Goijyright}^^- COPWIGHT DEPOSrr. ^^m^^^m-. INSErAF\/\BLL" ^o^ MANUAL OF THE CIVIL WAR AND KEY TO THE Grand Army of the Republic AND KINDRED SOCIETIES J. WORTH CARNAHAN REVISED EDITION — ILLUSTRATED Published by THE EASEL MONUMENT ASSOCIATION CHICAGO, ILL. 1897 'ist COPY; {[ JAM ] C..^.,M ^ \ \ bL^O Copyrighted 1897, By J. WORTH CARNAHAN. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page. Introduction 11 Dedication 12 PART I. Chapter I. — Causes which led to the Organization of the G. A. R. and its Co- Workers 13 Chapter II —History of the G. A. R.— Its Origin— Objects — Eligi- bility — Political Tendencies — Grade System of Membership — Its Growth — Numerical Strength of Each Department — National Encampments — Past Commanders-in-Chief — National Officers — Department Officers— Post Officers— Description of the G. A. R. Badge 18 Chapter III.— History of the "Woman's Relief Corps" and the " Ladies of the G. A. R." 41 Chapter IV.— History of the " Sons of Veterans, U. S. A." — " Ladies' Aid Society, Auxiliary to the 'Sons of Veterans, U. S. A.'" — and " Daughters of Veterans " 47 Chapter V. — History of the " National Association of Naval Veter- ans of the United States"— The " Loyal Legion "—The " Union Veteran Legion" — The " Union Veterans' Union" — The "Vet- erans' Rights Union," and the " Union Ex-Prisoners of War Association " 55 Chapter VI. — Veteran Societies — "Third Army Corps" — "Society of the Army of Tennessee"—" Society of the Army of the Ohio" —"Society of the Army of the Cumberland "—"The Signal Corps" — " Society of the Army of the James" — " Society of the Army of the Potomac'.' — "Society of the Burnside Expedition and Ninth Corps "—" Society of the Army and Navy of the Gulf"—" Society of the Army of West Virginia"—" Cincinnati Society of Ex-Army and Navy Officers"— " Pennsylvania Re- serve Association " — Society of the Army of Arkansas 67 7 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS. PART II. Pasb Sub-Divisions of the Union Army — How Designated — Officers in the Order of their Rank, including Navy 75 Enlistments from the Different States, with Particulars as to Loss by Death 82 CoBPS Engagements and Corps Commanders 88 PART III. Alphabetical List of Battles and Engagements of the Late Civil War, with Casualties Ill Alphabetical List of Naval Engagements of the Civil War, with Casualties 205 PART IV. An Outline intended to be filled in with a copy of the soldier's Hon- orable Bischargt', his personal Record of Service, the record of his regiment and such other reminiscences as he may desire to hand down to posterity 224 PART V. The Easel Monument Project and Pension Statistics 246 ILLUSTRATIONS. BADGES. Page. Army of Arkansas 66 " " The Cumberland, " " The James, " " The Potomac, " " Tennessee, " " West Virginia, Corps Badges '^'* G. A. R. Membership Badge 18, 38, 68 Officer's " (acting and past) 39 " Recognition Lapel Button 18, 66 Ladies' Aid Society 51 Ladies of the G. A. R 44 Button 66 Loyal Legion - 60 Medal of Honor 66 Sons of Veterans 47, 68 Union Soldiers' Alliance 68 Union Veteran Legion 61 Button 61 Union Veterans' Union 63 United States Navy (new style) 55 " (old " ) Woman's Relief Corps 68 41-68 MISCELLANEOUS. Artillery (Emblem) Cavalry (Emblem) Coat of Arms (S. of V.). Columbia (Emblem) Defense of the Flag 10 ILLUSTRATIONS. Page. Discharges (Infantry and Naval) 225, 227 Triangular Easel Monument 247 Faces of Generals 79 Good-Bye , 13 History (Emblem) 68 Hospital 40 Infantry (Emblem) 66 Keyboard to Colors used in Badges 68 Lessons in Pati-iotism 16 Navy (Emblem) 66 On tlie Field 14 Picking Lint 17 Sailor and Soldier 21 Woman's Work 15 Introtluction, THIS book is respectfully submitted to the public as a co7iven- ient reference to the battles and engagements of the Civil War, Enlistments from the different States, divisions and subdi- visions of the Union Army, Officers in the order of their rank and the principles, objects, etc., of the Grand Army of the Republic and Kindred Societies. It is also intended to serve as a companion or key to the picture entitled " The Easel Monument Souvenir." Its place is on the center table, a ready answer to all questions suggested by a study of said picture and affording, at the same time, an appropriate means for preserving the Record of Service, also a copy of the Honorable Discharge of the soldier with whose name the said picture is engrossed, and in this way hand the same down to posterity. J. Worth Carnahan. DEDlCflTIOfl. Jo ihz brave ''boys in blue," who, oa land or sea participated in that meiriorable struggle for the preserva= tion of our Union, and to the mothers, wives, daughters, and friends, who, at home and in the hospital, so nobly did their part, this little volume is respectfully dedicated by the author. GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC KINDRED SOCIETIES. CHAPTER I. CAUSES WHICH LED TO THE ORGANIZATION OF THE G. A. R. AND ITS CO-WORKERS. ^ O' |VER a quarter of a century ago the people of the North were startled as never before by the report that Fort Sumter had been fired upon, and that the war between the North and the South had indeed commenced in earnest. A call for volunteers to defend the " Stars and Stripes " was made. That call was answered. Brave men left the farm, the workshop, the office, the store, home, and loved ones — everything, and rushed forward to protect the nation's honor. Battles were lost — battles were won. Long and weary were the marches, and fierce and bloody were the battles that marked the years from 1861 to 1865. The comrade Avho, at morning, answered " here," at 13 CAUSES WHICH LED TO THE OKGANIZATIOX OF eventide could nevermore respond. Never before in the annals of history was any similar struggle waged on so grand a scale or with so great a destruction of men and material /^^^^XX '^^ ill this '' the great American conflict." ^^^^M^; y ^^ ^''^^^ ^^^® ^^^^^ ^^y <^^ii^e- The South, no ""■^" longer able to withstand the prowess and over- whelming forces of the North, was compelled to surrender, and then " The Brave Boys in Blue " marched home again ; but not until nearly half a million of their number were killed outright on the field, died of disease and wounds, or were crippled or maimed for life. Many returned home to find themselves penniless and helpless, but strong in their determination to grapple with the world. The promises made to the men who left their families to go forth to fight for the integrity of the' nation were but poorly kept, and though some were provided with employment by the Government, and many patriotic citizens, who remembered and appreciated their services, came nobly forward and gave them the preference in their enterprises, still a great number remained unemployed and unprovided for. This state of affairs caused deep anxiety in the hearts of their more fortunate comrades, who had stood shoulder to shoulder with these men during the death storm of battle, but who had come out of the war with happier fortune, and who were now better able to cope with the world. It was this condition of aff"airs that caused the pioneers in the Grand Army of the Republic to conceive the idea of forming an organization that would, to a certain extent, look after the disabled and unemployed veterans, and to the welfare of the widows and orphans of those who had fallen in the conflict. Such were the circumstances which led to the organization of the G. A. R., made brothers under the cloud of war, brothers in a thousand common dangers, brothers in a thousand common sufl'erings, brothers they must remain in the sunshine of peace. THE G. A. R. AND ITS CO-WORKERS. 15 The history of" The Great American Conflief' would be incom- plete without a record of the heroism and self-denying deeds of the mothers, wives, and daughters of those who sprang to arms to support the integrity of the ReiHiblic and the honor of the "Stars and Stripes." Thousands of Xorthern women of all classes and every rank of society, willingly sacrificing much of what is dear to woman, urged their friends and loved ones to rally around the flag ; and they eagerly sought the privilege, as they deemed it, of doing Avhat they could for the cause. At home they managed the business, the factory, or the farm, at the same time caring for the little ones ; and when tidings of defeat or disaster reached them, their hearts trembled with anxiety for the welfare of their loved ones and the success of the cause. Every moment of the day and night of that trying time, hearts were lifted up in silent prayer to the " God of Battles " that the right might prevail and the absent ones be returned safe in peace and honor. In the stillness of the night, as the little ones were put to rest, their young voices were taught to lisp a prayer, that " God might spare papa and preserve the Union." Nor Avas this all. What a woman does, she does with her whole heart. Almost every home in the North was turned into a manufactory of lint ; the closets and chests were ransacked and valued articles of linen were cheerfully brought forth and sacrificed to be shredded into lint for " the poor wounded soldiers." Societies were organized throughout the country, and the women vied with each other in offering delicacies and dainties, to be sent to the hospitals for the weak and suffering who had been wounded on Southern battlefields. How devotedly they worked in the interest of the " Christian Commission " and the " Sanitary Com- mission." Their busv fingers even found time, in numerous cases, to 16 CAUSES WHICH LED TO THE ORGANIZATION OF pen words of cheer and encouragement to the brave men, straiigers to them, except that they were bound together by the strong bonds of loyalty and patriotism. Nor can we forget those dauntless ones, who, not tied by the cares of a family, so gladly volunteered for active service as nurses on the battlefield and in the hospital ; who left the ease and refine- ment of home to suffer toil and privations to administer to the wants of the wounded. As ministering angels, they passed from cot to cot, stopping here to breathe a word of encouragement to a young sufferer racked Avith pain and far away from friends and home, and pausing there to raise the pillow of another that he might rest a little more comfortably. At times she was to be found writing a last message to loved ones from one about passing away, and whispering words of hope and consolation — in short, in a thousand different ways doing what only a woman, with her tact, gentleness, and sympathy, can do. After the struggle was over and the sword was turned into the pruning-hook — when the gallant defenders returned to the vocations of peace; alas, many of them, incapacitated by wounds or disease, were unable to resume their former calling, and helplessly saw their families without proper provision for their maintenance, the women, faithful to their interests and true in their devotion, sprang to the rescue and organized the various auxiliaries known as the " Woman's Relief Corps," " Loyal Ladies' League," or the " Ladies of the G. A. R.," etc., etc. The lessons of patriotism learned at the knee of their mothers were not lost on the children of the soldiers. On the return of their fathers and brothers from the conflict, the stories of battles and victory were told and retold by the fireside, and such was their charm that they were ever new. Their words burned into the hearts of the young listeners, and they made such an impres- THE G. A. R. AXD ITS CO-WORKERS. i< sion that with advancing years the children came to feel that they, too, could claim a common interest and heritage in the deeds of their fathers. This feeling seemed to unite them and form a common tie, leading eventually to the organization of the " Sons of Veterans," " Ladies' Aid Societies," and the " Daughters of Veterans," respectively. 'mm CHAPTER II. THE GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC. THE cradle of the " Grand Array of the Republic " was a sol- dier's tent. On the march to Meridian was born tlie idea that was to crystallize and develop, and finally produce that brotherhood of soldiers known as the G. A. R. During Sherman's expedition to Meridian, in February, 1864, Maj. B. F. Stephenson and Chaplain W. J. Rutledge became tentmates and close friends. As they spoke in glad anticipation of the time when they might exchange the hardships and trials of the field for the shel- ter and comfort of their homes. Chaplain Rutledge suggested that when the troops were finally mus- tered out of the service, it would be but natural to suppose that men who had shared so much suffer- ing, privation, and danger would wish to form some sort of associa- tion, that they might meet again to preserve the friendships and memo- ries of the past. This topic l^ecame the subject of frequent conversation G. A. R. BUTTON "the grand army of the republic." 19 and they agreed to assist one another in the development of such a project, if they were spared. This mutual agreement was not forgotten, especially by Dr. Stephenson, Avhen he returned home after the close of his army service. The more he thought of an organization of per- petual comradeship, the more he was enthused with the idea. He could not forget the many deeds of valor daily performed by his comrades, or the many bloody battlefields won by their prowess. When his thoughts returned to the scenes of that trying time, he could again hear the roar of his comrades' deadly artillery, the terrible crash and racket of their muskets, and the ringing and clanging of their sabres, when they crossed with those of the enemy. He could again see the many battle- fields covered with the dead and wounded, and the ground made red with their hearts' blood. He could again hear the vain cry for " water " to sustain the fast ebbing life stream, and the sacred messages whispered in his ear by sufferers racked with pain and far away from home and loved ones, as he bent over them in per- formance of the duties required by his profession. His duty, as a physician, often called him to the bedside of comrades, who had returned home from the service crippled and maimed for life, and these interviews constantly reminded him of " the groan of the gray-haired sire on learning the sad news ; the indescribable look of despair of the widow, on learning that her last prop was taken from her ; the shriek of the newly-made bride ; the suppressed anguish of the betrothed maiden ; and the piteous wail of the bereaved mother, as, with quivering lips, she imparted the sad news to the little ones, who henceforth would be fatherless, and, perhaps, homeless," Considerable correspondence on the subject of the organization of the Order, which is now known as the " Grand Army of the Repub- lic," passed between Dr. Stephenson and Mr. Rutledge, until they met, by appointment, in Springfield, 111., in March, 1S66, to arrange for the compilation of a ritual for the proposed Order. The first 20 "the grand army of the republic." Post was organized at Decatur, 111., April 6, 1866, by Maj. B. F. Stephenson, and a ritual was printed under liis supervision. The first State Convention Avas held in Springfield, 111., July 12, 1866. As Commander-in-Chief, Dr. Stephenson issued a general order, dated October 31, 1866, calling the first National Convention of the " Grand Army of the Republic." The convention met in In- dianapolis, Ind., November 20, 1866, and representatives were present from Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Wisconsin, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Iowa, Kentucky, Indiana, and the District of Columbia. OBJECTS OF THE ORDER. The objects of the G. A. R., as originally set forth in their Con- stitution, are : First, the preservation of those kind and fraternal feelings, which have bound together, with the strong cords of love and affection, the comrades in arms of many battles, sieges, and marches ; second, to make these ties available in works and results of kindness, of favor and material aid to those in need of assist- ance; third, to make provision, where it is not already done, for the supi^ort, care, and education of soldiers' orphans, and for the maintenance of the widows of deceased soldiers; fourth, for the protection and assistance of disabled soldiers, whether disabled by wounds, sickness, old age, or misfortune ; fifth, for the establish- ment and defense of the late soldiery of the United States, morally, socially, and politically, with a view to inculcate a proper appre- ciation of their services to the country, and to a recognition of such services and claims by the American people." The Indianapolis Convention, held November 20, 1866, added the word " sailors " to the Springfield Constitution, and also a new section, taken from the Constitution of the " Loyal Legion," which reads as follows : " The maintenance of true allegiance to the United States of America, based upon paramount respect for and fidelity to the National Constitution and Laws, manifested by the discountenancing of whatever may tend to weaken loyalty, incite to insurrection, treason, or rebellion, or in any manner impairs the THE GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC. 21 .jfficiency and permanency of our free institutions, together with defense of universal liberty, equal rights, and justice to all men." ELIGIBILITY TO MEMBERSHIP. According to the Rules and Regulations of the Grand Army of the Republic, A. D. 1893, all " Soldiers and Sailors of the United States Army, Navy, or Marine Corps, who served between April 12, 1861, and April 9, 1865, in the war for the suppression of the Rebellion, and those having been honorably discharged therefrom after such service, and of such State regiments as were called into active service and subject to the orders of the U. S. General offi- cers, between the dates mentioned, shall be eligible to membership in the Grand Army of the Republic. No person shall be eli- gible to membership who has at any time borne arms against the United States." POLITICAL TENDENCIES. Many prominent citizens, not bound l)y kindred ties to the Grand Army of the Republic, are of the opinion that it is little more than a political organization, and, therefore, take no interest in it. There are, also, a great many soldiers throughout the country who would be enrolled as mem- bers were it not that they, too, are of the same opinion. This is a great injustice to the Order, as the following bit of history will show that the Post-room is a place " where the partisan and sec- tarian are not heard." During the political campaign of 1866, the disputes between President Johnson and the majority in Congress were the means of greatly hindering the growth of the G. A. R. ; for, notwith- standing the fact that a great many soldiers who entered the war as Democrats returned with different political opinions, and that 22 " THE GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC." the great mass of the soldier vote in 1866 was Republican, it was by no means a unit, for many thousands of gallant soldiers, who Avere Democrats when they enlisted in the service, returned as such ; and during this political campaign hundreds of political clubs were organized among the Veterans, some advocating the principles of the Republican, and others, the Democratic .party. Naturally, when a question of a political nature found its way into a Post-room, any argument in its favor was sure to be hotly re- butted by some representative of the opposite party. This condition of affairs soon caused a discord in the Post-room, and comrades by the hundred withdrew from the Order, especially those with Democratic views ; as a result, the public soon began to look upon the G. A. R. as a political organization, and the tendency of the whole Democratic party was to work against any move that Avould tend to strengthen the ranks of the Order. The leaders of the G. A. R. soon saw that even the discussion of political questions in the Order was greatly detrimental to its best interests. They realized that as the Rebellion was put down by " individual efforts united," on this principle alone could they secure legislation in behalf of the soldiers' orphans, widows, and dependent parents ; or, for the maintenance of homes for disabled Veterans, and for the more successful carrying out of the principles and objects for which they were organized. They were not long, therefore, in taking steps to repair the breach Avhich the political tendencies of the Order had made in its ranks, and in January, 1868, at the National Encampment, held in Philadelphia, Pa., while declaring that it was the purpose of the Grand Army " to secure the rights of the defenders of their country by all moral, social, and political means in their control," the following clause was added to the fifth section of their Declaration of Principles, " yet this Association does not design to make nominations for office, or to use its influence as a secret organization for jiartisan purposes." In the next year, 18G9, the following article Avas added to the THE GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC. Rules and Regulations of the Order : " No officer or comrade of the ' Grand Army of the Republic ' shall, in any manner, use this organization for partisan purposes, and no discussion of partisan questions shall be jjermitted at any of its meetings ; nor shall any nominations for political office be made." Under this law, which has never been changed, the " Grand Army of the Republic " grew very rajjidly. THE GRADE SYSTEM OF MEMBERSHIP. Another great drawback to its growth was the adoption of " The Grade System," which, according to Past Commander Robert B. Beath's " History of the Grand Army of the Re- public," provided for three distinct grades of membership : 1. The grade of "Recruit;" 2. The grade of " Soldier;" 3. The grade of " Veteran." The " Recruits " could only be ad- vanced to the grade of " Soldier " after two months' service, and were not eligible to office, or privileged to act, speak, or vote. All business was transacted by the second grade, or "Soldiers," except that pertaining to advancement to the third grade. The " Soldier " could not be advanced to the third grade until he had been a member of the second grade at least six months. " The third grade, or ' Veterans,' only were eligible to National or Department offices, or to membership in National or Department Encampments, or to offices filled by a})i)(Mntment of Commander-in-Chief or Dej^artment Commanders ; and to the offices of Post-Commander, Vice-Commanders, Adjutant, Quarter- master, Surgeon, Chaplain, Officer of the Day, or Officer of the Guard." Many members strongly objected to such complicated manoeuvres as was required in passing from one grade to another in the " Grand Army," and " Recruits," full of enthusiasm when they joined, were disgusted at having to wait two months before having a vote. " After a two years' trial, this ' Grade System ' of memlier- ship was entirely abolished." Since that time the Order has flour- THE GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC. ished and grown until, to-day, it is a powerful influence for good, and no one can deny that it has done much to remove from the nation " the shame of permitting men, who saved its life, to live, die, and be buried as paupers in the land they helped to save." I cannot ])etter express my opinion of the G. A. R. than to quote the words of Past Commander-in-Chief William Warner, in his report of the administration of his office, to the twenty-third annual session of the National Encampment of the G. A. R., held in Milwaukee, Wis., August 28, 1889 : " The Grand Army of the Republic is the grandest civic organi- zation the world has ever seen — its list of membership is the Nation's roll of honor, containing the most illustrious names in history, the names of the brave men who, in the darkest days of the rebellion, followed the Stars and Stripes as the emblem, not of a confederacy of States bound together by ropes of sand, but as the emblem of an indissolul^le Union of indestructible States. •' They followed that flag, whether in sunshine or in storm, vic- tory or defeat, with more confidence and greater reverence than did the children of Israel the pillar of cloud by day and of fire by night. The men who compose this organization are they who, when others faltered, laid ' their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honors ' upon the altar of liberty and Union, that ' a gov- ernment of the people, by the people and for the people ' should not perish from the earth. " As the war recedes the men who shared together the privations of the frozen camp, the hardships of the forced march, the dangers of the battlefield, the sufferings of the field hospital and the untold agonies of the prison pen, long for the touch of a comrade's elbow as of old, and seek the Post-room, where the partisan and sectarian are not heard. The teachings of the Grand Army of the Republic are so conservative, its practices so patriotic, its comradeship so universal, that all honorably discharged Union soldiers and '"THE GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC." 25 sailors of '61 and '65, who have done nothing in civil life to cast a stain upon their honorable record in liberty's cause, feel that they are at home when in the Post-room, in the house of their friends. " It is there that the general and the private, the merchant prince and the clerk, the millionaire and the laborer, sit side by side as comrades, bound each to the other by ties the tenderest yet the most enduring of any in this world, outside of the family circle. " ' There are bonds of all sorts in this world of ours, Fetters of friendship and ties of flowers, And true lovers' knots, I ween ; The boy and the girl are bound by a kiss. But there is never a bond, old friend, like this— We have drank from the same canteen.' " The membership of the Grand Army of the Republic consti- tutes the great conservative element of the Nation, the champion of civil and religious liberty, recognizing the dignity of labor, but having no sj^mpathy with anarchy or communism, recognizing no flag but the Stars and Stripes, Ijelieving that loyalty is a virtue and that treason is a crime." When we come to consider the true American principles which form the foundation of the Order, is it any wonder that its mem- bership, in al)out twenty-seven years, has reached the gigantic pro- portions of 7,626 Posts, and a membership, in good standing, of more than 400,000 men? What true American citizen can con- sider for a moment the vast amount of labor, time, and money ex- pended yearly by the Grand Army of the Republic, in order that the soldier's widow might be comforted and supported ; that his orphans might be fed, clothed, and educated, and that society might be compelled to give them a home, alike comfortable and resj^ectable, without acknowledging what a blessing to the welfare of our country this Grand Soldier Organization has been, and how faithfully they have adhered to their motto of " Friendship, Charity and Loyalty " ? THE GRAND ARMY OP THE REPUBLIC. GROWTH OF THE ORDER. A recapitulation of the Adjutant-General's report, at the National Encampment held in Indianapolis, Ind., Sept., A. D. 1893, shows the following figures : In 1873 the number of comrades in the Grand Army of the Republic, in good standing, was 27,100 ; in 1878 it was 31,016 ; in 1883, 215,446; in 1888, the number was 372,960; in 1889, the number was 397,974 ; in 1890, 409,484 ; this appears to have been the high-water mark in its history. In 1891 it was 407,781. The total membership, in good standing, June 30, 1892, was 399,880 ; gained by muster, 24,954 ; gained by transfer, 7,034 ; gained by re- instatement, 10,283 ; total gains, 56,368 ; aggregate, 456,248. The losses were as follows : By death, 7,002 ; by honorable discharge, 1,707; by transfer, 8,168; by suspension, 35,298; by dishonorable discharge, 233 ; delinquent reports, 6,617 ; total losses, 59,025 ; net loss, during the year, 2,657. Total membership, in good standing, June 30, 1893, 397,223. Adjt.-Gen. E. B. Gray states that 4,070 of those reported June 30, 1893, as delinquent are reall}^ in good standing, but Avere not so reported by inefficient Post officers. Therefore, the total mem- bership of the G. A. R., in good standing, Sept. 10, 1893, was 401,293. This number added to the 35,298 suspended members makes a total membership for the Grand Army of the Rei)ublic of 436,591. NUMERICAL STRENGTH OF EACH DEPARTMENT. The following is a list of the fortj^-five State Dei)artments of the Grand Army of the Republic, with date and place of organization; also, the numl^er of active Posts, with total membership in good standing of each State or Department, A. D. 1893. Compiled from official sources. Where two dates of organization are mentioned, the last is always that of permanent organization and national recognition. "THE GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC." It Alabama. — Department organized March 12, 1889. Number of Posts, 13 ; total membership, 263. Arizona. — Department organized at Phoenix, January 17, 1888. Number of Posts, 9 ; total membership, 288. Arkansas. — Department permanently organized at Hot Springs, April 18, 1884. Number of Posts, 89 ; total membership, 2,872. California and Nevada. — Department organized at San Fran- cisco, February 21, 1868. Number of Posts, 116 ; total member- ship, 6,678. Colorado and Wyoming. — Formerly " The Mountain Depart- ment," was first organized at Laramie, Wyoming Territory, De- cember 11, 1879; reorganized at Denver, Col., July 31, 1882. Number of Posts, 82 ; total membership, 3,394. Connecticut. — Department organized at Hartford, April 11, 1867. Number of Posts, 67 ; total membership, 7,852. Delaware. — Department organized at Wilmington, January 14, 1881. Number of Posts, 22; total membership, 1,138. Florida. — Department permanently organized July 9, 1884. Number of Posts, 18 ; total membership, 565. Georgia. — Department organized at Atlanta, January 25, 1889. Number of Posts, 10 ; total membership, 560. Idaho. — Department organized at Boise City, January 11, 1888. Number of Posts, 20 ; total membership, 738. Illinois. — Department organized at Springfield, July 12, 1866. Number of Posts, 582; total membership, 30,211. Indiana. — Department organized at Indianapolis, August 20, 1866 ; reorganized at Terre Haute, October 3, 1879. Number of Posts, 530 ; total membership, 24,078. Indian Territory. — Department was organized 1889. Number of Posts, 14; total membership, 318. Iowa. — Department first organized at Davenport, Septemlier 26, 1866; re-organized at Des Moines, January 23, 1879. Number of Posts, 449 ; total membership, 18,870. Kansas. — Department organized at Topeka, January 9, 1868; 28 "the grand army op the republic." recognized as a permanent Department March 16, 1880. Number of Posts, 468 ; total membership, 17,562. Kentucky. — Department organized at Covington, January 16, 1883. Number of Posts, 172 ; total membership, 6,721. Louisiana and Mississippi. — Department permanently organized at New Orleans, May 15, 1884. Number of Posts, 17 ; total mem- bership, 1,312. Maine.- — Department organized at Portland, January 10, 1868. Number of Posts, 165 ; total membership, 10,564. Maryland. — Department organized January 8, 1868 ; reorgan- ized June 9, 1876. Numbej of Posts, 52 ; total membership, 2,825. Massachusetts. — Department organized at New Bedford, May 7, 1867. Number of Posts, 210 ; total membership, 24,105. Michigan. — Department organized at Detroit, October 1, 1867 ; reorganized at Grand Rapids, January 22, 1879. Number of Posts, 397 ; total membership, 19,617. Minnesota. — Department first organized at St. Paul, October 16, 1866; reorganized at Stillwater, August 17, 1881. Number of Posts, 185 ; total membership, 9,432. Missouri. — Department first organized May 7, 1867 ; reorgan- ized at Kansas City, April 22, 1882. Number of Posts, 436 ; total membership, 19,391. Montana. — Department organized at Helena, March 10, 1885. Number of Posts, 16 ; total membership, 975. Nebraska. — Department organized at Omaha, June 11, 1877- Number of Posts, 276 ; total membership, 8,324. New Hampshire. — Department organized at Portsmouth, April 30, 1868. Number of Posts, 94 ; total membership, 5,837. New Jersey. — Department organized at Newark, Deceml.)er 10, 1867. Number of Posts, 115 ; total memliership, 7,757. New Mexico. — Department organized at Santa Fe, July 14, 1883. Number of Posts, 11 ; total membership, 253. New York. — Department organized at Albany, April 3, 1867, Number of Posts, 661 ; total membership, 40,306. "the grand aumy of the republic. ^y North Dakota. — Department organized at Yankton, February 27, 1883. Number of Posts, 32 ; total membership, 928. Ohio. — Department organized at Columbus, January 30, 1867. Number of Posts, 697 ; total membership, 42,680. Oklahoma. — Department organized June 23, 1890. Number of Posts, 27 ; total membership, 464. Oregon. — Department organized at Portland, September 28, 1882. Number of Posts, 50 ; total membership, 2,665. Pennsylvania. — Department organized at Philadelphia, Janu- ary 16, 1867. Number of Posts, 619 ; total membership, 43,181. Potomac. — Department organized at Washington, D. C, Febru- ary 13, 1869. Number of Posts, 16 ; total membership, 3,936. Rhode Island. — Department organized at Providence, March 24, 1868. Number of Posts, 26 ; total membership, 3,522. South Dakota. — Department organized February 27, 1883. Number of Posts, 94 ; total membership, 3,927. Tennessee. — Department first organized August 18, 1868; reor- ganized at Nashville, February 26, 1884. Number of Posts, 88 ; total membership, 4,975. Texas.— Department first organized at Austin, February 12, 1872 ; reorganized INIarch 25, 1885. Number of Posts, 55 ; total membership, 1,637. Utah. — Department organized at Salt Lake City, October 8, 1883. Number of Posts, 3 ; total membership, 191. Vermont. — Department organized at Montpelier, October 23, 1868. Number of Posts, 110; total membership, 5,863. Virginia. — Department organized at Richmond, July 27, 1871. Number of Posts, 45 ; total membership, 1,592. Washington and Alaska. — Department organized at Olympia, June 20, 1883. Number of Posts, 71 ; total membership, 3,782. West Virginia. — Department first organized at Wheeling, April 9, 1868 ; reorganized at Clarksburg, February 20, 1883. Number of Posts, 108 ; total membership, 3,267. OU THE GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC. Wisconsin. — Department organized at Madison, June 7, 1866. Number of Posts, 272 ; total membership, 15,871. NATIONAL OFFICERS. The supreme power of the Grand Army of the Republic is lodged in the National Encampment, which is " held annually be- tween April and November, as may be fixed by the Commander- in-Chief, by consent of the Council of Administration, and at such place as shall have been determined at the previous stated meet- ing." " Special meetings may be convened by order of the Com- mander-in-Chief, by and with the advice and consent of the National Council of Administration." The National officers of the Grand Army of the Republic are as follows : Commander-in-Chief, Senior Vice-Commander-in-Chief, Junior Vice-Commander-in-Chief, Adjutant-General, Quartermas- ter-General, Inspector-General, Judge Advocate-General, Surgeon- General, Chaplain-in-Chief, and a Council of Administration, con- sisting of the above-named officers, and one comrade from each Department. These officers, with the exception of the Adjutant-General, Quar- termaster-General, Inspector-General, and Judge Advocate-General, who are appointed by the Commander-in-Chief as his staff, are elected by ballot at each National Encampment, and enter upon the duties of their respective offices immediately after the adjourn- ment of the meeting at which they were elected. Vacancies occurring during the year are filled by the Council of Administration. DUTIES OF NATIONAL OFFICERS. Article VI, of Chapter IV, of the Rules and Regulations of the Grand Army of the Republic, for 1893, reads as follows : "Section 1. The Commander-in-Chief shall enforce the Rnles and Regulations of the Grand Army of the Republic, and the orders of the National Encampment and Council of A>0. Kentucky Enlistments. Kentucky had in the service fifty-five Infantry Regiments, in- cluding '' Patterson's Ky. Company " and the " State Defense Regiments," seventeen Cavalry Regiments, and five Light Batteries. Total loss of officers and men by death, 10,744. Maine Enlistm ents. Maine had in the service thirty-two Infantry Regiments, also the 1st ISIaine Battalion and the " ]\Iaine Coast Guard," two Cavalry Regiments, one Heavy Artillery Regiment, and seven Light Bat- teries. Total loss of officers and men by death, 9,398. Ma ryla n d En list men ts. iNlaryland had in the service nineteen Infantry Regiments, in- cluding the " Purnell Legion " and " Patapsco Guards," four Cav- alry Regiments, and two Light Batteries. Total loss of officers and men by death, 2,982. 