4^ -^Ir^ ' *<*. — . V ''o* 6 °*o V ^ v * V.« c ' * °^ J # . ^.« V 5? ^ v . * • A> / • ♦ "^ * . » / • ♦ ** & a o « o „ <* • * 4^ . t » • , THE ISSUES INVOLVED I\ THE PRESIDENTIAL CONTEST. SPEECH HON. WILLIAM L. YANCEY, OF#A.LABAMA, .-, DELIVERED AT MEMPHIS, TENN., AUGUST 11, 1860. FRANKFORT, J£.^T . PRINTED AND FOR SALE AT THE YEOMAN OFFICE. 1860- [From the Memphis Daily Avalanche, August 17th.] The Iargefspace in our issue to-day, occupied by the great speech of the Hon. Wm. lA Yancey, necessarily precludes the appearance of the usual amount of wteresting miscellaneous and news matter. We are satisfied, however, ih»our readers will commend the appearance of the speech to the exclusion of jdmost everything else. NevejJ>ms so much interest manifested •y^fdj^ms miffhtv produseiulHSfc. Ever as ft •Kgfcd/r'tns mighty prodiB^ybsk. Even those who heai'd it, desire 'to reacj^/tand file,, t^yvay ils a gpeat document for future reference. :e oszr pjj^ir^fo have it in full this^m^Tfftg, a large number of extra copies containing it have been^derea, which will repay the enterprise and expense we hav^heefr*avin having it reported and published. ?r SPEECH HON. WILLIAM L. YANCEY, OF ALABAMA, DELIVERED AT MEMPHIS, TF.N.V, AUGHTST 14, 1S60, ON il)K ISSUES INVOLVED IN THE RESIDENTIAL CONTEST. [Stenographic report of the Memphis Daily Avalanche.] Fellow-Citize\'£ or Tennessee: If you »vill give me your attention to-tight, I will endeavor to address you as one honest man ought to speak to another — frankly, truthfully, fearlessly. I know where I stand and in whose presence I am. I knew, too, what has been said in relation to my humble self and my opinions, in this State, by tin- press and by influential indi- viduals. What 1 have to say to-night will be in ■behalf of the Democracy, of the Constitution, and of the Union under the Constitution. Of those who have been opposed to me, possibly whose minds have been prejudiced, whose ears have been filled with unkind sayings, (to speak of it in the most charitable terms,) I only ask a patient hearing. Of the patriot, who wishes his country well, and who would himself willingly or willfully do nothing that would be injurious to the interests of that country, I ask a like eacdid hearing of all, to all, and about all. What I say, as I said befor-e, I shall emle aver to say with frankness, with truthfulness, and I trust with a proper respect for them and for myself. The country, my friends, has fur many years •been in a state of excitement with reference as to what shall lie its fate within this government. This grave, dignified, and mighty issue has been such that parties and statesmen have gone down •before it, ami that no party has been aide to stand it save the Democratic party. [A voice "Ihavo."] Whether that party is yet to exist longer and be a barrier against sectional and unconstitutional aggression, is my theme to-night. It. is t subject •of profound interest to every reflecting man, who for a few years past has thought that that patty "was the only barrier between the dissolution of this government and the Constitution. The unity of that great party, therefore, is a m itter o f na- tional interest. That unity is interwoven wiih the very safety of the Constitution it-elf, and with the safely of your instititutions and your rights. I speak it no! as a partisan, for, although I speak in behalf of the Democratic party to- night, I am not a Democratic partisan; I have not been a Democratic partisan; 1 am not one of those who hurrah for the Democracy without a why or a wherefore, whether it be right or wrong. If my humble history is known to you, as it should be known by a people who hive beard so much abuse of myself, it would slew to you that in times past 1 have ventured to differ with my party, the Democracy, on this great question, and relying upon my own conviction of what i< right, that 1 have ventured to oppose it- If now and for some years past I have been found acting with it cordially, it has only been, my countrymen, because my convictions are that it is constitu- tionally sound and right. [Applail-e.j Tlie great question will rise before you that if the unity of this party is a matter of national interest, how is it that unity is now in danger? What is, and who causes that danger? What are the purposes that those have in view who are endangering its unity | These are quet- tions of great interest. I shall not discuss then with the mere newspaper slam;, by declaring that my party is right and all other parties are wrong, and hurrah for the Hag th it floats over me with- out reason; but, in order that I may commend what I say to-night to your judgment and t i your . and to your b< tier nature, I -I' ''i endeav- or to go back to tin,' record and speak by the record, and onlj tpeak that which i- in fact the truth <,! history now. There are now three parties in the South claim- in- of tee i pie their su rhe Breckin- ridge and Lane party, that I name firsl in order, because J. believe it to be the true friend of the Constitution, and because I believe it has more power and more ability, and as much will as any other party to save the Constitution. Then there is the Douglas Democracy, and lastly the Bell party, that hopes to rise to power and success simply by reason of the division of the Demo- cratic party. When Breckinridge and Lane present them- selves before the people for their suffrages, as the Democratic candidates, and as occupying the Democratic platform that has been approved by the country, they are met by the friends of Mr. Douglas, who assert that Stephen A. Douglas and Herschel V. Johnson are the regular nominees of the Democratic party, and that Mr. Douglas alone, of the Democratic candidates in the field, represents the Democratic policy and Democratic principles. While Mr. Bell and his friends assert that the people should give Bell their confidence, because he is in favor of "the Union, the Consti tution, and the enforcement of the law," without offering to the public any avowed remedy for the evils which aie afflicting the government, or any well digested means of saving the Union, [ap- plause,] it is due to frankness to state that the Douglas party does offer a platform which, with the explanation given to it by Mr. Douglas, can easily be understood; while the Breckinridge party offers a platform clearly defined in itself, aud that needs no explanation. I propose to con- sider these three parties, with the positions which their different heads occupy before the American people. I will first address myself to 'the Douglas Democracy, because the unity of the Democracy which the country has long desired, if it existed at this hour, would prevent any other party at the South offering itself for the suffrages of the American people, for I believe Mr. Bell would not have been in the field if it had not been divided. I shall undertake to show to those Democrats who rally under Mr. Douglas, that he is not the regular nominee of the party, and that the principles that he avows before the American pecp'e are not the principles of the Democracy, and never have been the principles of ihe Demo- cracy. [Applause.] Mr. Douglas, my friends, is a statesman of great eminence and ability, a man of great power individually, having many manly traits of char- acter, with whom it has been my pleasure, ever since I have known him, for some sixteen years, to be upon terms of personal intimacy and re- gard. But it is due to frankness and to the truth of history to state that Mr. Douglas has had de- signs upon the unity of the Democratic party ever since the Northern people failed to obtain, under the operation of the Kansas-Nebraska act, the •dominaney in the Territory of Kansas, and that, when it became apparent that the Southern men had obtained advantages under that act, and that Kar.sas, under these advantages, if fairly dealt by, would be admitted into the Union as a slave State, that he has determined to war against the t.-ue principles of the Kansas-Nebraska bill to keep K uisas out of the Union as a slave State, and, if necessary, to dismember the Democratic party, and to rely for support in that controversy upon the anti-slavery sentiment of the Northern .States. This I shall undertake to prove. In the first place, I look to the Conventions that have lately assembled ; and in the course of ' my argument upon his platform I shall go back many years in the history of the Democracy to prove the truth of these assertions. When the Convention of the Democracy met at Charleston, Mr. Douglas was well aware that he could not obtain the nomination under the two-thirds rule, and his friends now throughout the country — and I instance one of the most, eminent of his friends, Hershel V. Johnson, of Georgia, candidate for the Vice Presidency upon the Doughrs ticket — his friends, I say, indorsed by Gov. Johnson, say that had the eight cotton States remained in the Charleston Convention, that there was no possi- ble chance of nominating Mr. Douglas. They admit that now, as then. Starting out with the conviction that the Democratic rule of two thirds stood between him and the object of his ambi- tion, his designs were to dismember the Demo- cratic party, and to do it in such a manner as, if possible, to wool the eyes of the people, and make them believe that others were responsible for its dismemberment. First, then, he avowed before that Convention met that he would not accept of the nomination at the hands of the Democracy, unless the Dem- ocratic party indorsed his view in relation to the Kansas-Nebraska bill. Now, then, here stood his incentive to his friends — " I want to be nom- inated for the Presidency, and you wish to nomi- nate me. I cannot obtain two thirds of that Con- vention." Gov. Herschel V. Johnson now open- ly proclaims that it could not have been done, and others make the same statement; and I know it, too. " I also proclaim that I will not accept of the nomination on any other platform than my own, and yet I am a candidate now for the nomi- nation. 