" i U. LI 5 LOvA ^MA^vl&i *4 VKJ(A- T' V 11 CX>WV i k Fig. 12.— Hy- drometer and cylinder used in testing sul- phuric acid. Fig. 13. — The right way of add- ing milk to the test bottle. ( Farrington and Woll, Testing Milk and Its Products.) acid may partially mix with the milk and produce black particles which do not dissolve and later interfere with the reading of the test. The acid and milk should now be in two distinct layers without much of a dark layer between them. Mixing the acid and the milk. — The acid is now mixed with the milk by giving a combined rotary motion and gentle shaking with the hand grasping the neck of the 13 bottle. When once commenced the mixing must not be interrupted until the solution is complete . The first effect of the acid on the milk is a curdling, which is subsequently- dissolved. As the solution progresses the color changes first to a light yellow, then to dark yellow, then through various shades of violet to brown and finally to dark brown, if the acid is of the proper strength and the milk and acid are at the right temperature when united. Too strong or too warm acid produces a dense black. If the milk has been preserved with formalde- hyde, a longer time is re- quired to complete the solu- tion, owing to the toughening of the casein by that preser- vative. Common errors of beginners are failure to mix the acid thoroughly with the milk and to continue the shak- ing until the solution is com- plete . A good plan is to shake the bottle for a minute or so after the solution is appar- ently complete. Although not necessary, it is preferable to centrifuge the bottles im- mediately, though they may be kept 24 hours if desired, in which case they must be placed in water from 170° to 180° F. for 15 to 20 minutes before whirling. Centrifuging the bottles, — The bottles are now placed in the sockets of the centrifuge, taking care that they are equally distributed about the wheel or disk so that the equilibrium of the latter is not disturbed. An even num- ber of bottles should always be whirled. Should an odd number of tests be made a test bottle filled with water may be used to balance the machine. When the bottles are in place, the tester is covered in order to keep the bottles 4 / \ Fig. 14. — The wrong way of adding the milk to the milt bottle. (Farrington and "Woll, Testing Milk and Its Products.) 14 from getting cold and to protect the operator from flying glass and acid should any of the bottles break. The tester is now set in motion and the bottles whirled 4 to 5 minutes at the proper speed. This will be sufficient to bring prac- tically all the fat to the surface. In cold weather, if a hand tester is used, it may be necessary to pour hot water into the jacket of the tester to keep the bottles warm. Speed of centrifuge. — Farririgton and Woll have calcu- lated the proper speed of testers with wheels of different diameters to be as follows: Revolutions of wheel Diameter of wheel in inches: per minute. 10 1, 074 12 980 14 909 16 848 18 800 20 759 22 724 24 693 Adding the water. — With the pipette or with the device for the purpose attached to some steam testers, or in any other convenient manner, hot water is added to the bottles until the contents come nearly to the lower part of the neck. The cover is now replaced on the tester and the whirling repeated for one minute. Hot water is again added until the fat reaches a point below the highest graduation mark on the neck. It must never reach the top mark, or some of the fat may be lost. This time the water should be dropped directly into the fat in order to clear the fat of the light, flocculent material which may be entangled in it and which would later interfere with the reading of the test. The whirling is repeated for another minute. The temperature at which the readings are taken is between 130° and 140° F., and this should be borne in mind when the water is added, the object being to add the water at such a temperature that the temperature of the fat at the close of the last whirling will be between these two figures. The water used should preferably be soft water or con- densed steam. The use of hard water is liable to cause trouble on account of its carbonates; these are decomposed by the acid, liberating carbon dioxid, which may cause 15 6. c— foam on the top of the fat column and obscure the menis- cus. If soft water or condensed steam is not available, hard water may be used if, before heating it, a few drops of sulphuric acid are added. Reading the percentage.