UBRARY OF CONGRESS :*•<'.• i'.'i'XXi'-i i,i. D0Q13S437bfl' S,nty<--~>--',v^,' ^o,^.-' .B«i%-' ' 'WAn /?n^;^^;?i;^.^^»' WSl^'' ..^HAa^, ,-,,X^ '''^"'>^'<-' -/fsW'" \A:r<:.:->' fLIBRARY OF CONGRESS. I I UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, f r' •",^,-\^'''^A.■'''^ A^' ^2:::>vft^- ^^A^» UaC^.0^"^' ^*^sa^5!^m^. LEW n m rm p ^--Smmms^^^^^^m^i ijsrt^jA^h^A^*^-^ : ^.^,'' _ 0.^'^: ■> . '^■/^ : r A « .-^ ;/^,?^c:^A^>^OK,J^'^,^c' .^'ISA MiA^'^^^A^^ \M ^^^^^.^r^j^'^Mf^^m^: /■%. :v ,?,:;« '^'-^/N ;j/^'^An' -'^. - A . j^ - - - .V' A /% *s, w- ':-^'\Pf^ ^ LIST UNION SOLDIERS BURIED AT ANDERSONVILLE COPIED FROM THE OFFICIAL RECORD IN THE SURGEON'S OFFICE AT ' ANDERSONVILLE. Not more honorably die they who fall on the field in the moment of Victory ! ^^i^' m NEW YORK: PUBLISHED BY THE TRIBUNE ASSOCIATION, 154 NASSAU STREET. 1866. Price, ...----25 Cents. Kntei'cd according to Act of Congress iu the yeiir 1866, hy THE TRIBUNE ASSOCIATION, in the Clcrk'e Office of the District Court of the United St:iles, for tl:p Southern District of Now Vork. JOHN F. TSOW & CO.. PRISTF.RS. STEHEOTil'EKS, ^ ELECT ROT'iTERS. CO O n K F N K a T R F. ?; T . NY. TO THE SURVIVING RELATIVES AND FRIENDS OF THE MARTYRED ANDERSONVILLE, GEORGIA. DEAD " AT This Record was originally copied for you because I feared that n-.'itlicr yon nor tho Grovernment of tlie United States would ever otherwise learn the fate of your loved ones whom I saw daily dying before me. I could do nothing for them, but I resolved that I would at least try to lut you sometime know when and how they died. Tills at last I am now able to do. So many conflicting rumors have been iu circulation in regard to these rolls aud myself, that I decra it prudont lo give a brief state- ment of my entire connection with this Death Register, and to show how and why it has been so long withheld from you. On the seventh day of July, ISG-j, I was tnken prisoner near Ilagerstown, i£d., and taken to Belle Island, Richmond, Va., via Staunton, where I remained live month.^. I then went to Smith's Tobacco Factory, Richmond, where I kept tho account of eupplles received from our Government, and issued to Federal prisoners of war. In the latter part of Febraary, 1SG4, 1 was sent to Anderson- villc with a squad of four hundred other prisoners from Belle Isle, arriving there on the first day of March. I remained inside the 6tockade until the middle of 3Xay, wlien I was sent to tho hospital. On the 15th of June I was paroled and detailed as a clerk in Surgeon J. n. White's ofllce, to keep the daily rec6rd of deaths of all Federal prisoners of war. I also made monthly and quarterly abstracts of the deaths, the latter one was said to be for the Federal Govern- ment, which I have since learned was never received. The appalling mortality was such that I suspected that it was the desi;^n of tlie Rebel Oovernment to kill and maira our prisoners by exposure and Rtarvation so that'ihey would forever bo totally imfil for military service, and that they withheld these facts. Accord- ingly, in the latter part of August, 1SS4, I .began to secretly copy the entire li?t of our dead, which I succeeded in doing, and brought safely through tho lines with me in March, 1S65. Arriving at Camp Parole, at Annapolis, Md., I learned that I could not get a furlough on account of my term of service having expired some seven months before. I immediately wrote to the Secretary of "War, asking for a furlough of thirty days, for the purpose of having my Death Regis- ter published for tho relief of the many thousands anxious in re- gard to the fate of their dead. Before an answer could have re- turned, I received a furlough from the Commamlant of the Camp, I then went to my home in Terryville, Connecticut, where I was taken sick the nest day after my arrival, which confined me for three weeks. On the twelfth of April, I received a telegram from the War Department, requesting me to come immr-diatelj' to Wash- ington and bring my rolls, and if they were found acceptable, I should be suitably rewardeO. I started the next day for Washing- ton. Arriving there, I went to the War Department, and learned that the person (Col. Breck) with whom I was to make arrangements was absent at t];e Fort Sumter celebration. 1 loft my rolls with the chief clerk for safe keeping. In a day or two Colonel Breck re- turned, and he informed mc that tlio Secretary of War had author- ized him to pay nie three hundred dollars ($300) forthe rolls. I told him I did not wish to sell the rolls, that tliey ought to be published for the benefit of the friends of the dead, for whom chiefly they had been copied. He told me if I went to publish them, the Govern- ment would confiscate them, that I could have until 9 o'clock the next morning to decide whether I would tako the three hundred dollars or not. The rolls wore then iu his possession. I told him if I could have a clerkship in the department which he had de- scribed to me, three hundred dollars, and the rolls back again as soor, as copied^ I should consider it satisfactory. To this he agreed. Ho then informed me that it would be necessary for me to enlist in the General sei-vico in order to get the clerkship. To this I objected, but in no other way was it available, and I accepted. I was then mustered out of my original enlistment, and given permission to visit home, and return for duty by the first of June. While in New York in the hitter part of May, I telegraphed to Colonel Breck, ask- ing if my rolls were copied, to which I received a reply, " Not yet." Soon after my arrival in M'oshington in June, I called on Colonel Breck, and asked the privilege of taking sheets of my rolls out after business hours, to copy and return them the nest morning. He said he would have to ask General Townsend's consent. I again met him in a few dayi^, he told me ho had been unable to see General Town- send. I then wrote to Colonel Breck, asking if he did or did not in- tend to return my rolls, that I had promised that the rolls should bo published for the benefit of the friends of the deceased. He re- turned my letter endorsed as follows : *■ I have fully explained tho matter to General Townsend, and he says tho rolls shall not be copied for any traffic whatever." I had never spoketi of tralBcking in them ; I only wished to give them to the people for whom I had copied them at some personal risk. Nothing more was said in re- gard to the rolls until after my return from Andersonville in August. Miss Clara Barton, of Washington. D. C, upon learning the con- dition of the Cemetery at Andersonville, and that tho graves could be identitieil, had reported the facta to the Secretary of War, who ordered the necessary arrangements to be made for the marking of the grave-J. A party charged with this duty left Washington on the eighth day of July, consisting of Mies Clara Barton, Capt. J. M. Moore, myself, and forty-two letterere, painters, and clerks, arriving at Andersonville on the twenty-fifth of July. Before leaving Washington it was found that the original Regis- ler, captured by Gen. Wilson, was deficient in one book containinR about twenty-four hundred names, arid my rolls were sent to supply this deflciencj'. Tho original was also found in many places blurred and imperfect, through want of care, and my rolls were fre- quently needed to aid this defect. They were therefore publicly and constantly in the hands of all who had occasion to consult them, IV INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. and BO came int( my hands in the course of duty. They had been copied at Wasalngton, according to my agreement with Colonel Breck, and -wcre^mine, and lawfully in my poes^cesion. I proposed to retain and give them to you as soon as I could. I did not propose to injure any oiiej to do anything unlawful or improper with them, much less to traffic or speculate on the information they con- tained, but I did retain them. When the originals were needed in the Wirz trial at Washington, they and my copy were in my tent when the messenger arrived in Audersonville. He took the original and left my copy. When we started home I placed these rolls, with my other prop- erty, in my trunk, and brought them to Washington. Upon my ar- rival I reported to Colonel Breck, at the War Department. He ah^ked if 1 knew where my rolls were. 1 said "I have them ; will you allow me to keep them, now you have them copied here." Ho told me '■ We might as well como to an understanding about these rolls. This is the last conversation we shall have about them ■ if you will pay back three hundred dollars you can keep the rolls otherwise you must return thefn." I asked him " If he did not agree to give them back when copied ; " he said " Yes, but you were going to set yourself up in business by publishing them, and we do not consider ourselvea held to our agreemeut." I told him " I had a right to publish them (if he called that getting myself up in business), and it was my duty to do so." I then turned to leave, intending to eoe Secretary Stanton. He said, " I infer that you do not intend to give up the rolls." I said " Not yet ; I must go farther to see about them." He said, " You will go to the ' Old Capitol' if you do not give them up,'' and then sent for a guard and had me arrested. My room and trunk were searched, but the rolls could not bo found. I was then put in the guard house for two days, and then transferred to the '■ Old Capitol Prison," and in a few days I was arraigned and tried by court martial on the following charges and specifications : Charge I. Conduct prejudicial to good military discipline. II. larceny. Specifications in this that jjrivate Dorence Atwater, of the General Service of the United States Army, did seize and un- lawfully take from the tent or quarters of Capt. J. M. Moore, assistant quartermaster V. S. army, certain property of the United States then and there in the proper charge and custody of the eaid Gapt. J. M. Moore, to wit : a certain document, consisting of a list written upon about 21 sheets of paper, of Federal prisoners of war who had died at Andersoiiville, Georgia, the same having been prepared by said At- water, while a prisoner t3f war at said Audersonville, and sold and disposed of by him to the United States, for tho sum and price of three hundred dollars, and did appropriate and retain the said prop- erty to his own nee. This at Andersonville, Georgia, on or about the 16th day of August, 1865. I was convicted, and sentenced as follows : " To be dishonorably discharged from the United States Service, with loss of all pay and allowances now due \ to pay a fine of three hundred dollars ; to bo confined at hard labor for the period of eighteen months, at such place as the Secretary of War may direct ; to furnish to the War Department the property specified in the second specification as the property stolen from Capt. J. M. Moore, and stand committed at hard labor until the said fine is paid, and the said stolen property is furnished to tho War Department." On the 26th day of September I arrived at Auburn State Prison , New York, where I remained over two mouths at hard labor, when I was released under a general pardon of the President of the United States. • I reached New Haven, Ct., on the following- day, and learned that the record had not yet been furnished you. I immediately set about preparing it for publication, and have arranged to have it printed and placed within your reach at the cost of the labor of printing and material, having no means by which to defray these expenses myself. I regret that you have waited so long for information of so much interest to you. DORENCE ATWATER. REI^ORT OF AN EXPEDITION TO ANDERSON VI LLE, GEORGIA, JULY, 18G5, FOR THE PURPOSE OF IDENTIFYING THE GRAVES AND ENCLOSING THE GROUNDS OF A CEMETERY CREATED THERE DURING THE OC- CUPATION OF THAT PLACE AS A PRISON FOR UNION SOLDIERS IN REBEL HANDS. To the People of the United States of America : Having, by oflicial invitation, been placed upon ari expedition to AndersoQvUlo, for the purpose of identifyinj; and marking the graves of the dead contained in those noted prison grounds, it is perhaps not improper that X make some report of the circumstances which induced the eending of such an expedition, ita work, and the appearance, condition, and surroundings of that interesting spot, hallowed alike by the sufferings of the martyred dead, and the tears and prayers of those who mourn tbeni. During a search for the missing men of the United States Army, commenced in March, 1S65, under the sanction of our late lamented President Lincoln, I formed the acquaintance of Dorence Atwater, of Connecticut, a member of the 2d New York cavalry, who had beon a prisoner at Beile Isle and Andersonville 22 mouihs, and cbarged by the rebel authorities with the duty of keeping tlie Death Register of the Union prisoners who died amid the nameless cruel- ties of the last-named prison. By minute inquiry, I learned from Mr. Atwater the method adopted in the burial of the dead ; and by carefully comparing his account with a draft which he had made of the grounds appropria- ted for this purpose by the prison authorities, I became convinced of the possibility of identifying the graves, simply by comparing the numbered poat or board marking each man's position in the trench in wliich ho was buried, with the corresponding number standing against his name upon the register kept by Mr. Atwaterj which he informed me was then in the possession of the "War Department. Assured by the intelligence and frankness of my informant of the entire truthfulness of his fctatements, I decided to impart to the officers of the Government the information I had gained, and accordingly brought the subject to the attention of General Hoff- man, Commissary General of prisoners, asking that a purly or expedition be at once sent to Ander&onville for the purpose of iden- tifying and marking the graves, and enclosing the grounds; and that Dorence Atwater, with hie register, accompany the same as the proper person to designate and identify. The subject appeared to have been not only unheard, but unthought of; and from the generally prevailing impression that no care bad been taken in the burial of our prisoners, the idea seemed at first difficult to be enter- tained. But the same facts which had served to convince me, presented themselves favorably to the good understanding and kind heart of General Hoffman, who took immediate steps to lay the matter before the Hon. Secretary of "War, upon whom, at hia re- quest, I called the following day, and learned from him that he had heard and approved ray proposition, and decided to order an expe- dition, consisting of materials and men, under charge of some government officer, for the accomplishment of the objects set forth m my request, and invited me to accompany the expedition in per- son—which invitation I accepted. Accordingly, on the Slh of July, the propeller Virginia, having on board fencing material, head-boards, the prison records, forty workmen, clerks and letlerers, under command of Capt. James M. Moore, A. Q. M., Dorence Atwater and myself, left Washington for Andersonville, via Savannah, Georgia, arriving at the latter place July 12th, Having waited at Savannah seven days, and then resumed the journey by way of Augusta, Atlanta, and Macon, the entire party reached its destination in safety about noon on the 25thof Jul)-. "We found the prison grounds, stockade, hospital sheds, and the various minor structures, almost in the s.ame condition in which they had been evacuated ; and care is taken to leave these historic monuments undisturbed, so long as the elements will spare them. There is not, and never was, any town or village at this place except what grew out of its military occupation. Anderson Station, on the railroad from Macon to Eufala, was selected as a depot for prisoners, probably on account of its remoteness and possible eecu- rity, and the prison itself, with the buildings which sprang up around it, constituted all there was of Andersonville. The land around ia broken and undulating, and at the timo of the occupation was covered with forests, mostly of the long-leafed pine, common to the uplands of the South. Tiie bases of the hilis are lined with oozy springs, which unite to form little rivulets, one of which winds sluggishly through each of the intervening roarshy valleys. The original enclosure of nineteen acres was made in the unbro- ken woods ; and the timber was only removed as it was wanted for the necessMiesof the prison. The enclosure was made in January, 1864, and enlarged, during the summer, to 25J acres — being a quad- rangle of 1,295 by 865 feet. The greatest length is from north to south, the ground rising from the middle towards each end in rather a steep, rounded hill— the northern one being at once the highest and of the greatest extent. A small stream, rising from springs a little to the eastward, flows across it through a narrow valley filled with a compost washed down by the rains. The en- closing stockade Is formed of pine logs, twenty feet in length, and about eight inches in diameter, sunk five feet in the ground, and placed close together. This is again surrounded by two successive, and precisely similar, palisades— a portion of the last of which is gone. It seems never to have been completed. The two inner walls remain entire. Within the interior space, at the distance of about seventeen feet from the stockade, runs the famous dea-Minei marked by small posts set in the ground, and a slight strip of pine board nailed on the tops of them. The gates, of which there are two, situated on the west side, were continuations of the stock- ade, enclosing spaces of thirty feet square, more or less, with mas- sive doors at either end. They were arranged and worked on the prin- ciple of canal locks. Upon the inner stockade were fifty-two sentry REPORT OF AN EXPEDITION TO ANDERSONVILLE. oxe^, raised above the tops of tho palisades, and accessible to the Uiird by ladders. In these stood fifty-two guards, with loaded arms, 3 near that they could converse with each other. In addition to lese, seven foita mounted with field artillery, commanded the fatal puce and its massea of perishing men. [Jiicler the most favorable circumstances, and best possible mnn- gement, tho supply of water would hove been ineufiicient for half tie number of persoiis who had to uso it. The existing arrange* lents must have aggravated the evil to the utmost extent. The ole crJtablishnients for cooking and baking were placed on tho bank f the stream immediately above, and between tlie two inner lines of lalisadis. The grease and refuse from them were found adhering to hebar.ksat the time of our visit. The guards, to the number of about .CDO, were principally encamped on tho upper part of the stream, nd when tho heavy raina washed down the hill pido?, covered with 0;O0O human beings, and the outlet below f::iled to discbarge the lood wliich backed and liUed the valley, the water must have be- ome so foul and loathsome, that every statement I have seen of its iftensiveness must bo considered as falling short of tho reality Ind yet, within rifle-shot of the prison, there flowed a stream fif- eon fett wide and three feet deep, of pure, delicious water. Ilad ho prison been placed bo as to include a section of the " Sweet tVater Creek," the inmates might have drank and bathed to their icarts' content. During tho occupation, a beautiful spring broke o\at like the valersof Meribah from the solid ground, near the foot of the north- ern slope, just under the western deadline. It is still there— cool ind clear— the only pleasing object in this horrid place. The scarcity of water, the want of occupation, and perhaps the iesire to escape by tunneling, impelled the prisoners to dig wells, j^orty of those, finished and unfinished, remain. Those on the ligheet ground being sunk in tho hard soil to the depth of eighty 'eet. Tlie work was done with knives, spoons, sticks, and other oola but little better. The diggers brought up the earth in their lockets and blouses, and spriiiklod it about the grounds to conceal ,he quantity. la some wells, excellent water was reached, and in jther:^, horizontal galleries were attempted, for escape. In at least jne instance, a tunnel was carried entirely through the hill, and a few prisoners are said to have got through. The steep face of the northern hill is burrowed throughout i!e rt'Iiole extent. The little caves are scooped out and arched in tho form of ovens, floored, ceiled, and strengthened so far aa the owners liad means, with sticks and pieces of boards, and some of them are provided with fire-places and chimneys. It would ecera that there were cases, during long rains, where the house would become the grave of its owner, by falling in upon him in the night. In these burrows are still found remnants of tlio wretched food, and rude utensils of the occupants— drinking cups made of sections of horns, platters and spoons wrought from parts of old canteens, kettles and puna made, without solder, from stray pieces of old tin or sheet iron. I Ijrought away a considerable number of these articles, which may oue day be of interest to the curious. Five eheds stand on the top of the northern hill, erected in the early part of the occupation, and five more on the opposite height, built a short time before tho evacuation. Like nearly all southern land, tho soil is liable to be washed away by the raina ; and on tho slopes of the hills, ravines are now formed, gullied to the depth of twelve feet. It seems impossible that laen could have kept their footing on these hill-sides, when slippery with rain. OiitHiide of the enclosure, and nearly parallel with its south end, ;.« the hospital stockade— SOO feet by o50. It contains twenty-two sbeds, for tho most part vrithout eidca, erected about three months before the place was abandoned. The old hospital, occupied up to that time, in which so many brave men died, coiieisted only of tents enclosed by a board fence, and surrounded by a gu.ard. Confused heaps of rubbish alone mark tho place it occupied. About half a mile from the main prison, and near Anderson Station, U the officers' stockade— a small enclosure, in which were never imprisoned more than 250 officers— and it was chiefly used for the confinement of rebel offenders. The cemetery, around which the chief interest must gather, is distant about GOO yards from the stockade in a northwesterly direc- tion. Tho graves, placed side by side in close continuous rows, cover nine acres, divided into throe unequal lots by two roads which intersect each other nearly at right angles. The fourth space is still unoccupied, except by a few graves of " Confuderato " soldiers. No human bodies were found exposed, and none were removed. The place was found in much better condition than had been antici- pated, owi[ig to the excellent measures taken by Major-Gcneral "Wilson, commanding at Macon, and a humane public-spirited citi- zen of Fort Valley, Georgia — a Mr. Griffin, who, in passing on tho railroad, was informed by one of the ever-faithful negroes, that the bodies were becoming esposed, and were rooted up by animals. Having verified this statement, he collected a few negroes, sank the exposed bodies, and covered them to a proper depth. He then reported the facts to General Wilson, and requested authority to take steps for protecting the grounds. That patriotic officer visited Andersonvillo in person, appointed Mr. Griffin temporary Superin- tendent, and gave him such limited facilities as could be furnished 'n that destitute country. It was determined to enclose a square of fifty acres ; and, at the time of our arrival, the fence was nearly one. third built- from old lumber found about the place. He had also erected a brick kiln, and was manufacturing brick for drains to con- duct tho water away from the graves, and protect and strengthen tho soil against tho action of heavy rains. We found Mr. Griffin, with a force of about twenty negroes and a few mules, at work on the grounds. I have understood that that gentleman furnished the labor at his own cost, while General "Wilson issued the necessary rations. Tho part performed by our party was to take up and carry for- ward the work so well commenced. Additional force was obtained from tho military commandant at Macon for completing the enclo- sure and erecting the head-boards^. It seems that the dead had been buried by Union prisoners, paroled from the stockade and hospital for that purpose. Successive trenches, capable of containing from 100 to 150 bodies each, thickly set with littlo posts or boards, with num- bers in regular order carved -upon them, told to the astonished and tear-dimmed eye the sad story of buried treasures. It was only neces- sary to compare the number upon each post or board with that which stands opposite the name on the register, and replace the whole with a more substantial, uniform and comely tablet, bearing . not only the original number, but the name, company and regiment' and date of death of the soldier who slept beneath. I have been repeatedly assured by prisoners that great care was taken at the time by the men to whom fell the sad task of originally marking this astonishing number of graves, to perform the work with fiiithfulness and accuracy. If it shall prove that the work performed by those who followed, under circumstances so much more favorable, was .executed with less faithfulness and accuracy than the former, it wfil bo a subject of much regret— but fortunately not yet beyond the possibility of co' rection. The number of graves marked is 12,920. The original records, captured by General Wilson, furnished about 10,500 ; but as oue book of the record had not been secured, over 2,000 names were supplied from a copy (of his own record) made by Mr. Atwater in the Andersonvillo prisoni and brought by him to Annapolis on his return with the paroled prisoners. Interspersed tliroughout this Death Kegister were 400 numbers against which stood only the dark word " unknown.'' So, scattered among the thickly designated graves, stand 400 tablets, bearing only the number and the touching inscription " Unknown Union Soldier." Substantially, nothing was attempted beyond enclosing the grounds, identifying and marking the graves, placing some appro- priate mottoes at the gates and along the spaces designed fi)r walks, and erecting a flagstaff in the centre of the cemetery. The work was completed on the 17lh of August, and the party took the route homeward by way of Chattanooga, Nashville, and Cincinuati, arriving at Washington on the morning of August 34th. The health of the party during tho expedition was remarkably good, when the season of the year, tho fatigue, and the want of REPORT OF AN EXPEDITION TO ANDERSONVILLE. VU customary accommodations are taken into consideration. Cases of aliiiht chills and fevers were not unfrequent ; but, during the entire time, ■we bad only one ease of severe illness, and that, to our grief, terminated fatally. Edward Watts, of Georgetown, V. C, a clerk in the Q- M. Department in this city, sickened of typhoid fever during the passage up the Savannah river, and died on tbe 16th day of August. His remains were taten bomo to his friends. Mr. Watts was a young man of education and retinemoiit, and of tbe highest t\-pe of moral and religious character ; he euflered patiently, and died nobly and -well. I have thought that, he might be regarded as the last martyr of Andersonville. The future of this historic spot cannot fail to constitute a subject of deep aud abiding interest to the people of this entire country, and It would seem fitting that it should be preserved as one of the sanctuaries of tbe nation, and be in due time decorated with appro- priate honors. Its susceptibility of internal improvement is very great. Water can be had for irrigation, and the climate wilt pro. duce nearly all the flora of the temperate zone?. Both national gratitude and personal fttFection will suggest the erection of a suita- ble monument within the cemetery, where, if desirable, may be preserved in durable form the names of the martyrs who sleep around. And as the land on which all these interesting associations ate clustered, is still tbe property of private individuals, never hav- ing passed from the hands of the original owners, it would seem desirable that the cemetery at least, and its immediate surrouad- ings, become the property of the nation. A mile square will cm- brace all points of general aud historic interest. - There are numerous smaller burial-places in the State of Georgia which, from their seeming lesser importance, will scarcely be kejit up as national cemeteries, and in reference to which, without ven- turing to suggest, I would merely remark, that the fifty acres enclosed at AiidersonTille would afford ample space for all whom it might ever be deemed advisable to remove to that point. During the occupation of Andersonville as a prison, it was a pun- ishable offence for a colored man or woman to feed, shelter, aid, or even converse with the prisoners on parole. To others tbey had no access. I have been informed that they were not allowed about the prison grounds ; and bo great was their superstitious horror of the cruelties perpetrated upon the prisoners that only a compara- tively small number had ever found the courage to visit the ceme- tery up to the time of our arrival. But the presence of so many northern people on such an errand, and especially a lady, entirely overcame their fears, and they visited the cemetery and myself by. scores, men, women, and cbildron, sometimes a hundrgd in a day. It was no uncommon occurrence, upon opening my tent in the morn mg, to find a group standing in front of it, who had walked fifteen or tweuiy miles to see the '' Yankee lady," and ask her " if it were true that Abraham Lincoln was dead, and they were free," and " how Mussa Lincoln's great paper read," and " wbat they ought to 'do," and tell her bow the " poor Yankee prisoners" ran before the do:;s, "like us," and they could not save them — starved, and they • could not feed them— died, and they could not see them. Remember, mothers, that the pitying tear of the old-time slave, wliom your son helped to freedom, is the only tear that falls upon his di;:tant grave to-day. I have eudeavored to point out to you, as faithfully as X am able the various objects of interest, painful or otherwise, which present- ed tbemsclves to ray observation during the time occupied in the work of the expedition ; and while I would not dwell upon the ter- ribleness of the sulTerings imposed upon our prisoners, nor stir the hearts already sunk In grief to deeper woe, still wo owe it alike to the living and the dead, that a proper knowledge and a realization of the miseries which they endured be entertained by all. We are wont to attribute their chief suffering to insut^ciency of food, and while this is probably just, still, to the mind of one who has looked over the scanty, shelterless, pitiful spot of earth to which they were confined, and taken into consideration the numberless trials which must have grown out of tbe privation of space and the necessary couvenienci'8 uf liie, the conviction will force itself that these latter woes fell but little short of tbe former. It Is to be remembered that during thirteen long months, they knew neither shelter nor protection from the changeable skies above, uor the pitiless, un- feeling earth beneath. The treacherous nature of the soil, parching to seams in the sun, and gullying and sliding under their feet with every shower, must have augmented their ills almost beyond conception. I watched tbe eflect of a heavy fall of rain upon the enclosed grounds, and in thirty minutes the entire hill-sides, which had constituted their solo abiding-place, were one rolling mass of slippery mud, and this the effect of a mere summer shower. What of the continued rains of autumn# Think, of thirty thousand men penned by close stockade upon twenty-six acres of ground, from which every tree and shrub had been uprooted for fuel to cook their scanty food, huddled like cattle, without shelter or blanket, half-clad and hungry, with the dreary night setting in, after a day of autumn rain. The hill-tops would not hold them all, the valley was filled with the swollen brook ; seventeen feet from the stockade ran the fatal dead-line^ beyond which no man might step and live. "What did tbey do? 1 need not ask where did they go, for on the face of the whole green earth there was noplacebut this for them ; but where did they place themselves? how did they live ? Ay 1 how did they die? But this is only one feature of their suffering ; and perhaps the lightest. Of the long dazzling months when gaunt famine stalked at noon-day^ and pestilence walked by night ; and upon the seamed and parching earth the cooling rains fell not, I will not trust me to speak. I scarce dare think. If my heart were strong enough to draw the picture, there are thousands upon thousands all through our land too crushed and sore to look upon it. But after this, whenever any man who has lain a prisoner within the stockade of Andersonville, would tell you of his suffering!?, how he fainted, scorched, drenched, hungered sickened, was scoffed, scourged, hunted and persecuted, though the tale be long and twice told, as you would have your own wrongs ap- preciated, your own woes pitied, your own cries for mercy heard, I charge you, listen and believe him. However definitely he may have spoken, know that he has not told yon all. However stronglj' he may have outlined, or deeply he may baJve colored his picturci know that the reality calls for a better light, and a nearer view than your clouded, distant gaze \v\\\ ever get. And your synipattiietj need not he confined to Andersonville, while similar horrors glared in the sunny light, and spotted the flower-girt garden fields of that whole desperate, misguided, and bewildered people. Wherever stretched the form of a Union prisoner, there rose the signal for cruelty and the cry of agony, and there, day by day, grew the skele- ton graves^ the nameless dead. But, br.^ing and enduring all this, some thousands have returned to you. And you will bear with me, and these noble men will par- don me, while, in conclusion, I speak one word of them. The unparalleled severities of our four years' campaignshave told upon the constitutional strength even of the fortunate soldier, who alone marched to the music of the Union, and slept only beneath the folds of the flag for which he fought. But they whom fickle fortune left to crouch at the foot of the shadowless palmetto, and listen to the hissing of the serpent, drank still deeper of the un- healthful draught. These men bear with ihem the seeds of disease and death, sown in that fatal clime, and ripening for an early har- vest. With occasional exceptions, they will prove to be short-lived and enfeebled men, and whether they ask it or not, will deserve at your hands no ordinary share of kindly consideration. The survivor of a rebel prison has endured and suffered what you never can, and what I pray God, your children never may. With less of strength, and more of,»ad and bitter memories, he is with you now, to earn the food so long denied him. If he ask " leave to toil," give it him be- fore it is too late ; if he need kindness and encouragement, bestow them freely, while yon may ; if ho seek charity at your hands, re- member that " the poor you have always with you," but him you have not always, and withhold it not. If hereafter you find them making organized effort to provide for the widow and orphan of the Union prisoner, remember that it grows out of the heart sympathy which clusters around the memories of the comrades who perished vin REPORT OF AN EXPEDITION TO AKDERSONVILLE. at their side, nnd a well-grounded appreheneion for the future of their own, and aid them. In conclusion, tremuloa&Iy, lest I assume too much, let me hasten to commend to the grateful consideration of this noVjlo, gen- erous people, alike the soldier who has given his Btrength, the prisoner who hae sacrificed his health, the widow who has offered up her husband, the orphan that knows oyly that its father went out to battle and comes no more forever, and the lonely, distant grave of the martyr, who Bleeps alone in a stranger soil, that free- dom and peace might come to ours. One word of explanation, in conclusion, and I have dcMe. You have long and justly felt that some report of this expedition, era- bracing a record of the graves identified and reclaimed, was due you. And three thousand letters addressed to me upon the subject, havo revealed only too plainly and painfully the bitter anxiety with which you have watched and waited. A mere report, unaccompanied by the " record," seemed but a hollow mockery, which I would not impose upon you, and this U my first opportunity for such accompaniment. For the record of your dead, you are indebted to the forethought, courage, and perse- verance of Dorence Atwater, a young mau not yet twenty-one years of age ; an orphan ; four years a soldier ; one tenth part of his whole life a prisoner, with broken health and ruined hopes, he seekia to present to your acceptance the sad gift he has in store for you; and, grateful for the opportunity, I hasten to place beside it this humble report, whose only merit is its truthfulness, and beg you to accept it in the spirit of feihdnees in which it is offered. CLARA BARTON. A. LIST UNION SOLDIERS BURIED AT ANDERSONYILLE. AU Persons numbered below 12367t died in 1864 ; above that number, in 1865. Corporal; those with a •!•, Sergeant. AU names with a -K-, denote 7524, Barton, Wrn, 1 cav, Co h, died St^pt 1, scorbutua. 2111, Berry, J M, t, 1 cav, Co A, died May 17, diarrhea c. 4622. Belle, Robt, Icav, Co A, died Au^ 3, dysentery. 5505, Boobur, Win, 1 cav, Co E, died An^ 13, diarrhea. 8425, Brico, J C, 1 cav, Co L, died Sept 11, scorbutua. 8147, Guthrie, J, 1 cav, Co I, died Sept 8, scorbutus. 2514, Henry, P, 1 cav, Co F, died June 26, pneumonia. 996, Jones, Jno F, 1 cav, Co K, died Mar 15, anasarca. ALABAMA. >'o, of 4715, Mitcbel, Jno D, 1, Co A, died Aug 4, ecorbntns. 5077, Pondera, J, 1 cav, Co H, died Aug 8, diarrhea. 57(33, Panler, R, 1, Co L, died Aui; 16, diarrhea c. 6886, Patterson, W D, 1, Co K, died Aug 25, diarrhea a. 25W, Prett, J E, 1, CoF, died June 26, diarrhea a. 10000, Redman, W R, 1 cav, Co G, died Oct 14, Bcorbutns. 4731, Stubbs, W, 1, Co I, died Aug 4, bronchitis. CONNECTICUT. 23S0, Anderson, A, 14, Co K, died Juno 23, diarrhea c. 3461, Batchelder, Ben.i, 16, Co C. died Julv 17, diarrhea a. 3664, Baty, John, 16, Co C, died July 19, diarrhea c. 7306, Brunliissell, H, 14, Co D, died Aug 30, dysentery. 2833, Brennon, M, 14, Co B, died July 3, dysentery c. 3224, Burns, John, 7, Co I, died July 12, diarrhea. 10414, Blumly, E, 8, Co D, died Oct 6, scorbutus. 545, Bigelow, Win, 7, Co B, died April 14, diarrhea. 11966, Ball, H A, 3, Co B, died Nov 11, scorbutus. 12089, Brookmeyer, T W, 8, Co H.died Nov 18, scorbutus. 12152, Burt:e H, 16, Co D, died Nov 24, scorbutus. 12209, Bone, A, 1. Co E, died Decl, scorbutus. 10682, Burnham F,' 14, Co I, died Oct 11, dysentery c. 10690, Barlow, O L, 16, Co E, died Oct 11, dyseuteiy a. 10876, Bennett. N, 18, Co H, died Oct 13, scorbutus. &806, Brown, C II, 1, Co H, died Aug 15, dysentery. 5919, Boyce, M'ni. 7, Co B, died Aug 17, dysentery. 6083, Bishop. B H, 1 eav, Co I, died Aug 18, dysentery. 6184, BuBhnell. Wm. 14, Co D, died Aug 19, cerebritis. 7763, Bailey, F. 16, Co E, died Sept 4, dysentery. 20.i4, Brewer, G E, 21, Co A, died June 16, diarrhea c. 5596, Burns, B, 6, Co G, died Aug 14, bronchitis. 6632, Balcomh, 11, Co B, died Aug 14, diarrhea. 5764, Beers, .Tames C, 16, Co A, died Aug 16, dvsentery. 11636, Blrdsell, D, 16, Co D, died Oct 2S, scorbutus. 4iJP6, BLakeslee, H, 1 cav, Co L, died July 30, an.nsarca. 3900, Bishop, A, IS, Co A, died July 24, dysenterv. 1493, Besannon, Peter, 14, Co B, died Juno 2, diarrhea. 2720, Babcock, R, 30, Co A, died July 1, scorbutus. 2813, Baldwin, Thomas, 1 cav, Co L, died July 3, pneumonia. 2256, Bosworth, A M, 16, Co D, died June 21, diarrhea c. 5132, Bougin, John, 11, Co C, died Aug 8, dysentery. 5152, Brooks, Wm D,* 16, Co F. died Aug 9, dysentery. 03118, Bower, John, 16, Co E, died Aug 11, scorbutus. 5452, Bently, F, 6, Co H, died Aug 12, diarrhea. 6464, Bently, James, 1 cav, Co I. died Aug 12, scorbutus. 4830, Blaekman, A,» 2 artil, Co C, died Aug 6, scorbutus. 7742, Banning, J. F, 16, Co E, died Sept 3, dysentery. 8018, B.allentine, Robert, 16, Co A, died 8opt 6, dvsentery, 12408, Bassttt, J B, 11, Co B, died Jan. 6, '66, scorbutus. 12640, Bohiiie. C, 2, Co E, died Jan 27, '65, rheumatism. 12620, Bemis Charles, 7, Co K, died Feb 8, scorbutus. 3707, Chapin, J L, 10, Co A, died July 21, '64, fever intermittent. 3949, Cottrell, P, 7, Co C, died July 25, diarrhea c. 3941, Clarkson, — , 11, Co H, died, .July 26, scorbutus. 4867, Culler, M, 7, Co Eddied July 31, diarrhea. 4419, Connor, D, 18, Co F, died Aug 1, scorbutus. 4848, Carrier, I) B, 10, Co I), died Aug 6, diarrhea c. 6060, Cook, W II, 1 cav, CoG, died Aug 18, cerehritis. 6153, Clark, IT H, IS, Co K, died Aug 19, cerebritis. 6846, Clark, W, 6, Co A, died Aug 25, diarrhea. 5799, Charaplain, H, 10, Co F, died Aug. 15, dysentery. 336, Cane, John, 9, Co II, died^\pril 2, diarrhea. 620, Christian, A M, 1, Co A, died April 19, dysentery. 775, Crawford, .Tames, 14, Co. A, died April 28, diarrhea c, 7316, Chapman M, 16, Co E, died Aug 30, scorbutua. 7348, Cleary, P, 1 cav, Co B, died Aug 31, scorbutus. 7395, Campl)ell, Rob't, 7, Co E, died Aug 31, diarrhea. 7418, Culler, M, 16, Co K, died Aug 31, diarrhea a. 7085, Carver, John G, 16, Co B, died Sept 3, dysentery. 7780, Cain, Thomas, 14, Co G, died Sept 4, diarrhea. 99S4, Crossley. B, 8, Co G, died Sept 29, scorbutus. 10272, Coltier,'W, 16, Co B, died Oct 3, diarrhea. 11175, Calliihan J, 11, Co I, died Oct 19, scorbutus. 11361, Candee, D. M, 2 artil, Co A, died Oct 23, scorbutae, 25, Dowd, F, T, Co I, died March 8, pneumonia. 7325, Davis, W, 1 cav, Co L, died Aug 30, dysentery. 2813, Davis, W, 10, Co E, died July 3, anasarca. 3614, Damery, John, 6, Co A, died July 20, diarrhea. CONNECTICUT. 7697, DieTjenilial, H, 11, Cn C, died Sept 2, diarrhea. 8668, Donoway. J, 1 Cav, Co A, died Sept 12, dysentery. 8769, Button, W H,16, Oo K, du-d Sept 14, dj'nentery. 5446, Dugan, Chas, 16, Co K, died Aug 12, scorbutus. 11339, Dean K, 16, Co H, died Oct 23, scorbutus. 114S1, Demraings, Gr A, 16, Co I, died Oct 24, scorbutus. 118S9, Downer, S, 18, Co C, died Nov 7, scorliulus. 11991, Demming, B J, 16, Co G, died Nov 13, diarrhea. 8482, Emmonds. A, 16, Co K, died July 17, fever tvphoid. 4437, Easterly, Thomas 14, Co Q, died July 31, diarrhea c. 4558, Earnest, U C, 6, Co I, died Auji 2, yangrene. 7346, Ensworth, John, 16, Co C, died Aug 31, scorbutus. 7603, Edwards, O. J,* 8, Co G, died Sejit 2, diarrhea. 8368, Evans, N L, 10, Co I, died S.pt 10, scorbutus. 11608, Emmett, W, 16, Co K, died Oct 2S, Bcorbiijus. 12442, Eaton W, 6, Co F, died Jan 12, '65, diarrhea c. 186, Fluit, C "W, 14, Co G, died March 27, diarrhea. 1277, Francell, Otlo, 6, Co C, died M.ay 22, diarrliea. 2612, Fry, S, 7, Co U, died June 28, diarrhea c. 4444, Fibbles. H, 16, Co G, died Aug 1, diarrhea. 4465, Fisher, U, 1, Co K, died Aug 1, dysentery. 6123, Florence, J J,» 16, Co C, died Aug 8, dysentery. 6382, Fuller, U S, 24, Co H, d:ed Aug 11, scorbutus. 6913, Frisbie, Levi, 1 cav, Co G, died Aug 17, dysentery. 6580, Fogg, C,t 7, Co K, died Aug 13, dysentery. 8028, Feely, M, 7, Co I, died Sept 6, fCMbutus. 9089, Filby, A, 14, CoC, died Sept 18, diarrhea c. 10256, Frederick, John, 7, Co A, died Got 3, scorbutus. 12188, Pagan, 1' D, 11, Co A, died Nov 23, dysentery. 3028, Gordon, John. 14, Co G, died July 7, diarrhea. 4096, Gray, Pat, 9, Co H, died July 27, phthisis. 4974, Grammon, Jas, 1 cav, Co K, died Aug 7, scorbutus. 4015, Gulterraan, J, m, 1, Co E, died July 26, debiliuts. 6173, Gilniore, J, 16, Co C, died Aug 9, diarrhea. 7067, Gallagher, P, 16, Co D. died Aug 28, diarrhea. 7337, Gott, G, musician, 18, died Aug 30, dysentery. 7592, Goodrich. J W, 16, Co C, died Sept 2, scorbutus. 7646, Graigg, W, 16, Co B, died Sept 3, dysentery. 9423, Guina, II M, II. Co G, died Sept 21, diarrhea. 10300, Grady, M, 11. Co B, died Oct 4, scorlmtus. 10397, Gladstone, \Vm, 6, Co K, died Oct 6, dysentery. 49, Holt, Thomas, 1 cav, Co A, died Mch 15, pleuritis. 2330, Hughes, Ed, 14, Co D, died June 22, di-irrhea. 3195, Hitchcock, Wm A, 16, Co C, died July 12. diarrhea. 5448, Hall, Wm 6, 1, Co K, died July 17, dysentery. 3569, Holcomb, D, 14, Co I), died Julv 18, diarrhea. ■ 1350, Htlenthal, Ja.a, 14, Co C, died May 25, diarrhea. 3033, Haskins, Jas, 16, Co D, died July 8, diarrhea c, 5029, HoUister, A, 1 cav, Co L, died Aug 8, diarrhea. ' 5162, Hally, Thomas, 16, Co F, died Aug 9, diarrhea. 5362, Hanson, F A, 15, Co I, died Aug 11, anasarca. 6695, Hodges, Geo, 1 cav, Co H, died Aug 24, diarrhea c. 4937, Harwood, G. 15, Co A, died Aug 7, anasarca. 69t>4, Hoyt, E S, 17, Co B, died Aug 27, diarrhea. 7012, Hull, M, 16, Co E, died Aug 27, .scorbutus. 7380, Holcomb, A A, 10, Co E, died Aug 31, diarrhea. 7642, Haly, W, 16, Co D, died Sept 3, dj-'sentery. 7757, Hubbard, H D, 16, Co I), died Sept 4, gangrene. 8148, Hubbard, B, 16, Co A, died Sept 8, dysentery. 8403, Haywood, 18, Co E, died Sept 11, diarrhea c. 8613, Heath, .J,t 16, Co K, died Sept 13, BcorbutuB. 9129, Hall, B, 16, Co G, died Sept 18, anasarca. 9369, Heart, W, 11, Co F, died Sent 20, scorbutus. 99S1, Hurlev, R A. 16, Co I, died Sept 29, diarrhea. 12086, Hibba'rd, A, 18. Co D, died Nov IS, scorbutus. 12117, Hancock, W, 14, Co G, died Nov 22, dysentery. 12163, Hudson, Chas. II, Co C, died Nov 26, scorbutus. 9:^0, lelay, H, 11, died Sept 4, scorbutu.^. 737, Janiieson, Charles, 7, Co D, died Apl 26, diarrhea. 5221, Johnson, John, 16, Co E, died .\ug 10, dvscntery. 7083, lohnson, G W, 11, Co G, died Aug 28, dysentery. 7365, Jamison, John S. q, m, s, 1 cav, died Aug 31, diarrhea c. 7570, Jones, John -T, 16, Co B, died Sept 2. diarrhea. 7961, Jones James R, 6, Co G, died Si-pt 6, diarrhea. 8502, Johnson, F. 1, Co D, died Sept 12, gangrene. 11970, Johnson, C S, 16. Co E, died Nov 12, scorbutus. 1-2340, Johnson, W, 16, Co E, died Dec 26, scorbutus. 1590, Kingsbury, C, 14, Co K, died June 3, pneumonia. 51S6, Klineland, T., II, Co C, died Aug 9, scorbutus. 6374, Kcmpton, B F, 8, Co G, died Aug 21, diarrhea c. 6705, Kershofl' B, 6, Co H, died Aul' 25, diarrhea a. 6748, KcUey, F, 14, Co I, died Aug 25, rheumatism. 7749, Jtalt\', J, 1 cav, Co L, died Sept 3, diarrhea a. 8065, Kimbalh H H, 7, Co H, died Sept 7, diarrhea a. 8866, Kohlenburg, C, 7, Co D, died Sept 15, scorbutus. 10233, Kearn, T, 16, Co A, died Oct 2, diarrhea a. 3401, Lendon, H, 16, Co D, died July 16, diarrhea c. 6893, Laetry, J, 10, Col, died Aug 16, diarrhea c. 6499, Lewis, J, 8. Co E, died Aug 12, diarrhea c. 6124, Leonard, W, 14, Co H, died Aug 19, dLarrhea a. 7912, Lev.inaui:h, Wm O, f 16, Co C, died Sept 5, dysentery. 7956, Linker, C, 8, Co G, died Sept 6, diarrhea a. 9219, Lewis. G 11, 7, Co G, died Sept 19, scorbutus. 10228, Lee,— farrier, 1 cav, Co F, died Oct 2, diarrhea c. 74, 119, 2295, 3516, 3644, 3410, 3932, 4079, 4417, 4492, 4595, 6238, 5328, 6342, 6426, 6451, 6570, 6800, 6902, 6240, 7547, 7862, 8150, 8446, 8601, 9170, 9321, 10696, 10914, 11487, 11538, 12134, Mills, W J, 6j Co D, died March 20, rheumatism. McCaulley, Jas, 14, Co U, died March 20, diarrhea. Miller, Charles, 14, Co I, died June 21, diarrhea a. McConl. P, 16, Co G, died July 18, fever typhoid. Miller, A, 14, Co D, died July 19, scorbutus. Mould, James, 11, Co E, died July 16, fever typhoid. McGinnis, J W, 15, Co E, died Aug 17, enteritis. Miller, D, 1 cav, Co E, died July 27, diarrhea. Messenger, ,\, 16, Co G, died July 31, diarrhea. McLean, Wm, 11, Co F, died Aug 1, scorbutus. Marshitll, B, 8, Co H, died Aug 3," diarrhea. Mickallis, F, 16, Co F, tiled Aug 10, diarrhea a. Miller, U,16, Co A, died Aug 11, d.vsenter.v. Malone, John, 16, Co B, died Aug 22, diarrhea. Messey, M, 7, Cf> E, died Aug 22, scorbutus. McGee, Thomas, 11, Co D, diedAug 22, dysentery McDavid, Jas, 1, Co K, died Aug 23, ictus tolls. Meal, John, 11. Co D, died Aug 25. dysenterj'. Mape, George, II, Co B, died Aug 26, diarrhea a. Marshall, L, 8, Co H, died July 20, scorbutus. Moore, .V P, * I cav, C^o H, died Sept 2, diarrhea c. Miller, F D, 16, Co B, died Sept, 6, debilitas. Modger, A, 10, Co 1, died Sept 8, wounds. Mathews, S J, 10, Co K, died Sept 11, scorbutus. Meyers, L, 1 cav, died Sept 12, scorbutus. Merts, C, 11, Co C, died Sept 18, scorbutus. Milor, W, t 14, Co F, died Sept 20, diarrhea. McCreiethj A, 14, Co H, died Oct, 10, scorbutus. McKeon, -J. 7, Co I£, died Oct 14, scorbutus. Murphy, W, 16, Co C, died Oct 26, scorbutus. McDowell, J, 11, Co D, died Oct 27, dysentery. Monljoy, T, 5, Co C, died Nov 23, diarrhea. ,j044, Nichols C, 16, Co G, died Aug 8, dysentery. I 6222, Northrop, John, 7, Co D, died Aug 20, cerebritie. 7331, North, S s,t 1 cav Co I), died AugSO, fever cungeBtive. 10896, Nichols, M, 7, Co I, died Oct 14, scorbutus. 4585, Orton, II C, 6, Co L died Aug 9, rheumatism. 7511, (.>lena, R, I cav, Co E, died Sept 1, scorbutus. 8276, Orr A, 14, Co 11, died Sept 14, scorbutus. 2960, Pendalton, W, 14, Co C, died July 6, scorbutus. 3S6S, Pompev, C, 14, Co B, died July 24, diarrhea. 4366, Parkerl S B, 10, Co B, died July 31, diarihea a. 3S03, Phelps, S G, 1, Co H, died Julv 22, feveWvphoid. 4934, Pirnljle, A, 16, Co I, died Aug 7, diarrhea c. 5002, Plum, tjames, II, Co G, died Aug 8, del-ilitas. 63Sii, Patchey, J. 1 cav, Co I died Aug 12, diarrhea. 7487, Post, C* 16, Co K, died Sept 1, diarrhea a. 7688, Potache, A, 7, Co G, died Sept 3, d.arrhea a. 9248, Phillips, J I, 8, Co B, died Sept 19, scorbutus. . 9444, Padfrey, Sylvanus, 8, Oo H, died Sept 21, diarrhea. 953:3, Painter, N P, 7, Co C, died Sept 22, scorbutus. 10676, Puritan, 0, 1 cav, Co L, died Oct II, scorbutus. 11616, I'eir, A, 7, Co D, died Oct 28, wounds. 2S04, Kiither, J,* 1 cav, Co E, died Julv 3, pneumonia. 2S71, Heed, H H, 2 artil, Co H, died July 4, diarrhea. 3674, liisley, E,» 10, Co B, died July 20, diarrhea. 4636, Reins, Win, II, Co I, died Aug 3, diarrhea. 5902, Ross, D, 10, Co K, died Aug 16, diarrhea, c. 640t), Robinson, H, 21, Co K, died Aug 21, scorbutus. 6796, Ringwood, R, 14, Co J, died Aug 25, diarrhex 8078, Heed, J.)hn, 7, Co B, died Sept 7, dharrhea .a. 8170, Richardson, C S, 16, Co E, died Sept 9, scorbutus. 8345, Ray, A, H, Co G, died Sept 10, scorbutus. 7310, Reed, Robt K, 7, Co A, died Aug 30, diarrliea. 8662, Roper, H, 16, Co G, died Sept 13, anasarca. 10029, Robinson, J W, 18, Co D, died Sept 29, diarrhea. 10196, Richardson, D T, 10^ Co G, died Oct 2, scorbutus. 10416, Reynolds, E, 1, Co E, died Oct 6, diarrhea. 12031, Rathbone, B, 2, Co A, died Nov 16, '64, scorbutus. 4, Stone, H I, I cav, Co A, died March 3, dysentery. 234, Smith, Horace, 7. Co D, died March 29, dyscnter.v. 2405, Seward, G H. 14, Co A, died June 24, dysentery *c. 2474, Stephens, E W, 1 cav, Co L, died June 25, fever typhus. 3010, Scott W, 14, Co D, died July 7, scorbutus. 3026, Sutclift', B, 21, Co Q. died July 7, di.arrliea c DELAWARE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 3041, 352-2, 359S, 4212, 4310, 4555, 4722, 4892, 6385, 5563, 5712, 5725, 6734, 7070, 7975, 8088, 8235, 9304, 9435, 9(i48, 9987, 1013S, 10247, 10476, 107S7, 12005, 122S8, Stuart J, 7, died July 8. Sniitli, J, 14, Co I, died July 18, dnrrhca c. Sherwood U, 1, Co D, dii-d July 18, diarrhea n. Smith, C E, *■ 1 cav, Co L, died July 27, diarrhea. Slraubell. L, 11, Co C, died July 30, diarrhea c. Straum, James, 2 artil, Co D, died Aug 2, diarrhea. Sullivan, M, 16, Co D, died Aug 4, diarrhea. Steele, Sam, 14, Co C, died Aug 6, diarrhea c. Shnlts. C T, 14, Co 1, died Aug 12, dysentery. Stino, P, 16, CoK, died Aug 13, diarrhea, Steele Sam, 16, Co C, died Aug 15, diarrhea. Smith S, 7, Co B, died Aug 15, scorbutus. Steele, Jame.i U, 16, Co F, died Aug 25, diarrhea Stephens, 13 H, 14, died Aug 28, diarrhea, Smitl), Henrv, 5, Co H, died Sept 6, scorbutus. Short, L 0, 18, Co K, died Sept 7, scorbutus. Smally, L, 16, Co E, died Sept 9, ecorbutUB. Starkweather, E M, 1 cav, Co L, died Sept 20, dysentery. Sutlifl', J, 16, Co C, died Sept 21, diarrhea. See, L, 1, Co G, died Sept 24, gangreue. Sling, D, 7, Co F, died Sept 29, diarrhea. Schubert, K, 16, Co K, died Oct 1, diarrhea. Sparring, T, 7, Co K, died Oct 3, diarrhea. Steele, II, 16, Co F, died Oct 7, dysentery. Stauff, J, 1 c;iv, Co L, died Oct 12, diarrhea. Swift, J, 1, Co K, died Nov 14, diarrhea. Smith, J T, 7, Co D, died Dec 13, scorbutus. 541, Taylor, Moses, 14, Co E, died April 14, bronchitis, 4443, Thompson, Wm T, 14, Co I, died Aug 1, diarrhea. 5427, Thompson, F, 14, Co A, died Aug 12, diarrhea c. 6479, Tibbcla, Wm, 16, Co G, died Aug 12, diarrhea. 7723, Treadwav, J H, ♦ 15, Co E, died Aug 3, diarrhea a. 10035, Tisdale, Ed F, 1 cav, Co B, died Sept 29, scorbutus. 10142, Taylor, J, 14, Co I, died Oct 1, scorbutus, 11089, Turner, H, 11, Co A, died Oct IS, scorbutus. 3107, Valter, H, 14, Co A, died July 10, auasarea. 401, Winship, J H, 18, Co C, died April C, dysentery. 2158, Weldon, Henry, 7, Co E, died June 19, diarrhea o, 2601, Warner, E, 1 cav, Co E, died June 28, di.arrliea. 6543, Wikert, Henry, 14, Co C, died Aug 13, dysentery. 5222, Wright, C. 16, Co B, died Aug 10, dysentery. 4649, Wheely, James, 10, Co O, died AugS, diarrhea. 6675, Wenchell. John L. 16, Co E, died Aug 14, gangrene. 61.38, Way, H C, 10, Co K, died Aug 19, diarrhea. 6918, Wiggleworth, M L, 2 artil, Co H, died Aug 26, scorbutus. 8024, West, Chas H, 16, Co I, died Sept 6, fever typhus, 9028, Williams, H D, * 10, Co F, died Sept 17, scorbutus, 9265, Wheeler, .J, 1 cav, Co M, died Sept 19, scorbutus. 9512, Ward, Gilbert, t 11, died Sept 22, dysentery. 10033, Weins, John, 6, Co K, died Sept 29, diptheria. 12600, Ward, G W, 18, Co C, died Feb 6, '65, scorbutus. 6394, Toung, C S, * 16, Co C, died Aug 21, '64, pneumonia. DELAWARE, 8812, Aiken, Wm, 7, Co G, died Sept 15, scorbutus. Boice, J, 4, died Aug 13, diarrhea. Brown, J U, 2 Co I, died Aug 27, diarrhea a. 6529, 7016, 1709, ■2698, 4394, li!263. 11246, 6217, ,6677, 2091, 9004, 8346, 5504, 9839, 11634, 790, 5346, Callihan, Jno, 1, Co B, died June 7, diarrhea c. ConoWay, F, 1, Co K, died .Tune 30, diarrhea c. Conley, J H, 2, Co F, died July 31, diarrliea a, Conner, G, 1 cav, Co D, died Dec 9, scorbutus. Conner, C, 2, Co F, died Oc'^ 13. scorbutus, Cunningham, K, 1, Co F, died Oct 13, scorbutus. Donahue, H, 2, Co D, died Aug 20, scorbutus. Emmett, W, 1, Co K, died Aug 24, anasarca. Field, S, 2, Co D, died June 17, an.asarcx Hanning, H, drum, 2, Co F, died Sept 17, scorbutus. Hills, W, 2, Co K, died Sept 10. diarrhea c. Hobson, W, 1 cav, Co E, died Aug 1,3, diarrhea a. Hudson, G ^V,^ 2. died Sept 27, scorlmtus, Hussey, J R, 1 cav, Co D, died Oct 28, scorbutus. Joseph JiV C,» 1, Co E, died Apr 28, diarrhea o. Jones, H, 2, Co B, died Aug 11, diarrhea. 11410, Kinney, M, 1, Co D, died Oct 24, scorbutus. 6292, 483, Laughlin, R M, 1, Co C, died Sept 9, scorbutus. Limpkine, J H, 2, Co D, died Apr 9, diarrhea g. 69.i6, Maham, Jns, 2, Co C, died Aug 17, fever typhoid. 8972, Moxworthy, Geo, 2, Co D, died Sept 16, diarrhea, 9580, Marlin, J. 1, Co G. died Scpl 23, diarrlien. 9943, Manner, C, 2. Co K, died Sept 28, diarrlie-i, 1071, McCr.acklin, II, 1, Co B, died Juno 6, dysentery. 11570, MoKiunev, J, 1, Co F, died Oct 27, scorbutus. 12407, McBride,"2, Co F, died Jan 0,'C5, scorbutus. 9450, Norris, Clarence, 1 cav, Co L, died Sept 21, diarrliea. 6307, Peterson, P, 4, Co F, died Aug 20, diarrhea. 8743, Pilfer, W, 2, Co F, died Aug 14, debility. 7561, Reitter, G, 2, Co F, died Sept 2, dysentery. 11531, Riddlor, H A, 1, Co U, died Oct 27, scorbutus. 6618, Saurot, John, 2, Co E, died Aug 23, diarrliea a. 6479, Sholder, Ed, 2, Co H, died Ang 22, diarrhea c. 6593, Sirable, Wm, 1 cav, Co C, died Aug 23, diarrhea a. 12707, Sill, Jame3, 2, Co K, died Feb 28, '65, scorbutus. 5764, Smith, E E, 2, Co E, died Aug 15, diarrhea a. 276, Tavlor, Robt, 1, Co G, died Mar 31, pneumonia. 8082, Thorn. H I, 2, Co D, died Sept .S, dysentery. 9324, Tilbrick, E L, 1 cav, Cu L, died Sept 20, diarrhea c. 11981, Warner, G, 2, Co K, died Nov 13, scorbutus. 10302, Wilde, J, 2, Co K, died Oct 4, scorbutUf^. 198, Wilburn, Geo, 2, Co G, died Mar 27, bronchitis. DI STRICT 8449, BolBsonnault, F M, 1 cav, Co H, died Sept 11, scorbutus. 11700, Clark, Theodore, 1 cav, Co I, died Oct 31, scorbutus. 11180, Farrell, C, 1 cav, Co E, died Oct 19, scorbutus. 5736, Gray, G S, 1 cav, Co K, died Aug 15, dysentery. 9463, Pillman, John, 1 cav, Co D, died Sept 21, scorbutus. 6873, Ridley, A C, 1 cav, Co M, died Aug 26, dysentery. OF COLUMBIA. 11716, Russell, T, 1 cav, Co D, died Nov 1, scorbutus. 6847, Stretch, J, 1 cav, Co G, died Aug 25. debilitas. 8189, Sergeant, L, t 1, Co G, died Sept 8, dysentery. 11742, Stanhope, W H, 1, Co I, died Nov 2, diarrhea, 12457, Veazie, F, 1 cav, Co K, died Jan 15, '65, diarrhea. 8172, Winwortlj, G, 1 eav, Co G.died Sept 8, dysentery. 8807, Wiggin, Nat, 1 cav, Co M, died Sept 16, scorbutus. 10301, Wilson, W, 1 cav, Co E, died Oct 3, scorbutus. ILLINOIS. 8402, Adams, H F, 1 17, Co E, died Sept 11, scorbutus. 12430, Adder, W, 30. Co C, died Jan 4, '65, diarrhea. 3840, Adlet, John, 119, Co K, died July 23, diarrhea c. 8249, Adrian, F, 9 cav, Co E, died Sept 9, scorbutus. ■ 5876, Akens, C, * 78, Co F, died .\ug 16, diarrhea. 8381, Albany, D, 22. Co D, died Sept 10, scorbutus. 1264, Aldridge, A, 16 cav, Co L, died Mav 20, diarrhea. 8127, Alexander, B, 123, Co B, died Sept"8, scorbutus. 1423, Allen, R C, 17, Co I, died May 28, diarrhea. 10762, Alf, H, 89, Co A, died Oct 12, dysentery. 2400, Allison, L J, 21, Co B, died June 24, dysentery. 6710, Anderson, A, 19, Co K, died Aug 24, scorbutus. 10242, Anderson, A, 98, Co E, died Oct 3, scorbutus. 9946, Anderson, W, 89, Co C, died Sept 28, scorbutus. 10271, Anthony, E, 3, Co E, died Oct 3, diarrhea. 7339, Armstrong, R, 89, Co A, died Ang 30, scorbutus. 12792, Arnold, L, 137, Co I, March 18, '65, scorbutus, 10979, Atkins, E, 6, Co C, died Oct 15, socrbutus. ILLINOIS. R«. of 9733, Atkinson, James, 14 criv, Co D, died Sept 25, dysentery. 11777, Atwno'l, Ay 23, Co Ct, died Nov 3, scorbutus. 8046j Augustine, J, 100, Co I, died Sept 6, anasarca. 3709, Bal)bitt, John, 7, Co K, died July 21, scorbutus. 3698, Babcoclv, F, 44, Co G-, died June 28. pneumonia. ,■5783, Bailey, P, t 38, Co B, died July 22, anasarca. 12530, Baker, James, 25, Co H, died Jan 26, '65, scorbutus. 2892, Baker, .John, 89, Co B, died July 4, pneumonia. 3308, Baker, Thomas, 16 cav, Co M, died July 14, diarrhe.i. 1034, Bales, Thomas, 2 artil, Co M, died May 11, anasarca. 584S, Barber, C F, 112, Co I, died Atis; 16, debilitas. :iS29, Barclay, P, 42, Co I, died July 23, diarrhea c. 12768, Barnard, W, 14, Co F, died March 12, '66, diarrhea c. 10480, Barnes, Thomas, 135, Co F, died Oct 7, diarrhea. 845S, Barnet, J, 120, Co I, died Sept 11, gangrene. 8762, Barrett, A, * 25, Co A, died Sept 14, diarrhea. 12087, Bass, J, 2 cav, Co C, died Feb 22, '65, diarrhea. 977, Basting, C. 47, Co B, died May 9, diarrhea. 3275. Bathrick, J, 1 cav, Co A, died July 14, diarrhea. 4018, Batadorf, M, 93, Co F, died Aun 3, fever intermittent. ilOCKJ, Bayley, Frank, 16 cav, Co E, died -July 19, diarrhea a. 11917, Beaver, M, 29, Co B, died Nov 8, scorbutus. 11652, Beard, J, 14, Co K, died Oct 30, 8corl)Utus. 1670, Beal, John, 78, died June 12, diarrhea c. 8644, Bear, D, 93, Co B, died Aug '23, scorbutus. 4573, Beck, J, 21, Co (i, (lied .Vua 2, dysentery, 411, Beliskey, J, 16 cav, Co P, died April 7, diarrhea. 1230, Bender, George, 12, Co C, died May 20, diarrhea. 5242, Bennet, A, 16, Co B, died Aug 10, diarrhea, ti412, Benuing, John, 6 cav, Co O, died Aug 22, diarrhea. :!345, Benstill, John, 27, Co H, died July 15, diarrhea. 10053, Benton, C W, 29, Co B, died Oct 11, scorbutns. 81S8, Berlizer, B, 16 cav, Co F, died Sept 8, scorbutus. 10681, Best. William, 88, Co E, died Oct 11, scorlaitus. 4315, Black, John, t 31, Co A, died July 30, wounds. 2904, Black, J H, 21, Co E, died July 5, scorbutus. 1665, Blanchard, L, "^ 16 cav, Co 1>, died June 6, anasarca. 1983, BlosB, P, 21, Co A, died June 15, pneumonia. 110S5, Bodkins, E L, 103. Co D, died Oct IS. scorbutus. 2890, Biglcy, .1 E, 21, Co D, died July 4, diarrhea. 124,56, Boheni, J, 14 cav, Co B, died Jan 14, '66, scorbutufl. 98'.t9, Ikiles, William, 89, Co C, died Sept 27, scorbutus. 10795, Bolton, N P, 100, Co B, died Nov 4, scorbutus. 10791, Bonian, J, 103, Co D, died Oct 12, scorbutns. :)008, Boorem. O, 64, Co B, died July 7, diarrhea. 12621, Borem, M, 35, Co G, died Feb 9, '66, pleuritie, 11921, Houser, G, 89, Co F, died Nov 8, scorbutus. 5475, Bowden, "W, 9, Co F, died Aug 13, scorbutus. ,i046, Bowen, A 0, 113, Co C, died Aug 8, dysentery. ,i943. Bowman, E, 123, Co F, died -iug 17, scorlnuus. 9323, Bovd, B F, 6 cav, Co D, died Sept 26, diarrhea. HOTS, Boyd, H P, 14, Co I, died Oct 31, scorbutus. 1971, Boyd, J E, 84, Co B, di^d June 15, diarrhea. 10984, Boyer, J,t 14. Co 11, died Oct 16, diarrhea. 11729, Boyle, F, 4, Co B, died Nov 1, scoibutus. 12840, Bradford, D, So. Co C, died April 25, '65, diarrhea. 4259, Branch, J, 38, Co C, died July 29, scorbutus. 161.5, Brandiger, F, 24, Co K, died June 10, diarrhea. 1619, Brannock, C,t 79, Co K, died June 4, diarrhea. 1573, Braybeyer, If, 7 cav, Co M, died June 3, pneumonia. :;940, Brett, James, 88, Co K, died July 24, scorbutus. 1669, Brewer, Henry, t 24. Co C, died June 6, diarrhea. 6421, Brewer, H, 78, Co F, died Aug 22, scorbutus. 3264, Bridies, W II, 30, Co K, died July 13, debilitas. 9570, Bridges, W J, 1'22, Co F, died Sept 23, diarrhea. 1013, Bridewell, H C, SS, Co D, died June 4, diarrhea. 2367, Brinkey, Morris, 1 16, Cav, Co L, died June 25, catarrh. .■5056, Brilsnyder, J, 65, Co G, died July 9, diarrhea. 2927, Brockhill, J, 4 cav, Co M, filed July 6, scorbutus. 3717, Brookman J E,* 44, Co 1, died July 21, diarrhea. S911, Brothers, D, 48, Co H, died Sept 16, scorbutus. »350, Brown, A F,t 73, Co C, died Sept 20, diarrhea. 12450, Brown, H, 15, Co F, died Jan 14. '65, scorbutus. .5078, lirown, .J, 73, Co B, died Aug 17, eerebritis. '.»11, lirown, J H, 12, Co F, died Sept 17, diarrhea. 5924, Brown, J M. 29, Co B, died Aug IV, enteritis. 6S36, Brown, William, 1 cav, Co G, died Aug 26, dysentery. 8982, Brown, Williaiu, 16, Co C, died Sept 16, anasarca. 11266, Bryant, William C, 107, Co A, died Aug 20, scorbutus. 10763, Briden, E, 36, Co E, died Oct 12, dysentery. •5785, Buck, B F, SO, Co I, died Aug 15. wounds. 4963, Bucbman, 16 eav, Co H, died Aui» 7, dysentery. 10888, Buckniaster, J, 79, Co C, died Oct 13, scorbutus. 12862, Buttington, 15, 74, Co F, died Dec 30, diarrhea. 5457, Burdes, G, 89, Co A, died Aut, 12, fever intermittent. 42B9, Bnrrows, J, 00, CoL, died July 30, diarrhea. 7065, Burns. John, 100, Co K, died Aug 28, diarrhea. 5936, Bonis, TI,t IB cav, Co D, died Aug 17, scorbutus. .526, Burr, W B, 112, Co E, died April 13, diarrhea. 1165S, Burion, O L, 35, Co I^died Nov 6, scorbutus. 11858, Butler, H J, 89, Co D, died Oct 10, scorbuttlfi. 1U362, Butler, N,» 89, Co D, died Oct 5, scorbutus. 8776, Butler, J. 89, Co A, died Sept 14, diarrhea. ' 11663, Button, A K, 79, Co E, died Oct 30, scorbutus. 9824, Butts, John, 22, Co F, died Sept 27, diarrhea. 626, Byres, George, 65, Co B, died April 19, '65, diarrhea. 1234S, Cadding, J. C, 89, Co B, died Dec 27, scorbutus. 6366, Callahan, C, 39, Co F, died Aug 21, diaiThea. 6505, Campbell, .1 M, 1'20, Co G, died Aug 22, '65, diarrhea. 100-36, Capell, C, 87, Co D, died Sept 29, diarrhea. 10267, Capsev, J,* 90, Co D, died Oct 3, scorbutus. 3566, Carl, C, 38, Co H, died July 18, diarrhea. 666, Carroll, J, 3, Co H, died April 22, fever typhus. 7037, Carroll, J Q,* 78, Co I, died Aug 27, scorbutus. 3393, Carren, O, 38, Co H, died July 16, anasai-ca. 6693, Carirt, Robert, 113, Co D, died Aug 24, diarrhea. 446, Cault, Albert, 116,Co A, died April 9, pneumonia. 1844, Castle, F, 103, Co E, died June 10, diarrhea. V502, Center, E K, 116, Co H, died Sept 1, dysentery. 3907, Charles, R J, 5 cav, Co M, died -Tuly 24, diarrhea. 6109, Chase, E S, 23. Co C, died Aug 18, scorbutus. 9005, Chatteuay, S, 82, Co H, died Sept 18, scorbutus. 10459, Chenlv, S, 79, Co A, died Oct 7, scorbntus. 4319, Chitwood. Tbos C, 16 cav, Co H, died July 30, diarrhea. 