E 208 .B82 Copy 1 -^roF ty \^EVOTED TOTHE'PRJAfCIPLES' /|l JNCIDENTS AND ME/^-OF '7€' • I- * AHDCOLONJAL-TJMES \\ 1*-^ September, 1895 'mm tm T«« . Per copy 10 <,eu Ob. Dorothy : Comb, rest &whtlt) front your wb«el» The low clouds iu the west are aglow; And there's somethtog my heart la buroisg to tell. Of your brother — be wished you to know. Come up close — 1 must whisper it into your eai, L««t the sly breesee steal it away ADd repeat it to some one whose anger I feai, You know who it is — I'll not say. Last night as the weary gun reettully sanA Beneath tbe sott waves of the sea. 1 heard Roger's song floating up from the bank. And bifi song was. "1 love only theel" I went down the bank and he came up to ous And he took botb my bands iu bis own; They shook as he said a long voyage at sea Must lake him away at the dawu '*Bat i low only thee, dearest R&chvt,' b*- twid, "Tell me once that thy sweet love \b mine. And though wild uceati storms hide tbe Hkies uvvrhead Thou, my heart's Polar Stai sbalt still shin« *il will love thuH tilt Time a. latest sunset shall fade; Tilt the Pole-sur from heaven shall fall, Till the old mmtn s soft light it« last shadow has made, And eternity dawns for us all " I'Di »< glad iliat I ui sad, my Dorothy de«i Di>) yuu watch his wbitt^sliip in the dawn r 1 8t«KMl on the sands and k-oked tbro ' Ke hot le Till 1 knew my heart's treusure was gone The Spirit of '76 is a patriotic, popular magazine which publish monthly, in addition to much general historical matter, the proceedings all the patriotic societies. Price, $Koo per year, 10 cents per copy. Advertising rates supplied upon application. Address, The Spirit of 76, 14 Lafayette Place, New York C 11 LEADING EVENTS American Revolution -"^ V^ ARRANGE) BY WILLIAM H. BREARLEY /^^ OF COj^g> Published by <^twi^H^^ The Spirit of *76 Publishing Co* J 4 Lafayette Place New^ York A NNO U NCR MEN T. The preparation of this little volume has been attended wifh much difficulty, because of the disagreement of authori- ties whose statements often conflict. Thus, the storming of Stony Point is given by some as July 15, and by others as July 16, 1779. Both dates are correct, as the assault occurred About midnight, but July 15 is preferred. The surrender of Burgoyne at Saratoga is variously recorded as having oc- curred on the i6th and on the 17th of October, 1777. Both of these dates also are correct, for the surrender was arranged on the i6th but went into effect the following day. We give the latter as that most commonly received. In all cases ivhere disagreements have occurred^ the j>7'eference has been given to what appeared to be best authenticated. The Spirit of '76 has in preparation a supplementary work, which will include the dates of the Colonial period and of the 1812 and the Mexican Wars. Announcement of its completion will be made through the columns of that magazine. Suggestions which may be incorporated in future revised •editions will be welcome. , t only a living force but also an essential civic quality in these days. Yours truly, A. W. Gkeei.v. From the Son of the Late Gen. U. S. Grant. Office of Police Commissioner, New York, July 28th, 1895. HE Editor of the Spirit of '76. Sir : — Almost all my friends and associates are interested in and are ibscribers for your paper. Spirit of '76. I greatly enjoy your paper and ke much interest in each issue as it appears. Yours very truly, Frederick D. Grant. From the U. S. Ex=Mlnlster to Greece. 