1 must have the platform to suit myself* and I must get rid of this two-thirds rule. These are my two points." The Stat* of Alabama, as well as at er South- ern States, fully recognized the importance of the great issue before the American people; and that issue was a vital issue, a constitutional prin- ciple being involved, which could not be compro- mised without yielding our constitutional posi- tion of equali:y in the Union, and to that degree taking from our breast the Constitution, which is N our only shield and protection against Northern majorities. [Applause.] We declared that we must demand that our platform should be indors- ed by the Convention. Here, then, were South- ern States taking the position that the constitu- tional rights of the South should be acknowl- edged in the Democratic Convention, and Mr- Douglas taking the position — " My platform must be acknowledged or I will not accept the nomi- nation." It is easy for one man to say that an- other is wrong. It is not always so easy to prove his error. It is common to say that Alabama attempted to dictate. It is no dictation for me to say that I claim all my constitutional rights, and that others shall not trample upon them. He who undertakes to tell me that I shall not have my constitutional rights, does, however, dictate to me. But when I hold up the compact which my fathers made, and say, " give me this that it was guaranteed I should have, and give me it all." that is ho dictation. We weat into tfc* Convention opposed to each other. Alabama but spoke for ber rights, and when Douglas said I will have the nomination and the platform, \l ■tbamasaid we will bave our constitutional rights of protection acknowledged, or we will not re- main iii a Convention thai denies us that consti- tutional protection* [Applause.] / Mr. Douglas had no right al Btake in that. Con- vention save bis personal Ambition. The State of Alabama and other Southern States had their rights at stake, and they had aright to speak* We said. " Don't aggress on us," while he said, " If you are aggressed on, 1 proclaim in advance that you shan't have the protection of your Gov- ernment-' lie could yield, and yield no consti- tutional position. We could not yield without yielding our constitutional rights. [Cheers.] Now then, When his friends got into the *'"ii vention, the Erst object they had in view was to Neat down the two-thirds rule if possible. Well, how did they go about to do that. There were in several States at the South a few men friendly to Douglas. These were a minority in each of such States. The majority of each of those del- egations, if they cast the vote of their State as a unit, would have suppressed all those minorities. Douglas did not, wish that. There were also in several of the Northern States minorities against Douglas and majorities in his favor. The major- ity vote in each of these States would suppress all these minorities against him, and make these votes that were really against him be for him. Now, it was a remarkably smart man who could bring in a rule to make all these votes count for him. A double edged sword, ttiat cuts both sides, it is supposed, cuts to the injury of the hands of him who holds it; but he was able to make it work on both sides against his enemies and for himself. He, therefore, by his friends, concocted a rule so cunningly devised that its etfect was not observed until after it was passed. That rule was, that the States not instructed by the Slate Conventions to vote as a unit should vote each man in the delegation for himself, but the States that were instructed to vote as a unit should vote according to those instructions. What was the effect of that rule? It was to give, in fact, to Mr. Douglas fifty-one votes that lie otherwise would not have got. In the State of Pennsylvania it gave him some ten votes that were cist in his favor, which, if the rule had been uniform throughout the Convention, would have been suppressed, and given in favor of Breckin- ridge or Guthrie. In Virginia it gave him one vote; in North Carolina one; in Massachusetts six; in Tennessee one; in Maryland three and a half, and in New Jersey two and a half. The in- dividual rule of voting gave him twenty-four and a half votes which would have been suppressed if the majority rule had prevailed, or if the rule had been uniform, that the majority of each dele- gation should cast the entire vote of each State. Had the contrary rule been uniformly in force, then he would have lost fifteen votes in New York; in Ohio six; four and a half in Indiana, and one half in Vermont, or twenty-six in all. But by this ingenious device, by mingling two in- consistent rules together, and using each as it suited him, Mr. Douglas succeeded in gaining upwards of fifty votes, where, by adopting either to the exclusion of ike other, le would not have received more than half thai number. That I'mi- vention Bhould have adopted either the unit rule, ih.it each and everj State should cast I s ilid for or against some man, or it should have adopted the separate rule, that each ami ever] member of the Convention should be allowed to CttSl his own vote* By the operation of this rule he gained hugely, >o as to make a difference in the result of fifty votes. Mew York gave thirty-live votes to Doug- las, whereas he was entitled to but twenty; Penn- sylvania had given no instructions to her dele- gates, and therefore the rule allow ed all the mem bers in the minority to vote for Douglas; where- as, by the unit rule, as applied to New York, her twenty-seven votes would have been cast against him. The practical operation of the rule vv as to suppress the voice of the people with reference to Mr. Douglas, and to suppress the voice of the people with reference to his principle-. That was his first design, and by its success he made a practical difference in his favor of fifty- one votes. That gave him a majority in the Charleston Convention, and that majority was worked for his individual purposes. [Cries of "That's so."] Next he said, " I must drive out these cotton States that insist upon protection. These eight States will vote against me for the nomination, I know, and now I must destroy the votes of those States." How was he to do that? His way was, when the platform question came up, so to shape that platform, so to deny the rights of those eight States, that when they were denied, those States could not consistently with true Democraiy re- main in the Convention, and they would secede. These rights were urged with moderation; in a Spirit of conciliation and kindness-, and purely on constitutional grounds, by arguments addressed to the reason and judgment of that Convention; and yet, when the vote was taken, by the working of this unit rule, Mr. Douglas voted it down by a vote of 165 to 138; thus denying to the Southern States that equal protection to their lights in the Territories that the South has always yielded to every section in the Union. When protection. was thus denied to the constitutional rights of those eigiit .States, those eight States left the Convention. [Applause and cheers ] Why did they leave it? Because, as I will show von before I close, the great Democratic p inciple of the equality of the States, and of the people of the States in the common Territories of the Union, had been willfully violated bj Mr. Don-las and his friends, and that was done with the view that the States I refer to should be driven out of that Convention. We did not u>k the Convention to add any new plank to the Democratic platform; but as Mr. Douglas had construed the Cincinnati platform to mean no protection to the constitutional rights of the South; as he had thus violated that platform by his construction of the Kansas art. a- since de- termined in the Dred Scott decision: as he him- self had violated the principle of the Kansas- Nebraska act, which left the question to be de- termined by the Supreme Court of the United States, the South deemed it necessary, before they could accept him as their candidate, that that Convention should tell the country what that Cincinnati platform meant. The Baptist tells you the Bible is his creed, and the Methodist tells you that the same Bible is his creed, and both tell you that they take that Bible as it is, without alteration or amendment. But if you join the Methodist church, its creed explains what you understand by the Bible, and the same is true of the Baptist. So with the Southern Democracy. As there were different constructions put upon our platform, as there are on the Bible, therefore, as true and honest Democrats, that did not wish to be deceived or to deceive others, we claimed the right to explain what we understood by the Cin- cinnati platform, and simply because we claim this right, Mr. Douglas' friends forced us out of that Convention by voting down that construction, and putting their own construction upon it.— - [Cries of "You were right to leave."] The unit rule gave him then a difference of fifty-one votes, and by driving out these cotton States, he got rid of fifty and a half votes which were against him for the nomination. Now, then, having obtained this majority by trickery, and then having divided out fifty and a half votes that remained of the Southern Demo- cracy — for every one of these States had given Democratic votes, and the majority of them would do so to-morrow if called upon, and will in No- vember next — then came up the question of bal- loting. Before the balloting took place, however, Vir- ginia said, " Before we can remain longer in a 'Convention that has been disrupted of eight 'Democratic States, we must claim that this rule ;of the party — this two-thirds rule — shall be con- istrued by the President, and that it shall be laid .down, so that there shall be no mistake." There- ifore, a resolution was offered directing the Presi- dent to declare no man nominated for the office }of President or Vice President unless he should jhive received a number of votes equal to two 1 thirds of all the electoral college. The electoral j college consists of 303 votes, and two thirds s would be 202. Objection was at once made by (the friends of Mr. Douglas that it was altering the old rule of the party, they insisting that the j old rule only called for two thirds of all the votes i cast in the body. The President of the Conven- tion said, " No, this is not altering the old rule; 5 it is not a new rule. It is but giving the decision 1 of this body as to what that rule is." He there- jfore ruled the point of order against the Douglas . \ er." Applause.] All the wars lie has been engaged in have been against the enemies of your country and the enemies of your Constitu- tion. 1, loking, thereforej to all these outside tests — looking to association — looking at the men — looking at the wars of the party — Looking at the men who have done your service, and whom you love and honor, and will honor and lore as long a** life remains — you find the masses of them in favor of the Democratic candidates, and the Democratic ticket. Therefore, pause, my coun- trymen who are for Douglas— pause and see if you are not in the wrong crowd. But where has been Mr. Douglas for two years past ! Warring on the Democracy that he now and the i eo >on « a that Kansas had a pro Blaverj Constitution! Vei he says thai the South has caused this issue to lie reopened unneces at ily. Hi thai Alabama threw this firebrand before the country unnecessarily. He says, and you Dou las men and your papers say that 1 — a priva i individual, occupying no position in thecountrj — that 1 have thrown this firebrand upon the coun- try. 1 prove by the records and history of the country that before this Alabama platform was written — when 1 was not yet heard of at all — he was interfering and making an issue against the Constitution, against the Kansas bill, against \our rights, and sending that Constitution back to Kansas, and the result was it n as overwhelmed before the free-soil tide, and finally a free-soil Constitution was sent to Congress. What then I But three northern Democrats were found to vote against its admission, although the census had not been taken, and although she had not 70,000 people required by the English bill. No census had as yet been taken, and yet Mr. Douglas and his friends could admit Kans is in violation of the English bill, because it presented a free Boil C< n- stitution. But when she came according to bis own Kansas bill, with her own Constitution, Is to be the best, exponent of. No sooner made and adopted in her own way, and CongT 3 (tad the South procured an advantage under the K 'i aas Nebraska bill, an 1 sent the Territory of Kansas to the dour of Congress with a slave Constitution, thin he commenced a war upon the Democracy. Why, it would seem that his own darling idei that the people there were fit to act in their own way, subject