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Worcester is the City of my Adoption, Coming here an Entire Stranger, Like Thousands of other Strangers, From "Auld Scotia's Shores." — Land of the Free and the Brave, To the Land of Democracy and Opportunity. A Quarter of a Century's residence Within its inviting Borders, Has taught me that, For the Worker, For the Employer, For every one from every Clime, There is not a more attractive place than Worcester, "Heart of the Commonwealth." DONALD TULLOCH. April the Twentieth, Nineteen Hundred and Fourteen. =B Past Presidents Worcester Branch N.M.TA. AENewton "10—11 WeAre Seven J.WHarnnqtonlZ-15 =E We Acknowledge Thanks TO many friends for courtesies extended in the assembling of the facts for this Volume, and in the fitting-up of the various parts, making it the machine des- cribing machinery; To the Publisher — the Commonwealth Press, we make our bow; for assistance from Our Friend Rev. Epler's "Master Minds"; To William A. and Mar- ion W. Emerson for cuts from "Old Land- marks" ; "The Worcester of 1898", by F. P. Rice, also aided us very considerably in getting at facts; To my wife, Isabella M. Tulloch, to John R. Back and others for research work and preparation of articles, it is only fair to show public appreciation. D. T. ■-Q John W. Higgins President, Worcester Branch National Metal Trades Association B B ^CTie Philosophy of Learning a ^rade TO make a good living; to have a happy family; to make preparation for hard times; to wear overalls in the shop with the same dignity as good clothes are worn on Sunday; to be confident you are laying a sure foundation for any future success; to feel that you are master of your work, and that you share the creative spirit. This is the philosophy of learning a trade. — Milton P. Higgins. B- The Bancroft — Convention Building Worcester, Massachusetts Charles S. Averill, Manager Worcester, City of Prosperity To Metal Trades Men — Greeting HE COMING to Worcester for its Annual Convention of the National Metal Trades Association is an event fraught with unusual importance to Massachusetts and the industrial states of New England. Never before has this influential aggregation of em- ployers of labor in the United States and Canada held its sessions in a city so small in population as Worcester. Never before has a similar body of manufacturers, nearly 800 firms employing over 300,000 people, with a pay-roll of $185,000,000 annually, ever met in this city. Never before in the history of Worcester has there gathered together manufacturers representing any one industry who have devoted almost a score of years to studying and solving the various intricate problems which engage the attention of capital and labor. No combination of employers in the world have lavished so generously of their time and thought and money in the education of the workmen in their craft, in voluntarily adopting measures to safeguard their interests while at work, to furnish them with equipment and shops of the most modern type and hygienic environment, to improve their condition of toil, to reward their efforts with the highest compensation possible, and make provision for their support and that of their families against sickness and death. Worcester is honored with the visit of the Metal Trades craftsmen. The Association has done itself justice in coming to a section of the United States which stands out pre-eminently as a machine tool manufacturing centre. Worcester County Mechanics greet the skilled Machinists of North America. The Heart of the Commonwealth beats warm and strong for you all. The Gray Eagle of Asnebumskit looks down upon you benignly and bids you welcome. Worcester has contributed in full measure of eminent men and women who have enriched the world with glorious achievements in all lines of human endeavor. Statesmen, scholars, scientists, inventors, journalists, humanitarians, manufacturers, philanthropists, merchants, farmers, me- chanics, — last but by no means least, have all added their quota to the greatness of Worcester. This volume will tell in somewhat abbreviated form how the Heart of the Commonwealth came to be a Mighty Big Workshop: how its throb- bing, pulsating hives of varied industry are turning out and transporting to all quarters of the globe those sterling products which help to rejuvenate the world and make it Busier, Brighter, Better. Tower of Old Union Depot, and New Union Station, Worcester, Mass. Worcester, City of Prosperity It is also intended to convey some impression of the noble citizens — men and women — who in days gone by as well as the present have mate- rially aided in establishing Worcester as the third city of importance in the New England States. The book is in no sense a guide to Worcester, simply a small com- pendium of men and women, machines and machine tools, inventors and mechanics, places and people of human interest, incidents of note — a pot- pourri — all thrown in to the metal trades melting pot, printed and bound into a thing we call a book. Explanation must be offered the members of the Worcester Branch for the entire inadequacy of the reference made to their workshops and factories. It was not the intention of the writer to exploit the works of the Branch members or the character of their product, and reference has only been made briefly in the case of a few where it appeared that an invention or something entirely out of the common required special reference. It was felt that there was no necessity for advertising our firms, as they are sufficiently known in the metal trades throughout the world. The halftone cuts indicating the size of the plants will convey to the visitors some impressions of the composition of workshops in this section, when lack of time will prevent them from visiting these plants for themselves. From the wide scope of the articles in the Book, and the great variety of industries touched upon, it will be readily seen that while this volume is ostensibly published for the special benefit of metal trades people, it is not circumscribed to the exclusive channels of metal trades lines, but that it gives fairly adequate attention to the leading industries of the city. We trust it may be regarded in a modest way as one of the means which have been taken recently to eulogize Worcester in all its attractiveness, and place it in the estimate of the world where it rightly belongs — as one of the most kingly cities to be born in, to be educated in, to toil in, to die in and to be buried in (for even Worcester's Cemeteries are very attractive looking), and to go to heaven from. If this book, then, will interest readers and furnish a clearer perspec- tive of "Who's Who and What's What in Worcester," it will have supplied the ambition of the writer and sufficiently rewarded him for the somewhat arduous task of compilation and editing. DONALD TULLOCH. April 20, 1914. Worcester, City of Prosperity "Cead Mille Fealthe"— 1 00,000 Welcomes THIS represents the fraternal greetings of the National Metal Trades Association members in the Worcester Branch to their fellow mem- bers throughout the United States and Canada on the occasion of the Sixteenth Annual Convention of that Association in The Bancroft, Worcester, April 20-22, 1914. It is fitting that Worcester — "The Heart of the Commonwealth," of the Old Bay State, should have the honor and privilege of the Annual Convention. Here in this city and vicinity were born many of the inventors of machines, machine tools and labor-saving devices which have been a dynamic force in revolutionizing industries the world over. Here, also, is the cradle of invention, of ingenuity, in which has been nurtured those allied industries of the metal trades which have brought honor and dis- tinction to Worcester as one of the pre-eminently great mechanical centres of the universe. More machine tool builders, machinists and metal trades people are to be found in Worcester and suburbs than in any other county on the American continent. Worcester is a name to conjure with when speaking of machinery. Fitchburg, Nashua, Barre and Hudson boast of splendid plants for the manufacture of machines, steam engines, saws and steam pumps; South- bridge is famous for its optical goods, cutlery and shuttles; Athol for small machine gauges, tools, vises, cutters and twist drills; Warren for steam pumps; Orange for sewing and the Dexter valve reseating machines; Winchendon for woodworking machinery; Gardner for chair making. Worcester has manufactured sufficient wire to girdle the globe a thousand times. Worcester has manufactured as many corsets as would girdle the world's women. Worcester could manufacture annually as many envelopes as would carry the world's correspondence. With this brief preface, delegates may drink in the inventive genius characteristic of Worcester. We welcome them to the Heart of the Com- monwealth. They have the freedom of the city. The metal trades people of Worcester feel a unique honor conferred upon them by virtue of their presence. We welcome them, and trust their stay will be one long round of pleasure and profit, and when they leave us, that they will carry away with them pleasant recollections of their visit to the Heart of the Commonwealth. We will share with them much of the profit which will come from their daily sessions. In all their deliberations we trust they will have uppermost in their minds the thought — the high ideal — that the success of the industries they represent must be reflected in their kindly, considerate attitude towards their employees, without whom it would have been impossible for them to succeed. We hope that the strong 13 Worcester, City of Prosperity feature of their meeting in Worcester will be the fostering of that spirit of mutual trustfulness and fair dealing between employer and employee which alone can make for industrial triumph and general happiness. For more than a decade there has been industrial peace in this city in metal trades lines. For this, credit is due both the employer and employee. The former realized that in order to secure the most skilled workmen required to maintain the quality of the world-known products made in Worcester, it was imperative that the best wage rate possible should be paid and general working conditions good. The workmen knew that in order to gain the best positions in the Worcester shops it was necessary to be classed among the skilled mechanics. With these two leading features settled in the labor problem, the rest of the essentials was a matter easy of accomplishment. The result has been that workmen have performed their task honorably and well, and employers have done their part in bringing about the principle of the square deal. No better workmen in the metal trades lines can be found anywhere the world over than in the city of Worcester. The industrial supremacy of Worcester is due to the combined efforts of the employers and employees. Worcester made the cables which gave the delegates the first intima- tion that the National Metal Trades Association Convention had chosen the Heart of the Commonwealth as its meeting place in 1914. Fitchburg's big railroad machines have made possible the strength and speed of our giant locomotives. Worcester builds the railroad cars those engines pulled, bringing from afar the friends who have come to be with us on this most auspicious occa- sion, and a Worcester man invented the upper berth which makes railroad travel comparatively comfortable. Worcester manufactures the envelopes with which the National Office informed the delegates of the Convention program. Worcester capital — much of it among the members of the National Metal Trades Association, built the Bancroft where the Convention is so pleasantly situated. Worcester County farmers produce the delicatessen with which the delegates have been regaling themselves for several days and which have made them all look so happy. But not alone in Mechanics — in arts and crafts, is Worcester and its suburbs pre-eminent. This city and vicinity have given to the world many men and women of national and international reputation. It was the home of Hoar and Burritt the statesmen, Bancroft the historian; President John Adams taught school in Worcester; Edward Everett Hale ministered here; Carroll D. Wright, world-known statistician, was the first president of Clark College; Elias Howe, inventor of the sewing machine, was born here, as were also Clara Barton, founder of the Red Cross; Eli Whitney, who discovered the cotton gin; Gen. Artemus Ward, first commander-in-chief of the American Revolution; Dr. William Morton, who conquered pain by discovering the first successful anaesthetic; Draper Ruggles, Joel Ncurse and John C. Mason, inventors of agricultural machinery, who perfected 14 Worcester, City of Prosperity the modern plow; J. C. Stoddard, who invented the first steam calliope; Asa Hapgood, who invented the upper berth in the modern railroad sleep- ing car. In H. H. Bigelow's rink, on Foster Street, on February 22, 1887, was run the first electric car in the United States; the Declaration of Inde- pendence was first read in Massachusetts by Isaiah Thomas from the west porch of the old Old South Church on the Worcester Common, July 14, 1776; Luther Burbank, the plant creator, was born in Lancaster; while Worcester was also the home of Dorothea Lynde Dix, "an unveiled Sister of Mercy' — redemptress of the world's insane; G. Stanley Hall, world- known educator; John Bartholomew Gough, the great apostle of temper- ance, buried here. Worcester is the birthplace of Andrew Green, who has been styled "the Father of Greater New York;" the boyhood days of Ex-President W. H. Taft were passed in Millbury; the first auto made in the United States was manufactured by Elwood Haynes, a Worcester Tech graduate. It was Charles Burleigh, of Fitchburg, who invented the rock-drill and compressor in 1867, which made it possible to bore the Hoosac Tunnel when all other efforts had failed. Burleigh was at that time employed in the Putnam Machine Co. Gen. Rufus Putnam, Rutland, eminent engineer of Washington's Staff, designed the fortifications for Dorchester Heights, that made the British evacuate Boston. Putnam was pioneer in organizing the settle- ment of Ohio from Massachusetts. Few readers there are who cannot hark back to childhood days and remember the story of "Mary and Her Little Lamb." It was at Sterling, a dozen miles from Worcester, where was born Mary Sawyer, whose little lamb followed her to school one day to the astonishment of the teacher and the great delight of Mary's schoolmates. Through the instrumentality of Dr. Melvin G. Overlock of Worcester, for the first time in the history of the world, the humanitarian arrangement has been made by Worcester employers of labor among metal trades and other lines, for the care of their employees who are afflicted with tubercu- losis, at a State Sanitarium for the probationary period of 1 3 weeks. One of the strikingly important features of the lives of great leaders of men and women which Worcester has produced, as it is chiefly true of other sections of the world, is, generally speaking, the humble home which gave them birth. It is only one more proof of the oft-repeated statement that true greatness invariably comes from the home of the modest and humble — necessity makes for genius and invention, toil and industry, honor and fame. In no greater degree are those features exemplified than in the life work of the famous people mentioned who have made Worcester renowned. Worcester is a unique city. There isn't anything just like it in the Western Hemisphere. First and foremost it is supremely a manufacturing and railroad centre, and it is also a city of homes. It is a city of mechanics whose languages represent the nationalities of the universe, yet it is re- nowned as a centre of music, art, culture, refinement. IS Worcester, City of Prosperity It is a progressive city, entering actively into all those features of the modern world which makes for civic betterment, civic pride, and yet it is a conservative city, building up its interests in a manner which makes for soundness, for time, and keeping in view the future of a great metropolitan centre. It is a municipality about which there has never been anything said to smirch its fair name, a city of churches, educational institutions, a thrifty prosperous populace. Few cities can show such tremendous growth in population. It has placed 3,000 people to its population every year on an average for 30 years. In the last 1 5 years it has added 50,000 people within its gates. An hour's ride by train, and Worcester can come in touch with 3,000,000 people, and that fact is only true of one other city in the United States — New York. It is eleventh in value of machine shop and foundry products in the United States, and first in wire making industries. Its machine shops and foundries, nearly 100, give employment to 5,500 people. Worcester me- chanics own their own homes. It is estimated that there are 1 ,500 industrial plants employing 35,000 mechanics in Worcester, earning about $30,000,000 a year in the manu- facture of products valued at $80,000,000. There are savings in the local banks equal to $375 for every man, woman and child in the city. D. T. "Cead Mille Fealthe" Again! And this time it is to the Members of the National Machine Tool Builders Association Since the above welcome was written to the Metal Trades Men, one or two enthusiastic Boosters for Worcester made a final endeavor to secure the Convention of the National Machine Tool Builders Associa- tion for this City. It was a laudable object and Worcester was the logical city. All that was needed was a leader, and he was found. The result is that although the Convention had been scheduled for Hotel Astor, New York, April 23-24, it gave Worcester people much joy when it was finally de- cided at the last moment to hold it on the same dates in The Bancroft, Worcester. Therefore, we welcome our kindred brethren of the Machine Tool Builders Association, and hope they will enjoy their visit to the Heart of the Commonwealth. D. T. 16 Worcester, City of Prosperity Fair Worcester By Rev. C. F. Hill Crathern. Sung to the tune of "Fair Harvard" Fair Worcester, thy name and thy glory we sing, As we crown thee, the Queen of the years, Our love and allegiance we gratefully bring For with thee are our hopes and our fears. O! "Heart of the Commonwealth" tender and strong, As it throbs with the passion of life, For thy peace and prosperity ever we long, And the end of all discord and strife. We remember with pride how our fathers of old, Saw the star of hope shining on high, How they followed the gleam of its silver and gold, As it shone and illumined the sky; With the plow and the ax, with a courage divine, They wrested their bread from the sod, They laid their foundations with plummet and line, As they builded the City of God. Through the forests primeval they walked in the light Of a faith that was noble and grand, 'Neath the roof of the stars by their watchfires at night, They dreamed of the long Promised Land. From the scenes of their youth and their childhood so dear. In the pioneer days of the state, They turned to the hills with a song and a cheer, And their hearts all aflame and elate. In the church and the school, in the home of our birth, We will honor their zeal and their love, We will treasure their names at the altar and hearth, While they rest from their labors above. O! valleys and hills where their footsteps once trod, Shout aloud your glad triumphs, nor cease, Where the wilderness stood blooms the Garden of God, With the angels of love and of peace. May the future be bright as the glorious past, And our sons be as great as our sires, May Righteousness, Justice and Truth ever last, To inspire and control our desires, May the Stars and the Stripes ever wave o'er our land, And our watchword "Prosperity" be. May "Obedience to Law" with true liberty stand, For "Fair Worcester," the home of the free. 17 Sagamore John Worcester's First Native Worcester's First City Hall Worcester, City of Prosperity Worcester — City of Prosperity Worcester — A City of Homes. Worcester — A City of Schools. Worcester — A City of Churches. Worcester — A City of Manufactures. Worcester — A City of Mechanics. Worcester — A City of Railroads and Railways. Worcester — A City of Stores. Worcester — A City of Industrial Peace. Worcester — A City of Metal Trades. Worcester — A City of Health. Worcester — A City of Wealth. Worcester — • A City of Parks. Worcester — A City of Brave Men and Noble Women. Worcester — A City of Newspapers. Worcester — A City of Higher Educational Institutions. Worcester — A City of Art. Worcester — A City of Music. Worcester — A City of Culture. Worcester — A City of Renown. WORCESTER— ONE GRAND CITY 19 U'-'J l£iJi" > J O J -X Tablet on Davis Tower, Lake Park Worcester, City of Prosperity Worcester First Settled WORCESTER was first settled under the Indian name of Quin- sigamond in 1673, when Ephraim Curtis of Sudbury bought land and built a log house on Lincoln Street, between Adams Square and the City Farm. The rude dwellings of a few other newcomers were already built when King Philip's War broke out and the settlement was abandoned. When the second settlement was attempted its name was changed to Worcester, meaning "war-castle." The renewed hostility of the Indians caused a second desertion of the place in 1701 by all except the family of Digory Sargent, who was himself killed while defending his garrison house, and his wife and five children taken prisoners. The wife and mother, fainting with grief and fear impeded the flight of the savages and while ascending the hills of Tatnuck, a chief stepped out of the file and with one blow of the tomahawk relieved the obstruction to their march. The third and permanent settlement dates from 1713, when Jonas Rice came from Marlboro and located on Sagatabscot, now Union Hill, his farm including some of the lands cultivated by Digory Sargent. The spot is marked by the Rice Boulder on Heywood Street. Another episode of those times was the kidnapping of Samuel Leon- ard, or Lenorson, by a marauding band of Indians. The account is given in full on the tablet placed on Davis Tower, Lake Park, by the Worcester Society of Antiquity. Before the coming of the white settlers Pakachoag Hill was the headquarters of a tribe of Nipmuck Indians under Saga- more John. Another tribe occupied the Tatnuck Hills, and still another Wigwam Hill, near the Lake. The Nipmucks, under the influence of John Eliot and Daniel Gookin, made an advance in civilization and some had professed Christianity. Sagamore John, who surrendered in Boston, affirmed that he was "forced for fear of his own life to join King Philip against the English." The deed of purchase from the Indians was a curious paper and it bears the date of July 13, 1674, and is as follows: "Bee it known to all men by this present writing that wee, John, alias Hoorrawannonit, or Quigaowassett, Sagamore of Packachoag, and Solomon, alias Woonaskochu, Sagamore of Tatassit, together with the consent of our kindred and people, and for, and in consideration of twelve pounds of lawful money or the full value thereof in other specie to our content, within three months after the date hereof, well and truly be paid and satisfied and pt. whereof viz; two coats and four yards of trading cloth, valued at twenty six shillings, we do acknowledge to have received in hand, as earnest, of Daniel Gookin sent of Camb, Esq. and of Daniel Hinchman of Boston, Brewer, in behalf of themself and Capt. Thomas Prentice and Lt. Richard Beeres and the rest of the General Court's Com- 21 Worcester, City of Prosperity mittee appointed for the management of a new plantation granted by said court, conteyning eight miles square or the contents thereof, beeing to the westward of Marlborrow near Quinsigaamud ponds and on each side of the roadway leading towards Connecticott; now know ye yt wee, ye sd John and Solomon, Sagamore aforesaid and upon ye terme aforesaid, unto ye Sd Daniel Gookin, Thomas Prentice, Daniel Henchman, Richard Beeres and ye rest of ye people admitted or to be admitted by ye said committee to bee inhabitants of ye new plantation, and to their heyrs, executors, administrators and assigns forever, in fee simple, all and every part of our civil or natural rights, in all and singular the broken up land and woodland, swamp, meadow, woods, trees, rivers, brooks, ponds, min- eralls or anything whatever lyeing and beeing within that part of land, conteyning eight miles square, or the contents thereof, to be layd out by ye sd persons or their order in time convenient. To have and to hold the premises and every part thereof unto them the sd Daniel Gookin, Thomas Prentice, Daniel Henchman and Richard Beeres and all ye rest of ye inhabitants admitted or to be admitted planters there and unto Ym and Yr heirs forever truly, and absolutely without any lett, molestation or disturbance, of us or by from or under us, forevermore as our heyrs or assignes and we do promise upon the finishing of the payments, to make full any of our kindred or people or any claims and ample deeds of writing for the same according to law. In witness to the truth hereof, wee ye sd John and Solomon alias Hoorrawannonit, and Woonaskochu, have here- unto set our hands and seals this thirteenth day of July, 1 674. Solomon, alias Woonaskochu (Seal and mark) John, Alias Hoorrawannonit (Seal and Mark) Signal, sealed and delivered in the presence of us Onnomog (his mark) Sagamore of Ocoonomesset Namphow (his mark) Sagamore of Wanessit Joseph Thatcher of Chabanakoichee (his mark) Nosoowowit (his mark) Noah Wiswell, present D. Gookin Final payment received August 20th, 1676. In September, 1674, the distinguished Indian philanthropist, John Eliot, of Roxbury, accompanied by his historian, Daniel Gookin, came to Quinsigamond Plantation to visit the tribe of Indians that dwelt about here. They met Sagamore John of the Nipmuck tribe, who lived near Pakachoag Hill, now known as Mt. St. James, the site of the College of the Holy Cross, and Sagamore Solomon of Tatassit Hill, now the suburb known as Tatnuck. The meeting was held at Pakachoag and at its ter- mination Captain Gookin was more than fully satisfied of the desirability of the plan chosen for the new settlement. The kind and gentle manner of Eliot made a strong impression on the Indians to promise to extend a hearty welcome to the newcomers. Worcester, City of Prosperity The plans were then fully completed and during the year 1674 quite a number of settlers began to arrive and build upon, and cultivate the land assigned to them in different sections of the place. This was followed up with greater vigor in 1675, and everything was progressing finely, the inhabitants "building after ye manner of a towne," when the terrible and destructive war of King Philip began, and after Mendon and Brookfield had been destroyed, the Indians descended suddenly upon the new settle- ment of Quinsigamond or Worcester, surrounded it, and created such havoc that it was soon deserted. Every building that had been erected by the settlers was burned by the Indians, December 2, 1675. For a number of years after this no settler dared to return here, but in 1684 their fear so abated that they began to come back and another settlement was started, only to be again devastated a few years later. At the second attempt to revive the settlement in 1684, the rights of all those who had previously proved their title to the soil were confirmed to them by the General Court. Inducements were offered for the settlers to come back, and encouragement was offered to others to come here and take up land. A vacancy had been caused upon the committee having charge of the plan- tation, by the death of Lieut. Richard Beeres, who was killed by the In- dians, and Captain John Irving was appointed in his place. September 10, 1684, a petition was presented to the General Court to have the plan- tation named Worcester, which was granted October 15, 1684. The fol- lowing is a copy from the original records of the Massachusetts Colony of the General Court's grant for the change of name: "Upon the motion and desire of Major General Gookin, Captain Prentice and Captain Dan Henchman, the Court grants their request, i.e., that their plantation at Quinsagamond be calld Worcester & yt Capt Wing be added & appointed one of the Committee there in ye roome of the Deceased & that the towne Brande be this "-p." A tract of one hundred acres was laid out for Captain Gookin on the east side of Pakachoag Hill, overlooking what is now included in Quin- sigamond Village, and one of eighty acres on Racoon Plain, near that part known as New Worcester. Another of eighty acres was laid out for Captain John Wing on the west side of Mill Brook, north of the present Lincoln Square, and several settled in the vicinity of Adams Square as it is now named. The land was taken up little by little but no accurate record of these early settlers was preserved, for the Indians again caused com- plete desertion of the place, during Queen Anne's war which began soon after 1702. But nothing daunted, in 1713, the proprietors, undiscouraged by the two former failures, came back, and began once more to build. In October of that year Col. Adam Winthrop, Gershom Rice and Jonas Rice addressed the General Court in behalf of themselves and others, representing their desire "to endeavor and enter upon a new settlement of the place from which they had twice been driven by war" and "prayed the countenance and encouragement of the Court in their undertaking; for such directions and regulations as should be thought fit to make them defensible in case of a new rupture of the Indians; and for a proper com- 23 The Spirit of '76 Worcester, City of Prosperity mittee to direct in ordering prudentials of the plantation till they come to a full settlement." This petition was duly granted, and Hon. William Taylor, Col. Adam Winthrop, William Dudley, Lieut. Col. John Valentine and Captain Thomas Howe were appointed as the new committee. On the 14th of June, 1714, a detailed report was presented by this committee of its proceedings in adjusting the claims of the former settlers and for promoting the future prosperity of the plantation. It is dated that it had allowed 31 rights of ancient inhabitants, and admitted 28 per- sons to take land on the condition that they pay twelve pence per acre for their planting or house lots only, being the amount collected of the original settlers, and of building and dwelling upon each lot, whether it was acquired by purchase or grant. It was recommended that the pro- vision for the support of the ministry and school be accepted, instead of the reservation to the commonwealth made in 1668. The committee also asked, as it had spent much time in receiving claims for grants of land, made many long journeys to affect adjustment of controversies, advanced considerable sums of money, and expected to have the care and trouble of the affairs of the town for many years, that a grant of forty acres should be assigned to each of them, with proportion of future divisions, as just compensation for their services. This report was accepted and received the approval of Gov. Joseph Dudley, June 14, 1714. Previous to this time, however, Jonas Rice who had been a planter here during the second settlement, returned on October 21, 1713, and it is from this date that the permanent settlement of the town can be dated. He built his home on Sagatabscot Hill, now known as Union Hill, and not far from where the fine buildings of the Worcester Academy are located. The original home was destroyed nearly 75 years ago. Jonas Rice remained here with his family alone in the forest, the only inhabitant of the place, until the early spring of 1715, when his brother, Gershom Rice, came as the second settler. Jonas Rice was a good and true man and commanded the respect and confidence of all who came after the settlement began to rise again from its ashes. He held many town offices; was frequently representative to the General Court; one of the justices of the Court of Common Pleas. He died September 22, 1753, at the age of 84 years. The third settler was Nathaniel Moore, of Sudbury, a man of great Christian character, and who was deacon of the first church from its foundation. The first male child born in Worcester was Adonijah, son of Jonas Rice, who was born November 7, 1714. He lived to be 88 years of age. Soon thereafter the shadows of oppression began to darken the land, and the first rumblings of the Revolution which finally up- heaved the Colonial Government, were felt here. When the appeal to arms was made, many of the inhabitants most distinguished for their talent, influence and honor, adhered with constancy to the cause of the King. In the struggle of warfare and the hostility of the party feelings they were drawn into semi-exile, and loaded down with reproval. Standing as they did, they entertained grave doubts whether that period had arrived when 25 «"* Worcester, City of Prosperity it was possible to declare independence, and they did not care to hazard all they had on the very uncertain issue of a war with England. The very earliest expression of opinion on Revolutionary matters on record here was in 1765, when Capt. Ephraim Doolittle, the town's representative to the General Court, was instructed "To join in no measure contemplating the stamp act." The indignation of the people on the promulgation of the act imposing a duty on tea was fully aroused here and severe resolu- tions were drawn up, exposing the feelings of the inhabitants. As the non-consumption argument prevented the sale of the obnoxious article by the merchants, mint and sage were extensively planted in the gardens and were used as a beverage. Those who did continue the use of tea indulged in the luxury as if they were committing a crime, and with the utmost secrecy. From this time to 1 773 no especial doings of the inhabitants marked the progress of the spirit of independence. The great influence of the Royalists, prevented any public expression of the high-toned patriotism which in other places was growing day by day more intense. The struggle between the patriotism of the people and the loyalty of the powerful in- fluence and wealth arrived at a crisis in this town in 1774, and terminated in the absolute defeat of the adherents to the King. Most of the protest- ers were made to publicly recant while those who did not, were so per- secuted that they were glad to leave the town for more congenial quarters. The difficulties between the mother country and the Colonies were fast hastening matters to a decision. An appeal was made to arms, and preparation was actively but silently made, and the "Minute-Men" here were advised to exercise and perfect themselves in discipline. In March, 1775, they were ordered to train half a day in each week to be ready for an emergency, as it seemed that their service might be required in defence of the country very soon. They were. Before noon on the 19th day of April, 1775, an express rider came dashing into Worcester, shouting as he passed through the streets, "To arms! to arms! The war has begun." His horse bloody with spurring, and dripping with sweat, fell exhausted near the meeting house, and another was procured, the alarmist mounted and the tiding was carried on through the country. The bell rang out the alarm, cannons were fired, and messengers hastened to every part of the town to collect the soldiers. As the news spread, men hastily left their implements of husbandry in the fields where they were working, to seize their muskets and in a very short time, "the Minute-men" were paraded on the Common, under com- mand of Capt. Timothy Bigelow, After prayer by the Rev. Mr. Mac- Carty, they took up the line of march for Lexington and Concord. They were soon followed by many others under command of Capt. Benjamin Flagg and on that day 1 10 good men and true left Worcester to enter the great battle for liberty. Worcester furnished a large number of men during the Revolutionary War, many of whom became prominent in the battles of those days Among these was Col. Timothy Bigelow, in whose memory the marble monument was erected on the Common. It is a curious co- incident in this connection, that upon the day the monument was being 27 c^ "T3 •S > Ji 8 S'B ? o u ^ o > Z? o 11 •- o* - 1 -r o 73 CO 3 g - • .