Class _r_^ Book L_ Gopyriglit]^°_ C0P2IUG!IT DEPOSm i^: 0[ /7 (y / ABSTRACTS A- Farm Titles IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK, East Side, Between 75TH and i2oth Streets. WITH MAPS. ^j H. CROSWELL TUTTLE, Couuscllor-at-laiv. Jleinf ork : the spectator company, Printers, i6 Dey St 1878. J^G. '-'O^ f ( Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1878, by H. CROSWELL TUTTLE, In the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C. TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE. The Rikcr and Lawrence Tract 3 The N. Y. Protestant Episcopal Public School Tract 31 The Joshua Jones Tract 61 The Waldron Farm — General Title 97 " The John Greenfield Tract 103 " " 'J'he Vallas Hopper Tract 121 " " The Isaac Chauncey Tract 131 " The Samuel Waldron Tract 1^5 " '' The Joseph Foulke Tract 751 " " The John Jacob Astor Tract i6i " " The Nathaniel Prime Tract 171 " " The William Rhinelander Tract 201 " " The Cornelia Waldron Tract 213 " " The Robert Latimer Tract 217 " " The William Brady Tract 223 " " The Daniel P. Ingraham Tract 233 " " The Abraham Duryee Tract 247 " " The John T. Parish Tract 253 The Margaret McGown Farm — General Title 265 " The Archibald Watt Piece 277 " " " The Samson B. McGown Piece 270 " " " The Levengston and Thurman Pieces 297 " '■ ■' John E. Foley Upland 301 " " The Van Schaick and Palmer Pieces 313 " " " The Edward Roberts Marsh 323 " " " The Lewis A. Sayre Marsh 3,1 " " " The Edward Sand ford Piece 350 The Benjamin L. Benson Tract ,6, The Third Avenue Tract .' 3^, The Lanaw Benson 'J'ract ,g. The Samson Benson Tract , ,8- The Peter DeWitt Tract ,„, The Henry G. Livingston Tract ,, The Joseph Mott Tract ^ .j. The John P. Waldron Tract ^27 The James Roosevelt Tract .,j _J I ■ « I 1-p 1 I \ ! \L _.J L.. - - 5! h \ 'I i J L_ i_i jT5r>^«>'7 J r-!A Mm Ni c MAP OF PROPER TV BtLONC'NC Tl RICHARD MKLK THE RIKER AND LAWRENCE TRACT. The title to tliis tract was derived from the following patent. This patent was surveyed originally for George Elphenstone. (See Liber i Land Papers, page no, in Secretary of State's office at Albany.) He transferred his right to receive the patent to Abraham Shotwell. (See Liber 6 Deeds, page 55, in Secretary of State's office at Albany.) PATENT. Sir Edmund Andros, J Dated 29th Sept., 1677, Governor, etc., ( Recorded in Secretary ^g / of State's Office at Abraham Shotwell. \ ^^^^"y- / 4 Patents, 127. " Whereas there is a certaine piece of land upon this Island JMuuhattans on ye Southeast side thereof, ye which, by virtue of my warrant, hath been layed out for Abraham Shotwell, beginning at a certain mark't tree and running in breadth Northeast from ye land of John Basset to ye land of Jacob Young, fifty-one rodd, including ye run of water, formerly called ye saw mill creeke, where now a water mill is set, THE RIKER AND LAWRKNCE TRACT. together with ye pond, ranging into ye woods one hundred and twenty rodd, being bounded to ye Southwest by ye land of John Bassett, and to ye Northeast by ye land of Jacob Young, and contains in all thirty-eight acres and a-quarter as by ye return of ye surveyor may and doth appeare." Conveys said premises to the patentee, reserving a " quitt rent of halfe a bushell of good winter wheate." DEED. Abraham Shotweli. to John RoBiNhON. C'oNVEVs same premises. John Robinson to John Lewin and Robert Woolley. Dated 6 Nov., 1678. Recorded in Secretary of State's Office at Albany. 5 Deeds, 208. DEED. Dated i Jan., 1679. Proved 8 Dec, 1682. Rec. 10 Dec, 1682. 6 Deeds, 413, at Albany, Consideration, ;^6o. Conveys undivided half of same premises. This moiety of said patent appears to have become vested in Charles Woolley. DEED. Charles Woolley to Christopher Rousby. Dated i Feb., 1703. Not recorded but re- cited in Liber 26 Conveyances, 130. Conveys the undivided half of same premises. The other moiety of said premises became vested in Christo- pher Rousby as follows ; THE RIKER AND LAWRENCE TRACT. DEED. _. . Dated 12 Feb., 168^. John Robinson , , ^ j ,;. , •' , / Ack. 26 and 29 March and ' m 1684. Rec. 8 April, 1684. 9 Deeds, 3, at Albany. Consideration, i,"iCo. Greetje, his wife, to William Cox. Conveys the undivided half of same premises. Last Will and Test auicnt /Dated 15 July, 1689. of \ Proved 9 Aug., 1689. William Cox, I 4 Wills, 53. " Item : I give and bequeath unto my loving wife, Sarah Cox, which house she pleaseth to have, and to her heirs forever. Item : I give and bequeath unto Samuel Bradley, my brother- in-law, my other house, which I bought of Mr. John Robinson, or this house, which I now live in, to him and his heirs forever ; my wife taking her first choice of which house she pleaseth, and God sending my said brother in-law an heir, that he call his name Cox Bradley and his children after him the same name. Item : I give and bequeath unto Henry Bradley all my right and title I have to a piece of land at the mill, with all things thereon. * * * • All that shall be left after my debts and funeral expenses shall be paid, and those legacies given and satisfied, I give unto my loving wife and brother Samuel Bradley, to be equally divided between them. Item : I will, that in case my brother Samuel shall die without issue, that all what I have left him shall be for the heirs of my brother Henry, and in case likewise that he should decease without heirs that then it shall be for the heyres of my well beloved wife. Item : My desire is that this liouse, which I now dwell 6 THE RIKER AND LAWRENCE TRACT. in, shall be for my brother Samuel and his heirs, as above ex- pressed, by reason of fulfilling an oath formerly solemnly sworn to my mother, she forcing me to passion in fulfilling." The tract now under examination was probably included in the above devise to Henry Bradley, of all testator's right and title to " a piece of land at the Mill." The preceding instru- ments, as far back as 1677, and also subsequent deeds, all speak of a mill as standing on this property. The recitals in a deed recorded in Secretary of State's office at Albany, in Liber 10 Deeds, page 10, show that the testator died seised of two houses in the lower part of this city. These houses were probably the subjects of the alternative devise to Sarah Cox and Samuel Bradley. It appears from a deed recorded in same office, in Liber 10 Deeds, page i,that both Samuel and Henry Bradley died with- out heirs of their body, and that their sister, Sarah Cox, was the only heir at law of the surviving brother. Sarah Cox, the widow of William Cox, appears to have mar- ried William Kidd. William Kidd and Samuel j DEED. Bradley, Jr., I Dated i June, 1695. to f Recited in Liber 10 Samuel Bradley. \ Deeds i, at Albany. Conveys all right in the undivided half of same premises Habendum for life of said Samuel Bradley. The following deed recites that the reversion of the said moiety was then vested in Sarah Kidd, relict of William Kidd, by death of William Kidd and Samuel Bradley, Jr. THE RIKEK AND LAWRENCE TRACT. \ DEED. Sarah Kidd, tvidoiv of j William Kidd, f Dated 14 Sept. 1703. . / Recited in Liber 10 ^ „ \ Deeds, page i, at Al- Samuel Bradley. 1 , ^ *=* J bany. Conveys all lier interest in said moiety of said premises, DEED. Dated 1703- Recorded at Secretary of State's Office, at Albany. Liberio Deeds, i. Consideration 5 shillings Conveys an undivided moiety of same premises. Thus the whole of said patented premises were vested in Christopher Rousby. Sarah Cox (afterwards Sarah Kidd) intermarried with said Christopher Rousby. DEED. 1 Christopher Rousby, a;/. I J i .T ^ ^ a T 8 T The the ing ell. viU iry at nd lid rty yVo^e^. THE NEW YORK PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL PUBLIC SCHOOL TRACT. The title to this tract is derived from two patents. The Northerly and main portion of this tract is included in the patent to Jacob Young, and the Southerly portion, consisting of fourteen acres, is part of the patent to Abraham Shotwell. For location of these patents see map ante page 3. We will first trace title to the Northerly portion of the tract. PATENT. Sir Edmund Andkos, Governor, etc., to Jacob Young. Dated i May, 1677, Recorded in Secretary of State's Office at Albany. 4 Patents, 124. " Whereas there is a certaine piece of land upon this Island Manhattans which, by vcrtue of my warrant, hath been laid out for Jacob Young, being in breadth by ye river side forty and three rodds, bounded to the Northeast by ye Commons in 8/ ■' s TK e £ r /ve\A/ vuRK Sep'' g"/s5e su Kv e Y e o i 32 THE NEW YORK PROTESTANT a certaine run of water, ranging thence Northwest into ye woods one hundred and twenty rod, and being bounded to ye Southwest by ye land of George Elphinstone. Containing in all thirty-two acres and one-quarter, as by returne of the survey, under ye hand of ye surveyor, doth and may appeare." Conveys said premises to the patentee, reserving a quitt rent of " halfe a bushell of good winter wheate, to be paid in New Yorke." MORTGAGE. iTo secure ;^20. Dated 8 June, .683 Recorded 3 July, 1083, in Secretary of State's Office at Albany. '9 Deeds, 30. Covers same premises by same description. DEED. Jacob Young, to \ Dated 27 Sept., 1683. William Holmes. \ Recited in the follow- ing deed. Conveys all the premises included in said patent. Last Will and Testament j Dated 18 Sept., 1705. 0/ \ Recited in 18 Deeds, William Holmes. \ 360, at Albany. Devises said tract to his wife Elizabeth during her life, and after her death devises one-half the remainder in fee to his son, George Holmes, and the remaining half to his four daughters, Brachie, Jenneka, Judith and Priscilla, equally to be divided between them, as tenants in common. Brachie and Priscilla, two of said daughters, died without issue, and intestate, whereby their share became vested in their brother, George Holmes, their heir at law. EPISCOPAL PUBLIC SCHOOL TRACT. 33 Jenneka Holmes to George Holmes. DEED. Dated 29 Dec, 1746. Recited in 18 Deeds, 360, at Albany. Conveys all her share and interest in same premises. Thus George Holmes became seised of seven-eighths of the premises included in said patent. There appears to have been an actual partition between him and the owner or owners of the remaining one-eighth, whereby he became seised in severalty of the Northerly seven-eighths of the farm. Last Will and Testament of George Holmes. Dated 13 Sept., 1743. - Recited in the follow- ing deed. Devises all his estate, real and personal, to his wife, Jenneka Holmes, in fee. Jenneka Holmes, the above named devisee, died leaving her surviving Cornelia Holmes, her only child and heir at law. DEED. Peter Anderson and Corne- lia, his wife, {late CoRNELIAj Holmes) to Abraham Lefferts. Dated 13 March, 1756. Ack. 30 March, 1756. Rec. 14 Nov., 1770, in Secretary's Office at Albany. 18 Deeds, 360. Consideration, ;^4io. Conveys all that the messuage or dwelling-house and parcel of land of them, the said Peter Anderson and Cornelia, his wife, whereon they now live, being a part of the said whole piece of land in the said outward which was patented to Jacob Young, and by him sold to William Holmes, as aforesaid, as 34 THE NEW YORK PROTESTANT the same is now within fence, and in the tenure possession and occupation of the said Peter Anderson and Cornelia, his wife, and the same is bounded North by the land of Nathaniel Marston, Easterly by the East River of this City, Southerly by the land of Johannes De Voor, Jr., and Westerly by the Com- mons of the said City. As appears from recitals in the following deed, Abraham Lefferts devised the premises conveyed to him by the previ- ous deed to his son Dirck Lefferts and his daughter Elizabeth Clopper. This will does not appear to have been proved in New York County. DEED. i~ ~ Dated i6 May, 1769. Ack. 2 July, 1769. Rec. 14 Nov., 1770, in Secretary of State's Office, at Albany. 18 Deeds, 363. Consideration, ;i^ 1,400. Conveys one moiety or equal undivided half part of same premises. " The whole of which said message or dwelling house and parcel of land was purchased by Abraham Lefferts, deceased, father of the said Dirck Lefferts and Elizabeth Clopper, of Peter Anderson and Cornelia, his wife, and by the last will of the said Abraham Lefferts, devised to them, the said Dirck Lefferts and Elizabeth Clopper." DEED. ! Dated 25 June, 1788. Not recorded, but see Purchase money mortgage, registered in 5 Mortgages, 63. Conveys all that certain dwelling house and tract, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the Outward of the EPISCOPAL PUBLIC SCHOOL TRACT. 35 City of New York. Beginning on the Westerly side of the East River, at a bhie rock marked with a round hole near the top, standing on the Westerly side of the small brook or run of water running into the said river, on the Southwesterly side of Thomas Marston's still house, being the Southwesterly corner of the land belonging to said Marston, and runs from the said rock along the Southwesterly bounds of the land of the said Thomas Marston, nearly along the middle of the lane, which is the division line between the land of the said Thomas Marston and the land hereby intended to be conveyed, and runs the follow- ing courses, viz. : North, forty-six degrees and forty-five minutes West eight chains, thence North, forty-nine degrees and forty- five minutes West, nine chains, thence North, forty-eight de- grees and forty-five minutes West, eight chains, and from thence North, forty-nine degrees and forty-five minutes West, five chains to the Commons, thence along the same South, twenty-seven degrees West, nine chains and forty-seven links, thence South, forty-eight degrees and fifteen minutes, East thirty chains to the East River aforesaid, and from thence Northeasterly along the same as it now runs to the place of be- ginning. Containing twenty-eight acres of land. DEED. i Dated i May, 1791. Ack. 21 May, 1 79 1. Rec. 21 June, 1791. 46 Conveyances, 485. Consideration ;^3,6oo. Conveys, with other property, same premises by same de- scription. The residue of this tract, which residue consisted of eighteen acres, became vested in John Baker as follows : As hereinbefore stated, ante page 32, the undivided one« 36 THE NEW YORK PROTESTANT eighth part of the lands included in the patent above described had become vested in Judith Holmes. A partition w^as made by which her one-eighth of the thirty-two acres conveyed by the patent, was set apart to her in severalty in a strip of four acres, extending along the Southerly end of the patented premi- ses. Said strip of four acres became vested in John Devore, Junior, prior to March, 1756. For location of this piece, see Map of Patents ante page 3. MORTGAGE. \ To Secure ;^3oo. John Devore, Jr., i Dated 16 Feb., 1774. to \ Ack. 16 Feb., 1774. David Provoost. \ l^^S- ^7 Feb., 1774. ] 3 Mortgages, 129. Covers all that messuage or tenement and lot of land situate, lying and being in the Outward of the said City of New York, being the eighth part of a lot of land formerly granted unto Jacob Young, and lately belonging unto William Holmes, but now in the tenure and occupation of the said John Devore, Junior, being butted and bounded on the Northeast by the land formerly belonging to George Holmes, but now in the posses- sion of Dirk Leflerts, on the Southwest by the land of the said John Devore, Senior, on the Northwest by the Commons, and on the Southeast by the East River, as the said lot was formerly surveyed and laid out by Edward Blagge, Esq., deceased, and contains four acres, be the same more or less. In addition to the four acres above described, the remaining fourteen acres of the tract in question subsequently became vested also in John Devore, Jr. This strip of fourteen acres was part of the patent next hereinafter set forth. For location of this piece see Map of Patents ante page 3. EPISCOPAL PUBLIC SCHOOL TRACT. 37 This patent was surveyed originally for George Elphenstone. (See Liber i Land Papers, page no, in Secretary of State's office at Albany.) He transferred his right to receive the patent to Abraham Shotwell. (See Liber 6 Deeds, page 55, in Secretary of State's office at Albany.) PATENT. Sir Edmund Andros, Governor, etc., to Abraham Shotwell. Dated 29th Sept., 1677, Recorded in' Secretary of State's Office at Albany. 4 Patents, 127. " Whereas there is a certaine piece of land upon this Island Manhattans on ye Southeast side thereof, ye which, by virtue of my warrant, hath been layed out for Abraham Shotwell, beginning at a certain mark't tree and running in breadth Northeast from ye land of John Basset to ye land of Jacob Young, fifty-one rodd, including ye run of water, formerly called ye saw mill creeke, where now a water mill is set, together with ye pond, ranging into ye woods one hundred and twenty rodd, being bounded to ye Southwest by ye land of John Bassett, and to ye Northeast by ye land of Jacob Young, and contains in all thirty-eight acres and a-quarter as by ye return of ye sui-ve}"or may and doth appeare." Conveys said premises to the patentee, reserving a " (}uitt rent of halfe a bushell of good winter wheate." DEED. Abraham Shotwell to John Robinson. \ Dated 6 Nov., 1678. .ecorded in Secretary of State's Office at \\. ^ ( Albany. / 5 Deeds, 20J Conveys same premises. 38 THE NEW YORK PROTESTANT DEED. John Robinson to John Lewin and Robert Woolley. Dated i Jan., 1679. Proved 8 Dec, 1682. Rec. 10 Dec, 1682. 6 Deeds, 41 3, at Albany. Consideration, £60. Conveys undivided half of same premises. This moiety of said patent appears to have become vested in Charles Woolley. DEED. Charles Woolley to Christopher Rousby. Dated i Feb., 1703. Not recorded but re- cited in Liber 26 Conveyances, 130. Conveys the undivided half of same premises. The other moiety of said premises became vested in Christo- pher Rousby as follows ; DEED. John Robinson and Greetje, his wife, to William Cox. Dated 12 Feb., 1683. Ack. 26 and 29 March, 1684. Rec. 8 April, 1684. 9 Deeds, 3, at Albany. Consideration, ^160. Conveys the undivided half of same premises. Last Will and Testament of William Cox. Dated 15 July, 1689. Proved 9 Aug., 1689. 4 Wills, 53. " Item : I give and bequeath unto my loving wife, Sarah Cox, EPISCOPAL PUBLIC SCHOOL TRACT. 39 which house she pleaseth to have, and to her heirs forever. Item : I give and bequeath unto Samuel Bradley, my brother- in-law, my other house, which I bought of Mr. John Robinson, or this house, which I now live in, to him and his heirs forever ; my wife taking her first choice of which house she pleaseth, and God sending my said brother-in-law an heir, that he call his name Cox Bradley and his children after him the same name. Item : I give and bequeath unto Henry Bradley all my right and title I have to a piece of land at the mill, with all things thereon. ♦ * * • AH that shall be left after my debts and funeral expenses shall be paid, and those legacies given and satisfied, I give unto my loving wife and brother Samuel Bradley, to be equally divided between them. Item : I will, that in case my brother Samuel shall die without issue, that all what I have left him shall be for the heirs of my brother Henry, and in case likewise that he should decease without heirs that then it shall be for the heyres of my well beloved wife. Item : My desire is that this house, which I now dwell in, shall be for my brother Samuel and his heirs, as above ex- pressed, by reason of fulfilling an oath formerly solemnly sworn to my mother, she forcing me to passion in fulfilling." The tract now under examination was probably included in the above devise to Henry Bradley, of all testator's right and title to " a piece of land at the Mill." The preceding instru- ments, as far back as 1677, and also subsequent deeds, all speak of a mill as standing on this property. The recitals in a deed recorded in Secretary of State's office at Albany, in Liber 10 Deeds, page 10, show that the testator died seised of two houses in the lower part of this city. These houses were probably the subjects of the alternative devise to Sarah Cox and Samuel Bradley. It appears from a deed recorded in same office, in Liber 10 Deeds, page i,that both Samuel and Henry Bradley died with- 40 THE NEW YORK PROTESTANT out heirs of their body, and that their sister, Sarah Cox, was the only heir at law of the surviving brother. Sarah Cox, the widow of William Cox, appears to have mar- ried William Kidd. William Kidd ami Samuel j DEED. Bradley, Jr., { Dated i June, 1695. to ( Recited in Liber 10 Samuel Bradley. \ Deeds i, at Albany. Conveys all right in the undivided half of same premises Habendum for life of said Samuel Bradley. The following deed recites that the reversion of the said moiety was then vested in Sarah Kidd, relict of William Kidd, by death of William Kidd and Samuel Bradley, Jr. \ DEED. Sarah Kidd, widoiv of j William Kidd, ( Dated 14 Sept. 1703. , / Recited in Liber 10 r. ^ \ Deeds, page i, at Al- Samuel Bradley. 