: CS7I ^• ^ ■ ■ ■ ' ■1 => ^j^ c'' .0 .V. I ' « . •. ■i'^ • • • <^ /<^o o*°' * O , ^ %. A-^' ■■^-^^^' -i ll •v^"-*:.. >..^ 'P, A y ov^>^', ,-^.^ .0- V « J\ ^4 »p:^ .^^-^^ -^ G^ vO ,v 'X .c,^ / tJ I.-' (by court€sy of first congregational society ) FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, KEENE, N, H. I he Kirst Congregational i IuhlIi was l)uilt in ij.SS, "^cx 70, Willi bclfiy and porch." In iSjS it was movtd, and al)out iS^S it was enlarged and remodeled, and "in its present form, it is one of the choicest gems of architecture in \ew llanii)shire." A GENEALOGICAL RECORD COMPRISIXr; THE EARLY ENCiLISH ANCESTOR TO AMERICA, AND THE LINE OF DESCENT TO NATHANIEL KINGSBUO OF KEENE, N. H., AND THE DESCENDANTS OF THREE DAUGHTERS, VIZ. : ABIGAIL KINGSBURY WHITE, HANNAH KINGSBURY CLARK, CHLOE KINGSBURY SUMNER. J COMPILED BY FRANK BURNSIDE KINGSBURY p c > o 3 «i * i (I J KEENE, N. H. : DARLING A COMPANY, BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS. 1904. \" \ c\' *6 ij I • • c v.;-^-:.'^.^ < INTRODUCTION. This pamphlet has been compiled at the request of several whose names are herein contained. The special object is to give the descendants of three daughters of Nathaniel'^ Kingsbury of Keene, N. H.; though to make it of more interest, his line of descent from Joseph^ Kingsbury, the original ancestor from England, with some other data, has been added. Usually there has been a ready response to letters of inquiry. Special mention is here made of the valuable assistance rendered the compiler by Mrs. Minnie (White) Zuill, of Syracuse, N. Y., on the White Family; by the late Mrs. Mary (Hitchcockj Perkins, of Indianola, la., and Mrs. Helen L. (Clark) McClellan, of Trenton, Cal., on the Clark Family; and by Mrs. Mary A. (Tambling) Sumner, of Plymouth Union, Vt., on the Sumner Family. To these especially, and all others who have assisted, I return my hearty and sincere thanks. That the present generation, and future posterity, may know their ancestors, these facts have been brought forward. Extra copies of this pamphlet are in the hands of the compiler, for any who wish. f. b. k. Keene, Cheshire Co., N. H., Feb. 20, 1904. 1 KINGSBURY REUNION. " The second annual Kingsbury reunion will be held in St. Louis, Mo., Oct. lo, 1904, in the Rhode Island building of the World's Fair, to which all Kingsburys and their descendants are most cordially invited to attend. I'lesident, Frederick B. Kingsbury, Dedham, Mass. Vice President, Mrs. Lavinia E. K. Brown, Auburndale, Mass. Historian, Joseph Addison Kingsbury, Wilkinsburg Sta., Pittsburg, Pa. Treasurer, George N. Kingsbury, Providence, R. I. Financial Sec'y, Miss Mabel Hope Kingsbury, Braintree, Mass. ABB RE I 'I A TIONS. 1j., born, d., died, dau., daughter, desc, descendant, m., married, rem., removed. res., residence, resides or resided, iinm.. unmarried. NATHANIEL KINGSBURY FAMILY. NATHANIEL KINGSBUKV FAMILY. FIRS r (FENERATION. Joseph' Kix(;sbury, b. in England, i6 — ; m. Millicenl Ames; came to America about 1628; settled in Dedham, Mass., where he died May 1676. He was admitted freeman June 2, 1641. MiLLiCENT, "ye wife of Joseph' Kingsbury, who appeared to ye church a tender-hearted soule, full of fears and temptations, but truly breathing after Christ," was received into the church in Dedham Apr. 24. 1639, and he united Apr. 9, 1641. SECOND GENERATION. Nathaniel'- Kingsbury (Joseph^ of England), b. in Dedham Mar. 26, 1650; died there Oct. 14, 1694; m., Oct. 14, 1673, Mary Bacon, clau. of John and Rebecca (Hall) Bacon, a sister of Thomas Bacon, the father of Rev. Jacob Bacon, the first minister of Upper Ashuelot (now Keene, N. H.) in 1738. THIRD GENERATION. Daniel'^ Kingsbury (Nathaniel"-, Joseph^), b. in Dedham Nov. II, 1688; d. in Wrentham, Mass., April 27, 1754; chosen deacon, in 1739, of the tirst Congregational church in that part of Wrentham called " Western " or " Second Precinct," and which was incorporated in 1778 as the town of Franklin. His headstone, with that of his wife Elizabeth, and son Daniel^ were seen in 1899 by the compiler, in a cemetery near the present town line between Franklin and Norfolk. He m., Dec. 29, 17 13, Elizabeth Stevens (Stephens), b. 1691 ; d. July 12,1 764. L.DtC. ,, NATHANIKL KINGSBURY FAMILY. FOURTH GENERATION. Daniei/ Kincsiu'ry (Dea. Daniel^ Nathaniel-. Joseph'), b. in Wrentham. Mass., March ii, 1715; d. in Franklin, March 25. 1783. He resided in Franklin after its incorporation,— probably near Kings- bury pond. He was a private in the war of the Revolution, being a member of Capt. Samuel Fishers company, Col. Benjamin Haw's re'^iment. and was sent on detached service at Rhode Island ; discharged September 12. 1779; service, one month two days. Roll sworn to at Wrentham. I)ANIEI.^ m., Nov. 3, 1737, Beriah Mann. b. April 27. 17 19: d. Mav 12, 1755 ; dau. ot Dea. Theodore and Abigail (Hawes) Mann. (a relative of the Hon. Horace Mann of Mass.) FIFTH GENERATION. Nathamkl'' Kingsbury (I)aniel^ Dea. Danier\ Nathaniel", Jo- seph'), b. in Wrentham Feb. 18, 1739 ; d. in Keene, N. H., Jan. 26. 1803; buried in North Cemetery, by the side of his second wife. Hannah, and third wife, Rebecca. He removed to Keene about 1762, and settled on land in north part, three miles from Central Square, one- half mile northeasterly from Goose Pond, where he probably built a log house, but later built a one-story framed building 20x25 feet, front- ing the south, with a lean-to on north side. This house, the last one on the farm, was taken down about i860. A cellar hole, apple-trees, and stone fences, now mark the " old homestead," fast becoming wood-land and passing into oblivion.* Nathaniel* Kingsbury was a private in the war of the Revolution. serving in Capt. Davis Howlet's company, raised out of Col. Ashley's regiment of militia; and marched from Keene, N. H., to reinforce the C!ontinental army at Ticonderoga ; service, hve days, from June 29 to July 3, 1777; travel, 92 miles; received i /. 10. v. 4 r/. He marched with liis company as far as Black River, Vt., when same were ordered home.t •This funn ha.s since been nwiied l>y ('11)11. Saiiun.'! Kiii^rslmry (No. ii;, WilliiUii RiilUi', Caleb uml Churlefi Wright. t llisloiy of liilsuin, N. II. NATHANIEL K.IN(;SHURY FAMILY. 13 His brother, Lieut. Daniel" Kingsbury of Keenc. was in the same company; service, 13 clays, from June 29 to July 1 i ; travel, 219 miles: received 3 /. 10 j'. 2 li. June 29, 1766, Nathaniel'' and his wife were admitted to full com- munion in what is now the First Congregational Church in Keene. He m., I St, April 25, 1765. Mehitable Johnson (possibly of Ct.), who d. in Keene Feb. 29, 1768, aged 28 or 29 years. Child, b. in Keene : 1. Abigail", b. March 6, 1766; d. July 17, 1M36; m. Stephen White. [See Oenealogical Table, Part First.] Nathaniel Kingsbury, m., 2d. March 16, 1769, Hannah Ware of Wrentham ; b. Nov. 23, 1738; d. in Keene Sept. 25, 1785; dau. of Fleazer and Hannah (Mann) Ware. She was admitted to the church Aug. 2, 1778. Children b. in Keene: 2. Jerusha'', b. Oct. 29, 1769; d. March 1845, '"^ Grafton, Vt. ; m. Japhet Fisher. b. 1762; d. Feb. 19, 1841. No, children. 3. Nathan'', b. Dec. 19, 1771 ; d. in Chester, Vt., Nov. 5, 1843 ' 'i^- I^orcas Thomp- son of Jaffrey, N. H. A farmer at Chester. Seven children. 4. Hannah", b. Nov. 16, 1773; d. Aug. 17, 1805, in Vt. (?) ; ni. Rufus Clark. [See Genealogical Table, Part Second.] 5. Abial", b. Aug. 24, 1775; d. in Keene Sept, 19, 1839; m. i.uke Sturtevant. No children. 6. Abijah'', b. March 5, 1778; d. in Keene Oct. 7, i860; m. Abigail Wilder. Eleven children. They were the great-grandparents of the compiler, through Josiah', Edward Appleton**. 7. Chloe", b. May 12, 1780; d. in Plymouth Ihiion, Vt. ; m. .Stth .Sumner. [See Genealogical Table, Part Third.] Nathaniel^ Kingsbury, m., 3d, Jan. 20, 179T, Rebecca Bigelow of F'ramingham, Mass., who d. in Keene March 16, 1S24. Children b. in Keene: 8. Nathaniel", b. Aug. 20, 1791 ; d. in Chicopee Falls, Mass., .\ug. 27, 1848; m. Sally Hosley. A farmer, Jamaica, Vt. Fifteen children. 9. Samuel", b. Jan. 24, 1794; d. in Keene ()ct. 10, 1863; m. Sarah Wilson. Captain of the militia. A farmer, Keene. No children. 10. Cyrus", b. Jan. 12, 1798; d. in Keene June 30, 1863; m., ist, Rachel Olcott, and 2d, Olive Willey. A farmer, Keene. Ten children. l^ NATHANIEL KIN'tiSl'.URV FAMILY. WHITE FAMILY Geneai.oc.tcai. Taiii.e. Part First. TIIK AMKSTORS OF STErHEX*' WIHTE OF GILSUM, N. H. Thomas' Wiiitk, b. in England, 1599. The place is not certainly known, but most probably was in, or near, Weymouth or Dorchester. In 1623 or '24 he sailed from Weymouth, Eng., and settled at Weymouth, Mass., where he became a leading and important citizen ; served as representative and selectman for several years, as well as commander of a military company. He became a member of the Congrega- tional church; was admitted freeman March 3, 1635, and died Aug. 1679. ^^is res. is said to have been near the turnpike leading from Quincy to Hingham, in what has long been known as " Old Spain." JosKPH'^ Whitk, b. in Weymouth, Mass. ; m. Lydia Rogers, dau. of Dea. John and ludith Rogers. They settled in Mendon, Mass., 1662, where he became captain of a military company and had charge of the garrison. He d. Mar. 23, 1706. JosKl'ii-* Will IK, b. in Weymouth, Mass., July 5, 1661 ; m. Eydia . He res. in Mendon, Mass. loSKi'ii^ Wmri., b. in Mendon Oct. 19, 16S3. He was a lieutenant, and was elected selectman of U.xbridge, .Mass., soon after its incorporation in 1727. His wife, I'rudence , m., aftier his death, P.enoni Benson. He d. June 15, 1737. Ekk.nkzkk''' Whitk, b. at Mendon Nov. 20, 1726; ni., April 21, 1748. Elizabeth i;ilis. He was a private in Capt. Benjamin Richardson's company. Col. Dike's regiment, and in Capt. Samuel Baldwin's company. Col. Dike's regiment, during the Revolutionary war; service, from Aug. 1776 to Mar. 1777. He was credited to the town of Mendon. He died in Swanzey, N. H., March 10, 1812, aged 86. SrKlMlK.N''' WiiiiK, b. in U.xbridge, Mass., May ti, 1761, or May 12, 1763; d. in (lilsuni, N. II., Oct. 20, 1S60; m. .\bigail'' Kingsbury (No. i.) WHirK FAMIl.V. I :; SIX III (FENERATION. 1. Abigail*^ Kingsbury (Nathanier', l)aniel\ Dea. Daniel", Na- thaniel"', Joseph^), b. in Keene, N. H., March 5, 1766: d. in (lilsum. N. H., July 17, 1S36. She m.. Jan. 10, 17S7, Stephen White, h. in Uxbridge, Mass., May 1 1, 1761, or May 12, 1763; d. in ( '.ilsum. N. II., Oct. 20, i860. He moved to (iilsum from Swanzey about 1793, and in 1802 "swapped farms with James Kingsbury." This year he bought with David Fuller the " Mill Spot," where they built the second grist- mill within the present limits of Gilsmn. This mill was on the .\sluielol River, about a half mile below the stone bridge. He .served as a matross in Capt. Joseph Belch's third company. Col. Thomas Craft's artillery regiment, in the war of the Revolution ; service, si.\ months and seven days, from Nov. i, 1776, to May 8, 1777, being credited to the town of Holden, Mass. Children, b., i to 4 in Swanzey, N. H.. others in (iilsum: II. Nathan", b. Dec. 2, 1788; d. Nov. 17, 186S. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Ira", b. March 4, i 790 ; d. Vt. Stephen", b. Jan. 10, 1791 ; d. Nov. 5, 1792, Gilsum. Luther", b. Oct. 4, 1792; d. 1843, ^'^" Buren Co., Mich. Stephen^, b. Oct. i, 1794; d. Aug. 16, 1870, Grafton, Vt. Alvin", b. Sept. 5, 1796; d. March 9, 1882, GiLsum. Danford", b. May 28, 1798 ; d. Sept. 18, 1862, Gilsum. Sylvia", b. July 8, iSoo; d. 1818, Gilsum ; unni. Syrene", b. Feb. 11, 1804; d. Feb. 16, 1849. Philadelphia", b. Jan. 19, 1806; d. Nov. 17, 1886, Gilsum. Darius', b. Aug. 28, 1809; d. Sept. 1880, Winooski, \'t. ; i SEVENTH GENERATION. II. Nathan' White (Abigail"), m.. 1808 (?). Sally Griffin, d. in Weston, Vt., July 16, 1856 ; dau.of Abraham and Mary (Fish) Griffin. Children, b., i to 6 in Gilsum, 7 in Mt. Holly, \'t.. others in Weston : 22. Sally**, b. July i, 1809; d. ; unm. 23. Mary^ b. Nov. 30, 1810 ; d. in Mt. Holly, Vt. ; unm. ,6 NATHANIEL KINGSHURY FAMILY. .'4. tttis". 1.. Nov. :;2, 1812-13; d. Aug. 3, kSSi, Shrewsbury, Vt. iy llalu»ah^ h. Jan. 2, 1815; d. ; unm. •6. I.uther*. b. ; d. 1873. 27. AhiRair, b. March 27. 1816; d. April 15, 1896, Jamaica, Vt. ;8. Sylvia', b. May 21, 1821 ; res. Springfield, Mass. 29. {;eorge". b. Aug. 15. 1823; d. July 17, 1892, Weston, Vt. 30. Kunice*. b. April 10, 1827 ; d. Aug. 5, 1879, Ludlow, Vt. ;,i. Hannah Maria\ b. Jan. 5, 1S30; res. Henson, Vt. 12. Ika" White (Abigail"), m. ; res. White River Junction .ind Newbury. \t. ("hildren : ^2. .Stephen"* ; d. young. ^y A daughter" ; d. 34. A daughter" ; d. I 4. I.rTHF.R' White (Abigail*^), m., 18 18 (?), Mary Monroe ; b. in .Surry. N. 11.. Oct. 18. 