84 LIST OF UNION ARMY REGIMENTS. Massachusetts Enlistments. Massachusetts had in the service sixty-two Infantry Pxegiments, five Cavalry Regiments, four Heavy Artillery Regiments, the 1st Massachusetts Battalion, seventeen Light Batteries, and 1st and 2d Companies of Massachusetts Sharpshooters, also the 4th, 5th, and 6th INIassachusetts " Three Months' Men," and the 5th, 6th, 8th, and 42d " Hundred Days' Men." Total loss of officers and men by death, 13,942. Mich igan Enlistments. Michigan had in the service thirty Infantry Regiments, eleven Cavalry Regiments, one Light Artillery Regiment, two Light Bat- teries, 1st Michigan Engineers, and two Companies of Sharp- shooters. Total loss of ofiicers and men by death, 14,753. Minnesota Enlistments. Minnesota had in the service eleven Infantry Regiments, two Cavalry Regiments, one Heavy Artillery Regiment, three Light Batteries, and two Battalions. Total loss of officers and men by death, 2,584. Missouri Enlistments. Missouri had in the service sixty-one Infantry Regiments, in- cluding Missouri Home Guards, thirty-four Cavalry Regiments, three Light Artillery Regiments, three Light Batteries, and " Bis- sell's " 1st Missouri Engineers. Total loss of officers and men by death, 13,885. New Hampshire Enlistments. New Hampshire had in the service eighteen Infantry Regiments, one Cavalry Regiment, one Heavy Artillery Regiment, and one Light Battery. Total loss of officers and men bv death, 4,882. LIST OP UNION ARMY REGIMENTS. 85 New Jersey Enlistments. New Jersey had in the service forty Infantry Regiments, three Cavahy Regiments, and five Light Batteries. Total loss of officers and men by death, 5,754. New York Enlistments. New York had in the service one hundred and ninety-four In- fantry Regiments, including "Les Enfans Perdus ;" twenty-seven Cavalry Regiments, the 1st and 2d New York Mounted Rifles, thirteen Heavy Artillery Regiments, 1st New York Marine Artil lery, 1st New York I^ight Artillery, thirty-three Independent Bat- teries, 1st, 15th, and 50th New York Engineers, 1st New York Sharpshooters, consisting of six Companies ; one Independent Company, and the Stir, 69th, 71st, and 84th New York National Guards. Total loss of officers and men by death, 46,534. OMo Enlistments. Ohio had in the service one hundred and ninety-eight Infantry Regiments, including the Dennison and Trumbull Guards; thir- teen Cavalry Regiments, two Heavy Artillery Regiments, one Light Artillery Regiment, twenty-four Light Batteries, 3d and 4th Ohio Independent Companies, three Battalions, McLaughlin's Squadron, and the 1st Ohio Battalion of Sharpshooters. Total loss of officers and men by death, 35,475. Pennsylvania Enlistments. Pennsylvania had in the service two hundred and fifteen Infan- try Regiments, twenty-three Cavalry Regiments, four Heavy Artil- lery Regiments, one Light Artillery Regiment, and one Indepen- dent Battery. Total loss of officers and men by death, 33483. LIST OF UNION ARMY REGIMENTS. Rhode Island Enlistments. Rhode Island had in the service twelve Infantry Regiments, three Cavalry Regiments, two Heavy Artillery Regiments, and one Light Artillery Regiment. Total loss of officers and men by death, 1,321. Tennessee Enlistments. Tennessee had in the service six Infantry Regiments, one Mounted Infantry Regiment, and ten Cavalry Regiments. Total loss of officers and men by death, 6,777. Vermont Enlistments. Vermont had in the service seventeen Infantry Regiments, one Cavalry Regiment, one Heavy Artillery Regiment, and three Light Batteries. Total loss of officers and men by death, 5,224. West Virginia Enlistments. West Virginia had in the service sixteen Infantry Regiments, eight Cavalry Regiments, and one Light Artillery Regiment, con- sisting of eight Companies. Total loss of officers and men by death, 4,017. Wisconsin Enlistments. Wisconsin had in the service fifty-three Infantry Regiments, three Cavalry Regiments, one Heavy Artillery Regiment, and thirteen Light Batteries. Total loss of officers and men by death, 12,301. Miscellan eo us En list men ts. In addition to the foregoing statistics, there were a number of UNION ARMY REGIMENTS. 87 Regiments enlisted from the Territories, Soutliern States, etc., with loss by death, as follows : Alabama, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Dakoto, District of Columbia, , Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, , Mississippi, . . . . . Nebraska, New Mexico, . . . . Nevada, North Carolina, . . . Oregon, Texas, Virginia, Washington Territory, Total 1 345. 1,713. 573. 325. 6. 290. 215. 15. 945. 78. 239. 204. 33. 360. 45. 141. 42. 22. United States Enlistments. The United States had in the service nineteen Infantry Regi- ments, thirty-two Colored Infantry Regiments, six Cavalry Regi- ments, three Colored Cavalry Regiments, five Artiller}^ Regiments, one Colored Heavy Artillery Regiment, and the 1st and 2d U. S. Sharpshooters. Nineteen of the United States Regiments, namely, ten Infantry, four Artillery, and five Cavalry, constituted the regular Army l)rior to the Civil War. Total loss of officers and men bv death, 5,798. 0» LIST OF UNION ARMY REGIMENTS. Colored Trooj)S. There were, in all, one hundred and sixty-six Regiments of Colored Troops engaged in the Civil War, commanded by white officers. The total loss by death of these Regiments, including officers, was 36,847, of which over 25,000 died of disease, wounds, and in Confederate prisons. TOTAL LOSS AND COST. The total loss of the Union Armies by death on the field, in hospitals, and prisons, by disease, accidents, etc., was 359,528 offi- cers and men. Total loss of life, including Union and Confederate Armies, nearly 800,000 ofhcers and men. Total cost of the War to the United States, over $4,000,000,000. CORPS ENGAGEMENTS OF THE CIVIL WAR. The engagements and skirmishes which occurred before the reorganization of the Union army by corps, also in which only de- tachments of corps participated, cannot properly be classed as corps engagements, and have therefore been omitted from the following list. For particulars as to all such engagements, also casualties of all important engagements, see alphabetical list beginning on page 111. FIRST CORPS. (Army of the Potomac.) Commanders: irwin McDowell, Joseph Hooker, J. F. Reynolds, John Newton. ENGAGEMENTS: Cedar Mountain or Slaughter Mountain, Va., Aug. 9, 1802. Rappahannock or Kelly's Ford, Va., Aug. 21, 1862. Gainesville, Va., Aug. 28, 1862. Groveton, Va., Aug. 29, 1862. 2d Bull Run or Manassas, Va., Aug. 30, 1862. South Mountain, Turner or Cramp- ton's Gap, Md., Sept. 11, 1862. Antietam or Sharpsburg, Md., Sept. 17 1862. Fitzhugh Crossing, Va., April 29, 30, 1863. Chancellorsville,Va.,May 1-4,1863. Gettysburg, Pa., July 1-3, 1863. Mine Run or Locust Grove, Va., Nov. 26-28, 1863. The 1st Corps as an organiza- tion discontinued in March, 1864, and the regiments were transferred to the 5th Corps, Robinson's Div. becoming the 2d Div. of the 5th Corps and Wadsworth's Div. the 4th Div. of the 5th Corps. SECOND CORPS. (Army of the Potomac.) Commanders: e. V. Sumner, D. N. Couch, W. S. Han- C0RP3, cock, Wm. Hays, G. K. Warren, A. A. Humphreys. ENQAQEHENTS: Yorktown, Va., April 5 to May 3, 1862. Fair Oaks or Seven Pines, Va., May 31, 1862. Oak Grove, Va., June 25, 1862. Gaines' Mills, Va., June 27, 1862. Savage Station, Va., June 29, 1862. Peach Orchard or Allen's Farm, Va., June 29, 1862. White Oak Swamp or Glendale, Va., June 30, 1862. Malvern Hill, Va., July 1, 1862. Antietam or Sharpsburg, Md., Sept. 17, 1862. Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, 1862. Chancellorsville, Va., May 1-4, 1863. Gettysburg, Pa., July 1-3, 1863. Auburn or Bristoe Station, Va., Oct. 14, 1863. Mine Run or Locust Grove, Va., Nov. 26-28, 1863. Morton's Ford, Va., Feb. 6, 1864. 00 CORPS ENGAGEMENTS. Wilderness, Va., May 5-7, 1864. Corbin's Bridge, Va., May 8, 1864. Po River, Va., May 10, 1864. Spottsylvania, Va.,May 8-18, 1864. North Anna, Va., May 23-27, 1864. Totopotomoy,Va.,May 30,31, 1864. Cold Harbor, Va., June 1-12, 1864. Petersburg, Va., June 15, 19, 20- 30, 1864; April 2, 1865. Weldon R.R., William's Farm, Davis Farm, or Jerusalem Plank Road, Va., June 22, 23, 1864. Deep Bottom, New Market and Malvern Hill, Va., July 27, 28, 1864. Mine Explosion, Petersburg, Va., July 30, 1864. Strawberry Plains or Deep Bot- tom Run, Va., Aug. 14-18, 1864, Ream's Station, Va., Aug. 25, 1864. Preble Farm or Poplar Spring Church, Va., Sept. 30, 1864. Hatcher's Run or Boydton Road, Oct. 27, 1864. Boydton and White Oak Road, Va., March 3j, 1865. Sutherland Station, Va., April 2, 1865. Sailor's Creek or Harper's Farm and Deatonsville, Va., April 6, 1865. Farmville, Va., April 7, 1865. Appomattox or Lee's Surrender, Va., April 9, 1865. THIRD CORPS. (Army of the Potomac.) Commanders: s. P. Heintzelman, George Stoneman, D. E. Sickles, W. H. French. ENGAGEMENTS: Yorktown, Va., April 5 to May 3, 1862. Williamsburg, Va., May 5, 1862. Fair Oaks or Seven Pines, Va., Mav 31, 1862. Oak Grove, Va., June 25, 1862. White Oak Swamp or Glendale, Va., June 30, 1862. Malvern Hill, Va., July 1, 1862. Bristoe Station or Kettle Run, Va., Aug. 27, 1862. Groveton and Gainesville, Va., Aug. 28, 29, 1862. 2d. Bull Run or Manassas, Va., Aug. 30, 1862. Chantilly or Ox Hill, Va., Sept. 1, 1862. Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, 1862. Chancellorsville, Va., May 1-4, 1863. Gettysburg, Pa., July 1-3, 1863. Wapping Heights or Manassas Gap, Va., July 23, 1863. Kelley's Ford, Va., Nov. 7, 1863. Mine Run or Locust Grove, Va., Nov. 26-28, 1863. The 3d Corps was discon- tinued March 23, 1864. The 1st CORPS ENGAGEMENTS. 91 and 2d Divisions were transferred to the 2d Corps. The 3d Di- vision to the 6th Corps. 1st Division under Gen. Birney; 2d Division, Gen. Mott; 3d Di- vision, Gen. Ricketts. 3. 7th Pa. Cav. Baton Rouge, La., Aug. 5, 1862. 14th Me. ; 6th Mich. ; 7th Ver. ; 21st Ind. ; 30th Mass. ; 9th Conn. ; 4th Wis. ; 2d, 4th, and 6th Mass. Batteries, under Brig.-Gen. Thos. Williams. Union, 82 killed, 265 wounded, 34 missing ; Confed., 84 killed, 316 wounded, 78 missing. Union, Brig.- Gen. Williams killed. Baton Rouge, La., Sept. 8, 1863. 7th Pa. Cav. Baton Rouge, La., IMarch 8, May 3, and June 16, 1864. LIST OF BATTLES AND ENGAGEMENTS. 115 Battery Huger, or Hill's Point, Ya., April 18, 1863. Detachment of 89th N. y. and 8th Conn. Battle Creek, Tenn., Jane 21, 1862. 2d and 33d Ohio ; 10th Wis. ; 24th 111.; 4th Ohio Cav. ; 4th Ky. Cav., and Edgai-ton's Battery. Union, 4 killed, 3 wounded. Baxter Springs, Ark., Oct. 6, 1863. Detachment of .3d Wis. ; 14th Kan. Cav., and 83d U. S. Colored Troops. Union, 54 killed, 18 wounded, 5 missing. Prisoners robbed and murdered bv Quantrell's forces. Bayle's Cross Roads, La., Oct. 12, 1861. 79th N. Y. Union, 4 wounded. Baylor's Farm, Ya., June 15, 1864. 3d Div., 10th Corjis. Bayou Barnard, Ind. Ter., Julv 28, 1862. 1st, 2d, and 3d Kan. Iiidian Home Guards ; 1st Kan. Battery. Bayou Biddell, La., Oct. 15, 1864. 52d U. S. Colored Troops. Bayou BoeufT, La., Dec. 13, 1863. Bavou BoeufF, La., May 7, 1864. Por- tion of 16th Corps. Bavou Bontecom, La., Nov. 21, 1862. 31st Mass. Inf. Bayou Bourdeaux, La., Nov. 3, 1863. (See Grand Coteau.) Bayou Cache, Ark., also called Cotton Plant, Round Hill, Hill's Plantation, and Bavou de Yiew, Julv 7, 1862. 11th Wis.; 33d 111.; 8th "ind. ; 1st Mo. Light Artil. ; 1st Ind. Cav. ; 5th and 13th 111. Cav. Union, 7 killed, 57 wounded ; Confed., 110 killed, 200 wounded. Bayou de Glaize, also known as Old Oaks, Simmsport, Yellow Bavou, and Calhoun Sta., La., May 18, 1864. Lst and 3d Divs., 16th Corps. ; portion of 17th Corps and Cav., 19th Corps. Union, 60 killed, 300 wounded; Confed., 500 killed and wounded. Bayou De Mora, La., Mav 12, 1864. Bayou De Yiew, Ark., July 7, 1862. (See Bayou Cache.) Bavou La Fourche, or Ash Bayou, La., Nov. 19, 1864. 11th Wis. Inf.; 93d U. S. Colored Troops. Bayou La Mourie, La., May 7, 1864. Portion of 16th Corps. Union, 10 killed, 31 wounded. Bayou :\Iacon, La., IMay 10, 1863. Bayou Mason, Miss., Julv — , 1864. Bayou Metoe, Ark., Aug.'27, 1863. (See Brownsville.) Bayou :Metoe, Ark., Sept. 1, 1863. Rice's Div., Department of Arkansas. Bayou Pierre, Miss., May 2, 18()3. Bayou Rapids, La., March 21, 1864. (See Henderson Hills.) Bayou Roberts, La., May 8, 1864. Por- tion of 16th Corps. Bayou Sara, Miss., Nov. 9, 1863. Bayou St. Louis, Miss., Nov. 17, 1863. Bayou Teche, La., Jan. 14, 1863. 8th Yer. ; 16th and 75th N. Y. ; 12th Conn. ; 6th Mich. ; 21st La. : 1st La. Cav. ; 4th and 6th INIass. Battery ; 1st Me. Battery, assisted by U. S. Gun- boats " Calhoun," " Diana," " Kins- man," and "Estrella." Union, 10 killed, 27 wounded; Confed., 15 killed. Union, Commodore Bu- chanan killed; Confed., Gunboat " Cotton " destro3'ed. Bayou Teche, La., April 12 to 14, 1863. (See Irish Bend.) Bayou Tensas, La., June 30, 1863. Brigade of Inf. and Cav., under Col. Ellett. Bayou Tensas, La., Aug. 10, 1863, July 30 and Aug. 26, 1864. Bayou Tunica, La., Nov. 9, 1863. Bayou Yermilion, La., April 17, 1863. Division of 19th Corps, under Brig.- Gen. Grover. Bay Springs,Miss.,Oct.26,1863. 1st Ala. Cav. Union, 14 killed, 25 wounded. Beachtown, Ga., Julv 22, 1864. Bealington, W. Ya., July 8, 1861. (See Laurel Hill.) Bealton and Rappahannock Bridge, Ya., Oct. 24, 1863. 1st Div., Cav. Corps, Army of the Potomac. Bealton, Ya., Jan. 14, 1864. One com- pany of 9th Mass. Union, 2 wounded; Confed., 3 killed, 12 wounded. Bean's Sta., Tenn., Dec. 9, 1862. Bean's Sta. and Morristown, Tenn., Dec. 10 to 14, 1863. Shackleford's Cav. Union, 700 killed and wound- 116 Af^r OF RATTLES AND ENGAGEMENTS. ed ; Confed., 932 killed and wound- ed, 150 prisoners. Bear Creek, Cherokee Sta., and Lundy's Lane, Ala. (or Hillsbor- ough), April 17, 1863. 10th Mo. and 7th Kan. Cav. Bear Creek, Ala., Oct. 26, 1863. (See Cane Creek.) Bear Creek, Miss., Oct. 27, 1863. Bear Creek, Mo., Feb. 5, 1863. 40th Mo. Mihtia. Bear Creek Sta., Ga., Nov. 17, 1864. 2d Brigade, 3d Div., Cav., Army of the Cumberland. Bear River, Wash. Ter., Jan. 26, 1863. Four Companies 2d Cal. Cav. and 1 Company, 3d Cal. Inf. (Indian fight.) Bear-Skin Lake, Mo., Sept. 7, 1863. 2d Mo. Cav. Bear Wallow, Ky., Dec. 25, 1862. Two Battalions, 12th Ky. Cav. Beaver Creek, Ky., June 27, 18 63. 39th Ky. Inf. Beaver Creek, Mo., Nov. 24, 1862. 21st Iowa; 3d Mo. Cav. Beaver Dam Lake, Miss., May 24, 1863. Marine Brigrade of Cav. and Inf. Beaver Dam Sta., Va., May 9, 1864. (See Sheridan's Cav. Raid.) Beckwith Farm, Mo., Oct. 13, 1861. Tuft's Cav. Union, 2 killed, 5 wounded; Confed., 1 killed, 2 wounded. Beech Creek, W. Va., Aug. 6, 1862. 4th W. Va. Inf. Union, 3 killed, 8 wounded; Confed., 1 killed, 11 wounded. Beech Grove, Ky., Jan. 19 and 20, 1862. (See Mill Springs.) Beech Grove, Tenn., June 25, 1863. (See Liberty Gap.) Beersheba Springs, Tenn., Nov. 26, 1863. Detachments of Ala. and Tenn. Troops. Beorsheba Si)rings, Tenn., March 20, 1S(;4. 5th Tenn. Cav. Beher's Mills, Va., Sept. 2, 1861. 13th Mass. Inf Confed., 3 killed, 5 wounded. Belcher's Mills, Va., May 16, 1864. 3d N. Y. ; 5th and 11th " Pa. ; 1st D. C. Cav. (Kautz's Raid.) Belcher's Mills, Va., Sept. 17, 1864. Kautz's and Gregg's Cav. Union, 25 wounded. Belleiield, Va., Dec. 9, 1864. 2d Div. Cav. Corps, Army of the Potomac. (Weldon R. R. Raid.) Bellegrove, Va., Sept. 19, 1863. (See Opequan.) Belmont, Mo., Nov. 7, 1861. 22d, 27th, 30th, and 31st 111.; 7th Iowa; Bat- tery B, 1st 111. Art.; 2 Comiianies 15th 111. Cav. Union, 90 killed, 173 wounded, 235 missing; Confed., 260 killed, 425 wounded, 278 missing. Bennett's Mills, Mo., Sept. 1, ISIil. Mo. Home (iuards. Union, 1 killed, 8 wounded. Benton, Miss., Mav 7, 1864. 11th, 72d, and 76th 111, Inf. , 7th Ohio Battery. Bentonville, Ark., March 6, 1862. (See Pea Ridge.) [1863. Bentonville, Ark., Feb. 20 and Aug. 15, Bentonville, Mo., Feb. 19, 1862, and Mav 22, lS(i:;. Bentonville, N. C, March 19 to 21, 1865. 14th, 15th, 17th, and 20th Corps; Kilpatrick's Cav. Union, 91 killed, 1,168 wounded, 287 miss- ing; Confed., 267 killed, 1,200 wounded, 1,625 missinar. Bent's Old Fort, Tex., Nov. 24, 1864. 1st Cal. Cav. Bermuda Hundred, Va., May 4 and Dec. 13, 1864. Bermuda Hundred, Va., Mav 16 to .30, 1864. 10th and 18tli Corps, Armv of the James. Union, 200 killed, i;000 wounded; Confed., 3,000 killed, wounded, and missing. Bermuda Hundred, Va., June 2, 1864. 10th Corps. Union, 25 killed, 100 wounded ; Confed., 100 killed and wouniled. Bernuida Hundred, Va., Aug. 24 and 25, 1864. 10th Corps, Army of the James. Union, 31 wounded ; Con- fed., 61 missing. Bernuida Hundred, Va., Nov. 17, 1864. (See Chester Sta.) Bermuda Hundred, Va., Nov. 30 to Dec. 4, 1864. Pickets of the 19th Colored Troops. LIST OF BATTLES AND ENGAGEMENTS. 117 Berry's Ferry, Va., May 1(5, 1863. De- tachment of 1st N. Y. Cav. Berryville, Va., Nov. 30, 1862. (See Snicker's Ferry.) Berryville, Va., Dec. 1, 1862. (See Charleston.) Berryville, Va., June 6, 1863. 67th Pa. Inf. Berryville, Va., June 12, 1863. 1st Brigade, Milroy's Div. Berryville, Va., Oct. 18, 1863. 34th Mass. and 17th Ind. Battery. Union, 2 killed, 4 wounded ; Confed., 5 killed, 20 wounded. Berryville, Va., Aug. 21, 1864. (See Summit Point.) Berryville, A^a., Sept. 3 and 4, 1864. 8th and 19th Corps ; Torbett's Cav. Union, 30 killed, 182 wounded, 100 missing ; Confed., 25 killed, 100 wounded, 70 missing. Berryville, Va., April 17, 1865. (See Mosby's Surrender.) Berryville Pike, Sulphur Springs Bridge, and White Post, Va., Aug. 10 and 11, 1864. Torbett's Cav. Union, 34 killed, 90 wounded, 200 missing. Bertrand, Mo., Dec. 11, 1861. 2d 111. Cav. Union, 1 wounded. Berwick, La., April 26, 1864. Berwick City, La., March 13, 1863. 160th N. Y. Inf. Bethesda Church, Va., May 30 to June 6, 1864. Beverly, W. Va., July 12, 1861. 4th and 9th Ohio. Confed., 600 pris- oners. Beverly, W. Va., April 24, 1863. 5th W. Va. Cav. Beverlv, W. Va., July 2, 1863. 10th W. Va. Inf. and Battery G, W. Va. Artil. Beverly, W. Va., Oct. 29, 1864. 8th Ohio Cav. Union, 8 killed, 25 wounded, 13 missing; Confed., 17 killed, 27 wounded, 92 missing. Beverly, W. Va., Jan. 11, 1865. 34th Ohio and 8th Ohio Cav. Union, 5 killed, 20 wounded, 583 missing. Beverly Ford and Brandy Sta., Va., June 9, 1863. 2d, 3d, and 7th Wis. ; 2d and 33d Mass.; 6th Me.; 8eth and 104th N. Y. ; 1st, 2d, 5th, and 6th U. S. Cav. ; 2d, 6th, 8th, 9th, and 10th N. Y. Cav. ; 1st, 6th, and 17th Pa. Cav. ; 1st Md. ; 8th 111. ; 3d Ind. ; 1st N. J. ; 1st Me. Cav. and 3d W. Va. Cav. Union, 5 00 killed, wounded, and missing; Confed., 700 killed, wounded, and missing. Beverlv Ford and Rappahannock Crossing, Va., Oct. 22, 1863. 2d Pa. and 1st Me. Cav. Union, 6 killed. Bidnell Cross Roads, Va., March 1, 1864. (See Atlus.) Bi^ Beaver Creek, Mo., Nov. 7, 1862. iOth 111.; 2 Com. Mo. Militia Cav. Union, 300 captured. Big Bethel, Va., June 10, 1861, and April 4, 1862. (See Great Bethel.) Big Black River, Miss., May 3, 1863. Big Black River, Miss., May 17, 1863. Carr's and Osterhaus's Divs., 13th Corps, under Maj.-Gen. McClernand. Union, 29 killed, 242 wounded; Confed., 600 killed and wounded, 2,500 captured. Big Black River, Miss., July 4 and 5, 1863. (See Bolton.) Big Black River, Miss., Oct. 13, 1863. Cav. and Inf. under Gen. McPherson. Big Black River, Miss., Feb. 4, 1864. (See Champion Hills.) Big Black River Bridge, Miss., Aug. 12 and Sept. 11,186.3. Big Black River Bridge, Miss., Nov. 27, 1864. 3d U. S. Colored Cav., and Artil. and Cav., under Col. Osband. Big Blue, Mo., Oct. 23 and 31, 1864. Big Creek, Ark., July 10, 1863. Big Creek, Ark., July 26, 1864. (See Wallace's Ferry.) Big Creek, Mo., Sept. 9, 1862. Big Creek Gap, Tenn., March 10, 1862. (See Jacksboro'.) Big Creek (^ap, Tenn., Sept. 4, 1862. DctacliiiK'nt of 6th Tenn. Inf. Big llatchie River, Miss., Oct. 5, 1862. (See Metamora.) Big Hill, Ky., Aug. 23, 1862. 3d Tenn. ; 7th Ky. Cav. Union, 10 killed, 40 wounded and missing; Confed., 25 killed. 118 LIST OP BATTLES AND ENGAGEMENTS. Big Hill Road, Ky , Oct. 23, 1862. 1 (See Point Lick.) Big Hurricane Creek, Mo., Oct. 19, 1861. 18th Mo. Union, 2 killed, 14 | wounded ; Confed., 14 killed. | Big Indian Creek, near Searcy Land- j ing, Ark., May 27, 1862. 1st Mo. I Cav. Union, 3 killed ; Confed., 5 killed, 25 wounded. Big Indian Creek, Mo., May 26, 1862. Big Mound, Dak. Ter., July 24, 1863. 1st Minn. Cav. ; 3d Minn. Battery ; 6th, 7th, and 10th Minn. Inf. (Sioux Indian Fight.) [1864. Big North Fork Creek, Mo., June 16, Big Pigeon River, Tenn., Nov. 5 and 6, 1864. 2d N. C. Mounted Inf. Big Pine Creek, Cal., April 10, 1863. Big Piney, Mo., July 25 and 26, 1862. (See Mountain Store.) Big River Bridge, Mo., Oct. 15, 1861. 40 men of 38th 111. Union, 1 killed, 6 wounded, 33 captured; Confed., 5 killed, 4 wounded. Big Sandy, Colo., Nov. 29, 1864. Igt and 3d Colo. Cav. Big Sewell and Meadow Bluff, W. Va., iDec. 12, 1863. 12th Ohio Inf. Big Shantv, Ga., June 6th and Oct. 3, 1864. Big Shanty, Ga., June 9 to 30, 1864. (See Kenesaw Mountain.) Big Shanty, Ga., Sept. 2, 1864. De- tachment of Ohio Cav. Big Springs, Kv., Jan. — , 1865. Binniker's Bridge, S. C, Feh. 9, 1865. 17th Corps, Army of Tenn. Birch Coolie, or Acton, Minn., Sept. 2 and 3, 1862. Indian Fight. Bird Song Ferry, Miss., June 18, 1863. Bird Song Ferry, Miss., July 4 and 5, 1863. (See Bolton.) Bird's Point, Mo., Aug. 19, 1861. (See Charlestown.) Birmingham, Miss., April 24, 1863. Bisland, La., April 12 to 14, 1863. (See Bayou Teche or Irish Bend.) Black Bayou Expedition, Miss., April 5 to id, 1863. Part of 15th Corps, under Maj.-Gen. Stelle. Black Bavou, Miss., April 10, 1863, and March 19, 1864. Blackburn's Ford, Va., Julv 18, 1861. 1st Mass.; 2d and 3d Mich.; 12th N. Y. ; detachment of 2d U. S. Cav. ; Battery E, 3d U. S. Art. Union. 19 killed, 38 wounded ; Confed., 16 killed, 53 wounded. Blackburn's Ford, Va., Sept. 19, 1862. Blackburn's Ford, Va., Oct. 15, 1863. Part of 2d Corps, Army of the Po- tomac. Black Canon, Ariz. Ter., May 6, 1865. Black Creek, Fla., July 27, 1864. (See Whiteside.) Blackford's Ford and Shepherdstown, Va., Sept. 20, 1862. 5th Corps ; Grif- fith's and Barne's Brigades. Union, 92 killed, l.'Jl wounded, 103 missing; Confed., ;!;! killed, 235 wounded. Black Jack Forest, Tenn., IMarch 16, 1862. Detachments of 4th 111. ;ind 5th Ohio Cav. LTnion, 4 wounded. Blackland, Miss., June 4, 1862. 2d Iowa Cav. ; 2d Mich. Cav. Union, 5 killed, 14 wounded. Black River, La., Nov. 1, 1864. 6th U. S. Colored Heavy Art. Black River, Miss., July 1 and 2, 1863. Portion of 1 Tth Corps. Black River, Mo., Sept. 12, 1861. Three companies 1st Ind. Cav. Confed., 5 killed. Black River.Mo., July8,1862. 5th Kan. Cav. Union, 1 killed, 3 wounded. Black River, Mo., Sept. 17 to 20, 1864. (See Doniphan.) Black ville, S. C, Feb. 11, 1865. 3d Cav. Div., Army of the Mississippi. Black Walnut Creek, near Sedalia, Mo., Nov. 29, 1861. lstl\hi. Cav. Union, 15 wounded; Confed., 17 killed. Black Warrior Creek, Ala., May 1, 1863. (See Sand Mountain.) Black Water, Fla., Oct. 18, 1864. (See Pierce's Point.) Black Water, or Black Water Mound, Mo., Dec. 18, 1861. (See Milford.) Black Water, Mo., Oct. 12 and 13, 1863. (See :\Ierrill's Crossing.) Black \\^itt'r, Mo., Sept. 23, 1864. One con)i)anv 1st Mo. Militia Cav. Black Water, Va.. Sept. 28, 1862. 1st. N. Y. Mounted Rifles. LIST OP BATTLES AND ENGAGEMENTS. 119 Black Water, Va., Oct. 24, 1862. 39th III. ; 02d Ohio ; 1st N. Y. Mounted Rifles. Black Water, Ya., March 17, 1863. 11th Pa. Cav. Blain's Cross Roads, Tenn., Dec. 16, 1863. Army of the Ohio. Blair's Landinor, La., April 12, 1864. (See Pleasant Hills.) Block House No. 4, Tenn., Aug. 19, 1864. One company 115th Ohio Inf. Block House No. 5, Tenn., Aug. 31, 1864. 115th Ohio. Union, 3 killed; Confed., 25 wounded. Block House No. 2, Mill Creek, Chat- tanooga, Tenn., Dec. 2 and 3, 1864. Detachments of 115th Ohio Inf ; also 44th and two companies 14th U. S. Colored Troops. Block House No. 7, Overall's Creek, Tenn., Dec. 4, 1864. Troops under Gen. Milro}'. Union, 100 wounded ; Confed., 100 killed and wounded. Bloomfield, Mo., May 11, 1862. 1st Wis. Cav. Confed., 1 killed. Bloomfield, Mo., Julv 29, 1862, March 1, and Mav 12, 1863. Bloomfield, Mo., Aug. 25 and 29, 1862. 13th 111. Cav. Confed., 20 killed and wounded. Bloomfield, Mo.. Sept. 11 to 13, 1862. 13th 111. ; 1st Wis. Cav. ; Batterv E, 2d Mo. Artil., assisted by Mo. Militia. Bloomfield, Mo., April 29 and 30, 1863. (See Castor River.) Bloomfield and Union, Ya., Nov. 2 and 3, 1862. Pleasanton's Cav. Union, 2 killed, 10 wounded ; Confed., 3 killed, 15 wounded. Blooming Gap, Va., Feb. 13, 1862. 8th Ohio ; 7th W. Ya., and 1st W. Ya.Cav. Union, 2 killed, 5 wounded ; Confed., 13 killed. Blount's Farm, Ala., Mav 2, 1863. 51st and 73d Ind. ; 80th 111. ; 3d Ohio Mounted Inf.; 1st Ala. Cav. (Streight's Raid.) Blount's Mills, N. C, April 9, 1863. 3d and 17th Mass. ; 1st R. I. and 3d N. Y. Artil. Blountsville, Tenn., Sept. 22, 1863. Foster's 2d Brig, of Cav. Union, 5 killed, 22' wounded ; Confed., 15 killed, 50 wounded, 100 missing. Blountsville, Tenn., Oct. 13, 1863. 3d Brig., Shackleford's Cav. Union, 6 wounded ; Confed., 8 killed, 26 wounded. Blue Gap, near Romnev, Ya., Jan. 7, 1862. 4th, 5th, 7th, and 8th Ohio; 14th Ind. ; 1st W. Ya. Cav. Confed., 15 killed. Blue Island, Ind., June 19, 1863. Ind. Home Guards. Blue Mills, Mo., Julv 24, 1861. 5th Mo. Reserves. Union, 1 killed, 12 wounded. Blue Mills, or Blue Mills Landing, Mo., Sept. 17, 1861. 3d Iowa. Union, 11 killed, 39 wounded ; Confed., 10 killed, 16 wounded. Blue Mount, Ala., April 13, 1865. (See Mumford's Sta.) Blue River, Mo., May 18, 1863. Blue Spring, Mo., March 22, 1863. 1st and 5th Mo. Militia. Blue Springs, Tenn., Oct. 5, 1863. Part of Gen. Burnside's Troops. Blue Springs, Tenn., Oct. 10, 1863. 9th Corps, Army of the Ohio : Shackle- ford's Cav. Union, 100 killed, wounded, and missing ; Confed., 66 killed and wounded, 150 missing. Bluff Springs, Ala., March 25, 1865. (See Pine Barren Creek.) Blufl'ton, S. C, June 4, 1863. Bobb's Creek, Mo., March 7, 1862. (See Fox Creek.) Bogg's Mills, Ya., Jan. 24, 1865. (See Fort Brady.) ' Bogler's Creek and Plantersville, or Ebenezer Church and Maplesville, Ala., April 1, 1865. 2d and 4th Div. Cav., and Militarv Div. of the Miss. (Wilson's Raid.) "' Bole's Farm, Mo., July 23, 1863. (See Florida.) Bollinger Co., Mo., Jan. 14, 1864. Bollinger's Mills, Mo., Julv 29, 1862. Two Co's 1.3th Mo. Confed!, 10 killed. Bolivar, Miss., Aug. 25 and Sept. 19, 1862, and Mav 3, 1864. Bolivar, Tenn.," Aug. 30, 1862. 20th and 78th Ohio: 2d and 11th 111. 120 LIST OF BATTLES AND ENGAGEMENTS. Cav.; 9th Ind. Artil. Union, 5 killed, 18 wounded, 64 missing ; Cunfed., 100 killed and wounded. Oolivar, Tenn., Sept. 21, 1862; Feb. i:5 and March 9, 1863. Bolivar and Suinmerville, Tenn., Dec. 24, 1863. 7th 111. Cav. Union, 3 killed, 8 wounded. Bolivar, Tenn., Feb. 6, 1864. Detach- ment of 7th Ind. Cav. Union, 1 killed, 3 wounded; Confed., 30 wounded. Bolivar, Tenn., March 29, 1864. 6th Tenn. Cav. Union, 8 killed, 35 wounded. Bolivar, Tenn., May 3, 1864. Cav. under dm. S. D. Sturgis. Bolivar HiM-hts, Va., July 14, 1863. 1st Conn. Cav. Bolivar Heights and ^[d. Iloights, Va., July 4 to 7, 1864. Maj.-( n-n. Siegel's Reserve Div. Union, 20 killed', 80 wounded. Bolivar Heights, Va., Oct. 16, 1861. Parts of 28th Pa. ; 3d Wis., and 13th Mass. Union, 4 killed, 7 wounded. Bolton and Bird Song Ferry, or Big Black River, ]\Iiss., July 4 and 5, isn;!. ^laj.-(n'ii. Sherman's Forces. Confed., lVHH) ca])tured. Bolton Depot, Miss., July 16, 1863. (See .Jackson.) Bolton l)e])ot, Miss., Feb. 4, 1864. Bone Yard, Tenn., Feb. 10, 1863. 18th Mo. Inf. Bonfouca, La., Nov. 26, 1863. 31st Mass. Inf. and 4th Mass. Battery. Boone, N. C, April 1, 1865. Stone- man's Raid. Boone's C. H., W. Va., Sept. 1, 1861. 1st Kv. Inf Union, 6 wounded ; Confed., 30 killed. Booneville, Mo., June 17, 1861. 2d Mo. Inf. ; Batteries H and L, Mo. Light Artil. Union, 2 killed, 19 wounded ; Confed., 15 killed, 20 wounded. Booneville, Mo., Sept. 13, 1861. Mo. Home Guards. Union, 1 killed, 4 wounded; Confed., 12 killed, 30 wounded. Booneville, Mo., Oct. 12 and 13, 1803. Booneville, Mo., Oct. 9 to 11, 1864. 1st, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th Mo. Militia Cav. ; 15th Mo. and 17th 111. Cav. ; Battery H, 2d Mo. Light Artil (Price's Invasion.) Booneville, Miss., May 30 and July 1, 1862. 2d Iowa Cav.; 2d Mich. Cav. Union, 45 killed and wounded ; Confed., 17 killed, 65 wounded, 2,000 prisoners. Boonsboro, Ark., Nov. 7, 18()2. Boonsboro, Ark., Nov. 28, 1802. (See Cane Hill.) Boonsboro, Md., Sept. 15, 1862. Cav. Army of the Potomac. Boonsboro, Md., July 7 to 9, 1863. B u f o r d ' s and Kilpatrick's Cav. Union, 9 killed, 45 wounded. Boston Mountain, Ark., Nov. 28, 1862. (See Cane Hill.) Boston Mountain, Ark., Dec. 4 to 6, 1862. Bottom's Bridge, Va., July 2, 1863. 5th Pa. Cav. Bottom's Bridge, or Dry Creek, Va., Aug. 29, 1863. 1st N. Y. Mounted Rifles ; 5th Pa. Cav. Bowling Green, Ky., Feb. 1, 1862. One Company 2d Iiid. Cav. Confed., 3 killed, 2 wounded. Bowling Green, Ky., Feb. 15, 1862. Bovd Troops, under Brig.-Gen. D. C. Buell. Boyd's Sta., Ala., March 18, 1865. 101st U. S. Colored Troops. Boyd's Sta., Nev., June 3, 1865. Boydton Plank Road, Va., Oct. 8, 1864. Recon. by 5th and 9th Corps, Army of the Potomac. Boydton Road, Va., Oct. 27, 1864. (See Hatcher's Run.) Bovdton and White Oak Roads, Va., March 31, 1865. 2d and 5th Corps. Union, 177 killed, 1,134 wounded, 556 missing ; Confed., 1,000 wounded, 235 missing. Bovkan's Mills, S. C, April 18, 1864. 54th Mass.; U. S. Colored Troops. Union, 2 killed, 18 wounded. Bovkan's Mills, or Bradford's Springs, S. C, April 18, 1865. Troops of the Department of the South. LIST OF BATTLES AND ENGAGEMENTS. 121 Bradford's Springs, S. C, April 18, ISiio. (See Bofkan's Mills.) Bradyville, Tt'nu., March 1, 1863. 3d and 4th Ohiu Cav. ; 1st Tenn. Cav. Union, 1 killed, 6 wounded ; Con- fed., 5 killed, 25 wounded, 100 cap- tured. Bradysville, Va., May 10, 1863. (See Cripple Creek.) Branchville, Ivy Ford, or Joy Ford, Ark., Jan. li), 1864. 5th Kan. Cav. Braiidenburg, Ky., July 8, 1863. Ind. Home Guards. (Morgan's Raid.) Brandom, Miss.! July 18 to 20, 1863. I'art of iivn. Sherman's Troops. Brandy Sta.. Va., Aug. 20, 1862. Cav., Army of Va. Confed., 3 killed, 12 wounded. Brandy Sta., Va., June 9, 1863. (See Beverly Ford.) Brandy Sta., Va., Aug. 1 to 3, 1863. (See Rappahannock Sta.) Brandy Sta., Va., Sept. 6, 1863. Cav., Army of Potomac. Brandy Sta., Va., Nov. 8, 1863. Brashear City, La., March 18, 1863. 1st La. Cav. Brashear City, La., June 23, 1S63. Detachments of 114th and 176th N". Y. ; 23d Conn. ; 42d Mass., and 21st Ind. Union, 46 killed, 40 wounded, 300 missing; Confed., 3 killed, 18 wounded. Brawlev Fork, Tenn., ]\Iarch 25, 1865. Brazil Creek, Ind. Ter., Oct. 11, 1863. Brazos de Santiago, Tex., Nov. 2, 1863. Portion of 13th Corps. Brentsville, Va., Jan. 9, 1863. Brentsville, Va., Feb. 14, 1863. 1st Mich. Cav. Union, 15 wounded. Brentsville, Va., Feb. 14, 1864. 13th Pa. Cav. Union, 4 killed, 1 wounded. Brentville, Tenn., Dec. 9, 1862. 25th 111. ; 8th Kan. ; 81st Ind., and 8th Wis. Battery. Brentwood, Tenn., Sept. 19, 1862. Brentwood, Tenn., March 25, 1863. Detachment of 22d Wis. and 19th Mich. Union, 1 killed, 4 wounded, 300 prisoners; Confed., 1 killed, 5 wounded. Brentwood, Tenn., Dec. 15 and 16, 1864. (See Nashville.) Brewer's Lane, Ark., Se{)t. 11, 1864. Briar, Mo., March 26, 1862. (See War- rensburg.) Brice's Cross Roads, near Guntown, Miss., June 10, 1864. 81st, 95th, 108th, 113th, 114th, and 120th 111. ; 72d and 95th Ohio; 9th Minn.; 93d Ind. ; 55th and 59th U. S. Colored Troops ; Brig.-Gen. Grierson's Cav. ; 4th Mo. ; 2d N. J. ; 19th Pa. ; 7th and 9th 111. ; 7th Ind. ; 3d and 4th Iowa, and 10th Kan. Cav. ; 1st 111. and 6tii Ind. Batteries ; Battery F, 2d U. S. Colored Art. Union, 223 killed, 394 wounded, 1,625 missing; Confed., 131 killed, 475 wounded. Bridgeport, Ala., April 29, 1862. 3d Div., Army of the Ohio. Confed., 72 killed and wounded, 350 cap- tured. Bridgeport Ferry, Miss., July 1 and 2, 1863. (See Black River.) Brier Creek, Ga., Dec. 4, 1864. (See Waynesboro.) Briggen Creek, S. C, Feb. 25, 1865. Brimstone Creek, Tenn., Sept. 10, 1863 11th Ky. Mounted Inf. Bristoe Sta., Va., Oct. 14, 1863. 2d Corps ; portion of 5th Corps, and 2d Cav. Div., Army of Potomac. Union, 51 killed, 329 wounded ; Confed., 750 killed and wounded, 450 missing ; Union, Brig.-Gen. Malone killed ; Confed., Brig.-Genls. Cooke, Posey, and Kirkland wounded. Bristoe Sta., Va., April 15, 1864. 13th Pa. Cav. Union, 1 killed, 2 wounded. Bristol, Tenn., Sept. 21, 1863. Shackle- ford's and Foster's Cav., Army of the Ohio. Bristol, Tenn., Dec. 14, 1864. Gen. Burbridge's Cav. (Stoneman's Raid.) Britton's Lane, Tenn., Sept. 1, 1862. Broad River, S. C, April 8, 1863. Steamer "Geo. Washington" de- stroyed. Broad River, S. C, Nov. 30, 1863. (See Honey Hill.) Broad Run,Va., April 1, 1863. Detach- ment of 1st Ver. and 5th N. Y. Cav. 122 LIST OP BATTLES AND ENGAGEMENTS. Brooklyn, Kan., Aug. 21, 1863. (See Lawrence.) Brook's Plantation, Miss., March 31, 1864. (See Roach's Plantation.) Brook's Turnpike, Fortifications of Richmond, Va., March 1, 1864. Cav., Army of the Potomac. (Kilpatrick's Raid.) Brown's Cross-roads, Ga., Nov. 27 to 29, 1864. (See Waynesboro.) Brown's Ferry, Tenn., Oct. 27, 1863. Detachments from 5th, 6th, and 23d Ky. ; 1st, 6th, 41st, 93d, and 124th Ohio ; 26th Ind. Inf. Union, 5 killed, 21 wounded. Brown's Gap, Va., Sept. 26, 1864. 1st Cav. Div., Army of Potomac, and 2d Cav. Div., Army of W. Va. Brown's Springs,"^ Mo., July 27, 1862. 2d Iowa Cav. Brownsville, Ark., July 25, 1863, and Aug. 25, 1864. Brownsville, Ark., Aug. 25, 1863. Davidson's Cav. Div., Dept. of Mo. Brownsville, Ark., Sept. 14 to 16, 1863. 5th Kan. Cav. Brownsville, Ark., Oct. 30, 1864. 7th Iowa and 11th Mo. Cav. Union, 2 killed. Brownsville, Miss., June 18, 1863, and Sept. 28, 1864. Brownsville, Miss., Oct. 16 to 18, 1863. (See Canton.) Brownsville, Hatchie River, Tenn. July 25, 1862. Cav., commanded by Maj. Wallace. Brownsville, Tenn., July 29, 1862. One Company 15th 111. Cav. Union, 4 killed, 6 wounded; Confed., 4 killed, 6 wounded. Brunswick, Mo., Aug. 17, 1861. 5th Mo. Reserves. Union, Ikilled, 7 wounded. Brvant's Plantation, Fla ,Oct. 21,1864. Bubel's Bay, S.C, Feb. 11 to 19, 1865. Exp. under Gen. Potter, with Naval Force under Capt. Ridgely assisting. Buchanan, Va., June 14, 1864. Buckhannon,W.Va., July 6, 1861. (See Middle Creek Fork.) Buckhannon, W. Va., Julv 26, 1862. Buckhead Creek, Ga., Nov. 27 to 29, 1864. (See Waynesboro.) Buckland Mills, Va., Oct. 19, 1863. 3d Div. of Kilpatrick's Cav. Union, 20 killed, 60 wounded, 100 missing; Confed,, 10 killed, 40 wounded. Buckstone Sta., Va., Mav 23, 1862. 3d Wis. ; 27th Ind. Union, 2 killed, 6 wounded ; Confed., 12 killed. Buflalo, AV. Va., Sept. 27, 1862. 34th Ohio Inf. Buflalo Creek, Ga., Nov. 26, 1864. (See Sandersville.) Butlalo Crc-ek, Ind. Ter., Sept. 14, 1863. (Si>e Seneca Sta.) Buflalo Gap, W. Va., June 6, 1864. Gen. Hayes' Brigade, 2d Div., Army of W. Va. Buflalo Hill, Ky., Oct. 4, 1861. Union, 20 killed ; Confed., 50 killed. BuflTalo Mills, Mo., Oct. 22, 1861. Con- fed., 17 killed. Buffalo Mountain, W. Va., Dec. 13, 1861. (See Camp Alleghany.) Buffington Island, or St. George's Creek, O., July 19, 1863. 1st, 3d, 8th, 9th, 11th, and 12th Ky. ; 8th, 9th, and 12th Mich. ; 5th Ind. Cav. ; 45th Ohio and 2d Tenn. Mounted Inf., assisted by Militia and U. S. Steamer " Moose." (Capture of Mor- gan's Raiders.) Buford's Gap, Va., June 21, 1864. 23d Ohio. Union, 15 killed. Buford's Sta., Tenn., Dec. 23, 1864. Cav. under Gen. Thomas. Bull Bayou, Ark., Aug. 26, 1864. 9th Kan. and 3d Wis. Cav. Bull Creek, Ark., Aug. 6 and 27, 1864. Bull Pasture Mountain, Va., May 8, 1862. (See McDowell.) Bull Run (1st), or Manassas, Va., July 21, 1861. 2d Me. ; 2d N. H. ; 2d Vt. ; 1st, 4th, and 5th Mass. ; 1st and 2d R. I.; 1st, 2d, 3d Conn.; 8th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 16th, 18th, 27th, 29th, 31st, 32d, 35th, 38th, and 39th N. Y. ; 2d, 8th, 14th, 69th, 71st, and 79th N. Y. Mihtia ; 27th Pa. ; 1st, 2d, and 3d Mich.; 1st and 2d Minn.; 1st and 2d Ohio ; Detachments of 2d, 3d, and 8th U. S. Regulars; Battalion of Marines ; Batteries D, E, G, and M, 2d U. S. Art. ; Battery E, 3d U. S. List op battles and engagements. 123 Art. ; Battery D, 5th U. S. Art. ; 2d R. I. Battery; Detachments of 1st and 2d Dragoons, and 2d Wis. Union, 481 killed, 1,011 wounded, 1 ,-160 missing and captured ; Confed., 259 killed, 1,483 wounded. Confed., Brig.-Gens. Bee and Barton killed. Bull Run (2d), or Manassas, Ya., Aug. 30, 1862. Same trooi).s as engaged at Groveton and Gainesville, with the addition of Porter's 5th Corps. Union, 800 killed, 4,000 wounded, 3,000 missing; Confed., 700 killed, 3,000 wounded. Bull Run Bridge, Va., Aug. 27, 1862. 11th and 12th Ohio ; 1st, 2d, 3d, and 4th N. J. Union, Brig.-Gen. G. W. Taylor mortally wounded. Bull's Gap, Tenn., Sept. 24, 1864. Cav. and Mounted Inf. Bull's Gap, Tenn., Nov. 13, 1864. 8th, 9tli, and 13th Tenn. Cav. Union, 5 killed, 36 wounded, 200 missing. BuUtown, Va., Oct. 13, 1K();:!. Detach- ments of 6th and 11th W. Va. Con- fed., 9 killed, 60 wounded. Bunker Hill, Va., July 17, 1861. Por- tion of Gen. Patterson's command. Confed., 4 killed. Burgess Farm, Va., Oct. 27, 1864. (See Hatcher's Run.) Burkesville, Ky., July 2, 1863. (See Marrowbone.) Burke's Sta., Va., March 10, 1862. One Company 1st N. Y. Cav. Union, 1 killed ; Confed., 3 killed, 5 wounded. Burke's Sta., W. Va., April 4, 1865. Burned Church, Ga., May 26, 1864. Cav. of 1st Div., Army of the Cum- berland. Burned Hickory, Ga., May 25 to June 4, 18()4. (See Dallas.) Burned Hickory, Ga., July 4 and 5, l.S(;4. Burnt Ordinarv, Va., Jan. 19, 1863. 5th Pa. Cav. Burnt Ordinary, Va., April 16, 1864. Burton's Ford, Va., March 1, 1864. (See Stanardsville.) Bushy Creek, Ark., Dec. 9, 1861. Union Indians. [111. Cav. Bushy Creek, Mo., May 28, 1863. 13th 8 Butler, Mo., Oct. — to Nov. 20, 1861. Butler, Bates Co., Mo., May 15, 1862. 1st Iowa Cav. Union, 3 killed, 1 wounded. Butler,Mo.,May 26,1862. 1st lowaCav. Butler and Osage, or Island Mound, Mo., Oct. 29, 1862. 