch Under-Roll Enameled Rim, Nickel Plated Special Fuller Double Faucet and Polished Brass Nickel Plated all over Ideal Bath Waste. Size of Tub Length, including Fittings, Price as described, Dimensions and Prices. Height on Legs, 2i'/i inches ; Width over all, 31 inches ; Depth inside, 19 inches. 4}4 ft. 5 ft. 4 ft. 9 in. 5 ft. 3 in. $57.50 $61.50 5^ ft. 5 ft. 9 in. $66.50 TRAP FOR IDEAL WASTE, 6 ft. 6 ft. 3 in, $73.50 If Waste is Polished and Nickel Plated on Top and Grate and Nickel Plated on Rough Body, deduct fl.OO. If Nickel Plated on Top and Grate only, deduct $1.50. Add, for two Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes, Iron Pipe Size, $3.00. If with Supply Pipes with Wolff's Air Chambers, add $6.00. Nickel Plated Brass Legs, each, extra, ^1.75 ; Enameled Iron, each, extra, $1.00. If Tub is finished Zinc White outside, add |16.00 ; Two Gold Bands, extra, p. 00. Can be furnished with Compression Double Bath Faucet E-316 at same price. Soap Cups, Towel Racks, etc., are shown on pages 57 to 60. If with Rough Brass Trap, E-1350, add |2.25; if Polished and Nickel Plated, add |3.2o. » Dimensions and Prices of Ii^^-inch Deeply Countersunk Italian Marble Floor Slabs for above. Size of Tub, . . . . . Size of Slab, --..._ Price, witli Nickel Plated Safe Waste Grate, Size of Tub, . . . . „ vSize of Slab, - . ... Price, with Nickel Plated Safe Waste Grate, 4>^ft. 5 ft. 6 in. X 2 ft. 9 in. $23.75 5)4 ft. 6 ft. 6in. x2 ft. 9 in. $28.25 5 ft. 6 ft. X 2 ft. 9 in. $26.00 6 ft. 7 ft. X 2 ft. 9 in. 30.50 E-I350 Brass Trap for use with Ideal Bath Waste, see above for prices. Note. — The width of above P^loor .Slabs allows one inch space between wall and Tub, and one inch for wainscoting. When ordering or specifying, please give Catalogue Name and Number. 94 h. WOIvFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S UNDER-ROLL RIM ENAMELED IRON BATHS. THE "MINERVA. ■jrS^j^i ~^^^/p ,,-^r9Sv? ^^-jH)>>*i I, in~-^. E-1351. The "Minerva" Under -Roli; Rim Bath. E-1351 includes White Enameled "Minerva" Bath, with 3-inch Under-Roll Enameled Rim and Wolffs Fuller "Monitor" Combination Supply, Waste and Overflow, Nickel Plated. E-1 352.— Patented. 'Monitor" Combination Supply, Waste aud Overflow, as included in E-1351. (Fuller). Dimensions and Prices. Height on Legs, 24}i inches; Width over all, 31 inches; Depth inside, 19 inches. Size of Tub - - - 4>^ ft. 5 ft. 5^4 ft. Length, including Fittings, - - - 4 ft. 7 in. 5 ft. 1 in. 5 ft. 7 in. Price as described, .... $52.00 $56.00 $61.00 6 ft. 6 ft. 1 in. $68.00 If with Straight Coupling to floor, Nickel Plated, add $1.00. If with Rough Brass Trap as inE-1345add |2.50; if Polished aud Nickel Plated, add |:3.50. Add for two Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes, |3.00 ; if with Supply Pipes with Wolff's Air Chambers, add |6.00. Nickel Plated Brass Legs, each, extra, $1.75; Enameled, each, extra, $1.00. If Tub is finished Zinc White or Tinted outside, add $16.00 ; Two Gold Bands, extra, $4.00. 134: -inch deeply countersunk Italian Marble Floor Slabs, $1.50 per foot extra. Our Improved "Monitor" Combination Supply, Waste and Overflow is a simple and most practical modern sanitary arrangement ; being placed very near the end of the Tub, it does not interfere with the bather. The waste operiing is two inches clear, therefore Tub can be quickly emptied, the waste pipes at the same time receiving a thorough flushing. All parts are accessible. By removing cap on tube, the inside of same can be reached and kept as clean as its exterior surface. By comparing prices it will be seen that our "Monitor" attachment is hardly more expensive than the ordinary old style overflow, plug and chain arrangement. Note. — When specifying or ordering, please designate as above, E-1351. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 95 WOLFFS UNDER-ROLL RIM ENAMELED IRON BATHS. THE "MINERVA." ,^-^M^ m^^::QMl^^Ms^^^W!iSMj^^^€^^M^ S'^^-i^^^l^O -r^^'' E-1353. E-1354. Fuller Supply Fittings with Wolff's Air Chambers. E-135t can be furnished with R-13.53 Bath Tub, instead of Compression Valves, as shown. Add to prices of E-1353, if with Air Chambers, |3.00. The "Minerva" Under-Roll Rim Bath. E-1353 includes White Enameled "Minerva" Bath, with 3-inch Under-Roll Rim, Polished and Nickel Plated all over Compression Supply Fittings arranged for Bottom Supply, Nickel Plated all over Ideal Bath Waste, and Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes. Dimensions and Prices.. Height on Legs, 24_^ inches ; Width over all, 31 inches ; Depth inside, 19 inches. Size of Tub (length over rim), - - - 4)4 it. 5 ft. 5^^ ft. 6 ft. Length, including Fittings, - - - 4 ft. 10 in. 5 ft. 4 in. 5 ft. 10 in. 6 ft. 4 in. Price as described, White Enameled, - - $69.00 $73.00 $78.00 $85.00 Can be furnished with Fuller Supply and Waste Fittings; see E-1351, shown below. If Fixtures below Rim are Nickel Plated on the Rough, not Polished, deduct $5.50. If Tub is finished Zinc White outside, add $16.00 ; if with two Gold Bands, add extra, $4.00. Nickel Plated Brass Legs, each, extra, fl.75. Enameled Iron Legs, each, extra, $1.00. Soap Cups, Towel Racks and other Bath-Room Fixtures, are shown on pages 57 to 60. Dimensions and Prices of 1)^-inch Deeply Countersunk Italian Marble Floor Slabs for above. Size of Tub, - Size of Slab, Price, with Nickel Plated) Safe Waste Grate, ) 4>^ ft. 5 ft. 6 in. X 2 ft. 9 in. $23.75 5 ft. 6 ft. X 2 ft. 9 in. $2G.00 5>^ ft. 6 ft. 6 in. X 2 ft. 9 in. $28.25 6 ft. 7 ft. X 2 ft. 9 in. $30.50 The Minerva Bath has, as stated above, an under-roll rim — a perfect continuous enameled roll This great improvement over the ordinary roll-rim is a new and original construction invented and introduced by us. The Minerva is classed with our "New Model Baths." These Baths are the very newest in design, are of superior outline and construction, designed to meet every requirement of a modern bath. The Waste and Supply Fixtures are of special design, well made, finely finished, and carefully fitted to each tub before shipment. When specifying or ordering, please give Catalogue Name and Number, 96 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S UNDER- ROLL RIM ENAMELED IRON BATHS. THE "MINERVA. E-1355. The "Minerva" Under - RoIvI< Rim Bath. E-1355 includes "White Enameled "Minerva" Bath, with 3-inch Under-RoU Enameled Rim, finished Zinc White outside, with two Gold Bands, Polished and Nickel Plated all over Compression Supply Fittings for Bottom Supply, Nickel Plated all over Ideal Bath Waste, Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes and E-1420 Nickel Plated Brass Shower with Perforated Oval Ring Shower, Supply Pipes, Shampoo and 24x30 inch Oval Curtain Ring with Rubber Curtain, Rings and Holder. Size of Tub, - - - - - - - - - - 4}^ it. 5 ft. b}4 ft. 6 ft. Length, including Fittings, . ' . . . . - - - 4 ft. 10 in. 5 ft. 4 in. 5 ft. 10 in. 6 ft. 4 in. Price as described, ......... $144.00 $148.00 $153.00 IIGO.OO If with Check Valves on Shower Supply Pipes, add $5.00. If with regular Overhead Shower instead of Ring Shower, deduct $5.00. The Waste and Supply Fixtures are of special design, well made, finely finished and carefully fitted to each Tub. h. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 97 WOLFF'S UNDER- ROLL RIM ENAMELED IRON BATHS. THE "MINERVA." E-1356. The " Minerva " Under-Roi^l Rim Bath. E-13o6 includes White Enameled "Minerva" Bath, with 3-inch Under-Roll Enameled Rim, Finished Zinc White Outside with two Gold Bands, Polished and Nickel Plated all over Compression Supply Fittings for Bottom Supply, Nickel Plated all over Ideal Bath Waste, Nickel Plated Supply Pipes and Nickel Plated Brass Shampoo with Mixing Chamber and Sprinkler. Dimensions and Prices. Size of Tub Length, including Fittings, Price as described, 4/2 ft. 5 ft. 5>/ ft. 6 ft. 4 ft. 10 in. 5 ft. 4 in. 5 ft. 10 in. 6 ft. 4 in $101.00 $105.00 $110.00 $117.00 If with Check Valves on the Shampoo Supply Pipes, add |5.00. Nickel Plated Brass Legs, each, extra, $1.75. Tub can be finished outside in Tints or with Decorated Border; Can also be furnished with Fuller Supply Fittings ; see page 95. Dimensions and Prices of 1}^-inch Deeply Countersunk Italian Marble Floor Slabs. Size of Tub, . - - - Size of Slab, - _ . . Price, with Nickel Plated Safe Waste Grate, 4}4 ft. 5 ft. 6 in. X 2 ft. 9 in. $23.75 5 ft. 6 ft. X 2 ft. 9 in. $26.00 5i^ ft. 6 ft. 6 in. X 2 ft. 9 in. $28.25 6 ft. 7 ft. X 2 ft. 9 in. $30.50 The Minerva Bath has, as stated above, an under- roll rim — a perfect continuous enameled roll — This great improvement over the ordinary roll-rim is a new and original construction invented and introduced by us. The Minerva is classed with our "New Model Baths." These Baths are the very newest in design, are of superior outline and construction, designed to meet every requirement of a modern bath. The Waste and Supply Fixtures are of special design, well marie, finely finished, and carefully fitted to each tub. When ordering or specifying, please give Catalogue Name and Number. 98 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFFS UNDER- ROLL RIM ENAMELED IRON BATHS. THE "SULTANA." E-1359. The "Sui^ inches ; Width over all, 35 inches ; Depth inside, 19 inches. Size of Tub (length over all). Price as described, 5 ft. $85.00 5i^ ft. $90.00 6 ft. $97.00 If Fixtures below Rim are Nickel Plated on the Rough, not Polished, deduct $5.50. Nickel Plated Brass Legs, each, extra, $1.75; Enameled Iron, each, extra, |1.00. Fuller Supply Fittings, same price as Compression. If with Wolff's Air Chambers, as shown on page 100, E-1362 add $3.00. Bath Room Fixtures are shown on pages 57 to 60. Dimensions and Prices of Deeply Countersunk Italian Marble Floor Slabs for above. Size of Tub, ----...- 5ft. 5% ft. 6 ft. Size of Slab, - - . . . . . . 5 ft. 6 in. x 3 ft. 1 in. 6 ft. x 3 ft. 1 in. 6 ft. 6 in. x 3 ft. 1 in. Price, with Nickel Plated Safe Waste Grate, - - - - $26.75 $29.00 $31.25 Our Extra Wide Under=RoIl Rim is a new invention, never before attempted in the manufacture of Cast-Iron Enameled Baths by other makers. The Rim is a perfect continuous enameled roll, which in appearance far surpasses the All-Porcelain Bath, and is incomparably superior to the ordinary roll-rim enameled iron baths. In general appearance, beauty of outline and finish, and quality of enamel, these Baths are unequaled. We claim for these Baths that of being the very newest in design and of most approved construction, fully meeting every requirement of a modern per- fect Bath Tub. The Fixtures for these Tubs are of special design, are well made, finely finished and carefully fitted to each Bath before shipment. By referring to illustration it will be seen that the Supply and Waste Fittings are perfectly fitted to and through the rim, thus requiring no additional space for these Fixtures. When specifying or ordering, please give Catalogue Name and Number. ly. WOI.FF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 105 WOLFF'S UNDER-ROLL RIM ENAMELED IRON BATHS. THE "NEPTUNA," E-1369. The "Neptuna" Under-RolIv Rim Bath. E-1369 includes "Neptuna" White Enameled Bath, with 4^-inch Under-RoU Rim, iinished Zinc White outside, with two Gold Bands, Polished and Nickel Plated all over Fuller Supply Fittings arranged for Bottom Supply, Nickel Plated all over Ideal Bath Waste, Nickel Plated Supply Pipes with WolfTs Air Chambers and Nickel Plated Brass Shampoo with Mixing Chamber and Sprinkler. Legs finished same as Tub. Dimensions and Prices. Height on Legs, 24j4 inches ; Width over all, 35 inches ; Depth inside, 19 inches. Size of Tub Price, as described, 5 ft. $120.00 ^Y-z ft. $125.00 6 ft. $132.00 If Fixtures below Rim are Nickel Plated on the Rough, not Polished, deduct $5.50. If without Air Chambers on Supply Pipes, deduct $3.00. If without Gold Bands, deduct $4.00. Nickel Plated Brass Legs, each, extra, $1.75; Enameled Iron each, extra, $1.00. If with Compression Supply Fittings without Air Chambers, deduct $3.00. Dimensions and Prices of Deeply Countersunk Italian Marble Floor Slabs for above. Size of Tub, --------- 5 ft. 5)4 ft. 6 ft. Size of Slab, .--..... 5 ft. 6 in. x 3 ft. 1 in. 6 ft. x 3 ft. 1 in. 6 ft. G in. x 3 ft. 1 in. Price, with Nickel Plated Safe Waste Grate, - - - - $26.75 $29.00 $31.25 The Fixtures for these Tubs are of special design, are well made, finely finished, and carefully fitted to each Bath before shipment. By referring to illustration, it will be seen that the Supply and Waste Fittings are perfectly fitted to and through the rim, thus requiring no additional space for these Fixtures. When specifying or ordering, please give Catalogue Name and Number. 106 U WOI.FF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S UNDER- ROLL RIM ENAMELED IRON BATHS. THE "NEPTUNA.' E-1370. The "Neptuna" Under-Roi,!, Rim Bath. . E-1370 includes "Neptuna" White Enameled Bath, with 4X-inch Under-Roll Rim, finished Zinc White outside with two Gold Bands, Polished and Nickel Plated all over Compression Supply Fittings arranged for bottom supply. Nickel Plated all over Ideal Bath Waste, and Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes. Legs finished same as Tub. Dimensions and Prices. Height on Legs, 24 >^ inches ; Width over all, 35 inches ; Depth inside, 19 inches. _. ^ Size of Tub Price as described, finished outside, 5 ft. $105.00 bj4 ft. $110.00 6 ft. $117.00 If Fixtures below Rim are Nickel Plated on the Rough, not Polished, deduct $5.50. If without Gold Bands, deduct $4.00. Nickel Plated Brass Legs, each, extra, $1.75; Enameled Iron, each, extra, $1.00. Fuller Supply Fittings, same price as Compression. If with WolfTs Air Chambers, as shown on page 100, E-1362, add $3.00. Bath Room Fixtures are shown on pages 57 to 60. Dimensions and Prices op Deeply Countersunk Italian Marble Floor Slabs for above. Size of Tub, - - - 5ft. 5>^ ft. 6 ft. Size of Slab, -......- 5 ft. 6 in. x 3 ft. 1 in. 6 ft. x 3 ft. 1 in. 6 ft. 6 in. x 3 ft. 1 in. Price, with Nickel Plated Safe Waste Grate, - - - - $26.75 $29.00 $31.25 Our Extra Wide L)nder=Roll Rim is a new invention, never before attempted in the manufacture of Cast-Iron Enameled Baths by other makers. The Rim is a perfect continuous enameled roll, which in appearance far surpasses the All-Porcelain Bath, and is incomparably superior to the ordinary roll-rim enameled iron baths. In general appearance, beauty of outline and finish, and quality of enamel, these Baths are unequaled. We claim for these Baths that of being the very newest in design and of most approved construction, fully meeting every requirement of a modern per- fect Bath Tub. The Fixtures for these Tubs are of special design, are well made, finely finished and carefully fitted to each Bath before shipment. By referring to . illustration it will be seen that the Supply and Waste Fittings are perfectly fitted to and through the rim, thus requiring no additional space for these Fixtures. When specifying or ordering, please give Catalogue Name and Number. h. WOI.FF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 107 WOLFFS UNDER- ROLL RIM ENAMELED IRON BATHS. THE '«NEPTUNA," E-1371 "Neptuna" Bath, with 43^.inch Uuder-Roll Rim and Wolff's E-1410 Patent Folding Needle and Shower Bath. See following page for description and prices. Dimensions of Tub are same as E-1370. 108 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFFS UNDER- ROLL RIM ENAMELED IRON BATHS. THE "NEPTUNA." E-1371. (Shown on page 107.) E-1371 includes "Neptuna" White Enameled Bath, with 4X-inch Under-Roll Rim, finished Zinc White outside, with two Gold Bands, Polished and Nickel Plated all over Compression Supply Fittings arranged for Bottom Supply, Nickel Plated all over Ideal Bath Waste, Nickel Plated Supply Pipes and WolfiPsE-1410 Patent Folding Needle and Shower Bath, Nickel Plated, with Rubber Curtains, Curtain Rings and Hooks. Size of Tub Price as described, 51^ ft. $285.00 6 ft. $292.00 If without Gold Bands, deduct $4 00. E-1372. Needle Bath folded as shown ; the Bath Tub is entirely free from obstruction, ready for ordinary bathing purposes. E-1372^. Needle Bath with one arm extended and curtain partly drawn around. E-1373. Needle Bath with both arms extended and curtain drawn around, entirely inclosing bather and confin- ing spray within the space of curtain ring. A needle and shower bath so constructed that it can be folded together when not in use is an entirely new and original arrangement, adapted equally well for use in Turkish baths, athletic clubs, etc., or the private bath room. Wolff's Patent Folding Needle Bath, when folded as shown in E-1372 requires but 9 inches of space, this being the projection from wall ; it can therefore be used to advantage in the smallest bath room ; when placed over a bath tub and folded as shown it leaves the tub entirely free for the bather's use, not possible with other needle baths now made intended for such use; these are secured to the tub by means of brass rods, etc., to hold them in place, permanently obstructing the free use of the bath tub. Wolfif's Folding Needle Bath is a practical and complete apparatus designed to produce the very best results ; it is strongly made, carefully put together and of handsome design ; a useful and desirable modern bath room fixture. The shower and needle bath or the bath tub fixtures can be operated separately or together, as desired, as each is governed by its own valves. When specifying or ordering, please give Catalogue Name and Number. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 109 WOLFF'S UNDER- ROLL RIM ENAMELED IRON BATHS. THE "NEPTUNA." E-1376. E-13T6 includes " Neptuna " White Enameled Bath, with 4^-inch Under-Roll Rim, finished Zinc White outside, with two Gold Bands, Polished and Nickel Plated all over Compression Supply Fittings arranged for Bottom Supply, Nickel Plated all over Ideal Bath Waste, Nickel Plated Supply Pipes and E-1419 Nickel Plated Brass Shower with Supply Pipes, Shampoo and 24x30 inch Oval Curtain Ring with Rubber Curtain, Rings and Holder. Size of Tub 5 ft. 5>^ ft. 6 ft. Price as described (finished outside), - - - - - - - - - $155.00 $160.00 $167.00 Dimensions are same as E-1370 If with Check Valves on Shower Supply Pipes, add $5.00. If with Oval Perforated Ring Shower E-1420 add $5.00. When ordering or specifying, please give Catalogue Name and Number, 110 Iv. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S UNDER- ROLL RIM ENAMELED IRON BATHS. THE "TRITON" E-1378. The "Triton" Under -Roli, Rim Bath. E-1378 includes "Triton" White Enameled Bath, with 3-inch Under-RoU Rim, Polished and Nickel Plated all over Fuller Supply Fittings arranged for Bottom Supply, Nickel Plated all over Ideal Bath Waste, and Nickel Plated Supply Pipes. Dimensions and Prices. Height on Legs, 22^ inches ; Width over all, 32 inches ; Depth inside, 17 inches. Size of Tub Price as described. 5 ft. $75.00 5i^ ft. $80.00 If Fixtures below Rim are Nickel Plated on the Rough, not Polished, deduct $5.50. If with Wolffs Air Chambers on Supply Pipes, add $3.00. If Tub is finished Zinc White outside, add $16.00; if with two Gold Bands, add extra, $4.00. Nickel Plated Brass Legs, each, extra, $1.75; Fnameled Iron, each, extra, $1.00. For Prices of Floor Slabs see opposite page. 6 ft. $86.00 Our Under=Roll Rim is a new invention, never before attempted in the manufacture of Cast-Iron Enameled Baths by other makers. The Rim is a perfect continuous enameled roll, which in appearance far surpasses the All-Porcelain Bath, and is incomparably superior to the ordinary roll-rim enameled iron baths. In general appearance, beauty of outline and finish, and quality of enamel, these Baths are unequaled. We claim for these Baths that of being the very newest in design and of most approved construction, fully meeting every requirement of a modern perfect Bath Tub. The Fixtures for these Tubs are of special design, are well made, finely finished and carefully fitted to each Bath before shipment. When ordering or specifying, please give Catalogue Name and Number, L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Ill WOLFF'S UNDER- ROLL RIM ENAMELED IRON BATHS. THE "TRITON." m iiii„iiiiiiiiii««i«i]«BmiiiiiiiiNiimiiB«w™"»iiii«««™™i ,,„„.iii,ii,m«imi ■i«Biiiiiiiiiiii!iii iiiiuMiiiraiiBiiaiMNmiiimimi ' «'" «"»»«»""«« ' i«i«i«i"»m' E-1379. The "Triton" Under -Ron Rim Bath. E-1379 includes "Triton" White Enameled Bath, with 3-inch Under-Roll Rim, Polished and Nickel Plated all over Compression Supply Fittings arranged for bottom supply, Nickel Plated all over Ideal Bath Waste, and Nickel Plated Supply Pipes. Dimensions and Prices. Height on Iiegs, 22>^ inches ; Width over all, 32 inches ; Depth inside, 17 inches. Size of Tub Price as described, 5 ft. $75.00 5)4 ft. $80.00 6 ft. 186.00 If Fixtures below Rim are Nickel Plated on the Rough, not Polished, deduct $5.50. If Tub is finished Zinc White outside, add $16.00; if with two Gold Bands, add extra, $4.00. Nickel Plated Brass Legs, each, extra, $1.75; Enameled Iron, each, extra, $1.00. Dimensions and Prices of Deeply Countersunk Italian Marble Floor Slabs for above. 5 ft. 5^ ft. 5 ft. 6 in. X 3 ft. 6 ft. x 3 ft. Price, with Nickel Plated Safe Waste Grate, ----.- $26.00 $28.25 Size of Tub, Size of Slab, 6 ft. 6 ft. 6 in. X 3 ft. $30.50 Our Under=RoII Rim is a new invention, never before attempted in the manufacture of Cast-iron Enameled Baths by other makers. The Rim is a perfect continuous enameled roll, which in appearance far surpasses the All-Porcelain Bath, and is incomparably superior to the ordinary roll-rim enameled iron baths. In general appearance, beauty of outline and finish, and quality of enamel, these Baths are unequaled. We claim for these Baths that of being the very newest in design and of most approved construction, fully meeting every requirement of a modern perfect Bath Tub. The Fixtures for these Tubs are of special design, are well made, finely finished and carefully fitted to each Bath before shipment. When ordering or specifying, please give Catalogue Name and Number, 112 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFFS UNDER- ROLL RIM ENAMELED IRON BATHS. E-1380. The "Triton" Under -Roi.i< Rim Bath. E-1380 includes White Enameled "Triton" Bath, with 3-inch Under-Roll Rim, finished Zinc White outside, with two Gold Bands, Polished and Nickel Plated all over Compression Supply Fittings for Bottom Supply, Nickel Plated all over Ideal Bath Waste, Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes and Nickel Plated Brass Shampoo with Mixing Chamber and Sprinkler. Dimensions and Prices. Height on I^egs, 22yi inches ; Width over all, 32 inches ; Depth inside, 17 inches. Size of Tub Price as described, 5 ft. $107.00 5^ ft. $112.00 6 ft $118.00 If Fixtures below Rim are Nickel Plated on the Rough, not Polished, deduct |5.50. If with WolfiPs Air Chambers on Supply Pipes, add |3.00. If Tub is not finished Zinc White outside, deduct $16.00 ; if without Gold Bands, deduct $4.00. Nickel Plated Brass Legs, each, extra, $1.75; Enameled Iron, each, extra, $1.00. For Prices of Floor Slabs, see page 111. Our Under=Roll Rim is a new invention, never before attempted in the manufacture of Cast-iron Enameled Baths by other makers. The Rim is a perfect continuous enameled roll, which in appearance far surpasses the All-Porcelain Bath, and is incomparably superior to the ordinary roll-rim enameled iron baths. In general appearance, beauty of outline and finish, and quality of enamel, these Baths are unequaled. We claim for these Baths that of being the very newest in design and of most approved construction, fully meeting every requirement of a modern perfect Bath Tub. The Fixtures for these Tubs are of special design, are well made, finely finished and carefully fitted to each Bath before shipment. When ordering or specifying, please give Catalogue Name and Number, Iv. WOIvFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 113 WOLFF'S UNDER- ROLL RIM ENAMELED IRON BATHS. THE "TRITON." E-1381. E-1381 includes "Triton " White Enameled Bath, with 3-inch Under-Roll Rim, finished Zinc White outside, with two Gold Bands, Polished and Nickel Plated all over Compression Supply Fittings arranged for Bottom Supply, Nickel Plated all over Ideal Bath Waste, Nickel Plated Supply Pipes and E-1419 Nickel Plated Brass Shower with Supply Pipes, Shampoo and 24x30 inch Oval Curtain Ring with Rubber Curtain, Rings and Holder. Size of Tub ....--.