° •* .9 =8 ■5 CQ J Worcester, City of Prosperity dedicated with a great ceremony, came the startling news of the firing upon Fort Sumter, the first alarm of another long and bloody struggle for the country's honor. On Saturday, July 14, 1776, the Declaration of Independence arrived here on its way from Philadelphia to Boston. This instrument, the eloquent echo of sentiments expressed in less splendid form from almost every village throughout the Colonies, long before they were promulgated in that docu- ment, the "Magna Charta of freedom" was hailed with greatest enthusi- asm. It was read for the first time in Massachusetts from the front of the Old South Church, by Isaiah Thomas, to the assembled crowd. On Sunday, after divine service, it was again read in church. Measures were immedi- ately adopted for a proper celebration of the event, and on Monday following, the very earliest commemoration of the occasion since hallowed as the national anniversary took place in the town. The Massachusetts Spy of July 24, 1 776, gives the following account of the day: "On Monday last, a number of patriotic gentlemen of this town ani- mated with great love for their country, and a desire to show their approba- tion of the measures lately taken by the General Council of America assembled on the "Green" near the Liberty pole, when after having dis- played the colors of the thirteen Confederate Colonies of America, the bells were set ringing, and drums abeating. After a while the Declaration of Independence of the United States was read to a large and respectable body, among whom were the Selectmen and Committees of Correspon- dence, assembled on the occasion, who testified their approbation by re- peated huzzas, firing of musketry and cannon, bonfires and other loud dem- onstrations of joy. "When the arms of that tyrant in Britain, George III of exorable mem- ory, which in former times decorated, but of late disgraced the Court House in this town, were committed to the flames and consumed to ashes, there was renewed joy. After this a select company of the Sons of Freedom repaired to the tavern lately known by the King's Arms, which odious signature of despotism was taken down by order of the people, which order was most cheerfully complied with by the Inn-Keeper, when a long list of toasts were then drank and an evening spent with joy on the commence- ment of a new era. The greatest decency and good order was observed, and at a suitable hour each man returned to his respective home." The King's Arms, at which the demonstration took place, occupied about the site of the former Lincoln House and now where Poli's Theatre is located. It was a very celebrated place in those days, and had been honored by the entertainment of George Washington, while on a journey in 1775, from Philadelphia to Cambridge. Gen. George Washington, first president of the United States, also visited Worcester, October 23, 1 789. Gen. Lafayette passed through Wor- cester in 1834, on his way to visit the country he had helped to liberate half a century before. 29 Worcester, City of Prosperity Worcester — "City of Prosperity" Quinsigamond — Indian Name. Worcester means "War Castle." "City of Prosperity" — and that's why the National Metal Trades Association is holding its 16th Annual Con- vention in the "Heart of the Commonwealth. " Worcester is the second city in population in Massachusetts and the third in the New England states. It was incorporated a town in 1722 and a city in 1848. It covers an area of about 24,586 acres or 38 square miles. It has had a marvellous steady growth for an inland city. The population of Worcester 200 years ago was 200; now it is nearly 200,000. The population in I 722 was 200 1790 2,095 1800 2,411 1810 2,577 1820 2,962 1830 4,172 1840 7,497 1850 17,049 1860 24,960 1870 41.105 1880 58,291 1890 84,655 1900 118,421 1910 145,986 1914 166,025 (Water Census) 5i i New Union Depot, opened in 191 I Worcester, City of Prosperity Worcester's City Hall THE new city hall occupies practically the whole of the west side of the Worcester Common. It also occupies the site of the old Old South Church and the old city hall. From the west porch of the church was first read in public in Massachusetts, the Declaration of Inde- pendence, written ten days before in Philadelphia. The new city hall was built of Milford granite by Norcross Brothers, of Worcester. It is 219 feet long, 85 feet wide, has 60 rooms, is in Italian renaissance style of architecture, with a beautiful Florentine tower, rising 205 feet from the ground. The old hall which gave place to the present one, contained the largest audience room in Worcester until the erection of the Mechanics Hall in 1857. In the old city hall in 1848 was born the Free Soil party. Here, in 1854, Eli Thayer, of Worcester, announced his "Plan of Freedom." In that hall resounded the clarion notes of such eminent people as Abraham Lincoln, Daniel Webster, Charles Sumner, Garrison, Wendell Phillips, Everett, Winthrop, Douglass, John Brown, Hale, Louis Kossuth, Fr. Matthew, John B. Gough, Henry Clay, Jenny Lind, W. M. Thackeray, and many others. The last public gathering in the old city hall proper was May 4, 1898, when the surviving voters of 1 848 assembled to say farewell to the venerable hall, sacred to them, and soon to be pulled down. The clock on the old City Hall, was originally on the old Old South Church, and now occupies a prominent place in the tower of the Coes Wrench Co. 's plant. It bears this inscription, "Abel Stowell made me in 1800." The cornerstone of the new city hall was laid September 12, 1896. The building was dedicated April 28, 1898, and occupied May 1, 1898. The cost of the buildings and furnishings was $650,000. 33 New Worcester City Hal Worcester, City of Prosperity The Tablets Placed in the Corridor of New City Hall, bear the following inscriptions: HERE IN 1719 THE INHABITANTS OF WORCESTER ERECTED THE HOUSE OF WORCESTER REBUILT IN 1763 TAKEN DOWN IN 1887. FROM ITS PORCH ISAIAH THOMAS JULY 14.TH 1776 READ TO THE PEOPLE THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. IT WAS IN THAT HOUSE LATER KNOWN AS THE OLD SOUTH MEETING HOUSE AND JUST NORTH WHERE STOOD UNTIL 1 898 THE HALL BUILT IN 1 825 THAT THE PEOPLE OF WORCESTER HAVE GOVERNED THEMSELVES FROM THE BEGINNING AS TOWN AND CITY IN FREEDOM AND IN HONOR THE COMMON HARD BY SET APART AS A TRAINING FIELD IN 1 684 WAS THE PRINCIPAL BURIAL PLACE OF WORCESTER FROM 1 724 TO 1 824. HERE GATHERED THE SOLDIERS OF WORCESTER COUNTY FOR THE WAR OF INDEPENDENCE AND THE WAR FOR THE UNION HERE JUNE 28, 1843 WAS THE GREAT MASS MEETING WHICH ORGANIZED THE POLITICAL MOVEMENT BEGUN TO PRESERVE TO FREEDOM THE VAST TERRITORY BETWEEN THE MISSISSIPPI AND THE PACIFIC AND ENDED BY THE ABOLITION OF SLAVERY THROUGHOUT THE CONTINENT 35 Main Street, Worcester (same location), in 1914 Worcester, City of Prosperity From Old Worcester to New Worcester IN AN UPPER corridor of the Worcester City Hall stands two suits of armor, the gift of the City of Worcester in Old England to Worcester in New England, and they are only one gift of many such courtesies which have been exchanged between the mother and daughter cities and which have linked and kept loyal the association between the two countries. The suits of armor are part of a gift of nine suits which, with brass cannon, were presented to the Old Worcester by a former member of the Worcester corporation as having been used by the soldiers of King Charles the Second at the battle of Worcester, September 3, 1651 . Col. Albert Webb, V. D., J. P., a member of the corporation, and son of a former mayor, was chosen by the corporation to the important task of gift bearer and of formally presenting them. This presentation took place the morning of November 6, 1908, Col. Webb delivering his credentials to Mayor James Logan. These contained a letter from John Stallard, Mayor of Worcester, and dated from the Guildhall, Worcester, October 16, 1908. In the early history of Worcester, when this newer Worcester was in the making, there were various exchanges of letters and sentiments; later there were gifts of books from the public libraries. Bricks from the Wor- cester Cathedral were put into the building of All Saints Church, the First Episcopal (Church of England) church in Worcester. 37 Worcester, City of Prosperity George Merrill Wright — Machinist, Farmer, Mayor GEORGE M. WRIGHT, treasurer and general manager of the Wright Wire Co., one of the largest manufacturers in his line in the United States, was born in Clinton, April 12, 1865. He came of that sturdy New England stock — the Wright family — many members of which have made names for themselves in the machinery and wire weaving industry. After attending the public schools of Clinton, he took the business course at Foster's Business College, Worcester, and finished at the Monson Academy. In 1882 he began drafting machinery the necessary prelimin- ary to his later success, under the supervision of his father, George F. Wright, an expert mechanical engineer, who was master mechanic of the Clinton Wire Cloth Co. for 20 years. At the end of a year the son had shown great adaptability for new ideas in mechanics, and it was but a short time after he was found experimenting with the construction of machinery of his own devising. It was not George M. Wright alone that began work in Palmer as a machinist, it was George M. Wright the product of noted mechanics, of the spirit and inheritance of true men who made the United States what it is. In 1885, Mr. Wright, in company with his father, George F. Wright, and brother, Herbert M. Wright, entered into the manufacture of wire cloth and netting in a small way at Palmer, under the firm name of the Wright Wire Cloth Company. Of this company he was appointed business manager. At its inception the company employed about six workmen. In 1889 the company gave employment to 60 men, and at that period re- moved its business to Worcester, changing the firm name to the Wright & Colton Wire Cloth Company, until in 1889, when upon the retirement of S. H. Colton, George M. Wright was elected treasurer. From a small be- ginning, with limited capital, this business has been developed into a big concern, with a capital stock of $250,000, giving employment to about 500 workmen, and doing an annual business of about $1,000,000. The weaving factories at Worcester, and the large plant at Palmer, are fully equipped with machinery and appliances of improved type, some of which were invented and patented by Mr. Wright. The public life of Mr. Wright was begun in 1900, when he was elected councilman of Ward 6. He also served in the Council the following year and was elected alderman in 1902. In 1912 he was elected mayor of Worcester by 2,330, largest plurality ever given candidate for first term, and re-elected December 9, 1913, by 5,843, the largest plurality in the history of the city. He is a 32nd degree mason. 39 Worcester, City of Prosperity Worcester's Municipal Affairs THERE HAVE been 33 mayors of Worcester since the time of the first Chief Magistrate, Levi Lincoln in 1848. There are 213 miles of public streets in Worcester, 23 miles of paved streets, 93 miles of brick sidewalks, 9 miles of concrete sidewalks, 34 miles of granolithic sidewalks, 66 miles of sanitary and surface sewers. There are 1,058 arc lights, 587 Welsbach gas street lights, 1,918 Tungstens. Water is supplied the city from ten reservoirs with a storage capacity of 3,445,480,000 gallons. The total cost of the water works up to December 1, 1913, was $6,086,705.58. The income from water rates up to that date was $448,366.95. An extensive sewage purification works has been established at Quin- sigamond Village, one of Worcester's suburbs, which had a valuation December 1, 1913, of $793,000. It was first operated in 1888, and has been added to almost annually since that time and covers 74 acres. The entire sewer system of Worcester has cost $5,500,000. There were 15,447 dwellings in Worcester December 1, 1913, and the valuation of the city at that date was $153,058,968. The assessed polls in 1913 were 53,696, and the rate of taxation in 1913 was $17.60. In December, 1913, there were 26,270 registered male voters and 802 female voters. Worcester possesses a very efficient Police Department. There are 27 officials, 186 patrolmen and 20 reserve patrolmen, members of the de- partment. There are two police precincts which have been established for more than 30 years. There are 55 call stations situated throughout the city. The City Ordinance providing for the establishment of a night watch, was passed by the City Council May 6, 1850. Following the passage of this ordinance, Mayor Chapin appointed as the first regular night watch- men, eight men to fill these positions. Worcester was incorporated as a city February 29, 1848. Section 8 of the Act provided that the Mayor and Aldermen should have power to appoint constables, city marshal, assistant marshal, and all other police officers. Up to this time there were twelve constables, no salaries being paid them, the only source of income being fees from the town. There is an equally up-to-date Fire Department consisting of 18 fire stations, 236 men with 288 signal boxes and 2,4|3 hydrants. A splendid equipment of fire engines, motor driven hose wagons and other apparatus. The scheduled valuations of fire stations is $323,550 and all real estate amounts to $417,913. Worcester has long been known as an educational centre. 40 Worcester, City of Prosperity There are four high schools here, and they have a total of 3,451 pupils enrolled as follows: Classical High 825 English High 913 South High 900 North High 813 The original cost of the High School Buildings was: Classical High $130,000 English High $190,000 South High $180,000 North High (Salisbury Street $70,000 North High (Sycamore Street) $18,000 The number of graduates from high schools June, 1913, was: Classical High 98 English High 134 South High 103 Total 335 There were no graduates from the North High Schools as they have only within a year been changed from grammar to high schools. There are 50 graded schools in the city, with 22,946 pupils taught by 741 teachers. The evening schools have 125 teachers for 2,532 pupils, representing the 42 different nationalities in Worcester's population. In addition to the above, Worcester also has two trade schools — one for boys, established in 1909, and one for girls established in 191 1. Special courses are laid out for the boys in machine work, steam, gasoline and mechanical engineering, carpentering, patternmaking, cabinetmaking, and other trades. The estimated cost of buildings erected in Worcester in 1912 and 1913 was $1 1,477,095, surely indicating Worcester to be a City of Prosperity, comparing very favorably with any city its size in the country. Worcester has never suffered from a business depression such as is common in other cities. This is due more particularly to its diversified industries. It has also been an unusually favored community so far as industrial troubles are concerned, for there have been few labor difficulties in Worces- ter in any line of industry the past quarter of a century. This is due very largely to the liberal influences in many directions of the Worcester Branch, National Metal Trades Association, which has been in existence for the past 1 3 years. The Worcester Labor Bureau, operated by the Branch, was the first free Employment Office established in Massachusetts. In the years of its existence it has secured thousands of efficient workers for firms wanting such, and at the same time furnished suitable positions to workmen and workwomen desiring work. The Worcester Labor Bureau has been located at 44 Front Street since its inception, and this has proved a central place for people looking for employment. 41 §8 eg U° Worcester, City of Prosperity Seven hospitals of various kinds carry on their widespread beneficent work in the city. The City Hospital is the largest. The Act of the Massa- chusetts Legislature establishing the City Hospital was approved May 23, 1871. The hospital ordinance was passed by the City Council June 26, 1871, and the hospital opened October 23 the same year. The first patient was admitted October 26, 1871. The hospital was first located in the Bigelow Mansion, corner Front and Church Streets, and the number of beds in 1871 was 12. George Jaques, benefactor, who bought 3 ! 2 acres of land for $35,000, which he gave to the city as a site for a hospital, died August 24, 1872, bequeathing $200,000 for a hospital. The hospital was removed to Jaques Homestead, Wellington Street, January 20, 1874, and the number of beds in 1874 was 16. The hospital was removed to the present site December 8, 1881, and the Training School for nurses established September, 1883. The Gill Memorial and Salisbury Wards were opened 1886 and the Knowles Mater- nity in June two years later. The Out-Patient Department was begun March 17, 1890, while the Samuel Winslow Surgery was inaugurated July, 1896. The Male Surgical Building opened October, 1896. The Thayer Memorial Home for Nurses began its work June, 1898, and the heat, light and power plant was completed in 1900. The City buildings, costing $300,000, were opened in 1904 and the number of buildings comprising the present plant is 20, the value of the buildings $676,904 and the total amount of endowment $267,055.41. The number of in-patients treated since the opening of the hospital is 75,247. There were 5,619 treated in 1913. The total expenditures in 1913 were $154,908.57, number of beds 300, while the weekly per capita cost in 1913 was $1 1.08. The other hospitals are: Isolation Hospital, founded 1896; Worcester State Hospital, opened 1833; Worcester State Asylum, opened 1877; Memorial Hospital, includes the Washburn Free Dispensary, endowed by the late Ichabod Washburn. The Dispensary was established 1874; the hospital opened 1888; Worcester Hahnemann Hospital, opened 1896; St. Vincent Hospi al, opened 1893. There are 120 churches and missions in Worcester representing the leading denominations, with 160 clergymen to minister to the spiritual wants of the people, while 366 nurses attend to their physical infirmities. There are 260 doctors and 1 7 1 lawyers. Worcester is the Shire City of Worcester County, and with the single exception of Boston is the largest city in Massachusetts. It has 10 wards with 43 voting precincts. The city's expenditures for improvements, additions and construc- tion work in all its departments for the year was $5,548,960.11. The health of Worcester is one of its greatest assets and attractions. It compares very favorably with other cities of the country having a similar population composed of nondescript elements. The rate of death 43 Worcester, City of Prosperity per 1,000 of the population for 1913 was 15.25. Excluding deaths at both State Insane Hospitals it is 13.91 ; with non-residents excluded it is 12.87. These non-residents come from outside the city to enter the various hos- pitals; none are included with a Worcester address. Some of the Things Worcester Does Worcester envelopes carry the correspondence of the world. Worcester textile machinery makes the clothes for the natives of all countries. Worcester manufactures the machines which do the world's labeling. Worcester is unique in that it has a machine shop controlled and oper- ated by three women. Worcester supplies more grinders to the industries of the world than any other city. Paris sets the styles for gowns; Worcester sets the styles for corsets. Anything in pressed steel you can get in Worcester. Worcester is the home of the vacuum cleaner. Worcester sets the pace for clutches. Worcester cutlery carves everything. Worcester is IT in optical goods. Worcester's shuttles fly hither and yon the world over. Worcester is the leader in saw manufacturing. Worcester's fine machine tools are known from coast to coast. Worcester's auto and cycle chains make travel easier over the roads. You can pump anything with the pumps made in Worcester County. No machine shop could run smoothly without Worcester's twist drills. Worcester's engines run day and night — they work while you sleep. This is the steel age — the structural work of Worcester firms is par excellence. \^ orcester made machines can bring you almost anything by means of the nickel-in-the-slot process. \^ hen shop men want anything in machine tools they naturally turn to Worcester. Worcester rolls strong on the rolling mills. If you want to see a battery of boilers, come to Worcester. For metal ornamental work Worcester is top notch. There's no crankiness at all about Worcester's crank shaper. "Worcester made invites trade"' — That tells the story about every industry. "Everything in wire'" is a Worcester motto. Worcester manufacturing plants, 700 of them, make over 300.000 different articles. How's that for variety? ^ orcester has approximately 2500 mercantile establishments, employ- ing about 30,000 people. 44 Worcester, City of Prosperity The business of the Worcester retail merchants aggregates over $60,000,000 per annum. The city has five large department stores, occupying approximately 1 ,000,000 square feet of space. The city church property is valued at $3,000,000 Worcester is the centre of a fertile agricultural country. The interests of the farmer, the grower of fruits and vegetables, are being well looked after by the Worcester Agricultural Society, nearly a century old, having been established in 1818; the Worcester County Horticultural Society, organized in 1840; the Massachusetts Fruit Growers Association, the Patrons of Husbandry, the Worcester County Market Gardeners' Asso- ciation and the Tatnuck Farmers' Club. In the Worcester County Musical Association this city possesses the oldest music festival given annually, without a break, of any city in the country. It was organized in 1858. The Worcester Festival is an annual function, known throughout the world by musical people for its high class concerts. The leading singers and instrumentalists in the world have appeared in Mechanics Hall at the Worcester Festival. The Worcester Oratorio Society, organized in 1897, is also favorably known because of the series of concerts it presents annually. Worcester has a gas producer plant as well as many which consume that commodity. Worcester has a firm which produces three-quarters of the best finish- ing machinery for woolens, worsteds, felts, and cotton and other fabrics in the world. Worcester has the largest wholesale and retail drug store in the state. Worcester has the largest retail provision and grocery store in Massa- chusetts. No home is complete without some of the thousands of different kinds of wire goods made in Worcester. Every industry uses grinding wheels — and Worcester makes wheels for them all. Every race in every zone finds exhilaration on Worcester-made skates. The wool crop of the world is sheared with Worcester-made clippers. The world's machinery is put together with Worcester-made wrenches. Monday finds Worcester-made dryers prominent on every landscape. For years the world has looked to Worcester for dependable firearms. Worcester has the largest muslin underwear garment factory in the world. Worcester has the largest factory in the United States for the manu- facture of organ materials. The largest valentine factory in the world is located in Worcester. Worcester has the largest manufactories in the universe for the manu- facture of wire, wire springs and wire novelties. Worcester's textile machinery output is the largest of any city in the world. Worcester has the largest and only exclusive plant for the building of wool spinning machinery in the United States. 45 £ V 3 3 • . . ' S •3*4 4 + L- ? "Sz^SS =&.' Sr s illltll! r. j — a- SSElMlE I 4 - -S_5 — » — ^ "!«| s| Worcester, City of Prosperity Worcester turns out 75 per cent, of the best grade of automobile crank shafts of the country. Worcester produces more envelopes of all sizes and kinds than any- other city in the universe. The Heart of the Commonwealth is responsible for the beauty of figure and poise and attractiveness of the women of the world. It manu- factures more corsets and the finest styles of any city in the world. Wom- anhood owes a great deal to the inventive genius and style of Worcester corset designers. Worcester had, according to the 1910 census, the largest percentage growth (23.3) in population in Massachusetts for cities of over 100,000 people. Worcester is the home office of one of the oldest insurance companies in the United States, having insurance in force of about $175,000,000. Worcester is the home of the two largest and strongest companies in the country providing health and accident benefits for Masons and Odd Fellows. Worcester has four insurance companies, one life and three mutual fire insurance companies, whose total assets are over $44,000,000 with a total surplus aggregating nearly $4,000,000. Worcester boasts up-to-date daily newspapers, and the city is known in newspaper life as the nursery of more brilliant, live newspaper men and women, preparing them for metropolitan work, than any other city in the country. Worcester's educational institutions, from its public schools to its colleges and university, are classed with the best in the country. Worcester is coming to be recognized as a leading convention city. Worcester is known as one of the great cities of the country for lodges and orders of all kinds. Worcester has 80-cent gas. Worcester has 32,000 telephone subscribers. Worcester has never lost a penny by a bank failure. Worcester has 6,000 men employed in the building trades. Worcester is one big City with an overwhelming number of its in- dustries operated on the Open Shop System. Worcester is a Port of Entry, the duties received in 1913 being $191,472.46. Worcester has three Colleges — Clark, Holy Cross and Assumptionist. Worcester has as cheap electric light as any city in New England. Worcester has one of the largest wallpaper factories in the United States. In Worcester was printed the first music from types in this country. The first English dictionary printed in this country was printed in Worcester. The first Emigrant Aid Society was organized in this city of emigrants in 1854 by Hon. Eli Thayer. 47 Worcester, City of Prosperity Worcester was the first city in the United States to buy land for a public park. Worcester has the largest wholesale and retail wallpaper warehouse in New England. Worcester has the largest firms in the United States manufacturing paper box machinery. Worcester can produce in its envelope factories 15,000,000 envelopes per day, and that would only be an ordinary day's work. Worcester's newest hotel, in which the convention of the National Metal Trades Association meets, the Bancroft, cost $1,250,000, and the delegates can judge for themselves what like it is. Outside of the American Steel & Wire Co., Worcester has one of the largest steel and wire plants in the United States, not a subsidiary of the United States Steel Corporation. In automobile and bicycle chains, Worcester has a plant, belonging to the National Metal Trades Association, which turns out 75 per cent, of that product in the United States Worcester Polytechnic Institute is one of the leading institutions of its kind in the world. Worcester wrenches have been made for over half a century by one of the members of the National Metal Trades Association, and the product is a million annually. Worcester has had dull periods when business was not as good as at other times, but it has never experienced a business depression in the sense that other cities have suffered, because of the great variety of its industries. Worcester Art Museum has an endowment of $3,000,000. It is one of the finest in the country. Many of the most handsome buildings, public and private, in the country have been erected by Worcester contractors, notably Norcross Brothers and J. W. Bishop Co. Worcester has a cold storage plant with a capacity of 400 cars, and also produces 8,000 tons of pure ice. Worcester is the home of the American Antiquarian Society, possessing 130,000 volumes, and 70,000 pamphlets. Six miles of leather belting are made daily in Worcester, in one of the greatest leather plants of its kind in the world. Worcester's public library has 190,000 volumes. The Board of Trustees has just opened three branch libraries in various suburbs of the city, the buildings alone costing $25,000 each, Andrew Carnegie giving Worcester $75,000 during the administration of James Logan as mayor for this purpose. Worcester Trade schools for both boys and girls are monuments to the educational enterprise on industrial lines of wide-awake Worcester citizens. The Worcester Woman's Clubhouse is one of the most attractive and costly in the country. It was designed by a woman and paid for by women's efforts. It is a credit to Worcester's womanhood. Worcester's trolley system reaches 35 towns within a radius of a score of miles and touches a population of about half a million people. Worcester, City of Prosperity Loring Coes, and Mayor Blake, in 1872, were the first men of Worcester to make a balloon ascension. They landed at Pepperell, 45 miles away. The value of the produced goods in 447 establishments in Worcester for the year 1912 was $86, 3 18,715. The stock and materials used amounted to $48,637,656; the money invested in these 447 establishments was $73,242,657; the amount of wages paid in these establishments for that year was $18,401,919, and the average yearly earnings of the men and women, skilled and unskilled was $604.41 . In the Worcester machine shops and foundries, according to Director Gettemy, of the State Bureau of Statistics, there is invested in capital $13,647,520, and the wages paid in 1912 was $3,730,932, the average yearly earnings of all the employees in these foundries and shops being $659.99. Worcester's Financial Standing THE FOLLOWING statement in regard to the debt and borrowing capacity of the city of Worcester, submitted by the City Treasurer Feb. 14, 1914, is interesting as showing the financial standing of the city: Total funded and bonded debt, Feb. 1, 1914. $12,824,325.00 Less total Sinking Fund, 5,359,958 . 62 Net bonded indebtedness, $7,464,366.38 Present borrowing capacity inside debt limit, $637,618.96 In figuring the net debt of the city, it is customary among invest- ment security dealers, to exclude Water Debt, on the theory that the Water Department is self-supporting, which is true in the case of Wor- cester. Total Water Debt, $4,955,000 . 00 Less Water Loan Sinking Fund, 2,467,025 .40 Leaving a net Water Debt of $2,487,974 . 60 Eliminating this from 7,464,366 38 A balance of 4,976,391.78 is obtained which is the net bonded debt exclusive of water. Entertainment Houses and Halls There are eight theatres and pleasure houses in Worcester with a seating capacity of 1 1 ,500; there are 50 halls, the largest of which is Me- chanics Hall on Main Street with seating capacity of 1,750. 4 49 h Worcester, City of Prosperity Park System WORCESTER is unusually favored so far as breathing spaces for its people are concerned. It possesses 18 parks with a total acreage of over 1 ,000. Green Hill Park is the largest, containing 500 acres. The parks have been made most attractive by a Parks Com- mission which has added to the natural beauty of these public resorts by artistic touches in many ways. The size of the various parks is as follows: Boynton Park Burncoat Park Brooks Street Land Chandler Hill Park Common Crompton Park Dodge Park Elm Park Fairmount Square, Grant Square Green Hill Park Hadwen Park Institute Park Lake Park Middle River Park North Shore Reservation Salisbury Park University Park 113 acres 41. 51 1. 75 " 80. 34 " 4. 8 15 25 " 13 " 88 " 95 " 1 55 " 500 " 50 " 25 .44 •' 110 •• 8 .1 5 .95 " 19.99 14 Total 1,092.055 acres Worcester Post Office THE PRESENT building on Main Street is the first owned by the Federal Government. The land and building cost $568,365. It was finished in 1896. It requires I 1 1 carriers and 88 clerks to trans- act the post office work for Worcester's busy people. The gross receipts of the post office for the year ending June 30, 1913, amounted to $529,- 456.64. There are 14 stations in the city in addition to the general Post Office. Worcester's postmaster is James W. Hunt, who has had 40 years' experience in the government service. Si PARK SYSTEM WORCESTER, MASS. MARCH, 1910. xN «£. ,o^ &°% *o VO ,«.