79th U. S. Colored Troops. Butler Creek, Ala., Nov. 17, 1864. (See Aberdeen.) Butler Creek, Tenn., Nov. 22, 1804. Part of 5th Cav. Div , Division of the Mississippi. Butler's Bridge, N. C, Di'c. 12, 18()4. Buzzard Roost, Tunnel Hill, and R )cky Face Ridge, Ga., Feb. 25 to 27, 1S64. 4th and 14th Corps and Cav. Corps, Army of the Cumberland. Union, 17 killed, 272 wounded ; Confed., 20 killed, 120 wounded. Buzzard Roost Block House, Ga., Oct. 13, 1864. One company 115th 111. Union, 5 killed, 36 wounded, 60 miss- ing. Buzzard Roost Gap, Ga., May 8, 1864. 4th Corps and Cav., Army of the Cumberland. Byhalia, Miss., Oct. 12, 1863. CABIN Creek, Ind. Ter., July 1 and 2, 1863. 3d Wis. ; 6th and tth Kan. ; 2d Col. Cav.; 79th U. S. Colored Troops, and 3d Kan. Indian Home Guards. Cabin Creek, Ind. Ter., July 5 and 20, 1863, and Nov. 4, 1864. Cabin Creek, Ind. Ter., Sept. 19, 1864. 2d, 6th, and 14th Kan. Cav. ; 1st and 2d Kan. Indian Home Guards. Cabin Point, Va., Aug. 5, 1864. Ist U. S. Colored Cav. Cabletown, Va., March 10, 1864. 1st N. Y. Veteran Cav. Cabletown, Va., July 19 and Nov. 19, 1864. Cacapon Bridge, Va., Sept. 6, 1862. 1st N. Y. Cav. Cache River, Ark., April 22, 1864. Cache River Bridge, Ark., May 28, 1862. 9th 111. Cav. 124 LIST OP BATTLES AND ENGAGEMENTS, Caddo Gap, Ark., Dec. 4, 1863. Caddo Gap, Ark., Jan. 24, 1864. (See Baker Springs.) Caddo Gap and Scott's Farm, Ark., Jan. 26, and Feb. 12 and 16, 1864. 2d Kan. Cav. Caddo Mountains, Ark., Feb. 12, 1864. (See Caddo Gap.) Cahawba River, Ga., April 8, 1865. Cainsville, Tenn., Feb. 15, 1863. 123d 111. ; one company, 5th Tenn. Cav. Cajou De Arivaypo, N. Mex., May 7, i863. Calf-Killer Creek, Tenn., Feb. 23, 1864. 5th Tenn. Cav. Calf-Killer River, Tenn., March 18, 1864. 5th Tenn. Cav. Calhoun, Ga., May 17 and IS, 1864. (See Adairsville.) Calhoun, Mo., Jan. 4, 1862. Union, 10 wounded ; Confed., 30 wounded. Calhoun, or Haguewood Prairie, Tenn., Sept. 26, 1863. Cav., Army of the Ohio. Union, 6 killed, 20 wounded, 40 missing. Calhoun Sta., La., May 18, 1864. (See Bayou de Glaize.) California, Mo., Oct. 9 to 11, 1864. 4th and 7th Mo. Militia Cav. ; Batteries H and L, 2d Mo. Artil. Califoiiiia House, Un.. Oct. IS, 1862. Camlni.li,'*', Mn., Sept. 26, 1862. 9th Mo. Militia Cav. Camden, Ark., April 2, 15, 16, 18, and 24, 1864. Advance troops of 7th Corps. (Steele's Campaign.) Camden, or South INlills, N. C., April 19, 1862. 9th and 89th N. Y. ; 21st Mass. : 51st Pa. ; 6th N. H. Union, 12 killed, 98 wounded; Confed., 6 killed, 19 wounded. Camden Point, Mo., Julv 13, 1864. Cameron, Mo., Oct. 12,' 1861. James' Cav. Union, 1 killed, 4 wounded ; Confed.', 8 killed. Cameron, Va., Jan. 27, 1864. Campaign in N. Ga., May 5 to Sept. 8, 1864. Camp Advance, or Munson's Hill, Va., Sept. 29, 1861. 69th Pa. fired, by mistake, into 71st Pa., killing 9 and wounding 25. Camp Alleghanv, or Buffalo Moun- tain, W. Va., Dec. 13, 1861. 9th and 13th Ind. ; 25th and 32d Ohio ; 2d W. Va. Union, 20 killed, 107 wounded ; Confed., 20 killed, 96 wounded. Camp Babcock, Ark., Nov. 25, 1862. 3d Kan. Indian Home Guards. Campbell Sta., Tenn., Nov. 16, 1863. 9th Corps; 2d Div., 23d Corps; Sander's Cav. Union, 60 killed, 340 wounded ; Confed., 570 killed and wounded. Canii.])ellt()n, Ga., July 28, 1864. Por- tion of j\k<'ooke's Cav. Caniiibellville, Tenn., Sept. 5, 1864. f Rousseau's Cav. Campbellville and Lvnnville, Tenn., Nov. 24, ISW. 5th" Cav. Div., Mili- tary Div. of Mo. Campbellville, Tenn., Sept. 24, 1864. Camp Cole, Mo., June 18, 1861. 800 Mo. Home Guards. Union, 70 killed and wounded ; Confed., 4 killed, 20 wounded. Camp Crittenden, Mo., Sept. 22, 1861. (See EUiott's Mills.) Camp Jackson, Mo., May 10, 1861. 1st, 3d, and 4th Mo. Reserve Corps ; 3d Mo. Inf. Confed., 639 prisoners. Camp INIeiingo, La., Sept. 14, 1864. Cam]) ]Mo(jre, La., May 15, 1863. Troops under Col. Davis. Campti, La., INIarch 26 and April 4, 1864. 35th Iowa; 5th Minn.; 2d and 18th N. Y. Cav. ; 3d R. I. Cav. Union, 10 killed, 18 wounded ; Con- fed., 3 killed, 12 wounded. Camp Verdigris, Ind. Ter., Sept. 2, 18()4. Canadian River, Ind.Ter.,Aug. 21, 1864. Cane Creek, also Bear Creek, or Tus- cumbia, Ala., Oct. 26, 1863. 1st Div., 15th Corps. Union, 2 killed, 6 wounded; Confed., 10 killed, ;:0 wounded. Cane Creek, Ala., June 10, 1864. lOCtli.' Ohio Inf. Cane Hill, Boston Mountain, and Boonsboro, Ark., Nov. 28, 1862. 1st Di\'., Army of the Frontier. Union, 4 killed, 36 wounded ; Confed., 75 killed, 300 wounded. LIST OF BATTLES AND ENGAGEMENTS. 125 Cane Hill, Ark, Dec. 20, 1862, and Jan. 2, 1863. Portion of the Army of the Frontier. Cane River, La., April 24, 1864. (See MonetisBluH'.) Cant' Rivt-r (hussin.--, La., April 2.3,1864. (See lionet is BhiH'.) Canon De Chelly, La., .Ian. 10, 1864. Troop.s under Col. Kit Carson (In- dian Fight). Canton, Ky., Aug. 22, 1864. Canton, Miss., July 17 and 18, 1863. 76th Ohio ; 25th and 31st Iowa ; 3d, 13th, and 17th Mo.; 2d Wis. Cav. ; 5th 111. Cav. ; 3d and 4th Iowa Cav. ; one Battery of Art. Canton, Miss., Sept. 28th, 1863. Canton, Brownsville, and Clinton, Miss., Oct. 15 to 18, 1863. Portion of 15th and 17th Corps. Confed., 200 killed and wounded. (Janton, Miss., Feb. 27 and 28, 1864. Foraging detachments of 3d and 32d Iowa. Union, 2 killed, 6 wounded ; Confed., 3 killed, 15 wounded. C^ape Fear River, N. C, Jan. 16, 1865. Evacuation of Fort Caswell. (Jape Girardeau, Mo., April 26, 1863. 32d Iowa; 1st Wis. Cav.; 2d Mo. Cav.; Batteries D and L, 1st Mo. Light Art. Union, 6 killed, 6 wound- ed ; Confed., 60 killed, 275 wounded and missing. Cape Girardeau, Mo., Feb. 5, 1864. 2d Mo. Militia Cav. Confed., 7 killed. Capture of Fort Hell, Jerusalem Plank Road, Va., Sept. 10, 1864. 99th Pa. ; 20th Ind. ; 2d U. S. Sharpshooters. Union, 20 wounded; Confed., 90 prisoners. Capture of Jefferson Davis, at Irwins- ville, Ga, Mav 10, 1865. 1st Wis. and 4th Mich Cav. Union, 2 killed, 4 wounded, owins to the pursuing firing into each other. Capture of Rebel Ram " Fair Play," near Milliken Bend, La., Aug. 18, 1862. 58th and 76tli Ohio. Confed., 40 prisoners. Carlisle, Pa., July 1st, 1863. 12th 111. Cav. Carnifax Ferry, Va., Sept. 10, 1861. 9th, 10th, 12th, 13th, 28th, and 47th Ohio. Union, 16 killed, 102 wounded. Carolina Bend, Miss., July 24, 1864. (See Steamer " Clara Bell.") Carrick's Ford, W. Va., July 14, 1861 14th Ohio ; 7th and 9th Ind. Union, 13 kdled, 40 wounded ; Confed., 20 killed, 10 wounded, .50 prisoners. Carrion Crow Bayou, La., Nov. 3 1863. (See Grand Coteau.) Carrion Crow Bayou, La., Nov 18 1863. 6th Mo. Cav. Carroll Co., Ark., .\pril 4, ISi;;! 1st Ark. Cav. I Carrollton, Ark., March 10, 186.'!. Carrollton Landiuir, Miss., July 24, 1864. (See Steamer "Clara Bell.") Carrollton Store, Va., March 13, 1864. 1st N. Y. Mounted RiHes; 11th Pa. Cav. Carrsville, Va., Oct. 15, 1862. One com- pany of 7th Pa. Cav. Carrsville, or Cassville, Va., Jan. .'JO, 1863. (See Deserted House.) Carrsville and Suffolk, or Holland House, Va., May 15 and 16, 1863. Exp. under Gen. Foster. Carrsville, Va., May 18, 1863. 170th N. Y. Inf. Carter's Creek, Tenn., April 27, 1863. Carter's Farm, Va., Julv 20, 1864. (See Winchester.) Carter's Sta., Ark., Sept. 27, 1864. Carter's Sta., Tenn., Dec. 30, 1862. (See Wautauga Bridge.) Carter's Sta., Tenn., Sept. 22, 1863. 3d Brigade, Cav. Div., Army of the Ohio. Carter's Sta., Tenn., April 25 and 26 1864. (See AVautauga Bridge.) Carter's Sta., Wautauga River, Tenn., Sept. 27, 1864. Cav. and Mounted Inf., under Gen. Ammen. Carthage, Ark., Nov. 27, 1862. 2d Kan Cav. Carthage, La., Jan. 23, 1863. Carthage, or Dry Forks, Mo., July 5, 1861. 3d and 5th Mo. ; 1 Battery of Mo. Artil. Union, 13 killed," 31 wounded; Confed., 30 killed, 125 wounded, 45 i)risoners. Carthage, Mo., IMarch 23, 1862. 6th Kan. Cav. Union, 1 wounded. LIST OF BATTLES AND ENGAGEMENTS. Carthage, Mo., Jan. 13, June 27 and 28, and Oct. 2d, 1863, Sept. 22 and Oct. 26, 1864. Carthage, Mo., May 16 and 24, 1863. 7th Mo. Militia Cav. Cashtown, Md., July 5, 1863. Cass Co., Mo., Nov. 3, 1862. (See Har- rifconville.) Cassville, Ga., May 19 to 22, 1864. 20th Corps, Maj.-Gen. Hooker coiinnand- ing. Union, 10 killed, 46 wounded. Cassville, Mo., Sept. 21, 1862. 1st Ark. Cav. Cassville Sta., Ga., May 25, 1864. 1st and 11th Ky. Cav. Union, 8 killed, 16 wounded ; Confed., 2 killed, 6 wounded. Castor River and Bloomfield, INIo., April 29, 1863. 1st Wis. Cav. Catawlia Kiver, N. C, April 19, 1865. Gen. StoiK'Hian's Troops. CatlettVSta., Va., Aug. 21 to 23, 1862. Purnell's Legion and 1st Pa. Rifles. Catlett's Sta., Va., Oct. 24, 1862. De- tachment of 3d W. Va. Cav. Catlett's Sta., Va., Jan 10, 1863. Cedar Bluffs, Col., May 3, 1864. One company, 1st Col. Cav. Cedar Creek or Middletown (Sheri- dan's Ride), Va., Oct. 19, 1864. 6th Corps; 8th Corps, and 1st and 2d Divs., 19th Corps ; Merritt's, Custer's and Torbett's Cav. Union, 588 killed, 3,516 wounded, 1,891 missing ; Confed., 3,000 killed and wounded, 1,200 missing. Union, Brig.-Gens. Biihvell and Thorburn killed, and ]\Iaj.-Gens. AVright, Ricketts, and Grover, and Brig.-Gens. Ketchem, McKenzie, Penrose, Hamlin, Devins, Duval,and Lowellwounded; Confed., Maj.-Gen. Ramseur, killed, and Maj.- Gens. Battle and Conner wounded. Cedar Fork, Utah Ter., April 2, 1863. Cedar Keys, Fla., Feb. 16, 1865. 2d U. S. Colored Troops. Cedar Mountain, also known as Slaughter Mountain, Southwest Mountain,Cedar Run, and Mitchell's Sta., Va., Aug. 9, 1862. 2d Corps, Maj.-Gen. Banks; 3d Corps, Maj.- Gen. McDowell; Army of Va., under command of Maj.-Gen. Pope. Union, 450 killed, ()()0 wounded, 290 miss- ing; Confed., 229 killed, 1,047 wounded, 31 missing. Union, Brig.- Gens. Augur, Carroll, and Geary wounded ; Confed., Brig.-Gen. C. S. Winder killed. Cedar Run and Mitchell's Sta., Va., Aug. 9, 1862. (See Cedar Mountain.) Cedar Run Church, Va., Oct. 17, 1864. Detachment of 1st Ky. Cav. Cedars, Tenn., Dec. 5 to 8, 1864. (See Murfreesboro.) Cedar Springs, Va., Nov. 12, 1864. (See Newtown.) Celina, Ky., April 20, 1863. 5th Ind. Cav. Celina, Tenn., Dec. 7, 1863. 13th Ky. Cav. Centralia, Mo., Sept. 27, 1864. Three companies, 39th M(j. Inf., massacred by Price. Union, 122 killed, 2 wounded. Centre Creek, Mo., Feb. 20, 1865. Centreville, Ala., April 1, 1865. 2d Brig., 1st Div., Cav. Corps, Military Div. of the Miss. (Wilson's Raid.) Centreville, La., April 13, 1863. (See Irish Bend.) Centreville and Pine Factory, Tenn., Nov. 3, 1S63. Detachments from various regiments under Lieut. -Col. Scully. Confed., 15 killed. Centreville, Tenn., Sept. 29, 1864. 2d Tenn. Mounted Inf. Union, 10 killed, 25 wounded. Chackahoola Sta., La., June 24, 1863. Five companies, 9th Conn. Inf. Chalk Bluffs, Mo., May 15, 1862. 1st Wis. Cav. Union, 1 killed, 3 wound- ed. Chalk Bluff's, Ark., March 19 and 25, 1863. Chalk Bluff's, Ark., Aj.ril 1, 1863. One companv, 2d Mo. Militia Cav. Chalk Bluff's and St. Francis River, Ark., Ajiril 30 and May 1, 1863. 2d Mo. Militia ; 3d Mo. Cav. ; 1st Iowa Cav. ; Battery E, 1st Mo. Light Artil. Union, 2 killed, 11 wounded. Chalk BluflTs, Ark., May 11, 1865. Sur- render of Jeff' Thompson's command LIST OF BATTLES AND ENGAGEMENTS. 127 to Gen. Dodge. Confed., 7,454 pris- oners. Chambersburg, Pa., July 30, 1864. Burned by Confederates. Champion Hills, or Baker's Creek and Edward's Sta., Miss., May 16, 1863. Hovy's Div., 13th Corjjs and 17th Corps. Union, 426 killed, 1,842 wounded, 189 missing. Confed., 2,500 killed and wounded, 1,800 missing. Champion Hills, Baker's Creek, Ray- mond and Bolton Depot, or Big Black River, Miss., Feb. 4, 1864. 10th Mo.; 4th Iowa; 5th and 11th 111. ; Foster's Battalion Ohio Cav. and a portion of 17th Corps. Chancclldrsville, Va., May 1 to 4, 1863. tlncludmu liattles of 6th Corps, at Fredericksbur-and Salem Heights.) Armyof Potoiiiac,Maj.-( icn Hooker; 1st Corps, Maj.-(ien. Reynolds; 2d Corps, Mai.-(Ten. Couch ;' 3d Corps, Maj.-<;cn. Sickle; 5th Corps, Maj.- Geii. .Meade ; 6th Corps, Maj.-Gen. Sedgwick; 11th Corps, Maj.-Gen. Howard; 12th Corps, Maj.-Gen. Slocum. Union, 1,512 killed, 9,518 wounded, 5,000 missing; Confed., 1,581 killed, 8,700 wounded, 2,000 missing. Union, Maj.-Gen. Berry and Brig.-Gen. Whipple killed. Bng.-Gens. Devan and Kirby wounded. Confed., Brig.-Gen. Pax- ton killed. Lieut.-Gen. J. S. Jack- son, Maj.-Gen. A. P. Hill and Brig.- Gens. Hoke, Nichols, Ramseur, i\Ic- Gowan, Heth, and Pender wounded. Chantilly,or Ox Hill, Va., Sept. 1, 1862. McDowell's Corps, Army of Va. ; Hooker's and Kearney's Divs. of 3d Corps, Army of Potomac, and Reno's Corps. Union, 1,300 killed,wounded, and missing. Confed., 800 killed, wounded, and missing. Union, Maj.-Gen. Kearney and Brig.-Geii. Stevens killed. Chapel Hill, Tenn., March 2 and 4, 1863. (See Petersburg.) Chapin's Farm, Va., Sept. 28 to 30, 1864. (See New Market Heights.) Chapin'a Farm, Va., Nov. 4, 1864. J Chapin Hills, Ky., Oct. 8, 1862. (See Perryville.) Chapmansville, W. Va., Sept. 25, 1861. 1st Ky. and 34th Ohio. Union, 4 killed, 9 wounded. Confed., 20 killed, 50 wounded. Chariton Bridge, Mo., Aug. 3, 1862. 6th Mo. Cav. Union, 2 wounded ; Confed., 11 killed, 14 wounded. Chariton River, Mo., Aug. 9, 1862. Mo. Militia. Chariton River, Mo., Aug. 10 to 13, 1862. (See Grand River.) Charles City Cross Roads, Va., June 30, 1862. (See White Oak Swamp.) Charles City Cross Roads, Va., Nov. 16, 1863. Cav. Exp. under Col. West. Charles City Cross Roads, Va., June 13, 1864. (See White Oak Swamp Bridge.) Charles City Cross Roads, Va., Oct. 1 , 1864. Recon. by Spear's Cav. Bri- gade, and Terry's Brigade, 10th Corps, Armv of Potomac. Charles Citv Road, Va., Oct. 27, 1864. Charleston, 111., .March 28, 1864. Attack on a portion of 54th 111. while re- turning to the front from a veteran furlough, by a mob of Copperheads. Union, 2 killed, 8 wounded; Con- fed., 3 killed, 4 wounded, 12 pris- oners. Charleston, Mo., Jan. 8, 1862. lOtli Iowa Inf. Charleston, S. C, Feb. 18, 1865. Sur- render of Ft. Sumter and evacua- tion of the city. Troops of the Dep't of the South, assisted by U. S. Naval Fleet. Charleston, Tenn., Dec. 28, 1863. De- tachments of 2d Mo. and 4th Ohio Cav. guarding wagon-train. Union, 2 killed, 15 wounded ; Confed., 8 killed, 39 wounded, 121 captured. Charleston, Va., Oct. 6, 1862. 6th U. S. Cav. Charleston, Va., Oct. 16, 1862. Recon. by Army of Potomac. Charlestown and Berryville, Va., Dec. 1, 18()2. 2d Div., 12th Corps. Con- fed., 5 killed, 18 wounded. 128 LIST OF BATTLES AND ENGAGEMENTS, Charlestown, or Bird's Point, Mo., Aug. 19, 1861. 22d 111. Union, 1 killed, 6 wounded ; Confed., 40 killed. Charlestown, Va., March 7, 1862. Charlestown and Harper's Ferry, W. Va., May 28, 1862. Charlestown, W. Va., Sept. 12, 1862. 4th W. Va. ; 34th Ohio Inf. Charlestown, W. Va., Oct. 8, 1863. Charlestown, W. Va., Oct. 18, 1863. 9th Md. Inf. Union, 12 killed, 13 wounded, 379 missing. Charlestown, W. Va., June 27, 1864. 1st Div. Army of W. Va. Chattahoochee River, Ga., July 6 to 10, 1864. Army of the Ohio, Maj.- Gen. Schofield ; Army of the Tenn., INIaj.-Gen. McPherson ; Army of the Cumberland, Maj.-Gen. Thomas; Army of the Miss., Maj.-Gen. W. T. Sherman. Union, 80 killed, 450 wounded, 200 missing. Chattanooga, Tenn., Aug. 21, 1863. Artil. of Gen. Rosecran's Army. Chattanooga, or Orchard Knob, Tenn., Nov. 23, 1863. 4th and 14th Corps, Army of the Cumberland, Maj.- Gen. Geo. H. Thomas; 11th, Geary's Div. of the 12th, and loth Corps, Army of the Tenn., Maj.-Gen. W. T. Sherman. Union, 757 killed, 4,529 wounded, 330 missing ; Con- fed., 361 killed, 2,181 wounded, 6,142 missing. (Losses include Lookout Mountain, on the 24th, and Missionary Ridge, on the 25th. Chattanooga, Tenn., Dec. 2 and 3, 1864. (See Block House No. 2.) Chattanooga, Tenn., Feb. 5, 1865. Cheat Mountain, W. Va., Sept. 12 and 13, 1861. 13th, 14th, 15th, and 17th Ind. ; 3d, 6th, 24th, and 25th Ohio ; 2d W. Va. Inf. Union, 9 killed, 12 wounded ; Confed., 80 wounded. Cheek's Cross Roads, Tenn., March 14, 1864. Cav. under Col. Garrard and 7th Ohio Cav. Cheese Cake Church, Va., May 4, 1862. 3d Pa. ; 1st and 6th U. S. Cav. Cheraw, S. C., INIarch 2 and 3, 1865. Advance of 17th Corps. Cherokee Nation, Ind. Ter., Jan. 18, 1863. Cherokee Sta., Ala., April 17, 1863. (See Bear Creek.) Cherokee Sta., Ala., Oct. 21, 1863. 1st Div., 15th Corps. Union, 17 killed, 37 wounded ; Confed., 40 killed and wounded. Cherokee Sta., Ala., Oct. 29, 1863. 1st Div., 15tli Corps. Casualties not recorded. Cherry Creek, Miss., July 10, 1864. Cherry Grove, Mo., June 26, 1862. Cherry Grove, Va., April 14, 1864. (See Smithfield.) Chesterfield, S. C, March 2, 1865. Ad- vance of the 20th Corps. Chester Gap, Va., Nov. 5, 1862. (See Barbee's Cross Roads.) Chester Gap, Va., July 21 and 22, 1863. 8th N. Y.; 3d. Ind.; 12th 111.; ad- vance Cav., Army of Potomac. Union, 35 killed, 102 wounded ; Confed., 300 killed and wounded. (Including loss at Manassas Gap, July 21.) Chester Sta. (sometimes called Ber- muda Hundred), Va., Nov. 17, 1864. (See Bermuda Hundred.) Chewa Sta., Montgomery and AVest Point R. R.,Ga., July 18, 1864. 8th Ind. ; 5th Iowa and 4th Tenn. Cav. ChickalK.miny, Va., May 24, 1862. ])avids(nrs Brigade of 4th Corps. Union, 2 killed, 4 wounded. Chickahominy, Va., June 27, 1862. (See Gaines' Mill, or Seven Days' Retreat.) Chickahominy River, Va., May 12, 1864. (See Meadow Bridge.) Chickamxomico, N. C, Oct. 5, 1861. 20th Ind., assisted by Navy. Chickamauga, Ga., Sept. 19 and 20, 1863. Army of the Cumberland, Maj-Gen. Rosecrans ; 14th Corps, Maj.-Gen. Thomas; 20th Corps, Maj.-Gen. McCook ; 21st Corps, Maj.-Gen. Crittenden ; Reserve Corps, Maj.-Gen. Granger. Union, 1,644 killed, 9,262 wounded, 4,945 missing ; Confed., 2,389 killed, 13,412 wounded, 2,003 missing. Union, LIST OF BATTLES AND ENGAGEMENTS. Brig.-Gen. Lytle killed ; and Brig.- Gens. Starkweather, Whittaker, and King "wounded. Confe Cold Water.) CoffVcvill.'. Miss., Dec. 5, 1862. 1st, 2d, and 'Ad Cav. Brigades, Army of the Tenn. Union, 10 killed, 54 wounded; Confed., 7 killed, 43 wounded. Cold Harbor, Va., June 27, 1862. (See Gaines' Mill and Seven Days' Re- treat.) Cold Harbor, Va., June 1 to 12, 1864. (Including Gaines' Mills, Salem Church, and Hawes' Shop.) 2d, 5th, 6th, 9th, and 18th Corps, to- gether with Sheridan's Cav. Union, 1,905 killed, 10,570 wounded, 2,456 missing; Confed., 1,200 killed and wounded, 500 missing. Union, Brig.-Gens. Brookes and Byrnes killed, and Tyler, Stannard, and Johnson wounded; Confed., Brig.- Gens. Doles and Keitt killed, and Brig.-Gens. Kirkland, Finnegan, Law, and Lane wounded. Cold Knob Mountain, or Sinking Creek, or Frankfort, Va., Nov. 26, 1862. 2d W. Va. Cav. Cold water. Miss., Mav 11, July 24, Nov. 8 and 9, 1862 ; Feb. 19 and July 28, 1863. Coldwater, Miss., Sept. 10, 1862. 6th 111. Cav. Confed., 4 killed, 80 wounded. Coldwater, Miss., April 19, 1863. (See Hernando.) Coldwater, Miss., Aug. 21, 1863. 3d and 4th Iowa Cav. ; 5th 111. Cav. Union, 10 wounded. Coldwater Creek, Miss., Sept. 8 and 11, 1862. Portion of 34th and 37th Ohio. Coldwater Grove, Mo., Oct. 24, 1864. Kan. Cav., Army of the Frontier. Coldwater Grove, Tenn., April 19, 1863. Coldwater Sta., Miss., Nov. 29, 1862. 1st Ind. Cav. Coldwater Sta., Tenn., March 17, 1863. Cole Camp, Mo., Oct. 5, 1862, and June 8, 1863. Cole Co., Mo., Oct. 6, 1864. (See Prince's Place.) Cole Creek, Miss., Oct. 4, 1864. Coleman's, Miss., March 5, 1864. Miss. Marine Brigade. Coleman's Plantation, near Port Gib- son, Miss., Julv 4 and 5, 1864. 52d U. S. Colored Ti-oops ; Miss. Marine Brigade. Union, 6 killed, 18 wounded. LIST OF BATTLES AND ENGAGEMENTS. 131 College Hill, or Oxford Hill and Hurri- cane Creek, Mis;?., Au^^. 21 and 22, 1864. 4th Iowa; 11th and 21st Mo. Inf. ; 3d Iowa Cav. ; 12th Mo. Cav. Confed., 15 killed. Collinsville, Miss., June 23, 1864. Train attack on the Charleston & Miss. T) T) CoUiersville.Tenn., Oct. 11, 1863. 69th Ind. Inf ; 13th U.S. Regulars. Union, 15 killed, 50 wounded. Colliersville, Tenn., Oct. 25, 1863. CoUiersville, Tenn., Nov. 3, 1863. Cav. Brig., Kith Corps. CoUiersville, Tenn., Dec. 27 and 28, 1863. Cav., Armv of the Tenn. Columbia, Kv., July 3, 18(53. 1st Kv. ; 2d Ohio Cav.; 45th Ohio Mounted Inf. (Morgan's Riid.) Columbia, La., Feb. 4, 1864. Columbia, La., June 6, 1864. (See Lake Chicot.) Columbia, S. C, Feb. 16 and 17, 1865. loth Corps, Armv of the Tenn. Columbia, Tenn., "Sept. 9, 1862. 42d 111. Inf. Confed , 18 killed, 45 wounded. Columbia, Duck River, Tenn., Nov. 24 to 28, 1864. Capron's Brigade, 1st Cav. Div. ; 4th and 23d Corps. Columbia, Tenn., Dec. 19, 1864. Columbia, Va., Oct. 7 and 8, 1864. Columbus, Ga., April 16, 1865. 4th Div. Cav., Military Div. of the Miss. (Wilson's Raid.) Columbus, Ky., Jan. 18, 1865. Detach- ment of Tenn. Cav. Columbus, Mo., Jan. 9, 1862. 7th Kan. Cav. Union, 5 killed. Columbus, Mo., July 23, 1862. 7th Mo. Cav. Union, 2 wounded. Combahee River and River's Bridge, Salkahatchie, S. C, Jan. 25 to Feb. 9,1865. 15th and 17th Corps. Union, 138 killed and wounded. Comfort, N. C, July 6, 1863. (See Quaker Bridijje.) Como, Miss., Oct. 7, 1863. Como, Tenn., Sept. 19, 1863. Compton Ferrv, Mo., Aug. 10 to 13. 1864. (See Grand River.) Concha's Springs, New Mexico, July 22, 1863. One company of New Mexico Cav. Concordia Bayou, La., Aug. 5, 1864. Conne Creek, Clinton, La., Aug. 25, 1864. Part of Cav., Dep't of the Gulf. Congaree Creek, S. C, Feb. 15, 1865. 15th Corps, Army of the Tenn. Construction Train, Tenn., Jan. 25, 1863. Convalescent Corral, near Corinth, Miss., July 7, 1863. One company, 39th Iowa Inf. Conyersville, Tenn., Sept. 5, 1863. Cook's Canon, Nev., July 24, 1863. Coon Creek, or Lamar, Mo., Aug. 24, 1862. Union, 2 killed, 22 wounded. Coosa Creek, Ala., April 1, 1865. Coosa River, Ala., July 13, 1864. Coosa River, Ga., Oct. 25, 1864. Coosaw River, S. C, Dec. 4, 1864. 25th Ohio Inf. Corinth Road, Miss., April 8, 1862. Recon. by 3d Brig., 5th Div., Army of Tenn. ; 4th 111. Cav. Corinth, Miss., April 30 to May 30, 1862. (Siege of Corinth.) Evacuated May 30, when Gen. Halleck's Army took possession. Corinth, Miss., May 17, 1862. Brig.- Gen. Smith's Brigade. Union, 10 killed, 31 wounded; Confed.,12 killed. Corinth, ]\Iiss., Oct. 3 and 4, 1862. McKean's, Davies', Hamilton's, and Stanley's Divs., Army of the Miss. Union, 315 killed, 1,812 wounded, 2.32 missing; Confed., 1,423 killed, 5,692 wounded, 2,248 missing. Union, Brig.-Gens. Hackleman killed, and Oglesbv wounded. Corinth, Miss., Aug. 16, 1863. Corinth, Miss., June 10, 1864. 2d N. J. Cav. (Guntown Exp.) Corydon, Ind., July 9, 1863. Ind. Home Guards. (]\Iorgan's Raid.) Cosby Creek, tenn., Jan. 14, 1864. (See Terrisville.) Cottage Grove, Tenn., March 21, 1863. Cotton Gap, Ark., Sept. 1, 1863. (See Devil's Back-bone.) Cotton Hill, W. Va., Sept. 11, 1862. 34th and 37th Ohio ; 4th W. Va. Inf. 132 LIST OF BATTLES AND ENGAGEMENTS. Cotton Plant, Ark., July 7, 1862. (See Bayou Cache.) Cotton Plant, Cache River, Ark., April 21, 1864. 8th Mo. Cav. Union, 2 killed, 3 wounded. Courtland, Ala., July 25 and 27, 1864. 18th Mich. ; 32d Wis. Inf. Courtland, Tenn., Aug. 22, 1862. 42d 111. Union, 2 wounded ; Confed., 8 killed. Courtland Bridge, Ala., July 25, 1862. Two companies, 10th Ky.Inf. ; 2 com- panies, 1st Ohio Cav. Union, 100 captured. Courtland Road, Ala., May 26 and 27, 1864. (See Decatur.) Courtney's Plantation, Miss., April 11, 1863. Cove Creek, N. C, Nov. 18, 1862. 3d N. Y. Cav. Cove ^lountain, or Gra.ssy Lick, or AVvthcvill.", Va., May 9 and 10, 1864, 14th Pa.; 1st, 2d, and 3d W. Va.; 34th Ohio Mounted Inf. Covinoton, Tenn., ]\Iarch 10, 1863. 6th\and 7th 111. Cav. Confed., 25 killed. Cow Creek, Kan., Nov. 14 to 28, 1864. 54th U. S. Colored Troops ; 3d Kan. Indian Home Guards. Cow Creek, Kan., June 12, 1865. Cowskin Creek, Mo., Aug. 5 to 7, 1864. 8th Mo. Militia Cav. Coxe's Bridge, N. C, March 24, 1865. Provisional Corps under Gen. Terry. Coyle Tavern (near Fairfax, C. H.), Va., Aug. 24, 1863. 2d Mass. Cav. Union, 2 killed, 3 wounded; Confed., 3 killed, 4 wounded. Crab Orchard, Ky., Aug. 22, 1862. 9th Pa. Cav. Craig's Meeting House, Va., May 5, 1864. 3d Div. Cav., Army of Poto- mac. Crampton's Ferry, Mo., Aug. 11, 1862. (See Grand River.) Crampton's Gap, Md., Sept. 14, 1862. (See Truner's Gap.) Crane Creek, Mo., Oct. 29 and 30, 1864. (See Newtonia.) Crawford Co., Ark., Aug. 11, 1864. (See Van Buren.) Crawford Co., Mo., Nov. 25, 1862. Mo. and enrolled Militia. Creek Agency, Ind. Ter., Oct. 15 and 25, 1863. 1st Kan., Indian Home Guards ; 2(1 Ind. Ixittery. Creelsboro, Kv., and Cclina,Tenn., Dec. 7, 1863. 13th Ky. Cav. Confed., 15 killed. [Malvern Hill.) Crew's Farm, Va., July 1, 1862. (See Cripple Creek, or Bradyville, Va., May 16, 1863. Detachment of 5th Tenn. Cav. Crooked Creek, Ala., May 1, 1863. (See Sand Mountain.) Crooked Creek, Mo., Aug. 24, 1862. Crooked River, Oregon, May 18, 1864. 1st Oregon Cav. Crooked Run, Front Roval, Va., Aug. 15, 1864. 1st and 2d "Brigades, 1st Cav. Div., Army of Potomac. Union, 13 killed, 58 wounded; Confed., 30 killed, 150 wounded, ;;()() captured. Cross Ba.you, La., Sept. 14, 1SH3. Cross Hollow and Fa\etteville, or Ox- ford Bend, Ark., Oct. 18 and 28, 1862. One Div., Army of Frontier, under Brig.-Gen. Herrow. Cross Keys, or Union Church, V-a., June 8, 1862. 8th, 39th, 41st, 45th, 54th, and .58th N. Y. ; 2d, 3d, 5tli, and 8th W. Va. ; 25th, 32d, 55th, 60th, 73d, 75th, and 82d Ohio; 1st and 27th Pa. ; 1st Ohio Battery. Union, 125 killed, 500 wounded ; Confed., 42 killed, 230 wounded; Confed., Brig.-Gens. Stewart, and Elzey wounded. Cross Lanes, or Summerville, W. Va., Aug. 26, 1861. 7th Ohio Inf. Union, 5 killed, 40 wounded, 200 captured. Cross Timbers, Mo., July 28, 1862. Cross Timbers, Mo., Oct. 16, 1863. 18th Iowa Inf. Confed., 2 killed, 8 wounded. Croton Springs, Ariz. Ter., July 14, 1865. Crump's Hill, or Pine Woods, La., April 2, 1864. 14th N. Y. Cav. ; 2d La. ; 2d 111. and 16th Mo. Cav. ; 5th U. S. Colored Artil. Union, 20 wounded; Confed., 10 killed, 25 wounded. JST OP BATTLES AND ENGAGEiMENTS. 133 CruiniVs Landino:, or Adamsville, Tenii., April 4, 1862. Culpeper (near Culpeper), Va., July 12, 1862. 1st Md. ; 1st Vt. ; 1st W. Va. ; 5th N. Y. Cav. Confed., 1 killed, 5 wounded. Culpeper, Xa., Sept. 13, 1863. 1st, 2d, and 3d Divs., C"av. Corps, Army of Potomac. Union, 3 killed, 40 wounded; Confed., 10 killed, 40 wounded, 75 missinj;. Culpei)er, or AVIiite Sulphur Sprinj^is, or Waneuton Sprinirs, Va., Oct. 12 and 13, 186:!. (\iv. Corps, Army of l^otomac. Union, 8 killed, 4() wounded. Culp's House, Ga., June 22, 1864. (See Keuesaw INIountain.) Cumberland, or Flock's Mills, Md., Au^ Raid.) Dutton's Hill, or Somerset, Kv., March 30,1863. 1st Ky. Cav.; 7th Ohio Cav. ; 44th and 45th Ohio Mounted Inf Union, 10 killed, 25 wounded; Confed., 290 killed, wounded and missing. Duvall's Bluff and Des Arcs, Ark-, Jan. 16, 1863. 24th Ind. Inf, as- sisted bv U. S. Gunboat " De Kalb." Duvall's, Bluff, Ark., Dec. 12, 1863. 8th Mo. Cav. Duvall's Bluff, Ark., Aug. 21 and Sept. 6, 1864. Mo. Cav. Duvall's Mills, Va., Dec. 1, 1864. (See Stony Creek Sta.) Dyersburg, Tenn., Jan. 30, 1863. 22d "Ohio Inf EAGLEVILLE, Tenn., March 2, 1863. 15th, 16th, 18th, and 19th U. S. Inf East Pascagoula, Miss., April 9, 1863. 74th U. S. Colored Troops. East Point, Ga., Sept. 5, 1864. LIST OP BATTLES AND ENGAGEMENTS. 13/ East Point, Miss., Oct. 10, 1864. 61st IT. S. Colored Troops. Union, 16 killed, 20 wounded. Eastport, Miss., Nov. 11, 1864. Ebenezer Creek, Cypress Swamp, Ga., Dec. 7, 1864. 9th Mich, and 9th Ohio Cav. Ebenezer Church, Ala., April 1, 1865. (See Bogler's Creek.) Eden Sta.,' Ga., Dec. 7 to 9, 1864. (See O^eechee River.) Edgetield Junction, Tenn., Aug. 20, 1862. Detachment of 59th Ind. Inf. Edgefield, Tenn., Nov. 15, 1862. Edisto Island, S. C, April 18, 1862. 55th Pa. and 3d N. H., assisted by U. S. Steamer " Crusader." Union, 3 wounded. Edward's Ferry, Md., July — , 1861. Edward's Ferry, Va., June 17, 1861. Portion of 1st Pa. Union, 1 killed, 4 wounded ; Confed., 15 killed. Edward's Ferry, Va., Oct. 21, 1861. (See Ball's Bluff.) Edward's Sta., Miss., May 16, 1863. (See Champion Hills.) Eel River, Cal., May 3, 1863. Egypt Sta., Miss., Dec. 28, 1864. 4th and nth 111. Cav. ; 7th Ind. : 4th and 10th Mo. ; 2d Wis. ; 2d N. J, ; 1st Miss, and 3d IT. S. Colored Cav. Union, 23 killed, 88 wounded; Confed., 500 captured. Confed., Brig.-Gen. Gholson killed. Elizabethtown, Ark., Oct. 1, 1863. Elizabethtown, Ky., Dec, 27, 1862. 91st 111. Union, 500 captured. (Morgan's Raid.) EHzabethtown, Ky., Dec. 16 and 24 1864. 1st Wis. Cav. Elliott's Mills, or Camp Crittenden Mo., Sept. 22, 1861. 7th Iowa Inf! Union, 1 killed, 5 wounded. Elk Creek, Ind. Ter., July 17, 1863. (See Honey Springs.) Elk Creek, Nev., Aug. 15, 1864. Elk Fork, Tenn., Dec. 28, 1862. 6th and 10th Ky. Cav. Confed., 36 killed, 175 wounded, 51 missing. Elkhorn Tavern, Ark., March 8, 1862 (See Pea Ridge.) Elkhorn Tavern, Ark., Oct. 16, 1862. Elkin's Ford, Ark., April 4 to 6, 1864. 43d Ind. ; 29th and 36th Iowa ; 1st Iowa Cav. ; Batterv E, 2d Mo. Light Artil. Union, 5 killed, 33 wounded ; Confed., 18 killed, 30 wounded. Elk River, Tenn., July 2, 1863. Cav., Army of the Cumberland. Elk River, Tenn., July 14, 1863. 14th Corps. Union, 10 killed, 30 wounded ; Confed., 60 killed, 24 wounded, 100 missing. Elk Shute, Mo., Aug. 3 and 4, 1864. Troops under Col. Burris. Elkton, Ky., Dec. 12, 1864. 1st Cav. Div. under Gen. McCook. Elkton Sta., near Athens, Ala., May 9, 1862. Company E, 37th Ind. Inf. Union, 5 killed, 43 captured ; Con- fed., 13 killed. Elk Water, W. Va., Sept. 11, 1861. 3d Ohio ; 15th and 17th Ind. Ellison's Mills, Va., June 26, 1862. (See Mechanicsville and Seven Davs' Retreat.) EUistown, Mi.ss., June 16 and 21, 1864. Eltham's Landing, Va., May 7, 1862, (See West Point.) Eminence, Mo., June 17, 1862. Enterprise, Mo., Aug. 7, 1864. Eudora Church, Ark., May 9, 1864. Evacuation of Ft. Wagner and Battery Gregg, Morris Island, S. C, Sept. 7, 1863. Troops under Gen. Gilniore, assisted by Naval Fleet. Evacuation of Corinth, Miss., May 30, 1862. (See Corinth.) Evlington Heights, Va., July 3, 1862. (See Haxal's Pass.) Exp. to Jacksonville, Fla., March 29, 1863. 8th Me.; 6th Conn.; 33d U. S. Colored Troops. (Including Skirmish at Baldwin.) Exp. up Steele's Bavou and at Deer Creek, Miss., March 16 to 22, 1863. 2d Div., 15th Corps, assisted bv Gun- boat Fleet. Exp. up the Yazoo River, Miss., Feb. 1 to March 8, 1864. 11th 111. ; 47th U. S. Colored Troops and part of Porter's Fleet of Gunboats. Union, 35 killed, 121 wounded • Confed., 35 killed, 90 wounded. 138 LIST OF BATTLES AND ENGAGEMENTS. Exp. from Vicksburg to Jackson, Miss., July 3 to 9, 1864. 1st Div., 17th Corps. Union, 150 wounded ; Con- fed., 200 wounded. Exp. from Vicksburg to Meridian, Miss., Feb. 3 to March 5, 1- 15, 1864. 6th and 8th Corps; 1st Cav. Div., Army of Potomac. Union, 30 wounded. Fisher's Hill, or Woodstock, Ya., Sept. 22, 1864. (See, also, Winchester and Fisher's Hill.) 6th Corps ; .sth C()r])s ; 1st and 2d Divs., 19th Corps; 1st and 2d Cav. Divs., Armv of Poto- mac. Fisher's Hill, Va., Oct. 9, 18(34. (See Tom's Brook.) Fishing Creek, Kv., Jan. 19 and 20, 1862. (See Mill Springs.) Fishing Creek, Hartford, Kv., May 25. 1863. Fish Springs, Tenn., Jan. 23, 1863. Fitzhugh's Crossing, Rapi)ahannock River, April 29 and 30, 1863. 1st Corjis, Armv of Potomac. Fitzhugh's W'oods, Ark., April 1, 18(34. (See Augusta.) Five Forks, Va., April 1, 1865. Cav. Div., Army of the James ; 5th Corps ; and 1st, 2d, and 3d Cav. Divs., Armv of Potomac. Union, 124 killed, 706 wounded ; Confed., 3,000 killed and wounded, 5,500 captured. Five Mile Creek, Ala., March 31, 18(35. (See Montavallo.) Five Points, Va., Jan. 1, 1864. (See Rectortown.) Flat Lick Fords, Kv., Feb. 14, 1862. 49th Ind. ; 6th Ky. Cav. Confed., 4 killed, 4 wounded. Flat Rock Bridge, Va., May 14, 1864. Flat Shoals, Ga., July 28, 18(54. Portion of Garrad's Cav. (Stone- man's Raid.) Flint Creek, Ark., March 6, 1864. 14th . Cav. Va.,Sept. 1, 1862. 140 LIST OF BATTLES AXD ENGAGEMENTS. Flint River, Ga.. Sept. 1, 1S(U. Flock's Mills, Md., Aug. 1, 1864. (See Cumberland.) Florence, Ala., May 27, 1863. Brigade of Cav. under Col. Comyar; 10th Mo. Cav. Florence, Ala., Jan. 26, 1864. Troops under Col. Miller ; 72d Ind. Inf. Florence, Ala., April 13, 1864. Detach- ment of 9th Ohio Cav. Florence, Ala., Oct. 6, 1864. 60th 111. Inf. ; 3d and 6th Tenn. Cav. Florence, Ky., Sept. 17, 1862. Detach- ment of 10th Ky. Cav. Florence, Mo., Julv 10, 1863. Florence, S. C, March 3, 1865. De- tachment of Mounted Inf. from Sher- man's Army. Florida, Mo , May 22, 1862. Detach- ment of 3d Iowa Cav. Union, 2 wounded. Florida, or Bole's Farm, Mo., July 23, 1862. Two companies, 3d Iowa Cav. Union, 22 wounded; Confed., 3 killed. [Farm.) Florida, Mo., Julv 24, 1862. (See Bott's Flowing Springs, Va., Aug. 21, 1864. (See Summit Point.) Floyd's Fork, Ky., Oct. 1, 1862. 34th 111. ; 77th Pa. ; 4th Ind. Cav. Forsyth, Mo., July 22, 1861. 1st Iowa; 2d Kan. ; Stanley Dragoons and Totten's Battery. I'^nion, 3 wounded ; Confrd., 5 killed, 10 W( funded. Forsyth, Mo., A UL"-. 2, lS(i2. (See Ozark.) Fort Aberordinl.ic, Dak. Ter., Sei)t. 3 to 6, and 23 to 2."i, 1S(>2. (Indian Fight.) Fort Adams, La., Oct 5,1864. 2d Wis. and 3d U. S. Colored Cav. Fort Anderson, Paducah, Kv., March 25, 1864. 122d 111. ; 16th Ky. Cav. ; 8th U. S. Colored Artil., assisted by U. S. steamers " Peosta " and " Paw- paw." Union, 14 killed, 46 wounded ; Confed., 10 killed, 40 wounded. Confed. Brig.-Gen. Thompson killed. Fort Anderson, Town Creek, and Wil- mington, N. C, Fel). 18 to 22, 1865. 23d and 24th Corps, assisted by Por- ter's Gunboats. Union, 40 killed, 204 wounded ; Confed., 70 killed, 400 wounded, 375 missing. Fort Barrancas, Fla., Jan. 8, 1861. 1st U. S. Artil. First Union gun fired. Fort Beauregard, La., Sept. 4, 1863. Fort Bisland, La., April 12, 1863. (See Irish Bend.) Fort Blair, Waldron, Ark., Oct. 6, 1863. Detachment of 3d Wis. Cav. Fort Blakely, Ala. (Siege), March 31 to April 9, 1865. 13di and Kith Corps Military Div. of the Miss. Union, 629 killed, wounded, and missing; Confed., 2,900 killed, wounded, and missing. Fort Blound, Ind. Ter., May 20, 1863. (See Fort Gibson.) Fort Blunt, Ind. Ter., March 27 to June 19, 1863. Fort Brady, or Fort Burnham, or Bogg's Mills, Ya., Jan. 24, 1865. U. S. Colored Troops and Heavy Artil., Army of the James. Fort Brown Road, Texas, Dec. 14, 1S62. Fort Burnham, Va., Dec. 10, 1864. Portion of the Army of the James. Fort Burnham,Va.,Jan. 24, 1865. (See Fort Brady.) Fort Cobb, Ind. Ter., Oct. 21, 1862. Loval Indians. Fort Cottonwood, Nev., Aug. 28,1864. 7th Iowa Cav. (Indian Fight.) Fort Cottonwood, Nev., Sept. 18, 1864, 7th Iowa Cav. Fort Crais, New Mexico, Aug. 23 and Sept. 6,^1861. Fort Craig, or Yalverde, New Mexico, Feb. 21, 1862. 1st New Mexico Cav. ; 2d Col. Cav.; detachments of 1st, 2d, and 5th New Mexico and of the 5th, 7th, and 10th U. S. Inf., together with Hall's and ]\hu'Puu-'s Batteries. Union, 62 killed, 140 wounded ; Con- fed., 150 wounded. Fort Craig, New Mexico, May 23, 1862. 3d U. S.' Cav. Union, 3 wounded. Fort Darling, Drewry's Bluff, Ya., May 12 to 16, 1864. 10th and 18th Corps. (Including losses at Wierbottom Church, Proctor's Creek and Pal- mer's Creek.) Union, 422 killed, 2,389 wounded, 210 missing ; Confed., 400 killed, 2,000 wounded, 100 miss- ing. LIST OF BATTLES AND ENGAGEMENTS. 141 Fort Davidson, or Pilot Knob, or Iron- ton, Mo., Sept. 26 and 27, 1864. 47th and oOth Mo.; 14th Iowa; 2d and 3d Mo. Cav. ; Battery H, 2d Mo. Light Artil. (Price's Invasion.) Fort'De Russy, La., March 14, 1864. Detachments of 16th and 17th Coi-ps, assisted by Porter's Miss. Squadron. Union, 7 killed, 41 wounded ; Con- fed., 5 killed, 4 wounded, 260 pris- oners. Fort Donelson, Tenn., Feb. 14 to 16, 1862. 17th and 25th Kv. ; 11th, 25th, 31st, and 44th Ind. ; 2d, 7th, 12th, and 14th Iowa ; 1st Neb. ; 58th and 76th Ohio ; 8th and 13th Mo. ; 8th Wis. ; 8th, 9th, 11th, 12th, 17th, 18th, 20th, 28th, 29th, 30th, 31st, 41st, 4oth, 46th, 48th, 49th, 57tli, and 58th 111. ; Batteries B and D, 1st 111. Artil. ; D and E, 2d 111. Artil. ; four companies 111. Cav. ; Birge Sharp- shooters and seven U. S. Gunboats. Brig.-Gen. U. S. Grant, command- ing. Union, 446 killed, 1,735 wounded, 150 missing ; Confed., 231 killed, 1,007 wounded, 13,829 pris- oners. Union, Maj.-Gen. John A. Logan wounded. Fort Donelson, Tenn., Aug. 25, 1862. 71st Ohio and 5th Iowa Cav. Fort Donelson, or Cumberland Iron Works, Tenn., Feb. 3, 1863. 83d 111. ; 2d 111. Artil. and one Battalion, 5th Iowa Cav. Union, 16 killed, 60 wounded, 50 missing; Confed., 140 killed, 400 wounded, 130 missing. Fort Donelson, Tenn., Oct. 11, 1864. Portion of the 4th U. S. Colored Heavy Artil. Fort Esperanza,Tex., Nov. 30, 1862. Fort Esperanza, Tex., Nov. 27 to 29, 1863. 8th and 18th Ind. ; 33d and 99th 111.; 23d and 34th Iowa; 13th and 15th Me. ; 7th INIich. ; Company F, 1st Mo. Batterv and a portion of 1st and 2d Divs., i3th Corps. Fort Fillmore. New INIexico, Julv 27, 1861. 7th U. S. Inf. and U. S. Mounted Rifles. Union, 420 cap- tured. Fort Fillmore, New Mexico, Aug. 7, 1862. Cal. Troops under Gen. Canby. Fort Fisher, N. C, Dec. 25, 1864. 10th Corps and North Atlantic Squadron. Union, 8 killed, 38 wounded ; Con- fed., 3 killed, 65 wounded, 280 pris- oners. Fort Fisher, N. C, Jan. 13 to 15, 1865. Captured after three days' bombai d- ment by fleet and assault by Troops. 2d Div. and 2d Brigade, 1st Div., 24th Corps; 3d Div., 25th Corps, together with sailors and marines from the Atlantic Blockading Squadron. Union, 184 killed, 749 wounded ; Confed., 400 killed and wounded, 2,083 captured. Fort Gaines. Ala., Aug. 2 to 23, 1864. Fort Gibson, Ind. Ter., Oct. 5, 1862, and Feb. 28, 1863. Fort Gibson and Fort Blunt, Ind. Ter., May 20 and 25, 1863. 6th Kan. and 3d Wis. Cav. ; 1st, 2d, and 3d Kan. Indian Home Guards. Fort Gibson, Ind. Ter., Sept. 16 to 18, 1864. 