T> ^> ^ V** -*£& \/ .*&££': Xj* ;£&& W 4* ^ h'° ** ** 4^ ^ ^ a ^ + •bi? «5°^ y ** . • I 'J?* ^ V *% ' v ft »i^:* ^ 4^> 4> .^1- \ C° j£i&. °o .o- V^V %^V \^ f \/ % : A **k VISIT; <**V \1W* : «*^ : .1K' .^\ ., • .0 ^ a* **<£!&*•. + o <4-l CO T3 C cd co o o w oo < 14-4 CO O -H 3 rt O I-i l-< cO S co •> CO CO rH >-l : 3 CO O ex ON vO <^ X —i a) ■as 00 CO c •H AS u o S c 00 cO u CO > CO CO CO •sfvOCOfOvDO^HfOOOMOHO* OinHOO>NHlACOONNO>vDO'^CNC0~3 - mvor->ooovO-HNco-sfiovo ^^H^-^NMNNNCMCM 00 c cO o -tf CO CU r-{ £> cfl 4J CO CD O 0) c iH CO CO CO oo CNI O) (1) ,o —l cO S O CO U +J "O o s QJ t-i a) cfl a) a> 4J <4-l H cfl co X r-1 M ° 3 _ MOB an - a. co tn < u in ro ^r in vo ANALYSIS Since these studies spanned a 5-year period, the cost data should be put on a common base before analysis. The Consumer Price Index (CPI), also known as Cost of Living Index, was used to change all costs to 1967 dollars (1967$); hence CPI = 100 in 1967. The Federal Radiation Council data (6) first required a calculation of the estimated tonnage for the mines over a 10-year period. In 1965, the 11 mines (table 1) produced over 20 pet of the total U.S. production, 5 which, at exactly 20 pet, amounts to 872,523 tons of ore. Therefore, the 10-year production is over 8.73 million tons. Table 6 gives the ventilation control costs converted to dollars per ton. The three small mines produced approxi- mately 87,252 tons of uranium ore in 1965, or approximately 0.52 million tons in the 6-year analysis period (table 6). The working level month figures and 1967 dollars per ton are plotted in figure 1. TABLE 6. - Federal Radiation Council Report 8 (_6) uranium mine ventilation cost data converted to 1967 dollars per ton Item Total cost, millions Cost per ton Mine index or average WL WLM In 1965$ In 1967$ 11-mine study (10-yr): Minimum ventilation. 3-mine study (6-yr): Minimum ventilation. Control to 1.5 WL... $4.8 11.8 19.3 .18 1.01 $0.55 1.35 2.21 .34 1.93 $0.58 1.43 2.34 .36 2.04 Ho 2 1 ^-20 31.5 120 24 12 2 150 18 Estimate of average WL with normal metal mine ventilation practice. 2 Midrange, 12.5 WL, used to calculate WLM. 3 Average concentration. It is assumed that the costs supplied to Spencer (10) by the mine owners are CPI-corrected for each year during 1966-68. Table 7 summarizes the data and the conversions to 1967 dollars (1967$). These data and the production- weighted averages for all eight mines are also plotted in figure 1. As expected, because of the much greater tonnage, the weighted average is very close to the values for the five larger mines. Cross (5) pointed out that Spencer (10) neglected the succeeding years' equipment amortization and return on investment. This may have resulted in a cost understatement of 20 percent; the corrected data are also plotted in figure 1. 5 Total U.S. production in 1965 was 4,362,614 tons (3). 10 TABLE 7. - Uranium mine ventilation cost data from Spencer (10) , converted 1967 dollars per ton Item Cost per ton Cost, 1967 dollars per ton Average WL WLM Three smaller mines: 1966 $0.24 .52 1.26 .62 .67 .81 $0.25 .52 1.21 .64 .67 .78 1.66 1.50 .55 2.03 1.18 .55 20 1967 18 1968 6.6 Five larger mines: 1966 24 1967 14 6.6 10. 9 8. 7. 6 5. 4. c 2 3. r>» 2. V) o o z o I. .9 .8 .7 6 _ .3 _ X + 8 + + s J Ill KEY O 1 1-mine study. FRC V 3-mine study, FRC O 5 larger mines, RMC x 3 smaller mines, RMC Weighted average of RMC data D + RMC weighted average corrected for 20% cost error by Cross (5) H Average cost and WLM data, ADL A Estimated weighted average of ADL data 10. 100. AVERAGE ANNUAL EXPOSURE. WLM FIGURE 1. - Cost per ton for ventilating uranium mines. 1,000. 