^ 340 ^s —• , 'g= ■ 1 ''kilt »»s=: .rt2S6 ta — ■! «^ *5£stz- '1 =^ copy c ^n wi^-a «■■»■■ It' 5^^ ^ n >' Charles Hammond. next term. King Snake succeeding King Log, and the citizen frogs made to scamper. I am almost sure that if I had been this winter at Washington, I should have contrived to quarrel with him. I dislike him for cause, I hate him peremptorily, and I could wish that his sup- porters for the presidency, one and all were snugly by themselves in some Island of Barrataria, and he be their King, provided, that they constituted the entire popula- tion. They would make a glorious terrestrial pande- monium, and as fast as they cut each other's throats the world would be rid of very troublesome politicians, and, in general, right worthless citizens." But instead of an island, we know that His Majesty, in 1829, took pos- session of the continent, and punished his enemies in right royal style; and that he set such an example of lust for power as to move almost the entire population of these United States to emulate it; every boy carry- ing pinned in his hat this legend : The highest prize is possible to every American. But to return to Mr. Clay's campaign of 1824: During the campaign, Hammond was urged from Washington to undertake to form a union between Mr. Crawford and Mr. Clay, but he declined to be the agent. Mr. Clay, in a confidential letter from Frankfort, Oc- tober 25th, said : "You treated the proposition from the friends of Mr. Crawford in regard to the Vice-Pres- idency, transmitted to you, with much discretion and propriety. ... It was impossible to accede to it, and it was impracticable if it had been accepted. As for me, before I could listen to it, I must entirely change my nature and character and violate all the prin- ciples which I have made my guide during the agitation Charles Hammond. 37 of the Presidential question. According to these prin- ciples, I have felt it my duty to abstain from every spe- cies of compromitment ; to reject every overture look- ing to arrangements or compromises ; and to preserve mv perfect freedom of action, whether I am elected or nor. "Of one thing you and the rest of my friends may be perfectly assured, that if I am elected, I shall enter upon the office without one solitary promise or pledge to any man to redeem ; and if I am not elected, I will at least preserve unsullied that public integrity and those principles which my friends have supposed me to possess. "What course my friends may take, what it may be proper for me to pursue in the event of my not enter- ing the House of Representatives, I have not yet de- termined. I have indeed purposely postponed the con- sideration of that question, partly from a hope that it may not be necessary to decide it, and partly from the embarrassments incident to it. "There are strong objections to each of the three gentlemen from among whom we may have to make a selection. How can we get over in regard to Mr. Crawford : " I. The caucus nomination by a minority. " 2. The state of his health. "3. The principles of administration which there is reason to fear will be adopted by him from his position and his Southern support ? " Mr. Clay had sanguine expectations of the West. He said he might lose one vote in Illinois, but the rest would undoubtedly stand by him. If New York 38 Charles Hammond. should vote for either Mr. Adams or Mr. Crawford he did not despair of Virginia. This letter has a historic value, as we shall see later when we come to consider the charges of bargain and sale. ■ As to what should be Mr. Clay's policy if defeated, Mr. Hammond advised that he should retain the office of Speaker of the House, as in no subordinate position could he be so useful. It was the chiefest blunder of his career that Mr. Clay failed to heed this advice of his friend. But ambition knows no halting place short of the possession of power. If it can not possess the throne, it must possess the power behind the throne. The office of Secretary of State was supposed to be the place of power. From that office. Presidents had stepped into the White House for a quarter of a cen- tury. The Jackson leaders were determined that Mr. Clay should not take that step. When they failed to make a bargain — for a bargain they attempted — with Clay, they opened a war of slander — slander the most vile that disappointment could invent. They charged bargain and sale against Adams and Clay, and invented testi- mony to sustain the charge. Out of their own evil hearts, they judged these two. There is abundant evi- dence accessible now to prove this. Mr. Clay, justly indignant at the personal assaults, unwisely took notice of his detractors, and in a public card denounced the Pennsylvanian who circulated the slander as "an infa- mous caluminator, a dastard, and liar." Very true words, but Mr. Clay should have been superior to their utterance. Hammond saw the mistake. To a Charles Hammond. 39 correspondent, he wrote under date of February loth: " I am concerned at Clay's card. He is out of tem- per. He calls hard names. He lets himself down to the level of Printers' Devils, which things ought not to be. But we are not all wise at all times. There are some poor devils in the Pennsylvania delegation who are beneath his level, and his publication will not bring them out — and if it does, where's the honor? and if it does not, who is disgraced ? I regret the publication, and have no more to say." When Clay's nomination came before the Senate for confirmation. Branch, of North Carolina, made a vio- lent speech against it; and all of the Jackson men, and some of Crawford's friends, voted against confirmation. Revenge did not control all, as we learn from a letter from General Harrison to Hammond, dated March 9th, 1825, that " Mason told Rowan and myself yesterday that his vote against Clay was hot on account of his conduct on the election of President, but for his con- struction of the Constitution, I suppose, in relation to internal improvements." You have in this the real reason for the alliance be- tween Adams and Clay : it was one of principle. They both favored protection to American industry and gov- ernmental aid to internal improvements. It was on that platform that the campaign was conducted by the friends of Mr. Clay, as we have seen ; and Mr. Adams was the only one of the three entering the House who sympa- thized with this policy. For Mr. Clay to have cast his vote for cither