BF 1999 .63 Copy 1 .."/;.. > / ://,:/: \ P LIBRARY OF CONGRESS ■■■■111 000100711H ,. ■I 1| ■ 111 11 • ■•••' Class _JiRilV5_ Rook ( x 3 Gopyright^N°___ COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT; \ Christhood and Adeptship A Work Giving the Laws Which Lead To Success and Soul Illumination, and Will Give the People the Religion They Have Been Looking For. The Illumination of the Soul. BY F. E. GAR1NER AND DR. R. SWINBURNE CLYMER. PUBLISHED BY THE PHILOSOPHICAL PUBLISHING CO., Allentown, Pa. Oy\ ft Copyrighted, 1910, by DR. R. SWINBURNE CLYMER. All Rights Reserved. CCIA278999 □ PREFACE. D By Dr. T?. Swinbutne Clymer. HE MISSION of the present work is some- what different from that of others which the student may have, in that it is the desire of the publishers to accomplish two things. jS First, to give yc u instructions which will lead you to success and contentment. In this it is much along the line of the present New Thought, but with a difference. Second, to give the reader a religion which he can accept and put into practice. New Thought, at the present time, has turned nearly altogether to the material plane, in that it is simply a matter of trying to help people to financial success, and seldom do we in these days find any mention at all of the Soul, or that which is all in all. Men forget that, even though New Thought may help them to financial success, very little is accomplish- ed for the man of to-day may be the angel of to-mor- row. To-day we may be in all our glory, to-morrow we may be laid out all in white. There is that other success— the greater development of the Soul, the finding of the Christ, the becoming of an Adept — which, placing us in that same glory to-day is, also, our glory on the morrow, even if we should have Passed beyond the Veil. CHRISTHOOD AND ADEPTSHIP. The mission of the present book is, therefore, to teach you how to succeed on the material plane, and, also, how to meet with still greater success on the Soul or Spiritual plane. Millions of people are demanding a New Religion, or rather a new exposition of the Old Religion. These people are not satisfied with Spiritualism, for that leads to negation — to the loss of both Individuality and Per- sonality, these people are not satisfied with New Thought, for that leads to Materialism and complete loss in the end. In fact, it leads to failure and material- ism, as was so fully proven by that glorious leader, Helen Wilmans. These millions demand a Religion that will meet the requirements of the Twentieth Century. In fact, it is a demand for a sane Philosophy, a sane Religion, and one which, at the same time, reaches the heart as well as the head. The Coming Church will be the Church of Illumin- ation. There is no Creed to the Church. There is mighty little of Dogma. It is a religion of the Soul — the Illumination of the Heart. The present work will fully satisfy this demand as no other work can, and if the student desires the full benefit of these glorious teachings, he or she, should obtain the two books, "The Son of Man" and "The Beautiful Philosophy of Life," and he or she will not only have a Religion that satisfies the Soul, but a com- plete Philosophy, as well as a Moral Law, which no force on earth can destroy. CHRISTHOOD AND ADEPTSHIP. Man can be both a financial success on the earth plane and to reach Christhood or Adeptship on the Spiritual plane. In fact, if he desires to develop truly he must succeed on both planes. It is true that in some cases suffering may be neces- sary before he can attain to this state, but if such is the case, then it is well for him to bear it, for then he need not fear that he must return upon the earth plane in order to live out a bad Karma. Suffering is always but the working out of just Laws, and the sooner we go through such suffering the better it will be for us. To reach Christhood is simply to evolve to a higher state. This must be accomplished through Soul devel- opment. It is to acquire the capacity to look after those lower than ourselves, as you may acquire the ca- pacity to look after those whom you employ. Says a teacher: "There are two sides to the Universe. Between these two sides exist an Opacity called the 'Veil.' Both sides of this Veil occupy the same space; both sides of the Universe, and all aspects, therefore, of all things occupy identically the same places and space. However, it takes the Soul-developed senses to see and sense Soul-things. It takes Spiritual Perception, or In- tuition, to perceive Spiritual-things. It takes one who is Soul-developed, and with a Spiritual Mind to under- stand anything in the Worlds of Soul on the other side of the Veil, but who may be right here occupying the same places and within the objects of materiality/' It is for this reason that a true Religion must be of both the Soul and the body. It is for this reason that CHRISTHOOD AND ADKPTSHIP. instead r of becoming Spiritualized, New Thought has become Materialized. This is not to condemn New Thought, for it has accomplished great good, but it is only to point out its weakness. The reader must bear in mind that it is not our desire to tear down. On the contrary, we do not wish to tear down but to build up. We know that if we build upon truth that our structure will stand, while those built upon semi-truth or falsehood will fall. There is very much in New Thought. In fact, its material Laws are founded upon the greatest Truths. Its weakness is that it does not consider the Soul as greater than the body. Eliphas Levi, the great French Master and Kabbalist, writing more than a century ago, said: "To accomplish anything we must believe in our ability to accomplish, and this faith must be at once translated into action. Faith has no tentative effort. It begins in the certainty of finishing, and works calm- ly as though it had omnipotence at its disposal and eternity before it. Dare to formulate desire, whatever it may be, then set to work immediately, and cease not to act in the same manner and for the same end. What you wish for will take place, and has already begun for you." This is really the Great Law that will lead to success in both the material and the spiritual. It is only for man to Desire, to have Faith, and to WORK with the end in view, and success will come. Sixtus V. was a poor, ignorant boy, tending sheep. CHRISTHOOD AND ADEPTSHIP. He became Pope. Napoleon was low in birth and breeding, but he as- cended the throne of France. Benjamin Franklin walked the streets of Philadel- phia with a roll of bread tucked under his arm, and the people laughed at him. They finished by allowing him to do their thinking. Cyrus W. Field was an imaginary fool, but he was able, through persistence, to lay the transatlantic cable. Lincoln was the rail-splitter, but he became Presi- dent, and it is doubtful whether there has ever been a man more honest or more honored. These were the men who Desired to do things, who had Faith in themselves, and who were WILLING to be LAUGHED at, WILLING to SUFFER in order that they might prove the truth of the things they advoca- ted. The opportunities of the present day are as great as they were in the years gone by. It is simply a ques- tion as to whether you DESIRE to do things, whether you DARE to stand by your convictions, and whether you are WILLING to SUFFER and to WORK in or- der to succeed. Fraternally yours, DR. R. SWINBURNE CLYMER. 10 CHRISTHOOD AND ADEPTSHIP. THE CHRIST. CHAPTER ONE THE CHRIST. □ HEN Jesus asked His disciples, "Whom say ye that I am ?" Peter answered and said, "Thou art the Christ, the son of the Living God." And Jesus answered: "Blessed art thou, for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in Heaven." Flesh and blood cannot reveal the Christ to man. It is Spirit WITHIN, and this is the idea that the Master gave to all those who were capable of understanding. To know the Christ, to demonstrate the Christ, is given only when man becomes conscious of, and in unity with, his Spiritual selfhood. For hundreds of years orthodox religious teachers have become so embued with bigotry and false knowledge until the true idea of the Christ has been lost sight of. Knowl- edge and much learning does not always give man the Spiritual understanding which his soul craves. Christ as THE SON OF GOD dwells in all. Christ is not a being, a deified form of being. Christ is the true con- ception of being, of what constitutes God. Jesus' works alone were not the cause of His fame and notoriety at that time. It was the idea He taught and dem- 12 CHRISTHOOD AND ADEPTSHIP. onstrated. The prophets had healed diseases and raised the dead. Great works had been accomplished in every gen- eration, but no man preached divinity WITHIN man. No man had ever lived before who demonstrated that man is responsible unto himself for his own misdeeds and sinning. This truth could not be manifested or revealed by flesh and blood, but only through Divine revelation. Man, in order to know the Christ and its Power, must come into Consciousness with his INNER self. Jesus Him- self came into Supreme Consciousness of being only in His last state of incarnation. We are told He was "like as we are, but without sin." He met with the same tempta- tions, and was under the same laws. Is anything plainer than this ? He gave us a hope, also, that man may over- come much Karma, and step out into the aura of Unity with Divinity if he so will it, and will not be overcome in his progress by the laws of the flesh, which is continually endeavoring to hold him back. The Mind is that Spark of Divinity which is evolved through material conception. This small speck of creation is drawn into the aura of those minds which are in harmony with its own. At conception it begins to build itself a body to dwell in, and throughout the body it sends the electrical or magnetic currents, which is the Soul, but is not the Spirit. The spirit is the tiny speck from the Great Spirit-Crea- tor. Man's spirit itself is a Creator. CHRISTHOOD AND ADEPTSHIP. 13 It creates for him his every desire. Every thought he draws to him or gives out is a created thing — a current or vibration. We can feel them but not see them, but we can see their manifestations. For instance, if he loves, he man- ifests love, and we see it in his movements, his voice, his eyes. Hate, also, is as forcibly manifested, and all these thoughts are formed into an aura or vibration which emanates from the body, and they have power to build up or destroy. Jesus taught this principle of Truth. He taught men the mighty force of Love, Unity, and good fellowship. He taught men that only from good works could they reap a good harvest. His idea of Divinity, His daily ministra- tions proved it to be Love, Understanding, and Purity. We cannot lie to our spirit. Every vibration sends forth a record of each deed, good or bad, which we commit. Love of Truth, of God-likeness, of beneficence to our fel- lowmen, opens the door to the Unfoldment of the Christ WITHIN us. Every vibration accumulated and concen- trated bears fruit of its own kind. Every human being has a part of Divinity WITHIN him. It is his spirit, his own Creator, the speck that crea- ted him, and through every day of his life is still creating. All that we live in or draw to us we have created. We create hope, happiness, pleasure, goodness, and truth, or we create the opposite. Thus is man the creator of his 14 CHRISTHOOD AND ADEPTSHIP, own destiny, and to a certain extent of others. The spirit reveals only in proportion to its size. When the soul is evil, dwarfed, crippled by envy, jealousy, hate, and mal- ice, the manifestation of Spirit, God, is very small. The dwarfed, mishappen soul is far worse than the mis- happen body. It is better for a man to enter the kingdom of heaven halt and blind physically than to go to hell phys- ically perfect. As the Christ begins to develop, the Soul draws upon every vibration of good, Truth, Love, and Wisdom, in the Universe. "Know ye not that ye are the temples of the living God?" Know ye not fhat WITHIN yourself is a Divine spark of the Creator-God, and that the body has been builded by a tiny spark which is evolving around toward a greater body and greater soul? This Divine Spark is the Christ WITHIN, and by constant effort and pure thoughts of love, wisdom, and gentleness, unites ALL in its develop- ment. That man beside you, he may be a hog, but he sprang from the same source you did. You are his brother. He bears your likeness, as you bear the likeness of your Crea- tor. Hence God is no respector of persons. God creates perfection. God the Christ is in constant creation of Good, Love and Truth, As man begins his steps towards the CHRISTHOOD AND ADEPTSHIP. 15 Christ, he finds many Judas Iscariots ready to tear down every good work. Every vibration is crossed by material or fleshy demands. Therefore, it is better for him to be protected and guarded by those who know and who un- derstand how to guide him over the pitfalls. The Master protected His own with power of Himself. How carefully were the eleven guarded even in the mo- ment of His greatest of struggles and His laying down of life. We know not what manner of spirit we are of until the Christ metes out judgment or punishment. It dwells there ever WITHIN, a faithful watchman of his own, even though the tiny spark is almost lost, and He is there al- ways even unto the end, and the end is what each individ- ual creates for himself. Vain words and pretenses can never develop the Divine spark into a Christ. Love unto all the stumbling, striving, struggling crea- tures is the beacon light that fills the long dark valley with its rays, and draws unto itself greater Light, greater Peace and greater Power and Plenty, making Sons of God and Creators of worlds uncreated. The Christ is the true, the perfect, supreme man of God, the Creator of Goodness and Truth. 16 CHRISTHOOD AND^ADEPTSHIP. 