11 The ADL study (1) had as its sole purpose to derive the total costs and impacts of decreasing the allowed radon-daughter exposure. The data for all 26 mines are given in table 5. There is considerable scatter in the informa- tion; therefore, care was taken to arrive at reasonable averages. The authors of the ADL report provided production-weighted incremental costs to arrive at 8 and 4 WLM exposures (table 5), but two key items are missing from the ADL survey — "present weighted average cost per ton" and "present average working level." These are estimated in two ways, arithmetic averages and using the observed differences in the average value and the ADL production-weighted average costs. These are given in table 8, and plotted in figure 1. TABLE 8. - Average ventilation costs and working place radon-daughter concentrations Cost per ton, Cost per ton, 1970$ 1967$ Average WL Item Using Using Using Using Average WLM table 5 table 5 table 5 table 5 averages weighted averages averages weighted averages Present conditions 1.88 1.03 1.66 0.91 0.487 5.8 Last man = 8 WLM. . 2.69 1.53 2.38 1.35 1 .451 5.4 Last man = 4 WLM.. 5.19 2.76 4.59 2.44 !.226 2.7 *Ratio calculated from table 5 averages used to calculate average WL, The best values from the three studies are plotted together in figure 2, and a least-squares line, calculated in logarithmic space, has been drawn through the data. The equation for this line is 1967$/ton = 3.134 (WLM)" - 3715 , with a correlation coefficient, R = -0.75. (1) The 95-percent confidence limit on the expected value of the mean is, in 1967$/ton, approximately $1.10±$0.07, and for a particular value of the mean it is $1.10±$0.32. An equation was also calculated using the average val- ues. This equation has a steeper slope and larger intercept: and 1967$/ton = 4.616 (WLM)" - h8 19 , R = -0.77. (2) In both cases, the fit is significant at the 0.01 level (99-percentile) , but the first equation is used in the remainder of this paper since it includes the corrections that are considered necessary. The exponential model developed by Cross (_5) from the individual mine data is given in cents per pound U3O8 (1969 dollars) versus average annual exposure. By converting their equation to dollars per ton (assuming 0.22 pet U3O3 ore grade) and 1967 dollars, it becomes 1967$/ton = 3.979 (12WL)" - 63 . (3) 12 CO O O z o < _l t- z LU > _l < I- o r 4. 2 I — KEY — O 1 1-mine study. FRC — V 3-mine study , FRC "^ + Weighted average of RMC **^^«^ A o data corrected for 20% error by Cross (5) A ADL data with corrected cost and WLM A V o ,1967$/ton = 3.134 (WLM) ~° 3715 — + A / R = -0.75 — + + — ^"""^^O — V **^^^^ 1 1 Mill II I 1 I I I I III I I I I I I II 3 _ I. 10. 100. AVERAGE ANNUAL EXPOSURE. WLM FIGURE 2. - Costs for ventilating uranium mines versus average annual exposure with regression line. 1,000. This equation has a larger intercept and a much steeper slope than the equation developed from weighted average costs and working levels. Higher cost estimates for control to 1- to 2-WLM annual exposures results when this equation is used. APPLICATIONS Equation 1 can be used with some limitation to estimate the industry average cost for ventilating uranium mines at any desired average working level at any consumer price index and provide comparisons with other radiation control costs. 13 The inflationary rise in the Consumer Price Index since 1965 is shown in table 9. Since the data used in the analysis were converted to the 1967 base CPI, it is a simple matter to multiply the calculated cost per ton by the new CPI divided by 100, as follows: $/ton = 3.134 -y|| (WLM)-°' 3715 , = 0.03134 CPI(WLM)-°» 3715 . An example for CPI = 250 (1980$) is given in table 10 and figure 3. TABLE 9. - Consumer Price Index (based on 1967 = 100) 1965.... 94.5 1972 125.3 1979 217.6 1966 97.2 1973.... 133.1 1980.... 246.9 1967 100.0 1974 147.7 1981: 1968.... 104.2 1975 161.2 Jan. . . 260.7 1969 109.8 1976 170.4 Feb... 263.5 1970 116.3 1977 181.5 Mar. .. 265.2 1971.... 121.3 1978 195.3 Apr . . . 266.8 TABLE 10. - Cost per ton at CPI = 250 (1980$) for several average WLM exposures Average WLM Cost per ton At CPI = 100 At CPI = 250 4 $1.87 $4.68 2 2.42 6.06 1 3.13 7.84 .7 3.58 8.95 (4) 14 30 w i- w O o _l o IX H Z o o z o 20. j^^^s 10. 9. 8. 