Crawford or Jackson would have been to sacrifice his principles and his friends. We have seen what he said in his letter to Hammond about the ex- 40 Charles Hammond. treme Southern views of Crawford which he could not approve. Not only did this objection lie against Jack- son, but there was also a personal antagonism of long standing. Why did not intelligent men accept these rational and natural reasons for Mr. Clay's course? Because party necessity required a campaign of detrac- tion and misrepresentation to render nugatory the meas- ures of the new administration, so strong in capacity, and the elements of usefulness. Hammond struck such vigorous blows upon the ene- my as to receive compliments from Peter Force and a warm letter of thanks from Clay. The campaign of slander was prosecuted with con- stantly augmenting violence during the Adams admin- istration. The conspirators had succeeded so well in poisoning the public mind by 1826 as to foreshadow their success in 1828. The opposition was consoli- dated. "There is a terrible feeling of rancor," wrote Hammond, "infused into the public mind against Clay. The union of Crawford, Calhoun, Jackson, and Clinton to attack him is rather unexpected. They have at least that point of cohesion — deadly enmity — which their united strength can alone gratify. It is perhaps as strong as any other — at least, for the purpose of de- struction." During the contest the Crawford business was brought forward to prove Clay's corruption. As Ham- mond represented Clay, upon receipt of a letter from his friend, he came forward with a clear, manly state- ment addressed to Gales and Seaton, but it was refused admittance to the columns of the Intelligencer. If a newspaper of to-day were to refuse such an act of C/iarlts Hammond. 41 justice towards a man of Mr. Clay's prominence, it would dig its own grave. John Randolph, of Roanoke, whom it would be charity to suppose mad, was put forward to lead the opposition in Congress. The speeches on the Panama Mission were designed to consolidate the slaveholders against the administration. The shocking black- guardism which characterizes them, was merely inci- dental. "I should suppose," said Hammond, "that the cloven foot of negro slavery and Southern dominancy is so manifest in the votes connected with Randolph's speeches, that some of our free state Jacksonians must open their eyes." He improved the opportunity to discuss the question of slavery in a series of brilliant editorials in the Gazette, which created a profound im- pression. His argument hewed to the constitutional line, and the ri;^hts of all under the fundamental law were clearly defined. To H ay ne's appeal to the House, " Let us then cease to talk of slavery ; let us cease to negotiate upon any subject connected with it," Hammond replied, pointing out the absurdity ot such a proposition, which was made within three years o\ the adoption of a resolution requesting the President to prosecute negotiations with the maritime powers for the effectual abolition of the slave trade. Hammond's argument was on the clauses of the Constitution bear- ing on slavery, apportionment, representation, the pro- tection of states against "domestic violence, etc. The power to regulate commerce among the several states, is given to Congress. Traffic in slaves was one species of commerce, and was therefore subject to the regulations of the national government. The power of 42 Charles Hammond. prohibiting this commerce altogether, and to confine the slaves to their habitations in the slave states, was neces- sarily involved in this provision. The right to property in slaves, he said, could not be questioned by the Fed- eral Government, or by any state beyond its own terri- tory. But in every thing else, slaves and slavery, like other persons, property, and things, were subjects, and proper subjects of legislation and negotiations, not to be slightly interfered with, but when a proper case should arise, to be acted upon calmly, decisively, and fearlessly, regardless of the blustering of interested de- nunciation. '■■ Fiat justitia, ruat caelum." Randolph, he styled the Senatorial Thersites, and proved that he filched from Burke in the oratory which the faithful deemed matchless. With the skill of a master in Hudabrastic work, he drew from the Iliad a striking portrait of the man of Roanoke, whose sharp voice pierced the ears of his auditor in shrillest tone. " Loquacious, loud and turbulent of tongue : Awed by no shame by no respect controlled ; In scandal busy, in reproach bold ; Scorn all his joy, and laugliter all his aim; But chief he gloiied with licentious style, To lash the great, and statesmen to revile. His figure such as might his soul proclaim. Spleen to mankind his envious soul possest, And much hated all, but most the best." One fact will explain the anomalous condition of things during these days of party strife. Mr. Adams's Postmaster-General was a Jackson man, and participated in the warfare upon the President and his Secretary of diaries Hammond. 43 State. Such a lack of the sense of honor in a man who afterwards held a position on the Supreme Bench, and aspired to the highest place seems almost inexplicable. His own correspondence which I have seen, makes it a clear case of disingenuousness. In a letter, April 19, 1826, from Mr. Clav to Mr. Hammond, I find the following statement : "As to the association of our names, I have seen nothing to wound me. I am provoked with a little article smuggled into the National Intelligencer under the editorial head (I understand by the Postmaster- General) casting an indecent reflection on you, as the assumed author of a certain letter." And then he refers to a delicate subject I suspect much nearer his heart : " The Panama articles in the Liberty Hall are able and highly useful. The remarks on slavery are fully justified by the course of Mr. Randolph, etc., still it is a subject on which there should be mutual forbearance, and perhaps most on the side of the non-slaveholding states, as the stronger, safer, and happier party." Thirteen years later, when Henry Clay himself was constrained to appcir in the Senate as the defender of the institution of Slavery, Hammond reminded him of this letter approving his editorial on the Panama Mis- sion, which was written when he was in the vigor of a noble manhood. I must pass by Mr, Clay's affair of honor with Ran- dolph, and his