only to the limitations of the Constitution, would have prevented this. One at leist would have supposed it would have prevented his voice from warrins against the was pledged it' site did so to admit her, Mr. Douglas was the first man, two \i.ir- ago, to set the example of intervention, and by the aid of the abolition party lie succeeded in defeating that Constitution and sending it back to Kansas. Yet he has the hardihood, and his friends have got the nerve to look honest Southern men in the face and say "you fellows here are creating a disturbance in the Democratic party by making this issue unnecessarily " This, too, when the Democracy when Kansas came to Congress with ; whole country is filled by the bo!:' r n-js — the ri - the Lecompton Constitution; and your President, suit of Douglas' making war on the Kansas bill , lead of vour party, in accordance with his and then saying "not only do 1 make war on the duty, as a statesman and Democrat, roe oninended to Congress to admit Kansas under that Consti- tution. But no sooner had the voice of the Clerk ceased reading the message, than Mr. Douglas bounced to his feet — commenced a war on the Democracy — in the principles of the Kansas bill — on the Constitution — on the Democratic Presi- dent, and on his brother Senators. He thru threw down the glove and the gauntlet. He vio- lated his own loved doctrine of •'non-interven- Democratic party here in Congress, but I will not take the nomination of the party unless it indorses the principle upon which I made that war on the part*." [ \pplae i li.ii' las says "I am abetter Democrat than Breckinridge, although I have warred on Democ- racy tor two y< irs— although every Democratic Senator, except Mr. Pugh, of 0. i >, is against me." Strange, indeed, is it that a man of genius nd power SO great should bo in the Senate of the tion;" and although the people of Kansas had United Siates so many years fighting forDemoc- adopted i heir own Constitution, and had submit- racy, and yet not a solitary Dcmoi at be found by ted the slavery clause to the masses, and theyhad his side save hisdarling Pugh. | Vpplause.] Ev- aBnrOved it— and come to Congress and said this erv Democratic Southern Senator is against htm, is my way of m iking a Constitution — .Mr. Doug las rises in his place and wars on his own favorite doctrine, and called up >n Congress to intervene and to -end b ick that Constitution to an Ab ili- tion majority — a packed jury, who h id just taken a vote and shown that theyhad ten men to our five. If his principle was right, that 'he people of a territory Bhould form and regulate their own domestic institutions in their own way, Bubjeet and four fifths of the Democratic Si natort of the North, and he is alone able to defeat the Democ- racy bv the aid of Seward and the IMack Repub- lican hosts coming to and voting with him. Mr. Douglas says in his last speech in tl ate of the United States, where he undertakes to assail the State of Alabama and your humble speaker, that the South has forced a new i~-ne upon the country of this kind— that she is forcing only to the Constitution of the United State — I slavery on a people who do not desire it. He want to know if he was not wrong when be said, Bays that the Northern people wish to force "You have not mule this Constitution in my slavery from a people who wish to retain it, and way, and I will send it back." The first man to the South is endeavoring to force slavery upon a Fet' the example of violating his own ere 'pie who do not desire it. Don t every mm in "non-intervention" was Stephen A. Douglas; this vast assembly know that this is ulse? ffllat 12 (\ platform of the Democratic party has ever pro- ,1 , claimed the principle that the government should 'Jj force slavery anywhere where it is not wanted? ',, What speaker of the Democratic party has ever E advocated such a doctine? What organs of the ..j Democracy have ever enunciated such a doctrine? ;'., What individual has ever got up and proclaimed T that that was a principle of the South? I defy ■js his friends, whether in the editorial corps or on 1 "l the stump, to tell the people, the first opportunity 'jl they get, where is the man, or when and where 1'tany body of the Democracy made the proposi- '!j tion. It becomes the gentleman who makes a l¥ statement of that kind to give the proof. I know >'j of no such body. Because a Southern man goes "V to Kansas with his slave and demands that it 'l t shall not be taken away from him, is that forcing ,! ] slavery on the people? Does it interfere at all ! f with the principle of self-government if you shall I j leave your neighbor alone? I want to know how jj, it interferes with the people of Kansas governing , themselves to require them to leave their neigh- : t bors alone with their slaves? How does it inter- im fere with the Abolitionist and his wooden nut- ■ megs, his clocks and his mulr, that I should be 1 T allowed to go and settle on my farm with my ne- J|j groes? Is it the privilege of self-government to ' t destroy your neighbor's property? I don't know % of any such privilege anywhere. You have no ' r such privilege in the State of Tennessee. What ' f privilege has any citizen in the State of Teunes- j see to take the property belonging to his neigh- j bor? It may be a penitentiary privilege. [Laugh- ter.] What right have you got in the Legisla- t ture to pass a law to say that your neighbor shall , not own a negro? I know of no such right in , Tennessee. There is none such in Alabama. j There can't be here. It is against the Constitu- j tion of the country. Your right to govern your- t self consists in taking care of yourself— but in ( taking care of yourself it involves no privilege to . take from me any right that I have. [Applause.] J But Douglas says that it does, and if you do i undertake to go to the Territory and take a negro » the government shall not protect you in holding ^ that slave, and otherwise it is forcing slavery on I a people that do not desire it. I do not reco"- r nize the reasoning. t We do say that the Constitution cannot intro- j. duce slavery anywhere, but we also say that it , cannot take it from us in the territories, but that , wherever you go and whatever your property con- sists of or may be, the Constitution shall protect t you in the enjoyment of it. The Constitution I does not make property, neither does it destroy I property. But it is the object of all governments to protect you in three things — -in your life, liber- .■ ty and property. If vou have got property, you I are entitled to protection. If you have not °-ot , it, you don't need protection. Therefore, while i we deny the right of the Government to prohibit, i we also deny the right of the Government to I establish slavery, but at the same time we say i that this is all consistent with the idea of my having the choice to establish slavery by my - going into the territories and that I am entitled to protection. The Constitution is there before , I go there, and it protects me with my property as ^ much as it protects the Abolitionist with his. ~ Yet Mr. Douglas tries to make you believe that the two sections of the country are warring unconstitutionally upon each other— the North demanding the abolition of slavery wherever it exists, and the South seeking by law and by the Government to force slavery upon an unwilling people. It is not so. I demand the proof from any gentleman when he has the opportunity of giving it. The next point that he made was that the doc- trine of non-intervention by Congress either to establish or prohibit slavery was indorsed by the Democratic party in the Compromise measures of 1850 and by the Kansas act in 1854, and in the Cincinnati platform of 1856. 1 deny every soli- tary assertion. There is not a word of truth in the whole of it. But, on the contrary, it is true that the Southern doctrine was indorsed by the Compromise measures of 1850, and that doctrine was, and is, non intervention to prohibit or estab- lish, but protection against unconstitutional legisla- tion. I shall prove that. I should like to have Mr. Douglas prove his own assertions, but in his absence I shall undertake to disprove them. I have here the Compromise measures of 1850. In the second Territorial bill you will find at its close the doctrine of non-intervention as contend- ed for by Mr. Breckinridge and Lane, and as con- tended for by myself and all other intelligent friends of the Democracy. Here it is: "And provided further, That whfcn admitted as a State, the said Territory, or any portion o ' the same, shall be received into ihe Lnion with or without slavery, as their Constitution may prescribe at the time of their admission." There is the doctrine of non-intervention. It is that Congress cannot establish slavery when it makes an organic law for a Territory, neither can it prohibit it. You cannot establish it by the organic law. You can't prohibit it by law, and it goes on to say that the States shall be received into the Union with or without slavery, as their Constitutions shall prescribe Douglas has gone farther than that, and said that that construction is erroneous. I want to do him no injustice. He tells you in his serenade speech, and in his letter of acceptance, and in his great speech, that his doctrine of non-intervention was incorporated into the act of 1850. He tells you it was the essential living principle of the Com- promise of 1850, and it was introduced by the country into the Kansas-Nebraska act and into the Cincinnati platform, and, therefore, his con- struction of the platform is the true one. I deny it. I have shown you how far non-intervention is in that act. The balance, as he gives it, is not there Return to the seventh section of the aet, and you will see I am right. He says in his Harper article: "This exposition of the history of these measures shows, conclusively, that the authors of the Compro- mise measures of 1850, and of the Kansas-Nebraska aet of J834, as well as the members of the Continent- al Congress of 17*4. and the founders of our system of government subsequent to the Revolution, re- garded the people of the Territories and Colonies as political communities which were entitled to a free and exclusive power of legislation in their Provin- cial Legislatures, where their representation could alone be preserved, in all cases of taxation and internal polity. This right pertains to the people collectively as a law-abiding and peaceful com- munity, and not to the isolated individuals who 13 may wander apon the public domain in \ iolation of taw." He contended that Kansas lias now an exclu Bive power of legislation, and that this exclusive power of legislation was indorsed by the great Compromise measures of l-;Vi, and, Bays Be, it' von under td ke to destroy that principle, "where will von Bud another Clay or another Webster to rise up and calm the agitated waters?" 1 Bhowyou the doctrine that I contend for, and that Breckinridge and Lane contend for, is that Congress shall not interfere to prevent the admis- sion of a Territory when she may come with a Constitution allowing slavery; but I say that Con- gress can interfere when the Legislature passes an unconstitutional aet. So say the South. 