— -If the test has been successfully- conducted, the fat will be in a clear, yellowish liquid column sharply separated from the clear and nearly color- less acid solution immediately below it and with no foam on top. The bottles should be kept warm either in the tester or in warm water until read, and the readings should always be made at be- tween 130° and 140° F. The fat at this temperature will, if other conditions have been correct, have a well-defined menis- cus at both the top and the bottom. The readings are made from the extreme bot- tom of the lower meniscus to the extreme top of the upper meniscus. Figure 15 shows this graphically. An ordinary pair of dividers is useful in making this read- ing. The points are placed at the upper and lower limits, then lowered until one point is at the mark; the other point will intercept the scale at the correct per- centage for the sample tested. In some steam testers where the exhaust steam escapes into the jacket and no ven- tilation is provided, the temperature of the bottles will be too high. In such case, the bottles must be allowed to cool to 130° to 140° F. by placing them in water at that temperature for several making the reading. Imperfect tests. — If the foregoing directions have been strictly followed, a perfect test should result. It is not to be expected, however, that the beginner will always meet with success. The next two paragraphs may be helpful in locating the trouble. An imperfect test is caused by one of three things: (1) Foam on the fat column obscuring the upper menis- cus; (2) a dark-colored fat column containing dark parti- cles and with dark particles obscuring the lower meniscus; Fig. 15.— Show- ing method of reading fat column in milk testing. Bead from a to b, not a to c, nor a to d. minutes before 16 (3) a light-colored fat column containing white, caseous material obscuring the lower meniscus. The first is caused by using hard water. Any one or a combination of the following may cause the second trou- ble: (a) The acid was too strong; (6) too much acid was used; (c) the acid was too warm when added to the milk; (d) the milk was too warm when the acid was added; (e) the acid was dropped directly into the milk; (/) the mix- ing of the acid and the milk was interrupted before the solution was complete; or (g) the acid and milk were al- lowed to stand too long in the test bottle before being mixed. The third trouble is caused by one or more of the following: (a) The acid was too weak; (b) too little acid was used; (c) the acid was too cold when added to the milk; (d) the milk was too cold when the acid was added; or (e) the mixing was not continued long enough to dis- solve all the serum solids. Tested Babcoch glassware. — Babcock-test bottles and pipettes should always be tested and found correct before being used . It is now possible to purchase test bottles and pipettes which have been tested and approved by the United States Bureau of Standards. Many States also have officials empowered to test and approve Babcock glassware. The best way is to purchase it already tested by the Bureau of Standards, or to have it made to conform to the requirements of that bureau and then tested by a State official. TESTING CREAM FOR FAT. While in a general way cream is tested by the Babcock test in much the same manner as milk, there are some modifications that must be observed. The range of fat in cream, and consequently the specific gravity is much greater than in milk, so that 17.5 cubic centimeters do not necessarily represent 18 grams, as in the case of milk. Cream also varies in consistency, some being thin and some thick; therefore. in some cases much more would adhere to the walls of the pipette than in others. For these rea- sons cream can not be accurately measured. The charge for the test must be weighed into the test bottle. Cream-test bottles. — The cream-test bottles used in the Babcock test are of various designs, as shown in figures 16, 17, 18, and 19. Those conforming to the requirements of 17 the United States Bureau of Standards differ from milk bottles only in the graduations and in the length and diam- eter of the neck. Test bottles are made for both an 18- gram and a 9-gram charge. Cream-test balances. — Several types of balances designed for weighing cream charges are on the market (figs. 20, 21, and 22). The small torsion balances prove to be very sat- isfactory if care is taken that the important metal parts sr3o g-25 g-20 g-10 £-5 5^0 g-50 |-45 f-40 §-35 §-30 §-25 §-20 r is §-10 1-5 =-0 Fig. 16.— 9-gram, 6- inch cream bottle. Fig. 17.— 18-gram 6- inch cream bottle. are not allowed to rust. Balances should be tested for sensitiveness from time to time and should always be kept in perfect condition. Preparing cream, for testing. — The point never to be lost sight of in testing cream or milk is that the small quantity taken for the test must be truly representative. No matter how carefully the test is carried out, if the charge taken does not accurately represent the cream or milk to be 15037°— 16 3 18 ^ =-30 1-25 ^20 tested, the results will be worthless. The preparation of cream for testing does not differ materially from that of milk. The fat must be evenly distributed, and if there are no lumps this can be accomplished by pouring from one receptacle to another, warming the cream slightly if cold. If lumps are present, it has been advised to pass the cream through a fine sieve, rubbing the lumps through with the fingers and then mixing as usual. If the cream has stood for some time in the sample jar, the top may have become hard, leathery, and difficult to remove. In this case, the jars should be set in warm water until the contents have reached 100° to 110° F., when the cream will be soft and can be easily removed. Weighing the