correspondence with Hammond in which much interesting history of a personal character is to be found. Clay said that he was compelled to send the challenge; that he rejoiced that no injury had happened to Randolph; and that he regretted only 44 Charles Hammond. that the religious and moral part of the community would feel offended. Submission longer on his part would have rendered existence intolerable. The din of personal warfare did not prevent the friends from indulging in much pleasant confidential correspondence on the political outlook. Clay was disappointed in the result of the Illinois election, but his optimistic mind drew comfort and hope from Mary- land, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. " Fas est doceri ab haste' — it is proper to take counsel from one's ene- my — wrote Hammond, and he expressed the hope that Mr. Adams would disappoint Tazewell & Co., by leav- ing no vulnerable point of attack in his message. The message is to Hammond's taste, brief, statemanlike, and written in a s^yle that may very well serve as a model to Presidents. These days of hope and sunshine are but for a season. The war of detraction, of villiany, goes on more vigor- ously than ever. In a little over a year the political sky is overcast with thunderous clouds. Hammond instituted a libel suit in his own defense, and advised Clay "to accept the defiance of his enemies and ask of the House an investigation of the charges against him." Clay lost the control of his own state, and in despair Hammond gave him up for 1828. He suggested that it might be well to hint to Virginia to break down the new Democracy by bringing father Monroe once more to the front. But it was decided all round that Mr. Adams should be supported as against Jackson. This decision was reached with great reluctance. Why ? The answer will be found to be instructive to us. The administration of Mr. Adams must stand in our history Charles Hammond. 45 as one of the purest and ablest since the foundation of the government. It was devoted to the fostering of the industrial interests and the direction of public affairs on strict business principles. It stands out as the one non- partisan administration. It had not a trace of color in it. And here was the trouble. There was nothing for the bovs to rally round. The business people, gcn- crallv. were for the re-election of Mr. Adams. He had influenced the adoption of wise financial and comincrcial measures, and the golden music of a sound currency was heard in the land once more. But there was noth- ing for ambition to lay hold of. Nobody was turned out of office except for cause, and death seldom entered the Federal temples. Hammond had to protest most vigorously against the threatened appointment of John McLean (the Jackson Postmaster-General) to fill a va- cancy in the Circuit Court. He said to his Iriend, '' I shall consider the appointment of McLean as an indis- cretion, evincing such incorrect views, or such incapacity of judgment as makes it clear that the administration can not sustain itself. No administration ever did, no one ever can succeed, that proceeds upon the ground of conciliating open or covert hostility. Such conduct is the result of fear, of a total want of confidence in them- selves and their supporters ; it necessarily intimidates friends, as it certainly stimulates and encourages oppo- sition." Mr. Adams was charged with being imprudent in his communications which readied the public. I lius on the ebony and topaz business, Hammond pours out his feelings to Mr. Clay: " I wish Mr. ^divnisebony and topaz vicrc submerged 46 Charles Hammond. in the deepest profound of the bathos. You great men have no privilege to commit blunders. You belong to others whom you can not always consult, and whom it is not always safe to confide in. I had said to myself, Mr. Adams wrote for Walsh the article on the Colonial trade, and I am resolved to have him in high estimation, and here comes this (I have no name for it) to mar all my resolutions. Is there no hope for Walsh ? I wish he were pleased or would go over to the enemy.' The whole business lacked the spirit and passion of party. Yet let it not be supposed that the evil of office- seeking had yet tempted any to attempt a departure from the methods of a constitutional civil service. Hammond, on behalf of the good citizens of Ohio, ex- pressed their preference for the appointment of a com- petent and reputable man for district attorney, and sug- gested the propriety of the Representatives joining in the recommendation. There was no soliciting from a Senatorial Boss — a Boss Roscoe, Boss Don, or Boss Jack, for the Senate then considered nominations to office, sitting as a court, and had not usurped the function of appointment conferred by the Constitution upon the President. The necessities of the bosses have worked a revolutionary change in the fundamental law which originally contemplated the dignity of the ex- ecutive and the rights of the people. Now the power and the dignity and the rights are all embraced in the Senatorial office. We have reached the last Presidential contest between Adams and Jackson. The scheme of opposition which had been formed originally had been pursued with hard persistence for thr?e years — three years of falsehood, Chants Hammond. 47 blackguardism, and violence, as well as of idiotic adu- lation of a man possessed of some good, and many bad traits, but who had had the fortune to defend New Orleans and defeat the British. Around him gathered the cor- rupt and vicious, and waged a war of defamation against upright statesmen. Jackson was herein the leader, as he was in all movements with which he was connected. He shrewdly understood the advantage of constantly pressing his enemy. "Say what you will," wrote Ham- mond, "these Jacksonians are excellent politicians." And so they were, if the word *' excellent," may be in- terpretated to mc.in shrewd, cunning, false, and malicious. " 1 assert," said McDufTie, "and am willing to stake mv humble stock of reputation upon the truth of the assertion, that the circumstances of the extraordinary coalition between Adams and Clay, furnish as strong evi- dence of an abandonment of political principle on the part of Mr. Clay, and of a corrupt political bargain bc- twjcen him and Mr. Adams, as is ordinarily required to establish the guilt of those who are charged in a Court of Quarter Sessions with the common