U. S. SANITARY COMMISSION. No. 64. WHAT THE U. S. 3ANITAEY COMMISSION IS DOING IN THE VALLEY OF THE MISSISSIPPI. LETTER ER03I DR. J. S. NEWBERRY TO HOX. W. P. SPRAGUE. Louisville, Ky., Feb. 16, 1863. Hon. W. p. Speague, Chairman Military Com., Ohio State Senate: Dear Sir : — I received your letter of the 13th yesterday, und im- prove the first leisure moment to send you the information you have requested in regard to the operations of the Sanitary Com- mission. If you will have the kindness to read the accompan3ang documents, I think you will get a good general idea of what the Commission is doing in the Valley of the Mississippi, and how its business is done. If you care to go outside of this department and learn what it is accomplishing in the East, I must refer you to the series of the Commission publications, which I send you by Express. ^ In addition to other matters with which I thus burden you — f or perhaps more properly in explanation of them — permit me to call your attention to the following brief synopsis of the aims, methods and results of the Sanitary Commission : 1st. The U. S. Sanitary Commission was authorized and ordered by the President, Secx-etary of War, and Surgeon General, and by I— T j O 2 them it was granted certain powers and privileges, and assigned special duties, set forth in documents Nos. 2, and 25, of its series of publications. 2d. It was, however, designedly made dependent for its support on the voluntary contributions of the people. This support has been more and more liberal as the value and magnitude of the work it is doing has been more generally recognized. Since its organi- zation it has expended over three hundred thousand dollars in cash, and has distributed Hospital stores of the value of several millions. At the present time more than three fourths of all the contributions made by the people for the benefit of the sick and wounded in the army, pass through this channel ; in the aggregate, amounting to something over one thousand dollars in cash and ten thousand articles of clothing and diet, expended and issued each day. Of this aggregate, about one third of the money and more than one half of the stores are being expended and dis- tributed in the AVestern Department ; the remaining two thirds be- ing expended in the work of the Central office, and in the armies of the East, Since the battles of Murfreesboro and Vicksburg over 4000 packages of hospital stores have been forwarded to these points by the Sanitary Commission. 3d. Among the agencies by which the Commission does its work, may be enumerated. First, its system of Inspections — general and special — for the prevention of disease, and the investigation of wants. Second, its system of Geneeal relief ; for the pro- duction, transmission and distribution of needed supplies not furn- ished by Government. Third, its system of Special relief; for procuring papers, pay, transportation and pensions for discharged soldiers and all those requiring this sort of assistance. Fourth, its system of Publication for the dissemination of Sanitary knowl- edge, technical or general, through the medium of the press. Fifth, its Soldiers' Homes. Sixth, its Hospital Directory. Seventh, its system of Transportation of sick and supplies by San. Com. steamers and hospital cars. Although the limits to which I am restricted in this communi- cation will forbid me from giving you a full description of all the details of this somewhat complex machinery, the functions of a part of it may be inferred from my enumeration of the difierent classes of agents employed by the Commission, with a synopsis of their \ ._ duties; and I will refer specifically to the more important parts not 'thus described. 4th. The agents employed by the Sanitary Commission arc, First, ' General Inspectors. — Medical men who accompany the army, keeping watch over camps and hospitals; occupied in removing the causes of disease, investigating the condition and wants of the sick and wounded, supplementing, when necessary, the resources of the Government in the supply of these wants, and carefully supervis- ing the use made of the stores furnished by the people and distrib- uted by themselves or their subordinates. Second, Special In- spectors OF Hospitals. — Eminent medical men temporarily em- ployed to make rounds of inspection in our military hospitals. Third, Storekeepero in charge of depots of Sanitary Stores which are located among, or near, all important bodies of troops, delivering on requisitions from Surgeons, or our own distributing agents, sup- plies for the sick, taking receipts for, and making record of all is- sues. Fourth, Special relief agents engaged in the distribution of stores, in procuring discharges and pay, transportation and pen- sions, and so far as possible relieving wants and suffering wherever they occur. Fifth, Canvassing Agents, exploring the home-field, and promoting the preparation and forwarding of supplies. Sixth, Ojfice Clerks, keeping up the accounts, records, and correspon- dence of the