TATES COMMANDERY OF the STATE FROM JANUARY 17th, 1866, TO JUNE 1st, If MILITARY ORDER OF THE LOYAL LEGION OF THE UNITED STATES ROSTER OF THE COMMANDERY of the STATE OF NEW YORK FROM JANUARY 17th, 1866, TO JUNE 1st, 1911 ■MhS- )9JI I Charter Members. *Major-General Daniel Butterfield, U. S. V. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel William C. Church, U. S. V. *Major-General Henry E. Davies, U. S. V. *Brevet Brigadier-General Charles G. Halpine, U. S. V. Brevet Colonel Horatio C. King, U. S. V. *Brevet Major-General Martin T. McMahon, U. S. V. *Brevet Major-General John G. Parke, U. S. A. (Retired.) *Commodore George M. Ransom, U. S. N. (Retired.) *Brevet Colonel Joseph A. Slipper, U. S. V. *Brevet Brigadier-General Daniel T. Van Buren, U. S. V. *Brigadier-General Egbert L. Viele, U. S. V. *Brevet Brigadier-General Israel Vogdes, U. S. A. (Retired.) *Deceased. OFFICERS AND PAST OFFICERS. Edected. Feb. 16 , 1866. May 2 1866. April 30 1867. May 6 1868. May 5 1869. May 4 1870. May 3 1871. + May 8 1872. May 7 1873. May 6 1874. May 5 1875. May 3 1876 May 2 1877. May 1 1878. May 7 1879. May 5 1880. May 4 1881. May 3 1882. May 2 1883. May 7 1884. May 12 , 1885. May 5 1886. May 4 1887. May 2 1888. May 1 1889. May 7 1890. May 6 1891. May 4 1892. May 3 1893. May 2 1894. May 8 1895. May 6 1896. May 5 1897. May 4 1898. May 3 1899. May 2 1900. May 1 1901. May 7 , 1902. May 6 , 1903. COMMANDER. *Brevet Brigadier-General Israel Vogdes, U. S. A. *Admiral David G. Farragut, U. S. N. ♦Admiral David G. Farragut, U. S. N. *Admiral David G. Farragut, U. S. N. ♦Admiral David G. Farragut, U. S. N. ♦Admiral David G. Farragut, U. S. N. *Major-General Samuel P. Heintzelman, U. S. A. (Re- tired.) ♦Brevet Major-General William B. Franklin, late U. S. A. ♦Brevet Major-General William B. Franklin, late U. S. A. ♦Brevet Major-General William B. Franklin, late U. S. A. ♦Commodore Henry Eagle, U. S. N. (Retired.) ♦Brevet Major-General William B. Franklin, late U. S. A. ♦Brevet Major-General George H. Sharpe, U. S. V. ♦Brevet Major-General George H. Sharpe, U. S. V. ♦Major-General John M. Schofield, U. S. A. ♦Major-General .John M. Schofield, U. S. A. ♦Major-General Henry W. Slocum, U. S. V. ♦Brigadier-General John Cochrane, U. S. V. Brevet Major-General Alexander Shaler, U. S. V. ♦General Ulysses S. Grant, U. S. A. (Retired.) ♦General Ulysses S. Grant, U. S. A. (Retired.) Brevet Major-General Edward L. Molineux, U. S. V. ♦Major-General John M. Schofield, U. S. A. ♦Major-General John M. Schofield, U. S. A. ♦Brevet Major-General Wager Swayne, U. S. A. (Retired.) ♦Brevet Major-General Wager Swayne, U. S. A. (Retired.) ♦Brevet Major-General Wager Swayne, U. S. A. (Retired.) ♦Brevet Major-General Wager Swayne, U. S. A. (Retired.) ♦Brevet Major-General Wager Swayne, U. S. A. (Retired.) Brevet Brigadier-General Horace Porter, late U. S. A. Brevet Brigadier-General Horace Porter, late U. S. A. Brevet Brigadier-General Horace Porter, late U. S. A. Major-General Grenville M. Dodge, U. S. V. Major-General Grenville M. Dodge, U. S. V. Rear-Admiral Winfield S. Schley, U. S. N. Brevet Brigadier-General Henry L. Burnett, U. S. V. Brevet Brigadier-General Henry L. Burnett, U. S. V. Brevet Brigadier-General Henry L. Burnett, U. S. V. Brevet Brigadier-Genei'al Thomas H. Hubbard, U. S. V. ♦Deceased. Elected. May 4, 1904. May 3, 1905. May 2, 1906. May 1, 1907. May 6, 1908. May 5, 1909 May 4, 1910. May 3, 1911. 6 Brevet Brigadier-General Thomas H. Hubbard, U. S. Brevet Brigadiei'-General Thomas H. Hubbard, U. S. Brevet Brigadier-General Thomas H. Hubbard, U. S. *Rear-Admiral Joseph B. Coghlan, U. S. N. (Retired.) *Rear-Admiral Joseph B. Coghlan, U. S. N. (Retired.) Brevet Brigadier-General Anson G. McCook, U. S. V. Major J. Langdon Ward, U. S. V. Major J. Langdon Ward, U. S. V. Feb. 16, 1866 May 2, 1866 April 30, 1867. May 6, 1868 Isov. 21. 1868. May 5, 1869 May 4, 1870 May 3, 1871 May 8, 1872 May 7, 1873 May 6, 1874 May 5, 1875 May 3, 1876 May 2, 1877 May 1, 1878 May 7, 1879 May ■ 5, 1880 May 4, 1881 May 3, 1882 May 2, 1883 May 7, 1884 May 12, 1885 May 5, 1886 May 4, 1887 May 2, 1888 May 1, 1889 May 7, 1890 May 6, 1891 May 4, 1892 May 3, 1893 SENIOR VICE-COMMANDER. *Major-General Henry E. Davies, Jr., U. S. V. *Major-General Henry E. Davies, Jr., U. S. V. *Colonel Burr Porter, U. S. V. *Brevet Major-General Martin T. McMahon, U. S. V. *Brevet Major-General William B. Franklin, late U. S. A. * Brevet Major-General William B. Franklin, late U. S. A. *Brevet Major-General Alexander S. Webb, U. S. A. *Vice-Admiral Stephen C. Rowan, U. S. N. *Commodore Alexander M. Pennock, U. S. N. *Vice-Admiral Stephen C. Rowan, U. S. N. ♦Commodore Henry Eagle, U. S. N. (Retired.) ♦Brevet Major-General George H. Sharpe, U. S. V. ♦Brevet Major-General George H. Sharpe, U. S. V. ♦Commodore George M. Ransom, U. S. N. ♦Brevet Major-General Martin T. McMahon, U. S. V. ♦Rear-Admiral Stephen D. Trenchard, U. S. N. ♦Brigadier-General John Cochrane, U. S. V. ♦Captain Henry Erben, U. S. N. ♦Chief Engineer Charles H. Loring, U. S. N. ♦Medical Director Charles Martin, U. S. N. ♦Rear-Admiral A. Ludlow Case, U. S. N. (Retired.) Brevet Major-General Edward L. Molineux, U. S. V. ♦Medical Director George Peck, U. S. N. ♦Captain Henry Erben, U. S. N. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel William C. Church, U. S. V. ♦Brevet Brigadier-General Charles A. Carleton, U. S. V. ♦Brevet Brigadier-General Charles A. Carleton, U. S. V. ♦Captain Lester A. Beardslee, U. S. N. ♦Brevet Major-General Samuel A. Duncan, U. S. V. ♦Rear-Admiral Daniel L. Braine, U. S. N. (Retired.) '"Deceased. Elected. May 2, 1894. May 8, 1895. May 6, 1896. May 5, 1897. May 4, 1898. May 3, 1899. May 2. 1900. May 1, 1901. May 7, 1902. May 6, 1903. May 4, 1904. May 3, 1905. May 2 1906. May 1, 1907. May 6, 1908. May 5, 1909. May 4, 1910. May 3, 1911. Feb. 16, 1866. May 2, 1866. April 30, 1867. May 6, 1868. May ■5, 1869. May 4, 1870. May 3, 1871. May 8, 1872. May 7, 1873. May 6, 1874. May 5, 1875. May 3, 1876. May 2, 1877. May 1, 1878. May 7, 1879. May 5, 1880. May 4, 1881. May 3, 1882. May 2, tir( 1883. May 7, 1884. No election. Major J. Langdon Ward, U. S. V. Lieut.-Commander Charles E. McKay, U. S. N. (Retired.) *Brevet Major-General Martin T. McMahon, U. S. V. ♦Acting Volunteer Lieut. Henry A. Glassford, late U. S. N. Brevet Brigadier-General Henry L. Burnett, U. S. V. Brig.-Gen. George L. Gillespie, U. S. V.; Colonel, U. S. A. Brigadier-General Joseph W. Plume, U. S. V. Rear-Admiral Henry L. Howison, U. S. N. (Retired.) Rear-Admiral Henry L. Howison, U. S. N. (Retired.) Rear-Admiral Frederick Rodgers, U. S. N. *Rear-Admiral Joseph B. Coghlan, U. S. N. *Rear-Admiral Joseph B. Coghlan, U. S. N. Brevet Brigadier-General Anson G. McCook, U. S. V. Brevet Brigadier-General Anson G. McCook, U. S. V. Paymaster-General, Edwin Stewart, U. S. N. (Retired.) Paymaster-General Edwin Stewart, U. S. N. (Retired.) Brevet Brigadier-General Edward H. Ripley, U. S. V. JUNIOR VICE-COMMANDER. *Brevet Major-General Martin T. McMahon, U. S. V. *Brevet Major-General Martin T. McMahon, U. S. V. Commander David B. Harmony, U. S. N. *Brevet Colonel Joseph A. Slipper, U. S. V. Brevet Colonel Horatio C. King, U. S. V. *Brevet Major-General William H. Morris, U. S. V. *Brevet Brigadier-General Charles A. Carleton, U. S. V. Surgeon Robert Watts, U. S. V. *Major James B. Montgomery, U. S. V. *Major James B. Montgomery, U. S. V. *Brevet Major-General James McQuade, U. S. V. *Rear-Admiral Henry Walke, U. S. N. (Retired.) *Brevet Major-General James McQuade, U. S. V. *Surgeon Henry M. Wells, U. S. N. *Major-General Henry W. Slocum, U. S. V. ♦Captain Henry Erben, U. S. N. ♦Brevet Brigadier-General John J. Milhau, late U. S. A. ♦Brevet Brigadier-Gen. William N. Grier, U. S. A. (Re- id.) ♦Major George W. McKee, U. S. A. Brevet Major-General Edward L. Molineux, U. S. V. *Decea.secl. Elected. May 12, 1885 May 0, 1886. May 4, 1887. May 2, 1888. May 1, 1889. May 7, 1890. May 6, 1891. May 4, 1892 May 3, 1893. May 2, 1894. May 8, 1895 May 6, 1896. May 5, 1897 May 4, 1898 May 3, 1899 May 2, 1900 May 1, 1901 May 7, 1902 May • 6, 1903 May 4, 1904 May 3, 1905 May 2, 1906 May 1, 1907 May 6, 1908 May 5, 1909 May 4, 1910 May 3, 1911 * Rear- Admiral James W. A. Nicholson, U. S. N. (Retired.) *Brevet Brigadier-General Richard H. Jackson, U. S. A. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel William C. Church, U. S. V. *Captain Gilbert C. Wiltse, U. S. N. *Captain Charles S. Norton, TJ. S. N. ♦Medical Director Delavan Bloodgood, IT. S. N. Brevet Brigadier-General Thomas H. Hubbard, U. S. V. Paymaster George De Forest Barton, late U. S. N. *Brevet Brigadier-General Frederick A. Starring, U. S. V. ♦Commodore Joseph N. Miller, U. S. N. ♦Medical Director Edward S. Bogert, U. S. N. ♦Colonel William C. Holbrook, U. S. V. Lieutenant-Commander James Parker, late U. S. N. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Edward Haight, late U. S. A. *Brig.-Gen. John W. Clous, U. S. V.; Lieut.-Col. U. S. A. ♦Captain Theodore F. Kane, U. S. N. (Retired.) ♦Medical Director Albert L. Gihon, U. S. N. (Retired.) Colonel Edgar W. Bass, U. S. A. (Retired.) Brevet Brigadier-General Gilbert H. McKibbin, IT. S. V. Brigadier-General Charles I. Wilson, U. S. A. (Retired.) Colonel William H. Boyle, U. S. A. (Retired.) Brevet Brigadier-General J. Fred Pierson, U. J. V. ♦Colonel Edgar S. Dudley, U. S. A. Brigadier-General J. Ford Kent, U. S. A. (Retired.) Brigadier-General George P. Borden, U. S. A. (Retired.) Lieut. Colonel Francis B. Jones, IT. S. A. (Retired.) Acting Master Edwin V. Gager, late U. S. N. Feb. 16, 1866. May 2, 1866. April 30, 1867. May 6, 1868. May 5, 1869. May 4, 1870. May 3, 1871. Oct. 4, 1871. May 8, 1872. May 7, 1873. May 6, 1874. May 5, 1875. May 3, 1876 RECORDER. ♦Brevet Brigadier-General Charles G. Halpine, U. S. V. ♦Brevet Colonel Joseph A. Slipper, U. S. V. Brevet Colonel Horatio C. King, U. S. V. Brevet Colonel Horatio C King, U. S. V. ♦Brevet Brigadier-General Charles A. Carleton, U. S. V. ♦Brevet Brigadier-General Charles A. Carleton, U. S. V. ♦Lieutenant-Colonel Robert C. Perry, U. S. A. (Retired.) Surgeon Robert Watts, U. S. V. ♦Major James E. Montgomery, U. S. V. ♦Brevet Brigadier-General John H. Bell, U. S. V. ♦Brevet Brigadier-General John H. Bell, U. S. V. ♦Brevet Brigadier-General Charles A. Carleton, U. S. V. ♦Brevet Brigadier-General Charles A. Carleton, U. S. V. ♦Deceased. Elected. May 2, 1877. May 1, 1878. May 7, 1879. May 5, 1880. May 4, 1881. May 3, 1882. May 2, 1883. May 7, 1884. May 12, 1885. May 5, 1886. Dec. 16, 1886. May 4, 1887. May 2, 1888. May 1, 1889. May 7, 1890. May 6, 1891. May 4, 1892. May 3, 1893. May 2, 1894. May 8, 1895. May 6, 1896. May 5, 1897. May 4, 1898. May 3, 1899. May 2, 1900. May 1, 1901. May 7, 1902. May 6, 1903. May 4, 1904. May 3, 1905. May 2, 1906. May 1, 1907. May 6, 1908. May 5, 1909. May 4, 1910. May 3, 1911. Feb. 16, 1866. May 2, 1866. April 30, 1867. May 6, 1868. * Deceased *Brevet Brigadier-General Charles A. Carleton, U. S. V. *Brevet Brigadier-General Charles A. Carleton, U. S. V. *Brevet Brigadier-General Charles A. Carleton, U. S. V. *Brevet Brigadier-General Charles A. Carleton, U. S. V. *Brevet Brigadier-General Charles A. Carleton, U. S. V. *Brevet Brigadier-General Charles A. Carleton, U. S. V. *Brevet Brigadier-General Charles A. Carleton, U. S. V. *Brevet Brigadier-General Charles A. Carleton, U. S. V. *Brevet Brigadier-General Charles A. Carleton, U. S. V. *§Brevet Brigadier-General Charles A. Carleton, U. S. V. Captain Edgar B. Van Winkle, U. S. V. Captain Edgar B. Van Winkle, U. S. V. Second Lieutenant Loyall Farragut, late U. S. A. Paymaster George De Forest Barton, late U. S. N. Paymaster George De Forest Barton, late U. S. N. Paymaster George De Forest Barton, late U. S. N. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Charles N. Swift, U. S. V. *Brevet Major Thomas B. Odell, U. S. V. *Brevet Major Thomas B. Odell, U. S. V. Acting Asst. Paymaster A. Noel Blakeman, late U. S. N. Acting Asst. Paymaster A. Noel Blakeman, late U. S. N. Acting Asst. Paymaster A. Noel Blakeman, late U. S. N. Acting Asst. Paymaster A. Noel Blakeman, late U. S. N. Acting Asst. Paymaster A. Noel Blakeman, late U. S. N. Acting Asst. Paymaster A. Noel Blakeman, late U. S. N. Acting Asst. Paymaster A. Noel Blakeman, late U. S. N. Acting Asst. Paymaster A. Noel Blakeman, late U. S. N. Acting Asst. Paymaster A. Noel Blakeman, late U. S. N. Acting Asst. Paymaster A. Noel Blakeman, late U. S. N. Acting Asst. Paymaster A. Noel Blakeman, late U. S. N. Acting Asst. Paymaster A. Noel Blakeman, late U. S. N. Acting Asst. Paymaster A. Noel Blakeman, late U. S. N. Acting Asst. Paymaster A. Noel Blakeman, late U. S. N. Acting Asst. Paymaster A. Noel Blakeman, late U. S. N. Acting Asst. Paymaster A. Noel Blakeman, late U. S. N. Acting Asst. Paymaster A. Noel Blakeman, late U. S. N. fCORRESPONDENT. *Brevet Colonel Joseph A. Slipper, U. S. V. *Brevet Major-General Alfred Pleasonton, late U. S. A. *Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Stuart Taylor, U. S. V. *Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Stuart Taylor, U. S. V. Office abolished by Congress of the Order, April, 1869. § Resigned. 10 Elected. May 5, 1869. June 21, , 1869. Oct. 13, 1869. May 4, 1870. May 3, 1871. May 8, 1872. May 7, 1873. Dec. 6, 1873. May 6, 1874. May 5, 1875 May 3, 1876. May 2, 1877 May 1, 1878. May 7, 1879. May 5, 1880. May 4, 1881. May 3, 1882. May 2, 1883. May 7, 1884. May 12, 1885. May 5, 1886. May 4, 1887. May 2, 1888. May 1, 1889. May 7, 1890. May 6, 1891. May 4, 1892. May 3, 1893. May 2, 1894. May 8, 1895. May 6, 1896. May 5, 1897. May 4, 1898. May 3, 1899. May 2, 1900. May 1, 1901. May 7, 1902. May 6, 1903. May 4, 1904. May 3, 1905. May 2, 1906. * Deceased. tREGISTRAR. *Surgeon George Peck, U. S. N. *Paymaster John S. Cunningham, U. S. N. *Major James E. Montgomery, U. S. V. *Major James E. Montgomery, U. S. V. *Paymaster John H. Stevenson, U. S. N. *Chief Engineer William W. W. Wood, U. S. N. *Commander Henry Erben, U. S. N. *Brevet Brigadier-General John J Milhau, U. S. A. *Brevet Brigadier-General John J. Milhau, U. S. A. *Brevet Brigadier-General John J. Milhau, U. S. A. *Brevet Brigadier-General John J. Milhau, U. S. A. *Brevet Brigadier-General John J. Milhau, late U. S. A. *Brevet Brigadier-General John J. Milhau, late U. S. A. *Brevet Brigadier-General John J. Milhau, late U. S. A. Second Lieutenant Loyall Farragut, late U. S. A. Second Lieutenant Loyall Farragut, late U. S. A. Second Lieutenant Loyall Farragut, late U. S. A. Second Lieutenant Loyall Farragut, late U. S. A. Second Lieutenant Loyall Farragut, late U. S. A. Second Lieutenant Loyall Farragut, late U. S. A. Second Lieutenant Loyall Farragut, late U. S. A. Second Lieutenant Loyall Farragut, late U. S. A. *Captain William H. Jewell, U. S. V. *Captain William H. Jewell, U. S. V. *Captain William H. Jewell, U. S. V. *Brevet Major Thomas B. Odell, U. S. V. *Brevet Major Thomas B. Odell, U. S. V. Captain Luis F. Emilio, U. S. V. Captain Luis F. Emilio, U. S. V. Captain Luis F. Emilio, U. S. V. Brevet Colonel Horatio C. King, U. S. V. Brevet Colonel Horatio C. King, U. S. V. Brigadier-General Joseph W. Plume, U. S. V. Major Alfred Wagstaff, U. S. V. Brevet Major Henry L. Swords, U. S. V. Colonel Edgar W. Bass, U. S. A. (Retired.) Colonel Robert W. Leonard, U. S. V. First Lieutenant Hartwell A. Wilkins. U. S. V. First Lieutenant Rastus S. Ransom, U. S. V. First Lieutenant Rastus S. Ransom, U. S. V. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Edward Haight, late U. S. A. t Office created by Congress of the Order, April, 1S69. Elected. May- 1, 1907. May 6, 190S. May 5, 1909. May 4, 1910. May 3, 1911. 11 Brevet Major Henry L. Swords, U. S. V. Brevet Major Henry L. Swords, U. S. V. Lieutenant-Colonel Frank C. Loveland, U. S. V. Captain William J. Harding, U. S. V. Captain William J. Harding, U. S. V. Feb. 16 , 1866 May 2 1866 April 30 1867. May 6 1868. May 5 1869. Dec. 1 1869. May 4 1870. May 3 1871. May 8 1872. May 7 1873. May 6, 1874. May 5 1875. May 3, 1876. May 2, 1877. May 1, 1878. May 7, 1879. May 5, 1880. Feb. 25 1881 May 4, 1881. May 3 1882. May 2 1883. May 7, 1884. May 12 1885 May 5 1886. May 4, 1887. May 2, 1888. May 1, 1889. May 7, 1890. May 6, 1891. Oct. 26, 1891. May 4 1892. May 3 1893. May 2 1894. May 8 1895. * Deceas sed. TREASURER. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel William C. Church, U. S. V. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel William C. Church, U. S. V. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel William C. Church, U. S. V. Brevet Colonel Horatio C. King, U. S. V. *Brevet Brigadier-General Charles A. Carleton, U. S. V. *Brevet Major Henry C. Lockwood, U. S. V. *Brevet Major Henry C. Lockwood, U. S. V. ♦Brevet Major Henry C. Lockwood, U. S. V. *Brevet Major Henry C. Lockwood, U. S. V. *Brevet Major Henry C. Lockwood, U. S. V. *Brevet Major Henry C. Lockwood, U. C. V. *Brevet Major Henry C. Lockwood, U. S. V. *Brevet Major Henry C. Lockwood, U. S. V. *Brevet Major Henry C. Lockwood, U. S. V. *Brevet Major Henry C. Lockwood, U. S. V. ♦Brevet Major Henry C. Lockwood, U. S. V. *§Brevet Major Henry C. Lockwood, U. S. V. Paymaster George De Forest Barton, late U. S. N. Paymaster George De Forest Barton, late U. S. N. Paymaster George De Forest Barton, late U. S. N. Paymaster George De Forest Barton, late U. S. N. Paymaster George De Forest Barton, late U. S. N. Paymaster George De Forest Barton, late U. S. N. Paymaster George De Forest Barton, late U. S. N. Paymaster George De Forest Barton, late U. S. N. Paymaster George De Forest Barton, late U. S. N. ♦Acting Assistant Paymaster Allen S. Apgar, late U. S. N. ♦Acting Assistant Paymaster Allen S. Apgar, late U. S. N. ♦§Acting Assistant Paymaster Allen S. Apgar, late U. S. N. Acting Asst. Paymaster A. Noel Blakeman, late U. S. N. Acting Asst. Paymaster A. Noel Blakeman, late U. S. N. Acting Asst. Paymaster A. Noel Blakeman, late U. S. N. Acting Asst. Paymaster A. Noel Blakeman, late U. S. N. ♦Acting Volunteer Lieut. Henry A. Glassford, late U. S. N. § Resigned. Elected. May 6, 1896 May 5, 1897 Dec. 5, 1897 May 4, 1898 May 3, 1899 May 2, 1900 May 1, 1901 May 7, 1902 May 6, 1903 May 4, 1904 May 3, 1905 May 2, 1906 May 1, 1907 May 6, 1908 May 5, 1909 May 4, 1910 May 3, 1911 12 *Pay Inspector Arthur Burtis, ^§Pay Inspector Arthur Burtis, Paymaster John Furey, U. S. Paymaster John Furey, U. S. Paymaster John Furey, U. S. Paymaster John Furey, U. S. Paymaster John Furey, U. S. Paymaster John Furey, U. S. Paymaster John Furey, U. S. Paymaster John Furey, U. S. Paymaster John Furey, U. S. Paymaster John Furey, U. S. Pay Inspector John Furey, U. Pay Inspector John Furey, U. Pay Inspector John Furey, U. Pay Inspector John Furey, U. Pay Inspector John Furey, U. U. S. N. U. S. N. N. (Retired.) (Retired.) (Retired.) (Retired.) (Retired.) N. (Retired.) N. (Retired.) (Retired.) (Retired.) (Retired.) S. N. (Retired.) S. N. (Retired.) S. N. (Retired.) S. N. (Retired.) S. N. (Retired.) N. N. N. N. N. N. N. Feb. 16, 1866 May 2, 1866 April 30, 1867. May 6, 1868 May 5, 1869 May 4, 1870 March 1, 1871. May 3, 1871 May 8. 1872 May 7, 1873 May 6, 1874 May 5, 1875 May 3, 1876 May 2, 1877 May 1, 1878 May 7, 1879 May 5, 1880 May 4, 1881 May 3, 1882 May 2, 1883 May 7, 1884 May 12, 1885 * Decea? ed. CHANCELLOR. *Brevet Major-General Daniel Butterfield, U. S. A. *Brigadier-General James H. Van Alen, Ij. S. V. *Colonel Lloyd Aspinwall, N. G., S. N. Y. *Brevet Brigadier-General Charles A. Carleton, U. S. V. *First Lieutenant Robert A. Ripley, U. S. V. § Surgeon Joseph B. Morrison, Brevet Lieut. -Col., U. S. \' *Brevet Brigadier-General Jacob Sharpe, U. S. V. *Brevet Brigadier-General Jacob Sharpe, U. S. V. *Brevet Brigadier-General Oscar V. Dayton, U. S. V. *Brevet Brigadier-General Oscar V. Dayton, IJ. S. V. II Brevet Major Morris H. Alberger, U. S. V. II Brevet Major Morris H. Alberger, U. S. V. Major Ivan Tailof, U. S. V. Major Ivan Tailof, U. S. V. Major Ivan Tailof, U. S. V. Major Ivan Tailof, U. S. V. Major Ivan Tailof, U. S. V. Major Ivan Tailof, U. S. V. Major Ivan Tailof, U. S. V. *Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Floyd Clarkson, U. S. V. *Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Floyd Clarkson, U. S. V. *Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Floyd Clarkson, U. S. V. Dropped. § Resigned. Elected. May 5 1886 May 4 1887 May 2 1888 May 1 1889 April 18 1890 May 7 1890 May 6 1891 May 4 1892 May 3 1893 May 2 1894 May 8 1895 May 6 1896 May 5 1897 May 4, 1898 May 3, 1899 May 2, 1900 May 1, 1901 May 7, 1902 May 6, 1903 May 4, 1904 May 3, 1905 May 2, 1906 May 1, 1907 May 6, 1908 May 5, 1909 May 4, 1910 May 3 1911 13 *Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Floyd Clarkson, U. S. V. *Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Floyd Clarkson, U. S. V. *Brevet Brigadier-Gen. Christian T. Christensen, U. S. V. *§Brevet Brigadier-Gen. Christian T. Christensen, U. S. V. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Charles N. Swift, U. S. V. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Charles N. Swift, U. S. V. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Charles N. Swift, U. S. V. ♦Captain Samuel Truesdell, U. S. V. *Second Lieutenant Thomas W. B. Hughes, U. S. V. No election. Brevet Major L. Curtis Brackett, U. S. V. *Captain Orville W. Leonard, U. S. V. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Joseph Pool, TJ. S. V. ♦Paymaster William H. H. Williams, late U. S. N. ♦Captain Charles Curie, U. S. V. Captain Edward P. Meeker, U. S. M. C. (Retired.) Captain Edward P. Meeker, U. S. M. C. (Retired.) Acting Master Charles H. Brantingham, late U. S. N. ♦First Lieutenant Fordham Morris, U. S. V. Captain James B. Horner, TJ. S. V. Captain James B. Horner, TJ. S. V. Captain James B. Horner, TJ. S. V. Captain James B. Horner, TJ. S. V. Captain James B. Horner, TJ. S. V. Brevet Major Theron E. Parsons, TJ. S. V. First Lieutenant Hartwell A. Wilkins, TJ. S. V. First Lieutenant Hartwell A. Wilkins, TJ. S. V. CHAPLAIN. Oct. 13, 1869. Chaplain May 4, 1870. Chaplain May 3, 1871. Chaplain May 8, 1872. ♦Chaplain May 7, 1873. ♦Chaplain May 6, 1874. Chaplain May 0, 1875. Chaplain May 3. 1876. ♦Chaplain May 2, 1877. Chaplain May 1, 1878. Chaplain May 7. 1879. ♦Chaplain May 5, 1880. ♦Chaplain * Deceased. William H. Thomas, U. S. V. William H. Thomas, U. S. V. William H. Thomas, U. S. V. Daniel O. Ferris, TJ. S. V. Daniel O. Ferris, TJ. S. V. William H. Thomas, U. S. V. William H. Thomas, TJ. S. V. Daniel O. Ferris, TJ. S. V. William H. Thomas, U. S. V. William H. Thomas, U. S. V. Daniel O. Ferris, TJ. S. V. Daniel O. Ferris, TJ. S. V. § Resigned. Elected. May 4, May May Oct. May May May May May May May May Jan. May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May May 3, 2, 3, 7, 12, 5, 4, 2, 1, 7, 6, 8, 4, 3, 2, 8, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 7, 6, 4, 3, 2, 1, 6, 5, 4, 3, 1881. 1882. 1883. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. 1891. 1892. 1892. 1893. 1894. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. 1900. 1901. 1902. 1903. 1904. 1905. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909. 1910. 1911. 14 *Chaplain John Forsyth, D.D., LL.D., U. S. A. (Retired.) *Chaplain John Forsyth, D.D., LL.D., U. S. A. (Retired.) tRev. John R. Paxton, D.D., 2d Lieutenant, U. S. V. ♦Chaplain Daniel O. Ferris, U. S. V. *Rev. Charles M. Pyne, Captain, U. S. A. (Retired.) *Rev. Charles M. Pyne, Captain, U. S. A. (Retired.) Rev. Edward Anderson, Colonel, U. S. V. Rev. Edward Anderson, Colonel, U. S. V. Rev. Edward Anderson, Colonel, U. S. V. Rev. Edward Anderson, Colonel, IT. S. V. *Chaplain Thomas Drumm, U. S. V. *§Chaplain Thomas Drumm, U. S. V. *Post Chaplain Michael J. Cramer, late U. S. A. *Post Chaplain Michael J. Cramer, late U. S. A. *Post Chaplain Michael J. Cramer, late U. S. A. *Post Chaplain Michael J. Cramer, late U. S. A. *Post Chaplain Michael J. Cramer, late U. S. A. *Major Franklin E. Miller, U. S. V. *Major Franklin E. Miller, U. S. V. *Major Franklin E. Miller, U. S. V. First Lieutenant Nathaniel H. Van Arsdale, U. S. V. Brevet Ma Brevet Ma Brevet Ma Brevet Ma Brevet Ma Brevet Ma Brevet Ma Brevet Ma Brevet Ma Brevet Ma Brevet Ma Brevet Ma, or William S. Hubbell, U. S. V. or William S. Hubbell, U. S. V. or William S. Hubbell, U. S. V. or William S. Hubbell, U. S. V. or William S. Hubbell, U. S. V. or William S. Hubbell, U. S. V. or William S. Hubbell, U. S. V. or William S. Hubbell, U. S. V. or William S. Hubbell, U. S. V. or William S. Hubbell, U. S. V. or William S. Hubbell, U. S. V. or William S. Hubbell, U. S. V. COUNCIL. Feb. 16, 1866. *Commander Daniel Ammen, U. S. N. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Jacob F. Kent, U. S. A. ♦Brevet Brigadier-General Oscar V. Dayton, U. S. "V. Brevet Colonel Horatio C. King, U. S. V. JMay 2, 1866. *Brevet Brigadier-General Charles G. Halpine, U. S. V. ♦Captain John L. Worden, U. S. N. Deceased. Declined. § Resigned. 15 Elected. Oct. 13, 1869. Dec. 1, 1869. May 4, 1870. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Jacob F. Kent, U. S. A. ♦Commander Daniel Ammen, U. S. N. Brevet Colonel Horatio C. King, U. S. V. April 30, 1867. *Major-General Henry E. Davies, Jr., U. S. V. ♦Paymaster Garrett R. Barry, U. S. N. ♦Brevet Colonel Joseph A. Slipper, U. S. V. tfCommander Alexander C. RWnd, U. S. N. ♦Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Stephen C. Lyford, U. S. A. May 6, 1868. ♦Surgeon George Peck, U. S. N. ♦Brevet Brigadier-General Oscar V. Dayton, U. S. V. ♦Captain Stephen D. Trenchard, U. S. N. Brevet Major-General Edward L. Molineux, U. S. V. ♦Brevet Major Henry C. Lockw^ood, U. S. V. May 5, 1869. ♦§Commodore Augustus L. Case, U. S. N. ♦Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Loomis L. Langdon, U. S. A. ♦Captain John J. Almy, U. S. N. ♦Brevet Brigadier-General John H. Bell, U. S. V. §Paymaster James H. Watmough, U. S. N. Commander David B. Harmony, U. S. N. ♦Brevet Brigadier-General William W. Burns, U. S. A. ♦Major-General Samuel P. Heintzelman, U. S. A. (Retired.) ♦Surgeon Henry M. Wells, U. S. N. ♦Brevet Major-General Gordon Granger, U. S. A. ♦Paymaster Joseph C. Eldredge, U. S. N. ♦Brevet Major-General Rufus Ingalls, IT. S. A. May 3, 1871. 1| Brevet Major-General William P. Smith, late U. S. A. ♦Commodore Alexander M. Pennock, U. S. N. ♦Brevet Major-General Silas Casey, U. S. A. (Retired.) ♦Chief Engineer William W. W. Wood, U. S. N. ♦Lieutenant-Colonel George W. Patten, U. S. A. (Retired.) May 8, 1872. ♦Brevet Brigadier-General Chauncey McKeever, U. S. A. ♦Commodore Henry Eagle, U. S. N. (Retired.) Brevet Colonel Horatio C. King, U. S. V. ♦Commander Daniel L. Braine, U. S. N. ♦Brevet Brigadier-General Jacob Sharpe, U. S. V. May 7, 1873. ♦Commodore Henry Eagle, U. S. N. (Retired.) Brevet Colonel Horatio C. King, U. S. V. ♦§Captain George M. Ransom, U. S. N. ♦Brevet Brigadier-General Jacob Sharpe, U. S. V. Surgeon Robert Watts, U. S. V. Jan. 5, 1874. ♦Paymaster Charles W. Hassler, late U. S. N. May 6, 1874. ♦Brevet Brigadier-General Jacob Sharpe, U. S. V. Brevet Colonel Horatio C. King, U. S. V. * Deceased. ^ Withdrew. § Resigned. || Dropped. l(j Elected. *Acting Passed Asst. Surgeon Nicholas L. Campbell, late U. S. N. Surgeon Robert Watts, U. S. V. ^Paymaster Charles W. Hassler, late U. S. N. May 5, 1875. *Brigadier-General John Cochrane, U. S. V. *Brevet Brigadier-General Jacob Sharpe, U. S. V. *Surgeon Henry M. Wells, U. S. N. Brevet Colonel Horatio C. King, U. S. V. Major Ivan Tailof, U. S. V. May 3, 1876. *Brigadier-General John Cochrane, U. S. V. *Brevet Brigadier-Gen. John J. Abercrombie, XT. S. A. (Re- tired.) *Brevet Brigadier-General Edward Jardine, U. S. V. *Captain Daniel L. Braine, IT. S. N. *Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel John L. Broome, U. S. M. C. Jan. 26, 1877. *Brigadier-General Joseph B. Kiddoo, U. S. A. (Retired.) May 2, 1877. *Brigadier-General John Cochrane, U. S. V. *Brigadier-General Joseph B. Kiddoo, U. S. A. (Retired.) *Brevet Brigadier-General Edward Jardine, U. S. V. *Captain Daniel L. Braine, U. S. N. *Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel John L. Broome, U. S. M. C. May 1, 1878. *Brigadier-General John Cochrane, U. S. V. *Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel John L. Broome, IT. S. M. C *Brigadier-General Joseph B. Kiddoo, U. S. A. (Retired.) *Paymaster John H. Stevenson, U. S. N. §Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel J. Ford Kent, U. S. A. Sept. 13, 1878. Brevet Major Joseph P. Sanger, U. S. A. May 7, 1879. *Brigadier-General John Cochrane, U. S. V. §Lieutenant-Colonel John L. Broome, U. S. M. C. *Brigadier-General Joseph B. Kiddoo, U. S. A. (Retired.) Brevet Major Joseph P. Sanger, U. S. A. *Captain Henry -Erben, U. S. N. Nov. 11, 1879. *Paymaster John H. Stevenson, U. S. N. May 5, 1880. *Brevet Brigadier-General John J. Milhau, late U. S. A. *Paymaster John H. Stevenson, IT. S. N. *Brevet Brigadier-General Frederick T. Locke, U. S. V. Brevet Colonel Horatio C. King, U. S. V. *§Brevet Brigadier-General Chauncey McKeever, U. S. A. Jan. 17, 1881. Judge Advocate Asa Bird Gardiner, U. S. A. May 4, 1881. *Brevet Brigadier-General Charles S. Wainwright, U. S. V. *Lieutenant-Colonel John L. Broome, U. S. M. C. Captain John J. McCook, U. S. V. * Chief Engineer Charles H. Loring, U. S. N. * Deceased. § Resigned. Elected. May 3, 1882. Sept. 29, 1882. May 2, 1883. May 7, 1884. Oct. 31, 1884. May 12, 1885. May 5, 1886. May 4, 1887. May 2, 188! May 2, 188! May 1, 1889. 17 Brevet Lieutenant-Col. Charles H. Alden, Surgeon, U. S. A. *Brevet Brigadier-Gen. Christian T. Christensen, U. S. V. Captain Charles Shaler, U. S. A. tCaptain David B. Harmony, U. S. N. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Augustus M. Clark, U. S. V. Paymaster Theodore S. Thompson, U. S. N. *Lieutenant Elliott J. Arthur, U. S. N. *Brevet Brigadier-General Richard H. Jackson, U. S. A. Major John B. Lockwood, U. S. V. Judge Advocate Asa Bird Gardiner, U. S. A. II Chief Engineer George Sewell, U. S. N. Acting Ensign Aaron Vanderbilt, late U. S. N. *Pay Director John S. Cunningham, U. S. N. (Retired.) II Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Frederick A. Sawyer, U. S. V. tChief Engineer George W. Magee, U. S. N. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel W. Butler Beck, U. S. A. *Brevet Major Charles S. Langdon, IT. S. V. Acting Ensign David McN. Stauffer, late U. S. N. Brevet Brigadier-General Gilbert H. McKibbin, U. S. V. ♦Captain William E. Van Reed, U. S. A. *Passed Asst. Paymaster Gilbert A. Robertson, late U. S. N. *First Lieutenant Edmund L. Zalinski, U. S. A. ♦Captain Samuel Truesdell, U. S. V. *Brevet Major-General Wager Swayne, U. S. A. (Re- tired.) Brevet Colonel Edward M. L. Ehlers, U. S. V. ♦Captain Joshua A. Fessenden, U. S. A. First Lieutenant James E. Sawyer, U. S. A. *Act. Third Asst. Engineer John W. Handren, late U. S. N. ♦Brevet Major-General Wager Swayne, U. S. A. (Retired.) ♦Brevet Brigadier-General Frederick T. Locke, U. S. V. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Robert W. Leonard, U. S. V. Brevet Major Joseph P. Sanger, U. S. A. ♦Acting Assistant Paymaster Allen S. Apgar, late U. S. N. ♦Brevet Major-General Wager Swayne, U. S. A. (Retired.) ♦Brevet Brigadier-General Charles A. Carleton, U. S. V. ♦Lieutenant-Commander Joseph Marthon, U. S. N. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Edward Haight, late U. S. A. Captain George M. Hard, U. S. V. Brevet Colonel Horatio C. King, U. S. V. ♦Brevet Major-General George S. Greene, U. S. V. Deceased. Declined II Dropped. EOected. Captain James D. Campbell, U. S. V. *Colonel John Hamilton, U. S. A. (Retired.) *§Rear- Admiral Daniel L. Braine, U. S. N. Jan. 16, 1890. Lieutenant-Commander Charles E. McKay, U. S. N. (Re- tired.) May 7, 189 0. Major J. Langdon Ward, U. S. V. *Medical Director George Peck, U. S. N. (Retired.) Lieutenant-Colonel George L. Gillespie, U. S. A. Lieutenant-Commander Charles E. McKay, U. S. N. (Re- tired.) *Brevet Major Thomas B. Odell, U. S. V. May 6, 1891. Major J. Langdon Ward, U. S. V. *Act. Vol. Lieutenant Henry A. Glassford, late U. S. N. Brevet Major Henry Eagle Smith, late U. S. A. Captain William J. Harding, U. S. V. Captain Clinton B. Sears, U. S. A. May 4, 1892. Major J. Langdon Ward, U. S. V. *Captain Charles S. Norton, U. S. N. Colonel Rodney Smith, U. S. A. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel William S. Cogswell, U. S. V. Captain Henry W. Hubbell, U. S. 4.. May 3, 1893. Brevet Brigadier-General Nicholas W. Day, U. S. V. *Pay Inspector Arthur Burtis, U. S. N. Lieutenant-Colonel Charles C. Suydam, U. S. V. Major Edmund K. Russell, U. S. V.; Captain, U. S. A. Acting Ensign Aaron Vanderbilt, late TJ. S. N. May 2, 1894. Lieutenant-Colonel Charles C. Suydam, U. S. V. Brevet Brigadier-General Nicholas W. Day, U. S. V. May 8, 1895. Lieutenant-Colonel Charles C. Suydam, U. S. V. *Brig.-Gen. Egbert L. Viele, U. S. V.; First Lieut., late U. S. A. Brevet Brigadier-General Nicholas W. Day, U. S. V. Brevet Brigadier-General J. Fred Pierson, U. S. V. Major Frank H. Phipps, U. S. A. May 6, 1896. Brevet Brigadier-General Henry L. Burnett, U. S. V. *Brevet Brig.-Gen. Thomas Wilson, U. S. A. (Retired.) *Brevet Major William H. Male, U. S. V. *Brevet Captain James C. Cooley, late U. S. A. Acting Asst. Surgeon Titus Munson Coan, late U. S. N. May .5, 1897. Brevet Brigadier-General Henry L. Burnett, U. S. V. *Brevet Brig.-Gen. Thomas Wilson, IT. S. A. (Retired.) *Brevet Major William H. Male, U. S. V. *Brevet Colonel George Blagden, U. S. V. * Deceased. § Resigned. 19 Elected. Master Robert M. Thompson, late U. S. N. May 4, 1898. Brevet Brigadier-General Henry L. Burnett, U. S. V. *Brevet Brig.-Gen. Thomas Wilson, U. S. A. (Retired.) Brevet Lieut.-Colonel Wm. Butler Beck, U. S. A. (Re- tired.) *Medical Director Thomas C. Walton, U. S. N. Captain George W. Brush, U. S. V. May 3, 1899. *Captain Theodore F. Kane, U. S. N. (Retired.) Colonel Edgar W. Bass, U. S. A. (Retired.) *Brevet Major Theodore K. Gibbs, late U. S. A. *Brevet Major Morris J. Asch, late U. S. A. Captain Edward P. Meeker, U. S. M. C. (Retired.) May 2, 1900. Colonel Edgar W. Bass, U. S. A. (Retired.) Brevet Brigadier-General Gilbert H. McKibbin, U. S. V. ♦Medical Director Edward S. Bogert, U. S. N. (Retired.) *Brevet Captain Frank S. Halliday, U. S. V. First Lieutenant Franklin Murphy, U. S. V. May 1, 1901. Brevet Brigadier-General Gilbert H. McKibbin, U. S. V. Colonel Charles I. Wilson, U. S. A. (Retired.) Lieutenant-Colonel William H. Boyle, U. S. A. (Retired.) *First Lieutenant Samuel R. Beardsley, U. S. V. *Act. Third Asst. Engineer Thomas H. Bari'ett, late U. S. N. May 7, 1902. Brevet Brigadier-General Gilbert H. McKibbin, U. S. V. Colonel Charles I. Wilson, U. S. A. (Retired.) Lieutenant-Colonel William H. Boyle, U. S. A. (Retired.) Brevet Captain F. Augustus Schermerhorn, U. S. V. First Assistant Engineer Orleans Longacre, late U. S. N. May 6, 1903. Colonel Charles I. Wilson, U. S. A. (Retired.) Lieutenant-Colonel William H. Boyle, U. S. A. (Retired.) Brevet Captain F. Augustus Schermerhorn, U. S. V. Brevet Brigadier-General J. Fred Pierson, U. S. V. *First Lieutenant Dudley F. Phelps, U. S. V. May 4, 1904. Colonel William H. Boyle, U. S. A. (Retired.) Brevet Brigadier-General J. Fred Pierson, U. S. V. Brevet Captain F. Augustus Schermerhorn, U. S. V. *Rear- Admiral James Entwistle, U. S. N. (Retired.) Acting "Vol. Lieutenant George W. Brown, late U. S. N. May 3, 1905. Brevet Brigadier-General J. Fred Pierson, U. S. V. Brevet Brigadier-General Anson G. McCook, U. S. V. *Rear-Admiral James Entwistle, U. S. N. (Retired.) Major Frederick H. E. Ebstein, U. S. A. (Retired.) ♦Assistant Surgeon Edgar Holden, late U. S. N. ♦Deceased. 20 Elected. May 2, 1906. Brevet Brigadier-General Anson G. McCook, U. S. V. *Rear-Admiral James Entwistle, U. S. N. (Retired.) Major Frederick H. E. Ebstein, U. S. A. (Retired.) *Assistant Surgeon Edgar Holden, late U. S. N. Major Moses Harris, U. S. A. (Retired.) May 1, 1907. Brigadier-General James N. Wheelan, U. S. A. (Retired) Captain James H. Chasmar, U. S. N. (Retired.) Major Alfred Wagstaff, U. S. V. Acting Ensign David McN. Stauffer, late U. S. N. *First Lieutenant John Crane, U. S. V. May 6, 1908. • Lieutenant-Colonel Francis B. Jones, U. S. A. (Retired.) Second Asst. Engineer William S. Wells, late U. S. N. Captain James H. Chasmar, U. S. N. (Retired.) Acting Ensign David McN. Stauffer, late U. S. N. Brevet Captain Frank M. Kelley, U. S. V. May 5, 1909. *Brevet Major-General N. Martin Curtis, U. S. V. Lieutenant-Colonel Francis B. Jones, U. S. A. (Retired.) Brevet Captain Frank M. Kelley, U. S. V. Brevet Major William DeW. Miller, IT. S. V. Acting Master Edwin V. Gager, late U. S. N. May 4, 1910. Brigadier-General James B. Hickey, U. S. A. (Retired.) Lieutenant-Colonel Frank C. Loveland, U. S. V. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel William S. Cogswell, U. S. V. Brevet Major William DeW. Miller, U. S. V. Second Assistant Engineer Reuben Riley, late U. S. N. May 3, 1911. Brigadier-General Francis Moore, U. S. A. (Retired.) First Lieutenant Thomas Sturgis, U. S. V.. Acting Ensign Joseph Ware, late U. S. N. Captain James A. Scrymser, U. S. V. Major Moses Harris, U. S. A. (Retired.) "Defeased. COMPANIONS. EXPLANATION. Names preceded by an asterisk (*) are those of deceased Companions. Names of Charter Members are in LARGE CAPITALS. Commandery of the State of Pennsylvania Penn. " " Maine Me. " " Massachusetts Mass. " " California Cal. " " Wisconsin Wis. Illinois 111. " of the District of Columbia D. C. of the State of Ohio Ohio. " " Michigan Mich. " " Minnesota ; Minn. " " Oregon Ore. " " Missouri Mo. " " Nebraska Neb. " " Kansas Kan. " " Iowa Iowa. " " Colorado Col. " " Indiana Ind. " " Washington Wash. " Vermont Vt. " " Maryland Md. The small figures preceding the name of a Companion indicate that he has been transferred to this Commandery, having been elected in another Commandery 1 — Standing for the Commandery of the State of Pennsylvania 3— 4— 5— 6— 7— 8— 9— lo- ll— 12— 13— 14— 15— 16— 17— IS- IS— 20— 21— " Maine. " Massachusetts. " California. " Wisconsin. " Illinois, of the District of Columbia, of the State of Ohio. " Michigan. " Minnesota. " Oregon. " Missouri. " Nebraska. " Kansas. " Iowa. " Colorado. " Indiana. " Washington. " Vermont. " Maryland. 23 No. of Elected. Name and Rank. Address. Insignia. Dec. 4, 1889. Abbot, Henry L. Cambridge, Mass. 7448 Brigadier-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) Bvt. Major-General, U. S. V. May 2,1906. Abeel, Henry F. New York City 15064 (Second Class) May 2, 1888. «Adams, Charles A. New York City 6290 Commander, U. S. N. (Retired.) (In succession.) Oct. 1, 1884. Adams, Hugh W. New York City 3185 Major, 7th Ky. Inf. Nov. 1, 1871. 'Aiken, William A. Norwich, Conn. 1365 Act. Asst. Paymr., late U. S. N. Feb. 2, 1910. Aldrich, Herbert L. New York City 16156 (Second Class.) May 3, 1905. Alexander, Eugene D. New York City 14523 (In succession.) Dec. 3, 1890. Allaire, John, New York City 83 63 (In succession.) April 6, 1892. Allen, Francis B. Hartford, Conn. 9417 2d Asst. Engr., late U. S. N. Oct 5, 1887. Allen, Gorton W. Auburn, N. Y. 5 709 1st Lieut., Adjt., 160th N. Y. Inf. May 4,1904. Allen, William F. South Orange, N. J. 14290 (Hereditary.) Oct. 16, 1890. "Allison, James N. Governor's Island, N. Y. 8135 Private 39th Ky. Inf. Colonel Asst. Com.-General, U. S. A. Feb. 2, 1898. Alston, Theodore W. Newark, N. J. 12129 2d Lieut., 2d N. J. Inf. April 1, 1868. Ames, Adelbert, Lowell, Mass. 72 9 Bvt. Major-General, late U. S. A. Brevet Major-General, U. S. V. April 1, 1896. "Anderson, Henry Schuyler, New Haven, Conn. 11430 (Second Class.) May 1, 1895. ^Andrade, Cipriano, New York City 11025 (In succession.) June 10. 1885. 'Andrews, George, Governor's Island, N. Y. 3950 Colonel, A. G., U. S. A. (Second Class.) Dec. 12, 1883. Andrews, James M. New York City 2928 1st Lieutenant, 30th N. Y. Inf. May 1, 1889. Andrews, James M., Jr. Schenectady, N. Y. 7098 2d Lieutenant, late 1st U. S. Cav. Captain, 2d N. Y. Vol. Inf. (Second Class.) 24 No. of Elected. Name and Rank. Address. Insignia. April 3, 1889. Appleton, William H. Suncook, N. H. 6960 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Aug. 3,1892. ^Arms, Frank Thornton, Care of Navy Dept. 9699 Pay Inspector, U. S. N. (Hereditary.) April 1,1891. Asch, Joseph J. South Norwalk, Conn. 86 68 (In succession.) Dec. 13, 1905. Ashton, James W. Clean, N. Y. 1482 8 1st Lieut, 15 7th Penn. Inf. April 5, 1893. Atkins, Alfred, Roselle Park, N. J. 10083 Captain, 98th N. Y. Inf. Feh. 5, 19 08. Atwater, Edward S. Jr. Elizabeth, N. J. 15579 (In succession.) Dec. 13, 1899. Avery, Frank M. Brooklyn, N. Y. 12732 (In succession.) Nov. 7, 1883. Avery, Robert, Brooklyn, N. Y. 3121 Colonel, U. S. A. (Retired.) Brevet Major-General, U. S. V. B May 1, 1889. Babbitt, Charles J. Boston, Mass. 7093 (Hereditary.) Dec. 4, 1901. Babcock, Harry W. Stonington, Conn. 13894 (In succession.) Oct. 15, 1902. Bacon, William P. New Britain, Conn. 13656 Lieut.-Colonel, 5th N. Y. Cav. Feb. 5, 1890. Bagg, Egbert, Utica, N. Y. 7621 (In succession.) May 6,1908. Bailey, Daniel W. Buffalo, N. Y. 15 678 Captain, 78th U. S. Col'd. Inf. Oct. 7, 1891. Bailey, James H. New York City 8 940 Brevet Captain, U. S. V. Oct. 2, 1889. Bailey, John M. Albany, N. Y. 723 9 1st Lieut, Adjt, 177th N. Y. Inf. May 2, 1894. Bailey, Judson Hooker, Albany, N. Y, 10549 (Second Class.) Dec. 5, 1893. Bailey, Pryce W. Seneca Falls, N. Y, 10320 1st Lieut, 61st N. Y. Inf. May 4, 1910. Bailey, Theodorus, New York City 16263 (Hereditary.) Feb. 6,1889. Baird, Andrew D. Brooklyn, N. Y. 6746 Major, 79th N. Y. Inf. May 1, 1889. Baird, Andrew R. Brooklyn, N. Y. 7099 (Second Class.) Feb. 7, 1900. Baker, Fisher A, Yonkers, N. Y. 127 87 Brevet Captain, U. S. V. May 3,1899. Ball, Ogil vie D. Albany, N. Y. 12553 1st Lieut., R. Q. M., 3d N. Y. Lt. Art 25 No. of Elected. Name and Rank. Address. Insignia. April 1, 1891. Bampton, Benjamin C. Brooklyn, N. Y. 8640 Passed Asst. Engr., U. S. N. (Retired.) Dec. 1, 1909. Banks, Willard N. Brooklyn, N. Y. 16097 (Second Class.) May 2, 1894. Banta, William, New York City 1053 8 1st Lieut., R. C. S., 12th N. Y. Cav. Feb. 1, 1893. Baquet, Camille, Spots wood, N. J. 9 9 48 2d Lieut., 1st N. J. Inf. Dec. 3, 1902. Baquet, Camille, Jr. Spotswood, N. J. 13764 Private, late U. S. Engineers. (Second Class.) Feb. 1, 1888. Barger, Fred. C. New York City. 6019 1st Lieut, 49tli N. Y. Inf. Dec. 3, 1890. Barker, Elmer J. Crown Point, N. Y. 8343 Major, Sth N. Y. Cav. Dec. 5, 1906. Barker, Frederick, Elmira, N. Y. 15210 Captain, 2 6tli Me. Inf. Oct. 10, 1906. Barker, John Hammond, Glens Falls, N. Y. 15174 (Second Class.) Feb. 4, 18 85. Barker, Joseph H. New York City 3608 1st Lieut., 5th N. Y. Hvy. Art. Feb. 1, 1911. Barker, William C. Mamaroneck, N. Y. 16448 (Second Class.) Oct. 4, 1893. *Barley, Jonathan W. Died July 4, 1911. 10253' Captain, 37 th N. Y. Inf. April 7, 1886. Barnard, Levi R. Newark, N. J. 4602 1st Lieut, 2d N. J. Cav. Dec. 13, 1905. Barnes, Herbert Seymour, Redding Ridge, Conn. 14837 (Second Class.) April 3, 188 9. Barrows, Elliot T. New York City 69 68 (Hereditary.) Feb. 6, 1901. Barstow, Charles L. New York City 13118 (Second Class.) Feb. 3, 1892. Bartholf, John H. Cambridge, Mass. 9304 Brevet Captain, U. S. V. Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. A. (Retired.) Dec. 7, 1898. Bartholomew, Thomas L. Bridgeport Conn. 12399 1st Lieut., Adjt., 9th N. Y. Inf. Nov. 13, 1867. ^Barton, George DeForest, New York City 543 Paymaster, late U. S. N. Feb. 2,1887. Bass, Edgar W. New York City 5293 Quartermaster-Sergt., 8th Minn. Inf. Colonel, (Prof. U. S. M. A.) U. S. A. (Retired.) Feb. 5, 1908. Bassett Frederic B. Elizabeth, N. J. 155 78 (Hereditary.) Dec. 7, 1892. Bassford, Abraham, New York City 9 857 Brevet Major, late U. S. A. Colonel, 14th N. Y. Cav. 26 No. of Elected. Name and Rank. Address. Insignia. Oct. 3,1900. Bassford, Abraham, Jr. Hartsdale, N. Y. 12964 (Second Class.) Feb. 5, 1890. Bates, Alexander B. Binghamton, N. Y. 7601 Rear-Admlral, U. S. N. (Retired.) May 7,1902. Bates, William H. Brooklyn, N. Y. 13570 Act. Asst. Surgeon, late U. S. N. Dec. 3,1902. Baxter, Archibald E. Elmira, N. Y. 13755 Captain, 141st N. Y. Inf. Oct. 7,1885. 'Beach, William H. Seneca Falls, N. Y. 4127 1st Lieut. 1st N. Y. Cav. Feb. 7,1906. Beardsley, George A. East Orange, N. J. 14914 (In succession.) Feb. 2, 1910. Beck, James M. New York City 16157 (Second Class.) May 2,1883. Beck, Wm. Butler, Passaic, N. J. 2760 Bvt. Lieut.-Col., U. S. A. (Retired.) Feb. 2, 1881. Beers, Alfred B. Bridgeport, Conn., 2143 Captain, 6th Conn. Inf. May 6, 1903. Belknap, Ralph A. Bolivia, S. A. 13950 (In succession.) Feb. 1, 1888. Bell,, William H. New York City 6006 Asst. Paymaster, late U. S. N. (Hereditary.) April 4, 1883. Bendell, Herman, Albany, N. Y. 2571 Surgeon, 86th N. Y. Inf. Feb. 2, 1910. Benjamin, Park, New York City 16149 Ensign, late U. S. N. Oct. 4,1899. Benjamin, William M. Garrison, N. Y. 12629 Private, Troop A., N. Y. Vol. Cav. (In succession.) Oct. 4, 1899. Benkard, J. Philip, New York City 12631 Captain, 12th N. Y. Vol. Inf. (In succession.) Oct. 4,1899. Bennett, Thomas G. New Haven, Conn. 12626 Captain, 29th Conn. Col'd Inf. Dec. 1, 1886. Benson, Frederic S. Atlantic Highlands, N. J. 5114 Brevet Captain, U. S. V. Dec. 5, 1906. Berryman, Wilson, New York City 15211 1st Lieut. 32nd U. S. Col'd Inf. Oct. 5, 1898. Betts, Samuel R. New York City 1232 5 (In succession.) Oct. 7, 1891. Bevins, Silas H. New York City 8942 Acting Ensign, late U. S. N. Oct. 7, 18 85. Bicker, Henry K. New York City 3773 Brevet Major, U. S. V. May 3,1905. Bird, Peter B. New York City 14524 (Second Class.) March 2, 1904. 'Bisbee, Eugene S. New York City 14221 (Second Class.) Elected. Feb. 6, 1902, April 6, 1892. Feb. 2, 1887 Dec. 5, 1900 April 4, 1883. Feb. 4, 1891. 27 No. of Name and Rank. Address. Insignia. Bisbee, Horatio, Jacksonville, Fla. 13449 Lieut.-Colonel, 9tli Maine Inf. Bishop, William, New York City 9419 1st Lieut, R. Q. M., 13tli Conn. Inf. Blair, Benjamin F. New York City 52 9 9 Captain, 123d Ohio Inf. Blair, John N. New York City 13060 (Second Class.) Blakeman, A. Noel, Mount Vernon, N. Y. 2572 Act. Asst. Paymaster, late U. S. N. 4, 1891. ^Blanchard, Joseph N. Madison, N. J. 8 471 (Hereditary.) June 11, 189 6. 'Blauvelt, William F. Washington, D. C. 11523 Major, 16th U. S. Inf. (Hereditary.) Dec. 7, 1892. Bleidorn, Charles F. G. New York City 9858 2d Lieut., 2 0th N. Y. Inf. Feb. 2, 1910. Blewett, William E. Newark, N. J. 16150 1st Lieut. 2nd N. J. Vols. Oct. 15, 1902. Blundell, William, Paterson, N. J. 13657 Asst. Surgeon, 5 th N. J. Inf. Oct. 6, 1897. Blunt, Harrison N. Palmerton, Pa. 11925 (In succession.) Nov. 21,189 4. "Boar dman, Walter F. Oradell, N. J. 10988 (Second Class.) Oct. 3, 1883. Boggs, Thomas K. Flushing, N. Y. 2769 1st Lieut., Adjt., 23d Penn. Inf. April 7, 1886. *Bond, Frank S. New London, Conn. 46 41 Major, A. D. C, U. S. V. Dec. 1, 19 09. Book, George M. San Antonio, Texas, 16 086 Rear Admiral U. S. N. (Retired.) Nov. 19,1884. =Borden, George P. New York City 3455 Private, 121st N. Y. Inf. Brig.-Gen'l., U. S. A. (Retired.) Dec. 2,1896. Boswell, Charles P. Rochester, N. Y. 11627 Captain, 9 2d N. Y. Inf. Feb. 1, 1888. Boudren, Thomas, Bridgeport, Conn. 6010 Major, 2 5th U. S. C. Inf. Dec. 3, 19 02. Bourne, Charles Warren, Hamburg, N. Y. 13 75 6 Asst. Surgeon, 1st Vt. Hvy. Art. Feb. 3,1904. Bouvier, John V. New York City 14168 Brevet Captain, U. S. V.. Dec. 1,1909. Bouvier, John v., Jr. New York City 16093 (Second Class.) Nov. 29, 1887. '"Bowen, James A. New York City 5905 Captain, 2d R. I. Inf. Oct. 5, 1910. Bowman, Frank, New York City 1632 4 (Second Class.) 28 No. of Elected. Name and Rank. Address. Insignia. April 5, 1893. Boyd, Robert, Arecibo, P. R. 10107 Act. Asst. Surgeon, late U. S. A. Asst. Surgeon, late U. S. N. Captain, Asst. Surgeon, U. S. V. (In succession.) Aug. 20, 1884. =Boyle, William H. Rowayton, Conn. 3328 Major, 5th N. Y. Heavy Art. Colonel, U. S. A. (Retired.) April 6, 1887. Brackett, L. Curtis, New York City. 5405 Brevet Major, U. S. V. May 5, 1909. Bradford, Harold S. Glen Ridge, N. J. 15958 (Hereditary.) April 3, 1895. Bradley, Thomas W. Walden, N. Y. 10960 Brevet Major, U. S. V. May 3,1905. Bradshaw, Albert M. Lakewood, N. J. 14520 Captain, A. Q. M., U. S. V. Feb. 6, 1895. Bradshaw, William H. New York City. 1089 b 2d Lieut, 90th N. Y. Inf. April 3,1878. Braine, Lawrence F. New York City. 1786 (In succession.) May 2, 1894. Bi'antingham, Charles H. New York City. 10540 Acting Master, late U. S. N. Feb. 1,1911. Brayton, William S. New York City 16446 (Hereditary.) May 2, 1888. ^Breck, George, New York City 6247 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Dec. 1, 1909. Breck, George McK. New York City 16095 (Second Class.) Dec. 4, 1901. Breintnall, R. Heber, Newark, N. J. 13391 Q. M. Sergeant, 39th N. J. Inf. Lieut.-Colonel, 1st N. J. Vol. Inf. May 7,1902. Brewster, Joseph, New York City 13577 (In succession.) Oct. 2,1901. Brinkerhoff, Henry H. Jersey City, N. J. 13273 (Hereditary.) Oct. 2, 1907. Brokaw, William B. New York City 15440 Captain, 96th N. Y. Inf. May 3, 1899. Bromley, Isaac, New Haven, Conn. 12560 (In succession.) April 7, 186 6. Brooks, Charles A. Camden, Maine 4601 Captain, 9 th Me. Inf. April 6, 1892. Brooks, Frank Terry, Greenwich, Conn. 9440 (Second Class.) Dec. 3,1890. Brown, Augustus C. New York City 8345 Captain, 4th N. Y. Hvy. Art. May 6, 18^,6. Brown, Clinton C. Schenectady, N. Y. 11460 Captain, 13 4th N. Y. Inf. May 4, 1898. Brown, Francis K. New York City 122 49 (In succession.) 29 N'o. of Elected. Name and Rank. Address. Insignia. Oct. 7,1885. Brown, George W. Brooklyn, N. Y. 3774 Act. Vol. Lieutenant, late U. S. N. Nov. 7, 1883. "Brown, Justus Morris, Hackensack, N. J. 2 960 Brig.-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) Dec. 5, 1906. Brown, William O. Stratford, Conn. 1.5212 2nd Lieut. 21st N. Y. Inf. Jan. 4, 1871. Brownell, Charles A. Cortland, N. Y. 12 30 1st Lieut., 10th U. S. C. Hvy. Art. May 12, 1885. Brush, George W. Brooklyn, N. Y. 376 6 Captain, 34th U. S. C. Inf. April 4,1894. Brush, Herbert Bowers, Brooklyn, N. Y. 10501 (Second Class.) Dec. 5, 189 3. Bryant, Percy, Rah way, N. J. 10331 (Hereditary.) Nov. 4, 19 08. ^Bryant, William S. New York City 15784 (Hereditary.) April 1, 1891. Bryson, Andrew, New Castle, Del. 867 4 (In succession.) Dec. 5, 1893. Buchanan, Charles J. Albany, N. Y. 10321 1st Lieut., 1st U. S. Sharpshooters. Dec. 5, 189 4. Buckley, William J. Paterson, N. J. 10751 Captain, 2d N. J. Inf. Oct. 2, 1901. Buek, Thomas C. New York City 132 71 Captain, 12th N. Y. Vol. Inf. (In succession') Feb. 5,1902. Burdick, Daniel W. Ithaca, N. Y. 13450 Bvt. Captain, U. S. V. Dec. 7, 1910. Burnett, Francis E. London, England 16403 (Hereditary.) April 1,1885. Burnett, Henry L. New York City 3768 Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. V. May 6, 1908. Burnham, Edwin K. Newark, N. Y. 15679 Captain 111th N. Y. Inf. Feb. 5, 1896. 'Burns, Edward N. New York City 11373 (Hereditary.) Nov. 4, 1885. ^Burpee, Lucien F. Waterbury, Conn. 42 57 Lieut.-Col., J. A., U. S. V. (Hereditary.) May 4, 1892. Burrows, William M. New York City 9556 1st Lieut., 127th U. S. C. Inf. April 6, 1887. Burtis, Areunah M. Orange, N. J. 5413 1st Lieut., R. Q. M., 83d N. Y. Inf. Feb. 6, 1907. Burtis, Morse T. Lockport. N. Y. 15283 (In succession.) Oct. 10, 1906. Burton, J. Howard, Mt. Vernon, N. Y. 15172 (Hereditary.) May 4,1910. Butler, Louis F. Hartford, Conn. 16265 (Hereditary.) 30 No. o? Elected. Name and Rank. Address. Insi^Ia. May 6, 1891. Byxbee, Theodore, Meriden, Conn. 879 4 Major, 2 7th Conn. Inf. Nov. 12, 189 0. 'Caldwell, Brown, Stockbridge, Mass. 8250 (Second Class.) May 3,1905. Calvert Henry M. Brooklyn, N. Y. 14521 1st Lieut, 11th N. Y. Cav. Dec. 5, 1906. Cameron, Winfield S. Jamestown, N. Y. 15213 Brevet Major, U. S. V. April 6, 1892. Camp, Elisha K. New York City 9 43 8 (Hereditary.) Feb. 6, 1907. Campbell, Allan R. New York City 1527 5 (In succession.) April 7, 1886. Campbell, James D. , Wyncote, Penn. 4614 Captain, 49th Penn. Inf. May 4, 190 4. Cannon, George R New York City 14284 1st. Lieut, Adjt, 144th N. Y. Inf. Dec. 2, 1896. Carman, James L. Metuchen, N. J. 11628 1st Lieut 13 th N. J. Inf. Dec. 13,1905. Carrington, James B. New York City 14838 (Second Class.) April 3,1895. Carter, John L. Plattsburg, N. Y. 10962 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Dec. 2, 1891. Cary, Samuel E. East Orange, N. J. 9124 2d Lieut., 13th Mass. Inf. Feb. 1, 1893. Cary, William B. Windsoi% Conn. 9 95a Captain, 5th N. Y. Cav. Feb. 7, 1900. Catlin, George de G. San Antonio, Texas 12800 Captain, late 42d U. S. Vol. Inf. Captain, 2 8th U. S. Inf. (Second Class.) April 5, 1893. Catlin, Isaac S. Brooklyn, N. Y. 10084 Brig.-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) Brevet Major-General, U. S. V. April 2, 1890. Catlin, Lyman S. Bridgeport, Conn. 7777 1st Lieut., R. Q. M., 5th U. S. C. Cav. May 4,1904. Chandler, Nathan W. Vineland, N. J. 14285 1st Lieut., 109th N. Y. Inf. May 6,1903. Chapleau, Samuel E. St. Onge, Ottawa, Can. 13948 Brevet Major, late U. S. A. Oct 7, 1903. Chapman, Henry W. New York City 14039 (Hereditary.) Dec. 1, 1897. Chasmar, James H. Darien, Conn. 12001 Chief Engineer, U. S. N. (Retired.) April 4, 1894. Chatfield, William F. Waterbury, Conn. 10493 Acting Ensign, late U. S. N. 31 So. of Elected. Name ami Rank. Addi'ess. Insignia. Oct. 1, 1890. Cheney, Benjamin H. New Haven, Conn. 8102 Act. Asst. Surg., late U. S. A. Asst. Surgeon, 41st Ohio Inf. Oct. 2, 1907. Chester, Arthur T. Constantinople, Turkey 15 4 46 Lieutenant, late U. S. N. (Second Class.) Dec. 4, 1889. Chlpman, Richard H. New York City 74.54 Act. Asst. Paymr., late U. S. N. May 4, 1910. Church, Willard Montclair, N. J. 16270 (Second Class.) Jan. 17, 1866. 'CHURCH, WILLIAM C. New York City 130 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. Dec. 1,1897. Churchill, Lawrence W. New York City 12010 (In succession.) Feb. 6, 1895. Cilley, Arthur H. New York City 10907 (Second Class.) Dec. 3, 1884. Cilley, John K. New York City 3357 Major, Q. M., U. S. V. Feb. 3, 1892. ^Clapp, Henry M. New York City 9343 (In succession.) Feb. 3, 1886. Clark, A. Judson, Nat'l Home, Dayton, O. 4483 Brevet Major, U. S. V. April 1, 1891. Clark, A. Judson, Jr. Newark, N. J. 8669 (Hereditary.) June 14, 1876. Clark, Augustus M. Newark, N. J. 1642 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. Dec. 1, 1909. Clark, Fred. A. West Point, N. Y. 16084 1st Lieut. 2 9th Indiana Inf. May 3, 1911. Clark, Thomas S. Brooklyn, N. Y. 16523 (Hereditary.) Dec. 5, 189 4. Clement, Henry Steiner, New York City 10752 Major, 79th Ohio Inf. April 8,1880. 'Clements, Prank M. New York City 2095 1st Lieut., 39th Wis. Inf. Feb. 2, 189 8. Cline, E. Clarke, Phillipsburg, N. J. 12131 Chaplain, 11th N. J. Inf. Dec. 7, 1898. Closson, Henry B. New York City 12409 (Second Class.) May 10, 1888. 'Clowry, Robert C. New York City 6313 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. Feb. 6, 1884. Coan, Titus Munson, New York City 3122 Act. Asst. Surgeon, late U. S. N. Act. Asst. Surgeon, late U. S. A. Dec. 5, 1894. Cochnower, James Henry, New York City 10753 1st Lieut, 7 4th Ohio Inf. May 2, 1906. Coddington, Clarence M. New York City 15060 (In succession.) 32 Xo. of Elected. Name an Captain, 137th N. Y. Inf. April 3, 1889. Corbin, Job, Brooklyn, N. Y. 6958 Surgeon, late U. S. N. April 1,1885. Corthell, Elmer L. New York City 3617 Captain, 1st R. I. Lt. Art. Feb. 3,1897. Cossum, Frederic, Auburn, N. Y. 11748 1st Lieut, 75th N. Y. Inf. Dec. 7, 1910. Cox, Edwin S. Brooklyn, N. Y. 16 406 (Hereditary.) May 6, 1891. Coye, Charles S. Naples, N. Y. 8796 Act. Vol. Lieut., late U. S. N. 33 No. of Elected. Name and Rank. Address. Insignia. May 4,1892. Craft, Elijah R. New York City 9560 Captain, A. A. G., U. S. V. Brevet Major, late U. S. A. Oct. 4, 1905. Crafts, Francis H. Buffalo, N. Y. 14621 2d Lieut., 8th Penn. Cav. Oct. 2, 1901. Crafts, Francis M. Brooklyn, N. Y. 13268 1st Lieut, Adjt., 102d N. Y. Inf. Dec. 5, 1900. Cramer, J. Grant, East Orange, N. J. 13056 (In succession.) May 6, 1891. Crane, Alexander B. New York City 87 97 Lieut. -Colonel, 85th Ind. Inf. May 5, 1909. Crane, Alexander M. New York City 15959 (Second Class.) May 4, 1892, Crawford, Le Roy, Chase's Lake, N. Y. 9561 Captain, A. Q. M., U. S. V. Nov. 3, 1887. "Cronkhite, Henry M. New York City 5773 Private, 2 6 th N. Y. Inf. Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. A. (Retired.) June 3, 1868. 'Crosby, John Schuyler, New York City 800 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. Lleut.-Colonel, A. D. C, late U. S. A. Jan. 2,. 1884. ^Cudner, Albert M. New York City 3082 1st Lieut., Adjt, 42d U. S. C. Inf. Dec. 4, 1889. Cullen, Edgar M. Albany, N. Y. 7457 1st Lieut, late 1st U. S. Inf. Colonel, 96th N. Y. Inf. Feb. 6, 18 95. Curie, Charles, New York City 109 08 Lieut. Troop C. N. Y. N. G. (In succession.) Dec. 7, 1892. Curran, Richard, Rochester, N. Y. 9859 Surgeon, 9th N. Y. Cav. Feb. 3, 1886. 'Curtis, David C. New York City 4409 1st Lieut., R. Q. M., 173d N. Y. Int May 4, 1892. Curtis, Edward, New York City 95 62 Brevet Major, late U. S. A. May 2, 1894. Curtis, John C. Bridgeport Conn. 10541 1st Lieut., 9th Conn. Int April 6, 1895. '^'Curtiss, Amasa S. Newark, N. J. 10994 1st Lieut., 1st Indpdt. Batty., Iowa Lt. Art. April 4, 189 4. Dahlgren, Eric B. New York City 10499 (Hereditary.) May 6,1896. Dana, Charles L. New York City . 11469 (Hereditary.) May 3, 1911. Dana, Richard, New York City 16524 (Hereditary.) 34 Xo. cf Elected. Name and Rank. Address. Insignia. April 3,1895. David, William G. Rochester, N. Y. 10974 Ensign, late U. S. N. (Hereditary.) Dec. 7, 1887. ^Davis, Britton, New York City 5899 2d Lieut, late 3d U. S. Cav. (Hereditary.) Oct. 1, 1890. Davis, Henry M. New York City 8117 Corporal, 14 2d 111. Inf. Dec. 2, 1903. Davis, William H. Brooklyn, N. Y. 14123 Surgeon, 4th Penn. Reserves Inf. May 1,1907. Day, Alvin W Buffalo, N. Y. 15380 2d Lieut. 20th Penn. Cav. April 3, 1889. Day, Augustus P. Brooklyn, N. Y. 6955 1st Lieut., 15th Conn. Inf. Feb. 2, 1887. Day, Nicholas W. East Orange, N. J. 5291 Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. V. Dec. 7, 1904. Debevoise, George, New York City 14420 (Second Class.) May 4, 189 8. Debevoise, George W. New York Ciiy 122 45 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Feb. 6, 1907. DeGress, Francis B. New York City 15277 (Hereditary.) April 7, 1886. Deitz, Lewis. Albany, N. Y. 4600 Captain, 5th N. Y. Hvy. Art. Feb. 6, 1895. Delafield, Albert, Greenport, N. Y. 10903 (Hereditary.) April 3, 1889. Dennis, Otis A. Whitehall, N. Y. 6965 (Hereditary.) Feb. 5, 1890. Dennis, Roland R. Auburn, N. Y. 7603 1st Lieut, 111th N. Y. Inf. Nov. 5, 1884. ^Denniston, Henry M. Washingtonville, N.Y. 3401 Pay Director, U. S. N. (Retired with rank of Rear-Admiral.) May 4, 1892. ^Denniston, Robert Dobbs Ferry, N. Y. 9517 (Second Class.) April 7, 1886. Denny, Edward W. New York City 4604 Brevet Captain, U. S. V. May 5, 1909. Devens, Richard, New York City 15957 (Hereditary.) Feb. 1,1905. Dewey, Dennis A. West Winfield, N. Y. 14451 Captain, 108th U. S. Col'd Inf. Dec. 2,1896. Dickey, Joseph M. Newburg, N. Y. 11631 2d Lieut., 15th N. Y. Hvy. Art. April 2,1890. Dickey, William D. Brooklyn, N. Y. 7778 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. Dec. 5,1893. Dickinson, M. Nelson, Warrensburgh, N. Y. 1032 4 1st Lieut., 118th N. Y. Inf. 35 No. of Elected. Name and Rank. Address. Insignia. Aug. 8,18 83. '^Dillenback, John W. Watertown, N. Y. 2854 Major, 2d U. S. Art. (Retired.) Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. July 1, 1868. Dixon, James W. Flushing, N. Y. 796 1st. Lieut., 2d Conn. Hvy. Art. Brevet Captain, late U. S. A. Dobbins, Walter C. Plainfield, N. J. 135 78 (In succession.) ^Donnell, Harry E. New York City 9112 (In succession.) Douohoe, Francis E. New York City 13776 (In succession.) "Doran, William S. New York City 14939 (In succession.) Downing, Mortimer J. New York City 15173 (Hereditary.) du Bois, William M. White Plains, N. Y. 105 47 (Hereditary.) Dunn, George W. Binghamton, N. Y. 15517 Major 109th N. Y. Inf. Dunn, John, Jr. Syracuse, N. Y. 6735 1st Lieut., R. Q. M., 184th N. Y. Inf. ^Dunn, Lanier, Richmond, Va. 9219 (Hereditary.) Durkee, Jay H. Jacksonville, Fla. 112 5 6 (In succession.) Duryea, Harry H. New York City 13 459 (Second Class.) Duryea, Hiram, New York City 44 8 8 Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. V. Duryee, Jacob E. Los Angeles, Cal. 4 49 Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. V. Dwight, Charles A. S. Oak Bluffs, Mass. 9 73 (Hereditary.) Feb. 1, 1905. Eagle, Clarence H. New York City 1445 6 (Here.ditary.) Dec. 2, 19 08. Eakins, William R. Brooklyn, N. Y. 15791 2d Lieut. 6th N. Y. Hvy. Art. Dec. 7, 1904. Easterbrook, Nathan, Jr., New Haven, Conn. 14414 1st Lieut., R. Q. M., 34th N. Y. Inf. Dec. 4, 1997. Eastman, William R. Albany, N. Y. 15518 Chaplain, 72nd N. Y. Inf. Aug. 20, 188 4. =Ebstein, Frederick H. E. Brooklyn, N. Y. 3 331 Major, 19th U. S. Inf. (Retired.) Feb. 3, 1892. Egleston, Melville, New York City 93 06 1st Lieut., Adjt., 19th Mass. Inf. May 7, , 1902. Dec. 2, 1891. Dec. 4, 1902. Feb. 7, 1906. Oct. 10, 1906. May 2, 1894. Dec. 4, 1907. Feb. 6, 1889. Jan. 6, 1892. Dec. 4, 1895. Feb. 5, 1902. Feb. 1886. Feb. 3 1886. Oct. 5, 1892. 36 No. of Elected. Name and Rank. Address. Inislgnia. Dec. 2,1891. Ehlers, Edward C. New York City 913 6 (Second Class.) May 2, 1883. Ehlers, Edward M. L. New York City 2 5 74 Brevet Colonel, U. S. V. Feb. 7, 19 00. Ekings, Robert M. Paterson, N. J. 12 796 (In succession.) Oct. 5,1904. Elcock, George S. Brooklyn, N. Y. 14335 Captain, 84th N. Y. Inf. Jan. 6, 1869. Eldredge, Charles H. Norfolk, Va. 941 Pay Director, U. S. N. (Ret. with rank Rear- Ad- miral.) Dec. 4, 1907. Eliot, Henry H. Jr. Newark, N. J. 1552 6 (Second Class.) Sept. 15,1866. Elliott, Henry H. New York City 635 Lieut.-Colonel 1st La. Inf. Feb. 4, 1891. ^Elliott, William St George, New York City 8515 Major, 79th N. Y. Inf. Dec. 3,1890. Ellis, Matthew H. Yonkers, N. Y. 8349 Captain, 17 5th N. Y. Inf. May 4, 1892. Ely, Alfred, New York City 9573 (Hereditary.) Oct. 1, 1890. Ely, Arthur H. - New York City 8118 (Hereditary.) April 6,1887. Ely, Chas. Upham, Brooklyn, N. Y. 5416 1st Lieut., 4 6th Mass. Inf. Dec. 3,1902. Ely, Morris U. New York City 13766 (Second Class.) May 4, 1898. Emery, John R. Morristown, N. J. 12246 2d Lieut., 15th N. J. Inf. May 4, 1887. Emery, Livingston, New York City 5531 (In succession.) May 4, 1887. Emilio, Luis F. New York City 5529 Captain, 5 4th Mass. Inf. Oct. 2,1901. Emmons, Kintzing Post, New York City 13275 (In succession.) Oct. 2, 19 07. Endress, William F. Jamestown, N. Y. 15448 Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. (Second Class.) May 5, 1897. Ernst, J. Eugene, New York City 11850 Act. Ensign, late U. S. N. April 3,1889. Evans, Ira H. Austin, Texas. 6954 Brevet Major, U. S. V. May 4,1904. Evans, Robert D. New York City 14286 1st Lieut., 73d N. Y. Inf. April 4, 189 4. Evans, Wilber Leslie San Antonio, Texas 105 02 (Second Class.) Feb. 18, 1885. =Ewen, Clarence, New York City 3557 Asst. Surgeon, 2 9th U. S. Col'd Inf. Major, Surgeon, U. S. A. (Retired.) 37 No. of Elected. Name and Rank. Address. Insignia. May 2, 1906. 'Ewing, John K. M. Tarrytown, N. Y. 15070 (Hereditary.) 'Fallows, Edward H. New York City 7922 (Second Class.) Farmer, Edward, Boston, Mass. 8645 Chief Engineer, U. S. N. (Retired.) Farnham, Charles C. Buffalo, N. Y. 14170 (In succession.) . Earns worth, John, Albany, N. Y. 16264 (Hereditary.) Farragut, Loyall, New York City 950 Rear Admiral's Clerk, late U. S. N. 2d Lieut., late 5th U. S. Art. Favill, Josiah M. Brooklyn, N. Y. 10425 Brevet Colonel, U. S. V. Fearey, Thomas H. Canandaigua, N. Y. 10325 2d Lieut., Signal Corps, U. S. V. ^Fenton, Charles, Willimantic, Conn. 11587 Captain, 21st Conn. Inf. ^Fessenden, Gladstone, Germantown, Pa. 13960 (In succession.) Field, Joseph T. Red Bank, N. J. 11749 Major, 2 9th N. J. Inf. Field, Maunsell B. New York City 16151 Lieut., U. S. N. "Findley, Earl Nelson, New York City 14670 (Hereditary.) Fisher, Louis G. New York City 72 3 7 1st Lieut., Bowen's Mo. Cav. Fiske, Alexander P. New York City 13269 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. Fitz Gibbon, Richard, Bridgeport, Conn. 10964 Lieut.