hkyo ■ 668 U9 /to / /• J THE FITTED STATES IN ACCOUNT WITH THE EEBELLIOK ^ PAID. . r- IMPUDENT CLAIMS ON THE PAKT OF KEBELS "^ FOR SEATS IN CONGRESS, IN ORDER TO ENABLE ' THEM TO MAKE LAWS FOR LOYAL CITIZENS, REPUDIATE THE NATIONAL DEBT, DISCON- TINUE PENSIONS, PLACE THE GOVERNMENT AGAIN IN THE HANDS OF THE REBELS, PAY THEMSELVES FOR THEIR SLAVES, AND START ANOTHER REBELLION, SOON AS THEY SEE ANY CHANCE OF SUCCESS. The graves of loyal soldiers in rebel states desecrated, and the old flag torn down and trampled upon. More than five thousand Unionists murdered in the rebel states since April, 1865, for which there have been no arrests by the civil authorities. No protection for life or property of Union people in any of the rebel states, (except, perhaps, in parts of South Carolina). The enactment of a slave code, quite as unjust as any heretofore existing, in all the rebel states. Andrew Johnson invited to visit New Orleans by the Chief Butcher Monroe. Andrew Johnson, who professed to be " our Moses," is now looked up to by the rebels as their " Moses," who will safely lead them, his chosen children, through the secesh wilderness. i:^ \ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS ii'llii: r« nil' I ' "' ii ^n n 013 786 452 6 QUERIES. Are these the results for which the Loyal States gave oceans of blood and billions of treasure ? Congress says* NO ! Johnson and his rebel friends say YES- ! Which will the people stand by ? Millions of loyal and good men have already answered. CONCLUSION. Except rebels, copperheads, and cowards, everybody, and especially the late volunteeer army and navy, are ready to shoulder arms again, and, if necessary, defend the people's representatives, against the usurpations of a would- be DICTATOR AND THE DEMANDS OF REBELS ; and when next an armed slave-holders' rebellion is put down, there will be no dispute or legislation about reconstruction, for there will be nothing left to reconstruct, not even Johnson. LIBERTY AND JUSTICE DEMAND THAT CON- GRESS SHALL BE SUSTAINED, AND PRESIDEN- TIAL DICTATION REBUKED 1 STAND BY CONGRESS. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS «^ mill Nil 013 786 452 6 # pH8.5