7. v — L 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 0.7 WLM 1 " last WLM " man" last n 2 WL I lan" M * \i ist 4 WLM * last man 1. .9 .8 .7 .6 .5 .4 * .3 .2 .1 I I I I I I I II I i i 1 1 1 mi mi I. 10. AVERAGE ANNUAL EXPOSURE. WLM I00. FIGURE 3. Projected radiation control cost for different Consumer Price Indices and average annual exposure. At this point, the "last man" exposure should be introduced. If an average working level exposure of 4 WLM is maintained, some miners will be overexposed. Therefore, we should make the projections based on limiting the maximum exposure. Information in the ADL report (1) indicated a factor of 1.478 between the average working-level-month exposure and the "last man" exposure. After incorporating both "last man" exposure and consumer price index, equation 1 becomes — DPT = 0.03624 CPI (LME) -0 ' 3715 , where DPT = dollars per ton corrected for CPI, and LME = limiting miner exposure (the highest annual exposure received by an underground employee). (5) 15 Table 11 gives an example of several limiting exposures at a CPI of 250. information, along with several other CPI's, is shown in figure 4. TABLE 11. - Cost per ton at CPI = 250 for several limiting miner exposures WLM This Limiting miner expo sure, Average WLM Cost per ton WLM at CPI = 250 4 2.71 $5.41 2 1.35 7.00 1 .68 9.05 .7 .47 10.34 c o w w o o _l o a. t- z o o 30. 20. 10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 1. — ^^^ o^\^ — ^^^\\^ — ^^T^\^\^^^ — I I I I I MM I I I I I Mil I II .1 1. 10. LIMITING MINER EXPOSURE, WLM 100. FIGURE 4. - Project radon-daughter control costs versus limiting miner exposure WLM for several Consumer Price Index values. 16 In looking at these projected costs for radiation control in uranium mines, it is apparent that they are significant. The underground uranium ore production in 1979 was approximately 6 million tons (8). Therefore, the esti- mated present cost is over $32 million per year if the industry is truly main- taining 4 WLM. If the limit is reduced to 2 WLM, the estimated total cost is $42 million; for a 1-WLM limit, it is $54 million, and for a 0.7-WLM limit, it is $62 million. Clearly, any change in permitted exposure levels can have a serious economic impact on mining costs. Also, as mines become deeper and larger than the mines in the 1965-70 base period, the total cost for ventila- tion is going to increase significantly, unless other control measures, are used to cut the ventilation requirements. COST OF OTHER CONTROL MEASURES Even with the present cost, we should be looking at all of the other available control measures. In recent years there has been an attempt by the Bureau of Mines and others to arrive at cost factors for other control tech- niques. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) sponsored a 2-month study that resulted in a report by Kown (9). This study considered the mine as a whole and its total production of radon, 8.86 Ci/day. Some of the radon reductions and costs given by Kown (9) are shown in table 12. Other control measures such as mine pressurization, the use of highly reactive chemical oxidants, and specialized mining techniques were discussed, but costs were not calculated. TABLE 12. - Costs for radon control from Kown (9) Control measure Radon reduction, Ci/day Cost per ton Activated charcoal with bulkheading.... 1.01 2.95 3.01 $1.45 .34 4.32 Cost figures reported by the Bureau of Mines are usually for single installations. For example, the materials cost of an 8- by 14-foot bulkhead was $186 to $295 (_7)» Radon barrier sealant costs per square foot have been $0.30 to $1.19 ($0.46 to $1.84 in 1980 dollars) (4). The most expensive coat- ing system was the least satisfactory material because it contained chopped fiberglass. Field tests of sealants showed radon-stopping power of up to 7 5 percent; therefore, they can reduce the amount of ventilation needed to control the radon-daughter concentrations to a given level. Cost figures like these can be compared with the cost for ventilation control. To accomplish this, the cost of a control measure must be expressed in the same units as ventilation costs — dollars per ton — and the effect of the new control measure must be defined. For example, cost per square foot is the most convenient for sealant coatings, and