128 Rue La Boetie Champs-Elvsees, Paris, August 10, 1895. E Editor of the Spirit of '76. Sir : — 1 should do injustice to my sentiments if I did not congratulate iu upon the successful career of your valuable paper. There isa growmg iterest in patriotic facts and traditions relating to the men of '76 and olonial times. Your labors in this direction are worthy the warm support ' ev ery American citizen. Yours sincerely, John Meredith Read. PATRIOTIC HEREDITARY SOCIETIES. AZTEC OLUB.— Male descendents of officers of the Mexican War Sec'y, Gen. Horatio A. Gibson, 2104 Ward pi., Washington, D.C. CHILDREN OF 'T'flE AMERICAN REVOLUnON— Male and fe- male descendants (minors) of soldiers of the Am. Rev. Sec'y, Mrs. Mary Sawyer Foot, 902 F St., Washington, U.C. CINCINNATI.— Eldest male descendants of officers of the Am Rev Sec'y, Col. Asa Bird Gardiner, 31 Nassau St., N. Y. City. COLONIAL DAMES OF AMERICA, 1890.— Female descendants of citlzensof distinction prior to 1776. Sec'y, Mrs. J. K. Van Rensselaer. 40 East 29fh St., N. Y. City. COLONIAL DAMES OF AMERICA (National Society).— Female descendants of citizens of distinction prior to 1783. Sec'y, Mrs. W. B Reed, 825 St. Paul St., Baltimore, Md. COLONIAL ORDER— Male descendants of ancestors resident in America prior to 1776. Sec'y. H. A, Prince, No. 54 William St., N.Y. City. COLONIAL WARS.— Lineal male descendants of soldiers or civil officers prior to 1775. Sec'y, Howland Pell, No. 4 Warren St., N. Y. City. DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION.-Lineal female descendants of soldiers of the Am. Rev. Sec'y, Mrs. Wm. E. Earle. ^o. 1710 1 St., Washington, D. C. DAUGHTERS OF THE CINCINNATI.— Female descendants of officers of the Am. Rev. Sec'y, Mrs. Morris Patterson Ferris, 488 Wa r- burton av., Yonkers. N.Y. DAUGHTERS OF THE REVOLUTION —Lineal female descend- ants of soldiers of the Am. Rev. Sec'y, Mrs. D. Phoenix Ingraham, 2052 Madison av., N. Y. City. , HOLLAND.— Male descendants, male line, of a Dutchman residant in America prior to 1(575. Sec'y, T. M. Banta, 346 Broadway, N. Y. City. HUGUENOT SOCIETY.— Descendants of Huguenots who came to America prior to 1787. Sec'y, Lea M. Lnquer, 287 4th ave., N. Y. City. MAYFLOWER DESCENDANTS.— Male and Female descendants of Mayflower passengers. Sec'y, E. L. Norton, 228 West 75th st., N. Y. City. MEDAL OF HONOR LEGION.— U. S. soldiers of the War of 1861- 18('>5, recognized by Congress for special gallantry, and their male aud female descendants. Adjutant, Wm. J. Wray, 122 S. 7th St., Phila., Pa. MILITARY ORDER OF FOREIGN WARS.— Officers and lineal male descendants in male line of officers of foreign wars. Sec'y, R. W. Morgan, 89 Liberty St., N. Y. City. NAVAL ORDER.— Officers of the U. S. Navy and their eldest male descendants. Recorder, Capt. H. H. Bellas, Gerniantown, Pa. NEW ENGLAND WOMEN.— Females of New England birth or parentage. Sec'y, Miss H. A. Slade, 3::52 West 87th St., N. Y. City. SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION.-Lineal male descend- ants of soldiers of the Am. Rev. Sec'y, Franklin Murphy, 143 Chestnut St., Newark, N. J. SONS OF THE REVOLUTION.-Lineal male de.scendants of soldiers of the Am. Rev. Sec'y. J. M. Montgomery, 146 "^roadway, N. Y. City. U. S. DAUGHTERS OF 1812.— Female de^. udants of soldiers of the War of 1812. Sec'y, Mrs. G. A. Ludin. 100 West 70th St., N. Y. City. WAR OF 1812 (General Society).— Lineal male descendants of soldiers of the War of 1812. Sec'y, Capt. H. H. Bellas, U. S. A., Germantown. Pa. WAR OF 1812 (New York).— Male descendants of officers of the War of 1812. Sec'y, Henry Chauncey, Jr., 51 Wall st., N. Y. City. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 011 699 473 2