1797; d. in Mendota, 111., June 4, 1859 ; dau. uf Dr. Isaac and Mary (Sweetser) Monroe. Settled in Mich., 1842. Children, b. in Swanzey, Keene, N. H., and Cambridge, Mass: 35. Mary Klizabeth'*, b. Nov. 16, 1820; res. Worcester, Mass. 36. Julia A.». b. Jan. 4, 1823 ; d. Sept. 1856, Rockford, 111. 37. Lowell Nelson", b. Nov. 16, 1825 ; res. Butler, Mo. 38. Otis Stearns", b. Aug. 7, 1824 ; res. Aurora, 111. 39. Frederick", b. Nov. 2, 1829; res. Hutler, Mo. 40. Harriet", b. May 14, 1831 ; res. Aurora, 111. 41. Cordelia", b. May 16, f835 ; res. Shabbona, 111. 42. .Sarah", b. .March 16, 1837; res. Kl Dorado Springs, Mo. 15. Stephen" White (Abigail''), m., Nov. 27, 18 17, Betsy Con- ant ; b. in Harvard, Mass., Nov. 7, 1796; d. in Grafton, Vt., March 24. 1875 ; dau. of Simeon and Betsy (Johnson) Conant. Simeon Conant enlisted from Harvard. Mass., July 12, 1780, in the war of the Revo- lution, in Capt. William Scott's company; service, five months and five days, lie re-cnlisted from Harvard as a private in Capt. Nathaniel Wright's company, Col. Luke Drury's regiment; .service, from Sept. 18, 1781, to Nov. 6, 1781. When eight years of age Stephen" went to live with his uncle, Japhel Fisher (No. 2), at Grafton, Vt., (the Alden Walker |)lace.) Some years after his marriage he purchased the farm i WHITE FAMILY. 17 now owned by his son, Charles S.*^ In 1861 he sold his farm and bouglit a home in (Irafton village. Children, b. in Grafton, Vt. : 43. Kliza Johnson", b. May 16, 1819; d. April 27, 1900, Grafton. Lewis Stephen*, b. April 10, 1.S21 ; d. July 28, 1894, Windham. Willard Luther**, b. Feb. 26, 1823; d. Dec. 14, 1899, Grafton, (ieorge Winslow**, b. Feb. 15, 1825; d. April 27, 1857, Westminster. William Conant«, b. July 9, 1827 ; d. March 15, 1864, Walpole, N. H. Henry Kirk**, b. Dec. 24, 1829; res. Chester, Vt. Martha Mariah^ b. Jan. 17, 1832; res. Burlington, la. Charles Sidney*, b. May i, 1834; res. Grafton, Vt. Mary Ann**, b. May 25, 1836; d. March 30, 1875, Grafton. Laurette Nancy*^, b. Jan. 9, 1839; d. Dec. 4, 1895, Medford, Oklahoma. 44 45 46 47 4« 49 50 5-' 16. Alvin' White (Abigail'), m., May 1836, Susan Heath, b. in Stoddard May 20, 181 5 ; d. in Gilsum Oct. 30, 1885 ; dau. of Nathan- iel and Susan (Heath) Heath. He lived in Gilsum, on the place left him bv his father. Children, b. in Gilsum: 53 54 55 56 57 5« 59 60 61 62 63 64 Rosannah^ b. Sept. 17, 1837 ; res. (irafton, Vt. Leonard**, b. Sept. 2, 1839; res. Winchester, N. H. ; unm. Lowell*', b. July 13, (841 ; res. Gilsum. Merrills, 5 May 8, 1843; res. Winchester, N. H. rhila**, b. April 28, 1845 ; res. Silver Creek, Neb. Eliza**, b. Aug. 22, 1847 ; d. March 30, 1863 ; Walpole, N. H. ; un Juliette*, b. July 9, 1849 ; res. Gilsum, N. H. A son*, b. July 9, 1849; d. young. George Nathan*, b. Sept. 11, 1851 ; d. March 29, 1852. Ober Henry**, b. .Aug. 22, 1853 ; res. Keene, N. H. Ira**, b. July 2, 1856; res. Keene, N. H. Jehial*, b. April 2, 1859 ; res. Gilsu m. im. 17. Danford" White (Abigail**), m. Betsey Bullard : h. in ; res. Dedham, Mass. Child : 65. George*, b. ; res. Dedham. 19. Syrene" White (Abigail''), m., Jan. 8, 1834, Ira Merrick Kawson, b. in Sullivan. N. H., Apr. 16, 1797 ; d. at Lawrence, Kansas, July 19, 1883. A farmer. Children, b. in Sullivan: 65 a. A daughter**, b. 1835 (?) ; d. young. 66. Mary Josephine^ b. July 18, 1836; res. Whiting, la. 67. Calista Mariah^ b. Aug. 11, 1838; res. Grafton, Vt. 68. Alzina Elizabeth*, b. July 30, 1845 ; res. Grafton, Vt. iS NATHANIEL KINGSBUKV KAMILV. 20. I'hii.adki.phia" Wimi: (Abigail''), m., Nov. 23, 1826, Benjamin Corey ; b. in Gilsum, May 22, 1797 ; d. in Gilsum, March 4, 1^84 ; son of Samuel and Mary (Hingham) Corey. Children, b. in Gilsum : \Villard\ h. .Sept. 30, 1828; d. March 19, 1832. 70. Hcnjamiii \Voodbury^ b. .\pril 27, 1831 ; d. Aug. 23, 1852, Massena, X. V. EIGHTH GENERATION. 24. Oti.s" White (Nathan"), m., Feb. 24, 1842, Aldice Buswell ; || 1). in Ml. Holly, June 15, 1811 ; d. Feb. 4, 1879. Children: 71. Helen .Maranda'-', b. Dec. 8, 1842; d. March 17, 1846. 72 73 74 75 76 Ceorge Wilber", b. Jan. 11, 1844 ; d. March 20, 1846. Julia .\manda'', b. Jan. 18, 1846; d. Jan. 5, 1856. Klony Lllen'-', b. Aug. 14, 1848; res. \V. Haven, Vt. Lucy Valety^ b. April 29, 1850; d. Dec. 23, 1855. .Albert .\lson'', b. March 24, 1854; res. Rutland, Vt. 26. Luther" W'lirrE (Nathan'), m. Lucinda Levenoah (of French descent.) Children : 77. Child'^, b. ; d. young. 78. Child *, b. ; d. young. 79. .N'ellie Chickering (adopted) ; living in Royalston, Mass., 1873. 27. AmoAii." White (Nathan"), m., 18 — . Amasa Dickernian ; b. Feb. 10, 1806, in Danby, Vt. ; d. in Danby, Vt.. Jan. 22, 1892. Children, b., i and 2 in Mt. Holly. 3 in Shrewsbury, 4 in Mt. Holly, 5 in 1"-. Wallingford. ; 80. Kdward A.», b. Oct. 15, 1841. ! 81. Ira C, b. March 27, 1844; d. 1863, Danby; unm. 82. Hiland", b. 1845 ; d. aged 6 mos. 83. Lorenzo K.*, b. 1847; d. 1889, .Meriden, Ct. 84. Delia K*. b. Dec. 25, 1849; res. Jamaica, Vt. 28. Svlvia" White (Nathan'), m., March 20. 1852, James Fos- ter I'eck ; b. in Weston. \l., Jan. 20, 1827; son of Oren and Sally : (Shaltuck) I'eck. .\ farmer, (iassetts Sta.. \'t. Children, b. in Weston : WlIllK FAMII.V. 1<) 85. Fylinda'', b. Oct. 21, 1852 ; res. Springfield, Mass. 86. Sarah Jane'', b. Dec. 20, 1853 ; d. Dec. 9, 1855. 87. Marion Elva«, b. Oct. 4, 1855; res. No. Springfield, Vt. 88. George Oren-', b. Oct. 9, 1857 ; d. Feb. 24, 1901, Gassetts, Vt. 29. Oeorge'* White (Nathan"), m. Mary Hannah Buswell ; b. at Mt. Holly. Vt., June 11, 1824; ci. in We.ston June 24, 1863. He ni., 2(], 1S64, Lorinda Boynton ; m., 3d, 1891, . A farmer. Children, b. in Weston, \t. : 89. Elwin George-', b. Dec. 13, 1857 ; d. Apr. 13, 1882. 90. Mary Velettie^, b. March 26, 1859. 91. Sarah Hannah-', b. April 12, [863. 30. Eunice*^ White (Nathan"), m., April 16, 1842, Cyrus Buswell; b. in Cavendish, Vt., June 14, 1820; d. in Ludlow Aug. 12, 18965 son of John and Sarah (Horton) Buswell. He m., 2d. Mrs. Emily Pierce. A farmer. Children, b., i to 10 in Mt. Holly, 11 in Ludlow: 92. Mary Elizabeth^, b. June 10, 1844; res. Ludlow. 93 94 95 96 97 98, 99 iOO lOI 102 Cyrus Elonzo", b. Dec. 16, 1845; d. April 2, 1870, Mt. Holly ; unm. Amos Edgar'\ b. July 5, 1848; res. Ludlow. Lawson Elwin'^, b. April 3, 1852 ; res. Ludlow. Wallace^, b. Oct. 2, 185-, d. 18—; unm. Liliie Eunice^, b. March 30, 1857 ; res. Gassetts Sta. Herbert H.-', b. May 15, 1861 ; res. Drews ville, N. PL Ernest-', b. May 19, 1863; res. Chester, Vt. Fred9, b. , 1866; d. Nov. 2, 1871, Mt. Holly. Lucy Belle^. b. Aug. 11, 1869; res. Boston, Mass. Emogene*', b. Feb. 3, 1874; res. I'awtucket, R. L 31. Hannah MariaHVhite (Nathan"), m., Dec. 20, 1846, Reuben Manley ; b. in Plattsburg, N. ¥., June 29, 1814 ; d. in Benson, Vt., April 7, 1S75 ; son of John and Lovisa (Ragon) Manley. She m., 2nd, Sept. 20, 1876, Andrew VVetherbee. For over 57 years, her home has been within 3 miles of Lake Champlain. Children, b. in Benson Vt. : 103. Elias Clinton'-', b. Dec. 17, 1847 ; <^1- Sept. 20, 1861, Vicksburg, Miss. ; unm. 104. Mary Velettie, b. Oct. 28, 1850; res. Ludlow. 105. Sylvia Cleoria'-*, b. Nov. 15, 1852 ; res. Benson. 106. p:iiza Jane'-', b. Aug. 30, 1854; res. Winchester, N. H. 107. Cyrus Elonzo'j, b. Nov. 25, 1856; res. Benson. JO NATHAN'IEL KINGSBURY FAMILY. 1 08. l.ucy l.ouisa", b. June 16, 1859; res. Detroit, Mich. io«> Charles Kdsoii'-'. b. Sept. 24, 1862 ; res. Glens Falls, N. V. 1 10. Ktta Cerett*. b. Nov. 5, 1865 ; res. Benson. 35. Mary Klizabetii' White (Luther'), m., March 5, 1840, Benja- min V. Karley; 1). in HoUis, N. H., Nov. 10, 1811 ; d. in \Vorce.ster, Mass.. Jan. 14. 1S92 : son of Benj. M. and Lucretia (Gardner) Far- Icy. He graduated from Yale 1838, and entered the law office of his father, but in 1839 became a merchant in Boston. Res. Worcester, .Mass. Children, b.. i in Boston, others in Hollis, N. H. : 111. .Mary l.ucretia'', b. June 24, 1842 ; a teacher in Worcester. 112. l.ucy Frances", 1). June 12, 1843; res. Worcester. 1 13. Monroe'*, b. June 9, 1846; res. West Union, Neb. 1 14. .\rthur», b. Oct. 24, 1S49; res. West Boylston, Mass. 36. Julia .\' White (Luther'), m., Oct. 20. 1848, John (or Rob- ert) Crawford. No cliildren. ^7. LowKi.i. Nelson" White (Luther"), m.. ist April 7, 1844, Rosannah 11. Martin : b. in Erie. Pa.. 1822 ; d. at Decatur, Mich., Aug. 28, 1865; dau. of Horace and Margaret (Rogers) Martin. Hem., 2nd. Sarah Wilco.x. He went to Kalamazoo. Mich., 1842 : served in the war, in 1861 and '62. A carriage maker, Butler, Mo. Children, b. in Kalamazoo, and Decatur. Mich. : 115. Mary Fliza'^, b. .Aug. 5, 1845 '< ^- you"g- 116. Lowell Fdward-', b. ; d. young. 117. Lavina'-*, b. ; d. young. 118. Sarah J.'-*, b. July 20, 1852 ; res. Hartford, Mich. 119. Julia", b. ; d. young. 120. Flora Helle", b. .\ug. 28, 1858; d. Dec. 26, 1893, Hartford, Mich. 121. Charles Theodore-', b. June 8, 1862 ; res. Kalamazoo. 122. Otis Nelson", b. 1863: d. young. 123. liertha Agnes", b. March 4, 1866; res. Lawrence, Mich. ( l'iiK!>ilily errors in altove recorrt.) 38. Otis Stearns'^ Whhk (Luther"), m., Jan. 5, 1869. Ursula Webster, daiL of Asa Webster. He settled in Mich.. 1852, and later in Chicago. A merchant, Aurora, 111. No children. WHITE FAMILY. 2 1 39. Frederick^ White (Luther), m., April 15, 1856, Wilhelmina Van Fossen ; b. in Point Pleasant, Pa., April 13, 1827 ; d. in Galva, 111., July 14, 1896. Left Boston 1842, and soon after .settled in Kalamazoo, Mich. Res. Mendota, LaMoille, Henry, Galva, 111. and Butler, Mo. Children, b., i in LaMoille, 2 in Maiden, 3 and 4 in Henry, 111. 124. Eclwin^, b. Aug. 27, 1861 ; res. (Jalva, 111. 125. Cora B.'', b. March 6, 1864; res. Galesburg, 111. 126. Flora Etta^, b. Dec. 9, 1865; res. " 127. Eva J.^, b. June 18, 1868; res. CJalva, 111. 40. Harriet* White (Luther'), m., Sept. 9, 1861, Luther (or Rufus) Scott. She went to Mich. 1842. Res. Aurora, 111. Children, b. in Kalamazoo: 128. Katie^, b. July 18, 1864. 129. Charles", b. July 5, i866; d. Sept. 28, 1884, Aurora. 130. William K.«, b. Aug. 3, 1868; emp. Marshall Field, Co., Chicago. 41. Cordelia' White (Luther'), m., Sept. 13, 1854, Waddams Dunham ; b. Dec. 13, 1820. A farmer. Children: 131. Charles S.-', b. Sept. 27, 1857. 132. Edward B.^, b. June 17, 1859; res. Farnam, Neb. 133. Mary F.", b. Apr. 30, 1870. 134. Clarence", b. Aug. 3, 1872. 42. Sarah* White (Luther'), m., Nov. 7, 1866, Daniel Jones Gillett; b. in Oswego, N. Y. Dec. 25, 1836; son of Flisha and Fanny (Jones) Gillett. She went to Kalamazoo, 1843 ; res. El Dorado Springs, Mo. Children, b. in Mendota and Adrian, Mo. : 135. Minnie May'^ b. Oct. 7, 1869; res. El Dorado Springs, Mo. 136. Hattie Adele", b. Jan. 27, 1876; res. Adrian, Mo. 43. Eliza Johnson* W'Hite (Stephen'), m., April 25. 1839, Henry Charles Ober ;b. in Rockingham, Vt., Nov. 7, t8ii ; d. in Grafton April 4, 1875, son of Samuel and Persis Ober. Children, b.. i and 2 in Rockingham, 3 and 4 in Grafton: 137. Eugene Willard", b. Apr. 23, 1840; res. Nashua, N. H. 138. Harriet E.", b. Oct. 18, 1844; res. Nashua. 139. Ellen M.3, b. May 18, 1849; res. Grafton, Vt. 140. Edwin H.", b. Oct. 10, 1852 ; res. Grafton. 2 2 NATHANIEL KINGSBURY FAMILY. 44. Lewis Stephen'* White (Stephen'), m., Dec. 5. 1844, Harriet Mariah Manley ; b. in Dorset, Vt., Aug. 13, 1819, dau. of Martin and Martha (Willard) Manley; res. Sanford, Me. No children. 45. WiLi.ARD Luther^ White (Stephen"), m., ist, June 20, 1848. Elizabeth Diana Ross ;b. -; d. in Grafton, March 11, 187 i. He m., 2nd, June 3, 1873. Josephine E. Parker. He was a good husband and father, an exemplary Christian, and over 50 years a member of the Baptist church. Children, b. in Grafton, Vt., : 141. lilbridge Willard^, b. June 23, 1850; res. Jackson, Mich. 142. Willis Klmer^, b. Dec. 6, 1854; res. Leominster, Mass. 143. William Llijah'^ b. Dec. 6, 1854; d. July 11, 1894, Greenville, N. H. 144. Stella Elizabeth^, b. Oct. 12, 1858; res. Hartford, Conn. 46. George Winslow* White (Stephen^), m., May 3, 1849, Syl- vina Page Esty ; b. in Roxbury, N. H., Feb. 12, 1828; d. in Marlboro, N. H., Oct. 5, 1875 ; dau. of Aaron and Susanna (Davis) Esty. Children, b., i to 4 in Westminster. Vt., 5 in Keene, N. H. : 145. Charles L.^, b. May 10, 1850; res. Marlboro, N. H. 146. Emma P.", b. June 20, 1851 ; res. Marlboro. 147. Eva Rosette^, b. Sept. 13, 1852-3; res. Swanzey, N. H. 148. Clarence E.», b. Sept. 15, 1854; d. Jan. 16, 1879, Marlboro. 149. Ella L.», b. (Jet. 8, 1857 ; res. Marlboro. 