F184 ^0^9- v-^^ O N O ■' ^^^ . vher ten a line of this nature. 427 -i ( THE EPISTLE DEDICATORY. If I have wrote or composed any thing that's wilde and confused, it is because I am so my self, and the world, as far as I can perceive, is not much out of the same trim; therefore I resolve, if I am brought to the Bar of Common Law for any thing I have done here, to plead Non compos mentis, to save my Bacon. There is an old Saying in EngUsh, He must rise betimes that would please every one. And I am afraid I have lain so long a bed, that I think I shall please no body ; if it must be so, I cannot help it. But as Feltham (see note No. 4) in his Resolves says. In things^ that m>ust he, 'tis good to be resolute; And therefore ] what Destiny has ordained, I am resolved to wink, / and stand to it. So leaving your Honour to more serious meditations, I subscribe my self. My Lord Your Lordship most Humble Servant, George Alsop. 1 ^ To all the Merchant Adventurers for MARY-LAND, together with those Commanders of Ships that saile into that Province. Sirs, You a7'e both Adventurers, the one of Estate, the other of Life: I could tell you lam an Adve^^- turer too, if I durst presume to come into your Company. I have ventured to come abroad in Pi-int, and if I should be laughed at fen' my good meaning, it would so break the credit of my understanding, that I should never dare to shew my fojce upmi the Exchange of {conceited) Wits again. This dish of Discourse was inte^ided foi' you at first, but it teas mamiers to let my Lord have the first cut, the Pye being his own. I beseech you accept of the matter as 'tis drest, only to stay your stomachs, and Tie promise you the next shall be better done, ' Tis all as I can serve you in at prese^it, and it may be questionable tvhether I have served you in this or no. Here I present you loitJi A Character of Mary-Land, it may be you will say 'tis weakly done, if you do I cannot help it, His as well as I could do it, ccnisidering several Obstacles that lilce blocks were thrown in my icay to hinder my proceeding : The major part thereof was loritten in the intermitting time of my sickness, tluereforre I hope the ajflicting iveakness of 431 24 my Microcosm may plead a just excuse for some imper- fections of my' pen. I protest what I have writ is from an experimental knowledge of the Country, and not frmn any imaginary supposition. If lam blamed for what I have done too much, it is the first, and I will irrevocably promise it shall be the last. There s a Maxim upon Tryals at Assizes, That if a thief be taken upon the first fault, if it be not to hainous, tliey only burn him in the hand and let him go (see note No. 5) : So I desire you to do by me, if you find any thing that bears a criminal absurdity in it, oidy burn me for my first fact and let me go. But I am afiraid I have kept you too long in tlie Entry, I shall desire you therefore to come in and sit down. G. Alsop. i-^ PREFACE K E A D E R. The Reason why I appear in this place is, lest the general Reader should conclude I have nothing to say for my self; and truly he's in the right on't, for I have but little to say (for my self) at this time : For I have had so large a Journey, and so heavy a Burden to bring Mary-Land into England, that I am almost out of breath : I'le promise you after I am come to my self, you shall hear more of me. Good Reader, because you see me make a brief Apologetical excuse for my self, don't judge me ; for I am so self- conceited of my own merits, that I almost think I want none. De Lege non judicandum ex sold linea, saith the Civilian ; We must not pass judgement upon a Law by one line : And because we see but a small Bush at a Tavern door, conclude there is no Canary (see note No. 6). For as in our vulgar Resolves 'tis said, A good face needs no Band, and an ill one deserves none: So the French Proverb sayes, Bon Vien il n'a faut point de Ensigne, Good Wine needs no Bush. I suppose by this time some of my speculative observers '1 433 26 PREFACE TO THE READER. have judged me vainglorious ; but if they did but rightly consider me, they would not be so censorious. For I dwell so far from Neighbors, that if I do not praise my self, no body else will : And since I am left alone, I am resolved to summon the Magna Gharta of Fowles to the Bar for my excuse, and by their irrevo- cable Statutes plead my discharge. For its an ill Bird loill hefoule her oion Nest : Besides, I have a thousand Billings-gate (see note No. 7) Collegians that will give in their testimony. That they never knew a Fish-iDoman cry stinking Fish. Thus leaving the Nostrils of the Citizens Wives to demonstrate what they please as to that, and thee (Good Reader) to say what thou wilt, I bid thee Farewel. Geo. Alsop. 434 AUTHOR BOOK. WHen first Apollo got my brain with Cbilde, He made large promise never to beguile, But like an honest Father, he would keep Whatever Issue from my Brain did creep : With that I gave consent, and up he threw Me on a Bench, and strangely he did do; Then every week he daily came to see How his new Physick still did work with me. And when he did perceive he'd don the feat. Like an unworthy man he made retreat. Left me in desolation, and where none Compassionated when they heard me groan. "What could he judge the Parish th^n would think, To see me fair, his Brat as black as Ink ? If they had eyes, they'd swear I were no ITun, But got with Child by some black Africk Son, And so condemn me for my Fornication, To beat them Hemp to stifle half the Nation. Well, since 'tis so, I'le alter this base Fate, And lay his Bastard at some JToble's Gate ; Withdraw my self from Beadles, and from such, Who would give twelve pence I were in their clutch 486 28 THE AUTHOR TO HIS BOOK. Then, who can tell ? this Child which I do hide, May be in time a Small-beer Col'nel Pride (see note But while I talk, my business it is dumb, [No. 8). I must lay double-clothes unto thy Bum, Then lap thee warm, and to the world commit The Bastard Off-spring of a New-born wit. Farewel, poor Brat, thou in a monstrous "World, In swadling bauds, thus up and down art hurl'd ; There to receive what Destiny doth contrive. Either to perish, or be sav'd alive. Good Fate protect thee from a Criticks power. For If he comes, thou'rt gone in half an hour, Stiff'd and blasted, 'tis their usual way. To make that Night, which is as bright as Bay. For if they once but wring, and skrew their mouth. Cock up their Hats, and set the point Du-South, Armes all a kimbo, and with belly strut. As if they had Parnassus in their gut : These are the Symtomes of the murthering fall Of my poor Infant, and his burial. Say he should miss thee, and some ign'rant Asse Should find thee out, as he along doth pass, It were all one, he'd look into thy Tayle, To see if thou wert Feminine or Male ; "When he'd half starv'd thee, for to satisfie His peeping Ign'rance, he'd then let thee lie ; And vow by's wit he ne're could understand, The Heathen dresses of another Land : "Well, 'tis no matter, wherever such as he Knows one grain, more than his simplicity. Now, how the pulses of my senses beat. To think the rigid Fortune thou wilt meet ; 436 THE AUTHOR TO HIS BOOK. 29 Asses and captious Fools, not six in ten Of thy Spectators will be real men, To Umpire up the badness of the cause, And screen mj weakness from the rav'nous Laws, Of those that will undoubted sit to see How they might blast this new-born Infancy : If they should burn him, they'd conclude hereafter, 'Twere too good death for him to dye a Martyr; And if they let him live, they think it will Be but a means for to encourage ill, And bring in time some strange Antipod'ans, A thousand Leagues beyond Philippians, To storm our "Wits ; therefore he must not rest, But shall be hang'd, for all he has been prest : Thus they conclude. — My Genius comforts give, In Resurrection he will surely live. 437 To my Friend Mr. George Alsop, on his Character of MARY-LAND. WHo such odd nookes of Earths great mass describe, Prove their descent from old Columbus tribe: Some Boding augur did his Name devise, Thy Genius too cast in th' same mould and size ; His Name predicted he would be a Rover, And hidden jylaces of this Orb discover ; Me made relation of thai World in gross, Thou the particulars retaiVst to us : By this first Peny of thy fancy we. Discover ivhat thy greater CoiJies will be ; This Embryo thus well polisht doth presage, The manly Atchievements of its future age. Auspicious loinds bloio gently on this spark, TJntill its flames discover ivhat's yet dark ; Mean lohile this short Abridgement we embrace, Expecting that thy busy soul will trace Some Mines at last which may enrich the World, And all that poverty may be in oblivion hurVd. Zoilus is dumb, for thou the mark hast hit. By interlacing History with Wit : Thou hast described its superficial Treasure, Anatomiz'd its bowels at thy leasure ; That MARY-LAND to thee may duty owe. Who to the World dost all her Glory shew ; Then thou shall make the Prophesie fall true. Who Jill' st the World (like th' Sea J with knowledge new. William Bogherst. (See note No. 9.) 439 To my Friend Mr. George Alsop, on his Character of MARY-LAND. THis plain, yet pithy and concise Description Of Mary-Lands pleniious and sedate condition, With other things herein by you set forth. To shew its Rareness, and declare its Worth ; Coni'pos'd in such a time, lohen most men were Smitten iviih Sickness, or siirpriz'd with Fear, Argues a Genius good, and Courage stout. In bringing this Design so well about : Such generous Freedom, waited on thy brain, The Work was done in midst of greatest pain ; And. matters flow'' d so swiftly from thy source. Nature designed thee (sure) for such Discourse. Go on then with thy Work so well begun, Let it come forth, and boldly see the Sun; Then shall' i be known to all, that from thy Youth Thou heldst it Noble to maintain the Truth, ' Gainst all the Rabble-rout, that yelping stand, To caM aspersions on thy MARY-LAND : Bui this thy Work shall vindicate its Fame, And as a Trophy memorize thy Name, So if without a Tomb thou buried be, This Book's a lasting Monument for thee. IL W., Master of Arts. (See note No. 10). F^om my Study, Jan. 10, 1665. 441 A CHARACTER OF THE PROVINCE OF MARY-LAND. CHAP. I. Of the situation and plenty of the Province of Mary-Land. MARY-LAND is a Province situated upon the large extending bowels of America^ under the Government of the Lord Bcdtemm'e, adjacent North- wardly upon the Confines of New-Enyland, and neighbouring Southwardly upon Virginia, dwelling pleasantly upon the Bay of CTwesapike (see note No. 11), between the Degrees of 36 and 38, in the Zone temperate, and by Mathematical computation is eleven hundred and odd Leagues in Longitude from England, being within her own imbraces extraordinary pleasant and fertile. Pleasant, in respect of the multitude of Navigable Rivers and Creeks that conveniently and most profitably lodge within the armes of her green, spreading, and delightful Woods ; whose natural womb (by her plenty) maintains and preserves the several diversities of Animals that rangingly inhabit her Woods ; as she doth otherwise generously fructifie 443 36 A CHARACTER OF THE this piece of Earth with almost all sorts of Vegetables, as well Flowers with their varieties of colours and smells, as Herbes and Eoots with their several effects and operative virtues, that offer their benefits daily to supply the want of the Inhabitant whene're their necessities shall Sub-poeoia them to wait on their com- mands. So that he, who out of curiosity desires to see the Landskip of the Creation drawn to the life, or to read Natures universal Herbal without book, may with the Opticks of a discreet discerning, view Mary- Land drest in her green and fragrant Mantle of the Spring. Neither do I think there is any place under the Heavenly altitude, or that has footing or room upon the circular Globe of this world, that can parallel this fertile and pleasant piece of ground in its multi- plicity, or rather Natures extravagancy of a super- abounding plenty. For so much doth this Country increase in a swelling Spring-tide of rich variety and diversities of all things, not only common provisions that supply the reaching stomach of man with a satisfactory plenty, but also extends with its liberality and free convenient benefits to each sensitive faculty, according to their several desiring Aj)petites. So that had Nature made it her business, on purpose to have found out a situation for the Soul of profitable Inge- nuity, she could not have fitted herself better in the traverse of the whole Universe, nor in convenienter terms have told man. Dwell here, live 'plentifully and he rich. 444 PROVINCE OF MARY-LAND. 37 The Trees, Plants, Fruits, Flowers, and Roots that grow here in Mary-Land, are the only Emblems or Hieroglyphicks of our Adamitical or Primitive situa- tion, as well for their variety as odoriferous smells, together with their vertues, according to their several effects, kinds and properties, which still bear the Ef- figies of Innocency according to their original Grafts; which by their dumb vegetable Oratory, each hour speaks to the Inhabitant in silent acts. That they need not look for any other Terrestrial Paradice, to suspend or tyre their curiosity upon, while she is extant. For within her doth dwell so much of variety, so much of natural plenty, that there is not any thing that is or may be rare, but it inhabits within this plentious soyle : So that those parts of the Creation that have borne the Bell away (for many ages) for a vegetable plentiousness, must now in silence strike and vayle all, and whisper softly in the auditual parts of Mary-Land, that None hut she in this dirells siJigular ; and that as well for that she doth exceed in those Fruits, Plants, Trees and Roots, that dwell and grow in their several Clymes or habitable parts of the Earth besides, as the rareness and super- excellency of her own glory, which she flourishly abounds in, by the abundancy of reserved Rarities, such as the remainder of the World (with all its speculative art) never bore any occular testimony of as yet. I shall forbear to particularize those several sorts of vegetables that flourishingly grows here, by 38 A CHARACTER OF THE reason of the vast tediousness that will attend upon the description, which therefore makes them much more fit for an Herbal, than a small Manuscript or History. (See note No. 12). As for the wilde Animals of this Country, which loosely inhabits the Woods in multitudes, it is impos- sible to give you an exact description of them all, considering the multiplicity as well as the diversity of so numerous an extent of Creatures : But such as has fallen within the compass or prospect of my knowledge, those you shall know of; videlicet, the Deer, because they are oftner seen, and more participated of by the Inhabitants of the Land, whose acquaintance by a customary familiarity becomes much more common than the rest of Beasts that inhabit the Woods by using themselves in Herds about the Christian Plan- tations. Their flesh, which in some places of this Province is the common provision the Inhabitants feed on, and which through the extreme glut and plenty of it, being daily killed by the hidimis, and brought in to the English, as well as that which is killed by the Christian Inhabitant, that doth it more for recreation, than for the benefit they reap by it. I say, the flesh of Venison becomes (as to food) rather denyed, than any way esteemed or desired. And this I speak from an experimental knowledge ; For when I was under a Command, and debarr'd of a four years ranging Liberty in the Province of Mary-Land, the Gentleman whom I served my conditional and pre- PROVINCE OF MARY-LAND. 39 fixed time withall, had at one time in his house four- score Venisons, besides plenty of other provisions to serve his Family nine months, they being but seven in number ; so that before this Venison was brought to a period by eating, it so nauseated our appetites and stomachs, that plain bread was rather courted and desired than it. The Deer (see note No. 13) here neither in shape nor action differ from our Deer in England : the Park they traverse their ranging and unmeasured walks in, is bounded and impanell'd in with no other pales than the rough and billowed Ocean : They are also mighty numerous in the Woods, and are little or not at all affrighted at the face of a man, but (Hke the Does of Whetstons Park) (see note No. 14) though their hydes are not altogether so gaudy to extract an admiration from the beholder, yet they will stand (all most) till they be scratcht. As for the Wolves, Bears, and Panthers (see note No. 15) of this Country, they inhabit commonly in great multitudes up in the remotest parts of the Con- tinent; yet at some certain time they come down near the Plantations, but do little hurt or injury worth noting, and that which they do is of so degene- rate and low a nature, (as in reference to the fierceness and heroick vigour that dwell in the same kind of Beasts in other Countries), that they are hardly worth mentioning : For tlie highest of their designs and circumventing reaches is but cowardly and base, only 40 A CHARACTER OF THE to steal a poor Pigg, or kill a lost and half starved Calf. . The Effigies of a man terrifies them dreadfully, for they no sooner espy him but their hearts are at their mouths, and the spurs upon their heels, they (having no more manners than Beasts) gallop away, and never bid them farewell that are behind them. The Elke, the Cat of the Mountain, the Rackoon, the Fox, the Beaver, the Otter, the Possum, the Hare, the Squirril, the Monack, the Musk-Rat (see note No. 16), and several others (whom I'le omit for brevity sake) inhabit here in Mary-Land in several droves and troops, ranging the Woods at their pleasure. The meat of most of these Creatures is good for eating, yet of no value nor esteem here, by reason of the great plenty of other provisions, ' and are only kill'd by the Indians of the Country for their Hydes and Furrs, which become very profitable to those that have the right way of traffiquing for them, as well as it redounds to the Indians that take the pains to catch them, and to slay and dress their several Hydes, selling and disposing them for such commodities as their Heathenish fancy delights in. As for those Beasts that were carried over at the first seating of the Country, to stock and increase the situation, as Cows, Horses, Sheep and Hogs (see note No. 17), they are generally tame, and use near home, especially the Cows, Sheep and Horses. The Hogs, whose increase is innumerable in the Woods, do dis- PROVINCE OF MARY-LAND. 41 frequent home more than the rest of Creatures that are look'd upon as tame, yet with Httle trouble and pains they are slain and made provision of Now they that will with a right Historical Survey, view the Woods of Mary-Land in this particular, as in reference to Swine, must upon necessity judge this Land lineally descended from the Gadarean Terri- tories. (See note No. 18.) Mary-Land (I must confess) cannot boast of her plenty of Sheep here, as other Countries; not but that they wall thrive and increase here, as well as in any place of the World besides, but few desire them, because they commonly draw down the Wolves among the Plantations, as well by the sweetness of their flesh, as by the humility of their nature, in not making a defensive resistance against the rough deal- ing of a ravenous Enemy. They who for curiosity will keep Sheep, may expect that after the Wolves have breathed themselves all day in the Woods to sharpen their stomachs, they will come without fail and sup with them at night, though many times they surfeit themselves with the sawce that's dish'd out of the muzzle of a Gun, and so in the midst of their banquet (poor Animals) they often sleep with their Ancestors. Fowls of all sorts and varieties dwell at their several times and seasons liere in Mary-Land. The Turkey, the Woodcock, the Pheasant, the Partrich, the Pigeon, and others, especially the Turkey, whom I have seen 6 449 42 A CHARACTER OF THE in whole hundreds in flights in the Woods of Mary- Land, being an extraordinary fat Fowl, whose flesh is very pleasant and sweet. These Fowls that I have named are intayled from generation to generation to the Woods. The Swans, the Geese and Ducks (with other Water-Fowl) derogate in this point of setled residence ; for they arrive in millionous multitudes in Mary-Land about the middle of September, and take their winged farewell about the midst of March (see note No, 19) : But while they do remain, and belea- gure the borders of the shoar with their winged Dragoons, several of them are summoned by a Writ of Fie74 facias, to answer their presumptuous contempt upon a Spit. As for Fish, which dwell in the watry tenements of the deep, and by a providential greatness of power, is kept for the relief of several Countries in the world (which would else sink under the rigid enemy of want), here in Mary-Land is a large sufficiency, and plenty of almost all sorts of Fishes, which live and inhabit within her several Rivers and Creeks, far beyond the apprehending or crediting of those that never saw the same, which with very much ease is catched, to the great refreshment of the Inhabitants of the Province. All sorts of Grain, as Wheat, Rye, Barley, Gates, Pease, besides several others that have their original and birth from the fertile womb of this Land (and no where else), they all grow, increase, and thrive here 450 PROVINCE OP MARY-LAND. 43 in Mary-Land, without the chargable and laborious manuring of the Land with Dung ; increasing in such a measure and plenty, by the natural richness of the Earth, with the common, beneficial and convenient showers of rain that usually w^ait upon the several Fields of Grain (by a natural instinct) , so that Famine (the dreadful Ghost of penury and want) is never known with his pale visage to haunt the Dominions oi Mary-Land. (See note No. 20). Could' St thou (0 Earth) live thus obscure, and now Within an Age, shao forth thy pleniious brow Of rich variety, gilded with fruitful Fame, That ( Trumpet-like) doth Heraldize thy Name, And tells the World there is a Land now found, Tlmt all LJarth's Globe can't parallel its Ground ? Dwell, and be prosperous, and with thy plenty feed The craving Carkesses of those Souls that need. / 451 44 A CHARACTER OF THE CHAP. II. Of the Government and Natural Disposition of the People. MARY-LAND, not from the remoteness of her situation, but from the regularity of her well ordered Government, may (without sin, I think) be called Singular: And though she is not supported with such large Revenues as some of her Neighbours are, yet such is her wisdom in a reserved silence, and not in pomp, to shew her well-conditioned Estate, in relieving at a distance the proud poverty of those that wont be seen they want, as well as those which by undeniable necessities are drove upon the Rocks of pinching wants : Yet such a loathsome creature is a common and folding-handed Beggar, that upon the penalty of almost a perpetual working in Imprison- ment, they are not to appear, nor lurk near our vigilant and laborious dwellings. The Country hath received a general spleen and antipathy against the very name and nature of it ; and though there were no Law provided (as there is) to suppress it, I am certainly confident, there is none within the Province that would lower themselves so much below the dig- nity of men to beg, as long as limbs and life keep house together ; so much is a vigilant industrious care esteem'd. PROVINCE OF MARY-LAND. 45 He that desires to see the real Platform of a quiet and sober Government extant, Superiority with a meek and yet commanding power sitting at the Helme, steering the actions of State quietly, through the multitude and diversity of Opinionous waves that diversly meet, let him look on Mary-Land with eyes admiring, and he'll then judge her, The Miracle of this Age. Here the Roman Catholick, and the Protestant Epis- copal (whom the world would perswade have pro- claimed open Wars irrevocably against each other), contraryAvise concur in an unanimous parallel of friendship), and inseparable love intayled into one another : All Inquisitions, Martyrdom, and Banish- ments are not so much as named, but unexpressably abhorr'd by each other. The several Opinions and Sects that lodge within this Government, meet not together in mutinous con- tempts to disquiet the power that bears Rule, but with a reverend quietness obeys the legal commands of Authority. (See note No. 21). Here's never seen Five Monarchies in a Zealous Rebellion, opposing the Rights and Liberties of a true setled Government, or Monarchical Authority : Nor did I ever see (here in Marij-Laml) any of those dancing Adamitical Sisters, that plead a primitive Innocency for their base obscenity, and naked deportment; but I conceive if some of them were there at some certain time of the year, between the Months of Jamiary and Fehriiary, ] 46 A CHARACTER OF THE when the winds blow from the North- West quarter of the world, that it would both cool, and (I believe) convert the hottest of these Zealots from their burn- ing and fiercest concupiscence. (See note No. 22). The Government of this Province doth continually, by all lawful means, strive to purge her Dominions from such base corroding humors, that would predomi- nate upon the least smile of Liberty, did not the Laws check and bridle in those unwarranted and tumultuous Opinions. And truly, where a kingdom. State or Government, keeps or cuts down the weeds of destruc- tive Opinions, there must certainly be a blessed har- mony of quietness. And I really believe this Land or Government of Mary-Land may boast, that she enjoys as much quietness from the disturbance of Rebellious Opinions, as most States or Kingdoms do in the world : For here every man lives quietly, and follows his labour and imployment desiredly; and by the protection of the Laws, they are supported from those molestious troubles that ever attend upon the Com- mons of other States and Kingdoms, as well as from the Aquafortial operation of great and eating Taxes. Here's nothing to be levyed out of the Granaries of Corn; but contrarywise, by a Law every Domestick Governor of a Family is enjoyned to make or cause to be made so much Corn by a just limitation, as shall be sufficient for him and his Family (see note No. 23) : So that by this wise and Janus-\\k.Q providence, the thin-jawed Skeliton with his starv'd Carkess is never 454 PROVINCE OF MARY-LAND. 47 seen walking the Woods of Mary-Land to affrigliten Children. Once every year within this Province is an Assem- bly called, and out of every respective County (by the consent of the people) there is chosen a number of men, and to them is deliver'd up the Grievances of the Country ; and they maturely debate the matters, and according to their Consciences make Laws for the general good of the people ; and where any former Law that was made, seems and is prejudicial to the good or quietness of the Land, it is repeal'd. These men that determine on these matters for the Repub- lique, are called Burgesses, and they commonly sit in Junto about six weeks, being for the most part good ordinary Householders of the several Counties, which do more by a plain and honest Conscience, than by artificial Syllogisms drest up in gilded Orations. (See note No. 24). Here Suits and Tryals in Law seldome hold dispute two Terms or Courts, but according as the Equity of the Cause appears is brought to a period, (See note No. 25). The Temples and Grays-Inne are clear out of fashion here : Harriot (see note No. 20) would sooner get a paunch-devouring meal for nothing, than for his invading Counsil. Here if the Lawyer had nothing else to maintain him but his bawling, he might button up 'his Chops, and burn his Buckrom Bag, or else hang it upon a pin untill its Antiquity had eaten it up with durt and dust: Then with a 48 A CHARACTER OF THE Spade, like his Grandsire Adam, turn up the face of the Creation, purchasing his bread by the sweat of his brows, that before was got by the motionated Water- works of his jaws. So contrary to the Genius of the people, if not to the quiet Government of the Province, that the turbulent Spirit of continued and vexatious Law, with all its querks and evasions, is openly and most eagerly opposed, that might make matters either dubious, tedious, or troublesom. All other matters that would be ranging in contrary and improper Spheres, (in short) are here by the Power moderated, lower'd and subdued. All villanous Outrages tharv are committed in other States, are not so much as / known here : A man may walk in the open Woods^ as secure from being externally dissected, as in his own house or dwelling. So hateful is a Robber, that if but once imagin'd to be so, he's kept at a distance, and shun'd as the Pestilential noysomness. (See note No. 27). It is generally and very remarkably observed, That those whose Lives and Conversations have had no other gloss nor glory stampt on them in their own Country, but the stigmatization of baseness, were here (by the common civilities and deportments of the Inhabitants of this Province) brought to detest and loath their former actions. Here the Constable hath no need of a train of Holberteers (see note No. 28), that carry more Armour about them, than heart to guard him : Nor is he ever troubled to leave his PROVINCE OF MARY-LAND. 49 Feathered Nest to some friendly successor, while he is placing of his Lanthern-horn Guard at the end of some suspicious Street, to catch some Night-walker, or Batchelor of Leachery, that has taken his Degree three story high in a Bawdy-house. Here's no New- gates for pilfering Felons, nor Liidgates for Debtors, nor any Bridewels (see note No. 29) to lash the soul of Concupiscence into a chast Repentance. For as there is none of these Prisons in Mary-Land, so the merits of the Country deserves none, but if any be foully vitious, he is so reserv'd in it, that he seldom or never becomes popular. Common Alehouses (whose dwellings are the only Receptacles of debauchery and baseness, and those Schools that trains up Youth, as well as Age, to mine), in this Province there are none ; neither hath Youth his swing or range in such a profuse and unbridled liberty as in other Countries ; for from an antient Custom at the primitive seating of the place, the Son Avorks as well as the Servant (an excellent cure for untam'd Youth), so that before they eat their bread, they are commonly taught how to earn it ; which makes them by that time Age speaks them capable of receiving that which their Parents indulgency is ready to give them, and which partly is by their own laborious industry purchased, they manage it with such a serious, grave and watcliing care, as if they had been Masters of Families, trained up in that domestick and governing power from their Cradles. These Christian Natives of the Land, espe- 7 457 50 A CHARACTER OP THE cially those of the Masculine Sex, are generally con- veniently confident, reservedly subtile, quick in apprehending, but slow in resolving ; and where they spy profit sailing towards them with the wings of a prosperous gale, there they become much familiar. The Women differ something in this point, though not much : They are extreme bashful at the first view, but after a continuance of time hath brought them acquainted, there they become discreetly fami- liar, and are much more talkative then men. All Complemental Courtships, drest up in critical Rarities, are meer strangers to them, plain wit comes nearest* their Genius; so that he that intends to Court a Mary-Land Girle, must have something more than the Tautologies of a long-winded speech to carry on his design, or else he may (for ought I know) fall under the contempt of her frown, and his own windy Oration. (See note No. 30). One great part of the Inhabitants of this Province are desiredly Zealous, great pretenders to Holiness; and where any thing appears that carries on the Frontispiece of its Effigies the stamp of Religion, though fundamentally never so imperfect, they are suddenly taken with it, and out of an eager desire to any thing that's new, not weighing the sure matter in the Ballance of Reason, are very apt to be catcht. (See note No. 31). Quakerism is the only Opinion that bears the Bell away (see note No. 32) : The Anabaptists (see note No. 33) have little to say here, PROVINCE OF MARY-LAND. 51 as well as in other places, since the Ghost of John of Leyden haunts their Conventicles. The Adamite, Ranter, and Flft-Monarchy men, Mary-Land cannot, nay will not digest within her liberal stomach such corroding morsels : So that this Province is an utter Enemy to blasphemous and zealous Imprecations, drain'd from the Lynibeck of hellish and damnable Spirits, as well as profuse prophaness, that issues from the prodigality of none but cract>brain Sots. ' Tis said the Gods lower down thai Chain above, That tyes both Prince and Subject up in Love; And if this Fiction of the Gods be true, Few, Mary-Land, in this can boast but you : Live ever blest, and let those Clouds that do Eclipse most States, be always Lights to you ; And dwelling so, you may for ever be The only Emblem of Tranquility. 