charge. — After the sam- ple has become homogeneous through- out, the charge is quickly weighed into the test bottle. The weight of the charge depends upon the style of bottle used . For this purpose the 9-gram bottle is recommended . A pipette is useful in conveying the cream to the test bottle, as the flow can be easily controlled and checked on the drop when the pointer of the balance indicates that the correct quantity has been run in. This weight must be exact, and some experience is necessary before the charges can be quickly and accurately weighed. Completing the test. — Instead of add- ing a measured quantity of sulphuric acid to the cream in the test bottle, as is done with milk, the best way is to add the acid until the mixture assumes the color of coffee to which cream has been added. 1 The quantity of acid required to produce this color varies with the percentage of fat in the cream. If the cream and acid when mixed are about 70° F., from i O. F. Hunziker and H. C. Mills, Testing Cream for Butter Fat, Indi- ana Agricultural Experiment Station, Bui. 145. June, 1910. Fig. 18.— 18-gram 9- inch cream bottle. 19 9Gr Fig. 19. — Types of cream bottles conforming to the requirements of the United States Bureau of Standards. 20 4 to 8 cubic centimeters of acid (specific gravity 1.82 to 1.83), depending upon the percentage of fat, will be re- quired for a 9-gram charge. After adding the acid to the cream, the procedure up to the reading of the percentage Fig. 20.— Type of knife-edge cream balance. is exactly the same as in the milk test. After the final whirling, the test bottles are submerged to a point above the fat column in water at 135° to 140° F. in a suitable tank. After remaining in this tank for about 15 minutes they are Fig. 21. — Type of torsion balance for single bottle. removed and the readings quickly made. The important difference between reading the cream test and the milk test is that in the cream test the fat column included is from the bottom of the lower meniscus to the bottom, not the top, of the upper meniscus. (See fig. 23.) It is advised 21 to destroy the upper meniscus by dropping into the bottle at this point a few drops of a liquid in which the fat is not soluble. Glymol (petrolatum liquidum, U. S. P.), known commercially as white mineral oil, gives satisfac- tory results and may be purchased at almost any drug store. If desired it may be colored with alkanet root. 1 If glymol is used, the fat column included in the reading is from the bottom of the lower meniscus to the line between the fat and the glymol. If the fat column is read with the upper meniscus intact, care must be taken that the eye is on a Fig. 22.— Type of torsion balance for several bottles. level with the points on the scale at which the readings are made; otherwise an error will be introduced. PRESERVING SAMPLES. If, for any reason, it is desired to keep a sample of milk or cream for a few days before testing it, a preservative should be added to prevent decomposition. Formalin (which is a 40 per cent solution of formaldehyde), corrosive sublimate (mercuric chlorid), or potassium bichromate are used for this purpose. Formalin has the advantage of being a liquid and easily handled; on the other hand, it 1 Hunziker and Mills, loc. cit. has the property of toughening the casein and rendering it more difficult to dissolve later in the sulphuric acid. One cubic centimeter should keep a pint or a quart of milk cr cream for two weeks or more. Corrosive sublimate, while the most powerful of the three, is a deadly poison. Sam- ples preserved with it should be colored in some way to indicate the presence of the poison. Tablets of corrosive sublimate containing coloring matter are V/~v- on the market. If potassium bichromate is used, the samples should be kept in a dark place; 15 to 20 grains is sufficient to preserve a pint for a reasonable length of time. & 'td Fig. 23— Show- i n g method of reading fat column in cream testing. Read from a toc,notato6, nor a to d. CLEANING THE TEST BOTTLES. After the test, and before the test bot- tles have become cold, they should be emptied with a shake or two to loosen the deposit of calcium sulphate which accumulates on the bottom. A conven- ient device is shown in figure 24. This consists of a 5 -gallon stone jar with a wooden cover in which one - half - inch holes have been bored. After the test the necks of the bottles are placed in the holes and the contents allowed to run out, giving each bottle an occasional shake. The bottles should then be rinsed out twice with boiling water and, after the outside has been rinsed off, placed in a suitable rack and drained. At fre- quent intervals the bottles should also be given a bath in a dilute solution of lye, or a solution of soap or cleansing powder. DETERMINATION OF TOTAL SOLIDS IN MILK. As brought out earlier in this circular, milk is composed of water and the various solids collectively known as total solids or milk solids. Manifestly the simplest way of determining the amount of total solids in a given quantity of milk is to separate them from the water and weigh them. 23 This is precisely the manner in which the total solids in milk are determined in the laboratory. A small quantity of milk is weighed into a shallow, flat-bottomed dish, and then heated until all the water is driven off. During this evaporation the milk must not be heated more than a degree or so above the boiling point of water, because at a higher temperature some of the solids are decomposed. Ovens.