* N»^ Worcester, City of Prosperity Worcester — A City of Hills WORCESTER is most ideally situated. Soon after it was settled as a town, it began to lengthen its cords and strengthen its stakes, until now it is built on 1 5 hills, making Jerusalem, with its seven hills, look somewhat small. There's Winter Hill and Wigwam Hill, Ban- croft Hill and Hancock Hill, Pakachoag Hill and Newton Hill, hills of the Indians and hills of the Fairies and hills with Bible names and hills just as ancient but with modern nomenclature. The beauty of the hills is not in their names, but in the fact that many grand educational institutions with proud histories and prouder alumni adorn their summit, that they afford a glorious view of the thriving industrial centre which lies at their feet, and that intermingling with their woods and crags and lakes and green sward, is the snug little cottage of the mechanic, the bungalow of the suburbanite or the mansion of the manufacturer or merchant. From these hilltops the denizens of the west side can catch a glimpse of the glorious sunrises with which Worcester is favored, and the dwell- ers of the east side may watch the equally vari-colored and beautiful sun- sets over the Tatnuck Hills. Rural grandeur beautifies Worcester. On the east at our door is the attractive Lake Quinsigamond, on the west we are guarded by the stately Asnebumskit, to the north rises the majestic tower of Mt. Wachusett, and to the south may be found the famed waters of Chargoggagogmanchauggaggogchaubunagungamaug. Here is a list of Worcester's hills, their locations and heights: Bancroft Heights — West of Salisbury Street, near Park Avenue, Height, 720 feet. Bigelow Hill — Burncoat Street, half mile north of Adams Square, Height, 725 feet. Chandler Hill — South of Belmont Street, Height, 721 feet. Green Hill — East of Lincoln Street, terminus of Cushing Street, Height, 777 feet. Hancock Hill — Between Salisbury and Forest Streets, Height, 780 feet. Messinger Hill or Fairmount — North of North Street, Height, 620 feet. Millstone Hill — North of Belmont Street, Height, 760 feet. Mount Ararat — South of Ararat Street, Height, 780 feet. Newton Hill — Between Park Avenue, Highland and Pleasant streets, Height, 672 feet. Oak Hill — Between Bloomingdale Road and Plantation Street, Height, 700 feet. Pakachoag Hill or Mt. St. James — Near College of the Holy Cross, Height, 693 feet. Parker Hill — Fowler Street, near City line, Height, 1 ,000 feet. Union Hill — Providence Street, Height, 625 feet. Wigwam Hill — Plantation Street, Height, 560 feet. Winter Hill — Grove Street, near City line, Height, 980 feet. Worcester's elevation is 481 feet above tide water. S3 Worcester, City of Prosperity Up Wi' The Hammer, Mate Up wi' the hammer, mate, labor is sweet, Rain down the blows while the iron has heat; Make the sparks scamper, like sleet 'fore the gale, Flood the old smiddy wi' bright golden hail, Ilka blow brings the job nearer an en', Ilka lick brings it to shape, as ye ken; Strike true and sturdily, toil's a delight, Hauns may be black, but the siller is white. Listen, my lad, to the roar of the blast, Flames from the earth-pit are leaping up fast; Swing high your hammer, there's siller to win, Peg away, peg away, never give in. Kings may rear princes, but we are the men, Labor's the dowry on which we depend; Bread tastes the sweetest when worked for fu' sair, Laugh and be jolly though humble your fare. Bang! bang! bang! — bang! bang! bang! Hammers beat time to a cheery Scotch sang; Swiftly and busily time slips along, Bang! bang! bang! — Bang! bang! bang! 55 Worcester, City of Prosperity Worcester — A Manufacturing Centre IN THE, value of manufactures, Worcester, of course, is second in vol- ume and importance only to that of Metropolitan Boston. The year ending December 3, 1912, according to Charles F. Gettemy, director of the State Bureau of Statistics, "marks the highest level ever reached in the history of Massachusetts manufactures," and what is true of the state is also true of the City of Worcester. The value of goods produced in the factories and shops of Worcester for that year, as shown by the returns from 447 establishments, indicate that there is invested in those estab- lishments $73,242,657, that the value of stock and materials used amounted to $48,637,656, that the amount of wages paid in those manufacturing establishments during the year was $18,401,919 and that the average yearly earnings of men and women, skilled and unskilled, were $601.41 The greatest number of wage earners employed was 34,728, while the value of the product manufactured amounted to $86,318,715. Of the above, so far as foundry and machine shop products alone are concerned, the following figures are exceedingly interesting, as indicating the vastness of these two single industries alone in the Heart of the Com- monwealth. In Worcester there are 72 foundry and machine shops. The invested capital is $13,647,520. The value of the stock and materials used amounted to $4,439,819, the amount of wages paid during the year was $3,730,932, the average yearly earnings was $659.99 and the wage earners employed numbered 5,653, while the value of the product was $11,480,800. In Fitchburg, the leading city in Worcester County outside of Wor- cester, there are 19 machine shops and foundries, with capital invested amounting to $1,582,997; the value of the stock and the materials used was $523,958, while the amount of wages paid during the year was $514,442. The average yearly earnings was $660.39, and the wage earners employed numbered 779, while the value of the product was $1,617,827. The two cities of Worcester and Fitchburg combined on machine shops and foundry products make this splendid showing: Number Establish- ments Capital Invested Value Stock Materials Used Amount Wages Paid Annually Average Yearly Earnings Wage Value Earners ' of Employed Product 91 $15,230,497 $4,963,777 $4,245,374 $744.00 6,432 $13,098,627 The average yearly wage for all industries, men and women, skilled and unskilled, for Worcester was $551.36, or $10.60 per week. These figures are based on a running time in Worcester in 1912 of 297 days of work. S6 Worcester, City of Prosperity Director Gettemy says in his report: "The City of Worcester, second in importance, owes its industrial position to its foundries and machine shops, iron and steel works and wire mills, and there are also extensive manufactures of woolen and worsted goods." This being so, it behooves all employers of labor to join hands with the National Metal Trades Asso- ciation manufacturers in not only preserving the splendid report which Statistical Director Gettemy gives of the Heart of the Commonwealth, but, if possible, make it better in the years to come. No country in the world is unacquainted with Worcester's high grade machines. Some Kinds of Machinery and Specialties Made in Worcester LATHES, Planers, Drills, Grinders, Shapers, Agricultural Machinery, Automatic Bottling Machinery, Automatic Farm Machinery, Auto- matic Machines, Automatic Pin Machines, Automatic Printing Machines, Automatic Wire Forming Machines, Band Splitting Machines, Barbed Fencing Machines, Boiler Sheet Drilling Machines, Bolt Cutting Machines, Bonnet Machinery, Boot and Shoe Machinery, Border Trimming Machinery, Bottle Feeding Machines, Bottle Stoppering Machines Box Machinery, Brazing Machinery, Brushing Machinery, Calico Printing Machinery, Card Cutting Machines, Card Feeding Machines, Card Grinding Machines, Card Machines, Carpet Brushing Machinery, Carpet Dusting Machinery, Carpet Shearing Machinery, Circular Saw Machinery, Cordage Machinery, Cotton Machinery, Counter Sinking Machinery, Crown Feeding Machines, Envelope Folding Machines, Envelope Making Machines, Farming Machines, Feeding Machines, Foundry Molding Machines, Grain Cleaning Machines, Gun Barrel Matting Machines, Gun Barrel Polishing Machines, Harvesting Machinery, Hat Machinery, Horse Clipping Machines, Ice Machinery, Label- ing Machinery, Laundry Machinery, Loom Keyseating Machinery, Loom Shedding Machines, Mat Shearing Machines, Milling Machines, Mill Machinery, Mitering Machines, Moulding Machines, Mowing Ma- chines, Napping Machines, Needle Feeding Machines, Nut Capping Machines, Packers' Machines, Paper Box Machines, Bending Machines, Board Lining Machines, Covering Machinery, Creasing Machines, Fold- ing Box Machines, Gluing Machines, Gumming Machines, Matchbox Machines, Paper Slitting Machines, Round Cutting Machines, Scoring Machines, Slotting Machines, Rewinding Machines, Topping Machines, Wirecorner Staying Machines, Paper Cutting Machines, Paper Finishing Machines, Pegging Machines, Picking Machinery, Planing Machinery, Plantation Machinery (all kinds), Power Transmission Machinery, Pulley Turning Machinery, Pump Boring Machinery, Punch Making Machinery, Railroad Track Machinery, Razor Stropping Machines, Reaming Machin- ery, Rolling Mills, Rug Shearing Machines, Sawing Machinery, Shaping 57 Worcester, City of Prosperity Machinery, Slitting Machines, Special Machines, Spindle Drilling Ma- chines, Spraying Machines, Woodworking Machines, Steel Billet Cutting Machines, Steel Ringburring Machines, Tapestry Machines, Tapping Machines, Textile Machinery (all kinds), Thread Machinery, Tire Drilling Machinery, Treeing Machines, Twisting Machinery, Universal Saw Machines, Warp Stock Machinery, Warp Machinery, Wiredrawing Machinery, Sewing Machines, Wool Machinery, Boilers, Dies, Sta- tionary Engines, Handcuffs, Wrenches, Fire Arms, Crankshafts, Drop Forgings, Steam Railroad Cars, Drive Chains and Sprockets, Sheep Shear- ing Machines, Iron and Steel Construction, Patterns, Sheet Metal Specialties, Wire Specialties, Skates, Pressed Steel Specialties, Vacuum Cleaners and Piano Hardware, Optical Goods, Cutlery, Shuttles, Steam Pumps, Special Machinery, Steam Gas Engines, Railroad Machine Tools, Saws, Files, Irregular Turning Lathes, Boring Machines, Carpets, Vises, Mechanics' Fine Tools, Machinists' Tools, Twist Drills, Street Railway Cars, Broaching Machines, Boring Machines, Cabinet Making, Emery Wheels, Envelopes, Brass Molding, Grinding Wheels, Valentines, Corsets, Wiredrawing, Wire Articles, Ornamental Steel Work, Looms, Automatics, Rolling Mills, Sewing Machines, Presses, Elevators, Chuck Lathes, Mag- netic Chucks, Drawing Tables, Woodworking Machinery, Street Sprnklers, Wire Cloth Machinery. Three-Quarters of a Century of Machine Tool Operation SEVENTY-EIGHT years ago Salmon W. and John Putnam, two brothers, men well and favorably known throughout New England for ^heir mechanical ability, started a shop in Fitchburg, to do general mill repairs and to "perfect" an engine lathe and gear cutter. For many years they were considered the leaders in their line and the name of Putnam Machine Company has always stood for the best in metal working and railroad machine tools. The elder brother, John, was a noted violin player and in the realm of jigs and hornpipes was known as a "crackerjack. " The younger brother, Salmon, was a fine performer on the clarinet, and, as one of the surviving sons of S. W. Putnam says, "It is doubtless true that in the earlier stages of their business careers, when things in general took on a blue-black tinge and manufacturing conditions rendered the outlook anything but luminous, they sometimes got together in their little 10 x 12 office and with their inspiring music kept the hobgoblins at bay by wafting heavenward their harmonious notes of prayer. " In 1850 or thereabouts Sylvester Wright (locally well known as "Skipper" Wright) was taken into the Putnam Company and was given charge of the lathe department. He remained with the company about 10 years and then formed a company for the manufacture of lathes, known as 59 Worcester, City of Prosperity the Fitchburg Machine Company, and later the Fitchburg Machine Works. This company, after the death of Mr. Wright, was managed by James L. Chapman, his son-in-law, and the product was in the front rank of ma- chine tools. It is now the home of the "Lo-swing" Lathe, so-called. Although Worcester seems to have seen the beginning of the machine tool trade, Fitchburg certainly had the start, through the foresight and the ability of the Putnam brothers. In the Worcester Almanac and Directory of 1849, there appeared two advertisements : WOODBURN, LIGHT & CO. union street Engine and Hand Lathes, Iron Planers, Williams Improved Drilling Machines JOSIAH WOODBURN JOSEPH F. LIGHT JOHN WILLIAMS CHAS. WOOD also, the following: SAMUEL FLAGG & CO. MANUFACTURERS OF Engine Lathes, Hand Lathes, Planing Machines for Iron Slide Rests, Perpendicular Drills merrifield's bldg. union street SAMUEL FLAGG HENRY HOLLAND LUCIUS W. POND EPH. BELLOWS, JR. It will be noticed that both these firms did business in Merrifield's Building. This was built by William T. Merrifield in 1835 and rented with power to tenants in any amount of floor space wanted. This building, together with the Stone Building at the South End, called Worcester Junction, built by the Estabrooks and rented the same way, were the two great factors in making Worcester one of the leading mechanical cities of the country. Many of the great industries in the country had their humble origin in one or the other of these buildings. The Merrifield Building was burned to the ground in 1854 and the tenants lost everything. The Insurance Com- panies nearly all failed and the tool business was hard hit; but notwith- standing in 1855 the following tool companies were doing business in Worcester. Wood & Light, Junction Shop; Williams & Rich, Union Street; Samuel Flagg & Co., Central Street; Thayer & Houghton, Washington St.; Shepard Lathe & Co., Junction Shop; C. Whitcomb & Co., Presses and Planers. It will be interesting to note at this time what became of the graduates from these firms in after years. The F. E. Reed Company, Prentice Bros. Co., P. Blaisdell Co., from the Wood & Light Co.; Lucius W. Pond, David W. Pond, Pond Machine 6l Bancroft Tower, Worcester, Mass. Worcester, City of Prosperity Tool Co., from the Samuel Flagg & Co.; New York Steam Engine Co.. from the Thayer & Houghton Co.; Lathe & Morse Tool Co., Draper Ma- chine Tool Co., from the Shepard & Lathe Co.; and Whitcomb Mfg. Co., from the C. Whitcomb & Co. It was at one of the fairs of the Worcester County Mechanics Associa- tion and the Worcester County Agricultural Society, in 1851, that a prize was given to the Wood & Light Company for an engine lathe, the carriage of which was moved by mechanism in an apron that was fastened to the carriage. This was not done by the means of the rack and pinion gear, but by means of a bevel gear nut on the lead screw. All lathes up to this time were known as chain feed lathes operated by a large wooden hand wheel at the head end of the bed. If the lathe was over six feet long, a hand rope running in grooved pulleys was placed on the front side of bed. This firm was also awarded a prize for an iron planer, the table being driven with a rack and gear instead of a screw and nut which was the common practice. Some of Worcester's oldest machinists relate with interest that 60 or 70 years ago one would often see some of the workmen in the shops smoking at their work. This seems very strange now in this age of efficiency and shop rules, but not so strange after all, if one will remember that in 1848, when Worcester became a city, Section 41 of the new city ordinances read as follows: "No person shall smoke any cigar or pipe in any of the roads, high- ways or streets." So that if a machinist happened to be debarred from smoking in the privacy of his home and could not smoke in the street, the shop seemed to be the only place where he could obtain solid comfort through his old dudeen. Milled Machine Screws IN 1866 the Worcester County Mechanics Association, at a fair by the Association in Mechanics Hall, awarded the Worcester firm of Gifford & Bagley, doing business in the Junction Shop, a diploma for an advancement in the mechanic arts by the display of a case of milled machine screws, samples of those made and put on the market by the firm during the year 1866. A. W. Gifford was the designer of the machinery that enabled the firm to place the screws on the market and started the foundation for an indus- try that has revolutionized the whole machine trade. All old-time Worces- ter machinists still tell of their apprentice days in the '60's when the first 12 or 18 months were confined wholly to the making of set and cap screws on an engine lathe. The milled machine screw industry changed to pleas- urean apprentice life very materially and produced a better article at a very much reduced cost. 63 Worcester, City of Prosperity Worcester's Valhalla in Mechanics, in Inven- tions and in Business Management THE celebrated inventors, men of mechani- cal genius, business enterprise and integ- rity of Worcester, well deserve to have their names inscribed in their City's Royal Valhalla. The majority of them have won fame imperishable, and are laid at rest, but others still remain, bringing honor and renown to Worcester's industrial life and history There are few cities in the United States which could duplicate such a galaxy of Master Minds in the Arts and Crafts, in Business and Commerce, as the Roll of Honor which follows: Washburn, Moen, Morgan, Goddard, Wright, Marshall, Daniels. Knowles, Crompton, Wyman, Hutchins, Gordon, Wattie, Curtis, Marble, Bassett, Gessner. Ethan Allen, Johnson, Harrington, Richard- son, Brooks, Gifford, Barton, Coes, Coates, Winslow, Whittall, Thomas, Stockbridge, Wood, Light, Pond, Whitcomb, Morse, Thayer, Houghton, Blaisdell, Newton, Reed, Prentice, Back, Luther, Kidder. Woodward. Higgins, Alden, Allen, Jeppson, Norton, Spence, Heald. Bradley, Putnam, Simonds, Brown, Fosdick, Cowdrey, Flather. Starrett, McGregor, Drury, Lapointe, Colvin, Fuller, Beaman, Barr. Logan, Swift, Buckley, Sherman, Hill Hobbs, Leland, Stewart, Woodland, Matthews. Draper, Whitin, Wells, Litchfield, Powell Webb, Hildreth. Wheelock, Wesby, Wood, Blanchard, Davis, Hey- wood, Hammond, Hill, Forehand, Bates, Dexter, Walker, Davis, Graton, Knight, Harrington, Brownell. Sawyer, Rice, Denholm, Brown, Maclnnes, Healey, Norcross, Ward, Bishop, Cross, Fiske. Hawes, Bigelow, Bullock, Taylor, Burns, Bassett, Cowan, Durfee, Edwards, George, Viall. Booth, Taft. Brigham. 65 DQ Worcester, City of Prosperity Alphabet of Worcester Branch, N. M. T. A. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V w X Y z s for Association, all kinds of fine tools, s for Boilers and Broachers which wear. s for Clippers to cut off your hair; s for Drills and Dies, up to the mark, s for Engines, aye ready to start; s for Firearms, Forgings and Files, s for Grinders, we ship them in piles; s for Hardware, varied and well, s for Iron, we built this hotel; s for Jigs, all level and true. is for Knives, with one edge or two; s for Lathes and Labeling things, s for Metal and washer machines; s for National, we've got a wide scope, s for Optical goods, help watch the cop, s for Planers, Pumps and Pressed Steel, s for Quality, our supremest ideal; s for Rolling Mills, best made in the states, s for Sprockets, Shuttles, Shapers and Skates; s for Trades and Textiles supreme, s for Universal Boring Machine; s for Valves, Vacuum Cleaners and Vises, s for Wrenches and Woodworking Devices; s for Xenodochy — a stranger — not rooster, s for Yell, and we yell for Worcester, s for Zeal, we've got it to boost her. WORCESTER, WORCESTER, WORCESTER 67 Worcester, City of Prosperity Members of Worcester Branch Officers and Executive Board for Year 1914-15 President. JOHN W. HIGGINS, Worcester Pressed Steel Co., Worcester. Vice-President, PAUL B. MORGAN, Morgan Construction Co., Worcester. Secretary, DONALD TULLOCH, 44 Front Street, Worcester. Treasurer, ARTHUR W. BEAMAN. Stockbridge Machine Co., Worcester Executive Board. GEORGE I. ALDEN, Norton Grinding Co., Worcester. ALBERT E. NEWTON, Reed-Prentice Co., Worcester. EDWIN C. HARRINGTON, Harrington & Richardson Arms Co., Wor- cester. W. H. GATES, Baldwin Chain and Manufacturing Co., Worcester. FRANK H. ORR, Dupaul-Young Optical Co.. Southbridge. H. B. McDONALD, Simonds Manufacturing Co., Fitchburg. J H. DRURY, Union Twist Drill Co., Athol HERBERT L. FLATHER, Flather & Co., Nashua. N. H. F. F. CUTTING, Lapointe Machine Tool Co., Hudson. This list will tell Who's Who in the Worcester Branch and what they manufacture Active John J. Adams, Boot and Shoe Machinery and Dies — Worcester, Mass. Baldwin Chain Mfg. Co., Drive Chains and Sprockets — Worcester, Mass. Coes Wrench Co., Wrenches, Knives — Worcester, Mass. Curtis & Marble Machine Co., Cotton and Woolen Machinery — Worces- ter, Mass. Eastern Bridge & Structural Co., Iron Construction — Worcester, Mass. Economic Machinery Co., Labeling and Special Machinery — Worcester, Mass. David Gessner, Cloth Finishing Machinery — Worcester, Mass. Harrington & Richardson Arms Co., Firearms — Worcester, Mass. Harwood & Quincy Machine Co., Woodworking Machinery — Worcester, Mass. Heald Machine Co., Machine Tools and Grinding Machinery — Worcester, Mass. Hobbs Mfg. Co., Paper Box Machinery, Special Machine^', Nut Locks and Nut Washers — Worcester, Mass. 68 Worcester, City of Prosperity R. E. Kidder, Patterns, Models and Special Machinery — Worcester, Mass. Leland Gifford Co., Machine Tools — Worcester, Mass. B. G. Luther Co., Woodworking Machinery — Worcester, Mass. Matthews Mfg. Co., Sheet Metal Specialties — Worcester, Mass. McMahon & Co., Machinists' Tools — Worcester, Mass. Morgan Construction Co., Rolling Mill and Wire Drawing Machinery — Worcester, Mass. Norton Grinding Co., Grinding Machinery — Worcester, Mass. Parker Wire Goods Co., Wire Specialties — Worcester, Mass. Reed-Prentice Co., Machine Tools — Worcester, Mass. A. H. Steele Co., Iron Forgings — Worcester, Mass. Stewart Boiler Works, Steel Boilers — Worcester, Mass. Stockbridge Machine Co., Crank Shapers — Worcester, Mass. J. H. Watson, Automobile Repairs — Worcester, Mass. Whitcomb-Blaisdell Machine Tool Co., Planers and Lathes — Worcester. Mass. J. E. Windle, Cloth Folding and Finishing Machinery — Worcester, Mass. Samuel Winslow Skate Mfg. Co., Ice and Roller Skates — Worcester, Mass. The Wire Goods Co., Wire Hardware — Worcester, Mass. Woodward & Powell Planer Co., Planers — Worcester, Mass. Worcester Pressed Steel Co., Pressed Steel Specialties — Worcester, Mass. Wyman & Gordon Co., Drop, Steam Hammer, Hydraulic and Steel Forg- ings — Worcester, Mass. M. S. Wright Co., Vacuum Cleaners and Piano Hardware — Worcester. Mass. American Optical Co., Optical Goods — Southbridge, Mass. Dupaul-Young Optical Co., Optical Goods — Southbridge, Mass. Harrington Cutlery Co., Cutlery — Southbridge, Mass. Litchfield Shuttle Co., Shuttles — Southbridge, Mass. Bath Grinder Co., Grinders — Fitchburg, Mass. Blake Pump & Condenser Co., Steam Pumps — Fitchburg, Mass. C. H. Cowdrey Machine Works, Special Machinery — Fitchburg, Mass. Fitchburg Machine Works, Lathe and Planers — Fitchburg, Mass. Fitchburg Steam Engine Co., Steam Engines — Fitchburg, Mass. Putnam Machine Co., Railroad Machine Tools — Fitchburg, Mass. Simonds Mfg. Co., Saws, Files — Fitchburg, Mass. A. D. Waymoth, Irregular Turning Lathes — Fitchburg, Mass. Flather & Co., Inc., Machine Tools — Nashua, N. H. Baxter D. Whitney, Woodworking Machinery — Winchendon, Mass Warren Steam Pump Co., Steam Pumps — Warren, Mass. Charles G. Allen Co., Drills — Barre, Mass. Leavitt Machine Co., Dexter Valve Reseating Machine — Orange, Mass. Lapointe Machine Tool Co., Machine Tools — Hudson, Mass. Universal Boring Machine Co., Boring Machines — Hudson, Mass. Athol Machine Co., Vises — Athol, Mass. The L. S. Starrett Co., Machinists' Tools — Athol, Mass. Union Twist Drill Co., Twist Drills — Athol, Mass. 69 Worcester, City of Prosperity Jlssociate Athol Machine Foundry, Iron Molders — Athol, Mass. Armour's Pattern Shop, Job Patternmaking — Worcester, Mass. Colvin Foundry. Iron Molders — Worcester, Mass. Commonwealth Press, Printing — Worcester, Mass. The Davis Press, Printing — Worcester, Mass. Denholm & McKay Co., Department Store — Worcester, Mass Hatch & Barnes Co., Carpenters' Inside Finish — Worcester, Mass. Norton Company, Grinding Wheels — Worcester, Mass. Sherman Envelope Co., Envelopes — Worcester, Mass. Charles R. Stobbs, Printing — Worcester, Mass. Wells Chemical Bronze Works, Brass Molders — Worcester, Mass. Whitcomb-Blaisdell Foundry, Iron Molders — Worcester, Mass. The Industries of Worcester After Fifty Years of City Life HON. CHARLES G. WASHBURN, in a sketch on the "History of Mechanical Industries,'' prepared when Worcester was celebrat- ing its 50th Anniversary as a city, in 1889, furnishes much valuable information of the early struggles and successes of the business men and manufacturers of three-quarters of a century ago. In this history Mr. Washburn says. "The history of the mechanical industries of Worcester from 1820 until 1898 is the history of the growth of a village of 3,000 to a city of up- wards of 100,000, an increase from the production of the food and clothing necessary for her own inhabitants to an annual product of upwards of $40,000,000 scattered through every state in the Union, and to be found in almost every civilized country on the face of the globe. "It is a matter of surprise that so large a community could develop where the water power is so limited. "It is related that the late Judge Merrick once said to Samuel Slater that Worcester never could become a manufacturing town because of the lack of water power, and that Mr. Slater replied: 'Mr. Merrick you may live to see the time when Worcester will need all the water of Mill Brook to provide the steam for her steam engines.' As Judge Merrick lived until 1867, this prophecy was pretty literally fulfilled. "It is difficult to realize that W. A. Wheeler, who is credited with hav- ing had the first steam engine in the State west of Boston, should have discarded it in 1825 and used horsepower until 1840, when he put in another engine. The late W. T. Merrifield at the same time put in an engine of from four to six horsepower. These were probably the first efficient steam en- gines in town. "The rapid growth of Worcester as a manufacturing city is most largely due to the following causes: The introduction of steam power, 7i Reed-Prentice Company Worcester, Mass. President, George F. Fuller Vice-President and Gen. Mgr.. Albert E. Newton Treasurer, George Crompton Worcester, City of Prosperity The building of railroads, The facilities afforded to men with small means to begin business, The character of the people. "The necessity for means of communication with the seaboard was recognized by our enterprising people at a very early day. The plan of making a navigable waterway to both Boston and Providence was suggested as early as 1 796. Work was begun upon the Blackstone Canal in 1822, and was completed in 1828 and on October 7th of that year the first canal boat, the "Lady Carrington," arrived from Providence and moored in the basin of Central Street. The canal was used for twenty years, the last toll having been collected in November, 1848. "The Boston and Worcester railroad was completed and the first train run to Worcester July 6, 1835 and the road was extended to Springfield in 1839. "The Norwich & Worcester Railroad was first operated between Worces- ter and New London, March 9, 1840. "The Providence and Worcester Railroad began operations October, 1847. "The Worcester and Nashua Railroad, December 18, 1848, and the Boston, Barre & Gardner, September 4, 1871. "Prior to 1813 there was no stage or mail route between Worcester and Providence and a stage route begun in 1814 was later abandoned, as it did not pay, but was resumed in 1823. In 1827 there were 18 different lines of stages running from Worcester, and the passengers averaged 100 daily. "Without facilities for shipping her products at small cost to distant points, Worcester manufactures could never have grown beyond the needs of the rural population. In 1812 it cost $10 per ton per 100 miles to move freight. To-day a hundred pounds of freight can be carried from Worcester to Chicago for no more than it costs to send a trunk across the street. "The third reason which I have given for the rapid growth of Worces- ter as a manufacturing city, is the facilities which have been afforded to mechanics to begin business in a small way without incurring the expense incident upon the erection and equipment of a shop, and there are few manu- facturing enterprises of Worcester that have not at one time or other occupied room in buildings erected for rent with power to a number of tenants. "The first of these buildings, the old Court Mills, erected some time prior to 1832, and located at Lincoln Square, was occupied at one time or another by Messrs. Coes, manufacturers of wrenches; Ruggles, Nourse & Mason, makers of agricultural implements; Thomas E. Daniels, maker of planing machines; Samuel Flagg, pioneer maker of machinists' tools in Worcester. "The Merrifield Buildings, most widely known of all, were built in 1 835, and rebuilt after the fire of 1 854. In 1 859 these were occupied by over 50 firms employing from two to eighty hands each. A building for the same purpose was erected by Doctor Heywood on Central Street about 1846. 73 Worcester, City of Prosperity The stone shop at the Junction, lately occupied by the Knowles Loom Works, was erected in 1851 , and first and last has been occupied by a large number of tenants. "The manufacturing interests of Worcester, almost without exception, began in a small way and through careful and intelligent management have, some of them, become known the world over. "About 1819 a number of young mechanics who had been active in reforming the schools and establishing a lyceum and temperance society, made an attempt to form a mechanics association. This failed. But in 1841 a public meeting was held to consider the matter, which resulted in the formation of a successful association, and in the completion in 1857 of Mechanics Hall, so conspicuous in the history of the city. "The object of the Association was 'The moral, intellectual and social improvement of its members, the perfection of the mechanics arts, and the pecuniary assistance of the needy. ' "Another illustration of the public spirit of the mechanics of Worcester is found in the fact that among the contributors to the fund to provide a suitable location for the Polytechnic Institute were workmen in 20 of the then largest shops and factories. "A journey to the equator can be taken to-day in less time and with less inconvenience than a journey from Boston to Washington when John Adams was president. "Correspondence can be conducted to-day by wire with San Fran- cisco with a smaller expenditure of time than by letter with Boston seventy years ago. "Another of our beneficent institutions, shared in common with all the people of the United States, but which has, in a very large measure stimulated our mechanics, is our national patent system, under which the individual, in return for the benefit bestowed upon the community, can secure to himself, for a limited period, the exclusive right to his inven- tions. "A large number of patents have been issued to Worcester mechanics, and this incentive to discover and adapt to practical uses, new methods and new mechanisms has been very potent in keeping our factories at the very highest point of efficiency. "The wire business was commenced in 1831 by Ichabod Washburn and Benjamin Goddard on a small water privilege in Northville, where they made card wire and wire for screws. The business was in 1835 removed to its present location on Grove Street, and since then has grown to its present large proportions, contributing to the support directly and indirectly of perhaps one-sixth of the population of Worcester, and known the world over. All this has been done with local capital, thrift and enterprise. An interesting illustration of what large results may fol- low from apparently accidental circumstances, is found in the following incident: "Sometime during the year 1831, Mr. Washburn, Mr. Goddard and General Nathan Heard, made an arrangement with three brothers, named 74 Worcester, City of Prosperity Reed, who were manufacturing screws in Providence under a patent they owned, to move their business to Worcester. This they did, bringing the machinery up from Providence on a canal boat, the journey occupying three days. The business was located in the Northville factory of Wash- burn & Goddard, where the wire was made. Subsequently, in 1 836 or 1 837, the screw business was moved back to Providence, and became the nucleus of the Eagle now the American Screw Company. Had this business been kept here, it would have been of the greatest value to this city. "Isaac Goddard was apprenticed to Elijah Burbank at Quinsigamond to learn papermaking. In 1836 he came to Worcester and in company with Mr. Howe began to make paper machinery, at the old red mills on Green Street. They subsequenty moved to the factory on Union Street where the business was conducted under the name of Goddard, Rice & Company, and their successors are now widely known as the Rice, Bar- ton & Fales Machine Company. "In 1840 the late Samuel Davis happened to meet in Boston, William Crompton, father of the late George Crompton. Mr. Crompton was look- ing for some one to build his loom, and Mr. Davis recommended Phelps & Bickford of Worcester, who subsequently arranged to manufacture the loom on a royalty. Worcester looms are now known the world over. "The existence of a foundry in Worcester as early as 1825 led Samuel Flagg to move his machine shop from West Boylston to Worcester in 1839 to save cartage on his castings. He located in Court Mills as lessee to Samuel Davis and made hand and engine lathes. "As an indication of the insufficient equipment of a machine shop in those days, it may be stated that Mr. Flagg had no planer when he commenced business, but did that work by hand, chipping and filing. This was the beginning of the manufacture here of machinists' tools, for which Worcester has been well and widely known. "The brothers Coes, both born in Worcester, invented and patented a wrench about 1840, which was the basis of their extensive manufac- turing interests in New Worcester. "The manufacture of the Daniels planer in Court Mills by Thomas Daniels, the inventor, in 1839, has led to the manufacture here of wood working machinery. "Ethan Allen was attracted to Worcester in 1847, and began the manufacture of firearms, which subsequently became an important busi- ness, and here invented the first set of machinery ever devised for making metallic cartridges. "In 1857 the firm of S. C. & S. Winslow ventured to make twenty-five pairs of skates in their machine shop in the Merrifield building. This was the beginning of the Samuel Winslow Skate Manufacturing Company." 75 a E o U 8 8 * h _ >. -£ < m u U c V T3 c II c U u 13 C £ 0) (J -S u - •H C8 0) en s-a 3 •*" (J (J 5 u "° 3 UJ X th Worcester, City of Prosperity every type of loom for weaving, so that it is not too much to claim that for fancy weaving machinery this company is the largest concern in the world, making practically a loom for every type of fabric that is woven. It is impossible to state the total product for a year. This is an unknown quantity, for the reason that the company makes looms for woolen, cotton, silk, dress goods, velvets, plushes, tire duck, cotton duck, ribbons, tapes and every conceivable kind of a fabric, and no two years are ever alike; one year the demand may be running very heavy on woolen, and lighter in the other departments, and the next year will change in some way, according to the condition of trade or fashion, etc. It is the great variety that the company has to depend upon. It makes everything from a plain cotton loom to box looms for woolen felts that are 480" reed space, and also some heavy cotton felt looms that weigh over 20 tons to a loom, thus covering a very large variety. The foundation of this great business was laid by Messrs. George Crompton and Lucius J. Knowles in the early 50s, the former having located in Worcester in 1851, in copartnership with Merrill A. Furbush for the manufacture of looms under the renewal of a patent granted his father in 1837; and the latter, having been granted his first loom patent in 1856, entered into copartnership with his brother, Francis B. Knowles, in the town of Warren, removing later to Worcester. The constantly increasing demand for textile fabrics of every variety in every line of commerce and of trade, and the consequent extension of the textile throughout the entire country, have contributed very mate- rially for a rapidly increasing demand for weaving machinery to the extent that the growth of the loom-building industry has been truly phenomenal, especially when it is considered that it was not until the year 1840 that the first fancy woolen cassimeres were woven by power in this country, if not in the world, this being accomplished on the Crompton loom in the Middlesex Mills in Lowell. In 1859 the partnership of Furbush & Crompton was dissolved, and Mr. Crompton continued in business alone until his death, in 1886, rapidly developing it from its small beginning in the old "Red Mill" on Green Street. From 1866 to 1879 the firm of L. J. Knowles & Brother, the name given to the copartnership existing between L. J. Knowles and Francis B. Knowles, was located at Allen Court, when its quarters became so much outgrown that it was necessary to remove the business to the "Junction Shop," so-called, on Jackson Street, where it remained until its continued expansion compelled another change. Upon the death of Mr. Crompton, in 1886, his business was incorporated under the name of Crompton Loom Works, with his widow, Mrs. M. C. Crompton, as its president, she being succeeded at her death, in 1895, by her eldest son, Charles Crompton. L. J. Knowles died in 1884, and the following year the business was incorporated under the name of the Knowles Loom Works, with Francis B. Knowles as its president, and upon his death, in 1890, C.Henry Hutchins was elected as his successor to the presidency. 93 Worcester, City of Prosperity During the many years of the active history of these two partnerships and corporations as independent industries, many valuable alterations and additions were naturally made to the original machines which were the foundations of the business at the beginning. Improvements have not been confined to any special kind of loom, but to every department of fancy weaving, to the end that looms are at present constructed at these works to weave woolen and worsted goods from the heaviest felts to the lightest of dress fabrics; in cotton from the heaviest duck for sail cloths to the most delicate and flimsy material for ladies' wear; in carpets from the most elegant Axminsters and Wiltons woven by power to the most ordinary carpet made from rags, and from the art square to cover a whole room to a mat for the door; and in silk goods from the widest for dresses to the narrowest for ribbons. Looms are also made to weave iron wire netting, paper matting, glass cloths for ornamental purposes, horsehair for furniture covering and for every material capable of being woven. Previous to the death of L. J. Knowles, negotiations were entered into for the Knowles "Open-Shed Fancy Loom" into the European market, and arrangements were completed with Messrs. Hutchinson, Hollingworth & Company, of Dobcross, England, large builders of machinery, whereby they should build this loom. The wisdom of this move is evidenced by the fact that over 15,000 woolen and worsted looms built upon this principle have been introduced into the leading mills of England and the continent. In 1893 the company acquired the business of the George W. Stafford Mfg. Company, of Providence, since which time it has been carried on as an independent branch. In 1897 the consolidation took place of these two great establishments, with a combined capitalization of $3,000,000, under the name of the Crompton & Knowles Loom Works, a most important event not only in the history of the two corporations, but in the manufacturing and financial life of the city as well. Norton Company — Pioneers in Emery Wheel Work in the World THE FOUNDING of the Norton Grinding Wheel business dates back to about 1873, when the first vitrified emery wheel was made in the pottery of F. B. Norton, then located on Water Street in Worcester. The early wheels were experimental, and it was not until 1879 that F. B. Norton started to manufacture them commercially in connection with his pottery business. June 20th, 1885, soon after Mr. Norton's death, the grinding wheel business was incorporated as the Norton Emery Wheel Company. In 1906 the name of the organization was changed from Norton Emery Wheel Co. to Norton Company. The present officials are: George I. Alden, president; Charles L. Allen, treasurer and general manager; 94 Worcester, City of Prosperity Aldus C. Higgins, secretary and general counsel; George N. Jeppson, works manager. Norton Company has shown remarkable growth since its incorporation in 1885, and for this growth the spirit of scientific research has been largely responsible. Long before artificial abrasives had attained their present standing, the Norton Company had foreseen that natural minerals, such as corundum and emery, were not wholly successful as abrasives, due to their lack of uniformity. Then, too, none of the natural abrasives were wholly successful upon steel and the rough alloys which the steel plants were beginning to produce. In the search for a good artificial abrasive the officials of the company found a crude artificial corundum, then being made in a small experimental laboratory in New Jersey, and bought the patent rights to this product now known as alundum. The period from 1901 to 1906 was spent in the difficult task of making alundum a commercial possibility. Thousands of experiments were required to overcome the many difficulties and obstacles. In 1906 alun- dum completely supplanted emery in the manufacture of Norton grinding wheels, and from that time on the Norton product increased rapidly in volume and obtained world-wide recognition. Research work continued unceasingly, as exemplified in 1910 when the Norton Company began the manufacture of crystolon, a perfected carbide of silicon, for use upon materials of low tensile strength. The company has been active in developing other products in which abrasive materials formed an important part. Perhaps the most inter- esting of these is the Norton alundum and crystolon refractories and laboratory ware. Due to their peculiar properties, alundum and crystolon are particularly adapted to this line of work, and these refractories are in many instances replacing such expensive materials as platinum. Norton Company is well known because of certain features, such as its Health and Sanitation Department and its Safety Engineering work. The work of the Norton Hospital has been described at length in many publications. In 1912 Norton Company was awarded the Scientific American gold medal for the development of safety features in the grinding field. Norton Grinding Company — Made Grinding an Art THE MACHINE BUSINESS conducted by the Norton Emery Wheel Co., in conjunction with the grinding wheel business, assumed such proportions that in 1900 it was deemed necessary to establish an independent enterprise for manufacturing grinding machinery. The Norton Grinding Company was incorporated Feb. 27, 1900. With the organization of the new company came the introduction of Norton machines for cylindrical grinding, the invention of Chas. H. Norton, who at that time first became identified with the manufacture of Norton products. 