'*■ ♦" .^'^'^^ "^0' ^^^'V ' .^^^o:-. ^ -:^/ ^' %^^«^*/^ •^^:^K>^ %"^^:!>^/' ^ o > • *•?•' ^"^o '^m^^ ^.<^' .-.^%. 'p^ xOv.. \ ^.-^"^ ysM^% %.cf-f :& •^ & '^^A -p. V ^°-^<^. -^i^o^ .0 ' ■-^, .■i^' i'. '^TT^ 1^ "^-J.,^^ ><-^^ ^v^. ^^/ y -^ . ^I'^^^V^V ,^ ^ ,r.' ,^^ V^ \/ /^^.'^ %,/■ -^f^i^'- .e set quick /' the earth, And bowVd to death witli turnips. Merry Wiyes of Windsor, A. in., S. 4. (). Washington married. 1759. Blessed live you loiuj ! A hilly to the wortliie-st sir, that ever CiiWil roiiiitry /lis. Cymbeline. a. I., S. 7. 7. General Putnam born. 1718. //; Iriif/i, there's inmilni/ts things said of him. CORIOLANUS. A. II., H. 1. S. Battle of New Orleans. 1815. 0.' such a day, Sofouijht, so followed ami so fairly wim. Came Hat 'till iiino, to dignify the times, Sirife Ca'siirs fortunes. Henry iv. P. 2. A. i., S. 1. Vt. Gen. Prevost assumed the command of the Britisli forces in the South. 1779. Where's our general '.' Here I mii, thou pnrtienlnr felloic. Hexkv VI. P. 2. A. IV., 8. 2. 10. Gen. James Varnum died. 1790. Aicake remetnhranee of these viiUant dead. And witli your phissant arm reneic their feats. Hexhy v. a. I., S. 2. 11. Frigate Alliance sailed for France with Lafayette. 1779. Our iieir.'i shall go hfirre i s to his majesty, illiiih, 'III sin, you shall hear, to ram fort him. Henry iv. P. 2. A. iv., S. ::$. 12. General Mercer died. 1777. Let us bury him, And mil jirolravt icith admiratiim, what Is note di e dehf. To the grave. Cymbeline. A. iv., S. 2. 13. Congress passed a vote of thanks to Gen. Snmter for meritorious ser%-ices. 1781. Often good, furnfi Are shiifffetl off with such uncurrent pai/. Twelfth Night. A. in., S. 8. 14. Detiaitive treaty of peace between England and tlie United States ratified. 1783. ' T is death to me to be at enmity; I hate if, and desire all good men's love. Richard hi. A. ii., S. 1. lo. Lord Stirling tlied. 1783. He hcdh deserved tvorthily of his country. CoKIOL.iNXJS. A. II., 8. 2. 16. Pennsylvania Line revolt. 1781. But, for you, rebels, look to taste the due Meet for rebellion, and such ads as yours. Henry iv. P. 2. A. iv., S. 2. 17. Battle of the Cowpens. 1781. Sound trumpets! — let our bloody colours wave! — And either victory, or else a, grave. Henry vi. P. 3. A. ii., S. 2. IN. Francis Lightfoot Lee of Va. died. 17i)7. How ill all's here about my heart. Ha.mlet. a. v., S. 2. r.». Sir John .Liluison captured at John.son Hall bv Gen. Schuyler. 177(). Be ivhat thou wilt, thou art my prisoner. Henry vi." P. 1. A. v., S. 3. 2U. Chief Justice, Bcnj. Chew of Penn. died. 1810. I stand for judgmen* : answer; shall I have it? Merchant of Venice. A. rv., S. 1. 21. Lord Chatham offered a resolution in Parliament that Gen. Gage be ordered to remove his troops from Boston. 1776. Thou trouhlesf me: I am not in the vein. Richard hi. A. iv., S. 2. 22. Washington wrote letters to the Governors of all the States relating to the finances of the Country. 1782. My desire, More sharp than filed, steel, did spur me forth. Twelfth Night. A.m., S. 3. 28. General Sullivan died. 1795. All is said: His tongue is noiu a stringless instrument. Richard ii. A. ii., S. 1. 2i. George Clymer ( Signer of the l)ei. laration of Inde- pendence ) died. 1813. Now, quiet soul, depart when heaven please. Heni.y VI. P. 1. A. III., S. 2. 25. Newark, N. J. attacked l.v a paity (jf British from New York. 1780. This churlish knot of cdl abhorred war. Henry iv. P. 1. A. v., S. 1. 26. British Parlianuut passed an act lecompensing the Colonies for pay of troc)i)s. 1772. It is not to he question d That they had. gather'd. a wise council to them. Henry viii. A. ii., S. 4. 27. Lord Stirling attacked on Staten Island. 1780. I had my trial. And, must needs say, a noUe one. Henry vm. A. ii., S. 1. 28. Colonel Return Jonathan Meigs, of the Revolution died. 1823. I do affect a sorroio, iiuleed, bid I have it too. Ali/s well that ends well. a. I., S. 1. 29. Col. Henry Lee ( Light Hor.se Harry ) born. 17ott. Noil) thou art fienrd the son of chivalri/, Henry vl P. 1. A. iv., S. 6. 30. The Providence Plantation.s remonstrate against illegal taxation. 1778. Who is so gross, That cannot see this palpable device? Richard in. A. m., 8. ti. 31. John Marshall appointed Chief Justice of the Uni- ted States. 1801. Thyself shah see the act: For as thou urcjest justice, be assiird. Thou shcdt have justice. Merchant of Venice. A. iv., S. 1. FEBRUARY. 1. Washington elected President. 