--- 5 ft. 51^ ft. 6 ft. Price as described (finished outside), --------- $145.00 $150.00 $156.00 If with Check Valves on Shower vSupply Pipes, add $.5.00. If with Oval Perforated Ring Shower K-1420 add Jio.OO. For prices of Marble Floor Slabs, see page 111. When ordering or specifying, please give Catalogue Name and Number, 114 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFFS UNDER- ROLL RIM ENAMELED IRON BATHS. THE ''TRITON." E-1382. E-1382 includes "Triton" White Enameled Bath, with 3-inch Under-RoU Rim, Finished Zinc White Outside, vdth two Gold Bands, Polished and Nickel Plated all over Compression Supply Fittings for Bottom Supply, Nickel Plated all over Ideal Bath Waste, Nickel Plated Supply Pipes and Wolffs E-1410 Patent Folding Needle and Shower Bath, Nickel Plated; Rubber Curtain, Curtain Rings and Hooks. Size of Tub Price as described, 51^ ft. $275.00 6 ft. $281.00 See page 108, showing sectional cut of Needle Bath. When ordering or specifying, please give Catalogue Name and Number, L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 115 WOLFF'S NEW DESIGN UNDER-ROLL RIM ENAMELED IRON BATHS. THE "NOVITAS" (PATENTED) E-1385. With High Head End. E-1.38.5. "Novitas" Bath, White Enameled, with Under-roll Rim and Wolff's Fuller Monitor Combination Supply and Waste, Nickel Plated Supply Pipes with Air Chambers, Finished Zinc White Outside with two Gold Bands. Dimensions and Prices. Length over Rim, 5 feet 2% inches; Width 333^ inches; 16 inches deep; Height at head end from floor, 30 inches. Price as described, $100.00 If without Zinc White Finish or Gold Bands, deduct $20.00. When ordering or specifying, please give Catalogue Name and Number, viz: E-1385. 116 L. WOLFF MAN-UFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S "EXTRA LARGE" ENAMELED IRON BATH. THE "NATATORIA." wi iinni!iiiiii>ii!iiii{iiii iiiiiiiiiiniiiiiniiiiiiiiiiii jinniiiiiiniiiiiigiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiininiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin mMi ^^S3fe.i ■^^^feif^^^^ E-1386. Extra Largb. E-1386. "Natatona" White Enameled Iron Bath, with 3i^-inch Roll Rim, Polished and all Nickel Plated Compression Supply Fittings with large Spout coming over Rim; Supply Pipes to floor, Polished and all Nickel Plated, No. 2 Connected Overflow and Waste Connection, Dimensions and Price. Length over Rim, 6 feet 7 inches; Width over all, 34 inches; Width inside, 27 inches; Height on Legs, 24}^ inches; Depth inside, 19 inches. Price as described (6 feet 7 inches long), White Enameled, --------- «85 00 As will be seen by dimensions, the "Natatona" is of extra large size, wider and longer than any other Enameled Tub i in use. When ordering or specifying, please give Catalogue Name and Number, viz: E-1386. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 117 WOLFF'S PORTABLE ENAMELED IRON BATHS. THE "CORONA." FOR HOSPITALS AND ASYLUMS. E-1387. E-1387. Includes White Enameled "Corona" Bath with Wheels; new DEStGN Enameled Rim. IJ^-inch Brass Outlet with Valve, and Double Rubber Tired Wheels. Dimensions and Prices. Size of Tub, - Length over Rim, Prices as described, 4 ft. 4>^ ft. 5 ft. 5>4 ft. 4 ft. 2 in. 4 ft. Sin. 5 ft. 2 in. 5 ft. 8 in $51.00 $54.00 $58.00 $63.00 Above can be furnished with Carriage having Swiveled Axle if desired. When ordering or specifying, please give Catalogue Name and Number, viz: E-1387. 118 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S "NEW MODEL" ENAMELED IRON BATHS. THE "CORONA." WITH EXTENSION LEGS. FOR HOSPITALS AND ASYLUMS. S^HMS^ iiiiiiiiiiiiii[[[iiiiiiiiiiiii{iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii[iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiii«uiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiniiiiiiin^ ffiW%&^*R E-1388. Top of Rim 30 inches from Fi,oor. 4 ft. 4i^ft. 5 ft. 5j^ft. ft. 2 in. 4ft. Sin. 5 ft. 2 in. 5ft. Sin $59.00 $62.00 $66.00 $71.00 E-1388. Includes "White Enameled "Corona" Bath with new design Enameled Rim, Polished and all Nickel Plated Compression Supply Fittings with Supply Pipes to floor, Polished and Nickel Plated Connected Overflow and Waste Connection, and I^egs with Brass Extension. Dimensions and Prices. Height on Ivegs, 30 inches ; Width over all, 30)^ inches ; Depth inside, 17 inches. Size of Tub, ...--....- Length over Rim (including Fittings), -.._..- Prices as described, White Enameled, ...... If with No. 1 (13^-inch) E-1315 Connected Overflow and Waste Connection with Cleanout Screw, add |1.75. If with No. 2 (2-inch) E-1316 Connected Overflow and Waste Connection, add f3.00. If Fixtures below the Rim are Nickel Plated on the Rough, not Polished, deduct |2.00. If Tub is Finished Zinc White outside, add $16. 00; if with two Gold Bands, add, extra, |4.00. No additional space is required for Supply and Waste Fittings. See illustration. The Legs can be furnished with Flange Base instead of Ball if desired. Above will be found to be a convenient and very practical arrangement where patient requires rubbing or local treatment while in the Bath. Iv. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 119 WOLFFS "MONARCH" PORCELAIN BATHS. FRENCH SHAPE, PARALLEL SIDES. E-1390. E-1390 includes "Monarch" Porcelain Roll-Rim Bath, finished Zinc White outside, with two Gold Bands, Polished and Nickel Plated all over Compression Supply Fittings for Bottom Supply, Nickel Plated all over Ideal Bath Waste, Nickel Plated Supply Pipes and four Italian Marble Legs. Dimensions and Prices. Size of Tub, - - . . Length over Rim, _ _ . Length, including Fittings, Price as described, with Valves as shown, 5 ft. 5 ft. 5 ft. 6 in. $198.00 5i^ ft 5>^ ft. 6 ft. $203.00 If without Gold Bands, deduct $4.00. If Bath is Glazed outside instead of Zinc White Finish, add $20.00. Fuller Supply Fittings, same price. If with Air Chambers on Supply Pipes, add $3.00. Dimensions and Prices of Ij^-inch Deeply Countersunk Italian Marble Floor Slabs for above. Size of Tub, . . . . Size of vSlab, .... Price, with Nickel Plated Safe Waste Grate, 5 ft. 6 ft. X 2 ft. 7 in. $24.50 5i^ ft. 6 ft. 6 in. X 2 ft. 7 in. $26.75 Our "Monarch" Porcelain Baths are of the best English manufacture, being made for us by the oldest and largest manufacturers of such goods in England. These baths are made after new Models, with a view to meet every requirement as to utility and comfort and beauty of outline. Being absolutely non -absorbent, and, as shown, provided with our Improved Supply and Waste Fittings, Marble Legs and Finished Zinc White Outside, our "Monarch" Baths will, in every particular, fully meet the demand for a Perfect Modern Bath. 120 I.. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFFS ''MONARCH" PORCELAIN BATHS. FRENCH SHAPE, PARALLEL SIDES. E-1391. E-1391 includes "Monarch" Porcelain Roll-Rim Bath, finished Zinc White outside, with two Gold Bands, Polished and Nickel Plated all over Compression Supply Fittings for Bottom Supply, Nickel Plated all over Ideal Bath Waste, Nickel Plated Supply Pipes, four Italian Marble IvCgs and Nickel Plated Brass Shampoo with Mixing Chamber and Sprinkler. Dimensions and Prices. Size of Tub, . - . -' Length over Rim, - _ _ Length, including Fittings, Price as described, with Valves as shown. 5 ft. 5 ft. 5 ft. 6 in. $210.00 5>^ ft 5j4 ft. 6 ft. $215.00 If without Gold Bands, deduct $4.00. If Bath is Glazed outside instead of Zinc White Finish, add $26.00. Fuller Supply Fittings, same price. If with Air Chambers on Supply Pipes, add $3.00. Dimensions and Prices of 1^-inch Deeply Countersunk Italian Marble Floor Slabs for above. Size of Tub, ----....-... 5 ft. 5^ ft. Size of Slab, . - . . . . . . . . . 6 ft. X 2 ft. 7 in. 6 ft. 6 in. x 2 ft. 7 in. Price, with Nickel Plated Safe Waste Grate, ....... $24.50 $26.75 Our "Monarch" Porcelain Baths are of the best English manufacture, being made for us by the oldest and largest manufacturers of such goods in England. These baths are made after new Models, with a view to meet every requirement as to utility and comfort and beauty of outline. Being absolutely non-absorbent, and, as shown, provided with our Improved Supply and Waste Fittings, Marble Legs and Finished Zinc White Outside, our "Monarch" Baths will, in every particular, fully meet the demand for a Perfect Modern Bath. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 121 WOLFFS "MONARCH" PORCELAIN ROMAN BATH. ROLL- RIM. E-1392. E-1392 includes 5 ft. 3 in. "Monarch" Porcelain Roll-Rim Roman Bath, Finished Zinc White Outside, with two Gold Bands, Nickel Plated all over Fuller Double Bath Faucet for Bottom Supply, Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes to Floor, with Wolff's Air Chambers, Nickel Plated all over Ideal Waste and four Italian Marble I^egs. Price as described, with Fuller Faucet, If with Compression Valves, without Air Chambers, deduct. If without Gold Bands, deduct, _ _ _ $210.00 3.00 4.00 IX-inch Deeply Countersunk Italian Marble Floor Slab, 6 ft. x3 ft. 2 in., extra, $28.50. Dimensions. Length of Tub, outside, 5 ft. 3 in. ; Width, outside, 2 ft. 5 in. ; Width, including Fittings, 2 ft. 10;^ in. ; Depth, inside, 1 ft. 6 in. Our "Monarch" Porcelain Baths are of the best English manufacture, being made for us by the oldest and largest manufacturers of such goods in England. These baths are made after new Models, with a view to meet every requirement as to utility and comfort and beauty of outline. Being absolutely non -absorbent, and, as shown, provided with our Improved Supply and Waste Fittings, Marble Legs and Finished Zinc White Outside, our "Monarch" Baths will, in every particular, fully meet the demand for a Perfect Modern Bath. 122 L. WOIvFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFFS "MONARCH" PORCELAIN ROMAN BATH. ROLL- RIM. E-1393. E-1393 includes 5 ft. 3 in. "Monarch" Porcelain Roll-Rim Roman Bath, Finished Zinc White Outside, with two Gold Bands, Nickel Plated all over Fuller Double Bath Faucet for Bottom Supply, Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipes to Floor, with Wolff's Air Chambers, Nickel Plated all over Ideal Waste, four Italian Marble Legs and Nickel Plated Shampoo, with Mixing Chamber and Sprinkler. Price as described, - - - - . If with Compression Valves, without Air Chambers, deduct, If without Gold Bands, deduct, ... If without Nickel Plated Shampoo, deduct, $224.00 3.00 4.00 12.00 1^-inch Deeply Countersunk Itahan Marble Floor Slab, 6 ft. x3 ft. 2 in., extra, $28.50. Dimensions. Length of Tub, outside, 5 ft. 3 in. ; Width, outside, 2 ft. 5 in. ; Width, including Fittings, 2 ft. 10>^ in. ; Depth, inside, 1 ft. 6 in. Our "Monarch" Porcelain Baths are of the best English manufacture, being made for us by the oldest and largest manufacturers of such goods in England. These baths are made after new Models, with a view to meet every requirement as to utility and comfort and beauty of outline. Being aboolutely non-absorbent, and, as shown, provided with our Improved Supply and Waste Fittings, Marble Legs and Finished Zinc White Outside, our "Monarch" Baths will, in every particular, fully meet the demand for a Perfect Modern Bath. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 123 WOLFF'S ENAMELED IRON FOOT BATH. E-1396. E-1396 includes White Enameled Iron Foot Tub, finished Zinc White outside, with two Gold Bands, Nickel Plated all over Compression Supply Fittings arranged for Bottom Supply, Nickel Plated all over Ideal Waste and Supply Pipes. $50.00 Price as described, If without Zinc White finish or Gold Bands, deduct $10.00. THE ''NOVUS" UNDER- ROLL RIM SEAT BATH. PATENTED. E-1397. E-1397 includes "Novus" White Enameled Under-Roll Rim Seat Bath, with Nickel Plated all over Compression Supply Fittings arranged for Bottom Supply, Nickel Plated Ideal Waste and Supply Pipes. Price as described, ....-..-.-----. If finished Zinc White outside, add $10.00; two Gold Bands, extra, $2.00. Italian Marble Floor Slabs, $150 per foot extra. When ordering or specifying, please give Catalogue Name and Number. $62.00 124 L. \VOI.FF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. THE "NOVUS" UNDER- ROLL RIM SEAT BATH. PATENTED. E-1398. E-1398 includes "Novus" White Enameled Under-Roll Rim Seat Bath, with Nickel Plated Combination Supply for Bottom Spray, Nickel Plated all over Compression Supply Fittings arranged for Bottom Supply, Nickel Plated Ideal Waste and Nickel Plated Supply Pipes. Price as described, $77.00 If finished Zinc White outside, add $10.00; two Gold Bands, extra, $2.00. E-1400. "Novus" White Enameled Under-Roll Rim Seat Bath, with Combination Wave and Spray, Nickel Plated all over Compression Supply Fittings arranged for Bottom Supply, Nickel Plated Ideal Waste and Supply Pipes. Price as described, --.-........--- $97.00 If finished Zinc White outside, add $10.00; two Gold Bands, extra, $2.00. Italian Marble Floor Slabs, $1.50 per foot extra. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 125 WOLFF'S ENAMELED IRON ROLL- RIM SEAT BATH. E-1401. E-1401 includes White Enameled Roll-Rim Seat Bath, finished Zinc White outside, with two Gold Bands, Nickel Plated all over Compression Supply Fittings arranged for Bottom Supply, Nickel Plated all over Ideal Waste and Nickel Plated Supply Pipes. Dimensions. Length over Rim, 28 inches ; Length, including Fittings, 32 inches ; Width, 27 inches ; Height at Front, 12 inches ; Height at Back, 19 inches ; Width of Roll, 2 inches. Price as described, $69.00 If without Gold Bands, deduct $2.00; if without Zinc White Finish or Gold Bands, deduct |12.00. Nickel Plated Brass Legs, each, extra, $2.50. Fuller Supply Fittings without Air Chambers, same price ; Wolffs Air Chambers, extra, $3.00. If with Wave and Spray Attachment, as shown in E-140P add $35.00. "MONARCH" PORCELAIN ROLL- RIM SEAT BATH. E-1402. E-1402 includes "Monarch" Porcelain Roll-Rim Seat Bath, finished Zinc White outside, with two Gold Bands, Nickel Plated all over Compression Supply Fittings arranged for Bottom Supply, Nickel Plated Ideal Waste, Nickel Plated Supply Pipes and four Italian Marble Legs. Price as described, .-,-....--.--.. |95.00 If without Gold Bands, deduct $2.00; if without Zinc White Finish or Gold Bands, deduct $12.00. If with Wave and Spray Attachment, as shown in E-1400 add $35.00. If with Enameled Iron Legs, deduct $6.00. 126 Iv. WOIvFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S PATENT FOLDING NEEDLE AND SHOWER BATH. E-1410. WoTvFF's Patent Folding Needi^e and Shower Bath, with Curtain Ring and Rubber Curtain, Nickei. Plated. Price as described, with Cast-Brass Shower, ..-. -.-.._- $175.00 If with Nickel Plated Supply Pipes to floor, add $8.00. l>^-iticli Italian Marble Base, Countersunk ^ inch, 34x36 inches, with 5-inch Nickel Plated Waste Strainer with 2-inch Outlet Coupling and Tailpiece, extra, |20.00. Can be furnished as above, or fitted to any style of bath tub, equally well at end or on side ; see page 83, or illustrations of above in combination with baths shown elsewhere. E-1410 shows the Folding Bath set up for general Needle and Shower Bath purposes; the Curtain can be drawn forward and together in front so the spray can be confined within the Curtain Ring space. The Shower and Needle Bath can be operated separately or together as desired, as each is governed by its own Valves. "When ordering or specifying, please give Catalogue Name and Number. I.. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 127 WOLFFS COMBINATION NEEDLE, SHOWER AND BIDET BATH. WITH ADJUSTABLE LIVER SPRAYS, CURTAIN RING AND RUBBER CURTAIN, THERMOMETER AND MIXING CHAMBER. E-141 1. The illustration represents a Needle Bath designed to be used without a Marble Stall, it being provided with a Rubber Curtain, which, when drawn together, effectually confines the water within the space of the Curtain Ring and Marble Base. The Mixing Chamber and Thermometer enable operator to regulate the temperature of water to any degree of heat or cold, before using or while using. The Needle Spray, Shower, Bidet or Liver Sprays can be used separately or together, as desired. Union Couplings are provided so any part of the fixtures can be easily and quickly detached. E-1411 is strongly constructed throughout ; all pipe used is heavy Brass Pipe ; all Couplings and Fittings are our own make. The Shower is heavy cast brass ; the Uprights are 1 inch and middle vSpray Pipes are 3^ -inch Iron Pipe Size Brass Pipe and have double rows of perforations. Oval ComVjination Needle Shower and Bidet Bath, Nickel Plated, with 15)^ -inch Mixing Chamber, with Thermometer, Adjustable Liver Sprays, Cast-Brass Shower, Curtain Ring and Rubber Curtain and 5-inch' Nickel Plated Brass Waste Strainer with 2-inch Outlet Coupling and 2-inch Italian Marble Base, Countersunk yi inch deep, price as described, - - - - $250.00 If Base has 2 inch Raised Edge, as shown in E-1418, add $1,5.00. Dimensions. — Total height, 7 feet 6 inches ; diameter of Oval, 35 inches by 40 inches ; Base, 4 feet by 3 feet 9 inches. When ordering or specifying, please give Catalogue Name and Number. 128 I.. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S COMBINATION NEEDLE, SHOWER, DOUCHE AND BIDET BATH. WITH LARGE MIXING CHAMBER WITH THERMOMETER, VALVE COLUMN AND ADJUSTABLE LIVER SPRAYS. E-1412. E-1412 is similar in constructiou to e;-1413 with the exception of the location of Mixing Chamber and Valves, being placed on side of Bath so Bath can be operated by either the bather or attendant. The Mixing Chamber and Thermometer enables operator to regulate the temperature of water to any degree of heat or cold, before using, or while using. The Needle Spray, Shower, Douche, Bidet or Liver Sprays can be used separately or together, as desired, as each is governed by its own Valves. Union Couplings are provided so any part of the fixture can be easily and quickly detached. E-1412 is of extra strong construction throughout; all pipe used is Iron Pipe Size; all Couplings and Fittings are our own make. Air Valves and Drain Valves are provided. The Shower is heavy Cast Brass; the uprights are 1-inch and the Needle Spray Pipes are 34:-inch Iron Pipe Size Brass Pipe and have double row of perforations. Above can be furnished with Marble Stall and Rubber Curtain, inclosing the Needle Bath and bather, leaving the Valve Column and Mixing Chamber on outside. Price on application. E-1412 Nickel Plated, Oval Combination Needle, Shower, Douche, Bidet and Liver Spray Bath, with 18-inch Mixing Chamber, with Thermometer, Valve Column, Cast-Brass Shower and 5-inch Strainer with 2-inch Outlet, price as described, - - $215.00 Marble Base is not included in above price. Price of Marble or Slate Stalls upon application. Dimensions. — Total height, 7 feet 6 inches; Diameter of Oval, 35x40 inches. When desired we can furnish E-1412 with the Mixing Chamber and Valve Column on the left-hand side instead of right-hand as shown. When ordering or specifying, please give Catalogue Name and Number, L. WOLFF I^IANUFACTURING COMPANY. 129 WOLFFS COMBINATION NEEDLE, SHOWER AND BIDET BATH. WITH ADJUSTABLE LIVER SPRAYS, THERMOMETER AND MIXING CHAMBER. E-14-18. SECTION OF MARBLE BASE WITH 2 - INCH RAISED EDGE FOR SHOWER BATHS. Add extra to prices of regular Bases (4 feet by 3 feet 9 inches), $15.00. Very often it is absolutely necessary to confine all waste water within the space of the countersunk base ; to doubly prevent water from spreading over bathroom floor, a 2-inch high marble frame is fastened to top of base ; this, together with the ^-inch countersinking of base, makes a total of 2^ inches, effectually preventing water from leaving base when Needle Bath is in full operation. Brass Bell Trap, Cesspools, Strainers, etc., for Bases are shown elsewhere. E-1413. This apparatus is similar in construction and operation to E-1411, but differing in that it has no Curtain Ring or Rubber Curtain, being designed for use in places where the spray need not be confined. The Mixing Chamber and Thermometer enable operator to regulate the temperature of the water to any degree of heat or cold desired before using or while using. E-1413 is strongly constructed throughout; all pipe used is heavy Brass Pipe; all Couplings and Fittings are our own make. The Shower Head is heavy Cast Brass ; the Uprights are 1-inch and middle Spray Pipes are ^-inch Iron Pipe Size Brass Pipe and have double rows of perforations. The Needle Spray, Shower, Liver Spray or Bidet can be used independently or all together as desired. Union Couplings are provided so any part of the fixture can be easily and quickly detached. Oval Combination Needle Shower and Bidet Bath, Nickel Plated, with 15^ -inch Mixing Chamber, with Thermometer, Adjustable Liver vSpray.s, Ca.st-Brass Shower Head and 5-inch Nickel Plated Brass Waste Strainer with 2-inch Outlet Coupling, price as described, ---------------- $175.00 2-inch Italian Marble Base, Countersunk % inch deep, 4 feet by 3 feet 9 inches, extra, |34.00. For two Nickel Plated Supply Pipes to floor with Couplings and Flanges, add $8.00. If Base has 2-inch Raised Edge, as shown in E-1418, add $15.00. Prices of Marble or Slate Stall furnished on application. Dimensions. — Total height, 7 feet 6 inches ; diameter of Oval, 35 inches by 40 inches ; Base, 4 feet by 3 feet 9 inches. 130 I,. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFFS COMBINATION NEEDLE AND SHOWER BATH. E-1414. Combination Needle and Shower Bath, with Valves on side ; Bath can be operated by bather or attendant. Combination Needle and Shower Bath, Nickel Plated, for cold and hot water, with Valves and Valve Column on side, Cast-Brass Head Shower, and 5-inch Nickel Plated Waste Strainer with 2-inch Outlet Coupling, price as described, - - - $110.00 If with Copper Shower instead of Cast Brass, deduct |5.00. Italian Marble Stall (^-inch), Back and two Sides, 7 feet by 3 feet 2 inches by 3 feet 2 inches, 2-inch Base deeply Countersunk and 16-inch wide Front for Valve Column, extra, $115.00; Slate, |75.00. Nickel Plated Curtain Rod, Flanges, Bolts and Rings and Rubber Curtain, extra, $20.00. Dimensions. — Total height, 7 feet 6 inches; width, including Valve Column, 4 feet 4 inches; depth, 3 feet 2 inches. When ordering or specifying, please give Catalogue Name and Number. I.. WOI.FF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 131 WOLFFS COMBINATION NEEDLE AND SHOWER BATH. E-1415. Can be Furnished for Cold Water Only or Without Shower. Combination Needle and Shower Bath as shown, for cold and hot water, Nickel Plated, with Copper Shower and 5-inch Nickel Plated Waste Strainer with 2-inch Outlet Coupling, price as described, - - - - . . . . $85 00 Combination Needle and Shower Bath, for cold water only. Nickel Plated, and Nickel Plated Waste Strainer and Coupling price as ^^^^"^^d' - - - - - - - - - - 78.00 Needle Bath for hot and cold water, Nickel Plated (without Shower), with Nickel Plated Waste Strainer and Coupling, - 65.00 Needle Bath for cold water only, Nickel Plated (without Shower), with Nickel Plated Waste Strainer and Coupling, ' - - 58.00 Italian Marble Stall, Back, two Sides and Base, 7 feet by ?, feet 2 inches by ?, feet 2 inches, extra, $102.00; Slate, $05 00 Italian Marble Stall, Back, two Sides and Base, (i feet f, inches by 3 feet 2 inches by ?> feet 2 inches, extra, $95.00 ; Slate, $(iO.OO. Nickel Plated Curtain Rod, Flanges, Bolts and Rings and Rubber Curtain, extra, $20.00. If with Cast- Brass Head Shower, add $5.00. Dimensions.— Total height, 7 feet G inches; width, 3 feet 2 inches; depth, 3 feet 2 inches. 132 I,. WOI.FF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFFS CIRCULAR COMBINATION NEEDLE AND SHOWER BATH. E-1416. The illustration represents a design of Needle and Shower Bath intended for use in natatoriums, hotels, athletic clubs, etc., or any place where it is not necessary to confine the spray, and where a less expensive apparatus than others shown will answer. As shown, it is provided with a Thermometer and Mixing Chamber, and arranged for hot and cold water, but can also be furnished without the Thermom- eter and Mixing Chamber, or for cold water only, as may be desired ; see opposite page. Union Couplings are provided, so any part of the fixture can be easily detached when necessary. Circular Combination Needle and Shower Bath, Nickel Plated, for hot and cold water, with 12-inch Mixing Chamber and Thermometer, Cast-Brass Head Shower and 5-inch Nickel Plated Waste Strainer with 2-inch Outlet Coupling, price as described, - $155.00 If without Thermometer, deduct $8.00. 