1 , ' r & » J bany. Conveys all her interest in said moiety of said premises. DEED. Dated 1703. Samuel Bradley, j Recorded at Secretary -^ (of State's Office, at ( Albany. Christopher Rousby. \ Liber 10 Deeds, i. Consideration 5 shillings Conveys an undivided moiety of same premises. EPISCOPAL rUBLIC SCHOOL TRACT. 41 Tims the whole of said patented premises were vested in Christopher Roiisby. Sarah Cox (afterwards Sarah Kidd) intermarried with said Christopher Rousby. DEED. Christopher Rousm i^//^/ Sarah, Jiis wife, to Lady Anne, Queen. Dated 31 March, 1704. Ack. 5 April, 1 704. j" Rec. in Scc'y of State's Office, at Albany, 10 Deeds 10. Recites existence of difficulties in the title, and that it was lieemed advisable to convey to the Queen and obtain a new patent from her. Conveys same premises. Anne, by the Graee of God Queen, to Christopher Rousby and Sarah, Jiis zvife, and to the survivor of them, and\ then to the heirs of the said Christopher. PATENT. Dated 2 May, 1704. Rec. in Secretary of State's Office, at Al- bany. 7 Patents 232. Recites the preceding deed to the Queen. Conveys same premises as previous patent " as fully granted by Governor Andros to Abraham Shot well from whom the title passed to the said Christopher and Sarah Rousby." 42 THE NEW YORK PROTESTANT MORTGAGE. Christopher Rousby and Sarah his tvife, to George Duncan. To Secure ^^235. Dated 1 Sept., 1704. Proved 26 Aug., 1706. Recorded 26 Aug., 1706- 26 Conveyances, 130. Recites lease of said tract to Daniel Blewitt and John Gurney for 21 years from May i, 1703. Covers same premises. These premises soon after appear to have become vested in John Gurney, who died seised thereof, leaving a will as follows : Last Will and Testament of John Gurney. Dated 23 Sept., 1708. Proved 14 May, 1709. 7 Wills, 406. Gives half of his estate to his wife during her life, and the other half or residue of his said estate to his children, and gives the following power of sale to his wife : " I also will that my wife, Mary, may sell any part of my said estate of lands, houses, goods or chattels if need soe require for payment of any of my just debts." He appoints his said wife his sole Executrix. Letters Testamentary were granted to her on 14 May, i7o9« See Liber 7, Wills 407. DEED. Mary Gurney, Widow and Relict of John Gurney, to Thomas Hook. Conveys same premises. Dated 24 May, 1709. Ack. 22 June, 1709. Rec. 22 June, 1709. 10 Deeds, 238, at Al- bany. EPISCOPAL PUBLIC SCHOOL TRACT. 43 These premises, prior to 1742, became vested in John Devoor, as appears from the description of premises adjoining this tract on the south, which description is taken from a deed dated nth September, 1742, and recited in 65 Conveyan- ces, page 367. This deed speaks of the premises therein described as bounded " on the Northeast by land kite of Thomas Hook, deceased, and now of Johannes Devoor." Last Will and Testament j Dated 26 June, 17"!^. of \ Proved 2 Oct., 1780. John Devoor. ( 32 Wills, 335. " Item, I further give and bequeath unto John Devoor, his heirs and assigns forever, fourteen acres of land, being part of my tract of land situate, lying and being in the out ward of the City of New York, known by the name of Manhatans Island, over against Manning's Island, the fourteen acres to adjoin my son John Devoor's land, to run with a strait course, Northwest front and rear of breadth, to hold to him my said son John Devoor, his heirs and assigns forever. Item : I give and devise unto my daughter Aflee, the wife of John Cortright, her heirs and assigns forever, all that remainder part of my tract of land being twenty-four and one-quarter acres of land, more or less, together with the tenement and appurtenances thereunto be- longing, lying and being as before mentioned, with the run of water formerly called the saw mill, where a water mill was formerly set, to hold to her my said daughter Aftee, the wife of jiohn Cortright, her heirs and assigns forever. * « * An'! further, also, I order that piece of ground on my land which is kept for a burial place, to be reserved for my children and their heirs forever, and that they siiall be allowed a free passage to it by the possessor or possessers of said part of land at all times without any interruption to my children and their heirs forever." 44 THE NEW YORK PROTESTANT MORTGAGE. 1 John Dkvoor, | To Secure ^175. and Baili.ETJE, /lis 2v//r, i Dated 17 March, 1783. ^0 r Ack. 28 Sept., 1784. Mangle Minthorne. | ^^S- ^^ ^^P^" ^784- J 3 Mortgages, 471. Covers all that piece or parcel of land, containing fourteen acres, being part of a Tract of Land belonging to John Devoor, deceased, situate, lying and being in the said Outward, of the said city of New York, on Manhattan Island, opposite to Man- ning's Island, now called Blackwell's Island, the said fourteen acres of land being part of and adjoining to other land of the said John Devoor, party to these presents, running with a straight course Northwest, and the front and rear of breadth. Thus Jolin Devoor, Jun., became seised of eighteen acres of the tract in question. Four acres thereof, which was derived from the Young patent, was held by him subject to mortgage to David Provoost for £300, and the other fourteen acres, which was derived from the Shotwell patent, was held subject to the mort- gage last above set forth. Soon after making the said last men- tioned mortgage the whole of said eigliteen acres became vested in Dirck Lefterts, who conveyed the same as follows : There appears to be no deed on record to him of this property. DEED. DiRCK Lefferts, / Dated 28 Nov., 1786. f Not Recorded, but see / purchase money Mary Ellis. \ Mortgage registered y in 4 Mortgages, 288. Conveys all that certain farm, messuage or tenement, or lott of ground situate, lying and being in the Outward of the city of New York, bounded on the Northeast by lands of the said EPISCOPAL PUBLIC SCHOOL TRACT. 45 Dirck Lefterts, on the Southwest by lands of John Kortwrlght, on the Northwest by the Commons, and on the Southeast by the East River, containing eighteen acres, be the same more or less. DEED. Marv Ellis, / ^^'^^ ' M^^' ^79i. f Ack. 21 May, 1791. ^^ / Rec. 21 June, 1791. John Baker. V 46 Conveyances, 485. I Consideration £^,600. Conveys said eighteen acres of land, together with the twenty-eight acre piece, the title to which was hereinbefore set forth. Thus Jo'.in Baker became seised of the forty-six acres compris- ing the tract in question. The owners of the twenty-eight acre piece appear to have encroached somewhat on the Commons. The true line of the patent is shown on map ante page 3. On the other hand, the westerly boundary of the eighteen acne piece, as shown on map at head of abstract, runs about 550 feet short, i. e., farther East than the true line of the patent and of tlie deeds thereunder. The paper title of Dr. Baker is as good to the piece thus excluded as to the rest of his tract. A deed hereinafter set forth, recorded in Liber 713, Conveyances 511, speaks of a stone wall as existing along this easterly line. Tlie remains of this wall are still visible, and in deed recorded in 947 Conveyances 49, this seems to be the admitted line of the Harlem Commons. If this be an ancient wall may it not have been erected to divide this eighteen acre piece into a river lot and a rear lot, and not to mark a boundary line between adjoining owners."* All the deeds of the adjacent premises, on the Soutli, from 1677 to iSil, speak of tliis piece as being in the possession of the persons hereinbefore set forth as then having the paper title thereto. The deed in iSii, 94 Conveyances, page 41, speaks of this piece with other property as '• land formerly 46 THE NEW YORK PROTESTANT belonging to Dr. Baker and now in the possession of John Astin." Dr. Baker in his will, next hereinafter set forth, speaks of his farm as still containing forty-six acres, which would fall short of this number of acres, did he not claim title to this piece. At the time of making said will there existed an encroach-, ment on the part of the proprietors of premises on the South of nearly one hundred feet along the whole southerly line of the tract. See note relative to this encroachment in the abstract of the Riker and Lawrence tract, ante page 1 1. Last Will and Testament i Dated 20 Sept., 1796. of > Proved 25 Nov., 1796. John Baker. V 42 Wills, 112. Gives his wife Mary Baker a life estate in all his real prop- erty, and then provides as follows : " Item : After the decease of my well-beloved wife Mary, I do give and devise unto the said John Banister, Senior, Esq , and his wife Chi'istian Ban- ister, my seat, farm, or tract of land whereon I now live, lately called sans souci, but now called Baker's retreat, situate about six miles from the said City of New York on the west side of the East River, on New York Island, containing about forty- six acres of land, together with the dwelling house, and all those buildings and improvements thereon, and also all my right to the Harlem Commons appendant or appurtenant, or in any wise belonging to the said seat, farm, or tract of land * * * for and during the term of their Joint-natural lives." The testator, after giving successive life estates to Charles Delafield, Henry Delafield, William Delafield, John Delafield, Joseph Delafield and Edward Delafield, then provides as fol- lows, in case said devise cannot take eflfect at the death of his wife for want of a person in whom the life estate shall vest: EPISCOPAL PUBLIC SCHOOL TRACT. 47 " I do give and devise the said seat, farm or tract of land, to- gether with the said dvveUing house, buildings and improve- ments, and the said right to the said Commons to the Governor of the said State of New York for the time being, in fee sim- ple, but in trust, nevertheless, to take and receive the rents, is- sues and profits thereof, and apply the same forever to the education, support and maintenance of the charity scholars from time to time belonging to the Charity Schools under the care, direction and management of the Corporation of Trinity Church, in the said City of New York, and upon no other trust what- ever." The testator then provides that " in case the said devise for life of the said seat, farm or tract of land, together with the said dwelling-house, buildings and improvements, and the said right to the said Commons shall vest at the death of my said beloved wife, then, and in such case, I do give and devise the same from and immediately after the determination of the said several estates for life by the death of the said several devisees for life, herein above for that purpose named, unto the Governor of the said State of New York for the time being, in fee simple, but upon the like trust, nevertheless, as herein above in that behalf is particularly declared, and for no other use or interest, and upon no other trust whatsoever." The Charity School, under the management and direction of Trinity Church, was incorporated by the following act. See laws of 1806, chap. 52, page 378. An act to incorporate the Trustees of the First Protestant Episcopal Charity School, in the City of New Tork. Passed March 14, 1806. Whereas it is represented to the Legislature that a charity school, for a considerable number of years past, hath, by vol- untary donations, been maintained and kept up in the City of New York, under the care and management of the Corpora- tion of Trinity Church, for the education of poor children in 48 THE NEW YORK PROTESTANT piety and useful learning. And that with a view to the more effectual accomplishment of tliis benevolent purpose, the same hath lately been endowed by the said Corporation of Trinity Church, by their grant and conveyance of certain real and personal estate in said City to John Charlton, Benjamin Moore, Abraham Beach, James Farquhar, Matthew Clarkson, Herman Le Roy, Henry Rogers, Edward Goold, Qulian Ludlow, Jacob Le Roy, Charles Wilkes, Henry White and Richard Harison, in trust to manage and dispose of the same for the use and benefit of the said school, in the manner therein prescribed and directed. And whereas * * * * I. Be it enacted by the people of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, that the said John Charl- ton, Benjamin Moore, Abraham Beacli, James Farquhar, Mat- thew Clarkson, Herman Le Roy, Henry Rogers, Edward Gould, Gulian Ludlow, Jacob Le Roy, Charles Wilkes, Henry White and Richard Harison, and such other peisons as shall hereafter be elected trustees of the corporation hereby erected, shall be and hereafter are erected and made a corporation and body politic in fact and in name, by the name of the Trustees of the First Protestant Episcopal Charity School in the City of New York, and by that name shall have perpetual succession, be capable in the law to sue and be sued in all courts of law or equity, to make and use a common seal, and to alter the same at pleasure, and to hold, purchase and dispose of property, real and personal, so as the said property shall not exceed, in clear, annual value and income (exclusive of the value of the buildings and lots thereto adjacent that now are or hereafter shall be actually occupied for the use of the said school) the sum of fifteen thousand dollars. VL And be it further enacted, that all and singular the estate, real and personal, whereof the said first trustees, in virtue of the grant or conveyance hereinbefore recited, or other. EPISfOPAL PUBLIC SCHOOL TRACT. J 9 wise are seised or possessed, or entitled unto in trust, for the sole use and benefit of said school, and also all and singular the monies whereof the said school, or the trustees thereof, are or may be possessed or entitled unto, in virtue of the act en- titled "An act to direct certain monies to be applied to the use of free schools in the City of New York," shall be and the same hereby are granted to and vested in the trustees of the corporation hereby created, and their successors forever, for the sole use and benefit of the said corporation. VH. And be it further enacted, that the said trustees shall have and take, and they are hereby authorized to have, take and hold all such property and estates as shall or may have been heretofore devised or bequeathed by any pious or well disposed person or persons, or body corporate or politic, for the use or benefit of the Protestant Episcopal Charity School, under the direction of the Corporation of Trinity Church, by whatsoever name or description the said school may be desig- nated, and to apply the same or the income or revenue thereof for the purposes of the said institution, and to have, take and hold any property which may in future be devised or be- queathed to them, the said trustees hereby incorporated ; pro- vided that tlie yearly income of the real estate which tliey may thereby, or in any other manner acquire, shall not exceed the clear annual value hereinbefore limited. An act further to amend an act entitled "An act to incorpo- rate the Trustees of the First Protestant Episcopal Charity School in tlie City of New York." Passed April i6, 1827. Whereas the trustees of the corporation above named, by their petition to the legislature, have prayed that their charter of incorporation may be amended in conformity to the pro- visions hereinafter contained. * * ♦ * Tlierefore 50 THE NEW YORK PROTESTANT I. Be it enacted by the People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly. That * * * (Sec- tion I. relates to establishment of certain other schools or de- partments of instruction.) II. And be it further enacted, that the said corporation shall hereafter be designated and known by the name of the New York Protestant Episcopal Public School, and by that name shall continue to hold and enjoy all the estate and property now belonging to the said corporation, in possession, reversion, re- mainder, expectancy or otherwise, and the said corporation shall and may also take and hold all such estates and property as may have been heretofore given, devised or bequeathed by any person or persons or body corporate or politic, for the use or benefit of the Charity School, formerly under the direction . of Trinity Church, by whatsoever name and description the said school may be designated, and to apply the same, or the income thereof, in furtherance of the objects of the said Charity Schools, and of the other schools hereby authorized, and to take and hold any property which may have been or hereafter may be devised or bequeathed to the said trustees, whether by the former or by the present name or style of their incorporation ; provided the yearly income of the real estate of the said corporation shall not exceed the annual value limited by the act hereby amended." Henry Delafield, William \ LEASE. Delafield, John Delafield, Joseph Delafield and ED-f ^^'^^^ ^^ ^^*^-' ^^38. Ack. lo and ii Dec, WARD Delafield, to 1838. Rec. 17 Dec, 1838. Thomas Hogg. I 39^ Conveyances, p. i . Leases all that certain piece or portion of land lying and THE NEW YORK rROTKSTAXT 51 being on 79th Street, in the I3th Ward of the City of New York, bounded and described as follows, to-wit : Commenc- ing at a point on the Northerly side of 79th Street, nearly opposite to the entrance or gateway to the residence of said Henry Delafield, and where a stone fence, running Southerly, strikes the said Northerly line of said 79th Street, thence run- ning Westerly along said Nortlierly line of 79th Street, across Avenue A and the First Avenue to the westerly bounding line of the premises occupied by the said Henry Delafield, and as now enclosed in a picket fence, thence Northerly along said boundary line and fence to about the middle of a lane in com- mon between said Henry Delafield and Henry R. Jones, thence Easterly along the said lane to Avenue A, thence still Easterly along the lands of Edward R. Jones, until it strikes the stone fence running Southerly first above mentioned ; thence South- erly along the same to the j^lace of beginning, containing ten acres and eight -t^u'u perches, exclusive of Avenue A, which is now opened through said premises." Habendum from March 1st, 1S39, ^o^' '^"^' diu-ing the full term of the natural lives of the lessors. ASSIGNMENT. Thomas Hogg j Dated 31 January, 1848. . ' Ack. 4 March, 1848. ( Rec. 6 March," 1S48. Thomas Hogg, Junior. \ 499 Conveyances, 502. / Consideration, $1. Assigns the one undivided half part of his interest in above lease. Last Will and Testament i Dated 31 January, 184S. 0/ \ Proved 9 Nov., 1854. Thomas Hogg. \ 112 Will, 44. "All the rest, residue and remainder, of my estate, of what- soever name, nature or kind, after the payment of my saiii 52 THE NEW YORK PROTESTANT debts, liabilities and funeral expenses and charges, I give, devise and bequeath unto my beloved wife Mary. Mary Hogg, the above named legatee, died intestate on December ist, 1855, leaving her surviving her children, Jam», Hogg, Thomas Hogg, Peter Hogg and Ellen Bannister, wife of James Bannister. James Hogg, Thomas Hogg, Peter Hogg, Ellen Ban- nister a]id James Bannis- ter to The Trustees of the New York Protestant Eitsco- PAL Public School. SURRENDER. Dated i Nov., 1866. Ack. 21 Nov., 1866. Rec. 24 Nov., 1866. 1,000 Conveyances, 172. Consideration, $1. Recites the above lease, and grants and surrenders all the lands and premises therein described. For general releases of rents, and other rights of action, see same Liber, pages 171, iSo and 181. Henry Delafield, Joseph Delafield and Edward Delafield, to The New York Protestant' Episcopal Public School. DEED. Dated i May, 1856. Ack. 17 and 18 Sept., 1856. Rec. 30 Sept., 1856. 713 Conveyances, 511. Consideration, an an- nuity of $1,500. Recites that parties of the first part are entitled to a life estate in said tract by virtue of the will of John Baker, and that the remainder, after the termination of the said life estate was devised in and by said will, in trust, for the use and benefit of parties hereto of the second part. Conveys all the right, title and interest of the said parties of the first j^art of, in and to all that certain piece or parcel of EPISCOPAL I'LMUMC SCIIOOI, TUACT. 