HB 3527 .P9 fl5 1921 Copy 1 MuU of l&l^aht JIalattd nnh Ifitavihmtt ]PkntatiiittB SOME ASPECTS of the POPULATION OF PROVIDENCE By LESTER BURRELL SHIPPEE, Ph. D. Special Agent Rhode Island Bureau of Labor PROVIDENCE E. L. FREEMAN COMPANY, PRINTERS 1921 Wofiograp^ 4 1 '^c^^^ SOME ASPECTS of the POPULATION OF PROVIDENCE By LESTER BURRELL SHIPPEE, Ph. D. Special Agent Rhode Island Bureau of Labor NOTE In large part the information, upon which the tables of this report are based, was obtained from the statistics gathered by the Com- missioner of Industrial Statistics of Rhode Island. Assistance was rendered by officials of the various organizations mentioned in the report, as well as by the Providence Police Department and by several manufacturing organizations of the city. :TI PAWTUCKET PROVIDENCE WOONSOCKET Stock WESTERLY Birth Stock Total Population 10,302 13.302 15,782 30.472 23.700 26,940 18,584 10.149 55.335 247,660 40.075 10,175 38 COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. PLATE III. Distribution of Foreign Born Population. All Foreign Born: 3l'2 % of total population Great Britain & ITon- F ranch Canada 1-1% Italy 5-8 % French (Canada, France, Belgium) 5-3 % Ireland 4.6 % Portugal 2.0 % Poland 1.6 % Scandinavian countries l-A % Germany 0.7 % Turkey in Asia 0.6 % All others 1-9 % POPULATION. 39 PLATE IV. Distribution of Foreign Stock. All Foreign Stock: 63.3 % of total population Irish 13.6 % British and Canadian (non-Prench) 12.9 % French (Canada, France, Belgium) 11.6 % Italian 10.2 % Portuguese l-^fo Polish 2.5 % Saandinavian 2-5 % German 1.6 % Turkey in Asia (Armenian) .8 % All others 3.8 % 40 COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. PLATE V. Foreign Born Population of Providence by Countries of Birth. All Foreign Born: 32.5 /S of total population Italy 8.3 % of total population Ireland 5-8 % England 4.2 ^ Russia 2.5 ^ Portugal \.h % Canada 1.6 ^ (non-French) Canada ( 1.6 ^ (French) Sweden 1-4 ^ Poland \.1 % Turkey in 0.9 ^ Asia Scotland 0.8 % Gennany 0.8 ^ All others 1.8 jS POPULATION. 41 PLATE VI. Native Born of Foreign Born Fathers in Providence by Countries of Fathers' Birth. All oountriea: 32.8 % of total population Ireland 11-5^ of' total population Italy 6.7 % England 3-6 ^ Canada (French) 1-9/5 Russia, 1-9 ^ 1.2 % Germany Sweden Scotland Portugal 1.1 % 0.9 ^ 0.8;? 0.8 % Poland 0.8 ^ Turkey in Aaia 0.2 % All others \A % Canada (non- French^ 42 COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. PLATE VII. Foreign Stock : (Native Born of Foreign Born Fathers, and Foreign Born,") of Providence by Countries of Birth. All count riea: 65- 3 % of total population ^^^HHB^^^^ ■1 Ireland 17-3 % of total population Italy 15-0 % — England 7-8 JS • IB Russia 4.4 % - Canada (French) ■ Sweden 2.5 % . ■ Portugal 2.4 % ■ Canada 2.A % (non-French) ■ Germany 2.0 % ■ Poland 2.0% ■ Scotland 1.7% 1 Turkey in Asia 1.1 % wm All Others? 1-2% POPULATION. 43 PLATE VIII. Foreign Born White Males: Twenty Years of Age and Over, Born in Austria. Under $8. $8. to $10. $10.