95 a . h < § s >> *5 ^ 5 he! u CO Worcester, City of Prosperity The present officials and directors of Norton Grinding Company are: Geo. I. Alden, president and general manager; Chas. L. Allen, treasurer; Aldus C. Higgins, secretary and general counsel; John Jeppson, Geo. N. Jeppson, R. Sanford Riley. The progress of Norton Grinding Company since its incorporation has been marked by some notable developments. Since 1900 the influence of Norton Grinding Company, through the medium of grinding, has reduced the cost of production of such cylindrical work as requires any degree of accuracy or finish from 25 to 50 %. It has improved grinding methods and machinery, so that to-day it costs less to turn and grind than it formerly did to turn alone — this in contrast to the period previous to 1900 when it cost more to grind than to turn and file. Norton Grinding Company was the first to build a grinding machine which would remove as much as three cubic inches per minute of steel or chilled iron. Previous to the introduction of Norton cylindrical grinding machine, there was no such thing as grinding pieces 2 to 6" long without traversing the wheel; consequently, there was no recognition of this method of obtaining a high rate of production with a grinding wheel. It was the first to discover that perfectly round or perfectly straight work could be ground on rigid, steady rests regardless of contour of work before grinding. In fact, Norton Grinding Company was the first to evolve a system of rigid steady rests and a system of grinding to utilize that discovery. The first machine for forming cams from the solid stock without milling or other tool work was developed by the Norton Grinding Com- pany, as was the first fully automatic cylindrical grinding machine for chuck work. It was the first to build a machine to grind the entire pin and fillet on crankshafts simultaneously, with a wheel face the entire length of the pin. Previous to the development of the Norton surface grinding machine, in 1913, there was no such thing as grinding perfectly flat surfaces. This is accomplished by the Norton Grinding Company in a machine using a wheel as wide as the work and without cross feeding, as distinct from the method depending upon a narrow wheel slowly feeding across the surface. One of Norton Grinding Company's most recent developments is a roll grinding machine weighing in excess of 50 tons to grind large rolls used in the steel plate industry. Development of such huge machines has been made possible by Norton Grinding Company by applying the truths and possibilities of grinding, and daring to make the large outlay which was necessary to prove the value of these large machines. It was the first to create a practical, simple machine for indicating errors in running balance by which an ordinary workman could secure dynamic balance without the use of mathematics. It developed the pendulameter for magnifying errors of parallelism in the ways of such machines as planers and grinding machines. The 7 97 o d U « c be _* 72 8 c2 Worcester, City of Prosperity pendulameter magnifies such errors 500 times, enabling machine builders to obtain a high degree of accuracy. Worcester's Biggest Industry — Wire WHAT IS NOW the American Steel & Wire Co. unquestionably is one of the pioneers in wire making. But who invented the pro- cess? there's the rub. All efforts on the part of those responsible for inflicting this volume on a long-suffering public have been unavailing in the matter of discovering the discoverer. It might have been the Versatile Melchisedec, or the Mariner Noah, or the aged Methuselah, or Vulcan himself. Anyhow, the secret originated in the fertile brain of some genius in the Dark Ages and we are compelled to publish the accompanying correspondence to give the public the full idea that we endeavored to unearth the mystery and that a friend named Warren of the American Steel & Wire Co., with native art and humor, came to the rescue with a characteristic reply in response to desire for information: This is the correspondence : February 13. 1914. Mr. J. B. Moss, American Steel & Wire Co., Worcester, Mass. Dear Sir: — In the absence, I understand, of Mr. C. S. Marshall, will you be kind enough to give us some information in regard to who was the inventor of the wire drawing process, his full name and where he first worked. I am gathering some information about Worcester industries in preparation for the Annual Convention of the National Metal Trades Association to be held in The Bancroft next April. What part did Mr. Washburn, Mr. Moen or any others connected with the firm play in regard to the formation of the American Steel & Wire Co.? How many employees do you have on your payroll in the three mills in Worcester during good times, day and night shifts? Has it ever been computed how many miles of wire and cable of all kinds can be turned out in the mills in a year, operated at full blast? Any information you can give that will be of interest to manufacturers will be appreciated. Also please state the approximate value of the buildings and land at your plants. Thanking you in anticipation, I am, Yours very truly, DONALD TULLOCH. Secretary. 99 Worcester, City of Prosperity March 5, 1914. Mr. Donald Tulloch, Secretary, National Metal Trades Association, 44 Front St., Room 36, Worcester, Mass. Dear Sir: — We are sending you herewith, by messenger, a memorandum compiled by Mr. Warren regarding information requested in your letter of February 13th. You will note this memorandum does not mention anything regard- ing value of land and buildings. The assessors of the City of Worcester use as a value of land, buildings, machinery and personal the sum of approxi- mately $5,000,000 on which our tax assessments are based and we would consider this a fair valuation. Yours truly, C. J. MOSS, Assistant Manager. WAB-EMB Worcester, Mass., Feb. 27, 1914. Mr. J. B. Moss, Assistant Manager. Dear Sir: — Replying to the request for historic data concerning the Wire Industry, dated the 13th inst., and addressed to you by Mr. Donald Tulloch, Secre- tary, Worcester branch, National Metal Trades Association. The following statement, the substance of which is already more or less familiar to you, I would submit as partially covering the points raised by Mr. Tulloch. The first question, asking "information in regard to who was the inventor of the wire drawing process, his full name, and where he first worked," is a very natural question for any one to ask, as one might ask "who invented the sewing machine." In the latter case, it is easy to give a definite and satisfying reply. When, however, we attempt to answer the same question as applied to wire drawing, we suddenly find ourselves in deep water. At first, we try to touch bottom with a pole. We go back to the beginning of wire drawing in Worcester (1831), and earlier, about (1820), in Spencer; still earlier (1816) at the Falls of Schuylkill, Pa. The pole is too short. Then we begin to heave the lead. Presently, we have bottom. Upon examining the lead, we find the date to be 1780; the place, Birming- ham, England; and the operation is the drawing of wire by means of a horse turning a capstan. The interest deepens. Heave the lead again to make sure. Slightly deeper this time. Date, 1745; place, London, England; wire being drawn by hand. The next two or three throws develop very little change. Then there is brought up the date 1666; the place is Lynn, Massachusetts, and there is a name, Nathaniel Robbinson, "wyer drawer." Worcester, City of Prosperity Back again to England. Date, 1570; place, Tintern, in Monmouthshire; a water driven wire factory, established here by Englishmen. Preceding this, it is recorded that in I 565, Queen Elizabeth induced certain Germans to establish a wire factory at Holywell in Wales It is clear that the Germans must previously have been somewhat skilled in wire manufacture, so we continue sounding. The lead presently brings up the date 1350, and the information that about the middle of the fourteenth century, wire was being made in Nurnberg, in Bavaria, and in Altena, in Westphalia. Surely the bottom has now been reached. A few more throws and the search is over, when — away goes the lead, — down, down, down, reeling off the generations with the same unconcern exhibited by a Twentieth Century Limited in gliding swiftly past country towns of the middle west When the lead ceases pulling on the line, we haul it up, wondering what record it will reveal. This time, it brings up a piece of wire, together with the record that the wire was made by artisans of Nineveh, about the year 800 B. C. We have jumped a gap of more than two thousand years. In the previous soundings, the lead, instead of reaching the bottom, had merely found lodgment on some of the ledges or high places nearer the surface. But have we even yet reached the beginning of wire manufacture? Continuing to heave the lead, we are further rewarded by having it take another drop, rushing downwards across a second wide gap covering several centuries before finally reaching bottom. The date this time is indistinct, but under a glass it appears to be I 500 B. C. There also adheres to the bottom of the lead, a scrap of Hebrew manuscript which proves to be a portion of the 39th chapter of Exodus, from which we learn that the Israelites under Moses, wandering in the wilderness of Sinai, in search of the Promised Land, included in their working equipment, facilities for making wire. Now we are appreciably nearer to the dawn of civilization, and re- peated casting of our sounding lead fails to reveal any earlier trace of the manufacture of wire. Peering into the dim and misty past in our eagerness for details, we ob- tain a glimpse here and there, of a man working at a rude forge in which a lump of metal is being slowly heated. Taking it from the fire to an anvil, he hammers the piece of soft metal flat and very thin, working over it until both surfaces are quite smooth. Then, with hammer and chisel, he skill- fully cuts the thin sheet of metal into narrow strips. By means of further hammering, these strips are elongated and rounded, and in the finished product we recognize Wire in its earliest known form, made by the earliest known process. Perhaps it will be as well if we do not spend much time trying to ascertain the full name of the inventor and the place where he first worked. Briefly, the art of wire drawing is not a modern invention. When, in the year 1831, Ichabod Washburn and Benjamin Goddard began to make iron wire in their little factory at Northville, about two miles from Worces- ter City Hall, their product could not be classed as a novelty. Due credit ■w 2 Worcester, City of Prosperity should be accorded them, however, for the keenness of foresight and enterprise which led them to engage in an industry which, surpassed by none, has since developed to an extent nothing short of marvelous. Although neither of these typical sons of New England invented wire- drawing, they, with their chosen associates and immediate successors, played leading parts in the subsequent phenomenal growth of wire man- ufacture in America. A consideration, however brief, of the many and various epoch-making steps in that evolution would render this paper burdensome and less suited to its present purpose. The negotiations leading to the purchase of the Washburn & Moen properties and business by the American Steel & Wire Company, in the year 1899, were conducted on the part of the Washburn & Moen interests, by Messrs William E. Rice, President, and Philip W. Moen, General Manager. Mr. Moen was at the time of the transfer, elected a Vice-Presi- dent of the American Steel & Wire Company. During the fifteen years which have elapsed since the consolidation, many new uses for wire have helped to swell the naturally increasing demand for the products of this industry. The American Steel & Wire Company, through the broad policy of an ably efficient and alert management, aided by an army of skilled and loyal workers, has kept ever in the front rank with respect to the development of new lines of products and to improvements in manufacturing and business practice. Some idea of the volume of the local business may be obtained from the fact that under normal conditions, the employees in the three Worcester plants of the American Steel & Wire Company number approximately six thousand, varying two hundred or three hundred above or below this figure. Also, the maximum yearly output of the Worcester plants, based on the actual record for one busy month, is upwards of two hundred thousand tons. Yours truly, A. G. WARREN. AGW-S Another authority, Harry W. Goddard of the Spencer Wire Company, informs us that according to history the first fine wire in the United States was drawn in Spencer, 12 miles from Worcester, about 1812, by Windsor Hatch and Charles Watson. This was drawn by hand from two tubs in the kitchen of a farm house. In 1820 there was a small industry in Spencer conducted by Elliot Prouty and his brother, Russell Prouty. Eli Hatch was also drawing wire in Spencer in 1 830. In 1831 Ichabod Washburn started wire drawing in Worcester, from which has developed the biggest mills for the manufacture of wire, belong- ing to the American Steel & Wire Company, in the world. Nothing definite is known as to who first planned the present scheme of wire drawing. Wire is mentioned in the Bible and it has always, as far as anybody knows, been drawn through a hole in a plate, just the same 103 < a f- u. £ I tu » °r 0) J a; | ui -a Worcester, City of Prosperity as it is to-day. Of course details have greatly improved but the principle is just the same. The last statistics in 1910 indicating how much wire was manufac- tured in the United States says it amounted to 2,514,000 tons, the greater bulk of which was manufactured in Worcester. Worcester — Pioneer in Envelope Making THE FIRST successful envelope-folding machine in the United States was invented in 1853 by a Worcester physician, Dr. Russell L. Hawes, who lived on Salisbury Street in the house now owned by Mrs. Charles Baker. He was the founder of the present W. H. Hill Envelope Company Division of the United States Envelope Company. His machine was a crude affair and did not attempt to gum the sealing flap of the envelope, this operation being done by hand before the envelopes were fed into the machine. The important point of this invention was the self-feeding device; the blanks having been sealed were fed into the machine in bunches of about 500. Gum was applied on the under side of the picker, which descended on the pile of blanks; the top blank, adhering to the picker, was lifted from the pile and was taken by a carriage to a point over the folding box, where a plunger the size of the envelope forced the blank down to the bottom of the folding box; here two wings folded over the side flaps, the gum which had adhered to the blanks now served a second purpose of sticking the envelopes. This same principle is used on the modern high- speed envelope machines. Dr. Hawes's machine made about 13,000 envelopes in a day of 10 hours and three girls operated two machines. The product of one girl to-day is frequently as high as 70,000 per day on one machine. The next Worcester man to effect a valuable improvement in envelope making was James G. Arnold, when in 1858 he devised a machine for cut- ting the envelope blanks from a roll of paper and gumming and folding the blanks at one operation. The important feature of this machine was the drying chain. The gum on the seal flaps had been applied by hand previously. By Arnold's device, after the envelopes had been folded they were deposited in a drying chain or endless belt, which was fitted with fingers to keep the envelopes apart until the gum on the sealed flaps was dry. David Whitcomb financed this machine and in this way the Whit- combs became interested in the envelope industry. The mechanical genius of Henry D. Swift had been recognized by Mr. Arnold, and he made over- tures to him to enter the employ of the Bay State Envelope Company, established in 1864 by G. Henry Whitcomb. Mr. Swift could not see his way clear at that time to make a change in his trade as a cabinet-maker, and his brother, D. Wheeler Swift, who was then working at South Ded- ham, was secured in his place. About a year was spent in trying to make the Arnold machine run satisfactorily, but without success. Trade was Worcester, City of Prosperity developing and other inventors were making progress with other machines, among them George M. Reay, of New York. The Bay State Envelope Company bought some of these machines and Abram A Rheutan, who was for many years connected with the W. H. Hill Envelope Company as the general superintendent, came to Worcester for the purpose of in- stalling these Reay machines. The Bay State Envelope Company was reorganized as G. Henry Whitcomb & Company, with a factory in Bigelow Court, in 1866, and five years later the Swift Brothers invented their first envelope folding machine. This machine was known as the Swift round-table machine and had a product of about 35,000 envelopes per day. It simply folded the envelope, but at the same time they invented another machine to gum the sealed flaps, and these two machines together could at that time produce envelopes probably as cheaply as any in the world. In 1876 the Swifts invented their first self-gumming machine. This machine by one operation turned out a completed product of 35,000 en- velopes per day of 10 hours. One girl could run two of these machines making 70,000 a day, the product being registered by means of a clock. These machines were the only ones then in existence having a registry device. In 1884 Messrs. D. Wheeler Swift, Henry D. Swift, John S. Brigham, and James Logan severed their connection with the Whitcomb Envelope Co., and formed the Logan, Swift & Brigham Envelope Company, which was incorporated in February of that year and which constitutes that division of the United States Envelope Company to-day. Practically all the envelope-folding machines in use in the Logan, Swift & Brigham Co. Division, the largest given up solely to the manufacture of envelopes in the world, are the product of the inventive minds of D. Wheeler and Henry D. Swift. These two brothers, with their record of five distinct and sepa- rate envelope-folding machines, have probably done more than any two men in the world in the development of this industry. There are now six envelope factories in Worcester, producing from 10 to 15 million envelopes daily. Another machine which has been recognized as one of the best and most rapid producers is that designed by John A. Sherman. This machine represents the latest and best developments in the line of automatic gum- ming, folding, drying and counting envelope machines. It is the result of 30 years' experience by the designer of it in the developing and operating of automatic envelope machines. He is president and manager of the Sherman Envelope Co., and the various features of this machine have been carefully worked out to meet the actual conditions of practical en- velope manufacture. This machine can turnout I 50 envelopes per minute, is said to be the most rapid in existence and was originally designed 1 5 years ago, by Mr. Sherman, being perfected as opportunity showed its possibilities. 107 IS O U Worcester, City of Prosperity The H. & R. Dependable Firearms THE LATEST addition to the already extensive line of firearms manufactured by the Harrington & Richardson Arms Company is the self-loading or automatic pistol. After a thorough investigation and consideration of the merits of both American and European automatic pistols, and although holding United States patents in its own name, arrangements were made with Messrs. Webley & Scott, Ltd., the leading British arms manufacturers, for the exclusive American rights to manufacture under their patents, with the privilege of selling throughout the world. The points in which the new pistol excels are simplicity of construc- tion, strength and reliability of mechanism, light weight and compactness. A separate pressure on the trigger is required for each shot, and the makers prefer to style this pistol "self-loading" rather than "automatic" to correct the erroneous idea that an automatic weapon fires itself and therefore is not under control of the shooter. A positive safety, locking the firing mechanism, is provided for con- venient operation by the thumb of the right hand. It is claimed that this pistol has fewer parts than any other auto- matic pistol on the market. Coil or spiral springs throughout, reduce liability of breakage to a minimum. The pistol can be dismounted and assembled for cleaning or oiling almost instantly and without the use of any tool. The Harrington & Richardson Arms Co. was established in 1871 and incorporated in 1888. Loring Coes — Inventor LORING COES, inventor of the monkey wrench, died in Worcester, July 13, 1906. He was 94 years old and known as one of the most remarkable manufacturers of the East. His work in making Wor- cester famous as a manufacturing centre was contemporaneous with Icha- bod Washburn, Crompton, and William T. Merrifield. He was born in New Worcester, April 22, 1812. Loring, like many other boys, did chores on his father's farm and at 13 years was apprenticed to learn the carpenter's trade. After serving his time he engaged in patternmaking and general woodworking, and then with a younger brother, Aury G. Coes, formed a company and started the manufacture of woolen mill machinery at the old Court Mill at Lincoln Square. Later the plant was burned and the brothers took positions as patternmakers in Springfield, in Laurin Trask's foundry. While at work there Mr. Coes invented the monkey wrench. In 1840 they returned to Worcester and began the manufacture of wrenches under the firm name of L. & A. G. Coes, and afterwards began the manufacture of machine knives. He invented much of the machinery in his shop. 109 a 11 q_ a Worcester, City of Prosperity The Coes Wrench Company is recognized as the only plant in the United States where grinding is carried out to mathematical accuracy, and where instruments of precision are used in the manufacture of knife work. The shop has the finest hardening facilities in New England. The firm now conducted by Frank L. Coes has been in the wrench business for three-quarters of a century. Charles Hill Morgan — Inventor, Engineer CHARLES HILL MORGAN, until his death, two years ago, presi- dent of the Morgan Construction Company, manufacturers of rolling mill and wire drawing machinery, and the Morgan Spring Company, makers of fine steel springs, was an eminent mechanical engineer. He was prominent in the development of the wire industry and processes for rolling steel into the various commercial shapes. Almost without an exception the larger steel and wire mills of this country had their works machinery invented or designed by him. He was a direct descendant of Miles Morgan, a native of Wales, who came to this country in 1836. His mother was a daughter of Dr. Noah Rich and a woman of superior ability and force of character. Mr. Morgan was born in Rochester, New York, January 8, 1831, but his parents soon after moved to Massachusetts and settled in Clinton. His early education was received in the common schools of that day and at the Lancaster Academy. At the age of 15 he began to learn his trade in the machine shop of his uncle, and soon developed a love for mechanical drawing. In 1852, when 21 years old, he was put in charge of the Clinton Mills dyehouse. Here he devoted himself to the study of chemistry, and was able to fill his new position with entire satisfaction and at the same time gain valuable experience in the management of men. For a time Mr. Morgan was drafts- man for the Lawrence Machine Company and for Erastus B. Bigelow. While with the Lawrence Machine Company he was sent to Worcester to look after the now famous Merrifield engine on Union Street, which was built by that company and was at that time being erected. In 1860 he joined his brother in a manufacturing enterprise in Phila- delphia, but remained there only a short time. Returning to Worcester in 1864, he became the general superintendent of the Washburn & Moen Wire Works, a position he held for over 23 years, and was one of the directors of that company for over I 1 years. While with the Washburn & Moen Manufacturing Company, Mr. Morgan built the first hydraulic elevator introduced into New England. Not only did he take a leading part in the wire industry of America, but as a trustee of the Worcester Polytechnic Institute his inventive genius and business ability were applied in making the machine shop connected with that institution a place for thorough instruction and practice of mechanical engineers. *^.* -TT* •- r - ' t« Bm a*** i—*» ■""»■ <**■* ■;***»-■ r--r ;.«*»» «f«Mt «•«»• «."» «"•«■ !"«■ «■*<• a** r-**r *-«* f r~*» «•** ***k irw «"•»* cr*T' h £ I 3 UJ F "S ;,»'*'i ff iiiiRSEbFff Graphic Arts Building, Worcester, Mass. Worcester, City of Prosperity The Samuel Winslow Skate Mfg. Co. — Manufacturers of Ice and Roller Skates THE SAMUEL WINSLOW SKATE MFG. CO. is the largest con- cern in the world devoted exclusively to the manufacture of skates, and none have the capacity for turning out skates which this firm has. It was established by Samuel Winslow, father of Congressman Sam- uel E. Winslow of Worcester. American Car Sprinkler Worcester is the birthplace of the car sprinkler. The man who in- vented it was J. B. Gathright, of Louisville, Kentucky. The capacity of the car is from 2,500 to 3,000 gallons. One car will sprinkle from 7 to 10 miles of street three times daily, according to the surface of the street, whether it be dirt, gravel, macadam or block paving. The car sprinkler is made by the American Car Sprinkler Co., of Worcester. Morgan Construction Company — Pioneers in Rolling Mills AS HAS been stated previously, the late Charles H. Morgan, of the Morgan Construction Co., made the first rolling mill in 1880. These Mills are the last word in efficiency and economy of producing wire rods, thin flats, merchant bars, small billets, etc. Worcester takes the lead in rolling mills, and this is particularly true of continuous rolling mills, which have been designed and manufactured in Worcester by this company and put in use all the way from Chicago to Vienna. The number, of rolling plants designed and built in the United States, Canada and Europe by this company is decidedly interesting. In addition to the above, the company has furnished a great amount of special rolling machinery throughout the world. It is also one of the largest producers of safe and efficient wire-drawing equipment, and regarded as one of Worcester's best firms. Charles Thurbers Typewriter IN 1843 a really complete typewriter was invented by Charles Thurber, who lived in Worcester at that time. He took out a patent, followed two years later by another, for a typewriting machine which, although very slow, was capable of doing good work. This model is interesting as affecting the letter spacing by longitudinal motion of a platen, a principle which is a feature of all modern machines. The Thurber machine was never manufactured, however, and the only model in existence is now pre- served by the Worcester Society of Antiquity. "5 c8 U a o £ 1 u g Worcester, City of Prosperity The first record of an attempt to produce a typewriter is found in the records of the British patent office. These show that on January 7, 1714, a little over 200 years ago, a patent was granted to Henry Mill, an English engineer of repute, for a machine which was intended to do writing. "A device intended for the impressing or transcribing of letters singly or progressively one after another as in writing, whereby all writings whatso- ever may be engrossed in paper or parchment so neat and exact as not to be distinguished from print." But the secret evidently died with the inventor as nothing is known of the machine. The first typewriter ever constructed in America was the invention of William Austin Burt, of Detroit, better known as the inventor of the solar compass, who took out the first American patent ever issued for a type- writer in 1829. The machine was exceedingly crude and the record of this patent and the only model of the machine was destroyed by fire in the patent office in 1836. Between that time and 1873 many efforts were made to make a workable machine, until it was left to a man named James Densmore, of Meadville, Pa., who got a crudely written letter from C. Latham Sholes, a printer and editor, who was also collector of customs for the port of Milwaukee, and who had for years been experimenting on a machine with a friend named Samuel W. Soule, also a printer, to perfect a machine which was finally taken by Densmore and a friend, G. W. N. Yost, to E. Remington & Sons, who had a gun factory at Ilion, N. Y. This firm agreed to undertake the manufacture of the machine, and their skillful workmen so improved on the machine that it finally came to be known as the Remington Typewriter. The first machines were ready for the market in 1874, and the firm of Densmore & Yost were the first selling agents. The commercial side of the venture was a checkered one, for the public had to be convinced that the machine was a practical one. Success soon followed, however, and for the last quarter of a century the typewriter has taken high rank as one of the most useful, necessary and ingenious devices of the age. Nothing has appeared more calculated to spread intelligence since the invention of printing, and the typewriter is now found in every office of any size. World-Labeling Machines WORCESTER is the home of the world labeling machine manu- factured by the Economic Machinery Co., one of the members of the National Metal Trades Association. Frank O. Woodland, of Worcester, vice-president and treasurer of the company, is the inventor and designer of the machine, which was first placed on the market over 10 years ago, and was the first machine to be successful in placing two labels on a bottle at one operation. Although the labeling art was well developed at the time that the Economic Machinery Company entered the field, no machine had ever ii7 John J. Adams Cutting Die Shop, Worcester, Mass. President and Treasurer, John J. Adams Vice-President, John J. Adams, Jr. Secretary, Amelia A. Adams Worcester, City of Prosperity been devised that would place a couple of labels at one operation and do it sufficiently successful to be used regularly. This machine was invented in Worcester and has always been made here, and this company is the largest maker of labeling machines exclusively in the world. Pliny Earl — Card Clothing Expert AH. HOWARD of this city says that Pliny Earl, of Leicester, made the first card clothing for Samuel Slater, who started the first cotton mill in this country in the year 1 790. This card clothing was made with a leather foundation, the teeth made on a hand machine, the holes pricked in the leather with two needles mounted in a handle, and the wire teeth were then set in the leather foun- dation by hand; a process exceedingly slow when compared with the speed of card setting machines of the present make that form the teeth, prick the holes and set the teeth at the rate of 400 per minute. Hand cards were used at a much earlier date than card clothing. The machine for setting card clothing is an American invention being patented in the year 1 797 by one Amos Whittemore. The patent was reissued in 1809, over 100 years ago. When the petition for the renewal of the patent came before Congress favorable action was taken, after some little deliberation, by a vote of 55 in the affirmative and 18 in the negative. There are no records of any speeches delivered for or against the re- newal of this patent, but it is stated that John Randolph of Roanoke thus expressed himself with the most emphatic eloquence for which he was noted: "Yes, I would renew it to all eternity for it is the only machine that ever had a soul." While Mr. Whittemore obtained the patent and profited thereby it is understood that not he but Eleazor Smith, Walpole, was the real inventor of the machine. They had been shopmates and it is claimed that while Mr. Smith was building the machine Mr. Whittemore, who was also a skilled mechanic, managed to keep himself informed of what Mr. Smith was doing. This was not difficult as Mr. Smith was of a confiding nature. From Mr. Mr. Smith's ideas Mr. Whittemore built a machine which he sent to the patent office before the completion of Mr. Smith's machine. At the expiration of the renewed patent in 1825 orders were received from England and France for machines, but their complexity was so im- perfectly understood by foreign mechanics that it became necessary to send over American workmen to set up the machines and put them in running condition. Because of the patent on this machine, which compelled the payment of royalties to Mr. Whittemore, many firms in this country still manu- factured card clothing by hand in the old manner of pricking holes in the foundation, making the teeth on a separate machine and sending the pricked foundation into the homes in town and country where the women and children set in the teeth one at a time. 119 Worcester, City of Prosperity L. S. Starrett — Mechanic, Dairyman, Inventor ON THE 25th of April, 1914, L. S. Starrett will have reached his 78th birthday. A ripe old age, but one that finds this veteran of the hardware trade enjoying the best of health and pursuing his usual business and social activities. Mr. Starrett was born in China, Maine, April 25, 1836. His country school privileges were limited to about two months in the winter and a short term in the summer. He early developed a keen interest in things mechanical and loved to work with tools. When he was nine years old he saved up his pennies, which then came few and far between, and with a few he borrowed from his friends, bought at an auction sale a bit brace, a set of bits, a screwdriver, and a spokeshave. From that time on he was wrapped up in "making something." At first it was simply things for the house and barn, but as he became adept as a mechanic he busied himself by making things of his own origination. At the age of I 7 his desire to work constantly with tools became strong- er than his love for the farm, so he left home to go to Newburyport to work in a machine shop. But work was slack and there was no room for him. Nothing daunted, he went to work on a dairy farm, and soon became an efficient dairy man. But on rainy days he was always working at his inventions. So well did he apply himself that, in 1865, he took out three patents — one for a washing machine, another for a butter worker, and a third for a meat chopper. To manufacture the