79th U. S. Colored Troops and 2d Kan. Cav. Union, 38 killed, 48 wounded. Fort Gibson, Ind. Ter., Sept. —, 1865. Fort Gilmore, Va., Sept. 29, 1864. (See New Market Heights.) Fort Grant, Ariz. Ter., Jan. 21, 1866. Fort Gregg, Va., April 2, 1865. Fort Halleck, Dak. Ter., Feb. 20, 1863, and Julv 4, 1865. Fort Halleck, Ind. Ter., Julv 7, 1863. (See Grand Pass.) Fort Harrison, Ya., Sept. 29, 1864. (See New Market Heiglits.) Fort Hatteras, N. C, Julv 28 and 29, 1861. 9th, 20th, and 99th N. Y., assisted by Com. Stringham's Fleet. Union, 1 killed, 2 wounded ; Confed., 5 killed, 51 wounded, 715 prisoners. Fort Hell, Ya., Sei)t. 28 and Nov. 5, 1864. (See Ft. Sedgwick.) Fort Hill, Miss., June 25 and 28, 1863. (See Yicksburg.) Fort Hindman, Ark. Post, Ark., Jan. 11, 1863. 13th Corps, Maj.-Gen. Mc- Clernand; 15th Corps, Maj.-Gen. Sherman, assisted by Gunboats of 142 LIST OF BATTLES AND ENGAGEMENTS. the Miss. Squadron. Union. 129 killed, 831 wounded; Confed.', 100 killed, 400 wounded, 5,000 i)risoners. Fort Johnson, S. C, June 16, 1862. (See Secessionville.) Fort Johnson, James Island, S. C, July 2, 1864. Troops of the Department of the South. Union, 19 killed, 97 wounded, 135 missing. Fort Jones, Ky., Feb. 18, 1865. 12th U. S. Colored Heavy Art. Fort Kelly, W. Va., Nov. 28, 1864. Union, fCK) missing. Fort Larned, Kan., May 22, 1865. Fort Leavenworth, Kan., Oct. 20 to 26, 1864. Fort Lyons, or Sand Creek, Ind. Ter., Dec. 9, 1864. 1st Col. Cav. Massa- cre of 500 Indians. Fort Lvons, Va., June 9, 1863. Fort Macon, N. C, April 25 and 26, 1862. Bombarded by six U. S. Steamers on the 25th and sur- rendered to Gen. Park's Div. of Inf. on the 26th. Fort McAllister, Ga., Dec. 13, 1864. 2d Div., 15th Corps. Union, 24 killed, 110 wounded; Confed., 250 missing. Fort McCook, Ala., Aug. 27, 1862. 33d Ohio Inf. and detachment of Cav. Fort Morgan, Ala., Autr. 5 to 23, 1864. Fort Myers, Fla., Feb. 20, 1865. Fort Pemberton, Miss., March 13 to April 5, 1863. 13th Corps, Brig.- Gen. Eoss ; 17th Corps, Brig.-Gen. Quinby, assisted by U. S. Gunboats " Chillicothe " and"" De Kalb." Fort Pickens, Fla., Jan. 13, 1861. U. S. Regulars. Fort Pickens, Fla., Nov. 23, 1861. Companies C and E, 3d V. S. Inf. ; Companies G and L, 6th N. Y. ; Batteries A, F and L, 1st U. S. Art. ; C, H and K, 2d U. S. Art. Union, 5 killed, 7 wounded; Confed., 5 killed, 23 wounded. Fort Pillow, Tenn., March 16, 1864. Fort Pillow, Tenn., April 12, 1864. 6th U. S. Colored Heavy Art.; Battery F, 2d U. S. Light Art.; Bradford's BattaUon, 13th Tenn. Cav. Union, 350 killed, 60 wounded, 164 missing; Confed., 80 killed and wounded. Fort Pocohontas, Va., Autr. — , 1864. Fort Pulaski, Ga., April io, 1862. 6th and 7th Conn. ; 3d K. I. ; 46th and 48th N. Y.; 8th Me.; 15th U. S. Inf., assisted by the crew of U. S. Steamer " Wabash." Union, 1 killed; Confed., 4 wounded, 360 prisoners. Fort Rice, Dak. Ter., Sept. 27, 1864, and July 28 and 30, 1865. Fort Ridgeley, Minn., Aug. 20 and 22, 1862. Companies B and C, 5th Minn. Inf. ; Renville Rangers. (In- dian Fight.) Fort Sanders, Knoxville, Tenn., Nov. 29, 1863. Army of the Ohio. Repulse of Confed. Assault during the Siege of Knoxville. Fort Scott, Kan., Sept. 1 and 3, 1861, and Oct. 22 and 28, 1864. [Wood.) Fort Scott, Mo., Sept. 2, 1861. (See Dry Fort Sedgwick, or Fort Hell, Jerusalem Plank Road, Va., Sept. 28, 1864. 3d Div., 9th Corps. Fort Sedgwick, or Fort Hell, Va., Nov. 5, 1864. 2d and 3d Corps. Fort Smith, Ark., Mav 15, 1863, July 29 to 31, Sept. 1 and'll,and Dec. 24, 1864. Fort Smith, Ark., Aug. 31 and Sept. 1, 1863. (See Devil's Backbone.) Fort Smith, Ark., July 27, 1864. (See Mazzard Prairie.) Fort Smith, Ark., Aug. 24 and 27, 1864. 11th U. S. Colored Troops. Fort Stedman (in front of Petersburg), Va., March 25, 1865. 1st and 3d Divs., 9th Corps. Union, 68 killed, 337 wounded, 506 missing. Confed., 800 killed and wounded, 1,881 miss- ing. In the assault of the 2d and 6th Corps, Union, 103 killed, 864 wounded, 209 missing ; Confed., 834 captured. Fort Stevens, Washington, D. C, July 12, 1864. 2lM Corps: 1st and 2d Divs., 6th Corps ; Marines ; Home Guards ; Citizens ; Convalescents. Union, 54 killed, 318 wounded; Confed., 500 killed and wounded. LIST OP BATTLES AND ENGAGEMENTS. 143 Fort strong, N. C, Feb. 21, 1865. Gen. Terry's Troops, assisted by the Navy. Fort Sumner, New Mexico, Jan. 4, 1864. Company " B," 2d Cal. Inf. ; Apache Indians ; Citizens. (Indian Fight.) Fort Sumter, S. C, April 12 and 13, 1861. 1st U. S. Artil., Battery E. Fort Sumter, S. C, April 15, 1861. Union, 1 killed, 3 wounded by ex- plosion of cannon in firing salute to the U. S. Flag. Fort Taylor, Fla., Aug. 21, 1864. Fort Taylor, West Point, Ga., April 16, 1865. 2d Brigade, 1st Cav. Div., Military Div. of the Miss. (Wilson's Raid.) Fort Wagner (Siege of Fort Wagner), Morris^Island, S. C, July 10 to Sept. 6, 1863. Attack and bombardment by Troops of the Dep't of the South, under Maj.-Gen. Gilmore, and U. S. Navy under Admiral Dahlgren. Union, 1,757 killed, wounded, and missing; Confed., 561 killed, wound- ed, and missing. Fort Wagner, S. C, July 11, 1863. Assault on the Fort. 7th Conn. ; 76 Pa. ; 9th Mo. ; 3d N. H. ; 48th and lOOth N. Y. Fort Wagner, S. C, July 18, 1863. Second Assault. 54th Mass. ; 6th Conn. ; 48th and 100th N. Y. ; 3d and 7th N. H. ; 76th Pa. ; 9th INIe. ; 62d and 67th Ohio. Forty Hills, or Hankinson's Ferrv, Miss., May 3, 1863. 7th Div., 17th Corps. Foster's Bridge, N. C, Dec. 10, 1864. Foster's Exp.' to Goldsboro, N. C, Dec. 12 to 18, 1862. (See Goldsboro.) Fouch La Faix Mountain, Ark., Nov. 11, 1863. Fourteen Mile Creek, Ind. Ter., Oct. 30, 1863. Fourteen Mile Creek, Miss. May 12, 1863, 13th Corps and 15th Corps. Fox Creek, Mo., March 7, 1862. 4th Mo. Cav. Union, 5 wounded. Frankfort, Ky., June 10, 1864. Frankfort-, Va., Nov. 26, 1862. (See Col3. Franklin, Tenn., March 9, 1863. 12:.th Ohio Inf. Franklin and Little IIari)eth, Tenn., March 25, 1863. 4th and 6th Ky. Cav. ; 9th Pa. Cav. ; 2d Mich. Cav. Union, 4 killed, 19 wounded, 40 missing. Franklin and Harpeth River, Tenn., April 10, 1863. 40th Ohio and apart of Granger's Cav. Union, 100 killed and wuundiMl ; Confed., 19 killed, 35 wounded, s:; missing. Franklin, Tenn., April 27, 1863. Cav. under Col. Walkins. Franklin, Tenn., June 4, 1863. 35th Ind. ; 4th, 6th and 7th Kv. ; 9th Pa. and 2d Mich. Cav. Union, 25 killed and wounded ; Confed., 200 killed and wounded. Franklin, Tenn., Sept. 2, 1864. Cav. and 14th Corps, Armv of the Cum- berland ; 15th, 16th, and 17th Corps, Armv of the Tenn. Frankrin,Tenn., Nov. 29 and 30, 1864. (See Spring Hill and Franklin.) Franklin, Tenn., Dec. 17, 1864. Wil- son's Cav. Confed., 1,800 wounded, sick captured. Franklin, Va., Oct. 3, 1862. Troops under Gen. Spear, assisted by three U. S. Steamers. Franklin, Va., Oct. 31,1862. Fraiddin,Va., Dec.2,1862. 11th Pa. Cav. Franklin Creek, or Franklin, Miss., Dec. 18, 1864. Troops of 3d Corps. Franklin's Crossing, Rappahannock River, Va., June 5, 1863. 26th N. J. ; 5th Ver. ; 15th and 50th N. Y. Engi- neers, supiiorted by 6th Cor})s. Union, 6 killed, 35 wounded. 144 LIST OF BATTLES AND ENGAGEMENTS. Frazier's Farm, Va., June 30, 1862. (See AVhite Oak Swamp, also Seven Days' Retreat.) Frederick, Md., Sept. 12, 1862. Ad- vance Troops, Army of Potomac. Frederick City, Md., July 7, 1864. (See Solomon's Gap.) Fredericksburg, Mo., July 17, 1864. 2d Col. Cav. Fredericksburg, Va., Nov. 9, 1862. 1st Ind. Cav. Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 11 to 16, 1862. (Main battle on Dec. 13.) Army of Potomac, Maj.-Gen. Burn- side ; 2d Corps, Maj.-Gen. Couch ; 9th Corps, Maj.-Gen. Wilcox ; Right Grand Div., Maj.-Gen. Sum- ner; 5th Corps, Maj.-Gen. Rey- nolds; 6th Corps, Maj.-Gen. W. S. Smith ; Left Grand Div., Maj.-Gen. Franklin ; 5th Corps, Maj.-Gen. But- terfield ; 3d Corps, Maj.-Gen. Stone- man ; Centre Grand Div., Maj.-Gen. Hooker. Union, 1,108 killed, 9,028 wounded, 2,145 missing; Confed., 579 killed, 3,870 wounded, 127 miss- ing. Union, Brig.-Gens. Jackson and Bayard killed; Brig.-Gens. Givens and Vinton, wounded. Confed., Brig.-Gen. Cobb killed ; Gen. Gregg wounded. Fredericksburg, Va., May 1 to 4, 1863. (See Chancellorsville.) Fredericksburg Road, Va., May 8 to 18, 1864. (SeeSpottsylvaniaC.'H.) Fredericksburg Road, Va., May 16 to 20, 1864. Tyler's Div., 5th Corps, Army of Potomac. Fredericktown and Ironton, Mo., Oct. 17 to 21, 1861. 17th, 20th, 21st, 23d, and 2Sth 111.; 8th AVis. ; 1st Ind. Cav. ; Company A, 1st Mo. Light Artil. Union, 6 killed, 60 wounded; Confed., 200 wounded. Freeman's Ford, Va., Aug. 24, 1862. (See Lee Springs.) Freemont's Orchard, Col., April 12, 1864. Two companies, 1st Col. Cav. French Broad, Tenn., Jan. 27, 1864. (See Fair Gardens.) French Point, Mo., May 15, 1863. Frog Bayou, Ark., July 1, 1864. Front of Petersburg, Va. (See Peters- burg.) Front Royal, Va., May 23, 1862. 1st Md.; detachments of 29th Pa.; Mape's Pioneers; 5th N. Y. Cav. and 1st Pa. Artil. Union, 32 killed, 122 wounded, 750 missing. Front Royal, Va., Mav 30, 1862. 1st R. I. Cav. Union, 5 killed, 8 wounded ; Confed., 156 captured. Front Royal, Va., Aug. 16, 1864. (See Crooked Run.) Front Royal Pike, Va., Sept. 21, 1864. 2d Div., Cav. Corps, Army of Poto- mac. Frying Pan, Va., June 4, 1863. De- tachment of the 5th Mich. Cav. Fry Mountain, Nov. 9, 1861. (See Piketown.) Fulton, Ga., Oct. 13, 1864. Fulton, Mo., July 17, 1861. Four hun- dred of 3d Mo. Reserves. Union, 1 killed, 15 wounded. Funkstown, Md., July 12 and 13, 1863. Portion of Army of Potomac. GAINES' Mills, or Cold Harbor, or Chickahominy, Va., June 27 and 28, 1862. 5th Corps, reinforced by Meagher's and French's Brigades, 1st Div., 2d Corps. (See also Seven Days' Retreat.) Gaines' Mills, Salem Church, and Hawes' Shop, A'a., June 2, 1864. En- gagements by the Cav. Army of Potomac. Gainesville, Fla., Feb. 14, 1864. 40th • Mass. Inf. Gainesville, Fla., Aug. 17, 1864. 75th Ohio Mounted Inf. Union, 16 killed, 30 wounded, 102 missing. Gainesville, Va., Aug. 28 and 29, 1862. (See Groveton.) Gallatin, Tenn., Aug. 12, 1862. 2d Ind. ; 4th and 5th Kv. : 1st Pa. Cav. Union, 30 killed, 50 wounded, 200 captured; Confed., 6 killed, 18 wounded. (Morgan's Raid.) Gallatin, Tenn., Aug. 13, 1862. 13th LIST OF BATTLES AND ENGAGEMENTS. 145 and 16th Ohio ;lltli Mich. Confeds. driven from town with slight loss. Gallatin, Tenn., Sept. 9, 1862. Gallatin, Tenn., Oct. 1, 1862. 1st Tenn. Cav. Galveston, Tex., Jan. 1, 1863. Three companies, 42d Mass. Inf., assisted by six U. S. Gunboats. Union, 600 killed, wounded, and missing ; Con- fed., 50 killed and wounded. Galveston, Tex., June 2, 1865. Garrettsburg, Kv., Nov. 6, 1862. 8th Ky. Cav. Confed., 17 killed, 85 wounded. Gaucha Mountain, Cal, July 22, 1865. Gaulev Bridge, W. Va., Nov. 10, 1861. lltli Ohio ; 7th Ky. Cav. Union, 2 killed, 16 wounded. Geiger Lake, Ky., Sept. 3, 1862. 8th Ky. Cav. Georgia Landing, La., Oct. 27, 1863. (See Labadiesville.) Gennantown, Tenn., June 25, 1862. 56th Ohio. Union, 10 killed. Gennantown, Tenn., Jan. 27 and April 1, 1863. Gettysburg, Pa., July 1 to 3, 1863. Army of Potomac, Maj.-Gen. Geo. G. Meade ; 1st Corps, Maj.-Gen. Reynolds ; 2d Corps, Maj.-Gen. Hancock; 3d Corps, Maj.-Gen. Sickles ; 5th Corps, Maj.-Gen. Sykes ; 6th Corps, Maj.-Gen. Sedgwick ; 11th Corps, Maj.-Gen. Howard; 12th Corps, Maj.-Gen. Slocum ; Cav. Corps, Maj.-Gen. Pleasanton. Union, 2,834 killed, 13,700 wounded, 6,643 missing ; Confed., 3,500 killed, 14,500 wounded, 13,621 missing. Union, Maj.-Gen. Reynolds, Brig.- Gens. Weed, Zook, and Farnswoith killed; Maj.-Gens. Sickles and Han- cock, Brig.-Gens. Paul, Rowley, Gibbons, and Barlow wounded. Confed., Maj.-Gen. Pender, Brig.- Gens. Gurnett, Barksdale, and Semmes killed ; Maj.-Gens. Hood, Trimble, and Heth, Brig.-Gens. Kemper, Scales, Anderson, Hamp- ton, Jones, Jenkins, Pettigrew, and Posey wounded. Numbers e n - gaged: Army of Potomac, Inf., 80,000; Cav., 10,000; Artil., 5,000— with 327 guns— Total, 95,000. Armv of Northern Va. : Inf., 90,000 ; Cav., 10,000 ; Artil., 5,000— with over 250 guns. Total, 105,000. Ghent, Ky., Aug. 29, 1864. 117th U. S. Colored Troops. Gila River, New Mexico, Nov. 5, 1863. Glade Springs, Va., Dec. 15, 1864. 12th Ky. Cav. (Stoneman's Raid.) Gladesville, Round Gap, Va., Oct. 2, 1864. 1st Ky. Cav. ; 3d Ky. Mounted Inf. Glasgow, Ky., Oct. 5, 1862. 20th Ky. Inf. Glasgow, Ky., Dec. 24, 1862. Five Companies 2d Mich. Cav. Union, 1 killed, 1 wounded ; Confed., 3 killed, 3 wounded. Glasgow, Ky., Oct. 5, 1863. 37th Ky. Mounted Inf. Union, 3 wounded, 100 missing ; Confed., 13 wounded. Glasgow, Kv., March 25, 1865. Glasgow, Mo., Oct. 15, 1864. 42d Mo. and detachments of 17th 111., 9th Mo. Militia, and 13th Mo. Cav.; 66th U. S. Colored Troops. (Price's Invasion.) Glass Bridge, Tenn., Sept. 2, 1864. Glendale, Ala., Feb. 22, 1863. Glendale, near Corinth, Miss., Mav 8, 1862. 7th 111. Cav. ; 3d Mich. Cav. Union, 1 killed, 4 wounded ; Con- fed., .30 killed and wounded. Glendale, Miss., April 14, 1S63. Glendale, Va., June 30, 1862. (See White Oak Swamp, also Seven Davs' Retreat.) Glendennin's Raid, Va., :\rav 20 to 28, 1863. (See Clendennin's Raid.) Glorietta, New Mexico, March 26 to 28, 1862. (See Apache Canon.) Gloucester, Va., Nov. 17, 18(52. 104th Pa. Inf. Union, 1 killed, 3 wounded. Gloucester C. H. and Ware River, Va., April 8 and 9, 1863. Troops assisted by U. S. Steamer, " Commodore Morris." Gloucester Point, Va., Feb. 10, 1863. Golding's Farm, Va., June 28, 1862. 33d and 49th N. Y. ; 7th Me. and 3d N. Y. Battery. 146 LIST OF BATTLES AND ENGAGEMENTS. Goldsboro, N. C, Dec. 12 to 18, 1862. (Foster's Expedition to Goldsboro.) 1st, 2d, and 3d Brigades, 1st Div. and Wesseli's Brigade of Peck's Div., Dep't of N. C. Union, 90 killed, 478 wounded; Confed., 71 killed, 268 wounded, 400 missing. Goldsboro, N. C, Dec. 17, 18()2. 9th N. J. ; 3d, 17th, 23d, 24th, and 45th Mass. ; 3d N. Y. Cav. ; 3d and 23d N. Y. Battery. Goldsboro, N.' C, March 21, 1865. Troops under (ien. Schofield. Golgotha, Ga., June 16, 1864. (See Kenesaw Mountain.) Goodrich's Landing, La., June 30, 1863, March 24 and July 16, 1864. Good's Landing, Miss., Dec. 16 to 25, 1864. Goose Creek, Va., Oct. 22, 1861. Goose Creek, or Leesburg Road, Va., Sept. 17, 1862. Kilpatrick's Cav. Brigade. Gov. Moore's Plantation, La., May 2, 1864. Detachments of 83d Ohio and 3d R. I. Cav. Union, 2 killed, 10 W'Ounded. Grafton, W. Ya., Aug. 13, 1861. One Companv 4th W. Ya. Inf. Grafton, W. Ya., Dec. 1, 1861. Grahamsville, S. C, Nov. 30, 1864. (See Honev Hill.) Granby; Mo., Sept. 24, 1862. Grand Coteau or Bayou Bordeaux, or Carrion Crow Bavou, La., Nov. 3, 1863. 3d and 4th Divs., 13th Corps. Union, 2() killed, 124 wounded, 576 missing; Confed., 60 killed, 320 wounded, 65 missing. Grand Gulf, Miss., Ai>ril 1, 1863. Troops assisted by three U. S. Steamers. Grand Gulf., Miss., Jan. 16 to 18, 1864. Cav. and Inf. of the Miss. Marine Brigade. Grand Gulf, Port Gibson, Miss., July 16 and 17, 1864. 72d and 76th 111. ; 2d Wis. Cav.; 53d U.S. Colored Troops. Grand Haze, Ark., July 4, 1862. 13th 111. Cav. Grand Lake, Ark., June 16, 1863. Grand Pass, Fort Ilalleek, Ind. Ter., July 7,1863. 9thKan. (Indian Fight.) Grand Prairie, near Aberdeen, Ark., July 6, 1862. 24th Ind. Inf. Union, 1 killed, 21 wounded; Confed., 84 killed and wounded. Grand Prairie, Mo., Oct. 24, 1862. Two battalions. Mo. Militia Cav. Union, 3 wounded ; Confed., 8 killed, 20 wounded. Grand River, Mo., Nov. 30, 1861. Grand River, Mo., Aug. 10 to 13, 1862. (Including engagements at Lee's Ford,Charriton Ri\ er,Walnut Creek, Comi)ton Ferry, Switzler's Mills, and Yt'llow Cieek.) 9th Mo. Militia. Union, 100 killed and wounded. Grant's Creek, N. C, April 12, 1865. (Stoneman's Raid.) Grass Lick, W. Ya., April 23, 1862. 3d Md. and Potomac Home Guards. Union, 3 killed. Grassy Lick, Va., May 9 and 10, 1864. (See Cold Mountain.) Gravel Hill, Ya., Aug. 14, 1864. Gregg's Cav. Union, 3 killed, 18 wounded. Gravelly Run, Va., March 29, 1865. (See (Jiuaker Road.) Graves' House, Ga., May 17 and 18, 1864. (See Adairsville.) Graysville, Ga.. Sept. 10,1863. Cav., Army of the Cumlierland. Greasy' Creek, Ky., May 11, 1863. (See Horseshoe Bend.) Great Bear Creek, Ala., April 17, 1863. (See Bear Creek.) Great Bethel, Va., June 10, 18(51. 1st, 2d, 3d, 5th, and 7th N. Y. ; 4th Mass., detachment of 2d U. S. Artil. Union, 16 killed, 34 wounded; Confed., 1 killed, 7 wounded. Great Bethel, Va., April 4, 1862. Advance of 3d Corps, Army of Potomac. Union, 4 killed, 10 wounded. Great Cacapon Bridge, Va., Jan. 4, 1862. (See Bath.) Great Falls, Va., Julv 7, 1861. 8th N. Y. Inf. Union, 2" killed; Confed., 12 killed. Green Brier, W. Va., Oct. 3, 1861. 24th, 25th, and 32d Ohio; 7th, 9th, 13th, 14th, 15th, and 17th Ind. ; Battery G, 4th U. S. Artil. ; Battery A, 1st LIST OF BATTLES AND ENGAGEMENTS. 147 Mich. Artil. Union, 8 killed, 32 wounded ; Confed., 100 killed, 75 wounded. Greencastle, Pa., June 20, 1863. Greenfield, Ark., Oct. 22, 1861. Greenleaf Prairie, Ind. Ter., June 16 and Nov. 12, 1863. Greenland Gap, W. Va., April 25, 1863. Detachments of 23d 111. and 14th W. Va. Greenland Gap Road, near Moorefield, W. Va., June 6, 1864. 22d Pa. Cav. Green River Bridge, or Tebb's Bend, Ky., July 4, 1863. Five companies, 25th Mich. Inf. (Morgan's Raid.) Green's Chapel, Ky., Dec. 25, 1862. Detachments of 4th and 5th Ind. Cav. Union, 1 killed; Confed., 9 killed, 22 wounded. Green Springs, or Green Springs Depot, W. Va., Aug. 2, 1864. 153d Ohio. Union, 1 killed, 5 wounded, 90 miss- ing; Confed., 5 killed, 22 wounded. Greenville, Miss., Mav 20 to 27, 1864. Greenville, Mo., July 26, 1862. 3d and 12th Mo. Militia Cav. Union, 2 killed, 5 wounded. Greenville, N. C, Nov. 25, 1863. 12th N. Y. Cav. ; 1st N. C. Inf. ; 24th N. Y. Batterv. Greenville, N.C., Dec. 30, 1863. Detach- ment of 12th N. Y. ; 23d N. Y. Bat- tery ; and 1st N. C. Inf. Greenville, Tcnn., Sept. 4, 1864. 9th and 13th Tenn., and 10th Mich. Cav. Union, 6 wounded ; Confed., 10 killed, 60 wounded, 75 missing. Con- fed., Gen. John Morgan killed. Greenville, Tenn., Oct.' 12, 1864. Greenville Road, Kv., Nov. 5, 1862. 8th Ky. Cav. Greenville Road, N. C, May 31, 1862. 3d N. Y. Cav. Greenville Springs Road, La., Sept. 19 and Oct. 5, 1863. Greenwich, Va., May 30, 1863. 1st Vt. ; 5th N. Y., and 7th Mich. Cav. Gregory's Farm, S. C, Dec. 5 and 9, 1864. (See Devaux Neck.) Grenada, Miss., Aug. 13, 1863. 9th 111.; 2d Iowa Cav.; .3d Mich. Cav.; 3d, 4th, 9th, 11th 111. Cav. Greysville, Ga., Nov. 27, 1863. (See Ringgold.) Grier's Farm, (ia., June 21, 1864. Grierson's Exp. from La Grange, Tenn., to Baton Rouge, La., April 17 to May 2, 1863. 6th and 7th 111. Cav.; 2d Iowa Cav. Confed., 100 killed and wounded, 500 prisoners. Griswoldville, Ga., Nov. 22, 18 64. Walcott's Brigade, 1st Div., 15th Corps, and 1st Brigade, 3d Div., Cav. Union, 10 killed, 52 wounded ; Con- fed., 50 killed, 200 wounded, 400 missing. Grosse Tete Bayou, La., Feb. 19, 18(34. 4th Wis. Cav. Union, 2 wounded ; Confed., 4 killed, 6 wounded. Grosse Tete Bayou, La., March 30, 1864. Detachment of 118th Inf. Ground Squirrel Church Bridge, South Anna, Va., May 10, 1864. 1st Div., Cav. Corps, Army of Potomac. (Sheridan's Raid.) Grouse Creek, Cal., May 23, 1S64. Groveton and Gainesville, Va., Aug. 28 and 29, 1862. 1st ( 'oips, IMaj.-Gen. Seigel; 3d Corps, Maj.-Gen. Mc- Dowell, Army of Va. ; Hooker's and Kearney's Div., 3d Corps and Rey- nold's Div., 1st Corps, Arm y of Potomac; 9th Corps, Maj.-Gen. Reno. Union, 7,000 killed, wounded, and missing; Confed., 7,000 killed, wounded, and missing. Guerilla Warfare, Mo., Julv 20 to Sept. 20,1862. Gen. ScIh. field's romniand with Porter's and Poindexter's Guer- illas. Union, 77 killed, 156 wounded, 347 missing; Confed., 506 killed, 1,800 wounded, 560 missing. Gum Slough, Ark., March 16, 1863. Gum Swamp, N. C, Mav 22, 1863, 58th Pa. ; 5th, 25th, 27th, 46th Mass., and Bogg's Battery. Gunboats on James River, Va., Oct. 22, 1864. Confed. Gunboats attack Union Batterv. Gunter's Bridge, S. C, Feb. 14, 1865. 3d Cav. Div., Sherman's Army. Guntown, Miss., May 4, 1863. Guntown, Miss., June 10, 1804. (See Brice's Cross Roads.) 148 LIST OP BATTLES AND ENGAGEMENTS. Gurley Farm, Va., June 25, 1864. Guyandotte, W. Va., Nov. 10, 1861. Kecruits of 9th W. Va. Union, 7 killed, 20 wounded; Confed., 3 killed, 10 wounded. Guy's Gap and Shelby ville, Tenn., June 27, 1863. Cav. Div., Army of the Cumberland, supported by Granger's Div. HAGAR'S Mountain and Middleton, Md., July 7, 1864. 8th 111. Cav. and Alexander's Baltimore Battery. Hagerstown, Md., July 6, 1863. 3d Cav. Div., Army of Potomac. Hagerstown, Md., July 11, 1863. Cav., Army of Potomac. Hagerstown, Pleasant Valley, Md., July 5, 1864. 1st Md. Cav. and Poto- mac Home Guards. Union, 2 killed, 6 wounded. [1863. HagueWood Prairie, Tenn., Sept. 26, Haguewood Sta., Ark., Sept. 27, 1863. (See Moffet's Station.) Haines' Bluff, Miss., Jan. 1 and May 18, 1863. Attack by troops and fleet. Half-moon Batterv, Sugar-loaf Hill, N. C, Jan. 19, 1865. Parts of 24th and 25th Corps, Army of the James. Half Mount, Ky., April 14, 1864. 14th Kv- and Inf. Hall Island, S. C, Nov. 24, 1863. Hall's Ferry, Miss., May 13, 1863. 2d 111. Cav. Confed., 12 killed. Hallsville, Mo., Dec. 28, 1861. (See Mount Zion.) Halltown, Va., Julv 15, 1863. 16th Pa. and 1st Me. Cav. Union, 25 killed and wounded ; Confed., 20 killed and wounded. Halltown, Va., Aug. 24 to 27, 1861. Portion of 8th Corps, Army of W. Va. Union, 39 killed, 178 wounded ; Confed., 130 killed and wounded. Hamburg, Tenn., May 30, 1863. Hamburg Landing, Ala., Mav 29, 1863. Hamilton, N. C, July 9, 1862. 9th N. Y. and Gunboats " Perry," " Ceres," and " Shawseen." Union, 1 killed, 20 wounded. Hamilton, Va., March 21, 1865. 12th Pa. Cav. Hammack's Mills, W. Va., July 3, 1864. 153d Ohio National Guard. Union, 3 killed, 7 wounded. Hampton, Va., Aug. 7, 1861. 20th N. Y. Confed., 3 killed, 6 wounded. Hampton Roads, Va., March 9, 1862. 20th Ind. ; 7th and 11th N. Y., to- gether with Gunboats " Monitor," "Minnesota," "Congress," and " Cumberland." Union, 261 killed, 108 wounded ; Confed., 7 killed, 17 wounded. Hancock, Va., Jan. 4, 1862. (See Bath.) Hanging Rock, W. Va., Sept. 23, 1861. (See Romney.) Hankinson's Ferry, Miss., May 3, 1863. (See Fortv Hills.) Hanover, Pa., June 30, 1863. 3d Div. Cav. Corps, Army of Potomac. Union, 12 killed, 43" wounded; Con- fed., 75 wounded, 60 missing. Hanover C. H., Va., May 27, 1862. 12th, 13th, 14th, 17th, 25th, and 44th N. Y. ; 62d and 83d Pa. ; 16th Mich. ; 9th and 22d Mass. ; 5th Mass. Art. ; 2d Me. Art. ; Katti'ry F, 5th U. S. Art. ; 1st U. S. Sharpshooters. ITnion, 53 killed, .344 wounded ; Confed., 200 killed and wounded, 730 prisoners. Hanover C. H., Va., May 30, 1804. 3d Div., Cav. Corps, Army of Poto- mac. (Including loss at Ashland, May 30.) Union, 26 killed, 130 wounded. Hanoverton, Hawe's Shop, and Salem Church, Va., May 27 and 28, 1864. 1st and 2d Divs., Cav. Corps, Army of Potomac, under Maj.-Gen. Sheridan. Union, 25 killed, 119 wounded, 200 missing ; Confed., 475 killed, wounded, and missing. Hardy Co., W. Va., Jan. 5, 1863. Harney Lake Vallev, Ore., April 7, 1864. 1st Ore. Cav. Harney Lake Valley, Ore., Sept. 23, 1865. Harper's Farm, Va., April 6, 1865. (See Sailor's Creek.) Harper's Ferry, Va., April 18 and Oct. 11, 1861. LIST OF liATTI^ES AN1> ENGACiKMENTS. 149 Harper*s Ferry, Va., May 28, 1862. (See Charlestown.) Harper's Ferry, Va., Sept. 12 to 15, 18(32. 3yth, 111th, lloth, 125th, and 126th N. Y. ; 12th N. Y. Mihtia; 32d, 60th, and Si'd Ohio; !»th Ver. ; 65th III. ; 15th Ind. ; Ut and M Md. Home Brigade ; 8th N. Y. Cav. ; 12th 111. Cav.; 1st Md. Cav.; Phillips', Graham's, Pott's, and Rigby's Batteries. Union, 80 killed, 120 wounded, 11,583 missing and cap- tured. Confed., 500 killed and wounded. Harper's Ferry, Va., Oct. 5, 1863. Harper's Ferry Bridge, Va., July 7, 1863. Potomac Home Brigade ; 1st Mass. Heavy Artil. Harpeth River, Tenn., March 2 and 4, 1863. (See Petersburg.) Harpeth River, Tenn., April 10, 1863. (See Franklin.) Harris' Farm, Va., Feb. 6, 1S64. Harrison, Mo., Sept. 29 and 30, 1864. (See Leeaburg.) Harrisonburg, Va., June 6, 18()2. 1st N. J. Cav.; 1st Pa. Rifles; 8th W. Va. and 60th Ohio Inf. Union, 63 missing; Confed., 17 killed, 50 wounded. Confed., Brig.-Gen. Ashby killed. Harrison's Field, Ga., Dec. 9, 1864. Harrison's Island, Va., Oct. 21, 1861. (See Ball's Bluft'.) Harrison's Landing, Va., Oct. 21, 1861. (See Ball's Bluff.) Harrisonville and Cartersville, Mo., July 18 and 19, 1861. Van Home's Battalion and Cass Co. Home Guards. Union. 1 killed ; Confed., 14 killed. Harrisonville, Mo., July 26, 1861. Mo. Home Guards ; 5th Itan. Cav. Harrisonville, Mo., Nov. 3, 1862. 5th and 6th Mo. Cav. Union, 10 killed, 3 wounded: Con., 6 killed, 20 wnd. Harrisville, Miss., Julv 13 and 14, '64. Harrisonville, :\Io., Oct" 24, 1863. Harrodsburg, Ky.,Oct.]0, 1862. Union Troops under Lieut.-Col. Boyle and 9th Ky. Cav. Confed., 1,600 captured. Harrodsburg, Ky., Oct. 21, 1864. 5th U. S. Colored Cav. Hartford, Ky., May 25, 1863. (See Fishing Creek.) Hartsville, or Wood's Fork, Mo., Jan. 11, 1863. 21st Iowa; 99th 111.; 3d Iowa Cav. ; 3d Mo. Cav. ; Battery L, 2d Mo. Artil. Union, 7 killed, 64 wounded; Confed., 300 killed and wounded. Confed., Brig.-Gen. McDonald killed. Hartsville, Mo., May 23, 1863. Hartsville, Tenn., Dec. 7, 1862. 106th and 108th Ohio ; 104th 111. ; 2d Ind. Cav. ; 11th Ky. Cav. ; 13th Ind. Battery. Union, 55 killed, 1,800 captured; Confed., 21 killed, 114 wounded. Hartwood Church, Va., Nov. 28, 1862. 3d Pa. Cav. Union, 4 killed, 9 wounded, 200 missing. Hartwood Church, Va., Feb. 25, 1863. Brig.-Gen. Averill's Cav. Brigade. Hatcher's Run, or Boydton Road, or Vaughn Road, or Burgess' Farm, Va., Oct. 27, 1864. Gregg's Cav. ; 2d and 3d Divs., 2d Corps; 5th and 9th Corps. Union, 156 killed, 1,047 wounded, 699 missing ; Confed., 200 killed, 600 wounded, 200 missing. Hatcher's Run, Va., Dec. 8 and 9, 1864. 1st Div., 2d Corps; 3d and 13th Pa. Cav.; 6th Ohio Cav. Union, 125 killed and wounded. Hatcher's Run, Va., Feb. 5 to 7, 1865. (See Dabney's Mills.) Hatcher's Run, Va , March 25, 1865. Hatchie River, Miss., Oct. 5, 1862. (See Big Hatchie River, or Metamora.) Hatchie River, Miss., Aug. 10, 18(54. Hawes' Shop, Totoptomov Creek, or Salem Church, Va., May 28, 1864. 1st and 2d Divs. Cav.," Army of Potomac. Hawes' Shoj), Va., June 2, 1864. (See Gaines' Mills.) Hawk's Nest, W. Va., Aug. 20, 1861. Union, 3 wounded ; Confed., 1 killed, 3 wounded. Haxal's, or Evlington Heights, Va., July 3, 1862. 14th Ind. ; 7th W.Va. ; 4th and 8th Ohio. Union, 8 killed, 150 ttST OF BATTLES AND ENGAGEMENtS. 32 wounded; Coiifed., 100 killed and wounded. Havmarket, Va., Oct. 18, 1862. De- tachment of 6th Iowa Cav. Union, 1 killed, 6 wounded, 32 captured. Havmarket, Va., Oct. 19, 1863. Hayne's Bluti", Miss., Feb. 3 and April — , 1864. Haynesville, Md., Julv 2, 1861. (See Falhng Waters.) Hazel Bottom, Mo., Oct. 14, 1862. Hazel River, Va., Oct. 6, 1863. Hedgeville, Va., Oct. 22, 1862. 4th Pa. Cav. Hedgeville, Va., Oct. 15, 1863. Detach- ment of l9t N. Y. and 12th Pa. Cav., also, 116 Ohio Inf. Helena, Ark., Aug. 11 to 14, 1862. 2d Wis. Cav. Helena, Ark., Sept. 20, 1862. 4th Iowa Cav. Helena, Ark., Oct. 11, 1862, and Aug. 2, 1864. Helena, Ark., Oct. 18, 1862. Detach- ment of 43d Ind. Inf. Helena, Ark., Dec. 5, 1862. 30th Iowa ; 29th Wis. Confed., 8 killed. Helena, and Clarendon Road, Ark., Jan. 15, 1863. 2d Wis. Cav. Helena, Ark., Mav 25, 1863. (See Polk's Plantation.) Helena, Ark., July 4, 1863. Maj.-Gen. Prentiss' Div., 16th Corps, assisted by U. S. Gunboat " Tyler." Union, 57 killed, 117 wounded, .32 missing ; Confed., 173 killed, 687 wounded, 776 missing. Henderson, Ky., Julv 21, 1864. Henderson, Kv., Sept. 25, 18&4. 118th U. S. Colored Troops. Henderson Hills, or Bayou Rapids, La., March 21, 18(>1. Detachments of 16th Corps and Cav. Div., 19th Corps. Union, 1 wounded ; Confed., 8 killed, 250 captured. Henderson's Mill, Tenn., Oct. 11, 1863. 5th Ind. Cav. Union, 11 wounded; Confed., 30 killed and wounded. Hendricks, Miss., Sept. 15, 1863. 10th Mo. Cav. Henrytown, Mo., Oct. 13, 1861. (See West Glaze.) Henry Co., Kv., Nov. 9, 1862. 14th Ky. Cav. Hermitage, Mo., Nov. 2, 1864. Hernando, Miss., April 18, 1863. 2d Brigade, Cav. Div. ; detachments of Inf. and Artil. from the 16th Curiis. Hernando, Miss., :\lav 28, 1863. Hernando, Miss., June 20, 1863. 5th Ohio ; 2d 111., and 1st Mo. Cav. Hiampom Valley, Cal., Oct. 10, 1863. Hickory Grove, Mo., Aug. 23, 1862. Hickory Grove, Mo., Sept. 19, 1862. 6th Kan. Cav. Hickory Hills, S. C, Feb. 1, 1865. Hicksford, Va., Dec. 9, 1864. (See Bellefield.) High Bridge, Appomattox River, Va., April 6, 1865. Portion of 24th Corps. Union, 10 killed, 31 wounded, 1,000 missing and captured. Hillsboro, Ala., April 17, 1863. (See Bear Creek.) Hillsboro, or Sunshine Church, Ga., July 31, 1864. Cav. of the Army of the Cumberland. (Stoneman's Raid.) Hillsboro, Ky., Oct. 8, 1861. Ky. Home Guards. Union, 3 killed, 2 wounded ; Confed., 11 killed, 29 wounded. Hillsborough, Miss., Feb. 10, 1864. Hill's Plantation, Ark., July 7, 1862. (See Bavou Cach^.) Hill's Plantation, Miss., June 22, 1863. Detachment of 4th Iowa Cav. Union, 4 killed, 10 wounded, 28 missing. Hill's Point, Va., April 18, 1863. (See Batter V Huger.) Hodgeville, Ky., Oct. 23, 1861. De- tachment of 6th Ind. Inf. Union, 3 wounded ; Confed., 3 killed, 5 wounded. Holland House, Va., May 15 and 16, 1863. (See Carrsville.) Hollow Tree Gap, Tenn., Dec. 17, 1864. 5th and 7th Cav. Divs., Gen. Thomas' Armv. Hollv River, W. Va., April 17, 1863. 10th W. Va. Inf. Union, 3 wounded ; Confed., 2 killed. Holly Springs, Miss., Nov. 12, 1862. (See Lamar.) Hollv Springs, Miss., Nov. 28, 1S62, April 17, 1863, and Aug. 1 and 8, 1864, LIST OF BATTLES AND ENGAGEMENTS. 151 Holly Springs, Miss., Dec. 20, 1862 2d 111. Cav. ; 8th Wis. Inf. Union, 1,000 captured. Holly Springs, Miss., Mav 24, 1861. 4th Mo. Cav. Union, 1 killed, 2 wounded. Holly Springs, Miss., Aug. 27 and 28, 1864. 14th Iowa ; 11th U. S. Colored Artil. ; 10th Mo. Cav. Union, 1 killed, 2 wounded. Holston River, near Knoxville, Tenn., Nov. 15, 1863. nth Kv. ; 45th Ohio ; 37th Ky. Mounted Inf. Holston River, Tenn., Feb. 20, 1864. 4th Tenn. Inf. Union, 2 killed, 3 wounded; Confed., 5 killed, 10 wounded. Honey Hill, Broad River, or Grahams- ville, S. C, Nov. 30, 1864. 2oth Ohio ; 56th and 155th N. Y. ; 26th 32d, 35th, and 102d U. S. Colored Troops; 54th and 55th Mass. Col- ored Troops. Union, Gd killed, 645 wounded. Honey Springs, Ind. Ter., Julv 17, 1863. 2d, 6th, and 9th Kan. Cav. ; 2d and 3d Kan. Rittery ; 2d and 3d Kan. Indian Home Guards. Union, 17 killed, 60 wounded ; Confed., 150 killed, 400 wounded. Honey Springs, Kan., Aug. 22, 1863. Hoover's Gap, Tenn., June 24, 1863 17th and 72d Ind. ; 123d 111. ; 98th 111. Mounted Inf ; 18th Ind. Battery. Hopkinsville, Ky., Nov. 6, 1862. Hopkinsville, Ky., Dec. 12 to 16, 18(>4. 2d and 3d Brigade, McCooke's 1st Cav. Div. Hornersville, Mo., Sept. 20, 1862. Hornsboro, S. C, March 3, 1865. Horse Creek, Dak. Ter., June 14, 1865. Horse Creek, Mo., Sept. 17, 1863. Horsehead Creek, Ark., Feb. 17, 1864. Hor.se Landing, Fla., May 23, 1864. 35th U. S. Colored Troops captured on board U. S. Tug " Columbine." Horse-shoe Bend, or Greasy Creek, Ky., May 11, 1863. Detachment under Col. R. T. Jacobs. Union, 10 killed, 20 wounded, 40 missing ; Confed., 100 killed, wounded, and missingr. Horton's Mills, near Newberne, N. C April 27, 1862. 103d N. Y. Inf! Union, 1 killed, 6 wounded ; Confed., 3 wounded. [Mo. Cav. Hot Springs, Ark., Feb. 4, 1864. 3d Howard Co., Mo., Aug. 28,1862. 4th Mo. Militia Cav. Howard Co., Mo., Aug. 28, 1864. Com- pany E, 4th Mo. Militia Cav. Ky., Howell's Ferry, Ga., July 1, 1864. Howe's Ford, or Weaver's Store, April 28, 1863. 1st Ky. Cav. Hudnot's Plantation, La., May 1, 1864 Cav. of 19th Corps. Hudson, Mo., Dec. 21, 1861. Detach- ment of 7th Mo. Cav. Union, 5 wounded ; Confed., 10 killed. Hudsonville, Miss., Nov. 8, 1862. 7th Kan Cav.; 2d Iowa Cav. Confed., 16 killed, 185 captured. Hudsonville, Miss., June 21, 1863. Huff's Ferrv, Tenn., Nov. 14, 1863 111th Ohio; 107th III.; lUh and 13th Ky. ; 23d Mich. ; 24th I\Iich. Battery. Union, 100 killed and wounded. Humonsville, Mo., March 26, 1862. Company B, 8th Mo. Militia Cav. Union, 5 wounded ; Confed., 15 wounded. Humonsville, Mo., Aug. 12, 1862, and Oct. 16 and 17, 1863. Humboldt, Tenn., Dec. 20, 1862 Hunnewell, Mo., Jan. 3, 1862. Four Companies, 10th Mo. Cav. Hunter's Mills, Va., Nov. 26, 1861. 3d Pa. Cav. Huntersville, Va., Jan. 4, 1862. De- tachments of 23d Ohio, 2d W. Va., 1st Ind. Cav. Union, 1 wounded ; Confed., 1 killed, 7 wounded. Hunterstown, Pa., Julv 2, 1863. Huntsville, Ala., April 11, 1862. 3d Div., Army of the Ohio. Confed., 200 prisoners. Huntsville, Ala., Oct. 1, 1864. Detach- ments of 12th an.l 13th Ind. Cav. Huntsville, Tenn., Nov. 11, 1862. Tenn. Home Guards. Hurricane Bridge, W. Va., March 28 1863. Four Companies, 13th W. Va.' Inf. 152 LIST OF BATTLES AND ENGAGEMENTS. Hurricane Creek, Ark., Oct. 23, J 864. Hurricane Creek, Miss., Aug. 14, 16, and 22, 1864. Cav. and Inf., 16th Corps. Hurricane Creek, Miss., Oct. 23, 1864, 1st Icwa and 9th Kan. Cav. Hutchinson, Minn., Sept. 3 and 4, 1862. (Indian Fight.) ILLINOIS Creek, Ark., Dec. 7, 1862. (See Prairie Grove.) Independence, Mo., June 17, 1861. Uo. Inf. Independence, or Little Blue, Mo., Nov. 26, 1861. 7th Kan. Cav. Independence, Mo., Feb. 18, 1862. 2d Ohio Cav. Union, 1 killed, 3 wounded; Cohfed., 4 killed, -5 wounded. Independence, or Little Santa F6, Mo., March 22, 1862. 2d Kan. Inf. Union, 1 k i 1 1 e d, 2 wounded ; Con- fed., 7 killed. Independence, Mo., Aug. 11, 1862. 7th Mo. Cav. Union, 14 killed, 18 wounded, 312 missing. Independence, Mo., Feb. 3 and 8, 1863. 5th Mo. Militia Cav. Independence, Mo., March 2 3 and April 23 and 24, 1863 ; Feb. 19 and March 4, 1864. Independence, Mo., Oct. 22 and 26, 1864. 2d Col. ; 5th, 7th, 11th, 15th, and 16th Kan. Cav. ; Kan. Militia ; 1st, 2d, 4th, (5th, 7th, 8th, and 9th Mo. Militia Cav. ; 13th Mo. ; 3d Iowa and 17th 111. Cav. (Price's Inva- sion.) Indian Bav, Ark., Feb. 16, 1864. Indian Bay, Ark., April 13, 1864. 56th U. S. Colored Troops. Indian City Village, La., Aug. 6, 1864. (See Placquemine.) Indian Eidge, La., April 12 to 14, 1863. (See Irish Bend.) Indiantown, or Sandv Swamp, N. C, Dec. 18, 1863. 36th U. S. Colored Troops ; 2d N. C. Inf. ; 5th U. S. Colored Troops. Indian Village, Dak. Ter., March 27, 1863. Indian Village, Placquemine Bayou, La., Jan. 27, 1863. 1st La. Cav. Ingham's Mills, near Byhalia, Miss., Oct. 12, 1863. 2d Cav. Brigade of 16th Corps. Ingham's Plantation, Miss., Oct. 10, 1863. 2d Wis. Cav. Irish Bend and Bisland, or Indian Ridge and Centreville, or Bavou Tech^, La., April 12 and 14, 1863. 19th Corps (Grover's Div.) at Irish Bend ; Emery's and Weitzel's Divs. at Bisland. Union, 350 killed, wounded, and missing ; Confed., 400 wounded, 2,000 missing and cap- tured. Iron Bridge, Ind. Ter., June 19, 1864. Iron Countv, Mo., Sept. 11, 1862. Ironton, :\ro., Oct. 17 to 21, 1861. (See Frcdcricktown.) Irontcn, Mo., Sept. 26 and 27, 1864. (See Pilot Knob, or Ft. Davidson.) Irvine, Ky., July 30, 1863. 14th Ky. Cav. Union, 4 killed, 5 wounded ; Confed., 7 killed, 18 wounded. Irwinsville, Ga., May 10, 1865. 1st Wis. and 4th Mich. Cav. Capture of Jefterson Davis. Island Ford, Va., July 18, 1864. (See Snicker's Ferry.) Island Mounds, Mo., Oct. 29, 1862. (See Butler.) Island No. 76, Miss., Jan. 20, 1864. Battery E, 2d Colored Light Artil. Island No. 10, Tenn., April 8, 1862. Maj.-Gen. Pope's Command and Navy under Flag Officer A. H. Foote. Confed., 17 killed, 3,000 prisoners. Island No. 10, Tenn., Oct. 17, 1862, and Oct. 16, 1863. Isle of Wight C. H., Va., Dec. 24, 18 62. Detachment of 2d N. Y. Mounted Rifles. Issequena County, Miss., July 10 and Aug. 17, 1864. luka, Miss., Sept., 19 and 20, 1862. (Skirmishing from the 13th to 19th.) Stanley's and Hamilton's Divs., Army of the Miss., under Maj.-Gen. Rose'crans. Union, 144 killed, 598 LIST OV BAfTLfiS AND fiNGAGEMElJtS. 153 Wounded ; Confed., 263 killed, 692 wounded, 561 captured. Confed., Brig.-Gens. Little and Whitfield wounded, luka, Miss., July 7 to 9, and July 14, 1863. 10th Mo. and 7th Kan. Cav. Ivy Ford, Ark., Jan. 19, 1864. (See Branch ville.) Ivy Ford, Ark., Jan. 8, 1865. 79th U. S. Colored Troops. Ivy Hills, Miss., Feb. 22, 1864. (See Okalona.) Ivy Mountain, Ky., Nov. 9, 1861. (See Piketown.) JACINTO, Miss., Aug. 13, 1863. Jackson, Ark., Aug. 3, 1862, and April 26, 1863. Jackson, La., Aug. 3, 1863. 73d, 75th, and 78th U. S. Colored Troops. Union, 2 killed, 2 wounded, 27 miss- ing. Jackson, La., Oct. 5, 1864. 23d Wis. ; 1st Tenn. and 1st La. Cav. ; 2d and 4th Mass. Battery. Union, 4 killed, 10 wounded. Jackson, La., Nov. 21, 1864. (See Liberty.) Jackson," Miss., May 14, 1863. 15th Corps, Maj.-Gen. Sherman ; 17th Corps, Maj.-Gen. McPherson. Union, 40 killed, 240 wounded ; Confed., 450 killed and wounded. Jackson, Miss., July 9 to 16, 18(53. (In- cluding engagements at Rienzi, Bol- ton Depot, Canton, and Clinton.) 9th, 13th, 15th, and part of 16tli Corps. Union, 100 killed, 800 wounded, 100 missing ; Confed., 71 killed, 504 wounded, 764 missing. Jackson, Miss., Feb. 5, 1864. (See Clinton.) Jackson, Miss., July 5 to 8, 1864. 2d Wis. ; 5th and llth 111. ; 3d U. S. Colored Cav.; 46th, 76th, and 79th 111. Inf. Jackson, Mo., April 9, 1862, and April 27, 1863. Jackson, or Salem Cemetery, or Lex- ington, Tenn., Dec. 18, 1862. 43d and 61st 111.; llth 111. Cav.; ath Ohio Cav. Jackson, Tenn., July 13, 1863. 3d Mich.; 3d Iowa; 9th 111. and 1st Tenn. Cav. Jacksboro', Big Creek Gap, Tenn., March 10, 1862. 2d Tenn. Inf. Union, 2 wounded ; Confed., 2 killed, 4 wounded. Jackson Co., Mo., June 2, 1862, and April 5, 1863. Jackson Cross Roads, La., June 20, 1863. Detachments of 52d Mass. Inf. ; 6th and 7th 111., and 2d R. I. Cav. ; a Battery of Artil. Jacksonport, Ark., Dec. 23, 1863. 