f Glass / i^hL Rnok i C THE RECORD OF BIRTHS, MARRIAGES AND DEATHS AND INTENTIONS OF MARRIAGE, IX THE TOWN OF STOUGHTON FROM 1727^X0 1800, AND IN THE T TOWN OF CANTON FROM 1797 TO 1845, PRECEDED BY THE RECORDS OF THE SOUTH PRECINCT OF DORCHESTER FROM 1715 TO 1727. EDITED BT FREDERIC E^DICOTT Secretary of Cantor. Historical Soei.t,, an4 M.r^Ur of tnl Ne.-En.land Historic (genealogical Society, CANTON, MASS.: PRINTED BY WILLIAM BENSE, 1896. i < Q < '( C' pKINrp:U IJY VOTE OF THE ToWN OF CanTON. ^74-.. INTRODUCTION The old Town of Dorchester was settled about June, 1630, (Blake's Annals,) being called at first, Mattapan. At the bottom of page 217 of the printed liecords of the Colony of Miissachusctts Bay in New England (1630) we find the following record and marginal note Mount WoollasFton is to be bounded by the Blew Hills and the rest is Mount wooi- to bee to Dorchester, to go to the bounds of Plimouth. / Brantry bounds. Dorchester before this time included the territory which is now Milton and the above brief record constituted Dorchester's title to a triangular tract of adjoining land extending to within half a mile of Rhode Island line. The tract measured on the Dedham or northwest side about twenty miles, on the Old Colony Line or south side about nineteen miles, and on the Mount Wollajgton or northeast side about eleven miles. This territory included the towns of Canton, Stoughton, Sharon, and Foxborough, and parts of Dedham, Norwood, Walpole, Wrentham, and Avon, and soon acquired the name of The New Ch'anl beyond the Blue Hills. The Mount Woollaston mentioned in the record was in 1640 incorporated as the town of Braintree and that portion of Braintree which joins the New Grant was in 1793 incorporated as a separate town under the name of Randolj^h. Many years elapsed before this part of Dorchester became much settled. In 1657 about 6000 acres of this tract were granted by the Proprietors of Dorchester to the Ponkapoag tribe of Indians at the request of the Rev. John Eliot, and later a small number of other tracts were sold and settlements started. The principal of these were as follows : one, just south and west of Blue Hill ; one, near the south part of Norwood ; one, at the southwest end of Sharon ; one, near Brockton ; one, at Massapoag Pond ; and one, in and near Plain ville in Wrentham. In 1696 the Dorchestw Proprietors began to divide the unsold lands among themselves, the partition taking many years, being practically completed about 1731. After part of the lands had been divided the proprietors, who had at first kept their records in the record book of the town of Dorchester, were incorporated as a separate body and kept separate records until all their business was concluded, their records ending about 1770. About the year 1700 the Ponkapoag Indians began to let their lands which went' under the name of the Ponkapoag Plantation to the white men, on leases running 100 years or more, and the white men immediately set at work building houses and clearing up the land. The Ponkapoag Plantation was Jy. INTRODUCTION. almost wholly within the present territory of Canton and the white settlement which was called Dorchester Village or Ponkapoag grew so rapidly tliat in 1715 tlie < 1718 Edward Pitcher Son of Edward and Jane Pitcher Borne nouember ye 9"> 1718. Hanah wintworth Daf ter of Svball and Damaress wintworth Born august y« Twelfth 1719. William wiatt Son of Beniemin and miriam wiatt Born aprillye: Second: 1720 Hestar Bally dafter of Rltchard and Hestar Baily Born January ye 21 : 1720/21. Joseph Jordan Son of Joseph and Abigaril Jordan Born Febawary ye 10-1717 Samuel Jordan Son of Joseph and Abagaril Jordan Born September 21 . 1720 Katlierine wentwoith Dafter of Suball and Damaress wintworth Born May y» 18: 1721 Ezekiel Wintworth Sun of Suball and Damaress Wintworth Born May 26. 1723 mary Bailv Dafter of Richard & Esther Baily Born August y« 13. 1724. A Coppy of the General Court Grant for a new precinct to be set off within tlie Township of dorchester. [Upon Reading a Petition of the Inhabitants of the Westerly Part of the BlewIIills within the Town of Dorchester commonly call'd the New Grant, Importing, That they live very remote from any Place of Public Worship, The nearest bein^ about six miles distant from Dorchester Dedham & Milton Were upon that account very uneasy & Petitioned ye Town of Dorchester that they might be sett olf a Precint by themselves, Whereupon at a Meeting of the Town of Dorchester, on the twelfth Day of May 1707, they did by a Vote manifest theirConsent thereto, and that the Petitioners should be impowcred to agree with & settle an able Minister among themselves, & to raise a Tax to defray the Charges of Building their Meeting House & Maintenance of their Minister &o, and chose a Committee, who with the Petitioners on the tenth Day of June following agreed upon the Place where the Meeting House should stand A now stands, & what should be the Bounds & Limits of their Precinct, As by the Committee's return may appear, and moreover the Town of Dorchester gave the Petitioners about thirty Pounds towards Building their Meeting House, That upon this Encouragment the Petitioners sett, about building their Meeting H ouse, and in May 1708 petitioned the General Court for Confirmation of what was done, & to impower them to do such other Acts as might be agreeable to the Laws &c Which passd in the House of Representvs, but was Non-Concur'ed in Council, That they have improv'd the Rev'd. Mr. Joseph Morse as their Minister for above these eight years, but not ordain'd, Nor the Petitioners enabled to levyaTax for his Support, Which lays them under very great Inconveniences for want of the Gospel, & as to the Minister's Support, Which falls heavy upon some while others refuse to pay any thing at all. Humbly Praying that the General Court will please to Confirm the said Town Vote, & the Doings of the Committee thereupon. And that they may be a distinct Precinct & Impower'd to choose fit Persons among themselves to asses, & Levy a Tax for the Support of their Minister, & Defraying other Charges & to do such other acts as may be agreeable to the Laws, &c.] The above three paragraphs in smaller type and enclosed in brackets are not in the Book of Records but are copied from the Records of the General Court. In the House of Representatives Decern^ 19'M715 Read and Ordered that the prayer of this Petition be Granteti so far as that a new Precinct be Constituted and sett off with all the necessary Powers and privileges used and exercised in Precincts for the maintenance of the Gospel ministry agreeable to the Limits and Conditions expressed in the Report of the Committee upointed by the Town of dorchester for that end wliich is signed Samuel Clap Samuel Topliff and Samuel Wales Sent up for Concurrance Daniel Epes Speak'' pro Tempore In Council Decern'' 19 ^*' 1715 Read and Concurred Sam' Woodward Seer? 2 Att a Precinct meeting In dorchester march the 28'" 1716 Legally warned for to Choose a Clerk and three Assessers for the year ensuing within the precinct the same day was Chosen for moderator Joseph He wins, the same day was Chosen for precinct Clerk Joseph Hewins the same day was Chosen for Assessoi'S of said precinct for the year ensuing Henry Crane John fenno and .Joseph Hewins Att a Precinct meeting legally warned In dorchester April the 20th day 1716 Samuel Andewi's moderatour The same day it was voted that the Inhabitants of said precinct would giue to Mr Joseph Morse forty pounds annually so long as bee shall uphold and perform the work of the ministiy among them this vote was in the Affcrmatiue the same day it was voted that there should be fifteen pounds Raised by Rate upon the inhabitants and Ratable Estates within this precinct and laid out upon the meeting-house as far as that would go toward the finishing of itt this vote also was in the affir * * * the same day likewise it was voted in the affirmatiue that there should be fiue pounds more n * * * * for to defrey the necessary Charges * • * saide precinct. 3 The same day itt was voted that a Committee should be Chosen to Receive the money that was granted for the meeting- Iiouse and for other necesary Charges ariseing within said precinct and to hire workmen to doe tlie work about tlie meeting house and to pay tliem for their work tliis vote was in the affermatiue. the same day itt was voted that John fenno and Richard Hixson should be a Committee to Recieue the money tliat was granted for the meeting house and other nessesary Charges ariseing within the precinct and to liii'e workmen to do tire work about the meeting house and to pay them for their work tins vote was in the att'ermatiue Att A precinct meeting of the freeholders and other inhabitants Quallified according to Law in dorchester precinct legally warned July IP" 1716 Joseph Hewins. moderatour. the same day it was voted that there should be four Shillings levied upon the pole in the ministers Rate this present year this vote was in the Affermatiue the same day itt was voted in the afiermatiue that the assessors Recieve and pay Mr Morse his Salerey and that the Constable should make up liis Accounts with them. 4 Att a meeting of the Inhabitants of dorchester South precinct Regulerly Assembled on Tuseday the eight day of Jenuary 17 1| Joseph Hewins moderatour the sam day the ministers Rate was published: and two dayes ware appointed for persons to pay in their ministers Rate and to make up their accounts with Mr Morse, the dayes appointed were the first munday and the third munday in february the same day itt was voted in the affermatiue that there should be a neAv door made neer the west Corner of the meeting house, the same day itt was voted that the seats in the body of the meeting house should be Remoued and Joyned togeather in the middle of the meeting house. this vote was in the afiermatiue the same day itt was voted in the affermatiue that a Committee should be Chosen to go to dorchester att march meeting to Request a part of the School the same day the Assessors of the precinct for this present year ware Choser by the major vote a Committee to go to dorchester to Request a pai-t of the school there The same day itt was voted in the affermatiue that there should be three men added to the Committee that haue the oversight of the meeting house and of the work that is to be done to itt and the men Chosen to that service ware John Puff" * * Henry Crane. Samuel Andrews 5 Att A meeting of the freeholders and other inhabitance qualified acording to Law within dorchester South Precinct Legally warned march ye 26. 1717 Sam" Andrews moderater The Same day there was Chosen Cy a majoritie of vots for A Precinct Clark for ye yeare insving: Peter Lyon The Same day was Chosen for ye first assesser by ye major vote for ye yeare insuing: Peter Lyon The Same day was Chosen for ye Seconde assesser for ye yeare insving by ye major vote Joseph Hewins The Same day was Chosen for ye third assesser by ye major votes for ye yeare ensuing Henrv Crane ye 21. of march 1719-20 Then Constable Sam" BuUard Broft a recept in full fi-om under ye hand : of ye Reverend mr morse: unto ye assessors of Tliis Precinct: of ye ministi-iall Rate comitted unto Side Bullard To Colect in ye yeare 1716 march ye 4. 1720-21 Then Constable Joseph Tucker, Rescued for ye yere 1718 of ye Reuerend mr morse, a recept in full, vnder Mr. Morse is hand and Broft it to The assessers, of This Precinct: of ye miiiistriall Rate Commited unto Joseph Tucker To Colect in the vere. 1718 September y« 20'" 1721 Then Constable Phihip Liscome Broft a recept in full From vnder ye hand of: ye lleiierend mr. mor.se: viito ye assessers of Tliis Precinct: of ye uiinistriall Kate Commited viito Philup Liscume to Coliect in ye yeare 1719 December ye 14 1721 Then Constable Edward Baly Broft a recept in full Fi'om ixndr The hand of ye Ueuerend mr morse: viito ye assessers of This precinct, of ye miiustriall iiate which was Commited vnto sd. Baly to Colect in ye yeare 1721 * * * * er. 14. 1721 Then Constable Edward Baly made vp liis acomptswith the Commettee of This precinct, of The Ten pound Hate wliich was commeted to said Baly To colect in The vere — 1721 ****** 29—1723 Then Constable Thomas Spur Brought a Recept in full from * * der the liand of ye Reuerand mr Joseph Morse unto the Commettee or * * * * of tliis Precinct, of ye ministriall Rate Avhich was conunoted ***** m- to colect in the yere 1721 — ****** Then Mr Joseph Morse gaue a Recept In full under ****** xty pounds in money for his seruice in ye ministry ****** of this Precinct, for the yere 1722 * * * * fj-om Mr, Joseph Morse 6 At A meeting- of ye freeholders and other inhabitants qvalified acording to Law within dorchester South Precinct Legally warned : on June y* 4"' 1717 Mr nath" Huberd moderater The same day it was voted in ye Afermitiue that ye veconcie in ye meeting house on ye west ende of ye Pulpite sliould should Ly vecante for ye Present. The same day it was voted on ye afermitiue that the veconcys at ye ends of ye Seats below in ye meeting house Should be made up into two Longe seats one at a ende The Same day was Chosen for to get these two seats made ye formar Comitte that was chosen to get ye woi'k done about y« meeting house At a meeting Legally warned and asembled in dorchester South Precinct on July ye 23 1717. It was Put to vote whether ye Congregation in this precinct would renew there Call to ye revrend mr Josip morse for his f arder Settlement : and to be ordained a Pastor of a church in this i^recinct: tliis vote was on ye afermitiue The same day it was voted on ye afermitiue that ye sd Precinct Congregation would Proceed to ordain mr Josiph morse Som time in ye month of ocf next insving At A Meeting of ye freeholders and other Inliabitance qualified acording to Law witliin dorchester South Precinct Legaly warned and asembled on Sept y« 30. 1717: Isaac Starns modaretour It Avas voted on ye afermatiue That y^ Precinct Congregation would Proceed To ordaine mr Joseph mors y^ Last wendsday in octo next insewing The Same day it was voted on ye afermitiue That y* Pronizion and entertain- ment of y^ Elders and mesingars at y* ordaination Should be raysed by a rate if a free colection would not defray ye cliarge : and if it did and there should be anny overplus it Should be layde out in Somthing to furnish y Secrimentall Table withall The Same day There was Chosen for a Comittie to resaue ye mony that sliould be ginen or gathered for to defray y" charges of y^ ordaination and to Lay it out in Sutable Pronizion for y" honorable entertainment of ye Elders and mes- ingars aty^ ordaination and y"' comittie chosen ware Ritchard Hixson : Beniemin Esti : Samuell Andrews Thomas Spur John vose and Philip Liscome The Same day There was choson a Comittie to sende Letars to y* nighboring churc ♦ for There Elder's andmesingars for Their asistance at y* oi-daination of m' Joseph morse: and v« Comittie Choson was, Peter Lvou and Joseph He * * * * The Same day Avas voted on y* afermitiue That y« Precinct would s * * * ye assesars in theire reating of y" ocupiers of y® scoole fa * * * This Precinct for Theire Pouls and Stock.s. At A meeting of y* freeholders and other inhabitance qvalilied ■= * * * To Law Legally warned and asembled on november ye 15 * * * * * Joseph Hewens moderator The Same day it was voted on y^ afermitiue that y^ Precinct ****** ^en Pounds : for to be raysed by a reat for to Pay ******* Precinct is now indepted. and to defray y« charge ******* nesaseryly arise in y<' Pre- cinct this Presante ye ******* To be Layd out upon y** meeting house. The Same day ye assesers were chosen for ******* ye Constable and Lay it out acordin * * * * 7 The Same day it was voted on ye afermitiue That Thay would Chvse A Comittie of tine men for To Seate ye meeting house — and ye Comittie chosen : were Henrv Crane: Samuell BuUerd: John fenno: Joseph Hewins and John Puffer. The Same day it was voted on y* afermitiue That Thay would Chuse A Comittie for to gather in ye Keuei'end mr. morses old arears and ye Comittie chosen was: Henry Craine Thomas Spur Beniemin Esti John Puffer and John wintwortli. At A meeting of ye fi*eeholders and other inhabitants qualiiied acoding To Law in Dorchester South Precinct : Legally worned and asembled on Jenvery ye 20: 1717-18 Peter Lyon modorater. The Same day it was voted on ye afermitiue That Thay would Petetion ye Towne To Set Them off a Townsliip acording To ye Bounds of ye Precinct: The Same Day it was voted on ye afermitiue That Thay would Chuse a Comittie To Prefer Their Petition and ye Comittie Chosen was Peter Lyon Thomas Spur & John vose. At A Meeting of ye Freeholders and other inhabitants quallLfled a cording To Law in Dorchester South Precinct Legally warned and asembled march ye 17th I7i7_i8. Peter Lyon Modarater. The Same day was chosen for The Precinct Clark for ye yeare insving — Peter Lyon. The Same day was chosen for ye first assesser: Peter Lyon. The Same day was chosen for ye Seconde assesser John vose. The Same day was chosen for ye Third assesser John fenno. * Same day John Fenno gave an acoumpt of ye Twentie Pound granted By ye Precinct for ye finishing of ye meeting hovsc and other charges araising in ye Precinct in ye yeare 1716 which acoumpt was e^septed. * Same day y« Comittie That was chosen To Prouided for ye * * rdaination of mr morse gave in Their acoumpt & exsepted ***** day it was voted on ye afermitive That Thay * * * * hold y^ weekly contrybvtion and Paper Their mony ******* heir names Their unto and all That is not so ***** * be astemed as Strengars mony and noe ***** Taken of it as any part of mr morses Salary. ******** ittie That was chosen for To Prefer a petetion Xo ******** The precinct off a Township: was chosen again ******* u untill it be acomplished if it may *********e chosen was Peter Lyon John vose Thom^ Spur 8 At A meeting of The Freeholdars and other inhabitants quallyfied a cording To Law in Dorchester South Precinct Legally worned and a Sembled august : ye 18*^ 1718 Joseph Hewins modarator. The Same day it was voted in ye afermitiue That ye Precinct Congregation would giue To ye Reuerend mr morse : 15 pounds more Then his Formor Sallary for Tliis Presant yeare. At a meeting of y® Freeholdars and other inhabitants quallyified acording To Law: Legally worned and asembled in This Precinct : on nouember y^ 26. 1718. ^PNathanel Hubard modorator The Same day it was voted in y* afermitiue That y« first monday and ye Last monday in fobruary annvally should Be ye set days for ye inhabitants for To make up Tlieir acounipts with mr morse of The ministerall Rate At a meeting of y« inhabitants of This Precinct Legally worned and asembled February '>-^ 16'" 1718-19 Joseph Ilewins modorater. The Same "dav it was voted Thay would Petetion y« Town of Dorchester for That Part of yMncomes That is belonging To ye ministry church and Scoole of Dorchester': That does By Right Belong To This Precinct The Same day was choos a Committie for To Prefer a Petetion To The Town for y" same' and y* Comittie chosen was Joseph Hewins : John vose and Peter Lvoii. At a Precinct meeting meeting in Dorchester South Precinct Legally worned and asembled: on march y« i'l'lTlS— 19 Joseph Ilewins: modarator. Joseph Hewins was c'hoosen : Precinct Clerk : and first Assesor and John Pufier ye Second assesor: and Joseph Tucker The Third assesor. The Same dav it was voted: on ye afermitiue That ye Precinct would giue To The Reverend mr morse Fifteen Pounds more To Be aded To liis formor Sallarv : For Tliis Presant yeare The Same day it was voted: on ye aflermitiue: That Thay would grant a Rate To Be made of Twentie Pounds and Collected of and From ye inhabitants and estats of s* Precin * * * Be Layd out upon ye meeting House and To defray anv or * * nessesarv charges That may arise in ye Precinct This y * * * * The Same day it was 'voted on ye afermitiue That The as * * * * * Should Reseve ye saide Twentie Pounds of ye cunsta ***** hire workmen and Pay Them : and Pay any other charg ***** At a "meeting of The Freeholdars and other inhabitan ***** a cording To Law in Dorchester South Precinct * * * * of September: 1719: By vartve of a warant ****** of Dorchester To choose a Precinct * * * * This Presant yeare By reson of * * * * Chosen in march. To Be a clerk and as- ******* an assessor Their none acseptance ***** The Same day Their was chosen ***** Precinct Clerk— Peter Lyon * * * The Same dav was choseii for ye ***** * 9 At a Precinct meeting in Dorchester South Precinct Legally worned and assembled on ye 21 day of march 1719— 20. Joseph Hewins moderator The Same day was choo'sen For a Precinct Clerk and ye first assessor : Peter Lvon The Same dav was choosen For The Seconde assesser Joseph Tucker The Same da'v was choosen For y« Third asseser william Crain The Same dav it was voted on y« aflermitiue That The Precinct inhabitants would giue y* Reverend m"^- morse Sixtie Pounds for his Labor in y' work of y^ ministrv For This Presant yeare The Same day y' assesers was choosen a Comitie To Call and opoint Precinct meetings The same dav it was voted on y« aflermitiue That Their Should Be Six Shillings Levied upon v« Poule For This Presant yeare To y" rainisteriall Rate At A Precinct meeting Legally worned and asembled y« 29 of jvne 1720 The Same dav John Fenno 'Joseph Tucker and Peter Lyon : gaue an acount How Thay had Lavd out y' Ten Pound and ye Twentie Pound Rates which were comitted To Constable Haws and Constable Liscom To Colect The Same day it was voted on v« afermitiue That Thay would choose a Com- ittie of Three men for To Sate"}-* meeting house and y« Comittie Then Chosen : was : John Fenno : Beniemin Blackman and Joseph Hewins The Same dav There was Ten Pounds gi-anted To Be Raysed by way of Rate upon v^ Po'uls and estets in s* Pi-ecinct For To Repaire The Roof of ye meeting Hovse and To Bank v« out side of y« scils of s* hovse and To Repaire m--- morses Pew desautlyaiid To Defray other uessasaiy charges araising in s* Pre- cinct The Same day The assessers were chosen a comittieTo Receve y« s* Ten Pounde Kate of y* Constable : and liire workmen and Pay Them for suid work : and Pay other cliarges areising acording To ye vote ****** Then John Fenno Joseph Tvckar and Peter Lyon Reccved of Con- stable Liscom 20 Pounds which was in full of a Rate wliich was comitted To him To Collecte in y^.yeare 1719 ***** Same day Paide To Lefte John vose for work don in y^ * eeting house Seventeen Pounds and nineteen Shillings ******* eting Legally warned and asembled the S^^ day of march 1720/21 ****** derator: The Same day was Chooseu For a precinct Clark g^jjjj **=(.****.)= jj -p^igi^gi. . -j^hg Same day was chosen For the Second asseser ******** Same day was chosen For the Thard asseseser John Fenno ******** the affirmitiue That The Precinct inhabitants would ******* Sixty Pounds for his Labor in the y*= work of ******** nt yeare 10 The Same day it was voted on y« afiermitiue That Thare Shuld Be fiue Shilings Leuied on j^ Poule for This yere insuing to y* ministerial Rate : The Same day it was voted that y' assesers Shuld be a Comitie for to inquier in to y' Pre>cincts Title to ye Land whare ye meeting house Stands & to get a stronger Conf ermation of The Same if Nede be — At a Precinct meeting Legally Warned and asembled the. 30. Day of October. 1721 John Fenno moderator : The Same day the Committee gaue an a Compt of the teen Pounds wliich was granted in the yere, 1720 and the a Compt was accepted onely exsepting Twenty three shilings and. 6. pence which was paid to John Vose for his prouiding for the ordainnation of m""- mors : wliich was Dissallowed of by The precinct The Same Day Thare was Aight Pounds granted to Be Raysed by way of Rate vpon y« pouls & Estates in s* precinct for To Defray the charges arising in s* precinct The Same Day the precinct voted to giue Constable Thommos Spur Suen Shilins for liim To gather obidiah Haws is. erears. of m""- morses Rate & s^ Spur exsepted The Same Day Twas voted on the Afirraatife that The precinct was not willing That M"'- Hubbard shuld Draw of from tliis precinct to a nother town The Same day the Assassars was Chosen a committee for To manege the Pro- danshals of This precinct. At A Precinct meting Leegally warned and asembled the 5 Day of march 1721/22 Samuel Bulard moderator : The Same Day was Choosen : Joseph Tucker the Precinct Clark : The Same Day was Chosen For the Three assesars Joseph Tucker and : Samuel Bulard: and William Crane — The Same day was voted on the affirmitiue That the Precinct inhabitants would giue ye Reuerand m''- morse Sixty Pounds for his Labor in the work of ye ministry For This Presant yeare : The Same Day it was voted on ye affei-mitiue That Thare Shuld Be Fiue Shi ****** on ye Poule for This yere insuing to ye ministerial Rate : The Same day Thare was Chosen a commettee for to open The Bonn ***** house Land & The Neighbors Lands a joyning & to mesuer how ***** The Rhode & Likewise Each way : & for the Commettee ********* Same To The Clark of Tliis Precinct: That he may inter ********** The Conmiettee Then Choseen was John Fenno & ********* The Commeties Return about the meting house Land: We ******* The 15. of march. 1722 : & we haue opened ********** Limits of the meting house Land & we finde the******** From the South Corner by the Rhode Twenty *********** on y« Est end Twelue Rods, to a Black ****** *****&a halfe to a stake : & on the west j^j^ ******** * rpj^g Cometty That Signd was _********** 8 f I At a Precinct meting of The Freeholders & other inhabitants Lecgally warned and asembled the 3 Day of September: 1722: Samuel Bulard mod- era ter The Same Day Twas uoted on the Afirmitiue That the Pi'ecinct woold pay m'- Joseph morses Salerry at Two Payments, the first to be paid by the Last of Oc- tober and the 2°'' To I3e payd in: by The tenth Day of march Anually The same day twas uoted that the Assessars Shuld take Care that the arears of of m""- morses Salerry Shuld be Paid & Cleard up for the yere 1717 — At A Precinct meeting of The Fi'eeholders & other in habitants Leegally "Warned and a Sembled, ye 4 Day of march, 1722/3 Samuel Bulard moderater — The Same day Joseph Tucker was Chosen Precinct Clark : The Same day was Chosen for the three Assessers, Joseph Tucker & Samuel Bullard & William Crane The Same Day Twas voted on the afirmatiue to giue m""- Joseph mors tluirty Pounds for The halef yere insuing: that is to be payd in to him By the forth Day of September — The Same day The Precinct voted on the afirmitiue to Rays half a Croune apon the Pole for the half yere insuing — The Same Day the Assessers Was Chosen a Comettee to maneg the Prudanshels of tills precinct — The Same Day was Chosen Decon Joseph Hewins & Decon Benjamin Black- man & Peter Lyon a Commettee for to petioii to ower Towen for that part of the School which may Properly belooug to this Precinct The Same Day the Commettee gaue an a Compt how for the Last aight pound has been exspended, wliich was Suen Pound : Remaining for the youse of the Precinct one Pound: the a Compt was Exsepted by the Precinct The Same Day the Precinct voted on the afirmitiue that thay woold Rays fine *ounds apon the poles & Estates of the inhabitents of tliis Precinct to de- f i-ay ********* es a Riseing in this precinct — ************g jj-f rjTj^g pij.gQ holders & other in habitents Leegally warned &;******** Day of march 1723/4 — Elder Joseph Hewins moderater ***** er was Chosen Precinct Clark : The Same Day was * * * * Joseph Tucker & Samuel Bullard & Wil- liam Crane * * * * voted on the a Firmitiue to giue m''- Joseph morse * * * * ing viz Thorty pounds of y« same for y* yeare past * * * ninty pounds to be paid in to s<* m''morse by * * * insuing: & to make vp tiie hole of the ninty — 12 Pounds by the First day of march Next in suing: The Same day the Pi'ecinct voted on the a firmitiue to Rays Fiue Shilings on the Pole — The Same Day twas voted that y^ Assessers Shuld be a commettee for to man- ege the Prudanshales of tliis Precinct At A precinct meting of The Free holders and other Inhabitants Leegally Warned & a Sembled the first day of march, 1724/5 Elder Joseph Hewins moderater: The Same day Joseph Tucker was Chosen precinct Clark The Same day was chosen for the three Assessers : Joseph Tucker & Samuel Bullard & William Crane — The Same Day the Precinct voted on the afirmatiue to giue mr. Joseph morse Sexty Pounds : for his woork in the ministry, for The yere insuing The Same day the Assessars was Chosen a Commettee for to manege The Pru- dantials of this Precinct: The Same Day the Precinct uoted on the a firmitiue : that the Precinct woold Rayse teen Pounds by way of Rate : for to defray the Charges of this Pre- cinct: The Same Day Twas uoted that Thare Shuld be a Seet or Seets Set up in The gallany which may be thoft nedfull. The Same day y« commettee gaue an acompt of y* Last, 5. pound which was granted to defray the charg of s"* jjrecinct At A Prechict meeting- of The Freeholders and other Inliabitants Regnlerly Warned & assembled the lirst Day of march, 1725/6, m-'-Nathenil Hubard Moderator, The Same Day Joseph Tucker was chosen precinct dark The Same day was Clioseu for assessors : for the yere in suing ; Joseph Tucker John Fcnno : & Peter Lyon, — The Same Day the assessors was chosen a commettee for to manege The Pru- dantials of this precinct Tlie Same Day, The precinct noted on the afirmjtiue to ad Twenty pound To m""- morses Stated Sallary for The yere Insuing : That is to Say Sixty pound in The hole— The Same Day the Precinct Chose ; Cap Isaac Royall, Lef John p ***** ^ Ins* William Billin.g, a commettee for to in quier, whether a * * * * * portion of the Indau Land Lying with in this precinct ********* for the vse of The ministstree in the precinct : & apo ************ ^^i to make Report of Thare Dooings at the next pr ******** * At A Precinct meeting- of The Freeholders and other Inh ********** and assembled the : aighttenth Day of April, 172 ************ The Same day y« , Thord, article Avas a********* * * * * That is. To Chuse a Commettee for************** 1 3 To Procure, a Couueniant Tract of y" Indin Land for ye vse of ye ministry in this Precinct, Tlie Same day was Chosen for a commettee Decon Benjamin Blackman, Left John Vose & AVilliam Crane : for to appere & Petision y« generale Cort if et may be Thof t Needful, on ye be halfe of ye north part of This precinct That. s'* , precinct may not be diuided so much to thare pregjdice, that is to say by making y« South part a Townshej) — The Same day et was voted on the afirmitiue by said precinct to make sume Conueniant Place for ye Indines in the meting- house for thare Incorigment to attend the publick worshep of god — The Same Day ye precinct voted on the afirmitiue for to Rays, Fine pounds by way of Rate for to defray the Charges of This precinct — At A precinct meeting of The Freeholders and other Inhabitents Regulerly warned and assembled in ye south precinct in dorchester The Fourteenth Day of Nouember. 1726 — Capt Isaac Royall moderator: The Same Day Samuel Bullard and others his neibours to the westword of the f oulmedows In said precinct Seting forth by w ay of petision : the grate deficalty of thare attending the publick worshep of god : with s"* precinct by Reson of thare Remotanes, Prayed that Thare hods and Estats might be freed from pajing Rates to the maintainance of the ministrye in this jn-ecinct, so Long as thay should hier & maintain an orthodose minester to preach y" gospel amongst them & It was voted In ye afii-mitiue that y^ prayer of ye petisioners should be granted The Same Day ye precinct voted In the a firmitiue To Rays Teen pound In ad- dition to the fine pound which was granted v« .18. day 'of april. 1726. for to defray y« Charges of This Precinct The Same Day It was voted In ye afirmitiue that thare Should be a Commettee Chosen for to Petition the grate & general Cort. that this Precinct with the Lands be yand it In ye Township of Dorchester be Sett of a distinct Town- ship : with ye one half or proportionable pai*t of the anuel Incom of ye School Lands L>ing within y« South part of s-^ town according to a vote of ye town of Dorchester pased at a meting of the Inhabitents of s"^ Town on The Eight day of Nouember, 1725 — * * * Same day It was uoted That. Capt Isaac Royall. Insign William Billing & John^ Shepard & Silos Crane & George Talbut. Should be a Commettee to petision ****** i-aj QqyI for the ends and pui-poses as a bone s"* . & any 10 Three or mager part ******** mettee are fully Impowered for to act In the affair aboue mentioned 1 4 Septein'- 28. 1724. Then Constable Ebenezer Warren Brought a Resept In full for the Thurty pounds which was granted to m' morse for half a yere Salleiy in the yere. 1723. & under m'- morses one hand : unto the assessors of this precinct — march 28. 1725/6 Then Constable Elezerllhods Brought a Recept In full under m'- morses hand: unto the Assessors, of this south precinct, of twenty & six pounds In money : which was Constable Rhods is part of m'- morses Rate for to Colect. Janawary 2. 1726/7 Then Constable Ebenezer Warren made up his a compt of the Precinct Rate, which was commeted unto him for to colect, unto the assessors of this south Precinct In Dorchester— Feb: 6. 1726/7 Then m-- Joseph Morse gaue a full & tinal Discharge for that years Salary, 1717. which was commeted to Constable Obadiah Haws for To colect, unto John Fenno, Peter Lyon & Joseph Tucker Assessars of ye South Precinct in Dorchester. Now Called & formed into ye Town Called Stoughton 1 5 1760 Anna Richards Dafter W" Richards Ju' and Anna his Wife Was Born Janeuary y* 31: 1760 — Asa Wartres Sun to Zebulon Warters & Alice his AVife Was Born Februry y' IP": 1760 Anna Loyd Dafter of John Loyd and Anna his Wife Was Born August y« 19 : 1759 Robort Billing Sun to Seth Billing Jerusha his Wife Was Born December y« 29ih ; 1759 Jeremiah Hixson Sun to John Hixson and Mary his Wife Was Born December ye i7ih — 1759 Isaac Morton Sun to Seth Morton and Abigil his Wife Was Born March y« :29'"^ —1760 William Crane Sun to Henry Crane and Abigil his Wife Was Born August y« 12: 1749 Peter Crane Sun to Henry Crane and Abigil his AVife Was Born December y<^ 22: 1752 Jephthah Crane Sun to Henry Crane and Abigil his Wife Was Born Nouember yo 26: 1756 Luther Crane Sun to Henry Crane and Abigil his Wife AVas Born August y" 23-1753 Rachel Swan Dafter to Robert Swan and Rachel his AVif e Was Born September ye 13"> 1755 Robart Swan Sun to Robart Swan & Rachel his Wife Was Born June ye 3'^- 1757 Rachel Swan Dafter to Robart Swan & Rachel his Wife Was Born December ye Q'" 1759 12 Benj"" Khoads Sun to Benj" lihoads & Anna his AVife "Was Born Apreil ye 2* 1749 Anna Rhoads Dafter to Benj" lihoads & Anna his Wife AVas Born August ve 20'" 1751 Jeremiah Khoads Sun to Benj™ Khoads & Anna his AVife Was Born Nouember ye 3U"» 175-4 Marv Khoads Dafter to Benj"" Khoads & Anna his AVife A\'as Born May vc 5' 1757 Elezebetli Klioads D after to BenJ"" Khoads & Ann * * * * AV'ife AYas Born Septem- ber ye 20'" 1759 Seth Gay Sun to Tiniotiiy Gay & Amity ]i****** ******* Nouem- "ber ye 1' : : 17 GO.' t 9 Anna Loyd AVife to John Loyd Died August ye lO"* 1759. JS'ath'Olay feun to iS'ath" May and JSIary Ms Wife Died August ye: 17*'': 1759 Sarali Fenno AVife to Joseph Fenno Died September ye 29'" 1760 George Tolbott Escf Died July y* 31 : 1760 In ye 72 : year of his age hannah Tolbott AVife to George Tolbortt J"' Died Isoueniber y« 29 : 1760 Mary AVarren Died March ye 23 : 1760 John Jones Died March ye 26: 1760 Mary Smith Died Aprel ye: : 1760 Thomas Bryountt Seniant to Timothy Tolman Died Fel).'' ye 1761 Josiah Morse Sun to Josiah Morse & Kaziah his AVife Died May ye 6 ; 1759 Eben' Thompson Sun to David Thompson & ]\Iary his wife Died in his ]SIaj'* Sarvice at ye AVestword Nouember ye 17 '" 1760 in ye Eighteenth year of ]iis Age Rachel Swan Dafter to Kobart Swan & Rachel his AVife Died March ve 1' 1757 M" Ruth Tilden AVife to Mr. Elijah Tilden Died Alarch ye 18'" 1761 John Keny Died April ye 10'" 1761 Mr. Ebenezer Clap Died August ye 27'" 1761 Mrs Eliezcbeth AVentworth AVife to Mr John AVentworth Died January ye 14'": 1761 * * * * y Holmes Daughter of Dec" iXath" Holmes Died July ***** 1761 In ye 37'" year of bar Age * * * * h Lymi Daughter to Presarvid Lvon Died October * ******* qi ******** Bucknum Died May ye 23 : 1761 ********** g^^jj ^Q Comfort & Grace Ms wife Died October * * * * 20 (A.) t Abijah Jones Son of Timothy & Elizebeth ********** ylbigail AMiite Dafter of James & Abigail AVhite ********** Abif/nW Hobs Dafter of Matthew & Hannah i£ ******** Abifjail AVithington Dafter of John «fe Elizebeth AVitMng * ******* Ahif/ail Wadsn'ovth. Dafter of George & Sarah AVa ********* Abigail Copp Daurfhter of * * * muel & Abigail Copp ********* Abigail Pitcher daughter of Edward ^^ ************ 29nth day of December 1720 Abiqail Shepard Daughter of John ^^ ********* ya^ born Ajnil ye 6'" 1728 Adam Blackman son of George & Thankf ********** y^^g 6orn March ye 16'" 1729-30 Abig3i\\ Kingsburv Daughter of Jeremiah ^********** -yyas born September yc 12'": 1729: Amariah Tolman Son of David & pntdence ******* ^yas born May ye 10 1730 Anne shepard Daughter of Ralph & sarah shepard was born March ye 31.1730. Abigail Esty Daughter of Beniamin & sarah Esty was born March ve 14: 1725-6 t The Italics on this page and the next are not in the original noii\ but are from the copy which belongs to the Toicn of Canton. 13 Amee Dwellev Daughter of samuel & Charety Dwelley was born sepetember ye 13. 1730 Amee Weatworth Daughter of Shubal & Damaris ^y * * * * ^y^s born May ye 26. 1731. Anne shepard Daughter of Ralph & sarah !?he ***** ^as born October ye 20 1731. Abigail Monk Daughter ^f *********** * -^yas born October ye 26 * * « * Abigail Leonard Dau ***************** born March * * * * lo-ii] Rr'cr ************** icrcs WIS ************ 2i ° ^" (B.) ,************** Sixbaii & Damaress Wintworth born Noueni6er Ye lo'^ 1728. *♦***,*********** Sarah White born Nouember ye 20 1 728 *********** ^gj. ^jf sanuiel & Rebekah Estie toas ******** ************ ^^£ Benjamin & ^ * * * * * ^avel was born * * * ************ ^. y^ Elias & Susannah Jlonk was ******* * * th 1729 ************ ^(jjj ^j^- j3ei,jaini/< & Abigail Gill ******* June ye: 2: 1730 * * ttey Keny Daughter of John & Abiira * * * * uy ^yas born June ye 5 : 1730. Benjamin Esty. son of Benjamin & sarah Esty was born July ye 23. 1730 Benjaiuin pufler. son of Eleazer & Elisabeth putier was born august ye 20. 1718 Bethyer Wentworth, Daughter of Charles & bethyer Wentworth was born April ye. 3. 1731. Bela Belcher son of samuel & mary Belcher was born December ye 28. 1730. Benjamin smith son of Benjamin & susamia smith was born. March ye 23 1723-4 ************ g^jj ^^ Eleazer & Jemima Rhodes was boi-n Apriel ye * * * ;: 17-40 Chloe. man. Daughter of Ebenezer & mary man. was Born may y^ 15'"; 1741 Caleb Howard, son of Caleb & Elizabeth. Howard was Born may ye 17'"; 1741 Catherine Everet Daughter of Joseph and Hannah was Born, may y^ 20'"; 1743 Charity Liscom Daugiiter of John & Joanna Li * * * * was Born february ye 9'": 1740-r Chloe Wentwoi-th Daughter of Amariah Wen ******* Rebeckah His Wife was born Dec"-- 23'* 1742 Clefford Belcher Son of Clefford Belcher & Mehitable His AVife was Born Octo- ber ye 7'" 1745. Cloe Dickerman Daughter of John Dickerman Ju-^ & Meriah His Wife was born Feb^ y^'" 19'" 1741-2 14 Charles Wentworth Son of Amariah Went * * * * * & Rebeckah His Wife Was born Nov"^ 25'" * * * * Caleb Johnson Son of Caleb Joluison & Judith Ills * * * * was born Jan^' ve 1 1'" 1750-1 * * nthea Tolnian Daughter of Thomas Tolman * Hannah His Wife Was born March ve 1G"> 1753 ***** g Keny daugliter of Jonathan Keny Ju"" ***** uh His Wife was born Jany ye 'iti"' 1752 ******* Fenno son of John Fenno Ju"" & Jcrushu ******* "Was born July ve 22^ 1754. 23 (r^) * *ved Tolman Son of Daued & Prudance Tolman born march ye 9'" 172? David the son of Thomas and Ohve Jordan was born December ye: 23: 1725: Doretyputier Daugliter of Eleazt'r& Elisabetli putierwas born July ye 17. 1726. *uedtisher son of Daued & Deborah tisher was born Janawary ye 22 1732. Deliverance Withington Daughter of Henry & Mary AVithington was born March ye 1. 1731-2 Desire Liscom 'Daughter of Pliiiip & Desire Liscom was born sep"" ye U. 1734. David Tomson son of David & Mary Tomson was born January ye 14. 1738. David Gav son of David & Hannah Gay was born february ye 2. 1738-9 Daniel Talbott son of Daniel & Martha Talbott was born October ye 25 1739 Dor'ny wood tlie Daughter of Jethro & Kezia wood was born January ye lO"* 1739-40 -Daniel RicliarLls son of Daniel & Mary Richards was born June ye 29'": 1741 Dority Curtis Daughter of Edward & Hannah Curtis was Born January ye 14'": 1741-2 Daniel man. Son of Theodore Man & Abigail his wife was born April ye 19'" 1744. Damaris Capen Daughter of Elijah Capen & Elizabeth His Wife was born June ve 26'" 1745 David White Son of John AVliite & Martlia his Wife AVas born August ye 5 " 1745 David Talbott Son of George Talbott Jun^ & h ****** * His AVife was born March ve 8'" 1745-6 David Capen ve Son" of David Capen & Rg ******** * AVife AVas born July ve 28«" 1747. David AA'entwoith Son of Paul AVen ********* Abigail His AMfe AVas born Sep ******** ***** Andrews ve Son of James And* ****** wa-. born May ye 20'-^ 174 * 24 ( K ) Elizebeth Jones Dafter of Timotliy & Elizebeth Jones Born The. 17. of: Aprd. 1720 Elizebeth Tolman Dafter of Timothy & Elizebeth Tolman born octob^ ye 7'" 1728 Edward AVithington Son of John & p:!Izebeth AVithington Born December ye 3^0 1719 Esther AA'adsworth Dafter of George & Sarah Wadworth born Febuar\- ye 6'" 1722-3 Ebenezer Hewins son of Joseph & Mehetabel Hewins was Born the 24th day of march 1707 Elijah Pitcher son of Edward & Jane Pitcher was Born ye 31" day of may 1726: Elisabeth Dickerman Daughter of John and mary Dickerman was Born august tlie 25t" in the year 1729. Elisabeth fenno daughter of Isaac and Hannah fenno was Born September the 20'" 1729 15 Elisabeth Savel Daugiiter of Benjamin & mary Savel was Born februaiy the d'^ 1729 Elisabeth AVilliams daughter of Richard & Elisabeth Williams was Born Novem- ber ye: 22==" : 1729. Ebenezer Indicott Sun of James and Esther Indicott was Born July ye lO""* 1726. Elijah Spur son of Thomas and Elisabeth Spur was Born february the 2°* 1729-30 Edward the son of liichard & Esther Bailey: was born feb'' y® 25 1729-30 Edward the son of Edward and Kezia AV'entworth was born July y^ : 1 : 1729 Ebenezer swan son of Robert & Mary swan was born April ye 5 : 1728. Elisabeth Hixson Daugiiter of Richard & sarah Hixs * * was born sep'"' ye 18 1730 Ebenezer Draper son of Ebenezer & d******* Draper was born March ye 23. 1728-* Ebenezer" Hixson son of Walter & ma ******** ^yas born, June ye. 16. 1729. Elisabeth Eaton. Daughter of John &******** -^yas born. September ye. 27. 173* " See Page 85 25 (F) f rederick Pope son of Ralph & Rebeckah pope was born May ye. 15 : 1733. Frederick Billing Son of John Billing & Sarah His Wife Was born Nov""" ye 9'^ 1752 N: S Freman Son of Culi"& Mary, Negroes, was born Sep""" ye 24'^ 1755. 26 '(G) George Blackman Son of george & Thankful Blackman. born July 31''. 1728 Gamaliel Lyon Son of Elhanon & meredeth Lyon born Jan''^ y« 22. 1728-9 Grace Liscom Daughter of John & Joanna Liscom was born aug" ye 14. 1732 George Monk son of Elias & Susannah Monk was Born february ye 10"^ 1733-4. Grace AVithington Daughter of Henry & Mary Witliington. was born feb' 16. 1733-4 George Allen son of George & Mary Allen was born april ye 7. 1736. Oeorge Stone Son of Henry Stone and Lydia His Wife Was Born January ye 23^ 1745-6. Oeorge Talbott Son of Daniel Talbott & Martlia His Wife Was born June ye P' 1746 Oeorge Wadsworth Son of Cristophor Wadsworth & Ann Wadsworth was born. April ye 12'" 1758 27 ( H ) Hannah Hewins daugiiter of Joseph «fe Catherine Hewins Born. June 2P' 1728 Hezekiah Gay son of Hezekiah & Jemima Gay born July ye 8"^ 1728 Hannah White, daugiiter of John & martha White was Born July ye 26"" 1729 Hannah smith Daughter of Joseph & mary smith was born December ye 1. 1729 Hannali Indicot Daughter of James & Esther Indicot was born April ye 12. 1730 • Hannah Osgood Daughter of John & Hannah Osgood was born Aug" ye 16 1730 Hannah Everet Daughter of Josepli & JIannah Everet was born November ye 1 1730 Hannah Savel Daughter of Benjamin & mary savel was born March ye 26. 1731. Hannah Esty Daughter of sainuel & Rebeckah Esty was born INIarch ye 4. 1730-1. Hannah Hobbs Daughter of Mathew & Hannah Hobbs was born September ye 10 1730. Hannah Hewins Daughter of Joseph & Catharine Hewins was born September ye 3 1731. Hannah Leonard Daughter of Uriah & Abigail Leonard was born march: ye 22. 1713. 16 Hephsibah "Wentworth. Daughter of Edward and Kezia wentwortli was born November ye 19 1731. Hannah .^hepard Daughter of John & Rebeckah shepard was boru ^March ye 4. 1730-1. • Hannah Billing Daughter of Beriah & Mary Billing was born august ye 23. 1732. Hannah Comings Daughter of Isaac & Hannah Comings was born 0(;tober ye 2G. 1721. ***** h Dunbar Daughter of ve Reu^ m"" Samuel Dunbar and Hannah ******* was Born July ye 13'". 1733 ***** bah Billing. Daughter of Eikanah & mary * ******* ^oru September ve 19'" 1734 ********** Daughter of Bliss & mary Tolman *-****** gust ye 1-4 1731. see page 91. 28 (I) Jeremiah Fuller Sou of Jeremiah & Hannah Fuller born, Feb'''' the 24'" 1726-7 James Wentworth Sou of Suball & Dauiaress Wentworth born April ye 13. 1727 James Baily Son of Recherd & Esther Baily born ye 22 of August. 1727 Jonathan Keeny Son of Jonathan & Jeuiima Keeny born, march ye G. 1725-6 Joseph Hartwell son of Josepli & mary iiartwell, Born August ye 20-1728 Jethro wood son of moses wood. & Dorety Disco born September ye 19'" 1716 Jacob He wins son of Benjamin & Sarah Ilewins born Jan''^ ye 13. 1728-9 Isaac Esti sou of Edward A: Elizabeth Esti. burn Nouember ye 24. 1720 Jabez Esti son of Edward & Elizebeth Esti. born Nouember'ye. 14. 1726 John Kinny son of John & Abigail Kinny born Feb""^ ye 9'" 1728-9 John Withington son of John & Elizebeth >yithington born march ye 7*^ 1716-17 John Everet son of Joseph & Hanah Everet was Born January the 3'^ 1728-9 Jonathan Pitcher sou of Edward & Jane Pitcher: was Born ye 25'" day of Jan- uary 1724 5 James Indicott son of James and Esther Indicott was Born July the 10'" 1728: John: the son of John & harmah Feimo: was born feb^y y" 11: 1729 /30 Jesaniah : the sou of Thomas and oiive Jordau : was born September ve 2 : 1718: Isaiah: the son of Thomas and olive Jordan was born May y* : 31: 1721. Jei'usha shepard : Daughter of John & Rebeckah shepard was Born: July y« : 20: 1729: Joseph swan son of Robert & mary swan was born March y« 11 : 1729 /30. Josiah Keenv son of Jonathan & Jemimah Keeny was born february v® 9 : 1727-8 Joannah Liscom Daughter of John and Joannah Liscom was born January y« 10 1728-9 John Liscom son of John & Joanuali Liscom was born August y= 1 : 1730 John Hartwell. son of Joseph & Mary Ilartw * was born September: y* 15. 1730 Judith Tucker Daughter of preserved and Rebeckah t * * * * was born October y« 11: 1730 Josiah Draper son of James & Abigail Dr * * * * was born sep""" y« 12—1727 see furtiier page * * 29 ( K ) Kingsley shepard: son of R^ilph & sarah shepard was born march y« 27 1736. Katharine Randol. Daughter of Tliomas and Katharine Randol was born may y« 1. 1739— Kezia Holms Daughter of John & Kezia Holms was Born March y« 19'": 1741/2 17 Kate Plimpton Daughter of James Plimpton & Lydia His Wife was born Nov"'" ye 7th 1744^ Katharine Tompson Daughter of David Tompson & Mary liis Wife AYas born Mayy« 30"' 1746. Kezia Jordan y^ Daughter of Zebulon Jordan & Abigail His Wife was born March y« 24"^ 1746-7. Kezia Bird daughter of Benjamin Bird & Kezia His Wife Was born Feb'^^ y" 7"^ 1755 Keziah Crane Daughter to of Elihu Crane & Elizabeth Crane his Wife was born Nov'"' y« 28"^ A. D. 1758. 30 (L) Leidia Wadsworth Dafter of George & Sarah Wadswoith. Born march 23'"* 1726 Lemuel Kollock son of Cornelius & Jerusha KoUock v/as Born y^ 5"^ day of September. 1728 Lemuel Lvon son of peter and Waitstill Lyon was Born february y^ : 13: 1728-9 Lemuel Pettingell son of Daniel & Abigail Pettingell Was born November y« 16'" 1729 Lazarus puffer son of Eleazer & Elisabeth putfer was born June y« . 1. 1729 Lemual Wentworth son of Shubael & Damaris Wentworth was born february y« 20 1732-3 Lemuel shepard son of Ralph & sarah shepard was born March y« 21 1733-4. Lemuel Blackman son of George & Thankf uU Blackman was born august y* 21. 1738 Lydia Plimpton. Daughter of James & Lydia plimpton was born May y« . 17: 1739 Leucrecia pope Daughter of Ralph & Rebeckah pope was Born November y« IV^ 1736 Lydia upham Daughter of John & sarah upliam was born September y^ 27 : 1737 Lydia Estie Daughter of Benjamin & Abigail Estie was Born July y« 9'^: 1742 Lydia Leonard Daughter of uriah & Elizabeth Leonard was Born Aprill, y« 3'* 1742 Levi White son of John & Martha AAHiite was Born april y« 3'' 1743 Levi Fisher son of Timothy Fisher & Thankf * His Wife was born Feb'-y y« 2'^ 1743-4 Lois Tolman Daughter of Bliss Tolman & ]Mar ***** was born Sep"' y^ 18'" 1736 Lemuel Bird son of Benjamin Bird * * * His Wife Was born September y« Luce Man Daughter of Ebenezer Man * * * * Wife was born June y* 8'" 1743. 31 (M) manasah Deckerraan, Son of John & mary Deckerniau born Tlie 3"^^ of Janawary 1726-7. mary Haws Dafter of Obadiah & maiy Hawes. born The 13. of may 1727. maiy Comins Dafter of Isaac & Hannah Comins born The. 30. of September 1726 martha White Dafter of James & Abigail White born October y« 20««" 1723. mary AVliite Dafter of James & Abigail White born may y« . 25 1725 moses White son of moses & Sarah Wliite born October y^ . i" 1726 mary ICsti Dafter of Edward k IClizol)eth Esti born September, y« 11. 1719 martha Esti Dafter of Edward & Elizebeth Esti born Nouem-- y« . 23. 1728 mary Puffer Dafter of John & Abigail PutTer liorn Nouember y« . 20. 1728 mehetabel White Dafter of James & Abigfiil White born Jan'^ ye 18 1728-9 meliatiah Crane Daughter of Henry & nieliatiah Crane was Born rnay the: 6^^: 1729 18 Moses fisher son of Eleazer & mary fisher was Born aug-ust the 5"^ 1729. Mary Davenport Daughter of John & mary Davenport was Born november the IQ"" 1729. Maiy Hewins Daugliter of Joseph and Katharine Hewins was Born December the: 28"^: 1729: Maiy Tohnan Daughter of Bliss and marv Tohnan was Born december the 23'"'* 1729 Mary Jordan the Daughter of Thomas and olive Jordan was born June ve: 17: 1723: Man- shepard Danofhter of John & Rebeckah shepard was born auo-u=;t ve: 4: 1725: Man- Fenno Daughter of John & hannah Fenno was born September y" 11 1727 Miriam Downs Daughter of Edward & Ruth Downs was born Julv v« 25. 1730 " ■ ' Mattliias pufter son of Eleazer & Elisabeth puffer was born, februarv. ve 5. 1715-16 ' ' Mehitabel Comings. Dav£jhter of Isaac & Hannah * * ings was born. Au"-ust ye 8. 1730. * ry Allen: Daughter of George & mary Allen * * born march ye. 31. 1731. * * * Lyon. Daughter of Elhanan & meredith Lyon * * orn April v» 4. 1731. * * * Gay son of Hezekiah & Jemima Gay * * '* arch ye. 12. 1730-1 see page 86. 32 (X.) iVeiiemiah Liscom: son of philip & Desire Liscom was born May y^ 27"' 1729 Nathan Esty son of Benjamin & sarah Esty was born november y*'' 26: 1727 Nathaniel Tilden son of David & Abigail Tilden was born July y« 23. 1730 Nathan stearns son of Isaac & Rachel stearns was born July y« 12. 1728 Nathaniel Leonard son of Uriali & Abigail Leonard vv'as born March y« 7 1717 Nathan smith, son of Benjamin & susanna smitli was born. July y« 24 1731. Natiianil Clerk son of Nathan & Jemima Clerk was born September y« 27'" 1733 Nathaniel Kingsberv. son of Jeremiah & Rest Kingsbery was born. March y« . 14. 1733-4 Nathaniel sumner son of Nathaniel & Deliverance sumner was born December ^=24: 1735. Natlianiel Adams son of nathaniel & Abigail Adams was born, December y^ A. 1736 Nathan Howard son of Caleb & Zeruiah Howard was born april y« 29. 1738. Noeh Johnson Sou of Benjamin & Ruth Jolmson was born October v« : 4 {or l^):1738 Nathaniel Fisher son of Ezekiel & susana Fisher was Born September y« 29'", 1740 Nathaniel Coney son of Nathaniel & sarah Coney was born July y« 11 : 1739 Nathaniel Guild son of Nathaniel & mary Guild was Born, may y« 29""; 1741 Nehemiah Clark Son of Ichabod & Sarah Clar * was Born: februarv y« 23'* : 1741-2 Noah Comings son of Isaac and Hannah Comings * * * September the U""; 1742 Nathauael Liscom son of John & Joan * * * * ^as Born, april y ll"-; 1743, H{ee page 107.) 33 ( 6 ) Obadiah Hawes son of obadiah & mary Hawes was Born June y» 12"^: 1729. Olive Bussev. Daughter of William & Olive Bussey was born November y« 27. 1730: Obediance Holmes Daughter of Nathaniel Holmes & Sarah His "Wife Was Born Feb'? ve 21" 1745-6. 19 OKver Wentworth ye Son of Paul Wentworh and Abigail Ilis Wife was born Nov'"' 1748 Oliver Curtis Son of ye Rev* m'' Philip Curtis & m" Elizabeth Curtis Was born Jan^y ye 20"' 1757 Oliver Wentworth Sou of Amariah AVentworth & Rebeckah His Wife was born auffust ye 16'" 1756 Oliver Blackman Son of Adam Blackman & Mary His Wife bon Sep"' ye 27«' 1757 : Oliver Billing' Son of William Billing ye 3'' & Sarah His Wife was born Sep"' ve 21^' 1758 Oliver Comeey Sou of John Comeey & Abigail His Wife was born June ye ll*^ 1757 Oliver Estie Son of Jacob Estie Ju' & Mary Estie His Wife was born Feb'? ye 8'" 1759 34 C^) Phebe wheeler Daughter of William & sarah wheeler was born fobruary ye 13. 1730-1. Philip Liscom son of philip & Desire Liscom was born June ye 23. 1/31. Phebe Wadsworth Daughter of George & sarah Wadsworth was born June ye 30. 1732 Patience Tolman Daughter of Bliss & Mary Tolinan was born Decern' ye 23- 1734. Patience Andrews Daughter of samuel & Mehetabel Andrews was born July ye 20-1736 — Phebe smith Dauifliter of Caleb & Rachael smith was born apiil ye. 17. 1737 Prudence Tolman Daughter of David & prudence Tolman was born february ve 27. 1736-7 Phebe Hewins Dauo-hter of Ebenezer & Judith Hewins was born March ye 30 : 1737-8 Preserved Tucker son of preserved & Rebeckah Tucker was born April ye 24. 1739 Pelton warren, the son of Jonatlian & Chnstian warren was Born febmary ye 10'" 1740-1 Patience Stone daugliter of Henrv & Lvdia Stone was born march ye 23* 1743-4. Patience Tolman Daughter of Bliss Tolman & Mary His Wife was born Dec"' ye 22" 1734. Peter Talbott Son of Peter Talbott & Abigail His Wife was born Nov"' ye 6'" 1745. Preserved Belcher Son of Clefoi-d Belcher & Mehatable His Wife Was born ye 6 of Oct"' 1744. Peter Adams Son of ve Rev* M' Jedadiah Adams & M" Mary Adams His Wife Was * * April ve 9'" 1747. Peter Dickerman Son of John Dicker * * & Meriah His Wife was born Octo- ber ye * * * Parkman Bradshaw Sou of Samuel B * * * Sarah His Wife w^as born Feb'' 2 * * * 35 (Q) 36 ( R) Richard Hixson son of Richard & sarah Hixson. bom. Jan'>' ye. 15 1728-9 Ruth Wadsworth Dafter of George & Sarah Wadsworth. Born. December ye 12'" 1724 Rachel Bailv dauirhter of Edward & Hannah Bailv was Bora may ye 4'" 1729: Rebckah Rkvment Daughter of William & Rebeckah Ravnnent was born Octo- ber "ve 16°*" 1728 Rebeckah Estee daughter of Samuel & Rebeckah Estee was Born June ye 6 : 1729 ^^^ Robart Perigo son of James and Lydia Perigo was Bom april the 18° 1^29 20 Recompence Wadsworth son of George & Sarah Wadsworth Was born febru- ar>' ye 12: 1729-30 Rebeckah shepard Daughter of John & Rebeckah shepard was Born July ve : 19: 1723 Roger Billing son of Steplien & Elisabeth Billing was born March ve 15 : 1729-30 Rachel Drai>er Daughter of James & Abigail Draper was born June ve 30 1729 Rebeckah Gay Daughter of Timothy & Azubah Gay Avas born June. 22. 1730. Rebeckah Pope Daughter of Ralph & Rebeckah Pope was born December ye 29. 1730. Richard Williams son of Richard & Elisabeth Y/illiams was born September ve ■4. 1731. ^ Rebeckah Gill. Daughter of Benjamin & Abigail Gill was born June ve 23. 1732. Richard Bailev son of Richard & Esther Bailey was born Januarv ve 31 1732-3. Ruamy Fenno Dafter of John & Hannah Fenno was Born december ye 6. 1732. Ruth Fenno Dafter of Isaac & mary Fenno was Born may ye 23. 1733 Robert pelton. Warrin. son of Jonathan * * * * AV'arrin was born sep"" ve 23. 1734. Rachael smith Daughter of John & Mar ****** ^jyas born July ye 31. 173-1. 37 (S) Sion Wentwovth Son of Suball & Damaress AYentworth borne, march, ve. 31 1725 Samuel Emery Son of Samuel & Bathsheba Emery borne December ye. 19"^ 1727 Samuel AVentworth Son of Charls & BetMah wentworth born Apriel ye 2-1"' 1728 Stephen Tilden Son of Dauid & Abigal Tilden born January ye 28- 1726-7 Samuel Dwelle Son of Samuel & Charity Dwelle born October, ve. 30"» 1727 Susanna "Wadsworth Dafter of George & Sarah Wadsworth born, march, ye. 26 1721 Stephen Billing Son of Stephen & Elizebeth Billing Born Feb'-^ y' 23'^ 1725 Sath Billing Son of Stephen & Elizebeth Billing Born Feb'^ 1" i727-8 Samuel Estie: son of Samuel & Rebeckah Eastie was Born April ve 19°''' 1721. Sarah Estie daughter of of Samuel & Rebekah Estie : was Born march v^ ■i'-^ 1725: Silas Crane son of Silas & Experience Crane was Born may y« 16"": 1729 : Samuel Pitcher son of Edward & Jane Pitcher was Born v° 13°"' day of april 1722: Sarah Savel Daughter of Benjamin & mary Savel was Born October ye 12"* 1726 sarah Dov/ns Daughter of Edward & Ruth Downs was born October ve 22 1727 Stewart Esty son of Edward & Elisubeth Esty was born June ye 18: 1730 Samuel "Whiting son of Jeremiaii & Ruth Wlxiting was born feb""? ye 27- 1727 Samuel Wheeler son of William & Abigail AVheeler was born. October ye 7 1727 sarah Wheeler. Daughter of William & sarah AVheeler was born July y« 7 1729 seth Puffer son of John & Abigail Puffer was born March ye 11 1730-1. 21 Samuel Dunbar, son of y* Hev^ M"" sauiuel Dunbar and Hannah Ms wife was born April y'^ 23. 1731. Samuel Billing son of Joseph & Anna Billing was born June ye 8. 1731. * * * uel Holms son of Samuel& Hannah Holms * * born June ye 9. 1731. * * * * Hixson. Daughter of Richard & sarah Hixson * * * february ye 8. 1731-2. ******** ond Daughter of Nathanel ***** mmond was born March ye 3 17o7-S see page 87 38 (T) Thomas Crane Son of Silas & Exspearance Crane born. January The. 6'" 1726-7 Timothy Keeney son of Jonathan & Jemimah Keeuey was was born April ye 28: 1730 Thomas AVhitiug. sou of Jeremiah & Ruth Whiting was born October ye 15. 1731 Tabitha smith. Daughter of benjamin & susanna smith was born April ye 20 1729. Thomas Bussey son of AYilliam & olive Bussey was born October ye 4. 1732. Tabatha Gay Dafter of Joshua & Hannah Gay was born ye 20. of December 1732 Turin Allen son of George & mary alien was born february ye 21. 1733-4 Thomas lisher son of David & Deborah fisher was born March ye. 10. 1734-5 Timothy Gay son of Timothy & Azubah Gay was born July ye 30: 1735: Thomas Richards son of William & Elizabeth Richards was born march ye. 17. 1735-6. Thomas fuller & Josiah fuller sons of Jeremiah & Hannah fuller were born. march ye. 16. 1734-5. Thomas Billing &, Elizabeth Billing, twins, son & Daughter of Stephen & Eliza- beth Billing, was born. October ye. 14. 1735 Theodore Man ; And Ralph, man. (Twins) sons of Theodore and Abigail Man were Born November ye 24'" • 1741 Theopliilus Curtis son of Theophilus & Elizabeth Curtis was Born. January ye 6"^; 1741-2 Theophilus Lyon Son of Elhanau Lyon Jun"" & Hannah Ms wife was Born April ye first * * Timothy Billing Son of Ebenzer Billing Jun"^ * * * * Hjg Wife was Born March ye 26'" 1745 Thomas Clark Son of Nathan Clark & * * * His Wife was Born march ye 27"" 17** See page 112 39 ( ^' ) Vose Crane, son of Henry & Melatiah Crane was born february y« . 15. 1730/1 Uriah Leonard son of Uriah & Abigail Leonard was born uovember y« 9-1715. Unity Weutworth. Daughter of Edward & Kezia Weutworth was born, no- vember. ye 11'" 1733. Unice Hixson Daughter of Richard & sarah Hixson was born October y« 26. 1736. Unis Curtis Daughter of Theophilus & Elizabeth Curtis was born april y*' . 14. 1735 Unity Shepard Daughter of Thomas Shepard & Aimty His Wife was Born April y'' 5* 1745. Unty Este Daughter of Benjamin Estie & Joanna His Wife was born Ocf"" ye 14'" 1757. 40 ( ^V ) William Simth Sou of Joseph & mary Smith born Apnel y« . 14. 1727 William Withington Son of John & Elizebeth Withington born October y« 17. 1715 William the son of Thomas and olive Jordan was born October >-« : 24: 1716: William Bussey the son of William & olive Bussey was born April }^ 12: 1729: 2-2 Waitstill Dickerman Daughter of John & mary Dickerman was born Auril ve 26. 1731. '' William Billing sou of Elkanah & mary Billing was born August y« 5-1731. ■\Vallay Leonard sou of Uriah & Abigail Leonard was born August 18. 1720*. William Wood son of William & Abigail Wood was born februarv v« 12. 1731-2 ^ William Richards son of William & Elisabetli Richards, was born au"-u- 1734. <= . - William Coaldwell son of William & Jane Coaldwell was born Nov'' v* ''O • 1734i' William He wins sou of Ebenezer & Judith Hewins was born December ve 16 1735 William fenno son of John & Hannah fenno was born November ye 9. 1737 AVilliam Savell Son of Benjamin & Mary Savell was born March ye 4: 1737 William Wheeler son of William & sarah Wheeler was born June ye 24: 1736 William Monk son of Elias & susanna monk was born november y® 2. 1739 AYilliain Pope Son of Ralph and Rebeckah Pope was Born february ye 5"», 1738-39 William Billing son of william and mar * * * * -y^as Born November ye 14"" • 1742 ' William Blackman Son of George & Tha * * * Blackman was born Nov*"" ye 23'! 1743 William Tolman Son of William Tolman * * * * Wife Was Born Dec""" ye 1" 1745 See \>3i{ge 128) There never were any pages numbered 41—49. Pages 40 and 50 are on opposite sides of the same leaf. 50 ( X ) 51 (Y) 52 (Z) Zebulun Crane son of William & Abigail Crane was Born September the 18°'" 1726 Zebulun Holms, sou of John & Keziah Holms was born, april ye. 28. 1736. Zebulun Waters, son of samuel & Betiiiah Waters was born January ye. 3. 1734-5 Zachariah Watkins son of zachariah & martha watkins was Born Julv ve 31'; 1741 Zebulun Jordan Son of Benjamin Jordan, & Elizabeth His Wife Was Born Nov"^ ye 1^*1719. Zephaniah Spur Son of Thomas Spur Ju"" & Mary His Wife was born Jan-^ ye 24'" 1745-6 Ziba Plimpton Son of James Plimpton & Lydia His Wife Was born Feb"^ ye 5'" 1751-2 Zibiah Morton daughter of Seth morton & abigail His Wife was born May ye 1»' 1758. 53 The Names of samuel Andrus of stoughtou & mehetable Trot of milton & thare Intintions of mai-rige was Intred with me ye forth day of Feb^y 1727. and haue ben posted up. & since haue ben out published as the Law directs, By me Joseph Tucker town Clerk The Names of Thomas meed & Susanna pecher both of stoughton & there In- tintions of marrige was Inti-ed with me ye Twenty sixth day of march 1727-8 & haue ben posted up. & since haue ben out published as the Law directs, by me Joseph Tucker town Clerk — The Names of Daniel pettingell & Abigail Leonard both of stoughton & thare Intentions of marige was Intred with me ye 26. day of max-ch 1727-8 & haue ben posted up. «fc since haue ben out published as the Law directs, by me Joseph Tucker Town Clerk The Names of Isaac Fenno & Hannah Puffer both of stoughton & there Inten- tions of marrige was Intred with me the seuenth day of may 1728. & haue 23 ben posted up. & since haue ben out published as the Law directs. By me Joseph Tucker town Clerk ^ The Names of Joseph Hewins Jun-- & Catherine Bird both of stoughton i by posting as tiie Law Directs by William; Crane town Clerk * * * ames of Edward belcher & Anna Atherton both * * * ughton with their Intention of marriage was * * ed with me this 24"> Day of October 1730 William Crane Town Clerk 57 The names of Ebenezer Hewins of stoughton & Judith porter of Norton with their Intention of Marriage was Enter with me tliis 24"^ Day of October 1730 AVilliam Crane Town Clerk The names of John Pattin & sarah pumary both of stoughton with their Inten- tion of Marriage was Entered novem'"' y« 21-1730 The names of John Clark & mercy wentworth both of stoughton xv'-^ their intention of manage Entered this 23. Day of January 1730-1 The names of Samuel Comings ^z sarah freach both of stoughton with there Intention of marriage Er»ter.d. tliis. 27. Day of febr? 1730-1 The names of Nathaniel Ayres of stoughton & Anne Tolman of needham with tlieir Intention of marriage Enter'd this. 3. Day of April. 1731. Eleazer Hayward of bridgwater & Keturah Crane of Stoughton Intend mar- riage. Entered May y^ 29. 1731. JosiahKeny & Hepsibah Blackman. both of stoughton Intend marriage. Entered June ye 19' 1731. William Wood & Abigail palmatis both of stoughton Intend marriage. Entered July y« 3. 1731. Jeremiah Ingraham of Attleborough & susanna Tucker of stoitgkton Intend marriage. Entei'ed Aug' ye 7-1731. The Intention of marriage betwixt James Andrews and Abigail Crane, both of stoughton Enter"^ January ye 22. 1731-2 The Intention of marriage betwixt Juiiu Wilkyson forrainer & hephsibah Esty. of stoughton. Entered January. 29-1731-2 The Intention of marriage betwixt Joshua Gay of stoughton & Hannah ward of Newton Entered february ye 5 1731-2 The Intention of marriage betwLxt John Pattin of stoughton. & mary Robins of Walpole Entered february ye 12 1731-3 The Intention of marriage, betwixt Isaac fenno & mary Niles both of stoughton Entred feb""? ye 26. 1731-2 The Intention of Marriage betwixt Nathaniel Coney jnr of stoughton and sarah Morse of walpole. Enter'd April ye 1-1732. The Intention of marriage betwixt Joim Goodwin of stoughton and Hannah Rich of Sudbury Entered April ye 15. 1732. The Intention of marriage betwixt Elhanan Lyon & Abig * * Wyatt. both of stoughton Entei-ed May ye 20. 1732 26 The Intention of marriage betwixt William sni * * * * * Vose both of stough- ton Entered September ye * * * * The Intention of marriage betwixt Jolin h * * * * Abigail Tucker both of stoughton Entered sep"' * * * 58 The Intention of marrijig-e betwixt Benjamin Esty j""" of stoughton. & Abigail farley of billeriui Enf** ocf 7 : 17o2. The Intention of marriage betwLxt William fo.'^ter of AValpole. & Iluldah Hol- land of stoughton Enter'i oct'"' ye 7. 1732. The Intention of marriage betwixt Abraham Chandler and Abigail Wlthington. both of stoughton Entered ocf ye 21. 17;32 The Intention of marriage betwixt William i)ierce of stoughton and mary man of wrentham Entered, november ye 25 1732 The Intention of marriage betwixt samuel stearns of plaiiilicld and patience Gay of stoughton Enterd november ye 25 1732. 'The intention of marriage betwixt Ebenezer Holms & sarah Coney both of stoughton Entered December ye 23 1732 The Intention of marriage betwixt William Alexander of stoughton & maiy Fisher of Dedham Entered Dec'' ye 23. 1732. The Intention of marriage betwixt John Brett, of Bridgwater & Freelove Fenno of stoughton Entered January ye 20'" 1732-3. The Intention of marriage betwixt Samuel Clap of Norton & mary jjumrv of stoughton En ter'd Jan: 20.1732-3. The Intention of marriage betwixt Eliakim Pitcher & Esther Jordan both of stoughton. Entered feb. ye 10-1732-3. The Intention of marriage betwixt Joseph Ingraham of stoughton & Judith Cobb of Dedham, Eutred, Apriel ye 1-4. 1733 The Intention of marriage betwixt, John Cobb, of Dedham & Sarah gould of stoughton, Entered. Apriel. ye 14. 1733 The Intention of marriage bet^vixt Joseph Wilkinson & Hannah warren both of stoughton. Entered, June ye 16. 1733 The Intention of marriage betwixt John Rhoads & Huldah Howard both of stoughton, Entered. August ye 18. 1733 The Ijitention of marriage betwixt samuel ston of stoughton. and Dorithy monk of Iloxbury. Entered Nouember ye 3'''* 1733 The Intention of marriage betwixt Jonathan Warren of Dedham and Christion pelton of stoughton. P^ntered December ye. 1 . 1733 * * * ntention of marriage betwixt, Theothilus Curtice of stoughton ***** * * * abeth Thaji- of Brantrey, Entered December ye * * * * 59 The Intention of man-iage betwixt Ebenezer stearns of stoughton & Thankful Clap of Walpole, Entered Feb^^ ye O'" 1733-4 The Intention of marriage betAvixt Daniel Talbott & martha stearns both of stoughton Entered Fe}f^ ye 9"' 1733-4 The intention of marriage betwixt Isaac Lewis of stoughton and mary whiting of Deadham Entered march ye 15. 1733-4 The Intention of marriage betwixt David stone of stoughton: & mindwell priest of watertown. Entei-^ June ye 1. 1734. The intention of marriage betwixt Tliomas Blackmail and mary pitcher botli of stoughton Enter^ octber ye 12-1734- The Intention of mamage betwixt William Wright of Walpole & Elizabeth Bates of stoughton Entered oct^ ye 26-1734 The Intention of mamage betwixt Charles serjeant of Brantrey & Katharine Liscom of stoughton Enf** oct**' ye 31-1734 The intention of marriage betwixt Caleb Howard & Zeniiah Tucker both of stoughton Entei-* November, ye 9. 1734 The Intention of marriage betwixt stei)hen Davenport of milton and Thankful! Bent of stoughton Enter-d nov'' ye 16-1734 ■^ The Intention of marriage betwixt William Coaldwell & Jane Jordan both of stotigliton Enter'd nov' ye 23. 1734 27 The Intention of marriage betwixt Matthew Hobbs & Hannah Gay both of stoughton Enter, d uov'' ye oU-1734 The Intention of marriage betwixt John Dickennan & Meriah Lyon both of stoughton EntGi-^ Decem ye 7-1734 The Intention of marriage betwixt Ellianan Lyon & Hannah Tilden both of stoughton Enter. d Decem ye 7-1734: The Intention of marriage betwixt David Gay & Hannali Talbott both of stoughton. Entered December ye 21. 1734 The Intention of marriag betwixt samuol Ellis of Dedham and sarah smith (Late of Tanton. now llesident in stoughton Entered march ye 15: 1734-5. The Intention of marriage betwixt Nathaniel Adams & Abigail Hartwell. both stougliton Enter-d June ye 1. 173 * The Intention of marriage betwixt David Tompsou ***** Blackman both of stoughton Entered sep"" ye 29. 1735 The Intention of marriage betwixt Lisha &***** sei-^-ants to Dc° Joseph Tucker of stoughton Entered ******* 60 The Intention of marriage betwLxt Thomas shepard and Amity morse both of stoughton Euter'd nov'' ye 29. 1735 Tlie Intention of marriage betwixt Thomas philips of Easton and Catharine Liscom of stoughton Entered Decem'' ye 20. 1735 Tiie Intention of marriage betwixt John Wentworth & mercy smith, both of stoughton Enter. d Decern"" ye 20. 1735 The Intention of marriage betwixt Thomas meed of stoughton and Ruth Bennit of middleborough. Entered feb^ ye 21-1735-6 The Intention of marriage betwixt Ebenezcr f rench of milton and mary fuller of stoughton. Entered march ye 6- 1735-6. The Intention of marriage betwixt Cap'° samuel Billing of stoughton and mrs Hannah fisher of Dedham Entered april ye. 10. 1736- The Intention of marriage betwixt Cufley & Eose slaves to mr Ebenezer Mauds- ley Entered april ye. 24: 1736. The "intention of marriage betwixt Nathaniel Coney of stoughton and Mary Barney of Rehoboth. Entr:d may. 13. 1736 The Intention of marriage betwixt Uriah Leonard jn'' of stoughton & Elizabeth farley of Billerica Enter.d July. 24. 1736 The Intention of marriage betwixt samuel Thorp jnr of Dedham & Ruth Lyon of stoughton. Entered sep'' ye 25. 1736. The Intention of marriage betwixt Joseph Pittee of walpole & Elizabeth Coney of stoughton Entered sep'' ye 25. 1736 The intention of marriage betwixt samuel Guttler of Killingsley and sarah Hewins of stoughton Entered ocf ye 23-1736 The Intention of marriage betwixt Nathaniel pery of stoughton & mehetabel Willis of Easton Enter :d. nov"" ye 6. 1736. The Intention of marriage betwixt nathaniel Coney of stoughton and mary Royall of Boston Entered. December ye 7. 1736 - The Intention of marriage betwixt Jonathan Jordan jnr of stoughton & susanna Chandler of Bridgwater Enterd. february ye 12. 1736-7 * * 6 Intention of marriage betwixt Cap'° George Talbott of * * * * ghton & mrs Elizabeth Withington of Dorchester Entered * * * ye. 18. 1737 * * * * ntention of marriage betwixt samuel Brackit ****** ail steams both of stoughton Enterd aug 27-1737 6 1 The Intention of marriage betwixt Benjamin Blackman jn"" & Abigail spur both of stoughton Entered, sep'' ye 3. 1737 The Intention of marriage betwixt philip ^Vliite of milton and mary macclenan of stoughton Entered ocf ye 8: 1737 The Intention of marriage betwixt Ezra fisher of stoughton & mary fentiu of Brantrey Enter'd. Nov'' ye 12 1737 The Intention of marriage "betwixt Ashley Curtice of stoughton & sarah Hayden of Brantrey. Enter.d feb ye. 11. 1737-8 28 The Intention of MaiTiage betwixt John wentworth and Marcy Smith both of stonghton Eutred March ye: 18-1737-8 The intention of Marriage betwixt Zobadiah Clark of Dedliam & Mary Mors of Stoughton Entred april ye 12: 17;>8 The Intention of marriage betwixt Benjamin porter of Brantrey and Dorety Curtis of Stoughton Eutred April ye 14: 1738 The intention of Marriage betwixt M' William Eoyall of stoughton and m" Eliza- beth wire of Boston Entred: May ye 13: 1738 The Intention of Marriage betwixt Jethro wood & Kezia Coolledg both of stoughton Entered June ye 3: 1738 The Intention of Marriage betwixt Samuell Pitte & Mary Coney both of Stough- ton Entered xVugvst ye. 12. 1738 The Intention of Marriage betwixt Enoch Lyon & Susanna "Whore both of Stoughton Entered November ye 3 1738 The Intention of Marriage betwixt Caleb Smith & "Widow mary Wamn both of stoughton Entered November ye: 4 1738 The Intention of Marriage betwixt Benjamin Warriu & Rachel Smith both of stoughton Entered November ye 21 1738 The Intention of ]Marriage betwixt John Gould of Stoughton & Naomi Pettee of of AValpole Entered December ye 23 1738 The Intention of Marriage betwixt Caleb Howard & Elizabeth Esty both of Stoughton Entered jauveryye: 13: 1738-9 The Intention of Marriage betwixt Timothy fisher of Stoughton & Thankf all Dannils of Medvv'ay janvary ye 30 173 * The Intention of Marriage betwixt Ezekiel fisher & Susannah wadswoi*th both of Stoughton Entered March ****** The Intention of marriage betwixt Ebenezer Man *******& Mary Gould of Wrentliam Entered. March ye 5. 17 * * The Intention of marriage betwixt Joseph ******* Easton & Kachel AVillis of stoughton Enter"^ march ****** The Intention of Marriage betwixt Timothy ********* pole & Mary May of stoughton Entered May ****** 62 The Intention of marriage betwixt Ebenezer Esty and Martha Belcher both of stoughton Enter. d June ye 16. 1739 The Intention of marriage betwixt John Blain of Bridgwater and Elizabeth forrist of stoughton. Entered July ye 7-1739 The Intention of marriage betwixt Benjamin ^Vliite & sarah Talbott both of Stoughton. Enter.d. July ye 21-1739 The Intention of man-iage betwixt David Wood of stoughton and silence Clap of Walpole. Entered august ye 18: 1739 The Intention of marriage betwixt John manley of Easton and mercy smith of stoughton Entered. September ye 8. 1739 the Intention of marriage Between Josiah Perrey of stoughton and mary Kingsley of Easton were Entered march ye 8** ; 1739-40 : li' Jos Hewins Jun' Town Clerk the Intention of marriage Between william Drake & mary smith Both of Stoughton Entered march ye 22: 1739-40 the Intention of marriage Between Clefford Belcher & Mehetabel Bird Both of stoughton Entred may ye 10'" 1740 the Intention of marriage. Between Eliakim Perrey of Stoughton & Sarah Joy of Rehoboth Entred August ye 23"^ 1740 the Intention of marriage. Between Joseph parker Resident in stoughton. and mary Billing of stoughton Entred august ye 28"". 1740 the Intention of marriage Between John Atherton and Rachel Wentworth Both of stoughton Entred October ye 10"» 1740 the Intention of marriage. Between Amariah Wentworth & Rebekah Shepard Both of stoughton Entred October ye lO'^ 1740 29 The luteutiou of laaniage Between. Eleazer Ehods Jun"" of stoiigliton & maiy Woolcott of AttiebuiTuugli Entred October ye 29'" 1740 The Intentiou of maniage between Stephen Rhods of stoughton & Delivei'auce Woolcott of Attlebui-niugh Entred October ye 25"' 1740 The Intention of marriage between Samuel Drake of Easton. & anna Russell (Resident in stougliton) Entred October ye 25'", 1740 The Intentiou of marriage between John Noyse * Deborah Savell Both of tliis Town Entred Nov 1^' 1740 * * Intention of marriage between Ichabod Clark of ***** n & Sarah Wliittiunore of I\lalden Entred Decem'"" ye 20, 1740 63 The Intentiou of marriage Between Ezra smith of stoughton & Abigail skinner of wrentham. Entred June 19'"; 1741 The Intention of marriage Between Josiah Keny. and Ruth Tower Both of stoughton Entred June ye 26. 1741 The Intention of meriage. Between shubael wentworth & hannah andrews Both of stoughton Entred July ye 25'", 1741 The Intention of marriage Between Josiah Blackman of stoughton & Hannah Hawse of Dedham; E^ntred nov ye 28'"; 1741 The Intention of marri'ige Betwen Samuel Coney of stoughton & Rebeckah Guild of Dedhani Entred Decemb'' ye 26: 1741 The Intention, of marriage Between John Keny and Esther Crane Both of stoughton. Entred march ye 27'", 1742 ^ ^ The Intentiou of marriage * Between Benjamin. Bird of stoughton & Kezia AMiite of Taunton. Entred april ye o<^ 1742 The Intention of marriage Between Jedediah Willis of Easton and mercy Adkins of stoughton: Entred aprill ye 14'"; 1742 Tlie Intention of marriage Between George Talbutt Jun"- and Hannah Went- worth Both of stoughtxia Entred april ye 23'^ ; 1742 The Intention of marriage between Nathaniel Moseley of stoughton & sarah Capen of Braintree Entred July the 17'": 1742 The Intention of marriage Between Jeremiah Willis and Remember Tupper Both of stoughton Entred august ye 6'"; 1742 The I'.itpution of marriage Between Deacon Joseph Tucker and Susanna pelton both of stoughton. Entred September the 2'^ 1742 Tlie Intention of marriage between Edward Withington & Hannah Bailey Jun Both of stoughton Entred September ye 2"* : 1742 The Intention of marriage Between matthias puffer * Rebeckah Tucker Both of stoughton Entred December ve 18'", 174 * The Intention of marriage Betw^^en Eleazer ma * * * * * Esther AV'adsworth Both of stoughton ; Entered Janu ******** The Intention of marriage Between Sam" j * * * * * grace Keny Both of . stoughton Entred feb ye 10'"; 1742 64 The Intentiou of marriage. Between Elihu Crane of stoughton and Ehsa- beth Houghton of Brantrev; Entered mareli. ye 11'"; 1742-3 The Intention of marriage Between Phillip Liscom of stoughton and Elizabeth" Neal of Brantrev Entred march ve 18'" ; 1742-3 The Intention of marriage Between Elijah. Capen. and Elizabeth Bird both, of stoughton Entred Julv ye 23"i : 1743 " "' The Intention of marriage Between Samuel Billing Jun' of stoughton and Kezia Hartshorn, of walpole Entred October ye 22'^ ; 1743 The Intention of marriage Between John Hawse & amey Morgan Both of stoughton. Entered October ye 29'": 1743 , -r, x. The Intention of marriage Betwee Elijah. Tilden. and Ruth Wadsworth Both stoughton. Entered December ve 3'^ 1743 The Intention of maiTiage between John Hixson Jun-- of stoughton & mary morse of Dedham. Entred Decemb' ye 10'"; 1743 The Intention of marriage. Between Eleazer Robins of stoughton ar.d mary underwood of IloUistoii. Entered December ye 28'", 1743 30 The Intention of manna^e Between Nathanael Leonard & mary .shepard Both. of stoughton Entered January ye 7'*'; 1743-4 The Intention of marriage between Thomas micliel of stougliton «fc lieijeckal Colley of Bridgwater Entered January ye 28"'; 1748-4 The Intention of marriage Between saniuel may anil abigail Lyon : Both of stoughton Entered february ye 4"'; 1743-4 The Intention of maiTiage Between John Hixson & Sarah Bird l)oth of Stougliton Entered march ye 24"» 1743-4 The Intention of marnage Between Joseph Farebanlcs of Dedbam & Frances Estie of Stoughton Entered marcli ye 24'" 1743-4 Tlie Intention of marriage Between Nathaniel liaynolds of Bridgewater & Mary Toleman Entcn'd march ye 24'" 1743-4 The intention of marriage Between the Rev"* M"" Pliili]) Curtis of Stougliton & M" Elizabeth Bass of Dorchester Enteral Ai)il ye 7'" 1744 The intention of n)arriage Between Natlianiel JSlay eth Liscum of stoughton was Joyned to gather in marrige ye 13"'" of August 1728. by me samuel Dunbar of stough- ton Pastor James Coolidge of sherborn & Freeloue monk of stoughton was Joyned to gather in marrige ye 12'" day of sei^' 1728. by me samuel Dunbar of stough- ton pastor — "Walter Hixsou of stoughton & mary morse of walpole was Joyned to gather in marrige ye 11'" day of Noueni'' 1728. by me samuel Dunbar of stoughton Pastor Samuel Briggs of Taunton & xVbigail goodwaine of stoughton was Joyned to gather in marrige ye 29'" day of Nouember 1728. l)y me samuel Dunbar of stoughton I'astor Ehphelet Leonard of Eston & Ruth Fenno of stougliton was Joyned to gather in marrige ye Tenth day of October 1728. by me sanuiel Dunbar of stoughton Pastor — John smith & mary whit both of stoughton was Joyned togather in marrige. ye 19^" day of Nouember 1728. by me samuel Dunbar of stoughton Pastor William Wheeler & Sarah Stariis both of stoughton ware Joyned in marriage ye 21'' day of may 1729 by me Samuel Dunbar of stoughton Pa * * * * Thomas Lee of Brooklyn & Elisabeth Niles of stoughton y^ ****** to gether in marriage the 9^" day of July 1729: by me Sam ******* of 31 Eleazcr Hawes ; 1741 78 sarah Randal Daughter of Thomas & Catherine Randal Deceased June ye 27""; 1741 James Smith son of John & mary Smith Deceased august ye 19"^; 1741 Seth Fuller son of Jeremiah & Hannah Fuller Deceased february ye 8<* 1741-2 Mary Baily, widdow of Henry Baily Deceased february ye 22 : 1741-2 Leiv" William Crane Deceased July ye 20"'; 1742 In the fifty Eighth year of his age. Jeremiah Fisher son of Timothy and Thankfull Fisher Deceased October ye 29"^ 1740 Elkanah Billing son of Leiv" Elkanah Billing (& mary his wife) Deceased may ye 16"^; 1743 ; in ye eighteenth year of his age. Mehetabel Hixson ye wife, of John Hixsou (and Daughter of Elder Joseph Hewins) Deceased may ye 17"'; 1743 : in ye fiftieth year of her age. m" Jemima Blackman wife of D° Benjamin Blackman (and daughter of Cap* John Breck of Dorchester and Susanna his wife) Deceased August ye 6th 1742 in ye Seventy first Year of her Age. Abigail adams wife of Nathaniel adams & Daughter of Samuel Hartwell & Hannah His wife deceased October ye first Anno Domini 1743 in ye Twenty Sixth year of her age. Samuel Andrews Son of Samuel Andrews & Elizabeth Andrews Deceased Jan^y ye 1^ 1739-40 in ye forty Second year of his age. 38 Sarah Fisher Daughter of Ezekacl Fisher & Susannah Ilis wife Deceased August ye 19^ 1744: aged one year & Six moutlis Elijah Capen Son of Elijali Capen & Elizabeth Capeu His wife Deceased ye 5*^ of Sep**' 1744 aged ten "Weeks & two Days Lydia Plimpton Daughter of James Plimpton & Lydia His Wife, Deceased Jan'y y« 1^' 1744 in y^ Sixth Year of her age. Edward Belcher DocoasL'd March y<^ 16"^ 1744/5 * *d Seventy Six years one month & Two davs * * * ez Estie Son of Edward Estie & Elizabeth his Wife* * * * d Oct**' y« 2^ 1745; in Twentyeth year of his * * 79 David Tolman Deceased December the fifth Aiuio Domini 1745 in y^ fifty first year of His Age. Kezia AVentworth y^ Wife of Edward Wentworth (& Daughter of D° Benjamin Blackmau & Jemima his Wife:) Deceased October y« 10"^ Anno Domini 1745 : in y« fifty second year of Her age. Sarah Toplifl^ the Wife of "D° Joseph Tophfl" Deceased Octo»" y« 5"^ 1745, in y^ Sixtieth year of her age. Samuel Smith y« Son of John Smith & Mary His Wife Deceased Sep"" y^ 7"^ 1744. Abigail Blackman AVife of Benj* Blackman Ju^ (And Daughter to m' Thomas Spur & Elizabeth his wife:) Deceased Dect"^ y« 8"* 1745 in the Twenty Sixth year of her age. Kobert Pelton Deceased September y« S** 1745 in y« Seventeth year of His Age. D° Joseph Tucker Deceased Sep''' )* 25'*> 1745 in y^ Sixty Sixth year of His Age. Sarah Billing Daughter of Cap* Samuel Billing & Hannah His Wife Deceased Dec"^ ye 4th 1745, Ester Bailey y« Wife of Richard Bailey Deceased October y« 6"' 1745, in y^ forty Seventh year of her age. mary Stickne y« AYife of Ptichard Stickne Deceased Nov*" y« 20''^ 1745 in y* Thii-tv Seventh year of Her Age. Hannah Fuler "ye AVife of D° Jeremiah Ful * * Deceased July y* 11"> 1745 in the forty Se * * * year of Her age William Drake Deceased Feb'y y« i6"i * * * * in y« Thirty first year of His Age 80 Thomas Blackman Son of Thomas Blackman Ju' & Mary His AVlfe Deceased Dec'"^ y* lo^ 1740 aged one month. Preserved Belcher Son of Cliflbrd Belcher & Mehitable His AVife Deceased Octo''' y« 26"! 1744 age TAventy Days. M" Hannah Duiibar y« AVife "of y« Rev'* M"^ Samuel Dunbar & Daughter of ye Rev** M^ John Danf orth of Dorchester died y^ first day of Sep''' Anno Domini 1746, in y^ Forty Eighth year of Her Age. ""Jeremiah Richards y" Son ' of AV" Richards & Elizabeth His AVife died ocf" ye 13th i74g^ j„ ye fifth year of His Age. M' Ebenezer Holmes died Feb'^ y^ ^st 1746-7 in y« Seventy Seventh year of His age. Sarah Lvon Daughter of Enoch Lyon & Susannah His AVife died November 'v<=25"' 1738. M' Elhanan Lyon Died Oc«»" y^ BO"" 1745 in the fifty Sixth year of His Age. Samuel Curtis Son of y^ Uc\^ M' Philip Curtis & M" Elizabeth Curtis died Jan'y y«22M746/7. Noah Richards y<^ Son of Daniel & Mary Richards deceas,d Nov"' y^ 1" 1746 in ye first year of his Age. John Richards y« Son of Daniel & Mary Richards Died Nov"' y^ 13'" 1746, In v^ fourth vear of His Age. Sarah Stone, AVidow Late of Roxbury, Died Nov"' y'' 27'" 1746 in y« Sixty ninth year of her Age. Abel Allin Sou of George Allin & Mary his AAlfe * * ed June y= 15'" 1744. 39 81 Mary Rousau the "Wife of Samuel Rousau cleceas"* Jan""^ y« 30"' A: D: 1747/ 8 ill the Seventy Second year of her age. M" Amity Shepard the Wife of M'' Thomas Shepard (& Daughter of y« ReV* M'' Josepli Morse Late of Stoughton Deceased) Died march y^ 7'" 1747/8 in the Thirty Eighth year of lier age. Enoch Lyon y^ Son of Enoch Lyon & Susanna His Wife died Feb"^ y« 4"" 1747 / 8 aged about Eighteen months. Abigail Smith v^ Daughter of Ezra Smith & Abigail His Wife died April y« 27'" 1748 Ruth Andre^vs y« Daughter of James Andrews & Abigail his AVife died June y« 23'* 1748 Aged Seven j^ears. Edward Withington y« Son of Edward Withington and Hannah His Wife died Jan'^y y^ 25'" 1747 / 8 aged Three years. Thomas Fisher y son of Ezra Fisher & Mary His Wife died Jan? y« 19'" 1741-2. Joseph Fisher y« son of Ezra Fisher & Mary His Wife died Oc"'' y« 11'" 1745. Ezra Fislier V* sou of Ezra Fisher & Mary His Wife died November y« 11'" 1745. Elisha Tailer Died December y« 23* 1748 aged Twelve Years & Three Months. Mary Houghton y* AVif e of Joseph Houghton & y^ Eldest Daughter of M"" John Davenport of Stoughton & Mary His AYife, died Dec"-- y« 28'" A: D: 1748, aged nineteen years one month * nine days. Joseph Billing y« son of John & Sarah b * * * * * Died Feb'-^ 22'* 1748-9 Aged 14 months & nine D * * 82 Elijah Bird y« Son of Benjamin Bird & Keziah His Wife Died Jan'? y« 16'" 1748-9 aged one month & Ten days. Benjamin Holmes Son of Nat" Holmes & Sarah His Wife Died Fc\y^ y« 12'" 1748-9 aged three years Wanting Two days. Rebeckah Pelton the Widow of Robert Pelton Died Feb^^ y« 2"* 1747-8. In y^ Seventy Third year of Her age Abigail Holmes y« Daughter of Ensign John Holmes & Keziah His Wife Died Feb"'-^ the first 1748-9 aged one year & Eleven months Hannah Warren y^ Daughter of Jonathan Warren & Cristian his Wife Died May y^ 2P' 1748 in y^ second year of her age. Mehetable Crane Daughter of Henry Crane & Abigail His Wife, Died August ye J 7th ]^Y4g aged one month «fc fifteen Days. Mary Clap y^ Daughter of M"" Ebenezer Clap & Abigail His Wife died Jan'7 ye 28'" 1748/9. in Twenty fifth year of Her age. Hannah Curtis y'' Wife of Edward Curtis died May y*^ 1" 1749 in y'' 39'" year of her age. M" Mary Fisher Widow of M' Eleazer Fisher of Dedham Died march y^ 25'" *A: D 1749. Mary Tolman Daughter of William Tolman & Mary his Wife died Dec""" y® 30'" 1749. David Warrin Son of Jonathan Warrin & Cristian his Wife died Jan^^ y» 17'" 1749/50 * * ry May y^ Wife of Nathaniel May Died Oct"-- y^ 14'" 1749, * * * e 28'" Year of her Age. * * * * t Capen Son of Robert Capen & Jane his Wife died February * * * * 1749/60 Carried To Foil 144. 83 Joannah Comings Daughter of Samuell & Susanna Comings was born September y« 19 : 1737— M' David Tilden died July 3'''* 1756 in the 71"* year of his age Miss Abigail Tilden widdow of M^ David Tilden died June 25'" 1758 in the 71" 3^ear of her age M' Humphry Atherton died February 2°'* 1748 in the 77'" year of his age. 84 Joshua Whiting son of Jeremiah & Ruth Whiting was born sep""' y^ 1 1 1729 40 Isaac Stearns sou of Isaac & Rachel stcarns was born July y^ 7 1723 John smith son of John & mary sinlth was born October y* 21 1730 James Tuiier son of Eleazer «fc Elisabeth puffer was born february y* 26. 1722/3 Josiah fuller, sou of Jeremiah & hannah fuller was born february v' 24. 1729/30 James Perrigo son of James & Lydia perrigo was born April y* 27. 1731. Isaac fenno. son of Isaac anan & Hannah Lyon was born april y« .14. 1735 See Page 97 86 Mary Holms Daughter of John & Kezia Holms was born November ye 7. 1730. Mary Hixson Daughtw of Walter & mary Hixson was born October ye 3. 1731. 