3 ■THE DiyiNE I&C DAAVt- c a c D CHAPTER TWO. THE DIVINE I&C 94A&C. □ VERY man brought to earth and made flesh has at least a spark of the Divine WITHIN him. There is scarcely a human being who cannot love, and love is the brightest flame of the Di- vine. The great love nature of many is their weak- ness, but this weakness can be made a power for goodness through proper development. When Jesus stood by the well at Sychar and asked a drink of the Samaritan woman, He recognized the power that led her into sin could be made the power of righteous- ness. And we understand how she transferee! her great vibrations of love into doing good and what she accomp- lished. The flame of Divinity, which had been abused and misdirected, accomplished more than the combined efforts of all the disciples, because all the people of Samaria knew what manner of woman she was, and the great change it wrought within her made them believe. The soul of man in the beginning is Divine. It is drawn from the Creator, and eventually, after many stages of evolution, finds its way to a higher estate within man. The Divine soul, in its awakened Consciousness, throws off its 18 CHRISTHOOD AND ADEPTSHIP. earth likeness and takes on the spiritual. The desires of the flesh, the fascination of the material beautiful, wears off, and beneath its mesh he sees and knows the Soul- beautiful. Through development the soul is able to manifest its spiritual likeness. All pretense, all subterfuge and petty, as well as bold hypocrisy is thrown out, torn out by the roots and the real likeness, the beautiful spiritual realnessis man- ifest. Souls are what are needed to-day. Divine, Loving, Un- derstanding Souls. In development we are able to see ourselves as we are. When the INNER Voice begins to question; when it de- mands an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, we tremble and know wherein we have failed. Souls are created by the Giver of All Life. God "breathed the breath of life into man and he be- came a living Soul." There is a tiny Divine spark in every living thing. It is the Breath of Life, the Creator, and the speck either grows larger, bigger and more in the Image of its Creator, or it retrogrades and is swallowed up by the grosser elements of the flesh. All is vibration, and vibration comes from heat or fire. Even the grossest elements of matter contain certain kinds of heat, or electrical and magnetic vibrations or currents, CHRISTHOOD AND ADEPTSHIP. 19 While the Divine in man is small, it is mighty, and is capable of purifying the gross element of flesh. When the desire for purity, truth and love is strong and firm within mind, the gross electrical flame is consumed and destroyed by the Divine. But the gross flesh cannot destroy the Di- vine. The Divine must grow, must create, must develop. If the gross overcomes the Divine, it is thrust apart, the soul is rent in twain, and that which is evil is thrown into the great melting pot of Nature, while the atom, the Di- vine that remains, is gathered back to the Creator and is compelled to go through another evolutionary journey. This is the second death, but "He that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death." When man begins to develop Divinity, he straightway begins to live it. It is not given in words, for words are but vain things, and the devil quotes more Scripture and uses the most subtle and fair speech of any. "He that saith I know Him, and Keepetb Not His Com- ments, is a liar and the Truth (God) is not in him." "He that saith he abideth in Him ought himself also so to walk even as He walked." Love, Tenderness, Goodness, and Truth, are four great essentials for development of the Divine IN man. Walk as He walked, and He dwelleth WITHIN. "It does not yet appear what we shall be; but we know 20 CHRISTHOOD AND ADEPTSHIP. that when he shall appear we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is." Thus, when the Christ, which is the Divine, shall appear to us, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as a pure White Flame of Fire WITHIN the soul of us. We must walk as he walked. We must be judge of ourselves, our own acts, our words, our life we live, for "God is Spirit, and must be worshipped in spirit and in truth." True wor- ship, which is true development, cannot be manifested any other way to the soul itself. We have power to judge, to know ourselves. We are a small world, capable of evolv- ing into great realms, or we can be destroyed by our own selves. Right thinking, right living, and concentrated effort are vibrations of power, unity, and truth. We must be the Creator of our own destiny as well as the Master. The star that glimmers in the distance may grow into the light of day — the day that dawns WITHIN the soul, and lights the space and the realms of darkness into eternal beams of Truth. When we love a person or a thing dearly, we manifest this love in every conceivable way. We never tire doing for those we love. When the soul awakens from its Adam dream, which is the dream and delusion of the flesh, it begins to love good- ness more than evil, truth more than hypocrisy and pre- CHRISTHOOD AND ADEPTSHIP. 21 tense. It begins to manifest that love by doing everything within its power to farther truth and righteousness. It is man's by right of inheritance. He is what he Wills to be. He attains what he Wills 'Jo attain. There are thousands of vibrations floating in the Ether- sphere of human mind constantly. They are daily draw- ing and storing up energy of the same elements which they are composed of, and are transferring them to every recep- tive individual in the universe. The good are daily dis- tinguished from the bad, and can be used in harmony with our own vibrations. If we desire the good, we have only to develop along those lines to be able to draw upon and store up the forces and vibrations from all good minds. The Divine is attained through the development of these forces, and learning how to draw them, and he immediate- 1\ demonstrates the invisible Christ in his every-day life. Swedenborg says that the "Witt makes the man, and Thought only so far as it proceeds from the Will; and deeds or works proceed from both." Hence it follows that the will, or love, is the man himself, for the things which pro- ceed belong to that from which they proceed. To proceed is to be produced and presented in suitable form, so as to be perceived and seen (manifested). There- fore, when man becomes a Christ, when he begins to de- velop that small spark of Divine Flame, it is produced and presented so as to be preceived and seen. ■ 22 CHRISTHOOD AND ADKPTSHIP. You must analyze yourself and see yourself just as you are (your real self), and not as others think you are, nor as you idealize yourself and think you would like to be. Then place yourself under discipline, and follow the in- structions of the Masters, and' the illumination will mark your way and make it plain and unerring in the way He walked before you. □ CHAPTER THREE. ■DEVELOPMENT. □ RUE spiritual development is Soul Growth. No one has power to develop into the great realms of Truth until he has perfected himself a through right living and soul training. There is a wrong idea concerning develop- ment among certain classes. Some think de- velopment is attained by becoming negative and going under the control of a disembodied spirit. This is a grave mistake. Control is not development. Development is GROWTH. Growth is not to grow dwarfed, and twist- ed, and misshapen. It is to grow into the fulness of Life, Light and Being. It is the attainment of at-one-ment with the Christ. It is the attainment of that which is above. It can be attained by all who are willing to obey the laws, not of man* but of the Truth. In the beginning the Creator created the laws of Life and Righteousness. These laws hold through all time. They always were, and always will be. They are the same laws that developed Nature to perfection and beauty, and one needs only to conform to those laws to attain perfection and Soul Development, 24 CHRISTHOOD AND ADEPTSHIP. From the time that the Word became flesh the laws of evolution, or development, have remained unchanged and invincible — invincible because they are just and right, and man does not suffer when he obeys them, but only when he disobeys. To dis-obey brings sure and severe punishment. To obey brings all that heart can desire and soul may attain. The desire for development is the first step towards its at- ment. Man "shall not live by bread alone, but by EVERY word of the living God." Therefore, it demands certain requir- ments. The first is desire. 1 he desire of every man's heart is for the best. Material mortal man, through groping and stumbling in the dark, blindly snatching at opportunity for advancement on his own plane of the physical, desires to live. He would live on and on in his old environments if he can lengthen out his days into many years. This desire, even for material existence, is but the cry of the hungry soul striving for recognition and development. When you respond to that cry, you have made the first step towards development. Even during the first stage of unfoldment, the soul rids itself of all pretense, affectation and frivolities of a physical life. As it emerges into unity it becomes more uniform and natural and real. Its desire is to cultivate the Divine PLAN OF LIFE and Being, but, as we draw near- er, we can distinguish the false from the real, and the mys- CHRISTHOOD AND ADEPTSHIP. 25 tery is still a greater mystery, even though we begin to travel a part of the net that covers its deeper meaning. The Soul, as it evolves upward, draws to itself the as- sistance of all in harmony with it. There is a meaning, and a tenderness, heretofore unknown in the air we beathe, in the sunlight that falls in natural golden rays across our path, in the lightning's flash that, for the moment, bursts aside a veil of darkness and allows us a glimpse of some- thing too deep for man to discern, unless he is one who who knows. No one should attempt to develop alone. There are dangers in the path of development, and un- less one is protected by the thoughts and forces of those who have overcome the dangers and pitfalls, he is apt to meet with failure, and, what is worse, obsession. As we strive onward, there are others who would hold us back. Even Peter, the right-hand disciple, was not im- mune, for did not the Master say to him on one occasion, "Satan hath desired thee, Simon Bayona." The physical body finds it difficult to expand and grow into the shape and beauty of the soul, and, for this reason, it retards the progress until brought into complete subjec- tion. The true development is not as taught by many who have not the real mysteries, nor have they been taught by the Masters. Development is not being able to become passive and negative, and then becoming receptive to any 26 CHRISTHOOD AND ADEPTSHIP. knowledge that comes along. This is the line usually taught, but Jesus tells us to "subdue all things," but not to be subdued. True development is acquired by subjecting all things beneath us, and growing into higher, by continued positive thoughts and right living. When we attain a certain plane all that it can give is ours to have, and all the knowledge within its borders flows to us. It is ours by right of con- quest. It is the reward for faithful and earnest efforts. After having attained all that these forces can give, we must go on, for knowledge is limitless. No man knows it all. It is the duty of the Order to protect, assist in govern- ing, and guide all students into the safe paths of develop- ment. The Masters know the student's mind, his weak- nesses, his strength, and are bound by the most sacred obligations to assist and strengthen him through his initia- tion. Man— soul and body— is the Temple of the Infinite Spir- it, and in him are etheric atoms belonging to all the spirit- ual states and spaces, some active and some latent. It is necessary to understand the laws of vibration, of concen- tration, accumulation, and transference, to attain absolute harmony and intercourse with the forces of certain states that dwell in certain spaces. The Order has understood these laws from time immemorable, and no other school CHRISTHOOD AND ADEPTSHIP. 27 guards and protects its students with the care and watch- fulness of the /Eth Brotherhood. When man began to learn certain laws, he began to abuse them, and there are many in the world to-day who care nothing what happens to the student so long as they pay. Some teachers are absolutely faithless to their trust, and are more harmful then beneficial. To be able to produce a phenomena is a sign all should beware of, for no good comes of it, and much harm can be done. The soul must be instructed and trained with extreme care. The house must be purified, the evil mind cleaned from evil thoughts, to send out pure, wholesome, healthful vibrations, and these thought vibrations will lift the soul up where the world is cleaner and better to live in. The mind, which is the electrical unit of the soul, sends out the very substance that nourishes or destroys both body and soul. Hence, the mind is the beginning, the first floor to cleanse of all its rubbish. Each student is surrounded by all the clean, wholesome vibrations from the White Broth- erhood of the Order, and by contributing to his strength he is assisted over the tides of darkness and temptation, and is enabled to gain what he could not attain alone and unguarded. Conscious efforts repeatedly concentrated into real, ac- tual desire, accumulates rapidly as the soul wings on its 28 CHRISTHOOD AND ADEPTSHIP. way, and the transference of these mighty forces into the heavenly realms insures the student the unveilment of the mighty beams of Truth, the mysteries which were hidden from the ages, the problem of being which baffles the men of learning of all times and of to-day, are simplified and easily understood. Development alone is the saving grace of the soul. Only through its intricate but simple way, when once learned, can one attain the highest state given to man to attain. □ CHAPTER FOUR. D FOWMOLOGY. VERY individual has an ideal, a standard, a prin- ciple which he wishes to attain. It may be that his ideal does not lift him upward to any great M extent, but it does lift him above himself. In U the building of an ideal, the mind and will are focussed, or concentrated, upon an idea, or thought, or in channels which lead to an ultimate point or idea. We never see the false side of our ideals. Only the beautiful, the desirable picture is formed and held in contemplation. No man ever bowed to an idol of clay knowingly. The beautiful side of his god was pre- sented, and this called forth his admiration, love and de- votion. Whatever the mind concentrates upon, that it creates. The one thought gathers and accumulates to itself the thoughts which surround it, and thus it forms a large and more realistic vision. It is forming, holding, moulding, and giving birth to a something that steadily draws him in its wake. The mind is the electrical center, the womb, of all created ideals. Within itself it holds the unseen forces of Power, of For- 30 CHRISTHOOD AND ADEPTSHIP. mation that gives life, and strength, and reality, to every dream. The dreamer steeped with visions of his own power, greatness,and fame draws upon these forces and builds his ideal stronger. Every hope is centered there. Physical labor is a machine to carry him on to the realization of his dream. As force creates force, perfection creates perfection, so does mind create mind, soul creates soul, as well as matter creates matter, and it all takes definite form, evolving into stronger and more compact shape. Then the ideal fits into the material and becomes whatever the mind wills, physi- cal, mental, or Adeptship. The building of thoughts leads up to Mastership or Adeptship. When man realizes the power and force of mind, and when he uses those forces to bring forth, he places himself in line with Creators or Adepts, and so eventually attains all the forces and power for which his soul has yearned. Gathering of forces, ac- cumulating energy is the power that all men seek. WITHIN EVERY MIND dwells an ideal, or a picture of some desire. The ideal may be a trifling seed, an acorn, but the bare fact of its being there proves its desire, and its capability to grow. As it grows and expands, it creates and demands energy and response. Within Nature's great storehouse is a vast amount of energy, life, force, power, and strength to utilize and ac- CHRISTHOOD AND ADEPTSHIP. 