Commission and the Hospital Directory in its ofiices at Washington and Louisville. Seventh, Messengers, who accom- pany shipments of stores to prevent delays or losses. In the Western Department there are nearly one hundred of these agents constantly employed in the service of the Commission, to say nothing of all those who are engaged in the preparation and forwarding of stores for our distribution, and the earnest and inde- fatigable corps of volunteer laborers who are connected with our Branch Commissions, at Chicago, Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati, Louisville, &c. 5th. Soldiers' Homes. — These are intended to aflford comfortable quarters to discharged men, who, weak and disabled, without money or friends, need such resting places on their way to their places of residence ; to those taken sick in transitu, and to those waiting for their papers, or their pay. All such are here received cleansed, fed, clothed, cared for kindly and well, saved from shar- pers and helped on their way. A number of homes of this kind have been established by the Commission in the east and west, and up to the present time have accommodated over 60,000 of our sol- diers. At least half of these have been entertained at the Sanitary Commission " Homes " in the west, established at Cairo, Louis- ville, Nashville, Cincinnati, Columbus and Cleveland. Measures are now being taken to increase the number and efficiency of these institutions, which confessedly represent one of the most important branches of our work. 6th. Hospital Dikectories. — Of these there are two established by the Sanitary Commission, one at Washington and the other at Louisville. They are intended to be complete registers of all the inmates of our Military General Hospitals. Already they contain each over 50,000 Soldiers names — Louisville over 65,000 — and are affording precious information and unspeakable comfort to those who have friends sick or wounded in the army. At Louisville we are sometimes called upon to answer a hundred or more inquiries in a day, coming from residents of all parts of the west. We here receive regular reports from Hospitals in the following places : Columbus, Ohio. Cairo, HI. Gallatin, Tenn. Cleveland, <( Mound City, " Jackson, Iichael Whalen, serg't, Co B, 18th Reg. Thomas Narry, private, Co G, ISth Reg. 17 Geo. Moore, private, Co A, 18th Reg. Gevilford D. Sims, private, Co C, 42 111. John J. Gitely, private, Co K, 5th Ky. Christian Schralk, private, Co F, 18th Reg. John Jackabeck, private, Co P, 18th Reg. Barnard Brink, private, Co P, 18th Reg. Michael Maley, private, Co B, 18th Reg. Newton Tborp, private, Co G, 18th Reg. Dan'l Woodland, corporal, Co F. 18th, Ohio. John L. Gray, private, Co. E, 18thO*»io. John Benham, private. Co H, 19th 111. Asa Z. Scott, private, Co B, 18th Ohio. Sherman Friece, private, Co E, ISlh Ohio. Wm H. McDonald, private, Co. E, 18th O. James Quinn corporal, Co A, 18th Ohio. Bilford Griffith, corporal, Co G, 18th Ohio, James D. James, private, Co 1, 18th Ohio. L. D.Carter, ord- sergeant, Co I, 18th Ohio. Isaac Washington, private, Co F, 18th Ohio- Patrick Ford, private, Co H, 18th Ohio. Leroy S Bardroft, private, Co. B, ISth O. L. H. Kcnnard, private, Co B, 18th Ohio. David Lakeu, private, CoD, 18th Reg. Thos. P. flyers, corporal, Co P, 18tht)hio. Maurice Schwartz, sergeant, Co B, 18th Reg. Austin K. Peckins, private, Co F, 18th Ohio- Roland Pericolet. private, Co K, 19th 111. Henry Roby, sergeant, Co A. 18th Ohio. Harrison Dartt, private, Co D, 18th Ohio. Wm. H. Wright, sergeant. Co 1, 18th Ohio. Joseph Matt private, Co I, 19th 111. W. A Mills, private, Co G, 3d Ohio. R. S Singleton, private, Co E, 3d Ohio. Wm. C. Kesver, private, Co C, 3d Ohio. Albert P Asher, private, Co F, 3d Ohio. C. W. Wood, private, Co I, 3d Ohio. Wm. Wertz, private, Co A, .3d Ohio. Geo. A. Ball, corporal, Co H, 3d Ohio. W. C. Light, private, Co C, 3d Ohio. E. C. Nichols, sergeant, Co I, 3d Ohio. W. H. H. Piatt, drummer, Co A, 11th Mich. P. V Delbre, private, CoE, 11th Mich. B. P. Cliibine, private, CoE, 11th Mich. D. S. Letrick, private, Co A, 69th Ohio. P. A. Wattman, private, Co B, 11th Mich, Martin tanner, private, Co G, 11th Mich. Geo. Davidson, private, Co B, G9th Ohio. Wm. K. Wood, private, Co A, 11th Mich. Wm. P. Wood, private, Co A, 11th Mich. [ G. W. Parrand, private, Co D. 11th Mich I Henry Day, private, Co H, 39th Ind. i Robert Glenn, private, Co I, .3d Ohio. A. Fenton, captain, Co B, 18th Ohio. A. W. S. Minear, adjutant, 18th Ohio. , Thomas Duncan, private, Co A. 12 !d 111 . James J. Foundry, private. Co I, 123d 111. Wm. Condeu, private, Co G, 123d 111. Jacob Durston, private, Co A, 34th 111. 