3d Mo. Cav. Jacksonport, Ark., April 24, 1864. Ist Neb. Cav. Jacksonport, Ark., Aug. 26, 1864. Jackson's Ford, Ala., July 14, 1864. (See Ten Islands.) Jacksonville, Fla., March 29, 1863. (In- cluding Skirmish at Baldwin.) 8th Me. ; 6th Conn. ; 33d U. S. Colored Troops. Jacksonville, Fla., Feb. 5 to April 14, 1864. Exp. of the Ai-my under Gen. Gilmore and Navy under Admiral Dahlgren. Jacksonville, Fla., May 1 and 28, 1864. 7th U. S. Colored Troops. Union, 1 killed. Jacksonville, Fla., April 4, 1865. Jack's Shop, or Madison C. H., Tenn., Sept. 22, 1863. (See Madison C. H.) Jack's Shop, near Gordonsville, Va., Dec. 23, 1864. 1st Cav. Div., Army of Potomac ; 2d Cav. Div., Armv of W. Va. James City, or Robertson's Run, Va., Oct. 10, 1863. Pleasonton's Cav. Union, 10 killed, 40 wounded. James Island, S. C, June 8, 1862. Recon. of Troops, together with eight U. S. Gunboats. James Island, S. C, June 10, 1862. Union, 3 killed, 13 wounded ; Con- fed., 17 killed, 30 wounded. James Island, S. C, June 13, 1862. Union, 3 killed, 19 wounded ; Con- fed., 19 killed, 6 wounded. 154 LIST OF BATTLES AND ENGAGEMENTS. James Island, S. C, July IG, 1863. (See Secessionville.) James Island, S. C, May 21, 1864. James Island, S. C, July 1, 2, 5, and 7, 1864. Troops of the Dep't of the South. James Island, S. C, Feb. 10, 1865. Gen. Schimmelfennig's Div. of Maj.-Gen. Gilmore's Command, Dep't of the South. Union, 20 killed, 76 wound- ed ; Confed., 20 killed, 70 wounded. James Island, S. C, Feb. 18, 1865. Evacuated by the Confederates. James and Nancemond Rivers, Va., April 14 and 15, 1864. Exp. of Troops, supported by U. S. Gun- boats. Jarrett's Sta., Weldon R. R., Va., May 9, 1864. 11th Pa. Cav. ; 8th N. Y. Battery. (Kautz's Raid.) Jasper, Sweden's Cove, Tenn., June 4, 1862. 79th Pa.; 5th Ky. and 7th Pa. Cav. ; 1st Ohio Battery. Union, 2 killed, 7 wounded; Confed., 20 killed, 20 wounded. [1863. Jasper Co., Mo., June 10, and Oct. 5, Jenkin's Ferry, Ark., April 15, 1864. Jenkin's Ferry, Saline River, Ark., April 30, 1864. 77th Ohio ; 4th, 18th, 29th, 33d, 36th, and 40th Iowa ; 1st Ark. ; 12th Kan. ; 9th and 27th Wis. ; 43d 111. Inf. ; 79th and 83d U.S. Col- ored Troops ; Battery A, 3d 111., and 2d Ind. Battery ; 1st Iowa ; 2d, 6th, and 14th Kan.; 1st and 2d Mo.; 13th 111. Cav. and 3d Cav. Div., 17th Corps. (Steele's Exp.) Union, 200 killed, 955 wounded ; Confed., 300 killed, 800 wounded. Jenkin's Ferry, Ark., Max 4, 1864. Jenk's Brid^ie, Ga., Dec. 7 to 9, 1864. (See Ogeechee River, or Eden Sta- tion.) Jennie's Creek, or Paintsville, Ky., Jan. 7, 1862. Four companies 1st W. Va. Cav. Union, 3 killed, 1 wounded; Confed., 6 killed, 14 wounded. Jefferson, Tenn., Dec. 30, 1862. 2d Brigade, 1st Div., Thomas' Corps. Union, 20 killed, 40 wounded ; Con- fed., 15 killed, 50 wounded. Jefferson, Va., Nov. 14, 1863. Jetierson City, Mo., Oct. 7, 1864, (See Moreau Bottom.) Jefferson City, Mo., Nov. 3, 1864. Jeffersonton, Va., Oct. 12, 1863. 2d Cav. Div., Army of Potomac. Union, 12 killed, 80 wounded, 400 missing. Jeffersonville, or Abb's Valley, Va., May 8, 1864. Cav. of the Army of W. Va. Jeff Thompson's Surrender, Ark., May 11, 1865. (See Thompson's Sur- render.) Jericho Ford, Va., May 23 to 27, 1864. (See North Anna River.) Jerusalem Plank Road, Va., June 22 and 23, 1864. (See Weldon R. R.) Jerusalem Plank Road, Va., Sept. 10, 1864. (See Fort Hell.) Jettersville, Va., April 6, 1865. (See Amelia Springs.) John Day's River, Ore., July 12, 1864. John Day's River, Ore., April 16, 1865. (Sec South Fork.) John's Island, S. C, July 5 to 7, 1864. jNIaj.-Gen. Foster's Troops, Dep't of the South. Union, 16 killed, 82 Avounded; Confed., 20 killed, 80 wounded. Johnson Co., Mo., July 16, 1864. Johnson's Depot, Tenn., Sept. 22, 1863. 8th Tenn. Inf. Johnson's Mills, Tenn., Feb. 22, 1864. Detachment of 24 men of 5th Tenn. Cav. captured and massacred by Ferguson's Guerillas. Johnsonville, Tenn., Sept. 25, 1864. 13th U. S. Colored Troops. Johnsonville, Tenn., Nov. 4 and 5, 1864. 12th Wis.; 12th U. S. Colored Troops; 11th Tenn. Cav. Johnston's Surrender, X. C. April 26. 1865. Armies of the Tenn., Ga. and Ohio, under Maj.-Gen. AV. T. Sher- man. Confed., 29,924 captured. Johnstown, Mo., Nov. 24, 1861. Mo. Home Guards. Jonesboro', Ark., Aug. 3, 1862. 1st Wis. Cav. Jonesboro', Ga., Aug. 19 and 20, 1864. 2d Cav. Div., Army of the Cumber- land. LIST OF BATTLES AND ENGAGEMENTS. io, Jonesboru', Ga., Aug. 31 and Sept. 1, IHW. loth, Kith, 17th, and Davis' Cav. Diws. uf the 14th Corps. Union, 1,149 Ivillfd and wuunded ; Confed., 2,000 killed, wounded, and missing. Confed., Brig.-Gens. Anderson, Cummings, and Patten killed. Jonesboro', Ga., Sept. 7, 1864. Jonesboro', Ga., Nov. 16, 1864. (See Lovejov Sta.) Jonesboro', Mo., Aug. 21 and 22, 1861. Mo. Home Guards. Jonesboro', Mo., Oct. 12 and 13, 1863. (See Merrill's Crossing.) Jones' Bridge, Ya., June 23, 1864. Torbett's and Gregg's Cav. Divs. ; 28th U. S. Colored Troops. Jones' Cross Roads, Miss., May 3, 1863. Jones' Ford, Black River, Miss., Julv 6, 1863. 6th Iowa and 48th 111. Jones' Ford, Tenn., July 2, 1863. Jones' Hay Sta. and Ashlev Sta., Ark., Aug. 24, 1864. 9th Iowa and 8th and 11th Mo. Cav. Union, 5 killed, i 41 wounded ; Confed., 60 wounded. Jones' Plantation, Ga., Nov. 27 to 29, 1864. Jones' Surrender, Fla., May 10, 1865. (See Tallahassee.) Jonesville, Va., Jan. 3, 1864. Detach- ment of 16th 111. Cav. ; 22d Ohio Battery. Union, 12 killed, 48 wounded, 300 missing ; Confed., 4 killed, 12 wounded. Jornado Del Nuerto, New Mexico, June 16, 1863. One company of 1st New Mexico Cav. Joy's Farm, Miss., Feb. 22, 1864. Joy's Ford, Ark., Jan. 8, 1865. Julesburg, Ind. Ter., Jan. 7, 1865. One companv of 7th Iowa Cav. (Indian Fight.) Jumpertown, Miss., Nov. 5, 1862. KANAWHA Gap, W. Ya., Sept. 25, 1861. Kansas Citv, Mo., Nov. 22, 1864. Kautz's Raid, Ya., May 4 to 12, 1863. From Suffolk, Wall's Bridge, Stonv Creek Sta., Jarrett's Sta., White's 10 Bridge to City Point, Ya. 5th and 16th Pa. ; 3d N. Y. ; 1st D. C. Cav. ; 8th N. Y. Battery. Union, 10 killed, wounded, and missing ; Confed., 20 wounded, 50 prisoners. Kautz's Raid on R. R., Ya., May 12 to 17, 18(>1. (Peter.sburg & Lvnch- burg R. R.) Union, 6 killed, 28 wounded. Kearnstown, Mo., March 23, 1864. Kearnstown, Ya., March 23, 1862. (See Winchester.) Keuriievsville, Ya., Aug. 25, 1864. (See Sniithtield.) Keittsville, Mo., May — , 1872. Keller's Bridge, Ky., June 10, 1864. (See Cynthiana.) Kelley's" Ford, Tenn., Jan. 27, 1864. (See Fair Gardens.) Kellev's Ford, Rappahannock River, Ya.', Aug. 21, 1862. Cav. of the Army of Ya. Kelley's Ford, Ya., ]March 17, 1883. 1st and 5th U. S. Regulars ; 3d, 4th, and 16th Pa. ; 1st R. I. ; 6th Ohio ; 4th N. Y. Cav. ; 6th N. Y. Battery. Union, 9 killed, 35 wounded ; Con- fed., 11 killed, 88 wounded. Kelley's Ford, Ya., Aug. 1 to 3, 1863. (See Rappahannock Sta.) Kelley's Ford, Ya., Nov. 7, 1863. 1st U. S. Sharpshooters; 40th N. Y. ; 1st and 20th Ind. ; 3d and 5th iMich.; 110th Pa., supported bv the re- mainder of 3d Corps. Union, 70 killed and Avounded ; Confed., 5 killed, 59 wounded, 295 missing. Kelley's Island, Ya.. June 26, 1861. (See Patter.son Creek.) Kelley's Store, Ya., Jan. 30, 1863. (See Deserted House.) Kenesaw [Mountain, or Moss Moun- tain, or Big Shantv, or Marietta, or Nose's Creek, Ga., June 9 to 30, 1864. (Including engagements at Pine Mountain, June 14 ; Pine Knob, June 19 ; Golgotha, June 19 ; Gulp's House, June 22; general assault, June 27; McApee's Cross Roads, Lattamore's Mills,orNoon-dav Creek and Powder Springs.) 4th, 14th, and 20th Corps, Army of the Cumber- 156 LIST OF BATTLES ANl> ENGAGEMENTS. land, INIaj.-Gon. Thomas; 15th, 16th, aiul 17th Corps, Army of the Tenn., Maj.-Gen. INIcrht'rson ; 23d Corps, Maj.-Gen. Schotield; Army of the Miss., jNIaj.-Gen. W. T. Sherman. Union, 1,870 killed, 6,500 wounded, 800 missin.^ ; Confed., 1,100 killed and woundied, 8,500 missing. Union, Brig.-Gens. Harker and McCooke, killed ; Confed., Lieut.-Gen. L. Polk killed. Kernstown, Va., July 23, 1864. Cav. of the Army of W. Va. Kernstown, Va., Nov. 11, 1864. Kettle Run, Va., Aug. 27, 1862. Maj.- Gen. Hooker's Div. of 3d Corps Army of Potomac. Union, 300 killed and wounded; Confed., 300 killed and wounded. Keysville, Cal., April 19, 1868. Keytesville, Mo., Feb. 17 and 26, 1862. 6th Mo. Cav. Union, 2 killed, 1 wounded ; Confed., 1 killed. Kilpatrick's Ptaid, Va., Feb. 28 to March 4, 1864. (From Stevensburg to Richmond, V a .) Kilpatrick's Cav., Army of Potomac. Union, 330 killed, wounded, and captured ; Confed., 308 killed, wounded, and ca]>tured. Kil]iatrick's Raid on the Atlanta R.R., Ga., Aug. 18 to 22, 18(i4. Kil- patrick's Cav. Union, 400 wounded. Kincaeds, Tenn., Nov. 6, 1868. Kinderhook, Tenn., Aug. 11, 1862. De- tachment of 8d Kv. and 1st Tenn. Cav. Union, 8 killed; Confed., 7 killed. King and Queen C. H., Va., June 24, 1864. King George Co., Va., Aug. 24, 1863. 3d Div., Cav. Corps, Armv of Poto- mac. [8th Pa. Cav. King George C. H., Va., Dec. 2, 1862. King's Creek, Miss., Julv 9, 1864. Kins's Court, Tenn., Dec. 13, 1864. 8th, 9th, and 13th Tenn. Cav. (Stoneman's Raid.) King's River, Carroll Co., Ark., April 16,1864. 2d Ark. Cav. King's School House, Va., June 25, 1862. (See Oak Grove.) Kingston, Ga., May 18, 1864. (See Rome. ) Kingston, Ga., May 24, 1864. 50th Ohio and 14th Kv. Inf. ; 2d Ky. Cav. Kingston, Ga., Oct. 12, 1864. Kinston, N. C, Dec. 14, 1862. 1st, 2d, and 3d Brigades, 1st Div. and Wes- sell's Brigade of Peck's Div., Dep't of N. C. Union, 40 killed, 120 wound- ed ; Confed., 50 killed, 75 wounded, 400 missing. Kinston, N. C, March 14, 1865. Troops under Gen. Schotield. Kingston, Tenn., Nov. 26, 1863. Cav., Armv of the Ohio. Kingston, Tenn., Aug. 26, 1864. Kingsville, Mo., June 12, 1864. Portion of 1st Mo. Militia Cav. Kirby Smith's Suncndcr, May 25, ]S(i5. (Sec SiiiithV Surrender.) Kirksville,I\I<..,Aug..-.aii(l 6, 1862. Mo. State Mihtia. Union, 28 killed, 60 wounded ; Confed., 128 killed, 200 wounded. Kirksville, Mo., Aug. 26, 18(i2. 1st ]\Io. Mihtia. Knob Gap, Tenn., Dec. 26, 1862. (See Nolensville.) Knobnoster, Mo., Jan. 22, 1862. 2d Mo. Cav. Knoxville, Tenn., Sept. 1 0, 1 863. Occu- pied by Army of the Ohio, Maj.- Gen. Burnside. (See, also, Siege of Knoxville.) Kock's Plantation, Ga., July 13, 1868. (See Donaldsonville.) Kossuth, Miss., Aug. 26, 1862. (See Rienzi.) LABADIESVILLE, or Thibodeaux- ville, or Georcia landing, La., Oct. 27, 1862. 8th N. H. ; 12th and 1.3th Conn. ; 78th N. Y. Inf. ; 1st La. Cav. ; 1st Me. Batterv. Lacy, Ark., May 19, 1862. Lacy's Springe, Va., Sept. 20, 1864. Custer's Cav., Armv of Potomac. Ladija, Ala., Oct. 30, 1864. Gerrod's Cav. Div., Armv of the Ciunberland. Lafayette, Ga., June 10 and 24, 1864. LIST OF BATTLES AND ENGAGEMENTS. 157 Lafayette, Tenn., Dec. 25, 1863. 117th Iir. Inf. Lafayette, Tenn., June 9, 1864. 9th Kan. Cav. Lafeyette, Tenn., June 24, 1864. Lafoyette Co., Mo., June 14, 1864. Ija Fourche Crossing, or Thibodeaux, La., June 20 and 21, 186:3. Detach- ments of 23d Conn. ; 176th N. Y. ; 26th, 42d, and 47th IMass, and 21st Ind. Inf. Union, 8 killed, 40 wound- ed ; Confed., 53 killed, loO w ounded. La Grange, Ark., Sept. 6, 1862. 1st Mo. Cav. La Grange, Ark., Oct. 11,1862. De- tachuient of 4th Iowa Cav. Union, 4 killed, 13 wounded. La Grange, Ark., Nov. 7, 1862. (See Marianna.) La Grange, Ark., Dec. 30, 1862. La Grange, Ark., Jan. 3, 1863. Portion of Washburn's Cav. Regiment. La Grange, Ark., May 1, 1863. 3d Iowa Cav. Union, 3 killed, 9 wounded, 30 missing. La Grange, Tenn., Nov. 11, 1862. (See Lebanon.) La Grange, Tenn., July 16, 1863. Lake Chicot, or Old River Lake, or Ditch Bayou, P^isli Bavou, Columbia, Ark., June (!, ISfil." Kith Corps. Union, 40 killed, 70 wounded; Con- fed., 100 killed and wounded. Lake Chicot, Ark., Julv 6 and 7, 1864. Lake City, Fla., Feb. ' 12, 1864. 40th Mass. Inf.; Independent Battalion, Mass. Cav. Lake Providence, La., Feb. 10, 1863. (See Old River.) Lake Providence, La., May 27, 1863. 47th U. S. Colored Troops. Union, 1 killed, 1 wounded. Lake Providence, La., June 10 and 29, 1863. Lake Village, Ark., Feb. 10, 1864. Lamar and Hollv Springs, Miss., Nov. 12, 1862. 2d III. ; 3d Mich. ; 2d Iowa, and 7rh Kan. Cav. Lamar, Mo., Aug. 24, 1862. (See Coon Creek.) Lamar, Mo., Nov. 5, 1862. 8th Mo. Inf. ; 8th Mo. Militia Cav. Lamb's Ferry, Tenn., Dec. 25, 1864. (See Pulaski.) Lanionica Springs, N. Mex., Sept. 4 1865. Lancaster, Ky., Oct. 14, 1862. (See Stanford.) Lancaster, Mo., Nov. 24, 1861. 21st Mo. Inf Lane Prairie, near Rolla, Mo., July 2(5, 1861. Mo. Home Guaixls. Union, 3 wounded; Confed., 1 killed, 3 wounded. Lane's Prairie, :\ro., May 26, 1864. Two comi)anies I'd Wis. Cav. Languelle Ferry, Ark., Aug. 3, 1862. 1st Wis. Cav. Union, 17 killed, 38 wounded. Lattamore's Mills, Ga., June 20, 1864. (See Kenesaw INIountain.) Lauderdale Springs, Miss., Feb. 15, 1864. 3d Wis. Inf and Ind. Troops. (Exp. to Meridian.) Laurel Hill, Va., May 8 to 18, 1864. (See Spottsvlvania C. H.) Laurel Hill, Va., Sept. 28 to 30, 1864. (See New Market Heights.) Laurel Hill, Va., Oct. 7, ■l8()4. Laurel Hill, or Bealington, W. Va., July 8, 1861. 14th Ohio and 9th Ind. Inf Union, 2 killed, 6 wounded. La Vergne, Tenn., Oct. 7, 1862. Pal- mer's Brigade. Union, 5 killed, 9 wounded ; Confed., 80 killed and wounded, 175 missing. La Vermie, Tenn., Nov. 27, 1862. La Vergne, Tenn., Dec. 9, 1862. (See Dobbin's Ferry.) La Vergne, Teiin., Jan. 1, 1863. 1st Mich. Engineers. La Vergne, Tenn., Sept. 1, 1864. 1st and 4th Tenn. ; 2d Mich. ; 1st Wis. ; 8th Iowa : 2d and 8th Ind. ; 6th Ky. Cav. (Rousseau's pursuit of Wheeler, Sept. 1 to 8.) Lawrence, Kan., July 27, 18r)3. Lawrence, Kan., Aug. 21, 18()3. Quant- rell's Plunder and Massacre. 140 citizens killed, 24 wounded ; Confed., 40 killed. Lawrenceburg, or Dog Walk, Kv., Oct. 9, 1862. 1st and '49th Ohio Inf ; 158 LIST OF BATTLES AND ENGAGEMENTS. 15th and 19tli U. S. Inf.; 9th Ky. Cav. ; 5th U. S. Artil. Lawrenceburg, Ohio, July 14, 1863. 105th Ind. Minutemen. (Morgan's Raid.) Lawrenceburg, Tenn., Nov. 4, 1863. 14th Mich. Mounted Inf. Lawrenceburg, Campbellville, and Lynnville, Tenn., Nov. 22, 18 64. Hatch's Cav. Union, 75 killed and wounded; Confed., 50 killed and wounded. Lawrenceburg, Tenn., Nov. 27 and Dec. 22, 1864. Lay's Ferry, Ga., May 15, 1864. Por- tion of 16th Corps, Army of the Tenn. Lead's Cross Roads, Ga., Nov. 1, 1864. Leatherwood, Ky., Nov. 6, 1862. Cap- tain Powell's Command. Lebanon, Ala., Feb. 3 and 6, 1864. Portion of troops of Army of the Cumberland. Lebanon, Ky., July 12, 1862. 28th Ky. and Lebanon Home Guards. (Mor- gan's Riiid.) Union, 2 killed, 65 prisoners. Lebanon, Ky., July 5, 1863. 20th Ky. Vols. Union, 9 killed, 15 wounded, 400 missing; Confed., 3 killed, 6 wounded. Lebanon, Ky., July 30, 1864. One Company, 12th Ohio Cav. Confed., 6 killed.' Lebanon, Mo., March 12, 1862. Con- fed., 13 killed, 5 wounded. Lebanon, Tenn., May 5, 1862. 1st, 4th, and 5th Kv. Cav. ; detachment of 7th Pa. CaV. Union, 6 killed, 25 wounded ; Confed., 66 prisoners. Lebanon, or La Grange, Tenn., Nov. 11, 1862. 1st Ky. and 4th Mich. Cav. Lebanon, Tenn., Dec. 6, 1862. 93d Ohio Inf. Lebanon, Tenn., Feb. 8, 1863. Leesburg and Harrison, Mo., Sept. 29 and .30, 1864. 14th Iowa; 2d Mo. Militia Cav.; Battery H, 2d Mo. Light Artil. (Price's "invasion.) Leesburg, Mo., Oct. 1 and 28, 1864. Leesburg, Va., Oct. 21, 1861. (See Ball's Bluff.) Leesburg Road, Va., Dec. 17, 1862. (See Goose Creek.) Lee's Creek, Ark., Aug. 1, 1864. Lee's Ford, Mo., Aug. 10 to 13, 1862. (See Grand River.) Lee's Mills, Va., April 16, 1862. 3d, 4th and 6th Ver. Inf.; 3d N. Y. Battery ; Battery of 5th U. S. Artil. Union, 35 killed, 129 wounded ; Confed., 20 killed, 75 wounded, 50 captured. Lee's Mills, near Ring's Sta., Va., July 12, 1864. 2d Div., Gregg's Cav., Army of Potomac. Union, 3 killed, 13 wounded ; Confed., 25 killed and wounded. Lee's Mills, Va., July 30, 1864. Davis' Cav. Union, 2 killed, 11 wounded. Lee Springs and Freeman's Ford, Va., Aug. 24, 1862. Army of Va. Lee's Surrender at Appomattox, Va., April 9, 1865. ArmieH of the Poto- mac and James, under ]\raj.-Gen. U. S. Grant. Confed., 26,000 prisoners. Leesville, Mo., March 19. 1862. Leetown, Ark., March 7, 1862. (See Pea Ridge.) Leetown, Va., July 3, 1864. 10th W. Va. ; 1st N. Y. Cav. Union, 3 killed, 12 wounded. Leetown, Va., Aug. 25, 1864. Legare's Point, S. C, June 3, 1863. 28th Mass. ; 100th Pa. Union, 5 wounded. Leighton, Ala., April 24, 1863. Leiper's Ferrv, Tenn., Oct. 28, 1863. 11th and 3tth Ky. : 112th 111. Inf. Union, 2 killed, 5 wounded. Leland's Point, Ark., May 27, 1864. Lenoirs, Tenn., Nov. 15, 1863. Cav. and Inf., Army of the Ohio. Lett's Tan Yard, near Chickamauga, Ga., Sept. 13, 1863. Wilder's Brigade of Mounted Inf. Union, 50 killed and wounded ; Confed., 10 killed, 40 wounded. Lewinsville, Va., Sept. 11, 1861. 19th Ind. ; 3d Ver. ; 65th N. Y. ; 79th N. Y. Militia. Union, 6 killed, 8 wound- ed. Lewisburg, Ark., Jan. 17, 1864. De- ' taehment of 2d Ark. Cav LIST OF BATTLES AND ENGAGEMENTS. 159 Lewisburs, Va., May 23, 1862. 36th and 44th Ohio; 2d W. Va. Cav. Union, 14 killed, 60 wounded ; Con- fed., 40 killed, 66 wounded, 100 cap- tured. Lexington, Ky., Oct. 17, 1862. De- tachment of 3d and 4th Ohio. Cav. Union, 4 killed, 24 wounded, 350 missing. Lexington, Ky., July 28, 1863. (See Richmond.) Lexington, Ky., June 10, 1864. 4th Ky. Cav. Lexington, Mo., Aug. 29, 1861. Mo. Home Guards. Confed., 8 killed. Lexington, Mo., Sept. 12 to 20, 1861. 23d 111.; 8th, 25th, and 27th Mo.; 13th and 14th Mo. Home Guards; 1st 111. Cav. ; Berry's and Van Home's Mo. Cav. Union, 42 killed, 108 wounded, 1,624 missing and captured ; Confed., 25 killed, 75 wounded. Lexington, Mo., March 12, 1862. 1st Iowa Cav. Union, 1 killed, 1 wound- ed; Confed., 9 killed, 3 wounded. Lexington, Mo., Oct. 17, 1862, and Feb. ! 22, 1864. I Lexington, Mo., June 14, 1864. De- tachment of 1st Mo. Cav. Union, 8 ! killed, 1 wounded. I Lexington, Mo., Oct. 19 and 21, 1864. j 5th, nth, 15th, and 16th Kan. Cav. ; I 3d Wis. Cav. Lexington, Tenn., Dec. 18, 1862. 11th 111. ; 5th Ohio, and 2d Tenn. Cav. Union, 7 killed, 10 wounded, 124 missing. Confed., 7 killed, 28 wounded. Lexington, Tenn., June 29, 1863. Lexington, W. Va., June 10 and 11, 1864. 2d Div., Army of W. Va. Union, 6 killed, 18 wounded. Liberty and Jackson, La., Nov. 21, 1864. 4th Wis. Cav. ; 1st Wis. Bat- tery. Liberty and Siblev's Landing, Mo., Oct. 6, 1862. 5th Mo. Militia Cav. Liberty, Va., June 20, 1864. Cav. Div., Army of W. Va. Liberty Creek, La., Nov. 15, 1864. (See Clinton.) Liberty Gap, or Beech Grove, Tenn., June 25, 1863. 20th Corps, Maj.- Gen. McCooke, Army of the Cum- berland. (Kosecrans' Campaign.) Liberty Mills, Va., Oct. 15, 1863. (See McLean Ford.) Liberty P. O., and Occupation of Cam- den, Ark., April 15 and 16, 1864. 29th Iowa; 50th Ind. ; 9th Wis. Union, 255 killed and wounded. Lick Creek, Ark., Jan. 12, 1863. 2d Wis. Cav. Lick Creek, Miss., April 26, 1862. Ad- vance of Gen. A. J. Smitli's Troops. Lick Creek, Tenn., April 24, 1862. Licking, Mo., May 4, 1862. 24th Mo. and 5th Mo. Militia Cav. Union, 1 killed, 2 wounded. Limestone Sta., near Telford, Tenn., Sept. 5, 1863. Five Companies, 100th Ohio Inf. Union, 12 killed, 20 wounded, 240 missing; Confed., 6 killed, 10 wounded. Linden, Tenn., May 12, 1863. 6th Tenn. Cav. Linden, Va., Mav 15, 1862. One Com- pany, 28th Pa.'inf. Union, 1 killed, 3 wounded, 14 missing. Linn Creek, Mo., Oct. 15, 1861. 13th 111. Inf. ; 6th Mo. Cav. Confed., 63 killed, 40 wounded. Linn Creek, Va., Feb. 8, 1862. Detach- ment of 5th W. Va. Inf. Union, 1 killed, 1 wounded; Confed., 8 killed, 7 wounded. Liscomb's Hill, Cal., June 6, 1862. Little Bear Creek, Ala., Nov. 28, 1862. Part of 2d Div., 16th Corps. JJttle Bear Creek, Ala., Dec 12, 1862. 52d 111. Inf. Union, 1 killed, 2 wounded; Confed., 11 killed, 30 wounded. Little Bethel Ch., Tenn., Feb. 13, 1862. Little Black lliver, Mo., May 20, 1863. Little Blue, Dak. Ter., Aug. 12, 1864. Detachment of 7th Iowa Cav. Little Blue, Mo., Nov. 11, 1861. 110 men of 7th Kan. Cav. Union, 7 killed, 9 wounded. Little Blue, or Independence, Mo., Nov. 26, 1861. 7th Kan. Cav Union, 1 killed, 1 wounded. 160 LIST OF BATTLES AND ENGAGEMENTS. Little Blue, Mo., July 6, 1864. 2d Col. Cav. Union, 8 killed, 1 wounded. Little Blue, Mo., Oct. 21, 1864. 2d Col. ; 3d Wis.; 5th, 11th, 15th, and 16th Kan. Cav. ; one Brigade of Kan. MiUtia; 2d and 5th Mo. Militia; two Battalions 2d Mo. Artil. (Price's Invasion.) Little Blue River, Mo., April 12, 1862. Confed., 5 killed. Little Cacapon, Va., April 10, 1864. Company K, 54th Pa. Inf. Little Creek, N, C, Nov. 3, 1862. (See Rawle's Mills.) Little Harpeth, Tenn., March 25, 1863. (See Franklin.) Little Lerniio, Col., Aug. 5, 1865. Little Mo. River, Ark., Jan. 25, 1864. Little Mo. River, Ark., April 4 to 6, 1864. (See Elkin's Ford.) Little Mo. River, Dak. Ter., Aug. 8, 1864. (See Two Hills.) Little Osage River, Kan., Oct. 25, 1864. (See Mine Creek.) Little Pond, Tenn., Aug. 30, 1862. (See McMinnville.) Little Red River, Ark., June 5, 1862. Little Red River, Ark., June 25, 1862. 4th Iowa Cav. Union, 2 wounded. Little River, Tenn., Oct. 20, 1864. Cav. and portion of 15th Corps. Little Rock, Ark., Sept. 10, 1863. Maj.- Gen. Steele's Troops and Davidson's Cav. Little Rock, Ark., April 26, 1864. Little Rock, Ark., May 28, 1864. 57th U. S. Colored Troops. Little Rock Landing, Tenn., April 26, 1863. Little Rock Road, Ark., April 2, 1863. One Company, 5th Kan. Cav. Little Salkahatchie, S. C, Feb. 5, 1865. Little Santa Fe, Mo., Nov. 6, 1861. 4th Mo.; 5th Kan. Cav.; Kowald's Mo. Battery. Union, 2 killed, 6 wounded. Little Santa Fe, Mo., Nov. 20, 1861. Little Santa Fe, Mo., March 22, 1862. (See Independence.) Little Washington, Va., Nov. 15, 1862. (See Favetteville.) Liverpool" Heights, Miss., Feb. 3, 1864. nth 111. Inf.; 47th U. S. Colored Troops. Livingston, Miss., March 27, 1864. Lockridge Mills, or Dresden, Kv., Mav 5, 1862. 5th Iowa Cav. Union, 4 killed, 16 wounded, 68 missing. Lock's Ford, Opequan, Va., Sept. 13, 1864. 2d Brigade, 3d Div., Cav. Corps, Army of the Middle Mihtary Div. Union, 2 killed, 18 wounded ; Confed., 181 captured. Locust Grove, Ind. Ter., July 3, 1862. Locust Grove, Va., Nov. 26 to 28, 1863. (See Mine Run.) Logan's Cross Roads, Ky., Jan. 19 and 20, 1862. (See Mill Springs.) London Lane, Ala., April 25, 1863. Lone Jack, Mo., Aug. 11, 15, and 16, 1862. Mo. Militia Cav. Union, 60 killed, 100 wounded; Confed., 110 killed and wounded. Lone Jack, Mo., Nov. 1, 1864. Long Prairie, Ark., Aug. 24, 1864. (See Jones' Hay Sta.) Longview and Mount Ellia, A ik., ^larch 26 and 30, 1864. 28th Wis. ; Mh Kan. Cav.; 7th Mo. Cav. Union, 4 killed, 18 wounded ; Confed., 12 killed, 35 wounded, 300 captured. Lookout Mountain, Tenn., Nov. 24, 1863. (See Chattanooga and Or- chard Knob.) Lookout Sta., Mo., Aug. 20, 1861. Union, 1 killed, 6 wounded. Lost Creek, Mo., Aug. 15. 1862. Lost Mountain, Ga., June 9 to 30, 1864. (See Kcnesaw ^Mountain.) Lotspeach Farm, Mo., July 8, 1862. One Company, 1st Iowa Cav. Lotus Steamer, Ark., Jan. 17, 1865. Loudon Creek, Tenn., Nov. 15, 1863. 11 1th Ohio Inf. Union, 4 killed, 12 wounded; Confed., 6 killed, 10 wounded. Loudon Heights, Va., Jan. 10, 1864. 1st Md., Potomac Home Brigade. Louisa C. H., Va., May 1, 1863. Louisville, Ga., Dec. 1, 1864. Tw^o Companies, 1st Me. Cav. (Stone- man's Raid.) Louisville, Tenn., Nov. 28, 1863. 6th 111. Cav. LIST OF BATTLES AND ENGA(JKMK; 161 Lovejoy Sta., Ga., July 29 and 30, 1864.' Cav., Army of the Cumber- land. (McCooke's Raid.) Lovejoy Sta., Ga., Aug. 20, 1864. Cav., Army of the Cumberland. (Kil- patrick's Raid.) Lovejoy Sta., Ga., Sept. 2 to 6, 1864. 23d Corps, Army of the Ohio ; 4th Corps, Army of the Cumberland. Lovejoy Sta. and Bear Creek Sta., Jonesboro', Gra., Nov. 16, 1864. Kil- patrick's Cav. Confed., 50 captured. Lovettsville, Va., Aug. 8, 1861. 19th N. Y. Inf. Confed., 1 killed, 5 wounded. Lovettsville, Ya., Oct. 21, 1862. De- tachment of Gen. Gearv's Brigade. Low Creek, W. Va., June 21, 1863. Lowndesboro', Ala., April 10, 1865. 2d Brigade, 1st Cav. Div., Military Div. of the Miss. (Wilson's Raid.) Lowtonville, S. C, Feb. 5, 1865. Lucas Bend, Ky., Dec. 26, 1861. Stew- art's Cav. Confed., 4 killed. Lumkin's Mills, Miss., Nov. 29 and 30, 1862. (See AVaterford.) Luna Landing, Ark., Feb. 22, 1864. 1st Miss. Marine Brigade. Lundy's Lane, Ala., April 17, 1863. (See Bear Creek.) Luray, Ya., June 30 and July 12, 1862. Detachment of Cav. of Brig.-Gen. Crawford's Command. Luray, Ya., Sept. 24, 1864. 1st Div. Cav. Corps, Army of Potomac. Lynchburg, Ya., June 17 and 18, 1864. Sullivan's and Crook's Div., together with Averill's and Duffle's Cav., Army of W. Ya. Union, 100 killed, 500 wounded, 100 missing ; Confed., 200 killed and wounded. Lynch's Creek, S. C, Feb. 26, 1865. Advance of 15th Corps. Lynnville, Tenn., Nov. 24, 1864. (See Campbellville.) Lynnville, Tenn., Dec. 23, 1864. Cav. of Gen. Thomas' Army. M ACON, Ga., July 30, 1864. Cav., Army of the Cumberland. (Stoneman's Raid.) Macon, Ga., Nov. 20, 1S64. lOth Ohio Cav. ; 9th Pu. Cav. ; 92d 111. Mounted Inf. ; 10th Wis. Batterv. Macon, Ga., Nov. 24, 1864. Macon, Ga., April 20, 1865. 2d Div., Wilson's Cav.Corps. (Wilson's Raid.) Macon, Mo., Feb. 12, 1865. Madeline Plains, Cal., Nov. 17, 1862. Madison, Ark., April 4, 1863. 3d Iowa Cav. Madison C. H., Va., Sept. 21, 1863. Madison C. H., Ya., Dec. 22, 1863. (See Jack's Shop.) Madison C. H., Va., Dec. 20, 1864. Mich. Cav. Brigade; 1st Cav. Div., Army of Potomac. Madison Sta., Ala., May 17, 1864. 3d Div., 15th Corps, Army of the Tenn. Madison Sta., Ala., Nov. 26, 1864. 101st U. S. Colored Troops. Madisonville, Ky., Aug. 26, 18 6 2. Lieut.-Col. Porter's Cav. Madisonville, Ky., Oct. 5, 1862. 4th Ind. Cav. Madisonville, La., Jan. 7, 1864. Mad River, Cal., July 11, 1863. Magnolia, Tenn., Jan. 7, 1865. Magnolia Hills, Miss., May 1, 1863. (See Port Gibson.) Malhuer River, Ore., July 9, 1865. Malvern Hill, or Crew's Farm, Va., July 1, 1862. 2d, 3d, 4th, 5th, and 6th Corps. (See, also. Seven Days' Retreat.) Malvern Hill, Ya., Aug. 5, 1862. Por- tion of Hooker's Div.; 3d Corps; Richardson's Div., 2d Corps, and Cav., Army of Potomac. ' Union, 3 killed, 11 wounded; Confed., 100 captured. Malvern Hill, Va., June 15, 1864. (See Samaria Church.) Malvern Hill, Va., Julv 27 and 28, 1864. (See Deep Bottom.) Manassas, Va., July 21, 1861. (See Bull Run.) Manassas, Ya., Aug. 30, 1862. (See 2d Bull Run.) Manassas Gap, Ya., Nov. 5, 1862. Cav. Brigade under Gen. Averill. Manassas Gap, Va., July 21, 1863. 1st, 2d, and 5th U. S. Cav. 162 LIST OF BATTLES AND ENGAGEMENTS. Manassas Gap, Va., July 23, 1863. (See AVapping Heights.) Manas^^as Junction, Va., Oct. 24, 1862. Manchester, Tenn., Aug. 2f), 1862. Two Companies, 18th Ohio ; one Company, 9th Mich. Inf. Confed., 100 killed and wounded. Manchester, Tenn., March 17, 1864. 5th Tenn. Cav. Confed., 21 killed. Mansfield, La., April 8, 1864. (See Sa- bine Cross Roads.) Mansura, Avoyelle's Prairie, Moreaus- ville, or INIarksville, La., I\Iay 14 to 16, 1864. 3d Div., 16th Corps ; Por- tion of Cav. Div., 9th Corps. (Red River Exj).) Maplesville, Ala., April 1, 1865. (See Bogler's Creek.) Marshtield, Mo., Oct. 20, 1862. 10th 111. Cav. Matthew's C. H., Ya., Dec. 12, 1862. Detachments of N. Y. Independent Battalion and 6th N. Y. Cav., assisted by seamen from the U. S. Steamer Maria des Cygnes, Kan., Aug. 31, 1863. Maria des Cygnes, Kan., Oct. 25, 1864. (See Mine Creek.) Marianna, Fla., Sept. 27, 1864. 7th Vt. ; 82d U. S. Colored Troops ; 2d Me. Cav. Union, 32 wounded ; Con- fed., 81 missing. Marianna, or La Grange, Ark., Nov. 7, 1862. 3d and 4th Iowa Inf. ; 9th 111. Cav. Union, 3 killed, 20 wounded ; Confed., 50 killed and wounded. Marie Countv, Mo., Mav 6, 1864. Marietta, Ga", June 9 to" 30, 1864. (See Kenesaw INIountain.) Marietta, Ga., July 3 to 4, 1864. Marietta. INIiss.. A'ug- 31, 1862. Marion, Miss., Feb. 17, '64. Portion of 17th Corps. Expedit'n to Meridian. Marion, Ark., Jan. 14, 1863. Marion and Wvtlu'ville, Ya., Dec. 16, 1864. 8tii, 9th, and 13th Tenn. Cav. (Stoneman's Raid.) Marion, Ya., Dec. 18, 1864. Cav., Army of the Ohio. (Stoneman's Raid.) Marion County, Fla., March 10, 1865. Markhani, Ya., Nov. 5, 1862. (See Barbee's Cross Roads.) Mark's Mills, Ark., April 5, 1864. Mark's Mills, Ark., April 25. 18(i4. 36th Iowa ; 77th Ohio ; 43d Ind.; Batterv E, 2d Mo. Light Artil. ; 7th Mo. Cav.; 1st Ind. Cav. Union, 100 killed, 250 wounded, 100 missing; Confed., 110 killed, 228 wounded, 40 missing. Marksville, La., May 14 to 16, 1864. (See Mansura.) Marrowbone, or Burkesville, Ky., July 2, 1863. 1st and 9th Ky. Cav. ; 24th Ind. Battery. (Morgan's Raid in Ky., Ohio, and Ind., July 1 to 26.) Marshall, Mo., July 28, 1863. 4th Mo. Mihtia Cav. Marshall, Mo., Oct. 12 and 13, 1863. (See Merrill's Crossing.) Marshtield, Mo., Feb. 14, 1862. 6th Mo. and 3d 111. Cav. Marshtield, Mo., Oct. 20, 1862. 10th 111. Cav. Martinsburg, Md., July 2,1861. (See Falling Waters.) Martinsburg, Mo., July 17, 1861. One Company 1st Mo. Reserves. Union, 1 killed, 1 wounded. Martinsburg, A'a.,Sept. 6,1862. Troops under Brig.-Gen. White. Martinsburg, Ya., June 14, 1863. 106th N. Y.; 126th Ohio and AV. A'a. Battery. Union, 200 missing ; Con- fed., 1 killed, 2 wounded. Martinsburg, Ya., Aug. 19, 1864. One Comjiany, Averill's Cav. Union, 25 killed and wounded. Martinsburg, Ya., Sept. 18, 1864. Martin's Creek, Ark., Jan. 7, 1864. Maryland Heights,Va..Mav 28-30 and Sept. 12-13, '62. (See Harpers Ferry.) Maryland Heights, A^a., July 4 to 7, 1864. (See Bolivar Heights.) Marysville, Tenn., Nov. 14, 1863. 11th Ky. Cav. Union, 100 killed and wounded. Mason's Bridge, S. C, Dec. 6 to 9, 1864. (See Devaux Neck.) Mason's Neck, Occoquan, A'a., Feb. 24, 1862. 37th N. Y. Inf Union, 2 killed, 1 wounded. IMassacre at Centralia, Mo., Sept. 27, 1864. (See Centralia.) LIST OF BATTLES AND ENGAGEMENTS. 163 Massacre on North Mo. River, Mo., Sept. 27, 1864. Furloughed soldiers. Massacre on Steamer " Sam Gat\'," Mo., March 30, 1863. (See Sibley's Landing.) Matagorda Bay, Tex., Dec. 29 and 30, 1863. Three Companies, 13th Me. Inf., assisting Naval Forces. Mataponv, or Thornburg, Va., Aug. 6, 1862. Detachment of King's Div. Union, 1 killed, 12 wounded, 72 missing. Matote, Cal., Mav 26, 1864. ]\Iatthias' Point, Va., July 29, 1861. Troops assisted U. S. Steamer " Free- born." Mayfield, Ky., Jan. 12, 1864. 58th 111. Inf. Union, 1 killed, 1 wounded ; Confed., 2 killed. Marye's Heights, Va., May 3, 1863. Mavsville, Ala., Aug. 28, 1863. 4th Ky. Cav. Maysville, Ala., Oct. 13, 1863. 1st Div., Cav. Corps, Army of the Cumber- land. Maysville, Ark., Oct. 22, 1862. (See Old Fort Wayne.) Mazzard Prairie, Fort Smith, Ark., July 27, 1864. 200 men, 6th Kan. Cav. Union, 12 killed, 17 wounded, 152 captured ; Confed., 12 killed, 20 wounded. McAfee's Cross Roads, Ga., June 12, 1864. (See Kenesaw 3Iountain.) McConnellsburg, Pa., June 24, 1863. 12th Pa. Cav. McConnellsburg, Pa., June 29, 1863. 1st N. Y. Cav. McCooke's Raid to Lovejov Sta., Ga., Julv 26 to 31, 1864. 1st Wis. ; 5th and 8th' Iowa ; 2d and 8th Ind. ; 1st and 4th Tenn. ; 4th Ky. Cav. Union, 100 killed and wounded, 500 missing. McCulloueh's Store, Mo., Julv 26 and Au2. 3, 1861. McDonald County, IMo., Aug. 5, 1864. McDowell, or Bull Pasture, Va., INIav 8, 1862. 25th, 32d, 75th, and 82d Ohio ; 3d W. Va. ; 1st W. Va. Cav. ; Int Conn. Cav. ; 1st Ind. Battery. Union, 28 killed, 225 wounded; Confed., 100 killed, 200 wounded. McGuire's Ferrv, Ark., Sept. 23, 1862. McKay's Point, S. C, Dec. 22, 1864. McLean's Ford, or Liberty Mills, Va., Oct. 15, 1863. N. J. Brigade of 3d Corps, Army of Potomac. Union, 2 killed, 25 wounded ; Confed., 60 killed and wounded. McMinnville, Tenn., Julv 6, 1862, and Sept. 28, 1863. ! McMinnville, or Little Pond, Tenn., Aug. 30, 1862. 26th Ohio ; 17th and 58th Ind. ; 8th Ind. Batterv. Confed., I 1 killed, 20 wounded. McMinnville, Tenn., April 20, 1863. 1st Brigade of Cav., Army of the Cum- berland. McMinnville, Tenn., Oct. 3, 1863. 4th Tenn. Inf. Union, 7 killed, 31 wounded, 350 missing ; Conftd., 23 killed and wounded. Meadow Blutf, W. Va., Dec. 12, 1863. (See Big Sewell.) Meadow Bridge, Va., May 12, 1864. 1st and 3d Divs., Cav. Corj)?, Army of Potomac. (Sheridan's Raid.) Mechanicsburg, Miss., ]\Iay 29, 1863. Mechanicsburg and Sartoria, Miss., " June 4, 1863. 5th 111. Cav.; 8th AVis. Inf. Mechanicsburg, Miss., June 7, 1863. Mechanicsburg, Miss., May 24, 1863. Mechanicsburg, Miss., May 29, 1863. Part of 17th Corps, under Maj.-Gen. F. P. Blair. Mechanicsville, or Ellison's Mills, Va., June 26, 1862. 5th Corps and Mc- Call's Div., 1st Corps. (See, also. Seven Davs' Retreat.) Medalia, Minn., April 16, 1863. IS Soldiers, 7th Minn. Inf. (Indian Fight.) Medlev, near Williamsport, W. Va., Jan.' 29, 1864. 1st and 14th W. Va. ; 23d 111.; 2d Md. : Potomac Home Brigade; 4th W. Va. Cav.; Ring- gold Cav. Union, 10 killed, 7 wounded ; Confed., 100 wounded. Medoc, Mo., Aug. 23, 1861. Medon Sta., or Toon's Sta., Tenn., Aug. 31,1862. 45th 111. ; 7th Mo. Union, 3 killed, 13 wounded, 43 missing. I Meffleton Lodge, Ark., June 29, 1864. 164 LIST OF BATTLES AND ENGAGEMENTS. Memphis, :\Io., Julv 18, 1862. 9th and lltli Mo. State Mihtia; 2d Mo. Cav. Union, l;! killed, 35 wounded ; Con- fed., 23 killed. Memphis, Tenn., May 2, 1864. 7th Kan. Cav. Memphis, Tenn., Aug. 21, 1864. De- tachments of 8th Iowa, 108th and 11.3th 111., 39th, 40th, and 41st Wis., (list U. S. Colored Troops, 3d and 4th Iowa Cav., Battery G, 1st Mo. l.ight Artil. Union, 30 killed, 100 wounded ; Confed., 100 killed and wounded. Memphis, Tenn., Oct. 4, 1864. One Company 7th Ind. Cav. Memphis, "Tenn., Dec. 14, 1864. 4th Iowa Cav. Union, 3 killed, 6 wounded. Meridian, Miss., Feb. 9 to 19, 1864. Troops under Gen. Sherman. Merrill's Crossing to Lamine Crossing, or Marshall, Arrow Rock, Black Water, and Jonesboro, Mo., Oct. 12 and 13, 1863. 1st, 4th, and 7th Mo. Militia Cav. ; 1st Mo. Militia Battery ; Mo. enrolled Militia. Merri weather's Ferrv, Tenn., Aug." 15, 1862. One Company 2d 111. Cav. Union, 3 killed, 6 wounded ; Confed., 20 killed. Messenger's Bridge, Miss., Oct. 5, 1863. Messenger's Ferry, Miss., July 1 and 2, 1863. (See Black River.) Messilla, New Mexico, Aug. 3, 1861. 7th U. S. Inf. and U. S. Mounted Rifles. Union, 3 killed, 6 wounded ; Confed., 12 killed. ?.Ietamora, Miss., Oct. 5, 1862. (See Big Hatchie River.) ?<[etley's Ford, Tenn., Nov. 4, 1863. Cav., Army of Ohio. IMexico, Mo., July 15, 1861. IVIezcal River, Cal., Mav 29, 1864. Michel's Creek, Miss., Mav 5, 1863. IMiddleburg, Miss., Dec. 24, 1862. 115 men, 12th Mich. Inf. Union, 9 wounded; Confed., 9 killed, 11 wounded. Middleburg, Tenn., Sept. 21, 1862. Middleburg, Va., March 28, 1862. 28th Pa. Inf, Middleburg, Va., June 19, 1863. 1st Me.; 2d, 4th, and 10th N. Y. ; 4th and 16th Pa. ; 6th Ohio Cav. Middle Creek and Prestonburg, Kv., Jan. 10, 1862. 40th and 42d Ohio; 14th and 22d Ky. Inf Union, 2 killed, 25 wounded; Confed., 40 killed. Middle Creek Fork, or Buckhannon, W. Va., July 6, 1861. One Company 3d Ohio. Union, 1 killed, 6 wounded. Confed., 6 killed. Middleton, Md., July 7, 1864. (See Hagar's Mountain, or Solomon's Gap.) Middleton, Tenn., Jan. 5, 1863. Cav., Armv of the Cumberland. Middleton, Tenn., Jan. 31, 1863. 2d and 3d Tenn. Cav. Middleton, Tenn., Mav 21, 1863. 4th Mich.; 3d Ind.; 7th Pa.; 3d and 4th Ohio and 4th U. S. Cav. ; 39th Ind. Mounted Inf. Middleton, Shelbwille Pike, Tenn., June 24, 1863. Ist Cav. Div., Army of the Cumberland. Middleton, Tenn., Jan. 14, 1863. 35th Ohio Inf. Middletown, Va., March 7, 1862, and Nov. 12, 1864. Middletown, Va., Mav 24, 1862. 48th Pa. ; 28th N. Y. Inf."; 1st Me. and 1st Vt. Cav. One Batterv, N. Y. Artil. Middletown, Va., June llth, 1863. 13th Pa. Cav. ; 87th Pa. Inf. ; Battery L, 5th U. S. Artil. Confed., 8 killed, 42 wounded. Middletown, Va., Oct. 19, 1864. (See Cedar Creek.) Middle Yager, Cal., June 28, 1863. Milford, or Shawnee Mound, or Black Water, Mo., Dec. 18, 1861. 27th Ohio ; 8th, 12th, 22d, and 24th Ind. ; 31st Kan.; 1st Iowa Cav. ; detach- ment of U.S. Cav.; 2 batteries, 1st Mo. Light- Artil. Union, 2 killed, 8 wounded. Confed., 1,300 captured. Milford, Va., July 2, 1862. 1st Me. Cav. Milford, Va., Dec. 2, 1862. Milford Sta., Va., INIay 20, 1864. 1st Cav. Div., Army of Potomac, LIST OF BATTLES AND ENGAGEMENTS. 165 Mill Creek, and Dug Gap, La., May 7, 18()4. 20th Corps, Army of the Cum- berland. Mill Creek, Mo., April 24, 1863. Mill Creek, Tenn., Nov. 27, 1862. :\Iill Creek, Tenn., Dec. 2 and 3, 1864. (See Block House No. 2.) Mill Creek Gap., Ga., May 5 to 9, 1864. (See Rockv-face Ridge.) Mill Creek Mills, W. Ya., Oct. 26, 1861. (See Ball's Bluff, also, Romney.) Mill Creek Valley, W. Va., Nov. 13, 1863. Millen Grove, Ga., Dec. 1, 1864. 1st Ky. and 8th Ind. Cav. Milliken's Bend, La., Aug. 18, 1862. (See Capture of steamer " Fair- play.") Milliken's Bend, or Ashland, La., June 6 to 8, 1863. 5th U. S. Colored! Heavy Artil. ; 23d Iowa Inf. ; 49th and 51st U. S. Colored Troops, | assisted by U. S. Steamers " Choc- 1 taw " and " Lexington." Union, 154 \ killed, 223 wounded, 115 missintr; Confed., 125 killed, 400 wounded, 200 missing. (No quarter given to the Union Troops.) Mill Point, W. Va., Nov. 5, 1863. 14th Pa. and 3d W. Va. Cav. Mill Springs, or Logan's Cross Roads, Beech Grove, Somerset, and Fishing Creek, Kv., Jan. 19 and 20, 1862. 9th Ohio r2d Minn. ; 4th Ky. ; 10th Ind. ; 1st Kv. Cav. Union, 38 killed, ' 104 wounded ; Confed., 190 killed, ' 160 wounded. Confed., Gen. Zolli- koffer killed. Millsville, or Wentzville, Mo., Julv 16, 1861. 8th Mo. Inf. Union, 7 killed, 1 wounded ; Confed., 7 killed. ?»Iilltown Bluff, S. C, Julv 10, 1863. Millwood, Va., Dec. 17, 1864. Milton, Black Water, Fla., Oct. 26, 18(54. 