- $12. $12.- $14. $14- $l6. $16.- $l8 $1-8.- $20. $20.- $25. Over $25. 5. % 19 -if- 12.9^ 17.8^ 13.5% i7-9?5 18. f. 5.2f. e.5% 9.9% 9-6^ 4.1^ 12. % Solid line: average weekly wage of 514- Wage Earners. •- -Hollow line: average weekly inco]pe of 333 Heads of Families 44 COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. PLATE IX. Foreign Born White Males: Twenty Years of Age and Over, Born in Canada (French) Under $3, 08.-$10. $10. -$12. $12. -$14. $14.-$16. $16.-$13 !.-$20, $20. -$25. Over $25. c 3.< 22.8^ Solid bar: average weekly wage of 1212 Wage Earners. Hollow bar: average weekly income of 897 Heads of Families POPULATION, 45 PLATE X. Foreign Born White Males: Twenty Years of Age and Over, Bom in Canada (Non-French) "Under $8. ^8. -$10. 012. -$14. ^12.-$l6. 5l6.-$l8. *l8.-$20. $20. -$25. Over $25. D □ 1.6 .8 2.7 1-9 4.1 2.5 10.6 9-5 24.4 15.9 9. 9.2 15-2 12.6 18.2 19-4 14.2 ] 28.3 Solid bar: average v/eekly wage of 88I Wage Earners. Hollow bar: average weekly incorr.e of 643 Heads of Families. 46 COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. Under $0. $8. -$10. $10. -$12. $12.-ei4 *14.-$l6. $16.-$18. $18.-^20. $20.-$25. Over $25. PLATE XL Foreign Bom White Males: Twenty Years of Age and Over, Born in England.. % "^ 1.8 D .6 5.5 3.7 9.9 7.3 15.5 11.4 I24.4 17.7 9.2 9.2 12.5 11.2 11.2 14.3 9.9 I24.4 Solid bar: average weekly wage of 3296 V/age Earners. Hollow bar: average weekly income of 2533 Heads of Families POPULATION. 47 PLATE XII, Foreign Born White Males : Twenty Years of Age and Over, Born in Germany Under over 7o 2.2 • 9 4.4 3-2 5.6 14.7 9.1 21.3 15.6 8.2 7.7 12.5 11-3 14.1 17. 17. di^ Solid tar: average weekly wage of 591 Wage Earners. Hollow tar: average weekly income of 441 Heads of Families, 48 COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. PLATE XIII. Foreign Born White Males : Twenty Years of Age and Over Born in Ireland. Under $8.- 08.-*lO. $10.-^12. $12. -§14. $14.-$l6. $l6.-.fpl8. $18. -$20 $20. -$25. over $25.' n I 2.9 1.1 7.5 4.7 15.8 8.6 21. 13.5 20.6 14.8 8.5 7.1 9. 9»1 9.8 16.5 4.9 ]24.6 Solid tar: average weekly age of 3821 v/age Earners. Kollow "oar: average weekly income of 2745 Heads of FajTiilies POPULATION. 49 PLATE XIV, Foreign Born White Males: Twenty Years of Age and Over, Born in Italy. Under $8. §8. -$10. $10. -$12, $12. -$14. $114. -$l6. ei6.-ei8. 5. -$20. $20. -$25. over $25. Z] : 18. 20. 5 B 32.2 20. 5 24. 5 12. 9 11 8 10 2 7 2 11 2 5 .8 2 .2 6 A 1 .1 6 .5 7 .2 solid bar: average weekly wage of 7178 Wage Earners Kollow bar : average weekly incoite of 424? Heads of Families. 50 COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. PLATE XV. Foreign Born White Males : Twenty Years of Age and Over, Born in Portugal and Portuguese Possessions. Under $8 $8.-SlO. $10. -$12. $12. -$14. $14.-$l6. $l6.-$.l8. $l8.-$20. $20. -$25. Over $2^. 10.2^ 18. % 19. 7f^ 20.6^ 17.2^ 15.4^ 6.9^ 14.9^ 5-5% 5-7% 3.4^ 3.9^ Q.e% 6.9^ Solid ban average weekly wage of 983 Wage Earners. ■Hollow bar: average weekly income of 646 Heads of Families POPULATION. 