1 Elias Sarus, private, Co I, 21st Ohio. I George Smith, private, Co F, 21st Ohio. I Westley Snyder, private, Co E, 21st Ohio. ; John E. Brown, private, Co E, 37th Ind. John Stahl, private, Co I, 37th Ind. Levi Cochran, private, Co D, 37th Ind. Andrew Vansickle, sergeant, Co D. 37th Ind. i Robard Allen, private, Co G, 37th Ind James Wise, corporal, Co D, .37th Ind. John Turner, private, Co I, 93d Ohio. Garrett Linscott, private, Co E, 74th Ohio. ! Harris Williams, private, Co K, 74th Ohio. Hush Tucker, private, Co G. 39th Ind. Jack Rice, private, Co G, 39th Ind. Andrew Ilackman, private, Co A, .39th Ind. Joseph Wyburn, private, Co II, 74th Ohio. Danvin W. Row, corporal, Co A, 39th Ind. Ralph II. Jones, private, Co A, 39th lud. : Henry Elwell, private, Co I, 80th 111. 1 David Miller, private, Co G, 21st Ohio. I Samuel C. Frier, private. Co E, 21st Ohio I Elenor S. Shoemaker, private, Co F 21st O Joshua Sworrer, private, Co F, 21st Ohio. P. W. Bishop, private, Co B, 21 st Ohio. Bramit Brant, private, Co E, 2d Tenn. Cav. I Newton Barkhomes, private, Co c, 21st O. : James H. Baker, private, Co H. 21st 111. I Peter Griner, private, Co. G, 101st Ohio. Ernest Rife, private, CoH, 24th 111. W. S. Stevens, corporal, Co E. 49th Ohio. ; Albert B. Cottingham, pr'te, Co I, 39th Ind. i Henry II. Wise, private, Co A, loth Ohio. i H. W. Jones, corporal, Co A, 39th Ind. Absolom Herrill, corporal, Co A. 39th Ind Townsend Fall, private, Co D, 19th Reg. , Desire Kleniwork, private. Co A, 19th 111. ^ Levi Kelly, private, Co E. 69th Ohio. George Harting, private, Co E, 69th Ohio. ; John Doyle, drummer, Co E, 69th Ohio. ' I GENERAL HOSPITAL, No. 2, MURFREESBORO', TENNESSEE. George W. Ashton, private, co E, 15th Ohio. F. W. Saunders, ord. sergeant, co K, 15th O. Wm. Boyer, private, co B, 49th Ohio. Jeremiah Iloutz, private, co D, 39th Ind. Tyers Predk, private, co E, 34th 111. Sam'l Graham, sergeant, co E, 3d Ten. Cav. J. S. Risor, private, co C, 15th Ohio. George House, private, co E, 2d Tenn. Cav. Kellam Smith, private, co E, 1st Ohio Art'y. Allen N. Hancock, sergeant, co G, 29th Ind. Geo. S. Richards, corporal, co E, S9th HI. Orlin W. Tremain, corporal, co I, 3Uth Ind. Simeon A. Davis, private, co B, 101st Ohio. George Miller, private, co F, 39th Ind. Noah Stockman, private, co D, 39th Ind. Glinman Thomas, private, co C, 38th 111. Magill. J. M., private, co K, 1st East Tenn. Geo. Herrell, private, co. H, 1st East Tenn. Henjy C. Hart, private, co 1, 1st East Tenn. Jesse McCready, private, co C, Ist East'Teu. Jas. Bowman, private, co I, Is. East Tenn. Wm. Lane, private, co I, 1st East Tenn. Geo. W. Diggs, private, co K, 1st East Tenn. Russell Harrington, private, co C, 4th Mich. Cav. John Brashears, private, co 1, 1st East Tenn. Jas. McDaniels, corporal, co E, 39th Ind. Dupes Emanuel, private, co 1, 1st Ohio. Braun, N. C, private, coE, 59th 111. Thos. J. Slusser, corporal, co F, 59th 111. 2 Marshal M. Beach, sergeant, co D,4th Mich. Cav. Patrick Bonner, private, co 1, 1st Ohio. J. C. Harts, private, co H, 40th Ohio. Mich'l Kimmel, corporal, co K, 101st Ohio. Wm. H. Jones, private, 4th Re^'t Art y. John V- Kidney, private, 4th Ohio. Jacob Smith, private, co K, 101st Ohio. Jerome B. Halley, private, co B, lOlst Ohio Cnas. H. Mottler, private, co C, 4th O. Cav. Peter Diebold, private, co A, 4th Ohio Cav. Henry Wickers, private, co K,4th Ohio Cav. Thos. W. Thompson, private, co D, 74th O. Hillcr. Chas. C, sergeant, co B, 24th 111. Wm. Webber, corporal, co K, 24th 111. Chas H. Baird, priv'e, co A, 4th Mich. Cav. Henry Nelson, private, co B, 36th 111. Philip Mangle, private, co B, 38th Ohio. Henry Dougherty, private, co K. 38th Ohio. Thomas Wells, private, co K, 38th Ohio. Philip J. Minmick, private, co K, 74th Ohio. Wm. Breauzealis, corp, co. 1, 1st E. Tenn. James Penrod, private, co C, 74th Ohio. Geo. F. Schnebly, corp. co. E, 74th Ohio. Wm. Fitzgerald, private, co C, 38th Ohio. Richard \^nslack, private, co C, 3d O. Cav. Jacob North, corporal, co A, 8th Ind. Jos. W. Rose, private, co D, 5th East Tenn. McCoUum, Wm. A , private, 5th East Tenn. Jno.W. Davis, private, co F,5th East Tenn. 18 GENERAL HOSPITAL, No. 4, MURFREESBORO', TENNESSEE. Lyman C Galpin, private, 4th Mich Cav. K C Owen, lieutenant, co K, Slst Ind. E C Whittaker, private, co C. 51st Ind. H S Spaulding, private. John E Agler, private. BickfordN Hutchinson, private. Geo H Collins, private. O J Orcutt, private. Jno F Heilder, priv. co B, 03d O. Evan D Davies, private, co C, 21st Wis. Kemus A Pate, private, co K, 3d Ky cav. Geo I Compton, private co K, 3d Ky cav. Nathaniel Dellingham, priv. co E. 7-lth 111. diaries Thomas, private, co E, 3Sth O. Geo Mansur, private co 1). 