inventions, he sold his farm interests, and started a machine shop in Newburyport. It was in in- troducing these products that he first started his acquaintance with the hardware trade. In 1868 he moved to Athol, where the Athol Machine Company was organized for the purpose of manufacturing his inventions, among them being the American meat chopper, and the shoe hook fastener. After he had been with the Athol company several years, misfortunes began to come to him. He lost his wife who had been a constant help and inspiration to him; lost control of stock in the company, and with this went his position; and last but not least, he lost his hearing. With four mother- less children to provide for, with no position and little money, and with his hearing gone, an ordinary man would have knuckled under. But Mr. Starrett believed in hard work. He sat up until the small hours of the morn- ing working out inventions with which to provide for his children and him- self. He soon felt sure enough of some of his inventions to start in business again. His first product when he commenced business for himself, was the tool that started the Starrett line. It was the Starrett combination square, invented after he had seen how inadequate was the ordinary square for mechanics. It met with instant success. Incidentally, this led to the addition of u a Worcester, City of Prosperity steel rules, calipers, squares, etc.; eventually to the full line of Starrett tools. The first few thousand of his squares were manufactured for Mr. Starrett under contract by a machine shop when business was dull. When he attempted to introduce the combination square to hardwaremen, they admitted its advantages, but said there was no call for it, and until mech- anics knew about it they would not care to stock it. Mr. Starrett saw the point, hired agents to canvass manufacturing establishments, take orders and sell to the men. The success which met the introduction of this first tool encouraged him to invent and market others. His business soon outgrew his manufacturing capacity, so he was obliged to move to larger quarters. To his original combination square he added steel rules, surface gauges, screw pitch gauges. He was soon com- pelled to enlarge his quarters again, so he bought a large factory. In 1888 he added two stories to this, and in 1 894 he built two large additions. Since then the plant has received many enlargements. Mr. Starrett is one of Athol's leading citizens, and one of the most public spirited. He is a great friend of the young men, and is ever ready to lend a helping hand. The Athol Y. M. C. A., was made possible through his generosity, for he gave not only the site but $35,000 as well. It is inter- esting to know that the site of this Y. M. C. A. building is also the place where his first machine shop stood, and to make way for the new building, the machine shop — one of Athol's landmarks — was torn down. Tech Graduate Made First Auto in America SEVERAL WEEKS AGO the man who made the first automobile in America, Elwood Haynes, visited Worcester. He is a graduate of the Worcester Polytechnic Institute, and returned after a period of 33 years to his alma mater with the distinction stated above. He had the pleasure of visiting many places of interest in his old home town and marveled at the tremendous progress shown — equally as great as the advance made in locomotion and transportation in that time. Mr. Haynes toured the Heart of the Commonwealth in a car made possible by his genius, and afterwards was banqueted by his friends in the Auto Club and congratulated on the test he made of stellite, his new metal alloy, which he conducted at the Tech in the presence of an admiring audience. This metal alloy is harder than any metal yet discovered. Mr. Haynes is cousin of Prof. George H. Haynes, of the Tech, who entertained his relative while in Worcester. The Haynes Automobile Co., is located in Kokomo, Ind., and it was there that the Worcester Tech graduate made the first car, and thus placed millions of pleasure-loving as well as business people under ever- lasting gratitude to him. 123 c -o c .a £ * i s e O ID >> *■ V C *" J5 9- CQ Worcester, City of Prosperity Warren Steam Pump Company IN THE TOWN of Warren, 25 miles from Worcester, there has been in existence for the past 1 6 years a company which probably cannot be duplicated in the state. The Warren Steam Pump Co. broke all tradi- tional records in organization, as it was formed by the employees of the company rather than by a few men commonly called employers. These citizens of Warren had previously been employed by a large pump com- pany which was absorbed by the so-called pump trust, and which moved away from the town. But the men were not to be denied employment, and so formed the Warren Steam Pump Co. and invested their savings in that company's stock. Many of the workmen owned their homes and were interested in the town's progress. It is little wonder, then, that this company, with its workmen as stockholders, every one loyal and working for the success of the entire plant, through the sterling quality of its product, has made most gratify- ing progress. It has always manufactured a strictly high-grade pumping apparatus, and has furnished practically all the leading engineering con- cerns in the country with its product. It is now supplying battleships and torpedo boat destroyers with a large number of marine pumps, built under their own patents. It is the first concern known to use rolled Monel metal linings for steam pumps, which cannot be corroded either by the action of salt or water con- taining impurities. Since the company was formed, it has always catered to a class that demanded high-grade material. Branch offices of the com- pany are in Boston, New York, Philadelphia and Chicago. Just Stiffen the Upper Lip When troubles come thick upon you, From depression in business, From hustling competition without And politics within the U. S. of A., From legislative halls, From lack of business methods, From inefficient help, From any cause, — Don't give up the ship. Just stiffen the upper lip, Smile while every one thinks you're beaten, And go to it, American fashion, And win; For the business world lauds a winner. And Success brings Success. Baxter D. Whitney Worcester, City of Prosperity Warp Compressing Machine IN 1894 David McTaggart, a well-known mill man in Worcester and a native of Scotland, having made noted improvements in spooling machinery, organized the Warp Compressing Machine Company, and began building machinery embodying his patents in Worcester. He continued the business until his death, in 1907, when his son, David D. McTaggart, became manager and continued as such until his death, in 1912. Since then a new corporation has been formed, the first of its kind in Worcester, being owned, controlled and managed exclusively by Worcester women. The officers of the new corporation are president, Mrs. Agnes L. Mc- Taggart, treasurer and general manager. Miss Martha L. McTaggart. Those with Miss Anna L. McTaggart comprise the board of directors. The new company is located at 105 Exchange and is doing a prosperous and growing business. Rice, Barton & Fales — Paper Machinery Manufacturers THE RICE, BARTON & FALES Corporation was established in 1837 and is both one of the oldest and one of the largest in the coun- try in the manufacture of paper and pulp machinery. There is only one other firm in the United States building paper, pulp and similar machinery which was established prior to the Worcester one. Rice, Barton & Fales has a world-wide reputation in that trade, and has always been regarded as one of Worcester's best firms. Baxter D. Whitney — Inventor Oldest Member of the Worcester Branch A PIONEER in the manufacture of woodworking machinery in Massachusetts, is Baxter D. Whitney, of Winchendon, oldest member of the Worcester Branch, N. M. T. A. He was born in Winchendon, in 1817. His early education received in his native town was supplemented afterward at Hancock, N. H., and Fitchburg. The lad's attention was early turned to machinery, probably largely owing to his father's owning a woolen mill in Winchendon. It was in the repair shop of this old mill that Whitney received the practical part of his education, that which shaped his future life in its business sense. His mechanical genius was manifested by his construction, when 10 years of age, of a small saw mill, operated by the water collected in a pond he formed by damming a small stream. Although the lumber sawing capacity was limited, even in proportion to the power expended, the effort showed the bent of the young mind and indicated the sphere of its future activity. 127 Worcester, City of Prosperity Before Baxter D. Whitney had reached manhood he had become a skilled mechanic, able to hold his own with men of many more years or experience. He was observant, ingenious, quick to grasp conditions, and could look ahead. Mr. Whitney's first business venture was the building of machinery for the manufacture of tubs and pails, utilizing for this purpose a corner of his father's factory. In 1837, however, he built 16 looms for weaving cashmere. His next step was to build two or three steam jigs. Then, in an old building that stood back of the present factory, the young man constructed a planing machine. Although this was not the first cylinder planing machine ever made, it was certainly the first practical cylinder planer built, and embodied, in addition, some other innovations — Mr Whitney's original ideas. The first Whitney planing machine was constructed in 1846. The machine was a practical success and some of the then new features incor- porated by the young man in his first planer, are used in every planer turned out by the firm to-day. Mr. Whitney's thoughts had been attracted to wood-working machin- ery on account of the extensive forest growth in the locality where he re- sided and its surroundings. It created a local demand for machinery that would work up the product at hand. The improvements made in the machines he built attracted more than local interest, and demands came in from various sections for still other machines. Usually the wants of the customer were not only met, but the inventive genius of the young man was brought into play to secure some changes or additions that made the machine constructed by him a decided improvement over the one previously used. A feature that makes the establishment and growth of this business seem the more remarkable, is that all supplies for the Whitney shops were transported from Boston and other points by teams, the railroad not having been built until 1847. The present dam at the Whitney plant, which furnishes the water power, was built by him in 1845, an excellent piece of engineering work to have withstood the winter frosts and spring freshets of 60 years. In 1857 Mr. Whitney made his first scraping machine. It was used for paring box rims, and like the planer, embodies some new ideas that are still in force, no better ones having been found. About that time also the Whitney shaper and the Whitney gauge lathe were designed. Mr. Whitney has always been gifted with a wonderful memory for names and details, which advancing years seem not to have impaired. At the breaking out of the Civil War, a large number of Mr. Whitney's employees enlisted, and he was strongly inclined to close his works. But so many new orders were received that he was kept busy building machinery for turning out the wood stocks used on the old-fashioned muskets and even on the then new Springfield rifles. Mr. Whitney himself built the machinery employed to do this work. To attempt to recount the influence of this one man during the last 128 Worcester, City of Prosperity 60 years, on the wood-working industry, would be an impossibility. But to Baxter D. Whitney is, in a large measure, due much of the improved machinery, many added facilities and a great deal of the progress that has been made. In his own establishment he displayed a similar spirit of advance- ment. The Whitney workmen were always equipped with the best tools obtainable. He was the first to introduce a radial drill into the United States. This machine was bought from Sir Joseph Whitworth, of Man- chester, England, in 1867, and its present condition is still good enough to do most creditable work. Like many another successful industrial establishment, the Whitney works started from humble beginnings. Little by little, guided by genius, and aided by circumstances, they increased until now they give employ- ment to a large force of men, and occupy in buildings and ground, an area of about 10 acres. At the beginning Mr. Whitney placed his standard high, a standard he has not only maintained in every machine turned out of his plant, but he has moved it constantly forward as the demands of the day and his judgment and foresight pointed to needed improvement. For the past few years Baxter D. Whitney has exercised but a passive interest in the works, the active management devolving entirely upon William M. Whitney, his son and partner, whose aim, true to that of his father, is to make the Whitney Plant a model of its kind, and to maintain the same position for the Whitney machines that they have always occupied in the wood-working world. A Thousand Vacuum Cleaners per Day THE ABOVE is the record of the M. S. Wright Co., one of our mem- bers, when the firm is running full blast. Who invented the vacuum cleaner? That is about as stiff a problem as determining who in- vented the process for drawing wire. It would seem as if the vacuum clean- ing process came into the world's use flying gently over the air — that it came so gradually that there was little or no special invention at the first, from the fact that machinery for creating vacuum had been invented and used for many years in other lines of work, for instance, the melodeon or reed organ, which employed suction to operate the reeds. There are many other uses, and it was not until nozzles or means of getting the vacuum into contact with the carpet or surface to be cleaned, became general, that vacu- um cleaning was made practical. In England the Booth patent was considered the most practical, and in America for installing plants the Kenney patent has been acknowledged as the best, but there are thousands of patents and various types of machines so that it is difficult to say who really was responsible in the first place for vacuum cleaning. This firm manufactures the pneuvac cleaner, sold through the Pneuvac Company in Boston, which the company controls. 9 I2 9 -US u 2 u 5 g - — Q .£ J 8. .a % > "C CO £ ; J .> -o Worcester, City of Prosperity When the firm operates its full force, full time, it can turn out 1 ,000 machines per day. The art of cleaning by means of vacuum has been known for several years, but it is within the last 10 years that it has become known in general. Several crude machines were invented 30 years ago but were not successful. Less than 10 years ago it would cost $5.00 or $8.03 to clean an average sized carpet while at the present time it is practically only a few cents. The greatest factor towards making vacuum cleaning universal or commer- cial is electricity. Where five or six H. P. was necessary a few years ago, an electric motor of less than x ± H. P. is sufficient to-day. The second factor is the newly improved type of machine that operates with little or no friction, so that when the power is applied to the cleaner the efficiency at the nozzles is about 90 ' ; of the total power exerted. The best type of portable electric machines to-day use only 12 cents' worth of electricity for ten hours, or a trifle over a cent an hour. This fact, of course, made electric cleaning more popular. Science, however, never stands still and is always involving and to-day by means of the carpet type of cleaner it is possible to clean the heaviest and dirtiest carpet thoroughly as well as with the old type of electric or hand machine. To accomplish this, however, the machine must be scientifically con- structed and perfectly built using roller bearings and every possible means of avoiding friction. One person can operate it the same as a carpet sweeper and does not require but a little more effort than the carpet sweeper. Albert Curtis — Manufacturer, Benefactor ALBERT CURTIS was born in Worcester, July 13, 1807. While / \ very young he worked on his uncle's farm in Auburn, and at the age of I 7 began work as an apprentice with White & Boyden, manu- facturers of woolen machinery, at their factory in South Worcester. Later he began the manufacture of machinery and in 1842 the factory was de- stroyed by fire. It was rebuilt and operated as a mill for the manufacture of cotton sheeting Mr. Curtis became a partner with the late E. T. Marble, under the name of Curtis & Marble Machine Co. This firm is one of the most reliable of its kind in the trade. Mr. Curtis died July 27, 1898, aged 91 years. By his will, the local Young Men's Christian Association received a large sum of money. George H. Coates — Inventor and Designer THE COATES CLIPPER Manufacturing Company was started in a very small way by George H. Coates in Worcester in 1876. Mr. Coates was graduated from Windsor Academy and served his apprenticeship there in the manufacture of firearms. Coming to Worces- 131 Worcester, City of Prosperity ter, he was employed as assistant superintendent of the Ethan Allen Com- pany and was in their employ until the panic of 1875 made business con- ditions in that line so uncertain he decided to take up a specialty of his own. At that time very few clippers were used in the United States, and these were imported from England. They were, of course, very expensive, and the cost of repairing parts and resharpening were prohibitive. Seeing a future for this industry, Mr. Coates started in by designing special machinery for sharpening these foreign-made clippers. The same ideas are involved in the company's grinding machines to-day. His venture met with such success that he designed several improvements on clippers and started shortly to manufacture them. A human hair measures one-thousandth of an inch, and a pair of plates must be subjected to at least 30 pounds pressure to resist the hair; the plate being very thin makes the question of grinding vital. In 1880 Mr. Coates built a small shop on Chandler Street and has added to it from time to time until to-day he has over an acre of floor space and employs nearly 1 00 men. The Coates Clippers are to-day made in nearly 100 styles for human or animal hair, covered by 60 patents, and are sold all over the world. Few people think when glancing at woolen garments that the wool is removed from the sheep almost universally to-day by sheep shearers. This is but one of the manifold uses to which their output is devoted. Several years ago Mr. Coates associated with him his son, B. Austin Coates, who is general manager. Last year the company milled 12,000,000 teeth for hair cutting. In the manufacture of horse clipping and sheep shearing machinery a flexible shaft is necessary, and this being an exclusive patent of Mr Coates , he decided about four years ago to specialize on flexible transmission. To-day the company makes this shafting in sizes transmitting from one-tenth horse power in speedometer and dental engines to 1 50 horse power used for heavy unit transmission work. The firm also makes flexible shaft specialties, such as massage machines, electric drills, multipliers, varnish rubbing outfits. Henry D. Perky — Inventor, Idealist, Soldier HENRY D. PERKY was not born in Worcester— Ohio was his home — but it was in Worcester that he became famous, and his product is known to-day the world over. Mr. Perky first began to manufacture cereals — shredded wheat — in Boston, but he did not find conditions at "The Hub of the Universe" to suit him, and in a few months removed to Worcester. In 1892 he began the manufacture of shredded wheat in a shop at 57 Jackson Street, and while there he built up a tre- mendous business. Many of Worcester's busy men and women will remember with pleasure and satisfaction the numerous course dinners Mr. Perky enter- tained them to while he was demonstrating the many ways in which 133 Worcester, City of Prosperity shredded wheat could be made attractive for table use. There were appe- tizing meals of every description, to which Worcester's leading business and educational people were invited, and at which Mr. Perky and his able assistants served as many as 25 to 40 courses. The writer of this book attended many of these functions in his capacity as a newspaper man. They were always a big success. Mr. Perky bought the Oread Castle and converted it into a school for domestic economy, which he carried on for several years, and for which he gave, free of charge, a complete course to one girl from every state in the Union. But in 1903 the shredded wheat business became so enormous in volume that he moved his factory to Niagara Falls, and there the business passed out of his hands. The building is one of the best in the country. Later Mr. Perky went to Baltimore County, Md., where he established another Oread on similar lines to that in Worcester, situated near Glencoe Station. He died several years ago from a stroke of apoplexy, aged 62 years. He was a veteran of the Civil War, had practiced law, was a scholar, and thought and acted in large things. He invented a steel tubular rail- road car which he declared would prevent telescoping of cars in railroad accidents. Eight Hundred Hides Per Day THE GRATON & KNIGHT MANUFACTURING CO. of Worces- ter has the largest and best equipped plant of its kind in the world for tanning and currying hides and manufacturing the same into leather belting, the capacity being over 200,000 hides per annum. The firm was established in 1851, incorporated in 1872 with a capital of $100,000, but the company now has a paid-in capital of $2,000,000, showing the steady and substantial growth characteristic of Worcester's industries. The first tannery was built in 1867, with a capacity of only a few hundred hides annually. The firm now manufactures about six miles of leather belting per day, and cutting up leather that would be the equiva- lent of 800 hides per day, employing about 1200 men. The firm has stores all over the United States and in several foreign countries. An important part of the organization is an engineering depart- ment, which makes an exhaustive study of adapting special belts to special lines of work with a view to developing the most economical power trans- mission that can be produced. The Whittall Mills THE WHITTALL business was founded in 1880 by its present owner, M. J. Whittall. In 1872 Mr. Whittall came to this country from England, became superintendent of the Crompton Carpet Co., and upon the dissolution of that concern started his present business with a few looms brought from his native country. 135 David H. Fanning Worcester, City of Prosperity From this modest beginning, the immense group of mills in South Worcester developed. Every year or two it has been necessary to add on to the old buildings or to build new ones to supply the increasing demands for Whittall fabrics, known the world wide over. Mr. Whittall is now the largest individual carpet manufacturer in the world. He is one of the beloved employers of labor in Worcester, and the loyalty and efficiency of his work people is the best test of their fair treat- ment. With Mr. Whittall is associated in the firm his son, Matthew Percival Whittall. The firm name is the Whittall Associates, the officers being: Presi- dent and treasurer, Matthew J. Whittall; vice-president and assistant treasurer, Matthew Percival Whittall. In connection with the Edgeworth Mills, Alfred Thomas has as a partner Matthew J. Whittall. David H. Fanning — Corset Manufacturer years young 83 ONE OF THE favorite attractions of visitors to Worcester is the Royal Worcester Corset Co.'s plant on Wyman Street. They may walk into the office and ask to be shown through the factory, and their wish is granted. One may say that this is a rather unusual proceeding to ask such a favor while business is in full swing. It is in most factories, but not in the Royal Worcester. There one will find a staff of young women whose duty it is to conduct parties over one of the most ideal factory plants in the United States. It does not in the least matter whether there is a party of 20 or 60 to be conducted or whether one is all alone stealing an hour off from a busy day, an attractive and intelligent girl will show the wonders, for it is plainly evident that the employees are as proud of their plant as is the president, David H. Fanning. Mr. Fanning has reason to be proud of his factory and his employees, of the grounds surrounding the buildings and of his product, for in these he sees the realization of an ideal he placed before himself when he first began the manufacture of corsets with one assistant in a small room 50 years ago. The one small room has grown to be one of the largest, most mod- ern and best equipped plants, and instead of the one woman employee there are nearly 2,000 people, mostly women and girls — at work the year round. In many other lines of business there are dull times, but women wear corsets 365 days in the year and if there is a change of fashion in London and Paris, the styles of last year may be quite the vogue in China and Japan, with that of last spring just coming out in Australia or New Zealand. It will be seen from that statement that the Royal Worcester corset is to be found all over the world which is a statement of fact, for they are sold in 50 countries. And if woman should eventually become emancipated from the corset as she is from many forms of restriction, the Royal 137 Worcester, City of Prosperity Worcester people will probably go on manufacturing whatever lovely woman demands in its stead. This marvellous plant is situated on a pleasantly shaded street. It is a great double-winged building, with no outside ornateness. Heavy oak doors swing easily to admit the visitors and they stand in a wide entrance hall, flanked on either side by rows of offices separated from each other by glass and oak partitions. In a few moments the sightseers are being greeted by an official of the company as courteously as though he were welcoming to his own home. He conducts them to a reception room overlooking lawns and flower gardens. One of the girls makes her appearance and they are shown into the busy factory. There the ceilings are lofty, walls are white, floors clean and every corner of the room is as light as outdoors. Six hundred women and girls, all stitching corsets, is one of the sights. Plenty of room, and everything going forward in the most perfect order. All machinery is electrically operated, a touch of the foot of each operator starts or stops each machine on the instant. The air is freshened contin- uously by a blower system which accounts for the fresh, healthy look on the faces of the girls. In this stitching room are women who have been stitch- ing corsets for upwards of 20 years. There is the designing room, the cutting room with men at work cut- ting out three dozen corsets at a time. Here is a room where the bones are inserted, there the embroidery is cut, ribbon inserted, another where the heavy web elastic stocking supporters are made and stitched on. The boxes are manufactured, labels are printed on the spot as well as all the other printed matter that leaves the factory in the way of information or advertising. Under the glow of a radium light, the webs of material are examined and below are the great packing rooms. Throughout the building 40 bubbling fountains supply drinking water, and for the girls who cannot conveniently go home for the noonday meal, there is a large diningroom with white floors and wainscotting, with palms and other plants in the windows. There are also special facilities for heating food. Near the diningroom is a library where the public library keeps a constant supply of books and the firm subscribes for a splendid assortment of all the best magazines. As the girls work by the piece, they may have a magazine near their machine to which to turn when a little relaxation is needed. A victrola furnishes the best music, while welfare classes and social uplift lectures are given by specialists during the noon hour. On the second floor is a miniature hospital with several cots and with a nurse in constant attendance. Care is given to safety to life and health. The water used is doubly filtered and cooled by the company's filtering and refrigerating apparatus and steel doors, automatically operated, separate the rooms. The president's and directors' rooms are both finished in solid ma- hogany and on the large mahogany table in the president's room stands a silver loving cup presented Mr. Fanning on his 80th birthday by the employees. He has been the controlling spirit of the company from its inception, and to his individuality and leadership and that of a finely equip- 138 Worcester, City of Prosperity ped working force of executives and operatives, is due the tremendous suc- cess of this firm. There are a dozen other corset factories located in Worcester, all of them doing a thriving business, although not in the volume of the Royal Worcester Co. Worcester; 1848—1898 THE FOLLOWING verses by Frank Roe Batchelder were written for "The Worcester of 1898," edited by Franklin P. Rice and published by the Blanchard Press. It is 15 years ago since Mr. Batchelder penned these lines, but they are even more applicable to the Worcester of to-day than they were of the place that had just completed a half century of city life. Five decades have her children kept Her civic honor free from stain. While with the world she's laughed and wept, And shared her country's loss and gain. Foremost in all that makes for good, With bounty ranging far and wide. From the straight path of rectitude Her feet have never turned aside. Fecund in wise and generous law. Her lesser sisters look to her For high example, void of flaw, In genius to administer. The hiss of Scandal's venomed tongue Dies ere it reaches her confines; No hint of broken trust has flung Disgrace upon her large designs. She toils and ventures, strives and builds. And seeks to sweeten life for all The craftsmen of her thousand guilds Who answer to her every call. Crowned by the smoke of many mills, She welcomes workers to her gate; And in her children's hearts instils Love for the toil that makes her great. Proud of her myriad machines, Her flashing looms, her glowing fires, Not less to other good she leans, Not less to gentler art aspires. 139 ts o 2> J2 _C 4J 3 o CO 6 U a O 3 U o >- < a D a Worcester, City of Prosperity Patron of every useful thing, She sits at Learning's feet, nor finds Her glory less that she should bring Her tribute to the might of minds. So has she made and kept her place, And taught her name to distant lands, Her skill the marvel of the race — Far sought the labor of her hands Great where her least result is known. From her grim, busy factories Her products go to every zone In ships that sail the seven seas. Yet does she make, when all is said, No product more desired of men, No brighter chaplet for her head, Than her grand type of citizen. In war, in peace, in school, in shop, Beyond the knowledge of her name. Rising insistent to the top, Those she has bred have brought her fame. A little while we hold her trust Till Time sets others in our place; Let us not see her armor rust, Nor fear to look her in the face. When her bright century is run. Be ours to have our children say Their service is the better done For that we render her to-day. 141 B? ::|j^^HL Hf ^Bf "^|H v^v • - Worcester, City of Prosperity Men Who Helped Make Worcester HON. JAMES LOGAN, "Best loved citizen of Worcester," four times mayor of this city, native of Paisley, Scotland, is one of the great industrial leaders of the Heart of the Commonwealth. He has aided in large measure to build up one of its most substantial in- dustries, has risen from humble circumstances to that of wealth and in- fluence, and is now, as he has been since its organization, general mana- ger of the United States Envelope Co. He delivered an address before the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (Boston section), October 17 last in The Bancroft, in which he spoke of the industrial pioneers of Worcester. The paper is of such excellence, condensed yet possessing all the necessary facts, that we are pleased to make some extracts from it. Ex-Mayor Logan said: "Many of the industrial pioneers of Worcester did not have a vision of the present industrial life of the city with its population of over 160,- 000 souls. They could not foresee the telegraph, telephone, wireless, electric light and power, the trolley car, typewriter and camera, and the thousand and one other inventions which go to make up our present com- plex, industrial life, and which have all come to us during the lifetime of men not yet old. But with the light they had, with the tools they had, they builded better than they knew. "The studies of grammar, rhetoric, poetry and the ancient classics were formerly referred to as the 'Humanities,' but the true students of the 'Humanities' of our day are the men who are carrying on the work which makes possible the advance of civilization. In their ranks are found the pioneers and path-finders of commercial and industrial progress. They are the builders of railways, bridges, ships, sewers and reservoirs. They are the men who are inventing machinery by which not only the necessi- ties, but the comforts of life are brought within the reach of untold millions. "Did you ever stop to consider what mental vision is? — that it is not the eye but the mind that sees? The engineer, through the mind, by faith, saw the bridge which spans the mighty river, even before pencil had been put upon paper. In like manner, the inventor sees the perfected machine which is to lighten human toil, and so the bridge and the machine are no longer visions but realities. Then, reaching down below the level of the machine, a thousand or hundred thousand are lifted to a higher level and their labor lighter, not unmixed with joy, takes the place of laborious toil, and the product of their labor by its lower cost of production is brought within the reach of a million souls, and the comforts of life have been mul- tiplied and civilization has taken a step upward to a higher plane by way of the machine. "Worcester is known throughout the length and breadth of the land as the home of the skilled workman. It is the engineer and mechanic to 143 William A. Richardson Worcester, City of Prosperity whom we are indebted for the proud position which our city holds in the Commonwealth and in the Nation. The hum of the machinery made in Worcester can be likened to the roll of Great Britain's drum which follows the rising sun around the circle of the globe. Worcester has done its part in the upward march of progress, for wherever man is found all over the world will be found machinery 'Made in Worcester.' "When Ichabod Washburn closed his eyes upon the scenes of earth, did he in imagination see the Worcester of to-day and the great American Steel & Wire Co., with its 7,000 employees? I think not. But he helped to lay a foundation which made the American Steel & Wire Co., and many of the other steel and wire industries possible. "I have not the knowledge or ability to tell you of the great wire industries of Worcester, which supply the wire that takes down from the heavens the wireless message and which also furnish the wire along which your message goes over the mountains and under the seas, by telephone and telegraph around the circle of the globe; which furnish the wire that transmits the electric current that lights your streets and homes, and that propels the trolley which takes you to your business or your home, and that furnishes the motive power which operates our shops; that fences the great ranch in the West or in the Argentine where the cattle are raised, which supply food for our table. It would be impossible to enumerate all the points at which Worcester touches the civilization of the world through the products of the iron and steel industries. My brother was an explorer in South Central America for over 20 years of his life and once having ascended the Magdalena River in Colombia to the foothills of the Andes the thought came to him that probably he was standing where the white man had never stood before, but within a half hour from the time he was thus soliloquizing he discovered a barbed wire fence and on the abandoned reels he found the familiar name of Washburn & Moen Mfg. Co., Worcester, Mass. "For the manufacture of paper greater power is required and also an abundant supply of pure water, which the roaring, raging Blackstone River at Worcester does not furnish. But, if we may not make the paper, we can render a larger service. We can supply those who do make the paper with the machines to make it, for it requires more ability and a higher de- gree of mechanical skill to invent and construct the machine than to oper- ate it. It is an interesting fact that in the city of Holyoke alone, which is rightly called the 'Paper City' of America, there are over 60 paper- making machines, and without exception, they could be labeled 'Made in Worcester.' "To the Rice, Barton & Fales Co., of this city, manufacturers of paper-making machinery is to be given high honor. Their records of the distant past are vague and indefinite, and they do not know how many machines they have made in their seventy-six years of business life. "But it is estimated that the number of new ones is somewhere between 500 and 700 machines. I might add that they are just shipping to one of the largest paper mills in Maine their 15th machine, making news io 145 Worcester, City of Prosperity print. And it can with truth be said that when the newspaper leaves the mill, it is not yellow but white. It is what the other fellow does to it that makes it yellow. "I never see one of those great machines, twice the size of the largest locomotive and weighing approximately 600 tons, turning out a sheet of paper from 12 to 15 feet wide and running at a speed equal to 175 miles each day of 24 hours, and the machine as nicely adjusted as the watch you carry in your pocket, that I do not take off my hat to the men who invented, constructed and who operate this mighty servant of mankind, which is 'Made in Worcester.' "Worcester is the principal home of the envelope industry in the United States. But little did the men who started this great industry appreciate what that business would be in 1913. We do know that the first successful envelope machine in this country, was invented by a physi- cian, Dr. R. L. Hawes, with a mechanical bent, who lived in Worcester and retired from the business with a feeling that the maximum of efficiency had been reached when the product of an envelope machine was 20,000 envelopes per day; and it required three operators to operate two machines, thus giving a product of 13,000 per day for each operator. But the manu- facturer who to-day is satisfied with an average product of more than five times that product for a single operator, is not a factor in the present in- dustrial race. "Our honored friend and fellow citizen, David H. Fanning of the Royal Worcester Corset Co., hale and hearty with his eighty-three years of busy life, is still with us, doing his part, through the industry which he founded, to help make a larger and better Worcester. But when, in those blessed days of smaller things, with two helpers, a man and a woman, he began to make hoop skirts in a room 18 feet by 22 feet, he could not in imagination have foreseen the Royal Worcester Corset Co., of today, where they manufacture jewel cases by the million to hold the finest jewels all over this civilized world. "It is an interesting fact that while we make in this city of Worcester about every machine used in a woolen or cotton mill, we have few woolen mills and we have not a cotton mill here such as make up the great indus- tries of Lowell, Lawrence, New Bedford, Fall River and Chicopee. "Another of our honored citizens, Matthew J. Whittall, came to Worcester, bringing with him simply a clear head and willing hands, and, when others in the carpet business had failed of success, he asked for an opportunity to try. Even though his employer, Mr. Crompton, tried to dissuade him, he made the venture. He believed in the old saying: 'He either fears his fate too much. Or his desserts too small, Who dares not put it to the touch. To win or lose it all.' He dared to put it to the touch and won, but he could not in those days foresee the great carpet works at South Worcester giving employ- ment to thousands. 