41 Miriam Belcher Daughter of saunicl & niary Belclier was born septejiibcr ye 13. 1728. Mary steams Daughter of simoii & Margorit Stearns was born November ye 6-1727- " Margorit steams Daughter of simoii «fe Margorit Stearns was born January y^ 2 1730-1. Miriam Davenport Daughter of John & niary Davenport was born april ye 15 1732. Mary Briggs Daughter of samuel & Abigail Briggs was born July ye 4. 1731. miriam White Daughter of John & martha white was born March ye 12-1731-2 Mary Daughter of James & Abigail Draper was born September ye 24-1731 Mary Belcher Daughter of Samuel & Mary Belcher was born uovember ve 4. 1732. Mary smith Daughter of John & mary smith was born May ye 21.1732. morse Lewis son of Isaac & Abigail Lewis was born march ye 13. 1733. mary Holmes Dafter of samuel As Hannah liolmes was born August ye 1. 1732 mary pattin Dafter of Jolm & mary pattin was born Janawary ye 4. 1732-3 mary Rhodes Dafter of Eleazer & Jemima Rhodes was born Apriel ye 14. 1733' meheteble Hewins daughter of Ebenezer & Judith Hewms was born October ye 10"» 1733 Mary Keny Daughter of Josiah & Hephsibah Kenv was born December ve 24. 1733. Mary Esty Daughter of Edward & Elisabeth Esty was born June ye 2. 1734 Mary Haws Daughter of John & margorit Haws was born September ye 5. 1730 *ary Williams Daughter of Ricliard «fc Elizabetli * * * jams was born august ye 17. 1734 see page 89. 37 samuel Blackman sou of George & Thankfull Biackman was born March y«29. 1732. sarah Haws Daughter of obadiah & Mary Haws was born June 28. 1732. samuel White son of Moses & sarah White was born november ye 7-1731. samuel iiiiodes son of Eleazer & Jemima Rhodes was born Apriel ye 24 1728 Joseph Willkinson son of Joseph Willkinson & Hannah warren was born Sep- tember ye 9. 1732 samuel Eaton son of Samuel Eaton & Thankful warren was born August ye 25. 1732 sarah putTer Dafter of John & Abigail pufler was Born may ye 30. 1733 sarah eumner Daughter of Nathaniel & Deliverance suinner was born. March ye 17"» 1733-4 susanah belcher Daughter of Jeremiah & mary Belcher was born may ve 14. 1734 samuel Comings son of samuel & susannah Comings was born Sep"" ye 12: 1734 samuel Haws son of John & Margorit Haws was born august ye 13. 1727. samuel Briggs son of samuel & Abigail Briggs was born march ye 9. 1733-4. samuel Hixsou son of Richard & sarah Hixson was born December ve 9. 1734. sarah Billing Daughter of Joseph & Amia Billing was born february ye. 6. 1734-5. samuel Andrews son of samuel & Mehetabel Andrews was born marcli ye 25. 1727 samuel Andrews son of samuel & Mehetabel Andrews was born April ye 23. 1729. sarah Andrews Daughter of samuel & Mehetabel Andre * was born August ye 29. 1731. samuel Hewins son of Joseph & Catherine Hew * * * was born August ye 21. 1734 samuel & Stephen Holms. Twains. sons of snm * * * Hannah Holms were born. September ye 3. 173 * 42 38 sarah Keiiv Dauj^hter of Jonathan and Jemima Keny was born October ye 22. 1732 frarah Holms Daughter of Ebenczer & sarah Holms was born September ye 6 1734 f-amuel Payson son of Ephraim & Judith payson was born March ye 1 1734-5. sarah White Daughter of James & Abigail White was bora December ye 2. 1730 Samuel stockwell son of John & marystockwell was born march ye 12. 1733-4- sarah Blackmail Daughter of George & Thankf ull Blackman was born, sep'' ye 17 1734 Samuel ward Pope son of Ralph & Rebeckah jwpe was born January ye 5. 1734-5 simon stearns son of simon & Margoret stearns was born november ye 19; 1733 tamuel Keny son of Jonathan & Jemimah Keny was born april ye 2 1735 solomou pettingill son of Daniel & Abigail pettingill was born may ye 31 1735 farah Dickerman Daughter of John & mary Dickerman was born august ye 17. 1735 seth Andrews son of James & Abigail Andrews was born December ye 9. 1735 garah Ricliards Daughter of Daniel & Mary Richards was born November ye 4 1735 Susannah Comings Daughter of samuel & Susannah Comings was born Decem- ber ye 20 1735- susunnah Warrin Daughter of Jonathan & Christian Warriii was born march ye 12-1735-6 solomou stickne son of Richard & mary stickne was born January ye 27 1736-6. samuel Thorj) son of samuel , 1740 Mary Tompson. Daughter of David & Marv Tompson was Born October ve tirst 1740 Mary Fuller Daughter of Jeremiah & Hannah Fuller; was Born September ye IQ^- 1740 Mary Coney Daughter of Nathaniel & sarah Coney was born may ye 1 ; 1738 Mary Estie Daughter of Jacob & Mehetabel Estie was Born aprill ye 27 ; 1739 manasah Perry son of Abner & Joanna Perry was Born april ye 24"^ 1731 Mary Belcher Daughter of Jeremiah & marv Belcher was Born August ye 21* ; 1742 Martha Talbutt Daughter of Daniel & Martha Talbutt was Born august ve 13"»; 1742 * ry pitcher Daughter of Eliakim & Esther Pitcher * * Born July y« 12"». 1741 see page 105 9 I Hannah Downs. Daughter of Edward & Ruth Downs was born October ye 11- 1734 Hannah Bailey Daughter of Richard & Esther Bailey was born May ye 25. 1735 Hannah Blackman Daughter of Thomas & Mary Blackman was born July ye 19. 1736. Hannah Curtice Daughter of Edward & Hannah Curtice was born april ye 7- 1730 Hannah feuno Daughter of Isaac & Maryfenno was born December ye 23, 1736 Hannah Belcher. Daughter of Jei'emiah & mary Belcher was born november ye 25. 1736 Henry Bailey son of Richard & Esther Bailey was born april ye 18. 1737. Hannah Blackman Daughter of Thomas & mary Blackman was born July ye 31. 1737 , Hannah Curtis Daughter of Moses & Dorothy Curtis was born april ye 21- 1727 Hannah Leonard Daughter of Uriah & Elizabeth Leonard was born May ye 14: 1738 Hezekiah Morse Son of Jedidiah & hannah Morse was born June ye: 6: 1736 Henay Bullerd Son of John & Rebeckah Bullerd was born janvary ye 11 : 1732 - Hannah Pattin. Daughter of John &, Marv pattin was born november ye 16: 1737. Hephsibah Keny Daughter of Jonathan and Jemimah Kenv was born february ye 8. 1739-40. Hephsibah Blackman. Daughter of Benjamin & Abigail Blackman was born July ye 19">; 1741 44 Hannah Gay Daughter of David & hannah Gay was Born July ye S***; 1741 Henry Shaller Son of ISlichael & Elizabeth Shaller was Born march ye 4'^; 1728 Hannah Adams Daughter of Nathaniel & Abigail * * * was Born January ye 12'"; 1740-1 see 104 92 Joseph Rhodes Sou of Eleazer & Jemima Rhodes was born. Septem^' y® 8. 1721. Joshua Rhodes Son of Eleazer & Jemima Rhodes was born August y= 19. 1730 Jacob Esti son of Benjamin & Abigail Esti was born December y« 21- 1733 Jemima Gay Dafter of Hezekiah & Jemima Gay was born Apriel y^ 24- 1733- John Esti son of Jacob & Mehetabel Esti was Born December y* 14, 1733 John Clark son of John &, Mercy Clark was born april y« 15: 1734 Jerusha "Wentworth Daughter of Charles & bethyah Weutworth was born June ye 4: 1734 John Haws son of John & Margorit Haws was born. June y* 23- 1720 Joseph Haws son of John & Margorit Haws was born. March y* 6. 1723/4 John White son of John & Martha White was born sep^ y^ 27^'' 1734 Joanna Liscom. Daughter of Jolm & Joanna Liscom was born sept' y* 1 1734 -Joseph Ingraham son of Joseph and Judith Ingraham was born noveni' \^ 9- 1734. James WTiite eon of James & Abigail white was born December y* 17. 1732 John Puffer son of John & Abigail Puffer was born april y« 13. 1735. Jacob shepard sou of John & Rebeckah shepard was born December y* 15. 1734 John Wadsworth sou of George &, .sarah Wadsworth was born December ye 12 1735 James Blackman son of Thomas & mary Blackman was born September y* 16. 1735 Joseph fenno son of John & Hannah fenno was born may y* 15. 1735 page 93 93 Ichabod seiwant to Ezra smith was born november y* 22-1734 James Everet. son of Joseph & Hannah Everet was born July y* . 23: 1735 Isaac smith son of Benjamin & Susannah smith was born february y* 9. 1735/6 Jerusha Ken\^ Daughter of Josiah & Hephzibah Keny was born January \e 29 : 1735-6 John Howard son of John & Abigail Howard was born June y* 29. 1736. Joseph Curtice sou of Edward ii, Hannah Curtice was born february y^ 14 1733-4 John Lewis son of Isaac & Mary Lewis was born December y* 15. 1736. Jane Alexander Daughter of William & Mary Alexander was born March v* 11. 1736-7 John Redman son of Robert & mary Redman was born September y* 20. 1730 Jerusha Redman Daughter of Robert & Mary Redman was born January y^ 31. 1734-5 John shepard son of John & Rebekah shepard was born March y* 13-1736/7. Jacob son i>f Cuffey & Rose was born march the 12. 1736/7 Jesse smith son of Joseph & Mary smith was born June y^ 15. 1737. Jacob fisher son of David & Deborah fisher was born June y* 23. 1737 Joseph White son of John & Martha White was born february y* 21: 1736/7 John Davenport son of John & Mary Davenp * * was born November y* 1. 1737 James Kingsbury son of Jeremiali & Rest Kin * * * * was born November ye 30- l"737 94 Abijah Pecher Son of Eliacam & Esther petcher was born May y* 13""» 1733 Abigail Hartwell Dafter of Joseph & mary Hartwell was born July v* 12- 1733 Atheiton Belcher son of Edward & anna Belcher was Born September v* 26. 1731 45 Aaron Gay son of Hezckhili &, Jemima Gay was born December y' 24. 1735. Angelit Clark, Duuyiiier of Nathan & Jemima Clark was born april y« 10. 1736. Anna Billing. Daimiiter of Joseph & Anna billing was born november y« 1. 1736 Anne Randol Daughter of Tiiomas & Katharine Kandol was born December V^ lU. ll'Sii. Abigail Esty Daughter of Benjamin & Abigail Esty was born October y« 27. 1736. Abel puffer son of John & Abigail puffer was born March y® 27. 1737 Abigail Pierce Daughter of John & Kebekah pierce was born. March y* 27. 1737. Abner Crane son of silas & Exi)erience Crane was born May y« 28. 1737. Abigail pettingell Daughter of Daniel & Abigail pettingell was born July v^ 26. 1737 AmaziahTalbott. son of Daniel & Martha Taibott was born September y« 7. 1737 Abigail Smith Daughter of John & Mary Smith was born June y^ 2 : 1737 amitv Holmes Daughter of Ebenezer & Sarah Holmes was born July y« 2: 1736 Abigail Savell Daughter of Benjamin & Mary Savell was born June y« 25 1738 see page: 100 95 Kebeckah White. Daughter of James & Abigail White was born January ye 17-1734/5. Rebeckah Haws. Daughter of obadiah & Mary Haws was born may y* 21 1735. Ruth Tolman. Daughter of Timothy & Elizabeth Tolman was born sep^ y« 18: 1735. Rebeckah Comings Daughter of Isaac & Hannah Comings was born august V* 7-1735 Rhoda Keny. Daughter of Jonathan & Jemima Keny was born sep' yMl, 1737 Rebackah Blackman Daughter of Beniamin & Abigail blackman was born feb'y v^S 1737/8 Rebackah warren Daughter of Jonathan & Christion warrin was born March v« : 28: 1737/8 Rebackah Belcher Doughter of Samuell & Mary Belcher was born June: y« : 6 1738. Ruth Hartvvcll Daughter of Joseph & mary hartwell was born august y« 31 1738 Reuben Goodwin son of John & hannah Goodwin was born April y* : 25: 1735 Rebekah Andrews. Daughter of James & Abigail Andrews was born November ' y«22 1738 Ruth Wood Daughter of Jethro & Kezia Wood was born January y« : 17: 1738/9 Ruth Comings. Daughter of samuel & Susannah Comings was born august y«. 9. 1739 Rachel fenno Daughter of John & hannah fenno was born, november y' 18">; 17-40 Rachel Pope. Daughter of Ralph & Rebeckah pope, was Born may y* 1' : 1741 Ruth Thorp Daughter of samuel & Ptuth Thorp was Born December y" 30'" ; 1742; Rebeckah P'uUer Daughter of D" Jeremiah & Hannah Ful * * was Born march v«22 1740 See Page 98 see page * * 98 Elijah Blackman son of Thomas & Ma;y Blackman was born february }• 21« ; 1739/40 47 Enoch Hewins son of Ebenezer & Judoth Ilewins was Born may y* 16"»; 1741 Ephi-aim Jones son of Kobert and Anna Jones was Born June ye 11"*; 1740 - Ezra Hixsou son of Walter & inary liixson was Born niareli y* 19''^: 17-11/2 Esther Boyden Daughter of ISeth & Elisabetli Boyden was Born May v« 1' ; 1742. Eunice stone Daughter of David and mindwell stone was Born august y* 19"^: 1741 Esther pitcher Daughter of Eliakim and Esther pitcher was Born June y« 16"» 1735 Elizabeth Turner Daughter of Ebenezer & Hannah Turner was Born October ye 5Ui; 1742 Elizabeth Bradshaw Daughter of samuel & sarah Bradshaw was Born Sep- tember y« first 1743 Elias Watkins son of Zachariah ana martha watkins was Bom may y« 30"»; 1743 Ebenezer Tompson son of David & mary Tompson. was Born September y« 13"^; 1743 Ebenezer Hawse sou of Eleazer and mary hawse, was Born November y* 22** ; 1743 Eleazer Gilbert Sou of John & Esther Gilbert was Born march y« 14'" 1743/4 Elizabeth Andrews Daughter of Samuel & Mehetabel Andrews was born Oct'" 23 1739 Sarah Belcher y« Daughter of Jeremiah and mary Belcher was Born June v« ll"*, 1739 Sarah Hewins the Daughter of Joseph and Catherine Hewins was born aprill y«3: 1740/1 Abigail Coney Daughter of Nathaniel & sarah Coney was born may y* 15"^ 1736 Abigail Lvon Daughter of Elhanan & Hannah Lvon. was Born mav y* 29"'; 1741 Anna Perry Daughter of Josiah & Mary Perry was Born July the 1" : 1741 Amitv shepard Daughter of Thomas & Amitv shepard was Burn march v'' 31' ; 1741 Abigail pitcher Daughter of Eliakim & Esther pitclier was Born mav v* 20"^ 1739 Abigail Fenno Daughter of John and Hannah Fenno was Born april y« 1' : 1743 Abigail Hawse Davghter of obadiah & mary Hawse * * Born July y* G"*; 1738: see page 106 101 Beniamin Billing Son of Cap" Samuell & hannah Billing was born feb'y y« 8: 1737/8 Benjamin Ilicherds Son of "William & Elizabeth Ilicherds was born March y« 20: 1738 Bette Briggs Davghter of Samuell & Abigail Briggs was born October ^ « 23 : 1738 Bathsheba Goodwin Daughter of John & hannah Goodwin was born November y« 10: 1737 Benjamin smith son of John & mary siruth was born May y* 5. 1739 Beriah Billing the son of Beriah and mary Billing was born may y* 16"^ 1739 Burnal upham y« son of John & Sarah upham was Bora September v* 26'^; 1740 Benjamin Ingraham son of Joseph & Judeth Ingraham was Born September y« 13'S 1741 Benjamin Estie son of Benjamin and Abigail Estie was Born September v* 21* 1743 Benjamin Tolman Son of Bliss Tolman & Mary His Wife was born Fcb'^' v* 6"^ 1737/8 Bathsheba Tolman Daughter of Bliss Tolman & Marv His AVlfe was born Au- gust y« 8"^ 1743. Benjamin Bird Son of Benjamin Bird & Keziah His Wife Was Born April y« 15"^ 1744. 49 Benjamin Jordan Son of Benjamin Jordan & Elizabeth His Wife "Was Born Dec'"y« 18"»1717 Benjamin Randol Son of Thomas Randol & Katharin His Wife was born Sept ye 15th 1745. Benjamin Hohnes Son of Nathaniel Holmes & Sarah His Wife Was Born Feb'? ye 14th 1745/6 Bathsheba Puffer Daughter of John Puffer Juii' & Abigail his Wife was born Nov'" y« 15'" 1745, Benjamin AV'ithington y« Son of Joseph Withington * Jeraimah His Wife was born September y^ 9'" 17 * * Benjamin Jordan y« Son of Zebulon Jordan & Abiga * * * Wife was born March y« 1^ 1748/9 I 02 Sarah Coney Daughter of Nathaniel & Sarah Coney was Born Aprill y« lb""; 1733 Samuel Belcher Son of Clefford & Mehetabel Belcher was Born June y« 28"^; 1741 Sarah Ptandal Daughter of Thomas & Catherine Kandal was Born June y* 6"^ 1741 Sarah fenno Daughter of Isaac & mary fen no was born October y« 3"* 1741 ^ Susanna Ingraham Duugliter of Jeremiah & susauna Ingraham ; was Born Sep- tember y« 12"^; 1741 Sarah Johnson Daughter of Joshua and Lydia Johnson was Born november y« G'i'; 1741 Sarah Endicott Daughter of James & Esther Endicott was Born august y« 10"» 1741 Stephen Gay son of Hezekiah & Jemima Gay was Born November y« 26"^ 1741 Solomon Comings son of sam" & susanna Comings was Born may y« 26"^ 1741 Sarah Bris:gs Daughter of Samuel & Abigail Briggs was Born June y* IB"-; 1741 Sarah Noyse Daughter of John & Deborah Noyse was Born May y« 1' 1742 Simeon White Son of John and Martha White was Born September y* 21« 1740 Simeon Fisher son of Timothy & Thankf uU Fisher was Born f ebruary y' 20"> ; 1741/2 Sarah Fisher Davghter of Ezckiel & Susanna Fisher was Born februarj- tlie 16'"; 1742/3 Sarah Smith Daughter of Ezra & Abigail Smith was Born July y« 29'"; 1742 Silvanus Clark son of Ichabod & sarah Clark was Born August y^ 7'"; 1743. Solomon Estie Son of Ebenezer, & Martha Estie was born may y" 17'" 1744. * iias Keny Son of John Keny & Esther his wife was * urn April y^ 28'" 1744. See page 109 1 03 James plimpton son of James and Lydia plimpton was Born august y» 20I ; 1741 Joseph Puffer son of John and Abigail Puffer was Born may y^ 29'"; 1741 Jemima Clark Daughter of Nathan & Jemima Clark was Born July y« 22<* : 1741 James Smith Son of John and Mary Smith v/as Born August y« 6'"; 1741 Joanna perry Daughter of abner & Joanna periy was Born October y^ 22'* ; 1739 Jeremiah Pilchards son of William & Elisabeth Richards was Born January y 8"': 1741/2 Joseph Howard son of John & Abigail Howard was Born Mai'ch y« 10'": 1741/2 Jane Caldwell Daugiiter of AVilliam & Jane Caldwell, was Born July y« 5'"; 1742 John Coney son of Nathaniel & sarah Coney was Born July y* 6'"; 1741 Joseph Randal son of Thomas and Catherine Randal was Born march y" 30'"; 1743 50 John llichards son of Daniel and Mary Richards was Born uovember y« 1 1'^ ; 174S Joshua Howard sou of Caleb & Elizabeth Howard was Born noveraber y* IS*"; 1743 John Andrews Son of James And Abigail Andrews was Born may y« 2** 17-13 Jonathan Warren Son of Jonathan & Christian AVarren was bona May y« l**^ 1744. Jacob Boyden y* Son of Seth Boyden & Elizabeth his wife was Born March y« 20'" 1744. Jemima Keny Daughter of Jonathan & Jemima Keny was born Jan^ y* 29"' 1742/3. Jemima Monk Daughter of Elias Monk & Sut^anna his wife was Born No- vember y« 9'" 1742. Isaac Talbott Son of Daniel Talbott & Martha liis wife was Born June y« 21. 1744. Jacob Leonard Son of Nathaniel Leonard & Mary * * Wife was Born May y« 19'^ 1744. John Wentworth f son of Ma * * * * * was Born may y" 2U*'^ 1742. See ( paye 110 ) 1 04 Hannah Smitli Daughter of John and mary Smith was born September the IV^\ 1742 Hannah llewins Daughter of Ebenezer and Judith Hewins was Born June y* 12^ 1743 Hannah Hawse. Daughter of Stephen and sarah Hawse was Born, february y« 14"^: 1743/4 Hannah Ingraham Daughter of Joseph Ingrahani & Judith his AVife was born April Y^ 8'" 1744. Hannah Tolinau Daughter of Bliss Tolman & mary His AVife was born August y« 14'^ 1731. Hephzebah Andrews Daughter of James Andrews & abigail His Wife was bora Jau^y ^30'" 1744/5 Hannah Harlow Daughter of Benjamin Harlow & Abigail His Wife was born Oct"^ y 16^^ 1746. Hannah Billing Daughter of AVilliam Billing Jun' & Mary His AVife AVas born Dec"' y* 21" A: D: 1744. Henry Baily AVithington the Sou of Edward AAltliington & Hannah His AVife AVas born August y« 4"^ 1743. Henry Parson Son of Ephraim Paysou & Judeth His AVife, was born June ye 4ih 1744. Hannah Baker Daughter of Elijah Baker & Hannah Iiis AVife AVas Born Dec"' y«26* 1745. Hannah Kenny Daughter of Josiah Kenny & Iluth His AVife AVas Born July ye 19th 1746. Hannah AVarren Daughter of Jonathan AVarren & Cristian His AVife AVas born October v« 3 P' 1746 Hannah Boyden y« Daughter of Seth Bojden & EMzabeth his AVife AVas Born Feb'y v^'fii-st 1746/7. ^—Hannah Richards y^ Daughter of Daniel Richards & Mary His AVife was born Oct"' V* 12'" 1747. Hannah Lyon y« Daugiiter of Enoch Lyon & Susanna his AVife AVas born Feb-r ye 27'" 1747/8. Hannah Fisher v*' Daughter of Ezra Fisher & Mary His AVife AVas born July ye igth 1745 Yo\ 131 1 05 Marv Talbutt Daughter of George and Hannah Talbutt was Born april y^3i : 1743 Mary Estie Daughter of Benjamin and .'■arah Estie was Born august y* 8'", 1742. + The words " son of John AVentworth Jun & " have been tcrittea and erased and the words " son of" written over them. 51 Mary Stone Daughter of ^ Henry IStoiie & Abigail wentworth was Born march. ye 17'" 1742/3. Matthias Puffer sou of Matthias & Rebeckah Puffer was Born march y^ 8^^ 1743 /4. Mehetabel May Daughter of Eleazer May Juu"- & Estiier His wife was Born June y" 16'^' 1744. Mary May Daughter of Nat" May & Mary His Wife was born Nov*"- y« 13"^ 1744. Mary Johnson Daughter of Joshua Johnson & Lydia His Wife Was Born March y« 4^" 1744/5 Mary Jordan Daughter of Abigail Jordan Was born August y« 13'" 1739. Miriam Jordan Daughter of William Jordan and Mary His Wife Was bora March y" 14'" 1745. Moley Man I^aughter of Ebenezer Man & Mary His Wife was Born Nov"^ y« 16*" 1745. Mary Stickne Daughter of Richard Stickne & Mary His AVife Was born Oc- tober ve 8'" 1745. Mary Comins Daughter of Samuel Comins & Susannah His Wife AVas born August ye 20'" 1745. Mary Estie Daughter of Ebenezer Estie & Martha His Wife was born May the 19'" 1746. Mercy Niles Daughter of Daniel Niles & Mercy His Wife Was born May y« 4'" 1744. Mary Blakman Daughter of Thomas Blackman Ju' & Mary His Wife Was Born Jan^y«12'" 1738/9 Martha Watkins Daughter of Zakariah Watkins * Martha His Wife Was born Jan^y y« 4'" 1744/5 Mary Billing Daughter of William Billin * & Mary His Wife was born Jan"-' 29'" 1746/ * caried to Fol. 114 1 06 Abigail Lisconi Daughter of John. Joanna Liscom was Born february ye 2o^ 1738/9 Adam Thorp Son of Samuel Thorp & Ruth his wife was born march y^ 17'" 1743/4. Asa Morse Son of Jadidiah Morse & Hannah His Wife was born \)q&' y' IC" 1743. Abigail Jordan Daughter of Benjamin Jordan & Elizabeth His Wife Was Born ]Srov'"yM7'" 1721. Abraham & Isaac Billing, Twin Sons of Stephen & EUzabeth Billing Was born July y« 14'" 1745. Abigail May Daughter of Samuel May & Abigail His Wife Was Born Sep""" y« 7'" 1745. Abigail Kenny Daughter of John Kenny & Easter His Wife Was born Decb"- y^ 11'" 1746. Abigail Holmes Daughter of John Holmes & Keziah His Wife Was born ]\Iarch ye lOf" 174G/7. Abigail Dickerman Daughter of John Dickermati Ju-- and Meriah His AVife Was boi-n April y* 8'" 1740 Abel Allin Son of George Allen & Mary IMs AVife AA'as born April y* 17'" 1744. Abigail Harlow Daugiiter of Benjamin Harlow and Abigail His AA^ife AA'as born Sep' y* 7'" 1747. Asa Plimpton Son of James Plimpton & Lydia His WifeAVas born June y* 28'" 1747. Abigail Smith y* Daughter of Ezra Smith & Abigail his AVife was born October v^ 23"* 1747. Abigail Talbott Daughter of Peter Talbott & Abigail His Wife was born June ye l^Lh 1749, Abigail Holmes Daughter of Eusg° John Holmes & Keziah His Wife was bora July ye 20*" 1749. t The words in italics have been erased. 52 Abigail Baker Daughter of Elijah Baker & Hannah His Wife was born May ye 21" 1751. Anna man daughter of Ebeuezer man & Mary His Wife was born May y^ IS"" 1748. Page 155 & 161 1 07 Nathaniel Hawse sou of obadiah and niary Hawse was Born October ye 4th 1743: Nathaniel mosely sun of nathaniel and sarah nioselv was Burn December y« 22* : 1743 Nathanael Comings son of samuel and susauna Comings was Born may ye 8'^ 1743 Nathaniel May ve Son of Nathaniel May & Mary His Wife Was born April y* 16"^ 1746. — Noah Richards Son of Daniel Kichards & Mary His Wife was born May ye 25'" 1746 Neomi Curtis Daughter of Edward Curtis & Hannah His Wife was born march ye pt 1746/7. Nathaniel Holand ve Son of Stephen Holand & Sarah His Wife was born July yc 2'i A: b: 1747. Nathaniel Talbott ye Son of George Talbott Ju"" & Hannah His Wife was born June ye 11"^ 1748. Nathan Crane v* Son of Elihu Crane & Elizabeth his Wife was born Nov**^ y^ 19^" 1748. Nathan Smith Son of Ezra Smith & Abigail His. Wife Was born Feb''' ye 1»' 1749/50. Nathaniel Keny Son of Josiah Keny Ju"" & Anna His Wife Was born Oct"" ye 17''' 1^53 N: S: Nathaniel Hamond Son of Nat" Hamond & Sarah His Wife was born April ye 6'" 1754. Nathaniel Peirce Son of Seth Peirce & angelet His Wife was born Sep'"' y* 23** A: D: 1757 Nathan Billing Son of Stephen Billing Ju"' & Bette His Wife was born Nov"" ye 14'" 1756. Nathaniel Leonard Son of Nat" Leonard & Mary His AVife was born Nov""' y« 2 1744. The Intention of nian-iage Between Benjamin Harlow, & Abigail Hobbs Both of Stoughton Entcr.d June ye 16'" 1744. The Intention of marriage Between Tliomas Wood, & Deborah Martin Both of Stoughton Entered June ye 16'" 1744. "^ - The Intention of marriage Between Thomas Sp * * Jun' & Mary Bedmau both of Stoughton E * * * * July y^ 21: 1744. I 15 The Intention of Marriage betwixt William Lewes Jun"" of Dedham & Mehitable Hixson of Stoughton Enter,d August y* 18"^ 1744. The Intention of Marriage Betwixt Isaac Sterns Jun' & Hannah Waters Both of Stoughton Enter,d September y« 8'^ 1744. The Intention of Marriage Betwixt' Peter Talbutt & Abigail Wheeler both of Stoughton Enter.d September y* 22'^ 1744. The Intention of Marriage Betwixt Ebenezer Billing Jun"" of Stoughton & Su- sanna Hartshorn of Walpole Enter,d September y^ 22'» 1744. The Intentian of Marriage Betwixt Elijah Baker & Hannah PulTer both of Stoughton Enter,d Sep""- 22'' 1744. 57 The Intention of Marriasre Betwixt Henxy Crane and Abigail Lvou Both of Stoughton Eiitred Sei/' y« 22'* 1744. The Intention of JSIarriage Betwixt AVilliam Tohnan & Mary Savell Both of Stoug-hton Entred Oc""" y« 13"^ 1744. The Intention of Marriage Betwixt John Ilaws of Stougliton & Sarah Niles of Brantrey Enterd Oc' y« 20* 1744. The Intention of Marriage Betwixt Zebadiali Wentwortli of Stoughton & Ju- dith Stimpson of Milton Enterd November y* 17'*> 1744. The Intention of Mai-riage Betwixt William Jorden & Mary Lyon Both of Stoughton Enterd November y« 17"^ 1744. I 17 The Intention of Marriage Betwixt Ephraini Payson Jnn"' & Margarett Morgain Both of Stoughton Was Enterd Dec'"' y* 15'^ 1744. ' The Intention of Marriage Betwixt Joseph Withington & Jemima Gill, both of Stoughton Enter,d Ma^rch y" 9''' 1744/5. The Intention of Marriage Betwixt Ebenezer Baken & Ilebekah Blackman,, both of Stoughton Entered April y* 3'^ 1745. Tue Intention of Marriage Betwixt Nathaniel Sumner of Stoughton, & Lydia Richards of Brantrey, Enter.d May y« 4^^ 1745. The Intention of Marriage Betwixt Hem-y Morse & Abigail Clap both of Stoughton, Enterd, June y« S'^ 1745. The Intention of Marriage Betwixt John Nixson Late of Great Britan now Resident in Dedham & Katharin Wentworth of Stoughton Enterd July y® Vd'^ 1745. The Intention of MaiTiage Betwixt Benjamin Smith Jun' & Sarah Wallis, both of Stoughton Entered July y^ 27"" 1745. The Intention of Marriage betwixt Isaiah Tohnan & Hannah Fuller, both of Stoughton Enterd August y« 11^ 1745. The Intention of Marriage betwnxt Stephen Holo!id & Sarah Stone both of Stoughton Enter.d August y* 24"^ 1745. t I 3 The Intention of Marriage betw^ixt John Withington Jun' & Martha Wentworth both of Stoughton, Was Enterd Novi"" y^ 9'" A D 1745. The Intention of Marriage betuixt Elijah Jordan of Stoughton & Joanna Vezey of Brantrey Enterd Dec"'' y« 7"" 1745. The Intention of Marriage betwixt Edward Wentworth of Stoughton & Sarah Winslow of Bridgewater, Enterd December the 28*^ 1745. The Intention of Marriage betwixt Elijah Billing of Stoughton & Elizabeth Hartshorn of Walpole, Entered January y« 11''' 1745/6. The Intentionof Marriage betwixt Jonah Gay of Stoughton & Sarah Willington of Attleborough Enter,d January y^ llth 1745/6. The Intention of Marriage betwixt D" Joseph ToplifF of Stoughton & M" Eliz- abeth Daniel of Boston Entered March the first 1745/6. The Intention of Marriage betwixt Jonathan Capen, «fe Jerusha Talbott both of Stoughton Entered March y« 8*^ 1745/6. The Intention of Marriage betwixt Joseph Morse & Bethiah Waters both of Stoughton, Enered Apnl y« 12'^ 1746. The Intention of Marriage betwixt John May & Hannah Martin both of Stoughton, Enterd, April y« 19"> 1746. I J 9 The Intention of Marriage betwixt the llev^ M"' Jedediah Adams of Stoughton & M" Mary Marsh of Bran tree Enterd May y^ 3"* 1746. The Intention of Marriage betwixt D" Jeremiah P\iller of Stoughton & M™ Deborah Withington of Dorchester Enterd May y« 3^ 1746. The Intention of Marriag between Seth Willis of Stoughton & Phebe Keeth Enterd May y« 31»' 1746. The Intention of Marriage between Ebenezer Wentworth & Elizabeth Clap both of Stoughton, Enterd July y« 9"^ 1746. The Intention of Marriage between Zebulun Jordan & Abigail Wentworth both of Stoughton, Enterd July y'' 12^ 1746. 53 The Intention of ^[arriafre between Morris Welch of Boston & Sarali Andrews of Stoui^hton Entord Auijast y* 23'^ 17-46. The Intention of Marria^e^ between Paul VYent worth & Abigail Jordan, both of Stonuhton Enterd ^ep"-- y'' 6"* 174(J. The Intention of MarriaiiC between Kichard Uaily of Stongliton & Anna Mos- man of Sndbnrv, Enterd ,Sci>teniber y« lo'** 174G. The Intention of iSIarriajiC between Kichard Sticknc & Susanna Tucker both of Stousi-hton Enterd, Oct"^ y« 4"^ 1746. The Intention of Marria<>:e of ^Marriage between Joseph Blansho Now Kesident in Stoughton & rrisciila Smith of Stoughton Enterd Oct*"- y^ 11"» 1746. 120 The Intention of Marriage between Miclial Spur and Jane Shippe, both of Stongliton, Was Enterd Oct"' y" 25"^ 1746. The Intention of Marriage between Seth Willis of Stoughton & Silence Smith of Eston, Was Enterd Nov"' y« 22<» 1746. The Intention of Marriage between Cato & Diana Slaves To AV" Royall of Stoughton Was Enterd Nov"^ 22'» 1746. Tlie Intention of Marriage between El)enezer Ilobins & rrisciila Caril both of Stoughton, Was Enterd Dec"' y'' 6"' 1746. The Intention of Marriage between Benjamin Ilewins & Sarah Bacon both of Stoughton was Enterd January y« 17^^ 1746/7. The Intention of Marriage between Benjamin Smith of Stoughton & Martha Perrin of Koxbury Enterd Jan'7 ye 24'" 1746/7. The Intention of Marriage between Nicholas Harris & Lydia Caril both of Stouirhton Enterd Jan'y y« 24'" 1746/7. The Intention of Marriage between John French & Mary Fenno both of Stough- ton Enterd Feb^ y« 2P' 1746/7 The Intention of Marriage between y« Rev^ :M' Sanund Dunbar of Stoughton & M" Experience AVoodward of Dedhani, Enterd Alarch y« 7'" 1746/7. Tlie Intention of Marriage between Benj" Rhoads & Anna Gould, both of Stoughton Enterd March y« 7«' 1746/7. I 2 1 'i''i6 Intention of Marriage between Samuel Tucker of Milton. & Abigail Sho].ard of Stoughton, Enterd March y« 2P' 1746/7. The Intention of Marriage between EbenezerDickerman of Stoughton & Lydia Gould of Holliston Enterd April y« 4^" 1747. The Intention of ISIarriage betwen Ebenezer Wellman of Norton, & Sarah Pavson of Stoughton Enterd April the 25'" 1747. The intention of Marriage between Joseph Smith Ju"" & Experience Talbott both of Stoughton Enferd, May y« 23i 1747. The Intention of Marriage between William Smith & Katharin Witlungton both of Stottghton Enterd May y« 23* 1747. The Intention of ]Marriage between Joseph Rhoads of Stoughton & Sarah Barns of Dedlunn. Enterd June y« 26'h 1747. The Intention of Marriage between John Tohnan of Stoughton & Abigail Cut- ler of Lexiimton. Enterd Julv y« 251^ 1747. The Intention of Marriage between John Philip * & Mary I'.lanchard both of Stouahton Enterd August y« 1" 1747. The Intention of Marriage between Ebenezer Warren of Bndgewater & Mary Nitingal of Stottghton Enterd Atigust y« fc'" 1747. The Intention of Marriage between Elijah Pitchc * & Tabitha Smith both of Stotighton Enterd Attgust y« 15'" 1747. I 22 The Intention of ^Marriage betwixt John Drake & Mary C^ole both of Stoughton Enterd August the 22'» 1747. The Intention of :\Iarriage betwixt William Lunon & Abigail "^hcrlilr both of Stotighton Enterd October y« 3* 1747. The Intention of IMarriage between Solomon Morse of Stottghton & Abigail Blanchard of Norton Enterd Nov"' y« 7'" 1747. 59 The Intention of Marriage between Scipio Negro Slave to Cap' Ralph Pope of Stoughtou Sarah Slocum Indian Interd Nov"'' y^ T'" 1747 The Intention of Marriage between Samuel Chandler & Sarah Gill both of Stoughton EnterdXov"^ y« U'" 1747. The Intention of Marriage between Eben"" Nightingale of Dorchester, & Mary Dickerman of Stoughton Enterd Nov'"' y« 21" 1747, The Intention of Marriage between Jonathan Cary of Bridgewater & Mary Curtis of Stoughton Enterd NoyO' y« 24"> 1747. Tiie Intention of Mariage between A^'illiaui Wentworth & Jerusha Shepard both of Stoughton Enterd Nov'"' 25"^ 1747. The Intention of Marriage between Samuel Badlam of AYeymouth & Unity Morse of Stoughtou Enterd Jan^^ y« 15* 1747/8 J #23 The Intention of Marriage between Nathaniel Badcok of milton & Abi- gail Pitcher of Stoughton Enterd Jau--^ y« 23* 1747/8. The Intention of Marriage between Joseph Houghton of Milton & Mary Dav- enport of Stoughton Enterd Feb'-^ y« 27'" 1747/8. The Intention of Marriage between Samuel Bird of Stoughton & Anne Atherton of Dorchester Enterd March y* 19'" 1747 /8. The Intention of Marriage between Thomas Fillebrown of Norton & Mary Parson of Stoughton Enterd April y« 16'" 1748. The intention of Marriage between Elipalet Monk & Sarah Withington both of Stoughton Enterd April y« 29"» 1748. The Intention of Marriage between Bliss Tolman of Stoughton & Judith Nu- comb of Norton Enterd May y« 7'" 1748. T}ie Intention of Marriage between Royall Kollock of Stoughton & Susanna Man of Wrenthani Enterd May y« 2 P' 1748. The Intention of Marriage between Jonathan Billing Ju"" of Stoughton & Sarah Guild of Dedham Enterd May y^ 2P' 1748. The Intention of Marriage between Jonathan Willis of Stoughton & Mary Gotle of llehoboth Enterd June the 6'" 1748. Tlie Intention of Marriage between Joseph Coney of Stoughton & Sarah Savel of Roxbuiy Enterd June y« 25'" 1748 1 24 The Intention of Marriage between Samuel Rousau & Elizabeth Puffer Enterd July y« iG'i^ 1748. The Intention of Marriage between Samuel Strobridge of Stoughton & Judith Smith of Dedham Enterd August y« 6'" 1748. The Intention of Marriage between Abraham Alger of Eston & Dorothy Puf- fer of Stoughton Enterd August yMl'" 1748. The Intention of Marriage between Samuel Wentworth & Hannah Endicott both of Stoughton Enterd Sep"' y« 17'" 1748 The Intention of Marriage between Benjamin Tar, Mariner & Sarah Jordan of Stoughton Enterd Oct"' y« 29'" 1748. The Intention of ISIarriage betwen Ebenezcr Billing of Milton & Miriam Davenport of Stoughton Enterd Nov"^ y^ 10'" 1748. The Intention of Marriage between Benjamin Dean of Dedham & Mary AVith- ington of Stoughton Enterd Nov^' y^ 1(J'" 1748. The Intention of Marriage between Caleb Johnson & Judith Tucker both of Stoughton Enterd November y« 22'* 1748. The Intention of Marriage between Jacob Hewins & Damaris Bird both of Stoughton Enterd Jan'J y« 28'" 1748/9 The Intention of Marriage between Pelatiah Estie of Stoughton & Jane Cobb of Taunton, Enterd March y« 3'* 1748/9 1 25 The Intention of Marriage between John Forrist Ju' of Stoughton And Surah AV'elman of Norton Enterd April y« 12'" 1749. The Intention of Marriage between Samuel Roads & Abigail Thorp, Both of Stoughton, Enterd June y« 7"* 1749. The Intention of Man-iage between Matthew Buck of Bridgewater & Elizabeth Fenno of Stoughton, Enterd July y« 15'" 1749. 60 The Intention of Marriage between Wlllidui Pittee & RebeckahCai-el both of Sto'ighton Eiiterd July y« 26^^ 1749. Tiie Intention of marriage between Thomas Crane of Stougliton & ilary Fenno of Milton Enterd August y« 20'" 1749. Tiie Intention of Marriage between John Battles & Hannah Curtis Ju' both of Stougliton Enterd September y* 22"* 1749. The Intention of Marriage betwixt Jeremia!i Smith of Walpole & Mary Kholes of Stjughtou, Enterd October y« 2P' 1749. The intention of marriage betwixt Roger Sherman & Elizabeth Hartwell of Stoughton, Eterdrd Nov'"' yM"*' 1749. The Intention of Marriage betwixt Seth Billing & Jerusha Redman both of Stoughtou Enterd January y" 4"" 1749/o0 126 The Intention of Marriage between Obadiah Haws Ju' & Tabitha Richardson both of Stoughton Enterd Jan''? y« 27"^ 1749/50 The Intention of Marriage between John Howard of Stoughton & Mary "Weatli- erheadof Cumberland, now resident In Stoughton. Enterd Feb'^^ y* 3* 1749/.0O, The Intention of ^Mari-iage between John Martin, & Mary Hawse y* 2"^ both uf Stoughton Enterd April y« 21" 1750. The Intention of Marriage between Lemuel Lyon of Walpole & Lvdia Perry of Stoughton Enterd April y* 21-' 1750. Tlie Intention of Marriage between Jeremiah Ingraham of Stoughton Eliza- beth Sumner of milton Enterd May y« 3P' 1750. The Intention of Marriage between William Hill of Attleborongh & Saruli Christen of Stoughton Enterd May y<= 31*' of May 1750 The Intention of Marriage between Daniel Hunt of Stoughton & Bathsheba Bradford of Kingston Enterd .Tune y* 1750. The Intention of JNIarriage between Samuel Lovel & Mary Hewins both of Stoughton Enterd July y« 1^ 1750 The intention of Marriage between Cap' William Pierce of Milton & M" Mary Belcher of Stoughton Enterd July y* 26"» 1750. Caried toFoll 145. 1 27 John Ransted Son of Ann Lyon born Sep^' y« oO^ 1746. Isaac Bird Sou of Benjamin Bird Ju' & Kezia His Wife was born Dec^'y" 25"^ 1746. John Dickerman y« son of John Dickerman Jun"" & Meriah His Wife was born March y« 30^ 1746. Joseph Wentworth y« son of Amariah AYentworth & Rebecka his Wife Was born Dec'"' y« 29"" 1746. Joshua May y« Son of John May & Hannah His Wife was borji July v« 20'" 1746. Jacob Wentworth Son of Zebadiah Wentworth & Judith his Wife AVas born Sep'"' y^oO'" 1747. Joseph Billings Sou of John Billing & Sarah His AYife AVas born Dec"' x" V^'-^ 1747, Israel Baily the Son of Richard Baily & Anna His AVife was born Nov"' y' 16'" 1747. Jacob Morse y" Son of Timothy Morse & Elizabeth his Wife AVas born Nov'"" ye 25"' 1743. Isabella Hodges y« Daughter of Eliphalet Hodges & Abigail His A\'"ife AVaa born Nov"' 4«" 1746. John Haws y* Son of John Haws & Sarah his AVife was born March y« 19'" 1744/5. John Atherton y« Son of John Atherton & Rachel His Wife Avas born Julv y* 21" 1747. Jesse Curtis y* Son of Theophilus Curtis & Elizabeth His AVife was born Nov'"y«5'" 1747. James Tompson y« Son of David Tomson 1753 N. S. 1 29 Elijah Hewins son of Ebenezer Hewins & Juditli His Wife was bom liiavy* 23 1752!' N: S Hannah W^arrin Daughter of Jonathan Warrin & Christian His Wife born June y« U"' 1753. Pa(i/e 162) 1 32 The Persons following Were Married by y* Rev** M"" Sara" Dunbar, at y« Times Specitied (Viz) A: D: 1746/7' jNIarch 9"' Joseph Blansho & Priscilla Smith both of Stoughton. 1747 October 14"^ Elijah Pitcher & Tabitha Smith both of Stougliton 29 : Joseph Sniitii Ju'' & Experience Talbott both of Stoughton. Dec""' 3: SamuelTucker of Milton & Abigail Shepard of Stoughton. 16: Ebenezer Nightingale of Dorchester & Mary Dickerman of Stoughton. 24: William Wentworth & Jerusha Shepard both of Stoughton. A: D: 1747/S Jan'^y 19: John French and Mary Fenno both of Stoughton. Feb'^y9: Nathaniel Badcok of Milton & Abigail Pitcher of Stoughton. The Persons following Were Joined in Marriage by the Rev"^ M' Philip Cur- tis at y<^ Times Specified, (Viz) A: D: 1747 April 23: Ebenezer Dickerman of Stoughton & Lydia Gould of Holliston. Jul\^ 9 : Benjamin Road>; & Anna Gould both of Stoughton. September 22: John Philips and ^Vlary Blanchard both of Stoughton. Dec'"' 10 : Joseph Roads of Stoughton & Sarah Barns of Dedham. The following persons Were Joined in Marriage by the Rev'' M"" Jedidiah Adams, at y^ Times Specified (Viz) 1747 Sepbr 23 : William Smith & Katharine Withington both of Stoughton. Dec'''- 22 : John Drake & Mary Cole both of Stoughton 1747/8 (,/a/i)^y 21: Scipio Negni Slave to Cap' Ralph Pope of Stoughton & Mary Slocuui, Indian. 1 33 The Following Persons Were Married by y^ Rev^ M' Sam" Duubar(Viz) 1748 June 21 : Jonatban Willis & Mary Goffe both of Stoughton Oct"'' 19 : Samuel Wentworth & Hannah Endicott both of Stoughton. 26 : Samuel Chandler & Sarali Gill both of Stoughton Nov'*"' 22 : Benjamin Tar a Mariner & Sarah Jordan of Stoughton 24: Joseph Houghton of Milton & Mary Davenport of Stoughton. The Following Persons Were Married by y« Rev'' M"" Philip Curtis (Viz) 1748 Sept 1 : Joseph Coney of Stoughton & Sarah Saveil of Roxbury. Nov"-- 1 : Jonathan Billing Ju^ of Stoughton & Sarah Guild of Dedham . 1748/9 Jan-^y 26 : Benjamin Dean of Dedliam & Marv Withington of Stoughton. Feb'-y 23" M-- Ebei> Billing of Milton & M" Miriam Davenport of Stough- ton Were Mai-ried by the Rev" M^ Sam " Dunbar. The Following Persons AVere Married by y« Rev" M"" Samauel Dunbar of Stoughton 1749 Julv 13'h John Forrest J'' of Stouirhton & Sarah Welman of Norton. August let" Matthew Buck of BridgeWater & Eliz" Fenno of Stoughton. September 14'" Thomas Crane of Stougliton & Tslary Fenno of Milton. November 171" Roger Sherman of New Milf ord in Conecticut & Eliza- beth Hartwel of Stoughton. February 23" 1749 /.50 .John Howard of Stoughton & Mary AVetherhead of Cumberlau* 134 The following persons AVere Married by the Rev" M^ Philip Curtis Viz 1748/9 March y* 14 Abraham Prible & Elizabeth Roads 1749 March 30: Caleb Johnson & Judith Tucker. ^ July 18: Samuel Roads & Abigail Thorp. August 17: AVilliam Pitted Rebecka Carill. 64 1751 April 3-J Nat" Holmes Ju"- & Hannah Smith. 4 Beiijaiuin Estie & Joannah Amsbury. June 8: Royall Kollock 4fc Mary Uandali. ; 1751/2 Jau'7 1 : Aaron Guild & oaraii Coney The Following Persons Were Married by The ReV* M' Sam" Dunbar Viz 1751. April 4. Mattliew Fowler Mariner & Sarah Jlandol of Stoughton 12 John M« Faden Mariner & Grace Liscom of Stoughton. May 7 Jonathan Pitcher & Mary Hawse both of Stoughton. June 8 llabijah Everenden & Mary IJriggs both of Stoughton. Nov*' 7 Jonas Hartwell of Bridgewater & Ruhamah Fenno of Stoughton 22 Jacob French & Miriam Downs both of Stoughton. Dee^T 19«» John Withington Ju' & Desire Liscom both of Stoughton. 1752 Jan'y 1 Stephen Billing Ju' & Bette Kinney both of Stoughton George Blaekman Ju^ And Aniee Dwelly both of Stoughton. Sam" Dwelle & Eiiz* Billing both of Stoughton. 9"^ James Endicott & Hannah Lyuu both of Stoughton. The Following Persons Were Married by the Rev^ M' Sam" Dunbar (Viz:) ***** 5 Eplu-aim Jones & Elenor Andrews both of Stoughton 135 1752 March 17"" Abijah Upham & Jemima Bailey both of Stoughton June 4* Francis More of Dorchester & Batlisheba Wentwortli of Stoughton. July 28"' Edw^ Wentworth Ju' &, Susanna Sims both of Stoughton. Sep'*' 28'^ Abel Howard & Waitstill Dickerman both of Stoughton. Nov"'' 14"' Joseph Tomnson & Sarah Wheeler both of Stoughton. Nov'"' le"- Philip Liscom Ju' & Miriam Belcher both of Stoughton. Dec*"" 14"' Jolin Fenno Ju'' & Jerusha Wentworth both of Stoughton. 1753 Jan^ 8«' Ephraim Smith & Eliz* Peirce both of Stoughton. 30'" John Bagley of Brantree & Ester Pitcher of Stoughton. Feb^ 1« Sam" Wentworth & Saruii Pufter Both of Stoughton. 8'" Hez» Mero & Mary Tolman both of Stoughton. March 1^' Andrew Kennedy of Milton & Amee AV'entworth of Stoughton. The Persons Hereafter Mentioned Wore Married by the Rev* M'' Jedidiah Adams (Viz) 1747 Sep"' 23 William Smith & Katlirinn Within.gton botli of Stoughton. 1748 June 15"' William Lonnon & Abigail Shirtlitf both of Stoughton. Aug' 3 Sam" Rousou & Elizabeth Putfer both of Stoughton. Nov"' 3 Sam" Badlam of Weymouth & Unity Morse of Stoughton. Dec"' 1 Eliphalet Monk & Sarah Withington both of Stoughton. 1750 Dec"' 20 John Martin & Marv Howse both of Stoughton. 1752 Jan'7 8 Peter Talbott & Mary'Baily both of Stoughton. Sion Morse & Anne Sergeiit both of Stoughton. 9 Benj» Gill & Bethiah Wentworth both of Stoughton. Feb' 20 Thomas Glover & Rebeckah Pope both of Stoughton. 25 Dan" Waters & Susannah M )rgain botli of Stoughton. The Persons Hereafter Mentiond Were Married by the Rev*^ M' Sam" Dun- bar (Viz:) 1753 July 4-" Josiah Kenny Ju' & Anne Billing both of Stoughton. Oct**' 25 Stephen Tilden & Abigail Peirce both of Stoughton Novi" 22 Benj» Harlow & Ruth Johnson both of Stougliton. Jsiii^ 3 1754 Jedidiah Chrehore of Milton &, Chloe Shepard of Stoughton 1 36 The Persons Hereafter Mentioned Were Married by tlie Rev* M' Sam" Dunbar ( :Viz:) A: D: 1754 May 23 Isaac Fenno Ju' & Meriah Davenport both of Stoughton Isaac Johson & Hannah Hobhs both of Stoughton. 30 Gamalial Lyon & Abigail Howard both of Stoughton. August 8 Eben' Clap Ju'' & Jurusha Keuey both of Stoughton 65 Dec''' 31 The Kev 1759 1 38 Joseph Blansho y« Son of Joseph Blansho & Priscilla His Wife Was born June y« ll"" 1748. John May y« Son of John May & Hannah His Wife was born Dec"' y 21" 174,8 66 Josiah Pratt y* Son of Josiah Pratt & Abigail Pratt was born Mav y« 26"" 1745 Isaac Pratt v* Son of Josiah Pratt & Abigail His Wife Was born November y« S-i'i' 1746 Joseph Pratt v« Son of Josiah Pratt &, Abigail liis Wife AVas born April v« l*' 1749' Joseph Belcher v« Son of Clifford Belcher and :Mchetubel his Wife AVas born May y«' 13"^ 1749: John Drake v^ Son of Joiin Drake &, Mary Jlis Wife was born Jnuary v« 20'*^ 1748/9 Joseph Hawse Son of John Hawse & Amey His AVife Avas Born Dec"' v^ U''' 1746. John Hawse Son of John Hawse & Amey His Wife AYas Born December y« 24"" 1748. Joseph Morse Son of Joseph Morse & Bethiah His AVife was born June v* 19"^ 1748. Jonathan White ^'* Son of John AVhite & Martha His AVife was born August y« 8"^ 1749. Jerusha Spur Daughter of Thomas Spur Ju"" & Mary His AVife AVas born August ye 28'" 1749 Jonathan Billing y* Son of Jonathan Billing & Sarah His AVife was born August ye 16"^ 1749. Jerusha Capen Daugliter of Jonathan Capen & Jerusha His AVife was born May y* 16'^ 1750. Jerusha Billing Daughter of Seth Billing & Jrusha his AVife was Born August ye 3* 1750 See page 149 139 Mehetabel Crane Daughter of Henry Crane & Abigail His AVife, AVas born July y^ 2^ 1746. Mehetabel Crane y* Daughter of Henry Crane & Abigail His AVife, was born Nov"-- ye SO^ 1747. Mary AVentworth ye Daughter of Samuel AA'eutworth ct Hannah His AVife AVas born April ye 7'" 1749. Mercy AVentworth Daughter of Jolni AVentworth Ju' & Mercy His AVife bora June ye 6"^ 1745. Mehetal)le Fowler Daughter of Sarah Randol was born Sep''' ye 24"> 1749. Meredith Keny Daughter of John Keny & Easter his AVife was born August y* 6* 1749 Mary Tolman Daugliter of Isaiah Tolman & Hannah His AVife was born Feb'? 15"» 1747/8. Mary Lovel Daughter of Samuel Lovel & ^larv His AVife born Mav ^ e 4'" 1751 Mary Hewins Daughter of Jacob Hewins & Damaras His AVife was born April ye 3'^ 175^. Mary Fisher Daughter of Ezekiel Fisher & Susanna His Wife AVas born July ye 8'" 1750 Micajah Pope Son of Lazarus Pope & Susanna His AVife AVas born June ye 6^^ 1741. Mary Drake Daughter of John Drake & Mary His AVife was born Jan'y ye 20"! 1750/1. Mary Bradshaw Daughter of Samuel Bradshaw & Sarah His AVife was jjorn april ye 6'" 174* (2, 3, or 1754. Benjamin Tuper Son of Thomas Tupper & Remember His AVife was born March y« 1 1"' 1738. Benjamin Johnson Son of Isaac Johnson & Hannah His AVife AA'as born No- vember y« 26'" 1755. Benjamin (Gannett Son of Benjamin Gannet & Marv His AVife AVas born July y^ 4'" 1754 & Died Febv y« 11* 1757 Beriah Iiigraham Son of Jeremiah Ingraham Ju' & Abigail His AVife was born March y« 8"» 1756. Benjamin AI" Lane Son of Dan" M= Lane & Marj' His AVife was born Feb""' y« 9'" 1756. See page 182 1 43 Experience Tolman Daughter of AAllliam Tolman & Mary his AA'^ife born August v« 10"> 1749: Elijah Billing Son^of Elijah Billing & Elizabeth his AAlfe was born Feb"^ 26"^ 1749/50. Elijah Plimpton Son of James Plimpton & L\diah His AA'ife was born September ye 14th 1749. Ella"; Man v« Son of Theodore Man & Abigail His AVife was born May y* 8'" 1750. Ebenezer Esty the Son of Ebenezer Esty & Martha His AVife was born Septem- ber y= 13'" 1750. Elizabeth Tolman Daughter of AA'illiam Tolman & Mary His AAlfe was born Feb^^ y^ 10'" 1750/1 Ezra Tildin Son of Elijah Tinden & Ruth His AVife was born June y« 7'" 1751. Elizabeth Bradshaw Daughter of Sam" Bradshaw & Sarali His AVife was born gppbr ye i8t 1743 ^ Die(j June ye 20^^ 1744. Elizabeth Bradshaw Daughter of Sanuiel Bradshaw & Sarah His AVife was born Feb-^ 9"* 1745. Ebenezer Talbott Son of Ebenezer Talbot & Elizabeth His Wife was born Nov"' }-« 30 1751 Elijah Monk Son of Elipalet Monk & Sarah His Wife was born Feb'y 6'^ 1751 Elizabeth Strobridire Dauarhter of Sam" Strobridge & Judith His AVife was born Oc« ^y« 6'" 1752. N: S Eunice Stone Daughter of Heni-v Stone & Lvdia His AVife was born Jan^ y« 23* 1753. Nr^S: Elijah Baker Son of Elijah Baker & Hannah His Wife was born April y* 12"* • * » Elizabeth Badlam Daughter of D° Stephe* Badlam & Hannah His AVife Was boni y« 20"' of December 1753. See Page 164 See page * * 144 Pliebe Wheeler y« Daughter of William Wheeler & Sarah his Wife died Dec""' y 6"^ 1749. In the 19'-^ year of her age. Beriah Curtis Sou of Edward Curtis & Hannah His Wife Died Dec*' y* 5'" 1749 in y^ Sixth year of His age Cap' Ralph Pope died Jan'y'y^ P«A: D 1749/50 In y« forty fifth year of His age. Samuel Ward Pope Son of Cap' Ealph Pope & M" Rt-beckah Pope died Jan' ye 31^1 j^ D 1749/50 in y^ Sixteenth year of His Age. Allexarder Pope Son of Cap' Ralph Pope & M" RebeckahPope died Oct*' 28'" 1750 aged eight months. M' Benjamin Estie Died March y« 18'^ 1749/5(J in y« Eighty Second Year of His Age. M" Abigail Estie the Wife of Ens^ Benjamin Estie Died April y« 29"' A : D 1750 in the forty fifth Year of Her Age. M' Lazarus Pope died April y« 4"' 1750 y^ Thirty Seventh year of His Age. Lev* Ebenezer Hewins died July y^ 22'i 1751 Elizabeth Bradshaw Daughter of Samuel Bradshaw & Sarah His AV^ife Died Juney* 20"' 1744. Abigail Talbott y« Wife of Peter Talbott Died Nov'>' y« 3* 1750 M" Mai-y Belcher Widow of JSP Edw^ard Belcher Died March y« 5'" 1752 in Senty Eighth year of her Age. Robert Capeu Son of Robert Capen & Jane His Wife died August y« 2"^ 1752. Carried to 163 145 The Intention of Marriage between John Holmes Ju' & Mehetabel Hewins both of Stoughton Enterd August y« 11'^ 1750. Daniel Williams of Douglass & Elouor Sanders of Stoughton Enterd August ye llti^ 1750: The Intention of Marriage between Daniel Morse of Stoughton & Kezia Turner of Wrentham Enterd Sep"' y* 151^ 1750 The Intention of Marriage between Ebenezer Daman of Dedham & Esther Baily of Stoughton Enterd Ocf" y^ 6"' 1750. The Intention of Marriage between Nathaniel Holmies Ju' & Hannah Smith both of Stoughton Enterd October y« IC** 1750 The Intention of ^Marriage between Thomas Tolman & Hannah Shepard botli of Stoughton wTts Enterd Oct*" y« 27'*^ 1750. The Intention of Marriage betvreen Berrv a negi'o Slave belonging to Samuel Miller Esq' & Deborah George of Stoughton Enterd Ocf'y^ 30* 1750. The Intention of ]\Iarriage between Elisha Morse & Joanna Rogers both of Stoughton Enterd Nov"' y« 9^^ 1750. The Intention of Marriage betv.een Nath" ]\Iay & Hannah Stearns both of Stoughton Enterd Dec'" y* 15'^ 1750 The Intention of Marriage between Edward Curtise of Stoughton & Sarah Freeman of Plymout* Enterd Dec*"^ y« 29'" 1750. 146 The Intention of Marriage between Eleazer Fisher of Stoughton & Ruth Pain of Norton Enterd Feb'? 9'" 1750/1. The Intention of Marriage between Jonathan Pitcher & Maiy Haw^se both of Stoughton Enterd Feb'? y« 9^ 1750/ 1 . The Intention of Marriage between M' Benjamin Este & M'= Joanna Amsbay both of Stoughton Enterd Feb'^ 28"^ 1750/1. The Intention of Marriage between John Mackfaden, Mariner, & Grace Liscom of Stoughton Enterd March y^ 16'^ 1750/1 The Intention of Marriage between Mathew Fowler & Sarah Randol both of Stoughton Enterd March y« 18'" 1750/1 The Intention of Marriage between Royall Kollock & Mary Randol both of Stoughton Enterd March y* 28'^ 1751. The Intention of Marriage between Habijah Everenden & Mary Brigge both of Stoughton Enterd May y« 11*" 1751. The I]ite!ition of ^Etirriag-o b'^tweji Joiuitluiii Keiiy Ju"' & 8ar;ih Redman both of J?tuu^:i:htoii Entord June y^ 8"" 1751 Til'!' Intention of Marriaye between AVilliam Xij^hten^cl Ju"" of Stoughton & Jemimali Spear of Brantrec Enterd June y" 22'' 1751 I 4 7 Tlie Intention of Marriage betAveen Jonas llartwell of Bridgewater & Kuaiay Fenno of Stoughton Enterd July y« 12''^ 1751. The Intention of Marriage between W'ilham Curtis of Stoughton & Deborah Wales of Bruntree Enterd August y^ 2P' 1751. The Intention of Marriage between Daniel "Waters & Susanna Morgain both of Stoughton Enterd August y= oO"" 1751. The Intention of Marriage between Jesaniah Sumner of Milton & Judith In- graham of Stoughton Enterd September y'^ 14"' 1751 Tlie Intention of Marriage between Johnson Tolnian of Stoughton & Eliza- beth Capeu of Dorehester, Enterd Sepi" y" 27"' 1751 The Intention of Marriage between George Blackman Ju*" & Amee Dwelly both of Stoughton Enterd Oet*"^ y" 4* 1751 T'.ie Intention of Marriage between The Rev^ M"' Samuel Dunbar of Stoughton & M"Tk[ercy Pierce of Dartmoutli, Enterd Oe*^ 2o'^ 1751. The Intention of Marriage betwi'eu Jacob French & Miriam Downs both of Stougliton Enterd October y« 30'" 1751 The Intention of ^Marriage Between John Withington Ju"" & Desire Liscom both of Stoughton Enterd Nov'"' y"= S"' 1751 I 48 The Intention of Marriage between Stephen Billing Ju'' & Betty Kenny both of Stoughton, Enterd Nov"'' y« 8^" 1751 The Intention of ^Marriage between Benjamin Gill & Bethiah Wentworth Ju'^ both of Stoughton Enterd Nov'"' y" 8'" 1751 The Intention of Marriage between Sanuiel Dwelly & Elizabeth Billing Ju' both of Stoughton Enterd Nov'" y« 9"* 1751. Tlie Intention of 3Iarriage between Peter Talbott &Mary Baily both of Stough- ton Enterd Nov*"" y" 23'> 1751 The Intentiou of Marriage between Ephraim Jones & Eleanor Andrews both of Stoughton Enterd Nov'"' 2o'^ 1751 The intention of Marriage between Aaron Guild of Dedham& Sarah Coney of Stoughton Novemb"' y^ ^7"' 1751 The Intention of Marriage between Edward AYentworth Ju' & Susanna Sym both of Stoughton Enterd Nov"" y« 30"i 1751 The Intentiou of Marriage between INI"" James Endicott & M" Hannah Lyon both of Stoughton Enterd Dec'"' y« 2'' 1751. The Intention of Mavnagp1)etweenSion Morse & Anne Serjeant both of Stough- ton Enterd Dec"' y« ^S"* 1751 The Intention of Marriage between Thomas Glover & Rebekah Po])e Ju' both of Stoughton Enterd Jan'^ y« 25'" 1752. See pag 50 (should be 130) 8 49 Jacob HLsson y^ Son of Jolm Hixson Ju' k> Mary His "Wife was born August y« U* 1750 Joannah Baker Daughter of Samuel Baker & Joannah His Wife was born August y 2 PM 749. James Pope y« Son of Cap' Ralph Pope & M" Rcbeckah Pope was born July y« 3P« 1746 Jonathan Howse& Johannah HowseTwin Children of Stephen Howse & Susanna His AVife Were born June y« 30"" 1751 Jerushah Pope Dauijhter of Lazarus Poije & Susanna His Wife was born April y« 18"' 1749. Josiah Curtis Son of Theophilus Curtis & Elizabeth his Wife was born August y« S"* 1751. Isaiah Tolman Son of Isaiah Tolman & Hannah His Wife was born June y« 26'!' 1751 71 John Bradshaw Son of Samuel Bradshaw & Sarah His Wife was born June y« 3-11746. Judah Hawse Sun of John Hawse & Sarah His Wife was born Oct*"" y^ 26"^ 1751. John Morse Son of Timothy Morse & P^lizabetli His Wife was born March y« 27*^ 1751. James HoM'ard Son of Caleb Howard & Elizabeth His Wife was born July y« ll'i' 1752 Jonathan Capen the Son of Jonathan Capen & Jurusha His Wife Was Born y« 20"^ of Sep'"' 1752 Joannah Estie Daughter of Benjamin Estie Ju-" & Joannah His AVife born June ye H^ A: I): 1752 O: S Jabez Man y^ Son of Tlieodore Man & Abigail His Wife was born January y^ 9'"" 1753. Jesaniah Dickerman Son of Ebenezer Dickerm * * & Lydia His AVife AVas born March y« 13'*' 1753. Se* (Page 153) 150 Tlie Intention of Marriage between Abijah Upham & Jemima Baily both of Stoughton AVas Enterd Feb-- 29'" 1752. The Intention of Marriage between Seth Morton of Stoughton & Zibiah Holmes of Dorchester was Euierd March y«3P' 1752. The Intention of Marriage between Henry Dewing Ju-- of Needham & Eliza- beth Tolman of Stoughton Enterd Ai)ril y« H'" 1752 The Intention of Marriage between AVilliam Rogers of Stoughton & y« AAldow Abigail Trat of Norton Enterd xVpril y^ 2P' 1752 The fntention of Marriage betwee Elias INIonk of Stoughton & Elizabeth Ar right of Bridgewater Enterd May y^ 5* 1752. The Intention of Marriage between Francis :More of Dorchester & Bathsheba AVentworth of Stoughton, Enterd May y^ Ib^ 1752. The Intention of Marriage between Joseph Tomson & Sarah AVhceler both of Stoughton Enterd y^ A: D 1752 The Intention of Marriage between Abel Howard & AVaitstil Dickerman both of Stoughton Enterd y" A: D: 1752. 151 The Intention of Marriage between John Fenno Ju' & Jeru^ha Went- worth both of Stoughton Enierd Sept''' 30'" 1572. . The Intention of Marriage between Philip Liscom Ju"" & Miriam Belcher both of Stoughton Enterd Sep""^ v<= 30* 1752. The Intention of Marriage between X)' Nathan Buckman & M" Sarah Holmes both of Stoughton Enterd October y« 27'i> 1752. The Intention of jVIarriage l)etween John Sumner & Hannah Nuting both of Stoughton Enterd Nov"'' \^ 17'^ 1752. The Intention of Marriage botwen Jabez Churchel of Easton & Mercy Gilbert of Stoughton Enterd Nov'>'- y-^ 25"^ 1752. The Intention of Marriage between Andrew Kenedy of Mlton & Amee AA'ent- worth of Stoughton Enterd Nov*"- y« 25'^ 1752. The Intention of Marriage between Sanuiel George & Hannah Mumentaug Indians both of Stoughton Enterd Noyi"^ y* 25"' 1752. The Intention of Marriage between Cutt' Negro Slave to Cap' Charles Went- worth of Stoughton & Marv Robin of Stoughton Enterd Nov''^ y« 2o"> l 1750/1. Stephen Badlam Son of D" Stephen Badlam & Hannah His AA^ife was born Mav Y« 7"^ 1751, Sarah Monk Daughter of Eliphalet Monk & Sarah His AAlfe was born August v« 29ti» 1749. Sarah Capen y Daughter of Elijah Capen & Elizabeth His AVife born Feb^^ U'-^ 1753 N. S Sarah Billing Daughter of I'.l' Stephen Billing & Elizabeth His "Wife Was born May ye 28'^ 1751. Sarah Cupen Daughter of Robert Capen & Jane His Wife was born April y* 12'" 1752. Susanna Jordan Daughter of Zebulon Jordan &, Abigail His Wife March y« 9"^ 1751/2. Sarah Bucknam Daughter of M' Nathan Bucknain & Sarab His Wife Was Boin Septein*"' y« 12"> 1758. Sion Morse St)n of Sion Morse & Anna His Wife Was born Jan'"^ y" 26*^ 1753. N.S. Sarah Capen Daughter of David Capen & Kelief His Wife Was born Oct^' y« 22'' 1753. Sarah Chandler Daughter of Samuel Chandler & Sarali his AVife was born August y« 9'i' 17-19. Samuel Chandler Son of Samuel Chandler & Sarah his Wife was born March y« 8'" 175-4 iS": S Sarah Haws Daughter of John & Sarah Haws Was born November y* 2"^ 1753, Samuel Capen Son of Ebenezer Capen & Elizabeth His Wife Avas born November y« 17"^ 175-i. page 167 I 5 3 Joshua Morse Son of Joseph Morse And Bathiah Morse Was boi-n March ye 5th 1750/1 O: S '" Jeremiah Richards Son of Daniel Richards & ]\Iary His Wife AVas born Decem- ber ye 7^^ 1753. Jeremiah Hartshorn Son of Thomas Hartshorn & Sarah His AV'ife AWis born Jan'y yeS^i^ 1753. John Fowler Son of Mathew Fowler & Sarah His AYife Was born Nov'"' ] ' 1751 O: S: Joseph Lovel Son of Samuel Lovel & Mary His AVife AVas born Julv ^•^ 8"* 1751. Jonathan Keny Son of Jonathan Keny &, Sarah His AA^'ife AVas born ]\ray a"" 15"* 1754. Josiah Mero Son of Hezakiah ^Mero & ]\rary His AAlfe was bon Jan^ y^ 9"» 1755. John Comins Soti of Samuel Corains & Susanna His AA'ife was born June y^ 221 1753. Jazaniah Bussev Son of AVilliam Bussev & Olive His AA'ife was born June y« 2* 1737. -Isaiah Bussey Son of AVilliam Bussey & Olive his Wife AA^as born June y^ 12^ 17-il. John Bussey Son of AVilliam Bussev & Olive his AMf e AA^as born June y^ 21"' 1751 Jerusha Comey Daughter of John Comey & Abigail His AA^ife was Born Feb^^ ye 221 i755_ John Capen Son of Jonathan Capen And Jerusha his AVife was born Feb"^^ y IZ^ 1755. NS Jeremiah Tolman Sou of Isaiah Tolman & Hannah His AVife born Feb''^ y® 8"' 1753 Joseph Richards Son of Joseph Richards & Mary His AVife AA'as born May y* 201' 174* Josiah Keny Son of Josiah Keny Ju"' & Anne His AV * * was born July v^ ll"* 1755. page 177. 1 5 4 Mary Martvn Daughter of John Martvn & Mary His AA'if e AVas borii Sep"' y« 30'!' 1751 Matthew Hobbs Harlow Son of Benj» Harlow & Abiffail his AVife was born April ye 3* 1752. Mary Watkins Daughter of Zakariah Watkins and Martha his AVife born Sep"' y« 25"> 1752. 73 Miriam Pittee daugliter of William Pittee & Rebeckah His Wife was)jorn April ye 20"^ 1752. Mehetable Wentworth Daughter of Samuel Wentworth & Sarah His Wife Was boru Deceuiber y^ 31'' 1753 Mehetable Belcher Daughter of Clifford Belcher & Mehetable his Wife was born Oct"^ y^ 10^^ 1752. Mercy Chandler Daughter of Samuel Chandler & Sarah His Wife was Born October y« 27'" 1751. Miriam Liscom Daughter of Philip Liscorn Ju^ & Miriam His Wife Was born August y« 25"> 1753. N S Mary Baker Daughter of Elijah Baker & Hannah His Wife was born Decem- ber y« 26"^ 1754. Mehetable Conev Daughter of Nathaniel Coney tfc Sarah His Wife Was born Sep*-^ y« 9* 1753. Mary Bussey Daughter of William Bussey & Olive liis Wife was Born Feb'^ y« 7"^ 1739. Mary Tilden Daughter of Stephen Tilden & Abigail His Wife was born Julv y« 20'" 1754. Margaret Bucknam Daughter of D"' Nathan Bucknara & Sarali His Wife was born April y« 16*1755. Molle Capen daughter of David Capen & Relief his Wife was born Mavy^ 10'" 1755. Page 175 155 Abigail Fisher Daughter of M' Ezekiel Fisher & Susannah His Wife Was born August ye 18'" 1752. Azubah Gay Daughter to David Gay & hannah his Wife Was Born February y^ 25'" 1752 & Died June y^ 25'" 1764 J 56 The Intention of Marriage between Benj* Guild of Attleborough & Je- mima Morse of Stoughton Enterd Dec"'' y^ 9'" 1752. The Intention of Marriage between Samuel Wentworth & Sarah Puffer both of Stoughton Enterd Dec"'^ y« 16'" 1752. The Intention of Marriage between Nehemiah Liscom of Stoughton & Rachal Clap of Scituate Enterd Dec"^ y^ 16"^ 1752. The Intention of Marriage between David Tilden Ju'' & Rachal Bailey both of Stoughton Enterd Dec*"" 23'^ 1752. The Intention of Marriage betwen Ephraim Smith & Elizabeth Peirce both of Stoughton Enterd Dec""- y^ 23'* 1752. The Intention of Marriage between Ilezakiah Mero & Mary Tolman both of Stoughton Enterd Jan^ y^ G'^ 1753. The Intention of Marriage between John Baggley of Brantree & Esther Pitcher Ju' of Stoughton Enterd Jan^y y^ 6'^ 1753 The Intention of Marriage between Edward Shales of Stoughton & Elizabeth Killpartrick of Milton Enterd Jan"" y« 6'" 1753. The Intention of Marriage between Christopher Wadsworth & Ann Paul both of Stoughton Enterd March y* 10'" 1753. I 5 7 The Intention of Marriage betwen Nathan Drake & Jemima Gay both of Stoughton Enterd March ye 17'" 1753. The Intention of Marriage between John HaiTis of Stoughton & Susanna Gay of Dedham Enterd March y^ 2i^ 1753 The Intention of Marriage between Christopher Dasse of Boston & Abigail Noyce of Stoughton Enterd March y* 3P' 1753 The Intention of Marriage between John French of Stoughton & Christian Hol- brook of Brantree Enterd May y^ 26"^ 1753 The Intention of Marriage between Nathaniel Linfield of Stoughton & Mary Holbrook of Brantree Enterd May y* 26^ 1753. The Intention of Marriage between Isaac Johnson & Hannah Hobbs both of Stoughton Enterd June y« 2* 1753. 74 The Intention of Marriage between Stephen Tilden & Abigail Peirce both of Stougliton EnterdJiine y« 9"* 1753. The Intention of Marriage between JSathan Estey & Asenath Bradford botli of Stougliton Enterd June y« 12^^ 1753. The intention of Marriage between Josiah Keeny .hi' «fc Anna Billing both of btoughtou Enterd June y« 16"^ 1753. 158 The Intention of Marriage between Solomon Willis of Stoughton & Ly- dia INIanly of Eston Enterd July July y« 6"^ 1763. The Intention of Marriage between William Ilusel of Milton & Judith Ingra- ham of Stoughton Enterd July y" 7"* 1753. The Intention of Marriage between Koger Billing of Stoughton & Susanna Wis- well of Dorchester Enterd July y* 28''' 1753. The Intention Of Marriage Between Ezekiel Teirce of Stougliton & Rachel Copp of AValpole Enterd Sep*" y« 22edha:n & Mary AVith- ington of Stoughton Enterd Feb^ y« 8'" 1754. The Intention of Marriage l)etween Isaac Fenno Ju' & Meriah Davenport both of Stoughton Enterd Feb'^y y« 23* 1754. The Intention of Marriage between Ganuilil Lyon And Abigail Howard both of Stoughton was Enterd March y^ 9'" 1754. The Intention of Marriage between Jolin Osgood Ju'' & Susannah Horton both of Stoughton Was Enterd March y« 28'" 1754 The Intention of Marriage between Ebenczer Clap Ju'' & Jerusha Keny both of Stoughton Enterd April y^ 20''' 1754. The Intention of Marriage between Benjamin Perry of Stoughton & Rachael Boyden of Walpole Entered May y« 4'" 1754. The Intention of Marriage between Recompence Wadsworth & Hannah l*aiu both of Stoughton was Enterd May y* 1 1"' 1754 The Intention of Marriage between The Rev* M"^ Philip Curtis & M'» Elizabeth Randol Ju' both of Stoughton, Was Enterd Sep"' y« 18'" 1754 1 60 The Intention of Marriage betwen Stephen Cobb of Stoughton & Mary Foster of Walpole Enterd Sep"' y« 28"* 1754. The Intention of Marriage between Timothy Conant of Bridgewater & Hannali Blackman of Stoughton Enterd October y« 25"' 1754. The Intention of Marriage between John Keny Ju' & Ruth Fenno both of Stoughton Enterd Nov"' y« 8'" 1754 The Intention of Marriage between Jeremiah Ingraham Ju' & Abigail Hartwell both of Stoughton Enterd Nov"' y« 23* 1754. The Intention of Marriage between Benjamin Jordan Ju' & Abigail Chandler both of Stoughton Enterd Nov"' y« 30* 1754 The Intention of Marriage between George Forrist & Easter Nickols both of Stoughton Euterd Jan'? >-« 6'*' 1755. 75 The Intention of Marriage between John Hill & Joannah Liscom Juu' Both of Stoughton Enterd January y* 11"* 1755. The Intention of Marriage between John Johnson & Sarah Swift both of Stoughton Enterd Jan^ y« 28* 1755. The Intention of Marriage betwen Eliphalet Peirce & Elisabeth "VVTieeler Enterd March the 12"^ 1755. The Intention of ^Marriage between "VYilliam Coldwell And Naomi Noyce both of Stougliton Was Enterd April y« 5"* 1755. Page 168. I 6 I Anne Rhoads Daughter of Benjamin & Anne Ilhoads Was born August the 20"^ 1751. Amitv Morse Daughter of Joseph Morse & Bathiah His Wife was born June 6"^ 1753 N: S Abiifail Billing Daughter of William Billing Ju' & Mary His Wife was born Nov^'y^ 11th 1753. Amee Wood Daughter of William Wood Ju' & Amee His Wife was born March y*^ 15"* 1755 Abijah Upham Son of Abijah Upham &, Jeniimah His Wife was born May y« 17"^ 1752. Adam Billing Son of William Billing y« Second & nuuy His AVife Was born Jan-'y y'' 4"^ 1756 Amos Bovden Son of Seth Boyden & Elizabeth His Wife born December y« 2P' 1749. -'Anna Richards Daughter of Daniel Richards & IVIary His Wife was born Au- gust y« 28* 1756 Asa HarloAV Son of Benjamin Harlow & Ruth His AVife was born April v® 15* 1754 Ai'chabald M<= Kindry Son of John M'' Kindry & Mary His Wife was born April ye 14th 1756 i Ambrous Morton Son of Seth Morton & Abigail His W'ife was born July y« 24* 1756 Anna BilliniT Daughter of Samuel Billing Ju'' & Reliance His Wife was born Oct"'- y« 20* 1757. Andrew Capen Son of Robert Capen & Jean His Wife was born Nov*"" y^ 22"^ 1757. Abigail Paul daughter of Sam" Paul & Anna His Wife was born August v* 13* 1758. Ann Wadsworth Daughter of Cristophor Wadosworth & Ann* His Wife born April y« 26* 1756 Carried to page 173 162 Hannah Fowler Daughter of Mathew Fowler & Sarah His Wife Was born gepbr 28* 17(53.) Hulda Sash Daughter of Moses Sash & Sarah His Wife Was born March v« 27* 1753. Hannah Wadsworth Daughter of Recompence Wadsworth & Hannah His Wife was born March y* 6* 1755. Hannah Strobridge Daughter of Samuel Strobridge & Judith His Wife Was born March y« 20* 1755. Hannah Wentworth Daughter of Sion AVentworlh & Hannali His Wife Was born Feb'y y* 25t'> 1756. Hannah Savel Daughter of Benj* Savel Ju' & Susannah His Wife Avas born May y« 17* 1757 Hannah Liscom Daughter of Philip Liscom Ju' & Mirriam his Wife was born May y« 3<* 1757. Hannali Fisher Daughter of Ezekiel Fisher & Susanna His Wife was born Jan-Ty^ 30* 1757. Hannah Estie daughter of Joseph Estie Ju"" & Hannah His Wife was born April y« 14* 1756 Hannah Adams Daughter of y« Rev* M' Jedadiah Adams & M" IVIary Adams his Wife was born April y* 4* 1753. 76 Hephsebah Sumner Dauo^hter of John Sumner «fc llannuh IIi.s Wife was boru Sep*" y« 19"" 1757 ^Hannah Billing Dauyhicr of Roger Billing & Susanna His Wife Was born August y« 1^' 1759. ■|63 M" Anna Billing y* Wife of W Joseph Billing & the Daughter of Col. John ilolman Died Oct''^ y« 17"' A: D 1753. N: S in y« forty fifth \ear of Her age. Lev' John l\i"ffer Died Jan'-y y« W^ 1750 in tlie Eighty Sixth Year of His Age. Sarah Chandler Daugliter of Samuel Chandler «fe Sarah his AVife Died Nov*"^ y* 2P' 1751. Sarah Billing Daughter of Ebenezer Billing Jun' & Susannah His Wife died Feb-T y« la^ 1754 Josiah Keny Ju"^ Son of Jonathan Keny & Jemima His Wife died Nov"" y* 20* 1754. x\ged Twenty Six years & Eight Months. James Everet Son of Joseph & Hannah Everet died on y« Province Land West of SheffieUl in His retur frtjni y" Army at Lake George December y« IB'" 1755 He being in His Maj'» Service Eleazer Pufter Died Jan'^ y« U^^ 1746/7 in the 64'" year of His Age. Benj* Harris deceased March y« 17"* 1751/2 in y^ forty Third year of his age M" Hannah Badlam Wife of t)" Stephen Badlam Died March y« 16'" 1756 in y^ Tliirty fourth year of her Age. Hannah May y« Wife of Nat" May Died August y<= 1-^^ 1756 in y* 34"^ ye;u- of Her Age. Ruben Fisher Son of Timothy Fisher & Thankful His Wife died in Nov^' 1754 in y^ 7*^ year of His age. Timothy Fisher Died in His IMaj** Service in y*' Intend Expedition against " Crown Point Nov^"- y^ 29'^ 1*** page 181 164 Elizabeth Talbott Daughter of Ebenezer Talbott & Elizabeth his Wife Was born Feb'^y 22'^ 1754 N: S Elijah Jones Son of Ephraim Jones & Elenor His Wife Was born ^farch y^ 29'h 1753. Ezra Carpenter Son of Nehemiah Carpenter & Elizabeth His Wife was born March y^ 21^' 1753 Eunice AVentworth Daughter of Zebadiali AVentworth & Judith His AA'ife was boru October y« 22 1754 Solomon Morse Son of Solomon Morse & Abigail His Wife AVas born Juney» fourth 1748 Sarah Hill Daughter of John Hill & Joanna His Wife was born June y« 23* 1755. Solomon Gilbert Son of Solomon Gilbert & Lydia His Wife was bom August ye 29th 1756. Page 178 168 The Intention of Marriage between Benjamin Savel Ju' & Susanna - Belcher both of Stoughton Enterd April y« 26'^^ 1755 The Intention of Marriage between Joseph Estie Ju' & Hannah Caliham both of Stoughton Enterd April y« 26"» 1755. , The Intention of Marriage between Seth Morton & Abigail Paul both of Stough- ton Enterd May y« S^ 1755. The Intention of Marriage betwixt Seth Puffer & Patiance Tolman both of Stoughton Enterd May y« 10"^ 1755 The Intention of Marriage between Daniel Drake & Ruth Estie both of Stough- ton Enterd June y« 7*^1755. The Intention of Marriage between Samuel Stacy Jun' of Taunton & Elizabeth Wood of Stoughton Enterd y* 28"» of June 1755. The Intention of Marriage between Solomon Gilbert & Lj-dia Lincoln both of Stoughton Entered August y« 2-^ 1755 78 The Intention of Marriage between Samuel Vose of Milton & Saruli Kcny of Stoughton Enterd Sep'>^ y« 4'^ 1755. The Intention of Marriage between Duvid "Wentworth & Abigail Pettcngill both of Stoughtou Enterd Sep''^ y« 20"^ 1755. The Intention of Marriage betwen Timuthy Tucker of ^Lilton & Mindwell In- graham of Stoughton Enterd October y« 2P' 1755. The Intention of Marriage between Nat" Tilden of Stoughton & Susanna Britt of Bridge water Enterd Oct"^ y« 25'^ 1755. 169 The Intention of Marriage betwen Jeremiah Belcher Ju' of Stoughton & Amie Howaiil of Bridgewater Was Enterd Kov'"' y« 2:^<» 1755. The Intention of Marriage between Edward Capen & Susanna Clap both of Stougiitun Was Enterd Dec^'^ p 3^ 1755 The Intention of M;irrige between Jesaniah Sumner of Milton it Judith In- graham of Stougiitun Was Entered Dec'"' y« 6"» 1755. The Intention of Marriage between Richard Spear & Prudance Tolmau Ju' botli of Stoughton was Enterd December y« 6^^ 1755. The Intention of Marriage between Sam" Titus of Norton, & Hannah Ber- wick (or Besesick) of'Stougliton AVas Enterd Dec*"- y^ 26"' 1755. The Intention of Marriage between Samuel Capen of Dorchester &; Sarah Bai'y of Stoughton Was Ei!"terd Jan^y y« oP' 1756. The Intention of Marriage between Nathaniel Littlefield & Hannah Curtis both of Stougliton Enterd Feb'^^' y« ^^ 1756. The Intention of JMarriage between Jonathan Farington of Dedham & Mary Futrer of Stoughton was Enterd Feb^ y^ l-i"' 1756. The Intention of Marriage between Seth Peirce & Angelit Clark both of Stoughton Enterd Feb-^y y« 21^' 1756. The Intention of Marriage between Benjamin Blackman & Jane Pitcher Ju"" Both of Stoughton Enterd Feb'y y^ 28"' 1756. 170 The Intention of Marriage between Timotliy Kenny & Ann Kenny both of Stoughton Enterd march y<= 20"^ 1756 The Intention of Marriage between Adam Blackman & Mary Belclier Ju' Both of Stoughton Enterd April y« 24* 1756. The Intention of Marriage between Joseph Morse & Mary Trout both of Stough- ton Entered April y«"28"i 1756. The Intention of Marriage between Samuel Billing of Stoughton &, Reliance Hudson of Bridgewater Enterd June y^ b^ 1756 The Intention of Marriage between Elijah Houghton of Milton & Mary An- drews of Stoughton Entered August y«^ 2P' 1756. The Intention of Marriage between James Jordan & ]Mehetable Iloi-ton both of Stoughton Enterd Sep^'ll'^' 1756. The Intention of i>rarriage between Jacob Estie Ju' & ]\Iary Holmes both of Stoughton Enterd Sep' -y^ IS''' 1756 The Intention of Marriage between John Clerk & Abigail Bettingel both of Stoughton Enterd Sep"^ y« 18"' 1756 The Intention of Marriage between Samuel Cumins Ju'' of Stoughton & Eliz- abeth Fisher of Walpole Enterd September y« 25"' 1756 The Intention of Marriage between Samuel Blacknuin & Mary Seargent both of Stoughton Enterd Oc'"^ y"= 2"^ 1756 171 The Intention of Marriage between Daniel Waters & Asenath Estie both, of Stoughton Enterd Ocf"^ y*^ SO"- 1756. The Intention of Marriage between D" Stephen Badlani & :NP" Hannah Belcher both of Stoughton Enterd Nuvb'' y« 6* 1756. The Intention of Marriage betwen Oliver Billing of Dt>rchester & Mehetable Davenport of Stoughton Enterd Nov"' y« 6"» 1756. The Intention of Marriage between Benj» Busse & Ruth Ilartwell botli of Stoughton Enterd Nov*" y« 9''' 1756. The Intention of Marriage between Edmond Sopcr of Bridgewater & Eunice Curtice of Stoughton Enterd Nov''' y^ 18"^ 1756 79 The Intention of Man-iage bet^veen Elijah Spur & Olive Buese both of Stough- ton Enterd Dec^f y^ 11"^ 1756 The Intention of Marriage betwen James Perrigo of Killingly in Conecticot & Elizabeth Dickerman of IStoughton Enterd Dec**^ y« oO"> 1756 The Intention of JNlarriage between M' Samuel Townshend of Needham & M" Ruth Tolman of Stonghton, Enterd January y« 20^ 1757. The Intention of Marriage between John Everitt of Stonghton & Mercy 'M&n of Wrentham Enterd Jan^y y« 26'e30"» 1757. Elizabeth Jones Daughter of Ephraim Jones & Eleoner His AVife AVas born Sep"' y-e 8'" 1755. Elizabeth Comins daughter of Sanmel Comins J u' & Elizabeth His AAHfe was born August ye 29^^ 1757 Elizabeth AVales Daughter of JMoses Wales & Elizabeth his AVife was born June y^ 16'J» 1757. 81 Eunice Drake Daug-hteter of Nathan Drake & Jemimah His Wife was born Nov"'- vM4"' 1757 Experiance Tolmau Daughter of Isaiah Tolman & Hannah his Wife was born August ye IS'^ 1756. Elijah Tolman Son of Isaiah Tolman & Hannah His Wife was born July y= 18"* 1758 & Ester Daughter of \^ s^ Isaiah «fc Hannah was born July y^ W^ 1758. Twins 18*3 177 Joshua Johnson y« Son of John Johnson & Sarah His Wife born July ye 9"» 1766 Judith Johnson Daughter of Caleb Johnson & Judith His Wife was born Au- gust y« 1°' 1756 John M« Kindrv Son of John M" Kindry & Mary His Wife was born August y« 16"^ 1753. Joseph Wadsworth Son of Recompence Wadsworth & Hannah His V>'ite was born July y" So-* 1757. John Holmes Son of Samuel Holmes & Sarah His Wife was born August y« 4'^ 1757. Jacob Estie Son of Jacob Estie Ju^ & Mary His AVife born July y' T^ 1757. Jonathan Farrington Son of Jonathan Farrington & Mary His AVlfe was born March v« 2"* 1757. Joanna AVales Daughter of Moses Wales & Elizabeth his AVife AVas born Sep' y* l-i"' 1754. Joseph Estie y« Son of Joseph Estie Ju' & Hannah His AVife was born Feb'^ 27^^ 1758. John Lyon Son of Gamalial Lyon & Abigail His AVife AVas born Sep"^ y« 24"^ 1757 Jemimah Drake Daughter of Nathan Drake & Jemimah His Wife was born Sep"' y^ 28* 1756 Jedadiah Adams Son of y« Rev'' M' Jedaddah Adams & M" INIary Adams His AVlfe AYas born Dec*"^ v« 29"' 1754. Jacob Coney Son of Sam" Coney & Rebecka His AVife AVas born Fcb^^ y* 8"^ 1758 Joseph Chandler Son of Sam" Chandler & Sarah His AVife was March y« 22i : 1756 Jonathan Billing Son of Roger Billing & Susanna his AVife AVas born Oc' y« 291' 1756 John Spur Son of Tho' Spur ju' & Mary his AA'ife born y^ 31^' 17o9. Caried to page ISO 178 Seth Billing Son of Seth Billing & Jerusha his Wife was Born May y« 3()th 1756. Samuel Capen Sou of Elijah Capen & Elizabeth His Wife was born May r 20«' 1757 Seth Wentworth Son of Amariah AVentworth & Rebeckah His AVife was born April yo 7"' 1752 ^.^ , Sllve Shurtliff Daughter of AVilliam ShurtliflT & Rachel His A\ ife was boni May y« 7"' 1765 , oh,. -,% Samuel Alntou Son of David Alnton & Ruth His AVife was born Scp'>' y« /"» 1754 , T^ br 9 Stephen Hawse Son of Stephen Hawse & Sarah his AVife was born Dec y 1 ^ui 1 7 57 Sarah Puffer Daughter of Seth Puffer & Patiance his AVife was born Oc'"' y» 15'" 1757 . ^_, , Samuel AVentworth Son of Samuel AVentworth & Sarah His A\ ife wa,s born July y«26'^ 1757. 82 Silance Fisher Daughter of Ezra Fisher & Mary his Wife was born Sep""" 23* 1758 Sarah Thompson Daughter of David Thompson & Maiy His Wife was born Nav'"y%5■<> 22-^ 1760 Elizebath Capen Dafter to Nath" Capen & Lusane his Wife Was Born March v^ 20'"^ 1761 Isacer Holmes Sun to Lev John Holmes & Elizebeth His W * * Was Born March v« 30* 1760 Chloe May Dafter to Nath'^- May & Sarah his Wife * * Born Aprel y« 5*^ 1761 I and Died September y« 26 1762 Hepsibah Billing Dafter to Ebenezer Billing & Susan * * his Wife Was Born Aprel y« 10* 1761 Eichard Mero Sun to Hezek' Mero & Mary liis Wife Was Born March y 19* 17o8 Sarah Wentworth Dafter to Amariah Wentworth & Eebacahis * * * Was Born December y* 21* 1759 Elezebeth Shaller Dafter to Henry Shaller & Abigail * * Wife Was Born Jan- evarv y^ 21' 1761 Sarah Crane Dafter to Elijah Crane & Sarah his Wife Was Born Aprel y« 16* 1761 Kebekah Lyon Dafter to Elhanan Lyon & Rebekah his * * * AVas Born March y« 27*1761 Thankful Morse Dafter to Timothy Morse & Elizebeth his Wife Was Born Sept ye 22 1744 Job Swift Sun to Job Swift and Sarah his Wife Was Born September y« 5"» 1746 Jireh Swift San to Job Swift and Sarah his Wife Was Born June y*^ 4'M748 Unite Swift Dafter to Job Swift and Sarah his Wife Was born Sep' y« 13"^ 1752 Susanna Perkins Dafter to Luke Perkins & Rebakah his Wife Was Born Aprel y« 17"' 1761 Ezra Dickcrman Sun to Sam" Dickerman & Rebakah his AVife Was Born July v« 10"^ 1760 Elijah Gill Sun to Benj™ Gill & Bethiah his Wife Was Born October y 25"! 1752 Rebekah Gill Dafter to Benj™ Gill & Bethiah his Wife Was Born October y" IS"' 1765 Bethiah Gill Dafter to Benj-" Gill & Bethiah His Wife * * Born March y* 8: 1758 Benj'"Gill Sun toBenj-" Gill & Bethiah his Wife was horn May y^ 29«' 1760. Page N Ot N U m bered Lemuel Atherton Sun to Uriah Atherton & Alee His Wife Born October v*^ 2"^ 1755 Caleb Atherton Sun to Uriah" Atherton & Alee his Wife Was Born Aprel y« 28* 1761 Anna Thompson Dafter to David Thompson & Mary his Wife Was Born March y« 28'" 1761 Job Easty Sun to Benj'" Eastv & Joanna his AYife AVas Born October y« lO"' "1760 Abigail Tilden Dafter to Nath^i Tilden & Susanna his AVife AVas Born Aprel y« 30"" 1761 Timothy Nightingal Sun to AY" Nightingal & Jemima * * AYife Was Born Old ' Stil February y« 14: 1752 Jeremiah Nightingal Sun to AY" Nightingal Ju^ & Jamim * * AYife Was Born March v« S'" 1763 & Died December y« 8"» 1753 Bettv Johnson Dafter to Isaiah Johnson & Ruth his AYife AY * * Born Jane y« T'" 1761 Ezra Ingraham Sun to Jeremiah Ingraham Ju' «& Abigail his AYife Died July y« 19'" 1760 Zilpha Insiraham Dafter to Jeremiah Ingraham Ju' & Abig * * * his Wife AYas Born Aprel v<= 16'" 1761 Jesse Peirce Sun to Seth Peirce & Anglet his Wife AYas B * * * August y" 25'" 1761 Ruth Morse Dafter to Henry Morse & Abigail his Wife AYas Born June \^ 8'" 1747 Amitv Morse Dafter to Ilenrv ISIorse & Abigail ******* Born Aprel y« 13'" 1750 Asa Morse Sun to Henerv Morse & Abigail ***** Born Nouember y« 7'^ 1762 The Index to the Births on the next pnr/e has been considerably changed, as its original form coidd not be reproduced in these pages. Jn the Record Book it occtijies tiro nnnumbered pages. Missing parts have been supplied by italics. 87 A B C D See Page 2 See Page 3 See Page 4 See Page 5 (C i» 50 a I. 33 '• '• 24 il ii 18 ii a 82 li li 43 54 28 38 li a li il 56 157 li 83 44 li li 148 li 81 77 a 140 78 ii 01 il 63 25 E F G H See Page 6 See Page 7 See Page 8 See Page 9 (( a 31 li (( 71 a li 34 39 a a 37 a li 84 li li 63 52 {mistake) 79 a ii 79 i: ii It ii li ii a li 56 79 75 146 64 37 14 62 66 I K L M See Page 10 See Page 11 See Page 12 See Page 15 a a 27 li ii 79 ii ii 17 li ii 13 iC li 32 ii li 15 il 11 35 28 a (( 72 li 11 80 42 ''(mistake) 78 li li 81 45 51 60 66 5S N P Q See Page 14 See Page 15 See Page 16 See Page 17 li u 158 ii a a ii a li 46 62 63 R s T V See Page 19 See Page 20 See Page 21 See Page 22 << a 80 li 29 ii 41 a a 148 ii li ii 30 36 47 li li li 49 57 157 U See Page 66 li 58 il 84 il li 22 li 78 li 144 il lot) ^y X Y Z See Page 23 See Page 26 i( li 40 a li 48 (( ii 59 <( a 67 ii 11 77 1755 Christopher Monk Son to Eliphelit Monk & Sarah his Wife Was Born October y 14"^ 1757 Catharine Blackman Daughter to Adam & Mary Blackman Was Born October y« 10"> 1763 Azubah Capen Daughter of Jonathan Cape * & Jeinishah His Wife Was born Mar * * ye 20* 1766 Elizabeth Crosman Daughter of D'' George Crosm * * & Sarah His AVife born in Billingham January y« 18, A D 1761 Thomas Crane son of Thomas Crane & Mary His AVife born Sep''' y<^ 3^ 175 * Elijah Crane Son of Thomas Crane & Mary His AVife was born August 29"' 1754 Ruth Crane Daughter of Thomas Crane & Mary His AVife Born Feb'^^ 25'"' 1757 Sarah Crane Daughter of Tho« Crane & Mary His AVife born April 12"^ 1760 Maiy Crane Daughter of Thos Crane & Mary His AVife born April 22*^ 1764 5 Desier AVithington Daughter to John AVithington and Desier his AVife Was Born December y« 16"^ 1760 David AVadsworth Son to Recompence Wadsworth & Abigail his Wife Was Born December y« 25'" 1764 Dorithy Littlefield Daughter to Nath" Ldttlefield & Hannah his AVife Was Born November y^ 13"* 1765 Daniel AVatres Son to Zeb" AVatres & Alice his Wife AVas Born Julv y« 5''» 1765 David Haitwell Son to JolmHartwell and Dorcas his Wife Was Born July y« 9"^ 1765 David Thompson Son to David Thompson Ju"^ & Sarah his Wife Was Born Feb' y 24"^ 1766 Patience Davenport Daughter of Lemuel Davenport And Patience His AVife born February y« IS''' 1766. Samuel Dunbar Son of M'' Elijah Dunbar & M" Sarah Dunbar His Wife AVas born Nov*" y^ 24"* 1765. Mary Davenport Daughter of John Davenport Ju' & Lois His Wife Was born Nov*" ye 9'-^^ 1759. Jesse Davenport Son of John Davenport Ju' & Lois His Wife Was born Oct*" U^ 1761. Hannah Davenport Daughter of John Davenpoi't Ju' & Lois His Wife was born May y* d*^ 1764. 90 John Davenport y® Son of John Davenport Ju' & Lois His Wife was born Jan-- y« "le"" 1767 Elijah Drake Son of Daniel Drake and Ruth his wife Born Octob' y= 1" 1756 Leniavel Drake Son of Daniel Drake and Ruth his wife Born June y« 8 1758 Susanah Drake Daughter of Daniel Drake & Ruth his wife Born July y' 17"^ 1759 Theoder Drake Son of Daniel Drake & Ruth his Wife Born March y« 10 1762 Ruth Drake Daughter of Daniel Drake and Ruth his wife Born July y" 5 1765 See Page 18 6 Elijah May Son to Eleazer May Ju"" and Easther his Wife Was Born July y« 4*^ 1748 Elizabeth Billing Daughter to Roger Billing & Susanna his Wife Born August y« 24"^ 1761 Enoch May Son to EleazarMay Ju"^ & Eastlier liis Wife Was Born June v* 18'^ 1750 Ezra May Son to Eleazer May Ju'' & Easther his Wife Was Born IVIarch v^ 23*' 1757 Easther Nightengal Daughter to W" Nightengal Ju' & Jamima his Wife Was Born December y« 8"» 1755 Elijah Houghton Son to Elijah Houghton & Mary his Wife Was Born Decem- ber y« 14"^ 1761 Elezebeth Blackman Daughter to Sem" Blackman & Mary his Wife Was Born January y^ 4"» 1762 Eleazer Morton Son to Seth Moi-ton & Abigail his Was Born May y'= 2* 1762 Elezebeth Clark Daughter to Nath" Clark & Mary his Wife Was Born Noueni- ber ye 20"^ 1761 Egnatius Jorden Sou to Zeb" Jorden and Abigail his Wife Was Born April y^ 6"' 1753 Elizabeth Wentworth Daughter to Eben' Wentworth & J:iizabeth his Wife Was Born October y« 30«» 1746 Eleazar Robbins Son to Eleazar Robbins & Elizebeth his Wife Was Born July ye W^ 1762 Edward Belcher Son to Jeremiah Belcher Ju'' & Amec his Wife Was Born March ye 31' 1763 Eunice Kenny Daughter to John Kenny & Ruth his Wife W^as Born Novem- ber ye Qth 1762 Elener Capen Daughter to Jonathan Capen & Jorusha his AVif e Was Born June ye iS'i' 1763 Elijah Puffer Son to Seth Puffer & Patiance his Wife Was Born July ye 22*i 1764 Ebenezer Kollock Sou to Royall Kollick & Mary his Wife Was Born March ye 10"^ 1753 Edward Belcher Son to Jei-emiah Belcher Ju' & Amee his Wife Was Born March ye 81" 1763 & Died December ye 3* 1763 Elipelit Johnson Sou to Isaiah Johnson & Ruth his Wife Was Born March y* 14* 1758 Eunice Billing Daughter to Eben"" Billing & Susanna his Wife Was Born Sep- tember ye 13^^ 1763 See Page 31 7 Elijah Fisher Son of Nat" Fisher & Hannah His Wife Born Juluy y^ 30'i» 1765. John Fen no Sou of William Fenno & Sarah His Wife Born Jan^y ye l'« 1766. Barzilla French Son Micah French & Ruth his wife Born august ye 2^ 1762 Alphaas French Son of Micah French and Ruth his wife Born January y® 1" 1767 Abel Fisher Son ofNath^ Fisher and Hannah his wife Born April y* 26 : 1767 Jessey Fenno Son of Isaac Fenno Ju"" and Meriah his wife Born July ye 23"^ 1760 91 Isaac Fenno Son of Isaac Fenno Ju' and Meriah his wife Born Decemb' y« ye 30"" 1762 Mary French Daughtor of Dependance f ranch and Rebeckah his wife Born January y= S^ 1766 Nath' Fisher Sou of Natli' Fisher and Hannah His wife Born August y« 24* 1769 Sam' French Son of Jacob french and Merium His wife Born July y« 20 1752 Jacob french Son of Jacob French and Merium His wife Born July y« 15 1754 Lemuel French Son of Jacob French and Mei-ium His wife Born Sep' y« 15 1757 Edward French Son of Jacob french and Merium His wife Born Sept y« 23* ? 1761 ? Eebecca French Daughtor of Jacob Frencli and Merium His wife Born January y« 17"! 1763 Mary fisher Daughtor of Ezekiel fisher Jun"' and Sarah His wife Born may y« 8 1772 Hannah Fisher Daughtor of Nath^ fisher and Hannah his wife Born March y" 14 1773 Hannah Fenno Daughter of "William fenno & Sarah his wife Born Septemb' y« 11 1763 William Fenno Son of William fenno & Sarah his wife Born Decemb'y* 21'' 1767 Joseph fenno Son of William fenno and Sarah his wife Born Noverab"" y^ 21»': 1769 George Fisher Son of Ezekil f ishei' Ju^ and Sarah liis wife Born Decemb' y* 25 1774 John f adding Son of John Fadding and Mary his wife Born Novemb' y^ 18"^ 1776 Elias Fisher Son of Ezekiel Fisher Ju' & Sarah his wife Born february y« S** 1777 See 71 S George Blackman Son to George Blackman and Amee his Wife Was Born January y* B^ 1762 George Monk Son to George Monk Ju'' & Sarah his Wife Was Born January y« 15'" 1764 George Guild Son to Moses Guild & Rhoda his Wife Was Born July y*^ 31** 1763 Abigail Guild Daughter of John Guild & Thankful Guild His AVif e Was born Jan^ 27"» 1765. 9 Hannah Hewins Daughter to Jacob Hewins & Damaras his Wife Was Born September y^ 13'^ 1757 Henrv Morse Son to Henry Morse & Abigail his Wife Was Boi-n September ye 12* 1754 Hannah Endicott Daughter to James Endicott Ju' & Abigail his Wife Was Born October y« 26^ 1761 Hannah Belcher Daughter to Joseph Belchar and Abial his Wife Was Born De- cember y^ 3*^ 1762 Hannah Johnson Daughter to Isaac Johnson and Hannah his Wife Was Born May y« 28* 1758 Hannah Crane Davghter to Abner Crane & Hannah his Wife AYas Born March ye 22* 1765 Hannah Paul Daughter to Sam" Paul & Hannah his Wife Was Born July y« 29'!' 1765 Hannah Fenno Daughter to W" Fenno & Sarah his Wife Was Born Sep' y« lli» 1763 Hannah Lyon Daughter to Elhanan Lyon & Rebakah his Wife Was Born April y« 5'^ 1765 92 Hannah Talbot Daughter to Peter Talbort «fc Mary liis Wife Was Born Janu- ary y« 9^^ 17G6 Elizabeth Ilenry Daughter of William Henry & Elizabeth His Wife Was born April y« 22^ 1766. ~ Abigal Holmes Daugh. of Sam^ Homes & Sarah Ms wife born April y^ 2& 1767 Rachel Holmes Daughter of Sam- Holmes & Sarah liis wife Born June y« ^^ 1769 Timothy Harris Son of Amariah Harris and Elizabeth his wife Bom May y*^ 11"» 1765 William Harrias Son of Amariah Harris and Elizabeth his wife Bora Novemb'' y« 9^ 1767 Sarah Harris Daughter of Amariah Hams & Elizebeth his wife Boni Decemb"" y« 21" 1769 MiUe Hartwell Daughter of John Hartwell and Dorcas his Avifc Born Mav y« 3: 1770 William Henry Son of AYilliam Henry and Elizebeth his wife Born July y« 11'^ 1768 Bethya Holmes Daughter Phillip Holmes and Mary his wife Born Octob'' y* ll"' 1766 See Page 39 lO Jacob HeAvins Son to Jacob Hewins and Damaras his Wife Was Born July ye 9^ 1763 John Hewins Son to Jacob Hewins and Damai-as his AVife Was Born November ye 22'! 