3205, Ciilunworth, Wm, 9, Co G, died July 12, diarrhea. 10651, Cboate, Wm, 6 cav, Co D, died Oct 10. scorbutus. 9935, Chuuberg, A, 89, Co G, died Sept 28, scorbutus. 6935, Christiansen, J, 82, Co F, died Aug 26, anasaica. 7S6S, Clancey, J 'W, 38, Co E, died Sept 5, gangrene. 504, Clark, A E, 16 cav, Co M, die-l April 12, pneumonia. 7760, Clark, C, 51, Co K, died Sept 4, diarrhea. 9660, Clark, C, 29, Co B, died Sept 23, dysentery. 8834, Clark, F J, 6 cav, Co B, died Sept 1,5, sc-rbutus. 12672, Clark, R, 114, Co F, died Feb 18, '65, diarrhea. 5143, Clark, 'Wm, 14 cav, Co K, died Aug 9, dysentery. 99'26, Cleaver, M, 3 cav, Co H, died Sept 28, scorbutus. 8760, Cleggett, M*, 36, Co I, died Sept 14, dysentery. 5787, Cline, John, 12 cav, Co I, died Aug 15, diarrhea. 12726, Cline, M, 14, Co B, died March 4, '65, diarrhea. i'2051, Cline, T, 15, Co E, died Nov 16, scorbutus. 22S7, Clusterman, , 16 cav, Co D, died June 21, diarrhea c 204S, Coalman, II, 16 cav, June 15, diarrhea 2753, C^olbern, M, 73, Co I, died July 1, dian-hea. 2^244, Colburn, Thomas, 16 cav, Co G, died Juue 20, diarrhea c 5697, Colburn, William, 16 cav, Co G, died Aug 14, scorbutus. 300, Cole, .lohn, 112, Co E, died April 1, diarrina. 7211, Cole, W H, 112, Co A. died Aug 29, diarrhea c. 6971, Coller, John, 6, Co B, died Aug" 27, diarrhea. 266, Collins, Wm, 93, Co G, died March 30, fever typhus. 1198, Coddington, M J, 93, Co G, died Mav 18, dysentery. 11719, Compton, H H, 21, Co K, died Nov 1, scorbutus. 2933, Cooret, D, 78, Co F, died July 6, diarrhea. 46S3, Covey, J, 38, Co I, died Aug 4, scorbutus, 2758, Corey, O C, 106, Co D, died July 1, diarrhea. 6738, Cornelius, Jas, 9 cav, Co H, died Aug 24, diarrhea. 3856, Corwin, J, 7 cav, Co K, died July 24, diarrhea. 3677, Corwin, J "V, 6 cav, Co L, died July 20, dysentery. 6091, Cotton, J*, 100, Co H, died Aug 18, ictus soils. 9704, Craig, G, 23, Co B, died Sept 25, scorbutus. 9307, Craig, J, 38, Co I, died Sept 20, scorbutns. 12506, Craig, J, 2 artil, Co B, died Jan 22, '66, diarrhea. 9704, Craig, S, 23, Co B, died Sept 25, scorbutus. 10087, Craig, F, 9, Co K, died Sept 30, scorbutus. 1974, Craiidall, W M, 93, Co A, died June 16, diarrhea. 2:529, Crane, M, 23, Co E, died June 23, diarrhea c. 2253, Crawford, Wm, 16 cav, Co K, died June 21, diarrhea. 10912, Crellev, C W, 29, Co B, died Oct 14, anasarca. 4S79, Cook, G P, 16 cav, Co L, died Aug 6, diarrhea. 12433, Crosbev, J, 90, Co C, died Jan 11, '66, scorbutus. 1417, Cross fi. 111, Co C, died May 27, bronchitis. 8S69, Cross, J D, 14 cav, Co I, died Sept 16, wounds. 79S2, Cross, J T, 21, Co D, died Sept 6, scorbutus. 6744, Cronse, J, t 16, Co I, died Aug 24, dysentery. 2032, Cruse, J, 79, Co D, died Juue 15, diarrhea c. 2179, Creman, George, 24, Co C, died June 19, diarrhea. lfjO'26, Cupell O, 82, Co D, died Sept 29, diarrhea. 10267, Cupsay, J, * 90, Co D, died Oct 3, scorbutus. 3S77, Curtis, A, 16, Co D, died July 24, diarrhea. 8626, Dake, G, ■* 100, Co D, died Sept 13, dysentery. 4663, Dalby, James, 73, Co 11, died Aug 3, dysentery. 1,S26, l)arling, D W, 93, Co 15, died June 10, scorbutus. 10961, Darum, J J, 11'3, Co I, died Oct 15, scorbutus. 356, Davis, And, 112, Co A, died Apr a, diarrhea. 8553, Davis, C, 112, Co E, died Sept 12, scorbutus. 10003, Pavis, J, 113, D, died Oct 10, scorlmtus. 4150, Davis, W, 16 cav, Co M, July 28, diarrhea. 4048, Davis, H, t 38, Co A, died July 27, dyf entery. 12311, Delancev, L D, 2 artil, Co F, diftd Dec 9. scorbutus. 7013, Day, W'F,111, Co H, died Aug 27, wounds. ILLINOIS. 9073, 4608, 7160, •2497, 4422, 7614, 12660, 2231, 6165, 352, 2366, r25-!7, 1314, 8187, 38M, 4207, 2S67, 1441, 1103, 1727, 1343, 10143, 10496, 12436, 12476, 6053, 10332, 9678, 3123, 2666, 9947, 12496, 9037, 12686, 209, S046, 10909, 6992, 4962, S0S4, 9703, 9734, 2249, 4502, 4979, 9717, 1262S, 214, 2311, 11727, 2936, 3373, C268, 2436, 2230, 4991, 10740, 2512, 12628, 3S54, 10097, 11641, 9S46, 2129, 9992, 6972, 10S81, 161, 2564, 8230, 7720, 12473, 631, 12276, 12837, 6933, 432, 4031, 2080, 2210, 1065 497. S114, 2021, Decker, C, 7 cav, Co M, died Sept 17, dinrrhoa. Decker, J P, 119, Co C, died Aug 3, dysentery. Demos, B F, 78, Co F, died Aas 29, diarrhea e. Denhiirt, W, 16 cav, Co K, diid .June 26, dysentery. Deiiioo, E, t 79, Co B, died July 31, diarrhea. Deraiiig, Joseph, 31, Co D, died Sept 1, scorbntufl. Denton, E,* 15, Co B, died Feb 16, '65, diarrljea. Detreeman, D, t 44, Co E. died .June 20, scorbutus. DePue, J \V, 16, Co C, died Aue 9, scorbutus. Derans, G W, 21, Co p, died April 2, diarrhea a. Drieks, Henry, 69, Co C, died -June 23, dysentery. l)illey. A, 15, Co E, died Jan 28, '65, pueuraonia. Dobsbii M, t 3 cav, Co H, died May 23, diarrhe;!. Dock, C, 9 cav, Co H, died Sept 8, scorbutus. Dodd, a W, 21, Co F, died July 23, fever typhus. Dodson, R B, 6 cav, Co B, died -July 29, diarrhea. Doolev, James, 16 cav, Co L, died July 4, fever remittent. Doran", W H, 78 Co I, died May 28, anasarca. Donen, C, 6, Co I, died Mai 16, diarrhea. Dowd, J W, 38, Co G, died Jnne 8, dysentery. Dowdy, John, 16, Co K, died May 24, bronchitis. Doweil, J "W, 112, Co K, died Oct 1, scorbutus. Downer, A, 24, Co H, died Oct 8, scorbutus. Doyle, P, 66, Co H, died Jan 11, '65, wounds. Dovlc, J, 112, Co I, died Jan 17, '65, wounds. Drake, R R, 34, Co H, died Aug 8, diarrhea c. Dresser, C, 24, Co G, died Oct 4, diarrhea c. Drum, G, 89, died Sept 24, scorbutus. Dudley, J W, 89, Co F, died July 10, anasarca. Dumond, P, 35, Co E, died June 29, diarrhea. Dunn, Alexander, 75, Co A, died Sept 28, scorbutus. Dunsing, A, 30, Co C, died Jan 21, diarrhea. Dyer, J G, SO, Co D, died Sept 17, scorbutus. Drew, E, 53, Co D, died Feb 20, '65, rheumatism. Eadley Levi, 26, Co H, died Mch 28, dysentery. Easinbeck, M, 100, Co D, died Sept 6, diarrhea. Easley, W A, ♦21, Co G, died Oct 14, scorbutus. Eastman, Wm, 36, Co F, died Aug 17, marasmus. Edward^, C D, 51, Co K, died Aug 7, dysentery. Elliott, Ed, 92, Co B, died Sept 7, diarrhea. Ellis William, 26, Co G, died Sept 25, diarrhea. Ellison, W, 14 cav, Co F, died Sept 25, diarrhea. Elslin, James, 112, Co E, died July 24, anasarca. Emery, J, 22, Co K, died Aug 1, diarrhea. Emerson, .T, 16 cav, Co L, died Aug 7, scorbutus. Erb, J, 9, Co C, died Sept. 25, diarrhea. Erniains, F, 14 cav, Co M, died Feb 14, '65, diarrhea. Errickaon C, 16 cav, Co M, died March 2S, catarrh. Ench, W, 29, Co H, died June 20, asphyxia. Enrow, W, 7 cav, Co M, died Nov 1, dysentery. Evans, J, 9, Co C, died Sept 26, diarrhea. Eydroner, R, 74, Co F, died July 15, diarrhea. Fagan, O, S3, Co G, died Aug 20, marasmus. Fandish, S, 1 artil, Co A, June 25, diarrhea. F.armer, F, 21, Co A, died June 20, diarrhea. Farnhani, C A, 61, Co D, Aug 7, diarrhea. Ferguson Louis, * 116, Co K, died Oct 14, diarrhea. File, K, 11, Co K, died June 26, diarrhea. Fermer, .T, 14. Co M, died Feb 20, '66, diarrhea. Finch, F M, 21, Co G, died July 24, diarrhea. Fink, J P, 63, Co F. died Sept 30, scorbutus. Fish, J, 65. Co G, died Oct 27, scorbutus. Fisher, S F, 123, Co F, died Sept 27, diarrhea. Fitzgerald, H, 16 cav, Co I, , died April 13, diarrhea. Frame, W, 120, Co E, died Dec 17, diarrhea. Francis, J F, 12, Co I, died April 19, diarrhea. Franklin, II, 81, Co P, died Aug 17, enteritis. Frass, Louis, 16, Co E, died April 8, pneumonia. Freeman, D, 11 cav, Co L, died .July 26. bronchitis. French J, 129, Co B, died June 17, '63, diarrhea. Frit;, P, t 3S, Co C, died Juno 20, scorbutus. Fremont, James, 7 cav. Co B, died May 13, diarrhea. Fuller, Ira B, 112, Co D, died April 11. diarrhea. Funks, Wm, 26, Co F, died Sept 8, scorbutus. Furlough, H, 23, Co B, died June 15, diarrhea. 9926, Gaines, C, 20, Co B, died Sept 28, wounds. 1347, GiiUagher, P, 21, Co C, died May 24, dysentery. 579. Garira, .John, t 59, died .^pril 16, diarrhea. 12801, Gerlock, D, 30, Co C, died March 30, '65, rheumatism. 1340, G«rman, P, 24, Co G, died May 24, diarrhea. .So. of iiie, Gibson, H D, 93, do K,died May 27, diarrhea c. 4201, Gib.iOn, L F, 78, Co I, died July 29, dysentery. 4485, Gichma, ,J, T 16 cav. Co G, died Aug 1, dysentery. 1652, Giles, J V, 89, Co U, died June 6, debUitas. 7988, Giles, S P, 112, Co A, died Sept C, diarrhea. 6144, Gillesoie, J W, 84, Co H, died Aug 9, dysentery. 1499, Gillgrease, J, 16 cav, Co I, died May 30, diarrhe.a. 1868, Gilinore, .James, 16 cav, Co E, died June 12, diarrhea. 12731, Gleasou, G M, 14 cav, Co A, died March 4, '65, diarrhea c. 1850, Glidwell, F, * 73, Co K, died June 11, diarrhea. 2001, GotHnet, P. 51, Co D. died June 15, diarrhea. 10307, Goddard, H, 89, Co O. died Oct 4, scorbutus. 4203, Gooles, H F, t 47, Co B. died Julv 29, scorbutus. 12847, Gordon, I, 114, Co B, died Aprir25, '65, diarrhea. 7953, Gore, P, 36, Co I, died Sept 6. dysentery. 7761, Gore, N, 15, Co C, died Sept 4, diarrhea. 6111, Garrig. J, 78, Co F, died Aug 18, scorbutus. 12461, Gott, H, 39, Co C, died Jan 15, '65, scorbutus. 9403, Graber, J, 24, Co H, died Sept 21, diarrhea c. 9312, Graber, J F, SI, Co D, died Sept 20, diarrhea. 2164, Grace, W, 21, Co D, died Juno 19, diarrhea. 6617, Graham, M .J, 41, Co E, died Aug 23, diarrhea. 10998, Gravel, J, 51, Co C, died Oct 16, scorluitus. 2942, Gi-eadley, H, 20, Co A, died July 6, dysentery. 4560, Gi'eathouse, J, 6, Co I, died Aug 2, diarrhea. 7S3. Greaves, George, 16, Co K, died Apr 28, diarrhea. 12116, Green, C, 79, Co A, died Nov 22, scorbutus. 11166, Green, John, 23, Co H, died Oct 19, scorbutus. 7836, Green, M, 9, Co C, died Sept 4, gangrene. 3111, Greenwall, B, 18 cav, Co L, died .July 11, diarrhea. 11778, Greer, George, * 120, Co D, died Nov 3, scorbutus. 10594, Gress, J, 29, Co B, died Oct 10, diarrhea. 12834, Grimmins, M. A, 42, Co H, died Apr 17, '65, diarrhea c 4083, Griswold, J P, 79, Co E, died July 27, fever typhus. 2501, Grogan, H, 66, Co B, died June 26, dysentery. 10466, Grower, H, 42, Co K, died Oct 7, diarrhea. 3730, Gulk, P, 79, Ci B, died July 21, scorbutus. 5025, Guyen, "William, 72. Co E, died -\ug 8, dysentery. 5961, Gonder, H, 16 cav, Co B, died Aug 17, enteritis." 5074, Hageman, James, 16 cav, Co E, died Aug 8, diarrhea. 4094, Haggard^, 16 cav, Co K, died July 27, diarrhea. 11959, Haginis, W, 89, Co B, died Nov 11, scorbutus. 2825, Haines, Theodore, 14 cav, Co M, died July 3, diarrhea. 63, Haks, William, 16, Co E, died Mar 19, pneumonia. 11572, Hall, G H, 7 cav, Co B, died Oct 27, scorbutus. 12314, Hall, H C, ♦ 41, Co D, died Dec 20, scorbutus. 7194, Hall, J L, 9, Co C, died Aug 29, dysentery. 12223, Hall, J L, 89, Co G, died Dec 4, scorbutus. 11833, Hall, Peter, * 103, Co D, died Nov 6, scoibutus. 10061, Haley, C Bt, 22, Co H, died Sept 30, scorbutus. 1241, Hallam, Wm, 82, Co H, died May 20, diarrhea c 2005. Hanna, P, 21. Co G. died .June 28, diarrhea c. 1S7, Hannah, H, » 107, Co C, died Mar 21, diarrhea a. 11188, Hansom, D, 39, Co E, died Oct 19, diarrhea a. 318, Harkeu, John, 05, Co E, died Apr 2, diarrhea. 66S4, Harlan, J C, 7, Co Ij, died Aug 24, scorbutus. 6113, Harrell, G, 120, Co K, died Aug 19, dysentery. 2633, Harrington, !5 M, 112, Co A, died .June 29, diarrhea a. 11725, Harris," E K, 79, Co C, died Nov 1, scorbutus. 10447, Harris, G W, 9, Co G, died Oct 7, scorbutus. S715, Harshmaii, Peter, 84, Co H, died Sept 14, scorbutus. 2677, Hart, George, 16 cav, Co K, died .June 30, anasarca. 2202, Hart, TV, 16 Cav. Co li, died June 19, fever remittent. 1980, Harney, E, 39, Co B, died .Inne 15, pneumonia. 10606, Hatuaway, S, 15 cay, Co B, died Oct 10, scorbutus. 12791, Hauch, L, 15, Co D. died Mch 18, '65, diarrhea. 8608, Hawkins, J W, 79, Co J, died Sept 12, scorbutus. 2320, Hayward, W G, * 16, Co I, died June 22, diarrhea. 5192, Ilayivorth, F, 7 cav, Co I, died Aug 10, scorbutus. 1S52, Hegenberg, W, 24, Co F. died .Tune 11. scorbutus. 8798, Heich, S, 77, Co K, died Sept 15, dysentery. 6489, Hendson, Geo B, 31, Co C, died Aug 22, diarrhea a. 1162, Henry, Wm P, 23, Co A, died July 17, diarrhe.a c. 6035, Herdson, Wm H, 107, Co C, died Aug 18, cerebritis. 842S, Ilerroll, Wm, 14 Cav, Co K, died Sept 11, scorbutus. 2365, Hess, H. 84, Co G. died June 27, diarrhea. 1906, Hester, John. 38, Co G, died June 13, diarrhea c. 7869, Hicks, George W, 65, Co F, died Sept 6, diarrhea a. 8303, Hicks, H, 11, Co G, died Sept 10, dysentery. 1102, Hicks, W, 85. Co D, died May 15. d'iarrhea. 12070, Highland, C, 14 cav, Co C, died Nov 17, wounds. 725, Hilderbrand, N, 24, Co G, died .'Viiril 25, pneumonia. 8830, Hill, Aaron. 115, Co C, died Sept 15. scorbutus. 67, Hill, David,* 36, Co A, died March 19, bronchitis. 8721, Hill, Henry, 11. died Sept 14, diarrhea. 4489, Hill, .1, 9 cav, Co F, died Aug 1, scorbutus. 12BS3, Ilinchclili; .J, 8, Co B, died Feb 20, '65, diarrhea. 6117, Tloen, Peter, 112, Co H, died Aug 19, iliarrhea. 3825, Hofi'inan, .T, 7 cav. Co I, died July 23, dysentery. 11847, Hofiuaii, R, 35, Co C, died Nov 6", dlarriiea. 2098, Hook, Jas .T,t 9S, Co E, died Juno 17, scorbutus. 3255, Hoppjck, 1, 112, Co F, died July 13, dysentery. 98S0, Horefou, A F, 33, Co F, died Sept 27, diarrhea. 92U, Hornier, J, -38, Co V, died Sept 19, di:\rrliea. 1209U, Horn, 'l\ 86, Co A, died Nov 18, scorbutus. S9, Horseni.in, W, 16 c.Hv, Co I, died March 21, pneumonia. 5812, Howard, 1) N.t 79, Co E, died Aug 16, diarrhea. 10782, Howard, G S,» 127, Co K, died Nov 3, scorbutus. 3211, Howell, J W, 78, Co F, died July 12. 11506, Hiiyc, J, 100, Co A, died Oct 20. diarrhea c. 5741, Hude, C, 24, Co F, died Aug 15, scorbutUH. 60S5, Hudaon, W H, 107, Co C, died Aug 13, c«rebriti3. 0962, Hughes, I> L, 125, Co H, died Sent 28, diarrhea. 12755, Hulse, A B, 14, Co D, died March 12, '65, ulcus. 11140, Hungerford, N, 108, Co I, died Oct 19, scorbutus. 6085, Huntley, R, 89, Co F, died Aug 18, anasarca. 11S6, Hurlburt, D, 84, Co C, died May 16, wounds. 1162, Hurry, W B, 23, Co A, died May 16, diarrhea. 5019, Hutchins, S, 104, Co A, died Aug 8, scorbutus. 4583, HuBland, B F,t 92, Co D, died Aug 2, dysentery. 4091, Hyber, John, 6 cav, Co A, died July 27, dysentery. 3312, Iverson, J B, 16 cav, Co I, died July 14, diarrhea. *132, JaccardB, 8 A,t 29, Co E, died July 28, anasarca. ,, ', 2658, Jackson, H, 51, Co C, died June 29, diarrhea a. 10287, Jackson, M, 123, Co F, died Oct 4, scorbutus. 12797, Janks, J P, 3 cav, Co A, died March 13, '65, diarrhea. 3686, Jarvis, J, 73, Co K, died July 20, fever remit. 6733, Jeiiningsen, Gt B, 30, Co E, died Aug 24, diarrhea. 1845, Jenny ,"E H,* 79, Co F, died June 11, diarrhea c. 2135, Jewelt, F, 14, Co A, died .Tune 18, diarrhea c. 1996, Johnson, C \V, 7 cav, Co F. died June 15, diarrhea c 9458, Johnson, J08e]ih, 125, Co K, died Sept 21, scorbutus. 1412, Johnson, J S, 7, Co C, died May 27, diarrhea c. 5395, Johnson, Samuel, 100, Co B, died Aug 12, scorbutus. 9827, Jones, G W, 27, Co E, died Sept 27, scorbutus. 8971, Jones, J, 117, Co E, died Sept 18, scorbutus. 4889, Jones, P, 41, Co G, died Aug 6, dysentery. 644, Jones, Thomas, 112, Co E, died April 13, pneumonia. 2567, Jones, Thomas, 16 cav, Co F, died June 27, diarrhea o. 2890, Jones, \Vm, 27, Co D. died July 7, scorbutus. 1764, Jordan, B W, 84, Co D, died June 9, dysentery. 9153, Jordan, M, 38, Co C, died Sept 18, diarrhea. 2961, .Joy, B, 16, Co I, died July 6, diarrhea. 2241, Joyce, A, 90, Co D, died June 20, au;isarca. 10513, Justice, H, 7 cav, Co H, died Oct 8, dysentery. 12052. Kane, H, 95, Co A, died Nov 16, scorbutus. 4308, Kajipe!, H, 29, Co H, died July 30. ictus solis. 4743, Kef f^F, James P, 2 artil, Co M, died Aug 5, diarrhea. 8348, Kelaze, E, 20, Co O, died Sept 10, diarrhea c. IS, Kell, M R,* 49, Co D, died March 7, pneumonia. 7183, Kelley, .John, 75, Co F. died Aug 29, scorbutus. 6795, Kelley, William, 04, Co I, died Aug 25, diarrhea c. 5518, Kennedy M, 33, Co C, died Aug 13, scorbutus. 12488, Kent, J, 14, Co K, died Jan 19, '65, pleuritis. 5707, Kerbey, -John, 96, Co H, died Aug 15, scorbutus. 396, Kiger, John, 22, Co E, died April 6, pneumonia. 10520, Klikrenth, J, 42, Co A, died Oct 8, scorliutus. 82, Kimball, .James, 25 artil, Co L, died March 20, anasarca. 158, Kinkle, John, 16^ Co G, died March 25, fever remitting. 690, Kinderlnan, G, 82, Co D, April 26, dysentery. 7807, Kingham, J. 38, Co G, died Sept 4, scorbutus. 686, Klinehaus, D, 65, Co G, died April 23, diarrhea. 4766, Kenigge, A, 113, Co C, died Aug 6, debilitas. 4908, Knight, J, 9 Co 11, died Aug 6, anasarca. 11691, Knoble, P, 108, Co E, rlied Nov 7, scorbutus. 4700, Koahl, J, 16 cav, Co H, died Aug 4, diarrhea c. 2754, Krail, J, 16 cav, Co I. died July 1, scorbutus. 12685, Kreiger, J, 14, Co E, died Feb. 20, '65, debilitas. 652, Kaiber, John, 16, Co D, died April 20, fever tvphus. 1809, Keyser, John, 32, Co I, died June 10, diarrhea. 7927, Lacost, J M, 89, Co E, died Sept 5, anasarca. 7299, Ladinn, J, 100, Co II, died Aug 23, scorbutus. 7155, Lambert, C, 38, Co D, died Aug 29, diarrhea c. 10419, Larusden, W H, 78, Co A, died Oct 6, scorbutus. 12044, Lance, V, 59, Co D, died Nov 16, scorbutus. 12270, Langley, G, 14, Go K, died Dec 12, scorliutus. 5906, Lanner, W A, 9 cav, Co E, died .\ug 16, diarrhea o, 1233, Law, Henry, 93, Co G, died May 20, diarrhea c. 9635, Lawrene, L G, 89, Co G, died Sept 24, scorbutus. 10179, Lape, J, 125, Co A, died Oct 1, diarrhea. 10896, Leatherman, M, 93, Co E, died Oct 14, scorbutus. 8464, Leach, W, 115, Co B, died Sept 11, scorbutus. 4172, Loe, A, 112, Co B, died, July 28, diarrhea. S524, Lee, P.* 16, Co A, died Sept 12, scorbutus. ^63, Lee, Thomas, S, Co E, died May 9, diarrhea. 1297, Lee. W E, 16 cav, Co I, died May 23, dysentery. 11258, Lewis, Charles, 79, Co A, died Oct 21, scorbutus. 6233, Lewis, Thomas, 2, Co L, died Aug 20, cerebritis. No. or GravM. 10148, Lickey, J B,t 96, Co F, died Oct 1, scorbutus. 8295, Liday, J, 113, Co I, died Sept 9, dysentery. 6295, Liken, Jobn,t 112, Co I,e did Aug 20, scorbutus. 1685, Linday, B, 57, Co H, died June a] diarrhea. 7768, Liuderman, H A, 99, Co B, died Sept 4, dysentery. 6414 Lindsay, A, 113, Co D, died Aug 22, scorbutus. 1818, Linebergh, I,* 16, Co F, died June 10, poiiumonia. 11449, Linwood, J, 79, Co F, died Oct 25, scorbutus. 12358, Lipsey, D, * 2 cav. Co C, died Dec SO, scorbutus. 10405, Lord, LB.* 112, Co B, died Oct 20, debilitas. 11222, Lorsam, C, 89, Co C, died Oct 20, scorbutus. 2268, Loudon, L, 16 cav, Co D, died June 21, diarrhea c. 1017, Lowry, Frank, 35, Co E, died May 11, dysentery. 2342, Lusk, .John, 29, Co B, died Juno 23, diarihca c. 1456, Lutz, John, 23, Co H, died May 29, pneumonia. 8196, Lyman, J, WO, Co D, died Sept 8, scorbutus. 11-167, Lynch, V, ♦ 38, Co C, died Oct 26, scorbutus. 1CS49, Mack, J, 14 cav, Co G, died Oct 13, dysentery. 6390, Madden, L, 96, Co D, died Aug 12, scorbutus. 11358, Maddock, .J W, t 79, Co A, died Oct 23, scorbutus. 10982, Madrill, A, 12, Co A, died Oct 16, scorbutus. 3935, Malcolm, J B, 38, Co K, died July 25, diarrhea a. 2868, Manning, A, 216, Co A, died July 4, debilitas. 963, Manty, P, 1 16 cav, Co E, died May 8, diarrhea. 2050, Markman, Wm, 16 eav, Co K, died June 16, diarrhea c, 6333, Marritt, H, 16 cav, Co L, died Aug 21, scorbutus. 2762, Marshall, A, * 96, Co C, died July 2, diarrhea c. 8444, Martin, A, 16 cav, Co L, died May 28, pneumonia. 4071, Martin, I, 9, Co K, died .July 27, diarrhea. 12767, Masman, S, 42, Co O, died March 12, '65, diarrhea. 863, Mason, Thos B, 93, Co B, died May 3, dysentery. 1428, Massev, W F, 111, Co D, died May 28, diarrhea c. 746, Master, Wm, 12, Co A, died April 26, dysentery. 429, Mathening, A D, t 79, Co I, died April's, pneumonia. 12744, Matthews, F M, 32, Co G, died March 7, '65, diarrhea. 1061, Masem, H C, 19, Co H, died May 13, diarrhea. 3280, Maxwell, S, 8 cav, Co C, died July 13, dysentery. 10019, May, M H, 39. Co I, died Sept 29, scorbutus. 3100, McCampbell, D, 104, Co B, died July 10, diarrhea a. 66, McCleary, Thos, 16 cav, Co L, died March 17, pneumonia. 1315, McClusky, James, 10 cav, Co K, died May 27, diarrliea. 4S50, McCray, A, 103, Co A, died Aug 6, dysentery 1617, McCreadv, Wm, 96, Co C, died June 4, anasarca. 6513, McCreary, J, 119, Co C, died Aug 22, pleuritis. 6724, McCone, 1{, 16 Cav. Co K, died Aug 16, scorbutus. 3050, McCunne, H, 13, Co C, died July 3, diarrhea c. 3470, McEntire, L, 16 cav, Co K, died July 17, dysentery. 6283, McGee, Wm, 30, Co D, died Aug 11, wounds. 11823, McGivens, J, 119, Co A, died Oct 28, scorbutus. 11952, McLarens, B, 89, Co A, died N.iv 10, scorbutus. 1634, McLaughlin, B, 90, Co I, died .Inne 5, scorbutus. 3169, McLing, Ben.i, ♦ 23, Co E, died July 11, diarrhea. 4725, McMahon, M, 93, Co E, died Aug 4, diarrhea. 1337, McMillan, W B, * 112, Co E, died May 24, pleuritis. 9763, McMiller, W B, 78, Co D, died-Sept 26, scorbutus. 092, McShaw, B, 80, CoB, died April 23, di.arrhea. 9710, McWorthv, W M, 92, Co G, died Sept 25, diarrhea c. 3279, Mead, G, 19, Co U, died July 14, bronchitis. 4MS, Medler, H,,33, Co I, died Aug 3, scorbutus. 6266, Mee, William, 51, Co C, died Aug 20, ictus solis. 2177, Mcher, Charles, 16 cav, Co F, died June 19, diarrhea a. 2049, Mercenner, Chas, 90, Co A, died -Tune 16, diarrhea c. 2637, Merritt, F, t 89, Co F, died June 29, scorbutus. 7464, Merg, F, 44, Co K, died Sept 1, diarrhea a. 914.% Meyers, A,* 24, Co H, f'.ied Sept 18, scorbutus. 6608, Meyers, J, 24, Co K, died Aug 14, diarrhea. 2097, Meyers, J K, 116, Co C, died June 17, diarrhea c. 5432, Meyers, Samuel, 25, Co A, died Aug 12, fever intermittent, 9188, Miller, F,* 16, Co B, died Sept 18, scorbutus. S139, Miller, H, 92, Co F, died July 10, pneumonia. 11721, Miller, .T, 21, Co C, died Nov 1, scorbutus. 2257, Miller, J M,t 31, Co I, died June 21, diarrhea c. 9795, Miller, M, 92, Co A, died Sept 27, scorbutus. 4515, Miller, Mac, 16 cav, Co C, died Aug 18, diarrhea a. 3955, Mills, N, 11, Co K, died Julv 25, scorbutus. 10721, Mills, S, 14 cav, Co F, died Oct 14, wounds. ' 7989, Mind, 1), 8, Co I), died Sept 6, diarrhea a. 331, Mitchan, A, 92, Co E, died April 6, diarrhea. 11617, Mitchell, J It, 89, Co Q, died Oct 27, scorbutus. 9753, Mix, C, 22, Co C, died Sept 26, scorbutus. 46S0, Mixwell, L. B, 38, Co F, died Aug 4, dysentery. 4526, Monecal, J, 21, Co G, died Aug 2, diaii-hea a. 2648, ilorehead, J, 9, Co E, died June 29, diarrhea c. 2539, Morley, H, 16 cav, Co M, died June 26, diarrhea o. 9187, Moran, F, 89, Co C, died Sept 18, diarrhea. 7428, Moran, W, 11, Co C, died Aug 31, anasarca. 10045, Morbly, 13, 48, Co H, died Oct 11, diarrhea a. 6402, Mountz, R, 6, Co B, died .'Vug 21, diarrnea. 3283, Morris, B, 8 cav, Co F, died July 13, pneumoni.a, 316, Morris, J, 15, Co H, died April 30, dysentery. ILLINOIS. Morris, James. 66, Co K, died May 23, diarrhea. Mossmau, S, 42, Co O, died March 12, 'G5, diarrhea c. Mulford, W R,t 23, died Julv 7, diarrhea c. Mulkey, D, 89, Co D, died July 3, dyaenlery. Munz, P, 14, Co I, died Nov 7, wounds. Myers, Charles, 16 cav, Co B, died March 16, pleuritis. Myers, H,* 24, Co F, died July 9, anasarca. Myers, F, 16 cav, Co L, died Ausr 8, dysentery. Meyers, P, 24, Co F, died May 27 diarrhea c. Na?hen, Ed, 65, Co A, died April 8, diarrhea c. Neal .Josepli, 16, Co K, died Aprd 1, diarrhea. Needham, L U,t 42, Co K, died Sept 1, diarrhea. Nelson, J,»3, Co K, died Sept 22, scorbulns. Newberg, H. 22, Co F, died Sept 8, diarrhea. Newberv, Wm, 2 art, Co M, died April 1, pneumonia. Ncwby.'E, 123, Co A, died Aug 15, diarrlia c. Newlan, H, 25, Co B, died Sept 8, scorbutus. Nicely, F, 82, Co A, died Auu: 6, diarrhea. Nichols, L C, 14, Co F, died Aug 26, scorbutus. Nicholson, R H, 123. Co B, died Si-pt 4, diarrhea a. Nngeiit, T, 108, Co E, died Aug 28, diairhea c. NuTly, C, 120, Co A, died Jaa 15, '65, scorbutus. Obevre, B.* 112, Co C, died Aug 22, diarrhea a. O' Brian, D, 89, Co C, died Oct 13,"8corbutU8. Ochiey, Wm, 24, Co K, died Oct 20, scorbutus. O'Connor, M, 2, Co F, died July 24, scorbutus. Dean, Thomas, 78, Co F, died June 14, diarrliea c. )' David J II, 9, Co A, died June 1, diarrhea c. O'Doniiell, 34, Co I, died Sept 3, scorbutus. , Odom,"W. 9, Co G, died July 19, scorbutus. Oglesby, D, 16 cav, Co M, died May 31, diarrhea c. O'Keefe, M, 2, artii, Co G, died May 19, diarrhea. Olderfleld, J K, 6cav, Co B, died Sept 5, dobilltaB. Oley, O S,* 21, Co I, died Sept 18, diarrhea c. deny, A, 108, Co K, died Sept 29, diarrhea a. Olson, J, 112, Co K, died Sept 27, scorbutus. Olson, .J, 89, Co D, died Aug 18, diarrhea c. O'Neil, D, 16 cav, Co K, died April 19, smail pox. Osborn, J W, 9, Co 11, died Oct 7, diarrhea c. Oss, 89, Co D, died Auij 25, diarrhea a. Ottway, D, 8 cav, Co A, died July 28, dysentery. Owens, C, 120, died Sept 11, diarrhea. O'Mine, D J,* 9 cav, Co E, died Oct 3, scorbutus. Padon C, 12, C, 16 cav, Co K, died July 9. diarrhea a. Powers, James, 44, Co C, died July 16, diarrliea. Preston, C W, 8 cav, Co M, died March 8, pneumonia. Price, J M, 79, Co D, died Aug 17, di.arrhea c. Prickett, F, 30, Co E, died Sept 17, scorbutus. Pratt, W, 16, Co F, died Feb 6, '65, diarrhea c. Prime, D, 103, Co K, died Oct 14, scorbutus. Puck, John, 122, Co D, died Sept 5, scorbutus. Pulirer, Fred, 27, Co A, died May 16, diarrhea. Pyner, T, 89, Co D, died Oct 6, scorbutus. 1320, 12757, 2993, 3834, 11900, 50, 3080, 5038, 1407, 438, •2S3, 7439, 9531, 8166, 299, 5778, 8129, 4896, 6945, 7847, 7086, 1-2460, 6619, 10851, 11274, 3847. 192: 7751, 3609, 1502, 1214, 7856, 9106, 10042, 9885, 6098, 30, 10469, 6774, 4123, 8414, 10279, 6541, 0095, 3408, 6301, 0303, 123.')7, 12677, 393, 12707, 7700, 2621, 4853, 9313, 3953, 12179, 1686, 6889, 12594, 410, 4887, 1506, 3764, 10059, 3679, 1862, 9602, 5783, 3058, 3422, 23, 6007, 9059, 12597, 10893, 7972, 1143, 10412, 10531, Quinn, P, 52, Co A, died Oct 8, Bcorbntus. 3039, Ralston, John, 79, Co I, died Julv 8, fever remittent. 1011, Eamsay, J, C, 21, Co B, died May 10, diarrhe.i. 1765, Ramsa'v, A B, 45, Co K, died June 9, diarrhea 12763, Ramsev, '1' J. 79, Co A, died Mar 12, '65, scorbutus. 10772, Randall, C F, 1'24, Co I, died Oct 12, scorbutus. .No. of Orov... 8578, Kankin, W A,» 3 cav, Co I, died Sept 12, diarrhea a. 12680, Ransom, J, 4 cav, Co B, died Feb 19, '65, diarrhea .a. 7604, Reany, J' II,t 6 cav, Co B. died Sopt 2, diarrhea c 5968, Redtnont, .lohn, 112, Co H, died Aug 17. diarrhea a. 8571, Reed, A, 98, Co I, died Sept 12, dysentery. 3496, Reed, D, 20, Co II, died July IS, teorbutus. 12324, Richardson, T. 34, Co E, died Dec 23, scorbutus. 1616, Richards, H, 79, Co I, died June 4, scorbutus. 3i09, Rickold. W, 16, Co G, died July 23, scorbutus. 2836. Riclor, Cbaile*,* .'^2, Ci 11, died Julv 3, diarrhea. 8632, Ripley, J, 9, Co B, died Sept 13, gangrene. 7748, Ritlec, D, 14 art, Co D, died Sept 3,diarrhea a. 2074, Roberts, W W, 16 cav, Co I, died June 17, anasarca. 8410, Robinson, E, H, 30, Co A, died Sept 11, anasarca. 4460, Robinson, II B,t 6 cav. Co B, died Aug 1, diarrhea. 6080, Robinson, J B, 79, Co A, died Aug 18,~cevebrilis. 10751, Roder, F, 16 cav, Co G, died Get 12, scorbutus. 2596, Rodenberger, N, 96, Co E. died June 29, scorbutus. 10184, Roterty, J O, 6 cav, Co II, died Oct 1, diarrhea a. 747, Rodgers, O, 12, Co A, died Apr 26, dysentery. 1807, Rogers, Silas, 65, Co D, died June 10, diarrhea c. 7228, Rogers, George, 16 cav, Co G, died Juno 29, diarrhea o. 528, Rolla, E J, 108, Co G, died Apr 13, diarrhea. 4389, Rosecrans, H, 113, Co A, died July 31, anasarca. 11473, Ross, J W,45, Co F, diedOct 20, dyBentcry. 8465, Ross, Thomas, 113, Co K, died Sept 11, scorbutus. 306, Eudd, Eras,t, 100, Co K, died Apr 2, diarrhea. 1294, Kudd, F, 16 cav, Co L, died May 23, diarrhea c. 2557, Kyan, M, 89, Co A, died Jane 27, phthisis. 2000, Saddle, M, 27, Co G, died June 16, anasarca. 9345, Saler, J B,t 14, Co F, died Sept 20, diarrhea a. 10512, Sandler, L,» 19, Co D, died Oct 8, diarrhea. 11289, Sargeant M,t 14, Co K, died Oct 22, scorbutus. 1902, Savage, P I', 13, died June 13, diarrhea c. 9915, Sauin, B, 36, Co C, died Sept 28, scorbutus. 7668, Schrider, D, 23, Co A, Sept 2, dvsenterv. 7163, Schrider, John, 44, Co K, died Aug 29,'di.irrhea c. 3493, Schannoller, C,24, Co H, died July 17, dysentery. 10369, Schurtz, W, 44, Co F, died Oct 5, scorbutus. 1573, Scitaz, Victor, 16 ca\', Co L, died June 3, dysentery. 11077, Scott, n, 28, Co G, died Oct 17, scorbutus. 4624, Scuyner, N,* 64, Co G, died Aug 2, woundap 12034, See, S, 11, Co G, died Oct 15, scorbutus. 1767, Seeley, Charles, 44, Co G, died June 10, diarrhea c. 9325, Sem, C, 8 cav, Co D, died Sept 20, diarrhea c. 4872, Serens, E B, 112, Co I, died Aug 6, dysentery. 1333, Setters, Geo II, 38, Co O, died Mav 24, diarrhea c. 12827, Seward, R, 61, Co E, died Apr 8, '05, diarrhea. 6350, Seyberl, A J, 39, Co E, died Aug 11, scorbutus. 9322, Shadrach, G H, 7 cav, Co C, died Sept 20, diarrhea c. 1661, Shanbach, Ed, 44. Co E, died June 6, anasarca. SS61, Shark, L F, 113, Co D, died Sept 15, diarrhea a. 12149, Sharp, A, 7 cav, Co B, died Nov 24, scorbutus. 2579, SIntrp, A H, 22. Co A, died June 27, dysonteiT. 1899, Sharp, E D T, 89, died June 13, diarrhea. 2647, Shaw, J, 89, Co E, died June 29, dvsentery. 7315, Shaw, Joseph, 98, Co D, died Aug'SO, scorbutus. 4135, Sheeby, John,t 42, Co G, died Julv 28, diarrhea c. 8386, Sherwood, J F, 10 cav, Co I, died 'Sept 10, diarrhea c. 7270, Shields, J A, 6 cav, Co E, died Aug 30, scorbutus. 12046, Siebert, H C, 7 ca\, Co M,.died Nov 16, scorbutus. 10441, Siffle, II, 7 cav, Co M, died Oct 7, scorbutus. 2430, Silkwood, II M, 89, Co D, died June 24, epilepsy. 1777, Silter, John, 16 cav, Co 1, died June 9, anasarca. 1'2713, Simmons, W D, 42, Co II, died March 1, '65, diarrhea. 7630, Simpson, C, 14, Co D, died Sept 2, diarrhea c. 12.S34, Simmons, M A, 42, Co 11, died April 17, '65, diarrhea. 309, Sipple, A, 107, Co E, died April 2, diarrhea. 12390, Skinner, H, 14, Co C, died .Jan 4, '65, diarrhea c. 10082, Skinner, Wm, 16, Co G, died Sept 30, scorbutus. 2585, Slasher, II,» 96, Co E, died June 28, scorbutus 10663, Slick, P, 9, Co E, died Oct 11, diarrhea c. 9402, Smith, C W, 16, Co K, died Sept 24, diarrhea. 5960, Smith, George, 53, Co E, died Aug 17, dysentery. 862, Smith, John B, 7 cav, Co L, died -April 2, diarrhea. 12666, Smith, J S, 116, Co D, died Feb 1, '65, debilitas. 10866, Smith, N I', 28, Co G, died Oct 13, scorbutus. 10976, Smith, O, 114, Co H, died Oct 16, scorbutus. 4669, Smith, William, 16 cav, Co M, died Ang 3, gastritis 8223, Snyder, B, 6 cav, Co B, died Sept 8, diarrhea. 8079, Sommers, W, 40, Co F, died Sept 7. diarrhea. 2165, Soms, C, 82, Co A, died June 19, diarrhea c. 4283, Spaiigler, II J, 16 cav, Co L, died July 30, diarrhea. 9092, Spindler, W, 113, Co F, died Sept 18, diarrhea. 11359, Sprulock, A, 79, Co E, died Oct 23, scorbutus. 4698, Sprague, W, 8 cav, Co K. died Aug 3, diarrhea. 1667, Springer, M, 112, Co E, died June 6, diarrhea e. 12132, Steilhoult, A, 92, Co H, died Nov 23, wounds 2532, Standsfleld, II, 96, Co II, died June 26, diarrhea. 1718, Stark, F, 78, Co 11, died June 6, dysentery. INDIANA. Stegall, J, 16 cav, Co L, died May 11, diarrhea. Stevens, 8, 44, Co D, died Oct 11, diarrliea c. Stewart, Vj 78, Co I, died Aug 20, scorbutus. Stillwcll, F H, 79, Co L, died Aug 6, scorbutus. Stillwell, James, 38, Co I, died June 6, fever remittent. Btine, A, 14, Co H, died Oct 13, scorbutus. Stopes, 8 W, 89, Co E, died Aug 4, scorbutus. Storem, A, 89, Co D, died Sept 11, scorbutus. . Storem, C, 98, Co C, died Nov 28, scorbutus. Strand, John, 0, Co H, died Oct 6, diarrliea. Striker, J. 11, Co K, died Sept 12, scorbutus. Stringer, P, 15, Co B, died April 5, '65, diarrhea. Strong, S M, 95, Co B, died .Sept 17, diarjhea. Stune, 8 L, 40, Co G, died May 3, diarrhea c. Sullivan J, 16 cav, Co I, died Sept 13, diarrhea. Sullivan M, 15, Co E, died Jan 17, '65, debilitas. Sunn, C, 8 cav, Co D, died Sept 20, diarrhea. Suter, B F, 4 cav, Co L, died Nov 4, scorbutus. Sutton, M, 9 cav, Co M, died Aug 13, diarrhea. Swanson, P, 9, Co K, died .July 31, dysentery. Steinhaus, J, 15, Co B, died March, 3, '65, diarrhea. Steward F, 78, Col, died Aug 20, scorbutus. Swarta, E, * 24, Co G, died Jan 30, '65, scorbutus. Swartz, A, 7 cav, Co M, died Aug 18, diarrhea. Sweet, Wm, 89; Co E, died April 12, rheumatism. No. of OrB»e. 1018, 10737, 6292, 4S78, 1640, 10828, 4724, 8461, 12190, 10440, 8549, 12822, 9013, 865, 8615, 12482, 9325, 1180S, 5516, 4442, 12726, 6292, 12567, 6105, 505, 0515, Tanner, J, , Co A, died Oct 8, scorbutus. 502, Taylor, George, 16 cav, Co M, died April 12, pneumonia. 10O36, Taylor, II, * 7 cav, Co I, died Sept 20, scorbutus. 809, Taylor James, 4 cav, Co F, died April 30, diarrhea. 12526 Taylor, M P, 14, Co I, died ,Jan 26, '66, rheumatism. "lS26', Temple, 1, 100, Co LI, died June 10, diarrhea. 4466, Terry, J.ihn, 16 cav" Co M, died Aug 1, diarrhea c. 12437 Thayer, D, 64, Co E, died Jan 12, '65, rheumatism. 2416! Thomas, A, 16, Co A, died June 24, deliilitas. 10411 Thompson, D, 24, Co K, died Oct 6, scorbutus. 6491, Thompson, F, 10, Co B, died Aug 22, diarrhea. 7128 Thoinpsim, G G, 1 cav, Co M, died Aug 28, '63, scorbutus. 2463' Thompson, .John, 16 cav. Col, died June 26, diarrhea. 68:31, Thompson, T, 2, Co M, died Aug 25, scorbutus. 10347, Thomsburg, N C, 79, Co A, died Oct 5, fever typhus. 8863, Thorn, J, 16 cav, Co K, died Sept 15, dysentery. 9833, Thurmain, J, 84, Co E, died Sept 27, scorbutus. 46 Tuiler, \V. 16 cav, Co D, died March 15, pneumonia. 3064! Topp, A, 19, Co C, died July 9, anasarca. 547, Trailer. Van Buren, 16 cav, Co I, died April 14, pneumonia. 11550, Trasls .J J, 7 car, Co B, died Oct 27, scorbutus. 751, Trowbridge, L, 16 cav, Co M, died April 26, diarrhea. 1915, Trout, E,'21, Co F, died June 14, diarrhea. 2602, Turnerholm, S H, 19, Co K, died June 26, diarrhea c. 3032, Tacker, E, 38, Co B, died July 8, diarrhea. 12736 Tucker, J, 7, Co F, died March 6, '66, debditas. IOS32! Tucker, J P, 8 cav, Co G. died Oct 13, scorbutus. 10988, Turner, S, 120, Co A, died Oct 16, gangrene. 11091, Underwood, D, 11, Co E, died Oct IS, diarrhea. 6183, Vase, , 16 cav, Co H, died Aug 9, dysentery. 1078 Vaugh, James, 16 cav, Co L, died May 14, diarrhea. 7765! Vincent, L D, 7 cav, Co G, died Sept 4, diarrhea. 1026, Voris, Ross, 16 cav, Co I, died May 11, diarrhea c. S''71, Volter, George, 9, Co C, died July 13, diarrhea c. 2016, Yought, Wm, 24, Co H, died July 15, diarrhea. 8638, Vox, Wm, 24, Co E, died Aug 14, diarrhea. 6767, Waddle, J, 1 112, Co C, died Aug 24, scorbutus. 2964, Wahl, M, 16 cav, Co I, died July 6, diarrhea c. 9218, Walker, George, 31, CoK, died Sept 19, scorbutus. 12072, Ward, R S, 15, Co C, died Nov 18, fever intermittent. 11346, Ward, G B, 7 cav, CoE, died Nov 23, scorbutus. 24SS, Ward, W .J, 16 cav, Co M, died June 26, diarrhea. 12392, Wareck, N, 120, Co D, died Jan 4, '06, scorbutus. 7895, Warkwich, J, 93, Co C, died Sept 5, scorbutus. 6898, Walts, Wm, 16 cav, Co L, died Aug 16, diarrhea. 11619, Waterman, L, 95, Co D, died Nov 28, scorbutus. 6173, Weaver, G, 16 cav, Co L, died Aug 19, scorbutus. 9317, Weaver, Ale.^, 93, Co A, died Sept 20, diarrhea. 742, AVeeks, Beni, 16 cav, Co L, died Apr 26, diarrhea. 10780, Weednian, j. W, * 38, Co I, died Oct 12, scorbutus. 4941, WeinmiUer, John, t 66, Co G, died Aug 7, debiiilas. lOUOl, Welch, John, 7, Co E, died Sept 29, diarrhea. 11751, Welch, L, 24, Co F, died Nov 2, scorbutus. 10086, Welch, G, t 95, Co A. died Sept 30, scorbutus. 4358, Wentworth, Charles, 27, Co D, died July 31, fever remittent. 7426, Westbrook, B D, 6 cav, Co B, died Aug 31, gangrt-.ie. 5067, Whalin, M, 23, Co B, died July 9, scorbutus. 3910, Wham, T, 21, Co G, died July 24, scorbutus. 91S4, Wheeler, J, 61, Co F, died Sept 18, diarrhea. 992, Wheelock, A, 96, Co U, died May 10, anasarca. 1496, Whitmore, B, 16 cav, Co D. died May 31, anasarca. 1699, Whitmore, L, 104, Co I, died June 7, diarrhea. ^ 6998, Whitney, J F, 89, Co G, died Aug 17, diarrhea. ^ 8713, Whipp, Charles, 9 cav, Co E, died Sept 14, scorbutus. 6613, Wildberger, P, 6 cav, Co B, died Aug 14, diarrhea. 6158, Wiley, T, 7, Co M, died May 16, dysentery. 12732, Wiley, W P, 82, Co C, died March 6, '66, scorbutus. 12671, Wilkes, R, 81, Co A, died Feb IS, '66, diarrhea. 7840, Wilhelm, G A, 9, Co C, died Sept 4, ganjrrene. 90, Will, Gustavus, 16 cav, Co E, died March 21, pneumonia. 9785, Will, J, 36, Co B, died Sept 26, diarrhea c. 8310, Williams, A, 22, Co H, died Sept 10, scorbutus. 3254, Williams, E, 49, Co D, died July 13, pueunioui:i. 10899, Williams, G W, 15 battery, died Oct 14, scorbutus. 11497, Williams, G B, 15, Co B, died Oct 26, diarrhea. 12780, Willis, A P, 84, Co A, died March 16, '66, diarrhea. 4737, Wilson, D, 16 cav, Co M, died Aug 4, scorbutus. 9531, Wilson, J, ♦ Co K. died Sept 22, scorbutus. 11712, Wilson, W, t 89, Co F, died Nov 16, diarrhea. 1130, Wimmer, G. 16 cav, Co I, died May 15, itneuraonia. 989, Wink, Lewis, 16 cav, Co C, died May 10, fever remittent. 8755, Winning, D, 125, Co C, died Sept 14, diarrhea. 6079, Winters", Wm, 24, Co H, died Aug IS, scorbutus. 3743, Wismer, J, * 74, Co G, died July 21, scorbutus. 2301, Wing, John, 7 cav. Co H, died June 22, diarrhea. 8816, Wood, 21, Co G, died Sept 15, dysentery. 1042, Woodcock, K, 16 cav, Co L, died May 12, diarrhea. 3695, Workman, James, 7, Co G, died July 21, diarrhea. 10582, Worthy, A A, 21, Co K, died Oct 10, dysentery. 2i3r>4, Wright, J W, 36, Co C, died June 28, diarrhea c. 6265, Wright, M, 69, Co E, died Aug 10, fever intermittent. 12309, Yates, J, 120, Co E, died Dec 19, diarrhea. 10766, Yagle, C, 24, Co B, died Oct 12, scorbutus. 2391, Zimmerman, Philip, 1 artil, died June 24, diarrhea. 72, Zoran, Philip, 44, Co I, died March 20, pneumonia. INDIANA. 671, Allen, Jessie,* 116, Co K, died April 15, dysentery c. 1917, Adkins, George, 6 cav, Co D, died June 14, scorbutus. 3991, Andrews, E L, 6 cav, Co K, died July 20, anasarca. 4270, Anderson, D, 76, Co E, died July 29, diarrhea. 6680, Ault, J W, 40, Co D, died Aug 14, diarrhea. 6921, Alexander, S, 93, Co D, Aug 26, scorbutus. 7124, Alexander, J D, 5 cav, Co K, died Aug 28, scorbutus. 9292. Auburn, C, 65, Co H, died Sept 19, diarrhea. 9445^ Atkins, J F, 2 cav, Co H, died Sept 21, diarrhea. 9684, Adams, H, 35, Co A, died Sept 23, diarrhea. 9643, Allen, D B,t 29, died Sept 24, gangrene. 9759, Alfred, W J, 117, Co K, died Sept 25, scorbutus. 10473, Allyn, D, 88, Co K, died Oct 7, scorbutus. 10793, Atland, C, 32, Co C, died Oct 12, scorbutus. 111S6, Albin, 1, 89, Co D, died Oct 19, diarrhea. 12183, Austin, Alfred, 5, Co K, died Nov. 27, scorbutus. 12513, Amick. W, 93, Co B, died Jan 23, '65, scorbutus. 313, Bush, David, 117, Co C, died April 2, pneumonia. 576, Bee, Tliomas, cav, died April 16, dysentery c. 696, Bock, Samuel, 75, Co I, died April 17, dysentery c. 838, Brown, T, 66, Co D, died May 1, diarrhea. 1514, Barrey, Henry, 84, Co D, died May 31, dysentery. 1603. Boloy, A J, 66, Co C, died June 4, diarrhea c. 1759, Barra, John, 65, Co II, died .Tune 9, diarrhea c. 2016, Burnett, Wra, 6 cav, Co G, died June 15, diarrhea. 2191, Buckhart, E, 27, Co F, died June 19, diarrhea. 2222, Brasier, S, musician, 19, Co I, died Juhe 20, diarrhea. 2299! Bumgarduer, 44, Co D, died June 22, diarrhea. 2458! Barrett, E, 42, Co I, died June 25, diarrhea c. 2874, Bowman, .John, 42, Co C, died July 4, diarrhea. 3044, Bruce, J W, 5 cav, Co M, died July 8, diarrhea c. 3359, Broughton, D, 7 cav, Co K, died July 15, dysentery. 3366, Bricker, J, 68, Co C, died July 16, diarrhea c. 4027, Barton, J F, 52, Co G, died July 26, diarrhea c. 4036, Ballinger, Robert, 39, Co I, died July 26, scorbutus. 4261, Bonly, James, 81, Co C, died July 29, diarrhea. 4479, Baker, J, 9, CoG, died Aug 1, scorliutus, 4563, B.aker, D W, 13, Co B, died Aug 2, diarrhea. 4948, Bayer, F, 129, Co H, died Aug 7, dysentery. 5089, Brenton, J W, 29, Co I, died Aug 8, scorbutus. 6093, Bowlin, Wm, 63, Co G, died Aug 8, wounds. 5220, Barton, E, 2 cav, Co G, died Aug 10. scorbutus. 6275, Busick, W A,» 101, Co F, died Aug 10, diarrhea. 6442, Bryer, P, 81, Co K, died Aug 12, scorbutus." 5690, Bohems, Philip, 79, Co A, died Aug 14,, diarrhea. 6690, Baker, I P, 7 cav, Co H, died Aug 16, diarrhea. Ko. of UravL'. 5794, Boom W P, 31, Co F, died Aug 16, scorbutus. 69S1, Barlon, Gtorae, 130, Co F, dk-d Aug. 17, di.irrhea c. 6163, Brookers, .1 M, 112, Co E, died Aus 19, dysentery. 6410, Brown, J M, 66, CoF, died Aug 22, scorbutus. 6518, Bartholomew, I, 99, Co A, died Aug 22, dysentery. 7370, Bamgroover, J A, 101, Co H, Aug 31, dlarrliea. 7794, Barnes, Tliomas M, 6 cav,Co B, di.d Sept 4, dysentery. 8314, Babbitt, W H, 29, Co I, died Sept 10, dysentery. 8397, Bassingor. n, 14, Co C, died Stpt 10, diarrhea. 8519, Boyd, W F, 125, Co F, died Sept 12, anasarca. 909S, Bartlev, S, 88, Co I, died Sept IS, seorbutus. 9548, Bray, TE, 79, Co K, died Sept 23, scorbutus. 9708, Brown, .J, 1 1 cav, Co A, died Sept 24, diarrhea. 9777, Bircb, T A, 68, Co L, died Sept 26, scorbutus. 9793, Bozell J F, 40, Co B, died Sept 26, scorbutus. 9846, Bixter, D, 6, Co B, died Sept 27, ecorbutus. 10360, Blackaber, Wm II, 42, Co I, died Oct 5, scorbutus. 10939, Benton, L, 30, Co H, died Oct 14, scorbutus. 11659, Bennett R N, 72, Co D, died Oct 27, scorl.utus. 11604, Beniis, J M, * 87, Co F, died Oct 2S, scorbutus. 11919, Brown, D, 128, Co B, died Nov 8, dysentery. 11930, B.alley, George, 72, Co A, died Nov 8, scorbutus. 12019, Bennett, A, 29, Co G, died Nov 15, scorbutus. 12128, Booth, .J, 32, Co E, died Nov 22, scorbutus. 12294, Bennett, C, 6, Co H, died Deo 15, scorbutus. 12486, Barrey, H, 66, Co I, died Jan, 19, '65, scorbutus. 12504, Balstrum, J, 93, Co F, died Jan 22, '65, scorbutus. 12696, Branson, E, 57, Co A, died Feb 6, '65, pneumonia. 301, Charles, .Tames, 6, Co G, died April 1, diarihea. 025, Connell, P, 6 cav, Co M, died April 19, dysentery c. 634, Claycomc, S A, t, 66, Co G, died April 20, diarrhea. 1117, Cox, Josejih, t 42, Co B, died May 15, diarrhea. 1146, Carter, Henry, 2, Co C, died May 16, pneumonia. ■ 1172, Currv, J W, 30, Co F, died Mav 17, diarrhea c. 1463, Currier, Wm, 87, Co K, died Stay 30, diarrhea. 1523, Crest, J D, 31, Co F, died May 31, diarrliea c. 2254, Carpenter, O C, * 29, Co D, died June 21, dmrrhca. 2307, Cottrell, M, t 6 cav, Co G, died June 22, anasarca. 2776, Cooley, A, 38, Co C, died July 2, pneumonia. 3043, Clark, W, 82, Co C, died July 8, dysentery. 3922, Connolley, D, 9, Co I, died July 25, diarrliea. 4192, Cos, S, 66, Co E, died July 28, ditirrhea. 4917, Cliftord, II C, 7 cav, Co I, died Aug 6, scorbutus. 6262, Courtnev, J F, 2 cav, Co L, died Auec 10, dysentery. 5664, Collar, E, !30, Co G, died Aug 14, scorbutus. 5660, Crews, E M, 6 cav, Co A died Aug 14, dysentery. 5901, Clark, A, 64, Co A, died Aug 16, diarrhea c. 6208, Chrichfula, S, 93, Co A, died Aug 19, ganeft-ne. 6477, Croane, J J, 22, Co C, died Aug 22, scorbutus. eUS, Cornelius, E, 58, Co B, died Aug 23, scorbutus. 6926, Carnahan, A W, t 6, Co E, died Aug 26, dysentery. 7383, Carpenter, S, 66, Co I, died Aug 31, scorbutus. 7726, CaUings, "W, 120, Co F, died Sept 3, diarrliea. 7737, Cramer, A, SO, Co B, died Sept 3, debilitas. 7899, Cheny, James, 7 cav, Co I, died Sept 5, dysentery. 8061, Crumton, R, 101, Co I, died Sept 6, diarrhea. 8108, Crazen, J, 53, Co G, died Sept 7, scorbutus. 8133, Cragor, J, 13, Co C, died Sept 8, fever conges. 8144, Cooper, J, 80, Co E, died Sept 8, diarrhea. 92G4, Christman, J E, 6 cav, Co G, died Sept 19, scorbutus. 9536, Collins, G, 66, Co F, died Sept 22, diarrhea. 09S0, Coniietl, Daniel, 130, Co F, died Sept 28, scorbutus. 10084, Conel, J, 13, Co D, died Sept 30,di.arrhea. 10906, Callan, M, 35, Co B, died Oct 13, diarrhea. 11423, Cafer, J 11, 87,Co"K, died Oct 24, scorbutus. 11631, Cummings, J W, 93, Co F, died Oct 28, scorbutus. 12062, Clark, M, 101, Co B, died Nov 17, diarrhea. 12178, Cannon, A, 42, Co F, died Nov 26, scorbutus. 12213, CregB, Wm, 5 cav, Co E, died Dec 3, scorbutus. 12415, Collins, W A,t 5, Co Q, diedJan 8, '65, scorlmtus. 12659, Calvert, O F, 8 cav, C.i I, died Jan SO, '65, diarrhea c. 4234, Curry, W F, 4 cav, Co I, died July 29, diarrhea c. 426, Dummond, J 11, 66, Co F, died April 7, diarrhea c. 508, Davis, J M, 66, Co I, died April 12, diarrhea. 064, D.arker, Wm, 12, Co C, died May 8, anasarca. 2205, Denny, John, 44, Co E, died June 19, diarrhea, 3157, Detrich, C, 29, Co K, died .Tuly 11, diarrhe.i. 3419, Dusan, J, 6, Co D, died July 16, diarrhea c. 4021, Develin, E, 36, Co B, died July 26, pneumonia. 4029, Decer, 1', 32, Co K, died July 26, scorbutus. 412J, Dill, C P, 42, Co F, died July 27, diarrhea. 5255, D.avls, K, 13, Co D,died Aug 10, diarrhea. 6367, Dunben, M, 36, Co E, died Aug 11, scorbutus. 6420, Delup, Z S, 13, Co D. died Aug 12, scorbutus. 6816, Lawyer, .Tames, 80. Co B, died Aug 14, dyeentery. 6775, Lyons, Wm, 1, Co E, died Aug 25, diarrhea. 7162, Lowery, D, 2 cav, Co G, died .-^ug 29, diarrhea, S6<)7, Lunger, A, 7 cav, Co M, died Sept 12, scorbutus. 8250, Liggett, 62, Co G, died Sept 10, scorbutus. 10508, Lewis, R, 7 cav, Co C, died Oct S, diarrhea n. 11152, Lash, J, 101, Co B, died Oct 18, scorbutus. 11715, Lakin, A, 7 cav, died Nov 1, scorliutus. 12260, Lawrence, B T, 42, Co D, died Dec 9, scorbutus. 130, 631, 746, 841, 903, 954, 1090 1405, 1516, 1860, 2240, 2397, 2511, 2608, 5, 33S7, 3633, 3884, 4010, 4388, 4959, 5562, 5618, 5703, 5713, 5767, 5863, 6461, 6521, 6566, 7043, "•-'33, 7272, 7510, 7820, 7973, 8007, 8176, 8389, 8861, 8925. 9575, 9600, 9856, 10231, 10245, 10394, 10891, 10995, 11166, 11271, 11585, 11666, 11680, 11746, 11857, 11946, 12548, 12,=.68, 12624, 12639, 12709, McCarty, John, 66, Co D, died March 23, fever intermit. Mullen, James, 6 cav, Co G, died April 19, diarrhea. Masters, Wm, 65, Co G, died April '20. di.arrhea. Milton, John, 18, Co C, died May 1, dysentery. Mytinger, Wm, 117, Co F, died May 5, diarrhea c. Milburn, J, 6, Co K, died May 8, diarrhea. Moore, Peter, 6, Co I,died May 14, diarrhea c. Miller, Jacob, 74, Co E, died May 27, diarrhea. Martin, George,t 3 cav, Co C, died May 31, di.arrhe.a. Merritt, H, 30, Co G, died June 12, diarrhea, c. Mitchell, J J, 30, Co D, died June 20, diarrhea. Milliten, S L, 1 cav, Co G, died June 24, phthisis. Moneyhon, B, 38, Co D, died June 26, diarrhea c. Marsh, J, 88, Co D, died June 28, diarrhea c. Moodie, Z, 117, Co K, died March 31, small pox. Mank, E, 80, Co E, died July 16, diarrhea c. Marlit, J, 80, Co li, died July 20, scorbutus. Mulcliy, J, 35, Co A, died July 24, diarrhea c. Mercer, John, 12, Co F, died J uly 26, dysentery. Malshy, F, 14 cav, Co A, di.'d July 31, diarrhe-a. McDale, R, 19, Co A, died Aug 7, diarrhea. Manihan, J, 38, Co D, died Aug 13, diarrhea. Mageson, J, 7 cav, Co A, died Aug 14, fever typhus. Meiisome, S,t 42, Co E, died Aug 15, dysentery. Monroe, S, 38, Co F, died Aug 15, scorbutus. Montgomery, R, 80, Cu F, died Aug 15, dysentery c. Michael, S,"7, Co I, died .\ng 16, diarrhea, Mitchell, J H, 30, Co I, died Aug 22, scorbutus. Monroe, H J,t 44, Co G, died Aug, 22, scorbutus. Mathews, M, 42, Co K, died Aug 23, ictus soils. Milsker, J. 5, Co D, died Aug 27, diarrhea. Matheny, N,t 42, Co A, died Aug 29, diarrhea. McQueslon, J O, 13, Co B, died Aug 30, diarrhea. Myers, A, 29, Co E,died Sept 1, scorbutus. Moore, G,* 101, Co F, died Sept 4, dysentery c. Mine, Jolm N, 2, Co H, dieil Sept 6, scorbutus. Miller, W W, 101, Co B, died Sept 6, diarrhea c. McCoy, W,t 66, Co B, died Sept 8, diarrhea. Murphy, J, 9, Co E, died Sept 10, diarrhea, McElvain, J, 93, Co E, died Sept 15, diarrhea c, Myers, J, 143, Co P, died Sept 16, seorlmtus. Morrison, J, 4, Co B, died Sept 23, diarrhea c. Miller, J, 7 cav-, Co G, died Sept 23, scorbutus. Murgu, A, 36, Co I>, died Sept 27, scorbutus. Monay, G W, 7, Co E, died Oct 2, diarrhea. McFarney, J, 93, Co B, died Oct 3, scorbutus. Maples, H, 29, Co H, died Oct 6, scorbutus. Murphy, J, 35, Co B, Oct 13. scorbutus. McDonald, 1, 74, Co B, died Oct 16, scorbutus. Mills, Miltiin, 26, Co D, died Oct IS, scorbutus. Mitchell, I, 7, Co K, died Oct 21, seorlmtus. McCartv, A, 7, Co A, died Oct 28, scorbutus. McBeth", I C, 28, Co K, died Oct 30, diarrhea. Murphy, F, 35, Co C, died Oct 31, scorbutns. McCarty, A, 7, Co A, died Nov 2, diarrhea. McCarty, I, 6, Co A, died Nov 6, scorbutus. Miller, F B, SO, Co C, died Nov 10, scorbutus. Madlener, L, 12, Co K, died Jan 27, '65, diarrhea c. McFall, I, 30, Co A, died Jan .31, '65, scorbutus ' Mainfold, W, 6 cav, Co I, died Feb 9, rheunnilisra. Montgomery, W, 5 cav, Co G, died Feb 17, '65, diarrhea c. Maloy I, 11 cav, Co G, died Feb 28, diarrhea c. 2007, Nossman, G, 117, Co G, died June 15, diarrhea. 3205, Newcomb, George, 22, Co A, died July 12, anasarca. 3519, Nucha, S, 8 cav, Co I, died July 18, diarrhea. 4627, Napper, W H,t 6, Co I, died Aug 3, scorbutus. 6528, Norton, N A, 38, Co B, died Aug 23, dysentery, 10187, Note John H, 39, Co F, died Oct 1, scorbutus. 12226, Nichols, J, 38, Co G, died Dec 5, scorbutus. 9494, Newbery, M, 7 cav, Co L, died Sept 21, diarrhea. 342, O'Niel, Thomas, 6, Co G, died April 2, diarrhea a. 1874, Oliver, John,* 42, died June 12, diarrhea c. 2778, Oliver, H H, 5 cav, Co M, died July 2, diarrhea. 62-26, Oliver, J, 120, Co K, died Aug 10, scorbutus. 6361, Osborn, J, 73, Co E, died Aug 11, diarrhea. 7863, Oliver, J, 19, Co D, died Sept 5, diarrhea. 7911, O'Conner, Thomas, 6 cav, Co B, died Sept 5, diarrhea. 10940, Olinger, £, 65, Co A, died Oct 14, scorbutus. 12544, Ortell, M, 35, Co G, died Jan 27, '65, scorbutus. 12590, Onsley, W I, 7, Co A, died Feb 6, diarrhea c. 2S7, Peache, Cyrus, 68, Co I), died April 1, diarrhea. 559, Pashby, John, 6 cav, Co C, died April 15, dysentery c. 3434, Pavy, W, 123, Co A, died July 17, diarrhea. INDIANA. n 373S, Palmer, A, 42, Co r.diod July 21, ilyscutery. 4068, Tarker, E,t 29, Co A, died .July 27, diarrhea. 4171, Tark, John, 129, Ci B, died July 28, fever remittent. 4551, Pettis, H, 5-3, Co C, d:ed Aug 2, dysentery. 4663, Pruitt, II C, 7 cav, Co K, died Aug 2, acorhutus. 5627, Prentice, J M, 22, Co K. died Aug 14, wounds. 6169, Penat, Alexander, 38, Co B, died Aug 19, dyaentery. 627S, Patterson, E, 4 cav, Co G, died Aug 20, marasmus. 5874, Parten, D R, 65, Co F, died Aug 20, diarrhea. 7710, Plough, J W.t 89, Co D, died Sept 3, scorbutus. 8061, Pratt, William, 29, Co F, died .Sejit 13, anasarca. 9196, Plumcr, A, 2, Co D, died Sept 18, scorbutus. 9705, Pope, I T,t 5 cav, Co G, died Sept 24, scorbutus. 9709, Patterson, N S, 93, Co G. died Sept 24, diarrhea. 10128, P.ackett.T C,t 39, Co F, died Oct 1, 8Corl)Utus. IISSO, Pangburn, — t, 20, Co B. died Xov 6, gangrene. 12572, Potts I, 99, Co H, died Feb 2, '66, scorbutus. 126S8, Phepps, A, 30, Co D, died Feb 4, '65, scorbutus. 1249, Packer, .Samuel B, 6 cav, Co G, died May *20, dysentery 872, Remy, John, 66, Co B, died M.ay 4, lever remittent. 944, Reed, R, 57, Co F, died May 7. diarrhea. 1065, Remcett, L, 65, Co H, died May 13, diarrhea. 1558, Roll, N C, 117, Co F, died June 2, diarrhea c. 1696, Reese, L, 116, Co I, died June 7, diarrhea c. 2140, Robinson, L, 7, Co I, died June 18, fever remittent. 4039, Kognian, — , 38, Co I. died July 26, diarrhea. 4165, Reiggs, K N, 39, Co K, died July 2!*, hcorbutus. 4406, Richardson, I, 35, Co I, died July 31, diarrhea. 61S0, Rawllngs, J W, 117, Co F, died Aug 9, dysentery. 5259, Rains, G D, 4, Co G, died Avig 10, dysentery. '5464, Ritter, Kcniamiu, 29, Co K, died Aug 12, scorbutus. 6542, Ralph, G, 6S, Co F, died.Aug 13, dysentery. 6247, Roundbush, Daniel, 6, Co B, died Aug 20, diarrhea. 0383, Redyard, A, 65, Co F, died, Aug 21, diarrhea. 6764, Russell, J, 7, Co K, died Aug 24, diarrhea. 7877, Rlngold I, 7 cav, Co I, died Sept 3, diarrhea. 8488, Russmore, E, 2 cav. Co C, died Sept 11, scorbutus. 8677, Redman, N E, 80, Co F, died Sept 12, scorbutus. 9621, Richardson, John, 86, Co D, died Sept 21, diarrhea. 9547, Kiggs, L, 19, Co E, died Aug 23, scorbutus. 10829, Reeves, Wni, 42, Co F, died Oct 13, scoriniTus. 11416, Itierdon, M 1), 6 battery, died Oct 24, scorbutus. 11451, Rutger, W,» 44, Co D. died Oct 25, scorbutus. 11935, Russell, W H, 13, Co C, died Xov 9, scorbutus. 12454, Robinson, R, 8, Co G, died .Jan 14, '65, wounds. 12523, Richardson, E, 127, Co E, died Jan 26, '65, scorbutus. 1440, Ryan, Martin, 35, Co B, died Mny 28, dysentery c. 6707, Kawlings, E,t 66, Co C, died Aug 24, diarrhea. 86, Smilley, — , 65, Co I, died March 21, diarrhea. 129, Stein, I'homas, 66, Co D, died March 23, dysentery. 205, Stouts, — , 65, Co I, died March 28, diarrhea c. 768, Sanderson, H, 6 cav, Co G, died April 27, diarrhea. 817, Sears, I, 65, Co I, died Anril 30, diarrhea c. 901, Shick, Eli, 20, Co C, died May 5, diarrhea c. 1039, Smith, M C,* 24 balterv. died" May 12, fever typhus. l:i31, Smith, H, 86, Co A, died May 24, dysentery. 1400, Sapp, A .1. 44, Co H, died Mav 26, anasarca. 1430, Swiudle, TO,t 82, Co A, died'May 28, diarrhea c. 1501, Smith, L, 116, Co A, died May 31, anasaica. 1611, Schroder, W, 42, Co A, died .June 4, diarrhea. 1690, Sparks, L D, 66, Co D, died .June 7, diarrhea. 1732, Search, C,5 cav, CoD, died, June 8, diarrhea. 2079, Shigley, T W, 10, Co H, died June 17, pneumonia. 2083, Stinit, D, 6 cav, Co I.,, died .June 17, pneumonia. 2'218, Smudley, W, 5, Co E, died Jiino 20, scorbutus. 2318, Swain, J W, 30, Co A, died Juno 22, diarrhea c. 2420, Snow, J, 5 cav, Co G, died June 24. diarrhea c. 2447, Staflbrd, J W, 68, Co I, died May 25, diarrhea c. 2740, Smith, J, 66, Co 11, died July 1, diarrhea. 2799, Stanchley, \Vm, 5, Co K, died .July 2, scorbutus. 2923, Stofer, L, t 29, Co B. died July 5, diarrhea. 3416, Spencer, M. 80, Co K, died July 16, diarrhea c. 4014, Shields, J, 128, Co F, died July 26, dysentery. 4054. Sinith, J W, 38, Co G, died July 27, diarrhea. 4062, Smith, II, 79. Co H, died July 27, '65, diarrhea. 4088, Schneider, S A, 3 cav, died Jiily 27, diarrhea. 4229, Sollman, C, t 35, Co D, died July 29, diarrhea. 4418, Stevens, M, 6 cav, Co M, died July 31, diarrhea. 4630, Snider, D, 117, Co K, died Aug 3, scorbutus. 4799, Summerevolt, V, 29, Co A, died Aug 5, scorbutus. 5254, Scott, B, 9 Co D, died Aug 10, scorbutus. 5418, Smith, Samuel E, 9, Co C, died Aug 12, scorbutus. 5613, Shoemaker, E W, 5 cav, Co I, died"Aug 13, scorbntus. 6514, Sims, S, 101, Co B, died Augl3, diarrhea. 6571, Sackett, I, 8 cav, Co G, died Aug 14, fever typhus. 5611, Stockman. L M, 68, OoE, died Aug 14, diarrhea. 6884, Slan,li.sh, M, 66, Co B, died Aug 16, diarrhea c. 6977, Stockhoft; G. 19. Co 1, .lied Aug 17, diarrhea c. 6044, Stout, H, 7, Co G, died Aug 18, diarrhea. 6736, Sipc, J, 82, Co A, died Aug 24, diarrhea. 68.30, Strong, L, 9, Co F, died Aug 25, scorbutus. 71'20, Spellman, J, 80, Co F, died Aug 28, scorbutus. 7-294, Sh.aver, F, 129, Co I, died Aug 30, scorbutus. 7633, Snyder, L, 6 cav, Co A, died Sept 3, diarrhea. 7S22, Sanders, D, 7, Co I, died Sept 4, diarrhea. 8058, Sulhien, J H, 66, Co E, died Sepf7, diarrhea. 8107, Starkey, I, 6 cav, Co I, died Sept 7, scorbutus. 8262, Sizema'n, 1, 123, Co B, died Sept 9, scorbutus. 8313, Stegewald, J M, t 22, Co K, died Sept 10, scorbutus. 8623, Swillenbarger, F, 21, Co I, died Sept 13, scorbutus. 8666, Sylvanus, J J, 35, Co G, died Sept 13, scorbutus. 8727, Shoel, J P, 30, Co B, died Sept 14, scorbutus. 8910, Storm, L M, t 6, Co ,\, died Sept 16, scorbutus. 9093, Simmons, J, 84, Co I, died Sept 18, di.arrhea. 9252, Sharp, D M, 13, Co E, died Sept 19, scorbutus. 9846, Sharpless, W, 43, Co G, died Sept 23, diarrhea. 9623, Smith, S B, 17, Co F, died Sept 24, diarrhea. 9807, Skeels, W, 65, Co A, died Sept 26, diarrhea. 10790, Sndth, George, 131, Co D, died Oct 12, dysentery. 10949, Smith, I, 39, Co I, died Oct 14, scorbutus. 11006, Sloat, G W, t 44, Co B, died Oct 16, scorbutus. 11187, Seigferd, G 11, 4 cav, Co I, died Oct 19, diarrhea. 11427, Swietzer, J, 2, Co G, died Oct 24, scorbutus. 11842, Sh.iw, W R, 99, Co B, died Nov. 5, wounds. 11969, Shoe, G W, 74, Co E, died Nov 12, scorbutus. 119S4, Steamer F, 29, Co F, died Nov 13, scorbutus. 1211S, Scarlf, F, 6 cav, Co D, died Nov 21, scorbutus. 123.81, .Starke, M S, 93, Co D, died Jan 2, '05, debilitns. 12492, Salts, II C, 4 cav, Co F, died Jan 20, '65, diarrhea c. 12682, Smith, D H, 12 cav, Co 11, died Fob 3, '65, diarrhea c. 12615, Sides G, 66, Co A, died Feb 8, '65, picuritis. 12666, Smure, C, 2 cav, Co G, died Feb 17, '65, diarrhea c. 12724, Stewart, E B, 33, Co E, died March 3. '66, scorbutus. 12809, Staley, G W, 72, Co A. died March 24, '66, diarrhea c. 2625, Sattershwait A, 82, Co I, died June 28, scorbutus. 518, Tenher, James, 117, Co I, died April 13, diarrhea c. 3773, Tunblora, E, 66, Co B, died July 22, dian'hea. 3791, Thompson, T, 6 cav, Co C, died July 2'2, dysentery a. 4733, Tooley, G W, 42, Co H, di«-d Aug 4, scorbutus. 5066, Truman, L Ii,t 6 cav, Co G. died Aug 8, scorbutus. 5403, Taylor, N, 63, Co I, died Aug 1'2, wounds. 6509, Tooley, W R,» 42, Co H, died Aug 22, dysentery. 0719, Todd, T, 6, Co B, died Aug 24, hepatitis. 7096, Thomas, H D, 42, Co I, died Aug 28, anasarca. 7442, Taylor, George H, 4 cav, Co M, died Sept 1, diarrhea c. 8495, Trumble, D A, 30, Co A. died Sept 11, diarrhea. 8525, Taylor, E, 26, Co I, died Sept 12, diarrhea. 10438, Thomas, M, 2 cav, died Oct 6, dysentery. 12337, Tucer, B, citizen, died Nov 26, scorbutus. 12609, Terhune, C, 9 cav, Co A, died Feb 7, '65, pleuritis. 10219, Tasnahet, Charles,! 33, Co E, died Oct 2, scorbutus. 10360, Underwood, P, 7 cav, Co C, died Sept 5, scorbutus. 10760, Upton, F M, 62, Co A, died Oct 12, scorbutus. 1717, Voit, T, 6 cav, Co K, died June 8, diarrhea c. 5363, Venome, .James, 30, Co K, died Aug 11, diarrhea. 6250, Vanose, J, 93, Co B, died Aug 20, cerehritis. 7691, Verhouse, D, 42, Co^, died Sept 3, scorbutus. 135, 886, 934, 1194, 1776, 1812, 1918, 2107, 2''*42, 2363, 2417, 2467, 2554, 2670, 2900, 2929, •2934, 4528, 4639, 4826, 5399, 6547, 6132, 6405, 6524, -184, 7181, 7349, S943, Windinger, .J, 117, Co G, died March 24, fever remittent. Walters, J U* 6 cav, Co O, died May 5, fever intermittent. Williams, A, 6, Co G, died May 7, diarrhea c. Wright, Samuel, 6 cav, Co I, died May 18, diarrhea. White, P, 6 cav, Co C, died .June 9, diarrhea c. Wise, Eli, 88, Co I), died June 10, diarrhea. Warren, E, 65, Co II, died June 14, diarrhea. Williams, F, 38, Co F, died June 17, diarrhea c. West, E, 7 cav, Co H, died June 20, diarrhea. Woodward, W W, 29, Co A, died June 23, diarrhea c. Wilson, J N, 75, Co G, died .June 24, diarrhea c. Warden, I, 44, Co B, died .June 25, diarrhea a. Warren, E, 37, Co I, died .June 27, pneumonia. Ward,. J, 79, Co F, died June 29, anasarca. Wvn, W E, 13, Co L», died July 5, diarrhea. Wislake, 1, 116, Co I. died July 5, dysentery c. Wicks, L, 6 cav, Co H, died July 6, diarrhea Whitehead, J, 29, Co I, died Aug 2, diarrhea. Winship, James, 36, Co K, died Aug 4, scorbutus. Witt, T, 125, Co P, died Aug 6, diarrhea. Wade, C, 81, Co K, died Aug 12, dysentery. Wayidn, J H, 4 cav, Co I, died Aug 13, diarrhea. Washburn, R H, 6cav, Co A, died Aug 19, scorbutus. Winders, A, 120, Co I, died Aug 21, debilitas. Wagner, M, 5 cav, Co I, died Aug 22, scorbutus. Winters, F W, 84, Co C, died Aug 29, diarrhea. Wagoner, E, 42, Co A, died Aug 29, scorbutus. Witzgall, John, 2, Co D, died Aug 31, scorbutus. Weiber, Charles, 13, Co F, died Sept 16, scorbntus. 12 9228, Wllite, W, 7, Co E, died Sept 19, diarrhea. 9316, Watkins, J, 81, Co A, died Sept 20, diarrhea c. 6418, Wellington, H, 129, Co I, died Sept 21, diarrhea c. 8501, Wileori, J B, 6, Co E, died Sept 21, diarrhea. 9998, Wacner, F, 7, Co D, died Sept S9, diarrhea. 10648, Wai-d, J, 29, Co G, died Oct 11, scorbutus. 11141, Whitelicad, N B, 6 cav, Co L, died Oct 18, ecorhutus. 11424, White, R B, 6, Co D, died Oct 24, scorbutus. 11602, Walters, .1, 6, Co I, died Oct 28, scorbutus. 12708, Winebrook, P, 35, Co B, died Nov IS, scorbutus. 12316, Warper, J, 32, Co E, died Dec 20, scorbutus. 12341, White, J, 7, Co A, died Dec 26, scorbutus. 12463, Wells, J M, 13, Co D, d'cd Jan 16, "65, scorbutus. 12497, What, J, 93, Co B, died Jan 21, '65, pleuritis. 12737, Wade, W, 10 cav, Co M, died Mar 6, '65, diarrhea c. 3837, Weltz, Ira,t 4, Co E, died July 23, diarriieao. 6000, West, S N,* 7, Co B, died Auij 17, di.arrliea. 9920, Williams, J A,t 33, Co C, died Sept 28, Boorbutus. 5055, Younce, Charles A, 7 cav, Co I, died Aug 8, dysentery, 5838, Yorker, Daniel, 28, Co B, died Aug 16, enteritia. 1540, Zuet, J, 65, Co H, died June 1, debilitas. I O "WA. S560, Allen, N, 3 Co K, died Au? 13, diarrhea. 8974, Ankobus, L,* 8, Co I, died Sept 17, diarrhea c. M72, Ashford, A W, 11, Co C, died Sept 21, wounds. 11784, Alderman, W W, 31, Co F, died Nov 4, scorbutus. 11896, Austin, Wm, 3 Cav, Co A, died Nov 7, diarrhea. Bartcho, C P, 5, Co K, died May 23, diarrhea. Biiigmau, W II, 39, Co H, died June 3, diarrhea. Blanchard, A, 7, Co A, died Auc: 10, diarrhea c. Buisford, U, 7, Co F, died Aug 19, diarrhea. Baird, J J, 26, Co II, died Sept 4, diarrhea. Buckinaster, F, 15, Co K, died Sept 9, diarrhea. Bucll, J, 4, CoD, died Sept 20, diarrhex Biiylan, C, 14, Co G, died Sept 21, diarrhea. Boles, it B, — , Co I, died Sept 24, diarrhea. Bellines, .J, 5, Co B, died Oct 12, scorbutus. Blakely, Geo, 3, Co G, died Oct 23, wounds. Collins, Henry ,t 4, Co G, died March 26, diarrhea. Chenworth, Wni, 4, Co K, died .\pril 2, dysentery. Cromwell, G W, 27, Co F, died Auk 2, diarrhea. Cooper, S, 5, Co B, died Aug 9, scorbutus. Cox, E E,» 5, Co G, died Aug 9, dvsentery. Cox, W A, 6, Co G, died Aug 14, diarrhea. Coder, E, 31, Co E, died Aug 17, diarrhea. Cox, H, 5, Co I, died Aug 21, scorbutus. Claraaon, Henry, 26, Co I, died Aug 23, diarrhea c. Collins. M, 3, Co L, died Aug 25, diarrhea. CulbertROn, S,* 5, Co H, died Sept 7, diarrhea. Crow, B, 4, Co E, died Sept 10, dysenteiy. Coles, J W,t 8, Co K, died Sept 20, diarrhea c. Cobb, E, 3 cav, Co C, died Sept 26. diarrhea c. Cramer, J M, 5 cav, Co B, died Sept 29, diarrhea c. Chapman, J, 3, Co G, died Oct 14, gangrene. Chamberlain, J B, 8 cav, Co A, died Dec 6, wounds. Davis, S, 3, Co E, died June 30, diarrhea c. Davis, J, 15, Co D, died July 2'', wounds. Davis, H, 17, Co A, died Sept 19, scorbutus. Dermott, L, 5, Co G, died Aug 4, scorbutus. Diacoi, S, 26, Co I, died Aug 25, dysentery. Dingman, W, 31, Co D, died St-pt 27, scorbutus. Den.iya, W H. 5, Co M, died Oct 18, debilitas. Dutliii, S, 6 cav, CoC, died Nov 2, scorbutus. Durochi.^, Win, 12 Co H, died Dec 8, S'^orbntna. Dc-rick»ou, W W,» 8 cav, Co M, died Feb 15, '65, diarrhea c. Field, Jacob, 6, Co K, died July 21, dysentery. Karnsworth, S, 2, Co H, died Aug 1, anasarca. Forney, James &I, 10, Co K, died May 23, diarrhea. Frul, J, 10, died Sept 3, diarrhea. Frederick, J A, 16, Co C, die.l Sept 5, diarrhea. Fruseell, G W, 6, Co D, died Sept '10, scorbutus. Fordsop, Michael, 16, Co H, died Sept 29, diarrhea. Fener, J W, 3 cav, Co B, died Oct 17 scorbutus. Ferguson, A W, 16, Co A, died Feb 28, '65, ulcus. 3705, 4503, 1316, 7715, 7S78, 8380, 10048, 1107S, 12711, 750, Gain, L, 6, Co C, died April 26, fever typhus. 14S4, Gender, Jacob, 6, Co I, died May 80, diarrhea c. 5004, Gentle, G, 4, Co G, died Aug 8, diarrhea c. 5836, Gunshaw, C, 26, died Aug 16, marasmus. 10511, Gray, J, 11, Co C, died Oct 7, dysentery. 10366, Gothard, J, 8, Co G, died Oct 11, scorbutus. 5461, Harris, J, 8 cav, Co H, died Aug 13, dysentery. 8106, Hastings, .J, t 11, Co B, died Sept 7, diarrhea. 9379, llird, D, * 3, Co G, died Sept 20, wounds. 9417, Hudson, M, 16, Co B, died Sept 21, diarrhea. 2168, Ilurtman, R J, 5, Co H, died June 19, dysentery. 862, Ileeller, A, 5, Co D, died May 3, bronchitis. 1633, Harper, D, 7, Co K, died June 5, debilitas. 1816, Uurlay, J, S, Co H, died Juno 11, diarrhea c. 12749, Hubanks, C, t 17, Co H, died March 8, '65, debilitas. 10360, Ireland, J S, 6 cav, Co H, died Oct 5, '64, wounds. 4461, Jones, C, 4, Co B, died Aug 1, scorbutus. 8656, Jenks, G A, t 8, Co C, died~Sipt 13, diarrhea c. 9401, Jones, J, 5, Co C, died Sept 21, diarrhea c. 3204, Kolenbrander, H, 17, Co K, died July 12, diarrhea. 7, King, Alexander, 17, Co H, died April 6, small pox. 6464, King, E, 2 cav, Co C, died Aug 22, wounds. 3560, Kesler, F, 4, Co B, died July IS, scorbutus. 53(8, Kennedy, B, 16, Co I, died Aug 11, wounds. 112S1, Knight, J II, t 9, Co I, died Oct 22, gangrene. 892, Lambert, Chat, * 39, Co K, died May 5, bronchitis. 2045, Littleton,.!, 5, died June 15, diarrhea. 7959, Lord, L, 13, Co G, died Sept 6, debilitas. S263, Lanning, A, 13, Co I, died Sept 9, scorbutus. 943S, Lowdenbeck, N, 5, Co B, died Sept 21. anasarca. 10224, Lowelenbuck, D R, 5, Co B, died Oct 2, diarrhea. lOSSl, Layers, W, 5, Co E, died Oci 14, scorbutus. 11752, Luther, .7. * 9, Co B, died Nov 2, scorbutus. 12629, Littlejohn, L D, 4 cav, Co B, died Feb 10, '65, diarrhea c. 257, Moore, John, 39, Co H, died March 31. 307, Myers, M, 4, Co K, died April 2, diarrliea. 450, Moon, James, 39, Co H, died April 9, dysentery. 1192, McMnllon, James, 4, Co C, died May 18, fever intermittent, 1317, Miller, F, 5, Co H, died May 23, diarrhea. 1472, McCameron, W, 4, Co A, died May 30, fever remittent. 2027, Mc.Vllister, A P, 14, Co E, died June 15, diarrhea. 3413, McNeil, J W, 11, Co I, died July 16, diptheria. 4804, Moore, Wm, 13, Co A, died Aug 5, [Scorbutus. 