146 Worcester, City of Prosperity "When Henry Graton and Joseph A. Knight started their belting factory in those two little upper rooms on Front Street, with a capital of $800, they did not foresee the mammoth establishment now located on Franklin Street. "When the two brothers, J. A. and Orlando Norcross, just ordinary carpenters, but exceptional men, took their first contract to build the wooden Congregational Church in Leicester, Mass., they did not see the great Norcross Bros. Co., with an international reputation and with a confidence to undertake the largest construction work conceived by the mind of man. As Orlando once said to me: 'We will undertake to remove the pyramids, Logan, if you will find some one to supply the cash.' "The work of the Morgan Construction Co., is of international im- portance, so that wherever the manufacture of steel is carried on, their continuous rolling mills are doing their part to lighten human toil, But little did Charles H. Morgan think, in those early days in the town of Clinton when working on paper box machinery, that he would change his life-work from paper to iron and steel, and that the name of Morgan would be known in the steel industry throughout the world. "When the Norton Company were laying the foundations of their emery wheel business in that little 12 by 14 foot room with one employee, their honored superintendent, John Jeppson, who is still with them, they did not see a business of international proportions with its 1 ,700 employees in two continents. "When the Wyman & Gordon Co., was started in 1883 in that little frame building, 40 by 60 feet, where the two proprietors, both graduates of Tech, shared between them the responsibilities of janitor, fireman, bookkeeper, salesman and engineer, they did not see the evolutionary road which they were to travel, through shuttlebox, binders, loom crank shafts, car coupler knuckles, forgings for bicycles, electric rail bonds, to the automobile crankshaft which was to make them the leaders in this country in the automobile crankshaft industry. "If you were to journey into the wilds of Patagonia, to the great sheep ranches of the Argentine in South America which supply the world with wool, you will find the Coates Clipper doing its work, and if you go into a barber shop anywhere in the world, you will be likely to get your hair trimmed by a Coates clipper ' Made in Worcester.' "At the Polytechnic Institute we are taking the raw material and, passing it through the transformer, we are turning out a finished product of high voltage. Our finished product is the technical engineer, the man who can do things, and who does not talk about them but who does the job, who renders service. For over 40 years the Tech has never failed to declare a substantial dividend in the shape of a splendid body of young men who are sent out into the world of business and professional life, not only well equipped from an educational and scientific point of view, but with high ideals of service. "One of our most permanent institutions in this city is the Tech. The men now connected with it, the firms that now conduct the business of this 147 Gilbert N. Harrington Worcester, City of Prosperity growing city, the machinery which sends its product to the ends of the earth will in time, and in a very short time, pass away. A hundred years is a long time even as men count time. Monuments will decay, trust funds will vanish, even our beautiful City Hall and all the buildings on Tech Hill will go the way of all the works of man, but the Tech will remain, its life will probably be longer than any of these things which I have mentioned, and, such being the case, we are to-day planning for this long and, of necessity, larger life for the years that are to be. "When John Boynton founded the Tech he believed in the future of Worcester, but when he planted that Institution on the Hill he did not foresee the future, but builded better than he knew. He supposed he was founding an institution where the boy who had not received all the advan- tages might have some of them made up to him; but he never dreamed that he was founding an institution where 'captains of industry,' the commissioned officers, so to speak, of the great industrial army were to be trained, and those commissions were within reach of the sons of the humblest man who walks the streets of Worcester. The Polytechnic Institute is doing the larger work in providing the line and staff officers for the industrial army, and now the city of Worcester, through the Worcester Trade School, is doing the work which Mr. Boynton thought he was pro- viding for, the education of the non-commissioned officers in the army of industry. "And now, in closing, may I turn your thoughts into another channel? We are living in a busy world and the burdens are many and heavy. Men in business and professional life give up their leisure and practically make themselves slaves to their profession. This is particularly true of engi- neers. They do this often with the thought in mind that the burden will some day be lighter, and that they will have a larger freedom by and by. They may never have it — they seldom do; for when that day arrives on which they might take that larger freedom toward which, when burdened with heavy cares, they have often looked forward with heavy hearts and longing eyes, they do not want it. Now work has become to them the habit of their lives and they say, as did that great empire builder of Africa — ■ Cecil Rhodes: 'So little done, so much to do.' The point of view has changed Strength has been given to bear the heavier burdens, and they pray now not for a lighter load but for strength to carry the heavier burden. And here comes in the great compensation of life — that during all the years of strain and strife they have had this larger freedom in expectation, and that, after all, with most earthly possessions is more satisfying than the reality." 149 Worcester, City of Prosperity Worcester's Railroads THE FACILITIES provided in Worcester for both passenger and freight transportation is perhaps the chief reason for its present high standing as a manufacturing centre. A city's populace may have inventive genius, skilled mechanics, natural resources and native ability, but without adequate railroad facilities for rapid shipping it is operating under a serious handicap. Worcester, even if it is not a seaport, is well favored. It is on the direct routes from Boston to New York and all points to the West. It enjoys all the benefits of fast passenger and freight trains, and within its radius has one handsome Union Depot, recently erected, and six additional passenger stations. The Boston Passenger House, the up-town terminal of the Boston & Worcester Railroad, finished in 1835, was situated at the corner of Foster and Norwich Streets and remained in use until the completion of the first Union Station at Washington Square in 1875. This was also the terminal of the first southern railroad, the Norwich & Worcester, completed in 1840. and the first northern railroad, the Worcester & Nashua, completed in 1848 With the completion of those three roads Worcester secured its eastern, northern and southern connections. Its western connections were made when the Western railroad from Worcester to Albany was completed in 1839. The Western railroad was consolidated with the Boston & Worcester, and has since been known as the Boston & Albany. Another connection with tide water was made when the Providence & Worcester railroad was completed in 1847, but this road had its depot on Green Street, and had no connection with the central station of the other roads only such as was afforded at the Worcester Junction, now known as South Worcester. The Old Boston Passenger House was for many years the centre of life and activity of the city half a century ago. The popular line of travel between Boston and New York was over the Boston & Worcester railroad to Worcester, then over the Norwich & Worcester railroad to Norwich and then through Long Island Sound by boats of the " Famous Norwich Lines." The Boston passengers, together with those from the north over the Nashua road and the Worcester passengers made up the largest and most important train in its day in New England. When this train with "Jack Hyde" at the throttle pulled out down over the Common back of the City Hall and the Old South Church on its way to Norwich, the sports and characters of Worcester, realizing that it was all off for that day, dispersed into the bowl- ing alleys and dispensaries on Mechanic Street and vicinity, but to repeat the same every week-day evening. The standard time of Worcester was the large chronometer which stood in the Head House passageway from Norwich Street to the train shed and for many years this time piece was known as "old reliable" by railroad men and the general public. The Boston and Worcester Railroad, the first in Massachusetts, and one of the oldest in the country, was incorporated June 23, 1831. It had a 150 Worcester, City of Prosperity single track of 44 miles, laid with edge rails on cast iron chairs, resting on wooden sleepers bedded in trenches filled with stone, and was completed in about four years. The cost of labor, land, engines, cars and buildings was $1 ,500,000. The first car was a small coach-like affair 20 feet long, holding a dozen people in each of two compartments and entered by a side door. There was a row of seats around the inside, and the conductors passed from car to car by a railing around the outside. The Western Railroad was completed to Springfield in 1839; from Springfield to Chatham in 1841; there joining the Hudson and Berkshire Railroad, then built, making the complete line from Worcester to Albany in 1841. There were then five passenger trains and five freight trains daily, east and west. There are seven Railroad Stations in Worcester as follows: Union Passenger Station, Washington Square; Lincoln Square Station (B. & M. R. R.), Lincoln Square; Barber's Station (B. & M. R. R.) t West Boylston Street; Greendale Station (B & M. R. R.), West Boylston Street; Jamesville Station (B. & A. R. R.), at Jamesville; North Worcester Station (B. & M. R. R.), Holden Street; Summit Station (B. & M. R. R.), Burncoat Street. The passenger trains now over the Boston & Albany Railroad are: To the West: 4 — New York, 13 — West, 15 — Local; to the East: 4 — New York, 12 — Local, 16 — West. There are 25 freight trains each way to-day over the Boston & Albany Railroad and one fast express for the West. The passenger trains arriving and departing at the depot over the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad are: 10 trains to and from Provi- dence, 3 trains to and from New London, 2 trains to and from Putnam, 2 trains local. There are 15 freight trains each way over the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad. Over the Boston & Maine Railroad there are the following passenger trains daily: 2 to Portland, 5 to Nashua, I to Ayer, 13 Locals. 12 Freight trains over the Boston &c Maine Railroad, each way to Port- land, Nashua, Ayer and local points. The abolishing of the grade crossings to the north and south of the city — and the latter of which has been accomplished, will probably cost between $4,750,000 and $5,000,000. It is an achievement long wished for by the citizens of Worcester. The Blackstone Canal THE BLACKSTONE Canal from Providence to Worcester was com- pleted in 1828. The first boat, the "Lady Carrington," arrived in Worcester, October 6th of that year, and was moored in the basin at the head of that canal. Her arrival was announced by the firing of cannon and the ringing of bells. 151 fl c u UJ 3 a 3 u 1) h Worcester, City of Prosperity The 40 miles of canal cost about $700,000. The enterprise proved unprofitable to stockholders owing to the adoption not long afterward of the railroad system of passenger and freight transportation The last toll on the canal was collected November 9, 1848. Worcester's Trolley System THE APPROXIMATE number of miles of street railway tracks in Worcester County is 390. This trolley system connects Worcester with a population of nearly 400,000 in Worcester County. The first horse car run in Worcester was in 1861, the route being from Lincoln and Catherine Streets to Webster Square. This company was known as the Worcester Horse Car Company. The company operated for about two years and became bankrupt and no cars were run for about two years more, when a new company was organized and operated. Horse cars were discontinued about November 1, 1893. The first electric car was run in Worcester Feb. 22, 1887. This car was operated over the narrow guage railroad from Washington Square to Lincoln Park at Lake Quinsigamond by Horace G. Bigelow. It was not a success and operated only a very short time. The first successful electric car was run in Worcester on the Lake line from Shrewsbury and Mulberry Streets to Lincoln Park during the first week of August, 1891. The car was operated by the Worcester Consoli- dated Street Railway Company. The Spencer line was opened as an elec- tric line August 10, 1891. Worcester's trolley system is regarded by world travelers as one of the best equipped and safest of any city of importance in the United States. Worcester's Banking Business WORCESTER possesses a sound and reliable number of banking institutions. There are three national banks, one trust company, five savings banks, four co-operative banks. The aggregate deposits of the three national banks and trust company January 4, 1914, were $24,605,827.29. The deposits October 31, 1913, of the Worcester Savings Banks were as follows: Worcester County Institution for Savings .... $24,340,141.19 People's Savings Bank 15,216,864.01 Worcester Mechanics Savings Bank 13,984,798.52 Worcester Five Cents Savings Bank 12,505,569.62 Bay State Savings Bank 1,930,354.06 Total $67,977,727.40 153 "o Oh Worcester, City of Prosperity The monthly clearings of the local banks for 1913 were January February March April . May . June . July . August September October November December Total Co-operative bank assets: Total Assets of the Worcester Co-operative Bank Total assets of the Home Co-operative Bank Total assets of the Equity Co-operative Bank Total assets of the Independent Co-opera'ive Bank $12,035,934 11,152,333 11,472.016 11,902,125 11,335,874 1 1 ,028,495 11,701,125 10,430,982 10,451,959 13,364.863 10,452,657 11,216.650 $136,545,013 $1,051,750.72 1,041,596.51 1,028,767.13 22,000.00 Grand total $3,144,114.36 The above figures speak for themselves so far as Worcester's banking business is concerned. Worcester's Schools for Engineers and Mechanics WITH THE splendidly equipped Technical and Trade schools with which Worcester is provided, there seems no reason for pessimism in regard to the future supply of first-class mechanics to maintain the industrial supremacy of Central Massachusetts. That much ought to be assured, from what may be expected of the graduates from the Tech and the Worcester and Fitchburg Trade School plans. Worcester Polytechnic Institute THERE IS AN exceedingly close and intimate relationship existing between the Worcester Polytechnic Institute and the Machine Shops of Worcester County. It is this: Those who have grad- uated from the Tech are now, very many of them, in the Worcester ma- chine shops, and those who are in the Tech now, will soon be graduating into the machine shops. In fact, quite a number of the grads are the owners of machine and electrical shops in this city, and the same is true of some who were professors on Boynton Hill. As has been stated, many of the young men who received their first real training in shop practice, 155 Worcester, City of Prosperity mathematics, machine construction, materials, drawing, patternmaking, and the many component parts which go to make up an all-round engineer at the Tech, are now in charge of the great machine making factories of Worcester, and managing them with entire satisfaction and to the credit of their alma mater. The Worcester Polytechnic Institute was founded by John Boynton, of Templeton, a few miles from the Heart of the Commonwealth, the letter of gift declaring his intention being dated May 1, 1865. It was a gift of $100,000 in securities, and with that for a starter the Institute opened for business November 12, 1868. The Washburn Shops were founded by Ichabod Washburn in a letter of gift dated March 6, 1866. Mr. Washburn erected the original shop building and gave an endowment to the shops of $50,000. The group of buildings now consist of Boynton Hall, Washburn Shops, Power Labora- tory, Engineering Laboratories, Salisbury Laboratories (a gift of Stephen Salisbury), the Foundry, Electrical Engineering Laboratories, Magnetic Laboratories. The valuation of the buildings and land is about $587,000, the land being valued at about $125,000. The Hydraulic Testing Plant is situated at Chaffins, five miles distant. The buildings and land comprise 53 acres, six of which are to be devoted to the Alumni Athletic Field, now nearing completion. The Electrical engineering building is the largest devoted exclusively to electrical engineering to be found in any college. The school is one of the first of its class in the country, and it has kept pace with the tremen- dous progress made during the past quarter of a century in all matters pertaining to professional and technical education. In some respects it has been recognized as a leader, and its methods extensively copied. In a very broad and general sense engineering has been defined as "the application of practical science to man's material circumstances and means of action," but in a more common and technical sense it means the utilization of the forces of nature in the service and for the benefit of man, as illustrated in the construction and use of machinery, the erection and maintenance of structures and the discovery, decomposition and recom- position of the component parts of material things. To portions of the wide field thus described, the terms mechanical, civil, chemical and electri- cal engineering have been applied. Under each of these there is much opportunity for specializing. Mechanical engineering has been defined as that branch of engineering which relates strictly to machinery, such as steam engines, machine tools, millwork, etc., but it is evident that a mechanical engineer may restrict his field to any one of these, or to ma- chinery for the production and utilization of electricity. And so there are also sub-divisions of the other subjects. In the use of a workshop as furnishing an essential part of the training of the mechanical engineer, the Worcester Tech was the pioneer in the United States, and its facilities for this training, as embodied in the Wash- burn Shops, are probably more extensive than in any other. This institution was the first, as has been said, to establish these IS6 Worcester, City of Prosperity shops as an adjunct to the training of the engineer. They exist only that they may contribute to that training in the highest degree possible. The scope of this school's work is more comprehensive than in a few schools which are restricted to a single branch of engineering, and it is more limited than in others which attempt to include nearly every department of applied science. The courses are mechanical engineering, civil engineering, chemistry, general science, electrical engineering, all leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science and graduate courses in each department are offered, leading to the advance degrees of M. S., D. S., M. E., C. E., and E. E. Ira N. Hollis, formerly of Harvard, is President of the Institute, while the president of the Board of Trustees is Hon. Charles G Washburn, who is also connected with The Wire Goods Co. President Hollis is supported by a large and exceedingly capable faculty. The student body now numbers 535, of which the city of Worcester furnishes 1 10, the County of Worcester, 89, the State of Massachusetts, not including Worcester, 151 ; outside of Massachusetts, 174 and 1 1 foreign. The number of students which have been graduated is 1 ,657, of whom 1 ,538 are still living. Of these graduates, 72 are either owners, part owners, or occupying executive positions in connection with shops of the National Metal Trades Association. Here is a list of some of the graduates of Worcester Polytechnic Institute: Charles G. Washburn, The Wire Goods Co., Worcester. Paul B. Morgan, Morgan Construction Co., Worcester. James N. Heald, Heald Machine Co., Worcester. Lyman F. Gordon, Wyman & Gordon Co., Worcester. William F. Cole, Baldwin Chain & Manufacturing Co., Worcester. Victor E. Edwards, Morgan Construction Co., Worcester. Aldus C. Higgins, Norton Co., Worcester. Albert J. Gifford, Leland-Gifford Co., Worcester. John W. Higgins, Worcester Pressed Steel Co., Worcester. Eugene A. Copeland, Hobbs Manufacturing Co., Worcester. Theodore H. Nye, Morgan Construction Co., Worcester. R. Sanford Riley, Norton Co., Worcester. Subbo Nikiloff, Leland-Gifford Co., Worcester. A. N. Goddard, Union Twist Drill Co., Athol. George S. McFarland, Wyman & Gordon Co., Worcester. Norman F. Holter, Norton Co., Worcester. George S. Holden, Eastern Bridge & Structural Co., Worcester. John C. Spence, Norton Grinding Co., Worcester. George G. Whitney, Heald Machine Co., Worcester. Clayton O. Smith, Norton Grinding Co., Worcester. H. P. Sawtell, Leland-Gifford Co., Worcester. Lester H. Carter, Baxter D. Whitney & Son, Winchendon. Edwin G. Chaffin, Norton Co., Worcester. 157 Iju Worcester, City of Prosperity Arthur A. Arnold, American Optical Co., Southbridge. Frank L. Putnam, Harrington Cutlery Co., Southbridge. Albert G. Belden, Norton Grinding Co., Worcester. Waldo J. Guild, Heald Machine Co., Worcester. Don A. Hamilton, Manning, Maxwell & Moore, New York. Charles E. Gillett, Norton Co., Worcester, William T. Donath, Leland-Gifford Co., Worcester. Paul R. Crooker, Norton Grinding Co., Worcester. George F. Martin, Eastern Bridge & Structural Co., Worcester. H. M. Carleton, Economic Machinery Co., Worcester. Edward M. Woodward, Jr., Woodward & Powell Planer Co., Worcester Edward H. Moore, Eastern Bridge & Structural Co., Worcester. Howard P. Chace, Norton Grinding Co., Worcester. C. W. Phillips, Heald Machine Co., Worcester. Ephraim Currier, Harrington & Richardson Arms Co., Worcester. Fred W. Eastman, Norton Grinding Co., Worcester. William W. Armour, Armour's Pattern Shop, Worcester. George H. Day, American Optical Co., Southbridge. W. C. Searle, Norton Grinding Co., Worcester. Willard T. Hatch, Brown & Sharpe Manufacturing Co.. Providence. George H. Cushing, H. B. Smith Co., Westfield. W. W. Estes, General Fire Extinguisher Co., Providence. Harry N. Harding, Norton Grinding Co., Worcester. Fred D. Holdsworth, Sullivan Machinery Co., Claremont, N. H. John G. Aldrich, New England Butt Co., Providence. A. M. Powell, Fitchburg Machine Works, Fitchburg. T. S. Miller, Lidgerwood Manufacturing Co., New York. Roger B. Hubbell, Norton Grinding Co., Worcester. R. S. Squire, Stevens-Duryea Automobile Co., Chicopee Falls. James G. Goodell, General Fire Extinguisher Co., Providence. Alfred E. Rankin, Lidgerwood Manufacturing Co., New York. John W. McCaffrey, Taft-Pierce Manufacturing Co., Woonsocket. S. W. Sparrow, Stevens-Duryea Automobile Co., Chicopee Falls. Stanley P. Stewart, Stewart Boiler Works, Worcester. Howard E. Stowell, Carborundum Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y. C. W. Taft, Leland-Gifford Co., Worcester. Lester H. Greene, Brown & Sharpe Manufacturing Co., Providence. James P. Hogan, Union Twist Drill Co., Athol. Waldo L. Sherman, Reed-Prentice Co., Worcester. James W. Armour, Armour's Pattern Shop, Worcester. Bryant F. Chapin, Norwood Engineering Co., Florence. Edgar F. Tierney, Builders Iron Foundry Co., Providence. Elmer S. Whittier, Sullivan Machinery Co., Claremont, N. H. Frank B. Knight, Chicago Office, Lidgerwood Mfg. Co., New York. Charles C. Brooks, Assistant Western Manager, Mead-Morrison Co., Boston. Charles H. Greenwood, The Carborundum Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y. 159 o _c y en -, h >> DQ Worcester, City of Prosperity William J. A. Rankin, Lidgerwood Mfg. Co., New York. Howard T. Walsh, Sullivan Machinery Co., Chicago. Elmer H. Fish, Worcester Trade School, Worcester. Worcester Trade School for Boys ONE OF THE live questions of the day is that of the recruiting of the skilled industries with workers. Operatives can be obtained in considerable numbers and their training on the job is not a difficult matter, but every shop must have a larger or smaller group of men possessed of mechanical skill and ingenuity. Worcester owes its existence primarily to such men. Without Wash- burn, Crompton, Wheeler, Hildreth, and many others of equal prominence, there might never have been a city in the Heart of the Commonwealth. For a great many years Worcester made its mechanics and asked no aid from outside. Then it gradually lapsed into the easy way of getting its skilled workmen from neighboring cities and later from abroad, until to-day the workman who served an apprenticeship in Worcester is nearly extinct. Some eight years ago a few men, led by Milton P. Higgins, who were vitally interested in this matter, both personally and in the interest of the city, set out to see what could be done to better conditions. Without going into details, the result is seen in the Boys' Trade School at Armory Square, and of equal importance in another direction, the Girls' School on State Street. The Worcester Boys' Trade School was one of the first Masschusetts Industrial Schools to open its doors and is now by far the largest in New England. It was authorized by city ordinance December 31, 1908, and the first building was opened to pupils February 9, 1910. Four years of growth shows a membership of 400 full time day pupils and nearly 800 men in the evening classes, of whom the latter are employed in local industries, but come to school in the evening to get further practical training in their trades. In this respect this school differs from many of the evening schools in other cities. There the evening work is largely book work in the allied sciences which is apt to educate the mechanic away from his trade rather than to build him up in it. In this school it has been found possible to secure as instructors men who are known in the local shops as leaders in their respective trades and who train their men on actual work and along lines which they find it difficult to get opportunity to practice where they are employed. For example, a man whose work in the shop is exclusively on a lathe may see an opportunity for a better job if he can learn to run a planer or a shaper. If so, he can get training and experience evenings in the trade school shops on the most modern machine tools. The day pupils are learning these trades of machinist, pattern maker, cabinetmaker, carpenter, power plant operator, drawing, both mechanical and for the building trades, and printing, all of the courses being four years in length. II l6l XGf^M 5^± 2dH I 2XA/3S3JJd3ii RoTeTTTTcL T0S3 a Worcester, City of Prosperity The machine shop is exceptionally well equipped with lathes, planers, shapers, millers, grinders, etc., of the best makes. Much of this equipment has been obtained by exchange with prominent machine tool builders in all parts of the country. It has been paid for in work done by the pupils, who have made large quantities of gears, tool posts, shafts, mandrels, arbors, etc. This is an especially valuable way of getting both equipment and work because it affords an outlet for the product which does not disturb the labor market, it makes it possible to keep the equipment up to date and it makes certain that the work will be kept up to the commercial standard. Wood working is practiced along the lines of carpentry, cabi- net making and pattern making. The equipment is only second to that in the Machine shop. Hand work enters into all of these trades to a larger extent than in machine work, but even with that handicap the boys do some of the most excellent work, as is evidenced by the fine quartered work panelling in the corridor and office of the new building. The boys in the power plant department have done all the piping for the heating of the new building and all of the electric wiring for the light and power. They have also rebuilt a number of steam and gasoline engines for use in the school laboratories. The division of studies is shown by the accompanying diagram which indicates the average time each week, including study, that is given to each subject. To briefly review these studies it may be said that "shop computations, formulas, geometry and study of triangles" comprise work in the application of only a few very simple mathematical processes to actual shop conditions. The work is very largely drill in practical problems, several thousand such problems having already been gathered. Commercial arithmetic and com- mercial geography deal with the transportation, purchase and sale of mate- rials and products. The study of geography is made directly from way bills loaned by the railroads. Natural science deals with the problems in mechanics, hydraulics and electricity with which the workman in a shop may expect to come in contact. The cultural side of the boys' education is provided for in the work in English, history of commerce and invention, and good citizenship, though even in these subjects use is made of the practical application of each study so far as possible. In English, shop reports are made of each week's shop work which are criticised by a shop man, and a portion of their reading is taken from the technical papers of their trade. The history of commerce and invention is directed largely toward the rousing of the ambition of the young man by showing him the successes that have been made in the past by shop trained men. Good citizenship is based largely on the experiences of the boy in the shop, and is made to grow out into the relations of the shop to the economics and government of the outside world. Drawing is taught from the start by the methods prevailing in drafting rooms and is intended to give the pupil, not skill as a draftsman, but facility in sketching and in reading drawings. Drawings for use in the shop are 163 Worce ster, City of Prosperity made in the drafting room by pupils who are either scheduled for shop work or shop instruction. 1 1 is intended that drawings shall be made by one boy, checked by another and used by others, in order that their inaccuracies may be brought forcibly to the attention of the draftsman. Since October 1910, the school has been open to pupils on the halt time plan. The regular schedule of the school sends each pupil into its shops for a full week and then the next week into its school rooms During this time other boys alternate with this first division so that the shops and schools are full all the time. The half time pupils take exactly the same course as the full time pupils except that they go to outside shops, which pay them apprentice wages, to get their shop training. This course has been open for upward of three years not only to boys newly entering the school but to all the boys in the school. There has never been a time but that boys could be readily placed in shops on this plan, nevertheless there have been very few pupils who desired to take advantage of the opportunity The largest number at any one time has been nine, the smallest three. At the same time that half time class was opened, a continuationclass was begun for apprentices. This class meets Saturday mornings from 8 to 1 2, when the pupils are given instruction in drawing, or if desirable English and mathematics and science, or they are taken into the school shops and given instruction in the operation of specific machines. This class fluctuates, between 1 5 and 30 apprentices having taken advantage of it The only requisite for admission to either class is that the pupil must be over 1 4 years of age and be vouched for by his employer. Twenty-six boys, the first class, were graduated in June, 1913 lney were immediately placed at an average wage of $2.25 per day. many of them in shops where they had worked previous summers. For the most part they have remained in Worcester, only two having gone out of the city even through the slack times. ,.,,,, a „ ot The buildings and equipment have been furnished by the city the cost of maintenance is shared equally by the city and state The buildings, equipment and stock in hand, inventory $225,000 of which $25^000 repre- sents gl fts toward the building fund from the estate of M ton R Higgin. $3,000 supplementary gifts from other citizens, and about $25,000 from the work of the pupils. . , The school has at all times stood for practice along strictly commercial lines on the score that the most important thing in industnal education « that the pupil shall be taught to do work in a way and of a quality that will be accepted when he graduates. It has been found entirely possible by careful instruction to turn out work which is accepted gladly by some of he best known shops in the country. If the school has shown one thing it is that trades can be taught more efficiently in a school organized for that pur- pose than in shops organized for profit where the foreman s first duty is to get work out of men rather than to get training into them. On the other hand, there is no neglect of the boy as a citizen and a mem- ber of the community. All of a high school education that makes for gener- ally useful all around development is retained. Mathematics, science. 