31 cumulate. When we fail to live up to the idea 1 , we mar its likeness and our chances of attainment. It is possible for man to attain every ideal. It is possible to grow to become what we WILL. Concentration unlocks the door of the strongest, and makes us masters of our dreams. To WILL a thing Con- sciously and in understanding sets in motion certain laws that become our masters or our slaves. Mastership comes only throngh long and arduous train- ing. It is the determination to attain the desire, the thing that makes happy. As the potter moulds the clay, so may the Master mould the Will, and is able to calm storm-tossed seas, and dem- onstrate true Magic. The Magician spends hours, days, weeks, months and years in absolute perfect training to attain his ideah— his Adeptship. If he never accomplishes anything, it is because he never attempted anything. He did not hold fast. He did not work, accumulate, and wisely transfer his energy and force. Napoleon always gathered his forces together. He nev- er allowed a moment to be idly wasted. He moulded and builded as he planned and his ideal was empires. Herein was his power. He knew how to direct and use his forces so as to gain results. Only the blind ignorant go through 32 CHRISTHO'OD AND ADEPTSHIP. life without purpose, like drift wood washing the shores of strange seas. Goodness gives power and knowledge, and assists men to attain greater heights. The building of a bridge, of a palace or a cottage is but the forming and building of an idea, or ideal. On the physical plane everything is mould- ed or created in conformity to the mind that draws it. Ev- erything is created in harmony with itself. The pure does not conform or harmonize with the impure. Hence it is impossible for anything to be formed or created out of the law of harmony. Every law builds another law, thus it is that every ideal builds ideals in conformity to itself or its . law. No one ever built up anything standing still. There is more power in action than in anything else. The active mind constantly accumulating, planning, building up an ideal or dream. The inactive mind is stagnant. It is like the slimy stagnant pool of water that breeds a host of evils and disease. The ideal mind is active. It gathers more activity and so is able to progress on toward Mastership and power. The great law of the JEth Brotherhood is work and ac- tivity. To build up for perfection every grain of thought force and energy must be used. The great power of the Hindus lies in constant accumulation of thought force, the energet- CHRISTHOOD AND ADEPTSHIP. 33 ic, live, concentrated force thought or mind. It is a sim- ple law, as simple as the a, b, c, but it is mighty. Half the people in the world, and even a greater major- ity, are daily charging themselves with electrical, or mag- netic, vibrations that tear down instead of building up. Their desire may be to attain perfection or adeptship, but through ignorance or varied weaknesses they destroy in- stead of creating. The great teachers and masters have understood and operated these laws hundreds of years be- fore these laws were known to the people. It did not center for the first time in the philosophies or the Vedas of the Hindus, nor was Confucius the origina- tor of any of these laws. They sprung from the begin- ning, from the gods of creation, and were given to man when the first beams of Truth began to break upon his sorded, fleshy imbued mind. As long ago as the time when Lemurian shadows drap- ed the evening twilight in purple, heliotrope and crimson gold, have these Mystic laws of Truth built up in gradual fold the ideals of perfection and adeptship. Any man can become Master of what he wills, if he will obey these laws that were given from the gods, and the laws with which nature moulds and creates the master- pieces of sunset, sky and range, which no artist's hand has yet been able to rival. Man is not the slave of circumstances entirely. He is the 34 CHRISTHOOD AND ADEPTSHIP. master of his soul, the maker of his own laws, the creator of his destiny. He may become the idol of his own Ideal, and through the Great Law of White Magic, which is the knowledge and wisdom of all the old world sages, is able to attain true Adeptship or Christhood. To be sure, working in a world where Laws are usually misused, he may be forced to suffer persecutions and pro- secutions, but if he holds fast to his Ideals he will become the hero of such persecutions and future ages bow down to his memory. Such afe the Immortals. D CHAPTER FIVE. THE POWET{ OF LOVE. □ HE POWER of Love is limitless. It is the most beautiful, the most powerful, and the most abused of anything in the world. Love alone can accomplish that which nothing else can. It is the Key which unbars the gates of Heaven. It has reigned supreme of all emotions, all thought, and will so reign unto the end. History gives divers instances where men and women have given life for love. It is the power that places them above suffering, and tries his strength for the loved one's sake. All the world understands love and its power. The great love of Damon and Pythias has made such a beautiful record in history of time that it is ineffable. These two men were philosophers of the Pythagorean school, and they lived in the time of Dionysius, the tyrant of Sicily. Their love for each other was so strong that they were ready to die for each other. Damon was con- demned to death by Dionysius. He obtained permission to go to his own country to settle his affairs before death on condition that his friend Pythias should consent to be imprisoned in his stead, and put to death for him if he did not return before the day of his execution, The attention 36 CHRISTHOOD AND ADEPTSHIP. of everyone, even the tyrant himself, was excited to the highest piich, as every one was curious to see what would be the outcome of so strange an affair. The time was almost gone and Damon did not appear, but the friend in prison declared that he would return. Pythias did not betray the least doubt or anxiety, and how well he knew, for Damon came in due time, and surrender- ed himself to his fate, while he did not desire to escape by leaving his friend to suffer in his place. Such fidelity and love softened the savage heart of the tyrant. He pardoned the condemned one, and gave the two friends to each oth- er, and begged them to give him a place in their affection. True love can soften the heart of the most savage, and the true philosopher realizes this when he begins to under- stand what it is to love. Whatever man loves best he has POWER TO AT- TAIN. It may be wealth, fame, power, peace, or spirituality, but whichever vibration is the stronger has the drawing power toward the thing loved. Love was the whole secret of the Master's power. Nothing ever existed without love. It is the Creating principle of ALL life. It is demonstrated on every hand. You have but to look about you daily and see the power and force of Creating Love. Has God any other seat than the earth, the sea, in the CHRISTHOOD AND ADEPTSHIP. 37 air, and the heavens and the virtues? Beyond these, why do you look for God? Whatever you see, He is in it. Wherever you move, He is there. Behold the power of Love. All around you, you see it manifesting its strange unexplainable Mysteries, and show- ering its spirit outward and onward, for Love is God, and the power of Love is God-power. This is the Holy Spirit — the Divine Comforter which Christ said should come. We know love only as we manifest it. When Self dies we begin to know that Love is and of what it is created. The poet tells us that — "Love took up the harp of life and smote on all the chords with might; Smote the chords of Self, that trembling, passed in music out of sight." Love of SELF has great power. There is nothing we will not risk or venture for self, yet this self-love is poison to the Soul. It is the thing that can destroy, and does de- stroy, but the Divine Love gives us the desire and the power to lift ourselves from the blackness and slime of the earth-pits to the beautiful realms of Spiritual Power. Do you realize WITHIN yourself slumbers two genii- one evil and one good? Have you ever reckoned upon the greatness of the love of self? or love of the good? 38 CHRISTHOOD AND ADEPTSHIP. One, the first, belongs to the force of Might — the black brother who seeks to draw men away from true power and development. This love is to destroy. The second belongs to the force of Light — to the gods who seek to benefit men and all things living. This love is to assist upward. You have WITHIN yourself the power of either love. In development it is soon made manifest which side you are on. They tell us that Atlantis is recarnating. That means good and bad, and the evil forces are uniting and creating with the power to destroy, as the great continent was de- stroyed ages ago. Every individual born into earth existence is so born by the Force of love, either of the good or black, and their attendant good and evil forces are born with them. Does it not make you shudder to think of this? Which side are you on — which do you wish? It is possible for you to know. It is possible for you to learn. It is also the de- sire of yourself to place yourself on the safe side, for every one wants to be on the safe side. Therefore, study the nature, the force, and the power of your desires, whether they be for good or evil. The love of Truth will draw you to Truth. If you really love and if you desire with all your soul you can become a power for good. Love makes us greater and stronger. Love gives usun- CHRISTHOOD AND ADEPTSHIP. 39 derstanding, when nothing else will. The Kingdom of Heaven is Love. The Throne of Christ is Love. All things are possible with Love. IT NEVER FAILS. "And though I understand all mysteries, and all knowl- edge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not LOVE, I am nothing." The greatest of the Apostles tells us that "He was one who loved much, and who had the greatest power." There is a power in Love that a few know, few realize. There is a mystery hidden deep, "hidden from generation and from ages,'" which gives the power of angels to those who truly love. It unlocks the strong barred doors to all knowledge. It is man's to know and to have it if he wills it. Through the development of the Love forces man is enabled to ere- • ate worlds. Many teachers have sought long winding paths to find this deeper mystery, the veiled Isis, but there were few who loved enough to find it." Do you wish to know? This is the mystery "kings and prophets have desired to know and knew not." Paul tells us "For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife and they two shall be one flesh. This is a great mystery, but I speak about Christ and the Church." There is a deeper meaning in this verse of Scripture than the materialists can discern, but there are those who read 40 CHRISTHOOD AND ADKPTSHIP. and know. There is no .power greater than Love. It can surmount all obstacles. It can give life and create worlds. The se- cret of the power is yours to have if you will go the way. It is mighty in its sublimity, for it reaches to the inner- most throne of God. Many have attempted to thrust aside the veil, the veiled Isis, but few have really done so. Why? Because few love. The mind is the electrical center of the Soul. The Soul is what the mind is, and is formed and created by mind. We stand now on the earth plane, where our minds cling to the the things of earth, when we love and desire the physical and material life. Our power is manifested in our desires and love, for we ARE what we desire and love. Man begins to develop. His mind probes into the "Se- cret places of the Most High." He reaches out for great understanding, and he LOVES according to his understand- ing. The electrical center is re-charged with higher vibra- tions, and his electrical current spreads out and reaches further forward. His power grows as he becomes enlight- ened. His love is manifested in what he does. He writes the words that inspires men and leads them to seek a high- er goal. He speaks the words that thrill to the soul, and feed CHRISTHOOD AND ADEPTSHIP. 