MILITARY ORDER OF THE LOYAL LEGION OF THE UNITED STATES. Ill ^DQUARTERS COMMANDERY OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. San Francisco, September 17, t< List of officers of tlie regular army and navy, Companions of this Commandery U. S. ARIVIY. I class). Bt. Adam, Emil, i !apt. 5th Cav. *Ames, John \V., Capt. nth Inf. I.. C. Bt. B. G. vol. lit. Anderson, Thomas M., Lt. Col. 9th Inf. Andrews, George, ist Li. 25th Inf. (2d class). Andrews, George L., Col. 25th Inf. Andrus, Edwin P., 1st Lt. 5th Cav. i.'.l rlass). Arnold, Abraham K., Maj. 6th Cav Austin, Albert, ist l.t. 14th Inf. Bailev, Ci areni e M., Capt, 8th Inf. Baily, Charles M., ist Lieut, 8th Inf. (2 Baily, Klisha I., Lt. Col. Med. Dept. Baily, Joseph C, Maj. Med. Dept. L. C ♦Baker, Edward 1)., Maj. Q. M. Dept. Baker, Stephen, Capt. 6th Inf. Benham, Daniel W., Capt. 71I1 Inf. Maj. Bt. Henham, Henkv H., 2d Lt. zd Inf. (descent). Benson, Henry M., Capt. 7th Inf. Maj. Vol. Biddle, James, Maj. 6th Cav. L. C. Bt. B. G. Vol. Bt. Bingham, Judson D., Col. Q. M. Dept. B. G. Bt. Blake, Charles M., Post 1 haplain (retired). Bowman, Alpheus H., Capt. gth Inf. Borden, George P., ist Lt. 5th Inf. Boutelle, Frazier A., ist Lt. 1st Cav. Boyle, William H., Capt. 'ist Inf. Maj. Vol. Brady, Georgi EC., Capt. 13d Inf. L. C Bt. inridge, Joseph C, Lt Col. Ins. Gen. Brennan, James., ist Lt. 7th Inf. IBroatch, William J., Capt. 40th Inf. .. Mi ..11 G., Capt. tzth Inf. Maj. Bt. L. C. vol. Bt. lit rnham, William P., 2d Lt. oth Inf. (2d class) Byrne, C, Maj. Med. Dept. I.. C. lit. 1 \i linan, Daniel F., Capt, ist Inf. m», John, 1 si Li. R Q. M. 6th Inf. Maj. 1 '., Capt. ist ( lav. Cakr, Eugene A., Col. 6th Cav. M. G. Bt. IChamberlain, Simon E , ist Lt. 8th Cav. Clendenin, Davip R., L. C. 3d Cav. B. ( i S E., Lt. Col. 5th < .i\ . {Cooley, Francis i\L. Capt. nth Inf. I.. C. Bt. Coxe, Frank M., Maj. Pay Dept. Col. Vol. Pi. Craigie, David J., (.'apt. 12th Inf. {Crawford, Medorbm Jr., 1st Lt. 2d Art. (2d Class.) Cresson, Charles C., isi Lt. ret. Mai Bi CrOWELL, William H. H., Capt. 6th inf. Cushing, Harry C, Capt. 4th An. Maj. lit. Cushing, Sami 1 1. I.. Capt. Sub. Dept. Maj. Pi. Dandy, George P., Maj. Q. M. Dep. B. G. Hi. Davis, John M. K., isi Lt. ist Art. Davis, Wirt, Capt. .ith Cav. Maj Pi. Dickson, John M., Capt. Med. Dep. Maj. Vol. Dillenback, John W., Capt. tsi Art. I.. C. Vol. Pi. Dougherty, William E., Capt. ist Inf. Downey, George M., t apt. fist Inf. Maj. Bt. IDuBois, Henry A., Capt. Med. Dept. Mai. Bt. i 1 ii 01 by, Jambs S., ist l.t. ,d An. fDuNKLEBERGER, [SAAl R., Capt. isi I av . I., t '. Pt. William Mi K. Jr., Capt. 2d Art. Maj. Pi. Eagan, Charles P., Capt. Sub. Dept. Lakin, Chandler P., ( apt. isi Art. Maj. Pt. 1 s A., i^t l.i. ih Inf. Maj. Bt. L.I .Vol.Bt. t in, Frbderii k H. I ■.. Capl ist Inf. E( kels, William II., Maj. Pay Dep. P., ist 1. 1. 