this can be related to a cost per ton by considering the surface area remaining in the excavation of typical drifts. In a 6- by 7-foot opening, about 8.2 square feet of rock is exposed around the periphery for each ton of rock removed; for a 12- by 14-foot 17 drift, about 4.1 square feet of surface is left per ton of rock removed. Therefore, sealant coatings cost about $2 or $3 per ton (1980). This is con- siderably less than the estimated $5.43 per ton for present radon-daughter control. CONCLUSIONS The available radiation control cost information has been analyzed and yielded the equation: Cost, 1967$/ton = 3.134 (WLM)~ ' 3715 . Combining limit- ing miner exposure, LME, and consumer price index, CPI, the dollars per ton (DPT) can be estimated from DPT = 0.03624 CPI (LME)" * 3715 . The 1967 cost per ton for a number of average and limiting miner working-level-month exposures has been calculated and converted to a 1980 CPI value. At a LME of 4 WLM, the projected cost per ton for radiation control is $5.41. If the LME is reduced to 0.7 WLM, the projected cost per ton is $10.34. These values are only applicable to radiation control in U.S. sandstone-type mines. Considering the projected costs per ton, any reasonable technology should be used in the control of radon and radon-daughters. ma 18 REFERENCES 1. Arthur D. Little, Inc. An Assessment of the Ecomonic Effects of Radiation Exposure Standards for Uranium Miners. Rept. to the Fed. Radiation Council, November 1970, 2d ed. , 250 pp. 2. . Advanced Techniques for Radon Gas Removal. BuMines Open File Rept. 60-75, May 1975, 209 pp. ; available for reference at BuMines facilities in Pittsburgh, Pa., Denver, Colo., Spokane, Wash., and Twin Cities, Minn.; at the National Library for Natural Resources, U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Washington, D.C.; and at the Dept. of Energy facility in Morgantown, W. Va. ; available from National Tech- nical Information Service, Springfield, Va. , PB 243 898; BuMines contract H0230022. 3. Baroch, C. T. Uranium. Ch. in BuMines Minerals Yearbook 1965. V. 1. Metals and Minerals (Except Fuels), pp. 973-991. 4. Bates, R.C., and J. C. Franklin. U.S. Bureau of Mines Radiation Control Research. Proc. Conf. on Uranium Min. Technol. , Reno, Nev. , Apr. 25-29, 1977, 32" pp. 5. Cross, F. T. , C. H. Bloomster, P. L. Hendrickson, and I. C. Nelson. Evaluation of Methods for Setting Occupational Health Standards for Uranium Mines. Nat. Inst, for Occupational Safety and Health, NIOSH Rept. 72-2, 1974, 237 pp.; available from Nat. Tech. Inf. Service, Springfield, Va. , PB 237 744; NIOSH contract HSM-99-72-135, Battelle-Pacif ic Northwest Laboratories. 6. Federal Radiation Council. Guidance for the Control of Radiation Hazards in Uranium Mining. FRC Rept. 8, rev. September 1967, 60 pp. 7. Franklin, J. C. , C. S. Musulin, and D. W. Thebeau. Research on Bulkheads for Radon Control in Mines. Proc. Update on Uranium Min. Technol. , Reno, Nev., Nov. 13-17, 1978, 11 pp. 8. Klemenic, J. Production Capability. Proc. Update on Uranium Min. Technol., Reno, Nev., Nov. 13-17, 1978, 30 pp. 9. Kown, B. T. , V. C. Van der Mast, and K. L. Ludwig. Technical Assessment of Radon 222, Control Technology for Underground Uranium Mines. Bechtel National, Inc., San Francisco, Calif. Task 9, 1979, 61 pp. 10. Spencer, N. , L. Spittel, T. Towles, and G. Lady. Control of Radiation Exposure in Uranium Mines: A Cost and Economic Analysis. Resource Management Corp., Rept. UR-42, prepared for the Federal Radiation Council, November 1968, 66 pp. 11. Thompkins, R. W. Radiation Control in North American Mines and Their Effects on Mining Costs. Proc. 7th Internat. Min. Cong., Bucharest, Romania, September 1972, pp. 1-11. « U S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1981 358-313/7175 3S7 K * o. * b v V V *.! ^ *^0^". VV "^' V* fe ^ ' .w W .*tife \// • ^ A* V V • \ •- vv* C w ♦ ^ vsaHP ,4*°* ^ *.T ^ **rr-*\#> /,:^X. :^a-.X X^afeS /..----• *° » + * °* ^ «5°^ . C»vf> • * /S^v* V^ , A d "^ D0BB5 BROS. . • • . ^ " " _$■ /fa©***. "^ ^ 82 BR* ^<£ L> o • • a <$ .