41 with bread of life the starving spirit. He heals the sick with the touch of the hand, for he knows how to draw upon the electrical center, and send out currents of healing, blessing, strength and life. Mental healers have done many mighty works, but they are limited. Few know that in the great Mystery of Love there is a secret which gives power unlimited. This was ; the secret of Jesus' power. This is the Christ perfected. It is possible to know. It can be given to those who desire to know and go the way. It repays all those who will obey, for the "things which are impossible with men are possible with God," and to know the great Love Mys- tery puts one in closest harmony with the Law of God, nd lifts above men and earth. Love is the Key which unlocks all doors of Spaces and Powers, and the Kingdom of Heaven, and the power of such love is limitless, boundless, for it makes Gods of men and gives them power to Create. These hidden mysteries are revealed only to the sincere, earnest seeker. There are invisible vibrations all around us, and these vibrations are life, or what produces life. Life is produced only through the power of love. These vibrations support the earth. They encircle it, produce it, and surges through it, above it and below it and everywhere. Mesmer says that there is a similarity of Magnetism in heavenly bodies, 42 CHRISTHOOD AND ADEPTSHIP. the earth, and the animal body. If they are similar, they harmonize and accumulate together all Life Forces, and are constantly concentrating and transferring back and forth, each supporting, strengthening and nourishing the other. This is Magnetism. It is Magnetism that produces. There is a magnetism in Love. Magnetism is Vibration. These vibrations can be felt but not seen. They draw and attract; hence the Love Magnetism is stronger and has more Force, because Love attracts quicker than anything else. There is more Magnetism produced by the Love Forces than by any other kind. Magnetism is attraction. We are attracted to some people through friendship. We like them, and will do much to benefit and aid them. We are attracted to some people through pity. The physical beauty of some attracts, and the mentality of others. All these forces contain a certain amount of Magnetism or attraction, but their powers are not long lived. But when the Magnetic flow of Love dominates us then the powers of the Universe are ours to have if we but know how to accumulate and concentrate and transfer this Force. Why are some persons more beautiful than others? Why are some mishappen, or crooked, and dwarfed from birth? Have you ever thought for a moment that there might be a reason for such afflictions and deformations? Some one transgressed the Law of Love — its power was CHRISTHOOD AND ADEPTSHIP. 43 limited and abused. Do you know who did it? There are a few who know. Many are ignorant. In fact, but few know what Love is, what it is to love and and the power of Love. Yet, the dullest and bluntest, yea, the most stupid will tell you that the Creator is God — Love. But they do not know that the Creator exists in Love and gives Love the power to Create. Have you ever created anything? You love what you create. You give it all your power, you magnify it, you beautify it, you produce all its most perfect traits, and you do so because your love for that thing gives you the pow- er to do so. The love of a man's heart gives him power to produce whatever that love creates WITHIN him. Watch your neighbor. Find out his greatest love, and you will discov- er where his power lies. And watch his power, and you will find where he loves, for "where the treasure is there will be the heart also." Perhaps its money. The love for money gives him the power to create money. The mind leads. Mind is the Creator, the Creator of all thought and desire. These . thoughts and desires unfold and manifest the mind. The desire, or love, hidden WITHIN the mind's Center is what gives power to produce, or create. If a man is selfish, he lavishes all his thoughts on him- self. He creates and produces for self, because there is 44 CHRISTHOOD AND ADEPTSHIP. where his love is centered and his power is selfish love. Love for money, home, country, children, worldly goods, or fame, gives the power to create the thing desired. Authors spend hours and labor indefatigably to produce the idea their minds have created. They have the power according to their love. All men are Creators. They love what they create. And their love gives them power to create. No matter what it is, good or bad. □ CHAPTER SIX CHRIST ANTD OSIRIS. □ H'JRCHANITY has universally held that the Bible is the authentic history of the Word of God. DThe Bible has been pointed out for ages as The One Book, and men have sealed vows by kissing it in reverence and tenderness, and yet these men would hold up their hands in holy horror were one to even suggest that they worshipped the Bible as a book, and not as the inspired history of God. And yet they narrowly declare that the Eg\ ptians wor- shipped the Sun as the Sun, and will not accord them justice when it is fully explained that in worshiping the Sun they worshipped not the symbol any more than Chris- tians worship the Bible, but the REAL Spiritual Sun of all ages, and which they called Osiris. Osiris was the One God, the great unknowable Being who created the heavens and the earth and all that is in them, and the worship is identical with the idea of Christ as taught by Jesus. To the Osirians the sun represents the Light, the Life- God. And this "was the true Light which lighted every man that cometh into the world." The sun to the Egpy- tians meant far more than the ordinary light, They knew 46 CHRISTHOOD AND ADEPTSHIP. the Mystery of Being back of all the brilliant rays. They knew what the Word was when it was spoken. If the Christian world acknowledges that the Bible is the Word and is authentic history of God and His people, why have they not linked the Egyptian history of religion with that taught by Moses to the Hebrews? They object to Fire worship as a form of heathenism and unenlightenment, and yet believe, with all faith, that God appeared to Moses as a Flame of Fire. Again, in Jeremiah, we read that God's Word is Like zAs a Fire; and in Acts, before the disciples were filled with, the Spirit, there appeared upon them "cloven tongues like as a fire and it sat upon each of them." And when Moses led the Hebrews out from bondage God went before them as a Pillar of Fire by night and smoke in the day time. The smoke was the shadow which covered the image of God by day, and is the Veil of Isis, or the Occult shadow which hides the mighty mystery of mysteries and the deep- er esoteric meaning of the Fire Philosophies. The Hebrews kept the fire burning on the Altar, and would never let it go out by day or night, and it represent- ed to them the light of the Most High, just the same as the Sun represents the same God to the Egyptians. John said to his disciples concerning Jesus, "He shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire." The Holy Ghost is the Spirit of Truth, and the Spirit of Truth CHRISTHOOD AND ADEPTSHIP. 47 is the Christ WITHIN, and Fire, as the Bible teaches, is a Symbol of God. Therefore He baptized with the Spirit of Truth and of God. Spirit also means God; Truth means God; Fire means God, and Love is God Supreme. God baptizes God of God. This is very plain that God, or Christ, only can baptize God of God. Being of God, drawing to Him gods, they would necessarily be immersed with the Divine Fire. Immersion, or baptism, is simply the state of Divinity— man's highest and most glorious estate, and is the principle Christ taught and demonstrated. In Judges it reads, "Let them that love Him be as the SUN when he goeth forth in his might." The sun here was a symbol of righteousness and might, but was it Sun Wor- ship in its symbolic form? No. Those who loved the Lord were as the sun, mighty and righteous — such as the Egyptians worship as Osiris. God speaks to His children through Malachi, "But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun (Christ) of right- eousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as the calves of the stall." The Christ was spoken of all through the Scriptures as the Light that shines, as the Sun, as the Fire. What is the Christ, and what does it represent? It was not Jesus himself, for Jesus said, "Or myself I can do nothing, but my Father which is WITHIN me doeth the work," 48 CHRISTHOOD AND ADEPTSHIP. The Father we know as God — the God principle of the Man Jesus, the Spiritual Light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world. Jesus said: "The righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of the Father." That he taught evolution is proven in the 13th chapter of Matthew, when he likens the kingdom of heaven to a grain of mustard seed, and a merchantman seeking good- ly pearls. Christ is the Light of the Divine from the Father in man. Jesus taught it, and all his disciples. The Osirians teach that same Light as the Divine spark from the Fath- er in man. They Teach a [Man How To Find It Within. Christ represents Love, Purity, Spirituality, and Truth. Osiris is the Father, is Love, is Purity, is Spirit- uality, is Truth. The Egyptians worshipped in this Thought. The true Osirians were the Initiates in the Spirit — who worshipped God in spirit and in truth, or they were not given the understanding and enlightenment which came to all those who were true worshippers, for remember that man cannot give all things. Masters may teach, but man must prove to the Spirit that he is worthy before the Spirit is poured upon him before knowledge which no man dares teach is given him. The God, or good, in us is the witness of all we do and is the JUDGE of every act, is recorded for or against us* CHRISTHOOD AND ADEVTSHIP. 49 The ancients knew God as God, kept within themselves the evidence of His being. Because of symbols made by the Egyptians, historians have consigned them to heathen worship, not realizing that they betray the limit of their knowledge b\ so doing. Every symbol had a spiritual meaning. Their stones, monuments and hieroglyphics were the same WORD as the Bible. They recorded in symbol what man has recorded by letters. Is there any difference? Is a letter not a hieroglyph after all? It is a symbol of knowledge at any rate, but does not convey the impression of heathenism. We read that Moses was instructed in all the learning of (he Egyptians. He was nourished and educated by them in all things. If they were such a heathenish, unenlight- ened people, why was Moses superior to any man of his time? Why was there not a Jew to equal him. 1 ' Why was it necessary for him to be thrown into the hands of the Egyptians to become able to lead his people? Why was Joseph taken into Egypt before he was able to save his people? And why was the child Jesus, born of a god, taken into Egypt for many years? He possessed knowl- edge that no man of his time knew, which he demonstrat- ed upon his immediate return from Egypt, when he talked with the learned at the synagogues. He taught the idea of the Egyptian Osiris in the teach- ing of the Christ. Christ was the Divinity, which was the Light, as Qsiris is the Sun of all righteousness. 50 CHRISTHOOD AND ADEPTSHIP. □ □ DEVELOPMENT ^A^KD EMPLOYMENT. □ □ D CHAPTER SEVEN. "DEVELOPMENT AO^D EMPLOYMENT. U ANY STUDENTS believe that when they start with the greater Development, they must give up their work or employment. |"1 A man should follow honest labor and em- LJ ployment, and he can develop better and quick- er if he does so. Development of the Soul goes hand in hand with honest and worthy labor. "He that is faithful in that which is least is faiihful also in much." To be counted worthy to receive the greater, do that which is required in the way of duty. It is man's duty to work. He owes it to himself to give his body necessary physical exercise, in the way of honest labor, to keep it in harmony with the laws of nature, for when the body is inactive and not exercised enough it consumes its energy and grows weak and inert. The mind is controlled by the same laws. An indolent body soon drags the mind into neglect and inactivity. The mind is Creator of everything. When a man begins his development, when his Soul expands into tn*e greater, he creates better ideas and manifests them in his work. Never slight your work. You only cheat YOUR- SELF when you do so, God never gave anything for 52 CHRISTHOOD AND ADEPTSHIP, nothing. If a man lives and grows he must work. God Himself is. never idle. He could not exist if He should stand still. Work is the strongest law of development. We attain our desires by energy, effort, push and constant work. "By the sweat of thy brow shalt thou live." This is the command of the ages, and none can gainsay it. It is better to not ayply oneself too closely to study. When the body is tired, or heavy, or indolent, the mind is not in good condition, and antagonistic forces are liable to creep in. Constant study and indifference to work is bad for the mind. Insanity and obsession of various kinds are caused by too much concentration and practice on any given point or subject, for the mind must be rested by some other thought. It must be refreshed and ideas changed, to keep it strong and ever ready. One thing constantly does not make a good diet. One would certainly tire of bread alone all the time. And the body would demand something else, part of the time at least. Labor does not lessen a man's intellect or his goodness. The greatest men on earth have come up from hard and ceaseless toil. Abraham Lincoln would never have become President if he had not worked his way to it. The force and energy that gave him strength to split rails was the same force that took him to the White House and made him ruler CHRISTHOOD AND ADEPTSKIP. 