1759 Jeremiah Richards Son to Will™ Richards & Anna his Wife Was Born August ye 22<» 1761 Jedediah Talbot Sou to Ebenezer Tolbot & Elezabath his Wife Was Born Julv ye 22*1 1761 Jerusha Tilden Daughter to Stephen Tilden and Abigail his Wife Was Born August ye u^nei Jeramiah Nightengal Sou to W™ Nightengal & Jamima his Wife Was Born July ye 1' 1754 Jamima Nightengal Daughter to W" Nightengal Ju' & Jamima his Wife Was Born November ye 1' 1757 Jerusha Thompson Daughter to David Thompson Ju"" and Sarah his Wife AVa* Born December y* 27 : 1761 Jerusha Holmes Daughter to M"" John Holmes & Elizabeth his Wife Was Born July ye 12"' 1762 John Withington Son to John Withington Ju'' and Desire liis Wife Was Born July r Sg'i' 1757 John Wadswoi'th Son to John Wadsworth and Jerusha his Wife Was Bom Nouember y^ ll"' 1762 Isaac Johnson Son to Isaac Johnson and Hannah his Wife Was Born March ye 16"' 1760 Joseph Hewins Son to Jacob Hewins & Damiris his Wife AVas Born June y* 7"' 1763 Joshua Rhoads Son to Benj'» Rhoads & Anna his AYif e AVas Born December y* 1* 1763 John Carpenter Son to Nehemiah Carpenter «S; Elizebeth his AVife AVas Born April ye 25'>' 1763 Joseph Billing Son to Jacob Billing & Rachel his Wife Was Born March y* 10'" 1763 Jeremiah Monk Son to George Monk Ju"" & Sarah liis Wife Was Born Jan- uary ye ll*" 1763 Joseph AVhite Sou to Joseph AVhite & Sarah his Wife Was Born April y* S*^ 1763 John Billing Son to Stephen Billing Ju' & Betty his AVife Born June y* 7*^ 1763 93 Jacob Johnson Soji to Jacob Johnson & Marcy his Wife Was Born December ye n^ 1763 See Page 27 11 K Kezia Perkins Daughter to Luke Perkins & Rebeckah his Wife Was Born June y« 25^'' 1759 Kezia Gould Daughter to Jeremiah Gould & Kezia his Wife Was Born Jan- uary y^ 20* 1744 Rufus Kilpatrick Son of Sam'^ Kilpatrick & Jerushah His Wife Was born May y« 4"^ 1766 Lydia Kennv Daughter of John Kenny & Ruth his wife Born Novemb. y* 6"> 1767 Elijah Kenny Son of Silas Kennv and Lvdiah his wife Born August v' 31 1769 Sarah Kenny Dauglitor of Silas Kenny and Lydia his wife Born Decemb"' y* 2 1770 Andrew Killpatrick Son of William Killpatrick & Deborah His wife Born July the 29'!^ 1770 John Kenny Son of John Kenny and Ruth His wife Born July y« 31 1771 Naam Kenny Son of Silas Kenny & Lydia his wife Born august y^ 20 1772 Eunice Kennv Daughtor of Nath"^ Kenny & Eunice his wife Born January y« 15'^'l776 David Kenny Son of David Kennv & Marv his wife Born Novemb' v* 28"^ 1777 Nathan Kenny Son of John Kenny & Ruth his wife Born April y* 6"^ 1775 12 Lydia Nightengal Daughter to W" Nightengal & Jamima his Wife Was Born October y« 7"^ 1759 Le\-i White Son to Joseph White & Sarah his Wife Was Born Februry y^ 5* 1761 Lemuel Estv Son to Jacob Esty Ju' & Mary his Wife Was Born September ye 'l' 1761 Luther May Son to Nath^^ May and Sarah his Wife Was Born October y* ll"* 1762 Lois Wintworth Daughter to Eben'' Wentworth & Elizabeth his Wife Born May ye 10'" 1750 LusaneCapen Daughter to Nath^^ Capen & Lusane his Wife Was Bom Novem- ber ye 7"> 1762 Luce Blackman Daughter to George Blackman and Amee his Wife Was Bora Nouember ye 27"' 1757 Lucy Guild Daughter to Moses Guild & Rhoda his Wife Was Born Sejjtember ye 4'" 1761 Levi Smith Son to Iseral Smith & Mary his Wife Was Born November ye 26* - 1763 Lois Gay Daughter to Solomon Gay & Abigail his Wife AVas Born December ye 10'" 1763 Lemuel Bent Son to AV" Bent & Chloe his Wife Was Born Nouember ye 21"' ' 1764 and Died January y* 31"" 1765 Lois Smith Davighter to John Smith Ju' & Jemima his Wife Was Born De- cember ye 3"^ 1762 Lovis Gould Dailghter to Jeremiah Gould & Kezia his Wife Was Born March V* 6*" 1746 Lemuel Bent Son to W" Bent & Chloe his Wife Was Born Feb' y* H"" 1766 Rachel Liscom Daughter of Nehemiah Liscom & Rhoda His Wife born Sep"' ye 13*" 176* Sarah Liscom Daughter of Nehemiah Liscom & Rhoda His Wife Was bora March ve 14'" 176* (probably 4) Xuther Leadbeter Son of Increase Leadbetter & Kathatharin His Wife Was bora August the 25'" 1766. 94 Lemuel Luscomb Son of Phillip Luscomb Juu' & Merium his Avife Bora April ye S''^ 17C7 Hannah Leonard Daughter of Wallc Leonard & Merideth His wife Born June ye I?"' 1748 Card To Foil: 35 13 Matilda Waters Daughter to Zebelon Waters & Alice his AVife Was Born May ye 3l« 1761 Maxy Hayward Daughter to Abel Ilayward & Maiy his AVife Was Born at Kaynham iNouember y 27"' 1757 Mary Holmes Daughter to Mary Clark Daughter to Natli" Clark & Marv his Wife Was Born Sep' y<= 3* 1758 Moses White Son to Benjmin AYhite and Mary his AVifc Was Born June ye 22*^ 1759 Mary Everitt Daughter to Jolm Everitt and Mary liis AVife AVas Born Alarcli ye 31' 17G2 Maiy Lyon Daughter to Elhanan Lyon & Rebacali his AVife AVas Born ]\Iarch ye 20'^ 17C3 Marcy Dunbar Daughter to M' Elijah Dunbar & Al" Saruli his AVife AVas lioru November ye 7'" 1763 Mary AVhyton Daughter Comfort AVHiyton & Grace his AVife Was Born Decem- ber ye V 1762 Mary Kollick Dauglitor to lloyall Kollick & Alary his AVife AVas Born Xovem- berye 8'^ 1759 Marcy Gilbott Daughter to Solomon Gilbortt & Lidia his AVife AVas Born De- cember ye 2<* 1762 Mary Billing Daughter to Sam" r>!lling & llcliance his AVife AVas Born Sep- tember ye 27'»' 1763 Mary Fislier Daugliter to Tliomas Fisher & Alarv iiis AA'ifc AVas liorn ALiv y* 19'M763 Mary Clap Daughter to Johi! Clap & Submitt liis AVife AVas Born Julv v* 1'^ 1763 Mather Spur Daughter to Tliomas Spur Ju"" & Alarv his AVife AVas Born July ye 28"^ 1765 Maiy Blackman Daughter to Josiah Blackman and Experience his AVife AVuf Born Feb' ye 26'" 1765 Michel Shaler Son to Henry Shaller and Abigail liis V/ife AVas Born Alav v* dl^ 1765 Mehetable Easty Daughter to Jacob Easty Ju"" & Alury his AVife AVas Born Au- gust ye 1' 1763 Mille Blackman Daughter to Adam Blackman & Marv his AVife AVas Born June ye 1' 1765 Carried To Foil 28 14 Nathan Drake Son to Nathan Drake & Jemime kis AVife AVas Born No- uember ye 30"» 1760 Nathaniel AV^entworth Son to Samuel AVentworth & Sarah his AVife AVas Born Novenber ye 11"» 1761 Nancy Blackman Daughter to George Blackman and Amee his AVife AVas Born October ye 22'* 1759 Nathaniel Linsfie'ld Son to Nathaniel Linsfield & Mary his AVife AVas Born March ye 20"» 1762 Nathan Blackman Son to Sam" Blackman & Mary his AVife Was Born June y* 18"'1764 Nath" Littlefield Son to Nath" Littlefield & Hannah his Wife AVas Born Sep' ye 11'^ 1765 Nathan Bucknam Holmes Son to John Holmes 2^ & Mary his AVife AVas Born Sep' IS^ & Died November y' 4'^ 1765 Naomv Vinton Daui^hter to David Vinton & Ruth his AVife AVas Born March ye i7to 1765 95 James Nash Son of James Nash & ISIatilda his wife born February 23* 1782 Daniel Nash Sou of James Nash & Matilda his wife born February 13"^ 1784 -Phinehas Hayward sou of lleuben Hayward & Eachel his Wife was born feb- ruary 1«» 1770 EnbensonofD» was born May 10"^ 1771 'Elijah Hayward sou of D" Avas born May 14"^ 1773 Kachel Hayward Daughter of D^ February 8"" 1775 Zadock HayAvard sou of D° wasboru October 16"^ 1776 'Huldah Hayward Daughter of D° was boru May 23'^ 1778 Lois Hayward Daughter of D° was born February 8'" 1780 .Abel Hayward son of D° was born October I'J^ 1782 15 Oliver Savel Son to Benj™ Save! Ju'' and Susanna his Wife Was Born July ye 4th 1701 Oliver May Son to Eleazer May Ju"" and Easther his Wife Was Born Febru- ary y« 27"^ 1755 Obed Johnson Son to Isaac Johnson and Hannah liis Wife Was Boru April ye iith 17 G2 Olive Holmes Daugliter to Zebuluu Hohnes & Abigail his Wife Was Born Jan- uary ye 17'^ 1765 Olive Pufler Daughter to Matthas Puffer & Olive liis Wife Was Boru Feb' ye 27*^ 1765 Freelove Monk Daughter of George Monk Ju' & Sussanna His AVif e born Au- gust y« 1*'1766. George May Son of Nathi May & Sarah liis wife Boru Octob"" y« 17"» 1766 Hosea Osgood & Huldah Osgood (Twins) Son & Daughter of Sam Osgood & Esther his wife born Thursday 25* Nov' 1784. Kobert Kenney son of Silas Kennev & Lvdia his Wife was born September 9**^ 1777 Silas Son of D" born Feb? 11^' 1779 Andrew son of d° born August 5. 1780. Sally Daughter of d" born April 25. 1782. Lydia d» of d° born Jan^ 17. 1784. Betsy d" of d° born August 13'^ 1785. Thomas son of d** born March 5"^ 1788. Samuel Osgood Son of Samuel Osgood and Huldah liis wife was Born ^March 18"^ 1768 John Osgood Son ofD" was Boru June 22'^ 1778 ' 16 Phinias May Son to Eleazar May Ju' & Easther iiis Wife Was B * * March y«lt 1761 Penelope Holmes Daughter to Sam" Holmes & Sarah his Wife Was Born Api-il ye 12th 1763 Patiance Jones Daughter to Eph™ Jones & Elener his Wife Was Born August ye 11th 1763 Priscilla Gould Daughter to Jeremiah Gould & Kezia his AVife Was Born De- cember ye 21" 1753 John Packard Son of Benj* Packard & Asenath His AVife Was born Dec^'' 19'" 1765. Sarai Paul Son of Sam' Paul & Hannah his wife born January y* 20'i» 1767 Mather Fletcher Pope Daughter of Micagey Pope & Sarah His wife Born No- vemb' y« 1"' 1767 Loes Packard Daughter of Benjamon Packard and Asenath His wife Born au- gust ye 31»' 1767 Angelet Pierce Daughter of Seth Pierce and Angelet his wife Born June y* 16 1769 Hannah Puffer Daughter of Seth Puffer and Patience his wife Born January y* 18 1770 96 Jadidiah Packard 8011 of Benjamon Packard and Asenath his wife Born febru- ary y« 1« 1771 Rachal Paul Daughtor of Sam' Paul and Hannah His wife Born Octob'' y* 22 1769 Joseph Pope Son of Ralph Pope and Hannah his wife Born Octob' y« 4"» 1771 Abiagil Puffer Daughtor of Seth I'uffer & Patience his w * * Born Octob' n^ 1772. Anna Holmes Paul Daughtor of Sam' Paul and Hannah his wife Born May y« 7 1772. Melatiah Packard Daughtor of Benjamon l^ackard & Asenath his Born July y« 81 1773 Oliver Pope Son of James Pope & Sarah his wife Born Novemb' y** 2^ 1774 Josiah Pratt Son of Isaac Pratt and Mary his wife Born Sept y* 14 1769 Isaac Pratt Son of Isaac Pratt and Mary his wife Born June y« 1« 1771 Elizabeth Pratt Daughter of Isaac Pratt & Mary his wife Born Septemb' y« 12 1773 17 Lydia Lewis Daughter of James Hawks Lewis & Lydia His Wife was born at Hingham May y« 23* 1750 & Died Nov"' y« 18"' 1751. O. S. Lydia Lewis Daughter of James Hawks Lewis & Lydia His Wife was Born at Hingham Dec^' y« 9"^ 1751 O: S. John Lewis Son of James Ilawks Lewis & Lydia His Wife Was born at Hing- ham Jan'y y« o^ 1754 Elizabeth Lewis Daughter of James Hawks Lewis and Lydia His Wife Was born at Hingham March y^ 11*1756. Rachel Lewis Daughter of James liawks Lewis & Lydia His Wife Was born at Hingham Nov*" y'' 24'*' 1757. James Lewis Son of James Hawks Lewis & Lydia His Wife Avas Born at Hingham Dec»" y^ 6'" A: D: 1759. Hannah Lewis Daughter of James Hawks Lewis & Lydia His Wife Was Born at Hingham Jan'? y« 27"' 1762 Laban Lewis Son of James Hawks Lewis & Lydia His Wife Was born at Stoughton April y<= 12'"_A: D 1764. Benjamin Lewis Son of James liawks Lewis & Lydia His Wife was born at Stoughton Novt" ye IS"* 1766. Lucy Lewis Daughtor of James Haws Lewis & Lydia His wife Born [March y* 3* 1769 Elijah Lewis Son of James ILawks Lewis & Lydia his wife Born March y« 8 1766 Mary Downs Daughtor of Edward Downs and Merium His wife Born No- vemb' y 6'" 1768. John Dickermon Ju' Son of Jolin Dickermon & Lydia his wife Born Octob' y« 24 1772 97 Peter Dickeraion Son of John Dickeraion & Lydia liis wife Born April y« 20"' 1775 Nehemiah Dickermon Son of John Dickermon & Lydia his wife Born January ye 25"' 1777 Elizabeth Dickermon Daughtor of Enoch Dickermon & Sara * * Born June ye 23-i 1779 Samuel Davenport Son of Lemuel Davenport & Patience his wife Born De- cemb' ye 19"" 1777 Joe Davenport Daughtor of Lemvel Davenport & Patience his w * * Born au- gust ye 27 1781 Jesse Downs Son of Edward Downs and Mary his wife Born April y« 3 1764 Joanna Downs Daughtor of Edward Downs & mary his wife Born April ye 9 1771 Euth Downs Daughtor of Edward Downs & mary his wife Born March y* 11 1774 George Downs Son of Edward Downs and Mary his wife Born September ye 21"' 1776 Asa Downs Son of Edward Downs and Rhoda his wife Born September 15. 1780 Amasa Downs Son of Edward Downs and Rhoda his wife Bora July y^ 31" 1784 John Downs Son of Jesse Downs and Naomi his wife Born December ye 23 1784 See page 56 19 Rebekah Tilden Daughter to Stephan Tilden & Abigail his Wife was born Feb' 18* 1757 Ruth Vinton Daughter to David Vinton & Ruth his Wife Was Born Sep' y« 21"» 1761 Rebeckah Perkins Daughter to Luke Perkens and Rebeckah his Wife Was Born March ye 7"^ 1763 Ruth Whyton Daughter to Comfort Whyton & his Wife Greace Was Born November ye 6"^ 1764 Rutli Johnson Daughter to Isaiah Johnson & Ruth his Wife Was Born July y« 20'»» 1759 Rhoda Billing Daughter to Roger Billing & Susanna his Wife Was Bora March ye 19'^ 1763 Rebacah Waters Daughter to Zebelon Waters & Alice his Wife Was Born Oc- tober ye 8"^ 1762 Rachel Thompson Daugliter to David Thompson & his Wife Maiy Was Born December y® 1' 1763 Marcy Tolbot Daughter to George Tolbott & Hannah his Wife Died June y* 4"» 1763 Abigail J orden Daughter to Zeb" Jorden & Abigail his Wife Died June ye 13'" 1761 Ruth Shaller Daughter to Henry Shaller & Abigail his Wife Was Bora Janv' ye 12"^ 1764 Mary Robins Daughtor to Elazer Robins and Elizebeth his wife Bora febraary ye i7tii 17(39 Rebecca Gay Daughtor of Stephen Gay and Pheby his wife Born Novemb'' y* 17 1771 Sarah Robins Daughtor of Elezer Robins and Elezebeth his wife Born Oc- tob' ye 12 1771 Benjamin Richards Son of Joseph Richards & Hannah his wife Born may y« 2' y* 5'" 1765. Simion Tucker Son of Sam" Tucker and Abigail His AVife born July ye H'" 176* (0 or 6) ,,^ ^ Bebekah Tucker Daughter of James Tucker & Rebeckah His AVife AVas born Dec»>' ye 4ih 1764. 99 David Tilden Son of Nat" Tilden & Susanna His Wife was Born Nov*"' y« S"* 1766 Nehemiah Tilson Son of Benjamon Tilson & Abigil his wife Born februarj' ye gth 1767 Melatiah Tomson Son of David Tomson Ju' & Sarah his wife Born July y* 20"» 1768 Hipsaba Taunt Daughter of John Taunt and Hipsaba His Wife Born June y^ 17"^ 1768 Abio-il Tohnon Daughtor of John Tolmon and Abigill his wife Born January ye 17th 1750/51 Elizabeth Tolmon Daughter of John Tolmon and Abigill his wife Born June ye I4tb 1753 John Tolmon Son of John Tolmon and Abigil His wife Born May y« 22^^ 1767 Charloty Taunt Daughter of Levi Taunt and Jerusha his wife Born Decemb' ye lOth 1768 Richard Talbot Sou of Peter Talbot and mary His wife Born August y« 24"^ 1770 Abigail Talbot Daughter of Sam Talbot and mary His wife Born may y^ 28 1770 See Page 41 22 Unis Puffer Daughter to Seth Puffer & Patience his AVife AVas * * April ye 3d 1762 Unity Jorden Daughter to Zeb" Jorden and Abigail his Wife * * Born May v« 221 1762 AVilliam Vinton Son of David Vinton and Ruth hi * * * * Born January 21»* 1767 Azubah Vinton Daughter of David Vinton and Ruth his wife Born April y« 1^< 1769 Jerusha Vorse Daughtor of Jeramiah Vorse & Hannah His wife Born May y« 28 1770 Phebe vintou Daughtor of David vinton and Ruth his wife BorTi february y® 3d 1772 Nath' Vose sou of Jeramiah vose & Hannah his wife Born April y^ 20"^ 1772 Hannah Vose Daughtor of Jeramiah Vose & Hannah his w * * Born Novemb' ye let. 1773 Mille Vose Dauglitor of Jeramiah Vose & Hannah his wife Born July y* 18*^ 1775 Eunice Vose Daughtor of Jeramiah Vose and Hannah his wife Born March y* 30"^ 1777 Policy Upham Daughtor of Abijah Upham Ju"" and Rebecca his wife Born August ye 30"^ 1777 Jeramiah & Josiah Vose Sons of Jeramiah Vose & Hannah h * * * * Born July y« 6 1778 Polly Vose Daughtor of Jeremiah vose & Hannah his wife Born June y^ 14 1780 Nathaniel Vose Son of Jeramiah Vose & Hannah his wife Born December y^ W^ 1782 Rubin Vose Son of Jeramiah Vose & Hannah his w * * Born October }•* 15"^ 1785 Amos Upham Son of Amos Upham and Lucy his wife bo * * * * Stough- ton Tuesday the G^^ day of November 1787 Sally Vose Daughter of Jermiah Vose & Hanna * * wife was born May 28"^ 1787 Lucy Vose Daughter of Jeramiah Vose & Hanna * * wife was born April 25^ 1789 Charles Upham Son of Abijah Upham Jun' and Rebekah his wife was born January 25"^ 1786 100 23 "William Niglitengal Son to W"" Niglitengal Ju' & Jamima his "Wife "Was Born April y« 18* 1761 William Richards Son to "William Richards y* 2* and Anna his Wife Was Born June y 14"^ 1763 Abel Went worth Son of Cap« Sam" Wentworth & Sarah His AVife Was bor March y« 21" 1764 Rachal Wentworth Daughter of Cap' Samuel Wentworth & Sarah His Wife Was born Jan-r 19'" 1766 Hannah Wentworth Daughter of Amariah Wentworth & Rebeckah his Wife was born July 9"» 1763. Benjamin Wadsworth Son of Recompence Wadswoi-th & Abigail His Wife was born Bee^' y« 23'* A D 1766 Hanah Waters Daughter of Zebalou Waters & Alice his wife Born January y« 12"^ 1767 Moses Wales Son of Moses wales & Elizebeth his wife born Octob"" y« 3^ 1767 Eunice Wardsworth Daughter of John Wardsworth & Jerusha His wife Born May y« 10"^ 1766 Mary Wardsworth Daughter of John Wardsworth & Jerusha His wife Bora feb- ruary y« 14"^ 1768 Chi-istepher Wadsworth Son of Christepher Wadsworth & Abigil His wife ; Born April y^ 7"> 1765 Elijah Wadsworth Son of Christepher Wardsworth & Abiffil His wife ; Born Mayy^ 28"^ 1767 Zebulon Waters Son of Zebulon Waters and Alice his wife wos Born August y« 23* 1768 Rebecah whiting Daughter of Cumfort Avhiting & Grace his wife Born March y« 6"> 1767 Nath' whiting Son of Cumfort whiting & Grace his wife Born Decemb"" y« 24'" 1768 Lemuel Wadsworth Son of Recompence Wadsworth and Abigill his wife Bora Marcli y« 9''" 1769 Edward Withington Son of Edward withington & Hannah his wife Born August y«31" 1751 See page 40 24 Samuel Cummins Son of Sam^ Cummins & Elizebeth his wife; wos born Novemb' y= 28"^ 1761 Asa Cummins Son of Sam' Cummins & Elizebeth his wife born June y* 6"> 1764 Mille Cummins Daughter of Sam' Cummins & Elizebeth his wife, born Sep' y' 29"^ 176. Rachel Coplen Daughter of Jacob Coplen & Rachel his wife born august y* 10'" 1766 Rebecah Crane Daughter of Tho' Crane and Marv his wife Born March y« 10"> 1767 George Crosman Son of D'' George Crosman and Sarah his wife Born Novemb' y« 26'^ AD 1762 Mdi'tha Crosman Daughter of D"" George Crosman and Sarah His wife ; wos Born August y* 15^ A D 1764 Sarah Crosman Daughter of D' George Crosman and Sarah His wife ; wos Bora Sep' Y^ U^ 1766 Hannah Clap Daughter of John Clap and Submit his wife Born Octob' y« ?"» 1766 Lewis Chandler Son of Samuel Chandler and Sarah His wife Born August y» 4:^ 1761 Luther Crosman & Ruthe Crosman (Twins) Son & Daughter of George Cros- man and Sarah His wife Born May y« 29'" 1769. William Crane Son of Heniy Crane and Abigail His wife Born August y« 12 1749 101 Peter Crane Son of Henry Crane and Abigil His wife Born Decemb"" v° 22* 1752 Jephthah Crane Son of Henry Crane and Abigail His wife Born July v* 30*^ 1764: Jephthah Crane Son of Henry Crau and Abigail His wife Born Novemb^ y« 26 1756 Luther Crane Son of Henry Crane and Abigail His wife Born August y« 23"^ 1759 John Calvin Crane Son of Henry Crane and Abigail His wife Born May y« 7*^ 1762 Lois Crane Daughter of Henry Crane and Abigail His wife Born June y« I'* 1764 Abigail Crane Daughtor of Henry Crane & Abigail His wife Born August y* 23<» 1766 See Page 25 25 There is 4 children Recorded in y* 28* page which aught to ben Recorded in tills page under the Letter C. (done through a Mestake) Sineon Crane Son of AVilliam Crane y« 2^ and Elizabeth his wife Born April ye yth 1774 Ruthe Crosman Daughtor of George Crosman & Sarah his wife Born february y« 16* 1776 Edward Capen Jun'' Son of Edward Capen & Susanna his wife was Born April 12* 1762 Abreham & Sarah Capen Sou & Daughter to Edward Capen & Susanna his wife ware born June 1^' 1774 Benjamin Capen Son of Edward Capen and Susanna liis wife was Born Septem- ber 13* 1772 Uriah Capen Son of Edward Capen and Susanna his wife was born May 24* 1767. James Capen Son of Edward Capen and Susanna his wife was born Decembar 13* 1756, 26 Zeruah Kinny Daughter to Timothy & Anna his Wife "Was Born March y« 13* 1759 Zebiah Kollick Davghter to Royall Kollick & Mary his Wife Was Born March y« 8* 1762 Zebulan Holmes Son to Zebulun Holmes & Abigail liis Wife Was Born June y« 27* 1758 Zepporah Gould Daughter to Jeremiah Gould & Kezia his Wife Was Born May y« 18* 1768 27 Josiah Tilden Son to Natli" Tilden & Susanna his Wife Was Born April ye 25* 1764 Joshua Whittemore Son to Joshua Whittemore & Susanna his Wife Was Bom June ye 23^ 1762 Jabin Fisher Son to Nath" Fisher & Hannah his Wife Was Born March y* 15* 1764 Iseral Smith Son to Iseral Smith & Mary his Wife Was Born September y* 18* 1761 Jerusha Wadsworth Daughter to John Wadswoi'th & Jerusha his Wife Was Born March y* 13* 1764 John Morse Son to Josiah Morse & Keziah his Wife Was BornJiuiey* 12* 1763 John French Son to John French & Christon his Wife Was Born June y* 13* 1763 Joseph Tucker Son to Joseph Tucker & Ame his Wife Was Born January y« 10* 1765 Isaiah Johnson Son to Isaiah Johnson & Ruth his Wife Was Born June y* 6* 1764 102 Joseph Gannitt Son to Benj» Gannett & Mary his "Wife Was Born September y'' 25* 1759 Jonathan Gannitt son to Benj* Gannett & Mary his Wife Was Born April 26* 1762 Jesse Downs Sun to Edward Downs & Miraem his Wife Was Born April y« S^ 1764 Jesse Billing Son to Roger Billing & Susanna his Wife Was Born Mav y* 8* 1765 Joseph Holmes Son to Sam" Holmes & Saral his Wife Was Born April v« 1 1* 1765 Jeremiah Gould Son to Jeremiah Gould & Kezia his Wife Was Born June y" 23* 1750 Tilee Ingraham Daughter of Jeremiah Ingraham Jun' & Abigail His Wife Was boi-n march the 9* 1766. Marv Jordan Daughter of Thomas Jordan & Hannah His Wife Was born May ye igth 1764 Hannah Jordan Daughter of Tho' Jordan & Hannali His Wife Was born Au- gust y« 16* 1766 28 Eunice Monk Daughter of George Monk & Sarah His Wife Was born July y« 21" 1765. t Hannah Morton Daughter of Seth Morton & Abigail His Wife Was Born June ye 221 1766. Seth Morton Sou of Eleazer Mortorn & Deborah His Wife Was born in Ply- mouth in New-England July y« 17* A. D 1729 O: S Abigail Morton y^ Wife of Seth Morton & Daughter of Isaac Paul & Ann His Wife Was born in Dorchester Sep*"' y« 28*1739 '. Seth Morton Son of Seth Morntou and Abigil his Wife Born Octob' y^ 19* 1768 William Merion Jun' Son of William Merion and Thankf ull his wife Corn May ye 31^' 1758 Esther Merion Daughter of William Merion & Thankful! his Wife Born Au- gust y« 23'! 1763 Anna Merlon Daughter of W°» Merion & Thankfull His Wife ; Born August ye 28*1765 Sarah Merion Daughter of W" Merion & Thankfull his wife Born July y* 25* 1767 John Madden Son of John Madden and Charity his wife Born Sep' y^ 12* 1768 Freelove ISIunk Daughtor of George Munk and Sarah His wife Born Sep' y* 231 1770 Marv Curtis Daughtor of Moses Curtis and Mary His wife Born Sep' a* 9* 1748 Vinson Curtis Son of Moses Curtis and Mary His wife Born April y* 23'^ 1761 Silas & Jerathmeel Crane Sons of Abner Crane & Hannah his wife Born June ye 28* 1770 Nath' Morton Son of Seth Morton and Abigail His wife Bom March y* 17 1771 Martha Mav Daughtor of Nath' Mav and Sarah His wife Born June y« 24* 1768 Lydia Mav Daughtor of Nath^ May and Sarah his Wife Born may y« 28* 1770 Card To Fol 42 29 Sarah Thompson Daughter to David Thompson & Sarah his Wife Was Born November y« 27* 1763 "^ Sam" Waters Sun to Daniel Watres & Asenath his Wife Was Born November y 27* 1762 103 Susanna Belcher Daughtei- to Jeremiah Belcher Ju'' & Amee his AVife Was Born December y« 3"* 1764 Seth Fisher Son to Thomas Fisher & Mary his Wife Was Born June y^ 16"^ 1759 Samuel Holmes Sou to Sam" Holmes & Susanna his Wife Was Born May y« 20"^ 1763 Sarah Billing Davghter to Benj"" Billing & Rachel his Wife Was Born March ye 4th 17(34 Samuel Holmes Sun to Samuel Hohnes & Susanna EsWife Was Born May y« 20^1^ 1763 Sarah Withington Daughter to John Withington Ju' & Desire his Wife Was Born June y" 28*^ 1765 Sarah Smith Davighterto John Ju^ & Jemima his Wife Was Born March y^ V 1764 Susanna Wales Davghter to Moses Wales & Elezibeth his Wife Was Born June y« 2 6^^ 1765 Sarah Fenno Davghter to W" Fenno & Sarah his Wife Was Born Feb' y« 27"» 1762 Seth Johnson Son to Seth Johnson & Marthew his Wife Was Born Feb' y« S'" 1763 Samii strobridge Son to Sam" Strobridge & Judiath liis AYif e Was Born May y« 26* 1762 Seth Gould Son to Jeremiah Gould & Kezia his AVif e Was Born June y« 5^ 1760 Jerushah Sumner Daughter of Eoger Sumner & Jerushah His Wife Was bor Jan"? y« 3* 1766. Rebeckah Strobridge Daughter of Sam" Strobridge & Judith his Wife was born June 3'! 1766 Dan" Stone Son of Henry Stone Lydia His Wife born May y« 9"^ 1762: Mary Stone Daughter of Henry Stone & Lydia His Wife born March y« 28"> 1765 (See rage 30) 30 Jonathan Spear Son of John Spear Jun' & Mary his Avife Born April y« 9^^1766 Sarah Stone Daugh* of Henry Stone & Lydia his wife born March y« 1«« 1767 Tho' Shepard Son of Jacob Shepard & Boshoba his wife born Octob' y« 16: 1766 Sami Shepard Son of Sam^ Shepard and Ruth his wife ; Born f ebruary y« 6^^ 1762 Lemawell Shepard Son of Sam^ Shepard and Ruth his wife Born March y' 25^^ 1763 Jamawell Shepard Son of Sam Shepard and Ruth his wife Born f ebruary y« o^ 1765 Ruth Shepard Daughter of Sam' Shepard & Ruth his wife Born June y^ 6"> 1766 Lewis Sumner Son of Roger Sumner & Jerusha Sumner his wife born No- vemb' y^ 27* 1767 Isaac Smith Son of Epharim Smith and Elizebeth His wife ; Born March y« 25«« 1762 ^ ^ Epharim Smith Son of Epharim Smith & Elizebeth His wife Born OctoV y« 10* 1754 John Smith Son of Epharim Smith and Elizebeth His wife Born Sep' y« 22^ 1756 Jacob Smith Sou of Ephai-im Smith and Elizebeth His wife Born Sep* y« 27* 1758 Elizebeth Smith Daughter of Epharim Smith and Elizebeth His wife Born Sep' ye 2** 1761 Tabithi Smith Daughter of Epharim Smith and Elizebeth His wife Born July ye 29* 1763 104 Maiy Smith Daughter of Epharim Smith and Elizebeth His wife Born marcli y^ g'*" 1765 Patience Smith Daughter of Epharim Smith and Elizebeth His wife Born March y« 30"^ 1767 Zephaniah Spur Son of Tho« Spur & Mary his wife Born May y« S"^ 1768 Ralph Shepard Son of Sam' Shepard and Ruth his Wife Born April v* 26* 1768 George Stone Son of George Stone and Rebecah his Wife Born Sep' y« lo^" 1768 Oliver Shepard Son of Jacob Shepherd and Boshaba His wife Born October y® 16^^ 1768 See Page 36 31 Elijah Hawse Son to Elijah Hawse & Abigail hisWife Was Born Septem- ber ye 4* 1763 Elizebeth Hartwell Daughter to John Hartwell & Dorchis his Wife Was Boi-n June y« S"' 1763 Eunice Fisher Daughter to Ezekel Fisher & Susanna his Wife Was Bora Febu' ye 3 1763 Elijah Bussey Son of Isaiah Bussey & Bashaba his wife Born May y* 9*^ 1765 Rebecka Bussey Daughter of Isaiah Bussey & Bashaba his wife Born March ye 19 1767 Jaazaniah Bussey Daughter of Benjamon Bussey and Hannah His Wife Born June ye" 21^' 1768 Ruame Billing Daughte' of Sam' Billing and Aliance His Wife Born Sep* y* lO**^ 1768 Elizebeth Belcher Daughter of Eleazer Belcher and Elizebeth His wife Born January y^ 16"^ 1768 Autherton Belcher Son of John Belcher and Abigil His wife Born June y^ 29"» 1763 Sam^ Belcher Son of John Belcher and Abigil His wife Born January y* 26<'' 1765 Rebeckah Belcher Daughter of John Belcher and Abigil His wife Born Sep' y* 231 1766 Zeruah Billings, Daughter of Seth Billings and Jerusha His wife Born August ye 15"» 1762 Jesse Brown Son of Jesse Brown and the widdow Jerusha Billings Born Oc- tob' ye IStii 1768 John Belcher Son of John Belcher and Abigil His wife Born Novemb' ye 17 1769 Rachel Blackmon Daughtor of Adam Blackmon and Mary His wife Born Oc- tob' ye IS'" 1770 106 John Blackinon Sou of Sam' Blackmon and Mary His wife Born August y" 21" 1769 Oliver Belcher Son of John Belcher and Abigail His wife BornDecemb"' y« 10"» 1770 Timothy Billings Son of Roger Billings and & Susanah his wife Born August y« 16 1770 Abigail Blake Daughtor of Stephen Blake and Chloe his wife Born Octob' y* 25"' 1769 William Briggs Son of William Briggs and Mary His wife Born March y« 23 1769 Rebeckah Blackmon Daughtor of Sam> Blackmon & mary his wife Born April ye 16 1772 Nath' Bent Son of William Bent and Chloe his wife Born febniary y" 23 1770 Card to page 43 34 Asa Gay Son of Aaron Gay and Obedience His wife Born July y« 24"' 1768 Mille Gay Daughter of Timothy Gay y« 2* and Elizebeth His wife Born Au- gust v« 8'" 1768 Sarah Gill Daugh' of Benjamon Gill & Bethiah His wife Born May y« 19 1762 Nathan Gill Son of Benjamon Gill & Bethiah His wife Born Septemb' y* 9 1764 Sarah Gill Daughter of Benjamon Gill and Bethiah His wife Born Januai-y y* 24 1767 Molly Gill Daughter to Benjamon Gill and Bethiah His wife Born May y« SO"* 1769 Elizebeth Gay Daughtor of Timothy Gay and Elizabeth His wife Bom No- vemb' v« 24 1769 Nath' Gay Son of Aaron Gay and Obedience liis wife Born January y' 21'» 1770 John Gill Son of Benjamon Gill and Bethyah his wife Born March y* 11"' 1772 Elice Gay Daughtor of Timothy Gay and Elizebeth his wife Born August y« "lO'" 1771 Sarah Gay Daughtor of Aaron Gay and Obedience his wife Born May y« 1 1772 Stephen Gay Son of Aaron Gay & Obedience Ms wife Born August y« b'^ 1774 Aaron Gav Son of Aaron Gay and Obediance his wife Born Novemb' y' IS'" 1777 Hezekiah Gay Son of Hezekiah & Lydiah his wife Born May y« 20'" 1777 Nancy Gay Daughtor of Hezekiah Gay & Lyclia his wife Born Octob' y*^ 3-« 15*^ 1752 Vriah Leonard Son of Walley Leonard & Merideth His Wife Born February ye 2S^ 1760 Sarah Leonard Daughter of Walley Leonard & Merideth His Wife Bom April ye SO^ 1762 Samuel Lyon the Son of Theophilus Lyon and Anne his wife Bom Novemb' y« 16"' 1767 James Lyon the Son of Theophilus Lyon and Anne his wife Bora Novemb' •y« 7Ui 1769 107 Anue Lyon Daughter of Theophilus Lyon and Anne his wife Born June y* 2Q^ 1771 Spencer Leonard Son of Jacob Leonard and Mary his wife Born Sept y« 0^^ 1767 Jacob Leonard Son of Jacob Leonard and Mary his wife Born f ebruary y« l" 1769 Oliver Leonard Son of Jacob Leonard and Mary his wife Born f ebruary y* 30* 1771 Lucretia Lyon Daughter of Theophalus Lyon and Anna his wife Born June ye 29"^ 1773 Eunice Lyon Daughter of Theophilus Lyon and Anne his wife Born July y^ 26, 1775 Sarah Lathrop Daughter of Isaac Lathrop & Sarah his wife Born august y« 6 1776 Kate Lathrop Daughtor of Isaac Lathrop and Sarah his wife Born March y« 7 1778 Rnthe Lathrop Daughtor of Isaac Lathrop & Sarah his wife Born f ebruary y« 10 1780 Washington Lathrop Son of Isaac Lathrop and Sarah his wife Born March y« 26 1782 Eelef Leach Daughtor of Simeon Leach & Elizebeth his wife Born October y* 2^ 1766 Vashti & Lot Leach Son & Daughtor of Simeon Leach & Elizabeth liis wife Born December y« 24 1770 Sally Leeds Daughter of Nathaniel Leeds & Unity his wife born January y« 3^ 1787 Pollv Lothrop daughter of Isaac Lothrop & Sarah his wife born at Stoughton February S^^ 1784 See page 36 Abigil Smith Daugh' of Asahel Smith and Sarah His wife Born July y* 21 1761 Asahel Smith Son of Asahel Smith and Sarah His wife Born January y* 6 1764 Elizebeth Smith Daughtor of Asahel Smith & Sarah His wife Born Novemb'' y« 30"> 1765 Lemuel Smith Son of Asahel Smith and Sarah His wife Born March y« 13 : 1768 Isaac Shaller Son of Henry Shaller and Abigail His wife Born April y« 21»' 1769 Joseph Spear Son of John Spear and Mary his wife Born March y= 25 1770 Luther Shepard Son of Sam' Shepard and Ruth his wife Born May y* 20"^ 1770 Abigail Swan Daughtor of Rob' Swan & Rachel his wife Born Novemb' y« ISt'' 1761 Sarah Swan Daughtor of Rob' Swan & Rachel his wife Born Decemb' y* 9^ 1765 Rachel Swan Daughtor of Rob» Swan and Rachel liiswife Born June y« 12"" 1768 Roger Sumner Son of Roger Sumner and Jerusha his wife Born April y" 24"" 1770 Jadidiah Southworth Son of Jeddiah Southworth & Mary His wife Bom April y« 10'i>1771 Jesse Shepard Son of William Ensign Shepard and Elizabeth his wife Born De- cemb' y« 12 1772 Rebeckah Smith Daughtor Asahel Smith & Sarah his wife Born Octobar y* 12^ 1772 Amity Shepard Daughtor Sam> Shepard & Ruth his wife Bora March y« 16 1773 Joseph Sterns Son of Nath' Sterns and Evnice his wife Born January y» 31 1770 108 Hannah Sterns Daughter of Nath^ Sterns & Evnice his wife Bom f ebruary y« 13 1772 Eunice Sterns Daughtor of Nath' Sterns his wife Name Evnice Born July y* 19* 1774 Jesse Smith Son of Joseph Smith Ju' and Exspearance his wife Born May y* 5 1750 Loes Smith Daughtor of Jesse Smith and Loes his wife Bora Novemb' y« 20 1773 Melatiah Smith Daughtor of Epharim Smith and Nancy his wife Rhoda Smith Daughtor of Joseph Smith and Exspeai-ance liis wife Born May ye 19th 1755 Card to page 47 37 Sarah Easty Daughtor of Steward Easty and Abigail his wife Born March y« 28"' 1757 William Easty Son of Steward Easty and Abigail his wife Born August y« 9"^ 1759 Isaac Easty Son of Steward Easty and Abigail his wife Born January y« SI"* 1762 Stuard Easty Son of Steward Easty and Abigail his wife Boini April y« 6* 1764 David Easty Son of Steward Easty and Abigail his wife Born Septemb' y* 11 1766 Abigail Endicutt Daughtor of James Endicutt & Abigail liis wife Born May y* 17 1771 Nath Everett Son of Nath' Everett and Rhoda liis wife Born March y« 21" 1777 John Endicutt Son of James Endicutt & Abigail his wife Born February y« 4 1764 David Everett Son of Nath^ Everett & Rhoda his Wife born October 29«^ 1778 Asa Hayden Son of Ebenezer Hay den & Martha his Wife boi-n November 1^ 1784 Mille Hayden daughter of d" born June 11. 1787 Martha Hayden d" of d° born December 11. 1789 LeAvis Hayden son of d° born April 22* 1792 Simeon Haws Sou of Levy Haws & Phebe his Wife born Agust 20* 1785 Jerusha Haws Daughter of D° born June 23"* 1787 Phebe Haws Daughter of D" born June 2^ 1789 Lew Haws Son of D° born May 25"' 1791 Mary Haws Daughter of D° born April S"* 1794 Judah Haws Son of D^ bora June 14"' 1796 38 Tho' Clap Son of Ebenezer Clap and Cumfort his wife Born March y« 3 1769 Polly Crane Daughtor of Tho' Crane Ju' and Evnice his wife Born f ebruary ye 16 1773 Ebenezer Crane Son of Nathan Crane and Esther his wife Born January y^ 12 1775 Ruth Crane Daughtor of William Crane Keziah his wife Born Septemb' y* 5 1778 Robert Capen Son of Sam' Capen Ju'^ & Elizebeth his wife Bora May 1' 1768. John Capen Son of Sam' Capen Ju"" & Elizebeth his wife Born March 11"'- 1770 Olive Capen Daughter of Sam' Capen Ju' & Elisebeth his Wife Born Septem' 28*" 1772 Sam" Capen Son of Sam^ Capen Ju' & Elizebeth his Wife Bora May 27"^ 1777 Sarah Chandler daughter of Le^vis Chandler and Sarah his wife born July 14"^ 1786 and Died June the 12"' 1787 Sarah Chandler Daughter of Lewis Chandler & Sarah his wife Born at Stoughton Saterday the S^ day of May 1788 Lydia Crane Daughter of Thomas Crane & Eunice his wife born Febraary 15*'=' 1775 109 Ebenezer Crane Son of Nathan Crane & Esther his wife born June 28"' 1787 Martha Crane Daughter of Nathan Crane & Esther his wife born June 6^ 1790 Polly Chandler Dauifhter of Joseph Chandler & Marv his wife was born Jan' 25"'1791 39 Luther Holmes Son of Phillip Holmes and Mary his wife Born March y* 12 1770 Olive Hartwell Daughtor of John Hartwell & Dorcas His wife Born July y« 24*^ 1760 Rebecca Holmes Daughtor of Sam' Holmes & Sarah His wife Born Octob' y" B*" 1771 James Holms Sou of John Holmes y« 3"^ and Elizabeth his wife Born March y« 23^ 1772 Jason Houlbrook Son of William Houlbrook & Melitiah his wife Boi-n febru- ary y* 15^^ 1772 Emice Hartwell Daughtor of John Hai-twell & Dorcas his wife Born June y« 23'i 1772 Hannah Harris Daughtor of Amariah Harris & Elizabeth his wife Born June y' 18 1772 Judah Henry Son of William Henrj- & Elizabeth his wife Born July y« 16 1773 Elijah Holmes Son of Sam' Holmes & Sarah his wife Born februaiy y« 10"^ 1777 Calvan Holmes Son of Phillip Holmes Ju"" and Hannah his wife Born April y« 23'! 1777 John Hill Son of John Hill and Joanna his wife his wife Born f ebruary v* 6 1765 Hannah Hill Daughtor of John Hill and Joanna his wife Born mav v« IS"* 1767 Nath' Hill Son of John Hill and Joanna his wife Born Decemb"" y« 30* 1772 Lois Hill Daughtor of John Hill and Joanna his wife Born Decemb'' y* 24"^ 1776 Phillip Holms Son of Phillip Holmes Ju'' & Hannah his wife Born February y« 221 1779 Melatiah Holbrook Daughtor of William Holbrook & Melatiah his wife Born f ebruary y« le"* 1776 John Holbrook Son of William Holbrook & Melatiah his wife Born April y* 19"^ 1778 Robart Swan Holbrook Son of AVilliam Holbi-ook & Melatiah his wife Born ' March y« IS"' 1780 Poller Hammon Son of Nath' Haramon & Elizebeth his wife Born Novemb"" ye 10"' 1777 Wales Hammon Son of Nath^ Hammon & Elizabeth his wife Born July v* 4"* 1779 Rebeckah Holmes Daughtor of Sam' Homes Ju' & Rachel his wife Born Sept y« 3d 1780 See Page 52 40 Deborah Wadsworth Daughtor of Christepher Wadsworth & Abigail His wife Born Novemb' y' 6* 1770 Phillip Withington Son of John withington and Desire His wife Born July y* Q^ 1767 Martha Withington Daughtor of John Withington and Desire His wife Bom August y« 10* 1770 Sarah Wentworth Daughter of Sam' AVentworth and Sarah His wife Bom No- vemb' ye 3^ 1767 Abigail Wentworth Dauglitor of Sam' Wentworth and Sarah His wife Bom Octob' y« 29* 1769 Ebenezer Williams Son of Ebenezer Williams and Man' his wife Born June y* 11* 1767 110 Abigail Wliiting Daughter of cumfort Whyton & grace his wife Born March y« 1 1771 Elieha Wadsworth Son of Recompence AVadeworth and Abigail Ills wife ; Born Marcli ye 3* 1771 Samuel AVhealor Son of William Whealor and Martha His wife Born De- cemb' ye 28 1770 Oliver Wadsworth Son of Recompence wadsworth & Abigail his wife Bom March y' 12 1773 Aaron Wadsworth Son of John wadsworth & Jerusha his wife Born february y" 22 1770 Merium Wadsworth Daughtor of John wadsworth & Jerusha his wife Born January y^ U 1772 Oliver wadsworth Son of Recompence wadsworth & Abigail his wife died July ye 2 1773 John Wentworth Son of Sam' Wentworth & Sarah his wife Born octob' y* 1771 Ruth Wadsworth Daughtor of Recompence AVadsworth & Abigail his wife born June ye 10 1771 Chloe Wentworth Daughtor' of Elijah Wentworth and Rebecca his wife Born ]\Iarch 1^» 1770 Theophahis wentworth Son of Elijah Wentworth and Rebecca his wife Born August ye 13 1773 Jesse Wadsworth Son of Christepher Wadsworth and Abigail his wife Born June ye 9"^ y'" 1773 Joseph Wadsworth Son of Christepher & Abigail liis wife Born June y* 10"* 1776 Lucy Wadsworth Daughtor of Recompence wadsworth & Abigail his wife Born January ye 19*^ 1777 Theodore Wales IJaughter of Nath' Wales & Sarah his wife Born Decenil)' v* 25'i» 1767 Deborah Wales Daughtor of Nath> Wales & Sarah his wife Born Sept ye 23^ 1769 Hannah Wales Daughtor of Nath' Wales & Sarah his Wife Born Octob' ye 16 1771 Ruth Wadsworth Daughtor of Recompence Wadsworth & Abigail his wife Died ye 14"" day of february 1777 Abigail WentAvoi-th Daughtor of Stephen wentworth & Abigail his wife Born Novenib' ye 24."^ 1771 See page 48 41 Freelove Tilden Daughtor of Nath' Tilden and Susanah His wife Born June ye 8'*^ 1769 Ruth Thompson Daughtor of David Thompson and Sarah His wife Born Au- gust ye 18 1770 Lemuel Talbot Son of David Talbot and marv his wife Born Sept ye 1 1770 Mary Talbot Daughtor of Sam' Talbotand Mary His wife Born July y^ 2 1771 Nath' Tucker Son of James Tucker and Rebecca His wife Born April y* 1»* 1772 Mary Tucker Daughtor James Tucker and Rebecca His wife Born April y* 15 1770 Enos Tucker Son of Benjamon Tucker and Jane His wife Born in Milton Oc- tob' ye 5 1766 Hannah Tucker Dauglitor of Benjamon & Jane Tucker Born Scptemb' ye 21 1769 Benjamon Tucker Son of Benjamon Tucker and Jane His wife Born Novemb' ye 12'^ 1771 Isaac Talbot Son of I-aac Talbot and Su=anna his wife Born January y* 21 1771 Ezra Talbot Son of Sani^ Talbot & Mary his wife Born January v* 20'" 1773 Ill Susanna Talbot Daughter of Isaac Talbot Susanna his wife Born August y* 27 1772 David Talbot Son of David Talbot and mary his wife Born august y* 24 1773 Elihu Tilden Son of Nath*' Tilden and Susanah his wife Born July y" 3 1773 Ruth Tilden Daughtor of Ezra Tilden and Sarah his wife Born December y® 6"^ 1774 Sam^ Talbot Son of Sam' Talbot and Mary his wife Born Sept y« 29 1774 Martha Talbot Daughtor of Isaac Talbot and Susanah his wife Born March y* 28 1774 Pi-iscillah Tisdale Daughtor of Ebenezer Tisdale & Priscillah his wife Born Jan- uary y« IS'" 1750 Hannah Tisdle Daughtor of Ebenezer Tisdle and Pi'iscillah his wife Born June ye nth 1752 Edward Tisdle Son of Ebenezer Tisdle and Priscillah his wife Born february ye 13 1755 Abijah Tisdle Son of Ebenezer Tisdle and Piiscillah his wife Born february y^ 14 1758 Mace and Asa Tisdle Sous of Ebenezer Tisdale and Precillah his wife Born April ye 11 1761 Anne Tisdale Daughtor to Ebenezer Tisdale & Precillah his wife Born June y* 15 1763 Ezra Tilden Son of Ezra Tilden & Sarah his wife Born Sept y* 3^ 1776 Lucy Talbot Daughtor of Sam' Talbot & Mary his wife Born Sept y^ 12 1776 See Page 49 42 Rebecca May Daughtor of Ebenezer May and Rebecca His wife Bom March y«' 2oO 1768 Ebenezer May Sou of Ebenezer May and Rebecca His wife Born Novemb' y^ I 1771 "William M= Intach Son of Laeliue M" Intoch and Sarah His wife Born May y^ 9* 1766 Andrew M= Intach Son of Laeline M'= Intoch and Sarah His Wife Born April ye 17th 1769 John M^ intoch Son of Laeline M<= Intoch & Sarah His wife Born Julv y^ 10"" 1772 Jacob Munk Son of George Munk and Sarah his wife Born March >* 9* 1773 Moley Morse Daughtor of Asa Morse & hannah his wife Born July y* 31 1772 Ellis May Son of Thedore may and Elizabeth his wife Born Novemb'' y* 12 1772 Rebecca Morse Daughtor of Joseph Morse Ju"" & Rachel his wife Born Febru- eay y* 23 1771 Joseph Morse Son of Joseph Morse Ju' and Rachel his wife Born February y* 9'" 1773 Oliver Munk Son of Benjamon Munk & Ruth his wife Born Sept y* 24 1766 Merideth Munk Daughtor of Benjamon Munk & Ruth his wife Born July y* 6 1769 Ruth Munk Daughtor of Benjamon Munk & Ruth his wife Born August y* 3'* 1771 Amariah Mero Son of Hezekiah Mero and Mary his wife Born May y* 14 1757 Sarah Mero Daughtor of Hezekiah Mero & Mary his wife Born february y* II 1762 John Mero Son of Hezekiah Mero and Maiy lus wife Boi-n April y® 11 1766 Prudance Mero Daughtor of Hezekiah Mero and Mary his wife Born february y« 1 1768 Zenas Mero Son of Hezekiah Mero and Mary his wife Born Octob'' 22 1770 Lemuel Mero Son of Hezekiah Mero and Mary his wife Born April y* 2 1763 Thadeaus Morton Son of Seth morton & Abigail his wife Born may v« 26 1773 See Paffe 45 112 43 Mary Bailey Daughter of Israiel Bailey & Ruth Ids wife Born Novemb' y 14 1770 Samuel Billings Son of Samuel Billings & Reliance his wife Born Abril y« S"" ; 1772 Abigail Blackmon Daughter of Adam Blackmon and Mary his wife Born Au- gust v^ 8'" 1772 Charlotte Taunt Daughter of Levi Taunt & Jerusha his wife Born Decemb' y« 10"^ 1768 Seth Billings Taunt Son of Levi Taunt & Jerusha his wife Born Septemb' y« 26 1772 Dolphe Boyden Son of Jacob Boyden & Sarah his wife Born Octob' y- 28 1771 Asa Billing Son of John Billings Ju' and Unity his wife Born Octeb' y« 4 1773 Susanah Billings Daughter of Roger Billings & Susanah his wife Born June y« 7 1773 Abigail Badcock Daughter of Nath' Badcock & Meriah Andrews Born January V« 5^^ 1773 William Bent Son of William Bent and Chloe his wife Born Decemb' y« 27 1773 Elijah & Elisha Belcher Sons of John Belcher and Abigail his wife Born April ye 7th 1774 Lydia Badcok Daughter of Enoch Badcok and Lydia his wife Born may y« 29 1772 Hannah Badcok Daughter of Enoch Badcok and Lydia his wife Bern f ebniary v« 16 1774 Sarah Billings Daughter of Roger Billings and Susanah his wife Born July y« 17 1776 Voshti Billings Daughter of John Billings Ju' & Unity his wife Bern April ye 9li> i77tj Sarah Bailev Daughter of Henry Bailey and Susanna his wife Bern July y^ 9^ 1776 Lemuel Bailey Sou of Israiel Bailey and Ruth His wife Bern April y« lO'" 1776 Salley Billings Daughter of John Billings & Unity his wife Bern f ebruary y« 27 1778 Elijah Bailey son of Israiel Bailey & Ruth his wife Bern Decemb'' y" 81" 1780 Rachel Pratt Billings Daughter of Jonathan Billings & Sarah his wife Born februarv v« 13 17«2 Benjamin Billilliiigs Son of Jonathan Billings & Sarah his wife Bern Septem- ber v« 9 1783 Persis Bailey Daughter of Henr>- Bailey & Susanah his wife Born March y" IS'" 1781 Car* to Page 54 44 Pamela Crane Daughter of Silas Crane and Jamima his wife Born No- vemb' V* 16'^ 1772 Elisabeth Crane Daughter of Nathan Crane and Esther his wife Born f ebruary y« 8 1773 Jason Crane Sen of William Crane and Keziah his wife Born June y« 1 1774 Exspearance Crane Dauglitorof Silas Crane & Jaminui his Wife Born March y« 13 1775 Rheda Crane Danghtor of Silas Crane & Jamima his wife Bern May y« 17'" 1777 Silas Crane Son of Silas Crane & Juminii his wife Born Juney" 10*^ 1780 Enos Crane Son of Nathan Crane & Esther his wife Born august y« 11 1777 Nathan Crane Son of Nathan Crane & Esther his wife Born Decemb' y« 9 1779 James Clap Sen of John Clap & Patience his wife Born May y« 7 1782 Eunice Crane Daughter of The' Crane & Evnice his wife Bern July y« 29"> 1776 113 George Crane Son of Thomas Crane & Evnice his wife Born October y« 17"^ 1778 Amase Crane Son of Thomas Crane & Evnice his wife Born November y« 18"^ 1781 Sam' Chandler Son of Joseph Chandler & Mary his wife Born March y« 28 1784 Hannah Crane Daughtor of Abner Crane and Hannah his wife Born March 22"* A D 1765 Hannah Clark Daughter of David Clark and Seviah his wife born April 21»* 1764 Amasa Crane Son of Thomas Crane & Unice his wife born November y« IS'" 1781 Larra Crane son of Thomas Crane & Unice his wife born April y" 5'^ 1784 Nancv Chandler Daughter of Joseph Chandler and Mary his wife born Feb- ruary 2P' 1786 John Chandler Son of Joseph Chandler & Mary lus wife born December 4"^ 1787 Sarah Crane Daughtor of Henry Crane & Sarah his wife Born March y« 17 1780 45 Sam" Paul Morton Son of Seth Morton and Abigail his Wife Born Oc- tob"" y« 10"' 1775 John Morse Son of John Morse and Martha his wife Born february y« 12 1769 Jamima Munk Daughtor of Benjamin Munk and Ruth his wife Born Novemb' y« 13 1773 Daniel Morse Son of Asa Morse and Mary his wife Born Octob"^ y« 13 1775 Asa Morse Son of John Morse and Martha his wife Born August y« 17"^ 1776 Mary Madden Daughter of John madden and Charity his wife Born august y« 7 1765 Elizabeth madden Daughter of John madden and Charity his wife Born Apriel y« 20, 1770 Charity madden Daughter of John madden and Charity his wife Born February v« 22 1772 Caty madden Daugher of John madden and Charity his wife Born February y« 2. 1775 Solomon Morse Son of Solomon morse and raary his wife Born November y« 21 1775 Nathan Munk Son of George Munk and Sarah his wife Born March y« 12'^ 1769 John Marchant Son of Phillip Marchant & Jerusha his wife Born January ye 15th 1774 Hannah Morse Daughtor of Asa Morse and Hannah his wife Born April y« 23 1775 Lebbeus Portor Son of Joseph Porter and Elizabeth his wife Born April y" 22'* 1771 Cyinis Porter Son of Joseph Porter and Elizabeth liis wife Bora Decemb' y« 23<» 1774 Hannah Page Daughtor of Charles Page & mary his wife Born June y« 2&^^ 1779 Oliver Pope Son of James Pope and Sarah his wife Born November y« 2<* 1774 Rebeckah Pope Daughtor of James Pope & Sarah his wife Born March y« 4 1776 Elijah Pope Son of James Pope & Sarah his wife Born December y« 20"» 1777 Milla Pope Daughtor of James Pope and Sarah liis wife Born August y« 4 1779 Luther Pope Son of James Pope and Sarah his wife Born April y« 8''' 1781 Azor Pope Son of James Pope and Sarah his wife Bora May y« 6*^ 1783 Relief Pope Daughtor of James Pope & :^arah his wife Born April y« 21" 1785 Abiezer Packard son of Abiezer Packard & Mary his wife Born September y« 22'» 1776 Hannah Packard Daughtor of Abiezer Packard & Hanah his wife Born Oc- tober y« 18 1779 Sam' Packard Son of Abiezer Packard & Hannah his wife Born December y« 11"» 1781 Isaac Packard Son of Abiezer Packard & Hannah his wife Born July y« 12 1784 Anna Pope Daughter of James Pope & Sarah Pope Born May 3"^ 1787 Ward Pope Son of James Pope & Sarah his wife Born Apr^ 4<'' 1789 Robert Porter Son of Robert Porter & Elizabeth his Wife born Feb^ 23* 1795 47 Unity Shepard Daughtor of Sam' Shepard and Ruth his wife Born March ye 10''' 1775 Amity Shepard Daughtor of William Shepard & Elizabeth his wife Born April ye S'" 1775 John Shepard Son of William Shepard & Elizabeth his wife Born January y* 2P' 1777 Mary Smith Daughtor of Joseph Smith & Exspearance his wife Born June ye 23'' 1760 Joseph Smith Son of Joseph Smith and Exspearance liis wife Born Octob^ y* 8"^ 1752 Lydia Smith Dauffhtor of Joseph Smith & Exspearance his wife Born January ye lOt'i n63 Exspearance Smith Daughtor of Joseph Smith & Exspearance his wife Born June ye 5"* 1765 Zuba Smith Daughtor of Joseph Smith and Exspearance his wife Bora De- cemb'' ye 25''^ 1767 Edward Shall Son of Edward Shail Ju' & Elizabeth his wife Born August y« 27"* 1777 Michael Smith Son of Asahel Smith & Sarah his wife Born August y* 13 1778 Joseph Shepard Son of Sam' Shepard & Ruth his wife Born July y* 7"^ 1778 Otis Smith Son of Jesse Smith & Lois his wife Born June ye 16"" 1780 Hannah Shepard Daughtor of Samuel Shepard & Ruth his wife Born Novemb' ye 10"' 1781 Ebcnezer'Billings Sumner Son of Roger Sumner & Jerasha his wife Born No- vember 7"* 1778 Elizabeth Sumner Daughtor of Roger Sumner & Jerasha his wife Born March v« 27 1781 Mary Smith Daughtor of Asahel Smith & Sarah his wife Born January y« 16 1776 115 Asahel Smith Son of Joseph Smith y« -i"" & Hannah his wife Born February y« 11"' 1782 Marcy Sumner Daughtor of David Sumner & Marcy his wife Born august the lO"' 1777 Sally Shepard Daughtor of Sam^ Shepard & Ruth his wife Born July y« 23"^ 1783 Macy Smith Son of Jesse Smith and Lois his wife Born October y^ 2 1785 Asa Otis Smith Son of Joseph Smith y* 4^ & Hannah his wife Born July y« 31" 1784 See page 58 48 Anna Wentworth Daughtor of Stephen wentworth & Abigail his wife Boi'u febniary y* 14 1774 Elizabeth wentworth Daughtor of Stephen wentworth & Abigail his wife Born may 12"^ 1776 Joanna Withington Daughtor of JMothar Withington & Joanna his wife Born May ye 11"" 1776 Phebee Wadsworth Daughtor of Christepher "Wadsworth & abigail liis wife Born April y' 29"^ 1778 Elijah "Wentworth Son of Elijah Wentworth and Rebecca his wafe Born Sep- temb' y« 26^ 1776 Phebee Wadsworth Daughtor of Christopher & Abigail Wadsworth Born April y« 29"^ 1778 Nathan Wadsworth Son of Recompence Wadsworth & Abigail his wife Born March y* 19a> 1779 Phebe Wadsworth Daughtor of Christepher Wadsworth & xVbigail his wife Born Octob"- y« 16 1779 Mehetibel Wentworth Daughtor of Isaac Wentworth & Jerusha his wife Born April ye 18«' 1769 Phenias Wentworth Son of Isaac Wentworth & Jerusha his wife Boi-n Novemb' ye 17th 1774 Isaac Wentworth Son of Isaac Wentworth and Jerusha his wife Born July y* 22* 1777 ^ Sam' Waters Son of Zebalon Waters & Alice his wife Born Octob'' y^ C'^ 1770 Moley Waters Daughtor of Zebalon Waters & & alice his wife Born April y* 6"^ 1773 Cloah Waters Daughtor of Zebalon Waters & alice his wife born Septemb' y* 19*^ 1775 Nancv Wisier Daughtor of Michael Wisier & Elizabeth his wife Born April y* 30 1780. Rebecca Wadsworth Daughtor of Christepher Wadsworth & Abigail his wife Born February y^ 23^ 1783 Ruth Wadsworth Daughtor of Recompence Wadsworth & Abigail his wife Died february y^ 2^ 1784 William Wentworth Son of Isaac Wentworth & Jerusha his wife Born Sep- tember ye 2^ 1781 Ilebeckah Shepai-d Wentworth Daughtor of Isaac Wentworth & Jerusha his wife Born November y^ 12 1783 Stephen Wentworth Son of Stephen Weutworth and Abigail his wife born February y* IS"' 1779 Unice Wentworth Daughter of Stephen Wentwoi'th and Abigail his wife born January y* 7"^ 1782 Lydia Wentworth Daughter of Stephen Wentworth and Abigail his wife born August ye 4"^ 1784 Sally Wales Daughter of Samuel Wales & Elizabeth his wife Born at Stough- ton Fryday y* 8"* of February 1788 See page 59 49 Sam' Talbot Son of Sam' Talbot and Mary his wife Born Septemb' y* 15 1778 Ebenezer Thomson Son of David Thomson and Sarah his wife Born Decemb'' ye 21«< 1776 116 Joel Tilden Son of Ezra Tilden and Sarah his wife Born Decemb' y« 14«* 1779 Polly Talbot Daughtor of Sam^ Talbot & Mary his wife Born May y« 20"> 1780 Ebenezer Taunt Son of Ebenezer Taunt & Elizabeth his wife Born february y« 27 1769 Sarah Taunt Daughtor of Ebener Taunt & Elizabeth his wife Born August ye 24'" 1770 Elizabeth Taunt Dauglitor of Ebenezer Taunt & Elizabeth his wife Born Sep- temb'" y« S"* 1772 PoUey Taunt Daugiitor of Ebenezer Taunt & Elizabeth his wife Bora June y* 18'" 1775 Nancy Taunt Daughtor of Ebenezer Taunt & Elizabeth his wife Born Novemb*" y* 21 1776 Lydia Tilden Daughtor of "William Tilden & Maiy liis wife Born June v* 28 1780 Benjamin Tilden Son of William Tilden & Mary his wife Born february y* 2P« 1782 Sarah Tilden Daughtor of Ezra Tilden and Sarah his wife Born June y* 22'* 1784 Peter Talbot Son of Sam' Talbot & Marj- his wife Born June y« 30 1783 James Talbot Son of Samuel Talbot & Mary his wife Born august v* 31" 1785 Polly Tilden Daughter of Ezra Tilden & sarah his wife Born Oct"' y« 20 AD 1786. Nathan Tucker Son of Benjamin Tucker & Jane his wife Born April y« 24 1774 Benjamin Tucker Son of Benj° Tucker & Jane his wife Born Septemb' y* 20 1776 Susanah Tucker Daughtor of Benj'^ Tucker & Jane his wife Born May y« 6 1778 Jesse Tucker son of Benjamin Tucker and Jane his wife Born July y« 14 1780 Jane Tucker Daughtor of Benjamin Tucker & Jane his wife Born July y« 23"* 1783 Jeramiah Tucker Son of Benj° Tucker & Jane his wife Born may y« 6'" 1785 See page 67 50 Mary Autherton Daughtor of John Atherton & Mary his wife Born March y« 20"» 1776 Rachel Atherton Daughtor of John Atherton and Maiy his wife Born Mayy« o^ 1778 Polly Allen Daughter of James Allen and Anna his wife Born Decemb' y* 25 1779 Rachel Allen Daughtor of James Allen and Anna his wife Born November y« 9">1781 Elijah Atherton Son of John Ather and Mary Ids wife Born July y« 25"» 1780 Samuel Atherton Sou of John Atherton and Mary his wife Born September y* 19*^ 1784 Ebenezer Allen Son of James Allen & Anna his wife Born May y« 23* 1784 Mary Atherton Daughter of John Atherton & mary liis wife Born December ye 1« 1786 Nathan Autherton Son of John Atherton & mary his wife Born October 26 1788 Lois Allen Daughter of Tho' Allen & Lois his wife was born June P' 1788 Thomas Allen Son of Thomas Allen & Lois his wife born May 5"^ 1792 Samuel Allen Son of Seth Allen & Jemima his wife born Feb' 25"* 1770 Molly Allen Daughter of D born Sep' 4'" 1771 Eether Allen D" of D" D Feb 7"^ 1774 Aaua Allen D of D D Apr' 12'" 1778 Rebecca Allen D° of D° Dec' g"* 1784 Jaraes Allen Son of James Allen & Anna his wife born Apr' 14"» 1787 Barna Allen Son of D born Nov 17'" 1789 117 Nathan Allen son of D born Oct^ U'" 1792 Thompson Allen son of D° born March 13 1795 Mary Adams Daughter of Rev* Jedidiah Adams & Mary his Wife born Feb- ruary 24. 1751. Anna Allen Daughter of M' James Allen & Anna Ms Wife born Jan'y lO'^^ 1798 5 1 Isaac Morse Sou of John Morse & Martha his wife Born August y« 19^ 1781 Ruthe Morse Daughtor of Asa Morse and Hannah his wife Born Decemb^ v« 6"'1780 Henry Morse Son of Henry Morse Ju' & Loes his wife Born December v* 18'^ 1780 Elias Monk Son of Elias Monk and Elizabeth his wife Born June y« 26 1753 Jesse Monk Son of Elias Monk and Elizabeth his wife Born March y* 27 1761 David Mero Son of Josiah Mero & Mirium his wife Born Februaiy y* 3 1781 Zenas Mero Son of Josiah Mero & Mirium his wife Born January y« 13 1783 ' Wendal Morton Son of Isaac Morton & Hannah his wife Born May y« 1" 1782 \ Otis Morton Son of Isaac Morton and Hannah his wife Born January v* 30'" 1784 James Morse Son of Asa Morse & Hannah his wife Born february y* 21'« 1783 Susanna Monk Daughtor of William Monk & Mary his wife Born July y'' 20 1765 William Monk Son of William Monk & mary his wife born July y« 9 1767 Josiah Monk Son of AVilliam Monk & Mary his wife Born December y« 4 1771 Lemvel Monk Son of AVilliam Monk and Mary his wife Born May y« 7 1769 Sam' Monk Son of AVilliam Monk & Mary his wife Born September y= 3'^ 1773 Ziba Monk Son of AVilliam Monk and Mary his wife Born September y« 18 1776 Elijah Morse Son of Henry Morse Ju' & Loes his wife Born January y« 19"» 1783 Amity Morse Daughtor of Henry Morse Ju' & Loes his wife Born March y« 15'" 1785 Mary Monk Daughtor of Eliphalet Monk Ju'' & Mary his wife Born March y« 11"^ 1784 Adam Morse Son of Asa Morse & Hannah his wife Born SeptemV y« 24 1785 See page 60 52 Sewell Hodges Son of Benjamin Hodges and Esther his wife Born Febru- ary y« 3d 1773 Daniel Hodges Son of Benjamin Hodges & Esther his wife Born January y« 28"! 1775 Esther Hodges Daughter of Benjamin Hodges & Esther his wife Born august y« 28 1777 A/'esture Holmes Daugh of Sam' Holmes Ju^ & Rachel his wife Born July y« 10'" 1782 Michal Henry Son of Michal Henry & Keziah liis wife Born December y« 22 1782 Sarah Henry Daughtor of William Henry & Elizabeth his wife Born Novem- ber ye 22'! 1778 Phebe Henry Daughtor of William Henry & Elizabeth his wife Born October r 28"> 1782 Philip Holmes Son of Philip Holmes Ju'' and Hannah his wife Born February y« 22^ 1779 Mary Holmes Daughtor of Philip Holmes Ju' & Hannah his wife Born Feb- ruary y« 2o^ 1781 Huldah Holmes Daughtor of Philip Holmes Ju' & Hannah his wife Born Feb- ruary ye 25 1783 118 Polly Harden Daughter of Moses Harden & Bethiah his wife Born April y* 20^ 1783 Melinda Holbrook Daughtor of William Holbrook & Melatiah his wife Born June y« 2'J"' 1782 Elizabeth Holbrook Daughter of AVilliam Holbrook & Melatiah his wife Born March y^ 6"» 1784. Moses Havden Son of Moses Hayden & Bethiah his wife Born January y« 1" 1785 Aiuia Horton Daughter of Levi Hortou and Anna his wife Born y* 11"^ of February A D 1763 William Holbrook Son of William Holbrook and jVIiletiah his wife Born 1' of April A D 1786 Corafoii; Henry Daughter of Joseph Henry & Hannah his wife born January ye l" 1787 Rebeckah Hawse daughter of Elisha Hawse & Sarah his wife born July 29'" 1783 John Hawse Son of Elisha Hawse & Sarah his wife born Januaiy 20"> 1786 Kathan Henry Son of William Henry and Elizabeth his wife was born at Stough- tonSaterday y* 6"'day of Ocf 1787 See page 62 63 Elisha Gay Son of Peter Gay & Hannah his wife Born April y« 30 1768 Jabez Gay Son of Peter Gay and Hannah his wife Born Octob' y« 11 1770 William Gay Son of Peter Gay & Hannah his wife Born Septemb' y* 17 1772 Keziah Gav Daughter of Peter Gay & Hannah his wife Born Septemb' y* 29 17*74 Peter and Seth Gay Sons of Peter Gay and Hannah his wife Born March v* 27 1776 David Gay Son of Peter Gay and Mary his Wife Born January y® 27 1777 Hannah Gay Daughter of Peter Gay and Mary his wife Bern may y* 19 1778 Zubah Gay Daughter of Peter Gay and Mary his wife Born April y*-' 10 1780 Lydia Gay Daughter of Peter Gay & Maiy his wife Born November y« 6 1781 Mary Gay Daughter of Moses Gay & Mary his wife Born Sept y* 6 1782 Barney Gay Son of Hezekiah Gay & Lydia his wife Born January y« 3^ 1782 Loes Guild Daughter of Moses Guid & Rhoda his wife Born Novemb' y* 6"^ 1753 Moses Guild Son of Moses Guild and Rhoda his wife Born July y^ 20 1755 Phebe Gay Daughter of Moses Gay and Mary his wife Bern May y^ 12 1784 Jesse Gay Sen of TimothvGay & Elizabeth his wife Born November y« 12"* 1777 Ruth Gay Daughter of Timothy Gay and Elizabeth liis wife Born August y« 13^^ 1779 Otis Gay Son of Timothy Gay & Elizabeth his wife Born November y* 6"» 1781 Sally Gav Daughter of Timothy Gav and Elizabeth his wife Born June y* 8"" "1783 Azabah Gay Daughter of Timothy Gay and Amaty his wife was Born Septem- ber 13"" 1774 See page 55 54 Sarah Bird Daughter of Lemuel Bird and Sarah his wife Born September ye pt 1774 Nathan Bird Sen of Lemuel Bird & Sarah his wife Born Julyy® 5"" 1776 Sally Bird Daughter of Lemuel Bird and Sarah his wife Born November y* IS"" 1777 Lemuel Bird Sen of Lemuel Bird and Sarah his wife Born March y« 16"' 1780 Nancy Bird Daughter of Lemuel Bird and Sarah his wife Born October y" 11'^ 1783 William Bent Son of William Bent & Chloe his wife Born December y* 27"' 1773 William Bent Son of William Bent & Chloe his wife Born Born November ye 13th 1775 119 James Bent Son of William Bent and Chloe his wife Born february y« IS*"* 1778 Chloe Bent Daughtor of "William Bent & Chloe his wife Born March y* 9"» 1781 James Bent Son of AVilliam Bent & Chloe his wife Born December y* 31»* 1784 Hannah Bailey Daughtor of Henry Bailey & Submit his wife born August ye 31 1762 Jonathan Battles Son of Jonathan Battles & Hannah his wife born July the 17"> 1786 Joel Briggs Son of the Eev'd M' Joel Briggs and Hannah his wife Born July ye 6'" 1785 ■Otis Briggs Son of the Rev. M' Joel Briggs and Hannah his wife Born March ye gth 1787 Lydia Bailey Daughter of Henry Bailey and Susanna his wife born at Stough- ton Thursday the 25"> of Sept' 1788 Joseph & Benjamin Battles Sons of Jonathan Battles & Hannah his wife was bom July 27'^ 1790 Hannah Battles Daughter of Jonathan Battles & Hannah his wife was born May 17"'1788 Thomas Bi-iggs Son of y* Rev^ Joel Briggs & Hannah his wife born Jan^ W^ 1789 Hannah Bi'iggs Daughter of do born June lO"' 1791 Polly Sprague Briggs Daughter of d° born July 13"" 1793 Avary Briggs Son of d° born July 5"' 1795 See page 6 1 55 Azuba Gav Daughtor Lemuel Gav & Abigail his wife Born October y' lo^^ 1770 PoUe Gay Daughtor of Lemuel Gav & Abigail his wife Born December y* 19 1772 Elijah Gay Son of Lemuel Gay & Abigail his wife born April y" 18*" 1775 Rebeckah Gay Daughtor of Lemuel Gay & his wife Boi-n august y* 30"^ 1780 Mace Gay Son of Lemuel Gay and Abigail his wife Born July y* 16^ 1783 Thomas Gooch son of James Gooch and Mary his wife Born 10"» of February AD 1782 Mary Gooch Daughter of James Gooch and Mary his wife Born 5"^ of Feb- ruary AD 1784 Moses Gay Son of Moses Gay & mary his wife Born April y* 8*^ 1786 Hannah Gooch Daughter of James Gooch & Mary his wife born January 18"» 1787-18"^ 1787 Israel Guild Son of John Guild and Thankful his wife born December the 20"^ 1766 Hannah Gay Daughter of Moses Gay and Mary his wife born March 29**" 1788 Isaac Gay Son of Lemuel Gay & Abigail his wife was born Sep* lO*** 1786 Lemuel Gay Son of Lemuel Gay & Abigail his wife was born May 1^*1790 Jane Gay Daughter of Asa Gay & Sarah his wife was born May 6'^ 1790 Joanna Gav Daughter of D° born Dec^ 29*" 1792 John Gay Son of M' Lem' Gay & Abigail his Wife was born May y* 20*^1 1792 Elizabeth Gay daughter of Moses Gay and Marv his wife was Born May 31«* 1790. 56 Nancv Davenport Daughter of Jesse Davenport and Hannah his "Wife Born December y' 16*^ A D 1784 Lois Davenport Daughter of John Davenport Junior and Loies his Wife Born Sept' 16*" A D 1768 Mehitable Davenport Daughter of John Davenport J' and Lois his Wife Born 22^ of April 1771 120 Sarah Davenport Daughter of John Davenport J' and Lois liis Wife Born 5'" June A D 1773 Samuel Davenport eon of John Davenport J' and Lois his Wife Born 20"* of August A D 1776 Mace Drake Son of Elias Drake and Molley his wife Born August y* 25"" 1785 NathAn Drake Son of Nathan Drake & Jemima his wife born Nov' SO'*' 1760 Bethuel Drake Son of Nathan Drake & Jemima his wife born April e*" 1763 Asa Drake Son of Nathan Drake & Jemima his wife Born December IS"' 1765 Enoch Drake Son of Nathan Drake & Jemima his wife born December 31'» 1767 Kezia Drake Daughter of Nathan Drake & Jemima his wife born August 12"^ 1772 Stephen Drake Son of Nathan Drake & Jemima his wife born May 12'" 1775 Ruthy Davenport Daughter of Lemuel Davenport & Patiance his wife born April the 5^ 1785 Ellis Davenport Son of Lemuel Davenport & Patiance his wife born April y« 17^^ 1787 Reuben Drake Son of Elias Drake & Molley his wife was born Dec' 6«' 1790 Cyntha Downs Daughter of Edward Downs & Rhoda his wife born Jan 'j"> 1787 Cyntha Down Dauffhter of D born Oct' 30* 1788 Sally Downs Daughter of Oliver Downs & llipsiba Taunt born Jany 10"> 1787 57 Solomon Talbot Son of Jabez Tolbot and Susanna his wife Born at Stough- ton, Tuesday y« 28"> of Nov' 1786 John Talbot Son of Samuel Talbot & Mary his wife Born at Stoughton Thurs- day y'22'J of Nov' 1787 Jabez Talbot Son of Jabez Talbot and Susanna Ids wife born at Stoughton Monday the 25"> of August 1788 Abel Tilden Son of Ezra Tilden and Sarah his wife Born Octob' y^ 6 1789 Joel Talbott Son of Samuel Talbott & Mary his wife born Mar" 4'" 1790 Salome Talbott Daughter of David Talbott & Mehitable his wife was born Feb' 16"^ 1791. Calvan Talbott Son of Samuel Talbott & Mary his wife was bot-n July 29*" 1792 Jonathan Tilden Son of Josiah Tilden & Prudence his wife was born Mar'' 12» 1788 Polly Tilden Daughter of Josiah Tilden & Prudence his wife was born Mar'' 14" 1791 Benj° Talbott Son of Isaac Talbott & Susanna his wife was born Aug' 28" 1777 Daniel Talbott Son of D« born Feb' 19" 1782 Betty Talbott Daughter of D" born Jan 17" 1784 Sarah Talbott Dauffhter of D born Jan 5" 1786 Rhoda Taunt Daughter of John Taunt & Hipsibah his wife born Augs* 29 1758 Naomi Taunt Daughter of D° born Aug 6" 1760 John Taunt Son of D" born July 23^ 1771 Samuel Taunt Son of D° born Dec' 1»' 1780 Asa Tisdale son of Asa Tisdale of Easton & Elizabeth Hartwel Stoughton born Dec' 29" 1785 Josiah Tilden J' Son of Josiah Tilden & Pinidence his wife born Oct' 231 1793 58 Francis Smith Son of Joseph Smith y« 4'" and Hannah his wife was born at Stoughton Mondav v« 21»' day of May 1787 Consider Southworth Son of Cap* Jedidiah Southworth and Mary his wife Born at Stoughton Saturday y« 8'" dav of April 1775 Betty Southwoi-th Daughtor of Cap' Jedidiah Southworth & Mary his wife Born at Stoughton Lords-day y* 8*" day of March 1778 121 Polyglotta Southworth Dauglitci' of Cap* Jedidiah Soutliworth & Mary his wife Born at Stoiightoii Thursday April 20^^* 1780 .Constant Southworth Son of Cap' Jedidiah Solhwortli & Alary his wife Boi-:i at Stougliton Tuesday March y^ 4*'' 1783 Jacob Shepard Son of Jacob Shepard and Bathshebahis wife born Nov"" y^ 13''> 1770 Bathsheba Shepard daughter of Jacob Shepard and Batlisheba his wife Born July y« 'J^ 1772 Isaac Shepard Son of Jacob Shepard and Bathsheba his wife Born September y^ 12"> 1774 Sally Stone Daughtor of Daniel Stone & Sarah his wife Born Api-ii y'' 4"^ 1788 on fi'iday ■ Elijah Smith Sou to \yilliam Smith & Katherine his wife was Born June 10*'' 1754 Kezia Smith Daughter of Seth Smith & Mary his wife was Born July 5"" 1766 Salome Smith Daughter of D° was Born March 30"^ 1768 Hannah Smith D« of D° was born Jany 24"i 1771 Damarias Smith D° of D" was Born May 7"^ 1773 William Smith Son of D" was Born Ap' 15^ 1775 Seth Smith D° of D° was Born May G"' 1777 George Smith D° of D° was Born Ap' 8* 1779 Uriah Smith D° of D° was Born Aug' 6^^ 1783 Marcus Smith Son of Lemuel Smith & Martha his wife was born June 15*'^ 1791 Sally Sumner Daughter of Roger Siunner & Jerusha his wife was born March 21" 1785 Jobe Sumner Son of D" was Born March 2 S"! 1790 & Died 20'^ of Aug' 1790 Nancy Sherman Daughter of Jolni Sherman & Nancy his Wife boi-n Nov' 28"' 94 Lucinda Sherman daughter of d° born August 16'" 1796 See Page 144 59 Asa Waters Son of Asa Waters and Lidia his wife born at Stoughton Thursday December 14"^ 1786 Eunice Wentworth Daughter of Ebenezer Wentworth & Milatiah his wife born February 4'^' 1782 George Wentworth Son of Ebenezer Wentworth and Milatiah his wife born February 12'^ 1785 Limon Wentworth Son of Ebenezer Wentworth and Milatiah his wife born May 2^ 1788 Ruth Wentworth Daughtor of John & Melatiah wentworth Born May y« 21 1785 Mary Wentworth Daughtor of John Wentworth and Melatiah Iiis wife Born November y« 6 1787 Noah Withington Son of Bailey Withington & Sarah his wife Born September y« 4 1771 Elijah Witliington Son of Bailey Withington & Sarah his wife Born December y^ 21 1775 Henry Withington Son of Bailey Withington & Sarah his Wife Born June y® 15 1777 Mary Withington Daughtor of Bailey Withington and Sarah his wife Born Au- gust y« 18 1779 Samuel Withington Son of Bailey Withington & Sarah his wife Born July y« 21 1783 Sarah Withington Daughtor of Bailey Withington & Sarah his wife was Born September y« 10 1785 Samuel Wadsworth Son of David Wadsworth & Eleanor his wife was born June 24*^ 1789 Lewis Williams Son of Eenj° Williams & Mary his wife was born Ap' 4'" 1785 122 Lucv Williams Daughter of Benj° Williams & Mary liis wife was born Feb"" 12"» 1788 llokev Williams Daughter of Benj° Williams & Mary his wife was born Ap' 15"' 1789 Jason Wood Son of Ebon'' Wood & Jimima his wife born Ocf S'l" 1774 Azuba Wadsworth Daughter of David Wadsworth& Eleanor his wife was born Oct' 28'" 1791 Ebeaezer Williams son of Benjamin Williams & Mary his AVife born October ll'i' 1791 Achsa Williams Daughter of Benjamin Williams & Mary his Wife born De- cember 8'" 1793. 60 Elizabeth Morse Daughter of Samuel Morse and Lois his wife born Septem- ber IS"! 1769 Samuel Morse Son to Samuel Morse and Lois his wife born June 7'" 1771 Lois Morse Daughter to Samuel Morse and Lois his wife born July 2^^ 1773. Kebeckah Morse Daughter to Samuel Morse and Hannah his wife born De- cember 26«' 1783 Joel Esty Morse Son to Samuel Morse & Hannah lus wife born June ll"* 1787 (See Page 65) John Ogden Wadsworth Son of Elisha AV^adsworth & Parthania his AVife born December 24. 1794 Kecompence Wadsworth Sou of Elisha Wadsworth & Parthania his AVife born August 20'" 1796 Enoch AVhite Son of Enoch AAliite & Lowis his AA'ife born May 26'" 1794 , William Bradford AVaters Son of Zebulon AVaters & Zil])ah lus AA''ife born Au- gust o^ 1797 6 I Hannah Battles Daughtor of Jonathan Balles and Hannah his wife born May y= 17 1788 A return of Marriages by the Revd Edward Richmond Apnl 25*" 1799 1798 Mav 27'" Mr Nathaniel Gav to Miss Rebeckah Johnson both of Stoughton Oct' 18*" M' Turel Allen to Miss Sally Dersy both of Stoughton Ocf 11 M' Micah Richmond of Bridgwater to Miss Hannah Sumner of Stougliton jSTov' 25'" M' Ezra Talbot to Miss Nabby Belcher both of Stoughton 1799 Jaiuiary 24'" Mr Consider Southworth to Miss Polly Hixson both of Stoughton March 1 9*" M' Ho word Packard of Bridgwater to Miss Jane Capen of Stoughton The above persons ware married by me Edward Richmond Recorded by me John Atherton Jun' Town Clerk Marrid bv the ReV^ Edward Richmond June 18'" 1798 Blacks" Sipio Roby of Boston to Mary AVilliams of Stoughton Recorded by me April 25'" 1799 John Atherton J' Town Clerk 62 AA'illiam Hall Son of AVilliam Hall & Mary his wife Born Mav v* 12 1787 John Hall Son of AA^illiam Hall & Mary his wife Born November y« 2^ 1788 Olive Pendergrass Daughter of John I'eudergrass & Olive his AVife born Dec' 4'" 1774 Rebecca Daughter of d** born July 21" 1777 Susanna dauirhter of d" born Feb"^ 2'^ 1780 Sarah daughter of d» born Dec 2*^ 1782 Jolm Son of d° born Feb'? 7*" 1786 Nathan Son of d" born Julv 26'" 1788 Samuel Son of d» bora Oct'" 16'" 1790 Isaac Son of d<» born Dec' 2" 1793 Lucy Daughter of d» born Feb'^ 16 1796 Pollv Poiter Daughter of Libeus Porter & Polly his AVife born Sep* 28*" 1795 123 Patty Daughter of d» born Sept 20"> 1795 Susannah Peudergrass Daughter of John Pendergrass & Olive his Wife born March 12"' 1772 & died April 1772 Nancy Peudergrass Daughter of D" born July 23'* 1798 M^ Moses Gay Died Feb'y 17'" 1800 63 Elijah Crane Son to Elijah Crane & Desire his wife was born Sept' 13*" 1786 PhiUp Crane Son to Elijah Crane & Desire his wife was born Oct' 26"' 1788 John Thomas Crane Son of Elijah Crane & Desire Ms wife was born March 21'' 1791 Harriat Crane Daughter of Elijah Crane & Desire his wife born March 26'>» 1793 Becka page Daughter of M' Charles Page & Miss Hannah Page his AVife born Nov' 17"' 1776 Hannah Daughter of M' Charles Page & M" Hannah Page his Wife born Jan"? 24"' 1778 Charles Son of D" & Mary his Wife born July 2'' 1781 Hannah Daughter of D° born July 28*^ 1779 Betsa Daughter of D° born July 29'^' 1783 Thomas Son of D° born NoV 15'^ 1785 Polly Daughter of D" born Sept' 17'^ 1788 Samuel Son of D^ born Nov' e'" 1790 William Son of D« born May 20"' 1793 Elisha Son of D« born April 3<» 1796 Sarah Daughter of Ditto born Sepi 20'" 1798 Elisha Son of Ditto born Mav •d'^ 1801 Abigail Daughter of Ditto born Nov' 1^' 1803 & Died Nov' 17''' 1805 Joanna Wales Page Daughter of Ditto born June 17'" 1806 64 Joseph Henrv Son of Joseph Henry & his wife was born March 9'" 1788 Benj" Henrv Son to Joseph Henrv & his wife was born Apr' 5'" 1790 Nancv Holmes Daughter of John Holmes 2^ & Patience his wife was born Dec' et" 1785 Patience Holmes Daughter of John Holmes 2'* & Patience his wife was born Ap' 28'*' 1787 Samuel Gibbens Holmes Son of John Holmes 2^ & Patience his wife was born March 16'" 1790 Lydia Holmes Daughter of John Holmes 2^ & Patience his wife was born Jan? 17"' 1792 Nathan Holmes Son of Mather Holmes & Silence born Ap' 23* 1780 Milly Holmes Daughter of D» born Dec' 28'" 1781 Hannah Holmes Daughter of D" born Oct' 30'" 1784 Silva Hohnes Daughter of D» born Ap' 7*' 1787 Tila Holmes Daughter of D° born June 26 1789 Ezekiel Holmes Son of D" born Api 2" 1792 Jei-usha Holmes Daughter of Philip Holmes J' and Hannah his wife born Feb' 6" 1785 Lewis Holmes Son of D" born Feb' 18«' 1787 William Hohnes Son of Benj" Holmes & Rachel his wife born Nov' 3^ 1785 Hannah Hemy Daughter of Joseph Henry & Lydia his wife born March 1»* 1794 Bela Howard Son of Alfred Howard & Sevine his Wife was born June 30'" 1794 65 John Morton Son of Ambrose Morton & Sarah his wife was born Oct' 17'" 1784 - Eleazor Morton Son of Ambrose Morton & Sarah his wife was born Augt 1* 1786 124 Ambros;e Morton Son of Ambrose Morton & Sarah liis wife was born Augt 12"" 1788 Sarah Morton Daughter of Ambrose Morton & Sarah his wife w^as born Apr^ 16tb 17yO z Anna Monk Daughter of Elijah Monk & anne his wife born May 10'' 1778 Sarah Monk Daughter of Do born March 2 P' 1780 John Monk Son of D" born Apr' 1^» 1782 -Elijah Monk Sou of D" born Aug» 271^ 1781 Nabbe Monk Daughter of D° born Aug' ll^^ 1786 - Zilhpa Monk Daughter of D" born Feb' S^ 1789 Deborah Monk Daughter of D« born July 22'i 1791 Deborah Mitchel Daughter of Thomas Mitchel & Jane his wife born June 22^ 1782 Pollv Mitchel Daughter of D» born Do' 26'> 1785 Doly Mitchel Son of D» born Sep' 10^ 1787 Kebecca Daughter of D" born Oct' 27 1791 V Joel Morton & Lowel Morton Sons of Ambrose Morton & Sarah his wife born November 9"^ 1791 V Sopliia Morton Daughter of M' Seth Morton «fc Jerusha his Wife born Nov' 6^^ 1795 Pollv Marshall Daughter of M' Benj" Marshall & his Wife born 3<' July 1788 Betsy Daughter of D" born 21 July 1791 See page 68 66 Pliinehas Upham Son of Amos Upham & Lucy lus Wife was born Feb' 22^ 1790 Joel Upham Son of Amos Upham & Lucy his Wife was born September 6'^ 1793 Elizabeth Upham daughter of Amos Upham & Lucy liis Wife was born De- cember 4"" 1795 Ansel Son of W" Harres & Vashty his Wife born Oct' 9"> 1796 Unice Daughter of D" Born August 6^^^ 1798 A purpose of Marriage between Mr Peter Slouen of Milton & Miss Nanc Bird of Stoughton entered Feb'y 7"^ 1800 67 Fally Wales Daughter of Joshua Wales & Elisabeth his wife born Dec' 4*^ 1778 Sallv Wales Daughter of D» born Apr^ 16'" 1781 - Joshua Wales Son of D« born Feb' IS^ 1783 Nabbey Wales Daughter of D" born Nov 7'i 1784 Betsey Wales Daughter of D» D» Augt 3'^ 1786 -Nath' AV^ales Son of D D Sep' IP" 1788 Johannah Wales Daughter of D D July loi^ 1791 Thomas Wales Son of Nathaniel Wales & Sarah liis wife born March 3P' 1753 Phebe Wales Daughter of Joshua Wales & Elisabeth his wife born June 2 P' 1793 Jesse Wadsworth Son of Christopher Wadsworth J' & Ruth his wife born Sep' 28'h 1788 Ephraim Wales son of Samuel Wales 2"^ & Lydia his wife born Jan^ 29"" 1794 Nancy VVaters born November 25. 1794 Daughter of Zibulun Waters & Zilpah his Wife 68 Lydia Lothrop Monk Daughter of Enoch Monk & Tiley his Wife born 12 August 1786 Susannah Snell Daughter of d" born May 13 1788 Tiley Willis Daughter of d° born April 15 1789 Enoch Son of d" born 21 July 1791 Nathan Son of Jacob Monk & Mille liis Wife bomapril 6«> 1797 George Randal Son of D" born March 23'^ 1799 V Lovicee Morton Daughter of M' Seth Morton & Jerusha hie Wife was born March 10"" 1798 125 69 I^aac Ftoyall Esq-" of Stoughton Departed this Life Dece'"' y« 20''' 1761 Aged 79 yeais & 7 Monthes M" Elizabeth Royali >-^ Wife to Isaac Royall Esq' Departed this Life Dece*"" SQ'*' 1761 Aged 78 years & 9 Monthes Matthu Hobbs Died January y« 12"> 1762 in y^ 72^ year of his Age Experance Tohiian Widow to Thomas Tohnan Late of Stoughton Deces* Died Mav v<= 15"^ 1762 in y'= Og"* year of har Age Meridath Monk Wife to Benj«» Monk Died March y<^ 30'" 1762 in y« 21' year of har age Elizebeth Crane Wife to Dec^ Elihu Crane Died July y* 5»> 1762 in y« 40"^ year of har age Jedediah Tolbot Sun to Ebenezer Tolbot & Elizebeth his Wife Died March y« 21"' 1762 in y" 1' year of his age Mehitable Ma\- Daughter to Eleazer May Ju"" & Easther his Wife Died January ye 26"* 1762 In y^ 18"^ year of "har age Phinias May Sun to Eleazer May Ju^ & Easther his Wife Died Janu"^ y« 21' 1762 in the Eveventh Month of his age Nath" May Sun to Nath'' May & Mary his Wife Died By a fall from a horse August y^ 17"' 1759 In y^ U"" year of his age Mr John Puffer Died Febu' y'' 21' 1765 'in ye 66 year of his age Abel Wentworth Son of Cap' Sam^i Wentworth & Sarah His A\'ife Died Feb'' 5"* 1763 aged three years three months & Thirteen Days. Mr Dan^ Stone Died may y*"2'i 1762 Aged Eightey Four Years. Mary Homes wife of John Homes Died Decemb"" y^ 2 1766 Rachel Coplen wife of Jacob Coplen Died Novemb'' y<^ lU'" 1766 Mary Fisher Daughter of Ezekiel Fisher & Timothy Jones Died Sep' y<" 17"» 1761 & was 72 years old Sarah Wardsworth wife of Geo'' wardsworth Died April y« S"' 1768 John Wentworth Juner Died February y" 9"^ 1769 Ruthe Crosman Daughter to George Crosman & Sarah His wife Died January ye 20"^ 1770 aged Seven months & Twenty two days Jephthah Crane Son of Henry Crane & Abigail His wife Died January y« 29'^ 1756 Sarah Gill Daughtor of Benjamon Gill & Bethiah His wife Died May y« 25* 1762 Jemauel Shepard Son of Sam' Shepard & Ruth his wife Died may y« 4"* 1783 aged 18 years & 3 month 70 Ebenezer Talbot Died June 26"' 1764 in the 41 year of his age Robard Redmon Died Novemb^ y^ 5"^ 1760 John Redmon Son of Rob' Pvedmon & Mary his wife Died June y« 6"> 1761 Martha Liscome wife of Nemiah Luscomb Died May y^ 22 1763 Seth Billings Husband of Jerusha Billings Died August y« T^ 1766 Seth Billings Son of Seth Billings & Jerusha his wife Died August y« 2<» 1769 Sarah Stone Daughtor of llenrv Stone and Lvdiah His wife Died Octob' y« 11 1769 James Lvon Son of Theophilus Lvon and Anne his wife Died March y« 4"' 1770 Mary Talbot Daughtor of Peter Talbot and Mary His wife Died June y« 7"» 1770 in the 12"' 'S'ear of Her age Abigail Crane wife of Henrv Crane Died January y« 29"' 1772 Ruth Tilden Daughtor of Elijah Tildon & Ruth his wife Died March y* 6'" 1773 Clefford Belcher Died April y" 26 day 1773 Oliver Munk Son of BenjamouMunk and Ruth his wife Died March y« 8 1769. John Dickermon Died Februarv y"' 9 1759 in the 67 year of his age Marv Dickermon Died Januarv v« 11"' 1771 in the 78'" year of her age Joanna Lvon wife of Preserved Lvon Died Septemb"- ye 7'-' 1775 aged 87 years Levitt Johnson Son of Isaiah Johnson and Ruth his wife Died Sep' y" 15 1771 Anna Tisdale Daughter of Ebenezer Tisdule & Precillah his wife Died Decemb' y« 10 1766 126 Hannah Packard Daughter of Abiczer Packard & Mary his wife Died Novemb' y« 29 1775 Solomon Morse died October y* 7 : 1776 Joseph Wadsworth Son of Recomijence wadsworth & Hannah his wife Died Decemb' y^ 27 1776 M' Hezekiah Gay Died Septemb' y* 5 1774 he was then Kepresentative for y* Town Joanna Withing-tou wife of Mathar "Withington Died May y« 16''' 1776 Martha Whealer wife of William Whealer Jur. Died March y^ lO'*' 1773 William Whealer Died July y« 16 1773 William Madden Died february y« 15 1778 Son of John & charity Madden Levitt Johnson son of Isaiah & liuth Johnson Died february y" 8"» 1778 Sam' Talbot son of Sam' & Mary Talbot Died Septemb' y-^ 1" 1778 Lucy Talbot Daughtor to Sam' & Mary Talbot Died Septemb"' y« 4'^ 1778 Mary Tolbot Daughtor of Sam' & Mary Talbot Died Septemb' yM6 1778 Jesse WadsAVorth Son of Christepher & Abigail Wadsworth Died Sep' yMl 1778 Phebee Wadsworth Daughtor of Christepher & Abigail wadsworth Died Septemb' y« 27 1778 Hannah Endicutt Died May y« 23 1782 Betsy Johnson Daughter of Ezekiel Johnson and Elizabeth his wife Born at Stoughton Thursday y" 12* day of July 1787 Tho» Doty Johnson Son of ' Ezekiel Johnson & Elizabeth his wife Born April y« 17"> 1789 Lucy Johnson Daughter of Nathaniel Johnson & Sarah his wife born Sep' 17" 1792 Caleb Davis Jordan born May 22 Nehemiah Perry of Pembrook & Hannah Stoddard. October 16"^ David Hartwell & Catharine Bemis November 8* Josiah Curtis & Cloe Wentworth D° 10* John Wales of Bridgewater & Sukey Capen D° 14 Enoch Drake & Sarah Merion D" 30 Nath' Johnson & Sally Gay 1792 Feby 2^ Samuel Currel & Mille Blackman March 14'" Isaac Studson & Abigail Sumner April 6*^ Nathaniel Wentworth & Olive Capen IS"" John Wentworth & Polly Crane 22^ Jedidiah Southworth & Sarah Hewitt 26'^ Steephen Blake & Mary Tucker June 28* Jacob Stedson & Patience Smith July 1*' George Stone & Rebecca Bussey August 16''' Uriah Leonard & Polly Gridley 19^ Jesse Barber Wilcox Boston & Bulah Merion 23<* John Houghton & Sukey Dench September 20'^ John Blackman & Betsy Baker 1793 Feby 28"> Samuel Wales & Lvdia Badcock March 12'" Abner Bird & Polly Gay 74 1793 continued April 25'^ Benjamin Lewis & Hannah Fisher 128 June 27"^ Jesse Everett Wrentham & Eunice Hartwell July H"* Nathaniel Hill & Abigail Faringtoii September S** John Dunlip Dorchester & Widow Sarah Ilewit 179-t Jan^ 7'^ Appollos Hewit & Anna Bailey March 4"* Phinehas Beals Randolph & Lydia Kenney 23* John Hill Jun' & Sukey Billing both of Cambridge April 27. John Tant & Hannah Stearns June 29. Jesse Shepard & Sally Tucker July 2* Isaac Shaller & Eunice Kenney August IS"* Silas Kinsley & Prudence Bent Sepf 4-^^ John Sherman & Nancy Tucker Sept"^ M"" Lunnor Buckland & Miss Hannah Nuff Dec"" 4"^ Lebbeus Porter & PoUey Barstow Wrentham 1795 Jan' 5"> William Fitz Jerald Roxbury & Elizabeth Spurr 29, John Howai-d Bridgwater & Polly Gill April 19"* Benjamin Sylvester & Elizabeth Dickcnnan May 7. Joseph Holmes & Olive Bussey June 7"* Micah Shaller & Rachel Blackman August 27, Nathaniel French Boston & Joanna Downs Nov' 15, Luther May & Sarah Baker Dec' 24''' Benjamin Bisbee & Mille Vose 1798 Jany 2I»' Samuel AVTieeler & Phally Tucker 26 Abel Farington & Hannah Leonard May 1" Henry Morto Dorchester & Phebe Thompson Nov' 6"" Benjamin Holmes Sharon & Martha Talbot John Mathews Nantucket & Cloe Curtis Dec' IS*'* John Baker Sharon & Abigail Blake N, B, where the Town is not mentioned the persons are of Stoughton Attest Peter Adams Town Clerk 75 Susanna y« wife of Jabez Talbott died on Monday y« 29"* of March 1790 Elisha Capen son of Sam' Capen & Sarah his wife died Jan' 14'' 1766 M"- John Guild Died Nov"" y" 7'" 1791 aged 71 M' Richard Baily Died Nov' 22 1777 Aged 83 Eunice Bailey Died Dec' ig"* 1792 Stephen Gay Died Sep* 21' 1775 Jerusha Sumner Daughter of Roger Sumner & Jerusha Ills wife Died Dec 29'' 1779 Susanna Talbott Daughter of Isaac Talbott Died Ap' 25" 1790 Calvin Holmes Son of Philip Holmes J' & Hannah his wife Died Sep' 7" 1778 Cyntha Downs Daughter of Edward Down & Rhoda his wife Died Aug' 18" 1787 Miriam Downs wife of Edward Down Died Ap' 25"' 1777 Ruth Downs Died Ap' 22-« 77"' year of his age Joseph Richards died Apr' 1793 in y« 81" year of his age Joanna Gay Daughter of Asa Gav & Sarah his wife died Aug' 23'* 1794 M'» Thankfull Guild died July 24. 1794 aged 66 76 Damarias Smith Daughter of Seth Smith & Mary his wife Died Sep' 7" 1776 Salome Smith Daughter of D<' Died July 15" 1789 129 M" Rachel Capen Wife of M' Abraham Capen died Feb'? 26"" 1798 in y« 20"» year of her Age Wid'' llaehel Athertoii died August 19^ 1798 M' Recompiuce Wadsworth Died Nov' 8"* 1798 Mi-s Priscilla Smith Wife of M' Jesse Smith Jun' died April 20'" 1800 M^ Daniel Talbot Died March 9* 1788 Aged 78 Miss Hannah Gav wife of M' David Gay Died Sept' 21" 1791 Aged 79 Mis Elizabeth Talbot Wid« of George Talbot Esq Died April 30"' 1774 Aged 78 M' David Gay Died Decembar 7^^ 1794 Aged 87 Elizebeth Blake Died Nov' 1795 77 Elisha Capen son of Sam' Capen & Sarah his wife was born March 201^ 1757 Rachel Capen Daughter of Samuel Capen & Sarah his wife was born Sep* 11>» 1759 William Capen son of Sam^ Capen & Sarah his wife was born June 18^ 1763 Elisha Capen son of Sam' Capen & Sarah his wife was born May 5*^ 1768 Deborah Monk Daughter of Elijah Monk Died N"^' 26"^ 1792 Novem' Cynthia Wadsworth Daughter of George Wadsworth & Hannah his Wife bom June 14"^ 178G Sally Wadsworth Daughter of D" born June 28'!^ 1788 Hannah Wadsworth Daughter of D" born May 26"^ 1790 Deborah Wadsworth Daughter of D^ June 25'^ 1793 Jesse Wadsworth Son of Christopher Wadsworth Jun' & Ruth his Wife bom September 28«> 1788 Lucy Wadsworth Daughter of M' David Wadsworth and Eenor Ms Wife bom Sept' 17'h 1797 Abigail Drake AVadswortli Daughter of M' George Wadsworth & Hannah his AVife born August 19ti'"l797 Millv Gay Capen Daughter of Elisha Capen & Milly his Wife born Sept' 12"^ 1797 Elisha Son of D° born April lO'*" 1799 Thomas Curtis Son of WilUam Curtis and Deborah his Wife was born February 14'" 1757 78 Nathan^ Shepard son of Nathan' Shepard & Rhoda his wife born June 20'» 1790 Isaac Shepard Son of D" born March 1' 1783 Lemuel Shepard Son of D" born Feb' 4^ 1785 Rhoda Shepard Daughter of D» born Aug* 27" 1789 Angelet Crane Daughter of Luther Crane & Angelet his Wife born May 30"> 1785 & Died September 7"' 1785 Angelet Daughter of D« born August 23^ 1786 Polly D° of D» D° November 24"^ 1788 Rebekah D" of D° D" March U*^ 1791 Luther Crane Son of D° D» Dec' 27. 1792 Jeptha Crane Son of D° D" August 26'" 1794 Moses Curtis J' Son of M' Moses Curtis & Temperance his Wife born July 2'^ 1795 Temperance Curtis Daughter of Ditto born Janr? 13'" 1797 Abraham Capen J' Son of Abraham Capen & Rachel his Wife was born 10«» Feb'y 1798 and died April 2'* 1798 James Capen Son of James Capen & Elizabeth his Wife born Nov' 19*^ 1783 Asa Son of Ditto bora Nov' 8*" 1785 Samuel Son of Ditto born Oct' 19'" 1787 Susanna Daughter of Ditto born Oct' 23o 1789 Betsy Daughter of Ditto born Sept' 1 4'" 1791 Azel & Ansil Sons of D^ Twains born feb'^ 22* 1796 Zilpah Daughter of D" born Feb'y 19*" 1798 Jedidiah Son of D» born July 6'" 1793 130 79 Asa Gay Son of Aaron Gay & Obedience his wife was born July 24'' 1768 Nathan' Gay son of D°born Jan'21« 1770 Sarah Gay Daughter of D" born May 1^ 1772 Stephen Gay Son of D° born Aug' 5^ 1774 Aaron Gay Son of D» born Nov^ 30^ 1776 Lucv Gay Daughter of D» born Dec' 21" 1778 Fisher Gay Son of D" born Feb 27" 1785 Hannah Glover Dauarhter of Tho' Glover & Rebecca his wife born June 3^ 1756 Tho> Glover Son of D" born Dec' 29" 1757 Rachel Glover Daughter of D" born Jan' 15" 1761 Samuel Glover Son of D** born Feb' 6" 1763 Eben' Glover Son of D° born Feb' 2" 1765 Jerusha Glover Daughter of D° born Oc 28" 1766 Aanna Glover Daughter D" born Nov' 18" 1768 Elijah Glover Son of D born Ap' 20" 1770 Eunice Gay Daughter of Asa Gay & Sarah his wife born Aug' 24" 1794 Ira Giuld son of Isreal Giuld & Hannah his wife born May 8" 1794 Rebecca Krantzkee Daughter of John Charles Krantzkee & Mary his AVife born Feb? 15. 1780 Polly Daughter of D<> born August 29. 1781 Miriam Daughter of D" born Sept. 2^ 1783 Moses Fenno Sou of Moses Fenno & Mary his Wife born Jan^ 15. 1773 Caroline Daughter of M' Asa Gay & Sarah his AVife born Dec' 30«" 1796 80 Betse Littlefield Daughter of Nath' Littlefield J' & Rebecca his wife born Oct' 6" 1790 Nathaniel Littlefield Son of D^ born May 3« 1792 An Infant Son of Samuel Littlefield & Hannah his wife born Feb 27" 1783 & Died March y« 3* 1783 Dorathy Littlefield Daughter of D' born Ap> 2^ 1784 & Died March 30" 1786 Dorathy Littlefield Daughter of D** born May 28" 1786 Samuel Littlefield Son of D° born Aug' 27 1788 John Shepard Littlefield Son of D° born Nov' 8 1790 Charles Littlefield Son of D** born Jan 18" 1793 Lucy Palmer Richmond Daughter of y« Rev'^ Edward Richmond & Lucy hi& AVife was born September 16*" 1795 and died January 11*" 1796 Lucy Palmer Richmond daughter of d^ born February 20'" 1797 81 Elijah Belcher son of John Belcher & Abigail his AVife was born April 7^ 1776. Edward Belcher son of d° born July 14. 1778 Frank Battles Son of Jonathan Battles & Hannah his AVife was born May 14'" 1794 Cyrus Battles Son of D° born August 20*" 1796 Betsy Battles died October 1* 1795 aged 3 Years John Bird Son to M' Abner Bird & Polly his Wife born June 16'" 1793 Abigail Bird Daughter to D» born April 30'" 1796 Betsey Daughter of Lot Leach & Olive his Wife born May 191" 1797 Parna Bird Daughter of M' Lem' Bird & M" Sarah his AVife born 16'" Sept' 1784 Joanna Daughter of D" born Feb'? 28'" 1786 John Son of^d" born Oct' 12*" 1791 Hannah Daughter of D° born 28'" April 1794 Benjamin Son of d" born 9'" May 1797 Asa Bird Son of M' Benjamin Bird & Kesiah his Wife June 12'" 1765 Betsy Bartlett Daughter of M' Benjamin Bartlett & Susanna his AVife born. 7'" March 1770 Tho» Bird son of M' Sam' Bird & Sally his AVife born Janr? 13'" 1783 Sam' Son of D* born Jau'y 27^ 1786 Sally Daughter of D' born Oct' 29^" 1794 131 Laura Daughter of D" born March SO* 1800 82 Sally Bird Daughter of John Atherton Jun' and Sally his Wife bom Jau-^ 6'!' 