53 land bounded and containing as follows : Commencing at an iron bolt standing on tlie Westerly bank of the East River, about the centre of Seventy-Sixth Street, running thence North- westerly along a board stone wall, and post and rail fence, fourteen hundred and eighty-nine feet, six inches, to a point in Seventy-seventh Street near the easterly line of the First Avenue, thence Northeasterly along another stone wall three hundred and twenty-nine feet, seven inches; tlience again in a Northwesterly course along another stone wall and fence live hundred and seventy-five feet, six niches ; thence again North- easterly five hundred and eighty-one feet, three inches, to the centre of an old lane ; thence Southeasterly through the centre of said lane three hundred and twenty-eight feet, two inches ; thence still Southeasterly through the centre of the lane and across Avenue A, eleven hundred and twenty-two feet ; thence still Southeasterly five hundred and thirty-four feet one inch to a hole drilled in the rock near the East Riv^er shore ; thence East nearly South as the fence now stands one hundred and twenty-one feet six inches to the high water mark on the East River, and thence along the East River at high water mark in a Southwesterly course, as the same winds and turns to tlie place of beginning, being the same premises now and hereto- fore known as the Baker farm, subject to the following leases of parts of said premises, that is to-day, a lease to one John M. White, a lease to Thomas Hogg, a lease to Thomas Pear- son and John A. Schenck. and a lease to Joseph Corkey. It is stated in following special proceedings that the grantors in the above deed were the only devisees for life, under will of John Baker, who were then surviving. An Act in relation to the Nciv York Protestant Episcopal Public School, passed April i6, 18^9. Section I. The Supreme I ourt is hereby empowered, from 54 THE NEW YORK PROTESTANT time to time, iit any special term thereof, to be held in the first judicial district of this State, on the petition of the trustees of the New York Protestant Episcopal public school, or of any person holding a life estate in any part of the lands hereinafter mentioned, after due notice to such trustees and to the holders of such life estate, to order a sale and conveyance of such portions of the lands in the nineteenth Ward of the City of New York, held by the said trustees or other parties under the will of John Baker, dated the 30th day of September, in the year 1796, as shall be necessary to pay any assessment or assessments imposed or to be imposed upon said lands or any part thereof, which sale shall be conducted in such manner and upon such notice and under such instructions as the court may direct, but no such sale or conveyance shall impair or affect the right of any lessee of any part of said lands, nor any right therein, or claim thereto, of any heir at law of the said John Baker. As appears from the evidence taken in the following proceed- ings, John Baker left no descendants him surviving. His collat- eral relatives and their descendants were aliens and subjects of the Crown of Great Britain. At the time of the institution of the said proceedings, assessments for a large amount had been imposed on the tract in question, for improvements in Avenue A, and First and Second Avenues and in 79th street. ■ \ /;/ the Matter of The Petition of the Trus- tees OF the New York Protestant Episcopal Pub- lic School. 1^59 — April iS. Petition verified, asking for a sale of part EPISCOPAL PUBLIC SCHOOL TRACT. 55 of said premises and a reference as to validity of the assessments and a designation of the portions of said tract to he sold therefor. April 20. L. Trcmain, Attorncy-(jcneral, admits due service of copy of petition and notice of hearing for May 7th. April 21. Copy of petition and like notice of hear- ing served on James Hogg, Thomas Hogg, Peter Hogg, James Bannis- ter, and Ellen his wife. May 7. Order of reference to Edward P. C^owles, ' on facts stated in petition, on legality of assessments, expediency of sale, and as to the portions to be sold, manner of sale, title, &c. 1S62 — March 5. Report of Referee filed. Referee favors sale of premises lying Soutli of 79th street and West of First Avenue. March 5, Order entered acccordingly, on due notice to the Attorney-General, and to the attorney for Thomas Hogg and others. John A. Weeks was appointed referee to sell. September 5. The above order was amended by direct- ing that the premises to be sold should be the block between First Avenue and Avenue A, and 7Sth and 79th streets, instead of the prem- ises therein directed. 56 THE NEW VUKK PROrES'l'ANT Pursuant to the above order a sale was had. Some of the purchasers at the sale afterwards refused to complete their pur- chases. An order was entered at Special Term, on their appli- cation, (discharging them from their said purchases. Tliis order was affirmed on appeal at General Term, but afterwards reversed by the Court of Appeals. See matter of Trustees of the New York Protestant Episcopal Public School, reported in 31 New York, 574. Ciiief Justice Denio, in his opinion, held that the act of 1S59 was a valid exercise of the legislative power of local taxation, and that in prescribing the mode of proceedings for levying and collecting taxes, the legislature may or may not make use of judicial tribunals, and judicial forms ; and further, that the parcel of land devised by Baker might be formed into a separate dis- trict for the purposes of administration respecting assessments for public improvements, and be subjected to a S3'stem of local legislation ditlerent from that which prevailed in other parts of the city. He further held that the existence of heirs of John Baker was so improbable that it is not to be considered as pre- judicing the title. And as a further ground for upholding the title derived under said sales, he held that the devise to the Governor was a valid, charitable devise ; that the remainder after the life estates vested in interest in fee simple in the Governor in office at the time of death of testator, subject to be defeated by the fact of the incum- bency of a different person at the time of the termination of the life estate. That the act of 1S06 divested the estate of the trustee referred to in the will in favor of the school corporation, who thereupon became seised of ttie estate for the purposes of charity. That the legislature has the right to order land to be sold, when the property is lield for purposes of cliarity, the same as in case of lunatics and infants. And that a gift to the children belong- ing to a school is the same as a gift to the school itself. EPISCOPAL PUBLIC SCHOOJ. TRACT. 57 All the judges concurred in tlie result. An act to authorize the New York Protestant Episcopal Public School to exchange or sell certain gores of land situ- ate in the Nireteenth Ward of the City of New York. Passed April \()th, 1S67. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows : Section i. The trustees of the New York Protestant Epis- copal Public School are hereby authorized and empowered to exchange their gores and fractional lots of land formed by the irregular boundary lines of their lands situate in the Nine- teentli Ward of the City of New York, whicli were devised in and by the last will and testament of John Baker, bearing date the 20th day of September, in the year 1796, for the gores and fractional lots of land belonging to the owners of lands bounded upon and adjoining the lands of the said school, and to convey by deed or deeds, in fee simple or otherwise, the gores or fractional lots they may give in exchange, and to take by deed or deeds, the gores or fractional lots which they may receive in exchange, and to have and to hold the same upon the same trust on which they hold their said lands under the will of the said Jolui Baker. Sec. 2. In cases where, in the opinion of the said trustees, the exchange authorized by the first section of this act is not possible or for the advantage of the said school, the trustees are authorized and empowered to sell such gores or fractional lots at public or private sale, in their discretion, and to convey the same by deed or deeds to the purchaser or purchasers thereof, in fee simple or otherwise. The said trustees are autliorized and required to invest the proceeds of such gores or fractional lots, upon such sale or sales, in the purchase of 58 THE NEW YORK PROTESTANT Other gores or lands adjoining their said lands, held'under the will of the said John Baker, for the purpose of squaring the same with the streets and avenues of the said city, the same to be conveyed to and held by them upon the same trust as that on which they hold their lands under the said will, or in the improvement of other portions of the said lands. And the pro- ceeds of all sales made by the said trustees under the authority of this act, until the same shall be invested in the manner hereby required, shall be and be deemed to be held by the said trustees upon the same trust as the lands are held by them under the will of the said John Baker. Sec. 3. This act shall take effect immediately. Ati act to authorize the New York Protestant Episcopal Public Sch ol to sell a portion of their real estate. Passed June 11, 1873. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows : Section i. On the petition of the New York Protestant Episcopal Public School, the Supreme Court, at any general or special term held in and for the City and County of New York, is hereby empowered to order the sale, in fee simple absolute, of such part or parts of the real estate in the Nine- teenth Ward of the City of New York, particularly designated and described in and by the will of John Baker, dated the 3oth day of September, 1796, proved and recorded in the office of the Surrogate of New York on the 36th day of November, 1796, and proved and recorded as a will of real estate in said office on the 21st day of November, 1S14, which lands are held in trust under the said will, by the said New York Protestant Episcopal .Public School, from time to time, as may be deemed expedient ; provided, however, that not more than one-half EPISCOPAL PUBLIC SCHOOL TRACT. 59 part in area of the said real estate shall be so sold and con- veyed, in fee under and by virtue of this act, exclusive of what may be taken for public improvements or municipal purposes, by virtue of any law of the State or City of New York, or of the United States. Sec 2. The Court shall authorize and direct such sale or sales, to be made by public or private sale, and on such terms and conditions as it may seem fit to prescribe. Such sale or sales shall be reported to the Court, and, on confirmation thereof, the Court shall direct a conveyance or conveyances of the premises sold, to be executed by the said New York Protes- tant Episcopal Public School under its corporate seal. Sec. 3. The proceeds of such sale or sales, and of such portion of said real estate as may be taken by law at any time hereafter for public improvements or for municipal purposes, shall be applied to the paymejit of taxes and assessments now due, or to become due, on the real estate aforesaid, to the pay- ment of any cost of grading, improving and managing the said real estate, heretofore incurred or to be incurred ; to the erec- tion of proper buildings for the accommodation and instruction of the scholars of the said school, and the purchase of sites for such buildings wheresoever in said city it may be deemed expedient to place the same, so as to more effectually fulfill and carry out the trusts in the will of John Baker declared and set forth. And all the real estate which may be so pur- chased under this act shall be, and be deemed to be, held upon the same trust as that devised by the will of the said John Baker ; and any mone3S arising from any sale or sales hereby authorized and directed, and not required for any of the pur- poses aforesaid, may be invested upon bonds and mortgages upon real estate sold or other real estate in the City of New York, or the Counties adjoining thereto of this State, and shall be. and be deemed to be, held by the said New York Protestant 00 N. Y. PROT. EPIS. PUBLIC SCHOOL TRACT. Episcopal Public School upon the same trust in which they hold their said real estate under the will of John Baker. Sec. 4. All such conveyances made by virtue of this act* in pursuance of such authority and direction aforesaid, and executed by the said Protestant Episcopal Public School, under their corporate seal, shall be valid and effectual, to vest in the purchaser or purchasers, his, her or their heirs and assigns, a fee simple absolute as against all persons having any claim, or interest in the premises devised in and by the will of John Baker, deceased, whether in being or not. Shc. 5. This act shall lake effect immediately. c^a. yjf^^/^'O: o/ed. patent. C.4/J '.yy THE JOSHUA JOiNES TRACT. The title to the main portion of this tract is derived from the following patent : PATENT. Sir Edmund Andros, Goiur- i Dated 2g Sept., 16/ y. nor, &c, f Recorded in Secretary ^^ ( State's Office, at AI- JOHX Bexew. \ bany, in 4 Patents, / 1 26. " Whereas, there is a certayne piece of land upon this Island Manliattans, which by virtue of my warrant hath been layed out for John Benew, being in breadth by ye water side forty rodds, being bounded to ye Southwest by ye land of Jacob Young, Ranging in length Northwest into ye woods one hundred and twenty rodds, being bounded to ye Northwest and North- east, by ye Commons, containing Thirty acres as by ye return of ye survey under ye hand of ye surveyor doth and may appear." Conveys said premises to the patentee, reserving a quitt rent of halfe a bushel of good winter wheate. See Map of patents ante page 3 for the location of this patent. MAP ^/cr>tct«9 to tke (ilcdt of JOSHUA JON IS Decjy jY ) 62 THE JOSHUA JONES TRACT. John Benew, to Isaac Deschamps. DEED. Conveys said patented premises. Dated 15 May, 1683. Recited in the following deed. DEED. i Dated 12 Oct., 1686. Recorded in Secretary of State's Office, Al- bany. 5 Patents, 119. Consideration, ;^20. Conveys said patented premises, and all interest of said Spragge in any patent, to inhabitants of Harlem. John Spragge, to Daniel Coxe. DEED. Conveys same premises. Daniel Coxe, to Thomas Codrington. Dated 7 Dec, 1690. 9 Deeds, 508 and 571, Consideration, £2^. LEASE. Dated 13 April, 1698. Ack. 8 Nov., 1698. 9 Deeds, 501 & 574. Consideration, £2^^. Rent, one Peppercorn. Leases same premises for ninety-nine years. THE JOSHUA JONES TRACT. 63 DEED. Dam EL Co\E, , Dated 2S Tune, i 701, 9 Deeds, 740. Daniel Coxe, Jus heir apparcnt.\ Consideration, Love and Affection. Conveys same premises. Last Will and Testament of Thomas Coi^rington. Dated 9 A[)ril, 1710. Proved 20 April, 17 10. 7 Wills, 451. " Item, I doe give, devise and bequeath unto my said wife, Margaret, all my farm or pUmtation at Harlem, with all my other estate whatsoever, lands, houses, brew house, malt house, &c., during her natural life, and 1 do give, devise and bequeath to my said four sisters the remainder thereof, to them and their heirs forever, to be equally divided amongst them, to each an equal share or interest, but so that if any one of my said sisters die without lawful issue before my wife shall die. the estate and interest of such deceasuig sisters shall belong to ye surviving sisters, or their heirs forever, and if any of my sisters die before my wife, leaving lawful issue, thenceforth issue shall have the estate and interest of such sisters respectfully as was intended their mother's after my wife's decease." It would appear by the following extract from the New York Gazette of July z4th, 173S, that Mr. Codrington had perfected his title by a release of the fee : " On Saturday, the 2d of September next, at ten o'clock in the morning'in the Exchange Market House, near the Long Bridge, will be exposed to Sale by 64 THE JOSHUA JONES TRACT. Publick Vendue, the plantation of the late Captain Thomas Coddrington, containing about thirty acres of land, besides two out-lots of about eight acres each, with the Orchard and Dwelling House and Appurtenances ; all in the bounds of Harlem, in the Outward of the City of New York. The said plantation is pleasantly situated, about five miles out of town, on the Southeast side of the Island, fronting the River, and is in breadth along the water side forty rods. The title is good and may be seen at the house of John Chambers, who is one of the persons empowered to sell the same." It appears from a deed of land adjoining on the South, re- corded at Albany, in Liber iS Deeds, page 360, that Nathaniel Marston owned the tract in question as early as 1756. He possibly purchased the same at the sale advertised above. The deed to Marston is not on record. Last Will and rcstamcnt ] ^^^^^ ^ ^^t)- ^776. Proved i Feb., 1779. of 32 Wills, 41, and 38 •' i 32 Wills, 4 Nathaniel Marston. \ wiUs 28=; "And I also give and devise unto my said son Thomas Marston, and to his heirs and assigns forever, my farm, called the Prospect farm, with the still-house and all the buildings thereon * * * * (except that portion of the farm adjoin- ing to Jacob Le Roy, containing about eight acres, be the same more or less ; that is to say, that part of the said farm formerly belonging to Waldron of Hornshook, and bought of him by John Brown.) ****«! also give and devise unto my said son John Marston, and to his heirs and assigns forever, that part of the said Prospect farm above, except ad- joining to Jacob Le Roy, and running up to Benjamin Wal- dron's land, being that part of the said farm formerly purchased by John Brown of Waldron, of Hornshook, containin*.'^ eight acres, be it more or less. THE JOSaUA JONES TRACT. 65 Last Will and Test anient Dated 27 July, 1808. of \ Proved 21 Jan., 1814. Thomas Marston. i 5 • Wills, 221. J " Item : I give, devise and bequeath one full and equal undivided fourth part of my whole estate, real and personal (except what is above disposed of), to my grandchildren Cor- relia Taylor, John Still VVinthrop, and Francis Bayard Win- throp, Jr., their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, equally, to be divided share and share alike, and in case any of them shall die before me, leaving issue, such issue shall take the share of the parent so flying, or if such death shall happen, and there shall be no issue of the person dying, then such share shall go to the survivors or survivor of my said grandchildren. Item : As to the remaining three-fourth parts of my estate, real and personal (except as above excepted), I will and direct that my Executors, or the survivor of them, or the executors or administrators of such survivor, convert the same into cash with all convenient speed, and hold the proceeds in trust for my grandchildren Charlotte Bearse, Cornelia Young, Alice Young, Cornelia Marston, Dennis and Ann Marston Shaw, respectively, and their respective issue, in manner following ; that is to say, upon trust to pay each of my said grandchildren during their respective lives the one full and equal fifth part of the interest, income and profits thereof, upon her own re- ceipt, for her own separate use, and after the decease of them respectively, to pay to the issue of each one so dying the one- fifth part or share of the said capital, in such proportions as my said grandchildren shall respectively appoint, and for want of such appointment, amongst the said issue equally." The testator further provides for certain contingent remain- 66 THE JOSHUA JONES TRACT, ders over in case of no issue, and appoints Francis Bayard Winthrop and William Bayard his Executors. Letters were issued to Francis B. Winthrop on 21st January, 1814. See Liber, 51 Wills, 224. William Bayard refused to qualify. DEED. Francis Bayard Winthrop, Executor of Thomas Mars- ton, of \st part, John Still Winthrop and Harriet, his wife, Francis Bayard Win- throp, Jr., and ELIZABETH, Jiiswifc, Charles W. Taylor .r//./C0RNELiA,//^-ee///-.'. Philip ^^^ed 19 April, 1816 Brasher, t;/2^/^r/,rt«rt' Cor- \ ^^^'- ^9 April, 1816 nelia, /«■.? wife, Elisie Young, Henry M. Bear and Char- lotte, Jiis wife, Jacob R. Vandeweer and Cornelia, Ids tvife, and Ann Marston Shaw, of id part, to Joshua Jones. Rec. 20 April, 18 16. 