PANORAMA OF THE HUDSON SHOWING BOTH SIDES OF THE RIVER FROM NEW YORK TO ALBANY AS SEEN FROM THE DECK OF THE HUDSON RIVER DAY LINE STEAMERS FIRST PHOTO-PANORAMA OF ANY RIVER EVER PUBLISHED ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY MILES OF CONTINUOUS SCENERY ACCURATELY REPRESENTED FROM EIGHT HUNDRED CONSECUTIVE PHOTOGRAPHS FROM THE CAPITOL TO THE METROPOLIS THE HUDSON VARIES IN WIDTH FROM A HALF MILE TO FOUR MILES AND A HALF ; BUT THE RIVER REMAINS UNIFORM IN THESE PAGES AS MOST CONVENIENT FOR A BOOK OF REFERENCE OR TOURIST GUIDE LIBRARY of CONGRESS Two Ctoles Received JUL 18 1906 , CoDynetil Entry / Class 6<, xxc. no COPY B. COPYRIGHT 1906, BY WALLACE BRUCE ALU Rights Reserved NEW EDITION PRICE ONE DOLLAR SOLD ON HUDSON RIVER DAY LINE STEAMERS FOR 50 CENTS Printed by The A. V. Haight Companv BRYANT UNION PUBLISHING CO. 81 FULTON STREET NEW YORK Sent Postpaid on Rece STATUE or LrBEHTY oNvisi s.yoNbaAO- ■mmtmmi COMMUNIPAW "/**'*',*-''jyy-:"' ■ '^W" JERSEY CITY PENMSYLVANIA ft.R. STATION N33aO ONHMOS HOaOHD AJ.JNiaj. OMianina Moy navd ^r I 'A .^- >- ERIE RAILROAD station DEL.LACK.a WESTE '3Nn S.aidOBd 3Nn,wo ANi/aiv anv wmoa A^3N u.e S3SS0MaS30 w MkL ' ' ^ rtv ! fmmmm»».^.'ii:MWJjn^i-'r^ ' - ' ^ vM^wn i mtm^vt. nil. ^ i , !nwJW l l.■ ^ ^l l n i .w. i. la . wm w ^mKmmfmj'mmimiimfli'r STEVENS CASTLE lisb-. ELYSlAN FIELDS UNION HILt ST.MICHAF.1.3 MC^JASTERY ^^1 0MlONV-l»Mq AXQ H3A1M MOSOriH nT:"u r WEEHAW/KEN 'AUiXive woHj sail" ' — "~iTnr •- — rni rTi "-"■ urifr-Mi •'nr'^"' ■ — J(*«fc. A I I ^ WEST SHORE DOCKS 8 STATION WEE HAWK EN ■^ ■■ma^^^ufi'-- ■^■^^ *'^M^it^ UNOERCLIFF ANVaiV =? AH blld IS HiSZI :-,L";,->,V NVMddO M3ba3H FORT LEE HOTEL ;,iTE OF Old fort le 9iniii9Ni gwna onv JV3a 1910H ONI isa NOIONIHSVAA J-dOJ c&rir^^f^lC^;^"!HflMB PALISADES •i^fjuiii':^ . PAUISAOES 31Vafcl3AltJ AWaOVDV 1N3DNIA J.S xW PAU5A0ES PALISADES t 33N30tS3U •< 3N018A3UO Condensed Pijirsts ~^~ r\^ .!,> >r on Hudson River 'Day Lins .iteainers from \'ew York to Albany. Statue od Liberty, to the south on leaving Vestry street Pier. Steven* 3 Castle and Elysian Fields, or west bat T'wenty-Second Street Pier, east bank, up-town Day Line Landing. St. Michael's Monastery, Dome and Tower, on west bank. Weehav;l:en, v/est bank; docks of West Shore R. R. El Dorado Summer Resort, on west bank, with iron structure for carrying two elevators and a rail way to the garden. Tomb od General Ul ysses S. Grant, on east bank at Riverside Park. Manhattanvi^l e, above Riverside on east bank. Edgewater, on west bank opposite Manhattanvill € Trinity Cemetery, on eat^t b^nk above Manhatt... Fort Lee, on east bank;' large Picnic Hoiises at foot of bluff. Washington Heights and Fort vVashington Point, on east bank, almost opposite Fort Lee. Palisades, on west bank, extend fifteen miles from Fort lee to Fiermont, a sheer wall of trap-rock from 300 to 500 feet higli. Spuyten Duyvil Xreek, on east bank, northern boundary of Manhattan Island. Site of Fort Inde|)endence, east bank, on heig}it above Spuyten Duyvil. Riverdale Station, east