i.^-^^. <^.*'-'' <^ ■/f" ir\ f ^v> ■4 ■ .•«,.■■• j-'i^ .:i 'M \ X COec. 7,187C. 2. Lois Stearns. Aug. 4, 176G I Feb. 11, 1841. 3. James Knapp. May 20, 1767 — Nov. G, 18.39. 4. John Knapp. Oct. 27, 1731 I Aug. 20, 18I4- 5. Anna Rice. Oct. 24, 173/) — Mar., l""!-- 0. James Knapp. Feb. 21 1690 | "I iske 7. Marv Fiske. Bp. Apr. 20, lllflO— Feb. 21 . 1732. 8. Jazeniah Rice. Sept. «, 1709 I 17C1? 9. Lydia. 10. John Knapp. 18. John Knanu May 4, l«.;i I 173:!. i624-.> , ' *^' „j^; 11. Sarah Park. 19. Sarah Yi.uni? Mar. 21, W\a — Dec. 19, 1727. **' 12. Nathaniel Fiske. ,Iulv 12, 1(«3 I 1735. 20. Thonia,s I'ark". >tW-' I ■ 1C5K). 1,S. Mary Warren [Child]. 21. Abigail Dix. .Nov. 29, Kai — May 12, 17:S4. 14. James Rice. Mar. G, l(i69 I Oct. 14, 1730. lb. Sarah Stone. Feb. 14,107.'") — 16. n. May 2, 11,37 — 22. Nathan Fiske. Uone-'i, tU7i°.. 2:>. Susanna. 24. Daniel Warren lfi2«l 25. Mary Uarron. Feb. 13. 1711-,. 20. Thomas Rice INov.lc, ir,8i. 27. Mary. 171.'-,. 28. Daniel Stone. ItVM I 1703. :!0. 31. 32. 33. :14. William Knapp. ir>7s?— Aug. 31), i,a,s. ;t8. liu'liartl I'arks. ■W. Sarah. 40. Kdward Dix. I ,luly !i, Ui<». 41. .Susanna. 42. 4;s. 44. Fiske. 29. Mary Moore [Wardl. 45. 1635- 1703. 40. John Warren, came in 1(130. 1085V I Dec. 13, 1007. 47. Margaret. 48. Kills Harron. I Oct. 30, 1070. 49. (irace. 50. Edmond Rice, Harkhanistead, Herts, ICng 161M7 I May 3, 1B(M. 51. Tamazine.^*'' ■''' ' June 13, 1GM. 52. 53. 54. John Stone, s. of (Jregory and Lydia Stone. 1019? I 1083. 5)90—1073. 1074. 55. Anne How, da. of Kdward and Margaret llow. 50. John Moore, of Sudbury, 1043. 1611? I 57. Elizabeth. 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 04, 65. {AM KNAPP \\ Stearns. »8 I Aug. 3, 1C83. Ih Manning. |42 — fe'iske. ^ I June 6. 1718. il Parks. 3 — niel Coolidge. I Nov. 3, 1711. Bright. ^' im Bond. B I 1725. bah Hastings. »4 — Houghton. 31 I Apr. 29, 1684. Divoll. 43 I Feb. 10, 1676. kh White. Whitcomb. I Apr. 7, 1683. o4. Isaac Stearns. I June 19, 1671. 8."). Mary. — Apr. 2, 1677. • itj. William Manning, s. 1614 I Mar. 14, 1691. ■M. Dorothy. 1612 — July 26, 1692. ?.8. John Fiske. 1619? I Oct. 28, 1684. 39. Sarah Wyeth, da. of 40. Thomas Parks, s. of I 1G90. 41. Abigail Dix, da. of I 1691? 42. John Coolidge. 1603? I May 7, 1691. 43. Mary. 1603 — Aug. 22, 1691. 44. Henry Bright. 1602 I Oct. 9, 168C. 45. Anne Goldstone, da. 1615 — 46. William Bond. I Dec. 14, 1695. 47. Sarah Biscoe, da. of Feb., 1693. 48. Thomas Hastings. ll»5 I 1685. 