1798 John Son of D° boru August 26"> 1799 An Intention of Marriage between M' Cirus Porter & Miss Rebeckah French both of Stoughton entered Nov'' 30'i> 1799 An intention of Marriage between M' Francis Keith of Bridgwater & Miss Meliuda Holbrook of Stoughton entered Dec"^ 16"* 1799 An intintiou of Marriage between M' Philip Smith & Mrs Ptuth Wadswoi-th both of Stoughton entered Dec' 2 P* 1799 An intention of Marriage between Cap' John French & Miss Eunice AVales both of btoughton entered Dec' 26"> 1799 An intention of Marriage between M' Ichabod Holbrook J' of Randolph & Miss Jerusha Pope of Stoughton entered March 30'*' IbOO 83 "William Blanchard son of "William Blanchard & his wife born October 13" 1771 John Blanchard son of D" D" March 23^ 1783 Samuel Blanchard son of D" D° May 30'" 1781 Betty Blanchard Daughter of D° D° May 9^ 1786 Seth Blanchard son of D° D° July ISi^ 1789 Elisha Blanchard son of D° D° Octo' 28"^ 1791 John Billing Son of John Billing & Sarah his wife born July 25" 1789 Jabez Billing son of D° & D° born Feb^ 11" 179-4 Rebecca Billing Daughter of Peter Billing & Rebecca his wife born Oct' 4*^ 1787 Polly Billing Daughter of D** & D" born Decern' V^ 1789 Rachel Billing Daughter of D" D" born May 8'^ 1792 James Blackman son of George Blackman & Ruth his wife born Nov' 1*' 1788 Ruthe Blackman Daughter of D» born 26'" of Nov' 1789 M'^ Hannah Holmes Wife of L' Philip Holmes Died June 13"^ 1799 M' Elijah Bird Died June 23 1765 The Intention of Marriage Betwen M^ Jacob Leonard of Stoughton & M" Molley Billing of Stoughtonham Entred Sep' y* 14"^ 1765 The Intention of Marriage Betwen M' William Henry and M" Elezebeth Hawse Both of Stoughton Entred Sep' y^ 28'" 1765 The Intention of Marriage Betwen I\I' Benj» Monk and M" Ruth Talbort Both of Stoughton Entred October y« 12"^ 1765 The Intention of Marriage Betwen Simion Leach & M" Elizebeth Curtis Both of Stoughton Entred October y« 19"» 1765 86 The Intention of Marriage Betwen M Peter Gay & M" Hannah Smith Both of Stoughton Entred October y^ 26'»i 1765 The lintention of Marriage Betwen M^ John Spear and M" Mary Wood Both of Stoughton Entred JS'ovember y^ 2* 1765 The Intentions of Marriage Betwen M' Leeland McTash of Milton & M" Sarah Briggs of Stoughton Entred November y" 2"* 1765 The Intentions of Marriage Betwen M' David White of Stoughtonham & Lois Morse of Stoughton Entred December y^ S"* 1765 The Intention of Marriage Betwen M' Jacob Coplend of Boston & Rachel Adams of Stoughton Entred November y^ 28"^ 1765 The Intention of Marriage Betwen M' John Stickne & Elizebeh Haword Both of Stoughton Entred December y« 7'^ 1765 The Intention of Marriage Betwen M' Theophilus Curtis Ju' of Stoughton & M" Mehetable Keith of Bridgwater Entred January y* 18"^ 1766 The Intention of Marriage Betwen M' Lemual Stoder of Boston & M" Marcy AVcntworth of Stoughton Entred March y^ 1' 1766 The Intention of Mai-riage Betwen M"' Abijah Jones of Stoughton & M" Ilannali Nash of Bridgewater Entred March y* 12'" 1766 A D The Intention of Marriage Between M' Benjamin Bartlett Jun'' of 176G Bridgewater & M" Susanna Hayden of Stoughton Enterd March y'' Nineteenth A: D: 1766. " Attes' W™ Royall Town Clerk, The Intention of marriage between M"" John Wentworth Jun' & M" Jerushah Lyon both of Stouirhton Enterd April y^ 3'^ 1766 Attes' W° Royall Town Clerk 87 The Intention of Marriage between Jonathan Wales of Stoughton & Abigail I'enuevman of Brantree Enterd May 16"* 1766 Attes' W" Royall Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage between Aaron Wentworth of Stoughton & Ruth Blackman of Stoughtonham Enterd June y* 21^ 1766, Attes' W"" Royall Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage between Jesse Dunbar & Mary Stone both of Stoughton, Enterd July y« 12'" 1766 Attes' W"> Royall Town Clerk The Intention c>f Manage between Uriah Atherton Jun' of Stoughton & Mary Savage of Stoughtonham Enterd July y« 21" A: D 1766 Attes' W" Rovall Town Clerk 133 The Intention of Manage between Fitch Gibens of Stoughton & Margaret Howard of Brantrec Enterd With Me The Subscriber y« 4*'' 1766. Attest W° Royall Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage between Nat" Pettengell of Stougton & Elizabeth Gamon Now Resident in Stoughton Enterd With me y« Subscriber Sep*"^ y« 23'! 1766 Attes^ W" Royall Town Clerk 88 The Intention of Marriasre between Eleazer Belcher & Elizabeth Morse both of Stoughton Entered With Me The Subscriber Nov^^ y« 10^^^ 1766 Attes' W™ Royall Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage between Seth Smith Ju' of Stoughton & Hannah Manly of Killengly in Conectiott Colleny Enterd With me The Subscriber Dec*" y^ 12"" 1766. Attes' W" Royall Town Clerk The Intention of Marriag between Nat" Davenport of Milton & Lydia Stone of Stoughton Was Enterd With me the Subscriber Feb'J- y« 7''> 1767. Attes"^ W" Royall Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage between Isaac Wentworth & Jerusha Wentworth both of Stoughton Enterd with me the Subscriber Feb'T' y« 7'" 1767 Attes-' AV"" Royall Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage between Samuel Capeu Jun' & Elizabeth Withington of Stoughton Enterd With Me the Subscriber Feb--? y« 14"^ 1767 Attes"^ W" Royall Town Clerk 89 The Intention of Marriage betwen Rob' Readmon and Mary Dunbar both of Stoughton Entred with me the Subscriber March y« 14"^ 1767 attest Geo' Crosman Town Clark The Intention of Marriage betwen Micajah Pope of Stoughton & Sarah Whitney of Brantrey Entred April y« 1 1767 attest Geo' Crosman Town Clark The Intention of Marriage betwen John Howard of Brantrey & Mary Vinting of Stoughton Entred with me the Subscriber April y« 17 : 1767 attes' George Crosman Town Clark The Intentions of Marriage between W" Tolmon and jamimy Pitcher both of Stoughton Entred with me y« Subscriber May y« 2^ 1767 Attes' George Crosman Town Clark The Intenton of Marriage betwen Aaron Gay and Obedience Fisher both of Stoughton Entred May y« 2o^ 1767 Attes' George Crosman Town Clark The Intentions of Marriage betwen Timothy Gay of Stoughton & Elizebeth Petty of AValpole Entred with me y^ Subscriber July y^ 24 1767 Attes' Geo"^ Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Mrriage Between Calap Kingmon of Brigewater and Fi-eelove Feuno of Stoughton Entred August y^ 8 1767 Attes' George Ci'osman Town Clei'k 90 The Intentions of Marriage Between George Stone and Rebeckah May both of Stoughton Entred August y« 8 1767 Attes' Geo. Crosman Town Clark The Intentions of Marriage Betwen Joseph Petty of Walepole and Mary Stickney of Stoughton Entred with me august y« 15"* 1767 Attes'' Geo' Crosman Town Clark The Intentions of Marriage Betwen John Sumner of Stoughton and Elizebeth Hayward of Braintree Entred w^ith me the Subscriber Decemb' y» 4"^ 1767 Attes' George Crosman Town Clark The Intentions of Marriage Between William Ford of Stoughton and Sarah Hayden of Braintree have ben Entred with me the Subscriber December y« 4"" A D. 1767 Attes' George Crosman Town Clerk The Intentions of Marriage Between Levi Taunt and Jerusha Billings Both of Stoughton Entred with me the Subscriber December y* 14"* 1767 Attes' George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between Moses Fenno Resident of Stoughton & Mary Pitcher of Stoughton Entred with me the Subscriber February y<= 12"" 1768 Attes' George Crosman Town Clerk 134 The Intention of Marriage Between James Andrews & Abigcl AYentworth Both of Stoug-hton Entrcd with mo y« Subscriber March y« 20"^ 1768 The Intention of Marriage Between Zephaniah Wood, of Stoughtonham & Mary Lyon of Stoughton Entred with me the Subscriber March y^ 20"' 1768 Attest George Crosnian Town Clerk The Intention of marriage Between Benjamon Jurdin Jun' and Anna Lyon Both of Stoughton Entred with me y« Subscriber April y« 9"' 1768 attest George Crosman Town Clerk 91 The Intentions of Marriage Between John Homes y« 3* of Stoughton and Elizebeth AVatkins of Easton ; Entred with me y" Subscriber May y« 21'' 1768 Attes^ George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of marriage Between Jonas llunals of Brigewater and Anna Perkins of Stoughton; Entred with me y^ Subscriber May y« 27"" 1768 The Intention of Marriage Between Jeramiah Beals & Mary French Both of Stoughton Entred with me y« Subscriber May y* 21'* 1768 Attes' George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between Stephen Blake & Chloe Wentworth Both of Stoughton Entred with me y« Subscriber June y« 18"^ 1768 The Intention of Marriage Between William Kilpatrick of Stoughton and Deborah Smith of Dedham Entred with me y« Subscriber June y« IS'*" 1768 The Intention of Marriage Between Enoch Leonard & Mary Wentworth Both of Stoughton Entred with me y* Subscriber June y" IS'** 1768 Attes^ George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between Nathaniel Farington of Booth Bay & Katharine Thomson of Stoughton Entred with me y« Subscriber July y« Ib^^ 1768 attest George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Betwen John Morse & Martha Smith Both of Stoughton Entred with me y« Subscriber August y« 27'" 1768 The Intention of Marriage Between Samuel Morse and Lois Wentworth Both of Stoughton Entred with me y« Subscriber August y« 27'" 1768 attest George Crosman Town Clerk 92 The Intention of Marriage Between Isaac Pratt of Stoughton and Mary Cooney of Walpole Entred with me y« Subscriber Octob' y« 1^' 1768 Attest George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between Ebenezer Taunt of Roxbury and Elizebeth Holmes of Stoughton Entred with me y« Subscrib' Novemb' y« 19'" 1768 Attest Geo^ Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between Jeremiah Vorse and Hannah Homes Both of Stoughton Entred with me the Subscriber Decemb' y* 24'" 1768 Attest George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between William Whealer Ju' and Martha Crane Both of Stoughton ; Entred with me the Subscriber Decemb'' y^ 3P' 1768 Attest Geo' Crosnian Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between Joshua Morse of Stoughton and Eve Farington Resident of Stoughton Entred With me the Subscriber January ye 14th 1769 The Intention of Marriage Between Janathan Randall of Easton and Amity Morse y<= 2" of Stoughton Entred with me y« Subscriber January y* 14*^ 1769 Attest George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between Timothy Raynold of Brigewater and Rebeckah Tolmon of Stoughton Entred with me y* Subscriber January y« 26'^ 1769 Attest Geo' Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between Seth Wood of Stoughton and Susanah Bill of Chelsee Entred with me y« Subscriber february y« 10'" 1769 Attest George Crosman Town Clerk 93 The Intention of Marriage Between Elijah Wentworth and Rebeckah Ci\\>u\ P.otli of Stoughton Entred with me the Subscriber February y' 18"^ 17G9 135 The Intention of Marriage Between Ralph Pope and Hannah Gav Both of Stoughton Entred with me y« Subscriber February y* !»''» 17G9 The Intention of Marriage Between Lemuel Gay of Stoughtou and Abigail Davenport of Milton Entred with me y« Subscriber February y* IS"' 1769 Attest George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of ^Marriage Between John Hawse Jun"^ of Stoughton and Amme Thayer of Braintree Entred With me y« Subscriber february y« 25"^ 1709 Attest George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between Jacob Morse of Stoughton and Sarah Welmon of Norton Entred With me y« Subscriber March y« 3"* 1769 The Intention of Marriage Between Eleazer Cole of Brigewater and Luce Shirtleif of Stoughtou Entred with me y« Subscriber March y^ 6^^ 1769 Attest George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between John Holmes y« 2^ of Stoughton and Hannah Badlam of Stoughtonham Entred with me y« Subscriber March y^ 25"^ 1769 The Intention of Marriage Between Jonathan Willis & Mary Packard Both of Stoughton Entred with me y* Subscriber March y^ 25"^ 1769. Attest George Crosman ToM^n Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between Mingo Robison Resident of Stoughton and Dina Mohoo of Stoughtou Entred with me y* Subscriber April y* « 8"^ 1769 Attest George Crosmau Town Clerk gj. The Intention of Marriage Between Cesar Elisha & Abbigil Mohoo Both ^ of Stoughton Entred with me y^ Subscriber April ye 15'^ 1769 •^ Attest George Crosman Town Clerk. 94 The Intention of Marriage Between Nathaniel Starns of Stoughtonham and Evince Keany of Stoughton Entred with me the Subscriber May y^ 13^^ 1''69 Attest George Cx'osman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between Isaac Billings and Mary McKindry Both of Stoughton Entred with me the Subscriber May y« 20''' 1769 Attest George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Mariage Between James Carter Resident in Stoughton and Mary Ducebary Blancher of Stoughton Entred with me \<' Subscriber May ye 22"^ 1769 attest George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between Silas Keany and Lydia Capin Both of Stoughton Entred with me y^ Subscriber June y* 24"^ 1769 attest George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between William Stone of Norton and Hannah Tolman of Stoughton, Entred with me y^ Subscriber July v« 8"* 1769 The Intention of Marriage Between John Atherton Jun"^' and Mary Addams Both of Stoughton Entred Avith me y« Subscriber July ye 8"^ 1769 attest George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between Joseph Morse Ju^ of Stoughton and Rachel Phillips of Easton Entred with me the Subscriber July ye 15''^ 1769 Attest George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between Stephen Gay and Pliebe Hodges Both of Stoughton Eutred with me ye Subscriber August ye 5 1769 Attest Geoige Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between Sam' Talbot and Mary fisher both of Stoughton have ben Entred with me the Subscriber August y* d^'^ 1769 Attest George Crosman Town Clerk 2 The Intention of Marriage Between Berry Miller Resident of Stoughton ^ and Sarah Will of Stoughton have ben Entred with me the Subscriber }2i August ye igtii 1769 Attest George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between William Ensign Shepard and Elizebeth Tolmon Both of Stoughton Entred with me the Subscriber Sept ye 2^ 1769 Attest George Crosman Town Clerk 136 i=! The Intention of Mai-riago Between Daniel Toms of Natick and Martha ;g Mooho of Stoughton Entred with me the Subscriber y« Octob' y« 21 c 1769 Attest George Crosman Town Clerk 95 The Intention of Marriage Betw^een Solomon Easty of Stoughtonham and Haimah Leonard of Stoughton Entred with me y« Subscriber Octob' y« 21"' 17G9 The Intention of Marriage Between David Talbot and Mary Spear Both of Stoughton Entred with me y* Subscriber Octob'- y« 21«' 17G9 Attest George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of ^Carriage Between EllLvander Glover of Dochester and Hannah Pope of Stoughton Entred with me y« Subscriber Octob' y« 27'" ;i^769 Attest George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between Tho= French of Dedham and Salome Badcok of Stoughton Entred with me y« Subscriber Decemb-^ y^ 2^ 1709 Attest George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between Henry Baley AVithington and Sarah Bent Both of Stoughton Entred with me y^ Subscriber Decenib' y' &^ 1769 Attest George Crosman Town Clerk. The Intention of Marriage Between Israel Baily and Euth Fisher Both of Stoughton Entred with me the Subscriber february y« 'S^ 1770 Attest George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between William Shaller of Stoughton and Abigail Crane of Milton Entred with me y« subscriber February y« lO"' 1770 Attest George Crosman Town Clerk >The Intention of Marriage Between Isaac Janey of Darkmoth and Marget Thompson of Stoughton Entred with me the Subscriber March y* 17'^ 1770 attest George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between Jedidiah Southworth of Brigewater and Mary Atherton of Stoughton ; Entred with me y^ Subscriber March y« 24'»' 1770 attest George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of marriage Between Ezra Cary of Bridgewater and Syntha Tolmon of Stoughton Entred with me y« Subscriber March y« 31^ 17-70 attest George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between Jacob Leonard of Easton and Jerusha Capin of Stoughton Entred with me v^ Subscriber May y^ 2Q^^ 1770 The Intention of Marriage Between Timothy Briggs of Norton and Abigail Patten of Stoughton Entred with me y^ Subscriber June y« 1'' 1770 attest George Crosman Town Clerk 96 The Intention of Marriage Between Ephraim Smith and Nancy Lunnon Both of Stoughton Entred with me the Subscriber August y« 4 1770 Attest George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of marriage Betwen Rubin Knap of Taunton and Mary Lunnon of Stoughton Entred with me the Subscriber August y« 25'** 1770 Attest George Crosman Towni Clerk The Intention of marriage Between Elkanah Pettingal and Hannah Bugbey Both of Stoughton Entred with me the Subscriber Septemb'' y* 15 1770 attest George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of marriage Between Jonathan Taunt of Stoughton 1772 George Crosman Town Clark The Intention of marriage Between James Mcfading & Mehetible Wentworth Both of Stoughton En'tred with me y« Subscriber August y« 29'" 1772 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between William Talbot of Stoughton and Mary farington of Dedham Entred with me the Subscriber Sej)' y'= 5'" 1772 Geo. Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of marriage Between Elias Munk Jun-" of Stoughton and Ellis Churchel of Bridgewater Entred with me the Subscriber Octob' y« IS"' 1772 Geo. Crosman Town Clerk 99 The Intention of Marriage Between Jacob Hixson of Stoughtonham & Sarah Wadsworth of Stoughton Entred with me y^ Subscriber Novemb' yc 27"' 1772 Geo. Crosman Town Clerk. The Intention of marriage Between Rob' Merifield of Dorchester and Rebecca fisher of Stoughton Entred with me y« Subscriber January y« 30"' 1773 George Crosman Town Clerk 139 The Intention of Marriage Between Joseph Ellet and Joanna Morse both of Stoughton Entree! with me the Subscriber January y^ 3U"> 1773 Geo Crosman Town Clerk The Intention Marriage Between Zachariah Cutler of Killingsly and Prudance Drake of Stoughton Entred with me the Subscriber March y® 6 1773 attest Geo^ Crosman Town Clerk. The Intention of Marriage Between Leravel Bird and Sarah Bucknam Both of Stoughton Entred Avith me y« Subscriber April y« lO'^^ 1773 attest George Crosman Town Clerk. The Intention of Marriage Between Richard Hall Jun^ of Dorchestor and Sarah Billing of Stoughton Entred with me y^ Subscriber April y" 17"' 1773 attest George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between Lemuel Blanchard and mary Littlefield Both of Stoughton Entred with me y« Subscriber May y« 29"^ 1773 attest George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between W" french and Mary Perkins Both of Stoughton Entred with me the Subscriber June y* 19'^ 1773 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between Ezra Tilden of Stoughton and Sarah White Ju' of Dedham Entred with me y« Subscriber July y^ 18 1773 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between John Beylston and Anna Pason Both of Stoughton Entred with me the Subscriber August y« 7 1773 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between John Armstrong Resident of Stoughton & Ruth Turner of Stoughton Entred with me the Subscriber Sept y« 18 1773 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between Jeramiah Fisher Ju' of Dedham and Han- nah Liscome of Stoughton Entred with me the Subscriber Octob'' y^ 23 1773 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between John Everett of Stoughtonham and Isabel Hodges of Stoughton Entred with me y* Subscriber Novemb"" y^ 1773 George Crosman Town Clerk. The Intention of Marriage Between Joseph Beamis and Chloe Stone Both of Stoughton Entred with me the Subscriber Novemb' y® 24 1773 The Intention of Marriage Between Sam^ Bird Ju' of Stoughtonham and Elizabeth Glover of Stoughton Entred with me y« Subscriber Novcmb^ y* 24 1773 Geoi'ge Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between George Mooho and Mary Bencraft Both of Stoughton Entred with me y*= Subscriber Novemb' y^ 20"* 1773 George Crosman Town Clerk lOO The Intention of Marriage Between Joseph Smith y^ 2^ of Stoughton and Rebecca Puffer of Stoughtonham Entred with me y« Subscriber Janu- ary ye 22'^ 1774 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Betwee.i William Wheeler and Hannah Bailey Both of Stoughton Entred with me y^ Subscriber february y« 12 1774 The Intention of Marriage Between Joseph Blancher of Stoughton and Salome Welmon of Mansfield Entred with me y^ Subscriber february y« 12 1774 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between Barnabas Curtis of Bridgewater and Esther Pheney of Stoughton Entred with me the Subscriber March y* 4"* 1774 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of marriage Between Edmund Pope of Dartmouth and Catha- rine farington of Stoughton Entred with me y« Subscriber March y* 18* 1774 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between Jacob PackariJ y^ 3'* of Bridgewater and Rebecca French of Stoughton Entred with me the Subscriber April y« 2^ 1774 George Crosman Town Clerk 140 The Intention of Marriage Between Joseph Pratt of Stoughton and Sarah Capin of Stoughtouham Entred with me y* Subscriber May y« 21"' 1774 George Ci'osman Town Clerk The Intention of ^larriage Between William Billings of Providance and Lucy Swan of Stoughton Entred with me y*^ Subscriber June y' 4"^ 1774 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Man-iage Between "William Crane and Keziah Bird Both of Stoughton Entred with me y« Subscriber June y« 18"' 1774 The Intention of Marriage Between Solomon Morse Jun"" of Stoughton & Mary AYelmon of Mansfield Entred with me the Subsci'iber June y^ Ib"^ 1774 The Intention of Marriage Between David Newlan of Mansfield and Huldah Morse of Stoughton Entred with me the Subscriber June y^ 18"^ 1774 The Intention of JNIarriage Between David forrist of Stoughtonham and Abigail Morse of Stoughton Entred with me the Subscriber June y^ 18 1774 attest George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between John Box Bransdle of Milton and Abigail Baker of Stoughton Entred with me the Subscriber June y« 25"^ 1774 George Crosman Town Clerk 101 The Intention of Marriage Between Eubin Ilayward of Stoughton and Mary Ilayward of Rainham Entred with me the Subscriber July y^ 16 1774 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between John Tolmon Ju' and Abigail Ellis Both of Stoughton Entred with me y« Subscriber August y« 9"^ 1774 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between Sam' Packard of Easton and Bethiah Waters of Stoughton Entred with me y« Subscriber Sept y« 9"^ 1774 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Beween Daniel Nightingill & Abigill wood both of Stoughton Entred with me y^ Subscriber Sept y^ 23'^ 1774 George Crosman Towu Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between Joseph Pain of Stoughtonham & Mary Comey of Stoughton Entred with me y*^ Subscriber Septemb"" y^ 26'" 1774 George Crosman Town Clerk. The Intention of JMarriage Between Asa Morse of Stoughton & Mary Rhoads of Walpole Entred with me y« Subscriber Octob"^ y« 4"* 1774 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of marriage Between Lemuel Spur & Abigail Cuniugham Both of Stoughton Entred with me y« Subsci'iber Octob' y* 15 ; 1774 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of marriage Between Nath' Kenny & Evnice Wentworth Both of Stoughton Entred with me y^ Subscriber Octob' y« 22 : 1774 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of marriage Between Elisha Blanchard & Sarah Sholand Both of Stoughton Entred with me y* Subscriber Octob'' y* 25 1774 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between David Kenny of Stoughton and Mary Taunt of Braintree Entred with me y' Subscriber Octob' y^ 29"^ 1774 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between William Bussey and Grace Jordin Both of Stoughton Entred with me y« Subscriber Novemly y** 5"> 1774 The Intention of Marriage Between William Smith Ju' & Rebeckah Tilden Both of Stoughton Entred with me y« Subscriber Novemb"' y^ 5^^ 1774 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between John Dailey of Easton and Hannah Attle- ton of Stoughton Entred with me y* Subscriber Novemb^ y^ 12"^ 1774 George Crosman Town Clerk 102 The Intention of Marriage Between Ebenezer Easty of Stoughtonham and Lucy fuller of Stoughton Entred with me y« Subscriber Novemb'' y« 19'*" 1774 George Crosman Town Clerk 141 The Intention of marriage Between Josiah Harris & Mehetible Belcher Both of Stoughton Entred with me the Subscriber Novemb"" y« 25 1774 George Crosman Town Clerk. The Intention of Marriage Between John Fadden Resident of Stoughton and Mary Billings of Stoughton Entred with me y'^ Subscriber february y« 11'^ 1775 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between Abijah Upham Ju' and Rebeckah Gill Both of Stoughton Entred with me y^ Subscriber March y« 11 1775 The Intention of Marriage Between Seth Strowbridge and JamimaUpham Both of Stoughton Entred with me the subscriber March y^ ll"* 1775 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between Henry Bailey & Susanna Fisher Both of Stoughton have ben Entred with me y*^ Subscriber April y^ 1 1775 The Intention of Marriage Between Supply Belcher of Stoughtonham & Mar- garet More Resident in Stoughton Entred with me y^ Subscriber April y* 1 1775 The Intention of Marriage Between Elijah Gill & Abigail Fisher Both of Stoughton Entred with me y" Subscriber April y^ P' 1775 The Intention of Marriage Between Charles Page of Walpole & Hannah With- ington of Stoughton have ben Entred with me the Subscriber April y* 1" 1776 ThesV May Certify that the Intention of Marriage Between Jonathan Draper of Roxbory and Tvle Coplen of Stoughton Entred with me April y^ 1 1775 The Intention of" Marriage Between Phillip Holmes & ]\Iary Paul Both of Stoughton Entred with me v^ Subscriber April y^ 14 1775 The Intention of Marriage Between Nath^' Everett & Rhoda Smith Both of Stoughton have ben Entred with me y« Subscriber April y« 14"^ 1775 George Crosman Town Clerk. The Intention of Marriage Between Benjamon Clark of Stoughton and Mehit- abel Edson of Bridgewater Entred with me y^ Subscriber April y« 28 1775 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between Henry Crane & Sarah Dickermon Both of Stoughton Entred with me the Subscriber May y^ 13"* 1775 George Crosman Town Clark 103 The Intention of Marriage Between Joseph Tiffiny of Stoughtonham and Sarah Morse of Stoughton Entred with me y<= Subscriber June y« 1^' 1774 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between Mather AVithington and Joanna Wales Both of Stoughton Entred with me y« Subscriber June y« 17"^ 1774 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between Samuel Vinton and Hannah Allen Both of Stoughton Entred with me y" Subscriber July y* 15"^ 1775 B The Intention of Marriage Between Isaac Williams of Dedham and Eliza- %^ beth Will of Stoughton Entred with me y<= Subscriber July y^ 22"^ 1775 The Intention of Marriage Between Levi Tuttle of Stoughtonham and Huldah Allen of Stoughton Entred with me y<= Subscriber July y* 29''^^ 1775. George Crosman Town Clerk These may Certify tliat the Intention of marriage Between Benjamon felt and Weightstill Capin Both of Stoughton Entred with y^ y^ Subscriber august y« 26'^l775 George Crosman Town Clerk These may Certifv that the Intention of marriage Between Lemuel Fuller of Stougfitonham and Hannah Billings of Stoug-liton Entred with me the Sub- scriber august v^- 2o"' 1775 George Crosman Town Clerk These may Certifv that tlie Intention of Marriage Between Joseph Richards of Stougliton & Moley Wales of Braintree Entred with me the Subscriber Sept ye 3U'^1775 These may Certifv^ thut the Intention of marriage Between Jesse Mauley of Rovalston & Unice Holmes of Stoughton Entred with me y« Subscriber Sept ye 30'^ 1775 George Crosman Town Clerk 142 These may Certify that the Intention of Marriage Between Jacob Paiu of Stough- touham and Hannah Morse of Stougutou Entred witli me the iSubscriber Octob' y'' 21" 1775 George Crosman Town Clerk Tlie Intention of marriage Between Joseph Belcher of Stougliton and Mary Baker of Stoughtonliam Entred witii lae y'' Subscriber Octob"" y« 28 1775 George Crosraau Town Clerk The Intention of marriage Between James Morgan of Stoughtonhain and Weight- still Nightengill of btoughton Entred with me y* Subscriber Decemb' v* 30 1775 The Intention of Marriage Between Lazarus Pope & Mary Spur y' 2"^ Both of Stoughton Entred with me y" Subscriber January y* 13 1776. The Intention of Marriage Between Saul AVhite of Norton & Elizabeth Smith of Stoughton Entred with me y« Subscriber february y« 10^^ 1776 George Crosman Town Clerk B04 The Intention of Marriage Between Hezekiah Gay it Lydia Hodges Both of Stoughton Entred with me y' Subscriber April y« 5"' 1776 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between Peter Gay & Mary Pason Both of Stough- ton Entred with me y* Subscriber May y« 3P' 1776 George Crosman Town Cleik The Intention of Marriage Between Pliillip Holmes Ju' «fe Hannah Paul Both of Stoughton Entred with me tiie Subscriber June y« 14"^ 1776 Geoi'ge Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between Nath' Merion ct Lydia Gay Both of Stough- ton Entred with me tlie Subscriber July y'' 6''' 1776 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of ]\Iarriage BetAveen Nath' Hamond EUzabeth Wales Both of Stoughton Entred witli me the Subscriber July y* 20''' 1776 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between David Sumner of Milton & Mercy Easty of Stoughton Entred with me y* Subscriber Sept y* 27 1776 The Intention of Marriage Between Seth VVentworth of Stoughton and jane Warrin of Bridge Water Enti'ed with me y* Subscriber Sept y* 27 1776 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of marrlge Betwen Samuel Linfield of Braintree & Elizabeth Porter of Stoughton Entered with me the Subscriber October y« 5'^ 1776 Theophilus Lyon Town Clerk Pro. Tern. The Intention of mai-riage Between Joel Morse and Chloe Palridge Both of Stoughton Entered with me the Subscriber oct"^ y^ 19"^ 1776 Theophilus Lyon Town Clerk Pro: Tem. The Intention of marriage Between Edward Sheil Ju' and Elizabeth Wilks Both of Stoughton Entered with me the subscriber oct' y* 20 : 1776 Theophilus Lyon Town Clerk Pro. Tem The Intention of marriage Between Amos Boyden ot Stoughton and mary Pain of Stotightonham Entered wuth me the Sul^scriber Nove' y« 16'" 1776 Theopliilits Lyon Town Clerk Pro. Tem 105 The Intention of marriage Between Doct' Moses Barker of Deadham and m^Ruth Crane of Stoughton Entered with me y« Subscriber Nov"" y^ 23 1776 Theophilus Lyon Town Clerk Pro. Tem. The Intention of Marriage Between Ebenezer fisher and Phebe Gay both of Stoughton Entred with me the Subscriber DecembM-* 2'' 1776 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between Daniel Billings & Rebecca Battles Both of Stoughton Entred with me the Subscriber January y« 15"" 1777 George Crosman Town Clei'k The Intention of Marriage Between Tho' Mitchel of Stoughton & Jane Doty of Bridgewater have ben Entred with me y« Subscriber Marcli y« 8^ 1777 George Crosman Town Clerk 143 The Intention of Marriage Between Sam' Chestuon of Braintree and Martha French of Stoughtou Eutred with me y« Subscriber April y* 19»^ 1777 atest George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between Henry Stone Jun"^ »fe ^iiriam Puffer Both of Stoughton Eutred with me the Subscriber April y* 2o"' 1777 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between Michael Henry Jun' & Kezia Jordin Both of Stoughton Entred with me the Subscriber April y* 30'^ 1777 attest George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between John Witliington of Stoughton aud Hannah Tucker of Milton Entred with me y« Subscriber June y« 6'^ 1777 The Intention of Marriage Between John Battles J u' of Stoughton and Lydia Spear of Braintree Entred with me the Subscriber June y« 6"» 1777 attest George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between AVilliara Stone & avish Cashing Both of Stoughton Entred with me y«^ Subscriber June y« IS*'' 1777 The Intention of Marriage Between Nath' Tilden Ju' and Sarah Puffer Both of Stoughton Entred with me y^ Subscriber June y« 13"* 1777 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between George Jordin and Hannah Strobrige Both of Stoughton Entred Avith me the Subscriber June y« lO'^^ 1777 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between George Allen Ju^ and Marcy Jordin Both of Stoughton Eutred with me y* Subscriber June y^^ 2G»^ 1777 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between Mather Withington of Stoughton aud Abi- gail Clap of Walpole Eutred with me the Subscriber July y* 1'' 1777 George Crosman Town Clei'k 106 The Intention of Marriage Between Daniel Tucker & Bethiah Gill Both of Stoughton Entred with me y« Subscriber August y^ 16 1777 Geo' Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of ISIarriage Between Joseph Smith Jun' & Sarah Gay Both of Stoughton Entred with me y« Subscriber August y^ 23'^ 1777 The Intention of Marriage Between Isaac Jordin and Anna Boylston Both of Stougiiton Entred witii me y« Subscriber August y^ 23"^ 1777 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between Elijah Jones of Dorchester & Jerusha Dickermon of Stoughton Entred with me y^ Subscriber August y^ 27* 1777 The Intention of Man-iage Between Jacob Thayer of Easton and Dority Munk of Stoughton Entred with me y' Subscriber August y^ 27''' 1777 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of INIarriage Between Elijah Bird of Stuughtonham and Sarah Pratt of Stoughton Entred with me y"^ Subscriber August y^ 30''' 1777 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between Elijah Munk and Anna AVadsworth Both of Stoughton Entred with me y« Subscriber Septemb' y« 6''' 1777 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between Mark Lathrop of Bridgewater & Elizabeth Dickermon of Stoughton Eutred with me the Subscriber Octob'' y* 21^' 1777 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between Aaron Guild of Dedham & Sarah May of Stoughton Entred with me y* Subscriber Novemb' y* l^ 1777 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between Jonathan Belcher of Stoughton and Abi- gail Corthell of Bridgewater Entred with me the Subscriber Novemb'" y« 22* 1777 George Crosm.an Town Clerk 144 The Intention of Marriage Between John Tolmon of Stoughton & Sarah Hew- ins of Stoughtouhani Entred with me y« Subscriber Decemb'' y« l-i''^ 1777 George Crosmaii Town Clerk The Intention of marriage Between Elisha Howard Jn'of Bridgewater and Moley Blancliard of Stoughton Entred with me y^ Subscriber Decemb'" y« 20"> 1777 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between Lemuel Stone and Sarah Smith Both of Stougliton Entred with me y« Subscriber Decemb'' y« 27'^ 1777 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between Charles fenno & Lydia Badcok Both of Stoughton Entred witli nie y^ Subscriber february y* 7'^'1778 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between Luther Ithamore of Bridgewater and Mary mitchel of Stoughton have ben Entred with me the Subscriber february y* 2P' 1778 George Crosman Town Clerk See page 115 107 A Record of marriages Returnd to The Town Clerk bv v* Persons that MaiTied Them & The Time When The Returns Were Made '& Time When They Ware married Returnd by y« Reveraiid M' Sam" Dunbar Feb'^'y^ 3^ 1767. A. D 1765 dctb^Sl" William Henry & EHzabeth Hawse both of Stoughton Dec^^S: Laughton Mcintosh of Milton & Sarah Briggs of Stoughton. & Jacob Shepard & Bathsheba Pufter both of Stoughton. 19 Lewes Johnson & Mary May both of Stoughton. 26 John Stickney & Elizabeth Howard both of Stoughton. A: D 1766 Jan^ 2'^ Jacob Copeland of Boston & Rachel Adams of Stoughton. April o'^ Lenmel Stodard of Boston & Mercy Wentworth of Stoughton. May 2*1 Abijah Jones of Stoughton & Hanniih Nash of Bridgewater. July 31" Jesse Dunbar & mary Stone both of Stoughton. Attes^ W™ Roy all Town Clerk. 108 A Record of Marriages, Returnd By the Reverand M' Sam Dunbar Returnd y« 2<^ day of March A D 1768 1767 April y« 2<» Isaac Wentworth & Jcrusha Wentworth Both of Stoughton. 23'* Rob' Readmon of Stoughton & Mary Dunbar Resident of Stoughton May ye 27'*> William Tolmon & Jemima Pitcher Both of Stoughton August y^ e'!' Sam' Capin & Elizebeth Withington Both of Stoughton Octob'' y« 1" Calop Kingmon of Brige Water & Freelove Fenno of Stoughton Novemb'' y« 12 George Stone and Rebeckah May Both of Stou^-hton 1768 Febru' y« 25 Levi Taunt & Jerusha Billings both of Stoughton Attes' George Crosman Town Clerk. Return'd By y^ Revei-** M"" Dunbar; Febuary y^ 28"i 1769 1768 March y^ 8 Moses Fenno Residen of Stoughton and Mary Pitcher of Stough- ton May y« 2 Benjamon Jordin and anna Lyon Both of Stoughton Octob' y« 13 Enoch Leonard and Mary Wentworth Both of Stousrhton Sam' Morse and Lois Wentworth Both of Stoughton John Morse and Mather Smith Both of Stoughton Decemb' y« 1 Stephen Blake and Chloe Wentworth Both'of Stoughton 1769 Januay y^ 11 Jeramiah Vose and Hannah Holmes Both of Stoughton Attes' George Crosman Town Clerk. Returnd by y* Rever.-^ M' Dunbar February 28"' 1770 1769 March y" 30 William Whealor Jun-- & Martha C;rane Both of Stoughton May ye 17 Cesar Elisha and Abigail Mooho Both of Stoughton June ye 15 Timothy Reynolds of Bridgewater & Rebeckah Tolmon of Stough- ton 29 Nath' Sterns of Stoughtonham & Eviiice Kenny of Stoughton 145 August y" 17 William Stone Jun- of Norton and & Hannah Tolmon of Stough- ton Sep' y* 7 Isaac Billings and Mary McKindiy both of Stoughton Octob'y^ 25 William Ensign Shepard & Elizebeth Tolman Both of Stoughton 1770 January y* 9'^ Tho* French of Dedham & Salome Badcock of Stoughton Attes' George Crosman Town Clerk Married by the Rev<* M' Robbins of Milton 1769 July y* 6 Lemvel Gay of Stoughton & Abigail Davenport of Milton 109 A Reord of ^Marriages Return'd by y^ Reverand Sam Dunbar lieturnd february y^ 27'^ 1771 1770 April y« 12 Israel Baley and Ruth fisher Both of Stoughton May y^ 31'' Ezra Gary of Bridgewater & Cynthia Tolmomon of Stoughton Sep' y^ 27"^ Ephraim Smith and Nancy Lonnon Both of Stoughton Octob'' y« 4"'Elkanah Pettingal & Hannah Bugby Both of Stoughton Novembry®2l5«Heiny Baley Withingtou & Sarah Bent Both ol Stoughten Decemb^y® 11'^ Stephen Wentworth& Abigail Tolmon Both of Stoughton 1771 January y« lO'^^Ezekiel fisher Ju^ & Sarah May Both of Stoughton January y^ 2-i Benjamon Jordin y« 2"^ and Hannah Battle Both of Stoughton Attest George Crosman Town Clerk. Marriages Return'd by y« Reverand M' Sam' Dunbar february y^ 25 1772 1771 March y^ 22"* Sam' Hixson of Stoughtonluim & Mary White of Stoughton April y^ 2"^ Joshua May and Elizebeth Jordin Both of Stoughton Decemb'' y* 25'" Ebenezer Capin of Stoughtouham & Jurosha Leonard of Stoughton 1772 February y* 13'^ Nathan Crane and Esther Damon Ju'' Both of Stoughton Attes' George Crosman Town Clerk Man-iages Return'd by y* Rev* M' Sam' Dunbar in february y« 27'^ 1773 1772 March y« 3 James Smith and Mary Tilden Both of Stoughton 24 Joseph AV'eutworth & Mary Shirtlifl' Both of Stoughton Charles Wentworth and Mary Fenno Both of Stoughton April y^ 2 Theodore may of Stoughton & Elizabeth Ellis of ISIilton July y* 9 Abraham Jordin and Mary Howard Both of Stoughton Tho' Crane Ju"^ & Eunice Stone Both of Stoughton August y« 13 John Billings Ju' and Unity Shepard Both of Stoughton James Fadden & Melietibel Wentworth Both of Stoughton Redmon Spur & Rebeca Stone Both of Stoughton William Crane & Elizabeth Strobridge Both of Stoughton Sam' Dunbar attest George Crosman Town Clerk Marriages Returned by y« Rev** M'' Samuel Dunbar March y^ 8 1774 1773 August y« 2'] Ezra Tilden of Stoughton &, Mary White of Dedham September y^ 9'^ Richard Hall of Dorchester & Sarah Billings of Stoughton „ 30 James Smith of Walpole & Sarah Pitcher of Stoughton October y« 7'^ John Armstrong & Ruth Turner Both of Stoughton December y« 9'" Jeremiah Fisher of Dedham & Hannah Eiscome of Stoughton 1774 January y« 3* George Mohoo & Mary Bancraf t Both of Stoughton Indians attesi George Ci'osman Town Clerk ISO Marriages Returned by y^ Rev*^ Sam' Dui-bar 1774 April y« 7 William Whealer and Hannah Bailey Both of Stoughton August y^ 29"» John Tolmon Jun'' & Abigail Ellis Both of Stoughton September y« 3"* William Crane & Keziah .'^iird Both of Stoughton November y 3"i Lemuel S]nir & Elizabetb Cuninghara Both of Stoughton December y* 15 Josiah Harris & MehetD'el Belcher Both of Stoughton 1775 March y« 6 John Faden & Mary Bill'ngs Both of Stoughton attest George Crosman Town Clerk Marriages Returned by y« Rever"^ M' Du' bar 1775 March y« 20 Nath' Kenny & Eunice Wentworth Both of Stoughton May y" 2* Supply Belcher & Marget More Both of Stoughton 14G 4. Henry Bailev & Susanah Fisher Both of Stoughton 11 Jonathan Draper of lloxbory &, Tiley Coplin of Stoughton Lemvel Fuller of Stouglitonham & Hanuuh Billings of Stoughton June y« 1" Charles Page of Walpole & Hannah Withington of Stoughton C'*^ Henry Crane and Sarah Dickernion Both of Stoughton attest George Crosman Town Clerk Marriage Returned bv the Revei- 1779 Ceorge Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of marriage between Simeon Curtis of Stoughton & Prudance French of Braintree Entred with me the Subscriber April y<= 3'^ 1779 The Intention of Marriage Between Tho' Everenden of Stoughton & Nancy Tucker of Norton, Entred with me the Subscriber April y* 3'* 1779 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between James Case of Westmorland & Hannah Stephens of Stoughton Entred with me the Subscriber April y* 10'" 1779 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between Sam' Billings of Foxbarv and Hannah Billings of Stoughton Entred with me the Subscriber May y« 2'5«^ 1779 George Crosman Town Clerk 151 The Intention of Marriage Between Cap' Benjamin Burton of s' Georges in y« continental army & Hannah Church of Bristal, Eiitred with me y* Subscriber June V* 5'^ 1779 Geoi'ge Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between Rob' Hall of Milton & Rhoda Ilill of Stough- ton Entred with me the Subscriber June y^ 19"^ 1779 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of MaiTiage Between Abel Evei-ett of Dedham and Mary Smith of Stoughton Entred with me the Subscriber June y« 26"^ 1779 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between Simeon Spear of Braintreii & Sarah Hawse of Stoughton Entred with me the Subscriber Sept y* 10"^ 1779 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of marriage Between Ebenezer Jones of Dorchester & Elizabeth Tolmon of Stoughton Entred with me the Subscriber Sept y"* 18 1779 The Intention of Marriage Between Sami Holmes Ju"^ & Eachel Fisher Both of Stoughton Entred with me y^ Subscriber Sep' y^ 8 1779 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between Levi Hawse & Jerusha AVadsworth Both of Stoughton, Entred with me y« Subscriber Octob^ y« 2-^ 1779 George Crosman Town Clerk \{7 The Intention of Marriage Between Shadrach Thayer of Braintree & Iluth Vinton of Stoughton Entred with me y« Subscriber Octob' y« 2^ 1779 The Intention of Marriage Between Ebenezer Taulbot of Stoughton and Eliza- beth Fuller of Dedham Entred with me y^ Subscriber Octob"^ y^ 2'^ 1779 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between Abijah Tisdale of Stoughtonham and Mir- iam Puffer of Stoughton Entred with me the Subscriber Octo'' y« 23 1779 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between Rob' Swan Ju' & Rachel Capin Both of Stoughton Entred with me y« Subscriber Octob' y« SO'i^ 1779 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between Barnabus Keith &, Lydia AVales Both of Stoughton Entred with me y« Subscriber Novemb'f y« 12'" 1779 The Intention of Marriage Between John Carl Kanske Resident of Stoughton & Marv Fenno of Stoughton Entred with me y« Subscriber Novemb' y« 12"^ 1779 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between Rob' Bencraft & Abigail Capin Both of Stoughton Entred with me the Subscriber Decem' 11'^ 1779 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between Pelatiah Hall of walpole in New Hamshare State & Thankf ull Merion of Stoughton have ben Entred with me y« Subscri- ber Decemb' y« 18 1779 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between Joshua Wales & Elizabeth Porter Both of Stoughton Entred with me y^ Subscriber Decemb' y« 24'" 1779 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between John Smith & Sarah Thomson Both of Stoughton Entred with me y^ Subscriber January y« 20"^ 1780 George Crosman Town Clei'k The Intention of Marriage Between Henry Hendley & Prudance Spear Both of Stoughton Entred with me y« Subscriber January y« 29"> 1780 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between Josiah Mero & Meriah Andrews Both of Stoughton Entred with me the Subscriber February y« 5'^ 1780 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between Edward Downs & Rhoda Billings Both of Stoughton Entred with me y^ Subscriber february y* 12 1780 The Intention of Marriage Between Nath' Shepard & Rhoda Taunt both of Stoughton Entred with me y« Subscriber februay y* 12 1780 George Crosman Town Clerk 152 The Intention of Marriage Between Moses Gay & Mary Hodges Both of Stough- ton Eutred witli me y* Subscriber februay y« IG"^ 17S0 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between Henry Morse Ju' & Loes crane Both of Stoughton, Entred with me y« Subscriber March y^ 10"^ 1780 The Intention of Marriage Between Sam' Spur & Olive Spur Both of Stough- ton Entred with me y« Subscriber March y" 10"> 1780 The Intention of Marriage Between Lemuel Fisher & Anna Billings Both of Stoughton Entred with me y^ Subsriber March y« 10 1780 The Intention of Marriage Between William Curtis Ju' of Stoughton & Han- nah Linfield of Braintree Entred with me y« Subscriber March y* 10'-^ 1780 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between William Davenport of JSlilton & Avice Stone of Stoughton Entred with me March y« 17"» 1780 George Crosman Town Clerk 118 The Intention of Marriage Between Eleazer Clap of Walpole & Jerusha Tilden of Stoughton EntredVith me y^ Subscriber Juney« 10"^ 1780 Geo"" Ci'osman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between Joseph Smith & Hannah Fisher Both of Stoughton Entred with me y« Subscriber June y« 17"» 1780 The Intention of Marriage Between James Capin & Elizabeth Cummins Both of Stoughton Entred with me y« Subscriber June y« 17"^ 1780 Geo"^ Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between Elijah Smith & Mary Lyon Both of Stough- ton Entred with me y* Subscriber July y^ 15* 1780 The Intention of Marriage Between Ralph Tope & Abigail Swan Both of Stough- ton Entred with me y« Subscriber July y« 15"^ 1780 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between Archaba M« Kindry & Sarah Crane Both of Stoughton. Entred with me y« Subscriber July y'' 22 1780 The Intention of Marriage Between Isaac Tucker of Milton & Nella M*: Kindry of Stoughton Entred with me the Subscriber July y« 22'^ 1780 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between Jonathan Capin Ju^ & Hannah Glover Both of Stoughton Entred with }ne y« Subscriber July y« 29 1780 The Intention of jSIarriage Between Elisha Morse Ju"" & Abigail Holmes Both of Stoughton, Entred Avith me y^ Subscriber July y** 29"^ 1780 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between Zephaniah Smith & Hannah Talbot Both of Stoughton Entred ^vlth me y'^ Subscriber August y« 12 1780 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of ]\Iariage Between Sam' Holmes of Stoiightonham & Abigail Tilden of Stoughton Entred with me y"- Subscriber Augut y^ 18 1780 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between Sam' Tucker Ju' & olive Hartwell Both of Stoughton Entred with me y^ Subscriber August y* 25'" 1780 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between Adam Kingman of Wortlienton & M" Anna Ilollis of Stoughton Entrod with me y« Sul^scriber Sept y^ 2 1780 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between John Wentworth & Melitiah Kenny Both of Stoughton Entred with me y= Subscriber Octob"" y« 7"» 1780 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between Beriah Ingraham of Hallowell and Sarah Fisher of Stoughton Eutred with me y« Subscriber Octob^ y« 18 1780 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between Moses Hayden & Bethyah Capin Both ot Stoughton Entred with me y« Subscriber Octob' y* 24'!' 1780 George Crosman Town Clerk 153 119 The Intention of Marriage Between Jacob Wilbore & mary will Both of Stouo-hton entred with me v* Subscriber Novemb' y« 18"» 1780 ° George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between Adam Billings & Naomi Taunt Both of Stou"-htou Entred with me y* Subscriber Decemb' y^ 2'* 1780 ° George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between John Clap & Patience Gay Both of Stoughton Entred with me y« Subscriber Decemb' y« 17'^^ 1780 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between Joshua Clark of Braintree & Chloe Bird of Stoughton Entred with me y« Subscriber January y^ 6'" 1781 The Intention of Marriage Between James Nash & Metilda Waters Both of Stoughton Entred with me y* Subscriber Januay y^ 6"^ 1781 George Crosman Towu Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between Benoni Howard of Braiutree & Mary Gibbens of Stoughton Entred with me y"' Subscriber January y« 27 1781 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of marriage Between D' (or D° ) Ichabod Amadou of Mendon & Elizabeth wales of Stoughton Entred with me y^ Subscriber Februay y«= 17* 2731 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of marriage Between Reubin Mauley of Easton and Thankfull Merium of Stoughton Eutred with me y* Subscriber March y« 17 1781 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of marriage Between Ebenezer Wentworth & Melatiah may Both of Stoughton Entred with me y^ Subscriber March y« 23<» 1781 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of ]\Iarriage Between Eliphalet Johnson of Stoughton & Hephsibah Norton of Royalston Entred with me y« Subscriber June y« 9^^ 1781 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between Simeon Shiitliff of Stoughton & Miss Permitt Kingmon of Bridgewater, Entred with me y^ Subscriber July y^ 7^ 1781 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage between Sam' Topliflf of Boston & mindwell Bird of Stoughton Entred with me y« Subscriber July y^ 21«' 1781 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between Samuel Bird and Sarah Crane Both of Stoughton, Entred with me y^ Subscriber Novemb' y^ 2'i 1781 The Intention of Marriage Between John Withington y« 2'^ & Mehetibal Billings Both of Stoughton Entred with me the Subscriber Novemb'' y« 2 1781 " George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between Joseph ward of Easton & Sarah Thomson of Stoughton, Entred with me the Subscriber November y« 14 1781 The Intention of Marriage Between Ambrass Morton & Sarah Tolmon Both of Stoughton; Entred with me the Subscriber November y« 14, 1781 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between Isaac Morton & Hannah Capin Both of Stoughton ; Entred with me the Subscriber Decemb' y« 1=* 1781 George Crosman Town Clerk 120 The Intention of Marriage Between Josiah Hodges Ju' & Tabitha Smith Both of Stoughton Entred with me y« Subscriber february y« 23*^ 1782 The Intention of Marriage Between Christepher Monk of Stoughton and Hannah Phiney of Bridgewater Entred with me v" Subscriber february y« 23* 1782 The Intention of Marriage Between Joseph Chandler & mary felt Both of Stoughton Entred with me the Subscriber februay y« 23'i 1782 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between Elisha Hawse & Sarah AVentworth Both of Stoughton Entred with me y« Subscriber March y« 20'" 1782 154 The Intention of Marriage Between Tho' Curtis and Hannah Wales Both of Stoughtou Eutred with me y* Subscriber March y'^ 20"* 17s2 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between Sam' Osgood & Esther Talbot Both of Stuughton Entred with me the Subscriber April y« 12"* 1782 The Intention of Marriage Between Enoch Wentworth & Sarah Kenny Both of Stoughtou Entred with me the Subscriber April y« 12 1782 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between Dudly Bailey & Elizabeth Upham Both of Stoughtou Eutred with me the Subscriber April y" IS'" 1782 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of marriage Between andrew Stimpsou of watertown & Lucy Blackmon of Stoughtou Entered with me the Subscriber may IS"* 1782 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between Tho» Glover Ju' of Stoughtou and Eunice Bent of Sudbory Entred witli me the Subscriber June y^ 15"* 1782 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Mamage Between Sam' Littlefield & Hannah Wentworth Both of Stoughtou Entred with me the Subscriber June y^ 20"* 1782 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between Nathan Drake & Sarah Smith Both of Stoughton Entred with me the Subscriber Octob'' y* 4 1782 These may Certify that the Intention of Marriage Between Joshua Whittcmore of Stoughtonham & Sarah Macintosh of Stoughtou entred with me the Subscri- ber October y^ 4 1782 The Intention of Marriage Between Ezra Dickermon «fc Elizabeth Wales Both of Stoughton Eutred with me y* Subscriber October y* 15 1782 George Cros * * Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between George wadsworth & Hann * * Bird Both of Stoughton Eutred with me the Subscriber November y^ 1^' 1782 Geo' Ci'osman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between Elijah Crane & Desire Withiugton Both of Stoughton Eutred with me the Subscriber Decemb'' y* 15''* 1782 The Intention of Marriage Between Benjamin Munk of Stoughton and Kezia Wood of Dedham Entred with me the Subscriber Deccmb"^ 21" 1782 The Intention of Marriage Betw'een Sam' Morse & Hannah Easty Both of Stoughtou Entred with me the Subscriber Decemb' 21^' 1782 George Cros-fiian Town Clerk 121 The intention of Marriage Between Richard Meroof Stoughton and Jeuey Turrell of Milton Entred with me y^ Subscriber februay y« 8 1783 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between D'' ( orD° )Shadrach Winslowof Kehoboth and Elizabeth Bobbins of Stoughton Entred with me y« Subscriber february y^ 2 P' 1783 George Crosman Town cierk The Intention of Marriage Between John Spur & Masey Dunbar Both of Stoughton Entred with me y« Subscriber februaiy y*21 1783 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between Epharim Smith J u' and ame AVithington Both of Stoughtou Eutred with me the Subscriber April y* 16"* 1783 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between Sam^ Morse of Stoughtou and Sarah For- est of foxbory, Entred with me the Subscriber May y* 30"* 1783 The Intention of Marriage Between Benjamin Hodges of Stoughton and Mir- ium Pratt of Foxbory Entred with me y« Subscriber May y* 30"* 1783 The Intention of Marriage Between James Read & Bethiah wentworth Both of Stoughton Entred with me y« Subscriber May y« 31"* 1783 The Intention of Marriage Between Amos Guild & Sarah Talbot Both of Stough- ton Entred with me the Subscriber may y« SI** 1783 George Crosman Town Clerk 155 The Iiiteutiou of Marriage Between Jonathan Battles & Hannah Porter Both of Sioughtou Entred with me the Subscriber May y« 31" 1783 The lutcution of Marriage Between Eliphalet Monk Ju^ & Hannah Clap Both of Stoughton Entred with me the Subscriber June y* 31 : 17«3 George Crosuian Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between "William Fowler & Abigail Crane Both of Stoughton entred with me y^ Subscriber July y^ 4"* 1783 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between Caleb Atherton of Stoughton & Joanna Holmes of Mlddleborough Entred with me y^ Subscriber July y« 11 1783 The Intention of Marriage Between AVilliani Croud & Sarah Wills Both of Stoughton Entred with me the Subscriber Juley y* 11 1783 The Intention of Mariage Between Sam' Bisby and Jei'usha M * * *ant Botii of Stoughton Entred with me the Subscriber July y* 17 1783 George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between Jabez Talbot & Susanah Guild Both of Stoughton Enti'ed with me y'= Subscriber August y^ 23'' 1783 The Intention of Marriage Between Tho' Pierce of Dorchester & Susanah Tol- mon of Stoughton Entred with me the Subscriber August y« 30"' 1783 The Intention of Marriage Between Ebenezer Fisher & Abigail Eobins Both of Stoughton Entred with me y^ Subscriber August y® 30"^ 1783 These may Certify that the Intention of Marriage Between Benjamin Gunwell of Stoughton & Joanah Smith of Milton Entred witli me the Subscriber Sept ye i3tiii783 Gecige Crosman Town Clerk 122 The Intention of Marriage Between Jesse Davenport & Hannah Crane Both of Stoughton Entred with me y^ Subscriber October y^ 18 1783 The Intention of Marriage Between Epharim Churchel Jun'^ of Bridgewater and Silance Fi'ench of Stoughton entred with me the Subscriber November y« 22: 1783 The Intention of Marriage Between Caleb Thayer and Hachel Stephens Both of Stoughton entred with me the Subscriber December y* 13"^ 1783 The intention of Marriage Between Peter Talbot & Rebecca Dickermon Both of Stoughton, entred with me the Subscriber January y« 17 1784 The Intention of Marriage Between Lemuel Drake & Abigail Wadsworth Both of Stoughton, entred with me the Subscriber January y^ 17 1784 The Intention of Marriage Between Isaac Daniels of Milton & Olive May of Stoughton Entred with me the Subscriber January y« 17"^ 1784 The Intention of Marriage Between Jesse Downs & Neomi Taunt Both of Stough- ton Entred with me the Subscriber January y« 29"* 1784 The Intention of Mari-iage Between Edmund Smith of Braintree and Patience Sumner of Stoughton Entred with me y^ Subscriber f ebruary y« 7 1784 The Intention of Mariage Between Sam' Paison of Stoughton & Abigail Ingra- ham of Sharon Entred with me the Subscriber february y* 13"^ 1784 The Intinteon of Marriage Between Benjamin Wentworth & Rachel Lewis Both of Stoughton Entred with me y« Subscriber April y^ n'** 1784 The Intention of Marriage Between Archable Ware of Cambridge and Jcrusha Holmes of Stoughton Entred May y« 3^ 1784 The Intention of Marriage Between Macey Tisdle of Eastou & Eunice Puffer of Stoughton Entred with me y* Subscriber May y« 10 : 1784 The Intention of Marriage Between Sam' Withington & Ruth Kenny Both of Stoughton Entred with me the Subscriber May y^ lO"' 1784 The Intention of Marriage Between Asa Williams of Hollowell and Eunice Fisher of Stoughton Entred with me y* Subscriber May y« 29 1784 The Intention of Marriage Between Tho' Allen & Loes Stone Both of Stoughton Entred with me y« Subscriber May y« 29 1784 The Intention of Marriage Between John Lovel of Braintree & Mary Hayward of Stoughton Entred with me y« Subscriber June y« 27 1784 The Intention of Marriage Between Jedidiah Littlefield & Sarah Packard Both of Stoughton Entred with me y« Subscriber august y« 7^ 1784 156 The Intention of Marriage Between Nath' "Wales Jii' and Joan ah Curtis Both of Stoughtoii Entered with me the Subscriber august y« 26"» 1784 The Intention ot Marriage Between Enoch Monk of Stoughton & Silance Willis of Bridgwater Entered with me y« Subscriber Sept y« 27 1784 The Intention of Marriage Between Sam' Dunber and Sarah Davenport Both of Stoughton Entered with me the Subscriber October y« 2"* 1784 The Intention of marriage Between Sam'Tolmon & Elizabeth Ilammou Both of Stoughton Entered with me the Subscriber October y« 6"" 1784 The Intention of Marriage Between Thomas Tolmon of Stoughton & esther Tolmon of Sharon Entered with me the Subscriber October y* 6 1784 123 John Holmes y'= 2^ of Stoughton & Patience Gibbens of Dedham Intend marriage Entered with me the Subscriber October y^ 6"^ 1784 The Intention of marriage Between Peter Billings & Kebeckah Whiting Both of Stoughton Enter'd with me y« Subscriber Octob' y*^ 6'^ 1784 The Intention of marriage Between Benjamin Gannet Ju'' of Sharon Deborough Samson of Stoughton Entered with me y^ Subscriber Octob' y" 14 1784 The Intention of marriage Between Phillip whiting and Jamima Warren Both of Stoughton Entered with me y« Subscriber Octob' y« 14"" 1784 Tlie Intention of Marriage Between Luther Crane & Angilet Pierce Ju' Botii of Stoughton Entered with me y^ Subscriber October y« 2P' 1784 The Intention of Marriage Between Benjamin Williams & Maiy Johnson Ju' Both of Stoughton Entered with mey« Subscriber Novemb' y« 24'^ 1784 The Intention of Marriage Between John Niles of Braintree & olive Wales of Stoughton Entered with me y« Subscriber Noverab y' 24'*' 1784 The Intention of Marriage Between Lewis Chandler & Sarah Bailey Both of Stoughton Entered with me the Subscriber November y* 27 1784 The Intention of Marriage Betwen Phillip Curtis of Sharon & Abigail Johnson of Stoughton have ben Entered with me y« Subscriber Januay y^ P' 1785 The Intention of Marritige Betwen Ezekiel Johnson & Elizabeth Crosman Both of Stoughton Entered with me y^ Subscriber Januay y^ 1" 1785 The Intention of Marriage Betwen Ase waters & Lydia Smith Both of Stough- ton Entered with me y^ Subscriber Januy y^ 22'' 1785 The Intention of Marriage Between Fraderick Farington of Stoughton & Sarah Manley of Easton Entered with me the Subscriber Januay y* 22 1785 The Intention of Marriage Between Levi Hawse & Phebe Henry Both of Stoughton Entered ■s\'ith me the Subscriber January y= 29 1785 The Intention of Marriage Between Jedidiah Wentworth & Mary Jordin Both of Stoughton have ben Entered with me the Subscriber Januay y« 29 1785 The Intention of Marriage Betwen Joseph Henry & Hannah Clark Both of Stoughton Entred with me y* Subscriber March y« 4"^ 1785 attest George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between Nath* Leeds & Unity Jordin Both of Stough- ton Entered with me y^ Subscriber April y^ 11"» 1785 Josiah Blackmon of Hallowell & Hannah Bailey of Stoughton intend mar *age Entered with me y" Subscriber April y« 23^ 1785 These may Certify that the Intention of Marriage Between Bethual Drake & Elizabeth Smith Both of Stoughton Entered with me v* Subscriber April y« 29 1785 The Intention of Marriage Between William M^ Kindry of Stoughton and Euth Tucker of Milton Entered with me y« Subscriber May y« 20"^ 1785 The Intention of Marriage Between Benj" Holmes of Norton and Rachel Glover of Stoughton Entered with me y* Subscriber June ye4"» 1785 124 The Intention of Marriage Between Sam' Dunber Searls & Sarah With- ington Both of Stoughton Entered with me y* Subscriber June y^ i-^ 1785 The Intention of Marriage Between James Hayward of Braintree and Abigail Sumner of Stoughton^Entered June y'^ 11"» 1785 157 The Inteution of Marriage Between William Everett Ju"" of Dedham & Sarah Blackmou of Stoughton Eutered with me y« Subscriber July y" 22^ 1785 The Intention of Miirriage Between John Clerk of Boston & Sarah Swan of Stoughton Entered with me y^ Subscriber July y« 29'^' 1785 The Intention of Marriage Between Jonathan Curtis of Stoughton and Evnice Wales of Braintree Entered with me y« Subscriber July y« 31«' 1785 The Intention of Marriage Between Calvin Packard of Bridgwater & Elizabeth Dunbar of Stougliton Entered with me y« Subscriber Septemb'' y« 24* 1785 The Intention of Mariage BetAveen Jolm Lyon & Lucy may Both of Stoughton Entered with me y<= Subscriber October y« 8'^ 1785 The Intention of Marriage Between Nathan Hathaway of freetown & Sarah Tevbov of Stoughton Entered with me y« Subscriber Sep' y« 24"" 1785 The Intention of Marriage Between Benj° Lyon of Dorchester & Ruth Went- worth of Stoughton E^ntei-ed with me the Subscriber October y« 28"^ 1785 The Intention of Marriage Betw^een Jeramiah Monk of Stoughton & Phebe Spear of Brantree Entered with me the Subscriber Octob' y' 28 1785 The Intention of Marri;ige Between Benj° Smith & Mary Adams Both of Stough- ton Entered November y« 4''' 1785 The Intention of Marriage Between Matthew Fowler of Stoughton and Sintha Tower of CumberLand entered Januay y« lo'^ 178*3 The Intention of Marriage Between George Farington and Rachel Pope Both of Stoughton Entered Januay y« 19'i> 1786 The Intention of Marriage Between John Pufer of Stoughton and Sally Viual of Milton Entered Februay y«4"> 1786 The Intention of Mni-riage Between John Battles of Stoughton and Marry Bates of Ilingham Entered February y« 4 1786 attest George Crosman Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage Between Sam' Battles of Stoughton and Dorithy Dver of Bridgwater Eukn-ed March y« 17*-^ 1786 The "intention of Marriage Between llemy Shaller and Jemima Crane Both of Stotiglitou Entered with me tlie Subscriber March y^ 25"^ 1786 The Intention of Marriage Between John trench Ju'' of Stoughton & Rebeckah Lintield of Braintree Entered with me y« Subscriber April y« 21^' 1786 The Intention of Marriage BetAveen James Smith & MoUey Smith Both of Stougliton Entered with me April y« 22 1786 The Intention of Marriage Between Seth Strobridge & Scibble Holmes Both of Stoughton Entered with me y^ Subscriber Ai)rii y« 29"' 1786 The Intention of Marriage BetAveen Labeus Page & Susanah AVales Both of Stoughton Entered with me the Subscriber May y« 6"> 1786 The Intention of Marriage BetAveen Jolm Aspenwall Ju'' & Nancy Spur Both of Stoughton Entered with me May y« 6'" 1786 125 The Intentions of Marriage entered John Dickermon of Stougliton & Keziah auger of Bridgwater entered with me y« Subscriber June y^ 24"" 1786 George Reed of Hallowell and Exspearance Blackmon of Stoughton entered with me y' Subscriber June v*^ 24"^ 1786 Elias Farbanks of francistoAvn & Elizebeth Billings of Stoughton Entered with me the Subscriber June y* 80'*' 1786 The Intention of Marriage BetAven William Hall & Mary IlayAvord both of StouHhton Entered with me the Subscriber July y« 4'*' 1786 The Intention of Marriage Between William Glover & Content Porter Both of Stoughton Entered wiTh me the Subscriber July y« 7'" 1786 The Intention of Marriage BetAveen Ebenezer osgood & Rachel Swan Both of Stouahton Entered with me v= Subscriber July y^ 14 1786 The Intention of Marriage Between Edward Capin of Stoughton and Ehzabeth Paul of Dedham Entered Avith me v^ Subscriber Sept y*^ 30 1786 The Intention of Marriage Between Elisha Crane of Stoughton and Rebeckah Daniels of Dorchester^Eutered September y« 30 1786 158 The Intention of Marriage Between Martin Daseance of Sharon & Elizabeth Atherton of Stoughton Entered October y* 6"' 1786 The Intention of Marriage Between Nathan Drake Ju' & Janey Tohnon Both of Stoughton Entered Octob' y" 7 1786 The Intention of Marriage Between Between Sam' Glover of Stoughton & Elenor llause of Norton Entered Octob' y« 7 1786 The Intention of Marriaire Between Jesse Smith y* 2"* & S;a;i!i Briggs Both of Stonghton Entered Ortob' y<= 21»M786 The Intention of Marriage Between Edward Capin Ju'' & Eunice Monk Both of Stoughton entered Otob' y^ 21" 1786 The Intention of Marriage Between Oliver Hayward of Bridgcwater & Tabitha Hay ward of Stoughton Entered Octob'y«2H 1786 The Intention of Marriage Between John Billings and Sarah Wentworth Both of Stoughton Entered Novemb' y* 25 : 1786 The Intention of Marriage Between Ozias Whiting of Milton & Mary Faddii:g of Stoughton Entered with me February y* 1»' 1787 The Intention of Marriage Between y* Kev'^ M"^ Zacariah Hayward of Stoughton & Miss Patty Crafts of Bridgwater Entered februy y« 7"^ 1787 The Intention of Marriage Between Christepher Wadsworth Ju' of Stoughton & Ruth May ward of Braintree Entered February y« 7"^ 1787 The Intention of Marriage Between Seth Pierce Ju"^ & Elice Gay Both of Stough- ton Entered with nie y* Subscriber March y*5 1787 attest George Crosman Town Clerk 126 The Intention of IMarriage between John Endicott of Stoughton and Mary Humphrey of Dedham Entered with me the Subscriber March 14"U787 The Intention of Marriage betvv-een Daniel Stone and Sarah Crosman Jun"^ both of Stoughton Entered witii me the Subscriber March 14"" 1787 The Intention of ]\Iarriage between Sanmel Blackmau and Abigail "Wentworth both of Stoughton Entered with me the Subscriber March y'= 14"^ 1787 The Intention of Marriage between Amos Upham and Lucy Hewett both of Stoughton Entered with me the Subscriber March y^ 16"» 1787 Attest Joseph Smith y<^ 4"» Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage between Samuel Kenny & Elizabeth Shaller both of Stoughton Entered with me the Subscriber May 19*^ 1787 The Intention of Marriage between Ebenezer Holmes Resident of Dorchester & Hannah Paul of Stoughton Entered with me the Subscriber May 3P» 1787 The Intention of Marriage between Eleazer Morton & Lucy Lyon both of Stoughton Entered with me the Subscriber May 81*' 1787 Attest Joseph Smith y« 4"^ Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage between Atherton Belcher of Stoughton & Abigail Morse of Sharon Entered July 27"^ 1787 The Intention of Marriage between Samuel Gooch & Zeruali Billings both of Stonghton Entered Sept' 1^' 1787 The Intention of Marriage between George Jordan & Elizabeth Hartwell both of Stoughton Enter'd Sepf v« 7"^ 1787 Attest Joseph Smith y^ i^ Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage between AVilliam Pratt of Easton & Jemima Monk of Stoughton Entered Sept' y^ 22'* 1787 The Intention of Marriage between Ezekiel Fisher Juu' & Anna Horton Jun' both of Stoughton Entered Sept' y^ 29''> 1787 Attest Joseph Smith y« 4'*> Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage between Elijah Crane 2** and Mary Fisher both of Stoughton Entered Nov' 17^^ 1787 Attest Joseph Smith 3"* Town Clerk 127 The Intention of Marriage between M' George Blackman and Ruthe Morse both of Stoughton enter'd December 1'' 1787 The Intention of Marriage between Oliver Downs & Hannah Fenno both of Stoughton enter'd December 1^' 1787 159 The Intention of Marriage between Timothy Goldthwait and Polly Briggs both of Stoughton enter'd Dec"" 6"^ 1787 The Intention of Marriage between Timothy Harris and Anna Howard both of Stoughton entered Dec' 7"^ 1787 The Intention of Marriage between John Wilcox & Mercy Clark both of Stough- ton Entered December 8"^ 1787 The Intention of Marriasre between Ichabod Gay and Ruth Billing both of Stoughton enter'd Dec^ 8'" 1787 Attest Joseph Smith S* Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage between Josiah Tilden & Prudance Farington both of Stoutrhton enter'd Dec' 9"^ 1787 The Intendon of Marriage between Thomas Clap of Milton & Polly Castle of Stoughton enter'd Dec' 12^'' 1787 The Intention of Marriage between Elijah Fisher of Stoughton and Susanna Hixson of Sharon enter'd Dec' U'^ 1787 Attest Joseph Smith S^ Town Clerk The Intention of Marriage between John Wadsworth & Hannah Clap both of Stoughton Enter'd January y* oO"" 1788 The Intention of Marriage between Oliver Weutworth and Abigail Tilden both of Stoughton Entered February y« 9"^ 1788 The Intention of Marriage between Jeremiah Hixen of Sharon and Lois Kenny of Stoughton Entered February y^ 29"^ 1788 Attest Joseph Smith 3^ Town Clerk 12S The Intention of Marriage between Asa Battles and Mary Pratt both of Stoughton Enter'd March v*22'i 171^8 The Intention of Marriage between David Wadsworth and Elener Capen both of Stoughton Enter'd April 7'^ 1788 The Intention of Marriage between James Brown & Rebecah Cordner (blacks) both Residents of Stoughton Entered May 3* 1788 The Intention of Marriage between Mr Jedidiah Southworth of Stoughton in the County of Sufloik & Mrss Eunice Mills of Chestertield in the County of Hamshire Enter'd June 16"^ 1788 The Intention of Marriage between Ichabod Pitts of Hollowell in the County of Lincoln & Marv Blackman of Stoughton Enter'd JuneSO'^ 1788 The Intention of Marriage between Lonon Dery of Milton and Mercy Slade of Stoughton (blacks) E^ntered July yM3"^ 1788 ., ^ , * The Intention of Marriage between David Patten & Sarah Daniels both ot Stoughton Entered July y« 19"^ 1788 . , u .v. The Intention of Marriage between Peter Dickerman and Rebeckah Smith both of Stoughton Entered Aui,^ust 17"^ 1788 . u i, * The IntenUon of Marriage between Jesse Pierce and Catharine Smith both ot Stoughton Entered August y«29'M 788 ,, v, .u « The Intention of Marriage between Simeon Tucker & :\Iille Hartwell both ot Stoughton Enter'd September y« 21^^ 1788 ,. * t i. The Intention of lilarriage between Oliver HarrisofAbington and Relief Leech of Stoughton Entered October 30"^ 1788 The Intention of .Marriage between Abijah Pratt of Foxborough and Mary Robbins of Stoughton Enter'd Nov' 6*" 1788 —The Intention of Marriage between Andrew Capen of Stoughton and Hannah Richards of Sharon Entered Nov 17''' 1788 The Intention of Marriage between Ebenezer Holmes & Charlote Tant both of Stoughton Entered Nov' 22 1790 Intention of Marriaire between M' Daniel Manley of Bridgewater & M" Sarah Monk J' of Stoughton enf* Oct' 30"^ 1790 Intention of Marriage between Elisha Eames of Bridgewater & Anna Mann of Stoughton enf* Ap^ 1791 ^ ^ ^ Intention of Marriage between M' Benj° Gill J' & M" Content Glover ent* D» Intention of Marriage between Sam^ Paul & Rutii Shepard enterd D"^ Intentions of Marriage betwen Sam' Shepard & Jemima Drake both of Stough- ton ent,d D" , , , ox x. Intentions of Marriage betwen Nath' Smith & Anna Holmes both of Stough- ton ent.d Nov 1791 _ Intention of Marriaae between Elijah Kenny & Hannah Bartlett Jan 2'^ 1<92 Intention of Marriage between M' Benj" Silvester 2'* & Phebe Jones enf^ March 1792. A purpose of Marriage between M' John Bracket & Miss Lucy Walker both of Stoushton entered Nov' 4"^ 1799 A purp^ose of Marriage between M' Robert Swan Holbrook of Stoughton «to Miss Silence Ilawiird of Bridgwater entered Nov' 24"' 1799 132 Intention of Marriage between M' George Stone & M"Rebeca Bussey both of Stouiihton enf^ Mav 4"^ 1792 . Intention of Marriage between Jesse Barber Wilkox of Boton & Bulah Merion of Stoughton ent,d Mav 7'^ o • , i i ^s Intention of Marriage between M' Jacob Stetson & M" Patience Smith both of Stouo-hton ent,d Mav 26«i' 1792 , .-, i v. * Intentions of Marriage between Uriah Leonard and Polly Gridley both of Stoughton ent,d Aug' 1792 , i, ^u # Intentions of Marriage betwen John Houghton & Susannah Dench both ot Stoughton entrd Aug* 1792 -, , , ^ ,, i Intentions of Marriage between Lewis Elisha & Rachel Corden both of y^ Moho Tribe & resider.t in Stoughton enter,d Aug' 1792 Intentions of Marriage between M' John Blackman & M" Betsey Baker both of Stoughton ent,d Aug' 3 PU792 o -r.,. , xu Intentions of Marriage between Thomas Shepard of Stoughton & Elisabeth Richards of Sliaron entd Sep 14^^ 1792 ^^. ^ . Intentions of Marriage between M' Jesse Everett J' of Wrentham & M" Eunice Hartwel of Stoughton enterd Oct' 1792 ,. „ , , i, xu Intentions of Marriage between M' Samuel Wales 2^ & M" Lydia Babcok both of Stoughton enterd Dec' 1792 , , ., Intentions'of Marriage between M' Barnabas Keith & M'» Eunice Howard both of Stoughton ent-i Feb' 1793 ^ , , ^ ox Intentions^of Marriage between M' Abner Bird & ^I" Polly Gay both of Stough- ton enter,d Feb 2<» 1793 Intentions of Marriage between M' Ephraim Jones & :M" Mary Blackman both of Stoughton enfd March 1M793 „ ,, t r^ Intentions of Marriage between M' Elijah Bussey of Stoughton & M" Lucy Gay of Boston enterd March 9"^ 1793 Intentions of Marriage between M' John Clark of Spencer & M"Keziah Smith of Stoughton enfi March Ib^ 1793 133 Intention of Marriage between Silas Goldan & Rosanna Slad both resi- dent of Stoughton end, March 16^ 1793 162 Intentions of Marriage betAven M' Abial Howard of Easton & M" Polly Mann of Stoughton en"* May 1793 Intentions of Marriage between M' John AVard of Stoughton & M" Esther Lin- field of Randolph cn^ May 1793 Intentions of Marriage between M^ Edw"^ Battles & M" Polly Goldthwait both of Stoughton Enfi June li^ 1793 Intentions of Marriage between M'' Nathan' Hill & M" Abigail Farrington both of Stoughton E'' Juno 14 1793 Intention of Marriage betwen M' Robert Porter & M" Elisabeth Gay both of Stoughton Entd March 1794 D° between M' Ralph Shepard & M" Abigail Gay en,d D" Intention of Mariage between M"^ Seth Taunt of Milton & M" Anna Copcr- naun of Stoughton en,d March 1794 Intention of Marriage between M' John Taunt J' & M" Eunice Stearns both of Stoughton enf* Apr 1794 Intention of ]\Iarriage between M' Nathan Gill of Stoughton & M" Abigail Crane of Milton ent'^ Ap' 1794 Intention of Marriage between M' Willi Capen & M" Rebecca Swan both of Stoughton ent* Ap' 1794 134 Intention of Marriage between M' Moses Curtis of Stoughton & M" Tem- perance Manley of Easton entd May lO"^ 1794 1794 24 ]May Intention of Marriage between M' Libbeus Porter of Stoughton & Mr» Polly Barstow of Wrentham enter,d D° 29^ D° M' Lot Goldthwait & M" Susannah Briggs both of Stoughton D D° Sill M"" Jesse Shepard & M« Sally Tucker botli of Stoughton June G'^^M' Isaac Shaller & ]VI" Eunice Kenny both of Stoughton D° 20"^ M' Lemuel Monk & ■\I"Chloe Waters both of Stoughton D" 21'> Canada Read of Sandwich &, Margery Moho of Stoughton Intention of Marriage betwen M' Elijah Biiss & M" Melatiah Pakard both of Stoughton Ent" Sop^ 1794 July Intentions of ^Marriage between Rodolphus Kinsley of Stoughton & Salome Cary of Bridgewater D° Aug' Jason Froncli & Lydia Crane both of Stoughton Sep' 26"^ 1794 Elijah Bliss" Resident of Stoughton & Melatiah Pakard of S* ToAvn Pompe Allen resident of Stoughton & Annis Rings of Sharon Intention of Marriage between Richard Wild of Stoughton & Rhoda Cary of Bridgewater enf^ OC 1794 Intention of Marriage betwen M'John Howard of Bridgewater & M" Polly Gill of Stoughton ent^ Oc' 1794 Intentions of Marriage between M' Peter Thayer of Stoughton & M"'' Unity Hixon of Sharon eut^ Nov 1'' 1794 135 Intention of Marriage between Jacob Fisher of Sharon «fc Elisabeth Brooks of Stoughton ent,"dNov' ll'' 1794 Intention of Marriage between William Fit« Jerrel of Roxbury & M ' Elisabeth Sparc 2 1796 138 Intention of Marriage between M"^ Elisha Capen & Miss Milly Gay both of Stougliton entered April 9"^ 1796 Interition of Marriage between M'' John Atlierton Jun'' of Stoughton & Miss Sally Bird of said Stoughton enfJ April ^"^ 179G Intention of Marriage between M' Nathaniel Morton & Miss Azuba Gay both of Stoughton entered April 9'^^ 1796 Intention of Marriage between M' Luther Swan of Stoughton and Miss Hannah French of Bridgewater ent* April 9*'' 179G 164 Intention of Marriage between M' Nathaniel Pctingill & Miss Grace Whiting Jim'" both of Stoughtou ent"* April 30'" 1796 Intention of Marriage between M' Lot Leach of Stoughton & Miss Olive Keith of Easton entered May 12"il796 Intention of Marriage between M' Oliver Shepard of Stoughton & Miss Susan- na Baker of Sharon ent 1778 ' Lemuel Bent Son of AVilliani Bent and Chloe his wife Died January v« 3P' 1765 William Bent Son of William Bent and Chloe his wife Died Sep' y<' 4'" 1774 James Bent Son of AVilliam Bent & Chloe his wife Died June v« !»' 1778 Elizabeth Billings AVife of Stephen Billings Dieil October y* 17': 1783 Mary Downs wife of Edward Downs Died March y« 25 1777 George Downs Son of Edward Downs and Mary his wife Died may y« 11 1777 Submit Bailey wife of Hem-y Bailey Died November y*' 17'*' 1774 Richard Bailey Died November y^ 22'i 1777 Aged 83 Mehetible Belcher wife of Cleford Belcher Died februarv v« 20''» 1779 Mary Munk wife of Eliphalet Monk Ju' Died ]\Iay y^ 19'^ 1784 James Pope Son of James Pope & Sarah his wife Died October y* 18 1778 Oliver Pope Son of James Pope & Sarah his wife Died December y^ 30 1777 Rebeckah Poi)e Daughtor of James Pope & Sarah his wife Died October y« 21 : 1778 Elijah Pope Son of James Pope & Sarah his wife Died October y« 25 1778 Azubah Gay Daughtor of Lemvel Gay & Abigail liis wife Died Decemb"" v« 10 1770 Preserved Lyon Died July 14"' A D 1785 in the 97 vear of his age D° Joseph Hartwell Died"6"' of February 1786 in the 88 of his age Mary Packard wife of Abiezer Packard' Died October y« 19. 1785 in y« 43'' year of her age Nathan Monk Son of George Monk & Sarah his wife died December the 27'" 1786 in the 18"* year of his age Lieu' Thomas Crane Died May y* 5"* 1787 in the 36 year of his Age Mrss Jemima Drake wife of Nathan Drake died 6cf2year of Her Age M"" Thomas Shepard Died February the 4'-'' 1782 Aged 74 years 140 Asahel Smith Jun' Died August the 24"* 1779 in the 16'^ year of his age M"" Asahel Smith Died Sepf 1S"» 1779 in the 46 year of his age Joshua Gay died January oP' 1788 Decon John Atherton Died October y* 4'^ 1785 in the 72 year of his age Mary Fenno Wife of Isaac Fenno died March 11'" 1795 aged Joseph Wadsworth died July 18'^ 1795 in y« 20'" Year of his Age 165 Betsy Bird Daughter of M"" Ase Bird & Betsy his Wife was boru April 20"» 1791 Sukey Daughter of d° boru 2o^ o^Jov' 1792 Kesiah Daughter of d" born 2^J'^ KoV 1794 Ciarisa Daughter of d" born 27"^ Ocf 1796 Joseph Belcher Son of ]\P Joseph Belcher & Abiei his Wife born Nov' .s"^ 1779 Lein^Bird Sou of ISP Benj" Bird & Keziah his AVife born Sepf 29"» 1745 Hannah Belcher Daughter of Joseph Belcher & Abiel his Wife born Dec' 3^ 1762 Sarah Daughter of D" boru Oct' 20'^' 1764 Eebeckah Daughter of D° born feb"? 2-^ 1767 Mary Daughter of D° April 15"^ 1769 Lucy Daughter of D" Oct' 16* 1772 Abigail Daughter of D° Feb^ W^ 1774 John Sou of D° August 22'^ 1777 Isaac Gardner Blanchard Son of Jonathan Blanchard & Betsy his Wife born July 24*^1790 Jonathan Son of D» born Juue 19"^ 1792 Josiah Son of D" born Sept' 19"> 1793 Lot Son of D° boru Sept'2Pt 1795 Horatio Son of D" boru Juue 30"' 1798 & died July 20"^ 1798 141 An Intention of Marriage between M' Abraham Capen and Miss Rachel Atherton both of Stoughton entered SO"" Sept' 1797 An Intention of Marriage between M' Uriah Capen of Stoughton & Miss Unice Packard of Bridgwater entered Oct' 2°'^ 1797 An Intention of Marriage between M' Ezra Talbot & Miss Nabbv Belcher botli of Stoughton entered Oct' 2""^ 1797 A Purpose of Marriage between the Rev"* Lemuel Wadswortli of Roby New Hampshire & 3Iiss Abigail Talbot Stoughton entered Oct' 22'^ 1797 An Intention of Marriage betvreen M' William Car of Bridgwater & Miss Rhoda French of Stoughton entered Nov' 1"*' 1797 An Intention of Marriage between ]\Iaj' Sam'Cowel of Wrentham & M'" Mary Johnson of Stoughton entered 2°"^ Nov' 1797 An Intention of Marriage between M' Ephraim Morse & Miss Susanna Bartlett both Inhabitants of Stoughton entered Nov' 16"^ 1797 A purpose of Marriage between M' JohnDanals of Boston & Miss LouisaMorton of Stoughton Entered 16"^ March 1798 A purpose of Marriage between M' Joseph Read of Boston & Miss Sally Bart- lett of Stoughtou entered Oct' 2'» 1799 142 A purpose of Marriage between M'Elisha Belcher of Stoughton & Miss Rachel Smith of Canton entered April 1»' 1798 an Intention of Marriage between M' Sam ' Morse J' of Canton & Miss Hannah Smith of Stoughton entered May 2<* 1798 An Intention of Marriage between M'Nath'Gay & Miss Rebeckah Johnson both of Stoughton entered May 2<* 1798 A purpose of Marriage between M' Elijah Pratt of Foxberry & Miss Sibel Dun- bar of Stoughton entered July o'^ 1798 A purpose of Marriage between M'Mikah Richmond of Bridgwater & Miss Hannah Sumner of Stoughton entered August 30'^ 1798 A purpose of Marriage between M' Turel Allen & Miss Sally Dersy both of Stoughton entered Sept' 9* 1798 An Intention of Marriage between M' Lewis Johnson of Stoughton & Miss Betsy Sturdephant of Bridgwater entered July IS'*" 1799 An Intention of Marriage between M' Elijah Howard of Canton & Miss Abigail Jordan of Stoughton entered Feb'y22'^i 1800 143 Intention of :Marriage between John Mathews of Nantucket & Miss Chloe Curtis of Stoughton ent-J November 12'" 1796 Intention of Marriage between M' William Austin of Easton & Miss Elizabeth Tant of Stoughton ent" Dec' 2^ 1796 166 Intention of Marriage between M' Peter Bartlett & Miss Bethiah Morse both of Stoughton ent 1778 Enoch Son of d" born Dec' 21 1780 Nathan Son of d" born March 14 1783 Baca Daughter of d" born 25"' April 1785 Hiram Shepherd Son of M' Ralph Shepard & Nabby his Wife born Nov' 21 « 1798 An Intention of Marriage between M' Samuel Morse & Mrs Mary Went worth both of Canton entered Nov' 28*^ 1799 Oliver Stearns Son to Simon Stearnes and Marv his wife was born October 24'" 1764 Roda Stearnes Daughter to Ditto Born May 10'" 1770 Susanna Stearnes D°to Ditto Born Oct' lO'" 1771 Marv Stearnes D° to Ditto Born Julv 16"' 1778 Betliuel Stearnes Son to Ditto Born July 4'" 1780 !45 A return of Marriages by James Endicot Esq 1789 April 10"' Elijah Hunt Esq of Northhampton to Miss Jame Kilbey of Bos- ton Attest John Atherton Jun' Town Clerk A return of Marriages by the Rev^ Edward Richmond May 1^' 1797 1796 June 9'" M' Elisha Capen to Miss Mille Gav both of Stoughton Ditto 12"' M' Joshua AVild of Randolph to Miss Nancy Pope of Stoughton December 29'" M' William Austin of Easton to Miss Elisabeth Tant of Stoughton 1797 Jan'y 19'" M' Peter Bartlett to Miss Bethiah Morse both of Stoughton Feb'y 9'" John Atherton Jun' to Miss Sally Bird both of Stoughton D" 13'" M' Limus Rogers of Easton to Miss Milatiah Packard of Stoughton D" 22'i M' Philip Reynolds to Miss Phebe Wadsworth both of Stoughton Attest John Atherton Jun' Town Clerk 146 Thankfull Guild Daughter of M' Amos Guild & Sarah his Wife born Sept' 6'" 1784 Abel Guild Son of D» born April 24"' 1788 and died May 24'" 1789 An Infand Son of D° born April 6'" 1790 and died April" 10'" 1790 Susanna daughter of D° born Oct' 4'" 1791 and died Oct' 6'" 1792 167 Jerusha Daughter of D'born May I9"i 1794 Olive Daughter of D° born Julv 15'^ 1796 Cap' James Pope Died Sept 26*^ 1798 Aged 52, Ira Guild Son of M"' Israel Guild c^- Hannah his Wife born May 8"> 1794 Israel Son of D" born August 3*^ 179o 147 A return of Marriages by the Rev"^ Edward Richmond May 29'" 1798 1797 May P' M"^ Ebenezer Osg-ood belonging to Stoughton (resident in Boston) to M" Sally Holt of Boston June 5"^ M^ Nathaniel Morton to Miss Azubah Gay both of Stoughton. Oef 15'*^ M'' Abraham Capen to Miss Rachel Atherton both of Stoughton. Oct'17«'MMesse Smith Jun' of Stoughton to Miss Priscilla Tisdale of Sharon Nov^ 15th Kev"^ Lemuel AVadsworth of Roby to Miss Abigail Talbot Stough- ton vA Nov'' 27* Maj'' Samuel Cowel of "Wrentham to M" Mary Johnson of Stough- ->-'^ ton. Nov 30"^ M'' William Car of Bridgwater to Miss Rhoda Erench Stoughton. 1798 January 3'^ M' Ephraim Morse to Miss Susannah Bartlett both of Stough- ton. The above mentioned ware married by me Edw'* Richmond Recorded May 29"' 1798 by me John Atherton Jun' Town Clerk 143 John Dickermau 3<^ Son of John Dickerman J"" & Ruth his AVlfe was born Oct' 26''^ 1796 Sally Tolman Dickerman Daughter of d" born May 23^ 1798 Rebeckah Wadsworth Revnolds Daughter of M' Philip Reynolds & Phebe his Wife born August 14"^* 1798 Simeon Dunbar Son of M^ Peter Dunbar & Relief his his AYife born Nov"" 2^ 1783 Samuel Dickerman son of M"" Enoch Dickerman and Sarah his wife was born April 29"> 1782. 149 Intentions of Marriage between the following persons Viz between M"^ Richard Talbott of Stoughton & Miss Rebeckah Smith of Canton, entered Oct' 20"^ 1798 between M"^ Consider Southworth & Miss Pollv Hixson both of Stoughton, entered Oct' 20ti» 1798 between M"^ Howard Packard of Bridgwater & Miss Jane Capen of Stoughton enter Dec' 16'" 1798 between M"^ Samuel Curtis & IVIiss Sallv Harris both of Stoughton entered March 6'" 1799 Between M' John Belcher & Miss Rebeckah Gav both of Stoughton entered March 9"' 1799 Between M' Jedidiah Atherton of Stoughton & Miss Hannah Drake of Sharon entered March 9"> 1799 Between M' Sam' Wales of Stoughton & Miss Pollv Crane of Milton entered March 24''' 1799 Between M' Oliver Belcher Stoughton & Miss Pollv Revnolds of Bridgwater entered March 24"" 1799 Between M' Jonathan Fourd of Abington & Miss Sallv Packard of Stoughton entered April 9'!