5445, Murray, J .J, 17, Co I, died Aug 12, scorbutus. 6167, McCall, Thos, 8 cav, Co M. died Aug 19, marasmus. 6S15, Merchant, Wm, 13, Co G, died Aug 25, diarrhea. 6878, Maynard, J D, 4, Co B, died Aug 20, dysentery. 7143, McDonald, D B, t 5 cav, Co M, died Aug 29, diarrhea. 8120, McClure, Z, t 16, Co C, died Sept 8, scorbutus. 9274, Martin, S S, 11, Co G, died Sept 19, scorbutus. 9585, Mann, J, 16, died Sept 23, scorbutus. 10110, Miller, J, 5, Co D, died Oct 1, scorbutus. 10827, McCoy, G B, ♦ 5, Co G, died Oct IS, diarrhea. 10950, Mercer, -lohu, 4, Co C, died Oct 14, scorbutus. 11745, Miller, E, '* 31, Co D, died Nov 2, scorbutus. 12484, Martin, . J B, 5, Co B, died Jaji 19, '65, rheumatism. 12561, Macy, C S, 8 cav, Co C, died Jan 31, '65, diarrhea. 6959, O'Coi.ner, P, 26, Co D, died Aug 27, diarrhea. 9509, O'Verturf, P W, 6, Co H, died Sept 22, scorbutus. 12169, Osborn, F L, 16, Co A, died Nov 26, scorbutus. 1972, Peterson, J, 76, Co E, died June 15, anasarca. 2869, Palmer, L H, 9, Co D, died July 4, anasarca. 6209, I'hiUpot, C P, 31, Co B, died Aug 19, diarrhea. 9370, Putnam, O, 27, Co F, died Aug 20, scorbutus. 10270, Pitts, J, 16, Co I, died Oct 3, diarrhea. 1029T, Pugh, A, * 8, Co M, died Oct 3, scorbutus. 10413, Parker, D, 4, Co I, died Oct 6, scorbutus. 18, Rule, Y A, 10, Co A, died Aprd 12, small pox. 1796, Ryan, Charles, 5, Co G, died June 10, plenritis. 1820, Richardson, John, 2 cav, Co I, died June 11, diarrhea. 1961, Ratcliir, J, 4, Co T, died June 14, debilitas. 5878, Reed, R, 10, Co I, died Aug 16, diarrhea c. 6672, Robinson, D, 13, Co G, died Aug 23, wounds. 7400, Rice, H M, Battler's clerk, 9, died Aug 31, scorbutus. 9413, Riley, M, 6, Co A, died Sept 21, fever typhus. 9483, Reeves, S .1,9, Co D, died Sept 21, debilitas. 10015, Reed, C, 2, Co C, died Sept 29, scorbutus. 10017, Rogers, L, 4, Co F, died Sept 29, scorbutus. 12264, Russel, E, 4, Co G, died Dec 12, scorbutus. 12287, Raiser, A, 8, Co C, died Dec 14, scorbutus. KENTUCKr. 13 Sfout, John, 5, Co A, died April 9, pneumonia. Shullleton, J, 5, Co H, died April 17, pneumonia. Seeley, Norman, 9, Co B, died April 2i), pneumonia. Smith, R F,* 10, Co H, died July 1, diarrhea. .Shutter, J, 30, Co K, died July 3, dysentery. Sp^rlvs, M J, 5, Co K, died July 9, "dysentery. Sutton, 8, 5, Co H. died July 28, anaearc:i. Smith, Oiiarles,* 20, Co F, died Aug 4, scorbutus. Starr, C F, 30, Co H, died Aui; 12, pneumonia. Sheddle, G, 16, Co C, died Aug 16, diarrhea c. Seine, Wm, 3, Co D, died Sept 6, diarrhea c. Smith,' J, 13, Co A, died Sept 8, dysentery. Smith, O, 5, Co D, died, Sent 19, scorbutus. Sherman, J W, 3, Co I, died Sept 17, diarrliea c. Spears, J, 5 oav, Co H, died, Sept 19, scorbutus. Smith, D, 3 cav, Co B, died Sept 20, diarrhea. Shaw, W W, 5 Co H, died Nov 4, scorhutus. Smice, W, 16, Co E, died March 4, '65, diarrhea c. Sayres, W, 5, Co E, died Oct 14, scorbutus. 6637, Tivis, C, 5, Co A, died Aug 24, scorbutus. 9720, Tonune, B, 4 cav, Co M, died Sept 25, scorbutus. 11706, Thier, A F, 3, died Nov 1, scorbutus. 10351, Voke, John C,* 5, Co E, died Oct 5, scorbutus. 1674, Whitman, O R* 5, Co E, died Juno 8, diarrhea c 2161, Wells, F,t 5, Co I, died June 19, diarrhea c. 2213, Withsriok, A K, 9, Co K, died June 20, scorbutus. 2855, Wolf, B F, 8, Co E. died July 4, diarrhea. 4915, Wolfe, J II, 2, Co C, died Aug 6, scorbutus. 6934, Wheelan, J,t 26, Co D, died Aug 26, dMientery. 8101, Walworth, C,t 5, Co K, died .Sept 7, scorbutus. 8131, Woolston, S P,t 13, Co H, died Sept 8, diarrhea. 9221, Ward, O R, 3, Co E, died Sent 19, anasarca. 9486, Wagner, Josepli, 13, Co E, died Sept 21, scorbutus. 9727, Wersbrod, Y, 31, Co A, died Sept 25, scorbutus. 10848, Wilson, P D, 10, Co G, died Oct 13, scorbutus. 10942, Woodward, J, sutler,. 9, died Oct 14, scorbutus. 11114, Wliitina, .J, 5, Co II, died Oct 18, scorbutus. 11141, Whitehead, N B, 5 cav, Co L, died Oct 19, scorbutnfl. 12741, Wen, C, 57, Co C, died March 6, '65, dysentery. KANSAS. 1614, Freeman, F J,t 8, Co F, died Juno 4, diarrhea a. 1935, Gensarde, Thos, 8, Co A, died June 14, diarrhea c. 112127, Sweeney, M, 1, Co H, died Nov 22, scorbutus. 11139, Weidnvm, W, S, Co B, died Oct 19, diarrhea c. 1663, Williams, C A. 8, Co A, died June 6, dysentery. KENTUCKY. 329, Allen, Sam'l 8,» 13, Co F, diedApr2, diarrhea o. 674, Alford, George, 11 cav. Co B, died April 22, syphilis. 1575, Anderson, S, 11 cav, Co D. died May 3, diarrhea. 33S5, Adams, J D, 1 cav, Co I, died July i6, diarrhea 3759, Asliley, J M, 1 cav, Co L, died July 22, scorbutus. 4723, Allen, Wra,* 11 cav, Co C, died Aug 4, scorbutus. 4-894, Atkins, A, 39 cav, Co H, died Aug 6, auaaarcft. 6093, Aughlin, J, A,» 18 cav, Co B, died Aug 18, scorbutus. 6720, Arnett, H S, 13 cav, Co A, died Aug 24, diarrhea. 10514, Adamson, Wm, 15 cav, Co K, died Oct 8, scorbutus. 11759, Adams, .J L, 27, Co G, died Nov 3, scorbutus. 12426, Arthur, D, 4, Co G, died Jan 9, '65, diarrhea c. 12528, Avers, E, 52, Co A, died Jan 20, '65, pleuritis. 12703, Avers, S. 52, Co A, died Jan 26, '65, diaiThea c. 12593, Arnett, T, 4 cav, Co F, died Jan 5, '65, diarrhea c. 193, Bow, -James, 1 cav, died Mar 27, '64. pleuriti,;. 261, Burrows. Wm, 1 cav, Co K, died Mar 31. diarrhea c. 366, Byerly, Wm, 11 cav, Co E, died Apr 2, rubeola. S79, Baker, Isaac, 1 cav, Co H, died Apr 5, diarrhea c. 413, Basljam, S, 12 cav, Co E, died Apr 7, diarrhea o. 419, Button, Ed, 11 cav, Co D, died .\pr 7, diarrhea o. 608, Burritt, B, 6 cav, Co D, died Apr 18, diarrhea. 609, Bloomer, H. 4 cav, Co G, died Apr l.S, diarrhea. 803, Baker, A W, 3 cav, Co C. died Apr 29, diarrhea c. 832, Bolev, Peter, 12, Co L, died May 1, diarrhea. 891, Bird, W T. 11 cav, Co H, died May 5, diarrhea. 857, Bailey, A W, 14, Co G, died May 2, iliarrhea c. 1167, Burton, Tillman, 1 cav, Co F, died May 17, scorbutus. 1200, Butner I, B,t 6 cav, Co I, died May IS, diarrhea. 1263, Bell, P B, 11 cav, Co I, died May 21. dysentery. 1362, Barnett, James, S'cav, Co II, died May 25, dysentery. 1566, Bairil, Sam'l J, 12 cav, Co D. died June 2, diarrhea. 1789, Bishop, D L, U cav, Co A, died June 10, diarrhea. 2022, Bowman, G, 11 cav, Co D, died June 15, diarrhea c. 24'2:J, Bray, II N,» 9 cav, Co H, died June 24, phthisis. 2529, Buchanan, S, 12 cav, Co F, died June 26. diarrhea c. 2760, Ball, David, 11 cav, Co B, died July 2, diarrhea o. 3087, Board, John C,t 1 cav, Co C, died July 9, .liarrhea c. 3228, Brophy, M, 5 cav, Co I, died .Inly 12, "dysentery. 3433, Bailey, F M, 4 cav, Co G. died July 17. scorbutus. 3909, Banner, J, 11 cav, Co C, died July "24, diarrhea c. 399S, Briddl, S,* 3 cav, Co F, died JtUv 26, dv.sente.-y. 4562, Bi)oth, Z,t 10 cav, Co E, died Aug 2, scorbutus. 4653, Bir^'er, George, 5 cav, Co I, died Aug 3. diarrhea. 4835, Baker, Wm, 3 cav, Co I, died Aug 6, ana.sarca. 4971, l;i.'ier A, 6 cav, Co B, died Aug 7, scorbutus. 5471, Biiky, J II, 11 cav, Co A, died Aug 12, diarrhea c. 6644, Branan, 11, 1 cav, Co G, died Aug 14, dysentery. 6576, B «ton, J, 27 cav, Co E, died Aug 23, s'orbutus. 6727, Bottoms, J M, 1 cav, Co II, died Aug 24. dysentery. 9551, Brinlon, W J,t 11 cav, Co C, died Si-])! 23, 'anasarca. 9568, B.irnr-tt, A, 12 cav, Co K, died Sept 23, scorbutus. 9628, Brown, J, 10 cay, Co I, died Sept 24, diarrhea. 9740, Bovd, M, 13 cav, Co A, died Sept 25, diarrhea. 10147, Batt, W, 6, Co G, died Oct 1, di.>rrliea. 10202, Byron, H M,t 1 cav Co I, died Oct 2, scorbutus. 10451, Bill B S, 1 cav, Co K, died Oct 7, pneumonia. 10816, Bodkins; P,* 1 cav, Co K, died Oct 12, diarrhea o. 10S69, Bagley, T, 11 cav, died Oct 13, scorbutus. 11052, Brickey, W L, 4, Co F, died Oct 17, gangrene. 12256, Baldwin. J W, 11, Co U, died Oct 21, .liarrhea. 11303, Brown, E W, 4, Co F, died Oct 22, scorbutus. 11491, Barber, T, 4 cav, Co H, died Oct 26, scorbutus. 121X16, Brannon, J, 3, Co B, died Nov 13, scorbutus. 1-2304, Beattv, R, 6, Co B. died Dec 18, diarrhea. 12333, Barnes, J, 11, Co D, died Dec 25, scorbutus. 12360, Brodus, 0, 11 cay, Co A, died Dec 30, scorbutus. 12421, Britlon, J, 45, Co F, died .Ian 9, '65, scorbutus. 509S, Bowman, Henry, 11 cav, Co F, died Aug 9, diarrhea c . 12777, Balson, L, 12, Co B, died March 15, '65, diarrhea a. 11483, Cranch, J P, 10, Co D, died Oct 26,.'04, scorbutus. 240, Conler, Wm, 14, Co I, died March 30, '64,diarrhea. 484, Caldwell, Wm, 12, cav, Co I, died April 9, diarrhea. 509, Cook, Theodore, 12 cav, Co 1>. died April 12, diarrhea c. 67'2, Colvin, George, 11 cav. Co D, died .\prll 22, diarrhea. 877, Christmas, J, 11 cav, Co F, died May 4, diarrhea. 960, Collagne, M, 12 cav, Co E, died May 8, diarrhea. 1268, C'ash, Philip, 1 cav, Co I, died Mav *21, pneumonia. 1600, Cole, W C, 1 cav, Co C, died June 4, diarrhea. 1670, Christenburg, R I,t 12 cav, Co G, died Juno 6, dysentery. 1687, Callihan, Pat, 11 cav, Co A, died June 6, scorlmtus. 1856, Clane, H, 11 cav, Co E, died June 12, diarrhea c. 2152, Clinge, W H, 40, Co A, died June IS, debilitas. 2293, Cox, A B, 6 cav, Co I, died June 21, fever intermittent. 2339, Chii^pendale, C, 1 cav, Co B, died .Tune 22, diarrhea c. 2446, Carli.-*le, J, 6 cav, Co I, died June 25, diarrhea c. 2823, Cummings, J, 11, Co F, died July 3, diarrhea. 2912, Cleminir.'Thos, 18, Co I, died Julv 5, diarrhea c. 3184, Carter, W, 11 eav, Co H, died July 11, dysentery. 60, Cristian, John, 4 cav, Co C, died July 4, small pos. 4044, Clark, A II, 11, Co I, died July 27, diarrhea. 4809, Chapin.an, 11, Co H, died Aug 5, diarrhea. 6-SS7, Coulter, M. 23, Co B, died Aug 21, pneumonia. 9835, Conrad. R P, 4, Co B, died Sept 27, scorbutus. 11179, Clun, W II, 11 cav, Co L, died Oct 19, scorbutus. 114S6, Chatsin, W M, 6 cav, Co H, died Oct 26, scorbutus. 12447, Carcunright, 4, Co C, died Jan 13, '65, scorbutus. 12700, Cook, J P, 4, Co G, died Jan 26, '65, anasarca. 2223, Corbitt, Thos, 6, Co A, died June 20, '64, diarrhea. 8113, Coyle, C, 11 cav, Co I, died Sept 7, scorbutus. 4740, Chance, A J, 1 cav, Co C, died Aug 5, anasarca. 421, Dupon, F, 12, Co G, died April 7, pneumonia. 13S8, Delaney, M, 11 cav, Co I, died May 26, diarrhea. 1414, Dugean, J R,t 12 cav, Co K, died May 27, dysentery. 156s, De Barnes, P M, 11 cav, Co C, died June 2, diarrhea. 1627, Demody, Thos, 1 cav, Co H, died Juno 4, diarrhea c. 1867, Drake, ,T H, 12 cav, Co G, died Juno 12, anasarca. 2736, Davis, B, ."j, Co C, died July 1, diarrhea c. 23, Duncan, E, 12 cav, Co G, died April 15, small pox. ,3023, Dodson, E, 39, Co H, died Julj" 20, scrbulus. 27, Deritie, George, 1 cav, Co I, died April 17, sm.all pos. 14 KENTUCKr. urave. 3934, Davis, G C, 13 car, Co F, died July 25, debilitas. 3966, Derrinffer, n, U cav, Oo I, dfcd July 25, diarrhea c. 4510, Dulrebeck, Ef, 11, Co E, died Aug 1, diarrhea c, 4556, Delaiicy, 11, 4 cav, Co H, died Aug 2, dysentery. 5088, Dounty, P, 6, Co F, died Aug 8, dysentery. 5899, Daniel, R, 9, Co F, died Aug 16, diarriiea c. 11405, Diticjue. F,t 6 cav, Co G-, died Oct 24, scorbutue, 12280, Duland, D W, 8, Co K, died Deo 13, scorbutus. 12623, Daunard, W, 4, Co D, died Feb 9, '65, diarrhea c. 12684, Dipple, S,4, Co E, died Feb 21, '65, diarrhea c. 1109, Dinsmau, 11, 4 cav, Co E, died Mav 15, '64, diarrhea c. 2805, Davie, J P, 13, Co A, died July 3, diarrhea. 2117, Davte, C, 6 cav, Co D, died June 21, ecorl)Utus. 639, Eodus, James, 1 cav, Co F, died April 20, diarrhea. 1174, Ediniaton, J W, 11 cav, Co A, died May 17, diarrliea c, 1439, Edwards, 11 S,* 8 cav, Co K, died May 27, diarrhea c. 2544, Emery, J, 10, Co G, died June 27, fever typhus. 5341, Errbanlis, J, 1 cav, Cu A, died Aug 11, diarriieiu 12277, Estetr, J, 1 cav, Co L, died Oct 22, diarrljea. 1447, East, K, 1 cav, Co G, died May 29, diarrhea. 384, Falconburg, I K, 1 cav, Co A, died April 5, pneumonia. 2640, Fleming, R, 4 cav, Co D, died .June 27, diarrliea c. 3640, Forteen, Jolm, 8, Co A, died July 20, diarrhea. 4344, Fenkstine, M, 1 , Co D, died July 30, diarrhea. 6763, Featherstune, J, 6 Co C, died Aug 25, fever intermittent. 7068, Fritz, J, 4 cav, Co G, died Aug 28, dysentery. 10280, Funk, L, 1 cav, Co I, died Oct 4, wounds. 11549, Frazier, C R, 23, Co H died Oct 27, wounds. 11720, Fletcljer, T, 17, Co E, died Nov 1, diarrhea, c. 1612, Gritton, G, 11 cav, Co D, died June 4, diarrhea c. 1618, Graves, G. 18, Co C, died June 4, diarrhea c. 1841, Griltoii, M, 11 cav, Co B, died June 11, diarrhea c. 2583, Gil>suii John, 6 cav, Co L, died June 27, dysentery. 3630, Gritiin, B, 11, Co E, died .July 20, diarrhea. 3683, Glassman, 1', 4, cav, Co B, died July 20, diarrhea. 3868, Gouns, J M, 4, Co U, died July 24„ diarrhea. 4438, Gather, M, 4 cav, Co F, died July 31, diarrhea. 6779, Gullett, A, 45, Co K, died Aug 15, anasarca. 7197, Green, J B,fll, Co I, died Aug 29, diarrhea. 7817, Grabul, 15, 1, Co F, died Sept 4, anasarca. 8049, Gnrv, .t, 4, Co H, died Sept, 6, scorbutus. 8903, Gray, C D, 20, Co G, died Sept IS, scorbutus. 9318, Ciett, John,t 40, Co G, died Sept 20, diarrhea. 9960, Gill, W J, 11 cav, Co H, died Sept 28, scorbutus 10053, Gower, J C, 13, Co A, died Sept 30, scorbutus. 10050, Gibson, A, 8 cav, Co K, died Oct 10, scorbutus. 1083), Grulach, J,t 4, Co IJ, died Oct 13, scorbutus. 11910, Grimstead, J U, 1, Co E, died Nov 8, scorbutus. 12022, Griffin, R, 11, Co E, died Nov 15, scorbutus. 1235, Gregory, H, 12 cav, Co D, died May 20, diarrhea. 81, Hanns, J B, 12, Co K, died March 20, pneumonia. 237, Holloway, Richard, 4, Co I, died March 29, fever typhus. 2^9, Harley, Alfred, 40, Co K, died April 1, diarrhea c. 292, Hood, O, 6 cav, Co F, died April 1, diarrhea. 348, Hammond, .J W, Icav, Co G, died April 2, diarrhea c. 376, Harper, rl,l Co C, died April 5, diarrhea a. 402, Harlow. Harvev, 13, Co I, died April 6, dysentery. 614, Hess, Wm F, 12 cav, Co M, died April IS, dysentery. 64;j, Hendree, A,t 11, Co F, died April 20, bronchitis. 1023, Hillard, Geo, 11, Co D, died May 11, fever typhus. 1127, UotVman, C, 11 cav, Co E, died May 15, dysentery. 1584, Hughes, Tliomas,t 9 Co G, died June 3, anasarca. 1760, Hennesy, J, 28, Co D, died June 9, diarrhea c. 1878, Hundly, Geo W, 4 cav, died .June 12, diarrhea. 1956, Ilazlcwood, J H, 18, Co G, died June 14, dysenteiy. 1990, Hamncr, A, 9, Co B, died June 15, diarrhea. 2490, Huison, J W,t 9, Co B, died June 26, pneumonia. 2705, Hillard, S, 1 cav, Co I, died June 30, diarrhea c. 3239, Henderson, J, 18, Co B, died July 12, dysentery. 26, Hooper, Samuel, 11 cav, Co IV died April 16, small pox. 3944, Hooper, .J, 1 cav, Co D, died ,Tn]y 25. scorbutus. 3994, Hickworlh, J, 45, Co D, died July 26. diarrhea 4313, Hall, J H, 1 cav, Co C, died July 30, diarrhea. 4420, Hammontius, P, 6 cav, Co L, died .Tune 31. diarrhea c. 4970, Hayncr, E, 1 ca%-, Co D, died Aug 7, scorbutus, 5059, Haines, J, 12 cav, Co D, died Aug 8, scorbutus. 6091, Harrington, C, 15, Co K, died Aivg 8, scorbutus. 6793, Hatfield, I,, 1, Co F, died Aug 15, anasarca. 6193, Heinliie, Wm, 11 cav, Co F, died Aug 19, scorbutus. 6801, Hardisoo, G, 2S, Co I, died Aug 25, fever remittent. 8032, Hise, P, 4, Co I, died Sept 6, diarrhea. 8111, Hicks, P, 11 cav, Co F, died Sept 7, scorbutus. 8181, Ileglen, C, 4 cav, Co I, died Sept 8, dysentery. 9376, Hanker, R, 18, Co F, died Sept 20, sc'orbutus. 9599, IlvromraOB James, 11 cav, Co D, died Sept 23, diarrhea. 106S3, Halton, S M, 2, Co K, died Oct 11, scorbutus. 11054, Ualligan, J, 4, Co A, died Oct 17, anasarca. 11095, Hall, F, 1 cav, Co F, died Oct 18, scorbntns. 11132, Hazer, John, 11, Co I, died Oct 18. scorbulne. 11251, Halter, F, 12 cav, Co M, died Oct 21, diarrhea c. 12293, Hays, J F. 6, Co A, died Dec 15. scorbutus. 12518, Ha'sting, J, 4, Co H, died Jan 24, '65, scorbutus. 12638, Hudson, B F, 4, Co A, died Feb 11, '65, diarrhea c. 5734, Tnman, John, 24. Co A, died, An? 15, '64, diarrhea. 9757, Isabell, J M, 3, Co H, died Sept 25, scorbutus. 11392, Inman, W, 11 cav, CoD, died Oct 24, scorbutus. 12203, Isabel. A, 1, Co K, died Dec 1, scorbutus. 649, 2679, 6229, 7294, 7371, 7694, 7754, 9654, 11000, 11143, 12541, 87, 191, 926, 1045, 1173, 3928, 4921, 6563, .'>925, 12265, 48, 310, 1135, 1726, 1802, 1912, 2109, 2362, 2654, 2668, 2837, 3340, 3308, 3658, 3776, 3839, 6024, 7132, 7934, 8487, 8634, 11870, 12175, 9176, 271, 309, 525, 796, 991, 1222, 1380, 1391, 19R9, 2024, 2137, 2660, 3162, 64, 3418, 4613, 4550, 4646, 6691, 7951, 8456, 86R5, 9239, 9498, 9711, 7336, 10170, 10460, 11456, 1147S, 12466, Jackson, .John, 45. Co D, died April 20, anasarca. .Tetlries Wm, 1 eav, Co A, died .June 30, diai-rhea. Jacobs, John W, 4 cav, Co I, died Aug 10. scorbutus. Johnson, A, 10, CoH, died Aug 31, scorbutus. •Jenkins S, 6 cav, Co A, died Aug 31, diarrhea. Justin, J, 39, Co F, died Sept 2, anasarca. James, W, 6, Co K. died Sept 4, diarrhea. Jarvis, W D, 12, Co D, died Sept 24, diarrhea. .Jordan, J, 5 cav, Co B, died Oct 16, dysentery c. -Tones, D, 1 cav, Co L, died Oct 18, scorbutus. Jones, J, 16, Co E, died Jan 27, '65, diarrhea. Kennedy, James, 11 cav, Co E, died March 21, '04, diarrhea c. Knotts,"Fred, 11 cav, Co E, died March 27, fever typhus. Kessmer, John, 12 cav, Co I, died Mav 7. diarrhea. Kennedy, .S B, 39, Co B, died May 12,'diarrhea. Keiling, M, 11 cav, Co D, died May 17, pneuinoiiia. Keystone, C, 6, Co E, died July 25, diarrhea. Kenndey, A,* 1 cav, Co A, died .July 6, diarrhea. Knapp, Thomas, 6 cav, Co M, died July 13. scorbutus, Kressler, P. 4 cav, Co K, died July 17, diarrhea. Knapp, J, 5 cav, Co B, died Dec 12, scorbutus. Lenniert, L, 1, Co K, died March 16, brouchitis. Lambert, R, 11 cav, Co F, dierl April 2, diarrhea. Lay, Wm, 11 cav, Co D. died May 16, plenrilis. Lossman, A, 4 cav, Co E, died June 8, diarrhea. Larger, W, 1 cav, Co L, died June 10, dysentery. Ledford, J A, 16, Co B, died June 13, diarrhea c. Little, J, 1, Co D, dietl Junel7, fever congestive. Lononey, B, 1 cav, Co K, (ted June 23, anasarca. Lutherland, H, 32, Co G. died June 29 dysentery. Lasper, Otto, 15, Co H, died .Tune 29, diarrhea c. Lublett, M L, 13, Co E, died Jnly 3, typhus fever. Leville, Thomas, 4, Co D, died July 15, dysentery, Lee, 8, 1 cav, Co A, died July 16, scorbutus. Loy, W B, 8 cav, Co L, died July 20, anasarca. Lanhart, J, 6 cav, Co G, died .Juij' 22, diarrhea. Lowry, Jas W, 12 cav, Co G, died July 23, diarrhea c. l^ewis T, 2 cav, CoC, died Aug 18, scorbutus. I.anders, — ,* 36, Co I, died Aug 28, diarrhea. Luster, W, 1 cav, Co B, died Sept 5, diarrhea. Lutton, Thomas, 6, Co K, died Sept 11, scorbutus. Little, J F, 12 cav, Co D, died Sept 13, diarrhea. Liudusky, G, 11, Co G. died Nov 6, scorbutus Ledwick, A, 7, Co C, died Nov 27, scorbutus.. Lord, Wm, 20, CoG, died Sept IS, scorbutus. McMannus, Samuel, 11, Co D, died March 31, diarrhea c. Miller, John, 3, Co A, died April 6, plenritis. McDoucal, W C, 14, Co K, died April 13, hydrocele. Mills, John, 1, CoH, died April 29, diarrhea c. McClure, P.ll cav, Co C, died May 10, dysentery. Marshall, Wm, 5 cav, Co I, died liay 19, diarriiea c. Montgomery, AV A, 5 cav, Co H, died May 26, diarrhea c, Moreland, H, 1 cav Co F, died May 26, diarrhea o. Meri.v, J, 45 cav, C" D, died June" 14, diarrhea c. Morton, W, 7 cav, Co I, died June 15, anasarca. Meldown, D, 11 cav, Co E, died June IS, diarrhea a. Miller, W C, 27 cav, Co A, died June 29, diarrhea. Mitchell, James, 12 cav, Co C, died July 11, diarrhea. Mullins, \V W, 1 cav, Co H, died Aug 8, small pox. Morgan J, 4 cav, Co D, died July 17, diarrhea c. Masters, J, 11 cav, Co A, died A'ug 1, scorbutus. Mclionald, J, 4 cav, Co I, died Aug 2, dysentery. Mitchell, R M, 17 cav Co E, died Aug 3, 'dysentery. Mooney, Pat, 11 Cav, Co G. died Aug 15, diarrjien. McCarty, E, 5 cav, Co K, died Sept 6, diarrhea. McCai ty, John, C cav, Co K, died Sept 9, scorbutus. McCarter, W, 9 cav, Co B, died Sept 13, scorbutus. Munch, J, 28 cav, Co F died Sept 19, c.itarrh. Mac:iry, C, 11 cav, Co M, died Sept 21, gangrene. Moore, Wm, 12 eav, Co D, died Sept 24, diarrhea. Martin F P, 12 cav, Co D, died Aug 30, scorbutus. Marshall, L, 1 cav, Co F, died Oct 1, diarrhea. Mills, George, 4 cav, Co H. died Oct 7, scorbutus. Murphy. W M, 2 cav, Cn H, died Oct 25, scorbutus. Miller, E, 4 cav, Co I, died Oct 26, scorbutus. Miller, J, 4 cav, Co K, died Jan 16, '65, rheumatiem. LOUISIANA. 15 12491, Meyers, ,T, i cav, Co C, died J.iii 20, '65, dinrrhea. 1272U, Mi-;ich, A J, 1 cav, Co A, died March 3, '65, debilitas. 127M, Uorgiin F* 3, Co I, died March 12, '05, wounds. 212, New, Geo W,! cav, Co P, died Marcli 28, pneumonia. 447, Noely, B \V, 1 cav, Co G, died April 9, dysentery. 63, Nelson, John, 1 cav, Co 1), died .July 19, small pox. 7693, Norlhcraft, .1, 6 cav, Cn H, died Sept 3, BCorlmtus. 0230, Newton A,» 4 cav, Co H, died .Sept 19, diarrhea c. 2499, O'Bannoii, Wm, 11 cav, Co B, died June 20, diarrhea c. 2513, Oper, L, 4 cav, Co B, died June 26, diarrhea c. 11943, Owen, W,* 1 cav, Co L, died Nov 9, scorbutus. 1178, Pott, J, 7 cav, Co C, died May 17, scorbutus. 1905, Porter, J F, 18 cav, died June 13, luieumoniLi. 8654, Pulliam, J, 2, died July 20, dysentery. 4220, Plyman, Wm, 39, Co D, died July 27, diarrhea c. 6761, Pally, S C,t 12 cav, Co B, died Aupard, T L, 5 cav, Co H, died Oct 11, diarrhea. 11456, Sapp, B, 1 cav, Co Rdied Oct 25, scorbutus, lisys, Selors. W II, 1 cav, Co C, died Nov 7, scorbutus. 12556, Stewart, E, 4 cav, Co A, died Jan 30, '65, scorbutus, 10197, Sawney, Wm, 5 cav, Co H, died Oct 2, '64, scorbutus. 253, Taylor, Thos,* 11 cav, Co II, died March 30, diarrhea. 391, Thrope, H, 1 cav, Co B, died April 6, diarrhea c. 781, Tucker, Wm, 12 cav, Co 1, died April 28, diarrhea c. 1009, Travis, Geo, 16 cav, Co E, died May 10, diarrhea. 1628, Truney, J, 11 cav, Co C, died June 4, diarrhea c. 2116, Tutune, .J,t 11 cav, Co A, died June 17, scorbutus. 2371, TU'lor, Abraham,* 11 cav, Co A, died June '23, diarrhea c. 3701, Tullor, G W, 28, Co A, died July 21, catarrh. 64'24, Tabu, Silos, 27, Co D, died Aug 12, diarrhea. 0234, Templetou, W II,* 11 cav, Co B, died Aug 20, dysentery. 6257, Tapp, George, 13 cav, C'o 1, died Aug 2'J, scorbutus. 6508, Tracy, J-as, 11 cav, Co L, died Aug 22, diarrlioa. 0950, Thorp, J, 4 cav, Co K, died Aug 26, scorbulius. 7205, Tucker, Robt, 17 cav, Co G, died Aug 29, scorbutus. 10028, Tucker, J A, 15 cav, Co A, died Sept 29, scorbutus. 10398, Thornburg, B, 2 cav, Co O, died Oct 6, fever typhus. 10588, Tussey, E D, 24 cav, Co A, died Oct 10, scorbutus. 10809, Terry, SVni, 1 cav, Co A. died Oct 12, scorbutus. 10892, Thomas, W E,t 11 cav, Co G, died Oct 14, scorbutus. 10657, Vaudevier, J, 11 cav, Co C, t^ied Oct 11, diarrhea. 278, West, John C, 11 cav, Co E, died Mar 31, fever typhus, 494, White, A, 6 cav, Co K, died Apr 12, dysentery. 735, Wallar, M R, 16 cav, Co C, died Apr 24, dysentery. 1125, While, John, 11 cav, Co D, died May 16, dysentery c. 1706, Westfall, .T, 4 cav, Co D, died -June 7, dysentery c. 1t:'v1, M'lckles, John. 40, Co K, died June 8, diarrhea c. 1745, Walsh, J E, 6 cav, Co L, died -June 8, diarrhea. 1S94, Wright, John E,* 1 cav, died June 13, diarrhea. 2199, Whcelan, Jas, 18 cav, Co C, died June 19, diarrhea. 25S4, White, C, 1 cav, Co H, died June 27, anasarca. 2901, Wiser, R M, 1 cav, Co B, died July 6, diarrhea. 40, Ward, F W, 1 cav, Co A, died Mav 3, small pox. 4374, Warren, W P. 34 cav, Co K, died July 31, diarrhea. 4624, Wallace. II, 14 cav, Co E, died Aug 3, dysentery. 4697, West, P H, 6 cav, Co K, died Aug 3, diarrhea. 6057, Webb, J, 6 cav, Co F, died Aug 8, scorbutus. 6762, Welch, T C, 5 cav, Co G, died Aug 15, diarrhea. 5790, Walsh, John, 6 cav, Co H, died Aug 15, scorbutus. 6101, Winter, H. 11 cav, Co E, died Aug 18, diarrhea c. ffl21, Winfries, W S, 3 cav, Co A, died Aug 19, dvsontery. 6893, White, S A, 17 cav, Co G, died Aug 26, dysentery. 7038, Willser. J, 11 cav, Co I, died Aug '27, scorlmtus. 7694, Wells, John W,12 cav, Co C, died Sept 3, wounds. 8533, Wall.ace, J,t 11 cav, Co K, died Sept 12, diarrhea. 9258, Warner, D, 12 cav, Co A, died Sept 19, scorbutus. 9541, Wicog, B,4 cav. Col, died Sept 23, diarrhea. 9636, Wagoner, H,* 4 cav, Co I, died Sept 24, scorbutus. 10770, Warner, Thos, 15 cav, Co F, d' Oct 12, scorbutus. 10898, Walton, J J, 8 cav, Co A, di Jet 14, scorbutus. 11749, Willit, M, 4 cav, Co I, died jv 2, scorbutus. 12279, Weasett, A, 1 cav, Co D, di..d Nov 13, scorbutus. 904, Tocombs, H, 11 cav, Co D, died May 5, phthisis. 1166, Yoam, J, 10 cav, C^ B, died May 17, catarrh. 2689, Yeager, L,t 11 cav, Co C, died June 30, diarrhea. 3767, Yeast, R, 1 cav, Co I, died July 22, catarrh. 6257, Zerles, G, 4 cav, Co G, died Aug 10, anasarc.i. LOUISIANA. 6778, Eiinball, Jos, 2 cav, Co A, died Aug 55, constipatio. IG MAINE. MAINE No. of Orare. 2604, Ardcrfon, Jolin, 19, Co I, died June 23, dinrrbea c. 8093, Allen A, 32, Co K, died July 10, diarrhea c. T024, Arnold, K W, 17, Co G, died Aug 27, diarrhea c. 22, Bntler, C A. S, Co K, died March 7, pneumonia, 269, Brown, E M, 5, Co G, died March 81, diarrhea. 3958, Buner. A E, 31, Co E. died July 25. scorbulus. 6211, Bachelor, I», + S. Co K, died Aug 19, diarrhea f. 9162, Baker, James, 17, Co H, died Se|it 13, diarrhea c. 10669, Ballast. J. 19, Co G, died Oct 11, scorbutus. 7663, Bartlelt, II, 17. Co C, died Sept 3. ictus soils. 7255, Barney. G S, 32. Co I. died Aug SO, scorbutus. C633, Bean. G W , S, Vo C. died Aug 24, debilitas. 6603, Bennett, L, 1 anil, died Ans 23, diarrhea. 9097, Berry, C II, 6, Co II, died Sept IS, scorbutus. 7645, Bigeiow, C. 19, Co 11, died Sept 3. scorbutus. 5290, Blaizdell. II, 8, Co F, died Aug 11. scorbutus. 12055, Boren. W, 16, Co I. died Nov 16, diarrhea. 940S, Bowden. . 7, Co A, died Sept 21. diarrhea. 4776, Braley, J, 3, Co E, died Aug 4, diarrhea. 6015, Briggs, J C, 19, Cop', died Aug 8, scorbutus. 85-12, Brihterman, L. 9, Co D, ilied Sept 11, (scorbuliw. 8247, Bro.icJ.^treet. C E. 1 cav. Co B. died Sey>t 9, diarrhea c. 6S11. Brown, J, 8. Co G, died Aug 25, diarrhea c. IWSO, Bryant, C D, 16. Co E, died'Hirv 13, diarrhea c. 6~19. Bullsen, E T, t 5 cav, Co B, died Aug 15, enteritis. 6757, Bunker, S A, 1 arlil, Co A, died Aug 16. scorbutus. 8474, Burgen, A, 4, Co I, died Sept 11, scorbutus. 7017, Cardoney, C, 17, Co G, died Aug 27, diarrhea. 7746, Carlen. M, I cav, Co F, died Sept 8, diarrliea. 8374. Cnrr. J, 19, f'o E, died Sept 10, scorbnius. 6246, Carlton. J S, 3!, Co D. died Aug 19, diarrhea c. 59S9, Cli.ise. F W, 1 artil, Co D, died Aug 17 diarrhea. 2316, ('laik. James. 1 cav, Co C, died June 22, diarrhea. S143, Claj k. P M, 1 1 cav. Co C, died Sept 8, diarrhea c. 10376, Clark L, 19, Co D, died Oct 6, diarrhea. 10421, Clayton. E B, 1. Co F, died Oct 6, scorbutus. 28, Cohan. D. 8. Co K, died Ma€-ch 7, pneumonia. 6950, Conder, W H, 16, Co G, died Aug 26, brojicljitis. 8037, Cooky, W, 6, Co F, died Sept 6, illarrhea. 8948, Cook.'Jaine..", 4, Co D, died July 25, fever typhus, 84.S3, Condon. D 11, 20, Co K, died Sept II, scorbutus. 425, Craw. H, 3. Co B, died April 7, pneoni, scorbutus. MARYLAND. 17 14Sfi, Perkinp, D, 1 eav, Co I, died Mny 81, diarrhea. 5197, Perl;ius, T, I, Co H. died Aug 10, scorbutus. 6911, Peters. II, 4, Co B, died Aug 26, scorbutus. 12056, Pbillbrook, F, 1 aT\l, Co A,died Nov IT, diarrljea, 2064, Phelps, W H. 1 csv. Co H, died June 16, diarrhea. S4.36, Piiikiiam, U \V. 1 artil, Co A, died July IT, diarrhea. 1361, Pottle, A E, 1 cav, Co I, died May 25, diarrhe.i. 569S, Pratt, A M, 1 cav. Co L, died Aug 15, wounds. 8441, Puleriimn. 6. 16, Co D, died Sept 11, sccrrbiltvis. 12110, Prescolt, C, 19, Co fl, died Jon 7, '66, diarrhea. 7T83, Rlchar.lson, C, 81, Co L, died Sept 4, scorbutus. 6762, Ilicliardson, J K. S, Co G, died Aug 24, scorbutus. 10465, Kichardson, W M,* 1 eav, Co B, died Oct T, dysentery. 5522, Eicker, Win.* 1 cav. Co D, died Aug 13, dysentery. S4S0, r.ldlon, N, T. Co D, died Sept 11, scorbutus. 900, Risectt, li, 8. Co Ij died May 5, anasarca. 3921, P.oberts, II, 19, Co K, died July 25, diarrhea. 5286, Eowe. L, 1, Oo A, died Aug 10. diarrliea. 166, Kosrner, Frank. 4, Co C. died March 26, diarrhea. TilK. Euet, II. 2, Co H, died Aug 15, dysentery. 8557, Russell, G A, 1 cav, Co E,"died Sept 12, scorbutus. 5150, Sampson, E, 1, Co F, died Aug 12, scorbutus. 4532, Sawyer, Enos. 1 anil, Co H, died Aug 2, diarrhea, 81S2, Sawyer, .Tohn, SI, Co K, died July 11, ictus soils. 11462, Shorey, S, 1 cav, Co K, died Oct 20, scorbutus. 2243, Simmon?, G F, 6, Co K, died 20 June, diarrhea. 8169, Smith. W, 9, Co K, died July 11, diarrhea c. 3031, Smith, W A, 6, Co F, died July 14, diarrhea. 17S2, Snowdale, F, 4, Co C, died June 10, dlarriiea c 9974, Snower, S C. 19, Co A, riied Sept 2S, diarrliea, 199.-', Springer, H W, 36, Co A, died June 16, diarrhea. 1596, Steward, G, 20, Co II, died Aug 8, diarrhea, 11562, St Peter, F, 19, Co F, died Oct 27, scorbutus. 7001, Swanev, P, 19, Co F, died Aug 27, diarrhea. 199, Swan, H B,* 3, Co F, died March 2S, dysentery. 1936, Swan^ F, 8, Co F, died June 14, anasarca. »o. of UrsTo. S6S2, ThompFon, F, 9, Co E, died Sept 13, scorbutus. 10455, Thompson, John, 3, Co E, died Oct T, diarrhea, 621, Thorn, E, 9, Co I, died April 19, dysentery. I092S, Toothacro, ,1, 7, Co G, died Oct 14, scorbutus. 1106, Turner, C C. 4, Co E, died May 15, diarrhea c. 509O, Tufts, J, 82, Co C, died Aug 8, diarrhea. 11S75, Taylor, G, 9, Co C, died Nov 16, scorbutus. 12322. Tnttle, D L, 32, Co F. died Dec 20, scorbutus. 12196, Tuttle, L 8», 82, Co F, died Nov 30, diarrhea. 12706, Thorndie, W li* 19, Co I, died March 2, '65, scorbutoi 6245, Valley, F, 32, Co K, died Aug 19, diarrhea. 8336, Venlll, C,32, Co G, died July 16, diarrhea. Walker, A B,* 1, Co K, died Aug 29, diarrliea. Walker, M C, 5, Co I, died July 24, debilitas. Wall, A, 1 cav, Co K, died Sept 4, diarrhea. Walsh, Thomas, 20 Co H, died Aug 17, scorbutus. Watson, B, 7, Co K, liied Aug 24, dysentery. .Webber, Oliver, 3, Co A. died Oct 9, diarrhea. Wliiteman, A M,* 5, Co I, died Aug 2, scorbutus, Whitcomb, T O, 4, Co J'\ died June 5, diarrhea c. Wliittier, J K P, 32, Co C, died Aug 19, bronchitis. Willard, W, 20, Co B, died Oct 7, scorbutus. Williams, C, 6, Co G, died Sept 8, debilitas. Wilson, George, 82, Co C, died Aug 26, diarrhea. Wilson, 6 W, 16, Co U, died July 20, anasarca. Willey, D H, 19, Co E, died July 10, dysentery, Winslow, E, 1, 4. Co B, died July 24, scorbutus. Winslow, N L, 4, Co K, died Aug 18, debilitas. Wyman, A, 32, Co C, died Aug 21, scorbutus. Wyman, J, 16, Co A, died June 17, diarrhea. Wyer, H, 3, Co K,died Jan 16, '66, diarrhea. Wright C, 1, Co G, died ISov 16, scorbutus. 7226, 3S94, 772'-', 6942, 6750, 10658, 4.'J69, 164S, 6261, 10446, 7711, 6900, 3039, 3132, 8S60, 6512, 6372, 2095, 12470, 12U43, 17S, Young, E W,t 8, Co 11, died March 26, debilitas. 6369, Young, J, 8, Co H.died Aus 21, scorbutus. 8140, Young, J W,* 8, Co 1, dicd'Sept 8, Bcorbotua. MARYLAND. S50, Allen. \V IT. 1. Co II, died May 8, dvsentery. 102S, Anderson, Wm, 2, Co C, died May 11, dysentery. 1379, Aikens, \, 1 cav, Co I, died May 26, diarrhea c. 1923. Adams, Jas T, 6, Co II, died May 14, diarrhea. 1023S, Abbott, D E, 2, Co D, died Oct 4, scorbutus. 12326, Archer, H, 1, Co I, died Dec 24, scorbutus. 112, Babb, Samuel, S, Co I, died March 23, bronchitis. 233, Berlin. Jas, 2 cav, Co F, died April 1, pneumonia. 472, Beltz, W W, 2, Co H. died April 9, diarrhea c. 1086, Bowers, .V, 1, Co I, died May 14, diarrhea c. 1455, Brown, Augustus, 2, Co G. died May 29, diarrhea e. 1437. Braddock, Wm, 2, Co D, died .May 30, diarrhea. 1M9, Buck. H. 1 cav, Co B, died June 1, diarrhea c. 1644, Buckley, Geo, 9 Co B, died June .\ diarrhea c. 2404, Bennett, C B, 1. Co D. died June 24, diarrhea o. 8263, Brant, i) B, 2, Co H, died July 13, diarrhea c. 4602, Betaon James, 1 battery. Co A, died Aug 3, scorbutus. 5261, Ball, J A. 2, Co B, died Aug 10, scorbutus. 5625, Brown, J C, 1 anil, Co B, died Aug 13, scorbutus. 6540, Brown, E E, 2, Co C, died Aug 23, scorbutus. 7727, Brown, E, 2, Co D, died Sept 3, dysentery. 8975, Buckley A M, 1, Co B, died Sept 17, diarrhea. 111S4, Beale, K, 1 cav, Co D, died Sept 19, scorbulus. 11761, BucUner, George, 2, Co K, died Nov 8, scorbutus. 11620, Bell, J K, 8, Co D, died Oct 23, scorbutus. 12373, Bloom, J, * 7, Co F, died Jan 1, '65, plenritis. 12679, Book, C, 8, Co G, died Feb 19, '66, diarrhea. 64, Carpenter. Wm, 2 cav, Co I, died March 17, diarrhea. 804, Cook, Lewis, 9, Co E, died April 1, dysentery. 469, Coombs. E A. 9, Co I, died April 9, diarrhea. 524, Carter, Wm, 2, Co 0, died April 13, pneumonia. 723, Cury. W II, 9, Co F, died April 25, diarrhea 1357, Carl, J .M. 6. Co E, died Mav 25, diarrhea c. 1371, Cabbage. C II, 2, Co H, died May 25, dysentery. 2012, Cullin, John, 2, Co D, died .Jn, J It, 9, Co C, died Sci.t 28, dysentery. 111U9, llakalon, F, 2, Co K, died Oct 13, scorbutus. 12422, Hoover. J, 2 ciiv, Co C, died Jan 9, '65, &corbutU3. 2895, Isaac, Henry, 2, Co H, died July 4, diarrhea c. 93, Jones. David, 1 battery. Co A, died Marcb 22, diarrhea. 6G9, Jenkins, M, 2, Co A, died April 22, diarrhea c. 460, Keplinger, J, 2, Co H, died April 9. diarrhea. 544, Keefe, Lewis, 7, Co F, died April 14, pneumonia. 7242, Kirby, J, 9, Co F, died Aug 29, dysentery. 1019, Laird, Corbln, 1 cav, Co F, died May 11, diarrhea c. 1056, Lees, W H, 2, Co C, died May 13, fever ijitenultteDt 8913, Lonis, J, t2, Co B, died July 24, dysentery. 11385, Little, D, 2 cav, Co K, died Oct 24, scnrbulus. 123G1, Lebiul, J, 1 cav, Co 1>. died Dec :.11, scDibutus. 12667, Lambert, W, 1, Co I, died Feb IT, 'I^S, scorbutus. 206, McCarle, Jas, I cav, Co B, died March 2S, diarrhea c. 471, M.iland, B, 2, Co F, died April 9, diarrla^a e, 896, Myers, Noah, 9, Co G, died May 5. dinrrhea. 1190, McQulgen, S K, 1 battery, Co U. died May 18, diarrhea. 1307, Mters, L S, 1, Co B, died May 23. diarrhea c 1797, Moore, Frank, 9. Co A, died -iune 10, coniiestlve chill. 1893, Moffitt, Thos, 6. died June 13, diarrhea c." 2059, Martz, G H, 2, Co U, died June 16, anasarca. 8429, Machler, C S, 1 battery, Co A, died July 17, diarrhea. 8797, McKlnsay, Jno, 2, Co I, died July 22, diarrhea. 4051, Miller, F, 6, Co C, died July 27, scorbuius. 4146, Mathews, F, 6, Co G, died July 28, diarrhea. 46.81, Macombcr, John. I cav, Co B, died Aue 6, diarrhea. 5170, Marvin, .T, 2, Co H, died Aug 9, scorbutus. 6757, Moon, J J, 1, Co D, died Aug 2.5, scorbutus. 7281, McCullousb, J, 1, Co I, died Aui: 30, scorbutus. 7327, McLamas, J, 7, Co C, died Au;; 30. dysentery. SII43, Markell, S, 2, Co H, died Sept 6, diarrhea. 10150, Munroe, J, *4, Co H, died Oct 1. dysentery. (T V / 10301, Markin„W,l, Co F, died (.let 13, scorbutus. . VL Ki .i 116)7, Mathews, J, 8, died Oct 27, scorbutus. ,, 12008, McMiller, J A, 1, Co E, died Feb 7, '65, scorbutus. 91, Nice, Jacob, 5 cav, Co M, died March 21. pneumonia. 871, Nace, Harrison, 9, Co H, died April 5. pnenmollia. 9762, Norris, N, 1, Co I, died Sept 25, scorbutus. 153, Pool, Hanson. 2, Co H. died March 25, phthisis. 7690, Porter, G, 1, Co I. died Sept 2, diarrhea. 7931, Pindlville, M. 7, Co H, died Sept 6, scorbutus. 5069, Papple, D, ^2, Co H, died Aug S, dysoutery. 252, Rusk, John, 9, Co E. died March 30, dinrrhea. 918, Unssell, A P, 2, Co C, died May 6, dysentery. 1606, Kodh Simon, 9, Co E, died -Tune 4, diarrhea. 1901. Robinson. J, 9, died June 13, diarrhea c. 2350, Rynedollar, Win, 1 cav, C5, Avery, -Tohn W, 1 artil, Co G, died July 27, dysentery. 6372, Avigfon, F, 60, Co I, died Aug 11, dysentery. 10767, Baoey, Wm, 27, Co H, died Oct 12, scorbutus. 7116, Baggard, F, 1 artil, Co B, died Aug 28, licorbutus. 833S, Baiee, G A, 27, Co G, died Sept 10, dysentery. 6624, Barley, K. 20. Co A. died Aug 23, scorbiitus. 6735, Baker, E E, 34, Co 0, died Aug 25, diarrhea. 11486, Baldwin. W, 85, Co A, died Oct 24, sciirbutus. 9078, Banner, M, 20. Co B, died Sept 17, scorbutus. 642, Barge, Henry, 20. Co E, died April 20. fever typhus. 6974, Barne.s, L A, 19, Co F, died Aug 27, anasarca. 1697, Barnes, W L, 2 cav, Co M, died June 7, diarrhea c. 7853, Barlen. E F, 13, Co E, died Sept 5, scorbutus. 8841, Barnsh, John, 17, Co H, died July 28, diarrhe.l. 6952, Barnett, G H, 25, Co G, died Aug 26, dysentery. 8348, Bassett, B C, 1 ariil, Co I, died Sept 15, diarrhea, 4366, Batten, Geo C, t 2 artil, Co G, died July 81. diarrhea. 8003, Baxton, H, 2 artil, Co G, died Sept 12, scorbutus. 2526, Bear, Q W, 66, Co I, died June 26, diarrhea. 6386, Beannian, Wm, 2 artil, Co G, died Aug 21, dysentery. 6499, Beavey, Henry, 59, Co B, died Aug 22, diarrhea. 8S01, Beels, H, 69, Co C. died July 22, diarrhea. 8110, Bell, Wm. 2 eav, Co M. died Sept 7, scorbutus. 8442, Hemis, Albert, 67, Co B. died Sept 11, scorbutus. 11955, Berry, George. 18, Co K. died Nov 10, diarrliea. 640.3, Besson, Wm. 2 cav, Co H, died Aug 21, dysentery. 6657, Biglow, G, 84, Co E, died Sept 13, scorbutus. 5-321, Biglow, John, 22, Co F. died Aug 11. fever remittent. 2908, Black, James, 9, Co E, died July 6, diarrhea. 109, Blanchard, Oscar, 2 cav, Co E, died March 23, diarrhea. 4067, Blanchard. O S, 52, Co O, died July 27, dysentery. 8337, Blair, J W, 27. Co C, died July 15, diarrhea. .3973, Blair, D. 27, Co B, died July 25, dysentery. 107.53, Blake, Wm, 19, Co K, died Oct 12, scorbutus. 7166, Blodgett, A Z, 84, Co A, died Aug 29, debilitas. MASSACHUSETTS. 19 137, 470, 1U30, 466, 018. 796, S57, .059, 1512, ;17S, 902, ;o3(l, i070, 1565, 993, .799, 465, a32] 1641, «)57, 1177, 16611, 1319. '440, STSO. )339, !S42, 19118, ■75S, )"76, 1746, [.■in, 1 784, 11.54, !9i17, ■134, )699, )54(p, i777, !429, 1966, IS68, ■280, il58, !663, W3I, 1456, ^366, H68, 1509, 1226, 5724, ro7o, 131.3, 5636, 5230, J344, 16S4, 2416, 1674, i5K), 1178, 3016. 8099, 3643, 4295, 6492. 7928, 2825, 5315, 1590, 8099, 8. 0773, IS63, 6714. 6409, 90S1, 6062, 6591, 9:i32, 1848, 6673, 1892, 1575, 4547, 7593, 8841 loss, Blond, T B, IS, Co F, died Marob 24, anasarca. Bodge, S D. 18, Co D, died Auj 1, dysentery. Boawortb, n, 25, Co B. died .luly 8. diftrrlie.i. Bowler. U A, 1 ftrUl, Co C, died Sopt 10. scorbutus, Boyd, P, 18, Co A. died Nov 10, diarrhea. Bo> nton, Henry, 32, Co A, died June 10, diarrbeii. Brackets, L, 23, Co C, died June 12, pleuritis. Brackin. Denis, 46, died July 27, diarrbea. Bradford. J, 2 cav, Co F, died Aug 22, wounds. Biailv, F, 27, Co G. died July 11, diarrbea. Brad'ish, F, 19, Co B, died Nov 11, scorbutus. Branagan, C. 2 artll, Co 11, died Nov 15, ^corbutua Brand, S C. 67, Co K, died Oct 12. scorbutus. Bri;i53, W. 2 artil, Co G, died July 2, bronclutis. Briggs, W W, 36, »■ H, died May 10, fever typbus. Broniley, A, 1, Co K, died Sept 15, dysentery. Broadle'y, Jaine-:, 17, Co A. died April 9, scorbutus. Bronagan. M. 17. Co E, died July 19, dysentery. Brolberton. W H, * 29, Co G, died Aug'26, dysentery. Brown. A. 56. i.".) D, died June 29, diarrbea. Brown, D, 18, Co K. died Aug 18, diHrrbea. Brown, J, 25, Co A, died Aug" 19. scorbutus. Brown, J, 11, Co E, died Sept 24, diarrhea. Brown. John, * 57, Co E, died Oct 12, dysentery. Brown, L, 27, Co I, died Sept 1, dysentery. Brown, Samuel, 56, Co E. died Sept 14. diarrhea. Brown, Wni, 2' artil, Co II, died Aug 11, diarrhea. Brownel', A G, 58, Co B, died Aug 25, scorbutus. Bryant, W A, 2 artil, Co II, died Aug 26, scorbutus. Buclianan, J, 27, Co A, died Sept 4. diarrbea. Buldas, L, 56, Co I, died Aug 9, diirrrhe.a. Bullen, -T W, 60, Co C, died Oct 11. diarrhea. Knbler, J W, 40. Co C, died Oct 26, scorbutus, Bullock, W D, 24, Co K, died July 22, diarrbea. Burns. W E. * 2 artil, Co II, died Oct 19, scorbutus. Burt, C E, t 2 artil. Co K. died July 5. rliarrhea. Burgan, L. 25, Co G, died Aug 28, scorbutus. Burgess. W F. 16, C<> II. died July 21, scorbutu.s, Buriibam, J, 12, Co I, died Aug 13, scorbutus. Burton, John, 19, Co E, died Sept 4, dysentery. Butler, A. 72, Co H, died .lune 24, diarrhea. Buxton. 'Tbotiias, 1 artil, Co G, died Aug 7, dysentery. Byerns, I, 1 artil, Co I, died Sept 27, scorbutus. Callihan, J, 67, Co B, died Aug 29, diarrhea, Callihan, P, 67, Co A, died July II, bronchitis. Campbell, D A, 15, Co G. died Feb 16, '65, iliarrbea. Carr, Wni, * 1 artil, Co II, died July 27, scorbutus. Carroll, J, 2 artil, Co D, died Aug 1, diarrhea, Carroll, O J, 2 artil, Co G. died .lulv 31. dysentery Casey, M, 28, Co 0, died July 28, diarrhea. Casey, M, 17, Co H, died Aug 2, scorbutus. Castle. M, 22, Co II. died Julv 29, dysentery. Caughlin. B, 66, Co E. died Aug 24, di-arrbea. Caswell, James, IS, Co F, died Aug 18. diarrhea. Chase, John, 25, Co F, died Aug 30. diarrhea. Chase, M M. 2 artil, Co G, died Sept 13, scorbutus. Child. A F. 1 cav, Co E, dieil .\ug20, cerebritis. Chiselson. P. 1 cav. Co B. died .luly 15, scorbutus. Church. W H. 1 cav. Co E. died June 6. diarrhea. Churchill, F J. 89, Co G. died June 24, diarrhea. Chute, A .M, 23, Co B, died June 11, diarrhea. Claflin, F G. 1 artil, Co F, died Aug 1, diarrbea. Clang, J H. 1 artil, Co E, died Oct 19', scorbutus. Clansky J,* 17, Co E, died Julv 7, diarrhea. Clark," 27, Co A, died Sept 30,'diBrrbea. Clark, E, 27, Co H, died July 20. diarrlica. Clark, George, 16, Co 1, died Julv 80. diarrhea. Clark, S, 27, Co I, died Aug 27, diarrhea. Clemens, J, 19, Co B, died Sept 6, diarrbea Cloonao, P. 1 artil, Co E. died April 7, '65, diarrliex Coffin, A R, 2 cav, Co M, died Aug 11. diarrhea. Cohosh. John, 2^3. Co I, died Oct 28, scorbutus. Cole, W H, 16, Co K, died Sept 7. dysentery. Coleman, Leonard, 1 cav, Co A, died March 5, pneumonia. Coalman, C S, 87, Co I, died Oct 12. scorbutus. Collins, A .J, 2 artil. Co D, died Nov 6, sc.ubutus. Collins, C E. 27. Co I), died Aug 24, di.arrhea. Colt, J, 20, Co K, died Aug 12. ana."arca, Colyer, B, 1 artil, Co G, died Sept IS. scorbutus. Coney, C W, 1 artil. Co L, died Aug 18, fever typlins. Congden, E, 2 cav, Co G. died .\ug 23. anasarca. Connell, J D. 24, Co E. died Sept 19, scorbutus. Conner. D, 17, Co H, died June 11, diarrbea. Conner, John, 11, Co F, died Aug 24, scorbutus. Conner, P, 2 cav, Co H. died Nov 7. scorbutus. Conner, F, 9, Co 0, died Oct 28, scorbutus. Conlin, Tim, 1 artil, Co L, died Aug 2, dvsentery. ;, Cook. W H. 37, Co H. died Sept 2, scorbutus. , Cooinbs, George, 2 artil, died Sept 15, diarrhea. 1, Ciwnes, J M, 1 cav, Co E, died May 14, diarrheA. 11174, Copeland, J, 15, Co D, died Oct 19, scorbutus. 7802, Corbet, W M, 1 artil, Co M, died Sept 4, diarrhea. 4210, Cos, D O, 69, Co F, died July 29, diarrbea. 637, Co.\-, Joseph, 7, Co G, died May 2.3, diarrhea. 1103O, Cox, P,t 1 artil, Co G, died Oct 16, diarrhea 4483, Crockett, A W. 17, Co K, died Aug 1, diarrhea. 174, Crolls, E P, 17, Co E, died March 26, pneuinouiai 7619, Cromian, John. 1 artil, Co E, died Sept 2, diarrhea. 9026, Crominshield, T, 37, Co I, died Sept 17. scorbutus. 6812, Crosby, E, 40, Co A, died Aug 25, diarrbea. 15, Cross, Ira M, 1*^. Co G, died March 6, dysentery. 8592, Cross. Georire W, 1 artil, Co L. died July 19, dysentery. 5248, Crusscr, E P. 9, Co C. died Aug 10. diarrhea. 6150, Grossman, E J. 20, Co L, died Aug 9, scorbutus. 1290, Cuinmings. .\ B,t 29, Co C, died Slay 22, dysentery. 3746. Culligan. Joseph. 2 cav, Co A, died Julv 22, diarrhea c. 674, Cuneil, H G, 39, Co 0, died, April 16, diarrhea. 78,53, Curren, F, 5S, Co I, died Sept 5, diarrbea, 1869, Cushing, CE, 12, died June 12, diarrbea, 10172, Cutler, C F, 2 artil, Co G, died Oct 1, diarrhea, 3579. Dalber, S A, IT, Co B, died July 19, diarrhea. 787, Daly. John. 28, Co F. died April 28, diarrhea. 9421, Davis, C. 27. Co B, died Sept -21. diarrhea. 7180, Davis, C A, 53, Co I, died Aug 29, diarrhea. 151S, Davis, Thonias, 1 cav, Co H, died May 81, diarrhea, 12037, Davidson, W, 27, Co H, died Nov 16, scorbutus. 7239, Day. D B, 25, died Aug 29, debilitas, 2390, Decker, C, 1 avtil, Co E, died Juno 24. diarrhea. 11763, Delano, E, 19, Co E. died Nov 3. scorbutus. 7848, Densmore, Wni, 9, Co F, died Sept 4, scorbutus. GSS3. Dc" ry. L A, 27, Co C, died Aug 26. dysentery. 4042, Dexter, <;. 2 cav, Co M, died Julv 27, scorbutus. 7069, Dill, Z, 63, Co A, died Aug 28, dysentery. 10964, Dinimick, George II, 27, Co I, died Oct 15. scorbutus. 8430, Dodge, T'homas A, 1 cav, Co A , died Sept 11, scorbutus. 30,59, Downing, t!, 14 bat. died July 9, 44S Lewis F, 2 anil, Co G, died June 25, diarrhea. 10063^ Lewis, G O, 2 artil, Co G, died Sept 80, scorbutus. 4082, Lewis, L, 5 cav. Co L, died July 27, diarrhea. 10750, Lewis. L, 1 artil. Co A, died Oct 12, dysentery. 5401, Lindsay. J, 13, Co A, died Aug 12, scorbutus. 12413 Liswell, L, 27, Co F, died Jan S, '65, diarrhea. 3437, 3601, 8429, 57B3. 231)8, 10.')61, 691.6, 9961, 12S20, 5478, 5S60, 3684, 10702, 603, 8375, 6064, 6183, 8658. 6.579, 99S3, 627.5, 6712, 570S, 6629, 8262, 12490, 6036, 86S, 296, 4544, 1764, 1231.3, 651, ■3S42, 11119, 6037, 8613, MASSACHUSETTS. 6748, Livingston. E, 89, Co C, died Sept U, diarrliea. 1156, Locblen, Joel, 1 cav, Co E, died May 16, diarrhea. 480, Lohem, E D, 18, Co H, died April 9, dysentery. 3163, Lombard, B K, 6S, Co A, died July 11, catarrh. 12256, Loring, G, 20, Co A, died Dec 10, BCorbutas. 10744, London, Ed, 22, Co G, died Oct 11, scorbutus. S437, Lovely, Francis 25, Co L died 8ept 11, scorbutus. 3217, Lovett. A W, 39, Co E, died July 12, scorbutus. 8175, Lowell, George, 22, Co E, died July U, dysentery. 9957, Lucior, J, 2, Co G, died Sept 28, diarrhea. 409U, Lngby, Z, 2 artil, Co O, died July 27, diarrhea. S593, Lyons, E, 27, Co 1, died Sept !2, scorbutus. 36S3, Lynch, John, 56, Co K, died July 21, diarrhea. 7521, Macey, Charles, 18, Co I, died Sept 1, dysentery. 4264, Macomber, J, 20, Co H, died July 29, diarrhea. 4034, Mahan, E, 56, Co I, died July 26, diarrhea. 33S3, Marintlne, G H, IS, Co 1, died July 16, dysentery. 9940, Mann, N C, 16, saddler, Co F. died Sept 28, scorbutus. 6220, Mansfield. D R, 53, Co G, died Aug 20, cerebritis. 503, Marden. G O, 17, Co I, died April 12, fever intermittent. 1350, Mariland, W II, 17, Cm D, died May 25, diarrhea. 7147, Marchet, C, 23, Co F, died Aug 29, diarrhea. 84.50, Martin, C M, 2 artil, Co II, diedSept 11, anasarca. 6272, Maxwell, M, 1 artil, Co I, died Aug 20, marasujus. 6060, McAllister, .J, * 17, died Aug S, dysentery. "823, McCaffrey, J, 27, Co E, died Sept 4, diarrhea. 3S35, McCloud, J, 66. Co K, died July 23, diarrhea. 9942, McCord, J G, 33, Co II, died Sept 28, scorbutus, l-.'ue, McCorner, J, 19, Co F, died Nov 27, scorbutus. 8905, McDavIe, J, 8 artil, Co M, died Sept 15, diarrhea. 6162, McDermntt, J, 2 artil, Co B, died Aug 19, scorbutus. ■4409, McDevitt, Wm, 25, Co E, died July 31, diarrhea. 94.39, McDonald, E, 18, Co D, died Sept 21, diarrhea. 430, McDonnell, P, 2, Co B, died April 8, pneunjonia. 7459, McDonough, 1", • 25, Co E, died Sept 1, diarrhea. 1984, McGiven, J, 22, Co K, died Juno 15, diarrhea. G375, McGovern, B, 34, Co D, died Aug 21, diarrhea. 2652, McGowen, John, 2 artil, Co H, died June 29, dysentery. 5230, MoGowen, Win, 12, Co A, died Aug 11, dysentery. 4260, McGoncyal, E, 16, Co K, died July 29, diarrhea. 6124, McGuire, A. 63, Co U, died Aug 9, dysentery. 6460, McHenry, -Tames, 2 artil, Co G, died Auc 21, scorbutus. 0544, Mclnlire, U, 1 artil, Co K, died Aug 23, 'diarrhea. 11531, McKarren, E, 1 artil, Co I, died Oct 26, scorbutus. 11849, McKenny, B, 34, Co A, died Nov 5, dysentery. tj358, McKinzie, George, 27, Co I, died Aug 5, scorbutus, 6223, McKnight, B, 8 cav, Oo G, died Aug'lO, scorbutus. 3174, McLaughlin, E. t9, Co C, died July 11, fever typhus. 1W30, McMasters, 57, Co A, died Sept 29, diarrhea. 3675, McMillan, Jas, 24, Co B, died July 20, dysentery. 522, McNatnara, 17, Co I, died April 13, dysentery. 5185, McNaury, E, 27, Co I, died Aug 9, diarrhea. 11381, McNulty, V, 2 artil, Co G, died' Oct 24, scorbutus. 5194, McWilliams, W, 77, Co D, died Aug 10, scorbutus. 7586, Medren. W, 20, Co G, died Sept 2, scorbutus. 5808, Mehan, B, 2 artil, Co H, died Aug 16, anasarca. 1434, Melan, A, 18, Co F, died May 28, diarrhea. 9735, Melvin, S, 1 artil, Co K. died Sept 25, diarrhea. 2269, Meritt, M, 27, Co C, died June 20, pneumonia. 1358, Merriman, W II, 17, Co D, died May 25, diarrhea c. 9117, Mcssers, W, 1 anil. Co B- died Sept IS, diarrhea. 9597, Mesters, E, 34, Co IL died Sept -'3, scorbutus. 62S6, Meyer, J, 1 cav, Co K. died Aug 20, diarrhea. 6631, Miland, John, 2 artil, Co H, died Sept 13, scorbutus. 11514, Millard, P S, 19, Co G, died Oct 26, scorbutu.". 12T9, Miller, A, 23, Co F, died May 19, diarrhea. 4329, Miller, J M, 11, Co A, died July 30, fever typhus. 10169, Miller, L, 20, died Oct 1, scorbutus. 4050, Miller, Joseph, t57, Co C, died July 27, dinrrliea. 7178, Millrean, M W, •2 cav, Co E, died Aug 29, anasarca. 9539, Milton, C, 21, Co A, died Sept 22, diarrliea. 8506, Mitchell, W C, 23, Co A, died Sept 11, scorbutus. 11667, Mitchell, F, 14, Co A, died Nov 6, scorbutus. 11771, Mitchell, John, 19, Co C. died Nov 3, diarrhea. 8343, Mittancc, L, 20, Co G, died Sept 10, scorbutus. 4053, Mixter, G L, 1 cav, Co E, died July 27, diarrhea. 6235, Monroe, -T, 2 artil, Co M, died Aug 20, diarrhea. 2456, Morgan, C H, 27, Co H, died June 25, fever remittent 8077, Morgan, Pat, 23, Co B, died Sept 7, scorbutus. 3160, Moore, A. 56. Co C, died July 11, dysentery. 5490, Moore, C A. musician, 2 artil, Co II. died Aug 13, diarrhea. 10693, Moore, M, 67, Co A, died Oct 10, diarrhea. 3411, Moore, P, 18, Co F, died July 16, diarrhea. 3990, Morris, N G, 1 artil, died July 26. dysentery. 1004, Morris, E, t28, Co F, died May 10, dysentery. 9627, Mortimer, L, 19, Co E, died Sept 24. scorbutus. 6272, Morion, fi II, 42, Co C, died Sept 9. diarrhea. 5360, Morton, J, 34, Co A, died Aug 11, diarrhea. 6982, Moss, Charles, 2 artil, Co II, died Aug 27, diarrhea. 12516, Moulton, tl, 15, Co F, died Jan 23, '65, diarrhea. 12619, Murdock, A 3, • 27, Co D, died Feb 8, '65, diarrhea. 821, Murley, D, 9, Co I), died April 2, diarrhea. 7862, Mnrpliy, C, 17, Co D, died Sept 6, anasarca. 5488, Murphy, F. 17, Co D, died Aug 13, scorbutus. lOSO, Murphy, Michael, 12, Co K, died June 6. debilitas. 12783, Murphy, P, 27, Co II, died March 1,5, '66, scorbutus. 6041, Murray, Tliomas, 19, Co A, died Aug 8, ecorbutus. 9241, Nee, died Aug 26, scorbutus. 1231, Patterson, H W, S3, Co G, died May 20, diarrhea. 8888, Payne, G A, 57, Co H, died Sept 16, scorbutus. 4967, Payne, Wm A, 1 artil, Co M, died Aug 7, dysentery. 7550, Peabody, W F, 37, died Sept 2, diarrhea. 6471, Peckhara, A P, 16, Co B, died .\ug 21, diarrhea. 5441, Peeto, A, 36, (^o A, died Aug 12, fever tvphoid. 4003, Pennington, R A, 1 artil, died July 26, 'dysentery. 9603, Perry, N, 1 artil, Co F, died Sept 23, diarrhea. 274, Perry, Samuel, K, 39, Co D, died March 31, fever oongi 4986, Peltie, C, 2 artil, Co H, died Aug 7, diarrhea. 7671, Phillbrook, J E, 66, Co F, died Sept 3, debilitas. 77U8, Phillips, A, 50, Co B, died Sept 3, scorbutus. 103S3, Phillips, L M,f 17, Co D, died, Oct 5, scorbutus. 69015, I'liipps, H B,* 1 art/1, Co B, died Aug 20, dysentery. 4763, Phipps, M M, 27, Co C, died Aug 4, diarrhea. 11079, Pier^on, l;,t 2 artil, Co H, died Oct 17, diarrhea. 20, Pilhuton, John, 11, Co E, died April 14, small pox. 5128, Piper, Charles, 28, Co G, died Aug 9, diarrhea. 6740, Piper, F, 25, Co E, died Aug 24, diarrhea. 70S0, Polshon, F I!, 17, Co D, died Aug 28, scorbutus. 703, Poole, Charles,* 1, Co G, died April 23, dysentery. 6583, Pratt, Daniel, 27, Co I, died Aug 27, dysentery. 12135, Pratt, D W, 2 artil, Co G, died Nov 23, scorbutus. 6742, Pratt, Henry, 23, Co C, died Aug 15, scorbutus. 2008, Price, Edward, 2 artil, Co M, died June 15, diarrhea. 12475, Prichard, J,* 2, Co G, died June 18, scorbutus. 5404, Prior, Michael, 56, Co 1, died .Vug 12, anasarca. 11976, Puller, E D, 34, Co A, died Nov 12, scorbutus. 421S, Quinu, James, 15, Co M, died July 29, anasarca. 12804, Quirk, M J, 1, Co X>, died March 20, diarrhea. 12094, Ragan, C,* 27, Co H, died Nov 19, scorbutus. 10166, Ramstell, n, 37, Co H, died Oct 1, diarrhea. 6600, Rand, M, 2 artil, Co G, died Aug 13, scorbutus. 3358, Randall, J, 2, Co F, died July 16, diarrhea c. 64, Raymond, C, 20, Co I, died June 12, small pos. 8072, Reed, Charles, 2 artil, Co H, died Sept 7, diarrhea. 1725, Rcnsseller, C N, 54, Co C, died June 8, diarrhea. 0122, Rapp, James, 28, Co A, died Aug 19, dysentery. 2970, Reynolds, N A, 30, Co C, died July 7, diai-rh<-.a. 3272, Rice, C A J, 2 artil, Co G,died July 13, diarrhea 1285, Rich, C, 2, Co D, died May 22, diarrhea. 4233, Rich, Samuel, 27, Co B, died July 29, diarrhea. 4918, Richards, G, 16, Co I, died Aug 6, bronchitis. 3156, Richards, James, 27, Co C, died July 11, diarrliea. 115.53, Richardr-on, L, 1 artil, Co G, died Oct 27, scorbutus. 4167, Richard»on, S II, 1 artil, Co M, died July 28, diarrhea. 7546, Richard, Thomas, 20, CoB, i^ifd Sept 2, diarrhea. 22 MASSACHUSETTS. Jfo. cf 7199, Ridlara, Jamca, 19, Co C, died Aus 29, diarrhea. 106uS, RHey, II .I,3nilil. Co G^, died Oct 10, diarrhea. 864J, Kiley, M, .56, CoK, died Sept 13, anasarca. 7200, Ripley, M A, 32, Co F, died Aue 29, diarrliea, 6660, Kipiioii, Wm, 68, (Jo G-, died Aui; 'J3, scorbutus. 6166, Roacli, J, 35, Co F, died Ana; IS), marasmus. Il.'i62, Roljerls, J H, 18, Co I, died Oct 27, scorbutus. 944S, Roberts, .Joseph, 1 eav, Co K, died Sept 21, diarrliea. 12505, Roberts, L, 13, Co F; died Jan 22, '65, pleuritis. 11699, Robinson, J, 19, Co U, died Oct 31, scorbutus. 3333, Robinson, K, 27, Co F, di.'d .July 23, dysentery. 6669, Roe, Wm, 2 artil, Co II, died Aug 14, scorluitus. 4876, Roferty, John, 2, Co K, died Aug 6. diarrhea. 12393, Rome, R,l, Co 1, died Jan 4, '66, scorlmlus. 4219, Rover, F, 4, Co E, died July 29, diarrhea. 6664, Rope, A B, 11, Co I, died Aug 23, dysentery. 5330, Rowe, Asa, 1 artil, Co K. died Aug 11, lever intermittent. 11521, Rowley, Charles, 19. Co K, died Oct 26, scorbutus. 3466, RuBsell, — , 27, Co C, died July 17, fever typhoid. 9349, Kustar, R, 27. C« A, died Sept 19, diarrhea. 5987, Ruth, F, 36, Go C, died Auk 17, dysentery. 6036, Ryes, J C, 2artil, Co U, died Aug 18, scorbutus. 6275, Sabines, Edward, 19, CoK, died Aug 11, diarrhea. 9465, Samlett, P V 1, €o .\, died Sept 21, scorbutus. 8074, Sanborn, G B, 2 cav, Co B, died Sept 7, diarrhea. 392, Sanborn. T, 17, Co I), died April 6, diarrhea. 8281, Sanders, F, 2 art, Co G, died .Sept 9, dysentery. 10637. Sandwich, J, 1, Co G, died Oct 10, diarrhea. 3406,' Sanford, J D, 40, Co A, died July 16, diarrhea. 10406, Savin, J VI, 34, Co C, died Oct 6, scorbutus. 11888, Sawer, John, 33, Co F, died Kov 7, scorbutus. 4180, Sawyer, S F, 1 artil, Co B, died Jnly 28, diarrhea. 11203, Saycr, Q D, 11, Co I, died Oct 20, dysentery, 5334, Bchalster, S,'25, Co Q, died Aug 16, marasmus. 5623, Seeley, Charles H, 2 artil. Co G, died Aug 14, diarrhea. 11731, Sergeant, J C, 19, Co B, died Nov 2, scorbutus. 1133S, Shammock, 1, 19, Co U. died Oct 23, scorbutus. 6782, Shaw, Andrew, 25, Co K, died Aug 25, diarrhea. 12303, Shaw, C I,,* 16, Co E, died Dec IS, scorbutus. TS27, Shea, J, 2 art, Co H, died Sept 4. diarrhea. T4S1, Shelian, James, 2 art, Cu G, dieil Sept 1. scorbutus. 2324, Sbernian. P li, 37, Cu E, died June 23. fever intermittent. 8322, Sherwood, F. 16, Co E, died Sept 10, diarrhea. 4950, Sbindler, John, 1 art, Co I, dieil Aug 7. dianhea. 6602, Shore, J J, I, Uii F, died Aug 2J, diarrhea. 10946, Short, J, 2, Co B, died Oct 14, scorbutus. 7733, Shultes, A M. 28, Go B, died Sent 3, sccrhiUus. 10415, Shults, George, 28, Co H, died Oct C, scorbutus. 145S, Sininioads, E, 17, Co D, died May 29, diarrhea. 6957. Simons, A, 2 art. Co M, died Ana 26, scorbutus. 418G, Simpson, D 0,34, Co D, died July 23. diarrhea. 9342, Simpsiin, W, 2 art, Co H, died Sept 27, scorbutus. 6141, Sinclair, A, 1, Co G, died Aug 19, diarrhea. 1US9, Sloan, S, 20, Co K, died Oct 19, fever intermittent. 8375, Small, Z, 1 art, Co O. died Sept 11, scorbutus. :0iu4, Smalley, J II, 2, Co G, died Oct 6, scorbutus. 9, Smith, Warren, 12, Co F, died March 5, phthisis. 10256, Smith, C, 27, Co U, died Oct 8, 8corbutu.-i. 800'.', Smith, C A, 1 art, Co C, died Sept 6, fever typhoid. 4952, Bmith, D H. 1, Co I, died Aug 7, scorbutus. 12499, Smith, E, 27. Co G, died Jan 21, '65, diarrhea. 11S04, Smith, E M, 1, Co D, died Nov 4, dysentery. 7I6S, Smith, H. 57, Co D, died Aug 29, diarrhea. 74(3, Smith, J,* 20, Co E, died Sept 1, diarrhea. 967, Smith, John, 17, Co K, died May 8. diarrhea. 763S, Smith, J P, 1 art, Co A, died Sept 2, diarrhea. 5780, Smith, J H, 19, Co G, died Aug IS, debililas. 8IS4, Smith, W, 23, Co B, died Sept 8, scorbutus. 164, Smith, W H, 12, Co I, died Mar 25, phthisis. 2304, Smitli, Wm, 54. died June 22, dy,..cutery. 1274S, Smith, V, 57, Co K, died Mar 6, '65, plenritis. 374.5, Snow, W, 16, Co E. died July 21, scorbutus. 12063, Somers, F, 19, Co G, died Nov 17, diarrhea. 5316, Switzer, L, 16. Co E, died Aug 11, diarrhea. 8280, Southworth, J, 18, Co G, died Sept 9, dysentery. 2469, Sciulhworth, .John, 18, Co E, died Juno 26, dysentery. 21S8, Spalding, J, 2, Co E. died June 19, diarrhea. 12160, Spar, II, 19. Co H, died Nov 25, sccirbutin. 10342, Spellman, B F, 2 art, died Oct 4. scorbotus. 6179, Spence, David, 19, Co 1), died Aug 19^ cerebritis. 4163, Spuoner, C L, 27, €o H, died July 2S, anasarca. 5600, Spoonor, E O, 27, Co A, died Aug 14, scorbutus, 4662, Spooner, F, IS, Co A, died Ang 3, dysentery. 3397, Stalder. E P.t 17. Co K, died July 16. pneumonia. 9S73, Stauf. J. 20, Co D, died Sept'27. scorbutus. 6501, Steadson, W, 10, Co O, died Aug 22, diarrhea. 6023, Stelle, F, 1 art, Co I, died Aug 8. scorbutus. T991, Stevens, Henry. 23, Cci F, died Sept 6, scorbutus. 91S3. Stevens, N, 1, Co E. died Sept 13. anasarca. 2S8I, Stevens, Thomas, 2, Co M, died July 4, fsver typhus. 1768, Steward, J, 11, Co 11, died Jnne 9, dehlUtas. 11291, Stewart, E, 52, Co D, died Oct 22. diarrhea. 12420, Stone, F P, 2T, Co A, died Jan 9, '65. debititas. 10181, Stone, A, 2 art, Co H, died Oct 1, diarrhea. 69."i7, Sullivan, John, 18, Co A, died Aug 17, scorbutus. 74U1, Sullivan, John. 2. Co K. died Ang 31, scorbutus. 10S90, Sullivan, M, 2, Co D, died Oct 4, scorbutus. 62113, Sullivan, P, 9, died Sep S, diarrhea. 1U792, Sullivan, P, 16, Co I, died Oct 12, rheumatism. 11671, Sullivan, F, 69, Co B, died Oct 3(1, scorbutus. 127SS, Sylvester, D, 1, Co B, died Mar 17. '65, tliarrbea. 6325, Sylvester, E, 2 art. Co II. died Sept lu, diarrhea. 12063, Sylvester, J, 4, Co A, died Nov 16, scorbutus. 11957, Tabor, B, 3.^ Co C, died Nov 1], scorbutus. 10697, Tabor, F,t 16, Co E. died Oct U, scorbutus. 2067, Tairgerd, John, 17, Co E, died June 19, diarrhea. 3368, Taylor, N, 37, Co D, died July 15, scnrbutns. 2516, Taylor, Thomas, 2 cav, Co G, died June 26, dysentery. SS05, Temerts, T J,t 110, Co D, died Sept 15, scorbutus. 43S6, Tenney, William, 3, Co G, died July 31, fever typhoid. 8S12, Thayer, .1, 27, Co A, died Jnly 2.3, dysentery 8612, Thomas, J, 2 art, Co II, died Sept 13, diarrhea, 11123, Thomas, J A. 32, Co G, died Oct 19. scorbutus. 2121, Thomas, J W, 66, Co I, died June 24, diarrhea. 12627, 1 hompson, C, 1 art, Co B, died Jan 26, '65, scorbutus. 1S90, Thompson, George, 16, died June 13, pneumonia. 4536, Thompson, George, 68, Co F, died Aug 2, scorbutus. 390S, Thompson, J M, 27. Co H, died July 24. dysentery. 3696, Thompson, W W, 68, Co G, died July 19, scorbutus. 4634, Tibbett, A, 23, Co F, died Aug 8, scorbutus. 7463, Tid'any, J, 4 Co F, died Sept 1. diarrhea. 6.")49, Tihlen, A, 27, Co B, died Aug 28, diarrhea. 8898, Tillson, Chus E, 29, Co E, died July 24, diarrhea. 3649, Tooma, John, 2S, Co E, died Julv 18, diarrhea. 407, Torey, L, 12, Co II, died Apr 7, dysentery. 6019, Torrey, C L, 7, Co G, died Ang II, diarrhea. 10131, Townley, J J, 1, Co F, died Oct 1, scorhutus. 9108, Travern, W, a art, Co G, died Sept IS, diarrhea. 7860, Travis, H C.* 69, Co C, died Sept 6, diarrhea. 7996, Trescutt, W M, 15. Co I, died Sept 6, diarrhea. 8182, Turner, H, 81, CoF, died Sept 8,.fever congestive. 12161, Tuith, F, '20, Co F, died Nov 25, scorbutus. 5423, Twichell, J, 17, Co K, died Aug 12, diarrhea. 6332, Twichell, 36, Co 0, died Aug 21, dcbilitas. 9517, Usher, Samnol, 17, Co I, died Sept 22, diarrhea. 8466, Wade, A P L, 2 art. Co G, died Sopt 11. scorbutus. 5969, Waldon, William, 36, Co B, died Aug 17, diarrhea. 12444, Walker, A, 19, Co F, died Jan 12, '65, scoibntus. 8377, Wallace, P, 67, Co B, died Jnly 16, scorhutus. 11494 Walsh, M, 4, Co C, died Oct 26, dysentery. 6191, Walton, E A, 57. Co H, died Aug 10, dysentery. 8724, Walton, Nathaniel, .69, Co K, died Sept 14, scorbutus. 6304, Wanderfelt, 6, Co C, died Sept 10, diarrhea. 1733, Wardin, U, 17, Co I, died June 8, anasarca. 6217, Ware, Samuel, 1. Co H, died Aug 10, diarrhea. 8364, Wartfender. J W, 2T, Co C, died Bept 16, diarrhea, 12181, Warner, A F,* 19, Co D, died Nov 22, scorbutus. 6454, Washbume, W E, 27, Co I, died Aug 21, diarrhea. 4721, Weidan, U, 17, Co 11, died Aug 4, anasarca. 1006, Welch, Frank, 17, Co B, died May 13, diarrhea. 6224, Weldoii, Charles, 1 artil, Co D, died Ang 20, dysentery, 11796, Well's, S, 1, Co A, died Nov 14, scorbutus. 5214, Wellington, G W, 2, Co G, diad Aug 10, scorbutna, 3647, Welworth. C W, 13, CoD, died July 18, diarrhea. 8247, Werdier, W, 63, Co G, died July 13, diarrhea, 1334, West, E, 24, Co A, died May 24, rheumatism. 7002, West, J G, 1 artil, Co E. died Aug 27, dysentery, 467T, White, F, 15, Co K, died Aug 2. diarrhea, 6307, White, Joseph, 2 artil. Co G, d|ed Aug 25, dysentery, 71SS, White, Joseph, 2, Co G.died Aug 29, diarrhea, 7902, Whiting, A, 27, Co II, died Sept 5, diarrhea. 6667, Whitney, K P, 1, Co O, died Aug 26, scorbutus. 636, Whittnker, S, 17, Co D, died Apj-il 20, diarrhea. 1116, Wiggard, George, 22, Co A, died May 16, diarrhea, 6715, Wiiber, E, 27, Co G. died Aug 24, anasarca 4639, Wilcox, Allen, 14 artU. Co C. died Aug 2, diarrhea, 6519, Wilder. L E, 2, Co G, died Aug 1.3, diarrhea. 731S, Wilklns, S O, l,C.o G. died Aug 80, diarrhea. 6661, Williams, Chas, 27, Co G, died Aug 24, diarrhea, 866S, Williams, J, .68, Co 6, died Sept 13, diarrhea. 3469, Willis, C, 17, Co K, died July 17, dysentery. 7519, Wilson, J, 2 artil. Co H, died Sept 2, diarrhea. 6769, Wilson, Kob't, 34, Co A, died Aug 25, scnrJmtiis. 6742, Wilson, S, 2 artil. Co G. dleil Aug 24, fever relnlltent 10645, Wilson, W. 18. Co B, died Oct9, diarrhea, 6213, Witherill, 0, 4", Cii C, died Aug 20, diarrhea, 6433, Woodbury, B. 17, Co A, died Aug 21, dcbilitas. 6664, Woodward, W .\,27, Co B, died Aug 28, ictus soils. MICHIGAN. 23 686S, Wright. E, 27. Co B, died Auk 21, scorbutus. 628S, Wriglit, M E. 27, Go C, died Aug 20, diarrlic.i. 4923, Wymnn, II C, 2 nrlil, Co II, died Aug 6, diarrliea c. 3562, Wriglit, W M, 3 artil, Co G, died July IS. diarrliea. SsS2, Young, E, 2, died Sept 16, diarrbea. 6;K'2, Voung, O W, 2 artil, Co H, died Aug 26, diarrhea. 7162, Young, N C, I, Co I, died Aug 29, diarrhea. MICHIG-AN. 219S, Avrcs, .1 B. + 22, Co C, died .June 17, dysentery. 2247, Aclier, J, 22, Co K. died .June 20, diarrliea. 2461, Atkinson, P, 22, Co C, died .June 22, diarrhea o. 2646, Anderson, George, 23, Co E, died .lone 27. debilitas. ^■2b7, Abbi>tt, C M..5, Co E, died .Inly 13, dysentery. 4947, Anunernian, H II. 23^ Co A, died Aug 7, scorbutus. 5472, Aulger. Geo, 10, Co F, died .\ug 13, scorbutus. 5601, Ackler, W, 3 car. Co C, died Aug 14. anasarca. 6119, Austin, D.S. Co C. died Aug 19, scorbutus. C7I3, Allen, A, A. 14, Co I, died Auk 24. debllilas 9156, Anderson. I'\ 1 cav, Co G, died Se]it 16. scorbutus. 12350, Arsnoe. W. 7, C.i K. died Dec 27. diairliea, 12.571, Allen, J, 9, Co 11. died Feb 2, '65. rheumatism. 12606, Adams, A, 4, Co B, died Feb 7, '65, pleuritis. 121, Brockway, O, U, Co K. died March 23, fever typhus. 1154, Banghart, .J. 9 onv, Co G.died .M:iy 16, diarrhea c. 123S, Broman, (', 4, Co II, died May 22. paralysis. 1511, IJeckwiih, E, * 6 cav, Co I, died Mnv 81, anasarca. 1513, Bishop, <;, 27. Co F. died May 31, rl'ieumatisni. 1664, Beard, J, 6, C.i E, died June 6, diarrhea. 2(104, Bostwick, U S, * 2. Co F, died June 15, pneumonia. 2025, Bowerman. R, * 22, Co H, died June 17, diarrhea c. 2201, Bryant, Geo. 6 cav, -Co H, died June 17, dysentery. 2271, Bush, Thomas, 8, Co A, died June 2(1, diarrhea c." 230.3, Brigham, David, 22, Co D, died June 22, diarrhea o. 2331, Bowlcn. J. 27. Co E, died June 23. dysentery. 247S, Briggs, I. 6. Co E. died June 25, diarrhea c. 2595, BerT-y, Henry, 15, Co E. died Juno 2S, scorbutus. 2700, Broo, F, 2J, Co I, died June 30, diarrhea c. 2946, Bailey, John, 4 cav, Co M, died July 6, diarrhea. 31'49, Briggs, W H, 20. Co G, died July 11, diarrhea. 8215, Bibley. J, S, Co C, died July 12, diarrhea c. 3479, Branni.ck. K, 3, Co C, died July 17, diarrhea. 8517, Bru-sh, .1, 16, Co K, died July IS, diarrhea. 3531, Bradley, Geo. 17. Co B, died July 18, diarrhea c. 3591, BuUt, F, 8 artil, Co A, died July 19, diarrhea. 8777, Bohnmilier. J. 10 cav, Co H. died .luly '22, scorbutus. 379S, Beardslee, M A, t -'2, Co D, died July 22, dysentery. 4109, Billiams, Jno, 2, Co K, died July 87, diarrhea. 4389, Binder, John, 2, Co A, died Aug :!0, diarrhea c. 4395, Brown, G. 4 cav, Co E, died July 31, diarrhea. 4SU), Baker, .\, 5 cav, Co F, died Aug 5, diarrliea. 6573, Betts P, 1, Co C, died Aug 14, dysentery. 8333, BrookiDisrer. P, 7. Co D, died Sept 10, scorbutus. .5950, Bertan, I, 8 cav, Co B, died Ang 16, marasmus. 