47. William Conant*^ White (Stephen"), m., ist, Aug. 16, 1849, Mary Jane Wire; b. in Walpole, N. H., Sept. 19, 1831 ; d. there Mar. 24, 1858; dau., of Moses and Betsy (Rich) Wire. He m., 2nd, Oct. 21, 1858, Rhoda Chickering. b. in Westmoreland, N. PL, 1S28 : d. Mar. 27, 1889; dau. of Samuel and Clarissa (Hastings) Chickering. Children, b., i, 2. in Bellows Falls, Vt., others in Walpole, N. H. : 150. Helen L.», b. Nov. 3, 1851 ; d. Mar. 31, 1853. Bellows Kails, Vt. 151. Carrie E.», b. Mar. 4, 1855 ; res. Park Hill, N. H. 152. Sarah J•'^ b. Jan. 8, 1858; res. Orange, Mass. Children by second wife : 153. William C', b. Feb. 22, i860; d. June 7, 1887, Westmoreland, N. H.; un 154. Edwin SamueP, b. May 12, 1861 ; res. Westmoreland Depot. 155. Lewis .Mbert'-', b. Sept. 15, 1863; res. West Richfield, O. i I ini. CHARLES SIDNEY WHITE (No, 50), WHIiK FAMII,V. 23 4S. Henry Kirk.** White (Stephen"), m., Oct. 30, 1855, Harriet Sophia Moore; b. in Warwick, Mass., Mar. iS, 1837 ; d. May 22, 1901 ; dau. of Geo. W. and MilUe (Shepherdson) Moore. A farmer, Chester, Vt. Children b. in Chester: 156. (leoige Fleniy'', b. Nov. 15, 185S; res. Chester, Vt. , 157. Frederick Albert'*, b. June 30, i860; d. Nov. 2, 1S76, accidentally shot. 158. Lizzie Harriet^, b. July 15, 1863; res. Chester. 49. Martha Mariah* White (Stephen^), m., Nov. 5, 1857. CorneUus Barnard ; b. in Westminster, Mass., July 5, 1804; d. in Burling- ton, la., July 15, 1887; son of Jonathan and Lucy (Miller) Barnard. A farmer and speculator, Burlington, la. Settled there Nov., 1857. He changed his name to Bernard. Children, b. in Burlington: 159. Jennie Maria^, b. Sept. 17, i860; res. Burlington, la. 160. Charles^, b. June 14, 1862 ; d. Sept. 11, 1863, Burlington. 161. Bessie Conant^, b. Mar. 3, 1864 ; res. Haverhill, Mass. 162. Edward L.^, b. May 2, 1866; res. Burlington. 163. Louis^, b. June 20, 1868; d. Sept. i, 1869, Burlington. 164. Martha Louise-', b. July 28, 1872 ; res. Columbus, (). 165. Willie^, b. Dec. i, 1875 ; d. Jan. i, 1879, Burlington. 50. Charles Sidney*^ White (Stephen'), m.. May 24, i860, Carrie Reed Merrifield ; b. in Newfane, Yt. , May 3, 183 i ; dau. of Francis John and Sarah C. (Kimball) Merrifield. He resides in the home where he was born and where he spent most of his boyhood, one mile south of Grafton village, in the Saxtons River valley. After attending the Seminary at Saxtons River, he taught several terms of .school until his marriage, when he rented his father's farm for one year, and in the spring of 186 1, purchased the same. He represented Grafton in the State Legislature, 1S92-3 ; selectman in 1895-7-8: assessor seven years; a member and willing supporter of the Baptist Church since a young man, and a trustee since 1880. A man of the highest character and of genial nature, which has won for him many friends. He is the largest land owner and principal lumber dealer in town, and owns a saw^ and grist mill. Children, b. in Grafton, Vt. : 166. Minnie Carrie^, b. Dec. 19, 1861 ; res. Syracuse, N. ^■. 167. Mattie Sophia^, b. Dec. 30, 1863; res. Moline, 111. 24 NATHANIEL KINGSBURY FAMILY. 168. Albert Charles^, b. Mar. 18, 1886; res. Saginaw, Mich. 169. .Arthur Francis'-*, b. Oct. 20, 1867 ; res. Mason, Mich. 51. Mary Amn** White (Stephen"), m., Oct. 10, 1S70, Prescott T. Lawrence; b. in Peru, Vt., July 24, 1824; cl. in Peru, Aug. 13, 18S5. A farmer and peddler. Children, b. in Londonderry, Vt. : 170. William'-', b. Feb. 3, 1872 ; d. Sept. 22, 1872, Grafton, Vt. 171. p:ila M. Russell (adopted), b. x\ug. 16, 1873-5 ! ^1- I^^c. 5, 1901, in Weston, Vt. She m., Oct. 26, 1897, Edwin H. Atwater ; b. May 9, 1870. Child, Ola May Atwater; b. Sept. 3, 1899. 52. LauretteNancyHVhite (Stephen'), m.. July 18, 1861, Lucius C. Edson; b. in Grafton, Vt., May 5, 1836; son of Loring and Anna White (Fisher) Edson. He rem. from Vermont to Kansas, 1878, and to Okla- homa. 1894. A farmer, Medford, Okla. Children, b. in Grafton, Vt. : 172. Anna Minette-*, b. April 30, 1865; res. Medford, Okla. 173. Herbert Lincoln^, b. May 22, 1871 ; res. Medford. 174. Lilla May**, b. Jan. 29, 1875; res. Medford. 53. RosANNAH^ White (Alvin"), m., July 4, 1S67, Thomas Hill; b. in Grafton, Vt., Nov. 29, 1801 : son of .■\braham and Ruth (Blodgett) Hill. .\ farmer, Grafton, Vt. No children. 55. Lowell*^ White (Alvin'), m., Oct. 12, 1872, Rosella Viola Miller; b. in Gilsum, Oct. 7, 1855 ; dau. of Harvey Bill and Susan (Nash), Miller. A farmer, Gilsum, N. H. Children, b. in Gilsum: 175. John LowelP, b. Jan. 17, 1873; m. Emma L. Greene, June 24, 1893. 176. Marcia Alice^, b. Apr. 27, 1874. 177. Winnie Ada^, b. Oct. 24, 1875; m. W. A. Jefts, Oct. i, 1895. 178. Bert Harvey-', b. Sept. 6, 1878. 179. Frank Ellis'-', b. May 9, 1880. 180. Bessie Belle'-', b. June 17, 1883. 181. Shirley, Ellroy9, b. Sept. 27, 1886. [82. George .Allen'', b. June 27, 1890. 183. Grover Cleveland", b. Oct. 21, 1893. 56. MerrillMVhite (Alvin"), m. Mar. 18, 187 1, Mary Frances Proctor; b. in Alstead, N. H., Sept. 26, 1841 ; dau. of Ebenezer L. and .\nna K. (Bird) Proctor. A farmer, Keene, Swanzey and Winchester, N. H. Child, b. in Swanzey: WHITE FAMILY, 25 184. Fred Everett'', b. Mar. 20, 1877; a farmer at Winchester. He ra., , Mary K. Talbot; b. Feb. 27, 1876; d. Nov. 7, 1899, dau. of Alfred and Susan M. (Chamberlain) Talbot. 57. Phila* White (Alvin"), m., Apr. 28, 1881, Oscar S. liolden ; b. in Langdon, N. H., Oct. 19, 1S35 ; son of Aaron G. and Lucy (White) Holden. He married, 1st, Frances E. Dickey, of Acworth, N. H., by whom he had four children; 'Leola A.,-Leona M., ^Harvey !>., ''P'rank O. A farmer, Langdon, N. H., Putney, Vt., and Silver Creek, Neb. No children. 59. JuLiAETTA** White (Alvin"), m., Nov. 28, 1872-3, Edward Osgood Corey; b. in Bradford, Vt., June 29, 1850; son of Joseph R. and — (Pierce, a cousin of Pres. F. Pierce) Corey. A farmer, Gilsum. Children : 185. Edward Alvin^, b. Oct. 26, 1873-5 j res. Walpole, N. H. j86. Charles Leonard^, b. May 17, 1875-7; res. Gilsum, N. H. 187. Fritz Wellington', b. Jan. 15, 1879-80 ; res. Gilsum. 62. Obek Henry** White (Alvin'), m., ist, Dec. 31, 1876, Annie Jane Heald ; b. in Washington, N. H., Sept. — , 1859; d. in Keene, June 14, 1893 ; dau. of John and Ann (Dawson) Heald. He m., 2nd, Jan. ^o, 1S95, Elizabeth M. Carpenter; b. in Weare, N. H., Sept. 11, 1868; dau. of Guy and Mary Ann (Kimball) Carpenter. A farmer, Keene, N. H. Children, b. in Walpole, N. H. : 188. Frederick Amos', b. Feb. 22, 1879 ; m. ; res. Keene. 189. P'lora Annie', b. Feb. 23, 1882 ; m. Children by 2nd wife, b. in Keene: 190. Evan Carpenter', b. Dec. 25, 1895. (91. Cedric Kinsgbury', b. Nov. 22, 1900. 192. Mary Susannah', b. Jan. 9, 1904. 63. Ira^ White (Alvin"), m., March 24, 1888, Hattie E. Davis; b. in Marlboro, N. H., July 27, 1861 ; dau. of John Merrill and Mariah (Wild) Davis. A mechanic, Keene, N. H. Child, b. in Keene: 193. Leona May', b. Dec. 22, 1889. 26 NATHANIEL KINGSBURY FAMILY. 64. Jehial^ White (Alvin'), m., Dec. 14, 1884, Frankie E. Currier; b. in Sutton, Aug. 27, 1866; dau. of Francis and Marietta (Corey) Currier. A farmer, Gilsum, N. H. Children: 194. Gertrude M.^, b. June 13, 1885. 195. Leon F.3, b. Oct. 27, 1887. 196. Christal M.^, b. Aug. 18, 1893. 197. Tressie V.^, b. Feb. 23, 1899. 197(7. A daughter^, b. , i90i(?) 66. Mary Josephine^' Rawson (Syrene"), m., Dec. 29, 1864, Har- low Bailey Ross; b. in E. Haven, Vt., July 14. 1828 ; son of Elijah and Clarissa (Walters) Ross. H. B. Ross was m. twice before he m. Mary [., and had four children by them. A farmer, Maple Landing, and Whiting, la. Child, b. in Lawrence, Kan. : 198. William Merrick^, b. Sept. 20, 1S71 ; m., Feb. 3, 1S92, Mary E. Wilson. A farmer, Whiting, la. 67. Calista Mariah- Rawson (Syrene"), m., Aug. 4, 1865, foseph Reed ; b. Jan. 16, 1816 ; son of Joseph and Joana (Drown) Reed, of Bristol, R. L, and Grafton, Vt. Joseph Reed m., ist., Ardilla Baker, by whom he had four children. Res. Grafton. No children. 68. Alzina Pjjzareth'^ Rawson (Syrene'), m.. Aug. 8, 1869, Charles J. Perham ; b. in Athens, Vt., Dec. 8, 1844; son of Jeremiah and Rebecca (Ranny) Perham. Res. Grafton, Vt. Child, b. in Athens : 199. Alice Rebecca'', b. Oct. 9, 1873 ! ^^^- Grafton, Vt. 70. Benjamin Woodbury** Corey (Philadelphia"), m.. Jan. 19, 1852, Mrs. Emily (Farnsworth) Powell; b. in Gilsum, Jan. 18. 1824; dau. of Moses and Hephzibah (Comstock) P'arnsworth. He was drowned while bathing at Massena, N. Y., Aug. 23, 1852. Child, born in Massena: 200. Woodbury^, b. Dec. 11, 1852; ni., iSt, Apr. 30, 1872, Everetta Rosella Nash; b. April 4, 1852; d. in Gilsum June 2, 1890; dau. of Asa B. and Lydia (Davis) Nash. They have children: M)ora Cornelia, b. June 30, 1869: -Emma Mabel, b. May i, 1873; ''Albert Woodbury, b. May 6, 1876; *Edward Leon, b. June i, 1878; ''Junia I'lorence, b. June 1, 18S3; "a son, b. July 22, 1894 ; d. same day. WHITE FAMILY. 27 Woodbury" Corey m., 2nd, Oct. 10, ICS93, Jane I<:iizabeth (hant ; h. in Norfolk, N. v., March 4, 1858; still living; dau. of Julius and Mary C. (Brouse) Grant. Emma Mabel Corey, dau. of Woodbury Corey ; m., .\pril 20, 1891, Lafayette Clarence Pike of Newport, N. H. ; b. March 14, 1870; son of Clarence F. and Sarah E. (White) Pike; res. Newport, N. H. Albert Woodbury Corey, son of Woodbury Corey, m., Nov. 21, 1895, Eva Gertrude Comstock ; b. in Sullivan, N. H., Sept. 22, 1878; dau. of Ira Emerson and Esther R. (Wheeler) Comstock ; res. Marlboro, Mass. NINTH GENERATION. 76. Albert Alson'' White (Otis^, m., Sept. i6, 1877, Sibyl INIartha Fiske : b. in Mt. Holly, Yt., Feb. 6. 1864; dau. of Cyvus and Marchia (Sherman) Fiske. A mason contractor, Rutland, Vt. Children, b. in Mt. Holly and Rutland: 201. George Wilber^'^ b. ; d. infancy. 202. Lola Belle", b. Aug. 12, 1880; m. John P. Culliton; res. Schenectady, N. V. 203. Alice Madelinei'^', b_ April 28, 1882. 204. Charlotte Ellai", b. Sept. 10, 1884; m. Hobart Partridge; res. Schenectady. 80. Edward A.^ Dickerman (Abigail^), m.. , Susan G. Reckerd. 83. Lorenzo E." Dickerman (Abigail"), m., , Cynthia Clark of Meriden, Conn. Res. Meriden. 84. Delia E.^ Dickerman (Abigail), m., April 16. 1892. Fred E. Hulett, son of P. N. and Sarah ( ) Hulett. Res. Jamaica. Vt. 85. Fylinda» Peck (Sylvia**), m., Oct. 10, 1874. Edwin D. Ken- dall; b. in Weathersfield, Yt. ; son of Luther R. and Mary M. (Felch) Kendall. Res. Felchville, Yt.. and Springfield, Mass., 1890. Children, b. in Felchville: 205. Harley F.i«, b. April 14, 1876; m., June 10, 1901, Alberta Walker of Monon, Lid. ; res. Rose Plill, N. V. 206. Clarence W.io, b. July 25, 1884; res. Springfield, Mass. 28 NATHANIEL KINGSBURY FAMILY. 87. Marian Elva*^ Peck (Sylvia^), m., May 17, 1877, Amos Dud- ley Heald ; b. in Chester, Vt., Sept. 12, 1851 ; son of Jesse Dudley and Eliza J. (Turner) Heald. A farmer, No. Springfield, Vt. Child: 207. Charles Dudley^'', b. March 9, 1891, in Chester. 88. George Oren** Peck (Sylvia^), m., Jan. 1 1 , 1888, Lillie Eunice Buswell (No. 97); b. in Mt. Holly, Vt., March 30, 1857 ; dau. of Cyrus and Eunice (White) Buswell. A farmer, Gassetts Sta., Vt. 90. Mary Velettie^ White (George^), m., ist, Jan. 24, 1880, Cooley N. Livermore ; b. in Charlemont, Mass., Nov. 30, 1838; d. there Oct. 8, 1883; son of Lyman Livermore. She m., 2nd, Feb. 14, 1887, Ambrose Emery Graves; b. in Shefford, Canada, Dec. 13, 1828; son of Gilman and Christiana (Willey) Graves. A farmer. Children, b.. i and 2 in \V. Townshend, Vt., 3, in Weston. J08. William Lymani'\ b. Dec. 21, 1880; m. ; res. Ludlow, Vt. 209. Grace Mary^", b. Jan. 26, 1882. 210. Ehvin Cooleyi'^, b. Dec. 27, 1883. Children by 2nd husband; b. in Proctorsville, Vt. : 211. Nathan Georgeio, b. Dec. 15, 1888. 212. Jane Velettieif, b. Aug. 3, 1892. 91. Sarah Hannah^ White (George^), m., Sept. 27, 1892, Henry Howk ; b. in Comstock, N. Y., March 18, 1864; d. in Weston, Vt., June 25, 1900 ; son of Phineas and Helen (Carver) Howk. Farmer. 92. Mary Elizabeth^ Buswell (Eunice*), m., March 9, 1866, Charles Henry Ray; b. in Chester Aug. 6, 1842; son of Abel and Louisa Maria (Jewell) Ray. He enlisted Aug. 16, 1864, in Co. L 2nd Vt. Vols; discharged June 19, 1865. A farmer, Weston and Ludlow, \'t. Children, b.. i in Weston, others in Ludlow: 213. Flora Jane^", b. Dec. 26, 1866; res. Mechanicsville, Vt. 214. Henry Austin^", b. Aug. 9, 1871 ; res. Springfield, Mass. 215. Etta Klizabethi", b. June 15, 1875; res. Cavendish, Vt. 216. Frank Jacob^'', b. Dec. 23, 1880. WHITE FAMILY. 221 224 94. Amos Edgar*' Buswei.l (FAinice"), m., March 26, 1868, Mary Velcttie Manly (No. 104); b. in Benson, Vt., Oct. 28, 1850; dau. of Reuben and Hannah M. (White) Manly. A carpenter, Ludlow, Vt. Children, b. in Mt. Holly : 217. Rojette Eliasi", b. March 27, 1S72. J18. Charles Wallace", b. April 19, 1875 ; m., Feb. 16, 1904, .Xnnie M. Johnson. 