^ 1799 Betweeji M"^ Peter Bartlett of Newtown & Miss Betsj-- Brooks of Stoughton entered May ll"* 1799 150 The Rev<> Jedidiah Adams died Feb'-y 26"' 1799 in the 89"' vear of his Age M' Samuel Bracket Died Feb' o^ 1799 Aged 87 M' Elijah Tilden Died March 7''' 1799 Aged 79 Miss Ruth Shepard Wife of M' Samuel Shepard Died Nov' 1'* 1802 Aged 65 Wid Elisabeth Tolman Died Feb' 14'" 1803 M'Hezekiah Gav Died Oct' 3P' 1803 168 M' Joseph Belcher Died April 20"> 1S03 Sally Monk Daughter to M' Elijah Monk & Anna his Wife Died Feb^ 21^' isQl Saify Dickerman Daughter to M' John Dickermau J"" & lluth his AYife Died Sept U«^ 1799 Polly Monk Daughter of M' Lemuel Monk & Cloc his Wife Died June 27"^ 1800 151 A return of Marriages from the llev'"^ M' Joel Briggs March 3^ 1788 1787 Dec"^ 24"^ Timothy Harris and Anna Howard both of Stoughton 1788 Jan. 24"^ Timothy Goldth write & Polly Briggs both of Stoughton Jan. lo^^ Quoake Matherick and Chloe Howard (blacks) Residents of Stoughton Attest Joseph Smith o^ Town Clerk A return of Marriages' from the Rev. Mr. Zachariah Howard April 28'" 1788 1786 Oct' 26'*' Elisha Crane of Stoughton & Rebeccah Daniels of Dorchester 1787 Feb. 8'" Elias Fairbanks of P'rancistown & Elizabeth Billings of Stough- ton 22owns and Hannah Fenno both of Stoughton 29"^ Josiah Tilden and Prudence Farrington both of Stonghton 1788 March G"> John Wilcox and Mercy Clark both of Stoughton Attest Joseph Smith 3'* Town Clerk A return of Marriages from the Rev. Mr. Jedidiah Adams May y« 1^' 1788 1786 Feb. 17"^ Lewis Chandler and Sarah Bailey both of Stoughton May 25"^ Bethuel Drake and Elizabeth Smith both of Stoughton June 21^' Ezekiel Johnson and Elizabeth Crosman both of Stoughton 23'! Philip Curtis of Sharon and Abigail Johnson of Stoughton 28"^ Beiijamin Holmes of Norton and Rachel Glover of Stoughton August 25"» William Everet of Dedham & Sarah Blackman of Stoughton Sept' IS"' Doct. Sam' Dunbar Searl & Sarah Withington both of Stough- ton Oct' 6'^ Josiah Blackman of Hollowell & Hannah Bailey of Stoughton 16"^ John Clark of Boston and Sarah Swan of Stonghton 20"" Calvin Packard of Bridgwater & Betsey Dunbar of Stoughton Continued See page 152 152 1786 Feb. 2 John AVadsworth and Hannah Clap both of Stoughton A Return of Marriages of George Crosman Esq' March 1789 1787 Septemb' v« 6 John Collevdrew & Cloe AVilliams of Dedham * 20 Sam' Goucii & Zeruah Billings Both orf Stonghton 1G9 DecemV y® 6 Elijah Craiio y« 2^ Sz inarv Fi?hcr Both of Stoaghtou 1788 May 19 Jesse Pierce & Catharine Smith Both of Stoughtou July y*'31 Lonon dary of JVIiltoa & Mercy Slade of Stougliton Septemb' y^ -i. Peter Dickerraan & Ilebeckah Smith of Stoughton 18 David Drake & Hannah waters of Sharon 18 Benj° Wilbore of Mansfield & Zebiah Drake of Sharon 1789 February y* 12 John Morse Ju' & Policy Castle Both of Stoughton March y« 15 Nath^^ Petty & Jerusha Billings both of Stoughton April y« 23 Joseph Sterns & Elizabeth Morse both of Stoughton July y« 23^ Ira Wade of Middlebory & Elizabeth White of Sl.aron December y« 3 Phillip Willis & Sarah Johnson Both of Sharon omited Octob''y'^ I'*' 1789 Nehemiah Samson Resident in Sharon and Bathshabe Baker of Sharon February y« 10"i 1789 Ebenezer Holmes & Charloto Taunt Both of Stoughton a Return of Marriages by y^ Rev^ Jedidiah Adams March 1789. 1788 May y= 15 David Wadsworth & Elenor Capeu Both of Stoughton 1789 April y« U David Tolbot & Mehetible Capin Both of Stoughton Returns of Marriages by y^ Rev'^ M'' Zacariah Howard March 1789 1788 June y« 2 Jeramiah Hixson of Sharon & Loes Kenny of Stoughton 12 Ohver Wentworth of Stoughton & Abigail Tilden b" Octob' y« 9 Ichabod Pitts of Hallowell & Mary Blackmon of Stoughton 23 Simeon Tucker & Mille Hartwell Both of Stoughton Decemb y« 25 David Patten & Sarah Daniels Both of Stoughton 153 Returns of Marriages from y^ Rev"^ M' Joel Briggs March 1789 1788 June y« 8 Benj'° Linfield & Hitte French Both of Braintreo April y« 9 Seth Turner & Abigail Wales Both of Braintree 17 Asa Battles & Mary Pratt Both of Stoughton '^Novemb'"y® 13 Jesse Richards & Hannah Lovel Bolli of Dedham Decemb'' y^ 25 William Linfield Tertius of Braintro & Zilpha Howord of Stoughton. 1789 March y« 3"* Noah Whitcom Ju'' & Phebee maii Both of Braintree 19 Lemvel Capin of Stoughtoii & Michal Thayer of Braintree Return of Marriflges by George Crosman Esqf 1790 Januay y« 6 Elazer Blackmoii M^ George Monk J' Lydia Pakard Oct' Ib^ M' Asa Gay to Sarah Armsbee 1790 Feb' 7*^ Joseph Porter to Melatiah Capen Api l** Asa Bird to Betsey Bartlett May 4'^ Sam'. Wadsworth to Abigail Eliott 1791 March 17" Sam^Paul to Ruth Shepard 170 1792 Jan' 30^ Sam' Shepard Junr to Jomima Drake March 8^ NatW Smith to Anna Hohnes Att« Elijah Crane Town Clerk Return of Marriages bv v« Rd Edw** Richmond 1792 Dec' 16^ Elipha' Monk J^ Rachel Paul D IS^ Isaac Bartlett to Anna Fakard 1793 March l'^ Unite Blackman to Jer'' Glover Att' Elijah Crane Town Clerk Return of Marriages by R* Joel Briggs Elisha Eames of Bridge water & Anna Man of Stoughton Sep'' 4^^ 1791 Augt29'' 1793 Edward Battles & Polly Goldthwait^ May 28 1792 Benj" Silvester 2'^ & Phebe Jones Feb' 21'^ 1793 Eben' Crain & Nabbe Burit July 13 1793 Barnabas Keith Eunic Howard Dec 1^ 1793 Abiel Howard & Pollv Mann Juu 17!^ 1793 John Ward & EstherLintield Jan 16" 1792 Elijah Kenny & Hannah Bartlett Att' Elijah Crane Town Clerk J55 Return of Marriages by y« Rev*^ Edward Richmond April 20"" 1795 1794 June 5"» M' Robert Porter to jVIiss Elizabeth Gay both of Stoughton August 4. M' Lemuel Monk to Miss Chloe Waters both of Stoug December 18"* M' John Esty to Miss Irena Sumner both of Stoughton 1795 April 8"^ M' William Capen to Miss Rebecca Swan both of D" Attest Peter Adams Town Clerk Return of Marriages by ye Rev*^ Joel Briggs April 22 '95 1794 June 16. M' Sara' Berrel of Stoughton to Miss Phebe Linfield of Randolph June 20'*' M' Lot Goldthwait to Miss Susanna Brigg both of Stoughton 1795 April 2'* M' Enoch Penniman of Stoughton to Miss Katharine Madden of Randolph Attest Peter Adams Town (Jlcrk Return of Marriages by y^ Rev"^ Edward Richmond May 1796 1795 April 8"^ Married M' William Capeu to Miss Rebecca Swan both of Stough- ton August 25"^ M' Seth Morton to Miss Jerusha Vose both of Stougliton September S^ M' Mathew Hunt of Braintree to Miss Polly Ogden Stough- ton October ll''' M' Joseph Morse Jun"" to Miss Bethiah Holmes both of Stough- ton December 22"* M' James Draper Swan to Miss Hannah Vose both of Stough- ton 1796 March 20"^ M' Noah Withington of Dorchester to Miss Relief Haws of Stoughton D" 28 M' Josiah Leeds of Dorchester to Miss Anna Glover of Stoughton The above were married by me Edw'* Richmond Attest Peter Adams Town Clerk i56t Apollos Son to M' Jedidiah Soutliworth Jun'and Sally his Wife was born Nov' 16"> 1792 Sally Daughter of D° was born April 28"' 1795 Jarves Son of D»born 13 Nov. 1797 & died March 1»' 1799 Luther Son of D" born Dec' IS"' 1799 William Smith son to William Smith & Katharine his Wife was born March 1" 1752 157 Seth Tilden son of Nathaniel Tilden & Sarah his wife born Nov' S" 1777 Isaac Tilden son of D» born Nov' S'' 1779 Elihu Tilden son of Do born March 27^ 1784 Hannah Tilden Daughter of Doborn March 29'*' 1782 Eunice Tilden Daughter of D» born Nov' 2^ 1787 Patience Tilden Daughter of D» born Oct' 1^' 1790 SaUy Tilden Daughter of D" born Oct' 25'' 1793 t In rebinding, page 157 has been placed before page 156. 171 Samuel Tucker son of Samuel Tucker J"" & Olive his wife born Feb' '^^ 1782 John Tucker son of D" born June lO"" 1786 Dorcas Tucker Daughter of D» born Ocf 6*^ 1788 David Tucker son of D° born Sep' 23'' 1790 Olive Tucker son of D" born Apr' 22i 1793 Elijah Dunbar Son of Elijah Dunbar Esq' & Sarah liis Wife born July 7"^ 1773 Thomas Dunbar Sou of D° born July 25. 1775 Dorothy Dunbar Daughter of D» born Fe))^ 13'^ 1778 William Dunbar Son of D" born August 15'^ 1780 Hannah Dunbar Daughter of D° born August 21^' 1784 - James Dunbar Son of D" born Feb^ 2'^ 1787 Sarah Dunbar Daughter of D" died June 25"^ 1773 M" Dunbar Wife of y* Rev^ Samuel Dunbar died Jan? lb. 1777 The Key* Samuel Duubar died June 15"» 1783 aged 78 172 LIB^ N° 2. A BOOK FOR RECORDING THE ENTRIES OF THE INTENTIONS OF MARRIAGES WITH THE TOWN CLERK IN STOUGHTON. A Record of the Time of the Intreys of the Intentions of Marriages with y^ Town Clerk in Stoughton. Th9 above title extended across the tops of a fly leaf and inige 1. Pages 1 and 2 are missing in the original hoolc, but are supplied from the copy onmed by the Town of Canton. 1 1767 Oct*" 15. Mr Moses ^yent worth and Mrs Susaniia Warren both of Stoughton 15, Mr John Spare and Mrs Elizabeth Barber both of Stoughton 26 Mr Elkanah Smith of Taunton and Mrs Elizabeth Sterns of Stoughton Nov'"' 5 : Mr Ed'^'^ Bridge Savil & Mrs Mary Richards both of Stoughton 1758 January 9"^ Dr Jonathan Pratt of Norton & Mrs llephzebah Billing of Stoughton 12 Mr Ezekiel Pierce Jun' & Mrs Patiance Coppboth of Stoughton Feb' 18 Mr Daniel Holbrook & Mrs Mary Stone both of Stoughton 18 Mr Levi Horton and Mrs Anna Kenny both of Stoughton Attest W" Royall Town Clerk March 9 Mr Nat" Morse of Dedham & Mrs Susanna Bacon of Stoughton May 6 Mr Bliss Tolmaii of Stoughton and Mrs Susanna French of Brain- tree ll^'Mr Fradrick Pope of Stoughton & Mrs Mary Cole of Bridge- water June 17 Mr John Taunt & Mrs llephzebah Kenny both of Stoughton 17 Mr John Aspen wall & Mrs Penelope Dwelley botli of Stoughton 2 A Record of the Time of the Entryes of the Intention of Marriages, With the Town Clerk in Stoughton The above title extended across the tojJs of pages 2 and 3. 1758. July 28 Mr Comfort Wliyton marriner and Mrs Grace M<= Fatldcn of Stoughton August 5 M' Daniel Littlefield of Bridgewater and Mrs Rachel Pope of Stoughton 2.9"» Mr John Holmes and Mrs Elizebeth Wentworth both of Stoughton 173 Sept"" 16"^ Mr John Hartwell of Stoughton and Mrs Dorcas Thurston of Wrentham 16 Mr "William Richards Jun' aud Mrs Anna Comins both of Stough- ton 23 Mr Nat" May & Mrs Sarah Blackraan both of Stoughton October 5 Mr David Stone of Eston aud Mrs Thankful Fisher of Stough- ton 20 Du Nat" Holmes of Stoughton and Mrs Sarah Ellis of Dedham 21 Mr Nat" Capon & Mrs Lusane Swift both of Stoughton 28 Mr Eben' Clap Jun' of Stoughton and Mrs Dorcas Humphrey of Dedham 3 1758 Oct^"- 28 M"- Dan" Stone & M" Hannah Woodcok both of Stoughton Dec*"^ 9. M' Einathan Pope of North Yarmouth & M" Mary Thompson of Stoughton. 13. M' Aaron Hamond & M" Mary Hamond both of Stoughton 22. M'Eliphalet Chip of AValpole& M" Hannah Hilling of Stoughton. SO M'Ezra AVinslow & M"Eachel Fenno both of Stoughton. 1759 Jan'7 20. M' Abncr Crane & M" Hannah Fenno both of Stoughton Feb-T 24 : M"^ Tho^ AVhite of Dedham & M" Ilachal Smith of Stoughton March 3: M' Henry Shaller & M™ Abigail Andrews both of Stoughton. Attes' AV" Royall Town Clerk 10 M' John Davenport Ju' of Stoughton & M" Lois Bdlamb of AVey- moutli. April 20: M'" Jonathan Jordan & M" Sarah Lyon both of Stoughton. May 4 : M' David L>'on & M" Abigail Belcher both of Stoughton June 9: M' Joshua AVhitemore & M" Susanna Payson both of Stoughton. 9 : M"" Isaiah Tolman of Stoughton & M" Margaret Robins of AValpole. 16: M' Timothy Bacon of Natick & M" Sarah White of Stoughton. August 8: M' John Forrist & M" Joanna Perry both of Stoughton Sep"^ 8 : M' Tho' Manely Ju"^ of Eston «& M" Temperence Swift of Stough- ton 14 M'' John AA^adsworth & M" Jerusha AYhite both of Stoughton. 4 A Recoi-d of y« Time of y« Entry of y« Intention of Marriages In Stoughton Enterd AVith y« Town Clerk " 1759 Sep"' 22 M^ Benj» Carell of AYalpole & M" Judith Ingi-aham of Stoughton. 28: M' Benajah Smith of Eston & M" Sarah Lyon of Stoughton. 28: M' George Allen Ju' & M" Experiance Stearns both of Stough- ton. Oct"' 17 : M' Benja Billing of Stoughton & M" Rachel Pratt of Norton Oct*" 20 M' Josiah Blackman & M" Experiance Fuller both Stoughton 24. M'AYilliam Hewins & M" Ruth Comins both of Stoughton. Nov*" 21 : M' Nathan Clerk Ju' & M" Hannah Everitt both of Stoughton. Dec''' 21: M'EIeazer Robins & M"-' Elizabeth Savill both of Stoughton 21: M' Jacob Johnson of Stoughton & M" Mercy Snow of Bidge- water 29 : M' Christophor AA^adsworth & M" Abigail AYithington both of Stoughton. 29 : M' Joseph AVhite of Stoughton & M" Sarah Drake of Eston. 1760 Jan' 4 : M' Sam^^ Payson & M'« Sarah Noyce both of Stoughton 4: M' James Baily of Stoughton & M" Susanna Philips of Belingham. 20: M'Recompence AA'adsworth & M'^ Abigail Lyon both of Stough- ton. March y^ 8 : M' David Thompson & M' Sarah Osgood Both of Stoughton 8 : M' Jaccob Billing & Rachel AVhite Both of Stoughton 5 April y« 19 1760 M' John Oliver Eesedent of AYrcntham & M'^ Huldy Rhoads of Stouffhton April ye 26 M' John hayward AYinslow Resedent in Stoughton and M" Abigail Fenno of Stoughton 174 May y« 3* M"^ Nehemiah Lisconi of Stoughton and M" Sarah Hooper of Bridgwater 14 Primus Freeman Negro Man to Timothy Tohuau and Margreat Esson a free Garle of Bridgwarter June y« 7"> M' Sam" Lovel & M" Mary Smith Ju' both of Stoughton July y* o'" M' Benj'" Monk & M" iMeredith Lyon Both of Stoughton July y« 5'*^ M' Elijah Hawee & M" Abigail Everitt Both of Stoughton August y* 23 M' Seth Haward & M™ Phebe Haydon Both of Stoughton Sep* y' 8 M' John Everitt of Stoughton and M" Mary Smith of Wrentham y'e 26 M' Ezekel Peirce and M" Phebe Farrington Both of Stoughton ye 26 M"^ Thomas Houghton of Milton & M" Charity Liscom of Stough- ton October y« 4 : Doc* Sam" Hewlns of Stoughton and M" Sarah White of Waymoth Nouember y« 1 M"^ John Noyse of Stoughton & Mrs Esther Cobb of Taun- ton y^ 1 : M^ James Endicott Ju^ and Mrs Abigail Puffer Both of Stoughton ye 1 M' Jonathan Hayward of Brantree and Mrs Elizabeth Burge of Stoughton 6 A Record of v^ Time of y* Entry of y* Intentions of Marriage in Stoughton Entred With y"^ Town Clerk 1760 Nov' ye 8 M' Benj'" Everendon and M" Mary Dusee Both of Stoughton Nov"" ye 6 M' Ebenezar Holms of Stoughton and M" Jemima Lyon of Dedham Dec"" ye 12''» M'' Seth Boyden & M" Mary Patten both of Stoughton Dec' ye 11 M' Jacob Goldthritt and M" Elezebeth Nightengale Both of Stough- ton ye 27 M' Edmond Pettengail of Bridgwater & Sai-ah Curtis of Stoughton Jan" y^'3 1761 M' Jonathan Belcher and M" Sarah Richards Both of Stoughton 29 M"" Michel Woodcock Ju"" of Stoughton & M" Jemima Pane of Nor- ton Feb' 12 M' William Deverix of Stoughton & M" Abigail Dorsse Resedent in Stoughton March y* 6^ M' Ebeu-- Welmon of Norton & M" Priscilia Day of Stoughton ye 7"^ 31 ■■ Henry Bailey & M" Submitt Brown Both of Stoughton April ye 4"^ M' Ebenezar He wins of Stoughton and M" Marcy Guild of Wal- pole ye 1 V^ Day M' William Curril & M" Prescilla Blanchard Both of Stough- ton May ye 2'^ M' "William Fenno & ]\I" Sarah Endicutt Borth of Stoughton 7 May y* 9 1761 M' Fich Gibben and M" Naome Colwell Borth Resedent in Stoughton June ye b^^ M' Carpenter Bradford and M" Mary Gay Both of Stoughton June ye 20'*' M' Sam" Shepard and M" Ruth Downs Both of Stoughton ye 20"' M' Solomon Stickne and M" Abigail Pilcher Both of Stoughton - August ye 27'" M' James Lovell of Bridgwater & M" Mary Johnson of Stoughton Sep' ye g"' M' Thomas Raynolds of Wrantham & M" Katharine Randal of Stoughton ye 9"^ iM' Timothy^Clap of Stoughton & M" Rhoda Withrell of Norton ye 17'*' M' Thomas Whitney of Natick & M"Mehetable Bacon of Stough- ton October ye 9^ M' Nehemiah Liscom & M" Marllia Redman Both of Stoughton ye 16 M' Sam" Osgood of Stoughton & M" Huldy Cushman of Halle- fax in ve County of Plimouth ye 23* M' Ebenezer Williams and M" Mary Easty Both of Stoughton ye 24'*' M' Ebenezer May & M" Rebakah Warren Both of Stoughton November y« 20'" W George Monk Ju' & M'« Sarah Hixson Both of Stoughton 175 Decembei' y* 26 M' William Marshall of Walpole & M" Phebe Wellman of Stoughton 8 January y* 9 1762 AP Benj™ Tilson of Stoughton & M" Abigal Glover of Milton ye i2"» M'' Solomon Gay of Dedham & M" Abigail Gould of Stough- ton FeV y* 13 M' Joseph Belcher & M" Abial HoUis Both of Stoughton y' 20 M' Joseph White & M" Mary Bussey Both of Stoughton March y* 13 M"" Seth Johnson of Stoughton and M" Rebakah Deen of Rayn- ham in y« County of Bristol ye 20"> M'' William Pope of Stoughton In y« County of Suffolk and Mrs Molley Kingman of Easton In y« County of Bristol April y« 16 M' James White Ju' of Dedham and M" Abigial Smith of Stough- ton In 5^ County of Suffolk ye 24 M' John Smith Ju'' of Stoughton & M" Jemima Man of Wrentham June v« 11'^ M'' Seth Johnson and M'^ Martha Tolbot Both of Stoughton M'' Phillip Withington and M" Rebeckah fuller Both of Stough- ton July y* 17* M'' John Packerd of Bridgwater and M" Sarah Hammond of Stoughton M' Solomon Coming and M" Rebeckah Coney Both of Stoughton M' Turall Allen and M" ISIargreat Stearns Both of Stoughton July v' 30 M^ Thomas Nason & M" Jamima Clark Both of Stoughton August y^ 19"> the Rev'' M'' John Searl of Stoneham & M" Mehetable Dun- bar of Stoughton October v* 2'^ M' Thomas Jorden & M" Hannah Adames Both of Stoughton ye 16* M-- Solomon Easty of Stoughton & M^Tabitha Williams of Easton November y* G* M' Sam" Holmes & ]M" Susanna Comings Both of Stoughton 13 M' Nath" Fisher and M" Hannah Baker Both of Stoughton y« 17 M^ Joseph Tucker of Stoughton M" Abigail Nason of Walpole ye 2^ M' Eph™ Thayer Ju'' of Brantree and M" Phebe Portter of Stoughton 9 Decern^ 1762 M' Elijah Dunbar and M" Sarah Hunt Both of Stoughton — ye 11th ]\xr JoIjjj Easty and M" Abigail Gould Both of Stoughton y= 17 M"" John Clap of Stoughton and M" Submitt Devenportt of Dor- chester y« 25 M' Micah Baker of Meadfield and M" Elizebeth Whittemore of Stoughton Feb''y''5* 1763 M' Amariah Harris of Stoughton and M-^^ Elizebeth Linsefield of Brantree March y« 9* 1763 M' John Belcher of Dorchester and M" Abigial Brackitt of Stoughton ye 11th ]y|r Joseph Tucker of Stoughton and M"AmeeCroseman of Rayn- ham ye 25 M' William Withington and M" Elizebeth Richards Both of Stoughton ye 31 M' John Coney and M" Kezia Holmes Both of April ye 9* 1763 M'' Edward Down and M" Miriam Jorden Both of Stoughton July 2'' 1763 M' Sam" Killpattrick & M" Jerusha Haris Both of Stoughton ye gth ^iT Isaiah Bussev & ]\1™ Bathshaba Weiitworth Both of Stoughton ye 9* M' Sara" Briggs' Ju^ of Stoughton & J.I™ Rhoda Dusee of Bridg- water ye 29 M"^ Simon Stearns Ju^ and M" Mary Johnson Both of Stoughton ye 29 M'' Eleazer Blackman & M" Mary Tuper Both of Stoughton 10 August ye 10* 1763 M' Asa Fisher & M" Obedience Holmes Both of Stough- ton 176 ye 20'^ M^ Ebeiiezer Capeii of Stoughton & M" Abigail Kingsbury of Dedham Sep* y» 10^ 1763 M'' Xeiiemiah Liscom & M" Khoda Kenny Both of Stoughton y« 16"^ 17G3 M"^ William Bacon of Dedhaui & M" Kozia Gould of Stough- ton October y« 1* 1763 M' George Talbot of Stoughton & M" Abigail Bacon of Dediiam y«l»17G3 M'Benjniin Richards and M" Mary Belcher Both of Stough- ton ye 29to 1763 ^,l' William Bent of Milton & M" Chloc Blackman of Stoughton November y« 5'^ 17C3 M' Jacob Hawse of Boston .& M" Elezebeth Hewins of Stoughton ye 26'^ 1763 M' Ebenezer Tucker of Milton & M" Elizabeth Ather- ton of Stoughton December y^ 23'i 1763 M' Jonathan Clark Resedent in Stoughton and M" Mary Ingraham of Stoughton ye 24th ]VTr Nath^Petteuirell & M" Buth Copeland Both of Stoughton y=30"» M' Joseph Morse of Stoughton & M" Kuth Thorp Ilesedent in Stoughton ye 29th M' Stephen ilhoads Ju"- of Stoughton & M" Mary Boydeu of Walpole January y« 27 1764 M"" Sam" Paul & M" Hannah Fisher Both of Stoughton Feb"' v« 4 M' Sam" Blanchard ik, M'^ Miriam Thayer Both of Stoughtou See I'age 19 I I A Kkcokd of Makkiagks Enterd With The Town Clekk ok Stoughton Liii^2 12 (:1:) A Record of Marriages Enterd With the Town Clerk by the persons that Mar- ried them & The Time When Enterd. By the Revd M' Ham^ Dunbar Jan'-y 25'^ 175S j^oybr ye 10'^ 1757. Moses Wentworth & Susanna Warren Were Married. Enterd bv y« Rev Jonathan Pratt & Hipsibah Billing. 1769 Enterd bv Eliphalet Pond Esq' Jus' Peace Oct"' y« 18'^ John AYadsworth & Jerusha AAliite both of Stoughton Was Married by him. March v« 3<» 1761 Enterd Bv y^ He\'^ M' Dunbar 1760 Aprel 3 1761 John Oliver & Huldah Rhodes Feb' v^ o"' 1761 Ezekiel Peirce & Phebe Farrington Feb' y« 19"^ 1761 Michael Woodcock & Jemima Pane 178 Aprel 1761 Entrcd By yc Ilev^ M' Adames of Stoughton and marrid By liim y'^ year Past Aprel y« 7 : 1760 M' David Thompson 1763 John Belcher of Dorchester & Abigail Brackitt of Stoughton Attest Nath'*^ May Town Clerk Entred ve Return of Marriages By y* Rev"* M' Dunbar Julv V* 26"^ 1763 ]\P Isaiah Bussev & M" Bathshebe Wentworth Julv ye 28"> 1763 M' Sam^Killpattrick & M" Jerusha Harris Nov ye 24"» 1763 M' W"» Bent of Milton & M" Chloe Blackraan of Stoughton 179 The Entre of y^ Return of Marriages By y« Rev^ M' philip Curtis John Coney & Keziah Holmes April y« 19^ 1763 Nath" Fisher & Hannah Baker April y= 22'i 1763 ^Y^ Withington & Elisabeth Richards ]\Iay y'' 6"^ 1763 W™ Bacon & & Keziah Gould October 13"^ 1763 Benj» Richards & Mary Belcher Nov^ 29"^ 1763 Jonathan Clark & Mary Ingraham January y« 11*'^ 1764 Eleazar Blackman & Mary Tupper January y« 20''^ 1764 Jacob Hawse & Elisabeth Hewens Feb'^y' 7"^ 1764 18 Returns of Marriages By y« Rev^ M'' Adames May ye 19'^ 1763 M^ Ed Down & M" Miriam Jorden December y* 8"^ 1763 M' Asa Fisher & Obedience Holmes January y« 12 1764 M' Nath" Pettingill & M" Ruth Copeland ye 23 1764 M'' Simon Sterns & M" Mary Johnson ye 27 1764 M' Joseph Morse & M" Ruth Thorpe Feb' ye 23^ 1764 M' Sam" Paul & M" Hannah Fisher March ye 1« 1764 M' Sam^i Blanchard & M" Miriam Thayer Attest Nath" May Town Clerk Returns of Marriages By ye ReV^ M'' Dunbar October ye 4'^ 1764 Lemuel Devenport of ]\Iilton & ]M" Patisents Stone of Stoughton Nov^ye 15"> 1764 M'' Daniel Fisher of Walpole & M" Amity Shepard of Stoughton Dece'ye 15^^ 1764 W™ Billing & Mary Leonard Both of Stoughton Feb^ ye 14"" 1765 M' Nath" Leonard & M" Jerushe Fenno of Stoughton Returns of Marriages By ye Rev'^ M'' Philip Curtis Agust ye 9^^ 1764 Nehemiah Clark & Judith Payson of Stoughton Sept ye27ti. 1764 M"^ Noah Woodcock & M" Mary Fuller October ye 4"^ 1764 Jacob Gould & Unity Holmes 24 1764 Micah Allen Catherine Everitt Nov ye 7ti> 1764 Matthias PufTer & Olive Boyden October ye ll"' 1764 Edward Cole & Elisabetli Hooper Returns of Marriages By y* ReV^ M'' Adams June igt" 1764 M' Ebeu-- Tucker & Mary Atherton f* — August ye 9"» Mr Benj» Hay ward & IM" Elizebeth Bird Sep' ye 27'" M' W° Monk & M" Mary Wedlock Dec ye'e''^ M' Micah French & M" Molley Manley Feb' ye 10"^ 1765 M' Sam"Brackitt & M" Hannah Clap Attest Nath" May Town Clerk 19 A Record of ye Time of ye Entry of ye Intentions of Marriage March y* 24 1764 M' John Holms ye 3*^ of Stoughton & M" Mary Buckimm of Medway June ye 15 M' Peter Dunbar of Bridgwater & M" Reliefi Curtis of Stough- ton ye 24 M' Seth Smith & M" Mary Tolbot Both of Stoughton ye 29"' M' Nehemiah Clark & M" Judith Payson Both of Stoughton ye 29'*" M' W" Monk & M" Mary Wedlock Both of Stoughton July ye 7 M' Benjamen Hayword of Brantree & M" Elizebeth Bird of Stoughton ye 7th ]^iy Joseph Bacon Rescdent in Stoughton & M" Abigial Holmes of Woodstock ye 7 M' Sam"Brackett Ju' & ^I" Hannah Clap Both of Stoughton ye 2 It l\i>-Noah AVoodward of Norton & M" Mary Fuller of Stoughton August ye 17"^ M' Edward Cole of Plimt(jn & M" Elizebeth Hooper of Stoushton y^ 24 M' Henry Ash Resedent in AVrentliam & M" Bulah Hadley Resedent in Stoughton 180 ye 30"' M' Daiiiel Fishor of "NValpole & Amity Shepard of Stough- ton y" oV MMVilliam Billing y« 4'^&M"Mary Leonard Both of Stoughton Sep' y« 1' Mf Timothy iMorsc Jii'' of Stoughtou & M" Lydia Fisher of NVrentham 20 A Record of y« Time of y« Intentions of Marriages & y* Entry Sep' y« 6"» 1764 M' Lemuel Devenport of Milton & M" Patience Stone of Stough- ton ye 6"" Mr John Dunbar llesedent in Stoughton & M" Esther Boydeu of Stoughtou ye gth ]\xr Micah Allen & M" Catherine Everitt Both of Stoughton ye gth M'' Jacob Gould of Stoughton & M" Unity Holmes of Dedham October y 5 1704 M' Levi French of Stoughton & M" Amee Packerd of Bridgwater ye 5th ]\ir Dependence French Ju' & M" Rebekah Hammond Both of Stoughton ye 6 M"" Seth Bryantt of Bridgwater & M" Elizebeth Freuch of Stough- ton ye 5^^ W Matthew Blake Resedent in Stoughton & M" Abigail Eells Resedent in Stoughton ye 18'!^ M'' Sam" Pratt of Stoughton & M" Eleanor "WHiiteman of Bridgwater y« IS"' M' Matthias Putfer Ju' of Stoughton & M" Olive Boyden of Walpole Nov^ ye 3"^ Joseph Spear of Brantree & Sarah Wales of Stoughton ye 17th ]\£r Micah French Ju"" & M" Moly Manly Both of Stoughton Januarv 1765 M' Nat h" Leonard & M"Jerush Fenno Both of Stoughton ye 4"* M'' Benj"' Lewis of Dedham & M" Hannah Gould of Stoughton 21 The Intention of marriage between Samson Dunbar of Braintree & Sarah Sash of Stoughton Entrcd Feb^y ye lO"' 1765 Page 21 is missinc/ in the original book. It is supplied from the copy owned by the Town of Canton. 181 Births, Marriages, Deaths, & Intentions of Marriage. TO^A^N OF CANTON VOL. 1. 1797 to 1843. 1 Index OF Marriages IN THE Town of Canton A. Page 266 286 B. Page 266 28-t C. Page 267 283 D. Page 268 E. Page 269 F. Page 270 289 G.Page 271 H. Page 272 I. Page J. Page 273 K. Page 273 L. Page 274 M. Page 275 N. Page 276 0. Page 276 P. Page 277 Q.Page R. Page 282 S. Page 278 285 T. Page 279 U. Page 280 V. Page W.Page 281 288 X. Page Y.Page Z. Page Dec 3* 1827 Aug 22-1 1829 May 9th 1831 Sept 221 1833 Feb 22^ 1836 May 26'f' 1839 April 31 1843 Feb. 13«'> 1845 neB. , his wife, born lb2 2 Henry Stone Allen Son of Tho' Alien & Lois his wife was born August 20"^ 1799 Samuel Kobiuson Atherton son of Piercy Atherton & his wife born September 12'^ 1827. The children of James and Ann K. Adams were born as follows Barbara Adams was born in Scotland Christiana Adams " " inSomersworthN.il. James Adams " " in Stoughtou Mass. Ann Eliza Adams " " in Canton Thomas Alexander Adams " " " John Kennedy Adams " " " Caroline Downs Adams '^ '^ " Robert AVvild Adams " <' " Catharine Bailev, daughter of Elijah Bailey and Catharine B. Feb 7"^' 1841 3 Ezra Lincoln Abbott, son of Dr. Ezra Abbott Jr. and Harriot M., his wife, born June 2'i 1841 James S. Bvrne, son of Patrick Bvrne and Mary, his wife, born January 3^ 1836 Marv Ann Byrne, dausfhter " April 16"» 1839 William Bvrne, so^n " July 30"^ 1842 Joseph Bvrne, do " Feb. 27"' 1844 James Beck son of William and Letty Beck born Sept 21" 1843 Samuel Beck, son of the same Feb 8 1793 Sallv Blackman Daughter of D" born April 11"^ 1796 Nathan Blackman son of Samuel Blackman & Abigail his wife born Octo' IS^^ 1787 Nabbv Blackmail Daughter of D° born July 28"^ 1790 Clarry Blackman Daughter of D" born Apr' 20"^ 1794 Roxv Blackman Daughter of D° born July 2^ 1798 Betsey Blackman Daughter of John Blackman & Elisabeth his wife born July 17"^ 1798 The Children of Maj^ Isaac Billing and Polly his wife were born as follows Jarvis Billing was" born Feb^ 24«" 1801 Lucy Billing was born Jan^ 14"^ 1803 George Billing was born April 27"' 1805 Loisa Billing was born Oct' 10'" 1807 Mary Billings was born Julv 25"' 1809 Uriah Billings born March 10'" 1813 Leonard Billings born Dec* lO"' 1819 Jesse Billings Son of Kob' Billings & Olive his wife was born April 2^ 1788 Urana Billings Daugh' of s^ Rob' & Olive was born June 5'" 1790 Rob' Billings J^ Son of s^ Rob' & Olive was b®rn Ap' 25"' 1792 Ruth Billings Daughter of s-^ Rob' & Olive Avas born July 22 D° was born 24'^ June 1811 Susan Crane D° D° was born Sarah Houghton Crane, daughter of Friend Crane and Abby, his wife, was born July 4'^ 1827 Harriet Smith Crane, daughter of the same Dec 18* 1832 Henry Friend Crane, son of the same April 7"* 1840 Abigail Talbot Crane Daughter of Nathan Crane J' & Betsy his Wife Born May 4'''- 1809 Ebenezer Paul Crane Son of D° born Nov' 9"> 1810 John Capen Son of Sam' Capen & Lois his Wife born 28"' April 1808 George Capen Son of Do. Do. born Sept. 3'' 1817 9 Robert Capen Son of Andrew Capen & Hannah liis wife was born October 12^" 1790 Andrew Capen J' Son of Do born October 15"* 1796 Jane Capen Daughter of Do March 1"' 1800 Benjamin Capen Son of do April 9'" 1802 Nahum Capen Son of do April 1*' 1804 John Capen Son of do May 14"> 1806 Mary Capen Daughter of do June 22<» 1808 Hannah Capen Daughter of do March 19"^ 1811 Hannah Fenno Crane Daughter of Silas Crane and Elizebeth his wife was born December 39"> 1798 Mary Shurtlcef Crane Daughter of Do. born May 15"> 1800 Silas Crane Son of Do born October ll"' 1802 Eliza Wentworth Crane Daughter of Do March 19'" 1805 Charles Crane Son of Do born August 13"* 1807 Joseph Crane Son of Do born xVugust 7"* 1810 Lydia Gay Crane Daughter of Do born Nov. 10"* 1813 Eleanor Ci'awford, daughter of Levi B. Clark, and Eleanor his wife, was born Norember 7"^ 1825. Sophia Stiles daughter of Levi B. Clark and Eleanor his wife was born Feb. 2* 1827. Children of Samuel Canterbury and ^Mary his wife were born as follows — viz — Martin Canterbury Dec' 11 '^ 1809 Franklin Canterbury Nov' 23* 1812 Mary Ann Canterbury January 21 1816 Sophia Canteti-bury Januaiiy 16 1818 William Canterbury May 27 1821 185 10 Nancy Davenport Daughter of Jesse Davenport and Hannah his wife born December 16*'' 1784 Catharine Davenport Daughter of D^ born Feb^ IS"* 1787 John Davenport Son of D" born June 4"* 1789 Hannali Crane Davenport Daugh"" of D° born Dec' 8^"^ 1791 Silas Davenport Son of D" born Octo' 8"^ 1794 Jesse Davenport Son of D" born April 22" 1798 "Chloe Dunbar Daughter of Thomas Dunbar & Chloohis wife was born January P' 1805 Nathaniel Dunbar Son of do. born Jan. 30"^ 1807 AYilliam Dunbar Son of do. born Feb 4"> 1809 Dorothy Dunbar Daughter of do born Oct' o-"' 1810 Thomas Dunbar Son of do. born AugMO'^ 1814 Hannah Dunbar & Sarah Dunbar born July 17 1816 Mary Ann Dunbar born Feb. 21 1819 Elijah Dunbar born January 6 1821 Julia Dunbar D° September 29 1824 Amos Horace Drake son of Charles A Drake and Eliza Ann Drake his Avife was born December "d"^ 1831 Julia Ann Cascalian, Daughter of Nathaniel and Julia A. C. Dunbar, born June 20«» 1834 Francis Draper, son of Nathaniel and Frances Ann Dunbar, IJorn July 14'i^ 1840 Francis Draper, " Jan? 1^' 1842 Louisa, " OctS-i 1343 I I Nathaniel Merion Davenport son of .John Daveni)ort and Hannah his wife born Feby 2'>'» 1812 John Davenport J' son of do born August 12"^ 1814 Charles Davenport son of D'' born Dec' 17 1823 George Davenport son of D" born Ap' 12 1825 Hannah Davenport daughter of D° born May 11 1828. Hannah Louisa Davenport, daughter of John and Hannah M. Davenport, was born Jan^ 8"^ 1836 Ellen Amanda Davenport, daughter of the same Aug 4"> 1840 Walter P Deane son of Francis W Deane and Polly his wife was bo-rn June 4**" 1830 The children of John Davenport Jr and Esther, his wife were born as follows Ann Maria Davenport was born Dec 4"^ 1838 George Merion Davenport " " March 27*'> 1840 John Howard Davenport '< " April 29'" 1842 Children of George and Caroline Downes. George EdAvard Downes Born Sept' S*"* 1833. Caroline Tucker Downes Born Octob' 7«' 1839. George Oliver Downes, son of William and i\Iary Downes, was born Oct 17"> 1830. 12 George Endicott sou of James Endicott and Betsey Endicott his wife was born June U'*' A D 1802 Betsey Endicott Daughter of Do. do. May 28''* 1804 Francis Endicott Sou of do. do. Sept 4'^^ 1805 John Endicott Son of do. do. fJune 21«' 1807 Clara Endicott Daughter of do. do. March lo'^^ 1809 Harriet Endicott do. of do. do. Sept. 3'^ 1810 Jane Endicott do. of do. do. July 28"^ 1812 Hannah. Endicott D" of D^ D" June 20"^ 1814. William Endicott son of D" D" Aug' 20 1816 Abigail Endicott Daughter of D» D° October 29. 1818 Edmund Endicott son of D" D° October 24. 1821. t This should be Jan. 21, 1S07. F. Endicott. 18G Almira Everett Daughter of Leonard Everett and Almira his wife, was born April 28'*' 1816 Elizabeth Everett Daughter of Do Do. October 22'» 1817 Leonard Kimball Everett Son of Do Do. November 24"^ 1819 Charles Edward Everett Son of Do Do Dec"> 10"' 1821 George Everett Son of Do Do April 16"^ 1824 Joseph Mason Everett eon of Leonard Everett and Irena his wife was born Jan. 6'" 1828. Henry \Yebster Everett son of D» born March 29 1829. Ilenrv Otis Everett do '' do do Feb. 5'" 1834 "William Webster Everett son of Leonard Everett and Emeline, his wife, born May 19"* 1836 Caroline Everett, daughter of the above " July 11'" 1843 13 Augustus Julius Eaton Son of Jacob Eaton and Myra his wife was born March 13"^ 1821 Melissa Ardelia Eaton Daughter of Do Do born Ocf^ 22*^ 182* Lysauder Kollock Eaton, Son of Jacob & Melissa Eaton his Wife, Born May 7"^ 1832. The Children of Elijah Endicott and Mary his wife were born as follows— viz— James Endicott November 23* 1801. Marv Endicott April 13'" 1807. The Cliildren of Elijah Endicott and Cynthia his wife were born as follows, viz, Emelv Endicott Fcbruarv 14"' 1814 Evelina Endicott July 29 1815 Elizabeth Endicott February 13. 1817 Augustus B Endicott September 10 1818 Elijah Endicott Mav 6 1821. Charles Endicott October 28 1822. Henry Endicott November 14 1824 14 The Cliildren of Thomas Crane and Iluthe his wife were born as follows Aralisle Crane born August 14"^ 1811 Clarissa Crane born March 2P' AD 1813 Thomas Crane born January ll"' A D 1815 John Crane born October 24"^ A D 1821 Amanda Crane born August 19"^ A D 1823 Harrison Carrell born Febuary 2P' 1801 Harrison Carrell J'' Son of Harrison Carrel and Milly his wife was born Decem- ber 21^' 1822 The Children of Elisha Crane and Eliza Capen his wife were born as follows Maria Crane was born 18th. Octr. 1829. John Capen Crane was born 22. March 1832. Died 25. Aug 1835 Ann Eliza Crane was born 15th Novr. 1833. The Children of Elisha Crane and Lucy Ann his wife. Susan Crarue was born 19th. March 1837 Lucy P., daughter of James and Esther Crossman born Oct 1'' 1841 [5 The Children of Cletlbrd Belcher & Mary his wife were boru as follows, viz, Daniel Belcher Oct^3P' 1814 Charles Belcher Nov. 20. 1816 Mary Belcher Feb 1 1819 Clelford Belcher April 29 1821 Sarah Belcher Dec' 1. 1822 George. W. Belcher October 9 1825 James, M. Belcher Sept' 18 1828 John Belcher April 26^^ 1832 The Children of Adam Billings ami Polly his wife were born as follows — viz — Elizabeth N Billings October 3^ 1829. " 187 The Children of James Bent & Hannah his wife wei-e born as follows viz, Hannah Bent & Harriot Bent June 28^^^ 1817. Elijah Bent & Natlianiel Bent May 5 1«24. James Billings, son of Peter and Lily Billings, was born Oct 10"^ 1833. 1 6 The Children of Stephen Billings and Mary his wife were born as follows viz, Azel Kinsley Billings & ) ^^^^,^^^ gS'^ 1829. Abel >\ entworth Billings ^ The Children of Ebenezer Burrell and Lucy, his wife, were born as follows, Mary Ann Burrell, born January 3"^ 1828 Harriet Ware Burrell, '' Aug 7'^" 1830 Helen Louisa Burrell, " Sept S-^ 1833 Jane Tyler Burrell, " Sept 10'" 1837 George" Frederick Burrell '^ Feb 25'-^ 1840 Caroline Blackmail Daughter of Sam' Blackman and Abigail his wife was Born. June 28 1803 Sarah Blackman born September 27 1805 "VVinthrop Blackman September 27 1807 Samuel Blackman Febuary 4 1811 William Blackman Febuary S'* 1813 John Blackman March 29 1815 Mary E. Bracket Daughter of Loring and Mary Bracket Born March 6*'' 1881 Charles Billing son of Charles Billings and Relief his wife was Born January 25"^ 1819 Elizabeth Billings, daughter of the same Oct 12^^ 1835 17 Frederick, son of Capt John Endicott & Ann Matilda, his wife, Born April 2^ 1839 William Ellis, " April 1=' 1842 Abby Jane, daughter of Mrs. Jane Ellis born April P' 1841 isarah Manly Edwards, daughter of Arad J. and Sarah AV. Edwards, born Aug 29''^ 1841 18 Walter Pratt, son of Francis W. Deane and Polly his wife born June 4'^ 1830 Ellen Maria, daughter of the above '' April 29'=^ 1833 Marv Elizabeth, do do " June 27'i» 1836 Merriam Elizabeth, do do " Aug 26'!^ 1837 Emily Frances, do do " July 18"^ 1«41 Charles F, son of Thomas Dunbar Jr. and Hannah H., his wife born January 6"^ 1839 Frederick, son of the above " Aug 2'^ 1840 Ebenezer Dow, son of Nancy Eemington was born April 26*'^ 1843 The children of Dennis and Ellen Denham wei'e born as follows Marks Denham was born Jan^ 10"^ 1841 Ellen Shales Denham " " March 17"' 1843 William Denham <' " March 19'^ 1844 John Dooley, son of Patrick and Catharine O'C. Dooley was born Feb 7"^ 1837 19 Helen Maria Dickerman, daughter of Enoch and Jane Dickerman born Feb 8"^ 1842 The Children of David L. and OUve Davis were born as follows Ellery C. Davis, was born in Washington N. H. Jan 24"^ 1834 Edmund Davis, was born in Canton Dec 12"^ 1839 Frances E. Davis, " " " " June 13"^ 1843 The Children of Jesse Davenport and Mary, his wife, were born as follows Walter Davenport Nov. 15'^ 1822 Mary F. Davenport Nov. 14* 1827 The children of the above Jesse and Almira, his wife, were born as follows, Silas Davenport March 12"^ 1832 188 Hannah C. Davenport, March 11 'i> 1833 Lydia Davenport, in Rehobotli June 6"> 183-i Adelaide Davenport, in Seekonk Aug 27*'' 1835 Harriet F. Davenport, '• Seekonk Jan. 23"! 1837 Martha J. Davenport, '' Seekonk May 2'* 1839 Emma Davenport " Pawtucket Sep. 4'" 1841 Alice Davenport '' Canton May 28"^ 1844 Marcia Davenport " Canton Aug. 7"» 1846 The children of Timothy and Mary Driscol were born as follows John Driscol Abigail Driscol was born Dec 25'»' 1838 Mary Ann Driscol '' •' Aug 22^ 1841 20 Sarah Ann Petei-son daugher of William H Peterson and Nancy B his wife was born Febuary 11 1833 Adeline E. Peterson, daughter of the same Sept P' 1834 Ellen M. Peterson, daughter of the same March 2 P' 1836 Ellen M. Peterson, daughter of the same Aug 25* 1837 Mary F. Peterson, daughter of the same Feb 7*" 1841 William H. Peterson, son of the same July 26 1845 The Children of Daniel Crowd and Betsey, his wife, were born as follows, Daniel AV. Crowd August 30* 1825 Sarah E., January IS'" 1827 Mary Emeline, November 5* 1828 Caroline Harriet, June 12* 1830 Susan Maria, May 2'» 1832 Henry James, December 2*^ 1833 Caroline Harriet, January 10* 1835 Charlotte Ann, Feb 25* 1837 Nathaniel Benjamin, July 6* 1838 Esther Louisa, September 25* 1840 Mary Fellows, daughter of Henry and Peggy Fellows Avas born July 11* 1836 21 William EdAvard, Sou of William Cobbet and Susan W., his wife born March 18* 1841 George Curtis, son of the above '' May 16* 1842 The children of Timothy and Julia Ann C. Callaghan were born as follows Daniel Callaghan was born Jan 21 *' 1838 Timothv Callaghan '' " March 3P' 1841 Julia Callaghan " " Aug 21^' 1843 Emily, daughter of Elihu Carpenter and Hannah, his wife, born April 21^' 1840 Harriet, daughter of the above, " April 16* 1843 The children of Daniel and Zilpah Curtis were born as follows Henry Curtis was born Sept 8* 1833 Sarah E. Curtis '' " May 22-^ 1836 John Curtis '' '' July 24* 1838 Levi Edwin Curtis, '' " Nov 20* 1843 John Corun, son of Thomas and Mary Corun was ])orn May 28* 1842 Catharine Corun " Oct 10* 1843 a S >.-§, r Barnard Cavanaugh was born Aug 2P* 1838 ||^ i Ann Jane Cavanaugh " " Sep' 2P' 1840 |g:^ § ^ Thomas Cavanaugh " " Feb 15* 184 W'-gj t Maria Cavanaugh " '' Feb 5* 1843 22 Births in the Town of Canton The children of Franklin and Lovina Bisbee.were born as fiollows, A. Lavina Bisbee Born September 25* 1821 Benjamin F. liisbee '< March 19* 1823 \ 189 Otis Bisbee Born August 17 1825 Amanda L Bisbee <' May 4'^ 1827. John R. Bisbee " August 6"^ 1830. Mary E. Bisbee " November 19*^ 1834. 23 Tbe children of John Blackman and Nancy, his wife, were born as follows, George Blackman born May 4"^ 1836 Elbridge Blackman '< May 22i 1838 Augustus Blackman " in Stoughton Dec 12* 1839 The children of James Billings and Jane, his wife, were born as follows Helen Auffusta Billings, was born Oct 24'*' 1834 Frederick ""Billings, •' '• May 30''' 1837 Aroline Frances Billings << '' July 7"^ 1843 The children of Samuel Billings and Dorcas, his wife, were born as follows Samuel Dexter Billings, was born July 23 1838 Marv Elizabeth Berry, " ' " " July 9'^ 1839 Anne Berry, *' " "■ Julv 8"^ 1841 Catharine Berry '' '' '< Nov. 9"" 1842 The children of Peter Berry and Ann, his wife, were born as follows Thomas Berry, was born Nov. 1842 Peter Berry, " " Feb 16"» 1844 Jenevra Blackman , daughter of Samuel Blackman and Rosana, his wife, was born June 2V^ 1840 25 The children of Joel Baker and Dianthe, his wife, were born as follows Joel C. Baker, Joel Baker, Dianthe C. Baker, Haydn M. Baker Julia Augusta Baker Artliur Baker Andrew Baker The cliildren of Sarah Jane Benton William S. Benton Hiram Otis Benton James Benton Julia Ann Benton Ellen Maria Benton Adelaide Benton was born Oct 13'" 1824 a (c April 12'»> 1827 it a Julv 19«' 1830 a 11 April 11"> 1833 ii li July 80«» 1836 u a June 26"^ 1839 am and Zilpha Benton were born as was born Dec 9"' 1829 a a April 4'^ 1831 a a Oct 11"' 1833 li a Nov 3* 1835 li ii J any 27"^ 18o8 li ii April 15'!' 1840 11 11 June 29"^ 1842 was born Oct 1^' 1828 Nov 25^'^ 1829 Aug 5^ 1831 Deci'h 1832 June 24"> 1834 Feb 20'^^ 1836 190 Laura ^Y. Bullock, daughter of Laban and Charlotte S. Bullock was born Oct 31^' 1842 The children of Samuel and Clarissa Bright were born as follows Francis Bright was born Nov 12'** 1837 Alonzo Bright '' " June 27"^ 1840 26 and 27 Blank 28 The children of Ebenezer and Betsey Crane "were born as follows 1^' Nathan Crane was born May 25'*' 1816 2^ Nathan Crane '< " Dec 7"> 1818 Elizabeth Crane '' " Jan? 5^^ 1821 The children of Ebenezer and Betsey C. Crane were born as follows Elijah Calef Crane Emeline Crane John Newton Crane Calvin Martin Crane Sarah Augusta Crane Mary Ann Crane 29 to 46 Blank 47 Slip pasted on jjage Sally A., daughter of Ezekiel Johnson born in Canton July 10"^ 1798 Married in Milton to William H. Petingill Nov. 29"^ 1819 48 Alonzo W. Fuller, sou of AVilliam R. and Emily C. Fuller, was born Sept 13'*^ 1841 Elizabeth E. Fuller, daughter of same Feb 3^ 1844 Susan Hannah Fuller, daughter of Daniel F. and Susan Fuller, was born May 19'*' 1829 1»* Daniel Fuller, son of the same was born March i^ 1832 2"* Daniel Fuller, son of the same was born Oct 7'^ 1834 Horace Dana Fuller, Son of the same '' '' Sept 2 S*! 1836 Mary Clementine Daughter of the Same " " May 2» 1843 Ellen Maria, daughter of Samuel Fisher, & Clarissa, his wife born Dec ll'*' 1839 Eliza Capen, daughter of the above born Dec 11'" 1841 Samuel Alexander, son of Do " Dec 3P' 1843 53 Henry Fisher, son of Samuel Fisher born April 12'" 1805 Henry, son of Henry Fisher and Mary T., his wife born May 24"^ 1834 Mary C, daughter " July let" 1836 Susan, Do " January 14'" 1839 , Son " April 6'" 1841 Ebenezer, do " July 18'" 1843 Nathaniel, Son of Nathaniel Farrington and Ruth T., his wife, born June 3" 1831 Kuth Maria, daughter of the above " January 2^ 1833 Abby, do do " January 18'" 1836 George AYashington, son of do " June P' 1840 192 Alexander Fisher was born December 2*^ 1780 Clarisa Fisher hi?> wife born October 17'-^ 1793 Their Children were as follows Clarisa Fisher born April 18"' 1817 Sarah May Fisher born May 17'^ 1819 Alvan Fisiier born December 2^ 1821 Maria Fisher born December 6^ 1826 John Tucker Fisher born Decembei' 8'' 1828 Charles Fisher born September 22^ 1831 Eliza Capen Fisher born September 25"^ 1835 54 > 55 (ind 56 Blank 57 Drusilla M. Goldthwaite. dau«-hter of Seth H. andDriisilla Goldthwaite, was born May IG''' 1842 58 Benjamin Gill Son of Benjamin Gill and Content his Wife was born 23'* May 1793 James Gill Son of Do. was born 10"" April 1795 Sallv Gill Daughter of Do. was born S^Julv 1798 William Glover Gill Son of Do. was born 9*^ November 1806 Hannah Belcher Gill Dauifhter of Benjamin Gill & Rebeca his Wife born NoV" 20"> 1816 Almira Elizabeth Gill, dauohter of Benjamin and Rebecca Gill, was born Feb 25''> 1832 59 William Ansel, son of AVilliam Hunt and Sophia S., his wife, born Jan? 20"' 1837 Eliza Jane, daughter of the above " Oct 13'^ 1838 Ann Jane, daughter of Isaac N. Hunt and Jerusha W., his wife, born March U"' 1843 The children of William and Mary Hunt were born as follows Mary Ann Hunt was born June 4"> 1840 Oren William Hunt " " May 1" 1842 Louisa Crane Hunt '<■ " June 15"^ 1844 The children of William and Susanna Howard, born in Canton, were born as follows George Howard was born January 23'* 1830 Edmund Howard " <' Feb S'"' 1833 Elisha Howard " '' April 4'" 1835 Wallace F. Howard '<■ " April 24'" 1838 Frederick B. Howard " " Oct 24"^ 1839 Adeline Hurd, daughter of Frederick & Sarah Hurd, was born Oct 24"^ 1837 Moses Alfred Hurd, " <' Oct 15"^ 1840 60 The children of Sylvester and Elizabeth Heustis were born as follows Edwin Heustis was born March 18"' 1837 Edward Heustis '' '< July 19"' 1839 John B. Heustis, in New Orleans, April 10'-'' 1841 The children of Warren and Mary A. Harris were born as follows Joseph Warren Harris was born May 30'^ 1842 Granville Emery Harris " <' May 17 1846 61 The children of Benjamin Jones Jr. and Charity, his wife, were born as follows Sarah E. Jones born in Canton Aug 7'^ 1832 Charity Jones born in Randolph Jan^ 20"' 1836 Franklin Jones born in Randolph April 20 1838 Albert Jones born in Canton May 31" 1841 62 ^'> 66 Blank 193 67 William Geary, son of "William and Rebecca Geary was born Aug 9'" 1839 Maria Gilligan, daugliter of John and Fanny Gilligan was born July 17"* 1842 The children of Charles M. and Mary Goddard were born as follows Alfred Sel win Goddard was born Nov 29"" 1839 Helen Elizabeth Goddard << '< June 24"> 1842 68 Records of Birth. John Gay, son of Col° John Gay and Susanna his Wife born November P' 1819 Susan Gay, daughter of ' 1> born April 16'^' 1823. Augustus Gill, son of James Gill & Meriam Gill his wife Born June 17'" 1819 Clarisa Gill, daughter of D" born Aug' P' 1820. Harriot Gill, daughter of D" Born Nov' 27 1821. Amelia Adelaide, daughter of Moses Griggs and Martha, his wife, born Feb. 7"> 1843 The children of Horace and Amelia Guild were born as follows Nancy Fisher Guild was born March 20«^ 1828 Horace Guild '' Sept 18'" 1829 Amelia Maria Guild " April 29'" 1831 Hannah AVeatherbee Guild " Aug 20"' 1832 Frederick Guild " Oct 30'" 1833 Henry Guild '' Julv 9'" 1840 Josephine Rachel Guild " July 27'" 1844 69 Annah Harding, daughter of Dr. Amory Gale and and Martha, his wife, born July 2G'" 1840 The Children of Job Hewett and Rachacl his wife, were born as follows Amos Hewett Julv 28'" 1808 Sarah Hewett Aug 28'" 1810 Clarissa Hewett Aug 3* 1813 Job Hewett Dec 8'" 1815 Catharine Hewett June 17'" 1818 Billings Hewett January 15'" 1826 The Children of Samuel H. Ilorton and Mary, his wife, were born as follows Jane Horton Dec 18'" 1813 Sallv Horton Sept 19'" 1815 Harriet Horton Dec 10'" 1817 Rebekah Horton June 9'" 1820 Emilv M., daughter of George Hunt and Polly, his wife, born July 16'" 1828 George B., son of the above " May 2P« 1831 Fidelia Crane, daughter " "Oct 28'" 1833 Elizabeth Serena, daughter " " Dec 7'" 1836 Oliver AVolcott, son " " January 9'" 1843 Reuben Lyman, son " " Sept 3'' 1844 70 Vashtv Hunt Daughter of Ephraim Hunt & Vashtv his wife born March 20'" 1791 PoUv Hunt Daughter of D" born February 2P' 1794 John Hunt son of D° born Februy 26'" 1796 Ruth Hawes Daughter of Elisha Hawes & Sarah his wife born May 23'^ 1788 Samuel Hawes son of D* born Sep' 29" 1790 Elijah Hawes Son of D<» born Dec' 5" 1792 Enos Hawes Son of D'' born March 13'" 1795 Elisha Hawes Son of D° born April 24'" 1797 Frederic AValker Lincoln Huntoon son of Rev** Benjamin Huntoon and Susan, his wife, born July 20'" 1824. Marcellus Hnntoon born July 18'" 1826. 194 John Huntoon boru Augt 4''' 1828. Daniel Thomas Vose, son of Rev'' Benjamin and Lydia B. Huntoon born Sept •i"' 1842 Sally Hadlah daughter of Simon Iladlah & Hannah his wife was born February 20"^ 1782 s*! Simon is not considered an inhabitant of s^ Canton, and this rec- ord is not to opperate as proof to give s** Simon wife & child a habentancy on Canton 28'" March 1808 Attest Joseph Bern is Town Clerk Arthur Horlor, son of AVilliam and Eliza Horlor was born Dec 14"' 1839 Amanda Maria Houghton, daughter of John and Rebecca Houghton, was born March 5^^ 1838 71 Elizabeth Henry Daughter of Nathan Henry ^ Lucy his Wife, was born 11'" Dec' 1811 Nathan Henry, Son of Do. boru 17^^ Sept. 1813 Isaiah Holmes, Sou of Joseph Holmes and Hannah his wife M'as born June 26"' 1798 Edward Bailey Holmes Son of do. Jany 0^ 1801 Sary Hersey Holmes Daughter of do. Aug' 20"> 1806 The Children of Samuel Haws and Hannah his wife were boru as follows — viz — Harriot Haws March 11'" 1814 Emeline Haws July 22 1815 Henry Haws Nov' 4 1817 Hiram Haws June 29"^ 1819 Enos Haws February 25 1821 Hannah Haws July 11 1823 Samuel Haws Jr Julv 14 1825 Sarah Haws Nov 3-1 1828 Lysander Hawes Nov 7'" 1832 Charles Hawes Feb 31 1835 Ellison Hawes June 7'" 1837 Albert Hawes Sept IS'" 1839 Anna K. Hawes, daughter of Enos and Patience Hawes, was born in Rochester Nov 13"' 1843 72 The children of Isaac Hortou and Polly his wife were born as follows Viz William Horton born March 3P' 1811 Mary Hortou born May 21 1813 Isaac Horton boru January 31 1817 Elisha Horton born April 5 1820 George William, son of William W. Hawes and Charlotte, his wife, born Dec 18"' 1835 Mather Edgar, do •' IMarcli 3* 1842 Edwin Augustus Hartford, son of Barachius & Abigail Hartford, born June 231 1843 73 Elisha Horton, son of P^lisha and Elizabeth Horton was born March 7'" 1835 Caroline Horton, daughter of Elisha and Elizabeth Horton was born Sept 4'" 1840 The children of William Horton and Anseline, his wife, were born as follows Maria Horton, born Sept 15"' 1835 Marv Horton, " Feb 2* 1838 William Edgar Horton '' March 12'" 1844 Alice Eliza Horton " Dec P' 1848 74 Blcmk 75 Nancy Lewis Daughter of Benj" Lewis and Hannah his wife born November 11'" 1793 Elijah Lewis son of D" born Nov' 27'" 1795 195 Jarvis Lewis sou of d° born Oct"^ 17"> 1799 Parker Lewis son of d* born April 1 1"» 1804 Alfred Lewis Son of Do born 27 Feb. 1810 Meliuda Lewis Daughter of Do born 9 July 1812 Joel Lewis son of Laban Lewis & Rebeckah his wife was born Nov^ 5*" 1800 Rebecca Lewis, daughter of Laban & Rebecca Lewis was born 17'" March 1803 Hannah N Lewis born July 25"» 1805 ^ Children of Julia Ann Lewis born April 1^' 1808 I Laban and Esther Lewis born June 9"^ 1810 J Rebeca Lewis James Leonard Son of Jonathan Leonard & Elizabeth his wife was born February 2'4"' 1792 Elizabeth Leonard was born August 3'^ 1794 Jonathan Leonard J' was born November 30''^ 1798 Russell Leonard was boi-n July 4'" 1801 76 Almira Leonard daughter of Samuel Leonard and Avis his wife was born August 30"" 1815 Samuel Leonard J' son of Do born Dec^ 29 1818 Rufus French Leonard son of D° born March lO'" 1823. Charles T. Labidee son of Charles Labidee & Lucy, his wife, born April 27'i^ 1829 Julia Ann Labidee, daughter of the same Nov 1^' 1837 Ann Caroline Leonard Daughter of Zadock Leonard and Caroline his wife Born January 3"* 1828 The Children of Edmund Low and Fally, his wife, were born as follows Edmund A. Low, son born March 2*^ 1826 Fally J. Low, daughter '' April 9"» 1828 John W. Low, son " April 20*^ 1830 Mary L. Low, daughter -' Nov 16«^ 1833 Amanda H. Low, do '< March 20*'^ 1836 Julia F. Low, do " July 15'" 1840 Charles W. Low, son " July 27'i^ 1843 77 The children of Zadock Leonard, and Caroline, his wife, were born as follows Ann Caroline Leonard, was born Jan^ 2^ 1829 Samuel Blackman Leonard, << " Sept 21^' 1830 George Jackson Leonard, " " Aug 11"^ 1832 Winthrop Leonard, " " July 4''^ 1835 Friend Zadock Leonard, '' " Aug 4'*^ 1838 Nathan Leonard, " ''Dec 14'^^ 1840 The children of Charles and Lucy Labidee wore born as follows Charles Labidee was born April 22 1836 James Herbert May, son of the above Isaac & Polly born February 18"* 1845 79 Frederick Alonzo, son of ^fl-fiorson Mav and Clara, his wife, born Dec 3P' 1839 HcnrvStar, ' do " Jan? 8'" 1842 Clarra Elizabeth, daughter " Nov 12"^ 1843 Lewis Daniel, son of George ^y. Mellen and Sophia E, his wife born January 20"^ 1840 Albert Bemis, son of the above " July V3^ 1842 Charles Wilson, son of Horace C. Messinger and Sarah F., his wife born Oct 14"' 1841 Abby Anseline, daugliter of Lewis Morse and Abigail C, his wife born July g"' 1839 Ellen Maria, daughter of the above << May 3' 24'" 1832 Francis Morse, son of the same Feb 28"' 1835 Samuel Morse, son of the same Aug 4'" 1838 Mira Morse, daughter of the same Feb 17'" 1840 George Morse, son of the same April 13'" 1842 The Children of John ]Mansfield & Sarah his wife were born as follows — viz, — Louisa Hannah Mansfield June 5'" 1806 George Mansfield Nov' 15'" 1809. Emefine W. Mansfield August 27'" 1811- Caleb Mansfield February 5'" 1815. John Mansfield May 24 1817. Edward Mansfield Aug' 2'Z^ 1819. 197 Winslow Baker Son of William & Phebe Manstield born Aug-' 8"> 1827. Horace Handel Baker son of the above W" and Phebe was born August 25''* 1831 George Henry Mansfield son of the above W" and Phebe was born August 10'^ 1833 Sarah Jane Mansfield born July 19. 1835 Preston Ruggles Mansfield born July 1. 1837 Maria A. Mansfield born March 15'^ 1840 Frederic W. Mansfield " June 28. 1848 Herbert T. Mansfield " January 6. 1851 82 John Jordan Son of the late Bela Jordan & Elizabeth his wife both deceased, was born February 9'^ 1805. Betsy Jordan daughter of s<^ Bela & Elizabeth deceased as afores"* » was born February 23'' 1807 28'*' March 1808 — N B its not known that s"* Bela has gained a Settlement in Canton, and this record is not to opperate as any kind of proof of the legality of his having a settlement in Canton Attest Joseph Bemis Town Clerk The cliildren of Capt Amisa Jordan and Joan his wife were born as follows Charles Downs Jordan born September 17'^ 1820 Adelide Amelia Jordan born December 9 1822 Laura Porter Jordan born September 15 1829 Sarah, daughter of Capt William M° Kendry and Harriet, his wife born Feb 29"^ 1840 83 Benj° M" Kendry son of Arch"* M= Kendry and Sarah his wife born November 22'^ 1780 D° born Feb 27'ii 1783 D» DO Julv ^S^ 1788 Do Do July 19'" 1793 DO D° D° Feby 15'' 1796 D« D" Novem' 18'' 1798 Cap' Archibald M" Kendry born April 14'' 1755 The Children of M' Silas Kinsley & Prudence his wife, were born as follows, viz Silas Kinsley April 24"^ 1795. Rufus Bent Kinsley March 20 1797. Mary Bent Kinsley April 2^ 1798. Allen Kinsley April 25 1801. Charles Kinsley Feb. 21 1806. Ann Kinsley July 17 1808. Maria Kinsley May 9 1810, Sarah Barnard Kinsley July 15'" 1812. Henry Kinsley and Hellen Kinsley Feb. 4"' 1816 Edward James Kinsley March 9"> 1820. Ann Adams, daughter of James Kennedy & Margaret, his wife, born March 15"" 1843 The children of Lyman Kinsley and Louisa, his wife, were born as follows Lucy Adelaide Kinsley was born June 27"" 1831 Edgar Lyman Kinsley " " Feb 17"* 1844 84 The Children of Abijah Pitcher & Rebeckah his wife were Born as follows, viz. — Elizabeth, U, Pitcher December 28'" 1801 Ithamar Pitcher September 19"" 1803 Almon Pitcher July 15 1805 Hiram Pitcher June IS'" 1807 Caroline Pitcher February 6'" 1810 Harriot, Jane, Pitcher February 4'" 1812 Sally, N, Pitcher December 22'^ 1814 James, Monroe, Pitcher March 4"* 1817 t This is a mistake as Sally was born June 7, 17SG, and John, whose name is omitted here, was horn July 23, 1788. — Editor. Caty Daughter of t Sally DO of Ruth & Mary D» William Son of Archibald DO 198 Almira P, Pitcher November 12"' 1819 Theron, R, Pitcher May 2 1823. 85 The children of Gideon AP Intosh and Nancy his wife were born as follows viz Nancy M<= Intosh Julv lO'^^ 1813 Susan T M<= Intosh May 5"^ 1815 Lucinda S M-^ Intosh Feby 4''' 1817 William M« Intosh March IS'i' 1819 Roger S M-^ Intosh June 24"" 1821 Charles G M" Intosh July 25"> 1823 Adam M« Intosh Sep 27'^ 1825 John S M= Intosh Nov 8"^ 1827 Lucv P M» Intosh Aug 5"> 1829 Ann' M M« Intosh Oct 18"^ 1831 Royal A. M-^ Intosh March 13'*> 1834 John Smith, son of Peter M'= Naught and Ann Milla, Ms wife, born March 22'* 1843 The children of Thomas and Mary Ann Marra were born as follows Walter Marra was born April 26"' 1839 Edward Marra " '< Dec 21^' 1841 Julia Ann Marra " " Oct 7"^ 1843 Margaret, daughter of John M" Cready and Margaret, his wife, born March 7"' 1844 The children of Thomas and Catharine Murtaugh were born as follows John Murtaugh was born June 24"^ 1839 Mary Ann Murtaugh " " Sept 25''' 1841 Sarah Jane Mars, daughter of Barney and Julia Ann Mars was born Aug 29"' 1842 86 Harriot Norton Daughter of Shubal Norton &, his Wife was born 11"" February 18 The children of Hervev Nash and Ann, his wife, were born as follows Samuel Nichols Nash, was born in Hamilton, Madison Countv, N July 3^ 1820 Lauranna Nash, was born. , in Sharon, March 5t»' 1822 John Milton Nash, << a in Canton, Feb 6^ 1824 J. Hervey Nash, il u u li May 18'" 1827 Marietta Nash, a u a a Nov 10'" 1835 Orin AVilmer Nash li (( a a May 6"^ 1843 The children of James and Catharine Neill, were born as follows Margaret Neill was born Nov 1*' 1841 Samuel Neill " " Nov 8'" 1842 Female stillborn April lOt" 1844 Mary Elizabeth Neill " <' April IS^" 1845 The children of John and Grace O'Neil were born as follows Isabella O'Neil was born Aug S** 1836 Charles O'Neil " '• Nov 24'" 1838 Rosanna O'Neil " '< March 25*" 1841 87 •S^ ga (-Bridget O'Connell was born Feb 1»' 1839 '^ § I- ii^ Frances O'Connell " " Oct lOt" 1841 H2 2 i|3 (.Margaret O'Connell " " Aug 9'" 1843 88 The Children of M' Nathan Packard & Emily his Wife were born as fol- lows, viz, Thadeus, M, Packard June 19'" 1826. Thadeus, M, Packard October 11'" 1827, 199 Lucius H Packard September 25t'> 1829. The children of Simeon Presbrey and Rachael, his wife, were born as follows AnnRachaelPijsbrey ) were born Aug 9"^ 1836 AKred Simeon Presbrey ^ " Simeon Harrison Presbrey was born Jan^ 26"» 1839 Henry Alfred Presbrey " " Aug 25"^ 1842 The Children of Rufus and Sarah Preble were born as follows Samuel Edward Preble was born in Boston Dec 25"^ 1838 Origen Oscar Preble " " in Westfield Feb 15'^ 1841 Eliza Jane Preble '- " in Canton June 27'^ 1843 89 William H. Petingill, born in Canton Oct 16"* 1797 Sarah A, daughter of William H. Petingill, and Sally A., his wife, born in Milton Dec 6''' 1820 Harriet F., do *' " Canton June 20"^ 1826 Frances E., do '' " " May 1=' 1830 Ensign L., son " " " Oct ^^ 1833 Willard W° do <' " " May 14'^^ 1837 The children of James Pitts and Lavinia, his wife, were born as follows Mary Bell Pitts was born Oct 4"^ 1835 George Henry Pitts " " Aug 7'!^ 1838 Harrkt Elizabeth Pitts " " Oct 11"^ 1840 Ellen Lucinda Pitts " '< Sept 27'!^ 1842 The children of William W. Pickernell and Abigail, his wife, were born as fol- lows William Austin Pickernell was born Feb 13"^ 1831 Lucv Maria Pickernell " " Aug 11'^ 1832 Marv Elizabeth Pickernell " " Feb 2'^ 1835 William Henry Pickernell " " Feb 1^' 1837 Amanda Pope, daughter of William and Hannah Pope was born April 3*1 1842 90 Blank 9 1 James Quillen, son of John Quillen and born January 29'>» 1844 92 William E Shepard died July 7'" 1826 Isaac Shepard, Son of NatW Shepard died April 27'^ 1819. Amity Shepard died September 11"> 1829 Jesse Shepard January 14"^ 1806 William Shepard March 26 1819 Jesse Shepard Sep 12"^ 1828 M" Hannah Shaw, wife of Sam' Shaw died November 2^ 1831 aeged 23 years M™ Sybil Strobridge wife of Seth Strobridge died December 9"» 1826 aeged 66 years M' Seth Strobridge died April 3i 1830 Febuary 13"' 1832 died a child of M^ Scofidd FebuarV 19"^ 1832 died a child of Elijah spare Joel Spare died September P' 1)^32 A. E. 20 years Widdo Elizabeth Shepard died September 9*^ 1832 A E. 79 Betsey Shale died May 24 1833 Aeged 76 Lewis Smith died June 26 1833 aeged 23 years August 31—1833 died a child of Stephens 93 Blank 94 Miss Mary Leeds died November 10"» 1828 M' George Leeds died April 20'" 1829 M^ Hannah wife of Benjamin Lewis died Jan? 5 1833. AE 60 M" Sarah Leach died April 14 1833 aeged 93 years 1835. March 24th. Died, Nath' Crowde, (coloured) Aged, 34 years 200 April 2^ 1835. Died Lowell Shawley, aged 26 Ys. Son of Michael Shawley Esq"" Miss Lydia Lewis died 1837 aged 86 years 95 to 98 Blank 99 The children of Sylvester and Bridget Riley were born as follows Mary Ann liilev was born March 1^* 1839 Charles Riley ' *' " Nov O'l^ 18-11 The children of Jacob and Ilepzibah Shepard were born as follows Samuel Francis Shepard Oct 27'^ 1830 Amanda Maria Shepard April 18«» 1832 Julia Ann Shepard April 21«« 1835 Jane Arvilla Shepard April 2'd^^ 1836 The children of John and Ruth Sloane were born as follows Ruth Ann Sloane was born Dec lo'** 1832 Eliza Jane Sloane '' " April 18* 1835 Joseph Alvan Sloane " " Feb U"" 1838 Isaac Henry Sloane '• " April lO'^" 1840 The children of Peletiah and Myra Stevens were born as follows Adonirani Stevens Martin W. Stevens Bradford Stevens Lorenzo Stevens Almira Stevens Abigail Stevens Almira Stevens Ann Jane Stevens Mary Ann Stevens Eliza Stevens Francis Stevens 100 Susanna Baker Shepard daughter of Oliver Shepard & Susanna his wife born Sep' 25 1796 AVilliam Shepard, son of Jesse Shepard & Sarah his wife born July 9'i» 1795 Rebecca Swift Shepard Daughter of D" was born May 16"> 1797 Ann Merion Shepard Daughter of Oliver Shepard and Anna his Wife was born 17"^ Nov. 1799 Willard Shepard Son of Do. was born 20'i» Aug' 1801 Mary Shepard Daughter of Do. was born 8"> Nov. 1802 Thankfull Withington Shepard do of do. was born 26"^ July 1805 Freeman Shepard Son of Do. was born 4"^ May 1807 Sarah Drake Shepard, Daughter of Do. was born 17"' Sept. 1808 Nabby Shepard daughter of M' John Shepard & Pheby his wife was born September 22'^ A D 1800, also Harriot Shepard daughter of s** John and Pheby Shepard his wife was born May 9* 1802 Asa Billings Shepard Son of John Shepard & Pheby his wife was born April 2"^ 1805 Mary Shepard Daughter of Do. born 9'" May 1807 Chloe Shepard do of Do. born H'" Feb^ 1810 Clarissa Shepard Do of Do. born 24 Dec' 18U Orra Shepard daughter Nabby Shepard and Grand-daughter of John & Pheby was born December 31" 1821. I O I The Children of Nath^ Shepard & Rhuhamah his wife were born as follows Elvira Withington Shejjard was born March 8'^ 1809 Louisa Shepard was born February 13"» 1811 Lucy Ann Shepard born Feb. 5 1813 Nathaniel Shepard was born February 12 1815 Isaac Shepard born November 4 1818 Mary Seaver Shepard born July IS'" 1824 V'AH 1 born in 1 Stoughton 1 Sep' 4"> 1822 a a Randolph Jan 17"" 1824 k< a RandoIi)h March 15"^ 1826 a a Stoughton Sep' e'" 1828 a a Canton Aug 11"» 1830 a i i i( Jan? 16'*' 1832 u a a Feb 14^^ 1834 a a a June 9"' 1836 a i( a June 28"^ 1838 a a i( June 27"* 1840 11 a a April 27'^ 1842 201 Elijah Shepard sou of Jacob Shepard and Sibyl his wife was born May 27t'> 180i Charles Shepard son of Do born Jan? 13'" 1808 Jacob Shepard J^ son of Jacob Shepard and his second wife Rhoda was born September 1" 1815 Jacob Shepard 2°"^ Son of M'' Isaac Shepard and Amity his wife, was born Sep' 7^^ 1802 Elmira Shepard daughter of do born Jan^ 29"^ 1804 William Lewis Shepard son of do born May 7^ 1806 Phineas Shepard son of do born May 24:"^ 1808 Isaac Randal Shepard son of do born Sep' 17**^ 1812 102 Elizabeth Stone Daughter of Dr. Jonathan Stone & Elizabeth his wife was born Nov" 2^ 1816 Eleanor Stone Daughter of Do. born January 26'^ 1819 Gustavus Stone Son of Do. born Augt. 27"^ 1821 Horace Stone son of Ditto born March 3P' 1824 The Children of William and Abigail Shaller were born as follows Sophia F. Shaller was born March 20* 1834 Henry M. Shaller " " Mav 24"" 1835 Cushman B. Shaller '' '< June 27^^ 1889 The Children of Nathaniel Sumner and Nancy hie wife were born as follows, viz, James T Sumner Feb. 10 1820 Nathaniel Sumner Jr Dec' 8'^ 1824 The Children of Benjamin Sylvester & Lydia his wife were born as follows — viz — Joseph Sylvester March 9"> 1818. Azel Sylvester July 29 1819. 103 The Children of Col" Luke Shepard Zilpah his wife were born as follows viz Eliza C. Shepard June 13"^ 1824 Zilpah Shepard July 9"> 1826 Luke James Shepard January 27"" 1828. The Children of Robert Shankland & Jane his wife were born as follows viz. James Shankland, born November 10'^ 1836 Maria Elizabeth Shankland born 10"^ Aug. 1838. Mary Lincoln Shaw, daughter of Benjamin and Sarah Shaw, was born Feb 14'^ 1842 Nancy Jane, daughter of David S. Sherman and Nancy T. his wife born March 17'" 1838 Sophia, " Oct4''^ 1840 Rebecca Ellis, *< Jan? 27'^ 1844 104 Mary, daughter of William Sherwood and Rebecca, his wife, born June 19'" 1843 Margaret Jane Sherwood, daughter of William and Rebecca Sherwood, born Feb 8'^ 1839 Albert. Son of Asa Shepard and Sarah Miranda, his Avife, born June 7'" 1836 Ellen Miranda, daughter of the above, " Dec 26"» 1840 Emma Maria Shackley, daughter of Ezra and Hepsey Shackley, born Aug 12'" 1840 Charlotte Eliza Shackley, •' Jan? 25 1842 105 Esther Richards Smith, daughter of Isaac and Hannah Smith born Aug 25'^ 1840 The children of John Shancy and Catharine, his wife, were born as follows Maria Shancy June 12'" 1838 Owen Shancy March 2S^ 1840 Catharine Shancy April 1" 1842 202 Joseph Simeon Sylvester, Sou of Jolin and Hannah M. Sylvester, born Oct C* 1839 Benjamin Henry Sylvester <• Sept S^ 1841 The children of Cornelius and Mary Sullivan were born as follows Honora Sullivan was born April 16"" 1837 Daniel Sullivan " " Aug 27"> 1838 Marv Sullivan " " Aprils'^ 1840 John Sullivan " " Aug 20"^ 1841 Cornelius Sullivan " " Dec 26"' 1843 Eosana Salmon, daughter of James and Ann Salmon was born April Q^^ 1842 Marv Salmon, " " " Nov P' 1843 Elizabeth Salmon " " '' May 24 1845 106 Charles Tucker son of Daniel Tucker & Bethiah his wife was born May 27"' 1794 Abigail Tilden daugh' of Dec" Ezra Tilden & Betliiah his wife, was born December 24"^ 1805 Lemuel Giil Tilden son of D" born Augt. 10'" 1309 Marv Tilden Dauirhter of D° Born Sep' 24'" 18 Clara Tilden D° of D" Born May 81" 1815 Sarah Tilden D° of D" Born April 7"* 1817 Bethiah Tilden D" of D» Born Oct^ 2i 1820 Lucinda Tilden D° of D" Born Dec^ 4"' 1824 Benj* Mann Tucker, Sou of Nathan Tucker and Hannah his wife was born November 15'" 1803 Also Hannah Mann Tucker daughter of s-* Nathau & Hannah his wife was born June 20"^ 1806 The Childi-en of Lemuel Tucker & Polly his Avife were born as follows— Abijah Tucker was born August 1^' 1799 Mary Ann Tucker was Born March 25"^ 1801 Francis W" Tucker was born Jan? IS"' 1804 Caroline Tucker was born July 15'^ 1806 Lemuel Tucker J'' was born June 16"' 1808 I07 Asa Thomson Son of Josiah Thomson & Bethiah his wife was born July 4'" 1795 Josiah Thomson Son of do Augt. P' 1797 Sukey Thomson Daughter of do Nov. 17'^' 1798 Bethiah Thomson do of do Ap^ 27'" 1801 Lois Thomson do of do March 7'" 1803 Betsv Thomson do of do June 12'" 1805 Benjamin Thomson Son of do March 14'" 1809 Sally Thomson Daughter of do May 20'" 1811 Ann Maria Tisdale daughter of Job Tisdale & Alice his wife, born Aug' 20'" 1826. Charlotte Tucker daughter of Jeremiah Tucker and Charlotte his wife was born Nov™ 30 1806 Jane Tucker daughter of Do of Do Dece'"27 1810 Jeremiah Tucker Jun"- Son of Do Do Aug' 3* 1815 Sarah Tucker daughter of Do Do Nov™ 8'" 1819 Benj° Tucker Son of Do Do March 21 1822 Caleb Tucker Son of Do Do Sept 5'" 1824 The Children of Capt William Tucker & Lucy his Wife were born as follows viz Sarah French Tucker born October 15'" 1826. Almira Tucker born March 4'" 1828. Caroline Tucker born April 27'" 1831 203 f08 Horace N Tucker, Son of Jedediah Tucker and Adaline P his wife was born December 2* 1830 Loring ^V Tucker Son of Jedediah Tucker and Adaline P liis wife was born November 22<* 1832 Martha A. Tucker Daughter of Jedediah and Adeline P. Tucker born April 14"" 1835 George Tucker Son of Robert T Tucker and Hannah his wife was born Febuary 22<» 1818 Hannah Kebecca Tnckuer Daughter of d" June 11 1820 William Tucker 2'^ Son of d° born March 27 1823 Clarissa Billings Tucker daughter of Robert T Tucker and Catherine his wife born October 2o'^ 1828 Bradford Tucker Son of d° born August 7"^ 1831 Louisa Tucker, daughter of the aboA'e, born Oct Ib^^ 1833 Robert Thompson Tucker Jr. Son of do, '' June 28"^ 1840 Adeline B., daughter of Jei-emiah Tucker Jr. and Susannah C, his wife, born April G"' 1840 George Louis, son of do, January 16''^ 1843 109 The Children of Abner Tilden and Mary, his wife, were born as follows Francis Tilden, son. born Sep 8"^ 1817 Francis Tilden, Do, do June 15'*^ 1819 William Tilden, Do, do Feb 16*^ 1821 Martha Tilden, daughter. do April 14'h 1823 Mary Ann Tilden, Do, do Aug 17"' 1825 Martha x\nn Tilden, do. do Aug 25'^ 1827 Marv Louisa Tilden, do, do Sept 29"^ 1829 Ellen Maria Tilden, do. do Dec 16''' 1831 Abner Tilden Jr, son. do March IS'" 1834 Julia Tilden, daughter. do Aug 19'*^ 1836 Loring Tilden, son, do July 28"' 1838 Ann Jane, daughter of Francis W. Tucker and Prudence, his wife, born June 26"» 1831 Maria, daughter of the above " Sep 25"' 1832 Mary. daughter of Do '' Nov 24* 1838 Charlotte, Do " do " Dec 25"> 1841 Francis W., Son ^' do " Dec S^ 1843 I 1 The Children of Zachariah Tucker and Lucinda, his wife, were born as follows Henry Dexter Tucker Janharv 14'" 1836 Frederick Mann Tucker February 21" 1838 Albert Tucker June 1=' 1840 Mary Abby Tucker March 23^ 1843 The children of Gerrv and Hannah Tucker were born as follows Samuel Tucker, was born April 29'*' 1841 " " May 22'» 1844 111 The children of Nathaniel and Marv Tucker were born as follows son May 8"> 1839 Harriet Tucker Aug U^^ 1840 daughter Aug 25'^ 1843 112 to 129 Blank 1 30 Amos Upham Son of Amos Upham & Lucv his wife born Nov' 6 1787 Phinehas Upham son of D» born Feb^ 22* 1790 Joel Upham son of D» born Sep^ 4"' 1793 Elizabeth Upham Daughter of D" born Dec^ 4"' 1795 Lucy Upham D" D° born Apr' 16 1798 204 Rebecca Upham daughter of Enos Upham and Sarah his wife born November IS"' 1807 William Francis Upham son of Do born March 3"* 1809 Mary Tilden Upham daughter of Do bora Dec"" o"* 1810 Abner Tilden Upham son of Do bora April 24»'' 1813 Sarah White Upham daughter of Do born August 30"" 1815 Laura Ann daughter of D born Oct^ 25"^ 1817 ( Children of Cap* Jon* Upham & Hannah liis Wife I Eveline S. Upham Born Nov 30'" 1800. ] Josiah S. Upham Born Nov 21^' 1803. f Rozilla F. Upham Born Dec^ 26"> 1806. t Elizabeth S Upham Born Feb. G'»» 1812. Ann Shepard, daughter of Enos Upham & Mary, his wife, born August 4'^ l!So3 Mary Jane, born May 20'^ 1837 I 3 I Blank 1 32 Record of Deaths C. Ann Chandler died June 17'»> 1827. Sally Chandler D° Feb? 13'" 1825. Mercy Chandler D» FebJ- lo'" 1822. 133 to 135 Blank 1 36 Sarah Ann Wliiting, daughter of Nathaniel and Whiting was born Nov 16'^ 1831 Ellen Maria Whiting " '< March 12"^ 1837 Simeon Wentworth, son of Simeon and Polly Wentworth was born Julv21»' *1828 Charles Wentworth '' " June 12"^ 1835 u u jany 1843 137 The Children of Jesse K. Webster and Georgiaua M. his wife, were born as follows Francisco T. Webster was born April I3"i 1836 Henrietta G. Webster " " January IG"' 1839 Frank Webster '' " June 11"' 1841 Isabella W. Webster " '' Aug 13'^ 1843 The children of Nathaniel Wentworth Jr and Rebecca G., his wife, were born as follows James N. Wentworth was born June 29'" 1828 Charles P. Wentworth " '< JanM4'i» 1831 Alfi-ed Wentworth " " Sept 2'» 1833 Larra WentAVorth '<■ " April 25'" 1844 The children of Lemuel and Esther Whiting were born a-s follows Abby Whiting was born Dec 23^ 1823 Esther Whiting " << Oct 16'" 1825 Mary Whiting was born in New Bedford June 17'" 1S28 Lemuel Whiting '< •' in Canton Lemuel Whiting " " " " Rebecca Whiting '< " *< " March 7'" 1)^33 Harriet Whiting " '' " '' Dec 28* 1838 138 Emory Francis, Son of Elihu Wentworth and Mary Ann, his wife, born April 24'" 1839 Henry Tisdale, son of the above " April 2P' 1841 George F. P. Wiswell, son of Lewis and Mehetabel Wiswtll was born in Lyman N. H. Nov 30'" 1838 Mary Elizabeth Wiswell, daughter of Lewis and Mehetabel AViswell, born in Canton Dec 16'" 1842 205 Frederick "VViswell, sou of Timothy and Juliana D. Wiswell, was born Nov 1842 Charles Eugene Wiswell, son of George M. and Emelv Wiswell, was born Sept 11"' 1842 The Children of Enos Withingtou and Lucinda, his wife, were born as follow3 Sarah Withington, daughter, July 14"^ 1825 Samuel B. Withington, son January 9"* 1828 Ann Jane Withington, daughter March 15"* 1830 Margaret Withington, do January 15'^ 1833 Ellen Withington, do January 9^^ 1835 Harriet Withington, do Nov. 7"^ 1838 Charles Withington, son Dec 15'^ 1843 139 William Chandler, Son of Rufus C. Wood and Sarah P., his wife, born March 5"> 1839 Rufus Sumner, son of the above, born April 4'*' 1841 Adelaide Elizabeth, daughter of George W. and Max*v E. Winship born June 3<» 1842 William Augustus Winship, Son of Silas M. and Julia Winship was born, in Stoughton, Sept 25"» 1843 George C. AVright, son of Zenas and Desire Wright was born, in East Bridgewater, Dec 19"* 1830 Marv Keen, daughter of William and Marv Withington, born March 27'*' 1838 Jane Ellen, do ' " Feb 20"' 1840 The Children of Leavitt and Lavina Wade were born as follows John Barrows Wade was born Nov 3*^ 1838 Emily P. Wade " '' Sept 7'" 1842 Charles William Waugh, son of George and Amanda Waugh, born March 22i 1842 140 Betsey Wales Daughter of Samuel Wales and Lj-dia his wife born Sep-- 26"» 1795 Lydia Tucker Wales Daughter of D» born January 1»' 1798 Sarah Weutworth Daughter of Oliver Wentworth and Abigail his wife born Nov^ 24''1788 Chloe Wentworth Daughter of D» born Nov 29"> 1798 The Children of Richard Wild and Rhoda Wild his wife were born as follows viz' Martin Wild son of s"* Rich"* & Rhoda was born June G'^ 1796 Pollv Wild Daugliter of d" & d" was born Julv 18"> 1798 Sally Wild Daughter of d" & d" was born May 18«' 1800 The Children of Ben'" Wentworth and Rachel his Wife were Born as follows Martha Wentworth was born Sepf 1 1"^ 1785 James Wentworth was born July 30"' 1787 Andrew AVentworth was boi-n Dec 18"^ 1789 Lucy Wentworth Avas boi-n June P' 1792 Elizabeth L Wentworth was born March 21"' 1796 The Children of Abel Wentworth and Esther his Wife were born as follows Abel Wentworth J"" was born August 24"" 1790 Avis Wentworth was born Feb^ 28"^ 1793 Mary Wentworth was born Jau" IV^ 1802 i 4 1 Peres Withington Son of Henry Withington and Lydia liis wife was Born 6"> June 1804 The Children of Henry Withington and Olive his wife were born as follows, viz, Mary Withington Ocf 26 1827 Lucy Withington Januarv 25'^ 1828 George Withington June 24 1829 206 I hereby Certify Elijah AV^ithingtoii was bom in Canton Dec S** 1837. Stoughton Dec 4'" 1851. Simeon Tucker Physician Nathaniel Sunnier White, Son of M' Elislia White and Mury his wife was born November 2G'^ 1817 Marv Jane White, daughter of D" Born July 13"> 1820 Elisha White, Son of D° Born P'ebruary IC" 1H25 Caroline Augusta White, daughter of Natii' S. and Caroline A. White, born March lO''^ 184-i Melissa Withington Daughter of Nathan Withington ajid Sally his wife was born Foby S-i 1809 Abigail Withington Daughter of Do Do Oct. 22<» 1812 Nathan Withington Jur Son of Do DoOct. KJ 1815 Sarah W. Withington Daughter of Do Do Augt 16 1819 Esther Withington Daughter of Do Do June 10 1822 Elihu Withington son of D° January 18"^ 1826 William Withington son of D° April 22 1829 The Children of Ellis WentAVorth & Mary Ann Baker, his wife were born as follows viz — Francis Atherton Wentwortli was born Oct' 18* 1825 Warren Johnson Wentwortli D" March 19" 1827 George Stone Wentworth D" March 2^ 1829 142 Joan Taunt daughter of Samuel Taunt and Abigail his wife born May 3P' 1800 Emory Taunt Son of Do Do born March o"* 1804 Albert Taunt Son of Do Do born May 13"^ 1809 William Taunt Son of Do Do born Dec™ 3" 1813 Clarisa Taunt Daughter of Do Do born Sept. 12 1819 The cbildren of Jeremiah Taunt and Sally, his wife, were born as follows Sarah Taunt was born July 15"^ 1828 Angeline Taunt •' '- March 21^* 1830 Maria T. Taunt " in Mendon Feb 6'i> 1833 Roxana Taunt << in Canton Aug 7'^ 1835 143 Sarah Martin Whipple daughter of M' Elijah Whipple and Marv his wife born March 29''> A D 1829. The Children of James White & Aurelia his wife born in Canton, were as follows — viz, James White October 23 1832 207 Edw:ird ^l' Ardlc an Irishman died August 2^ 1833 j 48 Blajik I 49 iliuii.tih Fiirriiigtoii, Daughter of 1 1842 aged 19 months 150 Grace Bussey died March 14M7G9 M-- George Blackman died July 24'" 1798. Mrs. Ruth Blackman died January 18'-' 1826, M" Ruth Bailey, wife of M' Israel Bailey died October 28"* 1819. Maj' Lemuel Bailey died April 16"* 1.'- 26. Maria Lavina Bailey died ]VIarch lo'" 1810. M"- Thomas Billings died Dec'' 27 1827. , Miss Melietabel Belcher died Oct^ 17 1812 M"- Joseph Belcher died May 27 1814 Sarah Belcher Died June30""' 1814 Rebekah Belcher died July 22^ 1819 Charles Belcher died March 31 1820 David P. Bazin died June 15'^^ 1826 aged 26 years Harriot Bent daughter of James Bent died December 1817. master Frederick Baker Son of Aaron Baker died November 19"^ 1829 M' Aaron Baker died March 21 1831 Hon Joseph Bemis died October 3'^ 1825 aeged 77 years Dudley Bailey died April 9^^ 1822 AE 72 Clarssa Billings died MaySP* 1826 AE 26 yrs James Reed died May 22' 1828 AE 6 years Mrs Ruth Bailey wife of Israel Bailey died October 28 1819 aeged 73 years Maria Lavina Bailey died May 29 IS'26 Julia Blake died November 4 1831 AE 11 Widd Ruth Ruggles died December 2^ 1831 Mrs Buckler a woman of Colour Ae 73 Mary Briggs daughter of Elijah Bria-g died April 17 1832. AE 14 Nathan Billings died May 9 1832 AE. 48 Jabez Billings died June 14, 1832 AE. 39. drowned a child of Adam Billings died June 30 1832 151 a young child of John Bullard died Dec 12, 1832 cliild of Alexander Beaumont died Jan? 2 1833 M' Stephen Billings died Febuary 4 1833 AE. 28 years Abel W. Son of the above Stephen Billings died Febuary 12"' 1833 aged 4 vears May 18 1833 Died a child of John Bullard John R Bisbee son of Franklin Bisbee died September 20 1833 208 1 November 23 1833 died a child of Jefferson Bisbce Semore Bun (man of colour) died Feb^ 1837 aged 100 yea* Samuel Blackmon died 1837 " 77 Mary Billings <• 1837 26 Mrs. Bazin wife of John Bazin 1837 71 Henrietta, daughter of Sarda Belcher, died March 13"^ 1840 aged 18 months Almira Adelaide, daughter of Nathan L. Briggs, died July 24* 1840 aged 1 year Nathan L. Briggs died (in Stoughtoji) Sept 27"' 1840 aged 25 years Joel C. Baker died March 1»' 1825 ^ Arthur Baker << Aug 17"^ 1839 V Children of Joel and Dianthe Baker Andrew Baker " Sept 2-^ 1839) Williams Benton died Sept 11;h 1832^ 17.a: ^ ^^^^^^ ^^ ^^jj^^,^ James Benton <' Isov 30'^ 184U ' ') \:"'= ) Chil \ ^^• e an *,,•! r. . ., V ,o,,hi^T.^( -• ( and Zilpha Benton Adehiide Bentou " Jany 24'»> 1843^ 1826 Atiss Elizabeth Dillaway died August 26 1831 Eliza Ann Davenport died Jaii^ 30 1822 daughter of Sylas Davenport M' Sylas Davenport died April 25 1822 AE 28 M" Hannah Davenport died Jany 18 1813 aeged 48 M" Hannah Davenport died Nov 6 1829 aeged 37 209 Joseph C Davenport died July 22i 1817 Joseph C Davenport died Oct 13"» 1822 _ ^ George Davenport diedJaay25"' 1825 ) ;|-^^q LiTcy Ann Derby died April 29''^ 1832 Widow Hulah Dale died November U"' 1832 AE. 5-1 years - Dorothy Dunbar died September 7 1833 A.E. 23 Clarissa Dickerraan Died December 29 1833 A.E 24 Mrs. Davidson died 1837 aged 70 Child of JolinDunnakia 1837 '' 4 Child of Mr. Davis 1837. Mrs. Day Sept 10"^ 1839 aged 53 years Marv Elizabeth Deane died September 5"> 1836 aged 4 months Elleii Maria Deane " " 20"> 1842 '' 9 years both daughters of Francis W. and Polly Deane 156 Mrs Mary Endicott wife of M' Elijah Endicott died May 22'' 1807. M' Francis Endicott died April 17"> 1830 M" Almira Everett wife of Leonard Everett died August 15"' 1825 aeged 32 Henry W Son of Leonard Everett and Irene his wife died December 12*'^ 1832 A. E. 4 years Clara Endicott died January 21 1833 AE. 24 years Abigail Endicott died May 26 1833 aeged 94 years Betsey Everton died December 3'^ 1833 aeged 64 years Irena Wife of Leonard Everett Esq' died Febuary 5 1834 aeged 34 M' James Endicott died Febuary 22'* 1834 aeged 68 years Child of James Evei'ett died 1837 aged 1 year (57 Record of Births H. Amos Hewett son of Job Hewett and Sarah Hewett Daughter of Sam(? Clarissa Hewett D° D' Job Hewett D° D° Catharine Hewett D° D° Billings Hewett D» D' The children of Samuel H. Hortun & Mary his wife were born as follows — viz — Jane Horton December 18"^ 1813. Sally Horton September 19"^ 1815. Harriot Horton December lO"* 1817. Rebekah Horton June 9'^ 1820. The children of Georsfe Hunt aud Pollv his Avife were born as follows Viz Emilv M Hunt ^ born Julv 16*'' 1828 George B Hunt born Mav 21 1831 Fidelia Crane Hunt <• October 28'^ 1833 Elizabeth Serena Hunt " December 7'^ 1836 Oliver Wolcott Hunt " January 9'^ 1843 158 Record of Deaths Job Hewett 2^ son of Job Hewett died Oct' 24. 1820 Elizabeth Horton, daughter of Sam' IL Horton died Deo' 4'^ 1812. Mary Horton wife of Sam' H. Horton died, Mav 1"' 1822. Caroline Horton daughter of Sam' H. Horton died. Sep' 13*'' 1824. M' Isaih Holmes died June 6"> 1826 M" Delight Hayden died June 1 1827 a child of George Hunt died June 25. 1832 M' Thomas Howard died Febuary 19 1833. A.E 20 years. a child of Warren Hunt died December 30. 1832 Ann Maria Horton daughter of W"' M. Horton and Ann his wife died March 13"' 1833 his wife July 28"^ 1808, born Augt. 28"' 1810, Augt 31 1813, Dec S"" 1815, June 17 1818, J any 15 1826. 210 August 8'^ 1833 died a eon of Thomas Howard August 27''' 1833 died Joseph Hackett Aeged 38 years January 20 1834 died Samuel Ilorton aeged 28 April U 1834 Died PoUv Horton wife of Samuel II Horton Ziba Hayden died 10 FeV 1837 Child of William Horton 1837 Josephine A., daughter of Cap' Zebediah & Mrs. riiilina Holt died Jane G'** 1841 aged 5 years W" G. Hamilton died Sep' 9^ 1839 aged 22 years Edmund Howard died Aug 8'^' 1833. C. m. ) Children of William Elisha Howard died Oct 18''' 1835. 6. m. ^ and Susanna Howard 169 Ezekiel Johnson died Jan? 27"» 1832 AE 78 M" Elizabeth wife of Lewis Johnson died November 28 1832 Capt George Jordan Died November 25"' 1827 M" Louisa Johnson wife of Ezekiel Johnson died May 21 1833 Henry Johnson sou of Ebenezer Johnson died July 24 1833 1 60 Nathaniel Merion Died October S"* 1811 Son of Nath' & Lydia Merion M' Samuel Morse Sen' died ' M' Otis Morse son of Samuel Morse died Sep* 24'^ 1820 M"" Barney Morse son of D" Jan? 22'' 1824 M' Newel Morse Son of D» Sept' 23d ig26 M^* Lucinda Mason, wife of Francis Mason died November 18"» 1829 Master Way land P Mason died August 21 1828 Cloe Messinger wife of Jon* Messinger died May 6 1827 aeged 38 years Harriet Ellen Messinger died Jany 26 1828 Febuary 22'* 1832 died a child of Nath' May and Mary his Avife George May died November 14'" 1819 August 20 1833 died a child of AV" Morse Joshua May died December 1 1833 aeged 87 years Mrs. Molly Madan died 14 Jan^ 1837 Mr. Samuel Morse died Feby 1837 Mr. Joseph Morse " 1837 Miss Betsey Meriam died :NLarch 22"* 1837 A.E, 94 years Charles Wilson Messinger, son of Horace C. and Sarah F. Messinger died, of scarletina, Feb 24'" 1843 aged 16 mont.hs Frederick Madan, son of Lott and Nancy B. Madan died June lo'** 1842 all months I 6 I Blank 1 62 Maria Kinsley daughter of M' Silas Kinsley died December 11"' 1811. Edward Kinsley Son of Silas Kinsley died January 29'" 1822 Silas Kinsley son of said Silas died March 25'" 1827. M" Sarah Kinslev died July 18 1813 aeged 47 M" Martha Kinsley, died died May 23'* 1827 Wives of Adam Kinsley Esq' October 29'" 1831 died an infant child of M'' Kiiigman Widow Mary Kenny died May 1" 1832 AE. 77 163 Thadeus, M, Packard son of M' Nathan Packard died August 5"' 1827. M" Mary Ann Piatt died July 81 1831 an english v.'oman aeged 27 a child of AV" AV. Pickernell died Sep' 6"' 1831 J months Eliakim Pitcher died Jan? 22i 1832 AE 86 AVidow Elizabeth Petingill died 16"' of April 1832 A.E. 89 Hannah wife of Bial Philips died July 10'" 1832. AE. 39 M' AVilliani Pickworth died Febuary 6 1833 AE. 68 April 5 1833 died a child of James Piatt and Susan his wife Kebekah AVife of Simeon Presbrey died August 12 1834 aeged 50 years 2 Children of Simeon Presbrey died 1837. Mrs. Pitcher widow of Eliakim P. died 1837. 211 Alfred Simeon ) Twin children of Simeon ) ^.^^^ 5 March 25*^ ) ^gg^ Ann Rachael I and llachael Presbrey ^ ^ April 18'" (, I 64 Hartford Gay died May !'*■ 1830 Edwin Gardner died 16'^ of October 1825 aeged 13 years M" Martha Gillett wife of Ozias Gillett died March 15"' 1827 aeged 25 years Widdow Abigail Gookins died April 22" 1832 A.E. 91 Child of James Gerrald aged 1 year died 1837 Kichard George, Son of W» and Rebecca Geary, died of Disorder of the brain, July 31 1843 165 Blank 166 M" Rebekah Nichols wife of Horatio Nichols died May 9'" 1832 aeged 22 years 167 i^ 169 Blank. I70 Mr. William Royal Departed this life Sept. 23^ AD 1793 aged 83 years Mrs Elizabeth Royal Relic of the above William Royal Departed this life July 3^ A D 1801 aged 83 I 7 I Blank 172 Jacob Shepard died June 2P» 1798 Almira Stevens, daughter of Peletiah and Myra Stevens died Sep* 3^ 1833 aged 3 yrs Corodon Spaulding Jr., Son of Corodon and Abigail Spaulding, died Ncv. SO 1841 Aged 3 years and 3 months Jane Arvilla Shepard, daughter of Jacob and Ilepzibah Shepard, died Au- 21" 1837 Sarah Drake Shepard, daughter of Oliver and Anna Shepard, died Oct. 26'" 1835 aged 27 vears Susannah, wife of Oliver Shepard, died Oct 1^' 1796, aged 39 years Anna, wife of Oliver Shepard, died Dec. 16 1839 aged 74 years 173 and |74 Blank 175 William Royal died Septem' 2S^ 1793 Aged 83Y 4M 12D Elizabeth Royal his wife, died July 3, icoo 1 ^n .... Lvdia Withington wife of Henery AVithington died July 19'" 1822 aeged 40 years Widdo Mehitable Withington died December 16'" 1831 aeged .3 years 212 Hannah daughter of Jesse "Wentworth and Hannah liis wife died March 8"" 1823 Widdo Deborah White died March 8^ 1829 Grace Wentworth died October 8"» 1817 Leonard Wentworth died March 7. 1828 Comfort Whig-hting died January 4 1880 a child of Lemuel whighting died April 8 1832 Nancy wife of Lewis AVhite died december 29. 1832 AE 42 Samuel Withington died Febuarv 24'^ 1833. AE 76 Ephraim G Waterman died May 8 1833 aeged 22 Jane Wentworth Died September 15 1833 A.Y.. 18 Lewis Wentworth died Sep 16 1833 Child of Jesse K. Webster died 1837 Child of Wales Withington " 1837 William Chandler Wood, Son of Riifus C, and Sarali P., Wood died of the Croup April 4'*' 1840 131 Canton May 25th. 1835. E. Crane, Town Clerk Deaths Died April 28th. 1835. Ch^ Bilhngs aged 42 years ditto May 7th. " Ch' Tucker a 41 " ditto May 8th. " Abigail Withington '• 74 " ditto May 21st " Ehza, daughter of M ■■ Michael Bright aged 2 " June 1st. 1835. Died, Susan Thursten aged 28 " ditto 6. 1835. Died Alexander Mann " 24 " do. 21. 1836. Died a child of M-" Asa Harlow aged 2 " '' 25. Catherine Sweeney aged 36 '< " 26. a child of Patrick boody (( a July 2* 1835. Sam' Freeman aged 50 " " 9 " Hannah May a 82 '• "15 " A Child of Elijah Whipple 5 mouthi ''18 <> a child of William Morse, 5 months "30 <' Unity Wentworth 78 " March 9, 1836 Died Mr. Eleazer Holmes aged 72 Ys Apr. " Died a child of M' Polley aged 9 months " " " a child of M' Clak a 3 <' June 10. " << Mrs. Morse " 72 vs " 17. '' " M' S. H. Horton " 58 '" " 17. " <' Elizabeth Kingsbury " 40 " July '' " M' James Lucy " 24 '>' Hirriet Smith Craae " Aug ll"" a child of M' Friend Crane '• 4 ys. " '' " a child of Nathan Packard '< 3 " " " " a child of Albert Tannt '• 3 ms. 182 (over) ayxl 183 Blank 184 1836. July a child of Francis Deane '' a child of Wm. Peterson Sept 30 Died M' Sim° Wentworth " " M'Lem. Bent " " Mrs. Nancy Mcintosh Oct ^^ " Child of David S. Sherman Oct 13 <' M' Amariah Blake 28. << M' Pushaw — '' M"" Isaac Belcher — " Miss Mary Billings aged 9 Weeks " 6 ms. " 59 ys " 18. ys "42. li a 17 " 50. ii " 61. ii " 18. a " 20. a days 213 90 a 82 '< Feb 10 100 U it 19 5 days " a 3 months 1 month 66 years 77 a 7 months 26 years 1 a 1 a 87 a 47 a 1 i( 71 u 62 << 43 i( 70 a ' 86 n 36 u 17 months 53 a 4 n 89 a 1837 Jany. Mrs Maden « ' M"" Zibe Haydeii Feb? M' Seymuur Burr (col*^ ) A child of M^ D. Crowd 1837 March g"" Child of Mr. Ira French '' IS"' Child of W^Horton << 22"^ Mr Samuel Morse •' 25"^ Mrs Samuel Blackmon April 26'*" Child of Simeon Presbrey May 4'^ Child of Dr P. M. Crane n 14th ]\jjgg Mary Billings « 26'» Child of Adam Fuller << 31" Child of James Gerald June 6^ Mrs. Pitcher '< 11*'' Joseph Morse '< 12"* Child of James H. Everett a 27"! Mrs. Jane A., Wife of John Bazin July 13*'' Mrs. Lemuel Fuller " 23"' Mrs Isaac Fenno Aug 4"* Mrs Davidson '< 9"" Miss Lydia Lewis << " Mrs Charles Upham Sep 2P' Child of Jesse K. Webster Nov 10'" Mrs Enos Upham Dec 1 2"* Child of John Dunakin << IS"* Gen' Nathan Crane 135 Deaths in the town of Canton 1837 Dec 21"* Mr Samuel Tucker Aged 55 years " 24'" Child of Mr Davis 3 << i' SO'" Child of Wales Withington 3 1838 Jany 7"' Mr Joseph Chandler 84 Feb 1°' " Elijah Fenno 22 u 14th Mrs. Belcher 94 " 19«» Child of Daniel Alger March 12'" Mrs. Ann, W., Wife of James H. Everett " 29'" Capt Amasa Jordan April 4'" Mr. Samuel Strowbridge "11'" '' Samuel White '' 12'" Mrs Sallv White '< 14'" Child of W" F. Temple " 28'" Child of John Dunakin May 7'" Mr Nathan Billings " 7'" Loranna Angeline, Child of Rev. Asaph and Loranna D. Meriam June 20'" Mr David Spaulding " 26'" Child of Michael Bright " 27'" Child of W" S. Otis July 25'" Mr Nathan Tucker " 26'" Child of Mr Marra Aug' 6'" Mr Benjamin Everton " '^ Child of Mr Davis Sept 13*" Alfred Son of Rev Asaph and Anna W. Merriam " 22* Child of W" Morse Samuel Morae Oct 28'" [Miss Abigail Crane Nov 4'" Winslow Baker Mansfield Son of William Mansfield and Phebe his wife months yeai L'S ii ii 18 months 28 years 59 a 59 ii 46 ii 58 a 13 months 1 << 22 years 5 ii 33 ii 65 years 49 years 2 months 6 " 7 months 5 months 13 years 1 month 63 years 11 years 214 186 1838 Nov 7*'' '• 28"^ Dec 7"^ SO'" 1839 Jan'' 3* u gth ii 22'! u 30th Feb 4'!' <' 5 March 1'' u 12'^ «' 20"> u 24"* a 28"^ April l»t u 3d ^ 16«» 187 1839 Mav 8'" a'lQth a 14th July 4"^ Aug 2^ Sept 26*^ Oct 11'=^ Dec 16«^ u 17th a a a 20'" 1840 Juuy S'" .-. 