5970, Burnett, J, 7, Co 6, died Aug 17, enteritis. 001.3, Burkhart, C* 22, Co G, died Ang 17, scorbutus. 6065, Browcr, L F.* 17. Co II, died Aug IS. dysentery, 0290, Bilhey, Geo, 9, Co E, died Aug 20, scorfiutus. 63S8. Burcliam, J, 5. Co B, died Ang 'Jl, scorbutus. 6990, Burdick, Then, 6 cav, Co I, died Aug 27, diarrhea. 7143, Beirs S. IS, Co B, died Aug 29, scorbutus. 7227, Billingsby, .T. 1 battery, died Aug 29, diarrhea. 7.5.56, Bradley. B, 9 cay, Co E, died Sept 1, diarrhea. 7796, Blair, ji.lin, 7, Co E. died Sept 4, dysentery. 7932, Barr, W,t 8 cav. CoL, died Sept 5, bronchitis. 8391, Bronn, II S, 8 cav, Co K, died Sept 10, diarrhea c. 8505, Bradley, E,t 11. Co K, died Sept 12, diarrhea. SS14, Blanchard, Jas. 7. Co G, died Sept 15, scorbutus. SS69, Brown, A. 3, Co G, died Sept 15, diarrhea. 9226, Becklev, W. 1 cav, Co K, died Sept 19, wounds. 9240, Brown, H, 13. Co A, died Sept 19, scorbutus. 9805, Beebe, John.* 1, Co A, died Sept 20, diarrhea c. 94.30, Baker, John. 1 cav, Co II di.'d Sept 21, scorbutus. 9545, Birdsey, J, 7. Co D, died .''ept 23, scorbutus. 9553, Barber, J M.* 26, Co C. died Sept 23, scorbutus. 9637, Baxter. S, 6 cav, Co L, died Sept 24, scurbotus. 9S30, Batt, W II, 6 cav, Co L. died Sept 27. diarrhea c. 9554, Bunker, K R, 1, Co D. died Sept 27, sc.rbutus. 9353, Barnard, Q* 7 cav, Co M, died Sept 27, scorbutus. 9S66, Beeklcy. L, 10, Co F, died Sept 27, scorbutus. 10044, Barney, II, 17, Cu I), died Sept 29, scorbutus. 10340, Blackburn. Jss, 5, Co 6. died Oct 4, diarrhea. 10490, Bentlev, II, 24, Co I. died Oct 7, scorbutu.s. 10885, Bittman, J. 1 cav, Co C, died Oct 13. scorbutus. 11275, Baldwin, L A, 24, Co B, died Oct 22, scorbutus. 12130, Beck, G, 1 cav. Co II, died Nov 23, scorbutus. 12162, Bennett, W L. 26. Co G, died Nov 26, scorbutus. 12187, Barnett, I. 0, Co E, died Nnv 28, diarrliea. 12745, Bearvos, .M, 16, Co G, died Oct 7, diarrhea c. 34, 210, 893, 439, 593, 1U37, 1077, 1164, 1330, 1351, 1505, 1692, 1711, 1811, 1943, 2617, 3071, 3462, 3595, 3300, S9S9, 4032, 4020, 4920, 4956, 6201, 6685, 5636, 6905, 6283, 62S5, 6446, 6904, 7094, 7164, 7496, 7534, 7893, 8406, S993, y341, 1IP644, 10769, 10738, 10371, 11743, 119l!.3, 12143. 12253, 12391, 12174, 12634, 1845, 43, 19.>, 815, 716, 1270, 1292, 1296, 16S3, 2190. 2248, 2633, 2SS2, 3207, 8314, 3610, 3619, 4660, 4669, 4670, 6070, 5351, 5666, 6225, 6401, 7654, 7769, S65I, Colan, Fred, 17, Co F, died Feb 9, pneumonia. Cbilciite Jas C, 20, Co G. died Feb 23, iliiirrhea e. Chambers, J I:,t 6 cav, Co K, died April 5, diarrhea c. Cowill, Ed, 8 cav, Co G, died April 8. nephritis. Cowell. John. 10 cav, Co II, died April 15, debllitas. Conrad, Edsnn, S cav, Co G, died May 12, dysentery. Cripper, G F, 5 cav, Co C, dhd May 14, anasarca. Coastner, J D, 5 cav, Co L. died May 16, dysentery. Chapman, II, 6 cav, Co E, died May 24, pneumonia. Cameron, Jas,t 27, Co li, died May 25, scorbutus. Constank, John, 9, Co H. died May 31, diarrhea. Cronkwhite, John, 22. Co K. died June 7, diarrhea c. Cook J, 4 cav, Vo D, died June 7. diarrhea c Churchward, A It, 9, Co C, died June 10, diarrhea c. Clear, James, 22, Co F, died June 14, diarrhea c. Cil.ssick, B, 7. Co C, died June 28, dysentery. Collins, James, 5, Co I. died July 9. diaiThea e. Cartney, A. 2 cav, Co E. die3, 6, Co I. died May 2li, dysentery. 1S92, Paisley, A G, t 22, died June 13, diarrhea. 1997, Payne, P. II, G, Co I, died June 16, diarrhea c. 2533, Pilfer, J, 6 cav, Co I, died June 26, diarrhea. 8546, Pierson, Daniel, 3 cav, Co C, died July IS, diarrhea. 3594, Paimerly, J. 7 cav, Co C, died July ly, diarrhea c. 4100, Post, It L, 10, Co II, died July 27, diarrhea. 4253, Pratt, M, 22. Co E, died July 29, scorbutus. 44S6, Peltnn, A, *21, Co A, died Aug 1, pneumonia. 4662, Philbrook, F, 1 artil, died Aug 3. phthisis. 5056, Podrolf, D, 13, Co D, died Aug S, anasarca. 5546, Peck, .1 II, * 1 cav, Co D, Aug 13, anasarca. 5612, Pond, C, 1, Co I, died Aug 14; diarrhea. 5745, Pettibont, E E, 7. Co D, Aug 1.5, dysentery. 4564, Porter, L, 1 s s, Co C, died Aug 2, plithisi's. 5760, Pentecost, W G, IS, died Aug l.'i, scorbutus. 6S52, Palmer, D, 5, Co D, died Aug 16, tiiarasmus. 7889, Parks, V, 7. Co C, died Aug 31, scorbutus. 7354, Perrin, N, 8 cav, Co B, died Aug 31, fever congestive. 7960, Parks, F, 5 cav, Co E, died Sejit 6, wouniis. 819.% Pearmell. J," '23, Co H. died Sept 8, scorbutus. 8636, Pike, U H,* 2 cav, Co 0, died Sejit 13, diarrliea. 8986, Plant, Wm, 16, Co G, died Sept 16, diarrhea c. 9331, Pharrett, Wm, 22, Co D, died Sept 20, scorbutus. 11046, Piatt, R. 22, Co A, died Oct 17, scorbutus. 11177, Palmer, P, 5, Co H, died Oct 19, scorbutus. 11986, Preston. B. 7, Co K. died Nov 13, scorbutus. 12273, Plins, Wm, 6 cav, Co C, died Dec 12, scorbutus. 12409, Preston, J, 6, Co C. died Jan 7, '05, scorbutus. 12578, Pratt, L, 8 cav, Co C, died Feb 3, '66, diarrliea c. 127C2, Parinalee, C,* 8 cav, Co M, died Feb 12, '65, pleuritis. 77, Roloff, Jno, 5 cav, Co E. died Mar 20, fever typhus. 324, Kussell. Peter, '23, Co O, died Apr 2, diarrhea. 623, Kowland, K. 6, Co M, died Apr 19, diarrhea. 9'.'2, Uobinson. Wm. 2, Co II, .lie.l May 6, diarrhea. 1S04, Uhinehart, D, 5 cav, Co C, , sccirbutus, 4103, Stines, LI. 4, Co K, died July 27, diarrhea, 4311, Sprasue, B, 7 cav, Co E. died July 30, diarrhea, 4433, Sale, Tlios, 17. Co G, died July SI, anasarca. 4S59, Smith, Wn>. 17, Co II, died Anjr 6, dysentery. 5193, Swain. D, 6 cav, Co H, died Aug 10. dysentery. .')97a, Stow, George. 10, Co C, died Aug 17. enteritis. 6328, Simpson, T. 8, Co I. died Aug 21, diarrhea. 6506, Simons, A, 17, Co B. died Aug 22. diarrhea c, 6686, Smolce, II B, 0, Co H. died Aug 24. diarrhea. 7014, Sullivan, Jno, 27. Co E, died Aug 27, syphilis 7303, Sherman. Fred, 22, Co G. died Aug 30, diarrhea. 7350, Sayrrer. J M, I. Co G, died Aug 81, diarrliea. 7538, SchoficlJ, C. 27, Co G, died Sept 1, dysentery, T676, Satterley, H J, 6 cav, Co E, died Sept 2. diarrhea c. 8000, Sutherand, J, 1, Co I, died Sept 6, scorbuws. 8580 Stanuing. G W.* 5 ai til. Co G, died Sept 12. diarrhea c. 9100, Sutbph.ir. II W, 15, Co F, died Sept In diarrhea. 9469, Stewart. F, 6 cav, Co E, died Sept 21, scorbutus. 94il, Steward, W V. 6, Co E, died Sept 21, anasarca. 9629 Snyder, J, 5 cav. Co M, died Sept 24, diarrhea lOOSO, Straut, C A, 5 cav, Co F, died Sept 80. diarrhea, 10117, Spencer, George, 21, Co H, died Oct 1. scorbutus. 10264. Sammnnds. A.t 7, Co E. died Oct 3, scorbutus. 102S5, Spencer, Jno, 2, Co I, died Oct 8. scorbutus, 10417, Skull, Wm. T. Co B. died Oct 6, diarrlie-a. 10444, Simpson, J P. 22, Co A, died Oct 7, scorbutus. 1113S, Swart, M M. 3, Co F. died Oct 19, scorbutus. 11148, Swesler, C + 6, Co K, died Oct 19, scorbutns, 11234, Sutton, II, 22, Co I. died Oct 21. wounds. 11265, Strauder, A, G. Co G. died Oct 21, diarrhe-l. 11.354, Stoddard. S. 5 cav. Co F. died Oct 23, scorbutns, 1I70I, Steadman. S, 111. Co H. died Oct SO, scorbutus, 11717, Smith, S, 7, Co H. died Nov 1. scorbutus, 11773, Sickles, M, 14. Co I, died Nov 3. diarrhea e. 12020, Seeley. H. 6 oav. Co B, died Nov 16, sc.irbutus. 122.5, Spondle, C. 1 cav. Co C, died llec .5, dysentery. 13229, Sunmer, IT, 27, Co B, died Dec 6. scorbutus. 12261, Stedman. S D. 10, Co H. died Dec 11. scorbutus, 12310, South, Peter. 1 s s, Co K, died Dec 19. diarrliea. 1267S. Smith, C B. 8 cav, Co L. died Feb 19, '65. di.arrhea c. 12303, Smith, Geo, 8. Co B, died March 20, '65. diarrhea. 12254, Stickner, J, 16, Co D, died Dec 10. scerbntus. USDS. Sockem, A, 1 s s, Co K, died Oct 26, scorbutus. 11510, Springer, J, 7 cav, Co K, died Oct 26, scorbutus. 1804, Turrell, Ilenrv, 22, Co II. died May 23, diarrhea c, 2945. Tubbs, P. 7, Co K, died July 6, diarrhea. 43. Tilt, George, 2 cav, Co D, died May 24, small pox, 8498, Thatcher, E II. 6 cav, Co F. died .July IS. diarrhea, 6703, Tompkins, N E, 1, Co B, died Aug 24, diarrhea. 7009, Tift, n, 6 cav. Co M, died Aug 27. diarrhea. 7544. Thompson, W, 8, Co F, died Sept 2, diarrhea c. 7599, Tracy, D, 7 cav. Co K, died Sept 2, diarrhea. 7797, Thmiipson, M 0, 5 cav, Co I, died Sept 4, dysentery. 9103, Taylor, H, 32, Co F, died Sept 18, dysentery. llllS, Taylor, J M, 11, Co A, died Oct IS, scorbutus. 11143, Twesler, C, + 5, Co K, died Oct 19, scorbutus. 3945, Udell, tf O, 2, Co D, died July 25, diarrhea. 731, Vauderhoof, Jas, 6 cav, Co G, died April 25, dysentery. 1126, Vangieson, L. t 5 cav. Co D, died May 15, nephritis. 1467, Vogle, Jacob, 27. C'l D. died May 29, diarrhea. 2270, Van Dyke. Jiio, 6 ciiv, Co D, died June 2U, pneumonia. 2994, Van Brant, W II, 9 cav, Co K, died July 7, diarrhea c. 3273, Vanlin. C, t 6. Co F, died July 14, diarrhea. CS64, Vanshoten, W H, 6 cav, Co K, died Aug 26, diarrhea c 759,5, Vansickle. L. t 6 cav, Co G, died Sept 2. dysentery. 8958, Vanmaker, F, 16, Co G. died Sejit 15. diarrhea c, 9636, Vork. C, 5, Co K, died Sept 22, diarrhea, 9936, Vleight, A, 22, Co I), died Sept 28, scorbutus. 12166, Vanallen, C, 27, Co K, died Nov 26, dysentery. 12690, Vincient, J, 8, Co K, died Feb 22, '65, diarrhea c. 340, 'Whittaker. J, 7, Co B, died April 2, diarrhea. 733, Wliipple. 6, 4, Co A, died April 26, diarrhea. 741, Wilson, Bvion, 5 cav, Co D, died April 26. diarrhea. 749, "Wright, Wm A. 7, Co K, died Apiil 26, dysentery c. 957, Wilson, J. 22, Co K. died May 8, dysentery. 2102, Wilson, W, 11, Co I. died June 17, diarrhea c. 4961. Winegardner. A S, 1 cav, Co K, died Aug 7, dysentery. 12723, White, C, 6, Co F, died March 8. '68, diarrhea c. 12796, Whitmore. C. 8 cav, Co M, died March IS, '65, scorbutus. C7S1, Wiley, E T, * 1, Co E, died Aug 25, dysentery. 749, Wright. Wm A, 7, Co K, died April 26. dysentery c 10S9, Woolsev, Iv, 22. Co E, died May 14, diarrhea c. 1701, Walker', J, 22. Co C. died June 7, diarrhea. 1920, Wolf. F, 13, Co E, died June 14, diarrhea. 8301, Wentdarbly. 6, Co G, died July 14, diarrhea c. 2399, Whitlock, M, 2, Co B, died July 6, scorbutus. 81S0, Willet, S, t 23, Oo K, died July 11, dysentery, 3269, Wright, W, 6 cav, Co K. died July 13, diarrhea. 3437, Wolverton, C. 6, Co B, died July 17, dysentery. 8992, Woodruff. II, 1 cav, Co E, died July 26, diarrhea, 4419, Warren, H, 4, Co B. died July 31. ditirrhea. 4860, Walker, Geo, 22, Co G, died Aug 6, scorbutus. 6051, Williams, M, 1, Co A, died Aug 8, diarrhea. 57S6, Williams, T. 2 cav, Co L, died Aug 15, diarrhea. 1132:f, WolBnger, J M. 20, Co H, died Oct 23, scorbutus. 12307, Windlass. S, 8 cav, Co K, died Dec IS. scorbutus. 6559, Warner, C, 6, Co F, , died Nov 12, scorbutus. 4366, Bradford, D B, 7 arlil, Co B, died July 31, dysentery. 5232, Bradlev, John, 69, Co K, died Aug 10, diarrhea. 16685, Bradshaw, R,* 120, Co E, died Aug 24, diarrhea. 12219, Brady, J, 140, Co E, died Dec 4, scorbutus. 3979, Bragg, J C, 2 cav, Co E, died July 26, diarrhea. 12263, Brain, Wm, 5 artii, Co B, died Dec 12, diarrhea. 7704, Brandon, 0, 15 artii, Co A, died t^ept 3, diarrhea. ISOO, Breny, James, 178, Co K, died June 10, diarrhea c. .')134, Brewer, Fred, S9, Co C, died Aug 9. diarrhea. 116S5, Brewer, Henry,t 2 cav, Co G, died Oct 31, diarrhea c. 10221, Brewer, J S, 6, Co B, died Oct 2, sorbutus. 1365, Brewer, S, 15, Co K, died May 25, diarrhea c. 519, Brewer, Thomas, 111, Co F, died April 13, diarrhea. 9690, Brianl, I, A, 146, Co B, died Sept 24, diarrhea a. 8116, Bright, 104, Co C, died Sopt S, scorbutus. 11627, Brightiuan, E, 7, Co U, died Oct 28, scorbutus. 8415, Brill, C, 140, Co F, died Sopt 11, diarrhe.a. 6953, Brink C, 109, Co K, died Aug 26, gangrene. 9787, Britan^ky, J, 62, Co E, died Sept 26, diarrhea c. 2997, Brobst, J, 52, Co B, died July 7, diarrhea a. 8148, Brock, VT, 70, Co F, died Sept 18, scorbutus. 6882, Broder.H, 76, Co F, died Aug 26, diarrhea. 12002, Brogaii, J M, 85, Co B, died Nov 14, scorbutus. Brooks, William, * 10 cav, Co E, died May 24, diarrhea. Brott, Anthony, 1 cav, Co K, died May 19*, anasarca. Broscang, C, 150, Co C, died Sept 27, scorbutus. Brought, Charles, 14 artii, Co I, died Sept 1, scorbutus. Broughten, H, 77, Co H, died March 16, pleuritis. Brown, A, 140, Co K, died Oct 11, scorbutus. Brown, B M, 85, Co I, died Aug 13, scorbutus. Brown, C, 103, Co C, died July 27, bronchitis. Brown, C, 66, Co K, died Sept 23, scorbutus. Brown, C, 39, Co H, died Nov 10, scorbutus. Brown, C, 1 Cav, Co M, died Nov 8, diairhea c. Brown, Charles, 97, Co F, died Aug 23, diarrhea. Brown, D, 118, Co B, died Sept 1, diarrhea c. Brown, E G, 7 .artii, Co L, died July 20, pneumonia. Brown, G H, 85, Co H, died Sept 24, diarrhea. Brown, G H, 63, Co C, died Sept 6, diarrhea. Brown, H, 72, Co C, died June 25, diarrhea. Brown, H, 12 cav, died June 12, dysentery. Brown, II, * 39, Co F, died Aug SO, scorbutus. Brown, J, 125, died Juue 13, diarrhea. Brown, J, 16, Co C, Sept 3, diarrhea. Brown, James, 4 cav, Co E, died Aug 24, dysentery. Brown, .James, 170, Co K, died Aug 24, debilitas. Brown, .John, 66, died Sept 1, dianbea. Brown, William. 6, Co D, died Sept 2, dysentery. Brown, Warren, 120, Co K, died April 14, diarrhea. Brown, William, 42, Co A, died April 8, anasarca. Brosmire, Thomas, 15, Co E, died Aug 31, scorbutus. Brumaghin, T, 125, Co E, died June 2, diptheria. Bryant, D, 179, Co B, died Aug 1, diarrhea. Br.vaiit, H, 82, CoF, died Aug 30, anasarca. Brvan, Wra, 1 cav, Co I, died Bept 3, scorbutus. Buck, 24, Co H, died July 23, diarrhea, r.uckbier, J, 7 artii, Co F, died Sept 28, diarrhea c. Buckley, W, 122, Co D, died Oct 10, scorbutus. Buel, G W, 116, Co E, died Aug 15, scorbutus. Buel, S, 42, Co B, died April 2.'debilitas. Buftman, L, 1 100, Co K, died ,Tan 8, '65, dysentery. Bulkley, E A, 97, Co E, died Sept 2, diarrhea c. " Burlield, C, citizen, died Jan 22, 'Co, pleuritis. Bullier, Wm, 23 cav, Co B, died Aug 17, marasmus. Bullock, E, * 85, Co E, died Sept 24, scurbntus. Bundy, Joseph, 7 artii, Co B, died July 28, diarrhea c. Bunn, W H, 132, Co F, died April 14, pneumnuia. Bunnell, W, 69, Co C, died Se\)t 27, scorbutus. Burbanks, J, 85, Co D, died Aug 22, dysentery. Burdick, A, 85, Co C, died Oct 14, scorbutus. Burdick, C, 47, Co F, died May 9, dysentery. Burdick, Samuel, 126, Co A, died June 18, diarrhea c. Burdock, L, 22 cav, Co L, died Sept 4, diarrhea c. Burleigh, L, 6 artii, Co F, died Sept 29, scorbutus. Burley, C, 3, Co B, died Jan 4, '66, diarrhea. Burns, E J, 1 13 cav, Co D, died April 19, ascites. Burns, John, 40, Co I, died April 9, dysentery. Bnrns, John, 99, Co H, Mav 6, fever intermittent. Burns, J, 118, Co F, died Nov 6, diarrhea. Burns, W, 3 cav, Co C, died Sept 14, fever typhus. Burns, Daniel, 6 artii, Co D, died Aug 17, cerebritis. Burr, H, 69, Co C, died Aug 30, diarrhea c. Bursha, Thomas, 2 artii, Co M, died Aug 19, mar-asmns. Burshen, F, 54, Co C, died July 11, scorbutus. Burt, J, 2 cav, Co A, Julv 4, .lebilitas. Burton, G E, 85, Co K, d'ied Aug 29, dysentery. Burton, Henry, 140, died March''29, diarrhea. Buserman, E, 97, Co E, died Aug 16, enteritis. Bush, E, 20, Co D, died Aug 22, diarihca. Bushnell, A, 65, Co D, died May 27. diarrhea c. Bushan, J R, 132, Co G, died April 11, pueunionia. Bushley, Wm, ♦ 6 artii, Co A, Oct 23, scorbutus. Buskiik, A, 47, Co A, died May 25, diarrhea c. Buskirt, O, 13^ died June 15, diarrhea a. Butler, Thomas, 132, Co G, died April 25, diarrhea. Butler, W, 43, Co D, died July 28, dysentery. Butoff, R, 1 124, Co C, died Feb 13, '65, diarrhea c. Butler, James, 2 cav, Co D, died Oct 13, '65, scorbutus. Butter, P, 126, Co D, died Sept 19, diarrhea c. Button, James, 24 artii, Co B , died Aug 16, dysentery. Butts, A, 111, Co C, died .July 17, diarrhea. Byron, J, ♦ 69, Co A, died Sept 26, diarrhea c. Burke, W H, 120, Co I, died May 19, diarrhea a. Burk, John, 69, Co K, dic'd Aug 10, dysentery. Brower, John A, 5 artii, Co D, died Oct 17, diarrhea. 1324, 1221, 9S38, 7617, 51, 10668, 5.'J38, 4112, 9556, 11953, 1192S, 6623, 7601, 3659, 9674, 79.S5, 2465, 1S79, 7266, 1887, 7658, 6655, 6691, 7526, 7615, 652, 428, 7390, 1569, 4475, 7248, 7668, 3S14, 9976, 105S5, 6714, 331, 12417, 7567, 12509, 6963, 9642, 4137, 540, 9870, 6452, 10924, 978, 2134, 7838, 10016, 12389, 619, 477, 924, 118S1, 8745, 6991, 7247, 6171, 3165, 2875, 7214, 217, 6847, 6457, 1416, 487, 11366, 13C0, 2047, 721, 4183, 12661, 10848, 9235, 6805, 3446, 9790, 1224, 5196, 1073, 12190, Cademus, C, 48, Co A, died June 19, anasarca. 0765, Cady, George, 66, Co G, died Oct 12, scorbutus. 12377, Cady, J, 77, Co E, died Juno 23, diarrhea 0721, Cady, J J. 14, Co H, died Oct 11, scorbutus. 3062, Cain, M, 132. Co E, died July 9, diarrhea .a. 2136, Cale, J, 85, Co G, died June 18, diarrhea a. 19040, Caldham, L C, 8 cav, Co L, died Sept 17, scorbulu 11807, Caldwell, A, 42, Co A, died Nov. 4, scorbutus. 1530, Caliiig, Ed, 7, Ce B, died Oct 26, scorbutus. 32 NEW YORK. Ho. of OroTc. 9706, Caltina, S V, 120, Co D, died Sept. 25, BcorbutUB. 8411, Callbrook, J, 147, Co B, died Sept 11, anasarca. 2848, Cameron, .John, 1 cav, Co II, died July 4, diarrhea. 1770, Camp, 11, 2 cav, Co. F, died .June 9, diarrhea c. 1238, Campbell, D, 8 cav, Co H, died May 20, anasarca. 7238, Campiiel:, .T, 99, Co I, died Aug 20, scorbutus. 946, Campljell, L R, 104, Co B, died May 7, dysentery. 8793, Campbell, M, 169, Co K, died Sept 15, scorbutus. 11294, Campbell, "W, 2, Co C, died Oct 22, scorbutus. 737S, Camybcll, 'William, 76, Co B, died Aua 31, diarrhea. 12178, Card, A, 152, Co C, died Nov 27, scorbutus. 6034, Card. G, 109, Co F, died Aug 8, scorbutus. 8136, Carboines, Vf* 39, Co C, died Sept 8, diarrhea. 6433, Cardon, E, 115, Co A, died Aut: 22, dysentery. 7555, Carey, D, 5T, Co A, died Sept 2, diarrhea c. 11512, Carey, F, 65, Co E, died Oct 28, scorbutus. 372, Carl," -Joseph, 14, Co A, died April 5, diarrhea. !;545, Carl, L, 120, Co G, died Aug 13, catafrh. 12339, Carlo, , 1 cav, Co D, died Dec 20, scorbutus. 12268, Carmac, F, 2, Co D, died Dec 12, scorbutus. 7655, Carmer, Andrew, 85, Co B, died Sept 3, anasarca. 11640, Carney, M, 9 cav, Co L, died Oct 30, scorbutus. 8470, Carueban, Charl6,=, 24 battery, died Sept 11, scorbutus. 5258, Carney, D ,T, 132, Co G, died Aug 10, dysentery a. 9379, Canxy, Francis, 2 artil, Co C, died Sept 27, iliarrhea. 3102, Carn.s, P, 13 cav, Co B, died July 10, diarrhea. 10806, Carpenter, Frank, 7 art, Co C, died Oct 12, scorbutus. 6854, Carpenter, G, 7, Co D, died Sept 15, diarrhea c. 4632, Carpenter, H A, 2 Art, Co A, died Aug 3, diarrhea. S916, Carpenter, L, 2 artil, Co B, died July 25, diarrhea c. 3977, Carpeuter, M B, 85, Co B, died July 26, diarrhea. 6743, Carr, Andrew, 22, died Aug 24, dysentery. 3859, Carr, D, 25, Co B, died July 24, diarrhea c. 581, Carr, F,* 3 artil, Co K, died April 16, diarrhea. 6470, Carr, Ge(frge A, 3 artil, Co K, died Aug 22, diarrhea c. 5073, Carr, Wiliram, 125, Co K, died Au^ 14, scorbutus. 6304, Carr, William, 97, Co E, died Aug 20, ganerene. 4139, Carroll, James, 69, Co A, died July 28, diarrhea. 10293, Carroll, P,* 95, Co E, died Oct 4. scorbutus. 2061, Carroll, F. 132, Co F, died June 16, dysentery. 12015, Carroll, W, 42. Co. D, died Nov 15, scorbutus. 8563, Carson, J G, 100, Co B, died Sept 12, scorbutus. 8023, Cart, M A, 118, Co F, died Sept 6, diarrhea. 19S7, Carter, A, 146, Co E, died June 15, bronchitis. 6212, Carter, Ed,* 7 artil, Co A, died Aug 10, scorbutus. 6433, Carson, E, 115, Co A, died Aug 22, dysentery. 11640, Carney, M, 9 cav, Co L, died Oct 30, scorbutus. 8479, Case, .V F, 8 cav, Co A, died Sept 11, scorbutus. 8377, Case, E, 8 cav, Co M, died Sept 10, scorbutus. 6296, Case, H J, 12 cav, Co A, died-Aua 20, scorlmtus. 3832, Casey J, 100, Co G, died July 23, diarrhea. 5271, Casey, P, 174, Co A, died Auc; 10, scorbutus. 8421, Cassells, Samuel, 52, Co D, died Sept 11, scorbutus. 2643, Cassiiie John S, 24 battery, died June 29, pneumonia. 1177, Castano, J, 104, Co II, died May 16, diarrhea o. 104S2, (;ashel, C, 7 anil, Co I, died Oct 7, diarrhea c. 1785, Castle, J W, 147, Co H, died June 10, diarrhea a. 6128, Castle, William, 1 artil, Co E, died Aug 19, dysentery. 1534, Cavanaugh, John, 146, Co H, died June 1, anasarca. 2971, Ceaser, D, 7 artil, Co B, died July 7, diarrhea c. 1486, Centre, A, 16, Co A, died May 29, diarrhea c. 9632, Chaffe, 11 A, 5 cav, Co II, died Sept 24, scorbutus. 11101, Chamljers, J, T40, Co F, died Oct 18, debilitas. 6557, Chambers, J, 147, Co E, died Aug 23, diarrhea a, 5S60, Chamberlain, C, 154, Co D, died Aug 16, marasmus. 4768, Champlln, W, S5, Co E, died Aug 5, diarrhea. 4726, Chape], A, 85, Co D, died Aug 4, diarrhea. 5-478, Chapel, R, 6 cav, Co A, died Auu 13, diarrhe.a. 5831, Chappeli, A, 39, Co E, died Aug 16, enteritis. 10748, Ch.ippell, E, 76, Co K, died Oct 12, diarrhea c. 3222, Chapii), F, 24 cav, Co A, died July 12. 3286, Chapman, J, 85, Co K, died July 14, fever remittent. 1593, Chase, A, 111, Co H, died June 3, diarrhea c. 4856, Chase, D, 98, Co 1, died Aug 6, scorbutus. 6469, Chase, N F, 86, Co K, died Aug 13, diarrhe.a. 7450, Chase. S M, 4 artil, Co D, died Sept 1, diarrhea. 2157, Chatbrim, H, 24 battery, died June IS, fever intermittent. 8033, Chatman, C, 6 artil, Co I, died Sept 6, diarrhea. G663, Chatman, S M, 2 Co F, died Aug 23, dvsenlcry. 9919, Chalterton, J, 95, Co B, died Sept 23, scorbutus. T865, Chacnon, E, 12 cav, Co F. died Sept 5, fever typhus. 7189, Chesiey, P S, 10 cav, Co G, died Aug 29, scorbutus 7639, Chestey, John, 174, Co G, died Sept 2, diarrhea c. 10680, Cbickchcster, C H, 67, Co I, died Oct 11, dysentery. 6317, Chllds, A, 85, Co 1, died Aug 20, diarrhea. 4141, Childs. Wm, 73, Co A, died July 2S, diarrhea. 11555, Chile, H», 47, Co E, died Oct 27, scorbutus. 10612, Christy, J, 1 diag, Co I, died Oct 10, scorbutus. 5824, ChurcK, C L, 5 cav, Co C, died Aug 16, marasmus. 5413, Church, F M, 2 cav, Co D, died Aug 12, diarrhea c. 4257, Churchill, C, 99, Co I, died July 29, diarrhea c. 3449, Clanccv, Robert, 164, Co E, died July 17, diarrhea. 2114, Clark, A, 85, Co E, died June 17, diarrhea c. 6167, Clark, Charles, 12 cav, Co F, died Aug 9, fever typhus. 2947, Clark, K, 8 cav, Co B, died July 6, dysentery a. 12114, Clark, J, 8 cav, Co K, died Nov 21, scorbutus. 12403, Clark, J B,t 7 .artil, Co I-, died Jan 6, '65, scorbutus. 2154, Clark, John, 48, Co D, died June 18, diarrhea a. 11304, Clark, L, luo, Co G, died Oct 22, scorbutus. 10611, Clark, P, 42, Co B, died Oct 10, scorbutus. 6802, Clemens, A, 15 cav, Co F, died Aug 15, diarrhea. 6909, Clemments, H, 65, Co F, died Aug 26, diarrhea. 11028, Clcever, W. 43, Co F, died Oct 16, diarrhea c. S13, Clitlbrd, Charles, 16, Co B, died April 30, diarrhea c. 740, Cliflbrd, George, 132, Co K, died April 20, dysentery. 6494, Ciine, B, 86, Co K, died Aug 22, scorbutus. 11437, Cline, J W, 85, Co K, died Oct 24, scorbutus. 12021, Cline, S M, 1 drag, Co II, died Nov 16, scorbutus. 9721, Cline, W, 76, Co F, died Sept 25, diarrhea. 6243, Ciiuirman, J, 160, Co L, died Aug 20, scorbutus. 12471, CImton, R, 102, Co D, died Jan l7, '65, diarrhea. 1497, Clute, H V, a* battery, died May 31, anasarca. 6955, Clyem, J P, 147, Co B, Aug 17, dianhea c 7343, Coanas, W, 7.3, Co D, died Aug 31, wounds. 5365, Coburn, C, 123, Co E, died Aug 11, fever remittent. 10129, Coburn, A, HO, Co H, died Oct 1, anasarca. 933, Coddington, Wm, 99, Co H, died May 7, dysentery. 7992, Cochran, John, 126, Co K, died Sept 6, diarrhea. 11775, Cochran, M, 42, Co A, died Nov 3. scorbutus. 9237, Cochson. .J, 140, Co C, died Sept 19, diai-rhea. 10661, Cogger, M, 125, Co B. died Oct 11, scorbutus. 3716, Cogswell, L, 6 anil, Co M, died July 21, dianhea. 10062, Cole, E B, 14 artil, Co B, died Sept 30, scorbutus. 8456, Cole, George, 12 cav. Co A, died Sept 11, diariliea c. 6241, Cole, John J, 5 cav, Co M, died Aug 20, scorbutus. 5890, Cole, M, 15 artil, Co M, died Aug 16, diarrliea c. 4142, Cole, R 8, 152, Co H, died July 28, pleuriti.s. 11589, Cole, F, 109, Co K^ied Oct 28, scorbutus. 4519, Cole, Wm, 61, Co U, died Aug 2, diarrhea, 7855, Coleby, A, 1 cav, Co M, died Sept 5, dysentery. 10563, Coleman, I, 2 artil, Co I, died Oct 9, scorbutus. 3070, Collins, A, 98, Co B, died July 9, diarrhea c. 7657, Colwell, D Ct, 2 artil, Co E, died Sept 2, scorbutus. 6743, Colwell, J, 120, Co A, died Aug 15, diarrhea. 6909, Comstock, G E, 2 .artil, Co .A, died Aug 27, diarrhea o. 3609, Condon, Thomas, 22 cav, Co F, died July 18, pneumonia, 4320, Cone, R, 8, Co A, died July 30, dysentery. 9619, Conely, .lohn, 125, Co K, died Sept 23, diarrhea. 6528, Conely, Pat, 164, Co G, died .\ue 13, diarrhea. 8919, Conger, James,* 49, Co A, died Sept 18, scorbutus. 11347, Corvier, Charles, 1 cav, Co C, died Oct 25, scorbutus. 2160, Conkin, A, 69, Co A, died June 19, diarrhea c. 10699, Conlin, Daniel, 6, Co A, died Oct U, diarrhea c. 11513, Connell, T, 139, Co C, died Oct 26, scoi-butus. 2033, ConTiellv, F, 62, died June 15, diarrhea c. 10006, Coimcrs, E, 43, Co D, died S.-pt 29, scorbutus. 4025, Connor, Henry, 52, Co D, died July 26, dysentery a. 936, Conners, John, 99, Co D, died May 7, diarrhea c. 7S42, Casgrove, F, 76, Co H, died Sept 4, debilitas. 11093, Cook, C H, 6 cav, Co E, died Oct 18, scorbutus, 11240, Cook, George, 66. Co E, died Oct 21, scoibutus. 7485, Cook, G W, 146, Co E, died Sept 1, dysentery. 5228, Coombs, B, 69, Co. A, died Aug 10, diarrhea. 10626, Coombs, J, 96, Co I, died Oct 10, scorbu'us. 2196, Coons, F, 52, Co B, died June 19, diari-hea .a. 11418, Coon, George F, 65, Co K, died Oct 24, scorbutus. 3692, Cooney, F, 14, Co G, died July 21, dysenteiy. 10723, Cooney, T, 82, Co E, died Oct 11, diarrhea c 6816, Cooper, James, 22 cav, Co G. died Aug 16, diarrhea c, 12274, Cooper, N, 22 cav, Co F, died Dec 13, scorbutus. 1150, Copeland,.!, 106, Co I, died May 16, diarrhea. 1778, Corbit, B F,t 24, battery, died June 9, dysentery. 10529, Corbit, John, 64, Co C, died Oct 8, scorbutus. 6082, Corless, R, 7, artil, Co E, died Aug 24, diarrhea. 7182, Cornelius, -J, 12 cav, Co F, died Aug 29, dysentery. 1995, Coroy, P, 99, Co A, died June 15, diari'hea o. 6729, Corrall O B, 1 cav, Co D, died Aug 24, dysentery. 11331, Correli, P. 100, Co C, died Oct 23, scorbutus, 11347, Corrier, Chae, 1 cav, CoC, died Oct 23, scorbutus. 7471, Costin, J, 22 cav, Co C, died Sept 1, diarrhea c. 12767, Corselman, G, 162, Co K, died March 13, '65, diarrhea o. 7786, Cottin, Z T, 85, Co E, dieii Sept 4, anasarca. 5329, ('ountryraan, 120, Co .\, died Aug 11, dysentery. 3899, Conrtnev, W. 12 cav, Co A, died July 24, diarrhea c. 8976, Cowen, J, 4, Co I, died Sept 17, diarrhea c. 7068, Cox, D, 1 cav, Co H, died Aug 28, scorbutus. 7676, Coy, John II, 1 cav, Co L, died Sept 3, diarrhea. 11158, Coyne, M, 98, Co B, died Oct 19, scorbutus. 7274, Co/.in, J, 82, Co K, died Aug 30, dysentery. 3691, Craft, B, 48, Co D. died July 21, d:iarHiea. 8221, Craig, J, 139, Co H, died Sept 8, dysentery. 8328, Crandall, D, 85, Co E, died Sept 10, dysenteiy. NEW YORK. S3 Grave. 8399, 2960, a061, 334, 3432, 12W9, S783, lUTl, 2311, 2^22. 5S60J ^W4, S095, S3S4. 2273, 11297, 5993, 7159, 41)9, S9Gi;, 1 1269, S476, 6721. 1447, 1204, 3027, 445S, ■ 9640, i«ll, 124:j4, 4S46, 8193, SOoO, 10741, 3.J77, 11122, 6599, 1480, CWl, 8096, 6726, 5083, 7562, 6404, 0391. 6037, 13S3, 7070, S0S9, 901, 12052, 6129, 7894, 11S17, 10241, 10018, 5338, 3866, 9400, 2305, 10523, 9958, 3660, 7505, 1055.5, 12320, 7059, 7935, 4400, 4914, 02S:5, 12074, 12228, 7261, 11208, 12271, 5089, 10103, 8761, 9592, 7278, 7623, 9930, 1489, 4099, 13257, 7461, 13259, 2320, 0324, Crandall, .T,* ,S3, Co C, died Sept 10, diniThea. Cr:iiul:ill, K. 115, Co I, died .Tuiy 0, sorbulus. Crandle, J F, 120, Co K, died Juiy 9, fever typhus. Craven, J, 134, Co K, died April 2, dyeentery. Cra-\\-tord, .Tohli, 61, Co 15, d cd Ju'y 17, diarrliea c. Criiimai!, 8, 2. Co K. died Feb 13, '65, >-eorbutns CrisBiiiati, .]i>seph, 140, Co F, died Sept 14, Bi'urbiitiis. Crine, C, cav, Co K, died Oet 26, MC.'rbntii,a. Critiweil, .J, 12, c:vv. Co F, died June 22, diurrlie.i a. Crocljer, J,Jfe, Co E, died .July 3, diarrhea. Croiuark, J^77, Co B, diedWVus: 16, diarrhea e. Crom^ter, .la]jieR,t 14, Co Ivdi'd .Jiiae 29, diarrliea. Cromwell, T, 6 ariil, died Sept 14, scorbulus. Crosby, ?-f, 24 battery, died -Jnly 14, fever t\phu.a. CrousV, George, 24 I'atterv, died dune 21, dy,seiitery, C'rowl-y, S, 2, IS, Oct 22, jianhea c. Cull, S, 14, Co K, died Aug 17, tuarasmus. Cuiljert, Will, 39, CoD, died Auk 20, diiirrhea. CuKer N L, 24 battery, died July 28, diarrhea. Curaiiiin:'-, 22, Co B, died Sept 16, diarrhea c. Crou F, 115, Co D, died Oct 21, scorbutus. Cunniijgham, J, 170, Co E, died Aug 13, diarrhea. Cunnini^hain J. 42, Co I, died Aus 24, debilitas. CuniiiaihaiM, ^VIn, 45, Co B, died May 29, diarrhea c. Curley, F, 126, Co K, died May 19, scortiulud. CurreV, .Tolr.i, 146, Co B, died July 20^ diarrhea. Cu^ternian, F, 47, Co G-, died Au-^ 1, diarrhea. Cme, A, 8 cav, Co A, died Sept 22, diarrhea. Cutler, C F,* 2. Co G-, died Sept 23, diarrhea. Cutler. J r, 99, Co B, died Jan 11, '65, diarrhea. Cutler, "Win, 59, Co B, died Aui,' 6, diarrhea. Daher, G, 66, Co I), died Sept 8, diarrhea. Daley, T, 42, Co I, died Sept 13„ pueumonia. D.ami.n, J D, 7 artil, Co K, died Oct 11, sc jrl)Utu3. Dailev. Win, 6 cav. Co I, died July 19, Bcorbutua, Daniels, W O, 76, Co K, died Oct 18, scorbutus. Darat!, Lonie, 111, Co G, «iied Auir 14, catarrh, Daly, .johu, 99, Co S, di,d May 30,"anasarca, Dawson, J, 47, Co K, died Aug 23, diaiThea a, D.irley, J,t 14 artil, Co D, died Sept 7. diarrhea c. Darling, G H, 18 cav, Co F, died Aug 24, dysentery. Darling, J. 4, cav, Co C, died Aug 8, diarrhea. Dan, Charles W, 85, Co C, died Sept 2, dy.uane, T, 95, Co E, died Sept 13, diarrhea. 8453, Dritman William, 42, Co C, die.l Sept, 11, dian-hea c. 0905, Duble, Henry, 61, Co F, died Aug 26, dysentery. 6087, Dule Levi, 5, Co B, died Aug 18, diarrhea. 10948, Duger, P, 67, Co A, died Oct 14, scorbutus. 11104, Dunham, R, 14 artil, Co G, died Oct 18, dysentery. 7621, Dunn J, 40, Co G, died Sept 2, diarrhea c, 8244, Dunn, L H, 60 Eng, Co E, died Sept 9, diarrhea. 5732, Dunn, .lames, 88, Co D, died Aug 15, scorbutus, 1696, Dunn, J II, 99, Co I, died June 7, diarrhea c. 10948, Dwire, P, 67, Co A, died Oct 14, scorbutus, 123, Dunbar, Thomas, 2, C'o F, died March 23, fever typhtin. 3-234, Dunn, M, 99, Co I, died July 12. 919, Dui.u, Owen, 120, Co U, died May 6, diarrhea. 1033, Dunn, Pat, 149, Co A, died May 11, anasarca. 3584, Dunning, Wni, 132, Co G, died July 19, dysentery. 2972, Duiisham, Abr, 120, Co C, died July 7, iliarrhea c. 7654. Durand, H, 82, Co K,died Sept 2, scorbutus. 4832, Durand, James E, 10 cav, Co E, died Aug 6, diarrhea c. 9716, Dyer, S, 7 artil. Co D, died July 27, diarrhea. 4086, Dyer, John S, 10 cav, Co M, died Sept 25, scorbutus. 3574, Dykeman, D, 22 cav, Co F, died July 19, pneumonia. 12271, Dmiaram, John, 108, Co F, died Dec 12, scorbutus. 9033, Earl C, 86, Co D, died Sept 17, scorbutus. 2443, Earl, H, 174, Co H, died .June 25, diarrhea c. 8'203, Eastern, Thos, 5 cav, Co L, died July 12, diarrhea. 3919, Eastman. Wm, 10, Co C, died July 25. scorbutus. 4239, Easton, E E, 52, Co F, died July 29, diarrhea. 4410, Eastwood, E, 24 b.attery, died July 31, diarrhea c. 7440, Kber, James, 76, Co B, died Sept 1, dysentery. 356'2, Edmonds, L, 5 cav, Co M, died July 18, dysenteiy. 34 NEW YORK, 4288, Edwards S, 62, Co F, died July 30, diarrhea. 7309, Edsen, John, 64, Co D, died Aue 30, diarrhea. 7850, Edsi'n, "W, 105, Co E, dit^d Sept 5, scorbutus. 2728, Egan, .John, 125, Co D, died .July 1, di.urhea o. 9454, Egerlon, U, 14 artil, Co L, died Sept 20, diarrhea. 2319, Efber^on, J. 10 cav, Co E, died June 21, brODchitia. 7420, Eldery, B, 146, Co E, died Auc 31, diarrhe.l. 6507, Eldred, H, 125, Co K, died Aug 22, diarrhea o. 3597, Eldred, I, 70, Co F, died July 19, diarrhea. 10339, Ellis. J, 2, Co H, died Oct 4, scorbutus. 12071, Ellis, P M, 2, Co E, died Xov 17, scorbutus. 9736, Ellis, C, 85, Co G, died Sept 25, diarrhea. 7204, Ellis, R H, 7ii. Co F, died Au^ 29, diarrhea. 8960, Elliott, F P, 76, Co B, Sept 16, scorbutus. 6163, Elliolt, L, 3 cav, Co I, died Sept S, fever intermittent. 1107, Ehis, William, 119, Co F, died May 18, diarrliea o. 3626, Ell',Perrv, 106, Co I, died July 18, sccirhutuc. 8274, Ellison, Vf, 95, Co F, died Sept 9, diarrhea. 6343, Elster, James, 7 artil, Co E, died Aug 21, diarrhea. 9564, EUvell, W, 47, Co B, died Sept 23, scorbutus. 8152, Emery, C Z,» 48, Co G, died Sept S, scorbutus. 6096, Eiigal, W, 39, Co B. died Aug 18, scorbutus. 90S6, English G, 7 cav, Co I, died Sept 18, diarrhea. 9961, E;.ih, Joliu, 7 artil, Co E, died Sept 28, di.arrbea. 2454, EiiBli'v, W H, 2 cav, Co EC, died .Juno 25, dysentery a. 10375, Er.^t, j, 51, Co H, died Oct 4, scorbutus. 2731, Ethear, J, 13 cav, Co E, died July 1, diarrhea c. 9469, Evans, Franklin, 140, Co D, died Sept 21, scorbutus. 12365, EvauB, L, 7 artil, Co I, died Dec 31, scorbutus. 6786, Evens, B, 66, Co B, died Aug 25, diarrhea. 6429, Everett, J, 58, Co K, died Aug 22, diarrhea c. 1126:3, Everly, G,108, Co I, died Oct 21, diarrhea. 11362, FaL'gerty. C, 2 cav, Co C, died Oct 23, scorbutus. 1622, Fallam, Pat, 3 artil, Co K, died Juue 3, diarrbea. 11576, Famclc, E, 43, Co D, died Oct 28, scorbulus. 7666, Fairfax, Charles, 111, Co A, «ed Sept 3, diarrhea. 12091, Farland T, 6, Co I, died Nov 19, diarrhea, 11247, Ifarley, W, 14 artil, Co F, died Oct 21. diarrhea c. 10259, Farrell, James, 100, Co C, died Oct 3, scorbutus. 6840, Earn, C. 169, Co G, died Aus 16, scorbutus. 6946, Fairman, II B, G artil, Co M, died Aug 17, scorbutus. 6995, Fawry, John, 2 artil, Co C, died Aug 27, diarrhea c. 7415, Face, J, 115, Co E, died Aug 31, diarrhea. 10057, Fareclougli, R, 2, Co F, died Sept 30, scorbutus, 9009, Ferris, C, 100, Co E, died Sept 23, scorbutus. 8439, Ferris, Robert, 14 artil. Co 1, died Sept 3, scorbutus. 3452, Ferris, John, 6, Co E,died July 17, diarrhea. 4760, Felter, F, 69, Co C, died Aug 5, dysentery. 7260, Ferguson, H 0, 14, Co C, died Aug 30, diarrhea. 7498, Ferguson, M, 39, Co G, died Sept 1, diariliea. 7412, Felton, George, 164, Co C, died Aug 31, diarrhea. 8407, Fe.asel, U, 7 artil, Co B', died Sept 3, dysentery. 9779, Ferguson, .T M, 15 cav, Co G, died Sept 26, scorbutus. 12507, Fimiertv, P, 165, Co G, died Jau 22, '65, diarrhea c. 247, Fich, .John, 8, Co M, died M.irch 30, diarrhea. • 3869, Fincuoum, John, 96, Co E, died July 24, diarrhea c. 6192, Fields, F, 2 artil, Co L, died Aug 19, diarrhea. 6G56, Fincli, Henry, 22 cav, Co L, died Aug 24, dysentery. 8699, Finch, James, 22 cav, Co L, died Sept 14, scorbutus. 10072, I'indley, Andrew, JO, Co D, died Sept 30, diarrhea. 11482, Finley, A, 7 artil, Co I), died Oct 26, scorbutus. 6215, Fisli, L V, 7 artil, Co B, died Aug 20, catarrli. 4412, Fish, H, 179. Co A, died July 31, dyseutery. 6752, Fish., F, 52, Co K, died Aug 15, enteritis. 9723, Fish, J W.t 12 cav, Co C, died Sept 25, diarrhea. 279, Fish, William, 17, Co H, died April 1, fever typhus. 11651, Fisher, C P, 124, Co C, di,-d O.jt 30, fever typhoid. 10049, Fisher, Conrad, 1 cav, Co E, died 8?pt 29, diarrhea. 6101, Fisher, Daniel, 45, Co F, died Aug 9, diarrhea. 2389, Fisher D, 126, Co K, died June 24, diarrhea c. 12542, Fislier, II, 69, Co K, died Jan 27, '65, ulcers. 10966, Fisher, L, 39, Co D. died Oct 15, scorbutus. 10171, Fitch, A, 3, Co F, died Oct 1. diarrhea. 4319, Fitch, C, 24 battery, died Aug 5, diaribea. ' 3569, Fitzgerald, N, 111, Co C, died July 19, scorbutus. 6453, Fitzgerald, Tho, 24 battery, Co D, died Aug 22, diarrhea. 12400, Fitzpatrick. , 10 cav, C'o G, died Jan 5, scorbutus. 6981, Fitzpatrick-; O, 100, Co E, died Aue 27, diarrhea. 6500, Flagler, William, 7 artil, Co M, di.'d Aug 22, diarihea c. 7452, Flanigan, EJ, 7 artil, CoC, died Sept 1, diarrhea. 6568, Flanitran, P, 40, Co D, died Aug 13, dvsentery. S5S3, Fleming, P, 22 cav, Co E, died Se])t 12, fever intermittent. 190, Fletcher, Wm,* 13 cav, Co G, died March 27, fever typhus. 12537, Flintkolt, F, 102, Co E, died Jan 27, '66, scorbutus. 774, Florence, B, 99, Co IT, died April 28, oiarrhea c. 7690, Fluke, J, 76, Co K, died Sept 3, scorbutus. 8378. Flynn, J, 24 battery, died Sept 10, scorbutus. 11958^ Flynn, J, 13, Co K, died Nov 11, diarrhea. 9242, Flynn, Wm, 71, Co E, died Sept 19, scorbutus. 02S3, Fohn^belly, C, 169, Co A. died Sept 19, diarrhea. 8042, 3987; 10841 4807 175, 7344, 11736, .15.80, T470, 759, 408, 6115! 11173, 28.30, 9432 8393, 2863; 9917 4227, 104S4, 11353, 4820, 6619: 6668, 11363: 10968, C989. 1395; 6125, 11421, 8806, 11638 3713, 11050, 10295 10328. 10140, 2472, 6773, 1148 C106, 4699, 10489, 767 6993; 385, 11153, 6251 982 1323 9206; 7926, 8982 8383, 7033, 26S8, 7216, 7044 94, 10539: 5270 6868 7120, 7930; 8878, 7650, 6728, 10967 6259, 3218 12017, 6942; 2042, 4185 10925, 1834 11270, 10160, 2413 3309, 78 12345; 310), 167S, 3946, 10336: 256S: 8639; 2902 7088, Foldeu, n, 7 arty, Co B, died Sept 6, diarrhea. Folet, 1), 1 cav, Co A, died July 26, dysentery. Follard, James, 1 cav, Co I, died Oct , 13, scarbutus. Fonliie, Peler, 100, Co F, died Aug 6, anasarca. Ford, E V, 132, Co K, died March 26, dysentery. Forebcr, A, 12 cav, Co F, died Aug 31, anasarca. Foley, F, 77, Co B, died Nov 2, scorbutus. Forget, GU.* 85, Co K, died Juue 3, diarrhea c. Foster, H, 1 cav. Co B, died June 25, scorbutus. Foster, J, 5 cav, Co G died April 27, dysL*tery c. Foster, James, 2 cav, Co D, died April 6, imrrhea c. Fox, A, 49, Co K, died Aug 19, anasarca. Fox, D, 152, Co A, died Oct 19. scorbutus. Fox, M, 15 artd, Co K, died July 3, dysentery. Frahwortli, F, 57, Co I, died Sept 21, wounds. Frake, S, 11, Co G, died Sept 10, scorbutus. Francis, P L, 2 cav, Co H, died July 4, diarrhea c. Franklin, J, 39, Co I, died Sept 28, scorbutus. Franklin, J C, 22 cav, Co L, died July 29, diarrhea. Fraser, J H, 73, Co 0, died Oct 7, scorbutus. Freilauder, C. 2 cav, Co B, died Oct 23, scorbutus. Freburg, E, 52, Co F, died Aug 5, diarrhea. Fredinburg,_Jamcs, 85, Co H, died Aug 23, anasarca. Free, C, CO, Go B, died Aug 24, scorbutus. French, J, 2 cav, Co 11, died Oct 23, scorbutus. French, James, 22 cav, Co G, died Oct 15, scorbutus. French, Johu C. 6 cav, Co II, died Aug 27, dysentery. Freisei', John, 111, Co K, died May 26, dysentery. Frisbv, W E,* 111, Co B, died Aug 9, dysentery c. Frositer, F, 16 cav, Co L, died Oct 24, scorliutus. Fuller, A, 49, Co K, died July 22, bronchitis. Fuller, C, !>2, Co II, died Oct 30, scorbutus. Fuller, J B, 85. Co F, died July 21, diarrhea c. Fuller, N, IS, Co C, died Oct 17, scorbutus. Fuller, W. 122, Co A, died Oct 4. scorbutus. Fnnday, F, 39, C'o B, died Oct 4, diarrhea. Fricks, A, 62, Co L, died Oct 1, scorbutus. Gagan, Thomas, 85, Co C, died June 25, fever typhus. Gale, George,* 2, Co A, died Aug 15, scorbutus. Gallagher, G, 6 cav, Co 1). died May 16, diarrhea. Gallagher, P, 47, Co D, died Aug 18, scorbutus. Gallc\vin, Thomas, 20 artil, Co F, died Aug 4, diarrhea. Galush, W, 6 cav, Co F, died Oct 7, diarrhea c. Gaudley, J, 3 cav, Co F. died Sept 3, diarrhea c. Gannon, S, 7 artil, Co E, died Aug 27, diarrhea. Ganscy, 94, Co B, died April 5, pneumonia. Gardner, Hjt 52, Co A, died <3ct 19, scorbutus. Gar I), died June 22, diarrhea c. 2.';82, Palmer, F, 17, Co F, died June 27, diarrhea. 6763, Pallettc, D, 15 cav, Co K, died Aug 24, dyscnterj-. 20, Palmiler, R, * 86, Co D, died March 7, dysentery c 5953, Pamperin, Wiu, 71, Co II, died Aug 17. enteritis. 3350, Pardv, E, t 86, Co K, died July 15, diarrhea c. 5710, Parish, D, 146, Co E, died Aug 15, scorbutus. 12180, Parker, F,* 128. Co C, died Nov 27, scorbutus. 2092, Parker, I, 85, Co I, died June 17, diarrhea c. 2819, Parker, Isaac, 124, Co G, died July 3, diarrhea. 1392, Parker, .J, 85, Co 1, died May 26, diarrhea c. 2953, Parker, J, 154, Co G, died .July 6, diarrhea. 3386, Parker, .J, 16 cav, Co F, died July 16, diarrhea. 4732, Parkinson, A. 4 artil, Co C, died Aug 4, diarrhea c. 11956, Parks, Win, 109, Co K, died Nov 11, scorbutus. 11213, Parson-s W, 64. Co E, died Oct 20, scorbutus. 9487, Patterson, D, 76, Co I), died Sept 21, scorbutus. 5880, Patterson, E, 6 artil, Co M, died Aug 16, scorbutus. 3441), Patterson, Geo W, 15 artil, Co M, died July 17, dysentery. 616.5, Patterson, H, 1 cav, Co C, died Aug. 19, cerebritis. 5279, Patterson, I H, 86, Co F, died Aug 11, diarrhea c. 4703, Patterson, J 11, 85, Co G, died Aug 4, dysentery. 10368, Paul P. 39, Co L, died Oct 8, scorbutus. 6696, Pease, Martin, 2 cav, Co C, died .4.ug 24, scorbutus. 2166, Peck. J G, 22 ctv, Co F, died June 19, diarrhea e, 11030, Peekins. L, 2d cav, Co A, died Oct 28, dysentery. 11673, Pedro, Francis, 12 cav, Co E, died Oct SO, scorbutus. * 1642, Pellett, fid, 15 cav, Co I, dieil June 1, diarrhea. 3781, Pen, R, 2 cav, CoF, died July 22, dysentery. 2763, Penablin, John, 69, Co F, died July 12, dysentery. 11343, Pen, Charles, 6 artil, Co D, died Oct 23, scorbutus. 7398, Perkey, D, 85, Co B, died Aug 31, diarrhea. 7172, Perkins, J P, 24 battery, died Aug 29, scorbutus. 10562, Perry, A,» 39, Co G, died Oct 9, scorbutus. 4527, Perry, John, 84, Co I), died Aug 'J, scorbutus. 7866, Perry, W, 2 cav, Co B, died Sent 6, diarrhea. 3721, Perry, William, 99, Co E, died July 21, phthisis. 40 NEW YORK. No. of 12182, 451T, 3082, 5224, 3914, 6684, 9120, 3302, 6627, 486, 4235, 124S1, 7837, 3318, 4162, 2459, 5371, 6027, 11663, 6005, 9422, 1532, 9994, 11441, 6osa, 815, 11379, 9549, 4432, 3843, 4531, 1830, 11120, 12291, 12425, 6385, 1682, 6116, 2848, 3:)67, 0390, 5436, 1394, 6523, 1096, 12346, 6455, 1651, 1479, 7964, 6914, 96S8, 9907, 2321, 728, 2395, 1516, 4063, 11432, 9046, Quackenbiiss, P, 11, Co K, (lied Sept 17, diarrhea c. 8227, Quigloy,.!, 99, Co I, died Sept 9, dysentery. 8064, Quinu, Edeer, 10 cav, Co B, died Sept 7, diarrhea. 4305, Randolph, — , 9, Co E, died July 30, dehilitas. 11648, Rafnrun, W, 69, Co C, died Oct 30, scorbutas. 612, liart'erty, M, 132, Co O, died Apr 12, dveentery. 2634, Kaft'i rty, I*, 5 cav, Co M, died Juue 26, dysentery fl. 11330, RattVrtj-, T, 5 artil, Co B, died Oct 23, eeorbutuB. 4693, Raker, L. 1 cav, Co E, died Aug 3, diarrtiea. 3751, Ranch, J, 100, Co D, died July 22, diarrliea. 10875, Randall, John, 99, Co A, died Oct 13, di.arrhea. 6503, Ralinj^er, J, 47, Co D, died Aug 22, scorbutus. 6794, Raiiglieart, John, luo, Co A, died Aug 25, diarrhea. 7778, Rastifer, John, 100, Co A, died Sept 4, dvsentery. 4216, Rattery, John, 104, Co I, died July 29, dysentery 1098T, Hay, C, 3 cav, Co B, died Oct 14, diarrhea c. 10246, Ray, R S, 164, Co A, died Oct 3, diarrhea. 4336, Raynanl, F, 126, Co F, died July 30, diarrhea r. 3435, Rattersbooin, J, 3 artil, Co K, died July 17, scorbutus. ■ISSQ, Ramsay, Isaac, 86, Co I, died July 4, diairhea. 1265, Ramsav, Hiram, 31, Co K, died M.ay 21, diarrhea. 21S6, Reamer, W C, 111, Co B, died June 19, diarrhea c. 2820, Redman, J. 3 artil, Co K, died Julv 3, diarrhea c. 11696, Reddo, D V, 8 cav, Co M, died Oct 31, diarrhea c. 7232, Reed, F A, 64, Co E, died Aug 30, scorbutus. S574, Reed, J, 140, Co 11. died Sept 12, diarrhea. 406, Reed, H G, 13, Co D, died Apr 6, diarrhea c. 6M1, Roed, W D, 146, Co II, died Aus 18, scorbutus. 10232, Reed, W J, 41, Co I, died Oct 2, diarrhea. S492, Reed, William, 14 artil, Co I, died Sopt 11, scorbutus. Perry, William, 79jCo A died Nov 27, scorbutus. Person, A, 61. Co H, died Aug 2, diarrhea. Persons, W B, 64, Co B, died July 9, diarrhea. Peters, Fritz, 62, Co C, died Aug 10, dysentery c. Peters, J, 114, Co F, died July 26, diarrhea c. Peterson, C, 178, Co I, died Aug 16, scorbutus. Petorsun, II, 48, Co B, died Sept 18, diarrhea. Pettis, L P, 100, Co F, died July 14, diarrhea. Petrie, Joseph, 81, Co I, died Aug 13, scorbutus. Phelps, Mortin, 132, Co G, died April 9, pneumonia. Phillips, Geo A, 86, Co B, died July 29, diarrhea. Phillips, I, G cav, Co E, died Jan 17, scoibutus. Phillips, H, t 100, Co U, died Sept 2, scorbutus. Phillips, R,* 85, Co B, died, July 14, diarrhea c. Pierce, Albert, 2 artil, Co M, died July 28, diarrhoa. Pierce, Charles, 73, Co F, died June 25, pneumonia. Pierce H,* So, Co D, died Aug 11, dysentery. Pierce, J, 85, Co D, died Aug 18, diarrhea. Pierce, J H,8cav, Co 8, died Oct 30, scorbutus. Pierson, J, 76, Co B, died Aug 17, dysentery. Pilseck, E, 61, Co I, died Sept 21, diarrhea. Pinmon, John, 99, Co I, died Mav, 31, diarrahea. Pitts, G, 97, Co K, died Sept 29, diarrhea. Fivant, M, 61, Co D. died Oct 25. scorbutus. Place, E, 47, Co F, died Aug If, diarrhea. Plass, II, 120, Co Or, died April 30, dvsentery. Pluukett, J, 146, Co A, died Oct 24, scorbutus. Polack, J, 85, Co C, died Sept 33, dysentery. Pollock R, 16 cav, Co L, died July 31, anasarca, Pomroy, C, 21 cav, Co G, died Jane 11, diarrhea c Pontcis, 0, 16 cav, Co IC, died Aug 2, scorbutus. Popple, W G, 85, Co B, died Juiie II, fever tyjihus. Pope, .James E, 15 artd. Co A, died Oct 18, scorbutus. Po=t, H E, 125, Co G, died Oct 15, scorbulus. Post, J A, 94, Co E, died Jan 10, '05, debililas. Potter, H, 48, Co E, died Aug 21, dysentery. Potter, W II,t 85, Co F, died June 3, '63, diarrhea c. Powell, George, 7 art, Co H, died Aug 9, dysentery. Powers J, 24 eav, Co li, died July 6, dyseulery c. Powers, .1, 10, Co K, died July 15, dysentery. Powers. O, 6 artil, Co I, died Aug 21, diarrhea. Pratt, B F, 146, Co G, died Aug 12, diarrhea. Prcsselmau, C, 4 cav, Co M, died May 26, diarrhea c. Preston, H G, 9, Co G, died Aug 13, diarrhea. Price, David, 164, Co A, died May 14, anasarca. Price, J, citizen, died Dec 27, scorbutus. Pratt, I*, 24 battery, died Aug 22, diarrhea. Priest, W, 132, Co"E, died .Tune 6, pneumonia. Pratt, G B, 10 cav, Co D, died May 30, diarrhea. Pringler, Thomas W,* 14S, Co A, ^ied Sept 6, diarrhea. Prow, John, 14 artil, Co L, died Aug 26, diarrhea. Prowman, S H, 149, Co II, died Sept 24, diarrhea. Puff, 1, 15 artil, died Sept 28, diarrhea. Puloy, Dtiniel, 115, Co I, died June 22, fever tvphus. Pullers, U H, 132, Co E, died April 25, diarrhea c. Putman, L, 14 artil, Co L, -June 24, laryngitis. Purkey, Jacob, 84, Co B, died May 31, diarrhea c. Purstle, 8, 49, Co A, died July 27, dysentery. Prunan, L,*147, Co H, died Oct 24, diarrhea. No. of 736°9, 6694, 16S0, 10467, 10911, 9122, 7195, 12455, 8431, 9320, 8209| 6799, 10266, 6350, 6646, 4318, 3077, 122S9, 3561, 2427, 8005, 11904, 3891, 6317, 6674, 12243, 3682, 7678, 4240, 12193, 8165, 416, 12382, 2885, 6021, 6347, 11163, 11760, 3514, 10310, 2558, 7245, 9224, 1776, 1842, 2364, 11195, 2346, 8554, 9970, 7607, 3680, 6419, 27, 7663, 7685, SS13, 11342, 3959, 4360, 6069, 6791, 3011, 4287, 8369, 4912, 7208, 6824, 11772. S46S, 9903, 9102, S922, 6669, 299S, 1735, 10278, 9660, 8171, 3S74, 6691, 6741, 9751, 1196.3, 6929, SCI 6, 2924, 8737, 12269, -27, Rcetz, John, 52, Co A, died Aug 31, diarrhea. Reeve, G, 152, Co C, died Aug 15, scorbutus. Reeves, John, 57, Co H, died June 6, scorbutus, Redmond, J, 43, Co C, died Oct 7, scorbutus. Rcgler, W H, 22cav, Co M, died Oct 14, diarrhea c. Reiley, P 0, 164, Co B, died Sept 18, diarrhea. llenback, C, 29, died Aug 29, diairhea. Rebman, J, 59, Co C, died Jan 16, '65, diarrhea c. Keiicermane, J R, 5 cav, Co B, died Sept 11, scorbutna. Randall, A B, 76, Co F, died Sept 20, diarrhea c. Remsen, C, 2cav, Co M, died July 16, scorbutus. Reynolds, O, 155, Co E, died Sept S, scorbutus. Reynolds, O S, 85, C»E, died .\ug 26, diarrhea. Reynolds, Samuel, 92, Co H, died Oct 3, diarrhea. Reynolds, William, 140, Co I, died Aug 21, dysentery. Reidv, J D, 66, Co I, died Aug 23, dysentery. Rice, F,*' 39, Co I, died July 30, diarrhea c. Rich, T D, 24 battery, died July 9, diarrhea. Rich, J, 82, Co C, died Dec 15, scorbutus. Richey, K, 66, Co C, died July 18, diarrhea. Rider, E, 178, Co E, died June 24, diarrhea c. Rhenevatdt, R H, 21, Co B, died Sept 6, diarrhea. Rehm, W, 7 artil, Co C, died Nov 7, scorbutus. Richistiiic, C,* 132, Co D, died July 24, diarrhea c. liichards. A, 52, Co D, died Aug 11, diarrhea. Richards, A, 41, Co E, died Aug 14, gangrene. Richards, A, 9, Co C. died Dec 7, scorbutus. Richards, H, 47, Co E, died July 21, dysentery. Richards, N J,t 140, Co C, died Sept 2, diarrhea c. Richardson, II M, 20 cav, Co M, died .July 29, diarrhea c, Ricker, M, 2 artil, Co M, died Nov 29, scorbutus. Rickhor, J, 86, Co E, died Sept 8, dysentery. Rikel, Robert, 125, Co G, died Apr 7, diarrhea c. Riley, I, 73, Co E, died Jan 2, '66, dysentery. Riley, J, 99, Co C, died July 4, dysentery. Riley, John, 176, Co C, died Aug 8, scorbutus. Riley, John, 39, Co D, died Aug 21, diarrheii. Ripley, FA, 152, CoC, died Oct 19, scorbutus. Ripp, W, 42, Co B, died Nov 3, scorbutus. Rising, C, 76, Co B, died July 18, diarrhea. Risley, George W, 47, Co G, died Oct 4, diarrhea. Ritcher, F,t 132, Co D, died June 27, dysentery. Ritson, S, IS cav, Co E, died Aug 29, dysentery. Ritzniiilin, John, 116, died Sept 19, scorbutus. Roach, F, 99, Co F, died June 9, anasarca. Roach, Charles, 85, Co E, died June 11, diarrhea c. Robberger, P H, 46, Co B, died June 23, diarrhea o. Roberson, C A, 122, Co B, died Oct 20, dysentery. Robertson, W H, 134, Co B, died June 23, diarrliea c. Robertson, W M, 96, Co B, died Sept 12, scorbutus. Robinson, H, 39, Co K, died Sept 28, diarrhea. Robinson, A, 111, Co I, died Sept 2, diarrhea. Robinson, H C, 96. Co I, died July 21, scorbutus. Robinson, John, 115, Co A, died Aug 22, diairhea. Robins, L, * 154, Co K, died March 8, pneumonia. Roberts, A, 173, Co C, died Sept 3, dysentery. Rockwell, N C, 14 artil, Co D, died Sept 2, scorbutus, Rockfellar, R E,85, Co D, died July 23, ('larrhea. Rockfellar, H, 15 artil, Co M, died Oct 23, scorbutus Rock, F, 6 artil, CoF, died July 26, dysentery. Rogers, A, 7 artil, Co I, July31, scorbutus. Rogers A, 125, Co H, died Aug 18, scorbutus. Rogers, G, musician, 85, Co F, died Aug 15, rheumatisni, Rogers, James, 132, Co ±1, died July 7, diarrhea. Rogers, H C, 85, Co C, July 30, diarrhea. Rogers, n J, 2 artil. Co E, died Sept 10, scorbutus, Rogers, M, 48. Co D. died Aug 6, niiasarcs. Rogers, O S, t 65. Co C, died Aug 29, scorbutus. Rogers, Thomas, 12, Co F, died Aug 25, diariliea. Eomer, F, 9, Co A, died Nov S, diarrliea c. Rook, 6, 6 artil, Co K, died Sept 11. scorbutns. Uminey, John. 162, Co G. died Sept 28, diarrhea. Konney, M, 132, Co F, died Sept IS, scoibntus. Rooney, P, 2 artil, Co C, died Sept 16, dysentery. Hoot, A N. 86. Co C, died Aug 14, anasarca. Roots, W T, 120, Co H, died July 7, diarrhea. Root, Legrand. 24 battery, died .Tune S. pneamonia. Rose, A, 16, Co L. died Oct 2, scorbutus. Rosecrans, J E, 125. Co H, died Sept 23, dysentery, Ross, C, 23 cav, Co A, died Sept S, dysentery. Ross, E F, 111, Co I, died July 24, fever tyi.hus. Ross. David. 27, Co D, died Aug 14, scorbutus. Ross, G, 70, Co K, died Aug 24, dlnrrhen. Ross, A, 1 cav, Co M, died Sept 25, scorbutus. Koss, J U, 121. CoG, died Nov 1], scorbutus. Rosenberger, John. 4, Co D, died Aug 17, enteritis. Rosser, Lewis, 84, Co A, died July 20, dysentery. Rosenburg. J. 80, Co A, died Julv 5, diarrhea c. Kosson, Charles, 24 cav, Co E, died Sept H. diarrliea, Roswell, J, 98, Co K, died Dec 10, scorbutus. Ross, Jacob, 15], Co A, died Ajiril 25, diarrhea c. NEW YORK. 4] So. t.( OraT*. I!i40, Row, W J, 130, Co B, diet! June 14, diarrhea c. 52, Salisburv, E, IG. Co D, died Oct 11, scorbutus. 10923, Samlett, -^, 13 cav, Co I, died Oct 14, scorbutus. lOSSO, Satnet, W. 15, Co H. died Oct 13, scorbutus. S769, Sampson. J, 106, Co K, died July 22, diarrhea. 346, Sanders, Charles, * 9 iinl, Co A, died April 2, fever remittent. SS18, Sanders, J, 99, Co 0. died July 23, diarrhea c. 9S67, Sanders. J. 12 cav, Co A. died Sept 27, scorbutus. 4423, Sandford, P O, 7 artil, Co L, died July 81. diarrhea c. 2341, Sanghin, J, 12 cav. Co F, died June 23, fever remittent, 7740, Sawyer, J, 2 cav, Co L, died Sept 8, diarrhea. 11232, Sayles, A, 22 cav, Co E, died Oct 21. 3612, Seaman, A, * 6.\ Co H, July 19, diarrhea. I0S56, Seaman, A, 2 artil, died Oct 13, di.irrbea. 1372, Sears, F, 2 cav, Co 11, died May 26, dysentery. 6120, Seagher, J, 8, Co M, died Aug 19. dysentery. 4.325, See, Henry, 1 1, Co K. died July 30, dysentery. RS24, Seeley, A J, 140, Co A, Sept 15, diarrhea. II374, Seeley, C B, 15, Co U, died Oct 24, scorbutus. 4266, Seeiey, Thomas, 100, C.i F, died July 29, dysentery. 10027, Segam, Ed. 6 cav, Co K, died Sept 29 diarrhea, 4204, Seigler, Georiie, 10, died July 29, diarrliea. 7458, Seigle .John R, 120, Co K, died Sept 1, diarrhea. 11S86, Selson, H, 60,, Co C, Nov 6, scorlmtus. S157, Sorrier, R, 40,''Co C, died July 17, scorbntus. 1740, Serine, C, 4 cav, Co M, died June 8, diarrhea c. 629, Settle, Henry, 99, Co H, died April 19, diarrhea. 9S28, Seyman, F, 1 cav, Co A, died Sept 27, diarrhea. 5951, Seard, Louis, 77, Co E, died Aug 17, marasmus. 6SSS, Schavler, J W, 21 cav, Co M, died Aug 26, pneumonia. 10794, Schadt, Theodore, 160, Co A, died Oct 12, ecorbutus. 3557, Scbeck, B, 2 cav, Co (J j^ died July IS, diarrhea. 3190, Schemerhorn, H, 120, Co G, died July 12, diarrhea. 11065, Sphempp, M, 7 artil, Co F, died Nov 11, acorlmtus. 2795, Rchermashie, B, 170, Co A, died July 2, dvsentery. 1325, Schlotesser, J, 01, Co H, died May 24, dysentery. 11515, Schlotesser, J,t 1, Co L, died Oct 26, scorbutus. 9578, Schmaker, John, 39, Co B, died Sept 23, diarrhea c. 10291, Schmaley, J, 1, Co G, died Oct 16, scorbutus. 10550, Schmeaser, A, 39, Co A, died Oct 9, scorbutus. 6311, Schueider, Charles, 89, Co A, died Auu 11, diarrhea. 8595, Schockney, T T, 24 battery, died Sept 12, scorbutus. 8790, Bchoflold, J, 7, Co H, died Sept 16, diarrhea. 2441, Scholl, John, 64, Co D, died June 25, scorbutus. 31422, Schriber, H, 59, Co I, died Oct 24, scorbutus. 7814, Schroder, G, 7 artil, Co E, died Sept 4, diarrhea. S550, Schrum, J, 15 artil, Co K, died Sept 12, ecorbutus 1070, Schrimer, "Wm, 20, Co B, died May 13, diarrhea. 4280, Sch-ware, F, 12 cav, Co K, died July 30, diarrhea. 0613, Schwick, A, 66, Co G, died Aug 23, diarrhea. 4849, Scott, J C,t 85, Co K, died Aug 6, diarrhea c. 6S57, Scott, P C, 14 cav, Co G, died Aug 26, dysentery. 8022, Scott, W W, 2 cav, Co F, died 8ept 13, scorbutus. S290, Sibble, W, 148, Co G, died Sept 9, diarrhea. 4362, Sick, E, 5, Co E, died, Jnlv 31, diarrhea. 4657, Sickler, E, 7 artil, Co E, died Aug 2, diarrhea. S210, Sickles, A, 120, Co D, died July 12, diarrhea. 11950, Siddell, G, 40, Co H, died Nov 10, scorbutus, 12284, SimmoTis, A, 8 artil, Co H. died Dec 13, scorbutus, 6364, Simmons, C G,t 86, Co B, died Aug 21, diarrhea. 8316, Simon, H, 146, Co B, died Sept 10, diarrhea. 6284, Simons, H L,t 85. Co E, died Aug 20, diarrhea c. 142, Simondingcr, B, 155, Co I, died ilar 24, dysentery. 242, Simpson, D, 99, Co U, died Mar 30, fever congestive 0345, Bisson, P V,t 22 artil, Co M, died Aug 21, diarrhea. 10067, Shaat, J, 50, Co A, died Sept 30, scorbutus. 201, Shae, Pat, drummer. 61, Co M, died Mar 28, diarrhea 0. 4*01, Shall'er, M, 7 artil, died Aug 5, anasarca. 46S4, ShatJ'er, J, 66, Co E, died Aui.' 2, diarrhea. 782, Shafer, H, 103, Co F, died Apr 28, diarrhea c. 6747, Shaughnessey, J, 6 cav, Co A, died Aug 24, diarrhea. 4446, Shammn, E, 6 artil, Co H, died Augl, anasarca. 6645, Shank, S W, 24 battery, died Aug 14, diarrhea. 290, Shaw, Alexander, 3 artil, Co K, died Apr 1, pneumonia. 9667, Shaw, T I, 15 cav, Co M, died Sept 24. diarrhea. 12814, Shaw, \V, 7 artil, Co F, died Mar 25, diarrhea c. 7660, Shay, John, 69, Co B, died Sent 3, diarrhea. S360, Sheldon, M, 7 artil, Co 13, died July 15, dysentery. 4247, Shepardson, L,* 22 cav, Co E, died July 29, diarrhea. 6474, Shaw, J, 2 cav, Co E, died Aug 13, diarrhea. 7798, Shuler, Chas, 62, Co G, died Sept 4, diarrhea. 8336, Shaw, M, 76, Co D, died Sept 10, scorbutus. 9924, Sheppard, W H, 9, Co F, died Sept 28, scorbutus. 8205, Sbever, 11, 6 cav, died Sept 8, diarrhea. 10930, Bheridau, J, 2 cav, OoF, died Oct 14, scorbutus. 4676, Sherwood. J E, 76, Co G, died Aug 4, diarrhea c. 720, Shields, Richard, 132, Co F, died Apr 25, diarrhea c. 701, ShlUs, E. 62, Co K, died Apr 23, catarrh. 10496, Shidler, George, 97, Co F, clied Oct 8, scorbutus. 8206, Shindler, J, 16 artil, Co E, died Sept 8, diarrhea. 7437, Shirlock, R, 85, Co K, died Sept 1, diarrliea. 6S37, Shlppcy, F, 86, CoD, died Aug 16, diarrhea. 2340, Shirley. P, 24 battery, died June 23, dysentery. 2151, Shats, C, 111, Co F, died .June 18, diarrhea c. 5756, Shorty, Robert, 164, Co B, died Aug 36. diarrhea. 6:>43, Shotliff, J.t 7 artil, Co L, died Angll, diarrhea. 2975, Shults, John, 118, Co F. died July 7, scorbutus. 6633, Shultz, F. 76, Co F, died Aug 23, dvsentery. 12194, Shultz, William, 7 art, Co C, died Nov 29, scorbutus. 11822, Shultz, C,* 60, Co F, died Nov 5, scorbutus. 11813, Shumaker, P, 100, Co K, died Nov 4, scorbutuB. 11280, Shuhps, P D, 126, Co K, died Oct 22, gangrene. 2462, Shusler, — , 54, Co C, died June 25, djsentery a. 2922, Slater, F, 48, Co F, died July 6, diarrhea c. 700, Slater, John, 120, Co II, died Apr 23, debilitas. 12534, Slater, James, t 7, Co K, died Jan 27, '65, scorbutus. 11362, Slater, Richard, 2. Co E, died Oct 19, scorbutus. 12S11, Sleight, C, 32, Col, died Mar 24, diarrheac. 10377, Sloat, William, 140, Co E, died Oct 6, scorbutus. 6819, Sloates, F, 76, Co F, died Aug 26, diarrhea. 10125, Slimp, W, 146, Co A, died Oct 11, scorbutus. 7628, Smades, W, 9, Co D, died Sept '2, diarrhea. 12083, Small, S, 63, Co F, died Nov 18, ecorbutus. 7783, Smarty, John, 22 cav, Co G, died Sept 4, diarrhea. 7406, Sme.ad, L, 18 artil, Co I), died Aug 31, dysentery. 762, Smallcy, Georue, 140, Co H, died April 27, hydro-lhorns. 12603, Smith, A, 7 artil, Co F, died Jan 21, '65, ecorbutus. 113;i, Smith, A. 9, Co A, died Oct 23, scorbutus. 7326, Smith, A J, 85, Co I), died Aug 30, diarrhea c. 802, Smith, Bernard,'* 132, Co B, died April 29, diarrheac. 1310, Smith, Benjamin, 2 cav, Co H, died May 23, fever typhoid. 2669, Smith, Charles, 61, Co A, died June 29, diarrhea c. 3785, Smith, Charles, 62, Co E, died July 21, dysentery c. 4634, Smith, Charles, 100, Co B, died Aug 2, dysentery. 7612, Smith, Charles, 15 artil, Co K, died Sept 2, scorbutus. 10052, Smith, Charles, 9, Co G, died Sept 30, scorbutus. 11283, Smith, E, 01, Co ]), dierl Oct 22, scorbutus. 1819, Smith, F, 48, Co F, died June 10, diarrhea c. 1246, Smith, Frank, 99, Co I, died May 20, diarih. diarrhea c. S084, Tiip[tle, H, t lo4. Co II, died .July 9, pneunronia. 8129, Tucker, L, 120, Co D, died .iuly 10. diarrliea. 2993, Tuttle. W, 48, Co K, died July 4, fever typhua. 10494, Tyrrell, I, 22 cav, Co A, died Oct S, diarrhea. 4217, ITncer, .lames, 15. Co II, died July 29, diarrhea c. 416, Ubcr. Charles. + 14, C" A, died April 7, diarrhea c. 12401, Udell, J, 7 artil, Co H, died Jan 5, '05, scorbutus. loSS7, Ulmer, II, 16 artil. Co K, died Ort 14. scorbutus. 2317, Underburg. L W, 77, Co (i, died Juno 22, debililas. 251, Underbill, II, 47, Co E, died March 30, fever interuiitteDt. 1495, Underwriter, A, 0_', Co F, died May 21, pneumonia. 1091, Van Clarke. Wm, 100. Co D, died May 14, diarrhea. 9087, S^an Allen, C, 7. Co E, died Sept 18, dysentery. 1025, Van Burcn, J W, 3 nrlil. Co K. died May 11. di.arrhea c. 664, V.ln Huron, Henry. 3 artil. Co K. died April 21, di.-irrhoa 10071, Van Bethysen. H, 7 artil. Co I. died Sept 30, scorbutus. 12639, Van Brau'iin, T, 71, Co K, died Jan 27, 'liS, diarrhea c. 1577, Van Dcrbreck, A, 132, Co B. died June 8, dysentery. 3463, Van I>us;en, 24 cav, Co M, died July 17, dysentery. 6560, Van Hosen, C, 95, Co A, died Aug 23, diarrhea. 10656, Van Honsen, B, 12 battery, died Oct 11, scorbutus. 8371, Van Ilaushton, .1. 121, Co C, died July 1.5. diarrhea. 1413, Vanderbrogart, W, 1114, Co E. died May 27, drarrhca c. 8957, Vanarsilale, P, 1. Co G. died Sept 16, diarrhea. 8732, Vanalsline, II, 152, Co A, died Sept 14, scorbutus. SSuS, Yanelnck, F. 5. Co D, Sept 15, scorbutus. 7564, Vanvelzer, J M, 85, Co I, died Sept 2, dys.-ntery. 7635, Vanburen. J. 15 cav. Co B. died Sept 2. diarrliea. 11416, Vanscott, L, 59, Co C, died Oct 25, sccubutua. 11696. Vanarnurn. J. 8 cay, Co E. died Oct 23, scorbutus. 7054, Vanwagner, 0, 2 artil, Co F, died Aug 28, diarrhea. 7244, Vanesso, M, 2 cav, Co K, died Aug 29, dysentery. 7252, Vanzart, Wm, 7 artil, Co E, Aug 30, diarrhea. (1472, Varney, C, 169. Co E, died Aug 22, diarrhea. 0634, Vanalstine, C, 7 artil, Co 0, died Aug 23, dysentery. 8333, Vanost, J II. 14 artil. Co B, dieil July 15, diari hea. 83. Vanvelsen. J, 120, Co A, died Marclr 21, bronchitis. 20S9, Vaughan, W H, 8 cav. Co K, died June 17, diarrhea c. 973, Vespers. -James W. 85. Co D. died May 9, diarrhea c. 7606, Van Osten, C, 52, Co H. dieii Sept 1. iliarrhea. 5661, Vencot. L, 2 cav, Co II, died Aug 14, scorbutus. 4196, Veil. William, 6 artil. Co F. died July 29, diarrhea c. 1.539, Vernon. S, 2 cav, Co M. died .June 1- scorbutus. 7S4Gi Vincent, R. 178. Co I. died ;^e|it 4, diarrhea. 2782, Vincent, Richard, 1, Co K, died July 2, diarrhea u 2S79, Vinsant, G M. 14 artil. Co I. died July 4, diarrhea. 2715, Vish, O, 173, Co E. died July 1, diarrhea c. 6525, Vibbard, George. 22 cav, Co E, died Airg 22, diarrhea. 10023, Voerling, II, 15 artil. Co C, died Sept 29, diarrhea. 4623, Vogle. Anton. 10. Co C. died Aug 3, dysentiuy. 5503, Voorhies, A H, 1 cav. Co II. died Aug 13, diarrhea c. 11507, Voorhies, E It, 85. Co C. dieil Oct 26. scorbutus. 66S2, Voorhies, George, 85, Co C, died Aug i'S, diarrhe.a. 1184, Walls, Peter, 4 cav, Co D. died M.ay IS. diarrhea c. r.OOl, Wall, James, t 15, Co G, died Arrg 7. scor-bulus. 1598, Wallace, John, 11 cav, Co B, died Way 26, diarrhea. 10211, Watt, II, 12 cav, Co A, died Oct 2, scorbutus. 9977, Watts, C, 6, Co C, dieil Sept 28, diarrhea c. 10313, Waters, A L. 8 cav, Co F, died Oct 4, dysentery. 10477, Warner, Charles L. 2 cav, Co D, died Oct 7, diarrhea c. 4026, Warren, L. 95, Co I, died July 26. dysentery. 7351, Warner, P 1', 14 artil, Co M, died Aug 31, diarrhea. 7444, Warner. A J. 76, Co F. died Sept 1. diarrhea c. 12419. Warner, Luther, 12 cav, Co A, died Jan 9, '6'>, diarrhea c 10543, Ward, I'atrick. SS. Co C, died Oct S. diarrhea. 5127, Ward, J, 99. Co G, died Aug 9, asciles. 10920, Ward, .1, 40, Co H, died Oct 14, anasarca. 223S, Ward, H. 95 Co I, llied June 20. debilitas. 400, Ward. W A. 99. Co H, died April 6. diarrhea. 12316. Warden, H B, 5, Co B, died March 25. '65, diarrhea c. 93o'-, Walters, I>, 125. Co E. died Sept 27, sc^irbutus. 1.557, Walters, Nelson, t 120, Co K, died Jirne 2, diarrhea c. 8831, Walterhouse, Ed, 9. Co I, died July 16, dysentery. 2827, Wallace, J, 2 cav. Co M, died July 3. pneumonia. 8939, Watson, G. 6 artil, Co C, died Sept IB, scorbulua. 10965, Watson, James, 15 artil, Co .M, died Oct 15, scorbutus. 6947, Watson, T, 9S, Co I, died Aug 26, dysentery. 9356. Wade, M, 14 artil, Co D. died Seiit 20, diarrhea. 8146, Walker, J. 2 artil, Co D. died Sept 8, diarrhea. SlOi', Wall, J, 64, Co I, died Sept 8, diarrhea. 7276, War hurst, Sainirel, 7 arlil, Co I, died Aug 80, diarrliea. 3731, Washington, I, 76, Co G, died July 21, scorbutus. 5679, Washburn. H, 5 cav, Co D, died Aug 14, scorbutus. 2023, Wagner, C, 39, Co E, died June 15, diarrhea c. 10686, Wagner, C, 93, Co K, died Oct 11, scorbutus. 11001, Warren. P, 7 artil, Co G, died Oct 16. ulcus. 6537, Warren, E, 22 cav, Co L, died Aug 23, scorbutus. 41-JO, Warren, George P., 2, Co F, died July 2S, scorbutus. llOSi, Warrell, E C.^ 57, Co I, died Oct 17. scorbutus. 11945, Waterman. S, 169, Co K, died Nov 10, scorbutus. 6978, Waldr-m, N, 146, Co A, died Aug 27, dysentery. 7249, Walz, M, 14 artil, Co I, died Aug 80, diarrhea. 6425, Walling, George, 76, Co B, died Aug 22, scorbutus. 6046, Watchler. J, t 119, Co G, died Aug~18, scorbutus. 4060, Wails, C H. 109, Co K, died July 27, diarrhea. 3336, Walser, John, 15 artil, Co 1), died July 15, diarrhea. 1664, Wnlcott. G P. 07, t'o D. died June 2, debilitas. 2294, Wales, .1, t 85, Co D, died June 22, diarrhea c 1,537, West, James, 3 artil, Co II. died June 1, drarrhea. 9672, West, T, 13 cav, Co F, died Sept 23, diarrhea. 3964, West, William, 162, Co E, died July 25, scorbutus. 739, West, James, t 2 cav, Co E, died April 25, dysentery. I0SO3, Weston, L, 115, Co F, died Oct 4. diarrhea. 9731, Webster, G, 29, Co C, died Sept 25, diarrhea. 5593. Webster, E, 76, Co E, died Aug 14. scorbutus. 1698, Webster, James, 187. Co C. died June 4, diarrhea c. 9889, Wendle, John. 7 arlil, Co K. died Sept 27, scorbutur 9941, Wellstrafl', C, 100, Co D, died Sept 28, scorbutus. 10013, Welch, W, 76, Co G, died Sept 29, scorbutns. 5080, Welch, C, 3 cav, Co B. died Aug 8, diarrhea. 8555, Welber. E G, 120, Co K, died Sept 16, diarrhea. S20S, Weil, E C, 164, Co B. died Sept 8, dysentery. 7501, Welson, .James H, 74, Co K, died Sept 2, dysentery. 8177, Welch, C, 39, CoH, died Scjt 8, diarrhea. 61S1, Welcb, E, 24 battery, died Aug 9, dysentery. 6692, Welch, J, 5 cav, CoK, died Aul' 24, scorbutus. 2810, Welsh, L, 146, Co B, died June 22, diarrhea c. 8S55, Welber, E (i, 120, Co K, died Sept 16, diarrhea o. 942s, Weaver, J, Icav, Co E, died .Sept 21, diari-hca. 7078, Weaver, B S, 90, Co I, died Aug 23, diarrhea. 944S, Webber, C H, 86, Co O, died Selit 21, diarrliea. 9506, Westerrfeld, P S, 7 artil, Co B, died Sept 22, scorbutus. 8731, Werting, John, 62, Co D, died Sept bl, acorhutus. 