51 PLATE XVI. Foreign Born White Males: Twenty Years of Age and Over, Born in Russia. Under Over $25 Solid bar: average weekly wage of 1799 Wage Earners. Hollow bar: average weekly income of 1157 Heads of Families 52 COMMISSIONER OF LABOE. PLATE XVII. Foreign Bom White Males: Twenty Years of Age and Over, Born in Scandinavian Countries. Under $S $8. -$10. §10. -$12. $12. -$14. $14.-$l6. $16.-$18. $l8.-$20. $20. -$25. D Over $25. Solid Bar: average weekly wage of I280 V/age Earners. Hollow Bar: average weekly income of 896 Heads of Families 1.6 .2 2.3 3.< 13. 8.' 20." 16. 11. 9- 16. 13. 20. 21. 6. 26, POPULATION. 53 PLATE XVIII. Foreign Born While Males : Twenty Years of Age and Over, Born in Scotland. Under 'D over $25 Solid bar: average weekly wage of 601 Wage Earners. Hollow bar: average weekly income of 416 Heads of Families. 54 COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. PLATE XIX. Foreign Born White Males : Twenty Years of Age and Over, Born in Turkish Empire. Under $0. SIO -$12 $12. -$14. $l'i.-$l6 $16.-S18.; 018. -$20 $20. -$2?.; over $25 14. 5 Solid bar: average v/eekly wage of 1025 Wage Earners. Hollow bar: average weekly income of 262 Heads of Familiee 29.8 6.1 '35.2 14..4 13.8 10.8 14.5 4.5 10.3 1.4. 6.1 1.6 5-7 • 1. 9.9 1-3 19.1 POPULATION. 55 GERMANY IRELAND ENGLAND SCANDINAVIA SCOTLAITO CANADA (other) CAITADA (French) AUSTRIA RUSSIA TURKEY ITALY PORTUGAL PLATE XX. Naturalization by Nationalities. 7\% 41% Wo 21% 14% -percentage naturalized of total number in United States over five years . ( Enuiaeration by countries where 100 or more males over twenty years of age tabulated) . 56 COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. PLATE XXI. Largest Groups by Nationalities in Order of Size. NATIOH OF NumlDer per BIRTH cent ITALY 7178 30. Relative order in num- ber naturalized 11 IRELAND 3821 16. ENGLAND 3296 13-5 RUSSIA 1799 l.'i CANADA 1212 5.5. (French) SCANDINAVIA 1280 5-5 TURKEY 1025 10 PORTUGAL SCOTLAND 983 CANADA 881 3.5 (other) 601 2.5 ;2 6 5 GERMANY 591 2.5 AUSTRIA 514 2. OTHERS 636 2.5 TOTAL 23,817 100. Turkey 72 % Portugal 45 % POPULATION. 57 PLATE XXII. Literacy by Selected Groups. Scotland 100^ England 99-7^ Canada 98.^ Non-French Scandinavia 98 % Germany 97 % Ireland 95 Austria 89 % Canada 87 % French Russia 78 % Italy 70 % The percentage indicates the portion of the group able to read some language. 58 COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. PLATE XXIII. Relative Size of Families by Selected Groups. Italian {63.5^) Portuguese Canada, French (51. 5f^) Irish (49.5^) Russia W'% ) (Poles & Jews) Scotch (41.^5 ) Austria (40.^) (Poles & Jews) Turkey (37-^ ) (Syrians and Annenians) Canada, (33-5^) Non-French English (33-^) Swedes (29.^) Gennans (28.5^) The shaded bar represents the nuciter of heads of families with five or more members in the family. Thus 63.5^ of the Italians who are heads of families have families with five or more members; 36.5?^ of them have families of four o r under. POPULATION. 