'%«^ If '"i b\' u i^ i '■. K -Xiie Huflterdo fy* ''■"' ■■■■■■■ ^ Historical ^Society .r. " 1' '< < 'A. .11 V, ^^# By - Laws of The Hunterdon County Historical Society. titfeiiti 1900. Flemington, New Jersey, Anthony Killgore, Printer. IX^ 475511 ^- TITLES. I. Name. II. Objects. III. Members. IV. Fees and Dues. V. Government. Election of Trustees. VI. Officers and Committees. VII. Meetings. VIII. Order of Business. IX- Quorum: X. Presiding- Officer. XI. Corresponding Secretary. XII. Recording Secretary XIII. Treasurer. XIV. Librarian. XV. Finance Committee. XVI. Library Committee. XVII. Obituary Committee. XVIII. Alteration of By-Laws. By = Laws of The Hunterdon County Historical Society, Adopted July 29, 1899. ARTICLE I. NAME. Section i. The name of this Society shall be The Hunterdon County Historical Society. '. ARTICLE II. objects. Section i. The objects of this Society shall be to dis- cover, procure and preserve whatever relates to any de- partment of the history of Hunterdon County, New Jersey, natural, civil, genealogical, literary or ecclesiastical ; and generally of other parts of the State. 4 ARTICLE III. MEMBERS. Section I. The Society shall consist of Resident, Corresponding and Honorary members. Section 2. Resident members shall be persons residing within the County of Hunterdon. Section 3. Corresponding members shall be persons residing outside the County of Hunterdon, either in this or other States or countries. Section 4. Any person who has performed important service along the lines in which this Society is working, may be elected for life, an Honorary member of this Society. Section 5. Persons elected to any class of membership must signify their acceptance in writing, to the Recording Secretary, before their names can be placed on the list of members. Section 6. Resident, Corresponding and Honorary members shall be allowed a voice in all meetings, but Resi- dent members only shall be entitled to vote. Section 7. Resident and Corresponding members may be elected at any regular meeting of the Society. Section 8. The names of persons proposed for Honorary membership shall be made known at a regular meeting of the Society, at which time the proposer shall state the special services that the candidate has rendered, and the matter shall lie over until the next regular meeting, when he mav be elected. ARTICLE IV. FEES AND DUES. Section i. Each Resident member shall on admission pay to the Recording Secretary tw'o dollars as an initiation fee and dues for the current year ending January first, and one dollar annually thereafter in advance as dues ; and if he neglect or refuse to pay such dues for two successive years, he shall forfeit his membership, unless the Board of Trus- 5 tees shall otherwise direct. Section 2. Corresponding members shall pay no initia- tion fee, but shall pay the sum of one dollar annually as dues. Section 3. The annual dues shall be due and payable on the first day of January in each year, in advance. Section 4. Honorary members shall pay no fees or dues, but shall be entitled to all the privileges of membership, except voting, and shall receive gratis all the publications of the Society. Section 5. Members elected at the semi-annual meeting shall pav dues only for one-half year. ARTICLE V. GOVERNMENT. — ELECTION OF TRUSTEES. Section i. The Government of the Society shall be vested in a Board of sexen Trustees who shall be resident members and shall be chosen by the Society by ballot at the annual meeting in each year. Section 2. The Board of Trustees shall elect their own Chairman and Secretary and may make such rules for their own government as are not inconsistent with the law under which this Society is incorporated. Section 3. The Board o\ Trustees shall have the custody of all buildings and permanent funds belonging to the Society and shall have in their hands the entire control and regulation of its affairs in the intervals between the regular meetings. They shall fill vacancies occurring in the Board during the year. The Chairman shall call a meeting of the Board of Trustees whenever necessary and also on the day of each regular meeting. The Board of Trustees may declare the place of any member of the Board vacant who shall be absent from three successive meetings of the Board without sending to the Chairman a reasonable excuse there- for. ARTICLE VI. . Ol FICERS AND COMMITTEES. Section i. The Officers and Standing Committees of the Society shall be elected