79S7, Wellington, G R,t 12 cav, Co A, died Sept 0, diarrhea. 6204, Weeks, J, 7, Co G, died Sept 8, diarrhea. 7472, Wells, Jetf, 9, Co H, died Sept 1, diarrhea. 12036, Wells, E, 69, Co K, died Nov 10. scorbutus. 7687, Weismere, H, 82, Co I, died Sept 3, fever typhus. 4915, Wedder, N C, 1S4, Co E, died Aug 6, dysentery. 11001, Wellder, C il, 22 cav, Co G, died Oct 17, dysentery. 11397, Wcstbrook, D, 155, U, died Oct 24, debilitas. 6927, Weafer, Charles, 115, Co A, died Aug 26, diarrhea. 7250, VVertz, James, 12 cav, Co I, died Aug 30, debilitas. 6370, Webb, M E, 14 art, Co F, died Aug 21, scorbutus. 11127, Welch, J, 5 cav, Co D, died Oct 18. diarrhea c. 6002 Welber, J, 6 artil, Co E, died Aug 17, diarrhea. 4272, Weller, W H,'85, Co E, died July 29, diarrhea. 3235, Westfall, John, 161, Co I!, died July 12. 265, Weldon, Edson, 20 eav, Co M, died March 81, dy.=ciitci7 c 607, Westhrop, H, 125, Co B, died April 12, diarrhea c. 0755, Webster, II, 22 cav, Co A, died Aug 24, scorbuttJB. 10303, Weston, L, 115, Co F, died Oct 4, scorbutus. 7543, Whitmore, D, 140, Co I, died Sept 2, dysentery. 10423, Wharton, J R, 5 cav. Co L died Oct 6, scorbutus. 9743, Whittle, J C, 85, Co E, died Sept 25, dysentery. 9878, Whertmour, M, 15 art, Co M, died Sept IS, diarrhea. 8611, Whipple, M, 22 cav, Co D, died Sept 18, diarrhea c. 8680, White, tjames, 1 dragoons, Co D, died Sept 13, scorbutus. 11879, White, L. 8 artil, Co'G, died Nov 0, diarrhea. 3034, White, E, 10 cav, Co 1), July 8, dysentery. 8792, Whiting, M, 85, Co D, died Sept 15, scorbutus. 7417, Whitney, .John,t 39, Co K, died Aug 31, diarrhea. 6207, Whitney, J, 104, Co E, died Anglo, diarrhea c. 10972, Wliitmaii, J. 16, Co H, died Oct 15, scorbutus. 12049, Whitmans, P, 66, Co E, died Nov 16, scorbutus. 11724, Whifbeck, J,* 20, Co 1>, died Nov 1, diarrhea c. 6611, Wheeler. D, 147, Co II, died Aug 23, diarrhea c. 6770, Whitmore, O B, 40, Co A, died Aug 15, dysentery. 4155, Whitlock, William, 14 artil. Co I, died July 28, diarrhea. 1133, Wilson, James. 132, Co K. died May 16, jineumouia. 3757, Wilson, John, 95. Co A, died Jirly 22, diarrhea. 6832, Wilson, M, 2 artil, Co H, died Aug 25, scorbutus. 11983, Wilson, W, 156, Co H, died Nov 13, dysentery. 5S70, Wilsou, A J, 57, Co A, died Aug 16, diarrhea c. 1645, Wilson, D, 48, Co H, died June 5, dysentery. 6233, Windness, A, 15 artil, Co C, died Aug 20, wounds. 40S0, Williams, F, 125, Co A, died July 2", diarrhea. 4522, Williams, Ed, 42, Co A, died Aug 2, diarrhea. M NORTH CAROLINA OHIO. 11130, Williams, II, 2 cav, Co M, died Oct 18, Boorbutus. 12697, WilliaraB, S, 94, Co I, died Feb, 23, scorbutus. 9510, WillKims, L D, 85, Co G, died Sept 22, diarrhea. 847S, Wilcox, T E, 85, Co B, dii-d Sept 11, scorbutus. 7945, Williams, James, 63, Co G, died Sept 5, diarrhea. 4603, WiUiainS) George,* 1 cav, Co K, died Aug 3, scorbutus. 4701, Williams, Jolin, 52, Co K, died Aug 4, scorbutus. 3947, Williams, 0,t 24 battery, died July 25, diarrhea. 1567, Williams II, 9 state mil, Co A, died Juno 2, pneumonia. 6801, Williams, L, 16, Co A, died Aut; 26, scorbutus. 7112, Williams, J B, 24 cav, Co C, died Aug 28, dysentery 6219, Williams, C li, 85, Co E, died Aug 20, anasarca. 3069, Winu, 1', 20 cav, Co M, died July 9, diairliea. 3273, Wicks, D, 63, Co D, died July 13, diarrhea c. 1938, Wilcox, Geo, 12 cav, CoP, died June 14, fever remittent. 2044, Wilcox, E, 14, died June 16, diarihea. 9496, Wilcox, W, 4^, Co G, died Sept 21, diarrhea c. 3576, Wilcox, J, 86, Co D, July 19, scorbutus. mil, Wilcox, n R, 65, Co C, died Oct 18, scorbutus. 11428, Wilcox, C,t 6 cav, Co G, died Oct 24, diarrhea o. 12607, Wiley, I, 59, Co B, died Feb 7, diarrhea c. 10122, Willis, J, 121, Co G, died Oct 1, scorbutus. 9067, Willsey, D, 7 artil, died Sept 17, scorbutus. 8729, Wiegin-i, James, 52, Co D, died Sept 14, scorbutus. 7980, Winn, James, 7 artil, Co I, died Sept 6, scorbutus. S20S, Will, E C, 164, Co B, died Sept 8, dysentery. 7022, Wiley, W, i:5, Co G, died Sept 2, diarrhea c. 372S, Wilkey, S, 8, Co B, died July 21, dysentery. 10977, Wilkinson, J N,* 42, Co A, died Oct 15, scorbutus. 6663, Wicka, Frank, 1 artil, Co K, died Aui; 14, diarrhea. 11474, Winnev, G A, 100, Co D, died Oct 25, dysentery. 11520, Winter, G, 10 cav, Co L, died Oct 26, scorbutus. URf9, Wilds, J, 164, Co B, died Oct 31, diarrhea c. 7122, Wiuser, J, 117, Col, died Aug 28, diarrhea, 7581, Wood, E G, 24 battery, died Sept 2, diarrhea. S007, Wood, F, 6 cav, Co I, died July 19, diarrhea. 9874, Wood, H, 115, Co G, died Sept 27, scorbutus. 10063, Wood, II, 15, Co D, died Sept 30, scorbutus. Wood, J, 10 cav, Co M, died Sept 25, scorbutus. Wood, John, 97, Co D, died Sept 3, diarrhea. AV'ood, M, 111, Co H, died July 24, diarrhea c. Wood, J S, 6 artil, Co A, died Aujf 8, diarrhea c. Woodmancy, D M, 3 cav, Co M, died Sept 18, diarrhea. Wood, W J, 95, Co H, died Oct 1, scorbutus. Woodworth, B, 66, Co D, died Sept 10, dysentery. Woodand H, 1. Co I, died Sept 5, anasarca. AVoodhull, 1> F, 8 cav,. Co E, died Aug 15, scorbutus. Wouley, G C, 7 artil, Co K, died Dec 30, scorbutus. Wolf, T, 88, Co D, died Nov 5, scorbutus. Wolfe, W*, 2 artil, Co M, died Oct 16, scorbutus. Wolfe, Fred,* 24 cav, Co E, died Aug 19, debilitae. Wolfran, A, 62, Co C, died April 16, diarrliea c. Wright, Charles S, 118, Co E, died Aug 6, diarrhea c. Wright, D, 43, Co G, died Oct 14, scorbutus. Wright, J J, 148, Co I, died Aug 9, scorbutus. I Wuag C, 39, Co E, died July 30, diarrhea. Wulslager, Jolin, 86, Co G, died Bejt 4, diarrhea. Wyatt, James, 147, Co G, died Aug 2, diarrhea. Wyncoop, G,l, 12 cav, Co n, died Aug 30, BCorl)ntus. Winegarduer, L, 18, Co G, died June 17, diarrhea c. Tales, W G, 71. Co n, died. Sept 1, di-arrhca. Yencer, J D, 24 battery, died Aug 7, dysentery. Yeomand, G, 7, Co A, died Jan 21, diarrhea. Young C, 41, Co D, died Aug 23, scorbutus. Young, Charles, 16, Co C, died Aug 14, scorbutus. Young, E, 2 artil, Co L, died >"ept 8, diarrhea c. Young, Eugene, 111, Co G, died May 23, diarrhea. Young, George, 22, Co H, died Sept 14, diarrhea. Young, J,t 1st cav, Co B, died Auu 26, diarrhea. Young, T B, 14S, Co A, died AugSl, diarrhea. Yonker, W, 10 artil, CoB, died Oct 7, diarrhea. NORTH CAROLINA. 1596, Barker, .1, 2, Co F, died June 3. dysentery. 849, Briggs, "Wilson, 1, Co A, died May 3, dysentery c. 275, Collowill. B. 2, Co F, died March 31, fever congestive. 475, Cox. William. C,t 2. Co F, April 9, fever intermittent 604, Check, W F,* 2, Co F, died May 8, diarrhea c. 144, Dunbar, Alex, 2, Co F, died March 25, diarrhea c. 1057, Miller, J, drummer, 2, Co D. died May 13, pluhisis. 10705, Masey, Henry, 7, died Oct 11, diarrhea. 11S44, Moss, Wm, 1, Co F, died Nov 5, scorbutus. 8690, Norfleld, Warren, 1, Co G, died Sept 14, diarrhea. 870, Stone, Jno A, 2, Co F, died April 5, diarrhea a. 2036, Smith, Jas, 2, Co F. died June 29, diarrhea c. 4899, Smith, Geo, 2, Co E, died Aug 6, scorbutus. 883, Turner, F, 2, Co I, died April 2, diarrhea a. 79S, Turner, H, 1 colored, Co I, dietl April 29, diarrhea c 204, Weeks, Nathan, 2, Co F, died March 2S, diarrhea c. 712, Wilhams, Thos, 2, Co D, died April 24, diarrhea. OHIO 12S46, Akers, J W, 4, Co B, died April 24, '65, diarrhea. 251, Arther, George, 7, Co B, died March 30, diarrhea. 789, Arrowsmith, W R, 45, C'o K, died April 28, diarrhea c. Ills, Ames, George, 100, Co K, died May 15, dysentery. 16.50, Alleu, W, 46, Co B, died June 1, diarrhea c. 1569, Alinger, D, 51, Co C, died .Tune 2, diarrhea c. 1724, Anderson, D, 111, Co B, died June 8, diarrhea. 1779, Augustus, T, 89, Co K, died June 9, pneumonia. 1805, Akers, A A, 94, Co F, died June 10, anasarca. 2040, Aldridge, C W, S3, died June 15, pneumoria, 2935, Adam, Miller, 103, Co I, died July 6, dehilitas. S046, Anderson, E, 93, Co C, died July S, diarrhea. 3197, Aldbrook, C W, 60, died July 12, diarrhea. 34S5, Arthur, J C,t 89, Co A, died July 17, diarrhea. 3852, Armebrish, A, 21, Co A, ilied July 24. scorbutus. 3932, Almond. A, 72, Co A, died July 26, diarrhea. 4529, Arnold. Charles, 9 cav, Co G, died Aug 2, diarrhea. 4990, Ailes, T G, 20, Co I, died Aug 7, diarrhea. 504S, Andrews. Samuel, Co G, died Aug 8, diarrhea c. 6422, Adams, E, 2 cav, Co C, died Aug 22, scorbutus. 7429, Allen, A B,« 121, Co C, died Aug 31, scorbutus. 7482, Alward, A, 135, Co B. died Sept 1, icfus eolia. 7736, Arthur, J, 69, Co I, died Sept 8. debiliUs. 7S43, Arne, I, 64, Co D, died Sept 4, diarrhea. 981f, Alown A, 34, Co D, died Sept 26, diarrhea. 1039.3, Andrews, J It, 63, Co K, died Oct 6, diarrhea c. 10425, Adams, J, 122, Co I, died Oct 6, diarrlieH. 10S74, Allen, James C, 91, Co F, died Oct 13, scorbutus. 11198, Andermill, John, 24. Co K, died Oct 20, scorbutus. 12495, Allen, J W,* 1, Co G, died Jon 20, "65, scorbutus. ISS, Baiel, W T,t 45, Co F, died March 27, diarrhea. 207, Bodin, Thomas S,t 44, died March 2S, dysentery a. 691, Beaver, George E, 111, Co B, died April 23, fever typhus. 629, Beeman, Kichard, 325, Co E, died May 1. dysentery. 861, Biddinger, M, musician, 9;, Co K. died May 3, diarrhea c. 952, Branigau, James, 82, Co F. died Mav 8. diarrhea. 1094, Blangy, S, 70, Co B, died May 14, diarrhea o. 1212, Botkins, A, S, 45, Co G, died Mav 19. dehilitas. 1226, Black, G W, 99, Co F, died May 20, diarrhea. 1306, Bates, L B, 1 cav, Co A, died Miiv 25, dysentery. 186S, Bodkin, W. 46, Co K, died Mav 25, anasarca. 1376, Baldwin, N, 9 cav, Co F, died May 26, dysentery. 13S5, Bowers, James, 89, Co A, died May 26, marasmu.s. 1403, Boyd, II J, 7, Co H, died May 30, iliarrhea. 1602, Biiman, John, 2, Co C, died June 4, diarrhea c. 1609, Brvan, E, 16, Co C. died June 4, diarrhea c. 1781, Balcom, D, 19, Co F, died June 9, pneumonia. 1919, Brownies, John, 7, Co I, died June 14, anasarca. 1H37, Brooks, J, 135. Co I. died Juno 14, diarrhea a. 1970, Bothin, W J, 45, Co F, died June 1,5, anasarca 1993, Bartholomew, E W, 2115, Co C, died June 15, dehilitas. 206.5, KelJing, F, 105, Co D, died June 16, diarrhea c. 2067, Brookheart, W, 45. Co I. died June 16, diarrhea c. 2087, Benor, H, 100, Co E, died June 17, scorbutus. 2110, Bishop, S, 49, Co K, died June 17. diarrhea o. 2170, Berry, J 0. 90. Co E. died June 19, diarrhea c. 2264, Beers, A, 45, Co A, died June 20, diarrhea. 2292, Burnham, W, 1 artil, Co K, died June 21, anasarca 2115, bird, J. 45, Co A, died June 94, diarrhea c. 2192, Bratt, 6,t 21, Co G, died Juno 26, fever remittent. 45 ora»i*. 2o99, 2696, S053, S245, 3-299. S6118, 3850, aios, ST56, .■SS:?!, 4(173, 4279, 4554, •1963, 51SS, 5219. 5493, BBSS. 5656, 5755, 5771, 5319, 0S25, 69.37, 5935, 001 s, 61120, 6152, 6389, 72S0. 7233, 7431, 7490, 7529. 7S0C, 79S3, 7993, 7994, S365, 8376. 8476, b496, S.5US. 6509, S676, 8C93, 8872, 6939, 9237, 9446, 9473, 9625, 9679, 9397, 9949, 10121), 10199, 10231, 10.191, 11072, 11S07, nsos, 113l:i, 11626, 11920. 11939. 12296, 12333, 12524, 12641, 617, 12772, 4.59, 561, 663, 723, 76.3. 911, 923, 965. 1269, 1291, l.'i2l, 1537, 1631, 1679, 1900, 1945, 1992, Bouiiljfman, -T, 39, Co C. diod June 29, annsftrci. lir.Htidon. John. 15, Co F. dird June 30. pneiinionia. Haines, V H, 92, Co H, died July 9, diarrhea, hniwn, Charles, 23, Co D, died Jul.7 13, diarrliex Burns, M G, 111, Co B, died July 13, diarrhea. Brackneck, II, 7 cftv. Co A. died July 19, diarrhea. Bn-iart, John, 9. Co G. died .luly 20. scorbutus. Bontrell. C, 6. Co G. died July 21, diarrliea. Batch, 0, 45, Co I, died July 22, diarrhea. Bowman, S. 61, Co K. died July 23, dysentery, Brockway, M, 2 artil, Co D, died July 27, dvsentery. Bovie, W H, II, Co H, died July 80. diarrhea. Britt.m, B U, 125, Co H, died Aug 4, rheumatism. Berdy. M J, 46, Co D, died Aug 7, scorbutus. Buckle, John J, 126, Co E, died Aug 9, diarrliea. Bisbhaiu. Geori:e, 9 cav, Co B, died Aug 10, scorbutus. Baldwin. George, 9 cav, Co G. died Aug 13, diarrliea c. Boiiestine. \V !!,♦ 107, Co 1, died Au^' 14, catarrh. Buriia, J M, 121, Co K, died Aug 14, diarrhea. BHliiiet, J, 19, Co I. died Aug 15. scorbutus. Hrulch. K. 10 cav, Co I. died Aug 15, dysentery. Kond, 8 F, 123. Co B, died Aug 16. marasiiius. Boyle, H, 130, Co B, died Auir 16, niaraanius. Bower. K. 61, Co I. died Aug 17, dysentery. Birch. L F, 31, Co H, died Ant: 17. nmrasiiius. Enwinan. A, 104, Co E. died Mts 17. diarrhea. Bright, N, 0, Co K, died July 17^ dysentery. Brown, G S. Ill, Co F. died Aug IS, scorbutus. Baien. T J.* 89, Co A, died Aiii 25. scorbutus. Barrett, S C. 26, Co F. died Alls 31). diarrhea. Beil. A, 70, Co B, died Aug 80. diarrhea. Baxter, P D, 121, Co D, died Sept 1, scorbutus. Brcnning. C, 14. Co G. died Sept 1. dysentery. Brown \V, 26, Co G, died Sept 1, scorbutus. Bear. E, 38, Co A, died Sept 4, dysentery. Bender C, 54, Co ('. died Sept 6. diarrhea. Brown, M,* 110, Co F, died Sept 6, dysentery. B.-irncs, T S, SI, Co B, died Sept 6, scorbutus. Benoar, W A, 135, Co F, died Sept 10, scorbutus. Bavston. G II, 135, Co F, died Sept 10, scorbutus. Brenner N, 60. Co F, died Sept 11, scorbutus. Barnes. A, 36. Co G, died Sept 11, diarrhea, Bl\ the. C, 1, Co I, died Sept 12, anasarca. Brinhoioer, .1, 65, Co C, died Sept 12, diatrliea. Brown, H U, 41, Co A, died Sept 18, scorbutus. Bell, James, 13,5, Co B, died Sept 14, scorbutus. Buckley, J G, 126, Co A. died Sept 15, dysentery. Blessing. C, 9, Co F, died Sept 16, scorbutus. Baker. VV C, 94, died Sept 19, diarrhea. Brookover. Geo. 135. Co B. died Sept 21, diarrhea. Briace. J K, 122, Co C, died Sept 21, diarrhea. Br.adley, A. 101, Co A, died Sept 24, diarrhea. UlacUnian. S, 72, Co G, died Sept 24, scorbutus. Biirchfleld, Eli, 14, died Sept 27, diarrhea. Beaiit, H T, 34, m I, Co D, died Sept 23, diarrhea. Brewer, D C, 43, Co K, died Oct 1, wounds. Blown, E N, 21, Co E, died Oct 2, scorbutus. Brum, W Il.t 20, Co B, died Oct 4, diarrhea. Briggs. F. 17, Co G. died Oct 10, diarrhea. Baviiiher, L G, 163, Co A, died Oct 17, scorbutus. Holes, (J, 1 12, Co U, died Oct 22, scorbutus. Bruuker, J, 11. Co K. died Oct 22, scorbutus. Burns. M. 12. Co K. died Oct 22. scorbutus. Bricker, J J,t 126, Co II, died Oct 2S, diarrliea. Biioigardner, Joel, 3, Co C, died Nov 8, scorbutus Barber. B, 10 cav, Co D, died Nov 9. diarrhea c. Bissel, J, 2 cav, Co E, died Dec 16. scorbutus. Becliley. G 102, Co F, died Jan .3. '6.5. diarrliea c. Barncj. E H. 2, Co D, died Jan 26, '6.5. scorbutus. Bower, A, 37, t'o F, died Feb 12, diarrhea a. Blackwood. J. 92, Co I. died April 12, diarrhea o. Bowens, W II, loO, Co A, died March 13, '65, pleuritis. Carpenter, White,* 92, Co V>, died March 4, pneamonia. Copeland. C, 1, Co A, died April 9. wounds. Coates, George II, 7 cav. Col, died .April 15, diarrhea. Campbell, .Tallies, 7 cav, Co H, died April 15. dianhea, Callaway, Win, 7 cav, Co F, died April 2,5, diarrhea c, Coleman, G, 101, Co .\, died April 27, diarrhea. Chapman. George, 75, Co A, died May I, phthisis. Crosser M, 111, Co B, died May 7, diarrhea. ' ^ _, diarrhea. i Mav 21, diarrliea. (Uirley, w'c. 111, Co'b, died May 8, Cruet, Wm, 89, t:o C, died May 21, diii...icn. Collins, Thoinss,* 21, Co G, died May 22, diarrhea c. Capeheart, 11. 70. Co I. died May 31, diarrhea. *;iark. II S. 62, Co E, died June's, diarrliea c. f^iriklin. W, 121, Co B, died June 6, pneumonia. Clark. I) V. Ill, Co B. died June 6, diarrhea. Childers, Wm, 89, Co B, died June 13, diarrliea. ('rocker, (Jeorge, 1 artil, Co A, died .Itine 14, diarrhea. Christy, W, S9, Co K, died June 15, diarrhea o Ko, of Orare, 2017, Curtis, N, 45, Co D, died Juno 1,5, anasarca. 2025, Carealiaii, G M, 65, Co F, died June 15, diarrhea c. 2101, Caldwell, J.+ 15. Co D. died June 17, diarrhea a. 2I6'2, Corneilus, L C* i-9. Co C, died Juno 19. catiiisnetics. 2207, Cochrane. James,t 22. Co G, died June 20, diarrhea c. 2463, Church. E, 2, Co G, died June 25, diarrhea. 2.i7^. Coiiibston, J, 7 cav, Co L. died June 27, diarrhea c ■J963. t'ltnieron, U. 69, Co li, died Julv 6, diarrhea c. L;0ti2, Callalmn, H, 34, Co C, died Julv 7. dysentery. 8241, Coyner, George M, 89, Co D, died July 13, diarrliea 8307, Canard, J Q A, 14, Co 6, died July 13, diarrhea. 3356, Crucr, J W, 60. Co B, died July 16, diarrhea c. .3541. Cole, B, 82, Co A. died July 13, diarrhea. 8573, Collins, T, 15. Co I, died July 19, diarrhea. 3604, Cook, L B, 2 cav, Co C, died July 19. diarrhea. 3617, Clark, J C,t 81, Co H, died July 20. scorbutus. 3774, Clayton, D J, 9 cav, Co D, died July S2, scorbutus. 3937, Cover, L, 49, Co B, died July S5, diarrhea c. 4123, Clavton, J, 89, Co G, died July 2S. di.arrhea. 4842, Conway, J, 103, Co A, died July SO. diarrhea. 4493. Cordray, J J, 89, Co G, died Au^ 1. scorbutus. 4866, Cahill, J N, 91), Co C. died Au- 6, diarrhea. 5105, Charles, F, 100. Co A, died Alls 9, diarrhea c. 6451, CoUyer, J. 11, Co G, died Aug 12, diarrliea, 5543, Chandler, M, 124, Co E. died Aug 13, .liarrbea. 692-2. Clark, James, 89. Co I, died Au2 17, debilitas. 602-2. dine. K. Ill, Co B. died Aus 17. diarrhea. 610S, Cl.urcli, George K,i 14, Co C,Mied Aug 13, diarrhea. 6183. Chambet-s, li S, 89, Co A, dieil Aug 19, scorbutus. 6-253, Cojdr. S A.* 83. Co C, died Aug 20. anasarca. 6-2.S1, Conklin, J K, 45, Co L, died Aug 20, diarrhea c. 6562, Crais, I),+ 2, Co D, died Aug 23,"calarrli. 7483, Caswell, 6. 21, Co C, died Seiit I, dysentery. 7i36, Coons, David, 57, Co C, died Sept 1, scorbutus. 7495. Crooks, J M. 92, Co K, died Sept 1, diarrhea. 769.5, Chard, C W, 2, Co II. died Sept 3, diarrhea. 7.300. Crega, .I.t 49, Co K, died Sept 4. iliarrhea. 733.5. Cline M, 2, Co E, died Sept 4, diarrhea. 7919, Clark, George, 60, Co D, died Sept .5, lever remittent. 7993, Clokie, J W, » major, 49, died Sept 6, diarrhea. 81811, Cummings. W S, '36, Co I, died Sept 8, diarrhea. 8454, Catth-hock, F. 3.5, Co A, died Sept. 14, diarrhea c. S457. Campbell. W C. 6. C" I. died Sept 11. diarrhea. 8694. Chapin, .lames. 13.5. Co F. died Selit 14, scorbutus. 8701, Crooke. W B, 13.5, Co B, died Sept 14, scorlnitus. 8310, Clark, J K. 1-35. Co F. died Sept 16, scorbntoa. 9243, Corstein, W,* 99, Co C, died Sept 19, scorbutus. 9-288. Cramblet. A J, 1'23, Co II, died Sept 19, diarrhea c, 94f.2, Campbell. Samuel, 74. Co G, died Sept 21, diarrhea. 9476, Cadwell, A F, 3, Co E, died Sept 21, diarrhea. 9491. Clay. O. 12-2, Co I), died Sept 21, diarrhea. 966-2. Cort, W, 1), Co T>, died Seiit 24, diarrhea. 9770. Cummings, A. 6 cav, Co E, died Sept 26, scorbutus. 9772. Clark. S. 24, Co H, died Sept 26. scorbutus, !'395, Conner. J B. 9 cav, Co G (lied Sept 27, diarrhea. 9971. Ciistable. I. 51, Co A, died Sept 23, diarrhea. lo3sl. (.'nates, liufus, 2 cav, dieil Oct 5, diarrhea. 10796. Colts, U E. 2, Co C. di.-d Oct 12, scorbutus. 10384. Ce[.p. .J, 14 Co I, died Oct 18, scorbutus. 10986, Carev, A, 21. Co E, died Oct 16, scorbutus, 11103, Carter. John B. 89. Co I, died Oct 18, scorbutus. 11-2-24, Craven. A J,* 15, Co C, died Oct 20, dysentery. 1126-2, Cromwell. W M, 59. Co H, died Oct 21, diarrliea c, 11403, Cutsdnghner, W J, 95, Co D, died Oct 24, scorbutus. 1 1540. Crominberger, J C, 23. Co I, died Oct 27. scorbutus. 11667. Cantwright. L, 51. Co F, died Oct 27, scorbutus. 11537. Chapin. J A. 13,5, Co F. died Oct 23, scorbutus. I161S, Cl»rk, II M, 21, Co A, died Oct 23. scorbutus. 11641, Clingan, A I', 26, Co K, died Oct 30, scorbutus. 11766, Cohagen. J II. 6, Co K, died Nov 3, diarrhe.a. 1-2I1S2. Cahill. Wm. 51, Co A, died Nov IS, scorbutus. 12386, Calvington, P.. 72. Co C. died .Tan 8, '65, fever remittent 124S.'i. Chambers. J C. 16 Co C, died Jan 11. '65. .scorbutus. 12691, Crampton, A, 79, Co C, died Feb 2'2, '6.5. di-nrrhea c. 12793, Conovcr, 3, 175, Co B, died March 19, '66, diarrhea c. 690, navis, Wm E, 7, Co II. died April 28. bronchilis. 980. Iiowning. George, 45, Co C. died May 7. fever remittent. 931. Dumar. K.i 46, ('o B, died M.ay 9. debilitas 1267, Dugan, Thomas, 1 cav, Co B, died May 21, fever typhus. 1743, Davis. I,t 7 cav, Co F. died Juno 9, dvscntery. 2-251, Decker, B F, 111, Co B, died June 21^ debilitas. 2-296. Dumas. J P. 2. Co U. died Juno 21, dysentery. 2351. Dou!;la,ss, W, 2J, Co F, died June 23, diarrhea c. '2674, Davis, B, 22, Co B, dieil June 80, scorbutus, ■2909, Davis, (i W. 46, Co K, died July 6. diarrhea. 2973. Dandelion. T. 3d Co. indpnt cav, died Julv 7, anasarca. 8703, Dodson. E. 7 cav, Co U, died Julv 21, diarrhea. 830-2. Dille, Charles. 2.3, Co I. died Julv 22, diarrhea c. 4455, Dodi-e, 2, Co I. died Aug 1, diarihea. 4501, Diecy. C, 26, Co U, died Aug 1, diarrhea. 46 OHIO. Orave. 4772, Denton, John, T cav, Co E, died Aug 5, scorbutus. 6020, Dessflbeui, M, 1, Co I, died Aug S, debilitas. 52GS, Dorson, L.* 12, Co I, died Aug ill, dysentery. 629!l, Doty, K E, 41, Co U. died Aug 11, dianh. a. 586S, Dyke, V, 5 cav, Co K, died Aug 11, diarrliea. W65, Donly, .lames, 1 cav, Co F, died Aug l;f, scorbutus. 5620, Davis, W li, 33, C.> D, died Aug 14, dinrrliei\. C043, Declcev, .1, 111, Co B, died AuglS, diarrhea c. 622:), Durant, 13, »n, Co D, die, Falman. A, 82, Co II, died March 20, pneuinniiin. 176, Fairbanks, Alph, 4,5, Co A, died March 26, dysentery. 246, Ferris, Joseph, 2 cav, Co H, died March 30, iliarrlieu. 311, Foster, A M. 100. Co A. died April 2, fever typhus. 572, Prayer, Daniel, 99, Co I, died April 5. diarrhea. 636. Facer. William, 111, Co K. died April 20, fever. 830, Fisher. Cliarles, 3 cav. Co C, died May 1, dysentery. 10.54, Free. M, 22 buttery, died May 13, dysentery. 13'^1, Freenough, George, 3 cav, died May 26. diarrhea c. 17S6, Fraiser, .Iames,t 2, Co E, died June 10, diarrhea. 2457, Fry, W L, 123, Co H, died June 25, diarrhea 2t79, Fenton, J M,t 35, Co I, died June 25, scorbutus. 2761, Finlan, Janie.s, IS, Co K, died July 2, diarrhea c. 4231, Fry, Jacob, 99, Co I, died July 29, diarihea. 4.317, Filch, E P, 40, Co G, died July So, diarrhea. 4337, Fulkinson, H. 2, Co I. died Julv 80, diarrhea. 4651, Fife, J. 83, Co K, died Aug 3, diarrhea. 4S6S. Fling, T J, 27, Co A, died Aug 6, scorbutus. 5249, Ferce, R 8. 2, Co C, died Aug 10, diarrhea. 5626, Falk, W. 82. Co D, died Aug 14, dvsenter}'. 5S64, FuUerston, W,* IS. Co K, died Aug 16, anasarca. 6212, Foreman, A, 64, Co E, died Ang 19, dysentery. 6308, Fisher, D, S9, Co I, died Aug 20, scorbutus. 6891, Futers, John 11, 82. Co F, died April 26, fever contae. 7873, Franks, 1; L, 122. Co E, died Sept 5. scorbutus. 7976, Forney, W O, 123, Co I), died Sept 6, diarrhea. 9158, Firman, T. cav, died Sfpt IS, diarrhea c. 9225, Ferguson. IT, 3 cav, Co D. died Sept 19, gangrene. 9550, Fowler, C, loO, Co A, died Sept 22, scorbutus. 95.57, Finch, C. , (>> B. died Sept 23, diarrhea. 9976, Prankinburg. C, 72, Co G, died Sept 2*. diarrhea. 10046, Farsbay, A, 116. Co F, died Sept 29, diarrliea. 10915. Freeley, P, 10, Co G, died Sept 14, scorbutus. 11S19, Flowers. W F, 116, Co D, died Nov 5, scorbutus. 11914, Forest, Win, 21. Co K, died Nov 8, scorbutus. laiOS, Fargrove, M li, 135, Co F, died Nov 21. scorbutus. 12637, Fussleman, J, 20, Co H, died Feb 11, •fi5, rbeiirrmlisin. 12781, Foults, M,163 Co D. died March 15, diarrliea c. 12427, Pike, W P, 95, Co 11, died Jan 9, pleurilis. 197, Griling, Daniel, 13, Co A. died March 27, bronchitis. 245, Gardner, A, 100, Co U. died March 30, diarrliea. 8S6, Grescaust, S,* C cav, Co G, died April 2, debilitas. 611, QUIingliar, B, 7 cav, Co L, died April IS, diarrhea. 6S1, Godfrey. Amos, 4.5, Co C, died April -.23. dysentery c. 693, Greek, Samuel, 100, Co C, died April 23, diarrhea. 006, Gibson, Collins, 40. Co II, died May 5, diarrhea c. 1465, Greer, P. J, cav, Co C, died Mayi'9, diarrhea. 2542, Gilanni, .1, 35, Co K, died .Tune 27, dysentery. 2926, Garner C, 1 cav, Co K. died July 5, diarrhea. 3130, Gi.ffe, V K. 19. Co K, died July 10, diarrhea c. 3251, Gaunt, Wm,* 14 Co I, died July 13. diarrhea. 3327, fSibson, K, 40, Co B, died July 15, diarihea c. 3962, Gingeng, P S,» 21, Co E, died July 26, diarrliex 4087, Gillette, G W, 6, Co G, died July 26, scorbutus. 4242, Gilbert, .1, 19, Co B, died July 29, diarrhea c. 4301, Grafton, D, US, Co D, died July 80, bronchitis. 4383, Graham, .1 W, 31, Co 0, died July 81, diarrhea 4445, Gotly. P, 113, Co G, died Aug 1, aunsarca. 4655, Gragrer. H. 125, Co H, died Aug 3, scorbutus. 4S02, Greer, G G, 49, Co D, died Aug 5, catarrh. 4902, Granbau"!), 85, Co E, died Aug 6, seorbutiis. 6023, Gordon, Wni, 45, Co B, died Aug 17, diarrhea. 6075, Gallaglier, James 30, Co F, died Aug 18, scorbutus. 6207, Green, E, 4 cav, C.) D, died Aug 19, fever tvphus. 0:546, Gordon, W, 10, Co G, died Aug 21, diarrliea'. 6408, Grutr. A J. 13, Co E, di.'d Aug 22, catarrh. 64S6, Gates, H, 13. Co G, liied Aug 22. diarrliea. 6821, Groovs, L, 12. Co (.:, died Aug 25, scorbutus. 7111, Gilland, A. 27, Co P, died Aug 2S, wounds. 8330, Goodrich. J S, 9, Co A, died Sept 10, diarrhea. S367, Ganoid, L, (iO, Co A, died Sept 10, sc.iibutus. 9566. Gould, J M, 124, Co A, died Sept 23, diarrhea c. 9S13, Graft, P, 20 batterj-, died Sept 26, disrj hea. 9927, Galbraiih, J S,t 6 cav, Co M, died Se|it 28, diarrhea. 11215, Giutber. J, 60 Co B, died Oct 20, scorbutus. 11850, Gardner, G, 1, Co K, died Nov 5, scorbutus. 12033, Glissin, A,t 2 cav, Co M, died Nov 15, scorbutus. 12064, Gillenback, J, 77, Co E, died Nov 17, scorbutus 12109, Goodbrath, C, 28. Co G, died Ocl 21. scorbutus. 12560, Griffith, J H. 58, Co C, died Jan 81, '65. diarrhea c. I2S42, Gassier, P, 61, Co A, died April 22, diarrhea c. 35, Ilall. J W, 4, Co A, died March 9, pneumonia. 295, Hocbenburg. N, 45, Co C, died April 1. diarrliea. 420, Ilaniiey, W P, 4.5, Co A, died April 7, diarrhea c. 424, Hill, J,t 7 cav, Co L, died April 7. diarrhea c. 437, Henry, James 7 cav, Co L. died April. 8, diarrhea c. 464, Haner Jacob, 45, Co B, died April 9, diarrhea c. 527, Hickco.'!, M It, 2 cav, Co B, died April 13, pleuritis. 580, H.jidmaii, P, 1 battery, Co D, died April 16. pneumonia. 748, Hanning, Mark, 7 cav, Co I. died April 26, diarrhea. 748, Harvey, Cliarles, 76, Co E, died April 26, dysentery c. 875, Henry, G W, 96. Co E. died May 4, diarrhea. 949, Hawkins. W W,» 103. Co G, died May 8, fever typhus. 1129, lluds.inpilfer, 11 L, 7 cav, Co L, died May 15. diarrhea c. 1354, Hend, (jeorge, 103, Co li, die.l Mav 25, diarrhea. 1390, H.ill.jway, G W, 1, Co C, died May 28, diarrhea c 1524. Harrison. J, 21, Co I. died May 31, dysentery c. 1666, Hazlelt, Wm, 2, Co K, died June 0, fever intermittent. 1822, Hull, S,t 21, Co E, died June 10, diarrhea c. 1979, Harrks, E D,+ 99, Co I, died June 15, diarrhea. 2029, Hngle, John, 1 cav, Co C, died June 15, dysentery. 2185, Humphreys, Wm, 45. Co C, died June 19, pleuritis. 2263, Haiiley, C, 16, Co F, died June 20, diarrhea. 2300, Henderson, S W,t 40, Co H, died June 22, diarrhea c. 2869, Howard, J, musician, 70, Co D, died June 23, diarrhea c. S424, Hayfi.rd. A E, 125, Co C, died June 24, diarrhea. 2597, Harrington, S J, 108, Co I, died .lune 28, bronchitis. 2071, lliirli's, I, 126, Co C, died Jnne 80, fever intermittent. 2776, Hurlhurt, (I, 14 Co It, died July 2. diarrhea c. •2842, Hudis.in. J,* 111, Co B, died July 8, diarrhea. 8185, Hall. T,t 2, Co U. died July 11, diarrhea. 31, Ileaton, Ames. 45, Co P, died .April 20, small pox. 8.388, Hudsen. Wm. 74, Co G, died July 16, diarrhea. 3420. Hunt, W II, 113, Co G, died July 16, dysentery. 3736, Harinan, L. 9, Co F, died July 21, diarrhea c. 4030, Hansbury, E A, 6, Co G, died July 26, scorbutus. 440S, Ilen.lershot, John, 45, Co D, died Julv 31, scorbutus. 4411, Harris, J, 1, Co E, died July 31, diarrhea. OHIO. 47 No. of Grave. 450D', Flartman, II, 13, Co K, died Aug 1, diorrheac. 4599, Harrisi.n, J M. 105. Co M, died An;i 3, diarrhea o. 4993, Hendrirtfon. O, 19, Co K, died Aug 7, scorbutus. 6293, Ilolibauib, J A, 23. Co E, died Aui; 11, di.irrliea. »296, Hatflold, George W, 126, Co K, died Aug 11, dysentery. 5396, llolnian, A. 63^ Co K, died Aug 12, wounds. 5.554, Ilonnill, F 11. 9, Co G, died Aui 13, diarrlica. K636, Hany, B F, S9, Co C, died Aug 14. scorbutus. 5S13, Hicks F. 40, Co II. died Aug 10, diarrhea. 5S53, Hibbct, Win, 21, Co D, died Aug 19, luarnsmus. 5S5S, Hoi!. P, 116, Co B. died Aug 16. luara-'*inu«. 605S, HauiMi, E .1. * Co K, died Aug 18, cerebriiis. 612.3, Higgins. .1 W, 1 14, Co C, died Aug IS, diarrhea. Om, Houscr, W K, 89, Co K, died Aug IS, cc>rebrilia. 6522, Hicl;s, J, II, Co D, died Aug 22, dysenterv. 6625, Hughes, Ilenrv, 83. Co A, died Aug 33, scorbutus. 6689, Heiiricks, E, 34, Co H, died Aug 23, scorbutus. 6647, Hartman. J, 2, Co K, died Aug 23. scorbutus. 6793, Herrig. N, 7 cav, Co D, died Aug 26. catarrh. 6S02, Hine, T E, '2 cav, Co D, died Aug 25, diarrhea. 7022, Hull, O, 69. Co B, died Aug 27, diarrhea. 73S8. Hubbell, W A, 2.i, Co A, died Aug 31, scorbutus. 7446, Hnrdncll. O, 72. I'o C, died Sept 1, fever typhus. 7825, Holley, V II, 1 100, Co B, died Sept 4, scorbutus. 7940, Hughes, J, 12, dt E, died Sept 5, diarrhea. 8060, IIerb(dt, Daniel, 115, Co F, died Sept 7, diarrhea. 8067, Harper, .J II, 00, Co I, died Sept 7, diarrhea. 8284, Halshult, A, 12, Co C, died Sejit 9, diarrhea. S4SI, Ilecliler, John, 30, Co G, died Sept II, scorbutus. S696, Hirchkock, G, 84, Co G, died Sept 14, scorbutug. 6725, Hifner, G. SO, Co C, died Sept 14, scorbutics. » 9189, Hoyt, li, 7.^"o K. died Sept IS, scorbutus. 9J10, Hart, E, 10. Co II, died .-ept 19, scorbutus. 953S, Hall, S. 126, Co F, died Sept 20, scorbutus. 9415, Hood, F, IS, Co F, died Sept 21, diarrhea. 0510, Hauiiltoii, J, 13, Co A, died Sept 22, diarrhea. 95S2, Hoover, .J, 13, Co K, died Sept 23, diarrhea. 9622, Hurley, .l.diu C, 124, Co C, died Sept 23, diarrhea. 10094, Holpies, Wesley, 135, Co F, died Sept 80. diarrhea. 10207, Harrison, .J, 2 cav, Co A, died Oct 2, scorbutus. 1020S, lluiconib, L, 7, Co L, died Oct 2, scorbutus. 10225, Harkins, M, 60, Co D, died Oct 2, diarrhea. 10390, llinton. Win, 72, Co A, died Oct 5, diarrhea 10492, Hererlin, B, 82. died Oct 7, diarrhea. Iu613, Herbert, Win, 4, Co L, died Oct 8, scorbutus, 10524, Ilomich, C, 110, Co D. died Oct S, scorbutus. 10647, Herman, K, 135, Co F, died Oct 11, scorbutus. II029, Hllyard, J, 98, Co F, died Oct 16, diarrhea. 11032, Hubber, D, 5, Co A, died Oct 16, scorbutus. 11053, Ileyiners, B, 2, Co G, died Oct 17, scorbutus. 11209, Hnnard. J B, 123, Co C, died Oct 20, dysentery. 11228, Hoyt, W B, -'9, Co A, died Oct 20, scorbutus. 11335, llcudersou, D. 122, Co U, died Oct 23, scorbutus. 11588, llintz, D, 1, Co B, Oct 28, scorbutus. 11592, Hutcliins, G W, 135, Co A, died Oct 23, scorbutus, 11696, Hutchics. .1 W, 15.3, Co A, died Oct 31, diarrhea, 11856, Havner. B, 135, Co A, Nov 6, scorbutus. I193S, Hatfleld, A G, 114, Co E, died Nov 9, debilitas. 123,5.!, Hume, ,1 A, * 32, Co F, died Dec 29, marasmus. 12371, Haines, N S, * 72, Co E, died Jan 1, '65, scorbutus. 12404, Hill, W L, 54, Co A, died Jan 6. '65, scorbutus. 12446, Hill, K P, 89, Co G. died Jan 13, '65, scorbutus. 12512, HaL'eruiau, K, .33, Co li, died Jan 23, '6,'), diarrhea, 12569, Haft, H C, 2, Co C, died Feb 1, '6.5, scorbutus. 12011, Hagerly, D O, 72, Co E, died Feb 7, '65, debilitas, 1'2743. Holtz, VV. 101, Co I, died March 7. '65, debilitas. 1129, Hudson, li L, ' 7 cav, Co L, died May 1.5, diarrlien c. 11-32, Hank, George B, 7 cav, Co L. died May 16. pneumonia. 2607, llanda, L C^ 92, Co E, died June 28, diarrlica c. 12S0, Irving, Ester, 114, Co H, died May 22, fever. 1967, Ingler Wm, SI, Co C. died Juno 14, diarrhea c. 7489, luiboden, J, 44, Co E, died Sept 1, dysentery, 8744, Irwin, A, 1, Co I, died Sept 14, debilitas. 1070U, Idold, A, t7 cav, Co C, died Oct 11, diarrhea. 12579, Isham, 1), 89, Co G, died Feb S, '65, scorbutus. 854, Justice, George VV, 45, Co B, died ApriI2, diarrhea c. 1637, Johnson*! H. 9.^, Co D, died June 5, fever typhus. 3.590, Jacobs, P O, 45, Co E, July 19, scorbutus. 3754, Jones, R, 45, Co C, died July 22, scorbutus. 3903, .lones. 3, 111, Co B, died Julv 24, lever intermittent, 43SI, Jewell, I, 99, Co V. died July 81, dysentery. 5120, Johnston, John W. S'', Co II, died Aug 9, diarrhea. 6503, JohnsuiU, M, 126, Co C, died Aug 13, dysentery. 6,'>83, Jones. H. 40, Co G. died Aug 14, dysentery c. 5624, Jewell. W A, 126, Co G, died Aug 14, diarrhea, 6839, Jolly, O, 21, Co K, died Aug 16, scorbutus. 6265, Jeffries, II, 36, Co I, died Aug 20, ictus soils. 6810, Jones, John, * 40. Co G, died Aug 25. scorbutus. 7308, Johnson, E, 124, Co I, died Aug 30, diarrhea. No, of Ornvc. 7861, .Tones, R W, lis, Co F, died Sept 5, diarrhea. S647, Jenkins, Wm, 3 battery, died Sejit 13, scorbutas. 8757, Johnson, P, 43, Co B, died Sept 14, diarrhea. 8760, iTolinson, I, 61, Co A, died Sept 14, diarrhea. 9306, Jordan, A, 103, Co G, died Sept 'JO scorbutus. 9700, Jones, I B, 30, Co M. died Sept 26, diarrhea. 9744, Johnson. I B. 2, Co C, died Sejit 25, diarrhea c. 9rtO, .Jones, Wm, ♦ 84, Co B, died Sept 27, dhirrhea. 111114, Jones, S D, 135, Co F, died Oct 16, dysentery. 11203, Jennings, John, i- 24, Co K. Oct 20, scorbutus. 1194-,>, Jones, G L, 105, Co G, died Nov 9, scorbutus. 12126, Jarvitt, W, 15, Co A, died Nov 2'2, scorbutus, 12231, Johnson. A S, t 46, Co I, died Dec 6, diarrhea c. 12835, Jones. W H. 2, Co C, died Dec 26, *orbutus. 124-28, Jackson, S, 72, Co E. died Jan 10, '66, pleuritis. 7947, Jacobs, H, * 26, Co F, died Sept 6, diarrhea. 836, Kelley, Josiah, 45, Co C, died Mav 1, pneumonia. 461,5, Kimble, 8, 98, Co A, died Aug 1, ■debilitas. 471.^, Knight, -T. 21, Co E, died Aug 4, anasarca. 6381. Kelley E, '11, Co D. died Aug 12, diarrhea. 5448, Knidler, J W, 33, Co H. di.d'Aug 12, dysenterv. 6576, Kelly, U. 1, Co I, died Aug 14, dysentery. 619,%, Kel,-ev, .Tidin, * 3, Co I, died Aug 19. debilitas 71T7, Kenedy, S J B, 4,5, Co E. died Aug 29, scorbutus. 7424, Kelley, G, 15. Co E, died Oct 31, anasarca. 9377, Kelly, Wm. 46, Co C, died Sept 20, anasarca. 9436, Kerr, J H, 122, Co C. died Sept 21, diarrhea. 96S0, Knapp, J, 54, Co E, died Sept 24, diarrhea. lni:i9, Klllar, J, 16, Co D, died 0,-t 1, scorbutus, 10607, Kirbv, A, 4 cav, Co -A, died Oct 10, scorbutus. 10853, Keanshoir, L, 28, Co I, died Oct 13, diarrhe.a. 11065, Kerr, A, 1.3, Co I, died Oct 17, diarrhea c. 11732, KingUade, S, 18, Co C, died Nov 2. scorhutus. 12661, Kennedy, J, 70, Co K, died Nov 16. bronchitis. 12746, Kaler, J. 72, Co B. died March 8, '66, diarrhea c. 128112, Karch, J, 183. Co B. died March 20, '65, pleuritis. 765, Kinney, John, * 07, Co K, died April 27, diarrhea c. 2406, Knowiton, E, 6 cav, Co B. died .lune 24, diarrhea c. 13, Kiger, J H, * 45, Co E, died April 9, small pox 834. I.owry, .lames, 49, Co I. died May 1, diarrhea. 935, Lewis, Frank, 10-3, Co D. died May 7, diarrhea c. 1280, Laniie, Charles, 4.5, Co K, dierl May 22, diarrhea c. 1364, Larkin, -losepli. 1 artil. died May 25, diarrhea c, 1470, Logan, Frank, 89, Co F, died May 30. diarrhea. 1615, Logan, IJ, 6 cav, Co E, died June 4, diarrhea c. 1828, Leonard, John, 21, Co A, died June II, scorbutus. 2173. Lever, 11 E, 2. Co C. died June 19, dysentery. 237'2, Lisure. Samuel, 7, Co A, died June 23, fever typhus. 2426. Lemons, M, 89, Co B, died June 2-1, fever typhus. 8495, Lutz, M, * 14, Co C, died .Inly IS, scorbutus. 8497, Love, John. 96, Co E, died July 18, diarrhea. 5649, Linsav, J, '21, Co D, died July 20, diarrhea. 4097, Lynn," L L, 1 artil, Co E, died July 37, diarrhea. 4354, Law, S S, 124, Co I, died July 31, diarrhea. 4262, Lawsen, J, * 2, Co E. died July 29, anasarca. 4641, Lucas, J, 89, Co H, died Aug 3. anasarca. 4028, Leirand, D, 111, Co B, die"!V, Samuel, 4.'', Co E, died March 26. diarrheu. 215, Mur;diev. .Lilin, 7 cav. Co P., died March 2S, diarrhea. 412. Mil.l.ell, ,r. lill. Co F, died April T. diarrlu-a. 444. McKiiiJn-, M. 7. Co I, died April !). di.nrrhea. 675, Mah.iio, U .1, t 40, Co II. ilied April iU, diarrhea. 6Sli, McL'ormick .1 W E, 3S, Co li, died May 4. fever congestive. 9S4, Musser. I>, 45. Co li. died Mav !). diari ilea. t)9S, Meek. David, 111, Co K, died May 10. diarrhea. 1262, McKiiiKlit, II, 11, Co G, died May 21. diarrhea. 1233, Mc.Milnny. Georae, + 21, Co G, died May 22, diarrhe.l. 1G30, iMoore, Charles, 19. Co^I, died June 5, diarrhea c. 1S49, Masters, Samuel, I". Co I, died June U, anasarca. 1930, Martin. O. 105, Co F, died June 14, anasarca. 207.5, McCling, U, T cav, Co I. died June 17, diarrliea. 2139, Maloney. A, 4. Co 11, died .lune IS, dysentery. 2150, Mitchell W II. 31, Co D, died June IS. diarrliea o. 2290, Mas-ey, .1 C. 33, Co A, died June 21, diarrliea c. 2471, MuUiu, J, 65, Co K, died June 25, an.asarca. 2007, McChiud, A, 35, Co G, died June 29, diarrhea. 26S2, iMiller, T, 4 cav, Co A, died Jane 30. dvseiitery. 2743, iMcF;irland, L, 2, Co I, died July 1. diarrhea. 2S0t), Mclniiess. A, 45, Co B, died July 3, diarrhea. 2373, Moriatr. Jose[ih, 5. Co K, died July 4, scorbutus. 2991, Mitchell, James, 17, Co D, died July 7, anas.arca. 3104, Maione. LB. 7 cav. Co L. died July 10. diarrhea. 3122, Mitchell, C, 1, Co K. died July 10, diarrhea. 8137, Minshall, K, 48, Co C. died July 10, anasarca. 8290, Maliin, B, 51, Co I, died July 13, dysentery. S49I, .Master, J. 13. Co A, died July 17, diarrhea. 3713, Miller, E, 4, Co E, died July'21. diarrhea. 4040, Marslial!, T, * 21, Co G, died Jiilv 2li, dysentery. 4199, Myer, C. 21, Co I, died July 29, diarrhea. 4252, Meek. J, 19, Co E, died July 29, dysentery. 4293, Mckell, M J, t S9. Co D. died Julv 30 anasarca. 4:i6I, Mooriey, James. 60, Co D, died July 31, diarrhea. 4421, Morris, C K, U, Co H, died July 31, scorbutus. 4591, McCaiiti. A, 33, Co C, died Aug 3, dysentery. 4657, Mali'^r, 1*. 7, Co E, died Aug 3, diarrhea 47S9, Martin, D, 3 cav, Co L, died Aug .5, scorbutns. 573S, McCabe, il, 12, Co C, died Aug 15, diarrhea. 5777, Manscn. W. 9. Go G^ died Aug' 15, bronchilis. 6SS3, Mcintosh, I), 50, Co D, died Aug 16, diarrhea. 6026, Mai.aiiaii, Th<.s, 21, Co D, died Aug IS, diarrhea. 6040, McKoe, James, 51, Co A, died .\ug"lS. dibilitas. 6055, Mclliigh, W S, 2, Op D, died Aug Is, cerebrilia. 6063, Mcllair, I" M, 27, Co A, died Aug IS, dysentery. 6478, McCftbe, .T, 66. Co C, died Aug 22, scorbutns. 6341. McCriiiick. W P, 2, Co G, died Aug 2o. diarrhea. 6355, McSorley. D, 49, Co F, died Aug 26, diarrhea. 6S02, McC.iv. J B, 9S, Co A. died Aug 26, diarrhea 6920, McUell, Win, SO, Co K, died Aug 26, dvsentery. 7103, Mclionald, J, 99, Co II. died Aug 23, d'iarrhea. 7133, .Mason. .1. 45. Co D, dieii Aug 2S."scorbutU3. 71.su, More, John II, 00, Co D, died Aug 2S, dysentery. 7615, Myers, L II, 185, Co B, died Sept 1, .'corbutus. 7j96, Morris, .1. 105, Co A. died Sept.5. diarrhea S021, Meek, Robert, 111, Co K. died Sept 0, scorbutus. 81144, Jlyei.s. A, 61. Co I, died Sept 6, w.mnds. S3S5, Mayiner, E, 63, Co D, died Sept 10, fever typhus. S40S, McCiibe, J. 70, Co C, died Sept 11, seorbiltu,-. 64S2, Morens, II, 51. Co A. died Sept 11. scorbutus. eeSS. Mo.ire, T II, 69, Co C, died Sept 13. scorbutus. 8726, Miller, Samuel, 135. Co F, died Sept 14, scorbutus. .8S3S, Maekrill, U, 60, Co I, died Sejit 15. scorbutus. 8S9.^ Manlig, S,GO, Co A, died Sept 16, diarrhea. 9039, Miller. C, 28. Co I. died Sept 17, acorhutns 9090, McMillan, J F, 123, Co A. died Sept 13. diarrhea. 9241, MeCoriib, J S, 14, Co K, died Sept 19. scorbutus. 934S, Maxwell. 1', 12. Co A. died Sejit 20, diarrliea. 8-36, Moor, D D, 2. Co A, died Sept 9, diarrhea. 9659. Mauley, J. 7. Co M, died ^^ei)t 24, scorbutus. 9307, Mitchell, U C*lo cav. Sept 27, scorbutus. 10064, Morgan, R O. 12 cav, Co H. died Sept 30, diarrhea. lOOSl, Mcintosh, Win. +23, Co I, died Sept 30, scorbutus. 10106, Morals. Win, 135 Co F, died Sept SO, diarrhea. 10.W7, Mnnlgoiiiery, ,1, 2, Co G, died Oct S. scorbutus. 105C3, Myer, L, blacksmith, 1, C.i A, died Oct 9, diarrhea. 1"9.36, Martin, F, 10 cav, Co A. died Oct 14. scorbutns. Ill."i6, McElroy. John. 92, Co B. died Oct IS, scorbutus. 11200, Marlin, W, 1.5, Co A, died Oct 20, scorbutus. 11341, McQiiilken. F, 1, Co I, died Oct 23, scorbutns. 11400, Mark, J. 13.5. Co B. died Oct 24, scorbutns. 11311, Miller, J. 135, Col. died Nov 4. scorhutus 12050. Moore, R I'', 101, Co C.died Nov 16, scorbutus 12054. Mills. G W. 60, Co F, died Nov 16, dehllitaa 12134, Moyri-on, J 11, 21. Co H, died Nov 23, scorbutus. 1253.1, McDon.ald, H II. citizen, died Jan 27, '65 di.arrhea. 12717, Millholand, R, 133, Co B, died March 1, '65, diarrhea. 12372, McGrath*). * US, Co G. died March 15, '65. scorbutns. 12S76, Martin, M, * 136, Co B, died March 16, '65, diarrhea. 953, Neal, John, 45, Co C, died May 9, diarrhea 2323, Nash, C D, 45, Co B, ilied May 22, diarrhea c. 41194, Nelson. J. 1 cav, Co K, died Aug 7, fcorluilu.-. 6S97. Neff, B, 96, Co H, died Aug i6, diarrhea. 7103, Nelson, Thomas, 1 cav, died Aug 28, diarrhea. 1II5S4, Nelder, S, 89, Co G, died Oct 10, dysentery. 11012, Nott, J, 163, Co H. died Oct 16, diarrhea. 11443, Norman, G L. 135 Co B. died Oct 25, scorbutus. 12SI.5, Norris, E J, 102, Co K. died March 25. '6.5, diarrhea c. 2183, Niver, Edward, 3 cav, Co 1, died June 19, diarrhea 2245, Ostrander, E W, 100, Co A, died June 20, .lian hea c. 2442, Ott. C. 51,Co C, died June 25, diarrhea. 4552, O'Neil, James, 126, Co F. died Aug 2, dysentery 12024, O'Connor, F, 103, Co F, died Nov 16, diarrhea 12247, Oliver, J, 122, Co O, died Dec 8, scorbutus. 12429, dinger. J. 63, Co F, died Dec 10, '66, scorbutus 12S35, Ornig, J B, 101, Co I, died April 17, '66, diarrliea. 11849, O'Brien, John, 2, Co D, died Oct 23, scorbutis. 65, 724, 913, 1326, 2692, Pusey, Jame5. 45. Co H, died March 19, fever congcstivo. Parker, Win E, 45, Co H, died April 25, fever typhus. Penny, A, *59, Co C, died May 0, diarrhea c. Prouty, Wni, 9 cav, Co L. died May 24, diarrhea c. Phenl\, A II, 21, Co 11, died June 20, sccu-butua. Price, Barney, 45, Co I. died April 5, small pox. Pile, Wilson, *33, Co F, died July 16, scorbutus. Pierce. H. 100, Co A. died Julv IS, diarrhea. Perkins. W 1!,«9. Co G. died julv 26, seorhuttlB. Pilfer, G. 123, Co A, died Aug 9. fever t^ phus. Parker, W,*124, Co 11, died "Aug 11, sc.'rrbutus. Perrin, N, 72, Co A, died Aug 12, diarrhea. Parlice, George W, 94, died Aug 22, scorbutns. Potter, II, 72, Co K, died Aug 23, debilitas. Pullen. Samuel. S3, Co B, died Aug 24, diarrhea. Post, J, 1 anil, Co D. died Aug 24. diarrhea. Palmer. Samuel, 135. Co I, died Aug 27, diarrhea. Pease, G E, 10 cav, Co I, died Aug 27, diarrhea. Pluiiket, M. • 124. Co E. died Aug 29, diarrhea. Peltersen. F, 113, Co G, died Aug'30, wounds. Purcell, John. 72, Co D. died Aug 31, diarrhea c. Pierson, J, 126, Co B, died .Aug 31, scorbutus. Palmer, F G, 2 cav, Co D, Aug 81 diarrhea. Patten, W, 21, Co D, died Se|)t 1, pneumoiiia. Pierce, Win, 7.5, Co I!, died Sept 8, diarrWi. Pruser, II, 1, Co B, died Sept 3, diarrhea. Payne, -T, 89, Co E, died Sept 3. diarrhea. PotLs, James, 122. t'o e], died Sept 7. dysentery. Phillips, H, 33. Co I, died Sept 9, scorbutus. Powell, F, 9, Co G, died Sept 12, scorbutus. Pror A M.t 135 cav, Co B, died Sept 12, scorbutus. Pinert, F, 21, Co C, died Sept 13. diarrhea c Parker. Z. 124, Co E, died Sept 14, diarrhea c. Parks J W, 6 cav, Co G, died Sept 18. scorbutus. Parker, J, 40, Co II, died Sept 20. scorbutus. Perrin. G, 3, Co B, dierl Sept 21, diarrhea c. Pipenbring. George, 13, Co K. died Sept 25, scorbutns. Preston. VVm. .34, m i, Co B, died Sept 27, diarrhea. Parks, E F. 36. Co U. died Sept 30, scorbutus. Piper, E A. 23. Co B, died Oct 20. scorbutus. Patterson. F. '2S car, Co F. died Oct '26, scorbutus. Protise. r I, 1, Co I, died Oct 30, scorbutus. i'restiall, J A, 116, Co C, died Nov S, scorbutna 12i'33, IVasl,-y. J.t 66. Co II, died Nov 16, scorbutus. 1211411, Porter. W C. 40. Co II, died Nov 16. scorbutus. 12.J62, Powers, ■!. 21. Co K. Dec 2S. scorbutus. 12.551, Poistan, J, 1S3, Co F, Jan 29, 1S6.5, scorbutus. 12646, Piper, I, 64, Co F, died Feb 13, '65. diarrhea c. 344, Eicker, Henry. 2 cav, Co E. died April 2, diarrhea c. 903, Rush. D. 107. Co H. died May 5, diarrhea c. 1IU2. Radabaiigli, W II. 33, Co A, i.ied Juno 5, diarrhea. 2030, Ral-ton, W J,t 89, Co C. died June 16, diarrhea. 2124. Rawlings. S. 45, t'o E, died June 17. diarrhea c. 21.56, Ilancey, A K, 111, Co B, died .lune 13, diarrhea. 2231, Rickards, W V, 33, Co B, died June 20, iliarrliea « 2410, Rowe, A, 124, Co F, died June '24, diarrhea e. 2873, Rees, Thomas,* 98, Co C, dierl July 4, scorbntus. 3074, Ei.v. William, 2, Co Iv. died July 9, dvsentery. 49, Reed, Harmon, 103, Co E, died Mav 25, small pox. 3400. Roger.", T, 51, Co O, died July 16, diarrhea c. 8426, Riil,.tnn, .1 .M. 89, Co C, died Julv IS, dvsentery. 8613, Rilxiell, L F. Ill, Co B, died Julv 20, diarrhea. 8362, liegman, O. 2. Co D. died .lulv 24. dvsentery. 8951, Robinson, H ll,t 110. Co II, died July 25. diarrhea. 4"6I. RelL-Lts il, 21, Co F. died July S7. diarrhea c. 4335. Re.\ J W, 3 eav, Co K died July 80. diarrhea. 4777, llobbins. A, 6 cav, Co D, died Aug 5, rheumatism. 3391, 8555, 4ii2ii, 6190, 5377, 6426, 6463, 6589, 6690, 6717, 0934, 71121, 7157, 7329, 7368, 7834, 4399, 7519, 7044, 7701, 7724, 8109, 8238, 8534, 8597, 8620, 87.53, 9111, 9327, 9470. 9763, 9S22, 10056, 11221, 114.53, 11676. 11770. 49 No. ot SS70, 5631, 5639, 5641, »4tS, 6511, 6S:35, 694S, 71T4, 7353, 7689, 7S44, b621, 8747, 831S, 9614, 9617. 10165, 10354, 1065S, 11279. 11360, 11413, 11646, 116,57, 11672, 11S59, 12366, 12647, 12692, 1763, 44, 6S, 231, 260, 263, 2S4, 4SI, 094, 063, 726, 771, 804, 937, 90■-^ 9'J4, IICO, 1179, 11 S3, 1229, 1231, I4ll4, 1C73, 1778, 2220, 2280, 2376, 2524, 2575, 2633, 2788, 2792, 8116, 42. 3252, 32SS, 8361, 3536, 3602, 8293, 3744, 8770, 8794, 4249, 4275, 4294, 4745, 5013, 6064, 5066, 5133, 62S7, 5880, 5373, 5455, 6896, 6010, 6032, C178, Keicbard'on, G, &2, Co G, died Aug 14, scorbutus. Eussell, J G, 110, Uo G, rtioil Aug 14, scorbutus. Read, George U, 21. Co H, died Aug 14, scorbutus. Kedder. 6. 45, Co G. diid Aug 14, soorhntus. Eobbins, D B, S9, Co I, died Aug 22. diairbea. Eoss, .1, 59, Co A. died Aug 23, diarrhea c. lieidgway. John, 23, Co D,'died Aug iry, dysentdry, Eedd, C. 122, Co H, died Aug 26, diarrhea, r.oss, A, 45. Co H. dred Aug 29, scorbutus. Roberts, Ed, 7.5, Co K, died Aug 31, ili.irrliea. Kutaiii, E B, 44, Co K. died Sept 2, dlarrljea. Russell. James. 9, Co K, died tiept 4, diarrliea, Rhotiii, W, 2, Co C, died Sept 12, scorhulus, Riley, W M,* Si', Co B, died .■^ept 14, diarrhea. Robertson, li, 120. Co D, died Sept 16. dysentery. Robinson. J, 65, Co D, died Sept 23. scorbutua. Rose, Jolm, 72, Co 11, died Sept 23, diarrhea. Riper O IJ, UO, Co G, died Oct 1, .icorbutus. Rogers. C. 1.3, Co H, died Oct 5, scorbutus. Rocbelle, John,* 135, Co F, died Oct II, fever tyiihus. Eomain J, 59, Co U, died Oct 21, diarrhea. Eeece, A, SO, c;o C, died Oct 23. scorbutus. Reese, U, 69, Co D, Oct 24. scorbutus. Rapp, N, 19, Co A, died Oct 80, scorbutus. Robins. 1', 122, Co 11. died Oct 30. scorbutus. Robinson, C J, 2cav, Co K. died Oct SO, scorbutus. Rourk. J, 6, Co G, died Nov 6, scorbutus. Repan, A, 47, Co A, died Dec 31. scorbutus. Rapp. D C. 2, Co C, dieil Feb 13, 1865, diarrhea, Rawsboltom, A F, 99. Co 0, died Feb 22, '65, diarrhea c. Eei, J, 124, Co K, died June 6, diarrhea c. Smith, J E, 7 cav. Co C, died Marcli 9, pneumonia. Smith. 11 B. 82. Co U, died .March 14, fever typhus. Strill. .Michael, lUO, Co K, died March IS. diarrhea. Sears, Samuel, 2 cav, Co F, died IMarch 29, debilllas. Steplieu, U, 100, Coll, died March 81, diarrhea. Shielils. George, 7 cav, Co L, died March 31. diarrhea c. Saughessy, John, 46, Co B, died April 1, diarrliea. Steel, Abraham. 80, Co H. died April 9, diarrhea. Swench, W, 45, Co A, died April 16. , 100, Co A, died Mav 11, small pox. Short, James,t 4 cav, Co A, died July 13, diarrhea. Smith, D, 7, Co H, died July 13, scorbutus, Saffle, J, 2, Co E, died July 15, scorbutus. Steward, C S, 33. Co K. died July IS. diarihe.a. Stevenson. D, HI, Co B, died July 19, scorbutus. Squires, Thomas, 49, Co C, died July 20, diarrhea. Snyder. Thomas.t 9, Co G, died July 21, diarrhea c. Smith D.* 2, Co I, died Julv 22, diarrhea c Sever, 11 H. 2. Co C. died July 22, dysentery. Shephard. J H,» 2, Co E, died July 29, diarrhea. Smith, .1 B.t 1, Co B, died July 29, diarrhea c. Steward. J.t 2. Co K, died July 30, diarrliea c. Steiner, M J, 72, Co F. died Aug 6, diarrhea. Smock, A, 93, Co I), died Aug 8, dysentery. Sraarz, A, 93. Co E, died Au" 8, scorhutiis, Shipple, John, 6 cav, Co G, died Aug 8, anasarca. Scott. S E, 4, Co I, died Aug 9, scorbutus. Stevenson, .John, 111. Co B, died Ang 11, scorbutus. Spegle, F, 14, Co D, died Aug 11, scorbutus. Schem, J, 101, Co K, died Aug 11, dysentery. Stevens. G W. 101, Co K, died Aug 12, scorbutus. Sullivan. W. 78, Co D, died Aug 16, diarrhea c. Staley, G. S9, Co A, died Ang 17, diarrhea. Smith. Wni, 9 cav, Co G, died Aug IS, diarrhea, Simpson, W J, 32, Co F, died Aug 19, wounds. 6199. Sheddy. G, 2, Co K, died Aug 19, dysentery, 6314, Shaw, George W, 106, Co A, died Aug 20, diarrhea. 62.'i3, Shoulder, E, 24, Co F, died Aug 20, scorbutus. 0779, .Soper, P, 72, Co G, died Ang 25, dysentery. 6f70, Scarberrv, O, 89, Co I), died Aug 20, diarrhea. 7034, Sutton, J, 4, Co A, died Aug 27, diarrhea. 70C5, Shoemaker, .l.t 47. Co E, died Aug 28, dysentery. 7436, Slinchear, F K,t 101, Co A, died Sept 1, diarrhea. 7476. Shafer. J, 9, Co G. died Sept 1, scorbutus 7510, Sell, Adam, 12.5, Co K, died Sept 2, diarrhea. 7788, Stewart, .John S, 19, Co B, died Sept 4, diarrhea. 7397, Smith, II H, 2 cav. Co A, died Sept 5, diarrhea. 7986, Selb. Jacob. 28. died Sept 6, diarrliea. S014. Sliriver, George, 4.6, Co K, died Sept 6, diarrhea. 8015, Snider, James, 4, Co C, died Sept 6, anasarca. 8156, Sturdevant, W, 72, Co A, died Sept 8, debilitas. S197, .^hrouils, J, 6 battery, died Sept 8, diarrhea. S2II0, Stroufe, A, 7, Co E, died Sept 3, scorbutus, S229, Siiaw, W, 15, Co I, died Sept 9, iliarrhen, S3U0, Smith N, 121, Co H, died Sept 9, scorbutus, 8319, Sheldon, W, 49, Co E. died Sept 10, diarrhea. S4i2, Sullivan, John, 136, Co F, died Sept II, scorbutus. 8728, Sisson, P B, IS, Co II, died Sept 14, scorbutus. 8752, Sickles, .J, 51, Co I, died Sept 14, diarrhea, S9I4, Simmonds, S P, 1, Co A, died Sept 16, ulcus. 6931, Stull, G, 15, Co G, died Sept 16, scorbutus. 9IIII9, .'h.arp, F S, 63, Co K, died Sept 17, diarrhea. 9244 Scmall, J D, 12, Co K, died Sept 19, diarrhea. 93S6, Smith, L, 153, Co H, died Sept 20, scorbutus. 96J6, Scott. J II. 33. Co II, died Sept 24, gangrene. ' 9649, Skiver, J, 114, Co H. died Sept 24. diarrhea, 10250, Sheets. W. SI, Co A. died Oct .3, anasarca. I03I2, Spencer, 8 M,* 89, Co E, died Oct 4. scorbutus. 10434, .^hingle. I). 2 cav, Co L. died Oct 6. diarrhea. 10J87, Stanford, P W,t 2 cav. Co A, died Oct G, diarrhea. 10876, Stonehecks, J D, 81, Co F, died Oct 9, scorbutus. 10618, Schafcr. P, 101, Co I, died Oct 10, diarrhea. 10703, Slonts. Samson, 2, Co F, died Oct 11, scorbutus. 10833, Sheppard, John, 84, Co D, dieil Oct 18, scorbutua. 111.39. Shork, II, 72. Co F, died Oct 17. scorbutus. 11146. Smith, G A,* 45, Co F, died.Oct 19, scorbutus, 11249, Sullivan, F, 76, Co C, died Oct 21. diarrhea, 114:iS, Swaney. E. 124, Co A, died Oct 24, scorbutus. 11579, Smith, P, 69, Co I, died Oct 28, scorbutus. U;iK, Sapp, W N.t 20, Co E, died Oct 28, iliarrhea. 11711, Splicer, .1, 122, died Nov 1, .scorbutus. 11797, Sbaler, F,* 72, CoE, died Nov 4, scorbutua. 12105, Sly, F, 89, Co G, died Nov 20, scorbutus. 12281, Singer, .J, 6, Co G, died Dec 13. scorbutus. 12308, Sweet, M,t 49, Co F, died Dec 18, scorbutus. 12441, Shoemaker, C. 8, Co F, died Jan 12. '05, pleurilis. 12f.88, Stewart, A F, 2 Co I), died Jan 27, '65, diarrhea c. 12562, Sponcerlar, George. 71, Co B, died Jan 31. '65. diarrhea . 12668, Shorter, W, 89, Co K. died Feb 17. '65, diarrhea o. 12769, Sloan. L. 128, Co D, died Manh 13, diarrhea e. 12789. Stroup. S, 60, Co B, died March 17, '65, diarrhea c. 1279.3, Seeley, N, 132, Co D, died March 18, '66, diarrhea, 12810, Scott, E, 75, Co G, died March 24, "66, diarrhea c. 730, Tweede, R, 1 cav, Co A, died April 25. diarrhea. 743, Trescott. Samuel, 2. Co C, died April 26, diarrhea. 999, Trimmer, 'Wm, 40, Co H, died May In, dysentery. lli-O, Turney, U S, 2 cav Co G, died May IS, dysentery. 1496, Thomas, Wm, 10 cav, Co M. dieo May 80," fever remitteut 2S60, Thomas, W B, 89, Co C, died July 4, diarrhea. 4784, Thompson, J, 2. Co E, died Aug 5, diarrhea. 4961, Toroman, W R, 13, Co E, died Aug 7, scorbutus. 5356, Tiernev, W, 1 artil, Co L, died Ang 11, diarrhea. 5552, Tensley, M, 90, Co B, died Aug 18, scorbutus, 6668, Terilliger, N, 12, Co C, died Aug 14, scorbutus. 6330, Tanner, A,t 82, Co G, died Aug, 21, wound.s, 7224, Thompson. 'V B, 26, Co C, died Aug 29, diarrhea. 7246, Turner, S B, 45, Co B, died Aug 30, catarrh. 7640, Thomas, James, 44, Co C. died Sept 2, diarrhea. 8850, Talbert. R, 135, Co F, died Sept 15, fever typhus. 9774, Thomas, N, 103, Co B, died Sept 26, scorbutus. 9948, Townsend, J, 26, Co C, died Sept 28, diarrhea. 10471, Tattman, B, 158, Co C, died Oct 7, diarrhea, 10800, Tinway. P, 93, died Oct 1'3, diarrhea. 11820, Townsley, E M,t 89, Co B, died Nov 5, scorbutus. 12677, Tensdele, T H, 2 cav, Co E, died Feb 8, pleuritla. 12251, Uchre, S, 12, Co E, died Deo 9, scorbutus. 2194, Vining. 'W H H, 46, Co G, died June 19, diarrhea c 8902, Valentine, C, 123, Co H, died July 24, scorbutus 4-!50, Vaugb, B, 125, Co F, died Ang 1, diarrhea, 4497, Vangrider, H, 103, Co H, died Aug 1, diarrhea. 5263, Valier. J F, 6 cav, died Ang 10, diarrhea. 6170, 'Vail, John L.t 17, Co C, died Aug 19, cerebritis. 6859, Vanainan, M, 21, Co E, died Aug 26, scorbutus. 50 OHIO. PENNSYLVANIA. Ho. or 6985, Vanderveer, A. 6, Co H, died Aug 27, diarrlie.i. 7756, Victriv, H. 1 artil. Oo D, died S.)pt 4, eantrrenc. 9576, Volis, J, 31, Go II, died Sept 28, scoibutua. 10252, Vail, N, 12 C.) K, died Oct 8, scorbutus. 10.359, Vail, G M, 7, Co U. died Oct 5, scorbutus. 10473, Van Fleet, II, U, Co I, died Oct 7, Bcoibutns. 11095, Vonkirk. G, 133, Co B, died Oct 13, scorbutus. 11097, Van Maliey, J M, 89, Co G. died Oct IS, debillta,?. 1255A, Vanhorn, S, 9 cav, Co C, died Jan 30, '65. scorbntiis. 7, Wiley, Samuel, 82, Co A, died March 5, pneumonia. 185, Wickman, William, 111, Co B, died March 2T. fever typbus. 779. Wooley. John, 45, Co B, died April iH. diarrhea a 807, Werts, Louis, 46, Co D, died April 80. diptlieria. 1085, Wood, William. 89, Co A, died May 14. diarrhea c. 1449, Wentling. Joseph, 100. Co K,died May, 29, anasarca 1604, Wood, -loeepli, 15. Co B. died June t. dvseuiory. 18.30, Wilkinson, W,» 89. Co D. died .June ll.'dysentery. 1913, Wilson. James, 93, Co I, died June 18, diarrhea c. 2020, Way, John, 44. Co I, died June 15, diarrhea. 2041, Windirove. S R, 15, died June 15. dlarriiea c. 2172, Webbi E, 45, Co A. died June 19. diarrhea. 2353, Walters. F 9, Co E. died Jnno 23, diarrhea c 2536, Wing, F, 2 cav, Co M, died June 26. di.irrhea c. 2315, Willis, A, S9. Co A. died July 3. dlarrhc.T. 2840, Wroten. L. e9. Co H, died July 3, dysentery c. SISS, Williams. D, 90, Oo A. died July 12. anasarca. 34, Wright, W in, 7, Coll, died April 24, small pox. 3810, White, H, 15. Co A, died July 15. fever remittent. 3325, Whitton. G, 75. Co K. died July 14. diarrhrsc. 4214, West, J B, 89, Co B, died July 29, diarrhea. 46S1, Witt, J.ihn T, 93, Oo G, died Aug 4. dysentery. 46SS, Wou. J.» HI, Co B, died Aug 4. scorbutus. 4695, Wile A.* 33. Oo D. died Aug 4. dysentery. ' 5121, Winder. P, 70, Co D. died Ang 9, scorbutus. 6211, Wood, N L,4 cav, Co L, died Aug 10, diarrhea, 5726, Winters, George. 145, CoK, died Aug 15, scorbutus. 6314, Wainwriglit, S G. 89, Co G, died .\ug 20, scurbutu''. 6318, Wisser, B" J, 35, Co A, died Aug 2o, diarrhea. 6362, Wislmaii, N, 9 cav, Co G, died Aug 21, diarrhea. 6.397, Wilson E. 4, Co A, died Aug21. debiiitas. 6700, Walson, G, 21, Co A, died Aug 24, dysentery. 6701, Wood, S. 128, Co A, dlid Aug 25, diarrhea. 7056, Wood, W H, 6!l, Co E, died Aug 2S. diarrhea. 7373. Wyatt, J, 90. Co B, died Ang31. diarrhea. 75S2, Wentworth, 1,.72, Co A, died Septl, diarrhea e. 829S, Wright, J 8, 89, Co E, died Sept 9, diarrhea o. 6396, Warner, 7, 14. Co C. died Sept 10, scorbutus. 890". Wyckman. D, 73. Co G, died Sept 16. scorbutus. 9384, Worte, J, 110, died Sept 20, scorbutus. 9527, Woodrutr, J M,135. Co F, died Sept 22. diarrhea. 9691, Wagner, J. 93, Co F, died Sept 24. diarrhea. 100117, Whitney, E, 21, Co K. died Sept 29. anasarca. 10230. Williams. Orlarid, 7 cav, Co K, died Oct 2, diarrhea. 10309, Weaver, M, 72, Co H, died Oct 4, gangrene. 10402, Ward. Francis, 21, Co U. died Oct 6. dysentery. 10464, Whitehead, A B, 83, Co E, died Oct 7, scorbutus. 10528, Wiley, A, 26, Co I, died Oct 8, scorbutus. 10733, White, I, 73, Co E, died Oct 11, scorbutus. 10844, Westbror>k R L.* 135, Co F, died Oct 13, diarrhea. 11013, Walker, C, 05, Co I, died Oct 16, scorbntns. 11034, Waldron, II, 14, Co A, died Oct 16, scorhutu.s. 1141S, Williams, .^ M. 60, Co F. died Oct 24. diarrhea c. 11770, Worlhen, D, 122, B. diedNov 3, scorbutus 11874, Weasou. J, 36, Co F, died Nov 6, scorbutus. 12042, Wickham, .1, 14, Co II, died Nov 16, scorbutus. 12073, White, R M, 15, Co D, died Nov 18 scorbutus. 1215S, Warner, B F, 35. Co E, died Nov 26. scorbutus. 135S4, Whitaker. K, 72, Co A. died Feb 4. '05, rheumatism. 12722, Wella. E, 67. Co A. died March 3, rheumatism. 12759, Winklet, T, McLaughlin's squadron, died March 12, '65scorb\ilua. 127S6, Warner. M. 102, Co G, died March 1 6, '65. diarrhea 9. 4S33. Webricks, Joseph II, 9, Co G, died Aug 6, dysentery. 633, Tuterler, VV A, 45, Co E. died April 20, diarrhea. 6477, Tounkcr, S, SO, Co F, died Aug 18, se K, died Aug IS. dysentery. 6099, Bailey, J F, 13, Co D, died Aug IS, diarrhea. 6127, Benhand, J A. 103, Co O. died Aug 19. dysentery. (i229. Bear, Samuel, 55. Co G, died Aug 20, diarrhea. 6244, Boles, M S, * 4 cav. Co K, dieil Aug 20, fever typhus. 6279, Bower, C, 101, Co C, died Aug 20, scorbutus. 6319, Birnev, J, 4 oav, Co C, died Aug 20, scorbutus. 63.'i9, Bennett, A, 67, Co K, died Aug 21, scorbutus. 6542, Blackraan, W, IS, Co I), died Aug 28, diarrhea. 6551, Brannon, P, 7. Co A, died Aug 23, dysentery. 6554, Baldwin, C II. 2 cav, Co K. died Aug 23, scorbutus. C604, Barnett, E T, 149, Co I, died Aug 28, diarrhea. 6621, Bell, Thomas, 11, Co E, died Aug 23, di3rrhe.x 6660, Blair, John G, 46, Co F, died Aug 24, diarrhea. 6668, Hreckinridge, W, 73, Co K, died Aug 24, diarrhea, 66S8, Bowman, A, 63, Co B, died Aug 24, scorbutus, 6701, Boyd, J W, 101, Co C, died Aug 24, dysentery, 6704, Beemer, "VN'rn, 145. Co K, died Aug 24, scorbutus. CSS7, Brown, T, * 11 cav, Co I, died Aug 26, dysentery. G92S, Bryan. L, 106, Co F, died Aug ^6, diarrhea. 7125, Brid.aliam, II W. 65, Co II, died Aug 23, scorbutus. 7181, Bemer, S, 184, Co E, died Aug 29, diarrhea. 7347, Ball, P, 49, Co II, died Aug 31, diarrhea c. 7460, Barnes, W, 119, Co G, died Septl, diarrhea. 7177, Bennett, J, 5,5, Co D, died Sept I, scorbutus. 7541. Barnett, M, 145. Co K, died Sept 2, diarrhea. 76S4, Black, J, 148, Co I, died Sept 3, diarrhea. 7747, Blair, J G, 49, Co E, died Sept 3, dysentery. 7775, I'.rink, F, 11 cav, Co M, died Aug 4. diarrhea, 7040, Browers, J A, 184. Co F, died Sept 5, debilitas, 7963, Brumlev, Frederick, 54, Co K, died Sept 6, diarrhea. 8073, Bright, Adam, * 101, Co K, died Sept 7, djacntery, 8075, lioland, Daniel, 1S3, Co I, died Sept 7, diarrhea c, 8256, Barr, P, 103. Co C, died Sept 9, diarrhea S2S6, Brown. L, 8 cav, Co C, died Sept 9, diarrhea. S356, Brown, A, 101, Co II, died Sei>t 10, diarrhea c, 835S, Brickenstatr, W, 101, C8 I. died Sept 10, diarrhea. 8363, Bruce, J B, 1 101, Co F, died Spet 10. diarrhea. 8413, Blosser, Jonas, 7 reserve, Co H, died Sept 11, diarrhea. 8434, Eowsteak, T D, t 106. Co H, died Bcpt 11, scorbutus. 8499, Bicklet, E H, 67, Co K, died Sept 11, 8corbntu.s. 86116, Boots, E N, 101, Co II, died Sept 12, scorbutus. 6719, Beatie, Kobert, 95, Co D. died Sept 14. scorbutus. 8769, Boyer, J M, t 7 cav, Co F, died Sepl 14. scorbutus. 8795, Benlley. T, 54, Co H, died Sept 14, diarrhea c. 8794, Brown, P, 6,5, Co A, died Sept 15, scorbutus. 8902, Baker, J, 184, Co C, diod Sept 16, scorbutus, 8917, Baker. Win. 11 cav, died Sept 16, scorbutus. 9147, Blake, E. 69. Co K. died Sept 18, scorbutus. 9520, lliiyler, James, 7, Ci>'E, died Bept 22, scorbutu.'. 9632, Baldwin, A. 51, Co K, died Sept 24. diarrhea. 9745, Bowers, F, 5 cav, Co A, died Sept 25. diarrhea. 9Sl)9, Bonewoll, W W. 14 cav, Co C, died Sept 20, diarrhea. 9952, Blair, George, 7 artil, died Sept 28, scorbutus. 10201, Burdge, H L, 3 cav, Co 1), died Oct 2, ulcus. 10226, Byers, J. 22, Co E, died Oct 2, scorbutus. 10260, Burns, J. 103, Co E, diod Oct 3, scorbntus. 10292, Brown, G M, 10, Co I, died Oct 4, scorbntus. 10367, Burgess, II, 27, Co C, died Oct 5, scorbutus. 10534. Buck, D C, 2 cav, 0.) L, died Oct 8, diarrhea. 10577, Ballinger, George, 87, Co D, died (.)ct 9. scorbutus. 10674, Blackman, W, 84, Co A, died Oct 1', scorbutus 10763, Beightel, .1 F, 51, Co G. died Oct |2. scorbutus. 10779, Boies, J M. 145. Co G, diod Oct 12, diarrhea. 10783, BonliuL', J. 3, Co A, died Oct 12, diarrhea c. 1004:3, Bnrthart. I, 116, Co H, died Oct 14, scorbutus. 109S0, Bauey. George, 4. Co I, died Oct 15, scorbutus. 109S3. Banyar, J S. 65. Co E, died Oct 15, scorbutus. 11024, Bunker, F, 55. Co K. died Oct 16, scorbutus. 110S7, Boman. G, 149, Co E, died Oct IS, gangrene. 11322, Bisel, B, 142, Co F, died Oct 22, scorbuius, 11-329. Bruce. A, 11, Co I, died Oct 23, scorbutus, 11434, Berk G. .=>1, Co A. died Oct 24, scorbutus. 1144,i, Ball .1. * 19. Co K, died Oct 2.5, gangrene. 11504, Bain, G. 158, Co G, died Oct 26. scorbutu". 1152S, Bsney, I. 4 cav. Co I. died Oct 26. scorbutus. 11550, Baker, B II. 148, Co R, died Oct 27, scorbutus. 11563, Brock. C, 46, Co A. died Oct 27, scorbutus. 11,569, Beighlcy, W, 103. C C, died Oct 27, scorbutus. 11697, Blair. .Icdin, 106, Cv 4, scorbutus, 11S94, BuVch, VI. 2 artil, Co F, died Nov 7, scorbntus, 11929, Burke, J D, 22 cav, Co D, died Nov 9, gangrene. 11972, Bupp, L, 149, Co G, died Nov 12, scorbutus'. 12039, Bailev, J J, 2 artil, Co F, died Nov 16, scorb\ltus. 12059, Bogar, Daviil.t 184, Co C, died Nov 17, diarrhea e. 12"79. Bond. C C. 20, Co K, died Nov 18, sciirbulus. 12096. Bradv, N, 5 cav, Co M, died Nov 19, disjrrljea c. 12168, Brub'aker, B P.* 79, Co U, died Nov 26. scorbutus, 12177, Braddock. T. 77, Co C, died Nov 27. scorbutus. 12418, Barrens, J, 5 cav. Co G, died , died July IS, diarrliea. S417, Caton, \V T. 49, Co D, died July 16, diarrbea c. 3430, Couch, Benjamin, 50, Co H, died Julv 17. anasarca. 3943, Coyle, Ed. oS, Co E, died Jul? S5, dysentery. 3993, Curtey. L, 10, Co I, died July 26, dysentery. 4045, Carpenter, L. 12, Co K, died July 27, diarrhea c, 4117, Cantrill, M. 6, Co B, died July 28, diarrhea. 4263, Conklin, N. 90, Co K, died July 29, scorbutus. 4331, Chapman, J. 3 artil, Co B, died July 30, diarrhea. 4353, Crawford, M, 14 cav, Co G, died July 31, diarrhea. 4357, Cox, James, 10.3, Co A, died July 31, dysentery. 4869, Claybaugh, G W. 2 artil, Co K, died July 81, catarrh. 451-.', Crock, Mj* 45. Co A, died Aug 1, diarrhea. 46S2, Croup, W S, 103, Co L, died Aug 4, dysentery. 4729, Cochran, C, 103, Co I, died Aug 4, diarrhea. 490!, Chew, John,* 18, Co F, died Aug 6. diarrhea. 5177, Cranes, E, 4 cav, Co M, died Aug 9, scorbutus. 5375, Campbell, Jamea, 3 cav, Co F, died Aug 11, diarrhea. 5417, Cregy, J G, 54, Co I, died Aug 12, scortjuluj. 5423, Cumberland, Thus, 14 cav, Co B, died Auz 12, diarrhea. 5484, Conahan, M. 115, Co B, died Aug 13, fcr>rbutus. 5678, Carpenter, \V C, 145, Co G, died Aug 14, diarrliea. 5584, Campbell, R D, 11, Co E, died Aug 14, scorbutus. 5023, Co.v, H,* 7 cav, Co B, died Aug 14, diarrhea. 582S, Cumoiings, Benj, 3, Co A, died Aug 16, enteritis. .5979, Connor, J N, 181, Co C, died Aug 17. marasmus. 6237, Corbin, W, 49, Co C, died Aug 20, scorbutus. 6269, Campbell, U G, 11, Co C, died Aug 20, marasmus. 6320, Coon, George, 2, Co F, died Aug 21. diarrhea. 6336, Cameron, \Vm,* 101, Co A, died Aug STl, diarrhea. 6395, Connelly, Wm, 55, Co C, died AugUl, dysentery. 643i), Conner, J, 6. Co D, died Aug 22. diarrhea. 6502, Cline, J, 8, Co U, died Aug 22, diarrhea. 6615, Crawford, J, 77, Co E. died Aug 23, diarrhea. 6645, Coleman, C, 19, Co E, died Aug 23, dysentery. 6746, Comly, John, 101, Co A, died Aug 24, diarrhea. 6913, Craft, A, 90, Co G, died Aug 26, Bcorbutus. 7045, Cobert, F O, U cav, Co L, died Aug 27, diarrhea. 7095, Carr, J, 51, Co G. died Aug 28, scorbutus. 7116, Csthcart, Kobt, 103, Co H.'died Aug 29, diarrhea. 72U9, Crain, J. 4 cav. Co H. died Aug w9, fcorbutus. 7456, Craig, Wm, 103, Co D, died Sept 1, sciirbutus. T463, Clay, Uenry, 1S4, Co A, liled Sept 1, scorbutus. 7C17, Curry, S, 140, Co C. died .■'ept 2. scorbutus. 7032, Carroll, A, 2 cav, Co A, died Sept 2, diarrhea. 7669, Campbell, Geo T, 3 artil, Co A, died Sept 8, scorbutus. 7696, Criser, M, 54, Co F, died Sept 8, diarrhea. SI 17, Crawf.ird, J A, 103, Co B, died Sept 8, diarrhea. 3121, Collins, M, 101, Co K, died Sept 8, scorbutus. 3169, Cole, J C, lis, tk> K. died .-^ept 8, diarrhea. 8260, Chapman. — , 13, Co A, died Sejit 9, diarrhea. 4512. Coyle, M,» 79, Co B, died Sept 12, scorbutus. 8594, Culver, J, 69, died Sept 12, scorbutus. 