1783. Thou mi icorfhy of the sway. To irhoiii the heavens, in thy nativity, Adjadcfit an olive braiK-h, ami laurel croimi. Henry vi. P. 3. A. iv., S. fi. '2. New Y(jik City incorporated. 1653. Nothing hut death Shall ere divoree my dignities. Henry viii. A. in., 8. 1. 3. General Lincoln born. 1733. Good hieJc lies in odd numhers. * * * Tliey say, there is divinity in odd ninnhvrs, rithi in nativity, rhanre, or death. Meruy Wives of Windsor. A. v., S. 1. 4. Kentucky admitted to the Union. 1791. Then you love us,tue you, and we'll clasjo hands; IFIien peers thus knit, a l-ingdom ever stands. Pericles. A. ii., S. 4. 5. Roger Williams landed in Rhode Island. 1631. Truly to speak, sir, and with no addition. We go to gain a little patch of ground.. That lath in if vopr<}fit hnf the name. Hamlet. A. iv., S. 4. FEBRUARY. 7 Ci. Treaty of amity and commerce betweeu Frauce ami the United States. 1778. The amity that wisdom knits not, folly may easily untie. TnoiLus AND Cressida. a. I., S. 2. 7. Stamji act passed. 1765. There's villanous neivs abroad. Henry iv. P. 1. A. ii., S. i. S. Imliau massaci-e at Scheueetady. 1691. The tyrannous and bloody act is done; The most arch deed ofjnteous massacre. That ever yet this land wets guilty of. EiCHARD in. A. v., S. 3. '.». New Amsterdam surrendered to the English. 1674. Itfts thee not to ask the reason why, Because we bid it. Pericles. A. i., 8. 1. 1(1. General Cadwallader died. 1786. Friend and companion in tlie front of war. Antony and Cleopatra. A. v., S. 1. 1 1 . News of peace between England and the United States received at New York. 181.5. Keep peace, upon your lives; He dies, that strikes arjcdn: What is the matter. King Lear. A. ii., S. 2. 12. Ethan Allen died. 1789. Dead, for my life. Even so; my tale is told. Lora's labour's lost. a. v., S. 2. i:-5. Commodore Isaac Hull died. 1843. Your cause rf sorroio Must not be measurdby his worth, for then It hafh no end. Macbeth. A. v., S. 7. 1 1-t. John Dickt'usou , Presitleut of Peniisylvaiii;i died. 18U8. In fills tilt' man? ZsV i/ou, sir, that know things? AxToxY AND Cleopatra. A. i., S. 2. 1.1. Win. Bradford paid for ])rintin;j; the first book in New York. 1694. To things of sale a seller's praise Momjs. Love's labour's lost. A. iv., S. 'A. 111. En^Mj^onient lietween the Eughsh aud French fleets at the entrance of Chesapeake Bay. 1781. Done like a Frenchman; turn, and turn affain. Hexky vl p. 1. A. in., S. :>. 17. C'onnnodore Trnxton liorn. 1755. As waves be/ore A vessel under sail, so men ot)ey\l. And fell Main his stem. Coriolanus. a. il, S. 'J. 18. John Pauldins died. 1818. Tlie end crotvns all; And that old common arliitrator, Inline, Win one day end if. Troilus AND Ckessida. A. IV., S. 5. U). Florida ceded to the United States by Spain. 1821. Let it lie 1x)oked with tlie rest of this day's deeds. Henry iv. P. ii. A. iv., S. ;; 211. Cleueral Brad lock arrives horn Ireland at Phila- delphia. 1755. He is come to ope Tin' /lurjitc testament < if bleeding war: KiCHARD II. A. III., S. :i 21. C'ol. David Hniiiphreys died. 1818. Jn.st (leafli, kind umpire of men's miserie.'i, With sweet enlargement doth dismiss vie hence. HENKY VI. p. I. A. II., S. 5. 22. Washingtou liorn. 1732. And him, loondrous him! miracle of men! Henbyiv. p. 2. A. II., S.3. 28. Johu Quincy Adams died. 1848. An old man, broken iinth the cares of state. Is come to lay his weary bones among ye. Henry vui. A. iv., S. 2. 24. Robert Fulton died. 1815. He's tvalk'cl the way of nature. " Henry it. P. 2. A. v., S. 2. 25. First Bank of the United States chartered. 1791. A mote it is to trouble the jnind's eye. Hamlet. A. i., S. 1. 2(i. President Adams appointed a commission to treat with France, in rehition to the difficulties between that country and the United States. 1799. If circiimstances lead me, I iviUfiul Wliere truth is hid, though it were hid indeeil Within the centre. Hamlet. A. ii., S. 2. 27. Battle at Moore's Creek. N. C. 1776. 3Ii7ie enemies are all knit up In their distraciions. Tempest. A. iii., S. H. 28. Gen. Marion died. 1795. Ilong to hear the story of your life, which must Take the ear strangely. Tempest. A. v., S. 1. FEBRUARY. 10 29. Deeitield, Mass. burned by the Indians. 170-1. It is never good To briny bcul neios: G-ive to a grdciotis nufjiscu/c An liobi of tongues; but let ill tidings fell Themselves, ivhen tliey be felt. Antony and Cleopatra. A. ii., S. MARCH. 1. The Sons of Liberty in Maryland held their first meeting in Annapolis. 