K 1) I) K E S S % \f ISAIAH THORNTON WILLIAMS, \ ^ PRESENTATION OF COLORS FIFTH REGIMENT OF MAINE VOLl'NTEERS, ^ IN THE CITY HALL PARK, ''j' '\ y I? Si IS THE ciTV or new youk. On the -27tli day olJiiiii-. iSiOl. ^ J -»' • • * ■« 8. BRADFORD. BOOK 4 Jol? PRIKTER, lir, FULTON STREFT. 1 S G 2 . } y •70^ ;,^s*s-< ^*^: — -J >'\.>>^ ^u an- resolved to main- tain — that freedom, who.se voice awakened the echoes of the primeval forest, rolled l)ack the deep nigiit of barbarism, dispelled the mists of superstition, reared the temples of worshij), and J 5 (p9'^ 4 'O J . the halls of learnino-, endowed the home, and hallowed the fireside, established a government on the basis of equal rights, formed commercial rehi- tions with every nation on the "'lobe, covered the whole land with cultivated tields, thriving villages, and populous cities, poured into our lap opulence and art, embellished life with innumerable im- provements and blessings that exalt and ennoble our nature, till the whole land had become a theatre of wonders on which the admiring gaze of the world was fixed in trembling hope of human ])rogress, if not of the actual perfectability of human nature. The faithful' of the land, the hearts that tremble for the ark of our political destinies — for our future onward and upward jjro- gress — have committeeal, ■' The joyous vespers of a liloody day." Sustained by itiHuence and buoyed by hopes like these, uo forth, ve defenders ol' your country! And mav III', to wliom th(* shields ftf the earth Ix'loufi;, j)rot(H'l yon in Ihc il;iy of l>attl('I ^hiy He iii,s|)ii'(' von with Mnil ussninnce o(" snceess which s))i'inu,s from His prcsiMUM.^ ! M;i\- He breathe into Nonr hciirls the spirit of (h'pnrted lieroes. and insj)ire \-on with his own I Then, in- deed, "shall the sli'oni;' nnm l>e as tow, and the maker ol" it. as a- spark ; ami tlie\- shall hnrn lon-p- t>;ether, an