14th Feb ir" March 17«^ April 4"^ Mav 24"^ a 28''' June 3'* 1 88 1840 June 16"' June 22* July 31" Aug- 15"^ a leth July 29'" Aug 18'^ " 25"" Deaths in the town of Canton Mr Kinsley Leonard Aged Charlotte Mandel " Henry Son of Silas Crane Daughter of Howard Alfred, Child of Nath^ Wentworth Jr Mrs Kuth Wife of John Gerald John an Irishman iVIr George ^lay Mrs Chloe Ross Widow of Capt George Ross ofR. I. Mr Abijah Pitcher Child of Nath» PoUey Mrs W of Joseph Belcher Mr Jesse Davenporte Mrs Elizabeth A7ife of Major H. Whiting Died in Boston Eliza Morse Child of Mr Houghton Mr Andrew Fadden Child of Jeremiali Kollock Miss Abigail Jones Mrs Amv Smith Mrs Sanih Tilden Widow of Ezra Tilden Deaths in the town of Canton Capt. Elisha Crane Aged Child of Nathi Tucker Miss Fidelia, Daughter of Jonathan and Chloe Messinger IMrs. AVife of Seth Wentworth 2 Children of Joel Baker James Son of James Dunbar Child of Jephthah Crane Child of Nath' Polley Mrs. Anna, AV^if e of Oliver Shepard Mrs. Ruth, wife of Mr. Samuel Withington Child of W" F. Temple Mrs Ruth Bussey Widow of Benjamin Bussey Mr Harrison Carroll Mr. Nathaniel Shepard Mr Ansel French Henry S. Son of James Billings & Jane, his wife Child sou of Rufus C. & Sarah P. AA^ood Caroline Aurelia AVife of Rufus Whiting Mrs. AV^ife of Henry Withington Child of Leonard Everett Mr Ephraim Capen Deaths in the town of Canton Mr Martin AY. Pierce Aged Mrs Elizabeth Gerald of Boston '' Mrs Chloe Bemis AVidow of Joseph Bemis Mrs. Gardner Child of Mr Sweeney Alfred Field, Son of Rev. Henry Clark and Mary T. his wafe Child of Rufus Whiting Child of James AATiite 29 23 years 21 (I 16 l( 5 (I 45 ii 43 (( 39 (< 77 (( 62 li 10 months 84 years 77 i( 44 (I 23 u 9 months 60 years 1 << 72 IC 75 ({ 92 (I 7th II 19th <^ 17th Oct 27"' Oct 12"> Nov 7'" " 20 Nov 30"' Dec 14'f' a £>' u 21'' " 30 1841 Jan 13"^ 189 1841 Jau W^ u igtb Feb S^^ i( 21'' Feb. 27"» March P' April 3-1 < i 4tii << 26"* << 24'" Maj' 1" June Aug 16'" a 18th Sep U 11th u 19th Oct 10"^ a 12th Nov 13"» 190 1841 Nov 19'" Dec 7"^ '^ 23<» Dec 2* 1842 Jan 1" Feb 23* March 26"' April 221 May 8"! " 16'J» Child of Mr Godard Mrs. Zebiah Adams Widow of Capt Nath^ Mis.s Smith .John Adams Son of Jeremiah & Sally Taunt Child of W"" Morse Mira Morse Jeremiah Bancroft Indian William Steptoe Col* Adam Kinsley Esq. Mr William Hunt 1" Mr Nathaniel Wentworth 2** Mrs Joanna, Wife of Si)encer Wentworth James, Son of William Benton & Zepha his wife Mr David Belcher Child of Gideon Wales Ann Billings Sarah Billings Augustus Blackmon Child of Mr John Blackmon 13 Deaths in the town of Canton Mr Nathaniel French Jr Mr Tamour Mrs Catharine B. Wife of Elijah Bailey Mr Thadeus Morton Henry Guild Child of Horace Guild Mrs. Anne Fisher Widow of Ezekiel Fisher Francis Draper Son of Nath' Dunbar Cliild of Elijah Morse Child of Jones Child of Lucy Cotton Martha M., Daughter of Elihu Carpenter & Hannah, his wife, Mr A\^augh Child of Henry Fisher Child of Alva Dunakin Cap' Michael Shaller Mrs. Dunakin Child of Lucy Cotton Child of Joseph Leavitt George Lothrop Son of Rev. H. Clark and Marv T. his wife Child of Elijah Bailey Daughter Child of Simeon Wentworth Sarah, Daughter of W" M<= Kendry Mr Eufus Whiting Miss Abigail Fowler Deaths in the town of Canton Child of Joel Shepard Mr William Byram Mr Zadoc Leonard Child of Coradon Spaulding 8 Henry Dexter. Son of Zachariah Tucker 6 Eliza Capen, Daughter of Alexander Fisher 6 Mr Edward Marra 64 Mrs. Elizabeth, Wife of Mr. Elisha Hortou 43 Child of Daniel Croud Mr. David Draper 81 Child of Mr. Dennis Amos Allen 15 Mr Silas Crane 72 2 years 78 a 4G i' 1] . months 7 ii 69 years 21 a 77 a 33 ii 37 11 62 li wife 5 a 44 a 4 months 27 years 73 a ;mor I 13 months aged 22 years a 85 li 32 li 78 a 8 months 78 years 6 months 3 years 1 a 8 a 12 a 60 a 2 days 6 months 70 years 60 a 12 a 3 a 1 1 month 6 months 3 years 19 months 25 ' years 90 a 3 years 61 a 42 ( '■ I,.-- 216 u I8«i> Mr Seaver a 23* Misp Dorcas Tucker 25 " July 1' Albert, Son of A8a Shepard 6 << ti 18'" Mrs. Rachael Wentworth 85 << u 19th Mr. Laban Lewis 78 '< '< 26'^* Mrs. (Jatharine Sherwood 33 *' Died at the Poor House i( 27**' Miss Hannah Lewis 80 " 191 Deaths in the town of Canton 1842 Aug •!'•' Child of William Hodge 3 years " ll'h Mrs. AVife of Mr. Enos Upham " 2(;"' Mrs. Nabby Gill 90 " Sept P' Child of Mr. Pearson 1 " " 20'^ Ellen Maria, daughter of Francis W. & Polly Deane 9 " " " Child of Mr Broad Nov 2"^ Child of Mr Baker << 8*'' Miss Mary Howard drowned at Uxbridge 19 '' a 15 th Ml- Isaac Horton bS << Dec lo'" Widow Asa Morse 192 to 197 Blank 193 Births in 1835 as Reported Henry Francis Brownson Son of O. A. Brownson & Sarah Healev B. his wife. Born Aug 7. 1835 199 Blank 200 Intentions of 2farringe Note. To save space and put tJie records in a more convenient form, the Inten- tions of Marriage are condensed by omitting the icords which are repeated in each entry. The first entry is given in full to show the form. When any change inform occurs, the first entry in that form is given in fall. The names, residences, and dates are alxoays given exactly as in the original hook. Intentions of marriage between Cap' Joshua Wales of Stoughtou and M" Re- becca Upham of Canton entered Aug' l)^ 1797 M' Joseph Holmes & M" Hannah Bailey both of Canton Sep^ 2^ 1797 M' Zebulon Beals of Randolph & M" Betsey Kenny of Canton Sep' 2^ 1797 M' Oliver Shepard & M" Anna Merion both of Canton Nov' 4'" 1797 M' George Stone andM" Rhoda Hollis, both of Canton November 25''' 1797 M' Bethuel Allen and INI" Martha Bent both resid' in Canton November 2*;"^ 1797 M' Friend Crane and M" Rebecca Upham both of Canton December 1*' 1797 M' Silas Crane and Xl" Elisabeth Wentworth both of Canton Jany 27'*' 1798 M' Washing-ton Hill and M" Experience Crane Feby 21^' 1798 M' Nathan Kenny and INI'' Eunice Ci-aiie March 15"» 1798 201 M' Elisha Belcher of Stoughton and M'^ Rachel Smith of Canton March 301^ 1798 M' Nathan Upha* and M" Susanna Tilden Jr both of Canton Apr' 8^^ 17'.i8 M"" Samuel Fisher and M" Susannah Tucker both of Canton May 5"' 179b M' Samuel Morse J' of Canton and Mrs Hannah Smith of Stoughton jVIav (5"' 1798 M' Lemuel Tucker and M" Polly Upham both of Canton June 3^ 1798 M' Richard Talbott of Stoughton and M""' Rebecca Smith of Canton, Octo' 6"^ 1798 M' Jonathan Upham of Canton and M" Hannah Snell of Bridgewater Nov' 24"> 1798 M' John Gill and M" Polly Withington both of Canton October 24«» 1798 M' Isachar Everett of Dedham and M" Dollv Thayer resident in Canton Decern' 27'" 1798 M' Elijah Fisher and M'« Mehitabel M^ Fadden Jun' both of Canton Feb^ IS"* 1799 217 Intentions of Marriage. 202 M"" John Capen and M" Betsey Tucker both of Canton, July 1799 M' John Ilolbrookof Braintree and M" Sarah Billing J^ of Canton, July 1799 M"" Abijah Pitcher and M" Rebecca Bailey both of Canton, July 1799 3I'Sam^ Tant and M" Abigail Withington both of Canton, July 1799 IVP Philip Cauterbery & M" Betsey Treet both residents of Canton, Octo' 1799 M'Laban Lewis of Canton and M" Rebecca Withington J'' of AValpole, Octo' 1799 M'- Isaac Billings J' and Miss Polly Leonard both of Canton, 16"» Feby 1800 Intention of Marriage between M"" Elijah Howard of Canton and Miss Abigail Jor- dan of Stoughton, Enfi 23"^ Feb? 1800 Attest J Beinis Town Cler The entries ichich follow are attested by Joseph Bemis, Town Clerk, up to March 1S09, except the last one on page 203. M' George Dean of Dedham and Miss Ruthy Morse of Canton, 9''^ March 180O Lemuel Fuller J"" of Canton and Miss Bathsheba Foard of Bridgwater, 1%'^^ March 1800 M' Jerathmeel Crane and Miss Anner Wentworth, both of Canton, SO'** March^ 1800 203 ^I"^ Lemuel Bailev of Canton and Miss Grace White of Dedham, 13'^ Api 1800 M' Benjamin Elms and Miss Hannah Tilden both resident in Canton, 20"^ Api 1800 An Intention of Marriage between M'' Jesse Atherton and Miss Betsey Pierce both resident in Canton, Enter'd ll**^ May 1800 Attest J Bemis Town Cler M' Judah Henry and Miss Elizabeth Blake both of Canton, 23^ June 1800 M'' John Shepard and Miss Pheby Henry both of Canton, 23'* June 1800 M' Joseph Randall of Sharon and M" Ruth Lyon of Canton, 31 ^'August 1800 M^ Samuel Clap J'' of Dorchester and Miss Anna Capen of Canton, 19"^ Octo- ber 1800 M' Edward Stow Leeds of Boston and Miss Pollv Downs of Canton, 26"^ Octo- ber 1800 M' Simeon AYentworth 2* and Miss Eunice Gill, both of Canton, 26'^ Octobe* A D 1800 M^ Elijah Endicott and Miss Polly Spurr both of Canton, 16'!^ Nov A D 1800 M' Nathaniel Davenport J"" of Milton and Miss Nancy Davenport of Canton, 14'^ Decem' A D 1800 204 -VP Peter Gav resident in Canton and Miss Betsev Merion of Stoughton, 26"' Januaiy 1801 M^ James Endicott and Miss Betsey Crane, both of Canton, 19"^ April A D 1801 M^ Joseph O Huston of Waldeii in the State of Vermont and Miss Sally Bil- lings of Canton, 10"^ May 1801 M' Benjamin Silvester of Canton and Miss Rachel Lovel of Stoughton, 14*^ June 1801 M^ Stephen Goddard of Roxburv and Miss Charlotte Haws of Canton, 27"^ Sep- tember 1801 Daniel Moho & Sally Reed both now resident in Canton, ll''^ October 1801 M"" Henry Withington of Canton and Miss Lydia Snell of Bridgwater, 8"> No- vember 1801 Cap' Abner Crane of Canton and M" Lvdia Merion of Stoughton 22"* Novem- ber A D 1801 M"" Elijah Randall of Easton and Miss Bathsheba Shepard y^ 2'* of Canton, 31«* January 1802 205 M' Elijah Skinner of a place call'd Ohio in the province of Main, and Miss Sally Fisher the 2^ of Canton, 7 March 1802. M' Isaac Tilden and Miss Jerusha Wentworth 2'^ both of Canton, 2l«« March 180* 218 Intentions of Jlarriage. M' Isaac Shepard tlic first of that name in Canton, and Miss Amitv Clark of Sharon, 18"^ April 1802 M' Eleazar Beals J"" of Kandolph and Miss Joanna Withinicton of Canton, 25"> April 1802 M'' Joseph Hewins J' of of Sharon and Miss Dorothv Dunbar of Canton, 17"^ Mav 1802 M' Elijah Gill ,T & Miss Rebeckah Haws both of Canton, IT'i' May A D 1802. M' Lewis Judd of Luninirbiir;L;h in the State of Now York, and Miss Katha- rine Leonard of Canton. 6"' June A D 1802 M' Ezra Tilden J' and Miss liethiah Gill the 2'' both of Canton, the P' August A 1) 1802 M"" Abiezer llolbrook of Braintree and Miss Patty Tant of Canton, the 15* Au- gust A I) 1802 M' Uzziel Ilavward of Easton and Miss Anna Wcntworth of Canton, the 4*'' of October A D 1802 206 M' Nathan Tucker of Canton & Miss Hannah r.Iuiui of llandolph, T'** N(.veniber A I) 1802. M' Spencer Wentworth and M" Grace Pettiugill both of Canton, 2P' Nov'' A D 1802. Scipio Hemingway of Roxbury and Mehitable Hastings said to be resident in Canton (people of colour) 2P' Nov' A D 1802 M' Joel Lartlett of Chesterfield in the State of Ncav Hampshire and Miss Su- sannah Wentworth of Canton, 12"> Dec^ A D 1802 M' John Reed resident in Canton and Miss Ruth Sylvester resident in Milton, 20'!^ March A D 1803 M"- Abel Fisher and Miss Ruthy Tilden both of Canton, 28"^ March A D 1803 M' David Kenny J' of Canton and Miss Dorcas Clark of Randolph, 3^ April A D 1803 M'' Jacob Shepard of Canton and Miss Sibbel White of Dedham, 24"^ April A D 1803 M' Samuel Gooch resident in Stoughton and M" Sally Rines at this time resi- dent in Canton, 12"^ June A D 1803 Docf Moses Baker of Canton and Miss Elizabeth Howard of Bridge water, 31" July A D 1803 M'Theophilus Richardson of Needham and Miss Mary Spare of Canton, 21'' Aug' 1803 M' Enos Crane of Canton and Miss Nabbv Savels of Dedham, 16"^ October AD 1803 207 M"" Lemuel Bailev of Canton and Miss Abigail Morse of Dedham, 4»'' December A D'1803 M"' Otis Billings of Canton and Miss Mary Manly of Belchertown, 24"" De- cember A D 1803 M"' John Maun of Randolph and Miss Jane Tucker of Canton, 13»'' February A D 1804 M"" Henry Stone Bemis & Miss Sally Fisher both of Canton, 18* March 1804 M'Phinehas Leonard & Miss Polly 'Bussey both of Canton, 25"^ March 1804 M'' Thomas Dunbar and Miss Chloe Bent J'' both of Canton, 15'" April A D 1804 M"" Thomas Allen of Canton and M" Lucy Knapp of Norton, 14"' May A D 1804 M"" Sam' H Horton of Boston and Miss Mary Belcher of Canton, 5^ August A D 1804 M' Phinehas Blake of Canton an Miss Polly Porter Perkins of Bridgewater, 2'* September A D 1804 M' Joseph Fosterof Dorchester, and MissKaty Davenpoi't of Canton, 23'* Sept' A D 1804 208 M' John Smith resident in Canton and Miss Hannah Edson of Bridge- water, 4'" November A D 1804 219 Intentions of Marriage. M' Stephen Billings 2 Sept^ 1805 M^ Abijah Upham and Miss Paithy Haws both of Canton, 15'^ Sepf^ 1805. M"' Chamberlain S Willson of Boston, and Miss Ruthv Crossman of Canton, 3h Bemis Town Clerk M' James Noves of Dedham and Miss Martha Crosman of Canton, 2** August A D 1807 220 Intentions of Marriage. M' Paul Thurston of Franklin, and Miss Vashti Hunt of CaHton, 23* August A D 1807 M' Jacob Shepai-d & Miss Rhoda Stone both of Canton, 11"' October A D 1807 M' Samuel Wood resident in liraintree «fc Miss Mercy Packard resident in Can- ton, 11''' October AD 1807 21 I M' Nathau Crane J^ of Canton and Miss Betsey Paul of Dedhani, G*'' Dec- ember A D 1807 M' Thomas Danf orth resident in Dorchester and Miss Rhoda Shepard the 2'* of Canton, 13''' Decern' 1807 M"" Job Hewit* resident in Canton, and Miss Rachel Billings of the same Can- ton, December 27»'' A D 1807 M' Thomas Wentwort* of Canton and Miss Rebeckah Blackman of Dorchester, 17"^ January A D 1808 M' Samuel ]\Iors* J"' of Canton and Miss Nancy Gay of Stoughton, 10''' April AD 1808 General Nathan Crane of Canton, and M" Hannah How of Dedham 2P' Au- gust A D 1808 M' Nathan Withington & Miss Sally AVentworth 2-^ both of Canto* •i'*' Sept' A D 1808 M' Elijah Morse and Miss Hannah Crane both of Canton, 2"^ October A D 1808 M' Samuel Chandler & Miss Betsey Billings both of Canton, 2^ October A D 1808 M'' Richard Buss a foreigner, and Miss Sally Crane both resident in Canton^ 16'" October A D 1808 M' John Dale & Miss Huldah Howard both resident in Canton, 20'^ Nov' A D 1808 212 M' John Haws and Miss Eunice Withington both of Canton, 4"" Decem' A D 1808. M' Simeon Crane and Miss Betsy Crane (daughter of M' Peter Crane) both of Canton, 29"' January A D 1809 M' Charles Page of Stoughton, and Miss Elizabeth Henrv of Canton, 26'" Feb' A D 1809 M' Spencer Crane of Canton and Miss Sally Pratt of Bridgewater, 26'^ Feb- ruary A D 1809 An Intention of Marriage between M' Aron Gay J' of Stoughton and Miss Sarah Henry of Canton enterd April 16"' A D 1809. Attest Friend Crane Town Clerk Intentions of Marriage fromhereto March 1812, are attested by Friend Crane, Town Clerk, except troo in April 1810. M' Asa Patredge of Boston and Miss Betsy Beals of Canton, April 16"' 1809 M' EliphaJet Thorp J' of Dorchester and Miss Ruthe Fenno of Canton, April 23d AD 1809. M' Timothy Fuller of Cambridge and Miss Margaret Crane of Canton, May U»^ 1809. M' Sam' Canterbury of Canton and Miss Polly Clark of Randolph, June 18"' A. D. 1809 M' Joseph Jacobs Whiting of Boston and Miss Ann Eliza Crane of Canton, Nov' 12"' 1809 213 M' Jesse Bright of Needham & JVIiss Rebecca Savels of Canton, Nov' 12'" 1809 M' Isaac Smith Houghton of Roxbury and Miss Zibbe Adams Hill of Canton, Nov' 30"' 1809 M' Jesse Fenno and Miss Dorcas Tucker both of Canton, Jany 8"' 1810. M' David Fisher of Sharon and Miss Nancy Chandler of Canton, Jan? 21" 1810 M' Isaac Horton & Miss Polly Billing both of Canton, March l'" 1810 221 Intentions of Marriage. M'' Dudley Bailey J' and Miss Nancy Smith both of Canton, March 4 1810 M"" John Davenport & Miss Hannah Merion both of Canton, Feb? 1810 M"" Enoch Holmes and Miss Susan Mears both of Canton, March 11'" 1810 M^ John Waterman Resident in Canton «fe iliss Sally Williams of North Provi- de** April 291^1810 M"' James Brook Resident in Canton & Miss Sally Leonard of Canton, Ap^ 29'^ 1810 li' Thomas Crane & Miss Ruthe Blackman botli of Canton, May 28"» 1810 254 M' George Knutton a foreigner and ISiiss Sally Maxwell both now resi- dent in Canton, July 14'^ 1810 M'' Chrarles Cromwell resident in Canton and Miss Polly Jotham of Bridgewater, July 22*^ 1810 People of Color M' Nathan Henry of Canton and Miss Lucy Battles of Stoughton, August 26 1810 M"" W™ Burts and Miss Esther Tomson both resident in Canton, Sept' 16"» 1810 M' Abel Farrington and Miss Sarah Withington both of Canton, Nov' 18"^ 1810 M"- Jabez Cobb and Miss Rachel Fadden both resident in Canton, Nov' 25"^ 1810 M' Ebed Hearsv of Boston and Miss Elizabeth Franch of Canton, Dec' 2"» 1810 M' John Tugkei- 2^ & Miss Mary Billing both of Canton, Jany G"' 1811 M' Tiios. French & Miss Abigail Shepard Tucker both of Canton, Jan? 27"» 1811 M^ Sami Withington o^ of Dorchester & Miss Mary Crane of Canton, March lO"- 1811 M' Otis Kennv of Canton and Miss Caroline Matilda Stetson of Boston, June 31 1811 2!5 The ReV"» William Richev of Canton & Miss Clarissa Kimball of Brad- ford, June 9"^ 1811 M' Joseph Fenno Downs & Miss Eliza Carrol both of Canton, July 1»' 181* M' John Crook & Miss Harriot Beals both resident in Canton, August 18'" 1811 M' William Bent & Miss Judith Swift Crane botli of Canton, Sept' 22^ 1811 M' Elijah Spare of Canton and Miss Sally Clap of Norton, Jan^ 12"> 1812 M' Elisha White resident in Canton and Miss Mary Morton of Stoughton, Feb^ ^■ 9"^ 1812 M' William Billing of Canton & Miss Marcy Stone of Rehoboth, Feby 9'" 1812 An Intention of Marriage between CoP Nathaniel Whiting of Canton and Miss Pollv Tower of Braintree, Enterd May 24'" 1812 Attest Sam^ Capen Town Clerk. Intentions from here to March 1815 are attested by Sam^ Capen, Town Clerk. Mr. Nathan Billings J' & Miss Polly Tilden both of Canton, 21 June 1812 Mr. Richard Silvester of Randolph and Miss Nancy Stutson of Canton, 13"' Sept. 1812 216 Mr. Nathaniel Billings J' of Canton and Miss Sally Besse of Paris in the District of Main. 4'" Oct 1812 Mr Gideon Mcintosh resident in Canton and Miss Nancy Slierman of Canton, 11'" Oct. 1812 Mr. Laban Jackson and Mrs. Mary Hickey both resident in Canton, 18'" Oct. 1812 Mr. Rodolpho Leonard and Miss Ruthe Tucker both of Canton, 8'" Nov. A D. 1812 Mr. Thomas Dotv Johnson of Canton and Miss Sally Farrington of Milton, 22* November A. D. 1812 Mr. John Wentworth of Canton and Miss Keziah Pettee of Foxborough 22* Nov. A D. 1812 Mr. Samuel Leonard and Miss Avis French both of Canton, 10'" Jany A D 1813 Mr I-aac ]Morse formcrlv of Canton and Miss Sally Smith of Canton, 31" Jan. AD 1813 Mr. .Joseph Morse and Mis^ Ruth Tantboth of Canton, 28'" Feb. A D. 1813 Mr. Leonard Everett of Dedham and Miss Nabby Hill of Canton, 7'-^ March 1813 222 Intentions of Marriage. 217 Mr. Wvatt Dickerraan of Stoughtou and Miss Lois Alleu of Canton, 21'* March 1813 Mr. Hiram Parsens resident in Canton and Miss Hariet Pillsbury of Boston. 25'!^ April 1813 Mr. Natli' Wliiting J^ of Canton and Miss Betsy Ripley of Boston. 2^ May 1813 Mr Ameriah Blake and Miss Clarry Blackman both of Canton, 23'* May i8l3 Doc^Elisha Thayer of Betiiel in the State of Vermont and Miss Nancy Billings of Canton, 27'i'June 1813 Mr Sam> Freeman resident in Canton and Mrs. Margery Ilolden of Canton, (People of Color) 2-4"' Jnly 1813 Mr, Adam Kinsley J' and Miss Avis Wentworth both of Canton, 7'^ August 1813 Mr. Francis Lock and Miss Anna Packard both resident in Canton, \b^ Au- gust 1813 Mr. Samuel Hawes and Miss Hannah Henry both of Canton, 8*" September 1813 Mr. Lewis Gav of ?Stoughton and Miss Elizabeth Crane of Canton, 12"" Septem- ber 1813 218 Mr. Elijah Endicott of Canton and Miss Cynthia Childs resident in Can- ton, October lOti* 1813 Mr. Lemuel Colburn and Miss Ruthy Hollis both resident in Canton, 10"^ (3cto- ber 1813 Mr. Alexander French and Miss Hannah Howe both of Canton, 10'^ October 1813 Mr. Clefford Belcher & Miss Mary M" Kendry both of Canton, U'** October 1813 Mr. Anthony Olney now resident in Plymouth and Miss Patty Crane of Canton, 13'^ December 1813 Mr. Nathi French 2^ and Miss Sophia Wentworth both of Canton, 2"* April 1814 Mr. Sandford Seamans and Miss Mary Mears both resident in Canton, 4"^ June 1814 Mr. Jesse Davenport and Miss Rachel Tucker both of Canton, 13^^ August 1814 Mr. Benj»GiIl 2'^ and Miss Rebecca Belcher both of Canton, 13"» August 1814 Mr. Daniel Nightingill and Miss Nancy Morgan both resident in Canton, 26"* September 1814 219 Mr. James Barker resident in Canton & Miss Elizabeth Pettingill reside* in Milton, 28'*' DeC 1814 Mr, Elijah Tucker and ]\Iiss Hannah Fenno both of Canton, 13'" Jan. 1815 Mr. James Bent and Miss Hannah Crane Davenport both of Canton, 27"" Jan. 1815 Mr. Isaac Fenno and Miss Mela Tucker both of Canton, 4"" Feb. 1815 Mr Samuel Chandl** and Miss Sary Dickerman both of Canton, 12"' Feb. 1815 An Intention of Marriage between M'' George Simson and Miss Eliza Briggs (persons of colour) botli resident in Canton Enterd March 18 1815 Attest Thomas French J' Town- Clerk Intentions of 3Iarriage fro inhere to JIarch 1S19 are attested by Tfiomas French «/' I'oa-n Clerk M' Willard Everett of Dedham and Miss Sally Hill of Canton, Marcli 25 1815 220 M' Ebenezer Crane and M" Betsey Crane both of Canton, 26 March 1815 M' Peletiah Adams and Miss Lucy Upham botli of Canton, April 16. 1815 M' George Steptoe of Dedham and Miss Nancy Golding of Canton, Mav 19"* 1815 M' Otis Billings of Canton and Miss Milla Capen of Stoughtou, July 22°* 1815 Doctor Jonathan Stone of Canton and Miss Elizabeth Upham resident in Bos- ton, Oct' U»'h 1815 M"" Thomas Allen J' of Canton and Miss Hannah Bronsdel of Boston, March 3'^ 1816 M' Nathaniel Sumner of Canton and Miss Nancy Turner of Dedham, March 16"^ 1816 M' Samuel Paul of Dedham and Miss Marth Crane of Canton, May 11"^ 1816 223 Intentions of Marriage. 221 Capt Daniel Dan** and M" Catharine Judd both of Canton, 18'^ May 1816 :M^ Joseph Fisher and M" Ruth Irvine both of Canton, 25 May 1816 M' Benjamin Gates of Boston and Miss Nancy Hunt of Canton, June 6*^ 1816 M' Seth Perce of Stoughton and Wid* Rachael Sylvester of Canton, June 29'" 1816 M' Alexander Fisher and Miss Clarrissa Tucker both of Canton, August 12"» AD 1816 M"" James Smith of Canton and M" Elizabeth Colburn resident in Canton, Nov' 9*'' A D 1816 M' Abner Tilden and Miss Mary Mansfield both of Canton, Nov' 16 1816 222 M' Thomas Allen and M" Mary Billings both of Canton, March lo'^ A D 1817 M' Judah HaAves of Stoughton and Miss Sally Mansfield of Canton, 17'^ April A D 1817 M' Benjamin Svlvester and M'" Lydia Henry both of Canton, lO'^May AD 1817 M' Sam' Porter of Bridgwater and Miss Sally Gill of Canton, July 20'*^ A D 1817 M' Isaac Cox of Dorchester and Miss Mary Wentworth of Canton, July 20"^ A D 1817 M' Silas Davenport of Canton and Miss Eliza Langdon of Portsmouth State of New Hampshire, September 6"* 1817 M' George Hill resident in Canton, and Miss Naoma Upham of Canton, Sep' 14"» 1817 223 M-'Charl** Billings and Miss Keleif Wentworth both of Canton, Sep' 27'^ AD 1817 M' Jonathan Middleton of Dedham and Miss Martha Wentworth of Canton, Oct' 15*" A D 1817 M' Robert Thompson Tucker and Miss Hannah Billings both of Canton, Oct' 18"' A D 1817 M' Nathaniel P Fislier of Dedham and IVliss Nancy Morse of Canton, Oct' 31»* A D 1817 M' Oliver Wentworth 2°<^ and Miss Susanna AVarren Eatoji both of Canton, Nov' 8"^ A D 1817 Col. BethuelDrake and Miss Harriot Crane both of Canton, Nov' 22'»J A D 1817 M' John Jerrald and Miss Ruth M<= Kendry both of Canton, Dec' U"" A D 1817 224 M' I^''^ac Gushing of Gloucester and Miss Eliza Whiteing of Canton, Jan^ 10"^ 1818 M' William M'= Kendrv and Miss Harriot Billings botli of Canton, March 8'" A D 1818 M' Thomas Littlfield of Randolph and Miss Lucinda Sherman of Canton, March 14^1^ A D 1818 M' William Tucker and Miss Lucy French both of Canton, June Vo^^ 1818 M' Seth AYentworth and Miss Prudence Tilden both of Canton, July 29'^ 1818 M' James Gill and Miss Merriam French l)oth of Canton, Oct' 17 A D 1818 M' Salmon Drake of Canton and Miss Hannah Bisbee of Easton, Nov' 2"^ 1818 225 M' AVilliam Smith and Miss Esther Crane both of the Town of Canton, Nov li"' A D 1818 M' Seth Goldthwait of Stoughton and Miss Mary Jones resident in Canton, Jany29 1819 An Intention of Marriage between Mr. Alexander French and Mrs. Nabby Crane both of Canton Entered March 13* 1819 Attest Leonard Everett Town Clerk Intentions of JIarriac/e from here to March 1825, are attested by Leonard Ev- erett Town Clerk. Captain Thomas Shepard and Miss. Rebecali Belcher both of Canton, March 2P'1819 Mr. James Dunbar and Miss Sarah Kinsley both of Canton, March 28"^ 1819 Mr. Low^ell Wiswell of Holliston and Miss Ruth Everton of Canton, May 26'»» 1819 224 Intentions of3Iarriage. Mr. Joseph Haistain and Miss. Abag-ail Hutchinson both Canton, August 23* 1819 226 ^I>'- Thomas Wade Jun'' of Canton and Miss. Sallv T. Dickerman of Manstieki, August 23*i 1819 Deacon Samuel Capen of Dorchester and Mrs. Lvdia Capen of Canton, Sept. IS'i' 1819 Mr. Nathaniel Fisher of Boston and Miss. Polly May of Canton, Oct' 17"^ 1819 Mr. Daniel Aldin of Bridgewater and Miss Olive Tucker of Canton, Ocf 17"^ IS 19 Mr. William H. Pcttingale of Milton and Miss Sallv A. Johnson of Canton, Ocf24"» 1«19 Mr. Georye Capen of Stoughton and Miss Eliza Pitcher of Canton, Ocf 17"^ . 1819 V Mr. Peter Capen of Stoughton and Miss Lucy Moreton of Canton, Nov"" 6"' 1819 227 Mr. Samuel Fuller of Canton and Miss Jane Bent of Wareham, No- vember lo*^ 1819 Mr. Peter Capen of Stoughton and Miss Lucv Moreton of Canton, November 20"^ 1819 Capt Amasa Jordan and Miss Joanna Downes both of Canton, November 27*'' 1819 Major Horlous AVhiting of Wrentham and Miss Elizabeth Jordan of Canton, Dec"" 4"^ 1819 Mr. James Leonai-d of Canton and Miss. Marv Fisher resident in Aui^usta, Jan- uary pf 1S20 Col. John Gay and Miss Susanna Gay both of Canton. January 2'^ 1820 Mr. David Belcher and Miss Harriot Shepard both of Canton, January 15'»> 1820 228 Mr. Elijah Lewis of Canton and Miss Kuth Gulliver of Milton, Jan- uary 22'! 1820 Mr. Samuel Gill of Canton and Miss. Abigail Bird of Stoughton, March 26"> 1820 Mr. Jacob Eaton of Canton and Miss. Mvra Gill resident in Boston, April 8"" A D. 1820 Mr. Simon AVhip and Miss. Sally Billings both of Canton, April 23'' 1820 Capt" Charles Tucker and Miss. Mehitable Feuno both of Canton. June 1»' A D. 1820 Mr. David Merrion and Miss. Mary Shaller both of Canton, June 17"' 1820 229 Mr. Ivory H. Dana of Canton and Miss Elizabeth Marston of Portland, Maine, Aug' 11'" A D. 1820 Mr. Franklin Bisbee of Canton and Miss, Lovina Bisbee of Stoughton, Aug' H)'" A D 1820 Mr, Abner Capen of Stougton and Miss. Mvra Wentworth of Canton, Au- gust 21»' 1820 Mr. Harrison Carrell of Canton and Miss Milla Swan Keith of Easton, Octr. 14'" 1820 Mr. Jesse Davenport Jur. and Miss, Marv French both of Canton, November ,^'" A D. 1820 Mr. Elijah Belcher and Miss Betsey Tilson both of Canton, Feby. 24'" 1821 230 Mr. Cephas Belcher of Canton and Miss. Harlot Thavre of Milton, March 17'" A D. 1821 Mr. Benjamine Everton Jun"" and Miss. Jane Clark both of Canton, April 25'" 1821 Mr. James Watts of Canton and Miss Jerusha H. Snow of Easton, May 26'" 1821 Mr. John Sloan and Miss. Ruth Mann both of Canton, June 30'" 1821 Mr. Lemuel Gay and Mrs. Sally Billings both of (Janton, June 30'" 1821 Mr. John Shaw and Miss. Irena Taunt both of Canton, June 30'" 1821 23 1 Mr. Moses Nve and Miss Lucy Wentworth both of Canton, July 15"* 1821 225 InientionH of Marriage. Mr. Ephraiui Capen of Dorchester and Mrs. Mille Billings of Canton, Sept. 12"> Mr. Isaac Copelancl of Canton and ^Nliss Nancv M. Cobb of Sharon, Sept. 12"' 1821 Mr. John M<= Kindry and Miss Eliza G. Howard both of Canton, Sept. 22"^ 1821 Mr. Wales AVithing'ton of Canton & Miss Susanna Tucker of Milton, Nov"' 10'" 1821 Mr. Ezra Dickerman of Canton and Mrs. Ann Paul of Dorchester, Feby. 2^^ 1822 232 ^ii'- Seth Ellis ofNcedham and Miss Hannah F. Crane of Canton, Ai)ril 28'" 1822 Mr. John Dickerman Jun'' and Miss Eliza Colburn both of Canton, May 2P' 1822 Mr. Ezekiel Johnson Jun'' and Miss. Louisa Dickerman both of Canton, June o^ 1822 Mr. Simeon Wentworth Jun'' of Canton and Miss. Polly Huyden of Braintree, July 7 1822 Mr. Jonathan Belcher Jun"" of Randolph and Miss Hannah Jordan of Canton, July 14"' 1822 Mr. Lemuel Kollock resident in Ne^y Bedford and Miss. Melissa Gill of Canton, July 26 1822 233 Mr. Nathaniel May and Miss. Maiy Beaumont both of Canton, Aug' 15"* 1822 Mr. Elijah Easty and Miss. Betsey Austin both of Canton, Aug' 16"' 1822 Mr. Lysander White of Canton andMiss. Susan Howard of Easton, Sept. 14 1822 Mr. Barney Morse and Miss. Avelina S. Upham both of Canton, Sept. 28"^ 1822 Mr. Ebenezer Tower and Miss. Roxa Blackman both of Canton, Nov*" )^ 1822 Mr. Freeman Belcher of Canton and 3Iiss Tirzah Bent of AVarehara, Nov"" le"' 1822 234 Mr. Laban Lewis and Miss. Nabby Endicot both of Canton, Jany. 24'^ 1823 Mr. Lera' AVhiting Jun''of N. Bedford and Miss. Esther Ilayden of Canton, Jany 28'" 182;; Mr. John Richardson residing in Canton & Miss. Sarah Shed of Medford, Feb^ P' 1823 Mr. Samuel H. llorton of Cajiton and Miss. Polly Richards of Sharon, Feb^ 15"^ 1823 Mr. Willard Pike of Phillipston and Miss. Mary Buss of Canton, April 19"' 1823 Mr. Ephriam Tufts Jun"" of Boston andMiss Mary AVliiting of Canton, April 3" 1823 235 ^ii"- Abiel Phillips resident in Canton and Miss Betsey Stoddar* of Can- ton, June 20"^ 1823 Mr. AmasaBeals of Canton and Mrs. Ann Holbrook of Boston. Augt. 16'" 1823 Mr. Thomas J. Knowls resident in Canton and Miss. Emely Morse of Canton, Sept. 6'>' 1823 Adam Kinsley Esq and Mrs. Martha Willis both of Canton, Oct. 18"' 1823 Mr. Elisha Capen Jun'' and Miss. Matilda Gill both of Canton, Oct IS 1823 Mr. Benjamin Bullard Jun"' of Canton and Miss Mary Dixon of Plymouth, NoV" P' 1823 236 Mr. Luke Shepard of Canton and Miss. Zilpah C^apen of Stoughton, Dec"" 27'" 1823 Mr. Solomon Tavlor of Boston and Miss. Elizabeth Dilaway resident in Canton, Fel)y. 6'" 1824 Mr. Lewis AYhiting of Canton andMiss. Susan Keath of Easton, Feby. 14"' 1824 Mr. Oliver Davenport of Roxbnry and Miss Mary Ellis Gay of Canton, April 31 1824 Mr. Joe! W. Gav of Roxburv and Miss Nancy Gay of Canton, April 10'^ 1824 226 Intentions of Marriage. Mr. George Hunt of Canton and Miss I'oUy Bryant of Dorchester, April 24*^ 1824 237 Mr. Jephthah Crane and Miss. Clarra Crane both of Canton. May IG'" 1824 Mr. Daniel Crowd of Canton and Miss. Betsev Diyans of Woodstock. Connec- ticut, Aug' 6"' 1824 Mr. Alfred Kinsley of Canton and Miss. Sarah Ann Copeland of Milton, Sept. 4"^ 1824 Mr. Ebenezer Burrell Resident in Canton and Miss Lucy Tucker of Canton^ Sept. 14"' 1824 Mr. Ephriam M. Spear and Miss. Phebe Man both of Canton, Nov™ 30'^ 1824 Mr. Abel Everett and Miss. ThankfulW. Shepard both of Canton, Nov"" 6«'' 1824 238 Mr. Oliver Morse and Miss. Betsey Pierce both of Canton, Nov™ 13*'^ 1824 Mr. Job. G. Tisdale and Miss. Alice Turner both resident in Canton, Dec™ 24"»- 1824 Mr. Mark rk»\vard Jun' and Miss. Olive C.Bennett both resident in Canton, Jany I!j'-^1825 Elijah Atherton Esq^^of Stoughton and Mrs. Hariot Drake of Canton, Jan^ 19"^ 1825 Mr. EnosWithington and Miss. Lucinda Coleman both of Canton, Jany 28'^ 1825 Mr. Royal Stetson of Randolph and Miss. Cvnthia AVentworth of Canton, Feby. 19^^ 1825 239 Mr. Spencer AVentworth (jf Canton and Miss Johanna Belcher of Bos- ton, Feby 20«'' 1825 Mr. Ellis Wentworth and Miss. Mary Ann D. Wild both of Canton, February 26"' 1825 ^^./ An Intention of Marriage between Mr. Nathan Packa** and Miss Emilv Morton both of Canton Entered 25th March 1825 Attest Elisha Crane Town Clerk Intentions of 2[arriagefrom hereto March 1S26, are attestedby Elisha Crane, Town Clerk. Mr. Charles Bird of Canton and Miss Sarah B. Willis of Easton, 9"' April 1825 Mr. Abel Farrington Jr. and Miss Louisa Spaulding of Walpole, 29th, April 1825 Mr. Jarvis Billings of Canton and Miss Sarah Spaulding resident in Walpole, May 2"-» 1825 Mr. Richard W. Hixon of Boston and Miss Mvra Ann Kinsley of Canton, August Gth 1825 Mr. Nathan M. Capen of Canton and ]\Iiss Hannah Littietield of Stoughton, August 24th, 1825 240 ^Ii'- Samuel White and Mrs. Sally Grosse both resident in Canton, Octr. 14th. 1825 Mr. Thomas DanforthLane and Miss Mary Deals both resident in Canton, Novr. pt 1825 Mr. Francis Mason of Randolph to Miss Lucinda Giil of Canton, 12th. Novr, 1825 Mr. Otis Kenny to Mrs. Ann Beals both of Canton, Deer. 3<* 1825 Mr. Russel J Leonard of Canton and Miss Sarah Jane Gilbert resident in Can- ton, 10th, Deer. is25 Mr. George W Allen and Miss Betsey Bishop Wild both of Canton, 10th. Deer. 1825 Mr. Thomas Cathcart of Tisbury (Martha's Vineyard) and Miss Charlotte Jor- dan of Canton, 7th Jan'y 1826. Mr. Amos Boynton and Miss Lucv Ann Howard both resident in Canton, 11th Feby "l 826 Mr, Jonathan Sargent of Canton ar.d ]Mrs Abigail (Jill of Stoughton, 18th Feb'' 1826 227 Intentions of Marriage. 241 An intention of marriage between M' Nathaniel Bailey resident in Can- ton and Miss Martha Doyle of Newbnry. Entered March 12. 1826 Attest, Thomas Tolman Town Clerk Intentions of Marriagefrom here to March 1828, are attested by Thomas Tol- man, Town Clerk. M' William Compsett, resident in Canton, and Miss Chloe M. Drake of Sharon, March 17, 1826 M' Francis Batchelder of Cambridge and Miss Sarah Kollook of Canton, April 15, 1826 M' Edward Belcher resident in Canton and Miss Lorine Gardner of Long Is- land, County of Suffolk, April 15, 1826. M' Larra Wentworth of Canton and Miss Lucy Swan of Stoughton, April 29, 1826. M'' Calvin Crocker and Miss Mercy Burgess both resident in Canton, May 2'^ 1826 M^ Alpheus Alden of Randolph and Miss Charlotte Tucker of Canton, June 10, 1826. 242 M' Friend Crane of Canton and Miss Abbe Smith of Sharon, June 17, 1826. M' Elisha Sturtevant Jun'' resident in Canton and Miss Sarah Hurd of Newport N. H. June 17, 1826. M'' Henrv Withington and Miss Olive Dunakin botli of Canton, June 17, 1826. M'^EnosHaws of Canton and Miss Clarissa May of North-Bridgewater, July 29, 1826. M' Thomas Powars resident in Canton and ]\riss Margarett Crocker of Boston, August 5"> 1826. M' William Mansfield and Miss Phebe Tilson both of Canton, Aug. 5, 1826. 243 M' Luther G. Hewins of New-Bedford and Miss Sarah IL Crane of Can- ton, Aug. 19, 1826. M'' Joseph W. Copelaud resident in Canton and Miss Antoinette Sturtevant of Boston, Aug. 27, 1826. M' Daniel Jackman resident in Canton and Miss Sally Page of Antrim N. II. Sept 9^ 1826 M' Charles C.Creho re of Milton and Miss Chloe Hartwell of Canton, Sep* 16 1826. General Elijah Crane of Canton and Mrs. Ke/Jah Cleaveland of Medfield, Sep' 23-^ 1826 M' Horatio Nichols and Miss Rebecca Fuller both of Canton, Octo^ 7-'^ 1826. 244 Octo'' 14, 1826. Entered the intentions of marriage between M"" George Gates of Boston and Miss Maria Beals of Canton. Attest, Thomas Tolman, T. Clerk. Nov' 11, 1826. M' Nathaniel Fadden of Canton and Miss Lovina Wood of Sharon. Nov 25, 1826. M"" Leonard Everett of Canton and Miss Irena Mason of Wal- pole N. II. Jany 13, 1827. M"- Nathaniel Bessey resident in Canton and Miss Betsey Smith of Canton. Jany 27, 1827. M' Edwin Wentworth and Miss Julia Crane both of Canton Jany 27, 1827. M'' Albert Bisbee of Boston and Miss Mary S. Endicott of Can- ton Feby 1'' 1827. M' Sargent M. Davis of Boston and Miss Eliza W. Crane of Can- ion. March S"* 1827. M' Samuel Deering resident in Canton and Miss Rebecca White of Hanson. 245 March 17, 1827. ]M' George Shepard of Onton and Miss Almira Bailey of Dorchester. March 31, 1827. M"" Lewis Clark, resident in Canton and Miss Abigail Linfleld of Stoughton. 228 Intentions of Marriage. April 7, 1827. M' Nathaniel AYeritworth Jun'' and Miss Rebecca G. Presbrey botJi of Canton. May 26, 1827. M' Thomas Conually and Miss Dolly Simmons both resident in Canton. Juno 16, 1827. M' Samuel Packard of Easton and Miss Hannah Smith of Can- ton. (Is'u certilicate called for.) August 4, 1827. M"' xVmasa Presbrey of Canton and Miss Sarah Pratt of Taun- ton 246 Ansrustll, 1827. M' David Spaulding of Boston and Miss Lucy Billings of Canton Sep' 22** 1827. M'' Jefferson Bisboe resident in Canton and Miss Hannah Bisbee of Stoughton , Sep' 29, 1827 M"" Henry Erving of Canton and Miss Nancy C. Thayer resident in Canton. Sep' 29, 1827 M"' John Farwell resident in Canton and Miss Charlotte Willard of Barre C>cto'' 6, 1827 M'' Jeremiah Taunt of Canton and Miss Sally Towne I'esident in Canton Octo' 20, 1827 M' David Morse and Miss Hannah Pottle of Canton C)cto'" 20, 1827 M'' Patten Field and Miss Louisa Wadleigh both resident in Can- ton. Octo'' 20, 1827 M' Aaron B. Baker and Miss Cynthia Clark both resident in Can- ton. 247 Octo'- 27, 1827. M' Robert T. Tucker and Miss Catharine Billings both of Canton Octo'' 27, 1827 M' Samuel D. Fales of Canton and Miss Nancy Watson of Bos- ton Nov' 7, 1827 Dea° Ebenezer Crane of Canton and Miss Betsey Caleff of Dedham Nov'' 12, 1827. M'^ Reuben Hatch resident in Canton and Miss Eliza Burt of Berklev Nov' 22* 1827. M' Samuel D. Aldrich and Miss Rebecca Tisdale both of Canton Nov' 24, 1827. M' William Morse and Miss Abigail Snow both of Canton JanJ- 2(3, 1828. M' Ozias Gillett of Canton and Miss Hetty Lothrop of Sharon 248 Jan? 2G, 1828. M' Zadock Leonard and Miss Caroline Blackman both of Canton. Feby 16, 1828. M' Samuel S. Stetson of Stoughton and Miss RozillaF. Upham of Canton. March 9"^ 1828. Entered the intentions of Marriage between M' James Semple ■o resident of Dorchester and Miss Delight Hayden of Canton Attest. William Dunbar Town Clerk ' Intentions of Mar I'iaye from here to March 1S30 are attested by William Dun- bar, Toion Clerk. March 16"' 1828, M' Nathaniel Bailey, a resident of Canton and Miss Mehitable M. Spear of Stoughton. March 23^ 1828. M' Stei)hen Billings & Miss Mary Leonard both of Canton. April 31 1828 M' Jedediah Tucker of Canton and Miss Adeline P. Watson of Ware April 6'^ 1828 Ferdinand Rodliff of Lowell and Peace W. (.iflbni resident of Canton 249 ^Liy 16"' 1828. M' Abel T. Upham of Stoughton to Miss :>-Iaryann May of Canton May 23'^ 1828 M' Ellis Richards a resident of Canton and Miss Emeline Petee of Foxborough June 15"' 1828 M' Jonathan Messinger of Canton & Miss. Harriot Jones of Providence (R L) June 22 — 1828 Capt William Shaller and Miss Abigail Howard 229 Intentions of Marriage. July 13'h 182S Mr. John M<= Alpine and Miss Elizabeth Smith both residents of (^anton July 20, publishment snepended by request of John McAlpine M^ James Gardner a Resident ot Cantoji and Mrs. Mercy Billings of Canton July 13"^ 1828 250 August 6'^ 1828. M'Loring Bracket and miss Mary Rood both residents ot Canton August 9"^ 1828 M' Charles Labide a resident of Canton and Miss Lucy Turner resident of said Canton August 10"' 1828 M^ Charles AVentworth and Miss Lucy Cotton both residents of Canton and persons of Colour. August 17'" 1828 Elijah B AVhipple to Miss Mary aim Rouse both residents of Canton August 25"> 1828 Joseph HartAvell of Canton and Betsy Riley of Dover N. Hamp- shire September 6'" 1828 M' Daniel F. Fuller and Miss Susan Clark both of (Janton 251 September 12'" 1828. Cap' Elisha Crane and Miss Eliza Capen both of Canton 21. September 1828 M' Dudley Murphy and Mrs. Elenor Skellings both Resident of Canton 28 Sep' 1828 MMVilliam Benton and Miss Zilpha Burt, both residents uf Canton 28 September 1828. Lieu' Francis W. Deane and Miss Polly Adams both resi- dent of this Town 5'" October 1827 M"' John A. Draper and Miss Mai-tha Mansur both i-esidont of Canton 252 October 9'" 1828 M^ Willard Shepard and M" Abigail Bracket Belcher both of Canton. October 10'" 1828 John H Bullard of Sharon and Miss Sarah A. Dudley of (Jan- ton October 13'" 1828 M-^ John AYorsley a resident of Canton and Miss Lydia W. Bond of North Providence R. I. October 13'" 1828 M^ AVilliam Downs and Miss Mary IL Spaulding both of Can- ton Nov' 13'" 1828 M' Stephen J. Blake of Dunstable N. II. and Miss Mary Morse of Canton Feb. 7'" 1829 M-" Jonathan W. Smith and Miss Martha Edes both resident of Canton 253 Feb 28'" 1829 Adam Billings and Miss Polly Nicherson both of Canton. March 8'" 1829 M-- Elisha Mann Jur of Randolph and Miss Catharine Tucker of Canton March 2P' 1829, M' Thomas Conn and Miss Meliuda Sampson, both resident of Canton. M'' Richard Rand of Cumberland and Miss Mary Jane Baldwin of Canton April 11" 1829 May 3<* 1829 Doct^ Phinehas Savery of xVttleborough Mass and jVIiss Nancy Mes- singer of Canton May 16'" 1829. M' Nathaniel Tucker of Stoughton and Mary Fenno of Canton June 13'" 1829 Cap' Elijah Tolman and Miss Caroline Spaulding both of Canton 254 July 3*^ 1829 Justus Spear resident of Canton to Miss Betsy Smith of Stoughton Sept. 6'" 1829 Jacob Shepard of Canton & Miss Hepzibah Alger of North Bridge water September 19'" 1829 Samuel Shaw and Hannah Lee both residents of Canton September 27'" 1829 AP Daniel Howard of North Bridgwater and Mies Calista Spaulding of Canton 230 Intentions of Marriage. October 2^ 1829 M' Stephen Thayer a resident of Canton and Miss Jane H. Koliock of Canton October 7"> 1829 Joseph Roberts of Dorchester and miss Eliza Radliff of Canton 255 October T'*' 1829 Joseph Man Ju' and Miss Zeuba AVarren both resident of Canton Ocf 25'^ 1829, Elias II. Derby of Medfield and Miss Mary Ann Allen of Canton. Nov' 1^'^ 1829 Uriah Johnson of Sharon and Miss Relief Bennett a resident of Canton Not' 22<* 1829 M' Abiel Phillips a resident of Canton & Miss Hannah Smith of Canton Nov 25"^ 1829 M' Joshna J. Marshall and Miss Sarah G. Boynton both resident of Canton Dec' IS"* 1829 William Marshall Horton and Miss Ann Leonard both of Canton January 3'* 1830 M' Elijah Bailey and Miss Catharine B. Spurr both of Canton 256 Canton 7"^ March 1830. Purport of this entry— Marriage between M' John Hall and Mrs Lucv Nve, both of this Town AV. C. Dunbar Town Clerk Intentions of Marriage from here to May 1S31 are signed hxj W. C. Dunbar, Town Clerk. 12'^^ March 1830. M' AVill'" AA^ Pickernell resident of Canton and Miss Abigail Ilewius of Sharon 3^ April 1830. M' John Dunakin and Miss Rebekah Gay both of this Town 24"» April 1830. M' Jason Stowell of Canton, and Miss Lydia Ingalls Robinson of Dedham Canton lb^'°- May 1830. Purpose of marriage between M' Luther Eaton of Dedham and Miss Eliza Turner of Canton entered this day AV. C. Dunbar T. C. 3* July 1830 M' Amos Smyth Sinclair and Miss Joann Taunt both residents of Canton Canton Aug' Ib^ 1830. Intent of Marriage between M' Michael Bright of Canton and Miss Elvira Richards of Stoughton entered this day AV. C. Dunbar Town Clerk 29"' Aug' 1830 M' Francis AY Tucker of Canton and Miss Prudence Hoit of Concord N. II. 3"! October 1830 M' Lyman Kinsley and Miss Louisa Billings, both of Canton 257 Canton 15"^ October 1830. Intention of Marriage between M' Nathan Chandler of Boston and Miss Mary Ann Tucker of Canton entered this day ' AV. C Dunbar Town Clerk 17"' Oc' 1830. iVP Charles A Drake of Braintree and Miss Eliza Holmes of Canton 19"^ Oc' 1830. M' Ge" AA'' Ross of Canton and Miss Polly Maxim of Carver Nov 20"* 1830 M' Luther Swan J' of Stoughton and Miss Mary AVentworth of Canton Dec' 25"' 1830. M' Samuel Monk of Sharon, and Miss Almira Shepai'd of Canton January 2^ 1830. M' Jonathan Robinson and Miss Susan Honey, both residents of Canton 19'" Feb. 1831. Doctor Henry Starr of Newton and Miss Louisa Crane of Can- ton March 5. 1831 Col. Charles Fuller of Randolph and Miss Sally G. Howard of Canton 12"^ March 1831. M' John Davenport of Canton, and Miss Caroline Johnson of Boston Mai-ch 13'" 1831. M' Sam' B Taylor of Stoughton and JVIiss Mary Shepard of Canton 231 Intentions of Marriage. 258 March 23* 1831 M"" Lewis White of Sharon and tlie widow Kaucy White of Canton 26'" Marcli 1831. iVF NatW Croud of Woodstock Cone' and Miss Polly Burr of Canton 11"^ April 1831 M' George Hepworth resident in Canton and Mrs Charlotte Smith resident in Boston Ap' 17 1831 M'' Ge° L. Parker of Medfield and Miss Harriet A. Jones of Canton Canton May 2P' 1831 then entered intention of marriage betwee M' Edward Capen of Stoughton and M'' Mary Allen of Canton James Blackman Town Clerk Canton May 21-1831 Intention of Marriage between M"^ Albion Richmond of Stoughton and Miss Elizabeth S Upham of Canton entered this day James Blackman Town Clei'k Canton June 25"* 1831 then entered the Intention of marriage between M' War- ren Hunt of Canton and Miss Ruth Dickerraan of Dorchester Attest James Blackmau Town Clerk Intentions of Marriage from this time to March 1835, are attested by James Blackman, Toion Clerk. JulyO''' 1831 M"" Benjamin Jones J'' of Canton and Miss Charity Madden of Ran- dolph July 17*^ 1831 M' Joel Holmes of Canton and Miss Mary H Morey of Deer Is- land State of Maine 259 Canton August 6 1831 then received and entered the intention of Mar- riage betwen M"' Jesse Davenport J' of Canton and Miss Almira Hill of Norton Attest James Blackman Town Clerk August 13'^^ 1831 M' Bethuel Morse of Canton and Miss Mira French of Stough- ton August 13"^ 1831 M' William N Owen of Lowell and Miss Harriet Endicott of Canton August 31'' 1831 M' John Denny and Miss Rhoda Fisher residents of Canton Canton the 8"^ of October AD 1831 received and entered the intention of mar- riage between M'' Schuyler P Deane of Stoughton and Aliss Mariah Adams resident of Canton Attest James Blackman Town Clerk Canton October 27"' 1831 received and entered intention of marriage between M'' Morrice Currall residentof Canton and Miss Agnes Carrigan of Bos- ton Attest James Blackman Town Clerk October 27'" 1831 M' John Davenport and Miss Hannah M Tucker both of Can- ton 29"» of October 183 l^M'^ Joseph Leavitt and Miss Harriet Billings both of Canton 12'i» of November A D 1831 M' Walter R Ray and Miss Cordelia B Paul resi- dents of Canton 260 12"" of November A D 1831 M'' George Downs and Miss Caroline Tucker both of Canton 19'^ of November AD 1831 M'' Elijah Briggs and Miss Mary Austin residents of this town 19'" of November AD 1831 M'' Edward Hobert of Stoughton and Miss Martha Ann Holbrook of Canton Canton 10"^ of December 1831 entered the intention of marriage between M' Moses Titcomb resident in Canton and Miss Maria Thompson of Plimp- ton Attest James Blackman Town Clerk 7"^ of January 1832 M"^ Charles G Mann resident in Canton and Miss Jerusha Cornish of Plymouth 22'J of January AD. 1832 M' Patrick O Brien of Providence State of Rodeisland and M" Bridget Gafney resident in Canton 5*" of Febuary AD 1832 M"^ Adam Capen of Stoughton and mrs Betsey Bel- cher of Canton 232 Intentions of Marriage. 25^ of Febuary 1832 M' Thos Jefferson Wardwell and Miss Mary Ann Swan residents of (Janton 261 Canton March 10'^U832 received and entered tlie intentions of niarriage be- twen M'' Michael Diveranvil resident in Canton and Miss Nancy Booth of Middleborongh Attest James Blackman Town Cleric 18'h of March 1832 M' Euos Upham of Stoughton and Miss Mary Shepard of Canton April 10'*> A.D. 1832 M' James AVhittle a resident of Canton and a foreigner - and M" Elizabeth Smith of Canton 19"' of May 1832 M' John Belcher of Canton and Mrs Sally Smith of Walpole 27"" of May 1832 M' Isaac Withington J'' of Dorchester and Miss Sarah Ann Bethnn of Canton Canton July 14"> 1832 Entered the intentions of marriage between M' Peter Billings and Miss Lily Whighting both of Canton Attest James Blackman Town Clerk 11*'^ of August 1832 M' Samuel Shaw and miss Lydia Snow both of Canton August 11 1832 M'' James Piatt and Miss Susan Bell both of Canton 262 August 11'" 1832 M' William B Townsend and Miss Martha Holden both of Canton August 18 1832 M' William H Peterson and Miss Nancy B Roberts both of Can- ton September 8'^ 1832 M' Luther Pope of Stoughton and Miss Eunice Maria Coll- yer of (Janton September 15'*^ 1832 M' John Seekell and Miss Almira Snow residents of Can- ton September 18 1832 M' John Stockman J' of P>ostoii and Miss Mary Ann Robin- son of Canton 3P« of October A.D. 1832 ReV^ Henry F Edes of Canton and Miss Maria R C May of Boston November 3*^ 1832 M' Elijah Benton and Miss Sarah Bent both of Canton the 4"* day of November A.D 1832 M"^ James Lymbern resident in Canton and Miss Eliza Vincent of Boston 263 the G"' of November A.D. 1832 M"- Edward Wood of Canton and Mrs Ruth Mero of Milton U'^'of December A D. 1832 M^ Seth llewins of Sharon and Miss Elizabeth IlalJ of Canton 18"»of January 1833 M' Sarda Belcher of Canton and Miss Everlina B Lighton a resident of Canton 19"" of January 1833 M' James Booth and Miss Ann Levey both residents in Can- ton 19"^ of January A.D. 1833. M' A\^illiam Fowler and Miss Mary Austineler Dei- lev both residents in Canton 24'" of Febuary A D. 1833 M' Thomas B Robinson and M" Susan B Caffry both residents of Canton 6'" of March 1833 M' Caleb Preble of Dedliam and Miss Mary Crummet resident in Canton 10"> of March 1833 M"" Greenleaf Turner of Roxbury and Miss Ly lia G Crane of Canton March 30"> 1833 M' William Withington of Canton and Miss Mary Estes Stough- ton 264 Ai)ril 14"> 1833 M' Edwin Armsby resident in Canton and Miss Ann Maria Holmes of Sharon April 20«" 1833 M^ Asa Harlow and Miss Louisa Foster both of Canton April 2P' 1833 M'' Barnard Quinn resident in Canton and Miss Catherine Mul- doon of Boston 233 Intentions of Marriage. April 25*" 1833 M' Stephen Robinson 2'» and Miss Frances A Skillins both of Can- ton May 4"^ 1833 M"" John Clegg and Miss Mary Elizabeth Clark both residents in Canton May 5 1833 M' Henry Fisher and Miss Mary T Upham both of Canton May 12"* 1833 M"" Siliis E Chase resident inCanton and Miss Amanda Chase of Sutton May 14 1833 M'' Lyman Peaslee a resident in Canton and Miss Mary Ober of AVrentham May 26 1833 M' James Limburn and Miss (Jhristiania Kennedy both residents in Canton 265 June 1'' 1833 M' Andrew Gleeson a resident in Canton and Miss Mary Murrey of Boston June 9'*' 1833 M"" Andrew Powderly and Miss Mary Burns both residents in Canton June 10* 1833 M' Charles Shepard and Mrs Everline S Morse botli of Canton the 13'" of July 1833 M'' Wesley Knowls resident in Canton and ]\[i?s Lydia Totman of Lowell the 26'" of July 1833 M"" George Billin** 2'' of Canton and Miss Rebekah Gay of Stoughton the 27'" of July 1833 M"- Dexter Jackson of Walpole and Miss Elizabeth Wil- lard resident in Canton the 10"> of August 1833 M"" Pitt Clark and Miss Mary Ann Pickernell both res- idents in Canton the 17'" of August 1833 M^ Henry Fellows and Miss Peggy Golden both resi- dents in Canton-people of Colour the 24'" of August 1833 M"^ James Billings and Miss Jane M True both of Can- ton the 28'" of August 1833 M"^ Granvill Parmer and Miss Harriet True both of Can- ton Continued on page 295 266 Record of Marriages A Dec 17'" 1797 M'' Betlmel Allen & Miss Patty Bent April 30'" 1815 M' Pclatiah Adams & Miss Lucy ITpham Ajn-il 21°' 1816 M'' Thomas Allen J"^ of Canton and Miss Jlannah Bronsdon of Boston March 30'" 1817 M^'Tliomas Allen and M''^ Mary Billings Nov"' 9 1819 Mr. Daniel Alden of Bridgewater and Miss. Olive Tucker Feby 6'" 1825 Elijah Atherton Esqr. of Stoughton and Mrs Harriet Drake of Canton B. Feb. 22« 1787 M-^ John Billings & Sarah Wentworth April 5'" 1787 M"^ Samuel Blackman & Miss Abigail Wentworth Dec. 20'" 1787 M'' George Blackman & Miss Ruth Morse July 2* 1789 John Wentworth Bussey of Milton & Betsey Bent Jan. 13'" 1791 Nathanil Billings & Lydia Sumner Apri 26'" 1792 M"" Stephen Blake and Miss Mai-y Tucker Sept. 20'" 1792 M'' John Blackman and Miss Betsey Baker March 12'" 1793 M-- Abner Bird and Miss Polly Gay March 4'" 1794 Phinchas Beals of Randolph & Lydia Kenny Dec. 24'" 1795 M'' Benjamin Bisbee and Miss Milly Vose Dec. 15 1796 John Baker of Sharon & Abigail Blake of Stoughton Jan. 18'" 1798 Zebnlon Beals of Randolph & Betsey Kenny May 16'" 1798 Elisha Belcher of Stoughton & Rachael Smith Nov. 14 1808 Richard Buss a foreighner resident in Canton & Sally Crai>e Dec 31^' 1809 Jesse Bright of Needham and Rebecca Savils April 1G'=» 1810 Dudley JJailey Jr .!c Nancy Smith i5Ci> 30"^ 1810 Williaiu Burt & Ester Thomson both resident Canton Oct 12^'^ 1811 AVilliani Bent and Judith Swift Crane Dec 17 1812 M'Natlian Billings & Miss Tolly Tilden Nov 2-i 1813 Mf Clitlbrd Belcher & Miss Mary M'-' Kcndry Jan 5 1815 James Barker resident in Canton and Elizabeth Petingail resident in Milton April 18'^ 1815 James Bent and llaimah Crane Davenport May 14 1810 James Brooks resident in Canton & Sally Leonard Julie 6 1813 Amariah Blake & Clarissa Bhickman Dec. 15 1810 John Dale of Springlield County of Hampshire and Huldah How- ard March 22*^ 1807 Benjamin Billings and Sally Downs Nov' 13"» 1817 M' Cliurles Billings and Miss lleliet Weutworth March 26 1820 Mr. David Belclier & Miss. Harriot Shepard Dec"' 6 1822 Mr. Freeman Belcher to Miss. Tirzah Bent Dec. 12 1822 Mr. Charles Bullard to Miss. Elizabeth Paul Augt. 25 1822 Mr. Jonathan Belcher of Eandolph to Miss Hannah Jordon of Canton Nov"' 17 1822 Mr. Nathaniel Blake to Miss Clarasa Fisher both Stoughton Octr. 24"^ 1824 Mr. Ebenezer Burrill and Miss Lucy Tucker both of Canton 267 Sept. 23* 1823 Mr. Amasa Bealfl of Canton and Mrs. Ann Holbrook of Boston Jan,y 28. 1827 M"- Nathaniel Bessey resident in Canton and Miss Betsey Smith of Canton. May 18. 1826 M' Francis Batchelder and Miss Sarah Kollock Aug' 31" 1828. M' Loring Bracket & Miss Marx- lieed. both resident of Canton TVT ° 1 iQth laoQ I M'' Adam Billings & Miss Polly Nicherson, Marcii ly i»^y ^ ^^j Billings of Canton, Miss Nicherson resident only. 1819. Oct^3 1815 Mr AVilliard Everett of Dedham & Miss Sally Hill Oct 31= 1813 Mr Elijah Endicot & Miss Cynthia Childs Feb 22'^'^ 1807 Mr Aaron Everett of Boston & Miss Sally M" Kendry Julv 21 1822 Mr. Seth Ellis of Needham & ]Miss. Hannah F Crane of Cant** Oct' 27 1822 Mr Elijah Eastev to Miss Betsey Austin Nov 28th. 1824 Mr". Abel Everett and Miss Thankful Shepard both of (Canton May 29"^ 1821 ) Mr Benjamin Everton Jun' & Miss Jane Clark both of bv AV Dunbar Esq \ Canton. July 13. 1834 by Tho^ Tolman Esqr. John Edwards to Mary Sylvester 270 F. Feb. 8'" 1786 Mr Elias Fairbanks of Framingham N. H. and Miss Ehzabeth Billings Oct. 18'" 1786 Mr Ezekiel Fisher & Miss Anna Horton Feb 10^^1791 Mr Jabin Fisher & Miss Mary Tucker Nov. S"' 1794 Mr Jason French and Miss Lvdia Crane Jan. 30^^ 1795 Mr AA^illiamFitz Gerald of Roxbury and Miss Elizabeth Spare :2°* Aug. 27"> 1795 Mr Nathaniel French of Boston and Miss Joanna Downs Jan. 26"^ 1796 iS^v Abel Farrington & Miss Hannah Leonard May 3P' 1798 Mr Samuel Fisher & Miss Susanna Tucker 236 May 28«i» 1809 Timothy Fuller Esq of Cambridge and Miss Margaret Craue Feb. lo'*" 1810 JSIr Jesse Fenno and Miss Dorcas Tucker ISIarch 8'*' 1810 Mr David Fisher 2** of Sharon and Miss Nancy Chandler Jan. 22" 1814 Mr Nathaniel French & ^liss Sophia Wentworlli Feb. 2o"» 1815 Mr Isaac Fenno & Miss Milla Tucker Sept 2* 1813 Sanmel Freeman (stranger) & Margery Holden widow of Joel Hol- den both i)e()ple of colour and at this time resident in Canton June 13«^ 1816 M"" Joseph Fisher and M" Ruth Irvin both of Canton September 26"^ 1816 M-^ Alexander Fisher and Miss Clarissa Tucker both of Can- ton Dec' 8"^ 1817 M-^ Nathaniel P Fisher of Dodham and Miss Nancy Morse April 15 1819 Mr. Alexander French and Mrs. Nabby Crane both of Canton Nov'" 8 1819 Mr. Nathaniel Fisher of Boston and Miss, Polly May of Canton 1825 May 24'^ Abel Farrington Jur of Canton and Louisa Spanlding of Wal- pole 1827. Nov. 19"^ Patten Field and Louisa AYadleigh both residents of Canton 1828. Oct. .5^ Daniel F. Fuller and Susan Clark both of Canton By Rev. B. Huntoon 271 <- Aug 26"> 1790 ]'.Ir Ebenezer Gav and Miss Rebecca Smith Dec. 27 1798 Mr John Gill & Miss Polly Withington July 'i'^ 1809 Mr Aaron Gay of Stoughton & :Miss Sarah Henry Nov 4''' 1813 ]Mr Lewis Gay of Stoughton & Elizabeth Crane Nov 29"^ 1814 Mr Benjamin Gill 2^ & Miss Rebecca Belcher Ocf 16 1816 M'' Benjamin Gates of Boston and Miss Nancy Hunt of Canton Dec' 30 1817 M' John Gerrald and Miss Ruth M<= Kendry " Nov' 19 1818 M' James Gill and Miss Meriam French January 28 1820 Col. John Gay & Miss Susanna Gay July 19"' 1824 Mr. Joel W. Gay of Roxbury and Miss Nancy Gay of Canton. July 27 1828 ) M' James Gardner a resident of Canton & Miss Mercy by W Dunbar Esq ^ Billings of Canton. January 5'^ 1833 ) M" Albert Goodnough of Grafton and Miss Han- By Rev"^ John Turner \ nah Brown of Canton Jany ! 15. 1837 by Tho' Tolman Esqr. Mr Charles M. Goddard & Miss Mary Kenny both of Canton June 8. 1837. by Tho' Tolman Esqr. Heman Guild to Eunice Quinn Novi- 19. 1837. by Tho« Tolman Esqr Joshua Howard of Boston to Betsey Ring resident in Canton 272 H- Oct 25"» 1787 Mr Ebenezer Holmes of Dorchester &• Hannah Paul June 2°"' 1788 Mr Jeremiah Hixon of Sharon & Lois Kenney Oct 16"" 1791 Mr David Ilartwell & Miss Catharine Bemis Aug 23* 1792 Mr John Houghton it Susanna Derch Jan. 1^' 1794 Mr Apollos Hewitt & Miss Anna Bailey Jan. 29'" 1795 Mr John Howard of Bridgewater and Miss Polly Gill Nov. IB'" 1796 Benj" ilolmes & Martha Holmes both of Sharon Sept 17"» 1797 Mr Joseph Holmes & Miss Hannah Bailey March 16"» 1798 Mr Washington Hill & Miss Experience Crane Jan. l«t 1799 Mr David Hcwins & Miss Hannah Capen Feb. 15"' 1808 Job Hewitt resident in Canton & Rachael Billings Jan. 19"" 1809 Mr John Hawes & Miss Eunice Withington March 29'*' 1810 Mr Enoch Holmes & Miss Susan Mears May 6'" 1810 Mr Isaac Horton & Miss Polly Billinsrs Dec. 23' 1813 Mr Joseph Morse & Miss Kuth Tant Jan. 23"' 1807 Mr Edward Marrah of Boston & Ester Kenney Sept 18"* 1815 Mr Athern Manter & Miss Sally Tylor both resident in Dorches- ter Nov' 26 1817 M' Jonathan Middleton of Dedham and Miss Martha Wentworth Octo' U. 1821 M' John McKendry to Miss Eliza G. Howard April 19"" 1818 M' William M<= Kendry and Miss Harriot Billing* Sept. 23 1822 Mr. Nathaniel May to Miss Mary Beaumont both of Canton Octr 20 1820 Mr. Barney Morse to Miss Avelina S. Upham JanJ 6'^ l.'<24 Mr. Oliver Morse and Miss Betsey Peirce both of Canton Dec' ll"' 1827. M' William Morse & ^[iss Abigail Snow, both of Canton April 5"^ 1829. :M''Elisha Mann of llandolph & Miss Catharine Tucke* of Can- ton 1826 Oct 8 William :Mansfield and Miss Phebe Tillson both of Canton 1822. Ocf 30"" / M' Samuel Monk & Miss Rebekah Swan Capen both by ^y. Dunbar Es \ of Stoughton 1825 Dec' G'^ Francis Mason of Randolph & Lucinda Gill of Canton 1827. Nov' 11 David Morse and Hannah Pottle both of Canton 1834 April 28'^^ ^^^^^ -^^ j, ^^ stoughton and Polly Upham of Canton by Warren Emerson March 14. 1839 -j^^ Gideon M-^ Intosh to M'» Abigail Reed both of Canton A Meriam By E. Atherton Esq. ]*■!' John Mahrs and Mrs. Mary Honey both Aug* 31«' 1841 in Stoughton residents of Canton By the same Mr Nathaniel Fadden of Canton and Mrs. Susan June 30'" 1844 in Stoughton Daggett of Sharcjii 276 N. Aug 23"' 1807 Mr James Noyes of Dedham & ]Vriss :Martha Crosmam Nov 27'" 1814 Mr Daniel Nightingail & Miss Nancy Morgan both resident in Canton Aug* 30"' 1821. M' Moses Nye a resident of Canton and Miss Lucy by W" Dunbar Esq Wentworth O. Jan. 2°'' 1814 Mr Anthony Olney resident of Plymouth & ]\Iiss Patty Crane 277 P- Oct 9'h 1788 Ichabod Pitts of Hallowell County of Lincoln & Miss Mary Black- man Dec. 25"' 1788 Mr. David Patten & IMiss Sarah Daniels Sep' 18"> 1791 Mr Nehemiah Perry of Pembroke & Miss Hannah Stoddard Dec. 4'*' 1794 INIr Libbius Porter and Miss Brastow of Wrentham July 3«J 1796 Mr Seth Pitts of Hallowell & Elizabeth Lewis 239 April 2'"i 1809 Charles Pago of Stoughton & Elizabetli Henry May 3^^ 1809 Mr Asa Patridge of Boston & Miss Betsey Bea* * June 6 1810 M' Samuel Paul of Dedham and Miss Martha Crane, Can*** Sep' 1^» 1817 ]\P Samuel Porter of Bridgwater and Miss Sally Gill of Canton Augt. 14 1823 Mr. AVillard Pike of Phillipston and Miss. Mary Buss of Canton 17 Mr Abial Phillips resident in Canton and Miss. Betsey Stodard of Can- ton 1826 Augt 31 ^t > M' Orin Packard and Miss Cynthia Holbrook both of by ^Y. Dunbar Esq ^ Stoughton 1825. Api 24:'^ Nathan Packard and Emily Morton both of Canton 1830 Feb. 12 > M' Abiel Phillips of Easton, now a resident of (.'anion by AV Dunbar ^ to Miss Hannah Smith of Canton By II F Edes ( ^^' James Piatt to Susan Bell both of Canton *^By II F^Edes i ^^' William H Peterson to Mary B lloberts both of Canton Nov 23'! 183-4 by / Mr Simeon Presbrey and Miss Rachael Totman, M. B. Ballon of Stoughton ^ both of Cantoji June 14'^\845 ^^ \^^^' "^^'"^ ^^- P'^i^^^'ook of Portsmouth N. H. and Miss in Stoughton ) ^^^'^^ ^' ^^^'^^'-^^t ^f Canton 278 S. May 18'" 1787 Mr Daniel Stone & Miss Sarah Crosman July 4"* 1790 Mr Lemuel Smith & Miss Martha Withington July 28''* 1791 Mr Joshua Spear of Braintree & Hannah Tucker March M'" 1792 Mr Isaac Stetson & Miss Abigail Sumner June 29"^ 1794 Mr Jesse Shephard & Miss Sally Tucker July 2* 1794 JSIr Isaac Shaller & Eunice Kenney April 19'^ 1795 Mr Benjamin Silvester & Elizabeth Dickermau June 7"^ 1795 MrMicah Shaller & Miss Rachael Blackmail Nov. 2G'h 1797 Mr Oliver Shepard & Miss Anna Merion Dec. 24'h 1797 Mr George Stone & Miss Rhoda Hollis Julv 22°^ 1807 Mr Nathaniel Shepard & Miss Ruaniah Withington Oct 2G"> 1807 Mr Jacob Shepard & [Mrs Rhoda Stone Oct. 8'^^ 1812 Mr Richard Silvester of Randolph & Miss Nancy Stetson July 28"^ 1815 Mr George Steptoe of Dedham and Miss Nancy (Golden (people of colour) Dec. 27"^ 1815 Dr. Jonathan Stone and Miss Elizabeth Upham resident in Boston May 25'^ 1817 M^ Benjamin Sylvester and Miss Lydia Henry Oct* 6 1817 M^ James Smith and M" Elizabeth Colburn Resident irrOanton Dec' 21 1818 M' William Smith and Miss Estiier Crane April 25 1819 Capt. Thomas Shepard & Miss Rebeccah Belcher Jany 25 1824 Mr. Luke Shepard of Canton and Miss. Zilpah Capen of Stough- ton 1829. Feb. 28^'^ Mr Jonathan W. Smith & Miss Martha Edes Residents of Can- ton March 24. 1825 Roj-al Stetson of Randolph and Cynthia Wentworth of Canton 1827. Octr. 2P' David Spauldingof Boston & Lucy Billings of Canton 1828 Ap' 17"» Samuel S Stutsou of Stouifhton aiidRozella Upham Canton 1829. Dec/ 24"' William Shaller & Abigiiil Howard both of Canton 1829. OcfS Samuel Shaw & Hannah Lee both resident of Canton 1829 Sepr 24 Mr Jacob Shepard of Canton & Miss Ilepzibah Alger of N. Bridge- water 279 T. Dec. 29'!^ 1787 Mr. Josiah Tilden & Miss Prudence Farrington Oct. 23''! 1788 Mr Simeon Tucker & Miss Milla Hartweil April 22° 1798 Mr Lemuel Tucker & JNIiss Polly Upham Oct. 29"> 1807 Mr Paul Thurston of Franklin & Miss Vashti Hunt Feb. 28"" 1811 Mr John Tucker 2°'* & Miss Mary Billings Feb 9"» 1815 Mr Elijah Tucker & Miss Hannah Fenno Feb 16"» 1807 Mr Joel Tilden & Miss Kachael Howard 2* Jany 1" 1817 Mr Abner Tilden and Miss Mary Manstield Nov' 20'^^ 1817 M' Robert Thomson Tucker and Miss Hannah Billings July 2°* 1818 M' William Tucker and Miss Lucy French Dec"" 5 1822 Mr. Ebeiiezer Tower to Miss Roxy Blackmuu May 2.5 1823 Mr. Epliraim Tufts Jur. of Boston and Miss. Mary Whiting of Can- ton ' Feby. 26 1824 Mr. Solomon Taytor of Boston and Miss. Elizabeth Dilaway res- ident in Canton Jany 27"' 1825 Mr. Job G. Tisdale and Miss x\lice Turner both of Canton Octo"" 21. 1827 M' Jeremiah Taunt and Miss Sally Towne resident in Canton. 1821, July 22 ) M' John Shuw a foreigner, resident of Canton & Miss bv ^V Dunbar Esq \ Irena Taunt of Canton. 1827 Nov 25"^ Robert T Tucker and Catharine Billings both of Canton 1833 Sep 18 Orville T Tvler of Canton to Jane Brooks of Boston B T Tolman Esq"" Dec 13 1832 AVilliam B Townsend to Martha Holmes Both resident in Can- By H F Edes ton May 15. 1838 ^, Nathaniel Tucker to Miss Marv Horton botli of Canton A. Meriam 280 ^'• April 5'^ 17S7 Mr Amos Uphara & Miss Lucy Hewitt Julv 7'i> 1807 Mr Amos Upham Jr. & Miss Peggy Tucker June lO'^i 1798 Mr Nathan Upham Si Miss Susanna Tilden Oct. 7"^ 1806 Mr Enos Upham & Miss Sarah Tilden June 22. 1828. \ M' Abel Upham of Stoughton & Miss Mary Ann May of By Rev^ E. Blake i Canton ^^"^^ fr \?^T?, M' Enos Upham of Stoughton to Miss Mary Shepard of Canton By H F Edes '■ Apr' 9 1839 ^j^, Abner T Upham to Miss Evelina Endicott both of Canton A Meriam ' BvRev. Benjamin Huntoon 1843 May 21" Mr. Nathaniel S. White and Miss Caroline A. Shackley, both of Canton. Feb 2-1 1843 Mr. Alfred Shattuck and Miss Sarah D. Kinsley, both of Canton. June 18"^ 1843 j^^^. Thomas Tavlor and Miss Adalinc A. Packard, both of at the house of ci^„„ut.^„ ,r TT 4. Stoughton. Mr Huntoon ° Oct. 10'" 1843 Mr Alfred (Jlapp and Miss Eleanor M. Cain, both of Dorchester. Oct 19'i' 1843 Mr. Otis Swift and Miss Julia Kingsbury, both of Canton. a a a Mr. Abiou ^Y. Kinsley & Miss Sarah Belcher, both of Canton. Nov. 10^^ 1843 Mr. Alexander Beaumont and ^Nliss Emeline W. Manstield, both of Canton Nov 27'^ 1844 Lemuel Taunt Jr. of Canton and Miss Abby E. Allen of Milton. 281 W March G"' 1788 Mr John Wilcox & Miss Mercy Clark June 12"" 1788 Mr Oliver Wentworth & Miss Abigail Tilden June 8^^ 1791 Mr Joseph Wentworth & Miss Unity Wentworth Nov. lO"' 1791 Mr Jolm Wales of Bridgewater & Miss. Sukey Capen April 5^^ 1792 Mr Nathaniel Wentworth & Miss Olive Capen April 15"' 1792 Mr Jolm Wentworth & Miss Polly Crane Aug 19"' 1792 Mr Jesse Barker AYilcox & Builah Merion Feb. 28<>' 1793 Mr Samuel Wales 2^"^ & Miss Lydia Babcock Jan. 21'' 1796 Mr Samuel Wheeler & xMiss Phally Tucker 241 Sept. 12"* 1797 Capt. Joshua Wales of Stoughton & Mrs liebecca Upham July 2°"^ 1807 Ml- Richard Wheatly oi' Bostou & Miss Hannah Dunbar Nov. o'^ 1807 Mr Samuel Wood resident in Braintree & Miss Mercy Packard Oct.lo'^ 1808 Mr Nathan Withiiigton & Miss Sally AVentwo*** 2'^ Dec. 14"" 1809 Mr Joseph Jacob Whiting- of Boston & Miss Ann Eliza Crane March 28"* 1811 Mr Samuel AVithington ot Dorchester & Miss Mary Crane April 19"" 1812 Mr Elisha White & Miss Mary Morton of Stoughton June 24'^ 1812 Nathaniel Whiting & Mary Tower of Braintree May 30"" 1813 Mr Nathaniel Whiting Jr. & Betsey Ripley of Boston Feby 13 1818 M' Oliver Wentworth 2°'^ and Miss Susanna Warren Eaton August 23^'! 1818 M' Seth Wentworth and Miss Prudence Tilden May 27 18 1 9 Mr. Lowel Wiswell of HoUiston & ]Miss Ruth Everton of Canton April 12'^" 1823 Mr. Lemuel Whiting Jur of Newbedford and Miss Esther Hay- den of Canton March 15^^ 1824 Mr. Lewis Whiting of Canton and jVIiss Susan Keith of Easton Feb^ 20''^ 1825 Mr Enos Withington and Miss Lucinda Coleman both of Canton. ^"i?' \",'^\^^"^, T. I Henrv Within-rton & Miss Olive Dunikin both of Canton Bv A\ Dunbar Esq S March 12"> 1825 Ellis Wentworth and Mary Ann D Wild June 24«" 1825 Spencer Wentworth and Johanna Belcher of Boston Feb. 19"" 1827 Edwin Wentworth and Julia Crane both of Canton May 10'^ 1827 Nathaniel Wentworth Jun^ & Rebecca G Presbry both of Canton 232 Record of Marriages Date and by Names of the persons Married and the places where whome Married they belong. , ^,.^. , 1828 May 1'' Ferdinand Rodliff of Lowell and Peace W Giflord a ReV^ Benj'' Huntoon resident of Canton 1831 Feb. 22'! Jonathan Robinson and Susan Honey both resident in Rev^ Jacob Norton Canton, of Sharon _ , . r-, 1831 December 7 Walter R Ray to Cordelia B Paul both residents in Can- By Tho' Tolman Esq' ton 1833 Sep« 18 Orville T Tvler of Canton to Jane Brooks of Boston By T Tolman Esq^ ^'' ^ -,,,.,, t.x April 2P' 1833 Mr. William AVithington of Canton and Miss Mary Estes By Rev H. F. Edes of Stoughton 233 Record of MaiTiages, 1826 June 18'^ ) M' Calvin Crocker and Miss Mary Burgess, both residents by AA' Dunbar Esq' \ of Canton. 1826 Feb. 12'^ ) ThomasCathcartofTisbury and Charlotte Jordan of Can- bv. B. Huntoon \ ton. 1826 Oct' P' by > Charles Crehore of Milton and Chloe B Hartwell of B Huntoon \ Canton 1825 Sept. oO"" Elisha Crane and Eliza Capen both of Canton Lewis Clark a resident of Canton and Abigail Lindfield 1827May2.''> of Stoughton 1829 June 29''> by ) M"" Eleazer Cole and I^Iiss Lucy S Mitchell both of Ded- AA' Dunbar ' S ham November 30 1833 M' Nathaniel Croud of AA^oodstock to By rev^ H F Edes ^j.^^ p^jj ^^ g^^^.^. ^f Canton people of Colour September 5^^ 1833 M' Pitt Clark & Miss Mary Ann Pickernell both of Can- bv Rev^ John Turner ton 1835 Sharon Oct 16. Married by Silas Hall M' Jana. R. SAvan to Miss Ehzabeth C. Johnson Dec' 2'!^ 1838 M' Thomas Cobbett to Miss Abigail Cobbett resident in Bv A. Meriam Canton Nov 25"" 1841 at Wrentham Mr Laban Bullock of Canton to Miss Bv Eld. John S. AA^hite Charlotte S. AVebb of Boston 242 Nov. 14*'* 1842 Mr James P. Knights and Miss Sarah Farmer, both of By liev. A. Norwood Canton. By the same in Dedham Mr Leonard Billings of Canton and Miss Sarali E. Sum- Nov 24"> 1842 ner of Dedham By the same in Canton Mr William E. Johnson of Clinton N. J. and Miss Jany 7"» 1844 Sophia A. Gardner of Canton. April 3"^ 1844 Mr. Asa Billings and Miss Almira S. Carpenter, both of Canton. 284 Record of Marriages in the Town of Canton ^^by WilUara Dunbar Esq. ^^'^""^^ ^''^^'^ ''""^ ^^^^^ Charlotte Cobb both of Sharon 1825 May 24"* Jarvis Billings of Canton and Mary Spaulding of Wal- pole 1826. Ap' 1C"> Amos Boyington and Lucy Ann Howard 1827. February 18"» Albert Bisbee of Boston & Mary S Endicott 1827 Nov' 7* Aaron Baker & Cynthea Clark residents of Canton 1828 Ap^ 24"» Stephen Billings and Mary Leonard both of Canton Bv. John A Draper and Martha Mansur both residents of 1828 Oct' 24"» Canton ^^1828^*'Dec'^4"''^^'^" Stephen J Blake of Dunstable N. II. and Mary Morse 1828. Dec 24 AVilliam Benton & Zilpha Birt both Resident of Can- By Rev"* B. Huntoon ton. ^Massena B Ballo^a Klijah Briggs & Mary Austin both residents of Canton Januarv 28"' 1827 xt ii i t> i. n ^ c -xi By tW Tolman J. P. ^^^"^ ^^^^^>^ *« ^^^^^^ ^"^^^'^ B • Rev^ FI F E ies "^^"^ Elijah Benton to Sarah Bent Both of Canton By the Rev Franklin Fisk of Stoughton May 16«> 1841 Mr Warren Harris and Miss Mary Adeline Bickford both of Canton By the Rev. Isaac Smith of Stoughton Nov 24*^ 1842 Mr. George Smith of Randolph and Miss Sarah Tucker of Canton By Stephen Lovell Aiig 23d 1842 Mr William K. Baker of New Bedford and Miss Martha :\r. Wat- son of Canton Sept 4"' 1842 Mr Humphrey C. Ilodgdon and Miss Zilpha Clark, of both Canton By the Rev. Phillip Crundon Jr of Stoughton Nov. 30"* 1843 Mr .Tames Cobb and Miss Abigail Smith, both of Canton 285 Record of Marriages in the Town of Canton ^ B ^II^F^Edes -^^' "^^^"^ ^^^^^^^ ^^ Canton to Miss Maria Frances Cobb of Sharon R TT F F 1p ^^^ Samuel Shaw to Lydia Snow both of Canton October 15"» 1833 M' Benjamin Snow J"" and Miss Eliza Cromet both of By Rev"* John Turner Canton By the Rev. Ilenrv Clark Dec U'l' 1841 Mr John B. Fisher & Miss Bethiah G. Tilden, both of Canton Feb 2 Mr Daniel Tisdale and Mrs. Lucy Spaulding, both of Canton Nov 12"^ Mr Virgil J. Messinger and Miss Mary Ann Dunbar, both of Can- ton 1842 Jany o 1840. Mr Josiah \V. Robinson & Miss Clara Tilden both of Canton. June 24"^ 1840 Mr Andrew J. Bosworth of Taunton & Miss Eliza Ann Knapp of Bridgewater. Aug 30"» 1840 Ellis Ames Esq-- & Miss Harriet Tucker both of Canton. Sept 27'" 1840 Mr Ralph H. Crane of Milton & Miss Ann G. Pope of Canton Oct. 15"» 1840 Mr Sylvester D. Makepeace & Miss Mary M. White both of Can- ton. Nov. 31 1840 Mr Clark Pratt of Dorchester & Miss Sarah Ann Low of Canton. Nov 5'h 1840 Mr Arad J. Edwards & Miss Sarah W. Tilden both of Canton Feb 21^' 1841 Mr Ezekiel Capen & Mrs. Mary A. Brett both of Canton. May 23^1 1841 Mr 'Timothy Wiswell & Miss Juliana Draper Carpenter both of Canton June 9* 1841 Rev. Bradley Minor of Dorchester & Miss Louisa Tucker of Canton Oct 10'" 1841 Mr George W. Gay & Miss Eunice L. Dewing both of Sharon. Nov 1^' 1841 Mr William Beck & Miss Letty Neiil both of Canton 288 Record of Marriages. Date and by whome Names of the Persons Married and the place married where they belong. 1828. Sept' 7"» Elijah B Whipple and Miss Mary Rouse both bv Rev*^ Benjamin Huntoon residents of Canton April 17 1831 Lewis White of Sharon to Mrs Nancy White By Tho" Tolman Esq' of Canton 1832 March 11''^ Thomas J Wardwell to Mary Ann Swan res- Bv Tho« Tolman Esq' idents in Canton Jany 31" 1839 M' Rufus Whiting to Miss Caroline A. Wliite By Rev 1844 Rev William B. Hammond of Canton and Miss Louisa M. Poud in Bostou of Utica ]S^. Y. 289 Sep' 11 1833 } M' Henry Fellows & Mis Peggy Golden by Rev"^ John Turner \ both of Canton By ReV* Massena B Ballou of Stoughton May 17"' 1840 Mr Granville Pollard to Miss Sarah E. SuUaway both of Canton. Oct 12"' 1840 Mr William Blackmon to Miss Caroline Crane both of Canton Nov 26'" 1840 Mr Henry Nye of Boston to Miss Mary Chandler of Canton May 9"* 1841 Mr Joseph Longfellow of Newbury and Miss Lucretia Fairbanks of Cantou 290 Record of Marriages as given in by the Reve* John Turner in April 1835 1835 Jan. 5. M' W'" Z. II. Fisher, to Miss Mary Gould, both resident in Canton. Jan. 28. M' JohuD. Evans to Miss Mary Jane Bartlett; both Residents in Can- ton. Marriages by the Rev"^ O. A. Brownson Sep. 10th. Leonard Everett, to Emeline Mason, both of Canton Sep. 24th Tho' J. Johnson, of Canton, to Catherine S. Alger, of Easton. Octo. 2t3. Benjamin Moore, of Medford, to Almira Burgess of Canton. Nov. 20. Wm. Horton to Anselina Tucker, both of Canton The above were reported by M' Brownson Ap. 15. 1835. The Rev'' Isaac Smith of Stoughton, Married M' Wm. Raymond, to MissLucinda T. Madan, Octo. 187 1835 By Rev. Richard Stone of West-Bridgewater 1840 May l?'" Mr Bartholomew W Burt to Miss Rachael A. Clark both resident in Canton 291 Record of Marriages as given in by the ReV^' O. A. Brownson & Rev^ Erastus Dickinson in 1836 1835 May 3d by O. xV. Brownson, Patrick Dooley to C. O. Conner " James H. Everett to Ann W. Billings " W" S. Otis to Elizabeth Everett " Wm. Pitts to Lavina Bell " Wm. Hodges to Almira Robinson " Harrison Guile to Olive Bell " Dan' M. Alger to S. A Withington " Sydney Mann to Hannah Sylvester " John Tower to Sarah S. Hewitt By Rev'' E. Dickinson, . '" M. B. Pierce to Marv E. Wellman '' J. D. Tatem to E. P". Fuller " John Bealey to Ruth T. Withington By Rev* John McLeish of Stoughton Mr Elbridge Jones of Stoughton to Miss Sarah George of Canton, at the house of Mr George By Rev Charles O. Kimball 1839 Mr James S. Shepherd of Foxborough to Miss Mary Belcher of Can- Sept 12'^ ton June 11'" a 23 July 2* Aug S^ Oct. 4 i( 11 Nov. 22 Dec. 12 1836 Feb. 14 1835 Nov 29 Sep. 20 1839 June 25"^ 245 By Rev"' John M" Leish of Stoughtou 1840 June 14'" Mr Benjamin Jones Sen' to Mrs Lydia Sylvester both of Canton Dec 20"> Mr Francis Tilden to Miss Alvera White both of Canton 292 Date June 8. 1836 llecord of Marriages in the town of Canton By whom mar'' Rev"' E Dickinson Miss Almira Miss Pamela Names of Persons married residence &g Mr. Maynard B. Boyden of Walpole to Miss Mary Bell of Canton Mr. Isaiah Clark to Miss Roxana Fox both of Canton Mr. Edward Swiney to Martin both of Canton Mr. James L Kenny to Gould both of Canton Mr. John S. Edgerly to Miss Mercy Jane Chase both of Canton Mr. Charles S. Turner of Chelsea to Miss Maria French of Canton Capt. Alonzo Follonsbee of Pittston (Maine) to Miss Nancy S. M* Intosh of Canton Mr. Benjamin P. Brackett of Sidney (Maine) to Miss Mary Snow of Can- ton Mr. Aaron M. King to Miss Emily Gardner both of Canton Mr. King it is ascertained does not belong to Canton but probably Bloomfield N. Jersey March?. 1837 Rev^ E. Dickenson Mr. Edward Simpson to Miss Cath- erine E Brown both resident in Can- ton Mr. Benjamin Kennedy of Randolph to Miss Eliza D. Jewell resident in Canton Mr. Patrick Shields to Miss Mary Jane Wiggin both foreigners & resident in Canton Mr. David Hill of Northbridge to Miss Elen Crane of Canton Mr. James Lyman to Miss Lavina Capen both of Dedham Record of Marriages in the Town of Canton, whom marr"* Name of Persons Married residence &c. June 12. 1836 Rev"' E. Dickinson July 10. 1836 Rev^ E. Dickinson Aug. 21. 1836 Rev"' E Dickenson Septr 14. 1836 Rev"* E Dickenson Octr. 7. 1836 Rev"' E. Dickenson Octr. 23 1836 Rev"" A. Merriam Feby 3^ 1837 Rev" A. Merriam Feby 13. 1837 Rev" E. Dickenson March 20. 1837 Rev. E Dickinson April 3"' 1837 Rev. E. Dickinson April 11. 1837 Rev. A. Merriam April 30. 1837 Rev. A. Merriam 293 Date By June 8 Rev'' Mr. John Davenport Jr of Canton to Miss Esther Samp- 1837. Mr. Merriam son of Milton July 2. Rev"' Mr. Aaron Downs of Boston to Miss Elizabeth Rob- 1837 Mr. Merriam erts of Canton July 10. Rev"* Mr John Johnson to Miss Mary Ann Heughenney both 1837 Mr. Merriam resident in Canton July 27. Rev"' Mr Charles A. French to Miss Almira Everett both of 1837 Mr. Jones Canton Aug. 20. Rev" Mr. Ruf us C. Wood to Miss Sarah P. Willard both res- 1837 Mr, Merriam ident in Canton Octr 5. Mr Mr. Levi Brundage of Randolph to Miss Jane Stone 1837 Merriam of Canton Novr. 6 Rev"' Mr. Albert Bowen of Seekonk to Miss Clarrissa Tant 1837 Mr Jones of Canton Novr. 8. Revd. Mr fJoswell Dunnakin to Miss Elizabeth Spear both of 1837 Mr. Merriam Canton 246 Deer 20. Revd. Mr Thomas Dunbar Jr. to Miss Hannah H. French 1837 Mr Jones both of Canton Nov. 30 Revd. Mr Ballou Mr. Elihii Wentworth & Miss Mary Ann Francis both 1837 of Stousfhton of Canton Jany 2. Revd." ISIr AVilliani Hunt of Canton and Miss Mary Randall 1838. Mr. Merriam of Easton Jany 10 Revd Mr Lemuel G. Tilden to Miss Hannah B. Gill both of 1838. Mr Merriam Canton Jany 10 Revd Mr AVilliam Ellis of Dedhani to Miss Jane Endicott of 1838 Mr. Jones Canton Jany 15 Revd. Mr. Thedore Rand of Weymouth to Miss Appliia Wor- 1838 Mr. Jones ster of Canton Marcli 25 Revd Mr Edwin Rice to Miss Mary Ann Milner both resident 1838 Mr. Merriam in Canton April 5 Revd. Mr. Peter A. Wales of Randolph to Miss Milla Ann 1838 Mr. Jones. Downs of Canton 294 Record of Marriages in the Town of Canton Date By who married Names of Persons Married where belonging &c 1838 Revd. Mr. AVilliam Billings to Miss Elizabeth Endicott . April 5th. Mr. Merriam both of Canton Deer. 25. Revd. Mr. Ballou Mr. Samuel Fisher & Miss Clarrissa Fisher both 1838. of Stoughton of Canton April 17 Revd. Mr, John R. Manley of Boston and Miss Abi- 1838. Mr. Jones gail Fenno of Canton Jany S"' Rev Do. ^^ j^j-^g ^^.^^.-^^ ^'^ Madden S Canton «295 Intentions of 3farria(fe (See middle of page 216.) Canton the 3P' of August 1833 entered the intentions of marriage between M' Orville T Tyler of Canton and Miss Jane Brooks of Boston Attest James Blackman Town Clerk the 20"* of September 1833 M"' Wilder Broed of Roxbury and Miss Elvira W Shepard of Canton the 21" of September 1833 M"" Benjamin Snow J"" and Miss Eliza Cromet both residents in Canton the 21"* of September 1833 M' Albert Taunt and Miss Abigail Waterman both of Canton the 21=« of September 1833 M' Horatio Nichols and Miss Elizabeth Tucker both of Canton 247 Intentions of Marriage. the 22"* of September 1833 M"^ Lewis Johnson of Canton and Miss Hannah War- ren Wood of Middleborough the 28"" of September 1833 Doct' Pliiueas M Crane of Canton and Miss Susan H Dwight of Dedham the 29"" of September 1833 M' Artimus Raymond of Boston and Miss Lucy A Shepard of Canton the 19'^ of October 1833 ^I^ Luther Belcher of Stoughton and Miss Maria Kins- ley of Canton 296 27"^ of November 1833 M' William Hunt of Canton and Miss Sophia S Hunt of Milton 7"^ of December 1833 M'' Albert R Goodnough of Grafton and Miss Hannah Brown of Canton 7"* of December 1833 M"" Justus Pooler of Dedham and Miss Eunice Fisher of Canton 11"" of December 1833 M' Elias Cole of Canton and Miss Mary Ann Leonard of Randolph 13"^ of December 1833 M' Willard Cobbett of Dedham and Miss Joan Smith of Canton 22'' of December 1833 M' Nathaniel T Davenpoi't of Milton and Miss Sarah Dun- bar of Canton 28"^ of December 1833 M'' Sylvester Huestis and Miss Elizabeth Brooks both of Canton. 29"^ of December 1833 M' Elijah Drake J^ of Stoughton and Miss Susan Holmes of Canton January 19 1834 M'' Jeremiah Kollock of Canton and Miss Sarah S Day of Boston 297 the 13"^ of March 1834 M^ David Burrell J' of Randolph and Miss Maria D Fenno of Canton March 29"^ 1834 M'' Joel Benton of Canton and Miss Lucy Snow of Dover March 29 — 1834 M'' Charles M Gould resident in Canton and Miss Rebecca Har- ris of Prospect Maine March 29"^ 1834 M' Isaac Mav J' of Stough* ' and Miss Pollv Upham of Canton March 29—1834 M^ Patrick Claflin of [Milton and Miss Eliza Whighting of Can- ton March 29 1834 M' John Manyan and Miss Anner Rony both residents in Can- ton April 26 — 1834 M"" Williamson Gill of Canton and Miss Elizabeth Johnson of Stoughton June 29 — 1834 M' Jolm Edward and Miss Mary Ann Sylvester both residents in Canton June 29 — 1834 M Luther Turner J'' of the State of Maine now resident in Stoughton and Miss Anseline Hawes of Canton 298 «Hily 4"5 1834 M^ Daniel Sherwood and Miss Margaret Geery both resi- dents in Canton July 20 1834 M' Horace Whitney resident in Canton and Miss Marillo Simons of Lowell August 9'^ 1834 Thomas Jefferson Johnson Esq' of Canton and Miss Catharine Lothrop Alger of Easton August 23'! 1834 Leonard Everett Esq'' and Miss Emeline Mason both of Canton September 6* 1834 M"" William Bell resident in Canton and Miss Polly G Bird of Stoughton September 13 — 1834 M Abijah AV Packard resident in Canton and Jkliss Eme- line E Tucker of Norton September 20 — 1834 M"" Thomas Middleton resident in Canton and Miss Nancy Simpson of Attleborough. October 6 — 1834 M'' George ^\ llayden of Stoughton and Miss Caroline W Car- ter of Canton 248 Intentions of Marriage. 299 October 8—1834 M' William Horton and Miss Anselinc Tuckei' both of Canton October 11 — 1834 M'' Benjamin Moore of Medford and Mrs Almira Burges of Canton Canton October 11 — 1834 received and entered the Intentions of Marriage be- tween M' Philip M" Givney and Miss Margaret Gaf ney both residents in Canton Attest James Blackman Town C*** Canton November 1" 1834 entered the intentions of marriage between M"" Sim- eon Presbrey and Miss Rachel Totnian both of Canton Attest James Blackman Town Clerk December 11 — 1834 M' William Johnson and Miss Caroline Chase both of Can- ton December 11 — 1834 M' AVilHam Z II Fisher and Miss Mary Gould both res- ident in Canton January 10'" 1835 M' John D Evans and Miss Mary Jane Bartlettboth residents in Canton January 11— 1836 M' Tiiomas Burkcy and Miss Bridget Cary both residents in Canton Febuaiy 22'^ 1835 M"- William AV Ilawes of Stough*** and Miss Charlott George of Canton 300 Canton March 14th. 1835 Entered the intention of Marriage between §.60 M'' Zachariah Tucker of Canton, and Miss Lucinda Mann of Kandolp Attest Elijah Crane Town Clerk. Canton Ap. 2'^ 1835. Entered the intention of marriage between M'' Patrick $.50 Dooley & Miss Catherine OConner both residents of Canton Intentions of Marriage from here to March IS, 1S3 7, are not attested. The fee for recording, varying from 30 cts. to o dollars, is entered in the margin but has been omitted in j)rinting, excejyt where the certificates are given in full. April 1 1th. 1835. M"" Judson Stoddard of Braintrcc & Miss Betsey Tucker of Can- ton April 30th. 1835. Entered the Intentions of Marriage between M' James H Ev- $1 erett & Miss Ann W. Billings both of Canton. May 16"^ 1835, M-- W"' S. Otis, resident in Canton and Miss Elizabeth Everett, also of Canton May 16th, 1836, ]\P John Crowell of Dorchester and Miss Jane Ilorton of Can- ton 301 May 23* 1835, M-^ John Kenedy, resident of Canton & Miss Mary Henrey of Stoughton May 30th. 1835 M^ Joel R. Shepard of Canton & Miss Adeline Capen of Stough- ton May 31. 1835 M"" Wm Madan & Miss Lucy Nye both of Canton June 13th. 1835, M'' Asa Shepard of Canton & Miss Sarah M. Rice of Newton June 20th. 1835 James Pitts, resident in Canton, & Miss Lavina Bell of Canton July 15th. 1835, M^ Ira Hollis of Randolph & Miss Juliet Drake of Canton July 18th. 1835, M"" Wm. Hodge & Miss Almira Robinson both of Canton August 1st. 1835, M^ Joseph A. Alger, of Stoughton & Miss Lucinda T. Tot- raan of Canton. 302 Aug. 1. 1835,M' Harrison Guile & Miss Olive Bell both of Ca«ton. Aug» 10th." 1836, M' Jonathan R. Swan & Miss Elizabeth C. Johnson, both of Canton. Sep. 5th. 1835, M' John Bealey, resident in Canton to Miss Ruth T. Withing- ton of Canton Sep. 24. 1836, M' Lem'Ravmond & Miss Lueinda T. Madan both of Canton Sep. 26. 1836, M' Daniel M. Alger & Miss Sarah A. Withington, both of Can- ton 249 Intentions of Marriage. Sep. 27th. 1835, tlie Rev'' Erastus Dickenson of Canton & Mis« Maria Bowen of Woodstock, (Con* ) Octo. 3"* 183o, M' Warren Hunt of Canton & Miss Eunice Washburn of S. Bridg- water 303 Octo. 3. 1835. M>" Elbridge G. AVoodside of Roxbury & Miss Louisa Shepard of Canton Octo. 11th 1835. M' Sj'dney Mann of Randolph & Miss Hannah Sylvester of Can- ton . Octo. 17. 1835 M"- Henry T. Spear of Canton, & Miss Hepsabeth P. Fernaldof Dover, N. H. Octo. 29th. 1835. Entered the Intention of Marriage between M' Lewns Gay & 50 cts Miss Sarah Maria Spear both of Canton Acrois the face of this is written '-Forbid" Nov. 1 1th. 1835, The Bands of Marriage intended between M' Lewis Gay & Miss S. M. Spear, are forbid by me. Nathaniel Bailey Nov' Uth. 1835, Entered the Intention of Marriage between M' Iliram Blan- 60c chard of Stoughton & Miss Louisa Dillaway of Canton Nov. 14. 1835, M^ J. Davidson Tatem of Philadelp*** & Miss Emeline P. Ful- ler of Canton, 304 Nov. 19th. 1835, M'-.Tohn Tower & Miss Sarah S. Hewett both of Can- ton Dec. 27th. 1835, M'' Amos Ilewettof Canton & Miss Abigail G. Gay of Sharon. am' of mars= fees $21.65. 1836. Jany, 17th. M'' Martin B. Pierce of Quincy & Miss Mary E. Wellman of Canton Jauy. 18th. Thomas Cacy of Canton & Miss Johana Harriuton of Canton Feb'y 27th. 1836, M'' John Blackman & Miss Nancy Jones both of Canton. April 17th 1836, M' Ch^ ONeil & Miss Eliza Forbush both residents in Canton April 30th. 1836, M' W™ F. Temple & Miss Milla H. French both of Canton May 7th. 1836, M' Mayuard B. Boyden of Walpole, & Miss Mary Bell of Canton. 305 May 21st. 1836, Cap' Elisha Crane of Buffaloe, N. York, & Miss Lucy Ann Upham of CantOM. May 21st. 1836. M' Ansel Smith of Canton & Miss Elizabeth Drew of Somers- worth, N. II. May 22^ 1836, M-^ Josiah Broad of Natick & Miss Susan Wentworth of Canton May 28th. 1836, M'' Isaiah Clark of Canton & Miss Roxana Fox also, of Canton. May 29th. 1836, M"' Edward Quinu of Randolph & Miss Roxana Muldoon of Canton . June 2* 1836, M' Amos Hewitt of Canton & Miss Sally Ann Washburn of Sharon. June 24th. 1836, M' Edward Swiney & Miss Almira Martin, both of Canton. July 13th. 1836, M"" W™ H, Tilley & Miss Mary Chamberlain, both residents of Canton 306 July 16. 1836, Mr. Hernando A. Fuller of Herdford. Maryland & Miss Rhoda A Pratt of Canton July 24. 1836, M' Norman Ripley & Miss Johanna Guild both of Canton Aug. 3"* 1836. M'' James M, Adams & Miss Susan Clarke both of Canton. Aug' 5. 1836, M' James L. Kenney & Miss Parmelia Gould both of Canton Aug. 13th. 1836. :M' Samuel Bright & Miss Clarissa Shepard both of Canton Aug' 26. 1836, M' John S. Edgerly & Miss Mercy Jane Chase, both of Canton Aug'oOth. 1836, M"- John N. Fuller of Philadelphia & Miss Harriet Horton of Canton 307 Sepf lOth. 1836, M'' Michael Cacy & Miss Margawett Cunningham both residents of Canton 250 Intentions of Jfarriage. Sept' 20th. 1835, M' Eben' Everett of Sharon & Miss Elizabeth Davis of Canton Sep. 23'' 1836. M'' Ch« L. Turner of Chelsa, & Miss Maria French of Canton Octo. 1st. 1836, M' John M'' Carty & Miss Nancy Bisby both residents of Canton Oct. 6. 1836, M'Dan'M. Robertson & Miss Elizabeth H. Hammond both of Catiton Octo. 8th. 1836. Cap* Alonzo Folausboe of Pittston, (Maine) & Miss Nancy S. Macintosh of Canton Octo. 8th. 1836, M' Francis Mann & Miss Sarah Maria Spear both of Canton Octo. 8th. 1836 M'Otis C. Austin of Taunton & Miss Catherine A. Shorey of Canton 308 Octo. 10th. 1836, M' Chas. D. Munroe of Walpole & Miss Emily Jackson of Canton Octo. 16th. 1836, M' Richard Paine & Miss Avis Kinsley both of Canton Decern. 4th. 1836, M'^Nath' ^Y. Baker & Almira Leonard both of Canton Dec. 31st. 1836, M' Cha» M. Goddard & Miss Mary Kenney both of Canton. 1837 January Uth. M^ BenJ" F. Brackett of Sidney (Maine) & Miss Mary Snow of Canton Jan. 29th. M^ Aaron M. King resident in Charlton M^ & Miss Emily Gardner of Canton Febry 11th. M' Cyrus Curtis of Brighton & Miss MaryC. Sampson of Canton. Feby. 16th. M' Edward Simjison & Miss Catherine E. Brown both of Canton 309 Feb. 26. 1837. M'' Patrick Shields & Miss Mary Jane Wiggin both res- idents in Canton March 4th. 1837, M'' Benjamin Kenedy of Randolph & Miss Elizabeth D Jewell of Canton March 18th. 1837. Entered the intentions of marriage between Mr. Thomas Marra and Miss Mary Ann Crocker both of Canton Attest Elisha Crane Town Clerk Intentions of Marriage from here to 3Iarch 1839, are attested by Elisha Crane, Town. Clerk. March 18th. 1837. Mr. David Hill of Northbridge and Miss Ellen Crane of Can- ton March 26th. 1837, Mr. Heman Guild and Miss Eunice Quinn both of Canton April 8th. 1837. Mr Philip Flood and Miss RosanuaM" Ginnis both resident in Canton April 17th. 1837. Mr. Isaac E. Chamberlain and Miss Nancy Morse both of Can- ton April 23"* 1837, Mr. Jeremiah Tucker Jr. of Canton and Miss Susannah C. Brett of Maiden 310 May 13. 1837. Mr John Gilligan and Miss Fanny Man-a both of Canton May 20. 1837, Mr. John Davenport Jr. of Canton and Miss Esther Sampson of Milton May 27th. 1837, Mr. Lewis Morse of Canton and Miss Abigail C. Savels of Stoughton May 29. 1837, Mr. Aaron Downs Jr. of Boston and Miss Elizabeth Roberts of Canton June 18th. 1837, Mr. Thomas Cavenaugh and Miss Mary Ann CafTery both ioi'- eigners resident in Canton June 24. 1837, John Johnson & Mrs. Mary Ann Heughcimey both foreigners resident in Canton June 25. 1837, Mr. John Quillin and Miss Bridget Fleming both foreigners res- ident in Canton These i)eople did not take a certificate & of course could not be legally married Attest Elisha Crane Town Clerk 251 Intentions of Jlarriage. July 8. 1837 Mr. Joseph Mann of Canton and Miss Olive Spear of Stoug-hton These people did not take their certilicate consequently could not be married legally Attest Elisha Crane Town Clerk 311 July 8. 1837, Mr. Charles II. French and Miss Almira Everett both of Canton July 15. 1837, Mr. Horatio P. Fulton resident in Canton and Miss Harriet H Pratt of Framingham July 15. 1837, Mr. James Low foreigner and Mrs. Abigail Dewhurst both res- ident in Canton. Across the face of this is written ^' Bans forbiden and no marraige took place Attest Elisha Crane Town Clerk" August. 1. 1837, Mr. Ptufus C. Wood & Miss Sarah P. Willard both resident in Canton August 19th. 1837 Mr. Samuel Billings of Canton and Miss Dorcas Clark of Randolph Septr. 