19th Iowa Inf.; 2d Me. Cav. Milton, Tenn., Feb. 18, 1863, 2d Mich, and 3d Ohio Cav. March 20, 1863, 80th and 123rd Ill.,105th O., 101 Ind. Mine Creek, Miria des Cygnes, and Little Osage River, Kan., Oct. 25, 1864. Pleasanton's and Curtis' Cav. Mineral Point, Mo., Sept. 27, 1864. Mine Run, Va., Nov. 26 to 28, 1863. (Including engagements at Raccoon's Ford and Bartlett's Mills, or Locust Grove, on the 26th, also, Robertson's Tavern, or Payne's Tavern, on the 27th, and New Hope, or Orange Grove, on the 28th.) 1st, 2d, 3d, 5th, and 6th Corps ; 1st and 2d Cav. Divs., Armv of Potomac. Union, 100 killed, 400' wounded ; Confed., 100 killed, 400 wounded. Mine Explosion at Petersburg, Va., July 30, 1864. 9th Corps, supported by 18th Corps, with 2d imd oth Corps as Reserves. Union, 419 killed, 1,679 wounded, 1,910 missing; Con- fed., 1,200 killed, wounded, and missing. Mingo Swamp, Mo., Feb. 3, 1863. 12th Mo. Militia. Mint's Raid, Ga., Oct. 18, 1864. Missionary Ridge, Tenn., Nov. 25, 1863. (See Orchard Knob, or Chattanooga.) Mission Ridge, Tenn., Dec. 31, 1862. Mississippi Citv, Miss., March 8, 1862. 26th Mass. Iiif. Mississippi Springs, Miss., May 13, 1863. Missouri River, Dak. Ter., Julv 30, 1863. 6th Minn. Inf.; 1st Minn. Cav. ; 3d Minn. Battery. (Indian Fight.) Mitchell's Creek, Fla., Dec. 17, 1864. 82d U. S. Colored Troops. Mitchell's Sta., Va., Aug. 9, 1862. (See Cedar Mountain.) Mobile, Ala., Dec. 22, 1864. Mobile, Ala., April 8, 9, and 12, 1865. Troops under Gen. R. S. Canby and Naval Forces. Mobile Bay, Ala., Aug. 22 and 23, 1864. Troo])s and Naval Forces attack Ft. Moruan, Mobile Point. Mobile Bay, Ala., April 11, 1865. Cap- ture of Fts. Huger and Tracy by troops and Naval Forces. Moccasin Gap, Va., Dec. 24, 1864. 8th Tenn. Cav. (Stonemen's Raid.) Moff'att's Sta.. or Haguewood Sta., Ark., Sept. 27, 1863. Detachment of 1st Ark. Inf. Union, 2 killed, 2 wound- ed ; Confed., 5 killed, 20 wounded. LIST OF BATTLES AND ENGAGEMENTS. Monaqua Springs, Mo., March 25, 1862. Monday's Hollow, Mo., Oct. 13, 1861. (See West Glaze.) Monotis Bluff, Kane River, La., April 28, 1864. Portion of 13th, ITtii, and 19th Corps. (Including los^ at (Uout- ersville, April 24.) Union, ?>'A) killed and wounded ; Confed., 400 killed and wounded. Monocacy, Md., July 9, 1864. 1st and 2d Brigades, 3d Div., 6th Corps ; de- tachment of 8th Corps. Union, 90 killed, 579 wounded, 1,290 missing; Confed., 400 wounded. Monroe Co., Mo., Sept. 16 and Oct. 4, 1862. Monroe Cross-roads, N. C, March 10, 1865. Kilpatrick's Cav. Div. Monroe Sta., Mo., July 9 and 10, 1861. 16th 111.; 3d Iowa; Mo. Home Guards. Union, 3 killed ; Confed., 4 killed, 20 wounded, 75 prisoners. Montavallo, Mo., April 14, 1862. Two Companies, 1st Iowa Cav. Union, 2 killed, 6 wounded ; Confed., 2 killed, 10 wounded. Montavallo, or Church in the Woods, Mo., Aug. 6, 1862. 3d Wis. Cav. Union, 1 wounded, 3 missing. Monterey, Owen Co., Kv., June 11, 1862. Capt. Blood 's INIounted Pro- vost Guards; 13th Ind. Battery. Union, 2 killed ; Confed., 100 cap- tured. Monterey, Tenn., April 28, 1862. 2d Iowa Cav. Union, 1 killed, 3 wound- ed ; Confed., 5 killed. Monterey, Tenn., Mav 13, 1862. Part of Brig.-Gen. M. L. Smith's Brigade. Union, 2 wounded ; Confed., 2 killed, 3 wounded. Monterev, Va., April 12, 1862. 75th Ohio Inf : 1st W. Va. Cav. Union, 3 wounded. Monterey Gap, and Smithsburg, Md., July 4, 1863. Kilpatrick's Cav. Union, 30 killed and wounded ; Confed., 30 killed and wounded, 100 prisoners. (Loss including Fairfield, Pa., Julv 5.) Montevallo, Ala., March 13, 1865. Montevallo and Six Mile Creek, Ala., March 30 and 31, 1865. Advance Cav. Montgomery, Ala., April 12 and 13, 1865. 2d Brigade, 1st, Cav. Div., Military Div. of the Miss. (Wilson's Raid.) Montgomery, Ga., July 18, 1864. (See Chewa Sta.) Monticello. Ark., Jan. 16, 1864. Monticello, Ark., March 18, 1864. 4th Mo. Cav. Monticello, Ky., Mav 1, 1863. 2d Tenn.; 1st Kv.; 2d and 7th Ohio Cav. : 112th 111. Mounted Inf ; 45th Ohio Inf. Monticello and Rockv Gap, Ky., June 9, 1863. 2d and 7th Ohio Cav. ; 1st Ky. Cav. ; 45th Ohio and 2d Tenn. Mounted Inf Union, 4 killed, 26 wounded; Confed., 20 killed, 80 wounded. Moorefield, or South Fork, W. Va., Nov. 9, 1862. 23d 111.; 1st N. Y. Cav. ; Ringgold and Washington Cav. Moorefield, W. Va., Jan. 3, 1863. 116th Ohio Inf Moorefield, W. Va., Sept. 5, 1863. 1st W. Va. Inf. Moorefield, W. Va., Sept. 11, 1863. Moorefield, W. Va., Feb, 4, 1864. 23d 111. Inf. ; portion of the Troops of the Dep't of W. Va. Moorefield, W. Va., Aug. 7, 1864. 14th Pa.; 8th Ohio; 1st and 3d W.Va., and 1st N. Y. Cav. Union, 9 killed, 22 wounded ; Confed., 100 killed and wounded, 400 missing. Moore's Bluff, Miss., Sept. 29, 1864. Moore's Mills, Mo., July 24, 1862. Moore's Mills, Mo., Julv 28 and 29, 1862. 9th Mo. ; 3d Iowa Cav. ; 2d Mo. Cav. ; 3d Ind. Batterv. Union, 19 killed, 21 wounded ; Confed., 30 killed, 100 wounded. Moreau Bottom, near Jefferson Citv, Mo., Oct. 7, 1864. Mo. Militia Cav., Inf., and Artil. (Price's Invasion.) Moresburg, Tenn., Dec. 10, 1863. Cav., Army of the Ohio. IMorgan Countv, Tenn., Feb. 2, 1862. Morganfleld, Ky., Aug. 31, 1862. LIST OF BATTLES AND ENGAGEMENTS. 167 Morgan's Mills, Spring River, Ark., Feb. 9, 186-i. Detachment of 4th Ark.; 11th Mo. Cav. and 1st Neb. Cav. Union. 1 killed, 4 wounded; Confed., 65 killed and wounded. Morgan's Raid into Ky., Ind., and Ohio, July 1 to 26, 1863. (Including skirnnslu's at Burkesville, Columbia, Grei'ii River Bridge, Lebanon, and Bradenburg, Ky.; Corrydon and Vernon, Ind. Pursued and captured by Brig.-Gens. Hobson and Shackle- ford's Cav. Capture of the larger part of Buffington Island, Ohio, and final capture at New Lisbon, Ohio, July 26.) Union, 33 killed, 97 wounded, 805 missing; Confed., 795 killed and wounded, 4,104 captured. Morgansville, Ky., Sept. 2, 1862. 8th Ky. Cav. and Union Troops under Col. Shackleford. Morgantown, Ky., Oct. 29, 1861. (See Woodl)ury.) Morgantown, Kv., Oct. 24, 1862. Morganzia, La.,' Sept. 29, 1863. 19th Iowa; 26th Ind. Union, 14 killed, 40 wounded, 400 missing. (See, also. Sterling's Farm.) Morganzia, La., May 18 and 30, and Nov. 23, 1864. Morning Sun, Tenn., July 1, 1862. 57th Ohio. Union, 4 wounded; Confed 11 killed, 26 wounded. Moro Bottom and INIoro Creek, Ark April 25 and 26, 1864. 33d and 40th Iowa; 5th Kan.; 2d and 4th Mo., and 1st Iowa Cav. Union, 5 killed, 14 wounded. Morriansviile, La., May 14 to 1(5, 1864 (See Mansura.) Morris Island, S. C, Julv 10, 1863 Morris Mills, W. Va., Jiilv 31, 1863. Morristown, Mo., Sept. 17, 1861. 5th 6th, and 9th Kan. Cav. ; 1st Kan. Battery. Union, 2 killed, 6 wounded ; Confed., 7 killed. Morristown, Tenn., Dec. 1, 1861. Morristown, Tenn., Dec. 10,1863. Cav Army of the Ohio. ' Morristown, Tenn., Oct. 28, 1864. Gen i Gillcm's Cav. Union, 8 killed, 42 I wounded; Confed., 240missin"-. I Morristown, Tenn., Nov. 1,3, 1864 (See Bull's Gap.) Morton, Miss., Feb. 7 and 8, 1864. Cav. of Gen. Sherman's Forces. (Exp. to Meridian.) Morton's Ford, Va., May 27, 1863 Morton's Ford, Va., Feb. 6, 1864. Por- tion of 2d Corps. Union, 10 killed, 201 wounded ; Confed., 100 missing. Mosby's surrender, Va., April 19, 1865 (See Berryville.) Moscow, Ark., April 13, 18(>4. 18th Iowa; 6th Kan. Cav.; 2d Ind. Battery. Union, 5 killed 17 wounded; Confed., 30 killed and wounded. Moscow, Tenn., Feb. 18 and Dec. 2 and 3, 1863. Moscow, Tenn., Nov. 4, 1863. Cav. Brigade, 16th Corps. Moscow, Tenn., June 15, 1864. 55th U. S. Colored Troops. Moscow Sta., or Wolf River Bridge Miss., Dec. 4, 1863. Cav. Div., 16th Corps. Moses Creek, Ga., Oct. 3, 1864 Mossy Creek, Tenn., Dec. 29 1863 (See Talbot's Sta.) ^^of y Creek, Tenn., Jan. 13, 1864. McCooke's Cav. Confed., 14 killed. Mossy Creek Sta., Tenn., Dec "4 1863 Moulton, Ala., Mav 28 and 29,' 1864* 1st, 3d, and 4th Ohio Cav. Mound Plantation, La., June 29 1863 Mountain Fork, Ark., Feb. 4, 1864. INIountain Grove, Mo., March 9, 1862 10th Mo. Cav. Union, 10 killed 2 wounded. ' iNIountain Home, Mo., Oct; 17, 1862 Mountain Run, Va., Nov. 27, 1863. ' Mountain Store and Big Pinev Mo July 25 and 26, 1862. Three Com- panies, 3d Mo. Cav. ; Battery L '>d Mo. Artil. Confed., 5 killed. Mountain Store, Mo., Mav 26, 1863. Mount Carmel, Tenn., Nov. 29. 1864 (See Spring Hill.) Mount Clio, S. C, Feb. 26, 1865. De- tachment of Mounted Men under Capt. Duncan. IMount Crawford, Va., June 5, 1864. (See Piedmont.) 1G8 LIST OF BATTLES AND ENGAGEMENTS. Mount Crawford, Va., Feb. 28, 1865. od Brifiiide, 3d Cav. Div., Army of rotonuu". (Sheridan's Kaid.) IMount KU)a, Ark., March 30, 1864. 7th Mo. and 5th Kan. Cav.; 28th Wis. Inf. Mount Klba Forrv, Ark., April 26, lS(i4. Mount Ivy, or Ivy Hills, Miss., Feb. •2-2, lS(i4." (Seo Okalona.) ]\h)unt .lai'kson, Va., Mav 23, 1862, and Nov. 2-_*, 1S(U. IMount Jai-kson, Va., Nov. 17, 1863. 1st N. Y. Cav. Union, 2 killed, 3 woundi'd ; Confed., 27 missing. Mount Olive, N. C, March 19, 1865. Mount Olive, \'a., Oct. 9, 1864. Mount Pleasant, Ala., April 1, 1865. Portion of Cav., Gen. Canby's Forces. Mount Pleasant, Miss., May 21, 1864. 4th :\lo. Cav. Union, 2 killed, 1 wounded. Mount Pleasant Landing, La., INIav 15, 1S64. 67th U. S. Colored Troops. Union, 3 killed, 5 wounded. Mount Sterling, Ky., July 29, 1862. 18th Kv. Inf. and Home Guards. IMount Sterlino;, Kv., March 22, 1863. 10th Ky. Cav. Union, 4 killed, 10 wounded ; Confed., 8 killed, 13 wounded. IMount Sterling, Ky., June 9, 1864. Burbridge's Cav. Union, 35 killed, 150 wounded ; Confed., 50 killed, 200 wounded, 250 captured. Mount Tabor Church, N. C, July 26, 1863. (See Pattacassev Creek.) Mount Vernon, Ark., i\Iav 11, 1863. 5tli Kan. Cav. : 5th 111. Cav. ^ Mount Vernon, "Slo., Sept. 30, 1864. Mount Washington, Ky., Oct. 2, 1862. Advance Troops, Army of the Ohio. Mount Zion and HallsviUe, Mo., Dec. 28, 1861. Birge's Sharpshooters and 3d Mo. Cav." Union, 5 killed, 63 wounded ; Confed., 25 killed, 150 wounded. IMount Zion Church, Va., Julv 6, 1864. 2d IMass. Cav. Moutii of Monocacv River, Md., Oct. 11, 1862. 3d and"4th Me. Inf. Mud Creek, Ala., Jan. 5, 1865. Mud Creek, Ga., June 18, I8t)4. Muddy Bun, near Culpepper, Va., Nov. S, 1863. 1st Div., Cav., Army of Potomac. U n i o n , 4 killed, 25 wounded. Mud Springs, Ind. Ter., Feb. 8, 1865. (Indian Fight.) Mulberrv Gap, or Wyerman's IMills, Tenn.," Feb. 22, 1864. 9th Tenn Cav. Union, 13 killed and wounded, 256 captured. Muldraugh's Hill, Ky., Dec. 28, 1862. 6th Ind. Cav. Mumford's Sta., Blue Mount, Ala., April 23, 1865. 1st Brigade, 1st Cav. Div., Militarv Div. of the Miss. (Wilson's Raid.) Munfordville, Ky., Dec. 17, 1861. (See Howlett's Sta.) Munfordville, Kv.. Sept. 14 to 16, 1862. 18th U. S. Inf. ; 28th and 33d Kv.; 17th, 50th, 60th, 67th, 68th, 74th, 78th, and 89tb Ind. ; Conkle's Battery, loth Ind. Artil.; and Louis- ville Provost (luard. Union, 50 killed, 3,566 captured and missing ; Confed., 714 killed and wounded. Munfordville, Kv., Sept. 21, 1862. 3d Ohio Cav. Munson's Hill, Va., Aug. 31, 1861. Two Companies 23d N. Y. Inf. Union, 2 killed, 2 wounded. I\Iunson's Hill, or Camp Advance, Va., Sept. 29, 1861. 69th Pa., throush mistake, tired into the 71st Pa., kill- ing 9, wounding 25. IMurfreesboro', Tenn., Julv 13. 18(>2. 9th IMich. : 3d Minn. ; 4th Ky. Cav. ; 7th Pa. Cav. : 1st Ky. Battery. Union, 33 killed, 62 wounded, 800 missing: Confed.. 50 killed, 100 wounded. Murfreesboro', or Stone River, Tenn., Dec. 31, 1862, to Jan. 2, 18t>3. Army of the Cumberland, IMaj.-Gen. Rose- crans ; Right Wing, INI c C o o k e ' s Corps ; Centre. Thomas' Corps : Left WiuiT, (^ittenden's Corps. Union, 1,53.3 killed, 7.245 wounded, 2,800 niissi ng : Confed.. 14,560 killed, wounded, and missiiiir. Union, Brig.-Cien. Sill killed; Brig.-Geu. JST OF BATTLES AND ENGAGEMENTS. 169 Kirke wounded; Confed.,Brig.-Gens. Raines and Hanson killed ; Brig.- (iens. Chalmers and Davis wounded. Murfreesboro', Tenn., Jan. 26, 1863. Detachment of lOtli ^lich. Vols. Murfreesboro'jSlu'lhyviile, Tenn., June H, ISti:;. 2d and St'h Ind. Cav. .Murf"rees])oro', Tenn., Sept. ',',, 18()4. 100th U. S. Colored Troops. ]\Iurfreesboro', or Cedars, Tenn., Dec. 5 to 8, 1864. Gen. Rosseau's Troops. Union, 30 killed, 175 wounded; Confed., 197 missing. Murfreesboro', Tenn., Dec. 15, 1864. Gen. Rosseau's Troops. Murfreesboro', Tenn., Dec. 24, 1864. 12th U. S. Colored Troops. Murfreesboro' Road, Tenn., Oct. 4, 1863. 2d Ky. Cav. and Wilder's Brigade of Mounted Inf. Muscle Shoals, Raccoon Ford, Ala., Oct. 30, 1864. 1st Brigade, 1st Cav. Div., Army of the Cumberland. Mustang Island, Aranzas Pass, Tex., Nov. 17, 1863. 13th and 14th Me.; 34th Iowa; 18th Ind.; Battery F, 1st Mo. Artil., assisted by U. S. Steamer " Monongahela." Mvrestown, Va., Nov. 18, 1864. De- tachment of 91st Ohio. Union, 60 killed and wounded; Confed., 10 killed and wounded. NAMOZIN Church and Willico- mack, Va., April 3, 1865. 3d Cav. Div., Army of Potomac. Nansemond, Va., April 14, 1863. Nansemond River, Va., May 1, 1863. (See South Quay Bridge.) Nansemond River, Va., May 3, 1863. Gen. J. J. Peck's Troops. Nansemond River, Va., April 14 and 15, 1864. (See James River.) Narrows, Ga., Oct. 11, 1864. Garrard's Cav. Div., Army of the Cumberland. Nashville, Tenn., March 8, 1862. 1st Wis. Inf.; 4th Ohio Cav. Union, 1 killc.I, 2 wounded ; Confed., 4 killed. Nashville, Tenn., July 21, 1862. 2d Ky. Inf. Nashville, Tenn., Oct. 20, 1862. Troops under Col. J. F. Miller. Nashville, Tenn., Nov. 5, 1863. 16th and 51st 111. ; 69th Ohio ; 14th Mich. ; 5th Tenn. Cav. ; 7th Pa. Cav. Union, 26 wounded ; Confed., 23 captured. Nashville, Tenn., May 24, 18(54. 15th U. S. Colored Troops. Union, 4 killed, 8 wounded. Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 1 to 14, 1864. (Skirmishing in front of Nashville.) 4th, 23d, and 1st and 2d Divs., Kith Corps; Wilson's Cav. Union, 16 killed, 100 wounded. Nashville, or Brentwood, Overton's Hills, Tenn., Dec. 15 and 16, 1864. 4th Corps; 1st and 3d Div., 16th Corps; 23d Corps; AVilson's Cav.; detachments of C'olored Troops; Convalescents. Union, 400 killed, 1,740 wounded ; Confed., 4,462 miss- ing. Nafthez, Miss., Nov. 11, 1863. 58th U. S. Colored Troops. Natchez, Miss., Dec. 7 and 10, 1863. One Company, 4th Iowa Cav. Natchitoches, La., March 31, 1864. Cav. of 19th Corps. (Red River Exp.) Natchitoches, La., April 19, 1864. 4th Brigade, Cav. Div., 19th Corps. Natchitoches, La., Mav 5, ]8()4. Natural Bridtre, Fla.," IMarch 6, 1865. 2d and 99th IT. S. Colored Troops. Union, 22 killed, 46 wounded. Nauvoo, Ala., Jan. 2, 1865. 15th Pa. and detachments of 2d Tenn. and 10th, 12th, and 13th Ind. Cav. (Cap- ture and destruction of Hood's sup- ply and pontoon train.) Near Pine Bluft", Ark., Sept. 9, 1864. Near Point Washington, Fla., Feb. 9, 1864. Nelson's Farm, Va., June 30, 1862. (See White Oak Swamp, also, Seven Davs' Retreat.) Neosho, Mo., April 26, 1862. 1st Mo. Cav. Union, 3 killed, 3 wounded; Confed., 30 wounded, 62 prisoners. Neosho, Mo., Mav 31, 1862. 10th 111. Cav. ; 14th Mo. Militia Cav. Union, 2 killed, 3 wounded. 170 -LSI- or r.ATTl ;N(;A(;i;.Mi;.\'i> Neosho, Mo., Soi>t. 1 to 4, and Deo. 15, 1862; March 2, and Kov. 5, 1863; June 3 and Nov. 10, 1864. Neosho, Mo., Oet. 4, 1863. Three Com- panies, 6th Mo. Mihtia Cav. Union, 1 killed, 14 wounded, 43 missing. Neuse River, N. C, April 10, 1865. Ad- vance of (Jen. Sherman's Army. New Albany, Miss., April 19, 1863. 7th 111. Cav. New Albanv, Miss., Oct. 5, 1863, and July 10, 1864. Newark, Mo., Aug. 1, 1862. 73 men, 11th Mo. State Militia. Union, 4 killed, 4 wounded, 60 captured ; Con- fed., 73 killed and wounded. New Baltimore, Salem, and Thorough- 1 fare Gap, Va., Nov. 5, 1862. Cav. I Brigade, Army of Potomac. j Newbern, N. C, March 14, 1862. 51st | N. Y.; 8th, 10th, and 11th Conn.;! 21st, 23d, 24th. 25th, and 27th Mass. ; I 9th N. J.; 51st Fa.; 4th and 5tTi R. I. Union, 91 killed, 466 wounded ; Confed., 64 killed, 106 wounded, 413 captured. Newbern. N. C, May 22, 1862. Com- pany I, 17th Mass. Inf. Union, 3 killed, 8 wounded. Newbern, or Bachelor's Creek, N. C, Nov. 11,1862. Newbern, N. C, Feb. 27, 1863. De- tachment of 3d N. Y. Cav. Newbern, N. C, March 14, 1863. Troops of Depts. of Ya. and N. C, supported by Naval Forces. Newbern, N. C, Feb. 1 to 3, 1864. (See Bachelor Creek.) Newbern, N. C, Feb. 29, and May 5 and 6, 1864. New Bridge, Ya., ]May 24, 1862. 4th Mich. Inf. Union, 1 killed, 10 wounded ; Confed., 60 killed and wounded, 27 ca]>tured. New Cider Mills, Tenn., Nov. 29, 1864. New Creek, W. Ya., June 17, 1861. Local Militia. New Creek, W. Ya.. Aug. 4, 1864. New Creek Yalley, W. Va., Feb. 1, 1864. Detachment of Inf. New Hope, Kv., July 11, 1862. 33d Ohio Inf. New Hope, or Orange Grove, ^'a., Nov. 28, 1863. (See Mine Run.) New Hope Church, Ga., May 25 to Jun5'4, 1864. (See Dallas.) New Kent C. H., Ya., May 9, 1862. (See Slatersville.) New Kent C. H., Ya., March 2, 1864. New Lisbon, Ohio, July 26, 1863. Por- tion of Gen. Shackleford's Cav. Surrender of Morgan and his Raid- ers. New Madrid, Mo., March 3, 1862. 5th Iowa; 59th Ind.; 39th and 63d Ohio; 2d Mich. Cav.; 7th 111. Cav. Union, 1 killed, 3 wounded. New Madrid, Mo., March 13,1862. 10th and 16th 111.; 27th, 39th, 43d, and 63d Ohio; 3d Mich. Cav.; 1st U. S. Inf. ; Bissell's Mo. Engineers. Union, 50 wounded; Confed., 100 wounded. New Madrid, ]Mo., Aug. 7, 1863. One Company 24th Mo. Inf. Union, 1 killed, 1 "wounded. New Madrid Bend, Tenn., Oct. 22, 1863. 32d Iowa Inf. New Market, Ya., May 15, 1864. Maj.- Gen. Siegei's Command, Army of \V. Ya. Union, 120 killed, 560 wound- ed, 240 missing; Confed., 85 killed, 320 wounded. New Market, \a., July 27 and 28, 1864. (See Deep Bottom.) New Market, or New IVIarket Heights, Ya., Oct. 7, 1864. 3d Div., Custer's Cav. (See, also, Darbytown Roads.) New Market Bridge, near Newport News, Ya., Dec. 22, 1861. 20th N. Y. Inf. Union, 6 wounded ; Confed., 10 killed, 20 wounded. New Market Cross Roads, Ya., June 30, 1862. (See White Oak Swamp, also. Seven Days' Retreat.) New Market Heights, Ya., June 24, 1864. New Market Heights, or Chapin's Farm, Laurel Hill, Forts Harrison and Gilmore, Ya., Sept. 28 to 30, 1864. 10th Corps; 18th Corps and Kautz's Cav. Union, 400 killed, 2,029 wounded ; Confed., 2,000 killed and wounded. LrST OF BATTLES AND ENGAGEMENTS. 171 Newman, Ga., July 30 and 31, 1864. Cav., A r ni y of the Cumberland. (McCooke's Raid.) Newport Barracks, N. C, Feb. 1 to 3, 1864. (See Bachelor Creek.) Newport News, Va., July 5, 1861. One Company, 9th N. Y. Inf. Union, 6 wounded ; Confed., 3 wounded. New Providence, Tenn., Sept. 6, 1862. New River, La., Feb. 9, 1864. New River Bridge, Va., May 9 and 10, 1864. (See Cloyd's Mountain.) Newton, La., Oct. 4, 1863. I Newton Co., Mo., Feb. 10, 1863. Newtonia, Mo., Aug. 5 and Oct. 4, 5 and 7, 1862, and Sept. 27, 1863. Newtonia, Mo., Sept. 13, 1862. 3d and 6th Mo. Militia Cav. Newtonia, Mo., Sept. 30, 1862. 1st Bri- gade, Army of Kan. ; 4th Brigade, Mo. Militia Cav. Union, 50 killed, 80 wounded, Ho missing; Confed., 220 killed, 2S0 wounded. Newtonia, Mo., Oct. 28 to 30, 1864. Col. Blunt's Cav. Confed., 250 wounded. Newtown, Va., May 24, 1862. 28th N. Y. ; 2d Mass. ; 29th Pa. ; 27th Ind. ; 3d Wis.; two battalions of Artil. Newtown, Ninevah,and Cedar Springs, Va., Nov. 12, 1864. Merritt's, Cus- ter's, and Powell's Cav. Union, 84 wounded, 100 missing; Confed., 150 missing. Newulm, Minn., Aug. 25 and 26, 1862. (Indian Fight.) New York Citv, N. Y., Julv 13 to 15, 1863. Draft Riots. Over 1,000 rioters killed and wounded. Nickajack Creek, or Smvrna, Vining Sta., Ga., July 2 to 5,'l864. Armv of the Cumberland and Army of the Tenn., under ]\Iaj.-Gen. Sherman. Union, 60 killed, 310 wounded ; Con- fed., 100 killed and wounded. Nickajack Trace, Ga., April 23, 1864. Detachment of 92d 111. Inf. Union, 5 killed, 9 wounded, 22 jn-isoners. Ninevah, Va., Nov. 12, 1864. (See Newtown.) Niobrara, Neb., Dec. 4, 1863. One Company, 7th Iowa Cav. 11 Nolansville, Md., Sept. 9, 1862. 3d Ind. and 8th 111. Cav. Nolensville, or Knob Gap, Tenn., Dec. 26, 1J62. 2d Brigade, 1st Div., Mc- Cooke's Corps. Nolensville, Tenn., Feb. 15, 1863. De- tachment of 2d Minn. Inf. Noonday Creek, Ga., June 20, 1864. (See Kenesaw Mountain.) Norfolk, Va., May 10, 1862. 10th, 20th and 99th N. Y . ; 1st Del.; 58th Pa • 20th Ind.; Kith Mass.; 1st N. Y.' Mounted Rifles ; Battery D, 4th U. S. Artil. (Surrender of Norfolk.) North Anna, Va., May 9, 1864. (See Beaver Dam Sta.) North Anna River, Va., Julv 23, 1862 2d N. Y. and 3d Ind. Cav." North Anna River, or Taylor's Bridge or Jericho Ford, Totopotomoy Crk.' Va., May 23 to 27, 1864. 2d, 5th, and 9th Corps, Army of Potomac, under Maj.-Gen. Meade. Union, 223 killed, 1,460 wounded, 290 miss- ing; Confed., 2,000 killed and wounded. Northeast River, N. C, Jan. 17, 1863. (See Pollocksville.) North Fork, Shenandoah,Va., March 6, 1865. Part of Sheridan's Cav., under Col. Thompson. North Mountain, Va., July 3, 1864. Detachment of 135th Ohio National Guards. Northport, Ala., April 3, 1865. 1st Brigade; 1st Cav. Div., Military Div. of the Miss. (Wilson's Raid.) ' North Shenandoah, Va., Oct. 5. 1864 8th Ohio Cav. Nose's Creek, Ga., June 17, 1864. Nose's Creek, Ga., Oct. 1 to 3, 1864. (See Sweetwater.) Nottaway Creek, Va., May 9, 1864. (See White's Springs.) Nottaway, C. H., Va., June 23, 1864. 3d Cav. Div., Army of Potomac. (Wilson's Raid.) Nueces River, Tex., Aug. 10, 1862. Texas Loyalists. Union, 40 killed ; Confed , 8 killed, 14 wounded. Ny River, Va., May 8 to 18, 1864. (See Spottsylvania C. H.) 172 :.IST OP BATTLES AND ENGAGEMENTS. OAK Grove, or Kinfr'? School House, or The Orchards, Va., June 25, 1862. Hooker's and Kearney's Divs., 3d Corps ; Pahner's Brigade, 4th Corps, and part of Richardson's Div., 2d Corps. Union, 51 killed, 401 wounded, 64 missing; Confed., 65 killed, 465 wounded, 11 missing. Oak Grove, Va., Oct. 15, 1863. Oak Hills, Mo., Aug. 10, 1861. (See Wilson's Creek.) Oakland, Miss., Dec. 3 and 8, 1862. 1st Ind. Cav. Oak AVoods, Va., Nov. 25, 1863. Ocean Pond, Fla., Feb. 20, 1864. (See Olustee.) Occoquan, Va., iMarch 5, 1862. Detach- ment of ()3d Pa. Inf. Union, 2 killed, 2 wounded. Occoquan, Va., Dec. 19, 1862. Detach- ment of 12th Army Corps. Occoquan, Va., Dec. 28, 1862. 2d and 17th Pa. Cav. Occoquan Bridge, Va., Jan. 29, 1862. Detachments of 37th N. Y. ; 1st N. J. Cav. Union, 1 killed, 4 wounded ; Confed., 10 killed. Occoquan Creek, Va., Nov. 12, 1861. Detachment of 1st N. Y. Cav. Union, 3 killed, 1 wounded. Occupation of Atlanta, Ga., Sept. 2, 1864. 20th Corps. Confed, 200 cap- tured. Occupation of Camden, Ark., April 15 and 16, 1864. (See Liberty P. O.) Offett's Knob, Mo., April 28, 1864. 1st INIo. ^Militia Cav. Ogeechee River, or Jenk's Bridge, or Eden Sta., or Poole's Sta., Ga., Dec. 7 to 9, 1864. 15th and 17th Corps, Army of the Military Div. of the Miss. Okalona, Ark., April 3, 1864. 27th Wis. ; 40th Iowa ; 77 Ohio ; 43d 111. ; 1st Mo. Cav. ; 13th 111. Cav. Union, 16 killed, 74 wounded ; Confed., 75 killed and wounded. (Steele's Exp.) Okalona and Mount Ivy, or Ivv Hills, Miss., Feb. 22, 1864. Smith's and Grierson's Cav. Divs. Old Church, Va., June 13, 1862. 5th U. S. Cav. Confed., 1 killed. Old Church, Va., May 30, 1864. Tor- bett's Cav., A r in y of Potomac. Union, 16 killed, 74 wounded. Old Church, A'a., June 10 and 11, 1864. 3d Div., Cav. Corps, Army of Potomac. Old Fort Wayne, or Maysville, Ark., Oct. 22, 1862. 1st Div., Army of the Frontier. Old Oaks, La., May 18, 1864. (See Bayou de Glaize.) Old Randolph, Mo., Sept. 14, 1861. Old River, Lake Providence, La., Feb. 10, 1863. Detachments from 1st Kan., 17th and 95th 111., 16th Wis. Inf., and 3d La. Cav. Old River, La., May 22, 1864. 6th Mo. Cav. Old River Lake, Ark., June 5 and 6, 1864. Olive Branch, La., March 6, 1865. 4th Wis. Cav. Union, 3 killed, 2 wounded. Olive Hill, Ky., Oct. 2, 1862. Ky. Home Guards. 01ustee,orOcean Pond and Silver Lake, Fla., Feb. 20, 1864. 47th, 48th, and 115th N. Y. ; 7th Conn. ; 7th N. H. ; 40th Mass.; 8th and 54th U. S. Colored Troops; 1st N. C. Colored Troops; Jst Mass. Cav.; 1st and 3d U. S. Artil. ; 3d R. I. Artil. Union, 193 killed, 1,175 wounded, 460 miss- ing ; Confed., 100 killed, 400 wounded. Oostenaula, Ga., May 13 to 16, 1864. (See Resaca.) Opelousas, La., Oct. 21, 1863. Frank- lin's Div. of Gen. Bank's Troops. Opequan, Va., Sept. 13, 1864. (See Lock's Ford.) Opequan, Winchester, or Belle Grove, Va., Sept. 19, 1864. 8th Corps and 2d Cav. Div., Army of AV. A'a. ; 6th Corps and 1st and 3d Cav. Divs., Army of Potomac ; 1st and 2d Divs., 19th Corps, Army of the Middle Military Div. Union, 653 killed, 3,719 wounded, 618 missing ; Confed., 5,500 killed, wounded, and missing. Operations at Mine Run, Va., Nov. 26 to 28, 1863. (See Mine Run.) I.IST OF BATTLES AND ENGAGEMENTS, 173 Orangeburor, North Edisto River, S. C, Feb. 12, 1865. 17th Corps, Army of the Tenn. Orange C. H., Va., July 25, 1862. De- tachment from Gen. Gibson's Div. Orange C. H., Va., Aug. 2, 1862. 5th N. Y. Cav. ; 1st Vt. Cav. Union, 4 killed, 12 wounded ; Confed., 11 killed, 52 captured. Orange Grove, Va., Nov. 28, 1863. (See New Hope, also Mine Run.) Orchard Knob, Tenn., Nov. 23, 1863. (See Chattanoofra.) Oregon County, Mo., Oct. 23, 1863, and March 19, 1864. Oregon Mountains, Oregon, Jan. 28, 1864. 1st Cal. Cav. Orleans, Ind., June 17, 1863. Ind. Home Guards. (Morgan's Raid.) Osage, or Island Mounds, Mo., Oct. 29, 1862. (See Butler.) Osage Mission, Kan., Sept. 26, 1864. Osage River, Mo., Oct. 6, 1864. (See Prince's Place.) Osceola, Ark., Aug. 2 and 4, 1864. 2d and 3d Mo. Militia ; 1st and 6th Mo. Cav. Osceola, Mo., Sept. 21 and 22, 1861. (See Papinsville.) Osceola, Mo., May 27, 1862. 1st Iowa Cav. Union, 3 killed, 2 wounded. Otter Creek, near Liberty, Va., June 16, 1864. Hunter's Command, in advance of Army of W. Va. Union, 3 killed, 15 wounded. Overall's Creek, Tenn., Dec. 4, 1864. (See Block House No. 7.) Overton's Hills, Tenn., Dec. 15 and 16, 1864. (See Nashville.) Owensboro', Ky., Aug. 27, 1864. 108th U. S. Colored Troops. Owensboro, Kv., Sept. 19 and 20, 1862. Ind. Home Guards ; 14th Ky. Cav. Owensburg, N. C, April 6, I860. Owen's Cross Roads, S. C, Feb. 2, 1865. Owen's River, Cal., April 9, 1862. 2d Cal. Cav. Union, 1 killed, 2 wound- ed. Owen's Valley, Cal., March 3, 1863. 2d Cal. Cav. ■ Owen's Valley, Cal., March 19 and April 10, 1863. Oxford, Miss., Dec. 3, 1862. Cav. Briaade, under Col. Hatch. Oxford, Miss., Aug. 12, 19, 22 and 2.'^,, 1864. Oxford Bend, Ark., Oct. 28, 1862. (See Cross Hollows.) Oxford Hill, Miss., Auir. 21 and 22, 1864. (See CoUegeville.) Ox Hill, Va., Sept. 1, 1862. (See Chan- tilly.) Ozark, Ark., Oct. 29, 186;]. Ozark, or Forsvthe, Mo., Aug. 2, 1862. 14th Mo. State Militia. Union, 1 wounded; Confed., 3 killed, 7 wounded. Ozark, Mo., Dec. 2, 1862. 3d and 9th Mo. Cav. Ozark, Mo., July 14 and 15, 1864. 14th Kan. Cav. PADUCAH, Ky., March 25, 1864. (See Fort Anderson.) Paint Rock R. R. Bridge, Tenn.. April 28, 1862. 10th Wis. Inf. Dec. 31, 1864. 13th Wis. Inf. Paintsville, Ky., Jan. 7, 1862. (See Jennie's Creek.) Paintsville, Kv., April 13, 1864. Kv. Inf. Palmer's Creek, Va., Mav 12 to 16, 1864. (See Fort Darlinir") Palmetto Ranch, Texas, Mav 13, 1865. 34th Ind. ; 62d U. S. Colored Troops ; 2d Texas Cav. Union, 118 killed and wounded. Palmyra, Mo., Nov. 18, 1861. Detach- ment of 2d Mo. Cav, Confed., 3 killed, 5 wounded. Palmyra, Tenn., Nov. 13, 1863. De- tachment of Mounted Inf. Palo Alto, Miss., April 21 and 22, 1863. 2d Iowa Cav. Panther Creek, Mo., Aug. 8, 1862. 1st Mo. Militia Cav. Union, 1 killed, 4 wounded. Panther Gap and Buffalo Gap, W. Va., June 3 to 6, 1864. Hayes' Bri- gade, 2d Div., Army of 'W. A^a. Union, 25 killed aiid wounded; Confed., 25 killed and wounded. 174 LIST or BATTLES AND ENGAGEMENTS. Panther Springs, Tenn., March 5, 1864. One Company, od Tenn. Inf. Union, 2 killed, 8 wounded, 22 captured. Confed., 30 wounded. Papinsville, Kan., Sept. 5, 1861. Papinsville, or Osceola, Mo., Sept. 21 and 22, 1861. 5th, 6th, and 9th Kan. Cav. Union, 17 killed. Paris, Ky., July 30, 1862. 9th Pa. Cav. Confed., 27 killed, 39 wounded. Paris, Kv., March 11 and July 29, 1868. Paris, Tenn., March 11, 1862. De- tachments of 5th Iowa and 1st Neb. Cav. ; Battery K, 1st Mo. Artil. Union, 5 killed, 5 wounded ; Confed., 10 wounded. Paris, Tenn., April 10, 1862, and Sept. 13, 1863. Parker's Cross Roads, or Red Mound, Tenn., Dec. 30, 1862. 18th, 106th, 119th, and 122d 111. ; 27th, 39th, and 63d Ohio; 50th Ind. ; 39th Iowa; 7th Tenn.; 7th Wis. Batterv. Union, 23 killed, 139 wounded, 58 missing; Confed., 50 killed, 150 wounded, 300 missing. Parkersville, Mo., July 18, 1861. (See Harrisonville.) Parkersville, Mo., Dec. 6, 1862. Pass Christian, Miss., April 4, 1862. 9th Conn, and 6th Mass. Artil. Pastasquotauk, N. C, Aug. 18, 1863. IstN. Y. Mounted Rifles; 11th Pa. Cav. Pass Manchas, La., March 20, 1864. Pattacassev Creek, or Mount Tabor Church ,"N. C, July 26, 1863. Brig.- Gen. Heck man's Trooj^s. Union, 3 killed, 17 wounded. Patten, Mo., July 26, 1862. Mo. Militia. Patterson, Mo,, April 20, 1863. 3d Mo. Militia Cav. Union, 12 killed, 7 wounded, 41 missing. Patterson Creek, or Kelly's Island, Va., June 26, 1861. 11th Ind. Inf. Union, 1 killed, 1 wounded ; Con- fed., 7 killed, 2 wounded. Patterson Creek, W. Va., Feb. 3, 1864. Pattersonville, Atchafalava River, La., March 28, 1863. Detachment of 12th Conn, and 160th N. Y. on board the U. S. Gunboat " Diana." Union, 4 killed, 14 wounded, 99 missing. Pawnee Forks, Kan., Nov. 25, 1864. One Company, 1st Col. Cav. Pawnee Reservation, Ind. Ter., June 20,1863. 2d Neb. Cav. Paw Paw Fur'ce, W. Va., Nov. 6, '02. Payne's Plantation, Miss., Aug. 18, 1863. Payne's Tavern, Va., Nov. 27, 1863. (See Robertson's Tavern, also Mine Run, Nov. 26.) Peach Orchard or Allen's Farm, Va., June 29, 1862. Richardson's and Sedgwick's Divs., 2d Corps. (See, also. Seven Days' Retreat.) Peach Tree Creek (Hood's 1st Sortie), Ga., July 20, 1864. 4th, 14th, and 20th Corps, under Maj.-Gen. Geo. H. Thomas. Union, 300 killed, 1,410 wounded ; Confed., 1,113 killed, 2,500 wounded, 1,183 missing ; Confed., Brig.-Gens. Featherstone, Long, Pet- tis, and Stevens killed. Pea Ridge, Ark., March 6 to 8, 1862. (Including engagements at benton- ville, March 6 ; Leetown, INIarch 7 ; Elkhorn Tavern, March 8.) 25th, 35th, 36th, 37th, 44th, and 59th 111. ; 2d, 3d, 12th, 15th, 17th, 24th, and Phelp's, Mo.; 8th, 18th, and 22d Ind. ; 4th and 9th Iowa ; 3d Iowa Cav. ; 3d and 15th 111. Cav. ; 1st, 4th, 5th, and 6th Mo. Cav. ; Batteries D and F, 2d Mo. Light Artil. ; 2d Ohio Batterv ; 1st Ind. Batterv ; Battery A, 2d 111. Artil. Union, 203 killed, 972 wounded, 174 missing; Confed., 1,100 killed, 2,500 wounded, 1,600 captured and missing. Union, Brig.- Gen. Aspoth and Acting Brig.-Gen. Carr wounded ; Confed., Brig.-Gen. McCuUough and Acting Brig.-Gen. Mcintosh killed. Pea Ridge, Mo., Feb. 17, 1862. (See Sugar Creek.) Pea Vine Creek, Ga., Nov. 27, 1863. (See Ringgold.) Pechacho Pass, Dak. Ter., April 15, 1862. 1st Cal. Cav. Union, 3 killed, 3 wounded. LIST OF BATTLES AND EXGAGEJIENTS. 175 Penbescott Bavou, near Osceola, Ark., April 8, 1864. Battery I, 2d Mo. Light Artil. Pendleton, Mo., Oct. 29, 1864. Pensacola, Fla., Nov. 23, 1861. (See Fort Pickens.) Pensacola, Fla., April 2, 1864. One Company, 14th N. Y. Cav. Peralto, New ]\Iexico, April 15, 18()2. 4th and 5th New Mexico Inf. Perrv County, Ark., Nov. 9, 1862. PerrVville, Ark., Aug. 26, 1863. 6th Mo. Militia ; 3d Wis. and 2d Kan. Cav. ; 2d Ind. Battery. Perrvville, or Chapin Hill, Kv., Oct. 8, 1862. 1st Corps, Army of the Ohio, Maj.-Gen. McCooke ; 3d Corps, Brig.- Gen. Gilbert. Union, 916 killed, 2,943 wounded, 489 missing ; Confed., 2,500 killed, wounded, and missing ; Union, Brig.-Gens. J. S. Jackson and Terrill killed; Confed., Brig.- Gens. Claberne, AVood, and Brown wounded. Perry ville, Ind. Ten, Aug. 26, 1863. Petersburg, Chapel Hill, and Harpeth River, Tenn., March 2 and 4, 1863. 1st Tenn. Cav. Petersburg, Ya., June 10, 1864, to April 2, 1865. (Siege of Petersburg.) Petersburg, Ya., June 10, 1864. Por- tion of loth Corps and Kautz's Cav. Union, 20 killed, 67 wounded. Petersburg, Ya., June 15 to 19, 1864. 10th and ISth Corps, Armv of the James, Maj.-Gen. B. F. Buttler ; 2d, 5th, 6th, and 9th Corps, Army of the James, ]\Iaj.-Gen. Geo. G. Meade. Union, 1,298 killed, 7,474 wounded, 1,814 missing. (Losses include those at Baylor's Farm, June 15 ; AValthal, June 16, and AVeirbottom Church, June 16.) Petersburg, Ya., June 20 to 30, 1864. (Trenches in front of Petersburg.) 5th and 9th Corps, Army of Poto- mac ; 10th and ISth Corps, Army of the James. Union, 112 killed,' 506 wounded, 800 missing ; Union, Gens. Chamberlin and Egan wounded. Petersburg. Ya., July 1 to 31, 1864. (In front of Petersburg, including Deep Bottom, New ^Market, and Alalvern Hill on the 27th, and Mine Explo- sion on the 30th.) 2d, 5th, 9th, 10th, and 18th Corps. Union, 898 killed, 4,0()0 wumidid. :',.] 10 missinir. Con- fed. loss ai 1 >.ri. I'.utt.iin, 400 killed, 600 W(iun(lc4. Port Conway, \a., St'pt. 19, 1863. Port Gibson or Tliomitson's Hill and Matrnolia Hill, Miss., I\Iav 1, 1863. 13th Cori)s, Maj.-Gen. McCMernand ; 3d Div., 17th Corps, Maj.-(ien. jNIc- Pherson ; Maj.-Gen. U. S. Grant, Commanding. Union, 130 killed, 718 wounded; Confed., 1,150 killed and wounded, 500 missing. Confed., Brig.-Gen. Tracey killed. (Includ- ing skirmishes at Bayou Pierre.) The first engagement in Grant's Camjiaign against Yicksburg. Port Gibson, INIiss., Dec. 26, 1863. Miss. Marine Brigade of Inf. and Cav. Port Gibson, ]Miss., July 7 and 15, and Oct. 1, 1864. Port Hudson, La., March 14, 1863. Troops under Gen. Banks, assisting U. S. Fleet under Athniral Farragut. Union, 65 wounded. Port Hudson, La., May 21, 1863. (See Plain's Store.) Port Hudson, La., INlav 27 to Julv 9, 1863. (Siege of Poit Hudson.) Gens. Weitzel's, G rover's, Paine's, Auger's, and Dwight's Divs., liHh Corps; Gen. Bank's Army of the Gulf and Naval Forces under Ad- miral Farragut. Union, 500 killed, 2,500 wounded ; Confed., 100 killed, 700 wounded, 6,408 prisoners. Union, Brig.-Gens. Sherman and Paine wounded. Port Hudson, La., June 11 and 14, 1863. Army of the (ndf. Port Hudson," La., April 7, 1864. (Near Port Hudson.) Detachments of 118th lU., 3d 111. Cav., 21st N. Y. Batterv. Union, 1 killed, 4 wounded. Port Republic, Ya., June 9, 1S62. 5th, 7th, 29th, and (Kith Ohio; 84th and 110th Pa.; 7th Ind.; 1st W. Ya., Battery E, 4th U. S. Artil. ; Batter- ies A and L, 1st Ohio Artil. Union, 67 killed, 361 wounded, 574 missing; Confed., 88 killed, 535 wounded, 34 missing. Port Republic, Ya., Sept. 1, 1864. Port Royal, or Port Royal Ferrv, Coosa w River, S. C, Jan. 1, ] KNUAGEMKN TS. 181 Ream's Sta., Va., June 2'.», 1S()4. Wil- son's Cav. lieam's 8ta., Va., Aug. 25, 1S()4. 2d Corps and Gregg'.sCav. Union, 127 killed, 54() wounded, l,7o<) niissiuLr; Confed., 1,500 killed and \v. Redwood, Minn., /uig. 18, 18()2. One Company, 5th JNIinn. Inf. massacred bv Indians. Ked\v(.)od Creek, Cal., July 7, 1863. One Company, 1st Battalion, Cal. Moun- taineers. (Indian Fight.) Reed's Mountain, Ark., Dec. 5, 1S()2. 2d Kan. Cav. Reedy Creek, W. \a., ]\Iay 13, 18()2. Gen. Kelly's Command. Renick, Randolph Co., Mo., Nov. 1, 1861. Union, 14 wounded. Rensey's Ferry, Mo., Mav 31, 1862. Rerock, Ariz. Ter., March 24, 1865. 1st New Mexico Cav. Resaca, or Sugar Vallev, or Oostenaula, Ga., May 13 to 16, 1864. 4th, 14tli, 20th, and Cav. Corps, Army of the Cumberland, Maj.-Gen. Thomas; 15th and 16th Corps, Army of the Tenn., Maj.-Gen. McPherson ; 20th Corps, Army of the Ohio, ]\Iaj.-Gen. Schofteld. Union, 600 killed, 2,147 wounded ; Confed., 300 killed, 1,500 wounded, 1,0()0 iiiissin4. (See Wavnesboro.) Revnold's Sta., Tenii., Aug. 27, 1862. Rhea's Mills, Ark., Nov. 7, 1862. 3d Ark. Indian Home Guards. Rheatown, Tenn., Oct. 11, 1863. 2d Brigade, Cav. Div., Armv of the Ohio. Richfield, Mo., Mav 19,' 18()3. 25th Uo. Inf. Richland, Ark., Mav 3, 18(54. 2d Ark. C\iv. Union, 20 killed. Richland, Tenn., Oct. 23, 18(52. Richland, Tenn., Sept. 2(5, 18(54. 111th U. S. Coloreil Troops. Richmond, Kv., Aug. 30, 18(52. 12th, l(5th, 55th, 6(5th, 69th, and 71st Ind. ; 95th Ohio: 18th Kv. ; (ith and 7th Ky. Cav. ; Batteries!) and G, Mich. Aftil. Union, 20 killed, 7 00 Avounded, 4,000 missing ; Confed., 250 killed, 500 wounded. 182 LIST Olf 11ATTI.ES AND ENGAGEMENTS. Jilichmond and Lexington, Kv., Julv 28, 1803. Richmond, or Roundaway Bayou, La., March 30, 1863. 69th Ind. Inf. ; de- tachment of 2d 111. Cav. Richmond, La., June 15, 1863. Gen. IVIo\ver'8 Brigade and Elliott's Miss. ]\Iariiu' IViigade. RiclniK.nd, Miss., June 14, 1863. Ricliniond, Va., Sept. 29 and 30, and Oct. 28 and 29, 1864, and March 30 to April 3, 1865. Richmond, Va., April 3, 1865. (Fall of Richmond.) Confed., 6,000 pris- oners. Richmond & Petersburg R. R., near Fort Walthal and Chester Sta., Va., May 6 and 7, 1864. Portion of 10th and 18th Corps. Union, 48 killed, 256 wounded ; Confed., 50 killed, 200 wounded. Rich Mountain, AV. Va., Julv 11, 1861. 8th, 10th, and 13th Ind.; i9th Ohio. Ujjion, 11 killed, .35 wounded ; Con- fed., 60 killed, 140 wounded, 100 prisoners. Rickett's Hill, Tenn., Aug. 6, 1862. Rickett's Hill, Tenn., Sept. 7, 1862. (See Clarksville.) Riddle's Shop, Va., June 13, 1864. (See White Oak Swamp Bridge.) Rienzi, Miss., Aug. 19, and Sept. 9 and 18, 1862. Rienzi and Kossuth, Miss., Aug. 26, 1862. 2d Iowa Cav. ; 7th Kan. Cav. Union, 5 killed, 12 wounded. Rincon de Mascaras, N. Mex., Dec. 11, 1863. Ringgold, Ga., Sept. 11, 1863. Advance of 21st Corps. Union, 8 killed, 19 wounded ; Confed., 3 killed, 18 miss- ing. Ringgold, Greysville, Peavine Creek, and Tavlor's Bridge, Ga., Nov. 27, 1863. Geary's Div., 12th Corps; Johnson's Div., 14th Corps ; Oster- house's Div., 15th Corps. Union, 68 killed, 151 wounded; Confed., 50 killed, 200 wounded, 230 missing. Rio De Los Animos, N. Mex., July 19, 1863. Rio Hondo, N. Mex., July 18, 1863. One Company, 1st N. Mex. Cav. (Indian Fiarht.') Rio Verde, Ariz. Ter., Oct. 13, 1865. Ripley, Miss., July 7, 1863. Ripley, Miss., Dec. 1, 1863. 