1766. My resohdion, and my hands, Fll trust: None about Ccesar. Antony and CLEorATiu. A. iv.. R. 1H. 2. i)e Witt Clinton b(jrn. 1769. Such a man Mujlit U' (7 copy to these younger tinie-s; Which, follow'' d well, would demostrate them now Bid goers backward. All's well that ends well. A. i., 8. 2. y>. Rev. Dr. Auchmuty, of New York, died. 1777. A true-devoted pilgrim is not toeory To measure kingdoms with hisfeeUe steps. Two Gentlemen of Vekona. A. il, S. 7. 4. Washington retires from the Presidency. 1797. God be iinth you! 1 have done. Othello. A. l, S. .3. o. Boston massacre. 1770. Wl(at work's my countrymen in hand? The matter speak, I pray you. CORIOL.\NUS. A. I., S. 1. 12 6. Gol. William Washington died. 1810. This fell Serjeant, death. Is strict in his arrest. Hamlet. A. v., S. 2. 7. Col. Benjamin Tallmadge tlied. 1835. JVe cannot hold mortality's stro7U/ hand. King John. A. iv., 8. 2. 8. The French Fleet sent from Rhode Island to Virginia, to assist in capturing Arnold. 1781. Take heed o' the foul fiend. King Lear. A. in., S. 4. 9. Aniericns Vespuciiis born. 1451. / shall demre To see whcd this child does. Hexky VIII. A. v., H. 4. 10. City of Albany made the Capital of the state ot New York. 1797. God speed the parliament! Who shall he the speaker. Henry vi. P. 1. A. iii., S. 2. 11. Commissioners appomted to proceed to America to negociate a peace. 1777. StUl in thy right hand carry gentle peace. Henry viii. A. in., S. 2. 12. Committee reported to the Legislature, a draft of a Constitution for New York. 1777. TJris is the very coinaf/e of your brain. H.iMLET. A. III., S. 4. IIH. Clroton, Mass. attacked by the Indians. 1()7(). Thus, with his stecdthy pace, With Tarquin's ravishing .strides, towards his design Moves like a ghost. Macbeth. A. ii., 8. I. MARCH. ];-; 14. Battle at Guilford Court House. 17S1. rU lean upon one crutch, caul Jiij/il iritli tin- oHk r. Ere stay hehhid tins Imsine-ss. CoiaoLANi's. A. I., S. 2. 15. Oolumlius aiTi\eil at Pales, on liis ictuiu lidii; tl ( iliscovery of America. li^VS. Welcome: A curse beijin at very root of Ids heart. That is not glad to see thee. COKIOLANUS. A. II., S. 1. Iti. Military Academy at West Point estalilished l)y act of Congress. l.SO'i. this leandii'j! What a thii/i/ it is/ Taming of the Shrew. A. i., S. 2. 17. British evacuate Boston. 1776. Let's leave this town; for they are hair-hraind slaves. And hinii/er will enforce them to lie more ecujer. Henry vi. P. 1. A. i., S. 2. JS. Stamp Act repealed. 17n(!. The shame itself doth speak for instant remedy. King Leai;. A. i., S. 4. 111. (leneral James Jackson of Georgia died. 18()(i. So dear I lov'd the- man that I mnst weep. Richard HI. A.m., S. 4. 20. Washington enters Boston. 1776. Jesu preserve thee! welcome Whilst he from one side to the other turninj, n(( re-headed, lotoer than his prowl steed's neck, liesjiid-e them thns, I thank you countrymen. PiICHAKD II. A. v., S. 2. 21. Corner stone of the moiniiiient to Generals Givcin' Mild Pulaski laid in Savaiinali. 1825. MARCH. 14 Think, ye see The very jjersons of our noble story. As ihey ice re Jivimj. HeNUY VII. PlUlLCXiUK. ^I'l. Jonathan Edwards died. 1758. Instructed by the antiquary times. He must, he is, he cannot but be wise. Troilus and Cressida. a. II., S. y. '2H. First Mass said in America, on St. Clement's Island in the river Potomac. 1631. But, I see, you have some religion in you that you /'car. Cymbelixe. a. I., S. .5. 'Jl. Spain acknowledged the independence of the Uni- ted States. 1782. A very good piece of tvork, I assure you. Midsummer-night's Dream. A. i., S. 2. 2"). Gen. Henry Lee died. 1812. A braver soldier never couched lance, A gentler heart did never sway in court. Henry vi. P. 1. A. in., S. 2. 2(i. (xen. Pntnani attacked at Hcnseneek, Conn, bv (xen. Tiyon. 177'.'. He fables not, I hear the enemy: Out, some light Inn-semen, ami peruse their n-in(/s. Henry vi. P. 1. A. iv., S. 2. 27. Battle of Horse-shoe on the Tallapoosie River, l)e- tween Gen. Jackson and the Creek Indians. 1814. Here's the scroll. The continent and summary cjf my fortune. Merchant of Venice. A. iii., S. 2. 2S. The Indians attacked and liurned the town of Pio- vidence in Khode Island. 1675. 15 Tn xt-e this sujlif, it irks iiit/ ceri/ mini. Henhy VI. P. ;!. A. n.. S. -J. ii'.l. FiigHte Essex, C'iipt. Porter e;n)tni-e(l in Valpaiaisi) liy tlie Frigate Pliebe aud the Sloop Clienib. 