59 TABLE I. — ^Native and Foreign Born Population of Rhode Island, 1900 1915. Nativity. 1900. 1905. 1910. 1915. 428,556 (100%) 294,037 (68.6%) 134,519 (31.4%) 480,082 (100%) 326,928 (68.1%) 153,154 (31.9%) 542,610 (100%) 363,469 (67.0%) 179,141 (33,0%) 595,968 (100%) 409,542 (68.8%) 186,344 (31.2%) TABLE II. — Foreign Stock by Chief Nationalities. Nationality. 1910. * 1915. British Isles and Canadat (except Ireland) Canada (French) , France, Belgium Ireland Italy Germany Poland Portugal Scandinavian Countries . . . ; Turkey in Asia 63,021 77,100 65,177 69,594 73,568 71,610 42,261 61,050 9,048 10,794 t ■ 15,693 9,963 18,013 14,208 15,633 3,868 5,107 *The figures for 1910 are obtained by adding the number of foreign born of each group to the number of that group born in the United States of b'>tfi parents born abroad. The 1915 figures are obtained by adding the number of foreign born to the number native born with foreign born fathers. In the case of the British Isles, Canada, both French and others, and Ireland this diffen- ence makes the figures under 1910 somewhat smaller than would be the case were the same basis as for 1915 used. In the other countries there is very little difference, and the ratio may be taken as approximately correct. The reasons for using the different bases lies in the different methods of compiling information by the Federal Census Bureau and by the Rhode Island Bureau of Industrial Statistics. fNon-French. Jln the Federal Census of 1910 no figures are given for the Poles alone for Rhode Island. TABLE III. — Foreign Born by Principal Countries op Birth. Country of Bibth. 1900. 1905. 1910. 1915. *British Isles and Canada (Non-French) Canada (French) France and Belgium . . Ireland Italy Germany Poland Portugal Scandinavian Countries Turkey in Asia 36,220 31,530 35,499 8,972 4,359 2,483 6,814 214t 38,242 33,152 32,629 18,014 4,463 4,104 5,293 8,162 l,723t 42,162 34,087 29,715 27,286 4,457 6,068 8,606 3,132 42,723 31,416 27,044 33,802 4,227 9,489 10,449 8,230 3,896 *Except Ireland. tin 1900 and 1905 all persons born in the Turkish Empire were enumerated together, conse- quently the figures for these years include persons born both in European and Asiatic Turl-i.-i lom 005 I>tH 0s. CO 00 >o CO O C^ CO' CO 05 O CQ (N CO in t- 05 00 O ■*•»}< t^ to o t^ o CO CO ■* 0-* COIN OJCO COOO OMt lOO i>oi COOO co-H coro "-oro oco coio »OTf< looi CO 05 t^ to O! CO Tt< ca 00 ro CO oq o (N i> N CO CO (N N O 05 "?. '^. >o CO .-<■,-<" (MOO oco mt^ coto eoo lO-* CO CO ^-(^l © 00 ■* CO 00 o — I - Ci Ci lOO C^lOi OO t^C^ "-0 02 •-1 CO o o CO o -- - -' - — OI> •*■* OCOO TfiuO O O) t-o CO 00 IN CO CO o Oi 05 (N CO !>. CO •-I lO (N •-< 00 CO ^ ^ T-l 05 O ■* T-l Oio Tt^co t^io ooio OCO oco •-H 00 t^ O .-l>-l -HN ,-liMi-lr-l COIN CQCO 00 CO Tf 00 -^ COC5 C^CO -^Tl" 00-H 05O OOO t^CO 00-* ■* IM O CO -H C^ IM CO >o o o C^ C2 CO t^ Tf( CO c^O OOO c QOCO rt(N OOCO COO CO O C-1 IN t- CO ■-IN CO CO r- 00 r- o t- 00 o ,^ UO 05 CO r^ O) on 00 CO TJH CO on O) o t- 00 o 00 CO CO o r- 05 a> CD ■* t^ (jaq^O) ■ep'BnBO t- (N CO t!