21st Wis. Jas Scarborough, priv co D, 2d mid. Tenn. Wm C Hill, private co E. 1st east Tenn. Benj Jones, private, co C, 74th 111. David E Lcitz, private, coH, T5th 111. Abraham Mires, private, co A, 75th 111. Geo II Norris private, co. G, 86th Ind. Augustus W Wilharra, priv co A, SUth Ind. 8 B. McTcer, ass'torcil'y, co F, 2d Tenn cav. Peter Kiser, corp'l, co F, 88th Ind. Jacob Vitzer, private, co K, 51st Ind. J R Alexander, private, co B, S6th, Ind. Geo W Harris, priv, to C, 94th O. Harrison Wilson, serg'tco G,04th Ohio. Oliver H Peed, private, co K, S6th Ind. Wm L Smith, private, co E, 04th O. M G. Goforth, private, co B, 7th Tenn. John Wilson, private, co G. 94th O. Cyrenius Dennis, private, co C, 75th 111. Edw B Proctor, private, co E, 18th O cav. Louis Keinkeu, corp'l co K, 2d Mo. J T Furlow, corp'l co G, 10th Texas cav (reb) Jas T Walker, corp', Ico H, 25th 111. Rob't Harrison, private co C, 2d Tenn cav. Sam'l II Cain, corp'l co I, 84th 111. J N Andrews, corp'l co F, 74th 111. Jacob Arantd, private, co E, 5th Ky, Louis- ville Legion. Joshua A Lancaster, private, co D. 9th Ky. John ^IcCorniick private, co G, 37th Ind. John Madden, private, co G, 37tn Ind. Sam'l L Pugh, private, co B, 1st East Tenn. Humphery A Brown, private, 5th Wis bat- George W Angel, private co K 18th O. Robin Martin, private, co F, 42d Ind. Levi Morris, private co I 37th Ind. Alfred A Dixon, private co H 87th 111" Allen W Warnock, serg. co G 27th Ind. Casper Jlesmer, private, co D, 17th reg. Thos A English, private, co I 42d Ind. Eli French, private, co D, 20rh Ind. Spencer Thomas, eerg co C 4th Mich cav. Lemuel Beirficld, private co 11 ".'Sth 111. Winlield Laddoris, private, co E, 38th O. Jas F Morland. corp'l, co II. 8th Ky. John C Loy. corp'l, co D, 49th O. Elzer B. Lawrence, corp'l coH. 34th 111. FRAME HOUSE HOSPITAL, (Weed's House,) MURFREESBORO' PIKE, TENNESSEE, February 10, 1863. John Anderson, private, co I, 21st 0. W T Long, corporal, co A, 21st 0. Louis Pruashan, private, co G, 51 st III John O'Riley, private, co E, 2 st 111. Charles F'enfield, private, co D. iQlst 0. Alfred Young, private, co I, 3Sth Ind. Samuel J' hnson, corporal, co C, lOth Wis. John M Gray, corporal, co I, 9tb Ky. Henry Hippiirt, private, co h", 92d ('. Reuben I'arker. corporal, co E, 1st 0. Elisha T Tourtillott, corporal, co F, 111. Jasper M Martin, corporal, co K, 42d Ky. Franklin H Boiss, piivate, co K, 42d Ind. John Roth, private, co E, 15th Wi". (No •) John M I.opan private, co D, 93d O. Reuben 'SV'illiams, private, co B, 16lh rog. B P Jenkinp, private, co D, 9th Ky. Henry Riley, private, co 6, 40th Ind. Talton Enle, private, co K, S6th Ind. James Lacy, private, co 1, 44tb 111. Leman Brcntly, corpora!, co I, 15th Jlo. Archibald Rigart, private, co G, 9th Ky. Enos Reed, privjite, co E, 8Sth Ind. James Acker, private, co B, 15th reg. James F Manley, corpoial, co D, 3Sth Ind. Patrick Joice, private, co C. 33d 111. Edwin larry, corporal, co G, 75th 111. A'ietor Sern, 1st sergeant, col, 15th Mo. Willy Pilkinton, prl ate, co R, 75th 111. William linslon, private, co I, 38th III Peter Peterson, private, co H, 15th Wis. James Botforff, private, co F 39th Ind. Keils I Gilbeit, sergeant, co F. 15th Wis. Ole Iverson, private, co H, l.'ith Wi? . Jacob Hartman, private, co F,38th Ind. Samuel Thayer, private, co }*, 74th Ind. Linoer Baker, corporal, co G, 74th 0. John F Laffcrty. corporal, co I. 22d 111. Andrew Scott, private, co C, 3d O. Christopher P«ters, private, co H. 69th 0. Green B ."^teward, private, co K, llth Ky. Niels J Kida, coiporal, co H, 15th Wis. Robert AVilson, private, co G, f-9th III Geo Vv llouke, priv»te, co A, 4th 5'la. (rebel) Robert C Gray, private, co C, 6th Ind. Samuel S Cattingham, private, co I, 30th Ind. (nurse.) Chas W Hall, private, co C, 5fth 0. Daniel Dunn, private, co G. 5th Ky. hbenezer Baird, 6th Onio Battery, (independ- ent.) Chas H Bonames, private, co B, 3Sth Ind. >athan Frederickson, private, co H, 30th Ind, GENERAL FIELD HOSPITAL, REAR OF BATTLE FIELD, 5 MILES FROM MURFREESBORO'. J. T. Moore, Surgeon in charge. C C 'Webb, Captain, co E, 13th Mich. N W Noble, Lieutenant, 51st 0. Lewis Hill, corporal, co B, 43d 111. Henry Porter, 1st sergeant, co G, 6th Ky. Michael Lanck, private, co D. 99th O. Robert Moses, private, co M, 3d Ky Cav. Jack To'tifoger. private, co A, 32d Ind. Cyrus Dixon, private, co A, 32d Ind. John McAllister, prirate co F, 90th 0, William Mi net, private, co F, 82d 0. Jacob E Conkling, sergeant, co B, 44th 111, Richard Jenkins, private, co I, 27th 111. William Carter, corporal, co K, 74th O. I George McDaniels, private, co C, 84th 111. William H Server, private, co G, 82d Ind. 1 James B Jones, corporal, co I, 37th, Ind. 19 Henry B Deflnduffer, private, co E, SStb 111. M H Martin, private, c« E, 9-tth 0. Thos C Leedom, private. Bat F, Ist A. Jacob Mansfield, private, c i D. 51st 0. Bennentt Hewl, private, co G, 42d 111. John Wolf, private, co C, 101st O. Samuel Patrick, private, co A, 84th 111. George Crenner, private, co H, 57th Ind. \Vm D Buckland, private, co E, 90th 0. Patrick Padden. private, co H, 1 6th Regulars. Hugh HcGarrighan, private, co E, 24th 0. Joseph Johnson, private, co F, 2d Tenn. Robert Campbell, private, co D, 18th 0. Peter Smale. private, co A, 7Sth Pa. Valentino Coyn, corponil, co D, 21st 0. Thaddeus W Coffeen, private, co D, .j.Otli 111. Henry Shartzer. private, co B 3Sth O. Peter Boyle private, co F, 78th Pa. James Brannen, private, co D, 51st 111. Jas C Wash, p'ivate. co E, 19th 111. James A Kisinger, corp'l, co I, 101st O. Jeremiah Hayes, private, co E, .37th Ind. Eeidolph Jacoper, private, c.) H, '22d 111. Wm M Brown, corporal, co H, 35th 111. Thomas B White, private., co K, ()4th 0. John L McLaiii, private co K, 70th Ind. Dr F Ray, private, co K, G9th Ind. Samuel