m^^mm^. MMSYLVANIA RAIUB F 199 ■ P419 Copy 1 A^ASH ■■<:^^^m^iH. l;iu:?-rv' ■■'■ ■/ ■• -.- -'^';-'fft - >•'> -' MARBLK IIAI.L, CONGRl-:SSIONAL LIBRARY. WASHINGTON Personally-Conducted Tours PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD>rvM' 1/vxA^C 2-23-00. — 100. WINTER AND SPRING TOURS TO WASHINGTON VIA Pennsylvania Railroad. THE three-day tours to Washington outlined in the following pages provide the most eco- nomical and satisfactory means of seeing the National Capital ever presented. They are naturally among the most popular of the personally- conducted tours arranged for by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company. Washington is a city endeared to every American. It wears the laurel wreath of honor as the handsom- est city in America, and is one of the most beautiful capitals in the world. A visit to no other point in the East gives so much in return as a review of the beautiful buildings and interesting 'Departments of Washington. The series of six tours, covering the winter and spring of 1899-1900, offers to the people of Connect- icut, New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware an exceptional chance to familiarize them- selves with the Nation's Capital. The rates are phenomenally low for the service ren- dered. The feature of a railroad company assuming all the details and incidental arrangements necessary to the perfect enjoyment of a short vacation is a high mark in the evolution of modern travel. The personally-conducted tours of the Pennsylvania Rail- road are always carried out in the highest grade of excellence. THE DATES SELECTED. Kor 1899 Thursday, December 2S. Kor 1900 Thursdays, January /S, February 75, March /j; Tuesday, April 10 ; and Thursday, May j. A number of additional features have been added to these deservedly popular tours. While the tours proper cover a period of three days, all tickets will be good to return on regular trains within ten days, including going date, and to stop off at Baltimore and Philadelphia on the return trip within this limit. Tickets for these tours cover transportation for the round trip, transfer of passenger and baggage from the station to hotels on the going trip, accommoda- tions at Washington hotels for two days, and, if re- turning with the party on the third day, supper at Philadelphia in connection with tickets from Trenton and stations east thereof. Two sets of rates will be in effect: the higher rates for acconmiodations at the Arlington, Normandie, / Riggs, and the Ebbitt House, and the lower rates for accommodations at Willard's, Regent, National, and Metropolitan Hotels. In all other respects the two forms of tickets will be identical. The following rates will be in effect, with rates for children under twelve years of age $4.00 more than one-half the rates for the Arlington, Normandie, Riggs, and the Ebbitt House, and I2. 75 more for Willard's, Regent, National, and Metropolitan Ho- tels :— Arlington, Willard's, Normandie, Regent, Riggs, and National, and Ebbitt Hoiise. Metropolitan Hotel. AsBURY Park, N. J $14 50 $12 00 Atlantic City, N.J 12 75 10 25 " (via Del. Ki\ er Bridge), 13 00 10 50 Belvidere, N.J 15 00 12 50 BORDENTOWN, N. J 12 40 9 90 Bridgeton, N.J 12 50 10 00 Bristol, Pa 12 30 9 80 Brooklyn, N. Y 14 50 12 00 Burlington, N.J 12 10 9 60 Chester, Pa 11 50 9 00 Chestnut Hill, Pa 11 80 9 30 CONSHOHOCKEN, Pa 12 00 9 50 DOWNINGTOWN, Pa 12 50 10 00 Elizabeth, N.J 14 50 12 00 Flemington, N.J 14 40 II 90 Frankford, Pa 11 75 9 25 Freehold, N.J 14 50 12 00 Frenchtown, N. J 1450 1200 Germantown, Pa 11 70 9 20 Germantown Junction, Pa. ... 11 65 9 15 Gl.assboro, N.J 12 25 9 75 Haddonfield, N. J II 75 9 25 Jamesburg, N. J . 14 05 II 55 Jersey City, N.J 1450 1200 Lambertville, N. J 13 80 11 30 8 Arlington, Wil lard's, Xorniandie, Regent, Riggs, and National, and Ebbitt House. Metropolitan Hotel. Lancaster, Pa. (via Philadelphia) . $13 60 §11 10 Long Branch, N. J 14 50 12 00 Manayunk, Pa 11 75 9 25 Media, Pa. (via Philadelphia) ... 