<' CO •* •* •* CO CO ■* CO ■* in •o 00 CO 00 CO (N 00 CO CO o T-1 1- 00 CO ^ lO ■^ •* CO CO on CD 00 O CO ,_( n O: CO CO r- IN CM CO t-' CO •(•J^) BpBUBO t- ^_ CO •* IN co ■* (N IN T»< -^ 05 r-l 00 05 oq o 03 CO IN lO 00 t- >o CO (N CO CO O CO t- lO ^ o CO •* CO t- ■* CO ■* Tf< CO CO rt •fi ■* o •-Bu^snv CM l-O O CO C3 LO O 05 03 LO O o o mo lo o 05 O O C5 lO o 03 OS no o in o OS OS OS OS mo lo o Oi Oi OS OS >c o OS OS =3 5- m O 0) •^ ^ ft POPULATION. 69 -H -H t- (M O LO -O ?5 LO ■-»< O -J •Bisy UI jCajfinj, 0-. 'S' o in •* CO (N M OS OS • O T)1 OS LO cs t^ CO >-i -* T-< 00 -J< CO CO CO N cs m •uap9Mg LO in CO OS C5 O ^■^ - OO"; ■*os coto mm oo mm com — — -^ ^ 00 b- M t-H ■" — ■BinBmno'a^ MM i-iOS OSOO -^ in OM O500 .-1,-c COM ■*■* .-I •jBSn^fjoj lOM OM -^.-i ^OO t^ O >0 M I-H M -Ht^ OSM M>-i OOt^ •pUBJOJ O M O CO r>- 03 t>- o i-l rH CO M -HOO Tl(CO OOCD ^M OS OSi-H OOO O-S" T)<^ i-H CD M lO »0 O M lOOO t)!CO 0-*< OOO MO iOt~ ■Xie%i i-H 0-X> LOO OM CO-H O M CS LO M 1-1 OS cso OO toes coos ^ LO o ^ CO -^ ■^ 'I OS ■* CO M i-T .-h" uo -^ •puBjajj 2g o 00 Lo' oo" 00 o OS o o 00 o o o 00 00 o OS o -*< co lO o l> CO o M O ■* O o OS CO in LO lO M r)< LO O 00 o CO 00 00 M 00 LO •XjBSunjj rt o o o CO o OS OS o M LO 00 o M O m M T}. rt M ^ o 00 ■puBnoH O M 00 o OS o iO o o -*< CO M CO ■* ^ -H M LO LO CO CO ■* M CO ■aoaaiQ M r(< -* l-H CO .M CO "J" LO CO o OS o M g o o LO M M '"' M CO O s O M •AnBoijaQ 00 LO -H OS O OS ^ o »o M o o 00 00 o M o LO 00 i O O •* O O CO M sg O o OS CO M O in 00 ■SOUBJ^ oo Tf< 00 OS o LO M o o § M M ^ o CO M o O CO o M LO M T-l M o CO 00 o M CO M 'puBjSaa 00 CO o o O "d^ o o 00 M M LO o CO o M CO CO g CO o CO CO CO M CO CO CO rf 00 OS 00 O O CO CO s ■* CO OS o o O -H CO M OS 5 00 00 00 00 •saipni :»sa^ O CO O lO 00 M CO LO o M CO o '"' CO ^ l> o M M • M •* M CO CO •UBdBf "BHiqQ OS o OS " LO ^^ 00 cs OS '"' = M CO M LO O ■ LO o ^l^^■^o) ■EpBUBQ -H CO O 00 LO M '-^ m" CO M M o M LO o M LO M CO CO M M O CO o M CO CO o M CO 1-1 CO ^ r- M M o o «> OS 00 ■(■J^) BpBUBQ rt LO M O 00 OS o M CO CO M O LO o 00 00 LO O OS 00 M o M o o o LO O o o § M 00 LO g -^ M o lO ■uiniSiag M M o o M M M CO lo Tjt CO O 00 - M g o • Bu;sn V O LO g o M LO 00 o OD o CO o CO CO o M CO M o o M M M M CO M •* CO CO CO CO M M M •Bi]Bj:>sny rt CO ■* M o CO M ^ CO M -*i 00 M r-H •■^ ■* "uSiaioj^ LO 00 M CO O LO o" os" -7< CO o CO o o M CO o m" O OS CO co" o OS o os" LO o o o OS co- 00 o LO m" o o ■*. CO 00 SS o co" rt 00 OS CO CO 00 m" m § 00 CO m" o o o CO o o o O CO- O O OS CO- ^oi a;Cu Qri cl) ci qjc3 qjc3 ^rt qjcS ©^ 5^5 ^S 3i 2i 3i 3i 3i 3s 3i 3i 3s 31 3s 70 COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE XIV. — Foreign Born White Males, in Providence, Twenty Years OF Age and Over. Average Weekly Wage. Country of Bikth '2 o 514 78 1,212 881 39 3,296 104 591 182 30 3,821 7,178 103 983 53 1,799 601 20 17 1,138 39 1,025 24 39 50 ■si "Sr-T 00 -0 IS d 00 o O o (M «© to p ■* «© 00 «© o o s© i o 00 u i in IN e© > O 94 4 140 98 7 439 18 38 33 3 662 2,037 16 