9. 1837, Mr. George Waugh of Stoughton and Miss Amanda Upham of Canton Septr. 17. 1837, Mr. Levi Brundage of Randolph and Miss Jane Stone resident in Canton Septr. 29th. 1837, Mr. Charles S. White resident in Canton and Miss Hannah Wescott of Berkley 312 Septr. 29. 1837, Mr. William Macomber resident in Canton and Miss Sarah Ann Briggs of Berkley Septr. 30. 1837 Mr. Lewis Armstrong resident in Canton and Miss Harriet Heath of Attleboro Septr. 80. 1837. Mr. Robt. Ralston of Canton and Miss OiTa ^Y. Edwards of Derby Vermont These people did not take their certificate, consequently could not be married lawfully Attest Elisha Crane Town Clerk Octr. 21. 1837. Entered Roswell Dunegan & Elizabeth Spear both of Canton that they intend marriage Attest Elisha Crane Town Clerk Octr. 21. 1837 Entered the intentions of marriage between Albert Bowen of Seekonk & Clarissa C. Taut of Canton Attest Elisha Crane Town Clerk Octr. 28. 1837, Rufus Simpson Preble of Canton and Sarah Ann Hichborn of Boston Novr. 4. 1837. Mr. Elihu Wentworth and Miss Mary Ann Francis both of Can- ton Novr. 5. 1837. Mr. Joshua Howard of Boston and Mrs. Betsey Ring of Canton Mr. Howard's residence is at present in Canton E. C. Town Clerk 3 1 3 November 11 . 1837 . Mr. Thomas Dunbar Jr and Miss Hannah H . French both of Canton December 15th 1837. Mr. William Hunt of Canton & Miss Mary Randall of Easton December 23' 1839. M"^ Gideon T Wales, of Stoughton and Harriot F Gill, of Canton. May 29* 1839. M' William Cobbett. and Miss Susan W. Smith, both resident in Canton May 29"' 1839. M' Thomas Pepper, of Mcndon and Miss Martha M« Guc. of Canton 317 May 29"> 1839. ]\I' Ezra Shackley. resident in Canton and Miss Hepsey Heath, of Attleborough June 1'' 1839. M'Elbridge Jones, of Stoughton and Miss Sarah A George, of Canton June 16'*' 1839. M' Hiram Jones, resident in Canton and Miss Lucy L. Wliite of Sharon 253 Intentions of Marriage. July 7"* 1839. M' George "W. Grouse of Brunswick Maine, and Miss. Sarah. S. Crockett of Canton Julv 14"^ 1839. M' John Gerald, and Miss Nancy Downes. both of Canton. August 4"' 1839. M' James S. Shepard of Foxboro and Miss Mary Belcher of Canton September 8"> 1839. M'' John Fanning, of Stoughton and Miss Sarah Chandler. of Canton 318 September Ib^^ 1839. M' Hugh Downie and Miss Maria Ellis both res- ident in Canton September 29"^ 1839. M'' Elijah Spare J' of Canton & Miss Elizabeth H. Ever- ett of Boston October 6"^ 1839. M^ George W. Winship of Canton and Miss Mary. C. Hawes. of Dedhani October 6"* 1839. M' William H. Parsons, of Hamilton and Miss Harriot French of Canton October 6"^ 1839. M' Elias Tucker, of Canton and Miss Mary Houghton, of Milton November 10"^ 1839. Docf Ezra Abbott Jr. and Miss Harriot M. Lincoln both of Canton November lO"' 1839. M'' Enoch Dickerman of Canton and Miss Jane Eastman of Stoughton. November 10"* 1839 M' Charles H Parker of Concord N. H. and Miss Elenor Stone of Canton 319 December 22"^ 1839. M' Uriah Billings of Canton and Miss Lucetta Hol- den of Boston. January S"' 1840. M' Perry H. Waldron of Dighton and Miss Susan E. Harlow of Canton. January 11"^ 1840. M"^ Calvin Honay and Miss Maria M. Madden both resident in Canton. March 22* 1840 Entered the intention of Marriage between Mr Josiah AV Robin- son and Miss Clara Tilden both of Canton. James A. Bazin Town Clerk Intentions of Marriage from here to March 1S47, are signed by James A. Bazin, To ion Clerk. March 28'>» 1840 Mr. William Jonesof Randolph and Miss Sally Ellis of Canton. April 10* 1840, Mr Gerry Tucker and Miss Hannah Dunbar both of Canton. April 11'^ 1840, Mr James M. Pitcher and Miss Clarissa Gill, both of Canton 320 April 15'^ 1840, Mr Edmund K. Rugg of Canton and Miss Helen M. Williams of Boston. April 18*^ 1840, Mr Bartholomew W. Burt and Miss Rachael A. Clark, both of Canton April 25'^ 1840, Mr Benjamin Jones and Mrs. Lydia Sylvester both of Canton. April 2b^ 1840, Mr Granville Pollard and Miss Sarah E. SuUaway both of Can- ton Mav 9"" 1840, Mr Michael Hammel and Miss Ann M" Ginness both of Canton May 16"» 1840, Mr AYm. H. Allen of Boston and Miss Sarah B. Kinsley of Can- ton 321 July ll"' 1840, Mr George J. Smith of Canton and Miss Mary Ann Hall of Foxborough. Certificate not called for July 24'^ 1840. Mr Thomas Crouon and Miss Mary Smith both of Canton Aug, 15'^ 1840, Ellis Ames Esq. and Miss Harriet Tucker, both of Canton Aug 31't 1840, Ralph H. Crane of Milton and Miss Ann G. Pope of Canton Sept 12''^ 1840, Mr Michael Gallagher of Canton and Miss Mary Ann M<= Ardle of Boston Sep' 14"! 1840, Mr Sylvester D Makepeace and Miss Mary M. White both of Canton 254 Intentions of Marriage. 322 ^ep» 25"' 1840, Mr Nathan May and jMiss Charlotte G. Gill both of Canton, Sept 27"" 1840, Mr. William Blackmon and Miss Caroline Crane both of Canton. Oct 4"^ 1840, Mr Clark Pratt of Dorchester and ]Miss Sarah Ann Low of Canton Oct 10'^ 1840, Mr Arad J. Edwards and Miss Sarah AV. Tilden, both of Canton. Oct 17"" 1840, Mr George Timpson of New- York and Miss Helen Kinsley of Canton Oct IS"" 1840, Mr. Daniel Tisdale and Mrs. Lucy Spaulding both of Canton 323 Oct 24"' 1840, Mr Virgil J. Messinger and Miss Mary Ann Dunbar both of Canton Oct 31" 1840, Mr Horace C Messinger of Canton and Miss Sarah F. Guild of Wrentham. Nov 1" 1840, Mr Henry Nye of Boston and Miss Mary Chandler of Canton Nov 1^^ 1840, Mr John Gay Jun' of Canton and Miss Sarah Williamson of Stoughton. Nov 28"^ 1840, Mr Francis Tilden and Miss Alvera White both of Canton Dec 26"" 1840, Mr Cadv Soule ot Canton and Miss Julia Ann Keech of Glouces- ter R. I. Feb' 5"" 1841, Mr. Ezekiel Capen and Mrs. Mary A. Brett both of Canton 324 Feb 6"" 1841, Rev. Benjamin Huntoon of Canton and Miss Lydia Bow- man Baker of Dorchester. March 24"' 1841, Mr. Joseph Longfellow of Newbury and Miss. Lucretia Fair- banks of (Janton. April 3^ 1841, Mr Timothy Wiswall and Miss Juliann Draper Carpenter both of Canton April 22* 1841, Mr Alpheus Hawes of Stoughton and Miss Jane Tucker of Can- ton May 1" 1841, Mr Warren Harris and Miss Mary Adeline Bickford both of Can- ton May e"" 1841, Rev. Bradley Minor of Dorchester and Miss Louisa Tucker of Canton 325 July 25'*" 1841, Mr Denis Moroney and Miss Margaret Scannell both of Canton Banns forbidden No certificate taken out August 6'^ 1841, Mr John Mahrs and Mrs. Mary Honey both of Canton August 28'" 1841, Rev. Richard M. Smith of Canton, and Miss Augusta Adams of Henniker N. H. Oct 16'^ 1841, Mr AVilliani Beck and Miss Letty Neill both of Canton Nov. 7"» 1841, Mr Laban Bullock of Canton and Miss Charlotte S. Webb of Bos- ton Nov. 11'" 1841, Mr George M. Wiswall of Canton and Miss Emily A. Bullard of Boston 326 November 24'" 1841, Mr William B. Kimball of Canton and Miss Eliza- beth S. Wilev of South Reading November 27'" 1841, Mr John B. Fisher and Miss Bethiah G. Tilden both of Canton Dec 20'" 1841, Mr. Thedore B. Barrett of the U. S. Navy and Miss Adelaide A. Jordan of Canton Dec 23'* 1841, Mr. William E. Heald of Boston and Miss Sarah A. Pettingill of Canton March 11'" 1842, Mr Silas Alden Jr of Randolph and Miss Clarissa Blake of Canton. March 13*" 1842, Mr Rufus French and Miss Catherine Hewitt, both of Canton 327 April 2* 1842, Mr James Kennedy and Miss Margaret Gleason both of Canton April 2"' 1842, Mr James Withington of Canton and Miss Mercy Bonney of Dux- bury 255 Intentions of Marriage. April 8*" 1842, Mr. Isaac N. Hunt of Cautou and Miss Jerusha W. Bourn of Hanson April IS'*" 1842, Mr David L Carver of Norton and Miss Lauraua Nash of Can- ton April 2-i''> 1842, Mr Marshall Newell of Canton and Miss Sarah E. Cox of Ded- ham June 17«» 1842, Mr Caleb Mansfield of Canton and Miss Sarah S. Packard of Easton July 7"" 1842, Mr. Henry C. Rosemeyer of Boston and Miss Hannah Briggs of Canton 328 July 10'" 1842, Mr Richard Howard of Canton and Miss Mary A. Crane of Dorchester July 23^ 1842, Mr Humphrey C. Hodgdon and Miss Zilpha Clark, both of Can- ton Aiag 4"" 1842, Ml- William K. Baker of New Bedford and Miss Martha M. >yat- son of Canton Aug 22^ 1842, Mr Warren T. Standi^h and Miss Harriet Loud, both of Canton Aug 27*^ 1842, Mr. George V. Emerton and Miss Catherine M Chamberlin, both of Canton Oct 2^ 1842, Mr Thomas Hanscom and Miss Julia A. Lewis, both of Canton Oct 8i> 1842, Mr James P. Knights and Miss Sarah Farmer, both of Canton 329 Oct 30"! 1842, Mr George Smith of Randolph and Miss Sarah Tucker of Canton. Nov u" 1842, Mr. Leonard Billings of Canton and Miss Sarah E. Sumner of Dedham Nov. 4'i> 1842, Mr Clifford Belcher Jr. of Easton and Miss Elizabeth B. Spare, of Canton Nov. 10"' 1842, Mr. John Brightman and Miss Rebecca C. Russell, both of Can- ton Dec 2^ 1842, Mr. Spencer Wentworth and Mrs. Caroline Stimpson, both of Can- ton Dec 9"> 1842. Mr Elias S. Wentworth of Canton and Miss Sarah Bright of Stough- ton Dec 11'*^ 1842, Mr William Taunt and Miss Louisa H. Packard, both of Canton 330 Jan? 14'!^ 1843, Mr. Alfred Shattuck and Miss Sarah D. Kinsley, both of Canton Feb 25"^ 1843, Mr Ira W. Richards of Canton and Miss Mary Amanda Bullavd of Sharon March 18"^ 1843, Mr. Hiram G. Robinson and Miss Orra Shepard, both of Can- ton March 3 P' 1843, Mr. George Capen and Miss Clarissa B. Boyden both of Can- ton April 2'* 1843, Mr. John M<= Cready and Miss Margaret Lee, both of Canton April 6"> 1843, Mr. James T. Sumner and Miss Sarah E. Gerald, both of Can- ton April 14"^ 1843, Mr. Nathaniel S. White and Miss Caroline A. Shackley, both of Canton 33 1 May IS^^ 1843, Mr. Nathan Tucker of Canton and Miss Elizabeth F. Kent of Marshfield May 14* 1843, Mr. Benjamin Hersey of Poland, Maine and Miss Laura Ann Upham of Canton May 20V eekes of Boston. - 1 1 I. July 8"^ 1843, Mr. Alexander Beaumont and Miss Emeline W. Mansheld, both of Canton 256 Intentions of Marriage. Aug 15'^ 1843, Mr James F. White of Canton and Miss Lavina E. Fisher of Dedham. Sept S'*' 1843, Mr. Benjamin Tucker of Canton and Miss Avis Smith of Randolph. Sep' 9'^ 1843, Mr Aaron E. Tucker of Canton and Miss Eliza Ann Taber of Randolph. 332 September 9"^ 1843. Mr Albion AV. Kinsley and Miss Sarah Belcher, both of Canton. September 10'^ 1843, Mr. Patrick Lee and Miss Elizabeth Condlon, both of Can- ton. September 16"^ 1843, Mr. Otis Swift and Miss Julia Kingsburv, both of Canton. October 28'^ 1843, Mr. Henry Havves of Canton and Miss Rebekah T. Guild of Stoughton. Nov. 1"* 1843, Mr James Cobb and Miss Abigail Smith, both of Canton Nov. 25*'^ 1843, Mr. Benjamin F. Wheeler of Canton and Miss Susan I. Reed of East Bridgewater. Dec. 9"^ 1843, Mr. Nathaniel Shepard of Canton and Miss Sarah Elizabeth Guild of Dedham. 333 Dec. 9"" 1843. Mr George II. Dana and Miss Sarah Ann Whipp, both of Canton. Dec. 21" 1843, Mr. William E. Johnson of Clinton, New Jersey, and Miss Sophia A. Gardiner of Canton. January 12"^ 1844, IVIr Guilford C. Newcomb of Canton and Miss Rebeckah Iveith of Easton. January IS*^ 1844, ^iv. Daniel O'Neil and Miss Margaret Scannell, both of Can- ton. Feb. 15"^ 1844, Mr. Robert P. Godard and Miss Margaret M. Marra, both of Canton March 2^ 1844, Rev. W"" B. Hammond of Canton and Miss Louisa M. Pond of LUica N. York. March 15'" 1844, Mr. Asa Billings and Miss Almira S. Carpenter, both of Can- ton. 334 March 29"> 1844, Mr Dexter Lealand of Canton and Miss Elizabeth A. Templeton of Dedham April 7"* 1844, Mr. Silas Crane and Mrs. Roxana French, both of Canton. April 12"^ 1844. Mr Rosea B. Hayden and Miss Charlotte A. Tower, both of Canton. April 28"^ 1844. INIr. Peter Cosgrove of Canton and Miss Catharine Farral of Stoughton. April 28'" 1844, Mr. Peter Noonan of Stoughton and Miss Mary Murtah of Can- ton. . 41 ^ jyti- • U4 S " No certificate taken out Across the fdce of this IS iordten < -. a t> • m r^-i ^ ■>■, ) James A. Bazin Town Clerk " May S^ 1844, Mr. Earl Gannett of Sharon and Miss Susan Gay of Canton. May 3"! 1844, Mr. Nathaniel Fadden of Canton and Mrs. Susan Daggett of Sharon. 335 May 12"> 1844, Mr. Edward Smith and Miss Margaret Divine, both of Canton. May26"> 1844, Mr. James IL Blackman of Dorchester and Miss Mary Jane White of CantoJi May 31" 1844, Mr. John W. Philbrook of Portsmouth N. IL and Miss Olive A. Bancroft of Canton. July 20"^ 1844, Mr Otis B. Bisbee of Canton and Miss Eliza W. Ramsdell of East Bridgewater. Aug. S"! 1844, Mr. George Russell of Stoughton and Miss Martha A. Tilden of Canton. Aug. 3'* 1844, Mr. Roswell Blair of AVarren and Miss Elizabeth T. Fenno of Canton. 257 Intentions of Marriage. Aug. 11*'' 1844, Mr. Ezra T. Upham and Miss Drucilla E. Bickford, both of Canton. 336 Aug. 24'*' 1844, Mr Oliver H. Terry of Boston and Miss Alida E. Good- iiow, of Canton Sept. lO''' 1844, Mr John Sloane Jr. and Miss Fanny W. Sylvester, both of Can- ton. Oct 4"^ 1844, Mr. Lewis Smith of Randolph and Miss Lydia George of Canton Oct. ?"> 1844, Mr. Galen Spare and Miss Sarah Ann Briggs, both of Canton. Oct 2^"^ 1844, Mr Lemuel Taunt Jr. of Canton and Miss Abby E. Allen of Mil- ton Nov. O*'' 1844, Mr Samuel Leonard Jr. and Miss Evelina Sumner, both of Can- ton March 1^'^ 1845, Mr Edward Capen of West Bridge water and Miss Abby Gill of Canton. 337 March 8"' 1845, Mr. Oliver S. Chapman and Mrs. Elizabeth Otis, both of Canton. March 22^ 1845, Mr. Elias Cole of Canton and Mrs. Betsey Warren of Stough- ton. April 27''> 1845, Mr. James Brady and Miss Mary Brady, both of Canton. April 27"» 1845, Mr Robert Bird and Miss Ehza A. Gerald, both of Canton. May 21" 1845, Mr. Rufus Wentworth and Miss Clementine L. Capen, both of Canton. June 27''' 1845, Mr. AYilliam M. Hathaway and Miss Ageline H Phinney, both of Canton. June 29''' 1845, Mr. William Ilayden of Stoughton and Miss Hannah Hawes of Canton. July 14"^ 1845, Mr. William A. Brickell of Canton and Miss Mary Ann Kinni- cum of Slatersville R.I. 338 August IG"* 1845, Mr. Andrew M'= Guire and Miss Maria Flannigan, both of Canton. August 23"* 1845, Mr. Hai-rison S. Reynolds and Miss Jane E. Baldwin, both of Canton. September 5* 1845, Mr. Warren Bright of Stoughton and Mrs. Almira P. Briggs of Canton. September 12"' 1845, Mr. Charles Endicott and Miss Miriam Webb, both of Can- ton. September 14"' 1845, Mr. Thomas Hanscom and Miss Rebecca Lewis, both of Canton September 17"' 1845, Mr. Andrew Lopez and Miss Mary Tilden, both of Canton. October 11"" 1845, Mr. John H. Makendry and Miss Sarah F. Tucker, both of Canton. October 2;3<^ 1845, Mr. William P. Lord and Miss Mary J. Crane, both of Can- ton. 339 October 24"' 1845, Mr. George W. Pickering of Dedham and Miss Sarah C. Glover of Canton. October 25"' 1845, Mr. Samuel Whitehouse and Miss Sarah E. Withington, both of Canton. November 1'' 1845, Mr. Cornelius Gillespie and Miss Ann Mimneigh, both of Canton. November 2*^ 1845, Mr. George M. Gerrisli of Portland, Maine and Miss Susan Kenney of Canton. November 5"' 1845, Mr. James Trefrej- Jr. of Dedham and Miss Mary S. Shep- ard of Canton. November 8"" 1845, Mr. Charles B. Amos of Canton and Miss Nancy E. Gerrish of Dedham. 258 Intentions of Marriage. November 21»* 18-45, Mr. William C. Hobbs and Mi^s Eliza A. Skillings, both of Canton. December 14'" 1845, Mr Charles AV. Lord of New York and Miss Elizabeth A. Brett of Canton. 340 December 2o^ 1846, Mr. George Q. Leonard of Canton and Miss Huldah Jane Danforth of Doichester. January 8^ 1846, Mr. Philip Welch of Sharon and Miss Mary Jane Hollis of Canton January 10*'' 1846, Mr. Thomas AV. Thayer of Holliston and Miss Ellen M. Clark of Canton February 6"' 1846, Mr. Willianx Feeley of Boston and Miss Bridget Gallagher of Canton. February 13"^ 1846, Mr. Samuel Tucker and Miss Barbara Adams, both of Can- ton. Apnl 10«^ 1846, Mr. Alfred W. Allyn of Chelsea and Miss Caroline Chandler of Canton. April 11*^ 1846, Mr Billings Fisher of Canton and Miss Nancy Glover of Stough- tou. April 18*" 1846, Mr. James Wilson and Miss Jane Neill, both of Canton. The folloioing certificate is on a slip between paaes 340 and 341. February 21" 1846, Mr, Samuel Hastings and Mrs Mary Shaw, both of Canton. 34 I June b^ 1846, Mr. Edward Mitchell and Miss Bridget E. Brady, both of Canton. June 6"^ 1846, Mr. Samuel C. Downes of Canton and Miss Hannah Farrington of Dedham. June 13'" 1846, Mr. James W. Fuller and Esther W. Atkinson, both of Canton. June 14'" 1846, Mr. James Murphy and Mary Ann Fadden, both of Canton. June 14'" 1846, Mr. Charles P. Crane of Canton and Miss Elizabeth M. AVatson of Nantucket July 3^ 1846, Benjamin Huntoon of Canton and Ann Payson Lewis of Roxbury July 13'^ 1846, Mr. George W. Wright of Springfield and Miss Georgiana T. Sturtevant of Canton. July 29*^ 1846, Mr. Daniel Harris of Rumney N. H. and Miss Melinda M. Capen of Canton. 342 September 7'" 1846, Mr Thomas Dyer of Providence K. L and Miss Mary Ann Flood of Canton. September 12'" 1846. Mr. Franklin Belcher of Canton and Miss Hancy A. Brown of Thetford, Vermont. September 16'" 1846. Mr. William Wilbor of Canton and Miss Catherine O. AVood of Middleborough. September 19'" 1846, Mr. Seth Wentwortii 2'^ of Canton and Miss Mary French of Braintree. September 26'" 1846, Mr Stephen Totman and ]SIiss Nancy Remington, both of Canton. October 29"^ 1846, ]\Ir. Dana F. Marrs and Miss Jane P. Knaggs, both of Can- ton. Nov. 7'^ 1846, Mr. Charles Davenport and Miss Mary F. Davenport, both of Canton. 343 November 17'" l846, Mr. Michael Sheales and Miss Anna Haglan, both of Canton. November 21" 1846, Mr. Laban Bullock of Canton and Miss Harriet Densmore of Charlestown N. H. December 2,^ 1846, Mr. Daniel Crowd of Canton and Miss Lydia Kobbins of Dedham. December 10*^ 1846, Mr. Bradford Kinsley of Stoughton and Miss AnnM« Ken- dry of Cant )•!. 259 Intentions of Marriage. December 20'i» 1846, Mr. Abel Farrington of Milton and Miss Abigail Wi thing- ton of Canton. January 14"^ 1847, Mr. Samuel W. Curtis of Stoughtoa and Mies Harriet M' Kendry of Canton, January 19"^ 1847, Mr. John Sloane and Mrs. Mary Mars, both of Canton. 344 January 22,^ 1847, Mr. Andrew Gilligan of Taunton and Miss Biidget Divine of Canton. February ^^ 1847, Mr Henry A. Bissell and Miss Susan M. AV. Tripp, both of Canton. March 27'^ 1847, Entered the intention of Marriage between Mr. Lemuel F. Pal- mer of Boston and Miss Abigail Beaumont of Canton Leonard Everett Town Clerk Intentions of 3Iarriage from here to March 1S4S, are signed by Leonard Ev- erett, Town Clerk. March 27"^ 1847, Mr Patrick Smith and Miss Catherine Smith both of Canton March 27*^ 1847, Mr. Samuel Cunning of Canton and 3kliss Mary M" Cauly of Providence R. I. April 7*^' 1847, Mr James M=Creedy & Miss Mary Gillagan both of Canton 345 April ll*'' 1847, Mr Henry Endicott of Boston & Miss Meriam J. Smith of Canton May SO"' 1847, Mr George F. Hosmer of Canton and Miss Rhoda Fitts of Stough- ton. May 30"" 1847, Mr James McCreedy of Canton and Miss Catherine Riley of Boston. June 6''^ 1847, Edward C. Wood & Miss Emily M Hunt both of Canton. June 19"" 1847, Mr. Elislia Locke of Cinchuiati Ohio, and Miss Nancy C. Spare of Canton 346 July le*'' 1847, Mr. Samuel Davenport of Canton and Miss Clarissa A. Adams of Mil tun August 20"^ 1847, Mr. James P. Weeman and Miss. Susan Kinney both of Can- ton Sept"" 22'! 1847, Mr. Daniel S. Willard of Canton and Miss Irene S. Higgins of Frankfort, Maine Sept"" 25''^ 1847, Mr. Joshua M. Hadley of Lowell, and Mrs. Mary 11. Downs of Canton. Oof 3'^ 1847, Mr. Isaac Horton and Miss. Eliza J. M"^ Kendry, both of Canton. 347 October 13'^ 1847, Mr. Thomas Malory and Miss. Bridget Castillo both of Canton. October 23'^ 1847, Mr. Caleb Tucker of Canton and Miss Susan Jane Thayer of Randolph October 23*^ 1847, Mr Lorenzo R. Smith and Miss. Julia W. M« Lain both of Canton October 28'>' 1847, Mr. George AVild of Randolph and iliss Lydia Stetson of Canton. October Si"' 1847, ]\Ir. John Gordon and Miss. Hannah Shepley both of Canton. November 11'" 1847, Mr. Timothy Folen and Miss. Ellen Conners botli of Can- ton. 348 December IS"' 1847, Mr. James L. Lord and Miss. Ellen F. Messenger, both of Canton. January 2^ 1848, Mr. Augustus C. French and Miss Lydia Ann Day both of Can- ton. January 28'^ 1848, Mr. Thomas Connelly of Canton and Miss. Rose Flaherty of Salem February 22'^ 1848, Mr. John Shea and Mis^. Honora Haly, both of Canton. April l«t 1848 Entered the intention of Marriage between Mr. Josiah Guild of Newton and Mrs Mary E. Allen of Canton. William Horton Town Clerk 260 Intentions of Marriage. Intentions of Marriage from hereto the end of the hook are signed by William Horton, Town Clerk. April 1'' 1848, Mr Elisha AVhitc Jr. unci Miss Mary E Bootman botli of Can- ton. 349 A})ril 6"> 1848, Mr Joseph S. Moody and Miss Mary Jane Hill both of Can- ton April 22'^ 1848, Mr Benjamin H. Everett of Canton and Miss Rebecca C. Law- rence of Quincy April 28"^ 1848, Thomas G. White and Mrs Mary Tliley both of Canton April 28"^ 1848, Cornelius Clark of Canton and Miss Allice Kennedy of Ran- dolp* Mav C"^ 1848, Abraham Jones of Canton and Miss Harriet Smith of Randolph May 6*'' 1848, Mr Charles Billings of Canton and Miss Milla Holbrook of Ran- dolph May 22'! 1848, Mr Eben B. Hill of Salem and Miss Susan H. Fuller of Canton 350 July 2^ 1848, Mr James H. Engley of Canton and Miss Mary Kaley of Easton July 2** 1848, Mr William H. Bird of East Bridgewater and Miss Cordelia A. Gove of Canton July 8"* 1848, Mr Abijah Tisdale of Sharon and Miss Harriet G. Williamson of Canton. July 23* 1848, Mr David Lowe Jr and Miss Arackzene G. Hodge both of Can- ton August IS"' 1848, Mr Bradford Stevens of Canton and Miss Etherliue Augusta AVentworth of Stoughtoii August 14"* 1848, John Flood of Canton and Miss Catherine Ward of Milton Sept 10**^ 1848, Mr. Charles Endicott of Canton and Miss Augusta G. Deusmore of Charlestow^n N. H. 351 September 10''' 1848, Mr Archibald Scott of Providence R. I. and Miss Olive B. Bracket of Canton October 1'' 1848, Mr John W. Wcntworth and ]Miss Harriet E. Chamberlin both of Canton October 8"» 1848, Mr Franklin P. Shumway of Canton and Miss Lucy H. Howe of Boston October 8"» 1848, Mr Charles McLain Jr of Canton and Miss Abby N. Smith of Newton. November 12"" 1848, Mr William S. Pierce of Stoughton and Miss Mary Ann Taylor of Canton November 12'^ 1848, Mr Rufus F. Leonard and Miss L. Emeline Browne both of Canton November 20*'' 1848, Mr James Carpenter of Canton and Miss Mary F. Esty of Stoughton November 25"^ 1848, Mr Cornelius Healey and Miss Catherine Finerty both of Canton 352 November 30"* 1848, Mr R. AVilliam Burt of Boston and Miss A. Maria Messinger of Canton Dec 10*'' 1848, Mr Allen G. Sinclair of Canton and Miss Mary A. Hosmer of Spi-ingfield Dec 10* 1848, Mr Adams O. Sinclair and Miss Harriet F. Petengill both of Can- ton. Dec 17"* 1848. Mr Ellis Gay and Miss Laura Anna Sinclair both of Canton Jan^ 2 1849, Mr Francis Glinn and Miss Ann Kien both of Canton. August 19'" 1849, Mr Thomas Craig and ]Miss Elizabeth Biokf ord both of Can- ton. August 26»" 1849, Adam Mackintosh of Canton and Ann L. Littlelield of Ran- dolph 355 Sep' 9'" 1849, Mr John May of Canton and Miss Augeline Niles of Ran- dolph. Sep' 16'" 1849, Mr AVilliam Brady and Miss Ellen Gallaghe* both of Canton October 28'" 1849, William Tucker 2'^ and Lucindia G. Tilden both of Canton October 28^" 1849, Thomas Hayden of Quincy and Eliza Ann Knowles of Canton October 28'" 1849, Ewen Bryden of Stoughton and Sarah M. Beaumont of Can- ton. November 4'" 1849, Mr Robert Ashton and Miss Catharine Walke* both of Canton. November 4'" 1849, Mr Newell S. Bixby of Chelsea V. T. and Miss Lucy May of Canton. November 11'" 1849, Horace W. Bixby of Chelsea V. T. and Jerusha H. May of Canton. 356 November 16'" Mr Darius Littlelield of East Stoughton and Miss Julia Tucker of Canton. November 21«' 1849. Patrick Grimes and Mary Ann ONeil both of Canton December 2^ Elisha Horton 2^ of Canton and Amanda Kent of Marshtield Mass. December 9'" 1849, Mr Gerry Tucker and Miss Irene Beal both of Canton. January 1^' 1850. Entered the intention of Marriage between Mr Samuel N 1 Bradley Noyes and Miss Georgianna Beaumont both of Canton, this will be ther tirst marriage William Horton Town Clerk Januarv 6'" 18.50 Entered the intention of Marriage between Mr Charles E. N 2 Guild and Miss Roxanna S. Patten both of Canton this will be their first Marriairc William Horton Town Clerk Januarv 6'" 1850 Entered the intention of Marriage between Uv Thomas N 3 Bailev and Miss Elizabeth Sheldon both of Canton this will be then- Sec- ond Marriao-e William Horton Town Clerk 2G2 Jaiuiary 13''^ 18.30 Entered the intention of Murriag'e between Mr Samuel F. N 4 Bu we and Miss Clarissa J. Holmes both of Canton this will be their first Marriage. Williani llorton Town Clerk Januarv 27"* 1850 Entered the intention of Marriage between Mr William Js o B. Shattuck and Miss Mary E. Billings both of Canton this will l>e their first Marriage William llorton Town Clerk Exi) OF First Volimf. of Cantox Records. The following record is found in the beyiyininrj of a book which has been used for a record of Assignments of Wages, cfr. KECORD OF MARRIAGES TRIOR TO THE YEAR A. D. 1800. In pursuaxck to the Statute of 1857. Chap. 84th, Sec. 4th. Per Andrew Lopez, Town Clerk. By Rev Sam^ Dexter, April 11th, 17— MARRIED. Jonathan Hall of Canton and Sarah Smith of Dedham. a true copy in Dedham. J. H. Cobb, Town Clerk, Dedham. By Rev. Jabez Chickering. July 221 . 1799. Mr. Francis Dean of Dedham and Miss Hannah Morse of Canton. A true copy. Attest, J H Cobb, Town Clerk, Dedham. By Rev. George Morey of Walpole. Dec. 26th, 1799. Laban Lewis of Canton and Rebecca Withington, residing in Walpole. A true copy of record in Walpole Attest, Palmer Morey, Town Clerk of Walpole Feb 6th, 1797. Rev. Zedakiah Sanger. Jonathan Upham of Canton and Hannah Snell of Bridgewater. Attest, J. E. Crane, Town Clerk, Bridgewater 263 APPENDIX. At the Office of the Clerk of the Courts, at Bedham, is a Book of Records with the following title : ^' RECORD OF MARRIAGES IN THE COUNTY OF Norfolk BEGINNING IN MAY 1794. Said County of Norfolk, sett off from the County of Suffolk BY Act of the Legislature of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, came into operation the 20'''° of June 1793. WITH Dedham the Shire-town thereof. But now, by clause of Act 13''^ Febr. 1796, Marriages are NO longer to be returned to Clerks of Sessions, NOR BY them recorded." I\fost of the records of Stozighton Marriages recorded therein^ agree with the Town Records, but those given below are diffierefzt. Heavy facefgures give the page of the original record at Dedham, and the numbers in parenthesis refer to the page of this book in which the same marriage is recorded. II (170) Ebenezer Crane to Nabby BuiTill of Braintree. Benjamin Silvester to Phebe Jones botli of Braintree. 30 ( 127) 1790 July 4"> Lemuel Smith to Patty AVithington both of Stoughton. August 26'^ Samuel Canterbury of Weymouth to Mary Billing S** of Stoughton. This date (August 26) is a mistake made in copying from the original return as the marriage of Ebenezer Gay to Behecca Smith (See Page 127) is omitted in the record at Dedham. 31 (127) 1792 Augt 23'^ John Houghton & Susanna Bench both Sto't'n (128) 1793 September 3*^ John Durless & Sarah Hewit both of Dorchester 1794 April 27'^ John Taunt jun' & Hannah Stearns both Sto't'n 1794 September 18 Lunnor Buckland & Hannah NufF both Sto't'n 32 (128)tl795 Jany 6"» AVilliam Fitz-gerald of Roxbury & Elizabeth Spare 2<» Stoughton (170) by the Rev"^ Joel Briggs 1794 June l&^lv Samuel Burril of Sto'ton & Miss Phebe Linfield of Randolph The following are not in the Stoughton Becords. 3 I Solemnized by the i-eV^ Zech" Howard 1793 September 29"^ John Kenny & Hannah Badcock both of Sto't'n. 1794 Novem 8"^ Jason French «fe Lydia Crane both Sto't'n "^and (235) 264 The following record of marriages is from a book tvithout a title page ivhich ivas used previous to 1S45. The following title is on the outside of the book: STOUGHTON RECORDS. MARRIAGES. 127 1 certify that the following are true records of Marriges solemnized previous to the year 1800, returned to me by the Clerks of the several Towns, and recorded agreeably to Chap. 8-i ol (general Laws of 18.57. Charles Upham 2'^ Town Clerk of Stoughton. WEYMOUTH. John Davenport of Stoughton and Lois Badlam of Weymouth. ^larricd by Rev William Smith Aug 9. 17.59. Dr Samuel Hewins of Stoughton and Sarah White of Weymouth. Married by Rev James Bayley Nov. 20. 1760. A true copy of Record Attest Richard Blaiichard, Tow^n Clerk of Weymouth. SCITUATE. Nehemiah Liscom of Stoughton and Rachel Clap of Scituate were Married March ye 26"" 1753 by Jonathan Darby, Minister. A true copy of record Attest James L. Merritt, Jr. Town Clerk of Scituate. 128 WRENTHAM. Hugh Knox of Stoughton and Elizabeth Messingcr of Wrentham were married Octob 28; 1756. John Hartwell of Stoughton and Dorcas Thurston of this town were married July 12. 1759. John Everat of Stoughton and Marv Smith of this town were married November y« 27 1760. Suffolk ss. 28*'' of November 1768 were married Benjamin Witherell resident in this town and Molly Forrest of Stoughtonham i3efore me Ebenezer Fisher Justice of the Peace. By the ReV^ Joseph Bean were married 1781 Feb' 1'* Enoch Billing of Stoughton & Nannv Ware of Foxborough. By the ReV* William Williams Oct 26'" A. D. 1796. Adam Black- man of Stoughton to Miss Betsey Thurston of Wrentham. A true coi>y of record Attest Sam' Warner Jr. Town Clerk of Wrentham. PLYMOUTH. 1750-1 January 3 I.Edward Curtis of Stoughton and Sarah Freeman of Plymouth married at Plymouth by Rev* Nath' Leonard. A true copy of record. Attest Leander Lovell Town Clerk of Plym° (29 DEDHAM. Married by the Rev. Mr. Samuel Dexter .John Holmes of Stoughton and K&zia Thorp of Dedham Nov 21, 1727. Married by the Rev Mr Sam' Dexter Benjamin Gill of Stoughton and Abigel Fishor of Dedham Sept 24 1728. Marryed bv the Rev iMr Saml Dexter Richard Williams of Stoughton & Elizabeth Gill of Dedham Feb ye 26 1728-9. Marryed bv John IVIetcalfe Esq William Alexander of Stoughton & Mary Fisher of Dedham Jan. 26. 1732. 265 Marryed by John Metcalfe Esq Josepli Wilkinson & Hannah Warren both of Stoughton October ye 17, 1733. Marryed by John Metcalfe Esq. Isaac Lewis of Stoiighton & Mary Whiting of Dedham April ye W'^ 1734. Marryed by John Metcalfe Esq. Mr Joseph Parker & Mrs Mary Billing both of Stoughton Sept 19"^ 1740. Marryed bv the Rev Mr Thomas Balch Mr John Ilixoii Jr of Stoughton & Mrs ]\fary Morse of Dedham Feb 19 1743-4, Married by ye Rev Mr Sam' Dexter the Rev Mr Sam^ Dunbar of Stoughton & Mrs Experience Woodward of Dedham April 16"^ 1747. Marrved by ye Rev Mr Sam^ Dexter Samuel Strobridge of Stoughton & Judith Smith of Dedham Nov 24, 1748. I 30 Dedham — Continued Maryed by Rev Mr Tho^ Balch John Harris of Stoughton & Susannah Gay of Dedliam April 12''i 1753. Daniel McLane of Dedham & Mary Withington of Stoughton March 20*'' 1754, Mr Daniel M<= Lane of Dedham & Mrs Mary Withington of Stoughton Stouton March 2°'i 1754. Mr Thomas White of Dedham & Mrs Rachel Smith of Stoughton May 10"> 1759. Maryed by the Rev Mr Thomas Balch Mr Eben'' Holmes of Stoughton & Mrs Jemima Lyon of Dedham January 12'^ 1761. Marryed by the Rev Mr Thomas Balch Mr Solomon Gay of Dedham & Mrs Abigail Gould of Stoughton February 4"* 1762. Mr Ebenezer Capen of Stoughton & Miss Abigail Kingsbury of Dedham Oc- tober lo''^ 1763. Mr George Talbot of Stoughton and Mrs Abigail Bacon of Dedham Oct 20"> 1763 Married by the Rev ]\Ir Thomas Balch Mr Benjamin Lewis of Dedham and Miss Hannah Gould of Stoughton, Jan 22 1765. Married by NatW Sumner Esq a Justice of the Peace for the County of Suffolk, Mr Silvanus Clark & Mr Rachel Sterns both of Stoughtonham May 1^' 1766. 131 Dedham, Continued. Married by the Rev Tho^ Balch Mr Ichabod Gay of Dedham & Miss Mary Gould of Stoughtonham July 24 1766. Mr William Killpatrick of Stoughton & Miss Deborah Smith of Dedham Nov I6'h 1768. Married by the Rev Mr Thomas Balch Mr Simeon Rhoades of Stoughtonham & Miss Jemima Rhoades of Dedham Jan? 17 1770. Mr Asa Clark of Stoughtonham & Miss Prudence Savel of Dedham Jan^ 25"^ 1771. Married by Jonathan Metcalf Esq Justice of the Peace for the County of Suf- folk Mr Joseph AVight Jr. of Dedham and Miss Miriam Lyscomb of Stoughton July 1^' 1772. Married by NatW Sumner Esq Justice of the Peace for the County of Suffolk Mr John Holmes, Jr. of Stoughtonham «fc Miss Esther Rhoads of Ded- ham April 28* 1774. Mr William Coney of Stoughtonham & Miss Rebecca Bullard of Dedham Feb 28'" 1772. Mr Jesse Smith of Stoughton & Miss Louis Everet of Dedham Dec 3"^ 1772. Mr Saml. Briggs of Stoughton & Miss Sarah Fuller of Dedham May 5''^ 1771. Mr Oliver Fisher of Dedham and Miss Sarah Billing of Stoughtonham May 10"* 1780. Mr Ebenezer Talbot of Stoughton & Miss Elizabeth Fuller of Dedham by Rev Mr Chickering Dec 7'^ 1779. I 32 Dedham, Continued Mr Oliver Fisher of Dedham & Miss Sarah Billings, of Stoughtonham by Rev Mr Chickering Oct 9 1780. 266 Mr Oliver Gould of Stoughtouham & Miss Sarah Thomson of Wulpole by ditto, Fob T'" 1782. Married by the Rev iMr Jason Havon Mr Phillii) Holmes of Stoughton & Miss Marv raul of Dedham May 2 1775. Married by Ditto Mr John Cunimiugs of Stoughtouham & Miss Ruth White of Dedham Ai)ril 23 1776. Married by Ditto-Mr lienj Dean of Dedham & Miss Eliz" Gould of Stoughtou- ham Mav 2 177(3. Married by Ditto-Mr Joshua Gay of Dedham & Miss Rebecca Lion of Stough- ton Mav 7, 177S. Married by Rev J Chickering Mr Benjamin Monk of Stoughton & Miss Kczia \\^ood of Dedham March o"^ 1783. Married by Rev Mr Thacher Mr John Holmes Jr of Stoughton & Miss Pa- tience Gibbon of Dedham Nov 25 1784. Married by Rev Mr Haven Mr Edward Capen of Stoughton & Miss Elizabeth Paul of Dedham Oct 21 1786. " " Ditto— John Endicott of Stoughton & Mary Humf rey of Dedham June 14"^ 1787. Married by Rev Mr Jabez Chickering Mr Abner Ellis of Dedham & Miss Martha Mav of Stoughton Feb 17 1789. " " Ditto Mr Abel Fisher of Stoughton of & Miss Deborah "White of Dedham Oct 1^' 1789. A true Copy of Record in Dedham J H Cobb, Town Clerk of Dedham. 1 33 WALPOLE Benjamin Perry of Stoughton & Rachel Boyden of Walpole were married July ve 2 1754. Richard Cummins of Stougton & Elizabeth Robins of Walpole were married by Joshua Clap Esqr March 8 ye 1744. Isaac Talbot of Stoughton & Susanna Turner of Walpole Aug 3 1737 " "By y= Rev'' Mr Jonathan Bowman" "The Rev* Mr Philip Curtis of Stoughton & Mrs Elizabeth Bass of Dorchester Sep' 6"» 1744 " "By the ReV^ Mr Jon* Bowman " 267 < 1748 by Mr Ebenezer White Bliss Tolmau of Stoughton and Judith Newcombe of Norton were joined to- gether in marriage May 23<> 1748 by Mr Joseph Avery. June 20"" 1751 Eleazer Fisher of Stoughton and Ruth Paine of Norton were joined together in marriage by Mr Ebenezer White. t 4 II Norton — Continued Silas Wellman of Norton and Catharine Payson of Stoughton were joined together in marriage by Mr Ebenezer White March 5"^ 1752. January 16"» 1756. Married each to the other Samuel Titus of Norton and Han- nah Beswick of Stoughton by Mr Joseph Palmer. Ebenezer Wellman of Norton and Prisilla Day of Stoughton were joined to- gether in marriage at Norton the 26"' day of March 1761. by me Eph- riam Leonard J ustice of Peace Bristol S8 at Norton on the 24'^ day of ^larcb 1762. This may certify that Timothy Clapp of Stoughton and Rh(;( la Wetherell of Norton were joined to- gether in marriage by Ephriam Leonard Justice of Peace May the 25"^ 1769 Married together Jacob Morse of Stoughton and Sarah Well- man of Norton by Mr Joseph Palmer. William Tiflfaney of Norton and Miriam lugraham of Stoughton were joined together in marriage October 5"^ 1766 by Mi- Roland Green. Married each to other Samuel Glover of Stoughton and Elenor Hose resident in Norton by Rev^ Joseph Palmer, Jany 17"^ 1787. October 2"* 1793 Married each to other the ReV^ Edward Richmond of Stough- ton & Miss Lucy Palmer of Norton by Rev Pitt Clarke. A true copy of Record Attest John Crane, Town Clerk 1 42 SUDBURY '< Richard Bailey of Stouten and Anna Masman of Sudbury were married at Sudbury by Israel Loring. Oct 9, 1746.'' <^Thos Glover ,Jr of Stoughtonham & Eunice Bent of Sudbury were married Aug 8. 1782, by Rev Jacob Bigelow " A true copy fi'om Records of Sudbury Attest eT. S. Hunt, Town Clei'k. MANSFIELD. Joseph Eliot and Johanna Morse both of Stoughton were joined together in marriage the 7"^ day of May 1773 by Rev Roland Green. Joseph Blancher of Stoughton & Loany Wellman of Mansfield were joined to- gether in marriage the 23* of September 1774 by Rev Roland Green. Solomon Morse of Stoughton and Mary Wellman of iVIansfield were joined to- gether in marriage November 14"" 1774 by Rev Roland Green. Joseph Pain of Stoughtonham & Mary Comee of Stoughton were joined to- gether in marriage the 14'^ day of December 1774. Comfort Day of Mansfield & Loney Pain of Stoughtopuam w^ere joined to- gether in marriaire the P' dav of March 1775. 270 1 43 Mansfield — Continued. Joseph TifTany of Stouglitonham and Sarah Morse of Stoughton were joined in maiTiage the 12'^ day September 1775 by the iiev Roland Green. Jacob Pain of Stouofhtonham & Hannah Moi-e t)f Stoughton were joined in marriage the l-i''^ day of December 1775 by the Kcv. Roland Green. Joel Moree of Stoughton and Chloe Partridge of Stoughton were joined in mar- marriage December 12 1776 by tlie Rev Roland Green. Elisha Morse & Abigail Holmes both of Stoughton were joined together in mar- riage the 25"^ day of January 1781 by the Rev Roland Green Edward Everett of Stoughtonham& Hannah Leonard of Mansfield M'ere joined together in marriage May the 8"> 1782 by the Rev Roland Green. Josiah Hodges Jr Tabitha Smith both of Stoughtonham were joined together in marriage June 6^^ 1782 by Rev Roland Green. Dr Shadrach AVinslow of Rehoboth and Elizabeth Robbing of Stoughton were joined together in marriage by the Rev Roland Green March the 12"* 1783. Samuel Morse of Stoughton & Sarah Forrist of Foxborough were joined to- gether in marriage by the Rev Roiaixl Green June 25"* 1783. Benj" Hodges of Stoughton & Miriah Pratt of Foxborough were joined togeth.er in marriage by the Rev Roland Green Aug 28"* 1783. A true copy of Records W™ Robinson Town Clerk of Mansfield 144 BILLERICA. " Benjamin Estie of Stoughton and Abigail Farley of Billerica joyned in mar- riage before Mr Samuel Ruggles Dec 6. 1732." Uriah Leonard of Stoughton and Elisabeth Farley of Billerica joyned in mar- riage before Mr Samuel Ruggles Sept 9 1736. A true copy from the Records of Billerica Attest, Dudley Foster Town Clerk. WATERTOWN. 1734 Sept. 19. David Stone of Stoughton and "> by Rev AVarham Mindwell Priest of Watertown j Williams. Attest ]SI. H. Ingraham Town Clerk. NEED HAM. <' Nathanael Aiers of Stoughton and Anne Tolman of Needham wid° were mar- ried April ye 20 1731" "June 21, 1757 Samuel Townsend of Ncedham was married to Ruth ToJman of Stoughton." *' November 9"* 1752 Heniy Dewing Jr. of Needham was married to Eliza- beth Tolman of Stoughton " A true copy Copy from the Records of Needham Solomon Flagg, Town Clerk. 1 46 BRIDGEWATER. A. D. 1774 Jacob Hewens of Stoughton & Hannah Alger of Bridgewater by Daniel Johnson, Justice of Peace. 1747 June 22'* Edward Wentworth of Stoghton & Sarah Winslow of Bridge- water by Daniel Johnson Justice of Peace. 1756 Nov 23*^ Samuel Billings of Stoghton & Reliance Hudson of Bridge- water bv Rev John Angitn*. 1757 Sep 29 William Tolman of Stoghton & the wid Bethia Ames of Bridg' by Jona Willis Jus Peace. 1760 Feb 28 Jacob Johnson of Stoughton & Mercy Snow of Bridgewater by Jona AVillis, Jus Peace. 1760 May 22"^ Neheniiah Liscomb of Stogh" & Sarah Hooper of Bridgewater by Rev John Shaw. 1794 Aug 11"* Rodolphas Kinsley of Stoghton & Salome Cary of Bridgewater. 1795 Nov 19"* Joseph Thayer Stoghton Sarah Richards of Bridgewater by Rev Sam' Anger Attest J E. Crane Town Clerk of Bridgewater. 271 146 BOSTON. George Blackmail & Thankful Redman both of Stonghton were married by Saml Checkley Esq Sept 4, 1727. Josiah Bullard of Dedhaui «fc Elizabeth Chamberlain of Stoughton were mar- ried by Samuel Sewall, Esq March 17, 1737. Nathanael Coney of Stoughton & Mary Royal were married by Rev Thomas Foxcroft Dec 27, 1736. Timothy Gay of Stoughton & Azubu Thorp Dedham were married by Sam' Checklej', Esq. Feb 10, 1727. Richard Hickson of Stoughton & Sarah Fitch were married by Sam^ Checkley, Esq. Aug 26, 1727. Jeramia Kingsbury & Rest White both of Stoughton were married by Timothy Clark, Esq. Sept 22, 1727. Elnathan Lyon & Abigail AV'yate both of Stoughton were married by Sam> Checkley, Esq. June 15, 1732. William Blanchard of Stoughton «fc Rachel Spear of Braintry were married by John Hill, Jus. Peace 4 April 177 John Aspenwall of Stoughton & Penelope Dwelly of Stougliton Avere married by Doct' Henry Caner Nehemiah Liscom of Stoughton & Rhoda Kinny of Stoughton were married by Henry Caner D. D. (supposed) Oct 4. 1763. A true copy Attest N. A Apollonio City Registrar. 1 47 BRAINTREE. Bliss Tolman of Stoughton and } j. , ^th ^728 Mary Beal of Braintree ^ Ashley Curtis of Stoughton and ) were married Sarah Haydeu of Braintree ^ March 16. 1738. Ezra Fisher of Stoughton and f were married Mary Finton of Braintree ^ Jan 3, 1737,8 Philip Liscom of Stoughton and ) were married Elizabeth Neal of Braintree I Apr 6, 1743. Beniamin Porter of Braintree and / T„„r> ■< i-'oo Dorothy Curtis of Stoughton ^ Ephriam Thayer of this Town and / jy^^ g ^^^^2 Phebe Porter of Stoughton ^ Amariah Harris of Stoughton and ) ^ , ^ ^-^^.^ Elizabeth Linsfield of this Town ) Benjamin Hayward, Jr. of this Town and ) j^^, -.^ 2^754 ■Elizabeth Bird of Stoughton 3 John Sumner of Stoughton and ) y. ^.^ -^-jq-j Elizabeth Hayward of Braintree S ^ ' William Ford of Stoughton and ) -p^^ ^th 1707. Sarah Hayden of this Town S John Hawes of Stoughton and ) ^ , c,nh 17(39 Amy Thayer of Braintree \ Samuel Bagley of this Town and > -^^^ ^g ^--q Naomi Curtis of Stoughton 5 William Blancher of Stoughton and > -.j^ , g ^-j-ri Rachel Spear of this Town 5 " James Niles of this Town and \ a „o. 9? 1771 Elizabeth Vinton of Stoughton /»•"•• A true copy of Record Attest Noah Torrey, Town Clerk 1 48 MUTTON. "May 25"^ 1736 Ebenezer French & Mary Fuller were married at the time above mentioned Pr John Taylor Pastor of the Ch" in Milton." 272 ''Edward Shale of Stoug!itO!i rvud Elizebeth Kilpartrick of Milton, 1753-mar- ried togeather by tiie Kcv<* iSIr Robbins of Milton." "Timothy Tucker of IMilton to Miiidwell Iiigraliaiii of 8toughtoii, 1755-were married togeather by the Kev'^ Mr llobbiiis of Milton." ^'Benjamin Til^on of Stoughtou to Abagail Glover of Milton, 1702-wcre mar- ried togeather by the Rev<^ Mr Kobbins of Milton." <'Ebenezer Eastee of Stoiighton to Uephzibah tJulliver of Milton, 17G5-were married togeather by the Rev Mr llobbins of Milton." <'Nathanel Davenport of Milton to Lydia Stone of Stoughton, 1767-were mar- ried togeather by the Rev Mr Robbins of Milton." ^'Lemuel Gav of Stousfhton and Abigail I)aven])ort of Milton, were married to- gether, July ye O'" 1769 by the Rev** Mr Natli^'liobbins Pastor." "Mr Silas Crane of Milton and :Mrs Jemima Kenney of Stoughton were married together Dee' ye IS'" 1770, by the Rev^ Mr Nathanael Robbins." "Samuels Wale.s of Stoughton and Mary Crane Jun-^ of Milton, Sept 5"> 1799- were joined together in marriage by the ReV^ Joseph McKean, Pastor of the Church in Milton." A true Copy of Recora Attest Jason Reed, Town Clerk of Milton. 1 49 MEDFIELI). Timothy Morse Jr of Stoughton & Lydia Fisher of Wrentham, were married Nov 28, 17t)4, by Henry Adams, Esqr. Joseph Rhodes of Stoughton & Miss Tuicbault of Medtleld were married Dec 30, 1773 by Rev Thomas Prentiss. Stet)hen Tilden of Stoughton and Hannah Perry were joined in marriage Oct 4, 1792. by Rev Thomas Prentiss A true copy of Record. Attest Chas. C. Scwall Town Clerk of Medfield. E ASTON. Married. May 21. 1728 Zachariah Lyon of Stoughton & Sarah Drake of Easton, pr me Mathew Short. 1739, Nov 22, Joseph Gilbert of Easton & Rachel Willis of Stoughton, by Joseph Belch. Minister. 1739 Nov 27, John Manly of Easton & Mercy Smith of Stoughton, by me Edward Hayward, Justice of Peace. 1740 June 10'^ Josiah Perry of Stougliton & Mary Kinsley of Easton by Joseph Belch, Minister. 1740 Nov 13. Samuel Drake of Easton & Anno Pufier of Stoughton. by Joseph Belcher. Minister. 1746 Deer 18. Seth Willis of Stougliton & Silence Smith of p:aston, by me Edward Hayward, Justice of Peace I 50 Easton — continued 1748, Feby 2, Abraham Alger of Easton & Dorithy PuHer of Stoughton by me Edward Hayward, Justice of Peace. 1754 Mar 14. Solomon Willis of Stoughton & Lydia Manly of Easton by Rev Solomon Prentice. 1768 Sept 22, John Holmes tlie 2'» of Stoton & Eli.-«ibeth Walkins of Easton by Archibald Campbell, Pastor, 1769 Deer 7 Jose])h Morse of Stoughton & Rachel Phillips of Easton by Archi- bold Cam])bel!, Pastor. 1770 July 22, David Jvcith 2'^ of Easton & Suaaunah Kingman of Stotonham by Rev Archibald Campbell. 1772 January 23 John Pendergrass of Stoton & Olive Lincoln of Easton, by Rev Archibald Campbell. 1774 Deer 15 John Daley of Easton & Hannah Attleton of Stoton by Rev Archibald Campbell. 1778 June 13. Phillip Britton of Easton & Bathsha Drake of Stotonham by Rev Archibald Campbell. 273 ■:* 1785 Feby 24 Frederick Fariugton of Stoughton & Hannah Hanley of Easton by Rev William Reed. 1787 Nove 15 William Pratt of Easton & Jemima Monk of Stoughton by Rev William Reed. 1789 Sept 10 John Packard of Stoughton & Hannah Randell of Easton by Rev William Reed 1790 March 21. Isaac Bartlett of Stoughton & Patience Manley of Easton by Samuel Guild, Justice of Peace. 1792 May 29, Zaba Randell of Easton & Amy Pratt of Stoughton by Rev Wil- liam Reed. I 5 I Easton — Continued, 1794 June 15. Moses Curtis of Stoughton & Temperance Manley of Easton bv Rev William Reed. 1796 May '29. Jacob :Nronk of Stoughton & Melley Randell of Easton by Rev William Reed. A true copy from the records of the Town of Easton Attest John Kimball, Town Clerk. MEDWAY. Timothy Fisher of Stougliton & Thankful Daniell of Medway were married ' Dec'll"» 1739/byMr Buckman. ' . John Holmes of Stoughton & Alary P>ucknam of Medway were married Oct 16'^* 1764 by Rev Nathan Bucknam. A true Copy of Record Attest, A. M. B. Fuller Clerk of Medway. DARTMOUTH. The ReV* Mr Samuel Dunbar of Stoughton and Mrs Mercy Pierce of Dartmouth Avere married before me November 12"^ 1751. Israel Clieever Pastor of ye church of Christ in Dartmouth. A true Copy from the Records of the town of Dartmouth Attest W™ Barker, Jr, Town Clerk. 1 52 TOPSFIELD. ^'Preseiwit Tucker of Stoughton and P.ebecca Estey of of Topsfield were married November 12, 1729 " From marriage records of the tov/n of Topsfl61d Attest J. P. Towne, Town Clerk. CANTON, .f May 16"^ 1798 Mr Elisha Belcher of Stoughton and Rachel Smith. June 24 1798 Mr Sanmel Morse Jr. of Canton and Miss Hannah Smith of Stoughton. Sept 12"^ 1797. Capt Joshua Wales of Stoughton and Miss Rebecca Upham. Attest Andrew Lopez Town Clerk of Canton. ROYALSTON May 27. 1782. Eliphlet Jonson of Stoughton, and Kepzieljh Norton of Royals- ton were married by Joseph Lee, Minister of the Gospel in Royalston» Attest. C H.Newton Town Clerk of Royalston. 1 53 ROXBURY. April 23, 1729, John Eaton of Stoughton and Eliz"" Lovering of Roxbury, hj Mr Eben'' Thayer. April r' 1734 Samuell Stone of Stoughton and Dorothv Monk of Roxbury by Mr. Neh^^ Walter. Sept 21, 1797 Mr Ebenezer Glover of Stoughton and Miss Mary Fenno of Dor- chester by Rev Mr Porter. A true Copy Attest Joseph W. Tucker City Clerk. 274 INDEX OF NAMES. [See Introduction for Method of Classification of Names.] Abbott — Ezra, 182, 246, 253 ; Ezra Lin- coln, 182; Harriot M., 182. Adams— Abigail, 18, 37, 44, 48, 52; Ann Eliza, 182; Ann K., 182; Au- gusta, 254; Barbara, 182,258; Car- oline Downs, 182; Christiana, 182; Clarissa A., 259; Hannah, 44, 75, 175, 178; Henrv, 272; James, 182; James M., 249 ; Jedediah, 19, 57, 63, 64, 75, 77, 81, 117, 147, 167, 168, 169, 176, 178, 179; John Kennedy, 182; Mariah, 231; Mary, 19, 75, 77, 81, 117, 135, 147, 149, 157, 235; Mr., 178, 179; Nathaniel, 18, 27, 32, 33, 37,44, 48, 52, 56, 215; Pelatiah, 222, 233; Peter, 19, 77, 128, 170; Polly, 229; Rachel, 52, 132, 144; Robert AVvild, 182; Thomas Alex- ander, 182; Zebiah, 215. Abkins — Mercy, 29, 33. Aldex, Aluin — Alpheus, 227; Dan- iel, 224, 233; Silas, 242, 254. Aldrich— Samuel D., 228, 243. Alexander — Elizabeth, 40; Jane, 44; Marv, 40, 44; William, 26, 40, 44, 264.' Alger— Abraham, 59, 272; Catherine Lothrop, 247; Catherine S., 244; Daniel, 213; Daniel, Child of, 213; Daniel M. 244, 248; David, 206; David, Child of , 206, Hannah, 270; Hepzibah, 229, 239; Joseph A., 248. Allen, Allin, Allyn — Abel, 38,51; Abby E., 240, 257; Alfred W., 258; Amos, 215; Anna, 116, 117; Barna, 116; Bethucl, 216, 233; Ebenezer, 116; Elizabeth, 84; Esther, 116, 137, 266; George, 15, 18, 21, 24, 38, 51, 53,84, 143, 173; George ^V., 226, 243; Hannah, 141; Henry Stone, 182; Huldah, 141, 268; James, 116, 117, 148, 149; Jemima, 116; Lois, 116, 182, 222, 235; Mary, 15, 18, 21, 38, 51, 53,84, 231; Mary Ann, 230; Marv E., 259: Micah, 179, 180: Mollv," 116; Nathan, 117; Polly, 116; Pompe, 162; Rachel, 116; Rebecca, 110; Samuel, 116; Sarah, 169; Seth, 53, 116, 147; Thomas, 116, 146, 149, 155, 182, 218, 222, 223, 233; Thompson, 117; Turell, 21, 122, 165, 175, 178; Wil- liam H., 253. Amadon — Ichabod,153 ; Ames, Eames — Bethia, 270; Betty, 79, Elisha, 161, 170; Ellis, 243, 253; Noah, 150. Amsbury, Amsbay — Joanna, G4, 69. Amos — Charles B., 257. Andrews — , 14; Abigail, 36, 39, 42, 45, 50, 52, 53, 66, 68, 173, 177 ; Beniamin, 68; Eleanor, 40,64,70; Elizabeth, 87, 47; Hannah, 29, 32; Hephzebah, 50; James, 14. 25, 31, 36, 39, 42, 45, 50, 52, 53, 66, 68, 134; John, 50, 53; Meriah, 66, 112, 146,151; Marv, 65, 78; Mehetabel, 19, 33, 35, 40, 41, 47, 56: Patience, 19 ; Rebecca, 46 ; Ruth, 39, 52 ; Sam- uel, 2, 3, 4, 19, 22, 35, 37, 40. 41, 47 ; Sarah, 34, 41, 58; Seth, 36, 42. Angier— John, 270; Keziah, (?) 157; Samuel, 270. Apollonio — N. A., 271. Armsby, Arm5BEe. See also, ORyiSB^v: — Edwin, 232: Sarah, 169. Armstrong — Catherine, 261: John, 139, 145; Lewis, 251. Ash — Henry, 179. AsnxoN — Robert, 261. AspiNWALL — John, 157, 172, 271; Ma- ry, 150. Atherton — Alice, 80, 86 ; Anna, Anne, 25, 31, 59, 267; Caleb, 86, 155; Consider, 33, 56; E., 288, 239; Eli- jah, 116, 226,233; Elizabeth, 47, 80, 158, 176, 267; Humphry, 39, 88, 164: Jedediah, 88, 167, 268; Jesse, 217 ; John, 28, 32, 47, 60, 88, 116, 122, 131, 135, 147, 163, I64, 166, 167; Lemuel, 86; Marv, 56, 88, 116, 136, 147, 164, 179; Nathan, 116: Piercy, 182,206; Rachel, 47, 60. 116, 129, 165, 167; Sallv, 131; Sallv Bird, 275 131; Samuel, 116, 164; Samuel Rob- inson, 182, 206; Susannah, 267; Uriah, 80, 86. 132. Atkins. See Adkiks. Atkinson — Esther W., 258. Attleton — Hannah, 1-iO, 272. AuGEK — Keziah, 157. Austin— Betsev, 225, 235; Mary, 231, 242; Otis C, 250; William, 165, 166. Avery — Joseph, 269. Ayres, Aiers — Nathaniel, 25, 270. Babcock, Badcock— Abigail, 67, 89, 112; Enoch, 112; Hannah, 112, 237, 263; Lydia, 112, 127, 144, 161, 240; Nathaniel, 59, 63, 67,89, 112; Sa- lome, 67, 136, 145. Bacon, Baken — Abigail, 176, 265; Ebenezer, 34, 57 ; Joseph, 179 ; Me- hitable, 174, 178; Sarah, 34, 58; Susanna, 172; Timothy, 173, 177; William, 176, 179. Badcock. See Babcock. Badlam, Badlajib — Elizabeth, 68 ; Hannah, 61, 62, 68, 71, 76, 135; Lois, 173, 264; Samuel, 59, 64; Stephen, 61, 62, G8, 71, 76, 78, 176; William, 61. Bagley — John, 64, 73; Samuel, 137, 271. Bailey, Baily, Bayley — Abigail, See Nabby; Almira, 227; Anna, 60, 128, 164, 236; Caroline, 183; Cath- erine, 182; Catherine B., 182, 215; Dudley, 148, 154, 207, 221, 234 ; E.F., 266; Edward, 4, 15, 19, 40; Elijah, 112, 182, 215, 230; Elijah, Child of, 215; Esther, 1, 15, 16, 20,38, 43, 69; Eunice, 89, 128; Grace, 182; Hannah, 19, 29, 33, 40, 43, 119, 139, 145, 156, 168, 216, 236; Henry, 37,43,89,112, 119, 128, 141,146, 164, 174, 178; Hestar, 1; Israel, 60, 112, 136, 145, 207; James, 16, 98, 173, 264; Jemima, 40, 64, 71; Lem- uel, 112, 182, 207, 217, 218; Lydia, 119, 128; Maria Lavina, 183, 207; Marv, 1, 33, 37, b&, 64, 70, 112; Mary Ann, 182; Nabbv, 182; Na- thaniel, 227, 228, 249; Persis, 112; Polly, 160, 169; Rachel, 19, 73, 176; Rebecca, 217; Richard, 1, 15, 16, 20, 38, 43, 58, 60, 128, 164, 269; Ruth, 112,207; Sarah, 78, 112, 156, 168, 267; Submit, 89,119, 164; Susanna, 98, 112, 119, 128; Thomas, 261, William, 183. Baker— Aaron, 207, 242; Aaron B., 228 ; Abigail, 52, 140; AndreAV, 189, 208; Arthur, 189, 208; Bathsheba, 169; Betsey, 127, 161, 233; Dianthe, 189, 208 ; DiantheC, 189 ; Elijah, 33, 50, 52, 55, 56. 62, 68, 73; Frederick, 207; Hannah, 50, 52, .55, 62, 68, 73, 175, 179; Hardn M., 189; Joannah, 67, 70; Joel,"l89, 208, 214; Joel C, 189, 208 ; Joel, Two Children of, 214 ; John, 128, 164, 233; Julia Augtista, 189; Lydia Bowman, 254; Mary, 73, 142; Micah, 175; Moses, 218; Mr., 216; Mr., Child of, 216; Na- thaniel W., 250; Samuel, 67, 70; Sarah, 62, 128, 163; Susanna, 164, 268; Thomas, 55; William K., 242, 255. Balcii — Thomas, 265. Baldavin— Jane E., 257; Mary Jane, 229. Ballou— M. B., 239; Massena B., 242, 244; Mr., 246. Bancroft, Banckaft, Bencraft, Bencroft — Jeremiah, 215; Mary, 139, 145; Olive A., 239, 256; Rob- ert, 148, 151; Thomas, 261. Barber — Elizabeth, 172. Barker— James, 222, 234; Moses, 142, 148; William, 273. Barnes — Sarah, 58, 63. Barney— Marv, 27. Barrett— Theodore B., 243, 254. Barrows— Charles Edward, 182; Ed- ward W., 182; Harriet M., 182; Olive, 182. Barstow— Polly, 128, 162. Bartlett — Benjamin, 130, 131, 132, J 147; Betsev, 130, 160, 169; Edward, 138; George, 242; Hannah, 161, 170; Isaac, 160, 170, 273; Jane, 244; Joel, 218; Mary Jane, 248; Petev, 166, 167; Sally, 165; Su- sanna, 130, 163, 165, 167. Bass— Elizabeth, 30, 266. Bassett— Alfred V., 237 ; Samuel, 268. Batchelder— Fr cis, 227, 234; Sa- rah K., 261. Bates— Elizabeth, 26, 32 ; Mary, 157 ; Susanna, 160. Battle, Battles. See also, Brat- tle— Asa, 159, 169; Benjamin, 119; Betsey, 130; Curtis, 160; Cyrus, 130; Edward, 162, 170; Frank, 130; Hannah, 119, 122, 130, 145; John, 60, 143, 157; Jonathan, 119, 122, 130, 155; Joseph, 119; Lucy, .221; Rebecca, 142; Samuel, 157. Bayley. See Bailey. Bazin— David P., 207; James A., 253, 27G 256; Jane A.. 213; John, 213; John, Wife of, 208. Bealey— John, 244. 248. Beals, Beal — Aniasa, 225. 234 ; Ann. 226; Betsey, 220, 239; Eleazer, 218; Harriot. 221, 234; Irene, 261, Jere- miah. 134; Mai-ia, 227; Marv, 24. 226, 237, 271; Phinehas, 128, 233; Zebulon, 216, 233. Bean— Josepli, 264. Beaumont — Abigail, 259; Alexander 207, 240, 255; Alexander, Child of 207; Georo-ianna, 201; Marv. 225 238; Sarah M., 261. Beck— James, 182 ; Lettv. 182 ; Samuel 182; AVilliam, 182, 243, 254. Belciiek. Belch — Abial,91, 98, 165 Abijrail, 48, 105, 106, 112, 130, 165 173," 177; Abigail Bracket, 229 Ame, Amee, Amie— 82, 88, 90. 103 Anna, 44. 46, 53, 79, 177; Atherton 44, 105, 158, 268; Bela, 13; Bctsev 231; Cephas, 224; Cliarles, 186, 207 Clefford. Clittbrd, 13, 19, 28. 32, 37 38, 49, 55, 06, 67, 73, 125, 164, 186 222, 234, 244, 255; Daniel, 186 David, 183, 215, 224, 234; Edward 25, 31, 38, 44, 40, 53, 69, 90, 130 166, 227 ; Eleazer, 105, 133 ; Elijali 112, 130, 224, 234; Elisha, 112, 165 216, 233, 273; Elizabeth, 105; Ellis 183; Emily Kinsley, 183; Franklin 258; Freeman, 225^ 234; George W. 186; Hannah, 43, 78, 91, 165, 170 Harriot, 183 ; Henrietta, 208 ; Isaac 212; James M., 186; Jeremiah, 41 43, 47, 78. 82, 88, 90, 103; Johanna 226,241; John, 46, 105, 106, 112 130, 165, 167, 175, 178, 183, 186 232; Jonathan, 143, 174, 178, 225 234; Joseph, 66, 91, 98, 142, 165 168, 175, 178, 207, 214, 272; Josepli Wife of, 214; Love, 55; Lucv, 131 165; Luther, 247; Martha, 28, 32 Marv, 13, 24, 31, 35, 41,42, 43, 45 47, 48, 60, 65, 69, 78, 105, 176, 179 186, 218,-244, 253; Mehitable, 13 19, 37, 38, 49, 65, GG, 67, 73, 141 145, 164. 207; Miriam, 35, 41,42 64, 71; Mrs., 213; Nabbv, 122. 165 Oliver, 106, 107; Preserved, 19, 38 Rebekah, 45, 79, 105, 165, 177, 207 222,223, 230, 239; Samuel, 13,35 87, 41, 42, 45, 48, 49, 53, 105; Sa rah, 47, 82, 98, 165, 180, 207, 240 256; Sarda, 208, 232; Supplv, 67 141, 145; Susanna, 41, 65, 77, 103 Svbil, 183. Bell — Lavina, 244, 248; Marv, 245, 249; Olive, 244, 248; Susan, 232, 239; William, 247. Bellas — Pierces, 160. Bemis — Catherine, 127, 236; Chloe, 214; Henrv Stone, 218; Josepli, 139, 147, 194, 197, 207, 214, 217, 219. Bennet— Olive C, 226, 237 ; Relief, 230 ; Ruth, 27. Bent— Ann, 183; Betsey, 169, 183, 233; Charles Crane, 183; Chloe, 93, 106, 112, 118, 119, 164, 183, 218; Elijah, 187; Elizabeth, 100; Eunice, 154, 209 ; Hannah, 187 ; Harriot, 187, 207; Horatio Nelson, 183; James, 119, 164, 187, 207, 222, 234; Jane, 224; Joseph, 183; Judith, 183; Lemuel, 93, 104, 183,212; Martha, 210; Nathaniel, 100, 187; Pattv, 233 ; Prudence, 128, 237 ; Rufus, 183 ; Sarah, 136, 145, 183, 232, 242; Thankful. 26, 31; Tirzah, 225, 234; AVilliam, 93, 100, 112, 118, 119, 164, 176, 178, 183, 221, 234; William Henrv, 183. Benton— Adelaide, 189, 208; Elijah, 232, 242 ; Ellen Maria, 189 ; Hiram Otis, 189; James, 189, 208, 215; Joel, 247; Julia Ann, 189; Sarah Jane, 189; William, 189,208,215, 229, 242; William S., 189, 208; Zepha, 215; Zilpha, 189, 208, 215. Berrel — See Bukuell. Bekky (Negro slave,) 69, 135. Berry — Ann, 189; Anne, 189; Catha- rine. 189 : James. 189 ; Margaret, 189 ; Marv Elizabeth, 189; Peter, 189; Thomas, 189. Bess (Negro slave,) 27, 32. Besse, Bessey — Nathaniel, 227, 234, 242; Sally, 221. Besavick — Hannah, 78, 269. Bethun — Sarah Ann, 232. BiCKFoRi) — Drucilla E.. 257; Eliza- beth, 201; Mary Adeline, 242, 254. BiGELOw — Jacob, 209. Bill — Susanna, 134, 268. Billing, Billings — Abel W., 207; Abel Wentworth, 187; Abigail, 75; Abraham, 51; Adam, 75, 153, 186, 229, 234; Adam, child of, 207; Adeline Adelia, 189 ; Adriana, 189 ; Aliance, 105 ; Amariah, 48 ; Amasa, 219; Ann, Anne, 64, 215; Ann W., 244, 248; Anna, 21, 36, 37, 41, 45, 46, 74, 75, 76, 146, 152; Aroline Frances, 189; Asa, 112, 183, 242, 256 ; Azel Kinsley, ia7 ; Benjamin, 277 48, 88, 103, 112, 173, 183, 219, 234; Beriah, 16, 36, 37, 48; Betsey, 220, 234; Bctte, Betty, 52, 92; Catherine, 228, 240 ; Charles, 187, 212, 223, 234, 260; Chu-issa, 207; Daniel, 65, 142; Dorcas, 189; Ebeuezer, 21, 35, 37, 56, 59, 62, 63, 76, 85, 90; Elijah, 54, 57, 61, 68; Elizabeth, 20, 21, 40, 48, 51, 54, 61, 64, 68, 70, 72, 90, 157, 164, 168, 187, 235; Elizabeth N., 186; Elkanah, 16, 22, 37, 47, 54; Enoch, 76, 264; Eunice, 90, 219; Frederick, 15, 189; George, 182, 183, 233; Hannah, 16, 35, 37, 38, 48, 50, 53, 76, 141, 146, 149, 150, 173, 176, 35, 36, 38, 39, 41, 53, 60, 62, 66, 67, 72, 76, 103, 112, 131, 139, 145, 215, 217, 265; Seth, 10, 20, 60, 66, 81, 105,125; Spencer, 82; Stephen, 20, 21, 40, 48, 51, 52, 61, 64, 70, 72, 92, 164, 187, 207, 211), 228, 242; Sukey, 128; Susanna, 62, 76, 81, 85, 89, 90, 97, 102, 106, il2; Thomas, 21, 183, 207, 219; Timothy, 21, 106; Unity, 112; Urana, 182; Uriah, 182, 189, 246,253; Vashti, 112; William, 9, 19, 22, 36, 50, 51, 65, 67, 75, 79, 140, 147, 176, 179, 180, 183, 221, 246,251; Zebiah, 25, 31; Zeruah, 105, 158, 1G8. 183, 219, 223, 240; Harriet, Harriot, Bird— Abigail, 130, 224; Abner, 127, 182, 183, 223, 231, 238; Helen Au gusta, 189; Henry S"., 214; Hepsibali, 16, 85, 172, 177; Ira, 183; Isaac, 51, 135, 145, 182, 217; Jabez, 131, 207; Jacob, 40, 82, 92, 173, 177; James, 183, 187, 189, 214, 233; Jane, 189, 214; Jarvis, 182,226,242; Jerusha, 10, 66, 81, 105, 125, 133, 144, 159, 169; Jesse, 102, 182; John, 15, 39, 53, 60, 62, 92, 112, 131, 138, 145, 158, 168, 233; John Davis, 189; Jonathan, 59, 63, 66, 81, 112 ; Joseph, 21, 36, 37, 39, 41, 45, 46, 60, 76, 88, 92, 160, 182; Keziah, 47, 55, 56, 67, 82; Levit, 55; Leonard, 182, 242, 255, 261; Lily, 187; Louisa, 182 130, 161, 233; Asa, 130, 160, 165, 169; Benjamin, 17, 29, 39, 48, 54, 60, 61, 66, 77, 130, 165; Betsey, 165, 169 ; Catherine, 23, 266 ; Charles, 226 ; Chloe, 77, 148, 153; Clarissa, 165; Damaris, 59 ; Ebenezer, 268 ; Elijah, 39, 61, 131, 143, 268; Elizabeth, 29, 37, 54, 179, 271; Hannah, 130, 148, 154; Isaac, 60, 137, 147; Joanna, 130; John, 37, 130; Katharine, See Catherine; Keziah, 17, 39, 48, 54, 60, 61, 66, 77, 130, 140, 145, 165; Laura, 131; Lemuel, 17, fTS", 130, 139, 147, 164, 165; Mehetabel,28, 32; Mindwell, 148, 153; Nancy, 118, 124; Nathan, 118; Parna, 130; 230,237; Lucetta, 189; Lucv, 182, tPollv, 130; llobert, 257; PtUth, 66; 228, 239; Lvman Kinsley, 189; Sally, 118, 130, 163, 166; Samuel, Marv, 16, 22, 28, 36, 37, 48, 50, 51, 37, 59, 130, 139, 147, 148, 153, 267; 65, 67, 75, 94, 127, 141, 145, 160, Sarah, 30, 34, 118, 130, 164; Sukey, 182, 187, 208, 212, 213, 221, 223, 165; Thomas, 130 ; AVilliam H., 260. 233,234, 240, 263, 265; Mary E., Bisbeio, Bisby— A. Lavina, 188; Al- 262; Mehitable, 11, 146, 153; Mercy, bert, 227, 242; v Amanda L., 189; 229, 236 ; Mille, 225; Molly, 56, 132, 267; Nancv, 222; Nathan, 52, 150, 207, 213, 221, 234; Nathaniel, 127, 161, 221, 233; Oliye, 182; Oliyer, 19, 65, 78; Otis, 218, 222; Peter, 131, 149, 156, 187, 232; Polly, 131, 182, 186, 220, 236; Rachel, 88, 92, 103, 131, 220, 236; Rachel Pratt, Benjamin, 128, L60, 163, 233; Ben- jamin F., 188; Franklin, 188, 207, 224; Hannah, 223, 228; Jefferson, 228; Jetterson, Child of , 208 ; John R., 189, 207; Loyina, 188, 224; Mary E., 189; Nancy, 250; Otis, 189; Otis B., 256; Rena, 234; Sam- uel, 155. 112; Rebecca, 131, 219; Reliance, Bissell— Henry A., 259. 11, 75, 88, 94, 112; Relief, 187; BixBY—HoraceW., 261 ; Newell S., 261. Rhoda, 97, 146, 151; Robert, 10, Blackman, Blackmon— Abigail, 38, 149, 182; Roger, 20, 74, 76, 81, 89, 90,97, 102, 106, 112; Ruame, 105; Ruhaniiah, 260; Ruth, 36, 89, 159, 168, 182; Sally, 112, 183, 217, 219, 224; Samuel, H, 21, 27, 29, 35, 38,- 47, 48, 53, 55, 56, 67, 75, 78, 82, 88, 94, 105, 112, 146, 150, 189, 251, 270; 43, 45, 47, 112, 182, 187; Adam, 11, 12, 19. 65, 78, 89, 94, 98, 105, 112, 163, 264; Amee, 55, 80, 91, 93, 94; Ann Prince, 183; xVugustus, 189, 215; Benjamin, 6, 8, 9, 27,37,38, 43, 45, 47, 'Qb, 78; Betsey, 182; CaroliiTC, 187, 228, 238"; Catherine, Samuel' Dexter, 189; Sarah, 15, 19, 89; Charles Serjeant, 182; Chloe, tBiRD, Polly G., 247. 278 13, 176, 178; Clara, 182, 222; Clur- 131; William, 131, 137, 271. issa. 234; Ebenezer, 64; Elbridge, Blansiio. See Blanciiard. 189; Eleazer, 169, 175. 179; Elijah, Bliss— Elijah, 162. 46; Eliphalet 47; Elislia, SO; Eliz- Bond— Lydia W., 229. abeth, 90, 182; Experience, 85,94, Bonney— Mercy, 254. 149, 157, 268; George, 12, 13, 15, Booth, Both— James, 232; Nancy, 17, 22, 23. 36, 41, 42, bb, 64, 70, 80, 232, 235. 91,93.94, 131, 158, 168, 183, 189, Bootman— Mary E., 260. 207, 233, 271; Hannah, 36, 43,74, Boswokth- Audre\v J,, 243. 177; Hephzibah, 25, 31, 43; James, BouuN — JcrushaAV., 265. 44, 131, 183, 231, 232, 246, 248; Bowe— Samuel F., 262. James H., 256; Jemima, 37, 38; Bowen— Albert, 245, 251; Maria, 249. Jenevra, 189; John, 106, 127, 161, Bowman— Jonathan, 266, 267. 182,187,189, 216, 233, 249; Josiah, Boyden, . Boydon— Amos, 75, 142, 29,85,94,156, 168, 173, 177: Lemuel, 268; Asa, 88; Clarissa B., 256; 17,65; Lucv, 93, 146, 154 ; Keziah, Dolphe, 112; Elizabeth, 11, 47,50, 88; Marv, 11, 19, 27, 32, 86, 38, 43, 76, 80; Esther, 47, 180; Hannah, 44, 46, 61, 63, 64, 83, 88, 89, 90, 94, 60; Jacob, 11, 60, 112, 131; Joshua, 98, 105, 106, 112, 169, 161, 169, 183, 266; Mary, 88, 176; Maynard B., 219, 238: Millv, 94, 127, 234; Moses, 245, 249; Olive, 179, 180; Rachel, 11; Nabby, 182; Nancv, 94, 189; 74, 266; Sarah, 112; Seth, 11, 47, Nathan, 94, 182; Oliver, 19; Polly, 60, 75, 80, 88, 174, 177, 267, 267; Rachel, 106, 128, 163, 239; Boyington. ;S'ee Boynton. Rebekah, 34, 45, 67, 106, 161,220; Boylston— Anna, 143, 146; John, Robert, 36; Rosaua, 189; Roxa, 139,147, 182,225, 240; Ruth, 131, 132, 147, Boynton— Amos, 226, 242; Sarah G., 207, 221, 234; Sally, 182; Samuel, 230. 41,78.83,88,90,94.106, 160,158, Brackett, Brackitt— Abigail, 175, 168, 182, 187, 189, 208, 233; Samuel, 178; Benjamin F., 246, 250; David Wife of, 213; Sarah. 42, 63, 98, 167, Alonzo, 189; Emma A., 189; Fran- 168, 173, 176, 187; Thankful, 12, cis A., 189; Hannah, 88; Harriet 13,15,17, 22 36, 41, 42; Thomas. A., 189; John 161; Loring, 183, 26,32, 36, 38, 43, 44, 46, 61, 63, 64, 187, 189, 229, 234 ; Loring B. R., 189 ; 79; Unite, 170; William, 22, 187, Mary, 183, 187, 189; Mary E., 187; 244, 254; Winthrop, 187. Marv Elizabeth, 189; Olive B., 183, Blaine— John, 28, 32. 189, 260; Samuel, 27, 88, 167, 179: Blair— Roswell. 256. Sarah Amanda, 189. Blake— Abigail, 106. 128. 164, 233; Bradford— Alice, 79, 177; Asenath, Almira, 183; Amariah, 183, 212, 74,176; Bathsheba, 60; Carpenter, 222, 234: Chloe, 106; Clara, 183; 89,174, 178; Chloe, 89; Mary, 89. Clarissa, 183, 242, 264; E.. 240; Bradshaw— Beniamin, 68; Elizabeth, Elijah, 67; Elizabeth. 129, 217; 47, 68, 69; John, 71, 267; Mary, George, 183; Hepzibah Vose, 219: 66,266; Parkman, 19; Samuel, 19, John, 183; Julia, 207; Julia Ann, 47, 66, 68, 69, 71; Sarah, 19,47,66, 183; 'Maria, 183; Matthew, 180; 68,69,71. Nathaniel, 234; Phineas,218; Sarah, Brady— Bridget E.. 258; James, 257; 67; Stephen, 106,127,134,144,238; Mary, 257 ; William, 261. Stephen J., 229, 242. Bragg— Elizabeth, 74. Blanciiard, Blancher, Blansho — Bransdle. See Bronsdon. Abigail, 68, 269; Betsy, 165; Betty, I'.rastow— Miss, 238. 131; Elisha, 131, 140; Hiram, 249; Brattle. See also, Battle— Han- Horatio, 165; Isaac Gardner, 165; nah, 137. John, 131; Jonathan, 160, 165, 169; Bray— Edgar W., 2,'>5. Joseph, 58, 63, 65, 139, 269; Josiah, Breck— Jemima, 37; John, 37; Su- 165; Lemuel, 139; Lot, 165; Marv, sanna, 37. 68, 63; MarvDucebarv. 136; Mollv, Brett, Britt— Elizabeth A., 258; 144; Pricilla, 66, 174,'l78; Richard, John, 26; Mary A., 243, 264; Su- 264; Samuel, 131, 176, 179; Seth, sanna, 78; Susanna C, 260. 279 Brickell— William A., 257. 46, 48, 265; Samuel, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9. BriCxGS— , 13; Abig-ail. 13, 41. Bullock— Charlotte S.. 190; Laban, 48749; Almira Adelaide, 208 ; Al- 190,241.254,258; Laura W., 190. raira P., 257; Avarv, 119; Betty, Burge— Elizabeth, 174. 48- Elijah, 207,231, 242; Eliza, 222; Burgess— Almira, 244, 248; Mary, Ha'imah, 119, 255; Joel, 119, 168, 241; Mercy, 227. 169, 170, 263; Mary. 41, 64. 69, 88, Burit— Nabby, 170. 106,207; Nathan L., 208, 252; Burkey— Thomas, 248. Oti=! 119- Polly, 159, 168; Pollv Burns, Byrne- James S., 182; Jo- Sprao-ue, 119; -Samuel, 80,41, 48, seph, 182; Mary, 182. 233; Mary 49. 137. 175, 265; Sarah, 49, 88. Ann, 182; Patrick, 182: William, 132, 144, 158. 168; Sarah Ann, 251, 182. 257; Susannah. 162. 170; Thomas, Burr— Polly. 231, 241; Seymour, 208, 119 ; Timothy, 136 ; William, 88, 106. 213. Bright— Abbv, 182; Alonzo, 190; Burrell, Berrel, Burril, Burrill— Clarissa, 190; Eliza, 212; Elvira, David, 247 ; Ebenezer, 187, 226, 234; 182; Francis, 190; Jesse, 220, 233; GeorgeFrederick, 187 ; Harriet Ware, Michael, 182. 212, 230; Michael, 187 ; Helen Louisa, 187 ; Jane Tyler, Child of, 213; Samuel, 190, 249; 187; Lucy, 187; Mary Ann, 187; Sarah, 243, 255; Warren, 182, 257. Nabby, 263; Samuel. 170, 263. Brightman— John, 242. 255. Burt, Birt, Burts— Bartholomew W., Britt See Brett. 244, 253 ; Eliza, 228 ; R. William, Britton— Philip, 272. 260; William, 221, 234; Zilpha, 229, Broad— Josiah, 249; Mr., Child of, 242. 216; AVilder. 246. Burton— Benjamin, 151. Brons'don, Bransdle, Bronsdel— Buss— Mary, 225, 239; Ptichard, 220, Hannah, 222, 233; John Box, 140. 233. Brooks— Betsey, 167; Elizabeth, 162, Bussey— Bathsheba, 105; Benjamm, 237, 247; James, 221. 234; Jane, 65, 68, 78, 83, 88, 105, 146, 150, 214; 240, 241. 246. David, 65; Elijah, 105, 161; Grace, Brown, Browne— Catherine E., 245, 207; Hannah, 105; Isaiah, 72, 105, 250; Daniel, 166; Hancv A.. 258; 175, 178; Jaazaniab, lOo; Jazaniah, Hannah, 236, 247; L. "Emmeliiie, 72; John, 72; John W., 169; John 260; James, 159; Jesse, 105; Sub- Wentworth, 105, 160, 233; Mary, mit. 174, 178. 73, 175, 178; Olive, 18, 21, 65, 68, Brownson— Henry Francis, 216; Ores- 72, 73, 79, 88, 128, 149, 162; Polly, tes A., 216, 244; Sarah Healey B., 218; Rebecca, 105, 127, 161 ; Ruth, 216 83, 88, 149, 214; Thomas, 21; Wil- Brundage— Levi, 245, 251. liam, 18, 21, 23, 30, 66, 68, 72, 73, Bryant. BRiANT—Dependance French, 140. 161; Nathan, 160; Polly, 226,237; Butrick— Caroline, 237. Seth, 180; Thomas, 12. Byram— William, 215. Bryden— Ewen, 261. Byrne. See Burns. Buck— Elizabeth, 56; Matthew, 59, 63. Cacy— Michael, 249; Thomas, 249. Buckland— Lunnor, 128, 263. Caffery, CAFFRY--Mary Ann, 250; Buckler— Mrsv, 207. Susan B., 232. BucKMAN, BucKNAM— , 12; Cain— Elcanor M., 240 ; Eliza H., 252. Anna, 79 ; Lucy. 79 ; Maroaret, 73 ; Caldwell, Colwell. Coldwell— Mary, 179, 273; Mr., 273^ Nathan, Jane, 22, 45, 46, 49: Jedediah, 45; 71,72,73,79, 176, 273; Sarah, 72, Jemima, 46 ; William, 22, 26, 32, 45, 73, 79, 139, 147. 46, 49, 75. 177. BuGBY— Hannah, 136, 145. Caleff— Betsey, 228. BuLLARD— Anne, 48; Benjamin, 225; Calson, Colson— Joseph, 137, 147. Charles, 234; Edward, 74; Emily Callaghan— Daniel, 188; Julia, 188; A., 254; Ezra, 46; Henry, 43; Julia Ann C, 188; Timothy, John, 43, 46, 48; John, Child of, 188. 207; John H., 229; Josiah, 271; Callaham— Hannah, 65, 77. Mary Amanda, 255; Rebeckah, 43, Campbell— Archibald. 272. 280 Caker— Hemy. 271. 129. 225. 239. Cantekbukv — Franklin, 184; Ira, 184; Cak — William, 165, 167. Martin, 184; Mary, 184; Mary Ann, Cakpentek, Carpenuer — Almira S., 184; Philip, 217; Polly, 184; Sam- 242, 256; Bette, 68; Elihu, 188, 215; iiel, 127, 160, 184, 220, 234, 263; Elizabeth, 10, 68, 76, 82, 92 : Emily, Sophia, 184; AVilliam, 184. 188; Ezra, 76; Hannah, 188, 216; Capen, Capin— Abigail, 148, 151, 183; Harriet, 188; J. E., 267; James, Abner, 224; Abraham, 101, 129, 260; John, 92 ; Juliann Draper. 243, 165, 167; Adam, 231; Adeline, 248; 254; Martha M., 215; Nehemiah, 10, Andrew, 75, 159, 184, 268; Ann, 74; 68, 76, 82, 92; Rachel, 82. Anna, 183, 217; Ansel, 129; Asa, Carrkjan, — Agnes, 231. 129; Azel, 129; Azubah, 89; Ben- Oarroel, Caret., Carell, Caril, Car- jamin, 101, 184; Bethiah, 83, 148, rale, Carrel, Carrell, Carril, 152; Betsy, 129; Christopher, 183; Carrol, Currel, Curril, Currill, Clementine L., 257; Damaris, 14; — Benjamin, 173; Eliza, 221. 235; David, 14. 55, 65, 67, 72, 73; Eben- Harrison, 186, 214, 224; Lvdia. 34, ezer, 11, 54, 55, 67, 72, 137, 145, 58 ; Milly, 186; Morrice, 231:Pris- 176, 265; Edward, 78, 101, 157, 158, cilia, 34, 58; Rebeckah, 60,63; 168, 177, 231, 257. 266; Edwin Al- Samuel, 127, 234; William, 174, 178. fred, 183; Elenor, 90, 159, 169; Carter— Abijah, 208; Alpheus H., Elijah, 14, 29, 38, 47, 55, 62, 71, 81 ; 208; Caroline W.. 247; James, 135; Elisha, 128, 129, 163, 166, 225, 234; John. 234; Sally, 208, Eliza, 229, 241; Elizabeth, 14, 38, Carver— David L., 242, 255. 47, 54, 55, 62, 67, 70, 71, 72, 81, 86, Cary— Bridget, 248; Ezra, 136, 145; 108, 129, 267; Ephraim, 183, 214, Jonathan, 69; Rhoda, 162; Salome, 225 ; Ephraim, Child of, 208 ; Eze- 162, 270. kiel, 54, 243, 254; George, 184, 224, Case— James, 150. 255; George Fi-ancis, 183; Hannah, Casey. ^S'ee Cacy, 148, 163, 184, 236; Jabez, 183; Castillo— Bridget, 259. James, 101, 129, 148, 162; Jane, Castle— Pollv, 159, 169. Jean, 39, 65, 61, 66, 69, 72, 75. 82, Cathcart— Thomas, 226, 241. 83, 122, 167, 184; Jedediah, 129; Cato (negro slave,) 34, 58. Jerusha, 53, 66, 71,72, 80, 89, 90, 136, Cavanaugh— Ann Jane, 188 ; Barnard, 147, 184; John, 72, 108, 148,184, 188; Maria, 188; Mary, 188 ; Thomas, 217; Jonathan, 11, 34, 53, 57, 66,71, 188, 250. 72, 80, 89, 90, 148, 152; Joseph, Chamberlain, Chamberlin — , 183;Lavina, 246; Lemuel, 65,160, Child of, 208; Catherine M., 243, 169; Lois, 184; Lusane. 85. 93; Lu- 255; Elizabeth 271; Harriet E., 260; saner, 11 ; Lydia, 56, 135, 147, 224 ; Isaac E., 260 ; Mary, 249 ; Moses, 208. Marv, 65, 184; Mehetible, 160, 169; Chandler— Abigail, 46, 65, 74; Abra- Melinda, M.. 268; Melatiah.80, 160, ham, 26, 31, 46; Ann, 184, 204; 169; Milla, 222; Milly. 129, 183; Benjamin, 83; Betsey, 184, 208; Milly Gay, 129; Molle, 73;Nahum, Betsey Billings, 184; Caroline, 184, 184; Nathan M., 226; :Mathaniel, 11, 258; Eunice, 184; John, 113; Jona- 85, 93, 173; Olive, 108, 127, 240; than, 46; Joseph, 81, 109, 113, 146, Oliver, 183; Peter, 224, 234; Ra- 153, 213; Lewis, 100, 108, 156, 168; chel, 129, 148, 151; Rebeckah, 63, Marv, 109, 113, 184, 244, 254: Mercy, 134, 147; Rebekah Swan. 238; Re- 73, 204; Nancy, 113, 220, 236; Na- lief, 14, 66, 66, 67,72,73; Robert, than, 230; Pollv, 109: Sallv, 204; 39, 55, 61, 66, 69, 72, 75, 82, 83, 108, Samuel, 59, 63," 72, 73, 76," 81, 83, 184; Samuel, 72, 78, 81, 108, 128, 100, 113, 184, 208, 220, 222, 234; 129, 133, 144, 183, 184, 219, 221, Sarah, 72, 73, 76, 81, 83, 100, 108, 224, 267; Sarah, 29, 71, 72, 83, 101, 184, 253; Susanna, 27, 32. 128, 129, 138, 140, 147, 183, 268; Chapman— Oliver S., 257. Sukey,127,240; Susanna,67,101,129 ; Charlton— Henry, 79. Theophilus, 11 ; Thomas, 55; Uriah, Chase — Amanda, 233; Caroline, 248; 101, 166; Waitstill, 61, 141, 147; Mercy Jane, 345, 249; Silas E., William, 129, 162, 170, 183; Zilpah, 233. 281 Checklet — Samuel, 271. Coeij— Charlotte, 242 ; Esther, 17-1 ; J.H., Cheevek— Israel, 273. 262, 266; Jabez, 221, 234; James, Chesmox — Samuel, 143. 242, 256; Jane, 59; John, 26, 31; CuicKEKiXG— Jabez, 262, 266 ; Mr., 265. Judith, 26, 31; Maria Frances, 242; Guilds — Cynthia, 222, 235. Martha, 23, 30; Nancy M., 225; Christon — Sarah, 60, 26'J. Stephen, 74. Church — Hannah, 151. Cobbet, Cobbett — Abigail, 241,252; Churchel — Alice, 138, 147; E])hraim, George Curtis, 188; Susan W., IBS; 155; Jabez, 71. Thomas, 241, 252; Willard, 247; Claflix— Patrick, 247. AVilliam, 188, 246, 252; William Clapp — Aaron, 266; Abigail, 34, 35, Edward, 188. 39, 57, 61, 143, 266; Alfred, 240; Colbukn— Eliza, 225. 235 ; EUzabeth, Comfort, 108; Ebenezer, 12, 39, 61, 223, 239; Lemuel, 222, 234. 64,74,80, 108, 173; Eleazer, 146; Cole— Edward, 179 ; Eleazer, 135, 241 ; 152; Eliphalet, 173, 176; Elizabeth, Elias, 247, 257; Mary, 58, 63, 172; 34. 57; Ezra, 34, 35; Hannah, 100, Sarah, 138, 147; Zilpha, 138. 155, 159, 168, 179; James, 112; Jeru- Colemax— Lucinda, 226, 241. sha, 80; John, 94, 100, 112, 153, 175, Colley — Rebecca, 80. 267 ; Joshua, 266, 268 ; Mary, 89, 80. 94, Colleydrew— John, 168. 148; Patience, 112; Rachel, 73, 264; Collyer — Eunice Maria, 232, Sallv, 221; Samuel, 2,26, 31, 217; Comee, Comeey, Comey — Abigail, II, Sarah, 35; Silence, 28; Submit, 94, 19, 72, 88; Jerusha, 72; John, 11, 100; Susanna, 78, 177; Thankful, 19,72,88; Mar)', 140, 264; Oliver, 26 ; Thomas, 108, 159 ; Timothy, 174, 19 ; Spencer, 11. 209. COMixGs. See Cummings. Clark, Clerk— Alfred Field, 214; Compsett— William, 227. Amity, 218; Angelet, 45, 78, 176; Coxaxt — Timothy, 74, 177. Anson B., 261; Asa, 265 ; Benjamin, Coxdlox — Elizabeth, 256. 141; Cornelius, 260; Cynthia, 228, Coxey— Abigail, 48, 74; Elizabeth, 242; David, 113; Dorcas, 218, 251 ; 27 ; Hannah, 62; Jacob, 81; John, Eleanor, 184; Eleanor Craw- 49, 175, 179 ; Joseph, 59, 63; Mary, ford, 184; Elizabeth, 90; Ellen 28,43,79,134,176; Mehetable, 73 ; M., 258; Etheridge, 104, George Nathaniel, 18, 25, 27, 43, 48, 49, 55, Lothrop, 215; H., 215; Han- 61,62, 73, 82, 271; Rebeckah, 81, nah, 104, 113, 156; Henrv, 214, 242, 175, 178; Samuel, 29, 82, 81; Sarah, 243; Ichabod, 18, 29, 49, 267; Isa- 18, 26, 31, 43, 48, 49, 55, 61, 62, 64, iah, 245, 249; Jane, 224, 235; Je- 70, 73; Thomas, 55; William, 61, mima, 18, 45, 49, 61, 175, 178 ; John, 265. 25, 31, 35, 44, 78, 157, 161, 168, 177; Coxx— Thomas, 229, 235. Jonatlian, 176, 179 ; Joshua, 148, 153 ; Coxxally, Coxxelly — Thomas, 228, Levi B., 184; Lewis, 227, 241; 259. Marcus, Child of, 208; Mary, 90, Coxxer. See O'Cox^ee. 94,234; Mary Elizabeth, 233'; Ma- Coxxers— Ellen, 259. rvT., 214, 215; Mercv, 85, 44, 159, Coolidge— James, 24, 30; Keziah, 28, 168, 240 ; Mr. Child of, 212 ; Nathan, 32 ; Mary, 30, 34. 18, 21, 25, 81, 45, 49, 61. 104, 173, Copelaxd, Copland, Coplex — Isaac, 177; Nathaniel, 18, 79, 90, 94, 176; 225; Jacob, 100, 125, 132, 144; Jo- Nehemiah, 18, 179; Pitt, 233, 241, seph W., 227; Rachel, 100, 125; 269; Polly, 220; Rachel A., 244, Ruth, 176, 179; Sarah Ann, 326, 253; Sarah, 18, 49; Seviah, 118; 237 ; Tiley, Tyle, 141, 146, Sophia Stiles, 184; Susan, 229, 236, Coperxaux— Anna, 162. 249; Susan A., 244; Svlvanus, 49, Coplex. >6?ee Copelaxd. 265; Thomas, 21; Timothv, 271; Copp— Abigail, 12 ; Patience, 172, 176 ; William, 61, 149; Zebadiah, '28 ; Zil- Rachel, 74; Samuel, (?) 12. pha, 242, 255. Cordex — Rachel, 161. Cleavelaxt) — Keziah, 227. Cordxer — Rebecca, 159. Clegg — John, 233. Corxish — Jerusha, 231. Clerk. See Clark. Corthell — Abigail, 143. 282 CORUN. (CuRRA^') — Catharine, 188; John, 188; Mary, 188; Thomas, 188. CosGROVE — Peter, 25G. Cotton— Lucy, 215, 229; Lucy, Child of, 215. CowEL — Samuel, 165, 167. Cox — Isaac, 22o, 2o4; Sarah E., 255. Crafts — Pattv, 158. Craig— Thomas, 261. Crane— Abi-^niil, 10, 22, 25, 31, 39, 66, lOi), 101, 125, 136, 149, 165, 162, 208, 213 ; Abi<^ail Talbot, 184 ; Abby, 184, 208; Abner, 45, 91, 102, 113, 173, 177, 208, 217; Amanda, 186; Amariah^ 208 ; Auiasa, 113 ; Angelet, 129; Ann Eliza, 186, 220, 241; Aralisle, 186; Asenath, 208; Uetsey, 184, 190, 208, 217, 220, 222, 234; Betsey C, 190; Calvin, Mrs., 208; Calviii Martin, 190; Caroline, 244, 254; Charles, 184; Charles P., 258; Clara, 184, 226, 234; Clarissa, 186; Desire, 123; E., 212; Ebenezer, 108, 109, 170, 190, 208, 222, 228, 234, 263; Ebenezer Paul, 184; Elihu, 17, 29,33,52, 61, 76, 125; Elijah, 85, 89, 104, 123, 154, 158, 161, 169, 170, 208, 227, 248; Elijah Calef, 190; Elisha, 104, 157, 168, 184, 186, 214, 226, 229, 234, 241, 249, 250, 251; Eliza Capen, 186; Eliza W., 227, 235; Eliza Wentwortb, 184; EHz- abeth, 17, 52, 61, 76, 101, 112, 125, 184, 190, 222, 236, 261; Ellen, 245, 250; Emeline, 190; Enos, 112, 218; Esther, 29, 32. 108, 109, 112, 223, 239; Eunice, 108, 112, 113, 216,237; Experience, 20, 21, 43, 45, 112, 216, 236; Frances, 208; Friend, 184, 208, 216, 220, 227, 234; Friend, Child of, 212; George, 113; Hannah, 25,31, 91, 102, 113,149,155,208, 220, 238; Hannah Fenno, 184; Hannah F., 225, 235; Harriot, 123, 223, 235; Harriet Smith, 184, 208, 212 ; Henry, 2, 3, 5, 10, 17, 21, 33, 39, 67, 66, 100, 101, 113, 126, 141, 146, 214; Heiny Friend, 184 ; J. E., 262, 270 ; Jason. 112; Jemima, 112, 149, 157; Jephthah, 10, 101, 125, 129, 208, 226, 234; Jephthah, Child of, 214; Jerathmeel, 102, 217; John, 186, 269; John Calvin, 101 ; John Capen, 186 ; John Newton, 190 ; John Thom- as, 123 ; John White, 208 ; Joseph, 184; Judith Swift, 221, 234; Julia, 184, 227, 241; Keturah, 25, 31; Keziah, 17, 108, 112; Larra, 113; Lois, 101, 146, 152; Louisa,230; Lucj', 238; LucvAiin, 186; Luther, 10, 101, 129, 149,' 156; Lydia, 108, 162, 235, 263 ; Lydia G., 232 ; Lydia Gay, 184 ; Margaret, 220, 236 ; Maria, 184, 186; Martha, 109, 134, 144, 222, 239; Mary, 43, 79, 82, 89, 100, 221, 241, 272; Mary A., 255; Mary Ann, 190; Mary Shurtleef, 184; Mary J., 257 ; Mehetabel, 39, 66, 137, 2G8 ; Mcla- tiah, 17, 21; Nabby, 223, 236; Na- than, 52, 108, 109, 112, 138, 145, 184, 190, 208, 213, 220; P. M., Child of, 213; Pamela, 112; Patty, 222, 238; Peter, 10, 101, 220 ; Philip, 123; Phineas M., 208, 247; Polly, 108, 127, 129, 167, 240; Ptalph IL, 243,253; Rebeckah, 100, 129, 184, 208; Rhoda, 112; Ruth, 82, 89, 108, 142, 148, 186; Sally, 220, 233; Sa- rah, 85, 89, 104, 113, 146, 148, 152, 153; Sarah Augusta, 190; Sarah H., 227, 237; Sarah Houghton. 184; Silas, 9, 20, 21, 43, 45, 82, 102, 112, 137, 184, 214, 216, 216, 234, 266, 272; Simeon, 101, 220, 234; Spencer, 220; Susan, 184, 186; Thomas, 21, 60,63, 82, 89, 100, 108, 112, 113, 138, 145, 164, 186, 221, 234; Vose, 21; William, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 22, 25, 37, 61, 100, 101, 108, 112, 138, 140, 145; Zebulon, 22. Creuore, Chrehore — Charles, 241 ; Charles C 227; Jedediah, 64, 74. Crocker — Calvin, 227, 241 ; Margaret, 227; Mary Ann, 250. Crockett— Sarah S., 253. C1k(»met. iSee Crummet. Cromwell — Charles, 221. Cronon — Thomas, 253. Crook— John, 221, 234. Crosman, Croseman, Crossman — Amee, 175; Elizabeth, 89, 166, 168; Esther, 186; George, 89, 100, 101, 125, 146, 149, 168; George, Town Clerk, 133 to 146, 149 to 168, 160, 169; James, 186; Lucy P., 186; Luther, 100; Martha, 100, 219, 238; Rutlie, 100, 191, 125, 219; Sarah, 89, 100, 101, 125, 158, 168, 239. Crowd, Croud— Betsey, 188, 208; Caroline Harriet, 188, 208; Charlotte Ann, 188, 208; D., Child of, 213; Daniel, 188, 208, 226, 234, 258; Daniel, Child of, 208, 215; Daniel W., 188; Esther Louisa, 188; Henry James, 188, 208; Mary EmeUne, 188; Nathaniel, 199, 231, 241; Na- 283 thaniel Benjamin, 188, 208; Sarah E., 188; Susan Maria, 188 ; William, 149, 155. Crowell— John, 248. Crummet, Cromet— Eliza, 242, 246; Mary, 232. €rundon — Philip, 242. <:;uFF— (Negro Slave), 15, 71. CuFFEY — (Negro Slave), 27, 44. OCMMINS, CUMMINGS, COMINS, COM- INGS— AniUl, 79, 173; Asa, 100; E'oenezer, 46; Elizabeth, 79, 80, 100, 148, 152; Hannah, 16, 17, 18, 40, 45, 4G, 47; Isaac, 16, 17, 18, 40, 45, 46, 47; Joannah, 3'J ; John, 72, 266; Marv, 17, 51; Mehitabel, 18; Mille, 100;' Nathaniel, 52; Noah, 18; Re- beckah, 45, 53; Richard, 67, 266; Ruth, 45, 173, 177; Samuel, 25, 39, 41, 42, 45, 49, 51, 62, 53, 67, 72, 78, 79, 80, 100; Sarah, 47 ; Solomon, 49, 175, 178; Susanna, 39, 41, 42, 45, 49, 51, 52, 63, 67, 72, 175, 178. Cunning — Samuel, 269. Cunningham — Abigail, 140; Elizabeth, 145 ; Margaret, 249. CURKAN. See CORUN. CuRKiLL. See Carroll. Curtis, Curtice — Ashley, 27, 271; Barnabas, 139; Benjamin, 36; Be- riah, 69; Bula, 131; Chloe, 128, 135; Cyrus, 250; Daniel, 188; Deb- orah, 129; Dorothy, 14,28, 43, 271; Edward, 14, 24, 36, 39. 43, 44, 46, 52, 69, 264; Elizabeth, 19, 21, 38, 46, 52, 63, 60, 62, 70, 76, 132; Eu- nice, 21, 78; Hannah, 14, 36, 39, 43, 44, 46, 62, 60, 62,69, 78; Henry, 188 ; Ithamor Bourne, 46 ; Jesse, 60 ; Joanna, 166; John, 188; Jonathan, 157; Joseph, 44; Josiah, 70, 127, 234; Levi Edwin, 188; Marv, 43, 69, 102; Moses, 43, 102, 129, 162, 273; Naomi, 52, 137, 271; Oliver, 19; Philip, 19, 30, 32, 33, 34, 38, 53,62,63,66,74,76,166, 168, 176, 177, 178, 179, 266, 267, 268; Polly, 238; Relief, 62, 179; Samuel 38. 63, 62, 167; Samuel W., 259; Sarah, 174; Sarah E., 188; Simeon, 150; Temperance, 129; Theophilus, 21, 26, 46, 52, 60, 70, 132; Thomas, 129, 148, 154; Vinson, 102; William, 70, 129, 152; Zilpah, 188. CusiiiNG — Avis, 143, 146; Isaac, 223, 234. CusHMAN — Huldah, 174. Cutler — Abigail, 68; Samuel, 27, 32, Zachariah, 139, 147. Cyrton. See Christon. Daggett — Susan, 238, 256. Dale— Huldah, 209; John, 220, 234. Daley, Dailey — John, 140, 272. Damon, Daman, Damen — Ebenezer, 69; Esther, 138, 145. Dan * * * —Daniel, 223. Dana— George H., 256 ; Ivory H., 224. Danforth — Hannah, 24, 38 ; Huldah Jane, 258 ; John, 38 ; Thomas, 220,235. Daniels, Daniel — Elizabeth, 57 ; Isaac, 166; John, 166; Rebeckah, 167, 168, 234; Sarah, 169, 169, 238; Thankful, 28, 273. Darby' — Jonathan, 264. Dassance — Martin, 158, 267. Dasse — Christopher, 73. Davenport — Abigail, 135, 145, 272; Adelaide — 188; Alice, 188; Almira, 187; Ann Maria, 185; Catherine, 185; Charles, 185, 258; Eliza Ann, 208; Ellen Amanda, 185; Ellis, 120; Emma, 188; Esther, 185; George, 185, 209; George Merion, 185; Han- nah, 89, 119,185, 208, 209; Han- nah C, 188; Hannah Crane, 185, 222,234; Hannah Louisa, 185; Han- nah M., 185; Harriet F., 188; Jesse, 89, 119, 149, 155, 185, 187, 214,222, 224, 231, 235; Joe, 97; John, 18, 39, 41, 42, 43, 44, 89, 90, 119, 120, 163, 173, 186, 209, 221, 230, 231, 235, 245, 250, 264, 267 ; John How- ard, 185; Joseph C, 209; Kate, Katv, 90, 218; Lemuel, 89, 96,97, 120,' 179, 180; Lois, 89, 90, 119, 120; Lydia, 188; Marcia, 188; Me- riah, 42, 64, 74; Martha J., 188; Marv, 18, 39, 41, 42, 43, 44, 69, 63, 89, 187; Mary F., 187, 258; Mehet- abel, 43, 65, 78, 119; Miriam, 41, 59, 68; Nancy, 119, 186, 217; Na- thaniel, 133, 217, 272; Nathaniel Merion, 185; Nathaniel T., 247; Oliver, 225, 235 ; Pntience, 89, 96, 97, 120; Rufus. 96; Ruthie, 120; Sam- uel, 97, 120, 269; Sarah, 96, 120, 149, 156; Silas, 185, 187, 208, 223, 236; Stephen, 26, 31; Submit, 175, 267 ; Walter, 187 ; William, 152. Davidson— Mrs., 209, 213. Davis— David L., 187; Edmund, 187; Elizabeth, 250 : Ellery C, 187 ; Fran- ces E., 187 ; Mr., Child of, 209, 213; Olive, 187; Samuel W., 261; Sar- gent M., 227, 236. Day— Comfort, 269 ; Lydia Ann, 259 ; 284 Mrs., 209; Priscilla, 174, 269; Savah S., 247. Dean, Deaxe — Benjamin, 59, 63, 266; Ebenezer, 235; Elkaiiah, 219; Ellen Maria, lb7, 209, 216 ; Emily Frances, 187;tFrancis, Child of, 212 ; Francis W., 185, 187, 209, 216, 229, 235; George, 217; Mary Elizabeth, 187, 209; Merriam Elizabeth, 187; Polly, 185, 187, 209, 216; Rebecca, 175; Schuyler P., 231 ; Walter P., 185; Walter Pratt, 187. Deering — Samuel, 227. Deiley — Mary Austineler, 232. Dench. See also, Dercii— Sukey, 127 ; Susanna, 161, 263. Deniiam — Dennis, 187; Ellen, 187; Ellen Shales, 187 : Mark, 187 ; AYil- liam, 187. Denningiiam. SeeT>F.siixMand Dennis. Dennis — Mr., Child of, 215. Denny— John, 231. Densmore — Augusta G., 260; Harriet, 258. Derby— Elias H., 230 : Lucy Ann, 209. Dercii. See aho, Dencii — Susanna, 236. Dery, Dary' — Lonon, 159, 169. Dersy— Sally, 122. 165. Deverix — William, 174, 178. Dewiiurst — Abigail, 251. Dewing — Eunice L., 243; Henry, 71, 270. Dexter — Jonathan, 148; Samuel, 264, 265, 262. Diana — (Negro Slave), 34, 58. Dickerman — Abigail, 51; Benjamin, 68; Chloe, 13; Clarissa, 209; Com- fort, 77 ; Daniel, 65 ; Ebenezer, 58, 61, 63, 65, 68, 71, 77; Elizabeth, 14, 79, 97, 128, 143, 148, 162, 239; Enoch, 84, 97, 150, 167,187,253; Ezra, 86, 154, 225; Helen Maria, 187; Jane, 187; Jerusha, 143, 146; Jesaniah, 71; John, 1, IS, 14, 17, 19, 22, 27, 32, 85, 42, 43, 51, 56, 60, 96, 97, 125, 157, 162, 167, 168, 225, 235, 267; Louisa, 225, 237; Lydia, 61, 65, 68, 71, 77, 96, 97; Manasah, 17, 35; Marv, 1, 14, 17, 22, 85, 42, 56, 59, 63, 125; Meriah, 13, 19, 42, 43, 51, 56, 60; Miriam, 43; Nehe- miah, 97; Peter, 19, 97, 159, 169; Ptcbeckah, 67, 84, 86, 149, 155, 219, 235; Euth, 167, 168, 231; Sally, 168; Sallv T., 224; SaHy Tolman, 167; Samuel, 67, 84, 86, 167, 219, 235; Sarah, 42, 97, 141, 146, 167, t Dkan, Fi 222, 234; Thomas, 1; Waitstill, 22, 64, 71, 147; Wyatt, 232, 236. DiCKiNSON~E., 244,246; Erastus, 244^ 249. DiGANS, DiGGixs— Betsey, 226, 234. DiLLA way— Elizabeth, 208, 225, 240; Louisa, 249. Disco — Dorothy, 16. DiVERANViL — Michael, 232, 235. Divine — Bridget, 259; Margaret, 256. Dixon— Marv, 225. DOODY— Patrick, Child of, 212. Dooley— Catherine O'C.,187; John, 187; Patrick, 187, 244, 248. DORSEE — Abigail, 174, 178. Doty — Jane, 142. Dow — Ebenezer, 187. DowNEE, Doavnie— Hugh, 246, 253. Downs, Downes — Aaron, 245, 250; Ainasa, 97; Asa, 97; Caroline, 185; Caroline Tucker, 185; Cynthia, 120, 128; Edward, 18, 20, 43, 96, 97, 102, 120, 128, 146, 151, 164, 175, 179; George, 97, 164, 185, 231, 235, 252; George Edward, 185; George Oliver, 185; Hannah, 43; Jesse, 97, 102, 155; Joanna, 97,. 128, 163, 224, 235, 237; John, 97; Joseph Fenno, 221, 235; Mary, 96, 97, 164, 185; Marv H., 259; Milla Ann, 246, 251; Miriam, 18, 64, 70, 96, 102, 128; Nancv, 246, 253; Na- omi, 97; Oliver, 9(5, 120, 158, 168, 235; Pollv, 217 ; Rhoda, 97, 120, 128; Ruth, 18, 20, 43, 97, 128, 174, 178; Sallv, 120, 219, 234; Samuel C, 258; Sarah, 20; William, 185, 229. Doyle— Martha, 227. Drake — Amos Horace, 185 ; Archibus 148, 150; Asa, 120; Bathsha, 272 Bethuel, 120, 156, 168, 223, 235 Charles A., 185, 230,235; Chloe M. 227 ; Daniel, 77, 90, 177 ; David,l69 Elias, 120; Elijah, 90, 235, 242,247 Eliza Ann, 185; Enoch, 120, 127 235; Eunice, 81; Hannah, 167. 268 ILnrriet, 226, 233; Jemima. 77, 81 83, 94, 120, 161, 164, 170; John, 58 63, 66; Juliet, 248; Kezia, 120 Lemuel, 90, 149, 155; Lyman, 252 Mace, 120; Marv, 66; Melzar, 149 Mollv, 120; Nathan, 73, 77, 81, 83 94, 120, 146, 154, 158, 164, 168 176; Patience, 77, 148; Prudence 139, 147; Reuben, 120; Ruth, 90 Salmon, 223; Samuel, 29, 272; Sa- rah, 23, 173, 177, 272; Stephen, 120; Susanna, 90 ; Theodore, 90 ; William, •ancis, 262. 285 28, 32, 38; Zebiah, 169. DRAPER—Abigail, 16, 20, 41 ; D * * * *, 15 ; David, 215 ; Ebenezer, 15 ; Fran- ces Ann, 252; James, 16, 20, 41; John A., 229, 242; Jonathan, 141, 146; Josiah, 16; Mary, 41 ; Rachel, 20. Drew— Elizabeth, 249. Driscol — Abigail, 188; John, 188; Marv, 188; Mary Ann, 188; Tim- othy", 188. Dl'dley — Sarah A., 229. DuN^^AR — Uetsey, 168; Charles F., 187; Chloe, 185; Dorothy, 171,185,209, 218; Elijah, 46,89, 94, 96, 171, 175, 178, 185 ; Elizabetli, 157 ; Frances Ann, 185; Francis Draper, 185, 215; Frederic, 187; Hannah, 16, 21,37, S8, 43, 46, 171, 185, 219, 241,253; Hannah H., 187; Jamef, 171, 214, 223, 235; Jesse, 132, 144; John, 180; John Danforth, 37, 46, 96; Julia, 185, 208; Julia A. C, 185, 208; Ju- lia Ann Cascalian, 185, 208; Louisa, 185; Marv, 133, 144; Mary Ann, 185, 243, '254; Mehetabel. 43, 175, 178; Marcy, Masev, 94, 154; Mrs., 171; Nathaniel, 185, 208, 215,252; Peter, 167, 179; Relief, 167; Sam- son, 150, 180; Samuel, 16, 21, 24, So, 37, 38. 