crimes known to the law." This published in the Hcroite prints, and in the Ja- cobin Clubs, and reiterated in every gin shop, made a great impression on the people. Against it only the simple facts could be related. But " Tnitli licH entrapped wlieri' cuiiiiinfj finds no bnr." There was one friend of the administration who had the courat»c to face this clamorous horde and assail their leader single handed. In November, 1827, Hammond wrote Mr. Clay : 48 Charles Hammond. " I send you the prospectus of a new work, intended to be conducted with spirit, and calculated to travel into all the by-ways of politics. It will be adapted to the meridian of Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois, and not un- suited to Pennsylvania. If the press can effect any thing we are determined to do what we can in that way." The title of this unique campaign paper was " Truth's Advocate," which Hammond edited in addition to his practice at the Bar and work on the Gazette. It was an extraordinary paper. " It was terribly severe on Jack- son," says Mr. Mansfield, in his Memoirs, "chiefly because it was truth that it stated and proved. But of what value is truth when opposed to human passions?" The historical articles on Jackson's military career, his arbitrary conduct, despotic character, and illegal mar- riage provoked Jackson to retaliatory measures. He threatened to challenge Clay and force a duel. This phase will be explained by the following letters : Clay to Hammond. Washington, December 23, 1826. (Confidential.) Dear Sir : I had a curious call the day before yesterday from Major Eaton. He came at the instance of General Jackson to inform me that the General had received a letter from some person in Kentucky (whose name was not given), communicating to him that you had, during your visit to Kentucky, last summer, obtained from me papers which I had collected for the purpose of an at- tack on Mrs. Jackson which you were preparing; and Charles Hammond. 49 to inquire it 1 had furnished any such papers. As there was not a particle of truth in the communication which had been made to the General, I, of course, con- tradicted it, adding what is perfectly true that I had never seen the papers relating to the transaction re- ferred to, nor did I know that you had on your above- mentioned visit procured any such papers. I stated that I saw you in Lexington a day or two, and that I understood when you left it you passed by Paris to visit Judge Trimble on your return home. I have now no recollection that the case of Mrs. Jackson formed any topic of conversation between us when vou were in Lexington. I do recollect that you mentioned something about a suit in chancery concern- ing the purchase of the press in Lexington, and that you had obtained a copy ot the bill, etc. The session so far remains calm. In what quarter the storm of opposition will burst forth can only now be a matter of conjecture. I think it will be the Brit- ish colonial question, on what, if I am not greatly de- ceived, vou will agree with me in thinking that the ad- ministration stands on perfectly impregnable ground. The subject of the Vice- Presidency begins to engage conversation. My name, I find, is spoken of by some. I confess my judgment leans against its use. What is your opinion ? I am yours with great regard. 5° Charles Hammond. Hammond to Eaton. Cincinnati, 'January i^, 1827. Sir : I am advised information has been communicated to General Jackson that Mr. Clay had furnished me with certain documents in relation to Mrs. Jackson, upon which I was preparing an attack on her. I deem it an act of justice to say to you that this information is wholly incorrect. I never received from Mr. Clay any paper or document upon that subject ; it was never but once a subject of conversation between us. According to my present recollection, from my earliest knowledge of General Jackson's character, I had heard exception taken to the manner in which his connubial relation was commenced. I had heard various stories with respect to it. At Columbus, in the summer of 1824, I en- quired of Mr. Clay what was the true state of tacts. He stated that he knew nothing but by report. The relation he gave was palliatory, and he expressed his opinion that the subject ought not to be brought be- fore the public. I mentioned this conversation to Col- onel Andrew Mack, of this city, on our return from Columbus, who is now and was then a warm supporter of General Jackson for the Presidency, and he expressed himself entirely satisfied with the conduct of Mr. Clay. It has been for some time my opinion that this mat- ter should be investigated, and I set on foot an inquiry to obtain the information that would enable me to de- cide, for myself, at least, how far the public were inter- ested in it. From Mr. Edward Day, a traveling col- lector for merchants of Baltimore, I obtained reference Charles Hammond. 51 to the petition ot Roberts for a divorce, addressed to the Virginia Le^islatiirc in 1790; the act that was passed by that body Hccember 20th of the same vear, and the judicial proceedings founded upon it, in Mercer county, Kentucky. What use I shall make of these documents, and the facts connected with them, must de- pend upon future events. I meditate no attack upon Mrs. Jackson. I do not view the character of the Gen- eral in a light so favorable as you and many others do; and I propose to use this affair in no other manner than to elucidate mv estimate of that character. I wish to shun no proper responsibility, and should I make any publication, it will be accompanied with my name. This letter is addressed to you in a spirit of frank- ness to prevent any misconception of my intention, and any mistake as to the channels through which I de- rived mv information. Respectfully yours, etc., (To John H. Eaton, Esq.) C. HAMMOND. One purpose Hammond had in view in reciting the story of the Hero's life, was accomplished: Jackson drew off his dogs for a time and the administration had a few weeks of peace. A glance at "Truth's Advocate iiii\ no: |m<)vi- un- acceptable. Besides the telling exposition of Jackson's career of blood and violence, there are thoughtful and able discussions of public affairs, and the qualifications requisite in an administrator of civil government, and many flashes oi wit and humor interspersed. Among the lighter papers, a drama in five acts, entitled ** The Hero of two Wars," well pays