— Several types of ovens are used for holding the milk at the right temperature during the evaporation. The simplest type is perhaps the so-called double-walled drying oven (fig. 25) . This piece of apparatus is really one oven inside of another, the space between the two being partly filled with water. A burner placed under the oven boils the water, and the remaining space between the walls is filled with steam, maintaining a constant temperature in the inner compartment which holds the milk dishes. Unless carefully watched, the oven will "boil dry," to prevent which it is a good plan to attach some sort of condenser. The type of condenser known as the globe condenser is very sat- isfactory for this purpose. Some ovens are constructed with a constant-level at- tachment. Balance. — Nice weighings are required in the determination of total solids in milk, and it is nec- essary to use the type of balance known as the analytical balance (fig. 26), the cream-test balance not being sensi- tive enough for this purpose. On the other hand, the analytical balance can not be used with advantage in weighing cream charges. Both balances are required. An analytical balance sensitive enough for the purpose can be purchased for from $30 to $40. A set of accurate analytical weights will also be required. Space does not permit di- rections for using the analytical balance. If the operator is not familiar with its use, he is advised to consult some elementary treatise on quantitative chemical analysis. It must be borne in mind that the analytical balance is a very delicate instrument and should be treated accordingly. Fig. 24. — Jar with per- forated cover for use in emptying test bottles. 24 Desiccators. — Dishes that are warm can not be accurately weighed on the balance because air currents are created which will buoy up the scale pan sufficiently to make the object appear Lighter than it really is. Again, many sub- stances can not be exposed to the air without absorbing atmospheric moisture and in this way introducing an error into the weighing. For these reasons it is customary always to cool the dishes in a device known as a desiccator (fig. 27) before weighing them. A desiccator is a specially Fig. 25. — Double-walled drying oven. constructed covered jar containing a substance like cal- cium chlorid, which attracts to itself all the atmospheric moisture in the inclosed space surrounding it. The desic- cator, containing no moisture, will, of course, permit a sub- stance to be kept in it without absorbing any. The cal- cium chlorid, which forms a layer about 1 inch deep on the bottom of the desiccator, should be renewed as soon as it shows any signs of moisture. The cover of the desiccator should be removed only as often as is necessary, and then for the shortest possible time. 25 Milk dishes. — These are best made of aluminum and should be from 2 to 2 \ inches wide and about one-half inch deep (fig. 28). Each dish should bear a number by which Fig. 26. — Analytical balance. it can be identified; this number may be scratched or punched on the side. Preparing the dishes. — After the dishes are clean and dry they should be placed in the drying oven for half an hour, then removed and placed in the desiccator until cool. They should be handled with forceps or crucible tongs, and as soon as they are cool they are weighed on the analytical balance. Weighing the charge. — After. the milk has been thoroughly mixed, it is drawn up in a pipette and allowed to flow into the dish until a thin film just covers the bottom; the dish and milk are then quickly weighed. The weight of the empty dish sub- tracted from the last weight is the weight of the charge, and should be about 2 grams. Fig. 27." — Desiccator. 26 Fig. 28.— Milk dish. Evaporating the water. — The dishes containing the milk are now placed in the oven, dried for about four hours, and then placed in the desiccator until cool, when they are weighed. They are then returned to the oven for 30 min- utes, after which they are cooled and weighed as before. If there is no loss in weight, or if there is a slight gain in weight during the 30 minutes, it indicates that all the water is driven off, and this last weight minus the weight of the empty dish is the weight of the total solids in the charge taken. This multiplied by 100 and divided by the weight of the charge gives the percentage. If there was a loss in weight during the 30 minutes, the dishes are returned to the oven and dried for another period or until they cease to lose weight. Determination of solids not fat. — The percentage of solids not fat, or serum solids, is found by sub- tracting the percentage of fat from the percentage of total solids. DETERMINATION OF SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF MILK. For exact work the spe- cific gravity of milk is de- termined by comparing the weight of a volume of milk with that of an equal volume of pure water under controlled- temperature conditions. For inspection work an instru- ment known as the Westphal balance or the special lactometer described in Bulletin 134 of the Bureau of Ani- mal Industry, United States Department of Agriculture, is sufficiently accurate. Fig. 29.