8665, Clutler, L, 11, Co C, died Sept 18, scorbutus. 8700, Cavender, J L, 149, Co E, ilied Seiit 14, scorbutus. 8884, Cysey, A, 3 hvy artil, died Sefit 15, diarrhea. 9094, tlulTman, Wm, 1-3, Co F, died Sept 13, scorbutus. 9134, Ciaiuer, E, 55, Co F, died Sept 18. diarrliea. 9U1, Church, C Il,*45, Co B, died Sept 18, diarrhea c. 9269, Clark, J, 101, died Sept 19, ana.^arca. 9396, Coats, S K, 135. Co C, died Sept 20. scorbutus. 9410, Combs, S, 1, Co H, died Seiit 21. diarrhea. 9508, Clonay, J, 145, Co F. died Sept 22, scorbutus. 9554, Crum, C, 149, Co G, died Sept 28, diarrhea c. 9639, Cline, J, 118, Co A, died Sept 24. diarrbea c. 9773, Coulter, G, 45, Co K, died Sept 25, scorbutus. 9823, Cummings, K, 65, Co K, died Sept 27, diarrhea. 93S6, Callahan, M, .52, Co D, died Sept 27, scorbutu?. 9931, Conrad, W, 14 cav, Co M, died Sept 23, dysentery. 10104, Campbell. Wm, 13 cav, Co D, died Sept 30, diarrhea. 10120, Cuals, L li, 139, Co H, died Oct 1. scorbutus 10274, Crawford, Georg?, I, Co F, died Oct 3, scorbutus. 10276, Oantler, J L, 13, Co A. died Sept 3, scorbutus. 102S3, Crotuich, F. 7, Co II, died Oct 4, scorbutus. 103S6, Cornelins, Wm. 7 cav, dieil Oct 5, diarrbea. 103:19, Cullingford, P, 65, Co C, died Oct 6, diarrhea. 1044.3, Clarke, W, 5 cav, Co K, died Oct 7. diarrhea c. 10462, Canby, G 0, 2 cav, Co E, died Oct T, scorbutus. 10497, Coperhewer. Wra,* 1, Co D, died Oct 8, diarrhea. 10541, CulberKm, Louis. 73, Co B, died Sept 9, scfirbutus. 10342, Corbin, M, 134, Co D. died Oct 13, scorbutus. 10847, Clark, G, 1 cav. Co H, died Oct 13, scorbutus. 11005, Cue, George W. 14.5, Co E, died Oct 16, scorbutus. 11025, Clark, J, 8, Co D. died Oct 16, scorbutus. 11250, CUark. 11, 184, Co F, died Oct 21. diarrhea c. 113119, Clark, E B. 101. Co B, died Oct 22. scmbutus. H370, Carol, \V, 145, Co B. died Oct 23, .scorbutus. 11435, Crawford, L, 134, Co B, died Oct 24, pl.;urlii3. 114S8, Cole, 11 O, 2 cav, Co L, died Oct 24, scnrbutus. 11477, Campbell, C A, 11 cav, Co 0, died Oct 26, scorbutus. No. of 11665, Creagan, G, 1 cav, Co F, died Sept 27, diarrhea c. 11614, Crawford, M, 14, Co K, died Sept 28, scorbutus. 11666, Coyle, U, 64, Co K, died Oct 80, scorbutus. 11659, Craney, George, 20 cav, Co L, died Oct 30, scorbutus. 11800, Cregger, W H, 5 cav, Co G, died Nov 4. scorbutus. 11815, Chacon, A W, 106, \',o B, died Nov 4, diarrhea c. 11326, Ctolebaugh, W, 60, Co K, died Nov 5, scorbutus. 11876. Crandall, L, 146, Co I, died Nov 6, scorbutus. 11922, Cleaveiand, E, 10 cav, Co I, died Nov 8. diarrhea c. 11993, Crampton, A B, 143, Co B, died Nov 18, scorbutus. 12120, Culleii, T P, 81, Co I, died Nov 22, gangrene. 12141, Conway, C C. 2 artil, Co A, died Nov 23, scorbutus. 12265, Crompton F G, 71, Co F, died Dec 10, scorbutus. 12295, Cone. S, 116, Co E, died Dec 16, scorbutus. 12301, Culp, P K, 138, Co B, died Dec 17, scorbutus. 12368, Connor, 8, 112, -Co II, died Jan 1, '65, shot by the guard. 12424, Clark, J. 89, Co D, died Jan 9, '65, bronchitis. 12487, Collins, 6. 118, Co E, died Jan 19, '65, scorbutus. 12699, Cassell, D, 20, Co E, died Feb 6, '66. pleuritis. 12672, Clark, F D, T, Co C, died Feb 20, '66, rheumatism. 12813, Copeland B, 14 cav, Co D, died Mnrcli 29. '65. scorbutus. 1961, Culbertson, John, 13 cav, Co B, died June 14, diarrhea. 15S, Davidson, H, 67, Co I, died March 26. diarrhea. 866, Dorr. Pliineas, 119, Co K, died Mav 8. dysentery. 1020, Doran, McK, 63, Co D, died May li, diarrhea. 1161, Duntler, Henry,* 61, Co K. died May 16, diarrhea. 1338, Dooner. M, 2, Co K, died May 24, dysentery. 1463, Davis, Richard, 3 cav, Co L, died May 29, rheumatism. 1641, Ueamott, J K, 45, Co C, died June 1, diarrhea c. 1545, Davis, Isaac, 8 cav, Co H, died June 1, diarrhea c. 2630, Dun, K B, 101, Co B, died June 29. pneumonia. 2657, Donovan, J, 139, Co K, died June 29, bronchitis. 2716, Deily, William, 53. Co H, died Julv 1, diarrhea c. 2938, Davis. M, 22 cav, Co B, died July 6. diarrhea c. 8833, Degret N, 15 cav, Co M. died July 16, diarrhea. 3363, Davidson, Charles. 100, Co M. died July 16. diarrhea. 8741, Dallin, James, 8 cav, Co H, died July 21, diarrhea c. 879.5, Davis, J. 103, Co A, July 22, dvsenterv a. 8873, Davis, M II, 103, Co E, died July 24, diarrhea. 8985, Dougherty, J, 7, Co E, died Julv 26, dysentery. 4037, Deron, Uobert P, 149, Co B, died July 27, dysentery. 4202, Drenkle, J A, 79, Co K, died July 29, scorbutus. 52.32, Dechman John, 134, Co G, died July 29, diarrhea. 4481, Dodriek, Louis, 60, Co I, died Aug 1, debilitas. 4491, Denton, M, 9 cav, Co B, died Aug 1, diarrhea. 4497, Day, Wm, 97, Co A, died Aug 1, diarrhea. 462.5, Davis,,J, 101, Co E, died Aug 8, diarrhea. 4711, Dort, C U, 4 cav, Co II, died Aug 4, diarrhea. 4736, Dondle. P.obert, 101, Co A, died Aug 5, diiirrliea. 4792, Davy, II,* 68, Co K, died Aug 5, fever intermittent. 4306, Davenbrook, J J, 101, Co G, died Aug 5, anasarca. 4335, Delaney, J, 101, Co A, died Aug 6. diarrhea. 4397, Dunbar, John, 14 cav, Co M, died Aug 6, diarrhea. 4910, Dean. J, 143, Co F, died Aug 6, scorbutus. 6023, Dawlin, L, 110, Co D, died Aug 8, diarrhea. 5256, Dilzlell, L, 73, Co I, died Aug 10, anasarca. 5431, Davidson, George, 57, Co C, died Aug 12. diarrhea c. 5463, Dougherty, 101, Co I, died Aug 13, diarrhea c. 5664, Decker, J, 45, Co B, died Aug 14, diarrhea. 6740, Day, And H, 2 eav, Co H, died Aug 16, diarrhea. 6746, Doran. P, 99, Co I, died Aug 15, dysentery. 6017, Deal, F, 63, Co A, died Aug 17, dysentery. 6045, Degroot, H,t 13 cav, Co A, died Aug 13, diarrhea. 6176, Defree, James, 16, Co G, died Aug 19, cerebritis. 6226, Dodd, J, 18, Co F. died Aug 20, anasarca. 6-516, Davis, Wm, 168, Co A. died Aug 20, diarrhea c. 66!i8, Dawnev, George, 14.3, Co B, died Aus 28. ictus solis 6679, Donovan, D, 90, Co B, died Aug 24, dysentery. 6673, Dunn, Johnes, 69, Co P, died Ait; 25, diarrhea. 6797, Dailey, M, 7, Co I, died Aug 25, diarrliea. €379. Dunn, John, 184, Co A, died Aug 26, diarrhea. 7058, Dakenfelt, J, 55, Co D, died Aug 23, diarrhea. 7077, Deets, R, 8, Co A, died Aug 23, diarrhea. 7232, Day, B,* 13, Co A, died Aug 80, gangrene. 7360, Dively, J, 110. Co O. died Aug 31, dysentery. 7488, Dilks, C, I, Co K, died Sept 1. diarrhea. 7661, Dewell, Samuel, 60, Co G, ilied Sept 3, diarrhea. 7828, Dougherty, J, 184, Co D, died Sept 4, diarrhea. 8211, Di-son, J. 105, Co B, died Sept 8, fever typhus. 8334, Doherty, J,+ 73, Co F, died Sept 10, scorbutus. 8660, Ilnir, J,+ 4 cav, Co B. died Sept 12, diarrhea. S579, Dougherty. F, 90, Co C, died Sept 12, diarrhea. 8718, Duvharse, B, 11 cav, Co 6, di' d Sept 14, acorbutua. 8323, Donnelly, J, 97, Co II, died Sept 15, scorbutus. 8337, Dean, R, 2 cav, Co M, died Sept 15, scorbutus. 9109, David,son, C, 90, Co G, died Sept 1?< diarrhea. 9146. Driscoll. N C. 26, Co I. died Sept IS; seoibutus. 9191, Duflie, J, 62, Co F. died Sept IS, fever typhus. 92S9, Delaney, E. 7, Co O, died Sept 10, scorbutus. 10004, Davidson, G,» 12, Co K, died Sept 29, scorbutus. PENNSYLVANIA, 5sr 10193, Doagberty, M, 8 cav, Co D, died Oct 2, ulcus. 10436, Durkale .lolin. 1 cav, Co F. died Oct 6, diarrbea. 10917, Dalzell, J G, 189. Co I. died Oct U. scorbutus. 11295, Derry, Frederick, 20, Co C, died Oct 22, ecoibutus. 11.350, Dicbell. Kspy, 66, Co D, died Oct 23, scorbutus. 11394, Dewitt, M, 1 cav, Co E, died Oct 24, scorbutus. 1162S, Davidson. 8, 1S4. Co A, died Oct 23, scorbutu.-i. 119SS, Dickens, Charles. 2 artil. Co A, died Oct 13. diarrhea. 12136, Ualrysuflle, .J E, H5, Co K, died Oct 28. scorbutus. 12399, Donley. I', 120. Co G. died .Tan 5, '65, wounds. 12575, Deeds, .J, 13 cav, Co H. died Feb 2, diarrhea. lllSl, Dison, B, 145, Co K, died Oct 19, scorbutus. 972, Filers, Henry, 13 cav, Co R. died May 9, diarrhea. lOSl, Eisley. Joho, IS cav, Co K, died May 14, diarrliea. 14.36, Engle, Peter, 14 cav, Co K, died May, 23. diarrbea. 2105, Elliott, John, 13 cav, Co F, died .Jane 17, dyscnterj'. 2794, Elliott, .J, 69, Co D, died .July 2, diarrhea c. 3038, Erwin, C, 78, Co D, died July 8, debilitas. 3052, Epsey, Jame.«,t 14.i, Co II. died July 9, fever remittent. 3295. Elliott. J P, 103, Co D. died July 14, diarrhea. 3S23, Kbrigbt, Benj, 9 cav, Co A, died July 28. scorbutus. 427S, Eaton, Nat, 1 rifle, Co E, died July 80, diarrhea. 4761, Eleuber;j:er, P, 145, Co D, died Aug 5, diarrhea. 5687, Ennies Andrew, 145, Co K, died Aug 15, scorbutus. 6424, Ewetts, James, 103. Co G, died Aug' 22, scorbutus. 6607, Ellis. F, 53, Co G. died Aug 23. diarrhea c. 6872, Ecklea, E, 77, Co E, died Aug 26. dysentery. 6869, Ensley, O. 184, Co A, died Aug 26, dysenterv. 7300, Ellis, H H, IS cav, Co I, died Aug SO, diarrhea. 7657, Egan, John, .'.6, Co C, died Sept 8, debilitas. S066, E.xline, Jacob, 55, Co K, died Sept 7, diarrhea. S543, Eichnor, C, 143, Co F, died Sept 12, scorbutus. 8964, Earlman, J. 7, Co K. died Sept 16. diarrhea. 10009, Elfrey, B S, 7, Co K, died Sept 29, diarrhea c. 10694, Elliott, John H, S:l, Co D, died Oct 11, diarrhea. 10731, Erdibach, C,* 5 cav. Co B, died Oct 11, diarrhea. 10799, Ervingfelts, Jacob, 1S7, Co D, died Oct 12, diarrhea c. 11834, Edgar, W H,t 7, Co G, died Nov 5, scorbutus. 11833, Erebedier, J.t 5, Co B, died Nov 5, scorbutus. 12001, Etters, D, 145, Co D, died Nov 14. scorbutus. 12673, Ebhart, J,» 87. Co E, died Feb 18, '65, diarrhea c. 9490, English, J C, 100, Co K, died Sept 21, diarrhea. 200, Fluhr, John, 73, Co D, died Marcli 2S, diarrhea. 611, Fich, John, S3, Co B, died April 12, diarrhea c. 791, Frv, L, t4 cav, Co D, died April 23, diarrhea c. 1010, Fuller, H, 13 cav, Co H, died May 10, diarrhea c. 109S, Fifer, Charles, 27, Co I, died May 14, erysipelas. 1431, Fry, Alexander, * 4 cav, Co B, died May 28, diarrhea c. 1723, Fink, Peter, 73, Co C, died June 8, scorbutus, 1967, Freeman. W M, t 4 artil, Co A, died June 14, dysentery a 2078. Fulton, Thomas A, 103, Co H, died June 17, diarrhea, 2099, Friday, S D, 101, Co H, died June 17, diarrhea c. 2147, Fish, Charles W, 101, Co B, died June IS, diarrhea c. 2155, Farley, James, 54, Co F, died June IS, diarrhea c. 2261, Fox, George, 73, Co E, died June 21, diarrbea. 2477. Flay, L, 26, Co G, died June 25, diarrhea. 2530, Funbhanna, Jas. 101, Co C, died June 26, fever typhus. I 2537, Falleam, A, 60, Co D, died June 26, diarrhea c. 2694, Fagartus, T, 90, Co K, died June 28, scorbutus. 2363, Fancy, George, 13 cav, Co F, July 4, scorbutus. 30S8, Ford, M. 63. Co K, died July 9, scorbutus. 3253, Fisher, B M, * 101, Co U, died July 13, diarrhea. 3582, French, A, 2 artil, Co G, died Julv 19. dysentery. 3742, Forsyth, J, IS cav, Co H, died July 21, diarrhea c. 3870, Fingley, John, 14 cav, Co D; died July 24, diarrhea. 4307, Flick, L, 184, Co G. died July 80, diarrhea. 4439, Filey, J H, 63, Co E, died July 81, wounds. 4452, Foreman, G S, *1 cav, Co B, died Aug 1, pneumonia. 4521, riasharsc, B, 12 cav, Co A, died Aug 2, diarrhea. 4536, Flynn, M, 13 cav, Co B, died Aug 2, diarrhea. 4642, Fewer, E, 87, Co H, died Aug 8, dysentery. 4663, File, C, 145, Co D, died Aug 4, scorbutus. 6063, Fish, J, 65, died Aug 3, dysentery. 6172, Fleming, W, * 97, Co E, died Aug 9, scorbutus. 5536, Flickinger, Jno, 60, Co B, died Aug 14. scorbutus. 5788, Ferry, W, 79. Co A, died Aug 15, anasarca. 6873, Fee, George M, 103, Co G, died Aug 16, scorbutus. 6092, Faiss, A, 145. Co E, died Aug 18, ccrebritls. 6134, Farman, E, 67, Co E, died Aug 19. cerebritis. 6165, Feltharsen, 145, Co G, died Aug 19. scorbutus. 6130, Fantlenger, F, 53. Co K, died Aug 19, scorbutus, 6365, Fanen, James F, 7 reserve, Co G, died Aug 21, diarrbea 6896, Finlaugh. 8, 14 cav, Co G. died Aug 21, dysentery. 6649, Fox, K, 165, Co II, died Aug 2.3, scorbutus. 6675, Frllzman, J W, t 18, Ck> K, died Aug 24, scorbutus. 6694, Finlin, Thomas, 143, Co G, died Aug 24, diarrhea. 6SS1, Fuller, G, 2 cav, Co A, died Aug 26, diarrhea. 6834, Frederick, L, 143, Co B, died Aug 26. scorbutus. 6S90, French, James, 101, Co H, died Aug 26, dysentery. 6S92, Ford, Thomas, 7, Co I, died Aug 26, dysentery. 7041, Fullerton, E, 99, Co E, died Aug 27, scorbutus. 7097, Fester, John, lll3, Co B, died Aug 28, debilitas. 7169, Fisher, W, 54, Co I, died Aug 29; diarrbea c. 7193, Fry, S, 101, Co E, died Aug 29, diarrhea c 7575, Fitzgerald, M, 145, Co K, died Sept 2, diarrhea c. 7583, Fahy, John, 13 cav. Co B, died Sept 2, dysentery. 7776, Fritz, D, 'IS cav. Co K, died Sept 4, dysenterv. 8006, Feltcr, H M, 1 13 cav, Co K.-died Sept 6, dysentery. 8149, Fullerton, J, 118, Co I. died Sept 8, anasarca. 8176, Fettcrman. J. 48, Co H, died Sept 8, diarrhea. 8.321, Francis, N, 69, Co G, died Sept 10, diarrhea. 8631, Fagan, R, 118, Co F, died Se|)t 13, scorbutus. 9062, Fisher, C, 4 cav, died Sept 17, diarrhea. 9099, Floyd, B, 67. Co K. died Sept 18, diarrhea. 9232, Farr, J C, 107, Co 11, died Sept 19, scorbutus. 9809, Faith, Alexander, 183, Co C, died Sept 27, scorbutus. 111176, Fessenden, N E. 140, Co F, Oct 1. diarrbea. 10408. Fingley, S, 14, Co B, died Oct B, diarrhea. 10639, Fisher, W, 101, Co E. died Oct 10, dvsentery. 10067, Flynn, S, ♦ 76, Co C. died Oct 11. scorbutus. 106SS, Free, J, 145, Co H. died Oct 11, diarrhea. 11026, Flemming, J. 97, Co B, died Oct 16, scorbutus. 11112, Flanney. J, 106, Co K, died Oct 18. scoibutus. 11164, Ferguson, J K, 11 cav, Co D, died Oct 19, scorbutus. 11367, Fox, M, 8 cav, Co H, died Oct 23, scorbutus, 11378, Frill, D, 65. Co C, died Oct 24, scorbutus. 11601, Ferguson, John. 184, Co A. died Oct 28, scorbutus. 1IS02, Frisbi, II, 116, Co E, died Nov 4, scorbutus. 11916, Freed, .S, 63, Co B, died Nov S, scorbutus, 11962, Fairbanks, E. 140, Co A, died Nov 11, scorbutus. 12000, Fagley, C, * 14 cav, Co I, died Nov 14, scorbutus. 12025, Foust, 8 L. 149, Co 1, died Nov 15, scorbutus. 12207, Fo.-ter, C W, 76, Co B, died Dec 1, scorbutus. 12244, Falkeiistine, F, 148, Co 0, died Dee 8, scorbutus. 12336, Fruce, J. 52, Co A, died Dec 26. scorbutus. 12445, Fisk, J, 67, Co H, Jan 13, '6.5, scorbutus. 12605, Faile, W D, 20 cav, Co A, died Feb 7. '65, debilitas. 71, Goodman, Robert, 13 cav, Co M, died March 19, diarrhea. 131, Gesse, Christian, 54, Co F, died March 23, fever conges. 814, GralTell. Win, 73. Co B, died April 2. pneumonia. 529, Guley, J, 145. Co G, died April 13, diarrhea. 673, Green, Wm, 3 cav, Co A, died April 16, diarrbea c. 968, Garman, B, IS cav, Co E, died April 9, dysentery. 1001, Greer, .) A, « 3 cav, Co E. died May 10, dysentery. 1003, Grahaiu, W J, 4, Co C, died May 10, diarrhea c. 1063. Gooduian, Henry, 27, Co I, died May 13, pneumonia. 1302, Gray, M, 7, Co B, died May 23, diarrbc-a c. 1.37.3, Gilbert, .John, 29, Co G, died May 25, diarrbea c. 1399, Gilroy, Berney, 78, Co F. died May 26. scorbutus. l.V'S, Getts, B, S4,Co G, died Mav 81, anasarca. 1649, Griffil, G W, 13 cav, Co L, died June 6, di.arrhea. 1761, Genst, J W, 67, Co I, died June 9, diarrhea c. 1793, Gardner, (negro,) S, Co F. died June 10, diarrhea. 1911, Gensle, John, 19 cav, Co F, died June 18, diarrhea c. 1939, Goerlt, E, 73, Co II, died June 14, diarrhea. 2060, Galliger, F, 13 cav, Co B, died Juuo 16, dysentery. 2034, Giimore, James, 110. Co E, died June 17, diarrhea c. 2297, Gunn, Alex, 4 cav, Co D, died June 21, diarrhea. 2356. Greenwald, G. 1 27, Co H, died June 23, diarrhea. 2631, Gumbert, A, •103, Co B, died June 26, diarrbea. 2587, Gettings, J H, 1 rifle, Co C, died June 28, diarrhea « 2944, Gross, Samuel, 61. Co E, died July 6. diarrhea. 2956, Gotwalt, H, *-55, Co D, died July 6, diarrhea. 298S, Griffin, J, 103, Co I. died July 7, diarrhea. 2992, George, A, 149. Co G. died July 7, diarrhea. 2996. Gists. H, 10.3, Co II, died July 7, diarrbea c. 3037, Gilleland, Wm, 14 cav, Co H, died July 8, diarrhea c. 8,V28, Gorsuch, M A, 110, Co B. died July 13. scorbutus. 3.'.99, Gibbs, E, 18 cav, Co K. died July 19, diarrhea. 4944, Gost, W U, 6 cav, Co K, died Aug 7, dysentery. 6422, Gregg, T. 139, Co K, died Aug 12. dysentery. 5665, Gross, John. 62, Co K, died Auc 14. diarrhea c. 5735, Gregg, D, 142, Co A, died Aug 15, dysentery. 5787, Graham, Wm, 103, Co F, died Aug 15, diarrhea c. 5803, Graham, D,* 4 cav, Co K, died Aug 16, diarrbea c 5881, Grouse, G, 145. Co C, died Aug 16, diarrhea c. 5838, Gettcnber, D M, 103, Co I, died Aug 16. dysentery. 6i'06, Geand, C,* 4 cav, Co M, died Aug 17, scorbutus. 6288, Gladen, A, 21, Co C. died Aug 11, scorbutus. 6140, Garrett, James. 51. C'o K. died Aug 19. dysentery. 6163, Gunn. J W, 101, Co H. died Aug 19, diarrhea. 63S4. Gamble, O J,* 77, Co A, died Aug 21, scorb\ltus. 63S9, Gallagher. E, 48, Co A, died Aug 21. diarrhea. 6897, Green, J C, 13 cav, Co D, died Aug 26, dvsentery. 7223, Gibson, D. 56, Co A, Co A, died Aug 29. "diarrhea. 7320, Graham. J,56, Co B. died Aug 30, scorbutus. 7.340, Geary, I). 184, Co G, died Aug 80. scorbutus. 78.57, Groves, A T, 45, Co A, died Aug 31, scorbutus. 7362, Glass, Win, 65, Co C, died Aug 31, diarrhea. s* PENNSYLVANIA. 1(0. «f OraTc. 7527, Griffith, A, 5i, Co F, diod Sept 1 , diairlica. 75S9, Grander, E H, 55, Co C. died Sept 2, diarrhea. 7679, Geslih, K U, 4, Co G, died Sei)t 3, diarrhea. 7773. Gilea, C, 7. Co K, died Sept 4. diarrhea. 7S39, Gross, O W,*, 79, Co A, died Sept 4, anasarca. 8109. Galbraith, 0,t 11. Co K, died Sept 6, diarrhea. 6811, Ganison, W, S, Co K, died Sept 111, scorbutus. 8443, Gallaglier, Wm, 5 cav, Co F, died Sept 11, scorbutus. 8735, Griffin, .1 C, 5 cav, Co D, died Sept 14, diarrhea. 90U5, Genrlian, S, 142, Co C. died t^cpt 17, fcorbutus. 9211), Griffin, D. II, Co E. died Sept]9, scorbutus. 9326, Gilbert, II, 5:1, Co F, died Sept 20, scorbutus. 9437, Gorby, F J, 19 cav, Co M, died Sept 21, anasarca. 9503, Goodman, F, 65, Co H, died Sept 21, diarrhea. 97C4, Grubbs, .1, 103. Co F, died Sept 26, scorbutus. 9776, Gibson, .1, 11, Co D, died Sept 26, scorbutus. 9792, Glenn, Win. 101. Co C. died Sept 26, scorbutus. 9811, Grear, E, 73, Co II, died Sept 26, diarrhea c. 99GC, Gilbert, D, 139, Co Si, died Sept 23. diarrhea. 99S9, Garrett, F, l:>9, Co G, died Sept 29, scorbutus, leoSl, Gibson, D G, 16 cav, Co A, died Sept 30, anasarca. 10127, Gemperlins. Wm, 79, Co A, died Oct 1, scorbutus. 10468, Grant, M, IS cav, Co I, died Oct 7, dysentery. 10615, Griffin, .1, 56, Co A, died Oct 10. scorbutus. 1070!), Gimherlins, I, ISJ, Co F, died Oct 11, diarrhea. 11060, Greatllouse, E, 14, Co B. died Oct 17, scorbutus. 11197, Grabb, M P, S3, Co H, died Oct 20, scorbutus. 11299, Gilbert, A F, 14 cav, Co F, died Oct 20, scorbutus. 11496, Grant, .T. 6, Co K, died Oct 26. dysentery. 11573, Ganse, U, 22, Co B. died Oct27, dysentery. 11806, Gordon, E, 65, Co F, died Nov 4, scorbutus, 11901. Green, W 8, 12, Co I, died Nov 7, diarrhea. 12I«1, Giber, P, 73, Co H, died Nov 27, scorbutus. 122:!7, George, F,+ 18 cav, Co D, died Dec 6, diarrhea. 12337, Garrety, Thomas, 106, Co C, died .Jan 2, '65. frozo to death. 12411, Gates,.!, 11 cav, Co K, died .Ian 7, '65, diarrhea. 12432, Grunnell, John, 26, Co II, died Jan 11, '65, dysentery. 5S43, Gillespie, J, II, Co A, died An" i6, diarrhea. 61IS, Gibbons, Wm. 11, Co II, died. Aug 9, diarrhea. 6228, Gallaniier, T,* 101, Co .A, died Aug 21. scorbutus. 5971, Gray, L,t 163, Co D,aied Aug 17, diarrhea. ■42.3, Hanson, T E, 119, Co E. diod April 7, diarrhea. 470, Herbert, Otto, 73, Co A. died April 9, pneumonia. 655, lloffmiister. L. 16, Co H died April 14. diarrhea. 654, Hamilton, J G.» 4 cav, Co L, died April 20, diarrhea. 711, Hall, .J, (nesro), 8. Co E. died April 24. diarrhea c. 769, Ilessimer, P, 7-"!, Co E, died April 27, diarrhea. OSS, Hammons,-.!, 3 anil, Co A, died May 10, dysentery. 990, Hoager, .1, 2, Co B, died May 10, diarrliea. lOSn, Hu£f, Artlinr,54, Co P, died May 14, diarrhea. 1113, Hates, Charles, 2, Co H, died May 15, diarrhea c. 1225, Henderson, Eobert, IS cav, Co D, died May 20, diarrhea. 1311, Hecklv, M,t 4 cav, Co M, died May 23, diarrhea, 1420, Hill, H C,t IS, Co K, died May 28, diarrhea c. 1483, lloltenstein, G W, IS cav, Co I, died May 80, diarrhea c. ]5'12, Heoen, Pat, 145. Co E, died .Tune 2, diarrliea c. 1650. Hendricks. N, 4 cav, Co 11, died June 5, dysentery. 176S, Holmes. Robert, 12 cav, Co H, died June 9. diarrhea c. 2011, Hannah, Thoitias,t 4 cflv/Co D,died -Tune 15. diarrheiu 2153, Hammer, P C, IS cav, Co 11, died Juno 18, diarrhea c. 2189, Harts, John, 51. Co H. died June 19, diarrhea. 2-387, Hooks, T, 103. Co D, died .lune 24, fever typhus. 2460, Hiler, U, 50, Co C, died June 25, dysentery. 2651, Hammer, John,t 73, Co G, died June 27, diarrhea c. 2707, Howard, James, S3, Co I, died June 30, diarrhea. 2723, Henderson, A. 58, Co F, died July 1 , scorbutus. 2786, llollibaugl:, W, 57, Co C. died July 2, anasarca. 280O, Hastings, .J, 118, Co D, died July 2, dysentery. 2916, Homer, D,* 13 cav, Co F, died .July f), diarrhea. 3020, Holley, E, F,* 67, Co A, died July 7, diarrhea, 3201, Harriugton, .John, 55, Co C, died .Tulv 12, scorhatus, 2, Headiey, J D, 18, Co G, died Mar 15, small pox. 3379, Height, S C, 65, Co H, died July 16, diarrhea. 3439, Hughes, John, 118, Co A, died Julv 17, phthisis. 3525, Hceiian, John, 14 cav, Co F, died .hily IS, scorbutus. 3554, Hazlet, J, 4 cav, Co G, died .July IS, dysentei-}-. 3563, Hester, I P, 7, Co H, died July 18, diarrhea. 3626, Heth, R, 2, Co A, died July 20, diarrhea. 3785, Harrington, J W, 3 cav, Co A, died July 22, diarrhea. 3792, Haller, Peter, 139, Co K, died July 22, scorbutus. 38S0, Harvev, P D, 67, Co B, died July 23, diarrhea. 3853, Holleiibeck, J A, 55, Co B, died July 24, scorbutus. 8920, Hall, Henry, 63, Co H, died July 25, scorbutus. 3953, Haller, A, 73, Co A, died Ju'y 25, scorbutus. 4105, Hartlick, C, 99, Co S, died Julv 27, diarrhea. 4130, Hiffeflnger, V, 14, Co K, died Julv 28, diarrhea. 4147, Hobbs, A, 141, Co H, died July 28^ diarrhea. 4154, Hill, P,* 101, Co B, died July 28, diarrhea. 4222, Hoover, John, IS cav, Co E, died July 29, diarrhea 0. 4332, Holland, J, 143, Co I, died July 31, diarrhea. 4370, Hilt, John, 73, Co I, died July 31, diarrhea. 4379, Hardinger, W, 147. Co B, died Julv 31, scorbutus. 4431, Hill, I'homas, 18, Co L, died July 31, diarrhea. 4474, Hans, John, 116, Co K, died Aug 1, diarrhea. 4790, Haffinger, ,J, 91, Co C, died Aug 5, diarrhea. 4021, Hick, G, 12, Co G, died Aug 6, diarrhea. 5046, Haher, C, 14 cav, Co B, died Aug 8, scorbutus. 6080, Hall, H, 149, Co I, died Aug 8, diarrhea 5082, Hunter, L, 63, Co C.died Aug 8, diarrhea c. 6131, Hardis, J h, 11, Co A, died Aug 9, dysenter.v. 5178, Harden, M, reserve home g'da, Co F, died Aug 9, Bcortutua 5281, Huffman, Charles, 7 cav. Co K, died Aug 11, scorbutus. 6284, Hickey, D C, 3 cav, Co C, died Aug 11, scorbutus. 6289, Hanson, J, 76, Co B, died Aug 11, dysentery. 64S6, Harder, — , 184, Co C, died Aug 13, scorbutus. 5575, Hoft'master, G,t 20, Co.F, died Aug 14, anasarca. 5688, Heinback, S, 116, Co H, died Aug 15, diarrhea. 5954, Holinbeck, I>, 101, Co E, died Aug 17, marasmus. 6176, Honigan, C, 65, Co O, died Aug 19, dysentery. 6302, Heu'rv, R W, 4, Co H, died Aug 20, di:irrhoa. 6367, Hill, J E, 2 cav, Co L, died Aug 21, scorbutus. 6481, Ilollingvvorth, .J, (negro), 8, Co A, died Aug 22, diarrhea. 6597, Hofma.ster, L, 73, Co I, died Aug 23, diarrhea c. 6635, Hazenfflueey, J, 26 battery, died Aug 23, scorbutus. 6711, Hocb, John, 303, Co K, died .-iug 24^ scorbutus. 6752, Haden, R, 119, Co A, died Aug 24, pneumonia. 6792, Hogan, Thomas, 103, Co K, died Aug 25, scorbutus. 6845, Hurling, A, 57, Co C, died Aug 25, dysentery. 6901, Hammer, John, 3 artil. Co B, dierl Aug 26, diarrhea. 7000, Hoy, J, 101, Co F, died Ane 27, dv.-eiitery. 7102, Houseman, G, 118, Co I, died Aug 28, diarrhea. 7286, Ilolloman, Wm, 102, Go G, died Aug, 30, dysentery. 732s, Hopes, W, 2 artil, Co A, died Aug 30, dysantery. 7422, Havert, B, 52, Co I, died Aug 31, scorbutus. 7491, H,alliger, C, 63, Co D, died Sept 1, diarrboa. 7631, Hill, E, 110. died Sept 1, dysentery. 7537, Henry, A B. 103, Co E, died Sept 1, anasarca. 7568, Hobsou, B F, 7, CoQ, died Sept 2, dysentery. 7571, Harraan. John, 14, Co H, died Sept 2, diarrhea. 7588, Harris, A, 2 cav, Co K, died Sept 2, scorbutus. 7613, Homiker, J, 119, Co H, died Sept 2, scorbutus. 7661, Hockenbroct, J, 2 artil, Co F, died Sept 3, scorbutus. 7666, Hughes, .J, 11 cav, Co B, died Sept 3, diarrhea. 7682, Hoover, S P, 7, Co H, died Sept 3, diarrhea. 7687, Hunter, Charles, 3, Co A, died Sept 3, diarrhea. 7881, Holmes, S,* 140, Co B. diod Sept 6, diarrhea. 7965, Huttoo, James, 118, Co I, died Serpt 6, diarrhea. 7990, Hazel, George, 2 cav, Co D, died Sept 6, diarrhea. 8254, Hecker, G, 6 reserves, Co C, died Sej^t 8, diarrhea c. S462, Henry, H , 2 cav, Co L, died Sept 11, scorbutus. 8526, Heselport, J F, 68, Co G, died Sept 12, diarrhea. 8532, Hopkins, G R,t 60, Co K, died Sept 12, diarrhe-a. 9088, Hansey, — , 90, Co C, died Sept 18, dianhea c. 9118, Hooker, Wm, 8, Co G, died Sept 18, diarrhea. 9123, Holdhans, C, 63, Co E, died Sept 18, diarrhea. 9404, Houghbough, J, 143, Co D, died Sept 21, diarrhea c. 9484, H.anks, J, 1, Co A, died Sept 21, diarrhea c. 94:S3, Hartzel, J, 7, Co I, died Sept 21, diarrhea c. 9532, Houston, D, 4, Co B, died Sept 22, scorbutus. 9579, Harmony, J, 169, Co H, died Sept 23, diarrhea. 9843, HeniDshalt, W, 149, Co E, died Sept 27, scorbutus. 9881, Hibbane, J, 99, Co H, died Sept 27. scorbutus. 9004, Hughly, John, 69, Co D, died Sept 27, scorbutus. 10022, Hamilton, li, 183, died Sept 29, diarrhea. 10070, Holden, Isaac, 7, Co G, died Sept 80, diarrhea. 10109, Harper, R, 103, Co B, died Sept 30, scorbutus. 10239, Hicks, J F, 14 cav, Co A, died Oct 2, diarrhea. 10349, Hammond, J, 10, Co I), died Oct 5, scorbutus. 10385, Hill, S M, 14, Co D, died Oct 6, scorbutus. 10430, Haldwell, P, 7 cav, Co E, died Oct 6, wounds. 10448, Hiller, S, 64, Co D, died Oct 7, gangrene. 10474, Howe, M A, 12 cav, Co B, died 'Oct 7, dysentery. 1053S, Hand, H, 58, died Oct 8, diarrhea. 10571, Holden, P, 12 cav, Co B, died Oct 9, diarrhea. 10574, Hayes, J,t 15 cav, Co G, died Oct 9, diarrhea. 10510, Hands, .J, 106, Co A, died Oct 10, diarrhea. 10670, Hull, Ed, 77, Co G, died Oct 11, scorbutus. 10804, Hennesv, P, 49, Co H, died Oct 12, scorbutus. 10814, Hunbacli, J, 116, Co G, died Oct 12, diarrhea. 10862, Hoberg, A J, 2 cav, Co M, died Oct 13, scorbutus. 10903, Hanneaay, A, 65, Co I, died Oct 14, scorbutus. 10906, Hall, A, 118, Co £, died Oct 14, scorbutus. 10982, Hoover, S, 79, Co G, died Oct 14, diarrhea. 109G2, Huffman, S, 64, Co C, died Oct 15, scorbutus. 1103.3, Happv, G, 101, Co K, died Oct 16, scorbutus. 11092, Harty. James, 148, Co I, died Oct.18, scorbutu.x. 11113, Horton, S, 106, Co I, died, Oct 13, scorbutus. 11183, Hess, G, 118, Co D, died Oct 19, scorbutus. 11194, Hepsey, M, 73, Co K, died Oct 20, dysenlerv. 113S3, Hunter, T, 5 cav, Co il, died Oct 24, scorbutus. PENNSYLVANIA. 55 ». of Grave. 114S1, Hon, J. 7. Co I, died Oct 26, scorbntus. 11219, Hunter, J, 14 cav, Co M, died Oct 20, scorliutus. 11495, Hardinivick, J, 2, Co C, died Oct 26, dysentery. 11609, Hosiifloclf, H A, 6 cav, Co E, died Oct28, diarrhea c. 11643, Hiicliet, J, SO, Co D, died Oct 30, ecorbutuS. 11702, Hoover, J, 90, Co A, died Oct 31, scorbutus, 11799, Hagertv, W R, 7, Co G, died Nov 4, scurliutus. 11897, Hart, M, 11, Co K, died Kov 7, scorbutus. 12215, Hyatt, J F, 118, Co F, died Dec 3, diaiTl.ea. 12260, Healy, .J B, 100, Co M, died Oct 11, scorbutus. 12306, Hammond, \V, 20, Co K, died Dec IS, seorljutus. 12610, Henemaxi, E L, 5, Co C, died Feb 7, '65, debilitas. 12632, Healey, J,» 143; Co K, died Feb 10, '65, diarrhea. 12719, Hummell. .J, S7, Co B, di< d Mar 2, '65, diarrhea o. 7020, H.azen, M .J, 101, Co H, died Aug 22, dysentery. 3474, Hail, B, 105, Co F died Juiv 17, scorbutus. 10227, Hawan, 1, 118, Co E, died Oct 1, diarrlica, 124, Isheart, N. IS cav, Co G, died Mar 23, dysentery. 1401, Hlv, Tobias, 27, Co C. died May 27, dyseiiteiy. 10504, Irvin, T,t 15 cav, Co M. died Oct 8, aiiasar.-a. 10616, Ireton, S R. 18S, Co I, died Oct 10, dysentery. 11660, Irwin, W, 184, Co A, died Oct 27, scorbutus. 831, Ingersoll, Sam'l, 3, Co D, died May 1, diarrhea. 233, 463, 566, 976, 1303, 1595, 1840, 2108, 2312, 2593, 2914, 3499, 3510, S885, 4067, 4093, 4540, 4590, 4817, 5295, 6516, 6871, 6197, 6200, 6.317, 6760, 6817, 6931, 7566, SS18, SS53, 9303, 9351, 9378, 9982, 9999, 10735, 10987, 11058, 11430, 11589, 1-2007, 12331, 2S89, 238, 266, 1024, 1824, 1875, 2076, 2336, 2639, :i04S, 3187, 3265, 3471, 3034, 4162, 4293, 4845, 4896, 5058, 6145, 6154, Johnson, John J, 45, Co I, died Mar 29, debilitas. Jolinson, Charles, 90, Co C, died Apr 9, diarrhea, Johusoi\ John, 2 cav, Co G, died Apr 15, diarrhea. Jacobs, -Jacob, 2 cav, Co M, died Apr 9, diarrhea. Jones, 'WiHiam, 146, Co A, died May 23, diarrhea c. Jouee, J. 147, Co 0, died Jnne 3, diarrlica. Jones, Wru, 26, Co C, died June 11, diarrhea c, Jones, 0, 4 cav, Co D, died Jnne 17, diari-liea c. Johnston, 'Wm, 3 artU, Co A, died June 22, diarrhea Jones, E, lO.t, Co D, died June 28, diarrhea. Jordan, D W, 103, Co B, died July 6, diarrhc.n. Johnson, D, 45, Co I, died July 18, pneumonia. Jeiininss, H, 45, Co G, died July 18, pneumonia. Jones, Wm, 55, Co C, died July 24, diarrhea. John, Thomas, 54, Co E, died July 27, wounds. Jones, J, 79, Co A, died July 27, diarrhea c. Johnson, J W, 50, CoG, died Aug 2, diarrhea. Jameson. Wm, 103, Co H, died Aug 3, diarrhea. Johns, Robert. 101. Co 1, died Aug 5, diarrhea. Johnson, H, 2arlil, Co I, died Aug 11, scorbutu" Jacobs, B G, 160, Co F, died Aug 13, diarrhea. Jones, Robert, 100, Co A, died Sut^ 16, enteritis Jones, T, 101 , Co I, died Ang 19, diarrhea. Jones, W E, 27, Co B, died Aug 19, tcorl>utus. Jones, S. 49, Co G, died Aug 22, fever intermittent. Joslin, J, 145, Co I, died Aug 25, anasarca Jober, J, 77. Co B, died Aug 25, dysenteiy. Jarmter, C, 7, Co A, died Aug 26, scorbutus. Johiison, Charles, 63, Co G, died Sept 2, scorbutus Johnson, J, 46, Co I, died Sipt 10, dianhca. Jolly, James, 101, Co H, died Sept 15, diarrliea Joi.es, P, 63, Co F, died Sept 20, diarrhea. Jordan, J M, 149, Co D, died Sept 20, scorlnitua Jacobs, J .S, 6 cav, Co F, dic-d Sept 20, anasarca Jeft'res, C, 4, Co B, died Sept 29, diarrhea. Jones, T, 101, Co B, died Sept 29, scorbutus. Jabin, James. 65, Co E, died Oct 1], seorbntue. Jones, A, '27, Co D, died Oct 16, diarrhea c. Johnson, -^'m, 184, Co D, died Oct 17, scorbutus Jordan, Thomas, 148, died Oct 24, scorbutus Jenks, J C, 116, Co H, died Oct 27, dysentery. Jobson, L, 118, Co C, died Nov 4, scorbutus. Jack, J P, 7, Co E. died Dec 24, scorbutus Johnson, A G,» 103, Co I, died July 4, fever remittent. Kelley, Charles H, 71, Co H, died March 1, phthisis. Kelley, H .S,f 13 cav, Co H, died Mar 30, diarrhea. Kuntyelman, J, 63, Co E, died Mar 31, fever typhue Kenny. Wm, 12, Co F, died Mav 11, diarrhea e. Kyle, Wm, 5, Co H, died Juno 10, diarrhea. Ke'ly, Peter, 73, died June 12, anasarca. Knight, .John, 7 cav, Co K, died June 17, diarrhea. Kehoe, Moses, 8, Co H, died June 22, diarrhea c. Kenoari, M A, 14 cav, Co L, died June 29, diarrhea King, C, 6. Co C, died July S, debilitas. Keich, N,» 64, Co A, died July 12, anii.«arca Klink, A, inl, Co 0, died July 13, debilitas Kemp, E, 103, Co A, died July 17, diarrhea c. Keeston, E, 103, Co I, died July 20, diarrhea Kagman, J T, 45, Co B, died Julv 28, di,irrhea. Kufl'man, S D, 45, Co E, died July 30, dysentery, Kanf, J, 2artil, Co B, d'ed Aug 2, scorbutus. Kelley, O F, 14S, Co B, died Aug 6, dysentery e Kock, n, 21, Co H, died Aug 8, diarrhea. Kawell, John H. 18 cav, CoE, died Aug 9, BcorbutQj Keys, Alex C,» 16 cav, Co H, died Aug 9, diarrhea. 6208, 5443, 6851, 6718, 5744, O02S, 6084, 6459, 6497, 6514, 6638, 6905, 7006, 7653, 77S1, 8210, 8734, 8799, 0139, 9563, 9630, 10S35, 1U367, 104S9, 10602, 1069S, 10747, 10926, 11238, 11332, 113154, 11463, 11646, 12695, 3676, 243, 297, 649, 1403, 1429, 1679, 1588, 1621, 2250, 2379, 3091, 3734, 3305, SS06, 3309, 3403, 3448, 34S9, 3545, 4312, 4434, 4696, 4S18, 4,Sd7, 4907, 4929, 6199, 6'225, 6.314, 6252, 6636, 6783, 7145, 7938, 7950, 8405, 8754, 8833, SS95, 8904, 9085, 9391, 9047, 10066, 10086, 10091, 10273, 10?9S, 10373, 1054S, 10572, 10580, J00S7, Kester, L, 149, Co F, died Aug 10, bronchitis. Kelley, T, 13 cav, Co H, died Aug 12, anasarca. Kalm, K, 96, Co K, died Aug 13, dvsenterv. Keister, Jonn M, 103, Co A, died Aug 16, 'dysentery Keejey, Wm, 13 cav Co A, died Aug 15, scorbutus. Kautlinan, B F, 45, Co K, died Aug 18, diarrhea.. Kemper, J, 73, Co D, died Aug IS, scorbutus, Kiger, Wm, 3 cav, Co C, died Aug 22, scorbutus. Kenter, A W, 67, Co B, died Aug 22, diarrhea c. Kiiiver, S, 184, Co F, died Aug 22, fever typhus. Krigle, H, 11, Co K, died Aug 23, diarrhea. Krader, W O, 65, Co 11, died Aug 27, scorbutus. King, M, 3 cav, Co A, died Aug 27, di.arrhea. Keller, A, 9, Co M ,dH-d Aug 31, diarrhea. Keller, M, 105, Co G, died Sept 2, scorbntus. Kyle, Wm, 118, Co F, died Supt 4, diarrhea. Kinsman, F P, 184, Co F, died Sept 8, fever tvplius. Kanfard, John C, sgt major, 5cav, died Sept 14, diarrhe.x Kaufmau, J, 45, Co E, died Sept 17, .anasarca. Kipp, W, 12 cav, Co D, died Sept 18, di.irrhea c. Kiumick T,* 145, Co K, died Sept 23, scorbutus. Kearney, L, 60, Co F, died Sept 24, scorbutus. Kerr, B, 149, Co B, died Oct 4, diarrhea. Kirby, J A, 101, Co E, died Oct 6, scorbutus, Kline, Ross, 184, Co F, died Oct 6, scorbutus. Keuuedy, J, 162, Co A, died Oct 8, diarrhea. King, M, 11, Co K, died Oct 11, diarrhea c, Kiikwood, H, 101, Co C, died Oct 11, scorbutus, Kueiper, C, 89, Co F, died Oct 14, scorbutus. Kurtz, J, 65, Co K, died Oct 21, scorbutus King, J R, 55, Co K, died Oct 23, seoriintus, Kelley, E, 7 eav, Co F, died Oct 24, scorbutus. King, R, 6, Co E, died Oct 26, scorbutus. Kramer, George,* 116, Co G, died Oct 30, scoibnttis. Knox, J,t 184, Co A, died Feb '23, '05, diarrhea c Kerer, H N, 63, Co E, died July 20, '64, scorbutus. IJesen, Lewie, 13 cav, Co A, died Mar 21, bronchitis, Lancaster, E, 14 car, Co F, died Mar 30. fever congestive. Luck, W. 11 cav, Co H, died Apr 1, pneumonia. Lynch, Adam, 6 cav, Co L, died Apr 14, diarrltea Levy, Frank, 3 cav, Co H, died Mav 27, diarrhea Llesiue, Wm,* 13, Co E, died May 28, diarrhea c, Lindine, J, 3 artil, Co A, died June 3, diarrhea Lilt e, M, 106, Co F, died June 3, diarrhea. Luhars, Melter, 145, C<) A, died June 4, diarrhea. Lackey, James, 183, Co D, died June 21, debilitas. Leacli, J, 3 cav, Co D, died June 23, diarrhea c. Larimer, J, 11, Co E, died July 9, fever remittent. Ladbeater, J.ames, 7, Co K, died July 21, diarrhea c Link, P, 98, Co H, died Julv 14, scorbntus. Long, A, 118, Co H, died July 14, scorbutus. Lanigan, N.t 13 cav, Co L, died July 16, anasarca. Lewis, Ed, 101, Co 1, died July 16, dysentery. Leonard, George, 49, Co G, died July 17, fever remittent Logan, B, 80, CoB, died Julv 17, dianhea c. Lee, James, 13 cav, CoB, died July 18, diarrhea Long, D F B, 10], Co I, died July 30, diarrhea Lambert, W, 4 cav, Co K, died July 31, diarrhe.n Larrihon, Wallace, 14 cav,, Co C, Aug 4, diarrhea. Lewis, A, 3 cav, Co D. died Aug 5, pneumonia Laugblin, J,t 101, Co E, died Aug 6, diarrhea. Lahmaii, C, 73, Co C, died Aug 6, diarrhea. Livingston, J K, 2, Co B, died'Aug 6, anasarca. Long, Augustus, 65, Co H, died Aug 10, diarrhea Loudin, H N, 14, Co H, died Aug 10, scorbntus. Lacook, Hueh, 116, Co E, d'ed Aug 11, scorbutus Lodiss, H, 90, Co A, died Aug 20, cerebritis. Leach, James, 49, Co E, died Aug 23, anasarca Light, S,* 143, Co H, died Aug 28, dysentery La Bolt, J, 21, Co F, died Aug 29, dysentery. Lemon, John E, 4 eav, Co I, died Sept 5, anasarca Lockhard, J, 145, Co B, died Sept 0, diarrhea Lepley, Charles, 103, Co E, died Sept 10, diarrhea Laymim, F, 49, Co B, died Sept 14, diarrhea LaughUn, J L, l,,Co H, died Sept 15, scorbutus Lester, W H, 7 cav, Co I, died Sept 16, diarrhea. Lippoth, J, 5, Co E, died Sept 16, diarrhea. Logne, S, 26, Co A, died Sept 18, diarrhea Leary, C, 83, Co K, died Sept 19, dysentery Lolen, J, 4 cav, Co C, died Sept 24, debilitas Lay tin P, 110, Co D, died Sept 30, scorbutus Lutz, P M, 21, Co G, died Sept 30, scorbutus' Lebos, C, 110, Co I), died .Sept SO, scorbutus ' Limar, W, 140. died Oct 3, scorbutus. Long. W, 67, Co G, died Oct 4, dysentery c Long, P,* 11 cav, Co C, died Oct 6, dysente'ry Lancaster, C, 119, Co B, died Oct 8, scorbutus' Lynch, W J, 3 cav, Co I, died Oct 9, diarrhea Labor, R, 7, Co F, died Oct 10, diarrhea. Luchford, U, 143, Co F, died Oct II, scorbutus 56 PENNSYtVANIA. Kb. or Grave. 10873, Lang, 1, 110, Co C, died Oct 13, ecorbatus. 11004, Lenchlier, J, 6, died Oct 16, scorbutus. 11266, Lanlz, Wm, 7, Co C, died Oct 21, diarrhea. 11465, Lewis, J, 4 cav, Co Ij, died Oct '26, diarrhea c 11728, Luther, 1,4 cav, Co L, died Nov 1, scorbutus. 118G9, Lego, George, 12, Co Aj died Nov 6, dysentery. 11907, Ladd, A, 63, Co M, died Nov 7, diarrhea c. 12192, Lape, J, 18, Co K, died Nov 2S, diarrhea. 12210, Lewis, J) S, 68, Co K, died Dec 2, soorlmtuB 12489, Linsey, D, 77, Co G, died Jau 19, '65, scorbutus. 6699, Ledwicli, F M, 139, Co C, died Aug 15, scorbutus. 70S4, Latchem, David, 4 cav, Co K, died Aug 23, diarrbea. 7507, Lochery, A, 14 cav. Co E, died Aug 30, diarrhea. 6985, Logan, W, 97, Co A, died, Aug 17, dysentery. G030, Loudon, S, 101, Co A, died Aug 18, m.araemus. 6053, Laytoii, Samuel, 181, Co A, died Auc 18, scorbutus. 6071, Lamb, C, 71, Co B, died Aug 18^ diarrhea. 6082, Lane, Amos, 6 cav, Co E, died Aug 18, cerebritis. 6152, Lehiiicb, John, 2 artil, Co F, died Auij 19, marasmus. 763, Lenard, M, 13 cav, Co D, died April 26, dysentery. 761, Lord, G W, 141, Co E, died April 27, rheumatism. 871, Loudon, Samuel,* 2, Co F, died May 4, bronchitis. 183, Maynard, John, 105, Co G, died March 27, pneumonia. 208, Missile, Val, 47, Co C, died March 28, dysentery. 225, Miller, Daniel, 13 cav, Co II, died March 29, pneumonia. 361, Martin, J F, 14 cav, Co K, died April 2, diarrhea. 461, McEiitire, W, 61, Co F, died April 9, diarrhea c. 538, Mine, Joseph, • 54, Co F, died Ai)ril 14, diarrhea. 586, Marjjle, S L. 14, Co^, died April 17, rheumatism. 605, McKiseick, John, 23, Co F, died April 18, diarrhea. 667, Myers, G, 1 cav, Co E, died April 22, diarrhea. 736, McKeever, E L, t 71, Co F, died April 25, diarrhea. 773, McDonald, R, 23, Co C, died April 28, diarrhea c. 780, McCartny, James, 18 cav, Co E, died April 28, diarrhea c. 969, McQueeny, W, 79, Co B, died May 9, dysentery. 1008, Moyer, John, 2 cav, Co E, died May 10, diarrhea. 1128, McKey, J, 1 cav, Co I, died May 15, anasarca. 1139, McMahon, J, 73, Co F, May 10, diarrhea e. 1147, McKniaht, J E, 67, Co B, died May 16, diarrhea. 1151, Mollale, J, 14 cav, Co D, died May 16, diarrhea. 1185, Moser, .John, 13 cav, Co B, died May 18, scorbutus. 1273, McCollen, W, t 4 cav, Co L, died May 22, dysentery. 1287, Milligan, J, 61 Co F, died M.ay 22, diarrhea. 1308, McCartney, M, 73, Co B, died May 23, anasarca. 1460, Murray, John, 13 cav, Co E, died May 29, diarrhea c. 1586, Miles, Lewis, 4 cav, Co I, died .Jurie 3, diarrbea c. 1643, Myers, J R, * 13 cav, Co M, died June 6, diarrhea c. 1722, Marshall, M M, 78, Co E, died June 8, diarrhea c. 1748, Moyer, Thomas, 103, Co E, died June 9, diarrhea a. 1793, Miller, M, 118, Co A, died June 10, fever typhus. 1S6S, McHose, J, 4 cav, Co A, died June 12, diarrhea c. 1907, Miller, Henry, 8, Co G, died June 13, diarrhea c. 19S2, Muchollans, J, 101, Co K, died June 16, dmrrhea o. 2056, Monny, W H, 3 cav, Co A, died Juno 16, pneumonia. 2058, Matchell, J .1, 101, Co K, died June 16, pneumonia. 2169, Monan, J, 101, Co C, died June 19, scorbutus. 2265, McCutcheon, J, 4 cav, Co C, died June 21, diarrhea 2278, Milton, Wm, 19 cav, Co H, died June 21, diarrhea. 2333, Myers, F, t 27, Co H, died June 22, diarrhea c. 2364, Myers, Peter, 76, Co G, died June 23, diarrhea. 2.388, Morton, T, 79, Co I, died June 24, diarrhea c 2409, McCalie, J, 3 cav, Co L, died June 24, pneumonia. 2411, McKay, M J, 103, Co B, died June 24, fever tvplins. 2193, Merry, James, 67, Co E, died June 20, dysenfery. 2503, Martin, A .1, * 4 cav, Co E, died June 26, dysentery. 2508, Morris, J, IS eav, C.i A, died June 26, dysentery ' 2653, McMan.s, 77, CoB, died June 29, dehilitas 2684, Mipes, J, 101, Co B, died June 30, diarrhea c. t'690, Morris, G, 77, Co G, died June ?,0, diarrhea 2798, Marsh, D, 60, Co D, died July 2, diarrhea. 2831, McCane, Charles, 14, Co C, died July 3, diarrhea. 3017, McRath, J, 48, Co C, died July 7, diarrhea c. 3065, Mon-is, Calvin, 63, Co D, died July 9, scorbutus. 3133, MoCalasky, J E, t 4 eav, Co K, died Jnlv 10, diarrhea Sl-'il, Maltiser, B, 67, Co F, died July 11, diarrhea 3172, Madden, Daniel, 149, Co G, died July 11, pneumonia, 3250, Myers, M, 103, Co E, died Jidy 13, diarrhea. S374, Mmk, II, 3 artil, Co A, died July 16, diarrhea. 8467, Meakcr, E N, 155, Co H, died Julv 17, dysentery o 3481, MoKeon, John. 101, Co H, died July 17, di.arrhea 3488, Mihan, J, 138, Co D, died July 17, dysentery, 3939, Marony, John, 1 cav, Co D, died July 20, dysentery. 3690, McCarrnii J, 4 cav, Co A, died July 21, anasarca S766, Myers, John, 116, Co D, died July 22, scorbutus. ' 3971, Martin, G, 45, Co I, died July 25, diarrhea 4016, McDermott, J M, 70, Co F, died July 26, diarrhea. 4123, McGee, James, 103, Co I, died July 23, anasarca. 4197, Mooie, M G, 1 artil, Co A, died July 29, catarrh. 4341, Marquet, M, 6, Co M, died July 30, dharrhea 4407, McKevor, John, 100, Co A, died July 31, catarrh. 4414, McFarland, Jae, 55, Co E, died July 31, dysentery. 4546, Moan, James, 101, Co K, died Aug 2, diarrhea. 4607, Martin, Bryant, 7, Co F, died Aut: 3, scorbutus. 4635, McKeral, James, 14, Co K, died Aug 3, diarrhea. 4710, Mathews, C "W, * 145, Co B, died Aug 4, scorbutus. 4734, Moore, M, 71, Co I, died Aug 4, scorbutus. 4796, McDevitt, J, 3 artil, Co D, died Aug 5, diarrhea. 4824, Miller, H, 14 cav, Co I, died Aug 5, diarrhea. 4876, Mills, Wm, 150, Co G, died Aug 6, scorbutus. 4898, Muldany, M, 96, Co K, died Aua 0, diarrhea. 5068, Martain, John, 103, Co E. died Aug 8, dysentery. 6069, Meaaler, James, 103, Co E, died Aug 8, scorbutus. 6139, McCafl'rey, John, hosjntal steward, 3 artil, Co A, died Aug 9 diarrhea. 5159, Martin, C, 8 cav, Co A, died Aug 9, scorbutus. 6266, Marey, II F, 103, Co F, died Aug 10, dysentery. 6291, Mohr, J K, 14, Co G, died Aug 11, diarrhea. 6415, McCarty, Dennis^Ol, Co K, died Aug 12, fever intermittent. 6433, McGee, J, 14, Co H, died Aug 12, anasarca. 6695, Mickelson, B, 16 cav, Co B, died Aug 14, dysenterj'. 5642, McClough, L C, 18, Co C, died Aug 14. anasarca. 6704, Miller, John, 101, Co G. died Aug 15, aysontery. 6723, McCaun, John, 3 artil, Co A, died Aug 15, scorbutus. 5781, Miller, S, 143, Co B, died Aug 15, diarrhea. 6809, Montgomery, R, 62, Co A, died Aug 16, anasarca. 6S68, McQuilien, A. 6 artil, Co L, died Aug 16, diarrhea. 5893, McCuUer, e, 4 cav, Co B, died Aug 16, diarrhea. 6926, Mulchy, J A, 60, Co D, died Aug 17, diarrhea. 6983, M.ann, James, • 119, Co G, died Aug 17, dia.-rhca c. 6014, McPberson, D, 103, Co F, died Aug 17, scorbutus. 6038, Moore, O, 103, Co G, died Aug 18, scorbutus. 6148, McCracker, J, 53, Co K, died Aug 19. fever remittent. 6294, McLaughlin, Jas, 4 cav, Co A, died Aug 20, scorbutus. 6441, Me Williams, H, 82, Co I, died Aug 22, scorbutus. 6480, Martin, John, 103, Co D, died Aug 22, diarehea. 6532, McGan, J, 18 cav, died Aug 23, diarrhea. 6664, McKee, , 144, Co C, died Aug 24, scorbutus. 6689, Manner, M, 73, Co K, died Aug 24, diarrhea 6910, McGlann, H, 143, Co B, died Aug 26, diarrhea. 6926, McGuigan, H C, 7, Co K, died Aug 20, diarrhea. 7026, Marks, P, 143, Co B, died Aug 27, dysentcrv. 7061, Moore, M: J, 107, died Aug 28, dysentery. 7107, Moyer, Wm M, 65, Co n,"died Aug 28, diarrhea. 7119, Miller, John L, 63, Co K, died Aug 28, fever intermittent. 7127, McAfee, Jas, 72, Co F, died Aug 28, scorbutus. 7175, Moore, Thomas, 69, Co D, died Aug 29, scorbutus. 7263, Martin, John, 77, Co C, died Aug 30, dysentery. 7265, Musser, John, 77, Co D, died Aug 30, scorbutus. 7306, Moser, 8, 103, Co E, died Aug 30, dvsenterv. 7333, Morris, John, 153, Co G, died Aug'30, diarrhea. 7407, Marchin, Wm, 60, Co E, died Au"- 31, scorbutus. 7512, Miilinger, John II, 7, Co C, died Sept 1, dysentery. 7602, Mourhead, J 8, 103, Co D, died Sept 2, diarrhea. 7719, Myers, H, 9, Co A, died Sept 3, scorbutus. 7875, Mayer, W, 8, Co M,died Sept 6, diarrhea. 7926, Mays, N J, 103, Co H, died Sept 6, diarrhea. 8027, Murphy, A, 13 cav, Co I, died Sept 6, fever typhus. S047, Mcknight, J, 18 cav, Co I, died Sept 6, diarrhea c. 8122, Miller, J,» 101, Co C, died Sept 8, scorbutus. 8123, MulUngs, W, 145, Co G, died Sept 8, scorbut-.rs. 8128, Muiiager, W, 13 cav, Co L, died Sept 8, diarrhea. 8134, Meh.aftov, J M, 16 cav, Co B, died Sept 8, scorbutus. 8153, McCantley, W, 2 artil, Co A, died Sept 8, diarrhea. 6158, McLnne, T, 12, Co E. died Sept 8, scorbutus. 8194, McKink, J,» 119, Co D, died Sept 8. diarrhea. 8216, Mansfield, J, 101, Co G, died Sept 8, diarrhea. 8322, Myers, A, 118, Co I, died Sept 10, diarrhea. 8469, Magill, H, 103, Co I, died Sept 11, scorbutus. 8596, Moriison, J, 146, Co E died Sept 12, scorbutus. 8027, McKinnev, D, 90, Co C, diud Sept 13, scorbutus. 8691, Moritze, A, 118, Co D, died Sept 14, diarrhea c. 8802, McCnllovl, 101, Co E, died Sept 15, scorbutus. 9071, Maynard'. A, 3 artil, died Sept 17, diarrhea. 9090, McCall, Wm, 22 cav, Co B, died Sept 18, diarrbea. 9228, McCullon.gh, S, 138, Co K, died Sept 19, wounds. 9270, Mayhan, F, 20 cav, died Sept 19, anasarca. 9315, Marsh, W, 149, Co K, died Sojit 20, scorbutus. 9839, Meyers, J A, 138, Co C, died Sept 20, scorbutus. 9526, McQuigley, John, 101, Co C, died Sept 22, scorbutus, 9583, Mead, H J, 184, Co B, died Sfyjt 23, scorbutus. 9598, Martin, J, 17 cav, Co C, died Sept 23, scorbutus. 9044, Morris, J, 64, Co I, died Sept 24, scorbutus. 9646, Morgan, J E, 2, Co A, died Sept 24. gangrene. 9651, McCook, B, 118, Co A, died Sept 24, "scorbutus. 9761, McMurray, Wm, 1 cav, Co I died Sept 25, scorbutua. 9871, Masen, John, 112, Co A, died Sept 27, scorbutus. 4578, McKerner, S, 73, Co E, died Aug 2, annaarca. 10050, Mesin, James,t 90, Co F, Sept 30, fcorbutus. 10060, Morgan, C, 45, Co A, Sept 30, scorbutus. 10119, McClany, J, 101, Co C, died Oct 1, scorbutus. PENNSYLVANIA. 57 No- of GraTe. 10154, 10306, 10396, 10407, 10486, lOfilO, 10«20, 10641, 10678, 10684, 10803, 10835, 10929, 109S1, 10991, 10993, llOSI, 11142, 11229, 11305, 11326, 113S7, 11459, 11464, 11542, 11655, 1165S, 116S3, UC84, 11686, 11692, 11909, 11913, 11982, 12008, 12088, 12103, 12248, 12326, 12384, 12554, 12595, 12625, 12696, 12771, 12S06, 1134, 1298, 2832, S653, 4248, 4489, 4936, 5109, 6001, 6011, 6702, SIM, S907, 9424, 9468, 10146, 102S6, 10764, 11107, 11254, 11776, 414, 622, 131S, 1409, 1897, 2589, S16I, S199, 8704, SS51, 4161, 6119, 6184, 5U39, 6254, 6535, 6658, 6908, 7105, 7552, 9305, 0314, McEIroy, Wni, 13 cav, Co L, died Oct 1, diarrhea. Meese, .1, 48, Co A, died Oct 4, diarrhea. McGraw, Juhu, 3 artil, Co A, died Oct 6. ecorbutne. Miller, H, 79, Co K, died Oct 6, scorbutus. Miller, Washington, 18 cav, Co C, died Oct 7, diarrhea. McKearncv, J W, 118, Co K, died Oct 10, scorbutus. McClicf, \Vm, 7, Co A. died Oct 10, diarrhea. Marker, W H, 118, Co D, died Oct 10, diarrhea. Martin, J P, 7, Co I, died Oct 11, scorbutus. Miller, J.ames, 7. Co I, died Oct 11, diarrhea. Mattis, Aaron, 138, died Oct 12, scorbutus. Moore, H, 13 car. Co C, died Oct 13, dysentery. Mortii], Geo H, 108, Co I, died Oct 14. scorbutus. Maxweil, S, 14 cav, Co B, Oct 15, scorbutus. Moses, \V, 16 cav, Co H, died Oct 16. scorbutus. McKuiL'ht, .Jas, lis, Co K, died Oct 16, scorbutus. Mitchell, J O, 65, Co H, died Oct 18, srorbulus. Mansfield, George, 101, Co I, died Oct 19, fever remittent. McClay, J, 11 cav, Co D, died Oct 20, scorbutus. McBride, j. 2 cav, Co li, died Oct 22, scorbutus. Marshall, L, 184, Co A, died Oct 23, scorbutus. Moore, S, 101, Co F, died Oct 24, scorbutus. Moore, J, 13 cav, Co B. died Oct 25, scorbutus. McNelse, J H,* 100, Co E, died Sept 26, scorbutus. Miller, F, 54, Co li, died Oct 27, scorbutus. Midz, J, 20 cav, Co A, died Oct 30, scortiutus. Meuk, W, 12 CIV, Co F, died Oct 30, scorbutus. Morrow, J C, s ma.T, 101, Co E, died Oct 31, scorbutus. McCaun, .J, 11 cav, Co L, died Oct 31, scorbulu'*. Moore, W, 1S4, Co B, died Oct 31, diarrliea. MuliKan, .1, 7, Co H, died Oct 31, pneumonia. McCune, J, 67, Co E, died Nov 8, scorbutus. McClush, N, 97, Co E, died Nov 8, scorbutus. Manee, M, 63, Co H, died Nov 13, scorbutus. McCray, J, 145, Co A, died Nov 14, scorbutus. Maher, D, 118, Co E, died Nov 18, scorbutus. Miller, W, 31, Co I, died Nov 22, gangrene. Murray, W, 14 cav, Co H, died Dec 8, scorbutus. Mclnttre, .T, 55, Co C, died Dec 24, scorbutus. Myers, A D, 52, Co A, died Dec 26, scorbutus. Matthews, J, 6 cav, Co F, died Jan 30, 'O-i, scorbutus, Maloy, J M, 184, Co V, died Feb 6, '68, scorbutus. McQenger, .J, 20, Co 0, died Feb 9, '05, diarrhea c. Myers, H, 87, Co E, died Feb 23, '65, diarrhea c. McDonald,—, 9, Co G, died March 13, '65, debilitas. McGarrett, B W, 103, Co F, died Feb 21, '65, diarrhea e, Nicholson, John, 3 cav, Co H, died May 16, debilitas. Nelson. Wni, 76, Co H, died May 23, diarrhea c. Noiti, Wm, 6, Co F, died .July 3, diarrhea c. Newell, G S, 183," Co A, died "July 20, anasarca. Nicholson, W, 1 cav, Co H, died July 29, dysentery. Nelson, George, 2, Co K, died Aug 1, scorbutus. Nayler, G W,! 13 cav, Co L, died Aug 7, diarrhea. Nichols, D A, 125, Co D. died Aug 9, scorbutu:?. Nc.ll, H O, 90, Co B, died Aug 17, diarrhea. Nlcklc, C, 37, Co G, di(Jd Aus; 17, diarrhea. Nickem, James, 77, Co G, died Aug 24, scorbutus. Naylor, S, 20 cav, Co H, died Sept 8, diarrhea. Noble, J, 73, Co D, died Sept 16, scorbutus. Nice, Isaac, 11, Co L, died 8ept 21, diarrhea. Nefl', J, 4 cav, Co D, died Sept 21, scorbutus. Nelson, G, 55, Co A, died Oct 1, diarrhea. Nelson, J A, 145, Co G, died Oct 4, diarrhea. Newberry, John, 20 cav, Co A, died Oct 12, gangrene. Nelson, A, 160, Co E, died Oct IS, diarrhea c. Noble, Thomas, 19 cav, Co G, died Oct 21, diarrhea c. Nichols, G, 20, Co C, died Nov 3, diarrhea. Osborne, S R, 4, Co K, died April 7„ dysentery. Oi;el8by, J, 4 cav, Co K, died April 19, diarrhea. O'Brien, P, 13, Co A, died May 23, diarrhea c. Ottiiigcr, I, 8 cav, Co I, died May 27, diarrhea. O'Neil, John,t G9t died .Tune 12, diarrhea c. Oswald, Stephen, 55, Co G, died June 28, diarrhea c. O'Conor, , S3, died July 11. scorbutus. O'Neil, J, 63, Co I, died July 12, anasarca. Olmar, H,t 2 cav, Co H, died July 21, diarrhea, O'Connor, IT, 49, Co E, died .July"24, dysentery. Owens, G H, 7, Co A, died July 28, diarrhea. Offleback, Z, 90, Co K, died Aug 9, diarrhea c. Oliver, W, 103, Co D, died Aug 9, diarrhea. O'llara, M, 101, Co E, died Aug 17, scorbutus. O'Connell, Wm, 183, Co G, died Aug 20, scorbutus. O'Hara, John, 150, Co E, died Auk '23, scorbutus. Oiler, Bamnel, 103, Co G. died Ang 24, dysentery. O'Rourke, Charles. 109, Co C, died .\ug 26. dysentery. Otto, John, 5 cav, Co B, died Aug 28, diarrhea. Osborn, J M,t 101, Co I, died Sept«2, scorbutus. Otlis, F, 184, Co A, died Sept 18, scorbutus. Orwin, N V B, 149, Co K, died Sept 20, diarrhea. 9330, Owens, E, 60. Co D, died Sept 20, scorbutus. 10805, Osborn, E,* U cav, Co A, died Oct 13, scorbutus. 80, Feck, Albert, 57, Co K, died March 9, pneumonia. 62, Patterson, Rob't. 2 res, Co E, died March 18, fever typh> 125, Parker, James M.* 76, Co B, died March 23, dysentery c. 600, Petrisky, H, 64, Co F, died April 12, diarrhea. 1110, Patterson, Thomas, 3 cav, Co A, died May 15, diarrhea c. 1119, Patent, Thomas, 73, Co G, died May 15, diarrhea. 1258, Powell, Wm, 14 cav, Co D, died May 21, diarrhea. 1566, Powers, John, 26, Co I died June 2, diarrhea <•. 17S0, Preso, Thomas, 26, Co E, died June 0, pueumoiiia. 1884, Powell, Frank, 18, died June 12, diarrhea c. 2566, Page, J, 183, Co G, died June 27, fever typhus. 2590, Porter, David, 101, Co H, died June 28, diarrhea. 2903, Parsons, J T, 103, Co D, died July 5, diarrhea. 3197, Painter, J G, 26, Co F, died July 11, diarrhea. 3446, Painter, 8, 63, Co A, died July 17, scorbutus. 4049, Patterson, R, 101, Co 11, died July 27, diarrhea. 4157, Pickett, J C, 3 cav, Co A, died July 28, diarrhea. 4177, Pratt, F, 14 cav, Co I, died July 28, dysentery. 4191, Plymeer, W, 20 cav, Co B, died July 28, diarrhea. 4415, Page, John, 112, Co A, died July 31, diarrhea. 4473, Powell, H, 102, Co H, died Aug 1, scorbutus. 5323, Prosser, J, 63, died Aug 11, scorliutus. 5579, Pyers, Isaac, 72, Co G, died Aug 14, diarrhea. 6610, Phillips, Jas B, 101, Co I, died Aug 14, diarrhea. 6947, Parish, J A, 184, died Aug 17, scorbutus. 6341, Preans, H, 149, Co li, died Aug 21, scorbutus. 6439, Palmer, H, 140, CoD, died Aug 22, scorbutus. 6527, Poole, G, 52, Co B, died Aug 22, diarrhea. 6536, Pifer, M, 13, Co G, died Aug 23, scorbutus. 6574, PhUlips, J W, 1 cav, Co F, died Aug 23, scorbutus. 6543, Peterson, G, 103, Co D, died Ang 25, scorbutus. 6544, Penn, John, 5 cav, Co E, died Aug 25, scorbutus 6SS5, Pattin, H W, 2 arlil, Co F, died Aug 26, diarrhea c. 7118, Potts, Edward, 183, Co H, died Aug 28, bronchitis. 7232, Perkins, N, 103, Co D, died Aug 29, diarrhea c. 8030, Powell, A T, 149, Co C, died Sept 6, diarrhe.a. 8160, Pricht, F, 87, Co H, died Sept S, scorbutus. 8763, Peck, C W, 145, Co II, died Sept 14, diarrhea. 8877, Persil, Frederick, 101, died Sept 16, scorbutus. 9'220, Palmer, A, 143, Co D, died Sept 19, lever typhus. 9684, Perego, W\ 143, Co G, died Sept 24, scorbutus. 9754, Phipps, J H. 67, Co £, died Sept 25, scorbutus. 10074, Price, G, 106, Co H, died Sept 30, diarrhea. 10573, Penstock, A, 144, Co B, died Oct 9, diarrhea. 10868, Powell I, 101, Co 1, died Oct 13, scorbutus. 11168, Price, 0, 109, Co C, died Oct 19, scorbutus. 11261, Phav, M, 69, Co C, died Oct 21, scorbutus. 11637, Phillips, F, 61, Co K, died Oct 28, scorbutus. 11737, Pees, M T, 145, Co H, died Nov 2, diarrhea. 11883, Penn, J, 18 cav, Co I, died Nov 6, scorbutus. 11918, Phelps, W, 4 cav, Co G, died Nov 8, scorbutus. 11328, Portertteld, J K, 5 cav, Co M, died Oct 23, scorbutus 12075, Pemer, W, 18, Co C, died Nov 18, scorbutus. 12191, Pryor, Wm, 11, Co C, died Nov 28, scorbutus. 12359, Poleman, H, 1 cav, Co F, died Dec 30, scorbutus 12378, Perry, H, 121, Co C, died Jan 2, '65, dysentery. 12388, Pritchett, J, 72, Co C, died Jan 3, '65, debilitas. 12479, Potter, B F, 148, Co I, died Jan 17, scorbutus. 6756, Quinby, L C, 76, Co E, died Aug 24, scorbutus. 47, Reed. Sam'], 4 cav, Co D. died March 15, pneumonia. 126, KobcrtsoD, J, 119, Co E. died March 23, diarrhea. 132, Rosenburg, Henry, 49, Co 1\. died March 24, diarrhea. 171, Reign, John, S3, Co K, died March 26. anasarca. SOS, Richpeder, A, 13, Co B, died April 2, diarrhea. 6111, Ray, Wm, 8 cav, Co F, died April IS, diarrliea. 847, lihinehart, J, 3 cav, Co D, died May 3, anasarca. 895, Russell, F, 4, Co D, died May 5, diarrlipn. 907, Rbinebolt, J, 18 cav, Co I, died May 5, diarrhea c. 940, Robinson, C ■W,t 160, Co E, died May 7, diarrhea c. 1162, Randall, H, 4 cav, Co H. died May l"6, diarrhea c. 121S, Rigney, Chas. 4 cav. Co G, died May 19, dysentery. 1454, Raleigh, A. 51, Co G, died May 29, diarrhea c. 1485, KudoTpb, S,* 13 cav. Co K, died May 30, diarrhea c. 1599, Rhine, George, 63. Co 1. died June 4, diarrhea. 1624, Rosenburg, H, 13 cav, Co H, died June 4, diarrhea c. 1719, Raymond, Jolin.t IS cav, Cu II, died June S, scorbutus 1808, Rheems, A.t 73, Co I, died June 10, debilitas. 1833, Ramsay, J D, 103, Co F, died June 11, scorbutus. 1922, Rush, S, 13, Co G, died June 14, diarrhea. 1943, Robinson, Wm, 77, Co D, died June 14, diarrhea c. 2225, RousI), Peter, 101, Co E, died June 20, diarrhea c. 2523, Rupert, F, 2 cav. Co H, died June 26, diarrhea. 2602, Roat, J, 54. Co F, died June 28, scorbutus. 273.% Rhodes F, 79, Co E, died July 1, diarrhea. 2911, Ruck, .1 B, 6, Co M, died July 5. hri.ncliilis. 2979, Regart, John, 13 cav, Co E. died ,Tulv 7, diarrhea. 58 rENNSYLVANIA. 310:! Ray, A,+ 77, Co E, died June 17, diarrhea c. SO24', Kngh M J, 103, Co D, died July 7, scorbutus. 827o', Kobins, E, 69, Co B, died July 13, diarrhea. 8469' Eansom. H, 148, Co I, died July 17, dysentery, 8S27 Einner, L, S cav, Co A, died July 2-3, dysentery. 4074' Uinawallv, F J, 79, Co 11, died July 27, dysentery, 4241 Eoger, L, 116, Co L, dieil July 29, fever typhus. 4309, Uogers, C, 73, Co C, died July 80, diarrhea. 4476 Kay, James K, 1S4, Co li, died Aug 1. dysentery. 4507 Kieae, S. 103, Co D, died Aug 1. diarrhea c. 4S«' Kiche, Ja'hos, 103, Co B, died Aug G, diarrhea. 4940, Knthler, J. 2 artil, Co F, died Aug 7, diarrhea. 5319, Eicc, Sam'l, 101, Co K, died Aug 11, cal.arrh. 53S9, Hofs, David, 103, Co B, died Aug 12, diarrhea. 5480, Robinson. John, 99, Co I), died Aug 12, diairhea. 6637, EosG, B, 13, Co I, died Aug 13, dysentery. 5800, UobiuB, J, 2 cav, Co M, died Aug 15, fever typhus. 5379, Eeider, II, 7 cav, Co L. died Aug 16, diarrhea. 5894, Eicbards. E. 143, Co E. died Aug 16, diarrhea. 6912 Eeaw, Jacb, 103, Co B, died Aug 17, diarrhea. 5940, Richards, John,* 1 cav, Co Q, died Aug 17, scorbutus. 6.331, Eobbin?, O, 106. Co 6, died Aug 21, pneumonia. C373, Eoger, John L, 110, Co H, died Aug 21, scorbutus. 6520, Reynolds ,1, 14, Oo H, died Aug 22. soorhnlus. 6725, Eowe, H,* 103, Co A, died Aug 24, diarrhea. 6777, Eangavdeuer. J, 149, Co H. died Aug 2.'), diarrhea. 67S9 Eichard.s G, 13 cav, Co A, died Aug 25, diarrhea. 6790, Eunels, J"hn, 6 cav, Co L, died Aug 25, dysentery. 6S22, Euro, A, ISS, Co C, died Aug 25, scorbutus. 693S, Eecse, D, 148, Co K. died AugiS, gangrene. 6S90, Eaiir, T, 1, Co A, died Aug 26, scorbutus. 6933, Ricbard.'on, , 61, died Aug2li. diarrhea 7067, Eeeae, D. 143, Co F, died Aug 28, dysentery. 7202, Eueir, J, 103, Co F, died Ang 29, diarrhea. 7292, Redmire, H, i'8, ("o B, died Ang 30, diarrhea, 7293', Rubins, George, 62. Co A, died Aug 30, diarrhea. 7410, Richardson, H, 10-3, Co K, died Aug 31, diarrhea. 7407, Richard, D. 13 cav, Co D, died Sept 1, scorbutus 7716, Eice, E, 7, Co B, died Sept 3, dian hea. 773S, Roads, Frederick, Iiil, (^o E, died Sept 3, dysenterj", SlSa, Rathbuvn, K. 2, Co F, died Sept S, scorbutus. 8540, Eusscll, S A,* 79, Co A. died Sept 12. scorbutus. S545, Bay, A, 149, Co D, died Sept 12, dysentery. S602, Eicbards, J, 106, Co H, died Sept 12, scorbutus. 6635, Ithangmen. G.+ 138, Co D, died Sept 13, scorbutus. 8742, Root, D, 4S, Co B, died ,'Sept 14, diarrhea. 9019, Eet. Geoige, IS, Co A, died Sept 17, diarrhea. 9272, Eamsay, J 1, 149. died Sept 19, anasarca. 953.5, Eichie. U, 11, Co F, died Sept CS, scorbutus 9690, Eenamer, W H. 87, Co H, died Sept 23, diarrhea. 9612, Eicbards, John, 113, Co D, died Sept 23. diarrhea. 9653, Reed, E, 1I13, Co A, died Sept 24, diarrhea. 97G6, Ramsay, E, 84, Co D, died Sept 25. scorbutus. 9882, Eicbards, J, 63, Co K, died Sept 27, diarrhea. 10174, Eeed, J, 56, Co A, died Oct 1, diarrhea. 1US03, Ramsay, Wm, 87. Co B, died Oct 18, scorbutus. 10622, Reedy, E T,t 87, Co B, died Oct 10. diarrliea c. 10935, Rouu'dabush, H B, 55, Co A, died Oct 14, diarrhea. 10947, Rockwell, A, 2 cav. Co L, died Oct 14, scorbutus, 11071, Eaefr, J B, 72, CoE, died Oct 17, scorbutus. 11116, Eiukle, John A, 20, Co A, died Oct 18, scorbutus. 11293, Rolst(.n, J, 18, Co F, died Oct 23, sc.rbulus. 11147, Rudy, J, 13. Co F, died Oct 19 scorbutus. 11444, Ilifde, S G,* 169, Co 0, died Oct 26, scorbutus, 11666, Richardson, A. 144, Co E. died Oct 27, scorbutus. 11S68, Rowland. N, 111, Co F, died Nov 6, scorbulnS. 12018, Eapp, A E, 13 cav, Cti I, died Nov 16, scorbutus. 12048, Kutli, B S, 23, Co I. died Nov 16, scorbutus. 12206, Rolhe, C, 101, Co A, died Dec 1, scorbutus. 12865, Eeese, D, 7, Co A, died Dec 29, diarrhea. 12372, Reed, W S, 128, Co II, died Jan 1, '65, debilitas. 377, 788, Smith, M D, 18, Co B, died April 6, di:u-rhea n. Smith, George, 5 cav, Co H, died April 28, diarrhea c. 881, Smith, Wm, 4, Co A, died May 4, diarrhea c. 921, 1014, 1030, 106S, 1105, 1114, 1155, 1169, 1175, 1216, 1256, 1349, 1453, 1603, 1635, Smitn, wra, 4, vo a, aiea juay 'i, c Smith, T, 19, Co G, died May 4, diarrhea. Steffler, W J,t 12 cav. Co G, died May 0, diarrhea. Serena, II, 4 cav, Co t>, died May 10, dysentery. Shebcrt, Gotlieb, 73, Co C, died May 11, dysentery. Spilytiter, A, 54, Co F, died May 13, anasarca. Sulliv.an, D, 101, Co K, died May 15, diarrhea c. Shiiidle, S K,t 140, Co K, died May 15, diarrhea. Stcirnes, E K, 14 cav, Co A, died M:iy 10, diarrhea c. Sloat, 1). 76, Co I, died May 16, diarrhea. Scott, Wm, 4, Co B, died May 16, diarrhea c. Severn, C, 139, Co A, died May 19, diarrhea. Sammoris, B,t 2 cav, Co B, died May 21, diarrhea. Smith, Charles, 26, Co A, died May 24, anasarca. Schleuliough, C, 4 cav. Co G, died M^iy 29, diarrhea c. Smith, Martin, 18 cav, Co II, died May 31, diarrhea c. Stone, Samuel, 26, Co F, died June 1, deliililas. 1543, Shoemaker, M,t 13 cav, Co H, died June 1, diarrhea. 1605, Rwearer, G, 13, Co 11, died June 4, diarrhea 0. 1620, Schiefeit, Jacob, 64, Co F, died June 4, diaiThea. 1632, Scbmar, K, 45, Co F, died .June S, diarrhea. 1963, Smith, D, 11 cav, Co U, ilied Jime 14, dysentery. 2039, Slough, H, 63, died June 15, fever typhus. 2070 Stevens, A, 13 cav, Co M, died June 16, dysentery. 2121, Sherwood, C H,t 4 cav, Co M, died June 17, dian-hoa o. 2123, Stall, Samuel, 75, Co D, died June 17, pneumonia. 2126, Say, J R. 4 cav, Co K, died .June 17, diarrhea c. 2163, Steel, J 8, 7 cav, Co F, died Juno 19, diarrhea. 2259, Scoles, M, 27, Co K, died June 21, diarrhea c. 2331, Sims, B. 14 cav, Co G, died June 22, diarrhea c. 2412, Shoop, Jacob, 2, Co M, died June 24, fever typhus. 2622, Springer, John, 101, Co E, died Juno 28, fever tyijhus. 2650, Stewart, J B, 103, Co A, died June 29, diarrhea c. 2726, Scott, Allen. 150, Co H, died July 1, dysentery. 2738, Schimgert, j, 73, Co G, died July 1. scorbutus. 2791, Shimer, J A, 13 cav, Co A, died July 2, diarrhea c. 2864, Scott, Wm, (negro), 8, Co D, died July 4, diarrhea. 2905, Stump, A, 11, Co I, died July 6, dysentery. 2941, Smith, Jacob, 51, Co II, died July 6, diarrhea. 2982, Shaw, W, 140, Co B, died July 7, diarrhea c. 2999, Smulley, Jno, 112, Co K, died July 7, fever remittent. 3057, Sutton, II M, 103. Co I, died Jidy 9, diarrhea. 3113, Sweet, H, 67, Co K, died July 10, dysentery. 3136, Shoemaker, M, 148, Co G, died July 10, scorbutus. 3154, Sillers, Wm, 77, Co D, died July 11, scorbutus. 3214, Stone, W F, 63, Co G, died July 12, scorbutus. 3480, Swelser, J, 103, Co D, died July 17, diarrhea c. 3667, Smallc'y, L, 68, Co K, died July 19, diarrhea. 3568, Stevens, S G, 160, Co H, died July 19, scorbutus. 3686, Sickles, Daniel, 116, Co K, died July 19, dysenterj". 3633, Scrders, J S, 142, Co K, died July 20, dysentery. 3670, Stopper, Wm, 16, Co B, died July 20, anasarca. 3763, Stillenberger, F, 172, Co F, died July 22, dysentery. 8775, Strance, D, 11, Co H, died July 22, scorbutus. 3856, Smith, J, 79, Co F, died July 24, diarrhea c. 3906, Smith, O C,t 77, Co G, died July 24, diarrhea c. 3966, Seilk, A, 144, Co D, died July 26, dysentery. 3960, Sullivan, T, 77, Co F, died July 26, diarrhea. 4006, Smith, F, 64, Co K, died July 26, anasarca. 4009, Shafer, J H, 84, Co E, died July 26, diarrhea c. 4012, Shapley, Geo, 103, Co G, died July 26, dysentery. 4043, Strichley, C, 63, Co H, died July 27, diarrhea. 4064, Shrively, E S, 19 cav, Co M, died July 27, dysentery. 4113, Sheppard, E, 145, Co G, died July 28, diarrhea. 4164, Smith, S W, 101, Co E, died July 28, diarrhea c. 4213, Shafl'er, Peter, 62, Co K, died July 29, dianhea. 4223, Shister, F, 3 cav, Co iV, died July 29, scorbutus. 4228, Stein, J, 7, Co G, died July 29, diarrhea. 4274, Sloan, J, 11, Co E, died July 29, anasarca. 4286, Shone, I', 4 cav, Co 1), died July 30, scorbutus. 4345, Stobbs, W W,» 101, Co E, died July 30, diarrhea. 4348, Scott, A, 22 cav, Co F, died July 31, debilitas. 4351, Scuudier, J, 67, Co A, died July 31, diarrhea. 4372, Smith, P, 72, Co C, died July 31, di.irrhe.i. 4566, Sale, Thomas, 15, Co M, died Aug 2, scorbutus. 4775, Sbink, James, 81, Co F, died Aug 6, scorbntvis. 4791, Sullivan, Ed, 67, Co H, died Ang 6, scorbutus. 4797, Soar, C, 14 cav, Co L, died Aug 5, diarrhea. 4845, Shember, Jno, 11 cav, Co D, died Aug 6, diarrhea. 4928, Slicker, J, 77, Co D, died Aug 6, scorbutus. 4931, Shoit, P, 61, Co G, died Aug 7, di.arrhea. 4946, Swarts, P,* 27, Co I, died Aug 7, dysentery. 6160, Stiner, John, 22 cav, Co G, died Ang 9, scorbutus. 6189, Striker, F, 14 cav, Co C, died Aug 9, sorlnitus. 6216, Sworeland, Wm, 184, Co A, died Aug 10, diarrhea. 6382, Speck, A, 118, Co A, died Aug 10, dysentery. 5411, Shalfer, Daniel, 13 cav, Co F, died Aug 12, pneumonia. 6529, Shangrost, A, 103, Co D, died Aug 12, diarrhea. 6437, Shears, J S, 149, Co K, died Aug 12, diarrhea. 6463, Stibbs, W, 66, Co n, died Aug 13, dysentery. 6494, Shape, F, 18 cav, Co A, died Ang 13, diarrhea. 6603, Somcrfleld, W, 69, Co E, died Aug 14, diarrhea. 6700, Stineback, A, 150, Co C, died Aug 16, diarrhea. 5750, Spears, W M,t 2 ca\% Co K, died Aug 15, pneumonia. 6874, Sheppard N, 79, Co F, died Aug 16, scorbutus. 