12 05 9 55 Merchantville, N. J II 70 9 20 MiLLVILLE, N. J 12 55 10 05 MOORESTOWN, N.J 12 00 9 50 Mt. Holly, N. J 12 20 9 70 Newark, N.J 14 5° 12 00 New Brunswick, N.J. 14 30 11 80 New York, N. Y 14 5° 12 00 Norristown, Pa 12 15 9 65 Ocean Grove, N.J 14 5° 12 00 Perth Amboy, N.J 14 5° 12 00 Philadelphia, Pa 11 50 9 00 Phillipsburg, N. J 14 50 12 00 Phcenixville, Pa 12 50 10 00 POTTSTOWN, Pa 12 50 10 GO POTTSVILLE, Pa 14 30 II 80 Princeton, N.J 13 60 11 10 RAHWAY, N. J 14 50 12 GO Reading, Pa 13 25 10 75 riegelsville, n. j h 5° 12 go Salem, N. J 12 50 10 go Spring City, Pa 12 50 10 00 swedesboro, n. j 12 25 9 75 Trenton, N.J 13 oo 10 50 TULPEHOCKEN, PA 1 1 70 9 20 ViNELAND, N. J 12 50 lO 00 Wenonah, N. J II 90 9 40 West Chester, Pa. (via Philad'a) . 12 50 10 oo Wilmington, Del n 50 9 00 WissAHicKON Heights, Pa. . . . ii 80 9 30 Woodbury, N. J 11 80 9 30 WOODSTOWN, N.J 12 50 10 GO Rates via Market Street Wharf do not include transfer of pas- senger or baggage through Philadelphia. On application rates will be quoted and tickets furnished from other stations. Tourists will travel in special trains of Pennsyl- vania Railroad Standard Coaches, in which the entire trip is made. They will be under the personal escort of the Tourist Agent and Chaperon, the Tourist Agent having entire charge of the train and all of the ar- rangements for the entertainment of the party en route and in Washington. He will look after their comfort, direct their movements in Washington in or- der that they may visit the different Departments and buildings during proper hours and thus waste no valuable time, and render all the aid in his power to make the trip agreeable and profitable. The Chaperon is especially charged with the care of the ladies. She will be their companion and guide, so that ladies who may be without escort need not hesitate to join the party. As shown on page 6, tickets cover the ex- pense of round-trip transportation, meals en ronte, and hotel accommodation during the stay in Wash- ington, so that participants need provide themselves with no funds beyond such as they may deem nec- essary for street-car fare, side trips, incidentals, or chance purchases. Rooms are reserved when tickets are purchased ; therefore our patrons can readily appreciate the ad- visability of early application for membership with any particular party. Application should be made not later than one day prior to departure of tour. The amount paid for tickets purchased in advance but not used will be cheerfully and promptly re- funded, provided tickets are returned prior to de- parture of tour. Unused coupons of partly used lO tickets cannot be redeemed, except those for trans- portation under the usual rules. The usual amount of baggage may be checked on these special tickets, viz., 150 pounds on whole tickets and 75 pounds on half (children's) tickets. SPECIAL HOTEL RATES. All tickets will be good to return from Washington on regular trains, except the Pennsylvania Limited, within ten days, including date of tour leaving New York. Holders of such tour tickets will be accorded special rates after expiration of hotel coupons and within the ten-day limit. Full particulars can be ob- tained on application to Tourist Agent in charge. SIDE TRIPS. On the second day of each tour a trip will be made to Mount Vernon by special cars, and tickets for this trip, including admission to the grounds, can be ob- tained from Tourist Agent in charge, at rate of 75 cents. Holders of the tour tickets to Washington can, upon application to Pennsylvania Railroad Agents at Washington, purchase excursion tickets, limited to the life of the original tour tickets, from Washington via all rail line to Old Point Comfort at $6.00, and to Richmond, Va., at 14.00 ; and on application to agents of the Norfolk and Washington Steamboat Company, from Washington to Old Point Comfort and Norfolk, Va., and return, at I3.50, not including meals and state-room berths. For itineraries, additional information, and tickets, apply to Ticket Agents, or the following booking offices : — NEW YORK. No. 461 Broadway. No. i Astor House. No. 944 Broadway. No. 245 Columbus Ave. No. 1196 Broadway (S. E. Station foot DesbrossesSt. cor. Twenty-ninth St.). Station foot Cortlandt St. No. 1354 Broadway, Station West Twenty-third No. 153 East One Hun- Street. dred and Twenty-fifth St. BROOKLYN. No. 4 Court