T Hooke, private, co B, 70th Ind. Martin Corlett, private, 18th USA. WmHarn, private, co E, 86th Ind. Thomas Collins, private, coG, 21st O. Henry Weller, private Goth O. Wm J Coffiey, sers't, co C, 2Cth Ind. Wm F Ness, serg't, co H, 86th Ind. Jeremiah Cook, corp'l co D, 78th Penn. Nathal L Coffenday, private, co C, 86th Ind. Henry Oxley, private, co K, 86th Ind. Geo E Finsay, private, co A, 86th Ind. Geo W Wolf, private, co E, 86th Ind. Milton Cotton, priv.atc, co D, 35th Ind. John Lowe, private, co F, 35th Ind. Dennis Powers, private, co E, 35th Ind. Thos Ryan, private, co G, 35th Ind. Andrew Syphon, private, co I. 35th Ind. Haarlieg liarker, private, co F, .35th Ind. John O'Bryne, private, co E, 35th Ind. David Clover, private, co D, 73d 111. Phillip Gaithers, private, co D, 2d Mo. Theopolis Sider, private, co D, 15th Mo. John Ahues, private, co F, 2d Mo. Charles Nowcart, sergeant, co F, 2d Mo. Herman Blommer, private, co D, 2d Mo. W M LandsdoTvn, private, co B, 21st III. Avery Hawkins, private, co K, 3Sth III. Lambert Scott, sergeant, co B, 23d Ky. Josiah Jortimon private, co A loth O. George McLafiiin, private, co A, 13th 0. James Rogers, private, co A 33d 0. Jas Pend'gast, privatf^, co K, 22d 111. Simeon T Lovejoy, private, co A, 3Sth 0. John J Wilsey, sergeant, co A, 3Sth 0. Geo Earbon, private, co C, 3od O. Phillip Miller, private, co F, 1.3th O. Thomas Outcalt. private co K, 17th 0. John Simons, private, co A, oSth 0. Kdwin Steley, private, co A, 13th 0. Theodore Ligett, sergeant co G, 74th O. P Deitz, private, co H, 21st O. John L Furgnson, private co E, 74th O. H Rosenhal, private, co G, 1st Mo A. Edward Lacy, corporal, co A. 17th O. Thos J Stiphue, private, co E, 37th Ind. Thos P McCracken, private, co H, .37th Ind. ChasBashman private, co I, .34th Ind. Green Delee. private, co P. 1st Tenn cav. Rufiis Duncan, private, co C, 51st 111. Jesse Dougherty, private, co II, 27th 111. Denton Weigel, private co P. .32d Ind. Mathias Temple, musician, SOth O. M Kavenaugh, private, co I 22d 111. Wm Plumkitt, private, co D, .3Sth 111. J L Harrington, private, co P. 18th reg. Chas M Kelley, private, co G, 42d 111. Addison Hamilton, private, co H, 18th O. H Miller, private, co K, 25th 111. D C Winburn, serg't, co II. 8th Ky. Chas Peterson, corporal co K, 51st 111. John Glaspe, private, co G, 16th USA. Jacob P Kottinger, private, co B, 16th USA. Clayton Everett, serg't, co H. 47th O. Silas Warford, private, co C, 8th Ky. HOSPITAL No, 1, MURFREESBORO'. Geo B Douglas, 2d lieut, co C, 36th 111. D B Van Winkle, serg,t, co K, 73d 111. J A Hawkins, musician co C, 44th 111. Geo H McKinuie, private co F, 73d 111. H B Latham private co B, 30th 111. James Frazer, private, co Hj 22d 111. Thos Condoh, private, co K, 42d 111. J W Cunningham, private, co G, 22d 111. H D Rossiter. 1st serg't co C, 22d 111. C B Hall, 3d serg't, co B, 22d 111. G W Clark, 1st serg't co C, 27th 111. Thos Welch, private co D, 36th 111. Francis D Lewis, private co I, 22d III. H Larson, private, co A, 15th Wis Andrew Cox, private, co K, SSthlU. M Boedefelt, private co D, 2d Mo James W Swigart, corp'l, co A, 21st Mich Henry Langhurst, private, co B. 42dlll. Herman Peters, private coB, 42d 111. Thadeus L Mott private co D, 42d HI. Rob't Reaves, corp'l co D, 22d 111. St John Aberdein, 2d lieut, co C, 42d HI. James S Briggs, private, co D, 21st 111. John O Kelley, private, co C, 21st Mich. J G Beard, co K, 92d 111. Geo Thomas, private co K, 22d Ill- Valentine Bretz, private co A, 21st Mich. Samuel Tucker, private, co D, 36th 111. Wm E Davis, private, co B, 73d 111. Frank Orst, private, co K, 42d Ill- George Basler, captain, co K, 23d 111. Adam Shieldheiss, private, co P. 22d 111. Andrew A Perry, private, co C. 22d 111. Simon L Smith, private, co P, 36th 111. John Shrader, private, co A, 44th 111. Lemuel Wooldridge, corp'l co I, 21st Mich. M J Sheridan, col serg' co D, 42d 111. J Milelane, private co C, 97th 111. Jas C Purdy, private, co C, 42d 111. J D Barrett, private, co E, 24th Wis. Geo B Tyler, private, co A- 21st Mich. Dennis Ryan, private, co G. 22d 111. O F Whipkey, private, co II, 27th 111. Jesse Witt, serg't co E, 56tli Tenn. Oscar T Blood, private co G, 2tst Mich. N Olson, private, co G, 36th 111. Nelson Erickson, private, co D,30 111. Alfred Erickson private, co C. 42d 111. Wm. Whipple, private co D, 21st Mich. Llewellj'n Jenkins, private, co K, 23d 111. George Smith, co P. 22d 111, Geo H Tucker, corporal, co A 24th Wis. W E Cuykendall orivate co P, 42d 111. J W Orzubright, co C. 44th 111. A McManning, private, co K, 22d 111. H N Chittenden, 1st serg't, co H, 36th 111. John A Cameron, private, co I, 2d Ky cav. Geo W Copley, private, co B, 42d 111. H B Purness, corporal co B, 25th Wis. J M Alexander, private, co D, 22d 111, 20 Jas M McConncl, private, co K, 49th O. Iveu Brandeu, private, co F, 15tli O. Jesse Somes, private, co F, istli O. M V Cornelius, co E. 22cl 111. Haslin Sanders, co K, 36th III. B S Powell seigeant, coC 4'2dlll. Gilbert Ketchum, private, co B, 3Gth 111. Ducan Hamilton, private