219. Edgar Lenardi'\ b. Aug. 7, 1882 ; m., Dec. 8, 1903, Kdith M. Wilcox. 220. Ernest (iilberti", i^ April 11, 1885. 95. Lawson Elwin** Buswell (Eunice'), m., Jan. i, 1880, Alice Harriet Warren ; b. in Ludlow, Aug. 3, 1855; dau. of Joseph Robert and Harriet Adeline (Spaulding) Warren. A farmer and butcher, Lud- low, Vt. Children, b. in Ludlow: Harriet Lorretti", b. June 29, 1883. Harley Lawsoni", ij_ March 25, 1886. Allen Wallacei'\ b. March 9, 1892. George Clinton", b. March 13. 1897 ; d. July 12, 1898, Ludlow. 97. LiLLiE Eunice^ Buswell (Eunice^), m., , George Oren Peck, (No. 88). 98. Herbert H.'^ Buswell (Eunice^), m., , Carrie L. Belden ; b. in Otis, Mass., Jan. i, 1865. A life insurance agent, Drewsville, N. H. Children : 225. Hazel E.iJ, b. March 2, 1888; 226. Stella E.i", b. Feb. 22, 1892. 99. Ernest^ Buswell (Eunice*), m., Jan. i. 1885, Lizzie H.« White, (No. 158); dau. of Henry Kirk*^ and Harriet Sophia (Moore) White. A farmer, Chester, Vt. Children, b. in Chester: 226a. Effie Rosannah", b. Oct. 7, 1894. 226^. Fred Ernest^J, April 2, 1898. 2266. Frank Everett", b. April 15, 1900. 102. Emogene-' Buswell (Eunice^, m., Sept. 7, 1898. Myrton Oscar Hill; b. in Chester, Vt., March 5, 1873 ; son of Oscar E. and Mary O. (Earl) Hill. A graduate of Black River Academy. A milliner, Pawtucket, R. L and Winthrop, Mass., Child: 227. A son^'', b. , 1901. 30 NATHANIEL KINGSBUKV FAMILY. 104. Mary Velettie® Manly* (Hannah M.^), m. Amos Edgar Buswell (No. 94). Her brother, Elias Clinton Manly (No. 103), was taken sick and died at Vicksburg after he had got his discharge papers. 105. Sylvia Cleoria'' Manly (Hannah M."), m., ist, March S, 1861 , Edwin R. Reed ; b. -, 18 — ; son of Jonas and Armenia (Green ; Reed; (they parted). She m., 2nd., June 5, 1897, Frank White. A farmer, Benson, Vt. Child, b. in Benson : 228. Albert A.^'', b. June 11, 1871 ; killed by cars June 10, 1892, Rutland. 106. Eliza Jane^ Manly (Hannah M."*), m., Nov. 25, 1873. Charles A. Seward; b. in Charlestown, N. H., April 21, 1851 ; son of Geo. W. and Ruth C. (Jenkins) Seward. A farmer, Winchester, N. H. Children, b., i in Benson, 2 in Goshen, N. H., 3 in Stoddard, 4 and 5 in Keene : 229. Jennie Marcella^", b. March 27, 1876; m. Wm. Jackson; res. Bosto.n. 230. Clayton Wesley^", b. Jan. 8, 1879; res. Keene, N. H. 231. Lucy Belle^'^, b. Sept. 20, 1881 ; m. Chas. Brett; res. Winchester, X. H. 232. Pearl A.^**, b. Nov. 23, 1887; res. Winchester. 233. Inez Ruby^', b. July 4, 1896; res. Winchester. 107. Cyrus Elonzo® Manly (Hannah M.*"), m., -, Jennie Chase. A farmer, Benson, Vt. Child, b. in Benson: 234. Winnifred Belle^'^, b. June 18, 1869; m. Geo. l^angdon. 108. Lucy Louisa^ Manly (Hannah M.**), m., , Benjamin L. Mason; b. in Providence, R. I., March 13, 1846. Res. Detroit, Mich. Children : 234a. Benjamin Bryan'"', b. Dec. 26, 1S83; res. Detroit. 234/^. Lucy Elizabeth^'*, b. Sept. 10, 1885; " 234^. Robert Edward''^, b. Aug. 27, 1888; " " 234^/. Reuben Manley'", b. Aug. 24, 1890; " " 109. Charles Edson^ Manly (Hannah M.""), m., , Delia Merritt; b. in Cornwall, Vt., Aug, 19, 1858. A carpenter. Glens Falls, N. Y. Child, b. in Whitehall, N. Y. : 235. Maude May (adopted), 1). Dec. 2, 1891. * Spelt " Manle.v " and ■• Manly." WHITE FAMILY. 3 I 1 10. Etia Cerettk'-' Manly (Hannah M/), m., March i, i8 — . Albert Coats ; b. in Benson, Vt., Nov. lo, 1859 ; son of Henry M. and Mary P. (Thayer) Coats. A farmer, Benson. 1 12. Lucy Frances^ Farley (Mary E.**), ni., Dec. 25, 1875, Her- bert M. Lang; b. in Bath. N. H., October 28, 1848 ; son of Dea. Moses and Carista (Clough) Lang. x\ contractor and builder, Worcester, Mass. Children, b. in Worcester: 236. Herbert Farley^'^ b. Feb. 7, 1877; m., Nov. 3, 1903, Kdith Goodwin; res. Worcester. J37. John Howard^", b. Oct. 30, 1879; ''^s- Worcester. 113. Momroe" Farley (Mary E.*^), m., Jan. 5, 1871, Sarah L. Wheeler; b. in Plymouth, Vt., Feb. 14, 1845 ; ^^^^^- oi Isaiah and Julia A. (Foster) Wheeler. A farmer, West Union, Neb. Child: 23S. Porter M.i', b. May 5, 1872, in Worcester, Mass. 114. Arthur" Farley (Mary E.^), m., Dec. 14, 1S75, Mary M. r^lagg ; b. in Millbury, Mass., March 18, 1850; dau. of John Dexter and Elizabeth (Davenport) Flagg. A farmer, West Boylston, Mass. Children, b., i to 4 in Sterling, 5 in W. Boylston. 6 in Worcester: 239. Arthur Monroe^', b. June i, 1877; res. W. Koylston. 240 241 242 -43 244 Ida Elizabethi", b. Oct. 8, 1878; " Florence Gertrude^", b. Feb. 18, 1881 ; Benjamin Francis^'', b. May 14, 1883; Mary Evai^ b. March 16, 1886; Sarah Louise^", b. April i, 1892 ; iiS. Sarah J.'' White (Lowell Nelson**), m., ist, Oct. 19, 1872. Robert W. Webb; b. in Burmah, India, 1832 ; d. in Kalamazoo, Mich.. March 28, 1876; son of Rev. Abner and Catherine (Sedgwick) W'ebb, who were missionaries (Baptist) to India. A school teacher, lawyer and soldier, from Oswego, N. Y. She m., 2nd, Sept. 13, 1882, C. H. Engle ; b. May 16, 1832; son of John and Sarah A. Engle. Child: 245. Robert L.^'\ 1). Aug. 28, 1874, in Kalamazoo, Mich. 120. Flora Belle" White (Lowell N.*"), m., Sept. 5, 1875, Chas. J. Leach; b. in Keeler Center, Mich., May 8, 1853; son of Samuel (Gilbert and Rhoda Ann (Gleason) Leach. Children: 3^ NATHANIEL KINCSBURY FAMILY. 246. Roy^'\ b. June 27, 1S76, in Hartford, Mich. J47. Clenni", b. April I, 1S83, " J48. Mildred D.i",b. May 21, 1SS7, " 121. Charles Theodore" White (Lowell N/),m., Feb. 21, 1889, Blanche Olin; b. in Galesburg, Mich., April i, 1868; dau. of Wash- ington W. and Mary L. (Carson) Olin. A dry-goods merchant, tirm of ■•Olin, White & Olin," Kalamazoo, Mich. Child: 249. Charles Olini", b. April i, 1895, in Kalamazoo, Mich. 123. Bertha Agnes'-' White (Lowell N.**), m., Aug. 20, 1882, George E. Harris ; b. in Hamilton, Mich., May 24, 1862 ; son of Willard T. and Martha Jane (Steele) Harris. A farmer, Lawrence, Mich. Child : 250. Krma (iertrude^", b. June 6, 1883, in Hamilton, Mich. 125. Cora Beatte^ White (Frederick-), m., Jan. 27, 18S5, Silas B. Coffey; b. in Spencer. Ind., Jan. 5, 1849; an orphan. Her brother, Edwin White (No. 124), is ticket agent and telegraph operator for the C. B. c\: Q. R. R., Galva, Til., — 1899. Child : 251. Adelaide Eva^", b. , 1887, in Du Quion, 111. 126. Flora Etta" White (Frederick^), m., June 21, 1893, Leroy L. Nichols; b. in Gambler, O., Feb., 28, 1864; son of Levi and Hannah (Britton) Nichols. Res. Galesburg, 111. 130. William R." Scott (Harriet**), m., Nov. 12, 1890, Marie Hammond. Kes. Chicago. Child : 252. Edith Eilliani", b. Feb. 18, 1892. 132. Edward B.'' Dunham (Cordelia^), m., Sept. 16, 1885, Martha M. Wheaton. Res. Farnam, Neb. Child: 253. .Sydney W.^"^', 1). July 31, 1886. . 136. Haitie Adele" Gillett (Sarah^), m., Dec. 23, 1894, Scuy- ler C. Osborne; b. in Marshfield, Mo., July 8, 1872 ; son of Alexander and Keziah (Creekmore) Osborne. A farmer near Adrian, Mo. Children : 254. Esther Adele^'^, b. Dec. 21, 1895, near Adrian. 255. Margaret Leona'", b. Sept. 14, 1897, near Adrian. Rev, ELBRIDGE WILLARD WHITE (No, 141), WHITE FAMILY. 33 137. Eugene Willard' Ober (Eliza Johnson^, m., May 1 1 , 1864, Ella Matilda Taylor; b. in Lempster, N. H., Jan. 13, 1843; dau. of Erastus Day and Mary (Colby) Taylor. A teamster, Nashua, N. H. Children, b. in Nashua: 256. Leon Alstonl^ b. May 19, 1868; d. June 3, 1872, Nashua. 257. Etta Mayi", b. Nov. 13, 1873; res. So. Framingham, Mass. 138. Harriet E.^ Ober (Eliza Johnson*'), m., Dec. 17, 1861, Seth D. Chandler; b. in Rockland, Mass., Feb. 11, 1827 ; son of Seth and Martha S. (Burrill) Chandler. A retired merchant, Nashua, N. H. Children, b., i in Somerville, Mass., others in Nashua: 258. Walter^, b. March 19, 1863; d. Aug. 9, 1889, Nashua. 259. Mabel", b. Dec. 6, 1866. 260. Alicei", b. Jan. i, 1871 ; d. Sept. 28, 1876, Nashua. 139. Ellen Mary^ Ober (Eliza J.^), m., Feb. 27, 1872, Charles Stone; b. in Bellows Falls, Vt., July 24, 1839; son of William and Lucinda (Burk) Stone. A farmer, Grafton, Vt. Child : 261. Olive May (adopted), b. March 27, 1887, in Giafton. 140. Edwin H.« Ober (Ehza J.^), m., July 29, 1876, Estha A. Tuttle ; b. in Grafton Aug. 18, 1856 ; dau. of Joseph and Lucy (Martin) Tuttle. A farmer, Grafton, Vt. Children, b. in Grafton: 262. LiUa Estha", b. April 6, 1877 ; res. Grafton. 263. Mary Aliceio, b. Oct. 2, 1878; res. Hinsdale, N. H. 264. Abbie Augustaio, b. March 23, 1880; res. Grafton. 265. Charles Henry", b. Jan. 24, 1883. 266. Hattie Mariah", b. Oct. 2, 1884. 267. Ruth Ellen", b. July 21, 1897. 141 . Elbridge Willard" White (Willard L.*). m., June 29, 1879. Edna Mary Converse; b. in Grafton July 23, 1848; dau. of Newton Robert and Mary (Stuart) Converse. His early life was spent on his father's 300-acre farm. He was converted at 18 and soon after began a course at Leland and Gray Seminary, Townshend, Vt., and after teach- ing school in Hinsdale, N. H., he entered college at Hamilton, N. Y.. Sept. I, 1873: graduated from Colgate University, and was ordained 34 NATHANIEL KINGSBURY FAMILY. in Castile, N. Y., Aug. 19, 18S2, as pastor of the Baptist Church. In 1 886 he became pastor at Jackson, Mich., and at Milwaukee, Wis., in 1890. He has served the ist Mich. Regt., National Guard, as chaplain for 17 years, and was with the 31st U. S. Vols, for 13 months in the Spanish-American war, part of that time in Cuba. Gale College con- ferred the degree of Doctor of Divinity in 1901 . For the past five years Dr. White has been constantly engaged in evangelistic work, from New York and West Virginia to Wisconsin and Kansas, including Chicago, Cincinnati and Detroit. In 1903 he conducted 620 public services. He has been very successful as a pastor and evangelist. Children, b. in Hamilton and Castile, N. Y. : 268. Ethel Ednai^ b. Feb. 22, 18S2 ; d. Oct. 8, 1899, Jackson, Mich. 269. Leon Elbridge^o, b. Jan. 19, 1885 : res. Jackson. 142. Willis Elmer^ White (Willard L.**), m.. Sept. 25, 1884, Flora J. Blood; b. in Greenville, N. H., May 13, 1867 ^ dau. of George L. and Harriet (Russell) Blood. A merchant, Greenville, and Leomin- ster, Mass. 143. William Elijah^ White (Willard L.*^), m., Sept. 3, 1881, Ella Martin; b. ; d. in Chester, Vt., Aug. 17, 1886; dau. of Dea. A. B. and Martin. A farmer and merchant, Wales, Mass., Chester, Vt., and Greenville, N. H. No children. 144. Stella Elizabeth^ WHiTE(Willard L."), m. , March 25 , 1878, Eugene Curtis Wilbur; b. in Londonderry, Vt., Oct. to, 1852; son of Curtis S. and Martha (Austin) Wilbur. A salesman, Springfield, Mass., and Hartford, Conn. Children, b., i in Townshend, Vt., 2 and 3 in Springfield, and others in Hartford : 270. Earl Eugenei", b. Feb. 26, 1880 ; res. Hartford. 271. Daisy Elizabethi", b. Dec. 19, 1883; " 272. Orace Davidson^'^ b. Nov. 21, 1885 ; " 273. Edward Jay Judsoni", b. Oct. 15, 1887; 274. Helen White", b. Dec." 15, 1889; 275. May Stella'", b. May 10, 1894; d. .Apr. 15, 189-, Hartford. WHITE FAMILY. 35 145. Charles L." White (George W/), m., May 21, 1876, Abbie Hard; b. in Marlboro, N. H., Sept. 8, 1852; dau. of Samuel and Fidelia P. (Manley) Hurd. Res. Marlboro. Child: 276. Cleon iM.i", b. Sept. 2, 1886, Marlboro, N. II. 146. Emma^F.^ White (George W.«), m., April 26, 1876, Erwin E. Ward; b. in Marlboro, N. H., Oct. 8, 1852; son of Reuben and Maria L. (Hunt) Ward. A mechanic, Marlboro. Children: 277. Frank E.", b. June 9, 1878, in Marlboro. 278. Clarence E.l^ b. March 17, 1882, 279. Mabel M.i", b. Aug. 18, 1883, 147. Eva Rosette^ White (George W.*"), m., Oct. 8, 1873, George L. Underwood; b. in Swanzey, N. H., Aug. 2, 1849 •• son of Hiram and Margaret (Spraker) Underwood. A farmer and horseman, Swanzey Factory, N. H. Children, b. in S^'anzey: 280. Frank Georgei", b. March 2, 1874; res. Keene, N. H. 281. Grace Sylvinai'\ b. June i, 1876; res. Keene. 282. James Ernest^, b. Aug. 21, 1883 ; when 18 years of age his height was 6 feet, j)4 inches, weight 168 lbs. 149. Ella L.-' White (George W.«), m., Nov. 18, 1880, Joseph S. Men-iam; b. in Peterboro, N. H., March 17, 1854; son of Benjamin F. and Sarah W. (Tubbs) Merriam. Res. Marlboro, N. H. Children, b. in Marlboro: 283. Bertha 8.^, b. Sept. 2, 1883. 284. Eugene F.^, b. Nov. 29, 1886; d. March 4, 1894, Marlboro. 285. Bessie E.io, b. June 25, 1889. 286. Gertrude M.^, b. Jan. 7, 1895. 151. Carrie E.'^ White (William C), m., Sept. 10, 1873, John D. Goodnow; b. in Westmoreland, N. H., June 7, 1841 ; son of David and Emily (Veazey) Goodnow. A wheelwright and farmer, Parkhill. N. H. Children: 287. Harlie J.i", b. July 19, 1874, i" Westmoreland. 