— Westphal balance. 27 r\ \ Westphal balance. — This instrument (fig. 29) consists of a pivoted beam graduated on one arm and bearing a plummet or float. The weights in terms of specific gravity- represent unity, tenths, hundredths, thousandths, and ten-thousandths. With no weight on the beam it balances when the plummet floats in air. When the unit weight is in position, it balances when the plummet floats in pure water at the proper temperature. When the plummet is submerged in a liquid heavier than water, such as milk, additional weights are required to bring the instru- ment to equilibrium. The spe- cific gravity is read off directly from the value of the weights and their position on the beam. Detailed directions usually ac- company the instrument. Lactometers. — Most lactome- ters are not sensitive enough for determining the specific gravity of milk if more than approxi- mate figures are required. The use of either the Westphal bal- ance or the special lactometer, previously mentioned, is ad- vised. If, however, only ap- proximate results are required the ordinary lactometer, of which there are several types on the market, will suffice. The lactometer (figs. 30 and 31) is used exactly in the same man- ner as is the hydrometer in test- ing sulphuric acid, directions for which are given on page 10 . Care must be taken that the milk is at the temperature at which the lactometer is standardized and that the lac- tometer floats freely in the cylinder. The specific gravity of milk can not be taken until the milk is three or four hours old . The point on the scale of the lactometer where the surface of the milk intercepts represents the specific Fig. 30.— Types of ordinary lactometers. 28 gravity which is usually expressed in Quevenne^ degrees. 1 A slight meniscus will obscure the surface line, and it is neces- sary to estimate its depth. This will cause no error if it is remembered that the point to be read is at the surface of the milk and not at the top of the meniscus. A type of lactometer known as the New York board of health lactometer is in somewhat general use. The scale of this instrument does not give the specific gravity directly, but is so arranged that milk having a specific gravity of 1.029 (at 60° F.) will read 100°. As the zero mark is the point to which it will sink when immersed in pure water, 100° on the scale corresponds to 29° on the Quevenne scale. New York board of health lactom- eter degree may be converted into Que- venne degrees by multiplying by 0.29. CALCULATING TOTAL SOLIDS BY FORMULA. When the percentage of fat and the spe- cific gravity of the milk are known and only the closely approximate percentage of total solids is wanted, it should be cal- culated by the Babcock formula. The following table and directions for using it are taken from Bureau of Animal Industry Bulletin 134: 1 Quevenne degrees are converted into specific gravity by dividing by 1,000 and then adding 1 to the quotient. This is done at a glance. For ex- ample, if the Quevenne reading is 32.5, the specific gravity is 1.0325. 29 Table for determining total solids in milk from any given , cific gravity and percentage of fat. [Per cent total solids.] Per- cent- age of fat Lactometer reading at 60° F. (Quevenne degrees). 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 2.00 2.05 2.10 2.15 2.20 2.25 2.30 2.35 2.40 2.45 8.90 8.96 9.02 9.08 9.14 9.20 9.26 9.32 9.38 9.44 9.15 9.21 9.27 9.33 9.39 9.45 9.51 9.57 9.63 11.41 11.47 11.53 11.59 11.65 11.71 11.77 11.83 11.89 11.95 2.50 2.55 2.60 2.65 2.70 2.75 2.80 2.85 2.90 2.95 9.50 9.56 9.62 9.68 9.74 9.80 9.86 9.92 9.98 10.04 9.75 9.81 9.87 9.93 9.99 10.05 10.11 10.17 10.23 10.29 10.75 10.81 10.87 10.93 10.99 11.05 11.11 11.17 11.23 11.30 12.01 12.07 12.13 12.19 12.25 12.31 12.37 12.43 12.49 12.55 3.00 3.05 3.10 3.15 3.20 3.25 3.30 3.35 3.40 3.45 10.60 10.66 10.72 10.78 10.84 10.90 10.96 11.03 11.09 11.15 11.10 11.17 11.23 11.29 11.35 11.41 11.47 11.53 11.59 11.65 12.61 12.68 12.74 12.80 12.86 12.92 12.98 13.04 13.10 13.16 3.50 3.55 3.60 3.65 3.70 3.75 3.80 3.85 3.90 3.95 10.95 11.02 11.08 11.14 11.20 11.26 11.32 11.38 11.44 11.50 12.72 12.78 12.84 12.90 12.96 13.02 13.08 13.14 13.20 13.26 13.22' 13.28 13.34 13.40 13.46 13.52 13.58 13.64 13.70 13.77 4.00 4.05 4.10 4: 15 4.20 4.25 4,30 4.35 4.40 4.45 12.06 12.12 12.18 12.24 12.30 12.36 12.42 12.48 12.54 12.60 12.81 12.87 12.93 12.99 13.05 13.12 13.18 13.24 13.3013.55 13.3613.61 13.83 13.89 13.95 14.01 14.07 14.13 14.19 14.25 14.31 14.37 30 Table for determining total solids in milk from any given spe- cific gravity and percentage of fat — Continued. [Per cent total solids.] Per- cent- age of fat Lactometer reading at 60° F. (Quevenne degrees). 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 4.50 4.55 4.60 4.65 4.70 4.75 4. 