a reading. The verse 52 Charles Hammond. is much above the average of such productions, the wit is capital, and the political characterizations accurate. The characters are Hero, Lady Hero. Antiquary (Caleb Atwater), Toady (Lee), Director (Van Buren), Out- cast (Aaron Burr), Cypher, Orator PufF, citizens, messengers, and ghosts, the latter seven in number, representing the shades of the seven, including Harris, the Baptist preacher, whose violent deaths Jackson was responsible for. The drama opens — scene, an inn at the capitol — with Hero soliloquizing and plotting for the overthrow of Adams and Clay : Hero: Kremer, importing charge of vile intrigue, Corruption, management, and base design. Against the opposers of my great intent. Has laid the corner-stone on which I'll build The glorious edifice of future fame. Born in the tempest of tumultuous war, I relish not this " piping times of peace ;" Hero must be foremost or be nothing, Sink to oblivion, and be known no more, " Or mount the whirlwind and direct the storm." Propitious now the season to begin, I'll fan the spark of slander's fiery brand, Until I'll wrap the nation in a flame That shall consume my foes, though they were pure As min'st'ring angels from the realms of light. ^ ^ ^ ^- li- Ilis sweet insinuating smile, his bow. The pressure of his hand, his every motion. Steal on the goomen, because a similar clause had not been incorporated in that instru- ment. Either these distinguished gentlemen were mere theorists or their successors were degenerate in a love of liberty. Most conspicuous in the \'irginia Consti- tution during these years whose event* we arc consiiicr- ing, was this clause : " The Jrecdom of the press is one of the great bul- u S8 Charles Hammond. warks of liberty, and can never be restrained but by despotic governments." We have seen that Charles Hammond freely dis- cussed the slavery question in its relations to govern- ment and society for years, while being a leader of his party and intimately associated with Mr. Clay. The influence of his pen was widely felt. We have seen how Hayne, White, and others, demanded that all discus- sions, and all negotations aflfecting slavery, should cease. In time other men came to the front, who were not con- tent to abide by constitutional rights, or rely on a firm assertion of the same, but who, holding that slavery was a sin, proclaimed a crusade against the Constitution it- self. The combined commercial and political power of the South was exerted, after 1830, to crush out agitation with remarkable vigor. The general acquiescence on the part of the North was no less remarkable. The moral degradation, and the subserviency to party must have been great when a President could recommend in an annual mes- sage, the exclusion from the mails of anti-slavery litera- ature ; and when his Postmaster-General openly en- couraged the rifling of the public mail. And yet these things were done under the administration of Andrew Jackson. The logical result of all this was a resort to mob violence, and the attempted forcible suppression of the freedom of speech. Hammond continues his manly assertion of constitutional rights, and in this way is surely quickening the conscience, self-respect, and manhood of the North which in time shall be overwhelming. His soul is moved as never before. He strikes ponderous blows. He is indignant at the subserviency ot the Charles Hammond. 59 North. The radiant humor that has heretofore charac- terized his editorials, gives place to sarcasm and fierce denunciation. The Methodist General Conference of the West met and resolved that the church was opposed to modern abolitionism, and disclaimed any purpose to interfere between master and slave. Hammond's com- ment was brief but effective : " What strange revolu- tions of feelings and sentiment arc produced in which just principles bear no part! If, at the General Con- ference of 1828, it could have been suggested that such a proceeding could have been had at the General Con- ference of i8j6, every member would have indignantly exclaimed: 'Arc wc dogs that we should do this thing? To those who demanded that agitation should cease because slavery was recognized in the Constitution, he replied with crushing force: " It is said the Constitu- tion has secured slave property, and now none should argue against it. Yes, the Constitution has secured it, and how ? By never naming it. By a kind of shame- faced endurance of it ! But the Constitution has se- cured freedom of speech by a broad, strong, explicit declaration, and now collision has arisen between that which is barely tolerated as an admitted curse, and that which is asserted as an essential good, viz. ; ' Freedom of speech and of the press.' " James G. Birney, Gamaliel Bailey, Dr. Colby, and others, had established a press in Cincinnati, under the direction of the Anti-Slavery Society of Ohio. The Philanthropist newspaper had Achiles I'ugh for printer and publisher. These are familiar names. In the sum- mer of 18^6, there was an active agitation in the com- 6o Charles Hammond. munity against the publication of this paper, which culminated in a citizens' meeting in Lower Market, and the appointment of a committee to endeavor to secure its suppression by peaceful means. On that committee were such distinguished citizens as Judge Jacob Burnet, Nicholas Longworth, Morgan Neville, John C. Wright, Wm, Greene, David T. Disney, Robert Buchanan, and John P. Foote. These gentlemen represented to Mr. Birney and his associates that the publication of the Philanthropist would drive away the Southern trade, and ruin the property interests of the city, and begged them to desist. This being refused, a mob under the direction of the mayor, took, possession of the city for two days and nights, destroyed the presses and office of Mr. Pugh, destroyed the residences of several inoffen- sive colored people, and established a reign of terror. During the progress of the storm, Mr. Hammond called a few citizens together at the Gazette office, and arranged for a public meeting at the court-house of the friends of law and order and the Constitution. The call bears the names of forty well known citizens, in- cluding Charles Hammond, W. D. Gallagher, and Salmon P. Chase, the latter a young man then pre- paring for the great part he was afterwards to take in public affairs. When these law and order citizens and friends of the Constitution went to the court-house, they found a meeting already organized in the interest of the other side. The only way to reach the public was through the columns of the Gazette. Mr. Ham- mond made a public statement, and in it included what he had prepared for adoption at the meeting. Charles Hammond. 