117 Conveyances, 133. Consideration $20,000. Conveys all that certain tract, piece, parcel or farm of land whereof the said Thomas Marston died seised as aforesaid, and whereon he lived at the time of his death, situate, lying and being at Harlem, on Manhattan or New York Island, near Hellgate, on the East River, as the same was possessed and occupied by the said Thomas Marston at the time of his death, bounded Southeasterly by the East River, Southwesterly by land formerly belonging to one Baker, and now in the posses- session of one Arsden ; Westerly by Harlem Commons, and Northeasterly partly by land of Yellis Hopper and partly by land heretofore sold by the said Thomas Marston to Wynandt Van THE JOSHUA JONES TRACT. 67 Zaiult, Jr., and Peter Schermefhorn, containing thirty-seven acres and a-half, be the same more or less, inchiding one-half in width within said boundaries of the lane or road leading from Harlem Commons, and running along the Southwesterly side of the hereby granted premises. The rest of the tract in question includes that part of the old VValchon Farm sold by VValdron to John Brown by the foUow- ins: deed : Waldron, of Honis/iook, to John Brown. DEED. Not recorded but re- cited in 38 Wills, 285. Conveys a piece of eight acres, which includes all of the Jones tract not included in the Benew patent, except a small piece of a little over one acre, the title to which is hereinafter shown. These premises were vested in Nathaniel Marston prior to 1759, to whom, however, there is no deed on record. Last Will and Testament of Nathaniel Marston. i Dated 8 Feb., 1776. Proved i Feb., 1779. 32 Wilis, 41, and 38 Wills, 285. ' 1 also give and devise unto my said son John and to his heirs and assigns tbrever, that part of the said Prospect farm above excepted, adjoining to Jacob Le Roy and running up to Benja- min Waldron's land, being that part of the said farm formerly purchased by John Brown of Waldron, of Ilornshook, contain- ing about eight acres, be the same more or less." 68 THE JOSHUA JONES TRACT. John Marston to Thomas Marston. DEED. 1 Dated 5 June, 1795. I Proved 26 May, 1813. \ Rec. 9 June, 1813. I 103 Conveyances, 21. j Consideration, ^^"900. Recites Will of Nathaniel Marston and the devise therein to John Marston. Conveys all that the said lot, tract, piece or parcel of land and premises aforesaid in and by the said last Will and Testament devised and bequeathed to the said John Marston as aforesaid. Thomas Marston purchased a small piece of land containing about an acre, situate in the rear of the said eiglit-acre piece above mentioned, the title to which is as follows : DEED. John Hopper to Yellis Hopper. Dated 20 March, 1787. Ack. 5 April, 1787. .Rec. 26 July, 1827. 224 Conveyances, 95. Consideration, £720. Conveys all that certain tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being at Hornshook in the outward of the City of New York. Beginning at the division line between New York and Harlem, and running thence South six chains to land of Thomas Marston, thence along the land last mentioned South forty eight degrees East twenty-four chains and ninety links to land of John Marston, thence along the land last mentioned North forty-two degrees East four chains and eighty links, thence North forty-nine de- grees West twenty-eight chains and ninety-five links along land THE JOSHUA JONKS TRACT. 69 of Jacob Le Roy, the tract or parcel of laiul hereinafter men- tioned, and hind of Mr. Marston to the phice of beginning. Containing twelve acres and sixty-eight-hundredths of an acre of land, be the same more or less. Together with otlier property not ad'ecting the Joshua Jones Tract. DEED. Yklms Hoppkr and Ei i/a- 1 ^^^^^^^ .^ j^,^^. ,^^^^ BETH, Ins wife, I ^^^ 5 j^jjy^ ,^,^^^_ to f Rec. 26 May, 1813. Thomas Marston. \ 102 Conveyances, 456. / Coiisiderat'n, 5 Shill'gs. Conveys all that certain tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being near Hornshook, in the said outward, and bounded as follows, tc wit: Beginning at a line stone marked J. W., being the Easterly corner of Yellis Hopper's land, and running along the land formerly belonging to Jacob Le Roy North fifty degrees and forty minutes West four chains and nine links, thence along the land belonging to said Yellis Hopper South forty degrees and thirty minutes West four chains and seventy- four links to the land belonging to Thomas Marston, thence along the land of said Thomas Marston South fifty degrees West four chains and nine links to a line stone marked J. B., and from thence along John Marston's land North forty degrees and thirty minutes East four chains and seventy-seven links to the place of beginning. Containing one acre, three roods, thirty-five and a half perches. Thus Thomas Marston became seised of the residue of the Jones Tract not included in the Benew Patent. 70 THE JOSHUA JON?:S TRACT. DEED. Thomas Marstox, ) m .. ^ ,o t or I Dated 28 Jan., 1806. A' f Ack. jS Jan.. 1806. Pi/PKR Slhermekuorn, 07. Elizabeth, /ns a-z/r, f ^^,. ,5 j^,,^^ .g^. fo [ Recorded 2 Oct., i M. Pen- dleton, of id part, John Church Cruger and Fran- ces Ann, his wife, of ^th part, to Edward R. Jones, of ^th part. Dated 9 Nov., 1833. Ack. 9 Nov., 1833. Rec. 13 Nov., 1833. 305 Conveyances, 122. Consideration, $10. Conveys all the undivided parts or shares of the said parties of the first, second, third and fourth parts, and the part and share of each of them, of and in all that certain messuage and THE JOSHUA JONES TRACT. 77 piece or parcel of land situated, lying and being in the Twelfth Ward of the City o' New York, being part of the farm or parcel of land and premises in the said Twelfth Ward, which the said Joshua Jones, deceased, died seised of or entitled unto and being now known and distinguished on a map of property in the Twelfth Ward belonging to the estate of Joshua Jones, deceased, being a map of the said farm, made by Samuel S. Doughty and W. B. Doughty, City Surveyors, dated New York, October i6, 1S33, and now on file in the office of the Register of the City and County of New York, by the letter C. Boimded Southeasterly by the East River, Southwesterly by lands and premises now or lately belonging to Henry Delafield ; Northwesterly by land appropriated and used as and for a lane or way running through the saitl farm from the South- westerly side thereof to the Northeasterly side thereof, and Northeasterly by other part of the said farm, distinguished on the last above-mentioned map by the letter B. The said piece or parcel of land hereby granted and conveyed or so intended to be, beginning at the East River at the Northwesterly corner of the s.iid lands and premises now or late of the said Henry Delafield, and running along the said lands and premises, first Northerly one hundred .ind twenty-five feet eight inches, to a marked stone, then also Northerly, hut ratlier more Eastwardly than the last line, seventeen feet ; then Westerly twelve feet, then Northwesterly one hundred and sixty six feet ten inches to the centre of the lane now used in common by the said Henry Delafield and the heirs of the said Joshua Jones, de- ceased, part of whicti lane is also used in common with them by John Greenfield, ami then also northwesterly along the centre of the said lane six hundred and sixty-two feet nine inches to a point where the Southeasterly side of the said lane running through the said farm if extended in the same course in which it runs there would strike the centre of the said lane used in common by the said Henry Delafield, and the heirs 78 THE JOSHUA JONES TRACT. of the sairl Joshua Jones, deceased, and running from the said point Northeasterly to and along the Southeasterly side of the said lane, running through the said farm four hundred and ninety-five feet two inches to a locust post placed in the ground at the Southwesterly corner of the said part of the above- mentioned firrm, which is distinguished by the letter B ; then along the last mentioned part of the said farm, first South- easterly five hundred and eighty-six feet nine inches, then Southwesterly two feet, and then Southeasterly three hundred and eighty-three feet to the East River (a locust post being placed on the last mentioned line near its termination at the said river), and thence Southwesterly along the said East River as it winds and turns to the place of beginning. Con- taining ten acres and one hundred and twt^lve thousandth parts of an acre of land, be the said contents more or less, as by reference to the last mentioned map will more particularly appear. Also all that certain other piece or parcel of land situated, lying and being in the said Twelfth Ward of the City of New York, and being also part of the farm or parcel of land and premises in the said Twelfth Waid which the aforesaid Joshua Jones, deceased, died seised of or entitled unto, and being now known and distinguished on the last above-mentioned map by the letter F, bounded Northwesterly by lands commonly called the Harlaem Commons, Northeasterly by centre line between street laid out by the Commissioners of Streets and Roads under the act of the Legislature of the State of New York, entitled "An act relative to improvements touching the laying out of streets and roads in the City of New York and for other purposes," by the name of Eighty-first Street, and the street laid out by the said commissioners by the name of Eighty- second Street, Southeasterly by the said lane running through the said farm, and Southwesterly partly by lands and premises now or lately belonging to the above-named Henry Delafield, THE JOSH LA JOXKS TRACT. 79 and partly by other lands lying Northwesterly of the lands now or lately belonging to the said Henry DelaHcld, and constitut- ing part of the said lane used in coinnion by tlie said Henry Delafield, John Greenfield and the heirs of the said Joshua Jones, deceased, the last mentioned piece or parcel of land hereby granted, or so intended to be, beginning at the said Harlaem Commons at the above mentioned centre line between Eighty-first Street and Eiglity-second Street, and ruiniing thence Southeasterly along the said centre line fourteen hun- dred and twelve feet eight inches to the said lane running through the said farm, then Southwesterly along the North- westerly side of the last mentioned lane three hundred and eighty-two feet eight inches to the above mentioned lane used in common by the above named Henry Delafield, Jo!m Green- field and the heirs of the said Toshua Jones, deceased, then Southwesterly in the same direction with the last line thirteen feet to the centre of the last mentioned lane, then Northwesterly along the centre of the last mentioned lane thirteen hundred and fifty-t'iree feet and nine inches to Harlaem Commons afore- said, and then Northwesterly along tlie same two hundred and eighteen feet six inclies to the place of beginning. Containing nine acres and five hundred and ninety six thou- sandth parts of an acre of land, be the said contents more or less, as by reference to tlie last above-mentioned map will more particularly appear. Also all that part and portion of the above-mentioned lane used in common by the above-named Henry Delafield, John Greenfield, and the heirs of the said Joshua Jones, deceased, wliicii is bounded by a line beginning at the Southwesterly cor- ner of the above-described part of the said farm, which is dis- tinguished on the last above-mentioned map by the letter C, and runni ig thence Southwesterly along the last mentioned part ot the said farm thirteen feet to the centre of said last mentioned lane, then along the centre thereof eighteen feet two inches, to 80 THE JOSHUA JONES TRACT. a point opposite to the Northwesterly side of the above-men- tioned lane leading through the said farm, then from that point Northwesterly to the Southwesterly corner of the last men- tioned lane thirteen feet, and then Southeasterly eighteen feet two inches to the place of beginning. Also three undivided fourth parts of all that part and portion of the said lane, running through the said farm, which is bounded by a line beginning on the Northwesterly side of the said last mentioned lane at the centre line between the said Eighty- first and Eighty-second Streets, and running thence South- easterly along the said centre line to the centre of the said last mentioned lane ; tlien Northeasterly along the said centre of the said last mentioned lane to a point where the Northeasterly boundary line of the above-described piece or parcel of lanil distinguished on the last above-mentioned map by the letter C, would, if extended, intersect the centre of the said last men- tioned lane, then Southeasterly along such extended line to the Southeasterly side of the last mentioned lane, then South- westerly along the Southeasterly side of the last mentioned lane four hundred and eighty-two feet two inches to the above mentioned lane used in common by the said Henry Delafield, John Greenfield and the heirs of the said Joshua Jones, deceased, then Northwesterly along the Northeasterly side of the last mentioned lane to the Northwesterly side of the said lane run- ning through the said farm, then Northeasterly along the North- westerly side of the said lane running through the said farm three hundred and eighty-two feet eight inches to the place of beginning. And also the right and privilege of using, in common with tlie above named Henry Delafield, his heirs and assigns, the whole of that part of the above mentioned lane or way now used in common by the said Henry Delafield and the heirs of the said Joshua Jones, deceased, which is situate Southeasterly of the said lane running through the said farm, and the right THE JOSHUA JONES TRACT. 81 and privilege of using in common with the said Henry Dela- field, John Greenfield. Isaac Jones, Jr., and George Jones, respectively, and their respective heirs and assigns, that part of the said lane now used in common by the said Henry Delafield, John Greenfield and the heirs of the said Joshua Jones, de- ceased, which is situated Northwesterly of the Southeasterlv side of the said lane running thiough the said farm, and the right and privilege of using in common with the said Jolui Greenfield, Isaac Jones, Jr., and George Jones, respectively, and their respective heirs and assigns, the whole of the said lane running through the said farm as and for lanes, passages or ways so long as the said lanes shall respectively be continued and used as lanes or ways. Subject, however, as lo such part of the land hereby granted or so intended to be as now constitutes part of the lane now used in common by the said Henry Delafield and the heirs of the said Joshua Jones, deceased, as lies Southeasterly of the Southeasterly side of the said lane ruiuiing through the said farm to the right, and privilege of the said Henry Delafield, his heirs and assigns, to make use of the same, together with all the rest of the land now constituting the said lane in common with the party of the fifth part, his heirs and assigns, as and for a lane, passage or way, so long as the land now constituting the last mentioned lane shall continue to be used as and for a lane, passage or way. And subject as to such part of the land hereby granted, or so intended to be, as now constitutes part of the lane now used in common by the said Henry Delafield and the heirs of the said Joshua Jones and by the said John Green- field, lying Northwesterly of the Southeasterly side of the said lane running through the said farm to the right and privilege of the said Henry Delafield. John Greenfield, Isaac Jones, Jr., and George Jones, respectively, and their respective heirs and assigns, to make use of the same, together with the rest of the land now constituting the last mentioned part of the said last men- 82 THE JOSHUA JONES TRACT. tioned lane in common with the said party of the fifth part, his heirs and assigns, as and for a hme, passage or way, so long as the land now constituting the said part of the last mentioned lane shall continue to be used as and for a lane, passage or way, and subject as to such part of the land hereby granted, or so intended "^to be, as now constitutes part of the lane run- ning through the said farm to the right and privilege of the said John Greenfield, Isaac Jones, Jr., and George Jones, respectively, and their respective heirs and assigns, to make use of the same, together with the rest of the land now con- stituting the last mentioned lane in common with the said party of the fifth part, his heirs and assigns, as and for a lane, passage or way so long as the land now constituting tlie last mentioned lane shall continue to be used as and for a lane, passage or way. 1 Edward R. Jones and Eeiza- BETH, Ids wife, of 1st part, George Jones and Serena, his zvife, of 2d part, MARGA- RET Pendleton, zvidozv of James M. Pendleton, of id DEED. Dated 9 Nov., 1833. Ack. 9 Nov., 1833. part, John Church Cruger '^^^^' n Nov., 1833. and Frances Ann, Jiis ivife, ^°^ onveyances, 3 of 4th part. to Isaac Jones, Jr., of ^tJi part. Consideration, $10. Conveys all the undivided parts or shares of the said parties of the first, second, third and fourth parts in — THE JOSHUA JONES TRACT. 83 All that certain piece or parcel of land situated, lying and being in the Twelfth Ward of the City of New York, being part of the farm or parcel of land and premises in the said Twelfth Ward which the said Joshua Jones, deceased, died seised of or entitled unto, and being now known and distin- guished on a map of property in the Twelfth Ward belonging to the estate of Joshua Jones, deceased, being a map of the said farm made by Samuel S. Doughty and W. B. Doughty, City Surveyors, dated New York, October i6, 1S33, and now on file in the office of the Register of the City and County of New York by the letter B. Bounded Southeasterly by the East River, Southwesterly by other part of the said farm distin- guished on the last above mentioned map by the letter C, North- westerly by land appropriated and used as and for a lane or way running through the said farm from the Southwesterly side thereof to the Northeasterly side thereof, and Northeasterly by other part of the said farm, distinguished on the last above mentioned map by the letter A, the said piece or parcel of land hereby granted and conveyed, or so intended to be, beginning at the East River at the Northeasterly corner of the said part of the said farm, distinguished on the last above-mentioned map by the letter C, and running along the said last mentioned part of the said farm, first Northwesterly three hundred and eighty- three feet (a locust post being placed on this line near its com- mencement at the said river), tlien Northeasterly two feet, and then Northwesterly five hundred and eighty-six feet nine inches to a locust post placed in the ground on the Southeasterly side of the said lane running through the said farm, then North- easterly along the Southeasterly side of the said lane one hun- dred and sixty -three five inches to a locust post placed in the ground at the Southwesterly corner of the said part of the above mentioned farm, which is distinguished on the last above men- tioned map by the letter A, then Southeasterly along the last men- tioned part of the said farm one thousand and seven feet 84 THE JOSHUA JONES TRACT. three inches to the East River (a locust post being placed on the last mentioned line near its termination at the said river), and then Southwesterly along the said East River as it winds and turns to the place of beginning. Containing four acres and one hundred and forty-one thousandth parts of an acre of land, be the said contents more or less, as by reference to the last above-mentioned map will more particularly appear. Also all that certain other piece or parcel of land situated, lying and being in the said Twelfth Ward of the City of New York, and being also part of the farm or parcel of land and premises in the said Twelfth Ward which the aforesaid Joshua Jones, deceased, died seised of or entitled unto, and being now known and distinguished on the last above mentioned map by the letter E, bounded Northwesterly by lands, commonly called the Harlem Commons, North- easterly by other part of the said farm, distinguished on the last above mentioned map by the letter D, Southeasterly by the above mentioned lane, running through the said farm, and Southwesterly by the centre line between the street laid out by the Commissioners of Streets and Roads under the Act of the Legislature of the State of New York, entitled an act relative to improvements touching the laying out of streets and roads in the City of New York, and for other purposes by the name of Eighty-first Street, and the street laid out by the said Commissioners by the name of Eighty- second Street, the last mentioned piece or parcel of land hereby granted or so intended to be. Beginning at the said Harlem Commons at the above mentioned centre line between Eighty- first Street and Eighty-second Street, and running thence North- easterly along the same two hundred and thirty-four feet six inches to a locust post placed in the ground at the South- westerly corner of the said part of the said farm, distinguished on die above mentioned map by the letter D, then South- easterly along the last mentioned part of the said farm fourteen THE JOSHUA JONES TRACT. 