2d Inf. L. C. Vol. Pi. . ( apt. 1 ith Inf. Maj. Bt, kin, William A., Capt. Sub. Dep. Maj. Bt, Geo. 1 1 ., l.t. Ci 'I. Eng. I 1 1 iott, W xsHiM. tun I.., Col. ret. M. < '•. Bt. Ewen, Clarence, CapT. Med. Dep. Farnsworth, Henk\ J. I apt. ih Cav. Vol. Vol. Bt. Febiger, George I... Col. Pay Dept. FOOTE, Morris (J., (.'apt. oth Inf. Frank, Royal T., Maj. 1st Art. L. C. Pt. (Frederick, Calvin H., ist Lt. 14th Inf. P.. G. Vol. Pi. ♦French, William IP, Col. 4th An. M. (i. Pt. Pi ger, Frbderii k, isi Lt. 4 th Art. Maj. Bt. Gardner, Edwin P., (apt. Med. Dept. ('■arret rv, Prank D., Capt. 17th Int. Garvey, Thomas, (apt. ist Cav. tGEARY, William P., ist Lt. nth Inf. Capt. Vol. Pt. Goo DALE, Ckeenleaf A., Capt. 23d Inf. Gordon, David S., Maj. 2d Cav. {Greene, Oliver D., Maj. A. C. Dept. B. G. Bt. Groesbbi l, Stephen W., ist Lt. Adjt. 6th Inf. Haller, Granville O., Col. ret. Halloran, James, Capt. 12th Inf. t*HALSEY, Thomas H., Maj. Pay Dept. L. C. lit. H ardenuergh, James K., 1st l.t. oth Inf. Harkins, Charles, Capt. ret. Harris, Moses, Capt. ist Cav. Hasbrouck, Henry C, Capt. 4th An. Haskell, 11 \rky L., ist l.t. 12th Inf. Hatc h, John P., Col. 2d Cav. B. G. l!t. H aughey, J ames A., Capt. 21st Inf. Haskin, William I... Capt ist Art. Maj. Bt. HAWLEY, William, Maj. ret. Hay, Leonard, Capt. 9th Inf. Heger, Anthony, Maj. Med. Dep. L. C. Bt. HlCKEY, James P., 1st Lt. 8th Cav. Hill, George I)., Capt. ret. Hodges, Henry C, Lt. Col. Q. M. Dep. Hodges, Hbnry C. Jr., 2d Lt. 22d Inf. (2d class). Hoi 1, John Van R., Capt. Med. Dep. Hubbell, Henry W. Jr., 1st Lt. i^t An. Hi 1. gins, Eli L., Capt. 2d Cav. Hughes, Robert P., Lt. Col. Insp. Gen. Hull, Gustavus A., Capl M. Sk. Q. M. Dept, Humphrey, Charles F., Capt. Q. M. Dept. Hurst, Joseph H., Capt. 12th Inf. Hi nt, Lewis C, Col. 14th Inf. P.. G. Pi. Jackson, James, Capt. ist Cav. Maj. Bt. JA( kson, James P.., 1st Lt. 7th Inf. (descent). J01 elyn, Stephen P., Capt. 21st Inf. Johnson, Henry, Capt. M. S. K. Med. Dep. Johnson, Henry Jr., ist Lt. 8th Inf. (2d das-,). Ii.xhs, William A., Maj. Eng. Kai rz, August V., Col. 8th Inf. M. G. Pi. Kj> .1 .. W11 1 1 A m I ... .Maj. 1 ■ it h Inf. Ken dig, Daniel, Post Chap. Kesdkick, Frbderii k M. II., ist. Lt. 7th Inf. Capt. Vol. tkivEs, Erasmus D.. Col. nth Inf. P. < ;. Bt. M.G. Vol. K.iM,si 1 ry, Henry P., ist Lt. mh Cav. (descent). fCOBRPBR, ECON A., Maj. Med. Dep. LAFFERTY, John, Capt. ret. •Leonard, Hiram, Lt. Col. Pay Dept. B. G. Bt. *Lbttbrman, Jonathan, Maj. Med. Dept. Lord, James IL. Capt. Q. M. Dept. Maj. Pt. Mai Adams, | a.mfs ( ;., Capt. 2d Cav. MacMurray, J. W., Capt. 1st Art. Maj. Pt. P. C.Vol. bt. M o omi'.er, John H., Chaplain. MARTIN, William P., Capt. ret. "McCormk k, Chaklks, l.t. Col. Med. Dept. McGregor, Thomas, Maj. 2d Cav. tMc Kee, George W., Maj. Ord. Dept. M. Kee, IamesC, Maj. Med. Dept. P. C. Bt. Mi MlNN, William H., isi l.t. 8th Inf. Mew ham, Franklin, Maj. Med. Dep. \h 1 I RE DE in i.. Maj. 15th Inf. I.