6i The spirit of it will be understood from the follow- ing paragraph : " We regard slavery ^s a domestic institution ot the states in which it exists, with which the other states have no right to interfere. But while we respect the rights of our fellow-citizens of the slave-holdiny states, and would, by no means, break through or suffer any others to break through the sacred barriers of the law inr the purpose of invading those rights; we also respect the rights of our fellow-citizens of the non-slave-holding states, and will never suffer the law and Constitution to be trampled in the dust tor the purpose of destroying those rights. Among these rights — and of all the dear- est, because it is the bulwark of all the rest, is the right of FREE DISCUSSION — thc right of every citizen to write, speak, and print upon every subject as he may think proper, being responsible to the laws and thc laws onlv, for the abuse of that liberty. If this right shall perish through the violence of a mob, the grave that entombs it must be the sepulchre of American freedom. True- hearted Americans, therefore, must defend this right at all times, in all places, under all circumstances, by whomsoever assailed. When this right is abused, the remedy is at hand. The courts are open. U the ex- isting laws do not provide an efficient remedy, let new laws, adapted to the object, be enacted. The annual sessions of our Legislature are held for that purpose. But let not thc hand of violence be raised against the exercise of this precious right. However obnoxious the exercise may be, let the right itself be acknowledged and respected. Let us not for the sake of removing 62 Charles Hammond. some unsightly blemish, pull out the very corner-stone of the great temple of constitutional liberty." Hammond's calm statement exasperated the desperate men in control of the city. They sent bullies to attack him and threaten his life, and mobs with tar and feathers to terrify him, but these he faced with splendid courage, and single and alone drove them before him — the cowardly scullions ! A night raid on the Gazette office was organized, but the sight of that brave man scattered the mob. The successive issues of the Gazette for several days had no editorial comments, but instead, contained that chapter from Job, in which the just man says: " Let the day perish wherein I was born, and the night in which it was said, 'there is a man child con- ceived.' " Passages from the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Ordinance of 1787, bearing on the freedom of speech and the press. A contemporary, an eloquent divine, says that the citizens concerned in the disgraceful events I have described, afterwards attempted to destroy the records ot their shame, and that the Gazette for July 24, 1836, was removed from the library files. After the civil war had destroyed slavery, he referred to Hammond's work in these words : "Since now no wind on this mighty continent bears on its wings the sigh of a slave, or will bear one for- ever, let Charles Hammond's biography be written. Let our children's children declaim his sentences. Let their prize orations paint him at that darkest hour of the Republic, far darker than the darkest battle-day of the war, standing here at the commercial head-quarters Char Its HammenJ 63 of slavery, and standing alone against the brutal terrors of mobs by which many fell ; against aristocratic threats and hatred; against children weeping and entreating; against the diabolical ferocities ot caste ; against the fulminations of the sanhedrims of Protestantism ; against mercantile avarice and greed ; against all his political enemies and associates; yet standing at the wheel when all the timbers below him were cracking and giving way ; the fragments of three abolition presses broken by mobs lying round his feet; driven back, al>- solutelv pushed out of his own editorial chair, retreat- ing behind the Bible, the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, and by the sole force of his integrity and truth, filling the assailants of freedom and justice with such terror, as to drive them to seek the shelter of oblivion, by destroying the records of that day." Mobs at Alton, mobs at Boston, and mobs at Phila- delphia, arc also notable events. But these are chiefly exhibitions of passion aroused by prejudice and ignor- ance. Far diflFerent were the scenes enacted in Congress during this,, the midnight of the American dark age. In the House of Kcprcsentativcs, surrounded by men whose faces indicated fierce passions and in- tense hate, there stood a man day after day, and week after week, defending and upholding the Constitution, asserting the right of petition, and the freedom of debate — to my eyes the noblest figure ever seen in the American Congress, and one of the noblest and grandest ever seen in parliament of men in any country — this Old Man Eloquent, then and there in the nineteenth century, representmg the conscience and manhood yet alive in the nation. As for myiclf, I can not think of this struggle for constitutional princi- 64 Charles Hammond. pies without emotion, and a feeling of thankfulness that, under divine Providence, America was then blessed with men of courage and wisdom and patriotism like John Quincy Adams and Charles Hammond. I can not look upon the cramped handwriting of these letters which tell the story of the struggle for freedom, without a feeling of reverence for this the noblest of all the Adamses. He was the superior man contending for righteousness in the midst of " the thieves of virtue." Possessing that sublime courage, unerring vision, and larcreness of soul, that distinguishes the man of action from his fellows. It is profitable to dwell on this scene. A man who has enjoyed the highest honors, pos- sessed of wealth, and invited to the comforts of leisure, filling a lower station, surrounded by warring elements, and of these, he only comprehending the danger to the Republic. Will he to the rescue ? " On a sudden, from the opposite side ot the hori- zon, see, miraculous Opportunity, rushing hitherward swift, terrible, clothed with lightning like a courser of the gods ; — dare he clutch him by the thunder-mane, and flinCT himself upon him, and make for the Empy- rean by that course rather? Then must he be quick about it ; the time is now or never ! " The deed is done ! Freedom of the press, the right of petition, are saved to the citizens, and under their blessed influence in time, Liberty and Union do be- come one and indivisible. Fifteen years before Adams, Hammond was discuss- ing these very principles. He now rejoices that a voice is heard in the Halls of Congress, proclaiming the truth. He says, in the Gazette, February i6, 1837 : Charles Hammond. 