annually, on the day of the annual meeting of the Society, from the resident members of the Society, by the Board of Trustees elected that day ; and may be from their own number. They shall be : a President, two Vice Presidents, a Corresponding Secretary, a Recording Secretary, a Treasurer, a Librarian, a Finance Committee of three members, a Library Committee of three members, and an Obituary Committee of three members. ARTICLE VII. MEETINGS. Section i. The Society shall hold an annual meeting in Flemington, the County seat of Hunterdon County, New Jersey, on the Second Saturday in January of each year. Section 2. The Society shall hold a semi-annual meet- ing at a time and place in the county to be determined by the Board of Trustees. Section 3. Special meetings may be called at any time and at any place in the County by the Board of Trustees provided at least ten days' notice be giA'en, but no business, other than that mentioned in the notice of the meeting, shall be transacted at any such special meeting. ARTICLE VIII. ORDER OF BUSINESS. Section i. At the regular meetings of this Society the following shall be the order of business : 1. Roll Call. 2. Reading of the minutes of the last meeting. 3. Reports of officers in the following order : President, Vice Presidents, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, 7 Treasurer, Librarian, 4. Report of the Board of Trustees. 5. Report of regular committees, in the following order: Finance Committee, Library Committee, Obituary Committee. 6. Reports of Special Committees. 7. Nomination and election of new members. 8. New Business. 9. Addresses and Reading of Papers. Section 2. The regular Order of Business may be changed or suspended at any meeting by a majority vote of the members present. ARTICLE IX. QUORUM. Section i. Seven Resident members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of the Society. ARTICLE X. PRESIDING OFFICERS. Section i. The President, or in his absence one of the Vice Presidents, or in their absence a Chairman pro tempore, shall preside at all meetings of the Society, and shall have a casting vote. He shall preserve order, and shall decide all questions of order, subject to an appeal. ARTICLE XI. CORRESPONDING SECRETARY. Section i. The Corresponding Secretary shall conduct the general correspondence of the Society. He shall keep true copies of all letters written on behalf of the Society, and shall carefully preserve such copies, with the originals of all letters and communications received, and shall deposit the same in the Librarv at least once a vear. He shall, at 8 every regular meeting of the Society, report such letters and communications as he may have received ; he shall prepare all letters to be written in connection with the business or objects of the Society and transmit the same ; but the Society may appoint a Committee to prepare a letter or letters on any special occasion. ARTICLE XII. RECORDING SECRETARY. Section r. The Recording Secretary shall have charge of the Seal. Certificate of Incorporation, By-Laws, and Records of the Society. He shall notify all members ot their election and such other matters as shall be directed by the Society and Trustees, and shall transmit to them their certificates of membership. He shall receive all fees and dues and recei|)t therefor, paying them to the Treasurer at least twice in each year. He shall give due notice of the time and place of all meetings of the Society and shall attend the same. He shall keep fair and accurate records of all the proceedings of the Society and shall give notice to the several officers and committees, of all votes, orders, resolutions and proceedings of the Society, affecting them, or appertaining to their respective duties, and shall furnish a statement of the proceedings of the Society at all meet- ings to such newspapers or magazines as may desire to publish them as a matter of public interest. ARTICLE XIII. TREASURER. Section i. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to have the care and custody of all current funds of the Society. He shall deposit the moneys in such bank or banks or other places of deposit as the Board of Trustees shall appoint, and he shall have authority to sign checks, drafts or orders for the withdrawal of all moneys and securities, only upon the order of the Board of Trustees, or by vote of the .Society at a regular meeting. He sha;ll sign receipts for 9 all moneys or other securities, except fees and dues, that come into the hands of the Society, and shall keep true and just books of account, showing the receipts, disbur^e- ments and other financial affairs of the Society. He shall render a full and particular statement of his accounts, with vouchers, at each regular meeting of the Society. Section 2. If the Board of Trustees shall deem it neces- sary to order the expenditure of any money at any special meeting of the Society, notice of such necessity must be set forth in the call for such special meeting. ARTICLE XIV. LIBRARIAN. Section i. The Librarian, in consultation with the Library Committee, shall have the charge and Superintend- ence of the Library and the care and arrangement of the books, manuscripts and other articles belonging to the Society. He shall cause to be prepared and keep a proper catalogue of the same. He shall acknowledge the receipt of donations to the Society's collection. He shall expend, in the purchase of books and other articles, and for their safe keeping and preservation, at the direction of the said Committee, such sums of money as shall from time to time be appropriated for that purpose, and shall report thereon to the Society at each of its regular meetings. He shall, at each regular meeting, render his accounts for such pur- chases and ccpenditures to the Treasurer for setdement, and shall further make to the Society, at each regular meet- ing, a full report of the donations to the Society and the condition and progress of the Library and collections. ARTICLE XV. FINANCE COMMITTEE. Section i. It shall be the duty of the Finance Committee to audit all accounts before their presentation to the Board of Trustees or to the Society, and to examine and pass upon any bills referred to them. TO ARTICLE XVI. LIBRARY COMMITTEE. Section i. It shall be the duty of the Library Committee to as.sist the Librarian in the collection and preservation of material for the .Society's library and collection. ARTICLE XVII. OBITUARY COMMITTEE. Section i. It shall be the duty of the Obituary Com- mittee on the death of any member of this Society to cause a suitable historical and obituary sketch of such deceased member to be prepared and read at the next meeting of the Society after his decease. A copy of such sketch shall be deposited with the Librarian, whose duty it shall be to furnish a copy for publication, to such newspapers as shall desire it. ARTICLE XVIII. ALTERATION OF BY-LAWS. Section i. No alteration of the By-Laws of the Society shall be made unless such alteration shall have been pro- posed at a business meeting of the Board of Trustees and entered on the minutes with the name of the Trustee pro- posing the same. The amendment shall lie over until the next meeting, and the Secretary of the Board of Trustees shall accompany the notice for the next meeting of the Board with a copy of the proposed amendment. A majority vote shall be required for adoption. Resident Hembers. II Bush, Egbert T. Bond. Mrs. Mary S. Bellis, John Bodine, Henry F. Boileau, Nathaniel B. Bearder, William R. Case, Elijah R. . Cramer, Dr. Isaac S. Connet, John L. Carroll, Asher W. Dilts, Augustus Dalrymple. Elias L. Deats, Hiram E. Exton, Joseph C. Fleming, John Huffman, David B. Heath, Edward M. Hagerman, Lorenzo D. Hayhurst, Walter F. Hardon, John R. Kuhl, Richard S. Killgore, Anthony Kugler, Re\-. John B. Kline, James A. Lequear, John W. Litde, Porter C. Leidy, Dr. E. D. Matthews, Rev. Daniel M Martin, Wm. H. Mechling, Peter M. Race, Dr. Henry Runk, Miss Emma T. B Srope, William T. Sproul, Dr. O. H. Stockton Copper Hill Kingwood Locktown Jutland Locktown Frenchtown Flemington Flemington Locktown Flemington Ouakertown Flemington Clinton Readington Reaville Locktown Frenchtown Lambertville Frenchtown Flemington Flemington Junction Flemington Frenchtown Pittstown Flemington Frenchtown Frenchtown Pittstown Pittstown Lambertville Frenchtown Flemington 12 Thomas, Wilson * Vail, Mrs. Mary C. . Voorhees, N. W. Vosseller, Elias. . . Corresponding Members. Griffiths, Dr. J. H. . . Phillipsburg, N. J Milford Quakertown Clinton Flemington Mott, Rev. Geo. S. Parrv, Richard R. Stewart, Charles Seaforth Wilson. Rev. W. V. Wolverton, Miss Mary L. Newark, N. J New Hope, Pa Cooperstown, N. Y Port Monmouth, N. J Vancouver Barracks, Vancouver, Wash. Honorary Members. Darling, Gen. Chas. W. ^ . Utica, N. Y. * Stryker, Gen. Wm. S. ... Trenton, N. J. ^Deceased. 3/f. ■ ' .1 ■: LIBRftRY OF CONGRESS 014 224 970 4 4