volution of Immortality LIBRARY OF CONGRESS OOOlOlt.5543 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, COPYRIGHT OFFICE. No registration of title of this book as a preliminary to com/right protec- tion has been foundj^^ .f.'f*3 Forwarded to Order Division.^^^-^-/-^^—- t * (^T T7 ( A P r - 5 - 1 6/ ^ / 901—5,000.; BookJl&lJU.S'" Copyright N°. COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT. Evolution of Immortality BY ROSICRUCI^E Author of " The Rosy Cross," "Principles of Nature and of Life," etc. We are haunted by an ideal life, and it is because we have within us the beginning and the possibility of it. — Phillips Brooks. > > > > > > EULIAN PUBLISHING COMPANY SALEM, MASS. YTIJATHOMMi TO WOITUJOV* 41065 _^ c 1 Library of Con^reti fwo Copies Received AUG 31 1900 Cof yrt'jht entry No. SECOND COPY. DfMver*d to ORDER DIVISION, 1R^ «r Copyright, 1900 By Eulian Publishing Company All rights reserved DEDICATION : TO THE QUEEN OF THE ROSY CROSS, "SHE WHO IS NAMELESS," Whose Symbol is O — the Mystic Guardian of the "SACRED SEVEN, 1 ' ARE THE FOLLOWING PAGES MOST RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED BY THE AUTHOR. PREFACE. The following pages have been written primarily for the benefit of the free-thinking, fearless members of the Rosy Cross, who despise the world's way of hiring its thinking done for it ; and secondly, for those who would think for themselves if the impetus to do so were once given. As for the great mass of non-thinking cowards who form the debris of mankind, out of which comes the bloody work of war, the festering crimes, and the diseases of the present age — for them there is no present hope for immortality. There are good and noble souls who, still matter-bound, will claim that I am " dancing in the air," which opinion I shall receive as a compliment, since he who can dance in air is dancing in spirit, and is nearer to freedom than they who, tree-like, are rooted in the solid earth. To such I commend the consideration of the soul as a seed enveloped in matter, the fruit of which is immortality. We have not eaten freely of this fruit because the way to the tree of life has been, and is still, guarded by the "flaming sword " of fear, which sends forth forked tongues of the flame of divine wrath from every conventicle, church, mosque, and cathedral throughout the whole wide world. In much love, THE AUTHOR. CONTENTS CHAPTER I The Divinity of Energy 9 CHAPTER II The Evolution of Consciousness . . . .22 CHAPTER III The Incarnation of Life 40 CHAPTER IV The Power of Love 59 CHAPTER V The Force of Truth 79 CHAPTER VI The Wisdom of the Serpent 108 CHAPTER VII Christ, the Light of Immortality . . . .122 APPENDIX The Rosy Cross ........ 130 EVOLUTION OF IMMORTALITY. CHAPTER I. THE DIVINITY OF ENERGY. The human mind is bounded by itself. It can- not transcend itself, or work outside its own en- ergies. The continually changing forms of things gives rise in the mind to ideas of a beginning, and in speculating on nature's activities, a beginning is always predicated of her work. As all works of man have a maker, we childlike predicate a maker for this wonderful timepiece, the universe, in which intelligence is so manifest and in which we appear, to ourselves, to be an important factor. It is folly to assume an external or foreign power as creative, when there is everywhere man- ifest in nature a living force which permeates all 9 IO EVOLUTION OF IMMORTALITY, things, being within and of them instead of out- side of them. The existence of energy is self-evident, and its duration is eternal, " from everlasting to ever- lasting," for in its fullness it is the Great God him- self. It is complete, and contains within itself all qualities, powers, parts, and attributes of things, aye, even the whole of things. We do not say a wise or good energy as we say a wise or good man, but man without energy can be neither wise nor good. It is self-existent and omnipresent, and no conception of inactivity exists or can exist in relation to it. The vast, boundless, fathomless expanse of space is pervaded by this incomprehensible and formless spirit, or energy. Although incompre- hensible, we live by contact with it and partake of it in all living functions, as in breathing, eating and drinking, thinking and speaking, sleeping and waking, living or dying, we are one with it. We can only know of its methods of action, of its creative processes by careful study of the only book it has given us, — the Word, the voice of nature. Time was forever. It has no beginning and THE DIVINITY OF ENERGY. II no end ; and while it may divide into past, present, and future, it still remains the present one and now. The present has no beginning nor end; the past is not lost ; and the future is never here, although continually beginning. The eternal now is always here for contemplation and criticism. Observation of the working of nature shows a division of powers, principles, and forces, demon- strating that a great law of existence is dependent on division, or the separation of the concrete into the individual. It is not a division of time when things were not, for such a state is inconceivable. The past is as inconceivable as the future ; it is brought forward and objectified in the living present, and we are in and of it. Energy was never inactive ; there