4.85 4. 4.95 12.91 12.97 13.03 13.09 13.15 13.21 13.27 13.33 13.39 13.45 13.92 13.98 14.04 14.10 14.16 14.22 14.28 14.34 14.40 14.46 14.43 14.49 14.55 14.61 14.67 14.73 14.79 14.85 14.91 14.97 5.00 5.05 5.10 5.15 5.20 5.25 5.30 5.35 5.40 5.45 13.51 13.57 13.63 13? 69 13.75 13.81 13.87 13.93 14.00 14.08 5.50 5.55 5.60 5.65 5.70 5.75 5.80 5.85 5.90 5.95 13.11 13.17 13.23 13.29 13.35 13.41 13.47 13.53 13.59 13.65 14.12 14.18 14.24 14.30 14.36 14.42 14.48 14.54 14.60 14.66 14.27 14.33 14.39 14.45 14.51 14.57 14.63 14.70 14.76 14.82 15.03 15.09 15.15 15.21 15.27 15.33 15.39 15.45 15.51 15.57 14.88 14.94 15.00 15.06 15.12 15.18 15.24 15.30 15.36 15.42 15.63 15.69 15.75 15.81 15.87 15.93 15.99 16.06 16.12 16.18 6.00 6.05 6.10 6.15 6.20 6.25 6.30 6.35 6.40 6.45 13.96 14.02 14.08 14.14 14.20 14.26 14.32 14.38 14.44 14.50 4714. 53 14. 5914. 65,14. 71 1 14. 77:15. 83'15. 90' 15. 9615. 02115. 14.98 15.04 15.10 15.16 15.22 15.28 15.34 15.40 15.46 15.52 16.24 16.30 16.35 16.42 16.48 16.54 16.60 16.66 16.72 16.78 6.50 6.55 6.60 6.65 6.70 6.75 6.80 6.85 6.90 6.95 14.82 14.88 14.94 15.00 15.06 15.12 15.18 15.24 15.30 15.36 15.83 15.89 15.95 16.01 16.07 16.13 16.19 16.25 16.31 16.37 16.84 16.90 16.96 17.02 17.08 17.14 17.20 17.26 17.32 17.38 31 Table for determining total solids in milk from any given spe- cific gravity and percentage of fat — Continued. PROPORTIONAL PARTS. Fraction Fraction Fraction Lactom- to be Lactom- to be Lactom- to be eter added to eter added to eter added to fraction. total fraction. total fraction. total solids. solids. solids. 0.1 0.03 0.4 0.10 0.7 0.18 .2 .05 .5 .13 .8 .20 .3 .08 .6 .15 .9 .23 Directions for using the table. — If the specific gravity as expressed in Quevenne degrees is a whole number, the percentage of total solids is found at the intersection of the vertical column headed by this number with the horizontal column corresponding to the percentage of fat. If the specific gravity as expressed in Quevenne degrees is a whole number and a decimal, the percentage of total solids corresponding to the whole number is first found, and to this is added the fraction found opposite the tenth under "Proportional Parts." Two examples may suffice for illustration: (1) Fat, 3.8 per cent; specific gravity, 32. Under column headed 32, 12.57 per cent is found corre- sponding to 3.8 per cent fat. (2) Fat, 3.8 per cent; specific gravity, 32.5. The percentage of total solids correspond- ing to this percentage of fat and a specific gravity of 32 is 12.57. Under "Proportional Parts" the fraction 0.13 appears opposite 0.5. This added to 12.57 makes 12.70, which is the desired percentage. An inspection of the table shows that the percentage of total solids increases practically at the rate of 0.25 for each lactometer degree and 1.2 for each per cent of fat. This gives rise to Babcock's simple formula: Total solids= \ L+1.2 F. (L=lactometer reading in Quevenne degrees and f=percentage of fat.) To illustrate the, use of the formula the following example is given: Fat, 4 per cent; specific gravity, 32. In this case one-quarter of 32 is 8; 1.2 multiplied by 4 is 4.8; 8 plus 4.8 equals 12.8, which represents the percentage of total solids. 32 This simple formula can be used in cases not provided for in the table. DETERMINATION OF ACIDITY OF MILK AND CREAM. Acidity in milk is attributable to two causes, (1) the pres- ence in milk of acid phosphates and perhaps of carbon dioxid, and (2) lactic and other acids produced by the decomposition of the milk sugar by bacterial action. When freshly drawn milk is acid to phenolphthalein, this acidity is from 0.07 per cent to 0.08 per cent and is owing to causes given under (1). Lactic acid is not present in freshly drawn milk; it develops only on standing. Milk is not sour to the taste until it has a total acidity of at least 0.3 per cent. For convenience the total acidity of milk is usually calculated as lactic acid. The principle upon which the determination of acidity is based is the well-known chemical action of acids upon alkalies. To illustrate, the action of hydrochloric (sometimes called muriatic) acid on a solution of caustic soda may be taken. This acid has a sharp and very sour taste, while caustic-soda solu- tions have a soapy feel and a peculiar odor, and if suffi- ciently strong will attack the skin. If the solution of caustic soda is slowly added to the hydrochloric acid, the sour taste will gradually disappear until the exact point of neutrality is reached, when a new substance is produced — sodium chlorid, or common salt, which has neither the acid properties of the one nor the alkaline properties of the other. The sense of taste, however, is not sufficiently sensitive to determine when the exact point of neutrality has been reached. Phenolphthalein is an organic com- pound, having the property, when in solution, of turning pink with alkalies and remaining colorless with acids. Such a substance is called an indicator because it indicates by a color change when a certain chemical reaction has taken place. There are several so-called acid tests before the public. The one known as Manns' s acidity