288. Mabel C.i", b. Jan. 24, 1877, " 289. LloydW.io,b. June 24, 1879, " 36 NATHANIEL KINGSBURY FAMILY. 152. Sarah Jane" White (Wm. C/), m., June 23, 1881, Herbert II. Wheeler; b. in So. Royalston, Mass., April 23, 1858; son of Rufus B. and Emma (Wescott) Wheeler. A provision dealer, Orange, Mass. Child : zgo. Emma Mae^", b. July 8, 1886, in Orange. 154. Edwin Samuel^ White (William C."^), m., Feb. 18, 1S90, Viola Minnie Britton ; b. in Surry, N. H., Sept. 21, 1873; dau. of George Lewis and Adelia Melissa (Shelly) Britton. A farmer, Westmore- land, N. H. Children, b. in Westmoreland: 291. Ina Mabeli"^, b. March 29, 1891. 292. Lewis Williamio, b. March 13, 1893. 293. Richard p:arli", b. Oct. 9, 1898. 155. Lewis Albert'' White (William C.^), m., Nov. 20, 1883, Cora Ella Townsend ; b. in Richfield, O., April 16. 1862; dau. of Charles P. and Roena Matilda (Wilber) Townsend. A farmer, Richfield, O. Children : 294. Max Albert^'', b. Feb. 22, 1886, in Richfield. 295. Eva Louisai^, b. Nov. 2, 1888, " " 296. Rhoda Adeline,!" b. May 7, 1889, " 297. Josephine Merle^'^, b. Nov. 14, 1891, " 298. William Charlesi", b. Nov. 8, 1894, 156. George Henry'' White (Henry Kirk'*), m.. ist, June 29, 1893, Marion L. Darling; b. in Brattleboro, Vt., Dec. 28, 187 i ; d. Apr. 7, 1898. He m., 2nd, June 19, 1901, Mary C. Mattocks; b. in Danby, Vt., April 22, 1867. A farmer and lumberman, Chester, Vt. ; was street commissioner, 1898-9, '00, '02, 'o;^. 158. Li/ziE Harriet" White (Henry Kirk**), m., Jan. i. 1885. Ernest" Buswell (No. 99); b. in Mt. Holly, \'t., May 19, 1863. For children, see No. 99. 159. Jennie Maria" Bernard (Martha M.^), m., Feb. 2;^, 188 r. John Miller Mercer; b. in Kewanee, 111., Aug. 28, 1858; son of Wil- liam and Sarah Chambers (Miller) Mercer. A lawyer, Burlington, la. Children : J WHITE FAMILY. 37 ;02. Herbert Miller'", b. Dec. 27, 1881, in lUniiiigton, la. ,03. Harry Bernard!", b. June 6, 1883, " J04. Ralph Paulio, b. Nov. 6, 1884, 305. Jane Annettel^b. Aug. 18, 1888, " 161. Bessie Conant' Bernard (Martha M.^), m., Nov. 5, 1896, Charles Foster Smith; b. in Hudson, N. H., Nov. 7, 1844; son of Samuel and Abigail (Foster) Smith. A bookkeeper, Haverhill, Mass. 162. Edward L.^ Bernard (Martha M.*^), m., Feb. 17, 1891, Belle Monfort; b. in Detroit, Mich., July — , 1865; dau. of Oscar and Louise ( ) Monfort. A merchant, Burlington, la. Children, b. in Burlington: 306. Merrill'", b. July 25, 1892. 307. Nedi", b. f^eb. 10, 1895; d. Jan. 10, 1896. 308. Donald'", b. Aug. 24, 1897. 164. Martha Louise^ Bernard (Martha M.^), m., June 20, 1893, Charles Edward McAllister; b. in BurHngton, la., 1867; son of Daniel K. and EUzabeth ( ) McAllister. A shoe merchant, Colum- bus, O. Children : 309. Bernard^", b. Sept. 30, 1895, '" Columbus, O. 310. Florence^", b. Dec. 12, 1898, " 166. Minnie Carrie' White (Charles S.*), m., May 5, 1886, Walter John Zuill ; b. in Monson, Mass., Nov. 13, 1859; son of Silas Austin and Abby Eliza (Sawyer) Zuill. At the age of 12 she began a two-year course at Vermont Academy, and then taught school in Vermont and New Hampshire until her marriage, when they settled on a farm at Salem, So. Dakota. After eight years of prarie farm life they removed to Syracuse, N. Y., where Mr. Zuill has since been engaged in the manufacture of the "Syracuse Washer," under the tirm name of Dodge & Zuill. She united with the Baptist Church at the age of ten and has always been identified with philanthropic and church work. Mrs. Zuill has been much interested in the White Family records. Acknowledgement is hereby made for her willing and persistent effort in compiling her branch. Res. 305 Cortland Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. Children: 38 NATHANIEL KINGSBURY FAMILY. Albert Merrifieldw, b. April 7, 1887, in Salem. So. Dakota. Florence Merle^o, b. Aug. 18, 1896, in Syracuse, N. Y. 167. Mattie Sophia" White (Charles S.«), m., Jan. 19 1889 Staley Dane Poole; b. in Yarmouth, N. S., July 9, 1847 ; son of John and Harriet ( ) Poole. A teacher of art, Moline, III. Child, b. in Moline : 313- Erma Mayio, b. Nov, 21, 1892 ; d. Feb. 21, 1894, Moline. Mr. Poole m., ist. Mary G. Cann, by whom he had one son, ijohn Wm. lie m., 2nd., Alict Hadley, by whom he had three children; flattie A.,3Evelyn A.,*Lawrence C 168. Albert Charles" White (Charles S.^), m., ist., July 14. 1895, Carrie A. DeLand ; b. in Northville, Mich., June 11, 1866; d in Saginaw, Mich., July 9, 1896; dau. of Joel Levi and Mary (Livingston) DeLand. He m., 2nd, Aug. 23, 1898, Anna Bentley Whiting; b. in Sagmaw, June 15, 1863 ; dau. of Lorain C. and Anna C. (Lewis) Whit- ing. After a three-year course at Vermont Academy he entered East- man's College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., in the spring of 1887. In the fall of that year, in company with his brother Arthur he went forth seekino- the larger opportunities of the West. An opening in the lumber industriet of Sagmaw, Mich., affording him an opportunity to learn the business l^our years later found the young lumberman undertaking a business of his own. Today, the firm name, "A. C. White, Wholesale Lumber Dealer," has secured for itself a large place in the business circles of Saginaw valley, making shipments to the Atlantic seaboard and New England. He has been active in religious and philanthropic lines; a teacher in the Sunday school and trustee in the First Baptist Church' at E. Saginaw. Children ; 314. Margaret Annai'\ b. June 6, 1899, in Saginaw, Mich. 315. Marionio, b. July 7, 1900, in Saginaw, Mich. 316. Alberti«, b. Oct. 1903, in Saginaw, Mich. 169. Arthur Francis^White (Charles S.^), m.. fuly ^o 1898 Anne E. Wood ; b. in Rives, Mich., Oct. i, ,869 ; dau. of jimes Simp- son and Sara Elizabeth (Smith) Wood. He graduated from Vermont Academy, 1886; taught school in Manchester, Vt., and Salem. So. Dak.; ALBERT CHARLES WHITE (No, 168), Rev, ARTHUR FRANCIS WHITE (No, 169). WHITE FAMILY. 39 three years with his brother Albert in lumber business ; graduated from Kalamazoo College, 1895, with title of A. B.; graduated from Rochester Theol. Seminary, 1898, with title of 1). B.; was ordained and settled pastor over First Baptist Church at Mason, Mich., June 19, 1898. Children : 317. Edith Maryi", b. July 29, 1899, at Mason. Mich. 318. Ruth Merrifieldi^, b Sept. 19, 1900, at Mason, Mich. 319. Helen Elizabethi'\ b. Nov. 28, 1901, at Mason, Mich. 172. Anna Minette^ Edson (Laurette N."), m., Nov. 4, 1883. James Delos Parks: b. in Decatur, 111., March 15, 1858; son of Rufus Wilson and Susan (Francis) Parks. A farmer, carpenter and teacher, Medford, Okla. Children, b., i in Mt. Hope, Kans., 2 in Ost, Kans., 3 in Garden Plain, Kans., 4 and 5 in Moundridge, Kans., 6 in Ost, 7 in Newton, Kans. : 320. .Susan Minette^'\ b. Sept. 20, 1884; m. Sept. 20, 1903, Guy Allen, a hay and grain shipper at Hinton, Okla. 321. Bessie Violeti", b. May 12, 1886. 322. Lewis White^", b. Jan. 31, 1888; d. Oct. 5, 1890, Ost, Ks. 323. Francis William^", b. Mar. 23, 1890; d. July 14, 1S90. 324. Raymond Delosi", b. Sept. 13, 1891. 325. Ruth Hazeli", b. Mar. 27, 1895. 326. James Glenni", b_ Mar. 20, 1897. 327. Anna Verai'\ b. Mar. 24, 1901. 173. Herbert Lincoln" Edson (Laurette N.**), m., , Mrs. Annie Bischel. Res. Medford, Okla. Children : 328. Mabel Lauretta^", b. Jan. 1901, in Medford. 329. Pearl^'^, b. Aug. 1902, in Medford. 174. LiLLA May" Edson (Laurette N.**), m.. , Grafton G. Halbrooks, Pres. and Gen. Manager of Custer City Light Co. Children : 330. Karl Marksi", b. Dec. 13, 1899; d. Dec. 17, 1S99. 331. Jessiei'^ b. July 12, 1901 ; d. July 21, 1901. 332. Alice Careyio, b_ ^.ug. 4, 1903, in Wichita, Kan. 40 NATHANIEL KINCSKURY FAMILY. 188. Frederick Amos^ White (Ober Henry*), m., May 4, 1899, Mary Young; b. in Edinburgh, Scotland, Feb. 12, 187 1; dau. of Thomas and Margaret (x\dams) Young. A printer, Boston, and Keene, N. H. 189. Flora Annie^ White (Ober Henry*), m., Feb. 27, 1904, \ Fredeiick Wallen. An accountant, N. Y., N. H. & H. R. R., Boston. Mass. TENTH GENERATION. 213. Flora Jane'" Ray (Mary E.«), m., July 4, 1881, Wallace Asa Estey; b. in Reading, Vt., Feb. 26, 1857 ; son of Asa Mark and Minerva Nancy (Hubbard) Estey. A merchant. Res. Plymouth, Ludlow, Brattleboro, Yt., Keene, N. H., Greenfield, Lunenburg, Fitch- burg, Mass., Mechanicsville, Vt. Children: 333. Clarence Wallace", b. Feb. 13, 1882, at Ludlow. 334. Arthur Oscar^i, b. Feb. 6, 1885, at Ludlow. 335. Cniy Walter", b. Aug. 16, 1887, at Keene, N. H. 336. Walter Henry", b. Jan. 19, 1893, i" Lunenburg, Mass. 337. Lena Flora", b. Jan. 12, 1898, in Fitchburg, Mass. 214. Henry Austin"^ Ray (Mary E.^), m., April 19, 1894, Jennie Ruth Avery: b. in Holyoke, Mass., Sept. 19, 1875; <^1^"- of Harlow F. and Asenath B. (Moore) Avery. Res. Springfield, Mass. c:hildren : 338. Birdlla Francis", b. July 17, 1895, at Springfield. 339. Ruth Mildred", b. Oct. 6, 1897, at Springfield. 340. Gertrude Asenath", b. Nov. 21, 1903, at Springfield. 215. Etta Elizabeth"^ Ray (Mary E.-*), m., , Clarence Albert Belknap; b. in Cavendish, Vt., Jan. 7, 1877 ; son of Ira Augustus and Emma Lydia (Graves) Belknap. A farmer, Cavendish. Children: 341. A daughter", b. Nov. 21, 1900, in Cavendish. 342. Lucy Mary", I). Oct. 24, 1903, in Cavendish. i WHITE FAMU,V. 4 1 257. Etta May'"()ber (FAigene VV.''). ni.. Sept, 14, 1898, William Willard Locke; b. in Lockeford, Cal., Nov. 19, 1865; son of Dean J. and Delia M. (Hammond) Locke. Graduate of Boston Dental College, 1896. A dentist. So. Framingham, Mass.- Children b. in So. Framingham : 343. Florence", b. Mar. 4, 1902 ; d. Sept. 27, 1903, Nashua. 344. Walter Oberii, b. May 12, 1903. 262. LiLLA EsTHA^" Ober (Edwin H.^), m., Dec. 31, 1893, William Farnham. Children: 345. Estha M.ii, b. April 21, 1896, in Grafton, Vt. 346. Harry E.", b. July 4. 1898, in Grafton, Vt. 347. Mabel Hazel", b. Aug. 18, 1899, in Grafton, Vt. 348. George Henry Washington", b. Feb. 22, 1901, in Grafton, Vt. 349. William Charles", b. Nov. 12, 1902, in Grafton, Vt. 263. Mary Alice^"' Ober (Edwin H.''), m., May 14, 1900, George Elliot Reed; b. in So. Charlestown, N. H., July 23, 1873 ; son of John Edson and Alma M. (Wright) Reed. A machinist and farmer, Hinsdale, N. H. Child: 350. Margaret Alice", b. Feb. 18, 1903. 264. Abbie Augusta^" Ober (Edwin H.''), m.. Dec. 25. 1899, Ryland Ernest DevoU ; b. in Jamaica, Vt., June 12, 1879 ; son of Lovett and Laura J. (Felch) DevoU. Res. Grafton, Vt. Children: 351. Ernest Lovett", b. Feb. 7, 1901 ; d. Feb. 25, 1901. 352. Gertrude Laura", b. Apr. 5, 1902. 280. Frank George^'' Underwood (Eva Rosette^), m., Jan. 19. 1895, Martha Anne Lapham ; b. in Keene, N. H., Feb. 5, 1874; dau. of Peter and Mary Jane (Diving) Lapham. A box maker, Keene. Children ; 352 «. Earl Frank", b. July 8, 1895, in Swanzey, N. H. 252/^. Paul Lapham", b. June 16, 1897, in .Swanzey, N. H. 252 c. Philip George", b. Sept. 23, 1902, in Swanzey, N. H. 281. Grace Sylvina^*' Underwood (Eva Rosette"), m.. May 24. 1900, Walter Fulton Hewett ; b. Dec. 16, 1875 ; son of Charles A. and Mary (Gunn) Hewett. A clerk, Keene, N. H. CLARK FAMILY. Genealugrai, Table. Pari- Second. SIXTH GENERATION. 4. Hannah® Kingsbury* (Nathaniel^, Daniel'*, Dea. Danier'. Nathaniel'-, Joseph^), b. in Keene, N. H., Nov. 16, 1773; d. Auji;. 17, 1805, in Vt. (?). She m., Aug. 13, 1793, Rufus C'lark. Nothing is known of his ancestors, birth or death, although he res. in \'t.. and in 1845 was living in, or near, Castleton. Tradition says he was a clergy- man and that he had fourteen children by a second wife. By wife Hannah", he had seven children b., it in Keene, N. H., others in Vt. : 353 354 355 356 357 35S 359 Irena', b. Nov. 8, 1793; d. July 5, 1876, New London, la. Joel', b. Dec. 7, 1795 '■> settled in Canada. No further record. Rufus", b. Dec. 19, 1796; d. Dec. 6, 1829? No further record. Hannah', b. July 3?, 1798; res. in Canada with Joel. No further record. Abigail", b. Aug. 13, 1800. No further record. Elizabeth" (or Betsey"), b. Feb. 4.'', 1802; res. Indiana in 1864. Laben", b. June 15, 1804; d. Feb. 9, 1869, Plainfield, 111. SEVENTH GENERATION. 353. Irena" Clark (Hannah'^''), m., in Rutland, \t., Mar. 19. 