was never a place nor time where and when things were not. It divides itself into life and death, but life is first in order of appearance, since things must live be- fore they can die. Energy abounds more in the former than in the latter condition, demonstrating that the first principle in any division is fuller of energy than those that come later. For example, the manifestation of life is due to the attraction and repulsion of energy, but attraction is first and 12 EVOLUTION OF IMMORTALITY. the principal force in its development. To attrac- tion is due the mating of the sexes and the growth of the foetus in the womb, nor does repulsion man- ifest until the child is fully matured. The infer- ence is logical that the first manifestation of energy is a drawing together, a suction, the concentrative and accumulative force, the female principle of life. To that negative female principle is due the contraction of diffusive energy into centers, as worlds, suns, stars, and souls of all animate life. The formless and apparently lifeless space in which worlds float like atoms in a sunbeam, which surrounds all worlds and all atoms, holding them tenderly but firmly in place, is an infinite womb, in which the powers of energy are divided into the opposing elements of life and death, day and night, body and mind, male and female, and all opposites. Between them, enthroned in unap- proachable mystery and glory of conscious living fire, sits the Energy, which says, " I am that I am." This division of energy must not be considered as absolute, but more in the nature of differentia- tion, since absolute division would admit of only the two opposing principles, which would instantly fuse and become one, if some balancing force THE DIVINITY OF ENERGY. 1 3 were not between them. Water may be used in illustration. If divided it must be held apart by some other substance than itself, although all sub- stance has water in itself as a component element. But there is another kind of division, qualified, impermanent, as when the waters of the ocean are divided into waves by the wind. The waves are still water in the form of waves. It is thus with energy. Divided into motion and inertia it is still energy, although not the great unfathomable deep where motion is unknown. Out of the bosom of energy comes the spirit which moves on the face of the waters, as the breath of life, foreshadowed in the story of creation. All known forms of life gestate in water, and the waters referred to in Genesis on the face of which the spirit moved are that incomprehensible energy out of which odic force emanated, a magnetic current instinct with life. The soul in man is his firmament dividing the upper waters of intelligence from the lower waters of impulse, passion, and lust, a center in being from which is derived the sense of above and be- low, or of the opposing elements in all nature. Without the soul, standing between good and 14 EVOLUTION OF IMMORTALITY. evil, or opposing forces, man could not be a pro- gressive being. It is through the soul that energy enters, and from it exhales the spirit which reveals the quality of the man. This firmament, this soul, declared to be the " heavens," is not in the skies, but is where the great Master located it when he affirmed that "the kingdom of heaven is within you. Truth, the soul of action, lies hidden beneath the rubbish of all human life. Around it clusters the best thought of the race and toward it all life tends as to " the Father's house/' when it shall have " shuffled off this mortal coil." What more beautiful symbol of love than " the Father's house " ; the beginning of family ; a cen- ter in which the Father dwells ; an object lesson in creation ; a center of love from which go forth the inhabitants of worlds, and the truth of love and its demonstrations of power? It is in the Father's house that the human soul finds rest, if there is any for it on earth. In this incubator of life, warmed by the fires of parental love, truth is born, the light of intelligence is kindled and fanned to a blaze which may become the light of the world. THE DIVINITY OF ENERGY. 15 The Father's house is the soul of civilization, the nerve center of the body politic. From it radiates society, nations, governments, literature, art, and religion. All power draws to centers. Wealth seeks cities and banks ; governments center in kings or par- liaments ; parties have their conventions and man- agers ; religion its head center in an idea and its nerve centers in its clergy. These centers are all souls from which radiate life and the energy to fashion, to mold, to bind together, and to break in sunder. There is no power which does not develop a center of influence, and such centers are souls of the elements so drawn to a focus. To put it briefly : the concentrated energies that combine to form an organization is its soul. The soul of a manufactory is the executive genius who works only through thought. He sits in his office while the agents of his intelligence rush here and there, rays of his thought, and the roaring ma- chinery is instinct with the music he makes. The force of the entire plant centers in him ; the effort of toil, steam, and machinery centers in the un- known and incomprehensible mind of the execu- tive, which silently stands between and controls 1 6 EVOLUTION