85 hundred and forty-one feet to a locust post placed in the ground on the Northwesterly side of the said lane running through the said farm, then Southwesterly along the Northwesterly side of the said lane one hundred and sixty-seven feet to the centre line between the said Eighty-first Street and tlie said Eighty- second Street, and then Northwesterly along the said centre line fourteen hundred and twelve feet eight inches to the place of beginning. Containing six acres and five hundred and sixty-five thousandth parts of an acre of land, be the said contents more or less, as by reference to the last above mentioned map will more particularly appear. And also three undivided fourth parts of all that part and portion of the said lane running through the said farm, which is bounded by a line beginning on the Northwesterly side of the said lane at the centre line between tlie said Eighty-first Street and Eighty-Second Street, and running thence North- easterly along the said Northwesterly side of the said lane one hundred and sixty-seven feet to the above mentioned locust post placed in tlie ground at the Northeasterly corner of the last above described piece or parcel of land ; then Southeasterly to a point where the Northeasterly boundary line of the last above described piece or parcel of land would, if extended, intersect the centre of the said lane ; then Northeasterly along the centre of the said lane to a point where the Northeasterly boundary line of the above described part of the said fiirm, which is distinguished on the last above mentioned map by the letter B, would, if extended, intersect the centre of the said lane ; then Southeasterly to the above mentioned locust post placed in the ground on the Southeasterly side of the said lane at the Northwesterly corner of the last mentioned part of the said farm ; then Southwesterly along the Southeasterly side of the said lane one hundred and sixty-three feet five inches to the above mentioned locust post placed in the ground'on the South- 86 THE JOSHUA JONES TRACT. easterly side of the said lane, at the Southwesterly corner of the last mentioned part of the said farm ; then Northwesterly to a point where the Southwesterly boundary line of the last mentioned part of the said farm would, if extended, intersect the centre of the said lane ; then Southwesterly along the cen- tre of the said lane to the centre line between the said Eighty- first and Eighty-Second Street, and then Northwesterly along the said centre line to the place of beginning. And also the right and privilege of using in common with one John Greenfield and the said Edward R. Jones and George Jones, respectively, and their respective heirs and assigns, the whole of the said lane running through the said farm, and the riglit and privilege of using, in common with one Henry Delafield and the said John Greenfield, Edward R. Jones and George Jones, respectively, and their respective heirs and assigns, all that part of a certain lane or way on and along the Southwesterly part of the said farm now used in common by the said Henry Delafield, John Greenfield, and the heirs of the said Joshua Jones, deceased, which is situated North- westerly of the Southeasterly side of the said lane, lunning through the said farm as and for lanes, passages or ways so long as the said lanes shall, respectively, be continued and used as lanes or ways, subject, however, as to such part of the land hereby granted, or so intended to be, as now constitutes part of the lane running through the said farm to the right and privilege of said John Greenfield, Edward R. Jones and George Jones, respectively, and their respective heirs and assigns, to make use of the same, together with the rest of the land now constituting the last mentioned lane, in common with the said party of the fifth part, his heirs and assigns, as and for a lane, passage or way, so long as the land now constituting the last mentioned lane shall continue to be used as and for a lane, pas- sage or way. THE JOSHUA JONES TRACT. 87 Edward R. Jones a7id Eliza- beth, Jiis zvifc, of \st part, Isaac Jones, Jr., and Mary, his tuife, of 2d part, Marga- / DLKD. RET Pendleton, ^uido^v ^/ Dated 9 n"^ 183 James M. Pendleton, ./ 3^V Ack. 9 Nov., 1833.' part, John Church Cruger, j^^^ ,^ ^^^^^ jg^^_ and Francis Ann, his xvtfc,[ .^^ Conveyances, 148. >j- of ^th part, \ Consideration, $10. to Geor(;e Jones, of ^th part. Conveys all the undivided parts or shares of the said parties of the first, second, third and fourth parts in — All that certain messuage and piece or parcel of land, situated, lying and being in the Twelfth Ward of the City of New York, being part of the farm or parcel of land and premises in the said Twelfth Ward, which the said Joshua Jones, deceased, died seised of, or entitled unto, and being now known and distinguished on a map of property in the Twelfth Ward belonging to the estate of Josluia Jones, deceased, being a map of the said farm, made by Samuel S. Doughty and W. B. Doughty, City Surveyors, dated New York, October 16, 1S33, and now on file in the office of the Register of the City and County of New York, by the letter A. Bounded South- easterly by the East River, Southwesterly by other part of the said farm, distinguished on the last above mentioned map by the letter B, Nortliwesterly by land appropriated and used as and for a lane or way running tlirough the said farm from the Southwesterly side thereof to the Northeasterly side thereof, and Northeasterly by lands and premises now or lately belong- ing to John Greenfield, the said piece or parcel of land hereby granted and conveyed, or so intended to be. Beginning at the 88 THE JOSHUA JONES TRACT. East River at the Northeasterly corner of the said part of the said farm, distinguished on the last above mentioned map by the letter B, and running along the said last mentioned part of the said farm Northwesterly one thousand and seven feet three inches to a locust post placed in the ground on the South- easterly side of the said lane running through the said farm (a locust post being placed in the ground in this line near its said commencement at the said river) ; then Northeasterly along the Southeasterly side of tlie said lane, and in the same course with the said Southeasterly side of the said lane, one hundred and sixty feet to the said lands and premises now or lately belonging to the said John Greenfield, that is to say, to the centre of a certain piece or parcel of land left open for a lane or way there ; then Southeasterly along the said lands and premises now or lately belonging to the said John Greenfield, that is to say, along the centre of the last mentioned lane six hundred and one feet eight inches to the termination of the last mentioned lane ; then also Southeasterly also along the said lands and premises now or late of the said John Greenfield three hundred and fifty-five feet eight inches to the East River, and then Southwesterly along the said East River, as it winds and turns to the place of beginning. Containing four acres and one hundred and seventy-one thousandth parts of an acre of land, be the said contents more or less, as by reference to the last mentioned map will more particularly appear. Also all that certain other piece or parcel of land situated, lying and being in the said Twelfth Ward of the City of New York, and being also part of the farm or parcel of land and premises in the said Twelfth Ward which the aforesaid Joshua Jones deceased, died seised of or entitled unto, and being now known and distinguished on the last above mentioned map by the letter D. Bounded Northwesterly by lands com- monly called the Harlaem Commons, Northeasterly partly by land and premises now or late of the estate of Yelles Hop- THE JOSHUA JONES TRACT. 89 per, and partly by land and premises now or late of John Greenfield, Southeasterly by the above mentioned lane run- ning through the said farm, and Southwesterly by other part of tlie said farm distinguished on the last above men- tioned map by the letter E, the last mentioned piece or par- cel of land hereby granted, or so intended to be. Beginning at tlie said Harlem Commons at the North- westerly corner of the above mentioned part of the said farm distinguished on the last above mentioned map by the letter E, a locust post being placed in the ground tliere, and running thence Northeasterly along the same two hundred and thirty-six feet one inch to the above mentioned lands and premises now or late of the estate of Yelles Hopper, then Southeasterly along the last mentioned lands and prem- ises twelve hundred and two feet six inches, then North- easterly also along the last mentioned lands and premises one hundred and fifty six feet, five inches to the above men- tioned lands and premises now or lately belonging to the said John Greenfield, then Southeasterly along the last men- tioned lands and premises two iiundred and seventy-four feet two inches to the Northwesterly side of the said lane running through the said farm, then Southwesterly along the Northwesterly side of the said lane two hundred and fifty-five feet six inches to the Northeasterly corner of tlie above mentioned part of the siid farm, which is distinguished on the last above mentioned map by the letter E, a locust post being placed in the ground there, and then Northwesterly along the last mentioned part of the said farm fourteen him- dred and forty-one feet to the place of beginning. Contain- ing six acres and five hundred and sixty-five thousandth parts of an acre of land, be the said contents more or less, as by reference to the last above mentioned map will more particularly appear. Also three undivided fourth parts of all that part and portion 90 THE JOSHUA JONES TRACT. of the said lane running througli the said farm, which is bounded by a line beginning on the Northwesterly side of the last men- tioned lane at the Southeasterly corner of the above described part of the said farm, which is distinguished on the last above men- tioned map by the letter D, and running thence Northeasterly along the Northwesterly side of the last mentioned lane two hun- dred and fifty-five feet six inches to the above mentioned lands and premises now or late of the said John Greenfield, then South- easterly along the last mentioned lands and premises to a point where the Southeasterly side of the last mentioned lane, if ex- tended, would strike the last mentioned lands, then Southwest- erly to and along the Southeasterly side of the last mentioned lane one hundred and sixty feet to the Southwesterly corner of the above described part of the said farm, which is distin- guished on the last above mentioned map by the letter A, then Northwesterly on the same course with the Southwesterly boundary line of the last mentioned part of the said farm to the centre of the last mentioned lane, then Southwesterly along the centre of the last mentioned lane to a point where the Southwesterly boundary line of the above described part of the said farm, which is distinguished on the last above mentioned map by the letter D would, if extended, intersect the centre of the last mentioned lane, and then Northwesterly to the place of beginning. And also the right and privilege of using in common with the said John Greenfield, his heirs and assigns, the above men- tioned lane or way on and along the Northeasterly side of the above mentioned part of the said farm, which is distinguished on the last above mentioned map by the letter A, and the right and privilege of using in common with the said John Green- field, Edward R. Jones and Isaac Jones, Junior, respectively and their respective heirs and asssigns, the whole of the above mentioned lane or way running through the said farm, from the Soutliwesterly to the Northeasterly sides thereof, and the right THE JOSHUA JONES TRACT. 91 and privilege of using in common with one Henry Delafield and the said John Greenfield, Edward R. Jones and Isaac Jones, Junior, respectively and their respective heirs and assigns all that part of a certain lane or way on and along the South- westerly part of the said farm now used in common by the said Henry Delafield, John Greenfield and the heirs of the said Joshua Jones, deceased, which is situated Northwesterly of the Southeasterly side of the said lane running through the said farm as and for lanes, passages or ways so long as the said Lanes shall respectively be continued and used as lanes or ways, sub- ject however as to such part of the land hereby granted, or so intended to be, as now constitutes part of the lane on and alono- the Northeasterly side of the above mentioned j^art of the said farm, which is distinguished on the last above mentioned map by the letter A, to the right and privilege of the said John Green- field, his heirs and asssigns, to make use of the same, together with all the rest of the lands now constituting that lane in common with the party of the fifth part, his heirs and assigns, as and for a lane, passage or way, so long as the land now constituting the last mentioned lane shall continue to be used as and for a lane, passage or way. And subject as to such part of the land here- by granted, or so intended to be, as now constitutes part of the said lane running through the said farm to the right and privil- ege of the said John Greenfield, Edward R. Jones and Isaac Jones, Junior, respectively, and their respective heirs and as- signs, to make use of the same, together with the rest of the land now constituting the last mentioned lane in common with the said party of the fifth part, his heirs and assigns, as and for a lane, passage or way, so long as the land now constituting the last mentioned lane shall continue to be used as and for a lane, passage or way. 92 the joshua jones tract. Title to Parcels C and F. Edward R. Jones to whom the said parcels were set apart on above partition died on 5 January, 1839. Last Will and Testament i Dated 15 Sept., 1838. 0/ ; Proved 22 May, 1839. Edward R. Jones, \ 80 Wills, 8. After certain legacies and provisions not affecting the prem- ises, the testator makes the following devise : " All and singular the rest, residue and remainder of my pro- perty and estate, both real and personal and howsoever and where- soever situate, I do hereby give, devise and bequeath in such man- ner and proportion as the law of this State would have disposed of the same had I died intestate ; that is to say, one third part of my real estate to my wife, during her life, and the remaining two third parts of my estate, real and personal, including the remainder of the said third part of my real estate above given to my said wife after the termination of her life estate therein, to my four children Elizabeth S. Jones, Edward Jones, Joshua E. Jones and George F.Jones." Joshua E. Jones died on 10 January, 1839, intestate, unmar- ried and without issue. ELIZABETH JONES, z.ldou' o/\ PARTITION DEED. Edward R. Jones, 0/ 1st part, I Dated 12 October, 1848. Elizabeth S. Jones, 0/ 2df Ack. 17 October, 1848. /^art, Edward Jones andS Rec. 18 October, 1848. Fanny D.,/ilswiYe,o/ 3d/>art,i 5o7 Conveyances, 594. George F. Jones and LucreA Consi^deration, annuity 1 and releases by co- TIA F., /lis wife, of ^th part. ) ^^^^^^^^^^ Recites will of Edward R. Jones, and that Elizabeth S. IlIE JOSHUA JONES TRACT. 93 -4 % 92 THE JOSHUA JONES TRACT. L_l < "z Z ^ 1 ' 25 \ 2i . 2.5\. S 27 "" t\-^ '^2Sj£f.^^ T^ \ f 20 MarcH , 1 8 56. zuife, of 2d part, Regis De > ' -^ Trobriand and Mary, /^/^. Rec. 25 April, 1856. ivife, of zd part, and EMILY \ 707 Conveyances, 234. Jones, of/[th part. /Consideration, $10. Recites partition and allotment to Emily Jones of lots num- bered 24, 25, 10, II, 12, 13, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 50, 51, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 74, 75, 85,86, 87, 88, 89, 110, III, 112, 119. To Mary de Trobriand of lots 26, 27, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35. 36, 37, 38, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 72, 73, 96, 97' 9^' 99' ^^°' ^°^' ^°2' ^°3' ^°4' ^*^5- To William H.Jones of lots i, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 46, 47, 48, 49, 65, 66, 6^, 76, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 93, 94, 95, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, on map annexed. Each conveys to the other the parcels set apart to him or her. < ST // 'Xf7\jS hA^ Sf\6o'.6/ ;/4a^C;JWC^' TIIK JOSHUA [ONKS TRACT. 95 See 978 Conveyances, 202, and 9S2 Conveyances, 234, for deeds to Emily Jones by the widow and other heirs of Isaac Jones, Jr., of lot 113, intended to have been conveyed to her in above partition deed. William Hlnry Jones and DEED. Lydia, his wife. Regis DE / Dated S Feb., 1856. Trobriani) and Mary, his\ Ack. 8 Feb., 1856. xvife, and Emily Jones, / Rec. 25 April, 1856. ^^ y 707 Conveyances, 263. \ Consideration, $1 and Mary Jones. , r a •' I release ot dower. Conveys lots 3, 28, 29, 30, 14, 15, 16, 17, 53, 53, 68, 69, 70, 71, 77, 78, 90, 91, 92, 106, 107, loS, 109, on Map 207. Parcels A and D. These portions of the tract are apparently still vested in George Jones, with the exception of certain gores of land on the Southerly boundary given in exchange (see 690 Conveyances, 173), and a few lots on North side of Eighty-third Street, west of Avenue A. ::lsJ -"-'T > < •'^•.Ui■L'ib <»• -?- ? -■€':5^- L_^ L.P STMILT > < V/ttfun,.- CS/T.c/y C^ttV MAP or LANDS BtLONCINC 10 THf CSTATt Or ' ISAAC JONLS D t C e AS[ D _ c)i,V«* Jx^ -^^^ oJnuiJ' un^ ,-(ocUe^ o^ fv ^s-^ c. /- jy Cji^^A-^} <$//<:< £lCHTy-riFTH STREET 98 THE WALDRON FARM. Confirms unto the said fii'eeholders and Inhabitants, their heirs, successors and assigns, and to each and every of them their particular lots and estates in the said tovvne or any part thereof. " The extent of their bounds shall be as followeth (vizt), that from the West side of ye fience of the sd towne a line be runne, due West foure hundred english poles without variacord of the compasse. At the end whereof another line being drawne to runne North and South with the variacord, that is to say : North to the very end of a certaine piece of meadow ground commonly called the round meadow, neare or adjoining to Hudson's River, and South to the saw nlills over against Hogg Island, commonly called fferkins Island. It shall be the West bounds of their lands, and all the lands lying and being within the line so drawne North and South as aforesaid Eastward to the towne and Harlem River as also to the North and East Rivers shall belong to the towne." Sir Richard Nicolls, Cover- \ p XTENT H07-, &c., j to f Dated ii Oct., 1667. Thomas Delavall, John Ver->^^^°^"^^^ ,'" Secretary VELEN, Daniel Turner,( of State s Office, at JOOST Oblene and Re-\ ^Ibany. SOLVED Waldron. ^ Patents, 57. " Whereas there is a certaine towne or Village upon this Island Manhattans commonly called and known by the name of New Harlem, scituate, lying and being on the East parte of the Island, now in the tenure or occupation of severall of the ffree- holders and Inhabitants, who being seated there by authority have improved a considerable proporcon of the lands thereunto belonging, and also setted a competent number of Familyes thereupon capable to make a township. GENERAL TITLE. 