2d Brigade, Cav. Div., Army of the Tenn. Ripley, Miss., June 7, 1864. Cav. Ad- vance of Sturgis' Troops. (Exp. to Guntown, June 5 to 10.) Ripley, Miss., June 11, 1864. 3d and 4th Iowa ; 2d N. J. ; 4th Mo. Cav. Riplev, Miss., July 7, 1864. 2d Iowa Cav. Ripley, Tenn., Jan. 8, 1863. 2d 111. Cav. Ripley, Va., Dec. 19, 1861. River's Bridge, Salkahatchie, S. C, Feb. 3 to 9, 1865. (Including engage- ments at Hickory Hill, Owen Cross Roads, Lowtonville, Duck Creek, and Whiphy's Swamp.) 15th and 17th Corps. Roach's or Brooke's Plantation, near Snvdersville, Miss., March 31, 1864. 3dU. S. Colored Cav. Roanoke, Mo., Sept. 6, 1862. Roanoke Island, "N. C, Feb. 7 and 8, 1862. 21st, 23d, 24th, 25th, and 27th Mass.; 10th Conn.; 9th, 51st, and 53d N. Y. ; 9th N. J. ; 51st Pa. ; 4th and 5th R. I., assisted by a large Naval Force. Union, .35 killed, 200 wounded; Confed., 16 killed, 39 wounded, 2,527 captured. Roan's Tanyard, Mo., Jan. 8, 1862. (See Silver Creek.) Robertson's Run, Va., Oct. 10, 1863. (See James City.) Robertson's Tavern, or Payne's Tavern, Va., Nov. 27, 1863. (See Mine Run.) Robinson's Ford, Va., Sept. 16, 1863. Robinson's Mills, Miss., Oct. 17, 1863. Rocheport, Mo., June 1, 1863. 1st Mo. Enrolled Militia; 9th Mo. Militia Cav. Rocheport, Mo., June 18, 1863. Rock Canon, Nev., Feb. 15, 1866. I Rock Castle, Ky., Oct. 21, 1861. (See 1 Wildcat.) I Rock Creek, Dak., Julv 1, 1865. I Rockford, Tenn., Dec. 14, 1863. 1st Ky. Cav.; 45th Ohio Mounted Inf. ' Union, 25 wounded. LIST Olf BArrLES ANn EN'GACiEMENTS. 183 Rock House, VT. Va., Feb. 12, ]S(U. 14th Ky. ConilMi., 12 kill.'.l, 4 wounded. Rockingham, N. C, ^Nlairh 7, 18().5. Kil- patrick's Cav. Rockport, Ark., Marcli 25, 1864. Rockport, ]\Io., Sept. 23, 1804. 3d Mo. i Mihtia Cav. ! Rockville, Md., Sept. 22, 1863. 11th I N. Y. Cav. Confed., 34 killed and j wounded. i Rockv Bluti; Mo., Aug. 7, 1862. Rocky Creek Church, Ga., Dec. 2, 1864. ! 3d Kv. and 5th Ohio. | Rockv Crossing, Miss., June 20, 1863. j 5th Ohio Cav. ; 9th 111. Mounted | Inf. Union, 7 killed, 28 wounded, i 30 missing. I Rockv Face Ridge, Ga., Feb. 25 to 27, 1864. (See Buzzard Roost.) Rockv Face Ridge, Ga., ^lav 5 to 9, 1864. (Including Tunnel Hill, Mill Creek Gap, Buzzard Roost, Snake Creek Gap, and Dalton.) Army of j the Cumberland, Maj.-Gen. Thoinas ; Army of the Tenn., ]\Iaj.-Gen. Mc- Pherson ; Army of the 3Iiss., ]\Iaj.- Gen. Sherman. Union, 200 killed, 637 wounded; Confed., 600 killed and wounded. Rocky Gap, Ky., June 9, 1863. (See ]Mo"nticello.) Rockj'^ Gap, near White Sulphur Springs, Va., Aug. 26, 1863. 3d and 8th W. Va. ; 14th'"Pa. Cav. ; 2d and 3d AV. Va. Cav. Union,- 16 killed, 113 wounded; Confed., 156 killed and wounded. Rodman's Point, near Washington, N. C, April 4, 1863. Troops under Gen. Foster. Rodnev and Port Gibson, Miss., Dec. 17 to 26, 1863. 1st Miss. Marine Brigade. Union, 2 killed. Rodney, Miss., :\Iarch 4, 1864. Cav and Inf. of Miss. Marine Brigade. Rodnev, Miss., Aug. 1, 1864. Rogersville, Ala., May 13, 1862. 1st Wis. ; 38th Ind. and detachment of Cav. Rogersville, Tenn., Nov. 6, 1863. 7th Ohio Cav. ; 2d Tenn. IMounted Inf. ; 2d III. Battery. Union, 5 killed, 12 wounded, 650 missing; Confed., 10 lei lied, 20 wounded. Rogersville, Tenn., Aug. 22, 1864. RoUa, Mo., Aug. 1, 18(54. 5th .AIo. Militia Cav. Rolla, Mo., Nov. 1, 1864. Rolling Fork, Miss., Nov. 22, 1864. 3d U. S. Colored Cav. Rolling Prairie, Ark., Jan. 23, 1864. 11th M... Cav. Union, II killed. Rolling Prairie, Ark., Feb. 4, 18()4. 8th Mo. Militia Cav. Rome, Ga., May 18, 18(i4. 2d Div., 14th Corps and Cav., Army of the Cumberland. Rome, Ga., Oct. 13, 1864. Rome Cross Roads, Ga., ^lay l(i, 1864. 16th Corps, Armv of the Tenn. Romney, AV. A'a., June 11, 1861. 11th Ind. Union, 1 wounded ; Confed., 2 killed, 1 wounded. Romnev, or Hanging Rock, AV. A'a., Dec. "23, 18(U. 4th and 8th Ohio. Union, 3 killed, .50 wounded; Con- fed., 35 killed. Romnev, or Mill Creek Alills, AV. Xa., Oct. 26, 1861. 4th and 8th Ohio; 7th AV. A'a. ; Aid. Inf. ; 2d Regiment, Potomac Home Guards; Ringgold Cav. Union, 2 killed, 15 wounded ; Confed., 20 killed, 15 wounded, 50 captured. Romney, AV. A^a., Feb. 1 6, 1 863. (Near Romney.) Detachment of il6th and 122d Ohio. Union, 72 wounded and captured. Rood's Hill, A'a., May 14, 1864. Por- tion of the Armv of AV. A^a. Rood's Hill, A'a., "^Nov. 22, LSIU. 1st and 3d Divs., Cav. Corps, Army of Potomac; 2d Cav. Div., Armv of AV. A"a. Union, 18 killed, 52 Avounded. Rosecran's Campaign in Tenn., June 23 to .30, 1863. (Froiri Murfreesboro' to Tullahoma, including engage- ments at IMiddleton, Hoover's Gap, Beech Grove, Liberty Gap, and Grav's Gaji.) Armv of the Cumber- land; 14th, 20th, and 21st Corps; Granger's Reserve Corps and Stan- 184 LIST OF BATTLES AND EN-GAGEMENTS. lev's Cav. Union, So killed, 402 1 wounded; Confed., 1,()34 killed, • wounded, and captured. I Roseville, Ark., Nov. 12, 1863. Two [ Companies, 2d Kan. Cav. Roseville, Ark., March 29 and April 15, 1864. Roseville, Ark., April 5, 1864. De- tachments of the 2d and 6th Kan. Cav., in enga,tt's Sta., or Mumfordsville, or Woodsonville, Ky., Dec 17,1861. 32d Ind. Union, 10 killed, 22 wounded ; Confed., 33 killed, 50 wounded. Rnckersville, Miss., Oct. 0, 1862. Rural Hills, Tenn., Feb. 18, 1862. 8th Kv. Cav. Confed., 16 killed. Rush Creek, Ind. Ten, Feb. 9, 1865. nth Ohio and 7th Iowa Cav. (In- dian Fight.) Russell's House, before Corinth, Miss., May 17, 1862. Gen. Smith's Brigade, 5th Div., Army of the Tenn. Russellville, Ky., July 29, 1862. 7th Ind.; Ky. Home (luards. Union, 1 wounded. Russellville, Ky., Sept. 30, 1802. 17th Ky. and Troops under Col. Harrison. Russellville, Mo., Oct. 9, 1864. Russellville, Tenn., July 1, 1862. 1st Ohio Cav. Rutherford's Creek, Tenn., March 10, 1863. 4th Cav. Brigade under Col. Minty. Rutherford's Creek, Tenn., Dec. 19, 1864. Cav. of Gen. Thomas' Army. SABINE Cross Roads, or Mansfield, and Pleasant Grove, La., April 8, 1804. Portion of 13th, leth, and 19th Corps; Cav. Div., Armv of the Dep't of the Gulf. Union, 300 killed, 1,000 wounded, 2,100 missing; ("(infed., GOO killed, 2,400 wounded, 500 miss- ing. Union, Maj.-Gen. Franklin and Brig.-Gen. Ransom wounded ; Con- fed., Maj.-Gen. Monlton and Brig.- Gen. Parsons killed. Sabine Pass, Tex., Sept. 8, 1803. Por- tion of 19th Corps, u n d e r Gen. Franklin, assisted bv Naval Force. Sabine Pass, Tex., May 25, 1865. Sur- render of Confed. Forces. Sacramento, Ky., Dec. 28,1861. 3d Ky. Cav. Union, 1 killed, 8 wounded; Confed., 30 killed. Sacramento ]\Iountains, N. Mex., Aug. 25, 1864. 1st N. Mex. Cav. Sacramento Mountains, N. Mex., July 1, 1865. Sage Creek, Dak. Ter., April 21, 1865. Sailor's Creek, or Harper's Farm, and Deatonsville, Va., April 0, 1805. 2d and 6th Corps and Sheridan's Cav. ;. 185 Union, IGtJ killed, 1,014 wounded ; Confed., 1,000 killed and wounded, 6,000 prisoners. Salem, or Sprins? River, Ark., ^larch 18, 1862. Detachments of 6th jNIo. and 3d Iowa Cav. Union, 5 killed, 10 wounded; Confed., 100 killed, wounded, and missing. Salem, Miss., Oct. 8, 1863. Cav. under Cols. McCrellis and Phillips. Salem, Miss., June 11, 1864. Salem, Mo., Dec. 3, 1861. Detachment of 10th Mo. Cav.; 13th 111. Cav. Union, 6 killed, 10 wounded; Con- fed., 16 killed, 20 wounded. Salem, :\Io., July 6 and Aug. 9, 1862. Salem, N. C, April 3, 1865. Cav. under Col. Palmer. (Stoneman's Raid.) Salem, Va., Nov. 5, 1862. (See New Baltimore.) j Salem, Va., June 21, 1864. Averill's | Cav. Union, 6 killed, 10 wounded ; Confed., 10 killed and wounded. : Salem Cemetery, Tenn., Dec. 18, 1862. (See Jackson.) Salem Church, Va., May 28, 1864. (See Hawe's Shop.) Salem Church, Va., June 2, 1864. (See Gaines' Mills, also. Cold Harbor.) Salem Heights, Va., May 3 and 4, 1863. (See Chancellorsville.) I Salem Pike, near Murfreesboro', Tenn., | March 21, 1863. 3d Tenn. Cav. j SaUne, Ind. Ter., Dec. 2, 1862. Saline Co., Mo., Julv 30, 1863. 1st and 4th Mo. Enrolled"Militia. Saline River, Ark., May 4, 1864, and ; Mav 10, I860. ■ ! Salisbury, N. C, April 12, 1865. (See [ Grant's Creek.) j Salisbury, Tenn., Aug. 11, 1862. 11th 111. Cav. Salisbury, Tenn., April 16, 1863. Salisbury, Tenn., Dec. 3, 1863. 2d Brigade, Cav. Div., Kith Corps. Salkahatchie, S. C, Feb. 3 to 9, 1865. (See River's Bridge.) Salkahatchie River, S. C, Feb. 6, 1865. Salt Lake, Va., Oct. 14, 1863. 6th W. Va. Inf. Salt Springs, Ga., Oct. 1, 1864. Saltville, Va., Oct. 2, 1864. 11th and 13th Kv.; 12th Ohio; 11th Mich.; 5th and (ith U. S. Colored Cav. ; 26th, 30th, 35th, 37th, 40th, and 45th Ky. Mounted Inf. Union, 54 killed, 190 wounded, 104 missing; Confed., 18 killed, 71 wounded, 21 missing. Saltville, Va., Dec. 20, ISW. Gfllem's and Burbridge's Cav. Salversville, Ky., Nov. 30, 1S63. 14th Ky. Inf. Samaria Church, IMalvern Hill, Va., June 15, 1864. 3d Div., Cav. Corps, Army of Potomac. Union, 25 killed, 3 wounded ; Confed., 100 killed and wounded. Samaria Church, Va., June 24, 1864. 1st and 2d Divs., Cav. Corps, Army of Potomac. Sam Jones' Surrender, Fla., May 10, 1865. (See Tallahassee.) San Andras Mountain, N. Mex., July 1, 1865. San Carlos River, Cal., ]\Iay 27, 1864. Company K, 5th Cal. Cav. Sand Creek, Ind. Ter., Dec. 9, 1864. (See Ft. Lyons.) Sandersville, or Buffalo Creek, Ga., Nov. 26, 1864. 3d Brigade, 1st Div., 20th Corps. Union, 100 missing; Confed., 100 missing. Sand Mountain and Black Warrior Creek, or Driver's Gap and Crooked Creek, Ala., jNIav 1, 1863. (Streight's Raid.) Sand ^lountain, Ala., April 30, 1865. Sandy Swamp, N. C, Dec. 18, 1863. Sandster's Sta., Va., Dec. 15, 1863. 159th N. Y. Santa Fe, Mo., July 24 and 25, 1862. 3d Iowa Cav. Union, 2 killed, 13 wounded. Santa Rosa, Fla., Oct. 9, 1861. 6th N. Y. ; Company A, 1st U. S. Artil. : Company H^ 2d U. S. Artil. ; Com- panies C and E, 3d U. S. Inf. Union, 14 killed, 29 wounded ; Con- fed., 350 wounded. Saratoga, Tenn., Oct. 26, 1861. 9th 111. Union, 4 wounded ; Confed., 8 killed, 17 wounded. Sartoria, Miss., June 4, 1863. (See Mechanicsburg.) MST oi.' IJA'l'TLKs AND liNClAOKMliNTS. Sauk Centre, :SIinn., S(>i>t. 10, 1,S62. Saulsbury, IMiss., July 2, ISiU. ;](! Iowa Cav. SauTKlers, Fla., May ID, 1S()4. (See Welaka.) Sava-e Sta., Va., June 2!t, 18()2. 2d and (itli Corps. (See, als-o. Seven Davs' Retreat.) Savannah, (Ja., Dec. 10 to 21, 1864. (Sec Siege ofSavannali.) Savannah, Tenn., April Ki, 1862. Con- fed., 5 killed, (io wounded. Scarytown, W. Va., July 17, 1861. 2d Ky.; 12th and 21st Ohio; 1st Ohio Battery. Union, 9 killed, 38 wounded. Scatterville, Ark., July 10, 1862. De- tachment of Ist Wis. Cay. Scatterville, Ark., Aug. 3, 1862. Scottsboro', Ala., Jan. 8, 1865. De- tachment of 101st U. S. Colored Troops. Scott's Farm, Ark., Feb. 12, 1864. (See Caddo (lap.) Scott's Ford, Mo., Oct. 14, 1863. Scott's Mills Road, Tenn.. Jan. 27, 1864. 13th Ky. and 23d Mich. Scottsville, Ala., April 2, 18(i5. 2d Brigade, 1st Cav. Div., Military Div. of the Miss. (Wilson's Raid.) Scrougesville and La Vergne, Tenn., Nov. 27, 1862. 5th Brigade, Sill's Div., Armv of the Ohio. Scullyville, 'ind. Ter., April 16, 1864. 3d Kan. Indian Home Guards. Seabrook's Point, S. C, June 1, 1862. Searcy, Ark., June 3, 1864. Detachment of 3d Mo. Cav. Searcy, Ark., July 4, 1864. Detachment of 3d Ark. Cav. Searcy, Ark., Sept. 6 and 13, 1864. De- tachment of 9th Iowa Cav. Searcy Landing, Little Red River, Ark., Mav 19, 1862. Detachments of 3d and 17th Mo. Inf.; 4th Mo. Cav.; Bat- terv B., 1st Mo. Light Artil. Union, 18 killed, 27 wounded ; Confed, 150 killed, wounded, and missing. Secession vi lie, or Fort Johnson, James Island, S. C, June 16, 1862. 46th, 47th, and 79th N. Y. ; 3d R. I.; 3d N. H.; 45th, 97th, and 100th Pa.; 6th and 7th Conn. ; Sth Mich. ; 28th Mass.; 1st N. Y. Engineers; 1st Conn. Artil. ; Battery E, 3d U. S. Artil. ; Battery I, 3d R. I. Artil. ; Company H, 1st Mass. Cav. Union, 85 killed, 472 wounded, 128 missing; Confed., 51 killed, 144 wounded. Secessionville, James Island, S. C, July 16, 1863. Troops under Gen. Terry, assisting U. S. Steamer " Com. McDonough." Second Assault on Fort AVagner, S. C, July 18, 1863. (See Fort Wagner.) Second Assault on Port Hudson, La., June 14, 1863. (See Port Hudson.) Second Assault on Vicksburg, ]\Iiss., May 20, 1863. (See Vicksburg.) Section 37, N. & N. W. R. R., Tenn., Nov. 24, 1864. Sedalia, Mo., April 9, 1863. Sedalia, Mo., Oct. 15, 1864. 1st and 7th Mo. Militia Cav. (Price's Invasion.) Selma, Ala., April 2, 1865. 2d Cav. Div., Military Div. of the Miss. (Wilson's Raid.) ■ Senatobia, Miss., Mav 25, 1863. 3d 111. Cav. Seneca, Md., June 11, 1863. 6th INIich. Cav. Seneca Sta., Buffalo Creek, Ind. Ter., Sept. 14,1863. 1st Ark. Seven Days' Retreat, Va., June 26 to July 1, 1862. (Including engage- ments atMechanicsville, or Ellison's Mills, on the 26th ; Gaine's Mills, or Cold Harbor and Chiekahomiin-.on the 27th ; Peach Orcliardaiid SaVa<;e Sta., on the 29th ; White ( )ak Swamp, or Charles City Cross Roads, Glen- dale, Nelson's Farm, Frazier's Farm, Turkey Bend and New Market Cross Roadsj on the 30th ; and Malvern Hill, on July 1st.) Army of Potomac, Maj.-Gen. Geo. B. McClellan com- manding. Union, 1st Corps, Brig.- Gen. McCall's Div., 253 killed, 1,240 wounded, 1,581 missing; 2d Corps, Maj.-Gen. E. V. Sumner, 187 killed, 1,076 wounded, 848 missing ; 3d Corps, Maj.-Gen. Heintzelman, 189 killed, 1,051 wounded, 833 missing; 4th Corps, Maj.-Gen. E. D. Keyes, LIST OF BATTLES AND ENGAGEMENTS. 187 69 killed, 507 wounded, 201 missing ; 5th Corps, Maj.-Gen. Fitz-.Tohn Porter, 620 killed, 2,460 wounded, 1,198 missing ; 6th Corps, Maj.-Gen. Franklin, 245 killed, 1,313 wounded, 1,179 missing; Cav., Brig.-Gen. Stoneman, 19 killed, 60 wounded, 97 missing; Engineer Corps, 2 wounded, 21 missing ; Total, 1,582 killed, 7,709 wounded, 5,958 missing. Maj.- Gen. Sumner, Brig.-Gens. Meade, Brookes, and Burns wounded ; Con- fed., Maj.-Gen. Hager's Div., 187 killed, 803 wounded, 360 missing; Maj.-Gen. Magruder's Div., 258 killed, 1,495 wounded, 30 missing ; Maj.-Gen. Longstreet's Div., 763 killed, 3,929 wounded, 239 missing ; Maj.-Gen. Hill's Div., 619 killed, 3,251 wounded ; Maj.-Gen. Jack.?on's Div., 966 killed, 4,417 wounded, 63 missing ; Maj.-Gen. Holme's Div., 2 killed, 52 wounded; Maj.-Gen. Stuart's Cav., 15 killed, 30 wounded, 60 missing; Artil., Bris.-Gen. Pen- dleton, 10 killed, .34 wounded ; Total, 2,820 killed, 14,011 wounded, 752 missing. Brig.-Gen. Griffith killed, and Brig.-Gens. Anderson, Feather- stone, and Pender wounded. Seven Pines and Fair Oaks, Va., Mav 31 and June 1, 1862. 2d, 3d, and 4th Corps, Armv of Potomac. Union, 890 killed, ■ 3,627 wounded, 1,222 missing; Con fed., 2,800 killed, 3,897 wounded, 1,.')00 missing. Union, Brig.-Gens. Howard, Naglee, and Wessells wounded ; Confed., Brig.- Gen. Hatton killed, and Gen. J. E. Johnson and Brig.-Gen. Rhoads w o u n d e d ; Brig.-Gen. Pettigrew captured. Shadv Springs, W. Va., Aug. 28, 1862, and Julv 14, 1863. 2d W. A^a. Cav. Shanghai, Mo., Sept. 27, 1861. Shanghai, Mo., Oct. 13, 1861. (See West Glaize.) Shannon Hill, Va., May 4, 1863. 5th N. Y. Cav. (Stoneman's Raid.) Sharon, Miss., Feb. 27, 1864. Sharpsburg, Md., Sept. 17, 1862. (See Antietam.) 12 Shawnee Mound, Mo., Dec. 18, 1861. (See IMilford.) Shawneetown, Kan., June 6, 1863. Shelbina, ]Mo., Sept. 4, 1861. 3d Iowa. Shelbourne, Mo., Sept. 15, 1862. Mo. Militia. Shelbv Depot, Tenn., Oct. 23, 1862. 55th 111. Shelbyville, Tenn., June 6, 1863. (See Murfreesboro'.) Shelbyville, Tenn., June 27, 1863. (See Guy's Gap.) Shelbyville Pike, Tenn., June 4, 1863. Shelbvville Pike, Tenn., June 24, 1863. (See Middleton.) Shelbyville Pike, Tenn., Oct. 7, 1863. (Near Farmington.) 1st, 2d, and 4th Ohio; 2d'Ky. Cav.; Wilder's Brigade of ^Mounted Inf. (See, also, Farmington.) Shell's Mills, Ark., Oct. 10, 1862. Shepherdstown, Va., Sept. 20, 1862. (See Blackford's Ford.) Shepherdstown, Va., Oct. 1, 1862. 8th 111.; 8th Pa.; 3d Ind. Cav.; Pen- nington's Batterv. Union, 12 wound- ed ; Confed., 60 killed. Shepherdstow^n, Va., Julv 16. 1863. 1st, 4th, and 16th Pa. ; 10 N. Y. and 1st Me. Cav. Confed., 25 killed, 75 wounded. Shepherdstown, Va., Aug. 25, 1864. (See Smith field.) Shepherdsville, Ky., Sept. 21, 1862. Col. Grangers' Command. Sheridan's Cav. Raid in Va., ]\Iay 9 to 13, 1864. (Including engagements at Beaver Dam Sta., South Anna Bridge, Ashland, and Yellow Tavern.) Union, 50 killed, 1 7 4 wounded, 200 missing; Confed., Maj.-Gens. J. E. B. Stuart killed and J. B. Gordon wounded. Sheridan's Raid in A^a., Feb. 27 to March 25, 1865, 1st and 3d Divs., Cav. Corps, Army of Potomac. Union, ,35 killed and wounded ; Con- fed., 1,667 captured. Sherwood, Uo., INIay 18, 1863. 29th U. S. Colored Troops ; Detachment of 2d Kan. Artil. Shiloh, or Pittsburg Landing, Tenn.. 188 LIST OF BATTLES AN'l) ENGAGEMENTS. April 6 and 7, 1862. Armv of Western Tenn., Maj.-Gen. U. S. Grant connnanding. 1st Div., Maj.- Gen. McClernand; 2d Div., Maj.- Gen. C. F. Smith ; 3d Div., Brig.- Gen. Wallace; 4th Div., Brig.- Gen. Hurlburt ; 5th Div., Brig.-Gen. Sherman ; 6th Div., Brig.-Gen. Pren- tiss. Army of the Ohio, Maj.-Gen. D. C. Buell commanding. 2d Div., Brig.-Gen. Cooke ; 4th Div., Brig.- Gen. Nelson ; 5th Div., Brig.-Gen. Crittenden and 21st Brigade of the 6th Div., assisted by U. S. Gunboats " Tvler " and " Lexington." Union, 1,735 killed, 7,882 wounded, 3,956 captured ; Confed., 1,728 killed, 8,012 wounded, 959 captured. Union, Brig.-Gens. Sherman and Wallace wounded, and Brig.-Gen. Prentiss captured. Confed., Maj.-Gen. A. S. Johnson, Commander-in-Chief, and Brig.-Gen. Gladdin killed. Maj.- Gen. Cheatham, and Brig.-Gens. Clarke, B. R. Johnson, and Bowen wounded. Ship's Gap, Tavlor's Bridge, Ga., Oct. 16, 1864. 1st* Div., 15th Corps. Shirley's Fork, Spring River, Mo., Sept. 20, 1862. 2d Kan. Indian Home Guards. Shoal Creek, Ala., Nov. 0, 1864. 5th Cav. Div., Army of the Cumber- land. Sibley's Landing, Mo., Oct. 6, 1862. (See Libert\ .) Sibley's Landing, Mo., March 30, 1863. Massacre on Steamer " Sam Gaty," Mo. Militia, Citizens, and Contra- bands. Siege of Atlanta, Ga., July 28 to Sept. 2, 1864. Armies of the Cumberland, Tenn. and Ohio, under Maj.-Gen. W. T. Sherman. Siege of Corinth, Miss.,Apr. 30 to May 30, '62. Maj.-Gen. Halleck's Army. Siege of Fort Wagner, Morris Island, S. C, July 10 to Sept. 6, 1863. (See Fort Wagner.) Siege of Knoxville, Tenn., Nov. 17 to Dec. 4, 1863. Army of the Ohio, Maj.-Gen. Burnside connnanding. Siege of Mobile, Ala., March 26 to April 9, 1865. (Including Spanish Fort and Fort Blakely.) 13th and 16th Corps, assisted by Naval Force. Union, 213 killed, 1,211 wounded; Confed., 500 killed and wounded, 2,952 missing and captured. Siege of Petersburg, Va., June 15, 1864, to April 2, 1865. 10th and 18th Corps, Army of the James ; 2d, 5th, 6th, and 9th Corps, Army of Poto- mac. Siege of Port Hudson, La., May 27 to July 9, 1863. Portion of 19th Corps, Gen. Bank's Army of the Gulf, and Naval Forces under Admiral Farra- gut. Union, 500 killed, 2,500 wounded; Confed., 100 killed, 700 wounded, 6,408 prisoners. Siege of Savannah, Ga., Dec. 10 to 21, 1864. 14th, 15th, 17th, and 20th Corps of Sherman's Army. LTnion, 200 wounded ; Confed., 800 missing. Siege of Suffolk, Ya., April 12 to May 4, 1863. Armv of Va. ; Army of dep't of N. C. Union, 44 killed, 202 wounded ; Confed., 500 killed and wounded, 400 captured. Siege of Vicksbursjr, Miss., May 18 to July 4, ]8(v',. ' 13th Corps, 15th Corps, and 17th Corps, under Maj.- Gen. IJ. S. Grant, assisted by Gun- boat Fleet under Admiral Porter, afterward three Divs. of the 16th Corps, two Divs. of the 9th Corps and Maj.-Gen. Herron's Div. were added. (Including Assault on Fort Hill, May 19 and the General Assault, May 20, in which Confed. Brig.-Gen. Green was killed.) Union, 545 killed, 3,688 wounded, 303 missing; Confed., 31,277 killed, wounded, and prisoners. Siege of Washington, N. C, March 30 to April 16, 1863. Troops under Maj.-Gen. Foster assisted by Naval Force. Siege of Yorktown, Va., April 5 to May 3, 1862. 2d, 3d, and 4th Corps, Army of Potomac. Silver Creek, Ala., Nov. 9, 1864. Silv< r Creek, Ga., Oct., 13, 1864. LIST OF BATTLES AND EN'GAGE.MENTS. Silver Creek, or Roan's Tanvard, or Suo^r Creek, Mo., Jan. 8, 1862. De- tachments of 1st and 2d Mo. ; 4th Ohio and 1st Iowa Cav. Union, 5 killed, 6 wounded; Confed., 80 wounded. Silver Lake, Fla., Feb. 20, 18&4. (See Olustee.) Silver Run, Favetteville, N. C. March 13, 1865. Advance of 14th and 17th Corps. Simmsport, La., Ma}^ 18, 1864. (See Bavou de Glaize.) Simmsport, La., Oct. 6, 1864. Simpsonville, Kv., Jan. 25, 1865. 5th r. S. Colored Cav. Sinking Creek. Va., Xov. 26, 1862. (See Cold Knob ^Mountain.) Sinkpole Woods, Mo., March 2.3, 1862. Sipsey Swamp, Ala.. April 6, 1865. 1st Cav. Brigade, 1st Div., Military Div. of the Miss. (Wilson's Raid.) Six Mile Creek, Ala., March 31, 1865. (See Montavallo.) Six Mile House, Weldon R. R., Ya., Aug. 18 to 21, 1864. 5th and 9th Corps ; Kautz's Cav. and Gregg's Cav. Union, 212 killed, l,lo5 wounded, 3,176 missing; Confed., 2,000 wounded, 2,000 missing. Con- fed., Brig.-Gens. Saunders and La- mar killed, and Brig.-Gens. Claig- man. Barton, Finnegan, and Ander- son wounded. Skeet, or Swan's Headquarters, N. C, March 4, 1863. 3d N. Y. Cav. Skull Yalley, Ariz. Ter., May 26, 1865. Slatersville, or New Kent C. H., Ya., I\Iay 9, 1862. 9Sth Pa. ; 2d R. I. ; 6th ! U. S. Cav. Union. 4 killed, 3 wound- 1 ed ; Confed., 10 killed, 14 wounded. I Slaughter Mountain, Ya., Aug. 9, 1862. 1 (See Cedar Mountain.) Slaughterville, Kv., Sept. 3, 1862. Fos- ter's Cav. Confed., 3 killed, 2 Avounded, 25 captured. Smithfield, Kv., Jan. 5, 1865. 6th U. S. Colored troops. Smithfield, Ya., Feb. 13, 18(53. 12th Pa. Cav. Smithfield,Va., Sept. 15, 1863. Detach- ments of 1st N. Y. and 12th Pa. Cav. Smithfield, Ya., Feb. 1, 1864. Detach- ments of 99th N. Y., 21st Conn., 20th N. Y. Cav., 3d Pa. Artil. and Marines from U. S. Gunboats " Min- nesota " and " Smith Briggs." Union, 90 missing. Smithfield, or Cherrv Grove, Ya., April 14, 1864. 9th N."J.: 23d and 25th Mass.; 118th N. Y. Union, 5 wound- ed ; Confed., 6 wounded. Smithfield and Shepherdstown, or Kearneysville, Ya., Aug. 25, 18(i4. Merritt's and 3Iilton"s Cav., Armv of Potomac. L^nion, 20 killed, 61 wounded, 100 missing; Confed., 300 killed and wounded. Smithfield, Ya., Aus. 29, 1864. .3d Div., 6th Corps and Torbett's Cav. Union, 10 killed, 90 wounded; Confed., 200 killed and wounded. Smithsburg, Md., July 4, 1863. (See "Monterey Gap.) Smith's Exp. from La Grange, Tenn., to Tupelo, Miss., Julv 5 to 18, 1864. 1st and 3d Divs., 16th Corps; One Brigade, U. S. Colored Troops and Grierson's Cav. Union, 85 killed, 567 wounded; Confed., 110 killed, 600 wounded. Smith's Farm, X. C, ]\rarch 16, 1865. (See Averysboro'.) Smith's Raid from Germantown,Tenn., to JNIiss., Feb. 10 to 25, 1864. 4th Mo. ; 2d X. J. ; 19th Pa. ; 2d Iowa ; 2d, 3d, 6th, 7th, 9th, and 11th 111.; 3d Tenn. ; 4th U. S. and 5th Kv. Cav., and 72d Ind. Mounted Inf. (Smith's and Grierson's Cav.) Union, 43 killed, 267 wounded ; Confed., 50 wounded. 300 cajitured. Smith's Sta., Ind. Ter., Mav 12. 1864. 1st Xeb. Cav. Smith's Surrender, May 26, 1865. Sur- render of Kirbv Smith to Maj.-Gen. Canby's Command. Confed., 20,000 prisonei-s. Smithville, Ark., June 18, 1862. Union, 2 killed, 4 wounded; Confed., 4 wounded, 15 prisoners. Smoky Hill, Col., ]\Iay 16, ISCA. One Company, 1st Col. Cav.- McLain's Colored Battery. 100 LIST OF BATTLKS AND ENGAGEMENTS. Smoky Hill Crossinfr, Kan., Aug. 16, 1864. Detachments of 7th Iowa and U. S. Cav. Smyrna, Ga., July 2 to 5, 1864. (See Nickajack Creek.) Snaggv Point, La., .Mav 3, 1864. (See City Belle.) Snake Creek Gap, Ga., May 8, 1864. 15th Corps, Army of the Tenn. Snake Creek Gap, Ga., Oct. 15, 1864. Portion of Armv of the Tenn. Snia Hills, Mo., April 29 and May 21, 1864. 2(1 Col. Cav. Snicker's Gap, Va., Nov. 2, 1862. Bat- teries of 2d Corps, xirniy of Poto- mac. Snicker's Gap,Va., July 17, 1864. Armv of W. Va. Snicker's Gap, Va., Aug. 13, 1864. (Near Snicker's Gap.) 144th and 149th Ohio. Union, 14 killed, 10 Avounded, 200 missing; Confed., 2 killed, 3 wounded. Snicker's Gap Pike, Va., Aug. 19, 1864. Detachment of 5th Mich. Cav. Union, 30 killed, 3 wounded. The wounded and all prisoners put to death by Mosby's Guerrillas. Snicker's Ferrv and Berryville, Va., Nov. 30, 1862. 1st Cav. Brigade, Staehl's Div. Snicker's Ferrv, Island Ford, Shenan- doah RiveV, Va., July 18, 1864. Army of W. Va. ; portion of the 6th Corps. Snow Hill, Tenn., April 2 and 3, 1863. (See "Woodburv.) Snyder's Blulf, Miss., April 30, 1863. Portion of the 15th Corps. Snydersville, Miss., March 31, 1864. (Near Snydersville.) 3d U. S. Col- ored Cav. Union, 16 killed, 3 wounded ; Confed., 3 killed, 7 wounded. Soldier's Grove, Cal., Sept. 26, 1864. Solomon's Gap, and Mi(ldleton, Frede- rick City, Md., July 7, 1864. 8th 111. Cav. ; Potomac Home Brigade and Alexander's Baltimore Battery. Union, 5 killed, 20 wounded. Somerset, Ky., Jan. 19 and 20, 1862. (See Mill Springs.) Somerset, Kv., INIarch 30, 1863. (See Dutton's Hill.) Somerville, Tenn., Jan. 3, 1863. Sonierville, Tenn., March 29, 1863. 6th HI. Cav. Union, 9 killed, 29 wounded. Somerville Heights, Va., INIay 7, 1862. 13th Ind. Union, 2 killed, 7 wounded, 24 missinsj:. Sounding Gap, Tenn., March 16, 1862. (See Pound Gap.) South Anna, near Hanover C. H., Va., June 26, 18()3. 2d Mass. ; i2th 111. Inf. ; 11th Pa. Cav. South Anna Bridge, Va., Mav 9 to 13, 1864. South Anna River, Va., March 15, 1865. 5th U. S. Cav. South Branch, Edisto River, S. C, Feb. 9, 1865. (See Binna-her's Bridge.) South Branch of the AVatouwan, Minn., ! April 16, 1863.' (See Medalia.) I Soutli Fork, Fla., Feb. 9 and 10, 1864. (ScH- Barber's Place.) I South Fork, Jno. Day's River, Ore., April 16, 1865. One Companv, 1st Ore Cav South' Fork, Va., Nov. 9, 1862. (See Moorefield.) South INIills, N. C, April 19, 1862. (See Camden.) South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14, 1862. (See Turner's Gap.) South Quav, Va., April 17, 1863. 99th and 130th N. Y. South Quav Bridge, Nansemond River, Va.. May 1, 1863. 99th N. Y. Inf. South Tunnel, Tenn., Oct. 10, 1864. 40th U. S. Colored Troops. South Union, Kv., IVIav 13, 1863. Southwest Creek, N. C., Dec. 13, 1862. 8th N. J. ; 85th Pa. ; 3d N. Y. Cav. : 3d N. Y. Artil. Southwest Mountain, Va., Aug. 9, 1862. (See Cedar IMountain.) Spanish Foit, Ala., ?.Iarch 26 to April 8, 1865. 13th and 16tb Corps, assisted by Naval Fleet. Union. 100 killed, 695 wounded ; Confed., 552 killed, wounded, and missing. Spanish Fork Canon, Utah Ter.. April 15, 1863. 2d Cal. Cav. (Indian Fight.) LIST OF BATTLES AND ENGAGEMENTS. 191 Sparta, Tenn., Auo;. 4, 1862. Detach- ments of 4th Kv. and 7th Ind. Cav. Sparta, Tenn., Aug. 9, 18()3. Cav., Army of the Cumberland. Union, 6 killed, 25 wounded. Sparta, Tenn., Nov. 26, 1863. Ist Tenn. and 9th Pa. Cav. Confed., 1 killed, 2 wounded. Sperrvville, Va., July 5, 1862. 1st Me. Cav. Spoonville, Terrenoire Creek, Ark., April 2, 1864. 29th Iowa ; 9th Wis. ; 50th Ind.; 1st Mo. Cav. (Steele's Exp.) Union, 10 killed, 3 5 wounded ; Confed., 100 killed and wounded. Sportinij Hill, near Harrisburo:, Pa., June 30, 1863. 22d and 37th N. Y. Militia and Lander's Battery. Spottsylvania, Va., INIay 8 to IS, 1864. (Including Fredericksburg Road, Laurel Hill, and Ny River.) Army of Potomac, Maj.-Gen. Meade com- manding; 2d Corps, Maj.-Gen. Han- cock ; 5th Corps, ]Maj.-Gen. Warren ; 6th Corps, Maj.-Gen. Wright; 9th Corps, Maj.-Gen. Burnside, a n d Sheridan's Cav. Union, 4,177 killed, 19,687 wounded, 2,577 missing ; Con- fed., 1,000 killed, 5,000 wounded, 3,000 missing. Union, Maj.-Gen. Sedgwick and Brig.-Gens. Rice, Owens, and Stevenson killed ; Brig.- Gens. Robertson, Bartlett, Morris, and Baxter wounded. Confed., Gens. Daniels and Perrin killed; Hayes and Walker wounded, and Maj.-Gen. E. Johnson and Brig.-Gen. Stewart captured. Spottsvlvania C. H., Va., April 30, 1863. 6th N. Y. Cav. Union, 58 killed and wounded. Spring Creek, Ind. Ter., June 6, 1863. Spring Creek, Mo., Aug. 23, 1862. Springfield, near Texas, Ky., Oct. 6, 1862. Advance of 3d Corps. Springfield, Mo., Aug. 10, 1861. (See Wilson's Creek.) Springfield, Mo., Oct. 5, 1861, and Dec. 16, 1863. Springfield, or Zagoni's Charge, Mo., Oct. 25, 1861. Fremont's Body Guards and White's Prairie Scalps. L^nion, 18 killed, 37 wounded; Con- fed., 106 killed. Springfield, Mo., Feb. 13, 1862. Springfield, Mo., Jan. 7 and 8, 1863. Mo. Militia; Convalescents and Citizens. Union, 14 killed, 144 wounded ; Confed., 40 killed, 200 wounded and mi-ssing ; Union, Brig.- Gen. Browne wounded. Springfield, W. Va., Feb. 3, 1864. Cav. under Col. Thompson. Springfield Landing, La., July 2, 1863. 2d R. I. Cav. Spring Hill, Mo., Oct. 27, 1861. One Company, 7th Mo. Cav. Union, 5 wounded. Spring Hill, Tenn., March 4 and 5, 1863. (See Thompson's Station.) Spring Hill, or Mount Carmel, Tenn., Nov. 29, 1864. 4th Corps and Cav. Spring Hill, Va., Dec. 10, 1864. Spring River, Ark., March 18, 1862. (See Salem.) Spring River, Ark., Feb. 9, 1864. (See j Morgan's Mills.) Spring River, Mo., Sept. 1, 1862. Spring River, Mo., Feb. 19, 1863. One Company, 9th Kan. Inf. Stahel's Recon. in Va., Nov. 30, 1862. Stannardsville and Burton's Ford, Rapidan, Va., March 1, 18(54. 1st, 2d, 5th, and 6th U. S. ; 6th Pa. ; 1st N. Y.; 1st N. J. Cav. Union, 10 wounded ; Confed., 30 captured. Stanford, or Lancaster, Ky., Oct. 14, 1862. Advance Troops of Armv of the Ohio. State Creek, near Mount Sterliny-, Kv., June 11, 1863. 1st Tenn. and 14th Ky. Cav. Statesboro, Ga., Dec. 4, 1864. Detach- ment of 15th Corps. St. Augustine, Fla., Dec. 30, 18()3. 10th Conn, and 24th Mass. L'nion, 4 killed. Staunton Bridge, Va., June 24, 1864. 3d Div., Cav. Corps, and Kautz's Cav. (Wilson's Raid.) Staunton Road, Va., June 1 and 2, 1862. (See Strasburg.) 11)2 •:8 AM) ENt:A( St. Catherine's Creek, near Natchez, Miss., Jnlv 28, 1863. Detachment of 72.1 Ill.'lnf. St. Charles, White River, Ark.,- June 17, 1862. 43d and 4()th Ind., assisted by U. S. Gunboats " Lexington," "Mound Citv," " Connestoga," and "St. Louis."" Union, 105 killed, 80 wounded; Confed., 155 killed, wounded, and captured. St. Charles, Ark., June 25 to 29, 1864. (See Clarendon.) St. Francis County, Mo., April 8, 1863. Detachment of Cav. and one Com- pany, 4th Iowa Cav., under Maj. Winslow. St. Francois River, Mo., April 30 and May 1 , 1863. (See Chalk Bluil'. ) St. George's Creek, Ohio, July 19, 1863. (See Buffington Island.) St. John's Bluff, Fla., Oct. 3, 1862. Troops under Gen. Branan, assisted bv Naval Force. St. John's River, Fla., May 23, 1864. (See Horse Landing.) St. Louis, Mo., Mav 10, 1861. (Camp Jackson.) 1st, 3d, and 4th Mo. Re- serve Corps ; 3d Mo. Inf. Confed., 639 prisoners. St. Louis, Mo., May 10, 1861. 5th Mo. Reserve Corps attacked hv Rioters. St. Marv's Church, Va., June 7, 1864. St. Mary's River, Fla., Feb. 9 and 10, 1864. (See Barber's Place.) St. Marv's Trestle, Fla., July 26, 1864. 75th Oliid ^Mounted Inf. SteaiiuM- "Clara I^cil," Carrolton Land- inir, Carolina Bend, Miss., July 24, 18()4. (>th :Mich. Artil. Sterhiiu'V Plantation, La., Dec. 12,1863. Battery E, 1st Mo. Artil. Union, 3 killed," 3 wounded. Sterling's Plantation, near Morganzia, La., Sept. 29, 1863. 19th Iowa and 26th Ind. Stevensburg, Va., Nov. 7, 1863. 3d Cav. Div.,^ Army of Potomac. Steven's Gap, Ga", Sept. 11, 1863. (See Dug Gap.) Stevenson, Ala., Auer.) Snli)hur Springs Bridge and Wliiti'- port, Va., Aug. 11, 1864. 1st and 3d 194 LIST OF BATTLES AND ENGAGEMENTS. Divs. and Reserve Cav. Bx-igade, Armv of Potomac. Summerville, Mi^s., Nov. 26, 1802. 7th 111. Cav. Confed., 28 captured. Summerville, Tenn., Dec. 24 and 25 1863. (See Boliver.) Summerville, Va., Feb. 9, 1863. Cav. under Major Knox. Summerville Ford, Va., Sept. 16, 1864. Summerville, W. Va., Aug. 26, 1861. (See Cross Lanes.) Summit Point, Va., Oct. 27, 1863. Summit Point, Berryville and Flowing Springs, Va., Aug. 21, 1864. 6th Corps and Merritt's and Wilson's Cav. Union, 600 killed and wounded; Confed., 400 killed and wounded. Sumterville, S. C, ^Nlanh 2.;, 1865. Sumterville, S. C, April •), 1865. Troops of the Dep't of the South. Sunnyside Landing, Ark., June 7, 1864. Sunshine Church, Ga., Julv 31, 1864. (See Hillsboro'.) Supply Train, Tenn., Oct. 23, 1863. 79th Ind. Sutherland Sta., Va., April 2, 1865. Sutti.n, Va., Sept. 2:'., 1S(;2. 10th W. Va. Suwano Cap, X. ('., .\i)ril 23, 1865. CJillem's Cav. Swallow's Bluff, Tenn., Sept. 30, 1863. 7th Kan and 7th 111. Cav. Swan Lake, Ark., April 23, 1864. 5th Kan Cav. Swan's Quarters, or Swan's Head- quarters, N. C, March 4, 1863. (See Skeet.) Sweden's Cove, Tenn., June 4, 1862. (See Jasper.) Sweetwater, Nose's Creek and Powder Springs Creek, Ga., Oct. 1 to 3, 1864. Kilpatrick's Cav., Army of the Cumberland. Sweetwater, Tenn., Oct. 24, 1863. Cav., Army of the Ohio. Swift Creek, S. C, April 19, 1865. Troops of the Dep't of the South. Swift Creek, or Arrowfield Church, Va., May 9 and 10, 1864. 10th and ISth Corps, Armv of the James. Union, 90 killed, 400 wounded ; Con- fed., 500 missing. Swift Creek Bridge, N. C, June 27, 1862. Switzler's Mills, Mo., Aug. 10, 1862. (See Grand River.) Sycamore Church, near Petersburg, Va., Aug. 3, 1862. 3d Pa. Cav. ; 5th U. S. Cav. Union, 2 wounded ; Con- fed., 6 wounded. Sycamore Church, Va., Sept. 1(5, 1864. 1st D. C. and 13th Pa. Cav. Union, 400 killed, wounded, and cai)tured; Confed., 50 killed and w ounded. Sykestown, Mo., JNlarch 1, 1862. 10th 111. and 7tli 111. Cav. Sylamore, Ark., May 28 and 29, 1862. 10th Mo. and 3d Iowa Cav. Sylvan Grove, Ga., Nov. 26, 1864. 8th Ind. and 7th Ky. Cav. Syracuse, Mo., Oct. 14, 1863. TABERVILLE, Ark., July 20, 1862. Taberville, Ark., Aug. 11, 1862. 1st Mo. and 3d Wis. Cav. Taberville, Mo., Aug. 2, 1862. (See Clear Creek.) Table Mountain, Nev., May 20,1865. Tah-Kah-O-Kuty, Dak., July 28, 1864. 8th Minn. Mounted Inf.; 6th and 7th Iowa ; Dak. Militia Cav. ; Brack- ett's Minn. Cav. (Indian Fight.) Tahlequah, Ind. Ter., JNIarch 30, 1863. 3d Kan. Indian Home Guards. Talbot's Ferry, Ark., April 19, 1862. 4th Iowa Cav. Union, 1 killed ; Confed., 3 killed. Talbot's Sta. and Mossy Creek, Tenn., Dec. 29, 1863. 1st Brigade, 2d Div., 23d Cor]is ; 1st Tenn. Cav. : 1st Wis. Cav. ; 2d and 4th Ind. Cav. ; 24th Ind. Batterv. Tallaliatcl:ie,"Fla., June 18, 1862. Tallahatchie, Miss., Oct. 13, 1863. (See Wyatt.) Tallabatchie River, IMiss., Aug. 7 to 9, 1864. Cav. and Inf., 16th Corps. Tallahassee, Fla., May 10, 1865. Sur- render of Sam Jones' Command to Troops under Gen. McCooke. Con- fed., 8,000 prisoners. Talladega, Ala., April 22, 1865. Ist LIST OF BATTLES AND ENGAGEMENTS. 195 Brigade, 1st Cav. Div., Military Div. of the Miss. (Wilson's Raid.) Tanner's Bridge, near Rome, Ga., May 15, 1864.' 2d Cav. Div., Army of the Cumberland. Union, 2 killed, 16 wounded. Taylor's Bridge, Ga., Oct. 16, 1864. (See Ship's Gap.) Taylor's Bridge, Xa., May 25 to 27, 1864. Tavlor's Ford, Waukauga River, Tenn., Nov. 10, 1861. Loval Citizens. Taylor's Hole Creek, N. C, March 15, 1865. Kiljiatrick's Cav. Tavlor's Ridtre, Ga., Nov. 27, 1863. (See Ringgold.) Tavlor's Surrender., Tenn., May 4, 1865. Confed. loss 10,000. Taylorsville, Ky., April 18, 1865. Tavlorsville, South Anna River, Va., Feb. 29, 1864. 6th N. Y. Cav. (Kil- patrick's Raid.) Tazeville, Tenn., Au?. 6, 1862. 16th and 42d Ohio; 14tli and 22d Ky.; 4th Wis. Battery. Union, o killed, 23 wounded, 50 missing; Confed., 9 killed, 40 wounded. Tazeville, Tenn., .Tan. 24, 18(54. 34th Ky.; 116th and 118th Ind.; 11th Tenn. Cav.; 11th Mich. Battery. Tebb's Bend, Kv., .Tuly 4, 1864. (See Green River Bridge.) Ten Islands, or Jackson's Ford, Coosa River, Ala., July 14, 1863. 8th Ind. and 5th Iowa Cav. (Rousseau's Raid.) Ten Miles from Columbus, Kv., Jan. 18, 1865. Tenn. Cav. Terrapin Creek, Ala., Oct. 30, 1864. (See Ladij's.) Terre Noiiv ( 'ivck, Ark., April 2, 1864. I (•^'■•■S|) i-ville.) Terrisvillr, Cosby Creek, Tenn., Jan. 14, 18()4. Detachments of 15th Pa. and 10th Ohio Cav. Texas Co., I\Io., Sept. 12, 1863. 5th Mo. Militia Cav. The Cedars, Tenn., Dec. 5 to 8, 1864. (See Murfreesboro'.) The Island, Mo., March 30, 18()3. 3d Wis. Cav. The Orchards, Va., June 25, 1862. (See Oak Grove.) Thibodeaux, La., June 20 and 21, 1863. (See La Fourche Crossing.) Thibodeauxville, La., Oct. 27, 1862. (See Labadiesville.) Thomas' Place, Cal., June 28, 1864. Thomas' Ranch, Cal., Nov. 12, 1863. Thomas' Sta., Ga., Nov. 27 to 29, 1864. (See AVaynesboro'.) Thomas' Sta., Ga., Dec. 3, 18(54. 92d 111. :\Iounted Inf. Union, 2 killed, 1 wounded, i Thompson Cove, Tenn., Oct. 3, 1863. 1 1st Brigade, 2d Div. Cav.; AVilder'a Brigade of ]\Iounted Inf. Thompson's Hill, Miss., May 1, 1863. (See Port Gibson.) Thompson's Sta., or Spring Hill, and Unionville, Tenn., i\Iarch 4 and 5, 1863. 33d and 85th Ind. ; 22d Wis.; 19th Mich.; 124th Ohio; 18th Ohio Battery; 2d Mich. Cav.; 9tli Pa. Cav.; 4th Ky. Cav. Union, 100 killed, .300 wounded, 1.306 captured; Confed., 150 killed, 450 wounded. Thompson's Surrender, Ark., Mav 11, 1865. (See Chalk BluflV) Thornburg, Va., Aug. 6, 1862. (See Mataponv.) Thorn Hill, Ala., Jan. 3, 1865. 15th Pa., and detachments of 10th, 12th, and 13th Ind., and 2d Tenn. Cav. Thoroudifare Gap, Va., April 2, 1862. 28th Pa. Thoroughfare Gap, Va., Oct. 17,1862. Detachment of Cav. Thoroujjhfare Gap, Va., Nov. 5, 1862. (See New Baltimore.) Tickfaw River, Miss., iMav 1, 18(53. 7th 111. Cav. Tillafinny River, S. C, Dec. 6 to 9, 1864. Tilton, Ga., Oct. 13, 1864. Tilton, Tenn., Mav 13, 1864. Timber Hill, Ind'. Ter., Nov. 19, 18(;4. Tiptonville, Tenn., April 7, 1862. Tobbert's Ferrv, Ark., March 20, 1865. Tobosofkee, Ga., Ajiril 20, 1865. 17th Ind. Mounted Inf. (Wilson's Raid.) Todd's Tavern, Va., May 8, 1864. 2d Div., Cav. Corps, Army of Potomac. LTnion, 40 killed, 150 wounded ; Con- fed., 30 killed, 150 wounded. 