OF IMMORTALITY. the play of forces, and the inertia born of silence and rest. There is a point in the soul which moves not, a point out of which a fire rises whose light is intellect and whose heat is love. From this central point all soul activities rise, irradiating the mind and manifesting power through all the machinery of life. The soul is but a bubble on the ocean of en- ergy, " the waters " of Genesis, and out of this bubble the spirit, heat (love), issues and moves upon the waters, but this heat does not immedi- ately evolve fire, or the light of mind. Love and the involuntary powers precede the evolution of intellect and the voluntary powers. Thus man is by nature a feeling and impulsive being before he is an emotional and reasoning soul ; but he is neither body, soul, nor mind, but an undying energy which stands between and manifests as the third element in all dual relations, or what to the senses seem so. The senses of the soul form a sort of timepiece which registers the effects which follow the pass- ing to and fro of the pendulum of energy, from life to death, from consciousness to unconsciousness. Consciousness may be regarded as a wheel in this THE DIVINITY OF ENERGY. I J timepiece which man must adjust from time to time as he adjusts the alarm in a clock, that the report of time may be accurate and compel atten- tion. Unconsciousness may be likened to a dark closet below the clock into which the soul de- scends, and, closing the door, shuts out all sensa- tion as one excludes the light, leaving a room in darkness. Man is aware of himself and of all things exter- nal through the mind ; and as mind is dependent on energy for existence and consciousness, the way to life and immortality must lie along the develop- ment of fuller power to receive and radiate en- ergy. The power to radiate energy is as neces- sary as the capacity to receive, for the man who holds within himself all that he receives of life, love, and power can have little consciousness of anything but himself. To such persons much suffering and countless crucifixions are necessary to enlarge their sympathy with suffering and bring to flower the seeds of love planted in every soul. The soul is feeling, emotion ; the mind is thought and the storehouse of knowledge. The small soul and mind cannot contain much and they attract little, for attraction is in proportion to re- ceptivity. 1 8 EVOLUTION OF IMMORTALITY. The ancients worshiped the stars as gods, ascribing certain qualities to them and the control of certain human activities. The idea had its in- ception in a great truth, viz., that man has within himself the greatest potency, the fullest degree of energy of any creation, and thus they naturally associated him with the most perfect forms, and embodied him in the stars. Have we any loftier conceptions of deity than the ancients ? Which is preferable, an infinitude of gods, or two, one of which is good and the other evil, as the Persians conceived, or our own one God, always at war with the universe he has created ? The ancients taught that the stars were once human souls which had so far evolved and perfected themselves as to have attained oneness of energy wherein all power may be exercised by the will. They taught that to reach this condition man must pass the gate open only to pairs ; the divided energy, in male and female, must become again one. Antago- nisms of thought must be indrawn so that the mind might become a receptacle of spirit, the mind being the male principle, while form, the fe- male principle, must lose its angularities and be rounded to a sphere. Energy, no longer divided, THE DIVINITY OF ENERGY. 19 became one in mind and form, blended with truth as a creative force, never to be sundered. Marriage is only a symbol of this perfect blend- ing of form and mind, when each shall have reached the acme of dual progression. Energy contains within itself every conceivable object, emotion, and thought. The process of creation is simply projection into time and space of that which is indrawn. Thus man in a spiritual state of being can take any form he desires, from that of a worm to that of a star. The two, which have become one, may draw forms, souls, minds, ideas, circumstances, and events from that infinite storehouse of energy which our angular, harsh word God but feebly symbolizes. The earth is a soul in which the male and fe- male principles have combined or flowed together as the waves subside into the still waters of the great deep. This perfect union attracts and re- ceives the infinite energy in a continuous flowing current of force. When the perfected soul whose earth name was Jesus came to humanity out of the soul world, he declared that he was the Light of Life and the Way to immortality. Why? Because he could 20 EVOLUTION OF IMMORTALITY. affirm from positive knowledge, " I and the Father are one!' Mastery over bodily sensations is gained by union of mind and soul in one positive will. Sensation may be drawn from one part and con- centrated in another, or it may be entirely sus- pended. Between every two principles there is a third, the point where action and reaction touch, and that third factor, without which the two could not manifest, is energy. There is no absolute duality; the triune is the form of all manifestation ; although the third factor may elude investigation, it is always present. When soul and mind are perfectly blended man becomes the arbiter of his own destiny in a con- scious and voluntary exercise of his powers. The present physical body is corruptible and the with- drawal of the astral body leaves it to disintegrate ; but in the higher stages of progress when man has become one, by the union of the perfected spiritual nature with his feminine counterpart, thus completing the quarternary -f- of existence, the blending of two perfected souls into one elongated sphere or fire body, it is not subject to decay or corrupting change. This fire body may take to THE DIVINITY OF ENERGY. 