-Colonel, 9th Conn. Inf. Flower, Frederick S. New York City 12 015 (Hereditary.) Follett, Harry L. New York City 12564 (In succession.) Foster, Howell, New York City 10170 (In succession.) Foster, John M. Newark, N. J. 10494 2d Lieut., 8th Ohio Cav. Foster, William E. Buffalo, N. Y. 14415 Act. Asst. Paymaster, late U. S. N. Foster, William H. Eatontown, N. J. 13757 Brevet Major, U. S. V. May 8, 1890. April 1, 1891. Feb. 3, 1904. May 4, 1910. Feb. 3, 1869. Feb. 7, 1894. Dec. 5, 1893. Nov. 4, 1896. May 6. 1903. Feb. 3, 1897. Feb. 2, 1910. Oct. 4, 1905. Oct. 2, 1889. Oct. 2 1901. April 3, 1895. Dec. 1, 1897. May 3, 1899. May 3, 1893. April 4, 1894. Dec. 7, 1904. Dec. 3, 1902. 38 No. of Elected. Name and Rank. Address. Inislgnia. Feb. 4, 1891. Fowler, Edward S. New York City 8483 Major, Addtl. Paymaster, U. S. V. Major, late U. S. A. (Hereditary.) Dec. 13,1899. Fox, Noel Bleecker, New York City 12734 (In succession.) Dec. 2, 1885. Frank, Emil H. New York City 40 6 S 1st Lieut., 52d N. Y. Inf. April 1, 1891. Fraser, Alexander V. Montauk, N. Y. 8G46 Chief Engineer, U. S. N. (Retired.) April 4,18 88. ^Frazer, John W. New York City 6153 2d Lieut. 15th N. Y. Cav. Feb. 3, 1897. ^French, Leigh Hill, New Rochelle, N. Y. 11736 Major, 3d U. S. Vol. Cav. (In succession.) June 7, 1871. French, Peter, New York CiLy 1357 Brevet Colonel, U. S. V. Dec. 5,1894. Frost, Frank P. Elmiri, N. Y. 10758 1st Lieut, 107th N. Y. Inf. March 2, 18 87. 'Fry, Alfred B. New York City 5368 Passed Asst. Engr., late U. ts. N. (Hereditary.) Oct. 1, 1890. Furey, John, Brooklyn, N. Y. 8104 Pay Inspector, U. S. N. (Retired.) G Oct. 1,1890. Gager, Edwin V. Newark, N. J. 8105 Acting Master, late U. S. N. Feb. 5,1890. Gair, Robert, Brooklyn, N. Y. TGOG Captain, 79 th N. Y. Inf. May 8, 1895. Galwey, Thomas F. New York City 11041 1st Lieut., 8th Ohio Inf. Nov. 6, 1867. Gardiner, Asa Bird, New York City 586 Brevet Captain, U. S. V. Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. A. (Retired.) Oct. 3,1888. Gardner, Charles Frederic, Frankfurt-on-M., Ger. 6425 , Act. Asst. Paymaster, late U. S. N. May 8, 1895. Gardner, Charles Frederic, Jr., Frankfurt-on-M. Ger. (Second Class.) 11048 Feb. 4,1903. Gaskill, Charles B. Niagara Falls, N. Y. 13828 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, late U. S. A. Colonel, 81st U. S. Col'd Inf. Feb. 7, 1900. Gein, Louis H. Kingsbridge, N. Y. 12785 2d Lieut, 55th N. Y. Inf. April 2, 1890. Gibson, Hanson C. New York City 7780 2d Lieut 165th N. Y. Inf. Feb. 1, 188 8. Gilbert William Wallace. Rochester, N. Y. 6009 Lieut. Colonel, U. S. A. (Retired.) 39 No. of Elected. Name and Rank. Address. In-slgnia. Dec. 3, i902. Gillespie, Robert M. New York City 13767 (Second Class.) Dec. 1, 1897. Gill«tte, Daniel G. New Orleans, La. 12002 2d Lieut, 17 6th N. Y. Inf. Dec. 1, 18 80. Gilmore, James R. Chamber sburg, Penn. 2055 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. May 4,1898. Gold, Cornelius B. New York City. 12247 Act. Asst. Paymaster, late U. S. N. Dec. 4,1901. Goodman, Richard F. Newton, N. J. 13392 Act. Asst. Paymaster, late U. S. N. May 5, 19 09. Goodwin, Wilder, New York City 15956 (Hereditary.) Oct. 4,1893. Gott, Charles C. D. Hartsdale, N. Y. 10255 (In succession.) Feb. 4, 19 03. Graham, Archibald, Paterson, N. J. 13830 (Hereditary.) April 1, 1891. Graham, James S. Rochester, N. Y. 8647 Captain, 21st N. Y. Cav. May 6, 189 6. Graham, William A. Brooklyn, N. Y. 11468 Cadet Midshipman, late U. S. N. (In succession.) Oct. 7,1885. Grant, Frederick D. Governor's Island, N. Y. 4067 Brig.-General, U. S. V. Major-General, U. S. A. (Hereditary.) Feb. 2,1898. Grant, Madison, New York City 12141 (In succession.) Feb. 3, 1909. Gray Augustine, Torrington, Conn., 15868 1st Lieut, 12th Batt. Conn. Inf. Dec. 5, 1888. Gray, Philander R. Elizabeth, N. J. 6631 1st Lieut, R. Q. M., 121st Penn. Inf. Feb. 5, 1890. Gray, Theodore, Newark, N. J. 7607 Captain, 17th Conn. Inf. April 6, 1881. Greeley, Edwin S. New Haven, Conn. 22 00 Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. V. Feb. 2, 1910. Green, Samuel K. Bergen, N. Y. 16152 Captain, U. S. V. Dec. 1, 1897. Greene, Chas. Thurston, New York City 12003 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Ma]or,U. S. A. (Retired.) May 1, 1889. Greene, George S. New York City 7097 (In succession.) Feb. 7, 1906. Greene, Jacob H. Hartford, Conn. 14915 (In succession.) Dec. 2,1896. Greene, Joseph Story, Watertown, N .Y. 11632 Passed Asst. Engineer, IT. S. N. (Retired.) Dec. 5, 1900. Greenhut Benedict J. New York City 13061 (Second Class.) 40 Xo. of Elected. Name and Rank. ^ Address. Insignia. Nov. 3, 1886. "Griffin, Charles L. ' New York City 5097 (In succession.) May 3, 1899. Griffin, HarryA. Galveston, Texas. 12562 (In succession.) Feb. 5, 1908. Griffith, Lewis E. Troy, N. Y. 15574 2d Lieut. 192nd N. Y. Inf. Feb. 5, 1908. Grimes, John, Jersey City, N. J. 1557 5 Lieut.-Colonel 13 th N. J. Inf. May 3, 1893. Griswold, Charles, Guilford, Conn. 10162 Captain, 2 9th Conn. Col'd Inf. May 8, 1895. Gurlitz, Augustus T. New York City 11042 1st Lieut., 2d Ky. Cav. H Feb. 6, 1889. Hackley, Charles E. South Norwalk, Conn. 6747 Surgeon, 2d N. Y. Cav. May 7, 1890. Hagen, Joseph J. Troy, N. Y. 7981 Captain, 2d N. Y. Inf. May 8, 1895. Haight, Charles C. New York City 11043 Captain, 3 9th N. Y. Inf. May ,3, 1899. Haight, Charles S. New York City 12 5 65 Corporal, Troop A, N. Y. Vol. Cav. Captain, 5th U. S. Cav. (Second Class.) Nov. 6, 1872. Haight, Edward, New York City 1375 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, late U. S. A. Nov. 12, 1890. 'Hall, Charles B. Portland, Maine 8217 1st Lieut., 3 0th Me. Inf. Major-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) April 6, 1887. Hall, Frederick J. ' Tarrytown, N. Y. 5420 (In succession.) Feb. 1, 1893. Hall, Henry B. New York City 9956 Captain, 6th N. Y. Hvy. Art. Oct. 5,1887. Halliday, Frank C. East Providence, R. L 5712 (In succession.) Jan. 4, 1882. Hamilton, Charles A. New York City 22 69 (In succession.) Dec. 7, 1892. Hamlin, Charles E. Bangor, Me. 9872 (Second Class.) Nov. 2, 1882. ^Hammatt, Charles H. New York City 2 621 Act. Asst. Paymaster, late U. S. N. Maj 3, 1911. Hammond, John Stevens, Buenos Ayres, Argentine Republic 16526 (Second Class.) Oct. 14, 1890. "Hammond, Ogden H. New York City 8155 (In succession.) May 4, 1910. Hanford, Franklin, Scottsville, N. Y. 162 62 Rear Admiral, U S. N. (Retired.) 41 Xo. of Elected. Name and Rank. Address. Insignia. Dec. 7, 1881. Hard, George M. New York City 2220 Captain, IStti N. J. Inf. Oct. 2, 1895. Hard, Sherwood M. New York City 11111 (Second Class.) Feb. 5, 1890. «Hardie, Francis Hunter, New York City 7683 Lieut.-Colonel U. S. A. (Hereditary.) Dec. 7, 1892. Harding, Robert M. Buffalo, N. Y. 9870 (Hereditary.) Dec. 1, 1897. Harding, Wm. Becket, Brooklyn, N. Y. 12016 Seaman, late U. S. N. (Second Class.) Oct. 7, 1885. Harding, William J. Brooklyn, N. Y. 3775 Captain, 38th U. S. Col'd Inf. Dec. 3,1890. Haring, Abram P. New York City 8351 1st Lieut, 132d N. Y. Inf. Feb. 2, 1898. "Harmon, William E. New York City 12166 (Hereditary.) Dec. 7, 1910. Harrington, Purnell F. Yonkers, N. Y. 16399 Rear Admiral, U. S. N. (Retired.) May 3, 1911. Harrington, Samuel M. Yonkers, N. Y. 16527 2d Lieut. U. S. Marine Corps. (Second Class.) Feb. 6, 1907. Harris, Charles B. New York City 15274 1st Lieut. 19th Indpdt. Batt. Ohio Lt. Art. Feb. 6, 1884. 'Harris, Ira, Bogota, N. J. 3199 Lieut.-Com'der, U. S. N. May 6, 1907. 'Harris, Ira Jr. Bogota, N. J. 15399 (Second Class.) Dec. 13, 1882. ^Harris, Moses, New York City. 2649 Major, 8th U. S. Cav. (Retired.) Oct. 8, 1895. "Hart, Hastings H. New York City 11132 (In succession.) Feb. 7, 1900'. Hart, James W. Auburn, N. Y. 12799 (Hereditary.) Dec. 4, 1895. Hart, Walter T. Rye, N. Y. 112 50 (In succession.) May 4,1892. Hartley, Edward, Mount Vernon, N. Y. 9566 Captain, 8 th Minn. Inf. Dec. 1, 1897. Hartshorn, Edwin A. New York City 12004 Captain, 12 5th N. Y. Inf. Oct. 2, 1901. Hartshorn, Edwin S. Montana. 13276 1st Lieut, 14th U. S. Inf. Captain, 201st N. Y. Vol. Inf. (Second Class.) Dec. 2,1903. Hastings, Hugh, New York City 14129 (Hereditary.) May 5, 1897. Hatch, Edward W. New York City 11858 (Hereditary.) 42 No. of Elected. Name and Rank. Address. Insignia. April 7, 1886. Hatfield, Samuel P. New York City 4613 Major, 1st Conn. Hvy. Art. Feb. 1, 1905. Hausmann, Fred'k William, Birmingham, Ala. 14457 (In succession.) Oct. 10, 1894. Hawes, James Anderson, New York City 10661 (In succession.) Dec. 13, 1905. Hazeltine, Robert H. New York City 14835 (Hereditary.) Dec. 1, 1909. Hedden, Warren R. II New York City 16091 (Hereditary.) Dec. 4, 1895. Hedges, Job E. New York City 11252 (Hereditary.) May 6, 1896. Hemstreet, William, Brooklyn, N. Y. 11461 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. Oct. 7, 1903. Henderson, Eliot M. New York City 14037 Chief Quartermaster, late U. S. N. (In succession.) Feb. 1,1871. Hendrick, Albert C. New Haven, Conn. 12 47 Captain, 12th Conn. Inf. May 4, 1887. Hendrickson, Eliphalet, Brooklyn, N. Y. 5528 1st Lieut., Adjt., 40th N. Y. Inf. Dec. 5, 190 6. Herbert, Harry M. Bound Brook, N. J. 15218 (Hereditary.) Dec. 3,1890. Heuberer, Charles E. Hoboken, N. J. 8352 Captain, 6th N. Y. Inf. April 3, 1895. Hibbard, Omri F. New York City 10975 (Hereditary.) Aug. 5,1885. "Hickey, James B. New York City 3943 Surgeon's Steward, late U. S. N. Major, A. A. G., U. S. V. Brigadier-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) Feb. 8, 1899. Hickox, Ralph, Williamsbridge, N. Y. 12 485 (In succession.) May 2,1888. Hicks, Walter S. Brooklyn, JST. Y. 6242 (In succession.) Oct. 5, 1910. Higgins, James C. New York City 16322 (Second Class.) Dec. 2, 1903. Higgins, Thomas, New York City 14124 Act. Asst. Paymaster, late IT. S. N. May 3, 1882. 'Higginson, Francis J. Kingston, N. Y. 2495 Rear-Admiral, U. S. N. (Retired.) Feb. 5, 1890. Hinckley, Henry L. Ithaca, N. Y. 7608 Captain, 9 6th U. S. Col'd Inf. Feb. 2, 1910. Hinckley, Henry N. Ithaca, N. Y. 16158 (Second Class.) May 7, 1902. Hinton, Geo. Frederic, New York City 13575 (Hereditary.) April 5, 1893. Hitchcock, Bradford W. New York City 10108 (In succession.) 43 No. of Elected. Name aud Rank. Address. Insignia. Dec. 13,1899. Hobbs, George W. Albany, N. Y. 12724 Captain, 91st N. Y. Inf. May 4, 1904. Hodges, Amory G. New York City . 14291 (Hereditary.) June 10,1885. 'Hoff, John V. R. Governor's Island, N. Y. 3915 Lieut.-Col., Chf., Surg., U. S. V. Colonel, Asst. Surg.-Genl., U. S. A. (Hereditary.) Oct. 5, 1910. Holcomb, Irving, Binghamton, N. Y. 16320 Captain, 121st N. Y. Inf. May 3, 1911. Holden, Fred Lewis, Rochester, N. Y, 16525 (Hereditary.) Feb. 4, 1891. Hollister, Edward P. Santa Barbara, Cal. 8494 Lieut.-Colonel, 57th Mass. Inf. Oct. 6, 1897. Holmes, Clayton W. Elmira, N. Y. 11923 (Hereditary.) April 4, 1888. Hopkins, Amos L. Williamstown, Mass. 6166 Major, 1st Mass. Cav. Dec. 1, 1909. Hopkins, Stephen G. Newark, N. J. 16090 1st Lieut. 160th N. Y. Inf. Oct. 7, 1885. Horner, James B. New York City 4054 Captain, 17th N. Y. Vet. Inf. Nov. 8, 1888. 'Horton, Joseph H. Buffalo, N. Y. 6523 Lieut.-Colonel, 141st Pen. Inf. Feb. 14, 1906. ^Horton, Theodore, Albany, N. Y. 14968 (Second Class.) May 6,1891. ^Hosmer, Edward S. New York City 8821 (In succession.) Dec. 2, 1903. Hotchkiss, Leonard F. New Haven, Conn. 14130 (Second Class.) April 6, 1892. Houghton, Thomas F. Brooklyn, N. Y. 9424 Act. Asst. Paymaster, late U. S. N. Feb. 1,1899. ^Howard, Frank W. New York City 12465 (Second Class.) Oct. 5, 1898. Howard, John R. Montclair, N. J. 12318 Captain, A. A. D. C, U. S. V. March 1, 1882. ^Howison, Henry L. Yonkers,N. Y. 2353 Rear-Admiral, U. S. N. (Retired.) Feb. 9, 1867. 'Hubbard, Thomas H. New York City 2392 Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. V. May 7, 1902. Hubbell, De Witt, Plainfield, N. J. 13579 (Second Class.) April 3,1889. Hubbell, William S. New York City 6962 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Dec. 7, 1904. Huested, Alfred B. Delmar, N. Y. 14416 Surgeon, 21st N. Y. Cav. Oct. 7, 1896. Hunter, Louis R. Oswego, N. Y. 1156 4 (In succession.) 44 Elected. Name and Rank. Address. Dec. 2, 1908. Husted, Albert N. Albany, N. Y. Capt. 44tli N. Y. Inf. Feb. 5, 1908. Hutchinson, John W. Hempstead, N. Y. 1st Lieut. 13th N. Y. Cav. Feb. 3,1886. Huttman, Berend H. New York City Captain, 7 2d N. Y. Inf. April 3, 1895. Hyde, Frederic S. Brooklyn, N. Y. (In succession.) No. of Insignia. 15792 15576 4486 10977 Jan. 4, 1899. ^Inch, Robert A. New York City 12 432 (In succession.) Oct. 5, 1904. Inglis, Andrew B. Paterson, N. J. 14341 (Second Class.) Oct. 2, 1889. Inglis, James, Jr. Paterson, N. J. 7241 Captain, 2 5th N. J. Inf. March 5, 1902. ^Ireland, Gordon, New York City 13502 (Second Class.) Dec. 1, 1897. Isaacs, David, Niagara Falls, N. Y. 12006 Bugler, 5th N. Y. Cav. Oct. 7, 1903. Israels, Charles H. New York City 14040 (Hereditary.) April 4, 1894. Ives, Brayton, New York City 10497 Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. V. Feb. 1, 1893. Jackson, Oswald, New York City 9964 (Hereditary.) Oct. 4, 1905. Janeway, Hugh H. Metuchen, N. J. 14625 (Hereditary.) Dec. 4,1895. Janvrin, Joseph E. New York City 11243 Asst. Surgeon, 15th N. H. Inf. May 1, 1889. Jardine, Augustus E. Atlantic City, N. J. 7095 (In succession.) April 4, 1888. ^=Jarvis, Nathan S. New York City 6165 Captain, Asst. Surgeon, U. S. A. (Retired.) Major, Surgeon, U. S. V. (Hereditary.) April 6, 1887. Jay, William, New York City 5406 Captain, A. A. D. C, late IT. S. A. Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. Dec. 5, 1900. Jenney, William S. New York City 13058 (Hereditary.) March 6,1889. ^Jewell, James A. New York City 6875 Lieut.-Col., 59th N. Y. Inf. 45 No. of Elected. Name and Rank. Address. Insignia. Feb. 3, 1897. Johnson, Cliarles C. Brooklyn, N. Y. 11755 (Hereditary.) Dec. 4,1889. Johnson, Thomas S. Syracuse, N. Y. 7465 Captain, 17 6th N. Y. Inf. Dec. 2, 1908. Johnson, William E. Waverly, N. Y, 15793 Surgeon, 109th N. Y. Inf. Feb. 1, 1905. Johnston, James W. Utica, N. Y. 14452 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Oct. 5, 1910. Johnston, John L. New York City 16319 Major, U. S. A. (Retired.) Feb. 6, 1884. 'Johnston, Walter S. New York City 2820 Captain, 184th Penn. Inf. May 4, 1910. Johnstone, Alan S. East Orange, N. J. 16266 (Hereditary.) May 5, 1886. Jones, Edward F. Binghamton, N. Y. 4688 Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. V. Dec. 6, 1865. 'Jones, Francis B. New York City 103 Lieut.-Colonel, Chf. Q. M., U. S. V. Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. A. (Retired.) May 5, 1897. Jones, Frank J. Brooklyn, N. Y. 11851 1st Lieut., 1st Conn. Hvy. Art. Dec. 1, 1909. Jones Gerry, Binghamton, N. Y. 16094 (Second Class.) Feb. 7, 1900. Jones, William A. Richmond Hill, N. Y. 12801 (In succession.) Oct. 4, 1893. Joy, Edmund F. S. Newark, N. J. 1025 4 (In succession.) Dec. 5, 1906. Judd, Edwin Young, Hartford, Conn. 15219 (In succession.) Feb. 7,1906. Judge, Francis W., Jr. New York City 14918 (Hereditary.) Oct. 4, 1905. Jussen, Alexander S. New York City 1462 6 (Second Class.) Nov. 2, 1881. Jussen, Carl, Newark, N. J. 23 67 1st Lieut., Adjt, 23d Wis. Inf. K April 5, 1893. "Kane, Daniel H. Washington, D. C. 10123 (In succession.) April 18, 1894. "Kane, James J. Yonkers, N. Y. 10688 Chaplain, U. S. N. (Retired.) Dec. 2, 1891. Keller, Jacob W. New York City 9113 Captain, 3d U. S. Vet. Res. Corps. Major, U. S. A. (Retired.) Oct. 7,1885. Kelley, Frank M. New York City 3779 Brevet Captain, U. S. V. 46 No. of Elected. Name and Rank. Address. Insignia. Aug. 21,1896. ^Kellogg, Edward S. Hampton Roads, Va. 11529 Lieut.-Commander, U. S. N. (Hereditary.) Feb. 6, 1907. Kendall, Messmore, New York City 15278 (Hereditary.) Oct. 7, 1885. Kennedy, Charles W. West New Brighton, N. Y. 3781 Captain, 15 6th N. Y. Inf. May 7, 189 0. Kent, Alba M Jamestown, N. Y. 7989 1st Lieut., 29th Wis. Inf. Feb. 16, 1866. Kent, J. Ford, Watervliet, N. Y. 215 Brig.-Gen., U. S. A. (Retired.) Major-General, U. S. V. Feb. 3, 1904. Kent, Morgan B. Jamestown, N. Y. 14172 (Second Class.) Dec. 4, 1907. Kenyon, Norman S. New York City 15 519 1st Lieut, 16th N. Y. Hvy. Art. Dec. 3. 188 4. Kershner, Edward, - Hagerstown, Md. 3364 Medical Inspector, U. S. N. (Retired.) Dec. 13, 1899. Ketchum, Edwin N. Galveston, Texas. 12725 Captain, 176th N. Y. Inf. Oct. 4,1905. Keyes, Edward L. New York City 14623 Captain, A. D. C, U. S. V. Feb. 3,1892. Kidd, William, Washington, D. C. 9308 1st Lieut, 4 4th N. Y. Inf. Nov. 8, 1894. 'Kidder, Pancoast, Albany, N. Y. 10710 (Second Class.) May 2,1888. Kilbreth, John W. Southampton, N. Y. 6221 Captain, 79th Ohio Inf. April 5, 1871. Kimball, James P. Red Lodge, Mont 12 94 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Oct 3, 1900. King, Alonzo I. Waterville, N. Y. 12956 Captain, 146th N. Y. Inf. Jan. 17, 1866. ^KING, HORATIO C. Brooklyn, N. Y. 132 Brevet Colonel, U. S. V. May 7,1902. Kingsland, Phineas C. New York City 13571 1st Lieut., 102d N. Y. Inf. Oct 7,1891. Kirby, William M. Auburn, N. Y. 8946 Captain, 3d N. Y. Lt Art. Lieut.-Colonel, 3d N. Y. Vol. Inf. May 2, 1906. Kirchner, Robert E. New York City 15065 (Second Class.) Dec. 7,1892. Kirchner, William F. New York City 9861 2d Lieut.,15th N. Y. Hvy. Art. May 3,1893. Knap, Edgar Day Brooklyn, N. Y. 10171 (Second Class.) Oct" 14, 1868. ^Knap, Joseph M. Catskill, N. Y. 903 Major, Ind. Batt. Pa. Lt Art JVIay 2, 1894. Knapp, Jacob, Svracuse, N. Y. 10543 Captain, 149th N. Y. Inf. Elected. April 6, 1892. May 4, 1892 May 2 1877, 47 No. of Name and Rank. Address. Insignia. Knapp, Obadiah M. Wallingford, Conn. 9 427 Hospital Steward, late U. S. A. Major, 125tli U. S. Col'd Inf. Knowles, Charles P. New York City 9579 (In succession.) Knowlton, Julius W. Bridgeport, Conn. 1648 2d Lieut., 14tli Conn. Inf. Feb. 3, 1892. Knox, Edward M. New York City 9309 2d Lieut., 15 Ind. Batt., N. Y. Lt. Art. Dec. 7,1904. Kress, Samuel H. New York City 14421 (In succession.) Feb. 4, 1891. La Bree, Benjamin, Cincinnati, Ohio. 8508 (Hereditary.) April 3, 1895. Lampson, Mortimer, Jersey City, N. J. 10966 Medical Cadet, late U. S. A. Asst. Surgeon, 36th U. S. Col'd Inf. Feb. 4, 1891. Land, Joseph F. Erie, Pa. 8495 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Dec. 4, 1889. Lane, Barent H. Coxsackie, N. Y. 7466 Captain's Clerk, late U. S. N. 2d Lieut'., 1st N. Y. Marine Art. Oct. 2, 1895. Lane, John S. Meriden, Conn. 11105 1st Lieut., 8th Conn. Inf. May 3, 1893. Langdon, Charles S. New York City 10172 Coxswain, late U. S. N. (In succession.) Feb. 2, 1887. Lawrence, Abram B. Warsaw, N. Y. 5288 Lieut.-Col., Chief Q. M., U. S. V. Oct. 2,1889. Lawrence, James V. Yonkers, N. Y. 7240 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Nov. 12,1890. ^Lawrence, William Watson New York City 8260 (Hereditary.) May 12,1885. Leale, Charles A. New York City 3622 Act. Asst. Surgeon, late U. S. A. Brevet Captain and Asst. Surgeon, U. S. V. Feb. 8, 1899. Learned, Ebenezer, Norwich, Conn. 12486 (In succession.) Nov. 1, 1871. Leavitt, Sheldon, Augusta, Ga. 1358 Brevet Captain, U. S. V. Oct. 15, 1902. Leavitt, Sheldon, Jr. Augusta, Ga. 13659 (Second Class.) June 2 4, 1887. "Leeper, William M. White Salmon, Wash. 5599 Private, 14th 111. Inf. Feb. 6, 1878. Leland, Francis L. New York City 1782 Lieut.-Colonel, 1st N. Y. Inf. 48 No. of Elected. Name and Rank. Address. Insignia. Oct. 7, 1891. Lelong, Alexander, Newark, N. J. 8947 Brevet Captain, U. S. V. May 6,1896. Leonard, Orville H. New York City 11470 (In succession.) Nov. 3,1869. Leonard, Robert W. Mount Kisco, N. Y. 1106 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. Colonel, 12tli N. Y. Vol. Inf. Feb. 7, 1894. Leoser, Charles McK. Saranac Lake, N. Y. 10436 (In succession.) Feb. 7, 1894. Lester, Elias Seneca Falls, N. Y. 10423 Medical Cadet, late U. S. A. Surgeon, 97th U. S. Col'd Inf. April 4, 1883. Levy, Benjamin J. Flushing, N. Y. 2568 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Feb. 6, 1867. ^Lewis, Alfred E. Milford, Penn. 456 Major, 1st Penn. Lt. Art. Dec. 22,1888. 'Lindsay, C. Seton, New York City 6672 1st Lieut., 3 6th N. Y. Inf. Jan. 18, 1911. "Lindsay, Lewin S. New York City 16481 (Second Class.) Dec. 5, 1893. Little, David, Rochester, N. Y. 10326 Surgeon, 13 th N. Y. Inf. Dec. 7,1887. Lockman, John T. New York City 5829 Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. V. Nov. 6, 1878. Lockwood, John B. Brooklyn, N. Y. 1823 Major, Addtl. Paymaster, U. S. V. March 7, 1888. 'Lodor, Richard, New York City 6129 Lieut.-CoL, Asst. Insp. Genl', U. S. V. Brig.-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) July 2, 1866. ^Longacre, Orleans, Poland, Ariz. 314 1st Asst. Engineer, late U. S. N. May 2, 1888. Lord, Charles W. Mount Vernon, N. Y. 6239 (In succession.) Feb. 2, 1881. Lord, Henry E. Melrose, Mass. 213 4 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. Dec. 2, 1908. Lounsbury, Thomas R. New Haven, Conn. 1579 4 1st Lieut, 126th N. Y. Inf. April 3, 1889. Loveland, Frank C. New York City 6952 Lieut.-Colonel, 6th Ohio Cav. Dec. 5, 1906. Low, James T. Niagara Falls, N. Y. 15217 (In succession.) Nov. 3, 1886. Low, Philip B. New York City 5013 Acting Ensign, late U. S. N. Oct. 5, 1904. Low, William W. Bremerton, Wash. 14339 Corpl., 1st Conn. Vol. Inf. Captain, U. S. M. C. (Hereditary.) ":Feb. 6,1901. Lowery, Carleton Garrard, Utica, N. Y. 13117 (In succession.) 49 No. of Elected. Name and Rank. Address. Insignia. Dec. 1,1897. Lowry, Alexandei* M. New York City 12007 1st Lieut, 112th N. Y. Inf. Feb. 5, 19 02. Loyd, Hinton S. Hamilton, N. Y. 13452 Chaplain, 16 th N. Y. Cav. Feb. 7, 1900. Loyd, John, New York City 12789 Act. 1st Asst. Engineer, late U. S. N. Feb. 6, 1901. Luce, Stephen B. Newport, R. L 13113 Rear-Admiral, U. S. N. (Retired.) Dec. 22, 1888. 'Ludlow, Nicoll, New York City 6 664 Rear-Admiral, U. S. N. (Retired.) Feb. 2, 1898. Lusk, Graham, New York City 12138 (In succession.) Oct. 10, 1866. Lydecker, Garrett J. Detroit, Mich. 237 Brig.-Genl., U. S. A. (Retired.) Feb. 3, 1897. Lydig, Philip M. New York City 11756 Captain, C. S., U. S. V. (Hereditary.) Oct. 5, 1910. Lyman, Alvin R. Randolph, N. Y. 16323 (Second Class.) Feb. 7, 189 4. Lyman, Joel H. Randolph, N. Y. 10427 Quartermaster Sergt., 9th N. Y. Cav. 1st. Lieut., late 7th U. S. Inf. Feb. 1,1911. Lyon, Clifford P. Milburn, N. J. 16450 (Second Class.) P'eb. 8, 1899. Lyon, Phoebus W. Maryville, Tenn. 12479 1st Lieut., 176th N. Y. Inf. M May 4, 1892. Macdonald, William S. Flatbush, N. Y. 9574 (In succession.) Dec. 3,1890. MacDougall, Clinton D. Auburn, N. Y. 8353 Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. V. April 1, 1891. Macfarlane, Carrington, Oswego, N. Y. 8652 Surgeon, 115th N. Y. Inf. May 7, 1890. Mackey, Charles W. New York City 7986 1st Lieut., 10th Penn. Reserves. Dec. 6, 1899. 'MacNulty, William A. 12704 Brevet Captain, U. S. V. Oct. 1, 1890. Magee, Edward A. Brooklyn, N. Y. 8109 Chief Engineer, U. S. N. (Retired.) March 1, 1882. Magee, George W. Brooklyn, N. Y. 2368 Chief Engineer, U. S. N. (Retired.) Dec. 1, 1897. Male, Francis Sherwood, Brooklyn, N. Y. 12017 (In succession.) April 5,1893. Mallory, Wm. Wyman, New York City 10109 (In succession.) 50 No. of Elected. Name and Rank. Address. Insignia. Oct. 4, 1905. Man, Ellery Anderson, New York City 14627 (Second Class.) April 7, 1886. Man, Frederick H. New York City 4596 Brevet Major, U. S. V. May 4, 1887. Mann, William d'A. New York City 5516 Colonel, 7th Mich. Cav. Dec. 2, 1891. Manning, Edward, Brooklyn, N. Y. 9117 Acting Ensign, late U. S. N. Oct. 3, 1888. Manning, Frederick L. Wate'rloo,N. Y. 6427 Brevet Colonel, U. S. V. May 2, 1877. Manning, Henry S. New York City 16 49 Brevet Captain, U. S. V. Dec. 2, 1908. Manning, John A. Troy, N. Y. 15801 (Second Class.) April 7, 1897. «Marcotte, Henry, St. Augustine, Fla. 11809 Brevet Captain, U. S. V. Captain, U. S. A. (Retired.) April 5, 1893. Marcus, Marvin M. Buffalo, N. Y. 10088 (In succession.) May 3, 1911. Marcus, Marvin M. Jr. Buffalo, N. Y. 16528 (Second Class.) Feb. 3, 1897 Marsh, Arthur M. Bridgeport, Conn. 11757 (In succession.) Oct. 7, 18 85. Marsh, Edward T. T. Huntington, N. Y. 3777 Act. Asst. Surgeon, late U. S. N. Dec. 2, 1891. Marsh, Edward W. Bridgeport, Conn. 9118 Captain, 2d Conn. Hvy. Art. Oct. 5, 1910. Marsh, Elias J. Paterson, N. J. 16321 (Hereditary.) Dec. 13, 1899. Martin, Edward A. Lockport, N. Y. 12726 Captain, 108th U. S. Col'd Inf. Oct. 7,1896. Martin, John C. New York City 11560 1st Lieut., 157th Penn. Inf. Feb. 3,1897. Marvin, Selden E. Albany, N. Y. 11758 (In succession.) Feb. 6, 1895. Masters, Harris K. Salt Lake City, Utah 10909 (In succession.) Oct. 7, 1896. Mathot, Louis, New York, N. Y. 11556 Brevet Captain, U. S. V. May 6, 1908. Matthews, Alfred H. Orange, N. J. 15 680 (In succession.) May 7, 1890. Mattison, William R. Montclair, N. J. 797 6 Major, 2d N. Y. Cav. Feb. 1, 1905. McArthur, James N. Buffalo, N. Y. 14453 Colonel, 4th U. S. Col'd Hvy. Art. Feb. 3,1892. McAuliffe, Frank, New York City 9310 1st Lieut., 2 2d Conn. Inf. May 2,1888. McClellan, George B. New York City 6240 (In succession.) 51 No. of Elected. Name and Riatik. Address. Insignia. Dec. 4, 1907. McConnell, Benton, Hornell, N. Y. 15 520 Major, Addtl. Paymaster, U. S. V. March 7,1866. ^McCook, Anson, G. New York City 197 Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. V. June 2,186 9. McCook, John J. New York City 1079 Captain, A. D. C, U. S. V. May 7, 1890. McCook, John J. Hartford, Conn. 7987 2d Lieut., 1st Va. Inf. Oct. 2,1895. McDonald, William O. Brooklyn, N. Y. 11107 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. Oct. 2,1907. McDougall, John E. Brooklyn, N. Y. 15441 1st Lieut. 9th N. J. Inf. Oct. 2, 19 09. "McDowell, John Guy Elmira, N. Y. 16017 (Hereditary.) Jan. 5,1881. McEwan, John S. Albany, N. Y. 2058 Brevet Captain, late U. S. A. Brevet Major, TJ. S. V. Oct. 1,1890. McGill, John D. Jersey City, N. J. 8096 (In succession.) April 2, 189 0. McGown, George, Palmyra, N. Y. 7783 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. A. (Retired.) Dec. 3,1902. McHarg, John W. Albany, N. Y. 13763 Captain, A. Q. M., U. S. V. (Hereditary.) Dec. 5, 1888. McKay, Charles E. East Orange, N. J. 6642 Commander, U. S. N. (Retired.) May 4, 1892. McKelway, St. Clair, Brooklyn, N. Y. 9575 (Hereditary.) Feb, 5,1879. McKibbin, Gilbert H. New York City 1829 Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. V. Oct. 2,1889. McKiernan, Samuel G. Paterson, N. J. 7242 1st Lieut., 25th N. J. Inf. Feb. 5,1896. McKim, Robert A. New York City 11345 (Second Class.) Feb. 4, 1885. McKim, Robert V. New York City 3366 Surgeon, 57 th N. Y. Inf. Feb. 3,1909. McKinney, Edward Pascal, Binghamton, N. Y. 15869 Bvt. Major, U. S. V. Feb. 2,1898. McLean, Harvey B. New York City 12140 (Hereditary.) Oct. 2, 1907. McLeod, Harvey S. Troy, N. Y. 15442 2d Lieut. 148th N. Y. Inf. May 3, 1899. McMicken, James A. Akron, Ohio 12566 (In succession.) March 2, 1887. 'McMillin, Emerson, New York City 5385 2d Lieut., 2d W. Va. Cav. May 2, 1900. IJcNeil, Rollin, New Haven, Conn. 12884 Surgeon, 9th Conn. Inf. 52 No. of Elected. Name and Rank. Address. Imsignia. Oct. 5, 1904. McQuade, Patrick J. Utica, N. Y. 14340 (Hereditary.) Feb. 2, 189 8. Meade, Richard W. New York City 1213 9 Boatswain's Mate, late U. S. N. (In succession.) Dec. 2, 1891. Meeker, Carnot B. Florham Park, N. J. 9129 1st Lieut., 2d N. J. Cav. Feb. 4, 1891. Mefeker, Edward P. Brooklyn, N. Y. 8497 Captain's Clerk, late U. S. N. Captain, U. S. M. C. (Retired.) Dec. 2, 1908. Meeks, Harold A. Meriden, Conn. 157 98 (Hereditary.) June 7, 1890. "Meier, Edward D. New York City 8012 1st Lieut., 1st La. Cav. ^ Feb. 5,1868 ^Menken, J. Stanwood, New Foundland, N. J. 1363 Captain, 27tli Ohio Inf. May 7, 1890. Meredith, William T. New York City 7985 Paymaster, late U. S. N. May 3,1899. Merrill, Clement F. Warwick, N. Y. 12567 (Second Class.) April 3,1889. Merrill, Edward R. New Rochelle, N. Y. 6949 1st Lieut. 1st Mass. Cav. Dec. 12, 1891. 'Merrill, William F. Plainfield, N. J. 9203 1st Lieut., 3d Mass. Hvy Art. Nov. 2, 1881. Merritt, Edwin A. Potsdam, N. Y. 2213 Captain, C. S., U. S. V. Feb. 3, 1886. Merritt, Edwin A., Jr. Potsdam, N. Y. 4492 (Second Class.) Feb. 5, 1896. Meserve, Frederick H. New York City 11346 (Second Class.) Oct. 21, 1900. "Meserve, Harry C. Danbury, Conn. 13 008 (Hereditary.) Dec. 1,1880. Meyer, Henry C. New York City 2054 Captain, 2 4th N. Y. Cav. Feb. 1,1893. Meyer, Henry C, Jr. New York City 9966 (Second Class.) Feb. 7,1906. Milhau de, Louis J. de G. New York City 14916 (In succession.) April 6, 1892. Miller, David, New York City 9429 Captain, 65th N. Y. Inf. Dec. 5, 1906. Miller, David H. Georgetown, Conn. 15215 Major, 23d Conn. Inf. May 7,1890. Miller, John A. Newark, N. J. 7992 (Hereditary.) March 1,1882. Miller, William De W. New York City 2278 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Dec. 4,1889. Mills, Abraham G. New York City 7469 2d Lieut, 165th N. Y. Inf. 53 No. of Elected. Name and Rank. Address. Insignia. Jan. 2,1902. 'Mitchel, Frederick A. East Orange, N. J. 13435 2d Lieut, late 16tli U. S. Inf. Captain, A. D. C, U. S. V. Feb. 2, 1910. Mitchel, Ormsby MacK. Montclair, N. J. 16154 (Hereditary.) April 7, 19 09. ^Mitchell, Henry E. West Point, N. Y. 15914 (Hereditary.) Feb. 16, 1866. Molineux, Edward L. New York City 216 Brevet Major-General, U. S. V. May 3,1893. ^Molitor, Frederick A. New York City 10140 (Hereditary.) May 1,1907. Moore, Charles H. New York City 15384 (Hereditary.) May 1, 1867. 'Moore, Francis, New York City 487 Lieut.-Colonel 65th U. S. C. Inf. Brig.-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) Aug. 29, 18 66. 'Moore, John W. Brooklyn, N. Y. 34 Chief Engineer, U. S. N. (Retired.) May 1, 19 01. Moore, T. Channing, Mt. Vernon, N. Y. 13 221 (Hereditary.) Feb. 7, 189 4. Morgan, Bankson T. New York City 10428 Lieut.-Colonel, 5 4th N. Y. Inf. Oct. 15, 1902. Morgan, Townsend, New York City 13 660 (Second Class.) Oct. 6,1909. Morgan, William H. Cortland, N. Y. -16005 1st Lieut, 157th N. Y. Inf. Dec. 4, 1907. Morrell, Joseph B. New York City 15525 (Hereditary.) May 5, 1897. Morris, Robert C. New York City 11859 (Hereditary.) Feb. 2,1887. «Morse, William F. New York City 5308 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Oct. 3, 18 88. Moses, Robert H. New York City 6422 Brevet Captain, U. S. V. Oct. 14,1896. Mosler, Henry, New York City 115 81 Lieutenant, Volunteer Aid. (Companion-at-Large.) Feb. 7, 1900. Mosscrop, Thomas D. Brooklyn, N. Y. 12790 Captain, 10 th N. Y. Inf. Dec. 4,1895. Mott, Henry H. Lakewood, N. J. 11245 Captain, 57th N. Y. Inf. March 1, 1882. Mott, Valentine, Oyster Bay, N. Y. 2275 (In succession.) April 1, 1891. Moynihan, Daniel C. Morris Heights, N. Y. 8656 Captain, 164th N. Y. Inf. Dec. 4, 1889. Muldaur, George B. Elizabeth, N. J. 7476 (Hereditary.) 54 No. of Elected. Name aud Rank. Address. Insignia. May 4, 1887. Mullikin, James R. Newark, N. J. 5530 Captain, 3 5th Ind. Inf. Captain, U. S. Inf. (Retired.) Feb. 1, 1893. Munroe, William C. Brooklyn, N. Y. 99 46 2d Asst. Engineer, late U. S. N. May 5, 1897. Murdoch, Augustus P. Oswego, N. Y. 11854 (In succession.) Oct. 7,1891. Murdock, George W. Scarsdale, N. Y. 8949 Asst. Surgeon, 15th Mich. Inf. May 1, 1901. Murdock, Marcus W. Venice Centre, N. Y. 13219 Captain, 111th N. Y. Inf. May 4, 1887. Murphy, Franklin, Newark, N. J. 5525 1st Lieut., 13th N. J. Inf. May 6, 189 6. Murphy, Franklin, Jr. Newark, N. J. 11471 (Second Class.) Oct. 19,1906. ^^Murphy, John M. New York City 15165 (Hereditary.) April 3, 1889. Murray, Charles H. New York City 6950 (Hereditary.) May 2,1894. Myer, Albert J. Lake View, N. Y. 10548 Major, 202d N. Y. Vol. Inf. (Hereditary.) Dec. 4, 1895. Myer, Albert L. San Antonio, Texas. 11253 Brigadier-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) Dec. 4, 1907. Myers, Francis, Buffalo, N. Y. 15521 Captain, 12th N. Y. Cav. May 2, 1894. Myers, Reuben J. Moravia, N. Y. 10545 Captain 111th N. Y. Inf. May 4,1898. Mygatt, Robertson K. New York City 12248 (Hereditary.) N Dec. 7, 1910. Nagle, Charles F. Brooklyn, N. Y. 16400 Chief Engineer, U. S. N. (Retired.) Dec. 1, 1909. Nelson, George F. New York City 16082 1st Lieutenant 13th U. S. Col'd Inf. Oct. 2, 1901, Neuman, William G. New York City 13277 (In succession.) Dec 4,1901. Nevin, A. Parker, New York City 13395 (In succession.) June 1,1887, "Newell, William F. New York City 5587 (Hereditary.) May 4,1881. Newman, John L. Albany, N. Y. 2145 Major, 43d N. Y. Inf. April 3, 1895. Nichols, George F. Plattsburg, N. Y. 10967 Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. V. Feb. 6,1884. Norcross, John E. Brooklyn, N. Y. 3021 Brevet Captain, IT. S. V. 55 No. of Elected. Name and Rank. Address. Insignia. Feb. 6, 1901. North, Edwin, New York City 13119 (Second Class.) Oct. 6,1869. 