1S14. The ci fell msfd lice 111 fell yon more at hinje. Henry VI. P. 1. A. i., S. 1. o(l. Apjilicatiou made to Cliief Justii-e M.iisIimII to coniiiiit Aaron linn- on a eharge of treason. 1S(I7. \VI(ii, liotc note, ijeuttiiiicii'.' What see ijon iii those jxi/xrs^ that t/on Jose So in iivh complexion ? Henky v. A. II.. S. 2. ril. Boston jiort bill passed. 1774. Shame cholijIi to sh'tme thee, irrii tlioc not shamelesx. Henry vi. P. :-!. A. i., S. 4. APRIL. 1. Gen. John Armstrong died. 1843. And here I sfaiaJ: i>'s )i»)ni. 1758. Doubt not my lord: FU play the orator, As if the (/olden fee, for ivhich I pleati. Were for myself. Richard hi. A. in., S. 5. 10. Genend Uate.s died. ISOti. For in that sleep of death what dreams may come, Wlien we have shuffled off this mortal coil, Mitst (five MS pause. H.\.MLET. A. Ill S. 1. 11. Proclamation for a cessation of hostilities ado])ttM by Congress. 178o. Blessed are the peace makers un earth. Henry vi. P. 2. A. ii., S. I. 12. ('Ongi'ess refused to pass an act to assiinie tli state debts. 1790. Nay, it is possible enoui/h to judijment; I do not so secure me in the error. But the main article I do approve. Othello. .\. i., s. ;;. IM. Thomas Jefferson horn. 174r>. T/ie (jentlemmi is learn'd, and a most rare speaker. To luiture none more Imnml : his trainintj siic'i, That he may furnish and instriict great teachers, And never seel: for aid ont if himself. Henry viii. A. i., S. -2. 18 14. Wiishiiigtou aiiiveil in New York fioiii E()>t(iii. 177(5. 77/(7/ '/"''"■ ''"'''• ''"P'^ As they would liatuj f/iciii oh thv liorn.s o tlic inoon, Slinnfinq their eiimlation . COHIOLAXUS. A. I.. S. 1. L). The proprietaries of East and West Jersey suneii- (lered the government to Qneeii Anne. 170'2. Wliji, this it /.v, whoi tiien ore ruVd hi/ icoiii'u. IilCH.\HD III. A. I., S. 1. 1(1. Province of New Jersey oft'ered for sale for t\viiit\ live thousand dollars in 1(581. What is iiiKjht, hilt (i.s 'tis mdiieil? Tkoilus and Cuessida. a II., S. -1. 17. Benjamin Franklin died. 1790. A rarer spirit never Did steer Inimanity. Antony and CLEorATHA. A. v., S. 1. 18. ('omwallis arrived at Charleston from New Yorii. 1770. Mail am, iieirs; The British jioicers are inarchiiiy hithenrard. 'Tis htown tiefore; our /irc/iiiratioii stands III expecfution of tlieiu. KiNc; Leai;. A. iv., S. 4. l'.». Battle of Lexington. 177o. Stand, stand ! We have the a. liioT. (JoiiMdic the fimcs to their ■necessities. Henry iv. P. 2. A. iv.. S. 1. 2. Cieu. Wooster died. 1776. T/tey say, he parted tvell, and paid Ins score: So, God be with him. Macbeth. A. v., S. 7. 3. Ticonderoga captured by Ethan Allen. 1775. Do toe all holy rites; Let there he sung NoN nobis, awl Te Deum. Henry v. A. iv., S. H. 4. Pope Alexander VI, decided that Spain should hold .Inieiica in perpetuity. 1493. Some neivs ii come, That turns their countenances. C0RIOLANU8. A. IV., S. 6. ."). 13arou Steuben appointed Inspector General of the .\nierican Army. 1778. Meddle you iiiu.sf, that^s certain, or forswear to wear iron edutut you. Twelfth Night. A. in., S. 4. MAY. 22 6. News of the iv]ieal of tlio Stamp act received in New York. 1766. Tell him, there's a post come/roiii mi/ hiasfcr,untli his hm-n fnlJ of r/ood news. Merchant of Venice. A. v., S. 1. 7. Siege of Louisliurg comuienced l)v Gen. Pepperell. 17-45. Tell us, shall your city cnll ns fonl, III tliat behalf which ive have challerujed it ? Or shall we give the signal to our rage, And stalk in blood to our possessimi ? King John. A. ii., S. 1. 8. Robert Morris died. 1806. Can thy spirit tvonder, A great man should decline ? Nay; an you weep, I am/cdlen indeed. Henuy Tin. A. III., S. 2. 0. Admiral Sir Guy Collier arrived at Hampton Roads. 1779. Go back: the virtue of your name Is not here passable. CORIOLANUS. A. v., S. 2. 10. Second Congress assembled in Philadelphia. 177.5. Sjxak to the business, master secretary: Why are ive met in council? Henry viii. A. v., S. 2. 11. First naval engagement of the Revolution at Machias. 1775. I'hou canst not fear us, Pompey, ivith thy sails, We'll speak mfh thee at sea. Antony and CLEorATRA. A. ii., S. 6. 12. Charleston captured by the Briti.sh. 1779. MAY. 28 We yield our town, and Jive.^, to thy soft merry: Enter our gates: dispose of u-s, and ours; For we no lonfjer are defensible. Henry v. A. iii., 8. 3. 18. News of the passage of the Port Bill arrived M Boston. 1774. 0, slaves, I can fell you news: news, you rascals. CORIOLANUS. A. IV., S. 0. 