- • '• Vol. ell, George H., Lt. Col, Eng. 1 ol. Pt. Miller, William A., Capt. 18th Inf. Moore, John, Maj. Med. Dept. Col. Bt. Morgan, Michael R., Maj. Sub. Dept. B. (',. Bt. Morrow, Henrv A., Col. 21st Inf. M. G. Vol. Bt. Morton, Alfred, Capt. 9th Inf. Maj. Vols. Mi I.Hall, Stephen J., 2d Lt. 14th Inf. Munson, Jacob F., Capt. 6th Int. Mi rdock, Daniel H., Capt. 6th Inf. SNelson, James H., Maj. Pay Dept. I.. C. Bt. t§NlCKERSON, A/ok H.. Maj. ret. Norris, Basil, Lt. Col. Med. Dep. CI. Bt. Norvell, John M., Capt. 12th Inf. Maj. Bt. OSBORNE, Nathan W., Lt. Col. 6th Inf. OVBNSHINE, Samuel, Maj. 2jd Inf. Overton, Gilbert K., Capt. 6th Cav. Paddoi k, George H., 1st Lt. 5th Cav. (descent). Parnki.l, William R-, (apt. i^t Cav. L. C. Bt. Patterson, Koi'.krt H., 1st Lt. ist Art. (2d class). Pitcher, William L., i si Lt. Bth Inf. (2d class). *Platt, Edward R., Maj. A. G. Dept. 1.. C. Bt. tPoND, Richard 1L, Capt. 12th Inf. Maj. Bt. Poole, Drwitt C, Maj. Pay Dep. L. C. Vol. Porter, Charles, Capt 8th Inf. Powell, I \mes \V. Jr., ('apt. 6th Inf. Powell, William IL, Capt. 4th Inf. Maj. Bt. *Preston, Albert W., Col. ret. Price, Ci ktis E., Capt. Med. Dep. L C. Vol. Bt. Prick, George V , Capt. 5th Cav. Qi inton, William, Capt. 7th Inf. Randall, Ed»\ and I.., Capt. 5th Inf. A. M., Maj. 1st Art. Col. 1!:. B. 1;. Vol. Bt. . William C, Capt. 2d Cav. L. C. Vol. Bt. I AMES, i-.t Lt. 9th Inf. \, Daniel, 1st Lt. 7th Inf. CLLER, M., 1st Lt. 9th Inf. William W., Capt. oth Inf. . ans, William S., Bng. Gen. M. G. Bt. ell, Edmund k\, 1st Lt. 1st An. Maj. Vol. San ford, Gborgr I!.. Maj. 1st Cav. L. C. Bt. br, Joseph P., Capt. tsi Art. Maj. Bt. SaNNO, James M. J., Capt. 7th Inf. S\\ , I'.., l apt. 8th Inf. [Sawtblle, Charles G., Lt. Col. (J. M. Dept. B. G. Saxton, Rufus.CoI Q M. Dept. B. G. Bt.M.G. Vol. Si hofield, John M., Maj. Gen. Seawbll, Washington, Col. ret. B. G. Bt. SSLLMER, Chaklks, 1st Lt. 3d Art. Capt. Li. I.. ( A ol. Si aden, Joseph A , 1st Lt. 14th Inf. Capt Bt. SmEDBRRG, William R., Capt. ret. L. (' Bi. Smith, Gilbbri C, Capt. Q M. Dept. ♦Smith, Harry M., Capt. --ist Inf. "Smith. John H.. 1st Lt. ret. (apt. B.t. Smi 1 11, Leslie, Mai 2d Inf. S.miih, Rodney, Lt. Col. Pay Dept. Smith, Thos. C. H., Maj. ret. B. G. Vol. S.wder, James A., Capt. 3d Inf. SPRAGUB, Charles J., Maj. Pay Dept. L. C. Vol. Bt. Stai by, May H.. Capt. 12th Inf. L. ( '. Bt. 4 Si an ion. I'iiaihiei s H., Maj. Pay Dept. L. C. Vol. Bt. (Sternberg, George M., Maj. Med. Dept. st. INI, Ebenezer W., Capt. 2) si Inf. L.C.Bt.Col-VoI.Bt. I ST( INEMAN, I rEORGE, Col. M . ' '•■ Bt. JSuLi.iv an, Thomas C, Maj. Sub. Dept L. C. Bt. Summerhayes, John W., ist Lt. Sth inf. Capt. Bi Si mner, Samuel S., Maj. 8th Cav. Si 1HERLAND, CHARLES, Col. Med. Dept. Sweeny, Henry, Capt. 4th Cav. tTANNATT, Thomas R., Capt. 4th Art. B. ( i. Vol- Bt. Thibaut, Frederick W., ist Lt.oth Inf. Mai Vol Bl r/HROi KMORTON, Charles B., Maj. id. Art. Trimbi e, Joel 6., (apt. ret. Maj. Bt. [TriplBR, Charles S., Capt. 12th Inf. I - 1 1 l, Thomas G., Capt. 17th Inf. TuRRILL, Henrv