2-inch Italian Marble Base, Countersunk Yz inch deep, 3 feet 9 inches by 3 feet 9 inches, extra, $32.00. If with two Nickel Plated Supply Pipes with Check Valves, add extra, $10.00. Dimensions. —Total height, 7 feet 6 inches; diameter of Needle Bath, 3 feet 2 inches. L. WOIvFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 133 WOLFF'S CIRCULAR COMBINATION NEEDLE AND SHOWER BATH. E-1417. The illustration represents a design of Needle and Shower Bath intended for use in natatoriums, hotels, athletic clubs, etc., or any place where it is not necessary to confine the spray, and where a less expensive apparatus than others shown will answer. As shown, it is arranged for hot and cold water, but can also be furnished for cold water only, as may be desired, at prices noted below. Union Couplings are provided, so any part of the fixture can be easily detached when necessary. Circular Combination Needle and Shower Bath, Nickel Plated, for hot and cold water, with Cast-Brass Head Shower and 5-inch Nickel Plated Wa.ste Strainer with 2-inch Outlet Coupling, price as described, ...-.- $130.00 K-1417 Arranged for Cold Water Only. Circular Combination Needle and Shower Bath, Nickel Plated, for cold water only, with 5-inch Nickel Plated Waste Strainer with 2-inch Outlet Coupling, price as described, ........... $115.00 2-inch Italian Marble Base, Countersunk ^ inch deep, 3 feet 9 inches by 3 feet 9 inches, extra, $32.00. For two Nickel Plated vSupply Pipes to floor with Check Valves and Flanges, add $10.00. Dimensions. — Total height, 7 feet inches; diameter of Needle Bath, 3 feet 2 inches. 134 h. WOI.FF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. NICKEL PLATED BRASS SHOWERS. E-1419. WITH OVAL CURTAIN RING, SHAMPOO ATTACHMENT, SUPPLY PIPES TO FLOOR AND RUBBER CURTAIN. Shower, with 24 x 30 inch Oval Curtain Ring, Shampoo Attachment and Supply Pipes to floor. E-1419 is intended for use over Bath Tubs, where it is desired to confine the spray within the Rubber Curtain and Bath Tub, or when not used over Bath Tubs, it is necessary to confine the spray within the Rubber Curtain and space of Marble Floor Slab as shown. Nickel Plated Brass Shower, with 24 x 30 inch Oval Curtain Ring, Shampoo Attachment, Supply Pipes to floor and Nickel Plated Curtain Holder and Rubber Curtain, price as described, - $50.00 l>^-inch Italian Marble Base, Countersunk >^-inch deep, 36x38 inches, with 5-inch Nickel Plated Waste Strainer, with 2-inch Outlet Coupling, extra, $22.00. If the Hot and Cold Water Supply Pipes are furnished with Check Valves, add $5.00. Dimensions.— Total height, 8 feet 2 inches; diameter of Shower, 9)4 inches; distance from wall to center of Shower, 22 inches. E-1420. WITH ROUND CURTAIN RING, SHAMPOO ATTACHMENT, SUPPLY PIPES TO FLOOR AND RUBBER CURTAIN. Perforated Ring Shower, with 24x30 inch Oval Curtain Ring, Shampoo Attachment and Supply Pipes to floor. Nickel Plated Brass Perforated Ring Shower, with Oval Cur- tain Ring 24 X 30 inches, Shampoo Attachment, Supply Pipes to floor, and Nickel Plated Curtain Holder and Rubber Curtain, price as described, . . . $55.00 1^-inch Italian Marble Base, Countersunk }4-mch. deep, 3Gx38 inches, with 5-inch Nickel Plated Waste Strainer, with 2-iiicli Outlet Coupling, extra, $22.00. If the Hot and Cold Water Supply Pipes are furnished with Check Valve, add $5.00. Dimensions. — Total height, 8 feet 2 inches; diameter of Perforated Ring Shower, 20 inches ; distance from wall to center of Ring, 22 inches. I.. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 135 NICKEL PLATED BRASS SHOWERS. '" "--"-"- ::tl!;;;i;;;!ll;I!Il!;:,i;!!!!!* •*■ 'iiiiiiiii' E-1421. PERFORATED RING SHOWER WITH SHAMPOO ATTACHMENT. Ring Shower with Shampoo Attachment and Supply Pipes to floor. The ring is perforated, and when operated a shower bath can be taken without wetting the head of the bather. Perforated Ring Shower with Shampoo Attachment and Supply Pipes to floor, Nickel Plated, ----- $26.00 If without Shampoo Attachment, deduct $5.00. E-1422. PERFORATED RING SHOWER WITH MIXING CHAMBER AND SHAMPOO. Ring Shower with 12-inch Mixing Chamber, with Thermometer, Air Valve and Supply Pipes to floor. The ring is perforated, and when operated bath can be had without wetting head of bather. Perforated Ring Shower with Mixing Chamber, with Thermom- eter and Supply Pipes to floor. Nickel Plated, - $41.00 If with Shampoo Attachment, add $5.00. If with Curtain Ring and Rubber Curtain, add $22.00. l>^-inch Italian Marble Base, Countersunk yi inch deep, 30x26 inches, with 5-inch Nickle Plated Waste Strainer with 2-inch Outlet, Coupling and Tailpiece, extra, $13.50. Dimensions. — Total height, 7 feet 3 inches; diameter of Ring, 20 inches; distance from wall to center of Ring, 18 inches. If with Check Valves on Supply Pipes, add $5.00. All Pipe is Iron Pipe Size Brass Pipe. If E-1422 is furnished with extra large Mixing Chamber, 18x6 inches, add $8.00. E-1422 can also be furnished with Valves and Supplies and Shampoo, and extra large Mixing Chamber, 18x6 inches, as arranged and shown in E-1432, page 141; add to E-1422 for such arrangement, $13.00. When ordering or specifying, please give Catalogue Name and Number. 136 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. NICKEL PLATED BRASS SHOWERS. E- 14.23. PERFORATED RING SHOWER WITH REGULAR OVERHEAD SHOWER AND SHAMPOO ATTACHMENT. The Ring Shower and regular Overhead Shower are operated by independent Upper Self-Closing Valves, and showers will operate only when one or both pulls are drawn down. Bather can use the showers together or separately as desired. Perforated Ring Shower and regular Overhead Shower with Upper Self-Closing Valves, Shampoo Attachment and Supply Pipes to floor. Nickel Plated, price as described, $40.00 E-1424. WITH PERFORATED RING SHOWER AND REGULAR OVER- HEAD SHOWER WITH MIXING CHAMBER AND THERMOMETER. Nickel Plated Shower with Perforated Ring Shower and regular Overhead Shower, with Upper Self-Closing Valves, 12-inch Mixing Chamber with Thermometer and Supply Pipes to floor. Price as described, If with Shampoo Attachment, add $5.00. $55.00 i;^-inch Italian Marble Base, Countersunk yi inch deep, 30x26 inches, with 5-inch Nickel Plated Waste Strainer, with 2-inch Outlet Coupling and Tailpiece, extra, $13.50. Dimensions. —Total height, 8 feet inches; diameter of Ring, 20 inches; diameter of Shower, 8}^ inches; distance from wall to center of Ring, 20 inches. If with Check Valves on Supply Pipes, add $5.00. If with Cast-Brass Head Shower, add $5.00. If D-225 is furnished with extra large Mixing Chamber, 18x6 inches, add $8.00. E-142-1 can also be furnished with Valves and Supplies and Shampoo, and extra large Mixing Chamber, 18x6 inches, as arranged and shown in E-1432, page 141. Add to E-1424 for such arrangement, $13.00. The Mixing Chamber shown in E-1424 enables bather to mix the hot and cold water before it leaves the showers overhead, the thermometer indicating its temperature ; an almost even temperature of water can be maintained during a bath, but should adjacent valves be opened, which might lessen the hot or cold water supply, the change in temperature of the water will be a gradual one. . • j j r i The Ring Shower inE-1423 and E-1424, regular Overhead Shower or Shampoo, can be used separately or together as desired, valves bemg provided tor each. Marble Bases when furnished with Showers with Curtain Rings should be somewhat larger than sizes given above. When ordering or specifying, please give Catalogue Name and Number. L. WOI.FF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 137 NICKEL PLATED BRASS SHOWERS. E-1425. SHOWER WITH DOUCHE AND SHAMPOO ATTACHMENT. Shower with Douche and Shampoo Attachment and Supply Pipes to floor. Shower with Douche, with Upper Self-Closing Valves, Shampoo Attachment and Supply Pipes to floor, Nickel Plated, price as described, ---.... $36.00 If with Round Curtain Ring, Nickel Plated, add $12.00. Rubber Curtain, extra, $10.00. E-1426. SHOWER WITH DOUCHE, SHAMPOO AND MIXING CHAMBER. Nickel Plated Shower with Douche, Shampoo, Upper Self- Closing Valves and Mixing Chamber with Thermometer and Supply Pipes to floor, price as described, - $56.00 If without Shampoo Attachment, deduct $5.00. Can also be furnished without Thermometer. Curtain Ring and Rubber Curtain, extra, $22.00. The Shower, Douche or Shampoo can be used separately or together, as desired. If with Check Valves on the Supply Pipes, add $.5.00. Ij4-mch Italian Marble Base, Countersunk /z inch deep, 26x26 inches, with 5-inch Nickel Plated Waste Strainer, with 2-inch Outlet Coupling and Tailpiece, extra, $12.50. The Mixing Chamber shown in E-1426 enables bather to mix the hot and cold water before it leaves the showers overhead, the thermometer indicating its temperature ; an almost even temperature of water can be maintained during a bath, but should adjacent valves be opened, which might lessen the hot or cold water supply, the change in temperature of the water will be a gradual one. The Douche, regular Overhead Shower or Shampoo, can be used separately or together as desired, valves being provided for each. Marble Bases when furnished with Showers with Curtain Rings should be somewhat larger than sizes given above. Dimensions. — Total height, 7 feet 6 inches ; diameter of Shower, 9^ inches : distance froni wall to center of Shower, 20 inches. When ordering or specifying, please give Catalogue Name and Number. 138 I.. WOI.FF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. NICKEL PLATED BRASS SHOWERS. WITH PERFORATED RING SHOWER AND REGULAR OVERHEAD SHOWER. E-1427. Nickel Plated Shower with Perforated Ring Shower and regular Overhead Shower, with Upper Self-Closing Valves, Mixing Chamber with Thermometer and Shampoo Attachment. Price as described, $52.00 E-1428 Nickel Plated Shower with Perforated Ring Shower, with Upper Self-Closing Valves, Mixing Chamber with Thermometer and Shampoo Attachment. Price as described, - - . .... $42.00 Without Thermometer or Shampoo. E-1427 without Thermometer or Shampoo, price, $39.00 l>^-inch Italian Marble Floor Slab, Countersunk y^ inch deep, 30 x 26 inches, with 5-inch Nickel Plated Waste Strainer with 2inch Outlet Coupling and Tailpiece, extra, $13.50. The Mixing Chamber enables bather to mix the hot and cold water before it leaves the showers overhead, the Thermometer indicating its temperature ; an almost even temperature of water can be maintained during a bath, but should adjacent valves be opened, which might lessen the hot or cold water supply, the change in the temperature will be a gradual one. The Ring Shower and regular Overhead Shower may be used separately or all together as desired, valves being provided for each. E-1427 and 5-1428. can be furnished with extra large Mixing Chamber, as in E-1432; price on application. When ordering or specifying please give Catalogue Name and Number. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 139 NICKEL PLATED BRASS HOSPITAL SHOWER AND NEEDLE BATH. :™5 11!! : :^s«r=^^^^ t iii'ffl Jt III L^ ^,;;«N|llN|llllll[llill[llllill!llIlllll||m5;!,,||,jlS^^ "jllll. '*ll!llltalll»ll^lllh'™i' ™ JIllllJ'l E-1430. E-14.30. Represents Needle and Shower Bath particularly for use in Hospitals and Asylums, it is arranged for hot and cold water and has 12 adjustable Sprinkler Heads with Ball Joint so the sprays can be directed at any angle. The overhead shower is Cast Brass and has removable face. Price as described, Nickel Plated Brass, $150.00 Marble Base and Waste Strainer extra, price upon application. Dimensions. Total height, 7 feet 6 inches ; Diameter of Shower, 8 inches; Diameter of Circular Ring, 35 x 40 inches; Diameter of Ball Joint Sprinklers, 4 inches. E-14.30 is a new arrangement of Needle Bath, being operated entirely by perforated Shampoo Heads, which being adjustable, working on Ball Joint, the Sprays may be directed in any desired direction. Should it be desirable to use the Shampoo on one upright, independent from the others, we can so arrange with additional valves. Having a full line of patterns, we can make Needle Baths to order, to suit space and conditions requiring a change from what we illustrate. Needle Baths shown, however, can be furnished in less time. When ordering or specifying, please give Catalogue Name and Number, viz: 13-1430. 110 L. WOI.FF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S HOSPITAL SHOWER BATHS. RAIN BATH DESIGN E-1431. E-1431. Represents Hospital Showers, Rain Bath Design — with Mixing Chambers, with Thermometer, Supply Pipes and Shampoo and Marble Stalls, with Brass Legs, Brass Front Pieces and Railing, 5-inch Brass Waste Strainers. Each Shower Head is made of Cast Brass, with removable face ; works on adjustable Ball Joint, and has Gielow Self-Closing Operating Valve. The illustration shows manner of connecting and setting up when more than one shower is desired. Price, one only. Nickel Plated Brass Shower with Brass Mixing Chamber, with Thermometer, Supply Pipes to Floor, and Shampoo with Offset in Supply Pipe for use in stall as shown, - - -- - - -" " $56.00 No Marble Work or Brass Trimmings included in above price. Prices upon application. Add for additional Shower Heads, not more than three (see below) with Self-closing Valve and Connecting Pipe to adjoining Shower, Jgl5.00. When more than three Shower Heads are to be used, a larger Mixing Chamber will be required, this will add to the cost proportionately as the numbers of showers is increased. Prices upon application. 5-inch Nickel Plated Waste Strainer, with 2-inch Coupling and Tailpiece, extra, $5.00. We are prepared to furnish the Stalls for above shower in Marble or Slate of any dimensions, as may be required to suit space ; the Brass Work as shown, we have patterns for and can furnish on short notice. The above arrangement is adapted particularly for public institutions; should more privacy be desired we can arrange the above for doors, so each compartment will be entirely inclosed. Coat and Hat Hooks and Tilting Basins are shown an pages 60 and 146. In getting out fixtures on above we set it up, fit all the parts and properly mark and adjust each separate piece so plumber can easily set up the entire fixture on job. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 341 NICKEL PLATED BRASS SHOWERS. WITH EXTRA LARGE MIXING CHAMBER. irsiiii laii I'liiiiiSi;"'..: iiiihSi'iiiiiiiiiiill Ti^^^ ■ : iiinli iiiiii'''J'>''::;s:r!™!::::!!i:: LiiiLiii^^^^^i ,„»IL,.,.„,,«i»i-iii»ii«««»«innn^ fiif»iii[iraiiii«« iimiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i""i" E-14.32. E-14.33. SHOWER WITH MIXING CHAMBER AND SHAMPOO. Nickel Plated Shower with Cast-Brass Head Shower, 18-inch Mixing Chamber, witli Mixing Pipes, Air Valve, Shampoo and Supplies to floor. RING SHOWER WITH MIXING CHAMBER AND THERMOMETER. Nickel Plated Perforated Ring Shower, with 18-inch Mixing Chamber, with Mixing Pipes, Air Valve, Shampoo and Supplies to floor. Price as described, $56.00 Price as described. $54.00 If without vShampoo, deduct $.5.00. If without Shampoo, deduct |5.00. If without Supply Pipes, deduct $5.00. l>^-inch Marble Base, Countersunk >i inch deep, .30x26 inches, with 5-inch Nickel Plated Waste Strainer, with 2-inch Outlet Coupling and Tailpiece, extra, ?13.50. Ii-14.32 and E-1433 Showers are of special design and construction, made especially for use in natatoriums and public bathrooms. They are made extra heavy throughout ; all parts are screwed together, absolutely guarding against damage on account of heavy pressure. The .Shower Head is Cast Brass, carefully finished and put together ; this avoids head blowing out. The Mixing Chamber is extra large, and has improved Thermometer. The Inlet Pipes are so arranged that water is most thoroughly mixed before leaving vShower Head or Shampoo, the Thermometer indicating tem- perature ; an almost even temperature can therefore be maintained during a bath ; but should adjacent valves be opened which might lessen the hot or cold water supply, the change in the temperature of the water will be gradual. Dimensions. — Total height, 7 feet 6 inches; diameter of Shower, 8 inches; diameter of Ring Shower, 20 inches. 142 Iv. WOI.FF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFFS CAST-IRON SHOWERS. E-1434. E-1435. Shower with Galvanized-Iron Mixing Chamber, Brass Valves, Galvanized Supply Pipes and Cast-Brass Perforated Overhead Shower. Shower with Galvanized-Iron Mixing Chamber, Brass Valves, Galvanized Supply Pipes, and Perforated Brass Ring Shower. Price as described $25.00 Price as described, $25.00 If with Supply Pipes to floor, same price. Cast-Brass Cesspool, 6x6 inches (shown above). Polished Brass, $3.50; Nickel Plated, 14.00. For other sizes of Cesspools see elsewhere. lyoose Key Valves can be furnished when desired at same price. Above Showers are especially adapted for asylums, prisons, reformatories, etc., are strongly made and will stand heavy pressure. The Shower Head is Cast- Brass, finished and screwed together so head cannot blow out. The Inlet Pipes are so arranged that water is most thoroughly mixed before leaving Shower Head or Ring Shower ; an almost even temperature can there- fore be maintained during a bath, but should adjacent valves be opened, which might lessen the hot or cold water supply, the change of the temperature of the water will be gradual. When ordering or specifying, please give Catalogue Name and Number. L. WOIyFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 143 NICKEL PLATED BRASS SHOWERS. E-1436. SPRAY BATH. E-1436 has a 6-inch, finely perforated Sprinkler, which, when valve is opened, throws the water in a fine spray at an angle from wall so a bath can be taken without wetting the head of the bather. Nickel Plated Spray Bath, with Upper Self-Closing Valve and Supply Pipes to floor, price as described, - - $22.50 E-1437. SHOWER WITH SHAMPOO ATTACHMENT. Shower with Shampoo Attachment and Supply Pipes to floor. Adapted for use in places where it is not necessary to confine the spray, but can be furnished with Curtain Ring and Rubber Curtain if desired. Shower with Shampoo Attachment, Air Valve and Supply Pipes to floor, Nickel Plated, price as described, - $25.00 If with Round Curtain Ring, Nickel Plated, add $8.00. Rubber Curtain, extra, |10.00. If with Shampoo, add $.5.00. Can be furnished with Mixing Chamber and Thermometer as in E-1426. The Self-Closing Upper Valve may be kept open by drawing down the chain and securing it to the hook shown in illustration. If with Check Valves on Hot and Cold Water Supply Pipes, add 15.00. l^^-inch Italian Marble Base, Countersunk >^ inch deep, 26x36 inches, with .5-inch Nickel Plated Waste Strainer with 2-inch Outlet Coupling and Tailpiece, extra, $16.00 (Base for E-1436. Dimensions of E-14:j7 — Total height, 7 feet 6 inches; diameter of Shower, 9)4 inches; distance from wall to center of Shower, 20 inches. When ordering or specifying, please give Catalogue Name and Number. 144 Iv. WOI.FF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. NICKEL PLATED BRASS SHOWERS. E-1439. E-1440. SHOWER WITH SELF-CLOSING UPPER VALVE. Shower with Self-Closing Upper Valve. Adapted for use in places where it is not necessary to confine the spray. The shower will operate only when pull is drawn down. Shower with Self-Closing Upper Valve and Supply Pipes to floor, Nickel Plated, and Air Valve, price as described, $22.00 PLAIN SHOWER. Shower with Supply Pipes to floor, Nickel Plated. Adapted for use in places where it is not necessary to confine the spray. Shower with Supply Pipes to floor. Nickel Plated, and Air Valve, price as described, - - - - - $18.50 Can also be furnished with Shampoo or with Curtain Ring. If with Check Valves on Hot and Cold Water Supplies, add $5.00. l>^-inch Italian Marble Base, Countersunk yi inch deep, 26x26 inches, with 5-inch Nickel Plated Waste Strainer with 2-inch Outlet Coupling and Tailpiece, extra, $12.50. Dimensions. — Total height, 7 feet 6 inches ; diameter of Shower, 8_J^ inches : distance from wall to center of Shower, 20 inches. Marble Bases when furnished with Showers with Curtain Rings should be somewhat larger than size given above. When ordering or specifying please give Catalogue Name and Number. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 145 NICKEL PLATED BRASS SHOWERS. E-1441. RING SHOWER WITH SELF-CLOSING VALVE. NICKEI/ PLATED. Ring Shower for cold water, with Supply Pipe to wall and Self-Closing Valve and 4-inch Wall Flange. Price as described, -------- $14.00 Diameter of Ring 20 inches ; distance from wall to center of Ring, 18 inches. E-144.2. SHOWER WITH SELF-CLOSING VALVE. Shower for cold water, with Supply Pipe to wall and Self-Closing Valve, Nickel Plated, and 4-inch Wall Flange. Price as described, $8.50 Distance from wall to center of Shower, 20 inches ; diameter of Shower, 11^ inches. E-1443. SHOWER WITH SELF-CLOSING VALVE. Shower for cold water, with Supply Pipe to ceiling and Self-Closing Valve, Nickel Plated. Price as described, $8.50 Distance from ceiling to bottom of Shower, 20 inches ; diameter of Shower, 11)4 inches. The Ceiling Flange has squares and is tapped for 3^ -inch iron pipe. E-1444. SHAMPOO FOR RUBBING SLABS. Nickel Plated Brass Shampoo for Rubbing Slabs, with Hose and Sprinkler. Nickel Plated Brass Shampoo for Rubbing Slabs, with Hose and Sprinkler. Price as described, $9.00 Price as described, $7.00 146 h. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY TILTING AND SPONGE BASINS. E-1460. COPPER TILTING BASIN, FOR STRAIGHT WALL. Diameter, 11 inches; Depth, 5 inches. Tilting Basin, with Nickel Plated Brass Brackets, Nickel Plated Copper Basin and Nickel Plated Brass Stop, If Basin is of German Silver, add $6.00. $6.50 E-1461. TILTING BASIN FOR CORNER. Diameter, 11 inches; Depth, 5 inches. Tilting Basiff, with Nickel Plated Brass Brackets, Nickel Plated Copper Basin and Nickel Plated Brass Stop, - - - $6.50 If Basin is of German Silver, add $6.00. E-14.63. FOLDING TILTING BASIN. Folding Tilting Basin, with Nickel Plated Brass Brackets, Nickel Plated Brass Wall Support and Catch and Nickel Plated Copper Basin, --------- If with German Silver Basin, add $6.00. E-1462. SHAMPOO, WITH ENAMELED IRON ROLL EDGE SPONGE BASIN. Length of Back, 13 inches ; diameter of Bowl, 12 inches. Price, Shampoo and Basin, ------ $10.50 $8.00 E-1464. Showing E-1463 folded against wall when not in use, projecting into room only the depth of Basin, 5 inches ; when lowered for use the distance from wall to center of Basin is 10 inches. Basin is 12 inches in diameter and 5 inches deep. For prices, see E-l-t63. h. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 147 DRINKING FOUNTAINS. E-1466. Drinking Fountain, with Special Self-Closing Faucet, Nickel Plated Brass Drip Cup, with Shield, Nickel Plated Brass Brackets, Nickel Plated Supply Pipe to wall, Nickel Plated Brass Trap with Vent to wall, and deeply- countersunk Slab, with Back and Side Pieces. 20x14x18 inch Back, Complete, 22x14x18 " " " - 24x16x18 " Can be furnished of any other dimensions desired. Pink Tennessee Marble, same price. Slab is IX -inch. Back and Side pieces %-inch. Marble. Italian Marble. $23 . 75 24.25 26.75 E-1466. DRINKING FOUNTAINS. E-1467. Drinking Fountains, with No. 2 Nickel Plated Fuller Faucet, Nickel Plated Brass Drip Cup with Shield, Nickel Plated Brass Brackets, Nickel Plated Brass Supply Pipe to wall. Nickel Plated Brass Trap with Vent and Waste to wall and deeply countersunk Slab with Back. Price, CompIvETe as Described. size. 12 x 12 X 12 inch Back, 14x14x12 16x12x14 16x14x14 18x14x14 18x16x16 Note. — Above can also be furnished with Bracket Basin or Self-Closing Faucet, and the Slab can be furnished in St. Beaume, Rose Jasper, Numidian, Sienne and other Imported Marbles or Onyx, when desired. Prices upon application. Slab is iX-inch and Back ^-inch Marble. Italian or Old Red Pink Tennessee. Tennessee $18.25 $20.75 18.50 21.50 19.00 22.00 19.50 22.50 21.00 24.50 21.50 25.00 E-1467. 148 I,. WOIyFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. MARBLE DRINKING FOUNTAIN. ENAMELED IRON ALCOVE DRINKING FOUNTAIN. E-1469. E-1469. Drinking Fountain, with No. 2 Fuller Faucet, Nickel Plated Drip Cup with Shield, Nickel Plated Brackets, and deeply countersunk Marble Slab, with Back and Side Pieces. Size. Italian Marble. 