43, 46, 58, 70, 89, 149, 156, 171, 265,273; Samuel (pastor), 30,31, 32, 33, 84, 63, 64, 65,144, 145, 146, 176, 177, 178, 179; Sarah, 89, 94, 96, 171, 185, 247; Simeon, 167; Sibel, 165; Thomas, 171, 185, 187, 208, 218, 246, 251; William, 171, 185, 228, 242; ^Y. C, 230; ^Y., 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241. DcjJfHAM — John, 168. DuxLiP— John, 128, (263 ?) DUX>fAKI>f, DUNAKEN, DUNAKIN, DUN- EGAN — Alva, Child of, 215; John, 230; John, Cliildof, 209, 213 : Mrs., 215 ;01ive,227,241 ; Roswell,245,251. DtJRLESs (Probably should be Dunlip) John, 263. D-SEE — Mary, 174, 177; Rhoda, 175. D WELLE V, dVelle— Amee, 13, 64, 70, Charity, 13, 20; Penelope, 172, 271: Samuel, 13, 20, 64, 70. DwiGHT — Susan H., 247. DrER — Dorothy, 157; Thomas, 258. Eames. See Ames. Eastman — Jane, 253. Eaton — Augustus Julius, 186; Eliza- beth, 15, 40; Jacob, 186, 224; John, 15, 24, 40, 127, 235, 273 ; Joseph W., 244 ; Luther 230 ; Lysander KoUock, 186 ; Melissa, 186 ; Melissa Ardelia, 186; Myra, 186; Samuel, 41; Susanna Warren, 223, 241. Edes— Henry F., 232; IL F., (mar- riage returns), 235, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242; Martha, 229, 239. Eddy — Jonathan, 23, 30. Edgerly— John S, 245, 249. Edson — Ebenezer, 161; Hannah, 218; Mehitabel, 141. Edward, Edwards— Arad J., 187, 243,254 ; John, 235,247 ; Offa W.,251 ; Sarah Manly, 187; Sarah W., 187. Eells— Abiga'il, 180. Elisha- Cesar, 135, 144; Lewis, 161; Louisa, 163. Elliot, Ellet— Abigail, 160, 169; Joseph, 139, 269. Ellis — Abbv Jane, 187; Abigail, 140, 145, (180 ?) ; Abner, 160, 266 ; Ann M., 252; Elizabeth. 138, 145; Jane, 187; Maria, 246, 253; Sallv, 253; Samuel, 27, 32; Sarah, 173, 177; Seth, 225, 235; William, 246, 251. Elms — Benjamin, 217. Emerson — Warren, 238. Emerton — George V., 243, 255. Emery — Bathsheba, 20; Samuel, 20. Endicott, Ixdicott — Abigail, 91, 104 108, 185, 209; Ann Matilda, 187 Augustus B., 186; Betsey, 185 Charles, 186, 257. 260; Clara, 185 209; Cvnthia, 186; Ebenezer, 15 Edmund, 185; Elijah, 104, 186, 209 217, 222, 235; Elizabeth, 186,246 251; Emilv, 186; Esther, 15, 16, 35 40,46,49; Evelina, 186, 240, 252 Francis, 185, 209; Frederic, 187 George, 185; Hannah, 15, 59, 63 91, 126, 127, 185, 235; Harriet, 185 231 ; Henrv, 186, 259 ; James, 15, 16 35, 40, 46," 49, 64, 70,91,104,108 166, 174, 178, 185, 186, 209, 217 Jane, 185,246, 251; John, 108, 158 185, 187, 252, 266; Mary, 186, 209 Marv S., 227, 242 ; Nabbv, 225, 237 Sarah; 49, 174, 178; William, 185 William Ellis, 187. Engley — James H., 260. Epes — Daniel, 2. Erving. See also, Irvin — Henry, 228. EssoN — Margaret, 174. Estes— Mary, 232, 241. Estey, Esty, Easty, Estie, Esti — ,13; Aaron, 48, 137, 268; Abigail, 12, 17, 40, 44, 45, 46, 48, 69, 104, 108; Asenath, 78; Benjamin, 286 4, 5, 12, 13, 17, 18, 21, 26, 40, 44, 45, 46, 48, 50, 64, 69, 71, 76, 86, 270; David, 108; Ebenezer, 28, 32, 40, 48, 49, 51, 68, 140, 268, 272; Edward, 16, 17, 20, 36, 38, 40, 41, 42, 47, 104; Elijah, 46, 225, 235; Elizabeth, 16, 17, 20, 28, 32, 36, 38, 40, 41, 42, 46, 47, 104; Frances, 30, 33; Hannah, 15, 75, 81, 148, 154; Hephsibah, 25; I'^aac, 16, 36, 108; Jabez, 16, 38; Jacob, 19, 40, 43, 44, 46, 65, 78, 81, 93, 94; Joanna, 21, 71, 76, 86; Job, 86; John, 44, 170, 175, 178; Joseph, 65, 75,77, 81; Lemuel, 93; Lydia, 17: Martha, 17, 36,48, 49, 51, 68; Marv, 17, 19, 36, 41, 43/ 50, 51, 81, 93,' 94, 132, 174, 178: Marv F., 260; Mehitabel, 40, 43, 44, 46, 94; Mercv, 42, 142, 148; Nathan, 18, 74, 176; Oliver, 19; Patience, 76; Pelatiah, 59; Rebeckah, 13,15, 19, 20,24, 273; Ruth, 77, 177; Sam- uel, 13, 15, 19, 20: Sarah, 12, 13, 18, 20,50,108; Solomon, 47, 49, 136, 175, 268; Stewart, 20, 104, 108; Unity, 21, AVllliam, 108. Etheridge — Jemima, 25, 31. Evans— John D., 244, 248. EvERENDEN, EvEKTON — Abijah, 61, 64, 68, 69; Benjamin, 68, 174, 177, 213, 224, 235 ; Betsev, 209 ; Marv, 61, 68 ; Ruth, 223, 241; Thomas, 150; Wil- liam, 61. Everett— Aaron, 219, 235; Abel, 148, 151, 226, 235: Abiirail,48, 174, 177; Almira, 186, 209, 245, 251 ; Ann W., 213; Benjamin II., 260; Caroline, 186; Catherine, 13. 179, 180; Charles Edward, 186: David, 108; Eben- ezer, 250; Edward, 54, 104, 270; Elizabeth, 61, 186, 244, 248; Eliza- beth II., 253; Emeline, 186; George, 104, 186; Hannah, 13,15, 16,40,44, 45, 48, 64, 61, 76, 104, 173, 177; Henry Otis, 186; Henry W., 209; Hcnrv AVebster, 186; Irene, 186, 209 ; 'isachar. 216; James, 44, 76; James, Child of, 209: James H., 213, 244, 248: James H., Child of, 213: Jesse, 45, 128, 161, 235: John, 16,79,94, 98, 139, 174, 264, 268; Joseph, 13, 15, 16, 40, 44, 45, 48, 54, 61. 76: Joseph Mason, 186; Leonard, 186, 209, 221, 223, 227, 235,244, 247,259: Leonard. Child of, 214: Leonard Kimball, 186: Lois, 138, 265: Marv, 04, 98; Moses, 267; Xathaniel, 108, 141, 147: Persis, 104: Rachel, 104; Rlio- da, 108; Susanna, 98; Willard, 222, 235; William, 157, 168; William Webster, 186. Evekton. See Everenden. Fadden. See also McFadden — An- drew, 214; James, 145, 191 : Jane, 191; John, 91, 141, 145; Lovina, 191; Lovinia, 191; Mary, 91, 149, 158; Marv Ann, 191, 258: Nathan- iel, 191, 227, 2o8, 256; Pollv, 191; Rachel, 221, 234; Thomas, 191, 207. Fairbanks — Elias, 157, 168, 235: Jos- eph, 30, 33; Lucretia, 244, 254; x^ Marv, 160. Fales— Mr., Child of, 207; Mrs., Child of, 207 : Samuel D., 228. Fanning — Elmina Augusta, 191 ; John, 191,253; Sarah, 191; Sarah Ann, 191. Farley— Abigail. 26. 270; Deborah, 23, 30; Elizabeth, 27, 270. Farmer- Sarah, 242, 255. Farral — Catherine, 256. Farrington— Abby, 191: Abel, 128, 163, 191, 207, 221, 226, 235, 236, 259; Abigail, 128, 162; Catherine, 139, 147; Elijah, 191; Elizabeth, 191; Enoch, 191; Eve, 134, 147; Frederick, 156, 273; George, 157, 168,191; George W., 207; George Washington, 191; Hannah, 191. 207, 258; Harriot Lerkin, 131; Jairus, 191: John B., 191; Jonathan, 66, 78, 81, 131; Louisa, 191; Marv. 81, 138, 147, 191; Nancv, 191: Nathan- iel, 134, 147, 191, 207; Phebe, 174, 177; Prudence, 159, 168, 239: Riith Maria, 191; Ruth T., 191, 207: Sallv, 191, 221; Samuel, 191; Sarah, 191." Farm'ell— John, 228. Feeley— William, 258. Fellows— Henry, 188, 233, 244 ; Ma- ry, 188; Peggy, 188. Felt — Benjamin, 126, 141, 147: Jona- than, 132, 147; Mary, 146, 153; Waitstill, 126. Fenno— ,1-t: Abigail, 48, 173, 177, 190, 246. 251 ; Adaline, 246, 252: Charles, 126, 144, 207; Elijah, 80, 146, 149, 190, 213; Elizabeth. 14, 69, 63: Elizabeth T., 256; Enoch, 76: Freelove, 26, 133, 144; Hannah, 14, 16, 18, 20. 22, 35, 40, 43, 44, 45, 48. 91. 158. 168, 173. 177, 190. 222, 235, 240: Isaac, 10, 14, 20, 22, 25, 30, 31, 35, 40, 43, 49, 64, 74, 76, 80, 287 90, 91, 164, 190, 207, 2ir>, 222, 236; Jerusha, 10, 14, 126, 179, IbO: Jesse, 10, 90, 190, 220, 236; John, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 37, 44, 45, 48, 64,. 71, 90; Joseph, 12, 44, 91; Luther, 190; Lydia, 126, 207; Maria D., 247; Mary, 10, 18, 20, 43, 49, 58, 60, 63, 130, 138, 145, 148, 151, 164, 166, 229, 273; Meliit- abel, 190, 224; Meriah, 10, 76, 80, 90, 91; Moses, 130, 133, 144; Mrs., Widow of Isaac, 207, 213; Racliel, 45, 173, 176; Rebecca, 266; Ilii- hamah, Ruaniv, 20, 64, 70; Ruth, 20, 23, 30, 65,' 74, 220; Sarah, 12, 49, 90, 91, 103; William, 22, 9;>, 91, 103, 174, 178. Fentin, Finton — Mary, 27, 271. Fernald — Hepsabeth P., 249. Field — Elizabeth. 55 ; James, 55, 132; Patten, 228, 236; Thomas, 55. Fillebrown, Phillehroavn — Abigail, 56, 269; Thomas, 59, 269. EiXERTY — Catherine, 260. FiSiiEK — , 14, 191 ; Aaron, 88 ; Abel, 90, 218, 266; Abigail, 24, 73, 85, 88, 141, 264; Alexander, 126, 192, 215, 223, 236; Alvan, 192; Amelia, 190; Anna, 126, 127; Anne, 215; Asa, 175, 179; Billings, 258; Charles, 192; Clarissa, 191, 192, 234, 246, 252; Daniel, 179, 180; Da- vid, 14, 21, 44, 85,88, 137, 147,220, 236; Deborah, 14, 21, 44; Ebenezer, 80, 142, 148, 149, 155, 191, 264; Eleazer, 18, 39, 69, 269; Elias, 91; Elijah, 90, 159, 190, 216, 268; Eliza Capen, 191, 192, 215; Elizabeth, 78, 126; Ellen Maria, 191; Eunice, 104, 149, 155, 247; Ezekiel, 18, 28, 32, 38, 49, 52, 53, 55, 61. 66, 73, 75, 82, 91. 104, 125, 126, 127, 136, 145, 158, 16S. 215, 235, 268; Ezra, 27, 39, 46, 50, 55, 56, 61, 67, 76, 82, 271; George, 91; Haimah, 27, 50, 75, 90, 91, 101, 126, 127, 146, 152, 176, 179; Heurv, 191, 233; Henrv, Child of, 215;'jabez, 131; Jabin, 101, 127, 131, 235; Jacob, 44, 162; Jeremiah, 37, 46, 139, 145; John B., 242, 254; John Tucker, 192; Joseph, 39, 61, 223, 236; Lavina E., 256 ; Lemuel, 55, 146. 152; Levi, 17: Lvdia, 180, 272; Maria, 192; Marv, 18,26,39, 46, 50, 55, 56, 61, 06, 67. 76, 82, 91, 94, 98, 103. 125, 131, 135, 146, 149, 158, 169, 224, 264; Marv C, 191; MaryT., 191; Mehitable^ 190; Mo- ses, ' 18, 85 ; Nancv, 127 ; Nathan, 126, 127; Natiianiel'. 18, 90, 91, 101, 126, 131, 175, 179, 224, 236; Nathan- iel P., 223, 236; Obedience, 133, 147; Oliver, 265; Rachel, 67, 148, 151; Rebecca, 67, 138, 219, 267; Reuben, 53, 76; Rhoda, 231; Ruth, 52,136, 145; Sallv, 190, 217,218; Samuel, 126, 191, 216, 235, 246, 252; Samuel Alexander, 191; Samuel Horton, 126, 127 ; Sarah 38, 49, 82,91, 126, 127, 146, 152; Sarah May, 192; Seth, 103; Silence, 82, 148, 150; Simeon, 49; Susan, 191; Susanna, 18, 38, 49, 52, 53, 55, 61, &&, 73, 75, 82, 104, 141, 146; Thankful, 17, 37, 46, 49, 53, 54, 67, 76, 80, 173, 177; Thomas, 21, 39, 65, 94, 98, 103; Timothy, 17, 28, 37, 46, 49. 53, 54, 67, 76, 80, 273; William Z. H., 244, 248. FiSK — Franklin, 242. FiTCii — Sarah, 23, 271. FiTTs— Rhoda, 259. Fitz-Gekald, Fitz Jekald. See also Gerald— William, 128, 162, 235, 263. Flagc — Solomon, 270. Flaherty — Rose, 259. Flannigan — Maria, 257. Fleming — Bridget. 25<). Flood — John, 260; Mary Ann, 258; Philip, 250. Folen — Timothy, 259. FOLLONSliEE, FOLANSi'.EE — AlOHZO, 245, 250. FoRHUSH— Eliza, 249. Ford, Foard, Fourd — Bathsheba, 217 ; Jonathan, 167; William, 133, 271. Forrest, Forrist — David, 140, 268; Elizabeth, 28, 32; George, 74; John, 59, 63, 173; Molly, 264; Sarah, 154, 270. Foster— Dudley, 270; Joseph, 218; Louisa, 232; Marv, 74; Timothy, 28, 32; William, 26. FoAVLER — , 11 ; Abigail, 215 ; Hannah, 75; John, 72; Matthew, 11, 64, 69, 72, 75, 77, 157; Mehetable, 66; Sarah, 11, 72, 75, 77; William, 149, 155,232. Fox— Roxana, 245, 249. FoxcROFT — Thomas, 271. Francis- Mary Ann, 246, 251. Frank, (Negro Servant,) 23. Fkeeman— Primos, 174; Samuel, 212, 222, 236; Sarah, 69, 264. Freman — (Negro,) 15. 288 French, Francii — Abigail, 191 ; Abi- gail Shepai-d, 19v); Alexander, 191, .2-22, 223, 236 ; Almira, 191 ; Alpheus, 90, 126; Anna, 131; Ansel, 19o, 214; Artemas, 131; Augustus C, 259; Avis, 221, 237; Azel, 190; Bar- zilla, 90 ; Catherine, 190 ; Charles A., (Should be Cliarles 11., i:d.) 24o ; Charles H., 251 ; Charles Howe, 191 ; Christian, Christen, 67, 82, 101; Clarissa, 191, 207; Daniel, 131; De- pendence, 91, 180 ; Ebenezer, 27, 271 ; Edward, 91; Elizabeth, 180, 190, 207,221, 236; Ellen, 191; George, 191; Hannah, 1G3, 191; Hannah H., 246,251; Harriet, 246, 253; Hitte, 169; Ira, Child of, 213; Jacob, 64, 70, 91, 148, 149; Jason, 162, 207, 235, 263 ; Joanna, 261 ; John, 58, 63, 67, 73, 82, 101, 126, 131, 157; Lem- uel, 91, 160, 169, 191; Levi, 180; Lucv, 191, 223, 240; Maria, 245, 250; Martha, 143; Marv, 91, 126, 127, 134, 137, 147, 191,' 224, 235, 258; Mary Leonard, 191; Merriam, 91, 223,236; Micah, 90, 179, 180; MillaH., 249; Milia Hartwcll, 190; Milla Tucker, 190; Mira, 231; Mr., Child of, 207; Nathaniel, 128. 163, I9t), 215, 222, 235, 236; Olive, 131; Olive Capen, 190; Patte, 126; Phebe, 127; Polly, 207; Pru- dence, 150; Eebecca, 67, 91, 126, 131, 139; Rhoda, 126, 165, 167; Roxana, 256: Rufus, 190, 243, 254; Ruhama, 82, 150; Ruth, 90; Mllv. 191; Samuel, 91, 190; Sarah, 25; Sibbel, 127; Sidney, 131; Silence, 155; Sophia, 131, 190; Susanna, 172; Thomas, 136, 145, 190, 191, 221, 222, 236; AV'illiam, 126, 127, 139; Zephaniah, 126. Fuller— A. M. B., 273; Adam, 190; Adam, Child of, 207, 213; Alonzo W., 190; Cliarles. 230; Daniel, 190; Daniel, Child of. 207 ; Daniel F., 190, 229,236, 260; Deborah, 65; E. P., 244; Elizabeth, 151, 265; PJlizabeth E.,190; Emilv C, 190; Emnieline P., 249; Esther, 37, 46; Experience, 46, 173, 177; Hannali. 16, 21, 34. 35, 36. 37, 38, 40, 43. 45. 46, 47. 57, 207; Hernando A.. 249; Horace Dana, 190; James AV., 2.'^8 ; Jere- miah, 16, 21, 35, 36, 37, 38. 40, 43, 45, 46, 47, 57, 65, 267 ; John N., 249 ; Josiah. 21, 36, 37. 40; Lemuel, 141, 146, 217 ; Lemuel, Wife of, 207, 213 ; Levi, 268; Lucy, 140, 268; Mary, 27, 43, 179, 271; Marv Clementine, 190; Rebecca, 45, 175. 178, 227; Pthoda, 190; Richard F., 261; Rufus, 149; Samuel, 224; Sarah, 137, 265; Seth, 37, 47; Susan, 190; Susan H., 260; Susan Hannah. 190; Theodore F., 190; Thomas, 21, 37; Timothv, 220, 236; AVilliam R., 190. Fulton — lloratio P.. 251. Gafney — Bridget, 231; Margaret, 248. Gale — Amory, 193; Annah Harding, 193; Martha, 103. Gallagher— Bridget, 258; Ellen, 261 ; Michael, 253. Gammon — Elizabeth. 133, 147. GANNETT—Benjamin. 62, 68, 88, 102, 149, 156; Earl, 256; Hannah, 62; Jonathan, 102; Joseph, 102; Mary, 62, 68, 88, 102. Gannon — Lawrence. 261. Gardiner, Gardner — Edwin, 211; Emily, 245, 250; James, 229,236; Lorine. 227; Mrs.. 214; Sophia A., 242, 256. GATES-Benjamin,223.236 ; George, 227. Gay— — ^ , 18; Aaron, 45,106, 130, 133, 147, 220, 236; Abigail, 93, 119, 162, 164; Abigail G.. 249; Amitv. 12, 98, 118; Asa, 106, 119, 128, i30, 160, 169; Azubah, 20, 21, 48, 73, 118, 119. 163, 164, 167; Bar- iiev, 118; Caroline, 130; David, 14, 27", 32, 44, 73, 77, 79, 83, 118, 129; Ebenezer, 127, 132. I6l, 236. 263; Edward, 25; Elice, 106, 158, 168; Eliiah. 119; EHphalet, l06;Elisha, 118; Elizabetli, 106, 118. 119, 162, 170; Ellis. 260; Eunice, 130; Fisher, 130; George W., 243; Hannah, 14, 21, 27, 32, 44, 73, 77. 79. 83, 118, 119, 129, 135, 147; Hartford, 211 ; Hezekiah, 15, 18, 44, 45, 46, 49, 55, 106, 118, 126, 142, 148, 167 ; Ichabod, 159, 168, 265; Isaac, 119; Jabez, 118; Jane, 119; Jemima, 16, 18, 44, 45, 46, 49, 55, 73, 106, 126, 176; Jesse, 118; Joanna, 119. 128; Joel AV., 225, 236; John, 119,193,224, 236, 254; Jonah, 57; Joshua, 21.25, 46, 149, 164, 266; Kezia, 118; Lem- uel, 79, 119, 135, 145, 164, 224, 272; Lewis, 79, 222, 236, 249; Lois, 93; Lucv, 130, 161; Lydia, 79, 106, 118, 142," 148; Mace, 119; Marv, 83, 106, 118, 119, 174, 178; Marv Ellis, 225, 235; Milly, 106, 163, 166; Moses, 106, 118, 119, 123, 148, 152; Nancy, 289 106, 220, 225, 236 ; Nathaniel, 106, l22, 130,131, 165; Obedience, 106, 130; Otis, 118; Patience, 26, 31, 77, 153; Feagv, 219; Peter, 77, 118, 132, 142, 117", U8, 217; Phebe, 97, 118, 112, 118; Pollv, 119, 127, 161 233; Ptebeckah, 20, 97, 119, 167, 230, 233; Ptuth, 118; Sallv, 118, 127. 237; Sa- rah, 106, 119, 'l28, 130, 113, 146; Seth, 12, 118; Solomon, 93, 175, 265; Stephen, 49, 97, 106, 128, 130, 135, 147; Susan, 193, 256; Susanna, 73, 193, 224, 236, 265; Tabatha, 21; Timothy, 12, 20, 21, 48, 55, 98, 106, 118, 13*3, 147, 271; AVilliam, 118; Zubah, 118. — John, 267. Gridley— Polly, 127, 161, 237. Griggs — Amelia Adelaide, l'J3; Mar- rha, 193; Moses, 193. Gri m e s — Pat ri ck , 261. Grosse— Sally, 226. Grouse — George W., 253. Guild — , 166; Aaron, 64, 70, 143, 146; Abel, 166; Abigail, 91; Abner, 86; Amelia, 193; Amelia Maria, 193; Amos, 148, 1.54, 166; Benjamin, 73 ; Charles E., 261 ; Fred- erick, 193; George, 91; Hannah, 130. 167; Hannah Weatherbee, 193; Heman, 236, 250; Henrv, 193, 215; Horace, 193, 215; Ira, 130, 167; Israel, 119, 130, 167; Jerusha, 167; Johanna, 249; John, 91, 119,128; Josephine Rachel, 193; Josiah, 259; Lois, 118; Lucy, 93; Marv, 18, 43, 53;Mercv, 43, 174; Mose's, 86,91, 93, 98, 118; Nancy Fisher, 193; Nancv F., 261; Nathaniel, 18, 43, 63; Olive, 131, 167; Rebeckah, 29, 32; Rebekah T., 256; Rhoda, 86, 91, 93, 98, 118; Samuel, 53, 86, 98, 273; Sarah, 59, 63, 166; Sarah Eliz- abeth, 256; Sarah F., 254; Susanna, 132, 149, 155, 166; Thankful, 91, 119, 128, 166. Guile— Harrison, 244, 248. Gulliver— Hephzibah, 272 ; Ruth, 224. Gun WELL — Benjamin. 155. IIackett — Joseph, 210. Hadlev, Hadlah — Bulah, 179; Han- nah, 194 ; Joshua M., 259 ; Sally, 194 ; Simon 150, 194. Haglax — Anna, 258, Haistain — Joseph, 224. Hall— Elizabeth, 232;tJohn, 122, 230; Marv, 122 ; Mary Ann, 253 ; Pelatiah, 151;" Richard, 139, 145: Robert, 151; Silas, 241; William, 122, 157. Haly, Healey — Cornelius, 260; Ho- nora, 259. Hamilton— William G., 210. Hammel — Michael, 253. Hammond, Hammon— , 21; Aaron, 10, 173: Anna, 10; Elizabcti., 109, 156; Elizabeth H., 250; Mary, 10,42, 173; Nathaniel, 21, 42, 52, 67, 109, 142; Pollv, 1(>9; Rebeckah, 67. 180: Sarah, 42. 52. 67, 175; Si- lence. 67 ; Wales, 109; William B., 244, 256. Hanscom— Thorn;) >. 242, 255, 257. t Hall, Jo Harlow — Abigail, 50, 51, 72 ; Asa, 75, 232; Asa, Child of, 212; Benjamin, 34, 50, 51, 56, 64, 67, 72, 74, 75; Hannah, 50; Matthew Hobbs, 72; Ruth, 67, 75; Susan E., 243, 253. Harrington — Johana, 249. Harris— Amariah, 92, 109,175,271; Ansel, 124: Benjamin, 76, 79: Dan- iel, 258; Elizabeth, 92, 109; Eunice, 124; Granville Emery, 192: Hannah, 109; Jerusha, 175, 178: John, 73, 265; Joseph Warren, 192: Josiah, 141, 145; Lucv, 79, 266; Marv A., 192; Nicholas,' 34, 58; Oliver, 159; Rebecca, 247; Sally, 167; Sarah, 79, 92; Susanna, 166; Thaddeus Mason,. 267; Timothy, 92. 159, 168: Vashti, 124; Warren, 192, 242, 254: Wil- liam, 92, 124, 164. Hartford — Abigail, 194; Barachius, 194; Edwin Augustus, 194. Hartshorn — Elizabeth, 57; Jeremiah, 72; Kezia, 29; Sarah, 72; Susanna, 56; Thomas, 72. HARTWELL-Abigail,27.32,37,44,65, 74 ; Chloe, 227; Chloe B., 241; David, 89, 127, 236; Dorcas, 11, 89, 92, 104, 109; Elizabeth, 60, 63, 104,, 120, 158, 168, 237; Eunice, 109, 128, 161, 235; Hannah, 37; John, 11, 16, 89, 92, 104, 109,173, 264; Jonas, 64, 70; Joseph, 16, 42, 44, 45, 164, 229; Mary, 16, 42, 44, 45; Mille, 92, 159, 169, 239; Moses, 42; Olive, 11, 109, 146, 152; Ruth, 45, 65, 78; Samuel, 37. ' Hastings — Mchitablc, 218; Samuel, 258. Hatch — Reuben, 228. IlATHAVf AY— Nathan, 157 ; William IM., 257. IIaven — Jason, 266. i I AWARD. iSee Howard. Hawes, Haws, Hawse, Hose. See «?«o, HOWSE— Abigail, 48, 89, 104; Albert, 194; Alpheus, 254 ; Amcy, 62, 66; Anna K., 194; Anseline, 247: Benjamin, 53; Charles, 104; Charlotte, 194, 217 ; Chloe, 89 ; Dam- aris, 37 ; Ebenezer, 47 ; Eler.or, 158, 269; Eleazer, 24, 31, 40, 42,46, 47, 61; Elijah, 40, 89, 104, 174, 177, 193; Elisha, 61, 118, 146, 153, 193; Ellison, 194: Elizabeth, 61. 132, 144; Emeline, 194; Enos, 193, 194, 227; (George William, 194; Hannah, 29, 50, 194, 257: Harriot, 194, 252; Henry, 194, 256; Hiram, 194; Ja- nathan, 262. 291 cob, 46, 176, 179; James, 37; Je- rusha, 108; Johu, 29, o6, -il, i-i, 55, 67, 60, 61, 62, 66, 71, 72, 118, 135, 220, 236, 271; Joseph, 4-4, 53,66; Jiidah, 71, 108, 223, 237; Levi, 55, 108, 151, 156; Lysaiider, 194; Mar- garet, 35, 41, 44; Maitlui, 42; Mary, 17, 18, 40, 41, 42, 45, 46,47, 48,52, 60, 61, 64, 69, 108; Maiy C, 253; Mather Edgar, 194; Nathaniel, 52; Obadiah, 6, 7, 10, 17, 18, 41, 45, 48, 52, 60; Patience, 77, 194; Pliebe, 108; Rebecicah, 45, 118, 218; Pte- lief, 163, 170; Pucliard, 45; Ruth, 193; Ruthv, 219; Samuel, 41, 62, 193, 194, 222, 287; Sarah, 41, 50, 63, 65, 60, 61, 62, 71, 72, 77, 81, 118, 151, 193, 194; Simeon, 108; Stephen, 50, 53, 61, 62, 77, 81; Su- sanna, 62 ; William, 61 ; William W., 194, 248. Hayden, Haydon — Asa, 108; Bethiah, 118; Delight, 2>J9, 228; Ebenezer, 108, 149; Esther, 225, 241; George W., 247, 252; HoseaB., 256; Lewis, 108; Martha, 108; Mille, 108; Mo- ses, 118, 148, 162; Phebe, 174, 177; Polly, 118, 225; Sarah, 27, 133, 271 ; Susanna, 132, 147; Thomas, 261; AVilliam, 257; Ziba, 210, 213. Hayward, Haywokd. See Howard. He ALD— William E., 242, 254. Healey. See Haly. Heath — Harriet, 251; Hepsev, 246, 252. Hemixgway — Scipio, 218. Hexdley — Henry, 151, Hexhy — Benjamin, 123 ; Comfori, 118 ; Elizabeth, "92, 109, 117, 118, 194, 220, 239; Hannah. 118, 123, 222, 237; Joseph, 118, 123, 156; Judah, 109, 217; Kezia, 117; Lucy, 194; Lvdia, 123, 223, 239; MarV, 248; Michael, 117, 143, 146; Nathan, 118, 194, 221; Phebe, 117. 156. 217; . Sarah, 117, 220, 236; William. 92, 109, 117, 118, 132, 144. Hepwoktii — George, 231. Hersey — Benjamin. 243, 255; Ebed, 221, 236. Heugiienxey — Marv Ann, 245, 250. Heustis— EdAvard, "l92; Edwin, 192; Elizabeth, 192; Johu B., 192; Syl- vester, 192, 237, 247. HswExr, Hewit, Hewitt — Amos, 193, 209, 249; ApoUos, 128, 236; Billings, 193, 209: Catharine, 193, 209, 243, 254; Clarissa, 193, 209; Job, 193, 209, 220, 236; Lucy, 158, 168,240; Rachel, 193; Sarah, 127, 128, 193; 209, 263; Sarah S., 244, 249. Hewixs — Abigail, 230; Benjamin, 10, 16, 34, 35, 58, 62,80; Catherine, 15, 18, 34, 35, 36, 40, 41, 46, 47, 89 ; Damaris, 65, 66, 91, 92, 98; David, 236 ; Ebenezer, 14, 19, 22, 25, 36, 40, 41, 46, 47, 50, 53, 61, 69, 174, 269; Elijah, 61; Elizabeth, 4o, 176, 179; Enoch, 47; Experience, 10; Hannah, 15, 34, 35, oi), 91 ; Increase, 46; Jacob, 16, 59, Qo, 66, 91, 92, 98, 270; John, 92; Joseph, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 14, 15, 18, 23, 24, 25, 28, 34, 35, 36, 37, 40, 41, 46, 47, 53, 92, 178,218, 266, 268; Judith, 19,22, 36, 40, 41, 46, 47, 50, 53, 61 ; Luther, 237; Luther G., 227; Marv, 18, 60, 66; Mehetabel, 14, 35, 37, 41, 69,80; Phebe, 19, 36; Ruth, 53; Samuel, 41. 89, 174, 264; Sarah, 10, 16, 27, 82, 47, 62, 80, 89, 98, 144, 146 ; Seth, 232: William, 22, 173, 177. HiCiiiioxiN — Sarah Ann, 261. HiCKEY— Mary, 221. 237. HKtGixs — Irene S., 259. Hill— Almira, 231: David, 245, 250; Eben B., 260; George, 223, 237; Haimah, 109 ; Joanna, 77, 82, 109 ; John, 66, 75, 77, 82, 109, 128, 271; Lois, 109 ; Marv Jane, 260 ; Nabbv, 221, 235; Nathaniel, 109, 128, 162; Rhoda, 82, 151; Sally, 222, 235; Sarah, 77; Washington, 216, 236; William, 60, 269; Zibbe Adams, 220, 237. HiXKLEY — Holmes, 237. Hips — Sarah, 137. Hixsox, ilixox, HiCKSON — , 21; Ebenezer, 15, 35, 40; Elizabeth, 15; Elkanah, 87; Eunice, 21, 36; Ezra, 47 ; Hannah, 6S ; Jacob, 70, 188, 147 ; Jeremiah, 10, 45, 83, 169, 169, 236; John, 10, 29, 80, 84, 37, 54, 56, 63, 70, 82, 265: Joseph, 82; Margaret, 266; Mary, 10, 15, 35, 37, 40, 47, 64, 66, 63, 70, 82 ; Mehetabel, 33, 37, 66; Pollv, 122, 167; Richard, 3, 4, 16, 19, 21,' 23, 36, 41, 45, 83, 267, 271; Richard W., 226, 237; Samuel, 41, 137, 145; Sarah. 15, 19, 21, 86, 41, 45, 83, 174, 178; Su- sanna. 159. 268: Unitv, 162, 268; Walter. 16, 24, 30, 35, 37,40,47; Hoar — Susanna, 28. HOBEKT — Eldward, 231. HOBBS— Abigail, 12, 34,56; Hannah, 292 12, 15, 64, 73; Matthew, 12, 15, 27, 82, 125; William C, 258. HoDGDON — Humplirey C, 242, 255. Hodge — Arackzene G., 260; AVilliam, 24»; William, Child of, 216. Hodges — Abigail, 60; Ueiijamin, S3, 117. 137, 154, 266, 270; Daniel. 117; Eliphalet, 56, 60, 269; Esther. 117; Hannah, 219; Isabel, Isabella, 60, 139, 268; Josiah, 30, 34. 83, 153, 270; Lvdia, 142, 148: Marv, 83, 148, 152; Phebe, 135. 147; Sewell. 117, 219; AVilliam. 244. HoLBEOOK — Abiezer, 218; Ann, 225, 234 ; Christian, 73 : Cvnthia, 239 ; Daniel, 172, 17^6; Elizabeth, 118; Hannali. 131; Ichabod. 1.31; Jason, 109 ; John, 1.09, 2L7 ; Martha Ann, 231; Marv, 73; Melinda. 118, 131; Melitiah. 109, 118 : Milla, 260 ; Millv, 162; Robert Swan, 10.9.161; Wil- liam, 109, 118, 137. 147. HOLDEN— Joef, 236 ; Lucetta, 246, 253 ; Margery, 222, 236; Martha, 232. HoLLANiJ — lluldah. 26 ; Nathaniel, 52 ; Sai'ah, 52; Stephen. 34, 52, 67. HoLLis — Abial, 175.178; Anna, 152; Ira, 248 ; Marv Jane, 258 ; Rhoda, 216, 239; Ruth, 222, 234, HoLMAN — Anna, 76; John, 76, Holmes — , 12: Abig-ail, 39, 61,88, 92, 95, 101, 152, 179, 270; Amity, 45; Ann, Anna, 79, 88, 161, 170, 177 ; Ann Maria, 232 ; Benjamin, 39,49, 123, 128, 156, 164, 168, 236; Bethia, 92, 163, 170; Calvin, 109, 128 ; Charles, 237 ; Clarissa J., 262 ; Ebenezer, 11, 26, 81, 38, 40, 42, 45, 46. 82, 104, 158. 159, 168, 169, 174, 236, 265 ; Edward, 237 ; Edward Bai- lev, 194; Eleazer, 212: Elijah. 104, 109; Eliza, 230, 235; Elizabeth, 46, 64, 85, 92, 104, ■ 109, 134, 147; Enoch, 221, 236; Eunice, 76, 141, 147; Ezekiel, 123, 234, 237 ; Han- nah, 21, 35,41, 76, 109, 117. 123, 128, 131, 134, 144, 194; Huldah, 117; Isacer, 83, 85: Isaiah, 194, 209; James, 109; Jerusha, 92, 123, 149, 155; Joanna, 155; Joel, 231; John, 16, 22, 23, 39, 40, 51, 54, 55, 69, 81, 83, 85, 92, 94, 104, 109, 123, 125, 134, L35, 156, 172, 176, 179, 264, 265, 266, 272, 273 ; Joseph, 102, 128, 162, 194, 216, 236; Kezia, 16,22, SH, 40, 51, 54, 55, 83, 175, 179; Lewis, 123; Lois, 55, 266; Luther, 109; Lydia, 123; Martha. 236, 240; Mary, 40, 41, 65, 77, 78, 80, 83, 88, 92, 94, 98, 109, 117, 125, 148, 150; Mary D., 237; Mather, 80, 123, 148, 150; Miily, 123; Nancy, 123; Na- than, 123; Nathan Bucknam, 94; Nathaniel, 12, 18, 39, 49, 62, 64, 69, 76, SS, 173, 177; Obedience, 18, 175, 179; Oiivc, 95; Patience, 123; Penelope, 95; Philip, 77, 80, 83, 88, 92, 98, 109, 117, 123, 128, 131, 141, 142, 148, 177, 266; Jlachel, 92, 109, 117, 123; Rebecca, 109; Samuel, 11, 21, 25, 31, 35, 41, 74, 77, 81, 92, 95, 102, 103, 104, 109,117, 14^, 151,268, 152, 175, 177, 178; Samuel Gibbons, 123; Sarah, 11, 18, 39, 40, 42,45, 46, 49. 62, 71, 77, 81, 83, 92, 95, 102, 109, 176; Sary Hersey, 194; Sibil, Scibble, 98, 157, 168; Silence, 123; Silva. 123; Stephen, 41; Su- san, 235, 247; Susaniia, 103, 104; Tila, 123; Unitv, 179, 180; Vesture, 117; William, 123: Zebulon, 22, 79, 88, 95, 101, 176; Zibiah, 71, 267. HoET — Josephine A., 210; Philina, 210; Sally, 167; Zebediah, 210. Honey, Honay — Calvin, 246. 253; Mary. 238. 254; Susan, 230. 241. HooPEu— Elizabeth. 179; Sarah, 174, 270, HoKLOR— Arthur, 194; Eliza, 194; AViUiam, 194. HoRTON, Hauton — Alice Eliza, 194; Ann, 209 ; Ann Maria, 209 ; Anna, 84, 98, 118, 158, 168, 235; Anseline, 194; Caroline, 194, 209; Dorothy, 136, 149; Elijah, 84; Elisha, 194, 215,261; Elizabeth, 194, 209,215; Georo-e F. IL, 261; Harriet, 193, 209, 249: Isaac, 194, 216, 220, 236, 259; Jane, 193, 209, 248; Levi, 84, 98, 118, 172, 176; Maria, 194; Marv, 193, 194, 209, 240, 252; Mary Ann, 261; Mehetable, 65, 78; Polly, 194, 210; Rebekah, 93, 209; Sally, 193, 209; Samuel, 98, 210; Samuel H.. 193. 209, 210, 218. 225; S. H., 212; Susanna, 74, 177; AVilliam. 194, 244,248, 259. 260, 261, 262 ; Wil- liam, Child of, 210, 213; AVilham Edgar, 194; AVilliam M., 209; AVil- liam Marshall, 230. Hose. /See Hawes. HosMER — George F., 259; Marv A., 260. Houghton — Amanda Maria, 194; Eli- jah, 65, 78 90; Elizabeth, 29, 33; Isaac Smith, 220, 237; John, 127, 293 161, 194, 236, 263; Joseph, 39, 59, 63; Mary, 39, 90, 253; Mr., Child of, 214; Eebecca, 194; Thomas, 174, 177. Howard, Haavakd, Haywakd, Hay- wOKi>— , 214: Abel, 64, 71, 94, 95; Abiel, 162, 170; Abigail, 43, 44, 47, 49, 64, 74, 228, 239; Alfred, 123; Aiaic, 78; Anna, 159, 168; Bela, 123; Benjamin, 179, 271; Benoni, 153; Caleb, 13, 18, 26, 28, 32, 36, 42, 47, 50, 54, 56, 65, 71 ; Chloe, 168; Damaris, 138; Daniel, 65, 229; Edmund, 192, 210; Ed- ward, 272; Eleazer, 25, 31; Elijah, 95, 165, 217; Elisha, 144, 192, 210; Eliza G., 225, 237, 238; Elizabeth, 13, 47, 50, 64, 56, 65, 71, 132, 133, 144, 218, 271; Eunice, 161, 170; Frederick B., 192; Geoi-ge. 192; Hannah, 24; Huldah, 26, 31, 95, 220, 234; James, 71. 156; John, 26, 31, 43, 44, 47, 49, 60, 63, 128, 133, 138, 162, 236; Jonathan, 174; Jo- seph, 49; Joshua, 50, 236, 251; Lois, 95, 219; Lucy Ann, 226, 242; Lvdia, 23; Margaret, 133; Mark, 226, 237; Marv, 43, 94, 138, 140, 145,155,157, 216; Mehitable, 159 ; Mercv, 56; Mindwell, 42; Nathan, 18: Oliver, 158; Phinehas. 95: Polly, 166; Rachel, 95, 219, 240; Eeuben, 95, 140; Richard, 255; Ruby, 268; Ruth, 158; Sallv G., 230; Samuel, 47; Seth, 47, 174, 177; Sevine, 123; Silence, 161; Susan, 225; Susanna, 192, 210; Tabitha, 158; Thomas, 209; Thomas, Son of, 2lO;Uzziel, 218: Wallace F., 192; Willard, 252; William, 192, 210; Zachariah, 127, 158, 168, 169, 263; Zadock, 95; Zeruiah, 18, 36. 42; Zilpha, 159, 169. Howe, How-'-Hannah, 220, 222, 236; Lucy H., 260. HowsE. See also Howes— Johanna, 70; Jonathan, 70; Mary, 64; Ste- phen, 70; Susanna, 70. HoiT— Jacob, 219; Prudence, 230. Hubbard — Nathaniel, 4. 5, 7, 9, 23. Hudson — Reliance, 78, 270. Humphrey — Dorcas, 173 ; Mary, 158, 266. Hunt— Ann Jane, 192; Daniel, 60; Elijah. 166; Eliza Jane, 192; Eliza- beth Serena, 193, 209; Emily M., 193. 209, 259 ; Epkraim, 193 ; Fidelia Crane, 193, 209; George, 193, 209, 226, 237; George, Child of, 209; George B., 193, 209; Hannah, 287; Isaac N., 192, 255; J. S., 2G9 ; Je- rushaW., 192; John, 193; Louisa Crane, 192; Mary, 192; Mary Ann, 192; Matthew, "l63, 170; Nancy, 223, 236 ; Oliver Wolcott, 193, 209 ; Oren William, 192; Polly, 193, 209; Reuben Lyman, 193; Sarah, 175, 178; SoplnaS., 192, 247 ; Vashti, 193, 220, 240; Warren, 231, 249; War- ren, Child of , 209; AVilliam, 192, 215, 246, 247,251; William Ansel, 192. HuNTOON— B., 235, 236, 242: Benja- min, 193, 194, 240, 241, 243, 254, 258; Daniel Thomas Vose, 194; Frederick Walker Lincoln, 193; John, 194; Lydia B., 194; Marcel- lus, 193; Susan, 193. HuKD— Adeline, 192; Frederic, 192; Moses Alfred, 192; Sarah, 192, 227. Huston — Joseph O., 217. Hutchinson — Abigail, 224. ICHABOD, (Servant), 44. Indicott. See Endicott. Ingraham — Abigail, 68. 84, 86, 102, 104, 105, 149, 155; Benjamin, 48; Beriah, 68, 146, 152; Cynthia, 105'; Ezra, 84f 86, 104; Hannah, 50; Jeremiah, 25, 31, 49, 60, 65, 68, 74, 84, 86, 102, 104, 105'; Joseph, 26, 31, 43, 44, 46, 48, 50, 79, 177; Judith, 43, 447 46, 48, 50, 65, 70, 74, 78, 173; M. H., 270; Mary, 43; 176, 179; Matilda, 104; Mileson, 105; Mindwell, 78, 272; Miriam. 269; Closes, 105; Susannah, 49; Tille, 102V Zilpha, 86.' Ikvine, Iuvin. See also Erving — Ruth, 223, 236. Ithamore — Luther. 144. Jackman — Daniel, 227. Jackson— Dexter, 233; Emily, 250; Laban, 221, 237; Samuel, 162. Jacob, (Negro), 44. Jenne, Janey — Isaac, 136, 147. Jerrald. See Gerald. Jewell— Eliza D., 245; Elizabeth D., 250. Johnson— , 10 ; Abigail, 156, 168; Azubah, 105; Benjamin, 18, 68, 83; Betsey, 127; Betty, 86; Caleb, 14, 59, 63, 81, 84; Carohue, 230; Clarissa,'" 237; Daniel, 270; Ebenezer, 210; Elijah, 84; Elipha- let, 90, 153, 273; Hlizabeth, 127, 210, 247; Elizabeth C, 241, 248; Ezekiel, 127, 156, 168, 190, 210, 225, 294 237; Hannah, 68, 82, 91, 92. 95; Henrv, 210 ; Isaac, 64, 68, 73. 82, 91, 92,95; Isaiah, 10, 86, 90,97,101, 105, 125, 12G; Jacob, 93, 173, 270; James, 105; John, 75, 81, 83, 105, 245, 250; Joshua, 49, 51, 81; Josiah, 105; Judith, 14,81, 84; Levitt, 105, 125, 126; Lewis, 104, 105, 132. 144, 165, 210, 247; Louisa, 210; Lucy, 127; Lvdia, 49, 51; Martha, 103, 149;Marv, 51, 104, 105, 149,156, 165, 167, 'l74, 175, 179; Merer, 93; J^athau, 105; Nathaniel, 105, 127, 237: Noah, 18: Obed, 95; Olive, 105; Otis, 268; Rebeckah, 122, 165; Paith, 10, 18. 64, 74, 82, 86, 90, 97, 101, 105, 125, 126; Sally, 127; Sally A., 190, 224; Sarah, 49, 81, 83, 127,169; Seth, 103, 175, 178; Sol- omon, 105 : Stephen, 127 ; Thomas Doty, 127, 221; Thomas J., 244; Thomas Jefferson, 247; Uriah, 230; William, 248; William E., 242, 266. Jones— Abigail, 160, 169. 214; Abijah, 12, 104, 105, 132, 144; Abraham, 260; Albert, 192; Anna, 47; Ben- jamin, 192, 231, 245, 253; Charity, 192; Ebenezer, 148, 151: Elbrido^e, 244, 252 : Lienor, 76, 80, 95 ; Elijah, 76, 143, 146; Elizabeth, 12, 14, 37, 40, 80, 150; Ephraim, 40, 47, 64, 70, 76, 80, 95, 161; Franklin, 192; Han- nah, 104, 105; Harriot, 228; Har- riet A,, 231; Hiram, 252; John, '.2; Marv, 55, 223; Mr., 245, 246 ; Mr., Child of, 215 ; Nancy, 249 ; Patience, 95; Phebe, 161, 170, 263; Phoda, 105 ; Robert, 47 ; Salome, 104 ; Sa- rah E., 192; Stephen, 65; Thomas, 55; Timothv, 12, 14, 37, 40, 125; William, 263. Jordan, Jordp:n — Abigail, 1, 17, 34, 49, 51, 68, 72, 88, 90, 97, 98, 99, 165, 217; Abraham, 105, 138, 145; Adelaide A., 243, 254; Adelaide Amelia, 197; Amasa, 127, 197, 213, 224, 237; Bela, 197; Betsey, 197; Benjamin, 22, 49, 51, 63, 64, 65, 74, 134, 137, 144, 145; Caleb Davis, 127 ; Charles Downs, 197 ; Charlotte, 226, 241; David, 14; Elijah, 54, 57; Elizabeth, 22, 49, 61, 63, 54, 127, 187, 145, 197, 224; Esther, 26, 31; George, 127, 143, 146, 158, 168, 210, 237; Grace, 140; Hannah, 102, 127, 225, 234; Ignatius, 63, 90; Isaac, 143, 146; Isaiah, 16, 105: James, 53, €6, 78; Jane, 26, 32; Jemima, 147; Jeremiah, 127 ; Jesaniah, 16; [Joan, 197 ; John, 53, 197 ; Jonathan, 27, 32, 128, 173; Joseph, 1; Kezia, 17, 143, 146; Laura Porter, 197; Lois, 105; Mary, 18, 25, 31, 61, 102, 106, 166; Mercy, 143; Miriam, 61, 175, 179; Olive, 14, 16, 18, 21, 23, 30, 35; Polly, 149; Samuel, 1, 29, 83; Sarah, 63, 69, 63, 98, 160; Susanna, 72; Thomas, 14, 16, 18, 21, 35, 64, 102, 175, 178; Unity, 99, 156; Wil- liam, 21, 33, 51, 57; Zebulon, 17, 22, 34, 49, 57, 72, 88, 90, 97, 98, 99. JoTHAM — Lucrece, 162; Pollv, 221. Joy— Sarah, 28, 267. JuDD — Catharine, 223: Lewis, 218. Kaley — Mary, 260; Timothy, 262. Keecii — Julia Ann, 244, 254. Keith — Barnabas, 148, 151, 161, 170; Benjamin W., 237; Benjamin Wat- son, 251: David, 272; Francis, 131; Mehetable, 132; Milla Swan, 224; Olive, 164; Phebe, 67; Rebeckah, 256; Susan, 225, 241. Kexdrick— Olive, 160, 169, 239. Kennedy — Alice, 260; Andrew, 64, 71; Ann Adams, 197; Benjamin, 245, 250; Chi'istiania. 233; James, 197, 243, 254; John, 248: Margaret, 197. Kenn"y, Keeny, Kexy, Kinney — , 14; Abigail, 13, 16, 42, 46, 51; Andrew, 95; Ann, Anne, 66, 72,78; Anna, 62, 82, 98, 101, 172, 176; Betsey, 96, 216, 238; Betty, 13, 64, 70; David, 93, 140, 218; Elijah, 46, 47, 93, 161, 170; Esther, 47, 49, 61, 66, 66, 219, 238; Eunice, 76, 90, 93, 128, 186, 144, 162, 239; Grace, 29, 83; Hannah, 60; Heph- sibah, 41, 43, 44, 172, 176; James L., 245, 249; Jemima, 16, 21, 42, 43, 46, 60, 76, 137, 272; Jerusha, 44, 64, 74; John, 12, 13, 16, 23. 29, 30, 32, 42, 46, 47, 49, 51, 56, 65, 66, 74, 79, 80, 90, 93, 237, 263; Jona- than, 14, 16, 21, 42, 43, 46, 60, 70, 72, 76; Joseph, 63; Josiah, 16, 25, 29, 31, 41, 44, 60, 62, 53, 64, 67, 72, 74, 76; Lois, 79, 159, 169, 236; Lj^dia, 93, 95, 128, 233; Mary, 41, 93, 210, 236, 250; Meredith, 66; Milatiah, 80, 152; Moses, 42, 66; Naam, 93; Nathan, 93, 216, 237; Nathaniel. 52, 93, 140, 145; Otis, 221, 226, 237; Rhoda, 45, 176, 271; Robert, 95; Ruth, 50, 63, 67, 76, 79, 80, 90, 93, 149, 156; Sally, 95; 295 Samuel, 42, 82, 158,, 168, 237; Sarah, 42, 72, 78, 93, 154; Silas, 49, 93,95, 135, 147; Susan, 257, 259; Thomas, 95; Timothy, 21, 65, 78, 82, 98. 101; Zeruah, 101. Kent— Amanda, 261; Elizabeth F., 255. KiBBE — George, 237. KiEN— Ann, 261. KiLBEY — Jane, 166. KiLLPATBiCK — Andrew, 93; Deborah, 93; Elizabeth, 73, 272; Jerusha, 93, 98; Kufus, 93; Samuel, 93, 98, 175, 178; AVilliam, 93, 134, 265. Kimball— Charles O., 244; Clarissa, 221 ; John, 273; William B., 254. KiNDELL — Thomas, 267. King— Aaron M., 245, 250. Kingman— Adam, 152; Caleb, 133, 144; Molly, 175; Mrs., Child of, 210; Permit, 153; Susanna, 272. Kingsbury— Abigail, 12, 176, 265; Elizabeth. 212; James, 44; Jere- miah, 12, 18, 23, 40, 44, 271; Julia, 240, 256; Nathaniel, 18; Rest, 18, 40, 44. Kinney. See Kenny. KiNNicuM — Mary Ann, 257. Kinsley— Adam, 210, 215, 222, 225, 287; Albion AV., 240, 256; Alfred, 226, 237; Allen, 197; Avis, 250; Ann, 197 ; Bradford, 258 ; Charles, 197; Edg-ar Lyman, 197; Edward, 210; Edward James, 197; Helen, 197, 243, 254; Henry, 197; Louisa, 197; Lucy Adelaide', 197; Lyman, 197, 230, 237; Maria, 197, 210, 247; Martha, 210; Mary, 28, 272; Mary Bent, 197; Mvra Ann, 226, 237; Prudence, 197 ;"Ptodolphus, 162, 270; Rufus Bent, 197; Sarah, 210, 223, 235; Sarah B., 253; Sarah Barnard, 197; Sarah D., 240, 255; Silas, 128, 197, 210, 237. KiKK— Edw. N., 244. Knaggs — Jane P., 258. IVNAPP— Eliza Ann, 243; Lucy, 218; Reuben, 136; W. H., 246. Knights— James P., 242 255. Knoavles— Eliza Ann, 261; Thomas I., 237; Thomas J., 225; Wesley, 233. Knox— Hugh, 264. Knutton— George, 221, 237. Kollock— Cornelius, 17, 89; Eben- ezer, 90; Jane H., 230; Jeremiah, 247; Jeremiah, Child of, 214; Je- rusha, 17; Lemuel, 17, 225, 237; Marv, 89, 90, 94, 98, 101; Royall, 59, 64, 69, 89, 90, 94, 98, 101; Sa- rah, 227, 234; Susanna, 98; Zebiah, 101. Kkanske, Krantzkee — John Carl, 148, 151; John Charles, 130; Mary, 130; Miriam, 130; Polly, 130; Re- becca, 130. KuRTS — John, 146, 150. Labidee— Charles, 195, 229, 237; Charles T., 195; Julia Ann, 195; Lucy, 195. Lancaster — James L., 261. L^jjK—Thomas D., 237 ; Thomas Dan- forth, 226. Langdon — Eliza, 223, 235. Lathrop. See Lothkof. Lawrence — Rebecca C, 260. Leach— Betsey, 130; Elizabeth, 107; Lot, 107, 130, 164; Olive, 130; Re- lief, 107, 159; Sarah, 150, 199; Sim- eon, 107, 132; Vashti, Vesta, 107, 164. Leadbetter— Increase, 93 ; Katharme, 93; Luther, 93. Lealand — Dexter, 256. Leavitt— Joseph, 231, 238; Joseph, Child of, 215. Lee— Hannah, 229, 239; Joseph, 273; Margaret, 255 ; Patrick, 256 ; Thom- as, 24, 30. Leeds— Edward Stow, 217; George, 199;Josiah, 163, 170; Mary, 199; Nathaniel, 107, 156; Sally, 107; Unity, 107. Leonard— , 13; Abigail, 13, 15, 18, 21, 22, 30, 35, 40; Almira, 195,250; Ann, 230 ; Ann Caroline, 195; Avis, 195; Caroline, 195; Eli- phalet, 23, 30; Elizabeth, 17, 43, 47, 195; Enoch, 61, 134, 144; Ephraim, 269; Friend Zadoc, 195; George, 269; George Jackson, 195; George Q., 258; Hannah, 15, 35, 43, 94, 128, 136, 163, 235, 268, 270; James, 195, 224; Jacob, 60, 107, 132, 136, 147, 267 ; Jerusha, 137, 145 ; Joanna, 24,30, 40; Jonathan, 195; Katha- rine, 218; Kinsley, 214; Lydia, 17; Mary, 11, 60, 52, 65, 83,'107, 179, 180, 228, 242; Mary Anne, 247; Mehetable, 11; Meredith, 56, 61, 94, 106, 137, 268; Nathan, 195; Nathaniel, 11, 18, 30, 33, 50, 52, 65, 83, 179, 180, 264; Oliver, 107; Phinehas, 218; Polly, 217; Rodol- l)ho, 221; Rufus French, 195; Rufus F., 260; Russell, 196; Russell 296 J., 226; Sall.v, 221, 234; Samuel, 130: Hannah, 10. 89,94,130.226; 195, 221, 237, 257; Samuel Black- Jedediah, 155; John Shep.ird, 130; man, 195; Sarah, 106; Solomon, Maiy, 139; Nathaniel, 10, 78, 89, 94, 47; Spencer, 107; Uriah, 15, 17, 18, 130, 160, 169, 237; Rebecca, 130; 21, 22, 27, 35, 40, 43, 47, 106, 127, Samuel, 10, 130, 146, 154; Thomas, 161,237, 270: Walley, 22, 33, 56, 223,237. 61, 94, 106; AVinthrop, 195; Zadoc, Lock, Locke — Ellsha, 259; Francis, 195, 215, 228. 238. 222, 237. Levey — Ann, 232. Longfellow — Joseph, 244, 254. Leavis — Abel, 219; Abigail, 35, 41; Lonnon. ^^ee Lunnon. Alfred, 195; Ann Payson, 258; Lopez— Andrew, 257, 273, 262. Benjamin, 96, 127, 180, 194, 199, Lord— Charles W., 258; James L., 265; Elijah, 96, 194, 224; Elizabeth, 259; William P., 257. 96,163,238; Esther, 195; Hannah, Louing— Elisha B., 238, 252: Israel 96, 194, 199, 216; Hannah N., 195; 269; Jonathan, 195; Josephine, 195 Isaac, 26, 35, 41, 42, 44, 265; James, Margaret, 195. 96 ; James Hawks, 96 ; Jarvis, 195 ; Lothkop, Latiirop — Ambrose, 163 Joel, 195; John, 44, 96; Julia A., Hettv, 228 ; Isaac, 107; Kate. 107 242, 255; Julia Ann, 195; Laban, Mark, 143, 148; Pollv, 107; Ruthe 96, 195, 216, i>17. 225, 237, 262; Lucy, 107; Sarah, 107; Washington, 107 96, 163, 267; Lydia, 96, 200, 213; Loud— Harriet, 255. Mary, 42, 44; Melinda, 195; Morse, Lovell— Ebenezer, 80; Hannah. 169 41; Nancy, 194; Parker, 195,- Ra- James, 174; John, 155; Joseph, 72 chel, 96, 149, 155; Rebecca, 195, Leander, 264; Marv, 66, 72, 80 257; William, 33, 56. Rachel. 217; Samuel', 60, 66. 72. 80 LiGHTON— Everlina B., 232. 174, 177; Stephen, 242; Zilpha, 268 Lincoln, Lynoln, Linkhorn — Expe- Lovering — Elizabeth, 24, 273. rience, 266; Harriet M.. 246,253; Low, Lowe — Amanda H., 195 Lydia, 77, 177; Olive, 138, 272. Charles W„ 195; David, 260; Ed LiNFiELD, Lindfield, Linsefield, mund, 195; Edmund A., 195 LiNSFiELD — Abigail, 227, 241; Ben- Fally, 195; Fally J., 195; James jamin, 169; Elizabeth, 175, 271; Es- 251; John W., 195; Julia F., 195 ther, 162, 170; Hannah, 152; Marv, Mary L., 195; Sarah Ann, 243, 94; NatMniel, 73, 94; Phebe, 170, 254. 263; Rebeckah, 157; Samuel, 142; Lowder — Samuel, 149. AYilliam, 159, 169. Loyd— Anna, 10, 12; John, 10, 12, Linkhorn. /See Lincoln. 79, 177. Linsefield. /See Linfield. Lucy — James, 212. LiscoM, Liscomb, Luscomb. LiscoME — LuNNON, LoNNON — Nancy, 136, 145; Abigail,51; Charity, 13, 174, 177: De- Mary, 136; AYiUiam, 58, 64. sire, 14. 18, 19, 64, 65J0; Elizabeth, 23, Lyman— James, 245. 30; Eunice, 104; Grace, 15, 64, 69; Lymburn — James, 232, 233, Hannah, 75, 139, 145; Joanna, 13, Lyon, Lion — , 12, 18; Abi- 15, 16, 18, 35, 44, 51, 65, 75, 105; gail, 11, 30, 33, 48, 57, 76, 81, 96, John, 13, 15, 16, 18,24,30,35,44, 149, 173, 177; Ann, 60, 106, 107, 51 ; Katharine, 26, 27, 32 : Lemuel, 125; Anna, 134, 144; Benjamin, 94; Martha, 125; Mercy,' 80; Mir- 149, 157; David, 11, 65, 96, 173, iam, 73, 75, 77, 94, 104, 138, 265; 177; Elhanan, 15, 18, 21, 25, 27, 35, Nathaniel, 18; Nehemiah, 18, 65, 73, 38, 40, 47, 48, 65, 79, 82, 85, 91, 94, 80, 82, 93, 125, 174, 176, 264, 270, 177, 271; Elijah, 76, 148, 150; El- 271; Philip, 4, 6, 7, 14, 18, 19, 29, nathan, (?) 271; Enoch, 28, 38, 39, 64, 71, 73, 75, 77, 94, 104, 271; 50,53,54,56; Eunice, 107; Gam- Rachel, 65, 80, 82, 93: Rhoda, 93; aliel, 15, 64, 74, 76, 81; Georsre, 37; Ruth, 82; Samuel, 77; Sarah, 93. Hannah, 21, 40, 47, 48, 50, 64, 65, LiSHA, (Negro), 27, 32. 70,91; James, 106, 125; Jemima, Littlefield — ,130; Ann L., 174, 265; Jerusha, 132; Joanna, 37, 261 ; Betsev, 130 ; Charles. 130 ; Dan- 125 ; John, 81, 157 ; John Ransted, iel,172,177';Darius,26l; Dorothy, 89, 60; Lemuel, 17, 60; Luwetia, 107; 297 Lucr, 158, 168, 238; Mary. 33, 37, othy, 55. 94, 'l34, 148, 152, 267; Meredith, Mansfield— Cftleb, 196, 255; Ed- 15, 18, 33, 35, 56, 174, 178; Meriab, ward, 196; Emmeline W., 196, 240, 27,32; Peter, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 255; Frederic W., 197; George, 10, 17, 35; Preserved, 12, 37, 125, 196; George Henry, 197; Herbert 164; Kebeckah, 82, 85, 91, 94, 266; T., 197; Horace Handel, 197; John, Ruth, 27, *32, 217; Samuel, 47, 106 ; 196; Louisa Haunah, 19G ; Mar- Samuel Belcher, 82; Sarah, 38, 53, garet, 261; Maria A., 197; Mary, 173; Susanna, 38, 39, 50, 53, 54, 223,240; Phebe, 197, 213; Preston 56; Theophilus, 21, 106, 107, 125, Kuggles, 197; Robert, 267 ; Sally, 142; AYaitstill, 1, 17, 35; William, 223^237; Sarah, 196; Sarah .Jane, 11; Zachariah, 23, 272. 197; William, 197, 213, 227, 238; Macclellan, Macolexan — Marv, 27, Winslow Baker. 197, 213. 32. ' Mansuk— Martha,' 229, 242. Mackintosh. See McIntosh. Manter — Athern, 238. Macomb er— William, 251. Manyan — John, 247. Madan, Madden — Abraham, 195; Ca- Marchant — Jerusha, 113, 155; John, ty, 113; Charity, 102, 113, 126, 231; 113; Philip, 113, 147. Elizabeth, 113; Frederick, 195, 210; Marden— Charles Mauley, 196; Jerusha, 113; John, 102, 113, 126, Charles William, 196; Charles AV., 160,169; Kata, 162; Katharine, 170; 252; Eliza H., 196; William Lott, 195, 210; Lott J., 195; Lu- Homaus, 196. cinda T., 244, 248; Maria M., 246, Marion, ^'ee Merion. 253; Mary, 113,168; Molly, 210; Marra— Edward, 198, 215, 219,238; Mrs., 213; Nancv Ann, 195; Fanny, 250; Julia Ann, 198; Mar- Nancy B., 195, 210; Royal, 195; garet M., 256; Mary Ann, 198; Sarah Melissa, 195; William, 113, Mr., Child of, 213; Thomas, 198, 126, 248. 250; Walter, 198. Mahrs, Mars — Barney, 198; John, Marrs — Dana F., 258. 238, 254; Julia Ann, 198; Mary, Mars. >S'ee Mahrs. 259; Sarah Jane, 198. Marsh — Mary, 57. Makepeace — Sylvester D., 243, 253. Marshall, Marchel — Benjamin, 124; Malory— Thomas, 259. Betsev, 124; Joshua J., 230; Josiah, Mandel— Charlotte, 214. 150; Polly, 124; William, 175, 178. Manley — Daniel, 161; Hannah, 133, Marston — Elizabeth, 224. 273; Jesse, 141, 147 ; John, 28, 272; Martin, MARTVN—Almira, 245, 249; John R., 246, 251;Lydia, 74,272; Deborah, 33, 56; Hannah, 34,57; Mary, 218; Molly, 179, 180; Pa- John, 60, 64, 72; Mary, 72. tience, 160, 273; Reuben, 148, 153; Mary', (Negro), 15. Sarah, 156; Temperance, 162, 273; Mascroft— Harriet, 261. Thomas, 173, 177. Masman. See Mosman. Mann— Abigail, 14, 21, 48, 53, 55, 68, Mason— Emmeline, 244, 247; Francis, 71; Alexander, 212; Anna, 52, 161, 210, 226, 238; Irena, 227; Lucinda, 170; Charles G., 231; Chloe, 13; 210; Wayland P., 210. Daniel, 14; David, 79, 176; Eben- Matherick— Quoake, 168. ezer, 13, 17, 28, 51, 52, 55;Elias, Mathews— John, 128, 165; Joseph, 68; Elisha, 229, 238; Emeline E., 238. 195; Francis, 250; Gilbert B., 195 ; Maudsley. -See afeo MosELEY—Eben- Hannah, 195, 218; Isaac, 219 ; Jabez, ezer, 27. 71; Jemima, 175; John, 218; John Maxim— Polly, 230. Edwards, 195; Joseph, 230, 251; Maxwell— Sally, 221, 237. Louisa, 252; Luse, 17; Lucinda, 248; May — '-, 10; Abigail, 51; Lucretia, 55; Mary, 13, 26,51,52, Chloe, 85,89; Clara, 196; Clara 65; Mercy, 79; Molly, 51; Phebe, Elizabeth, 196; Clarissa. 227 ; Eben- 169, 226; Polly, 162^ 170; Ralph, ezer. Ill, 174, 178; Eleazer, 29, 33, 21; Ruth, 224; Seth, 53 ; Susanna, 51, 54, 90, 95, 125; Elijah, 90; 59; Sydney, 195, 244, 249; Theo- Eliza Frances, 196; Elizabeth, dore, 14, 21, 48, 53, 55, 68, 71 ; Tim- 111; Ellis, 111 ; Enoch, 90; Esther, 298 51,54,90,95,125; Ezra, 90; Fred- 259; Harriet, 197, 259; John, 61, erick Aloiizo, 196; George, 95. 210, 75.80, 81. 197, 225, 237,238; John IT.. 214; lliuiiiah, 60, 6o, 67, 76. 77, 257 ; Katv, 219; Marv. 61, 75,80. 150, 212; lleiirv Star, 196; Isaae. 81, 135, 145, 197, 222, 234; Nella, 196.238,247; .James Herbert. 196 ; 146, 152; Ruth, 197, 223, 236; Jellerson, 196.252; JerushaH., 261; Sallv, 197, 219, 235; Sarah, 197, Joliii, 34, 57, 60, 65, 138, 147, 261; 215; William, 61, 156, 197,215, 223, Joseph, 146; Joslma, 60, 137, 145, 238. 210: Lucv, 157, 261; Luther, 93, McLaxe, McLain — Benjamin, 68; 128, 163;"Lv(lia, 102 ; Maria K. C, Charles, 260; Daniel, 65, 68, 74, 232; Martlia, 102, 160, 266; Mary, 265; Deliverance, 65; Julia W., 12, 28, 32, 39, 51, 52, 125, 132, 144; 259; Mary, 65, 68, 132, 147. Mary, Child of, 210; Mary Ann, McLeish— John, 244, 245. 228,240; Mehitahle, 51, 125; Mela- McNaugiit— Ann Milla, 198; John tiah, 153; Nathan, 254; Nathaniel, Smith, 198; Peter, 198. 10, 12, 30, 33, 39, 51, 52, 67, 69, 76, McTasii. See McIntosh. 77, 85, 89, 93, 95, 102. 125, 173, Meal>, Meed — Susanna, 36; Thomas, 176, 178, 179, 225, 238; Nathaniel, 22, 27, 36. Child of, 210; Olive, 155; Oliver Mears— Mary, 222: Susan, 221, 236. 95; Fhineas, 95, 125; Pollv, 196, Mellen— Albert Bemis, 196; George 224,236; Rebecca, 62, 111, 133, 144; W., 196; Lewis Daniel, 196; Sophia Samuel, 30, 33, 51; Sarah, 10, 67, E., 196. 85, 89, 93, 95, 102, 136, 143, 145, Merikield— Robert, 138. 146 ; Susanna, 77 ; Theodore, 64, Meriox, Marion, Merium. See also, 111,138,145. Merriam- Anna, 102, 216, 239; Mayberry— AVilliam, 169. Betsev, 217; Beulah, 127, 161,240; McAlpine— John, 229. David, 224; Esther, 102; Hannah, McArdle— Edward, 207 ; Mary Ann, 221, 235 ; Lydia, 210, 217 ; Mary, 80 ; 253. Nathaniel, 142, 148, 210; Sarah, 102, McCarty— John, 250. 127, 235; Thankful. 80. 102, 148, McCauly— Mary, 259. 161, 153; William, 80, 102. McCreai>y — James, 259; John, 198, Mero — Amariah, 111 ; David, 65, 117; 255; Margaret, 198. Hezekiah, 64, 65, 72, 73, 86, 111; McCrei.is— Calvin, 252. Jesse, 196; Jinne, 196; John, 111; McDaniel— Michael, 148. Josiah, 72, 117, 146, 151 ; Lemuel, McFadden. See also Va-dt>kh — Grace, 111, 196; Mary, 65, 72, 85, 111; 172; James, 138; John, 64, 69; Me- Miriam, 117; Polly, 196; Prudence, hitabcl, 216. Ill; Richard, 85, 154, 196; Rutti, McGiKNis— Ann, 253; Rosauna, 250. 232; Sarah, 111; Seth, 196; Zenas, McGn'NEY— Philip, 248. Ill, 117. McGuE— Martha, 252, Merriam, Meriam. See also Meu- McGuiRE— Andrew, 257; John, 261. ion— A., 237, 238, 240, 241. 243, McHuGii— James, 260. 245; Alfred, 213; Anna AV., 213; McIntosh, McIntoch, Mackintosh, Asaph, 213; Betsey, 210; Loranna McTasii— Adam. 198,261; Andrew, Angeline, 213; Loranna D., 213; 111; Ann M., 198; Charles G., 198; Mr., 246. Gideon, 198, 221, 238, 252 ; James, 267 ; Merritt— James L., 264. John, 111; John S., 198; Laughton, Messinger— A. Maria, 260; Adeline, 144; Laeline, Leeland, 111, 132; 196; Charles AVilson, 196, 210; Lucinda S., 198: Lucv P., 198; Chloe, 210, 214; Elizabeth, 264; Nancy, 198, 212; Nancv S., 245, Ellen F., 259; Elmar Augustus, 250; Roger S., 198; Rov'al A., 198; 196; Emma Augusta, 196; Fidelia, Sarah. Ill, 154, 268;" Susau T., 214; Harriet Ellen, 210; Herbert 198; William, HI, 198. Stanley, 196; Horace C, 196, 210, McKean— Joseph. 272. 254; Jonathan, 210, 214, 228; McKendry. McKindry— Ann, 258; Mary Ann. 196; Mary Fidelia, 196; Archibald. 76. 146, 152,197; Ben- Nancv, 229; Sarah F., 196, 210; jamin, 197; Catv, 197; Eliza J., Vernon A., 196, 246, 252 ; VirgilJ., 299 19G, 243, 254. Nanoy, 222, 238; Susanna, 64, 70. Metcali-— Clara, 196; John, 264, 265; Mokoney— Dennis, 254. Jonathan, 265. MiDDLETON — Jonathan, 223, 238; Thomas, 247. Miller — Berry, 69, 135; Samuel, 69. MiLNEK — Mary Ann, 246, 251. Mills — Eunice, 159. MiMNEiGii — Ann, 257. Minor — Bradlev, 243, 254. Mitchell— Deborah, 124; Dolly, 124; Edward, 258; Jane, 113, 124; Lucy S., 241; Marv, 144; Polly, 124; Rebeckah, 65, 124, 160; Paibe, 113; Saba, 113; Thomas, 30, 55, 113, 124, 137, 142, 147. MoHO, Mohoo — Abigail, 135, 144; Daniel, 217; Dinali, 135; George, 139, 145; Margery, 162; Martha, 136, 146. MoHO Tribe, 161. Monk, Munk — , 13; Abi- gail, 13, 88; Anna, 124, 168; Anne, 124; Benjamin, 111, 113, 125, 132, 147, 154, 174, 178, 266; Chloe, 168; Christopher, 13, 89, 148, 153; Deb- orah, 124, 129; Dorothy, 26, 143, 148, 273; Elias, 13, 15, 22, 50, 56, 71, 117, 138, 147; Elijah, 68, 124, 129, 143, 148, 168; Eliphalet, 59, 64, 68, 71, 88, 89, 104, 117, 148, 155, 164, 170; Ehzabeth, 117; Enoch, 104, 124, 156; Eunice, 102, 158, 168; Freelove, 24, 30, 95, 102; George, 15, 91, 92, 95, 102, 111, 113, 160, 164, 169, 174, 178; George Randall, 124; Jacob, 111, 124, 163, 273; Jemima, 50, 113, 158, 273; Jeremiah, 92, 157 ; Jesse, 117 ; John, 124; Josiah, 117; Lemuel, 117, 162, 168, 170; LydiaLothrop, 124; Mary, 117, 164; Meredith, 111, 125; Mille, 124; Nabbv, 124; Nathan, 113, 124, 164; Oliver, 111, 125; Polly, 168; Ruth, 111, 113, 125; Sally, 168; Samuel, 117, 230, 238; Sarah, 68, 71, 88, 89, 91, 92, 102, 104, 111, 113, 124, 161, 164; Susanna, 13, 15, 22, 50, 95, 117 ; Susannah Snell, 124; Tiley, 124; Tiley Willis, 124; Wil- Uam, 22, 117, 179; Ziba, 117; Zil- pha, 124. Moody — Joseph S., 260. Moore, More — Benjamin, 244, 248; Francis, 64, 71; Margaret, 141, 145. MoKEY,-tMaryIL231 ; Palmer,266,262. Morse — Abbv Anseline, 196 ; Abigail, 54. 77, 80, 86, 88, 91, 140, 158, 218, 268; Abio-aii C, 196; Abigail K., 196; Adam, 48, 117; Amity, 27, 39, 75,86, 117, 134, 146, 147; Amos, 48, 238; Anna, 72; Asa, 51, 86, 111, 113, 117, 136, 140; Asa, Widow of , 216; Barnev, 196, 210, 225, 238; Barncv O., 190; Bathsheba, 68; Be- t]iiah,"6G, 72, 75, 166; Bethuel, 196, 231; Carolines., 196; Chloe, 149; Daniel, 69, 79, 113; David. 228, 238; Elijah, 117, 220, 238; Elijah, Child of, 215; Elisha, 69, 152, 270; Eliza, 214; Elizabeth, 55, 60, 61, 71, 85, 122, 133, 160, 169, 196, 219; Ellen Maria, 196; Emily, 225, 237; Ephraim, 165, 167; Everliue S., 233; Ezra, 132; Francis, 196; George, 196; Hannah, 43, 48, 51, 71, 111, 113, 117, 12-2, 112, 196, 262, 270; Harrison, 196; Henry, 34, 54, 57,86,88, 91, 117, 146, 152, 238; Hezekiah, 43; Huldah, 140; Isaac, 117, 221, 238; Jacob, 60, 135, 269; James, 117; Jarene, 238; Jedediah, 43, 48, 51; Jemima, 73; Joanna, 139, 269; Joel, 142, 270; JoelEstey, 122; John, 54,71, 101, 113,117.134, 144, 159, 169; Joseph, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 34, 35, 39, 57, 66, 72, 75, 78, 111, 135, 163, 170. 176, 177, 179, 210, 213, 221, 238, 272 ; Joshua, 72, 134, 147; Josiah, 11, 12, 68, 82, 101; Kezia, 11, 12, 68, 79, 82, 101; Lewis, 196, 250; Lois, 55, 117, 122, 132, 235, 267; Martha, 113, 117; Mary, 24, 28, 29, 30, 113, 196, 229, 242,"265; Mehetable, 80; Mira, 196; Mira, Child of, 215; Molly, 111; Mrs., 212; Nancv, 196, 223, 236, 250; Nathaniel, i72; Newel, 196, 210 ; Oliver, 226, 238 ; Otis, 196, 210 ; Rachel, 111; Rebecca, 111, 122; Ruth, Ruthv, 86, 117, 158, 168, 217, 233; Samuel, 122, 134, 144, 148, 154, 165, 166, 196, 210, 213, 216, 220, 238, 270, 273; Sarah, 25, 141, 270; Sion, 64, 70, 72; Solomon, 58, 77, 80, 113,126, 140, 269; Thankful, 79, 85; Timothy, 55, 60, 61, 71, 85, 180, 272; Unity, 59, 64; William, 196, 215, 228, 238; William, Child of, 210, 212, 213. Morgan, Mokgain — Amey, 29; Morto — Henry, 128, 163, 238. James, 142, 147; Margaret, 34, 57 ; Morton, Morkton— Abigail, 10, 22, t Morky, George, 262. 300 75, 88. 90, 102, 111, 113; Ambrose, 75, 123,1 124) US) 153V Deborah, 102; Eleazer, 90, 102; 123* 158*' 168,' 23S; Emily, 226,- 239- Hannah, 102, 117; Isaac, 10,^ 117, 118^, 153;* Jerusha, 124; Joel, 124'; John, 123^ John Hancock, 113'*'; Louisa/ 165; Lovice, lis; 124';' Lowell, 124'; Lucy, 224"; 234; Marv, 221, 24f;/ Nathaniel, 102, 163; 167V Otis, 117;j Samuel Paul, 113'; Surah. 123; 124; Seth, 10, 22', 71; 75, 77", 88, 90, 102, .- Ill,- lis;- 124, 163V 170,' 17r, 267;/ Sophia, 124; Thaddcus. lli; 215; Wendal, 117* Zibiali. 22. MosELEY. See also ;Maudsley — Na- thaniel, 29, 52; Sarah, 52. MosMAN, JMasmax — Anna, 58, 269. MuLDOON — Catherine, 232 ; lloxanna, 249. MuLEiKEX — Ephruim S., 261; Lydia W., 261. MuMENTAUG — Hannah. 71. MuNiioE — Charles D., 250. MuKi'iiY — Dudley, 229 ; James, 258. MuKREY — Mary, 233. MuRTAUGH.MuiJTAH — Catharine, 198 ; John, 198; Marv, 256; Marv Ann, 198; Thomas, 198. Nash — Ann, 198; Daniel, 95; Han- nah, 132, 144; Hervey, 198; J. Hervev, 198; James, 95. 148, 153; John Milton, 198: Lauranna, 198, 242, 255; Marietta, 198; Matilda, 95; Orin Wilmer, 198; Samuel Nichols, 198. Nason — Abigail, 175; Sarah, 79, 176; Thomas, 175, 178. Neal, Neals— Elizabeth, 29, 271; Esther. 148, 149. Neill. See also O'Neill — , 198; Catherine, 198; James, 198; Jane, 258; Letty, 243, 254; Mar- garet, 198; Man- Elizabeth, 198; Samuel, 198. NEWcoMn, NucoMi". — Guilford C, 256 ; Judith, 59, 2G9. Newell — Marshall, 255. Newlax — David, 140. Neavton— C. H., 273. NiciiEHSON— Pollv, 229, 234. Nichols— Horatio, 211, 227, 246; Es- ther, 74; Rebecca, 211. Nightingale— Daniel, 140, 222, 238; Ebenezer, 59, 63; Elizabeth, 174, 178; Esther, 90; Hannah, 148; Jemima, 86, 90, 92, 93, lOU; Jere- miah, 86, 92; Lydia, 93; Mary, 58; Timotliv. 86; Waitstill, 142, 147; AVilliam, 70, S6. 90, 92, 93, 100. NxLES — Angeline, 261; Daniel, 51, 53, 54, 62; Elijah, 54; Elizabeth, 24, 30; James, 137, 271; John, 156; Mary, 25, 31; Mercy, 51, 53, 54, 62 ; Samuel, 53 ; Sarah, 57 ; Stephen, 62. Nixon — John, 34, 57. NooNAN — Peter, 256. Norton — , 198; Harriot, ■ 198; Hephsibah, 153, 273; Jacol), 241; Shubal, 198. Norwood — A., 242. NoYES, NoYSE, Noyce — Abigail, 73; Deborah, 49, 64; James, 219, 238; John, 29, 32, 49, 54, 174; Naomi, 75, 177; Samuel Bradlev, 261: Sarah, 49, 173. NuFF— Hannah, 128, 263. NuTiNG — Hannah, 71. Nye— Hem-v, 244, 254; Lucv, 230, 248; Moses, 224, 238. OiiER— Marv, 233. O'Brien— Patrick, 231. O'CoxxELL — Bridget, 198; Catharine, 198; Francis, 198; Jeremiah, 198; Margaret, 198. O'CoNXER— Catherine, 244, 248. Ogdex— Polly, 163, 170. Oliver — John, 173, 177. Olxey— Anthony, 222, 238. O'Neill, O'Neil. See also Neill — Charles, 198, 249; Daniel, 256; Grace, 198; Isabella, 198; John, 198; Marv Ann, 261; Rosanna, 198. Ormsbee. See also Armsbee — Sarah, 160, 169. Osgood— Ebenezer, 1.57, 167, 168; Esther, 95; Hannah, 15; Hosea, 95; Huldah, 95; John, 15, 74, 95, 177; Samuel, 95, 148, 154, 174; Sarah, 173, 178. OSYOR — Consider, 131. Otis— Elizabeth, 257; William S., 244, 248; William S., Child of. 213. Owen— William N., 231. Packard — Abiezer, 114, 126, 164; Abijah W., 247; Adaline A., 240; Amee, 180; Anna, 170, 222, 237; Asenath. 95, 96; Benjamin, 95, 96, 132; Calvin, 157, 168; Celia, 252; Emilv, 198; Eunice, 165: Hannah, 114,126: Howard, 122, 167; Isaac, 114; Jacob, 139; Jedediah, 96; John, 95, 160, 175, 273; Loes, 95; 301 Louisa II., 24-i, 255; Lucius H., 199; Lvdia, 160, 169; Maw, 114, 126, 135, 147, 164; Melatiah, 96. 162 : Mercy, 220. 241 ; Milatiah, 166 ; Nathan, 198, 210, 226. 239; Nathan, Child of, 212 ; Orin, 239 ; Sally, 167 ; Samuel, 114, 140, 147, 228; Sarah, 114, 155; Sarah S., 255; Thadeus M., 198, 210. Page — Abigail, 123 ; Becka,123 ; Betsa, 123; Charles, 114, 123, 141, 146, 150, 220, 239; Elisha, 123; Hannah, 114, 123; Joanna Wales, 123, 237; Lib- eus, 157, 168; Mary, 114, 123; Pollv, 123 ; Sally, 227 ; Samuel, 123 ; Sarah, 123; Thomas, 123; William, 123. Pain, Pane, Paine — Hannah, 74; Ja- cob, 142, 270; Jemima, 174, 177; Joseph, 140, 269; Lonev, 269; Marv, 142, 268; Eichard, 250; Ruth, 69, 269. Palmatis — Abioail. 25. 31. Palmek — Joseph, 269; Lemuel P., 259; Lucy, 269. Palkidge. See Partridge. Parkeu— Charles H., 246, 253; George L., 231; Joseph, 28. 265. Parmer — Granville, 233. Parsons— Hiram, 222; AVilliam II., 246, 253. Partridge, Patredge, Palridge — Asa, 220, 239; Chloe, 142, 270; Elisha, 53, 62, 269; Ezra, 62; Han- nah, 53, 62, 136; Rachel, 53; Sa- rah, 62. Patten, Pattin — Abigail, 136 ; David, 159, 169, 288; Hannah, 43; John, 25, 31, 35, 40, 41, 43; Mary, 40, 41, 43, 174, 177; Roxanna S., 261; Sa- rah, ob. 131. Paul — Abigail, 75, 77/ 102, 177; An- na, 75, i76; Anna Holmes, 96; Ann, 78, 102,225; Betsev, 220; Cor- delia B., 231, 241; Elizabeth, 157, 234. 266; Hannah, 91, 95, 96, 142, 148. 158, 168, 236 ; Isaac, 102 ; Marv, 141, 266; Rachel, 96, 170; Samuel, 75, 79, 91. 95, 96, 161, 169, 176, 177, 179, 222, 239. Payson, Pason, Paison — Anna, 139, 147; Catharine, 269; Ephraim, 34, 42, 50, 57, 148; Henrv, 50 ; John, 266; Judith, 42, 50, 148, 150, 179; Marv, 59, 142, 148, 269; Phillips, 266, 268; Samuel, 42, 149, 155, 173; Snrali, 58, 269; Susanna, 173, 177. Pearson— Mr., Child of, 216. Peaslee — Lvman, 233. Pelton — Christian, 26, 31 ; Hephsibah, 35; John, 35; Rebeckah, 35, 39; Robert, 35, 38,39; Susanna, 29, 33; Timothy, 35. Pendergrass — Isaac, 122; John, 122, 123, 138, 272; Lucy, 122; Nancy, 123; Nathan, 122; Olive, 122, 123; Rebecca, 122; Samuel, 122; Sarah, 122; Susanna, 122, 123. Pennijian— Abigail, 132: Enoch, 162, 170; Rebeckah, 164. Pepper — Thomas, 252. Perigo — James. 19, 23, 40, 79; Lvdia, 19, 40; Robert, 19. Perkins — Anna, 134; Kezia, 86, 93; Luke, 86, 93, 97, 98; Mary, 139; Polly Porter, 218; Rebecca, '86, 93, 97, 98; Susanna, 86, 98. Perrin — Martha, 58. Perry — Abner, 43, 49; Anna, 48; Benjamin, 74, 266; Eliakim, 28, 267; Hannah, 272; Joanna, 43, 49, 173; Josiah, 28, 48, 272; Lydia, 60; Manasah, 43; Marv, 48 ; Nathaniel, 27, 32; Nehemiah, 127, 238; Oliver H., 257. Peterson — Adeline E., 188; Ellen M., 188; Mary F., 188; Nancy B., 188; Sarah Ann, 188; William, Child of, 212; AVilliam H., 188, 232, 239. Pettee, Pittee, Petty, Petee, Pitte, Pitty — Benjanun, 71; Elizabeth, 133, 147; Emeline, 228; Joseph, 27, 133; Kezia, 221; Miriam, 73; Na- omi, 28; Nathaniel, 159, 169; Rebeckah, 67, 73; Samuel, 28; William, 60, 63, 67, 73. Pettingill, Pettingell, Pettengale, Pettingal, Bettingel — Abigail, 17, 42, 45, 78, 177; Daniel, 17, 22, 30, 42, 45; Edmond, 174; Elkanah, 136, 145; Elizabeth, 210, 222, 234; Ensign L., 199; Frances E., 199; Grace, 218; Hannah, 74; Harriet F., 199, 260; Lemuel, 17; Nathan- iel, 133, 147, 164, 176, 179; Sally A., 199; Sarah, A., 199, 242, "254; Solomon, 42; AVillard AVilliam, 199; AVilliam IL, 190, 199, 224. Philkrook— John AV., 239, 256. Phillei-.rown. See Fillebko-vvn. Phillips, Philips — Abial, Bial, 210, 225, 230, 239; Hannah, 210; John, 58, 63; Mercy, 160; Rachel, 135, 272; Susannah, 173; Thomas, 27,32. PiiiNXEY, Pheney, Phiney— Angeline H., 257; Esther, 139; Hannah, 14S. 153. 302 Pickering — George W., 257. PiCKERNELL — Abigail, 199; Lucy Ma- ria, 199; Mary Ann, 233, 241; Mary Elizabeth, 199 ; \V'iIliam Aus- tin, 199; William Henrv, 199; William W., 199, 230; William W., Child of, 210. PiCKWORTH — William, 210. Pierce, Peirce, Perce — Abigail, 45, 64, 74; Angelet, 52, 86, 95, 98, 149, 156; Betsev, 217, 226, 238; Eliphalet, 65, 75 ;' Elizabeth, 46, 64, 73; Ezokiel, 74, 172, 174, 176, 177; Jesse, 86, 159, 169; John, 45, 46, 266; Martin B., 244, 249; Martin W., 214: Morcv, 70, 273; Nathan- iel, 62 ; Rebekah, 45, 46 ; - ^eth, 52, 78,86,95, 98, 158, 168, 176. 223; Thomas, 149, 155; William, 26, 60; William S., 260. Pike— Willard, 225, 239. PiLLSBURY — Harriet. 222. Pitcher, Peciier — Abigail, 12, 48, 59, 63,- 174, 178; Abijah, 44, 197, 214, 217; Almira P., 198, 252; Almon, 197; Caroline, 197; Edward, 1. 12, 14, 16,20; Eliakim, 2'6, 31, 43,44, 47,48, 146, 210; Eliakim, Widow of, 210; Elijah, 14, 58, 63; Eliza, 224; Elizabeth U., 197; Es- ther, 43, 44, 47, 48, 64, 73; Harriot Jane, 197; Hiram, 197; Ithamar, 197; James M., 253, 261; James Monroe, 197; Jemima, 133, 144; Jane, 1, 12, 14, 16, 20, 65, 78; Jon-* athan, 16, 64, 69; Mary, 26, 32, 36, ^ 43, 133, 144 ; Mrs., 213 ; Nabby, 219 ; Nathaniel, 36 ; Rebeckah, 197 ; Sally N., 197; Sanuiel, 20; Sarah, 145; Susanna, 22, 36; Theron R., 198. PiTTE. See Pettee. Pitts — Ellen Lucinda, 199; George Henrv, 199; Harriet Elizabeth, 199; Ichabod, 159, 169, 238: James, 199, 248; Lavinia, 199; Marv Bell, 199; Seth, 163, 238; William" 244. Platt — James, 232, 239; James, Child of, 210; Marv Ann, 210; Susan, Child of, 210.' Plimpton — Asa, 61 ; Elijah, C<8 : James, 17, 22, 38, 49, 61, 68: Kate, 17; Lvd- ia, 17, 22, 38, 49, 51, 68; Ziba, 22. Pollard — Granville, 244, 253. POLLEY— Nathaniel, Child of, 214; Mr., Child of, 212. POMEROY. See PUMARY. Pond — Eliphalet, 177 ; Louisa M., 244, 256. Pooler — Justus, 247. Pope — Alexander, 69 ; Amanda, 199 ; Anna, 114; Ann G., 243, 253; Asa^ 114; Azor, 114: Edmund, 139; Ed- ward, 147; Elijah, 114, 164: Elna- than, 173, 177; Frederic, 15, 172; Hanmih, 62, 96, 136, 147, 199; James, 70, 96, 113, 114, 138, 147^ 164, 167; Jerusha, 70, 131, 147 ; Jo- seph, 96, 163, 267 ; Lazarus, 55, GQ, 67,69, 70, 142; Lucretia, 17; Lu- ther, 114, 232; Mather Fletcher, 96; Micajah, 66, 95, 133; Milla, 114; Nancv, 163, 166; Oliver, 96, 114,. 164: 'Raciiel, 45, 157, 168, 172, 177; Ralph, 15, 17, 20, 22,42, 46, 59, 62, 63, 67, 69, 70, 96, 135, 147, 148, 162; Rebecca, 16, 17, 20, 22, 42, 46^ 62, 64, 69,70,114, 164; Relief, 114; Samuel Ward, 42, 69; Sarah, 96, 96, 113, 114, 164: Susanna, 55, 66, 67,, 70; Ward, 114; William, 22, 175, 199. Pouter — Anna, 35; Benjamin, 28, 271: Content, 157; Cyrus, 114, 131; Elizabeth, 114, 142, 151; Hannah, 155; Joseph, 35, 114, 160, 169; Ju- dith, 25, 269; Libbeus, 114, 122, 128, 162, 238; Mehitable, 166; Mr.,. 273; Pattv, 123; Phebe, 175, 271; Polly, 122; Robert, 114, 162, 170; Samuel, 223, 239: William, 35. Pottle— Hannah, 228, 238. PowARS — Thomas, 227. PowDERLY — Andrew, 233. Pratt — Abigail, 66, 71; Abijah, 159,. 267; Amev, 273; Clark, 243, 254; David, 160", 169; Elijah, 165; Eliz- abeth, 96: Harriet H., 251; Isaac,. 66, 96, 134; Jonathan, 172, 177; Joseph, 66, 140, 268; Josiah, 66, 96; Mary, 96, 159, 169; Miriah, 270; Miriam, 154: Rachel, 173; Rhoda A., 249; Sallv, 220; Samuel, ISO; Sarah, 143, 228, 268; William, 158, 273. Preble, Prible — Abraham, 63 : Caleb, 232: Eliza Jane, 199; Origen Oscar, 199; Rufus, 199; Rufus Simpson, 251; Samuel Edward, 199; Sarah^ 199. Prentiss, Prentice — Solomon, 272; Thomas, 272. Presbrev — Alfred Simeon, 199,211; Amasa, 228; Ann Rachel, 199, 211; Henrv Alfred, 199: Rachel, 199, 211; Rebecca, 210, 228: Rebecca G., 241; Simeon, 199, 210, 211. 239, 303 248: Simeon, Child of, 213; tSim- con. Children of, 210; Simeon Har- rison, 199. Priest— Mindwell. 26, 270. Primos — (Negro Slave), 174. Puffer — Abel, 45; Abigail, 17, 20 41, 44, 45. 48, 49, 9(3, 174, 178 Anne, 272 ;' Bathsheba, 49, 132,144 Benjamin, 13; Dorothv, 14,59, 272 Eleazer, 13, 14. 17, 18, 40, 76 Elijah, 90; Elizabeth, 13, 14, 17 18, 40, 59, 64; Eunice, 99, 149, 155 Hannah, 22, 30, 33, 56, 95; James, 40 John, 3, 5, 6, 9, 17, 20, 41, 44, 45 48, 49, 76, 125, 157; Joseph, 49 Lazarus, 17; Marv, 17, 65, 78; Mat thias. 18, 29, 33," 51, 95, 179, 180 Miriam, 80, 143, 151; Olive, 95 Patience, 80, 81, 90, 95, 96, 99; Re- becca, 61, 139, 268; Sarah, 41,64, 73, 81, 143. 146; Seth, 20, 65, 77, 80, 81, 90, 95, 96. 99. PuMARY, PujiRY — Maiy, 26, 31; Sa- rah, 25, 31. PusHAW— Mr., 212. Quill— Patrick. 261. QuiLLEX— , 199 ; James, 199 ; Jolui, 199, 250. QuiNN— Barnard. 232; Edward, 249; Eunice, 236, 250. Haulikf — Eliza, 230. Ragan — Mary, 26 1 . Rainard — Rachel. 150, Ralstox — Robert, 25 1 . Ramsdell — Eliza \V'., 256. Rand— Richard, 229; Theodore, 246. Rand**"' — Ruth Tower. 234 (?) Randall, Randol, Handle, Randell — Anna, 79, 176; Anne, 45; Ben- iamin, 49; Catherine, 87, 49,178; Elijah, 217; Elizabeth, 65, 74; Han- nah. 160, 273; Jonathan, 134, 147; Joseph, 49, 217; Katliarine, 16, 42, 45,49, 62, 174; Marv, 42, 64.69, 246,251; Millv, 163,'273 : Rhoana, 149; Samuel. 62; Sarah, 37, 49, 64, 66, 69; Thomas, 16, 37, 42, 45, 49, 62; Zaba, 273. Ransted — John, CO. Ray— Walter R., 231, 241. Rayment — Rebekah, 19; William, 19. Raymond — Artemr.s, 247; Lemuel, 248; William. 244. Redman — Jerusha, 44, 60; John, 44, 125; Martha, 174; Marv, 33, 36, 44, 47, 56, 125; Robert, 36,44, 47, 125, 133, 144; Sarah, 36, 47, 70; Thank- ful, 23, 271. Reed, Read— Abigail, 238, 252; Be- thiah, 97, 98; Canada, 162; George, 98, 149, 157; James, 97, 98, 148, 154, 207; Jason, 272; John, 218; Joseph, 165; Mary, 229, 234; Sally, 217; Samuel, 97; Susan I., 256; William, 273. Remington — Nancy, 187, 258. Reynolds, Raynolds,Reignolds,Run- als, Runnells — Harrison S., 257; Jonas, 134 ; Nathaniel, 30, 33 ; Phebe, 167; Philip, 166, 167; Polly, 167; Rebecca Wadsworth, 167; Thomas, 174, 178; Timothy, 134, 144. Rhoades, Rhoads, liHODES, Rhods, Roads — , 13; Anna, 12; 67, 92; Anne, 75; Benjamin, 12, 58, 63, 67, 75, 92; Deliverance, 131; Eleazer, 10, 13, 29, 40, 41, 44; Eliz- abeth, 12, 40, 68; Esther, 265; Hul- dah, 178, 177; .Jemima, 13,40,41, 44, 265; .Jeremiah, 12 ; .John, 26, 31 ; Joseph, 44, 58, 63, 272; Joshua, 44, 92; Marv, 12, 41, 60, 140; Sam- uel, 41, 59. 63; Simeon, 265; Ste- phen, 29, 176. Rice— Edwin, 246, 251 ; Sarah M., 248. Rich — Hannah, 25. Richards— Anna, 10, 75. 92, 100; Benjamin, 48, 97, 176, 179; Betsey, 268; Daniel, 14, 36, 88, 42, 47, 50, 52, 62, 72, 75, 84; Ebenezer, 54; Elijah, 84; Elizabeth, 21, 22, 38, 46,' 48, 49, 54, 161, 175, 179; Ellis, 228; Elvira, 280; Hannah, 50, 62, 97, 98, 159, 268; Ira W., 255; Isaac, 97; Jeremiah, 88, 49, 72, 92; Jesse, 169; John, 88, .50; Lvdia, 57; Joseph, 72, 97, 98, 128, 131, 141; Mary, 14,36, 38, 42, 47, 50, 52, 62, 72, 75, 84, 97, 172, 176; Noah, 38, 52; Polly, 225; Sarah, 86,42,47, 98, 163, 174, 178, 270; Thomas, 21; William, 10, 21, 22, 88, 46, 48, 49, 54, 92, 100, 173. liiciiARDSoN — John, 225; Tabitha, 60; Theophilus, 218. RrCHEY— AVilliam, 221. Richmond— Albion, 231; Edward, 122, 180, 166, 167, 170, 269; Lucy, 130; Lucy Palmer, 130; Micah, 122, 165. Riley— Betsev, 229; Bridget, 200; Catherine, 259; Charles, 200; Mary, 260; Marv Ann, 200; Sylvester, 200. RiNES— Sally, 218. Ring, Rings — Annis, 1G2; Betsey, 236, 251. 304 EiPLKY— Betsey, 222, 241; Norman, 249. EoBBiNS, EoBiNS, Robin — Abigail, 149, 155; Ebeiiezer, 34, 58; Eieazer, 29, 8:3, 90, 97, 104, 173, 177; Elizabeth, 90, 97, 104, 154,266,270; Lydia,258; Maroavct, 173, 177; Marv, 25, 71, 83, "97, 159, 267; Mr., 'l45 ; Xa- thaniel, 272; Sarah, 97 Bridge, 40, 172, 170; Elizabctli, 15, 173, 177; llanliah, 15, 76; Mary, 13, 15, 20, 22, 34, 37, 40, 45, 47, 56, 67 ; Nabbv, 218; Oliver, 95; Prudence, 265; 'llebecca, 220, 233; Samuel, 219; Sarah, 20, 37,47,69, 63, 82; Susannah, 75, 82, 95 ; "William, 22,37. SAVEin-— riiinehas, 229. ScAXNEL — Margaret, 254, 256. Egberts— Elizabeth. 245, 250; Josei)h, Scipio— (Negro,) 59, 63. 230; Joseph, Child of, 211; Mary B., 239; Nancy B., 232. EOBEUTSON— Daniel M., 250; Peter, 163. EoBiNSOX— Almira, 244, 248; Hiram G., 243, 255; Jonathan 230, 241; Josiah W., 243, 253: Lydia Ingalls, 230; Mary Ann, 232; Mingo, 135; Stephen, 233; Thomas B., 232; Wil- liam, 270. RoBY — Scipio, 122, 163. EoDLiFF — Ferdinand, 228, 241. EoGEKS — Joanna, 69; Limos, 166; William, 71. EoNY — Amia, 247. EosE — (Negro,) 27, 44. EosEMEYER — Henry C 255. Eoss— Chloe, 214 ; George, 214 ; George W.. 230. EOLSAU— Mary, 39 ; Samuel, 39, 59, 64. liousE— Marv, 243; Mary Ann, 229. KOYALL, EoYAL— Elizabeth, 125, 211; Isaac, 9, 31, 33, 125; Mary, 27, 271; AVilliam, 28, 34, 58, 132, 133, 144, 172, 173, 211. Eu(iG — Edmund K., 253. EiKiGLES— Euth, 207 ; Samuel, 270. EuNNELLS. >See Eeynijlds. EussELL, EusEL — Anna, 29; George, 256; Eebecca C, 242, 265; Wil- liam, 74. Salmon-— Ann, 202; Elizabeth, 202; Marv, 202 ; James, 202 ; Uosana, 202. Sampson— Deborah, 149, 156; Esther, 245, 250; Mary C, 250; Melinda, t 229, 235; Nehemiah, 169. Sargent, Sergent, Sear(;eXnt, Ser- jeant— Anne, 64, 70; Charles, 26; Jon.athan, 226; Mary, 78. Sash— Ilulda, 75 ; Moses, 75 ; Sarali, 75, 180. SandepvS — Elonor. 69. Scofield— Mr., Child of, 199. Scott— Archibald, 260. Seamans — Sandford, 222. Searl — John. 175, 178; Samuel Dun- bar, 156, 168. Se AVER— Mr., 216. Seekell — John, 232. Semple — James, 228. Serjeant. See Sargeant. Sewall — Charles C, 272; Samuel, 271. Shackley— Caroline A., 240, 255; Charlotte Eliza, 201 ; Emma Maria, 201; Ezra, 201, 246, 252; Hepsey, 201. Shale, Shales, Shail, Sheil — Betsev, 199; Edward, 73, 80, 114, 142, 272; Elizabeth, 80, 114. Shaller, Shaler, Shaavley — Abi- gail, 85, 88, 94, 97, 107, 150, 201; Cushmau B., 201; Ebenezer, 40; Elizabeth, 40, 44, 85, 158, 168, 237; Henrv, 44, 85, 88, 94, 97, 107, 149, 157, 'l73, 177; Henry M., 201; Isaac, 107, 128, 162, 239; Lowell, 200; Marv, 224; Micah, 128,239 ; Mi- chael, 40," 44, 83, 94, 163, 200, 215; Euth, 97; Sophia F,, 201; William, 136, 201, 228, 239. Shancy — Catherine, 201; John, 201; Maria, 201; Owen, 201. Shanklanu — James, 201, 206; Jane, 201, 206 ; Maria Elizabeth, 201, 206 ; Eobert, 201, 206. SuATTi-cK— Alfred, 240, 255 ; William B., 262. Shaughnessy. See Shancy. Shaav — Benjamin, 201; Hannah, 199; John, 224. 240, 270; Kezia, 131; "Marv, 258; Marv Lincoln, Samuel. 199, 229", 232, 239, Sarah, 201. Shawley. See Stiallel'. 201; 242; Savage — Marv, 132. Savel, Savell, Savels, Savil, Sa- Shea— John, 259. viLL— , 13; Abigail, 45,79, Sheales. 6'ee Shields. 176; Abigail C, 250; Benjamin, 13, Shed— Sarah, 225. 15, 20, 22, 37, 40, 45, 47, 65, 75, 77, Sheil. See Shale. 8'', 95; Deborah, 29, 32; Edv/ard Sheldon — Elizabeth, 261. t Sanger, Zedakiah, 2G2. 305 Shepard, Shepherd— ,12; 145; William Lewis, 201; Zilpah, Abigail, 12,58,63; Albert, 201,216; 201. Aliuira, 230; Amanda Maria, 200 ; Shepley — Hannah, 259. Amitv, 21, 39, 46, 47, 48,61, 107, Sherman— David S., 201; David S., 114,179,180, 199, 201; Ann Mer- Child of, 212 ; John, 121, 128; Lu- ion, 200; Anna, 200, 211.214; Anna cinda, 121, 223, 237; Nancy, 121, M.,252; Anne, 12, 13, 35; Asa, 201, 221, 238; Nancy Jane, 201; Nancv 216,248; Asa Billings, 200; Bath- T., 201 ; Rebecca Ellis, 201 ; llooer, sheba, 103, 104, 121, 217; Charles, 60, 63 ; Sophia, 201. 201, 233; Chloe, 13, 64, 74. 200, 260; Sherwood— Catharine, 216; Daniel, Clarissa, 200, 249; Cvnthea, 13; 247 ; Maroaret Jane. 201 ; Mary, 201 ; Elijah, 201 ; Eliza C, 20i ; Elizabeth, Kebecca,'201 ; William, 20i. 107,114,199; Ellen jMiranda,201 ; El- Shields— Michael, 258 ; I'atrick, 245, mira, 201; El viraW., 246; Elvira AVith- 250. ington, 200; Freeman, 200; George, Shippe — Jane, 34, 58. 2-27 ; Hannah, 16,69, 114 ;Harriot,200, Sholand— Sarah, 140. 224,234;Hephsibah,200,211 ; Hiram, Shorey— Catherine A., 250. 166; Isaac, 121,129,199,200,201,218; Short— Matthew, 272. Isaac Randal, 201; Jacob, 44, 46, Shumway — Franklin P., 260. 103, 104, 121, 132, 144, 200, 201, Shurtliff.Sherliff.Shhitlifi^Shirt- 211,218,220, 229, 239; Jamawell, lief— Abigail, 58, 64; Luce, 135; 103,125; James S., 244, 253; Jane Marv. 138, 145; Rachel, 61, 81; Arvilla, 200, 211; Jerusha, 16,59, Silve, 81; Simeon, 153; William, €3; Jesse, 107, 128. 162,199,200, 61,81. 239; Joel, Child of, 215; Joel R., Silvester. ^S'ec Sylvester. 248; John, 9, 12, 13, 16, 18.20,36,44, Simmoxs— Dollv, 228. 114, 200. 217; Joseph, 114; Julia Simms, Sym— Susanna, 64, 70. Ann, 200; .Kingslev, 16; Lemuel, Simons — Marillo, 247. 17, 103, 129; Louisa, 200, 249; Simpson, Simson— Edward, 245, 250; Lucy A., 247; Lucy Aim, 200; George, 222 ; Nancv, 247. Luke, 201, 225, 239; Luke James, Sinclair— Adams O.", 260; Allen G., 201; Luther, 107; Marv, 18, 80, 33, 260; Amos Smyth, 230; Laura 200, 230, 232, 240; Mary Seaver, Anna, 260. 200; Mary S., 257; Nabbv, 166, Skellings, Skillings, Skillins — 200; Nathaniel, 129, 146, 151, 199, Eleanor, 229; Eliza A., 258; Fran- 200, 214, 219, 239, 256; Oliver, ces A., 233. 104, 164, 200, 211, 214, 216, 239, Skinner— Abigail, 20; Elijah, 217; 268 : Orra, 200, 243, 255 ; Otis, 166 ; :Milton D., 260. Phebe, 200; Phineas, 201; Ralph, Slade— Mercv, 159, 169 ; Rosanna.lGl. 12, 13, 16, 17, 35, 104, 162, 166; Sloane— Eliza Jane, 200 ; Isaac Henrv, Rebeckah, 13, 16, 18, 20, 28, 82, 86, 200; John, 200, 224, 257. 259; Jo- 44; Rebecca Swift, 200; Rhoda, seph Alvan, 200; Ruth, 200; Ruth 129, 201, 220, 235; Ruhamah, 200; Ann, 200. Russell, 166; Ruth, 103, 104, 107, Slocum— Marv, 63; Sarah, 59. 114, 115, 125, 161, 167, 169; Sallv, Slouen- Peter, 124. 115; Samuel, 47. 103, 104, 107, 114, Smith— Abbv, 227; Abbv N., 260; ^ 115, 125, 161, 167, 170, 174, 178; Abigail, 39, 45, 49, 51, *52, 53, 107, Samuel Francis, 2>^0', Sarah, 12, 13, 146, 149, 175, 178, 242, 256; Amv, 16,17, 35, 200; Sarah Drake, 200, 214; Ansel, 249; Asa Otis, 115; 211; Sarah Miranda, 20] ; Susanna, Asahel, 11, 107, 114,115, 164; Avis, 200, 211; Susanna Baker, 200; Sibil, 256; Baca, 166; Benajah, 173; Ben- 201; Thankful, 235; Thankful W., jamin, 13, 18, 21, 34, 40, 44, 48, 56, 226; Thankful Withington, 200; 57,68,149,157; Betsev, 227, 229, Thomas, 21, 27, 39, 46, 47, 48, 61, 234,242; Caleb, 19, 28, 32; Cath- 103, 161, 164, 223, 239, 268; Unity, erine, 159, 169, 259; Charlotte, 231; 21, 114, 138, 145; Willard,200, 229; Damaris, 121, 128; Deborah, 134, William, 114, 199, 200; William E., 265; Edmund, 155; Edward, 256 ; 109; William Ensign, 61, 107, 135, Elijah, 121, 148, 152; Elizabeth, 37, 30G 42, 103, 104, 107, 142, 147, 166, 168, 229, 232; Elkanah, 172; Enoch, 166; Ephraiin, 40, 64, 73, 103, 104, 108, 136, 145. lo4, 268; Esther Richards, 201; Experience, 108, 114, 160; Ezra, 29, 37, 39, 42, 44, 49, 51, 52, 53; Francis, 120; George, 121, 242, 255; George J., 253: Han- nah, 15, 50, 64, 69, 115, 120, 121, 132, 147, 165, 169, 201, 216, 228. 230, 238, 239, 273; Harriet, 260; Isaac, 44, l(i3, 201, 242, 244; Israel, 93, 101 ; Jacob, 103; James, 37, 49, 61, 137, 145, 149, 157, 223, 239; Jemima, 93, 103; Jeremiah, 60; Jerusha, 53; Jesse, 44, 108, 114, 115, 129, 138, 158, 166, 167, 168, 265; Joan, 247; Joanna, 155; John, 20, 24, 30, 37, 38, 40, 41, 45, 48, 49, 50, 53. 93, 103. 148, 151, 175. 218, 242 : Jonathan W., 229, 239 ; Joseph, 11, 15, 21, 37, 44, 58, 63, 108, 114, 115, 120, 139. 143, 146, 152, 158, 159, 160, 166, 168, 208; Judith, 59, 265; Katherine, 61, 121, 170; Kc- zia, 121, 161; Lemuel, 107, 121, 127, 160, 239, 263; Levi, 93; Lewis, 199, 257; Lois, 93, 108, 114, 115; Lo- renzo It., 259 ; Lucinda M., 237, 251 ; LucvF., 238, 252: Lvdia, 114. 149, 156; Macv, 115; Marcus. 121: Mar- tha, 56, 121, 134, 144; Marv, 12, 15, 20, 21. 28, 32, 37, 38, 40, 41, 42, 44, 45, 48, 49, 50, 53, 93, 101, 104, 114, 121, 128, 148, 151, 174, 177, 253, 264; Melatiah, 108: Mercv, 27, 28, 33, 56, 272: Meriam J., 259; Meri- bah. 42: Michael, 114; Miss, 215; MoUv. 149, 157; Nancv, 108, 221, 234;"Nathan. 18. 52. 166: Nathaniel, 161, 170; Oliver, 166; Otis, 114; Patience, 104, 127, 161; Patrick, 259; Phc'be, 19; Philip, 131; Priscilla, 58, 63, 129; Rachel, 19, 20, 28, 32, 165, 173, 216, 233, 265, 273; Rebecca, 107, 127, 159, 161, 166, 167, 169, 216,236, 263: Rhoda, 108, 141, 147; Richard, 34; Richard M., 254; Salome, 121, 128; Sally, 221, 232, 238; Samuel, 38, 53, 166; Sa- rah, 11, 27, 32, 49, 103, 107, 114, 144,146, 154, 262; Seth, 121, 128, 133, 179; Silence, 58, 272; Susan W., 246, 252; Susanna, 13, 18,21,40, 44; Tabitha, 21, 58, 63, 103, 153, 270; Uriah, 121; William, 21, 26, 68. 61. 63. 64. 121. 140, 147, 17o, 223,239, 264; Zephauiah, 148, 152; Zuba, 114, 160, 169. SxELL— Hannah, 216, 262 ; Lydia, 217 ; William. 149. Snow— Abigail, 228, 238; Almira, 232: lienjamin, 242, 246; Jerusha H., 224; Lucy, 247; Lvdia, 232, 242; Mary, 245, 250; Mercy, 173, 270. SOPEK — Edmond, 78. Socle— Cady, 244, 254. Southland, David. 137, 268. SouTHWOKTH — A])olios, 170; Betty, 120; Consider. 120. 122, 167; Constant, 121; Jedediah, 107, 120, 121, 127, 136, 147, 159, 164, 170 ; .Larvis, 170 ; Luther, 170 ; Marv, 107, 120. 121, 164; Polyglotta, 12i; Sally, 170. Spare. See also Spear and Spur — Elijah. 221, 253; Elijah, Child of, 199; Elizabeth, 162. 235, 263: Eliz- abeth B., 244, 255: Galen, 257; Joel, 199; John, 172; Marv, 218; Nancv C, 259. - SPAULDiMi— Abigail, 211 ; Calista.229 ; Caroline. 229: Corodon, 211; Coro- don. Child of, 215; David, 213; 228, 239; Louisa. 226, 236; Lucy, 243, 254: Marv, 242; MaryH., 229; Sarah, 226. Spear. See also Spare and Spur — Elizabeth, 245, 251, 267; Ephraim M., 226; Henry T., 249: Jemimah, 70; John, 103, 107, 132, 147 ; Jon- athan, 103; Joseph, 107. 180: Josh- ua, 127. 239; Justus, 229; Lvdia, 143; Marv, 103, 107, 136, 147:'Me- hitable M^, 228; Olive, 251: Phebe, 157; Prudence, 151; Rachel. 137, 271; Richard, 65, 78; Sarah Maria, 249, 250: Simeon, 151. Spur, Sprui:. See aim Spare and Spear — Abigail, 27, 38: Catherine B., 230: Eleanor, 61 ; Elijah, 15, 65, 79; Elizabeth, 15, 38, 128; Jane 61, 80; Jerusha, 66; John, 81, 154; Lemuel, 65, 140, 145; Martha, 94;. Marv, 22, 52, 65, 66, 77, 79. 81, 94, 98, 104, 142, 150; Michael, 34, 58, 61, 80: Nancv. 157; OliVe, 146, 152; Poll V, 217: iledman, 52, 138^ 145; Robert, 266; Sanuicl, 77, 146,152, 219; Sarah, 98: Tliomas, 4, 5, 7, 15, 22, 33, 38, 52, 55,56, 66, 77, 79, 81, 94, 98, 104, 137, 147 ; Zephauiah, 22, 104. Stacy — Samuel, 77. Standisii — Warren T., 255. 307 Staer— Henry, 2^30., Steakns, Stearnes, S'terns, Starns— Abigail, 27 ; Bethuel, 166 ; Ebeuezer, 26; Elizabeth, 172; Euiiice, 107, 108, 162; Experience, 173; Hannah, 62, 69, 108, 128, 203; Isaac, 4, 18, 33, 40,66, 62; Jonathan, 266; Joseph, 107, 160, 169; Margaret, 35, 41, 42, 176, 178; Martha, 26,32; Mary, 35, 41, 166; Nathan, 18; Nathaniel, 107, 108, 135, 144; Oliver, 166; Kachel, 18, 40, 265; Pthoda, 166; Samuel, 26, 31; Sarah, 24, 30; Si- mon, 35, 41, 42, 82, 166, 175, 179, 266; Susanna, 166. Stephens. See aho Stevens— Han- nah, 150; Mr., Childof, 199;. Pompev, 137: Rachel. 155. Steptoe— George, 222, 239; AVilliam, 216. Stetson, Stutson, Stedson, Stud- son— Caroline Matilda, 221, 237; Isaac, 127, 239; Jacob, 127, 161; Lvdia, 259; Nancv, 221, 239; Rbval, 226, 239; Samuel S., 228, 239. Stevens. See also Stephens— Abi- gail, 200; Adoniram, 200; Almira, 200, 211; Ann Jane, 200; Bradford, 200, 260; Eliza. 2uO; Francis, 200; Lorenzo, 200; Martin W., 200; Mary Ann, 200; Myra, 200, 21i; Peletiah, 200, 211. Stickxey, Stickne— Bethiah, 36; John, 54, 132, 144; Jonas, 54, 83; Mary, 36, 38, 42, 47, 51, 53, 54, 83, 133, 267; Kichard, 34, 36, 38, 42, 47, 51, 53, 54, 58, 83; Solomon, 36, 42, 47, 53, 174, 178. Stimpson — Andrew, 146, 154; Caro- line,243,255; Joseph, 267 ; Judith, 57. Stockman — John, 232. Stockwell — John, 36, 42; Mary, 36, 42; Samuel, 42. Stoddard, Stodard, Stoper, Stod- i)ER— Betsey, 225, 239; Hannah, 127, 238; Judson, 248; Lemuel, 132, 144, 160, 169. Stone— Avis, 152; Chloe. 139, 147; Daniel, 103, 121, 125, 158, 168, 173, 176, 239 ; David, 26, 42, 43, 47, 54, 65, 173, 177, 270; Eleanor, 201,246, 253; Elizabeth, 201: Eunice, 47, 68, 138, 145; George, 15, 104, 127, 133, 144, 161, 216, 239; Gustavus, 201 ; Henrv, 16, 19, 51, 55, 61, 62, 68, 103, 125, 143; Horace, 201: James, 64; Jane, 245, 251; John, 35; Jon- athan, 201, 222, 239: Lemuel, 55, 144, 146: Lois, 55, 146. 149, 155; Lvdia, 15, 19, 55, 61, 62, 68, 103, 125, 133, 272; Mary, 51, 103, 132, 144, 172, 176; Mercy, 42, 221; Mindwell, 42, 43, 47, 54, 65; Pa- tience, 19, 179, 180; Rebecca, 35, 104, 138, 145; Rhoda, 220, 239; Richard, 244; Sallv, 121; Samuel, 26, 273; Sarah, 34, 38, 67, 103, 121, 125; William, 61, 136,143, 145, 146. Stowell — Jason, 230. Strobridge, Strowbridge — Eliza- beth, 68, 138, 145; Hannah, 75, 143, 146; Judith, 62, 68, 75, 103; Re- becca, 103; Samuel, 59, 62, 68, 76, „ 103, 213, 2G5; Seth,, 62, 141, 157,- 168, 199; Sybil, 199. Stlijtevant, Sturdephant — Antoi- nette, 227 ; Betsey, 165 ; Elisha, 227 ; GeorgiannaT., 258; Sarah M., 261. SuKAMUG — Mary, 137, 147. SuELA way— Sarah E., 244, 253. Sullivan— Cornelius,202 ; Daniel,202 ; Honora, 202; John, 202; Mary, 202, 261. Sumner— ,11; Abigail, 127, 156, 239; David, 116, 142, 148; De- liverance, 18, 36, 41, 46; Ebenezer, 46; Ebenezer Billings, 114; Eliza- beth, 60, 114; Evelina, 257; Han- nah. 61, 76, 122, 165; Hephsebah, 76; Irene, 170; James T., 201, 243, 255; Jerusha, 103, 107, 114, 121, 128; Jesaniah, 66, 70, 78; Job, 121; John, 11, 61, 71, 76, 133, 271; Jo- seph, 166; Lewis, 103; Lydia, 127, 161, 233; Mercy, 115; Nancy, 201; Nathaniel, 18, 36, 41, 46, 57, 169, 201, 222, 265 ; Patience, 155 \ Rachel, 166; Roger, 103,107, 114, 121, 128; Sally, 121 ; Sarah, 41 ; Sarah E., 242, 255; Seth, 166; William, 61. Swan— Abigail, 107, 148, 152; Eben- ezer, 15; James Draper, 163, 170; .Jonathan R., 241, 248 ; Joseph, 16; Lucy, 11, 140, 147, 227; Luther, 163," 230; Marv, 11, 15, 16, 137, 147; Mary Ann, 232, 243; Meletiah, 11; Mille, 137, 147: Rachel, 11, 12, 107, 157, 168; Rebecca, 162, 170; Rob- ert, 11, 12, 15. 16, 107, 148, 151; Sa- rah, 107, 157, 168. Sweeney— Catherine, 212; Mr., Child of, 214. Sweet — John, 74. Swn<^T— Jireh, 86; Job, 86; Joshua, 86; Lusane, 173; Otis, 240, 266; 308 Sarah, 75. 86 ; Temperance, 173, 177 ; Unite,' 8G. SwiXEY— Edward, 245, 249. Sylyestek, Silvester — Azel, 201; Benjamin, 23, 30, 128, IGl, 1G2, 170, 201, 217, 223,239, 2G3; Benjamin Henry, 202: Fannv AV.. 257; Han- nah, 244. 249; Ilannah M., 202; John, 202; Joseph, 201; Joseph Simeon, 202; Lydia, 201, 245, 253; Marv, 235; Marv Ann, 247; llachel, 223; Richard, 221, 239; Hutli, 218. Tabeu— Eliza Ann, 25G. Taft— Moses, 140, 149. Tali'.ot, Talbott, Talbutt, Tolbot —Abigail, 19, 51, 53, 69, 99, 165, 167;Amaziah, 45; Anna, 88, 126; Benjamin, 83, 120; Bettv, 120; Cal- vin, 120; Charlotte, 89;" Daniel, 14, 15, 26, 32, 42, 43, 45, 50, 83, 120, 129; David, 14, 110, 111, 120, 136, 147, 16(1, 169, 211; Ebenezer, 52, 61, G8, 76. 82, 89, 92, 125, 151, 265; Elizabeth, 52, 61, 68, 76, 82, 89, 92, 125, 129, 137, 147; Esther, 84, 148, 154; Experience, 58, 63; Ezra, 110, 122, 165; George, 9, 12, 14, 15, 27, 29, 33, 36, 50, 52. 67, 97, 129, 176, 265, 266; Hannah, 12, 14. 27.32, 50,52,67, 92, 97, 148. 152; Isaac. 50, 110, 111, 120, 128, 169. 266; Jabez, 83, 120, 128, 149, 155 ; James^ 116; Jedediah, 92, 125; Jerusha, 34, 57; Joel, 120: John. 120; Lemuel, 110; Lucv. 111. 126; Martha, 14. 15, 42. 43,45.50, 83, 111, 128, 164. 175, 178; Marv, 24, 36. 50, 80,83,84, «8, 92, 99, 110, 111, 115, 116, 120, 125, 126, 179; Meliitable, 80,120, 211; Mercy, 97; Kathaniel, 52; Peter, 19, 38, 51, 53, 56, 64, 69, 7(), 80, 83, 84, 88, 92, 99, 116, 125, 120, 128, 149, 155; Polly, 116; R:ichel. 82; Pachard, 99, 167, 216; Ptuth. 52, 132, 147; Salome, 120, 211; Sam- uel, 53, 99, 110, 111, 115. 116, 120, 126, 135, 146, 149; Sarah, 28.- 32, 83, 120, 148, 154; Solomon, 120; Susanna, 67, 110. Ill, 120, 128; AVilliam, 61, 138, 147. Tamouk— Mr.. 215. Tak — Benjamin. 59. 63, Tatem— J. D.. 244; J. Davidson. 249. Taint — Abigail. 2i'G: Albert. 2o6. 246: Albert, Child of, 212;'Aniro- line, 206, 261; Charlotte. 99, 112. 159, 169; Clarissa. 206. 245; Clar- issa C, 251; Ebenezer, 116, 126, 134, 147; Elizabeth, 116, 165, 166; Emory, 206; Hipzibah, 99, 120, 160, 169; Irena, 224, 240; Jeremiah, 206, 215,228,240; Jerusha, 99, 112; Joan, 206, 230; John, 99, 120, 128, 162, 172, 176, 263; John Adams, 215; Jonathan, 136, 149; Lemuel, 219, 240, 257; Levi, 99, 112, 133, 144; Maria T., 206; Margaret G., 246,252; Marv, 140; JVancv, 116, 126; Naomi, 120,153, 155; Patty,218; Polly, 116, 126; Phoda, 120, 146, 151; Ptoxana, 206; Ruth, 221, 238; Sally, 206, 215; Samuel, 120, 206, 217; Sarah, 116, 126, 206; Seth, 162; Seth Billings, 112; William, 206, 244, 255. Taylor, TAiLEU—Elisha, 39 ;Eliza,211 ; John, 271; Mary Ann, 26o ; Samuel, 211; Samuel B.. 230; Solomon, 225, 240; Thomas, 240. Temple— William F., 249; William F., Child of, 213, 214. Templetox — Elizabeth A., 256. Tevboy— Sarah, 157. Teav— Uriah. 163. Tiiacher— Mr., 266. TiiAYEK— Amos, 162 ; Amev, 135, 271 ; Caleb, 155 ; Davis, 246, 252 ; Dolly, 216; Ebenezer, 273; Eliphalet L., 261; Elisha. 222; Elizabeth, 26; Ephraim, 175, 271; Hariot, 224; Jacob, 143, 148; Joseph, 163,270; Micha], 160, 169; Miriam, 176, 179; Nancy C, 228; Peter, 162, 268; Shadrach, 151; Stephen, 230; Ste- l)hen. Child of, 211; Susan Jane, 259; Thomas W., 258. Thompson, Thomson, Tomson, Tomp- SON— Anna, 86, 148, 149; Asa, 202; Bethiah, 2!)2; Benjamin, 202; Bet- sey, 202; David, 12, 14, 17, 27, 32, 36, 43, 47, 60, 82, 86, 89, 92, 97, 99, 102,110,115. 173. 178; Ebenezer, 12,47,115; Esther, 221, 234; James, 36. 60; Jerusha, 92; Joseph. 64, 71; Josiah, 202; Katharine, 17, 134, 147; Lois. 202; Margaret, 136, 147; Ma- ria, 231 ; Marv, 12, 14, 17, 36,43, 47, 60, 82, 86, 97, 173. 177; Mela- tiah, 99: Phebe, 128. 163, 238; Ra- chel. 97; Ruth, 110; Sallv, 202; Sarah, 79, 82, 89, 92, 99, 102, 110, 115, 14«, 151, 158, 266: Sukev, 202: AVilliam. 160. 169. 239. TnoKP, Thorpe — Abigail. 59, 63; Adam. 51; Azul)ah. 271; Elijjhalet, 46, 220; Eve, 54; Keziah, 23, 264; 209 Ruth, 42, 45, 46, 51, 54, 1*6, 1-3; Samuel. 27, 32, 42, 45, 46, ol, o4. Thurston— Betsev, 163, 264; Dorcas, 173, 264; Paul, 220, 240; Susan, Tiff ANY- Joseph, 141, 270; William, 269. ^ ^, TiLDEN-Abel, 120; Abigail, 18, 20, 39, 65, 73, 86, 92, 97, 9«, 152 lo9, 169 '>02. 240, 268; Abiier, 20b, 223, 240'; 'Benjamin, 116; Bethiah, 2<'2; Bethia G., 242, 254; Clara, 202, 243, 253; David, 18, 20, 39, 6o, to, 99 176; Elleu Maria, 203; Elihu, 111, 170; Eliiah, 12.29,33,47,54, 61,62,67, 68; 80, 125, 167; Eumce, 170; Ezra, 68, 111, 116, 120, 139, 145, 202, 214, 218; Francis, 20b, 245 254; Freelove, 110; Hannah, 27, 170, 217; Isaac, 170, 217; Jeru- slm, 92', 146, 152; Joel, 116, 219, 240; John, 82; Jonathan, 120; Josiah, 101, 120, 159, 168 239; Julia, 203; Lemuel G., 246, 2ol; Lemuel GiU, 202; Loring, 203; Lucinda, 202; Lucinda G., 261: Lvdia, 116; Martha, 203; Martha A , 256; Martha Ann. 203; Mary, 30, 33, 73, 80, 116, 137, 145 202, 203, 257; Mary Ann, 203; Mary Louisa, 203; Nathaniel. 18. 78, 82, 86, 99, 101, 110, 111, 148, 146, 170; Patience, 170; Polly, 116,120,221, 234; Prudence, 120, 223, 241 ; Re- becca, 97, 140, 147; Ruth, 12,47, 64,61,62,67, 68, 80, 111, 12o, 21h; Sallv,170; Sarah, 62, 111, 116, 120, 170," 202, 214, 219, 240 ; Sarah AV . , 243, 254; Seth, 170; Stephen, 20, 64, 65,73,74,92,97,98,272; Susanna, 82,86,99, 101, 110, lU, 216, 240; William, 61, 116, 148, 150, 203. TiLESTON— Ezekiel, 147. TiLLEY— William H., 249. TiLSON— Abigail, 98, 99; Benjamin, 98,99, 175, 272; Betsey, 224,234; Elisha, 98 ; Elizabeth, 98 ; Nehemiah, 99; Phebe, 227, 238. TiMPSON— George, 243, 254. TiSDALE, TiSDLE— Abijah, 111, lol, 260; Alice, 202; Ann Maria, 202 ; Anne, 111, 125; Asa, HI, 12Q; Daniel, 243, 264; Ebenezer, 111, 125; Edward, HI; Hannah, 111; Job, 202; Job Gv 226. 240; Mace, 111, 149, 155; Priscilla, HI, 125,166, 167; Rebecca, 228, 243. TiTCOMB— Moses, 231. Titus— Samuel, 78,269. TOLMAN, TOLEMAN— , 16, -2 ; Abi^'-ail, 99, 136, 145; Amanah, 12; Anne, 25, 270; Bathsheba, 48: Ben- iamin, 48; Bliss. 16, 17,18,19,24, 40. 48. 50, 54, 59, 62, 172, 269, 271 ; Cvuthia, 14, 136, 145; David, 12, 14, 19, 38, 42; Eben, 267; Eben- ezer, 54; Elijah, 81, 229; Elizabeth, 14, 45. 68, 71, 99, 135, 145, 148, 151, 167, 270; Esther, 81, 156, 268; Experience, 40, 54, 68, 81, 125; Harvey, 211; Isaiah, 11, 34, 57, 62, 66, 70", 72, 77, 81, 83, 173, 177; Jane, 158. 168; Jeremiah, 72; John, 58, 99, 140, 144, 145, 146; Johnson, 70, 131, 267: Judith, 62; Lois, 17; Luse, 11; Margaret, 11; Mary, 16, 17, 18, 19, 30, 33, 39, 40, 42, 48, 50. 54, 56, 64, 66, 68, 73; Patience, 19, 65. 77 ; Prudence, 12, 14, 19, 42, 65, 78; Rebecca, 67, 134, 144; Ruth, 45.79, 162, 267, 270; Samuel, 77, 156, 268; Sarah, 62, 131, 148, 153; Susanna, 149. 155; T., 240; Thomas, 14, 37, 67, 69, 125, 131, 156, 227, 235, 236, 237, 241, 242, 243. 268; Timothv, 12, 14, 45, 174; William, 22, 34," 39, 56, 57, 68, 79, 133, 144, 270. Tom — (Servant.) 23. Toms— Daniel. 136. ToPUFF— Ebenezer, 150; Joseph, 38, 57; Samuel, 2, 148, 153; Sarah, 38. TORREY— Noah. 271. ^. ToTM\x— Lucinda T., 248 ; L}'dia, 2o3 ; Rachel. 239, 248; Stephen, 2o8. To^vER— Betsev, 163, 267; Charlotte A 256; Cvnthia, 157; Ebenezer, 225, 240; John, 244, 249; Mary, 241; Pollv, 221; Ruth, 29, 234 (?) To,^j,;,_j. P., 273; Sally, 228, 240 TowNSEKD, ToAVNSHEND- Samuel, (9, 270; William B., 2j32, 240. Trask — Sarah, 74, 177. ^ Treet — Betsey. 217. Trefkey — James, 257. Tripp— Susan M. W., 259. rp^oT — ]\[ehetable, 22. Trout— Mary, 78, 177. True— Harriet, 233; JaneM., 2o3. Tucker— , 203; Aaron _E., 256; Abigail, 26, 31, 98: Abigail Shepard, 221: Abigail S., 236; Abi- iah 202; Adaline B., 203; Adaline P. 203; Albert, 203; Almira,202; Ame. 101; Ann Jane, 203; Ansehna, 244,248; Benjamin, HO, 116,202,. 310 211, 256; Beiijumin Muiiii, 202; Be- thiah, 202; Octsov, 217, 248; Brad- ford, 208 ; Calei). 202, 259 ; Caroline, 202,211,231, 235; Catharine, 203, 229, 238; Charles, 2o2. 212, 224; Charlotte, 202, 203, 227; Clarisha, 223, 236; Clarissa Billings, 203; Daniel, 143, 146, 202, 211; David, 171; Dorcas, 171, 216, 220, 236; Ebenezer, 176, 179; Elias, 253; Elijah, 222, 240; Elizabeth. 246; Ennnoline E.. 247 ; Enos. 1 10 ; Fanny, 219; Francis W.. 203, 230; Francis William, 202; Frederick Mann, 203; Georg-e, 203; George Ijouis, 203; Gerrv, 203,253,261; Harriet, 203, 243, "253; Hannah, 110, 127, 143, 202, 203, 211, 239; Hannah M., 231, 235; Hannah Mann, 2