164 Worcester, City of Prosperity English, history of commerce and invention, civics, drawing, all have their place in order that the graduate may have a broadening outlook on the world. Louis H. Buckley succeeded Milton P. Higgins as president of the board of trustees, and Elmer H. Fish has been director of the school since the beginning, in 1909. Fitchburg Plan of Co-operative Education A SPLENDID plan of co-operative work, fashioned after that adopted by the University of Cincinnati, led by Professor Herman Schneider, for the benefit of the young men of Fitchburg, was inaugurated six years ago by the members of the Worcester Branch, National Metal Trades Association, who are located in Fitchburg. Dean Schneider was one of the speakers at the Annual Convention of the National Metal Trades Association in Hotel Astor in April, 1908. He related in stirring words the splendid work being accomplished by the University of Cincinnati in conjunction with the young men and the employers in the metal trades lines of that city. Among those present at the convention as a member of the Worcester Branch was the late Daniel Simonds, of Fitchburg. He realized that there was an opportunity for the young men of Fitchburg to acquire an academic and mechanical training at the same time through the agency of the Fitchburg High School. Along with his associates in the metal trades lines in his city, working with the school committee, the matter was considered on his return from the convention. Everybody in Fitchburg was as enthusiastic as Mr. Simonds, and by August I , the same year, the plan was fully launched, under the superintendency of W. B. Hunter. The scheme, as stated, provided an opportunity for learning a trade and obtaining an education at the same time. This is accomplished by spending alternate weeks in the shops of the city and the high school as an apprentice in the following trades: Machinist, pattern making, saw- making, drafting, iron molding, tinsmithing, piping, printing, textile and office work, at the works of the Bath Grinder Co., Blake Pump & Con- denser Co., Brown Engine Co., C. H. Cowdrey Machine Works, H. M. Downs Printing Co., L. H. Goodnow Iron Foundry, The Jennison Co., Fitchburg Machine Works, Fitchburg Steam Engine Co., Grant Yarn Co., G. M. Parks Co., Parkhill Manufacturing Co., Putnam Machine Works, and the Simonds Manufacturing Co. The course is of four years' duration, the same as the regular high school course. The first year the pupils spend wholly in school and the next three years alternate weekly between shop and school. A trial period of two months, beginning at the end of the first school year, is given each candidate to see if he is adapted to the particular trade he elects, and his parents sign an agreement whereby the apprentice agrees to complete the full course; and the manufacturer, on his part, agrees to teach him the rudiments of the trade as designated in this agreement. 165 ?■'' Daniel Simonds Worcester, City of Prosperity Allotment to the various shops is made in June by the director of the course, and, as far as possible, the desires of the boy as to the shop he pre- fers are met. Wages are paid for shop work at the following rates: First year, 10 cents an hour; second year, II cents an hour; third year, 12/2 cents an hour; making a total of approximately $550 for the three years of shop work. The class is now on its sixth year, having graduated three classes, numbering 50 pupils. The Fitchburg Plan contemplates taking care of any trade or voca- tion that the community offers for boys or girls to work at. It is planned to take up the building trades, agriculture and women's occupations just as soon as the demand for them is made. This, then, is the Fitchburg Plan of Industrial Education, the first public school idea in the country to really care for the needs of the mechanic and furnish him with such an equipment that on graduation from the high school he is a bread winner, with a place in the ranks of the world's busy workers. As an illustration of the class of work given the boys, the shop course of six of the trades, together with a suggestion of the school work corre- lated, is given below: Machinist Trade Shop Work — Starting, running, cutting off machines; chipping or rough filing castings; tapping, hand reaming and burring; rough lathe work, turning stock oversize for finisher or grinder, boring, polishing and hand milling; lathe practice with increased accuracy, using micrometers, taper turning, thread cutting; drill press, laying out holes, use of jigs, tapping, reaming, lapping, planer or shaper — methods of strapping work on table, rough planing finishing, taper work; grinding of tools — planer, lathe, drill — both by hand and machine; grinding machine operation, external and internal work, wet and dry, use of magnetic chuck; setting up, floor work, fitting parts, fitting keys; milling machines — plain milling, form cutters, indexing, iron and steel parts, jigs and fixtures; boring mill, drafting room. In shop work use blueprints for directions. Correlated School Work — Complete analysis of shop tools and opera- tions; freehand sketching with dimensions from machine parts, followed by mechanical drafting of same, throughout the four years of the course; shop figuring, gearing, screw cutting, speeds, feeds, belting, chain drive; properties and chemistry of metals; steam engines; physics, elementary applied mechanics; electrical drive and apparatus; English, description of shop processes and machinery; precision measurements and instruments; geometry and trigonometry used in shop work. 167 Worcester, City of Prosperity Let me but do my work from day to day In field or forest, at the desk or loom, In roaring market place or tranquil room; Let me but find it in my heart to say, When vagrant wishes beckon me astray, "This is my work; my blessing, not my doom. Of all who live, I am the only one by whom This work can best be done in the right way." — Henry Van Dy\e Worcester, City of Prosperity Draftsman Shop Work — Tracing, blue printing, lettering, detailing, simple de- sign from foreman's sketches, changes, measuring shop tools for altera- tions, jig design. Correlated School Work — Drawing and free-hand sketching, drawing room procedure: methods of representation, strength of materials, prop- erties and chemistry of metals; English, descriptive work and processes; analysis of shop tools; pattern making; chemistry and physics, same as machinist; geometry and trigonometry to solve gearing and stress prob- lems. Molding Trade Shop Work — Mixing sand; coremaking, heat ovens; helping floor molders, ramming molds, pouring light parts, molding simple pieces, in- creasing in complexity. Correlated School Work — Chemistry of iron, chemistry of sands, physics; shop tools and operations; core ovens and making, venting, gases, mathematics. Patternmaking Trade Shop Work — Kinds of stock; use of saws, planers, sanding, gearing, lathes; turning, chuck work; solid work; built up patterns; loose pieces; core prints and boxes, pulleys and gears; working from blueprints. Correlated School Work — Drafting, gearing, mathematics; machine shop and molding processes; cutting tools, saws, planers, properties of wood, "draft," fillets; chemistry of iron, glue; physics, same as machinist. Sawmaking Trade Shop Work — Gauging stock; punching and reaming arbor holes; grinding to thickness and clearance; hammering to clear lumps and straighten stock; hammering after hardening for tension according to use of saw; blocking or final finish. Correlated School Studies — Properties of steel; chemistry and physics as for machinists; hardening and tempering processes; precision meas- urements. Sheet-Metal Trade Shop Work — Helping journeyman; cutting off stock; bending and crimping; soldering and hammering; sheet iron, steel, copper work; mak- ing ventilators, cornice work and odd jobs; laying out sketch as design of ventilators. Correlated School Studies — Sheet-metal drafting; iron and steel properties; chemistry of metals, solders, gas appliances; physics, mechan- ics; practical geometry; heating and ventilating; cutting tools. 169 Worcester, City of Prosperity Worcester Trade School for Girls THE TRADE SCHOOL for Girls in Worcester was opened Septem- ber 20, 191 I, with an enrollment of 75 girls. The first director was Miss Cleo Murtland, a former instructor in the Manhattan Trade School for Girls in New York. Under her supervision the equipment was selected, repairs to Newton Hall, the old Wetherell estate, which was leased for five years, carried out, and the curriculum outlined. She arrived in Worcester in July and interviewed prospective pupils and their mothers. Much of the furniture such as desks, tables, chairs, etc., was made at the Boys' Trade School and these have been added to with the growth of the school. The Trade School for Girls was designed specially to prepare girls to fill positions in the various manufacturing plants and stores of Wor- cester. It is not a copy of any other school, but a training school to turn out expert workers in various trades, thus giving the pupils a solid founda- tion from which to advance to prominent positions which they could only reach under great handicaps if picking up the trade with no individual teaching in the shops and factories. The trade courses are plain sewing, by hand and machine, fine sewing and embroidery, plain dressmaking, advanced dressmaking, making of fancy afternoon and evening gowns of silk and lace, broadcloth, chiffon, voile. Millinery making of wire and buckram frames, making of bandeaux, folds, bindings, making fancy trimming and novelties, and the trimming of hats. Electric power — machine operating, special machine work, button- hole machine, use of two needle gauge, machine for corset work, use of knife tucker. Academic work — so that girls may be proficient in arithmetic, Eng- lish, geography, and spelling for successful trade work. They are instructed in the knowledge of textiles, and writing, business forms and composition; study of weaves, qualities, adulterations; industrial history and geography as related to women's work; apportionment of income, expenditure. Art Course — applied design, costume designing, designing of hats. Cooking Course — buying, preparing, serving of food for the school luncheon, planning simple menus, canning and preserving, elementary food chemistry. Besides these courses there are taught light gymnastics, dancing, personal hygiene, care of the eyes, teeth, the throat and ears, and also corrective exercises are given. The conditions for admission in brief are that the girl be 1 4 or over, in good physical condition and can show an aptitude for handiwork. Girls who have completed the work in the grammar school are admitted in full standing; those who have not, have to take a course of a month to show an ability to use intelligently the academic branches. The present teacher is Miss Helen R. Hildreth. 171 Worcester, City of Prosperity Worcester's Higher Institutions .earning of L Clark University JONAS G. CLARK, after whom Clark University and College are named, endowed these institutions to the extent of $4,000,000. A provision was made in that amount that a University Library should be established, and he bequeathed it $800,000. It is regarded as one of the best endowed university libraries in the United States. There are 66,000 volumes on the library shelves and this number is increasing annu- ally at the rate of 4,000 in addition to 450 periodicals. The University Li- brary is particularly strong along scientific lines. The University was opened in 1889 with Dr. Granville Stanley Hall as president and he fills that chair at the present time. The first step towards the realization of his long formed plans was for Mr. Clark to invite the following gentlemen to constitute a board of trustees: Hon. Stephen Salisbury, Major-General Charles Devens, Hon. George Frisbie Hoar, Hon. William W. Rice, Dr. Joseph Sargent, Hon. John D. Washburn, Frank P. Goulding and George Swan. This board of trustees was incor- porated in March 1 887. During the previous five years Mr. Clark had gradually acquired a tract of land comprising about eight acres, located on Main Street, a mile and a half from the heart of the city. Plans for the main building were submitted to the board by Mr. Clark, which were approved and its erection was at once begun. The cornerstone was laid with impressive ceremonies October 22, 1887. This building is 204 x 114 feet, four stories high and five in the centre, constructed of brick and granite and furnished through- out in oak. It contains 90 rooms; a clock with a six foot dial in its tower, presented by citizens of Worcester. The letter inviting Dr. Hall to be the first president April 3, 1888, gave expression to the spirit animating the trustees as to the purpose of the University: "They desire to impose upon you no trammels; they have no friends to provide for at the expense of the interests of the insti- tution, no pet theories to press upon you in derogation of your judgment, no sectarian tests to apply, no guarantees to require, save such as are implied by your acceptance of this trust. Their single desire is to fit men for the highest duties of life and to that end, that this institution in whatever branches of sound learning it may find itself engaged, may be a leader and a light. " 173 Worcester, City of Prosperity The invitation was accepted May 1 , and the president was at once granted one year's leave of absence with full salary to visit the Universi- ties of Europe. On that trip he sought information from every source. Books, reports, and building plans of many kinds were gathered. Ministers of education, heads of universities and leading scientific men were visited. During his absence, the chemical laboratory building on the corner of Maywood and Woodland streets was erected from plans by a young engineer under Mr. Clark's direction. At the opening exercises of the University, October 2, 1889, the founder stated his purpose. The exercises were held in the hall of the University, seating 1 ,500 people, the late General Devens presiding. Its chief purpose is original research and it has given to the world much valuable knowledge as the fruits of the work of man specialists. The leading consideration in all engagements, reappointments and promotions has always been the quality and quantity of successful investigation. That has given the work a unique character, and as the work was of such magnitude and impor- tance, Mr. Clark urged the president, trustees and faculty to go slow. But for the founder who could not understand these ideals and who gave no intimation of his real wealth, with a faculty of very earnest and very ambitious scientists, with an income that did not cover the salary list, serious difficulties and misunderstandings were inevitable. Dr. Hall realized that the splendid opportunity was jeopardized by this over caution of the founder. In a report he said: "Perhaps none of us will ever again see an opportunity so precious and, for a movement in the field of highest education in this country, of great historic and national significance. While, however, we must go slowly, we cannot afford to go too slowly. The present opportunity is without precedent in our educational history." Lack of frankness and lack of funds brought about strained relations between founder, president and faculty which culminated in the resigna- tion of a number of the latter in the summer of 1892. Every member of the staff of 1892 stuck to his post in spite of offers, in many cases of more lucrative positions elsewhere, for the next 21 years, when Dr. Clifton F. Hodge, professor of biology, broke the tradition by resigning to enter a larger field of work in the state of Oregon. With the increased resources since the death of the founder and his wife, the University has grown. The department of chemistry has been reopened. Departments in history, economics and philosophy were added. Two new buildings have been erected. Degrees conferred by the Uni- versity are Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy. The University now consists of four buildings. Of the two main buildings the principal one is where the classrooms and offices are situated, and theother the laboratories for the teaching of physics and chemistry. These two buildings cost $350,000 while the two library buildings cost $225,000 additional, making a total in buildings alone of $575,000. The librarian is Dr. Louis N. Wilson. He has filled that position for 25 years most acceptably. This splendid service to Clark was suitably 174 Worcester, City of Prosperity celebrated and recognized a few weeks ago by the faculty and student body of the University and College. Jonas Gilman Clark Jonas Gilman Clark, founder of Clark University, was born in Hub- bardston, February 1, 1815, and died at his beautiful home on Elm Street, Worcester, May 2, 1900, at the age of 85. He worked on his father's farm until he was 16, attending the country school for a few weeks each year. In 1831 he began to learn the carriagemaker's trade and set up on his own account when he came of age. In 1845 he established a shop for the manufacture of tinware, opening stores, later in Lowell and Milford, adding hardware and building material to the stock. In 1853 he went to California shipping from the East provisions, furniture, miners' supplies and farming tools. In 1856 his business had resolved itself entirely to furniture, of which he supplied the larger part of the wholesale market of the Pacific Coast for four years. In I860, being in poor health, he sold out his business, in- vested his money in land and left for Europe. Returning to San Francisco he took an active part in founding the California Council of the Union League of America holding the office of grand treasurer until he removed to New York, May, 1864. Retiring from business at the age of 45, Mr. Clark devoted his leisure to intercourse with men, travel and books. His interest in education began in his love for books so that his library may be said to represent the early stage of his first idea of a university. It is certain that in his later years as a book buyer, he was under the firm impression that he was collect- ing a library that would be invaluable to the university he contemplated founding, and it was a keen disappointment to him when he slowly learned in the first stages of its development, that a university library was entirely different from, and far larger than his conception of it. To see his care- fully gathered collection of books and magazines outnumbered four times over by modern scientific works in a single year brought a new experience for which he was not prepared. However, Mr. Clark's ideas and ideals grew with the growth of the University and at his death he left one-quarter of his estate for the endow- ment of the library, thus placing it among the very few well endowed university libraries in the country. Dr. Granville Stanley Hall The name of Dr. G. Stanley Hall is associated in educational centres the world over with child study, and the history of his life goes to show that his training, even from the evenings about the home hearth, tended to that consummation. His mother, Abigail (Beals) Hall, educated at the Albany Female Seminary, left it with a decided literary trend. When the son decided to go to college, the father, although as ambitious as the mother, 175 Alonzo Whitcomb Worcester, City of Prosperity was sadly grieved because he had added to his farm and felt that it would be a heavy loss if the son went away. The mother encouraged the idea, as it was her dearest wish that her son should enter the ministry. The father's opposition was finally overcome, and the lad was sent to Williston Seminary at Easthampton to prepare for college. When this decision was made known there were the usual village gossips who declared that "Stan " was going to college because he was "too durned lazy to work on the farm." They decided the father and mother were "stuck up," they were "come-outers" because they had tried to give themselves an education and, failing in that, they were ready to make foolish sacrifices for their children. Granville Stanley Hall was born on the first of February, 1846, in Ashfield, Franklin County, this state. The Hall family is of old New England stock; the father, Granville Bascom Hall, was a descendant in the eighth generation of Elder William Brewster, who came over in the Mayflower in 1620 with his wife and two sons. Other ancestors were: John Hall, who came from Coventry, England, in 1630, in a fleet with Governor Winthrop, and settled in Charlestown; John Lillie, born in 1592, who also came over in the Mayflower; James Gorham, born in England in 1550; Richard Willard and Richard Sears. The mother, Abigail Beals Hall, was a descendant in the seventh generation of the famous John Alden, one of the signers of the Mayflower compact. The Ashfield Halls were substantial, hard working, comfortable, common-sense farmers without much ambition or much education, of great physical vigor, and some of them remarkable for longevity, one of them dying a few years ago lacking but a few months of 99 years of age. The Beals were also of the farming class, but were noted for mechan- ical traits and piety. From all evidence, it would seem that Dr. Hall's parents were more anxious for an education than other members of their families. Mrs. Hall applied to Mt. Holyoke Seminary, but was not ad- mitted, as it was full. The children seem to have inherited their love of learning from their mother. In Dr. Hall's "Notes on Early Memories" he tells of living part of his time with his parents, part with his grandparents, uncles and aunts. He attended school and academy three-fourths of the year, earning an accordion by braiding palm leaf hats in the evenings one winter, earning a pair of skates by reading the Bible through for one of his aunts, and working hard in the fields, digging post holes for fences, haying, harvest- ing, keeping cattle, etc. It was a busy life, yet there were diversions in the way of hunting, fishing, skating, tramping and camping-out, Indian fashion, with bow and arrows. In the long winter evenings there was always reading aloud, novels, the Spectator, Shakespeare, Pilgrim's Progress, Clark's Sermons, Baxter's Call, Bunyan's Holy War and, best loved of all, the Arabian Nights. There were spelling schools and debating societies where the parents took part, and when he was about 14 he and his father were pitted against each other. 12 177 George W. Wells Worcester, City of Prosperity A neighbor, to tease the father, said in his hearing, "Stan beat his dad," which seemed to trouble the father at the time. The father taught his two boys to play the violin. He gave his chil- dren lessons in oratory, placing the feet, directing the gestures, the mother acting as a committee on decisions. When Stanley was I I years old his father was elected to the State Legislature, and the letters he sent home were read aloud and discussed. Each member of the family kept a little journal which was read aloud Saturday nights. They also conducted a manuscript paper, the "Cottage Weekly News," his sister Julina being the editor. The mother saw to it that the minor graces were not neglected, and taught them how to enter a room, to greet people, to pass a book, to pick up a handkerchief, to salute people on the street. Legendary lore, fairy tales and allegorical stories were acted out among the trees, shrubs and rocks on the farm, all of which was a good foundation for the real education which followed. Young Hall often went with a chum, Horace Mann to hear Henry Ward Beecher. It was he who advised him, upon hearing that he was more interested in philosophy then in theology, to go to Germany. He also gave him a letter of introduction to Henry W. Sage, who loaned him at interest, payable at his convenience, $500. He entered the University of Bonn, later the University of Berlin. He served as a war correspondent for American newspapers during the Franco-Prussian War, and at various periods taught a district school, tutored in families, and even supplied pulpits. He entered the Union Theological Seminary and in a few months took his B D. degree. He took the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at Harvard, and, having saved some money at teaching during six years, he made a second trip to Berlin. It was while attending the University of Berlin that he renewed acquaintance with Miss Cornelia Fisher, and they were married there, keeping house during the academic year at Leipzig. Dr. Hall's first professorship was in 1872, at Antioch College, at Yellow Springs, Ohio. He later accepted a tutorship at Harvard. He also lec- tured there and at Johns Hopkins, the ideals of which appealed so strongly to him that they are largely embodied in those of Clark University, the presidency of which he accepted May 1, 1888. Clark College CLARK COLLEGE was established in 1902 under the will of the late Jonas G. Clark, in the belief that by careful economy of time the average student could lessen the length of his college course without materially affecting his real preparation for his life work. In accordance, therefore, with the will of the founder, the College offers to young men a regular three year course, leading in all departments to the degree of Bachelor of Arts. In this respect the College is entirely unique, in that it gives its courses in three years instead of four, as is the custom in most colleges. It is equally unique in its tuition fees, which are only $50 179 Worcester, City of Prosperity annually, without any extras, certainly very much lower than the rates of any other college in New England. Several conditions have aided in the success of the plan at Clark. The College started under unusually favorable conditions. Its sister institution, Clark University, was already in existence and had obtained an international reputation. There were no traditions to interfere with the planning of its curriculum, the creation of an atmosphere of earnest work and the enforcement of its standards of conduct. An endowment sufficient for its needs in the days of its infancy freed it from the temptation to accept or retain students for the sake of their tuition fees. The College has from the first been fortunate in having a faculty large in proportion to the num- ber of students, so that each may have the advantage of the closest contact with his instructors. The students are free from the distractions accom- panying intercollegiate athletic contests, and are thus enabled to concen- trate their energies upon the work of the curriculum. Clark College is well equipped both materially and in its personnel, and commends itself to earnest young men who wish to economize in either time or money. The regular three year course gives a maximum training in a minimum time, and the small expense reduces the financial problem to its lowest terms. As these facts have become known, the College has drawn more and more widely from the earnest and serious minded students of the academies and high schools of Massachusetts and neighboring states. The College shares with the University in the generous library endow- ment provided by the will of the founder. The University Library occupies a building on the corner of Downing and Main streets, and the College Library occupies the whole first floor of the adjoining building. This new building was made possible by a bequest from Mrs. Jonas G. Clark. The College Library now contains about 12,000 volumes, with shelving capacity for 3,000 more. It is fully equipped with all the material necessary for undergraduate courses. The students have free access also to the adjoin- ing University Library. The two libraries are under one management and derive their income from one fund, but it has been the desire from the first to give the College Library its own quarters, devoted entirely to the needs of the College student. The tuition of the College has been fixed by the Board of Trustees at $50 per year, payable in advance in two equal installments, unless otherwise arranged. President Carroll D. Wright's first class in the Collegiate Department of Clark University was graduated in 1905, and the occasion was honored by the presence of President Theodore Roosevelt, on whom Clark Univer- sity conferred the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws. The regular courses of instruction in the College are comprised in the following 14 departments: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, History, Political and Social Science, Psychology, Philosophy and Pedagogy, English, German, Romance Languages, Greek, Latin and Physical Education. Edmund C. Sanford is president of Clark College, succeeding the late Carroll D. Wright. 180 Worcester, City of Prosperity Worcester Academy WORCESTER ACADEMY began its history as a trade or indus- trial school and out of that humble beginning has evolved one of the best preparatory schools in the country. This has been largely accomplished under the able direction of the principal, Daniel W. Abercrombie, LL. D., who has been at its head for 32 years. One of the first of several principals for short tenures was Eli Thayer, the founder of the Oread Institute. After Dr. Abercrombie took charge the name was changed from the Worcester County Manual Labor High School to the Worcester Acad- emy. In the very early days of the Academy, even previous to the Manual Labor High School period, about 1858, it was a female seminary and later was used as a hospital under the name, Dale Hospital. It was bought and occupied by the Worcester Academy in 1870, with Rev. Silas Bailey as its first principal. The academy was first located on Main Street, not far from the present Piedmont Church and was founded in 1843. After several years it changed its location to the old Antiquarian Building on Summer Street, near Lincoln Square. The Academy is the fourth in point of numbers among the great secondary schools of New England. At the present time there are 300 pupils enrolled. The total number graduated is between 1 ,200 and 1 ,500 and about 50 are added to that each year. There are three courses of study: a Classical, a Latin Scientific, and a Scientific, and these are designed to fit the student for any institution of higher grade he wishes to enter. It cannot be spoken of as a fitting school for any particular college. From the classes of 1910 and 191 1, 80 gradu- ates entered 18 different colleges and technical schools. It, however, patronizes home industries by sending more of its students to the Wor- cester Polytechnic Institute than any other single school or college. One of the strongest elements in the vitality of the academy is the breadth of its training and its democratic spirit. The private secondary school exists primarily to fit boys for college, but in many schools this aim is limited to fitting boys for one particular college. In such case the breadth of training is in danger of being limited by the requirements for entrance of that particular college. Another contributory feature to the great success of the Worcester Academy is its athletics. There are football teams, both of the American and soccer varieties, hockey, baseball, tennis and basketball. The new athletic field^Gaskill Field, named in honor of the late Judge Francis A. Gaskill, third president of the board of trustees, is the best of its kind in New England. It contains two baseball fields, a football field, a quarter- mile track with 220 yards straight-away, three tennis courts and a field house, a building made of cement with red Spanish tile roof, containing separate dressing rooms and shower baths for home and visiting teams. 181 American Optical Co., Southbridge, Mass. President, Charming M. Wells Treasurer, Albert B. Wells Vice-President and Secretary, J. Cheney Wells Worcester, City of Prosperity Gaskill Field has been the battleground of many a well-contested inter- school competition. In 1898, the Kingsley laboratory was erected at a cost of $90,000 to keep pace with the increasing emphasis on scientific and practical sub- jects. This building is unequalled in any secondary school in the degree to which its equipment meets every need for the adequate teaching of natural science, drafting and manual training. As a result, students pre- paring for technical schools have been attracted to the Academy. Courses in pattern-making and casting are added to carpentry and wood-turning, thus anticipating in still larger measure the requirements of the technical schools. Its alumni are found in 41 states and 5 foreign countries. Directly through its own expenditures and indirectly through the money spent by its students, the Academy brings $200,000 annually into the channels of trade in this city. It is the oldest of Worcester's higher educational institutions. There are 1,100 living graduates. Gaskill Field cost $70,000 and consists of 10 acres. There are three dormitory buildings, and besides Kingsley Hall there is Walker Hall, while Adams Hall is the dining hall, the megaron, gymnasium with swim- ming pool. The president of the board of trustees is Paul B. Morgan, of the Mor- gan Construction Company; the secretary is George Crompton, of the Reed-Prentice Company, and Lyman F. Gordon, of Wyman & Gordon, is also a trustee. The faculty consists of 19 men. The Bancroft School THE BANCROFT SCHOOL was organized September, 1900, by the present headmaster, Frank H. Robson, who has been in charge of the school since its organization. The school was incorporated in 1902, land was bought at I I I Elm Street, and the present building was erected. The aim of the school has been threefold: first, to secure teachers of ability, culture and a large personal influence; second, to provide a build- ing with the best hygienic conditions; third, to develop a broad curricu- lum. In accordance with the foregoing, the school provides training from kindergarten to college entrance. Its graduates have entered most of the leading colleges for men and women. Beginning with September, 1913, only girls were admitted to the high school department, while both boys and girls were admitted to the elementary school. The school has grown so that at the present time it is the largest private day school in New Eng- land outside of Boston. The faculty is now composed of 1 3 teachers. 