20x14x18 inch Back, $22.00 22x14x18 " 22.50 24x16x18 " 25.00 Pink Tennessee Marble, same price. Slab is 13^-inch, Back and Side ^-inch Marble. E-1476. E-1476. Enameled Iron Alcove Drinking Fountain with Roll Edge, Self-Closing Fountain Faucet and Nickel Plated Outlet Coupling and Tailpiece. Price as described, - $15.00 Can be furnished with Nickel Plated Brass Half " S " or Full " S " Trap, No. Oor Standard Trap, see pages 54 and 56. Dimensions. 12 inches wide; 16 inches high; 5-incli depth required in wall. When water is to run continuously Orna- mental Spout is furnished instead of Faucet. E-1469. E-1476. ENAMELED IRON DRINKING FOUNTAIN. E-1470. E-1470. Made in two sizes. Enameled Iron Drinking Fountain, with lOJ^-inch High Enameled Back, Enameled Overflow, Nickel Plated Brass Strainer, Nickel Plated Brass Brackets, E-1240 Nickel Plated Brass Adjustable Trap, and Gielow Self-closing Fountain Faucet. 20x16 24x18 ■with 11x14 inch Basin. with 12x15 inch Basin. Price complete, as described, $21.75 $23.75 Can be furnished with Faucet with Goose Neck, if desired. E-1470 is especially suitable for use in Schools, etc., being strong, substantial, clean and sanitary. L. WOIvI^F MANUI^ACTURING COMPANY. 149 ENAMELED IRON DRINKING EOUNTAIN. FOR SCHOOLS, HOSPITALS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS. E-1475. Enameled Iron Sectional Drinking Fountain. E-147o. Represents Enameled Iron Sectional Drinking Fountain, 12 feet long, witli Enameled High Back (Back and Sink have Roll Rim); Twelve Nickel Plated Brass Improved Spouts, I,oose Key Stop Cocks and Loose Key Hose Bibb, all connected with Galvanized Supply Pipe behind and above back, as shown, Brass Beehive Strainer for 2-incli Iron Pipe, and Painted Iron Legs. Enameled Fountain, 6 feet long, with. 6 Spouts, with Supply Pipe, Stop and I^ or X S Trap. ENAMELED IRON WATER CLOSET TRAPS. WITH BRASS VENTS. Can be furnished with Hub Vents for Iron Pipe or with Hand-Hole in place of Vent. Half {yi) S Trap for caulking into cast-iron soil pipe. Three-quarter (X) S Trap for caulking into cast-iron soil pipe. 184 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. THE "ANCHOR" CLOSET WITH TRAP. E-1615. Prices, Plain, ' ~ ~ " . " With Enameled Reservoir, " Enameled all over, " " " with Washout Cock, Without Trap. With Offset. With Trap $18.00 $18.00 $18.00 21.00 21.00 21.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 27.00 27.00 27.00 NO. 4 OAK SEAT WITH OPEN FRONT. SHORT HOPPER WITH "S" TRAP. E-1627. Oak Seat with Bronzed Legs and Brackets, If with Cover, add 50 cents. $5.00 ■:j..iii»'' v^ * E"1619.— (for lead pipe connection.) Trap and Enameled Hopper with Vent with Brass Tailpiece, $5.50 If without Vent, deduct 75 cents. For Side or Heel Inlet, add 50 cents. SHORT HOPPER WITH TRAP. FOR IRON PIPE CONNECTION. E-1 620.— (three-quarter "s.") Trap and Enameled Hopper, For Elbow Vent for Iron Pipe, add 50 cents. For Side or Heel Inlet, add 50 cents. $4.00 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 185 WOLFF'S "STANDARD" WATER CLOSET TANKS. E-1628 round corners, used with Closets. E-1628.— (bent corners, no. 4.) No. 4 Standard, Hardwood Copper-lined Syphon Tank with bent Lupus," "Ontario" and "Superior" Water E- 1629. -(NO. 3.) E-1629. No. 3 Standard, Hardwood, Copper-lined Syphon Tank with Rounded Edges, used with ' ' Lupus, " " Ontario ' ' and ' ' Superior ' ' Water Closets. Our No. -4 Tanks have Bent Round Corners. The front and ends are of one piece of wood, carefully and perfectly bent; this avoids all joints or square comers, making, we believe, the most elegant and practical Tank Casing now in use. E- 1630. -(NO. 2.) E-1630. No. 2 Standard, Copper-lined Hardwood Syphon Tank with Rounded Corners, used with "Velocitas," "Uganda," "Ladoga," "Presto," Vulcan," "Volero" and "Noveljet" Water Closets. NO. O SYPHON TANK. E-1631.-(No. 1.) E-1631. No. 1 Standard, Hardwood Copper-lined Syphon Tank with Rounded Edges, used with "Pilot," "Glide," "Auriga" and "Vega" Water Closets. NO. O SEAT WITH BACK AND COVER. E-1632.-(No. o.) E-1632. No. O Hardwood Copper-lined, Syphon Tank; used with lanta" and "^tna," and Enameled Iron and Earthenware Hoppers, etc. At- E-1633. E-1633. Used with all Closets where this style of Seat is wanted. EXTRA LARGE WATER CLOSET TANKS— COPPER-LINED. These Tanks are especially useful where the water supply is limited or may not flow at times. The Tanks are so constructed that when the pull is released, after ha\'ing been drawn down, three (3) gallons of water only are used at each operation. They are our "Standard" Quality, lined with heavy copper, extra good Ball Cocks and Galvanized Iron Trimmings, etc. Price, Pine, as described, " Oak " Price, Pine, " Oak, E-1626. NO. O LARGE TANKS WITH PULL PLUNGER — NO SERVICE BOX. 21 Gallons. $16.00 19.00 21 Gallons. 113.00 16.00 25 Gallons. $18.00 21.00 25 Gallons. $15.00 18.00 30 Gallons. $21.00 25.00 30 Gallons $18.00 22.00 186 I.. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S WASHOUT WATER CLOSET RANGES. E-1636. E-1636. Represents Wolff's Washout Water Closet Range with Perforated Washdown Pipe on Front and Back, Cast-Iron Flush Pipe, Ash Seats with heavy Brass Hinges and Copper-lined Pine Automatic Flushing Tank with Bronzed Iron Brackets. Length of Range, 4 fef ;t 6 ' 8 ' 10 ' 12 ' 14 ' 16 ' 18 ' 20 ' 4 ' 6 6 ' 9 9 ' 11 ' 3 13 ' 6 15 ' 9 18 ' 20 ' 3 5 ' ' 7 ' 6 10 ' 12 ' 6 15 ' 17 ' 6 20 ' ' inches, Number of Seats. 2 Size of Seats. 24 inches. Prices with Ash Seats as shown. Enameled Painted Range. Range. 1 48.00 $ 37.00 Prices without Seats. Enameled Painted Range. Range. 142.00 131.00 3 24 64.00 47.00 55.00 38.00 4 24 83.00 61.00 71.00 49.00 5 24 99.00 70.00 84.00 55.00 6 24 118.00 83.00 100.00 65.00 7 24 133.00 93.00 112.00 72.00 8 24 149.00 10300 125.00 79.00 9 24 164.00 112.00 137.00 85.00 10 24 180.00 122.00 150.00 92.00 2 27 51.00 39.00 45.00 33.00 3 27 68.00 49.00 59.00 40.00 4 27 89.00 64.00 77.00 52.00 5 27 106.00 75.00 91.00 60.00 6 27 127.00 88.00 109.00 70.00 7 27 142.00 99.00 123.00 78.00 8 27 161.00 109.00 137.00 85.00 9 27 178.00 119.00 151.00 92.00 2 30 54.00 41.00 48.00 35.00 3 30 72.00 52.00 63 00 43.00 4 30 95.00 67.00 83.00 55.00 5 30 114.00 79.00 99.00 64.00 6 30 136 00 93.00 118.00 75.00 7 30 155.00 105.00 134.00 84.00 8 30 174.00 117.00 150.00 93.00 If with Covers on Seats, add for each Cover, $i.oo. Unless otherwise ordered. Ranges will be sent as shown, viz: with Outlet on left=hand end and with Connection (£=1634) for Cast=iron Pipe; but when desired. Ranges can be furnished with the Outlet on right-hand end or with Fitting (E-1635) with Flange for Lead Pipe. When water is shut off during cold weather, at night or vacation, the Tank should be drained; add for Drain Valve at bottom of Tank, $3.00. If with Galvanized Ring under Seat, add $1.50 for each Seat. Galvanized Cast Iron Frame and Rubber Bumper for same under each Seat, each, extra, |1.25. Drip Cup on Flush Pipe, extra, |2.00. For depth of water in Range see page 187. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 187 WOLFF'S WASHOUT WATER CLOSET RANGE. E" 1 63T.— (special design.) E-1637. Represents Wolff's Special Washout Water Closet Range, with Perforated Wash-down Pipes on front and back, Cast Iron Flush Pipe, Ash Seats with heavy Brass Hinges, Painted Cast Iron Partitions and Back, and Copper-lined Pine Automatic Flushing Tank. Made in three sizes only, viz. : 8 feet, 6 feet, 4 feet. Dimensions and Prices. L,ength of Range, 4 feet, Length Over All, including- lush Pipe Fittings. Number of Seats. Size of Seats. Number of Partitions. Price Complete as described. Knameled. Painted. 4 ft. 5 in. 2 24 inches. 3 $ 64.00 $54.00 6 ft. 5 in. 3 24 " 4 86.25 71.00 8 ft. 5 in. 4 24 •' 5 111.75 91.25 If with Galvanized Partitions or Backs, add to above prices for Galvanizing Partitions, each, $3.00; and for Backs, each, |3.50. When water is shut off during cold weather, at night, or vacation, the tank should be drained; add for Drain-valve at bottom of Tank, $3.00. If with Gal- vanized Ring under Seat, add $IJ)() for each Seat. Galvanized Cast Iron Frame and Rubber Bumper for same under each Seat, each, extra, |1.25. Drip Cup on Flush Pipe, extra, |2.00. For length over all in all Ranges add 6 inches for Flush Fittings to length of Range. Height from floor to top of Seat is 1.5 inches. When de.sired, legs can be furnished, raising Range 2 inches. Ranges 8 feet and less are SO constructed that a depth of water of about 2^4 inches is maintained at all times; the construction is the same as F-1636, E-1638 and E-1639; longer Ranges have not quite as much water at Flush Tank End. For factories, asylums, etc., where not more than four Closets are required together in one room, this apparatus is well adapted. Having one outlet only, all surfaces thoroughly flushed, and great depth of water, it will give better satisfac- tion than the ordinary single Closet can for such uses, and when Enameled the appearance is the same as earthenware. Note. — Unless otherwise ordered. Ranges will be sent as shown, viz.: With Outlet on Left=hand End and with connection for Cast Iron Pipe; but when desired can be furnished with the Outlet on Right-hand End or with Fitting with Flange for Ivead Pipe. 188 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S WASHOUT WATER CLOSET RANGES. E-1638. E-1638. Represents Wolff's Washout Water Closet Range, with Perforated Washdown Pipe on front and back, Cast Iron Flush Pipe, Ash Seats with heavy Brass Hinges, Painted Cast Iron Partitions, and Copper-lined Pine Automatic Flushing Tank. Length of Range, 4 feet inches, 6 ' ' ' 8 ' ' 10 ' ' ' 12 ' ' ' 14 ' ' ' 16 ' ' ' 18 ' ' ' 20 ' ' ' 4 ' ' 6 6 ' ' 9 9 ' ' ' 11 ' ' 3 13 ' ' 6 ' 15 ' ' 9 ' 18 ' ' ' 20 ' ' 3 ' Dimensions and Prices. Number of Size of Seats. Seats. - 2 24 inches - 3 24 " - 4 24 " - 5 24 " - 6 24 " - 7 24 " - 8 24 " - 9 24 " - 10 24 " - 2 27 " - 3 27 '■ - 4 27 " . 5 27 " - 6 27 " - 1 27 " - 8 27 " . 9 27 " Prices, complete as described. Painted. I 46.00 59.00 75.25 88.25 103.75 116.75 129.50 142.25 154.75 47.50 61.25 78.25 92.00 108.50 122.00 135.50 148.75 If with Galvanized Partitions, add for each Partition |3.00. Height from floor to top of Seat is 15 inches; when desired Legs can be furnished, raising Range 2 inches. 2 and 3-seat Ranges are furnished with 12-gallon Tanks, 4-seat with 16-gallon, 5 and 6-seat with 20-gallon, 7 and 8-seat with 2o-ganon and 9 and 10-seat Ranges with 30-gallon Tanks. Unless otherwise ordered Ranges will be sent as shown, viz.: with Outlet on Left=hand End and with Connection (E=i634) for Cast Iron Pipe; but when desired, Ranges can be furnished with the Outlet on the Right-hand End or with Fitting (E-1635) with Flange for Lead Pipe. When water is shut off during cold weather, at night, or vacation, the Tank should be drained; add for Drain Valve at bottom of Tank, |3.00. If with Gal- vanized Ring under Seat, add $1.50 for each Seat. Galvanized Cast Iron Frame and Rubber Bumper for same under each Seat, each, extra, |1.25. Drip Cup on Flush Pipe, extra, $2.00. For depth of water in Range see page 187. Number of Partitions. Prices Enameled 3 $ 56.00 4 74.25 5 95.75 6 113.75 7 134.75 8 152 75 9 170.75 10 188.75 11 206.75 3 58.50 4 77.75 5 101.00 6 120.50 7 143.00 8 162.50 9 182.00 10 201.50 I.. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 189 WOLFF'S WASHOUT WATER CLOSET RANGES. E-1639. E-1639. Represents Wolff's Washout Water Closet Range, with Perforated Washdown Pipe on front and back, Cast Iron Flush Pipe, Ash Seats with heavy Brass Hinges, Painted Cast Iron Partitions and Backs, and Copper-lined Pine Automatic Flushing Tank. Length of Range, 4 feet inches, 6 ' 8 ' 10 ' ' 12 ' 14 ' 16 ' 18 ' " 20 ' 4 ' 6 6 ' 9 9 ' 11 ' 3 13 ' 6 15 ' 9 18 ' " 20 ' 3 Dimensions and Prices. Number of Size of Seats. Seats. - 2 24 inches. - 3 24 " - 4 24 " - 5 24 " - 6 24 " - 7 24 " - 8 24 " - 9 24 " - 10 24 " . 2 27 " . 3 27 " - 4 27 " 5 27 " - 6 27 " 7 27 " - 8 27 " . 9 27 " Number of Partitions. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Prices, complete as described. Enameled. Painted. I 64.00 86.25 111.75. 133.75 158.75 180 75 202.75 224.75 246.75 154.00 71.00 91.25 108.25 127.75 144.75 161.50 178.75 194.75 3 66.50 55.50 4 89.75 73.25 5 117.00 94.25 6 140.50 112.50 7 167.00 132.00 8 190.50 150.00 9 214.00 167.50 10 237.50 184.75 If with Galvanized Partitions or Backs, add to above prices for Galvanizing Partitions, each, $3.00, and for Backs, each, |3 50. Height from floor to top of Seat is 15 inches; when desired Legs can be furnished, raising Range 2 inches. 2 and 3-seat Ranges are furnished with 12-gallon Tanks, 4-seat with 16-gallon, 5 and 6 seat with 20-gallon, 7 and 8-seat with 25-gallon and 9 and 10-seat Ranges with 30-gallon Tanks. Unless otherwise ordered Ranges will be sent as shown, viz.: with Outlet on Left=hand End and with Connection (£=1634) for Cast Iron Pipe; but when desired. Ranges can be furnished with the Outlet on the Right-hand End or with Fitting (E-163rj) with Flange for Lead Pipe. When water is shut off during cold weather, at night, or vacation, the Tank should be drained; add for Drain Valve at bottom of Tank, $3.00. If with Gal- vanized Ring under Seat, add |1.50 for each Seat. Galvanized Cast Iron Frame and Rubber Bumper for same under each Seat, each, extra, |1.25. Drip Cup on Flush Pipe, extra, |2.00. For depth of water in Range see page 187. For length over all add 6 inches, for Flu.sh Fitting, to length of Range. 190 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S DOUBLE WASHOUT WATER CLOSET RANGES. E~ 1 640.— (double range.) E-1640. Represents Wolff's Double Washout Water Closet Range, with Perforated Wash-down Pipes on front and back, Cast Iron Flush Pipes, Ash Seats with Heavy- Brass Hinges, Painted Cast Iron Partitions and Backs, and Copper-lined Pine Automatic Flushing Tanks. Dimensions and Prices. Length of Range, 4 feet inches, - - - - . 6 ' ' 8 ' ' " 10 ' ' " 12 ' ' " 14 ' ' " 16 ' ' " 18 ' ' " 20 ' ' 4 ' ' 6 6 ' ' 9 9 ' ' " 11 ' ' 3 " 13 ' ' 6 " 15 ' ' 9 " 18 " " 20 ' ' 3 Number of Seats. size of Seats. Number of Partitions. Prices, Complete as Described. Enameled. Painted. 4 24 inches. 6 1122.00 1102.00 6 24 8 163.50 133.00 8 24 10 211.50 170.50 - 10 24 12 252.50 201.50 12 24 14 299.50 237.50 ■ 14 24 16 340.50 268.50 16 24 18 381.50 299.00 - 18 24 20 422.50 330.00 20 24 22 463.50 359.50 4 27 6 127.00 105.00 6 27 8 170.50 137.50 8 27 10 222.00 176.50 10 27 12 266.00 209.00 - 12 27 14 316.00 247.00 14 27 16 360.00 279.00 - 16 27 18 404.00 311.00 18 27 20 448.00 342. 50 If with Galvanized Partitions or Backs, add to above Prices for Galvanizing Partitions, each, |3.00, and for Backs, each, |3.50. Height from floor to top of Seat is 15 inches, when desired. Legs can be furnished, raising Range 2 inches. 2 and 3-seat Ranges are furnished with 12-gallon Tanks, 4-seat with 16-gallon, 5 and 6-sedt with 20-gallon, 7 and 8-seat with 25-gallon and 9 and 10-seat Ranges with 30-gallon Tanks. Unless otherwise ordered Ranges will be sent as shown, viz.: with Outlet on Left=hand End and with Connection (8=1634) for Cast Iron Pipe; but when desired. Ranges can be furnished with the Outlet on Right-hand End or with Fitting (E-1635) with Flange for Lead Pipe. When water is shut off during very cold weather or vacation, the Tank should be drained; add for Drain-valve at bottom of Tank, $3.00. If with Galvanized Ring under Seat, add |1.50 for each Seat. Galvanized Cast Iron Frame and Rubber Bumper for same under each Seat, each, extra, |1.25, Drip Cup on Flush Pipe, extra, |2.00. For depth of water in Range see page 187. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 191 WOLFFS ''MONARCH" PORCELAIN PANTRY SINKS. E-1644. "Monarch" Porcelain Pantry Sink, with 1^-inch thick Countersunk Italian Marble Top with Drain Board in one piece, ^-inch thick Marble Back and 8-inch Aprons on front and ends, two No. 19 Nickel Plated heavy Cast Brass Sink Legs, two Nickel Plated Brass Apron Supports, l>^-inch Nickel Plated Brass Vented Trap, Nickel Plated Overflow Strainer and Overflow Connection, Nickel Plated Bra£S Sink Support with Wrought Iron Frame, two No. 2 Nickel Plated Fuller Pantry Faucets and E-1244 Soap Cup. The Sink Suppoit is adjustable and has Wrought Iron Frame with Braces to wall. The Slab is 1^-inch Marble, deeply Countersunk and carefully Grooved. Prices and Dimensions. size of sink. Height of Back. Length of Bach Drain Board. Length of Slab. Width of Slab. complete as described Italian Marble, 20 X 14 inclies. 18 inclies. 20 inches. 4 feet 8 inclies. 1 foot 8 inches. % 76.50 23 X 16 1 1 18 i i 20 i i 6 " K 1 " 10 1 1 83.00 24x17 ( 1 18 < < 20 i i 5 " (( 2 " i< ■ 85.75 28x17 (( 18 { t 20 1 ( 5 " 4 II 2 " II 90.50 30x20 <( 18 ( < 20 ( ( 5 " 6 II 2 " 3 II 100.00 If with Supply Pipes to floor, add $4.00. If without Soap Cup, deduct $2.75. E=i644 can also be furnished in Pink Tennessee Marble. Size of Sink, Size of Floor Slab, Price, Italian Marble, Dimensions and Prices of Countersunk I^^^-inch Marble Floor Slabs for abovB. 20x14 in. 4 ft. 8 in. x 1 ft. 8 in. $11.75 23 X 16 in. 5 ft. X 1 ft. 10 in. $13.75 24x17 in. 5 ft. X 2 ft. $15.00 28x17 in. 5 ft. 4 in. X 2 ft. $16.00 30 X 20 in. 5 ft. 6 in. X 2 ft. 3 in. $18.50 Safe Waste Grate with Raised Strainer and Coupling, extra, |1.25. Above can also be furnished with Right or Left Hand End, the Marble Slab any size to order, or with one Drain Board only. 192 h. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFFS GERMAN SILVER PANTRY SINKS. E- 1 645. German Silver Pantry Sink, Recessed, with Nickel Plated Standing Overflow, IX-inch thick CountersunK. Marble Top with Drain Boards in one piece, J^-inch Marble Back and 8 inch Aprons on front and ends, two No. 19 Nickel Plated Brass Legs, Apron Supports and 1^-inch Nickel Plated Brass Trap with Waste to wall. Nickel Plated Brass Sink Support, two No. 2 Nickel Plated Fuller Pantry Cocks and E-1244 Soap Cup. The Slab is l)^-inch Marble, deeply Countersunk and carefully Grooved. Prices and Dimensions. Size of Sink, nside Measurement. Height of Back. Lei Each Di gth of aiu Board. Length of Slab. Width of Slab. PRICES, complete as described Italian Marble. 14x20 inches. 18 inches. 18 1 nches. 4 feet 7 inches. o feet inches. $ 94.00 14x24 ( ( 18 " 18 1 1 5 " " 2 " 99.25 16x24 1 ( 18 ( 1 20 t i .5 " 3 " 2 " 3 " 106.25 16x30 u 18 ( ( 20 i i 5 " 9 " 2 " 3 114.00 18x30 A 18 " 20 1 1 5 " 9 " 2 " 5 " 118.25 AH measurements are outside except those of the Sink, which are inside exclusive of Recess. E=i645 can also be furnished in Pink Tennessee Marble. Size of Sink, Size of Floor Slab, Price, Italian Marble, Dimensions and Prices of Countersunk 1)/-inch Marble Floor Slabs for above. 14x20 4 ft. 7 in. x 2 ft. $13.75 14x24 5 ft. x 2 ft. $15.00 16x24 5 ft. 3 in. X 2 ft. 3 in. $17.75 16x30 5 ft. 9 in. X 2 ft. 3 in. $19.50 18 X 30 5 ft. Gin. X 2 ft. 5 in. $21.00 Safe Waste Grate with Raised Strainer and Coupling, extra, fl.25. Above can also be furnished with Right or Left Hand End, the Marble Slab any size to order, or with one Drain Board only. I.. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 193 WOLFFS ''MONARCH" PORCELAIN PANTRY SINKS FOR RECESS. E- 1 646. "Monarch" Porcelain Pantry Sink, with l>^-inch thick Countersunk Marble Top with Drain Boards in one piece, ^-inch Marble Back and Ends and 8-inch Apron on front, two Nickel Plated Brass Apron Supports, l>^-inch Nickel Plated Brass Vented Trap, Nickel Plated Overflow Strainer and Overflow Connection, Nickel Plated Brass Sink Support with Wrought Iron Frame, and two Nickel Plated No. 2 Fuller Pantry Faucets and Supply Pipes to floor. The Sink Support is Adjustable and has Wrought-Iron Frame with Braces to wall. Prices and Dimensions. size of Sink. 20 X 14 inches. 23x16 " 24x17 " 28x17 " 30x20 '• Height of Back and Bnds. 18 inches. 18 " 18 " 18 " 18 " Length of Bach Drain Board. 20 inches. 20 " 20 " 20 " 20 " Length of Slab. 4 feet 8 inches. 5 " " 5 " " 5 " 4 " 5 " 6 " Width of Slab. 1 foot 8 inches. 1 " 10 " 2 " " 2 " " 2 " 3 " PRICES, complete as described, Italian Marble. $68.00 75.00 80.50 86.00 96.50 If without Supply Pipes to floor, deduct |4.00. E=i646 can also be furnished in Pink Tennessee Marble. Above can be furnished for any size recess, with one Drain Board only or with 16 or 18 inch High Backs, to suit requirements. Dimensions and Prices of Countersunk 1i<-inch Marble Floor Slabs for above. Size of Sink, Size of Floor Slab, Price, Italian Marble, 20x14 4 ft. 8 in. x 1 ft. 8 in. $11.75 23 X 16 o ft. X 1 ft. 10 in. $13.75 24x17 5 ft. X 2 ft. $15.00 28x17 5 ft. 4 in. X 2 ft. $16.00 30x20 5 ft. 6 in. X 2 ft. 3 in. $18.50 When ordering special sizes be careful to give correct outside measurements. 194 L. WOIvFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFFS "MONARCH" PORCELAIN KITCHEN SINKS. E- 1 647. "Monarch" Porcelain Kitchen Sink, with l>^-inch Italian Marble Top with Right-Hand Drain Board in one piece, J^-inch Marble Back 20 inches high, and 8-inch wide Aprons on Front and Ends, two No. 19 Nickel Plated Brass Legs, two Nickel Plated Brass Apron Supports, Enameled Iron Grease Trap, with Nickel Plated Brass Connections(E-1732),two Nickel Plated Brass Sink Supports with Wrought Iron Frame with Braces to wall, two Nickel Plated E-342 Fuller Faucets and E-1244 Soap Cup. The Legs and Sink Supports are adjustable, the Supports have Wrought Iron Frame with Braces to wall. The Slab is of l>^-inch Marble, deeply Countersunk and carefully Grooved. Prices and Dimensions. Size of Sink. Height of Back. I,ength of Drain Board. Length of Slab. 30x20 inches. 20 inches. 30 inches. 5 feet inches 36x23 " 20 " 36 " 6 " " 42x22 " 20 " 36 " 6 " 6 48x24 " 20 " 36 " 7 " " Width of Slab. 2 feet 1 inch. PRICES, complete as described, Italian Marble. $103.00 121.00 132.25 147.50 If without Soap Cup, deduct $2.75. If with Nickel Plated Standing Overflow, add |3.50. E=i647 can also be furnished in Pink Tennessee Marble. Size of Sink, - Size of Floor Slab, Price, Italian Marble, Dimensions and Prices of Countersunk I^^-inch Marble Floor Slabs for above. 30x20 5 ft. X 2 ft. 1 in. $15.75 36 X 23 6 ft. X 2 ft. 4 in. $21.00 42x22 6 ft. 6 in. x 2 ft. 3 in. $22.00 48x24 7 ft. X 2 ft. 5 in. $25.50 Safe Waste Grate with Raised Strainer and Coupling, extra, fl.25. Above can be furnished any size to order, with Drip Board on Left-Hand Side, with two Drip Boards, or for Recess as shown in E-1645 and anv height of Back desired. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 195 WOLFF'S "MONARCH" PORCELAIN KITCHEN SINKS. E- 1 648. 'Monarch" Porcelain Kitchen Sink, with 1^-inch Italian Marble Top with Right-Hand Drain Board in one piece, ^-inch Marble Back and Right-Hand End 18 inches high, and 8-inch Apron on front and Left-Hand End, one No. 19 Nickel Plated Brass Leg, two Nickel Plated Brass Apron Supports, 2-inch Nickel Plated Brass Vented Trap, two Nickel Plated Brass Sink Supports with Wrought Iron Frame with Braces to Wall, two Nickel Plated E-342 Fuller Faucets and E-1244 Soap Cup. The Leg and Sink Supports are adjustable, the Supports have Wrought Iron Frame with Braces to WaU. The Slab is of l>^-inch Marble, deeply Countersunk and carefully Grooved. Prices and Dimensions. Size of Sink. 30x20 inches. Height of Back and End. 18 inclies. tength of Drain Board. 30 inches. Length of Slab. 5 feet inches 36x23 " 18 " 30 " 5 " 6 " 42x22 18 " 30 " 6 " " 48x24 18 " 30 " 6 " 6 •' Width of Slab. 2 feet 1 inch. 2 " 4 " 2 " 3 " 2 " 5 " PRICES, complete as described, Italian Marble, $ 92.50 106.00 114.00 132.25 If without Soap Cup, deduct $2.75. If with Nickel Plated Standing Overflow, add $3.50. D-790 can also be furnished in Pink Tennessee Marble. Dimensions and Prices of Countersunk 114^-iNCH Marble Floor Slabs for above. Size of Sink, Size of Floor Slab, Price, Italian Marble, 30 X 20 5 ft. X 2 ft. 1 in. $15.75 36x23 5 ft. 6 in. X 2 ft. 4 in. $19.50 42x22 6 ft. X 2 ft. 3 in. $20.25 48x24 6 ft. 6 in. x 2 ft. 5 in. $23.75 Safe Waste Grate with Raised Strainer, extra, $1.25. Above can be furnished any size to order, with Drip Board on Left-Hand {Bide, with two Drip Boards, or for Recess as in E-1645, and any height Back and End desired. 