459 52 A CHARACTER OF THE CHAP. III. The necessariness of Servitude proved^ imtli tlie com^non usage of /Servants in Mary-Laod, together with their Priviledges. AS there can be no Monarchy without the Supre- macy of a King and Crown, nor no King with- out Subjects, nor any Parents without it be by the fruitful off-spring of Children ; neither can there be any Masters, unless it be by the inferior Servitude of those that dwell under them, by a commanding en- joynment : And since it is ordained from the original and superabounding wisdom of all things, That there should be Degrees and Diversities amongst the Sons of men, in acknowledging of a Superiority from Infe- riors to Superiors ; the Servant with a reverent and befitting Obedience is as liable to this duty in a measurable performance to him whom he serves, as the loyalest of Subjects to his Prince. Then since it is a common and ordained Fate, that there must be Servants as well as Masters, and that good Servitudes are those Colledges of Sobriety that checks in the giddy and wild-headed youth from his profuse and uneven course of life, by a limited constrainment, as well as it otherwise agrees with the moderate and dis- creet Servant : Why should there be such an exclusive 4()0 PROVINCE OF MARY-LAND. 53 Obstacle in the minds and unreasonable dispositions of many people, against the limited time of convenient and necessary Servitude, when it is a thing so requi- site, that the best of Kingdoms would be unhing'd from their quiet and well setled Government without it. Which levelling doctrine we here of England in this latter age (whose womb was truss'd out with nothing but confused Rebellion) have too much expe- rienced, and was daily rung into the ears of the tumultuous Vulgar by the Bell-weather Sectaries of the Times : But (blessed be God) those Clouds are blown over, and the Government of the Kingdom couch t under a more stable form. There is no truer Emblem of Confusion either in Monarchy or Domestick Governments, then when either the Subject, or the Servant, strives for the upper hand of his Prince, or Master, and to be equal with him, from whom he receives his present subsist- ance : Why then, if Servitude be so necessary that no place can be governed in order, nor people live without it, this may serve to tell those which prick up their ears and bray against it. That they are none but Asses, and deserve the Bridle of a strict commanding power to reine them in : For I'me certainly confident, that there are several Thousands in most Kingdoms of Christendom, that could not at all live and subsist, unless they had served some prefixed time, to learn either some Trade, Art, or Science, and by either of them to extract their present livelihood. 54 A CHARACTER OF THE Then methinks this may stop the mouths of those that will luidiscreetly compassionate them that dwell under necessary Servitudes; for let but Parents of an indifferent capacity in Estates, when their Child- rens age by computation speak them seventeen or eighteen years old, turn them loose to the wide world, without a seven years working Apprenticeship (being just brought up to the bare formality of a little read- ing and writing) and you shall immediately see how weak and shiftless they'le be towards the maintaining and supporting of themselves; and (without either stealing or begging) their bodies like a Sentinel must continually wait to see when their Souls will be frighted away by the pale Ghost of a starving want. Then let such, where Providence hath ordained to live as Servants, either in England or beyond Sea, endure the prefixed yoak of their limited time with patience, and then in a small computation of years, by an industrious endeavour, they may become Mas- ters and Mistresses of Families themselves. And let this be spoke to the deserved praise of Mary-Land, That the four years I served there were not to me so slavish, as a two years Servitude of a Handicraft Apprenticeship was here in London ; Volenti enim nil difficile: Not that I write this to seduce or delude any, or to draw them from their native soyle, but out of a love to my Countrymen, whom in the general I wish well to, and that the lowest of them may live in such a capacity of Estate, as that the bare interest of 462 PROVINCE OF MARY-LAND. 55 their Livelihoods might not altogether depend upon persons of the greatest extendments. Now those whose abilities here in England are capable of maintaining themselves in any reasonable and handsom manner, they had best so to rmnain, lest the roughness of the Ocean, together with the staring visages of the wilde Animals, which they may see after their arrival into the Country, may alter the natural dispositions of their bodies, that the stay'd and solid part that kept its motion by Doctor Trigs purgation ary operation, may run beyond the byas of the wheel in a violent and laxative con- fusion. Now contrarywise, they who are low, and make bare shifts to buoy themselves up above the shabby center of beggarly and incident casualties, I heartily could wish the removal of some of them into Mary- Land, which would make much better for them that stay'd behind, as well as it would advantage those that went. They whose abilities cannot extend to purchase their own transportation into Mary-Land (and surely he that cannot command so small a sum for so great a matter, his life must needs be mighty low and dejected), I say they may for the debarment of a four years sordid liberty, go over into this Province and there live plentiously well. And what's a four years Servitude to advantage a man all the remainder of his daj'es, making his predecessors happy in his sulh- 403 56 A CHARACTER OP THE cient abilities, which he attained to partly by the restrainment of so small a time ? Now those that commit themselves into the care of the Merchant to carry them over, they need not trouble themselves with any inquisitive search touch- ing their Voyage ; for there is such an honest care and provision made for them all the time they remain aboard the Ship, and are sailing over, that they want for nothing that is necessary and convenient. The Merchant commonly before they go aboard the Ship, or set themselves in any forwardness for their Voyage, has Conditions of Agreements drawn between him and those that by a voluntary consent become his Servants, to serve him, his Heirs or Assigns, according as they in their primitive acquaintance have made their bargain (see note No. 34), some two, some three, some four years ; and whatever the Mas- ter or Servant tyes himself up to here in England by Condition, the Laws of the Province will force a per- formance of when they come there : Yet here is this Priviledge in it when they arrive. If they dwell not with the Merchant they made their first agreement withall, they may choose whom they will serve their prefixed time with; and after their curiosity has pitch t on one whom they think fit for their turn, and that they may live well withall, the Merchant makes an Assignment of the Indenture over to him whom they of their free will have chosen to be their Master, in the same nature as we here in Englmid (and no PROVINCE OF MARY-LAND. 57 otherwise) turn over Covenant Servants or Appren- tices from one Master. to another. Then let those whose chaps are always breathing forth those filthy dregs of abusive exclamations, which are Lymbeckt from their sottish and preposterous brains, against this Country of Mary-Land, saying. That those which ^ are transported over thither, are sold in open Market for Slaves, and draw in Carts like Horses ; which is so damnable an untruth, that if they should search to the very Center of Hell, and enquire for a Lye of the most antient and damned stamp, I confidently believe \ they could not find one to parallel this : For know. That the Servants here in Mary-Land of all Colonies, / distant or remote Plantations, have the least cause to/ complain, either for strictness of Servitude, want of Provisions, or need of Apparel : Five dayes and a half in the Summer weeks is the alotted time that they work in ; and for two months, w^hen the Sun predomi- nates in the highest pitch of his heat, they claim an antient and customary Priviledge, to repose themselves three hours in the day within the house, and this is undeniably granted to them that work in the Fields. In the Winter time, which lasteth three months (viz.), December, January, and Fehruary, they do little or no work or imploynient, save cutting of wood to make good fires to sit by, unless their Ingenuity will prompt them to hunt the Deer, or Bear, or recreate themselves in Fowling, to slaughter tlie Swans, Geese, and Turkeys (which this Country aflbrds in a most 58 A CUARACTER OF THE plentiful manner) : For every Servant has a Gun, Powder and Shot allowed him, to sport him withall on all Holidayes and leasurable times, if he be capable of using it, or be willing to learn. Now those Servants which come over into this Province, being Artificers, they never (during their Servitude) work in the Fields, or do any other imploy- ment save that which their Handicraft and Mechanick endeavours are capable of putting them upon, and are esteem'd as well by their Masters, as those that imploy them, above measure. He that's a Tradesman here in Mary-Land (though a Servant), lives as well as most common Handicrafts do in London, though they may want something of that Liberty which Freemen have, to go and come at their pleasure ; yet if it were rightly understood and considered, what most of the Liberties of the several poor Tradesmen are taken up about, and what a care and trouble attends that thing they call Liberty, which according to the common translation is but Idleness, and (if weighed in the Ballance of a just Reason) will be found to be much heavier and cloggy then the four years restrainment of a Mary-Land Servitude. He that lives in the nature of a Servant in this Province, must serve but four years by the Custom of the Country ; and when the expiration of his time speaks him a Freeman, there's a Law in the Province, that enjoyns his Master whom he hath served to give him Fifty Acres of Land, Corn to serve him a whole year, three Suits of Apparel, 466 raoviNCE OF maiiy-land. 59 with things necessary to them, and Tools to work withall; so that they are no sooner free, but they are ready to set up for themselves, and when once entred, they live passingly well. (See note No. 35). The Women that go over into this Province as Ser- vants, have the best luck here as in any place of the world besides ; for they are no sooner on shoar, but they are courted into a Copulative Matrimony, which some of them (for aught I know) had they not come to such a Market with their Virginity, might have kept it by them untill it had been mouldy, unless they had let it out by a yearly rent to some of the Inhabitants of Lewhiors-Lime (see note No. 36), or made a Deed of Gift of it to Mother Coney, having only a poor stipend out of it, untill the Gallows or Hospital called them away. Men have not altogether so good luck as Women in this kind, or natural preferment, with- out they be good Rhetoricians, and well vers'd in the Art of perswasion, then (probably) they may ryvet themselves in the time of their Servitude into the private and reserved favour of their Mistress, if Age speak their Master deficient. In short, touching the Servants of this Province, they live well in the time of their Service, and by their restrainment in that time, they are made capa- ble of living much better when they come to ha free ; which in several other parts of the world I have observed, That after some servants have brought their indented and limited timi; to a just and legal [)eriod ¥i1 60 A CHARACTER OF THE by Servitude, they have been much more incapable of supporting themselves from sinking into the Gulf of a slavish, poor, fettered, and intangled life, then all the fastness of their prefixed time did involve them in before. Now the main and principal Reason of those inci- dent casualties, that wait continually upon the resi- dences of most poor Artificers, is (I gather) from the multiciplicity or innumerableness of those several Companies of Tradesmen, that dwell so closely and stiflingly together in one and the same place, that like the chafing Gum in Watered-Tabby, they eat into the folds of one anothers Estates. And this might easily be remedied, would but some of them remove and disperse distantly where want and necessity calls for them ; their dwellings (I am confident) would be much larger, and their conditions much better, as well in reference to their Estates, as to the satisfactoriness of their minds, having a continual imployment, and from that imployment a continual benefit, without either begging, seducing, or flattering for it, encroach- ing that one month from one of the same profession, that they are heaved out themselves the next. For I have observed on the other side oi Mary-Land, that the whole course of most Mechanical endeavours, is to catch, snatch, and undervalue one another, to get a little work, or a Customer ; which when they have attained by their lowbuilt and sneaking circumvent- ings, it stands upon so flashy, mutable, and transitory 468 PROVINCE OF MARY-LAND. 61 a foundation, that the best of his hopes is commonly extinguisht before the poor undervalued Tradesman is warm in the enjoyment of his Customer. Then did not a cloud of low and base Cowardize eclipse the Spirits of these men, these things might easily be diverted ; but they had as live take a Bear by the tooth, as think of leaving their own Country, though they live among their own National people, and are governed by the same Laws they have here, yet all this wont do with them ; and all the Reason they can render to the contrary is, There's a great Sea betwixt them and Mary-Land, and in that Sea there are Fishes, and not only Fishes but great Fishes, and then should a Ship meet with such an inconsi- derable encounter as a Whale, one blow with his tayle, and then Lord have Mercy upon us: Yet meet with these men in their common Exchange, which is one story high in the bottom of a Celler, disputing over a Black-pot, it would be monstrously dreadful here to insert the particulars, one swearing that he was the first that scaled the Walls of Dundee, when the Bullets tlew about their ears as thick as Hail- stones usually fall from the Sky; which if it were but rightly examined, the most dangerous Engagement that ever he was in, was but at one of the tiashy battels at Finshury (see note No. 37), where com- monly there's more Custard greedily devoured, tlian men prejudiced by the rigour of the War. Others of this Company relating their several dreadful exploits, 469 62 A CHARACTER OF THE and when they are just entring into the particulars, let but one step in and interrupt their discourse, by telling them of a Sea Voyage, and the violency of storms that attends it, and that there are no back- doors to run out at, which they call, a handsom Retreat and Charge again; the apprehensive danger of this is so powerful and penetrating on them, that a damp sweat immediately involves their Microcosm, so that Margery the old Matron of the Celler, is fain to run for a half-peny-worth of Angelica to rub their nostrils; and though the Port-hole of their bodies has been stopt from a convenient Evacuation some several months, theyl'e need no other Suppository to open the Orifice of their Esculent faculties then this Relation, as their Drawers or Breeches can more at large demonstrate to the inquisitive search of the curious. Now I know that some will be apt to judge, that I have written this last part out of derision to some of my poor Mechanick Country-men : Truly I must needs tell those to their face that think so of me, that they prejudice me extremely, by censuring me as guilty of any such crime : What I have Avritten is only to display the sordidness of their dispositions, who rather than they will remove to another Country to live plentiously well, and give their Neighbors more Elbow-room and space to breath in, they will croud and throng upon one another, with the pressure of a beggarly and unnecessary weight. 410 PROVINCE OF MARY-LAND. 63 That which I have to say more in this business, is a hearty and desirous wish, that the several poor Tradesmen here in London that I knoAv, and have borne an occular testimony of their want, might Hve so free from care as I did when I dwelt in the bonds of a four years Servitude in Mary-Land. Be just (Domes tick Monarchs) unto them That dwell as Household Subjects to each Realm ; Let not your Power make you be too severe, Where there's small faidts reign in your sharp Career : So that the Worlds base yelping Creiv May'nt bark ichat I have wrote is writ untrue, So use your Servants, if there come no more. They may serve Eight, instead of serving Four. 471 64 A CHARACTER OF THE CHAP. IV. Upon Ti'afique^ and what Merchandizing Commodities this Province awards, also how Tobacco is planted and made Jit /or Commerce. TRafique, Commerce, and Trade, are those great wheeles that by their circular and continued motion, turn into most Kingdoms of the Earth the plenty of abundant Riches that they are commonly fed withall : For Trafique in his right description, is the very soul of a Kingdom; and should but Fate ordain a removal of it for some years, from the richest and most populous Monarchy that dwells in the most fertile clyme of the whole Universe, he would soon find by a woful experiment, the miss and loss of so reviving a supporter. And I am certainly confident, that England would as soon feel her feebleness by withdrawment of so great an upholder; as well in reference to the internal and healthful preservative of her Inhabitants, for want of those Medicinal Drugs that are landed upon her Coast every year, as the external profits. Glory and beneficial Graces that accrue by her. Paracelsus might knock down his Forge, if Trafique and Commerce should once cease, and grynde the hilt of his Sword into Powder, and take some of the Infu- sion to make him so valorous, that he might cut his 472 PROVINCE OF MARY-LAND. 65 own Throat in the honor of Mercury r Galen might then Jjurn his Herbal, and like Joseph of Arimathea, build him a Tomb in his Garden, and so rest from his labours : Our Physical Collegians of London would have no cause then to thunder Fire-balls at Nich. Cul- peppers Dispensatory (see note No. 38). All Herbs, Roots, and Medicines would bear their original chris- tening, that the ignorant might understand them : Album grecum would not be Album grecum (see note No. 39) then, but a Dogs turd would be a Dogs turd in plain terms, in spiglit of their teeth. If Trade should once cease, the Custom-house would soon miss her hundreds and thousands Hogs-heads of Tobacco (see note No. 40), that use to be throng in her every year, as well as the Grocers would in their Ware-houses and Boxes, the Gentry and Commonalty in their Pipes, the Physician in his Drugs and Medi- cinal Compositions; The (leering) Waiters for want of imployment, might (like so many Diogenes) intomb themselves in their empty Casks, and rouling them- selves off the Key into the TJmmes, there wander up and down from tide to tide in contemjDlation of Aris- totles unresolved curiosity, until the rottenness of their circular habitation give them a Quietus est, and fairly surrender them up into the custody of those who both for profession, disposition and nature, lay as near claim to them, as if they both tumbled in one belly, and for name they jump alike, being according to the original translation both Sharkes. ^ 478 66 A CHARACTER OF THE Silks and Cambricks, and Lawns to make, sleeves, would be as soon miss'd at Court, as Gold and Silver would be in the Mint and Pockets : The Low-Country Soldier would be at a cold stand for Outlandish Furrs to make him Muflfs, to keep his ten similitudes warm in the Winter, as well as the Furrier for want of Skins to uphold his Trade. Should Commerce once cease, there is no Country in the habitable world but would undoubtedly miss that nourishing, splendid and rich gallantry of Equi- page, that Trafique maintained and drest her up in, before she received that fatal Eclipse : E7igland, France, Germany and Spain, together with all the Kingdoms But stop (good Muse) lest I should, like the Parson of Pancras (see note No. 41), run so far from my Text in half an hour, that a two hours trot back again would hardly fetch it up : I had best while I am alive in my Doctrine, to think again of Mary-Land, lest the business of other Countries take up so much room in my brain, that I forget and bury her in oblivion. The three main Commodities this Country affords for Trafique, are Tobacco, Furrs, and Flesh, Furrs and Skins, as Beavers, Otters, Musk-Rats, Ra^koons, Wild-Cats, and Elke or Buffeloe (see note No. 42), with divers others, which were first made vendible by the Indians of the Country, and sold to the Inha- bitant, and by them to the Merchant, and so trans- 474 PROVINCE OF MARY-LAND. 67 ported into England and other places where it becomes most commodious. Tobacco is the only solid Staple Commodity of this Province : The use of it was first found out by the Indians many Ages agoe, and transferr'd into Chris- tendom by that great Discoverer of Amei'ica Columbus. It's generally made by all the Inhabitants of this Province, and between the months of March and April they sow the seed (which is much smaller then Mus- tard-seed) in small beds and patches digg'd up and made so by art, and about Mai/ the Plants commonly appear green in those beds : In June they are trans- planted from their beds, and set in little hillocks in distant" rowes, dug up for the same purpose ; some twice or thrice they are Weeded, and succoured from their illegitimate Leaves that would be peeping out from the body of the Stalk, They top the several Plants as they find occasion in their predominating rankness : About the middle of Septemhej- they cut the Tobacco down, and carry it into houses, (made for that purpose) to bring it to its purity : And after it has attained, by a convenient attendance upon time, to its perfection, it is then tyed up in bundles, and packt into Hogs-heads, and then laid by for the Trade. Between Navemher and January there arrives in this Province Shipping to the number of twenty sail and upwards (see note No. 43), all Merchant-men loaden with Commodities to Trafique and dispose of, 475 68 A CHARACTER OF THE trucking with the Planter for Silks, Hollands, Serges, and Broad-clothes, with other necessary Goods, priz'd at such and such rates as shall be judg'd on is fair and legal, for Tobacco at so much the pound, and advantage on both sides considered; the Planter for his work, and the Merchant for adventuring himself and his Commodity into so far a Country : Thus is the Trade on both sides drove on with a fair and honest Decorum. The Inhabitants of this Province are seldom or never put to the affrightment of being rol^b'd of their money, nor to dirty their Fingers by telling of vast sums : They have more bags to carry Corn, then Coyn ; and though they want, but why should I call that a want which is only a necessary miss ? the very effects of the dirt of this Province affords as great a profit to the general Inhabitant, as the Gold of Pei-u doth to the straight-breecht Commonalty of the Spaniard. Our Shops and Exchanges of Mary-Land, are the Merchants Store-houses, where with few words and protestations Goods are bought and delivered; not like those Shop-keepers Boys in London, that contin- ually cry, What do ye lack Sir? What d'ye huy? yelping with so wide a mouth, as if some Apothecary had hired their mouths to stand open to catch Gnats and Vagabond I^lyes in. Tobacco is the currant Coyn of Mary-Land, and will sooner purchase Commodities from the Merchant, «6 PROVINCE OF MARY-LAND. 69 then money. I must confess the New-England men that trade into this Province, had rather have fat Pork for their Goods, than Tobacco or Furrs (see note No. 44), which I conceive is, because their bodies being fast bound up with the cords of restringent Zeal, they are fain to make use of the Hneaments of this NoTi-Canaanite creature physically to loosen them ; for a bit of a pound upon a two-peny Rye loaf, according to the original Receipt, will bring the cos- tiv'st red-ear'd Zealot in some three hours time to a fine stool, if methodically observed. iT/ecZe?