14. Bartholemew Gosnold conimeneeil a settlement at Cape Cod. 1602. If this icere play'd ipon a stof/f now, I could londeinn it as an improhcdile fiction. Twelfth Niciht. A. iii., S. 4. 1.5. President Adams convened Congress in connexion with French affairs. 1797. Let nie speak, to the yet iinknoicin^j world. How these things come cdnut. Hamlet. A. v., 8. 2. If). Gov. Leisler of New York hung. l(i',)l. A heavy reckoning for you, sir. Cymbeline. a. v., S. 4. 17. Ain)ointeil a day of fasting and prayer. 1776. (f r, ignoirmt ()f oarsiives. Beg often our own harms, which the wise poivers Deny its for our good. Antony xsd Cleopatra. A. il, S. 1. is. The Meschianza took place at Philadelphia. 1778. The trumpets, sachids, psalteries and fifes. Tabors and cymhah. ami the shouting Romans, Make the sun danee. Hark you ! COKIOLANUS. A. v., S. 4. 1I>. 8ir Henry Clinhin failed in his attempt to surprise LafayettJ at Barren Hill. N. J. 1778. 24 1 would do the man what lionour 1 can, hut of tliix I nm not certain. All's well that ends well. A. iv.. S. H. 2(1. ('..luinl.us died. 1506. In his livery Walked crowns, aiid croicnets; realms and islands were As phites dropped from his poiket. Antony and Cleopatka. A. v., S. 2. 21. (ien. Putnam placed in oinnniand of the Army in New York. 1778. You may do your leill; But he's a tried and valiant soldier. Julius C^sar. A. iv., S. 1. 22. (xeu. Schuyler directed to resume command of the American Northern Army. 1777. ' Tis much he dares; Ami, to that dauntless temjxr of' his mind, He hath a loisdom that doth guide his valour 7'o act in snfety. Macbeth. A.m., S. 1. 2.3. James Otis died. 1783. / to my (jrave, where peace and, rest lie with me.' KlCHAKD in. A. IV., S. 1. 24. Gen. Jackson takes possession of Pensacola. 1818. Be thou ruFd by )ne: Chief master-gunner am I of this toum. Heney VI. P. 1. A. I., S. 4. 25. Generals Howe, Clinton and Biirgoyne arrived at Boston. 1775. Thvs came the English u-ifh full jMirer upon us. Henry v. A. ii., S. 4. 26. Congress resolved that the militia of the State of New York be armed, and kept in readiness to act at a moment's warning. 1775. MAY. 25 Tlu' affair criea liaste. Ami f^yieed nin.sf anawer it. Othello. A. l, S. 3. 27. The Colony of Massaclmsetts ordered the establish- liieut of a Mint. 1652. But, f)>f the Lnrti, lads, I am glad you Iiave the monei/. Henry iv. P. 1. A. n., S. 4. 2.S. Frigate Alliance captured the Atalanta and the Trepassj. 1781. Give to a graiioas message An host of tongues; hut let ill tidings tdl Themselves, luhen they he felt. Antony and Cleopatisa. A. n.. 8. 5. 2. IH. Stoney Point captured by Gen. Wayne. 177'.>. Heaven in thy good cause make thee pro.sperons ! Be simft like lightning in the execution. PvICHARD II. A. I., S. 3. 17. Timothy Pickering born. 1745. Tlie elements So mix'd in him, that Nature might .stand up, And. .say to all the tvorld. This was a man ! Julius Cesar. A. v., 8. 5. IS. Paul Jones died. 1792. No noise, hut silence and. eternal sleep: In peare and honour rest you here. Titus Andronicus. A. i., S. 2. 19. Gen. Prideaux killed at Fort Frederick by the bursting of a shell. 1759. JULY. 34 Tliough death be poor, it awls a mortal icoe. Richard ii. A. ii., S. 1. 20. Washington declined to receive a letter from Gen. Howe, unless directed to him as C!ommander in Chief. 1776. For nought 1 dkl in hate, but nil it, homiur. Othello. A. v., S. 2. 21. Fort Meigs attacked by Gen. Procvor and Tecnuiseh. lfSl3. Arm, Arm! the enemy doth make a-ssautt .' Henry vl P. 1. A. n., S. 1. 22. The inhabitants of Minisink, N. Y. attacked and niassat-red by Brant. 1779. Murder mast foul, as in the Ixst it is; Rut this most foul, strange, and unnatural. Hamlet. A. l S. 5. 23. Roger Sherman died. 1793. Art thou (/one too? All comfort go loith thee! For none abides with me: my joy is — death. Henky VI. P. 2. A. iL, S. 4. 24. De Vries returned to Amsterdam. 1634. Thou didst make, tolerable vent of thy travel. All's well that ends well. A. il, S. 3. 25. Battle of Lundy's Lane. 1814. We'll forth, andfght: Do deeds tvorth praise, and tell you them at night. Tkoilus and Cressida. a. v., S. 3. 2(i. Montreal attacked by the " Five Nations, " and the city bunied. 1688. 0, tvoe is me ! To have seen what I have seen, see. what I see ! Hamlet. A. in., S. 1. •TULV. 35 27. Miss Jane Mc. Crea murrleivd bv the Indiana near Fort Edwairl. N. Y. 1777. Tliis is more xfrnngc Than such a ntunler ix. M.UBETH. A. III.. S. 4. 