65 "The course of J. Q. Adams, in Congress, on the subject of presenting abolition petitions, has been cen- sured by some. It meets my unqualified approbation. 1 rejoice that there is one man in Congress who has the boldness to stand up for what is right ; the firmness to maintain his ground against denunciation ; the talent to sustain himself, though assailed bv violence on one side and meanly deserted by cow.ir>llv skulkers on the other. ''Mr. Adams is avowedly no abolitionist. He plants himself upon the right of petition; upon the right of every citizen to present his grievances for hear- ing and redress to a legislative body whom the peti- tioner honestly supposes may act upon his case. " The Constitution of the United States secures the right of petition. The provision is found in the first amendment ; that amendment originated in Virginia, and is in these words: " (Here follows the amendment.) " The right to petition is here , secured in connection with the right to enjoy religious opinion and the free- dom of speech and of the press. Thus, this right of petition is arranged with, and noted as one of the great fundamental rights of freemen. Mr. Adams docs nothing but maintain this right in presenting abolition petitions. In the uproar raised by Southern members of Congress against receiving these petitions, there is a direct attempt to subvert a constitutional right. I ven- erate the man who distinguishes between the unwise use of a right on one side, and an unconstitutional effort to subvert that right on the other : who plants himself in 5 66 Charles Hammond. the breach, between fanaticism and usurpation, and re- gardless of consequences does his duty. " 'In Freedom's field, advancing his firm foot, He plants it on the line that Justice draws, And will prevail or perish in her cause.' " Then follows an argument on the duty of Congress to act on the subject of slavery in several particulars, which are specified, and the powers of that body under the Constitution. Mr. Hammond concludes in these words : " In respect to abolition petitions, the South has as- sumed an unconstitutional attitude. She denies the right to petition. She denounces the exercise of the right, and she contemns members of Congress, who differently regard their constitutional obligations, as no better than incendiaries. Mr. Adams, in the true spirit of those who threw the tea into the water, says: " 'Nay, gentlemen, I take no sides with these peti- tioners. I disapprove their object, but they have rights under the Constitution, and they ask me to assert these rights here in their behalf, and I do so. I regret to give you offense. I more than regret the fury you manifest; but I can not swerve from the performance of a duty which I feel that I owe to the Constitution and to the rights of a fellow-citizen, however injudi- ciously asserted.' In this light I regard the course of Mr. Adams, that has recently brought upon him so much opprobrium. Thus viewing it, I deem it my duty, as I feel ii my privilege^ to express my opinion in relation to it. Were I a member of Congress I should be glad to stand by Mr. Adams in the contest in which Charles HammoHd. 67 he is engaged. Regardless who are the petitioners, or what the object, if the one l)e respectful, and Congress can have power over the other, I would never shrink from their presentation, or be driven, unless by brute force, from maintaining the right to present them." Mr. Adams acknowledged the help he had received in this letter, the chirography of which is so cramped as to require to be written out before it could be publicly read : Adams to Hammond. Washington. March 2^, '^jy. Dear Sir : In the severe trial through which I was destined to pass, during the session of Congress now closed, nothing occurred more cheering and encouraging to me than the notices taken of the debates in your paper, and your friendly letter of the 16th of P^ebruary. The abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia, in the purpose of the petitioners for it, is a step towards the abolition throughout the Union of the Institution of Domestic Slavery — and indeed throughout the world. The object is noble — the motive pure — but the under- taking of such tremendous magnitude, difficulty, and danger, that I shrink from the contemplation of it, and much more from any personal agency in promoting it. I have abstained, sometimes perhaps too pertinaciously ab:itained, from all participation in measures leading to that conflict for life and death between Freedom and Slavery, through which I have not yet been able to sec how this Union could ultimately be preserved from passing. While the people of the Slave-holding State* 68 Charles Hammond. professed the speculative opinions upon the subject of slavery, of which Mr. Jefferson was the principal pro- mulgator, I had flattered myself that slavery was in this Union gradually perishing with a marasmus, and that its dissolution and interment might be left to those of whose constitutions it formed a part. This hope I was encouraged to entertain by the continual progress of the spirit of emancipation, manifested by the abolition of the African slave trade, spreading all over Europe, and enacted by our own Congress, even before I thought thev were authorized by the Constitution of the United States to exercise that legislative power; by the earn- estness with which Great Britain was pursuing the policy of emancipation, and by the co-operation, apparently cordial, which our government under slave-holding Presidents, was yielding to that policy. But the conse- quences of the emancipation by Great Britain of all her slaves in the West Indies, with the abolition of slavery in all the new South American Republics, on the one hand, and of the Southampton insurrection, and the subsequent debates in the Legislature of Virginia on the other, have gone far towards bringing my hopes to a pause. Since then, the spirit of universal emancipa- tion has been ripening into a religious principle, fortified with unanswerable logic, stimulated by the fervor of conscience, and armed with the irrepressible energies of martyrdom. On the other hand slavery, driven from her strongholds of power, has changed her tone and be- come a reasoner. Professor Dew, of William and Mary College, Virginia, Chancellor Harper, and Gov- ernor McDuffie, of South Carolina, have become the founders of a new school of political morality for Re- f Charles Hammond. 