80 said .the Compromise measures in the seventh section that I have read. But, alter giving the power of legislation subject to the constitution, it goes on to say: "Skc. 10. And all laws passed by the Legislative Assembly and Governor shall be submitted to the; Congress of the United Srn t<-s, and, if disapproved, shall be null and id' no effect." Therefore, you see, I have disproved Mr. Doug- las' assertion, and proven that this doctrine of his finds no root in the Compromise of 1S5U. Well, if it does not find root there — if, on the contrary, the Southern Breckinridge doctrine, now contend- ed for and sustained by the Supreme Court, is there — is it true that the Kansas-Nebraska aet lias that measure of Squatter Sovereignty in it which he claims? I deny it. The South con- tended for this principle of the Compromise of 1850, that Congress should neither establish nor prohibit slavery, nor prohibit the admission of a slave State. Mr. Douglas had taken up the Squatter Sovereignty notions of Gen. Cass, of that day, and declared that the Territories had the exclusive power of legislation, and that Con- gress had no power to interfere, but that it must lie left to the courts of the country. But Doug- las and the South agreed upon that bill. How? I will show you they agreed to disagree. I will not read you other authority on that question. In the Senate of the United States he undertook to show you that they agreed to disagree — that the South did not maintain its doctrine of pro- tection, and he did not maintain his doctrine of Squatter Sovereignty, but they agreed to leave it to the Supreme Court of the United States, and he undertook to say that Mr. Hunter expressed what he meant by the bill better than he could, and he read, or asked Mr. Pugh to read, what Mr. Hunter had said. Mr. Douglas said: " Mr. President, the record is so full, so explicit on this matter, that there i- no room for misconstruc- tion, 'flic only point on which any body differed. so far as I know, was the simple one of the extent of the limitation imposed by the constitution on the Territorial Legislature. That was the point referred to the courts. * * * I will trouble the Senate only with one authority on that point, and 1 quote him simply because of his eminent character, and the respect this body and tin- country have for him. 1 m -an Mr. Hunter, of Virginia. " Mr. Pugh read the following extract from Mr. Hunter's speech of February 24, 1854: "• The hill provides that the Legislatures of these Territories -hall have power to legislate over all rightful subjects of legislation consistently with the Constitution. And if they should assume pavers which are thought to be inconsistent with the Con- stitution, the Courts win dooide the qnestii n wher- ever it may be raised. There is a difference "i ■ pin- ion among the friends i f this tn< osuro a- i.. tb< tenl of the limit- which the Cunstitutu u imp upon the Territorial Legislatures. The bill pro- !,, loave these differenoi - to the dccisii n • i the Courts. To thai tribunal I am willing to leave this deoision, as it was once before propu by the oelobratod < lompromiseof i bo Senator from Del- aware (Mr. Clayton) - ,i measure, which, aeeo ti. my understanding, was the b nise which was offered upon this Bubject of slavery, i say, then, that I am willing to leave this point, upon which the friend- of the bill are at difference, to the decision of the Courts ' "There." says Mr. Douglas, "Mr. Hunter states the object of the loll as explicitly and a- clearly as ii i- possible for any man holding my opinions to sta le it." Here is Mr. Douglas' own confession. Herfl is his indorsement id' the opinion of Mr. Hunter, that the Kansas-Nebraska bill did not contain the doctrine of Squatter Sovereignty — and did j not contain the doctrine that the Territories had the exclusive power of legislation— and that Con- gress could not interfere there. Hut. say.- he. that is a question left for tin' courts to decide, by the bill. They agreed to disagree, ami the opinion of the Court, when delivered, should become the j law of the land. That is what he agreed to. Now, then, it is not true that the principle of I the Compromise measures of lP50is the Squatter | Sovereignty principle. It is equally untrue that i it is the principle of the act of lfc'54, the Kansas- Nebraska act, as. stated by Douglas; because he has admitted, and the record- of the country show, that the bill was adopted, the entertainers I of contrary opinions agreeing to disagree; and they left the whole question to be decided by the Courts. But he goes on and states, that in the Cincin- nati platform his principle was adopted. 1 deny that again. I say that the Cincinnati platform' adopted simply the agreement that the party had made when they passed the Kansas- Nebraska. bill. Here is what they say on that question: "And that we may more distinctly meet the issue. on which a sectional party, subsisting exclusively on slavery agitation, now relies to test the fidelity of the people, North and South, to the Constitution and the Uni j " ' h'< noloed, That claiming fellowship with, and desiring the oo-operati f all who regard the pre- servation of the Union under the Constitution as the paramount issue, and repudiating all, Bectional parties and platforms concerning domestic Blavery which seek to embroil the Stales and incite son and armed resistanoeto lawinthe Territories, and whose avowed purposes, if consummated, mustl end in civil war and disunion, the American Demo- cracy recognize and adopt the principles contained] in the organic laws establishing the Territories of Kansas and Nebraska, as embodying the only sound and safe solution of the slavery question, upon whieh the great national idea of the people oi tins whole country can repose in its determined conser- vatism of the Onion— non-interfen ace by Congress with slavery in State or Territory, or in the Dis- trict of Columbia. . " ' Reiolved, That we recognise the right oi tno people of all the Territories, including Kansas and Nebraska. acting through the legally and fairly ex- pressed will of a majority of actual residents, and whenever the number oi their inhabitants justifies it , to form a Con-tit ut inn, with or without di lie -tie slavery, and be admitted into the 1 nion nppn tern of perfect equality with the other States."' I have shown you that the Compromise meas- ure- "f 1850 did not indorse Squatti r Sovereign- ty. 1 have shown that the Kansas-Nebraska bill 14 did not indorse it, but that it was an agreement for both parties to disagree, and leave it to the courts. The courts had not decided it when the Cincinnati platform was adopted. The Cincin- nati platform then but adopted and indorsed the agreement to disagree, and to leave it to the courts to decide, and would adopt the decision of the court whenever it was made. Now, then, as far as the Cincinnati platform speaks, it speaks on our side. If the Cincinnati platform meant to recognize the right of the peo- ple of the Territories to legislate on the subject of slavery without interference on the part of Congress, why did it not say so? Why was it that it skipped that right and said, "we recognize the right of the people of all the Territories, acting through the legally and fairly expressed will of the majority, to form a constitution?" It says nothing of the people of the Territory having the exclusive power to legislate. The right that is expressed was recognized in the legislation of 1850, and the Kansas-Nebraska bill recognized that right,, and, therefore, the party indorsed it. But the Kansas-Nebraska bill did not recognize the right of exclusive legislation in the Territo- ries, and, therefore, the Cincinnati platform did not say a word on the subject. The Cincinnati platform took the Kansas-Nebraska act with the agreement to disagree, and to take the decision of the Supreme Court whenever it was rendered. I then say his principle was not in the legislation of 1*54, nor in the Cincinnati platform of lb56. But in 1857 the Supreme Court rendered the decision. Was that indorsed? Ah! gentlemen, there is the rub. It is useless for irie to read from that decision. It was in relation to Dred Scott, who claimed to be free because he had once lived in a Territory where slavery had been abolished by act of Congress. Dred Scott was at Fort Snelling, in the Territory of Minnesota. A local law also existed, declaring that slavery should not exist in the Territory, as well as the law of Congress, but that did not come up in the case. The question was. whether there was power any- where to take from the owner of Dred Scott his right of property because he chose to take that slave there. Seven of nine of the judges decided that Congress had no power to enact a law of the kind, and they went on to say: " The powers over person and property of which we speak — That is, the power of confiscating the slaves of the citizens of the slave-holding States, if they go into the Territories — —"Are not only not granted to Congress, but are in express terms denied, and they are forbidden to ex- ercise them. And this prohibition is not confined to thi' btates, Imt (lie words arc general, ami extend to the whole Territory over which the Constitution gives if power to legislate, including those portions "l il remainjng under Territorial Government, as well „s that covered by States. It is a total absence 01 power everywhere within the dominion of the I oited States, ami places tlie citizens of a Territory, solar as these rights are concerned, on the same tootingwith the citizens of the States, and guards them as finals and plainly against any inroads whwli Ihe general government might at tempt under the plea ot implied or incidental powers: ami if Con- gress itself cannot do this— if it is beyond the pow- ers conferred on the Federal Government— it will ho admit! -!. wepresume, that it could not authorize a territorial Government I,, exercise them. Il could Confei no power on any local government establish- ed by its authority to violate the provisions of the Constitution." "And if thf Constitution recognizes the right of property of tin- master in a, slave, and maKes no dis- tinction between that description of properly and other property owned by a citizen, no tribunal, act- ing under the authority of the United States — And surely the Territorial Legislature, when organized, are acting under the authority of the United States — — "No tribunal, acting under the authority of the United States, whether it be Legislative, Execu- tive, or Judicial, has a right to draw such a distinc- tion, or deny to it the benefis of the provisions and guarantees which have been provided for the protec- tion of private property against the encroachments of the Government." The Supreme Court then decided that a Ter- ritorial Legislature, created by Congress, could not have the power to make a slave free when Congress did not have the power, and when all the power that Congress had in the language of the Constitution was " the power coupled with the duty to protect tie owner in his rights." There is the decision of the Supreme Court. It indorses the doctrine as contended for by Breckinridge and Lane, and the Democracy that support them. It indorses the doctrine that your constitutional rights, whatever they are, are as much entitled to protection as are the constitution- al rights of the Abolitionist or the Free-Soiler. It indorses the doctrine that one man is on a level with his brethren. The next time the question came up was when the Lecompton Constitution came before Con- gress. Then it was that Douglas had to take a position, and what did he say? I beg to call your