co A. 42 111. Cyrus Perry, private, co E, 36th 111. O F Joues, private, co H, 3.3th 111. Patrick Short, co B, 42 III. Harry C Cooley, private, co G. 21st Mich. FredHaslehurst, captain, co K, 37th 111. Cartes Brouse, captain, co P, 30th Ind. Michael Grand, captain, co 1, 15th Ky. Frank Zuck, private co G, 44th 111. II W Carter, serg't co G, 24th Wis. A Wrasli, private, co K, 24th Wis. Edgar G Abbott 4th Ind Art. Wm H Abott, private 4th Ind Art. Richard Pound, private, co II, 22d 111. Westfield Statibur, private, co K. 24th Wis. Joseph Ower, private, co K,24th Wis. Wm. Gray, private, co I, 22d 111. James Brown, co E, 36th 111. FIELD HOSPITAL, (General Smith's,) NEAR MURPREESBORO'. Doct. Albert Wilson', 1st Ohio, Surgeon in charge. Frank Dissel, 1st Lieut, co E oth Ky. Jas Robinson corporal, co G, 1st Oliio. M Higgins, private, co K, 5th Ky. Harman Schroder, private, co 1, 5th Ky. Jacob G. Eyerly, private, co G. 15lh O. Milton Cowgill, 2d Lieut, 49th O. E O Chandler, private, 5th Ky. i Sylvester Reed, private, co H, 27th 111. FIELD HOSPITAL, (Burris' House,) NEAR MURFREESBORO'. Warner Young, Captain, co D, 64th O. Jas A Fleming, private, co G. 21st 111. Peter ©asher, corp'l, co I, 65th Ohio. II. F. Salchli, private co G, 21st 111. Willard Corey, private, 6th Ohio Battery. Louis Lilly, private, co K, 64th O. Jas. Nixon, private, co F. ISth O. J A Romig corp'l co C, 73d Ind. John Ganwlofl", private, co B. 65th O. Josephus Winget, private co. F, 73d Ind. Chas Deuper. priv, co E, 4th O cav. Jas. D Cartter, private, co K. 5th Ky. David Skinner, private, co F, 30th Ind. Andrew Osborne, corporal, co G, 64tli O. Wm W. Eby, private co C, 64th O. Levi Riddle, serg, co K 81st Ind. Wm Fullmer, private, co C. 73d Ind. Wm Taneyhill, private, co B, 65th O. Wm H Scott, Istlieut 1st O cav. Geo T Ball, corp coB, 65th O. Frank Lumbard, serg co K, 4th Mich cav. Lawson Alexander, private, co E, 51st Ind. Jesse Hock, private, co 11, 35th ill. Henry Dittenpeffer, private, co I, 64th O. Jno W Packer, private, co H, 04th O. FIELD HOSPITAL. 2d DIVISION, RIGHT WING, NEAR MUR- FREESBORO'. Dr. W. H. Park, 4nth Ohio, Surgeon in charge. F W Shackelford, private, co E, 15th O. John T Gantz, sergeant, co F, 34th 111. Jno J Reynard, private, co K, 15th O. Jno Gorgas, private, co A. 34th 111. W Hindman, private, co E, 49th O. Jas H Vannatter, private, co B, 49th O. Dav P Grubbs, private, co B, 49th O. Thos A Wilson, private, co E. 22d Ind. Hugh McKinney, private, co K, 79th III. Joseph Lo3'd, private, co I, 89th 111. Wm Godker, private, co K, 39th Ind. Ernest H Julon, private, co D, 39th Ind. FIELD HOSPITAL, 1st DIVISION, NEAR MURFREESBORO'. Dr. D. L. TiDBALL, 35th Illinois, Surgeon in charge. Joseph Savoy, private, 5th Bat Ohio Art. James Knox, private, co B. 36th 111. Sylvester Crawford, co I. 29th Ind. Alfred McKibbin, co I, .38th 111. Barney Wyatt, co E, 38th III. James Osborne, co D, 21st HI. Helsper Thomas, co B, 44th Ind. Wm Abraham, sergeant, co K, 2l8tlll. Thos Thompson, corporal, co H, 15th Wis. F Ferguson, private, co F, 15th Wis. Edward Coffin, private, co D, 21st 111. James Tumlinson, private, co H, 42dlnd. Michitl Bickel, private, co A, 25th 111. Wm Shaw, sergeant, co C, 5th Ky. Wm Snaap, private, co G, 5th Ky. Napoleon Modessitt, private, co D, 21st 111. James Gillogly, corporal, co D, 21st 111. J M Whortenbury, private, co B, 15th Ky. John Handy, private, co E, 101st O. Tnomas Tarpev, private, co K, 21st HI. Daniel Ertle, private, co F, 21st 111. Edward O'Neil, private, co E, ]6tn Reg. John Smith, private, co A, 101st O. Henry K Potts, private, co D, 21st 111. 21 GENERAL HOSPITAL, No. G, MURFREESBORO'. Dr. B. E. F.^ii.OR, 19th Ohio, Surgeon in charge. J R Smith, private, co H. 12.3d 111. J E Brown, corporal, co B, 111. M Rourk, private, 10th Ind Bat. J Chamberlain, private, co D, 123d 111. M Collins, private, 10th Ind Bat. H L Thompson, private, co B, 1st Tenn C'av. Geo Matna, private, 10th Ind Bat. Jno W Taylor, private, 70th Ind. Wmllisrgins, private, co G, ISth O. W H Galzon, private, co G, 2d E Tenn Cav. E Yeargin private, co A, 1st M Tenn Cav. Coyrdon Masser, private, co H, 49th O. A T Ilarwood, private, co A, 1st Mich E & M. E S Knowls, private, co G, let Mich E & M. A Ilarwood, private, co A, 1st Mich E ifc M. A B Carpenter, priv., co E, 1st Mich E & M. George Ives private, co K, 1st Mich E & M. Howard Scott, private, co A, 101st lud. D H ]Miller, private, 75th 111. Giles Hayes, private, co C, 7tli 111 Cav. Patrick I)oley, private, co B, 7th 111 Cav. Wm II Millholland, private, G9th O. Jno II W Donney, private, co D, 98th 111. Thos W Kinnett, private, co C, 37th Ind. Geo W Vogan, private, co C, 37th Ind. Fred'k Huntley, private, co A, 24th O. . Oscar Decker, private, co E, 4th Mich Cav. Wm Thomas, private, co G, 4th Reg Cav. Jolin Stevens, co F , 1st Ohio Art. Wm S Rowe, private, co L, 4th Mich Cav. M Werner, private, co B, 4th Mich Cav. A O Bolton, private, co F, 49th O. G W Pense, sergeant, co C,34th 111, James Miller, private, co A, IstE Tenn. S Ainsworth, private, co 1, 1st E