test is widely used and is conducted as follows: 33 MANNS'S ACIDITY TEST. Apparatus required : One 50 cubic centimeter glass burette graduated to tenths, with stopcock. One 50 cubic centimeter pipette. One 250 cubic centimeter beaker, or a white teacup. One support for burette. Glass stirring rods. One-tenth normal solution of caustic soda , each cubic centimeter of which will neutralize 0.009 gram of lactic acid. An alcoholic solution of phenolphthalein made by dissolving 10 grams in 300 cubic centimeters of 90 per cent alcohol. One who has not had training in chemistry should not attempt to make the tenth-normal solution of caustic soda, as it can be purchased to better advantage from any chemical supply house. Conducting the test. — With the pipette 50 cubic centi- meters of the milk or cream is measured into the beaker or cup. If the cream is thick, it may be slightly warmed. The burette is filled with the tenth-normal caustic-soda solution so that the lowest part of the meniscus is level with the zero point on the graduations. The solution is now run slowly from the burette into the milk or cream, stirring with a glass rod at the same time. It will be noticed that the alkali at once produces a pink color where it strikes; this, however, disappears on stirring. As more and more of the alkali is added, it will be noticed that the pink color is slower in disappearing until finally it becomes permanent for a time. Toward the end, the alkali should be added drop by drop and the very first appearance of a permanent faint pink is the signal that the neutral point has been reached. This color, on account of absorption of carbon dioxid from the air, will disappear after standing a short time. The number of cubic cenlimeters of alkali used can be learned by referring to the burette, remember- ing that the reading is taken from the lowest point of the meniscus. 34: The percentage of acidity is calculated by multiplying the number of cubic centimeters of alkali solution used by 0.009 and dividing by the number of cubic centimeters of milk or cream taken, the quotient being multiplied by 100. Thus: -d 4- t -jv c. c. alkaliX-009 K '' nn Percentage of acidity = c . c , sample test ea X 100. If 50 cubic centimeters of the sample required 10 cubic centimeters of the alkali to neutralize, the percentage of acidity would be 10> ^ 009 X100, or 0.18 per cent. THE DETECTION OF PRESERVATIVES. The preservatives usually met with are formaldehyde, borax, and boric acid, and these are not difficult to detect if care is used in conducting the tests. Until one is thoroughly familiar with the tests it is a good plan to run three samples together, one being the suspected sample, one which is known to contain the preservative looked for, and one known to be free from that preserva- tive. Formaldehyde. — There are two well-known tests for detecting formaldehyde, one known as the Hehner test and the other ?s the Leach test. In the Hehner test, about 5 cubic centimeters of the milk is placed in a 6 by \ inch test tube, and then about the same quantity of concentrated sulphuric acid to which a trace of ferric chlorid has been added. The acid is allowed to run down the side of the test tube so as not to mix with the milk. In a few minutes the presence of formaldehyde will be indicated by a violent coloration at the juncture of the milk and the acid. This must not be confused with the charring of the milk by the acid. A modification which avoids this charring is in use in the dairy laboratory of the Bureau of Chemistry, United States Department of Agriculture, the only difference being that the sulphuric acid used is diluted with water until it has a specific gravity of 1.8. The Leach test, which is the more delicate test of the two, is conducted as follows: To 10 cubic centimeters of 35 the milk in a white teacup, 10 cubic centimeters of con- centrated hydrochloric acid (specific gravity 1.2) contain- ing one part by volume of a 10 per cent ferric-chlorid solution per 500 parts is added and the mixture brought slowly to a boil over a Bunsen burner. Formaldehyde 'is indicated by a violent coloration varying in intensity with the amount present. Borax and boric acid. — Twenty-five cubic centimeters of the milk is treated with limewater until a piece of red litmus paper when immersed in it turns distinctly blue. The mixture is evaporated to dryness in a small platinum or porcelain dish and then burned to an ash. A few drops (not too much) of hydrochloric acid are added to the ash, and then a few drops of water. A strip of turmeric paper is then dipped in the solution. When the turmeric paper becomes dry, it will be of a cherry-red color if borax or boric acid is present. The test is still more certain if , when the paper is moistened with an alkaline solution, it turns a dark-olive color. A test for the detection of borax or boric acid which is in use in the dairy laboratory of the Bureau of Chemistry, United States Department of Agriculture, and by which the ignition of the milk is avoided, is conducted as follows: Ten cubic centimeters of the milk is mixed with 5 cubic centimeters of hydrochloric acid in a white cup. A strip of turmeric paper about 3 inches long is suspended in the mixture so that at least 2 inches of the dry strip remain out of the liquid. The dry portion of the paper will gradually become moist by capillarity, and if borax or boric acid is present the paper will take on a reddish-brown tint. If only a trace of the preservative is present, several hours may be required for this color to develop. A drop of am- monia water on the red portion will produce an olive- green color, which becomes lighter, and finally disappears as the ammonia evaporates. 