attention to what he said as to submitting to the decision of the Supreme Court in this matter. Here is what he said in his debate with Lincoln when he was running in Illinois for the Senate. "It matters not what way the Supreme Court may hereafter decide as to the abstract question, whether slavery may or may not go into a Territory under the Constittrtio'n. The people have the law- ful means to introduce it, or exclude it as they please, for the reason that slavery cannot exist a day or an hour anywhere unless it is supported by local police regulations. Those police regulations can only be established by the local Legislature, and if the people are opposed to slavery, i hey will elect representatives to that body, who will, by un- friendly legislation effectually prevent the introduc- tion of it into their midst, if, on the contrary, they are for it, their legislation will favor its extension. Hence, no matter what the decision of the Supreme Court may be on that abstract question, still, the right of the people to make a slave Territory or a free Territory is perfect and complete under the Nebraska bill." Here, then, is Mr. Douglas' denial that a de- cision of the Supreme Court would do the South any good under his construction of the Nebraska bill, and that, although he did make the South believe that by leaving it to the Courts, a final decision would be reached by which all parties would be governed — yet, he says, after the law is passed — talking to Northern people, trying to be elected over an Abolitionist — that under the Kansas-Nebraska bill, no matter what may the decision of the Supreme Court, under that bill, the people can make the Territory free — cm, by legislation, take away the constitutional rights of the slaveholder there, and Congress cannot pro- tect or interfere to protect. Now, there is Mr. Douglas' doctrine, and when 15 the Supreme Court came in :i i»> l made a decision against him, what then? He becomes reckless and desperate; and when Kansas (-'nine forward with the Lecpmpton Constitution, then it was tint he armed himself with all his weapons, offensh e and defensh e — allied himself with Sew- ard and tlic Black Republicans in Congress, and voted with them, and had the Constitution referred bark to the Abolition majority on the plains of Kansas. The South was willing to submit when Bver that majority spoke in Convention, but would nut submit thai thai Abolition majority should exclude her from going there even if it was a barren and abstract right, as he says. So it was our right, and it was officiously denied us lb strengthen an Abolition party. It became the South to stand up and see that the truth was vindicated <>n every occasion. Now I have shown you that the assertion of Douglas and his committee, thai this is Demo- cratic doctrine, is wrong, I have shown you that in 1850 we had the advantage. In 1854 we lost it somewhat, but I have shown you that finally — when the Supreme Court made its decision — we again had the advantage, and having the advant- age when we went to Charleston — he having said that he would have his platform or none at all — we felt when this question came up we would be less tli in nun if we did not take up the issue, for fear of disturbing the harmony of the party — for we claimed nothing but that equality that the Democracy has always given us. Douglas says in his letter of acceptance, that thi- Bection seeks to force slavery upon an un- willing people. That is talse as regards the South. The South has never attempted to aggrandize itself at the expense of the North. No Southern state-man that 1 have heard of has proclaimed a doctrine that would aggrandize the South at the expense of the North. All that we have asked, and all that I have asked, is, that we shall be equal with the North — all that we ask of the North is, aggrandize yourselves by your energy atnl industry, and tact, as much as you please, but do not trench upon our right. If, by the ex- ercise of equal rights, you can gain some advan- tage over the South, you are entitled to that advan- tage, and we will protect you in it; but you shall not aggrandize yourselves upon our rights. [A voice — " Hurrah for Yancey," and cheers.] Well now, gentlemen, I have shown you how tlit'-i' two parties stand — I have shown you that while neither obtained a regular nomination of the party, under its rules, yet there is a vast dis- tinction between the two men. They come before a Democratic assemblage, and I ask who ia the choice of the Democracy! I have shown you, by showing the position of the leaders of the Democ- racy, North and South. I have shown you that there is no comparison in the standing of the two men. I have shown you that Breckinridge and Lane are the representatives of the Democracy. [Applause.] I have gone back and shown you, as principle is concerned, that Douglas 1 prin- ciple of Squatter Sovereignty, denounced univer- sally, is far more dangerous and infamous than the Wilmot Proviso, and that it was never in- dorsed by the Democratic party of the country, but on the contrary, the Supreme Court has dc- clared it null, wrong, and unconstitutional — and th.it Douglas makes war m, the Democratic Administration, the Cabinet, Senate, House of Representath <■-, and all the Stat< a of 'he South, in order to cany forward his doctrine, that our rights shall not in the Territories receh 6 the pro tectl f our common Go^ ei ami at. I -how you farther, that Jul I Douglas cares nothing about the I democracy, and that his aim is simply to pull down the DemOOTaCJ — that lie knows he has no chance of an election, and there- fore has opposed all sorts oi' fusion between the two wings of the Democracy, that now he nuv run in several States and destroy that majority, and let in the old opponent of tlie part] running under the lead of Hell. In thisState what chance has Douglas to carry the electoral vote' What sane man believes tor a single moment that he has the least chance of carrying the State of Tennessee? 'What man among them will dare announce on the stump or in a newspaper — on his honor as a man — that he can carry Tennessee ' They know, too, in the State of Alabama, that by running their ticket single or by any fusion, that they have no chance of coming within twen- ty thousand votes of the invincible Democracy. [(Jreat applause.] He is in the same fix in North Carolina, in Georgia, and in Mississippi. He is running his ticket. What is the result ? There may enough (lake off from the true Democracy to enable Bell to slip in and carry the State, and thus perchance the South will be split up and divided so that Lincoln will carry the day against a divided majority. Why is it he runs thus wildly'' He does not hope to carry Tennessee. He hopes to gain no advantage under it, but it is the last, desperate throw of a vindictive and desperate state-man, who feels that he has been caught, and if he dies or sinks in the struggle, he will willingly go down, it he can carry the Democracy with him. Vengeance, ami vengeance alone, , for I have not come here to make a di of oratory before you, but to speak calmly, delib- erately, and truthfully on these matters — 1 ki where I stand— I know the hostile criticism to which 1 shall be subjected— 1 know that if I can be caught tripping how some would rejoice; but, io help me God, if any man bites the dust, it will be some other man than Yancey. [Great ap- plau-e.] I have done with these Douglas men for awhile; I think 1 have given them "a Roland for the Oliver" that they sent to me over to Alabama. 1 come now to the Hell men, for 1 am not one of those Democrats who think that a Democratic fight can go on and speak soft words to the Bell ■ten, men who say it is all right, we will be with you in a few days. I was at a meeting a few days Bince — at a Douglas meeting. Iliad spoken; then came the Douglas elector, and the Bell elector was to follow'. lie patted him on the face aiftl called him a handsome man, and he said: " I have no word to say against you in this fight, hut 1 will cajole you." He was a Scotch- man; but 1 believe he had been taken to Ireland in his Noun- days, and nude to lick "the blarney stone." lie actually made them believe 1 was an ugly fellow,and that was about as much truth illy tell, [laughter and applause,] and then he went on and pitched into me, and declared he was a regular national Democrat, and he cajoled and Battered the Bell man all the while. The Bell man was a gallant fellow, and he did not like the position of things; he was going to stand up for his own side, ami he pitched into the I : a a little. I refer to Mr. Wood, of Lauderdale. I ask whether Southern men have properly con- sidered what is the effect of this canvass, and of the vote they are going to give for Mr. Bell? Suppose I was to call Mr. Bell a free-soiler, you would call it Democratic abuse. Yet, 1 have American condemnation of Mr. Bell. The American parry of Georgia are considered to be pretty sound on the goose [laughter] and protec- tion.' They met in Mr Hill's district, the elo- quent and able leader of the American party in Georgia, and the Lagrange Reporter has the fol- lowing: "Resolutions of the Ncwnan (Oa.) Opposition Convention, of the 29th of June, L859, of which Con- vention the editor of the Reporter was one of the taries: "' That the South has nothins to hope for from the Ropuhliean and lJoinoeratie partes, and a true devotion to the welfare of our own section requires us to oppose b 'ih: and this Convention will neither indorse, sympathize, or affiliate with the Squat- ter Sovereignly policy of Stephen A. Douglas, or the free-soil affinities of Bell, Crittenden, and Hous- ton, who opposed the admission of Kansas under the Lecompton Constitution.' " [Applause ] These are American comments on John Bell — American Whigs of Georgia. Now, then, what did the American Convention ef Georgia do in 18507 They met and declared that the Kansas-Nebraska bill was a true South- ern measure, and that every man who voted against that bill was no true American patriot John Bell was io party has denounci I no true American or pat- riot. That is not my tangu i Bui I h '-.■■ as to John Belli and I will say it I. \ merioan part] in Alabama, al 1 in favor of protection] and declared that they would vote for no in in that dill not avow this Have I been correetly informed that John Bell, in a public spee-h in this place, has declared against this docl veral voices, "Yes."] nave 1 been correctly informed that a Bell paper in this oity has declared thai tfa trine of protection to the rights of the -l ■ era in the Territories they Bcorn? 