'North, George H. Pelham Manor, N. Y. 1102 Captain, 14th Penn. Cav. May 7,1890. 'North, Joseph W. Rahway, N. J. 7866 Acting Ensign, late IT. S. N. Feb. 7,1894. Northrop, Theodore F. Sussex, N. J. 10430 1st Lieut, 2d N. Y. Cav. April 4,1866. *Norton, Charles S. Died June 24, 1911. 368 Rear-Admiral, U. S. N. (Retired.) Dec. 4, 1895. Noyes, Henry T. Rochester, N. Y. 11257 (In succession.) Feb. 2, 1898. Nugent, John R. New York City 1212 8 1st Lieut., 69th N. Y. Inf. Oct. 15, 1902. Oakley, William H. New York City 1365 8 (In succession.) Dec. 5, 1888. Oates, Patrick, New York City 6627 Captain, 133d N. Y. Inf. Jan. 5, 1881. Olcott, Dudley, Albany, N. Y. 2057 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. Feb. 2,1898. Oliver, William H. New York City 12135 Captain, 4th N. Y. Cav. Jan. 6, 1886. "Opdycke, Leonard E. New York City 4383 (Hereditary.) Dec. 5, 19v0. Otis, Harrison G. San Diego, Cal. 13 059 2d Lieut, late 4th U. S. Art. (Hereditary.) June 2, 1868. 'Otis, Theodore C. New York City 820 1st Lieut., 3d Mass. Cav. Feb. 7, 1894. Owen, David S. Philadelphia, Pa. 10437 (Hereditary.) Oct. 2, 1901. Packwood, George H. Fort Screven, Ga. 13270 1st Lieut., 2 0th Mass. Inf. Dec. 7, 1892. Paddock, Charles H. New York City 9864 1st Lieut, 157th N. Y. Inf. Feb. 1,1911. Paddock, Lincoln, New York City 16449 (Second Class.) Feb. 3, 1909. Paine, Frank B. Bridgeport, Conn. 15870 (Second Class.) May 5, 1886. Paine, Jedediah C. Harvey's Lake, Pa. 4689 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. 56 No. of Elected. Name and Rank. Address. Insignia. Feb. 5, 1890. Palmer, Elisha L. New London, Conn. 7614 2d Lieut, 61st N. Y. Inf. May 3, 1899. Palmer, Lowell M. New York City 125 5 5 1st Lieut., 1st Ohio Lt. Art. Feb. 7,1906. Palmer, Marvin R. New York City 14919 (Hereditary.) Feb. 6, 1889. Palmer, Theodore J. Hackensack, N. J. 6743 1st Lieut, Adjt, 61st Ohio Int Dec. 2, 1903. Parke, William A. New York City 14126 1st Lieut., 6th N. Y. Cav. May 1, 1889. Parker, James, Perth Amboy, N. J. 7083 Lieut.-Commander, late U. S. N. Oct 2, 1907. Parkhurst Leonard A. Mason City, Iowa 15 447 (Second Class.) Dec. 7, 19 04. Parkhurst Thomas C. Canandaigua, N. Y. 14 417 Brevet Captain, U. S. V. May 4, 1910. Parks, George Elton, New York City 162 71 (Second Class.) Dec. 5, 1883. »Parrott Edwin A. Princeton, N. J. 3041 Colonel, 1st Ohio Inf. Feb. 5, 1890. Parsons, Charles B. Red Bank, N. J. 7615 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Feb. 7, 1900. Parsons, Henry, New York City 12791 Captain, 13 4th N. Y. Inf. Dec. 4, 1895. Parsons, John, Kingsbridge, N. Y. 11246 Act. Asst. Surgeon, late U. S. A. Brevet Captain, U. S. V. Oct 7,1891. Parsons, Theron E. New York City 8950 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Dec. 3, 1902. Parsons, Walter B. New York City 13768 (Second Class.) April 4,1868. "Partridge, John N. Westport Conn. 861 Captain, 2 4th Mass. Inf. May 9, 1888. "Patten, William S. • New York City 6318 Colonel, Q. M., U. S. V. Colonel, A. Q. M. G., U. S. A. (In succession.) Dec. 2,1890. "Patterson, George L. New York City 8373 (Second Class.) May 5, 1886. ^Patterson, John H. Albany, N. Y. 4665 Brigadier-General, U. S. V. Brigadier-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) Jan. 11, 1882. ^Paxton, John R. New York City 2294 2d Lieut., 140th Penn. Inf. Dec. 7,1910. Payne, Charles T. New York City 16405 (Hereditary.) Nov. 3, 1886. Peck, Samuel C, Jr. Plainfield, N. J. 5005 Captain, 6th Conn. Inf. 57 No. (.I Elected. Name and Rank. Address. Insignia. Feb. 16, 1866. Peet, Frederick T. Auburn, N. Y. 218 2d Lieut., 1st U. S. Sharpshooters. 1st Lieut., late U. S. M. C. Oct. 3, 1900. Penfield, James K. Delhi, N. Y. 12 9 57 2d Lieut., 144th N. Y. Inf. Oct. 5, 1898. Pentecost, George F. Darien, Conn. 12320 Chaplain, 8th Ky. Cav. Dec. 5,1894. Perine, John J. Newark, N. J. 10763 1st Lieut., 8th N. J. Inf. Dec. 4, 1895. Perrine, George, New York City 112 58 1st Lieut., 1st U. S. Vols. Eugrs. (Second Class.) May 12,1885. Perrine, William W. New York City 3764 1st Lieut, 13th Batty., Wis. Lt. Art. Nov. 6, 1878. Perry, John L. Saratoga Springs, N. Y. 179 4 Asst. Surgeon, 115th N. Y. Inf. May 3, 1893. Petrie, James A. Phillipsburg, N. J. 10166 Act. Asst. Surgeon, late U. S. N. Dec. 3,1902. Pettengill, Charles H. New York City 13759 Brevet 1st Lieutenant, U. S. V. Dec. 5, 1888. Pettit, James F. Binghamton, N. Y. 6629 2d Lieut., 6th N. Y. Cav. Feb. 4, 1891. Pettit, William E. Binghamton, N. Y. 8511 (Second Class.) April 3,1895. Phillips, Albert W. Derby, Conn. 10968 Asst. Surgeon, 149th N. Y. Inf. Nov. 7, 1883. =Phipps, Frank H. Springfield, Mass. 3002 Brigadier-General, IT. S. A. (Retired.) Feb. 16,1866. Phoenix, Lloyd, New York City 217 Lieutenant, late U. S. N. Feb. 4,1903. Piaget, Frank A. Paterson, N. J. 13 831 (Second Class.) Feb. 7, 1894. Piaget, Louis A. Paterson, N. J. 10431 1st Lieut., 2 5th N. J. Inf. Oct. 10, 1894. Pierce, Samuel C. Rochester, N. Y. 10656 Lieut.-Colonel, 3d N. Y. Cav. Dec. 13,1905. Pierce, Seymour, Honeoye Falls, N. Y. 14831 Captain, 2 7th N. Y. Inf. Feb. 4, 1891. Pierson, Henry L. Lawrence, N. Y. 8499 Captain, A. A. G., U. S. V. April 4, 1883. Pierson, J. Fred, New York City 2 57 Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. V. Jan. 11, 1882. 'Pierson, Stephen, Morristown, N. J. 22 95 Brevet Major, U. S. V. May 4, 1904. Pilcher, Lewis F. Poughkeepsie, N. Y. 14292 (Second Class.) Feb. 6, 1895. Pilcher, Lewis S. Brooklyn, N. Y. 10897 Hospital Steward, late U. S. A. Passed Asst. Surgeon, late U. S. N. 58 No. of Elected. Name and Rank. Address. Insignia. Feb. 6, 1889. Pinto, Francis E. Brooklyn, N. Y. 6750 (In succession.) Dec. 1, 1886. "Pitman, John, Orange, N. J. 5150 2nd Lieutenant 11th R. I. Inf. Brig.-General, IT. S. A. (Retired.) Feb. 6,1895. Pitman, John R. Orange, N. J. 10887 (Second Class.) Dec. 2, 1908. Place, Frank, Cortland, N. Y. 15797 Major, 157th N. Y. Inf. Nov. 3, 1886. Plume, Joseph W. Newark, N. J. 5012 1st Lieut., Adjt., 2d N. J. Inf. Brig.-General, U. S. V. Feb. 5, 1896. Pond, Nathan P. Rochester, N. Y. 11339 Lieut.-Colonel, 2d U. S. Col'd Cav. May 7, 1890. Pool, J. Lawrence, New York City 7995 (In succession.) Dec. 7, 1887. Pool, Joseph, New York City 5840 Major, Addtl. Paymaster, late U. S. A. Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, IT. S. V. Dec. 6,1893. "Pope, Albert L. Hartford, Conn. 10348 (In succession.) Oct. 10, 1906. Porter, Charles F. New Rochelle, N. Y. 15175 (In succession.) Nov. 4, 1885. Porter, George L. Bridgeport, Conn. 4064 Brevet Major, late U. S. A. Oct. 3. 1883. Porter, Horace, New York City 2768 Brevet Colonel, U. S. V. Brevet Brig.-General, late U. S. A. April 7,1886. Post, Henry A. V. New York City 4608 Colonel, 2d U. S. Sharpshooters. Dec. 4, 1907. Post, Regis H. Bayport, N. Y. 15524 (In succession.) April 4, 1894. Post, Waldron Kintzing, New York City 10500 (Hereditary.) Nov. 12,1890. ^Powell, Theodore F. Meadville, Pa. 8309 (In succession.) Oct. 6, 189 7. Pratt, Albert H. Springerville, Ariz. 11921 (In succession.) Oct. 1,1884. Pi-entice, William P. New York City 3189 Lieut.-Colonel, A. A. G., U. S. V. May 2, 1906. Prickitt, William A. Auckland, New Zealand 15058 Captain, 25th U. S. Col'd Inf. Feb. 2, 1910. Prime, Ebenezer S. Huntington, N. Y. 16153 Rear-Admiral, U. S. N. (Retired.) Oct. 3,1883. Prime, Ralph E. Yonkers, N. Y. 2767 Lieut.-Colonel, 6th N. Y. Hvy. Art. Feb. 4,1891. Prime, Ralph E., Jr. Yonkers, N. Y. 8512 (Second Class.) 59 No. of Elected. Name and Rank. Address. Insignia. Sept. 28,1898. ^Prindle, Frank M. New York City 12313 (In succession.) Oct. 2, 1901. Probst, John D. Englewood, N. J. 13272 (In succession.) Feb. 5, 1896. Proctor, Tliomas R. Utica, N. Y. 1133 4 Admiral's Secretary (Lieut.), late U. S. N. Dec. 1, 1909. Provost, Norman, Stamford, Conn. 16087 1st Lieutenant, 6tli Conn. Inf. Oct. 15, 1902. Pruyn, Foster, Albany, N. Y. 136 62 (In succession.) Feb. 1, 1905. Purdy, Charles H. Jersey City, N. J. 14458 (Second Class.) May 4,1904. Purdy, William B. Jersey City, N. J. 14287 Act. Asst. Paymaster, late U. S. N. May 2, 189 4. Putnam, Edgar P. Jamestown, N. Y. 10537 Captain, 9th N. Y. Cav. Dec. 7, 1887. Putnam, George Haven, New York City 5837 1st Lieut., Adjt., 176th N. Y. Inf. Q Jan. 6, 1886. "Quinn, Thomas F. Brooklyn, N. Y. 4319 Major, IT. S. A. (Retired.) R Dec. 3,1902. Rand, Edward S. New York City 13761 (In succession.) Feb. 7, 189 4. Rand, Philip C. Meriden, Conn. 10433 1st Lieut., Adjt., 15th Conn. Inf. Oct. 6, 1909. Rankin, William H. Elizabeth, N. J. 16006 Captain, 10 4th Penn. Vol. Inf. Feb. 5, 1908. Ranlett, Foster P. Jersey City, N. J. 155 80 (In succession.) Feb. 7, 1906. Ransom, John E. Buffalo, N. Y. 14911 1st Lieut., 21st N. Y. Inf. Oct. 1, 1884. Ransom, Porte V. New York City 3188 Private, 71st N. Y. Vol. Inf. (Second Class.) May 7,1879. Ransom, Rastus S. New York City 1841 1st Lieut., 5 0th N. Y. Engrs. May 6,1896. Rathbone, Albert, New York City 11472 (Second Class.) June 3, 1874. Rathbone, Clarence, Albany, N. Y. 1542 Ensign, late U. S. N. Dec. 7, 1870. Raymond, Charles H. Morristown, N. J. 1246 1st Lieut, 177th N. Y. Inf. 60 No. of Elected. Name and Rank. Address. Insignia. Dec. 2, 1908. Raymond, Morris T. Buffalo, N. Y. 15802 (Second Class.) Aug. 8, 1883. ^Raymond, Rossiter W. New York City 2 868 Captain, A. A. D. C, U. S. V. April 9,1891. 'Redfi eld, Charles S. Glen Ridge, N. J. 872 5 (In succession.) Oct. 5,1898. Reed, Horace, Buffalo, N. Y. 12328 (Second Class.) May 2, 1906. Reibling, Augustus J. Rochester, N. Y. 15 059 2nd Lieut., 8th N. Y. Hvy. Art. Oct. 14, 1896. ^Reichhelm, Edward P. Bayonne, N. J. 11539 Captain, 51st U. S. Col'd Inf. Oct. 6,1897. Reid, James R. Elmira, N. Y. 11918 Captain, late 10th U. S. Inf. Dec. 19,1888. "Rexford, William H. Buffalo, N. Y. 6607 Captain, 2 4th Mich. Inf. Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. A. (Retired.) April 6,1892. Reynolds, John A. Canandaigua, N. Y. 9432 Brevet Colonel, U. S. V. April 6,1887. Rhoades, Archibald C. New York City 5402 Med. Director, U. S. N. (Retired.) Dec. 7,1898. Rhodes, George H. New York City 12403 Captain, 1st N. H. Cav. Feb. 3, 18 97. Rice, John W. Auburn, N. Y. 11751 1st Lieut., 9th N. Y. Hvy. Art. Peb. 2, 1887. Richardson, Charles A. Canandaigua, N. Y. 5296 Major, 126th N. Y. Inf. April 3, 1895. Richardson, Frank W. Auburn, N. Y. " 10978 (Second Class.) April 1,1891. Richardson, George W. Auburn, N. Y. 8660 Major, 11th N. Y. Cav. April 6, 1904. "Ricker, William W. New York City 14252 (In succession.) Dec. 7, 1910. Riddle, Daniel W. Saranac Lake, N. Y. 1644 5 A. A. Paymaster, late U. S. N. Dec. 7, 1910. Ridgway, Henry, Paterson, N. J. 16 401 1st Lieut, and Q. M., 11th N. J. Vol. Inf. May 6, 1891. Riley, Reuben, Brooklyn, N. Y. 88 01 Act. 2nd Asst. Engr., late U. S. N. Feb. 6, 188 4. Ripley, Edward H. New York City 3013 Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. V. Nov. 12,1895. "Ritzius, Henry P. Beersheba Springs, Tenn. 11220 Major, 5 2nd N. Y. Inf. Major, U. S. A. (Retired.) April 7,1886. Robbins, Charles A. East Orange, N. J. 4599 Act. Asst. Paymaster, late U. S. N. Dec. 1, 1909. Roberson, Theodore M. Bullville, N. Y. 16083 Captain, 12 4th N. Y. Vols. Feb. 3, 1892 Dec. 5, 1894 May 4, 1898 Feb. 5, 1902 61 No. of Elected. Name and Rank. Address. Inisignia. June 2, 1875. "Roberts, Benjamin K. Washington, D. C. 1683 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Brig.-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) Roberts, Edward E. Brooklyn, N. Y. 9312 2d Asst. Engineer, late U. S. N. Roberts, Nathan B. New York City 10765 2d Lieut., Signal Corps, U. S. V. Robeson, Fielding T. New York City 122 52 (In succession.) Robinson, Gordon, Phillipine Islands, Manila 1345 7 Captain, Coast Art., U. S. A. (Hereditary.) Feb. 7,1900. Robinson, Myron W. Noroton Heights, Conn. 12793 Hospital Steward, late U. S. A. Surgeon, 6th Conn. Inf. Dec. 7, 1887. *Robinson, Oscar D. Died July 11, 1911. 5834 Captain, 9th N. H. Inf. May 3,1905. Rochester, Montgomery H. Albany, N. Y. 14525 (In succession.) Dec. 5, 1888. Rockwell, Alphonso D. New York City 6633 Surgeon, 6th Ohio Cav. Dec. 1,1897. Rockwell, Cyrus O. New York City 12018 (In succession.) Feb. 5,1896. Rockwell, Harvey G. New York City 11348 (Second Class.) Oct. 10, 1894. Rodenbough, Theophilus F. New York City 10657 Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. V. Brig.-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) March 4, 1868. 'Rodgers, Frederick, Washington, D. C. 69 Rear-Admiral, U. S. N. (Retired.) May . 3, 19 05. Rogers, Andrew J. Paterson, N. J. 14522 Captain, 2 5th N. J. Inf. Feb. 6,1907. Rogers, Charles G. Lockport, N. Y. 15282 '(Second Class.) Feb. 3,1897. Rogers, Edward W. Lockport, N. Y. 11752 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, IT. S. V. Oct. 2,1895. Rogers, George W. New York City 11109 1st Lieut., 3d N. Y. Inf. May 2, 1883. Roome, Claudius M. New York City 2575 (In succession.) Feb. 2,1887. Roome, William P. New York City 5303 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Jan. 28,1890. "Ross, Albert R. New York City 7598 (Second Class.) May 5, 1904. «Royse, Daniel, - New York City 142 79 (Hereditary.) Dec. 2,1908. Ruggles, Colden L'H. West Point, N. Y. 15800 Lieut.-Colonel, Prof. U. S. M. A. (In succession.) 62 No. of Elected. Name ami Rank. Address. Inisignia. Dec. 13,1899. Russell, Franklin G. Jacksonville, Fla. 12731 (In succession.) May 5, 1897. Sackett, Augustine, New York City 11852 2d Asst. Engineer, late U. S. N. Dec. 7, 1898. Sampson, Walter C. New York City 12 406 (In succession.) Oct. 5, 1898. Sanders, William N. S. Albany, N. Y. 12321 Captain, 3d N. Y. Inf. Dec. 3, 1890. Sands, Charles J. Los Angeles, Cal. 8361 Captain, 6tli N. Y. Hvy. Art. Feb. 8,1899. Satterfield, John M. Buffalo, N. Y. 12482 (In succession.) April 6, 1892. Satterthwaite, J. Fisher, Nutley, N. J. 9 433 1st Lieut., Adjt., 2 2d N. J. Inf. Feb. 2,1898. Savery, John E. Cato, N. Y. 12136 Captain, 75th N. Y. Inf. Feb. 3,1904. Sawyer, Arthur Estcourt, New York City 14173 (Second Class.) May 4, 1910. Sawyer, C. Royce, Albion, N. Y. 162 67 (Hereditary.) March 4, 1868. Sawyer. Jas. Estcourt, New York City 7 44 Captain's Clerk, late U. S. N. Major, Q. M., U. S. V. Lieut.-Colonel, D. Q. M. G., U. S. A. Brigadier-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) April 6,1892. Schermerhorn, F. Augustus, New York City 9434 Brevet Captain, U. S. V. Dec. 4, 189 5. Schieffelin, Wm. Jay, New York City 11251 1st Lieut, Adjt, 12th N. Y. Vol. Inf. (In succession.) Feb. 1, 1911. Schoeffel, George B. McC. Rochester, N. Y. 16 447 (Hereditary.) Dec. 1,1897. Schoonmaker, Julius, Kingston, N. Y. 12012 (In succession.) Nov. 3,1875. Scott Eben G. Wilkesbarre, Penn. 1635 1st Lieut., late 5th U. S. Art. Feb. 8,189 9. Scott, William D. Los Angeles, Cal. 12 483 (In succession.) Feb. 1, 1893. Scott William F. New York City 9 959 1st Lieut., Adjt., 4th Iowa Cav. April 1, 1885. Scrymser, James A. New York City 3615 Captain, Vol. A. D. C, U. S. V. Nov. 4, 1885. Seaward, Benjamin, Brighton, Eng. 405 8 Brevet Captain, U. S. V. Feb. 7,1906. Selkirk, George H. Buffalo, N. Y. 14912 Lieut.-Colonel, 49 th N. Y. Inf. 63 Xo. of Elected. Name and Rank. Address. Insignia. Feb. 7, 1906. Sellew, George E. Waterbury, Conn. 14913 1st Lieut., 6th U. S. Col'd Inf. May 5, 1886. Seward, William H. Auburn, N. Y. 469 6 Brigadier-General, U. S. V. Dec. 3,1902. Seymour, Elisha W. Buffalo, N. Y. 13760 Captain, 116th N. Y. Inf. Dec. 7, 1910. Shackford, William M. New York City 16404 (Hereditary.) Feb. 5, 1868. Shaler, Alexander, Ridgefield, N. J. 641 Brevet Major-General, U. S. V. Oct. 5, 1886. Shannon, Richard C. Brockport, N. Y. 4911 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. May 2, 1894. Sheets, Levi D. Bloomfield, N. J. 105 46 Act. Asst. Surgeon, late U. S. A. Brevet Captain, U. S. V. ■Oct. 6,19 09. Shelton, William H. New York City 16007 1st Lieut., 1st N. Y. Lt. Art. Feb. 1,1893. "Shepherd, Edwin A. Fort Hancock, N. J. 10153 (Hereditary.) Dec. 7, 1887. Sheppard, Morris F. Penn Yan, N. Y. 5821 Captain, 16th N. Y. Hvy. Art. Feb. 5,1902. Sherer, Edward, New York City 13454 1st Lieut., Adjt., 159th N. Y. Inf. ■Oct. 5, 1892. Sherman, P. Tecumseh, New York City 9729 (In succession.) Feb. 6, 1907. Shields, William New York City 152 8 4 (Second Class.) Dec. 2,1903. Shoyer, Daniel W. New York City 14127 (In succession.) April 6,1887. Shrady, John, New York City 5408 Surgeon, 2d E. Tenn. Mtd. Inf. Feb. 7,1900. Shrady, John Eliot, New York City 12 802 (Second Class.) Dec. 5, 18 93. Sides, Robert C. Jr. Tompkinsville, N. Y. 10329 1st Lieut, Adjt, 2d N. H. Inf. May 7, 189 0. Sill, Edward E. New York City 79 78 Brevet Major, U. S. V . May 5, 19 09. Simmons, William E. New York City 15 955 1st Lieut, 13th Maine Vol. Inf. April 1, 1885. Skilton, DeWitt C. Hartford, Conn. 3614 1st Lieut., 2 2d Conn. Inf. Feb. 1, 1893. Skinner, Edward A. Westfield, N. Y. 9960 1st Lieut., R. Q. M., 9th N. Y. Cav. Feb. 5, 1902. Skinner, Jeffrey, Winsted, Conn. 13 455 Lieut.-Colonel, 2d Conn. Hvy Art. May 4, 1904. Skinner, William C. Hartford, Conn. 142 89. (In succession.) •Oct 3, 1900. Slocum, Henry W. New York City 1295 9 (In succession.) 64 No. of Elected. Name and Rank. Address. Insignia. Oct. 5, 1886. Slocum, Herbert J. Governor's Island, N. Y. 4916 Major, Inspr.-Gen., U. S. V. Major, 2d U. S. Cav. Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. Cav. (Second Class.) April 5, 1882. Slocum, Joseph J. New York City 2370 Colonel, Chf. C. S., U. S. V. Dec. 7, 1904. Slosson, Chas. Aubrey, New York City 14419 (In succession.) Dec. 7,1910. Smith, Albert A. Brooklyn, N. Y. 16407 (Second Class.) Feb. 7, 19 06. Smith, Courtland, Dobbs Ferry, N. Y. 14920 (In succession.) Feb. 7, 1900. Smith, Francis A. Elizabethtown, N. Y. 12 794 2d Lieut, 3d N. Y. Inf. Oct. 1, 1890. Smith, Frank Sullivan New York City 8119 (In succession.) May 5, 1886. Smith, Geo. Brainard, Hartford, Conn. 4695 (Hereditary.) Oct. 7, 1896. Smith, George W. New York City 11557 1st Lieut., Adjt., 13th Kan. Inf. Dec. 2,1896. Smith, George Williamson, Washington, D. C. 11634 Chaplain, late U. S. N. May 3, 1893. Smith, H. Eugene, Mount Vernon, N. Y. 10169 (Hereditary.) May 1,1907. Smith, Heman P. New York City 15381 2nd Lieut., 1st Maine, Hvy. Art. May 12,1885. Smith, Henry A. Hartland, N. Y. 3767 (Hereditary.) Jan. 5, 1881. Smith, Henry Eagle, Philadelphia, Penn. 2133 Brevet Major, late U. S. A. Feb. 3, 1886. Smith, Howard M. Brooklyn, N. Y. 4491 1st Lieut, Adjt., 184th N. Y. Inf. Feb. 3, 1897. Smith, John C. Newark, N. J. 11754 1st Lieut, 33d N. J. Int May 2, 19 06. Smith, L. Bertrand, Brooklyn, N. Y. 15066 (Second Class.) May 7,1902. Smith, Morton W. New York City 13573 (In succession.) May 3,1899. *Smith, Stephen B. Died July 28, 1911. 12557 1st Lieut, Adjt., 2 6th Mass Int Dec. 1, 188 6. Smith, Theodore E. New York City 5112 Act. Asst. Paymaster, late U. S. N. Dec. 13, 1905. Smith, T. Guilford, Buffalo, N. Y. 14833 (In succession.) .Dec. 7,1898. Smith, Wm. Wickham, New York City 12408 (Hereditary.) Feb. 6, 19 01. Smyth, Newman New Haven, Conn. 13115 1st Lieut, 16th Me. Int 65 No. of Elected. Name and Rank. Address. Insignia. May 7, 1902. Snow, Norman L. Boston, Mass. 13574 (Hereditary.) May 4, 1910. Spaulding, Louis M. Albion, N. Y. 162 68 (Hereditary.) April 4, 188 8. Spooner, Charles W. Los Angeles, Cal. 6173 Acting Ensign, late U. S. N. May 6,1891. Sprague, Charles E. New York City 8804 Sergeant, 44th N. Y. Inf. Oct. 10, 1906. Stagg, John, Paterson, N. J. 15171 1st Lieut, 1st Mich. Cav. Dec. 3, 1873. Stahel, Julius, New York City 1491 Major-General, U. S. V. Oct. 2, 1895. Stanton, Oscar F. New London, Conn. 11110 Rear-Admiral, U. S. N. (Retired.) Dec. 7, 1910. Starr, Pierre S. Hartford, Conn. 16402 Asst. Surgeon, U. S. A. Nov. 6, 1878. 'Stauffer, David McN. Yonkers, N. Y. 1854 Corporal, Battery "I," Penn. Lt. Art. Acting Ensign, late U. S. N. Feb. 4,1891. Steele, Hiram R. New York City 8503 Brevet Major, U. S. V. May 4,1881. Stevens, George T. New York City 2209 Surgeon, 77th N. Y. Inf. Dec. 7,18 87. Stewart, Edwin, South Orange, N. J. 5827 Paymaster-General, U. S. N. (Retired.) May 6, 19 08. Stewart, John A. New York City 156 81 (Hereditary.) May 2, 1888. Stewart, John E. Springfield, Mass. 6227 1st Lieut., Adjt., 9th U. S. Col'd Inf. Dec. 5, 1900. 'Stewart, William Edwin, South Orange, N. J. 13045 (Second Class.) May 4, 1910. Stiles, Thomas W. New York City 162 69 (Hereditary.) Oct. 10, 189 4. Stimson, Lewis A. New York City 106 98 Captain, Volunteer Aid. (Companion-at-Large.) June 6, 1888. "Stivers, Edwin J. Paris, France 6353 Captain, 17th U. S. Col'd Inf. Major, U. S. A. (Retired.) Oct. 7, 1903. Stockwell, Elias Howe, New York City 1403 8 Seaman, late U. S. N. (In succession.) Feb. 7, 1906. Stoddard, Enoch V. Rochester, N. Y. 14921 ' (In succession.) May 3, 1899. Stone, Lauriston L. Rochester, N. Y. 12558 1st Lieut., R. Q. M., 2d Vt. Inf. Feb. 6, 1889. Stone, Mason A. New York City 6734 Brevet Colonel, U. S. V. 66 No. of Elected. Name and Rank. Address. Insignia. May 1,1907. Stone, Mason A. Jr. New York City 15387 (Second Class.) April 1, 1891. Storey, James Henry Brooklyn, N. Y. 8664 1st Lieut, R. Q. M., 87th U. S. Col'd. Inf. Oct. 6, 189 7. Stotesbury, Louis W. New York City 1192 4 (Hereditary.) Feb. 7,1894. Strang, Jolin R. Geneseo, N. Y. 10434 Lieut-Colonel, 104th N. Y. Inf. April 1,1885. Strong, Wilson B. New York City 3618 1st Lieut, late 3 3d U. S. Vol. Inf. (Hereditary.) Feb. 3, 1904. Struble, Clinton B. Penn Yan, N. Y. 14171 (Hereditary.) Feb. 5, 1896. Sturges, Theodore, Fairfield, Conn. 11349 (In succession.) April 7,1886. "Sturgis, Thomas, New York City 4768 1st Lieut., 57th Mass. Inf. May 2,1906. Suiter, James A. Jr. Herkimer, N. Y. 15062 (Hereditary.) Feb. 1, 1905. Sutton, J. Ford, New York City 1445 4 Chaplain, 102d N. Y. Inf. Oct 1, 1884. Suydam, Charles C. New York City 33 49 Lieut.-Colonel, 3d N. J. Cav. Oct 2, 1907. Swartwout William M. Troy, N. Y. 15444 1st Lieut., 16 9th N. Y. Inf. Feb. 3,1892. Swayne, Alfred H. New York City 9319 (in succession.) Feb. 1, 1882. Sweeny, Charles B. New York City 2271 (In succession.) May 3, 1871. Swift Charles N. New York City 1335 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. Dec. 13, 1905. Swift Parton, Buffalo, N. Y. 14839 (In succession.) Jan. 7, 1874. 'Swords, Henry L. New York City 1517 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Dec. 4. 1889. Symonds, Brandreth, New York City 7478 (In succession.) May 6,1903. Taggart Wm. Rush, New York City 13952 (Hereditary.) June 1, 1870. Tailof, Ivan, New York City 1189 Major, 2d U. S. Vet. Vol. Inf. Feb. 4, 1903. Tait George F. Brooklyn, N. Y. 13829 Captain, 10th N. Y. Int Feb. 7,1900. Tangeman, Cornelius H. New York City 12797 (In succession.) 67 No. of Elected. Name and Rank. Address. Insignia. Oct. 5, 1898. Tarbox, Henry F. Batavia, N. Y. 12322 2d Lieut, 108th N. Y. Inf. Dec. 1,1897. Taylor, Charles A. Oswego, N. Y. 12008 Captain, 2 4th N. Y. Cav. Dec. 5,189 4. Taylor, Edward Graham, New York City 10770 (Hereditary.) May 5,1897.' Taylor, John M. Albany, N. Y. 11855 (In succession.) Feb. 5, 1902. Thayer, N. Townsend, Brooklyn, N. Y. 13458 (Hereditary.) Oct. 6, 1869. Thomas, William H. South Norwalk, Conn. 1105 Chaplain, 4th N. H. Inf. Feb. 1, 1905. Thompson, John W. Stratford, Conn. 14455 2d Lieut., 48th N. Y. Inf. Nov. 4,1874. "Thompson, Robert M. New York City 1599 Master, late U. S. N. Oct. 6, 1869. 'Thompson, Theodore S. Brookline, Mass. 1099 Pay Director, U. S. N. (Ret'd, with rank of Rear- Adml.) Feb. 6, 1884. Thomson, Clifford, New York City 3022 Major, 5th U. S. Col'd Cav. Dec. 12, 1902. "Thomson, John D. New York City 13895 (Second Class.) Feb. 8, 18 99. Thorne, Thomas W. New York City 12480 Captain, 83d N. Y. Inf. Feb. 4, 1891. Thornton, Howard, Newburgh, N. Y. 8510 (Hereditary.) Feb. 3,1892. Thurber, Charles De F. Saratoga Springs, N. Y. 9314 1st Lieut., R. Q. M., 77th N. Y. Inf. Nov. 3, 1880. Tibbits, Le Grand C. Hoosac, N. Y. 2050 (In succession.) May 6,1903. Tichenor, Henry D. New York City 13951 (In succession.) Nov. 14, 1866. Tiemann, William Francis, East Orange, N. J. 227 Captain, 15 9th N. Y. Inf. Oct. 4,1905. Tiernon, John L. Buffalo, N. Y. 14628 (In succession.) P'eb. 3, 1869. Tileston, Thomas, Summit, N. J. 951 Captain, 131st N. Y. Inf. May 3, 1911. Tileston, Thomas 2nd, New York City 1652 9 (Second Class.) Oct. 3, 1900. Tilton, Stephen, New York City 12960 (In succession.) Dec. 1,1897. Tompkins, Charles H. New York City 12013 (In succession.) Oct. 5,1887. Toppin, John D. Newark, N. J. 5710 Passed Asst. Engineer, U. S. N. (Retired.) Feb. 6, 1907. Town, John J. Utica, N. Y. 15279 (Hereditary.) 68 No. of Elected. Name and Rank. Address. Insignia. Dec. 5,1894. Townsend, Frederick, Albany, N. Y. 10771 (In succession.) June 4, 1890. ^Tracy, Benjamin F. New York City 8008 Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. V. May 6, 1896. Tracy, Cliarles S. Syracuse, N. Y. 11473 (In succession.) Feb. 5,1896. Tracy, J. Evarts, New York City 11342 (Hereditary.) May 2, 1888. Tracy, William G. Syracuse, N. Y. 6230 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Feb. 6, 1895. Treadwell, Abbot, Concord, N. H. 10906 (Hereditary.) Dec. 5,1894. Treadwell, Geo. Curtis, Albany, N. Y. 10772 (In succession.) March 2, 1881. Trenchard, Edward, Babylon, N. Y. 213 8 (In succession.) Feb. 7,1900. Tuller, Loren W. New York City 12795 Captain, 60th N. Y. Inf. Feb. 7,1906. Tuller, Sheldon H. New York City 14922 (Second Class.) Feb. 6, 188 4. Turner, Emory S. New York City 3019 2d Lieut., 120th N. Y. Inf. May 3, 1899. Twichell, Joseph H. Hartford, Conn. 12 5 59 Chaplain, 71st N. Y. Inf. May 5, 1886. Twining, Edward H. Louisville, Ky. 469 4 Captain, A. D. C, U. S. V. April 6,1892. Twitchell, Adelbert B. Newark, N. J. . 9436 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Feb. 8, 1899. Twyeffort, Louis V. Paris, France 12487 Private, Troop C, N. Y. Vol. Cav. (In succession.) May 4, 1892. Tyler, Chas. Mellen, Ithaca, N. Y. 9 569 Chaplain, 2 2d Mass. Inf. April 3, 1895. Tyler, William S. Plainfield, N. J. 10979 (In succession.! u Dec. 7,1887. Underbill, Harvey I. South Orange, N. J. 5841 (In succession.) Feb. 7, 189 4. Upham, Charles L. Meriden, Conn. 10 435 Colonel, 15th Conn. Inf. Feb. 4, 1891. Van Arsdale, Nathaniel H. New York City 8506 1st Lieut., 1st N. J. Inf. March 1,1882. Vanderbilt, Aaron, New York City 2274 Acting Ensign, late U. S. N. 69 No. of Elected. Name and Rank. Address. Insignia. June 7, 1882. Vander Veer, Albert, Albany, N. Y. 2374 Surgeon, 66 th N. Y. Inf. Feb. 5,1896. Vander Veer, Edgar A. Albany, N. Y. 11350 Act. Asst. Surgeon, late U. S. A. (Second Class.) May 1, 1889. Van Duyn, John, Syracuse, N. Y. 7084 Brevet Captain, U. S. V. May 4,1904. Van Etten, Edgar, New York City 14288 2d Lieut., 2d N. J. Inf. Sept. 4, 1882. ^Van Ness, William P. Washington, D. C. 2539 Major, U. S. A. (Retired.) (Hereditary.) May 2,1906. Van Rensselaer, Charles A. New York City 15063 (Hereditary.) Oct. 1, 1890. "Vansant, John T. Philadelphia, Pa. 8180 (Hereditary.) Dec. 5, 186 6. Van Winkle, Edgar B. New York City 441 Captain, 103d U. S. Col'd Inf. Oct. 7, 1903. Van Winkle, Edgar B. Jr. Seattle, Wash. 14041 (Second Class.) April 1, 1891. Viele, Sheldon T. Buffalo, N. Y. 8675 (Hereditary.) Dec. 5, 1894. Villeplait, A. Beaufort, New York City 10766 1st Lieut., R. Q. M., 182d N. Y. Inf. Oct. 7, 1868. Von Schirach, Frederick C. Lubeck, Germany 877 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Major, U. S. A. (Retired.) w April 2,1884. ^Wadsworth, James W. Geneseo, N. Y. 3217 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Feb. 6,1901. Wagoner, Martin V. B. Albany, N. Y. 13116 Captain, 118th U. S. Col'd Inf. April 4, 1866. Wagstaff, Alfred, New York City 240 Major, 91st N. Y. Inf. Dec. 4, 1889. Walbridge, Charles E. Buffalo, N. Y. 7475 Lieut.-Colonel, Chief Q. M., U. S. V. Dec. 1,1909. Walcott, Frederic C. New York City 16092 (Hereditary.) Feb. 6, 1895. Walker, Charles A. Pelham, Manor, N. Y. 10901 Captain, 165th N. Y. Inf. Dec. 5, 1888. Walker, John, New York City 6 62 8 1st Lieut, 13 2d N. Y. Inf. Nov. 14,1895. 'Walker, Roberts, New York City 11200 (In succession.) May 1,1901. Ward, Alexander L. New York City 13222 (Second Class.) 70 No. of Elected. Name and Rank. Address. Insignia. Feb. 5, 1908. Ward, Edwin F. New York City 15 577 Surgeon 38th Mass. Inf. April 7, 18 86. Ward, J. Langdon, New York City 4603 Majoi', 7 5th U. S. Col'd Inf. Nov. 2, 1870. Ward, Samuel B. Albany, N. Y. 1222 Act. Asst. Surgeon, late U. S. A. Assistant Surgeon, U. S. V. April 5, 1893. Ware, Joseph, New York City 10086 Acting Ensign, late U. S. N. Nov. 3, 188 6. ^Warner, Alexander, Ridgefield, Conn. 5 032 Lieut.-Colonel, 13th Conn. Inf. Oct. 6,1909. Warren, George L. Cortland, N. Y. 16008 Captain, 157th N. Y. Vol. Inf. Oct. 4,1905. Watkins, Frederick W. White Plains, N. Y. 14624 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Feb. 6, 1907. Watson, John, Binghamton, N. Y. 152 80 (Hereditary.) June 2, 1869. Watts, Robert, New York City 1078 Surgeon, 133d N. Y. Inf. April 1, 1891. Webb, Alexander S. New York City 8677 (In succession.) April 3,1895. Webb, William H. Kingston, N. Y. 10972 Commander, U. S. N. (Retired.) Dec. 13, 1899. Weber, John B. Lackawanna, N. Y. 12729 Colonel, 89th U. S. Col'd Inf. Sept. 11, 1867. Webster, Almar P. Soldiers' Home, Cal. 5 85 Captain, 9th N. Y. Inf. • April 7, 1886. Weeks, Bartow S. New York City 4615 (In succession.) Dec. 2, 1908. Wehrum, Charles V. Buffalo, N. Y. 157 99 (Hereditary.) May 4, 1910. Weingart, Isaac, New York City 16272 (Second Class.) Dec. 2, 1896. Weir, Henderson, Wilmington, Del. 11640 (Second Class.) Feb. 2, 1887. Weir, Henry C. Wyndham, Conn. 5302 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. Dec. 1,1909. Weir, Robert F. New York City 16085 Asst. Surgeon, U. S. A. May 8,1891. "Weist, Harry H. New York City 8772 (Second Class.) Feb. 6, 1889. Wells, Frank, Brewsters, N. Y. 6748 Brevet Major, U. S. V. May 2, 1888. Wells, Frank S. Plainfield, N. J. 6223 1st Lieut., 1st U. S. Sharpshooters. Feb. 5,1902. Wells, Harry H. White Plains, N. Y. 13461 1st Class Sergeant, U. S. V. (Second Class.) 71 No. of Eleeted. Name and Rank. Address. Insignia. May 7,1884. Wells, William S. New Haven, Conn. 3130 Private, 4th Penn. Inf. Second Asst. Engineer, late U. S. N. May 4, 1887. Welsh, Osgood, Devon, Pa. 5521 2d Lieut., 6th Penn. Cav. May 7, 1890. Wendel, Frederick C. H. Shelburne, Mass. 7991 (Hereditary.) Jan. 5, 1870. Wheelan, James N. New York City 1114 Brevet Colonel, U. S. V. Brig.-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) May 14,1901. =''Wheeler, Claude L. Brooklyn, N. Y. 13262 (Hereditary.) Feb. 5, 1890. Wheeler, Edmund S. Buffalo, N. Y. 7618 Act. Asst. Paymaster, late U. S. N. April 1, 1891. Wheeler, Jerome B. New York City 8667 Captain, 6th N. Y. Cav. Nov. 7, 1883 Whipple, Charles W. New York City 2898 Major, U. S. A. (Retired.) Lieut.-Colonel, Inspr. Gen., U. S. V. (Hereditary.) May 3, 1899. Whistler, Garland N. Ford Worden, Wash. 12563 Lieut.-Colonel, Art. Corps, U. S. A.. (Retired.) (In succession.) Feb. 5, 1890. White, Andrew G. New York City 7619 1st Lieut., 3d N. Y. Inf. May 7, 1902. White, Truman C. Buffalo, N. Y. 13572 1st Lieut., 10th N. Y. Cav. Dec. 5, 1894. 'White, Ulysses S. G. Georgetown, Ohio 10789 2d Lieut., late 4th U. S. Cav. Civil Engineer (Captain) U. S. N. (Retired.) (Hereditary.) May 4,1881. White, Whitman V. New York City 2202 Act. Asst. Surgeon, late U. S. A. Surgeon, 57th Mass. Inf. May 2, 1888. ^Whitehead, Ira C. Walden, N. Y. 6272 Act. Asst. Surgeon, late U. S. A. Act. Asst. Surgeon, late U. S. N. May 8, 1895. Whiting, Lowe, Iron River, Mich. 11047 (Hereditary.) Dec. 13, 189 9. Whitmore, William T. Brooklyn, N. Y. 12730 Act. Asst. Paymaster, late U. S. N. Feb. 6, 1895. Wilber, Mark D. New York City 10902 1st Lieut., R. Q. M., 159th N. Y. Inf. Oct. 2,1889. Wilcox, Reynold Webb, New York City 7243 (In succession.) Feb. 3,1904. Wildrick, John A. Blairstown, N. J. 14169 Lieut.