203 10 338 98 8 2 130 1 246 2 6 8 48 1 29 14 1 57 3 13 31 2 112 1,327 3 210 3 146 18 3 2 17 2 306 8 99 12 73 24 3 181 13 26 44 3 288 2,312 2 179 8 483 34 2 3 24 361 1 5 6 91 29 116 36 2 323 10 33 41 1 605 1,756 8 194 5 343 55 3 7 148 8 5 92 6 200 93 1 517 25 87 33 3 803 847 12 170 7 263 96 2 2 153 3 111 2 8 7 70 7 309 216 5 805 22 126 18 13 786 517 13 69 10 244 123 5 1 245 7 46 5 9 7 27 2 119 79 6 305 3 48 4 2 326 138 12 51 2 66 60 2 1 123 1 14 3 3 2 39 5 154 135 7 415 7 74 3 4 345 151 17 54 6 111 78 1 187 4 16 6 3 8 27 12 170 160 10 368 12 83 4 2 374 98 21 38 8 94 70 3 ?1 4 4?! 1?4 4 31^5 9 101 4 IS'? Italy 3^ Norway 15 IS 4 Russia 49 67 232 8 10 4 3 7 65 Switzerland Turkey 10 13 Wales 3 POPULATION. 71 TABLE XV.— Foreign Born White Males, in Providence, Twenty Years OF Age and Over. Average Weekly Family Income. Country of Birth. C3 S Be I! Ho 00 o -0 a d o i IN O o 99 T)5 o (N o 9» 00 o an o OO o o 333 48 897 643 30 2,533 69 441 55 24 2,745 4,274 80 646 35 1,159 416 7 13 786 25 262 18 27 29 17 7 5 15 1 4 4 1 29 856 1 66 43 8 34 12 2 94 8 14 12 130 881 100 45 12 51 16 184 2 15 7 1 235 544 2 133 2 140 18 2 5 30 1 36 60 3 104 61 1 290 10 40 9 1 370 437 5 99 4 150 34 2 72 1 38 41 4 174 102 4 449 10 69 8 10 407 471 5 96 8 160 63 1 2 137 2 27 1 6 1 22 3 79 59 4 228 5 34 1 1 194 246 10 29 2 73 38 1 33 4 94 81 6 283 5 50 2 2 250 277 10 22 2 96 47 1 32 8 151 125 6 373 8 75 4 5 554 255 18 56 7 153 64 40 6 Canada, (Freuch) Canada, other 203 182 7 617 France 20 Germany 140 7 Holland 3 676 Italy 307 Norway 29 45 Roumania 10 33 o 1 2 1 1 16 2 178 14 1 1 5 38 1 1 4 176 Scotland 136 South America Spain 1 165 5 26 3 2 5 67 1 16 1 4 1 105 1 15 3 5 6 ''04 Switzerland Tvirkey 13 50 Wales 9 West Indies 4 2 2 2 3 Other Countries 6 72 COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE XVI. — Occupations by Selected Groups, Foreign Born White Males, in Providence, Twentvt Years of Age and Over. £ O >> c 03 S o Occupations. 03 < C8 "i a 03 O 03 TS 03 6 -0 a 03 1 "3 3 1 .2 1 T3 1 1 d 1 3 Eh Agents and Sales people . . . 20 43 64 171 26 100 83 22 107 35 15 22 Agricultural pursuits 3 2 1 15 2 104 91 22 7 11 15 4 Apparel, Workers on 33 9 9 8 11 25 324 11 102 21 20 Building trades 23 247 117 200 33 237 568 77 90 51 224 7 Clerical Work 6 18 67 15 49 35 1 16 11 7 3 Domestic and Personal service 38 18 81 28 71 29 221 70 48 51 266 84 399 303 48 169 31 65 29 18 39 21 82 Food and kindred products. 30 Jewelry, gold and silver 74 49 24 86 30 10 57 7 9 454 46 27 106 9 40 208 580 244 479 1,641 190 19 90 8 188 86 47 34 11 1 171 8 107 98 Liquor and beverages 2 Lumber and its manu- facture 10 60 34 183 13 192 35 808 12 73 38 630 41 871 25 135 11 400 4 189 13 446 16 Manufactures, baser metals 456 Manufactures, textiles .... 110 238 48 803 118 408 1,435 19 511 112 10 104 Manufactures, miscella- 15 4 36 4 50 10 128 24 14 3 248 9 171 12 95 2 108 12 15 6 28 1 30 Printing and publishing . . . 5 Transportation 15 18 92 83 126 60 131 88 15 15 503 90 473 62 211 39 49 69 33 41 76 43 33 6 Total 514 1,212 881 3,296 591 3,821 7,178 983 1,799 601 1,138 1,025 POPULATION. 