1 have bi en bo informed. If 1 am correctly informed, then, the Opposition Whig party of Alabama is supporting Mr. Bell on the principle of protection, and the Opposition party in Tennessee are supporting him because he is opposed to the principle of protec- tion, and both parties have floating at their mast- head " the Union, the Constitution, and the en- forcement of the laws." One party supports him, saying the Constitution protects us in our proper- ty in the Territories, and the other denies it. If John Bell should be elected, pray tell me what is he going to do? Who is he to repudiate? I- he to repudiate the Bell party of Georgia and Ala- bama, or is he to give protection and elicit the Bell party of Tennessee? One or the other he is bound to do. One or the other he is b »und to deceive. Why don't he speak out, and li men know where he stands? An eminent citizen, Mr. Wall -.of A li ham i. writes and asks hi, views. He answered, and said "it would D »t be consis- tent with the views of those who nominated me if I were to answer your question?." W tat are tin' views of those who nominated him? i d Everett \-> written to, and he h in Is ove his letter to one Leverett Salstonstall, and he writes and says Everett was nominated with the unde ing that he was to answer no letters, out they were to be handed to us as a kind of c He has a padlock on his mouth. [Lau There ought to be a padlock on every burner they parade. I saw, a day or two since, a crowd going t) Huntsville, and every time we I at a station, these young gentlemen got out and pulled a little bell from their picket-, and they would go "tinkle, tinkle, tinkle." What does that tell the country about the remedies for right- ing the wrongs of the South? What doe- that tell about righting the Union, that is now about overturning under the pie-sure of these Abolition streams! What information does all this give to the aggrieved and thinking patriot who wants to-' .he way to sue his country' TtnUe, tinkle, tinkle! You write to Everett, and von get his committee. Tinkle! You write to B the clapper of the hell goes tinkle, tinkle, iinklei It' this a »r( of p ii riotism and facti mism is to p s» vail in our happy land, you will tinkle, tinl u dead marches to the grave of your country. Bell said in 1 -;">", when he defended Gen. Tay- lor for his silence in reference to the Wi'mot Proviso — If any mau desires to hear it read, 1 have it. 18 [Voices — "Read it." "We believe you; we don't want you to read," &c] I read from the Appendix to the Congressional Globe: "In the late canvass I knew not, nor sought to know, the views of General Taylor upon the ques- tion of the Wiluaot Proviso, nor whether he had formed any opinion or determination as to what his course would be, should he be called upon to give or withhold his sanction to a Territorial bill for Cali- fornia or New Mexico; but in answer to all the spec- ulations and conjectures upon that subject, whether emanating from the North or the South, I took the ground that neither prudence, wisdom, nor patriot- ism, required that any candidate for the Presi- dency should predetermine his course, or declare his purpose, in regard to a question upon the de- cision of which hung not only the peace of the country, but the safety of the Union itself . ltqok the ground that no man who had any j ust pretension to the suffrages of his countrymen for the Presiden- cy, would dare to take such a course; and that if General Taylor should declare his intention either to sanction or veto the Wilmot Proviso, in advance, I should regard it as an act of the most egregious folly, and affording the h ighest evidence of h i* total Unfitness for the high station to ichich his friends sought to elevate him. " Upon such a question I contended, as I still con- tend, that the highest dictate of duty, wisdom, and patriotism, required that a President should reserve to himself the privilege of deliberation and reflec- tion, of weighing tendencies and consequences until the last moment of time allowed him by the Con- stitution, before he comes to a conclusion so preg- nant of momentous results." Here, then, is the opinion of John Bell, that no candidate for the Presidency ought to let you know if he is an Abolitionist or a Southern man. Here is his opinion, that it would be egregious folly to answer any man on the great vexed ques- tion of Abolition — if he would sanction or veto an Abolition measure. Here is John Bell, telling that he voted for Taylor, and he did not know if he would veto any measure. He did not know that, and he would not ask it — and that was right . Here is Mr. Bell. My friend, Mr. Watts, asks him, "are you in favor of the protection of the constitutional rights of the citizen, and do you believe in the right to go witli our property into the common Territory:?" and he writes back that it would not be consistent with the principles of those who nominated him to answer, and begging Mr. Watts to take his past life as a sufficient guarantee. Mr. Watts says, "I deduce from his record that he is in favor of protection;" yet you understand him to disown it. What is his record worth, honest men of Tennessee? The nominat- ing Convention won't declare his opinions, and he himself that is nominated won't declare his opinions — but he merely says, "I am for the Union, the Constitution, and the enforcement of the laws." What is that? All creeds and sects differ in their interpretation of the Bible. You want to know what interpretation he gives to the Constitution on these great points, and he won't tell you. What does he mean by the Union? Does he mean to maintain the Union and the Government if the Constitution is overthrown? Does he mean to maintain the Union if our rights are trampled under loot by an Abolition majority? ; Shall we stick by the Union when its spirit is ' dead — its letter violated — when the Constitution ' has been disrupted, and the Government our , lathers framed has been overturned, and when in lieu of it Black Republicanism is put in its place? Is that your meaning, Mr. Bell? He won't tell us. He says it will be egregious folly to tell us. What do you mean by the enforcement of the law? Do you mean as the Douglas men say? He says it would be folly to tell you. And here, in this crisis in our country's destiny, when we don't know what lies beyond the cloud that low- ers over us in the North — when we want light to guide and instruct us — John Bell and Edward Everett come before you with a padlock on their mouths and on their banner! Are these the men that the true patriot of Ten- nessee, the enlightened man, is going to vote for? Let us look a little further into his record. I will read it, inasmuch as reading seems to be so pleasing to the crowd. A Voice — "You've got them down now. They are all leaving you." Mr. Yancey — Oh, stay a little while longer. You abuse me three hundred and sixty-four days in the year! Give me one hour's chance — just one hour. I am afraid I can't find it. I have lost the place. I will tell you what it is. When the bill to abolish the slave trade in the District of Co- lumbia was before the same Congress, Bell made a speech upon it. He said that he had no doubt of the power and duty of Congress to abolish sla- very in the District of Columbia. Oh! here it is! I will read it from the book itself. It is a little more tedious to read, but I wish to be governed by the book. I don't wish one word of mine shall make a shade of differ- ence in the language of Mr. Bell. Here it is : " With regard to the constitutional power of Con- gress over this subject, 1 would say, that the only doubt I have of the existence of the power either to suppress the slave trade or to abolish slavery in this District, is inspired by the respect I have for the opinions of so many distinguished and eminent men, both in and out of Congress, who hold that Congress has no such power. Reading the Constitution for myself, I believe that Congress has all the power over the subject in this district which the States have within their respective jurisdictions. * * * * % * * * "But however great my respect may be for the opinions of others on the question of power, there are some considerations of such high account as, in my judgment, to make it desirable, that unless by common consent, iho project of abolition shall be wholly given up and abandoned, the remnant of sla- very existing in this district should be abolished at once. At the present moment, however, the excited state ofpublic sentiment in the South, growing out of the Territorial questions, seems to forbidsuch a course. For myself, if the sentiment of the South were less inflamed, I would prefer that course to be kept an open question" * Now, gentlemen, our fathers accepted thia District of Columbia as a present from the slave States of Virginia and Maryland. It was made the common ground of the Confederation to meet in with their representatives, to enact laws for all, and here Mr. Bell says, that alth >ugh this Government is a pro-slavery Government, made for the protection of slave propeity, yet he be- lieves Congress has the power, and ought to exer- cise the power, and abolish slavery — destroy the right of the slave holder in his property. Would any one submit to that? The only object, he says, that prevented him from voting, was the infl imed state of the public mind. He continues: 19 "Iaone aspeot of thesubjeot I mn aol sure thai it would not be a great conservative measure, both : i- reaards tin- Union and tin- intercuts of the South. " Willi regard to the prop isitions to Buppreas the rade in the District as already Btated, I have made up my mind that it ought to bo done on several Is. " P « * * * »*•* * "Still, suoh :i proceeding us this, in these dis- tracted times, might be misunderstood, and 1 would not think it expedient to pass this bill in any shape at this time, but for the connection in which ii i- found with other measures, particularly with the Fugitive Slave bill. It was this connection, and in too hope that all the questions relating to this subject, which have so long distraoted the public miud. might be harmoniously adjusted, that [gave my assent to the prinoiple of this bill as reported bom the eommittee." If it would not produce disunion — if you would not break up the Union, lie says that Congress has tin- power, and it would he a great conservative measure to destroy the institution in the District Of Columbia. Now if Congress has the power and should exercise it in one case, what is to pre- vent it from being used as a precedent in another case? Are not the rights of your brother slave- holder in the District of Columbia as clear and as saned as the rights of the citizen of Tennes- see? In my opinion the Government has no more power over the rights of slaveholders in the Dis- rrict of Columbia than in the State of Tennessee. Your right of property is guaranteed to you by the Constitution of the United States, which pro- hibits any encroachment up m it. But here is a mm — a Southern mm — that says that Coiuress can destroy the slaveholder's right to hold his proper y in Territory where it has jurisdiction. N ,t only that, he tells you that he did not care whether Gen. Taylor was foi or against the Wil- ni 'i Proviso. I am willing to abolish slavery in the D strict of Columbia, says he. And now, in this trying hour, when we are trying every verge of the Constitution to shelter us — when we want no precedent of Abolitionism when we want to keep its foot from grazing on Southern soil — here are Son hem men doing their best to elect a man who 11 the District of Columbia is a free-soiler, and who, in Georgia, has been proclaimed an Ab ilitionist. I don't believe John Bell would be for the abo- lit oa of slavery in Tennessee; but he tells me he believes the abolition of slavery in the District of Coluinoia would be a conservative and proper nie isure. Gentlemen of the Whig party, refresh your memories — refer back to the short, time since, when your hearts were bitter against the Jackson Democracy of Tennessee, because they supported a in id who had this sentiment: " From the light now belore me I am not prepared to say," &<•. Martin Van Buren you damued forever, because he doubted on the question — John Hell you hug to sour bosoms, because he has no doubt. 