St. Pennsylvania Annex Station, No. 860 Fulton St. foot of Fulton St. No. 98 Broadway, E. D. NEWARK, N. J. READING, PA. 7S9 Broad St. 23 North Sixth St. BRIDGETON, N. J. Northwest corner Pearl and Commerce Sts. PHILADELPHIA. No. 838 Chestnut St. No. i Chelten Ave., Ger- No. 141 1 Chestnut St. mantown. Bourse Building. Station foot of Market St. 3962 Market St. Broad Street Station. Or address. Geo. W. Boyd, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Pennsylvania R. R. Co., I Broad Street Station, Philadelphia, Pa, Special booking offices have been established at 1 196 Broadway, New York ; 4 Court Street and 860 Fulton Street, Brooklyn ; 789 Broad Street, Newark, N. J., and Room 411, Broad Street Station, Philadel- phia, where representatives of the Tourist Bureau are stationed. STAFF OF THE TOURIST BUREAU, R. J. DeLong. IN CHARGE. Tourist Agents : Chaperons : W. N. BuRCHARD, Miss E. C. Bingham, D. N. Bell, Miss Z. W. Beatty, C. R. Rosenberg, Miss A. E. Brady. J. S. Murphy, H. Y. Darnell. k SCHEDULE. December 2S, iSgg ; and January iS, February /j. March /j, April 10, May j, /goo. I.eave Brooklyn, via Annex 12.45 P. IM. " New York, West Twenty-third St., 12.55 " New York, Cortlandt and Des- brosses Streets i.oo " Jersey City 1.14 Newark, Market Street 1.26 " Elizabeth, N. J 1.34 " Trenton, N. J 2.21 Arrive Philadelphia 3.06 Leave Philadelphia 3.12 " Wilmington 3.50 Arrive Washington 6.10 Visit Congressional Library in the evening. December 2g, iSgg ; January jg, February j6, March 16, April //, May 4, /goo. A day at the National Capital. Visit to the Capi- tol at 9 A. M., and tour of the building under escort of special guides. Visit other Departments in accord- ance with programme furnished by Tourist Agent in charge of partv. (14) 15 December jo, i8gg ; January 20, February ij, March //, April 12, May 5, igoo. Leave Washington from passenger sta- tion Pennsylvania Railroad .... 3.15 P. M, Arrive Wilmington 6.07 " " Philadelphia 6.49 " DINNER AT BROAD STREET STATION RESTAURANT IN CON- NECTION WITH TICKETS FROM TRENTON AND POINTS EAST THEREOF. Leave Philadelphia 7.35 P. M, Arrive Trenton 8.35 Elizabeth 9.28 Newark, Market Street .... 9.38 Jersey City 9.52 New York 10.08 Brooklyn 10.25 If the party should not be large enough for a special train, the option is reserved to attach special cars to regular trains on schedules given above, ex- cept that from Philadelphia east on the return trip, regular train leaving Philadelphia at 8.10 P. INI. will be used, stopping at Trenton and Newark. i6 TOUR TO MEXICO AND CALIFORNIA. February 12, igoo. Special train of Pullman Palace Sleeping, Dining, Smoking, and Observation Cars, visiting numerous points en route to and from the Pacific Coast and all through Mexico and California. RA.TES, INCLUDING i^I^I^ KXPENSES: New York, Philadelphia, and all points on Pennsylvania Railroad east of Pittsburg, $550.00 ; Pittsburg, $545.00. Boston, $555.00. TOURS TO FLORIDA. February 6 and 20, March 6, igoo. Each party travels by special train of Pullman Palace Sleeping and Dining Cars, with two weeks' stay in the Land of Flowers. Tickets for tour of March 6 are valid to return by regular trains until May 31, 1900. RATES: New York, Brooklyn, and Newark, $50.00; Philadelphia, $48.00. 17 TOURS TO OLT3 POINT COMFORT, RICHMOND, AND WASHINGTON. Saturdayy February j, Saturday, March j and ji, Saturday, April 14 and 28, igoo. Covering all expenses for a period of six days. New York, Brooklyn, and Newark, |34.00; Trenton, |32.50 ; Philadelphia, |31.00. Also tickets to Old Point Comfort and return di- rect, for the above dates and also December 28th, 1899, covering luncheon going, one and three-fourths days' board at Old Point Comfort. Tickets valid for return by regular trains within five days from date of sale. rates kroivi New York, Brooklyn, and Newark, |15.00 ; Trenton, |13.50 ; Philadelphia, $12.50. For detailed itineraries or further particulars apply to Ticket Agents, special booking offices, or address Geo. W. Boyd, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Pennsylvania R. P. Co., Broad Street Station, Philadelphia, Pa. *" ^ »- '^ LIBRftRY OF CONGRESS ■ 014 310 463 1 r>, c ^ 1 "-^.- '--''^"l JiM^S^K