Tenn Cav. Sam'l Ball, private, co F, 2d E Tenn Cav. W Hameutree, private, co F, 2d E Tenn Cav, II Waters, private, co B, E Tenn Cav. Wm Fayman, private, co M. E Tenn Cav. Wm Patterson, private, co M, E Tenn Cav, John Bryant, private, co E, E Tenn Cav. J Loveday, private, co E, E Tenn Cav. P Loveday, private, co I, E Tenn Cav. R Jennings, private, co A, E Tenn Cav. REGIMENTAL HOSPITAL, 79Tn INDIANA. Shelton Harding, 79th Ind. Alexander Mnrphy, 79th Ind. John M Pearson. " Wm Dunnegan, Thomas Mett. Jacob Eller. Lewis Miller. John Pearson, Robt Ross. John Hindes. Silas M Girls. Louis Davis. Pat Murphy. John Gordon. Batton Sheets. Enoch McCormick. William Dormire, Rufus Jones. William Nelson. S B Davis. TENT HOSPITAL, BATTLE FIELD, NEAR MURFREESBORO'. Dr. A. W. Heise, 100th Penn. Vols,, Surgeon in charge. Geo W Wilder, serg co K, 58th Ind. James B Drysdale, private, co A, 58th Ind. S Louis Lowe, private, co E, 101st Oiiio. John F (iroves, private, co C, 40th Ind, Milton Miller, private, co B40th O, Thomas Olds, private, co F, 15th O. L W McClure, serg't, co H, 15th O Jasper Graham, private, co I, 26th O. Arthur Glenn, private, co G, 201 h O. Wm Sweiger, private, co H. 26th O. Richard Cannidy, private, co B, 13th Mich. Augustus Tibbets, serg't, co D, 18th Mich. Seth Crosby, private, co D, 18th Mich, Dan R Corey, serg't, co F, 18th Mich. Geo P Coon, corp'l, co P, 18th Mich. Milo Hawks, private, co I, 18th Mich. Wm H. McCormick, corp Ico K, 18th Mich. The' T Davis, musician, co D, 13th Mich. MURCROFT'S HOSPITAL, 7 MILES FROM MURFREESBORO', February IOth, 1863. Dr. Chas. Murcrott, 10th Ohio, Surgeon in charge. John H C Thorpe, private, co F, 16th reg. Frank M Banter, private, co E. 11th Mich. J W Banter, serg't, co E, 11th Mich. Reuben Jefferson, private co D, 51st 111. D B Harmon, private, co 1, 1st Mo. Jno A Shepherd, private, co A, 18th reg, J M Williams serg't K. 5th Tenn. Nicholas Hillars, private, co B, 16th reg. Chas F Murray, corporal, co D, .30th Ind, W II Barnes, private, co B, .3d O, John Linerman, private, co F, 6th O. Thos N Hickman, private, co E, 18th Reg. Benjamin F Bell, private, co H, 101st O. .lames F Torbet, private, co F, 3d O, .Tames Place, private, co C, 18th reg. J Tyson Lane, 4th Ky (reb), Thos J Grev, private, co A, 3Sth Ind. A O Parsoiis, private, co C, 21st Wis. E M Larren, 3d lieut, co A, 18th 0. O Fisk, sarg't, co A 2-2d 111 Jacob Sheets, corporal, 101st O, J L Gary, private, co A. 38th 111. DISBURSEMENTS BY THE U. S. SANITARY COMMISSION. Chicago, Jan. 22(1, 1863. Editors Chicago Tribune : As I have just returned from a trip down the Mississippi to the mouth of the White River, in charge of stores from the Chicago Branch of the U. S. Sanitary Commission, I desire to say a few words to the many friends of this enterprise in the Northwest, in regard to the disbursement of goods by this patriotic and philanthropic agency. As that of an outside observer, my testimony may perhaps be of value. None would ever question the patriotism, the unflagging zeal, and the integrity of those gentlemen who gratuitously manage the collecting operations at home. But an impres- sion has gained something of currency that these sacred beueftictions are not used as exclusively for the good of the soldiers as they ought to be. In all commercial and benevolent schemes something of a percentage is al- lowed for imavoidable loss ; but beyond this I do not believe that the TJ. S. Sanitary Commission is at all chargeable. As an arm of the Government, appointed by the President and by him entrusted with the important function of the inspection of hospitals and camps as to their sanitary condition, and yet perfonning its service inde- pendent of the national treasury, this Commission deserves profound re- spect. The several branches, at Cleveland, Cincinnati, Louisville and Chi- cago, are but co-relati\ e parts of the central organization at Washington, of which Rev. Dr. Bellows is President, and Ered. Law Olmsted, Secretary. The appointees, as inspectors, general superintendents and local disburs- ing agents are all amenable to the one organic body. Thus, in the South- west, Dr. H. A. Warriner, a man of eminent qualifications, is Sanitary In- spector of Camps and Hospitals, and General Superintendent of Sanitarj' Agencies in Gen. Grant's army. These agencies are at Cairo, Columbus, Memphis, Corinth and Jackson. He also controls the movements of the steamboat Sir Wm. Wallace, chartered for the uses ot the Commission in that region, a boat which, paying one-half of its surplus earnings to the chartering partj-, does much towards the meeting of this expense, while enabling the agents to carry their stores to such places and at s^^ch times as the exigencies of battle, or the uncertain movements of war may de- mand. This boat is in charge of Dr. R. G. McLean, who is also U. S. In- spector of Hospitals, for which double responsibility his professional and military experience (in Mexico,) eminently qualify him. On her last trip down, this boat carried 1,027 packages, or one hundred