28. Thomas Mc. Kean appointed Chief Justice of Pennsylvania. 1777. To offend, and judge, are (lisfind office-'^. And of opposed natures. Merchant of Venke. A. n., S. 9. 2It. Count D'Estaing's fleet arrived at Newport from New York. 1778. Thou hast a grim appearance, and tliy face Bears a command in't; though thi/ fm-kle's torn, Thou shoio'st a nohJe vessel: JVhafs thy name ? COKIOLANUS. A. IV., S. .". HO. William Penn died. 1718. 0, you mighty gods ! This world, do I renfiunce. King Lear. A. iv., S. H. HI. Congress appointed Lafayette a Major-general in the American Army. 1777. Here's the commission; read it at more leisure. Hamlet. A. v., S. 2. AUGUST. 1. Committee appointed to draw up a Constitution for the State of New York. 1776. //' it were done, lohen 'tis done, then 'tirerf mil It ivere done quickly. Macbeth. A. i., SI. 2. Rip Van Dam finished his administration in New York. 1732. To shake all cares and. business/rom our age. King LE.\ii. A. i., 8. 1. •S. Columbus sailed from Palos, on his tiist voyage of discovery. 1492. / would have men of svcli constancy ptd to sea, that their business might be every thing, and their intent every lohere; for thafs if, that always makes a good voyage of nothing, Twelfth Night. A. ii., S. 4. 4. The Siege of Fort Schuyler commenced by Gen. St. Leger. 1777. Arm,, gentlemen; to arms ! for I have thrown A h'ave defiance. Henry iv. P. 1. A. v., S. 2. i^. The Speedwell put back to Plymouth, Eng. 1620. Never was leaves nor ivind more violent. Pericles. A. it., S. 1. AUGUST. 37 f). M. Gerard received as Minister Plenipotentiary from France. 1778. In simple and pure soul I come to yon. Othello. A. i., 8. 1. 7. Sir Guy Carleton received insti-uctions to evacuate New York. 1783. Here are afeto of the unptexi-sanf d wonh, That ever Hotted paper. Merchant of Venice. A. in., 8. 2. ft. Congress ordered a monument to Gen. Greene to be erected at Washington. 1820. Sign-s of noUeruess, like, «/ar.s, .s7k/// shine On aM deservers. Macbeth. A. i., S. 4. 9. Gen. Heath appointed a Major General. 177(i. By deed-a/ihieving honour neioly narrid CORIOLANUS. A. II., 8. 1. 10. News of the Declaration of Independence received at Savannah. 1770. With news the time's luith lahrjur, and thnx-.s forth, Each minute some. Antony and Cleopatiia. A. iii., 8. 7. 11. Capt. John Smith assumes connaaiid in Virginia. 1609. By heaven. Til throve at all: I have a thousand, spirits in one f>rea.it, To amncer twenty thousand, such rw ijoii. riifiiAiii) II. A. IV., 8. 1. 12. King Philip killed at Mount Hope, R. I. 1670. A dea/lly groan, like life and denth's depart inq. See who it is: and., noio the battle's e.wled, I/friend, orfo>', let him l)e gently ns'd. Henry vi. P. 3. A. ii., 8. 6. 38 13. U. S. Frigate Essex captured the English Sloop of war Alert. 1812. The riches of the ship is come on shore. Othello. A. ii., S. 1. 14. Jay's treaty with Great Britain ratified. 17'.'"). Laud ive tlie gods; And let our crooked smokes climb to their rtostrHs From our Mess'd altars! Publish ive this peace To all our subjects. Cymbeline. a. v.. S. .1 15. John Carroll, U. D. the first ('atholie i islmp in America consecrated. 1790. / have touched the highest point q'' all mi/ great ikks. Henry viil A. rn., S. 2. 16. Battle of Bennington. 1777. The day is ours. Come, brother, let's to the highest of the Jr eld, To see tvhat friends are living, who are dead. Henry IV. P. 1. A. v., S. -i. 17. Gen. Pickens died. 1817. Here none but soldiers, and, Home's servitors, Repise in fame. Titus Andronicus. A. i., S. '2. 18. Wasliiugum took leave of his officers at Newl«uigli. 1783. I count myself in nothing else so happy. As in a sot J rememU ring my good friends; And, as my fortune ripens with thy love, If shall lie still thy true love's recompense. Richard ii. A. ii., S. 3. lit. Baron de Kalb died. 1780. AUGUST. 39 llVIl bury Iiim: and tlicn, wliot's birnT, niinf's rinhlf. Let's do it after the Idgh Roman fashion. And make death proud to take ns. Antony and Cleopatra. A. iv.. S. lo. 20. Battle of Miami in Ohio between (len. Wayne and the British and Indians. 1794. The maimer hotu this action hath Ijeen borne, Here at more leisure may your highness read. Henry iv. P. 2. A. iv., S. t. 21. Statue of George 111, erected in the Bowling Gieen. N. Y. 1770. Let it not cumber your better remembra>/tT. TiMON OF Athens. A. iii., S. H. 22. Gen. Howe landed on Long Island. 