53 over many. He was faithful in the lesser things, and this made him worthy of the greater. Leo Tolstoi, the greatest writer of this or any century, the man whose fame has become immortal while he still lives, is not a drone. He does not live from his literary work, but he works upon his farm as a common farmer. The carpenter's trade in no wise withheld Jesus in his development and becoming the inspired leader of hosts of men. We read that he was a little lower than the angels, yet he was a carpenter and worked at day's labor. Peter, John and James were fishermen. The Apostle Paul, in his journeyings and teachings, followed tent making for a living. He wrote in many places of his work and strug- gles. The great teachers along all religious lines have been men who worked unremittingly. It is a test of fitness. He who is best fitted for the Higher must be one who is faith- ful in the least of things. Work helps the mind to concentrate and to grow. It helps one to throw off the poisons from the system and cleans the body. A clean body is next thing to a clean soul. Inactivity draws upon all energies. All the organs of the body contribute a portion of their energies, and this is consumed and new energy is not accumulated. You are drawing upon Nature's Great Storehouse and not contrib- uting anything in return for what you take away. Nature is full of energy and life. She does NOT give without 54 CHRISTHOOD AND ADKPTSHIP. DEMANDING A FULL RETURN. If refused she closes her doors to you and thrusts you out. Then you are consumed and transferred into some- thing else. Nature is Life. She is always giving and tak- ing. If she gives you a strong, healthful body, full of life and vigor, she will demand much of you. The more she gives, the more she will demand. When she is generous, she expects you to be generous also. Nature has no use for the sloven, the drone, the shiftless, neglectful person. She is a wise guardian, and bestows her favors where they will be the most appreciated. The body is composed of the same currents as the mind. The mind CREATES the body, and everything the body does. Remember this, remember that everything you do, think, say, or feel, is Created By ihe Mind. You can not hide your mind or your thoughts. Watch the lowest laborer at his work. 1 he better mind manifests or creates the best work. Study the vibrations of the minds about you. Watch them unfold to you their every thought or idea in their work. The truly great soul does the best he can in everything he does. Great souls do not incarnate to become less than they were. They incarnate to work, to accomplish, to achieve, to benefit humanity in every way, and the little things have been the stepping stones to their power. A great soul CHRISTHOOD AND ADEPTSKIP. 55 seeking perfection does not choose a home of luxury and idle ease. He does not select the vibrations that draw him into pleasure, and careless, aimless living. Great souls in- carnate TO WORK. They choose the fields where work is needed most, and they are ever ready to fulfil every duty, great or small. The soul of Broker T. Washington responded to the call for help from a new and misunder- stood race. Mighty souls are the visible manifestations of the Creator. Therefore despise none of His works. God works in everything. The man at the hoe, at the anvil, at the engine, at the wheel, is a manifestation of the Creator — God — and he is daily manifesting the ideas and development of God, or Creator. Take the man who worked his way up from nothing to greatness and power, and compare him to the man who inherited everything he owns, and who spends his time, his life, his money, in riot- ous living, and analyze the dominating force in each mind. Which one has developed the greatest? Which one ac- cumulated and attained? Which mind manifested most power, most strength and Unity with Creation? God has no use for the man who will not work. He soon loses his likeness to the Divine Image, and becomes a forgotten smudge on the Mirror of Humanity. The greater the number of currents of the mind that you strengthen, the more you accumulate and possess. It is 56 CHRISTHOOD AND ADEPTSHIP. like the man with the five talents, he accumulated more, and was considered worthy to rule over ten cities. He made use of all the ideas, thoughts, and power that he had, and, as a reward, many good things were added unto him. The Law of Compensation Is Sure. If you desire, you will win. The greater your obstacles, the greater is your power to surmount, for God does not place small burdens on strong shoulders, nor heavy burdens on the weak. No man carries a burden he is not able to carry. You will no- tice that the strong are given the greatest burdens. It is a test of strength, of worthiness, of fitness, and as they bear it, so they are given additional strength. The strongest, bravest, most energetic soldiers are chosen as the leaders and generals of the army. There are a few exceptions, but these exceptions soon give place to the general rule. They work up from the ranks, and all of them have, for no man will follow a leader who does not wish to work. No man will follow a coward, and a man who will not work is a coward. The Admirals of the Navy are men who have worked up, and were promoted because they were worthy. It is better to multiply our powers, talents, and energy, and replenish the earth, than to stand and retrograde. The gods know whom to trust. You may be strong in mind and thought, but if you are, you will manifest that strength CHRISTHOOD AND ADEPTSHIP. 57 in something VISIBLE. We must accomplish. We must create, or we stand still and lose our likeness to Him who created us that we might go on with His work, creating all that He gives us to create. Our possibilities are limitless. Recognize ONENESS with the Creator and you will rec- ognize yourself. You will know what you are. You will know that you are a representative of the Creating Force; that you have the power, latent WITHIN you, capable of accomplishing every thought or desire. When a desire or thought is is in the mind it has begun its creation. It is born, and you have the power to keep it Alive and Make II Gtow if You Wish and Will To Do So. If thrust aside and unrecognized it will die, but if you nourish it, // Will Glow. It will grow to its full height. But it requires work. Sometimes it requires heavy, earnest labor, but if you love your child you will work for it. Development requires work. It requires physical as well as mental and spiritual labor. The hands were made for something. They must not be idle. Physical work, if honest, is necessary for devel- opment of the Soul. Certain muscles and organs must be kept well oiled and in running condition, or they react on the mental, and this reacts upon the spiritual, for the Soul is dependent upon the mind, and the body is the currents of the mind. All are one. There is nothing outside of Mind as a Creator, for Mind is Creator of all thing. 58 CHRISTHOOD AND ADEPTSHIP. THE RELIGION "DEMANDED BY THE PEOPLE. □ CHAPTER EIGHT. THE RELIGION "DEMANDED BY THE PEOPLE. □ HE WORLD of to-day has become imbued with countless chisms, cults, doctrines, theories, and scientific researches. D These distinct and divers doctrines have sprung up almost unawares, and orthodoxy awoke in the dawn of the Twentieth Century to find a great revolution had taken place i.i religious dominions while they placidly slept. Although the great revolution had spread among the folks of denominational creeds and doctrines and made strong, though subtle inroads into the congregations. There are so many cults, so many creeds, and so many doctrines, that we realize that there is a religion for every- body. In the study of the cults, creeds, and sciences, one soon finds himself wandering from path to path, winding from theory to theory, idea, or belief, (call it what you wish) to another, until, finding one which seems to harmonize with mind and thought, he accepts it. Much criticism has been spent upon the divisions of or- thodox religions, their failure to harmonize, to draw to- gether in Unity and Oneness, yet the same spirit of diver- 60 CHRISTHOOD AND ADEPTSHIP. genet of theories, of opposition, is apparent among leaders and organizers of modern cults. Yet the illuminated man will not permit chaos to pre- vail even at the cost of all he holds most dear, for the re- ligion c f to-day Must Be One Which Can Stand the Tides and Storms, and Which Can Give Something in Return for the Striving, the Struggle, and Desire for Truth. The Religion Demanded By the People of the Present Century must be one which can withstand all antagonistic criticism, one which is capable of drawing all men into one complete, harmonious brotherhood. But one religion can do that— the religion which does not try to form creed-bound organizations, but which teaches each man that HE is the Church, the Temple of the Living Christ, and that he must stand alone. He is the builder of the Temple of Solomon, and that is a Spiritual structure. This is the religion for the people of the Twen- tieth Century. It is the Church of Illumination. The world stands to-day in the same attitude in which it stood two thousand years ago — hungry, thirsting, seeking a Truth, tangible, real and worthy. The world then hovered near the threshold of a great awakening, seeking that which it had not, but which it hungered for — Truth, Love and Understanding. There were the Pharasees, who believed in the resurrec- tion of the dead, in the immortality of the soul, and in CHRISTHOOD AND ADEPTSHIP. 61 spiritual manifestation. But they separated themselves from others, were exclusive, devoid of love and sympathy, were exhorbitant and proud. They composed the group of Jewish dignitaries whom the Master called "white sepul- chres filled with dead men's bones." Parasides they were, living and drawing upon the strength of those who were the blinded victims of their bigoted teachers. These Phar- asees believed within themselves. They gave great dem- onstrations of spiritual perception, but they lacked the great essential qualities which marks the Christian. There were others following the same path of divergence from Truth, only in slightly different avenues. Believing that there was a great creative force in Nature, and the Sadducees, though not broadly skeptical, denied the author- ship of the Law of Moses and the origin of Man. They were there with the Pharasees, and came tempting Jesus and endeavoring to turn many away from the Truth by subtle arguments and shrewd questionings. The Scribes, worldly-minded and fault-finding, were an- other contingency Jesus had to deal with. Their tradition- al evidene and doctrines were fraught with fabulous sug- gestions and mere suppositions. They were the lawyers and councils which tried and condemned the Master to physical death. These sects were prevalent during the ministry of Jesus, and they did not escape his frequent reproach and denun- 62 CHRISTHOOD AND ADEPTSHIP. ciation, whose doctrines of Love, Peace and Good-will to all men, was not moulded nor formed after the doctrines and commandments of men whom he warned the disciples to beware. They are here with us again to-day. The same spirit of unrest, seeking, contending, speculating, delving into the mystical, and claiming phenomena where there is no phenomena, "straining at gnats and swallowing camels, ,? prone to dis-believe the strongest evidence of Truth, and authorizing opinions far more unstable and visionary. The religion of the world to-day must be one not frought with "profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science, falsey so-called, which some professing have erred concerning the faith." We need not a religion that lifts us so far up in the clouds of delusion and snares that we lose our foothold on mother earth. When the WORD, which was spoken in the beginning- became FLESH and delt among us, THE\ knew him not. "The WORD was made flesh and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glorry, the glory of the only begotten of the Father,) full of GRACE and TRUTH." This is the Light that shineth in darkness and the dark- ness comprehends it not. It dwells among us, WITHIN us, in reach of all who searches and listens dilligently, but NOT in the clouds of the air which are carried about, not CHRISTHOOD AND ADEPTSHIP. 63 by forces of their own, but are without guidance and sta- bility of the Truth. When darkness reigned upon the face of the deep, when the earth was without form and void, the Spirit of God (creation) moved upon the face of the waters and God said, "Let there be light and there was light." When crea- tion began there was LIGHT, and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters (minds). Therefore, when the spirit of creation stirred the minds of men there was light, and the Light was and always will be. The visionists of the Twentieth Century will stop aghast at this eternal Truth, too simple to believe, a mystery not at all complex or astonishing, but it is the "mystery which hath been hid from ages and from generations, but now is made manifest to His saints" — the mystery of the Christ, the true conception of the Truth. When Creation began there was light or understanding and Truth. Every man in the world to-day has a particle of the Di- vine light WITHIN him. He knows right from wrong; he knows the paths that lead away into subterfuge and deceit; he KNOWS when his heart is hardened, and why. All men have more or less light within their minds, and they are guided more or less by that Light. Your understand- ing — what is it? Minds of men— where did it come from? Where does. 64 CHRISTHOOD AND ADEPTSHIP. it dwell? Tell me WHY it is the mind that suffers when suffering comes. Tell me WHY we seek peace and rest from the mind. Why, when our minds are at peace, the soul and body rests? Is it not that spark of Divinity which rests within the soul of man and guides it to its destiny? Mind is the Electrical current or spark from the Divine Force or Creation which lodges in the soul, or is the creat- ing Light or spark of the soul, and the religion of the Twentieth Century must be based on the common every- day thinking mind. The mind is the electrical center of the Soul. Every thought is a current of good or bad radi- ating from that center. It also draws to it every current in harmony with its own vibration, and makes or mars the destiny of man. It is through mind (thought) that the works of God are manifest. It is through mind that the invisible law and force pre- dominates. Mind creates and manifests daily every thought that is drawn into it, and he knows, who sees, reads with accur- acy where the law is obeyed or broken. Nature records every vibrating force that man is capable Of giving, CHRISTHOOD AND ADEPTSHIP. 