bank, one mile and a half afeove Spuyten Duyvil. Convent of Mount St. Vincent. The Castle like structure in front was once the home of Edwin Forrest, the Tragedian. Yonkers, seventeen miles from Battery, on E. bar Glsnwood, north of Yonkers, E side. The fine residence near the i^iver bank are J. B. Colgate's and JIB. Trevor's. S. 11. Lil ienthal 's Residenc3, on the E side, large building on ridge witji; tower, half mile fro'^ the river. \<' side. The steamer turns this point a"" most at ri^t angles and enters the Highlands. jifparttttfttt of (Lataxttsxce ani Siafaor -4- Dunderberg, V; bank. lona Island. Grapery and fine picnic ground. The Race. The river channel is eo termed by navigators, between lona Id and the E bank. Antj-iony's Nose. R.R. tunnel near the river. Montgomery Creek, on W side, about opposite the point of Anthony's ITose. ?ort Clinton, was on the 3 side of this creek and Fort Montgomery was on the north. Jugar-T.oaf. Turning Anthony's Nose we get a good view of Gugar-T,oaf lit. to the north. Beverley Dock, on E bank, v,'here Arnold fled to the Vulture. A little boat-house marks the spot. William H. Osborne's Residence. Kouse v/ith pointed tov/er, on the E bank of the river, just north of Sugar-I.oaf . Buttermilk Falls, near the river, on the S bafck IIoteT on the Bluff, knowfe in early times as "Cozzen's Hotel. " West Point, 50 miles from N. y. Academy, tarade, Grounds, etc. Garrison. Opposite West Point, on S bank. Kosciusko's "onuinent, W side, above v;. P. landing. Fort Putnam, 596 ft high, overlooks the river on the west side. V/est Point Hotel has a fine look off to the N. Constitution Island, opposite the Point. Old Cro ' Nest. On W side, above the Foirt. Cold Spring. On E bank, opposite Old Cro' Nest. Underciiff. A short distance north of Cold spring, once the house of Geo. P. Morris, on an elevated plateau above the river. Mount Taurus, .or Hull Hill afeove Underciiff. Little Stony Feint. Under :it. Taurus. Named from resembia,nGe to Stony Foint, south of the Highlands. Break Neck. Above Mount Taurus, on the E side. Storm King. On W bank, above Old Cro' Nest. Beacon Hill, seen on E bank above Break Neck, Fishkill !.'ts. trend off to the lir.-, across th° southern part of Dutchess County. Cornwall, with Summer Homes, on west side above Storm Kir>g, Follopel's Island, at upp^r postal of the Highlards, neai- the oast bank. '.Vorrygut, the river shannel between Cro ' "obI oi,i.d Zre old Beekman Place can >^e seen in the trees, ashort distance above the landing, one of the old Revolutionary houses. Ferncl iff, Repid^ncc of Will ia:n Aster. Fine vjlla with pointed tcver, Garretecn Place, N of Ferncl iff, on E bank. This nlace, long known as Clifton Point, is now the property of T,ouis Elil er. T ca. ' - rcu^T-'e "crrl^^. 