1812, John Colton* Hitchcock; b. in Weston (now Warren), Mass., Nov. 16, 1791 ; d. in New London, la., Dec. i, 1877: son of John" and Lucy (Colton) Hitchcock; a descendant of Luke' Hitchcock of Weathersfield, Ct., through, John\ Nathaniel*, John-, Luke'. He was a charter member and many years deacon of the Cong'l church at Danville, la. His wife "was little in stature, but great in fortitude and strong in christian graces." A blacksmith and wagon-maker. * Continued from page 13. t Place of birth of children is to be read, " 1st, 2d, 3d," etc., instead nf "I, -J, :'.." etc. 44 NATHANIEL KINGSBURY FAMILY. Children b., i and 2 in Pittsford, Vt., 3 and 4 in Milton, N. Y. , 5 in Welshlield, O., 6 and 7 in Troy, O., others in Nelson, O. : 360. Lucy Colton**, b. Dec. 4, 1812 ; d. Apr. 22, 1S67, Tabor, la. 361. John^, b. Feb. 8, 1815 ; d. Nov. 10, 1885, Danville, la. 362. Rachel*, b. Feb. 17, 1817; d. Mar. 15, 1880, Plymouth, Neb. 363. Irena*, b. Mar. 8, 1819; d. Feb. 20, 1862, Oberlin, O. ; unm. 364. Clark^, b. Sept. 25, 182 1 ; d. Dec. 27, 1887, New London, la. 365. Fidelia**, b. May, 1824; d. Feb. 5, 1843, Brighton, la. 366. Jerusha**, b. Oct. 24, 1825 ; d. Nov. — 1900, near Independence, Or. 367. Louisa*, b. Mar. 25, 1827 ; d. Jan. 24, 1843, Danville, la. ; unm. 368. Lorinda*, b. Mar. 30, 1830; d. June 22, 1901, Spokane, Wash. 369. Lorenzo Dow*, b. July 9, 1832 ; res. Shenandoah, la. 370. Mary*, Mar. 16, 1835; d. Feb. 3, 1899, Indianola, la. 358. Elizabeth" (or Betsey) Clark (Hannah^), m., ist a Mr. Reed of N. Y., who died leaving three small children : 371. Sarah*, b. ; d. before 1864. 372. Charles*, b. 1836?; a soldier in civil war. 373. Adaline*, b ; m., and in 1850, res. in state of Ind. No further record. 359. Laben" Clark (Hannah^), ni., in Shrewsbury, Vt., Dec. 6, 1827, Mary Knights; b. in Shrewsbury, Feb. 13, 1809; d. in Plain- held, 111., Sept. I, 1872 ; dau. of Thomas and Phebe (Burnes) Knights. After the death of his mother, Laben was adopted by Joseph and Lydia ( — ) Allen, and was quite a boy before he knew his own father, brothers or sisters. Children, b. i to 8 in Rutland, A^t., others in Plainfield, 111. : 374. Mary Ann*, b. Oct. 26, 1828; d. July 31, 1885, Butler Center, la. 375 376 377 378 379 380 3«' 382 3^3 384 Warren Thomas*, b. Aug. 20, 1830; res. Chicago, 111. Helen Lydia*, b. Aug. 12, 1832 ; res. Trenton and Santa Rosa, Cal. Angeline Elizabeth*, b. Sept. 28, 1834; d. July 27, 1890, Stark, Kan. Allen Joseph*, b. Dec. 28, 1836; res. Reno, Nev. Caroline Phebe*, b. July 15, 1839; res. Blue Island, 111. Louisa Hannah*, b. Feb. 25, 1842 ; res. Pittsburg, Kan. Fidelia Irena*, b. July 25, 1844, (or '46) ; res. Chicago, 111. Emma Jane*, b. Aug. 25, 1847; d. Dec. 12, 1868, Plainfield, 111. Eben Charles*, b. Apr. 28, 1849; res. Joliet, 111. Clara .Mice*, b. I"eb. 11, 1853; d. July 13, 1854, Plainfield; unm. 3^5 386 387 388 3^9 CLARK FAMILY. 45 EIGHTH GENERATION. 360. Lucy Colton** Hitchcock (Irena"), m., Apr. 8-17, 183 1, Madison Miner; b. in Chester, O., July 20, 1809; d. in Tabor. la., Oct. I, 1874; son of Piiilo and Anna ( ) Miner. A farmer. Children, b., i and 3 in Nelson, O., 2 in Chester, O., 4 and 5 in Danville, la. Sarah Irena", b. Jan. 9, 1832; d. June 10, 1880, York, Neb. Daniel Irena5us«, b. July 23, 1833; res. Tacoma, Wash. Jeremiah^, b. Nov. 15, 1835 ; d. Jan. 29, 1836, Nelson, O. Mary Louisa", b. May 29, 1844; d. Aug. 17, 1844, Danville. Lucy Anna", b. Aug. 8, 1845; res. Chicago, 111. 361. JoHN^ Hitchcock (Irena"), m., Sept. 20, 1838, Eleanor Gould Sheiwood; b. in Nelson, O., Apr. 13, 1815 ; d. at Mt. Pleasant, la., Mar. 6, 1886; dau. of Joshua (or Ebenezer) Bradford and Anna ( Bonney) Sherwood. A farmer. Children, b. at Danville, la. : 390. Mary Ellen", b. Nov. 22, 1839; res. Danville, la. 391. Annie Irena". b. Apr. 10, 1842; res. Derby, la. -,92. Maria Louisa^, b. Nov. 20, 1844; res. Indianola, la. 393. Delia Lorinda", b. Apr. 9, 1846 ; res. Mt. Pleasant, la. 394. lohn .Sherwood", b. Jan. 7, 1^49 ; d. Mar. 7, 1849. Danville. 395. William Alfred", b. Apr. 12. 1854; res. Kimball, So. Dak. 362. Rachel"* Hitchcock (Irena"), m., Aug. 25, 1849, Charles R. Hitchcock; b. in Great Harrington, Mass., Apr. 11, 1816; d. in West Liberty, la., 1888 (?) ; son of David, Jr., and Sarah (Swan) Hitchcock. ' A farmer, Davenport and Danville, la. Children : ^96. Lucena", b. 1855 ? ; d. 1858 ?, in Davenport. 397. John", b. i860? ; d. young in Danville. 364. Clark' Hitchcock (Irena") ni., ist, Apr. 28, 1846, Lau- rette A. Burnell ; b. in Cummington, Mass., Apr. 28, 1826; d. Dec. 31, 1864- dau. of Jason and Nancy (Shaw) Burnell, who rem. from Mass. to Ohio about 1832. He m., 2nd, May i, 1866, Carrie H. Rogers; b. at Honolulu, Sandwich Islands, Sept. 12. 1843: dau. of Edmund H. and Elizabeth M. (Hitchcock) Rogers, who were among the hrst mis- J 46 NATHANIEL KINGSBURY FAMILY. sionaries to the Sandwich Islands. After the death of Clark*^, she m. G. W. Deming and now res. at West Liberty, la. A carpenter. Children : 398. Emma Laurinda^, b. Mar. 3, 1850; in Danville, la. 399. Jay Wilberforce^, b. Sept. 20, 1852 ; d. Jan. 26, 1865, Danville. Children by 2d wife, b. in New London, la. : 400. Minnie^, b. July 6, 1867; d. Mar. 15, 1870, New London. 401. John Rogers^, b. Sept. 21, 1872; res. New London. 402. Edmund Horton", b. Jan. 11, 1876; res. Harlan, la. 403. Attie Irena-', b. Dec. 19, 1880; res.West Liberty. 404. Clark Colton^, b. Oct. 6, 1884; res. West Liberty. 405. Mary Louisa^, b. Oct. 6, 1884; res. West Liberty. 365. Fidelia'^ Hitchcock (Irena"), ra., Apr. 16, 1840. Elbridge Reed; b. in Mass. She d. Apr. 16, 1S41, or Feb. 5, 1843. ^^ children. 366. Jerusha^ Hitchcock (Irena''), m., Oct. 27, 1847, William Alonzo Wolcott ; b. in Farmington, O., June 1823; d. at Indepen- dence, Or., May 19, 1894; son of Alonzo (?) and Persis (Bosworth) Wolcott; a relative of Oliver Wolcott, one of the " Signers." Acar- penter and shoemaker, Kings Valley, Or. Children, b. in Harrisburg, Linn Co., Oregon: 406. James Albert^, b. May 28, 1855; res. Independence, Or. 407. Mary Irena", b. May 31, 1S57 ; d. Oct. 12, 1893, Wells, Or. 368. LoRiNDA** Hitchcock (Irena"), m., June 22, 1848, Clement Button Tuttle ; b. in Ashtabula, O., July 9, 1827; son of Ara and Minerva (Mills) Tuttle. A gardner, Spokane, Wash. Children, born, i in Davenport, la., 2 in Denmark, 3 in Danville, 4 and 5 in Lewis, 6 and 7 in Cass Co., 8 in Atlantic, la. : 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 John W.^, b. Jan. 31, 1850; res. Pomeroy, Wash. Glenn V.", b. Mar. i, 1852 ; res. Spokane, Wash. Mary Angeline", b. June i, 1856; d. Mar. 17, 1889, Pullman, Wash. Martha Louisa^, b. Aug. 31, 1859; res. Spokane, Wash. Fred F.'', b. Dec. 10, 1861 ; res. Hartline, Wash. Maria Frances'', b. Sept. 19, 1863; d. Feb. 26, 1867, Cass Co., la. Berdie'-', b. Apr. 7, 1871 ; d. Apr. 9, 1871, Cass Co., la. Rose E.^, b. Mar. 26, 1875 ! ^1- Ju"e 9, 1896, Spokane, Wash. 417 4i8 419 420, 421 422 CLARK FAMILY. 47 369. Lorenzo Dow** Hitchcock. (Irena'j, m., Sept. 17, ICS53, Debora Jane Hunter; b. at Hamilton, O., Jan. 8, 1838; d. at Shenan- doah, May 24, 1900; dau. of Enos C. and Abiah (Halsted) Hunter. A carpenter, Shenandoah. la. Children, b., i to 4 in Danville, 5 in Mauston, Wis., 6 and 7 in Tabor, la. : 416. Clerin D. Molton^, b. Apr. 25, 1855 ; res. unknown since Mar. 1S70. MarionO, b. July 2, 1857 ; d. Oct. 3, 1857, Danville. Florence^, b. May 6, 1859; d. Aug. 24, 1859, Danville. Nella Lucile^, b. Mar. 30, 1863 ; res. Albia, la. Willie^, b. July 3, 1865; d. Feb. 25, 1866, Mauston, Wis. Enos C.^ b. Sept. 9, 1867 ; d. Oct. 21, 1867, Tabor, la. Albert^, b. Feb. 8, 1871 ; d. Aug. 1871, Tabor, la. 370. Mary« Hitchcock (Irena"), m., Oct. 20, 1853, Oliver Per- kins ; b. at Terre Haute, Ind., June 24, 1832; d. in Indianola, la.. Apr. 4, 1892 ; son of William T. and Elizabeth (Ray) Perkins. She came with her parents from Ohio to Danville, la., .in 1839. and in 1S68 settled in Warren Co. She was a valuable assistant in the Hitchcock family. A farmer, Indianola, la. Children, b., i in Danville, 2 and 3 in Bedford. la. : 423. Ida^, b. Dec. 10, 1858; d. Dec. 10, 1872, Indianola. 424. Everett HalP, b. Oct. 21, 1863; res. Prole, la. 425. Maria Irena^, b. May 20, 1867 ; res. Indianola. 374. Mary Ann^ Clark (Laben'), m., Sept. 25, 1847, Martin Bailey; b. Nov. 7, 18—; d. Sept. 27, 1885; son of Joseph Bailey. A farmer, Butler Center, la. Children, b., i in Du Page Co., 111., 2 in Will Co., 111., 3 i" Waterloo, la., 4 and 5 in New Hartford, la.: 426. Frances Melissa^, b. Aug. i, 1848; d. Nov. 19, 1878, Butler Center. Cassius Milo9, b. July 9, 1851 ; d. Aug. 4, 1852, WiH Co., 111. Fayette^, b. Dec. 13, 1853 ; d. July 9, 1855, Cedar Falls. Celia Alice^, b. Aug. 31, 1856; res. Parkersburg, la. Datus Nelson^, b. June 13, 1858; res. Winamac, Ind. 375. Warren Thomas* Clark (Laben"), m.. June 2, 1856, Sophia Simington; b. in Erie, Pa., Oct. 12, 1837; dau. of William 427 428, 429 430 4S NATHANIEL KINGSBURY FAMILY. and Dorotha (H--) Simington. A capitalist, at 477 Washington Boulevard, Chicago, 111. Child: 431. Emma®, b. Sept. 20, 1857, in Joliet, 111.; res. Chicago, 111. 376. Helen Lydia* Clark (Laben"), m., Ma\' 10, 1854, Ed- ward Small McClellan ; b. in Cambridge, N. Y., July 14, 1829; d. in Trenton, Cal., 1900; son of Robert and Eliza (Small) McClellan. A horticulturist and vineyardist, Trenton, Cal. Res. Santa Rosa, Cal. Children : 432. Albert Robert^, b. Sept. 18, 1855, in Bloomington, 111.; res. Trenton. 433. Edward Clark-', b. Jan. 8, 1858, in Bloomington, 111. 377. Angeline Elizabeth^ Clark (Laben'), m., ist, July 5, 1855, Nicholas Rose; d. Sept. 26, 1857; son of Daniel Rose. A shoemaker. She m., 2nd, Mar. 20, 1870, Halbert Jaynes; b. in St. Albans, Vt., Mar. 12, 1836; d. Apr. 5, 1887; son of Chester and Eliza ( — ) Jaynes. A farmer. Walnut, Kans. Child : 434. Eugene Laben®, b. Mar. 28, 1856, in Aurora, 111.; res. Parsons, Kan. 378. Allen Joseph^ Clark (Laben'), m., Mar. 28, 1864, Sarah Virginia Smith; b. in Hollidaysburg, Pa., July 22, 1845; dau. of Jacob and Mary Jane (Powell) Smith. Hotel proprietor, Reno, Nev. Children b. in Reno, Nev. : 435. Allen Laben", b. Nov. 22, 1867. 436. Alice Josie®, b. Sept. 20, 1869; d. Aug. 13, 1896 in Cal.; m. 437. George Jacob®, b. Jan. 3, 1872. 438. Ernest Guy®, b. May 10, 1877. 379. Caroline Phebe*' Clark (Laben"), m., ist, Nov. 27, 1863, Joseph Burr; b. in Burlington Co., N. J., Apr. 20, 1832 ; d. Aug. 12, 1865; son of Hudson and Martha H. (Peacock) Burr. Shem., 2nd, Dec. I, 1866, Thomas Bennett; b. in Montgomery Co., N. Y., June 26, 1830; son of Henry and Sarah (Frank) Bennett. Res. Blue Island, 111. Child: 439. Mary Josephine®, b. Dec. 13, 1864, in Pittsford, la. Child by 2nd husband : 440. Allen Clark®, b. Mar. 20, 1871, in Plainfield, 111. CI.ARK FAMILY. 49 380. Louisa Hannah* Clark (LabeiV), m., Nov. 27, 1863. Charles Gaylord ; b. in Oswego, 111., May 24, 1843; son of (Gilbert and Mary Ann (Cass) Gaylord. Res., Pittsburg, Kan. Children, b., i and 2 in Oswego, 3 to 5 in Grant, Kan., 6 in Pitts- burg, Kan. : 441. Cecillia^, b, Nov, 21, 1864; res., Scammon, Kan. 442. Ada Louisa", b. Apr. 5, 1866; res. Pittsburg. 443. Mary Emma", b. June 4, 1871 ; res. Weir City, Kan. 444. Gilbert Laroy-', b. Dec. 21, 1875; res. Pittsburg. 445. Nellie Irena", b. Aug. 19, 1879; ^^s- Pittsburg. 446. Lester Leigh", b. May 18, 1881 ; res. Pittsburg. 381. Fidelia Irena^ Clark (Laben"), m., Apr. 2, 1866-7, Jol"*" F. Edgworth ; b. in Buffalo, N. Y.. Feb. 22, 1843. A salesman, Chicago, 111. Children b., i and 3, in Joliet, 2 in Chicago: 447. Charles A.", b. Aug. 24, 1870; d. Nov. 30, 1873, Joliet, 111. 448. Frank H.^, b, Feb. 5, 1875; ^^s. Chicago. 449. Fred A.^, b. Oct. 18, 1878; res. Chicago. 382. Emma Jane* Clark (Laben"), m., Jan. 16, 1868, Jacob Sencenbaugh ; b. in Summit Co., O., Jan. i, 1845; ^o" o^ Matthias and Eliza (Rich) Sencenbaugh. A salesman, Chicago. Child: 450. Clintons, b. Oct. 8, 1868, in Plainfield, 111. After the death of his mother, he. was taken by Jesse and Helena ( — ) Carpen- ter, and was legally adopted by them 1872, and name changed to " Clinton S. Car- penter." A teacher, Yorkville, 111. 383. Eben Charles* Clark (Laben'), m., July 9, 187 1, Helen Ida Mooney ; b. in Whitehall, N. Y., Jan. 30, 185 i. A stable-keeper. Joliet, 111. Children : 451. Edwin R.", b. Nov, 8, 1872, in Joliet. 452. Mary A.", b. Mar. 8, 1874; d. July i, 1874, in Joliet. 453. Hulbert C", b. May 18, 1875, i" Joliet. It 5© NATHANIEL KINGSBURY FAMILY, NINTH GENERATION. 385. Sarah Irena^ Miner (Lucy Colton^), m., Apr. 14, 1853, Rev. Francis Specs; b. in Gainesville, N. Y., Mar. 26, 1832; son of Frederick and Clarissa (Treat) Specs. A missionary : Children, b., i at Cass Lake Mission, Minn., 2 in Danville, la., 3 in Oberlin, O., 4 and 5 in Tabor, la. : 454. Lucy Jane^*^, b. Aug. 19, 1854; res. Eureka, Kans. 455. Sarah Elvira^'', b. Sept. 22, 1855; res. Pasadena, Cab 456. Frederick Irenaeus^o, b. July 5, i860; d. Sept. 23, 1861, Oberlin. 457. Anna Clarai", b. Sept. 26, 1865 ; res. Exeter, Neb. 458. Mabel Violai'\ b. May 10, 1870; d. July 29, 1870, Tabor. 