183 S £ Worcester, City of Prosperity Oread Castle ON AN EMINENCE once known as Goat Hill, half mile south from City Hall, may be seen a battlement of buildings known as Oread Castle. It was opened May 14, 1849, as the Oread Collegiate In- stitute for Women. Its life began when no college except Oberlin opened its doors to women, a quarter of a century before Mount Holyoke became a college and when there was yet no Vassar, nor Wellesley, nor Bryn Mawr, nor Smith to furnish the higher education to women which the times were then beginning to demand. Mount Oread, as it was afterwards called, rose unexpectedly out of its barren and rocky eminence a unique building like a veritable old castle, with its grey walls and turret towers. In 1845, Eli Thayer, the founder of the school, purchased a tract of land on Goat Hill, a rocky eminence on what was then the suburbs of Worcester. By subsequent purchase, he enlarged this until it was a field of 10 acres, including the lot on which Piedmont Church now stands. For the school buildings, Mr. Thayer was his own architect and during the earlier period of construction he kept his townsmen guessing as to the purpose of the building. How little Mr. Thayer took outsiders into his confidence or how little he sought the advice and support of others is shown by the fact that his intention to erect a young ladies' school on the summit of the hill he had bought was not disclosed until a part of the struc- ture was nearly completed. Mr. Thayer's original plan was a building resembling a feudal castle of the middle ages in the form of a quadrangle with an inner court 1 70 feet square. Circular towers 50 feet in diameter and four stories high were to be placed at the four corners. These were to be connected by four halls each four stories high and 40 feet deep, the whole to be used for dormitories, recitation, lecture, dining and reception rooms. The building was designed to accommodate 600 students, more than were then found in any Ameri- can college. The north and south towers and the hall connecting them were completed in 1852, the whole having a frontage of 250 feet. The other parts included in the original plan were never begun. It is also an interesting fact that the stone used in its construction was quarried on the hill on which it stands. In 1854 there were 12 teachers and the boarding students entirely filled the building. Besides that, many of the prominent families of Wor- cester sent their daughters. There were three departments: primary. academic, and collegiate: the latter, offering a four-year course of study closely resembling that of Brown University, of which Mr. Thayer was a graduate in the class of 1845. Besides the academic studies, instruction was given in music, drawing, painting and other branches considered neces- sary to the accomplishments of young women. Rather ahead of the time, also, was the regular gymnastic exercises required of every pupil, "As means to health and to develop symmetry of form and grace of carriage. - ' Students were expected to walk daily in the open air and a stone bar and 185 Worcester, City of Prosperity riding amphitheatre in architectural harmony with the school were erected on the grounds, soon after the school was established. The spirit with which Mr. Thayer embarked on this new enterprise, the independence with which he assumed the entire burden of responsi- bility — be the outcome a success or failure — is shown in a statement which was printed in some of the early catalogues. "Individual effort originated and has thus far sustained this insti- tution. It has received no endowments from private munificence, nor public bounty except good wishes and liberal patronage. This is all the endowment it will receive in the future. Whatever may be the result, it must stand on its own merits and the will of the people. We hope that its patronage will never be prompted by any feeling of compassion or con- descension. We sell education at cost. If our merchandise is not worth our price, or if we have brought wares to the market for which there is no demand, we ask no one to share our loss. Oread Castle was founded in good faith under the honest conviction that it might serve the country and the world by advancing in some degree the able cause to which it is devoted. Such we hope may be its destiny." Mr. Thayer was almost alone in the belief that girls could equal any college students of the other sex in intellectual achievements if they had the same advantages. The Oread continued for 32 years, closing when the health of Mr. Thayer's son, Hon. John Alden Thayer broke down after one year as its principal. Henry S. Washburn, a member of the Board of reference of the Oread, was the author of the world famous song, "The Vacant Chair." It was written in memory of Willie Grout, a martyr at Ball's Bluff, whose two sisters, Nellie and Lizzie Grout, were students at the Oread Institute. Worcester Domestic Science School IN 1898 HENRY D. PERKY remodeled the interior of Oread Castle, adapting it to the requirements of a first-class school of Domestic Science — one of the first of its kind in this country. As the movement was comparatively new, Mr. Perky wished to ex- tend the knowledge of domestic science training as widely as possible throughout the United States, so a scholarship to the school was given to each state in the Union — the candidate for admission to be appointed by the governor of each state respectively. With the building complete, in new dress and new furnishings in January, 1899, Mr. Perky opened his school with upwards of 40 young ladies who were most enthusiastic over the new science and its adaptation to the home For seven years this work in Domestic Science and Home Arts was continued with increasing interest, until the educational importance of the work has become recognized at home and abroad. 1 86 Worcester, City of Prosperity Upon the death of Mr. Perky several of the students went to the home of one of the teachers — Mrs. F. M. Wethered, and asked to continue their studies. Their request was granted and thus developed the nucleus of the Worcester Domestic Science School which has since carried on the work in Worcester. The course has been enlarged and extended to cover the subjects scientifically and professionally A normal course of two years is given at this school which trains for teaching Domestic Science and the Home Arts in public school courses, trade school, institutional and playground work. The school has grown steadily under Mrs. Wethered's management until it now occupies three buildings with modern equipment and facilities. The school has been especially favored with patronage from all over the country. The graduates are occupying exceptional positions throughout the United States, Canada and Cuba. Domestic Science has found its permanent place in public and pri- vate schools as well as in the college curriculum, where it has not only dignified the Household Sciences, but brought renewed interest in all home work to young women. Worcester — A City of Churches WORCESTER'S first log church, built in 1717, was founded in 1715. The first frame church was erected in 1719; the Old South Church on the Common was built in 1763. It was torn down in 1888. The cornerstone of the present Old South Church was laid July 4, 1888, and the building was completed and dedicated Sept. 17, 1889. The new church cost, complete, $160,000. Among the other churches in Worcester which had early beginnings in the city are the following: — In the Baptist faith: First Baptist, founded in 1812; Pleasant Street, 1841; Dewey Street, 1872. First Church of Christ (Disciples), 1860. In the Congregational denomination the older churches, next to Old South, are Central, 1820; Union, 1836; Memorial, 1865; Plymouth, 1869; Piedmont, 1872. The Unitarians are represented by the First Church, I 785, and the Church of the Unity, 1846. The Society of Friends was established in 1732. In the Methodist faith Trinity is the oldest, established in 1834; Laurel Street, 1845; Trowbridge Memorial, I860; Grace, 1867; Bethel, 1867; First Swedish, 1878; A. M. E. Zion, 1846. The two oldest churches in the Episcopal denomination are All Saints, 1843; and St. Matthews, 1871. The Second Advent Church dates back to 1841 , and the First Universalist to the same year. In the Catholic churches the oldest is St. John's, 1846; St. Anne's, 1855; St. Paul's, 1869; Notre Dame, 1869; and the Immaculate Concep- tion, 1874. 187 Dexter Harrington Worcester, City of Prosperity The most costly of the 100 churches in this community is undoubtedly Union Congregational Church, which cost over $260,000. The design is a model of the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. Union Church was built in 1890, and much of the arduous work in connection with its erection was performed by the late Philip W. Moen, who was its most wealthy member. Commercial Organizations WORCESTER has a number of very live commercial and manu- facturing organizations. The newly-rejuvenated Chamber of Commerce, which was transformed from the old Board of Trade into the new organization under the presidency of Edward M. Woodward, of the Woodward & Powell Planer Co., is the largest organization of its kind in New England, outside of Boston. Mr. Woodward, who was president of the old Board of Trade for a couple of years, rendered a splendid service to the City of Worcester in bringing about the change and making the Chamber of Commerce the hustling, public-spirited commercial body it is to-day. With the Chamber is now incorporated the Worcester Merchants Association, under the heading of the Mercantile Bureau. For many years the Merchants Association did extremely valuable work for its members under the direction of various presidents, the executive official being Edward B. Clapp, who is now in charge of the Mercantile Bureau of the Chamber. The Chamber of Commerce publishes monthly the finest trade maga- zine printed by any similar organization in the world. The newly-elected president of the Chamber is J. Lewis Ellsworth, and the secretary, Herbert N. Davison, both of whom have had extensive experience in the work of such an association, and who are live wires, always on the qui vine for Worcester's interests. Another equally active organization of business men is the Worcester Builders Exchange, established in 1866. The members of this organiza- tion are the men who have built Worcester, literally speaking. They are the craftsmen who have reared the great bulk of the handsome, substantial manufacturing and mercantile buildings which now adorn Worcester's streets, as well as the beautiful and attractive residences to be found all over the city. The president of the Exchange is George W. Kilmer, and the secretary for many years has been and is to-day Henry W. Sweetser. The Worcester Branch of the National Metal Trades Association has been in existence in Worcester since 1901. It has been a very potent force in Worcester County and even beyond its confines in making for the very best industrial conditions which are possible in the metal trades lines, as well as furnishing employment free of charge, through the instrumentality of its Labor Bureau, to thousands of men and women during all the years of its existence. It was the pioneer in systematic free employment work in Massachusetts, and to the Worcester Branch belongs the credit of 189 S I V T be -v Q it _u V _c c 3 _c U C/J • 0) a U (0 u J2 g ^ o Worcester, City of Prosperity having established the first office of this kind in this state. The office has had quarters at 44 Front Street since its inception. The general secretary for the past eight years is Donald Tulloch, and his assistants are: Employment secretary, John R. Back; bookkeeper, Miss Elizabeth M. Tulloch; stenographer, Miss Dorothy Dudley. Within recent years several smaller business men's organizations have been established in the city, each of them doing grand work in the par- ticular sphere which they have adopted for their activities. These include the Worcester Publicity Association, the Rotary Club, and the North Main Merchants Association. School of the Worcester Art Museum THE SCHOOL of the Worcester Art Museum began its 13th year October 3, 1913. For the first three years of its existence, from 1898 to 1901, the instruction was limited to drawing and painting. In 1901 design was introduced. In 1905 a class was formed in metal work. For two years this class worked in a room at the Museum, but after Stephen Salisbury's death, his residence being unoccupied, it was considered wise to take the metal and design classes away from the Museum building. Rooms were fitted up at the Salisbury House, and into these well equipped shops the two classes were moved September 23, 1907. Classes working from the antique and life remained at the Museum. A year later, in September, 1908, weaving and bookbinding were added, making in all three crafts. The increased size of the school soon demanded a principal to direct its work. H. Stuart Michie — then instruct- or at the George Washington University was secured, and came to Worces- ter in 1909 to assume the responsibility of the school and teach design, his training in Toronto, New York and London well qualifying him for this position. While drawing and painting alone are still pursued by some of the pupils, the school has gradually grown larger in its scope and purpose; its aim is to perfect the courses in design and the applied arts, basing these courses on a sound training in drawing and color. Such a system is found best exemplified in the London County Council Schools, under Professor Lethaby, which, with the best instruction in the principles of art, are kept in close touch with the industries of the city. The school has taken a great step forward in that now, for the first time, all the teachers are resident in Worcester. Otto Victor Humann, teacher of drawing and painting, was instructor in the summer school of Columbia College. Mr. Humann's instruction in drawing and color fit the pupils for facility in the technique of design. He has a special class in drawing, water color and oil painting for those who are unable to attend the school at any other time; also a class for children. 191 Worcester, City of Prosperity The jewelry made by Edmund B. Rolfe is well known in the crafts shops of the principal cities. He is an expert in enameling, and has intro- duced it into the school in connection with his instruction in metal work. He also has classes in modeling, especial attention being given to evening classes, to which a limited number of the members of the Art Students Club have been invited. The success of the bookbinding class under Miss Elizabeth G. Marot was shown by the beautiful display of 40 books bound by last year's class, exhibited in the Spring Exhibition of the school at the Museum. Miss Marot studied with Cobden Sanderson in London and with M. Domont and M. Nouhlac in Paris. Her instruction embraces what is best in the English and French methods. Worcester is the home of many industries in which the artistic element is an important factor. The Museum School is designed to be of practical use. With its staff of accomplished teachers, it offers courses of the highest value and advantage to the artisan and skilled worker. Here skilled mechanics and artisans may acquire the artistic training which will enable them to rise higher in their various fields of labor. In 1912 Pottery was added and George W. Greene of Boston secured as instructor. Different processes are taught and the glazing and firing are done on the premises. Massachusetts State Normal School THE MASSACHUSETTS STATE NORMAL SCHOOL was founded in 1874 and is, therefore, about to celebrate its 40th anniversary. It has graduated about 1 ,500 teachers and a very large portion of them have had service in the schools of Worcester, probably from 65 to 75 per cent, of the teachers in service in this city being graduates of this school. The courses are planned exclusively for the preparation of teachers for grades below the high school, including kindergarten, and particularly as high as the sixth grade. As a usual thing, the students take up the work of teaching for which they are prepared. Being situated in a large city, surrounded by many well populated towns which are all easily accessible by means of trolley and steam cars, the Worcester Normal School acts very largely as a local institution, receiving its students from a comparatively small area and thus supplying teachers to this limited area. For that reason, it stands as a training school for the city of Worcester more than for the state. This has brought about a close association between the city and the Normal School, with the result that there is a system of apprenticeship by means of which the students go out into the schools of the city for practice teaching. This is a regular part of the courses and enables students to gain, by actual work and observation, an experience which fits them to take responsible positions immediately upon graduation. It is an institution that is doing splendid work and one that the city of Worcester can well be proud of. The principal is Dr. William B. Aspinwall. 13 193 U. <» a. - £ ■j 5, ;• Worcester, City of Prosperity Holy Cross College THE COLLEGE OF THE HOLY CROSS was founded in 1843 by the Right Rev. Benedict Joseph Fenwick, second Bishop of Boston, It is the oldest Catholic College in New England. It was incor- porated by the State Legislature in 1 865 with power " to confer such degrees as are conferred by any college in this Commonwealth, except medical degrees. " The system of education is founded on the famous Ratio Studiorum of the Society of Jesus, whose members direct the Institution and constitute the entire teaching staff. The college course comprises four years of prescribed studies, with a few elective courses in the last year. The completion of a four years' high school course (classical) usually fits a student for entrance. The formation and training of character is considered of first impor- tance, hence moral training and religious instruction receive special atten- tion. The wisdom of this provision was emphasized by President Roose- velt when he said, at the commencement exercises, June 21, 1905: "It is eminently characteristic of our nation that we should have an institution of learning like Holy Cross, in which the effort is consistently made to train not merely the body and mind, but the soul of man, that he shall be made a good American and a good citizen of our great country." Physical training is amply provided for by a well equipped gymnasium, equal to the best in New England, football and baseball fields, tennis courts, etc. Physical instructors and experienced trainers are also provided. A representative of the faculty exercises general supervision of this depart- ment and will see that students do not become so engrossed in athletics that their studies might be neglected or their health suffer. The healthfulness of the location and the natural beauty of the sur- rounding scenery are conspicuous. The spot was considered at the time consecrated in local history. Near it the first humble wigwam church of Worcester had been erected by John Eliot for his Indians in 1674. The Fathers of the Society of Jesus who had long been established in Maryland were invited to organize the courses of study, according to the curriculum of their college at Georgetown, in the district of Columbia, and to take entire charge of the teaching. On the second day of November, 1843, classes were organized in what was then known as the "Seminary of Mt. St. James" and were there continued until January 13, 1844, when the first college building was com- pleted. The cornerstone of the latter was laid by Bishop Fenwick June 21, 1843. Speaking of this event, the Catholic Expositor of August, 1843, describes the purpose of the new institution as "the advancement of the arts, the cultivation of the sciences and promotion of patriotism, morality, virtue and religion." The same publication describes this first building as a brick structure 104 feet in length and four stories in height "with a fine portico on the centre of the front." 195 Worcester, City of Prosperity On the afternoon of July 14, 1852, eight days before the annual commencement, a fire broke out which destroyed the whole of the central building. On the 3rd of October, 1853, however, the college was enlarged and remodelled and again ready to receive students. The effect, however, of such a calamity on the young college is shown by the interruption of graduating classes from 1852 to 1858. The charter granted to "the trustees of the College of the Holy Cross in Massachusetts" with other privileges, the power to confer such degrees as are conferred by any college in this Commonwealth, except on medical degrees." This placed this college on the equality before the Common- wealth with all other institutions of a similar character. The college buildings, as stated above, are situated on one of the highest of the eminences surrounding the city of Worcester. Towards the north this "Hill of Pleasant Springs" commands an extensive and most delightful view of Worcester, at the time of the founding of the College a town of hardly 10,000 inhabitants, over and beyond its many towers and spires and other elevations looms aloft in the background against the northern horizon, the summit of Mt. Wachusett, the second highest point in Massachusetts. Young Men's Christian Association THE YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION was organized January 14, 1864, and the present building, Elm and Pearl streets, erected in 1887. The boathouse at Lake Quinsigamond for summer work was erected in 1902. The camp site at Washington, N. H., eighty acres, was given to the Association in 1910, and the dormitory addition, the old Day and Gage buildings on Pearl Street, was purchased in 1912. The Association is governed by a board of 21 directors, 13 of whom are actively identified with manufacturing concerns. The present membership is 1,523, and includes 25 nationalities, the church affiliations of which embrace Catholic, Hebrew, Mohammedan and Protestant. In the Physical Department there are 30 classes per week, with over 900 men and boys using the gymnasium and baths. There are 25 classes in the Educational Department, with enrollment of 940. Thirteen classes in English for foreigners outside the building, with enrollment of 134. Total enrollment, 1,074. Sixty-seven percent, of educational class students are engaged in industrial pursuits. There is a dormitory with accommodations for 50 men and practically filled all the time. The majority of roomers are young men recently arrived in the city. The Boys' Division is wide awake and doing a strong work for employed, high school and grammar school boys. In religious work the Worcester Association ranks well up among the 600 city Associations of the United States and Canada. In the meetings each week in 27 shops at the noon hour there was a total attendance of 196 Worcester, City of Prosperity 31 ,836 for the year, the Association ranks seventh and ranks high in various other lines. The boys' meeting, held weekly, with an average of nearly 600, is the largest of its kind in the country. The Association building, occupied since 1887 and remodelled from time to time, has been sold to the Knights of Columbus, who will take possession July I, 1914. This does not include the dormitory property adjoining the Association building on Pearl Street. As a site for the new home of the Association, the Dodge estate at 766 Main Street, running through to Murray Avenue and containing brick house and 63,016 square feet of land, has been purchased. The plans include removal of the house from the Main Street front to Murray Avenue and to utilize the same for boys' work and to erect the new building on the Main Street site. This building will contain bowling alleys, social rooms, educational class facilities, up-to-date physical equipment, natato- rium, baths, hand ball courts, dormitory and executive offices. On the Murray Avenue site the old fish pool will be enlarged and made into an open air swimming pool and curling rink. On the north end of the lot, running track, tennis courts, bowling green and other facilities for out-of- door work will be provided. The trees on the place will be conserved and the park utilized for various lines of summer work, such as band concerts, open air motion picture entertainments, picnics, etc. This proposition is said to be the most unique of anything in the Association world and will put Worcester in the front rank in facilities in work for men. Clarence W. Hobbs, of the Hobbs Manufacturing Co., is president. The general secretary is Fred L. Willis, and the physical director Edward W. Wilder, who has an honorable record of a quarter century's work with the Worcester Association. Young Women's Christian Association THIS WORCESTER ORGANIZATION, a branch of that great body that has now spread into every land where white men and women have carried civilization and progress, is now 30 years old. It was suggested to a few thoughtful women, by observations, of the need of a safe meeting place for wage-earning girls, where they could spend their evenings in safety and comfort The condition of Main Street was quite the same then as it is now, except that now there are more attractions offered to the thoughtless and unwary. These women held many conferences and finally decided to hire rooms, if a sufficient number of people could be interested to finance the work. The rooms must needs be on Main Street that they might be easy of access. They must be attractive and homelike, with some one in attend- ance who understood girls and could meet them on their own ground and make a pleasant place for evening gatherings, 197 Worcester, City of Prosperity Through the first president, Mrs. Charles G. Reed, and Rev. Dr. D. O. Mears, Dwight Reed became interested and offered $1,000 toward the work when the organization should be completed. History says that on the 13th of June, 1885, the first meeting of sub- scribers to the agreement of forming an association for helpfulness to the wage-earning girls and women of the city was held in the rooms of the Y. M. C. A. In a short time the organization was completed, a constitu- tion adopted and officers elected, together with an Executive Committee of 24 members — Mrs. Charles G. Reed was president. Through the interested kindness of Dr. Mears, who transacted the necessary business, the certificate of organization was procured. With the organization completed, work began. The first question confronted was that of a home or rooms suitable for the work. At first a boarding house seemed a necessity, but after a long search the project was abandoned and the attention of the committee was turned to securing rooms. It was realized that great economy was necessary and many weary days were spent in the search. The committee finally secured three rooms on the third floor of 352 Main Street. These were repaired and possession taken February 1 , 1 886. Several months later, May 26, 1886, the first annual meeting was held in Plymouth Chapel, at which time Mrs. Reed, the president, resigned on account of illness. Mrs. Charles F. Rugg was elected to fill the office. She served until 1892. In all its history there have been but four presiding officers, Mrs. Charles H. Morgan was the third president and she rendered splendid service to the Association in that capacity for a score of years. It was under her guiding hand and remarkable executive ability that the organ- ization made such rapid strides in the last two decades. The fourth and present head of the Association is Mrs. Frank L. Durkee. The work increased rapidly, educational classes were formed. Young women were most eager to avail themselves of the opportunites offered them. A noon lunch was established. This was the outgrowth of a cup of hot tea or milk being furnished to make the cold lunches more appetizing. In 1890 these quarters were entirely outgrown. The next problem was that of a new building. This seemed necessary in order to save the important work established. The organizers had the confidence of the public and decided to appeal to the people of the city for the needed help. Already a bequest from Dwight Reed of $4,000 was received, making his total gifts to the Association $5,000 and by his gift the Y. W. C. A. was made possible. Very many generous friends responded to the cause. The heaviest contributor to the work was E. A. Goodnow. The land upon which the buildings stand on Chatham Street was purchased for $18,000. The cost of the building, exclusive of special gifts, was $87,651 .10. The sleeping rooms and parlors were finished and fur- nished by churches and individuals. It was a proud day when the Y. W. 199 2 o New York .192 Utica 253 Philadelphia 280 Montreal 306 Syracuse JUO Baltimore 376 Rochester ... 387 Washington 4l8 Buffalo 454 Toronto 556 Pittsburg 634 Cleveland 638 Detroit 706 Toledo 756 777 Columbus Chicago 901 901 Cincinnati Q?? Indianapolis y Atlanta, Ga 1014 Milwaukee I076 St. Louis 1186 Minneapolis ' 34/ 317 Worcester, City of Prosperity Illustrations Page "We Are Seven" 4 John W. Higgins, President, Worcester Branch, N. M. T. A. . 6 Bancroft Hotel 8 Tower, Old Union Depot and New Union Depot 10 Institute Park Bridge 12 Sagamore John 18 Worcester's First City Hall 18 Tablet on Davis Tower 20 "The Spirit of 76" 24 Ginery Twichell of Worcester 26 Worcester's Old-time Locomotive "Lion" 28 Boston Passenger House 30 New Union Depot 32 New Worcester City Hall 34 Main Street, Worcester, 50 Years Ago and Now 36 Worcester Post Office 38 Worcester County Courthouse 42 Worcester as a Shipping Centre 46 Fitchburg Courthouse 50 Park System 52 Mount Wachusett 54 Art Museum School 58 Woodward & Powell Planer Co. Shop 60 Bancroft Tower 62 Worcester Labor Bureau — "Where We Do Our Work" .... 64 Worcester Labor Bureau — "The People We Work For" .... 66 The Wire Goods Co. Plant 70 Reed-Prentice Co. Shops 72 Whitcomb-Blaisdell Machine Tool Co.'s Plants 76 Heald Machine Co.'s Works 80 Hobbs Manufacturing Co.'s Shops 82 Milton Prince Higgins 84 Worcester Pressed Steel Co.'s Works 86 Norton Company's Shops 88 Curtis & Marble Machine Co.'s Plant 92 Norton Grinding Co.'s Works 96 Stockbridge Machine Co.'s Shop 98 Baldwin Chain & Manufacturing Co.'s Shop 102 Matthews Manufacturing Co.'s Plant 104 Harrington & Richardson Arms Co.'s Works 106 Loring Coes 108 Coes Wrench Co.'s Works 108 3i8 Worcester, City of Prosperity Page Parker Wire Goods Co. 's Shop 110 The Samuel Winslow Skate Mfg. Co. Plant 112 Graphic Arts Building 114 Stewart Boiler Works 116 John J. Adams Shop 118 L. S. Starrett 120 The L. S. Starrett Co. Works 1 20 Warren Steam Pump Co. Shop 122 Baxter D. Whitney & Son Plant 124 Baxter D. Whitney 126 M. S. Wright Co. Shop 130 Coates Clipper Mfg. Co. Shop 1 32 Wyman & Gordon Co.'s Works 134 David H. Fanning 1 36 Dupaul- Young Optical Co.'s Works 140 Charles H. Morgan 142 William A. Richardson 144 Gilbert N. Harrington 148 Fitchburg Steam Engine Co.'s Works 152 Worcester Polytechnic Institute 154 Lapointe Machine Tool Co.'s Shop 158 Worcester Boys' Trade School 160 Worcester Trade School Work 162 Daniel Simonds 166 Charles F. Putnam 1 70 H. O. Putnam 1 70 Clark University 1 72 Alonzo Whitcomb 1 76 George W. Wells 1 78 American Optical Co.'s Works 182 Union Twist Drill Co. Plant 184 Dexter Harrington 188 Harrington Cutlery Co.'s Shop 190 Worcester Art Museum 192 Simonds Manufacturing Co.'s Plant 194 Universal Boring Machine Co.'s Shop 198 Athol Machine Co.'s Works 200 Charles G. Allen Co. Plant 202 Worcester Woman's Clubhouse 204 Leavitt Machine Co.'s Shop 208 Odd Fellows' Home 210 Mechanics Hall 212 John D. Hibbard 222 Exchange Coffee House 224 South Mere, Elm Park 226 W. A. Layman 230 319 Worcester, City of Prosperity Page Herbert H. Rice 232 Old United States Hotel, Worcester, Mass 240 M H. Barker 236 Amos Whitney 244 Lucian Sharpe 246 Samuel E. Hildreth 248 Joseph Flather 250 Samuel Winslow 252 E. T. Marble 252 Watching the Battle of Bunker Hill 260 George Bancroft 262 George Bancroft's Birthplace 264 Artemus Ward 266 Artemus Ward's Home 268 Artemus Ward's Kitchen 270 George Frisbie Hoar 272 Eli Whitney 274 Elias Howe 276 Elias Howe's Birthplace 278 William Morton 280 Ether First Proved by Dr. Morton 282 Dorothea Dix 284 John B. Gough 286 Clara Barton 288 Luther Burbank 290 Luther Burbanks Birthplace 292 The State Armory 300 320 Worcester, City of Prosperity Contents Mayor A Dedication and Confession .... We Acknowledge Thanks The Philosophy of Learning a Trade To Metal Trades Men — Greeting "Cead Mille Fealthe"— 100,000 Welcomes " Fair Worcester" "Worcester — City of Prosperity" Worcester First Settled Worcester's Population Since I 722 Worcester's City Hall From Old Worcester to New Worcester . George Merrill Wright — Machinist, Farmer Worcester's Municipal Affairs Some of the Things Worcester Does . Worcester's Financial Standing Entertainment Houses and Halls Park System Worcester Post Office Worcester — A City of Hills "Up Wi' the Hammer, Mate," Worcester — A Manufacturing Centre Some Kinds of Machinery and Specialties Made in Worcester Thiee quarters of a Century of Machine Tool Operation Milled Machine Screws Worcester's Valhalla in Mechanics, in Inventions and in Business agement Alphabet of Worcester Branch, N. M. T. A. Officers and Members of Worcester Branch .... The Industries of Worcester after 50 Years of City Life "Blessed are the Horny Hands of Toil" .... Thomas Blanchard — His Versatility in Invention . Milton Prince Higgins — Father of the Trade School Movement Plunger Elevators George Ira Alden — Inventor, Educator The Crompton Loom Norton Company — Pioneers in Emery Wheel Work in the World Norton Grinding Company — Made Grinding an Art Worcester's Biggest Industry — Wire Worcester — Pioneer in Envelope Making The H. & R. Dependable Firearms Loring Coes — Inventor Charles Hill Morgan — Inventor, Engineer M Page 3 5 7 9 13 17 19 21 31 33 37 39 40 44 49 49 51 51 53 55 56 57 59 63 in- 65 67 68 71 77 78 85 89 90 90 94 95 99 105 109 109 111 321 Worcester, City of Prosperity William T. Merrifield — Carpenter and Promoter of Industries Osgood Bradley Car Company The Samuel Winslow Skate Manufacturing Company American Car Sprinkler ng Mills Morgan Construction Co. — Pioneers in Roll Charles Thurber's Typewriter World Labeling Machines Pliny Earle — Card Clothing Expert . L. S. Starrett — Mechanic, Dairyman, Inventor Tech Graduate Made First Auto in America Warren Steam Pump Co Just Stiffen the Upper Lip Warp Compressing Machine Rice, Barton & Fales — Paper Machinery Manufacturers Baxter D. Whitney — Inventor, Oldest Member of the Worcester Branch A Thousand Vacuum Cleaners per Day . Albert Curtis — Manufacturer, Benefactor George H. Coates — Inventor and Designer . Henry D. Perky — Inventor, Idealist, Soldier Eight Hundred Hides per Day .... The Whittall Mills David H. Fanning — Corset Manufacturer, 83 Years Young Worcester: 1848-1898 Men Who Helped Make Worcester Worcester's Railroads The Blackstone Canal . Worcester's Trolley System Worcester's Banking Business Worcester's Schools for Engineers and Mechanics Worcester Polytechnic Institute Worcester Polytechnic Institute Graduates in Metal Trades Shops Worcester Trade School for Boys Fitchburg Plan of Co-operative Education Let Me Work Worcester Trade School for Girls Worcester's Higher Institutions of Learning — Clark University Jonas Gilman Clark Dr. Granville Stanley Hall Clark College .... Worcester Academy The Bancroft School Oread Castle .... Worcester Domestic Science School Worcester — A City of Churches Worcester Commercial Organizations School of the Worcester Art Museum Page 113 113 115 115 115 115 117 119 121 123 125 125 127 127 127 129 131 131 133 135 135 137 139 143 150 151 153 153 155 155 157 161 165 168 171 173 175 175 179 181 183 185 186 187 189 191 322 Worcester, City of Prosperity Massachusetts State Normal School Holy Cross College Young Men's Christian Association . Young Women's Christian Association Free Public Library Worcester Art Museum Worcester Music Festival Worcester Woman's Club The Playground Movement Lake Quinsigamond Masonic Order Masonic Temple .... Worcester Odd Fellows Mechanics Hall The Glorious Fourth Made Safe The American Antiquarian Society Worcester Society of Antiquity Employers Association of Worcester County Worcester Natural History Society Worcester Agricultural Society .... Worcester County Horticultural Society Worcester County Incorporated 200 Years Ago The Garden City ... .... Worcester's Hostelries General Washington's Visit to Exchange Hotel The Bancroft Hotel The Bancroft Welcome National Metal Trades Association Melville H. Barker — The National's G. O. M. National Machine Tool Builders Association National Founders Association Worcester Boys Club Norton Safety First Association How the Big Men Dare and Do Amos Whitney Lucian Sharpe Samuel E. Hildreth Joseph Flather Samuel Winslow Edwin T. Marble .... Blake Pump & Condenser Co. Draper Company .... Whitin Machine Works How to Play the Game of Life Worcester's Motive Power Concord Bridge .... The Bigelow Monument Page 193 195 196 197 201 203 203 205 206 207 209 209 211 213 214 215 217 218 219 220 220 221 221 223 225 227 229 231 237 238 239 241 242 243 245 247 249 251 253 253 234 255 256 256 257 257 258 323 Worcester, City of Prosperity Worcester in Its Early Days Shrewsbury Minute Men President John Adams Col. Timothy Bigelow George Bancroft Artemus Ward George Frisbie Hoar Eli Whitney Elihu Burritt Elias Howe William Morton Ethan Allen Dorothea Dix John B. Gough Clara Barton, Mother of the Red Cross Luther Burbank Mary Had a Little Lamb Andrew H. Greene — Father of Greater New York Lucy Stone — Woman's Rights Advocate Hon. Stephen Salisbury — Worcester's Wealthiest Citizen Edward Augustus Goodnow Col. Calvin Foster "No Greater Hero Than Eli Thayer'' Industrial Welfare Work Ex-president Taft, Aunt Delia and Millbury A Patriotic Creed The State Armory The Centennial of the American Flag Worcester in the Civil and Spanish Wars Geo. H. Ward — Machinist, Soldier Nelson A. Miles — A Born Soldier Augustus Sprague — Soldier, Citizen Gen. Chas. Devens — Soldier and Jurist The Vacant Chair Work Gen. Josiah Pickett The Soldiers' Monument on the Common Three Young Worcester Martyrs . Sergeant Plunkett Hon. Alfred S. Roe Two Famous Worcester Women Worcester's Part in N. M. T. A. Convention Programme Distances From the Heart of the Commonwealth . 324 H 74 90 ^ Vi HECKMAN 1XS BINDERY INC. [H] # JAN 90 N. MANCHESTER, INDIANA 46962