Glass W lW j PRESENTED BY STUDIES IN POETRY fa^istf&inx/ STUDIES IN POETRY CRITICAL, ANALYTICAL, INTERPRETA TIVE BY THOMAS O'HAGAN, M.A., Ph.D. BOSTON: MARLIER & COMPANY, Limited, 173 Tremont Street. C\0 o^ Copyright, 1900, By Thomas O'Hagan kor LC Control Number tmp96 031296 r TO ALL WHO DREAM AND BUILD AND DWELL IX THE ENCHANTED REALMS OF POESY £ijts bohime is inscribed frg The Author. THE STUDY OF POETRY Art has its root in the spiritual, and poetry, which is in many ways the greatest of the arts, cannot be properly studied or interpreted save through the spiritual. Now, as the first function of any piece of art is to give delight in some form, the reader of poetry must seek for this delight and joy, which should flow from every true poem. The primary and chief purpose in the study of poetry is not discipline and instruction, but exalta- tion and inspiration, — the liberation of the im- agination and enrichment of the spirit. For poetry, which is the flowering of the soul, the golden ear of the century, the summit of thought, is something more than thought. It is, as Dr. Hamilton Mabie says, "thought plus the personality of a man of genius." The insulated intellect cannot get the best out of a poem, for poetry appeals to the whole man as a thinking, rational, moral, and spiritual being. THE STUDY OF POETRY All poetry, too, is written to be read, to be voiced, and only through vocal interpretation can the indefinite element in a poem be reached. Nor should any analytical exegesis be entered upon till the poem as a Avork of art, as an artistic unit, has impressed itself upon the mind and soul. Let both teacher and student have a care, too, that they pause not at the threshold of the temple of poetry, lest they catch not a vision of the glory upon the altar within ! T. OTI. Toronto, Canada, May 1, 1900. CONTENTS. Page Tennyson's "In Memoriam " 1 Browning's "A Death in the Desert" ... 24 Mrs. Browning's "Sonnets from the Portu- guese " 38 Wordsworth's Ode " On Intimations of Immor- tality" 51 Coleridge's "Ancient Mariner" 70 Shelley's "Prometheus Unbound" 81 Keats's "Eve of St. Agnes" 92 Gray's "Elegy in a Country Churchyard" . . 102 STUDIES IN POETRY TENNYSON'S "IN MEMORIAM" Like Dante's " Divina Commedia " and Goethe's " Faust," Tennyson's " In Memoriam " is a world- poem. It is an autobiographic docu- The piace of ment of the nineteenth century, mirror- <