tons of stores, gathered up from the several branches. The local agencies are usually iu buildings confiscated by the govern- ment and so costing nothiug for rent, while the agents are held to a strict account for the goods in their charge, giving and receivmg vouchers for the same. They, or the General Superintendent if at hand, make appro- priations to camp or general hospitals as they need. And then these goods are delivered into the possession of the head female nurse of the hospital, who carries the keys of the rooms containing sanitary clothing and delicacies. She administers upon written requisition of the surgeon for each particu- lar patient. Thus at Memphis, the " Overton Hospital," in a new hotel equal to the Richmond, and the "Jeflferson Hospital," in a block equal to the Portland, and the several others there, all confiscated propertjs are supplied hy the agency of the Commission, which occupies and fills a store equal to any iu Lake street, and in one of the above mentioned buildings. Miss Babcock, of this city, is head female nurse for these hospitals and gives out from the goods appropriated to her depaitment, only upon re- quisition of the surgeons, and that too by the hands of other nurses, who take them to the needy patients, and all with that kind of economy and Yankee "faculty" with which the frugal house-wife disburses her stores of ' linen and food by the hands of her servants. • S3 The same course is pursued in the hospital at Cairo, wlicre Rev. E. Fol- som is Sanitary Agent aud Chaplain of the hospital. It did my eyes and my heart good to go to the sanitary rooms in those hospitals. In the lin- en room, sheets, towels, pillow cases, shirts, socks, &c., &c., were assorted and placed in gi'cat pigeon holes, ready of access ; while in the room for delicacies the good things were arranged in perfect order and readiness for use ; and the Avhole bearing that air of home-cleanliness that made me bless God that woman's taste, love, and gentle services were conseci'ated to this holy cause. Indeed, I was not at all prepared to hnd such wisdom and economy in the disbursement of sanitary goods. At Helena, Mrs. NeAvcomb, also of this city, stands in much the same relation to the sanita- ry business — tlie agency there being under the care of the Western Sanita- ry Commission at St. Louis, aud the churches of the place being used for hospitals. In the regimental camp hospitals the stores are disbursed through the Medical Steward. Visiting the tent hospitals in the camp of the 3d Iowa cavalry, at Helena, and expressing gratification at their ap- pearance of neatness and comfort, I was informed that nearly everything there, from cots and bedding to delicacies, was from the Sanitary Commis- sion. One reason why soldiers, returned home from the hospitals, sometimes say they never received anything from the Commission, is that the articles furnished through the system described above, seem to them to come from the Government. A soldier from his cot eating canned peaches made the same remark, when it was shown by the marks, that his peaches and the shirt aud bedding he had were all from the Chicago Commission ! And if the nurses do sometimes lay aside their stogies aud stifl' jackets and put on slippers aud gowns from the Sanitary goods, it is all for the quiet and comfort of the suflering to whom now, heavy foot falls are louder than the cannon's roar, when in health and soundness. * * * As an illustration of the amount and accuracy of the disbursements, let me report from Dr. Warriner, the articles given out at Columbus during the last six months : 225 lbs. arrow root ; 97 boxes bandages ; 2,346 bed- ticks ; 507 lbs. dried beef; 308 blankets ; 3,946 lbs. butter; 626 lbs. cheese ; 2,260 lbs. codfish; 2,263 comforts; 170 lbs. cornstarch; 8,558 pairs of drawers ; 1,067 doz. eggs ; 16,279 lbs. dried fruit ; 6.774 cans fruit ; 4,960 pillows ; 8,402 pillow cases ; 7,387 sheets ; 13,913 shirts ; 260 pairs slip- pers ; 3,003 bushels vegetables ; 491 bottles wine and cordials ; and so on through a list of 74 articles ! From personal observation I am only impressed with the magnitude and blessedness of the work to which so manj^ men and women are consecrating so much of time, service aud money. I am satisfied that the disbursements are made with as much precision and economy as could be expected in a work so extensive and complicated. I am also convinced that the only true and safe channel for such oflerings is that aflbrded by the U. S. Sani- tary Commission and its branches. Indeed, it is probable that most of the abuses in this respect that have been bruited, have occurred in connection with eflbrts at private ministration and through irresponsible parties. Let us not then be weary in well-doing. The 100,000 soldiers lying in hospital sick and wounded, who have fought our battles for us, have a claim upon our material sympathy. Our obligation to them is not simply that of humanity, but that of debt. J. E. ROY. 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