21 itself any form the soul chooses to superinduce about it, and in appearance may walk the earth in the form of ordinary manhood ; but as this body is projected from the real self of being it may at anytime be again indrawn and never "see corruption." This is the body in which Jesus dwelt on the earth, which could die in appearance but could not see corruption. There is no impossibility to the being filled with divine energy and at one with its spirit and power. Jesus is " the Way, the Truth and the Life," not so much by what he is reported to have said as by the testimony of his life, death, and resurrection. It was no phantom body which he subjected to the test of taking food and being touched and handled, but that which by virtue of his spiritual advance beyond the ordinary man he could project or indraw at will. 22 EVOLUTION OF IMMORTALITY. CHAPTER II. THE EVOLUTION OF CONSCIOUSNESS, In the study of nature a variety of natures attract attention. Why should human nature claim precedence over all others ? " Who knoweth the spirit of man that it goeth upward and the spirit of a beast that it goeth downward ? " The same law operates in both, for all life is one ; the form that it manifests is of value only as showing the station at which the life has arrived on its evolutionary journey. What is evolution ? Is it something coming out of nothing? Whither is it bound? Life comes in and goes out of matter as the breath comes and goes ; but whither ? If evolved from matter it must in the last evolvement be free from matter. In a burning pile heat, light, and smoke escape, leaving at last only cold ashes, but these ashes are no more lifeless than was the wood before burn- ing. The phenomenon of fire is the motion that THE EVOLUTION OF CONSCIOUSNESS. 2$ the life of the wood makes in its escape, or in its evolution from inertia to — what ? Does it return again to inertia ? By no means. It divides itself into flame, smoke, heat, sound, and ashes, and in each is more of life than the wood held prior to the conflagration. We cannot, however, measure or weigh life. It is spirit, of which light, heat, and vapor are elements of various degrees of density and of motion. The spirit of man is perceived as white light. Life is active and inactive, conscious and un- conscious, mind and matter. In passing from one form of life to another motion is evolved, and hence to understand nature and life we must study the laws of motion. All motion describes a circle ; there is no such thing as a straight line. In combustion the motion is analogous to breath- ing, and the outgoing of hot and the ingoing of the cool air, like the inspiration and expiration of the breath, describe an ellipse. The original cause of the motion is not easily perceived, for living as we do in a series of effects which are also causes, it is difficult to retrace the series and find the origin of any motion. When we think 24 EVOLUTION OF IMMORTALITY. we have reached the cause of phenomena, further investigation proves that we have at best only another effect of some precedent cause. Every effect is in itself a cause of further effects, and we may conclude that life also comes under the same law, being both cause and effect. If this is true we need not look outside of the life within us for the cause of what we are, or of what we do, neither for the cause of that which we may be- come. Causes are perceived when we understand the combination of their effects, for nothing exists in complete isolation, all are interwoven and inter- dependent. The motion of one disturbs the entire economy, and on analysis the cause of the motion will be found in a series, or combination of effects centered in that which moves. There is a trinity of which each member is so interdependent that neither can exist without the other, viz., space, matter, and motion. Nothing can exist without motion and space to move in, nor can there be motion without some- thing to move, and that object forms a center in space from which arises the perception of a circumference. The mind takes cognizance THE EVOLUTION OF CONSCIOUSNESS. 