65 The Supreme Mind works in all, through all. It is the receiver, the transmuter, the caretaker, the Giver. Out in the desert, the same invisible law and force dem- onstrates the ONE Supreme Mind in all, and through all. Even there, in every plant and animal there must be a receiver, a vessel for these currents from the Divine. Hence there must be a spark in every plant, rock, vegeta- ble, or animal, that is similar and attractive to the Force that flows into it, and the spark of Unity manifests which ray, or force, or current, from the Deity it is. Every force in Nature is guarded by the same Mind that rules all. Certain persons believe that God and science are apart, are separate, and cannot be ONE. This is a mistake. God is ALL. Have you ever watched the sunset in desert lands 5 Who, what paints that glowing crimson western sky 3 Those glistening mountain tops we see outlined against the red and gold are but pointing us toward the secret of their being. That scraggly sage-bush there, that feathery tree which shimmers down from over that rocky ledge like a shower of gold, and the crusty salt beds which outlines our forms in indigo blues, are testifying and demonstrating that they are something, something too of Life, of Force, of Power, of Creation. The breathe, they feed, they GROW. Look upward beyond the dunes and watch the clouds 66 CHRISTHOOD AND ADEPTSHIP. gather in graceful groups, tinted with a blend of coloring no mortal mind can conceive or hand paint. They float away into the great beyond, a living testimonial of the One Great Force, because 1 see behind those clouds a Force, a Creator, a Love so great, so strong, so beautiful I cannot turn away and say "I only sense it." God is there, is there — out there in that lonely, barren tract. Every hill, mountain, plant, animal, everything moves and palpitates with His Force and Being. The clouds change to purple, to gold, and blue. They grad- ually fade away as twilight sifts down silently with the rising breeze. All around, the night is falling fast, but the moon is slowly rising so far above and lights up the lonely waste with her weird glow. One by one worlds of light are twinkling onward in their destiny, lending their force, their light unto my own. I know my way. I know the Hand that formed this vast plane into harmony and being will guide ME safely home. Above the sandy, barren waste, beyond the bril- liant moon, the twinkling stars, there is a Greater Light. 1 see the Light and know its force, its power, and 1 will not fail because 1 recognize it as the Light that shineth in darkness, as the Spirit that moves upon the face of the deep, as the Mind that lives, breathes, surges through ALL and eventually guides all into Unity with its own, CHRISTHOOD AND ADEPTSHIP. 67 It is the Light WITHIN. It is the Christ, and to find Salvation ALL must find this Light within their Soul. Brother, where is it? 68 CHRISTHOOD AND ADEPTSHIP, □ D THE CHU%CH OF ILLUCMI^CATION. □ □ □ CHAPTER NINE. □ THE CHURCH OF ILLVZMKKATIO&C. E THAT getteth Wisdom loveth his own Soul. Wisdom leads to understanding:, and under- standing to Illumination. Solomon, the great King and Magician, found favor with the gods because of his choice of wisdom and an under- standing heart. And because of his unselfish desire, great things were added unto him, the half of which was never told. The choice of a man's life moulds him, be it what it may. Man is the temple, the church, the dwelling place of the LIVING God. God's spirit, life, is WITHIN him. Illumination is Light — "the Light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world." The dimest, most flickering light can illuminate to some extent. When fanned and fed it will burst into rlame and light up immense space. When the tiny Christ is fed and nourished He will grow beyond the expectation of the material Mind. To desire understanding and the knowledge of the laws of life is wisdom. And the wise man loves his soul. He desires to increase it, to bring it into Divine Unity, to be- come a Christ. 70 CHRISTHOOD AND ADKPTSHIP. As long as man remains blind and deaf to the longings of his soul he is in darkness. When God created, He created for a purpose. Man is the image, His likeness, and WITHIN man is the spark of Divinity. When the desire of the soul turns God-ward, the spark begins to kindle into a flame. It sends out rays of heat and light, and the soul begins to understand that this light is the light that saves. The greatest work that has ever been done has been by men who were in touch with Divinity. All that man gives, his thoughts, his purpose or aim in life, is born from within. One thought can grow to such immensity that it will fill all space. It is heralded throughout the wide world and produces ideas in minds, kingdoms, and spaces far apart, and lights up a world with its own power. Thus it is that the tiny flame of Divinity illuminates the man WITHIN, and eventually produces a power that leads it up to the throne of the gods. When Christ stands knock- ing at your door it is that Still Small Voice of your own Conscience which all should know and heed. Intuition is AWAKENED Conscience. The Conscience is that Still Small Voice we all have heard sometimes in our life. And this Still Small Voice is the Christ WITHIN man. It is the Messenger of the Creator to its own. By contin- uous hearkening to this Small Voice, it will develop to such an extent that at any time it will answer to your call. It CHRISTHOOU AND ADEPTSHIP. 71 is unerring and accurate, and when fully developed illumi- nates the whole mind with knowledge, power, and peace, for it is a beacon light— it is the Soul. The development of this tiny Voice makes the spaces void, and one can be- come in touch with god-like beings who have never lived on earth, and with those noble souls who have gone the way and who will give their knowledge and power to those who attain to these mental and spiritual planes. By the unfoldment we are led into the Sonship of God, the Father. Then are we as Christ, and on the rock Christ built His Church — the Church of Illumination. "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the Living God," is the rock on which the Church was builded. And every person who has attained that perfection and glory has the power of a Christ. When the Neophyte becomes Illuminated, when he feels the first thrills of conscious Unity with God he begins to manifest his likeness to the Divine. He responds with heart and soul to the betterment of his own condition and that of others. He sees new and larger fields of ac- tion. He sees the struggle of humanity, and recognizes the Soul captive striving for its freedom, and understands how to lend a helpful hand where it may bring that soul to consciousness of its existence. The material life loses its glamor. He sees only the REAL. He longs only for the real. The old doubts, the old pains, and the physical longings are cast aside with the 72 CHRISTHOOD AND ADHPTSHIP. old life, as one casts aside an old and warn-out garment. He thinks, acts, and speaks in a conscious Unity with all the great ones of earth and heaven. Slowly the veil is lifted and he sees "face to face" with Nature, and knows her secrets and her laws. This knowl- edge teaches Love, Adoration for the great Supreme Crea- tor, the real God of the Gods. Illumination is the Fire, the Flame, the Light that de- stroys all darkness. Man cannot live in darkness. Dark- ness is the "bottomless pit prepared for the devil and his angels, for darkness is the only hell there is." As long as man continues to dwell therein, he will continue to suffer. The mind or soul suffers for every broken law. When the mind suffers the body suffers, which shows how closely allied are the physical and spiritual forces. Do you know that the body is built up by the mind? This rriind is an electrical Unit or Center from which your whole being sprung. You are the Creator of your own self, your body, and all that you are. When you were sent out from the Supreme Father you were as a branch from the vine. A ray of light placed you into Life. This ray gathered unto itself all the good and the bad, the beau- tiful and the grave which were in harmony with its own desires and development. God is Life, and exists in all forms and expressions of Life. God is not only in matter, but IS matter. There is CHRISTHOOD AND ADEPTSHIP. 73 nothing substantial in the belief that matter does NOT ex- ist. "God made ALL that was made, and without Him was nothing made." ALL includes everything. There- fore, all He made is a part of Him, and is a likeness and is in Unity, harmony, and colleague with His plans. We have discovered His plans and His Laws, and we accept Him as the Father of all Light. These Laws are manifest- ed in unfoldment, for with unfoldment we see their effect — we know the cause and effect. These laws first become manifest in the mind of man. The Mind is invisible, but its form of expression and thoughts are daily manifested and felt, because there is a communication between mind and matter, and matter conveys to a more compact, tangi- ble form the ideas and workings of the mind. Within the ether and spaces about us, recognized and felt by the finer substance, Mind, dwells ideas, thoughts, a manifestation of the workings of some greater or force. This is conveyed to matter (darkness) and is developed into a more com- pact and tangible form. The very fact that the idea or thought becomes tangible is but greater proof that a Su- preme Force exists and dwells in and with and illuminates matter, or man. An. idea was once formed in the mind of man to procre- ate a certain kind of flower, two distinct and separate plants might be grafted together. This idea was born, or came into mind. Mind controlled the hand, the knife, the 74 CHRISTHOOD AND ADEPTSHIP. plant, directed vivisection, the impaling of one section into the other, and waited for the visible and material develop- ment of Mind. Just so is the Christ born into mind, and becomes a vis- ible and material manifestation of Good, or God. The whole body must become a Church of Illumina- tion. Mind alone cannot save itself. The body must be subdued or transmuted. It must be drafted into the Spir- itual. The mind cannot think right and let the hand do wrong. Every member of the body must become illumi- nated, must be purged of evil, and grafted into purity and goodness. Matter daily reflects God, more or less. The purer and better a man becomes, the stronger is his reflec- tion of God. A tree in the fullness of summertime reflects Life. It moves, it breathes, it sways, it blooms, it GROWS. It gives a visible manifestation of Life WITHIN IT. It is consuming, holding, building, and moulding the forces of Life within it. It draws its strength from the earth, and it sends out a manifestation of the earth's properties of life by unfolding, growing, giving out life more abundantly. We send out a vibration or current, or thought, of good will, love, and peace to our fellowmen. That vibration is drawn to others similar to itself. It draws strength from them, and becomes more or stronger. A dozen thoughts sent out accumulate yet more. These thoughts respond to CHRISTHOOD AND ADEPTSHIP. 75 thought. The hand in an act of evil deeds will draw back and respond in unity to the repentant that controls it. In this way the body, the dwelling place of the soul, becomes illuminated— a Light of Goodness and Truth. It becomes a temple of the Christ, the Son of God, and his own Il- luminated Soul. 76 CHRISTHOOD AND ADEPTSHIP. I I HEALlUtC ■ . ■ D CHAPTER TEN HEiALING. □ T IS ABSOLUTELY necessary for the student who desires to become a healer to have at least some knowledge of the Laws of Being; of what cause brought man into the world, his mind, his soul, and the occult principle on which these are constructed. There are few healers who really understand this Great Mystery of the Sex, and those who are contemplating prac- ticing healing should have a careful training on the sub- ject by one who thoroughly understands the Supreme Sex Mystery. Physicians are required to know all about the physical body, what it is composed of, its normal and abnormal conditions, and the diseases of each organ of the body, and how to treat them, acute and chronic. Yet the average healer knows very little about the greater mystery of be- ing, of the mind, its normal and abnormal state, and es- pecially along the Spiritual lines he knows still less. Suggestions may be given in different forms. Sugges- tions given without a thorough knowledge of the Sex Mysteries are like taking a dose of medicine without a physician's prescription. It is more chance and guess work 78 CHRISTHOOD AND ADEPTSHIP. than anything else. Yet Suggestion is a Great Law, a pow- erful healing agent, and good suggestions are always bene- ficial, but to become a perfectly skilled and accurate healer one should know all about the first principles or secrets of Life. In this knowledge lies all the secrets of perfection in healing. Suggestions when positive and forceful are lasting, and can effect any cure of any curable disease. The mind is that part of us that responds to Divinity. We could not know Divinity from anything else if we had no mind. The mind is the Unit of Creation. By its thoughts or actions are all things created that are created. It holds within itself the cusps of transition from God to man, and into Divinity again. This is the sustainer, the equilibrator of all forces of good and evil. We think, we move, we eat, live entirely through mind, for in mind is the corresponding forces of Divinity. This Unit that springs from God the Father builds up for itself, in vibrations, the Aura that constitutes the soul. The Soul is the finer substance created by the 1 noughts of the Mind. The center of the mind is too light and fine to become visible to the physical eye. In the center of the mind, the currents are produced by CHRISTHOOD AND ADEPTSHIP. 