177(). IV/iat neius abroad? No Jiews so bad abroad, as this at home. RlCHAKD III. A. I., S. 1. 2:1 Com. Perry died. 1819. These eyes, thatnoio are dimmed, with death's Idack veil, Have been as piercing as the mid-day si(n. Henry vi. P. 3. A. v., S. 2. 24. The capitol ;it Washington liurned by the British. 1814. Neivsftting to the night. Black, fearful, comfortless, and horrible. King John. A. v., S. (i. 25. Gen. Knyphausen landed near New Utrecht. L. Island. 1776. We must have bloody noses, and erack'd croivns, And pass them current too. ■ Gods me, my horse ! Henry iv. P, 1. A. 11.,' S. 3. 26. Col. John Laurens kdled at Cheraw Neck, S. C. 1782, 40 Youm in tlve ranks of deutli. King Leaf;. A. iv., 8. 2. 27. Battle of Long Island. 177(5. The storm is up, and all is on the hazard. JULRTS C.ES.\I!. A. v., S. 1. 28. American Army crossed from Brooklyn to New York. 1776. It now dratus toward night: — Beyond the river ive'U encamp ourselves; And on to-morroio hid them march away. Henky v. a. hi., 8. H. 29. Gov. Fletcher assumed the office of Governor of New York. Ifi92. Art thou officer? Or art thou base, commnn, and popular ? Henky v. A. iv., S. 1. .30. Alexandria, Va. capitidated to the British. lSl-1. They spake not a ivord: But, like dumb statues, or irreatMess stones, Stard on eneh other. KiCHAKD III. A. III., S. 7. 81. William Livingston elected Governor of New Jersey. 1776. This fellotu's of exceeding honesty, And knoius (dl qucdities, with a learned spirit. Of human decdiiujs. OriiELLo. A. III., 8. 3. SEPTEMBER. 1. Gen. Gage ordered troo])s to seize powdei :it (aiii- bridge, Mass. 1774. Sliscliief, fhon art nfixit, Take flioii what rniirse thou wilt. Jdlius CiESAi!. \. HI.. S. :;. 2. Capt. Brougliton of Marblehead, received the Hri»t naval commis.sion issued by Congress. 177.i. Have you a precedent Of' this commhsion? I believe, not any. Henry viii. A. i., 8. '2. H. D'Estaing arrived off Tybee Island from the West Indies. 1779. 1 serve the king; On lohose employment I was -sent to you. King LE.\it. A. ii., S. 2. 4. Gen. William Thompson died near Carlisle, Pa. 1781. Say how he dyd,/or I will hear it all. Henry vi. P. 3. A. ii., S. 1. 5. The first general Congress met in Carpenter's Hall, Philadelphia. 1774. Now .sit we close about this taper here, And. call in question our necessities. Julius C.4i;sar. A. iv., S. 3. SErXEMBEE. 42 fi. New London burned by Gen. Arnold. 1781. But, it is true, — without any slips of prolixity, or crossiiui the plain highivay of talk. Merchant of Venice. A. in., S. 1. 7. John Colman, the first Englishman killed bv the Indians, buried at Sandy Hook, N. J. 1609. For so I have strew'd it in the common ear, And so it is received. Me.\sui!e for Measure. A. i., S. 4. 8. Battle of Eutaw Sprmgs. 1781. What stir is this? What tumult's in the heavens? Whence cometh this alarum, and the noise? Henry VI. P. 1. A.i., S. 4. 9. Boonsborough, Ky. attacked by the Indians. 1778. Arm, arm, ami out! //" this, which he avouches, does appear. There is norfying hence, iwr tarryinif here. M.\CBETH. A. v., S. .'). 10. Perry's victory on Lake Erie. 1813. Fear ive broadsides ? no, let thejieiul give fire. Henry iv. P. 2. A. ii., 8. 4. 11. Battle of Plattsburg. 1814. Ih-morrow, soldier. By sea and land FU fight: or I icilJ live. Or bathe my dying honojtr in the blood Shall make it live again. Antony and Cleopatra. A. iv., S. 2. 12. Battle of North Point, Md. 1814. To whom God will, there Ix the victory. Henry vi. P. 8. A. ii., S. 5. 18. Gen. Wolfe climbed the Heights of Abraham. 1759. 43 'iiir-rnr: Death makes no couquesf of this irmqi For now he lives in fame, though not in lir',. Richard hi. A. in.. S. 1. 14. Aarou Burr died. 183(5. 0, that a. mighty nmn, of such descent. Of such possessions, and so high esteem. Should he infused with so foul a spirit. Taming of the Shrew. Induction. S. 2. lo. Gen. Howe took pos.session of New York. 177(; Open your city gates. Be humbled to us; call my sovereign yours. And do him homage as otmlient subjects. Henry vi. P. 1. A. iv.. S. 2. IH. Action at Harlem Plaiu.s. 177(i Thou know'st, great son, The end of war's uncertain. CORIOLANUS. A. v., S. 3. 17. Federal Constitution adopted. 1787. Why, here's a change, indeed, in the commonwealth. Measure for Measure. A. i., S. 2. 18. Quebec surrendered to the English. 1759. Now by my faith, lords, 'twas a glorious day. Henry vi. P. 2. A. v., S. 3. 19. Battle of Stillwater. 1777. Thus/ar our fortune keeps an upioard course, And we are grac'd imth wiraths of victory. Henry vi. P. 3. A. v., S. 3. 