196 LIST OF BATTLES ANO EXGAGEMENTS. Tompkinsville, Ky., July 9, 1862. One Regiment, Pa. Cav. Union, 4 killed, 6 wounded ; Confed., 10 killed and wounded. Tompkinsville, Ky., April 22, 1863. Tomm's Brook, or Fisher's Hill, 8tras- burg, and Woodstock, Va., Oct. 9, 1864. Merritt's, Custer's, and Cor- bett's Cav. Union, 9 killed, 67 wounded; Confed., 100 killed and wounded, ISO missing. Tongue River, Dak., Aug. 29, 1865. Toon's Sta., Miss., Aug. 31, 1862. (See Medon.) Torpedo Explosion, N. C, IMay 26, 1864. (See Bachelor's Creek.) Totopotomoy, Va., May 29 to 31, 1864. 2d and 5th Corps, Army of Potomac. Totopotomoy Creek, Va.,'May 23 to 27, 1864. (See North Anna River.) Town Creek, Ala., April 27 and 28, 1863. Portion of 16th Corps. Town Creek, N. C, Feb. 20, 1S65. 3d Div., 23d Corps, Armv of the Ohio. Township, Fla., Jan. 26, 1863. 32d U. S. Colored Troops. Tracy City, Tenn., Jan. 20, 1864. De- tachment of 20th Conn. Union, 2 killed. Training Post, Ark., Oct. 24, 1864. Tranter's Creek, N. C, June 5, 1862. 24th Mass.; Company I, 3d N. Y. Cav. ; Marine Artil. Union, 7 killed, 11 wounded. Tread well's Plantation, Miss., Oct. 20, 1863. Trenches in front of Petersburg, Va., June 20 to Dec. 31, 1864. (See Peters- Trenton, Ark., Oct. 14, 1862. [burs.) Trenton, N. C, Dec. 12, 1862. 3d N. Y. Cav. Trenton, Tenn., Au^. 7, 1862. 2d Ih. Cav. Confed., 30 killed, 20 wounded. Trenton, Tenn., Dec 20, ]S(i2. De- tachments of 122(1 III.; 71h Tenn. Cav. and Convalescents. Ihiion, 1 killed, 250 prisoners ; Confed., 17 killed, 50 wounded. Trenton Bridge, N. C, May 14, 1862. 17th, 25th, and 27th Mass.; Battery B, 3d N. Y. Artil. ; two Companies, 3d N. Y. Cav, Trevillian Sta., Central R. R., Va., June 11 and 12, 1864. Sheridan's Cav. Union, 85 killed, 490 wounded, 160 missing ; Confed., 370 missing. Trinity, Ala., July 24, 1862. Company E, 31st Ohio. Union, 2 killed, 11 wounded; Con., 12 killed, 30 wnd. Trinity, La., Sept 1, 1863. Trinity River, Cal., Nov. 13, 1863. Two Companies, 1st B a 1 1 a 1 i o n Cal. INIounted Inf. Union, 2 wounded. Trion, Ala., April 1, 18()5. 1st Brigade, 1st Div., Cav. Corps, Military Div. of the Miss. (Wilson's Raid.) Triplett's Bridge, Kv., .Inne 1(>, 1863. 15th Mich.; lOtli aiid UtliKv.Cav. ; 7th and 9th :\Iich. Cav. ; 11th Mich. Battery. U n ion, 15 killed, 30 wounded. Triune, Tenn., June 9, 1863. Gen. Mitchell's Cav. Div. Try Mountain, Ky., Nov. 9, 1861. (See Piketown.) Tule Rosa Vallev, Cal., Feb. 26, 1863. Tuliling Cross Roads, S. C, Dee. 6, 7, and 9, 1864. Troops under Gen. Hatch, assisted by Naval Force under Com. Preble. Tulip, Ark., Oct. 10, 1863. Tullahoma, Tenn., July 1, 1863. Gen. Rosecrans' Army. Tullahoma, Tenn., Oct. 23, 1863. 70th Ind. Tunica Bend (near Tunica Bend), Red River, La., April 22, 1864. Three Companies, 3d R. I. Cav. Union, 2 killed, 17 woundtd. Tunnel Hill, Ga., Jan. 28, 1864. Part of 14th Corps. Union, 2 wounded ; Confed., 32 wounded. Tunnel Hill, Ga., Feb. 25 to 27, 1864. (See Buzzard Roost.) Tunnel Hill, Ga., May 7, 1864. 4th Corps and Cav. Army of the Cum- berland. Tunnel Hill, I\Iiss., Feb. 13,1864. Cav. of Gen. Sherman's Troops. Tunnel Mountain, Miss., Feb. 7, 1864. Tui)elo, Miss., May 6, 1863. 10th IMo. and 7th Kan. Cav. Tupelo, Miss., Julv 13 to 15, 1864. 1st and 3d Divs., 16th Corps ; one Bri- LIST OF BATTLES AND ENGAGEMKNl-S. 197 cade of Colored Troops, and Cav. (Including engagements at Harris- burg, July 13, and Old Town Croek, July 15.) Union, 85 killed, 45.3 wounded ; Confed., 700 k i 1 1 e d, WDunded, and niis^sinir. Tupelo, .Aliss., Julv 2r>, 18(54. Turkey Bend, Va., June 30, 1862. (See White Oak Swamp, also Seven Days' Retreat.) Turkey Island Bridge, Va., July 20, 1862. 8th Pa. Cav.' Turman's Ferry, Kv., Jan. 9, 1864. 39th Ky. Turn-back Creek, Mo., April 26, 1862. 5th Kan. Cav. Union, 1 killed. Turner's Gap, and Craiiijitdn's (ia]). or South IMuuntain, 31(1., Sept. 14, ls(i2. 1st Cori)s, .Maj.-Gen. Honker; (Ith Corps, Maj.-Gen. Franklin; 9th Corps, Maj.-Gen. Reno. Union, 443 killed, 1,806 wounded ; Confed., 500 killed, 2,343 wounded, 1,500 cap- tured. Union, Maj.-Gen. Reno killed. Confed., Brig.-Gen. Garland killed. Turnstall Sta., Va., June 14, 1862. Union, 4 killed, 8 wounded. Turnstall Sta., Va., May 4, 1863. 12th 111. Cav. (Stoneman'.s Raid.) Turnstall Sta., Va., :March 3, 1864. 7th Mich, and 1st Vt. Cav. (Kil- patrick's Raid.) Tuscahonia, Miss., May 15, 1863. Tuscaloosa, Ala., April 4, ]Si)5. 1st Brigade, 1st Cav. Div., Militarv Div. of the Miss. (Wilson's Raid.)" Tuscumbia, Ala., Feb. 22, 1863. Cav. Brigade under Col. Cornyn. Tuscumbia, Ala., April 24, 1863. 2d Div., 16th Corps. Tuscumbia, Ala., Oct. 26, 1863. (See Cane Creek.) Tuscumbia Creek, Miss., May 30, 1862. Cav., Army of the Miss. Tuscumbia River, Ala., Oct. 5, 1S62. Twelve Miles from Yazoo City, Miss., Dec. 1, 1864. Detachment of 2d Wis. Cav. Union, 5 killed, 9 wounded, 25 missing. Two Hills, Bad Lands, Little Mo. River, Dak. Ter., Aug. 8, 1864. 8tli Minn. Inf.; 2d Minn.; 6th and 7th Iowa; Dak. IMilitia and Brackett's Minn. Cav. Tyree Springs, Tenn., Nov. 7 and 8,1862. UNION, Miss., Feb. 21 and 22, 1864. Union, Va., Nov. 3, 1862. Pleasan- ton's Cav. Union Church, Miss., AprU 28, 1863. 6th 111. Cav. (Grierson's Raid.) Union Church, Ya... June 8, 1862. (See Cross Keys.) Union City, Ky., March 24, 1864. 7th Tenn. Cav., 450 men captured by Forrest. [l\1 HI. Cav. Union City, Tenn., ]\Iarch 30, 1862. Union City, Tenn., July 10, 1863. 4th Mo. Cav. ; Cav. of Army of Tenn. Union City, Tenn., Nov. 19, 1863. 2d 111. Cav.' Union, 1 killed ; Confed., 11 killed, .53 captured. Union INIills, l\Io., Aue. 20, 1862 1st Mo. Cav. ; 13th 111. Cav. Union, 4 killed, 3 wniinded : Confed., 1 killed. Union Sta., Tenn., Nov. 1 to 4, 1864. 10th Mo. Cav. Union, 2 killed, 2 wounded, 26 missing. Unionville, Tenn., March 4 and 5, 1863. (See Thompson's Sta.) University Place, Tenn., July 4, 1863. 6th Ky. Cav. Upper Mo. River, Ark., Oct. 10, 1862. (Indian Fight.) Upperville, Va., Nov. 3, 1862. Cav. Advance, Army of Pcitdniac. Upperyill(',Va.,.Tunc21. lS(i:;. PJeasan- ton's Cay. ITninn, !I4 wounded; Confed., 20 killed, 100 wounded, 60 missing. Upperville, Va., Sept. 25, 186.3. 1st Md. Potomac Home Brigade. Upton Hill, Kv., Oct. 12, 1861 39th Ind. Inf. Confe.h, 5 killed, 3 wounded. Urbana, Va.,May 12 and 13. 1864. De- tachment of Tr()oi)s assisting Poto- mac Flotilla. Utoy Creek, Ga., Aug. 5 and 6, 1864. Armies of tlie Cumberland, Tenn., and Ohio. LIST OF BATTLES AND ENOAGEMENTS. VACHE GRASS, Ark., Sopt. 26, 1864. 14th Kan. Cav. Vallev Sta., Col., Jan. 15, 1865. Valverde, N. Mex., Feb. 21, 1862. (See Fort Craig.) Van Buren, Ark., Dec. 21, 1862. Van Buren, Ark., Dec. 28, 1862. (See Dripping Springs.) A'an Buren, Ark., Aug. 11, 1864. 2d and 6tli Kan. Cav. Van Buren Co., Ark., March 25,1864. Vance's Store, Ark., Oct. 2, 1863. Van Wert, Ga., Oct. 10, 1864. Varnell's Sta., Ga., May 9, 1864. 1st Div., McCooke's Cav. Union, 4 killed, 25 wounded. Vaughn, Miss., May 12, 1864. 11th, 72d, and 76th 111. Vaughn Road, Va., Oct. 27, 1864. (See Hatcher's Run.) Vaughn Road, Va., Feb. 5 to 7, 1865. (See Dabney's Mills.) Vaught's Hill, near IMilton, Tenn., March 20, 1863. 105th Ohio ; 101st Ind.; 80th and 123d 111.; 1st Tenn. Cav.; 9th Ind. Battery. Uuion, 7 killed, 48 wounded; Confed., 63 killed, 300 wounded. Vera Cruz, Ark., Nov. 3, 1864. One Company, 46th Mo. Inf. Vermillion Bayou, La., April 17, 1863. (See Bayou Vermillion.) Vermillion Bavou, La., Oct. 10, 1863. 1st Brigade, Ist Div., 19th Corps. Vermillion Bavou, La., Nov. 30, 1863. Vernon, Ind.,* July 12, 1863. Ind. Minute Men. (Morgan's Raid.) Verona, Miss., Dec. 25, 1864. 7th Ind. Cav. Vicksburg, Miss., Dec. 29, 1862. Gen. Sherman's Troops, supported by Gunboats. Vicksburg, Miss., Mav 18 to July 4, 1863. (See Siege of Vicksburg.) Vicksburg, Miss., May 19, 1863. First Assault bv Gen. Grant's Troops. Vicksburg, Miss., May 20, 1863. Second Assault bv the Army of the Tenn. Vicksburg, Miss., June 25 and 28, 1863. Fort Hill attacked. Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1863. Sur- render of Vicksburg. Vicksburg, Miss., Aug. 27, 1863. 5th U. S. Heavy Artil. Vicksburg, Miss., Feb. 13, 1864. 52d IT. S. Colored Troops. Vicksburg, Miss., July 4, 1864. 48th U. S. Colored Troops. IJnior., 1 killed, 7 wounded. Vidalia, La., Sept. 14, 1863. 3d Mo. Inf. Union, 2 killed, 4 wounded ; Confed., 6 killed, 11 wounded. Vidalia, La., Feb. 7, 1864. 30th Mo. ; 6th U. S. Colored Heavv Artil. ; 64th U. S. Colored TroopsI Confed., 6 killed, 10 wounded. Vidalia, La., July 22, 1864. 6th U. S. Colored Heavv Artil. Vienna, Va., June 17, 1861. 1st Ohio. Union, 5 killed, 6 wounded ; Confed., 6 killed. Vienna, Va., Dec. 3, 1861. Detachment of 3d Pa. Cav. Union, all captured ; Confed., 1 killed. Vienna, Va., Sept. 2, 1862. 1st Minn. Inf. Union, 1 killed, 6 wounded. Village Creek, or Stuart's Plantation, Ark., June 27, 1862. 9th 111. Cav. Union, 2 killed, 30 wounded. Vincent's Cross Roads, or Bav Springs, Miss., Oct. 26, 18cotaliii-.K) Yorktown, \'a., April 5 to May 3, 1862. (Siege of Yorktown.) 2d, 3d, and 4th Corps, Army of Potomac. Yorktown, A^a., April 11, 1862. 12th N. Y. ; 57th and 63d Pa. Union, 2 killed, 8 wounded. Yorktown, Va. (in front of Yorktown), April 26, 1862. Three Companies 1st Mass. Inf. Union, 3 killed, 16 wounded. Youns's Cross Roads, N. C, July 26, 1862. 9th N. J. Inf. ; 3d N. Y. Cav. Union, 7 wounded ; Confed., 4 killed, 18 wounded. ZAGONI'S Charge, Mo., Oct. 25, 1861. (See Springfield.) Zollicoffer, Tenn., Sept. 24, 1863. 3d Brigade, Cav. Div., Armv of the Ohio. Zuni, near Black Water, Xa., Dec. 12, 1862. Gen. Terry's Brigade. Naval Engagements, ABACO, N. C, Aug. 16, 1863. (Near Abaco.) U. y. Str. "Rhode Island," captures Con fed. Str. " Cronstadt." Acquia Creek, Ya., May 29, 1861. Po- tomac Flotilla cannonades Confed. Batteries. Acquia Creek, Ya., May 31, 1861. Bombardment of Confed. Batteries by U. S. Strs. " Resolute," '• Ana- costia," and " Freeborn." Acquia Creek, Ya., June 1, 1861. Po- tomac Flotilla and U. S. Str. " Pawnee " engage Confed. Batteries. Acquia Creek, Ya., July 7, 1861. V. S. Str. " Pocahontas " attacks Confed. Str. " George Haves." Acquia Creek, Ya., March 16,1862. U. S. Strs. " Anacostia " and "Yankee" engage Confed. Batteries. All)emarle Sound and Roanoke River, N. C, I\Iay 5, 1864. U. S. Gunboats "Ceres," "Commodore Hull," " Mattabesett," " Sassacus," " Sey- mour," " Wyalusing," " M i a m i," and " Whitehead " attack Confed. Riim " Albemarle." Union, 5 killed, 26 wounded ; Confed., 57 cap- tured. Alexandria, Red River, La., May 7, 1863. Seized by Admiral Porter's Forces. Apalachicola, Fla., April 3, 1862. Oc- cupied by a Force from U. S. Strs. " iSIercedita " and " Sagamore." Apalachicola River, Fla., Oct. 15, 1862. Recon. by a Naval Force. Appomattox River, Ya., June 26, 1862. Naval Exp. under Capt. Rodgers. Aranzas Pass, Texas, Nov. 17, 1863. (See Mustang Island.) Arkansas Post, Ark., Jan. 10 and 11, 1863. (See Fort Hindman.) Ashepoo River, S. C, Mav 25 to 27, 1864. U. S. Strs. " Com. 3IcDonough," "E. D. Hale," and ''Dai Ching" co-operate with Gen. Birney'a Troops. Transport " Boston " lost. Ashland, La., June 6 to 8, 1863. (See Milliken's Bend.) Atchafalaya River, La., Nov. 5, 1862. U. _S. Strs. "Diana," "Estrella," " Kingsman," and " Calhoun " en- gage Confed. Str. "Cotton" and Confed. Batteries. Atchafalava River, La., March 28, 1863. (See Pattersonville.) Atchafalava River, near Simmsport, La., June 8, 1864. Confed. Batterv captured by U. S. Str. " Chillicothe '" and other vessels. At Sea, April 21, 1861. V. S. Yessel " Saratoga " captures the " Night- ingale," with 961 slaves aboard. At Sea, June 3, 1861. TJ. S. Brig " Perry " captures Confed. Privateer "Savannah." At Sea, Nov. 12, 1861. U. S. Bark " W. G. Anderson " captures Confed. Privateer " Beauregard." At Sea, July 25, 1863. U. S. Str. " Iro- quois " captures C o n f e d . Strs. " Merrimac " and " Lizzie." At Sea, Dec. 24, 1864. V. S. Transport " North America " sailing from New Orleans to N. Y., sjirang a leak and sank, with 225 sick and wounded soldiers aboard. ?05 206 LIST OF NAVAL ENGAGEMENTS. Augusta, Ky., Sept. 27, 1862. Cap- tured by U. S. Str. " Kensington." Aylett's, Mattapony River, Va., June 4 and 5, 1863. Exp. by U. S. Str. " Com. Morris " and Troops. BAHAMA Channel, Nov. 8, 1861. U. S. Str. "San Jacinto" seizes Mason and Slidell fn >iu St r. " Trent." Bahia, Brazil, Oct. 7, lStnn Harbor, S. C, July 10, ISi;;;. r.oats from U. S. Fleet assist in landing Troops. Morris Island, S. C, July 28 to Aug. 2, and Aug. 13 to 15, 1863. Bombard- ment bv U. S. Fleet. Mosquito Inlet, Fla., March 21 and 22, 1862. Recon. by U. S. Gunboats " Penguin " and " Henry Andrews." Union, 8 killed, 8 wounded. Mouth of Red River, La., April 1 to 6, 1863. Blockaded by U. S. Str. " Hartford." Murrell's Inlet, S. C, April 27, 1863. Exp. in boats from U. S. Str. '' Mon- ticello." Mustang Island, Aranzas Pass, Texas, Nov. 17, 1863. Captured by U. S. Str. " Monongahela " and Troops under Gen. Ransom. NANSEMOND River, Va., April 14 and 15, 1864. (See James River.) Narrows, Wilmington River, Ga., Jan, 216 LIST OF NAVAL ENGAGEMENTS. 27 to 29, 1862. U. S. Strs. " Ottawa," " Seneca," " Isaac H. Smith," " Po- tomski," " Ellen," and " Western World," with 2,400 troops under Gen. Wright make an attack. Natchez, Miss., May 13, 1862. Captured by U. S. Gunboat " Iroquois." Neuse River, N. C, Dec. 12 to 16, 1862. Recon. by U. S. Strs. " Delaware," " Shawseen," " Lockwood," and "Seymour," and Army Transports " Ocean Wave," " Allison," " Port Royal," and " North State," co-opera- ting with Gen. Foster. Neuse River, N. C, Dec. 13, 1862. U. S. Vessels " Allison " and " Man- chester " engage Confed. Battery. Neuse River, N. C, Feb. 2, 1864. U. S. Vessel " Underwriter " captured and destroved by the Confeds. Newbern, N. C, March 14, 1863. U. S. Gunboat " Hetzel " and other vessels assist Troops under Maj.-Gen. Foster in repelling a Confed. Attack. New Inlet, N. C, Mav 6 and 7, 1864. (Off New Inlet.) Confed. Ram " Raleigh " attacks U. S. Blockading Squadron. New Orleans, La., May 26, 1861. U. S. Gunboat " Brooklyn " establishes a New Orleans, La., April 24, 1862. Union Fleet under Ad. Farragut, pass the Forts belew New Orleans at 3.30 A. M. New Madrid, Mo., March 18, 1862. Confed. Battery engaged by 5 U. S. Gunboats and 4 Mortar Boats. New Madrid, Mo., April 7, 1862. (Below New Madrid.) U. S. Gun- boats " Carondelet " and " Pittsburg " attack Confed. Batteries. New River Inlet, N. C, Nov. 23 to 25, 1862. Recon. by U. S. Str. " Ellis." New Topsail Inlet, N. C, Aug. 22, 1863. Exp. from U. S. Str. " Shokokon," in boats. North and Soutli Edisto River, S. C, Dec. 17 to 21, 1861. Recon. by U. S. Strs. " Pawnee," " Unadilla," " Pem- bina," and " Vixen." North Edisto River, S. C, Feb. 24, 1862. Naval Force under Lieut. Rhuid attack a Confed. Battery. OFF Charleston, S. C, July 28, 1861. U. S. Str. " St. Lawrence " sinks Confed. Privateer " Petrel." Off Charleston, S. C, Oct. 6, 1861. U. S. Str. "Flag" captured Confed. Schooner " Alert." Off Charleston, S. C, Feb. 17, 1864. U. S. Str. " Houstonic " sunk by a Con- fed. Torpedo Boat. Off" Cherbourg, France, June 19, 1864. U. S. Str. " Kearsarge " under Capt. Winslow destroys and sinks the Confed. Privateer "Alabama," under Capt. Semmes. Union, 3 wounded ; Confed., 175 killed, wounded, and missing. Off Georgetown, S. C, March 1, 1865. U. S. Flagship " Harvest Moon " de- stroyed by a torpedo. Off Ferrol, Spain, March 21 to 23, 1865. Engagement between U. S. Strs. " Niagara " and " Sacramento," and the Confed. Ram " Stonewall." Off Fort Morgan, Ala., May 18, 1863. Exp. from U. S. Str. " R. R. Cuyler " destroys Confed. Schooner " Isabel." Off Mobile, Ala., Jan. 16, 1863. Confed. Str. " Florida " passes the U. S. Blockading Squadron. Off New Inlet, N. C, Aug. 1, 1863. U. S. Gunboat "Iroquois" and other vessels captures Confed. Str. " Kate." Off Palatka, Fla., March 21 and 29, 1864. U. S. Str. " Ottawa" engages Confed. Forces. Off Panama, Nov. 11, 1864. Forces from U. S. Str. " Lancaster " seizes a party of Confeds. on Steamer " Salva- dor." Off Shore, May 25, 1864. Attempt to destroy Confed. Ram " Albemarle " by torpedoes. Off"" St. Pierre, Martinique, Nov. 23, 1861. Confed. Privateer " Sumter " escapes from U. S. Str. "Iroquois." Ogeechee River, Ga., July 27, 1862. LIST OF NAVAL ENGAGKMENTS. 217 Exp. by U. S. Gunboats " Paul Jones," " Unadilla," " Huron," and " Madgie." Onachita River, La., July 12 to 20, 1863, and Feb. 29 to March 5, 1864. (See Black River.) Ossabaw Sound, Ga., Dec. 11. 1861. Recon. by U. S. Strs. "Ottawa," " Seneca " " Pembina," and " Henry Andrews." Ossabaw Sound, Ga., June 3, 1864. U. S. Str. " Water Witch " captured by the Confeds. PAMLICO Sound, N. C, Oct. 1,1861. U. S. Tender " Fanny " captured bv the Confeds. Palmyra, Tenn., April 4, 1863. De- stroyed byXJ.S.Gunboat "Lexington." Pamunkey River, Va., May 17, 1862. Recon . by U. S. Str. " Sebago " and other vessels. Pamunkey River, Va., May 29 to June 23, 1864. (See White House.) Pass Christian, Miss., May 25, 1862. U. S. Str. " New London " engages 2 Confed. Vessels. Pass Christian, Miss., April 4, 1862. U. S. Strs. " New London," " J. P. Jack- son," and " Henry Lewis " engage a Confed. Naval Force. Patonic Creek, Va., Aug. 23, 1861. U. S. Strs. " Yankee " and " Release " attack Confed. Batteries. Pattersonville, La., March 28, 1863. U. S. Gunboat " Diana " with detach- ment of 12th Conn, and liiOth N. Y. Inf. on board captured ])y the Con- feds. Union, 4 killed, 14 wounded, 99 missing. Patrol of the Tenn. River, March 27 to April 27, 1863. U. S. Gunboat " Lexington " and other vessels under Lieut.-Comdr. Fitch, resulting in six engagements and a number of skirmishes. Pensacola, Fla., Sept. 14, 1861. Confed. Privateer " Judah " destroyed by the U. S. Flagship " Colorado." Union, 13 killed, 15 wounded. Piankatauk River, Va., Aug. 17, 1863. Exp. by U. S. Strs. "Gen. Put- nam " and " Com. Jones." Pittsburg Landing, Tenn., March 2, 1862. U. S. Gunboats " Lexington " and "Tyler," supporting the 32d 111. Inf. Union, 5 killed, 5 wounded ; Confed., 20 killed, 200 wounded. Pittsburg Landing, Tenn., April 6 and 7, 1862. (See Shiloh.) Pleasant Hill, or Blair's Landing, Red River, La., April 12, 1864. U. S. Gunboats " Osage " and " Lexington " and a portion of the 17th Army Corps. Union, 7 wounded ; Confed", 200 killed and wounded. Plum Point Bend, near Fort Pillow, Tenn., May 10, 1862. U. S. Gunboats " Cincinnati," " Mound City," and " Cairo " engage 8 Confed. Gunboats. Plymouth, N. C, Dec. 10, 1862. U. S. Strs. " Southfield " and " Com. Perry " repel a Confed. attack. Plymouth, N. C, April 17 to 20, 1864, U. S. Gunboats " Miami " and " Southfield " sui^port Troops in re- pelling Confed. attack. Plymouth, N. C, April 19 and 20, 1864. Confed. Ram "Albemarle" attacks U. S. Fleet. Gunboat " South- field " sunk and U. S. Strs. " Miami," " Ceres," and " Whitehead" retreat. Plymouth, N. C, Oct. 27 and 28, 1864. Naval Exp. of 13 men. under Lieut. Gushing destroy the Confed. Ram " Albemarle " at night. Plymouth, N. C, Oct. 31, 1864. Cap- tured by U. S. Gunboats "Sham- rock," "Com. Hill," "Otsego," " Wvalusing " and " Tacony." Point Lookout, Va., May 13, 1864. Sea- men from the Potomac Flotilla support a Land Force. Port Hudson, Miss. River, La., March 14, 1863. Bombarded by U. S. Fleet under Ad. Farragut and Troops under Gen. Banks. Port Hudson, La., March 14 and 15, 1863. Ad. Farragut with U. S. Strs. " Hartford " and " Albatross " pass the Forts. U. S. Str. " Mississippi " destroyed. 218 LIST OF NAVAL ENGAGEMENTS. Port Hudson, La., :Mav 8 to June 26, 1863. Bombarded by U. S. Gun- boat " Essex " and the Mortar Flo- tilla. Port Hudson, La., June 9 to July 2, 1863. Bombarded by Naval Battery under Lieut.-Comdr. Terrj'. Portland, Me., June 27, 1863. U. S. Revenue Cutter "Caleb Cushing" cajitured by an exp. from Confed. Tender " Archer." Port Royal, S. C, Nov. 7, 1861. U. S. Vessels " Wabash," " Susquehanna," " Mohican," " Pawnee," " Seminole," "Isaac Smith," "Ottawa," " Un- a d i 1 1 a," " Pembina," " Vandalia," "Dieuville," "Seneca," "Penguin," and "Augusta" bombard and cap- ture Forts Beauregard and AV^alker. Union, 8 killed, 23 wounded ; Con- fed., 11 killed, .39 wounded. Port Roval Fen-v, Coosaw River, S. C, Jan. 1 and 2, 1862. U. S. Gunboats "Ottawa," " Unadilla," "Isaac Smith," " Vixen," " Pembina," and " Pawnee," support Land Forces. Potomac River, Va., June 24, 1861. Confeds. attack U. S. Strs. "Mon- ticello " and " Quaker City." Potomac River, Va., June 29, 1861. U. S. Str. " St. Nicholas " captured by the Confeds. Prentiss and Bolivar, Miss., Dec. 20, 1862. U. S. Ram "Queen of the "West " and Armv Transport and the 2.3d 111. Inf. attack O.nfeds. Profit Island, Miss. River, La., June 14, 1862. U. S. Gunboat "Winona," engages Confed. Battery. RAPPAHANNOCK River, Va., Feb. 21, 1863. Recon. by U. S. Gun- boats "Freeborn" and "Dragon." Rappahannock River, Va., April 18 to 22, 1864. Exp, by the Potomac Flotilla. Red River, Ark., Jan. 14, 1863. U. S. Str. " Queen of the West " captured by the Confeds. Red River, La., Feb. 3, 1863. U. S. Str. " Queen of the West " captured three Confed. vessels. Red River, La., Feb. 17 to 21, 1863. Blockaded by U. S. Str. " Indianola." Red River, La., April 16 to Mav 4, 1863. Blockaded by U. S. Str. " Hartford " under Ad. Farragut. Red River, La., May 3, 1863. Exp. by U. S. Gunboats " Albatross," " Es- trella," and " Arizona." Red River, La., March 14, 1864. (See Fort De Russev.) Red River, La., March 14 and 15, 1864. (See Fort De Russey.) Red River, La., April 3, 1864. (See Grand Ecore.) Red River, La., April 15, 1864. U. S. Gunboat " Eastport " sunk by a torpedo. Red River, La., April 26, 1864. (See Cane River.) Red River, La., May 9, 1864. IT. S. Strs. " Lexington," " Neosho," "Fort Hindman," and "Osage" i)ass through Col. Bailey's Dam. Red River, La., May 12, 1864. U. S. Gunboats " Mound City," " Caronde- let," and " Pittsburg " jiass through Col. Bailey's Dam. Red River, La., May 13, 1864. U. S. Strs. " Louisville," " Chillicothe," and "Ozark" pass through Col. Bailey's Dam. Red River, La., June 3, 1864. Confed. Naval Forces surrender to U. S. Fleet. Red River Exp. March 7 to Mav 15, 1864. Ad. Porter's Fleet support the Troops under Gen. Banks. Richmond, La., June 15, 1863. Ellet's Miss. ]\Iarine Brigade supports Gen. INIower's Troops. Roanoke Island, N. C, Feb. 7 and 8, 1862. II. S. Gunboats " Southfield," "Delaware," "Stars and Strijies," "Louisiana ," " Hetzel," " Com. Perry," "Underwriter," "Valley City," " Com. Barney," " Hunch- back," •' Ceres," " Putnam," " Morse," " Lockwood," " J. N. Seymour," " Granite," " Brinker," " AV h i t e - head," " Shawseen," " Picket," " Pio- neer," " Bazar," " Vidette," and LIST OF NAVAL ENGAGEMKNTS. 219 " Chasseur " under Com. G o 1 d- borough, supporting Troops under Gen. Burnside. Roanoke surrenders Feb. 8. Union, 35 killed, 200 wound- ed ; Confed., 16 killed, 39 wounded, • 2,527 captured. Roanoke River, N. C, May 5, 1864. (See Albemarle Sound.) SABINE Pass, Tex., Sept. 24 and 25, 1862. Confed. Forts captured by U. S. Strs. "Rachel Seaman," " Henry James," and " Kensington." Sabine Pass, Tex., Jan. 21, 1863. (Off Sabine Pass.) U. S. Strs. " Morning Light " and " Velocity " captured bv the Confeds. Sabine Pass, Tex., April 18, 1863. Exp. from U. S. Gunboats " New London " and " Cavuga " in boats. Sabine Pass, Tex., Sept. 8, 1863. U. S. Strs. "Clifton," "Sachem," "Ariz- ona," and " Granite City " co-operate with the ll)th Corps under Gen. Franklin. U. S. Strs. " Sachem " and " Clifton " cajstured. Savannah, Ga., May 28, 1861. U. S. Str. " Union " establishes a blockade. Savannah, Ga., Dec. 12, 1864. Com- munications established between Gen. Sherman and the U. S. Fleet. Scuppernong River, N. C, Sept. 29, 1864. U. S. Str. " Valley City " en- gages the Confed. Forces. Secessionville, James Island, S. C, Julv 16, 1863. U. S. Str. "Com. Mc- Donough " engages Confed. Bat- teries. Sewell's Point, Va., May 18 and 19, 1861. U. S. Strs. "Monticello" and "Federal" engage Confed. Bat- teries. Sewell's Point, Va., May 8, 1862. U. S. Fleet engages Confed. Batterv. Shiloh, Tenn., April 6 and 7, 1862. U. S. Gunboats "Tyler" and "Lexing- ton " support the Troops under Gen. Sherman. Siege of Fort Wagner (Morris Island), S. C, Julv 10 to Sept. 6, 1863. Fleet 14 under Ad. Dahlgren supports Gen. Gillmore's forces. Siege of Mobile, Ala., March 26 to April 9, 1865. (See Spanish Fort.) Siege of Port Hudson, La., May 27 to July 9, 1863. Ad. Farragut's Fleet support the 19th Corps. Siege of Vicksburg, Miss., May 18 to July 4, 1863. Ad. Porter's Fleet as- sists the Land Forces under Gen. Grant. Simon's Bluff, S. C, June 21, 1862. Attack by U. S. Strs. "Crusader" and " Planter " and Land Forces. Sinnisport, La., June 4, 1863. De- stroyed by U. S. Ram " Switzerland." Sniithfleld, Va., Feb. 1, 1864. Detach- ment from U. S. Str. "Minnesota" assists a Land Force. U. S. Army Transport " Smith Briggs " captured by the Confeds. Smithville, N. C, Feb. 29 to March 1, 18()4. Boat Exp. from U. S. Str. " Monticello." Smyrna, Fla., July 28, 1863. Destroyed by U. S. Fleet. Spanish Fort, Ala., March 26 to April 8, 1865. U. S. Fleet supporting the 13th and 16th Armv Corps. Stone River, S. C, May 20, 1862. Oc- cupied by U. S. Str. " Unadilla " and other vessels. Stone River, S. C, Jan. 30, 1863. U. S. Str. " Isaac Smith " captured by Con- fed. Batteries. Stone River, S. C, July 1 to 10, 1864. U. S. Navy under Ad. Dahlgren co- operates with Gen. Schimmelfennig's Troops. St. Andrew's, Fla.. Dec. 11, 1863. Oc- cupied by U. S. Str. " Wrestler." St. Charles, White River, Ark., June 17, 1862. U. S. Gunboats "Lexing- ton," "Mound City," "Conestoga," and "St. Louis," assisted by the 43d and 46th Ind. Inf. Boiler of Str. " Mound City " explodes, killing or wounding 150 out of her crew of 175. St. George's Creek, Ohio, July 19, 1863. (See Buffi ngton Island.) St. Helena Sound, S. C, Nov. 25 to 28, 1861. Advance and attack by U. S. 220 LIST OF NAVAL ENGAGEMENTS. Gunboats " Pawnee," " Unadilla," " Pembina," and " Vixen." St. Helena Sound, S. C, Dec. 5 to 9, 1861. Recon. by U. S. Gunboats " Pawnee," " Unadilla," " Pembina," and " Vixen." St. John's Bluff, Fla., Oct. 3, 1862. U. S. Fleet under Com. Steadman, as- sisted by Troops, captures a Confed. Battery. St. John's River, Fla., June 8, 1862. Engagement by U. S. Strs. " Seneca " and " Patroon." St. John's River and Ocklawaha, Fla., March 9 to 23, 1864. Exp. by U. S. Str. "Columbine" and the Steam Launch of the " Pawnee." St. John's River, Fla., May 22 to 28, 1864. Exp. of U. S. Strs. " Ottawa " and " Columbine." St. John's River, Fla., May 22, 1864. (See Brown's Landing.) St. John's River, Fla., May 23, 1864. (See Horse Landing.) St. Mary's, Fla., Nov. 9, 1862. Bom- barded by U. S. Gunboat " Mo- hawk." St. Simon's, Ga., March 9 and 10, 1862. (See Brunswick.) Sun Flower River, Miss., May 24 to 31, 1863. (See Yazoo River.) Swainsboro', N. C, Aug. 14 and lo, 1862. Recon. by U. S. Strs. "Wil- son " and " Ellis," aided by Troops. TAMPA, Fla., Nov. 3, 1862. Bom- barded by U. S. Gunboat " Ta- homa." Tampa Bay, Fla., Oct. 17, 1863. Two Confed. Blockade Runners destroyed by U. S. Gunboats " Tahoma " and "Adele." Union, 3 killed, 10 wounded. Tennessee River, Ala., Feb. 6 to 10, 1862. Recon. of U. S. Strs. '_' Cones- toga," " Tyler," and " Lexington " up the Tennessee River to Florence, resulting in the cajyture of 3 Confed. Steamers and the 1)nrniiig of 6. Tennessee River, near Johnsonville, Nov. 4, 1864. U. S. Strs. " Key West," " Tawah," and " Elfin " burned. Tensas River, La., July 12 to 20, 1863. (See Black River.) Togodo Creek, North Edisto, S. C, Feb. 9, 1864. U. S. Gunboats " Paw- nee " and " Sonoma " engage Confed. Batteries. Trent's Reach, James River, Va., Jan. 23 and 24, 1865. Confed. Strs. " Vir- ginia," " Richmond," " Fredericks- burg," "Drewry," "Torpedo," " Scorpion," " Walsh," and " Hor- net " attempt to pass obstructions in the river. Trent's Reach, James River, Va., Jan. 24, I860. U. S. Strs. "Onondaga" and " Massahoit " engage the Confed. Squadron. Trent's Reach Bar, James River, Va., June 15 to 18, 1864. Obstructions l)laced in the River by the Naval Force, under orders from Gen, Grant. Tulifing Cross Roads, S. C, Dec. 6, 7, and 9, 1864. Naval Brigade under Com. Preble assists Troops under Gen. J. B. Hatch. Tunica Bend, La., June 16, 1864. U. S. Strs. "Gen. Bragg" and "Naiad" engage Confed. Battery. Turkev Bend, James River, Va., May 7, 1864. U. S. Str. " Shawseen " de- stroyed by Confed. Batteries. UPPER Nansemond River, Va., April 12 to 25, 1863. Recon. and Skirmishes by U. S. Gunboat " Step- ping Stone " and Flotilla. Up the Ocklawaha River, Fla., March 9 to 23, 1864. (See St. John's River.) Urbana, Va., May 12 and 13, 1864. Recon. by a portion of the Potomac Flotilla. U. S. Str. " Essex " destroys Confed. Ram " Arkansas," Aug. 6, 1862. U. S. Str. " Empress," Miss., engaged Aug. 10, 1864. U. S. Str. " Niagara " captured by Con- fed. Str. " Georgia," Aug. 15, 1864, LIST OP NAVAL ENGAGEMKNTS. 221 VERNON River, Ga., Dec. 14 to 21, 1S<54. (See Fort Rosedeii.) Vernon River, Ga., Dec. 21, 1864. U. S. Fleet compels the evacuation of Forts Roseden and Beaulieu. Vicksburg, Miss., June 26, 1862. At- tack by Com. Porter's Mortar Fleet. Vicksburg, Miss., June 28, 1862. U. S. Fleet under Ad. Farragut pass Con- fed. Batteries. U. S. Strs. " Brook- lyn," " Kennebec," and " Katahdin " fail to pass. Vicksburg, Miss., July 15, 1862. Second passage of the Confed. Batteries by Farragut's Fleet. Vicksburg, Miss., July 22, 1862. U. S. Gunboat " Essex " and Ram " Queen of the West " pass the Confed. Bat- teries and attack the Confed. Ram Vicksburg"^ Miss., Feb. 2, 1863. U. S. Ram " Queen of the AVest " passes the Confed. Batteries. Vicksburg, Miss., Feb. 13, 1863. U. S. Ram " Queen of the West " attacks the Confed. Batteries. Vicksl)uro-, IMiss., Feb. 18, 1863. Bom- barded' bv the U. S. Mortar Fleet. Vickslnirg.'Miss., Feb. 2.-). 1863. U. S. Gunboat " Switzei-land " passes the Confed. Batteries and U. S. Ironclad " Lancaster " destroved. Vicksburg, Miss., April 16 and 17, 1863. U. S. Fleet under Ad. Porter passes the Confed. Batteries at night. Vicksburg, Miss., Mav 19 to 22, 1863. U. S. Fleet bombards Confed. Bat- teries. Vicksburg, Miss., May 20 to July 3, 1863. Continuous bombardment by U. S. Mortar Fleet. Vicksburg, Miss., May 22, 1863. Joint attack on the Confed. Fortifications and Water Batteries by U. S. Troops and Gunboats. Vicksburg, Miss., May 27, 1863. U. S. Gunboat " Gen. Price " and other vessels bombard the Confed. hill Vicksburg,"Miss., May 27, 1863. Attack by TJ. S. Gunboat " Cincinnati " re- sulting in the sinking of the vessel. Vicksburg, Miss., June 5 to July 4, 1863. Bombardment almost con- tinuously by the U. S. Naval Shore Battery. Vicksburg, Miss, June 20, 1863. Bom- barded by U. S. Fleet. WALKIN'S Bluif, James River, Va., June 20, 1862. U. S. Gun- boat " Jacob Bell " engages Confed. Batteries. Ware River, Va., April 8 and 9, 1863. (See Gloucester C. H.) Warrenton, Miss., May 10 to 13, 1863. Attacked by U. S. Gunboat " Mound City." Warsaw Sound, Ga., Dec. 5 and 6, 1861. Recon. by U. S. Gunboats " Ottawa," " Seneca," and " Pembina." Warsaw Sound, Ga., Jan. 26, 1862. Recon. by U. S. Gunboats " Ottawa," "Seneca," "Western World," "Po- tomski," "Isaac H. Smith," and " Ellen." Warsaw Sound, Ga., June 17, 1863. Confed. Gunboat " Atlanta " cap- tured by U. S. Ironclad " Weehaw- ken." Confed., 1 killed, 17 wounded, 145 prisoners. Washington, N. C, March 30 to April 16, 1863. Engagement by U. S. Strs. "Louisiana" "Hunchback," and other vessels, supporting the Troops under Gen. Foster. Washito River, April 30, 1864. Recon. by U. S. Squadron. Waterproof, La., Nov. 21, 1863. Attack by TJ. S. Gunboat " Welcome." Waterproof, La., Feb. 13 to 15, 1864. U. S. Gunboat " Forest Rose " sup- porting the 49th U. S. Colored Troops repel three Confed. attacks. Union, 8 killed, 14 wounded ; Confed., 15 killed. West Point, White River, Ark., Aug. 14, 1863. U. S. Gunboats " Lexing- ton," "Cricket," and "Mariner" with the 32d Iowa Inf. make an attack. Union, 2 killed, 7 wounded. 222 >IST OF NAVAL ENGAGEMENTS. West Point, Va., May 7, 1862. (See Eltham's Landing.) Whitehall Point, La., July 10, 1863. U. S. Gunboat " New London " sup- ported by the " Monongahela " and " Essex " engages the Confeds. White House,^ Pamunkev River, Ya., iVLay 29 to June 23, 1864. U. S. Squadron co-operates with Troops. White River, Ark., June 17, 1862. (See St. Charles.) White River, Ark., Jan. 12 to 22, 1863. Exp. by U. S. Gunboat "De Kalb" and other vessels. White River, Ark., Aug. 13 to 16, 1863. Recon. by U. S. Str. "Lexington" and other vessels. White River, Ark., June 22,1864. U. S. Gunboat " Lexington " supports 3 Companies of the i2th Ohio Inf. Wilcox's Wharf, James River, Va., Aug. 3, 1864. U. S. Gunboat " Miami " engages Confed. Battery. Williamson, Roanoke River, Va., Julv 13, 1863. Boml)arded bv U. S. Fleet. Wilmington River, Ga., .Jan. 27 to 21), 1862. (See Narrows.) Wilson's Wharf Landing, James River, Va., May 24, 1864.' U. S. Strs. " Dawn " and " Mayflower " co- operate with Troops in repelling Confed. attack. YASL A L' Outre, Miss., April 6, 1863. U. S. Str. " Fox " captured. Yales' Point, Va., Julv 18, 1863. Attack by U. S. Strs. " Jacob Bell," " Reso- lute, " and " Teaser ;" Mortar Boat " Dan Smith " and U. S. Troops. Yazoo City. Miss., May 13, 1863. Cap- tured by U. S. Fleet. Yazoo City, Miss., Mav 20 to 23, 1863. Exp. by U. S. Gunboat " De Kalb" and other vessels. Yazoo City, Miss., July 13, 1863, Re- captureci by U. S. Gunboat " De Kalb " and two other Ironclads, supi)orted by U. S. Troops. The " De Kalb " sunk bv a torijedo. Yazoo City, Miss., March 5, 1864. U. S. Strs. " Petrel " and " Momora " repel Confed. attack. Yazoo City, Miss., April 21, 1864. U. S. Strs. " Petrel " and *' Prairie Bird " engage Confed. J'orces. Yazoo Pass, Miss., Feb. 20 to April 10, 1863. Recon. by U. S. Str. " Chilli- cothe " and other vessels. Yazoo River, Miss., July 15, 1862. Attempt to destroy the Confed. Ram '' Arkansas " by IT. S. Gunboats "Carondelet," "Tyler," "Queen of the West," and " Essex,"aided l)y Tro< ips. Union, 13 killed, 36 wonnded. Con- fed., 5 killed, 9 wounded. Yazoo River, Miss., Dec. 12, 1862. Exp. by U. S. Strs. " Cairo," " Pittsburg," " Marmora," " Signal," and " Queen of the West." The "Cairo "sunk by a torpedo. Yazoo River, Miss., Dec. 24 to 27, 1862. Torpedoes removed by U. S. Naval Force. Yazoo River, Miss., Dec, 27, 1862. U. S. Str. " Benton " and other vessels engage Confed. Batteries. Yazoo River, Miss., Dec. 28, 1862. At- tacked by U. S. (iunboats. Yazoo River, Miss., March 11 and 16, 1863. (Near Greenwood.) Attack on Fort Pemberton by a Naval Force. Yazoo River, and 'Sunflower River, Miss., May 21 to 24, 1863. Exp. by U. S. Gunboat " De Kalb " and other vessels. Yazoo River, Miss., March 9 to April 22, 1864. Operations by U. S. Sqnad- ron under Lieut.-Com. Owen. Yazoo River, Miss., April 22, 1864. U. S. Str. " Petrel " captured by the Confeds. York River, Va., May 4, 1862. U. S. Str. " Wachusett " and other vessels make an attack. York River, Va., Mav 25, 1863. Con- feds. fire upon the tl. S. Mail Boat "Swan." York River, May 26, 1863. U. S. Str. " Morse " destroys property along the river in retaliation for the IT. S. Mail Boat "Swan" being fired upon. PART IV. DOCUMENTARY EVIDENCE. HONORABLE DISCHARGE. TTHE majority of the certificates of Honorable Discharge issued * by the Government to the Union soldiers have been so de- faced by time and wear that to-day they are scarcely legible. This documentary evidence of the services rendered by the " brave boys in blue " during the dark days of rebellion, suffering, and bloodshed which marked the years from '61 to '65 will in- crease in value to the soldier's descendants as the years go by. It is but natural, therefore, that sons and daughters of veterans should wish to preserve a copy of this written testimony of their father's loyalty to his country, and that the original should be filed away under lock and key, with other valuable papers, to prevent its being lost or destroyed. The blank forms immediately following will enable each soldier's family to preserve in book form, for ready reference, an exact copy of the father's honorable discharge. RECORD OF SERVICE. The ruled pages beginning with 229 are intended to be filled in with the soldier's personal Record of Service, together with that of his regiment; and such other reminiscences of the civil war as he may desire to hand down to posterity. This feature of the book will be especially valuable to married sons and daughters of veterans. 224 225 \^'^X N Ao bVO\}A^ OKI /OAA/Vwvcx XXviy COXMO/ WOJi> bOAA-y AM/ MA/ VUt; bV1, 389.43 4,147.193.61 683,789.44 3,082,780.58 1,757,841.15 5,480,614.91 6,937,745.26 2,361,078.81 507,228.54 7,272,320.67 Amount. Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico. . . . New York North Carolina . North Dakota. . Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island.... South Carolina . . South Dakota . . . . Tennessee . . . . Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington .... West Virginia. . . Wisconsin Wj'oming Total, 1,213 16,625 273 9,16 20,0r 1,200 87,006 3,954 1.677 103,921 4,959 98,837 4.403 2,669 4.702 17,918 7,8i3 76s 9,734 8,139 4.963 12,932 27.775 $ 165,379.34 2,499.507.98 35,454.71 1,262,799.68 2,44.5,465.16 175,293.09 12,409,269.19 519,809.28 237,339.34 15,432,462.79 712,891.23 629,9.59,23 '493,'l78!bR 203,213 46 614.315.11 2,572.899 19 1,000,01.5.24 106,923.24 l,52l,6ii.84 1,268,609 77 676,416.0t 2,073,066.67 4,048,706 70 95,435 51 137,466,805,03