6965, Shultz, F, 13 cav, Co K, died Aug 17, diarrhea. 6205, Shoop, G, 103, Co K, died Aug 10, scorbutus. 6289, Smith, II, 26, Co K, died Aug 20, fever typhus. 6337, Smith, W, 18 cav, Co B, died Aug 21, debilitas. iger, M, 101, Co F, died Aug 21, diarrhea. lin, Thomas, US, Cn II, died Aug 22, diarrhea. 6382, Swag 6436, Spain, _. ... _ . 6523, Stover, J, 49, Co F, died Aug 22, scorbutus. 6626, Stabler, S, 149, Co G, died Aug 22, anasarca. 6534, Snyder, John, 118, Co C, died Aug 23, soorbutns. 6584, Sloate, E, 60, Co D, died Aug 23, dysentery. 6695, Shirley, Henry, 106, Co I, died Aug 23, diarrhea c. 6069, Skeiw'ood, P, 84, Co I, died Aug 24, dysentery. 6776, Shelliti), R, 150, Co 0, died Aug 26, dysentery. 6823, Spain, Richard, 118, Co H, died Aug 26, anasarca. PENNSYLVANIA. 59 6829, Starless, W A* 79, Co G, died Aug 25, scorljutua. 6880 Slalilcr, D, 4 cay, Co A, died Aug 20, auaaarca. WO Slrk kler, J W, 11, Co F, diod Aug 27, dysentery. 7106, Smith, John F, 65, Co C, died Aug 28, icterus. 7137 Sloan, J M, IS cav, Co 1), died Aug 28, dyseutery. 7141 Spr'Bger, J, 103, Co F, died Aug 29, dysentery, 7''6'' Shriver B, 18 cav. Co K, died .\ug 30, diarrhea. 730''' Singer, .J, 2 artil, Co A, died Aug 30, diarrhea. 7358 Scoleton, J, 63, Co F, died Aug 31, scorbutus 7363 Sweeney, D, 14 cay, Co E. died Aug 31, diarrhea c. 7379' SfOtt # B, 4 cav, Co D, died Aug 31, diarrhea. 763l', Streetman, J, 7, Co E, died Pept 2, diarrhea. 7638 Steele, J, 82, Co M, died Sept 2, diarrhea. 7648 Spencer, Oeo, 20, Co C, died Sciit 3, diarrhea. 7662', Bnvdcr, M 8, 183, Co A, died Sept 3, dysentery. 7705 Swartz, Geo, 5 eay, Co A, died Sept 3, ftver remittent. 7770, Stookhouse, D,* 13 cav, Co I, died Sept 4, diarrhea. 7905 Sellers, H, 149, Co G, died Sept 5, diarrliea. 7939 Shultz, John, 4 cav, Co I, died Sept 5, anasarca. 7969, Smith, A C, 7, C.i F, died Sept 6, diarrliea. 8033, Simpson, T, 63, Co K, died Sept 6, diarrhea. 8103 Stump, J, 105, Co T, died Sept 7, diarrhea. 8112 Slade E,* 150, Co U, died Sept 7, scorbutus. Sill' Shirk M B, 142, Co A. d^ed Sept 11, scorbutus. 8567! Simons, Win H, 76, Co K, died Sept 12, scorbutus. 8659 Spould, E, 90, Co E, died Sept 13, scorbutus. 8773 Smith, Wm, 2, Co K, died Sept 14, gaiigroiie. 8795 Stella, J F, 1, Co B, died Sept 16, diarrhea. 9.190' Si mall » 79, Co U, died Sept 19, scorbutus. 9012! Steadiiiaii, W, 54, Co F, died Sept 17, diarrhea. 91''3 Scbably, J, 54, Co .\, died Sent 18, diarrhea 0. 9138 Shonp, S, 16 cav, Co B, died Sept IS, diarrliea c. 9310 Smith, Charles, 7, Co H, died Sept 20, uiavrhea. 9366 Stehins, Z, 7, Co H, died Sept 20, diarrhea. 9411 Scott, V, 149, Co G, died Sept 21, scorbutus. 9567 Snyder, A, 148, Co I, died Sept 23, diarrhea. 9593 Stcrnholl, Wm, 38, died Sept 23, diarrhea. 9742 Supple, C M,' 63, Co B. died Sept 25, dysentery. 9780 Surplus, W,! 13 cav, Co L, died Sept 26, diarrhea. 9SOo' Siherk, Christian, 145, died Sept 27, scorbutus. 9898' Sweeny, W P, 13 cav, died Sept 27, scorbutus. ' 0912', Sanford, C, 69, Co H, died Sept 28, anasarca. 09S5 Sheppard, C,t 118, Co E, died Sept 29, ecorbutns. 100S8 Sloan, P, 115, Co A, died Aug 30, scorbutus. 10132 Smith, J 8, 22 cav, Co B, died Oct 1, diarrhea. 10"99 Strong, H, 65, Co E, died Get 4, scorbutus. loi"3. Smith, E, 10, Co il, died Oct 4, scorbutus. 10616 Snyder, Wm, 54, Co H, died Sept 8, dysentery. 105-15 Stones, T, 121, Co K, died Oct 8, dysentery. 10530, Sinallwood, C, 7, Co F, died Oct 8, scorbutus. 10C09 Small, 11, lol, Co U, died Oct 10, scorbutus. 10720 Smallman, J W, 63, Co A, died Oct 11, diarrhea. lOSOs' Steele, F F, 20 cav, Co A, died Oct 12, scorbutus. 10SS7 Shank, A, 184, CoC, died Oct 13, scorbutus. 11014 Smith, Andrew, 22 cav, Co B, died Oct 17, di.arrhoa. IIO69' SleveuB, C P, 11, Co A, died Oct 17, scorbutus. 11233 Smith, II W, 63, Co B, died Oct 21, scorhutu.s. ll'>46 Smith, James, .57, Co E, died Oct 21, fever typhus. 11355' Silvy, David, 18 cav, C.> I, died Oct 23, scorbutus. 11368, Seyotf, H, 81, Co C, died Oct 23, scorbutus. 114SS Sunderland, E, 11, Co D, died Oct 26, scorbutus. 115''9 Stevenson, John, 111, Co I, died Oct 20, scorbutus. 11601, Speck, Olive, 67, Co H, died Oct 30, scorbutus. 11741 Smith, II, 183, Co D, died Nov 2, scorbutus. 11785, Snodgras.A, R J, 146, Co H, died Nov 4, scorbutus. 11792, Sellentine, M, 145, Co C, died Nov 4, scorbutus. 11825, Seltzer, D, 20, Co K, died Nov 6, scorbutus. 11886, Smith, W B, 14 cav, Co E, died Nov 6, scorlmtus. 11890, Shure, J P. 184, Co F, died Nov 7, scorliutua. 11895 Snively, Q W, 20 cav, Co F, died Nov 7, scorbutus. 11926, Scover, J n, 79, Co G, died Nov 8, scorbutus, 11951, Shcaiey, W, 118, Co G, died Nov 9, scorbutus. 12057, Stitzer, G, 2, Co E, died Nov 18, scorbutus. 12081, Stensley, D,* 184, Co A, died Nov IS, scorbutus. 12217, Smith, J S, 118, Co F, Deo 3, diarrhea. 12218. Skinner, S O,* 77, Co A, died Dec 4, scorbutus. 12-'82' Shafer,T, 184, Co E, died Dec 13, scorbutus. 12308 Staflbrd, W, 67, Co H, died Dec 19, scorbutus. 12384, Sourbeor, J E, 20, Co A, died Jan 3, '05, scorbutus. 12690, Sine, F, 87, Co C, died Feb 8, '66, diarrhea 0. 12598, Staufl'er, J, 1, Co K, died Feb 6, '65, diarrhea c. 12648, Stain, G W, 20 cav. Co K, died Feb 13, '65 debditas. 12669, Slough, E B,* 1. cav, Co D. died Peli 17, '65, pleuritis. 12670, ScotC, A J, 14, Co D, died Feb 17, '65, diarrhea c. 12676, Sheridan, M, 103, Co F, died Feb 19, '05, diarrhea c. 12817 Sharks, J N, 14, Co 1). died March 27, '65, diarrhea. 12824, Shultz, H H, 87, Co A, died April 6, '65, diarrhea. 773, 'I'histle-wood, J, 73, Co E, died April 28, fever congestive. 785, ToUaud, D, 13 cav, Co D, died April 28, laryngitis. 1144, Taylor, J F, 13, Co E, died May 16, fever typhus. 1145, Tull, D,* i, Co D, died May 16, pneumonia. 1153 Toner, Peter, 10, Co A, died May 16, diarrhea c. 1814, Thompson, H, 67, Co O, died Juno 10, diarrhea c. "IS' Thompson, A, musician, 4 cav, Co C, died June 19, dcbilitas. ■';;il2 Townsend, D, 18 cav, Co D, died June 22, diarrhea c. %35 Tyser, L, 146, Co D, died June 29, diarrhea o. 2897, Terwilliger, E,t 103, Co H, died July 5, dysentery. 3003, Thompson, P., 103, Co F, died July 7, diarrhea. 47, Taylor, C W, 84, Co D, died May 24, sm.all po.\. 332'1 Titus W, 171, Co D, died July 14, debilitas. 3473, Todd, Wm, 103, Co K, died .Tilly 17, scorbutus. 0571 Thompson, J S, 1S3, Co II, died July 19, dyBoiUery. 3768 Terrell, A, 12 cav, Co B, died July 22, diarrhea. S968, Trumbull, H, 3, Co E, died Jfcly 26, scorbutus. 4116 Thompson, James,f IS cav, Co G, died July 28, diarrliea. 4160, Tinsdale , 149, Co E. died July 2S, diarrhea. 4713 Thompson, J, 3 artil, Co A, died Aug 4, scorbutus. 5179 Thompson W W, 101, Co E, died Aug 9, scorbutus. 634.5, Thom,a8 F, 7, Co F, died Aug 11, scorbutus. 5966, Thompson J B, 100, Co H, died Aug 17, scorbutus, 0146, Thompson, F A B, 69, Co I, died Aug 19, cerobntis. 0447, Tubbs, E, 143, Co I, died Aug 23, scorbutus. 6476, Toll, Wni,ll res, Co I, died Aug 22, scorbutus. 0791, Turner, John, 118, Co H, died Aug 25, diarrliea. 7250, Thomas, E, 23, Co F, died Aug 30, diarrhea c. 7409, Thorpe, L, 61, Co E, died Aug 31, diarrhea. 7904, Trash, Seth, 81, Co A, died Sept 6, diarrhea. 8231, Truman, E W, 9, Co G, died Sept 9, scorbutus. 8631, Tilt, W, 115, Co A, died Sept 12, diarrhea. 8619, Tutor, C, 184, Co A, died Sept 13, scorbutus. 9027, Tits, F, — , Co C, died Sepl 17, scorbutus. 9212, Thorpe, D, 18, Co D, died Sept. 19, diarrhea. 9302, Thompson, II, 18 cav, Co I, died Sept 20, diarrhea. 9736, Tonson, J, 99, Co B, died Sept 25, diarrhea. 9775, Thuck, I, 7, Co C, died Sept 26, scorbutus. Tones, E, 145. Co F, died Sept 26, diarrhea. Thompson J, 90, Co H, died Sept 29, scorbutus 9981, T«n 10008, 10725, 11002, 114U7, 11764, I20SO, TTibbel'^, Geo,' ♦ 69, Co K, died Oct 11, scorbutus. Thatcher, K, 14, Co C, died Oct 16, diarrhea c. Thompson, J, 12 cav, Co E, died Oct 24, diarrhea. Trespiin, P, 67, Co H, died Nov 2, scorbutus. Townsend, C,* 103, Co E, died Nov IS, scorbutus. 071, Ulrick, John, 17, Co E, died May 9, typhus fever. 4184, Urndragh, W, 4, Co B, died July 28, diarrhea. 12133, Utler, Wm, 46, Co H, died Nov 23, diarrhea. 1309, 7739, 2428, 4265, 5392, 6877, 7T16, 8270, 8791, 8948, 9688, Ventler, Ch3s,t 73, Co G, died May 25, rheumatism. Vogel, L,* 150, Co A, died June 8, diarrhe-a o. Vernon. S, 7, Co K, died June 24, debilitas. Vanholt,T, 13, Co A, died July 29, diaiThea. Vandeby, B,t 7, Co A, died Aug 12, diarrhea. Vanderpool, F, 57, Co B, died Aug 26, diaiThea. Vancampments, George, 52, Co I, died Sept 4, diarrhea. Vail, G B, 77, Co G, died Sept 9, diarrhea. Vaughan, J, 108, Co A, died Sept 16, diarrhea. Varndale, J. 112, Co A, died Sept 16, diarrhea. Vandier, Wm, Phila, died Sept 24, scorbutus. 57, Wilkins, A, 12 cav, Co L, died March 17, fever coBgestive 128, Waterman, John, 88, Co B, died March 23, dysentery. 193 Wise, Isaac, 18, Co G, died March 27, pleuritis. 496, Wheeler, J, 150, Co I, died April 12, diarrhea. 516, Warren, J, 76, Co A, died April 12, diarrhea. 687, Weed, A B, 4, Co K, died April 17, dyseiitcry. 657, Wentworth Jas, S3, Co G, died April 21, fever IjTihus. 666, Watson, F F, 2, Co B, died April 22, dysentery. 686, Wahl, John, 78, Co C, died April 23, rheumatism. 764, Wilson, John, 14 cay, Co II, died April 27, diarrnea. 852, Williams, S, 18 cay, Co I, died M.ay 3, diarrhea c. 941, Wolf, J H, 13 cav, Co H, died May 7, diarrhea e. 10"!, Wright, J, 12 cav, Co B, died May 11, diarrhea c. 1007, Whitton, Eoht, 145, Co C, died May 13, diarrhea c. 1093 Wright, Wm, 16 cav, Co A, died May 14, diarrhea c. 13S6 Wynians, Jas,* 160, Co C, died May 26, diarrhea c. 1387 Wilson, James, 13 cav, Co D, died May 26, di.arrhea 0. 1448 Williams, F, 3 cav, Co B. died May 28, diarrhea c. 1404 WUIiains, Fred, 101. Co K, died May 30, diarrhea. 1525, Wallace, H, 13 cav, Co II, died May 31, pneumonia. 1563, Wallermeyer, II, 76, Coll, died June 2, diarrhea c. 1721 Whitney, W, S3, Co A, died June 8, diarrhea. 1749 Woodsidcs, W 1, 18, Co E, died June 9, diarrhea c. 1791, Wolf, Samuel, 77, Co A, died June 10, diarrhea. 1903, Woodward, G W, 3 cay, died June 13, diarrhea. 1977, Wyant, H, 103, Co G, died June 16, diarrhea c. 0338, Walters, C, 73, Co B, died June 22, diarrhea c. ''616, WiUiams, J, S3, Co F, died June 28, dysentery. "S'lg, Wike, A, 96, Co B, died June 30, diarrhea. ^790, Whitaker, — , inegrol. 8, died July 2, diarrhea. "937, Winsinger, S, 96, Co E, died July 6, diarrhea. 3023, Weider, L, 60, Co H, died July 7, diarrhea o 60 PENNSYLVANIA. RHODE ISLAND. So. or Grave. 3135, Wallaco, A, 116, Co I, died July 10, diarrhea c. 3277, Wricht, w A, 20 cav, Co Gr, died July 14, diarrliea. 3384, Woodiuff, W D,103, Co B, died July 16, diarrhea. 3392, Wait, Geo, 1 cav, Co G-, died July 16, diarrhea c. 3606, Walker, E, 7, Co A, died July 19, dysentery. SC94, White, E D,t 2 cav, Co H, died July 21, diarrhea. 4181, WiSLi, M, 18 cav, Co K, died July 28, diptheria. 4338, Ward, Daniel, 188, Co E, died July 30, diarrhea. 3SS0, White, M, 7, Co C, died July 24, diarrhea. 3822, Wilsuu, Andrew, 103, Co H, died July 23, diarrhea. 4069, Wolf, A, 146, Co D, died July 27, diarrhea. 4046, Winegarilner A, 73, Co G, died July 27, diarrhea. 3921, Wilsou, Wm, 43, died July^S, diarrhea. 4428, Williams, Geo. 54, Co H, died July 31, diarrhea. 4702, Willebomjh, E, 148, Co I, died Aug 4, Beorbutus. 4S2S, Ward, P, 103, Co B, died Aug 6, diarrhea. 4966, Wetherholt C, 54, Co F, died Aug 7, debilitas. 49S3, WascTun, G, 4 cav, Co I, died Aug 7, diarrhea. 4996, White, S, 14 cav, Co B, died Aug T, diarrhea. 5106, Weiiver, James, 90, Co K, died Aug9, scorbutus. 6353, Wilks, S, 77, Co G, died Aug 11, plouritia. 5458, Wilson, Wm, 7, Co K, died Aug 12, dysentery. 6677, Weeks, D, 63, Co G, died Aug 14, dysentery c. 6050, Williams, J, 7, Co A, died Aug 18, diarrliea. 6052, Waterhouso, W, 3 cav, Co L, died Aug 18, cerebritia. 6133, Workman, .\, 118, Co D, died Aug 19, diarrhea. 6305, Whipple, H,* 18, Co B, died Aug 20, debilitas. 6427, Wart, C, 143, Co E, died Aug 22, scorbutus. 6530, Wincrman, Jas, 77, Co A, died Aug 23, scorbutus. 6563, Wible, Paul, 57, Co A, died Aug 28, ictus solis. 6626, Walker, S A, 103, Co I, died Aug 23, scorbutus. 6S0S, Wick, R CjlOS, Co E, died .\ug 26, dysentery. 6980, Woolslaer, W H,» 77, Co C, died Aug 27, scorbutus. 6981, White, Jas P, 149, Co D, died Aug 27, debilitas. 7023, Woodford, J A, 101. Co E, died .iug 27. diarrhea. 7277, White Ed, 103, Co K, died Aug SO, diarrhea. 7382, Webb, J S, 69, Co K, died AugSl, dysentery. 7386, Walton, A,t 4 cav, Co A, died Aug 31, scorbutus. 76S0, Wallwork, T, 118, Co D, died Sept 3, diarrhea. 7714, Warner, L, 5 cav, Co C, died Sept 3, diarrhea c. 7799, Wynn, H, 101, CoF , died Sept 4, diarrhea. 7809, Wiggins, D, 2 artil, Co D, died Sept 5, diarrhea c. 7914, Weekland, F, 101, Co K, died Sept 6, diarrhea. 7933, Wade, George W, 118, Co E, died Sept 5, diarrhe.a, 6081, Weber, W, 116, Co F, died Sept 7, diarrhea. 8360, White, D, 2 artil, Co F, died Sept 10, diarrhea c. 8879, Wheeler, J, 7, Co C, died Sept 15, scorbutus. 9091, Wheeler, C C, 14 cav, Co M, died Sept 18, diarrhea. 9343, Williams, W, 20 cav, died Sept 20, scorbutus. 9434, Wdson, W H, 8, Co I, died Sept 21, diarrhea. 9534, Woolman, H, 18 cav, Co A, died Sept 22, scorbutus. 9573, Wingert, C, 111, Co I, died Sept 23, \youuds. 9634, Wismer, J, 100, Co A, died Sept 24, diarrhea. 9667, Wilson, G M, 7 cav, Co M, died Sept 24, diarrhea. 9825, Walke, G, 4 cav, Co K, died Sept 27, diarrhea. 9909, Wentley, J, 155, Co G, died Sept 38, diarrhea. 10092, W.atson, Wm, 99, Co I, died Sept 30, diarrhea. 10217, Weeks, C, 76, Co F, died Oct 2, diarrhea. 10229, Waltz, J, 7, Co H, died Oct 2, diarrhea. 10230, Weelily, John, 14, Co A, died Oct 2, diarrhea. 1B253, Weeks, C, 76, Co F, died Oct 3, scorbutus. 10316, Wolf hope, J, 184, Co A, died Oct 4, dysenterj-. 10400, Wilson, G, 65, Co C, died Oct 6, diarrhea. 10426, Wilson J, 118, Co D, died Oct 6, diarrliea. 10621, Williams, W, 46, Co K, died Oct 8, dysentery. 1066S, Walk, W, 87, Co E, died Oct 9, diarrhea c. 10632, Welry, John M, * J16, Co E, died Oct 10, diarrhea c. 10669, Watts, A J, 12 cav, Co I, died Oct 11, scorbutus. 10729, White, J M, 21, Co O, died Oct 11, scorbutus, 10797, Walker, Wm, 148, Co B, died Oct 12, scorbutus. 9464, Warner, Cyrus W, 184, Co B, died Oct 21, scorbutus. 10640, Wright, Wm, 16, Co I, died Oct 13, scorbutus. 10902, Wolford, D, 64, Co K, died Oct 14, scorbutus. 10974, Watson, C, 184, Co E, died Oct 16, scorbutus. 11048, Wilderman, E, 14, Co D, died Oct 17, scorbutus. 11108, Walker, A, 46, Co D, died Oct 18, diarrhea. 11129, Wilson, G, 140, Co F, died Oct IS, scorbutus. 1149S, Warrington, J H. 106, Co H, died Oct 26, diarrhea. 11603, Waiter, W, 1S4, Co F, died Oct 20, scorbutus. 11667, Wood, J, 1 19, Co C, died Oct 27, scorbutus. 11722, Woodburn, D J, 7, Co G, died Nov 1, scorbutus. 11750, Wyncoop, F P, 7, Co I, died Nov 2, scorbutus. 11899, Webster, J, t 20 cav, Co L, died Nov 7, diarrhea c. 11978, Wilkinson, C, t 104, Co I, died Nov 12, scorbutus. 11987, Weaver, J, 63, Co K, died Nov 13, diarrhea. 12096, "SV'alder, John, 6 cav, Co L, died Nov 19, scorbutus. 12098, Wider, N H, 1S4, Co F, died Nov 19, scorbutus 12123, Weatherald, H W, 7, Co H, died Nov 22, scorbutus. 12129, Webb, C M, t 101, Co H, died Nov 23, scorbutus. 12222, Williams, J, 146, Co A, died I)ec 4, scorbutus. 12137, Wood, J M, 2, Co A, died Nov 2:3, scorbutus, 12380, Watson, H, 184, Co A, died Jan 2, '65, diarrhea c 12486, Williams, B, 76, Co B, died Jan 19, diarrhea. 12493, Walker, N C, 87, Co B, died Jan 20, debilitas. 10158, Van Dyke, D L, 103, Co A, died Oct 1, diarrhea. 11810, Vanmarkes, D, 6, Co E, died Nov 4, scorbutus. 12164, Vanhatterman, I, 4, Co G, died Nov 25, scorbutus. 3968, Vogle, V, 78, Co D, died July 26, Bcorbutue. 3799, yocumbs, W B, 93, Co B, died July 22, diarrhea c. 4900, Yocum, D, 1 cav, Co M, died Aug 6, diarrhea c. 6103, Yingling, E, 78, (Jo E, died Aug IS, diarrhea. 6546, Yeager, Sam'I, 168, Co D, died Aug 23, diarrhea. 10204, Young, J B, 49, Co G, died Oct 2, dysentery. 11040, Young, W H, 146, Co F, died Oct 17, diarihea o. 11S72, Yeager, J, 49, Co C, died Nov 6, dysentery. 1306, Zerphy, J, 79, Co E, died June 10, diarrhea c. 4256, Zimmerman, B, 14S, Co B, died July 29, diarrhea, 6673, Zane, Wm, 19, Co K, died Aug 23, ictus solis. 6818, Zerl, S, 103, Co F, died Aug 25, scorbutus. 11327, Zanc, M, 118, Co E, died Oct 23, scorbutus. RHODE I SL AND, 3266, Austin, J A,t 1 cav, Co H, July 13, diarrhea. 6231, Allen, Charles, 1 cav, Co I), died Aug 21, diarrhea c. 1744, Bonley, Wra, 1 cav, Co 5f , died Juno 8, diarrhea c. 1968, Bidinead, James, 1 cav, Co G, died June 14, dysentery. 2621, Blake, J F, 1 cav, Co M, died June 26, diairhea. 3647, Burk, James, 1, Co C, died July 20, dysentery. 4261, Bether, J. 2, Co C, died July 29, scorbutus. 4576, Baine, H, 5, Co A, died Aug 2, diarrhea c. 1339, Carpenter P, 1 cav, Co E, died May 24, anasarca. 1413, Carson, B F, I cav, Co K, died M.ay 27, dysentery. 3810, Callahan, J.ame8, battery, died July 23, dysentery. 7966, Cohin, E O,* 6 arlil, Co A, died Sept 6, scorbutus. 12832, Collins, J H, 1 cav, Co A, died April 16, '65, diarrhea o. 661, Delanah, E B,t 1 cav, Co G, died April 20, diarrhea. 1217, Dix, George, 1 cav, Co M, died May 19, pneumonia. 1435, Dickinson, Jacob,t 1 cav, Co K, died May 28, diarrhea. 3036, Dearborn, G, 1 cav, died July 8, fever remittertt. 4742, Durden, Robert, 1 cav, Co F, died Aug 6, scorbutus. 4927, Doolittle, O S, 2 artil, Co B, died Aug 6, diarrhea. 5670, Doyle, James, 5 artil, Co A, died Aug 14, diarrhea. 827, Eustace, Geo C, Icav, CoM, died May 1, diarrhea. 10203, Eaton, A, 5 artil, Co A, died Oct 1, scorbutus. 939, Freelove, H, 1 cav, Co 11, died May 7, diarrhea. 4538, Farrell, James F, 1 artil, Co A, died Au;,' 2, diarrhea. 4672, Fay, John, 2, Co G, died Aug 4, fever typhus. 7356, Fey, A, 5 artil, Co A, died Aug 31, scorbutus. 1868, Goudy, John, 5 artil, Co A, died June 12, diarrhea c, 4866, Gallagher, C, 5, Co A, died Aug 6, dysentery. 5561, Garvey, Wra, 5 artil, Co A, died Aug 13, anasarca. 8308, Green, R, 2, Co B, died Sept 10, diarrhea c. 9978, Green, Daniel, 2, Co H, died Sept 29, diarrhea. 1076, Henry, T, 1 cav, Co F,died May 13, diarrhea. 2656, Healy, A, 1 cav, Co D, Juno 29, fever typhus. 2746, Hunt, W, 1 cav, Co A, died July 1, diarrhea. 3904, Ilarmpstcad, J, 5 artil, Co F, died July 24, scorbatUB. 7032, Hooker, A, 1 cav, Co G, died .A.ng 27, diarrhea. 11843, Hawkins, D F, 6, Co A, died Nov 6, wounds. 12016, Hanley, T, 5 artil, Co A, died Nov 15, scorbutus. 1962, Ide, S R, 1 cav, Co H, died June 14, dysentery. 3W9, Johnson, A G, 6 artil, Co A, died July 8, diarrhea. 2968, Kettell, James, 1 cav, Co B, died, July 6, diarrhea. 3096, Kincy, J, 2, Co B,dicd July 10, dysentery c. 4215, Lewis, Edward, 5 artil, Co A. died July 29, dysonteiT. 5827, LittlebriJge, W H,* 6 artil, Co A, died Aug 16, diarrhea. 6798, Lee, Cornelius, 5 artil, Co A, died Aug 25, diarrhea. 7849, Leach, L D, 1 cav, Co F, died Sept 5, diarrhea. 11688, Livingston, John, musician, 5 artil, Co A, died Oct 31, diarrhea RHODE ISLAND. TENNESSEE. 61 1750, Miner, 8, 1 cav, Co D, died June 9, diarrhea c: 7393, McKay, Thomas, 2, Co F, died Au:; 31, diarrhea. S306, McKeuna, J, 3 artil, died Sepl 10, diarrhea. 3192, Northorp, E, 1 cav, Co II, died July 12, diarrhea. 7904, jS'avoo, G, o, Co K, died Sept 5, diarrhea. 607, Peterson, John, 1, Co D, died April 18, dysentery. 7219, Eathbum, J, 1 oav, Co A, died Aug 29, debilitas. 23S2, Sweet, M,l cav, Co D, died June 23, diarrhea. 2663, Spink, J, 1 cav, Co H, died June 27, diarrhea. 2S59, Slocum, George T, 2d Ueut, 1 cav, Co A, died July typhus. 4158, Smith, P, 1 cav, Co A, died July 28, diarrhea. 4949, Stalord, J, 1 battery , Co A, died Aug 7, scorbutus. 6186, Sisson, Charles T, 5 artil, Co A, died Aug 19, dysentery. 6187, Seymour, H, 6 artil, Co A, died Aug 19, diarrhea. 6341, Sullivan, J, 5 artil, Co A, died Aug 21, diarrhea c. 7129, Sander, Charles, 5 artil, Co A, died Aug 28, anasarca. 7425, Slocum, C A,* 5 artil, Co A, died Aug 31, anasarca. 3075, Turner, Charles, 7, Co E, died July 9, diarrhea. 8522, Thomas, J, 6, died Sept 12, scorbutus. 19, Wright, Moses, 2 cav, Co A, died March 7, fever remittent. 1788, West, H, 1, Co A, died June 10, diarrhea c. 3173, Wallace, Wm, 5 artil, Co A, died July 11, diarrhea c. 5908, Wood, J B, 6, Co A, died Aug 10, dlarrliea c. 6222, West, J, 2 cav, Co A, died Aug 21, diarrhea c. 6766, Wayne, 8, 1 cav, Co A, died Aug 25, diarrhea. 7831, Wilson, J, 5, Co A, died Sept 4, .anasarca. 9273, Witham, B, 1 light artil, died Sept 19, anasarca. TENNESSEE. 883, 9S7, 2318, 2631, 8167, 3194, 3-334, 4004, 6411, 6474, 6541, 7572, 7907, 9151, 9010, 1895, 8493, 12710, 539, 685, 663, 695, 705, 772, 808, 845, 859, 920, 1053, 1137, 1242. 1244, 1248, 1527, 1538, 1610, 1635, 1847, 1876, 1883, 1976, 2037, 2555, 2744, 2939, 2983, 3176, 3198, 6, 16, 52, 61, 58, 3328, 3330. 3414, 3630, 3643, 3726, 3786, 3934, 4108, 4221, 4770, 5017, 4371, 6049, 5277, Allen, James W,ll, Co B, died May 4, diarrhea c Amos, F G, 2, Co C, died May 10, diarrhea. Allison, B F, 13 cav, Co I>, died June 22, diarrhea c. Andrewsou, Joseph, 2, Co C, died June 29, diarrhea. Anderson, S, S cav, Co B, died July 11, diarrhea. Aber A, 7 cav, Co A, died July 12, diarriiea. Anglon, Wm, 7 cav, Co A, died July 15, diarriiea. Athens, J H, 2 east, Co C, died July 26, anasarca. Aikin, George VV,?^ 7, Co K, died Aug 22, scorbutus. Ashby, J F, 7 cav, Co B, died Aug 22, fever typhus. Antoi'ne, P, 13 cav, Co H, died Aug 23, dysentery c. Aspray, Wni.t 13, Co B, died Sept 2, diarrhea. Anderson, C S,t 10, Co D, died Sept 5, dysentery. Achley, A, 3, Co A, died Sept IS, scorbutus. Atkins, L, 2, Co D, died Sept 28, scorbutus. ArroTvood, James, 8 cav, died June 13. diarrhea. Alexander, P S, 13 cav, Co D, died Sept 11, diarrhea. Allen, G W, 7, Co I, died Feb 28, '65, pleuritis . Boling, Wm, 11, Co E, died April 14, diaiThea. Beason, Beniamin, 2, Co E, died April 17, pneumonia. Bond, Jas J'T, 2, Co F, died April 21, diarrhea. Baker, T K. 5 cav, died April 23, dysentery c. Batey, W H, 2, Co B, died April 24, dysentery o. Burton, Wm, 1 artil, Co A, died April 28, diarrhea c. Branniu, Ellis, 2, Co F, died April 30, diarrhea c. Browden, H V,2, Co K, died May 1, diarrhea. Byerly, W H, 1, Co A, died May 3, diarrhea. Brewer, M, 2, Co E, died Mav 6, diarrhea. Boyden. A L, 2, Co B, died May 13, diarrhea. Beatty, Thomas, 2, Co B, died May 16, diarrhea. Bryant, James A, 8, Co I, died May 20, pneumonia. Barnard, W 1I( 2, Co A, died May 20, diarrhea. Boyd, A 1),* 2, Co F, died May 20, diarrhea c. Butler, J J,t 7, Co B, died M.ay 31, dysentery. Bradshaw, A G, 2, Co B, died June 1, diarrhea. Browning, J, 2, Co F, died June 4, diarrhea c. Brown, J, 13 cav, Co E, died June 5, diarrhea. Branon, Wm. 2, Co F, died June 11, anasarca. Birkctj WD,*7, died June 12 diarrhea. Burcliheld, W R, 2, died June 12, diiiirhea c. Berger, W, 2, Co B, died Juno 15, diarrhea c. Berger, W M, 2, died June 15, diarrhea. Bi>utwricht, A,t 7, Co A, died .June 27, diarrhea. Brewer, W T, 7 cav, Co D, died .Fnly 1, diarrhea. Bibbs, Alexander, 7 cav, Co D, died July 6, diarrhea a. Bright, John, 8, Co G, died July 7, dysentery. Blalock, H, 2, Co D, died July 11, abscess. Brown, J B,t 2, Co F, died July 12, anasarca. Brandon, C, 4, Co D, died April 4, small pox. Burke, John, 2, Co D, died April 12, small pox. Brummell, A I>, 2, Co H, died June 3, small pox. Broits, S, 4, Co F, died June 20, small pox. Beeicr, Daniel, 5, Co D, died June 25, small pox. Barton, F F, 13 cav, Co A, died July 14, diarrhea c. Bynom, J W, 13 cav, Co C, died July 14, diarrnea c. Brennan, James, 2. ('o I, died July 16, diarrhea. Bun-is, D B, 13, Co B, died July 20, anasarca. Brannan, J, 2, Co A, died July 20, diarrhea e. Billings W, 6, Co 1, died July 21, diarrhea. Bowman, J, 7 cav, Co C, died July 22, diarrhea c. Boles, H, 13, Co C, died July 25, diarrhea. Boyd, W H, 9 cav. Co C, died July 27, diarrhea. Barnes, A C, 15, Co H, died July 29, wounds. Bryant, Wm. 2, Co D, died Aug 5, diarrhea. Butler, W W, 7 cav. Co B. died Aug 8, anasarca. Bradfield, E L, 7 cav, Co C, died July 31, anasarsca. Brunimetli, B, 11 cav, CoC, died Aug 8, scorbutus. Baruhart, D F, 7 cav, Co B, died Aug 11, diarrhea. 5294, Baker, Isaac, 13, Co B, died Aug 11, dysentery. 6313, Blackwood, G W, 11, Co B, died Aug 11, pleuritis. 5533, Boles, G W, 13 cav, Co B, died Aug 13, scorbutus. 5617, Baker, M A, 13 cav, Co E, died Aug 14, dysentery c. 6003, Boles, W G, 13 cav, Co B, died Aug 17, anasarca. 6142, Bavlcs. K, 2, Co C, died Aug 19, dysentery. 6194, Burnett, S H, 6, Co H, died Aug 19, anasarca. 6287, Butler, W J, 7, Co B, died Aug 20, diarrhea c. 0569, Barnes, Wm, 7 cav, Co M, died Aug 23, ictus solis. 6'>72, Bishop, W, 7 cav, Co H, died Aug 23, fever typhus. 7430, Brewer, J, 2, Co JD, died Aug 31, gangrene. 7664, Bales, Henry, 2, Co K, died Sept 2, diarrhea. 7943, Boyer, I>, 15, Co D, died Sept 5, scorbutus. 8-222, Bird, S H, 13 cav, Co D, died Sept 8, anasarca. 8998, Blackner, Thomas, 7 cav, Co L, died Sept 17, anasarca. 9023, Bill, F, 6, Co I, died Sept 17, diarrhea. 9079, Boyle, R C, 7 cav, Co I, died Sept 17, scorbutus. 9149, Bean, C S, 3 oav, Co E, died Sept 18, scorbutus. 9478, Bowkn, C F, 13, Co B, died Sept 21, scorbutus. 9543, Bromley, H,t 7, died Sept 23, scorbutus. 4888, Branuon, L, 2, Co A, died Aug 6, scorbutus. 10098, Byerly, James, 1, o c, Co A, died Sept 30, scorbutus. 10462, Bible, W, 8, Co D, died Oct 7, diarrhea. 10617, Blaekney, B, 7, Co E, died Oct 10, diarrhea c. 10826, Bartholomew John, 7 oav, Co H, died Oct 13, scorbutus. 11015, Bosworth, W H, 7 cav, Co E, died Oct 16, scorbutus. 11298, Brogan, John,* 2, Co C, died Oct 22, diarrhea. 11372, Brown, J B."* 2, Co K, died Oct 23, scorbutus 1-2171, Bradford, H A, 7, Co E, died Oct -20, Bcorbntus. 12565, Brown, J W, 13, Co B, died Jan 31, '66, scorbutus. 12613, Baruhart. G, 7, Co C, died Feb 8, '65, diarrhea c. 12662, Barnes, F B, 7 cav, Co D, died Feb 16, '66, diarrhea c. 462, Be II, E S, 4, Co C, died April 9, diarrhea c. 4782, Barnes, G, 10, CoD, died Aug 6, constipatio. 189, Card well, W C,6, Co C, died March 27, diarrhea. 216, Conaster, Philip, -2, Co D, died March 28, dysentery c. 230, Chimney, Jct=ee,T 2, Co A, died March 29, diarrhea a. 375, Cohvell, J H, 2, CoC, died April 5, diarrhea c. 436, Croswell, Samuel, 2, Co K, died April S, diarrhea c. 469, Childers, J M, 2, Co D, died April 9. diarrhea. 482, Clark, Lewis, 2 cav, Co B, died April 9, diarrhea 0. 616, Covington, A, 2, Co K, died April 18, diarrhea. 717, Chitwood, J H, 2, Co G, died April 24, diarrhea. 811, Carden, Robert, 2, Co C, died April SO, diarrhea c. 840, Cardwell, W C, 6, Co G, died .May ■>, diarrhea. 1060, Cooper, C, 2, Co B, died May 12, diarrhea. 1-213, Clark, Alexander, 2, CoC, died May 19, anasarca. 14-25, Cross, M C, 2, Co F, died May 28, di.arrbea. 1574, Cliilders, J, 13, Co A, died June 3, rubeola. 1636, Clemens. J D, 7 cav, Co D, died June 6, diarrhea c. 1751, Campbell, W, 2, Co A, died Juno 9, dysentery a. 1839, Carden, A K, 7 cav, Co E, died Jvmell, diarrhea c. 2031, Covington, JB, 2, Co K, died June 15, diarrhea. 2062, Carwin, .laraes, 1, died June 16, diarrhea. 2071, Crow, J, t 2, CoF, died June 16, scorbutus. 22S9, Crawford, .\, 13 cav, Co B, died June 21, diarrhea. 2466, Childers, Thos L, 2, Co G, died .June 25, constipatio. 2632, Cooper, E. 1, Co A, died Juno 20, anasarca 2789, Cook, W P, 2 c, Co A, died July 1, diarrhea. 2358, Cooiier,GW, 7, Co B, died July 4, diarrhea. 2886, Collins, W, 2, Co H, died July 4, scorbutus 2940, Carter, H C, 13 cav, Co E, died July 6, diarrhea c. S6S7, Cross, N, 2, Co H, died July 21, diarrhea c. 3983, Corwine, J, East Tenn, 6, die-1 July 26, diarrhea 4691, Cornish, A, 13 cav, Co C. died Aug 4, anasarca. 6298. Chase, A P, 7 cav, Co I, Aug 11, scorbutus. 66-29, Collins, K^ 7 cav, Co K, died" Aug 16. marasmus. 5895, Clyne, E T,t 11 cav, Co E, died Aug 16, dysentery 62 TENNESSEE. No. of OraTo. 0310, 7623, 7535, 7601, 7702, 7857, 7871, 7880, 8219, 9021, 9208, 9698, 10137, 10268, 10403, 10054, 11239, 11312, 12643, 302, 399, 485, 645, 759, 656, 894, 1016, 43, 1182, J58I, 2266, 2866, 2449; 3513, 3067, 6398, 6261, 6991, 4821, 8423, 7219, 7608, 8329, 9373, 9453, 9701, 10014, 10244, 12119, 12379, 12498, 12794, 293, S60, 610, 667, 848, 873, 970, 979, 1886, 65, 3761, 4785, 6904, 7402, 9075, 10560, 10935, 11639, 353, 683, 697, 1445, ■2408, 2506, 62, 2835, 6320, 6997, 6299, 7244, 7782, 8566, 10133- 12502, 3006, 3733, Crews, G, 7 oav, Co B, died Aug 20, diarrhea. Childers, E, 13, Co E, died Sept 1, scorbutus. Clark, James, 13, Co A, died Sejit 1, anusarca. Cuuise, E, 7 cav, Co I, died Sept 2, diarrhea. Childei *, W E, 7 cav, Co E, died Sept 3, diarrliea. Cothraili, S, 13, CoE, died Sept 6, gangrene. Camp, W W, 7, Co K, died Sept 5, dvtieutery. Cotierell, G-W, 7, Co C, died Sept 5,'diarrhea. Ci-eeey, S 1', 7 cav, Co K, died Sept 8, unaearca. Gi-um, A, 4, Co F, died Sept 17, diarrhea. Cooley, J. 7 cav, Co L, died Sept 18, anasarca. Chadwiclc, M, 16, Co I, died Sept 24, scorbutus. Cole, GeaM,t 9, Co C, died Oct 1, scorbutus. Clay, H, 13, Co H, died Oct 3, diarrhea. Cleaver, W, 7, Co G, died Oct 6, dysentery. Churciiill, E, 13, Co A, died Oct 11, scorbutus. Cheeii, U, 6 cav, Co D, died Oct 20, scorbutus. Carter, W B, 11, Co E, died Oct 22, BcorbiUue. Camway, H, 6, Co K, died Feb 13, '65, rlieuiiiatism. Dodd, Benjamin, 2, Co D, died .^jiril 1, diarrhea c. Dos.s, J \V, 2, Co C, died April 6, diarrhea c. Dudley, S.amuel, 1 cav, Co A, died Ai>ril 9, dyseutery. DuLi-om, Irdeil, 2, Go G, died April 20, dysentery c. Duucan, G W,'* 2, CoB. died April 27, diarrhea c. Doaii, I V, 2, Co P, died May 3, diarrhea, Davis, Lerov, 7, Co K, died May 5, pneumonia. DiL'gs, J G, '2, Co C, died Mriy9. dysentery. Dykes, Pleasant, 2. Co K, died May 11, small pox. Dua; I W, 16, Co B, died May 18, diarrhea. Davis, -J W, 2, Co C, died June 3, diarrhea c. Dabuey, B, 1, Co A, died June 20, diarrhea c. IXaniel, Sutlroh, 2, Co K, died June 23, dysentei-y. Di^gs, .l(dm G, 2 east, Co C, died June 25, diarrhea c. Deer, n, 7, Co M, died July 18, scorbutus. Davis, J, 3, Co A, died July 20, scorbutus. D.sncy, E \V,t 11 cav, Co 0, died Aug 12, scorbutus. Dunu, ii, 19, Go I, died Aucr 20, scorbutus. Dyn, Wni, 7 cav. Co K. died Aug 27, diarrhea. Draan, R II, 10, Co I, died Autr 6, scorbutus. Davis, Levi, 7 cav, Co K, died Sept 11, scorbutus. Davis, .Tames, 7, Co C,died Aug 30, debilitas. Diel, S F,t 7 cav, Co B, died Sept 2, diarrhea. Dyer, W, 7 cav, Co K, died Sept lof dysentery. Dodd, Chas, citiz'n, Decat'r Co, Tei)n, died Sept 20, scorbutus. Dort, R. 7, Co G. died Sept 21, diarrhea. Duke, Wm, 7, Co E, died Sept 26, diarrhea. Dyer, H. 4 cav, Co .\, died Sept 29, diarrhea. Davis, Wm, 7, Co D, dietl Oct 3, scorbutus. Dodd, J A,lcav, CoM, died Nov 22, scorbutus. Dyke.-, L, 2, Co K, died Jan 2, '65, scorbutus. Delf, E, 8, Co C, died Jan 21, diarrhea. Doty, 1, citizen, died Jan 18, diarrhea. Edwards, I, 5, CoB, died .\ prill, diarrhea c. Evcritt, A T, 2, Co A, died April 2, diarrhea. Evans, S D, 8, Co C, died April 12, diarrhea c. Eveiitte, John, 2, Co G,died April 14, diarrhea. Evans, W,t 7, Co C, died May 3, pneumonia. Edw:\r,lA, S, 5, Co B, died May 4, fever intermittent. Evnns, .1 M, 7, Co M, died May 9, ymeutnonia. EtKr, Valentine, 11, Co D, died May 9, diarrhea. Emmert, J C,t 4, died .Tune 13, anasaica. Eddes, James C, 2, Co E, died June 10, small po.x. Ellison, Isaac, 2 east, Co F, died July 22, scorbutus. Ellis, (' 0, 13 cav, Co C, died Aug 6, scorbuttis. Ethridge, Wm,l,3, Co B.d-.ed Aug 16, diarrhea. Eldc)-, r, 2, Co F, died .-iug 31, scorliutus. Escul', H,* 6 cav, died Sept 17, diarrhea. Elliott, Wm, 4, Co A, died Oct 9, diarrhea c. Easlon, J, 13 cav, Co B, died Oct 10, scorbutus, Ellington, J, 13 cav, Co B, died Oct 30, scorbutus. Fairchilds, Jesse, 2, Co B, died April 2. diarrhea. Fryer, W L,t 2, Co H, died April 23, diarrhea. Fagen, Parker, 8, Co I, died Apri' 23, diarrhea. Faiinon, G- H, "Tenu State Gd, die.i April 28, anasarca. Fisher, C N, 2, Co K, died June 24, catarrh, Francisco, R, 7 cav, Co B, died June 26, darrhea. Friar, John, 2, Co H, died ,Iuly 9, small pnx. Fox, B, Tcnn State Gd, died July 3, diarrhea c. Firesione, 1 cav, Co M, died Aug 11, fever intermittent. FrazlL-r, — , John, 8, Co II, died Aug 17, diarrhea c. Flower,<, W P,t 13 cav, Co B, died Ang 20, diarrhea c. Franks, W W, 2, Co B, died Aug 29, debilitas. Fields, K G, 1, died Sept 4, diarrhea. Finch, .\, 7 cav, Co L, died Sept 12, scorbutus. Finch, J B, 7, Co B, died Oct 1, scorbutus, Franshier, J D, 8, Co K, died Jan 21, '65, debilltaB. Fowler, I, 4, Co A, died July 7, diarrhea a. Finch, H, 7 cav, Co I, died July 21, diarrhea. 678, Goddart, John, 2, Co B, died Ai:ril 16, diarrhea. 1831, German, P, 2, Co C, died June 11, debilitas. 2043, Gorman, .Tames, 6, died June 15, diarrhea. 2571, Graham, J D, 7 cav, Co I), died .June 27, dinrrheac. 2891, Gooding, J.ames, 2, Co D, died ,luly 4, diarrhea. 3, Guild, James, 11, Co B, died March 18, small pox. 15, Graves, Henry, 2, Co E, died Ai:iril 11, small pox. G9, Gray, John W, 2, Co 1, died June 29, small pox. 3291, Gorman, F, 6, Co B, died July 14, scorbutus. 3357, Grays, L, 12, Co F, died Julv 15, scorbutus. 9238, Gamou, 1 A, T cav, Co A, .lied Sept 19. scorbutus. 3620, Gruudee, Alex, 4, Co D, died July 20, dvsenterv. 3719, Grier, J O, * 7, Co B, died Julv 21, diarrhea c. SS87, Gilson, C G, 1, Co B, died July 24, diarrhea c. 4531, Grevett, S P, 7 cav, Co C, died Aug 1, bronchitis. 6182, Given, I A, 9, Ci> I, died Aug 9, diarrhea. 5146, Griswell, Thos J, 7 cav, Co H, died Aug 9, diarrhea. 5374, Garrett, M T, 7 cav, Co L, died Aug 11, diarrhe.a. 5388, Green, S G, 7 cav, Co I, died Aug 12. diarrhea. 6376, Grims, Wm, 2, Co A, died Aug 21, diarihea e. MOO, Graves, J C, 2, Co E, died Aug 21, dysentery. 6498, Grisson, C, 8, Co B, died Aug 22, diarrhea c. 7221, Green, -T C, 7, Co I, died Aug 29, scorbutus. 7454, Gunter, R C, 1 13, Co A, died Sept I, dysentery c. 7908, Gi iswoid, W H, 7 cav, Co K, died Sept 5, diarrhea. 8012, Giblis, J A, 7 cav, Co L, died Sept 6, diarrhea c, 8093, Grifiin, W A, 2 cav, Co C, died Sept 7, scorbutus. 8946, Gill, G"V\', 1 cav, CoL, died Sept 16, scorbutus. 9271, Gati", R, 1 cav, Co C, died Sept 19, anasarca. 9S75, Gibson, -James, 13 cav, died Sept 27, scorbutus. 10334, Gardner, H, 14 cav, Co C, died Oct 4, diarrhea. 10590, Garrison, A,* 7, Co E, died Oct IL, scorbutus. 11063, Galbraith, G W, 7 cav, Co E, died Oct 17, scorbutus. 11632, Grier, J, 7, Co B, died Oct 28, scorbntns. 11926, Giles, M C, 7, Co I, died Nov 8, scorbutus. 12402, Ganon, T, 4 cav, Co I, died Jau 6, '65, scorbutus. 12438, Gilbert, Wm, 7 cav, Co C, died .Tan 12, '66, scorbutus. 124&4, Golden, J II, 7 cav, Co C, died Jan IS, '65, scorbutus. 1000, Grey, Thomas, 11, Co E, died May 19, diarrhea. 433, Graves, James, 2, Co E, died April 8, pneumonia. 58, rtanipton, I A, 8, Co D, died March 16, pneumonia. 85, lleuiger, Peter, 11, Co I, died March 21, diarrlien. 163, Hoover, Samuel, 2, Co B, died March 26. diarrhe:L 316, Huff, Ben.iamin, 2, Co K, died April 2, diarrhea c. 357, lluckleby, Thomas, 2, Co C, died April 2, diarrhea. 467, Hickson, George, 11, Co E, died Apri! 9, pneumoida. 616, Kurd, William, 2, Co B, died April, IS, diarrhea. 660, Head, Daniel, 12 cav, Co B, died April 21, diarrhea. 682, llixton, John, 2, Co F, died April 23, dyscntely c. 714, Henderson, Robert, 2, Co B, died April 24, bronchitis. 805, Hayes, J, 7, Co E, died April 29, diarrhea c. 844, Hughes, E, 2, Co I, died May 2, diarrhea c, 958, Hickley, Thomas, 2, Co K, died May 8, dysentery. 1036, Hickson, Henry, 2, Co I, died May 12, dysentery. 1124, Hall, John, 2, Co B, died May 15, "anasarca. 1159, Heatherby, John, 1, Co C, died May 19, anasarca. 1491, Hickson, 'Daniel, 2. Co F. died May 31, diarrhea c. 1551, Hopkins, A, 1 artif, C'o A, died June 2, diarrhea c. 1564, Hunt, J, 2, Co B, died June 2, debilitas. 1766, Harris, Wm, 8 Co I, died June 9, diarrhea c. 1774, Hoilges, I M, 2, Co F, died June 9, diarrhQa c. 1846, Harmaii, A IJ, 4, Co A, died June 11, debditas. 1025, Hendson, J S, 2, Co K, died June 14, diarrhea c. 1950, Hickerniaii, T, 9 cav, Co B, died June 14, diarrhea, 2276, Hilton, A F.t 2, Co H, died June 20, diarrhea a, 2375, Hugely. C Vi', 13 cav, Co D, died June 23, dysentery a. 2491, tlawa, E A, 2, Co B, died June 26, diarrhea a. 2642, Hale, R H, 3, Co F, died Jffne 29, rubeola. 2851, Hall. B A, 2, Co A, difd July 4, i'ever typhus. 2949, Hudson, J A, 8 cav, Co F, died Julv 9, diarrhea. 3012, Haines, J A, 13, Co E, died July 7, diarrhea. 4855, Hall, J J, 13 cav, Co E, died .'Vug 6, diarrhea c. 4836, Hermsen, Wm, 13 ca\', Co B, died Aug 6, diarrhea c. 4805, Haywood, J G, 7, Co I, died Aug 5, diaiThea. 309S, Hawkins, S D, 3, CoE, died July 10, diarrhea. 3121, Hodgen, — , 7, Co K, died July 10, diarrhea c. 324S, Hupsnn, Thomas, 3 cav, Co E, died July 13, diarrhea. 3421, Howard, A, 2, Co F, died July 16, dysentery. 3672, Heckraan, Wm,* 2 east, Co G, died .July 20, dysentery, 3712, Hendersoii, J R, 6, Co B, died Julv 21, diarrhea c, 3720, Ilendlay, J, 9, Co .\, died Julv 2li diarrhea o. 3807, Hr.ycs, J C, 7 cav, Co C, died July 22, anasarca. 4535, Henry, Wm, 7, Co O, died Aug 1, fever intermittent. 5278, Hudson, -Tohn, 55,'Co I, died Aug 11, diarrhea. 6326, Harvey, Morgan, 2, Co F, died Aug 11, scorbutus. 5535, Henslev, .Tames M, 3, Co E, died Aug 13, scorbutus. 6604, Hicks,"M, 2, Co I, died Aug 14, diarrhea. 6607, Hasborough, J H, 13 cav, C^o E. died Aug 14, 6corbuiu^, 6393, Haines, Q, 13 cav, Co A, died Aug 21, dysentery. 6563, Hughes, Wm, 2, Co P. died Aug 23, diarrhea. TENNESSEE. 63 Hibhratli, M H, 7 cav, Co I, died Alia; 23, ictus EOlis. H;irris, A G, 5, Co E, died Au^ 23, aiini^.arca. Ilorton, \y C, 7 cav, Co H, died Aui,' 24, diarrhea. Hin^on, John, 7 cav, Co H, died Scjit 4, dysentery. Hallford. .1 A, 13, Co A. died Sept 7, scorbutus. Iliclis, E, 9, Co F, died Sept 7, scorbulus. Hale, Ira, 7 cav, Co C, died Sept H, scorbutus. Ilayewood, A J,t 7, Co I, died Sept 12, scorbutus. Henderson, A G, 13, Co C, died Sept 17, diarrhea c. Hodges, John, 13, Co E, died Sept 26, diarrheti c. Herbs, I), 1 cav, Co D, died Sept 26, 6corl)ntu8. Haiiey, H, 7 cav, Co A, died Sept 'Jfi, acorliutus. Hanlis, A,t 11, Co D.died Sept 27, dvsclltory. Hall, W R, 2, Co I), died Sopt 29, scorlnitus. Halliwarke, 7, Co E, died Oct 10, scorbutus. Hooks, rlohu L, 7 eav,Co A, died Oct 4, diarrhea- Holler, W, 6 cav, Co E. died Oct 12, scorbutus. Holloway, H B, 3, Co G, died Oct 14, scorbutus. Herman, H, 4 Co K, died Oct 23, scorbutus. Hickman, I), 2, Co I, died Nov 4, scorbutus. Howard, 16, died Nov 4, scorbutus. Higtrs, L. 7, Co D, died Nov 6, scorbutus. Hazzie, Wm, 7, Co C, died Nov 13, scoriiutus. Hall, J M, 1, Co A, died Nov 'it, scorbutu.i. Haiilcy, T, 2, Co E, died Dec 2, scorbutus. Hoai.', B F, 7, Co E, died Jan 9, '65. scorbutus. Hufiaker, J, 2, Co K, died Feb 14, '65, scorbutus. Hanbuck, J, 7, Co K, died Feb 22, '65, rheumatism. .12, 291, 358, 491, 584, 668, 1181, 1227, 1536, 3805, 3960, 4671, 6517, 6931, 7447, 8013, 8503, 8660, 8764, 9552, 9618, 10479, 12319, 12702, 434, 695, 600, S5, 3702, 3T49, 7367, 7611, 8183, 8714, 9407, lr241, 12670, 1157, 627, 688, 713, 1223, 1252, 1352, 1597, 2193, 8, 45, 63, 3696, 3760, 3830, 4114, 4292, 4575, 8640, Jones, Rufus, 2, Co I, died ilareh 16, dysentery. Jones, Warren T, 11, Co C, died April 1, diarrhea, JeOcrs, J, 2, Co C, died April 2, diarrhea. Jones, J E, 2, Co G, died April 11, diarrhea. Jack, Bcniamin S, 2, Co B, died April 17, dysentery. Jones, H 1>, 4, Co F, died Avi-n 22, diarrhea. Johnson, E A, 1 2, Co A, died May IS, anasarca. Johnson. S L, 2, Co A, died May 19, diarrhea. Jones, fjohu J, 13 cav, Co C, died June 1, diarrhea. Jones, H, 2, Co H, died July 22, scorbutus'. Johnson, A, 10, Co C, died July 26, diarrhea c. Jones, D, 6, Co C, died Aug 2, ana^ai-ca. Johnson, C F, 7, Co K, died Aug 1-3, diarrhea. Jones, J M, 2, Co K, died Aug 17, diarrhea c. Jones, Albert, 1 13 cav, Co B, dic-i Sept 1, dysentery. Joiner, -J M, 7 cav, Co B, died Sept 6, fever typhus Jones, J, 13 cav, Co B, died Sept 12, scorbutus. iJohiison, J, 1 3 east, died Sept 12, scorbutus. Johnson, C, M, Co K, died Sept 14, scorbutus. Jones, D, 11, Co E, died Sept 23, ecorbntus. Jones, Wm T, * 11 cav, died Sept 23, diarrhea. Johnson, M, 13 cav, Co G-, died Oct 7, scorbutus. Johnson, E W, 7 cav, Co C, died Dec 21, scorbutus. Juhuaon, W, 13, Co D, died Feb 26, '65, scorbutus. Kirby, James, Co M, died March 11, pneumonia. Kilpalrick, R, 2, Co E, died April 8, diarrhea c. Kelsey, John, t 2, Co A, died Apiil 17, dysentery' c. Kentzler, Henry, 2, Co G, died April 17, dysentery c. King, James T, 2, Co D, died April 25, small pox. Kiric, B J, 7 cav, Co B, died July 21, diarrhea c. Keene, Hoza, 7 cav, Co C, died .July 22, dysentery Keen, .J S, 7 civ, Co C, died Aug 31, diarrhea. Kirk, J P, 3, Co D, died Sept 2, diarrhea. Kingsley, 9, 2. Co D, died Sept 8, dysentery. Kenser, Josepli, 2 cav, died Sept 14, scorbutus. Kellcy, J W, t2, Co B, died Sept 21, diarrhea. Kissinger, F, 7, Co I, died Oct 21. Kidwell, .1, 4, Co C, died Feb 2, '65, scorbutus. Kuner, E B, 3, Co E, died May 16, diarrhea. Long, Jonathan, 2, Co H, died April 19, fever typhus. Lane, L E, 2, Co I, died April 23, pneumonia. Lofty, U J, 2, Cn I, died April 24, diarrhea. Lovette, W T, 13 cav, Co A, died May 19, rubeola. Langley, E G, 11, Co B, died May 21, scorbutus. Long, C C, 2, Co C, died May 25, anasarca. Long, John, 2, Co C, died June 3, diarrhea c. I.ooper, E, 2, Co D, died June 19, diarrhea a. Lanen, Thomas, 2, Co H, died April 5, small pos. Lingo, James, 2, Co C, died May 17, small pox. Levi, J N, 2, Co I, died June 3, small pox. Lamphev, J, 7 cav, Co C, died .July 21, diarrhea. Little, E D, 7, Co A, died July 22, scorbutus. Lemmar, J E, 1 13 cav, Co A, died .Tuly 23, diarrhea. Lawrence, J C, 13 cav, Co I, died .July 28, diarrhea c. Lewis, R, 1 battery, Co B, died July 30, dysentery. Long, John, 13, Co H, died Aug 2, scorbutus. Lawson, M, S, Co H, died Sept 13, diarrhea c. 8926, Lawson, VL G, 8, Co I, died Sept 14, scorbutus. 9594, Lester, James, 7 cav, Co M, died .Sept 23, diarrhea. 91341, Lewis, J, 3, Co G, died Sept 24, diarrhea c. 11S27, Laprint, -J, 11. Co K, died Nov 5, scorbutus. 1352, LoUiT, C C, 2, Co C, died May 25, anasarca. 11979, Leonard, J, 7, Co C, died Nov 12, diarrhea. ^ 888, McCunc, Robert, 2, Co E, died April 5, diarrhea c. 405, Meyers, W J, 12, Co F, died April 6, fever intermittent. 568, Miller, W H, 2, Co F, died April 16, diarrhea. 562, Macklin, John, 2, Co H, died April 15, diarrhea. 683, Malcolm, S A, 4, Co B, died April 16, diarrhea. 722, Maines, Wm, I, Co D, died April 27, diarrhea c, 801, McCart, Wm, 2, Co B. died -\pril 29, duarrhea c. 846, McDowell, G 1, 2, Co D, died April 26, diarrhea. 1061, Mynck, Eli, 2, Co A, died May 12, diarrhea. 1176, Mav, W, 10, Co C, died May 16, diarrhea. 12R9, Meyers, D, 2, Co H, died Mav 22, diarrhea. 1402, Martin, F A, 2, Co A, died May 27, diarrhea. 1451, McLane, H C, 2 east, Co I, died May 29, diarrhea c. 1661, Massie, Eli, 2, Co C, died June 1, diarrhea c. 1668, Myers, John, * 2, Co H, died June 6, diarrhea c. 1703, MouMen, Wm, 2, Co A, died .Juno 7, scorbutus. 1723, Mecart, J, 2, Co B, died June 8, rbeumati^m. 1960, McDonald, L M, 1 2, Co Gj died June 14, pneumonia. 2050, Meyers, Wm, t 2, Co H, died June 16, diarrhea c. 2171, Matheny, D C, 7, Co D, died June 19, anasarca. 2224, Melterberger, M, 2, Co G, died June 20, diarrhea a. 2277, Morris, J, * 2 cav, Co E, died June 20, diarrhea c. .2475, Mitchlner, U, 13, Co H, died June 36, fever typhus 2600, Mackin. W, 7 cav, Co K, died June 26, fever remittent. 2516, Moss, ,J, 2, Co A, died June 26, diarrhea o. 3124, McAiUster, W il, 4 cav, Co H, died July 10, diarrhea c. 24, Mayes, William, 2, Co E, died April 15, small pos. 38, Mee, 'Thomas, 2, Co F, died April 29, small pox. 46, Mergen, H S, 2, Co G, died May IS, si^iallpox. 3243, McGee, Wm, 7 cav, Co B, died July 3, scorbutus. 3642, Mavuard, W J. 13, Co A, died July 20, dysentery. 45i;7, Miller, J W, 8 cav, Co G, died Aug 2, diarrhea. 4523, McLean, A G, 3, Co C, died Aug 1, scorbutus. 3897, McCoT, W C, 2, Co G, died July 24, diarrhea c. 4236, McDover, H, 2, Co C, died July 29, diarrhea o. 4237, Montgomery, Wm, 4, Co C, died July 29, diarrhea. 4751, McGuin, M, 7 cav, Co C, died Aug 5, scorbutus. 4905, Mussurgo, M, 9 cav, Co H, died Aug 6, bronchitis. 4496, Mulanox, AC,* 2, Co B, died Aug 1, scorbutus. 6008, Myei's, A, 13 cav, Co C, died Aug 8, diarrhea. 5064, Miles, Samuel, 2, Co A, died Aug 8, catarrh. 62.82, Morris, H S, 13 cav, Co C, died Aug 11, diarrhea. 5594, Mitchell, James, 7 cav, Co K, died Aug 14, diarrhea. 6782, Miflin, Wm, 13, Co B, died Aug 16, diarrhea. 6555, Maddro, James, 2, Co C, died Aug 23, scorbutus. 7435, Mefl'ord, J, * S cav, Co C, died Sept 1, diarrhea. 7574, Moore, James, 13, died Sept 2, diarrhea. 7764, McGee, A, 13, Co B, died Sopt 4, diarrhea. S0.i9, Mayher, J W, 2, Co E, died Sept 7, diarrhea. 8174, Martin, J 8, 7 cav, Co H, died Sept 8, fever typhoid. 8954, Mackey, S, 7, Co D, died Sept 16, diarrhea c. 9140, McKeese, Samuel, 8 cav, Co G, died Sept 17, diarrhea c. 9542, McDonald, W, 7. Co D, died Sept 23, diarrhea. 9559, Montgomery, C F, 1 cav, Co L, died Sept 29, dysentery. 97S3, Metbenev, V V, 13 cav, Co A, died Sept 26, scorbutus. 98(51, Macart, R, 2, Co B, died Sept 27, scorbutus 10795, Martin, S, 7 cav, Co G, died Oct 12, scorbutus. 10976, Meare, -J H, 7 cav, Co I, died Oct 15, fever tvphu.^. 11532, Mavs, L, 9 cav. Co A, died Oct 26, scorbutus". 11544, McCaslin, M C, 7, Co D, died Oct 27, scorbutus. 116J9, Mvracle, C. 7, Co C, died Oct 30, scorlmtus. 11C67, Morris, William, 7 Cav, Co I, died Oct 30, diarrhea. 11545, Moore, Wm P, 11, Co D, died Nov 5, scorbutus. 12277, McNeaiy, W, 7 cav, Co C, died Dec 3, scorbutus. 12338, Moore, "T, 7 cav, Co 1, died Dec 26, scorbutus. 7497, Norton, J, 10, Co K, died Sept 1, scorbutus. 160, Newman, Jesse, 2, Co K, died March 25, fevor typhus. 828, Norris, Thomas, 2, Co D, died May 1, dysentery" 1237, Norman, James, * 13 cav, Co C, died May 20, ruljeola. 3191, Newport, H, 11 cav, Co E, died July 12, scorbutus. 50, Nicely, A, 8. Co H, died June 2, small pox. 6202, Nichols, W T, 7 cav, Co A, died Aug 20, ictus soils. 781S, Newman, T A, t 4, died Sept 4, diarrhea. 9068, Norwood, Wm, 7 cav, Co 1, died Sept 17, scorbutus. 9447, Norris, P W, 7 cav, Co B, died Sept 21, diarrhea. 9640, Needham, F, 13, Co C, died Sept 'it, diarrhea c. 9996, Neighbour, M, 7, Co E, died Gept '29, scorbutus. 10223, Norris, W, 2, Co D, died Oct 2, diarrhea. 12642, Neighbors, A, 7, Co B, died Fob 13, '65, rheumatism. 4089, Odorn, John, f 8, Co B, died Aug 4, scorbutus. 1753, Owen, A, 2, Co D, died June 9, diarrhea c. 10743, OUver, L, 13, Co C, died Oct 11, diarrhea. G^t TENNESSEE. 923, OUenger, John, 2, Co I, died May 6, dysentery. 2697, Overton, J 8, 2, Co C, died June 30, pneumonia. 6S9, Palmer, "Wm. 2, Co K, died April 23, broncliitis. 806, Perkins, G W, t 7, Co M, died April 29, dysentery. 1141, Penis, Joiin, 5, Co G, died May 16, fever intermittent. 1363, Perry, James, 6 cav, Co L, died May 25, diarrhea c. 1517, Frofl'utt, James, 13, Co C, died May 31, diarrhea c. 1638, Powers, H, t 7 cav, Co A, died June 5, diarrhea, 2146, Parder, E U, 11, Co K, died June 18, diurrhea c. 2748, Perrv, Thomas, 13, Co B, died July 1, dv.'^ente^J^ 2767, Purs'ly, W B, t 13 cav, Co C, died Julv 2, diarrhea. 3170, Panlity, A J, 13, Co B, died July 11, diarrhea. 605, Pilot, Joseph, 2, Co K, died April 12, diarrhea c. 4592, Piscall, J B, 13, Co B, died Aug 3, diarrhea. 4572, Powell, A N, t 7, Co K, died Aug 2, diarrhea. 8605, Pavies, 8, 7 cav, Co C, died Sept 12. scorbutus. 1, Polivar, Martin, 2, Co E, died March 12, small pos. 10, Phillips, N, 2, Co H, died April 6, small pox. 32, Parker, WQcy, 3, Co B, died April 25, email pox. 4041, Parmer, E, 7, Co I, died July 26, dobilitaa. 4380, Palmer, 1) P, 7 cav, Co I, died July 31, scorbutus. 6190, Parks, K T, 7 cav, Co I, died Au? 19, scorbutus. 6335, Prison, E T, 7, Co B, died Aug 21, fever typhus. 6485, Prices, Nelson, 15, CoB, died Aug 22, debiiitas. 6600, Philliiis, T, 2, Co G, died Aua 23, anasarca. 7290, Park, James, 7 cav, Co E, died Autr 30, debiiitas. 9020, Peiui, W H, 2, Co E, died Sept 17, diarrhea. 9121, Pad.!o=k, D W, » 2 cav, Co I, died Sept 17, diarrhea. 9606, Pennington, G W, * 11, died Sept 23, diarrhea. 10304, Pegram, AV, 7, Co A, died Oct 4, scorbutus. 10313, Poweis, H M, * 7, Co A, died Oct 4, scorliutus. 10364, Poster, X P, t 13, Co E, died Oct 4, scorbutus. 10655, Pomeroy, John, 7, Co K, died Oct 11, scorbutus. 10852, Pierce, Wm, 8, Co A, died Oct 13, scorbutus. 10907, Parham, W, 7, C^i K, died Oct 14, scorbutus. 11285, Pickering, E, 4 eav, Co G. died Oct 22, scorbutus. 11406, PinkUv, J, 7, Co B, died Oct 24, diarrhea. 11501, Powers, J, 7 cav, Co A, died Oct 26. scorbutus. 12644, Poweiv, R, 7 cav, Co H, died Feb 13, '65, diarrhea c. 675, Perry. Wesley, 2, Co I, died April 22, bronchitis. 1978, Pope, F, 7 cav, Co D, died June 15, diarrhea c. 2232, Quiller, T, 7 cav, Co D, died June 20, diarrhea c. 271, Ragan, J, 2, Co B, died March 28, diarrhea c. 380, Roiidcii, "Wni, 2, Co A, died April 5. diarrhea c. 382, Keyniilds, Henry, 11 cav, Co L, died April 5, diarrhea c. 454, Russell, R, 2, Co K, died April 9, diarrhea c. 4644, Roberts, John, 2, Co F. died Aug 3, dysentery 5815, Rouser, A, * 1, Co A, died Aug 16, diarrhea. 2519, Reed, Joliu, C, 7, Co A, died June 26, diarrhea c. 523, Robinson, James M, 3, Co A, died April 13, diarrhea, 046, Robinson, Isaac, 3, Co A, died April 20, debiiitas. 951, Robin.-on, William, 1, Co G, died Mav 8, pueuraonia. 1438, Raylc, F, 1 artil, Co C, died May 23, diarrhea c. 1450, Reice, James. 13, Co C, died May 29, di.arrliea c. 1783, Ralph, J F. 13, Co E, died June'lO, diarrhea c. 1924, Reed, G \V, 7, Co A, died June 14, diarrhea c. 2005, Eingoland, W H, 2, Co I), died June 15, anasarca. 2006, Rabb, G W, 13, Co A, died June 15, diarrliea c. 2093, Ryan, Wm, 8, Co K, died June 17. diarrhea c. 2219, Robinson, J C, 2, Co B, died June 20, diarrhea c 2314, Roberts, T, 2, Co H, died June 22, bronchitis. 2691, Riliy, J M, 6, Co G, died June 30, diarrhea, 2750, Rvan, C P, 2, Co G, died July 1, diarrhea. 17, Riddle, Robert, 2, Co F, died April 12, small pox. 3752, Ritter, John, 3, Co C, died July 22, diarrhea c. 3755, Robins, T, 2, Co D, died July 22. debiiitas. 3772, Reeves, George W, 4, Co F, died July 22, debiiitas. 4036, Robinson, A, 2, Co B, died July 27, dysentery, 4254, Rensbaw, H G, 7 cav, Co C, died July 29, fever typhus, 4368, Rainwater, A, 7, Co F, died July 31, 'diarrhea, 5974, Riter, Ilenry, 7 cav, Co E, died Aug 17, diarrhea c. 4616, Roberts, Chas, 7, Co A, died Aug 3, scorbutus. 6267, Reeves, A, 11 cav, Co B, died Aug 20, ictus soils, 6409, Rider, W R, t, 13, Co C, died Aug 22, diarrhea, 6837, Rogers, A G, 7 cav, Co B, died Aug 25, gangrene. 70S2, Russell, J S, 7, Co E, died Aug 28, scorbutus. 7090, Ross, Joliu, 7 cav, Co B, died Aug 28, diarrhea. 7099, Roach, J W, 7 cav, Co K, died Aug 28, anasarox 7190, Riter .luhn, 7, Co E, died Aug 29, scorbutus. 7774, Reynolds W, 3, Co G, died Sept 4, diarrhea. 7978, Reogan, Geo W, 3, Co G, died Sept 6, diarrhea, 8137, Rose, M L, 2 east, Co A, died Sept 8, diarrhea, 8623, Ramsay, W, Co A, died Sept 12, scorbutus. 9513, Renmeger, Jed', 13 cav, died Sept 22, dysentery. 10107, Richardson, It, 13 cav, Ou E, died Sept 80, scorbutus, 10S69, Rushing, W K, 7. Co B, died Oct 13, scorbutus. 11995, Roberts, J G, 7, Co I. died Nov 18, scorbutus. 12101, Rislev, J, 6, Co E, died Nov 20, scorbutus. 127S3, Robins, W, 7, Co B, died March 12, '66, diarrhea e. S9,S, Reeder, C, sutler, 51, died Sept 16, fever tnterniittent 295, Stinger, A E, 2. Co K, died Apr 1, diarrhea c. 819, Sane, Joseph, S, Co B, died Apr 2, debiiitas, S74. Sukirk, J F, 2, Co B. died Apr 5, diarrhea a, 390, Smith, John, 2 cav, Co I, died Apr 6, diarrbe.-i c. 776, Scott, U S, 2. died Apr 23, diarrliea c. 9?5, Smithpater, Eli. 11, Co K. died .May 9, diarrhea, 1140, Seals, John, 2, Co D. died May lO.'diiirrhea. 1191, Stepli, Preston, 2. Co D, diejl May 18, diarrhea c, 1264, Stafford, Wm, 13 cav, Co O, died May 21, rubeola. 127?, Sisson, .Janvs, 2, Cn E, died May 22, diarrhea. 1284, Smith, T A, 2, Co C, died Mav 22, pneumonia. 1313, Short L U, 7 cav, Co C, died Mav 23. diarrhea c. 1353, Smith, C, 2, Co B, died May 25, d'iarrhea, 140S, Simpkins, Thomas, 9, Co A. died May 27, diarrhea c. 1475, Smith, Joel, 2, Co A, died Mav 30, diarrhea, 14S1, Stransberry, A, 8, Co A, died Mav 80, diarrhea. 1488, Sutton, .lohn, 2, Co I, died Mav -31, diarrhea c, 1626, Stover, A, 2, Co C, died May 81. erysipelas, 1670, Smith, Wm. 2, Co D, died June 6, diarrhea c. 22S0, Stevens, P.. 2, Co D. died June 20, diarrhea e, 5284, Smith, J, 13 cav, Co E, died Juno 21, diarrhea c. 2958, Sniitli. J B, 20, Co I, died July 6, diarrhea, 11. Stant.m, W. 4, Cn E, died Apr 5, small pox. 12, Sutton, Thomas, 2, Co I, died Apr S, small po.x. 39, Sandusky, G, 2, Co B, died Apr 29, stnall pox, 5S, Stout, D D, 2. Co K, died June l.-i. small pox 803.1, Scarbrougb, S N, 13, Co E, died July 8, dysentery. 8276, Shrop, J B, 2 east, Co E, died July 14, diarrhea, 3298, Sells, W. 2 east cav, Co D, died Julv 14, dysentery, 3332, Swappola, O 13, 4, Co A, died Julv 15, diarrhea, 8520. Slaver, A, 11 cav, Co C. died July IS, diarriie.H. 38l',5, Stnith, John M, 12, Co M, died July 24, diarrliea c, 4038, Sapper, S, 8, Co H, died .July 26, diarrhea. 4170, Snow, W, 7 cav, Co M, died Julv 28, diarrhea. .^462, Smith, L. 13, Co L, died Aug 13,' scorbutus, 56-.'6, Sutton, Andrew, 13 cav. Co E, died Aug 14, diarrhea. 68.')9, Swan, Jolin, 2, Co D, died Aug 16, marasmus. 6962, Scott, John, 13. Co B, died Aug 17. diarrhea c. 6643, Sutton, D, 1 cav, Co II, died Aug 28, scorbutus. 7066, Smith, J, 6, Co M, died Aug 28, gangrene. 7296, Stewart, J W, IS cav, Co li, died Aug 80. dy.scntery. 7314, Smidney, E, 1 cav, Co E, died Aug 3ii, diarrhea c. 7787, Scobey, L A 11, 13 cav, Co 1!, died Sejit 2, dysentery. 7923, Sarret, .lames D. Tenii State Guard, died Sept 5, dysentery, 6637, Smith, J, S cav, Co E, died Sept 1.3, diarrhea. 9192, Smith, T A, 13. Co C, died Sept 18, diarriiea. 9381, Soulherlaad. J, 13 cav, Co 0. died Sept 20, scorbutus. 93!15, Stewart, K, 13 cav, Co D. died Sept 20, scorbutus. 9566, Smith, W H, 7, Co B, died Sept 23, diarrhea c. 9719, Swatzeil, W L, 8 cav, Co E, died Sept 26, scorbutus, 9803, Strattcn, J L, 7 eav, Co M, died Sept 26, scorbutus, 104119, Stafford, S, 13, Co A, died Oct 6, anasarca. IM.H Shonall, John, 13, Co C, died Oct 7. scorbutn.s. Il.'i94, Shav, U, 11. Co E, died Oct 28, diarrliea. 12;i5s, Smith, H, '-', Co E, died Jan SO, -"es, scorbutus. 12749, Stevens, J F, 2 cav, Co E, died .March S, '65, 5C"rhnttt9. 12766, Smith. J V. 4, Co C, died March 12, '66, diarrhea e. 127S4, Stewart. K H, 7, Co C, died March 15, '65, pleuritia. 12SU0. Shook, N A. 7, Co B, died March 19, '65, rheumatism. 12-86, Smith, George. 2, Co B, died Apr 18, 'O.i, diarrhea c, 36. Siiner, W 11, 2, Co E. died Apr 2S. small pox. 8998, Slover, A W, 2, Co C. died July 26, diarrhea. 211, Tompkins, T B, 2, Co F, ("led March 2S, dysentery c 2,"i8, Thompson, W D, 2, Co F, died March 31, diarrhea c 79:;, Thoinp,son, Charles, 2, died Apr 29, diarrhea c. 932, Thonia.s, W II. 2, Co K, died May 7, anasarca. 1667, Tomlin. A. 7 cav, Co M. died June 6, diarrhea c, 17114, Thauton. S A, 1 artil, Co H, died Juno 7, diarrhea 222:1, Tiee. S J, 7, Co B, died June 20, diarrhea c. 2718, Tipton, W H, 2, Co I. died July 1, dysentery c. 84lill, Taylor, J. 18. Co D, died Jnly 17, scorlmtns, 4122, Tyllle, John, 1 cav, Co A. died June 23, dysentery, 4778, Templeton, G W, 2, Co C, died Aug 6, diarrhea. 5640, Tite, W S. 13, Co C, died Aug 14, diarrhea. 7062, Thomas, W II. 7 cav, Co A, died Aug 25, debiiitas. 9203, Tolley, D, 8. Co 11, died Sept 19, scorbutus. 9375, Terry, D, 9 cav, Co D. died Sept 20, acorbutui 10780, Thinn, R A, 7 cav, Co B. died Oct 12, diarrhea c. 12694, Tidwell, T, 13, Co D. died Feb 22, '65, pleuritis. 4825, Tidwell, J W, IS, Co C, died Aug 5, fever reuiiltent, 2592, Usley, T P., 2, Co A, died June 2S, bronchitis. 4518, Undergrate, A, 2, Co I, died Aug 2, scorbutus. 885, Vaugh, I, 8, Co H, died May 5, debiiitas, 1203, Vaniiorn, J, 2, Co H, died May 19, diarrhea c. 2915, Varrier, T W, 11 cav, Co E, died July 5, scorbutua. TENNESSEE. VEKM6NT. 65 7217, Vanbook, J M,* 11 cav, Co !!„ died July 29, anasarca. 4530, Vaughry, Frt;derick, 2, Co D, died Augl, rheumatien). 60, Wolfe, John, 11, Co E, died March 18, '54, diarrhea. 259, Woolen, I, 2, Co A, died March 31, diarrhea c S39, Webb, Robert, 2, Co B, died April 2, fever typhus. 359, Wuas, M, 2, Co I, died April 2, pneumonia, 001, Watts, C C, 2 Co A, died Aprd 12, dyaentery. 570, Ward, Jord.an, 2, Co A, died April 15, diarrhea. 810, Wliite, John, 2, Co B, died April 30, diarrhea c. 9.M, William, C, 7, Co B, died May 6, phthisis. 1052, Ward, A, 3, Co 1, died May 12, debilitas. 1750, Watts, J W, 7, Co M, died Jnne 9, fever typhna. 1794, White I, 2, Co D, died June 10, dysentery. 1865, Wallace, L, 2, east, Co C, died .June 12, anasarca. 2057, Ward, C. 2, Co H, died June 16, diarrhea c. 206S, Watts, T,* 2, Co I, died June 16, diarrhea c. 2132, Wray, Samuel, 13, Co C, died June IS, scorbatua. 2496, Wilson, A. 8 rav, died June 26, dysentery a. 2764, Winniniiham, .J, 2, Co B, died July 2, diarrhea c. 2S10, Wells, E, 8, Co H, died July 8, scorbutus. 3021, Watkins, J M, 4, Co I, died Julv 7, scorbutus. 3031, Woodsend. T, 7, Co K, died July S, scorbutus. 3189, Webb, D, 8 cav, Co Gr, died July 12, scorbutus. 21, Winchester, J I), 1 cav, Co E, died April 15, small pox. 19, Weaver. l\ 2, Co D, died April 13, small pox. 4554, West, W F, 2, Co H, died Aug 2, anasarca. 4569, Ward, John, citizen, died Aug C, diarrhea. 22, Whitby, R B, 2 Co C, died April 15, small pox. 33, Weese, W, 2, Co I, died April 23, small pox. 3297, Weir, 1, 1 c^, Co B, died July 14, diiurrbea c. 3304, Wilson, II, 2, Co B, died July 14, scorbutus. 3319, Wolf, A, 10, Co 0, died July 14, pneumonia. 345S, WiUiam:^, A, 3 cav, Co E, died July 17, scorbutus. 3615, "Willis, James, Tenn State G, died July 20, dysentery. 3714, Webbe, J, 2, CoB, died July 21, deliUltas. 3737, Wilson, J, 12, Co F, died July 21, diarrhea. 39S2, Wilson, S L, 2, Co D, died July 26, scorbutus. Watford, W, 7, Co A, died July 26, diarrhea c. Wallace, L, 2, Co C, died Aug 4, constipatio. Wright, J W, 7 cav. Co B, died Aug 10. constipatio. Withyde, S, 1, Co A, died Ang 14, scorbutus. Wood, P D, 3, Co B, died Aug 19, diarrhea. Webb, Robert, 2, Co B, died Aug 23, diarrhea. Wortell, H H, 7 cav, Co I, died Ang 23, diarrhea c. White, ROM, 13, Co B.died Sept 2, diarrhea c. Whicks, N, 7, Co II, died Sept 14, diarrhea. Wood, J, 7, Co C, died Aug 29, anasarca. Woolsey, J 2, Co F, died b'ept 18, debilitas. Walker, John, 13 cav, Co C, died Sept 21, diarrhea. Williams, C 8, 9 cay, Co B, died Sept 24, scorbutus. Whittle, H W, 7 cav, Co C, died Sept 24, diarrhea. Webb, T, 6, Co G, died Sept 25, diarrhea. White, L S, 11 cav, Co D, died Sept 28, diarrhea. Wiggins, Q W, 11 cav, Co C, died Oct 4, diarrhea. White, H.t 7 cav, Co A, died Oct 4, scorbutus Warrell. J W,* 7 cav, died Oct 11, diarrhea Webb, W. 3, Co A, died Oct 10, scorbutus Worden, j W,t 7, Co E, died Oct 24, ulcus. WineluK, J, 7, Co M, died Nov. 21, scorbutus. White, Wm M, 11, Co D, died Nov 22, scorbutus. Watson, I C, 7 cay, Co C, died Nov 23, scorbutus. Walker, C H, 6, Co H, died Feb 3, '65, scorbtltus. Woodruft', J, 4 cav, Co B, died Feb 24, '65, debilitas. Woods, Thomas, 13, Co B, died March 15, 'Go, scorbutua White, J,t 7 cav, Co A, died Sept 8, diarrhea. Wilson, Wm A, 6, Co A, died Aui; 14, diarrhea. Westiirook, J H, 6 cav, Co A, died Ang 4, diarrhea Wilson, J M, 13 cav, Co D, died Aug 5, scorbutus. VERMONT. 3975, Averill, T E, 9, Co I, died July 25, diarrhea. 4579, Adams, Daniel, 1 cav, Co L, died Aug 2, fever intermittent. S301, Alljee, S,t 11, Co G, died Sept 9, diarrhea c. 9960, Atwood, A, 1, Co C, died Sept 28, diarrhea. 10664, Aldrich, L E,f 11, Co A, died Oct 11, diarrhea. 11259, Aldrich, H E, 1 .artil, Co A, died Oct 21, scorbutus. 12092, Aiken, M A, 1, Co A, died Nov 19, diarrhea. 12766, Avery, B F, 3, Co G, died March 13, '65, diarrhea c. 2035, Bloomer, J, 2 battery, died June 15, diarrhea c. 3166, Bailey, James, 2, Co A, di'jd July 11, diarrhea c. 4036, Brown, George, 16, Co C, died July 20, scorbutus. 4173, Bailey, S P, 1 cav, Co H, died July 2S, diarrhea c. 4200, Beadie, H H, 9, Co G, died July 29, dysentery. 4509, Bucker. .James, 1, Co M, died Aug 1. diarrhea c. 4637, Boyd, A M, 1 cav, Co L, died Aug 3, diarrhea. 4954, Bentlej-, M W, 6, Co A, died Aug 7, diarrhea. 5611, Bacom, A M, S, Ci G, died Aug 14, diarrhea. 5728, Bliss, J H, 1 cav, Co L, died Aug 15, scorbutus. 6334, Burchard, C, 11, Co L, died Aug 21, debilitas. 0349, Benson. A, 1, Co C, died Aug 21, diarrhea c. 6416, Bennvils, .1, 4, CoD, died Aug 22, scorbutus. 6594, Barnes, W, 1 cav, Co F, died Aug 23, dysentery. 7386, Barton, W, 11, Co K, died Sept 6, diarrhex 8029, Beady, Wm, 9, Co I, died Sept 6. dysentery. S086, Barker. F, 1 artil, Co A, died Aug 7, diarrhea. 8-315, Burrows, II, 11, Co F, died Sept 10, diarahea c. 8591, Brainard, J B, 1 cav, Co L, died Aug 12, scorbutus. 10305, Brown, G, 9, Co D, died Oct 4, diarrhea. 10371, Bowles, L H, 7, Co A, died Oct 5, scorbutus. 10431, Burton C, 4, Co A, died Oct 6, dysentery: 10745, Barker, C, 4, Co D, died Oct 11, diarrhea c. 11068, Brown, J B, 1, Co A, died Oct 17, scorbutus. 11225, Batch, B F, 4, Co C, died Oct 20, dysentery. 11375, Bohamar, J, 9, Co I, died Oct 24, scorijutur*. 11459, Baker, John, 11, Co E, died Oct 26, scorbutus. 11747, Boulon, A, 2, Co B, died Nov 2, scorbutus. 11841, Babcock. T. 1, Co K, died Nov 5, diarrhea. 12055, Barber, W H, 1, Co C, died Nov 16, diarrhea. 12185, Bums, J, 7, Co B, died Nov 28, scorbutus. 12239, Butter, A F, 1 anil, Co L, died Doc 7, scorbutus. 12406, Baxter, G, 4, Co A, died Jan 6, '65. scorbutus. 12412, Bishop, E, 11, Co E, died Jan 8, '65, rheumatism. 12585, Bailey, E, 4, Co B, died Feb 4, '65, scorbutus. 1044, Corey, C A, 1 cav, Co P, died May 12, diarrhea c. 1170, Ciitford, Jas, 4, Co F, died May 17, dy.senterv. 1228, Chatlield, Wm, ♦ 10, Co F, died May 20, diarrhea. 5 1973, Collitt, Jas, 1 cay, Co H, died June 15, diarrhea c. 2675, Caswell, F, 9, died June 30, diarrhea. 2694, Clongh, B, 9, Co A, died June 30, dysentery. 2811, Chase, M, 6, Co H, died July 3, bronchitis. 3351, Cole, A H, 9, Co H, died July 15, scorbutus. 3817, Croeker, D, 5, Co D, died July 23, diarrhea. 3918, Clough, John D, 11, Co A, died July 24, diarrhea o. 4205, Chamberlain, 6, Co A, diegij3, H C, * 6 cav, Co E, died Nov 10, scnrbutus. Burton, K, 3 cav, Co B, died Jau 8, '65, rheumatism. Corbett, I, B, W Ya mil, Co C, died March 23, diarrhea, t'arr, Wni, S, Co B, died April 6, fever typhus. Clendeinai), C L, 4 cav, Co D, died Jlay 1, diarrhea. Caste, Je?se, 8, Co E, died May 11, diarrtiea. Coon, Nathan, 14, Co K, died May 14. diarrhea c. Carrmirton, Jas, 2, Co A, died June 15, ai.ararca. t'od'man, F, 3 ca\% Co A, died June 20, phthisis. CundersoD, ^-, 8, Co D, died June 27, dysentery. Carnes, H, 10, Co E, died June 29, dunriica. Conrad, 11. 3, Co F, died July 3, diarrhea c. Cunningbam, J, 8, Co E, died Jul}^ 5, d\senterv. Cox, T A, t 8 cav, Co A, died July 14, diarrhea". Cool, J B, ♦ 3 cav, Co II, died July 31, diarrhea. Crook, E II, t 7, Co I, died Ane; 5, anasarca. Cupp^ll, J, 3, Co IT, died Aug 9, d\seutery. Covil, Wiu, 3, Co I, died Aug 12, debilitas. Clements, L, 3 cav, Co A, died Au? 24, dysentery. Curtin, B, 4 cav, Co B, died Aug 25, diarrhea c. Clark, — , 7, Co E, died Aug 2S, di.anhca. Creraones, D, 9, Co D. died Aug 29, scorbutus. Cook, J, 7 cav, Co I, died Sept 17, diarrlien. CampbeU, O H, 14, Co F, died Sept 21, diarrhea. Christian, -J, 15, Co C, died Sept 25, scoriiutus. Catnill, L 9, Co B, died St-pt 25. scorbutus. Cobin, J M, 14. Co B, died Sept 28, diafWiea. Childs, S P. 1 cav, Co C, died Oct 10, diarrhea. Castle, C H, 1, Co A, died Oct 27, scorbutus. Cooper, A H, * 7 cav, Co I, died Nov 5, diarrhea. Campbell, B, 12, Co I, died Nov 26, scorbutus. Beboard, II A, 5, Co G, died Mar 8, fever typhus. Douglas, Geo, 8, Co C. died Mar 28, diarrhea c. Dean, Samuel, 5, Co H, died April 2, dysentery. Deflbaugh, W K, • 1 artil, Co G, died April 19, diarrhea. Davis, S, 3, Co D. died April 20, pneumonia. Duncan, .1 M, 5, Co D, died May 2, dysentery. Daley, Jas, 3 cav, Co A, died June 17, dysentery. Duckworth, W B. 14, Co A, died July 10, diarriiea. Dyer, Jas, 10, Co I, died .July 13, pneumonia. Drake, Samuel, 9, Co B, died Aug 13, scorlnitus. Dorsey, A L, 15, Co K, died Aug 23, diarrhea. Daner, J, 10, Co I. died Aug 24, fever typhus. Darsey, M, 9, Co L, died Aug 26, scorbutus. Dodd, S, t 9, Co F, died Aug 26, scorbutus. I)unbergcr, Geo, 9, Co C, died Aug 2S, diarrhea. Divers. G, 1.5, Co D, died Sept 9, scorbutus. Dant, Jno M, 7 cav, Co H, died Sept 10, scorbutus. Dason, N, 8 cav, Co L, died Sept 12, dysentery. Dunn, I, 2, Co K, died Sept 18, diarrhea. Duncan, W M, 6 cav, Oo 0, died Deo 6, scorbutus. Donohue, S, 9, Co C, died Mar 21, '65, pleuritis. Doty, John, 6 cav, Co A, died Jau 23, '65, diarrhea. 