20. Massacre at Paoli, Pennsylvania. 1777. This is the Moodiest sJiame, The tvildest savag'ry, the vilest stroke, Tlwi ever wcdl-ey'd ivrath, or staring rage, SErTEMBEi:. 44 Prenenh'd in flie fears of soft reniorsf-. King John. A. iv., S. 3. 21. First interview between Ainolil ami Andiv. 178(1. nidnstrnous frecwhery ! Can this !»■ xn: That in alliance, amity, and oaths, There .should he found such false dissemhlint) gxih . Henry vi. P. 1. A. iv., S. 1. 22. Samuel Adams born. 1722. Ay, sir; to be honest, as this toorhl goes, is to lie one man picked, nnf of ten thousand. Hamlet. A. ii., S.2. 23. Treaty of peace signed with Great Britain. 17SH. Thy threafning colours now wind, up, And tame the savac/e spirit of ivild war. King John. A. v., S. 2. 24. Major Andre captured. 1780. Som£ treason, master's; yet stanel close. Much Ado about Nothing. A. iii., S. 3. 25. William Bradford, Attorney General of the United States died. 1791. I charge you by tiie law, Wiiereof you are a ivell-d&serving pillar. Proceed to judgment. Merchant of Venice. A. iv., S. 1. 2(1 John Jay appointed Minister to Spain. 1779. 0, he sits high, in all the people's hearts: And that, luhicli ivould appear qffenee in us. His counteiumce, like richest cdchymy, Will change to virtue., and to tvorthiness. Julius Cesar. A. i., S. 8. 27. Geu. Moultrie died. 1805. SEPTEMBER. 45 Let US Find out the prettiest daizierl jilot we com. And. nuike him luith our pikes ami partimns A f/rove. Cymbeline. a. IV., H. 2. 28. Lieut. Gov. ( ^adwalader Coldeu of Nm- rectiou ) died. 1786. We are all diseased; Ami, ivith our stirfeitinc/, and loanton hours. Have brougJd ourselves into a burning fever. And lue must bleed for it. Henry iv. P. 2. A. iv., S. 1. 30. Board of general officers condema Andre as ,t spy. 1780. Let no man speak again To cdter this, for counsel is but vain. RicH.ujD II. A. III., S. 2. ^^f^^/^ OCTOBER. 1. Commodore James Biddle died. 1848. Thy life, hath hct/l some smatch of honour in it. Julius C^sar. A. v., S. ;">. 2. Major Andre' hanged. 1780. Hoioe'er it be, I m.miot but be sad; so heavy sacl, As, — thottgh, in thinkhig, on no thought I think, — Hakes me ivith heavy nothing faiiit aiid, shrink. ElCHARD II. A. II., S. 2. 3. Great Seal of New Jersey adopted. 1776. Let the court of France shoiv me siich another. Merry Wives of Windsor. A. in., H. 8. •1. Battle of Germantown. 1777. Tedious it were to tdl, and harsh to hear. Taming of the Shrew. A. in., S. 2. 5. Battle of the Thames. 1813. Ne'er heard I of a ivarlike enterprize More venturous, or desperate tluin this. Henry vi. P. 1. A. ii., S. 1. 6. Esopus burned by the British. 1777. Thou Iiast made me giddy With these ill tidings. King John. A. rv., S. 2. OCTOBEK. 47 7. William Penu anived at Newcastle, Pa. l(]»2. Pray you, bid These uuhwwn friends to us ivelcoine: for if is- A ivay to nuike us better friends, more known. Winter's Tale. A. iv., S. '6. H. .Tohu Haucock died. 1793. Tliou knuw'st, t'is common; all, that live, must die, Passing through nature to eternity. H.\MLET. A. I., S. 2. 9. Siege of yavauuab. 1779. Girdled, with a waist of iron, And hemm'd about luith grim de.strurtion. Heney VI. P. 1. A. IV., S. H. 1(1. Benjamin We^st bora. 1738. Spider-like, Out iers, i hiffle fri rt's like to the morninrf-s war, WlicK (tijiuci i-loiidf: contend toith inorning light. Henry vi. P. 3. A. ii., S. 5. 27. Washinstou vesteil by C()np;rt'ss with dictatorial ]io\ver.s. 177(i. Either our history ahull, icith/ull iiumfh, Spenk freely of our acts; or else our grave. Like Turkish ninte, shall have a, tongueIe-is mnxth, Xot ivorship'd with a loaxen epitaph. Henry v. A. i., S. 2. 28. American Coiiiiiii.ssioners hold their first interview with Count Vergennes. 1776. We hojw to find you our friend ; and therefore give you our voices heartily. CORIOLANUS. A. II , S. H. 21*. Action lictween the Constitution and Java. 1812. To the sea-side straightway : I inill possess you of that ship and trcainre. Antony and Cleop.vtra. A. in., S. !). 80. Buttalo burned by the British. 1813. Can such things be; And overcome us like a summer's cloud. Without our special toonder. Macbeth. A. iii., S. 4. 31. Gon. Mouigoiuery died. 1775. His good, rememhrancc, sir. Lies riche ■ in your thoughts, than on his tomb. All's well that ends well. A. l, S. 2. 88 ^^^^' >^/ -^^^^ :miM> ■^:...■^^ ^) lECKMAN INDERY INC. ^ SEPT 88 ifgi^ N. MANCHESTER,