73 TABLE XVII. — Residence and Naturalization, City of Providence. o ■d .2 'a 2 Years in United States. 1 1 3 0) •m.2 CountryJIof Birth. 6 > a a > d > c 4; 514 78 1,212 881 39 3,296 104 591 182 30 3,821 7,178 103 983 53 1,799 601 20 17 1,138 39 1,025 39 50 161 14 564 417 25 2,072 42 419 12 10 2,538 1,283 64 104 21 453 308 6 2 638 21 99 18 18 122 32 35 62 2 285 10 51 80 1 238 1,177 7 270 9 418 49 2 4 105 3 55 7' 136 24 104 75 4 534 20 50 73 14 393 1,856 11 221 12 526 85 2 8 188 4 268 9 18 256 22 1,073 744 33 2,477 74 490 29 15 3,190 4,145 85 492 32 8,55 467 16 5 855 32 202 30 25 143 14 425 403 24 1,664 40 394 5 9 2,423 1,158 58 102 15 325 293 6 2 575 21 87 18 11 392 46 1,177 819 37 3,011 94 540 102 29 3,583 6,001 96 723 44 1,381 552 18 13 1,033 36 470 39 43 41 30 48 Canada, other 51 68 69 45 Germany 78 12 Holland 33 Ireland 71 Italy 20 66 14 Roumania 48 32 55 33 Spain 15 62 60 Turkey 21 West Indies 46 41 *Percentage naturalized of number five years or more in the United States; i. e., presumably eligible to naturalization. 74 COMMISSIONEK OF LABOR. TABLE XVIII. — Literacy and Civil Status, City of Providence. LiTERACT. Crv- iL Status. Religion. Country of Birth. Read. Write. 1 2 2 03 £ S i < a C3 1 .a O j3 Yes. No. Yes. No. O 456 53 1,057 873 38 3,288 97 573 138 30 3,722 5,050 103 441 52 1,412 601 18 14 1,117 39 740 24 37 48 58 25 155 8 1 S 7 18 44 99 2,128 542 1 387 2 3 21 285 2 2 448 44 1,032 859 38 3,274 93 566 136 29 3,673 3,541 102 437 52 1,365 601 17 13 1,102 39 714 24 37 47 66 34 180 22 1 22 11 25 46 1 148 3,637 1 546 1 434 3 4 36 311 2 3 161 14 564 417 25 2,072 42 419 12 10 2,538 1,283 64 104 21 453 308 6 2 638 21 99 18 18 18 70 10 53 73 6 370 14 48 15 9 308 1,296 6 43 15 350 65 2 161 7 36 3 5 4 283 54 595 391 8 854 48 124 155 11 975 4,599 33 836 17 996 228 12 15 339 11 890 3 16 28 66 ■8 46 570 35 2,708 35 436 9 20 195 20 98 7 272 66 1,166 311 3 561 68 135 173 10 3,624 7,158 5 972 162 4 14 1 9 17 18 France 1 3 Holland 2 Italy Portugal 53 840 4 25 459 2 2 1,108 23 176 21 23 27 932 142 14 15 20 16 518 3 16 15 2 2 2 Turkey 3 328 Wales Other Countries 3 5 POPULATION. 75 TABLE XIX. S o Conjugal Condition. Relationship. Number in Family. Country of Birth. ■a 03 a m o •6 03 > "S -a o PQ ffl 7 13 11 45 4 7 8 58 88 12 21 4 5 16 1 34 1 1 d Eh 42 15 135 147 9 509 17 115 14 6 453 357 12 106 4 127 66 1 2 150 5 34 3 7 6 t H 65 15 120 148 8 627 14 111 11 4 421 498 19 132 4 219 95 2 2 183 9 48 4 4 8 & 82 4 167 123 6 516 12 83 9 5 457 621 15 122 10 226 80 1 1 177 3 48 8 10 5 6 > S 44 7 120 94 2 364 12 61 6 4 422 806 13 104 4 214 67 1 1 103 2 35 2 4 5 > o o W 514 78 1,212 881 39 3,296 104 591 182 30 3,721 7,178 103 983 53 1,799 601 20 17 1,138 39 1,025 24 39 50 373 58 926 656 30 2,475 71 447 85 24 2,643 5,558 80 734 36 1,416 422 7 S 732 28 460 18 31 32 134 19 246 207 8 670 31 123 97 6 989 1,506 18 227 17 379 154 13 9 378 6 558 5 8 18 7 1 40 18 1 151 2 21 189 214 5 22 25 28 333 48 897 645 30 2,533 69 441 55 24 2,745 4,272 80 646 35 1,159 416 7 13 786 25 262 18 27 29 68 4 155 106 5 409 9 44 13 4 422 1,268 9 104 14 268 93 9 1 105 3 118 3 4 4 113 26 160 130 4 354 26 106 114 2 654 1,638 14 233 4 372 92 4 3 257 11 645 3 8 17 93 7 Canada, (French) 342 122 5 England 472 France 12 64 7 Holland 4 Ireland 934 Italy 1902 Norway 21 170 13 352 Scotland 104 South America 2 Spain '?. 