99 " Gives and grants, ratifies and confirms to Thomas Dela- vall, John Vervelen, Daniel Turner, Joost Oblene and Resolved Waldron, as Patentees for and on behalfe of themselves and their associates, tlic Freeholders and Inhabitants of the said Towne, their heirs, successors and assignes, all that tract to- gether with the severall parcells of land which already have or hereafter shall be purcliased or procured for or on behalf of the said towne within the bounds and lymits hereafter sett forth and expres't (vizt), that is to say, from the West syde of the flence of the said towne a lyne being runne due West," &c. (The rest of the description is the same as previous patent.) CONFIRMATION OF PATENT. Sir Thomas Dongan, Gover- nor, &c., Dated 7 March, 1686. y ( Recorded in Secretary of State's Office, at Thomas Delavall, Resolved. Waldron, ct al. 1 ^ -n ^"^ 6 Patents, 192. Recites the former patents, confirms the same, and grants to them, for and in behalf of themselves and their associates, the freeholders and inhabitants of Harlem, the premises granted by the previous patent by about the same description. Mr. William E. Glover, to whose valuable collection of ab- stracts I am much indebted in the present work, kindly furn- ished me with the following data respecting the Waldron family which he obtained from one of the heirs: " Baron Resolved Waldron, the above named patentee, died seised of this farm in 1705, aged about ninety six years, leav- ing twelve children, and among them Samuel, the fourth son, who seems to have become the owner of said farm. Samuel died in 1740? leaving a number of children, and among tliem William, who became the subsequent owner thereof. William 100 THE WALDRON FARM. Waldron, on December 5, 1769, died seised of the greater por- tion of said farm, leaving David, Samuel, John, Peter and Benjamin, his sons, and Toneka, Mary and Margaret, his daughters." Last Will and Testament Dated 22 Aug., 1761. of \ Proved 15 Jan., 1770. William Waldron. \ "^ Wills, 208. " Item : I do hereby give full power and absolute authority to my executors to sell, by one or more sales, in a convenient time after my decease, as much land or part of my farm as they, or the major part of them shall judge best, leaving my house and part of my farm for my wife to support herself and my under-aged children, unless my wife agree to have the whole sold and the conveyance or conveyances so to be made by my executors shall be good and effectual both in law and equity, and the money arising by the sale of the same shall be applied as before directed. Item : In case my aforesaid wife Antje shall remain my widow till my youngest child attains the age of twenty-one years, or day of marriage, then I will order and di- rect that my executors sell all the remainder of my estate, both real and personal, except such as is herein first given unto my wife and her heirs and assigns forever, and out of t'le money arising by the sale of the same to allow my wife a certain part, yeaily, as before directed, and the remainder to be put and plactd out at interest till my wife's decease, or till she re-marrie. If she should re-marrie I then give her a child's portion after my youngest child is of age ; the remainder of mj' estate I will that the same shall be divided amongs my ten children, share and share alike, and to their several and respective heirs and assigns foicvcr. Item : In case of the death of any of my children be- fore they attain the age of twenty-one years, or days of marri- GENERAL TITLE. lOl age, or without lawful issue, I do hereby give and bequeath the share and shares of such so dying unto my wife and the survivour of my children, share and share alike, always allowing my wife one full child's part. Lastly, I do by these presents nominate, constitute and appoint my well beloved wife Antje, my son David and my friend John Bogert, Junior, executors of this my Last Will and Testament." Letters Testamentary are granted to Antje Waldron and David Waldron on 15 January, 1770. See same Liber, page 20S. The subsequent title of the different portions of the Waldron Farm will be considered under the head of the various tracts into which it was sub-divided. tJiit ct^. J^Oled. {^/e4. THE JOHN GREENFIELD TRACT. ay I HI U.H^I3 -TTB ' ^" 5 ti s r sr \ r' j^ fi II o/ ^ 6 C« f-1 ^ "T= — fc^ " O /y HIJU AJ.H^)3 <^'o^^ ^^Jo^i^<^^ ^cuU/J^J/^g' ^,f%j (X^^^^-^ ca^. THE JOHN GREENFIELD TRACT. This tract is incliuled in the said Waldron Farm at Horns- hook, and comprises portions of the parcels colored yellow, blue and grey on a map of said farm, ante page 97. We will first trace the title to the parcel colored yellow. Waldron, of Hornshook, DEED. to ( Not recorded, but re- cited in 38 Wills, 285. John Brown. Conveys a piece of land, adjoining the Benew Patent, con- taining about eight acres. These premises became vested in Nathaniel Marston prior to 1759? ^^ whom, however, there is no deed on record. Last Will and Testament ) ^^''^^cd 8 February, 1776. ^ ( Proved I Feb., 1770. of > (32 Wills, 41 and Nathaniel Marston. V g wills 2S; I ALSO give and devise unto my said son John, and to his heirs and assigns forever, that part of the said Prospect farm above 104 THE JOHN GREENFIELD TRACT. excepted, adjoining to Jacob Le Roy, and running up to Benja- min Waldron's land, being that part of the said farm formerly purchased by John Brown, of Waldron of Hornshook, con- taining about eight acres, be it more or less. \ DEED. John Marston, 1 / Dated 5 June, 1795. to \ Proved 26 May, 181 3. ( Rec. 9 June, 181 3. Thomas Marston. \ 103 Conveyances, 21. / Consideration, ^900. Recites will of N;ithaniel Marston andjihe devise therein to John Marston. Conveys all that the said lot, tract, piece or parcel of land and premises aforesaid in and by the said last Will and Testament devised and bequeathed to the said John Marston as aforesaid. Thomas Marston purchased a small piece of land containing about an acre situate in the rear of the said eight acre piece al)ove mentioned, the title to which is derived as follows. This piece is included in that part of the Waldron Farm sold to John Hopper, and colored gray on the map of the Waldron Farm, ante page 97. DEED. John Hopper, ^ Dated 20 March, 1787. Ack. 5 April, 1787. to Rec. 26 July, 1827. Yelles Hopper. \ 224 Conveyances, 95. Consideration, ^^720. Conveys all that certain tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being at Hornshook in the outward of the City of New York. Beginning at the division line between New York and PART OF WALDRON FARM. 1<'5 Harlem, and running tlicnce South six chains to huul of Thomas Marston, thence along the land last mentioned. South forty eight degrees East twenty-four chains and ninety links to land of John Marston, thence along the land last mentioned North forty-two degrees East four chains and eighty links; thence North forty-nine degrees West twenty-eight chains and ninct\- five links along land of Jacob Le Roy, the tractor parcel of land hereinafter mentioned and land of Mr. Marston to the ])lace of beginning. Containing twelve acres and sixty-eight hundredths of an acre of land, be the same more or less. Yellis Hopper, DEED. and Ei.iZAP.ETH, his wife, f ^^ated 29 June, 1793. Ack. 6 July, 1793. to ^ Rec. 26 May, 181 3. 102 Conveyances, 456. Considcrat'n 5 shillings. Thomas Marston Conveys all that certain tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being near Hornshook in the said outward and bounded as follows, to wit : Beginning at a line stone marked J. \\\, being the Easterly corner of Yellis Hopper's land, and running along the land formerly belonging to Jacob Le Roy, North fifty de- grees and forty minutes West four chains and nine links ; thence along the land belonging to said Yellis Hopper, South forty degrees and thirty minutes West four chains and seventy-four links to the land belonging to Thomas Marston ; thence along tiie land of iaid Thomas Marston, South fifty degrees West four chains and nine links to a line stone marked J. B., and from thence along John Marston's land, North forty degrees and thirty minutes East four chains and seventy-seven links to the place of beginning. Containing one acre, three roods, thirty-five and a-half perches. 106 THE JOHN GREENFIELD TRACT. DEED. Thomas Marston, j j^^^^j ^8 Jan.. 1806. to ■ ( Ack. 28 Jan., 1806. Peter Schermerhorn, ( ^^^- ^^ J^^^' ^^o^* \ 72 Conveyances, p. 526. «;.^WYNANTVANZANDT,Jr. j Consideration $10,500. Conveys all that certain piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in tlie Ninth Ward of the City of New York, con- tained in the following boundaries, as the fences now stand, to wit : Beginning at the East River and running thence along the land belonging to Nicholas Cruger's estate North fifty de- grees West twenty chains and five links to land of Yellis Hop- per ; then along said Hoppers line South forty-one degrees West four chains and seventy-two links to other land of said Thomas Marston ; then along said Marston's line South fifty degrees and fifteen minutes East nineteen chains and sixty- eight links to the end of the rocks terminating at high water mark ; then along the said East River to the place of begin- ning. Which said piece or parcel of land, from the annexed map, made by Charles Loss, one of the City Surveyors, con- tains nine acres, one rood and twenty-nine perches, together with any additional quantity of land which may be comprised in the foregoing boundaries. Excepting and reserving to him", the said Thomas Marston, his heirs and assigns, the right or privilege of, in and to the Harlem Commons which doth or may appertain to the said piece or parcel of land hereinbefore described and hereby intended to be granted. Also, one equal moiety or undivided half-part of the land contained in a certain lane of eighteen feet in width and nine chains and seventy-nine links in length, as marked on the an- nexed map, running from the Southwesterly side of said piece or parcel of land hereinbefore granted and described into a cer- tain other lane leading from said Thomas Marston's house into I'ART OF WALDRON FARM. 107 the main or post road ; which said lane of eighteen feet width shall forever hereafter be used and enjoyed in common by the said Peter Schermerhorn and Wynant \'an Zandt, Jr., and their heirs and assigns, and tlie said Thomas Marston and his heirs and assigns. And also the right and liberty to the said Peter Schermer- horn and Wynant Van Zandt, Jr., and their heirs and assigns forever, of using and enjoying, in common with the said Thomas Marston, his heirs and assigns forever, the said lane leading from said Thomas Mirston's house into the main or post road (as the said lane is now in fence), along the line of said Thomas Marston and the late Doctor Baker, from tlie intersection there- of by the said first mentioned lane, as marked and distinguished on said annexed map, into the said main or post road. DEED. Wynant Van Zandt, Jr., j Dated 25 July, 1807. and Maria, /lis zci/e, f Ack. 25 July, 180;. ^0 { Rec. 17 May, 1830. PETER SCHERMERHORNE. \ f'^ Conveyances, 296. _ / Consideration, $1. Conveys all the estate, right, title, interest, use, trust, prop- erty, claim and demand whatsoever, both at law and in equity, of the said Wynant Van Zandt, Jr., and his wife, of, in and to or out of all and singular that certain piece or parcel of land, being the Northerly part of the piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the Ninth Ward of the said City of New York, which was sold and conveyed by Thomas Marston to said Schermerhorne antl Van Zandt in and by a certain deed executed by tlie said Marsten, bearing date the twenty-eiglith day of January, in the year eighteen hundred and six, and re- corded in the office of the Clerk of the City and County of New York, in Liber No. 72 of Conveyances, &c., page 526, the 10 S THE JOHN C;REENFIELD TRACT. I2th day of July, iSo6, which on a division made between said Schermerhorne and Van Zundt has fallen to the lot or share of said Schermerhorne, that is to say: Beginning at the land of Yelles Hopper, in the centre of said piece or parcel of land so granted and conveyed by said Thomas Marsten as aforesaid, and running from thence South fifty degrees and fifteen minutes East two hundred and sixty-eight feet and six inches to a lane of twenty feet in width, from the lane of eighteen feet in width mentioned in the deed of said Marsten, above mentioned as a lane in common leading from his house to the main road or highway ; from tlience on the same course South fifty degrees and fifteen minutes East five hundred and seventy-five feet and six inches along a lane of twenty feet in width ; from thence on the same course along said lane (which then becomes twenty-two feet in width) one hundred and eighty-six feet ; from thence on the same course one hundred and eighty-six feet to a stone wall, and from thence on the same course seventy-seven feet to the East River. Which lane or passage of twenty feet and twenty- two feet in width, as herein "above mentioned, it is agreed upon between said parties, shall be and forever remain in common between them, and their heirs and assigns, and like- wise the landing place of thirty-five feet on each side of said centre line, and thirty feet from the outer edge of the wharf towards said stone wall, and also the lane of twenty feet in width and one hundred and fifty-seven feet and ten inches in length from the lane of Thomas Marsten of eighteen feet in width, as said several lanes or passages are laid down in the annexed survey or plan, made and signed by Charles Loss, City Surveyor, and dated New York, June 27, 1S07. The remainder of the tract in question is included in the part of tlic Waldron Farm sold to Jacob Le Roy, and colored blue on the map of that farm, ante page 97. I'ART OF WAl.DKOiN I'AK.M. 109 \ DEED. William Waldron, and Antjk, his wife, \ Dated 29 Nov., 1759. to [ Not recorded, but re- cited in the following deed. Jacob Le Roy. Conveys all that certaui lot, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the Seventh, late the outward of the City of New York, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the Easterly corner of the land of Nathaniel Marston, at the East River, and thence running back from the River North forty-six degrees thirty minutes West twenty-one chains ; thence North forty degrees fifteen minutes East eight chains and sixty links; thence South fifty-eight degrees thirty minutes East nine- teen chains and ninety links to the East River aforesaid ; then along the said River, including the soil to high water mark, South thirty -three degrees fifteen minutes West twelve chains and thirty-two links to the place of beginning. Containing twenty-one acres and one-quarter of an acre, be the same more or less. There appears a variance of about four degrees in the first course in the above deed from that given in deed from Marston to Schermcrhorn and Van Zandt, Jr. (ante page 106). There is also a similar variance in the second course from that given in the deeds of the Hopper Tract (post page 122). DEED. Jacob Le R(3Y 1 i^ . v •^ y Date 22 August, 1792. art of them, or the survivors or survivor of them, and the proceeds thereof disposed of as hereinbefore directed." Appoints his sons Peter Schermerhorn, Junior, and Abraham Schermerhorn and his son-in-law Edward R. Jones his ex- ecutors. Letters testamentary were granted to all three executors. See Liber 60, Wills, page S6. Abraham Schermerhorn a/u/ J DEED. Edward R. Jones, fwo of the I „ ^ T, o f Dated 30 October, 1830 Executors of Peter Scher-I , , -^ „ , ' ) Ack. 30 October, 1830. ^^ekhorn, /^Rec. 5N0V., 1830. '^ \ 265 Conveyances, 508. James Lloyd. ] Consideration, $17,750. Conveys the portion of the tract in question conveyed to Peter Schermerhorn, by Wynant Van Zandt, Jr., by deed re- corded in Liber 262, Conveyances, 296, by substantially the same description as that deed, and conveys also " all that cer- tain other lot, piece or parcel of land situated, lying and being 116 THE JOHN GREENFIELD TRACT. ' in the said Twelfth (formerly Ninth) Ward of the said City of New York, adjoining and lying Northerly of the said lot, piece or parcel of land hereinbefore particularly described, and here- by conveyed, or intended so to be. Beginning at a stake placed at high water mark, on the East River, adjoining said lot of land hereby conveyed ; thence running along said land North forty-nine degrees West thirteen hundred and ninety-eight feet six inches ; thence North thirty-eight degrees East two hundred and fiftj'-two feet ; thence South forty-seven degrees forty-five minutes East one thousand and fifty-six feet ; thence South fifty-one degrees thirty minutes East three hundred and forty- six feet six inches; thence South twenty-nine degrees fifteen minutes West twenty-three feet; thence South thirty-six de- orees forty-five minutes West one hundred and thirty-two feet ; thence South forty-four degrees fifteen minutes West eiglity- three feet one inch to the place of beginning. Containing seven acres, two roods and thirty-two perches, as the same is laid down in a certain other survey or plan, made by Edward Doughty, City Surveyor, the sixteenth day of February, iSi6, and attached to the first mentioned survey or plan, a copy of both of which surveys or plans is hereto annexed, and to which reference is hereby made for the better under- standing of the aforesaid boundaries, courses and distances, both of the said pieces or parcels of ground, containing to- gether twelve acres and thirty-eight and a half perches." Dated 27 October, 1827. Last Will and Testament \ Y.ovcd. in Suffolk Co., Massachusets. ^f ] Rec. in New York Sur- rogates' Office. James Lloyd. ) 67 Wills, 284. Appoints Samuel Hubbard, John Borland and William PART OF WALDRON FARM. Il7 Parkinson Greene the Executors and Trustees under his will, giving them full power to sell his real estate and make convey- ances thereof. By codicil dated i8th September, 1829, he revokes the resi- duary devise in his will, and substitutes other devisees in place of those named in the will. Also appoints thereby John Pick- ering and Edward Craft as Co-executors and Co-tiustees. By second codicil, dated 16 November, 1830, and proved in New York Surrogate's office on 21 June, 1831, (See Liber 67 Wills, 255), he provides as follows: '' First, in addition to the bequests, legacies or devises in my said last Will and Testament, and my said former codicil, or either of them, con- tained in favor or for the benefit of my dearly beloved wife Hannah, I do, by this my second codicil, give, devise and be- (lueath to her and to lier heirs, executors, administrators and as- signs forever, the sum of fifteen thousand dollars, and also all and singular that certain country seat, farm, tract of land and real es- tate with the hereditaments and appurtenances, situate at or near Hurlgate, in the City and County of New York, which I have recently purchased of and from the executors of Peter Scher- merhorn, deceased. * * And I further authorize and empower my said executors to sell and convey my said country seat with the appurtenances at or near Hurlgate, by and with the approbation and concurrence of my said wife, after due and suf- ficient notice by public advertisement ; the proceeds of the said sales to be paid over by my said executors to my said wife for her own use and benefit." Letters testamentary were granted to all the executors, except Edward Craft, by the Surrogate of New York County. See Liber i Letters Testamentary, page 199. 118 THE JOHN GREENFIELD TRACT. Samuel Hubbard, John Bor- land, John Pickering and William P. Greene, Execu- tors of James Lloyd, of \ St part, Hannah Lloyd, widoiv ofl James Lloyd, of 2d part} to John Greenfield. DEED. Dated 7 April, 1832. Ack. 7, 20, and 25 April, 1832. Rec. 30 April, 1832. 284 Conveyances, 298. Consideration, $15,000. Conveys same premises by same description. Last ]Vill and Testament of John Greenfield. Dated 31 Dec, 1832. Proved 2 April, 1835. 