-Colonel, 28th N. J. Inf. April 4,1883. Wiley, William H. New York City 2566 Captain, Indpndt. Corps, N. Y. Inf. 72 No. of Elected. Name and Rank. Address. Insignia. Dec. 1, 1909. Wiley, William O. New York City 16096 (Second Class.) B-eb. 1, 1888. Wilkins, Hartwell A. New York City 6017 1st Lieut., 8 8th U. S. Col'd Inf. Feb. 6, 1907. Willard, Bryant, New York City 15276 (In succession.) May 7, 1902. Willard, Ernest R. Rochester, N. Y. 13576 (Hereditary.) May 1,1907. Williams, Clark, New York City 15383 (In succession.) May 2, 1888. Williams, John R. Townley, N. J. 6219 1st Lieut, 13th N. J. Inf. May 1, 1907. Willson, Fred Fielding, Bozeman, Mont. 153 88 (Second Class.) Dec. 5, 1888. Willson, Lester S. Bozeman, Mont. 66 44 Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. V. May 3,1905. Wilson, Charles H. Mount Vernon, N. Y. 14526 (Second Class.) May 2, 1888. "Wilson, Charles H. New York City 632 8 (Second Class.) Oct. 4, 1871. Wilson, Charles L New York City 13 56 Brig.-General, IT. S. A. (Retired.) May 4,1892. Wilson, Christopher W. Brooklyn, N. Y. 9570 1st Lieut, 7 3d N. Y. Inf. Feb. 3, 190 4. Wilson, George D. Brooklyn, N. Y. 14174 (Second Class.) Dec. 2, 1885. Wilson, James Grant New York City 43 40 Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. V. Oct 14, 1885. ^Wilson, Joel, Finderne, N. J. 407 8 Captain, 1st Me. Cav. May 2, 1894. Wilson, John A. Nutley, N. J. 105 51 (In succession.) April 5,1893. Wilson, William Jr. Mount Vernon, N. Y. 10087 Captain, 33d N. J. Inf. Oct 5, 1898. Wilson, Wm. Stockton, Newark, N. J. 1232 4 Surgeon, 210th Penn. Inf. April 7, 1880. Winne, Charles K. Albany, N. Y. 2041 Colonel, U. S. A. (Retired.) Feb. 5, 1902. Winne, Charles K. Jr. Albany, N. Y. 13462 (Second Class.) Nov. 3, 1886. Winslow, Edward F. Brooklyn, N. Y. 5 008 Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. V. May 4,1898. Wolfe, S. Herbert New York City 12253 (In succession.) Dec. 7, 1892. Wood, Bradford R. Albany, N. Y. 9869 Brevet Captain, late U. S. A. Brevet Major, U. S. V. Elected. Jan. 7, 1880. Feb. 3, 1869. Dec. 1, 1909. Aug. 1, 1866. Nov. 4, , 1885. Feb. 2, 1910. May 7, 1890. Dec. 4, 1895. April 5, 1893. Feb. 2, 1910. Dec. 1, 1869. July 3, 1890. Feb. 7, 1900. Dec. 12, 1883. Feb. 3, 1892. Feb. 1, 1911. Dec. 2, 1891. March 6, 1878. May 6, 1896. May 5. 1897. April 6, 1892. Dec. 13, , 1905. Dec. 7, 1904. Dec. 7, 1898. 73 No. of Name and Rank. Address. Insignia. Wood, Edward E. Westchester, Pa. 1913 1st Lieut., 2d Prov. Penn. Cav. Colonel (Professor, U. S. M. A.), U. S. A, Wood, Henry Clay, Farmington, Me. 9 47 Brig.-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) Woodburn, Matthew A. Buffalo, N. Y. 16089 2d Lieut., 27th Penn. Inf. Woodford, Stewart L. New York City 536 Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. V. Woodhull, Alfred A. Princeton, N. J. 4060 Brig.-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) Woodhull, Daniel E. New York City 16155 (Hereditary.) Woodman, Clarence E. Wilmington, Del. 7996 (In succession.) Woodruff, Ezra, Louisville, Ky. 11248 Asst. Surgeon, 15th Ky. Inf. Colonel, U. S. A. (Retired.) Woodward, Edward S. New York City 10110 (In succession.) Woolverton, Francis T. Brooklyn, N. Y. 16159 (Second Class.) Woolverton, Theoron, Brooklyn, N. Y. 1151 Medical Director, U. S. N. (Retired.) 'Wooster, William H. H. Seymour, Conn. 8068 1st Lieut., R. Q. M., 6th Conn. Inf. Wootton, Herbert Wright, New York City 1279 8 (In succession.) Worden, William W. Saratoga Springs, N. Y. 3182 1st Lieut, 7 7th N. Y. Inf. Worthington, Lewis N. Paris, France 9317 Captain, 6th Ohio Inf. Wright, Albert J. Buffalo, N. Y. 16451 (Second Class.) Wright, Benjamin, Greenwich, Conn. 9122 1st Lieut, 10th Conn. Inf. Wright, Edward H. Newark, N. J. 1784 Colonel, A. A. D. C, late U. S. A. Wright, Nathaniel A. Oswego, N. Y, 11466 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Wyckoff, Edward G. Ithaca, N. Y. 1185 6 (In succession.) Yale, Thomas B. San Antonio, Texas 9437 Captain, 108th N. Y. Inf. Young, Alden March, New York City 14836 (Hereditary.) Young, Hugh, Chicago, 111. 14418 Captain, 79th N. Y. Inf. Young, Thomas, Huntington, N. Y. 12 404 Major, 127th U. S. Col'd Inf. TRANSFERRED. 75 No. of Elected. Name and Rank. Insignia. April 5, 1871. Abbott, Nathan B. Transferred to Ohio. 12 66 1st Lieutenant, 2 0th Conn. Inf. Feb. 2, 1870. Alberger, William C. Transferred to Cal. 1154 Brevet Colonel, U. S. V. Dec. 7, 1870. Alden, Charles H. Transferred to Minn. 1227 Brig.-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) May 6, 1868. *Almy, John J. Transferred to D. C. 740 Rear-Admiral, U. S. N. (Retired.) Feb. 16, 1866. *Ammen, Daniel, Transferred to Penn. 572 Rear-Admiral, U. S. N. (Retired.) Nov. 7, 1883. ^Anderson, Edward, Transferred to 111. 2991 Colonel, 12th Ind. Cav. Dec. 3,1890. Anderson, Henry R. Transferred to D. C. 8342 Captain, 6th U. S. Vol. Inf. Brig.-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) April 1, 1891. Andrews, E. Benjamin, Transferred to 111. 8639 2d Lieut., 1st Conn. Hvy. Art. Andrews, Guy Ashton, Transferred to Neb. 11255 (Second Class.) Apgar, DeWitt J. Transferred to D. C. 2765 Captain, 143d N. Y. Inf. *Armstrong, Robert G. Transferred to Kan. 2567 Private, 40th Penn. Inf. Captain, 1st U. S. Inf. Asserson, Peter C. Transferred to D. C. 10650 Civil Engineer (Rear-Admiral), U. S. N. (Retired.) March 6, 1889. *«Ayres, James C. Transferred to D. C. 7013 Captain, Ord. Dept., U. S. A. (In succession.) B May 26, 1891. "Babbitt, Edwin B. Transferred to D. C. 8887 Major, Ord. Dept., U. S. A. (Second Class.) Dec. 17, 1889. 'Bailhache, Preston H. Transferred to D. C. 7521 Surgeon, 14th 111. Cav. March 1, 1882. *Baker, Charles S. Transferred to D. C. 2276 1st Lieut., 27th N. Y. Inf. Feb. 1,1871. Baker, Joseph S. A. Transferred to D. C. 1248 1st Lieut., 13th Conn. Inf. April 2,1884. 'Barlow, John W. Transferred to D. C. 3193 Brig.-Gen., Chief of Engrs., U. S. A. (Retired.) Dec. 4, 1895. April 4, 1883. April 4, 1883. Oct. 10, 1894. 76 No. of Elected. Name and Rank. Insignia. Oct. 7, 1885. "Barr, Thomas F. Transferred to 111. 4039 Brevet Lieut.-Col., U. S. V. Brlg.-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) Dec. 4, 1889. Barton, Frederick, Transferred to Mass. 7450 Bvt. Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. Nov. 1, 1882. *'Batchelder, Richard N. Re-transferred to D. C. 2 611 Brevet Brigadier-General, U. S. "V. Brig.-Gen., Q. M. Gen., U. S. A. (Retired.) July 1, 1868. Bates, James A. Transferred to D. C. 840 Bvt. Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. A. (Retired.) April 6, 1887. *'Beardslee, Lester A. Transferred to Cal. 559 4 Rear-Admiral, U. S. N. (Retired.) April 3, 1867. Bell, James B. Transferred to Mass. 53 4 Brevet Major, U. S. V. July 2, 1866. 'Bird, Charles, Re-transferred to Penn. 290 Brig.-General, U. S. V. Brig.-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) Feb. 12, 1894. "Bisbee, William H. Transferred to Mass. 10453 Brig.-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) April 7,1886. ^Bishop, Herbert M. Transferred to Cal. 4631 Asst. Surgeon, 1st Conn. Cav. Feb. 8,1899. Bishop, "William T. Transferred to Penn. 12484 Captain, 8th U. S. Vol. Inf. (Second Class.) Feb. 2, 1870. *Booth, George, Re-transferred to Mass. 1141 2d Lieut., 9th Battery, Mass. Lt. Art. Nov. 2, 1881. Bridges, Lyman, Transferred to Cal. 2205 Brevet Colonel, U. S. V. Nov. 7, 1888. *"Bristol, Henry B. Transferred to D. C. 6538 Bvt. Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. A. (Retired.) May 3, 1882 'Brooke, John R. Re-transferred to Penn. 2434 Bvt. Maj-.-General, U. S. V. Major-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) Dec. 4, 1889. *Burnham, Samuel E. Transferred to Vt. 7451 Captain, 5th Vt. Inf. May 5, 1869. *Burns, William W. Transferred to D. C. 1049 Bvt. Brig.-Gen., U. S. A. (Retired.) April 3, 1895. *Burrows, Edwin B. Transferred to Mass. 10961 Captain, A. Q. M., U. S. V. Dec. 7, 1889. '^Butler, John G. Transferred to Mass. 7501 Brig.-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) Dec. 1,1885. 'Byrne, Charles C. Re-transferred to D. C. 29 04 Brig.-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) Oct. 6, 1868. "Cabot, Stephen, Re-transferred to Mass. 923 Major, 1st Batt. Mass. Hvy. Art. 77 No. of Elected. Name and Rank. Insignia. May 1, 1889. Canfield, Herman, Transferred to D. C. 7094 (Hereditary.) April 5,1871. *Carruth, William W. Re-transferred to Mass. 1301 Captain, A. A. G., U. S. V. Dec. 4,1878. •'Carter, Robert G. Transferred to D. C. 1865 Captain, U. S. A. (Retired.) Oct. 4, 1899. Catherwood, Clinton H. Transferred to Col. 12630 (Hereditary.) Dec. 2, 1896. Catlin, Sheldon, Transferred to Penn. 11637 (Second Class.) Dec. 2, 1891. Chamberlain, Eugene T. Transferred to D. C. 9134 (In succession.) ^ Jan. 10, 1872. "Chandler, John G. . Transferred to Cal. 1371 Lieut.-Colonel, Q. M., U. S. V. Brig.-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) April 2,1890. ^Chester, Colby M. Re-transferred to D. C. 7799 Rear- Admiral, U. S. N. (Retired.) March 5, 1873. *Clay, Henry de B. Transferred to D. C. 1446 Captain, late 23d U. S. Inf. July 1, 1868. *Clitz, Henry B. Transferred to Mich. 1082 Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) June 6,1868. *Coleman, Frederick W. Transferred to D. C. 788 Brevet Major, late U. S. A. Dec. 2, 1903. Cooley, Alford W. Transferred to D. C. 1412 8 (In succession.) April 4, 1883 'Corbin, Henry C. Transferred to D. C. 2 716 Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. V. Lieut.-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) Nov. 7, 1877. * Corse, John M. Transferred to 111. 1776 Brevet Major-General, U. S. V. Jan. 8,18 68. *Cranford, Henry L. Transferred to D. C. 63 4 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Feb. 6, 1884. 'Crilly, Francis J. Re-transferred to Penn. 3088 Brevet Colonel, late U. S. A. Dec. 7, 1892. ^Davis, George B. Re-transferred to D. C. 9850 2d Lieut, 1st Mass. Cav. Brig.-Genl., J. A. Genl., U. S. A. April 2, 1884. Dean, Richard C. Transferred to D. C. 3184 Medical Director, TJ. S. N. (Retired.) May 7, 1890. Denison, John M. Transferred to Md. 7993 (In succession.) May 2, 1877. Denny, James H. Transferred to Mass. 1769 Asst. Surgeon, 2d Mass. Hvy. Art. May 1, 1867. Nov. 5, 1883. Oct. 5, 1892. Feb. 8, 1899 Feb. 4, 1891, 78 No. of Elected. Name and Rank. Insignia. May 6, 1896. ^Devol, Carroll A. Transferred to Cal. 11485 Major, Q. M., U. S. A. Lieut.-Col.. Q. M., U. S. V. (Second Class.) Oct. 5, 1898. Dimon, Theodore, Transferred to 111. 12326 Asst. Engineer, late U. S. N. (In succession.) ^Dodge, Grenville M. Transferred to Iowa 484 Major-General, U. S. V. ^Dougherty, William E. Re-transferred to Cal. 2909 Brig.-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) Douglas, Orlando B. Transferred to Vt. 9727 ,2d Lieut., ISth Mo. Inf. Drumm, James F. Le B. Transferred to Mass. 12481 (In succession.) 4, 1891. Dungan, William W. Transferred to Penn. 8489 Chief Engineer, U. S. N. (Retired.) Dec. 7, 1892. Duryee, Harvey Hoag. Transferred to Cal. 9871 (Second Class.) E Jan. 5, 1887. "Eckels, Charles B. Re-transferred to Minn. 5214 (In succession.) Jan. 6, 1886. ^Ewers, Ezra P. Transferred to D. C. 4383 Brig.-General, U. S. V. Brig.-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) April 4, 1866. *Pebiger, John C. Transferred to D. C. 1014 Rear-Admiral, U. S. N. (Retired.) May 26, 1891. ^Febiger, Lea, Re-transferred to Cal. 8884 Major, Inspr. Genl., U. S. A. (In succession.) Oct. 3,1888. "Foote, Allen R. , Transferred to D. C. 6437 2d Lieut., 21st Mich. Inf. Oct. 4, 1882. *Forbes, Cornelius H. Transferred to Vt. 2380 1st Lieut., Adjt, 5th Vt. Inf. Oct. 5,1886. Torbes, Theodore F. Transferred to D. C. 4933 2d Lieut., 5th Vet. Res. Corps. Brig.-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) Oct. 14, 186 8. Torney, James, Re-transferred to Penn. 897 Brig.-General, U. S. M. C. (Retired.) May 23, 1893. '"Foster, Edward L. Transferred to Vt. 10221 1st Lieut., Adjt., 1st Vt. Hvy. Art. 79 No. of Elected. Name and Rank. Insignia. Oct. 5, 1881. Frank, Royal T. Transferred to Cal. 2204 Brig.-General, U. S. V. Brig.-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) Nov. 2, 1904. *Freitag, Joseph K. Re-transferred to Mass. 14395 (Hereditary.) June 6,1894. "Fuger, Frederick W. Transferred to Cal. 10603 Captain, 13tli U. S. Inf. (Second Class.) G Dec. 7,1881. Galbraith, William J. Transferred to Wash 2219 1st Lieut., Signal Corps, U. S. V. Nov. 19,1884. ^Garretty, Frank D. Transferred to Minn. 3446 1st Lieut., U. S. Vet. Res. Corps. Major, U. S.-A. (Retired.) Feb. 1, 18 88. Gates, Howard E. Transferred to Col. 6008 Surgeon, 189th N. Y. Inf. Oct. 3, 1888. *Gaylord, Augustus, Transferred to Wis. 6818 War Adjutant-General, State of Wisconsin. (Third Class.) May 4,1892. 'Gilder, Wilbur Fisk, Re-transferred to Penn. 9495 1st Lieut., 98th U. S. Col'd Inf. Nov. 4,1885. Gillespie, George L. Transferred to D. C. 4061 Brig.-General, U. S. V. Major-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) April 30, 1892. ^Graham, Wm. Montrose, Re-transferred to Cal. 9531 Brig.-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) Major-General, U. S. V. May 1, 1907. Grant, Ulysses S. 3d, Transferred to D. C. 15385 1st Lieut., C. E., U. S. A. (Second Class.) Nov. 7,1883. 'Greble, Edwin St. J. Re-transferred to Penn. 2947 Major, A. A. G., U. S. V. Major, A. C, U. S. A. (Hereditary.) July 11,1866. Grier, William, Transferred to D. C. 790 Surgeon-General, U. S. N. (Retired.) H April 3, 1895. 'Hall, Frank H. Re-transferred to D. C. 10987 (Second Class.) April 3, 1889. Hamilton, William A. Transferred to Cal. 6964 (In succession.) April 1, 1891. Harlan, Richard D. Transferred to 111. 8676 (Second Class.) April 4, 1866. Harmony, David B. Transferred to D. C. 322 Rear-Admiral, IT. S. N. (Retired.) 80 No. of Elected. Name and Rank. Insignia. April 2,1884. Harris, Henry T. B. Transferred to D. C. 312.5 Paymaster-General, U. S. N. (Retired.) Feb. 4, 1891. Hart, Frederic J. Transferred to D. C. 8493 2d Lieut, 109tli U. S. Col'd Inf. Sept. 1,1886. ^=Hawkins, Hamilton S. Transferred to D. C. 4886 Brig.-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) Major-General, U. S. V. Oct. 2,1889. ^'Hawthorne, Harry L. Transferred to D. C. 7374 Naval Cadet, late U. S. N. Captain, 9th U. S. Field Battery. Major, 29th U. S. Vol. Inf. (In succession.) Oct. 1,1873. Healy, Robert W. Transferred to Ohio 1445 Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. V. May 5, 1886. 'Heap, David P. Transferred to Cal. 4724 Brig.-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) May 2,1906. Hilles, Charles D. Transferred to D. C. 15061 (In succession.) May 4, 1870. *Hinks, Edward W. Transferred to Wis. 1205 Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) Sept 11, 189 4. =°Hooker, James Fisk Re-transferred to Vt. 10666 (Second Class.) Oct. 2, 1895. *Hooper, Henry N. Transferred to Cal. 11104 Lieut.-Colonel, 5 4th Mass. Inf. May 6,1891. 'Horton, William E. Re-transferred to D. C. 882 Captain, A. Q. M., U. S. V. Major, Q. M., U. S. A. (Second Class.) Nov. 1, 1865. 'Hough, Alfred L. Re-transferred to Penn. 67 Brig.-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) Dec. 2, 1885. *=Howard, Guy Transferred to Neb. 4335 Captain, A. Q. M., U. S. A. Lieut.-Col., Chf. Q. M., U. S. V. (Second Class.) May 6, 1885. 'Howard, Oliver O. Transferred to Vt. 3808 Major-General, U. S. V. Major-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) April 5, 1871. Hoyt, James J. Transferred to 111. 1265 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. April 1, 1891. Hubbard, William F. Transferred to Cal. 8649 Private, 149th N. Y. Inf. Post Chaplain, U. S. A. (Retired.) April 4, 1866. Hubbell, Henry W. Transferred to D. C. 233 Colonel, 201st N. Y. Inf. Brig.-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) Dec. 17, 1889. "Humphrey, Harry D. Transferred to Kan. 7531 Captain, 9th U. S. Cav. (Retired.) (Second Class.) -May 5, 1886. Huston, Joseph F. Transferred to Kan. 4693 Colonel, 19th U. S. Inf. (Hereditary.) 81 No. of Elected. Name and Rauk. Insignia. Dec. 4,1867. *Hutchings, William V. Transferred to Mass. 632 Lieut.-Colonel, A. Q. M., U. S. V. Oct. 1, 1884. Hyde, John McE. Transferred to Mo. 3186 Brevet Colonel, U. S. V. Brig.-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) July 3, 1867. *Ingalls, Rufus, Transferred to 111. 588 Brevet Major-General, U. S. V. Brevet Major-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) Dec. 4, 1867. Irwin, Bernard, J. D. Transferred to Cal. 640 Brig.-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) Feb. 18, 1885. ^Jackson, James, Transferred to Ore. 3537 Colonel, U. S. A. (Retired.) May 4, 1887. 'Jackson, Mason, Transferred to Cal. 5533 Major, 11th U. S. Inf. (Retired.) Oct. 10,1866. *Jouett, James E. Transferred to D. C. 583 Rear-Admiral, U. S. N. (Retired.) Aug. 21,1896. "Joyes, John W. Transferred to D. C. 11528 Captain, Ord. Dept, U. S. A. (Hereditary.) K May 3, 1882. *»Karg6, Joseph, Re-transferred to Penn. 2436 1st Lieut., late 9th U. S. Inf. Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. V. Dec. 7,18 87. Kearny, John Watts, Transferred to D. C. 5 831 (Hereditary.) Sept 5,1894. "Kelly, William, Jr. Transferred to Kansas 10620 Captain, 9th U. S. Cav. (Second Class.) Feb. 5,1868. Kendall, Frederic A. Transferred to Ohio 736 Captain, 8th U. S. Col'd Art. Major, U. S. A. (Retired.) April 1,1891. Kenny, Albert Sewall, Transferred to D. C. 8650 Paymaster-General, U. S. N. (Retired.) Nov. 3, 1875. **Kneeland, Samuel, Re-transferred to Mass. 1725 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. Nov. 1, 1865. *>Knox, Kilburn, Transferred to Wis. 65 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, late U. S. A. Dec. 4, 1867. Feb. 16, 1866. May 5, 1886. Sept. 7, 1892. Nov. 21, 1900. May 3, 1893. April 3, 1895. 82 L No. of Elected. Name and Rank. Insignia. Aug. 2, 1871. ^La Grange, Oscar H. Re-transferred to Cal. 133 4 Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. V. May 1,1889. ^La Motte, Henry, Transferred to Cal. 7077 Asst. Surgeon, U. S. N. (Retired.) Surgeon, 1st U. S. Vol. Cav. (In succession.) Lamson, Daniel S. Transferred to Mass. 629 Lieut.-Colonel, 16th Mass. Inf. Langdon, Loomis L. Transferred to D. C. 22 4 Brig.-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) Lay, Richard G. Transferred to D. C. 46 90 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, late U. S. A. '"Leary, Peter, Jr. Transferred to Md. 97 06 Brig.-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) ^Lockwood, John A. Re-transferred to Cal. 13021 Captain, 4th U. S. Cav. (Retired.) (Hereditary.) Longacre, Lindsay B. Transferred to Col. 10173 (Second Class.) Lord, Frank Howard, Transferred to Wash. 109 76 Captain, C. S., U. S. V. (Hereditary.) Oct. 6, 1875 *'Loring, Charles H. Transferred to D. C. 1693 Chief Engr., U. S. N. (Retired.) M Feb. 6,1889. Macauley, Daniel B. Transferred to D. C. 6753 (In succession.) Feb. 2, 1870. 'Mason, E. Porter, Transferred to Penn. 1140 Brevet Captain, U. S. V. May 7, 187 9. *Mason, Theodorus B. M. Transferred to D. C. 1844 Lieut.-Commander, U. S. N. (Retired.) Dec. 3,1890. *Mather, Fred, Transferred to Wis. 8355 1st Lieut., 7th N. Y. Hvy Art. Dec. 5,1894. Mathewson, Arthur, Transferred to D. C. 10761 Surgeon, late U. S. N. April 3, 1889. McClellan, John, Transferred to Cal. 6967 Major, Chf. Ord. Off., U. S. V. Brig.-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) (Hereditary.) June 5, 1867. ^McGinness, John R. Transferred to Mo. 597 Brig.-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) Dec. 4, 1867. ^McGowan, John, Transferred to D. C. 598 Rear-Admiral, U. S. N. (Retired.) Jan. 5, 1869. McKay, George F. Transferred to Mass. 978 Brevet Major, U. S. V. 83 No. of Elected. Name and Rank. Insignia. Nov. 2, 1870. *McKeever, Chauncey, Transferred to D. C. 1223 Lieut.-Colonel, A. A. G., U. S. V. Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) April 4, 1881. 'McLean, William A. Re-transferred to 111. 2021 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Oct. 7, 1885. McMahon, John E. Transferred to Vt. 3782 Major, A. C, U. S. A. Major, 31st U. S. Vol. Inf. (Hereditary.) April 1,1868. *McMillan, Charles, Transferred to D. C. 1076 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. May 4, 1892. Mears, Edward C. Transferred to Ore. 9572 (In succession.) Aug. 20,1884. *'Mears, Frederick, Re-transferred to Cal. 3324 Lieut.-Colonel, 1st U. S. Sharpshooters. Lieut.-Colonel, 4th U. S. Inf. May 4, 1881. *Mendenhall, John, Transferred to Mass. 2201 Lieut.-Colonel, A. I. G., U. S. V. Colonel, 2d U. S. Art. Oct. 7, 1868. *Michaelis, Otho E. Transferred to Me. 882 2d Lieut., Signal Corps, U. S. V. Major, Ord. Dept., U. S. A. June 24, 1886. »=Middleton, Johnson V. D. Transferred to Cal. 4800 Colonel, U. S. A. (Retired.) Dec. 6, 1882. *Millard, Harrison, Transferred to Cal. 2 558 1st Lieut., late 19th U. S. Inf. Feb. 5, 1896. Miller, Samuel D. Transferred to Ind. 11347 (Second Class.) Nov. 1, 1882. Mizner, Henry R. Transferred to Mich. ^379 Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. V. Brig.-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) June 5, 1886. *"Mizner, John K. Transferred to D. C. 4784 Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. V. Brig.-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) *Moffitt, Stephen, Transferred to Vt. 8655 Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. V. ^Montgomery, Jas. Eglinton, Transferred to Cal. 55 Major, A. A. G., U. S. V. Morrison, Joseph B. Transferred to Mo. 297 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. ^Morton, Charles, Transferred to D. C. 9716 Private, 1st Mo. Engrs. Brig.-General, U. S. A. July 24,1901. ^Morton, Charles E. Transferred to Mich. 132 58 1st Lieut, 16th U. S. Inf. (Second Class.) April 4, 1883. Myers, Andrew G. Transferred to Cal. 25 73 Act. Asst. Paymaster, late U. S. N. May 3, 1893. Myers, George Francis, Transferred to Penn. 10175 (Second Class.) April 1, 1891. Oct. 11, 1865. Nov. 14, 1866. Oct. 5, 1892. Jan. 3, 1883. April 4, 1894. Eeb. 6, 1884. 84 N No. of Elected. Name and Rank. Insignia. Oct. 5, 1887. Nelson, Adolph, Transferred to Cal. 5708 Captain, 66th N. Y. Inf. June 2 4, 1886 ^'Page, Charles, Transferred to D. C. 4791 Lieut.-Col., Med. Director, U. S. V. Brig.-General U. S. A. (Retired.) Jan. 17,1866. *^PARKE, JOHN G. Transferred to D. C. 121 Brevet Major-Gen., U. S. A. (Retired.) Major-General, U. S. V. 'Parker, Daingerfield, Transferred to D. C. 2637 Brig.-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) Parker, James, Jr., Transferred to Pa. 10504 (Second Class.) ^Patterson, Robert H. Transferred to D. C. 3118 Colonel, U. S. Coast Art. (In succession.) May 5, 1886. 'Pettit, James S. Transferred to Cal. 4749 Lieut.-Colonel, 8th U. S. Inf. Colonel, 31st U. S. Vol. Inf. (In succession.) Oct. 5, 1881. *Pitcher, Thomas G. Transferred to D. C. 2207 Brevet Brig.-Gen., U. S. A. (Retired.) Brigadier-General, U. S. V. "Pitcher, William L. Transferred to D. C. 2654 Lieut.-Colonel, 28th U. S. Inf. (In succession.) ^Plowman, George T. Transferred to Cal. 133 88 (In succession.) *Pope, Benjamin F. Transferred to D. C. 1190 Lieut.-Col., Chief Surg., U. S. V. Colonel, Asst. Surg.-Gen., U. S. A. ^Pope, George, Re-transferred to Mass. 1420 Lieut.-Colonel, 54th Mass. Inf. Pratt, Sedgwick, Transferred to Cal. 8501 2d Lieut., 4th N. Y. Hvy. Art. Brig.-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) *Pratt, William, Transferred to Mass. 623 Captain, A. A. G., U. S. V. Prindle, Franklin C. Transferred to Cal. 2894 Civil Engineer (Rear-Adml.), IT. S. N. (Retired.) Pritchard, Arthur J. Transferred to Md. 1830 Pay Director, U. S. N. (Retired with rank of Rear-Admiral) Tyne, Frederick G. Transferred to D. C. 13348 Paymaster, TJ. S. N. (In succession.) Dec. 13, 1882. Dec. 4, 1901. Oct. 6, 1869. May 1, 1872. Feb. 4,' 1891. Dec. 4, 1867. Nov. ( , 1883. Feb. 5, 1879. Oct. 30, 1901. 85 Elected. Oct. 2, 1889. Oct, 7, 1885. May 7, 1890. Feb. 1, 1893. May 5, 1886. May 1, 1889. April 3, 1872. Nov. 3, 1886. Feb. 1, 1888. Aug. 1, 1866. Jan. 2, 1884. Nov. 1, 1882. April 5, 1882. April 5, 1876. Nov. 6, 187 8. R Name and Rank. Ramsay, Francis M. Transferred to D. C. Rear- Admiral, U. S. N. (Retired.) *Reed, Henry A. Transferred to Kan. 1st. Lieut., 2 4tli Wis. Inf. Brig.-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) C. Transferred to D S. A. (Retired.) Transferred to Mass No. of Insignia. 7238 4117 ^Reilly, James W. Brig.-General, U. Reynolds, Thomas R. (Hereditary.) Rhoades, Henry E. Transferred to Mass. Passed Asst. Engineer, U. S. N. (Retired.) *Ripley, William Y. W. Transferred to Vt. Lieut.-Col., 1st U. S. Sharpshooters. ^Rittenhouse, Benjamin F. Transferred to D. C. Major, U. S. A. (Retired.) Rockwell, Charles H. Transferred to Mass. Rear- Admiral, U. S. N. (Retired.) Rodman, John B. Transferred to Kan. Major, Chf. Ord. Offi., U. S. V. Colonel, 25th U. S. Inf. (Retired.) (Hereditary.) *Roe, Francis A. Transferred to D. C. Rear-Admiral, U. S. N. (Retired.) ^Rogers, Robert M. Transferred to Me. 1st Lieut., 73d Ohio Inf. Major, U. S. A. (Retired.) ^Rowan, Hamilton, Transferred to D. C. Major, Coast Art., U. S. A. (Retired.) (In succession.) *^Ruggles, George D. Re-transferred to D. C. Brevet Brig.-General, IT. S. V. Brigadier-General, A. G., U. S. A. (Retired.) *Rundlet, Taylor P. Transferred to 111. Brevet Major, U. S. V. ^Russell, Edmund K. Transferred to Penn. Major, 65th N. Y. Inf. Major, U. S. A. (Retired.) 7873 9965 4692 7092 1412 5004 6013 330 3083 2612 2398 1639 1861 Feb. 1, 1888. Sands, Louis Joseph, Transferred to Mass. 6007 Act. Asst. Paymaster, late U. S. N. Feb. 16, 1866. Sanger, Joseph P. Transferred to D. C. 226 Brig.-General, U. S. V. Major-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) March 4,1885. "Scheffer, Albert, Re-transferred to Minn. 3497 1st Lieut., 45th Wis. Inf. 86 No. of Elected. Name aud Rank. Insignia. Jan. 26, 1892 ^Schley, Winfield S. Transferred to D. C. 9233 Rear-Admiral, U. S. N. (Retired.) xipril 12,1871. *^Schofield, John M. Transferred to D. C. 1274 Major-General, U. S. V. Lieut.-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) May 7, 1879. Sears, Clinton B. Transferred to Mass. 1843 Corporal, 9 5tli Ohio Inf. Brigadier-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) April 6,1881. *Shaler, Charles, Transferred to D. C. 2226 Sergeant, 12th Penn. Inf. Brig.-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) Oct. 3,1900. Sharpe, Henry G. Transferred to D. C. 12958 Colonel, C. S., U. S. V. Brig.-General, C. G. S., U. S. A. (In succession.) March 6, 1878. Shepard, Charles O. Transferred to Cal. 1787 1st Lieut, 8 2d N. Y. Inf. Nov. 7, 1883. 'Sheridan, Michael V. Transferred to D. C. 2796 Brigadier-General, U. S. V. Brig.-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) Jan. 26, 1876. *Simpson, John H. Transferred to Cal. 1695 Captain, 4th Mich. Cav. Feb. 2, 1898. *Sinclair, William, Transferred to D. C. 12137 Colonel, 6th Penn. R. C. Brigadier-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) Dec, 3, 1884. Sloat, Frank D. Transferred to D. C. 3358 Captain, 27th Conn. Inf. May 1, 1867. *^Smith, Charles A. Transferred to 111. 494 Captain, 5th Cal. Inf. Dec. 5, 1900. Smith, George R. Transferred to Cal. 13062 Colonel, A. P. G., U. S. A. (In succession.) Feb, 4,1891. ^Smith, John A. B. Re-transferred to Penn. 8465 (Rear-Admiral, U. S. N. (Retired.) May 1, 1907. Smith, John A. B. Jr. Transferred to Penn, 15386 Passed Asst. Paymaster, U. S. N. (Second Class.) Nov, 5,1883. ^Smith, Rodney, Transferred to Minn, 2956 Brig.-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) Jan. 5, 1867. Spalding, Rufus C. Transferred to Cal, 533 Pay Inspector, U. S. N. Dec. 3, 1902. 'Spicer, William F. Transferred to Mass. 13744 Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. M. C. (Retired.) (Hereditary.) Nov. 7,1894. ••Sprague, Timothy W. Re-transferred to Mass. 10724 (Hereditary.) Dec, 2,1885. *Spurgin, William F. Transferred to D. C. 4070 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Brig.-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) 87 No. of Elected. Name and Rank. Insignia. Oct. 1, 1879. Squire, Watson C. Transferred to D. C. 1910 Brevet Colonel, U. S. V. Feb. 6, 1867. *Staples, Frank, Transferred to Cal. 531 2d Lieut., 4th N. Y. Cav. Feb. 4,1891. * Stearns, Riley B. Transferred to Vt. 8502 Captain, 7th Vt. Inf. Feb. 3,1886. 'Steedman, Richard R. Re-transferred to D. C. 4480 Major, 6th U. S. Inf. (In succession.) Nov. 13, 1867. Stetson, Prince R. Transferred to Penn. 560 Captain, late 15th U. S. Inf. May 1, 1889. Stewart, Cecil, Transferred to Ore. 7096 Captain, 4th U. S. Cav. (In succession.) Dec. 3,1890. *Stillman, Charles A. Transferred to Mass. 8362 Captain, U. S. M. C. (Retired.) June 10, 1885. "Stone, Eugene P. Re-transferred to Cal. 3952 Surgeon, U. S. N. (In succession.) Dec. 22, 1888. "Stuart, Henry C. Transferred to D. C. 6679 (Second Class.) Sept. 6, 1871. "Stuart, John, Transferred to D. C. 1344 Captain, 51st N. Y. Inf. Nov. 19, 1884. "Summerhayes, John W. Transferred to Mass. 345 6 Major, Chf. Q. M., U. S. V. Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. A. (Retired.) May 2, 1883. *"Sutherland, Charles, Transferred to D. C. 2729 Brig.-General, Surg.-Gen., U. S. A. Dec. 2, 1903. Swords, Allen B. Transferred to Cal. 14131 (Second Class.) April 7, 1886. *Symonds, Henry C. Transferred to Cal. 4607 Brevet Colonel, late U. S. A. April 4, 1888. Tarr, Horace G. H. Transferred to Penn. 6171 Captain, 20th Conn. Inf. Oct. 10, 1866. *Taylor, Stuart, Transferred to Cal. 444 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. Feb. 16, 1887. *"Thompson, Charles B. Re-transferred to Cal. 5331 Major, Q. M., U. S. V. Major, Q. M., U. S. A. (Retired.) (Hereditary.) Feb. 1, 1888. Thorp, Frank, Transferred to D. C. 6020 2d Lieut., 1st Battery Me. Lt. Art. Brig.-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) Oct. 1, 1890. "Tilford, Joseph G. Transferred to D. C. 8095 Brig.-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) Elected. Name and Rank. Feb. 1, 1888. Tompkins, Charles H. Transferred to D. C. Colonel, Q. M., U. S. V. Brig.-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) May 5, 1880. *Treichel, Charles, Transferred to Cal. Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. Nov. 4, 1868. Trimble, Joel G. Transferred to Cal. Major, U. S. A. (Retired.) No. of Insignia. 6022 2052 946 V Feb. 6, 1884. *Valentine, Alonzo B. Transferred to Vt. 3017 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Jan. 5, 1881. *Van Antwerp, William W. Transferred to Mich 2 059 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Nov. 4,1885. *Van Buren, Thomas B. Transferred to Cal. 4066 Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. V. Sept. 6,1865. *^Van Reed, William E. Transferred to Cal. 22 Captain, 5th U. S. Art. (Retired.) July 11, 1866. *Van Vliet, Stewart, Transferred to D. C. 745 Brevet Major-General, U. S. V. Brevet Major-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) Feb. 6, 1889. Vogdes, Anthony W. Transferred to Cal. 6733 1st Lieut, 100th N. Y. Inf. Brig.-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) Sept. 7, 1887. 'Von Fritsch, Frederick Otto, Transferred to D. 0. 5677 Captain, 68th N. Y. Inf. w April 2, 1884. Walker, Augustus C. Transferred to Mass. 3124 Surgeon, 18th N. Y. Cav. Dec. 2, 1891. Ward, Augustus Henry, Transferred to Cal. 9121 1st Lieut., R. Q. M., 90th N. Y. Inf. Feb. 6, 1884. Ward, Thomas, Transferred to D. C. 3362 Brig.-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) June 1,1870. *Waters, .William E. Transferred to D. C. 1213 Surgeon, U. S. V. Lieut.-Colonel, Dep. Surg. Gen., U. S. A. (Retired.) Dec. 5, 1866. Watmough, James H. Transferred to Penn. 334 Pay Director, U. S. N. (Retired with rank of Rear-Admiral May 2, 1883. *=Weeks, George H. Re-transferred to Cal. 2722 Brig.-General, Q. M. Gen., U. S. A. (Retired.) Jan. 4, 1871. *Weld, Fi-ancis M. Transferred to Mass. 1228 Medical Cadet, late U. S. A. Asst. Surgeon, late U. S. N. Surgeon, 27th U. S. Col'd Inf. 89 No. of Elected. Name and Rank. Insignia. Dec. 3, 1890. ^Veston, John F. Re-transferred to D. C. 8322 Brigadier-General, U. S. V. Major-General, U. S. A. June 10, 1885. *'Wetherill, Alexander M. Transferred to Ohio 3669 Captain, 6th U. S. Inf. Feb. 2, 1887. Wham, Joseph W. Transferred to 111. 