79 positive and receptive action of the Creating Forces. Sim- ilar to the Greater Forces, these vibrations become more compact as they are inducted into receptive principles. The further away from the center the more compact and firm the body becomes; hence the outward or external forma- tion of the body is more compact than the inner, which is the soul. When the mind is held by the currents of sensual pleas- ures of the material or grosser life, these vibrations are sent throughout the existing aura, and the body is formed or created, moulded and stamped, by these concentrated vi- brations, and takes on the likeness of the thoughts con- tained in the mind. If a man will not lift himself from the gross and mater- ial, if he is content to remain an animal, the currents of the mind or soul are the real foundation of his body, and he is gross, and material, and sensual, because he thinks the thoughts that moulds the flesh. When a man is an accurate reader of human nature, he can readily distinguish the sensual from the pure, the weak from the strong, the clean from the unclean, by the forma- tion of the features and the body. If a man walks carelessly and shiftless, if he presents a don't care, rundown look, his mind is similar to his looks, because the whole vibration from center to circumference js created and built up by the thought currents in his mind. 80 CHRISTHOOD AND ADEPTSHIP. How easy it is to detect the criminal from the godly. We will carry about with us the thoughts we create. We all show to the world the center of the soul, whether it be fine and light or compact and coarse, for the flesh is composed of the same substance as the mind, and is mind also in as much as the invisible mind, only it is the mind SEEN. It is the compact form of mind. When the healer fully comprehends that all is really mind, composed of mind, formed of mind, created of mind, he will have a perfect knowledge of the basis of the Law of Healing. When a part of the body is diseased, it only proves that certain currents of health are resisted or retarded by an an- tagonistic force of its own. Sometimes the vibrations or thoughts of the mind are of sensuality, lust, gloomy and pessimistic. These vibrations go through the body and destroy nerve tissues and cells. When the body is racked with some dread disease, it is produced by the mind. The mind creates EVERYTHING. Hate, envy, and malice, are vibrations charged with poi- son, so is jealousy, doubt and anger, and this poison is sent through the whole system in tiny subtle currents, fine and penetrating they are, and will utterly destroy when they accumulate and hold it and transfer it to whom they come in contact with. Happy, hopeful, healthful thoughts will build up instead CHRISTHOOD AND ADEPTSHIP. 81 of destroying, and the healer must be able to transfer the whole strength of his mind into these mental currents. If disease is thought power, then thought power can cure it. There are many diseases produced by the abuse of the sex laws, and that is why every healer should have a thorough knowledge of the Sex Mysteries. He is able to know whether disease was produced by thought alone or through abuse of the sex laws during certain periods. Diagnose your case thoroughly through mental laws. Indigestion and dyspepsia are produced by currents of worry, hate and greed. These, of course, affect other or- gans, but the stomach is the vital spot for worry and hate. Sensual, lustful thoughts produce brain disorders and weaken the digestive organs. Jealousy and anger are nerve wreckers, and you will find hysterical, fault-finding, nagging men and women, usually jealous or high-tem- pered. Timid, shrinking, palid people aie constipated and bil- ious. Fear stops the strong throbbing currents of health, and makes the blood thin and insufficient. To treat these cases properly, Remove the Cause. If it is fear, then proceed to eliminate fear from the mind. Produce a current of fearlessness and happiness by mental suggestions, by application of the hands over the diseased parts. During treatment the patient is always negative or pass- 82 CHRISTHOOD AND ADEPTSHIP. ive, while the healer must be possitive. The body is divided into portions, positive and negative, and the student should have instructions concerning these positions, for many mistakes are made by wrong applica- tion of the hands. The right hand is always positive, and the left hand is negative. Therefore the right hand should be placed with the negative circle, while the left should follow the positive portion. This, when properly done, will create a vibration distinctly felt, either magnetic or electric, and the currents created and transferred will surge through the affected parts just the same as a battery charge is felt. Properly understood, these vibrations will master and cure any disease curable. If a case is stubborn and will not yield at the first treat- ment, be assured it will yield after several treatments, for, unless the body is totally destroyed, these electro-magnetic charges WILL build up the diseased nerves, tissues, and cells. They Restore, Because They Create Anew That Which Was Destroyed. If a portion of the body is dis- eased because of broken vibrations or currenfs it can be made whole by restoring new, strong, healthful currents, just the same as any magnetic substance can be made alive and magnetic by being recharged. Strong mental suggestions must be given. Allow nothing to weaken or swere the mind from its object, CHRTSTHOOD AND ADEPTSHIP. 83 Demand health, strength, and life to your patient, and they will come. Argue gently, firmly, and positively with the disease. Do not allow it to affirm itself. Do not admit the pres- ence of disease. Do not become tense and rigid yourself, but assume a quiet, calm, positive attitude. Do not at any time allow yourself to become excited, over anxious or impatient. Be calm and serene at all times. Examine the patient carefully, quietly and calmly. This keeps harmon- ious vibrations in circulation. If the stomach should be the diseased portion, do not say: "You have no disease; you are not sick;" bat do not AFFIRM disease or sickness. Affirm health, peace and happiness. Repeat over and over, mentally, (aloud if you wish,) "I will that this person draws to him or herself the vibrations of Health, Peace and Happiness. The Divine WITHIN me sends forth these currents of health, strength and life, and I Will them to continue with the person in- definitely." Have your patient to relax, to become restful and trust- ful. Tell him he will be stronger and better in every way. Instill thoughts of purity into the mind by the same repe- tition of health. WILL that vibrations of purity, good- will and kindness be incarnated in the thoughts and ac- tions. By doing so you destroy sensual vibrations and start into 84 CHRISTHOOD AND ADEPTSHIP. operation currents of purity. These currents will live if persistent treatment is given. Do not at anytime become vascillating and careless. Alwavs keep a positive attitude. Do not become aggressive and argue against any complaint or pet theory of the patient. Be in command of SELF and you can command others. The true mystic is always self-controlled and self-possessed. If antagonistic thoughts are set against you, meet them with love, for love is fire, and fire consumes EVERY- THING. The stronger the love forces, the easier it is to counter- balance hate, envy and malice. There is more heat in love than in hate. There is more strength in affirmation and goodness than in denial. Good overcomes if genuine and strong. Keep your mind clean and free from all poisonous thoughts, and you can only send out or transfer vibrations that build up and restore lost health, Mentally or Morally. Concentrate forcibly on whatever you desire. Concen- tration accumulates all vibrations in tune or harmony with the mind. Concentration draws to you what you desire. It accumulates and transfers. When you desire to implant a thought in another's mind,you can do so by strong, forc- ible concentration. In accumulation you concentrate and Will that certain things come to you. In transference you Will that cer- CHRISTHOOD AND ADEPTSHIP. 85 tain things go to certain people or places. This is accum- ulation and transference, two strong, forcible laws that all healers should thoroughly understand and know how to operate properly. Beware of using any law to wrong another, for in doing so you accumulate the thoughts around you that you send out, and do more harm to yourself than to any one else. You are not your brother's keeper. He is his own crea- tor and the author of his own destiny. You have no au- thority to will anything or any body harm. It destro; s the vibrations and currents of love and attainment WITHIN yourself. Do good and think good and good will return to you. The Sex M>steries teach the exact truths concerning the laws of being and the great harm resulting from wrong thinking and the transference of evil thoughts. Mind is Sex. It is always producing or creating. It is the image or likeness of the Father, and through Mind Power are we able to save or destroy. It possesses all power of Good and Evil. Wherever we place our thoughts, that vibration is always in harmony with us until we break it by opposite thoughts. In healing the sick, we are constantly accumulating healthful and pure thoughts, and our own health improves as we surround ourselves with that aura. 86 CHRISTHOOD AND ADEPTSHIP. □ □ TRUE MENTAL OR SOUL SCIENCE. □ □ D CHAPTER ELEVEN TT^VE Q4ESKTAL OR SOUL SCIENCE. □ RUE MENTAL-SPIRITUAL Science is Soul Science. Mind is the builder of the Soul. Is this not true? If not, then how could Solomon build that Temple. Solomon — his mind, build- ed the Temple of Solomon, which was nothing more or less than the Soul? Mind or Soul Science may be on one or two planes. The higher or low- er. Development is GROW1 H. The developed mind is growth of mind. No mind or soul can grow or develop on the lower plane. It may acquire knowledge, it may acquire shrewdness and cunning, it may think and produce, but it cannot grow or develop unless it reaches out for greater and diviner things than it possesses. It can accumulate, but it cannot grow. We can accumulate rubbish, but rubbish is rubbish always, and will not grow. Thus evil accumulates evil. It expands, becomes more, but it does not grow, because it cannot produce Life, and without life it cannot grow. Hence the true Mental or Spiritual Science is not on the lower plane, for life does not exist in the lower. It is always up- wards toward the higher. Mental Science is Mind Science, and Mind is the Builder 88 CHRISTHOOD AND ADEPTSHIP. of the Soul. Soul Science is the True Mental Science. The unenlightened soul may acquire broad knowledge. It can accumulate from its own plane all that that plane produces, but it does not attain or produce anything that LIVES. An evil father or mother produces an evil child, but that EVIL child cannot really LIVE. Accumulation is not growth. Dead twigs cannot produce anything — neither can a dead mind or soul. Concentration is the basis of Mental Science. Concentration, however, is not growth. It is accumula- tion and transference. Through non-concentration we ac- cumulate, attract or draw to us, and through concentration we send out or transfer every thought or force we draw to us. The Soul manifests its true self by the visible forces it draws around it and by the force it transfers. Concentration being the basis of Mental Science, we must concentrate upon the things that produce growth. If a man's mind is evil, and he concentrates constantly upon thoughts of life he will draw to himself the currents of life and is able to tranmute them. However, such life is not real life. It is but the existing of the body. Concentration may be a blessing or a curse. Concentrate upon good and you will accumulate and produce good. Concentrate on evil and you produce it. Concentration is thinking, meditating upon One Single CHRISTHOOD AND ADEPTSHIP. 89 Object or Subject to the Exclusion of Everything Else. Thus "as a man thinketh or concentrates, so is he." A good, perfect tree does not produce rotten fruit. Nei- ther can a pure mind produce sensual thoughts. Power greater than the Universe dwells in the mind. Man could destroy a world by a single thought if he understood the POWER OF THOUGHT. The mind is the Center from which electrical currents are sent to all parts of the body, building it up or tearing it down, according to the thoughts, good or bad. These currents are Negative or Positive. Positive thoughts go out in currents of pure, wholesome, beneficial, happy, healthful thoughts. These currents renew and build up broken-down cells and insufficient blood. They bring health, life, peace and contentment. These are the Magnetic Currents of the true Healer. They are transferred to the diseased parts of the body by THINKING. Anyone with Will Power and understanding can become a healer, with a little study of Thought Power or Mental-Soul Science. Negative thoughts act just the contrary to Positive thoughts. There is a right way and a wrong way of healing dis- eases. The purer and healthier the mind, the stronger the healing power, for an immoral person, even though he is employing positive thoughts, cannot give them the suffi- 90 CHRISTHOOD AND ADEPTSHIP. cient strength to exist as long as a pure-minded person can, and such thoughts of such person act negatively. Mind or Soul Science is based upon higher laws than the ordinary hypnotic trance, which many have employed for the healing of diseases and phenomena. Suggestions are helpful and beneficial in the extreme when rightly and wisely given. It is not necessary to make your subject or patient helpless and silent and unconscious in order to ef- fect a cure. A strong, healthful stream of positive thoughts Will Cure Any ^Disease Curable. Unless you understand all the Divine Laws, and how to use them; unless you are an Adept of Nature's Secret Laws which are known only to the very, very few, you should never employ hypnotism in the treatment of disease. There is a great Law regarding hypnotism which makes it extremely dangerous both to the operator and the sub- ject. More people meet with obsession in this than in any other way. There are sensitive people whom we call hyp- ■ notic subjects, but it is extremely dangerous for these sub- jects to come under the control of any hypnotist until they have learned something of its good and evil effects. The harm lies not in the science itself so much as in the individual who demonstrates. It all depends upon what plane of mentality and spirituality they have atttined. We speak our thoughts every time we utter a word, and CHRISTHOOD AND ADEPTSHIP. 