386. Daniel Iren^us® Miner (Lucy Colton*^), m.. May 3, 1859, Lydia Jennie Cooley ; b. in Clarksfield, O., July 18, 1836; dau. of Warren and Amarillus Jane (Seger) Cooley, of Conn. He was grad- uated from Oberlin College, (O.), 1858. Enlisted Jan. 1864, as a private in Co. I, 55th O. Vol. Infantry; mustered out Nov. 30, 1865, as captain Co. I, 23d U. S. Coloied Infantry. A merchant, Hay- ward, Wis. Res. Tacoma, Wash. Children : 459. Gertrude Viola^'^, b. Apr. 16, i860; d. Oct. i, 1865, in Oberlin, O. 460. Sarah Luella^'', b. Oct. 30, 1861, in Oberlin ; a missionary in China since 1887 and now in city of Pekin. 461. Clifford Irenaeusi", b. July 3, 1864; d. Sept. 28. 1865, in Oberlin. 462. Mary^o, b. Sept. 20, 1867; d. Sept. 14, 1870, in Bavaria, Kansas. 463. Carrie^o, b. Jan. 18, 1869, in Tabor, la. ; res. Tacoma, Wash. 464. Stella May^f*, b. Jan. 19, 1875, in Bavaria; res. Tacoma, Wash. 465. Edith Maud^*^, b. Aug. 17, 1881, in Tougaloo, Miss.; a student in Oberlin College, preparatory to missionary work in China. 389. Lucy Anna'' Miner (Lucy Colton*), m., Dec. 10, 1870. Rev. Uriah Chamberlain Bosworth ; b. in Gustavus, O., July 31, 1845 - son of Franklin and Lucy Jane (Warren) Bosworth. She was graduated from Oberlin college 1865 ; a teacher in col- lege ; a state officer in the W. C. T. U., and at present assistant editor of "The Advance" — a Cong'l weekly — at 215 Madison St., Chicago, 111. Children: 466 467 46S 469 470, CLARK FAMILY. Ernest Evertoni", b. Sept. 24, 1871, in Fountain, Colo.; res. Dayton, Wash. Lena Marcella^", b. Apr. 30, 1873, i" Tabor, la.; res. Willoughby, (). 'rheodore Karli", b. Sept. 12, 1875, •" Tabor, la. Mattiei", b. July 31, 1877 ; d. Oct. 9, 1878, in Creston, la. lAicy Irena^", b. Aug. 24, 1879, "^ Creston. 5' 390. Mary Ellen^ Hitchcock (John**), m., Jan. 6, 1876, Leroy Perkins; b. in Terre Haute, Ind., May 10, 1840; son ol" William T. and Elizabeth (Ray) Perkins. A farmer, Danville, la. 391. Annie Irena^ Hitchcock (John^),m., Feb. 14, 1877, Jud- son A. Scovel; b. at East Otto, N. Y,, Mar. 8, 1841 ; son of Hezekiah and Diantha (Waterman) Scovel. He served three years in the Third Iowa cavalry in civil war. A farmer, Derby, la. Child : 471. Ellen^'^, b. F'eb. 13, 1879; cl- ^^^y 27, 18S1, Derby. 392. Maria Louisa^ Hitchcock (John-), m.. Oct. 4, 1866, George Nelson Beymer ; b. in Savannah, O., Feb. 13, 1842; son of George and Belinda. (Ford) Beymer. A sergeant in Co. I, 60th 111. \'ol. Infantry for 2 years, 9 months; transferred to a member of Pres. Lincoln's body guard. A farmer, Indianola, la. Children : 472. Fred Leslie^", b. Dec. 5, 1867, in New Virginia, la. 473. Annie Lorindai", b. Sept. 29, 1869, in New Virginia, la. 474. Clay Sherwood^o, b. Sept. 28, 1871, in New Virginia, la. 475. William Arthuri^", b. Oct. 25, 1876, in New Virginia, la. 393. Delia Lorinda® Hitchcock (John**), m., Dec. 25, 1873, James Lewis Laughlin ; b. in New London, la., Sept. 25, 1844; son of Lewis and Elizabeth (Drennan) Laughlin; res. Mt. Pleasant, la. Children : 476. Dora Elizabethio, b. Oct. 31, 1875, in Mt. Pleasant. 477. William Lewisi'\ b. Dec. 31, 1880, in Mt. Pleasant. 395. William Alfred^ Hitchcock (John'^), m., Dec. 25, 1877, Anna Sophia Cowles ; b. in Wapello, la.. Mar. 9, 1853; dau. of Noah Miner and Mary Ann (Boggs) Cowles. A farmer, Kimball, S. Dak. Children : 478. Harry Sherwood^o, b. July 27, 1879, i" I^anville, la. 479. Ray William^", b. May 21, 1882, in Danville, la. 480. Bessie Myrtle^", b. Feb. 5, 1885, in Danville, la. 52 NATHANIEL KINGSBURY FAMILY. 481. Walter Cowles^'^, b. Aug. 30, 1886, in Danville, Ta. 482. Ollie Annain, b. Feb. 8, 1889, in Danville, la. 483. Mary Belle^", b. July 29, 1892, in Mt. Pleasant. 398. Emma Laurinda^ Hitchcock (Clark^), m., Dec. 23, 1869, William T. Moore; b. in Latty, la., May 9, 1847 ; son of John M. and Jeniza (Langston) Moore. He enlisted in the 25th la. Infantry on Apr. 6, 1863 ; mustered out Aug. 1865, at Clinton, la. ; res. Danville, la. Children : 484. Ethel B.i'^, b. Sept. 18, 1873, in Cherry vale, Kansas. 485. La Fayette L.^'', b. Dec. 25, 1875, in New London, la. 486. John C.i", b. Nov. 17, 1879, i" New London, la. 487. William CA'\ h. Apr. 17, 1882, in Danville, la. 488. Edmund L.i'\ b. May 31, 1886, in Danville, la. 402. Edmund Horton'' Hitchcock (Clark*), m., Sept. 28. 1899, Miss Helen Dever. Child : 489. Rex^'^. b. June 14, 1900, in Harlan, la. 406. James Albert^ Wolcott (Jerusha*), known as " Albert J. Wolcott"; m., Oct. 4, 1886, Mary A. Moore; b. in Powell Valley, Oregon, Oct. 17, 1864; dau. of Jacob J. and Sarah A. ( — ) Moore. A hop grower. Res. east side of Willamette river, Marion Co., Ore. P. O., Independence, Polk Co. Children: 490. Arthur Oliveri^', b. Apr. 24, 1888; d. May 9, 1888, Grant's Pass, Or. 491 492 493 494 Errol Hastingsi*^, b. Apr. 5, 1891, in Independence, Or. Bessie Ednai*^, b. Jan. i, 1893, " " Lena Arminda^^, b. July 3, 1894, " " Herman Mauricei°, b. Oct. 5, 1896, " " 407. Mary Irena'' Wolcott (Jerusha^), m., July 19, 1877, J. H. Harris; b. in Russellville, Ind., Aug. 18, 1856; son of John Moses and Jane (Wilson) Harris. Res. Kings Valley, Benton Co., Or. Children : 495. Welburn Manlyi", b. Feb. 20, 1879, in I'ataha City, Wash. 496. Florence Evangeline^'^, b. Jan. 13, 1881, " " " 408. John W.^ Tutti.e (Lorinda**), m., May 6, 1874, Jennie M. Tuttle ; b. in Indianola, la., Jan. 31, 1S56; dau. of Lewis L. and CLARK FAMILY. 53 IClizabeth (Bryan) Tuttle. A farmer and stockman, Pomeroy, Wash. Children : 497. Herbert W.i'\ b. Aug. 8, 1875, in Atlantic, la. 498. Sadie Lorindaio, b. .Sept. 28, 1877, in Bennington, la.; m., Mar. 15, 1903, William McQueen. They have child: a daughter, 1). Jan. 4, 1904. 499. Ralph V.i", b. Mar. 30, 1893, in Pomeroy, Wash. 410. Mary Angeline^ Tuttle (Lorinda**), m., Dec. 28, 1879, Judson Robert Parke; b. Dec. 29, 1844; son of Solomon and — ( — ) Parke. A farmer, Pullman. Wash. Children: 500. Bertie Clement^", b. Jan. 3, 1881, in Rathdrum, Idaho. 501. John W.if', b. Jan. ig, 1884, in Moscow, Idaho. 502. Alvah Jayi'\ b. May 23, 1888, in Pullman, Wash. 411. Martha Louisa^ Tuttle (Lorinda'*), m., Mar. 6, 1881, John Alfred Manning; b. in Marshall Co., W. Va.,Oct. 31, 1852; son of Wilfred and Margaret (Games) Manning. A carpenter and con- tractor, Spokane, Wash. Children b. in Portland, Or. : 503. Emery Earl^o, b. July 7, 1885 ; d. Aug. 9, 1885. 504. Etta Lorinda (adopted), b. Dec. 30, 1885; m., July 30, 1902, Jas. M. Osborne. 505. Eva Lela (adopted), b. June 8, 1896, in Spokane, Wash. 505 (Z. Emery Ervin^°, b. Nov. 30, 1898, in Spokane. (They had four sons that died young.) 412. Fred F.^ Tuitle (Lorinda*^), m., Dec. 4, 1887, Dora T. Long; b. in Oregon, May 29, 1872 ; dau. of Cyrus J. and Nancy Ann ( — ) Long. A farmer, Hartline, Wash. Children : 506. Edgar Arthurio, b. Nov. II, 1888, in Garfield Co., Wash. 507. Grace Eva^*^, b. Jan. 10, 1896, in Douglas Co., Wash. 508. A soni"*, b. Apr., 1903, " " " 419. Nella Lucile^ Hitchcock (Lorenzo Dow^), m., ist, Apr. 23, 1880, William J. Brady; b. at Athens, N. Y., Mar. 17, 1859; d. at Kimball, So. Dak., Mar. 19, 1889; son of George and Lucy (Hal- lenbeck) Brady. An author and journalist. She m., 2nd, Dec. 25, 1894, James A. Miller; b. in Portage Co., O., July 2, 1852; son of Wm. T. and Harriet ( — ) Miller; res. Albia, la. Children : 54 NATHANIEL KINGSBURY FAMILY. 509. Herbert S.^", b. Apr. 8, 1881 ; d. June 15, 1881, Shenandoah, la. 510. Irene M.^"^, b. Aug, 7, 1883, in Shenandoah. 511. Millard F.io, b. Mar. 4, 1886, in Kimball, So. Dak. 424. Everett Hall^ Perkins (Mary^), m,, Mar. 22, 1886, Ida Walker; b. in Woodstock, 111., Aug. 26, 1865; dau. of Cyrus and Martha A. (Berkley) Walker. Employed in a creamery, Prole, la. Children : 512. Harris^", b. Oct. 16, 1887, in Indianola. 513. Mabepo, b. May 26, 1895, 425. Maria Irena® Perkins (Mary^, m., Dec. 24, 1885, Allan Floyd; b. in McConnelsville, O., Nov. 17, 1863; son of Johnson and Eleanor ( — ) Floyd. A farmer, Indianola, la. Children : 514. Mary Eleanor^", b. Aug. 5, 1887, in Indianola. 515. Oliver Lee^'^, b. July 3, 1892, in Indianola. 516. Irena^o, b. Feb. 6, 1896, in Indianola. 426. Frances Melissa-' Bailey (Mary Ann**), m.. Sept. 26, 1867, George Marshall Craig; b. in Waukegan, 111., June 18, 1S44; son of Geo. W. and Mary Elmira (Moore) Craig. A lawyer and real estate dealer. Children b. in Butler Center, la, : 517. Carrie Elsie^", b. Aug. 7, 1868; res. Hardy, la. 518. Elmira Madge^^, b. Aug. 25, 1870; res. Parkersburg, la. 519. George Clarence^", b. June 18, 1872; d. Aug. 24, 1875, Butler Center, 520. Alice Edithi", b. Sept. 4, 1874; d. Aug. 26, 1875, Butler Center. 429. Celia Alice^ Bailey (Mary Ann**), m., Oct. 16, 1885, Geo, H. Buck; b. at Cherry Valley, 111., Sept. 20, 1862; son of Henry and Christa x^nn (Sweeney) Buck. Res. Butler and Parkersburg, la. Children : 521. Harlan Burdett^", b. Oct. 14, 1887. 522. Edith Alicei", b. Feb. 14, 1889. 523. Harry Bailey^'', b. Dec. i, 1892. 524. Irving Willard*'^, b. Jan. 20, 1895. 430. Datus Nelson" Bailey (Mary Ann''), m., July n, 18S5. Addie Wheeler; b. in Illinois Nov. 9, 1865; dau. of Marshall and Ruth (Lamb) Wheeler. A farmer, Marion, Ind. Children : CLARK FAMILY. 55 525. Martin M.^f*, b. Feb. 19, 18S7, in Sutler Co., la. 526. Edna L." b. Feb. 19, 1SS7, 527. Rex R.i", b. July 6, uS88, in Ludden, N. Dak. ; d. . 528. Flora R.i°, b. Mar. 22, 1890, in Ludden, No. Dak. 529. Ida V.i'', b. May 4, 1893, in Winamac, Ind. 530. Grace G.io, b. July 8, 1895, 531. Childi", b. 431. Emma'-' Clark (Warren Thomas**), m., Dec. — 1882, John B. Halladay; b. in N. Y., 1852. A merchant, Chicago, 111. 432. Albert Robert^ McClellan (Helen Lydia**), m., Feb. 9. i8g8, Tillie L. Lynch; b. in Wis., Mar. 31, 1857; dau. of Henry A. and Elizabeth (Goldernworth) Lynch. Fruit growing, Trenton, Calif. 433. Edward Clark® McClellan (Helen Lydia*^), ni., Julv 5. 1890, Adella Triplett ; b. in Austin, Nev., Sept. 10, 1871; dau. of Thomas and Ruth (Montgomery) Triplett. A government surve\or and civil engineer in California and Nevada, 1884-1897 ; delegate to Irrigation Congresses, and has held other positions of honor and trust. Name and number of children not given. 434. Eugene Laben*^ Rose (Angelina E.^), m., ist, July i, 1879. Sarah Day; b. in Delavan, 111., July 12, 1861 ; d. Feb. 18, 1894; dau. of John and Margaret J. ( — ) Day. He m., 2nd, Aug. 11, 1895, Cora May Coffey; b. July 10, 1873; dau. of Jackson and Mary E. (Enos) Coffey. A butcher, Parsons, Kansas. Children : 53- r "> -> 534 535 536 537 538. Mabel Florence^", b. Oct. 22, 1880; d. Dec. 2, 1881, at Walnut, Kan. Glennif, b. Oct. 22, 1882; d. Feb. 12, 1888, at Walnut, Kan. Earl Claudi", b. Oct. 5, 1884, at Walnut. John Labenin, b. Nov. i, 1886; d. Mar. 26, 1888. Guy Allen^", b. Mar, 10, 1889, in Stark, Kansas. Vennier Margaret^'^, b. Oct. 20, 1891, in Stark, Kansas. Irean^'^, b. Feb. 16, 1894 ; d. the same day in Stark, Kansas. Children by 2nd wife : 539. Arthur Lee^'', b. July 26, 1896; d. Feb. 11, 1897, in Parsons. 540. Glenn Walter^'^ b. July 19, 1897, in Parsons. 56 NATHANIEL KINGSBURY FAMILY. 439. Mary Josephine" Burr (Caroline Phebe**), m., Dec. 24, 1891, Edward S. White; b. in De Pere, Wis., Oct. 8, 1859; son of Edward and Clara (Seeley) White. 440. Allen Clark" Bennett (Caroline P.**), m., Aug. 21, igoi, Jane Mahaffay. Child : 541. Percival Allen'*', b. May 30, 1902. 441. Cecillia" Gaylord (Louisa Hannah^), m., Oct. 10, 1884, Thomas E. Williams; b. at Mineral Point, Wis., Aug. 26, 1858; son of Richard and Jane (Richards) Williams. A zinc smelter, Scammon, Kansas : Children : 542 343 544 545 546 547 548 RoyaP", b. Sept. 7, 1885; d. Sept. 14, 1885, in Pittsburg, Kan. Vance Edson^'^ b. Jan. 24, 1887 ; d. June 14, 1887, in Pittsburg, Kan. Gaylord Glenn^, b. Mar. 19, 1889, at Mineral Point. Beatrice Louise^'', b. Apr. i, 1891, " " Eunice Jane''', b. June 18, 1893 ! d. Dec. 19, 1896, at Weir City, Kan. Ruby Emmaio, b. Sept. 21, 1895; ^- ^^S- '6, 1896, " " Richard Cass'", b. Dec. 7, 1896, at Weir City, Kan. 443. Mary Emma" Gaylord (Louisa H.^), m., Mar. 23, 1890, John Fred Swain; b. in Lawrence Co., O., Aug. 29, 1866; son of Samuel A. V. and Ellen (McGinnis) Swain. A blacksmith, Weir City. Kan. Child: 549. Bernice Addie"', b. Sept. 30, 1893, in Weir City. TENTH GENERATION. 454. Lucy Jane^" Spees (Sarah Irena"), m., June 15, 1876, Ezra Benoni Geer; b. in Avon, O., Jan. 28, 1847; son of Heman and Lydia Messenger (Williams) Geer. A music teacher, Norfolk, Neb., and Eureka, Kan. Children : 550. Elvira Estelle", b. Apr. 18, 1883, at Tabor, la. 551. Ezra Harold", b. Mar. 5, 1886, at Tabor, la. CLARK FAMILY. 