1 beg now to read you an extract from a paper — from the Pittsburgh Gazette. 1 don't know how true it is, but I think the Democrats and Bell men of Tennessee ought to demand an explanation of it. It shows that the Bell men of Indiana arc not ipiite 90 pure as they are here. The Pitts- burgh Gazdte of the yih of August, says a Terra Haute correspondent of the Newark Advertiser, rivea the following Important information i ing the COntl -t in Indiana: "In regard to the Bell and Everett movement Ifl the State, nothing positive can yet be known as to thoir running an electoral ticket in Indiana, lion. Richard W. Thompson, the acknowledged leader ox the party, ha ■ expressed hi deti rminatfon to luppoig both the Republican State and eleotoral tioket, ana it is understood that be will discourage th< ■ation of the pan., in opposition to the sup Linooln and Bamb.n. The Hon. b. Bthenuge, of ee, on his return from rVasbingt guest oi Col. Thompson for a few days, and when in the city was serenaded by bis political friends, when be made a speeoh a nd exhorted them to oa all ideas of supporting a Boll ticket In Indiana, and give their united support to Line., in. Be advised them that nil the effort* of the united Opposition should be directed to the overthrow of the Demo* orotic pariy, which could only be done by defeating their candidates in as many States as possible. Ho said if he lived in Indiana ne would vote for Lincoln, but as he lived in a State where hi j own tioket had a chance, he would vote for Bell. This advice froni a man of the position held by Mr. Btheridge in his party has great weight with the mulubcrs of that part} in Indiana." A Tennessecan in a Freesoil State advising his friends and political associates to vote for the Black Republican candidate because they cannot elect the Bell ticket, and saving if he lived there he would vote for Lincoln! I hope this will be explained. I hope for the honor of the South that no Southern man who occupies so distin- guished a position as Mr. Ethe idge will be found to have uttered these words of treason to his own section. A Southern man vote for Lincoln in preference to voting for Breckinridge! A South- ern man voting for Lincoln in preference to 1) mglas, which I cons'der as being but a slight difference! But there is a difference, and that difference my country has the right to the bene- fit of; but a man's heart must be embittered in deed, against his fellow- Democrats of the South, if he is willing to see the Black Republican party put in power — risking every thing with that party rather tha.i see the Democrats carrying on the Government. The Democracy has nowhere done any very great wrong to your rights. I admit that the Democracy has not always stood as man- fully and squarely up to the maintenance of yon constitutional rights as might have b< en, but nc other party lias ever done more, or come so neat to it. Tlie South demands a party to injure nc other party, but she wants her own rights to b< protected. I have read enough to you to show that then is much need for an avowal of the opinion 01 Mr. Bell. I have read to you to show that In ought to avow himself But Hell tells you he ii ['••y the Union! Union is the cry. Disunion. Breckinridge is supported by Yancey, the Bel men tell you, and the Douglas men tell you tin same. No matter what may be the spots on on; candidate, there is nothing compared to that gma spot, dark enough to eclipse every thing in Hreck inridge — the body of this other man, Yancey stands before him. [Laughter and applause. I can't take up a Bell paper in which mv nam. docs not appear half a dozen times in each cil umn. It is the same of the Douglas journal.' They send their papers to me from Minnesota; from Florida — from Maine to Texas. I gel thee papers — and if anything is said very bad, I ar certain to get it. All over the country, it is llti 20 man Yancey. It is the Yancey-Breckinridge part) 1 , not even the Breckinridge-Yancey party; 1 and the Louisville Journal prints the Democratic ticket, having in great big letters, "WILLIAM ' L. YANCEY," and then in small letters, "and , his friend, John C. Breckinridge." [Laughter.] Well, now, then, as during this whole canvass, I a great deal of paper has been worn out, a great i deal of ink expended, and a great deal of brain- | work has been put together to the end of abus- : ing this man Yancey, and as I never expect to appear before you, citizens of Memphis, again, i will you allow me half an hour in explaining my own position, and then let the Bell and Douglas papers loose as far as they will go. I hope these papers will bear in mind that when my back is • turned that I have not had fair dealings, at the best. They get at me behind my back — excuse me. I lead this morning some very handsome and generous pieces in relation to my arrival in Memphis. That was- kind, manly, and well- meant. I have no doubt these gentlemen are such in all their relations, except when they take up a pen to write about "this man Yancey," when they seem to become insane. They know not what they do, or else they would not publish a hundredth part of what they do. Now, I took up a paper this day which pub- lished two short columns about Yancey and his antecedents. I have that paper, and I have marked it round with red lines, and in those two ■ 6hort columns are nineteen manufactured lies. The editor starts out with denying me the privi- lege of being born in the South, and says I was born at a place called Fungus, in New Ymk. There are nineteen of just such manufactured lies. That is a specimen of a great many things that are said of me. I have no doubt many of them do not know what they do. They pick these things up from those Alabama fellows, and they take them for truth. But they will allow me, in a spirit of fairness and manliness — as that grand old Democratic maxim says "fiir play is a jewel'' — LJiave no doubt, they will allow me to tell you exactly where I stand I trust they will give me the privilege that is given to the poorest villain that ever stood in the criminal's dock, and that is the right to be heard for myself. All I ask are the ordinary rules by which you try your criminals — prove the thing. If I put a denial on record, let that be to try me before the country. They say I am a disunionist. They say that I disrupted the Democratic party, or that I desire to do it in order to break up the Union. They not only tell you of my acts, but they dive within my bosom — a province, I thought, which only be- longed to the Deity — and they divine my motives and my secret thoughts. Well, I don't believe there is a supporter of Bell or Douglas that has much divinity about, him. I think men have a ri^ht to inter motives from acts. I give them the benelit of that, and let them make the most of it. It is said that I wrote a letter to James S. Slaughter, and that that letter is a disunion let- ter. I deny it. There is not a word in that letter tl.at I take back to-night. There is not a senti- ment in it I disavow. I utterly amazed a Doug- las editor when I referred to it the other day. I'e lid supposed it would set me back to have this letter brought to my attention, when I made a speech in his vicinity; and he wrote saying: "we would like Mr. Yancey to give an explana- tion of the Slaughter letter." I did not see it until after I had spoken; but it so happened I did speak of it, as also of the League, which was another object of his inquiries. He nearly burst- ed his eyes. He thought I had acknowledged I was a traitor. / But, gentlemen, to the letter. Consider what it is. In the first place, there are few men that would like all they say in privacy to be published to the world; not that they have told a lie in what they have said in private, but because it is a thing the public had nothing to do with, and probably they may use language carelessly, which unexplained, might mislead. Sometimes what a nun says needs no explanation to any but the one to whom it is written. Here w T as a little short letter — a little private letter written to a man who desired me to help him to break up the Demo- ciatic party. He called the party the Augean stables, and he wanted me to join him and build up a Southern party to clean out the Augean sta- bles. Poor fellow, he is dead now! He killed himself last week — poisoned himself while labor- ing under depression of spirits He published that letter wrongfully. He published it not de- nouncing me for disunionism, like some of you feel — but he did not like it because I would not he'p him break up the Democratic party. I wrote him, saying I would not join him, and quit the Democracy. That is the only thing I am charg- ed with. I have been in the Democratic party allmy life Sometimes it has been wrong; but I have never given a vote against it. Mark you, I have not always voted with it or for it — I have sometimes stood by — for I can't vote against my conscience. 1 am answerable to God tor tint. I wrote to him that I would not do it; and I said, you cannot clean out the Augean stables in that way; and then knowing that lie had quit the De- mocracy, I suggested to him this, or in the nature of this— - J, I believe the next aggression will be committed on the South, and I do not believe any party can save the South." They say I am for a sectional party — why I refused to aid in getting up one. They say I am against the Democra- cy — I refused to leave it. Then in my letter I said — if we could do as our fathers did, organize committees of safety all over the cotton States, we shall fire the Southern heart — instruct the Southern mind — give courage to each other, and at the proper moment, by one organized, concert- ed action, we can precipitate the cotton States into a revolution. I believed the North will be so encouraged — there are so many submissionist3, and so many Union shriekers in our midst, that they are killing off our Southern patriotism — and therefore I wrote to this man what I say to you, take this Sou hern league, which had recently been advocated in the Alabama Advertiser. If you won't join the Democratic parry, instead of making it your business to pull down the party — go to work and try to elevate the public mind of the people in favor of Southern rights. Then you can precipitate the cotton States into a revo- lution at the proper moment; for I have no faith that any N rthern State will stand up to the rights of the South. Well, that letter is nothing but the Georgia 21 platform — the Georgia union platform made by it in 1851, when the Btate wai restless about Che abolition of the Blave trade between the States and the District of Columbia. The people of Georgia met in Convention and passed an ordinance which is now a part of the Constitution of Georgia. It is as colli part: 1. That wo hold the American Union secondary in importance only to the rights and principles ii was destined to perpetuate; that past associations, I fruition and future prospects will bind us to it si i long as it oontinuesto be the safeguard of those rights and principles. ^'. That ir the i birteen original parties to the con- tract , bordering the Atlantic in a narrow belt, whilst the ir separate interests were in embryo; their pecu- liar tenaei ■ ely developed; their revolution- ary traits and triumphs still green in memory; found union impossible without compromise, the thirty- pne of this day will yield somewhat in the conflict of opinion and policy to presen e that Union w bich has extended the sway of Republican Government over a vast wilderness to another ocean, and proportion- i i heir eft ilization ami national great- Ui'-'. r '.i. That in this spirit we have maturely considered the action of Congress, embracing a series of meas- im 9 for the admission of California into the Onion; the organization of Territorial Governments for 1 i thandNcw Mexico; the establishment of a bound- ary between the latter and the State of Texas; the suppression of the slave trade in the District of Col imbia, and the extradition of fugitive slaves, and connected with them, the rejection of the pro- position? to es ilude slavery from the Mexican Terri- tories, and to abolish it in the District of Columbia. and while we do not wholly approve, will abide by it as a permanent adjustment of this sectional con- troversy. 