196 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. ENAMELED IRON KITCHEN SINK. WITH SLATE TOP AND DRIP BOARD IN ONE PIECE, SLATE BACK AND APRONS. With Drip Board on Right-Hand End of Sink. E-1658. Enameled Iron Kitclien Sink, -witli Slate Top and Right-Hand End Countersunk Drip Board in one piece. Slate Back and Apron on front and ends, two Nickel Plated Brass Offset Legs, two Nickel Plated Brass Apron Supports, l>^-inch Nickel Plated Brass Vented Trap with Waste to floor, and two Nickel Plated Improved Special Fuller Flange and Thimble Faucets. The Trap and Legs are adjustable. Sink is securely fastened to Slate Frame. The Drain Board and Capping on Sink is one piece. Prices and Dimensions. I,ength of Slab. 4 feet 6 inches. 4 " 6 5 " " 5 " 4 " 5 " 6 " If with Nickel Plated Brass Sink Support and Frame, as shown in E-1648,add $4.00. If the Brass Work is Polished Brass in place of Nickel Plated, deduct |2.00. If with Nickel Plated Standing Overflow, add $3.50. If with Galvanized Iron Legs instead of Brass, deduct $4.00. Special Doherty or Boston Self-Closing Faucets for above can be furnished in place of Fuller when so desired. Sinks ordered of above dimensions, which are our regular sizes, can be furnished on short notice ; should special sizes be required, these we can make to order. E-1658 can also be furnished with 18, 20 or 24 inch High Back or with Back and End, or with Drain Board on Left-Hand End. Slate or Marble Bases for above made to order. Prices upon application. Note.— £=1658 can also be furnished in "Duro=Stone" at same price as Slate; when so furnished, «' Duro=Stone" 5inks will have to be about 2 inches wider than widths given above. size of Enameled Iron Sink. Height of Back. Length of Drain Board. 18 X 30 X 6 inches. 16 inches. 24 inches. 20 X 30 X 6 ( ( 16 1 c 24 ( ( 20 X 36 X 6 ( I 16 ( ( 24 ( ( 20 X 40 X 6 ( i 16 ( ( 24 ( < 22x42x6 ( ( 16 ( ( 24 (( Width of Slab. PRICE, complete as described. 22 inches. 24 " $45.75 46.00 24 " 49.50 24 " 51. 75 54.25 L. WOIvFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 197 ENAMELED IRON KITCHEN SINK. WITH SLATE TOP AND DRIP BOARD IN ONE PIECE, SLATE BACK AND APRONS. "With Drip Board on Right-Hand End of Sink. E-1659. Enameled Iron Kitchen Sink, with Slate Top and Right-Hand End Countersunk Drip Board in one piece, Slate Back and Apron on Front and Ends, two Galvanized Iron Legs and Frame and two Nickel Plated Improved Special Fuller Flange and Thimble Faucets. The Drain Board and Capping on Sink is one piece. Prices and Dimensions. size of Enameled Iron Sink. Height of Back. Length of D rain Board. Length o f Slab. Width of Slab. PRICE, complete as described 18 X 30 X 6 inches. 16 inches. 24 inches. 4 feet 6 inches. 22 inches. $30.00 30 25 20 X 30 X 6 (1 16 ( ( 24 < ( 4 " 6 ( ( 24 " 20 X 36 X 6 ( ( 16 i( 24 i i 5 " ( ( 24 " 33 75 20 X 40 X 6 it 16 (( 24 i ( 5 " 4 i i 24 " 36.00 38.50 22x42x6 it 16 (( 24 ( < 5 " 6 <( 26 " Sinks ordered of above dimensions, which are our regular sizes, can be furnished on short notice ; should special sizes be required, these we can make to order. E-1659 can also be furnished with 18, 20 or 24 inch High Back or with Back and End. E'-idsp can also be furnished in "Duro=Stone" at same price as Slate; when so furnished, " Duro-Stone " Sinks will be about 2 inches wider than widths given above. Note. — E=i659Sinks made of Slate will be sent on all orders unless otherwise specified. 198 I.. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S "DURO-STONE" KITCHEN SINKS, WITH SHELF AND RETURN ENDS. FINE GRADE VIRGINIA SOAPSTONE. E-1660. With Shelf and Return Ends. Duro-Stone" Kitchen Sink, with 16-inch High Back, Soap Cup, Grooved Drain Board with Aprons, Polished Brass Rim, Galvanized Legs and Frame, and two Nickel Plated Improved Fuller Flange and Thimble Faucets. Size of Sink. Length ' Drain Broad. Prices and Dimensions. Total Length. Height of Back. PRICE, as described, with Pol- ished Brass Rim and Faucets. PRICE, without Polished Brass Rim, with Faucets. 18 X 24 X 8 inches deep. 24 inches. 4 feet inches. 16 inches. $34.25 $29.00 20x30x8 " 24 1 1 4 6 16 36.25 30.25 20x36x8 " 24 ( ( 5 16 38.00 31.50 20x40x8 " 24 1 1 5 4 16 39.75 33.00 22x42x8 " 24 ( ( 5 6 16 41.25 34.25 22x48x8 " 24 l( 6 16 43.25 36.00 24x48x8 " 24 1 ( 6 <> 16 45.25 37.75 If without Faucets, deduct $2.00. If without Soap Cup, deduct 50 cents. If with Brass Legs and Brackets and Bronzed Iron Frame, add $13.00; Nickel Plated Brass Legs and Brackets and Nickel Plated Iron Frame, $15.00. If Brass Rim is Nickel Plated, add $.3.50. Sinks, when ordered of above dimensions, which are our regular sizes, can be furnished on short notice. Should special sizes be required, these we can make to order. F-1660 can also be furnished with 18 or 20 inch Backs with Back and End, and with 30 or 36 inch Drain Board. "Duro-Stone" Sinks with Polished Brass Rims, Faucets and Faucet Holes 8 inches apart (from center to center) and 14 inches from center to bottom (inside) of Sink will be sent unless otherwise ordered All measurements are outside. Note Above Sinks can be furnished of Slate at same price as " Duro=Stone." *• Duro=Stone" is a fine, close-grained quality of Soapstone from quarries in Virginia, and is remarkable for its freeness from Veins, Grit or Quartz. It is therefore very strong and durable. Its composition is such that steam, very hot water, or sudden changes from hot to cold will not affect it. "Duro-Stone" being non-absorbent, is for sanitary reasons to be highly recommended for Plumbing purposes. An unlimited supply from a large quarry, favorable freight rates and good machinery enable us to put very low figures on our products made of "Duro- Stone." E-1660 ca" be made with Shelf and Return Ends. Note. — Sinks made of "Duro=Stone" will be sent on all orders unless otherwise specified. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 199 WOLFFS "DURO-STONE" KITCHEN SINKS. FINE GRADE VIRGINIA SOAPSTONE. E-1661. "Duro-Stone" Kitchen Sink, with High Back, Soap Cup, Galvanized Legs and Frame, two Nickel Plated Improved Fuller Flange and Thimble Faucets and Polished Brass Rim. Prices and Dimensions. Size of Sink. Height of Back. 18x24x8 inches deep, 12 inches, 20 X 30 X 8 12 " 20x36x8 12 " ■ 20 X 40 X 8 12 " 22 x 42 X 8 12 " - 22 X 48 X 8 12 " 24 X 48 X 8 12 " - With Polished Brass Rim aud Faucets as shown. Without Brass Rim with Faucets. $20.25 $16.50 22.00 17.25 23.00 18.00 24.00 18.75 25.25 19.75 27.00 21.25 28.50 22.50 If Brass Rim is Nickel Plated, add $2.00 2.00 2.00 2.25 2.25 3.50 3.50 If without Faucets, deduct $2.00. If without Soap Cup, deduct 50 cents. If with Brass Legs and Brackets and Bronzed Iron Frame, add SilS.OO; Nickel Plated Brass Legs and Brackets and Nickel Plated Iron Frame, $15.00. Sinks, when ordered of above dimensions, which are our regular sizes, can be furnished on short notice. Should special sizes be required, these we can make to order. "Duro-Stone" Sinks with Polished Brass Rims, Faucets and Faucet Holes 8 inches apart (from center to center) and 14 inches from center to bottom (inside) of Sink, will be sent unless otherwise ordered. All measurements are outside. Note.— Above Sinks can be furnished of Slate at same price as " Duro=Stone." "DurO'Stone" is a fine, close-grained quality of Soapstone from quarries in Virginia, and is remarkable for its freeness from Veins, Grit or Quartz. It is therefore very strong and durable. Its composition is such that steam, very hot water, or sudden changes from hot to cold will not affect it. "Duro-Stone" being non-absorbent, is for sanitary reasons to be highly recommended for Plumbing purposes. An unlimited supply from a large Quarry, favorable freight rates and good machinery enable us to put very low figures on our products made of " Duro-Stone." Note.— Sinks made of "Duro=Stone" will be sent on all orders unless otherwise specified. 200 I.. WOI.FF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFFS "DURO-STONE" KITCHEN SINKS. FINE GRADE VIRGINIA SOAPSTONE. E-1663. "Duro-Stone" Kitchen Sink, with High Back and Left-Hand End, Soap Cup, Galvanized Legs and Frame, two Nickel Plated Improved Fuller Flange and Thimble Faucets and Polished Brass Rim. Prices and Dimensions. size of Sink 18 X 24 X 8 inches deep, 20 X 30 X 8 20x36x8 20 X 40 X 8 22 X 42 X 8 22 X 48 X 8 24 X 48 X 8 Height of Back. 16 inches, 16 16 16 16 16 16 Vith Polished Brass Rim and Faucets as shown. Without Brass Rim with Faucets. $20.75 $18.00 23.00 19.75 23.75 20.50 25.75 21.50 27.50 23.25 29.25 25.00 30.50 26.00 If Brass Rim is Nickel Plated, add $1.75 1.75 1.75 2.00 2.00 3.25 3.25 If without Faucets, deduct $2.00. If without Soap Cup, deduct 50 cents. Sinks, when ordered of above dimensions, which are our regular sizes, can be furnished on short notice. Should special sizes be required, these we can make to order. "Duro-Stone" Sinks with Polished Brass Rims, Faucets and Faucet Holes 8 inches apart (from center to center) and 14 inches from center to bottom ^ inside) of Sink, will be sent unless otherwise ordered. E-1663 can also be furnished with Right-Hand instead of Left-Hand End shown. All measurements are outside. Note. — Above Sinks can be furnished of Slate at same price as " Duro=Stone." "Duro=Stone" is a fine, close-grained quality of Soapstone from quarries in Virginia, and is remarkable for its freeness from Veins, Grit or Quartz. It is therefore very strong and durable. Its composition is such that steam, very hot water, or sudden changes from hot to cold will not affect it. "Duro-Stone" being non-absorbent, is for sanitary reasons to be highly recommended for Plumbing purposes. An unlimited supply from a large quarry, favorable freight rates and good machinery enable us to put very low figures on our products made of "Duro-Stone." Note. — sinks made of "Duro=Stone" will be sent on all orders unless otherwise specified. I.. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY 201 WOLFF'S "DURO-STONE" KITCHEN SINKS. FINE GRADE VIRGINIA SOAPSTONE. E-1664. "Duro-Stone" Kitchen Sink, with 16-inch High Back, Soap Cup, Grooved Drain Board with Aprons, Polished Brass Rim, Galvanized Legs and Frame, and two Nickel Plated Improved Fuller Flange and Thimble Faucets. Prices and Dimensions. Size of Sink. Length of Drain Board. Total Length. Height of Back. PRICE, as described, with Pol- ished Brass Rim and Faucets. PRICE, without Polished Brass Rim, with Faucets 18 X 24 X 8 inches deep. 24 inches. 4 feet inches. 16 inches. $33.25 $28.00 20x30x8 " 24 4 6 16 35.25 29.25 20x36x8 24 5 16 37.00 30.50 20x40x8 " 24 5 4 16 38.75 32.00 22x42x8 " 24 5 6 16 40.25 33.25 22x48x8 " 24 6 16 42.25 35.00 24x48x8 " 24 6 16 44.25 36.75 If without Faucets, deduct $2.00. If without Soap Cup, deduct 50 cents. If with Brass Legs and Brackets and Bronzed Iron Frame, add §13.00; Nickel Plated Brass Legs and Brackets and Nickel Plated Iron Frame, $15.00. If Brass Rim is Nickel Plated, add $3.50. Sinks, when ordered of above dimensions, which are our regular sizes, can be furnished on short notice. Should special sizes be required, these we can make to order. E-1664 can also be furnished with 18 or 20 inch Backs with Back and End, and with 30 or 36 inch Drain Board. "Duro-Stone" Sinks with Polished Brass Rims, Faucets and Faucet Holes 8 inches apart (from center to center) and 14 inches from center to bottom (inside) of Sink will be sent unless otherwise ordered. All measurements are outside. Note. — Above Sinks can be furnished of Slate at same price as " Duro= Stone." "Duro=Stone" is a fine, close-grained quality of Soapstone from quarries in Virginia, and is remarkable for \\.s freeness from Veins, Grit or Quartz. It is therefore ver}' strong and durable. Its composition is such that steam, very hot water, or sudden changes from hot to cold will not affect it. "Duro-Stone" being non-absorbent, is for sanitary reasons to be highly recommended for Plumbing purposes. An unlimited supply from a large quarry, favoraVjle freight rates and good machinery enable us to put very low figures on our products made of "Duro- Stone." E-1664 can be made with Shelf and Return Ends. Note.— Sinks made of "Duro=Stone" will be sent on all orders unless otherwise specified. 202 Iv. WOI.FF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S "DURO-STONE" KITCHEN SINKS. FINE GRADE VIRGINIA SOAPSTONE. E-1665. 'Duro-Stone" Kitchen Sink, with 16-inch High Back, Soap Cup, Grooved Drain Board on Right-Hand side, with Aprons, Polished Brass Rim, Galvanized Legs and Frame, and two Nickel Plated Improved Fuller Flange and Thimble Faucets, Polished Brass Standing Overflow, and l>^-inch Polished Brass Adjustable Vented Trap, with Waste to floor. Size of Sink. 18 X 24 X 8 inches deep. 20 X 30 X 8 20 X 36 X 8 20 X 40 X 8 22 X 42 X 8 22 X 48 X 8 24 X 48 X 8 Prices and Dimensions. Total Length. 4 feet inches. 4 " 6 5 " 5 " 4 5 " 6 6 " 6 " If without Faucets, deduct $2.00. If without 5oap Cup, deduct 50 cents. Length of Drain Board 24 inches. 24 24 24 24 24 24 Height of Back. PRICE, as described, with Pol- ished Brass Rim and Faucets. PRICE, without Polished Brass Rim, with Faucets. 16 inches. $40.75 $35.50 16 " 42.75 36.50 16 " 44.50 38.00 16 " 46.25 39.50 16 " 47.75 40.75 16 " 49.75 42.50 16 " 51.75 44.25 If with Brass Legs and Brackets and Bronzed Iron Frame, add $13.00 ; Nickel Plated Brass Legs and Brackets and Nickel Plated Iron Frame, $15.00. If Trap and Overflow are Nickel Plated, add 75 cents. If Brass Rim is Nickel Plated, add $3.50. Sinks, when ordered of above dimensions, which are our regular sizes, can be furnished on short notice. Should special sizes be required, these we can make to order. E-1665 can also be furnished with 18 or 20 inch Backs with Back and End, and with 30 or 36 inch Drain Board. "Duro-Stone" Sinks with Polished Brass Rims, Faucets and Faucet Holes 8 inches apart (from center to center) and 14 inches from center to bottom (inside) of Sink will be sent unless otherwise ordered. All measurements are outside. Note.— Above Sinks can be furnished of Slate at same price as *« Duro=Stone." "Duro=Stone" is a fine, close-grained quality of Soapstone from quarries in Virginia, and is remarkable for its freeness from Veins, Grit or Quartz. It is therefore very strong and durable. Its composition is such that steam, very hot water, or sudden changes from hot to cold will not affect it. "Duro-Stone" being non-absorbent, is for sanitary reasons to be highly recommended for Plumbing purposes. An unlimited supply from a large quarry, favorable freight rates and good machinery enable us to put very low figures on our products made of "Duro- Stone." E-1665 can be made with Shelf and Return Ends. Note.— Sinks made of << Duro=Stone" will be sent on all orders unless otherwise specified. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 203 WOLFF'S "DURO-STONE"' KITCHEN SINKS. FINE GRADE VIRGINIA SOAPSTONE. E-1667. "Duro-Stone" Kitchen Sink, -with 16-inch High Back, Soap Cup, Grooved Drain Board on Left-Hand side, with Aprons, Polished Brass Rim, Galvanized Legs and Frame, and two Nickel Plated Improved Fuller Flange and Thimble Faucets. Size of Sink. 18 X 24 X 8 inches deep. 20 X 30 X 8 20 X 36 X 8 20 X 40 X 8 22 X 42 X 8 22 X 48 X 8 24x48x8 I,eiigth of Drain Board. 24 inclies. 24 24 24 24 24 24 Prices and Dimensions. Total Length. 4 feet inches. Height of Back. PRICE, as described, with Pol- ished Brass Rim and Faucets. PRICE, ■without Polished Brass Rim, with Faucets. 16 inches. $33.25 $28.00 16 " 35.25 29.25 16 " 37.00 30.50 16 " 38.75 32.00 16 " 40.25 33.25 16 " 42.25 35.00 16 " 44.25 36.75 If without Faucets, deduct $2.00. If without 5oap Cup, deduct 50 cents. If with Brass Legs and Brackets and Bronzed Iron Frame, add $13.00 ; Nickel Plated Brass Legs and Brackets and Nickel Plated Iron Frame, $15.00. If Brass Rim is Nickel Plated, add $3.50. Sinks, when ordered of above dimensions, which are our regular sizes, can be furnished on short notice. Should special sizes be required, these we can make to order. E-1667 can also be furnished with 18 or 20 inch Backs with Back and End, and with 30 or 36 inch Drain Board. "Duro-Stone" Sinks with Polished Brass Rims, Faucets and Faucet Holes 8 inches apart (from center to center) and 14 inches from center to bottom (inside) of Sink will be sent unless otherwise ordered. All measurements are outside. Note. — Above Sinks can be furnished of Slate at same price as " Duro=Stone." "Duro=Stone" is a fine, close-grained quality of Soapstone from quarries in Virginia, and is remarkable for \\s freeness from Veins, Grit or Quartz. It is therefore very strong and durable. Its composition is such that steam, very hot water, or sudden changes from hot to cold will not affect it. "Duro-Stone" being non-absorbent, is for sanitary reasons to be highly recommended for Plumbing purposes. An unlimited supply from a large quarry, favorable freight rates and good machinery enable us to put very low figures on our products made of "Duro- Stone." E-1667 can be made with Shelf and Return Ends. Note.— Sinks made of "Duro=Stone" will be sent on all orders unless otherwise specified. 204 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFFS '^DURO-STONE" KITCHEN SINKS. FINE GRADE VIRGINIA SOAPSTONE. E-1668. "Duro-Stone" Kitchen Sink with 16-iiich High Back, Soap Cup, Grooved Drain Board with Aprons, 10-inch Pump Board, Polished Brass Rim, Galvanized Legs and Frame, and two Nickel Plated Improved Fuller Flange and Thimble Faucets. Dimensions and Prices. ~ ^ Price, without Pump. Size of Sink. IS X 24 X 8 inches deep. 20 X 30 X 8 20 X 36 X 8 20 X 40 X 8 22 X 42 X 8 22 X 48 X 8 24 X 48 X 8 Length of Drain Board. Length ol Pump Board. Total Length. Height of Back. as df ished lir PRICE, -cribed, with Pol- iss Kim and Faucets. PRICE, without Brass Rim with Faucets. 24 inches. 10 inches. 4 feet 10 inches. 16 inches. !?39.75 $33.75 24 " 10 " 5 4 16 41.75 35.25 24 " 10 " 5 10 16 43.75 36.75 24 " 10 " 6 2 16 44.00 38.25 24 " 10 " 6 4 16 47.25 39.75 24 " 10 " 6 10 16 49.75 41.75 24 " 10 " 6 10 16 51.75 43.50 If without Faucets, deduct $2.00. If without Soap Cup, deduct 50 cents. Porcelain Lined Pitcher Spout Pump, extra, No. 1, $2.75; No. 2, $3.00. Brass Cylinder Pitcher Spout Pump, extra. No. 1, $4.50; No. 2, $6.25. If -with Brass Legs and Brackets and Bronzed Iron Frame, add $13.00; Nickel Plated Brass Legs and Brackets and Nickel Plated Iron Frame, $15.00. If Trap and Overflow are Nickel Plated, add 75 cents. If Brass Rim is Nickel Plated, add $3.50. Sinks, when ordered of above dimensions, which are our regular sizes, can be furnished on short notice. Should special sizes be required, these we can make to order. E-1668 can also be furnished with 18 or 20 inch Backs with Back and End, and with 3U or 36 inch Drain Board. "Duro-Stone" Sinks with Polished Brass Rims, Faucets and Faucet Holes 8 inches apart (from center to center) and 14 inches from center to bottom (inside) of Sink will be sent unless otherwise ordered. All measurements are outside. Note. — Above Sinks can be furnished of Slate at same price as " Duro=Stone." " Duro=Stone " is a fine, close-grained quality of Soapstone from quarries in Virginia, and is remarkable for its freeness from Veins, Grit or Quartz. It is therefore very strong and durable. Its composition is such that steam, very hot water, or sudden changes from hot to cold will not affect it. "Duro-Stone" being non-absorbent, is for sanitary reasons to be highly recommended for Plumbing purposes. An unlimited supply from a large quarry, favorable freight rates and good machinery enable us to put very low figures on our products made of " Duro- Stone." E-1668can be made with Shelf and Return Ends. Note. — Sinks made of "Duro=Stone" will be sent tn all orders unless otherwise specified. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 205 WOLFF'S "DURO-STONE" KITCHEN SINKS. FINE GRADE VIRGINIA SOAPSTONE. E-1669. "Duro-Stone" Kitchen Sink, with 16-inch High Back and Left-Hand End, Soap Cup, Grooved Drain Board, with Aprons, Polished Brass Rim, Galvanized Leg and Frame, and two Nickel Plated Improved Fuller Flange and Thimble Faucets. Prices and Dimensions. Size of Sink. I^ength f Drain Board. Total Length. Height of Back. PRICE, as described, with ished Brass Rim and Pol- Faucets. PRICE, without Polished Brass Rim, with Faucets. 18 X 24 X 8 inches deep. 24 inches. 4 feet inches. 16 inches. $35.25 $30.00 20x30x8 " 24 4 ' ' 6 " 16 " 37.25 31.25 20x36x8 " 24 5 ' ' " 16 " 39.00 32.50 20x40x8 " 24 5 ' ' 4 << 16 " 40.75 34.00 22x42x8 " 24 5 ' ' 6 " 16 " 42.25 35.25 22x48x8 " 24 6 ' ' " 16 " 44.25 37.00 24x48x8 " 24 6 ' ' " 16 " 46.25 38.75 If without Faucets, deduct $2.00. If without Soap Cup, deduct 50 cents. If Brass Rim is Nickel Plated, add $3.50. Sinks, when ordered of above dimensions, which are our regular sizes, can be furnished on short notice. Should special sizes be required, these we can make to order. E-1669 can also be furnished with 18 or 20 inch Backs and with 30 or 36 inch Drain Board. "Duro-Stone" Sinks with Polished Brass Rims, Faucets and Faucet Holes 8 inches apart (from center to center) and 14 inches from center to bottom (inside) of Sink will be sent unless otherwise ordered. All measurements are outside. Note.— Above Sinks can be furnished of Slate at same price as " Duro=Stone." " Duro=Stone" is a fine, close-grained quality of Soapstone from quarries in Virginia, and is remarkable for iis freeness from Veins, Grit or Quartz. It is therefore very strong and durable. Its composition is such that steam, very hot water, or sudden changes from hot to cold will not affect it. "Duro-Stone" being non-absorbent, is for sanitary reasons to be highly recommended for Plumbing purposes. An unlimited supply from a large quarry, favorable freight rates and good machinery enable us to put very low figures on our products made of "Duro- Stone." E-166iJcan be made with Shelf and Return Ends. Note.— Sinks made of "Duro=Stone" will be sent on all orders unless otherwise specified. 206 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S "DURO-STONE" KITCHEN SINKS. FINE GRADE VIRGINIA SOAPSTONE. E-1670. " Duro-Stone " Kitchen Sink, with 16-inch High Back and Right-Hand End, Soap Cup, Grooved Drain Board, with Aprons, Polished Brass Rim, Galvanized Leg and Frame, and two Nickel Plated Improved Fuller Flange and Thimble Faucets. Size of Sink. 18 X 24 X 8 inches deep. 20 X 30 X 8 20 X 36 X 8 20 X 40 X 8 22 X 42 X 8 22 X 48 X 8 24 X 48 X 8 Length of Drain Board. 24 inches. 24 24 24 24 24 24 Prices and Dimensions. Total Length. 4 feet inches. Height of Back. PRICE, as described, with Pol- ished Brass Rim and Faucets. PRICE, without Polished Brass Rim, with Faucets. 16 inches. $35.25 $30.00 16 " 37.25 31.25 16 " 39.00 32.50 16 " 40.75 34.00 16 " 42.25 35.25 16 " 44.25 37.00 16 " 46.25 38.75 If without Faucets, deduct $2.00. If without Soap Cup, deduct 50 cents. If Brass Rim is Nickel Plated, add $3.50. Sinks, when ordered of above dimensions, which are our regular sizes, can be furnished on short notice. Should special sizes be required, these we can make to order. E-1670 can also be furnished with 18 or 20 inch Backs and with 30 or 36 inch Drain Board. "Duro-Stone" Sinks with Polished Brass Rims, Faucets and Faucet Holes 8 inches apart (from center to center) and 14 inches from center to bottom (inside) of Sink will be sent unless otherwise ordered. All measurements are outside. Note. — Above Sinks can be furnished of Slate at same price as " Duro=Stone." "Duro=Stone" is a fine, close-grained quality of Soapstone from quarries in Virginia, and is remarkable for \\s, freeness from Veins, Grit or Quartz. is therefore very strong and durable. Its composition is such that steam, very hot water, or sudden changes from hot to cold will not affect it. "Duro-Stone" being non-absorbent, is for sanitary reasons to be highly recommended for Plumbing purposes. An unlimited supply from a large quarry, favorable freight rates and good machinery enable us to put very low figures on our products made of "Duro- Stone." E-1670 can be made with Shelf and Return Ends. It Note. — Sinks made of "Duro=Stone" will be sent on all orders unless otherwise specified. Iv. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 207 WOLFF'S ''DURO- STONE" KITCHEN SINKS. FINE GRADE VIRGINIA SOAPSTONE. E-1671. 'Duro-Stone" Kitchen Sink with 16-inch High Back, Grooved Drain Boards, with Aprons, Polished Brass Rim, Galvanized Ivegs and Frame and two Nickel Plated Improved Fuller Flange and Thimble Faucets. Prices and Dimensions. size of Sink. Length of each Drain Board. Total Le ngth. Height of Back. With and Polished Brass Rim Faucets as shown. without Brass Rim with Faucets. 18 X 24 X 8 inches deep. 18 inches. 