91 an unspoken thought may be just as Powerful. A thought is a thing — a vibration, just the same as an electrical cur- rent from a charged wire, or the ripple of the water creat- ed by throwing a pebble across its surface. -A true scientist will begin practicing with HIMSELF. He will purify his body from all gross material, and will purge his mind of all unclean, evil, lustful thoughts. His creed is: "As a man thinketh in his heart so is he," and he will begin by keeping his heart pure, noble and clean. You can think good or you can think evil. You know what is wrong, and you know what is right. Every bit of knowledge that comes to you, if used for humanity, will lead you into the Right, but every bit you accumulate for selfish desires lead you far from the greater Truths and Powers which are yours by Divine Right. The Power of Thought Is Mighty, It is the foundation of ALL things. It is the secret force of all Creation and all science. Thoughts grow into beauty or evil just as the heart guides, for the heart brings forth all thoughts, and "as you sow so shall you reap." While everything seems to be dual-natured, yet God controls all, both the good and the evil. What are these coarser elements within us which are manifested every day of our lives? Did you ever stop to think? Have you ever analyzed yourself? 92 CHRISTHOOD AND ADHPTSHIP. Did you ever sit down alone within the silence and meditate carefully upon your actions, words and thoughts of the day? If you have not, then you should do so. Interview yourself. Parade yourself AS YOU ARE before your own mind, and carefully weigh every view you get of yourself, and find out where you belong. We are but planting the seeds that shall be fruit of future lives. It will spring up into the grain we sow. We cannot harm one creature without harming ourselves more that any- thing else, and when we realize the Truths of this state- ment we may be able to keep ourselves on stronger ground. True Mental Science is based upon the ground of Truth and Good Will to ALL men. Godliness gives power, and power of godliness is great- er than all power. When you can truthfully say that you think only good, sincere, uplifting thoughts toward all humanity you have accomplished the first and the hardest lesson of science — Tme Soul Science. If you wish to de- velop your powers properly, sit alone quietly for ten or fifteen minutes every day and meditate upon thoughts of purity, love and peace to ALL. Include your enemies in your good will also, and you will be able to utilize and draw towards you all the forces of the Christs who have learned the most beautiful, but perhaps the hardest lesson CHRISTHOOD AND ADEPTSHIP. 93 of all — to forgive. Remember that a thought is a vibra- tion as strong as a charge of electricity, and goes in uner- ring accuracy in the direction in which it is sent. It bears fruit of its kind. It reaps what it sows. And if you wish the best, then send out the best you have. Your thoughts mingle with the thoughts of others which are just like yours, and all these thoughts harbor, mingle together, and sustain, and strengthen each other and produce effects. Good, bad, indifferent, it is all the same. They float in waves, in masses, in the atmosphere of all minds, and cause these minds to act in harmony with them, and are able to influence every mind they come in contact with. Much good can be accomplished through silent forces b) this development of pure Soul Science. It is the first stage of the development of the Soul, and is, therefore, Mind-Soul Science. The Soul is the REAL. It is the connecting link between God and man. It is the Soul that vibrates in currents throughout the body, building and making that body in conformity to its laws and forces. Therefore, be careful what manner of spirtt you have, lest it be reflected on your body. 94 CHRISTHOOD AND ADEPTSHIP. B I THE POWER OF PR^YE% I I D CHAPTER TWELVE. THE POWE% OF PR.JIYE% D HERE is power in sincere, earnest prayer. Real desire is prayer. A long, wordy prayer is su- perfluous and gains nothing. The prayer of a P hypocrite gains nothing, no matter what atti- ^ tude he may assume, whether standing or kneeling in apparent devotion. If the prayer is not from the soul— created and formed by vibrations from the soul it avails nothing. A man may be a sinner, an outcast, he may be a prodi- gal existing on the "husks of swine," yet, if he prays with all his heart and all his soul, he DOES benefit by it. A desire is created by the Mind but really comes from the soul. A thought or a desire is a vibration created and sent forth from the Mind. A thought spoken is stronger than an unspoken thought, and a word produces vibrations or currents stronger than the thought. Therefore, prayer is in one sense CONCENTRATION, but it is a Soul con- centration. When we assume an attitude of prayer we begin to concentrate on what we must say. We accumu- late thoughts and form vibrations by concentration. In fact, during concentration we are creating. We create or form our thoughts wjthin the mind, but directed by the 96 CHRISTHOOD AND ADEPTSHIP. Soul, and when formed we have accumulated all the vi- brations for which we desire. Recognizing God is NOT a personal Being, who regulates everything to suit Himself regardless of the other fellow, but with a full knowledge and understanding of the laws of vibration, of the power of concentration, we know that a prayer spoken aloud has just as much power to bring that which is desired as any other con:entrated thought or desire, even more so, if the prayer is sincere, strong and earnest, for in prayer the whole Soul is usually given up to the desire. A weak, unvoieed desire is no more a prayer than is a weak spoken one. The voice creates currents or vibrations. It is the mind and soul that controls the voice, that makes it silent or ac- tive. The voice is vibrations of thought from the mind. The Mind, at the behest of the soul, forms the thought in harmony with the desires of the soul, and is then given a sound by the voice. It is a continuous vibration and be- comes most intense when it becomes audible. There IS power in the human voice. It is the sound of thought, currents or vibrations, and is simply a reproduction of thought. "A word, or its equivalent, produces a ripple in the air, just the same as a pebble thrown into the water creates a ripple over the surface." Voices are of the same quality as the thoughts they rep resent. A sad voice is an unmistakable evidence of sad thoughts, Laughter is indicative of happiness or pleasure, CHRISTHOOD AND ADEPTSHIP. 97 and we all know that an angry voice betrays the mind that produces the voice. If thought is vibration, voice must be vibration. If thought is desire, and if silent thought and desire can lift one to a higher plane, and is a means of harmonizing with purity, truth and goodness, and is a power to insure as- sistance and help from these Higher Forces, the same thought sounded would have equal if not more power. In fact, it IS stronger, for it takes greater force to produce sound than silence, and the prayer that is sounded is stron- ger than the silent prayer, provided that the same intense feelings or concentration, or desire is behind it. Jesus of- ten prayed alond, and taught his disciples how to pray. The last words he spoke was a prayer for recognition and assistance. He prayed in a loud voice on that occasion. When he called Lazarus from the grave he did so in a loud voice. Jesus also taught the silent prayer, for he told many to go into a secret closet and pray. In ever\ case of healing recorded we read where he gave the suggestions of health and strength aloud. They did not depend entirely on silent thought. Peter told the beggar at the gate of the Temple Beautiful to "Rise up and walk." With all the force of thought and voice he accumulated and transferred the vibrations of health and strength to him. When Jesus prayed for Unity and Oneness for his disciples, they stood about him in receptive attitude. He prayed aloud that "they may be ONE even as we are one," «— vibrations of Unity and Harmony. They were receptive 98 CHRISTHOOD AND ADEPTSHIP. at that moment to those forces, and at the same time pos- itive to earthly desires and vibrations. A thought is created by the mind. It is created more forcibly when uttered. When the air is enclosed by walls or caves the voice produces an echo. It will reverberate for some distance and then rebounds. This is nothing but vi- bration. When it reaches the limit of its force, it is then carried back by the return current, and mind recognizes its own sound. When the voice is capable of making vibration stronger a prayer would undoubtedly be stronger aloud than silent. Much condemnation, and ofttimes ridicule, has been placed upon the priests of different schools of religion for praying for the forgiveness of penitents. People condemn the confessional. Why should they? When a sinner feels the desire to confess his wrong-doing to another, and asks for prayer and help, he has created the desire within his Soul for a better condition. He has reached out toward higher vibrations. His Soul, no mat- ter how black, has reached out toward something higher. Shall -he not have it? When the priest utters the prayer in harmony with the penitent's Soul or Heart's desire, a strong, double vibration for betterment is created, and these vibrations are carried out and accumulated and harmonize with all vibrations that are reaching higher. The penitent is receptive to the return of these vibrations, and if he can but be kept upon that plane for a short time real reforma- tion is the result. It is not that God grants him anything. It is simply that, CHRISTHOOD AND ADEPTSHIP. 99 like all other concentration and creation, he creates a new condition, and he comes into harmony with the vibrations of the higher planes. This Is the Secret of Prayei and Why [Miracles Have Been Accomplished Through Them. Vibrations are real whether uttered or silent. A thought does not lose its power when spoken. A hypocrite's prayer avails nothing, either when silent or uttered. Why? Be- bause it does not come from the heart or soul - it is only a thought without any life. When in the attitude of prayer, one is concentrated and receptive at the same time, and an earnest petition of love sent upward to the Love Throne or Hierarchy of Love, WILL draw them to the petitioner. It is for this reason that prayer may become very powerful, and when a true, faithful priest, who may himself be an Adept, mingles the voice of his whole Soul with that of the truly penitent, there is a Force created which is extremely powerful. It is not that a past sin is forgiven, for "as we sow so shall we reap," but it is that a new condition is created, a new plane is reached, new vibrations are set in motion and the penitent, if earnest and sincere, comes into touch with a new and higher Hierarchy. All real power is of the Soul, although Mind was the builder of the Soul. All is vibration set in motion by the mind. The most compact, solid thing ever produced by the hands of man was formed by the thought forces or vibrations of his Mind. When the idea began to unfold he began to speak them or they never would have materi- alized in object or form. It is thus with all things made by 100 CHRISTHOOD AND ADEPTSHIP. man. All true prayer is harmonious, is elevating, and brings desired returns if the vibrations are strong enough. The hypocrite never really prays.he simply utters thoughts that have formed in the mind for the purpose of show. Such a prayer is not from the heart and soul. It is, therefore, only surface prayer — it is artificial. Some teachers tell you much of the two minds — the Conscious and the Sub-Con- scious. There is but One Mind. What is called the sub- conscious mind is the Universal Mind, the Creating Mind. We are all manifestation of the Invisible Mind. We are all composed of that Mind. The Divine Mind is Vibration or Currents, both Positive and Negative, and we are Vi- brations and Currents formed by Divine Mind. Some say that we are a THOUGHT — "God Thought of Us and We Are Heie." We know that a thought is a vibration, that it produces a vibration. Just as the thought of man precedes the formation of the object thought, so did man follow the Thought of God. The Law of Sex, which is the Highest Law of the Uni- versal, is entirely composed of Positive and Negative prin- ciples. The earth does not hold any heat apart from that which it receives from the Sun. It is the RECEPTIVE principle. It receives the Light and Heat from the Sun's rays or vibrations and concentrates and accumulates, and transfers each vibration into the rocks, the sands, the blades of grass, the flowers, etc., according to the receptive prin- ciple of each. Every Vibration or Current attracts its own. Hence good CHRISTHOOD AND ADEPTSHIP. 101 thoughts accumulate together, and dwell together on a plane apart from other planes. Thus the Power of True Prayer. This Is the Secret of Prayer. Peace attracts har- mony and rest. It attracts and inducts any of its vibra- tions or principles into any other vibration that becomes receptive to it or attains to its plane. Receptivity is not relaxation of body, mus;ks and mind. It is not negation. To become receptive to good and harmony we must rid ourselves of inharmonious thoughts, feelings and actions, and become harmonious and good to a certain degree. The greater the degree the more of the good we receive. The receptive mind is really a positive mind, for it works CONSCIOUSLY and with positive object in view. It gives because it expects to receive. // Simply Exchanges. To be truly receptive is to be positive towards evil and on a level or plane or Hierarchy cf good. When we at- tain this condition we are in harmony with the vibrations of good. For instance, we desire knowledge, wisdom, goodness and truth. To become able to receive these we must LIFT ourselves up to that plane. All the knowledge, goodness and truth has been stored on that plane or in that Hier- archy and will always be stored there. We can come into touch with it if we wish, if we TRY. It does nut flow DOWN into the minds and souls of men. We must LIFT themselves up to it by conscien- tiously concentrating and ridding ourselves of impure vi- brations, for we are composed of the vibrations of the thoughts we think. Such Is the Secret of Prayer. 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