-a-Wines, Sugars, Salt, Wickar-Chairs, and Tin Candlesticks, is the most of the Commodities they bring in : They arrive in Mary-Land about Septemher, being most of them Ketches and Barkes, and such small Vessels, and those dispersing themselves into several small Creeks of this Province, to sell and dis- pose of their Commodities, where they know the Market is most fit for their small Adventures. Barhadoes (see note No. 45), together with the several adjacent Islands, has much Provision yearly from this Province : And though these Sun-burnt Phaetons think to outvye Mary-Land in their Silks and Puffs, daily speaking against her whom their necessities makes them l^eholding to, and like so many Don Diegos that becackt Paids, cock their Felts and look big upon't ; yet if a man could go down into their infernals, and see how it fares with them tliere, I Ijclieve he would hardly find any other Spirit to 70 A CHARACTER OF THE buoy them up, then the ill-visaged Ghost of want, that continually wanders from gut to gut to feed upon the undigested rynes of Potatoes. Trafique is Earth^s great Atlas, that supports The fay of Armies, and the height of Courts, And makes Mechanicks live, that else ivould die Meer starving Martyrs to their penury : None hut the Merchant of this thing can boast. He, like the Bee, comes loadenfrom each Coast, And to all Kingdoms, as within a Hive, Stoivs up those Riches thai doth make them thrive : Be thrifty, Mary-Land, keep what thou hast in store. And each years Trafique to thy self get more. 478 PROVINCE OF MARY-LAND. 71 A Relation of the Customs, Manners, Absurdities, and Religion of the Susquehanock (see note No. 46) Indians in and near Mary-Land. AS the diversities of Languages (since Babels con- fusion) has made the distinction between people and people, in this Christendompart of the world ; so are they distinguished Nation from Nation, by the diversities and confusion of their Speech and Lan- guages (see note No. 47) here in Ameiica: And as every Nation differs in their Laws, Manners and Cus- toms, in Eurojpe, Asia and Africa, so do they the very same here; That it would be a most intricate and laborious trouble, to run (with a description) through the several Nations of Indians here in America, consi- dering the innumerableness and diversities of them that dwell on this vast and unmeasured Continent : But rather then lie be altogether silent, I shall do like the Painter in the Comedy, who being to limne out the Pourtraiture of the Furies, as they severally appeared, set himself behind a Pillar, and between fright and amazement, drew them by guess. Those Indiaiis that I ha\'e conversed withall here in this Province of Mary-Land, and have had any occular experimental view of either of their Customs, Man- ners, Religions, and Absurdities, are called by the 479 72 A CHARACTER OP THE name of Susquelianocks, being a people lookt upon by the Christian Inhabitants, as the most Noble and Heroick Nation of Indians that dwell upon the con- fines of America ; also are so allowed and lookt upon by the rest of the Indians, by a submissive and tribu- tary acknowledgement; being a people cast into the mould of a most large and Warlike deportment, the men being for the most part seven foot high in lati- tude, and in magnitude and bulk suitable to so high a pitch ; their voyce large and hollow, as ascending out of a Cave, their gate and behavior strait, stately and majestick, treading on the Earth with as much pride, contempt, and disdain to so sordid a Center, as can be imagined from a creature derived from the same mould and Earth. Their bodies are cloth'd with no other Armour to defend them from the nipping frosts of a benumbing Winter, or the penetrating and scorching influence of the Sun in a hot Summer, then what Nature gave them when they parted with the dark receptacle of their mothers womb. They go Men, Women and Children, all naked, only where shame leads them by a natural instinct to be reservedly modest, there they become cover'd. The formality of Jezahels artificial Glory is much courted and followed by these Indians, only in matter of colours (I conceive) they differ. The Indians paint upon their faces one stroke of red, another of green, another of white, and another of black, so that when they have accomplished the 480 PROVINCE OF MARY-LAND. 73 Equipage of their Countenance in this trim, they are the only Hierogiyphicks and Representatives of the Furies. Their skins are naturally white, but altered from their originals by the several dyings of Roots and Barks, that they prepare and make useful to metamorphize their hydes into a dark Cinamon brown. The hair of their head is black, long and harsh, but where Nature hath appointed the situation of it any where else, they divert it (by an antient custom) from its growth, by pulling it up hair by hair by the root in its primitive appearance. Several of them wear divers impressions on their breasts and armes, as the picture of the De\dl, Bears, Tigers, and Panthers, which are imjorinted on their several lineaments with much dilficulty and pain, with an irrevocable determi- nation of its abiding there : And this they count a badge of Heroick Valour, and the only Ornament due to their Heroes. (See note No. 48). These Susqv^hanock Indians are for the most part great Warriours, and seldom sleep one Summer in the quiet armes of a peaceable Rest, but keep (by their present Power, as well as by their former Conquest) the several Nations of Indians round about them, in a forceable obedience and subjection. Their Government is wrapt up in so various and intricate a Laborynth, that the speculativ'st Artist in the whole World, with his artificial and natural Opticks, cannot see into the rule or sway of these Indians, to distinguish what name of Government to 10 481 74 A CHARACTER OF THE call them by ; though Purclias (see note No. 49) in his Peregrination between Lmidon and Essex, (which he calls the whole World) will undertake (forsooth) to make a Monarchy of them, but if he had said Anarchy, his word would have pass'd with a better belief. All that ever I could observe in them as to this matter is, that he that is most cruelly Valorous, is accounted the most Noble : Here is very seldom any creeping from a Country Farm, into a Courtly Gallantry, by a sum of money ; nor feeing the Heralds to put Daggers and Pistols into their Armes, to make the ignorant believe that they are lineally descended from the house of the Wars and Conquests 5 he that fights best carries it here. When they determine to go upon some Design" that will and doth require a Consideration, some six of them get into a corner, and sit in Juncto; and if thought fit, their business is made popular, and imme- diately put into action ; if not, they make a full stop to it, and are silently reserv'd. The Warlike Equipage they put themselves in when they prepare for Belonds March, is with their faces, armes, and breasts confusedly painted, their hair greased with Bears oyl, and stuck thick with Swans Feathers, with a wreath or Diadem of black and white Beads upon their heads, a small Hatchet, instead of a Cymetre, stuck in their girts behind them, and either with Guns, or Bow^s and Arrows. In this posture and dress they march out from their Fort, or TROVINCE OF MARY-LAND. 75 dwelling, to the number of Forty in a Troop, singing (or rather howling out) the Decades or Warlike exploits of their Ancestors, ranging the wide Woods untill their fury has met with an Enemy worthy of their Eevenge. What Prisoners fall into their hands by the destiny of War, they treat them very civilly while they remain with them abroad, but when they once return homewards, they then begin to dress them in the habit for death, putting on their heads and armes wreaths of Beads, greazing their hair with fat, some going before, and the rest behind, at equal dis- tance from their Prisoners, bellowing in a strange and confused manner, which is a true presage and fore- runner of destruction to their then conquered Enemy. (See note No. 50). In this manner of march they continue till they have brought them to their Berken City (see note No. 51), where they deliver them up to those that in cruelty will execute them, without either the legal Judgement of a Council of War, or the benefit of their Clergy at the Common Law. The common and usual deaths they put their Prisoners to, is to bind them to stakes, making a fire some distance from them ; then one or other of them, whose Genius delights in the art of Paganish dissection, with a sharp knife or flint cuts the Cutis or outermost skin of the brow so deep, untill their nails, or rather Talons, can fasten tliemselves firm and secure in, then (with a most rigid jerk) dis- robeth the head of skin and hair at one pull, leaving 76 A CHARACTER OF THE the skull almost as bare as those Monumental Skeli- tous at Chyrurgions-Hall ; but for fear they should get cold by leaving so warm and customary a Cap off, they immediately apply to the skull a Cataplasm of hot Embers to keep their Pericanium warm. While they are thus acting this cruelty on their heads, several others are preparing pieces of Iron, and barrels of old Guns, which they make red hot, to sear each part and lineament of their bodies, which they per- form and act in a most cruel and barbarous manner : And while they are thus in the midst of their tor- ments and execrable usage, some tearing their skin and hair of their head off by violence, others searing their bodies with hot irons, some are cutting their flesh off, and eating it before their eyes raw while they are alive ; yet all this and much more never makes them lower the Top-gallant sail of their Heroick courage, to beg with a submissive Repentance any indulgent favour from their persecuting Enemies ; but with an undaunted contempt to their cruelty, eye it with so slight and mean a respect, as if it were below them to value what they did, they courageously (while breath doth libertize them) sing the summary of their Warlike Atchievements. Now after this cruelty has brought their tormented lives to a period, they" immediately fall to butchering of them into parts, distributing the several pieces amongst the Sons of War, to intomb the ruines of their deceased Conquest in no other Sepulchre then PROVINCE OF MARY-LAND. 77 their unsanctified maws; which they with more appe- tite and desire do eat and digest, then if the best of foods should court their stomachs to participate of the most restorative Banquet. Yet though they now and then feed upon the Carkesses of their Enemies, this is not a common dyet, but only a particular dish for the better sort (see note No. 52) ; for there is not a Beast that runs in the Woods of America, but if they can by any means come at him, without any scruple of Con- science they'le fall too (without saying Grace) with a devouring greediness. As for their Rehgion, together with their Rites and Ceremonies, they are so absurd and ridiculous, that its almost a sin to name them. They own no other Deity than the Devil, (solid or profound) but with a kind of a wilde imaginary conjecture, they suppose from their groundless conceits, that the World had a Maker, but where he is that made it, or whether he be Uving to this day, they know not. The Devil, as I said before, is all the God they own or worship ; and that more out of a slavish fear then any real Reverence to his Infernal or Diabolical greatness, he forcing them to their Obedience by his rough and rigid dealing with them, often appearing visibly among them to their terrour, bastinadoing them (with cruel menaces) even unto death, and Ijurning their Fields of Corn and houses, that the relation thereof makes them tremble themselves when they tell it. 486 78 A CHARACTER OF THE Once in four years they Sacrifice a Childe to him (see note No. 53), in an acknowledgement of their firm obedience to all his Devillish powers, and Hellish commands. The Priests to whom they apply them- selves in matters of importance and greatest distress, are like those that attended upon the Oracle at Delplios, who by their Magic-spells could command a p7'o or con from the Devil when they pleas'd. These Indians oft-times raise great Tempests when they have any weighty matter or design in hand, and by blustering storms inquire of their Infernal God (the Devil) Hem matters shall go with tlvem either in puhlick or private. (See note No. 54). When any among them depart this life, they give him no other intombment, then to set him upright upon his breech in a hole dug in the Earth some five foot long, and three foot deep, covered over with the Bark of Trees Arch-wise, with his face Du-West, only leaving a hole half a foot square open. They dress him in the same Equipage and Gallantry that he used to be trim'd in when he was alive, and so bury him (if a Soldier) with his Bows, Arrows, and Target, together with all the rest of his implements and weapons of War, with a Kettle of Broth, and Corn standing before him, lest he should meet with bad quarters in his way. (See note No. 55) . His Kinred and Relations follow him to the Grave, sheath'd in Bear skins for close mourning, with the tayl droyling on the ground, in imitation of our English Solemners, 486 PROVINCE OF MARY-LAND. " 79 that think there's nothing like a tayl a Degree in length, to follow the dead Corpse to the Grave with. Here if that snuffling Prolocutor, that waits upon the dead Monuments of the Tombs at Westminster, with his white Rod were there, he might walk from Tomb to Tomb with his, Here lies the Duke of Ferrara and hw Dutchess, and never find any decaying vacation, unless it were in the moldering Consumption of his own Lungs. They bury all within the wall or Pallisado'd impalement of their City, or Gonnadago (see note No. 56) as the}' call it. Their houses are low and long, built with the Bark of Trees Arch-wise, standing thick and confusedly together. They are situated a hundred and odd miles distant from the Christian Plantations of Mary-Land, at the head of a River that runs into the Bay of ChcesapiTce, called by their own name The Susqueha.noch River, where they remain and inhabit most part of the Summer time, and seldom remove far from it, unless it be to subdue any Forreign Rebellion. About Nmemher the best Hunters draw off to several remote places of the Woods, where they know the Deer, Bear, and Elke useth ; there they build them several Cottages, which they call their Winter-quarter, where they remain for the space of three months, untill they have killed up a sufficiency of Provisions to sup- ply their Families with in the Summer. The Women are the Butchers, Cooks, and Tillers of the ground, the Men think it below the honour of 4S7 80 A CHARACTER OP THE a Masculine, to stoop to any thing but that which their Gun, or Bow and Arrows can command. The Men kill the several Beasts which they meet withall in the Woods, and the Women are the Pack horses to fetch it in upon their backs, fleying and dressing the hydes, (as well as the flesh for provision) to make them fit for Trading, and which are brought down to the Miglish at several seasons in the year, to truck and dispose of them for course Blankets, Guns, Pow- der and lead, Beads, small Looking-glasses, Knives, and Razors. (See note No. 57). I never observed all the while I was amongst these naked Indians, that ever the Women wore the Breeches, or dared either in look or action predomi- nate over the Men. They are very constant to their Wives; and let this be spoken to their Heathenish praise, that did they not alter their bodies by their dyings, paintings, and cutting themselves, marring those Excellencies that Nature bestowed upon them in their original conceptions and birth, there would be as amiable beauties amongst them, as any Alex- andria could afford, when Mark Anthony and Cleo- patra dwelt there together. Their Marriages are short and authentique ; for after 'tis resolv'd upon by both parties, the Woman sends her intended Husband a Kettle of boyl'd Venison, or ' Bear ; and he returns in lieu thereof Beaver or Otters Skins, and so their Nuptial Rites are concluded without other Ceremony. (See note No. 58). PROVINCE OP MARY-LAND. 81 Before I bring my Heathenish Story to a period, I have one thing worthy your observation : For as our Grammar Rules have it, Non decet quenquam me ire currenteim, aut mandantem: It doth not become any man to piss running or eating. These Pagan men naturally observe the same Rule ; for they are so far from running, that like a Hare, they squat to the ground as low as they can, while the Women stand bolt upright with their armes a Kimbo, performing the same action, in so confident and obscene a posture (see note No. 59), as if they had taken their Degrees of Entrance at Venice, and commenced Bawds of Art at Legorne. 11 A Collection of some Letters that were written by the same Author, most of them in the time of his Servitude. To my much Honored Friend Mr. T. B. Sir, I Have lived with sorrow to see the Anointed of the Lord tore from his Throne by the hands of Pari- cides, and in contempt haled, in the view of God, Angels and Men, upon a public Theatre, and there murthered. I have seen the sacred Temple of the Almighty, in scorn by Schismatics made the Recep- tacle of Theeves and Robbers ; and those Religious Prayers, that in devotion Evening and Morning were offered up as a Sacrifice to our God, rent by Sacri- legious hands, and made no other use of, then sold to Brothel-houses to light Tobacco with. Who then can stay, or will, to see things of so great weight steer'd by such barbarous Hounds as these : First, were there an Egypt to go down to, I would involve my Liberty to them, upon condition ne'er more to see my Country. What? live in silence under the sway of such base actions, is to give con- sent ; and though the lowness of my present Estate and Condition, with the hazard I put my future dayes upon, might plead a just excuse for me to stay at home ; but Heavens forbid : I'le rather serve in 491 84 A COLLECTION OF Chains, and draw the Plough with Animals, till death shall stop and say, It is enough. Sir, if you stay behind, I wish you well : I am bound for Mary-Land ^ this day I have made some entrance into my intended voyage, and when I have done more, you shall know of it. I have here inclosed what you of me desired, but truly trouble, discontent and business, have so amazed my senses, that what to write, or where to write, I conceive my self almost as uncapable as he that never did write. What you'le find will be Ex tempore, without the use of premeditation; and though there may want something of a flourishing stile to dress them forth, yet I'm certain there wants nothing of truth, will, and desire. Heavens bright Lanvp^ shine forth some of thy Light, But just so long to paint this dismal Night ; Then draw thy beams, ayid hide thy glorious face, From the dark sable actions of this 'place ; Leaving these lustful Sodomites gropirig still, To satisfe each dark unsatiate will, TJntill at length the crimes that they commit, May sink them down to Hells Infernal pit. Base and degenerate Earth, how dost thou lye. That all that pass hiss, at thy Treachery ? Thou which couldst boast once of thy King and Grown, By base Mechanicks now art tumbled down, Brewers and Coblers, that have scarce an Eye, Walk hand in hand in thy Supremacy ; And all those Courts where Majesty did Throne, Are now the Seats for Oliver and loan : HISTORICAL LETTERS. 85 Persons of Honour, which did before inherit Their glorious Titles from deserved merit, Are all grown silent, and with wonder gaze, To vieiv such Slaves drest in their Courtly rages ; To see a Drayman that knows nought but Yeast, Set in a Throne like Babylons red Beast, While heaps of Parasites do idolize This red-nos'd Bell, loith fawning Sacrifice. What can ive sag ? our King they've Murthered, And those well born, are basely buried : Nobles are slain, and Royalists in each street Are scorn' d, and kicked by most Men that they meet : Religion's banisht, and Heresie survives. And none but Conventicks in this Age thrives. Oh could those Eomans froin their Ashes rise, That Wd in Zero's time : Oh how their cries Would our perfidious Island shake, nay rend, With clamorous screo.ks unto the Heaven send : Oh how they'd blush to see our Crimson crimes, And know the Subjects Authors of these times : When as the Peasant he shall take his King, And without cause shall fall a murihering him ; And when that's done, with Pride assume the Chair, And Wvcarod-like, himself to heaven rear ; Commxmd the People, make the Land Obey His baser will, and swear to what he'l say. Sure, sure our God has not these evils sent To please himself, but for mans punishinent : And when he shall from our dark sable Skies Withdraw these Clouds, and let our Sun arise, Our dayes icill surely then in Glory shine. Both in our Temporal, and our State divine : 86 A COLLECTION OF May this come quickly, though I may never see This glorious day, yet I loould sympathie, And feel a joy run through each vain of blood, Though VassaUed on t'other side the Floud. Heavens protect his Sacred Majesty, From secret Plots, ^ treacherous Villany. And that those Slaves that noio predominate, Hang'd and destroy'd may be their best of Fate ; And though Great Charles be distant from his own, Heaven I hope will seat him on his Throne. Vale. Yours what I may, G. A. From tlie Chimney Corner upon a low cricket, where I writ this in the noise of some six Women, Aug. 19. Anno To my Honored Father at his House. Sir, BEfore I dare bid Adieu to the old World, or shake hands with my native Soyl for ever, I have a Conscience inwards tells me, that I must offer up the remains of that Obedience of mine, that lyes close centered within the cave of my Soul, at the Alter, of your paternal Love : And though this Sacri- fice of mine may shew something low and thread-bare, (at this time) yet know, That in the Zenith of all 494 HISTORICAL LETTERS. 87 actions, Obedience is that great wheel that moves the lesser in their circular motion. I am now entring for some time to dwell under the Government of Neptune, a Monarchy that I was never manured to live under, nor to converse with in his dreadful Aspect, neither do I know how I shall bear with his rough demands ; but that God has carried me through those many gusts a shoar, which I have met withall in the several voyages of my life, I hope will Pilot me safely to my desired Port, through the worst of Stormes I shall meet withall at Sea. We have strange, and yet good news aboard, that he whose vast mind could not be contented with spacious Territories to stretch his insatiate desires on, is (by an Almighty power) banished from his usuped Throne to dwell among the dead. I no sooner heard of it, but my melancholly Muse forced me upon this ensuing Distich. Poor vaunting Earth, gloss' d with uncertain Pride, That liv'd in Pomp, yet worse than others dy'd : Who shall blow forth a Trumpet to thy praise ? Or call thy sable Actions shining Rayes ? Such Lights as those blaze forth the vertued dead, And make them live, though they are buried. Thou'st gone, and to thy memory lei be said. There lies that Oliver which of old betrayed His King and Master, and after did assume, With swelling Pride, to govern in his room. Here Tie rest satisfied, Scriptures expound to me, Tophet was ynade for such Supremacy. 495 A COLLECTION OF The death of this great Rebel (I hope) will prove an Omen to presage destruction on the rest. The World's in a heap of troubles and confusion, and while they are in the midst of their changes and amazes, the best way to give them the bag, is to go out of the World and leave them. I am now bound for Mary-Land, and I am told that's a New World, but if it prove no better than this, I shall not get much by my change; but before I'le revoke my Resolution, I am resolv'd to put it to adventure, for I think it can hardly be worse then this is : Thus com- mitting you into the hands of that God that made you, I rest Your Ohedie^it Son, G. A. From aboard a Ship at Graves- end, Sept. 7th, Anno To my Brother. I Leave you very near in the same condition as I am in my self, only here lies the difference, you were bound at Joyners Hall in London Apprentice- wise, and I conditionally at Navigators Hall, that now rides at an Anchor at Gravesend ; I hope you will allow me to live in the largest Mayordom, by reason I am the eldest : None but the main Continent of America will serve me for a Corporation to inhabit 496 HISTORICAL LETTERS. 89 in now, though I am affraid for all that, that the reins of my Liberty will be something shorter then yours will be in London : But as to that, what Des- tiny has ordered I am resolved with an adventerous Resolution to subscribe to, and with a contented imbracement 'enjoy it. I would fain have seen you once more in this Old World, before I go into the New, I know you have a chain about your Leg, as well as I have a clog about my Neck : If you can't come, send a line or two, if not, wish me well at least : I have one thing to charge home upon you, and I hope you will take my counsel, That you have alwayes an obedient Respect and Reverence to your aged Parents, that while they live they may have comfort of you, and when that God shall sound a retreat to their lives, that there they may with their gray hairs in joy go down to their Graves. Thus concluding, wishing you a comfortable Servi- tude, a prosperous Life, and the assurance of a happy departure in the immutable love of him that made you. Vale. Your Brother, G. A. From Oravesend, Sept. 7. Anno 12 497 90 A COLLECTION OF To my much Honored Friend Mr. T. B. at his House. I Am got ashoar with much ado, and it is very well it is as it is, for if I had stayed a- little longer, I had certainly been a Creature of the Water, for I had hardly flesh enough to carry me to Land, not that I wanted for any thing that the Ship could afford me in reason : But oh the great bowls of Pease-porridge that appeared in sight every day about the hour of twelve, ingulfed the senses of my Appetite so, with the restringent quality of the Salt Beef, upon the internal Inhabitants of my belly, that a Galenist for some days after my arrival, with his Bag-pipes of Physical ope- rations, could hardly make my Puddings dance in any methodical order. But to set by these things that happened unto me at Sea, I am now upon Land, and there I'le keep my self if I can, and for four years I am pretty sure of my restraint ; and had I known my yoak would have been so easie, (as I conceive it will) I would have been here long before now, rather then to have dwelt under the pressure of a Rebellious and Trayterous Government so long as I did. I dwell now by provi- dence in the Province of Mary-Land, (under the quiet Government of the Lord Baltemare) which Country a bounds in a most glorious prosperity and plenty of all things. And though the Infancy of her situation might plead an excuse to those several imperfections, (if she were guilty of any of them) which by scandal- HISTORICAL LETTERS. 91 ous and imaginary conjectures are falsly laid to her charge, and which she values with so little notice or perceivance of discontent, that she hardly alters her visage with a frown, to let them know she is angry with such a Rascality of people, that loves nothing better then their own sottish and abusive acclama- tions of baseness : To be short, the Country (so far forth as I have seen into it) is incomparable. Here is a sort of naked Inhabitants,- or wilde people, that have for many ages I believe lived here in the Woods of Mary-Land, as well as in other parts of the Continent, before e'er it was by the Christian Discoverers found out; being a people strange to behold, as well in their looks, which by confused paintings makes them seem dreadful, as in their sterne and heroick gate and deportments, the Men are mighty tall and big limbed, the Women not alto- gether so large; they are most of them very well featured, did not their wilde and ridiculous dresses alter their original excellencies : The men are great Warriours and Hunters, the Women ingenious and laborious Housewives. As to matter of their Worship, they own no other Deity then the Devil, and him more out of a slavish fear, then any real devotion, or willing acknowk^dge- ment to his Hellish power. They live in little small Bark-Cottages, in tlie remote parts of the Woods, killing and slaying the several Animals that they meet withall to make provision of, dressing tlieir 92 A COLLECTION OF several Hydes and Skins to Trafique withall, when a conveniency of Trade presents. I would go on fur- ther, but like Doctor GcLse, when he had not a word more to speak for himself, / am afft^aid my heloved I have kept you too Imig. Now he that made you save you. Amen. Yours to command, G. A. From Mary-Land, Febr. 6. Anno And not to forget Tom Forge I beseech you, tell him that my Love's the same towards him still, and as firm as it was about the overgrown Tryal, when Judgements upon judgements, had not I stept in, would have pursued him untill the day of Judge- ment, &G. To my Father at Ms House. Sir, AFter my Obedience (at so great and vast a dis- tance) has humbly saluted you and my good Mother, with the cordialest of my prayers, wishes, and desires to wait upon you, with the very best of their effectual devotion, wishing from the very Center of my Soul your flourishing and well-being here upon Earth, and your glorious and everlasting happiness in the World to Come. 500 HISTORICAL LETTERS. 93 These lines (my dear Parents) come from that Son which by an irregular Fate was removed from his Native home, and after a five months dangerous pas- sage, was landed on the remote Continent of America, in the Province of Mwy-Land, where now by provi- dence I reside. To give you the particulars of the several accidents that happened in our voyage by Sea, it would swell a Journal of some sheets, and therefore too large and tedious for a Letter : I think it therefore necessary to bind up the relation in Octavo, and give it you in short. We had a blowing and dangerous passage of it, and for some dayes after I arrived, I was an absolute Copernicus, it being one main point of my moral Creed, to beheve the World had a pair of long legs, and walked with the burthen of the Creation upon her back. For to tell you the very truth of it, for some dayes upon Land, after so long and tossing a passage, I was so giddy that I could hardly tread an even step; so that all things both above and below (that was in view) appeared to me like the Kentish Britains to Willicim the Conqmror, in a moving posture. Those few number of weeks since my arrival, has given me but little experience to write any thing large of the Country ; only thus much I can say, and that not from any imaginary conjectures, but from an occular observation. That this Country of M(try-Ltmd abounds in a flourishing variety of delightful Woods, 94 A COLLECTION OP pleasant groves, lovely Springs, together with spacious Navigable Rivers and Creeks, it being a most helthful and pleasant situation, so far as my knowledge has yet had any view in it. Herds of Deer are as numerous in this Province of Mary-Land, as Cuckolds can be in London, only their horns are not so well drest and tipt with silver as theirs are. Here if the Devil had such a Vagary in his head as he had once among the Gadareans, he might drown a thousand head of Hogs and they'd ne're be miss'd, for the very Woods of this Province swarms with them. The Christian Inhabitant of this Province, as to the general, lives wonderful well and contented : The Government of this Province is by the loyalness of the people, and loving demeanor of the Proprietor and Governor of the same, kept in a continued peace and unity. The Servant of this Province, which are stigmatiz'd for Slaves by the clappermouth jaws of the vulgar in England, live more like Freemen then the most Mechanick Apprentices in London, wanting for nothing that is convenient and necessary, and accord- ing to their several capacities, are extraordinary well used and respected. So leaving things here as I found them, and lest I should commit Sacriledge upon your more serious meditations, with the Tau- tologies of a long-winded Letter, I'le subscribe with a HISTORICAL LETTERS. 