Class Q. HOUSE .... No. 1696 Cfte Commontoealtf) of ^a00ac|)U0ett0« EEPOKT OF COMMISSIONEKS APPOINTED TO INVESTIGATE AS TO THE FEASIBILITY AND PROBABLE COST OF TAKING LAKE QUINSIGAMOND AND ITS SHORES FOR A STATE RESERVATION. To the Honorable Senate and House of Representatives. The undersigned, a commission authorized and directed by chapter 529 of the Acts of 1911 to consider the feasibility and cost of taking Lake Quinsigamond with its shores as a reservation, beg leave to report as follows : — The act under which this report is made is as follows : — An Act to provide tor an Investigation as to the Feasibility AND Probable Cost of taking Lake Quinsigamjond and ITS Shores for a State Reservation. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Section 1. The governor, with the advice and consent of the council, shall appoint three persons, residents of the county of Worcester, who shall investigate the feasibility of taking Lake Quinsigamond, so-called, in the city of Worcester and the town of Shrewsbury, with its shores and sufficient approaches thereto, and maintaining it as a city, county or state reservation. They shall, report to the next general court, not later than January fifteenth, stating the probable cost of the said taking, and they may expend a sum not exceeding five hundred dollars in carrying out the pro- visions of this act. 2 LAKE QUINSIGAMOND. [Feb. Section 2. The expenses hereunder shall be paid out of an ap- propriation for that purpose made by the county of Worcester. Section 3. This act shall take effect upon its passage. [Ap- proved June 6, 1911. In pursuance of the authority thus conferred, the commis- sion has given two public hearings, one at the council cham- ber of the citv hall, Worcester, on the fifth day of October, 1911, and one at the hall of the Worcester Board of Trade on the fourth day of January, 1912. Conferences have been held wi\h the selectmen of Shrewsbury and with a business men's club of the same town ; numerous conferences have also been held with many residents and land owners upon the shores of the lake; with representatives of clubs at the lake and with citizens of Worcester and Shrewsbury. The lake and its environs have been inspected by the commission, and they have availed themselves of the investigation and report of Mr. Arthur A. Shurtlelf, landscape architect, of Boston. Accompanying this report are two maps showing the lake and so much of the shore as includes the adjacent highways. Map A indicates the location and extent of private owner- ship by numerical reference to the accompanying index of owners, and map B forms part of the accompanying report made to the commission by Mr. Arthur A. ShurtlefF. Also accompanying this report is a list of private owners, numerically arranged, to serve as an index to the numbers on map A; 22 photographs giving views of the lake and its residential development, and communications from boat users, residents and from citizens representing public or private interests at the lake. The duties imposed upon the commission are limited to a consideration of the feasibility and cost of a city, county or State reservation at Lake (^uinsigamond, thereby implying its desirability. It will not be irrelevant, however, to review some of the conditions existing at the lake, as they were an important factor in arriving at this report as justifying its recommendations. Lake Quinsigamond occupies a narrow basin about 5 miles in length, lying in a northerly and southerly direction be- Q iz; O < O CO iz; M c H a o iz; o H O m Q iz; o < o Q hH CO (4 iz; » Q O i i ' 'M.^ .% '^'- ' 4U ■ ■''i\ :-f H P iz; \ H > -J! Q iz; o § ■# a » < H o iz; Q 03 Pi m Q o < o M iz; c H O sz; Q M M ^ O i4 H O ' n < 3 fc Q iz; o < o l-l m c H iz; HI o 111 ta C < < o Pi 1^ q" o O" Q iz; O