s93jnos9H iioi;8Ai3sao3 '96 2ei7t^|.0 Suffolk County IDietorical Society ©rganbed Sept. 28, 'S6 5ncorporateD 3feb. 18, '92 1Reorgani3cD /llban 19, '92 inz^ ©fficcre President, JAMES H. TUTHILL, Riverhead. 1st Vice-President, REV. DR. WHITAKER, Southold. 2d Vice-President, NAT. W. FOSTER, Riverhead. Recording Secretary, STUART T. TERRY, Southold. Corresponding Secretary, WALTER H. JAYCOX, River- head. Treasurer, TIMOTSY M. GRIFFING, Riverhead. Custodian, GEO. F. STACKPOLE, Riverhead. Conetitution T HI8 Association shall be known as the Suffolk County Historical Society. jft.P?.T. II. The objects of the Society shall be to foster the histori- cal spirit in thought, study and purpose ; to encourage historical and antiquarian research ; to disseminate his- torical knowledge, to collect and preserve such autograph letters and other manuscripts, maps, plans, charts, paint- ings, engravings and other pictorial representations, books, pamphlets, newspapers, curiosities and antiquities of every kind as may have been or shall be the products of Suffolk county, or of its several towns, some of which are the oldest English settlements and religious and civil organi- zations within the bounds of the State of New York ; and also to discover, procure and preserve whatever material of any kind may illustrate the history of the county and of its several towns. JPS.P2.T. III. A President, two Vice Presidents, a Recording Secretary, a Corresponding Secretary, a Treasurer, and a Custodian shall be chosen annually on the third Tuesday of February, to hold their respective offices one year, or until their several successors shall be elected. These officers shall together be a Board of Directors, who shall have supreme control of all property and pos- sessions of the Society, shall make regulations for the safety and proper use of such property and possessions, and shall prepare business for the stated meetings of the Society, and at each annual meeting make a full report of their proceedings during the previous year. JOLP3.T. -\7-. The books and other historical possessions of this Socie- ty shall never be sold nor distributed, but the acceptance of donations shall be regarded as a contract never to be in- validated. Provided, however, that nothing herein con- tained shall be construed to prevent or prohibit this Society from making exchanges with other institutions or persons, of books or articles whereof duplicates, or more, shall be in its possession. Any person may become a life member of the Society by the payment of ten dollars, or an annual member by the payment of one dollar. All life members, wherever resident, and all annual members residing in the county, but no other persons, shall be entitled to vote in the meet- ings of the Society. jPlP2.t. -\rxx. The collections of the Society shall be kept at and the an- nual meeting of the Society for the election of ofiBcers, shall be held at the county seat. jPlI5.t. -v-iii. A majority of the officers shall be a quorum of the Board of Directors for the transaction of business. This constitution may be altered or amended by a two- thirds vote of the members present at any annual meeting, provided that notice, in writing, of such alteration or amendment shall have been given at the next preceding annual meeting. B^^Xaw0» 1. Each annual membership shall end with the annual meeting next after the annual due is paid. 2. Honorary members, upon nomination of the Direct- ors, may be chosen by ballot at any stated meeting of the society, provided the nomination has been made at a pre- vious stated meeting. The persons nominated for election as honorary members shall be non-residents of the county and distinguished for important public service in histori- cal investigation, or authorship, or kindred pursuits. Not more than five honorary members shall be elected at any one meeting. 3. The President shall preside at all meetings of the So- ciety and of the Directors, shall himself or through the Recording Secretary call special meetings whenever re- quested to do so by ten members of the Society, and shall deliver an address at the annual meeting, or make provis- ion therefor. In case of his death or disability, the Vice- Presidents in thei^ order shall succeed him in office until the next annual election. 4. The Recording Secretary shall keep an accurate jour- nal of the proceedings of the Society and of the Board of Directors and shall have the custody of the records, files and seal of the Society. He shall also perform whatever other duties are appropriate to his office. 5. The Corresponding Secretary shall conduct the gen- eral correspondence of the Society with other similar so- cieties, and with individuals, in reference to the business and objects of the Society. He shall make and preserve copies of all letters which he writes for the Society and also keep the originals of all letters and communications received, until these are by order of the Directors deposit- ed with the collections of the Society. 6. The Treasurer shall receive all dues for membership, and all other moneys due to the Society, and all donations or bequests of money made to it. He shall pay, only upon the written order of the President, such accounts, and make such deposits, as may be approved by the Board of Directors or the Society. He shall also render to the So- ciety, at its annual meeting, a minute statement of his re- ceipts and disbursements during the year, and of the property and debts of the Society. This statement shall be examined and audited by a Committee appointed at such meeting for the purpose. The Treasurer shall also give previous notice to members when their dues are payable. 7. The Custodian, under the direction of the Board of Directors, shall arrange, protect, preserve, and catalogue all manuscripts, pamphlets, books, and other historical products or material in the possession of the Society, and shall, before every annual meeting, make a full report to the Board of Directors in respect to the property in his care. 8. All donations to the Society, and deposits accepted by the Board of Directors, shall be properly entered in a book kept for the purpose, and reported to the Society at its next stated meeting after the receipt thereof, and written acknowledgments shall also be made therefor. 9. The Board of Directors may provide for the reading of papers on historical subjects at regular meetings of the Society, and the manuscripts, with the consent of the au- thors, shall be owned and preserved by the Society. 10. At all regular meetings of the Society, seven mem- bers shall be a quorum for the transaction of business. tl. Notice of the annual meeting shall be given at least two weeks beforehand, in one or more newspapers pub- lished in the county. 12. These By-Laws may be altered or amended at any stated meeting of the Society, provided the changes to be made have been proposed in w^riting at a previous meeting or bv the Board of Directors. 014 432 956 9 % f \^1 1 5S9