36 CHEMICALS AND APPARATUS USED IN THE CHEMICAL ANAYLSIS OF MILK AND CREAM. Chemicals: Ammonia water. Borax or boric acid. Caustic soda. Caustic soda, tenth- normal solution. Caustic potash. Corrosive sublimate. Ether. Ferric chlorid. Formaldehyde. Hydrochloric acid, con- centrated. Potassium bichromate. Phenolphthalein. Sulphuric acid, com- mercial. Sulphuric acid, pure concentrated. Litmus paper, blue. Litmus paper, red. Turmeric paper. Apparatus: Balance, analytical , with weights. Balance, cream test. Balance, Westphal. Babcock tester. Beakers, 250 c. c. and 500 c. c. Burner, Bunsen. Burette, 50 c. c, gradu- ated to tenths, with i stopcock. Apparatus — Continued . Cylinder, for acid hy- drometer. Cylinder, for lactome- ter. Condenser for oven. Desiccator. Dishes, milk. Dishes, evaporating, either porcelain or platinum. Drying oven, double- walled. Forceps. Hydrometer, acid. Jars, sample. Jars, stoneware. Lactometer. Measure, acid, 17.5 c. c. Pipette, 17.6 c. c. Pipette, 50 c. c. Stirring rods, glass. Support for burette. Test bottles, Babcock, for milk. Test bottles, Babcock, for cream. Tongs, crucible. Test tubes, 6 by inch. 37 Comparison of metric and customary weights and measures. Customary weights and measures. Equivalents in metric system. Metric weights and measures. Equivalents in customary system. 2.54 centimeters. 0.3048 meter. 1 meter 39.37 inches. lfoot 1.0936 yards. 0.155 square inch. 1 square inch. . 6.452 square centi- 1 square cen- meters. timeter. 1 square foot . . 9.29 square deci- 1 square met- 10.764 square feet. meters. er. 1 cubic inch... 16.387 cubic centi- 1 cubic centi- 0.061 cubic inch. meters. meter. 1 cubic foot . . . 0.0283 cubic meter. 1 cubic centi- meter. 0.0338 fluid ounce. 1 fluid ounce . . 29.57 cubic centi- 1 cubic deci- 61.023 cubic inches. meters. meter. 1 quart 0.9464 liter. lliter 1.0567 quarts. 3.7854 liters. 1 dekaliter . . . 2.6417 gallons. 64.8 milligrams. 15.43 grains. 1 ounce (av.).. 28.35 grams. 1 gram 0.035274 ounce. 1 pound (av.). 0.4536 kilogram. 1 kilogram. . . 2.2046 pounds (av.) Comparison of Fahrenheit and Centigrade thermometer scales. Fah- Centi- Fah- Centi- Fah- Centi- heit. grade. heit. grade. heit. grade. 212 100. 00 183 83.89 154 67.78 211 99.44 182 83.33 153 67.22 210 98.89 181 82.78 152 66.67 209 98.33 180 82.22 151 66.11 208 97.78 179 81.67 150 65.55 207 97.22 178 " 81.11 149 65.00 206 96.67 177 80.55 148 64.44 205 96.11 176 80.00 147 63.89 . 204 95.55 175 79.44 146 63.33 203 95.00 174 78.89 145 62.78 202 94.44 173 78.33 144 62.22 201 93.89 172 77.78 143 61.67 200 93.33 171 77.22 142 61.11 199 92.78 170 76.67 141 60.55 198 92.22 169 76.11 140 60.00 197 91.67 168 75.55 139 59.44 196 91.11 167 75.00 138 58. 89 195 90.55 166 74.44 137 58.33 194 90.00 165 73.89 136 57.78 193 89. 44 164 72.33 135 57.22 192 88.89 163 72.78 134 56.67 191 88.33 162 71.22 133 56. 11 190 87.78 161 71.67 132 55.55 189 87.22 160 71.11 131 55.00 188 86„67 159 70.55 130 54.44 187 86.11 158 70.00 129 53. 89 186 85.55 157 69.44 128 53.33 185 85.00 156 68.89 127 52.78 184 84.44 155 68.33 126 52.22 88 Fahrenheit and Centigrade thermometer scales — Continued. Fah- Centi- Fah- Centi- Fah- Centi- ren- heit. grade. ren- heit. grade. ren- heit. grade. 125 51.67 82 27.78 39 3.89 124 51.11 81 27.22 38 3.33 123 50.55 80 26.67 37 2.78 122 50.00 79 26.11 36 2.22 121 49.44 78 25.55 35 1.67 120 48.89 77 25.00 34 1.11 119 48. 33 76 24.44 33 0.55 118 47.78 75 23.89 32 0.00 117 47.22 74 23. 33 31 - 0.55 116 46.67 73 22.78 30 - 1.11 115 46.11 72 22.22 29 - 1.67 114 45.55 71 2L67 28 - 2.22 113 45.00 70 21.11 27 - 2.78 112 44.44 69 20.55 26 - 3.33 111 43.89 68 20.00 25 - 3.89 110 43.33 67 19.44 24 - 4.44 109 42.78 66 18.89 23 - 5.00 108 42.22 65 18.33 22 - 5.55 107 41.67 64 17.78 21 - 6.11 106 41.11 63 17.22 20 - 6.67 ' 105 40.55 62 16.67 19 - 7.22 104 40.00 61 16.11 -18 - 7.78 103 39.44 60 15.55 17 - 8.33 102 38.89 59 15.00 16 - 8.89 101 38.33 58 14.44 15 - 9.44 100 37.78 57 13.89 14 -10.00 99 37.22 56 13.33 13 -10.55 98 36. 67 55 12.78 12 -11. 11 97 36.11 54 12.22 11 -11.67 96 35.55 53 11.67 10 -12.22 95 35.00 52 11.11 9 -12.78 94 34.44 51 10.55 8 -13.33 93 33.89 50 10.00 7 -13.89 92 33.33 49 9.44 6 -14. 44 91 32.78 48 8.89 5 -15.00 90 32.22 47 8.33 4 -15.55 89 31.67 46 7.78 3 -16. 11 88 31.11 45 7.22 2 -16.67 • 87 30.55 44 6.67 1 -17.22 86 30.00 43 6.11 -17.78 85 29.44 42 5.55 - 1 -18.33 84 28.89 41 5.00 - 2 -18.89 83 28.33 40 4.44 - 3 -19. 44 o '.'•'■'■.■■■" V .,•-■'•■•■■■■■ ' I ' 81 " ..■•l. ■■.■•■ •■' HI stow '•■-■■'.■■■■■. 1 1 H h B ' i H ' ' PI 1 HI 1 " ; I . 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