95 heavenly Ejaculation to the God of Mercy to preserve you now and for evermore, Amen. Yonr Ohedient Son, G. A. From Mary-Land, Jan. 17. Anno To my much Honored Friend Mr. M. F. Sir, YOu writ to me when I was at Gravesend, (but I had no conveniency to send you an answer till now) enjoyning me, if possible, to give you a just Information by my diligent observance, what thing were best and most profitable to send into this Country for a commodious Trafique. Sir, The enclosed will demonstrate unto you both particularly and at large, to the full satisfaction of your desire, it being an Invoyce drawn as exact to the business you imployed me upon, as my weak capacity could extend to. Sir, If you send any Adventure to this Province, let me beg to give you this advice in it; That the Factor whom you imploy be a man of a Brain, other- wise the Planter will go near to make a Skimming- dish of his Skull : I know your Genius can interpret my meaning. The people of this place (whether the saltness of the Ocean gave them any alteration when they went over first, or their continual dwelling under coa 96 A COLLECTION OF the remote Clyme where they now inhabit, I know not) are a more acute people in general, in matters of Trade and Commerce, then in any other place of the World (see note No. 60), and by their crafty and sure bargaining, do often over-reach the raw and unex- perienced Merchant. To be short, he that undertakes Merchants imployment for Mary-Land, must have more of Knave in him then Fool ; he must not be a windling piece of Formality, that will lose his Im- ployers Goods for Conscience sake ; nor a flashy piece of Prodigality, that will give his Merchants fine Hollands, Laces, and Silks, to purchase the benevo- lence of a Female : But he must be a man of solid confidence, carrying alwayes in his looks the Effigies of an Execution upon Command, if he supposes a baffle or denyal of payment, where a debt for his Imployer is legally due. (See note No. 61). Sir, I had like almost to forgot to tell you in what part of the World I am : I dwell by providence Ser- vant to Mr. Thomas Stocket (see note No. 62), in the County of Baltemore, within the Province of Mary- Land, under the Government of the Lord Baltemore, being a Country abounding with the variety and diversity of all that is or may be rare. But lest I should Tantalize you with a relation of that which is very unlikely of your enjoying, by reason of that strong Antipathy you have ever had 'gainst Travel, as to your own particular: I'le only tell you, that Mary-Land is seated within the large extending armes HISTORICAL LETTERS. 97 of America, between the Degrees of 36 and 38, being in Longitude from Eiiylaud eleven hundred and odd Leagues. Vale. G. A. From Mary-Land, Jan. 17. Anno To my Honored Friend Mr. T. B. at his House. Sir, YOurs I received, wherein I find my self much obliged to you for your good opinion of me, I return you millions of thanks. ' 9 Sir, you wish me well, and I pray God as well that those wishes may light upon me, and then I question not but all will do well. Those Pictures you sent sewed up in a Pastboard, with a Letter tacked on the outside, you make no mention at all what should be done with them : If they are Saints, unless I knew their names, I could make no use of them. Pray in your next let me know what they are, for my fingers itch to be doing with them one way or another. Our Government here hath had a small fit of a Rebellious Quotidian, (see note No. 63), but five Grains of the powder of Subvertment has qualified it. Pray be larger in your next how things stand in EiKjland : I understand His Majesty is return'd with Ilcmour, and seated in the hereditary Throne of his Father; God ■I'J 505 98 A COLLECTION OF bless him from Traytors, and the Church from Sacri- legious Schisms, and you as a loyal Subject to the one, and a true Member to the other; while you so continue, the God of order, peace and tranquility, bless and preserve you. Amen. Vale. Your real Friend, G. A. From Mary-Land, Febr. 20. Anno To my Honored Father at his House. , Sir, "X 7"^ TIth a twofold unmeasurable joy I received Y Y your Letter : First, in the consideration of Gods great Mercy to you in particular, (though weak and aged) yet to give you dayes among the living. Next, that his now most Excellent Majesty Charles the Second, is by the omnipotent Providence of God, seated in the Throne of his Father. I hope that God has placed him there, will give him a heart to praise and magnifie his name for ever, and a hand of just Revenge, to punish the murthering and rebellious Outrages of those Sons of shame and Apostacy, that Usurped the Throne of his Sacred Honour. Near about the time I received your Letter, (or a little before) here sprang up in this Province of Mary-Land a kind of pigmie Rebellion : A company of weak- 506 HISTORICAL LETTERS. 99 witted men, which thought to have traced the steps of Olwer in Rebellion (see note No. 63). They began to be mighty stiff and hidebound in their pro- ceedings, clothing themselves with the tlasliy pre- tences of future and imaginary honour, and (had they not been suddenly quell'd) they might have done so much mischief (for aught I know) that nothing but utter mine could have ransomed their headlong follies. His Majesty appearing in England, he quickly (by the splendor of his Rayes) thawed the stiffness of their frozen and slippery intentions. All things (blessed be God for it) are at peace and unity here now : And as Lather being asked once. What he thought of some small Opinions that started up in his time? answered, T1iat he thought them to he good honest people, exempting their error : So I judge of these men, That their thoughts were not so bad at first, as their actions would have led them into in process of time. I have here enclosed sent you something written in haste upon the Kings coming to the enjoyment of his Throne, with a reflection upon the former sad and bad times ; I have done them as well as I could, con- sidering all things : If they are not so well as they should be, all I can do is to wish them better for your sakes. My Obedience to you and my Mother alwayes devoted. Your Son G. A. From Mary-Land, Febr. 9. Anno 607 100 A COLLECTION OP To my Cosen Mris. Ellinor Evins. E' re I forget the Zenith of your Love, L et me be hanisht from the Thrones above ; ■ L ighi let me never see, when I grow rude, I 7iiomb your Love in base Ingratitude : 'N or may I prosper, but the state f gaping Tantalus be my fate; R ather then I should thus pj'eposterous grow, E arth would condemn me to her vaults below. V ertuous and Noble, could my Genius raise 1 mmortal Anthems to your Vestal praise, 'E one should be more laborious than I, S aint-like to Canonize you to the Sky. The Antimonial Cup (dear Cosen) you sent me, I had; and as soon as I received it, I went to work with the Infirmities and Diseases of my body. At the first draught, it made such havock among the several humors that had stolen into my body, that like a Conjurer in a room among a company of little Devils, they no sooner hear him begin to speak high words, but away they pack, and happy is he that can get out first, some up the Chimney, and the rest down stairs, till they are all disperst. So those malignant humors of my body, feeling the operative power, and medicinal virtue of this Cup, were so amazed at their sudden surprizal, (being alwayes before battered only by the weak assaults of some few Empyricks) they stood not long to dispute, but with joynt consent .508 HISTORICAL LETTERS. 101 made their retreat, some running through the sink of the Skullery, the rest climbing up my ribs, took my mouth for a Garret-window, and so leapt out. Cosen, For this great kindness of yours, in sending me this medicinal vertue, I return you my thanks : It came in a very good time, when I was dangerously sick, and by the assistance of God it hath perfectly recovered me. I have sent you here a few Furrs, they were all I could get at present, I humbly beg your acceptance of them, as a pledge of my love and thankfulness unto you ; I subscribe, Your loving Gosen, G. A. From Mary Land, Dec. 9. Anno To 31y Brother P. A. Brother, I Have made a shift to unloose my self from my Collar now as well as you, but I see at present either small pleasure or profit in it : What the futu- raUty of my dayes will bring forth, I know not ; For while I was linckt with the Chain of a restraining Servitude, I had all things cared for, and now I have all things to care for my self, which makes me almost to wish my self in for the other four years. Liberty without money, is like a man opprest with the Gout, every step he puts forward puts him to 600 102 A COLLECTION OP pain ; when on the other side, he that has Coyn with his Liberty, is like the swift Post-Messenger of the Gods, that wears wings at his heels, his motion being swift or slow, as he j^leaseth. I received this year two Caps, the one white, of an honest plain countenance, the other purple, which I conceive to be some antient Monumental Relique ; which of them you sent I know not, and it was a wonder how I should, for there was no mention in the Letter, more then, that my Brother had sent me a Gap: They were delivered me in the company of some Gentlemen that ingaged me to write a few lines upon the purple one, and because they were my Friends I could not deny them; and here I present them to you as they were written. Hailefrom the dead, or from Eternity, Thou Velvit Relique of Antiquity ; Thou which appear' st here in thy purple hew, TeWs hoiD the dead within their Tombs do doe ; How those Ghosts fare within each Marble Cell, Where amongst them for Ages thou didst dwell. What Brain didst cover there ? tell us that we Upon our knees vayle Hats to honour thee : And if no honour's due, tell us whose pate Thou basely cover edst, and we'ljoynily hate : Let's know his name, thai we may shew neglect ; If otherwise, we' I kiss thee with respect. Say, didst thou cover Noll's old brazen head, Which on the top of Westminster high Lead 510 HISTORICAL LETTERS. 103 Stands on a Pole, erected to the sky, As a grand Trojjhi/ to his memory/. From his perfidious skull didst thou fall down, In a dis-dain to honour such a crown With three-jnle Velvet ? tell yne, hadst thou thy fall From the high top of thai Cathedral F None of the Heroes of the Roman stem, Wore ever such a fashion'd Diadem, Didst thou speak Turkish in thy unknown dress, Thou^dst cover Great Mogull, and no man less ; But in thy make methinks thou'ri too too scant. To be so great a Monarch's Turherant. The Jews by Moses swear, they never knew EWe such a Cap dresi up in Hebrew : Nor the strict Order of the Romish See, Wears any Cap that looks so base as thee ; His Holiness hates thy Lowness, and instead. Wears Peters spired Steeple on his head : The Cardinals descent is much more flat, For want of name, baptized is A Hat ; Through each strict Order has my fancy ran, Both Ambrose, Austin, and the Franciscan, Where I beheld rich Images of the dead, Yet scarce had one a Cap upon his head : Episcopacy wears Caps, but not like thee, Though sevei'al shaped, with much diversity : ' Twere best I think 1 presently should gang To Edenburghs strict Presbyterian ; But Caps they've none, their ears being made so large, Serves them to turn it like a Garnesey Barge ; Those keep their skulls warm against North-west gusts, When they in Pulpit do poor Calvin curse. 511 104 A COLLECTION OP Thoa art not Fortunatus, /or I daily see, That 'which I wish is farthest off from me : Thy lovhbuilt state none ever did advance. To christen thee the Cap of Maintenance ; Then till I know from whence thou didst derive. Thou shalt be call'd, the Cap of Fugitive. You writ to me this year to send you some Smoak ; at that instant it made me wonder that a man of a rational Soul, having both his eyes (blessed be God) should make so unreasonable a demand, when he that has but one eye, nay he which has never a one, and is fain to make use of an Animal conductive for his op tick guidance, cannot endure the prejudice that Smoak brings with it : But since you are resolv'd upon it, rie dispute it no further. I have sent you that which will make Smoak, (namely Tobacco) though the Funk it self is so slippery that I could not send it, yet I have sent you the Substance from whence the Smoak derives : What use you imploy it to I know not, nor will I be too importunate to know ; yet let me tell you this. That if you burn it in a room to affright the Devil from the house, you need not fear but it will work the same effect, as Tobyes galls did upon the leacherous Fiend. No more at present. Vale. Your Brother, G. A. From Mary-Land, Dec. 11. Anno 613 HISTORICAL LETTERS. 105 To mtj Honored Friend Mr. T. B. Sir, Tllis is the entr.ance upon my fifth year, and I fear 'twill prove the worst : 1 have been very much troubled with a throng of unruly Distempers, that have (contrary to my expectation) crouded into the Main-guard of my body, when the drowsie Senti- nels of my brain were a sleep. Where they got in I know not, but to my grief and terror I find them predominant : Yet as Doctor Dunne, sometimes Dean of St. Pauls, said, That the bodies diseases do hut mellow a man for Heaven, and so ferments him in this World, as lie shall need no long concoction in the Grave, hut hxxsten to the Resurrection. And if this were weighed seriously in the Ballance of Religious Reason, the World we dwell in would not seem so inticing and bewitching as it doth. We are only sent by God of an Errand into this World, and the time that's allotted us for to stay, is only for an Answer. When God my great Master shall in good earnest call me home, which these warnings tell me I have not long to stay, I hope then T shall be able to give him a good account of my Message. Sir, My weakness gives a stop to my writing, my hand being so shakingly feeble, that I can hardly hold my pen any further then to tell you, I am yours 14 513 106 A COLLECTION OF while I live, which 1 believe will be but some few minutes. If this Letter come to you before I'me dead, pray for me, but if I am gone, pray howsoever, for they can do me no harm if they come after me. Vale. You7' real Fi^iend, G. A. From Mary-Land, Dec. 13. Anno To my Parents. FRom the Grave or Receptacle of Death am I raised, and by an omnipotent power made capa- ple of offering once more my Obedience (that lies close cabbined in the inwardmost apartment of my Soul) at the feet of your immutable Loves. My good Parents, God hath done marvellous things for me, far beyond my deserts, which at best were preposterously sinful, and unsuitable to the sacred will of an Almighty : But he is merciful, and his mercy endures for ever. When sinful man has by his Evils and Iniquities pull'd some penetrating Judgment upon his head, and finding himself immediately not able to stand under so great a burthen as Gods smallest stroke of Justice, lowers the Top-gallant sayle of his Pride, and with an humble submissiveness prostrates himself before the Throne of his sacred Mercy, and 514 HISTORICAL LETTERS. 107 like those three Lepars that sate at the Gate of Samwria, resolved, If we go into the City we shall perish, and if ice stay liere we shall perish also : Tlierefoi^e we tcill throw our selves into the hands of the Assyrians and if loe perish, we perish: This was just my condition as to eternal state ; my soul was at a stand in this black storm of affliction : I view'd the World, and all that's pleasure in her, and found her altogether flashy, aiery, and full of notional pretensions, and not one firm place where a distressed Soul could hang his trust on. Next I viewed my self, and there I found, instead of good Works, Hvely Faith, and Charity, a most horrid neast of condemned Evils, bearing a supreme Prero- gative over my internal faculties. You'l say here was little hope of rest in this extreme Eclipse, being in a desperate amaze to see my estate so deplorable : My better Angel urged me to deliver up my aggriev- ances to the Bench of Gods Mercy, the sure support of all distressed Souls : His Heavenly warning, and inward whispers of the good Spirit I was resolv'd to entertain, and not quench, and throw my self into the armes of a loving God, If I perish, I perish. 'Tis beyond wonder to think of the love of God extended to sinful man, that in the deepest distresses or agonies of Affliction, when all other things prove rather hinderances then advantages, even at that time God is ready and steps forth to the supportment of his drooping Spirit. Truly, about a fortnight before I wrote this. Letter, two of our ablest Physicians ren- 108 HISTORICAL LETTERS. dered me up into the hands of God, the universal Doctor of the whole World, and subscribed with a silent acknowledgement, That all their Arts, screw'd up to the very Zenith of Scholastique perfection, were not capable of keeping me from the Grave at that time : But God, the great preserver of Soul and Body, said contrary to the expectation of humane reason. Arise, take up thy bed and walk. I am now (through the help of my Maker) creeping up to my former strength and vigour, and every day I live, I hope I shall, through the assistance of divine Grace, climbe nearer and nearer to my eternal home. I have received this year three Letters from you, one by Capt. Conway Commander of the Wheat-Sheaf, the others by a Bristol Ship. Having no more at present to trouble you with, but expecting your promise, I remain as ever, Your dutiful Son, G. A. Mary-Land, April 9. Anno I desire my hearty love may be remembered to my Brother, and the rest of my Kinred. FINIS. 516 NOTES. Note 1, page 15. After having resolved to reprint Alsop's early account of Maryland, as au addition to my Bibliotheca Americana, I immediately fell in with a difficulty wliicli I liad not counted on. After mudi inciuiry and investigation, I could find no copy to print from among all my earnest book collecting acquaint- ances. At length some one informed me that Mr. Bancroft the historian had a copy in his library. I immediately took the liberty of calling on him and making known my wants, he generously offered to let me have the use of it for the jiurpose stated, I carried the book home, had it carefully copied, but unfortunately during the ]>rocess I discovered the text was imperfect as well as deficient in both portrait and map. Like Sisyphus I had to begin anew, and do nearly all my labor over ; I sent to London to learn if the functionaries in the British Museum would pennit a tracing of the portrait and map to be made from their copy, the answer returned was, that they would or could not permit this, but I might perfect my text if I so choosed by copying from theirs. Here I was once inore at sea without compass, rudder, or chart : I made known nij- condition to an eminent and judicious collector of old American literature in the city of New York, he very frankly informed me that he could aid me in my difficulty by letting me have the use of a copy, which would relieve me from my present dilemma. I was greatly rejoiced at this discovery as well as by the gene- rosity of the owner. The following day the book was put into my possession, and so by the aid of it was enabled to complete the text. Here another difficulty burst into view, this copy had no portrait. That being the only defect in perfecting a copy of Alsop's book, 1 now resolved to proceed and publish it without a portrait, but perhaps fortunately, making known this resolve to some of the knowing ones in book gathering, they remonstrated against this course, adding that it would ruin the book in the estimation f)f all who would buy sucli a rarity. I was inclined to listen favorably to this protest, and therefore had to commence a new (iffort to obtain a portrait. I then laid about me again to try and ])rocure a copy that had one : I knew that not more than three or four collectors in the country who were likely to have such an h(;ir-loom. To one living at a considtirabh; distance from New York I took the liberty of addressing a letter on the subjt^ct, wlirnun I made known my difficulties. To my great gratification this courteous and confiding gentleman not only innnediately made answer, but sent a ])erfect copy of this rare and much wanti^d book for my use. I innnediately had the 517 110 NOTES. portrait and map reproduced by the photo-lithographic process. During the time the book was in my possession, which was about ten days, so fearful was I that any harm should befall it that I took the precaution to wrap up the precious little volume in tissue paper and cany it about with me all the time in my side pocket, well knowing that if it was either injured or lost I covild not replace it. I understand that a perfect copy of the original in the London market would bring fifty pounds sterling. I had the satisfaction to learn it reached the generous owner in safety. Had I known the difficulties I had to encounter of procuring a copy of the original of Alsop's singular performance, I most certainly would never have undertaken to reproduce it in America. Mr. Jared Sparks told me that he had a like difficulty to encounter when he vindertook to write the life of Ledyard the traveler. Said he : " a copy of his journal I could find nowhere to purchase, at length I was compelled to borrow a copy on very humiliating conditions ; the owner perhaps valued it too highly." I may add that I had nearly as much difficulty in securing an editor, as I had in pro- curing a perfect copy. However on this point I at last was very fortunate. William Gowans. 115 Nassau street, March 23d, 1869. Note 3, 'page 19. Cecilius, Lord Baltimore, eldest son of George Calvert, 1st Lord Baltimore, and Anne Wynne of Hertingfordbury, England, was born in 1606. He succeeded to the title April 15, 1632, and married Anne, daughter of Lord Arundel, whose name was given to a county in Maryland. His rule over Maryland, disturbed in Cromwell's time, but restored under Charles II, has always been extolled. He died Nov. 30, 1675, covered with age and repu- tation. — O'Callaghan's N. T. Col. Doc, ii. p. 74. Note 3, page 19. Avalon, the territory in Newfoundland, of which the first Lord Baltimore obtained a grant in 1623, derived its name from the spot in England where, as tradition said, Christianity was first preached by Joseph of Arimathea. Note 4:,page 21. Owen Feltham, as our author in his errata correctly gives the name, was an author who enjoyed a great reputation in his day. His Resolves appeared first about 1620, and in 1696 had reached the eleventh edition. They were once reprinted in the 18th century, and in full or in part four times in the 518 NOTES. Ill 19th, and an edition appeared in America about 1830. Hallam in spite of this popularity calls him " labored, artificial and shallow." Note 5, page 24. Burning on the hand was not so much a punishment as a mark on those who, convicted of felony, pleaded the benefit of clergy, which they were allowed to do once only. Note 6, page 25. Literally : " Good wine needs no sign." Note 7, page 26. Billingsgate is the great fish market of London, and the scurrilous tongues of the fish women have made the word synonymous with vulgar abuse. Note 8, page 28. Alsop though cautiously avoiding Maryland politics, omits no fling at the Puritans. Pride was a parliament colonej famous for Pride's Purge. Notes 9, 10, pages 31, 33. William Bogherst, and H. W., Master of Arts, have eluded all our efforts to immortalize them. Note 11, page Z5. 1 Chesapeake is said to be K'tchisipik, Great Water, in AlgonqmnN Note 13, page 38. Less bombast and some details as to the botany of Maryland would have been preferable. Note 13, page 39. The American deer {Cariacus Virginianus) is hero evidently meant. 619 112 NOTES. Note 14, page 39. Whetston's (Whetstone) park : " A dilapidated street in Lincoln's Inn Fields, at the back of Holborn. It contains scarcely anything but old, half- tumble down houses ; not a living plant of any kind adorns its nakedness, so it is presumable that as a park it never had an existence, or one so remote that even tradition has lost sight of the fact." Note 15, page 39. The animals here mentioned are the black wolf (canis occidentalis), the black bear, the panther {felis concolor). Note 16, page 40. These animals are well known, the elk {alces Americanus), cat o' the mountain or catamount {felis concolor), raccoon (procyon lotor), fox {mdpes fuhus), beaver {castor fiber), otter {lutra), opossum {didelphys Virginiana), hare, squirrel, musk-rat {fiber zibethicus). The monack is apparently the Maryland marmot or woodchuck {arctomys monax). Note 17, page 40. The domestic animals came chiefly from Virginia. As early as May 27, 1634, they got 100 swine from Accomac, with 30 cows, and they expected goats and hens {Relation of Maryland, 1634). Horses and sheep had to be imported from England, Virginia being unable to give any. Yet in 1679 Dankers and Sluyters, the Labadists, say : " Sheep they have none." — Collections Long Island Hist. Soc, i, p. 218. Note IS, page 41. Alluding to the herds of swine kept by the Gadarenes, into one of which the Saviour allowed the devil named Legion to enter. Note 19, page 42. The abundance of these birds is mentioned in the Relations of Maryland, 1634, p. 22, and 1635, p. 23. The Labadists with whose travels the Hon. 520 NOTES. 113 n. C. Murpliy has enriched our literature, found the geese in 1679-80 so plentiful and noisy as to prevent their sleeping, and the ducks filling the sky like a cloud. — Loiiff Island Hint. Coll., i, pp. 195, 204. J^ote 30, 2^(t'ffC 43. Alsop makes no allusion to the cultivation of maize, yet the Lahadists less than twenty years after describe it at length as the principal grain crop of Maryland. — lb., ]). 216. I^ote 21, ^)rt^e 45. Considering the facts of history, this picture is sadly overdrawn, Maryland having had its full share of civil war. I^ote 22, imge AG. The fifth monarchy men were a set of religionists who arose during the Puritan rule in England. They believed in a fifth universal monarchy of which Christ was to be the head, under whom they, his saints, were to possess the earth. In 1660 they caused an outbreak in London, in which many were killed and others tried and executed. Their leader was one Venn<;r. The Adamites, a gnostic sect, who pretended that regenerated man should go naked like Adam and Eve in their state of innocence, were revived during the Pviritan rule in England ; and in our time in December, 1867, we have seen the same theory held and practiced in Newark, N. J. mte 23, page 46. In the provisional act, passed in the first assembly, March 19, 1688, and entitled "An Act ordaining certain laws for the government of this pro- vince," the twelfth section required that "every person planting tobacco shall plant and tend two acres of corn." A special act was introduced the same session and read twice, but not i)assed. A new law was j)assed, how- ever, Oct. 23, 1640, n-newed Aug. 1. 1642, April 21, 1649, Oct. 20, 1654, April 12, 1(562, and mad(^ periietual in 1676. These acts imposed a fine of fifty i)()unds of tobacco tor every half acre tlie offender fell short, Ix-sides fifty pounds of the same current leaf as constables' fees. It was to this jKjrsistent enforcement of the cultivation of cereals that Maryland so soon became the granary of New England. 15 r.2i 114 NOTES. Note 24, page 47. The Assembly, or House of Burgesses, at first consisted of all freemen, but tbey gradually gave place to delegates. The influence of the proprietary, however, decided the selection. In 1650 fourteen burgesses met as dele- gates or representatives of the several hundreds, there being but two counties organized, St. Marys and the Isle of Kent. Ann Arundel, called at times Providence county, was erected April 29, 1650. Patuxent was erected under Cromwell in 1654. — Bacon's Laics of Maryland, 1765. Note 25, page 47. Things had changed when the Sot Weed Factor appeared, as the author of that satirical poem dilates on the litigious character of the people. Note 26, page 47. The allusion here I have been unable to discover. Note 27, page 48. The colony seems to have justified some of this eulogy by its good order, which is the more remarkable, considering the height of party feeling. Note 28, page 48. Halberdeers ; the halberd was smaller than the partisan, with a sharp pointed blade, with a point on one side like a pole-axe. Note 29, 2yage 49. Newgate, Ludgate and Bridewell are the well known London prisons. Note 30, page 50. Our author evidently failed from this cause. 522 NOTES. 115 A fling at the various Puritan schools, then active at home and abroad. Wote 32, pnge 50. The first Quakers in Maiylaud were Elizabeth Harris, Josiah Cole, and Thomas Tliurston, who visited it in 1G57, but as early as July 2'i, 1659, the governor and council issued an order to seize any Quakers and whip them from constable to constable out of the province. Yet in spite of this they had settled meetings as early as 1661, and Peter Sharpc, the Quaker physician, appears as a landholder in 1605, the very year of Alsop's publi- cation. — j^onis, Early Friends or Quakers in Maryland (Maryland Hist. Soc, March, 18G3). Note 33, page 50. The Baptists centering in Rhode Island, extended across Long Island to New Jersey, and thence to New York city ; but at this time had not reached the south. Note 34, page 56. A copy of the usual articles is given in the introduction. Alsop here refutes current charges against the Marylanders for their treatment of servants. Hammond, in his Leah and Rachel, p. 12, says : " The labour servants are put to is not so hard, nor of such continuance as husbandmen nor hande- craftmen are kept at in England. .... The women are not (as is reported) put into the ground to worke, but occupie such domestic imployments and housewifery as in England." Note 35, page 59. Laws as to the treatment of servants were passed in the Provisional act of 1638, and at many subsequent assi-mblies. Notes 36, 37, pages 59, 61. Lewknors lane or Cliarles street was in Drury lane, in tlie parisli of St. Giles. — Seymour's History of London, ii, p. 767. Finsbury is still a well known quarter, in St. Luke's parish, Middlesex. 52.3 116 NOTES. Note 38, pmje 65. Nicholas Culpepper, " student in pliysic and astrology," whose EnglUh Physician, published in 1653, ran through many editions, and is still a book published and sold. Note 39, j)age 65. Dogs dung, used in dressing morocco, is euphemized into alhtim grcecum, and is also called 'pure ; those who gather it being still styled in England pure-finders. — Mayhew, London Lcibor and London Poor, ii, p. 158. Note 40, page 65. He has not mentioned tobacco as a crop, but describes it fully a few pages after. In Maryland as in Virginia it was the currency. Thus in 1638 an act authorized the erection of a water-mill to supersede hand-mills for grinding grain, and the cost was limited to 20,000 lbs. of tobacco. — MeSherry's History of Maryland, p. 56. The Labadists in their Travels (p. 216) describe the cultivation at length. Tobacco at this time paid two shillings English a cask export duty in Maryland, and two-pence a pound duty on its arrival in England, besides weighing and other fees. Note 41, page 66. The Parson of Pancras is unknown to me : but the class he represents is certainly large. Note 42, page 66. The buffalo was not mentioned in the former list, and cannot be consi- dered as synonpuous with elk. Note 43, page 67. For satisfactory and correct information of the present commerce and condition of Maryland, the reader is referred to the Census of the United States in 4 vols., 4to, published at Washington, 1865. 