10976, Estufl', Jno, 1 cav, Co L, died Oct 12, diarrhea c. 117, Fuller, Irwin, militia, died March 23, prieuinoni.a. 613, Foster, Charles K, 9, Co H. died April IS, dysenteiy. 956, Fox, H C* 1, Co D, died May S, dbirrbea c. 5765, Fawkes, Wra. 14, Co D, died Aug 15, wounds. 7203, Foster, 8, 8, Co A, died Aug 29, dysentery. 7941, Feather J B, 14, Co B, died Sept 6, diarrhea c. 8693, Feasley, Len, 1 artil. died Sept 14, scorbutus. 8723, Fusner, J E, 6 cav, Co D, died Sept 14, diarrhea. 10206, Freeborn, R L,t 14, Co B, died Oct 2, fever remittent. 10709, Furr, E, 10, Co K, died Oct 11, diarrhea. 11022, Fleming, WW, 6 cav, Co A, died Oct 16, soorbutos. 10314, Forih, K, 8, Co D, died Sept 3, scorbutus. No. of Orov,-. 2485, 2W9, 2712, 4738, 6S4S, 10581, 11574, 11604, 84, 294, 365, 398, 668, 839, 997, 1013, 1421, 1S54, 2702, 2902, 2957, 3930, 4739, 0061, 6412, 6649, C53S, 8061, 8268, .5341, 8344, 9160, 9537, 9794, 1D990, 11316, 11396, 11739, 12014, 12153, Cirey, P, 3 Va, Co A. died June 25, diarrhea. Greshoe, M, 11, Co C, died Juno 29, bronchitis. Golden, J, 2 cav, Co G, died July 1, diarrhea. Gordon, S, 2, Co G, died Aug 4, scorbutus. Guen.ant. A, ■-', Co I, died Aug 21, diarrhea, partou, Wm,* 2, Co I, died Oct 10, scorliutus. Gl uek, A E, 10, Co D, d i ed Oct 28, scorbutus. Gibson, A, 1, Co A, died Nov 6, scorbutus. rioll'.ngshend, S, 1. Co G, died March 8, fever typhus. Harrison, D, 10, Co I, died April 1, diarrhea c. Henry, Rol)t O, 8, Co C, died April 2, diarriiea c. Hunter, G W, 8, Co A, died April 6, bronchitis. IftHer, Wm,» 3, Co D, died April 15, diarrhea. Halpiii, Jno, 2, Co D, died Mav 2, dysentery. Hoffman, G W, 8, Co E, died "May 10, diarrhea. Hess. J, ll, Co C. died May 10, diarrhea. Ilatlield, J, 1, C B, 9, Co G, died Sept 9, di.arrhea. Harder, G W, 6 cav, Co A, died Sept 10, scorbutus. Hutaon, J, 14, Co A, died Sept 10, scorbutus. Ilanslan, I!, 6 cav. died Sept 18, scorbutus. Hnduins, J, 14, Co B, died Sept 22, anasarca. Ilaudlaud, H, 1, Co H, died Sept 26, diarrhea. HoUinbcck, W H,» 1 eav, Co B, died Oct 14, diarrhea. Hubert, W O, 12, Co G, died Oct 22, scorbutus. Hendernhot, V F, 7, (.'o E, died Oct 24, scorbutus. Hurn, R, S, Co E, died Nov 2, scorbutus. Hartzel, S, 1, Co D, died Nov 15, dysentery. Hickman, E, 11, Co B, died Nov 24*, scorbutus. 312, Johns, E K. 8 mil, Co C, died April 2, diarrhea c. 3045, .Jake, A R, S, Co I, 4, PoUey, J, 8, Co C, died Aug 17, anasarca. 6196, Perkuis, James A, 12, Co K, died Aug 19, diarrhea c. 112G7, Pidmcr, Jiio,t 1 cav, Co li, died Oct 21, scorbutus. 349, Reakes, Wm, 8 m, Co C, died Apr, 2, diarrhea. 521, Rice, A, 4 cav, Co G, died April 13, dysentery. 560, Randall, Jas A, 9, Co R, died Apr isi dysentery c. 959, Rinker, F A, 3 cav. Co --V, died M.ay 8, dysentery. 1040, Robb, M, 2, Co A, died May 12, fever typhus. 1916, Richards, (i L, 14, Co D, died Juno 14, diarrhea c. 34-39, Bummer, L, 5, Ci> A, died -July 17, scorbutus. 3465, Read, .J, 12, Co B, died July 17, scorbutus. 3641, Redden, J, 9, Co F. died July 20, diarrhea. 4103, Rotisev, Wni, 9, Co C, died July 29, diarrliea. 72.57, Ratroff, Jacob, 7, Co H, died July 30, diarrhea, 80S2, Reush, James, 7, Co B, died Sept 7, diairhea. 10527, Keed, J M,* 12, Co B, died Oct 7, scorbutus. 11518, Rock, J H, 12, Co C, died Oct 26, scorbutus. 11794, Raleigh, S, 1 cav, Co I, died Nov 4, scorbutus. 7005, Richardsou, W, 14, Co K, died Aug 27, diarrhea. 27:iJ, Sayre, Michael, 14, Co T, died Mar.'h 31, diarrhea. 630, Sprague, Geo, 11, , Co F, died April 23, diarrhea. 927, Staclvleford, ,S, 3 cav, Co A, died May 7, dysentery. 1510, Scott, Z,t 8, Co D, died May 31, diarrhea. 2226, Sieward, C, 2 cav, Co I, died Jane 20, diarrhea. 2359, Stagg, Wm, 10, Col, died June 23, scorbutus. 2437, Stutter, J N, 3 cav, Co 13, died June 25, diarrhea a. 2931, Skiilington, G, 4 cav, Co D, died .July 5, diarrhea. 3321, Stephenson, A, 1 cav, Co B, died July 16, anasarca. 3BSS, Shilber, C A, 3, Co A, died July 19, diarrhea. 3747, Shaub, F. 2, Co E, died July 22, diarrhea. 3895, Simons, C E, 8, Co C, died .July 24, diarrhea o. 3865, Slewart, "Wm A, 14, Co I, died July 25, icterus. 4463, Steele, A, 2 cav, Co C, died Aug 1, scorbutus. 4812, Snider, S, 3, Co K, died Aug 5, scorbutus. Sturn, E E, 13, Co F, died Aug 7, wounds. Smith, 2, Co F, died Aug 8, scorbutus. Simmons, E, 8, Co C, died Aug 10, scorbutus. Sprouse, A, 11, Co F, died Aug 15, scorbutus. Smith, J W, 8, Co G, died Aug 17, fever typhus. Sprouse, W, 11, Co F, died Aug 22, diarrhea. Squares, Samuel, 6 cav, Co D, died Aug "JS, diarrhea. Slratton, B B, 1 artil, Co F, died Aug 28, diarrhea. Stoker, S, 3 cav, Co C, died Sept 5, diarrhea c. Sands, Wm, 10, CoF, died Sept 6, scorbutus. Scrilchfield, W, 16, Co F, died Sept 8, diarrhea. Stock, H M, 14, Co B, died Sept 10, diarrhea. Smith, B, 9, Co H, died Septl2, diarrhea. Sturgiss, W T, drummer, 14, Co B, died Sept 12, scorbultu Smith, G H, 7 cav, Co G, died Sept 19, scorbutus. Sullivan, E, 3, Co A, died Sept 25, scorbutus. Snyder, J V, t 3, Co D, died &_>pt 26, diarrhea. Semeir, G S, 4 cav, died Sept 27, scorbutus S.ands, G W, 1, died Sept 2S, diarrhea c. Smith, J, 14, Co B, died Oct 1, scorbutus. Smith, J A,9, CoB, died Oct 22, scorliutns. Stee, R,t 1 cav, Co D, died Oct 25, diarrhea c. Spaulding, F, 1 cav, Co A, died Nov 5, scorbutus. Stockwell, C n, 3, Co B, died Nov 5, scorbutus. Saylor, C M, 9, Co B, died Aug 30, diarrhea. No. of UraTe. 4935, 6130, 6237, 6727, 6976, 6473, 6610, 7091, 7944, 8011, 8164, S39D, 8516, 8646, 9217, 9714, 9786, 9872, 9906, 10151, 11276, 11625, 118-21, 11836, 7291, llOS, Thatcher, J P, 2, Co A, died April 15, dysentery. 3404, Trobridge, S, 6, Co B, died July 16, dysentery. 5136, Tyrm, T, 8, Co H, died Aug 8, scorbutus. 6379, Thurston, C, 1, Co I, died Aug 21, scorbutus. 8603, Taylor, J, 8, Co G, died Sept 13,^diarrlKa. 12.332, Thorpe, S 8, 3, Co I, died Dec 26, scorbutn.s. 3846, TomliiiBon, 8,t 3, Co I, died July 24, dysentery. 8119, Tatro, L, 11, Co B, died Sept 8, diarrhea. 244, "Vincent, Jaa, 8, Co C, died March 30, dysentery. 814, "V"ery, W, 1 cav, Co C, died April 30, dysentery. 1149, "Vauscov, A,* 3 cav, Co E, died Mnv 16, diarrhea c. 1332, Virts, R, 3 cav, Co A, died May 23, Siarrhea c. 945, Wilson, Walter, 11, Co F, died May 7, diarrhea c. 1757, Weaver, M, 1 cav, Co O, died June 7, diarrhea c. 2854, Worp, J, 3, Co F, died July 6, diarrhea c. 37-23, Wich, J, 1 cav, Co L, died July 21, debilitas. 3925, Whitney, W A, 8, Co F, died July 25, dysentery. 8996, Whit, A, 6, Co F, died July 26, diarrhea. 7542, Wilson, J, 3, Co B, died Sept 2, dysentery. 7832, War-\vicke, E, 2, Co D, died Sept 4, diarrhea. 8598, Wells, E, 7, Co F, died Sept 12, scorbutus. 9626, WoU'e, C, 14, Co B, died Sept -24. .gangrene. 10S54, White, J N, 6 cav, Co C, died Oct IS, dysentery. 143, Young, A, 8, Co C, died March 25, diarrhea. 456, Young, A B, 8, Co C, died ."Vpril 9, diarrhea. 694, Young, Kd, 8 cav, Co C,died April 23, diarrhea. •WISCONSIN. 2113, Allwise, J R,24, Co E, died June 17, dirirheac. 4477, Au.^tin, Isaac, 25, Co G, died Aug 1, diarrhea. .5-241, Abbott, A,t 21, Co D, died Aug 10, scorbutus. 5453, Allen, C P, 2, CoG, died Aug 12, wounds. 3602, Adams, A F, 36, Co F, died Sept 14, scorbutus. 10830, Adams, P, 10, Co A, died Oct 13, scorbutus. 11492, Aultin, E V* 13, Co E, died Oct 26, scorbutus. ;'272S, Antune, C, 31, Co D, died March 4, '65, diarrhea o. 1341, Bower, H, 1, Co A, died May 24, dysentery. 1838, Burk, 0, 16, Co B, died June 11, diarrhea. 2009, Bawgarder, B, 2, Co K, died June 16, diarrhea. 2055, Ball, H, 7, Co A, died June 10, diarrhea. -2128, Boivhau, H A,t 10, Co F died June IS, fever typhus. 2334, Brooks, E, 1 cav, Co H, died June 22, diarrhea c. 2451, Brooiner, 13 F,* 10, Co I, died June 25, dvsentery a. 26S1, Bioivn, (), 15, Co G, died June 80, diai-rhea c. 3253yvBro-wn, J, 4, Co H, died July 13, diarrhea. 3873, Bruce, 11, 2 II, died Aug 9, scorbutus. Chase, F M.* 1, Co A, died Sept 7, diai-rhea. Currier, C C, 21, Co F, died Aug 22, wounds, Carlintyre. G, 23, died Sept 18, scorbutus. Castle, C, 1 cav, Co C, died Oct 12, scorbutus. Cofam, W, 10, Co .-^i died Oct 16, scorbutus. Cliusterson, F. 15. Co E, died Oct 18, hcniorrrhoids. C'hamberlain, J, 21, Co I, died Oct 27, scorbutus. Clark, W C, 10, Co E, died Nov 2, scorbutus. Croramings, H, 7, Co C, died Oct 5, scorbutus. 3360, 2663, 2969, 3292, 8S28, 4390, 6102, SlOa, 9418, 9109, 10752, 110-20. IIOSS, 11535, 11744, 10346, 1591, DufTey, E, 1, Co L, died June 3, diarrhea c. 2522, Damhocker, E, 26, Co I. died June 26, wounds. 3241, Daggo, John, 1 cav. Co L, died July 13, ncorbutUB. 6830. Destler, Fred, 26, Co G, died Julv 16, diarrhea. 0967, Dick, Ben.i, 36, Co G, died Aug2"7, scorbutus. 7455, Davis, J. 36, Co B, died Sept 1, scorbutus. WISCONSIN. 69 8530, Decker, G,t F battery, died Sept 12, scorbutus. 8587, Dep.a8, A, 21, Co A, died Sept 12, Kcorbutue. 8900, Darvson, \V, 7, Co C, died Kept 15, ficorl)utu3. 9739, DacV, G, 12, Co I, died Sent 25, diarrhea. 10771, l)avi.-i, Johu, 1, Co B, died Oct 12, diarrhea c. 12750, Dayiil, D I', 25, Co B, died March S, '05, diarrhea a. 3419, Enger, J, 15, Co K, died .Tune 24, dysentery e. 5247, Kgan, Johu, 7, Co .1, died Aug 10, scorbutus. 0160, Ericksoii, C, 15, Co B, died Aug 19, dysentery. 8601, Ellwood, S,t 10, Co C, died Aug 13, scorbutus.. 9337, Erricson, S, 50, Co D, died Sept 20, dysentery. 11687, Ellenger, P,21, Co K, died Oct 31, diarrljea. 12286, Knithart, H,36, Co G, died Dec 14, scorbutus. 35, Fordrury, G W, 7, Co C, died March 12, dysentery. 1260, Fuller, C W,* 7, Co E, died May 21, diarrhea c, 2283, Fountain, \V F, 10, Co A, died June 20, diarrhea .x 5007, Forslay, W K, S, Co K, died Aug 8, scorbutus. 5759, Fleins, Oscar, 1 cav, Co H, died Aug 15, ecorlmlus. 6811, Fisk, J B,t I cav, Co H, died Aug 16, diarrljca. 6097, Fischnor, D,t 36, Co H, died Aug 18, icterus. 0236, tfanon, Wm, 1, Co A, died Aug 20, dysentery. 6460, Farnham, M B, 4, Co K, died Sept 11, scorbutus. 9664, Ferguson, I,t 15. Co G, died Sept 24, diarrhea. 10234, F.agan, M, 16, Co Q, died Oct 2, diarrhea 12618, Frost, A, 7, Co B, die J Feb 8, '65, scorbutus. 12653, Ferguson, \V R, 24, Co D, died Feb 14, rheumatism. 1529, Gilbert, 0,t 16, Co K, died May 31, diarrhea. 2392, Grush, Fred, 15, Co I, died June 24, diarrhea 3164, Guth, U. 1, Co D, died July 11. iliarrhaa. 3390, Greenman, D,t 21, Co K. died July 16, dysentery. 5557, Greenwall, M, 1 c;iv, Co C, died Aug 1-3. dysentery. 7355, Grunds, L, 15, Co I, died Aug .31, diarrhea c. 8326, Groupe, D, 4, Co F, ilied Sept 10, diarrhea. 10691, Gunduson, H,+ 15, Co I, died Oct 11. scorbutus. 6614, Goon, John £, 36, died Aug 23, diarrhea. SOS.tlelt, Carl, 26, Co E, died Apr 1, dysentery. 710, Hale, A C, 21, Co I. died Apr 24, fever ty]ihns. 1002, Uaskins, J, I, Co E, died May 10, dysentery. 1655, Iluffland, , 1 sgt. 15, Co K, died June 5, anasarca, 1673, Harvey, D M, 1. Cm I. died June 6. fever typhus, 23S4, Hanson. .T, 1,5, Co K, died June 23, diarrhea c. 2656, Ilongli, B J,'* 10, Co K, died June 27, diairheac, 3720, Henderson. O, 15, Co F, died July 21, fever intermittent 4542, Hewick. Nelson, 10, Co B died Au2 2, bronchitis. 4670, Halts. S, 26, Co C, died Aus 2, scorbutus. 5312, Howard, F B, 10, Co K, died A-ug 11, pleurltis. 662S, Ilolenback, A, 25, Co D, died Aug 14, wounds. 646S, Hall, A \¥, n, Co I. died Aug 22, diarrliea. 70S1, Hanley, T, 3 arlil, Co D, died Aue 2S, scorbutus. 7149, Hutchings, B, 1 cav. Co E, died Aug 29, diarrhea c 7649, Hanson, L, 16. Co B, died Sept 8, scorbutus. , 7791, Hardins, W F,+ 21, Co O, died Sept 4, scorbutus. S5S4, High, M, 25. Co E. died Sept 12. wounds. 9333, Halter. D, 22, Co D, died ^ept 211, scorbutus. 10427, Hans, P, 10, Co D, died Oct 6, scorbutus. 114+3, Holenbecfc, C, 13, Co A. died Oct 25, scorbutus. 11927, Hanson, , 1, Co B, died Nov 8. scorbutus. 12167, Harris, N, 12, Co D, died Nov 26, wounds. 12586, Hardy, E L, 6, Co E, died Jan 4, '65, soorbutus. 12S4S, Hanson. K, 1, Co I'', died Apr 2S, '66, diarrhea. 12468, Hand, O, 10, Co D, died Jan 16, '65, scorbutus. S014, Ingham, J. 10, Co K, died Sept 13, scorbutus. 9S06, Irwin, A, 26, Co C, died Sept 26, scorbutus. 2003, Jacobson, 0,* 15, Co D, died Juno 1.5, diarrhea. 3281, Jackson, T, 4, Co 11, died July 13, diarrhea. S47S, Jillett, .1, 7, Co H. died July 17, diarrhea. 693S, Jennings, J E.* 45. Co G. died Aug 56, diarrhea. 11284, Johnson, W U, 6, Co II, died Oct 32, scorbutus. 1165, Kemmett, J, 1, Co H, died May 17. scorbutus. 249S, Kundson. J, 15, Co E, died June 26. dysentery c. 4133, Kellett, John B,* 21, Co B, died July 27, fever intermittent. 4405, Kull, L, 24, Co C, died July 81, diarrhea 4614, Klepi'S. C U, 1 cflv, Co E, died Aug 3, scorbQtus. 8592, Kendall. W, .32, died Sept 12, scorbutus. 9063, Keerrogor, Wm, 86, Co G, died Sept 17, diarrhea. 10586, Kane, F, 26, Co E, died Oct 8, diarrhea. 10692, Knowles. 11,21, Co D, died Oct 11, diarrhea. 8299, Kinds, M O, 21, Co A, died Sept 9, scorbutus. 3009, Lack, Peter, 7. Co A, died July 7, diarrhea c. 6397, Livingston, J II, 3 artil. Co E, died Aug 12, anasarca. 6642, Lansing, O, 10, Co A, died Aug 23, scorbutus. 7235, Lowe, F, 16, Co G, died Aug 29, scorbutus. 7522, Lawson, M, 16, Co B, died Sept 1, dysentery. 8944, Laicb, F. 26, Co K, died Sept 16. scorbnlufl. 9997, Latgen, E, 16, Co A, died Sept 29, scorbutus. 8977, Lalch, P, 26, Co K, died Sept 1", diarrhea. 1T52, 1890, 2782, 2961, 2981, 3625, 4926, 50J8, 6163, 66S3, 5739, 6231, 6377, 10289, 11930, Mauger, James,* 24, Co H, died June 9, anasarca. Mulligan, J, 1, died June 13, diarrliea. McMann, W, 3 batterv, died July 1, dysentery. .McCormIck, E. 1 cav.' Co L, died July 6, diarrhea. McKenzio, J, 1, Co F. died July 7, diarrhea. McLaulin, C. 86, Co 1, died July 20, diarrliea. Mathison, E N, 2, Co E, died Aug 6, diarrhea. Many, J, 24, Co L>, died Aug 8. diarrhea. McEadden, U, 1 cav, Co F, died Aug 9, diarrhea. Mortes, B, 10, Co D, die-d Aug 15, scorbutus. Main, Henry, ."0, Co F, died Aug 16, diarrhea. McClury, A, 10. Co I, died Aug 20. diarrhea, Messer, F, 6, Co B, died Aug 21, diarrhea. Myers, S, 15, Co G, died Oct 4, scorbutus. Mulasky, E, 21, Co B, died Nov 9, scorbutus. 42S9, Nelson, K, 15, Co R died July SO, scorbutus 49S0, Nortbam, S U,+ 10, Co C. died Ani; 7, scorbutus. 61190, Nichols, Win, 10, Co I, died Aug 18, dysentery. 10369, Ncflf, Vim, 33, Co I, died Oct 6, scorbutus, 8162, Olson, O, 16, Co B, died July II, diarrhea. 11645, Ochle, F, 26, Co E, died Oct 27, wounds. I193I, Olston, M, 15, Co B, died Nov 7, diarrhea. 604, Palmer, John,» 7, Co C, died April IS, diarrhea. 2535, Plum, A, 4 cav, Co K, died June 26, diarrhea c. 2847, Peterson, A,'- 15, Co K, died July 4, diarrhea. 3511, Picket, T B,* 1, Co P, died July 18, diarrhea. 4:^40, Purdy, M, 10, Co E, died July 3 0, diarrli.a. 6406, Piriris, J, 17, Co F, died Aug 22, -wcunds. 7530, Purdee, J, 10, Co I, dieil Sept 1, scorbiitu.s. 7S93, Peterson, S, 15, Co K, died Sept 6, diarrhea c. 8515, Pillsbnry, A J, 1 cav, Co H, died Sept 12, gangrene. 6654, Patterson, J, 21, Co A, died Sept 13, scorbiuus. 9014, Painter, II, t 10, Co F, died Sept 17, diarrhea. 9902, Patterson, S,* 16, Co I, died Sept 27, scorbutus. 9161, Peterson, C, 15, Co I, died Sept 21, scorbutus. 2028, Roach, A, 21. Co F, died .Tune 15, diarrhea, 8624, Renseler, H, 2, Co G, died July 20, diarrhe.-i. sees. Keynolers, F S, 1", Co K, died July 20, dysentery. 4997, Reed, G, 1, Co K, died Aug 7, dysentery. 5792, Rasuiusson, A, 1 cav, Co L, died Aug 16, dysentery. 6088, Robinson, 'W M,'* 10, Co C. died Ang 18, scorbutus. 9S60, Rice, .T, 7, Co C, died Sept 27, dinrrhea. 11812, Randies, .1, 2,5, Co D, died Nov 4, scorbutus. 12233, Riclitniind, B,t 1 cav, t'o I., died llec 6, scorbutus. 12242, Randell, P U, 1 cav, Co K, died Dec 7, scorbutus. 68, Schleassen, J .T, 7, Co F, died March 19, dysentery. 440, Shriglev, H, 10, Co G, died Aprils, diarrhea. 2814, Stilfus, R, 15. Co F, died July 3, diarrhea c. 8073, Sirbirth, F, 24. Co E, died July 9, anasarca. 3503, Shoop, W, 1, Co G, died July 18, diarrhea. 8883, Sutton, .1, 10. Co B, died July 19, diarrhea 4343, Sharp, J, W, 2, Co 6, died Julv 80, diarrliea, 4878, Smltli, W F, 10, Co B, died July 31, diarrhea. 4436, Shun, J, 24, Co II, died .luly 31. diarrhea. 47SS, Scott, E G.t 21, Co D, died Ana 5, scorhutus. 4SS2, Slingerland, .Tohii, 1 cav, Co B.'died Aug 6, fever internilltent. 6943, Starr, E, 16, Co F, died Au2 26. wounda 7014, Seaman, M,t 21, Co D, died 'Sept 3, dysenlerj-. 8108, Smith, L. 4 cav. Co K, died Sept S, diarrhea. 9093, Snyder, M, 20, Co E, died Sept 24, scorbutus, 11037, Smith, S M,» 21, Co F. died Oct 17. scorbiuus. 11047, Sales, A D, 4, Co 'K, died Oct 17, anasarca. 214S. Tong.B W. 21, Co D, died June IS, scorbutus. 2:;85, Tay, S, I, Co K. died June 24, diarrhea a. 2688, Tomlinson, Robt, 6, Co B. died June 28. rlifirrhca c. 8120, Thompson, D D, 36, Co B, died June 10, diarrhea. 3876, Tyler, J* 10, Co A, died .Inly 16. diarrhea. 86I1I, Tucker, C P, 1. Co I. died July 20, diarrhea. 4407, Taylor, A L, '25, Co K, died Aug 1, diarrhea, 6S5S, Taylor, I. 6, Co E, died Aug 20, dysentery. 7160, Thorn, P C, 1 cav, Co 1., died Aug29, diarrhea. 8500, Troutman, A, 2, died Sept 12, scorbutus. 11236, Tburber, D* 36, Co G, died Oct 21, scorhatus. 11420, Tyler, E P. 10, Co F, died Oct 24. scorbutus. 11475, Tliorson. P, 24, Co G, died Oct 26, scorbutus. 1-J374, Thompson, O, 15, Co K, died Jan 1, '0.5, scorbutus. 2309, Updcll, J S, 15, Co B, died June 22, diarrhea c. 5954, Vohoss, O H, 1, Co L, died July 6, bronchitis. 30(0, Vitter, J, 6, Co F, died July 9, diarrhea. 70 UNITED STATES ARMV. 8359^ Vancoster, U, 1 cav. Co C, died Sept 10, gangrene. 8427, Vnnderbilt, J, 86, Cii D, died Sept 11, scuibutus. 118110, Voclee, F,* 10, Co £, died Oct 'U, scorbutus. 929, Webster, .A. C,t 7, Co E. died May 7, hroncliilis. SS4, ^Villleis, P, 1, Co M, died iMay 5, diariliea. H)U7, Wilder .loliit, 1 cav, Co K, died May ll*, diarrliea c. 1520, Welcouie, K D, J cav, Co L, died May ;n, diarrliea. 1693, Walter, S V, 21, Co G, died June 7, d'iarrlita. 191)9, Welton, M S, 1 cav, Co L, died June 13, diarrhea e. 2D91, Winchester, Geo, 21, Co I, died June 2S, bcoibuuis. no. or 2b94, Weaver. II, 10, Co F, died July 4, diarrlieo. 3378, Wens, Charles, 7, Co B, died July 10, diarrhea c, 4700, Wakefield, D, 25, Co K, died Aug 4, diarrhea, 94S4, Woodn-ard, W B, 1, died Sept 21. scorbutus. 9938, Wick, J 1 cav, Co II, died Sept 28, scorbutus. 10213. Wiriis, E, 7, Co E, died Oct 2, scorbutus. 10895, Wincbell. S, l,Co t>. died Oct C, scorbutus. 12111, Whalen, M, 12, Co B, died Oct 21, scorbutus. 12363, Ward, A, 1 cav, Co C, died Dec 81, scorbutus. 12526, Yessen, A, 24, Co A, died Feb 10, '65, scorbutUB. UNITED STATES ARMY. 1798, Anderson, A, 16, Co C, died June 10, dinrrbe.i c. S666, Atwell, Tlios,! 6 cav, Co M, died July 20, plitliiaiB. 4319, Allen, Chas, 18, Co H, died July 31, scorbutus. 4537, Ashley, I> B, lli, Co C, died Aua*2, lever intermittent. 6077, Arnold, H, 18, Co H, died Aug IS, cerebriti.«. 6089, Adams, G, 14, Co C, died Aug 18, dysentery. 8069, Austin, Jas.t 4 cav, Co K, died Sept 7, dysentery. 11523, Annis, Clias, 8 colored, Co I, died Oct 2b, scorbutus. 9260, Alf ka A H, 2 cav, Co D, died Sept 19, diarrhea. 103, Blossom, Chas, cav, Co E, died March 22, dysentery. 1122, Boughten, M, 15, Co E, died May 15, ana:5urca. 1168, Bailey, Andrew, 16, Co K, died May 10. diarrhea. 1199, Britucr, A, 16, Co K, died May IS, anasarca. 1201, Banks, £ K, 17, Co C, died May 19, diarrhea. 1266, Burton, George, 8 colored, Co I, died May 21, diarrhea. 1397, Harden, Chas S, 15, Co E, died May 26, scorbutus. 1042, Beal, 11, 15, Co C, diec^ May 2S, diarrhea c. 1461, Becker, L, 2, Co B, died May 29, diarrhea. 1762, Bi-own, C, 16, Co D, died June 9, anasarca. 2122, B.ates, E L, 6 cav, Co E, died June 17, diarrliea. 2434, Brannagan, J, 18, Co D, died June 24, dehilitas. 24:j6, Bigler, K M, 2 cav, Co B, died June 25, diarrhea c. 2749, Bradshavv, H, marine corps, died Julv 1, diarrhea. 3370, Bush, W, 15, Co E, died July 16, diarrhea c. 4S61, B.ddvvin, G, 19, Co A, died Aug 6. dysentery. 4969, Baker, F, signal corps, died Aug 7, diarrhea c, 6657, Boyd, S,* 4,~Co C, died Aug 14, diarrhea. 5774, Brcen, A, 2, Co F, died Aug 15, dysentery. 6126, Bo\ d, Johu B, 4, Co K, died Aug 19, diarrhea. 6828, Bradrnan, A M,t 6 cav, Co M, died Aug 28, diarrhea c. 6652, Burd, W H, 6, Co E, died Aug 23, anasarca. 6937, Bowers, J, 4, Co K, died Aug 26, anasarca. 7717, Burk, James, 1, Co K, died Sept 3, diarrhea. 7921, Erossessault, M, 2 arlil, Co M, died Sept 5, diarrhea. 8909, Banvall, J, 4, Co F, died Sept 16, scorbutus. 9477, Bartlelt, E K, 2 8 B, Co D, died Sept 21, fcorbutus. 9631, Barstow, J, IS, Co D, died Sept 24, d.arrhea c. 9S4S, Barrett, J, IS, Co D, died Sept 27, scorbutus. 10621, Britzer, L B,» 16, Co C, died Sept 10, diarrhea. 11677, Brown, J, 12, Co H, died Oct 28, scorbutus. 11700, Brioklev, H, 1, Co K, died Nov 1, scorbutus. 12077, Ball, W, 12, Co C, died Nov IS, scorbutus. 12112, Eoyer, J, 1 cav, Co K, died Nov 21, scorbutus. 12564, Brouiley, J, IS, Co G, died Jan 31, '65, scorbutus. 760, Cbisholm. J M,t marine corps, died April 27, diarrhea c. 1947, Clemens, I), 6, Co L, died June 14, diarrhea c. 2174, Clemburg, .1, 16, Co D, died June 19, diarrhea. 2210, Cassman, A, marine corps, died June 20, diarrhea. 2728, Carter, Thos, 16, Co H, died July 1, diarrhea c. 3126, Cavanau'jh, r, 16, Co A, died July 10, diarrhea. 3600, Conden, II, 12, Co A, died July IS, dysentery. 3911, Crookey, S,* 15, Co H, died July 24, diarrhea. 4346, Chase, V, 10, Co C, died July 30, diarrhea. 4930, Campbell, S li, 15, Co C, died Aug 7, anasarca. 5107, Croy, J, 18. Co B, died Aug 9, diarrhea. 5156, Cussey, Jas, 15, Co A, died Aug 9. diarilica. 5234, Casey, J, 16, Co A, died Aug 10, anasarca. 5436, Charapney, P A, signal corps, died Aug 12, dysentery. 6.120, Cammeil, J, 12, Coll, died Aug 22, dysentery. 7532, Coolidcrc, M, 17, Co B, died Sept 1, diarrliea c. 7722, Connoi-, II, 15, Co H, died Sept 3, diarrlu a. 7906, Corst, Janice, 14, Co D, died Sept 5, diarrhea c. SlOl, Connell, J, 14, Co D, died Sept 8, scorbutus. 8243, Chamherlain, C, 17. Co B, died Sept 9, dia]-rhca. 8670, Coliius, M, 4 cav, C" 11, died Sept 12, scorbutus. 8767, Carter, C A, 1, Co B, angler, W G, 5, Co M, died May 5, diarrhea c. 1255, Doncy, -J "W. 6 cav, Co D, died May 21, diarrhea. 1P63, Dunn, Wm, 19, Oo F, died June 6, dysentery. 2274, Dunn, John, 18, Co H, died June 20, diarrhea c. 2495, Donalan, M, 2 env, Co L, died June 20. dysentery. 3025, Deyer, H,t IS, Co D, died July 7, dysentery. 4377, Darvin, W W, 2 s s, Co B, died July 31, diarrhea. 4490, Binslow, B F, 12, Co G, died Aug 1, scorbutus. 4626, Delaney, Jacob, 5 artil, Co F, died Aug 3, scorbutus. 6.34S, Doll, R. 14, Co C, died Aug 11, diarrliea. 5459, Dolan, P, 19, Co F, died Aug 1'2, phthisis. 5756, Davis, G,* 19, Co A, died Aug 15, scorbutus. 6025, Decker, James, 10, died Aug 18, d}'senterv. 6210, Davis, J, W,* 15, Co E, died Aug 19, di.arrhea e. 6297, Doran, J M, 19, Co E, died Aug 20, diarrhea c. 6770, Doughty, D B, 3 artil, Co C, died Aug 26, scorbutus. 6805, DavidsoUjJ II, l.'i, Co C, died Aug 26, anasarca. 6965, Delaney, E. 19, Co F, died Aug 26, anasarca. 7049, Davis, G, 15, Co F, died Aug 27, diaiThea. 7241, Delaney, J, 2, Co F, died Aug 29, dysentery. 7792, Dean, Samuel, 4 cav, Co B, died Sept 3, scorbutus. 8214, Downing, M, 10, Co D, died Sept 8, diarrhea. 8832, Doule, J, 10, Co D, died Sept 15, scorbutus. 10235, Davis, Clarke, 1 battery. Co K, died Oct 2, diarrhea. 10883, Draper, L, 14, Co F, died Oct 14, scorbutus. 11554, Daw, H, 18, Co G, died Oct 27, scorbutus. 11613, Diller, O M, 5 cav, Co 1, died Oct 28, scorbutus. 12140, Drnmmond, J, 18, Co F, died Nov 23, scorbutus. 12691, Dunn, C, 16, Co C, died Feb 4, '65, scorbutus. 664S, Evans, T, 14, Co F, died Aug 14, dysentery. 6813, Edwards, Wm, (negro,) 3, Co A, di'ed Aug 25, diarrhea. 7676, Erick, J, 2, Co K, died Sept 2, dysentery. 76105 Ellertou, N, 16, Co D, died Sept 2, scorbutus. 12689, Emmict, S S, 5, Co C, died Feb 22, '65, scorbutus. 42, 1243, 1509, 2255, 2S8S, 3007, 3256, 3543, 5487, 6804, 7167, 6636, 9154, 9726, 9983, 10666, 10S39, 11402, 12312, 272 1639| 2801, 4977, 6182, 7220, 8057, 8671, 8857, 9851, 12066, 7335, 397 Ferguson, J, 6 cav, Co E, died March 15, catarrh. Fitzgibbons, Thos, 2, Co C, died May 20, diarrhea. Ferrell, J, 12, Co A, died May 31, diarrhea c. Fifley, H, IS, Co E, died M.ay 23, diarrhea a. French, George, 1st Lieut, 37, died July 3, lever remittent. Feed, G, 6 cav, Co D, died July 7, diarrhea. Fienchy, D, 2, Co F, died .Julv 13, dysentery. Fielding, A, 13, Co E, died .July 18, diarrhea Fiiestiiie, S, 16, Co C, died Aug 13, anasarca. Felps, Daniel, (negro,) 8, Do H, died Aug 25, diarrhjea. Flanigau, M, 2, Co I, died Aug 29, dehilitas. Fanntou, H, 14, Co F, died Sept 12, scorbutus. Flanery, M, 1 cav, Co H, died Sept IS, diarrhea. Frum, "E, 3 cav, Co C, died Sept 25, diarrhea. Flarety, O, 16, died Sept 29, scorbutus. Fenall, J, 14, Co G, died Oct 11, diarrhea. Flanagan, P, 4 cav, Co D, died Oct 13, scorbutus. Fritz, A, tl9. Co A, died Oct 24, scorbutus. Foster, J, 4, Co II, died Dec 19, scorbutus. Gilligan, Mat,*l, Co I, died March 31, dysentery, (gardener, C, signal corps, died June 5, diarrhea a. Gulterman, S, 1 10, Co D, died Julv 2, diarrhea. Gray, Wm, 18, Co C, died Aug 7, diarrhea. Gale, Walter, 11, Co F, died Aug 19, diarrhea c. (3ulvere, David, 4, Co C, died Aug 29. scorbutus. Griffith, S, 11, (Jo F, died Bept 7, scorbutus. Gunter, John, 4 cav, died Sept 13, diarrhea, Clraee, Thomas, 1, Co B, died Sept 15, ^vounds. Gilbert, A, 5, Co K, died Sept 27, scorbutus. Getts, F, 19, Co E, died Nov 16, dysentery, (jjolton, R, 16, Co B, died Aug SO, diarrhea. Hatch, T C, 11, Co A, died Apt 11 6, pneumonia.' UNITED STATES ARMY. 71 633, Halbcrt, F, 2, Oo H, died April 13, dysentery. 1547, ilalpin, P, 6 artil, Co H, du'd June 1, diarrhea c. 1585, Haiiey, H, 16, Cu D, died Juue 3, diarrijea c. 1608, Hurraan, J H, 4 cav, Co E, died June 4, diarrhea c. 2096, Hendricks, J, 16, Co 1), died June 17, anasarca. 2209, Ho2:an, M, 16, Co A, died .Tune 20, diarrhea a. . 2706, Henry, "Wm, 2. Co 15, died Jurte 30, diaiThea a, 2730, Hurley, D, marine corp?, died July 1, dysentery. 2987, Hulit, Wm, 16, Co D, died July 7, diarrhea c. 3753, Hill. George, 17, Co U, died July 22, diarrhea c. 3893, Hopkins, \V, (negro.) 17, Co C, died .July 24, anasarca. 4429, Hill, D S, (negro,) 16, Co C, died July 31, diarrhea. 7238, Heddington, W, 15, Co F, died Aug 29, dysentei-y. 7405, Harsham, J R, 15, Co G, died Aug 31, anasarca. 8004, Ilallev, J, 13, Co B, died .Sept 6, diaiThea. 8104, Hook. H, 19, Co F, died Sept 18, diarrhea c. 9155, Heir, J, 14, Co A, died Sept 18, scorljutus. 9666, Hildretl), Jas, 12, died Sept 24, diarrhea. 991S, Haney, J, 12, Co C, died Sept 28, scorlratns. 10054, Haslcr, C, 13, Co M, died Sept SO, gangrene. 10439, Hirshfield. G, marine corns, died Oct 7, scorbutus. 10S67, Harman, J, 15, Co E, died Oct 14, diarrhea. 11136, Hamilton, 8, 2 s a, Co D, died Oct 19, diarrhea c. 12369, Hill, M A, 2, Co O, died Jan 1, '65, debilitas. 12601, Holt, E, (negro.) 35, Co H, died Feb 6, '65, diarrhea c. 10322, Hamman, \V H, 15, Co F, died Oct 4, scorbutus. 6532, Imhoff, 1, 15, Co E, died Ang 13, pleuritus. 7647, Ireland, George, 14, Co E, died Sept 3, diarrhea. 10742, Ireson, I, 4 cav, Co A, died Oct 11, scorbutus. 1111, Johnson, P, 6, Co C, died May 15, diarrhea c. 8125, -Johnson, P, 2balter5-, died Bent S, scorbutus. 8366, Jones, W, 1 artil, Co K, died Sept 10, scorbutus, 113319, Jones, C B, 1 cav, Co II, died Oct 3, scorbutus. 11923, Jerald, W H, t IS, CoF, died Nov 8, scorbutus. 495, Kingeny, J, 1, Co K, died, April 12, diarihea. 912, Kelly, .lohn, IC, Co 0, died Slay 5, diarrhea c. 1662, ICain, P F, t 15, Co A. died June 6, dvscntery. 3256, Kenlev, D, 2, Co F, died July 13, dysentery. 3341, Kerkriey, F, IS, Co F, died .July 15, diarrhea. 36S5, Kilbride, J, 15, Co F, died July 21, diarrhea. 4245, Kane, Wni, IS, Co H, died July 29, dysentery. 4266, Kulkrath, C, 3, Oo I, died July 29, diarrhea. 4271, Kelly, D, 4, Co H, died July 29, diarrhea. 4694, Kesler. J, 16, Co F, died Aug 4, diarrhea, 6640, Kay, Robert, 4, Co F, died Ang 14, scorbutus. 6643, Kelly, J, marine corps, died Aug 14, scorbutus 6-271, Kochel, J, * 19, Co G, died Aug 20, marasmus. 6677,- Kelly, Wm, 9, Co I, died Aug 23, dysentery. 6TG4, King, I, 7, Co K, died Aug 25, diarrhea, 7465, Kinhov, G W, 1 battery, Co D, died Sept 1, scorbutus. 8261, Klinty, H, 1 artil, Co K, died Sept 9, scorbutus. 8490, Kricks, F, 14, Co C, died Sept 11, scorbutus. 8527, Kripp, J, 16, Co D, died Sept 12, scorbutus. 9083, Knapp, C, 11, Co A, died Sept 18. gangrene. 1126S, Kain, Pat, 15, Co A, died Oct 21, scorbutus. 11707, Kelly, J S, 2, Co D, died Nov 3, catarrh. 11943, Kennedy, J, 12, Co A, died Nov 10, scorbutus. 12205, Kahi, Chas, 2 artil, Co M, died Dec 1, scorbutus, 12532, Kemp, J W, 2, Co K, died Jan 27, '65, diarrhea c. 55, Love, Wm, t 6, Co F, died March 17, pneumonia. 22S2, Larreby, G, 16, Co D, died June 20, diarrhea. 2774, Little, J, 19, Co E, died July 21, dysentery. 3999, Lackey, .J, 16, Co B, died .July 26, diarrhea c. 4463, Langstafr, R, 10, Co F, died Ang 1, diarrhea, 5711, Lake, Horace, 4 cav. Go K, died Aug 15, diarrhea. 5891, Lynch, B, 18, Co E, died Aug 16, diarrhea. 6116, Lattin, E, 12, Co A, died Aug 19, cerebritis. 6300, Lawrence, C, 11, Co E, died Aug 20, diarrhea. 6352, Lyons. K, signal corps, died Aug 21, diarrhea c. 6561, Little. P., 19, Co F, died Aug 23," scorbutus, 9732. Larqdell. Wm, t 14, Co A, died Sept 2,% diarrhea, 10317, 1,5, Roney, F J, IS, Co E, died July 15, diarrhea c SS20. Rilzer, G'^o A, 6 cav, Co H. died July 23, diarrhea. 4276, Robison, W E, 6 cav, Co H, died July 3ii, diarrhea, 4967, Rhodes, A, IS, Co B, died Ai.g 7, scorbutus. 6210, Einkle, George, 2 cav, Co G, died Aug 10, diarrhea. 6954, Eonke, J, lo, Co D, died Aug 17, diarrhea. 7161, Richards, Theodore, 2 cav, Co D, died Aug 20, dianhea. 8438, Rogers, Wm, IS, Co G, died Sept 11, scorbutus, 9268, Reynolds, D, 4 cav, Co C, died Sept 19, anasarca, 10792, I'.eilly, J, 8, Co B. died Oct 2, ,scorbutus. I 27ul, KawsoD, J, 10, Co K, died June 80, diarrbea c. 72 UNITED STATES ARMY AND KAVT. 363, Strlff .Tolin, 2, Co F, died Apiil 2. diarrhea. 1236, Shelton, C, S, Co l'\ died May 20, diarrhea. 1253, Spalding, Win, 8 cav, Co B, died May 21, diarrhea. 1295, Scripter, C K, 5 cav, Co D, died May 23, diarrhea. 1847, Sweitzer. M, 19, Co U, died Juno 5. scorbutus. 1714, Smilh, LI W, 16, Co C. died June 7. diarrhea. 2073, Stoitz, 1 16, Co C, died June 17, scorbutus. 20S2, Smith, James, 16, Co D, died June 17, anasarca. 229S, Styles, J N, 13, Co A, died June 22, diarrhea. 2650, Sumser, J, 19, Co G, died June 27, diarrhea. 8110, Siiauhling, James, 13, Co B, died July 10, diarrhea. 3114, Shinner, L, 13, Co 0, died July 10, diarrhea. 3S3S, Smartkash, C, * 15, Co C, died July 23, diarrhea c. 3978, Soniers, P, 4 cav, Co C, died July 26, diarrhea. 4288, Seybert, J S, ♦ 1 8 s, Co H, died July 29, diarrhea. 4310, Smith, Allen, 4, Co H, died July 30, anasarca. 4666, Striper, M, 13, Co D, died Aug 4, scorbutus. 5023, Sutgen, K, 16, Co C. died Aug 8, diarrhea c. 5306, Sorg, A, 1 artll, Co M, died Aug 11, scorbutus. 5393, Swagger, H, 4 cav, Co D, died Aug 12, diarrhea. 5801, Sisson, J, 4, Co D, died Aug 15, scorbutus. 0620, Slaughtorbacb, li, 15, Co II, died Aug 23, anasarca. CS33, Sutsen, F, 16, Co C, died Aug 25, scorbutus. 7377, Smith, F. 14, Co E, died Aug 31, scorbutus. 7606, Starr, Darius, t 2, s 8, Co F, died Sept 2, dysentery. 7874, Snider, J, 11, Co B, died Sept 5, diarrhea c. 8839, Scott, Jas II, 2 cav, Co B, died Sept 16, scorbutus. 9215, Stansbury, E, marine corps, died Sept 19,diarrlica. 9514, Souls, J II, 15, Co F, died Sept 22, anasarca, 10214, Sullivan, T, 11. Co C. died Oct 3, scorbutus. 11144, Schroder, F, 16, Co 0, died Oct 19, scorbutus. 11301, Smith, J, 8, Co D, died Oct 23, scorbutus. 11333, Stanton, It, 14, Co K, died Oct 23, scorbutus. 11664, Spencer, J H, 2, Co D, died Oct 30, scorbutus. 11690, Shortman, J, 14, Co E, died Oct 31, dysentery. I21S6, Strei-ter, J, 16, Co B, died Nov 2S, scorbutus. 12211, Stanton, C, 2, Co I, died Dec 2, diarrhea. 92, Tooley, Michael, 13, Co G. died March 21, diarrhea c- 489, Taylor, Amos, 17, Co U, died April 13, diarrhea c. 2603, Tliomi)Son, Wm, 18, Co G. died June 28, scorbutus. 3662, Truman, J, 5 cav, Co D, died June 29, dysentery. .3466, Tyson, E S, 14, Co D, died July 17. pleuritus. 4716, Tredridge, A, musician, 13, died Aug 4, anasarca. 78C6, Taylor, M D, 18, Co E, died Aug 81, diarrhea. 7801, Turk, H, 18, Co H, died Sept 4, diarrhea. 6268, Thomas, J, 1 cav, Co D, died Sept 9, diarrhea c. 8259, Trainer, M, 6, Co F, died Sept 9, diarrhea. 8379, Thomas, L, (negro) S, Co D,dled Ser.t 9, fever Intermlltent 9116, Taylor, E, * 18, Co I, died Sept IS, di.arrhea c. 11893, Topper, J, 11, Co. B, died Oct 34, scorbutus. 7829, Unmuch, C, 1 artll, Co K, died Sept 4, dysentery. 8657, Volmore, J, 3, Co K, died July 18, scorbutus. 7042, Vancolten, Vm, 16, Co D, died Ang 27, scorbutus. 7135, Vickerv, Wm, 1, Co H, died Aug 28, diarrhea. 12041, Van Buren, W H, 16, Co B, died Nov 16, scorbutus. 1259, Walker, Wm, 6, Co D, died May 21. diarrhea. 1299, Worster, Chas B, 6 cav, Co 11, died May 23, ditrrhca c. 2762, White, Thomas, 1, Co D, died July 1, diarrhea. 4023, Williams, D, 13. Co D, died ,Iuly 26, scorbutus. 4248, Warner, S, 16, Co E, died July 29, diarrhea c. 4806, Williams, John, 4, Co D, died July 80, diarrhea. 5425, Walmor, 10. Co D, died Aug 12, diarrhea. 6125, Wlckham, G H, 16, Co B, d'led Aug 19, scorbutus. 6637, Wills, S, 15, Co E, died Aug 23, dysentery, 7048, Wright, C 8, 12, Co C, died Aug 27, fever congestive. 7109, Wadaworlh, B II, 12, Co C, died Aug 23, diarrhea. 7254, Warner, H, 2, Co D, died Ang 30. diarrhea. 9105, Whitney, J W, ♦ 4 cav, Co K, died Sept 18, scorbutus. 9131, White, Samuel, 8, Co F, died Sept IS, diarrhea. 9077, Walker, John, (negro) 8, Co F, died Sept 24, scorbutus. 9854, Walter, I, 17. Co B, died Sept 27, scorbutus. 111355, Wigley, E, 17, Co C, died Oct 5, dysentery. 10374, Waters, t 8, Co C, died Oct 5, diarrhea. 10756, Waldo, J M, 1 artll, Co K, died Oct 13, scorbutus. 11137, Williams, C, I arlil,Co K, died Oct 19, scorbutus. 11895, Wizmaker, G, 2, Co M, died Oct 24, scorbutus. 12009, Wilson, C W, 16, Co A, died Nov 14, scorbutus. 12027, Wise, G B, 6, Co F, died Nov 16, anasarcx 6496, Targer, A, 18, died Aug 22, scorbutus. 7101, Young, Robert, 1 cav, Co K, died Aug 28, diarrhea. 10764, Toung, F li, 2 artil, Co M, died Oct 12, scorbutus. 11373, Young, J C, 19, Co A, died Oct 23, scorbutus. 7793, Zimmerman, J, 17. Co D, died Sept 4, scorbutus. 10423, ZiDg, P, t 10, Co 0, died Oct 6, scorbutus, 10450, Zimmerman, M, 14, Co I, died Oct 7 scorbutus. UNITED STATES NAVY. 2019, Akinson, A, G B Nepsia, died June 27, di.arrhea. 4608, Anker, George, Schooner Norman, died Ang 4, diarrhea. 8071, Anderson, Chas, O B Saithfleld, died Sept 7, diarrhea. 2919, Bnidlov, John, O B Southlield, died July 8, diarrhea. 3475, Broderick, W, U S Navy, died July 17, diarrhea. 6072, Bowers, W H, G B Water Witch, died Aug 8, diarrhea c. 12047, Boucher, W, G B Sbawshecn, died Nov 16, scorbutus. 1914 Carnes, Wm, V S Navy, died June 13, diarrhea c. 2149, (Jonant, G S, U S S Southfield, died June 18, diarrhea. 2580 Carter, W J, G B Montgomery, died Juno 27, diarrhea c. 6201, Collins, Thomas, G B Southlield, died Aug 19, dysenleria. 7144, Corbet, E, U S Na^7, died Aug 29, debilitas. 7503, Connor J, U S Navy, died Sept 1, scorbutus. 9544, Culbert, J, U S Navy, died Sept 23, diarrhea. 154 Dillinfham, .T N, O B Housatonic, died March 26, phthisis. 6437', DuUuey, J, U S Navy, died Aug 22, diarrhea. 30S6, Ellis, J H, U S S Columbine, died July 9, fever typhus. 4134, Evans, John, G B Bhawsheen, died July 28, dharihea o. 4462, Earl Jas H, jiavmaster stw'd U S Navy, died Ang 1, scorbutus. 6419, Foley, Daniel, G B Soutlitteld, died Ang 12, diarrhea c. 4605, Green, G O, G B Southlield, died Aug 3, scorbutus. 8871, Ooundy, Thomas, U S Navy, died Sept 16, diarrhea. 1087, lleald, Wm, G B Can.andaigua, died Aprd 14, diarrhea c. 1469, Hunter, John, seaman, died May 30, anasarca. 2216, Hilton, John, steamer Johana, died June 20, diarrhea. 3448 Hodircs, L, schooner Norman, died July 17, bronchitis. 8793, Huehofl, Bonj, U 8 S Wabash, died July 22, fever typhus. 6875, Ileald, II H, merchantman, died Aug 16, diarrhea c. 9284, Holas, Thomas, Water Witch, died Sept 19, diarrhea. 1433, Jones, Wm, U S S Underwriter, died May 28, diarrhea o. 2178 Jones, Theodore, U S S Underwriter, died June 19, diarrheao. 2206 Journeay, Joliii, flremau U S Navy, died .June 19, diarrhea c. 6417, Jackson, .1, G B Bhawsheen, died Aug 23, scorbutua. 6291, Johnson, G P. U S Navy, died Sept 9, diarrhea. 8868, James, F A, U S Navy, died Sept 15, dysentery. 9393, Johnson, M, U S Navy, died Sept 20, diarrhea. 10218, Joseph, F, U S Navy, died Oct 2, diarrhea. 002, Keefe, John, G B Housatonic, died April 18, dysentery. 698, Kultz, A, U 8 S T Ward, died April 23, dysentery. 1546, Kelly, James, U S S Underwriter, died .Tune 1, diarrhea c. 8850, Kinney, John, G B Water Witch, died July 24, diarrhea c. ' "375, Lodi, John, U S Navy, died Ang 31, diarrhea. 2S43, Lindersmith, E, U S S Moutgorhery, died July 3, diarrhea. 4291, Lawton, James, U S S Ladona, died July 30, dysentery. 235, Mays, A n, mate schr Norman, died March 29, dypentery. 2452, McDonald, John, U 8 Navy died June 26, diarrhea. 2581, Moore, A, schr Anna, died June 27, scorbutus. 3128, Malaby, P, U S S Montgomery, died July 10, dysentery. 3348, Murphy, M J, U 8 Navv, died July 15, diarrhea. 3529, McDonald, John, U S Navy, died July 17, diarrhea. 3S04, Matthews, John, U S S Underwriter, died July 22, diarrheao. 420S, Mo Henry, Daniel, G B Southford, died July 29, diarrhea. 4324, McCarty, T, G B Housatonic, died July 30, diarrhea c. 4396, McVey, K,U S Navy, died July 31, dy.sentery. 4679, McTier, J, U S Nav\', died Aug 4, dysentery. 4,300, McLaughlin E, U 8'Navy, died Aug 6, dysentery. 5485, Meldon, J, U S Navy, died Aug 13, pnenmonla. 03.56, Marshall, N B, G B Leipsig, died Aug 21, diarrhea. 6571, McDermott, P, U S S MontMracry, died Aug 23, debilitas. 0825, Mathews, W O, U S Navy, died A'ug 25, diarrhea. 6917, McLaughlin, R U S Navy, died Aug 26, scorbutus. 7251, McQowan, J, U 8 S Powhattan. died Ang 30, diarrhea. 11803, Maston, J, G B Ratler, died Nov 6, scorbutus. 7824, Noe, M, U S Navy, died Sept 4, fever intermittent. 2227, O'Brien, Wm, U S Navy, died June 20. diarrhea. 3208, Ottinger, M, G B Water Wilch, died July 12, scorbutus. 3153, Page, Lyman, U S Navv, died July 11, scorbutus. 6325, Parkham, Jas C, G B Shawsheen, die.l Aug 11, diiirrhca. 9024, Peterson J, U S Navy, died Sept 17, diarrrhea. 2460, Quinlan, N, U 3 Navy, died Juno 25, scorbutus. 7867, Quade, M, U S Navy, died Sept 5, scorbutufl. MISCELLANEOUS. 73 2237, Rngan, John, U S S T Ward, died .June 20, fover intermittent. 4661, Raymond, W, TJ S S T Ward, difd Aug 3, sourbulus. 5101^, Roland, John, U S S Underwriter, died Auu' 9, ecorbutug. 7003, Reynolds, T J, U S Navy, died Aug 27, diarrhea. 169, Stark, John, TJ S Navy, died March 26, diari-hea c. 2010, Sullivan, J, U S S Underwriter, died June 15, diarrhea. 28SS, Smith, John W, G B Southfield, died July 3, fever typhus. 3261, Sampson, J R, Naval Battalion, died July Ijf, diarrhea. 4611, Smith, B N, G B Mendota, died Ant; 3, BcorliutuB. Co92, Stanley, Wm, G B Southfield, died An? 23, diarrhea c. 11299, Smith, Wm, G B Water Witch, died Oct 22, scorbutus. 1713. Thomas, Samuel, G B Southfield, died Juno 7, diarrhea c. 1S.51, Thomas, John, G B Southfield, died June 11, diarrhea c. 2757, Turner, Wm, IJ S Navy, died July 1, fever remittent. 4159, Trymer, James, G B Southfield, died July 2S, diarrhea. 7445, Tobin, Michael, U S Navy, died Sept 1, diarrhea. 8302, Ta, B F, G B Southfitld, died Sept 10, diarrhea. 1646, Willis, J P, U S Naw, died Juno 5, dianhea. 8004, Wilson, A G B Soutlifield, died July 7, diarrhea c. 3878, Williams, M W, U S Navy, died July 24, diarrhea. 4118, Willis, M, G B Southfield,' died July 28, scorbutus. 4198, Williamfi, C, U S S Aries, died July 29, diarrhea c. 6820, Wordell, G K, U S Navy, died Aug 16, Marasmus. 6990, Warreu, W li, U S Navy, died Aug 17, diarrhea. 6468, Wooley, M, U S Navy, died Aug 22, scorbutus. 7303, Walsh, James. U S Naw, died Sept 1, diarrhea. 8104, Welch, V, G B S(iuthtieid, died Sept 7, diarrhea. 10566, West, John, G B Southlield, died Oct 9, diarrhea. MISCELLANEOUS, 11460, Addley, A, citizen, died Oct 25, pcnrbutus. SS7, Amos, J, Rintiold battury, Co F, died May 4, fever typhus. 2977, Aiigar, A, died July 7, diaiThea. 28*2, Bane, S:\mple, Ringold batt'y, Oo A, died April 1, pneumonia 207J, Bi-ntty, D, *Ringo!d battery, Co F, died June 17, diari-hea c. 4327, Baker, John, citizen teamster, died July 30, diarrhea c. 4904, Beiuiraar, L, died Aug 6, diarrhea. 5747, Buttei-field, James, citizen, died Aug 15, dysentery. 6100, B[air, H, citizen, died Aug IS, anasarca. 6366, Bidwell, C, citizen teamster, died Aug 21, dyspntery. S102, Burkhead, W, Frunell's legion, died Kept 7, diarrhea. 9344, Blood, Gr P, died Sept 20, scorbutus. 95in, Brogdin, D C, died Sept 23, diarrhea. 10500, Burk, C, citizen, died Oct S, scorbutus. 10602, Bit^hop, J, citizen teamster, died Oct 10, dysentery. 10963, Brown, Geo, * Bridge's battery, died Oct 15, scorbutufi. 12342, Boland, James, Pruoell's cav, died Dec 26, diarrhea c. 177, Cannon, "Wm, teamster, died March 26. 3S9, CampbeD, Daniel, Ringold bat'y, Co E, died April 6, diarrlica. 431, Childers, C H, died April 8, diarrliea c. 1195, Cobb, J, citizen teamster, died May 18, pleuritus. ISSl, Clark, M, citizen teamster, died June 12, diarrhea a. 3399, Cable, C, citizen, died July 16, dobilitas. 3972, Ciegger, J F, musician, died July 25, di.arrhea. 6315, Crowley, Pat, died Aug 20, scoriuitus. 9245, Carroll, C, teamster, 19 army corps, died Sept 19, scorbutus. 10485, Corbit, J, died Oct 7, wounds. 10872, Carey, Thomas, died Oct 13, scorbutus. U726, Collins, J, citizen leamster, died Nov 1, scorbutus. 12449, Carroll, James, citizen teamster, died Jan 13, 'Go, ecorbutua. 752, Deems, P, Ringold battery, Co E, died April 26, diarrhea c. 2620, Delp, Goo, citizen teamster, died June 28, diarrhea. 4334, Davis, J, citizen, died July 30, diarrhea. 5866, D.infirth, Geo A, died Aug 16, diarrhea. 8202, Delmore, W, citizen, died iSept 8, diarrhea. 11084, Dubin, M, citizen leamster, died Oct 18, scorbutus. 11248, Delhaula, Wm, citizen, died Oct 21, diarrhea. 182, England, E, died March 27, pneumonia. 3923, Evane, M, citizen, died July 25, diarrhea. Everett, T S, citizen, Md, died Aug 30, diarrhea. 157, Freeman, John, died March 25, dysentery. 453, Fenley, K, citizen, died April 9, diarrhea c. 1116, Fanuou, A, citizc^u, died May 15, dysentery. 2332, Foster, W, telegraph operator, died June 22, diarrhea c. 2435, Farrell, M, citizen, died June 25, anasarca. 10478, Flickison, J, died Oct 7, diarrhea. 4808, Fitzgerald, , died Aug 5, diarrhea. 5078, Frank, F M, Wilder'a battery, died Aug 8, scorbutiis. 5609, Fox, Henry, citizen teamster, died Aug 14, scorbutus. 7G43, Ford, P, teamster, died Sept 3, diarrhea. 9084, Foncks, U C, Keye's Ind'tcav, died Sept 18, dysenteria. 11315, Forrali, M C, teamster, died Oct 22, scorbutus. 2729, Gildea, D, citizen, died July 1, scorbutus. 4115, Grogran, D, died July 28, diarrhea c. 4747, Gishart, .J, died Aug 5, fever typhus. 6130, Graham, E, ciiizen, died Aug 19, diarrhea. 7854, Gorb, S,died Sept 5, scorbutus. 9747, Goodman, J O, died Sept 25. 10672, Gillra-.in, John, died Oct 11, diarrhea e. 118G2, Goodyear, F, citizen, died Nov C, scorbutus. 10717, Graves, Wm E, died Oct 11, seorbutns. 219, Heartless, S, died Mnrch 29 204, Hammond, S, teamster, died March 31, diarrhea c. 606, Hoffman, Charles, citizen teamster, died April 18, dysentery. 1274, H:irkine, John, teamster, died May 22, diarrhea c. 2370, Hammond, J, citizen teamster, died JuTie 23, diarrhea. 3227, Hudson, G W, citizen teamster, died July 12, diarrhea. 4244, Hughes, P, died July 29, wounds. 6070, Hannny, D, citizen teamster, died Aug IS, fever typlme. 8055, Herilago, J. leamster, died Sept 7, scorbutus. S756, Harkins, D S, * m m b, died Sept 14, diarrhea. 9006, Hyalt, J, died Sept 17, scorbutus. 9051, Hulbert, J H S. died Sept 17, diarrhea. 9297, Hall, M, a a s, died Sept 19, scorbutus. 9425, Hart, Isaac, citizen teamster, died Sept 21, diarrhea. 10262, Hines, Daniel, died Oct 3, diarrhea. I1133I, Hopkins, John, died Oct 4, diarrhea. 11934, Ilcckiubridge, died Nov 9, t^corbutus. 12456, Harrington, J, t died Jan 15, '65, diarrhea c. 8722, ImhRgg, , died Sept 14, diarrhea. 4794, Jones, Charles, citizen teamster, died Aug 5, diarrhea c. 6S54, Jacobs, W C, citizen, died Aug 25, dysentery. 12714, Johnson, J, citizen, Canada, died March 1, '65, diarrhea c. 2208, Kingland, W H, citizen, died June 20, diarrhea. 3515, Kerr, E, citizen teamster, died June IS, diarrhea. C273, Kins, \V H, citizen teamster, died Aug 20, marai^mus. 7864, Knight, J B, citizen teamster, died Sept 5, anasarcn. 9467, Kelfogg, E L, citizen, Springtield, Mass, died Sept 21, diarrliea. 540, Lee, James, citizen teamster, died April 14, dysentery c. 1772, Lafterty, Wm, Ringgold battery, died June 9, scorbulus. 3689, Luinmo, Robt, citizen, died July 21, scorbutus. 10353, Linton, E, Ringgold battery, died Oct 5, dyseutt ry. 76, Morton, J B, Ringgold cav, Co A, died March 20, fcvor typhus 203, McMahou, Pat, died March 28, diarriiea. 220, Morrison, F, citizen teamster, died March 29, diarrhea. 865, Mower, W, citizen, died May 3, debilitas. 2285, McAtie, M, teamster, died June 21, diarrliea c. 2432, Manning', B F, citizen teamster, died June 24, diarrhea. 2373, McEushon, Peter, died June 23, dysentery. 3450, Moyer, J, died July 17, diarrhea. 4017, Messenger, H M, citizen, died July 20, dysentery. 5387, Morland, J S, citizen teamster, died Atig 12, diarrhea. 5996, McGee, J, died Aug 17, diarrhea. 6380, MeKeiuia, F, died Aug 21, scorbutus. 8030, McGuire, J, citizen, "died Sept 6, scorbutus. 9135, Myers, John, died Sept 18, diarrhea. 9247, McDonald, J, died Sept 19, scorbutus. 9616, Munch, Cliristian, lopog engineer, died Sept 23, diarrhea. 12535, McDonald, H H, citizen (Ohio), died Jan 27, '06, diarrhea. 6606, Mouteith, M, citizen teamster, died Aug 24, diarrhea. 184, Newton, Wm, teamster, died March 27, pncumnnia. 7074, Norton, E, citizen, died Aug 28, dysentery. 8510, Nichols, J, teamster 15 army corps, died Sept 12, diarrhea. 4190, Osborne, J, citizen, died July 28, d^'sentery. 5414, Oliver, W W, died Aug 12, scorbutus. 719, Pringle, Wm, citizen teamster, died April 25, fever typhus. 1855, Podzas, L, citizen teamster, died June 12, diarrhea. 5920, Poole, C, died Aug 17, Bcnrbulus. 8893, Powers, G, citizen, died Sept 16, scorbutus. 9010, Potter, S D, died Sept 17, diarrhea. 9366, Phillips, B 13, teamster, died Sept 20, dianhea. 12364, Parker, James, citizen teamster, died Dec 29, diarrhea c. lOlOOj I'arkhurst, W L, 1 m m b, died Sept 30, diarrhea. 853, Quinn, Jamee, citizen, died May 3, diarrhea c. 5394, Quinlan, Pat, citizen teambter, died Aug 12, scorbutus. 74 NUMBER OF UNKNOWN GRAVES, 576S, Quinn, ~, citizen, died Aug 15, scorbutus. 3&42, Reed, A R, independent, died July 18. diarrhea. 3779, Rand, J, citizen teamster, died July 22, scorbutus. 59S6, Rouley, J, died Aug 17, diarrhea. 10111, Rendig, H, citizen, died Oct 1, scorbutus. 10453, Ryan, John, citizen, died Oct 7, gangrene. 11131, Keien, R, citizen, died Oct 18. 11703, Richardson, J C, 1 in m b, Co I, died Oct 30, ecorbutus. 449, Scott, Blair, citizen, died April 9, diarrhea c. 2431, Smith, P, m ra b, died June 24, diarrhea. 2440, St Ciair, Benj, citizen tenmster, died June 25, diarrhea. 2552, Slater, Charles, citizen teamster, died June 27, diarrhea. 2959, Spicer, "W, citizen teamster, died July 6, pneumonia. 3000, Stout, Cbas, citizen, died July 7, debilitas. 3662, Shuuk, J, citizen, died July 20, dysentery. 400S, Smith, H, Bridi^es Battery, died July 20, anasarca. 4843, Sawyer, J D, died Aug 6, dysentery. 9729, Stan'tou, J, citizen, died Sept 25, diarrhea. 10S15, Sraayo, David, died Oct 12, diarrhea. 136, Thompson, Jno, teamster, died March 24, pneumonia. 1531j Tullis, L B CJ, citizen, died June 1, diarrhea c. 2693, Thompson, Geo, died June 30, scorbutus. 3409, Thomas, J H, citizen teamster, died July 16, diarrhea. 3896, Taylor, J W, citizen, died July 24, constipatio. 12337, Tucer, B, citizen, Indiana, died Dec 26, scorbutus. 9397, tJlmgender, G, m m b, Co C, died Sept 21, diarrhea. 799, Wilkins, A, * Ringgold Battery, died April 29, diarrhea c. 1092, Welsh, G L, citizen teamster, died May 14, diarrhea c. 1121, Wliite, Geo, citizen, died May 15, dysentery, 2784, Wilson, D E, Ringgold Battery, died July 2, debilitas. 10953, Weir, J, citizen teamster, died Oct 14, diarrhea. IIOOG, Woods, R C, Knapp's Battery, died Oct 28, scorbutus. 47o0, Wright, Chas, citizen teamster, died Aug 4, dysentery. 4S69, Ward, John, citizen teamster, died Aug 6, diairliea. ' 9043, Wilhams, F G, died Sept 17. diarrhea c. 10075, Weiitgel Thomas, died Sept 30, diarrliea. 9497, Vankirt, W, Ringgold Battery, died Sept 21, scorbntu.*. 96SS, Vandier, W M, citizen, Phila, Fenn, died Sept 24, diarrhea. 4127, Toung, Henry, citizen teamster, died July 28, dysentery. 12246, Young, D, citizen teamster, died Nov 8, ecorbutus. MEN THAT WERE HUNG. 1, Sarsaeld, Jno, 144 N Y, July U, hung. 2, Collins, Wm, 83, Pa, Co D, July 11, hung. 3, Curt'.e, Chas, 5 K I artil, Co A, July 11, hung. I 3, Ddaney, P.at, 83 Pa, Co E, July 11, hung. 6, Mun, A, tr .S Navy, July II, Ijung. I 6, Rickson, W R, U S Navv, July 11, hung. NUMBER OF GRAVES CONTAINING UNKNOWN U. S. SOLDIERS. 101 3142 4S15 6492 8564 87S6 SS90 8979 S066 9181 9359 9601 9803 1016S 10382 10774 103 3143 4837 6509 8.565 8787 8S01 8984 9069 9182 9360 9C03 9876 10173 103S7 10777 104 S144 4S39 6804 8666 8789 SS92 8985 9070 9197 9364 9610 9877 10176 1C391 107S6 105 3145 4840 6031 8600 8790 8894 8989 9072 9199 9382 9613 9S81 10177 10429 10798 106 314S 4S41 6939 8004 8800 8806 8991 9074 9200 9391 9615 9883 10178 10432 10801 107 3147 4S43 7030 8609 8S01 8915 8996 9076 9201 9393 9620 9887 10182 10470 10802 111 3148 4851 7047 8010 8803 8016 8996 9077 9203 9394 9666 9891 10185 10476 10S07 116 S171 4852 7545 8660 8808 8918 8997 9124 9204 9440 9609 9900 10188 10.507 10836 120 3180 4804 8090 8672 8809 8920 9000 9126 9207 9442 0672 9908 10189 10.132 10838 127 3200 4873 8179 8673 8811 8921 9007 9123 9255 9449 9673 9922 10191 10544 10860 13S 3321 4891 8191 8674 8S13 8927 9008 9130 9267 9455 9075 9923 10195 106;8 10867 140 3229 4934 8261 8675 8816 8928 9016 9133 9289 9466 9683 0950 10209 10629 10P27 147 3286 4038 8337 8677 8817 8929 9026 9152 9261 9485 9086 9969 10238 10630 10!)9+ 233 33S4 4939 8394 8678 8825 8930 0029 6157 9262 9489 9695 9964 10261 10633 11003 826 3454 4972 8412 8679 8826 8932 9030 9160 9204 9493 9697 10012 10263 10643 11007 345 3494 6032 8420 8633 8829 8933 9031 9161 9267 9622 9749 10020 10264 10697 nolo 2673 3603 6033 8424 6084 SS31 8934 9032 9103 9275 9523 9766 10021 10266 10701 1102,3 2719 4016 6052 84.33 8702 8842 S93o 9036 9105 9276 9524 9769 10025 19282 10704 11105 2721 42S2 6096 8435 8703 8343 8936 9038 9167 9277 9529 9771 10034 10324 10707 11100 2722 4C0O 6111 8471 8704 8S44 8940 9047 9168 9279 9565 9782 10038 10326 30712 lllJS 2779 4009 6157 8485 8705 8846 8941 9049 9171 9280 9569 9802 10041 10323 10713 11146 2865 4671 6168 8489 8706 8S16 8945 0062 9172 9281 9586 9804 10090 10333 10714 111.^0 2866 4733 6204 8491 8707 8847 8949 9063 9174 9282 9587 9806 10105 10S43 10718 11190 3117 4754 6305 8494 8708 SS70 8950 9054 9176 9285 9688 9810 10159 10344 10719 11208 3118 4765 5209 8535 8709 8SS0 8961 9U55 9177 9286 9689 9815 10162 10345 10722 11237 3125 4756 6300 8562 8710 8881 8902 9056 9179, 9346 9595 9837 10106 10363 10732 11340 3140 4767 6301 8658 8784 8883 8953 9068 9180 9355 9696 9841 10167 10378 10756 11417 3141 4758 6302 8661 8786 8889 8978 9061 18SG. OUR most momentous, arduous strugj;Ie having resulted in the triumph of American Nationality, tlie utter discomfiture and overthrow of Secession and Slavery, Tue TRiBUNE,_profoundly rejoicing in this result, will labor to conserve the legiti- mate fruits of this grand, benignant victory, by rendering Liberty and Opportunity the common heritage of the whole Amer- ican People now and evermore. Discountenancing all unmanly exultation over or needless infliction of pain or privation on the upholders of the lost cause, it will insist on the earliest possible restoration of the Southern States to their former power and influence in our Union on the basis of All Rights for All their People. It will labor in hope to prove that the substitution of Free for Slave Labor must inevitably and universally conduce to the increase of Industry, Thrift, Prosperity, and Wealth, so tliat the South, within the next ten years, must look back amazed on her long persistence in a practice so baleful as the ehattelizing of Man. It will labor for the diffusion of Common School Education, Manufactures, the Useful Arts, &e., &c., throughout every portion of our country, but especially throughout the sectious hitherto devoid of them, believing that every good end will thereby be subserved and the interest of every uscfid and worthy class promoted. It will urge the Protection of Home Industry by discriminating duties on Foreign Products imported, with a view to drawing hither the most capable and skillful artificera and artisans of Europe, and the naturalizing on our soil of many branches of production hitherto all but confined to the Old World, while it would strengthen and extend those wLich have already a foothold among us. It will give careful attention to progress and improvement in Agriculture, doing its best at once to bring markets to the ■ doors of our farmers, and teach them luiw to make the most of the opportunities thus alibrded them. It will devote constant attention to Markets, especially for Agricultural Products, with intent to save both producer and consumer from being victimized by the speculator and forestaller. And, giving fair scope to Current Literature, to the proceedings of Congress, and to the general News of tlie Day, it hopes to retain its old patrons and attract many new to bear them company. THE NEW YOEK WEEKLY TRIBUNE IS printed on a large double-medium slioet, making eight pages of sis columns each. It contains all the important Edito- rials published in THE DAILY TKIBUNE, except those of merely local interest ; also Literary and Scientific Intelligence ; Reviews of the most interesting and important New Books ; the Letters from our lai"ge corps of correspondents ; the latest News received by Telegraph from AVashington and all other parts of the country; a Summary of all important intelligence in this City and elsewhere ; a Synopsis of the Proceedings of Congress and State Legislature when in session ; the Foreign News received by every steamer ; Exclusive Reports of the Proceedings of the Farmers' Club of the American Institute ; Talks about Fruit, and other Horticultural and Agricultural information essential to country residents; Stock, Financial, Oattle, Dry Goods, and General Market Reports ; making it, both for variety and completeness, altogether the most valuable, interesting, and instructive WEEKLY NEWSPAPER published in the World. The Full Weekly Reports of the American Institute Farmers' Club, published in THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE, from which the INSTITUTE'S OFFICIAL REPORT IS MADE UP, would each year make two large volumes of over 500 pages each, if printed in book-form. StOCk-GrO"^vers will find in THE TRIBUNE a vast amount of profitable and interesting information. Fruit-Growers will find the discussions of Fruit-Growers, published in THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE, of great value. Wool-Growiug is a prominent feature in the Agricultural Department of THK TRLBUNK. T E Pt I^ S . WEEKLY TRIBUNE. Mail Bubscribers, sinele copy, 1 year— 52 numbers ?2 00 Mail subscribers, Clubs of five 9 OO Ten copies, addressed to names of subscribers IT 50 Twenty copies, addressed to names of subscribers 34 00 Ten copies, to one address 16 00 Twenty copies, to one address 30 00 An extra copy will be sent for each club of Ten. For clubs of twenty, two extra copies, or one copy of the Semi- -"Weekly, will bo sent gratis. For clubs of fifty, five copies, or one copy of the Daily Tribune, will be sent gratis for one year. SEMI-'WEEKLY TKIBUNE. Mail subscribers, 1 copy, 1 year — 104 nunibers $4 00 do 2 copies, do do 7 (H) do 5 copies, or over, for each copy 3 00 On receipt of $30 for ten copies, an extra copy will be sent for six months. On receipt of $45 for fifteen copies, an extra copy will bo sent one year. For $100, we will send thirty-four copies, and one copy Daily Teibune gratis. DAILY TRIBUNE. $10 per annum. Terms, cash in advance. Drafts on New York, or Post-Offico orders, payabli? to the order of The Tribune being safer, are preferable to any other mode of rt- mittance. THE mmm alma^ao for isse. Thispopnlar Annual is now read V. It contains full election rotiirns from all tho States, and a vast ainonnt of interestins Tolilical and Statistical matter. Price 20 cents. Back numbers for 1858, 1839, 18G0, 1S61. 1862, 18G3, 1864, and ISGj can be h.ad. Address THE TRIBtJ.'VE, Tribune Buildings. New York. TO ABVEHTISERS. Merchants, Manufacturers, Inventors, Real Estate Owners, Schools, and all others who Desire to reach Customers in all parts of the Country, as well as in the City, will find it to their interest to ADVERTISE in the: i^iEi^v ifarois.K: Ti^iJBXJiNii:. THE Circulation of The Tribune is larger than that of any other Newspaper, and it is read by the most enterprising, thrifty and industrious classes. Advertisements inserted in each of the editions of The TmnnNE, Daily, Si:jii-\Veekly, and Weekly, will be read by nearly a million of people, and no investment pays a business man so well as the money he spends injudicious advertising. The investigation by the Mayor and Comptroller of the City resulted in naming the Daily Tribune as being one of the two papers having the largest daily circulation, and its weekly edition is acknowledged to be far greater than that of any other Newspaper. The Daily Tribune is read by enterprising and intelligent business men and their families, and those who make known their wants through its columns will reach the very best classes of buyers. Kates of Advertising in The New York Daily Tribune. Ordinary Advertisements, classified under appropriate heads, Fifteen Cents per line each insertion. (about eight words average a line.) THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE One Dollar per line each insertion. SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. Twenty-Five Cents per line each insertion. OPINIONS OF ADVERTISERS. Boston, De«, 10, 1SC3. Oar experidico in ndvortising in the "Weekly TniBUXE has s.itis- f:ictorily proved to us that it is one of the best mediums for advertis- ing in the country. We have often received whnt we know Ut be direct returns fur it, and are only surprised that more do not avail themselves of your wide circulation. Yours very truly, "WALKKK, WISE & CO., Publishers and Booksellers. Nkw YonK, Dec. 11, 1SG3. Several years of quite constant use of the book adverti.'^inp; col- urnusof The Tr.iBUNE has satisfied nie that throii^'h no other "paper can a larger class of intellisent buyers be addressed. I have uhu found the Weekly, notwithstanding the apparent liitrh rates charged fur spacl". a most economical, as well as sure, means for reaching large numbers of energetic men, and securing their ser- vices as agents. N. C. MILLER, Publisher of Subscription Cooks, New York. Boston, Dec. 9, 1SG3. We consider tbe Weekly Trtbunr one of the best mediums for advertising our publications. Notwithstanding its seemingly high cbart^es, its very large circulation renders it one of the cheapest and best means by which to reach the pablic. ^ OLIVEE DITSON & CO. EFFECT OF ADVERTISING IN "THE TFJEUNE." "A word about advertising in The Tribfne. When I lately offexed in its columns my present home for sale, letters of inquiry began at once to pour in upon mo, from North, South, East and West -a perfect deluge— and 1 would advise all who do nut wish to spend most of their lime answering letters, not to use The Triditne as an advertising me-lium, or if they do, to be a little more liberal than I was, and pay fur a few more particulars. Had I done so, much time might have been saved. For instance, by merely saying my place was small, or specifying tbo number of acres, many who wrote letters would have been saved the trouble of writing, and I should have escaped ft great many inquiries and saved trouble and expense. I would not, if to do again, spare words." B. W. STEERE, Adrian, Mich. Brooklyn, 26th Dec, 1SG5 To the Publisher of The New York Tribune. Dear Sir, — In November last, I wrote an article headed, " Ho, for Tennes.^oe," which wus a description of the Cumbei'land Table. It was published in the New York Daily Tribune of Nov. 25ih, and again in the Semi-Weekly issue of Nov, 2Sth. The olijcct of tlie ar- ticle was to call the attention of yonr readers to the advantages of that lucation, more particularly of men of small means, and those wln> were siitfering from ill health, two classes which my benevolence letl me to wish to benefit. I did not write that article because I had oi- e.\pccted to have land for sale, but because I believed that many would thank me for the information thus communicated; yet, af- though I had no land for sale, I knew of those who had. at a moilerare price, and perfect title, and was convinced that every man who bought it micht be benefited thereby. Not feeling justified in withholding my information from the public, I prepared and inserted an adver- tib-ement in three of the leading newspapers in New York City, in which I promised to give definite information concerning the Cum- berland Table of Tennessee, to any person who should apply to me for it personally or by letter. That advertisement appeared several times in each of the journals alluded to, of which The New York Tribune was one. As a matter of justice to your own jouvnal allow me to state the result: from the readers of each of the other two alluded to, I have had two applications; from readers of The 't'Ki- BUNE I have had so many thaf I found it nttn'ly impossible', to ic/ifc answers to them, even by devoting my time //'077i ctnh/ worvinf) tmtit midnight of Gucti day, sis days in the week, nnd that I miirht fulfill the promise made in my advertisement, wa.s com|ielled to prijn nearlv all that 1 desired to say to applicants; by which course, wiih unremitted industry on my part, I have been able to fulfill my prom Ise. Applications come to me every day from renders of The Tki bune, from Maine to Minnesota, inclusive, and the interest which has been excited does not seem to abate in the least degi-ee. If the New York Tribune, viewed as an advertising meoinm. for such an object, has so great advantage over others. I think it but fair and just to yourself, and the public, that it should be made mani- fest; you are tlierefore at liberty to make any use of this c■C^&r^---^V.,„U^'.^ftA^..r■ -^:.^A.^W^^n ■,rs^,!ft, :;A::r^C0A0^5':i^^'^:' ,A«i':55'>' "^^^^A^ ■*,?v:s^^^ % A^i '^'*«SA*W c'M,m ^00^p:^'^^0 ^^..r..f\ S^'-'M ^^,^^}:-^^^ ■ /N .'..fMAA;.',>/^^.P^;;aK-^a: '/^« ,A«A>'. i/^.^^/^A^-v'^/Mr ,A.,.'^.'> >.M „rA_ --r ^y^^r^^^^:. i^^^& ;;.^^''^ /'irfl' 'Ai.-.n • ;.A ' - '^v,^V'^A ./\a''aa'''V ^;<-.^-::'Q«^^eS^V^^^ .r.:h'^':M-:'^nm:/^n2 VO^'f'r\r,r^/^^A^^^%-:^':r^:. ^o>^a'*:»av >;:1';s>Sp«^o''?^«^s^^:4^^ '.'1 a'Aa. »._./- •' ..... /I/ ^ ■ - .M ^k J,''¥J '-,,», a; :^,^r, ..^ ^^-fiA'^ 'r;:r\:,:i\r'r,A'':' '^^^ri?r^.:m2^fif :^Mf .'^-/^'^n ^ ^O'^^n^/ .'^'^•■' ^^^/'^s-ft' A./^:^'^, v/^ -nW ,-^ >. r A /-. i '. '1 '" ^-'A ^ fA ^ /". ' ' "/„ \ ' J'l " ^, r M' *■* ^S.-^,^4S^^-cciet^?^o::-;';n^-. V ^.;^rinri'^n' ^^AA/^^^ ■*-r^-' :5^«-'P ^^■'^/i^o' :^:'^m-Ar ./^f^nm' ./.O ". A>l/^-• fm mt^ Im# ^m^fB