S-, (.'apt. Med. I >. p I 111 \m, Frank K., ( apt. isi I Van Xess. William P., ist Lt. 2d An [Vernon, George R., (apt. 14th Inf. \ i\ en, John I.., 1 apt. 12th Inf. Wagner, Henry, Capt. 1st Cav. Wainwright, Robert P. P.. i^t Lt. istCa\ 1 Walker, Robert C, Maj. (retired)., George H. W., Lt Lt. 3d Inf. iWaymirb, James A., 1st Lt. 1st Cav. "Webb, Watson, Capt. 3d Art. Weeks, Low in B., 2d Lt. 5th Inf. (2d class). Wells. GEORGE H., Maj. (.1. M. Dept. L. C. Bt. \\ 1 11 S, Daniel T., (apt. Sth Inf. Maj. Bt. Wetherill, Ai SXAI Dl 1 M., ist Lt. 6th Inf. Wharton, (ohn S., (apt. iqth Inf. Wheaton, Frank, Col. 2d Inf. M. G. Bt. Wheeler, Daniel D., Capt. Q. M. Dep. Col. Vol. Bt. Wherry, William L., Capt. 6th Inf. Col. Bt. B.G.Vol.Bt. Whipple, Stephen G., Capt. ret. Col. Vol. Bl i Win IK, John I ., ( apt. rel . Wilhelm, Thomas, Capt. Jth Lit. Maj. Bt. I "I Vol, Willcox, Elon F., id Lt. 6th Cav. (2d class. ) Williams. CONSTANT, (apt. ;lh Inf. Williams, John W., Maj. Med. Dept. Wilson, George s , i-.t Lt. 1 tth Inf. Wn son. James I.., 1st Lt. 41I1 An. Winslow, Gordon, ist Lt. Sth Inf. Mai. Vol Bt Wn. her, John S., Maj. Pay Dept. B. G \ W , Pai HER I .., ist l.t. 12th Inf. Woodruff, Edward C, Capt. 12th Inf. tWoRi h, W11.1 iam S.. Capt. -ill Inl M Vakh, John E, Lt. Col. 24th Inf. 244. i : ;s NAVY. (Ames, Pelham W., Actg. Asst. Pay Mr. *Babcock. Heman P., P. Asst. Surg. (Bacon, Frani is H., Acting Ensign. Bleeckek, John V. B., Lieutenant (descent), f BLUMS, Nils A., Acting Master. Brice, John J., Lt. Com. 1 w, Josi 1 11 B., Commander. [CUNNINGHAM, John S.. Pay Director. is, Richard M.. Lieutenant. (In succession). Davids, Henkv S . Chief Engineer. [Emerson, Loring G., Vcting Master. Fletcher, Montgomery, Chief Engineer. Hi \i;\ , Commander. [Gregory, Henry P., 2d Asst. Engineer. (Hall, David A.. Acting Ensign. | II i i mi w. Chari is S., Act. Asst. Pay Mr. [Harris. George 1... Act. 1st Asst. Eng. [Higbbb, John II., Capt. I . s. M i §Hopki ■. . \ 1 1 1 is 1 ■ 'in ■ [Hyde, Mari i s I >., Master. Ikw [N, JOHN, Captain. 'Out of Service Kempi I ommander. ' KNAPP, Wn 1 1 (M, A. tin;; Master. Kutz, Geori 1 F., Chief Engineer. ILaine, Richard W., Ensign. *McDoi gal, Chari rs L. Commander. ' NL \ 1 1 1 , Wn 1 iam F., Act. Asst. Surgeon. IPenfield, Wili iam H., Acting Ensign., Thom is S., Rear Admiral (retired). PheI is, 'Thomas S. Jr., Lieutenant. Philii', Iohn W.. Commander. tPmi.i us, Wn 1.1 \m A., Acting isl Asst. Eng. •Ross, John, Acting Ensign. Suits. SNELL, ALFRED T., Commander. SSpai 01 no. R 1 11 s C.. I'a\ Inspector. Strickland, 1 Pas'd Asst. Eng. (descent). l ri ir, William E 1 Medii al 1 lirei t"i (retired). I hmmmin, Wn 1 iam J., Paymaster. Wn 1 1 \ as, (11 vri ks I . . (apt. U. S. M. t orps. Wn 1 1 imsi in, In im.i Chief Engineei 41. Transferred Expelled. iWithdrawn VV. K. Smedberg, Bvt. l.t. Col. I S Army, vjd u Recorder. Author 5 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Hollinger pH8.5 Mill Run F3-1955