5297 1st Lieut., 21st 111. Inf. Major, Paymaster, U. S. A. (Retired.) Nov. 3, 1886. "Whipple, Charles H. Re-transferred to Minn. 5152 Brigadier-General, P. G., U. S. A. (Hereditary.) Feb. 2, 1870. White, Charles H. Transferred to D. C. 1152 Medical Director, U. S. N. (Retired.) Dec. 7,1881. Whitman, Royal E. Transferred to D. C. 2559 Captain, U. S. Cav. (Retired.) Colonel, 3 0th Me. Inf. Jan. 14, 1880. ^Whittemore, James M. Re-transferred to Penn. 1991 Brig.-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) May 4, 1892. Wilson, John M. Transferred to D. C. 9571 Brevet Colonel, U. S. V. Brig.-General, Chf. of Engrs., U. S. A. (Retired.) Feb. 2, 1887. *Wise, Pierrepont, Transferred to Mass. 5304 (In succession.) Nov. 12, 1890. nVood, Oliver E. Re-transferred to Cal. 8301 Lieut.-Colonel, Chf. C. S., U. S. V. Brigadier-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) April 25, 186 6. *'Wood, William W. W. Transferred to D. C. 270 Chief Engineer, U. S. N. (Retired.) April 6,1887. '^Woodruff, Charles A. Transferred to Cal. 5448 Corporal, 10th Vt. Inf. Brig.-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) Dec. 7,1898. Woodruff, James A. Transferred to Kan. 12410 Captain, Engr. Corps, U. S. A. (Second Class.) Oct. 2, 1878. * Woodward, Edwin T. Transferred to Vt. 182 5 Commander, U. S. N. Feb. 16, 186 6. *Worden, John L. Transferred to D. C. 220 Rear- Admiral, U. S. N. (Retired.) Feb. 2, 18 81. Young, Charles L. Transferred to Ohio 2135 Captain, 70th N. Y. Inf. DECEASED. 91 No. of Elected. Name and Rank. Insignia. March 2, 1870. *Abbott, Joseph C. Died Oct. 8. 1881. 1168 Bvt. Brigadier-General, U. S. V. Oct. 10, 1866. *Abercrombie, John J. Died Jan. 3, 1877. 746 Bvt. Brigadier-General, U. S. A. Brigadier-General, U. S. V. Feb. 1, 1893. *Adams, Myron, Died Dec. 2 9, 1895. 9947 2d Lieut., Signal Corps, U. S. V. June 2, 1875. *Adams, Stephen D. Died Aug. 24, 1883. 1547 2d Lieutenant, 6th N. Y. Hvy. Art. Feb. 12,1866. *'Agnew, Cornelius R. Died April 18, 1888. 165 (Third Class.) Nov. 3,1886. **Aiken, Wm. Buckingham, Died Feb. 21, 1903. 5035 (Second Class.) Jan. 8, 1868. *Albert, John S. Died July 3, 1880. 730 Chief Engineer, U. S. N. Dec. 4,1889. *Alexander, Henry E. Died June 2 5, 1904. 7449 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Feb. 1, 1888. *Allaire, Anthony J. Died Aug. 9, 1903. 6018 Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. V. May 1, 1872. *iAlleman, Hiram C. Died Oct. 22, 1906. 1404 Lieut.-Col., 127th Penn. Inf. Colonel, 36th Penn. Mil. Inf. Oct. 7,1885. *Allen, Henry F. Died April 16, 189 4. 3778 3d Asst. Engr., late U. S. N. July 1, 1868. *Allison, Thomas S. Died Feb. 1, 1871 886 Major, Paymaster, U. S. A. Bvt. Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. Nov, 6, 1878. *Ammon, John H. Died Nov. 28, 1904. 1842 Lieut.-Col., 16th N. Y. Hvy. Art. Nov. 3, 1886. *Andrews, Judson B. Died Aug. 3, 1894. 5007 Captain, 7 7th N. Y. Inf. June 10, 1885. *=Andrus, Charles H. Died Aug. 13, 1905. 3903 Surgeon, 176th N. Y. Inf. Jan. 4,1882. *Annesley, Richard L. Died Oct. 2 4, 1909. 2270 Brevet Major, IT. S. V. April 5,1882. *Apgar, Allen S. Died Dec. 16, 1905. 2366 Act. Asst. Paymaster, late U. S. N. Feb. 4, 1885. *Appleby, Charles, Died April 12, 1891. 3605 Brevet Major, U. S. V. April 7, 1868. *'Appleton, Nathan, Died Aug. 25, 1906. 751 Brevet Captain, U. S. V. April 5, 1893. * Arnold, Isaac, Jr. Died Oct. 15, 1901. 10082 Lieut.-Col., Ord. Dept., U..S. A. May 3,1876. *'Arthur, Elliott J. Died Jan. 26, 1886. 1711 Lieutenant, U. S. N. (Retired.) 92 No. of Elected. Name and Rank. Insignia. April 4, 1877. *Asch, Morris J. Died Oct. 5, 1902. 1647 Brevet Major, late U. S. A. May 6, 1874. *iAsch, Myer, Died Feb. 16, 1890. 1528 Brevet Major, U. S. V. April 4, 1866. *Aspinwall, Lloyd, Died Sept. 4, 1886. 229 Colonel, 2 2d Regt., N. G., S. N. Y. May 8, 1895. *Aston, Ralph, Died Dec. 12, 1904. 11039 Rear-Admiral, U. S. N. (Retired.) Jan. 7,1880. *Astor, John J. Died Feb. 22, 1890. 1909 Bvt. Brigadier-General, U. S. V. May 3, 1899. *Avery, Irving M. Died Aug. 10, 1909. 12552 1st Lieut, R. Q. M., 48th N. Y. Inf. B April 2, 1890. *Babcock, Courtlandt G. Died April 1, 1896. 7776 Major, 96th N. Y. Inf. Dec. 1, 1897. *Babcock, Paul, Died Oct. 6, 1903. 11999 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Oct. . 1, 1890. *Babin, Hosea J. Died Oct. 25, 1907. 8098 Medical Director, U. S. N. (Retired.) May 1, 1878. *Bagg, Egbert, Died Nov. 18, 1885. 1824 Bvt. Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. June 7, 1882. *Bailey, Edmund S. Died Nov. 4, 1908. 2375 (In succession.) April 1, 1868. *Bailey, Theodorus, Died Feb. 10, 1877. 727 Rear-Admiral, U. S. N. (Retired.) May 4,1892. *Bailey, Thomas H. Died March 16, 1900, 9557 Actg. Asst. Surgeon, late U. S. A. (Hereditary.) March 4, 1885. *'Baird, George W. Died Nov. 28, 1906. 3500 Colonel, 3 2d U. S. Col'd Inf. Brig.-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) May 4, 1881. *Baker, Benjamin F. Died Apr. 4, 1907. 2265 Bvt. Brig.-General, U. S. V. Dec. 1, 1897. *Baldvi'in, Hugh J. Died Jan. 7, 1907. 12000 Captain, 23d N. Y. Inf. April 3, 1889. *Baldwin, James M. Died Dec. 26, 1900. 6951 Captain, 2d N. J. Cav. Nov. 7, 1883. *Ball, Charles J. C. Died Feb. 5, 1888. 3011 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Feb. 4, 18 91. *Bankhead, Henry C. Died Jan. 9, 1894. 8484 Bvt. Brigadier-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) Bvt. Brigadier-General, U. S. V. Dec. 6, 1882. *«Barber, Merritt, Died April 19, 1906. 2614 Brig.-General, U. S. V. Colonel, A. A. G., U. S. A. (Retired.) April 6,1870. *Barney, Albert M. Died Aug. 2 4, 1886. 1164 Bvt. Brigadier-General, U. S. V. 93 Xo. of Elected. Name and Rank. Inisignia. April 6,1887. *Barney, Caleb Henry, Died Jan. 10, 1904. 5417 1st Lieut., 14tli R. I. Hvy. Art. Feb. 7,1883. *Barney, Luther L. Died May 15, 1906. 2 564 Captain, 10th N. Y. Cav. Jan. 3, 1877. *Barrett, Clarence T. Died Oct. 12, 1906. 1646 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Jan. 6, 1869. *Barrett, Edward, Died March 31, 1880. 1024 Commodore, U. S. N. April 7, 1886. *Barrett, Thomas H. Died March 28, 1908. 4610 Act. 3d Asst. Engr., late U. S. N. April 4, 1866. *Barry, Garrett R. Died Feb. 26, 1876. 231 Pay Director, U. S. N. Feb. 4,1885. *'Bartlett, Charles G. Died June 14, 1901. 3695 Colonel, 9th U. S. Inf. (Retired.) Bvt. Brigadier-General, U. S. V. April 6,1887. *Batcheller, George S. Died July 2, 1908. 5412 Lieut-Colonel, 115th N. Y. Inf. Feb. 5,1902. *Batcheller, Wheelock T. Died Feb. 8, 1910. 13448 Lieut.-Colonel, 2 8th Conn. Inf. April 6, 1892. *Beach, Alexander, Died April 9, 1902. 9418 1st Lieut., Adjt., 11th N. J. Inf. May 2, 1894. *Beach, Dennis, Died Sept. 23, 1900. 10539 1st Lieutenant, 5th Conn. Inf. Dec. 1,1886. *Beardsley, George A. Died Dec. 17, 1898. 5116 Major, 13th N. J. Inf. Dec. 13,1905. *Beardsley, George H. L Died Dec. 3, 1910. 14834 (Hereditary.) April 7,1886. *Beardsley, Samuel R. Died Dec. 5, 1909. 4597 1st Lieutenant, 13 th N. J. Inf. Nov. 3, 1886. *Beaumont, Horatio N. Died April 30, 1887. 5009 Surgeon, U. S. N. Oct. 7, 1903. *BedelI, James O. Died March 11, 1905. 14036 2d Lieut., 14th N. J. Inf. Dec. 5, 1866. *'Beebe, William S. Died Oct. 12, 1898. 409 Brevet Major, late U. S. A. Major, Chief Ord. Off., U. S. V. Feb. 6, 1889. *Beers, James R. Died Sept. 2, 1904. 6737 Acting Vol. Lieut., late U. S. N. June 6, 1866. *Belden, Charles O. Died Nov. 22, 1870. 371 Major, 67th N. Y. Inf. April 6,1887. *Belden, Charles O. Died Nov. 27, 1904. 5431 (In succession.) Dec. 2, 1868. *Belknap, Augustus, Died June 22, 1889. 1081 Captain, 67th N. Y. Inf. Feb. 16, 1866. *Bell, John H. Died April 20, 1875. 213 Bvt. Brig.-General, U. S. V. June 2, 1880. *Benkard, James, Died July 2, 1902. 2044 Captain, A. A. D. C, late U. S. A. 94 No. of Elected. Name and Rank. Insignia. Feb. 1, 1888. *Benton, Josiah H. Died Sept. 4, 1895. 6016 Act. Asst. Paymaster, late U. S. N. May 6, 1891. *Best, Clermont L. Died April 7, 1897. 8793 Lieut.-Col. A. I. G., U. S. V. Colonel, 4tli U. S. Art. (Retired.) May 4, 1887. *Betts, C. Frederic, Died May 22, 1901. 5522 Captain, 17th Conn. Inf. Feb. 1, 1893. *Betts, George F. Died Jan. 18, 1898. 9949 Lieut.-Colonel, 9th N. Y. Inf. April 1, 1868. *Biddle, George H. Died June 11, 1884. 638 Colonel, 9 5th N. Y. Inf. Dec. 1, 1869. *Bissell, George P. Died April 11, 1891. 1110 Colonel, 2 5th Conn. Inf. Feb. 2, 1887. *Blagden, George, Died Jan. 1, 1905. 5298 Brevet Colonel, U. S. V. Feb. 5,1889. ^'Blake, Isaac E. Lost in Cal. Earthquake 1907 16940 (Hereditary.) Dec. 3, 1890. *Blakeslee, Bernard F. Died April 25, 1895. 8344 2d Lieut., 16th Conn. Inf. Dec. 2, 1891. *Blanchet, Auguste D. Died Jan. 5, 1896. 9114 Major, 27th N. J. Inf. Nov. 7, 1877. *Bliven, Charles H. Died Aug. 21, 1885. 1773 Captain, 13th N. J. Inf. Feb. 1, 1888. *Bloodgood, Delavan, Died April 4, 1902. 6024 Med. Director, U. S. N. (Retired.) April 1, 1868. *Blunt, Edmund, Died Jan. 24, 1894. 795 Captain, 5th N. Y. Cav. Feb. 3, 1886 *Blunt, William S. Died March 7, 1903. 4481 Asst. Paymaster, late U S. N. Oct. 1, 1890. *Bogert, Edward S. Died Feb. 16, 1911. 8099 Med. Director, U. S. N. (Retired.) Oct. 1,1890. *Bolan, Albion K. Died June 27, 1905. SlOO Colonel, 14th Me. Inf. Feb. 6,1889. *Botticher, Paul G. Died Nov.'27, 1902. 6744 1st Lieut, 68th N. Y. Inf. Nov. 2, 1881. *Boughton, William De L. Died May 26, 1899. 2215 1st Lieut., 49th N. Y. Inf. April 5,1893. **Boyce, Henry H. Died Oct. 14, 1903. 10116 Captain, 45th 111. Inf. Feb. 2, 1887. *Boyd, Robert, Died July 30, 1890. 5301 Captain, U. S. N. Oct. 5, 1886. *Bracklow, Emil A. Died May 23, 1893. 4915 (Hereditary.) Nov. 1, 1871. *Braine, Daniel L. Died Jan. 30, 1898. 1338 Rear-Admiral, U. S. N. (Retired.) May 6, 1903. *Brevoort, Henry W. Died April 4, 1910. 13946 Major, A. A. G., U. S. V. Dec. 13, 1899. *Brewster, George H. Died May 11, 1903. 12722 Captain, 13th N. Y. Cav. 95 Xo. of Elected. Xaiue aiirt Rank. Insignia. May 4, 1892. *Brinker, John M. Died June 9, 1903. 9558 Captain, 78th Penn. Inf. Oct. 4, 1899. *Bristol, Eugene S. Died April 2, 1910. 12627 1st Lieut., 29th Conn. Col'd Inf. Oct. 5, 1886. *Britt, James W. Died May 8, 1897. 4910 Lieut.-Colonel, 5 7th N Y Inf. June 7, 1882. *Brodhead, William, Died Jan. 30, 1895. 2371 1st Lieut., R. Q. M., 14th N. Y. Inf. April 6, 1892. *Bromley, Isaac H. Died Aug. 11, 1898. 9420 Captain, 18th Conn. Inf. Feb. 1,1893. *Bronson, John O. Died March 28, 1897. 9950 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. Feb. 1, 1893. *Brooks, Thomas B. Died Nov. 22, 1900. 9 951 Brevet Colonel, U. S. V. Oct. 6,1875. *Broome, John L. Died April 12, 1898. 1630 Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. M. C. (Retired.) Feb. 6,1889. *Brown, Allen G. P. Died Feb. 25, 1899. 6738 Captain, 24th N. Y. Cav. March 3, 1880. *Brown, Francis S. Died Dec. 20, 1901. 2038 Lieut.-Commander, late U. S. N. Dec. 3, 1890. *Brown, Joseph B. Died Oct. 21, 1891. 8346 Bvt. Brig.-Genl., U. S. A. (Retired.) Dec. 2, 1903. *Brown, Orlando, Died Aug. 3, 1904. 14121 Act. Asst. Surgeon, late U. S. A. Bvt. Brig.-General, U. S. V. Dec. 5, 1888. *Brown, Richard A. Died Jan. 13, 1894. 6626 Brevet Colonel, U. S. V. Feb. 2, 1898. *Bruce, Sanders D. Died Jan. 31, 1902. 12130 Colonel, 2 0th Ky. Inf. May 4, 1887. *Buck, Leffert L. Died July 18, 1909. 5523 Captain, 60th N. Y. Inf. Nov. 3, x869. *Bull, William S. Died Dec. 18, 1910. 1113 1st Lieut., 12th Indpdt. Batt., N. Y. Lt. Art. Oct. 1, 1890. *Bunce, Francis M. Died Oct. 19, 1901. 8101 Rear-Admiral, U. S. N. (Retired.) May 3, 1893. *Burhans, Henry N. Died Dec. 2, 1908. 10160 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. Nov. 2,1870. *Burleigh, John L. Died May 9, 1909. 1224 Brevet Colonel, U. S. V. Nov. 5, 1873. *Burnett, Robert L. Died Dec. 31, 1900. 1490 Brevet Major, late U. S. A. April 7, 1886. *Burns, William S. Died Jan. 16, 1911. 4595 Captain, 4th Mo. Cav. May 4, 1904. *Burt, Charles A. Died May 28, 1911. 14283 Lieut.-Colonel, 159th N. Y. Inf. April 3, 1867. *'Burtis, Arthur , Died Oct. 22, 1908. 469 Pay Director, U. S. N. (Retired with rank of Rear- Admiral.) 96 No. of Elected. Name and Rank. Insignia. April 1, 1891. *Butler, George H. Died March 28, 1904. 8641 Act. Passed Asst. Surg., late U. S. N. March 1, 1882. *Butler, James H. Died May 21, 1905. 2277 Captain, 3 2d N. Y. Inf. Dec. 7,1904. *Butt, Richard F. Died Nov. 12, 1907. 14412 Captain, 1st N. Y. Engrs. Jan. 17,1866. *iBUTTERFIELD, DANIEL, Died July 17, 1901. 125 Brevet Major-Genl., late U. S. A. Major-General, U. S. V. Dec. 2, 1891. *Buttle, Richard W. Died Aug. 5, 1898. 9123 Captain, 13 3d N. Y. Inf. Feb. 1, 1893. *Byrne, John, Died Dec. 30, 1909. 9952 Lieut.-Colonel, 155th N. Y. Inf. Oct. 3, 1877. *Callahan, Charles M. Died May 17, 1895 1780 Captain, 1st Mo. Lt. Art. Captain, 4th U. S. Cav. (Retired.) Feb. 6, 1878. *Campbell, Douglas, Died March 7, 1893. 1788 Captain, 121st N. Y. Inf. April 1,1868. *Campbell, Nicholas L. Died March 29, 1907. 732 Act. Passed Asst. Surg., late TJ. S. N. Dec. 3, 1890. *Cannon, Arnout, Died March 31, 1898. 8347 Lieut.-Colonel, 97th U. S. C. Inf. Feb. 2, 1887. *Cannon, Henry Le G. Died May 6, 1895. 5305 (Second Class.) April 7, 1886. *Cannon, Le Grand B. Died Nov. 3, 1906. 4609 Colonel, A. A. D. C, late U. S. A. Dec. 4.1889. *Cannon, Madison M. Died Feb. 11, 1892. 7452 Lieut.-Colonel, 40th N. Y. Inf. April 4,1866. *Carleton, Charles A. Died April 1, 18 97. 211 Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. V. March 2, 1870. *Carleton, James H. Died Jan. 7, 1873. 1157 Brevet Major-General, U. S. A. Brevet Major-General, U. S. V. June 7, 1871. *Carlton, William J. Died July 18, 1902. 1337 Captain, 48th N. Y. Inf. Sept. 11, 1889. *"Carpenter, Gilbert S. Died Aug. 12, 1904. 7258 Brigadier-General, U. S. V. Brigadier-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) Dec. 1,1880. *Carpenter, John B. Died July 22, 18 88. 2056 Chief Engineer, U. S. N. (Retired.) April 7, 1886. *Carpenter, Lewis E. Died April 8, 1899. 4612 Major, 75th N. Y. Inf. May 3, 1893. *Carpenter, William L. Died July 10, 1898. 10159 Captain, 9th U. S. Inf.. 97 No. of Elected. Name and Rank. Insignia. Feb. 2, 1881. *Carr, Joseph B. Died Feb. 24, 1895. 2140 Brevet Major-General, U. S. V. Feb. 5, 1868. *Case, A. Ludlow, Died Feb. 17, 1893. 637 Rear-Admiral, U. S. N. (Retired.) Dec. 5, 1893. *Casey, James, Died Nov. 22, 1900. 10322 1st Lieut., 42d N. Y. Inf. Jan. 5, 18 87. *"Casey, James S. Died Dec. 24, 1899. 5211 Colonel, 22d U. S. Inf. (Retired.) Sept. 15, 1866. *Casey, Silas, Died Jan. 22, 1882. 370 Brevet Major-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) Major-General, U. S. V. Oct. 1, 188 4. *Cassidy, Ambrose S. Died May 6, 1889. 3187 Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. V. Nov. 2, 1881. *Castle, Frederick A. Died April 2 8, 1902. 2208 Act. Asst. Surgeon, late XJ. S. N. Dec. 2, 1891. *Caswell, Cassius C. Died Mar. 4, 1910. 9125 1st Lieut., 16th N. Y. Hvy. Art. Feb. 4, 1891. *Cating, James, Died Feb. 5, 1893. 8485 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Oct. 7, 1896. *Catlin, George L. Died Dec. 14, 1896. 11558 1st Lieut., 101st N. Y. Inf. April 5,1893. *Chalmers, Matthew, Died Jan. 6, 1909. 10085 Asst. Surgeon, late U. S. N. Dec. 3,1890. *Chamberlain, Dwight S. Died May 11, 1903. 8348 Surgeon, 9 th N. Y. Hvy Art. Dec. 4, 1889. *Chamberlain, Frank, Died Aug. 23, 1910. 7453 Lieut.-Colonel, 177th N. Y. Inf. Feb. 7, 1900. *Chamberlin, James R. Died Dec. 2 9, 1910. 12786 Captain, 3d N. Y. Cav. Oct. 5, 189 8. *Champion, John C. Died Oct. 2 9, 1899. 12316 Acting Master, late U. S. N. April 2, 1890. *Chapman, Charles, Died Nov. 7, 1907. 7790 (In succession.) Feb. 2,1887. *Chase, Edward E. Died April 23, 1900. 5294 Captain, 1st R. I. Cav. April 6,1892. *Chatfield, Charles J. Died Sept. 19, 189 4. 9421 1st Lieut., 2d U. S. Vet. Vol. Inf. Nov. 3, 187 5. *^Chenery, Leonard, Died March 10, 1901. 1657 Lieut.-Comder., U. S. N. (Retired.) Dec. 7, 1904. *Cheney, Albert O. Died Mar. 9, 1911. 14413 Captain, 12 7th U. S. Col'd Inf. Oct. 6, 1869. *Christensen, Christian T. Died Jan. 26, 1905. 1087 Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. V. May 6,1903. *Church, George Earl, Died Jan. 5, 1910. 13947 Colonel, 11th R. I. Inf. Feb. 3, 1892. *Clark, Allan Jay Died March 15, 1895. 9305 Act. Asst. Paymaster, late U. S. N. 98 No. of Elected. Name and Rank. Insignia. Oct. 10, 1894. *Clarke, Alexander S. Died May 26, 1909. 10651 Captain, late 5tli U. S. Cav. Dec. 13, 1905. *Clarke, Andrew M. Died Feb. 9, 1910. 14829 1st Lieut., 9th Penn. Cav. Oct. 10, 1894. *Clarke, Augustus P. Died Aug. 25, 1901. 10652 Major, 97tli U. S. C. Inf. Sept. 15,1866. *Clarke, Henry F. Died May 10, 1887. 733 Colonel, A. A. D. C, U. S. V. Brevet Major-Gen'l, U. S. A. (Retired.) April 2,1879. *Clarkson, Floyd, Died Jan. 2, 1894. 1836 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. May 5, 1897. *Clarkson, Francis, Died Feb. 13, 1901. 11848 1st Lieut, 12 5tli N. Y. Inf. Dec. 1,1886. *Clarkson, John V. B. Died July 11, 1905. 5122 (In succession.) Feb. 5,1868. *Clous, John W. Died Sept. 1, 1908. 1107 Brig.-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) Brig.-General, U. S. V. Oct. 5, 1870. *Cochrane, John, Died Feb. 7, 1898. 1210 Brigadier-General, U. S. V. Feb. 5, 1890. *Coddington, Clifford, Died Feb. 28, 1892. 7602 Captain, 51st N. Y. Inf. May 7,1884. *^Coe, Eben S. Died Feb. 22, 1905. 3266 Lieut.-Colonel, 196th Ohio Inf. May 8, 1895. *Coe, James N. Died June 20, 1910. 11040 Captain, 2d Conn. Hvy. Art. Dec. 13, 1882. *=>Coghlan, Joseph B. Died Dec. 5, 1908. 2647 Rear-Admiral, U. S. N. (Retired.) May 7, 1884. *Coit, George M. Died Oct. 25, 1903. 3181 Captain, 10th Conn. Inf. Dec. 4, 1901. *Coler, William N. Jr. Died Nov. 29, 1910. 13396 (Second Class.) May 4, 1887. *Coles, Butler, Died Oct. 24, 1888. 5524 1st Lieut., R. Q. M., 2d N. Y. Cav. Feb. 4,1891. *Collins, George J. Died April 13, 1893. 8486 1st Lieut, 12 7th N. Y. Inf. Jan. 1, 1890. *^Collins, John T. Died April 19, 1911. 7559 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. Feb. 16, 186 6. *Collins, Walter J. Died. 214 Brevet Major, U. S. V. April 1, 1891. *Collis, Charles H. T. Died May 11, 1902, 8636 Brevet Major-General, U. S. V. Jan. 3, 1877. *Colver, George B. Died Sept 8, 1892. 1645 Captain, 12th Tenn. Cav. April 2, 1884. *Comly, Clifton, Died April 17, 1894. 3126 Major, Ord. Dept., U. S. A. May 4, 1892. *Comstock, Cyrus B. Died May 29, 1910 9559 Brig.-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) Brevet Major-General, U. S. V. ' 99 No. of Elected. Name and Rank. Insignia. May 6,1891. *Congdon, Joseph W. Died July 18, 1902. 8795 Acting Master, late U. S. N. April 6, 1887. *Cook, George H. Died Oct. 4, 1889. 5400 Captain, A. Q. M., U. S. A. Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. May 2, 1888. *Cook, Stephen G. Died Nov. 21, 1910. 6237 Asst. Surgeon, 150th N. Y. Inf. May 5, 1886. *'Cook, William C. Died Feb. 17, 1908. 4655 Asst. Paymaster, late U. S. N. April 4, 1888. *Cooley, Alfred, Died May 23, 1899. 6168 Captain, 156th N. Y. Inf. Dec. 7, 1870. *Cooley, James C. Died Aug. 15, 1903. 1250 1st Lieut, 133d N. Y. Inf. Brevet Captain, late U. S. A. April 1, 1885. *'Cooley, Sherman P. Died June 18, 1900. 3785 Captain, 27th Mass. Inf. June 2, 1869. *Cooper, Poinsett, Died Feb. 8, 1895. 1085 Captain, 4 2d N. Y. Inf. April 7, 1880. *Corliss, Stephen P. Died May 9, 1904. 2039 Brevet Colonel, U. S. V. Oct. 5, 1870. *Corning, Clarence H. Died June 11, 1879. 1208 Captain, late 17th U. S. Inf. Lieut.-Colonel, 1 4th N. Y. Hvy. Art. April 1,1891. *Corsa, William H. Died Nov. 2, 1895. 8642 Captain, 131st N. Y. Inf. Feb. 4, 1891. *Cossitt, Davis, Died Jan. 3, 1908. 84 87 Captain, 12 2d N. Y. Inf. April 2, 1884. *Coster, John H. Died Dec. 7, 1895. 3183 Captain, 8th U. S. Cav. (Retired.) Brevet Major, U. S. V. Feb. 4, 1891. *Coville, Orson, Died Jan. 3, 1898. 8488 Captain, 149th N. Y. Inf. Feb. 6, 1895. *Cowie, George, Died May 22, 1902. 10899 Captain, U. S. N. (Retired.) May 2, 1888. *Cox. Rowland, Died May 13, 1900. 6226 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Dec. 4, 1889. *Coyne, John N. Died March 4, 1907. 7455 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. Dec. 2, 1903. *Craft, David, Died Sept. 17, 1908. 14122 Chaplain, 141st Penn. Inf. Feb. 1, 1893. *Crafts, Samuel P. Died March 1, 1910. 9954 Act. Vol. Lieut., late U. S. N. April 3,1889. *Cramer, Michael J. Died Jan. 23, 1898. 6959 Hospital Chaplain, U. S. V. Post Chaplain, late U. S. A. Feb. 2, 1898. *Crane, John, Died April 8, 1908. 12132 1st Lieut, Adjt, 17th Wis. Inf. Dec. 4, 1889. *Crofts, Wm. Elliott, Died Feb. 3, 1892. 7456 Brevet Captain, U. S. V. 100 No. of Eilected. Name and Rank. Insignia. May 6, 1891. *Crowell, Miner B. Died Oct. 24, 1896. 8798 Act. Vol. Lieutenant, late U. S. N. Nov. 2,1881. *Cruger, Stephen V. R. DiedJune 23, 1898. 2211 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Nov. 12, 1902. *=Cruikshank, Barton, Died June 27, 1910. 13742 (In succession.) Oct. 10, 1894. *Culver, George B. Died Dec. 6, 1908. 10G54 1st Lieut., 43d N. Y. Inf. March 3, 1869. *Cunningham, John S. Died May 10, 1894. 1013 Pay Director, U. S. N. (Retired.) Feb. 3, 1886. *Curie, Charles, Died May 9, 1910. 4484 Captain, 178th N. Y. Inf. Nov. 4, 1891. *^Curtis, Edwin S. Died Nov. 4, 1901. 9036 Private, 48th N. Y. Inf. Major, Art. Corps, U. S. A. April 5, 1882. *'Curtis, H. Pelham, Died Feb. 12, 1892. 2407 Lieut.-Col., Dep. J. A. Genl., U. S. A. Brevet Colonel, U. S. V. March 3, 1869. * Curtis, N. Martin, Died Jan. 8, 1910. 1017 Brevet Major-General, U. S. V. Oct. 3, 1877. *Curtiss, James E. Died July 23, 1901. 1772 Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. V. Nov. 14, 1866. *Cushing, Edmund H. Died March 11, 1869. 443 Paymaster, U. S. N. March 1,1876. *Custer, George A. Died June 25, 1876. 1641 Brevet Major-General, U. S. A. Major-General, U. S. V. Nov. 1, 1882. *Dalrymple, Aaron P. Died Feb. 2 6, 1894. 2565 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. Dec. 2, 1891. *Dalrymple, Henry M. Died Jan. 31, 19 04. 9115 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Oct. 10,1894. *Dashiell, Alfred H. Died Feb. 15, 1908. 10655 Chaplain, 57th Mass. Inf. Jan. 17, 1866. *^DAVIES, HENRY E. Died Sept. 6, 1894. 127 Major-General, U. S. V. April 7, 1875. *Davies, Thomas M. Died May 16, 1882. 1546 Brevet Colonel, U. S. V. April 4, 1877. *Davis, Alexander H. Died Oct. 22, 1910. 1650 Major, 16th N. Y. Hvy. Art. Jan. 6, 1869. *Davis, Charles H. Died Feb. 18, 1877. 1022 Rear-Admiral, U. S. N. April 3,1872. *Davis, Jefferson C. Died Nov. 30, 1879. 1372 Brevet Major-General, U. S. A. Brevet Major-General, U. S. V. 101 No. of Elected. Name and Rank. Insignia. Jan. 4, 1882. *Davis, Theodore R. Died Jan. 12, 1890. 2266 Captain, 15th Conn. Inf. Oct. 5, 1904. *Davy, John M. Died April 21, 1909. 14334 1st Lieut, 108th N. Y. Inf. Oct. 3, 1888. *Day, Hannibal, Died March 26, 1891. 6423 Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) Feb. 16,1866. *Dayton, Oscar V. Died Oct. 30, 1898. 366 Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. V. June 3, 1874. *De Kay, Sidney, Died Aug. 30, 1890. 1541 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Jan. 2, 1878. *Delevan, J. Savage, Died Aug. 8, 1885. 1778 Asst. Surgeon, 1st Conn. Hvy. Art. April 1, 1891. *Demarest, Abraham G. Died Oct. 12, 1900. 8644 Colonel, 22d N. J. Inf. Oct. 6, 1875. *^Denison, D. Stewart, Died July 1, 1898. 1699 1st Lieut,, late 5th U. S. Art. March 3, 1869. *de Peyster, Frederic, Jr., Died Oct. 30, 1874. 1016 Brevet Major, U. S. V. April 4,1866. *de Peyster, Johnston L. Died May 27, 1903. 232 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. Oct. 10, 18 66. *de Peyster, John Watts, Sr. Died May 4, 1907 394 Brevet Major-General, N. G. S. N. Y. (Third Class.) Dec. 1, 1897. *Derrick, George W. Died Oct. 6, 1902. 12014 (Hereditary.) Dec. 3, 1873. *Derrom, Andrew, Died July 15, 1892. 1447 Colonel, 2 5th N. J. Inf. March 18, 186 6. *Devin, Thomas C. Died April 4, 1878. 846 Brevet Brig.-General, IT. S. A. Brevet Major-General, U. S. V. Feb. 5, 1896. *Dewey, George M. Died Jan. 27, 1900. 11335 Captain, 10th N. Y. Inf. May 4,1892. *De Wolfe, Thomas Scott, Died Sept. 1, 1893. 9563 Captain, 8 8th U. S. Col'd Inf. Dec. 5, 1893. *Dexter, Benjamin F. Died Nov. 16, 1908. 10323 Captain, 5 0th N. Y. Engrs. April 6, 1881. *di Cesnola, Louis P. Died Nov. 20, 1904. 2141 Colonel, 4th N. Y. Cav. Feb. 5, 1896. *Dickey, Frank R. Died Nov. 10, 1902, 11344 (Second Class.) Feb. 1,1871. *Dickinson, Leonard A. Died Jan. 27, 1901. 1251 Captain, 12th Conn. Inf. May 3, 1899. *Diller, Le Roy, Died Sept. 10, 1909. 12561 (In succession.) April 1,1885. *Diller, William S. Died Oct. 31, 1896. 3619 Major, 76th Penn. Inf. April 3, 1889. *Dimock, Joseph J. Died March 8, 1902. 6966 (Hereditary.) 102 No. of Elected. Name and Rank. Insignia. Oct. 7, 1896. *Diinon, George D. Died April 13, 1897. 11562 (In succession.) May 5, 1886. *Dimon, Theodore, Died July 22, 1889. 4698 Surgeon, 3d N. Y. Lt. Art. Oct. 2, 1907. *Dix, Morgan, Died April 29, 1908. 15445 (Hereditary.) May 5, 1897. *Dobbins, John R. Died April 21, 1905. 11849 1st Lieut, 116th N. Y. Inf. Dec. 5, 1900. *Dobbins, Matthias C. Died Oct. 31, 1909. 13054 Captain, 26th N. J. Inf. April 3,1895. *Dobie, David F. Died Oct 24, 1900. 10963 Captain, 118th N. Y. Inf. Nov. 4, 1885. *Dodd, Edward, Died April 27, 1908. 4065 Asst. Surgeon, U. S. V. Feb. 2, 1887. *Dodge, Francis S. Died Feb. 19, 1908. 5300 Captain, 2d U. S. Col'd Cav. Brig.-Genl., Paym'r-Genl., U. S. A. (Retired.) Dec. 7, 1887. *Dodge, Richard I. Died June 16, 1895. 5836 Colonel, 11th U. S. Inf. (Retired.) Nov. 24,1866. *^Donnell, William E. Died Sept. 19, 1894. 672 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Nov. 5, 1884. *Dorsheimer, "William, Died March 26, 1888. 3352 Major, A. A. D. C, late U. S. A. Dec. 5, 1894. *Doty, Spencer C. Died April 9, 1903. 10755 1st Lieut., 128th N. Y. Inf. Dec. 3, 1879. *Douglas, Archibald T. Died June 9, 1893. 1906 Surgeon, 10th Conn. Inf. May 1,1889. *Doyle, Peter C. Died July 12, 1901. 7088 Captain, 21st N. Y. Inf. Dec. 13, 1905. *Drake, Marquis M. Died Sept. 28, 1907. 14830 1st Lieut., 12 0th N. Y. Inf. Feb. 5, 1890. *Drumm, Thomas, Died Oct. 26, 1896. 7604 Hospital Chaplain, U. S. V. Jan. 7, 1880. *Du Bois, Henry, Died March 2 5, 1890. 1912 Sergeant, 14th N. Y. Inf. Nov. 7,1877. *Du Bois, John V. D. Died July 31, 1879. 1775 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. A. (Retired.) Colonel, 1st Mo. Art. April 4, 1883. *«Dudley, Edgar S. Died Jan. 9, 1911. 2735 Lieut.-Colonel, J. A., U. S. V. Colonel, J. A., U. S. A. General, U. S. A. (Retired.) Feb. 1, 1893. *Dufloo, Armand, Died Feb 29, 1908. 9955 Asst. Surgeon, 2 5th N. Y. Cav. Oct. 5, 1870. *Dumont, Robert S. Died Dec. 20, 1873. 1209 Flag Officer's Secretary (Lieut.), late U. S. N. Captain, 5th N. Y. Inf. May 2, 1883. *Dumont, Theodore S. Died Oct. 3, 1889. 2759 2d Lieut., 5th N. Y. Inf. 103 No. of Elected. Name and Rank. Insignia. April 7, 1886. *Duncan, Samuel A. Died Oct. 18, 1895. 4611 Brevet Major-General, U. S. V. Dec. 6, 1882. *Durkee, Joseph H. Died Aug. 11, 1905. 2560 Captain, 18th. Vet. Res. Corps. May 3, 1876. *Duryea, George, Died April 1, 1897. 1640 Brevet Colonel, U. S. V. May 2, 1883. *Dutton, Charles K. Died May 2, 1897. 2761 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Dec. 13,1899. *Dwyer, Michael T. Died Dec. 29, 1909. 12723 1st Lieut., 3d N. J. Cav. E Jan. 5, 1870. *Eager, William B. Died Jan. 18, 1890. 1115 Surgeon, 162d N. Y. Inf. Nov. 2, 1870. *Eagle, Henry, Died Nov. 26, 1882. 1212 Commodore, U. S. N. (Retired.) Dec. 2, 19 08. *Eckert, Thomas T. Died Oct. 20, 1910. 15796 Bvt. Brigadier-Ge^neral, U. S. V. Jan. 4, 1871. *Edwards, David S. Died March 18, 1874. 1229 Medical Director, U. S. N. (Retired.) Oct. 3, 1878. *Edwards, William S. Died Feb. 2, 1882. 1793 Captain, Vol. A. D. C, U. S. V. (In succession.) May 2, 1894. *Egan, John, Died July 23, 1906. 10542 Major, 1st IT. S. Art. (Retired.) April 1, 1891. *Ekings, Robert M. Died July 25, 1896. 8638 Lieut.-Colonel, 3 4th N. J. Inf. June 3, 1868. *Eldredge, Joseph C. Died Aug. 14, 1881. 731 Pay Director, U. S. N. (Retired.) July 1, 1868. *Elfwing, Nere A. Died March 4, 1891. 797 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. Oct. 6, 1897. *Elliott, Alban V. Died June 19, 1902. 11915 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. Sept. 15, 1866. *Elliott, Samuel M. Died April 30, 1875. 369 Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. V. March 2,1870. *Ellis, Henry A. Died Jan. 25, 1876. 1147 Captain, 79th N. Y. Inf. ■ Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. A. Dec. 3, 1873. *Ellis, Henry C. Died June 19, 1886. 1443 Captain, 65th N. Y. Inf. Feb. 7,1872. *Emanuel, Lyon L. Died Oct. 2, 1877. 1360 Captain, 8 2d Penn. Inf. Aug. 5, 1885. *=Emerson, William, Resigned Oct. 31, 1890. 3924 Right revived Dec. 3, 1902. Colonel, 151st N. Y. Inf. Dec. 2, 1885. *Emery, Charles E. Died June 1, 1898. 4337 2d Asst. Engineer, late U. S. N. 104 No. of Elected. Name and Rank. Insignia. Nov. 3, 1886. *Entwistle, James, Died March 23, 1910. 5010 Rear- Admiral, U. S. N. (Retired.) April 4, 1866. *Erben, Henry, Died Oct. 23, 1909. 323 Rear-Admiral, U. S. N. (Retired.) April 3, 1867. *Erhardt, Joel B. Died Sept. 8, 1909. 1355 Captain, 1st Vt. Cav. Dec. 3, 1890. *Esmond, Ricliard, Died Nov. 7, 1910. 8341 Brevet Major, U. S. V. April 6,1887. *Est6, William M. Died Feb. 17, 1900. 5415 Major, A. D. C, late U. S. A. March 7, 1877. *Estes, Stephen A. Died March 25, 1894. 1652 Captain, 12th N. Y. Inf. March 2, 1881. *Euen, Matthias S. Died March 24, 1898. 2136 Brevet Colonel, U. S. V. July 11,1866. *Eversfield, Charles, Died Oct. 5, 1873. 529 Medical Director, U. S. N. Dec. 4,1889. *Ewing, Thomas, Died Jan. 21, 1896. 7459 Brevet Major-General, U. S. V. July 14, 1891. *=Fairman, James, Died March 11, 1904. 8918 Colonel, 9 6th N. Y. Inf. Oct. 3,1900. *Falck, William, Died Feb. 10, 1909. 12955 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. A. (Retired.) May 2, 1883. *Farnsworth, John G. Died April 6, 1895. 2762 Brevet Colonel, U. S. V. March 18, 1866. *Farragut, David G. Died Aug. 14, 1870. 221 Admiral, U. S. N. Feb. 5, 1890. *Farrar, George D. Died Sept. 10, 1905. 7605 Captain, 145th N. Y. Inf. June 7, 1871. *Fassitt, John Barclay, Died Jan. 18, 1905. 1362 Captain, 23d Penn. Inf. Oct. 7, 1891. *Fenn, Augustus H. Died Sept. 12, 1897. 8943 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. Feb. 6, 1867. *Ferguson, James F. Died Jan. 6, 1904. 5 81 Surgeon, 165th N. Y. Inf. Dec. 4, 1889. *Ferguson, William, Died March 9, 1906. 7460 1st Lieut., 5th N. Y. Inf. Feb. 2, 1870. *Fernow, Berthold, Died March 3, 1908. 1153 2d Lieut., 3d U. S. Col'd Inf. April 7, 1886. *Ferrero, Edward, Died Dec. 11, 1899. 4606 Brevet Major-General, U. S. V. March 2, 1870. *Ferris, Daniel O. Died Nov. 15, 1896. 1158 Chaplain, 133d N. Y. Inf. Oct. 5,1870. *Ferris, William G. Died Nov. 24, 1906. 1211 Captain, 6th N. Y. Hvy. Art. 105 No. of Elected. Name and Rank. Imsignla. April 1,1885. *Fessenden, Joshua A. Died June 24, 1908. 3609 Sergeant, 1st Me. Cav. Major, U. S. A. (Retired.) Feb. 3, 1886. *Fielder, George B. Died Aug. 14, 1906. 4485 2d Lieut., 21st N. J. Inf. April 1, 1885. *Fisli, Latham A. Died Sept. 21, 1909. 3612 Captain, 17 4th N. Y. Inf. Feb. 2,1898. *Fisher, John G. Died Aug. 9, 1908. 12133 2d Lieut., 14th N. J. Inf. May 7, 1890. *Fisk, Clinton B. Died July 9, 1890. 7980 Brevet Major-General, U. S. V. Feb. 3, 1892. *Fitch, Edson, Died April 19, 1906. 9307 Captain, 93d N. Y. Inf. May 2,1894. *Fitch, William Clyde, Died Sept. 4, 1909. 10550 (Second Class.) April 5, 1871. *Fitzgerald, Louis Died Oct. 6, 1908. 1264 Lt.-Col., 1st En. Mil., Dist. Vicksburg, Miss. April 3, 1895. *Flagler, Benjamin, Died Oct. 30, 1900. 10965 Captain, 28 th N. Y. Inf. Oct. 5, 1904. *Flavin, Edward H. Died May 11, 1911. 14336 1st Lieut, 8 4th N. Y. Inf. May 12, 1885. *Fleming, James E. Died April 10, 1909. 3769 Captain, 11th Penn. Cav. Feb. 5, 1896. *Floyd, John G. Died Nov. 27, 1903. 11336 Captain, 145th N. Y. Inf. Oct. 5, 1881. *Floyd-Jones, DeLancey, Died Jan. 19, 1902. 