4. That Georgia in our judgmeut, will and ought to resist, even (is a last resor ) to a, disruption of every tie which binds her to the Union, any action of Congr --s up o) the subject of slavery in the Dis- ■ t Columbia, or in placessuhject to the juris- diction of Congress, incompatible with the safety, domestic tranquility, the rights and honor of the slaveh' 1 Jiug States, or in any act suppressing the Blave trad the slaveholding States, or in any refusal to admit as a State any territory here- after applying because of the existence of slavery therein, or in anj act prohibiting the introduction of slaves int iries of Utah and N sw .Mexico, or in any act repealing or materially modifying the laws, now in force for the recovery of fugitive slaves. And it was made a part of the Constitution of Georgia, which no law can repeil, that when the next agression c imea on the South, the Govern or of Ge irgia is bound at once to call the peo- ple together to take measures to po out of the Union. That was the Union platform in 1851, adopted by the Union party in the State of Ten- nessee, and adopted throughout the South gener- ally. This Slaughter letter therefore was this — go to work m ii 1 prepare, that when the time c eg the Southern people will be ready to enforce the Union, not the disunion platform — resistance to the next aggression upon your constitutional rights. Is there any man here who claims to be a Southern m in, who is willing to stand up before a Ten I?-- -e audience and say, "I am not will- ing to s.v that the South shall not resist any aggression upon her constitutional rights?" Is there any s»uch man here, be he Douglas or Bell man? [C:-ies of No.] If there is, I should like to look at him, and to know his name — audi should like his neighbors and the people gener- ally to know him. I want to see the m:in that is ready to knuckle and bow and submit to the Northern people under a higher law. That man bt to condemn me for writing the Slaugh- ter biter. No other man has 8 right tO No Union man of 1851 has. No Bell man of I860 has. I want to read to (he B( 1! m< mse I am inclined to think that what I shall read will be authority even for them, and I hope they will tinkle their bell over it until the next time they speak of me as a disunion! -t. Here is what .Mr. Bell says. I read you from the official record: "Sir, no man who loves his country, no man who has any just pride in the reflection that I n citizen, hut must d< iira that these dimen- sions should cease, for, sir, it i-' not a mere question whether we shall preserve the Union; for that may he, and yet prove no great boon either to ourselves or to posterity." The Union no great boon. Doesn't that sound like Yancey > "The question is not whether thi so States shall continue tube united according to the letter of the covenant by which tiny are hound together; it. is whether they shall continue to be united in heart — whether they shall continue to be practically and efficiently carrying out the great end of the associa- tion. * * This is the question, and when you present that issueto me, lsaj al once, give me sep- aration, give me disunion, give me any thing in pref- erence to a Union sustained only by p stitutional and legal ties — without confidence. If our future career is to be one of eternal discoid and of angry crimination and recrimination, give me rather separation with all its consequences. Well, now, there is no aggression here, mind you, simply the constant scene of quarreling, threatening, and discord. When you present that issue to him, he says at once, "give me sep- aration — give me disunion,'" says John Bell, "Give me anything in prefer* nee to a Union sus- tained only by [tower, by const tutional and legal ties without confidence. Ah! lie says he is against, the Union sustained by constitutional and legal ties, if you don't have confidence between each other. If your sentiments don't agree — although the ties are constitutional and legal — he says, give me disunion rather. That is John Bell. John Bell then lias t« you what? Why, gentlemen, did I go as far that when I said in my Slaughter letter, "we will precipitate the cotton States into a revolution the next aggression — at the proper moment on the next aggression?" Did I go as far as John Bell, who said he did not want to wait for the next aggression, but says if this constant warfare ia to be continued, give mesepara ion. H«>w dare any Bell man to call me a disunionist I How dare he stand up and repeat that as to me and not de- nounce Hell as a disunionist ? Sir, i,' you do that, I Bay to your face you are apolitical hyp crite, unworthy of the conf iple. A disunionist, when all the charge that i- mole against me is, that i am ready to s'rike a blow for our constitutional rights, against one. institu- tional aggression? And yet you due support Hell who says, give me disunion rath ir than the Union with a want of confidence. How em the people have confidence in you, gentlemen — how can the Union loving ] pie oi lie- C n trj — those who only know the Union thtoiigh the Con- stitution when having such a Union — when you, having promulgated that I am a traitor, ao 22 Bell stands a head and shoulders above me in the ranks, you support John Bell? The Douglas men, what do they do ? Ah ! they say he is a disunionist — Yancey is an agitator — he disrupted the Democratic party — he got up the Alabama platform to divide the Democratic p ar ty — and yet it so happens that history tells you that the Alabama platform simply asked for our constitutional rights, and did not say that we would go out of the Union, but out of the Dem- ocratic party. We went out, did we not? Eight of the Democratic States went out, and I should call that a pretty wide breach — so wide, indeed, that no Douglas "man can ever get to Heaven, if it is between him and hell. [Laughter.] And yet it so happens when I went back to the Democra- cy of Alabama, it fell to my fortune to lead off in the cause of conciliation and moderation, and in endeavoring to heal the breach that had occur- red at Charleston, to give the Democracy time to repent. To reconsider, I took occasion to lead off in asking that Convention to send us to Bal- timore. Had it been my object to break up the Union by that disruption, I had already broken up the party, and had the Union at my feet, and yet you find me in the Convention at Montgom- ery saying, "let us go back with the olive branch although they have insulted us — although they have done usa wrong — let us go back and unite the gallant Democracy once more in gallant and glorious support of the Constitution and the rights of the South." But they say "the league!" Oh, that is a se- cret thing ! Bring it out; maybe it has a cloven foot, and a tail hidden under its c institution. They tell us it is a secret thing. They tell us that I am forming it through the country, and if yon don't look out I will have a league formed in the city of Memphis. Some man writes to the Stntrs, a Douglas paper published at Washing- ton, that I am forming a league with ten oaths, and all that. Now all of that is a manufactured lie. gj v In 1858 I did form a league in Montgomery. yjU existed three months. The people frowned it tfial'wn, and the Democracy frowned it down — I thought it a good rhing, but the citizens did not. I wish to G >d every man in lhe South was a mem >er of a Southern league. I wish every man at the North was. If it were so, the objects of the league would be promoted, and the con- stitutional rights of the South would be pro- tec ed. But they tell us that is not the object. I have it stated here in the Mem; his weekly Appeal. Now 1 will sa\ in the first place, the league never was a secrel association. It was extinguished within three months after it was initiated — the members never met without public notice being given in tie papers or by hand-bills — its meet- ings were held with open doors, and its proceed- in:- were always published on the following day in the newspapers. There was no test oath about 1 it. IJii lice is an article that I am told has i been di i lently prepared. It is taken from the 1 Na-ii\i e Patriot. Is that a Douglas or a Bell p '•,-, Bell! Bell!] He says of tiie 1 le;. . i intense applause.] " The members of this organization shall be known as the 'Leaguers of the South,' and our motto shall be, a Southern republic is our only safety." * * * * * * * * And then it goes on, and has twelve articles, which it is unnecessary to read. Now, what do you say, when I pronounce that this instrument here — so carefully got up as a campaign paper to be used among the people, and put forth under the auspices of the Nashville Patriot, an repub- lished in the Memphis Appeal as an authentic document — what do you say when I pronounce it abase, infamous, political forgery! [Great ap- plause.] I don't say these gentlemen forged it. I know nothing of them. I don't know where they got it. They may possibly have got it from some miserable lying sheet in Alabama, and tak- ing it for granted to be true, republished it. I state this to you. The Constitution of the Uni- ted Leagues of the South, the only one adopted that I ever heard of, was published the next morn- ing after it was adopted in public meeting. A large number were struck off and circulated; and afterwards seeing a document put forth purport- ing to be the Constitution, I wrote a letter cor- recting the misapprehension. I have given the Constitution, at length, everywhere I have spo- ken I have, at each place, met the same docu- ment, and have reiterated the same truth; and yet the Douglas orators in my State still carry it about and promulgate it. Are they so utterly destitute of merit that they cannot do a fair and manly piece of justice and courtesy? Have I not a right t<> demand of these^gentlemen the ordina- ry rules of fair play? That they should at least put me on trial before their readers, and way Mr. Yancey has denied it? Perchance it has been, done. " I have endeavored to find out that it has, but I cannot so learn. But, on the contrary, I find myself attacked again and again. I love the favorable verdict of my kind as much as any other man. 1 have endeavored to live a life of self-denial, of justice — to pursue the ways of truthfulness towards my fellow-men, and in all my relations 1 have endeavored, with all the infirmities of human nature upon me, to do justice to all. Truth, justice, and the Constitution has been my motto, in private as well as in public life. Ii" any of these gentlemen will point to the d ^ ♦*aV^°. ** & *z ■» ^? \5. 'o . » * A, >* * • • •# # % •?