5^ NOTES. 117 Note 44, page 69. This is a curious observation as to New England trade. A century later Hutchinson represents Massachusetts as receiving Maryland flour from the Pennsylvania mills, and paying in money and bills of exchange. — Hist, of Massachusetts, p. ii, 397. Note 45, j)age 69. The trade with Barbadoes, now insignificant, was in our colonial times of great importance to all the colonies. Barbadoes is densely peopled and thoroughly cultivated ; its imports and exports are each about five millions of dollars annuallv. Note AQ, page 71. The Susquehannas. This Relation is one of the most valuable portions of Alsop's tract, as no other Maryland document gives as much concerning this tribe, which nevertheless figures extensively in Maryland annals. Dutch and Swedish writers speak of a tribe called Mincjuas (Minquosy, Machceretini in De Laet, p. 76) ; the French in Canada {Chamjilain, the Jesuit Relations, Gendron, Particularitez dw Pays des Ilurons, p. 7, etc.), make frequent allusion to the Gandastogues (more briefly Andastes), a tribe friendly to their allies the Hurons, and sturdy enemies of the Iroquois ; later still Pennsylvania writers speak of the Conestogas, the tribe to wliich Logan belonged, and the tribe which perished at the hands of the Paxton boys. Altliough Gallatin in his map, followed by Bancroft, placed the Andastes near Lake Erie, my researches led me to correct this, and identify the Susquehannas, Minqua, Andastes or Gandastogues and Conestogas as being all the same tribe, the first name being a])})arently an appellation given them by the Virginia tribes ; the second that given them by the Algonquins on the Delaware ; while Gandastogue as the French, or Cones- toga as the English wrote it, was their own tribal name, meaning cabin- pole men, Natio Perticarum, from Andasta, a cabin-])ole (niai) in Creuxius, Historia Canadensis). I forwarded a paper on the 8ubjt.'ct to Mr. School- craft, for insertion in the government work issuing under his supervision. It was inserted in the last volume without my name, and ostensibly as Mr. Schoolcraft's. I then gav»3 it with my name in the Historical Magazine, vol. II, p. 294. The result arrived at there has been accepted by Bancroft, in his large paper edition, by Parkman, in his Jesuits in the Wilderness, by Dr. O'Callaghan, S. F. Streeter, Esq., of the Maryland Historical Society, and students generally. 118 NOTES. From the Virginian, Dutch, Swedish and French authorities, we can thus give tlaeir history briefly. The territory now called Canada, and most of the northern portion of the United States, from Lake Superior and the Mississippi to the mouth of the St. Lawrence and Chesapeake bay were, wlien discovered by Europeans, occupied by two families of tribes, the Algonquin and the Huron Iroquois. The former which included all the New England tribes, the Micmacs, Mohe- gans, Delawares, Illinois, Chippewas, Ottawas, Pottawatamies, Sacs, Foxes, Miamis, and many of the Maryland and Virginian tribes surrounded the more powerful and civilized tribes who have been called Huron Iroquois, from the names of the two most powerful nations of the group, the Hurons or Wyandots of Upper Canada, and the Iroquois or Five Nations of New York. Besides these the group included the Neuters on the Niagara, the Dinondadies in Upper Canada, the Eries south of the lake of that name, the Andastogues or Susquehannas on that river, the Nottaways and some other Virginian tribes, and finally the Tuscaroras in North Carolina and perhaps the Cherokees, whose language presents many striking points of similarity. Both these groups of tribes claimed a western origin, and seem, in their progress east, to have driven out of Ohio the Quappas^ called by the Algonquins, Alkansas or Allegewi, who retreated down the Ohio and Mississippi to the district which has preserved the name given them by the Algonquins. After planting themselves on the Atlantic border, the various tribes seem to have soon divided and become embroiled in war. The Iroquois, at first inferior to the Algonquins were driven out of the valley of the St. Lawrence into the lake region of New York, where by greater cultivation, valor and union they soon became superior to the Algonquins of Canada and New York, as the Susquehannas who settled on the Susquehanna did over the tribes in New Jersey, Maryland and Virginia. {Du Ponceau's Campanius, p. 158.) Prior to 1600 the Susquehannas and the Mohawks, the most eastern Iroquois tribe, came into collision, and the Susquehannas nearly exterminated the Mohawks in a war which lasted ten years. {Rela- tion de la Nouv. France, 1659-60, p. 28.) In 1608 Captain Smith, in exploring the Chesapeake and its tributaries, met a party of sixty of these Sasquesahanocks as he calls them (i, p. 120-1), and he states that they were still at war with the Massawomekes or Mohawks. {De Laet Noviis Orbis, p. 79.) DeVries, in his Voyages (Murphy's translation, p. 41-3), found them in 1633 at war with the Armewamen and Sankiekans, Algonquin tribes on the Delaware, maintaining their supremacy by butchery. They were friendly to the Dutch. When the Swedes in 1638 settled on the Delaware, they renewed the friendly intercourse begun by the Dutch. They purchased lands of the ruling tribe and thus secured their friendship. {Hazard's Annals, p. 48). They carried the terror of their arms southward also, and NOTES. 119 in 1634 to 1644 they waged war on the Yaomacoes, the Piscataways and Patuxents {Bozman's Maryland, ii, p. 161), and were so troublesome that in 1643 Governor Calvert, by proclamation, declared them public enemies. When the Hurons in Upper Canada in 1647 began to sink under the fearful blows dealt by the Five Nations, the Susquehannas sent an embassy to offer them aid against the common enemy. {Gendron, Quclqves Particu- laritez du Pays des Hurons, p. 7), Nor was the offer one of little value, for the Susquehannas could put in the field 1,300 Avarriors {Relation de la Nouvelle France, 1647-8, p. 58) trained to the use of fire arms and European modes of war by three Swedish soldiers whom they had obtained to instruct them. {Proud's Pennsylvania, i, p. Ill ; Bozman's Maryland, ii, p. 37^, Before interposing in the Avar, they began by negotiation, and sent an embassy to Onondaga to urge the cantons to ])eace. {Relation, 1648, p. 58). The Iroquois refused, and the Hurons, sunk in apathy, took no active steps to secure the aid of the frienrlly Sustjuehaunas. That tribe, however, maintained its friendly intercourse with its European neighbors, and in 1653 Sawahegeh, Auroghteregh, Scarhuhadigh, Rutchogah and Nathheldianeh, in presence of a Swedish deputy, ceded to Maryland all the territory from the Patuxent river to Palmer's island, and from the Choptauk to the northeast branch north of Elk river. {Bozman's Maryland, II, p. 683). Four years later the Iroquois, grown insolent by their success in almost annihilating their kindred tribes north and south of Lake Erie, the Wyan- dots, Dinondadies, Neuters and Fries, provoked a war with the Susque- hannas, plundering their hunters on Lake Ontario. {Relation de la Noutelle France, 1657, pp. 11, 18). It was at this important period in their history that Alsop knew and described them to us. In 1661 the small-pox, that scourge of the native tribes, broke out in their town, sweeping off many and enfeel)ling the nation terribly. War had now begim in earnest with the Five Nations ; and though the Susqueliannas had some of their people killed near their town {Hazard's Annals, 341-7), they in turn pressed the Cayugas so hard that some of them retreated across Lake Ontario to Canada {Relation de la Nouvelle France, 1661, p. 39, 1668, p. 30). They also kept the Senecas in such alarm that they no longer ventured to carry their peltries to New York, except in caravans escorted by six hundred men, wlio even took a most circuitous route. {Relation, 1661, p. 40). A law of Maryland passed May 1, 1661, authorized the governor to aid the Susquehannas. Smarting under constant defeat, the Five Nations solicited French aid {Relation de la Nouvelle France, 1663-3. p. 11, 1663^, j). 33 ; Charlevoix, ii, p. 134), but in April, 1663, the Western cantons raised an anny of eight hundred men to invest and storm tlie fort of tlie Susciuchannas. They embarked on Lake Ontario, according to the French account, and then went overland to the Susquehanna. On reaching the fort, liowever, tliey found 120 NOTES. it well defended on tlie river side, and on the land side with two bastions in European style with cannon mounted and connected by a double curtain of large trees. After some trifling skirmishes the Iroquois had recourse to stratagem. They sent in a party of twenty-five men to treat of peace and ask provisions to enable them to return. The Susquehannas admitted them, but immediately burned them all alive before the eyes of their countrymen. {Relation de la Nouvelle France, 1663, p. 10). The Pennsylvania writers, {Hazai'd's Annals of Pennsylvania, p. 346) make the Iroquois force one thousand six hundred, and that of the Susquehannas only one hundred. They add that when the Iroquois retreated, the Susquehannas pursued them, killing ten and taking as many. After this the war was carried on in small parties, and Susquehanna prisoners were from time to time burned at Oneida, Onondaga, Seneca and Cayuga {Relations de la Nouvelle France, 1668 to 1673), and their prisoners doubtless at Canoge on the Susquehanna. In the fall of 1669 the Susque- hannas, after defeating the Cayiigas, oflfered peace, but the Cayugas put their ambassador and his nephew to death, after retaining him five or sis months ; the Oneidas having taken nine Susquehannas and sent some to Cayuga, with forty wampum belts to maintain the war. {Relation de la Nouvelle France, 1670, p. 68.) At this time the great war chief of the Susquehannas was one styled Hochitagete or Barefoot {Relation de la Nouvelle France, 1 670, p. 47) ; and raving women and crafty medicine men deluded the Iroquois with promises of his capture and execution at the stake {Relation, 1670, p. 47), and a famous medicine man of Oneida appeared after death to order his body to be taken up and interred on the trail leading to the Susquehannas as the only means of saving that canton from ruin. {Relatioji, 1672, p. 20.) Towards the summer of 1672 a body of forty Cayugas descended the Susquehanna in canoes, and twenty Senecas went by land to attack the Susquehannas in their fields ; but a band of sixty Andaste or Susquehanna boys, the oldest not over sixteen, attacked the Senecas, and routed them, killing one brave and taking another. Flushed with victory they pushed on to attack the Cayugas, and defeated them also, killing eight and woimd- ing with arrow, knife and hatchet, fifteen or sixteen more, losing, however, fifteen or sixteen of their gallant band. {Relation, 1672, p. 24.)" At this time the Susquehannas or Andastes were so reduced by war and pestilence that they could muster only three hundred warriors. In 1675, however, the Susquehannas were completely overthrown {Etat Present, 1675, manuscript ; Relation, 1676, p. 2 ; Relations 'Inedites, ii, p. 44 ; Gol- den' s Five Nations, i, p. 126), but unfortunately we have no details whatever as to the forces which effected it, or the time or manner of tlieir utter defeat. A party of about one hundred retreated into Maryland, and occupied some abandoned Indian forts. Accused of the murder of some settlers, apparently slain by the Senecas, they sent five of their chiefs to the Mary- laud and Virginia troops, under Washington and Brent, who went out in 528 NOTES. 121 pursxiit. Although coming as deputies, and showing the Baltimore medal and certificate of friendship, these chiefs were cruelly pnt to death. The enraged Susquehannas- then began a terrible border war, which was kept till their utter destruction (S. F. Streeter's Destruction of the Susquehannas, Historical Magazine, i, p. 65). The rest of the tribe, after making overtures to Lord Baltimore, submitted to the Five Nations, and were allowed to retain their ancient grounds. When Pennsylvania was settled, they became known as Conestogas, and were always friendly to the colonists of Penn, as they had been to the Dutch and Swedes. In 1701 Canoodagtoh, their king, made a treaty with Penn, and in the document they are styled Minquas, Conestogos or Susquehannas. They appear as a tribe in a treaty in 1742, but were dwindling away. In 1763 the feeble remnant of the tribe became involved in the general suspicion (mtertained by the colonists against the red men, arising out of massacres on the borders. To escape danger the poor creatures took refuge in Lancaster jail, and here they were all butchered by the Paxton boys, who burst into the place. Parkman in his Conspiracy of Pontiac, p. 414, details the sad story. The last interest of this unfortunate tribe centres in Logan, the friend of the white man, whose speech is so familiar to all, that we must regret that it has not sustained the historical scrutiny of Brantz Mayer {Tahgahjute ; or, Logan and Capt. Michael Cresap, Maryland Hist. Soc, May, 1851 ; and 8vo, Albany, 1867). Logan was a Conestoga, in other words a Susquehanna. Note ^1, page 71. The language of the Susquehannas, as Smith remarks, differed from that of the Virginian tribes generally. As already stated, it was one of the dialects of the Huron-Iroquois, and its relation to other members of the family may be seen by the following table of the numerals : Susquehanna or Minqua. Hochelaga. Huron. Mohawk. Onondaga. 1. Onskat, Segada, Eskate, Easka, Unskat. 2. Tiggene, Tigneny, Teni, Tekeni, Tegiii. 3. Axe, Asche, Hachin, Aghsea, Achcn. 4. Raiene, Honnacon, Dae, Kieri, Gaycri. 5. Wisck, Ouiscon, Ouyclie, Wisk, Wisk. 6. Jaiack, Indahir, Houliahea, Yayak, Ilaiak. 7. Tzadack, Ayaga, Sotaret, Jatak, Toliiatak. 8. Tickerom, Addegue, Attaret, Satcgo, Tegeron. 9. Waderom, Madellon, Nechon, Tiyohto, Waderom, 10. A8.san, Assem, 15 52l» Oyeri. 122 NOTES. Note 48, imge 73. Smith thus describes tliem : " Sixty of those Sasquesahanocks came to vs with skins, Bowes, Arrows, Targets, Beads, swords and Tobacco pipes for presents. Such great and well proportioned men are seldome seene, for they seemed like Giants to the English ; yea and to the neighbours, yet seemed of an honest and simple disposition, with much adoe restrained from adoring vs as Gods. Those are the strangest people of all those Countries, both in language and attire ; for their language it may well beseeme their proportions, sounding from them as a voyce in a vault. Their attire is the skinnes of Beares, and Woolues, some have Cassacks made of Beares heads and skinnes, that a mans head goes through the skinnes neck, and the eares of the Beare fastened to his shoulders, the nose and teeth hanging downe his breast, another Beares face split behind him, and at the end of the Nose hung a Pawe, the halfe sleeues comming to the elbowes were the neckes of Beares and the armes through the mouth with the pawes hanging at their noses. One had the head of a Wolfe hanging in a chaine for a lewell, his tobacco pipe three-quarters of a yard long, prettily carued with a Bird, a Deere or some such devise at the great end, sufficient to beat out ones braines ; with Bowes, Arrowes and Clubs, suitable to their greatnesse. They are scarce known to Powhatan. They can make near 60Q able men, and are palisadoed in their Townes to defend them from the Massawomekes, their mortal enemies. Five of their chief Werowances came aboord vs and crossed the Bay in their Barge. The picture of the greatest of them is signified in the Mappe. The calfe of whose leg was three-quarters of a yard about, and all the rest of his limbes so answerable to that proportion, that he seemed the goodliest man we ever beheld. His hayre, the one side was long, the other shore close with a ridge over his crowne like a cocks combe. His arrowes were five-quarters long, headed with the splinters of a white christall-like stone, in form of a heart, an inch broad, and an inch and a halfe or more long. These he wore in a Woolues skinne at his backe for his quiver, his bow in one hand and his club in the other, as described." — Smith's Voyages (Am. ed.), i, p. 119-20. Tattooing referred to by our author, was an ancient Egyptian custom, and is still retained by the women. See Lane's Modern Egyptians, etc. It was forbidden to the Jews in Leviticus, 19 : 28. Note 49, page 74. Purchas, his Pilgrimage, or Relations of the World, and the Religions observed in all Ages and Places discovered, from the Creation unto this present," 1 vol., folio, 1613. In spite of Alsop, Pui-chas is still highly esteemed. 530 NOTES, 123 Note 50, page 75. As to their treatment of prisoners, see Lafitau, Moeurs des Sauvages, ii, p. 260. Note 51, pa^e 75. Smith thns locates their town : " The Sasquesahannocks inhabit vpon the cheefe spring of these foure branches of the Bayes head, one day's journey higher than our barge could passe for rocks," vol. i, p. 182. Campanius thus describes their town, which he represents as twelve miles from New Sweden : " They live on a high mountain, very steep and difficult to climb ; there they have a fort or square building, surrounded with palisades. There they have guns and small iron cannon, with which they shoot and defend themselves, and take with them when they go to war." — Campanius' s Nye Scerige, p. 181 ; Du Ponceau's translation, p. 158. A view of a Sasquesa- hannock town is given in Montanus, De Nieuice en Onbekende Weereld (1671), ]). 186, based evidently on Smith. De Lisle's Map, dated June, 1718, lays down Canoge, Fort des Indiens Andastes ou Susquehanocs at about 40° N. ; but 1 find the name nowhere else. Note 52, 2yige 77. Scalping was practiced by the Scythians. {Herodotus, book iv, and in the second book of Macchabecs, vii, 4, 7). Antiochus is said to have caused two of the seven Macchabee brothers to be scalped. " The skin of the head with the hairs being drawn off." The torture of prisoners as here described originated with the Ircxjuois, and spread to nearly all the North American tribes. It was this that led the Algoncjuins to give the Iroquois tribes the names Magoue, Nadoue or Nottaway, which signified cruel. Lafitau, Moeurs des Sauvages, ii, p. 287. Note 58, page 78. The remarks here as to rtligion are vague. Tlie Iroquois iuid IIuidiis ref'ogni'/.ed Aireskoi or Agreskoe, as the great deity, styling him also Teharonhiawagon. As to thi; Ilurons, see Sngard, Ilistoirc da (laiuida, p. 485. The sacrifice of a child, as noted by Alsop, was unknown in tlie other tribes of this race, and is not mentioned by Campanius in regard to this one. 124 NOTES. Note 54, 2Mge 78. The priests were the medicine men in all probability ; no author men- tioning any class that can be regarded properly as priests. Note 55, 2)age 78. The burial rites here described resemble those of the Iroquois {Lafitau, Moeurs des Sauvages, ii, pp. 389, 407) and of the Hurons, as described by Sagard {Histoire du Canada, p. 702) in the manner of placing the dead body in a sitting posture ; but there it was wrapped in furs, encased in bark and set upon a scaffold till the feast of the dead. Note 56, page 79. Sagard, in his Huron Dictionary, gives village, andata ; he is in the fort or village, andatagon ; which is equivalent to Connadago, nd and nn being frequently used for each other. Note 57, imge 80. For the condition of the women in a kindred tribe, compare Sagard, Histoire du Canada, p. 373 ; Grand Voyage, p. 180 ; Perrot, Moeui's et Const umes des Sauvages, p. 30. Note 58, page 80. Among the Iroquois the husband elect went to the wife's cabin and sat down on' the mat opposite the fire. If she accepted him she presented him a bowl of hominy and sat down beside him, turning modestly away. He then ate some and soon after retired. — Lafitau, Moeurs des Sauvages, i, p, 566. Note 59, page 81. Sagard, in his Histoire du Canada, p. 185, makes a similar remark as to the Hurons, a kindred tribe, men and women acting as here stated, and he says that in this they resembled the ancient Egyptians. Compare Henne- pin, Moeurs des Sauvages, p. 54 ; Description d'un Pays plus grand que r Europe, Voyages au Nord, v, p. 341. 5.32 NOTES. 125 Note 60, page 96. Tliis characteristic of the active trading propensities of tlie early settlers will apply to the present race of Americans in a fourfold degree. Note 61, page 96. One who brought goods to Maryland without following such advice as Alsop gives, describes in Hudibrastic verse his doleful story in the Sot Weed Factor, recently reprinted. Note 63, page 96. For an account of this gentleman, see ante, p. 13. Note 63, page 97. The rebellion in Maryland, twice alluded to by our author in his letters, was a very trifling matter. On the restoration of Charles II, Lord Baltimore sent over his brother Philip Calvert as governor, with authority to proc(;ed against Governor Fendall, who, false alike to all parties, was now scheming to overthrow the proprietary government. The new governor was in- structed on no account to permit Fendall to escape with liis life ; but Philip Calvert was more clement than Lord Baltimore, and though Fendall made a fruitless effort to excite the people to opposition, he was, on his voluntary submission, punished by a merely short imprisonment. Tliis clemency he repaid by a subsequent attempt to excite a rebelhon. — McMaJion's History of Maryland, pp. 213-14, citing Council Proceedings from 1656 to 1668, liber H. H., 74 to 83. THE END. .-jas 1869.] GOWANS. [No. 27. CATALOGUE OF AME RICAN BOOKS, Foi^ Sale at the affixed Prices. ST0RE--115 NASSAU STREET, NEW YORK. (BETWEEN ANN AND BEEKMAN STS.) Let others in false PleoMire's court befvund, But may 1 ne'er be whirled the giddy roxmd; Let me ascend tvith Genius'' rapid flight. Till the fair hill of Science meets my sight. Blest with a jnlot toho my feet tvill guide. Direct my tvay. whene'er I step aside ; May one bright ray of Science on me shine. And be the gift of learning ever mine. LucEETiA M. Davidson. Public Librabies. — In all lln l(tr(iir towns of Francf thi-n- are e.rrfjli/il pnhlic libraries, arranged in spacious rooms, irilli saliir/i d lihrnridDs, every accoiiimoiliilitni fur ri ail< rs\ (unl < r, rii il/s))osition to assist them. J could not rixi/ tln-xf tihra ries without ivishi mi lliat st'i/i//iir instil itfioits ciinhl !>• introduced in the principal towns of England, for in a counti-y where there are so many persons whos, I'lrciniisttmces allow them leisure, tchere education is more and more diffused every day, and in ti/ih x n-h, n //>> /)\t minds are on the stir, the easy access to books, in every part of the kingdom, could not hut iiror, at once agreeable and beneficial. The encouragement of such an object would be a wise application of public nwney Knight's Touk in Normandy. fA CATALOGUE. ABERCROMBIE, JAMES. Sermon on the Fast, 1798. Sermon on the death of General Hamilton, 1804. Sermon on the Liturgy of the Protestant Ejiiscopal Church, 1808. Lectures on the Catechism, on Confirmation and on the Lit- urgy, 1807. Charge to the Senior Classes of the Philadelphia Academy, 1804, 1805, 1806, 1807, 1808, 1809. Valedictory Oration, 1809. In 1 vol., 8vo, calf, $2. Philadelphia, 1798, 1809 A CRY from the Four Winds in the cause of Religious Liberty and against Clerical intrigue and Ecclesiastical Oppression. Svo, pp. 233, $2. Boston, 1827 ADAMS, JOHN (Second President of the United States). The works of, with a life of the Author, Notes and Hlustrations by his Grandson, Charles Francis Adams. Portrait, 10 vols., 8vo, cloth, $20. Boston, 1850 ADAMS, JOHN QUINCY. Report of the Secretary of State upon Weights and Measures, prepared in obedience to a resolution of the House of December 14, 1819. 8vo, pp. 245, |2. Washington, 1821 ADDRESSES. By Drs. Park, Post and Baron. Svo, pp. 133, $1. N. Y., 1854 J3NE AS and Dido, the story of, Burlesqued. From the Fourth Book of the OSneid of Virgil. Vive La Bagatelle. 18mo, pp. 94 (Printed and sold by Robert Wells), Charleston, S. C, 1774 This little volume is priuted in as handsome a style as was then done in either Philadel- phia, New York or Boston, and the paper is much superior to what was then used by publishers in these three villages, the principal places where printing was carried on in the colonies. It proves that printing in ttie south had at an early date arrived at a state of comparative perfection that none appear to have been aware of. . Western Memorabilia. ^SOP'S FABLES and other allegorical writings by Croxall, with rude engrav- ings. 12mo, pp. 366. Phila., 1788 This undoubtedly is the first American edition of this well known book, and as such it possesses no ordinary interest. The wood-cuts are extremely coarse and bear evidence that they were engraved in America. The artist has not attisod name, mark, or initials to them, thereby depriving himself of a share of honorable tame as an early American wood engraver. AGARDH, JACOBO GEORGIO. Species Genera et Ordines Fucoidearum, seu Descriptiones succinctae specierum generum et ordintmi, wuibus Fucoidearum Classis Constituitior. 3 vols., Svo, half calf, very neat, $6. London, 1S48 ALBION, THE. A British Colonial and Foreign Weekly Gazette. From vol. 40, 1840 to vol. 50, 1860, both inclusive, 22 vols., folio, half boimd, new bind- ing, $33. Ten dollars less than the cost of binding the series. New York, 1840-60 ALLAN, JOHN. A Catalogue of his Extraordinary Collection of Books, Antiqui- ties and Curiosities, with the names of the purchasers and the price that each lot or article sold for. Printed in a separate pamj)hlet. Forming 2 vols., Svo, uncut, $5. New York, 1864 Sometime before the owner's death he would have sold his remarkable collection for fif- teen thousand dollars, while it realized by the auction process about thirty-nine thousand. Taking the whole collection, it was the most extensive and valuable ever sold In America. ALLEN, COL. ETHAN. A Narrative of his Captivity, by himself, with Notes. 12mo, $1. Burlington, 184(> [3] ALLEN, WILLIAM. Amorican Bioo^rapliical Dictionary, containinpf an Ac- ^ count of the Lives, Characters and Writings of the most eminent persons deceased in North America, from its first settlement. Third edition. Koyal 8vo, sheep, pp. 915, $6. Boston, 1857 ALMON, J. The Remembrancer, or Impartial Repository of Public Events, wliich transpired during the American Revolution 1775. One vol. 177G, four vols. 1777, one vol. 1778, one vol., 8vo, in all 7 vols., $35. (A complete set of tliis book is now worth $150. London, 1775 This series of volumes is made up of the principal or probably all the orticial pajiers issued by both parties throughout thelon^ wars of the North American Ttevolutioii, besides many collateral communications both semi-official and private. It would seem indispensa- ble to the historian and biographer of that period. The Rebellion Kecord was got up in imitation of this publication and will serve a like purpose. ALVORD, J. W. Historical Address at the celebration of the Second Anniver- sary of the first settlement of the Town of Stamford, Connecticut. 8vo, pp. 40, $1. • New York, 1842 AMERICA. An Address to the People of Great Britain on the present crisis of American Politics, pp. 79. Bristol, 1776. The Rights of Great Britain As- serted against the claims of America, being an answer to the Declaration of the General Congress. Pp. 115. London, 1776. Consideration on the American War, addressed to the people of England. Pp. 60. London, 1770, 8vo, $4. London, v. d. AMERICA. Examen General de la situacion politica de las diferentes potencias del Continente Occidental, con conjeturas sobre su suerte futura por un ciudadano de los Estados Unidos. 8vo, $1.50. Northampton, 1838 AMERICA. The History of the Wars in America between Great Britain and her Colonies from its commencement to the year 1787. 2 vols., 8vo. calf, $6.00. Dublin, 1789 AMERICA. Recueil de divers Voyages faits en Afrique et en L'Amerique, qui n'ont jioint este, encore publiez. Contenant I'origine, les nioeurs, les cou- tumes et le commerce des habitans de ces deux Parties du Monde. Avec Traitez curieux touchant la Haute Ethyopie la debordement du Nil, la mer Rouge, le Prete-Jean. Le tout enrichi de Figures, et de Cartes Geograjihiques, qui servent a I'lntelligence des choses contenues en ce volume. 4to, $6. Paris, 1674 AMERICAN ARCHIVES. Consisting of a collection of authentic records, state papers, debates, letters and other notices of public affairs, the whole forming a Documentary History of the origin and progress of the North American colonies ; of the cause and accomplishment of the American Revolution ; and of the Constitution of Government for the United States to the final ratifica- tion'thereof. Edited bv Peter Force. Fourth series, vol. 1st, 1774 and 1775 ; vol.'2d, 1775 ; vol. 3d, 1775; vol. 4th, 1775; vol. 5th, 1776; vol. 6th, 1776. Fifth series, vol. Ist, 1776; vol. 2d, 1776; vol.3, 1776. 9 vols., folio, $35.00 Washington, 1839 and 1853 The matter forminq; and to form this collection, will cover the period of time from the discovery of the new continent by Christopher Columbus till the adontion of the present federal trovernmcnt under tlu; existing constitution, now known as the I'liited States of Xortli Anii'rica in 17W~, a period of two hundred and nincty-nv(! years. 