5 feet inches. 16 inches. $41.25 $35.25 20 X 30 X 8 18 5 " 6 16 43.75 37.00 20 X 36 X 8 18 6 " 16 46.00 38.75 20 X 40 X 8 18 6 " 4 16 48.00 40.50 22 X 42 X 8 18 6 " 6 16 50.25 42.50 22x48x8 18 7 " 16 52.50 44.50 24 X 48 X 8 18 7 " 16 53.75 45.50 If without Faucets, deduct $2.00. If without Soap Cup, deduct 50 cents. If with Brass Legs and Brackets and Bronzed Iron Frame, add ?].3.00; Nickel Plated Brass L,egs and Brackets and Nickel Plated Iron Frame, $15.00. If Brass Rim is Nickel Plated, add $3.50. vSinks, when ordered of above dimensions, which are our regular sizes, can be furnished on short notice. Should special sizes be required, these we can make to order. "Duro-Stone" Sinks with Polished Brass Rims, Faucets and Faucet Holes 8 inches apart (from center to center) and 14 inches from center to bottom (inside) of Sink, will be sent unless otherwise ordered. All measurements are outside. Note. — Above Sinks can be furnished of Slate at same price as " Duro=Stone." "Duro=Stone" is a fine, close-grained quality of Soapstone from quarries in Virginia, and is remarkable for its /reeness from Veins, Grit or Quartz. It is therefore very strong and durable. Its composition is such that steam, very hot water, or .sudden changes from hot to cold will not affect it. "Duro-Stone," being non-absorbent, is for sanitary reasons to be highly recommended for Plumbing purposes. An unlimited supply from a large quarry, favorable freight rates and good machinery enable us to put very low figures on our products made of " Duro-Stone." Note. — Sinks made of "Duro=Stone" will be sent on all orders unless otherwise specified. 208 I.. WOI.FF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFFS "DURO-STONE" KITCHEN SINKS. FINE GRADE VIRGINIA SOAPSTONE. E-1673. 'Duro-Stone" Kitchen Sink with 16-inch High Back and Left-Hand End, Grooved Drain Boards, with Aprons, Polished Brass Rim, Galvanized Leg and Frame and two Nickel Plated Improved Fuller Flange and Thimble Faucets. Size of Sink. 18 X 24 X 8 inches deep, 20x30x8 " 20x36x8 " 20x40x8 " 22x42x8 " 22x48x8 " 24x48x8 " Prices and Dimensions. Length of each Drain Board. 18 inches. 18 18 i8 18 18 18 If without Faucets, deduct $2.00. If without Soap Cup, deduct 50 cents. Total Length 5 feet inches 5 " 6 6 " 6 " 4 6 " 6 7 " 7 " Height of Back and End. With Polished Brass Rim and Faucets as shown. Without Brass Rira with Faucets. 16 inches. $39.75 $34.75 16 " 42.00 36.75 16 " 44.25 38.50 16 " 46.25 40.25 16 " 48.75 42.50 16 " 51.75 44.50 16 " 52.50 45.75 If with Brass Legs and Brackets and Bronzed Iron Frame, add $13.00 ; Nickel Plated Brass Legs and Brackets and Nickel Plated Iron Frame, $15.00. If Brass Rim is Nickel Plated, add $3.50. Sinks, when ordered of above dimensions, which are our regular sizes, can be furnished on short notice. Should special sizes be required, or with Right- Hand End, these we can make to order. "Duro-Stone" Sinks with Polished Brass Rims, Faucets and Faucet Holes 8 inches apart (from center to center) and 14 inches from center to bottom (inside) of Sink, will be sent unless otherwise ordered. All measurements are outside. Note. — Above Sinks can be furnished of Slate at same price as " Duro=Stone." •' Duro=Stone " is a fine, close-grained quality of Soapstone from quarries in Virginia, and is remarkable for its freeness from Veins, Grit or Quartz. It is therefore very strong and durable. Its composition is such that steam, very hot water, or sudden changes from hot to cold will not affect it. "Duro-Stone" being non-absorbent, is for sanitary reasons to be highly recommended for Plumbing purposes. An unlimited supply from a large quarry, favorable freight rates and good machinery enable us to put very low figures on our products made of " Duro-Stone." Note. — Sinks made of "Duro=Stone" will be sent on all orders unless otherwise specified. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 209 WOLFF'S "DURO-STONE" KITCHEN SINKS. FINE GRADE VIRGINIA SOAPSTONE. E-1674. 'Duro-Stone" Kitchen Sink with 16-inch High Back and Ends, Grooved Drain Boards, with Aprons, Polished Brass Rim, and two Nickel Plated Improved Fuller Flange and Thimble Faucets. Prices and Dimensions. size f Sink. Length each Drain of Board. Total Le ngth. Heig an ht of Back d Ends. With Polished Brass Rim and Faucets as shown. Without Brass Rim with Faucets. 18 X 24 X 8 inches deep. 18 inches. 5 feet inches. 16 inches. $41.75 $38.00 20x30x8 ( 1 18 " 5 " 6 16 44.00 39.75 20 X 36 X 8 " 18 " 6 " 16 46.00 41.50 20 X 40 X 8 18 " 6 " 4 16 48.00 43.25 22 X 42 X 8 " 18 " 6 " 6 16 50.25 45.25 22 X 48 X 8 " 18 " 7 " 16 52.50 47.25 24 X 48 X 8 " 18 " 7 " 16 54.00 48.75 If without Faucets, deduct $2.00. If without Soap Cup, deduct 50 cents. If Brass Rim is Nickel Plated, add $.3.50. Sinks, when ordered of above dimensions, which are our regular sizes, can be furnished on short notice. Should special sizes be required, or with Right- Hand End, these we can make to order. "Duro-Stone" Sinks with Polished Brass Rims, Faucets and Faucet Holes 8 inches apart (from center to center) and 14 inches from center to bottom (inside) of Sink, will be sent unless otherwise ordered. All measurements are outside. Note. — Above Sinks can be furnished of Slate at same price as «' Duro=Stone." "Duro=Stone" is a fine, close-grained quality of Soapstone from quarries in Virginia, and is remarkable for its freeness from Veins, Grit or Quartz. It is therefore very strong and durable. Its composition is such that steam, very hot water, or sudden changes from hot to cold will not affect it. "Duro-Stone" being non-absorbent, is for sanitary reasons to be highly recommended for Plumbing purposes. An unlimited supply from a large quarry, favorable freight rates and good machinery enable us to put very low figures on our products made of "Duro-Stone." Note. — Sinks made of "Duro-Stone" will be sent on all orders unless otherwise specified. 210 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S "MONARCH" PORCELAIN SINKS. "MONARCH" PORCELAIN PANTRY SINKS. "MONARCH" PORCELAIN KITCHEN SINKS. E-1676. -("monarch" pantry.) With Nickel Plated Brass Grate with Coupling and Tailpiece. 20x14 inch, 24x17 " 28x17 " 30x20 " E°1677.—(" MONARCH" KITCHEN.) With Nickel Plated Brass Grate with Coupling and Tailpiece. 'A" Qual. "B" Qual. $ 8.00 $ 6.75 30x20 inch, 12.00 9.00 36x23 " 13.75 10.75 42x24 " 15 50 12.00 48x24 " "A" Qual. i'B" Qual, $13.25 $10.25 20.00 13.00 26.50 16.50 34.50 21.50 Measurements are Outside. MOHARCH" PORCELAIN ROLL RIM KITCHEN SINKS. "YORKSHIRE" KITCHEN SINKS. E-1680. With Nickel Plated Brass Grate with Coupling and Tailpiece. 30 X 20 inch, each, 36x23 " 42x24 " 48x24 " E-1678.—(" YORKSHIRE.") Glazed Brown Ware, with Nickel Plated Brass Grate with Coupling and Tailpiece. "A'' Qual. "B" Qual. $20.00 $15.25 30 X 20 inch, 22.25 16.75 36x23 " 31.50 20.00 42x22 " 37.50 23.50 48x24 " $ 8.00 9.50 12.00 14.50 L. WOI.FF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 211 COPPER PANTRY SINK WITH DRIP BOARD. E-1682. Above illustration shows Grooved Wooden Drip Board lined with Copper, and Copper Pantry Sink attached ; they can be made any size, with one Drip Board, with Back and End or for Recess, and any height of Back desired; 18 or 20 ounce Copper is usually used. For sizes and description of Copper Pantry Sinks, see E-1685 to E-l inches. Inlet, Outlet and Vent Couplings are 2-inch. E-1734. Polished Brass, $7.25; Nickel Plated, $8.00 5.00; " " 5.75 Can be furnished with Waste to wall. When ordering, state what kind and style of Sink, Traps are to be used with. 218 L. WOIvFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S "MONARCH" PORCELAIN SLOP SINKS. E-1738. E-1739. E-1738. " Monarch " Porcelain Roll-rim Slop Sink and Polished Brass Trap Standard, with Brass Strainer and Wolff's Brass Vent Connection to wall and Nickel Plated Double Compression Faucet and Supply Pipes to floor. E-1739. "Monarch" Porcelain Roll-rim Slop Sink and Iron Trap Stand- ard, Enameled inside and outside, Brass Strainer and Wolff's Brass Vent Con- nection to wall and Nickel Plated Fuller Double Faucet. Prices as Described. 20 X 16 X 12 inches, 22x18x12 " 24x20x12 " $53.25 20 X 16 X 12 inches 56.50 22x18x12 " 59.00 24x20x12 " Prices as Described. $35.25 38.50 41.00 If Trap Standard is Nickel Plated, add |2.00. If with Iron Trap Standard, Enameled inside and outside, instead of Brass deduct 113.00. If with Bronzed Iron Trap Standard, deduct, |15.00. Finishing Sinks Zinc White outside, extra, |5.00. If with two ^-inch Nickel Plated Fuller Bibbs (E-342), deduct |1.50. If with Bronzed Iron Trap Standard, deduct |2.00; if Galvanized, deduct |1. GO. If with Polished Brass Trap Standard, add |13.00. If with Nickel Plated Brass Trap Standard, add |15.00. 1^-inch Italian Marble Floor Slabs, |1.50 per foot extra. Measurements are outside except depth, which is inside. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 219 WOLFFS "MONARCH" PORCELAIN SLOP SINKS. E-1740. E-1741, "Monarch" Porcelain Roll-Rim Slop Sink, with Brass Waste Plug with Strainer, Galvanized Iron Legs and Frame and Nickel Plated Fuller Double Faucet. 'Monarch" Porcelain Slop Sink, with Brass Waste Plug with Strainer, and Galvanized Iron Legs and Frame. Dimensions and Prices. Price Sink Only, with Price Coupling and Strainer. as Described. 20-inch, 22-inch, 2J:-inch, Dimensions and Prices. $23 . 25 $34.25 20-inch, 26.50 37.50 22-inch, 29.00 40. 00 24-inch, Price Price Sink Only. as Described $18.00 $24.00 20.00 26.00 23.50 29.50 If with two X-inch Nickel Plated Fuller Bibbs CB-342), deduct $1.50. If with Painted Iron Legs and Frame, deduct $1.00 If with Polished Brass Legs, add §18.00. If with Nickel Plated Brass Legs, add $21.00. If without Legs or Frame, deduct $6.00. Rabbeted Ash Rims, 20-inch, $3.50; 22-inch, $4.00; 24-inch, $4.50; ^-inch Italian Marble Backs, $1.00 per foot. All Measurements are outside. 220 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S "MONARCH" PORCELAIN SLOP SINKS. E-1742. E-1742. "Monarch" Porcelain Slop . Sink, with Nickel Plated Brass Strainer and Coupling, Nickel Plated Brass Flushing Rim, Galvanized Iron Legs and Framej Nickel Plated Double Compression Faucet with Supply Pipes to Floor, No. 1 Standard Oak Syphon Tank, Nickel Plated Iron Brackets and Nickel Plated Brass Adjustable Flush Pipe. Dimensions and Prices. 20x16x12 inches, 22x18x12 " 24x20x12 " $69.00 73.00 77.00 E-1743. E-1743. "Monarch" Porcelain Slop Sink, with Nickel Plated Brass Flushing Rim, Iron Trap Standard, Enameled Inside and Outside, with Brass Strainer and Wolff's Brass Vent Connection to wall, Nickel Plated Fuller Double Faucet, No. 1 Standard Oak Syphon Tank with Nickel Plated Iron Brackets and Nickel Plated Brass Adjustable Flush Pipe. Prices as Described. 20x16x12 inches, 22x18x12 " 24x20x12 " $60.75 64.75 68.75 If with Polished Brass Legs, add $18.00; Nickel Plated, $21.00. Finishing Sinks Zinc White Outside, extra, |5.C0. If with Polished Brass Trap Standard, add flo.OO; if Nickel Plated, add fl7.00. If with two 5^ -inch Nickel Plated Fuller Bibbs, deduct |2.00. Finishing Sinks Zinc White Outside, extra |5.00. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 221 WOLFFS PORCELAIN SLOP SINKS. E-1745. E-1745 includes Porcelain Flushing Rim vSlop Sink, 21x21 inches, with Porcelain Trap Standard and Nickel Plated Brass Vent to wall, Nickel Plated Double Compression Faucet with Supply Pipes to Floor, No. 2 Standard Oak Syphon Tank with Bent Round Corners, Nickel Plated Combination Bracket and Nickel Plated Brass Adjustable Flush Pipe. Price as described, $52.50 IX-inch Italian Marble Floor Slab, 27x27 inches, extra, $7.50. If with Mahogany Tank, add |2.00. When desired the Tank can be furnished in Cherry, Ash or Walnut, the price being the same as for Oak Woodwork. 222 I.. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY WOLFFS PORCELAIN SLOP SINK. E-1747. E-1747 includes Porcelain Flushing Rim Slop Sink, 21 x 21 inches, with Porcelain Trap Standard and Nickel Plated Brass Vent to wall; Nickel Plated Double Compression Flush and Supply Faucet and Supply Pipes to floor. Price as Described. Sink, 21 X 21 inches, - - - - - - $46.75 IX-inch Countersunk Italian Marble Floor Slab, 27x27 inches, extra, $7.50. E- 174.7. ENAMELED IRON SLOP SINK. WITH BRASS FLUSHING RIM. E-1748, Enameled Iron Slop Sink and Bronzed Iron Trap Standard, with Brass Strainer and Wolff's Nickel Plated Brass Vent Connection to wall. Nickel Plated Brass Flushing Rim, Nickel Plated Double Compression Flush and Supply Faucet, and Supply Pipes to floor. Price as Described. 16 X 20 X 12 inches, 18x22x12 20x24x12 $45.00 48.00 51.00 If with Polished Brass Fixtures, deduct $2.00. If Slop Sink and Trap are Enameled outside, add, for 16x20 inch Sink, $5.00; 18x22 inch, $5.50; 20x24 inch, $6.00. If with Polished Brass Trap Standard, add $13.00 ; If Nickel Plated, $15.00. Finishing Sinks less Trap Standard, Zinc White outside, extra, $4.00; with Trap Standard, $5.00. IX-inch Countersunk Italian Marble Floor Slabs, per foot, extra, $1.50. E-1748 will be sent with Trap with Vent in rear, as shown, unless otherwise ordered. E-1748 is the most improved construction of Enameled Iron Slop Sink with Brass Flushing Rim. The Cast-Brass Flushing Rim as made by us overcomes all difficulties ; a perfect and evenly distributed Flush is obtained ; the Brass Roll Edge of the Rim entirely covers the Iron Flange; an attachment so Flush Pipe can be adjusted (horizontally) is a part of the Rim, and the Trap has a Brass Vent Coupling and Tailpiece, enabling plumber to easily connect or disconnect. E-1748. L. WOI.FF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 223 WOLFF'S PORCELAIN SLOP SINKS. E-1746. For Government Use. E-1746. Includes Porcelain Flushing Rim Slop Sink, 21x21 inches, with Nickel Plated Cast Brass Trap vStandard and Nickel Plated Brass Vent to wall. Nickel Plated Double Compression Faucet with Supply Pipes to flooi, No. 2 Standard Oak Syphon Tank, Nickel Plated Combination Bracket and Nickel Plated Brass Adjustable Flush Pipe. Price as described, $69.50 134-inch Italian Marble Floor Slab, 27x27 inches, extra |7.50. Quartered Oak, Mahogany or Birch woodwork to order. Above Sink is intended for government work, has Combination Hand-hole and Vent; Hand-hole is screwed into body of Trap and the Vent has Ground Joints; Trap has large Base so it will stand firmly when screwed to floor. 224 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S FLUSHING RIM SLOP SINKS. E-1749. E-1749. Enameled Slop Sink with Improved Polished Brass Flushing Rim with Trap Standard, with Wolff's Brass Vent Connection, Nickel Plated Fuller Combination Faucet, Polished Brass Flush Pipe, and No. 1 Standard Oak Syphon Tank with Nickel Plated Iron Brackets. 16x20x12 inches, 18x22x12 " 20x24x12 " Prices as Described. $42.75 45.75 47.75 If Flushing Rim is Nickel Plated, add |1.50. If Slop Sink and Trap are Enameled Outside, add for 16 x 20 inch Sink, |5.00 18x22 inch Sink, $5. 50; 20x24 inch Sink, f6.25. E-1750. Enameled Slop Sink with Improved Polished Brass Flushing Rim, with Trap Standard with Wolff's Brass Vent Connection, Polished Brass Fuller Combination Faucet, Polished Brass Flush Pipe into wall, and No. 1 Standard Copper-lined Oak Syphon Tank with Nickel Plated Iron Brackets. Prices as Described. 16x20x12 inches, 18x22x12 " 20x24x12 " $40.25 43.25 45.25 If with Nickel Plated Brass Parts, add |2.00. A- . ■^.^li^ I °^«^t improved construction of Flushing Rim Slop Sink. The Brass Flushing Rim, as made by us, overcomes all difficulties; a perfect and evenly distributed Flush is obtained; the Brass Roll Edge of the Rim entirely covers the Iron Flange; an attachment so that Flush Pipe can be adjusted (horizontally), IS a part of the Rim and the Trap has a Brass Vent Coupling and Tailpiece, enabling plumber to easily connect or disconnect. E-1749 will be sent with Trap with Vent in rear, as shown, unless otherwise ordered. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 225 WOLFFS SLOP SINKS. WITH CAST- BRASS RIM. WITH ENAMELED ROLL- RIM. /c5^w> E-1752. E-1753. Enameled Iron Slop Sink and Trap Standard with Brass Strainer and Nickel Plated Brass Vent Connection to wall, Nickel Plated Cast-Brass Rim Nickel Plated Fuller Faucets and Wall Plate in one piece, Air Chambers and Supply Pipes to floor. Enameled Iron Roll-Rim Slop Sink and Trap Standard with Brass Strainer and Nickel Plated Brass Vent Connection to wall, and Nickel Plated Fuller Double Faucet. Price as Described. 16 X 20 X 12 inches, 18x22x12 " 20x24x12 " Price as Described. $28.50 16x20x12 inches, 31.00 18x22x12 " 33.50 20x24x12 " $21.50 28.50 25.50 If without Faucets or vSupply Pipes, deduct $8.50. If without Supply Pipes, deduct $4.00. If with Polished Brass Fittings, deduct $2.00. If with two Fuller Bibbs, E-342, deduct $1.50. If with Nickel Plated Faucet aud Supply Pipes, as shown inE-1738,add $5.00. 226 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFFS ROLL- RIM SLOP SINK. With Trap Standard, with Cleanout and Improved Brass Vent Connection, Back with Air Chambers, and two Nickel Plated Fuller Faucets. Price as Described. 16x20x12 inch, 18x22x12 " 20x24x12 " Galvanized. Enameled $21.00 $23.00 23.00 25.00 25.00 27.00 If without Faucets, deduct $2.00. If Slop Sink and Trap are Enameled outside, add for 16 x 20 inch Sink, $5.00 ; 18 x 22 inch Sink, $5.50; 20x24 inch Sink, $G.OO. E-1754. WOLFFS SLOP SINK. With Trap Standard, with Cleanout and Improved Brass Vent Connection, Back with Air Chambers, two Improved Nickel Plated Fuller Faucets and Cherry Rim, Oil Finished. Price as Described. 16x20x12 inch, 18x22x12 " 20x24x12 " Galvanized. Enameled $20.00 $22.50 22.50 24.50 24.50 26.50 If without Faucets, deduct $2.00. If without Cherry Rim, deduct $2.00. Can also be furnished with Half S Trap Standard. E-1755. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 227 WOLFF'S ROLL-RIM SLOP SINK. E-1756. With Trap Standard, with Cleanout and Improved Brass Vent Connection, Italian Marble Back 16 inches high, and two Nickel Plated Boston Self-closing Faucets. Prices as Described. 16x20x12 inch, 18x22x12 " 20x24x12 " Galvanized. Knameled, $19.50 $21.00 21.50 23.00 23.50 25.00 If Slop Sink and Trap are Enameled outside, add for 16x20 inch Sink, |.5.00; 18x22 inch Sink, |5.50; 20x24 inch Sink, |6.00. E-1756. WOLFF'S SLOP SINK. E-1757. With Trap Standard, with Cleanout and Improved Brass Vent Connection. Prices as Described. 16x20x 12 inch, 18x22x12 " 20x24x12 " Painted. Galvanized. Enameled. $ 9.50 $12.00 $13.00 10.50 13.50 14.50 11.50 15.00 16.00 Above can also he furnished with Half S Trap Standard. E-1757. 228 I,. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. SLOP SINKS. SLOP SINKS. SLOP HOPPERS. E-1759. Made in the Following Sizes: 16 X 16 X 10 inches deep. 20 X 14 X 12 " 20x16x12 " 24x20x12 " 23 X 15 X 15 incties deep. 30x20x12 " 36x20x12 " 48x20x17 " Can be furnished with Patent Overflow at a slight additional cost. Above can be furnished Plain, Galvanized, Gray Enameled and White Enameled. Can be furnished with l^egs if desired. Bach, E-1 762. -(SQUARE.) E-1 763. -(ROUND.) 1.50 Each, $3.50 SLOP SINKS WITH 4-INCH OUTLET IN CENTER. SLOP SINK E-1761, E-1 764.— (with bell trap.) Size, 12x12 in. 14x14 in. 16x16 in Plain. Galvanized. Gray. Enameled. Painted, each, - $2.00 $2.25 $2.50 16 X 16 X 10 inches deep, $3.25 $ 6.00 $ 6.00 Gray Enameled, each, 3.25 3.75 4.25 20x22x12 " - 5.00 10.00 10.00 Galvanized, each, 3.25 3.75 4-25 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 229 HOSPITAL SLOP SINK, WITH HOPPER ATTACHED. 24 X 20 X 12 30x20x12 36x21x12 E-1766. Plain. Galvanized. Gray Enameled. White Enameled $4.25 $10.00 $10.00 $11.50 7.75 14.00 14.00 15.00 9.25 17.00 17.00 18.25 HOSPITAL SLOP SINK, WITH HOPPER ATTACHED. WITH TRAP AND BRASS VENT CONNECTION. FOR LEAD PIPE CONNECTION. E-1767. 24 X 20 X 12 30 X 20 X 12 36x21x12 Plain. Galvanized. Gray Enameled. White Enameled. ■ 6.75 $13.00 $13.00 $14.50 10.25 17.00 17.00 18.00 11.75 20.00 20.00 21.25 If without Vent, deduct $1.00. Can also be furnished with Trap and Vent for Iron Pipe Connection. 230 I,. WOI.FF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFFS ENAMELED IRON COMBINED SINK AND WASH TUB. E-1775. E-1775 represents Enameled Iron Roll Edge Combined Kitchen Sink and Wash Tub with Patent Overflow and 15-inch high Enameled Iron Back, Waste Plug with Rubber Stopper, two Fuller Faucets for Tub and Two Fuller Faucets for Sink. Pricks. 20 X 30 Enameled Sink, 20x36 With 1 Wash Tub, Complete. $48.75 50.25 With 2 Wash Tubs, Complete. $77.50 79.00 Above prices are for Sink with Back and Faucets, Wash Tub with Back, Overflow, Plugs and Faucets, complete. Ash Drip Boards to cover Wash Tubs, extra, for 1 Tub, $2.00 ; for 2 Tubs, $3.00. Note. — E-1775 can also be furnished with Sink on right-hand end of Wash Tray instead of on left-hand end, as shown. When ordering, be particular to specify how wanted ; unless otherwise ordered E-1775 will be sent as shown. Iv. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 231 WOLFF'S ENAMELED IRON COMBINED SINK AND WASH TUB. E-1776. E-IT 7 6 represents Enameled Iron Roll Edge Combined Kitchen Sink and Wash Tub with Patent Overflow and 15-inch high Enameled Iron Back and Left-Hand End, Waste Plug with Rubber Stopper, two Fuller Faucets for Tub and two Fuller Faucets for Sink. Prices. 20x30 Enameled Sink, 20x36 ith 1 Wash Tub, With 2 Wash Tubs Complete. Complete. $51.25 $80.00 52.75 81.50 Above prices are for Sink with Back and Faucets, Wash Tub with Back, Overflow, Plugs and Faucets, complete. Ash Drip Boards to cover Wash Tubs, extra, for 1 Tub, $2.00 ; for 2 Tubs, $3.00. NoTB. — E-177f)can also be furnished with right-hand end or with the Sink on right-hand end of Wash Tray instead of on left hand end, as shown. When ordering, be particular to specify how wanted; unless otherwise ordered, E-177^-inch Nickel Plated Faucets. 6 feet, - - - $52.25 6 feet 6 inches, - - 57.25 7 feet, - - - 60.25 If with Brass Capping on front, ends and partitions, add for 6-foot Tub, $10.50 ; 6 foot 6 inch Tub, $11.00, and for 7-foot Tub, $11.50. If with Galvanized Legs, add $2.10. THREE -PART "DURO -STONE" WASH TUBS. With 12-inch High Back and Brass Capping on front, ends and partitions. Dimensions. Width, 24 inches ; depth, 16 inches ; height of Back, 12 inches. Price. With Brass Soap Cups and three Galvanized Iron Legs. 6 feet, - - - $49.70 6 feet 6 inches, - - 55.20 7 feet, - - - 58.70 If with Galvanized Iron Soap Cups, deduct $1,00. If with Painted Iron Legs, deduct $2.10. Price. Complete as shown, with Brass Soap Cups, three Galvanized Iron Legs, three E-1810 i;^ -inch Waste Plugs and six E-362 ^-inch Brass Faucets. 6 feet, - - - $57.95 6 feet 6 inches, - - 63.45 7 feet, - - - 66.95 If with Paintea Iron Legs, deduct $2.10. If with Galvanized Iron Soap Cups, deduct $1.00. Longer Tubs made to order. E-1790. Note. — Above Tubs can be furnished of Slate at same price as " Duro=Stone." "Duro=Stone" is a fine, close-grained quality of Soapstone from quarries in Virginia, and is remarkable for \Xs freeness from Veins, Grit or Quartz. It is therefore very strong and durable. Its composition is such that steam, very hot water, or sudden changes from hot to cold will not affect it. "Duro-Stone" being non-absorbent, is for sanitary reasons to be highly recommended for Plumbing purposes. An unlimited .supply from a large quarry, favorable freight rates and good machinery enaV/ie us to put very low figures on our products made of " Duro-Stone." Note.— Tubs made of "Duro=Stone" will be sent on all orders unless otherwise specified. 238 I,. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S WHITE ENAMELED IRON WASH TUBS. E-1795. White Enameled Iron Wash Tubs. Prices. Set of 2 Tubs, with Legs only (no Overflows or Soap Cups), $31.00 46 50 No Fittings included, see below. Soap Cups, each, extra, 50 cents. Patent Overflow, extra for each Tub, |2.00. Ash Tops, extra for each Tub, |1.50; Covers, each, |2.00. Brass Plugs with Couplings, each, 75 cents; Nickel Plated, S5 cents. Extra Wide Tubs.