2267 Colonel, 3d U. S. Inf. (Retired.) Nov. 7, 1877. *Follett, Joseph L. Died April 1, 1907. 1774 2d Lieut., 1st Mo. Lt. Art. Dec. 5,1894. *Folwell, Mahlon Bainbridge, Died Dec. 10, 1895. 10756 Brevet Major, U. S. V. June 10, 1885. *^Foote, Morris C. Died Dec. 6, 1905. 3659 Major, C. S., U. S. V. Brig.-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) Oct. 1, 1884. *Ford, Charles H. Died March 30, 1891. 3347 Captain, 10th Wis. Inf. April 6, 1887. *Ford, George W. Died Oct. 29, 1893. 5419 1st Lieut., R. Q. M., 6 5th N. Y. Inf. Oct. 1, 1879. *Forsyth, John, Died Oct. 17, 1886. 1846 Chaplain, U. S. A. (Retired.) May 4,1887. *Foster, Benjamin B. Died May 16, 1903. 5519 Brevet Colonel, U. S. V. March 3, 1869. *Foster, Edward, Died April 11, 1877. 952 Pay Inspector, U. S. N. Dec. 5,1894. *Fowler, Edward B. Died Jan. 16, 1896. 10757 Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. V. Jan. 7, 1880. *Fowler, Horace W. Died July 20, 1888. 1911. Captain, 16th N. Y. Hvy. Art. 106 No. of Elected. Name and Rank. Insignia. Feb. 6, 1895. *Fox, Norman, Died June 23, 1907. 10900 Chaplain, 7 7th N. Y. Inf. May 4,1892. *Fox, William F. Died June 16, 1909. 9564 Lieut.-Colonel, 107th N. Y. Inf. Aug. 1, 1866. *Franklin, William B. Died March 8, 1903. 789 Brevet Major-General, late U. S. A. Major-General, U. S. V. July 1, 1868. *Freeborn, Thomas, Died Jan. 11, 1886. 793 Captain, 1st N. Y. Mtd. Rifles. Feb. 6, 1895. *Freeman, Frank M. Died March 28, 1907. 10904 (Hereditary.) Dec. 2, 1885. *French, Winsor B. Died March 24, 1910. 4342 Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. V. April 2,1879. *Frothingham, William, Died Nov. 19, 1885. 1838 Surgeon, 44th N. Y. Inf. Dec. 3,1890. *Fry, James B. Died July 11, 1894. 8350 Brig.-General, U. S. V. Brevet Major-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) Dec. 5, 1894. *Frye, Moses M. Died Dec. 14, 1905. 10759 1st Lieut., 3 9th U. S. Col'd Inf. Dec. 5, 1900. *Fuller, James S. Died Jan. 1, 1902. 13055 1st Lieut., 3d N. Y. Lt. Art. May 2, 1888. *Fuller, Stephen E. Died May 2, 189 5. 6232 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. Dec. 5,1894. *Fuller, Truman K. Died Oct. 15, 1900. 10760 Captain, 75th N. Y. Inf. G Dec. 3,1879. *Gallaher, Benjamin D. Died Dec. 23, 1889. 1907 1st Lieut, 152d N. Y. Inf. April 6, 1892. *Gardiner, J. Grahame, Died Nov. 9, 1910. 9422 1st Lieut., Adjt., 4th U. S. Col'd Inf. Dec. 4, 1889. *Gardner, John H., Jr. Died Dec. 16, 1891. 7461 1st Lieut., R. C. S., 3d N. Y. Cav. Feb. 4, 1891. *Gardner, John W. Died Sept. 16, 1891. 8490 Passed Asst. Engr., U. S. N. (Retired.) May 4,1870. *Gardner, Robert P. Died May 13, 1890. 1207 Captain, 1st Vet. Res. Corps. May 7, 1890. *Garner, Abram B. Died Jan. 28, 1909. 7975 Major, 15th Penn. Cav. Nov. 7, 1883. *Gaul, Edward L. Died April 2, 1894. 2896 Captain's Clerk, late U. S. N. Lieut.-Colonel, 159th N. Y. Inf. Oct. 7, 1891. *Gibbs, Theodore K. Died Jan. 16, 1909. 8944 Brevet Major, late U S. A. 107 No. of Elected. Name and Rank. Insignia. April 2, 1890. *Gibson, Edwin O. Died June 5, 1902. 7779 1st Lieut., 114th N. Y. Inf. Captain, lOth U. S. Inf. (Retired.) Dec. 4, 1889. *Gihon, Albert L. Died Nov. 17, 1901. 7462 Medical Director, U. S. N. (Retired.) April 6,1887. *Gilbert, Foster B. Died Jan. 23, 1898. 5404 Act. Asst. Paymaster, late U. S. N. Jan. 6,1869. *Gill, Adolphus W. H. Died March 21, 1875. 942 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Feb. , 3,1897. *Gillet, Charles W. Died Dec. 31, 1908. 11747 1st Lieut., Adjt., 86th N. Y. Inf. Dec. 5,1888. *Gillette, Fidelio B. Died July 1, 1895. 6630 Surgeon, 9 th N. J. Inf. May 1,1878. *Gillis, George H. Died April 7, 1892. 1789 Brevet Captain, U. S. V. Sept. 7, 1892. *'=Gilman, Benjamin H. Died July 26, 1898. 9708 Captain, 13th U. S. Inf. (Hereditary.) Dec. 7,1881. *Glassford, Henry A. Died April 11, 1900. 2216 Act. Vol. Lieutenant, late U. S. N. Aug. 14, 1896. *"Glenn, George E. Died March 31, 1899. 11532 Major, Addtl. Paymr., U. S. V. Colonel, Asst., Paymr.-Gen., U. S. A. April 4, 1883. *Goddard, Calvin. Died April 4, 1892. 2766 Lieut.-Colonel, A. A. G., U. S. V. Oct. 4, 1905. *Goodrich, Willis L. Died Jan. 2 4, 1907. 14622 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Dec. 4, 1889. *Goodwin, Almon, Died Nov. 2, 1905. 7463 2d Lieut., 19th Me. Inf. Oct. 6,1897. *Gordon, Leonard J. Died Jan. 17, 1905. 11914 1st Lieut., Adjt., 6th N. J. Inf. Nov. 7, 1883. *Gott, Benjamin F. Died July 12, 1904. 2900 Colonel, 174th N. Y. Inf. Jan. 9, 1867. *Graham, Charles K. Died April 15, 1889. 578 Brevet Major-General, U. S. V. May 2,1888. *Graham, John H. Died July 11, 1895. 6238 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. May 3,1899. *Graham, Matthew J. Died Oct. 23, 1907. 12554 1st Lieut., 9th N. Y. Inf. May 2, 1866. *Granger, Gordon, Died Jan. 10. 1876. 642 Brevet Major-General, U. S. A. Major-General, U. S. V. May 6, 1868. *Grant, Gabriel, Died Nov. 8, 1909. 842 Surgeon, U. S. V. April 4,1888. *Grant, James, Died April 2, 1895. 6169 1st Lieut., 36th N. Y. Inf. Dec. 3, 1879. *'Grant, Ulysses S. Died July 23, 1885. 2006 Major-General, U. S. V. General, U. S. A. (Retired.) 108 No. of Elected. Name and Rank. Insignia. May 4, 1892. *Graves, Edward Payson, Died April 26, 1901. 9565 Brevet Major, U. S. V. April 4,1894. *Gray, John B. Died June 6, 1896. 10495 Colonel, 1st Mo. S. M. April 6,1892. *Green, James G. Died Feb. 16, 1909. 9423 Rear-Admiral, U. S. N. (Retired.) May 4, 1881. *Greene, David M. Died Nov. 9, 1905. 2144 1st Asst. Engineer, late U. S. N. May 4, 1887. *Greene, George S. Died Jan. 28, 1899. 5520 1st Lieut., U. S. Art. (Retired.) Brevet Major-General, U. S. V. Dec. 2, 1891. *Greene, Jacob Lyman, Died March 29, 1905. 9126 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. May 5,1880. *Grier, William N. Died July 8, 1885. 2046 Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) Oct. 7, 1891. *Griffin, William H. Died Aug. 2 0, 1897. 8945 Captain, 102d N. Y. Inf. Nov. 2, 1881. *Grindlay, James G. Died Oct. 19, 1907. 2212 Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. V. May 5, 1897. *Guernsey, Joseph R. Died Dec. 9, 1902. 11857 (Hereditary.) Feb. 6, 1895. *Gulick, Louis J. Died April 20, 1896. 10905 Captain, U. S. M. C. (Retired.) (Hereditary.) Oct. 7, 1896. *Guyer, Henry, Died May 31, 1907. 11559 Captain, 13th N. J. Inf. H May 8,1872. *Haggerty, Robert A. Died Nov. 27, 1895. 14.92 Major, Addtl. Paymaster, U. S. V. Oct. 1, 1890. *Haight, Edward R. Died Oct. 22, 1901. 8106 1st Lieut., 107th N. Y. Inf. Dec. 6,1882. *Hall, George W. Died Feb. 5, 1895. 2557 2d Asst. Engineer, late U. S. N. Oct. 5,1870. *Hall, James F. Died Jan. 9, 1884. 1295 Brevet Brig.-General, TJ. S. V. Dec. 5, 1906. *Hall, Robert A. Died Jan. 27, 1910. 15214 1st Lieut., 141st N. Y. Inf. Feb. 5, 1902. *Hall, William K. Died Sept. 17, 1906. 13451 Chaplain, 17 th Conn. Inf. Feb. 4,1885. *Halliday, Frank S. Died March 27, 1908. 3604 Brevet Captain, U. S. V. Jan. 3, 1866. *'HALPINE, CHARLES G. Died Aug. 3, 1868. Ill Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. V. May 3,1893. *Halsey, Edmund D. Died Oct. 17, 1896. 10163 1st Lieut, Adjt., 15th N. J. Inf. 109 No. of Elected. Xame and Rank. Insignia. April 4, 1866. *Halsey, Thomas H. Died Nov. 19, 1877. 303 Major, Paymaster, U. S. A. (Retired.) Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. Aug. 1,1866. *Hamblin, Joseph E. Died July 3, 1870. 636 Brevet Major-General, U. S. V. Dec. 3, 1879. *Hamilton, David B. Died Aug. 14, 1898. 1905 Captain, 5th Conn. Inf. Feb. 3, 1886. *Hamilton, John, Died July 15, 1900. 4487 Colonel, 5th U. S. Art. (Retired.) Nov. 2, 1870. *Hamilton, Schuyler, Died March 18, 1903. 1216 Brevet Captain, late U. S. A. Major-General, U. S. V. March 3, 1869. *Hamilton, William, Died May 5, 1873. 1015 Act. Vol. Lieut.-Comder, late U. S. N. Dec. 5, 1888. *Hammond, John, Died May 28, 1889. 6639 Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. V. June 6,1877. *Handren, John W. Died Sept. 5, 1892. 1653 Act. 3d Ast. Engr., late U. S. N. Dec. 4, 1895. *Hanks, Horace T. Died Nov. 18, 1900. 11242 Asst. Surgeon, 30th N. Y. Inf. Feb. 4, 1891. *Harmon, George M. Died Nov. 21, 1910. 8491 Captain, 1st Conn. Hvy. Art. Oct. 6,1897. *Harris, Frederick H. Died March 16, 1899. 11916 Brevet Colonel, U. S. V. Dec. 6,1882. *Harris, John H. Died Jan. 22, 1894. 2562 Acting Master, late U. S. N. June 6, 1883. *'Harris, Wm. Hamilton, Died Nov. 6, 1895. 2810 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, late U. S. A. Oct. 1, 1890. *Hart, George P. Died April 30, 1897. 8097 1st Lieut., 1st N. Y. Lt. Art. Jan. 17, 1878. *=Hasbrouck, Henry C. Died Dec. 17, 1910. 1806 Brig-General, U. S. V. Brig.-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) March 3, 1869. *Hassler, Charles W. Died Feb. 19, 1888. 1047 Paymaster, late U. S. N. March IS, 186G. 'Hastings, George G. Died Oct. 20- 1873 222 Brevet Colonel, U. S. V. Oct. 5, 1898. *Hausmann, Charles A. Died Jan. 26, 1901. 12317 1st Lieut., 3 0th Indpdt. Batt. N. Y. Lt. Art. Oct. 7, 1885. *Hawes, Granville P. Died Dec. 29, 1893. 4425 Captain, C. S., U. S. V. May 7, 1890. *Hays, John B. Died July 18, 1898. 7990 Brevet Major, late U. S. A. June 7, 1882. *Healy, John G. Died June 6, 1909. 2372 Lieut.-Colonel, 9th Conn. Inf. Nov. 4, 1868. *Healy, William J. Died July 11, 1873. 948 Passed Asst. Paymr., late U. S. N. Oct. 1, 1890. *Heckscher, John G. Died July 4, 1908. 8107 1st Lieut., late 12th U. S. Inf. no No. of Elected. Name and Rank. Insignia. Oct. 1,1879. *Hedden, Warren R. Died Jan. 23, 1888. 1847 1st Lieut., 65th N. Y. Inf. May 12,1885. *Heermance, William L. Died Feb. 25, 1903. 3770 Captain, 6th N. Y. Cav. Feb. 3, 1869. *Heine, William, Died Oct. 5, 1885. 1166 Master's Mate, late U. S. N. Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. V. Feb. 16, 1866. *Heintzelman, Samuel P. Died May 1, 1880. 582 Major-General, U. S. V. Major-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) June 6, 1883. *^Henderson, Alexander, Died Jan. 12, 1901. 2831 Chief Engr., U. S. N. (Retired.) Feb. 7, 1900. *Hendrickson, John, Died June 2 9, 1902. 12788 Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. V. Oct. 5, 1887. *Henning, Benjamin S. Died Aug. 6, 1900. 5707 Major, 3d Wis. Cav. Dec. 1, 1886. *Herbert, George R. Died April 14, 1899. 5121 2d Lieut, 159th N. Y. Inf. April 3, 1889. *Hickox, Charles R. Died March 28, 1901. 6953 1st Lieut., late 5th U. S. Art. May 12, 1885. *Hicks, George A. Died Feb. 22, 1894. 3765 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Dec. 1, 1897. *Higbee, William H. Died Sept. 21, 1900. 12005 Act. Asst. Paymaster, late U. S. N. Feb. 2, 1887. *Higginson, James J. Died Jan, 5, 1911. 5295 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Feb. 3, 1886. *Hill, J. Augustus, Died Oct. 25, 1905. 4482 Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. V. Feb. 1, 1888. *Hincks, William B. Died Nov. 7, 1903. 6011 1st Lieut., Adjt., 14th Conn. Inf. Feb. 3, 1886. *Hinman, Frank H. Died Dec. 19, 1897. 4489 Paymaster, U. S. N. (Retired.) April 3, 1889. *Hoagland, Cornelius N. Died April 2 4, 1898. 6956 Surgeon, 71st Ohio Inf. Feb. 6, 1878. *Holbrook, William C. Died March 27, 1904. 1781 Colonel, 7th Vt. Inf. Oct. 5, 1886. *Holden, Edgar, Died July 18, 1909. 4914 Asst. Surgeon, late U. S. N. Oct. 8, 1889. *i«Holmes, George W. Died May 9, 1910. 7297 Captain, 6th Iowa Inf. May 4,1892. *Holmes, Sebastian D. Died March 14, 1904. 9567 Captain, 111th N. Y. Inf. Dec. 4, 1889. *Holton, William H. H. Died Nov. 5, 1905. 7464 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Oct. 5, 1899. *'Holtzman, Samuel E. Died May 8, 1911. 12643 Surgeon, 58th Ind. Inf. Oct. 7, 1868. *Homiston, Joseph M. Died April 8, 1879. 880 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. Elected. April 4, 1883, Feb. 1, 1888 Dec. 7, 1892 May 4, 1898, May 7, 1890 Oct. 3, 1888. Dec. 2, 1885. June 3, 1880. Oct. o> 1887. May 1, 1889 April 1, 1891. Feb. 5, 1890, Feb. 4, 1885, Sept. 16, 1885. Feb. 2, 1876. June 1, 1881. Nov. 4, 1885 Nov. 5, 1884. Feb. 1, 1888. Feb. 5, 1890. Feb. 5, 1873. Nov. 3, 1875. April 3, 1889. Ill No. of Name and Rank. Insignia. ♦Hooker, Edward, Died April 30, 1903. 2569 Commander, U. S. N. (Retired.) *Hopkins, George G. Died May 23, 1908. 6014 Brevet Major, U. S. V. ♦Hopkins, Robert E. Died May 9, 1901. 9860 Captain, 149tb N. Y. Inf. ♦Hopkins, Woolsey, Died Feb. 15, 1900. 12251 (Second Class.) ♦Hopkins, Woolsey R. Died Jan. 13, 1909. 7984 Lieut.-Colonel, Chf. Q. M., U. S. V. ♦Hopper, George F. Died Aug. 4, 1891. 6428 Lieut.-Colonel, 10th N. Y. Inf. ♦Horton, Nathan W. Died May 2, 1886. 4069 Captain, 9 th Penn. Cav. ♦"Houston, David C. Died May 18, 1893. 2092 Major, A. A. D. C, U. S. V. Colonel, Engr. Corps, U. S. A. ♦Houston, James B. Died May 28, 1903. 5706 1st Asst. Engineer, late U. S. N. *Hoyt, Charles S. Died Dec. 13, 1898. 7086 Surgeon, 3 9 th N. Y. Inf. ♦Hubbard, James F. Died June 2 6, 1905. 8648 Captain, 30th N. J. Inf. ♦Hubbell, William L. Died Feb. 2, 1900. 7609 Captain, 17!h Conn. Inf. *Hugg, Joseph, Died Dec. 24, 1889. 3603 Surgeon, U. S. N. (Retired.) ♦'Hughes, Robert P. Died Oct. 27, 1909. 3995 Brig.-General, U. S. V. Major-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) ♦Hughes, Thomas W. B. Died Dec. 11, 1898. 1636 2d Lieut., 99th N. Y. Inf. ♦Hull, Harmon D. Died June 6, 1902. 2214 Lieut.-Colonel, 5th N. Y. Inf. ♦Hull, John Henry, Died April 19, 1904. 4059 Captain, 174th N. Y. Inf. ♦Humphreys, George H. Died April 15, 1898. 3363 Surgeon, 9 th N. Y. Inf. ♦Hunter, James B. Died June 10, 1889. 6021 Surgeon, 60th Ind. Inf. ♦Hunter, Thomas, Died March 11, 1903. 7610 Captain, 110th N. Y. Inf. ♦Hurlburt, Samuel D. Died Nov. 26, 1886. 1441 Passed Asst. Paymaster, U. S. N. ♦Hutchinson, Edwin, Died Oct. 19, 1887. 1637 Surgeon, 137th N. Y. Inf. ♦Hutton, Charles G. Died April 16, 1900. 6961 Brevet Major, U. S. V. 112 No. of Elected. Name and Rank. Insignia. May 3, 1893. *Hyatt, Charles E. Died June 20, 1901. 10164 1st Lieut., 20tli N. Y. Cav. April 6,1892. *Hyde, Joel W. Died Sept. 22, 1907. 9425 Asst. Surgeon, 2 9th Conn. Col'd Inf. Dec. 6,1871. *Hyde, Simeon T. Died June 2, 1877. 1339 1st Lieut., loth Conn. Inf. April 4,1894. *Hyde, William L. Died July 31, 1896. 10496 Chaplain, 112th N. Y. Inf. May 8, 1895. *Hyland, George, Died June 12, 1896. 11044 Major, 13th N. Y. Inf. Sept. 22, 1886. *=Hyndman, William, Died Oct. 1, 1896. 4904 Captain, 4th Penn. Cav. May 7, 1890. *Irsch, Francis, Died Aug. 19, 1906. 7988 Captain, 45th N. Y. Inf. Feb. 6, 1889. *Irving, Alexander D. Died June 12, 1910. 6749 Captain, Hdqrs. Guard, 19th Corps. Sept. 6, 1871. *«Irwin, Richard B. Died April 2 6, 1892. 1343 Lieut.-Colonel, A. A. G., U. S. V. Feb. 16, 1866. * Jackson, Richard H. Died Nov. 28, 1892. 223 Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. A. Brevet Major-General, U. S. V. Oct. 6, 1897. *James, Edward C. Died March 24, 1901. 11917 Colonel, 106th N. Y. Inf. March 21,1888. *=Janeway, John H. Died April 14, 1911. 6134 Colonel, U. S. A. (Retired.) June 1, 1870. *Jardine, Edward, Died July 16, 1893. 1191 Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. V. Feb. 6, 18 89. * Jewell, Charles A. Died June 25, 1905. 6736 1st Lieut., Adjt., 22 Conn. Inf. April 5, 1876. * Jewell, William H. Died Sept. 25, 1907. 1638 Captain, 3Sth Mass. Inf. June 7,1871. *Jewett, Orville D. Died April 5, 1877. 1299 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. April 3, 1867. *Jewett, Pliny A. Died April 10, 1884. 875 Brevet Colonel, U. S. V. March 1, 1871. *Johnson, Charles A. Died March 30, 1891. 1263 2d Lieut, late 10th U. S. Inf. Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. V. Dec. 7, 1887. * Johnson, Daniel H. Died Sept. 7, 1898. 5832 Captain, 40th Mass. Inf. Jan. 6, 1875. *Johnson, James W. Died April 3, 1876. 1548 Captain, 3d U. S. Col'd Inf. 113 No. of Elected. Name and Rank. Insignia. Dec. 3, 1902. *Johnson, John B. Died Oct. 9, 1909. 13758 2d Lieut., 5tli Indpdt. Batty., N. Y. Lt. Art. Dec. 6, 1882. *Johnson, John R. Died Aug. 2.5, 1895. 2561 1st Lieut, 23d Penn. Inf. Dec. 7, 1887. * Johnson, Laurence, Died March 18, 1893. 5833 1st Lieut., 8th U. S. Col'd Hvy. Art. Feb. 6, 1889. * Johnston, William N. Died Aug. 20, 1910. 6732 Captain, 102d N. Y. Inf. Dec. 7, 1898. *Johnstone, Louis M. Died Sept 3, 1906. 12400 1st Lieut., Indpdt. Batty. I, Penn. Lt. Art. Oct. 4, 1899. *Jones, William A. Died Dec. 12, 1909. 12628 Brevet Colonel, U. S. V. Dec. 1, 1886. *Joy, Edmund L. Died Feb. 14, 1892. 5120 Major, Judge Advocate, U. S. V. Nov. 7, 1883. *Judd, Edwin D. Died Oct. 24, 1908. 2924 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. A. (Retired.) K Oct. 19,1887. *^Kafer, John C. Died March 30, 1906. 5725 Passed Asst. Engr., U. S. N. (Retired.) July 2, 1866. *iKane, Theodore F. Died March 14, 1908. 305 Rear-Admiral^ U. S. N. (Retired.) Feb. 1, 1893. *Keith, Frederick T. Died May 26, 1900. 9963 (In succession.) May 2, 1888. *Keith, Walter D. Died June 1, 1892. 6218 Captain, 2 6th Unassigned Co. Mass. Inf. April 6, 1887. *Kellogg, Rowland C. Died Jan. 16, 1911. 5411 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Nov. 7, 1883. *Kemble, Edward C. Died Feb. 10, 1886. 2895 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. Dec. 7, 1898. *Kent, William L. Died Jan. 30, 1900. 12401 Captain, 23d Mass. Inf. April 1,1891. *Kenyon, John S. Died Feb. 16, 1902. 8651 2d Lieut, 3d N. Y. Cav. April 6, 1892. *Ketchum, Alexander P. Died Dec. 7, 1905. 9426 Brevet Colonel, U. S. V. June 3, 1868. *Ketchum, Edgar, Died April 11, 1905. 787 Brevet Captain, U. S. V. April 1, 1868. *^Ketchum, Hiram H. Died Aug. 12, 1898. 710 Private, 1st N. Y. Engrs. Major, 2 2d U. S. Inf. (Retired.) April 7, 1869. *Keteltas, Henry, Died May 23, 1896. 1021 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, late U. S. A. April 4, 1894. *Kidd, Henry M. Died July 4, 1898. 10503 (Second Class.) 114 No. of Elected. Name and Rank. Insignia. Dec. 5, 1866. *^Kidder, Jerome H. Died April 8, 1889. 411 Corporal, lOth Md. Inf. Surgeon, late U. S. N. Oct. 11, 1865. *^Kiddoo, Joseph B. Died Aug. 19, 1880. 53 Brig.-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) Brevet Major-General, U. S. V. April 2, 1884. *Kimball, James P. Died April 19, 1902. 3127 Asst. Surgeon, 65th N. Y. Inf. Colonel, Asst. Surg.-Gen., U. S. A. (Retired.) May 5, 1886. *King, John S. Died March 4, 1904. 4691 1st Lieut, 12 4th N. Y. Inf. May 7, 1884. *King, Rufus, Died March 18, 1900. 3180 Brevet Major, late U. S. A. Oct. 2, 1878. *Kipp, Charles J. Died Jan. 13, 1911. 1827 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. April 2, 1890. *Kireker, Charles Died April 29, 1910. 7781 Lieut.-Colonel, 116th U. S. Col'd Inf. Feb. 6,1884. *Kisselburgh, William B. Died May 20, 18 87. 3129 1st Lieut., Adjt, 169th N. Y. Inf. April 7, 1869. *Kitchen, Marcus L. W. Died Aug. 28, 1896. 1046 Lieut.-Colonel, 2d N. J. Cav. Dec. 7, 1881. *Knowles, Charles R. Died July 4, 1907. 2218 Acting Master, late U. S. N. Captain, 92d N. Y. Inf. Feb. 8, 1899. *Korn, Gustave, Died Aug. 7, 1908. 12478 Major, 45th N. Y. Inf. May 4, 1892. *Kreutzer, "William, Died May 27, 1901. 9568 Lieut.-Colonel, 98th N. Y. Inf. Feb. 3, 1897. *Lambert, George H. Died Feb. 19, 1910. 11750 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Feb. 6, 1889. *Lambert, Henry S. Died June 14, 1908 6742 Acting Master, late U. S. N. Nov. 3, 1886. *"Lamborn, Charles B. Died Jan. 2, 1902. 5017 Lieut.-Colonel, 15th Penn. Cav. June 2, 1880. *Langdon, Charles S. Died May 2 0, 1900. 2048 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Nov. 6, 1867. *Lawrence, A. Gallatin, Died Jan. 1, 1887. 624 Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. V. May 2, 1888. *Lawrence, Frederick H. Died March 5, 1898. 6236 Captain, 16th N. Y. Hvy. Art. March 1, 1871. *Lawrence, Samuel B. Died March 19, 1908. 1262 Brevet Major, late U. S. A. Lieut.-Colonel, A. A. G., U. S. V. Oct. 1, 1890. *Lawyer, Joseph A. Died Sept. 12, 1902. 8108 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. 115 No. of Elected. Name and Rank. Insignia. March 2, 1870 *'Learned, Bela P. Died March 14, 1910. 1179 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Nov. 6, 1878. *Ledlie, Gilbert W. Died Oct. 4, 1895. 1839 1st Lieut., R. Q. M., 16th N. Y. Hvy. Art. May 8, 1872. *Ledlie, James H. Died Aug. 15, 1882. 1439 Brigadier-General, IT. S. V. April 2, 1890. *Lee, Albert L. Died Dec. 31, 1907. 7782 Brigadier-General, U. S. V. Dec. 30, 1885. *=Leefe, John G. Died June 9, 1^03. 4439 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. Lieut.-Colonel, 30th U. S. Inf. (Retired.) Oct. 5, 1892. *Leggett, Francis W. Died Feb. 11, 1907. 9728 Captain, 9th Mich. Cav. Dec. 6, 1882. *Leonard, Orville W. Died April 20, 1906. 2556 Captain, 42d Mass. Inf. Feb. 6, 1884. *Leoser, Charles McK. Died Feb. 23, 1896. 3014 Captain, late 2d U. S. Cav. Colonel, 11th N. Y. Inf. Dec. 5, 1888. *Leoser, Thomas S. Died May 18, 1909. 6641 (In succession.) May 2, 1888. *Leslie, John A. Died Feb. 27, 1903. 6220 1st Lieut., Adjt., 203d Penn. Inf. Dec. 1, 1869. *Lewis, William H. Died Sept. 28, 1878. 1150 Lieut.-Colonel, 19th U. S. Inf. Feb. 5, 1896. *Leyden, Maurice, Died Aug. 15, 1906. 11337 Brevet Major, U. S. V. March 18, 1866. *Liebenau, Joseph H. Died Dec. 13, 1878. 630 Captain, A. A. G., U. S. V. Feb. 4, 1874. *Lillie, Abraham B. H. Died Dec. 11, 1905. 1444 Rear-Admiral, TJ. S. N. (Retired.) Dec. 5, 1888. *Lincoln, Rufus P. Died Nov. 27, 1900. 6640 Brevet Colonel, U. S. V. Nov. 7, 1883. *Lintner, William H. H. Died July 11, 1892. 2897 1st Lieut, 177th N. Y. Inf. May 4, 1887. *Little, Edward H. Died Dec. 26, 1898. 5527 Lieut.-Colonel, 127th N. Y. Inf. Dec. 5, 1888. *Littlejohn, Harry, Died April 1, 1905. 6625 Captain, 3d Md. Inf. Feb. 5,1890. *Livingston, Mortimer, Died June 14, 1892. 7611 2d Lieut., 14th N. Y. Hvy. Art. Oct. 4, 1876. *Locke, Frederick T. Died Feb. 4, 1893. 1643 Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. V. April 6, 1887. *Lockwood, Benoni, Died April 27, 1909. 5410 Captain, 6th Penn. Cav. April 4, 1866. *Lockwood, Henry C. Died Dec. 24, 1902. 212 Captain, A. A. D. C, late U. S. A. Brevet Major, U. S. V. Jan. 8, 1868. *Long, John H. Died March 2, 1882. 627 Chief Engineer, U. S. N. 116 No. of Elected. Name and Rank. lusiguia. April 6, 1870. *Long, Owen M. Died Oct. 2 4, 1882. llfeS Surgeon, 11th 111. Inf. Dec. 6, 1893. *^Longstreet, James W. Died Sept. 10, 1907. 10345 (Hereditary.) Nov. 4, 187 4. *Lopez de Queralta, Fernando, Died March 15, 1903. 1544 1st Lieut., 82d Penn. Inf. Feb. 5, 1879. *Lord, T. Ellery, Died Sept. 10, 1886. 1831 Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. V. April 6, 1887. *Loughran, Robert, Died April 11, 1899. 5401 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. Dec. 7,1887. *Love, John J. H. Died July 30, 1897. 5824 Surgeon, 13th N. J. Inf. Feb. 9, 1893 *'Love, William S. Died Dec. 11, 1907. 10007 (In succession.) Feb. 5, 1896. *Low, James, Died March 28, 1906. 11338 Major, 8th N. Y. Hvy. Art. Oct. 3, 1877. *Lowery, Jos. Stuart, Died Oct. 19, 1891. 1783 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Feb. 4, 1885. *'Ludlow, William, Died Aug. 30, 1901. 3592 Brigadier-General, U. S. A. Major-General, U. S. V. Oct. 5, 1881. *Lugenbeel, Pinkney, Died March 18, 1886. 2217 Colonel, 5th U. S. Inf. (Retired.) Oct. 5, 1886. *Lusk, William T. Died June 12, 1897. 4913 Captain, A. A. G., U. S. V. Aug. 1, 1866. *Lyford, Stephen C. Died May 9, 1885. 532 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. A. Feb. 4, 1891. *Lyle, Jabez M. Died Aug. 13, 1908. 8496 1st Lieut., 3d Mass. Inf. Oct. 5, 1898. *Lyle, Mervin E. Died Sept. 18, 1903. 12327 (Second Class.) May 6, 1896. *Lyman, Henry H. Died May 4, 1901. 11462 1st Lieut., Adjt., 147th N. Y. Inf. Oct. 3, 1888. *Lyon, George W. Died May 7, 1905. 6424 Brevet Captain, U. S. V. Feb. 1, 1888. *Lyon, James, Died Jan. 17, 1897. 6012 1st Lieut., 4th N. Y. Cav. M Oct. 7, 1885. *'=MacConnell, Chas. Curtis, Died Aug. 3, 1908. 4375 Major, U. S. A. (Retired.) May 2, 1894. *Mackey, Silas G. Died June 5, 1905. 10544 Captain, 95th N. Y. Inf. Dec. 2, 1891. *Madden, Frank, Died Oct. 3, 1908. . 9127 Private, 49th N. Y. Inf. 1st Lieutenant, U. S. A. (Retired.) 117 No. of Elected. Name and Rank. Insignia. Oct. 7, 1868. *Mahnken, John H. Died March 17, 1881. 944 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Brevet Major, U. S. A. Oct. 7, 1885. *Male, William H. Died Nov. 23, 1906. ' 3780 Brevet Captain, late U. S. A. Brevet Major, U. S. V. March 2, 1870. *'Mallory, William H. Died Nov. 8, 1882. 1174 Major, 2d N. Y. Cav. Oct. 1, 1890. *Manchester, Charles N. Died Feb. 16, 1892. 8110 Major, 2d R. I. Cav. Dec. 2, 1891. *Marcus, Leopold, Died May 28, 1905. 9128 1st Lieut., 7 2d N. Y. Inf. Oct. 7, 1891. *Marsh, Charles M. Died July 3, 1902. 8948 1st Lieut., 25th N. J. Inf. May 8, 1895. *Marsh, Daniel E. Died Oct. 18, 1909. 11045 2d Lieut., 2d Conn. Hvy. Art. Feb. 5, 1890. *Marsh, Elias J. Died Aug. 3, 1908. 7612 Brevet Major, late U. S. A. Feb. 1, 1882. *Marshall, Elisha G. Died Aug. 3, 1883. 2273 Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) Brevet Major-General, U. S. V. April 1, 1891. *Marshall, John E. Died Aug. 7, 1900. 8653 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. Dec. 3, 1890. *Marten, Benjamin T. Died Oct. 1, 1907. 8354 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Jan. 3, 1872. *Marthon, Joseph, Died Nov. 18, 1891. 1377 Lieut.-Commander, U. S. N. Nov. 1, 1865. *^Martin, Archer N. Died Dec. 25, 1894. 78 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. March 18, 186 6. *Martin, Charles, Died Jan. 14, 1892. 225 Medical Director, U. S. N. (Retired.) June 2, 1880. *Martin, Edward W. Died Feb. 23, 1900. 2045 (In succession.) Dec. 4, 18 89. *Marvin, Azor S. Died Aug. 5, 1899. 7468 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. Nov. 6, 186 7. *Marvin, Selden E. Died Jan. 19, 1899. 575 Major, Addtl. Paymaster, U. S. V. Dec. 2, 1903. *Mason, Thomas, Died Nov. 12, 1910. 14125 Act. Ensign, late U. S. N. April 1, 1891, *Masters, Hibbert B. Died Jan. 22, 1908. 865 4 Brevet Major, U. S. V. July 3, 1867. *Mathews, Joseph S. Died Sept. 4, 1872. 584 Major, 112th N. Y. Inf. Feb. 6,1907. *Mathot, William L. Died Nov. 22, 1907. 15281 (Second Class.) Dec. 7, 1887. *Matthews, Ambrose M. Died Dec. 29, 1906. 5826 Captain, 13th N. J. Inf. Nov. 5, 1884. *Mayo, William K. Died April 10, 1900. 3355 Commodore, U. S. N. (Retired.) 118 No. of Bleerted. Name and Rank. Insignia. April 2, 1873. *McCarthy, Thomas, Died April 14, 1882. 1488 Captain, 101st N. Y. Inf. Feb. 5, 1873. *McClellan, George B. Died Oct. 29, 1885. 1373 Major-General, late U. S. A. Major-General, U. S. V. March 13, 1890. *'McCook, Charles M. Died Jan. 9, 1907. 7761 (Hereditary.) Dec. 1, 1886. *McCracken, William V. Died Aug. 30, 1898. 5111 Captain, 12 3d Ohio Inf. Oct. 2, 1895. *McDonald, James H. Died Jan. 5, 1903. 11106 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. May 7, 1890. *McEntee, John, Died Dec. 19, 1903. 7977 Brevet Colonel, U. S. V. April 6, 1887. *McFarland, Walter, Died July 22, 1888. 5399 Lieut.-Colonel, Engr. Corps, U. S. A. April 6, 1892. *McKay, John Edwards, Died May 12, 1910 9428 Act. 1st Asst. Engr., late U. S. N. April 12, 1871. *^McKee, George W. Died Nov. 30, 1891. 1277 Major, Ord. Dept., U. S. A. May 2, 1906. *McLean, Cornelius, Died Feb. -18, 1908. 15057 2nd Lieut., 42nd N. Y. Inf. Dec. 7, 1887. *McLean, Le Roy, Died April 23, 1897. 5823 Surgeon, 2d N. Y. Inf. Jan. 17, 1866. *^McMAHON, MARTIN T. Died April 21, 1906. 128 Captain, A. A. D. C, late U. S. A. Brevet Major-General, U. S. V. Dec. 1, 1886. *McMicken, James A. Died Nov. 2, 1901. 5115 Captain, 43d N. Y. Inf. . Oct. 7, 1868. *McQuade, James, Died March 25, 1885. 879 Brevet Major-General, U. S. V. June 6, 1877. *McQuade, James, Died Aug. 14, 1891. 1651 (In succession.) Sept. 11, 1867. *Mead, George L. Died Nov. 26, 1872. 587 Paymaster, U. S. N. Dec, 12, 18 83. *Mears, Charles E. Died Aug. 13, 1898. 2927 Major, 1st N. Y. Marine Art. Dec. 2,1885. *Meeks, Albert V. Died Aug. 23, 1889. 4071 Captain, 6 2d N. Y. Inf. Dec. 4, 18 89. *Meeks, Joseph W. Died April 26, 1897. 7467 1st Lieut., R. Q. M., 3 8th N. Y. Inf. Dec. 3, 1890. *Mellor, James W. Died Dec. 5, 1898. 8356 Act. 2d Asst. Engineer, late U. S. N. Nov. 5,1884. *Menninger, Henry J. Died Sept. 8, 1889. 3356 Act. Asst. Surgeon, late U. S. A. Surgeon, 2d N. C. Inf. Dec. 5, 1894. *Merriam, Thomas, Died May 1, 1904. 10762 Captain, 149th N. Y. Inf. Oct. 2, 1901. *Merriman, Willis E. Died March 22, 1911. 13274 (Hereditary.) 119 No. of Elected. Name and Rank. Insignia. Feb. 2, 1887. *Merritt, Abram, Died April 25, 1888. 5289 2d Lieut., 80th N. Y. Inf. April 1, 1885. *Meserole, Nicholas W. Died May 8, 1896. 3610 Captain, 133d N. Y. Inf. Nov. 5, 1884. *Metcalf, Joseph H. Died Aug. 2 8, 1888. 3353 Captain, A. A. G., U. S. V. Dec. 7, 1887. *Meylert, Asa P. Died Nov. 11, 1893. 5828 Major, Surgeon, U. S. V. May 5, 1886. *Michie, Peter S. Died Feb. 16, 1901. 4697 Colonel (Professor, U. S. M. A.), U. S. A. Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. V. May 3,1893. *Michie, William R. Died Feb. 2, 1899. 10174 (Second Class.) May 2, 1866. *Milhau, John J. Died May 8, 1891. 301 Brevet Brig.-General, late U. S. A. April 2, 1890. *Miller, Franklin E. Died Oct. 4, 1904. 7784 Major, 66th U. S. Col'd Inf. April 6, 1892. *Miller, Henry W. Died Jan. 30, 1904. 9430 Lieut.-Commander, late U. S. N. Feb. 4, 1891. *Miller, John, Died Feb. 9, 1904. 8498 Act. 2d. Asst. Engineer, late U. S. N. April 6, 1892. *Miller, Joseph N. Died April 25, 1909. 9431 Rear-Admiral, tJ. S. N. (Retired.) May 3, 1871. *Miln, David I. Died June 30, 1880. 1298 Lieut.-Colonel, 65th N. Y. Inf. March 4, 1868. *'Mindil, George W. Died July 20, 1907. 696 Brevet Major-General, U. S. V. Oct. 2, 1895. *Mitchell, John F. B. Died Aug. 4, 1910. 11108 Captain, 2d N. Y. Cav. Oct. 5, 1887. *Mitchell, William, Died May 21, 1895. 5711 Captain, 3d U. S. Inf. (Retired.) Dec. 4, 1889. *Monson, Frank A. Died July 1, 1908. 7470 Captain, 5 th N. Y. Cav. Dec. 1, 1886. *Moore, Clement C. Died Dec. 15, 1910. 5113 Captain, 2 0th Mass. Inf. Dec. 13, 1899. *Moore, Henry H. Died May 15, 1908. 12727 2d Lieut., 19th Indpdt. Batt., N. Y. Lt. Art. Nov. 7, 1883. *Moore, Joseph F. Died Feb. 26, 1909. 2892 1st Lieut., 1st Penn. Cav. Oct. 2, 1907. *Moore, J. Owen, Died Mar. 13, 1908. 15443 Captain 3rd N. Y. Inf. Dec. 5, 1888. *Moore, J. Ridgway, Died Sept. 26, 1901. 6643 1st Lieut., 116th Penn. Inf. Feb. 1, 1882. *Moore, William, Died March 13, 1895. 2280 Captain's Clerk, late U. S. N. 1st Lieut, 62d N. Y. Inf. June 6, 1866. *Morgan, Robert C. Died Jan. 27, 1884. 335 Captain, late 10th U. S. Inf. Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. J20 No. of Elected. Name and Rank. . Insignia. Feb. 7, 1894. *Morgan, Thomas J. Died July 13, 1902. 10429 Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. V. Dec. 5,1893. *Morgan, William J. Died Sept. 5, 19 00. 10327 Captain, 116th N. Y. Inf. Nov. 5, 1884. **Morris, Arthur, Died Sept. 26, 1892. 3509 Brevet Major, U. S. A. (Retired.) Jan. 4, 1871. *Morris, Fordham, Died July 7, 1909. 1231 1st Lieut., 6th N. Y. Hvy. Art. July 11, 1866. *Morris, William H. Died Aug. 26, 1900. 336 2d Lieut., late 2d U. S. Inf. Brevet Major-General, U. S. V. April 2, 1879. *Morrison, David, Died Feb. 2 5, 1896. 1837 Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. V. May 1, 1889. *Morse, Edmund A. Died Dec. 2 4, 1897. 7089 Captain, A. Q. M., U. S. V. Feb. 6, 1889. *Moses, Isaac, Died Dec. 14, 1889. 6740 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. Sept. 15, 1866. *Mott, Alexander B. Died Aug. 12, 1889. 326 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. Feb. 5, 1890. *Mott, Edgar J. Died Aug. 8, 1907. 7613 1st Lieut., Adjt, 5th N. Y. Hvy. Art. May 2, 1888. *Mott, John O. Died Aug. 11, 1905. 6222 Major, Addtl. Paymaster, late U. S. A. April 1, 1891. *Munroe, Benjamin F. Died July 17, 1904. 8657 Act. Asst. Paymaster, late U. S. N. Dec. 2, 1891. *Murphy, Benjamin, Died Jan. 4, 1909. 9119 Captain, 8th N. J. Inf. Nov. 5, 1879. *'Myers, William, Died Nov. 11, 1887. 1939 Brevet Brig.-Gen., U. S. V. Brevet Brig.-Gen., U. S. A. (Retired.) Feb. 2,1898. *Myrick, John R. Died Aug. 2 9, 1909. 12134 Private, 13th N. Y. S. Mil. Brig.