157 Switzerland Turkey 5 63 Wales 3 "West Indies 6 Other Countries 3 76 COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE XX. — Residence in the United States and in Rhode Island. Years in the United States. Years in Rhode Island. Country of Birth. Under Five. Five to Ten. Over Ten. Under Five. Five to Ten. Over Ten. 122 32 35 62 2 285 10 51 80 1 238 1.177 7 270 9 418 49 2 4 1,105 3 555 136 24 104 75 4 534 20 50 73 14 393 1,856 11 221 12 526 85 2 8 188 4 268 9 18 256 22 1,073 744 33 2,477 74 490 29 15 3,190 4,145 85 492 32 855 467 16 5 855 32 202 30 25 163 33 87 114 5 408 20 83 102 8 347 1,188 14 343 12 441 86 6 6 143 9 579 2 12 155 25 162 118 9 511 22 69 61 12 373 1,916 21 231 16 531 99 2 5 197 7 270 10 15 196 30 963 649 25 England 2,377 France 62 Germany 439 Greece 19 Holland 10 Ireland 3,101 Italy 4,074 68 Portugal 409 Roumania 25 Russia 627 Scotland 416 12 6 Sweden 798 Switzerland 23 Turkey 176 West Indies 27 Other Countries 7 23 POPULATION. 77 TABLE XXI. — Distribution by Age Periods. Total. 20 to 30. 31 to 40. 41 to 50. 51 to 60. 514 226 154 88 29 78 25 33 14 6 1,212 259 364 301 194 881 196 249 260 122 39 10 8 12 7 3,296 587 928 960 532 104 31 24 28 11 591 101 60 143 107 182 103 50 25 4 30 9 7 12 1 3,821 616 976 1,241 638 7,178 2,053 2,075 1,477 899 103 22 21 27 23 983 399 337 162 66 53 22 12 7 6 1,799 622 467 508 141 601 125 149 165 114 20 12 2 4 2 17 7 6 1 3 1,138 246 418 265 149 39 9 9 7 10 1,025 376 278 248 114 24 9 3 6 4 39 6 11 11 8 50 19 15 8 6 61 and Austria Belgium Canada (French) Canada (Other) . Denmark England France Germany Greece Holland Ireland Italy Norway Portugal Roumania Russia Scotland South America . . Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey Wales West Indies Other Countries . 17 94 54 2 289 10 80 1 350 674 10 19 7 61 60 4 9 2 3 2 78 COMMISSIONER OF LABOR. TABLE XXII. — Immigeants Landing at Port of Providence, 1915, by Destinations and Countries of Origin. Destination. Race. Rhode Island. New England not Rhode Island. New York. Elsewhere. Total. Arabian 1 64 14 4 5 50 4 130 1 Armenian 73 199 45 381 Berber 14 English 4 French 1 16 1 3 7 Greek 12 81 German 4 Italian 639 227 35 1 1 543 1 24 1,031 1 Jew Kurdish 109 .545 212 2,410 1 43 901 365 Portuguese 4,399 Russian 2 Spanish 5 294 1 244 24 323 Swiss 4 112 76 5 Syrian 68 30 87 12 511 Turk 142 Total 1,486 3,253 753 1,779 7,271 Percentage bt Destinations. All. Armenians , Italians. . . Kurdish . . . Portuguese Syrians . . . Turks. . . . 20.4% 44.8% lp.3% 24.5% 19.2% 61.0% 30.0% 12.6% 13.3% 21.2% 52.2% 22.0% 58.2% 54.8% 21.9% 53.5% 11.9% 4.4% 16.7%. 12.6% 11.8%. 12.6% 17.0% 8.4% 20.0% 47.8% 16.9% LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 013 821 537 4 #