72 Wills, 307. After certain legacies and devises testator provides as fol- lows : " And as to the rest, residue and remainder of my es- tate, real and personal, whatsoever and wheresoever, as well that which I now have or which I may hereafter acquire and die possessed of, I give and dispose of the same, after my just debts and funeral expenses shall be first paid thereout in the manner following, that is to say : to my son John V. Greenfield, I give two-fifths parts thereof; to my daughter Sarah M. Green- field, I give two-fifths parts thereof, and I give the remaining fifth part thereof to my son James H. Greenfield." He charges his son John V. Greenfield and his daughter Sarah M. Greenfield with the support of Jenet Frazer, and gives his executors the following power of sale : " I do hereby constitute and appoint my wife Sarah Greenfield and my son John V. Greenfield, ex- ecutrix and executor of this my Last Will and Testament, and I do hereby authorize and empower my executors and executrix. PART OK WALDRON FARM. J 19 and the survivor of them, to sell and convey all the lands and real estate 1 now have or which I may hereafter acquire and die possessed of, by public auction or private contract, at such time and times, in such parcels and upon such terms as they or the sui*vivor of them shall think proper, and in case such sale shall be made by public auction in the months of December, January or February, in any year, at the Merchant's Exchange, in the City of New York, then it shall and may be lawful for my executors, or either of them, to become purchasers at such sale of any part of my real estate hereby authorized to be sold and conveyed by them." tytot 0^€4. yiu^i otes^. QiP o/e<^. 0^€^. T^'^^ f^/V t^y >IHOA r\A J N JO A 11 J JHJ. JO a » u /v\ /v J. J -> J /\A.J. JH^ /n/ it^ Lv nj.ii .JJO ySddOH SV71JA oi otvioiMoua \i^-n 3doiid JO d\/N \ 4~~^ « ; J "V O 1 ^, VI " = 1 [ M — OP/ "" r ? \' ■h K' 5 0^ ? V f6 \ "4- VELLAS HOPPER., DEC siTii *.! en /A/ THe TW C L F r /I \AJ A K p CITY Of N fW VORK ^'o^Uij, 4^^jhc^'c^ A'cMycJ^jCg' c,4'!}j 0!t^<*-fi^ c^/^. yvoi o^^. Till' YALLAS HOPPER TRACT. This tract is part of the said VValdron Farm, and comprises the parcel colored green and portions of the parcels colored red and gray on the map of said farm, ante page 97, and also in- cliules the rope walk shown on said map. The parcel colored red was vested in William Waldron prior to 176^, while the portion colored gray was then vested in Ben- jamin Waldron. There are no deeds on record of these two parcels either from the Waldrons or to John Hopper. DEED. A Dated 20 March, 1787. JOHN HOPPER Kck. 5 April, 1787. to > Rec. 26 July, 1827. Yeli.ks Hopper. \ ^"^ Conveyances, 95. ; Consideration, ;!C720. Conveys all that certain tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being at Hornshook in the outward of the City of New York. Beginning at the division line between New York and Harlem, and running thence South six chains to land of Thomas Marston, thence along the land last mentioned South forty eight degrees East twenty-four chains and ninety links to land of John Marston ; thence along the land last mentioned North forty-two degrees 122 THE YALLAS HOPPER TRACT. East four chains and eighty links, thence North forty-nine de- grees West twenty-eight chains and ninety-five hnks along land of Jacob Le Roy, the tract or parcel of land hereinafter men- tioned, and land of Mr. Marston to the place of beginning. Containing twelve acres and sixty-eight-hundreths of an acre of land, be the same more or less. And also all that certain tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being next to and adjoining the said tractor parcel of land hereinbefore described. Beginning at the said division line be- tween New York and Harlem, at the same place where the above mentioned tract first began, and running thence North seventy-eight degrees East eight chains, thence East two chains and forty links, thence South fifty degrees East six chains and twenty-four links, thence South seventy-seven degrees East three chains, thence South forty-one degrees West five chains, thence South forty-nine degrees East seven chains and seventy links (all which six courses last mentioned run along land of the late William Waldron, deceased), thence South thirty-seven degrees West three chains and seventy-four links along land of Mr. Le Roy to the rope walk, thence along the said rope walk North* forty-nine degrees West three chains and eighteen links, thence South thirty-seven degrees West thirty eight links across the rear of the said ropewalk to the said tract or parcel of land first above mentioned, thence along the same North forty-nine degrees West ten chains and ninety-two links to Mr. Marston's woodland, thence along the said woodland North twenty-eight degrees East three chains and seventy links, thence along the same North fifty degrees West five chains and twenty-five links, thence along the same South forty-one degrees West three chains and twenty-eight links to the said first above men- tioned tract, and thence along the same North forty-nine de- grees West three chains and thirty links to the place of begin- ning. Containing eleven acres and twenty-seven-hundredths of an acre of land, be the same more or less. PART OF WAl.DRON FARM. 123 The parcel colored green was a wood lot belonging to Mr. Marston. The following is the first deed on record aftecting the title thereto. DEED. Thomas Marston, ) Dated 29 June, 1793. ( Proved 6 July, 1793. ^^ } Rec. 26 July, 1827. ,, TT \ 224 Conveyances, go. \eli,es Hopper. 1 ^ ., , , .,,. / Lonsiderat n, 5 shillings. Conveys all that certain piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being near Hoorn's Hook in the said outward and within the farm of the said Yellis Hopper, bounded as follows, to wit: Beginning at a line stone marked J. B., forming the South- easterly corner of said piece of land, and running along the land belonging to the said Yellis Hopper, North thirty-seven degrees and twenty minutes East three chains and sixty-eight links to a line stone marked J. W. ; thence along said Yellis Hopper's land North fifty degrees and five minutes West five chains and twenty-six links to a line stone marked J. W. ; thence along said Hopper's land South forty degrees and ten minutes West three chains and sixty-three links to a line stone marked J. B., and thence South forty-nine degrees and thirty minutes East five chains and forty-seven links to the place of beginning. Containing one acre, three roods and thirty-five and a-half perches. The title to the " rope walk" is as follows : William Waldron^'z/^Antje, ^"^ ^^'^/^'' ( Dated ID July, 1765. fo I Not recorded, but re- - _ „ , cited in the follo\vin OVVSI iO n MVN jf-^f • ^>^^ ^ ■^"'^ |°rif twenty-one acres L. or less. nie more ^ o^e^i. 3avO TUB ISAAC CHAUNCEY TRACT. This tract is part of the said Waldron Farm, and comprises the parcel colored brown and a portion of the parcels colored red and blue on the map of said farm, ante page 97. The parcel colored blue was vested in William Waldron at an early period, who conveyed the same as follows : ^ DEED. William Waldron, and Antjk, his wife, \ Dated 29 Nov., 1759. to [ Not recorded, but re- cited in the following deed. Jacob Le Roy. Conveys all that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the Seventh, late the outward of the City of New York, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the Easterly corner of the land of Nathaniel Marston, at the East River, and thence running back from the River North forty-six degrees thirty minutes West twenty-one chains ; thence North forty degrees fifteen minutes East eight cliains and- sixty links ; thence South fifty-eight degrees thirty minutes East nine- teen chains and ninety links to the East River aforesaid ; then along the said River, including the soil to high water mark, South thirty-three degrees fifteen minutes West twelve chains and thirty-two links to the place of beginning. Containing twenty-one acres and one-quarter of an acre, be the same more or less. 132 THE ISAAC CHAUNCEY TRACT. Together with a road twenty-five feet wide in common to the said hereby released premises and the Lands contiguous to the said road. Beginning at and from the Northwesterly corner of the land hereby released, and extending on the shortest and most direct course through the land of William Waldron, to the common lands belonging to the corporation of the Cit}^ of New York, to be and continue a Common Road for the use of the said lot, piece or parcel of land, and the lands of the said William Waldron forever. There seems to be a variance of about four degrees in the second course in the above deed from that given in the deed of property adjoining on the West, made by John Hopper to Yel- lis Hopper and hereinafter set forth on page 135. A similar variance exists also in the first course from that given in deed of the Southerly boundary (see ante page 106). The parcel colored brown was also vested in William VVal- dron at an early period. The following is the first deed affect- ing the title of said piece mentioned in the records. iDEED Uated I Uctober, 17S8. Not recorded, but re- cited in the following deed. Conveys all that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being at Hornshook in tlie County of New York, bounded and described as follows, to wit : Beginning at the Nortlieastwardly corner of the said piece of land at the place where the roads leading from Hornshook and Jacob Le Roy's seat meet ; thence running South twenty degrees East one chain forty-six links along Jacob Le Roy's road ; thence along said road South twenty-one degrees West two chains seventy links; thence thirty-nine degrees West thirty-seven links ; thence North PART OF NVAI.DRON FARM. 133 forty-eight degrees West seven chains seventy-one links ; thence North forty-two degrees one-quarter East five chains; thence South seventy-six degrees and a-half East six chains to the place of beginning. Containing five acres and seventeen perches, be the same more or less. Bounded Northwardly by the Common Road, Eastwardly by Jacob Le Roy's road and Southwardly and Westwardly by the land lately sold to the Father of the said Benjamin Waldron. The third course in this description is incorrect, prol)al)!y owing to a clerical error in the record. It should be four chains and thirty-seven links instead of thirty-seven links. DEED. BEN7AMIN Waldron and Han- j y^^^^^ ^^ j^,^^ ,.^^^_ XAii, his wife, f Ack. 1 8 Jan., 1791. fo ? Rec. 30 April, 1791. „ T 11 \ 46 Conveyances, 440. Daniel Le Roy. 17, .. ^. 'T* / Consideration, i,DO. Conveys same premises by same description. Last Will and Testament^ i Dated 20 Jan., 1791. of N Proved 14 Oct., 1792. Damki. Le R(n-. Uo Wills, 485. "My negro boy Jack, and my ground at Hellgate I give to my brother Jacob and his heirs forever." DEED. T. , T r. T ruT \ Dated k .\u /j ,. . •' ' /Ack. 15 Aui^ust, 1792. Ins wife, [ c 4. \ Rec. 21 Sept., 1792. jAConLERoY. U; Conveyances 558. y Consideration, i,200. Conveys all that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate, 134 THE ISAAC CHAUNCEY TRACT. lying and being at Hornshook, in the Seventh (late the out- ward) of the City of New York. Beginning at the North- easterly corner of the said piece of land at the place where the roads leading from Hornshook and Jacob Le Roy's seat meet ; thence running South twenty degrees East one chain forty-six links along Jacob Le Roy's road, thence along the said road South twenty-one degrees West two chains seventy links ; thence thirty-nine degrees West thirty-seven links (?); thence North forty-eight degrees West seven chains seventy-one links ; thence North forty-two one-quarter East five chains ; thence South seven- ty-six degrees and a half East six chains to the place of beginning. Containing five ac es and seventeen perches, be the same more or less. Bounded Northerly by the Common Road, Easterly by Jacob Le Roy's road and Southerly and Westerly by the land of Hopper. DEED. Jacob Le Roy and Catharine, Jiis ivifc, to Jan Boers. Date 22 August, 1792. Ack. 25 August, 1792. Rec. 22 Sept., 1792. 47 Conveyances, 560. Consideration ;^ 1,700. Conveys same premises as previous deed, and also the prem- ises conveyed to Jacob Le Roy by William Waldron by first deed in this abstract set forth. , DEED. Jan Boers, to Robert T. Kemble. Dated 12 Nov., 1793. Ack. 13 Nov., 1793. Rec. 14 Dec, 1831. 280 Conveyances, 166. Consideration, ;^i,825. Conveys same premises by same description. PART OF WALDRON FARM. 135 DEED. Robert T. Kemblk ) Dated 8 May, 1794. and Mary, his ivifc, ( Ack. 8 May, 1794. . / Rec. 14 December, 18^1. V 280 Conveyances, 169. Nicholas Cruckr. ] Consideration, i:2,ioo. Conveys same premises by same description. The parcel colored red was also part of the Waldron F.Min, vested in William VValdron. There appears to be no deetl on record from any of the VV^ddrons to John Hopper. DEED. \ Dated 20 March, 1787. John Hopper j /., . . i „o •' / Ack. 5 April, 1787. ^o \ Rec. 26 July, 1827. Yeli.ks Hopper. \ 224 Conveyances, 95. Consideration, £'j2o. Conveys, with other property, all tliat certain tract or parcel of land, beginning at the said division line between New York and Harlem, at the same place where the above mentioned tract first began, and running thence North seventy-eight de- grees East eight chains; thence East two chains and forty links; thence South fifty degrees East six 'chains and twenty- four links ; thence South seventy-seven degrees East three chains; thence South forty-one degrees West five chains; thence South forty-nine degrees East seven chains and seventy links (all which six courses last mentioned run along land of the late William Waldron, deceased) ; thence South tliirty- seven degrees West three chuins and seventy-four links along land of Mr. Le Roy to the ropewalk ; thence along the said ropewalk North forty- nine degrees West three chains and eighteen links ; thence South thirty-seven degrees 136 THE ISAAC CHAUNCEV TRACT. West thirty-eight links, across the rear of the said rope- walk to the said tract or parcel of land first above mentioned ; thence along the same North forty-nine degrees West ten chains and rfinety-two links to Mr. Marstdn's wood- land ; thence along the said woodland' North twenty-eight de- grees East three chains and seventy links ; thence along the same North fifty degrees West five chains and twenty-five links ; thence along the same South forty-one degrees West three chains and twenty-eight links to the said first above men- tioned tract, and thence along the same North forty-nine de- grees West three cliains and thirty links to the place of begin- ning. Containing eleven acres and twenty-seven hundredths of an acre of land, be the same more or less. DEED. Yallas Hopper \ Dated lo Oct., 1795. / Ack. 10 October, 1795. to V Rec. 14 Dec, 1831. Nicholas Cruger. i^So Conveyances, 172. j Considerat'n, ;^ 3 66; 10^. Conveys all that certain tract of land consisting of four acres, two roods and thirteen perches, situate, lying and being in the Seventh, late the Outward of the City of New York, be- ginning at the Northwesterniost corner of the land belonging to the said Nicholas Cruger, adjoining the road leadii g to Hell gate ferry and running along the property of the said Nicholas Cruger South forty-two degrees fifteen minutes West four chains eighty-nine links; thence South fifty degrees forty-five min- utes East seven chains seventy-four links to the lane leading from the house of the said Nicholas Cruger to the said road; thence along said lane South forty-one degrees West thirty- three links ; thence along the land of the said Yallas Hopper North fifty degrees forty minutes West twenty chains fifteen links to said road leading to Hell gate ferry ; thence along said PART OF VVALDRON FARM. 137 road North seventy-six degrees fifteen minutes East two chains ninety-six links; thence North eighty-seven degrees fifteen min- utes East two chains twenty-nine links ; thence South fifty de- grees forty-five minutes East six cliains sixty-one links; tliencc South seventv-eight degrees fifteen minutes East two chains ninety-one links to the above mentioned place of beginning. Thus Nicholas Cruger became seised of the whole tract in question. Lnst ^ Will and Tcstaiiunt j ^^^^^i^ 22 Feb., 1 791 . 0/ \ Prov, 24 Sept., 1800. Nicholas Cruger. \43 Wills, 287. After directing payment of his debts and funeral expenses, and bequeathing an annuity of ;^ 150 to his uncle John Cruger, the testator provides as follows : " Item, the rest and residue of my estate, both real and personal, I will and devise in man- ner following, that is to say : 1 give, devise and bequeath one- third part thereof to my beloved wife, Ann Cruger, and to her heirs and assigns forever." " Item : I give, devise and bequeath the remaining two-third parts of my estate, both real and personal, to my children, sons and daughters, as well those of my first marriage, as those of my second, to be divided among them, share and share alike. And I do hereby order my Executors, hereinafter named, to-pay to each of them their said separate shares, on their arriving at the age of twenty-one years. But should any or either of my said children die before attaining the age of twenty-one years and without issue, then it is my will that his, her or their shares shall lapse, and that the same go to and be ecjually divided among his, her or their surviving brothers and sisters, or such of them as survive, share and share alike." 138 THE ISAAC CHAUNCEY TRACT. The tract in question having been acquired after making the above Will, the said Nicholas Cruger died intestate as to the same, leaving him surviving his widow and seven children, as follows : 1. Bertram P. Cruger. 2. Henry N. Cruger. 3. Nicholas Cruger. 4. Elizabeth (Peggy) Towers, widow of John Towers. 5. Catherine Cruger, who married William Bard in iSo3. 6. Mary (or Polly) Cruger, who married Henry Cruger in 1802. 7. Sarah Cruger (a child by his second wife), who married William Heyward in May, 1804. Elizabeth Towers, one of the above named children, married Alexander Maitland in May, 1801 ; her said husband died in September, 1801, and she died in October of the same year. iNot proved in New York Surrogate's Of- fice, but recited in bill in the suit 01 Lruger z>s. Rogers, filed Nov. 2, 1807. Devises all her estate to her four minor children. She left her surviving four mfant children by her former hus- band, viz : 1. Ann Towers. 2. Margaret Towers. 3. Catharine Towers. 4. Mary Towers. PART OF WALDRON FARM. 139 SUPREME COURT. Bertram P. Cruger, Nicho- las Cruger, Henry N. Cru- ger, William Bard and Catherine, his ivife, cx)id\ Henry Cruger and MaryJ his wife, . vs. William Heyward THE SAMliELWALDRONTRACT. This is part of the Waldron Farm, of which William Wal- dron died seised. By his will, dated 22 August, 1761, and hereinbefore set forth at page 100, he gave his executors full power to sell and convey his real estate. DEED. David Waldron, Executor ^/ J Dated 14 June, 1788. William Waldron, \ Yxov^d. 20 May, 1835. to ) Rec. 24 July, 1835. Samuel Waldron. \ 340 Conveyances, 351- / Cons., £%%, I \s., and id. Conveys all that certain tract, lot, piece or parcel of land situaate, lying and being in Harlem Division of the City of New York aforesaid, and is bounded as follows, to wit : Be- ginning at the Southeast corner of David Waldron's garden, and running from thence South nine degrees East nine chains and three links along said David Waldron's land ; then South seventy-nine and an-half degrees West six chains and eighty-five links along the road leading to Hornshook ; then North three 146 THE SAMUEL WALDRON TRACT. degrees West seven chains and seventy links along the Com- mons ; then North sixty-seven degrees East six chains and forty-five links to the place of beginning. Containing in said boundaries five acres, two quarters and nine square rods, be there more or less. Samuel Waldron, the elder, tlie above grantee, died intestate in the year 1798, leaving him surviving Samuel and David 1 Waldron, his two sons and only children, and Eflee Waldron, his widow. David Waldron, one of said sons, died in January, 1814, in- testate, unmarried and without issue. DEED. Samuel Waldron {the second),) j^^^ed 1 August. 