'I'he contents have ' been gal liennl from every possible source accessible, both Kuropcnn and American, with commendable diligence anti perseverance ; the selection warrants the conclusion, tliat the soundest judgment and discrimination have been used. These archives when all published will be one of the main fountains from whence all future American historians, annalists, legislators, embassadors, statesmen, and biographical compilers must resort for munition and authority touching Anierican subjects. The venerable and amiable editor showed me matter he had prepared for at least twenty volume-i additional, but. said he, tin' government or rather the govin-nmcnt agents are either perfectly indilfiTcnt aliout tli<^ conijtletion of the work, or prefer employing the money for purposes which would prove iiiore lucrative to them. It is to be wished that this import- ant collection of i)iil)lic pajjers will not be suffered to remain in their [iresent inaccessilile and unpublished condition for wiy great length of time. Each s(.'ries will cover the |)eriods aslbllows: First, from the discovery and scttlemcMit of North America to lliKS; second, from KIKS to l-()3 ; third, from 17(13 to 1774; fourth, from 1771 to 177(1; H ft h, from 177(1 to 17M; sixth, from 17s;j to 1787 Westeun Mkmouauilia. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION, Proceedingsof the, for the Advancement of SciiMice, 1848, 49, 50, 54, 55, 57,' 59. 8 vols., 8vo, paper covers, $16. Cambridge, 1849, 1860 [4] AMERICAN CONGRESS, An Answer to the Declaration of the. 3d edition. 8vo, i mor. pp. 132, |3. London, 1776 AMERICAN CONGRESS, Jonmals of, from 1774 to 1788. 4 vols.. 8vo, sheep, |13. Washington, 1823 A report of the original which.; was published at various periods. Copies of both edi- tions are become quite scarce. AMERICAN. Dialogues of the American Dead. 8vo, pp. 43, $1. Phila., 1814 The interlocutors in these Dialogues, are Washington, Alfred, William Tell, Hamilton, and Fisher Ames. AMERICAN Diplomatic Correspondence, from 1863 to June 4, 1866. 10 vols., royal 8vo, half russia, $30. Washingion, 1862-66 AMERICAN Diplomatic Correspondence and Papers relating to Foreign Affairs, accompanied with the Annual Message of the President for 1863 and 1864. 4 vols., 8vo, cloth, $6. Washington, 1864 AMERICAN FARMERS, Politics for, being a Series of Tracts, exhibiting the Blessings of Free Government, as it is administered in the United States, compared with the boasted stupendous fabric of British Monarchy. 13mo, boards, $3. Washington'city, 1807 AMERICAN HUSBANDRY. Containing an Account of the Soil, Climate, Pro- duction and Agriculture of the British Colonies in North America and the West Indies, by an American. 3 vols., 8vo, pp. 473-336, $4. London, 1775 AMERICAN INSTITUTE, Journal of A Monthly Publication, devoted to the Interests of Agriculture, Commerce, Manufactures, and the Arts, accompanied with Public Documents, Sketches of Natural History, Philosophical and Lite- rary Essays. Edited by members of the Institute. 4 vols., 8vo, half calf, fine copy (a complete set) $10. New York, 1836-40 AMERICAN MINISTERS at Ostend. Correspondence touching that Conven- tion. 8vo, pp. 153, paper cover. $3. Washington, 1855 AMERICAN MUSEUM (The), or Universal Magazine ; containing Essays on Agriculture, Commerce, Manufactures, Politics, Morals and Manners, Sketches of National Character, Natm'al and Civil History, and Biography, Law Information, Public Papers, Proceedings of Congress, Intelligence, Mo- ral Tales, Ancient and Modern Poetry, etc., etc., etc,. Commencing Jan., 1787, and ending Dec. 31st, 1793. 13 vols., 8vo, sheep, $35. Phila., 1787-1793 AMERICAN ORATOR (The). A Collection of Oratorical Specimens of the Elo- quence of Po]nilar assembles. With vei'y rude portrait of Shakespeare. Tlie first engraved in America. 12mo. $3. New Haven, 1818 AMERICAN ORIENTAL SOCIETY, Journal of, Nos. 1, 3, 3, 4, forming vol. 1st, $4. Boston, 1843-1849 AMERICAN PAMPHLETS, A vol. of, viz : Governor Livingston's Poem entitled Philosophical Solitude, on the shore of a Rural Lake. New York, 1763, pp. 48. A letter from Phocion to the considerate citizens of New York, Pp. 13. New York, 1784. Benjamin Trumbull on the unlawfulness of Divorce. Pp. 53, New Hampshire, 1788. A Funeral Oration by Reuben Hitchcock, Pp. 23, New Hampshire, 1786. A letter on the slave trade. Pp. 38, New York, 1784, and eleven others. Unique collection. 8vo, $10. v. d. This excessively rare pamphlet, entitled a letter of Phocion, was written by Gen Ham- ilton while a very young man. In all probability his first literary effort. I had this from the lips of his venerable widow a few months before her death Western Memorabilia. AMERICAN POETRY, The Gems of, by Distinguished Authore. 8vo, cloth, plates soiled. New York, 1840 AMERICAN POETS. The Bowdoin Poets, Edited by Edward P. Weston. 2d edition, 13mo, pp. 180, $3. Brunswick, 1849 This volume embraces specimens of the productions of thirty-four Poets. AMERICAN PREACHER (The). A Collection of Sermons by some of the most eminent American Preachers of Different Denominations. Among them Witherspoon, Macwhorter, J. II. Livingston, Linn, Bishop Moore, Dr. Rog- ers, Abell, Holmes, Ogden, Tennnet, Ewing, Burnet, Backus, Edwards, Spring, etc., etc. 4 vols., 8vo, sheep (poor binding), a very rare collection, $8. Elizabethtown, N. J., 1791. [5] AMERICAN SPEECHES, SELECT. Forensic and Parliamentary, with prefatory remarks, being a Sequel to Dr. Chapman's Select Speeches, bv S. C. Carpenter. 3 vols., boards, uncut, 8vo, pp. 403, 481, |6. Philadelphia, 1815 In tlie collection are to be found Speeches of Patrick Ilenry, J. Madison, James Wilson, Fisher Ames, Gen. Alex. Hamilton, Goiiverneur Morris, William Wirt and others. AMERICAN STATE PAPERS. Containing Documents relative to the History, Politics, Statistics, etc., of the United States of America. Svo, boards, $1.35. Boston, 1808 AMERICAN STATISTICAL ASSOCIATION, CoUections of. Vol.lst. 8vo, pp. 396, §3.50. Boston, 1847 AMES, FISHER, Works of, with a selection from his Speeches and Correspond- ence. Edited by his son, Seth Ames. 3 vols., 8vo, cloth, $G. N. Y., 1869 AMPERE, J. J. Promenade en Amerique, Etats Unis. Mexico, 3 tomes. 8vo, pp. 431, 433, $4. Paris, 1855 ANDERSON, JAMES, S. M. The History of the Church of England in the Colo- nies and Foreign Dependencies of the British Empire. Second edition, 3 vols., 13mo, cloth, maps, $7.50. London, 1856 ANDREWS, ISRAEL D. Communication from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting, in compliance with a resolution of the senate, on th(i Trade and Commerce of the British North American Colonies, and upon the trade of the great Isles and Rivers ; also notices of the internal improvements in each state, of the Gulf of Mexico and Straits of Florida, and a paper on the Cotton Crop of the U. S. 3 vols., 8vo, one of maps, $3.50. Wasliington, 1854 ANGLO AMERICAN. Magazine from July 1853 to June, 1853. Plates, 3 vols., roj^al 8vo, boards, calf, $4. Toronto, 1853 AN ENQUIRY into the Condition and Prospects of the African Race in the United States and the means of its Fortunes, by an American. 13iuo, pp. 314, $1.50. Philadelphia, 1839 AN ESSAY towards an Improved Registry of Deeds. Citv and County of New York, to December 31st, 1793, inclusive. 8vo, pp. 371, $50. N. Y., 1833 ANNALS OF CONGRESS. The Debates and Proceedings in the Congress of the United States, with an appendix, containing important State papers and Public Documents, and all the laws of a public Nature ; with a copious index, from 1789 tol831. 37 vols., royal Svo, sheep. Washington, 1834 ANNALS of the WEST. Embracing a Concsie account of Principal Events which have occurred in the Western States and Territories from the Dis- coverv of the Mississippi Valley to the year 1850. Compiled and published by James R. Albach. Svo, sheep, pp. 818, $5. St. Louis, 1S53 ANTIION, REV. HENRY, Tributes to the Memory of Late Rector of St. Mark's in the Bowery, N. Y, witii a brief sketcli of his Life, by Rev. Manton Eastborn, D.D. Svo, pp. 80, fine portrait, half morocco, neat, $3. N. Y., 1863 ANTINOMIAN TENETS. A Second Familiar Conference upon some Antinom- ian Tenets, occasioned by Mr. David Judson's Remarks upon the First. In wliich his objections are laid down in his own words. 8vo, ])p. 41, $5. New York : (Printed by John Holt), M,DC'C,LXV ARCTURUS. A Journal of Books and Opinions, edited by Cornelius Matthews and Evert A. Duyckinck. 3 vols., 8vo, half bound, $6. N. Y., 1841-43 ARMY of the CUMBERLAND, Annals of the, comprising biographies, descrip- tions of dei)artments, accounts of expeditions, skirmishes, and battles, also its Police Record of spi<'s, smugglers, and i>romincnt rebel cmissarifs, &c., &c., by an officer. Sterd portraits, wood-engravings and maps, largt; Svo, cloth, pp. 671, $3.50. Pliila., 1864 ASTOR LIBRARY. Catalogue or Alpliabetical Index of the Astor Lilirary. 4 vols., royal Svo, pp. 3110, uncut, $15. New York, 1S57-61 This isone of the mo.st important cataio^aes that has been produced in the United suites. The Compilation was supcrinteuded ov tlie venerable and accomplished Dr. C'ogB- well, the actual fouiidrs and public documents, to which the session has given birth ; to which are added the laws enacted during the session, with a copious index to tlie whole. From Dec. 6th, 1824, to Oct. 6th, 1837. 29 vols., royal 8vo, ^leep binding. Wasliington, 1825, &c. CONNECTICUT. Memoirs of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences. Vol. 1, part 1. 8vo, boards, uncut, $2. New Haven, 1810 CONNECTICUT. Minutes of tlie General Association of Connecticut from June, 1835 to Jmie, 1859, both inclusive, 24 parts or years, $5. Hartford, 1836-'59 CONNECTICUT, Contributions to the Ecclesiastical History of, prepared under the direction of the General Association, to commemorate the cimipletiou of 150 years since its first annual assembly. Bvo, boards, pp. 576, $5. New Haven, 1861 CONTESTED ELECTIONS, Cases of, in Congress, from 1789 to 1834, inclu- sive. 8vo, pp. 1025, $4. Washington, 1824 CONVENTION 1787. Secret Proceedings and Debates of the Convention assem- bled at Pliiladelphia in the year 1787, for the purpose of forming the Consti- tution of the United States of America from notes taken by the late Robert Yates, Chief Justice of New York, and copied by John Lansing, late Chancellor of that State, members of that Convention including : the Genuine Informa- tion laid l)efore the Legislature of Maryland, by Luther Martin, attorney-ge- neral of that State and member of the same convention, also other Historical Documents, relative to the Federal Compact of the North American Union. 12mo, pp. 335, §3. Louisville, 1838 CORNWALLIS. Correspondence of Charles, First Marquis Cornwallis. Edited with notes by Charles Ross. 3 vols., 8vo, cloth, portrait. One volume damaged on the cover, $6. London, 1859 CORRESPONDENCE on the present relations between Great Britain and the United States of America. 8vo, pp. 153, 11.50. Boston, 1863 COTTON. Introduction and early progress of the cotton manufacture in the United States. 12mo, pp. 108, $1.25. Boston, 1863 COVELL, SAMUEL, Missionary to the Tuscarora Indians and jirovince of Ui)])er Canada, Memoirs of, including a history of the origin and progress of Missionarv operations. To which is addtsd a memoir of A. L. ('ovell. 3 vols, in one, "pp. 164, 226, $3. Brandon, 1839 CRANTZ, DAVID. History of (ireenland, including an account of the Mission carried on by tlie United Brethren in that country. Translati'd from the German, with a continuation to th(! ])resent time, illustrative^ notes and an appendix. Map and plates. 3 vols., 8vo, half calf, $10. liondon, 1820 CRANTZ, DAVID. Another copy. Vol. 3 re- lated to them. 8vols., 4to. Commenced January 3, 1855. ended July, 18(il. New York, 1H55, &c. CRESAP, ("APT. MICHAEL, A Biograi)hical Sketch of the Life of, by John J. Jacob, from the Cumberland Edition of 1826, with Notes and Api>eudix for 3 [ 18 ] Wm. Dodjre. Pp. 158. Also, a Journal of Wayne's Campaign against the Northwestern Indians, in 1794, by Lieut. Boyer. Pp. 23, 4to, unbound and uncut, $5. Cincinnati, 1866 William Dodge, a citizen of Cincinnati, the queen city of tlie west, pleasantly situated on the lianks of the Ohio river, whose slopes from end to end must soon become dotted with millions of human beings, was the publisher of this heretofore rare book. It is note-worthy that he was not a book publisher, nor a bookseller, but simply a hard-working mechanic, when he conceived the notion of publishing this, and other equally rare books, illustrating the early history and biography of the country. In doing so he dashed down among book publishers, book sellers and book buyers lilie a white crow among his jetty compeers. They were surprised at his temerity, but by no means displeased at the novel accession to their ranks. What other man in the United States, engrafted, brought up, and trained as he was, would have dared to have left the ranks which he apparently had been so immova- bly fixed, and taken to the republishing of old books, the sale of which would be doubtful and limited if even successful V To be sure, Lackington the mammoth bookseller, was a member of the same craft, but he was simply a bookseller, and not a publisher, till he be- came wealthy ; thus ending where Dodge commenced. All who have seen his cheerful, smiling countenance, and experienced a hearty grasp of his muscular hand, will become prepossessed in his favor. Dr. Bell, in his famous Bridgewater treatise on the Meclianics of the Hand, before writing that book must have had a grasp of his hand, or some one equally powerful, or he certainly could not have written so eloquently and learnedly, on the use and power of this indispensable organ. A man is to be commended as well as admired who can strike out from the beaten tract he has been grounded in from his youtli and up- wards, it indicates mind as well as self-rehance, a combination of such qualities is in a great majority of cases the cause of success. Mr Dodge is a native of New England, a small and sterile spot situated on the eastern sliores of the vast continent of North America hemmed in by the St. Lawrence gulf, a diminutive and uncongenial nook of territory which has produced more active and enterprising spirits, than the whole of the country besides. These hardy, self-relying men are to be found scattered over every state in the union as well as all over the world. Mr. Dods'e has long resided in Cincinnati, so long as Paddy has said, that he has become a native. He has alt'ernately been a mechanic, a musician, book-pub- lisher, and a soldier. In the last capacity he served through the whole of the wars of the southern rebellion Western Memorabilia. CRISIS, THE, Containing XXVIII Numbers. 12mo, pp. 236. London, printed, New York, reprinted, by John Anderson, at Beekman Slip. M.DCC.LXXVI The author of these Essays and Poems appears to have been a kind of a little Junius, having all his intense venom and somewhat coarser invective, but without his puugeut abilities. The principal object of his attacks would appear to be Lords Bute, North and Mansfield, not forgetting George III. He anathematizes that trio, for their attempts at in- ft'inging upon the vested rights of Englishmen and their unwarranted and tyrannical at- tempts to govern the British American Colonies in violation of law and the British Con- stitution, tliereby causing the colonies to resort to arms in defence of their sacred rights. He calls upon and urges the Americans to resist these minions of power, witli an earnest- ness and a bitterness that sounds like eufuriated rage. The following passage riiay be taken as a specimen. " Ye conspirators against the liberties of mankincl at St. James's in St Stephen's Cliapel, the House of Lords, or amongst the bench of Satanical bishops, you must sm-ely think there is no God to judge, nor hell to receive you ; or you could never be so far abandoned as to stain your hands, and consent to dye the plains of America with the innocent blood of her inhabitants." The volume must be of great rarity, as this is the only second copy that I have fallen in with in my researches, and they have been many and minute Western Memorabilia. CROSS, MRS. L. A. L. Portraiture and Pencilings of the late Mrs. L. A. L. Cross. By her husband. 12mo, pp. 352, $2. Nashville, Tenn., 1851 CULLUM, CAPT. GEO. W. Description of a system of military bridges, with India-rttbber pontoons prepared for the use of the United States Army, 8vo, plates, $2. New York, 1849 CULLUM, GEORGE W. Register of the officers and graduates of the United States Military Academy at West Point, N. Y., from March 16th, 1802 to January 1st, 1850. 12mo, pp. 303, |2. New York, 1850 CYNICK (The). By Growler Gruff, Esquire, aided by a confederacy of lettered dogs. 18mo, pp. 210, extremely rare, $5. Philadelphia, 1812 DAGUERREOTYPE (The). A Magazine of Foreign Literature and Science com- piled chiefly from the periodical publications of England, France and Germany. 3 vols., royal 8vo, half sheep, $6. Boston, 1847-49 DAILY, CHARLES P. The Nature, Extent and History of the Judicature of the Surrogate's Court of the State of New York, 8vo, pp. 54, cloth, $3. N. Y., 1863 DALCHO, FREDERICK. Historical Account of the Protestant Episcopal Church, in South Carolina, from the first settlement of the province to the war of the revolution, and some account of the early civil history of Carolina never before published, &c., &c. 8vo, sheep, pp. 621, $3. Charleston, 1820 [ I'J ] DANKERS, JASPER, and PETER SLUYTER. Journal of n voyage to New York and a Tour in sevi'val of the American colonies, in 1G79-80, translated from the oriii-inal manuscript in Dutch by the Hon. Henry C. Mm-phy. Twelve maps and plates. 8vo, pj). 41)5, ){;5. ' ' Brooklyn, 1867 This forms the first vohime of the Long Island Ilistorical Society publications. ' DAVIS, ANDREW JACKSON. The Great Harmonia, being a philosoiihical re- velation of the natural, spiritual, aud celestial universe. The Phvsician, Teacher, Seer, and Reformer, 4 vols., 12nio, cloth, |C. New York, 1858 DAVIS, JOHN, Travels in Louisiana and the Floridas, in the year 1802, giving a correct picture of these countries, from the French. 12mo, $1.50. New York, 1806 DAVIS, JOHN. An Eulogy on General Qeoi'ge Washington, pronounced at Bos- ton on Wednesday, February lOtli, 1800, before the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. 4to, pp. 24. Boston, 1800 DAVIES, JOHN. The History of th(^ Carribby Islands, viz : Barbadoes, St. Chris- topher's, St. Vincent's, Martinico, Doininico, Barbouthos, Monserat, Nevis, Antego, &c., in all 28, in two books, the first containing the natural, the second the moral history of the Islands. Illustrated witli several pi(!ces of sculpture representing the most cousideral)le rarefies therein described \\-ith a Carrib- bean vocal)ulary. Plates, $5. London, 1666 DEACON GILES DISTILLERY, The Dreamer, or tlie true history of, and deacon Janes Brewery. Reported for the benefit of posterity. Wood-cuts, pam])hlet, 8vo, pp. 24, $5. ■ New York, 1846 DEBATES. Resolutions and other Proceedings of the Convention of the Common- wealtli of Massachusetts, convened at Boston on the 9tli of January 1748, and continued until the 7th of February following, for the ])urpose of assenting to and ratifying the constitution recommended by the Grand Federal Convention, together witli the yea's and nay's on the decision of the Grand Question to which the Federal constitution is prefixed. 12mo, pp. 219, $2. Boston, 1778 DEHON, THEODORE, D. D. Semions on the Public Means of Grace, on the Fasts and Festivals of the Church, Scripture Characters, and various practical subjects. 2d American edition. 3 vols., 8vo, clotli, .$5. New York, 1856 DE L'ETAT, et du sort des Colonies des Ancens Peuples. Ouvrage dans legue on trait du government des anciennes republeques, de leui' drout ])ublie, etc., avec des observations sur les colonies des nations moderns etc., la conduit des Angloes en America. 8vo, $3.50. Philadeljjhia, 1779 DEMOCRATIC REVIEW. Edited by Spencer H. Cone, illustrated with 29 por- traits, 1856 to 1858, 2 vols, large and thick. 8vo, half bound in dark morocco, $5. New York, 1856-58 DEVEREUX, RACHEL. Poetical Pieces, written on several occasions of unfortu- nate and unhappy Facts. To wliicli is added an P^ssay on Masonry, and an Address to Spring. Also the Portrait of Masonry composed by brother Deve- reux. 8vo, uncut, unbound, pp. 29, $5. New York, 1803 DEWES, JACOB. The Cireat Future of America and Africa, an Essay showing our wliole duty to the black man, consistent with our own safety and glory. 8vo, pp. 236, $7.50. Philad('li)h"ia, 1854 DEXTER, TIMOTHY. A Pickle for the Knowing Ones. Rude full length pr)r- trait, 12mo, i)am])hlet, $1.50. Nevvburyport, 1848 DICKINSON, ANDREW. My First Visit to Europe; or Sketches of Society, Scenery, and Anticpiities of England, Wales, Ireland, Scotland aud France. Fifth Edition, 12m<., pp. 214, 75ctH. New York, 1856 DICKINSON, DANIEL S. Speeclies, Correspondtmce, etc., of. Edited with a Bioo-rauhv by his brotlier John R. Dickinson. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, $6. " NewYork, 1867 DICKINSON, JOHN, 'J'lie political writings of, late i)resi(Ii'nt of state of Dela- ware, and of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania. 2 V()l8., 8vo. Wilmington, 1801 Dickin^-on was one of the most efficient promoters of the American revolution. His letters signed Fat)iiis were written and published to stimulate the public mind, to acquiesce in and [20] adopt the Federal Constitution. They consequently form an appropriate pendant to the Federalist. In his political opinions he was a consistent advocate of a republican form of government, and in his religious dogmas and practices, was a disciple of George Fox, and Wm. Penn. He was born in Maryland, December, 1732, and died in Philadelphia, February 15, 1808. DICKSON, A. F. Plantation Sermons, or .plain and familiar discourses for the instruction of the unlearned. 32mo, pp. 170, fl. Phila., 1856 DIPLOMATIC CORRESPONDENCE (The), on the American Revolution, edited by Jared Sparks. 12 vols., 8vo, $24. Boston, 1839 DIPLOMATIC CORRESPONDENCE of the United States Government, or papers relating to Foreign Affairs accompanying the Annual Message of the Presi- dent,to both Houses of Congress for the year 1864. 4 vols., 8vo. Wash., 1865 DODD, WILLIAM. Thoughts in Prison ; in five parts, viz : the Imprisonment, Retrospect, Public Pmiishment, The Trial, Futurity ; to which are added, his Last Prayer, written in the night before his death, and other miscellaneous pieces. 8vo, pp. 232. Boston, 1773 DOUGLAS, STEPHEN ARNOLD. A Voter's Version of the life and character of, by Robert B. Warden. 13mo, pp. 131, $1.00. Columbus, 1860 DOW, JR. Short Patent Sermons. 3 vols., 12mo, paper, $4. New York, 1850 DOWNING, MAJOR JACK, of Dovvningsville, away Down East in the State of Maine, The Life and Writings of, written by himself 2d edition. Wood- cuts, 12mo, pp. 360. Boston, 1834 DOWNING, MAJOR JACK. Letters of. 18mo, pp. 367. New York, 1834 It is not generally known that two different authors assumed the name of Jack Downing, but such is the fact. The one, Seba Smith, the otheraMr. Davies, the formeradown-easter, the latter a Knickerbocker. DRAKE, CHARLES D. Union and Anti-Slavery Speeches, delivered during the Rebellion. 13mo, cloth, $3. Cincinnati, 1864 DRANE, R. B. Historical Notices of St. James Parish, Wilmington, North Caro- lina. 18mo, pp. 36, $1. Phila., 1843 DUANE, W. J. The Law of Nations, investigated in a popular manner, ad- dressed to the Farmers of the U. S. 8vo, pp. 108, no cover, $1. Phila., 1809 DUCHE, JACOB. Discourses on various Subjects. 3 vols., 8vo, calf, $5. London, 1779 DUFFIELD, JOHN T. The Princeton Pulpit, a collection of sermons preached there by eminent divines. 8vo, i^p. 326. New York, 1853 DUFFIELD, JOHN T. A Discourse delivered at the opening of the Synod of New Jersey, in the first Presbyterian church of Elizabeth, N. J., October 16, 1866, with notes and an appendix. 13mo, pp. 64. Phila., 1866 DURAND, JAMES R, The Life and Adventures of, during a period of fifteen years, from 1801 to 1816, in which time he was impressed on board of the British fleet, and held in detestable bondage for more than seven years. 13mo, pp. 139, $6. Rochester, N. Y., 1820 DUTCH CHURCH. Magazine of the Reformed Dutch Church for 1837, '28, '29,- '30. 4 vols., 8vo, half calf New York, 1827,-30 DUYCKINCK, EVERT A. National Portrait Gallery of eminent Americans, including orators, statesmen, naval and military heroes, jurists, authors, etc., etc., from original full length paintings by Alonzo Chappel, with biograph- ical and historical narratives. 2 vols., 4to, pp. 492, 470, 119 portraits, $12. New York, 1863 ECCLESIASTICAL LAW, A new phase in, and Presbyterian Church Govern- ment, as recently administered in the session of the Madison Square Church, and in the Fourth Prcjsbytery of New York, being also an Explanation and Appeal to members of said church. 8vo, pp. 62 $1.50. New York, 1863 EDINBURGH REVIEW, or Critical Journal. 11th edition, from vol. 1, 1802, to vol. 55, 1832, with an Index to the first 20 vols., 56 vols. 8vo, half calf, in good condition, $56. Edinb., 1821-43 [21] EDUCATION, American Annals of, and Instruction, being a continuation of the American Journal of Education, edited by W. C. Woodbridfje. From 1831 to 1836, both inclusive. 7 vols., 8vo, boards, $14. Boston, 1831-36 EDWARDS, CHARLES. Feathers from my own Wings, a collection of Essays in Prose and Poetry, namely : Tecumseh, Use of Rings, the Widow's Son, tlie Indians, and others'. 12m(), pp. 200, $2. New York, 1823 EDWARDS, JONATHAN, Two Dissertations by ; First, concerning the End for w]>.ich (lod created the World. Second, the Nature of True Virtue, 290. Bos- ton, ITGo. Thomas Cla^i's Essay on Moral Virtue, and Obligation, ]>]>. GO. N. Haven, 1765. Samuel Hopkins' two discourses : on the Necessity of the know ledge of the Grace of God. Second, On Being Born Again, pp. 65. Bat., 1768, The three bound in one vol., 12mo, $5. v. d. ELDER, ^YILT-'IAM. The Genius of Ecclesiastical Freedom, comprising the de- claration of Divine Order, made by the first convention of the new church in Union Co., Indiana, also an exposition of the order of Divine Order. 12mo, $2. Cincinnati, 1843 ELLIOT, JOHN. The Life of the First Missionary to the Indians in North Ame- rica, by Cotton Mather. 18mo, pp. 112. London, 1820 ELLET, ELIZABETH F. The Women of the American Revolution. 3 vols., 12mo, cloth, seven portraits, $6. New York, 1853 ELLICOTT, ANDREW, The Journal of, for determining the boundary between the United States, and the ]Jossessions of his Catholic majesty in America. Remarks on the situation, soil, rivers, natural productions and disease's of the different countries on the Ohio, Mississippi, and Gulf of Mexico, &c., &c. Maps 4to, calf $6 Philadelphia, 1803 ELLIOT, JOHN. The Medical Pocket-Book for those who are and for all who wish to be, physicians, containing a short but plain account of the symptoms, causes and methods of cure, of the diseases incidents to the human bodv, &c., &c. 8vo, pp. 74, |5. Philadelphia, 1784 ELLIOT, JONATHAN. The American Diplomatic Code, embracing a collection of treaties and conventions between tlie United States and foreign powers from 1778 to 1834, with an abstract of important judicial decisions, on points connected with our foreign relations, also a concise diplomatic manual con- taining a summary of the law of nations, from the works of Wic{]uefort, Vattle, Martens, Ward, Kent, Stor)', &c., &c., and other diplomatic writings on ques- tions of international law. 2 vols.,8vo, $12. Washington, 1834 ELLIOT, JONATHAN. The Funding System of the United States and of Great Britain with some tabular facts of other nations touclung the same suljject, ])p. xxiv, 12!)!), $5. ^ Washington, 1845 ELLSWORTH, II. W. Valley of the Upper Wabash, Indiana, witli hints on its • agricultural advantages. Phm of a dwelling, estimates of cultivation and notices of labor-saving machines. Map, and plates, 12mo, $1.50. N. Y., 1838 EMIGRATION. Annual Reports of the Commissioners of Emigration of the state of New York, from the organization of the; Commission, May 5, 1847 to 1800 inclusive, with Reports, etc. 8vo, pp. 4!)!), $3. New York, 1861 EMMONS, NATHANIEL (One of the Old New England Divines). His Works collected and edited by Jacob Ide. Portrait, 7 vols., 8vo, sheep, $10. Boston, 1842 EMORY, W. II. Notes of a Military reconnoissance from Fort Leavenworth, in Missouri, to San Diego, in California, including jjart of tlie Arkansas, Del Norte, and Gila rivers. 61 plates and 5 nuips, 8vo, clotli, pp. (!14, $3. Washington, 1848 EMPORIUM of Arts and Scit^nces, (iditcd by John Redman Cox and Thomas Cooper. Numerous mechanical plates and portraits. 4 vols., 8vo, lialf bound, in good order, $6. Philadelpliia, 1812, 1H13 ENGLAND, JOHN (Roman Catholic Bishop of Charieston, S. C.). A Discourse preacluid in tlie Hall of the House of Kepresentatives w York, 1837 FURMAN, WOOD. History of the ( 'harleston Association of Baptist Churches in the state of South Carolina, with an ajipendix, &c. 12mo, $1.50. Charleston, ISl 1 [ 24 J FUTURE, Anticipations of the, to serve as lessons for the present time, in the form of Extracts of Letters from an English Resident in the United States to the London Times, from 1864 to 1870, with an appendix, on the causes and conse- quences of the independence of the South. 13mo, cloth, pp. 425, $2. Richmond, Va., 1860 GALLAHER, JAMES. The Western Sketch-Book. 12mo, pp. 408, $2. Boston, 1850 GALLATIN, ALBERT. Considerations on the Currency and Banking System of the United States. Svo, pp. 108, $1. Philadelphia, 1831 GALLATIN, ALBERT. A Sketch of the Finances of the United States, pp. 202, New York, 1790. Also Report of the Secretary of the Treasury, 1785, Gen. Hamilton. In 1 vol., 8vo, $5. New York, and Washing-ton, 1795 GALLATIN, ALBERT. A skejtch of the Finances of the United States. Svo, pp. 205, $2. New York, 1796 GANG, JOHN. Biographical Memoir of, Frankford Kentucky formerly of the city of New York. 12mo, pp. 151. New York, 1806 GARDEN OF THE SOUL, or Manual of Spiritual Exercise and Instruction (Roman Catholic). 18mo, Matthew Carey, 118 Market Street, April 23d, $2. Philadelphia, 1792 Curious as well as interesting as being one of Carey's early publications. GARDENER'S CALENDAR, (The), for North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia, by Robert Squibb, with amendments and additions. 