2d I 49. Margaret Cheney, pi 50. 51, 52, 58,54, 55, 56, 5 58. William Divoll. 59. 60. John White, of Salei 61. 62. John Whitcomb, of I Sept. 24, 1662. 63. Frances. May 17, 1671. 64, 65. MATERNAL ANCESTORS OF HIRAM KNAPP 2 James Knapp. 1. Hiram KnapP- ^ jg,g May 20, 1767 Nov. 6, 1839. May 16, 1804 e . , Stearns. 4. Moses Stearns. 0. John Stearns. Aug 4,176^--""eb.ll.l841. May 29, 17^ I sept. M, 1808. Nov. 18, 1702 j 177,5. 7. Anna Coolid^e. '). Ruth Houghton. •Ian. 30, 1732- July 23, 170C— 8. Eleazer Houghton. 1691 I 1790. SI. Elizabeth DivoU. 169?— ,Jan.2-, 1785. 10. John Stearns. .Iune24,l(;77 j 1729. 11. Abigail Fiske. .June 12. 16*» — \2. .lohn Coolidnc 1674? I Apr. 26, 175.">. 13. Margaret Bond. Oct. 1,1681 — 14. Robert Houghton. 1658 I Nov. 7, 1723. 15. Esther. 1659 — .Jan. 13, 1741. 16. William Divoll. Apr. 8, 1672 I 17. Ruth Whitoonib. .June 27, 1672- IS Samuel Stearns. Apr-24.11'38lAug.3,1683. i<) Ha'""^h Manning. june2l,l'H2_ •20. John Fiske. Nov. 20, 1636 I June 6, 1718. ■21 Abigail Parks. Mar.3,1659- 22. Nathaniel Coohdge. .^^ John Fiske Nov. 3, 1711 ooiin risKe. ■23. Mar.V Bright. Apr.23, ira- 34. Isaai- Stearns. I .June 19, 1671, 3.-). Mary. 30. \Villian\ Manning, s. of Wui. and Susanna .Manning. 1614 I Mar. 14, 16iil. d. Oct. 16, 1660. 37. Dorothy. 1612 — .July 26. ltW2. 1619'.' I Oct. 28. 1684. iit. Sarah Wyeth, da. of Nicholas and Rebeeca [Andrews] Wyet h. 24 William Bond. Dec. 1, IS"" I 1725. 25 Heiizibah Hastings. .Jan. 31, 1664- 2(j. John Houghton. 1031 I Apr. 29, 1684. •27. Beatrix. I 28. 29. 30. John Divoll. 1043 I Feb. 10, 1076. 31. Hannah White. 32. John Whitconib. I Apr. 7, 1683. 33. Mary. 40. Thomas Parks, s. of Richard and Sarah (?) Parks. I l(%lfl. il. UWi. 41. Abigail Dix. da. of Kdward and Susanna Dix. iiiin? ii. .luiy ;•, iiiuii. 42. John Cocdidge. 1603? I May 7,1691. 4;i. Mary. 1603— Aug. 22, 1691. 44. Henry Bright. 1602 I Oct. 9, 1686. 45. Anne Goldstone, da. of Henry and Anne (ioldstone, from Ipswich, Kng., April. 1034 1615 — 40. William Bond. I Dec. 14, 1695. 47. Sarah Biscoe, da. of Nathaniel and Elizabeth Biscoe. Feb., 1693. 48. Thomas Hastings. 1005 I 1686. 49. Margaret Cheney, probably da. of John Cheney, who d. Sept. 5, 107.'). 50. 51, 52, 53, .54, .55, 50, 57. .58. William Divoll. I 59. 00. John White, of Salem, 1634. «« v^ .i:^'* '<^^ ^0^ •*••' "^^ V^^.i^L^ '«>. ^o .^ .♦ S' ^. o • »• ^ • A>"^ - ' ■\/ ^9*^^ a^' ^ _____ t^^n '^0^ F.' .0^ t '^6' ^^ /Jl^\ %../ .'i^i^^o V.^^ :'S^% %../ v