69 publics founded upon the Declaration of Independence, and the unalienable rights of man. Their first princi- ple is that the negro is an inferior race, neither pos- sessing nor entitled to the rights of man, but born for servitude, and destined to it as long as this globe shall last. That this degradation of the African black, was intended by the Creator, for the express benefit of the white Anglo-Saxon, for his temporal and spiritual im- provement in wisdom, virtue, and especially freedom, and that your negro-driver is the only man upon earth who understands and practices the true principles of liberty. These doctrines, with the atrocious aggravations of oppression in the recent sharpening of the Draconian black code of our Southern States, with their demands upon the free States to deliver up their citizens to their revenge, and upon Congress to strangle the circulation of free thought by the mails, have, I confess, moved my indignation, and sometimes provoked me to think it time to try their temper in turn. Yet, so stroni; has been the current of popular feeling in all the free States, to support the slavery of the South, and against the Abolitionists, that when I found myself almost the only man in the House who dared ever to present their peti- tions, they crowded upon me in such multitudes, that for merely presenting them I brought all the resent- ments of the South upon me without even a prospect of support from my own constituents, representing as I did, a district where the abolition cause is in special disfavor. The articles in your paper were almost my only support in the House, and (he blind fury of the 70 Charles Hammond. nullification party which took the lead for the South in in the House broke them down there. Presidential electioneering, remote as well as present, makes up a false issue against the Abolitionists, in all the free States, where alone they are permitted even to exist. For the first time since the existence of the Con- stitution of the United States, the election, of a Presi- dent has turned exclusively upon the slavery and abolition conflict. It is the only point upon which the new President has declared his fixed and irrevocable de- termination in advance. Is not our whole political system irresistibly tending to turn upon that hinge alone? I am deeply apprehensive that it is. I took the pen only to thank you for the articles in your Gazette, on my trial, and for your kind letter; and tender you my respectful salutations and good wishes. J. Q. ADAMS. (Charles Hammond, Esq., Cincinnati, O.) The lateness of the hour warns me to bring my address to a close. I pass by the subsequent discussions in which Mr. Adams and Mr. Hammond are concerned, and turn to a new scene, in which Henry Clay is the central figure. "What a loud-roaring, loose and empty matter," says Carlyle, "is this tornado of vociferation which men call ' Public Opinion ! ' " True. But we have seen what tremendous power it had in these dark days, and how only a very few refused to be silent. It presses Mr. Clay so hard that he con- sents to come to the front as the apologist and defender I / Charles Hammond. -jx of the Southern view. The hope of the Presidency is, alas! greater than the love of truth and the aspiration to do right in the sight of God. Mr. Hammond is called on to publicly criticise his old friend, which he does fearlessly and most thoroughly in a series of nine editorials. He is in feeble health; the beckonings from the Silent Land arc now discerni- ble, and he can leave his house but seldom. All of his strength is husbanded to perform a few duties of deep concernment to others and to his country, which he has loved with such fervid, unselfish patriotism ; and this protest against the utterances of his life-long friend is one of them. The editorials appeared at intervals dur- ing a period of two months immediately following Mr. Clay's speech. It would be a vain task to attempt to describe these articles which embrace the best thoughts of the patriot whose light is nearly out. Mr. Clay quickly heard of them, and in a touching note, from Washington, asked his old friend to send him copies as they appeared. Towards the close, Hammond, in a tone of sadness, considers the effect of the influence of the great name of his friend, now used freely by the enemies of the Constitution — the old Constitution of freedom as they once both read it — but he warns him that even this will suffice only for a season: that the South are seeking to crush out rights founded upon divine law that will surely be vindicated in the future. *' I say the opponents of slavery must be heard. The great question of human liberty in this land can not be decided by the denunciation of masters, the accommo- dations of trade, or the impulsive violence of infuri- 72 Charles Hammond. ated men. Mr. Clay himself can not effect this. The effort he has made, strong as it is, must fail in compro- mitting to his views the slavery antagonists of the land. Their passive deference to his behests, can not be pressed too far." " Has all discretion," asked Hammond, on another occasion, "deserted the owners of slaves.? Do thev suppose that blood liable to be heated flows in no veins but their own .? One day they must learn otherwise." With this warning, and the light of this prophecy streaming into the future, I close this very imperfect record of the life-work of Charles Hammond, who, for over forty years, was one of the Republic's ablest, most unselfish, and most faithful sons, and a witness to the spirit and principles of government as established by the Fathers. I ;:;:t««5:i8KiK:;:r.-,:;:-^:: a»i«iillBiig| LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 011 898 208 3 ' ' ii !ii liii! ' !!i{JiiU H w ^rr Wffi^!g g{ir;^i^^