12mo, pp. 170, $1.50. Charlestown, 1809 GAURARD, LEWIS H. Chambersburg in the Colony and the Revolution. A Sketch. 8vo, cloth, |2. Phila., 1856 GATES, T. K. A Measuring Reed, to separate between the precious and the vile. In two parts. 18mo, $2. Phila., 1815 GENIUS OF UNIVERSAL EMANCIPATION. A Monthly Periodical, Work containing Original Essays, Documents and Facts relative to the subject of African Slavery, edited by Benjamin Lundy, portrait of Elisha Tyson. Svo, pp. about 500, $2. Baltimore, 1830-31 GEOLOGICAL REPORTS, MEXICO. Reports of the Mexican Pacific Coal and Iron Mining Company's Exploring Expedition to the States of Guerrero and Michoacan, Republic of Mexico, 1856-7. Twelve maps. Svo, pp. 171. Pri- vately printed, $10. New York, 1858 GEOLOGY. Railroad to the Pacific, Northern Route. Its general character, rela- tive merits, by Edwin E. Johnson. Second edition, Svo, pp. 176, map and plate, $5. New York, 1854 GEOLOGY. Report of a Geological Exploration of part of Iowa, Wisconsin and Illinois, by David Dale Owen. Many maps and geological plates. Svo, jip. 161, |3., unbound. Wash., 1840 GEOLOGY. The American Mining Gazette and Geological Magazine, 7 Nos., 1854-5-6, $2.50. New York, 1864 GEOLOGY. Report of the Geology of the State of Connecticut, by James G. Per- cival. Map, Svo, pp. 495, $6. New Haven, 1842 GEOLOGY. Cannelton, Perry County, Ind., at the intersection of the Eastern Margin of the Illinois Coal Basin, by the Ohio River ; its natural advantages as a site for manufactiu-iug. Svo, pp. 108. Louis\ille, 1850 GEOLOGY. Mineral Resources of the States and Territories, west of the Rocky Mountains, by J. Ross Brown. Svo, pp. 646, $5. Washington, 1868 GEOLOGY. Report of the Geology and Topography of a portion of the Lake Superior Land District in the State of Michigan, by J. W. Foster and J. D. Whitney. 3 vols., Svo, one ah Atlas mth several maps and plates, $10.50. Wash., 1850-51 GEOLOGY. Report upon the Mineral Resources of the States and Territories west of the Rocky Mountains. Svo, pp. 321, $4. Washington, 1867 [ 25 ] GIBBS, GEORGE. Memoirs of the Administration of Washington and John Adams, edited from the papers of Oliver Woolcott. 2 vols., 8vo, pp. 5G3, 590, portrait, $5. New York, 1840 GIFFORD, WILLIAM. The Baviad and Maviad, a Political Satire with epistle to Peter Pinder and the proceedino-s of the trial of R. Faulder, bookseller, for sellino: the Baviad for publishino; a libel on John Williams Alie. Anthony Pasiiune Cobbett wrote the American preface. 2 vols., 12mo, half calf $5. New York, 1800 GILLESS, J. M. Astronomical Observations made at Washington, under direc- tions of the Secretary of the Navy. 8vo, unbound, uncut, $2. Wash., 1845 GIRARD COLLEGE, and its Founder, containing the biography of Mr. (Jirard, his- torv of the institution, its organization, &c., &c., and the will of Mr Girard, by H.'W. Ai-ey. 12mo, portrait and plate. $1.50. Philadelphia, 1865 GIRARD, STEPHEN, the Will of the late, procured from the office for the probate of wills, with a short biography of his life. 8vo, pp. 36, $1. Philadelphia, 1832 GISBORNE, LIONEL. The Isthmus of Darien in 1852. Journal of the Expedi- of Inquirv for the Junction of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. With 4 Maps, 12mo. pp. 238. New York, 1853 GOBRIGHT, J. C. The New York Sketch Book, and Merchant's G aide, being a re- liable directory for visiting merchants, &c., trade, manufacture and the me- chanic arts. 12mo, pr. cover, $1.50. New York, 1858 GODMAN, JOHN D. American Natural History, many fine plates. 3 vols., 8vo, boards uncut, $6. Philadelphia, 1826 GORDON, WILLIAM. The History of the Rise, Progress and Establishment of the Independence of the United States of America. Third American edition, 3 vols., 8vo, sheep, $6. New York, 1801 GORDON. A poor (■o])y, not uniform. 3 vols., 8vo, $3.50. New York, 1801 Gordon's liistorv liastlir ii|)iitiition of being the best and most authentic history of the stnigyle for American TiideiKMidonce. GOSPEL (The), of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, according to Saint Matthew, translated into the Mohawk language by A. Hill and continued by J. N. Wilkes, Jr., Grand river. Upper Canada, (English and Mohawk)^ 12mo, pp. 197, New York, 1831 GOTHAM AND THE GOTHAMITES. A medely ; a poetical satire on the leading characters of New York, written by Mr. Judah, 18mo, pp. 93. N. Y., 1823 For an account of the author see introduction to the prices of John Allan collection. Ilia copy sold for $5. GOULD, JOHN W. Private Journal of a Voyage from New York to Rio de Ja neiro, together with a brief sketch of his life and his occasional writings Privately printed. Sv^o, ])p. 207, map, $5. New York, 1839 GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES. An Exposition of the Weak ness and Inefficiency of the Government of the United States of North Ame- rica. 12mo, ])]). 380. Privately ])rinted lor the Author, $5. Sine loco, 1884 This book, like the notorious letter of Junius, on the Whole Duty of Man, or any other anonymous work which has risen into reputation, the authorship of this hook has been at- tributed to Ici^ions, amon<; them, a Mr. Mercer of Virginia, Chancellor Bebb of Kentucky, John (iuincv .\dams. &c., &c. llnrc book. It was reproduced in London during the war of the Kebelliou to aid the secession cause. QRAFFIGNY. Letter of a P(Tuvian Princess, translated from the French, witli the Sequel taken from a Si)anisli Manuscript. New edition, French and Eng- lish. 2 vols., 8vo, ])()rtrait and plates, $2.50. Paris, 1807 GRAHAM, REV. DAVID. Tiie Pioneer, consisting of Essays, Literary, Moral, and Theological. 8vo, pp. 301. " Pittsburg, 1812 GRAY, ASA. Botany. Plianerogamia, U. S., Exploring Expedition. 4to, with a Folio Atlas of 100 iilates. 2 vols., half moroc<;o, $60. New York, 1854 GRAY, BARRY AND JOHN SAVA(jiE. Ale, in Prose and Verse, with numerous Illustrations, jjrivately printt^d. Royal 8vo, ]>]>. 97. New York, 186(5 GREELEY, HORACE. History of the Struggle; for Slavery Extension or Re- striction in the United States, from the Declaration of Independence to the present day, etc., etc. 8vo, cloth, $1.50. New York, 1850 4 [20] GREEN, J-. H. Twelve Days in the Tombs ; or, A Sketch of the Last Eiffht Years of the Reformed Gambler's Life. 13mo, pp. 240, $2. New York, 1850 GREEN HAND'S First Cruise (A). Roughed out from the log-book of memory of 25 years standing, with Residence of five months in Dartmoor, bv A. Younker. 3 vols., 13mo, cloth, $2.50. Boston, 1841 GREEN _ MOUNTAIN SPRING. Devoted to Discussions and Infonnation con- cerning the po])ular and medical use of Water ; to a report of Water-cure treatment ; to the nurture and education of children ; to Diet and Health. Roj-al 8vo, pp. 500, $3. Brattleboro, Vt., 1846 GREENE, ALBERT G., Catalogue of the Private Library of. Sold in the city of New York, by auction, March 29th, and the following days. 8vo, pp. 521, unbound, uncut, $2. New York, 1869 The peculiarities of this collection were three-fold. First, it embraced an unparalleled assemblage of pamphlets chiefly relating to America, touching upon innumerable topics. Second, tlie vast mass of volumes, the production of American poets and rhymsters, was doubtless unique, taking up not less than eighteen hundred and fifteen numbers in the cata- logue, in all about three thousand volumes of poetry. Who could have supposed that America could have produced so much poetry during her short existence? Third, the prodigious congregation of dirty second hand hymn books, which seemed rather surprising that such a collector of surroundings should have fancied to fill his shelves with such worth- less literature. A collection of all and every hymn book is a very proper and appropriate adjunct to every public library, but to put "them into a private collection is like choking an elegantly furnished parlor with a quantity of broken and dilapidated furniture, filling up space, and so obscuring the useful and ornamental pieces. The catalogue is elaborately, but not judiciously made out. Many books are annouuced as scarce, with an expensive note appended, while the contrary is the fact, every dealer and collector knowing it to be so. Many are catalogued in expensive style which did not briug more than five cents, leav- ing the owner minus three hundred per cent. In the collection not less than one thousand, or perhaps fifteen hundred, ought to have been sold in lots of from twenty to fifty each. Mr. Joseph Sabin should have been the compiler. His wonderful knowledge of books, their various editions, whether rare or plentiful, here or elsewhere, their market value, and divers other peculiarities render him eminently fitted for such an undertaking. The exe- cutors would have saved money by having engaged his services. The catalogue will always possess an interest to American collectors, more especially on account of the three features heretofore mentioned. The sum total realized for the library was about .$8,000. Had the judge been a more liberal buyer, his books to-day would many of them have realized ten times the cost. He seemed to think a rise in the price of any book was preposterous ; and such a conviction prevented him from making many valuable acquisitions. If I remember aright, I once ofl:ercd him Proud's History of Pennsylvania, 2 vols., 8vo, boards, uncut, for $.3. He declined to purchase it on account of the price being too high. Such a copy of that book at his sale would have brought $20. or perhaps more. I sold Judge Furman many books which brought at the sale of his library five, six, and seven times the price he paid for them. For example, Smith's History of New Jerseij, $2, sold for $.30. Denton's New York, $5, sold for $.35. Simple Cobler of Aggawam, original edition, $8, sold for $45 ; and many others sold at equally advanced prices. Respecting the prices realized, they were very erratic. Early American literature and trifles sold at very high prices. Backus'' His- tory of New England, .3 vols., 8vo, sold for $75. Dring's Account of the Jersey Prison Ships, a small volume, not bigger than Webster's Spelling Book, $23. Wehnes'' Life of Washington, a pamphlet, $3, while Oen. McGlellan's Report on European Military Affairs, a quarto volume, with expensive diagrams, sold for twelve and a half cents. A Mr'. Miller's (a Scot- tish divine). Works, ti vols., 12mo, well bound, for seventy-five cents, etc., etc. The stand- ard literature sold at rather moderate figures, perhaps not more than one-half the original cost, while the indift'erent portion brought the veriest dregs of prices. The attendance during the sale was but slim, never rising over twenty-five, and sometimes not half that number. Such a sale thirty years ago would have called the whole of the book hunters in the city, such as was the case during the sale of Dr. John M. Mason's library. The room on that occasion was nightly thronged to excess by the best men of New York. His col- lection cost him twenty thousand dollars and realized but eight thousand. A pretty round figure to pay for the use of books. It is perhaps not gencraHy known that Judge Greene was the author of that famous American ballad, entitled Old Grimes is Bead that Good Old Man Western Memorabilia. GREENHOW, ROBERT. Memoir, Historical and Political, on the Northwest Coast of North America, and the adjacent Territories ; Illustrated by a map and a geographical view of those countries. 8vo, pp. 338, $2.50. Washington, 1840 GREENLEAF, MOSES. A Survey of the State of Maine, in reference to its Geographical Features, Statistics and Political Economy, illustrated with maps. 8vo, pp. 468 and a folio vol. of maps, $6.00. Portland, 1829 GREW, HENRY. Examination of the Divine Testimony concerning the Charac- ter of the Son of God. 12mo, $1. Hartford, 1834 GRIFFITH, WILLIAM. Historical Notes of the American Colonies and Revolu- tion, from 1754 to 1775. 8vo, pp. 300, $3. Burlington, N. J., 1843 [27] GRIM, CHARLES FREDERIC. An Essay towards an Improved Register of Deeds, Citv and County of New York, to December 31, 1799, inclusive. 8vo, pp. 371, |25. ' ISew Yoriv, 1832 GUEXEBAULT, J. H. Natural History of the Negro Race. Extracted from the French. 12mo, pp. 176, $3. Charlestowu, S. C, 1837 (xUNEY, WILLIAM. The History of Episcopacy, in four parts, from its rise to the i)resent day. 12mo, pp. 391. Sine loco, sine anno (iUNX, THOMAS B. Physiology of New York Boarding-houses, very grotesque Illustrations on Wood. 12mo, cloth, $3. New York, 1857 HACtEX, JOHN C. Footprints of Truth, or Voice of Humanity, with illustrations by F. A. Chapman, J Crunch, and W. Walcutt. Engraved on ste(d by J. C. McRae. 8vo, cloth, binding loose, $5. X^ew York, 1853 HAKLUYT SOCIETY. Select Letters of Christoplier Columbus, with other Ori- ginal Documents relating to his Voyages to the New World. 8vo, p]). 311, ^5. London, 1847 HAKLUYT SOCIETY. Memorials of the Empire of Japan, in the XVlth and XVlIth centuries. Map and Two fac simile Letters. 8vo, pp. 224, $3. London, 1850 HAKLUYT SOCIETY. Notes upon Russia; being a translation of the earliest account of that country, entitled Rerum Moscoviticarum Commentarii by Ba- ron S. Von Herberstein. Translated with Notes and an Introduction by R. H. Major. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, portraits and ma]is, $5. London, 1851 HAKLUYT SOCIETY. A True Description of Three Voyages by the Northeast towards Cathay and China, by G. De Veer, translated from the Dutch, ma])8 and i)latcs, 8vo, ])p. 433, .f3.50. Loudon, 1853 HAKLUYT SOCIETY. Middleton, Sir Henry. Voyage to Raritau and the Ma- luco Islands. From the edition of IGOG. Plates and map, 8vo, pp. 154, $2.50. London, 1856 HAKLUYT SOCIETY. Early Voyages to Terra Australia, now called Australia, Edited, with an Introduction by, R. H. Major. Maps, 8vo, pp. 319, $3. London, 1859 HAKLUYT SOCIETY. Narrative of a Voyage to the West Indies and Mexico, in the years 1509, and 1602, %vith mai)s and illustrations, by Samuel Cliam- plain. * Translated by A. Wilmer. 8vo, pp. 148, $4. London, 1859 HALE, CAPT. NATHAN, Life of, the Martvr-Spy of the American Revolution. By J. W. Stuart, with illustrations. 12mo, pp. 283, $3. Hartford, 1856 HALE. MRS. SARAH J. Sketches of American Character. 18mo, pp. 287, $1. Phila.. 1843 HALE, WILLIAM. A New Analysis of Chronology, in which an attemjit is made to explain the History and Antiquities of the Primitive Nations of the World, and tin; Prophecies relating to them, on Principles tending to remove the impression and discordance of preceding system. 4 vols. 4to, $12, binding l)roke. London, 1811 IIALLECK, FITZ-GREEXE. The Croakers, by Joseph Rodman Drak(! and Fitz- Green(^ Ilallock, first complete edition, with copious notes. Royal 8vo, ])\t. 191. Portraits of the; autliors. New York, 1860 This forms the Second Volume of the Bradford Chib Publications. IIALLECK, FITZ-GREEXE. Catalogue of the Library of, sold bv auction, Oct. 13th, 1868. 8v(), jjp. 26, autograjjli inserted, $1. New York, 1868 IIALLECK, FITZ-GREFXE, Fanny, a Pix-m. 2d (Hlition,8v(), pi).67. N. Y., 1821 HALLKCK, FITZ(iilEEXE, Poetical Works of, now first collected, illustrated with stiM;l engravings, from Drawings by AnuTican artists. 8v(), ])p. 3S0. New York, 1850 IIALLECK, FITZ-GREEXE. Young America, a Poem. 12mo, pp. 49. N. Y., 1865 IIALLECK, FITZ-GREEXE. Fanny, a Poem. Original Edition. Hvo, pp. 49. New York, 1S19 KITZ-fJUKKNI'; IIALLKCK. Was l)oni in Cnilford, in the state ofC-'onniTli.-ul, in Ihr year 17SS, and died at the same place Nov. l!l, 1H()7, aired 7!i years. In early lift' lie Ix'caine known as a niiet in connection with a vouni,' and beli>v<'d conlemiiorary. Dr. .losepli Hod- man Drake, long since pasaed away. I'hey ioinlly eontrihiUed to llie 1<)vening l'o»t, IHI'J, a [28] series of satirical poems, chiefly aiming at city characters under the name of Croaker & Co. These delicate satires became very popular, and were even republished in all the lead- ing journals throughout the country, besides they were reprinted at the time in pamphlet form surreptitiously. Subsequently, Mr. Halleck became uneasy about the reappearance of these pieces which had proved quite oifensive to some of the sensitive citizens, and as amends did all he could to suppress them, for he himself concluded that they were too severe upon divers worthy neighbors, whom he held in the highest estimation. About the year 1835, or perhaps 1836, an enthusiastic yomig quaker, Mr. J. Hopper, a great admirer of Mr. Halleck's poetry, especially his satires (son of the famous abolitionist Isaac T. Hopper, the man who was a fac-simile of Napoleon) conceived the idea of exhuming, col- lecting and so draw from their hiding places the much talked of and much coveted fragments, and accompany them with notes, historical, biographical, and anecdotal, and in this new dress present them to the public, whom he was confident, was very ready to receive them. Mr. Halleck learned with horror the intentions of this young friend, and immediately repaired to him and in the most earnest manner implored that he would desist from reviving what he had taken no unusual pains to make forgotten and consign to oblivion. '■ If these ofiensive trifles should again reappear they wouUrhurt the feelings of such as I count among my dear- est friends." Mr. Hopper was too much the man ot feeling to persist in doing what would give pain to others, and so the scheme fell through. Mr. E. B. Coi-wiu, into whose hands the collection fell fifteen years later, had iuteuded'to carry out Mr. Hopper's plan, but some how or other his scheme also fell through. In IbfiO the Bradford Club did what neither of the former parties seemed able to accomplish: they published this collection of poems iu very handsome style, appending a youthful portrait of Drake and an aged one of Halleck. This volume forms No. 2 of the Club's publications. The author acquiesced in this issue inasmuch as the reasons which were iu force at the time when they first were announced had now become abrogated. On a certain occasion (Sunday), I was passing a Roman Catholic church in the city of New York ; seein" the doors open and throngs ot people pressing in, I stepped inside to see what I could see, near what I could hear, and learn what I could learn, I had not well got inside till I beheld Pitz-Greene Halleck standing uncovered with reverential attitude among the crowd of unshorn and unwashed worshipers which can always be seen on Sundays kneeling and standing both inside and out of these houses of worship in irregular confusion with little or no respect paid to them by the functionaries of the church or those who are wealthy enough to pay for comfortable pews. I remained till I saw him leave. In doing so he made a courteous bow as is the polite custom by the humblest of these people on taliing their departure. I immediately followed and on coming up took the liberty to ask him if he was a member of this church. In reply he said "I am not, but my predelictions are decid- edly in theirfavor in preference to any other denomination." "I presume you are a member of this church or one of the same." I replied in the negative. " I had supposed," said he, " thatall Irishmen were Roman Catholics." I said that " there was a two-fold mistake in this assumption, for in the first place all Irishmen are not Roman Catholics no more than all Scotchmen are Calvinists, nor all Americans Yankees, nor all Turks Mahometans, nor all Afri- cans Negroes, and in the second pluco I am not a native of the Green Isle." " I have always supposed you to be such," said he, " where then do you hail from ?" I said, " from that land that he had aided iu rendering still more celebrated by one of his noblest eflusions." '■ Scot- land," exclaimed he, "bonny Scotland?" "That," said I, "is the land of my nativity." "But," contipued I, "we derive neither glory nor shame from the place of our birth. It is an event of our life over which we have no control." " That," said he, " is very true." How he came to have any predelictions for the Roman Catholic church I never could ex- actly learn, but L'uessed. This aitinity was the more remarkable, inasmuch as he was de- scended from one of the sternest of puritan ancestors, John Eliot, the famous apostle of the North American Indians and translator of the Bible into their language, as well as the author of a grammar of the same. And further I have understood that he took pleasure in letting it beknown that he was so descended. I have uudcrstocid that he was never married although he did not escape the cares, the pleasure and pains ol being a parent. It is note-worthy that his only child died one week after he did, leaving a family to deplore the loss. On the subject of compliments paid him for poetical talent, he said, " they were generally made by those who were ignorant, or who had a desire to please or flatter, or perhaps t? combiuafion of all ; they were a sad penalty which every one had to pay who thrust them- selves \\\Mn iHiblic notice. As a general thing they are devoid of sincerity, and rathtr ofien- sive tlian pKiising. The practice brings to my mind the condition of one who has had the misfortune t(i have lost a limb, or an eye. When he meets with old acquaintances they immediately coninuuce condoling with him and discussing the nature of his loss, and not unfrequcntly demanding a history of the whole catastrophe, and thus by the kindness of his friends he suffers a'double punishment by being constantly brought in mind of his di- lapidated condition. In like manner does an author sufl'er. But,'' continued he," all who desire the ear of the public, must pay a penalty more or less, there is no sweet without a bitter, no excessive joy but some sorrow, the day of adversity is set over against the day of prosperity, but," added he, " there is no general rule without exception, and in my l)aglull of compliments I cherish one which comes under that rule, and reflecting upon it aflords me real pleasure as it did then. " On a warm day in summer a young man came into the ofHce, with a countenance glowing with ardor, innocence and honesty, and his eyes beaming with enthusiasm Said he, 'Is Mr. Halleck to be found here,' I answered in the affirmative. Continued he with evidently increased emotion, ' could I see him '?' ' you see him now,' I replied. He grasped me by the hand with a hearty vigorousness that added to my conviction of his sincerity. Said he, 'I am hap|)y, most hajjpy, in having liad the pleasiu'eat last of seeing one whose poems have atibrded me no ordinary gratitication and delight. I have wished, I have longed, I have sighed to see you. and Ihave dreamt that I have seen you, but now I behold you with mine own eyes. God bless you forever and ever. I have come eleven hundred miles all the way from the banks of the Miami in Ohio mainly for that purpose, and I have been compensated for my pains.' " [29] It was for this reason that he disliked parties where the company was large and promis- cuous. Said he, "A man who acquires notoriety becomes a tari;cl in all such i^'atheringB, and without he is possessed of an amount of vanity which renders him ridiculous, fnls un- easy at beiuj,' conscious that he is a special object of attention, and ,'ilso of conversation." lie told me that he had been solicited to write a life of his early and belovi'd friend Brake, "but"' said he, '" I did not see well howl could u'ranl such a leiiuest, I bad no lever for my ful- crum." What could I say about one who had studieil pharmacy, dissection, written a few poems, and then left the scene of action forever; I had uo material, and a mere meaningless eulogy would have been out of the question." In personal appearance he was rather below the medium height, well built; in walking had a rather slow and shuffling gait as if something affected his feet, a tlornl. bland and pleasant countenance, a bright gray eye, remarkably pleasant and courteous in conversation, and as a verv natural consequence inuch beloved by all who had the [ileasure of his ac- (piaintance ; hut to brilliancy in conversation which some of his admirers have been pleased to attribute to him. in my opinion they could lay no claim. His name and writings will go down to -posterity through a biography, or biographical dictionaries, but what will make it endure will be the out|)ourings of his own genius, which will be published and republished, and read by th()usanp the first hundred full grown men who come along and ask each one to define what kind of government we live under, how it was formed, by whom, when and where, and how it dilfers from the governments of Great Britain, France and Kussia. What number out of this hundred could make a satisfactory answer to the fore- going simple questions. I will venture to say that fitteeii \wr cent woidd cover the number, and that may be even too liberal. A full grown nation to be governed by a pure democracy, two-thirds of her citizens would require to be [diilo'-ophers, unainbitioiis of jiluce and jiower and above all to be completely divested of cupidity. As human nature is now con- stituted we must despair of ever seeing such a state of feeling among the ))eople of any nation.'' Said he, "If we may believe but one-half of what is written, published, and said respecting the character, reputation, and conduct of our c:lected officials, from the constable ancl upwards, who are intrusted witli and designed to carry on the governments, national, state and municipal, we are forced to the cmiclusion that a great majority of them are wholly venal, and an honorable and faithliil iierformance of (heir duties, or a" love for their country, or affection for tlu^ governuKMit which |)rotects them, has neither part nor lot in their aftectioiis or creed. Boides, w hat adds dee|)er darkness to this gloomy picture, when delinquents are discovered they are seldom or never punished ; and further, a criminal when called before our courts of justice, no matt(!r how heinous the crime may be, if he has poli- tical or moneyed intluence, lie is certain to escape iiunishmeiit.* Still, there are men who have been and are in power, and I take great pleasure in believing it to he so, that are both good, worthy and honorable, who have never defiled their garments by any kind of mal- * Note. The result of the two late trials at Albany and Uichmond, the one for the murder of Mr. Iliscock, the other for that of Mr. Bollard, and the judicial interposition of ii Nc^w York city judge in the case; of a notorious malefactor who was condemned to siilfer the death penally for a crime which deserved a four-fold i)unishnienl, are espei-ial I'xamples corroborative of this slate, or coming stat(! of things. It ought to be reuienibered thai no woman's virtue is worth a man's life. Virtue may be repaired, but life never can be restored. [30] practice or debasing act, but alas ! alas ! they are in a sad minority, and so have to take back seats." His library was sold by auction in the city of New York on the evening of October 12th, 1868. If the collection disposed of on that occasion was really his library in full, it must be confessed it was a sorry affair and meager in the extreme, so that but little credit, or rather none at all could be awarded him for having collected a library. The collection had the ap- pearance of a heap of indifferent books bought indiscriminately, by some lounger about an auction room who liad picked up a book now and then because it was cheap, without the least design of forming anything like a library touching one or more subjects. Notwith- standing all this I apprehend Mr. Halleck was by no means singular among his fellow craft, the poets, as having made an indifferent collection of books. McDonald Clarke had no books at all, and frequently declared he would have none, for said he, " the pouring over other men's productions would emasculate my native genius, and so destroy my originality." Woodworth, the little stout man with dark squint eyes, and poet of the " moss covered bucket notoriety, had a very poor collection of books which could hardly be called a library. Poe the most original of all the American poets, had a library made up of newspapers, magazines bound and unbound, with what books had been presented to him from time to time by authors anil [Mililisliers. He had no very high opinion of the modern generators of books, especially those so employed around him, and hence many of these gifts found an early transfer into the possession of some second-hand dealer at wonderfully reduced prices. Burns' library consisted of a few odd volumes of the Spectator, a broken copy of Pope's works. The Travels of Anacharsis in Greece, Five Hundred Years before Christ, a French and English Grammar, Ferguson and Davy Siller's Poems, and a copy of the Bible. Sir Walter Scott had an indif- ferent collection of books, and principally in poor binding. It was reported that he had not even a complete set of his own writings. Southey had a large mass of indifferent books, and, as a general thing, bound in spotted or striped calico by the hands of one of his daugh- ters. Wordsworth, his neighbor, the cold, impenetrable and inscrutable poet, had but lew books, and chiefly such as had no reputation. Samuel Parr, the celebrated linguist, amassed a great assemblage of worthless books chiefly in foreign languages, but more particularly Greek and Latin, and bound in every objectionable style. After his death they were scat- tered to the winds by auction process, and as a general thing sold for less than the price of waste paper. Some of his books to this day can oe seen floating about in the auction rooms, and on the shelves of dealers in old books in the large cities of the United States. Every book is adorned with his rude book plate and ruder autograph. It is not known whether the greatest of all the Jewish monarchs, King Solomon, the philosopher, the theologian, the poet, the legislator, the warrior, the architect, the botanist, and polygamist, had a large library or not, but if, we of this age may judge from the hints he has given out he had not ; and furthermore he appeared to have been disgusted at being incumbered with many books. As a general thing book collectors are not readers, and vice versa, readers are not book col- lectors. There are, however, many exceptions to this rule ; for example, Peter Hastie, Esq. , one of the constructors of the Croton aqueduct which carries the water that supplies the city of New York, a distance of forty-live miles, was a veteran book collector, so much so that he ordered certain books to be bought for him the week that he died. His collection con- sisted of many thou.sands of volumes, the productions of standard authors on mathematics, engineering, history, philosophy, biography, theology, poetry, belles-letters, and miscella- nies, all of which he had a knowledge of their contents, more or less minute. It will be seen by the foregiiing that Mr. Halleck was in no mean company as regards being possessed of an uiiinipiutniit library. In surveying the collection, a jud^e of the value of such property would perhaps pronounce it worth from one hundred and twenty-five to one hundred and fifty dollars. The books brought fabulous prices, at least ten times their market value. The company was large, good humored, and just in a frame of mind to be a little more than liberal, doubtless stimulated to be so from a desire to possess a relic of the departed poet who had added fame to the literature of his country. The prices realized were by far the highest ever obtained in America for this kind of property. The following are the names of a few of the books and the prices they brought: Nicholas Nickleby with the author's auto- graph $18. Bryant's little volume of Poems, entitled Thirty poems, with the author's auto- graph, $11. Campbell's Poems, Philadelphia, 1804, with Halleck's autograph, $8.50. Catalogue of the Strawberry Hill Collection, $16. Barnaby Kudge, presentation copy by the Athor to Halleck, $1.5. Coleridge's Poems with a few notes by Halleck, London, 1803. $10. Fanny, a Poem by Mr. Halleck, $10. pamphlet, ISl!). Papers concerning the Attack on Hatfield, a pamphlet, $20. Cabinet of Biograiih y, a small pocket volume with the autograph of John Jacob Astor. $6. The sum total realized for his library was twelve hundred and fifty dollars ($1,2.50). The best engraved portrait and the most life-like of Halleck will be found accompanying the New York Mirror, vol. xiv, September, 24, 1836. Western Memouabilia. HALLOCK, GERARD. History of the South Congregational church. New Haven, from its origin in 1853, till January 1, 1865. 