-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) N May 6, 1891. *Neill, Edward M. Died July 21, 1907. 8800 Brevet Colonel, U. S. V. Sept. 11, 1867. *Nesmith, Clarence E. Died Sept. 2 0, 1874. 577 Captain, 6th U. S. Cav. Brevet Major, U. S. V. Dec. 2, 1891. *Neuman, Louis E. Died Oct. 2, 1902. 9130 Captain, 17 5th N. Y. Inf. Nov. 2, 1870. *Neville, Edward M. Died Oct. 4, 1886. 1214 Captain, 1st Conn. Cav. May 3, 1876. *>Nevin, Robert J. Died Sept. 20, 1906. 1716 Brevet Major, U. S. V. 121 No. of Elected. Xame mid Rank. Insignia. Nov. 3, 1875. *>Nevin, William W. Died Sept. 27, 1899. 1663 Captain, A. A. G., U. S. V. Dec. • 5, 1893. *Nevius, Henry M. Died Jan. 28, 1911. 10328 2d Lieut., 7th Mich. Cav. Dec. 1, 1886. *Newton, John., Died May 1, 1895. 5118 Bvt. Major.-Gen., IT. S. A. (Retired.) Major-General, U. S. V. April 1, 1891. *Nicoll, Henry D. Died Oct. 27, 1908. 8670 (Hereditary.) Oct. 15,1902. *Northrop, John W. Died Dec. 8, 1910. 13661 (Second Class.) April 1, 1885. *Norton, Charles F. Died Sept. 18, 1896. 3620 Drummer, 3d Col. Inf. Lieutenant, U. S. N. (Retired.) April 1, 1891. *Norton, Charles L. Died Dec. 14, 19 09. 86 58 Colonel, 78th U. S. Col'd Inf. Jan. 9, 1867. *Noyes, Frank G. Died Dec. 1, 1902. 574 Lieut.-Colonel, C. S., U. S. V. Dec. 2, 1885. *Noyes, Henry Taylor, Died Oct. 15, 1903. 4338 Major, 148th N. Y. Inf. Colonel, 3 8th U. S. Col'd Inf. Dec. 3, 1884. *Noyes, John B. Died Dec. 13, 1908. 3360 Brevet Colonel, U. S. V. Feb. 1, 1893. *Nutting, Lee, Died July 11, 1908. 9957 Captain, 61st N. Y. Inf. Dec. 12,1883. *Oakley, Lewis W. Died March 3, 1888. 3012 Surgeon, 2d N. J. Inf. Dec. 7, 1892. *Oaks, George J. Died July 11, 1910. 9862 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Feb. 3, 1873. *0'Beirne, Richard F. Died Feb. 2 4, 1891. 148§ Colonel, 21st U. S. Inf. Oct. 5, 1904. *0'Brien, Daniel J. Died April 5, 1907. 14337 Captain, 7th N. Y. Hvy. Art. Dec. 2, 1885. *0dell, Thomas B. Died July 12, 1902. 4072 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Dec. 12, 1883. *Odiorne, David W. Died May 22, 1889. 3023 1st Lieut., 97th Penn. Inf. May 8, 1872. *01mstead, Samuel H. Died Dec. 22, 1893. 1440 Surgeon, 170th N. Y. Inf. April 1, 186 8. *^01msted, William A. Died March 8, 1909. 708 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, late U. S. A. Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. V. Dec. 1, 1909. *0'Reilly, Thomas, Died April 28, 1910. 16088 1st Lieutenant, 5th N. Y. Cavalry. Oct. 1, 1890. *Orton, Herman M. Died Jan. 11, 1898. 8111 1st Lieut., 41st U. S. Col'd Inf. 122 No. of Elected. Name and Rank. Insignia. Dec. 4, 1889. *Paine, John U. Died June 18, 1892. 7479 (Second Class.) Feb. 3, 1892. *Palmer, John, Died April 15, 1905. 9311 1st Lieut., 91st N. Y. Inf. Dec. 3, 1890. *Pannes, John B. Died March 7, 1909. 8357 Captain, A. D. C, U. S. V. Dec. 7, 1887. *Pardee, Chas. Inslee, Died Nov. 3, 1899. 5825 Asst. Surgeon, 16th N. Y. Inf. April 6, 1887. *Parker, Ely S. Died Aug. 30, 1895. 5414 Brevet Brig.-General, late U. S. A. March 2, 1881. *Parker, Francis H. Died Feb. 22, 1897. 2139 Lieut.-Colonel, Ord. Dept., U. S. A. Oct. 5, 1898. *Parkinson, Edward C. Died Aug. 1, 1905. 12319 Sergeant, late 5th U. S. Art. Captain, 13 th N. Y. Hvy. Art. Feb. 5, 1890. *Parsons, Enos B. Died May 6, 1897. 7616 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. April 4,1866. *Patten, George W. Died April 2 8, 1882. 235 Lieut.-Colonel, 2d U. S. Inf. (Retired.) Dec. 1, 1886. *Paulding, Samuel H. Died Oct. 22, 1910. 5119 1st Lieut., 150th N. Y. Inf. Oct. 4, 1882. *Pease, Charles E. Died March 25, 1886. 2376 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Dec. 5, 1883. *°Pease, William B. Died Oct. 15, 1903. 3008 1st Lieut., 8th U. S. Col'd Inf. Captain, 9th U. S. Inf. (Retired.) Sept. 11, 1867. *Peck, George, Died July 26, 1906. 570 Medical Director, U. S. N. (Retired.) Nov. 10, 1886. *''Pemberton, John, Died Sept. 28, 1903. 5071 Passed Asst. Engr., U. S. N. (Retired.) April 4,1866. *Pennock, Alexander M. Died Sept. 20, 1876. 236 Rear-Admiral, U. S. N. Dec. 4, 1895. *Perkins, Edward H. Jr. Died April 12, 1902. 11254 (Hereditary.) April 1, 1891. *Perry, Edward S. Died Nov. 8, 1909. 8659 Captain, 7th Conn. Inf. May 2, 186 6. *Perry, Robert C. Died Oct. 1, 1884. 367 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. A. (Retired.) Feb. 7, 1900. *Phelps, Dudley F. Died June 22, 1908. 12792 1st Lieut., Adjt., 20th U. S. Col'd Inf. April 3, 1895. *Phisterer, Frederick, Died July 13, 1909. 10969 Captain, late U. S. A. Dec. 2,1885. *Pierpont, William H. Died Dec. 2 7, 1905. 4339 Captain, 7th Conn. Inf. Feb. 5, 1868. *Pinkney, Howard, Died May 14, 1888. 739 Asst. Surgeon, 83d N. Y. Inf. 123 No. of Elected. Xame and Rank. Insignia. April 3, 1889. *Pinkney, William H. Died May 2, 1889. 6963 (In succession.) April 7, 1880. *Pinto, Francis E. Died July 17, 1905. 2040 Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. V. April 4, 1866. *Pleasanton, Alfred, Died Feb. 17, 1897. 238 Brevet Major-Gen., U. S. A. (Retired.) Major-General, U. S. V. March 6, 1878. *Pollock, Alexander, Died Sept. 3, 1904. 1785 Act. 3d Asst. Engr. late U. S. N. Oct. 5, 1886. *Pond, James B. Died June 21, 1903. 4912 Captain, 3d Wis. Cav. April 4, 1888. *Pool, Harwood R. Died Dec. 30, 1903. 6174 (Second Class.) Feb. 4,1891. *Poole, Theodore L. Died Dec. 23, 1900. 8500 Brevet Major, U. S. V. May 1, 1889. *Porteous, James G. Died May 11, 1895. 7085 Surgeon, 4 6th N. Y. Inf. July 11, 1866. *Porter, Andrew, Died Jan. 3, 1872. 792 Colonel, late 16th U. S. Inf. Brigadier-General, U. S. V. Dec. 5, 1894. *Porter, Anthony B. Died June 2, 1908. 10764 Captain, 13 4th 111. Inf. June 6, 1866. *Porter, Burr, Died Dec. 10, 1870. 573 Colonel, 3d Mass. Inf. June 2, 1869. *Porter, Henry M. Died Feb. 6, 1907. 1086 Lieut.-Colonel, 7th Vt. Inf. Dec. 5, 1906. *Potter, Alvah K. Died March 1, 1910. 15216 Major, 18th N. H. Inf. Nov. 4, 1885. *Potter, Wm. Warren, Died March 14, 1911. 4062 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. Feb. 18,1885. *=Powell, James W. Died Oct. 19, 1907. 3542 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. Colonel, 17th U. S. Inf. (Retired.) May 6,1896. *Pratt, Calvin E. Died Aug. 3, 1896. 11463 Brigadier-General, U. S. V. April 4, 1888. *Pratt, Henry, Died Sept. 22, 1892. 6170 Captain, 89th N. Y. Inf. Oct. 3, 1883. *Pratt, John, Died May 12, 1902. 2764 Captain, A. A. G., U. S. V. Feb. 16, 186 6. *Prentice, Fowler, Died Jan. 28, 1867. 296 Surgeon, 73d N. Y. Inf. Nov. 7, 1883. *Probst, John D. Died Feb. 23, 1901. 2899 1st Lieut., 21st N. J. Inf. Dec. 7, 1898. *Pruyn, Augustus, Died Feb. 7, 1908. 12402 Lieut.-Colonel, 4th N. Y. Cav. May 2, 1888. *Pulcifer, Alfred H. Died July 2, 1906. 6231 Captain, 2d Mass. Hvy. Art. 124 No. of Elected. Name and Rank. Insignia. Dec. 4,1867. *Pyne, Charles M. Died Feb. 4, 1892. 844 Corporal, 3d Batt., D. C. Inf. Captain, U. S. A. (Retired.) Q Feb. 7, 1894. *Quinlan, James, Died Aug. 29, 1906. 10432 Lieut.-Colonel, 88 th N. Y. Inf. R April 2, 1879. *Racey, William H. Died Feb. 23, 1892. 1845 1st Lieut., 5 3d N. Y. Inf. May 3, 1882. *Rae, Thomas W. Died May 27, 1893. 2378 Passed Asst. Engr., late U. S. N. May 2, 1888. *Raefle, Max G. Died Feb. 13, 1904. 6229 Act. Asst. Surgeon, late IT. S. N. Oct. 5, 1881. *Rafferty, Thomas, Died Feb. 21, 1888. 2203 Lieut.-Colonel, 71st N. Y. Inf. May 3, 1882. *Raines, John, Died Dec. 16, 1909. 2555 Captain, 85th N. Y. Inf. April 1,1891. *Ramsey, Frank DeW. Died Jan. 18, 1906. 8671 Captain, 9th U. S. Inf. (Hereditary.) March 2, 1881. *Rand, Thomas B. Died March 31, 1901. 2137 Captain, 33d Mass. Inf. Lieut.-Colonel, 9 th N. Y. Vol. Inf. Dec. 2, 1885. *Ransom, Edward D. Died Nov. 12, 1893. 4374 (In succession.) Jan. 17, 1866. *'RANSOM, GEORGE M. Died Sept. 10, 1889. 136 Commodore, U. S. N. (Retired.) Dec. 13, 1899. *Raymond, Alfred, Died Oct. 28, 1901. 12735 (Second Class.) April 7, 1869. *Read, Meredith, Died Dec. 27, 1896. 1023 Brig.-Gen., (Adjt. Gen., State of N. Y.), N. Y. S. M. (Third Class.) Oct. 1, 1879. *"Redfield, George S. Died Oct. 12, 1899. 1936 Act. Asst. Paymaster, late U. S. N. April 7, 1875. *Reed, James C. Died April 23, 1897. 1545 1st Lieut., Adjt., 2nd Penn. Cav. Dec. 7, 1870. *Reeve, Isaac V. D. Died Dec. 31, 1890. 1225 Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) June 10, 1885. *^Regan, James, Died June 24, 1906. 3895 Colonel, 9th U. S. Inf. Oct. 6,1897. *Remington, Wagar H. Died April 21, 1911. 11919 Captain, 111th N. Y. Inf. Feb. 1, 1882. *Rexford, Willie M. Died July 20, 1902. 2365 Brevet Colonel, U. S. V. 125 No. of Elected. Name and Rank. Insignia. Feb. 5, 1902. *Reynolds, Charles A. Died Feb. 27, 1904. 13453 2d Lieut, 2d Conn. Hvy. Art. May 7,1890. *Rhoades, Jolm V. Died May 26, 1910. 7998 (Second Class.) April 7,1886. *Richardson, Edward F. Died Aug. 11, 1898. 4598 1st Lieut., 16tli N. Y. Hvy. Art. Oct. 10, 1906. *Ridgway, Frank, Died April 6, 1911. 15170 Surgeon, 74th N. Y. Inf. Feb. 16, 1866. *Ringgold, Cadwalader, Died April 29, 1867. 365 Rear-Admiral, U. S. N. (Retired.) Nov. 14, 1866. *Ripley, Robert A. Died Dec. 17, 1907. 219 1st Lieut, 13th Conn. Inf. Oct 1, 1890. *Roberts, Charles, Died Nov. 19, 1907. 8112 2d Lieut., Signal Corps, U. S. V. April 1,1891. *Roberts, Evelyn P. Died Dec. 30, 1910. 8672 (Hereditary.) May 3, 1899. *Roberts, Thomas B. Died Feb. 16, 1910. 12556 1st Lieut., 1st Wis. Cav. Oct. 3,1883. *Robertson, Gilbert A. Died April 13, 1886. 2763 Passed Asst. Paymaster, late U. S. N. Nov. 3, 1880. *Robeson, John T. Died Feb. 23, 1906. 2051 Captain, 7th Tenn. Cav. May 1, 1901. *Robinson, Gilbert P. Died June 23, 1908. 13220 Sergeant, late 2d U. S. Art. Brevet Colonel, U. S. V. June 7, 1871. *Robinson, John C. Died Feb. 18, 1897. 1340 Brevet Major-General, U. S. V. Major-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) Jan. 6, 1886. *"Rochester, Montgomery, Died Feb. 2, 1909. 4402 Lieut.-Colonel, A. A. G., U. S. V. Nov. 14, 1866. *Rockafeller, Harry, Died Aug. 22, 1875. 530 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. May 2, 1888. *Rockwood, William T. Died April 21, 1903. 6224 Captain, 8 th Minn. Inf. Feb. 16, 186 6. *Rodgers, Christoper R. P. Resigned, May 4, 187 6. 571 Right revived. May 1, 1901. Rear-Admiral, U. S. N. (Retired.) Dec. 3, 1890. *Rodman, Charles W. Died Jan. 9, 1905. 8360 1st Lieut., 4th N. Y. Inf. April 4, 1894. *Rodman, Charles W., Jr. Died June 2 6, 1903. 10505 (Second Class.) April 3,1895. *Roehr, Henry Edward, Died March 8, 1901. 10970 1st Lieut., 20th N. Y. Inf. June 2, 1869. *Rogers, William F. Died Dec. 16, 1899. 1051 Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. V. March 5, 1879. *Roome, Charles, Died June 2 8, 1890. 1834 Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. V. 126 No. of Elected. Name and Rank. Insignia. May 7, 1879. *Roosevelt, Nicholas L. Died Dec. 13, 1892. 1840 Lieutenant, late U. S. N. Feb. 5, 1896. *Ross, Henry Schuyler, Died Oct. 13, 1902. 11340 Captain, U. S. N. (Retired.) Dec. 7, 1887. *Rousseau, Charles D. Died Nov. 3, 1910. 5820 Captain, 7th N. Y. Cav. May 6, 1896. *Royce, Charles H. Died July 19, 1903. 11464 Brevet Major, U. S. V. June 1, 1887. *"Ruger, Thomas H. Died June 3, 1907. 5584 Brevet Major-General, U. S. V. Major-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) Feb. 16, 186 6. *Rumsey, William, Died Jan. 16, 1903. 580 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. April 1,1891. *Russell, John K. Died May 9, 1899. 8661 Captain, A. Q. M., U. S. V. May 6, 1868. *'Ryan, Abraham H. Died Dec. 29, 1903. 775 Colonel, 3d Ark. Cav. May 1, 1889. *Ryder, Seth B. Died May 23, 1896. 7091 Captain, 5th N. Y. Cav. Dec. 13, 1905. *Sage, Clinton H. Died Feb. 4, 1907. 14832 Colonel, 110th N. Y. Inf. Dec. 13, 1899. *Saint Albe, Gustavus A. F. Died April 30, 1908. 12728 Captain, A. A. D. C, U. S. V. Oct. 4, 1882. *Sampson, Ira B. Died Dec. 23, 1890. 2377 Captain, 2d Mass. Hvy. Art. May 2,1888. *Sanborn, Augustus D. Died March 11, 1909. 6233 Captain, 5th N. H. Inf. Nov. 5, 1883. *^Sanford, George B. Died July 13, 1908. 2922 Colonel, 6th U. S. Cav. (Retired.) April 7, 1869. *Sanford, Joseph P. Died Dec. 5, 1901. 102O Captain, late U. S. N. Oct. 3, 1883. *Sanford, Walter, Died May 6, 1907. 2770 (In succession.) May 1, 1889. *Satterfield, John, Died April 5, 1894. 7087 1st Lieut, 140th Penn. Inf. Feb. 1, 1893. *Schenkelberger, Jacob. Died May 17, 1898. 9958 2d Lieut., 1st N. Y. Lt. Art. Oct. 10, 1894. *Schermerhorn, E. Nott. Died Nov. 21, 1905. 10658 1st Lieut., Adjt., 18th N. Y. Inf. May 6, 1868. *Schieffelin, William H. Died June 21, 1895. 735 Major 1st N. Y. Mtd. Rifles. Dec. 3, 1879. *Schuyler, Herman P. Died Aug. 14, 1909. 1914 1st Lieut., 1st Wis. Inf. Feb. 1, 1871. *Schuyler, Philip, Died Nov. 29, 1906. 1249' Brevet Major, late U. S. A. 127 No. of Elected. Name and Rank. Insignia. May 6, 1896. *'Scofield, Walter K. Died Aug. .5, 1910. 11450 Medical Director, U. S. N. (Retired.) May 6, 1891. *Selvage, Henry C. Died Aug. 30, 1901. 8802 2d Lieut, 87th N. Y. Inf. Dec. 2, 1896. *Seward, Samuel H. Died May 8, 1901. 11633 1st Lieut, 14th Conn. Inf. April 4, 1888. *Sexton, Samuel, Died July 11, 1896. 6167 Act. Asst. Surgeon, late U. S. A. Asst. Surgeon, 8th Ohio Inf. Dec. 4, 1889. *Shackford, William G. Died Oct 22, 1907. 7471 Acting Ensign, late TJ. S. N. Feb. 6, 1889. *Shaler, Ira A. Died June 29, 1902. 6752 Major, 1st U. S. Vol. Engrs. (Second Class.) May 5, 1869. *Sharpe, George H. Died Jan. 13, 1900. 1077 Brevet Major-General, U. S. V. Jan. 9, 1867. *Sharpe, Jacob, Died April 27, 1892. 741 Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. V. Nov. 3, 1875. *Sheldon, Alvanus W. Died Jan. 31, 1884. 1634 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. April 6, 1892. *Sheldon, William A. Died Nov. 3, 1910. 9435 Captain, 6th N. Y. Cav. Feb. 3, 1892. *Shimmel, August Died Dec. 17, 1893. 9313 Captain, A. Q. M., U. S. V. April 2, 1890. *Shonnard, Frederic, Died Jan. 26, 1911. 7785 Major, 6 th N. Y. Hvy. Art. Feb. 6, 1889. *Sibley, Ebenezer K. Died July 27, 1895. 6739 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Oct 4, 1876. **Sicard, Montgomery, Died Sept 14, 1900. 1760 Rear-Admiral, U. S. N. (Retired.) June 2, 18 69. *Simms, William T. Died Jan. 2 8, 1901. 1084 Major, 59th N. Y. Inf. Feb. 5, 1890. *^Simonds, William E. Died March 16, 1903. 7681 2d Lieut, 2 5th Conn. Inf. May 8, 1872. *Skelding, Henry T. Died June 22, 1905. 1374 Paymaster, U. S. N. (Retired.) Feb. 3, 1897. *Skinner, Calvin, Died Sept. 24, 1903. 11753 Surgeon, 106th N. Y. Int Jan. 17, 1866. *'SLIPPER JOSEPH A. Died July 24, 1882. 133 Brevet Colonel, U. S. V. Jan. 6, 1869. *Slocum, Henry W. Died April 14, 1894. 949 1st Lieut, late 1st U. S. Art Major-General, U. S. V. Feb. 6,1901. *Slosson, Henry L. Died Nov. 14, 1903. 13114 Passed Asst. Engineer, late U. S. N. Nov. 3, 1886. *Smith, Alfred B. Died Jan. 28, 1896. 5006 Brevet Brigadier-General, U. S. V. 128 No. of Elected. Name and Rank. Insignia. Dec. 2, 18 68. *Smith, Andrew H. Died April 8, 1910. 883 Brevet Major, late U. S. A. Surgeon, 9 4th N. Y. Inf. May 3, 1871. *Smith, Andrew J. Died April 27, 1903. 1359 Brevet Colonel, U. S. V. April 1,1891. *Smith, Dexter A. Died Nov. 21, 1900. 8662 1st Lieut., 193d N. Y. Inf. Dec. 5, 1866. *Smith, Edward W. Died May 21, 1883. 1112 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. A. Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. V. May 6, 1896. *Smith, Hiram, Died Feb. 18, 1905. 11465 Major, Q. M., U. S. V. March 4, 1868. *Smith, Joseph R. Died Sept. 3, 1868. 742 Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) Feb. 18, 1885. *=Smith, Leslie, Died Aug. 29, 1907. 3535 Colonel, U. S. A. (Retired.) July 2, 1866. *Smith, Melancton, Died July 19, 1893. 276 Rear-Admiral, U. S. N. (Retired.) Feb. 1, 1893. *Smith, Milton H. Died April 7, 1901. 9961 2d Lieut., 3d N. Y. Cav. Feb. 5,1896. *Smith, Orlando J. Died Dec. 2 0, 1908. 11341 Major, 6th Ind. Cav. April 1, 1885. *Smith, Richard Penn, Died Nov. 27, 1887. 3621 Colonel, 71st Penn. Inf. April 7, 1886. *Smith, Robt. Burnett, Died June 6, 1896. 4605 Brevet Captain, late U. S. A. May 4, 1892. *Smith, Robert H. Died March 11, 1900. 9576 (Hereditary.) April 2, 1884. *Smith, William M. Died Jan. 17, 1902. 3128 Surgeon, 85th N. Y. Inf. May 6, 1891. *Smith, Wm. Niles, Died May 19, 1891. 8799 Captain, 9th N. Y. Cav. April 7, 186 9. *Snelllng, Frederick G. Died Nov. 2 6, 1878. 1019 Surgeon, U. S. V. Dec. 2, 1891. *Sniper, Gustavus, Died March 29, 1894. 9120 Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. V. Feb. 6, 1884. *Snow, Norman L. Died Dec, 19, 1885. 3015 Surgeon, 153d N. Y. Inf. Feb. 3, 1892. *Spear, Vivian K. Died Dec. 9, 1900. 9303 Brevet Captain, U. S. V. April 1, 1874. *Spencer, Frederick A. Died Dec. 8, 1901. 1489 1st Lieut, 2d Col. Cav. Feb. 16,1866. *Spencer, T. Rush, Died June 19, 1872. 845 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. Dec. 4, 1889. *Sponable, Wells, Died Feb. 24, 1911. 7472 Major, 34th N. Y. Inf. Dec. 7, 1892. *Stanley, Frederic N. Died Sept. 27, 1900. 9865- 2d Lieut., 13th Conn. Inf. 129 No. of Elected. Name and Rank. Insijjrnia. Oct. 6, 1869. *Staples, Samuel C. Died May 23, 1S70. 1104 Major, Addtl. Paymaster, U. S. V. Jan. 5,1870. *Starring, Frederick A. Died April 11, 1904. 1163 Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. V. Nov. 4, 1868. *Steiner, Lewis H. Died Feb. 18, 1892. 881 Chief Inspr., U. S. San. Com. (A. of P.) (Third Class.) Oct. 7, 1885. *Stephenson, William W. Died March 4, 1889. 4055 Captain, 165th N. Y. Inf. April 3, 1895. *Sternberg, Francis C. Died Oct. 2, 1909. 10971 1st Lieut, 2 0th Ky. Inf. June 1, 1870. *Stevenson, John H. Died June 14, 1899. 1188 Pay Inspector, U. S. N. (Retired.) Feb. 4,1891. *Stewart, Ira W. Died April 26, 1895. 8504 1st Lieut., 28th Ind. Batty., N. Y. Lt. Art. Feb. 6, 1889. *Stewart, C. Seaforth, Died July 22, 1904. 6741 Brig.-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) Nov. 5, 1884. *Stewart, James, Died June 28, 1891. 3606 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Dec. 6, 1876. *Stockwell, Levi S. Died Oct. 7, 1879. 1644 Paymaster, late U. S. N. May 4,1887. *Stoddard, Enoch V. Died June 6, 1908. 5526 Surgeon, 65th N. Y. Inf. Nov. 5, 1889. *^'Stolbrand, Carlos J. Died Feb. 3, 1894. 7481 Brigadier-General, U. S. V. Dec. 4, 1889. *Storke, Jay E. Died Oct. 7, 1895. 7473 1st Lieut., Adjt., 3d N. Y. Lt. Art. May 4, 1887. *Storrs, Samuel J. Died July 23, 1892. 5518 Lieut. -Colonel, 5 2d Mass. Inf. May 2,1866. *Stoughton, Edwin H. Died Dec. 25, 1869. 839 2d Lieut., late 6th U. S. Inf. Brigadier-General, U. S. V. April 6, 1887. *Strain, Alexander, Died Oct. 12, 1902. 5418 Lieut.-Colonel, 153d N. Y. Inf. Oct. 4. 1893. *Streeter, Buell G. Died July 24, 1900. 10252 Act. Staff Surgeon, late U. S. A. Surgeon, 4th N. Y. Cav. Feb. 2, 1887. *Sturges, Edwin C. Died Feb. 16, 1900. 5293 Captain, 101st N. Y. Inf. Oct. 1, 1890. *Swalm, William F. Died Aug. 27, 1909. 8113 Asst. Surgeon, 15th N. Y. Engrs. Nov. 7, 1883. *Swayne, Wager, Died Dec. 18, 1902. 2893 Brevet Major-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) Major-General, U. S. V. Nov. 2, 1881. *Sweeny, Thomas W. Died April 10, 1892. 2210 Brigadier-General, U. S. V. Brigadier-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) Dec. 2, 1891. *Swift, Harlan J. Died Oct. 7, 1910. 9131 Captain, 2d N. Y. Mtd. Rifles. 130 T Nil. of Elected. Name iiiul Hank. In.si.nnia. Oct. 3, 187 7. *Tallman, Edward A. Died July 13, 189 8. 1770 Captain, 2 4th N. Y. Cav. May 2, 1888. *Tallman, Henry C. Died Dec. 19, 1896. 6234 Lieut.-Commander, U. S. N. (Retired.) May 8, 1895. *Taylor, David A. Died Oct. 31, 1896. 11046 Captain, llltli N. Y. Inf. Dec. 5, 1893. *Teller, David A. Died Jan. 13, 1907. 10330 2d Lieut., 177tli N. Y. Inf. May 5, 1880. *Ten Eyck, Jacob H. Died Marcli 24, 1898. 2042 Major, 1.54tli N. Y. Inf. Dec. 5, 1866. *Terry, Alfred H. Died Dec. 16, 1890. 1148 Major-General, U. S. V. Major-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) Oct. 7, 1891. *Terry, J. Wadsworth, Died April 10, 1905. 8951 Surgeon, 2 0th Conn. Inf. April 4, 1894. *Thaxter, Samuel, Died April 9, 1898. 10498 1st Lieut., 45th Mass. Mil. Inf. Feb. 4, 1891. *Thompson, George W. Died Jan. 16, 1910. 8505 Lieut. -Colonel, 152d N. Y. Inf. March 6,1890. *^Thornton, Gilbert E. Died Sept. 12, 1891. 6878 Pay Director, U. S. N. Dec. 2, 1885. *Thurston, James S. Died Nov. 22, 1910. 4336 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. April 1, 1885. *Thurston, Robert H. Died Oct. 25, 1903. 3613 1st Asst. Engineer, late U. S. N. April 5, 1871. *Tibbits, William B. Died Feb. 10, 1880. 1296 Brevet Major-General, U. S. V. March 7, 1866. *'Tiedemann, Frederick, Died Oct. 10, 1887. 206 Captain, 75 th Penn. Inf. May 2 4, 1899. *''Tiernon, John L. Died Mar. 30, 1910. 12582 Brig.-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) Nov. 3,1886. *Tillman, Walter P. Died May 29, 1894. 5015 Captain, 3 0th N. Y. Inf. April 2, 1890. *Tilton, William Payson, Died March 9, 1893. 7789 (In succession.) Oct. 20, 1886. *^Toffey, John J. Died March 13, 1911. 4960 1st Lieut, 3 3d N. J. Inf. Oct. 7, 1885. *Tompkins, Charles H. Died Aug.' 9, 189 5. 4056 Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. V. May 6, 1903. *Tourgge, Albion W. Died May 21, 1905. 13949 1st Lieut., 105th Ohio Inf. Jan. 6,1869. *Townsend, Franklin, Died Sept. 11, 1898. 945 Brig.-General, late N. G., S. N. Y. (Third Class.) June 3, 1868. *'Townsend, Frederick, Died Sept. 11, 1897. 799 Colonel, 3d N. Y. Inf. Brevet Brig.-General, late U. S. A. 131 No. at EU'C'lod. Name and Rank. Insignia. May 2,1888. *Tracy, Osgood V. Died Jan. 31, 1909. 623;') Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. Nov. 4, 1885. *Tracy, William W. Died Dec. 1, 1886. 4063 Captain, 26tli U. S. Col'd Inf. Jan. 4,1882. *Treadwell, George H. Died Jan. 21, 190 4. 2268 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Oct. 7,1896. *Tremain, Henry E. Died Dec. 9, 1910. 11561 Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. V. Oct. 1, 1879. *Tremaine, William S. Died Jan. 9, 1898. 2142 Surgeon, 31st U. S. Col'd Inf. Major, Surgeon, U. S. A. (Retired.) April 4, 1866. *Trenchard, Stephen D. Died Nov. 15, 1883. 239 Rear-Admiral, XJ. S. N. (Retired.) Feb. 16, 1866. *Tripler, Charles S. Died Oct. 20, 1866. 849 Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. A. Jan. . 1, 1870. *Truesdell, Samuel, Died May 26, 1901. 1206 Captain, 65th N. Y. Inf. May 4, 1892. *Turner, Theodore C. Died Dec. 1, 1910. 9577 (Hereditary.) Nov. 19, 1884. *=Turrill, Henry S. Died May 24, 1907. 3454 Lieut.-Colonel, Chf. Surg., U. S. V. Brigadier-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) Dec. 4, 1889. *Tuthill, Robert K. Died June 9, 1909. 7474 Surgeon, 145th N. Y. Inf. Oct. 5, 1898. *Twyeffort, Louis P. Died May 28, 1902. 12323 2d Lieut., 7 2d 111. Inf. April 6, 1887. *Tyler, Mason W. Died July 2, 1907. 5407 Major, 37th Mass. Inf. Sept. 15, 1866. *Tyler, Robert O. Died Dec. 1, 1874. 850 Brevet Major-General, U. S. V. Brevet Major-General, U. S. A. u March 5,1879. *Ulrich, Charles F. Died Sept. 25, 1902. 1832 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Feb. 2, 1887. *Underhill, Andrew M. Died July 28, 1898. 5290 1st Lieut, 11th N. Y. Inf March 18, 1866. *Van Alen, James H. Died July 22, 1886. 228 Brigadier-General, U. S. V. Jan. 17, 186 6. *'VAN BUREN, DANIEL T. Died July 16, 1890. 126 Colonel, A. A. D. C, late U. S. A. Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. V. June 11, 1881. *Vanderpoel, Samuel O. Died March 12, 1886. 2146 (Third Class.) 132 No. of Elected. Name and Rank. Insignia. May 5,1897. *Vandewater, William C. Died July 22, 1899. 11853 2d Lieut, 2 2d N. J. Inf. Dec. 5,1877. *Van Rensselaer, Kiliaen, Died Nov. 2 6, 1905. 1777 1st Lieut, 39th N. Y. Inf. Jan. 8, 1868. *Vidal, Theodore C. Died July 16, 1873. 626 1st Lieut., Signal Corps, U. S. V. Jan. 17,1866. *^VIELE, EGBERT L. Died April 22, 19 02. 129 1st Lieut., late 1st U. S. Inf. Brigadier-General, U. S. V. Jan. 17,1866. *'VOGDES, ISRAEL, Died Dec. 8, 1889. 122 Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) Brigadier-General, U. S. V. Oct 1, 1890. *Vollum, Edward P. Died May 31, 1902. 8114 Lieut.-Colonel, Med. Inspr., U. S. V. Colonel, Chf. Med. Pur., U. S. A. (Retired.) Dec. 4, 1895. *Von Leliwa, Carl E. W. P. Died April 13, 1908. 11247 Captain, 5 8th N. Y. Inf. April 2, 1890. *Voorhees, Philip R. Died Dec. 12, 1895. 7786 1st Asst. Engr., late U. S. N. w Aug. 8, 1883. *=Wagner, Henry, Died Mar. 12 1911. 2867 Colonel, U. S. A. (Retired.) Dec. 1, 1886. *Wagner, William, Died May 3, 1902. 5117 Major, 15th Penn. Cav. Nov. 2, 1870. *Wainwright Charles S. Died Sept. 13, 1907. 1226 Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. V. Feb. 11, 1880. *'^Walcott Alfred F. Died Feb. 26, 1906. 2035 Captain, 21st Mass. Inf. Feb. 5,1890. *Walcott Wm. Stuart Died Sept 4, 1905. 7617 2d Lieut., 76th N. Y. Inf. March 18, 1866. *Walke, Henry, Died March 8, 1896. 3 00 Rear-Admiral, U. S. N. (Retired.) April 6,1887. *Walker, Aldace F. Died April 12, 1901. 5409 Lieut.-Colonel, 1st Vt. Hvy. Art. April 1, 1891. *Walton, Thomas C. Died Mar. 2, 1909. 8666 Medical Director, U. S. N. (Retired.) Dec. 12, 1883. *Wardwell, Edward H. Died April 22, 1911. 3123 Brevet Captain, U. S. V. Dec. 3, 1879. *Warner, James M. Died March 16, 1897. 1908 Brevet Brig.-General, late U. S. A. Brigadier-General, U. S. V. Dec. 5,1894. *Warner, William H. Died Dec. 26, 1907. 10767 1st Lieut, 101st N. Y. Inf. Feb. 5, 1896. *Warren, Benjamin H. Died Oct. 20, 1906. 11343 Asst. Engineer, U. S. N. (Retired.) (Hereditary.) 133 No. of Elected. Name and Rank. Insignia. Dec. 7, 1887. *Watson, Alexander T. Died Feb. 15, 1898. 5838 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. Nov. 3, 1886. *Watson, Benjamin F. Died Dec. 21, 1905. 5014 Brevet Colonel, U. S. V. Feb. 6, 1889. *Watson, Beriah A. Died Dec. 2 2, 1892. 6731 Act. Asst. Surgeon, late U. S. A. Surgeon, 4tli N. J. Inf. Oct. 1, 1890. *Watson, James L. Died Feb. 21, 1900. 8115 Captain's Clerk, late U. S. N. Surgeon, 17tli N. Y. Vet. Inf. May 12, 1885. *Watson, William L. Died April 5, 1902. 4057 Captain, 21st Wis. Inf. Feb. 7, 1894. *Watts, Robert, Jr. Died June 8, 1908. 10438 (Second Class.) March 18, 1866. *Webb, Alexander S. Died Feb. 12, 1911. 302 Brevet Major-General, U. S. V. Brevet Major-General, late U. S. A. May 3, 1871. *Webb, Robert S. Died Aug. 24, 1899. 1297 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. Dec. 7, 1892. *Webster, George P. Died Jan. 11, 1899. 9866 Brevet Colonel, U. S. V. Dec. 2, 1885. *Weeks, Henry A. Died April 20, 1891. 4341 Colonel, 12th N. Y. Inf. April 3, 1895. *Wehrum, Charles C. Died Mar. 11, 1908. 10973 Captain, 12th Mass. Inf. Dec. 2, 1891. *Welling, Joseph, Died March 18, 1897. 9132 Colonel, 9th N. Y. Hvy. Art. April 2, 1890. * Wells, Charles A. Died Nov. 18, 1907. 7787 Lieut.-Colonel, 1st N. Y. Vet. Cav. April 1, 1868. *Wells, Henry M. Died Jan. 12, 1905. 885 Medical Director, U. S. N. (Retired.) May 6, 1868. *Werden, Reed, Died July 11, 1886. 738 Rear-Admiral, U. S. N. (Retired.) Dec. 7,1892. *Werneck, Francis J. Died- Sept. 27, 1910. 9867 Captain, 5 4th N. Y. Inf. Dec. 29, 1886. *'^Wesendorff, Maximilian, Died Sept. 17, 1906. 5182 1st Lieut., 1st Wash. Ter. Inf. Major, U. S. A. (Retired.) Feb. 6,1889. *Wessells, Henry W. Died Sept. 26, 1909. 6751 (In succession.) May 2, 1888. *Wessells, Leverette W. Died April 4, 1895. 6225 Colonel, 19th Conn. Inf. June 7, 1882. *Wheeler, Obed, Died Jan. 31, 1898. 2373 Captain, 150th N. Y. Inf. Oct. 1,1890. *Whitaker, Ezra J. Died Aug. 20, 1895. 8116 Chief Engineer, U. S. N. (Retired.) Feb. 6, 1884. *White, Ansel L. Died June 2, 1910. 3018 Brevet Major, U. S. V. 134 No. of Elected. Name and Rauk. Insignia. July 11, 186 6. * White, John P. P. Died Dec. 3, 1882. 230 Surgeon, 10th N. Y. Inf. April 4, 1883. *'White, Wm. Henry, Died July 3, 190 4. 2674 1st Lieut., 68th Penn. Inf. May 4, 1887. * Whitehead, Gerravd Irvine, Died May 11, 1898. 5517 Major, Judge Advocate, U. S. V. Nov. 13, 1867. *>Whitehouse, Edward N. Died Oct. 20, 1904. 545 Paymaster, U. S. N. (Retired.) Feb. 3, 1892. *Whitney, Edward J. Died Aug. 7, 1895. 9315 Act. Asst. Surgeon, late U. S. A. Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. Dec. 7, 1892. *Whitney, Stephen, Died Sept. 3, 1905. 9868 1st Lieut., late 4th U. S. Art. May 7, 1890. * Wilbur, Joshua G. Died June 25, 1895. 7983 Act. Asst. Surgeon, late U. S. A. Asst. Surgeon, 18th Mass. Inf. Feb. 6, 188 4. *»Wilcox, Aaron M. Died April 16, 1906. 3306 Brevet Major, U. S. V. April 3, 1889. *Wilcox, Vincent M. Died May 9, 189 6. 6957 Colonel, 13 2d Penn. Inf. Oct. 1, 1884. *Wilkinson, Robert F. Died June 29, 1903. 3348 Brevet Colonel, U. S. V. Feb. 1,1888. *«Williams, Augustus P. Died April 11, 1891. 6029 Act. Asst. Surg., late U. S. N. Act. Asst. Surg., late U. S. A. Brevet Major, U. S. V. Oct. 3, 188 8. *'^Williams, Edward P. Died Feb. 23, 1910. 6434 Captain, C. S., U. S. V. May 6, 1891. * Williams, George N. Died Jan. 13, 1907. 8803 Captain, 98th N. Y. Inf. Dec. 7, 1910. *Williams, Griffin S. Died Mar. 7, 1911. 1st Lieut., 13 2d N. Y. Inf. Feb. 1,1893. *Williams, William H. H. Died Dec. 9, 1909. 9962 Paymaster, late U. S. N. Dec. 2, 1896. *Williamson, Henry V. Died Nov. 19, 1900. 11635 Major, 83d N. Y. Inf. June 7, 1882. *nVilliamson, James A. Died Sept 7, 1902. 2526 Brevet Major-General, U. S. V. Feb. 7, 1894. *Wilson, George, Died Oct. 8, 1908. 10422 Act. Asst. Paymaster, late U. S. N. Dec. 1, 1880. *Wilson, Philip L. Died Dec. 13, 1905. 2053 2d Lieut., 14 4th Co., 2d Batt., Vet. Res. Corps. Oct. 3, 1877. *Wilson, Robert P. Died Oct. 15, 1892. 1771 Captain, A. A. G., U. S. V. May 5, 1869. *'Wilson, Thomas, Died May 30, 1901. 514 Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. V. Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) Feb. 6,1884. *Wiltse, Gilbert C. Died April 26, 1893. 3020 Captain, U. S. N. No. (.f IvUhMoiI. Naiiio mihI Uaiik. Insiu'iiiii. Dec. 3, 1884. *Wing, Charles T. Died May 2 4, 1888. 3359 Brevet Colonel, U. S. V. Oct. 0,1875. *Wise, William G. Died Sept. 13, 1886. 1632 1st Lieut., 6th Mass. Inf. Dec. 4, 1907. *Wisnewski, John F. Died Dec. 13, 1908. 15522 Captain, 2d Ky. Inf. July 5, 18 71 *'^Withington, James H. Died May 2 0, 1902. 1332 Captain, 19 8th Penn. Inf. Dec. 1, 1897. *Wolfe, Solomon B. Died Dec. 13, 1905. 12009 Act. Asst. Surgeon, late U. S. A. Surgeon, 181st Ohio Inf. Feb. 3, 1892. *Wood, Benjamin F. Died July 3, 1910. 9316 Chief Engineer, U. S. N. (Retired.) April 3, 1872. *Wood, William M. Died March 1, 1880. 1442 Medical Director, U. S. N. (Retired.) Feb. 3, 1892. *Woodhull, Addison W. Died Sept. 24, 1909. 9318 (Hereditary.) Sept. 11, 186 7. * Wood ward, John B. Died March 7, 1896. 625 Colonel, 13th Regt., N. G., S. N. Y. (Third Class.) April 2, 1890. *Woodward, William R. Died July 5, 1890. 7788 Act. Asst. Paymastei', late U. S. N. Dec. 7, 1887. *Woolsey, Charles W. Died Jan. 6, 1907. 5835 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. Dec. 5, 1894. *Wooster, William B. Died Sept. 20, 1900. 10768 Colonel, 2 9th Conn. Col'd Inf. May 2,1883. *^Worth, William S. Died Oct. 16, 1904. 2757 Brigadier-General, U. S. V. Brigadier-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) May 3, 1893. *Wright, Charles J. Died Nov. 6, 1910. 10167 Brevet Colonel, U. S. V. Oct. 6, 189 7. * Wright, Eben Died June 5, 1908. 11922 (In succession.) April 6, 1887. **'Wright, Henry T. Died March 28, 1902. 5592 Private, 12th Indpdt. Batt., Wis. Lt. Art. Pay Director, U. S. N. Oct. 16, 1889. *'Wright, William, Died March 23, 1900. 7359 Acting Master, late U. S. N. Nov. 3, 1886. *Wyckoff, William O. Died July 11, 1895. 5011 Captain, 3 2d N. Y. Inf. Oct. 7, 1868. *Wyman, Luther B. Died July 27, 1879. (Third Class.) Dec. 4,1895. *Yates, Henry J. Died Jan. 18, 1897. 11249 1st Lieut., Adjt., 72 N. Y. Inf. 136 No. of Blectetl. Name aiul Rank. Insignia. Feb. 4,1885. *Yorke, Patton, Jones, Died March 31, 1893. 3365 Act. Midshipman, late U. S. N. Brevet Colonel, U. S. V. Jan. 1, 1873. *^Zalinski, Edmund L. Died Mar. 10, 1909. 1454 2d Lieut., 2d N. Y. Hvy. Art. Major, U. S. A. (Retired.) May 4,1870. *Zulavsky, Ladislas L. Died April 2 3, 1884. 1167 Colonel, 82d U. S. Col'd Inf. >: ■ . V ■^, r ^'* ?"» .'.■■'■ ■■• ■ - t • K^^'V;';- "^'-V-v '*'."•.'*-'■ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 012 196 606 2