— E-1795 can also be furnished 30 inches wide; add to each Tub, $2.50. Rough Brass Continuous Waste, Nickel Plated, with Plugs, for Two-part Tubs, extra, |5.00; for Three-part Tubs, extra, $7.50. Tubs with Faucet Holes will be sent unless otherwise ordered. When specifying or ordering Wash Tubs with "Wolff's" Brass Work, be careful to give Catalogue Name and Number of Faucets, etc., wanted in addition to the Name and Number of Wash Tubs. L. AVOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 239 WOLFF'S ROLL- RIM WHITE ENAMELED IRON WASH TUBS. E-1798. Enameled Iron Roll-Rim Wash Tub, with Patent Overflows, E-1810 Nickel Plated Waste Plugs with Rubber Stopper and Chain, and four E-362 Nickel Plated Fuller Faucets. Price as described, per set of 3 Tubs, $79.95 53.30 If without Patent Overflow, deduct for each $2.00. If without Faucets, deduct for each $1.15. Rough Brass Continuous Waste, Nickel Plated, for 2-part Tubs, extra, $5.00; for 3-part Tubs, $7.50. Soap Cups, extra, 50 cents. Tubs with Faucet Holes will be sent unless otherwise ordered. When ordering or specifying, please give Catalogue Name and Number, viz : F-1798 240 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFFS ROLL-RIM WHITE ENAMELED IRON WASH TUBS. WITH 15-INCH HIGH BACK. E-1800. Enameled Iron Roll-Rim Wash Tub with Patent Overflow and 15-inch High Enameled Iron Back, E-1810 Nickel Plated Waste Plugs wiih Rubber Stopper and Chain a ad E-362 Nickel Plated Fuller Faucets. Price as described, per set of 3 Tubs, $93.45 62.30 If without Patent Overflow, deduct, for each, |2.00. If without Faucets, deduct, for each, $1.15. Rough Brass Continuous Waste, Nickel Plated, for 2-part Tubs, extra, $5.00 ; for 3-part Tubs, $7.50. Tubs with Back and Faucet Holes will be sent unless otherwise ordered. NoTB. — E-1800 can also be furnished with Right or Left Hand End when desired ; add to above prices $3.00. When ordering or specifying, please give Catalogue Name and Number, viz : E-1800. !<. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 241 WOLFF'S "MONARCH" PORCELAIN WASH TUBS. E-1805.-(ROLL RIM.) "Monarch" Porcelain Roll Rim Wash Tubs with Bronzed Iron Legs. Price as described, per set of 3 Tubs (Faucets and Plugs not included), - . . _ It (( ((Q(t ({ t( (t 'A " Quality. $99.00 66.00 "B" Quality $58.50 39.00 E-1 806.- FLAT RIM.) "Monarch" Porcelain Wash Tubs with Bronzed Iron Legs, Ash Top and Covers. "A" Quality. "B" Quality. With Covers. Without Covers. With Covers. Without Covers. Price as described, per set of 3 Tubs TFaucets and Plugs not included), - - $66.25 $60.25 $49.75 $43. 75 2 " " " " - - 44.25 40.25 33.25 29.25 13/^-inch Waste Plugs, extra, Brass, each, $1.00; Nickel Plated, $1.15; with Rubber Stopper, Brass, 11.25; Nickel Plated, $1.40. For Prices of Continuous Waste, see page 242. 242 h. WOI.FF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. ^'YORKSHIRE" WASH TUBS. E-1807. ' ' Yorkshire ' ' Wash Tubs with Bronzed Iron Legs. Price as described, per set of 3 Tubs (Faucets or Plugs not included), . . . . ,, ,, 2 " " " " .... Ii4:-inch Waste Plug, Brass, each, extra, |1.00; Nickel Plated, $1.15. 189.00 26.00 E-1808. "Yorkshire" Wash Tubs for Wood Rims, with Bronzed Legs. With Ash Rim. $34 50 23 00 Price, per set of 3 Tubs (Faucets or Plugs not included) -...--- " "2" " " " li^-inch Waste Plug, each, extra. Brass, |1.00; Nickel Plated, $1.15. With Rubber Stopper, Brass, |1.25; Nickel Plated, $1.40. Rough Brass Continuous Waste, Nickel Plated, with Plugs for two-part Tubs, extra $5.00; for three-part Tubs, extra, $7.50. Rough Brass Trap, 13^ -inch, extra, $4.00. With Ash Rim and Covers. $40.50 27.00 h. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. ■A-LS WASH TUB AND SINK FITTINGS. PLUG FOR WASH TUB. SINK STRAINER. WASH TUB LEG. E-1810. Plug vnth. Coupling, Locknut and Tailpiece. 1^-inchi Brass, each, ly^ " Nickel Plated each, SINK STRAINER. $0.75 .85 E-181 1. Sink Strainer with Coupling and Tailpiece. Brass, each, - - - $0 Nickel Plated, each, PLUG FOR WASH TUB. 1.75 .85 E-181 2. Ij^-iiich, Brass, each, E-1813. Brass, with Bolts, each. 1.35 ASH COVERS FOR WASH TUBS. E-1814 Ash Cover, 24inch, (1 1 < 48 i t II < 1 54 i i i ( a 72 ( ( It It 84 "■ $2.00 3.00 4.00 4.50 6.50 SOAP CUP FOR STRAIGHT BACK. E-181 5. Galvanized, each, Brass, each, ^0.50 1.00 WASH TUB LEG. E-181 6. Galvanized, for Corner, each, ,35 " " Center, " $1.50 2.00 E-1817. Painted Iron, each, Galvanized Iron, each, 50.70 1.40 SOAP CUP FOR RIGHT-HAND F.ND. E-1818. Galvanized, each, Brass, each, $0.50 1.00 SOAP CUP FOR LEFT-HAND END. E-1819. Galvanized, each, Brass, each, $0.50 1.00 iU L. WOIvFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. ''EXTRA PATTERN" COMPRESSION BIBBS. E-255. Plain for Lead Pipe. E-258. Hose Bibb, for Iron Pipe. FLANGE BIBBS E-26 1 . Plain Bibb, for Iron Pipe, Inside Threads. E-262. Hose Bibb, for Iron Pipe, Inside Threads. E-263. For Iron Pipe. Flange, Outside Threads. E-264. Flange and Thimble, for Lead Pipe. E-265. With Full Inch Waterway, This style Bath Bibb is especially made for use with our Bath Tubs, adapted for hotels, sanitariums, etc. See illustrations of Bath Tubs showing above Bibbs. FLANGE BIBBS. E-269. Plain Bibb, with Nut and Bent Coupling. E-270. Hose Bibb, with Nut and Bent Coupling. WASH TRAY BIBB. E-272. For Iron Pipe. FLANGE WASH TRAY BIBBS. E-273. Flange and Thimble. E-274. Flange, Nut and Bent Coupling. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 245 FULLER BIBBS. E-332. For Iron Pipe. Extra Long Shank. Solid Flange. E-332 has Shank 4 inches longer than regular. E-334. Plain. With Solid Flange, Outside Threads. E-336. Plain. With Solid Flange, Inside Threads. E-338. For Lead Pipe. With Adjustable Flange. E-339. For Iron Pipe. With Adjustable Flange. E-341. Nut and Bent Coupling. With Adjustable Flange. E-342. Flange, Nut and Bent Coupling. With extra long Shank — 2 inches longer than regular. FULLER UPRIGHT BATH BIBBS. E-345. With Shoulder. For Iron Pipe. E-346. With Flange and Inside Thread. For Iron Pipe. E-347. With Flange and Outside Thread. For Iron Pipe. E-348. With Loose Key. For Iron Pipe. E-352. Adjustable Flange and Thimble, for Lead Pipe. E-353. With Adjustable Flange, for Iron Pipe. E-354. Flange, Nut and Bent Coupling. 246 Iv. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. FULLER WASH TRAY BIBBS. ^^^^. E-355. For Lead Pipe. E-356. With Shoulder. For Iron Pipe. E-357. Without Shoulder. For Iron Pipe. FULLER WASH TRAY BIBBS WITH FLANGE. E-358. Extra Long Shank. Flange Bibb, for Iron Pipe. E-359. Inside Thread. Flange Bibb, for Iron Pipe. E-363. Nut and Bent Coupling. E-360. Outside Thread. Flange Bibb for Iron Pipe, Solid Flange. E-36 1 . Nut and Bent Coupling. Flange Bibb, for Iron Pipe, Solid Flange. E-362. With Thimble. With Adjustable Flange. E-364. For Iron Pipe. With Adjustable Flange. E-365. Nut and Bent Coupling. Extra Long Shank. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 247 DOHERTY SELF-CLOSING BIBBS. E-420. For Iron Pipe. E-42 1 . Plain Flange Bibbs with Thimble. E-4.22. Plain Flange Bibbs with Nut and Bent Coupling BOSTON SELF-CLOSING BIBBS. E-439. Plain Bibbs, for i-ead Pipe. E-440. Plain Bibbs with Flange and Thimble. E-441 Plain Bibbs, for Iron Pipe with Shoulder. E-442. With Flange, Nut and Bent Coupling. ^E-443. Plain Bibbs, with Flange for Iron Pipe. Outside Thread. E-444. Plain Bibbs, with Flange for Iron Pipe. Inside Thread. 248 h. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. "EXTRA PATTERN" COMPRESSON BASIN AND SHAMPOO COCKS. E-30 1 . Brass Cross Handle. E-303. Brass Cross Handle E-306. Low Down. E-307. Double Basin Cock. DOUBLE SHAMPOO COCK. E-304. Brass Cross Handle. E-305. Ebony Cross Handle. DOUBLE SHAMPOO COCKS. E-308. E-309. E-312. With Stationary Tube and Hose Coupling, The Shampoo and Basin Supply of E-308 or E-309 can be used separately or together — as may be desired — each having its own Valve as shown. The Tube of E-309 can be swung out of the way to either side. When specifying or ordering, give Catalogue Name and Number. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 249 FULLER BASIN COCKS. ^^ E-375.-(No. o.) E-376.-(No. 1.) E-377.-(NO. 2.) E-378.-(No. 3.) E-379.-(No. 4. E-380.-(NO. 5.) E-381.-(No. 10.) E-382.-(No. 12.) E-383.-(No. 6.) E-384..-fNO. 14.) E-385.-(NO. 15.) E-386.— NO. 16.) Note. — Nos. .3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12 and 16 Faucets are provided with Union Joints (see illustration), so the Top Part of Faucet containing the working parts can be easily and quickly detached and replaced without disturbing any Joints or loosening the Body of the Faucet from the Slab. All our Fuller Work bears our Stamp. When specifying or ordering, be careful to give Catalogue Name and Number. 250 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. FULLER BRACKET AND DOUBLE BASIN COCKS. BRACKET BASIN COCK. DOUBLE BRACKET BASIN COCK. E-388. E-393. With Jewel Cup. DOUBLE BASIN COCK. E-389. Oval Pattern, with Oval Soap Cup and Ebony Handles. DOUBLE BASIN COCK. E-394. With Jewel Cup. BRACKET BASIN COCK. BRACKET SHAMPOO COCK E-396. With Swinging Tube, Nut and Bent Coupling. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 251 "GIELOW PATENT" SELF-CLOSING WORK. PANTRY COCK. BASIN COCK. BRACKET BASIN COCK, E-416. E-414. The "Gielow" Self-closing Faucet is especially adapted for use in hotels, offices and public buildings. These Faucets have been in use for more than twelve years in railroad depots, hotels and prisons, being subjected to severe usage ; in every case without complaint, and without requiring a repair of any kind. There are no exposed working parts, works without friction, cannot leak and is simple in construction. We recommend the "Gielow" to our customers desiring first-class, substantial self-closing work. E-415. BOSTON SELF-CLOSING BASIN COCKS. DOHERTY SELF-CLOSING WORK. E-434. •T" Handle. E-423. BOSTON SELF-CLOSING BASIN COCK. PANTRY COCK. E-435. Wheel Handle. E-436. Low Down Pattern. E-424. 252 h. WOI.FF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. "EXTRA PATTERN" COMPRESSION DOUBLE COCKS. SHAMPOO COCKS. DOUBLE BASIN COCKS. E-314. Nickel Plated, each, - . . - If with Ebony or Ivory Handles, add |3.00. E-3 1 . With Swinging Tube and Sprinkler. Nickel Plated, each, - - - - - $16.00 E-310 Shampoo is intended for use where supplies are required to come through back of Slab. The Shampoo Sprinkler can be swung to either side entirely out of the waj'. DOUBLE BATH COCKS. E-3 16. Nickel Plated, each, $10.00 $8.50 E-3 1 3 W ith Stationary Tube and Sprinkler. Nickel Plated, each, - _ . . - E-3 17. $12.00 Nickel Plated, each. $9,00 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 253 FULLER DOUBLE SHAMPOO AND PANTRY COCKS. Fuller Double Bracket Shampoo Cock. With Swinging Tube. The Shampoo Tube of E-.SOS can be swung out of the way to either side. XoTE.— E 398 is provided with Union Joints, so the working Parts of Faucet can be easily and quickly detached and replaced without disturbing any Joints or loosening Shanks or Couplings. FULLER PANTRY COCKS. E-400. Fbony Handles. E-399. Ebony Handles. E-399 has Swinging Tube. The Sham- poo and Basin Supply can be used sep- E-400 has Swinging Tube with Hose arately or together, as each has its own and Sprinkler. Valves. FULLER DOUBLE PANTRY COCKS. E-403.-fNo. 8.) E-404. E-405. 254 I,. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. FULLER COMBINATION BATH COCKS. E-406. Corona" Fuller Bath Cock. E-407.-(no. 1.) Fuller Bath Cock. E-410.-(No. 3.) Fuller Bath Cock. E-4.12.-(NO. 4.) Fuller Bath Cock. E-325. Sectional view of Fuller Faucet, as made by the L. Wolff Manufacturing Co, E-325. IS-325. Cross section of Fuller Bibb shows manner of construction of Wolff's Fuller Work. Basin, Bath, Pantry and other styles of Fuller Faucets are Constructed on same principle. Before being put together each part of these Faucets is subjected to a severe water=pressure test, after all parts are fitted and adjusted and the Faucet is completed, it is carefully examined as to perfection of work'' manship, uniformity of metal and finish of its component parts, and the completed Faucet given a final water test. Each Faucet has lead and wick packing around the stem, prevent- ing leakage. The construction and adjustment of our Fuller Work insures con- tinued smooth, easy and firm working of its parts when opening or closing the Faucet. Loose stems and rattling are avoided. All our Fuller Work bears our stamp, and when ordering or specifying, in order to secure our make, mention Wolff's make Fuller Work. h. WOLFI? MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 255 MARBLE URINAL STALLS. E-1820. E-1820 includes 3-Stall Marble Urinal with ^-inch Italian Marble Partitions, Polished on both sides, J^-inch Italian Marble Back, Polished on one side, and 2-inch Counter- sunk Marble Base fitted with three Polished Brass Inlet Connections (E-494), three No. 2(E;-1832)Lipped Urinals and three Polished Brass (E-488) Urinal Traps. Partitions are supported on Brass Clamps and Brass Standards and are Brass-bound on front and top with Heavy Brass Pipe and have Ornamental Top Railing as shown. Bent Corner Oak 2-gallon Automatic Flushing Tank with Brass Combination Bracket and Brass Flush Pipe. All Brasswork is Polished Brass. Dimensions. Height from floor to top of Partition, 5 feet, 5>^ feet or 6 feet; width from center to center of Partitions, 2 feet; depth of Partitions, 1 foot 10 inches; Standards supporting Partitions, 12 inches high ; Base, 2 feet wide ; Top Railing on 5-foot Stalls is 6 feet 6 inches from floor ; on 6>^-foot Stalls, 6 feet 6 inches, and on 6-foot Stalls, 7 feet from floor. Pricks. 3-Stall Italian Marble Urinal, complete as described, 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 fitted complete as described, with 3-gallon Automatic Tank, 3 " " Height, 5 feet. Height, 5H feet. Height, 6 feet $195.75 $205.00 $214.50 250.00 261.75 274.00 303.00 317.50 332.25 356.50 373 . 50 390.75 409.75 429.25 449.25 465.75 488 00 509.50 519.00 544.00 568.00 573.00 600.50 628.00 142.50 149.25 156.25 If Brasswork is furnished Nickel Plated, add for each Stall |2.50. E-1820 can be furnished special sizes to order ; also with space behind back for connecting pipes, as shown in E-182.3 When one end of Stall finishes against wall the end partition and brass is continued to floor. All parts are carefully fitted, adjusted and marked in our factory before shipment. Oak Tank will be sent unless otherwise ordered. 256 I.. WOIvFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. MARBLE URINAL STALLS. E-1821. E-1821 includes 2-Stall Italian Marble Urinal, with ^-inch Italian Marble Ends and Partition, Polished on both sides, ^-inch Italian Marble Back, Polished one side, and 2-inch Countersunk Base fitted with Nickel Plated Brass Urinal Clamps, Nickel Plated Brass Inlet Connections, two No. 2 Lipped Urinals (E-1832), two Nickel Plated (E-488) Brass Urinal Traps, Nickel Plated Brass Legs for inside of Partition, and 1-gallon Oak Automatic Flushing Tank with Nickel Plated Combination Bracket and Nickel Plated Brass Flush Pipe to Urinals. Dimensions. Height, 5 or b'A feet ; width from center to center of Partitions, 2 feet ; depth of Ends and Partitions, 20 inches ; Base projects 2 inches ; Leg is 12 inches. Prices Complete as Described. MARBLE. Height of Stall, Height of Stall, 5 feet. 2-Stall Marble Urinal, with 1-gallon Automatic Tank, b% feet. $101.00 $106.00 142.00 149.00 183 . 75 192 . 75 224.00 235.00 266.00 279.50 309.00 324.00 348.75 365.00 389.00 407.50 440.75 461.00 If with Polished Brass Fittings, deduct for each Stall $1.00. If with Pine Tank, deduct $1.00. If with Bronzed Iron Bracket, deduct Oak Tank will be furnished unless otherwise ordered. 3 " " 2 4 '< " 3 5 " " 3 Q ■. " 4 7 " " 4 8 " " 6 9 " " 6 10 " " 8 Height of Stall, 5 feet. Height of Stall. 5^ feet. $ 87.00 $ 91.00 122.75 128.00 158.75 166.25 193.75 203.00 230.75 242.00 267.75 280.50 302.00 311.50 337.00 348.25 383.00 396.00 L25. L. WOIvFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 257 MARBLE URINAL STALLS. E-1823. E-1S23 includes 2-Stall Marble Urinal, with ^-inch Italian Marble Ends and Partition, Polished on both sides, ^-inch Italian Marble Back, Polished one side, 7-inch Capping for space for Connections and 2-inch Countersunk Base fitted with Nickel Plated Brass Urinal Clamps, two Nickel Plated Improved Inlet Connections (E-494), two No. 2 Lipped Urinals (E-1832) two Nickel Plated (E-488) Brass Urinal Traps and 1-gallon Oak Automatic Flushing Tank with Nickel Plated Iron Brackets, and Nickel Plated Flush Pipe, 2 feet long with Double Coupling. Height, 5 or o}z feet width from center to center of Partitions, , _-j _. , _„ . „, G-inch space allowed back of Stall for connections. Dimensions. ■^ feet ; depth of Partitions, 20 inches ; depth of Ends, 2 feet 2 inches ; Base projects 2 inches ; Prices Complete xVs Described. 2-Stall Marble Urinal, with 1-gallon Automatic Tank, 3 " " 2 " 4 " " 3 " ~) " " " 3 " () " " 4 " 7 " " " 4 '■ 8 " " 6 " 9 " " 6 ' 10 " " 8 " MARBLE, ight of Stall, Height of Stall, 5 feet. b}i feet. SLATE. Height of Stall, Height of Sta .5 feet. b'/z feet. $107.70 $113.50 $ 90.30 $ 94.75 148.50 156.25 124.50 130.50 190.00 200.00 160.00 167.50 231.75 242.75 195.00 204.25 272.00 285.75 229.00 2,39.50 309 . 50 325.25 260.00 272.25 352.00 870.00 296.50 810.25 392.00 412.00 330.00 840.50 435.25 457.00 366.50 383.50 If with Polished Brass Fittings, deduct for each Stall 7.") cents. If with Cast-Brass Combination Bracket, add 7") cents. If space behind back is not required. Capping is deducted and Ends are furnished 21) inches instead of 2G inches. Oak Tanks will be furnished unless otherwise ordered. Special sizes of E-1823can be furnished on short notice. 258 L. WOI.FF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. MARBLE URINAL STALLS. E-1824. E-1824 includes 2-Stall Marble Urinal, with ^-inch Italian Marble Ends and Partition, polished on both sides, ^-inch Italian Marble Back, polished one side, 7-inch Capping tor space for connections and 2-inch Countersunk Base, fitted with Nickel Plated Brass Urinal Clamps, two Nickel Plated (E-467) Self-Closing Urinal Cocks, two No. 2 Lipped Urinals (E-1832), and two Nickel Plated (E-488) Urinal Traps. Dimensions. Height, 5 or 5j4 feet; width from center to center of Partitions, 2 feet; depth of Partition, 20 inches; depth of Ends, 2 feet 2 inches; Base projects 2 inches; 6-inch space allowed at back for connections ; Capping 7 inches wide. 2-Stall Marble Urinal, complete as described, For each additional Stall (continuous), add If one Stall only is required, deduct Prices. Height, 5 feet. $98.50 40.75 40.75 Height, 6}4 feet. $104.25 42.75 42.75 If with Polished Brass Fittings instead of Nickel Plated, deduct for each Stall 75 cents. If space behind back is not required, Capping is deducted and Ends are furnished 20 inches instead of 2 feet 2 inches. SLATE URINAL STALLS. Prices. 2-Stall Slate Urinal, of same dimensions, and fitted in same manner as described above, - For each additional Stall (continuous), add --.-.._. If one Stall only is required, deduct ---.-.... All parts are carefully fitted and adjusted in our factory before shipment. E-1824 can be furnished any special size to order on short notice. Height, 5 feet. Height, 5% feet $81.00 $85.50 34.00 35.75 34.00 35.75 I.. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 258-C WOLFF'S SYPHON JET URINAL. DUROWARE SYPHON JET URINAL. ARRANGED IN MARBLE OR SLATE STALL WITH PARTLY CONCEALED FLUSH PIPE. E-1861. E-1861 Duroware Syphon Jet Urinal with Copper-lined Oak, Patent Automatic Syphon Flushing Tank with Polished Brass Combination Bracket, Polished Brass Flush Pipe with Inlet End and Polished Brass Outlet Connection, and four Brass Urinal Bolts. Price as described, - - - - $28.75 If without Polished Brass Flush Pipe, deduct $2.50. If with Nickel Plated Fittings, add |I.OO. For Adjustable Outlet Connection, as in E-491, add 50 cents. E-1860. E-1860 Duroware Syphon Jet Urinal with Copper-lined Oak Patent Automatic Syphon Flushing Tank with Nickel Plated Iron Brackets, Nickel Plated Brass Short Flush Pipe with Coupling on end. Nickel Plated E494, extra large. Inlet Connection, and Nickel Plated Brass Outlet Connection E-491, and four Nickel Plated Brass Bolts ; Urinal Bolts not included. Price as described, $30.75 E-1862. Section showing body of water in Urinal. Price of Marble or Slate Stalls, Clamps and Legs upon application. If with Brass Flush, Inlet and Outlet instead of Nickel Plated, deduct 6.") cents. The Inlet and Outlet Connections being adjustable, the Urinal can be removed without dis- turbing anj- of the Pipes behind Marble. Our Patent Automatic Syphon Flushing Tank can be regulated so it will flush as often as may suit requirements, by reducing or increasing the supply of water by means of an accessible Valve provided in Tank. The Urinal contains at all times a large body of water (see E-1862), insuring perfect cleanUness and absence of odor. Our "Duroware" is absolutely non=absorbent, and impervious to all moistures and positively will not craze. 258-D L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY, WOLFF'S SYPHON JET URINAL. DUROWARE SYPHON JET URINAL. WITH EXPOSED FLUSH PIPE AND ARRANGED IN CENTER STALL WITH PARTITIONS SUPPORTED ON LEGS. E-1863. E-1863 Duroware Syphon Jet Urinal with Copper-lined Oak Patent Automatic Syphon Flushing Tank with Nickel Plated Iron Brackets, Nickel Plated Brass Flush Pipe with Inlet End and Nickel Plated Brass Outlet Connection and four Nickel Plated Brass Urinal Bolts. Price as described, $29.00 If with Polished Brass Flush Pipe and Outlet Connection, deduct 75 cents. Price of Marble or Slate Stalls, Clamps and L,egs upon application. Our Patent Automatic Syphon Flushing Tank can be regulated so it will flush as often as may suit requirements, by reducing or increasing the supply of water by means of accessible Valve provided in Tank. The Urinal contains at all times a large body of water (see E-1862), insuring perfect cleanliness and absence of odor. Often the glaze on the common ware crazes, cracks or peels off, which is not possible with our "Duroware" for the glaze of this ware is substantially the same composition as the body, and after firing forms one of its component parts. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 259 WOLFFS SLATE URINAL STALLS. E-1826. E-1826 includes 3-Stall Slate Urinal, with IX-inch Slate Partitions and Rabbeted Back, 2-inch Countersunk Base, Polished Brass Clamps and Bolts, Polished Brass Perforated Wash-Down Pipe with Loose Key Stop, and Cast-iron Galvanized Gutter with straight Outlet Connection. DiMKNSIONS. Height, 5 or 5^ feet ; width from center to center of Partitions, 2 feet ; depth, 20 inches. Prices. 3-Stall Slate Urinal, complete as described, ..--..... For each additional Stall (continuous), add ...-.„._. If less than three Stalls are required, deduct for each Stall, -----.. One single Stall, as above described, .......... E-1826 can be furnished any special size to order on short notice. Height of Stalls, 5 feet. Height of Stalls 5K feet. - $88.00 $93.00 27.00 28.75 27.00 28.75 37.00 39.25 ITALIAN MARBLE URINAL. .3-Stall Italian Marble Urinal, with Ji-inch Partitions polished on both sides, ^-inch Rabbeted Back polished on inside, and 2-inch Countersunk Base, fitted in same manner as described above, 24-inch centers and 20 inches deep. Prices. Height, 5 feet. Height, b]^ feet. $114.50 $122.00 33.00 35.00 33.00 35.00 48.00 52.00 3-Stall Urinal, -----..-.----- For each additional Stall (continuous), add ...___.-. If less than three Stalls are required, deduct for each Stall, .._.--. One single Stall, as above described, ........-- E-1826 will be sent with Outlet and Supply on left-hand end, as shown, unless otherwise ordered. Can also be furnished with Outlet in center or on right-hand end, or with Bent Outlet. All parts are carefully fitted and adjusted in our factory before shipment. Note.— When ordering, be particular to give location of Outlet and Supply— whether right or left hand end, or with Outlet in center. 258-D L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S SYPHON JET URINAL. DUROWARE SYPHON JET URINAL. WITH EXPOSED FLUSH PIPE AND ARRANGED IN CENTER STALL WITH PARTITIONS SUPPORTED ON LEGS. E-1863. E-1863 Duroware Syphon Jet Urinal with Copper-lined Oak Patent Automatic Syphon Flushing Tank with Nickel Plated Iron Brackets, Nickel Plated Brass Flush Pipe with Inlet End and Nickel Plated Brass Outlet Connection and four Nickel Plated Brass Urinal Bolts. Price as described, $29.00 If with Polished Brass Flush Pipe and Outlet Connection, deduct 75 cents. Price of Marble or Slate Stalls, Clamps and Legs upon application. Our Patent Automatic Syphon Flushing Tank can be iregulated so it will flush as often as may suit requirements, by reducing or increasing the supply of water by means of accessible Valve provided in Tank. The Urinal contains at all times a large body of water (see E-1862), insuring perfect cleanliness and absence of odor. Often the glaze on the common ware crazes, cracks or peels off, which is not possible with our "Duroware" for the glaze of this ware is substantially the same composition as the body, and after firing forms one of its component parts. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 259 WOLFFS SLATE URINAL STALLS. E-1826. E-1826 includes 3-Stall Slate Urinal, with l>(-inch Slate Partitions and Rabbeted Back, 2-incli Countersunk Base, Polished Brass Clamps and Bolts, Polished Brass Perforated Wash-Down Pipe with Loose Key Stop, and Cast-Iron Galvanized Gutter with straight Outlet Connection. Dimensions. Height, 5 or byi feet ; width from center to center of Partitions, 2 feet ; depth, 20 inches. Prices. 3-Stall Slate Urinal, complete as described, .---.--.. For each additional Stall (continuous), add ...--„... If less than three Stalls are required, deduct for each Stall, ------- One single Stall, as above described, -..-...... E-1826 can be furnished any special size to order on short notice. Height of Stalls, 5 feet. Height of Stalls 55^ feet. - $88.00 $93.00 27.00 28.75 27.00 28.75 37.00 39.25 ITALIAN MARBLE URINAL. .3-Stall Italian Marble Urinal, with j4-inch Partitions polished on both sides, Ji^-inch Rabbeted Back polished on inside, and 2-inch Countersunk Base, fitted in same manner as described above, 24-inch centers and 20 inches deep. Prices. Height, 5 feet. Height, 5^ feet, $114.50 $122.00 33.00 35.00 33.00 35.00 48.00 52.00 B-Stall Urinal, -...---..----- For each additional Stall (continuous), add --.___--_ If less than three Stalls are required, deduct for each Stall, ------- One single Stall, as above described, .-.-....-- E-1826 will be sent with Outlet and Supply on left-hand end, as shown, unless otherwise ordered. Can also be furnished with Outlet in center or on right-hand end, or with Bent Outlet. All parts are carefully fitted and adjusted in our factory before shipment. Note.— When ordering, be particular to give location of Outlet and Supply— whether right or left hand end. or with Outlet in center. 260 L. WOI.FF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S DOUBLE SLATE URINAL STALLS FOR SCHOOLS. E-1828. Above illustration represents Wolff's Double Urinal Stall for Schools, with Slate Partitions, Rabbeted Back and Countersunk Base, fitted with Galvanized Cast-Iron Gutter, Galvanized Iron Top Clamps and Brass Base Clamps with Bolts, Perforated Brass Wash-Down Pipes and Copper Lined Pine Automatic Syphon Tank. Dimensions. Height of Stalls is 4 feet 6 inches; width from center to center of Partitions, 20 inches; depth, 20 inches; Base is 26 inches wide and Countersunk as shown. Pricks. Double Slate Urinal Stall, 2 Stalls on each side, ( < a ( ( < ( 3 ( ( n i. i a 4 < i n ( t i '. 5 " " " " 6 i it < ( it it I ' t ( ( ( ( ( t c a (< il ( ■ n i( n a I i (I n H ( ( 7 8 9 10 11 n a a n 12 (< (( (t ( ( 15 ( ( ( ( < Total Number of Stalls. Capacity of Flushing Tank. Gallons. PRICE, complete as described above. 4 5 $ 98.00 6 5 143.00 8 8 188.00 - 10 8 232.00 12 10 278.00 - 14 10 322.00 16 12 368.00 - 18 12 412.00 20 15 459.00 - 22 15 503.00 24 18 550.00 - 30 24 688.00 The Brass Y Connection on Wash-Down Pipe and Connection on Tank are for Iron Pipe. The Iron Pipe Hangers on Tank shown in illustration are not furnished. Above can be furnished with Outlet in center when desired. Unless otherwise ordered Outlet as shown will be sent. The Tank can be adjusted to flush at desired intervals. I.. WOI.FF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 261 WOLFF'S SLATE URINAL STALLS FOR SCHOOLS. E-1829. Above illustration represents Wolff's Single Urinal Stall for Schools, with Slate Partitions, Rabbeted Back and Countersunk Base, fitted with Galvanized Cast-iron Gutter, Galvanized Iron Top Clamps and Brass Base Clamps with Bolts, Perforated Brass Wash-Down Pipe and Copper Ifined Pine Automatic Syphon Tank with Bronzed Iron Brackets. Dimensions. Height of Stalls is 4 feet 6 inches ; width from center to center of Partitions, 20 inches ; depth, 20 inches ; Base is 26 inches wide, and Countersunk as shown. Prices. 2-Stall Urinal, as described above, with 2-gallon Automatic Tank, - 3 ' ' .3 " 4 ' ' 3 " 5 ' ' 5 " 6 ' ' 5 '' 7 ' ' 5 " 8 ' ' 8 " 9 ' ( ( t ( ' 8 " 10 ' ( it I ' 8 " 12 ' ' 10 " 15 ' 20 ' ' 12 " ' 15 " $ 52.25 74.25 96.25 120.00 142.00 164.00 190.00 212.00 234.00 278.00 346.00 459.00 Above can be furnished with Outlet on left-hand end, in center or vv-ith Bent Outlet. Unless otherwise ordered, E-l>^29will be sent as illustrated. Above Stalls can be arranged for direct supply when desired. 262 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. BEDFORDSHIRE URINALS. FLAT BACK. FLAT BACK, LIPPED. E-1831 E-1832. No. 1. 15 X 18 inches, each, No. 2. 12 xl5 " '/ - No. 3. 11)^x14 " $5.85 4.40 3 95 No. 1. 15 X 18 inches, each, No. 2. 12x15 It <( Prices are Regular Earthenware List Prices. HOODED LIPPED URINALS-FLAT BACK WITH HOOD AND VENT. No. 1. 15 X 18 inches, each, No. 2. 13x15 " 25 8.80 Also made for corner in two sizes. No. 1. 13 X 13 inches. No. 2. 11 >^ x 11>^ inches. Prices same as for Flat Back. CORNER, LIPPED. E-1833. E-1834. No. 1. 12 xl2 inches, each, - No. 2. 11 xll No. 3. 10^x10^ " " - $5.85 4.40 3.95 Prices are Regular Earthenware List Prices. No. 1. 12 X 12 inches, each. No. 2. 11x11 " $8.80 7.30 $8.80 7.30 Iv. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 263 WOLFF'S IMPROVED ADJUSTABLE URINAL OUTLET CONNECTIONS. WITH BENT COUPLING. 1 WITH "T" FOR VENT. Finished, each, Nickel Plated, each, E-490. $2.85 Finished, each, 3.00 Nickel Plated, each, E-49 1 $3.10 3.25 E-490 and E-491 Urinal Outlet Connections can be adjusted and all joints made tight from the front of Urinal Stall Back; open space back of marble is not required. WITH CLEAN-OUT AND ADJUSTABLE FLANGE. E-492. Finished, each, Nickel Plated, each. $2.60 2.75 BRASS CLAMPS. FOR BEDFORDSHIRE URINALS. E-493. For No. 1 Urinals, each. " " 2 " " 3 Polished Brass. Nickel Plated. $0.70 $0.85 .55 .70 .45 .60 264 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. BRASS BELL TRAP, WITH STRAINER, FOR URINAL STALL BASE. E-477. Rough Bod}^, Polished Brass Flange and Strainer, each, Rough Body, Nickel Plated Flange and Strainer, each, WITH FLANGE, NUT AND BENT COUPLING. $2.75 3.00 E-498. Finished, Flange, Nut and Bent Coupling, as shown, each, - $1.75 Nickel Plated, Flange, Nut and Bent Coupling, as shown, each, 2.00 If with Thimble instead of Nut and Bent Coupling, deduct 50 cents. URINAL INLET CONNECTIONS. WITH COUPLING FOR IRON PIPE. FOR LEAD PIPE. E-497. Polished Brass, each. Nickel Plated, each, E-496. WITH UNION, FLANGE, NUT AND BENT COUPLING. $ .75 1.00 E-499. Finished, Flange, Nut and Bent Coupling, each, - - ^ Nickel Plated, Flange, Nut and Bent Coupling, If with Thimble instead of Nut and Bent Coupling, deduct 50 cents. 2.10 2.35 URINAL SHIELDS FOR BEDFORDSHIRE URINALS. [ L.' E-478. E-479. E-480. E-48 1 . Polished Brass, each, - $1.00 Polished Brass, each, - $1.00 Polished Brass, each, - $1.65 Polished Brass, each, - $1.65 Nickel Plated, each. - 1.25 Nickel Plated, each, ' 1.25 Nickel Plated, each. - 1.85 Nickel Plated, each. - 1.85 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 265 WOLFF'S lAlPROVED ADJUSTABLE URINAL INLET CONNECTION. iiiiiiiiiiiiu E-494. Finished, each, Nickel Plated, each, $2.35 2.50 E-4.95. Sectional View of Wolff's Improved Adjustable Urinal Inlet Connection. WolfPs Improved Adjustable Inlet Connection, sectional view of which is shown in E-495 does not require open space back of Stall ; all joints can be made from the front ; it obviates the necessity of removing backs to disconnect couplings and when used iu connection with our Improved Adjustable Urinal Traps (E-48T or E-4S8) or Adjustable Outlet Connections (15-490 or E-191), a Urinal can be easily replaced in a short space of time, as the construction of the adjustable arrangement is such that adjustment both vertical and horizontal is possible. AUTOMATIC FLUSHING TANK FOR URINALS. E-1836. Copper Lined Oil Finished Pine, Automatic Syphon Flushing Tank with Bronzed Iron Brackets. Prices. Number. Capacity. Gallons. Coupliug. Pine. Oak Paneled. Number. Capacity Gallons. 1 1 Single, $5.25 $6.25 4 4 1 1 Double, 5.75 6.75 4 4 2 2 Single, 6.25 7.25 5 5 2 2 Double, G.75 7.75 5 5 3 3 Single, 7.25 8.25 8 8 3 3 Double, 7.75 8.75 8 8 3 3 Triple, 8.25 9.25 10 10 Coupling. Pine. Oak Paneled Double, $ 8.75 $10.75 Triple, 9.25 11.25 Double, 9.75 11.75 Triple, 10.25 12.25 Single, 11.25 14.25 Triple, 12.75 15.75 Triple, 14.00 17.00 Add for Bent Round Corner Tanks to prices of Oak Tanks, $1.00 extra up to No. 5 ; over No. 5 to No. 10, $2.00 extra. Add to prices of Nos. 1, 2, .'5 and 4 for Nickel Plated Iron Brackets, $ .75; for Nickel Plated Brass, $1.75 " 5 and 8 " " " " " 1.00 " " " " 2.25 " " " 10 " " " " " 1.50 ' " 3.50 266 I.. WOLFI? MANUFACTURING COMPANY. BRASS URINAL TRAP. WITH ADJUSTABLE FLANGE AND STRAIGHT COUPLING. BRASS URINAL TRAP. WITH ADJUSTABLE FLANGE, NUT AND BENT COUPLING. E-485. Polished Brass, each, Nickel Plated, each, $2.85 3.00 E-4.86. Polished Brass, each. Nickel Plated, each, Can be furnished with Adjustable Connection, same as D-998 and D-999. $3.10 3.25 WOLFFS IMPROVED ADJUSTABLE URINAL TRAPS. WITH BENT COUPLING. WITH "T" FOR VENT. E-487. Polished Brass, each. Nickel Plated, each. $3.10 3.25 E-4.88. Polished Brass, each, Nickel Plated, each, $3.35 3.50 E-487 and E-488 Urinal Traps can be adjusted and all joints made tight from the front of Urinal Stall Back ; open space back of marble is not required. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 267 COMPRESSION URINAL FAUCETS. E-46 1 . L,oose Key. With Nut and Bent Coupling, Union and Adjustable Flange. FULLER URINAL FAUCET. E-455. With Flange and Thimble. E-456. With Flange, Nut and Bent Coupling. ■IMT E-476. 268 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. DOHERTY SELF-CLOSING URINAL FAUCETS. E-470. E-47 1 , E-472. For Lead Pipe. Wolff's Improved Adjustable Urinal Faucet does not require open space back of Stall, all joints can be made from the front; it obviates the necessity of removing backs to disconnect Couplings, and when used in connection with our improved Adjustable Urinal Traps (E-487 or E-488), or Adjustable Outlet Connections (E-490 or 491), a Urinal can be easily replaced in a short space of time, as the construction of the adjustable arrangement is such that adjustment both vertical and horizontal is possible. BOSTON SELF-CLOSING URINAL FAUCETS. E-468. For I^ead Pipe. E-466. With Flange and Thimble, Union and Adjustable Flange. E-467. With Flange, Nut and Bent Coupling, Union and Adjustable Flange. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 269 WOLFF'S SECTIONAL URINAL WITH COPPER LINED AUTOMATIC FLUSHING TANK. E- 1 838. E-1838. Enameled or Painted Iron Urinal with 10-inch high Back, Polished Brass Capping on Front, Trap Standard, Brass or Galvanized Flushing Pipe, Copper- lined Automatic Flushing Tank with Bronzed Iron Brackets and Brass or Galvanized Flush Pipe from Tank to Urinal. Urinal, 5 ft. long, with Trap, Back and 3 gallon Tank, . _ . . - " " 5 " " . . - . . 6 " " - " '' 8" " " '' 8" "- " 10 " " If without Trap, deduct |4.25. If with Oak, Ash or Cherry Tank, add |:i 00 When Urinal is furnished Enameled, the inside of Trap is also Enameled. As shown, the Outlet is on the right-hand end, but can be furnished with Outlet at left-hand end when desired. Unless otherwise ordered. Urinal with right-hand Outlet (as shown) will be sent. In schools, factories, railroad depots, government institutions, barracks, etc., where practical, reliable and durable sanitary fixtures are desired, E-1838 will be found to meet every requirement. The flushing intervals can be regulated to suit requirements. All parts of the Urinal are thoroughly flushed ; the front edge has Brass Capping entirely covering the Flushing Pipe. The Trap is provided with a Clean-out, has Brass Vent Connection with Coupling and Flange. The Tank is our "Standard" make, of improved construction and lined with heavy tinned and planished copper. " 8 " 10 " 12 " 14 1. 16 " 18 " Enameled Enameled Painted ith Galvanized with Brass with Galvanized Flush Pipes. Flush Pipes. Flush Pipes. $ 58.00 $ 71.00 $ 39.00 87.00 103.00 57.00 103.00 121.00 65.00 119.00 139.00 73.00 185.00 157.00 81.00 151.00 175.00 89.00 167.00 193.00 97.00 270 L. WOIyFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. WOLFF'S WASHOUT URINALS. E-1839. E-1839. Enameled or Painted Iron Washout Urinal, with Painted Iron Legs, Copper-lined Pine Automatic Flushing Tank with Brackets, Galvanized Plush Pipe and Trap Standard. Prices. Urinal 5 feet long, with 3-gallon Tank, 10 12 ( ( ( c ( t ( ( ( ( (( Painted. Enameled $50.00 $ 75.00 65.00 110.00 75.00 130.00 85.00 150.00 Note. — 15-1839 can be furnished with Painted or Galvanized Partitions, as shown In E-l()38 Closet Range. Prices upon application. As shown, the Outlet is on the right-hand end, but can be furnished with Outlet at left-hand end when desired. Unless otherwise ordered Urinal with right= hand Outlet (as shown) will be sent. In schools, factories, railroad depots, government institutions, barracks, etc., where practical, reliable and durable sanitary fixtures are desired, E-1839 will be found to meet every requirement. The flushing intervals can be regulated to suit requirements. All parts of the Urinal are thoroughly flushed; the front edge has Brass Capping entirely covering the Flushing Pipe. The Trap is provided with a Clean-out, has Brass Vent Connection with Coupling and Flange. The Tank is our "Standard" make, of improved construction and lined with heavy tinned and planished copper. L. WOI.FF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 211 CAST-IRON PUBLIC URINALS. WITH ROLL- EDGE AND BRASS STRAINER. •tP E-1845. Cast-iron Roll Edge Urinal with Brass Beehive Strainer, Coupling and Tailpiece, and Perforated Flush Pipe with Loose Key Stop. 24 inches long, 30 36 42 48 60 "2 Prices. Painted, with Galvanized Flush Pipe. $ 7.25 8.00 9.25 10.50 12.50 15.75 19.75 Galvanized with Galvanized Flush Pipe. $10.25 11.25 13.00 15.25 18.00 26.25 32.25 Enameled, with Brass Flush Pipe. $15.00 16.50 19.00 22.50 25.00 34.00 41.25 E-1848. Cast-Iron Roll-Edge Urinal with Brass Beehive Strainer, Coupling and Tailpiece. Prices. 24 inches long, 30 36 42 48 60 72 Painted. Galvanized. Enameled. $ 5.00 $ 8.00 $12.00 5.50 8.75 13.00 6.25 •10.00 15.00 7.25 12.00 18.00 8 50 14.00 20.00 11.00 21.50 28.00 14.00 26.50 34.00 272 Iv. WOIvFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. CESSPOOLS WITH BELL TRAP. CAST BRASS. CAST IRON. E-924. Cast-iron Cesspool, with Bell Trap. Prices. standard. Extra Heavy. 6x6 inches, - - $ .75 9x 9 " - - 1.00 $1.50 13x13 " - - 2.50 3.75 SECTIONAL CUT. E-925. E-926. Cast-Brass Cesspool, with Bell Trap, Hinged Strainer, Polished Top. Prices. Brass. Nickel Plated 6 X 6 inches, $3.50 $4.25 9x 9 " 6.50 7.75 13x13 " 12.00 14.00 LARGE CESSPOOLS. WITH BELL TRAP AND GRATING. SECTIONAL CUT. E-922. E-923. Prices. Size, 16x16x10 inches deep, Painted, -.-.... " 16x16x10 " " Galvanized, -.-.-- 16x16x10 " " Enameled, --.--- " 16x16x10 " " with Polished Brass Grate and Top, Galvanized Body, $ 4.50 10.00 18.00 50.00 I.. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 273 ill! ^''' '" ' ''''''f 'iiiiiiii lililliliiiiiilll ^ '''I'll' ' !■' liili i-l !i ■i 3J K|| ' iii E-941. For otlier sizes and prices of E-941, see Regular Boiler List. GALVANIZED RANGE BOILERS. PRICES OF E-942, with Galvanized Iron Steam Coil. Capacity. Size. 30 gallons, 5 feet by 12 inches, 40 5 " " 14 52 5 " " 16 63 6 " " 16 66 5 " " 18 82 5 " " 20 100 5 " •" 22 120 6 " '' 22 120 5 " " 24 144 6 " " 24 168 7 " " 24 192 8 " " 24 standard. Extra Heavy $18.50 $20.00 23.50 25.00 27.25. 30.00 33.25 37.00 33.25 37.00 38.00 40.00 53.00 55.50 55.60 62.00 64.25 60.50 77.00 85.75 90.00 100.00 100.00 110.00 Prices are for Boiler and Coil only ; Couplings, Tube and Stand are extra. We have a very complete and extensive plant for the manufacture of Range Boilers — we think the best equipped one in operation — and make all sizes, from 18 to 192 gallons. See Regular Boiler List for dimensions and prices. Doing our own galvanizing, making our own rivets and doing the drawing-up work of the heads, all of which is not done by other makers, customers can rely on our boilers being thoroughly well made in all parts. The Brass Couplings for lead pipe, which we furnish with 66 and 82 gallon boilers, have X-inch openings so that 1-inch pipe can be run to the water back if desired; these couplings are somewhat larger than the regular kind sold. All boilers, 82-gallon and smaller, have spuds tapped for 1-inch iron pipe thread. The 100 and 120 gallon boiler couplings for lead pipe are ^-incli for the top connec- tions and for 1-inch lead pipe, side and bottom, for circulation to water back ; top spuds are tapped for 1-inch iron pipe, and the side and bottom spuds for lj4^-incli iron pipe. The 144-gallon boilers and larger have ^4^-inch top couplings for lead pipe ; the side and bottom so that 1 or 1^ inch lead pipe can be used to water back ; top spuds are tapped for 1-inch iron pipe, and the side and bottom spuds for 1^-inch iron pipe ; 100-gallon boilers and larger have 34^ -inch iron pipe tube. Special size boilers made to order. GALVANIZED RANGE BOILER WITH GALVANIZED IRON STEAM COIL. /-/("< II II I , i.iii' 1. 1 i I 1 1 E-942. Prices given above are Boiler and Coil only ; Couplings, Tube and Stand extra. We manufacture Boilers, as shown in E-942 with Galvanized Iron Steam Coil inside to heat the water by steam, especially for use in places where a large quantity of hot water is required, and steam can be had for heating purposes, or in hotels, public institutions, hospitals, asylums, etc. Accompanying illustration shows the Coil inside of Boiler, the inlet and outlet for the steam, also the regular 1-inch pipe openings for the connection to water back ; these openings are always provided so that they can be used to make connection with the water back in range if desired, or plugged if steam only is used. E-942 is intended to be set up vertically, on regular boiler stands, as shown on page 274. See next page for Boilers with Horizontal Coil inside. The pressure of steam, size of Boiler and quantity of hot water required determines the number of feet of heating Coil needed ; therefore the cost varies so much that no price can be appended. Note. — When ordering, always state the number of pounds of steam pressure to be used on the copper coil. 274 Iv. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. GALVANIZED RANGE BOILER- Horizontal. WITH GALVANIZED IRON STEAM COIL INSIDE. E-943. With Steam Inlet at Top. Note. — When ordering, always state the Number of Pounds of Steam Pressure to be used on the Coil. Prices same as for Vertical. E-944. With Steam Inlet at Bottom. Note.— When ordering, always state the Number of Pounds of Steam Pressure to be used on the Coil. Prices same as for Vertical, see E-942. The above Boilers, E-943 and E-944, are made with Horizontal Galvanized Iron Coils so Boilers can be suspended (horizontally) from Ceilings by Hangers (see E-938),or set upon Wall Brackets (see E-93!). The Steam Inlet can be either at the top or bottom, as shown. Boilers will always be sent with the regular l-mch openings for water back. GALVANIZED IRON BOILER STAND. E-936. For 30-Gallon Boiler, or smaller, 12-inch Ring, 35 40 52 66 82 100 120 " " or over, 24-incli Ring, State if wanted for Iron or Copper Boilers, is regular height, but can be furnished 6 inches shorter. 13-incli Ring, each 14 " 16 " 18 " 20 " 22 " WROUGHT-IRON BRACKET. WROUGHT-IRON HANGER. E-938. For Horizontal Boilers, as shown in E-943 and E-944 Are made to order for any size Boiler. E-939. For Horizontal Boilers, as shown in E-943 and E-944 Are made to order for any size Boiler. L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 275 HORIZONTAL RANGE BOILER. E-940. Galvanized Horizontal Range Boilers. Sizes and prices same as regular Boiler List. As we manufacture our own Boilers, those with special openings to fit measurements can be furnished on short notice. E-935. GALVANIZED HOT WATER EXPANSION TANKS. Dimensions and Pricks. Capacity. Size. 10 gallons, 12x20 inches, each, 12 ' 12x24 ' 15 ' 12x30 ' 18 ' 12x36 ' 20 ' 14x80 ' 21 ' 14x36 ' 26 ' 16x30 ' 32 ' 16x36 ' 42 ' 16x48 ' 66 ' 18x60 ' 82 ' 20x60 ' 100 ' 22x60 ' 120 ' 24x60 ' PALMER SEWER VALVE. E-576. With Hand Hole Cover. E 576. Price, Valve and Setting, E-577. " " E-577. With Hub for Pipe Extension. 2 3 4 5 6 $6.00 6.50 7 50 9.00 10.00 6.00 7.50 10.00 15 8.00 8.50 9.00 9.50 12.50 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.50 81.00 37.00 51.00 58.00 8 m. 15.00 E-579. Pipe Extension with vScrew for vSewer Valve, E-577. E-578. Section of E-576. Price, 4-inch extension, 24 inches long, for 2 inch Trap, each, - - - - - - - - - $2.00 •' 6 " " 24 " " 4 " .< . . . . . . . . . . 3.00 " 8 " " 24 " " 6 " " - - - - - - - - - 4.00 E-577 in connection with E-579 Extension, permit Valve and Setting to be placed under ground. The Trap Screw on Extension, when unscrewed, gives access to Valve below. 276 L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. CAST IRON PIPE AND FITTINGS. E-781. Double Hub. FOR PLUMBING, SEWERAGE AND GREEN HOUSE USE. To those interested and wanting an excellent quality of Cast Iron Pipe for Plumbing, Sewerage and Green House use, we wish to state that — The superior quality of our Cast Iron Pipe is too well known to require comment; its excellence is admitted by the trade, to whom we refer for endorse- ment of our claim that its reputation was made on merit alone. Weight, Full Size of Pipe, Depth and Strength of Hub are particulars in which we claim superior merit. For the production of " Extra Heavy Pipe," we are as well equipped with modern patterns and machinery as on our regular Pipe, making all sizes from two to twelve inches, inclusive. Our Pipe is coated with Tar, the deleterious acids in it having first been neutralized. Our " Extra Heavy " Pipe has cast on it " Wolif's Ex. H'y " in raised letters. INCREASING QUARTER BENDS. -rn E-868. With Cleanout and 4-inch Brass Screw. 4 to 6-inch, each, Kxtra Heavy, $4.75 4 to 6 -inch, each. Extra Heavy, $2.25 INCREASING EIGHTH BENDS. E-870. With Clean-out and 4-inch Brass Screw. E-87 1 . Plain. Above Fittings are adapted for use at bottom of Pipe Stack connecting 6-inch Main Sewer to 4-inch Riser. The Trap Screw shown in E-8 main sewer being easily reached for rodding purposes. Above are few of our New Fittings; we carry at all times a full and complete line. and 870 permits L. WOLFF MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 277 BRASS BASIN PUMPS. E-733. Nickel Plated, each, WOLFF'S BRASS PUMPS. BRASS LIFT AND FORCE PUMPS ON IRON FRAME. $u.ou E-734.. With Reversible Handle for Right or Left Hand. Each, - - - $7.00 PLUMBERS' FORCE PUMPS— STEAM METAL. Each, $10.00 VALVE HYDRANTS AND STREET WASHERS. WHEEL HYDRANT. E-628. MURDOCK STYLE. STREET WASHERS. SELF-CLOSING HYDRANT. E-629. E-630. New Improved Compression and Self-closing Anti-freezing; with Sediment Chamber Attachment and Ground Union Joint, fitted for Iron or Lead Pipe. Thousands of these Hydrants have been in use throughout the United States for the past fourteen years, and have given entire satisfaction. Recent valuable improvements render this the most complete and durable Hydrant ever invented. Requires no digging up for repairs. By unscrewing the Nozzle and Top and lifting the Tube from the Stock, on the end of which is the Valve, a new Wa.sher can be put on, which requires little or no mechanical skill. This, however, is not likely to occur in several years. To set in ground, ----.-..__- yi inch Hydrant, each, --...._-.. 1 """----.-..- . ^ " " " Self-closing (E-6.bOj, each ....... yi " Street Washer (E-629), each, --...- 1 '■ " " each, --....... 3 ft. 4 ft. 5 ft. 6 ft. $10.00 $11.00 $12.00 $13.00 12.50 13.50 14.50 15.50 12.00 13.00 14.00 15 00 8.50 9.50 10.50 11.50 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 Hydrant Repairs kept in .Stock.