13mo, cloth, pp. 304. Portrait and plate, $1.75. New Haven, 1865 HAMILTON, GEN. ALEX. Report on the Subject of Manufacturing, made in 1791. 18mo, pp. 143, $1.50. Phila., 1824 HAMILTON, ALEXANDER, The works of, comprising his correspondence, and his political and official writings, exclusive of the Federalist, civil and mili- tar\', i)ublished from the original manuscripts deposited in the department of state, by order of the joint library committee of Congress. Edited by John • C. Hamilton. 7 vols., 8vo, cloth. New York, 1850 HAMILTON COLLEGE, Clinton, N. Y., A Memorial of the Semi-centennial Celebration of the Founding of. 8vo, cloth, 8 portraits, $3. Utica, N. Y., 1862 [31 ] HANCOCK, JOHN. Reasons for withdrawing from Society with the people called Quakers. 12mo, pp. 37, $1. New York, 1801 HANKINS, MARIE LOUISE. Women of New York. 33 portraits, 12mo, pp. 349, no cover, $3. New York, 1861 HARDIE, JAMES. An Account of the Malignant Fever lately prevailing in the City of New York, 1799. 8vo, pp. 148. uncut, $3. New York, 1799 HARDMAN, WILLIAM G. A Treatise on the Curvilinear Perspective of Na- ture, and its applicability to Art. 8vo, $5. Lond., 1853 HARLAN, RICHARD W. Fauna Americana, being a description of the Mam- miferous animals inhabiting North America. 8vo, boards, uncut, $3. Phila., 1825 HARLAN, RICHARD W. Refutation of Certain Misrepresentations issued against the author of the Fauna Americana, in the Philadelphia Franklin Journal, No. 1, 1820, and in the North American Review, No. 50. 8vo, boards, $3. Phila., 1836 HARLAN, R. Medical and Physical Researches, or Original Memoirs in Medi- cine, Surgery, Physiology, Geology, Zoology, and Comparative Anatomy. Il- lustrated with plates, containing 160 figures. Thick 8vo, boards, uncut, $5. Phila., 1835 HARPER, ROBERT G. Observations on the Dispute between the U. S., and France, addressed to his constituents, in May, 1797. 8vo, pp. 109, $3 London, 1798 HARTLEY, W. M. B. Hartford in the olden Time ; Its first Thirty years, by Scalva, edited by W. M. B. Hartley, with illustrations. 8vo, pp, 316, maps and plates, gilt edge, morocco. Hartford, 1853 HATHAWAY, LEVI, The Narrative of, being an account of his Life, Experi- ence, Call to the Ministry of the Gospel, and Travels as such, to the present time. 12mo, pp. 140, |3. Providence, 1830 HAWTHORNE, NATHANIEL. Liberty Tree, with the last words of Grandfa- tlier's Chair. 18mo, pp. 156, $1.35. Boston, 1843 HEADLEY, J. T. The Chaplains and Clergy of the Revolution. 13mo, cloth, $3. New York, 1804 HEMMENWAY, MOSES. Seven Sermons on the obligation and encouragement of the Unregenerate. 13mo, pp. 304, |1.50. Boston, N. E. 1767 HEMMENWAY, MOSES. A vindication of the power, obligation, and encou- ragement of the Unregenerate to attend the means of grace, against the ex- ceptions of the Rev. Samuel Hopkins. 13mo, fl.50. Boston, 1773 HIBERNICUS, or Memoirs of an Irishman now in America, containing an account of the principal events of his life, both before and since his emigration, and interspersed with anecdotes and observations, humorous, political, and moral, with a supplement. 12rao, p]). 251. Pittsburg, 1838 HICKS, ELIAS, Letters of, including also a few short Essays on several occa- sions illustrative of his doctrinal views, 8vo, boards, $3. N. Y., 1834 HILLHOUSE, JAMES, Sketches of the Life and Public Services of, by Leonard Bacon. Portrait, 8vo, pp. 40, $1.50. New Haven, 1800 HINMAN, ROYAL R. A Catalogue of the Names of the Early Puritan Settlers of the Colony of Connecticut, with tlu; Time of their Arrival, Place of Krsi- dence, Condition of Life, where from, business, &c., as far as found on Rcconl. Parts 1, 3, 3, 4, 5. 5 parts, 8vo, portrait, cover, $5. Hartford, 1846 IIISTOIRE Naturelle et Moral des His Antilles De L'Ani('ri<|Uc Euredice de plu- sieurs des Raretez les plus considerabeles qui y sont dccrites. Avec un Vora- bulaire Caraibe. 4to, i)p. 535, $6. I{otterdam, 1658 HISTORICAL RE(JISTER of thii United States, from the declaration of War in 1313 to Jan., 1815. Edited by T. II. Palmer. 4 vols., «vo, $0. I>liiludeli)liia. 1814-lt; [32] HISTORY of the Capital of Asia and the Turks : together with an account of the Domestic Manners of the Turks in Turkey. Plates, 4 vols, in 1, 8vo, $5. Boston, 1856 This volume contains b&sides, an account of the lost ten tribes settled beyond the River Sembatyon, in the east. By Dr. M. Edrepi. HODGE, CHARLES. The Constitutional History of the Presbyterian church in the United States of America, from 1705 to 1788. 2 vols., Svo, half calf, $3.25. Philadelphia, 1840 HODENG, SARAH. The Land Log-Book : a compilation of Anecdotes and Occur- rences extracted from the Journal kept by the Author during a residence of several years in the United States of America. 12mo, pp. 278, $2. London, 1844 HOFFMAN, MURRAY. A Treatise upon the Estates and Rights of the Corpora- tion of the city of New York as Proprietors. Svo, pp. 320, cxxxiv, 1 plate. New York, 1853 HOFFMAN, MURRAY. Treatise upon the Estate and Rights of the Corporation of the City of New York as proprietors. 2 vols., Svo, law binding, second edition, $5. New York, 1S62 HOGAN, J. S. Canada, An Essay, to which was awarded the first prize by the Paris Exhibition Committee of Canada. Maps and plates. Svo, red mor., $2. Montreal, 1855 HOLLAND, E. G. Essays and a Drama in five acts. Svo, 12mo, pp. 400, |2. Boston, 1852 HOPKINS, SAMUEL. The Puritans, or the Church Court, and Parliament of England during the reigns of Edward Sixth, and Queen Elizabeth. 3 vols., Svo, cloth, $6. Boston ISCO HORACE, The Lyric Works of, translated into English Verse, to which is added a number of Original Poems. By a Native American. Svo, pp. 375. Phila, 1786 The first Roman Classic Poet translated by an American. Besides Horace will be found translations from Anacreon, Tibullus, Ovid, and Virgil. A Pastoral Drama on the birth- day of an Illustrious Personage and the Return of Peace, Feb. 11th, 1784. John Park of Dover, State of Delaware, was the translator of this version of Horace, and a graduate Bachelor in Arts at the College of Philadelphia, June 28th, 1771. He was a Colonel in the army. Most of these translations and original poems were written in the camp, when like Camoens, "One hand the pen, and one the sword employed." It is to be hoped that the author never headed a regiment during an engagement, if he was not a better soldier than he was a poet Westeen Memorabilia. HUBBARD, WILLIAM. A General History of New England, from the discovery to 1680. Svo, sheep, |5. Cambridge, Mass., 1815 HUGHES, REV. T. S. The History of England, from the death of George the Second in 1760 to the accession of Queen Victoria in 1837, with historical Illustrations and Portraits, being a continuation of Hume and Smollett. 8 vols., 12mo, half calf, $16, cloth, $10. liondon. HUMPHREYS, DAVID. An Historical Account of the Incorporate Society for the Promotion of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. Maps, Svo, pp. 387, $6. Corwin's copy of the book sold for $8. London, 1730 HUTTON, CHARLES. A course of Bookkeeping according to the method of Single Entry, 4to, pp. about 75, $1. Philadelphia, 1801 This is in all probability the first treatise on the subject of bookkeeping published in the United States. The author was the well known mathematician of that name. As a step in the history of book making in America it is interesting. HYMN BOOKS (155). Published for and by various denominations of Christians chiefly second hand. No duplicates. v. d. ILLINOIS, The Laws of, passed at 7th general assembly, at their session held at Viiiidalla, in 1830-31. Svo, pp. 217, $2. Vandalla, 1831 IMLAY, GILBERT, A Topographical Description of the Western Territory of North America, including Filson, Hart, Hutching's, Kennedy's accounts, illus- trated with correct maps of the Western Territory of North America. Svo, calf, fine copy, $15. London, 1797 [33] INDIANA. Biographical Sketches of the mombers of the 45th General Assembly, with that of the State Officers and Judiciary by James Sutherland. 8vo, pp. 310, 13.50. . Indianapolis, 1861 INDIANA. State Gazette and Business Directory for 18G0-61. 8v<). pp. 778, $3. Indiana])olis, 1861 INDIANS. Correspondence on the subject of the Emififration of Indians between the 30th November, 1831, and 37th" December, 1838. 8vo, ])p. 503, $3. Washinjrton, 1835 INDIANS. Treaties between the United States of America, and the several In- dian Tribes, from 1778 to 1837, vnth a copious table of contents. New edition, carefully compared with the originals. 8vo, calf, pp. 783, $5. Wash., 1837 INGERSOLL, CHARLES J. A view of the Rights and Wrongs, Power and Policv of the United States of America. 8vo, boards, uncut, $3.50. Philadelphia, 1808 INTERMENTS. Report of the Committee on Laws, to the Corporation of the City of New Yorlv on the subject of Interment, within the pojiulous parts of the city. 8vo, $1.50. New York, 1835 IOWA, WISCONSIN AND ILLINOIS. Report of a Geological Exploration by the United States Government. By D. D. Owen. Maps and plates. 8vo, $3. Washington, 1844 IRVING, WASHINGTON. Letters of Jonathan Old Style, Gent. With a Bio- graphical Notice. 8vo, boards, uncut, $1,35. Loudon, 1834 JACKSON, CHARLES T. Geological and Mineralogical Report of the Survey of the Mineral Lands of the United States of Michigan. Numerous Geo- logical maps colored. 8vo, boards, $5. Washington, 1849 JAMES, WILLIAM. Full and Correct Account of the Chief Naval Occurrences of the Late War between Great Britain and the United States of America, preceded by a course of examination of the American account of their Naval actions fought previous to that period. 8vo, uncut, $5. London, 1817 JAMESTOWN, The Voyage of the, on her Errand of Mercy. Sailed from Boston, March 38, 1847, with pro^asions for Cork, Ireland, R. B. Forbes, Commander. Plate, 8vo, pp. 181, $3. Boston, 1847 JARRETT, DEVEREUX, Life of. Rector of Botli parish, Denweddie Court House, Virginia, written by himself in a series of Letters writte nbetween 1793 and 1794, addressed to the Rev. John Coleman. 18mo, $1.50. Baltimore, 1806 JEFFERSON, THOMAS, Observations on the writings of, with particular refer- ence to the attack they contain on the Memory of the lat(! (ien. Henry Lee, in a series of Letters by H. Lee, of Virginia. 8vo, pj). 337. New York, 1833 This is ttie first edition and has become very rare, mainly on account of it havinfr been rigidly suppressed, and as tar as possible destroyed throughout Virginia. The worsliijiers of the memory of .lett'erson could not bear such an expose and therefore it was doomed to destruction. A subsequent edition with notes appeared in 1838, which is much more ac- cessible. JEFFERSON, THOMAS, Writings of, being his Autobiography, Correspond- ence, Reports, Messages, Addresses, and other writings, official and ])rivate, from the original manuscript, with exi)lanatory Notes, table of Contents and a copious Index to the whole, by the editor, II. A. Washington. 9 vols., 8vo, cloth, $18. New York, 1853 JEFFERSON, THOMAS, Memoirs, Corresi)ond(!nce, and Private Papers of, edited by Tliomas Jefferson Randolph. 4 v<)1h.,8vo, boards, $6. Boston, 1839 JEFFEliSON, THOMAS, Lift; of, with parts of liis Corrcsijoudence never before ])ul)lislicd, juid notices of liis opinions on questions cretaries, relative to the execution of those laws. Compiled by Robert Mayo, M. D. and Ferdinand Moulto, counsellor at Law. 8vo, i)p. 700, $3. ' Washington, 1852 LAWS. A Digest of the Laws and Resolutions of Congress relative to pensions, county lands, ])ay of the army, mileage, horses or other ])roperty lost or de- stroyed in the Military Service, expenses of volunteer force, patents, etc., together with the opinions of the attorneys general, and decisions of the secretaries of war and interior, and of the encounting officers of the treasury thereon, with full and complete Forms of Application, so arrangc'd as to fur- nish all the inl'ormation that may be desired by claimants, or tli.cir attorneys. By C. W. Beimett, attorney at law. 8vo, pp. 504, $5. Washington, 1854 LAWS of the United States of America, from the formation of the Government 1789, to 1814, original edition. 12 vols., 8vo, $12. Phila., 1796, and Wash., 1815 LAY, BENJAMIN, Memoirs of the life of, and Ralph Sandiford, two of the earliest ])ublic advocates for tlu> Emancipation of the Enslaved Africans, by Robert Vaux, with a remarkable full length portrait of Lav. 12ni(), ])p. 7:3. Phila., 1815 LEAVES FOR DOUGHFACES, or threescore and ten Parables touching Slavery. By a former resident of the south. 12mo, pp. 332, wood-cuts, $3. Cin., 1856 LA BLANC, VINCENT. The World Surveyed: or the famous voyages and travels of, from the age of fourteen to sixty-eight. Rendered into English. Folio, pp. 407, |10. . London. 1060 The author visited America north and south as well as the West Indies during his long peregrinations. This volume is become quite rare, although it is generally found in the libraries of veteran collectors of books relating to America. LEDYARD, JOHN. A Journal of Capt. Cook's last voyage to the Pacific Ocean, and in quest of a north-west i^assage, between Asia and America. Performed in the years 1776-7-8-9. Hlustrated with a chart. 12mo, pp. 208. Hartford, 1783 LEDYARD, JOHN. Memoirs of the Life and Travels of, from his Journals and Correspondence. 8vo, boards, ]))). 428, $3. London. 1828 When I undertook to write the Life of Ledyard. said Mr. Sparks, I had great ditticulty in i)rocuring a conv of his Journal of a voyage. I could buy one nowhere, nor could I borrow n. .Vt length I "was infonned that a certain collector in Connecticut had a copy. I took the liberty of making known to him my wanis. After cousidcratile negotiation he consented to allow me to use the book, but th(- favor was so gruilLringlv iriven and Vo many conditions and restrictions attached to it, that I afterwards rcgreiled thai I made the reiiuesl. lie on ;liat occasion iiurcliased from me an iinperfecl copy less both the map and part of the t(^xt; but, said he. 1 am pleased, much pleased, to proeureeven such a cojiy id a Imnk 1 had so much dilliculty ingetliiig hold of when I wasiu aciiial need of it. This iinp<-rfection was formerly the i)ropertv of the famous biblioi)ole S. ion on the beholder of a man of t^\lreme benevolence and liealtliy feeling. He was an arflent lover ofliferatun! and of everything which had a tendency to jiromote or elevate it. He madir it a practice to visit niv bookstore evi-ry time he cann- to New York, On one of these oicasions he informed mir that he had abandoned t Ik; buy iuL' of books, but. continued he, I still delight to visit the haunts and repositories, where the mental ouipourihgs of the [ 36 ] Rreat and frifted of all ages and nations are congregated standing peacefully side by side waiting and ready to illuminate the present and coming generations of men. I still take great pleasure in turning over these dark dingy volumes and reading here and there a page, and looking upon the countenances of their venerable authors. In one of these visits I pre- sented liini'with a copy of the iirst number of my Bibliotheca Americana. Denton's descrip- tion of JMew York and Long Island in 1670. Edited by the late Judge Purman. After carefully looking at the historical volume, said he, solemnly, I commend your spirit and enterprise for having reproduced this book, and for having promised to bring out a series of like character, but I greatly fear you are by far too premature in your undertaking, or, in other words, ahead of the age. The bookbuyers, as a general thing, in this country, are not prepared for encouraging such publications. I informed him that I had printed fifty copies of this book on large paper, 4to, as an experiment, to learn how such would sell in America, the first attempt of the kind made in the country. In reply, said he, .so far as I know this fancy has not taken root nor even been transplanted into the United States. A community that would buy such books must have these indispensable requisites, namely, taste, leisure and wealth. Such publications are frequently brought out in Europe especi- ally in Great Britain ; but there the learned and wealthy are much more numerous than with us, and that is the class which the publisher must depend on for buying such books. This was in 1846. They are too practical to ecmiprehend their use. This series of books when published will be thankfully appreciated, but it will be in after ages, and too late to remu- nerate you for your pains; but, said he, go on in your meritorious undertaking, you have my heartiest wish for your prosperity, and I truly hope I may prove a false prophet in this case. , Western Memorabilia. LEE, HENRY. Memoirs of the War in the Southern Department of the United States. 8vo, pp, 466, |5. Washington, 1827 LEE, JOHN . H. The origin and progress of the American Party in Politics, em- bracing a comx^lete History of the Philadelphia Riots. 12mo, cloth, $1. Phila., 1855 LEGARE, HUGH SWINTON, Writings of, consisting of a Diary of Brussells, and Journal of the Rhine, extracts from his Private and Diplomatic Corre- spondence, Orations and Speeches, Contributions to the N. Y. and Southern Review, with a memoir of his Life. 2 vols., 8vo, pp. 630, 593, $10. Charleston, S. C, 1845 LEGISLATIVE SKETCHES from a Reporter's Note Book, by Geoffrey Jenkins. 12mo, pp. 93, |1. Albany, 1866 LEGGETT, WILLIAM, A Collection of the Political Writings of, edited by Theodore Sedgwick, Jr. 2 vols., 12mo, cloth, $2.50. New York, 1840 LELAND, CHARLES G. The Poetry and Mystery of Dreams. 12mo, cloth, $2. Phila., 1856 LENDRUM, JOHN. A Concise and Impartial |History of the American Revolu- tion, with a general history of North and South America. Account of the Discovery and Settlement of North America, &c., &c. 2 vols., 12mo, $6. Trenton, 1811 L'ESCLAVAGE en GENERAL, Examen de, et particulierement de I'esclavage des Negres dans les Colonies Francaises de TAmerique. Par V. D. C. An- cien Avocat et Colon a Saint Domingue. 2 vols., 8vo, pr., uncut, $3. Paris, 1802 LETTERS addressed to Caleb Strong, late Govtn-nor of Mass., showing War to be inconsistent with the laws of Christ and the good of mankind. 8vo, boards, pp. 124, $1.25. London, 1818 LETTERS from an Egyptian in New York to his friend in Cairo, translated by Mathew Markwell. 8vo, cloth, $2. New York, 1848 LETTERS of Adelaide De Sancere to Count De Nance. 12mo, pp. 160. Newburn, N. C. 1801 This book is chiefly noticeable as evidence of the early introduction of printing into the then village of Newbiirn, North Carolina. To the historian of the American printing-press it will prove an important as well as an authentic land-mark Western Memorabilia. LIBERAL PREACHER. A monthly publication of Sermons by living ministers. Conducted by an association of Clergymen. 4 vols, in two, 8vo, $4. Boston, 1831 LINCOLN, ABRAHAM. Our Martyr President, Voice from the Pulint of New York and Brooklyn, Oration by Geo. Bancroft, Oration at the burial by Bishop Simpson. 12mo" pp. 420, $1.50. New York, 1865 This vol. contains twenty-one Sermons by the most able divines of New York and Brook- lyn. Two orations and two prayers. [ 37 ] LINCOLN, ABRAHAM, Obsequies of, in tlio city of New York, under tlie au- spices of the Common Council. Compiled by David T. Valentine. Plat(>s, royal 8vo, $3. New York, 180(> LITERARY MAGAZINE, and American Register, from Commencement Oct., 1803 to July, 1807. 8vo, sheep, scarce, $12. Phila., 1803-7 LITERARY and Scieutific Repository and Critical Review. 4 vols., Bvo, un- bound, a ctnnplete set, $4. New York, 1820-23 LITURGY Collected for the use of the Church at King's Chapel, Boston. 2d edition wtli some alterations and additions. 8vo, sheep, $1.50. Boston, 1811 LIVINGSTON, EDWARD. An Answer to Mr. Jefferson's Justification of his conduct in the case of the New Orleans Batture. Map, 8vo, paper cover, un- cut, $5. Phila., 1813 LOGAN, JAMES. Memoirs of a distinguished scholar and Cliristian Legislator, Founder of the Loganean Library, Philadelphia. 12mo pp. 192, $2. London, 1851 LONGFELLOW, H. W. Hyperion, a Romance. 2 vols., 12mo, boards, uncut. Very rare in this condition, $3. New York, 1839 LOST PRINCIPLE ; The, or the Sectional Equilibrium, how it was created, how destroyed, how it may be restored, by Barbarossa. 8vo, pp. 2(56, $1.50. Richmond, Va., 1860 LUNDY, BENJAMIN. The Life, Travels, and Opinions of, including liis jour- neys to Texas and Mexico, with a sketch of Cot(?mporary events, and a notice of the Revolution in Hayti. 12mo, pp. 316. Portrait and map. Phila., 1847 LYMAN, THEODORE, JR. The Diplomacy of the United States, being an ac- count of the foreign relations of the country, from the first tn^aty with France, in 1778, to the present time, 2d edition with additions. 2 vols., 8vo, boards, uncut, $10. Boston, 1828 LYNCHBURG, Sketches and Recollections of, by the oldest inhabitant. 12mo, pp, 303, $3. Richmond, 1858 MACPHERSON, CHARLES, Memoirs of Life and Travels of, in Asia, Africa, and America, illustrative of manners, customs, and character, written bv liimself chiefly between the years 1773 and 1790. 12mo, $5. Edinburgh, 1800 MADISON, JAMES, The Papers of, purchased by order of Congre.ss, being his Correspondence and Reports of Debates during the Congress of the Confedera- tion, and his Reports of Debates in the Federal Convention. Now jMiblislied from the original manuscript, under the Superintendence of II. D. Gilpin. 3 vols., 8vo, sheep. Mobile, 1842 MAFFET, JOHN NEWLAND, Poems by. 12mo, pp. 144, $5.50. very rare. Louisville, Ky. 1839 The author was a kind of erratic or wandering; star anions the Methodist dunoiniiiation throughout tlie United .States. Ili.s apnroach towards any point caused a stir aniouf; tliat pious class created l)y the ell'orts of John Weslev, and his haran<;u(ts durii\;; his stay pro- duced the j^reatest effervescence among tlieni. besides this volume of i)oems he was the author of several other volumes of prose and poetry Westeun Memokabilia. MAGEN, NICHOLAS. An Essay on Insurance, Ex])laining the nature of various kinds of Insurance practiced Ijy tlu^ diffen-nt Couuncrcial States of Europf, and showing their consistency or inconsistency, witli (Miuity and the public good. Illustrated by real and extraordinary cases, stated at large, witli ob- servations thereon, tending to settle divers doubtful points in making u]) ac- counts, losses and average. 2 vols., 4to, a very rare book, $25. London, 1755 MAHOMET, a Tragedy, in Five acts. Translated from tlu; French of M. Voltaire, by the Rev. James'Miller. 18mo, pj). 72, $1. New York, 1H09 MANUSCRIPT. An Enriuiry into the present state and Administration of affairs in the jjroN-ince of East Flctrida, with some observations on the case of tlie late Chief Justicf^ thc^n;. 4to, vellum, about 120 pagi-s. Written in a very neat, legible hand. In the inside of the first fly-leaf will lie round the follow- ing indorsement, an Enijiiiry, &c., by W. Drayton, $125. 1778 [ 38] MARBOIS, M. BARBE. History de La Louisiane et de la cession de cette colonie par la France aux Etats-Unis de TAmerique septentrionales. 8vo, pp. 485, $3. Paris, 1829 MARCHEMONT, a Selection from tlie Papers of the Earls of Marcliemont, in the possession of Sir George H. Rose. Illustrative of events from 1685 to 1750. 3 vols., 8vo, boards, $4. London, 1831 MARSHALL, E. C. History of the U. S. Naval Academy, with biographical sketches, and the names of all the superintendents, professors, and graduates, &c. 13mo, cloth, 2 plates, $3. New York, 18G3 MASON, JOHN, Self Knowledge, a treatise sho-vving the nature and benefit of that important Science, and the way to attain it. 18mo, $2. Boston, 1800 A Typographical curiosity. The first American edition of this popular little book. MASSACHUSETTS REGISTER and United States Calender, for 1804-7-9-10 ll_12_14-18-19-20-34-35-36-38-39 and 31. 15 vols., 18mo, |8. Boston, 1804-31 MASSIE, JAMES W. America, the Origin of her present conflict, her prospects for the Slave, and her claim for Anti-Slavery sympathy. Illustrated by inci- dents of travel, during a tour in the summer of 1863, throughout the U. S., &c. 8vo, map, cloth, pp. 480, $2. London, 1864 MATHER, COTTON, Essays to do Good, addressed to all Christians. Edited by George Burder. 12mo, $1.50. Lexington, Ky., 1823: The reading of this book, "Essays to do Good," gave me such a turn for thinking, as to have an influence on my conduct through life, for I have always set a greater value on the character of a doer of good, than any other kind of reputation, and if'I have been, as you seem to think, a useful citizen, the public owes the advantage to that book. Dr. Bbnjamin Franklin. MATHER, COTTON. Magnalia Christi Americani, or the Ecclesiastical History of New England, from the first planting, in the year 1620, imto the year 1698. In seven books, with an introduction and occasional notes by T. Rob- bins, also an Index. Portraits, 3 vols., 8vo, sheep, $5. Hartford, 1855 MATHER, COTTON. Essays to do Good, addressed to all Christians, whether in public or private capacities. New edition by G. Burder. 12mo, $1. Johnstown, 1815 MATHER, COTTON, The Christian Philosopher, a collection of the best dis- coveries in nature, with religious improvements. 12mo, $1. Charlestown, 1815 MATHER, S. An attempt to shew that America must be known to the ancients, made at the request and to gratify the curiosity, of an inquisitive gentleman. To which is added an Appendix concerning the American Colonies and some Modern Monagments against them. By an American Englislunan, Pastor of a church in Boston, New England. 8vo, pp. 35. Boston, 1773 MATHEWS, CORNELIUS. A Pen and Ink Panorama of New York City. 18mo, pp. 209, $1. New York, 1853 MAURY, SARAH M. An Englishwoman in America. An Appendix containing the history of the Emigrant Surgeon's Bill. 8vo, cloth, pp. 589, $2. London, 1848 McCONNEL, J. L. Western Characters or Types of Border Life, in the Western States, with illustrations by Darley. 13mo, cloth, $3. New York, 1853 McKINNEY, MORDECAI. Our Government, an Explanatory Statement of the System of Government of the Country, &c., «Sic. A manual for schools, acade- mies and popular use, 2d edition, 8vo, $3. Philadelphia, 1856 McMULLEN, JOHN. History of Canada, from its first discovery to the present time. 8vo, pp. xiv, 506, |5. Brockville, C. W., 1855 Mcpherson, EDWARD. Hand-book of Politics for 1868. 8vo, pp. 387. Washington, 1868 MECHANICS MAGAZINE, and Register of Inventions and Improvements, por- traits of Eli Whitney, B. Franklin, R. Fulton, and numerous wood-cuts. 2 vols., royal 8vo, half calf, $10. New York, 1833-4 [ 39] METHODIST EPISCOPAL Church appeal to the juiblic oi)inion in a serios of ex- ceptions to tlie course and action of the Methodist Episco])al Cliurch from 1844 to 1848 ajrainst the Methodist Church south by II. 13. Bascom and A. L. P. Greene and B. Parsons. 8vo, pp. 203, $2. Louisville, Ky., 1848 METHODIST HYMNS. A Collection of Hymns for the use of the Methodists- Fourtli edition 12nio, 204, $8. ' London, 1784 METHODIST MAGAZINE, and Quarterly Review, 5 vols., 20-21-25-28 and 29. 5 vols., 8vo, twelve portraits, $5. New York, 1888-1847 MEXICAN WAR. Message of the President of the United States with the docu- ments containinjr the Military reports of battles, &c., with maps and plans. Thick 8vo, lialf calf, pp. 1G18,'|3. Washington, 1847 MICHIGAN. Historical and Scientific Sketches of Michi «^^ T ^ * X'/K/ Oeacldified using th .*'% Oeacldified using the Bookkeeper process. Neutralizing Agent: Magnesium Oxide Treatment Date; jjKv»n jUl ^^ ^ ^ *'^tft/ Oeacldified using tfie Bookkeeper «f>. ^ •• i^Mk- Neutralizing Agent: Magnesium O • ^^mi Treatment Date; V) » ' * °<- ^ \y ^i ' * f (^ PRESERVATION TECHNI d^ ♦■^^^_,«^ ^ >• */b^^^J!'<" ^ ? 1 1 1 Thomson Park Drive %.» A*' * ^SSi^^ • "^ \^ Cranberry Township. PA 1 y-«^^ o ^^illHilll^ - ^ , » (724)779-2111