'o '^.33.1 lence, V. of Clifton Point. FTatbush. Village seen on west tank opposite CI if ton Pcirt, r. ". Delano's Residence. Brown houee v/ith square tower. Rokeby, Residence of late William E. Aator, above Aator's Point. Barrytown, on eapt bank. Asp:nwall Place, N Of Barrytown, formerly John R. Libingston's place. ;>'cntgomery Place. Brown house among the trees. Gruger'a Residence, on Cruger's Island, once call ed T.ower Red Hook Island. The First Steamboat, the Clerraong, v;as built by Robert Ful ton in the Cove, known as North Bay, just N of Crugor's Island. Tivoli, on E aide, 100 miles from New York. Chateau of Tivoli, Residence of Col. Johnson T. . De Feynter. ^rencl' roof house on ter- race south (bf Tivoli Station. Glasco. South of Tivoli on W side. Rose Kill, Residence of Gen. /. sVatts de Feyster, E. side. Residence seen among the trees north of Tivoli Station. Saugorties, on W side. A dock 3, (lOO feet long shows the enterprise of this village. Idel e, property of Miss clarkson, known as the old Chancellor Place, ■lalden. Above Saugerties, on west side, ^lermont. Above Tivoli, on east side, "est Camp, on w»st side, above Maiden, -jermantown, on E side 10 5 miles from New York, ,lan in the iVountain. Between German town and CatskiT 1 we get a fine view o'' the reclining giant. :iar-d'"'n Mines, on E bank, 1 ml 3 of Catskill Sta, Herman Livingston's Residence, en point above. Catskill Creek en^jties in to the Hudson south cf Catskill Dock. Jatskill, lie mi from M. Y. Village one mile " W fi'om landing. Route from this point to I Catskill Mts via Catskill Lit. R. R. and Otis | LClevating Railway. ■%-_3 ijQNJaaisad s-o-inos n?i3h -I j.s'iOd a^JV^?L^Jl>l HP ^i^i^;.^ HOOK MOUNTAINS CKI.AND LAKc POINT NO POINT ;7 r7" li M 'T» I --iiV ~" """i' DNY POINT. TOMPKINS COVE. DUNDERBERG MT. lONA ISLAND, GOVERNMENT GROUND BEAR HILL, 1350 F ±j£^~^^^3S ^-^"iiiii ii'ifiiiir vf' ^\.^y iJ82?i HXnOS jHi WOHJ 3SP!'! S, FORT MONTGOMERY 9V^dO^^ nV31W3H0 i s.M0i.90NiAn auvMoa I TERMILK FALLS PIERPONT MORGAN MDOQ A^-1W3A9Q HSIJ NOillWVH dO 30NMl53a iW JVOTbVSnS Wc51 POINT LANDING lUi'o-ia --, .,, WEST POINT MILITARY ACADEMY DADE'S MONUMENT iNIOd NOIiniliSNOD *^0«^^3?'^:. HOTEL BATTLE MONUMENT ■ WEST POINT TA QNVISI NOI-tniliSNOO OUO CRO NEST 1410 FT 3Niads onoo STORM MING (1360 FT.) SiW N03W3a WASHINGTON'S HEADQUARTERS GVOUTIVU 3NI10NI N03V3a iW iNIOd ?.0NINN3a ONIQNVI ni>iHSU ROSETON DAfJ.SKAMMFR POU 4 HAMPTON PCWJT CEDAR CLIFF HoanawvH mun ILBOROUGH LNIOd N0J.NI1J IT" ■ ' "-y^ HB^II l.iidil.H bVSSVA MOOd TVVM fSBf^- ) I i' d 5 3 >l H *^ 1 1 Oc *N0 LANDING NOIiViS ONldWnd 3l?d33)(HDnO() IVildSOH 2111'; MlAllI NO^OHH 103"n00 SAA MANRE5A INSTITUTE saiooav CLIFTON DOCK UBQNVA 'W >43IU3Q3Ud JO 33N3QI83U J MMVd 30 AH lll9«3aNVA >Oia3Q3aj WALDORF PLACE 'iiiMiti ri I ESOPUS LIGHTHOUSE ?niW O'O 3«owsNia g WM aivn jo 33N3ois3a 9DN30IS3M 5,N0iW PORT EWEN J5^;J,jr- l^-lJ-US?.'. jjnoiNiHy ^ y DUT(CITY of KINGSTON] I'nIngston point N93S iON).lSV3S31llN 2 MD3a3NlHb ^^'^ .c^l.^ f <^5^"T»"'TI?27T '" h^: , , ■ '-">■ *a01VWH0J3a 3iV19 m 4 mi:i'-'''^'^^ij!^^'^i^y:f-..jitf9^'mii^ ^=« •■ti^'i '»Tfl;fVto.'nri.-.Mi>-ii t 93H0V3U QHVlSt ^-^ BBy^i^ ^^^cyL^ i^-^.-i.:. :mwmm VAN WfE5 POINT aWVISI 5iWiS bV9 39NWDSdVd J wvd M31A amuo .1 ';'3d S MOa d3V13SSN3a 21^91 IDVId aiV13SSN3a N ^"1 bavn3esN3b &