57 455. Sarah K[,vira'" Srees (Sarah Ircna^), m.. julv t,o, 1S74, Alba Eben Person; b. in Marlboro, Vt., Sept. 9. 1S49; son of Kben- ezer and Laura ((lile) Person. A carpenter and builder. Oakland and Pasadena, C'al. Child: 552. Laura Elvu■a^^ b. June 19, 1878, at Red Lake, Minn. 457. Anna Clara^" Speks (Sarah Irena"), m., Aug. 19, 1886, William Barton Payne; b. in Porter, ()., June 9, 1850; son of (leorge James and Mary A. (Barton) Payne., A Cong'l clergyman, Friend, Neb., and Exeter, Neb. (Children: 553. A son^^, b. June 30, 1887; d. same day, Tabor, la. 554. Amy Anna'^ h. Mar. 20, 1889, in BaUimore, Md. 555. Paul Calvin^i, b. Sept. 21, 1890, in Port Byron, 111. 556. Philip Francis^^ b. Jan. 23, 1893, in Orient, la. 463. Carrie^" Miner (Daniel Irenffius**), m., Jan. i, 18915, Frank Cornelius DuBois; b. at Star Prairie, Wis., Mar. 21, 1869; son of John Cornelius and Jane (Smith) DuBois. Res. Hayward. Wis., and Tacoma, Wash. Children : 557. Max Miner", b. July i, (4), 1896, in Hayward, Wis. 558. Maude^^, b. Apr. 20, 1899; d. next day, Tacoma, Wash. 559. Paul Francis^i, b. Jan. 3, [goo, in Tacoma. 560. Harold Neil", b. Sept. 4, 1901, " 464. Stella May*" Miner (Daniel Irenaeus''), m.. Jan. 24, 1895, Horatio Cozens Flagg ; b. at Mt. Clemens, Mich., June 14, 1873; son of Benjamin Franklin and Mary An-n (Egloff) Flagg. A printer, Hay- ward, Wis., and Tacoma, Wash. Children: 561. Donald Horatio", b. Feb. 25, 1897, at Hayward. 562. Lawrence Miner", b. Oct. 5, 1899, " 466. Ernest Everton*" Bosworth (Lucy Anna''), m., Oct. 31, 1896, Maude Wolfe; b. in La Clede, 111., Aug. 25, 1872; dau. of Henry Harrison and Leah (Hite) Wolfe. Res. Chicago, 111., and Dayton, Wash. Child: • 563. Everton Donald", b. June 24, 1899, in Chicago. 58 NATHANIEL KINGSBURY FAMILY. 467. Lkna Marcella'" Bosworth (Lucy Anna''), m., Sept. 13. 1897, John Sleemin ; b. in Kirtland, O., July 9, 1869; son of George and Mary (Hooper) Sleemin. Res. Willoughby, Ohio. Children: 564. .■\delaide^^, b. June 26, 1S98, in Willoughby. 565. Irena Marcella", b. Uec. 29, 1902, in Kirtland. 472. Fred Leslie^" Beymer (Maria Louisa^), m.. Mar. 3, 1896, Anna May McGranahan ; b. in Indianola, la., Apr. 30, 1874; dau. of John and Rebecca (Gray) McGranahan. Proprietor of " Beymer Mfg. Co.," Indianola, la. Child: 566. Helen Elizabeth^i, b. Sept. 17, 1901. 473. Annie Lorinda^" Beymer (Maria I..'), m., Sept. 3, i8g6. Rufus K. McGee ; b. in New Virginia, la., Nov. ig, 1863; son of James and Polly Ann McGee. A merchant. New Virginia. Children : ' 567. Ralph K.", b. Aug. 2, 1898. 568. Harold^i, b. Aug. 3, 1901. 475. Wm. iVRTHUR^*^ Beymer (Maria L.^), m., Dec. 27, 1900, Ina McGee; dau. of James and Polly Ann McGee. Child : 569. Dorothyi^ b. Jan. 3, 1902. 476. Dora Elizabeth^" Laughlin (Delia Lorinda''), m.. Sept. 24, 1903, Rolla Lukill. 517. Carrie Elsie^'^ Craig (Frances M.'*), m., .A.pr. g, 1890. Geo. Hurlbert Cheever ; b. in Vernon, N. Y., June 8, 1S60 ; son of Samuel Wetmore Cheever. A merchant, banker and real estate agent. Hardy. la. Children : 570. Hurlbert Craig", b. Sept. 11, 1894, at Hardy. 571. Marshall Francis^i, b. June 18, 1899, " 572. George Marion", b. .A^ug. 29, 1903, " 518. Elmira Madge'" Craig (Frances M.-'), m., Oct. 21, 189 1, John W. Arbuckle ; b. in Elgin, la., Aug. 19, 1864; son of James M. and Martha ( — ) Arbuckle. A lawyer, Parkersburg, la. Children : 573. Craig Milton", b. Feb. 22, 1895, in Parkersburg. 574. .Myron Courtright", b. Jan. 23, 1900. SUMNER FAMILY. Genealogical Table. Pari- Tiiird. SIXTH GENERATION. 7. Chloe^ Kingsbury* (Nathaniel'^, Daniel\ Dea. Daniel''. Nathaniel'-, Joseph'), b. in Keene, N. H., May 12. 1780; d. in Plymouth, Vt., Mar. 14, 1866. She m., Jan. 15. 1803, Seth Sumner; b. in Chester, Vt., (3ct. 20, 1778; d. in Plymouth, Vt., Jan. 26, 1822; son of Joseph and Rachel (Drake) Sumner. Tradition says. Seth was a grandson of Joseph Sumner, who was b. in England and settled in Plymouth, Mass. A blacksmith, Plymouth, Vt. Children, b. probably in Plymouth. Vt. : 575 576 577 578 579 580 581, 582, 583 5^4 .585 Lemuel Drake', b. Apr. 28, 1804; d. Oct. 27, i860, North Clarendon, Vt. Jerusha", b. Nov. 19. 1805; d. Sept. 12, 1826, Grafton; unm. brin^ b. Apr. 23, 1807 ; d. Nov. 2, 1862, Andover, Vt. Hosea', b. Feb. i, 1809; d. Apr. 7, 1852 ; unm. Hannah", b. Apr. 10, 181 1 ; d. Nov. 8, 1870. A daughter', b. Jan. 30, 1813; d. Jan. 31, 1813. A daughter^, b. Jan. 30, 1813; d. Jan. 31, 1813. William", b. July 5, 1814; d. May 25, 1832 ; unm. David", b. May 10, 1818; d. May 7, 1832; unm. Sylvia", b. June i, 1820; d. lune 28. 1820. Seth", b. Feb. 25, 1822; d. Mar. 18, 1890, Monohan, Wash. SEVENTH GENERATION. Lemuel Drake" Sumner (Chloe*^), m. 1831 575. LEMUEL IJRAKE' SUMNER (^i^nioej, m.. Apr. II Mary Ann Tambling : b. in Shrewsbury, Vt.. Jan. 26, 1808: dau. of Elisha and Milletia (Coombs) Tambling of Medway. Mass. Mrs. Sumner, who is over 96 years of age, is doubtless the oldest living per- son mentioned in this pamphlet. Owing to her great age and an in- terest in the family records, she has been a valuable assistant. Res. Plymouth, Vt., with her dau., Mrs. Amaranth M.** Brown. A mill- wright, Plymouth, Vt. Children b. in Plymouth: ♦Continued from patTL' 1:!. 6o NATHANIEL KINGSBURY FAMILY. 586 5«7 588 589 591 59^ 593 594 Hollis'*, b. Vth. 4, 1832 ; d. Mar. i8, 1832, Plymouth. Warner Aldrich", b. June 9, 1833 ; d. Sept. 20, i860, in Colo. ; unm. Mary Elmira**, b. Apr. 7, 1835; re.s. North ("irantham, N. H. Xelson Andrew"*, b. Apr. 11, 1838; res. Sargeant, Minn. Harriet Ellen**, b. May 22, 1840; d. Oct. 17, 1888, in Bridgewater, Vt. Reuben Addison*, b. Apr. 29, 1842 ; d. July 13, 1864, in hospital, Washing- ton, I), v.; unm. A soldier in the nth Vt. Reg't. Amherst AJonzo**, b. Dec. 4, 1844; d. Jan. 17, i8g8, Plymouth Union, Vt. Amaranth Melissa**, b. Dec. 4, 1844; res. Plymouth. Sallv Addie**, b. Sept. 8, 1851 ; d. Mar. 21, 1863; unm. 577. Orin" (oi" Oren) Sumner (Chloe*''), m.. June i (?), 1857, Mrs. Sarah French. She had ten children by her first husband, but none by Orin'. A farmer. 579. Hannah' Sumner (Chloe"), m., Sept. 29, 1851, Warren Fisher; b. — ; d. Sept. 7, 1852. 585. Seth" Sumner (Chloe*'), m., ist, Sept. 24, 1846, Roxana Burdett ; d. Apr. 10, 1850. He m., 2nd, Feb. 3, 1851, Louisa East- man; b. Mar. 20, 1818; d. — 18—. He m., 3rd, 1868 (?), Mrs. Lucy A. Carr; b. in Ogdensburg, N. Y. ; d. Feb. 2, 1875. He m.. 4th, 1877 (?), Charlotte M. DeLong ; b. in Middlebury. Vt. ; d. in Monohan, Wash., Mar. 1889. He was a private in Co. A, 56th Reg't 111. Vols., 1861 and 1862. Res. Shrewsbury and Plymouth, Vt., Branch and Brillion, Wis., and Monohan. Wash. Owned a saw-mill. Children b. in Shrewsbury: 595. Martha Jane**, b. Sept. 2, 1847, in Shrewsbury; res. S. Boardman, Mich. 596. Eliza Roxana**, b. Mar. 4, 1850; d. Jan. 28, 1877, in Clarksburg, W. Va. Children by 2nd wife, b. in Plymouth, Vt. : 597. Frances Laura**, b. May 21, 1852 ; d. Apr. 19, 1876, in Plymouth. 598. William Henry Harrison**, b. Feb. 26, 1854; res. Cavendish, \'t. 599. Edwin Luther**, b. Feb. 29, 1856; d. Apr. 27, 1887, near Rutland. SUMNER FAMILY. 6 I EKHlTll (iKNERAl'lON. 588. Mary Elmira*" Sumner (Lemuel Drake"), m.. Sept. 12, 1855, Nelson Erwin Finney; b. in Sherburne, Vt., May 2. 1831 ; son of Amial and Betsey A. (Morgan) Finney. He enlisted Jan. 4, 1864, in Co. C, 6th Reg't Vt. Vols., discharged July 17, 1865. A farmer, North Grantham, N. H. Children: 600. Erwin Fremont^, b. Aug. 13, 1856; d. Apr. 14, 1S73. i" Hartford, Vt. 601. Allen Warner^, b. Nov. 24, 1858, in Plymouth, Vt. 602. Flora Belle'', b. Jan. 25, 1861, 603. Addie Jerusha», b. Mar. 28, 1863, 604. Susie Ann^, b. June i, 1866, 605. Reuben Amial^, b. Sept. 30, 1868, 606. Mary Armina^, b. July 31, 1883, in No. Grantham, N. H. 589. Nelson z\ndrew*' Sumner (Lemuel D."), m., Jan. 25, 1876, Mary C. Huntington; b. — ; d. in Sargeant, Minn., Aug. 9, 1877. He served in the civil war. A farmer. Settled in the West about 1870. Child : 607. Rosillie Adalaide^, b. Oct. 29, 1876; d. Sept. 19, 1878, in Sargeant. 590. Harriet Ellen^ Sumner (Lemuel D.'), m.. Mar. 2, 1859, Andrew A. Miner. A farmer, Flymouth, Vt. Children: 608. Addie^, b. Jan. 24, 1863; d. Jan. 31, 1865. 609. Nelson A.^, b. May 29, 1866; d. May 10, 1869. 610. Mendal A.s, b. July 6, 1870. 592. Amherst Alonzo^ Sumner (Lemuel D."), m., Nov. 25, 1864, Frances E. Olds; b. — ; d. Aug. 21, 1874. A millwright and carpenter, Plymouth Union, Vt. No children. 593. Amaranth Melissa* Sumner (Lemuel D.'), m., May 22. 1871, Maynard Brown; b. in Plymouth. Vt.. July 25. 1848. A farmer, Plymouth. Children: 611. Carrie Ella^, b. Aug. 13, 1874; d. Nov. 24, 1889. 612. Alice Edna^ b. May 14, 1880; a trained nurse. 595. Martha Jane*^ Sumner (SetlV), m.. Oct. 12. 1870, Charles Wilson Pettey; b. in Ogdensburg, N. ¥., July 10, 1843; d. Feb. 19, igoo. She was adopted Sept. 22, 1850, by Israel Stunner (her father's cousin) of Orwell, Vt. In May, 1854, they settled in Branch, Wis. Res. So. Boardman, Mich. Children: 62 NATHANIEL KINGSBURY FAMILY. 613. Ira Bert'-', 1). July 30, 1S72, in Biillion, Wis.; residence unknown since 1896. 614. Ara Jay^, h. Nov. i, 1877, in Brillion. 615. Delia Klma", b. July 8, 1880, in Brillion. 616. James Elroy'-', b. Oct. 7, 1883, " 617. Perry Sumner^, b. Apr. 18, 1890, at Turk Lake, Montcalm Co., Mich. 596. Eliza Roxana^ Sumner (Seth"), m., — Jacob W. Ward; b. July 4, 1840; d. July 31, 1886. She was adopted Sept. 22, 1850, by her aunt, Hannah Plsher (No. 579). Children : 618. Oric E.y, b. Sept. 17, 1865; res. Plymouth, Vt. 619. Aggie M.^, b. Dec. 28, 1869. 620. Dell S.", b. June 8, 1872. 597. Frances Laura** Sumner (Seth'), m., Oct. 1872, Thomas T. Benham. Res. Randall, Minn. Child: 621. Nellie Eleanor^, b. May 24, 1875; d. July 3, 1892, at Randall. 598. William Henry Harrison* Sumner (Seth"), m., Nov. 27, 1879, Edna A. Hinkley of Rutland. A farmer, Cavendish, Vt. : Children : 622. Ethel A.^, b. Oct. 13, iS8i, in Plymouth; res. Proctorsville, Vt. 623. Jessie Edna^, b. Dec. 2, 1883; d. June 21, 1903, at Proctorsville. 599. Edwin Luther** Sumner (Seth'). m. Children : . 624. ChildS, b — ; d. before 1887. 62!:. Child", b. — ; d. before 1887. NINTH GENERATION. 601. Allen Warner^ Pinney (Mary Elmira'*), ni., Jan. 24, 1885, Emily R. Hackett. Res. Henniker, N. H. Children: 626. Carl A.i*^, b. Dec. 22, 1888, in Oardner, Mass. 627. Ethel L.^", b. Mar. 16, 1893, in (irantham, N. H. 602. Flora Belle" Pinney (Mary E.*"), ni., Oct. 12, 1890, Martin V. B. Hastings. Res. No. Grantham. 603. Addie Jerusha^ Pinney (Mary E.**). m , June 18, 1881, Frank W. Leavitt. Res. Newport, N. H. Children: 628. William 15.1", 5 l)^,^. -,7^ iSS^, in C.rantham. 629. Wallace E.^", b. Sept. 26, 1890, " 630. Ernest L.'", b. Oct. 26, 1895, . " SUMNER FAMILY. 63 604. Susie Ann" Pinney (Mary E/), m., Nov. 12, 1887, James E. McCann. Res. Meriden, N. H. Child: 631. Pearl Ella Arleane^", b. Oct. 23, 1903. 605. Reuben Amial" Pinney (Mary E.*^), m.. Vch. 1, 1888, Agnes Brewer. Rts. No. Grantham. (Hiild : 632. Ruth A.i", b. Apr. 2, 1894, in (Irantham. 610. Mendal A.^ Miner (Harriet Ellen'*), m., Nov. 5, 1895, Mabel Ayers of Plymouth. Vt. Children : 633. Harold W.w, b. Apr. 9, 1898. 634. Cierold^", b. Feb. 11, 1901. 618. Oric E." Ward (Eliza Roxana**), m., June 18, 1902. Kate Page. Res. Plymouth, Vt. 619. Aggie M." Ward (Eliza R.**). m., — . Edwin C. Mynn ; b. Apr. 6, 1866. Children : 635. Charlotte Martha^", b. June 7, 1893. 636. Ward Edwin "^, b. Apr. 6, 1896. 622. Ethel A.-' Sumner (William Henry Harrison'*), m.. Oct. 29, 1900, Fred A. Rand of VA'eathersfield, Vt. Children: 637. Kenneth Sumner'", b. Feb. 17, lyoi, in Cavendish, Vt. 638. Earle"', b. Mar. 28, 1902 ; d. Oct. 2, 1902, in Cavendish, Vt. 623. Jessie Edna-' Sumner (William H. H."). m., Sept. 24, 1902, William A. Richardson of Cavendish. AUDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. Fage 13, No. i. "Abigail", b. Mar. 6, 1766," should read, "Abigail'', b. Mar. 5, 1766." Page 25, No. 185. Edward A.«, and (No. i86), Charles U Corey, rem. to Spring- field, Vt., Apr. 1904. Page 25, No. 191. " Cedric Kinsgbury''," should read, " Cedric Kingsbury^." Page 41, No. 281. Walter Fulton Hewett ; d. in Keene, Apr. 13, 1904. Page 43, No. 353. "John Colton Hitchcock." " Colton," the middle name, was added by himself late in life. ■.Ap'09 <1>.584 FAMILY RECORD THE DAUGHTERS OF Nathaniel Kingsbury- iT 1739-1803 KEENE, N. H 1904 ^' ■^..4^ -^^ 0-7- A <^ ' . . • *1 c> -<* ~>o- <> *'T..* .0 '^^ o w o .0- ,^ .^'•, "^o C" ♦ 'o. * :# > '^^ A 49^ ' ,0' c>-> ^ ■«*_►•■ ' *^ A^ "^^ 4.0, -^ BBS BROS. .A