25 only of the limited ; the unlimited is beyond thought. To discover the origin or cause of this self- existent trinity is beyond our power. To assume that this trinity is self-existent and eternal is as logical as to assume an uncreated deity outside of this trinity who has the same self-existence and endless duration. Motion is necessary to the development of life, whether in animate or inanimate nature, and is most apparent in the sensitive and volatile parts of things. Space itself is motionless, but it is a component of everything that moves. It is be- tween every organ of all bodies and every atom of matter, and while each atom moves in space, that remains motionless. All energy draws into centers. Worlds are centers of energy and they are living beings, with souls which are inert, silent, and motionless, but which hold with unyielding grasp to the universe of souls which surround them, and with which an exchange of energy or spirit is effected, as the air gives itself to fire. Motion causes heat, and inversely heat causes motion. One must precede the other, but if life 26 EVOLUTION OF IMMORTALITY. is latent where there is no apparent motion, by observation we may perceive the beginning of its manifestation. Heat is evolved from matter by pressure. The center of gravity is the soul of the earth ; and as the earth revolves on its axis all the fluids and gases are forced toward the center, crowded to- gether with such pressure as to develop intense heat, which, occasionally finding vent, bursts forth in volcanoes. If a bucket of water is swung swiftly in the air over the head, as long as the circular motion is kept up not a drop will be spilled. So gases and volatile substances, flung into space, form vortices, or rush to a center, cooling and hardening into a circumference as the rotary motion is continued, and worlds are evolved. We discover, therefore, that the third law of motion is revolution, the form of motion that holds every atom in place. The revolution of the earth on its axis causes attraction, suction, a centering of force the ulti- mate of which is inertia. Matter becomes of great density toward the center of the earth ; its specific gravity is greatly increased and more intense heat is developed. THE EVOLUTION OF CONSCIOUSNESS. 2 7 To get a conception of the enormous weight pressing on the earth's center it is only necessary to know that there is a pressure of fifteen pounds on every square inch of its surface. The increas- ing ratio of pressure on the center produces an almost inconceivable degree of heat and density, which arrests all motion. If the pressure were withdrawn for an instant from the surface of the earth it would vanish like smoke, leaving no trace behind. Professor Milne estimates the increase of weight per square inch of the earth's surface, two hun- dred miles toward its center, at six hundred tons instead of fifteen pounds as on the surface. The atoms of the earth's surface move around its axis at the rate of over one thousand miles per hour, but as the center is approached the velocity grows less and less, until at the central point of its mass rotation ceases. There is another motion, however, that of the whole mass of the earth around the sun, — an equal revolution of every atom around the great luminary, which causes the outward or centrifugal motion. This motion is the expiration of the earth, its outgoing breath of life, and is a positive electric force as it goes out, re- 28 EVOLUTION OF IMMORTALITY. turning as a negative magnetic current. The out- going breath is flame from the central fire of energy and scatters sparks, that gradually cool as they recede from the center. Those deposited at the circumference form the crust of the earth, or become the bodies of animate nature. Thus evolution and revolution carry on the work of creation. Study that work as it goes on in the formation of an Ggg and the evolution of a chick. In the dark and secret chamber of the mother body the same methods and laws are operative as in the creation and evolution of worlds. First, attraction of the male germ to the vacant procreative cell, which is the soul of the future living being. This cell is globular in form and motionless, as the point in a magnet where the positive and negative forces separate, or the point of perfect equilibrium in the lungs where the in- drawn breath deposits its accretion of life and turns back, as the outgoing breath, to the atmos- phere again. The nuclear point in the cell is matter and spirit in union, undivided energy, the one. The cell is a womb which attracts the im- pregnating atom as the soul attracts the vivifying energy by its emptiness, inviting to fullness and THE EVOLUTION OF CONSCIOUSNESS. 29 expansion. The nature . of attraction is to press together, to clasp, to embrace, generating heat, which disintegrates the matter in which the seed is imprisoned, causing division and separation of the atoms of matter in which it is held. With the freedom thus obtained the living spark begins to burn, to breathe from itself, and two forces begin to play instead of one alone, viz., attraction and repulsion. Attraction has made the center for the germ of the new being ; repulsion carries the coarser matter to the circumference to form the shell, the finer to form the body of the chick, each atom finding its place through attraction. " Behold, I show you a mystery." The chick exists in still life, or negative spirit, long prior to the impregnation of the cell. Its phantom form, silent, intangible, takes its place in the perfect egg, drawn thither by attraction, and in motionless rest awaits the pressure of heat from the body of the mother to kindle the fire of life at the center, from which matter is evolved to clothe the phantom form. Note that the germ in the egg is at rest until heat from another body rouses motion, and that the motion is dual, attraction and repulsion, or 3