1816. and Gertrude A., his wife, \ ^^^^ , ^^g^^^, 1816. to / Rec. 2 August, 1816. Effee Waldron. \ f 18 Conveyances, 17. / Consideration, $1,650. Conveys same premises by same description. Samuel Waldron, the grantor in the previous deed, died in- testate in December, 1824, leaving the following children : Samuel I. Waldron, Gertrude Waldron and Elizabeth Waldron, his only heirs at law. EflTee Waldron, the grantee in the previous deed, died intes- tate in April, 1825, leaving said grandchildren (viz., the chil- dren of Samuel W^aldron) her only heirs at law. PAF or Nlw Yo^k • tlOWClNl- TO Tl.t ISTATt Of Jo^LPH TotaKL. ect* cL-y^ -^ ^-"^ '^ Sr j[/a.n.tU -^rtHTJEJSZk D Z U > < 152 THE JOSEPH FOULKE TRACT. thence South twenty-four degrees West two chains twenty- nine links ; thence South sixty-four degrees West one chain nineteen links ; thence South fifty-nine degrees and an-half West one chain ; thence South twelve degrees West one chain ten links ; thence North fifty-nine degrees West five chains four links; thence North forty-one degrees and an-half East twelve chains seventy-eight links to the place of beginning. Bounded on the North by the land of William Waldron, on the East by the River, commonly called Hellgate, on the South by the Nar- rows and on the West by the land of Mr. Jacob Le Roy. Con- taining six acres three-quarters and sixteen square rods as the same was surveyed and laid out by Jonathan Landon. DEED. Same i Dated 5 October, 1770. f Ack. 17 April, 1776. / Rec. 19 April, 1776. cavie 140 Conveyances, 561. / Considerat'n, 5 shillings. Recites previous deed, and that there is no road leading to and from premises thereby conveyed to the King's High Road. Conveys a road or way of the breadth of twenty feet, to be- gin at the gate adjoining the commons where the road now enters upon the land of the said William Waldron, deceased, and from thence to continue of the breadth aforesaid to the near- est or most Westwardly part of the land which the said Jacob Walton purchased of William Waldron, for the purpose of pas- sing and repassing to and from the said piece or parcel of land, with full right and absolute power unto the said Jacob Walton. The rest of the tract in question appears to have vested in Adolph Waldron. PART OF WALDRON FARM. 153 DEED. Adolpii Waldron to Referred to in 3 Mort- J AOH Walton. \ gages, 339- Conveys piece or parcel of land bounded as follows : Be- ginning at a stone adjoining the land formerly belonging to Jacob Le Roy ; thence running North fifty-eight degrees West fourteen chains forty links; thence North twenty-one degrees East three chains and twenty-five links ; thence South fifty-six degrees and half East fifteen chains twenty-five links ; thence South forty-one degrees and half West two chains seventy links to the place of beginning. Containing four acres one-halt ami four perches as the same was surveyed and laid out by Jonatlian Landon, b undcil Northerly by the land formerly belonging to William W^aldron, Easterly by the land first above described, Southerly by the land formerly belonging to Jacob Le Roy, and Westerly by a road which did formerly lead to the house of the said Jacob Le Roy. Last Will and Tcstamrut ) ^^^^^ 3 August, 1 782. ( Proved 28 April, I79i» of Jacob Walton. i in Supreme Court. ) Liber A, Wills, 2l After certain provisions, not afTecting the premises, the testator makes the following devise : " As to the rest, residue and rcniainJer of my estate, both real and personal, of what- ever nature, kind or quality, and wheresoever the same may be, I give, devise and bequeath one equal fourth part of the same to ray said son Henry, and to each of my daughters Ann, Ellin and Elizabeth, to have and to hold one full, equal, undivided fourth part thereof (the whole into four equal parts to be de- vided) to each and every of my said son and daughters, and to 154 THE JOSEPH FOULKE TRACT. the heirs, executors, administrators and assigns of each and every of them forever, share and share alike, as tenants in com- mon. And in case of the death of any or either of my said children, under age and v^^ithout issue, I do w^ill and direct that the share and shares of such of them so dying shall vest in the survivors or survivor of my said children and his, her or their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns. Lastly." I consti- tute my friend, Robert Watts, my brother, Gerard Walton and my brothers-in-law, John H. Cruger and Peter Van Schaack, Executors of this my Last Will and Testament, hereby em- pow^ering them, or the major part of them, the survivors or sur- vivor of them, to sell and dispose of all and every part of my real estate in such manner as to them shall seem most bene- ficial, and to execute good and sufficient conveyances for the same." Testator's daughter Ellen appears to have died under age and without issue, whereby her share became vested in the surviv- ors, according to the Will. Ann Walton, one other of said daughters, afterwards married Richard Valentine Morris. She apparently had become seised of the interest of either her brother or sister in this tract, as in the following deed she and her husband covenant to be seized of two third parts thereof. Richard Valentine Morris and Anne, Jiis ivife, of 1st part A Gerard Walton, only acting\ Executor of the Will of JACOB/ Walton, of 2d part \ to Archibald Gracie, of ^^d part. DEED. Dated 29 Dec, 1798. Ack. 15 January, 1799. Rec. 10 Feb., 1817. 120 Conveyances, 194. Consideration, $3,750. The party of the first part conveys, by and with the consent PART OF WALDRON I'ARNf. 155 of party of second part, all the two undivided third parts, tlie whole into three equal parts to be divided, of the two pieces of land conveyed to said Jacob Walton as aforesaid. DEED. Dated 15 Jan., 1799. Gkrard Walton j p^o^^d 15 Jan., 1799. Rec. 10 Feb., 1817. to ARiiiliiAi.D GRACili. \ 120 Conveyances, 197. Consideration, $1,875. Recites Will of Jacob Walton, the power of sale to his ex- ecutors, and that all said executors had renounced except Ge- rard Walton. Conveys all the one undivided third part, the whole into tiiree equal parts to be divided, of same premises as previous deed. Archibald Gracie, William j Dated 19 May, 18 19. Gracie, Charles Kino (t/ku Ack. 19 May, 1819. James G. Kino \ Rec. 10 April, 1823. to y 166 Conveyances, 33. RUFUS Kino. -] Consideration, $10. Recites that Nathaniel Prime had loaned to the firm of Ar- chibald Gracie & Sons the sum of $115,000, for repayment of which the said Archibald Gracie had given him certain secur- ities, and that the said Nathaniel Prime had agreed to advance them $100,000 more, and that said Gracie & Sons for security had agreed to convey to Rufus King in trust to sell and dis- charge said indebtness out of the proceeds. Archibald (jracie conveys, with other property, also his lands and tenements, country house, stables and out-house at Hell Gate or Horns- hook, bounded Easterly and Southerly by the water, West- 156 THE JOSEPH FOULKE TRACT. erly by the highway, and Northerly by land of John Jacob Astor. In trust to the use of the said Nathaniel Prime for the re-pay- ment to him of the aforesaid loans, etc., " the aforesaid mes- suages, lands and tenements, to be by the aforesaid Rufus King and his heirs sold in fee simple in such manner and at such time as he or they may deem proper, and the moneys arising from such sale or sales to be by him and them applied and paid to the said Nathaniel Prime." Note. — This deed is executed on part of Archibald Gracie by his attorney, William Gracie. DEED. Dated i July, 1819. Archibald Gracie V Ack. 3 July, 18 19. to . \ Rec. 10 April, 1823. RUFUS King. \ 166 Conveyances, 38. Consideration, $1. Recites preceding deed and that the power of attorney by which it was executed is mislaid or lost. Qiiitclaims all and each of the messuages, lands and tene- ments mentioned and described in the deed aforesaid. DEED. Archibald Gracie and Es- J Dated 28 March, 1823. THER, his wife, { Ack. 31 March, 1823. fo } Rec. 10 April, 1823. RUFUS King. \ ^^4 Conveyances, 399. / Consideration, $10. Recites deed of trust above mentioned from Archibald Gracie and others to Rufus King, the preceding deed of confirm- PART OF WALDRON FARM. 157 ation thereof, and that Esther Gracie, his wife, was not a party to said deed. CoNV^EYS same tract with other property. DEED. RuFus King to Joseph Dated 21 May, 1823. Proved 3 June, 1823. Rec. 10 June, 1S23. 167 Conveyances, 121. Consideration, $20,500. ('ONVEvs all that certain farm, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the City and County of New York as the same was recently possessed by Archibald Gracie. Bounded Easterly and Southerly by the East River or Sound, Westerly by tlie highway leading to Hornshook ferry, and Northerly by the lands of John Jacob Astor. Containing, by estimation, eleven acres of land. \ Bertram P. Cruger, Henry N. Criiger and Nicholas Cruger appear to have purchased from the Commissioners of Partition of the estate of Nicliolas Cruger the road leading to the ferry which ran along the Westerly and Southerly boundary of the tract in question. Bertram P. Cruger and Cath- arine, his wife, Henry N. Cruger and Harriet, his ivifc, Nicholas Cruger and\ Anne, his zvifc, to The Mayor, Aldermen and Com- monalty of the City of New York. DEED. Dated — Dec, 18 17, Ack. II Dec, 1817. Rec. 22 January, 1818. 125 Conveyances, 170. Consideration, $1,500. Conveys all that certain piece, parcel or slip of land situate, 158 THE JOSEni FOULKE TRACT. lying and being in the Ninth Ward of the City of New York, being part of that part of the estate of the late Nicholas Cru- ger, deceased, known as Union Hall, as the same was sold and conveyed to the said parties of tlie first pait by the Commis- sioners appointed by the Supreme Court of the State of New York for the division of the said estate, bounded as follows, to wit : Beginning at high-water mark at a point fifteen feet Southwesterly from Archibald Gracie's boundary line, thence running South twenty-nine degrees fifteen minutes West one hundred feet to Isaac Chauncey's land ; thence North sixty de- grees fifteen minutes West sixty-six feet ; thence North twenty- nine degrees fifteen minutes East fifty five feet ; thence North sixty degrees fifteen minutes West one thousand two hundred and sixty-one feet along Isaac Chauncey's land ; thence North twenty-nine degrees forty-five minutes East one hundred and ninety feet ; thence South sixty degrees fifteen minutes East forty-five feet ; thence South twenty-nine degrees forty-five min- utes West one hundrd'd and sixty feet ; thence South sixty de- grees fifteen minutes East one thousand two hundred and eighty-two feet to the place of beginning. Containing 50,367 square feet, more or less. DEED. TJic Mayor, Aldermen and Coin- monalty of the City of Nezu York, Dated 24 Sept., 1834. Ack. 21 Oct., 1834. ^^ f Rec. 21 October, 1834. ^ \ ^17 Conveyances, 207. Joseph Foulke. i ;^ • , / ^ r J Consideration, $200. Conveys all that certain piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the Twelfth Ward of the City of New York, and bounded and containing as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point on the Northeasterly line of Eighty-sixth street distant four hundred and seveAteen feet one inch and an half of an inch Southeasterly from the Northeasterly corner of Eighty-sixth PART OF WALDRON FARM. 159 Street and the First Avenue, and running thence Northeasterly one hundred and twenty-two feet six inches ; thence Northerly seven feet nine inches to a part of the old road called Hell<,'ate Road, to he conveyed by the said parties of the first part to John Jacob Astor; thence Easterly along the same fifteen feet nine inches to land belonging to the said John Jacob Astor ; thence Southeasterly along the same thirteen feet three inches to land belonging to the said party of the second part ; thence Southerly along the same fifty three feet ; thence Southeasterly along the same thirty-four feet ; thence Southwesterly along the same eighty-five feet six inches to the Northeasterly line of Eighty-sixtli Street ; thence Northwesterly along the same thirty-seven feet four inches and an-half of an inch to the place of beginning. The above deed includes also other pirts of the Ilellgate road, which was closed in April, 1S34. Last Will and Testament /Dated 12 Sept., 1849. of \ Proved 16 March, 1.S52. JOSEni FoULKE. \ 103 Wills, 475. The testator gives a legacy of $5,000 to two of his children, and then provides as follows r "Second: I give, devise and bequeath all the rest, residue and remainder of my estate, both real and personal, whatsoever and wheresoever, unto my seven children, viz : Pierre Louis Foulke, Joseph Foulke, Jr., William Foulkc, Theodore Foulke ; Sarah, widow of Peter Smith, de- ceased ; Mary, the wife of Henry A. Stone, and Helen Malvina Foulke, to be divided among them, equally, and to have and to hold the same unto them their heirs and assigns forever. Third : In case any or either of my said children should die in my life- time leaving lawful issue, then I give, devise and beciueatli the portion of the child so dying to his or her lawful issue to be di- IGO THE JOSEPH FOULKE TRACT. vided equally between them, and in case there be no such issue, then the share of the child so dying shall be equally divided among my remaining children and their lawful issue as above directed. Fourth : I hereby authorize and empower my execu- tors, or such of them as sliall qualify as such, to sell and dis- pose of all or any portion of my real estate at public or private sale, and upon such terms and conditions as to them shall seem best and most for the interest of my estate, and upon such sale to make, execute, seal and deliver to the purchaser or pur- chasers thereof good and sufficient deeds of conveyance in the law to vest in him or them the absolute title thereof Fifth : In order that my said real estate be not sacrificed or injured by a hasty sale thereof after my decease, I hereby give unto my ex- ecutors, who shall qualify as such, discretionary power to sell or not to sell the same at any time within and for the period of seven years from and after my death. Provided, however, that such power shall notextend beyond the expiration of any two lives of my said residuary devisees in being at the time of my decease ; and during such period, I hereby authorize and empower my said executors to let, lease and manage the same, and to collect and receive the rents and income thereof, and to maintain and up- hold the buildings and improvements thereon, and keep the same at all times properly insured, and after paying and dis- charging out of tlie said rents and income the charges and ex- penses thereof, to apply the residue of the said income from time to time as received to the use of my said children and their lawful issue in manner and form as above mentioned and de- clared." Appoints his son Pierre Louis Foulke, Joseph Foulke, Jr., Wm. Foulke and Theodore Foulke his Executors. Letters testamentary was granted to Joseph Foulke and Theo- dore Foulke, on 19 March, 1S52. See Liber lo Letters Testa- mentary, Jjage 205. /jc^a. &. JE c^a. yi'e^4. Hi ! M I i J i i L_J I lJ ! :. Ol H *auc, coiiimning i)y cstimanon iweivc acres. uyot^'i <^' < TPvLLT THE JOHN JACOI] ASTOR TRACT. This is part of the Wakhon Farm, which was vested in Adolph VValdron. MORTGAGE. Adoijmi Wai.dr-.n 1 T,, Secure i:2oo. and Christina, his wife, f j^^^^^ ^o March, 1776. /o } Ack. 20 March, 1776. Jacob Walton. \ ^^S- ^3 March, 1776. / 3 Mortgages, 245. Covers all that certain piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the Township of Harlem aforesaid, bounded Northwardly by the Road leading to the house of the late Wil- liam Waldron, now possessed by his widow, Eastwardly by the River 'routing Hellgate, Southwardly by the lands and fence of Jacob Walton, and Westwardly by the said Walton's Lane, containing by estimation twelve acres. . 'JL L:L.,. ^/^,r t rr/ - "f-^—- ^^ Q> a-^,^ ;-/,y ^....J^J. A- /^^X„/>y-'./^7^.V.->f»/'^^^^^^ ''7 MAP THL LSTATL Of Jolin Jacob Aalor IN WHICH Charles A Rnsleci had a litl lstate < ST KLLT CO bb'- STKLLT 67 66 i \^(f i,S h^ % -38 Land late or Joslph Foulkl. oiclasld. 86' STf\LLT Z u > < 162 THE JOHN JACOB ASTOR TRACT. Adoli'h Waldron and Cin Ack. 14 March, 1S07. I Rec. 4 Dec, i.Si/. Nathaniel Prime. V23 Conveyances, 506. /Consideration, $20,100. Conveys same premises by same description. William Blackwell died seised of the residue of this tract, exepting the portion lying South of t'lc old ferry road. Last Will a)id Testament Dated i October, 1807. of \ Proved 5 Feb., 1808. Joseph Blackwell. Uz Wills, 259. I give, bequeath and devise to my daughter Harriet, the wife of William Howell, the one fourth part of all my estate, both real and personal, to have and to hold to her, her heirs and assigns forever. Item : I give, bequeath and devise to my son Joseph the one other fourth part of all my estate, both real and per- sonal, to have and to hold to him, his heirs and assigns forever. Item : I give, bequeath and devise to my son William Drayton the one other fourth part of all my said estate, both real and per- sonal, to have and to hold to him, his heirs and assigns forever. And as to the remaining fourth part of all my estate, both real and personal, I give, bequeath and devise to my said daughter Harriet and my sons Joseph and William Drayton, and to the survivor and survivors of them, and the heirs of such survivor and survivors, in trust, nevertheless, that they shall, and do as soon as conveniently can or may be after my decease, put and place out the same in some good and sufficient security or se- curities (with full power at any time to call in, remove and new 180 THE NATHANIEL PRIME TRACT. jDlace out the same in such manner as the}^ shall think fit) so as the best annual interest may be made thereof. And my will is and I do hereby give and bequeath all the interest and produce of the said monies and estate so to be put out and placed at inter- est as aforesaid unto my daughter Frances Elizabeth and to her husband, James Grant Forbes, her receipt to be valid for the same ; and after the death of the said James Grant Forbes, then as to all the said fourth part of my estate so, as aforesaid, be- queathed in trust, I do hereby give, devise and bequeath the same to my said daughter Frances Elizabeth, and to her heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, to her and their ovv^n use and behoof forever." DEED. William HowELrt;;/^/ Harriet, \ his 7^?/?, Joseph Blackwell, / t^ , , o t i o ■^ '-^ 1 Dated 8 July, 1809. and William Drayton a 1 o t 1 ,0^ y Ack. 8 July, 1809. Blackwell, { ^ ^^ -p, ,or^ I Rec. 24 Dec, 1810. ^ ^ 90 Conveyances, 66. ■ Nathan i el Prime. ) Consideration, $2,500. Conveys all that certain piece or parcel of ground and prem- ises situate in the Ninth Ward of the City of New York, bounded as follows : Beginning on the West side of tlie North gate post on the road between the property of John Jacob Astor and the premises this day to be conveyed by the said parties of the first part to Peter A. Schenck, and running thence along the said property to be conveyed b}' the said parties of the first part to the said Peter A. Schenck, North — minutes East to a notch cut in the upper garden fence of the said Nath- aniel Prime, and thence along the line of the said Nathaniel Prime s land to llie road leading to Hellgate Ferry, and thence along the said road to the place of beginning, as the same premises are designated and laid down on a diagram thereof made by W. Bridges, City Surveyor, and hereunto annexed. PART OF WALDRON FARM. 161 Containing two acres, one rood and twenty-four perches, be the same more or less. \ DEED. Same j / Dated 8 July, 1809. f0 y Ack. 8 July, 1809. i Rec. I April, 1814. Peter A. Sciienck. \ 105 Conveyances, 259. /Consideration, $10,000. Conveys all that certain piece or parcel of ground and premises situate between tlie country seats of John Jacob Astor and Nathaniel Prime in the Ninth Ward of the City of New York, bounded as follows : Beginning at a hole made in the rock and filled with lead at the Southeast corner of Natlianiel Prime's land, and thence running along the land of the said Nathaniel Prime South eighty-four degrees West five hundred and twenty-six feet until it comes to a corner of the lower garden fence of the said Nathaniel Prime, and thence along the said fence and the ground of the said Nathaniel Prime South eighty- six degrees West five hundred and fifty-six feet ten inclies to a notch made in the upper garden fence of the said Nathaniel Prime, and thence South forty-five minutes West two hundred and sixty-seven feet nine inches along the land this day conveyed by the said parties of the first part to the said Nathaniel Prime to the road running between tlie property of John Jacob Astor and the premises herein described and intended to be conveyed, and thence along the middle of the said road north eighty-nine degrees East eleven hundreil and seventy-three feet to the East River, and thence along the said river to the place of beginning ; as the said premises are laid down in a diagram thereof made by William Bridges, Surveyor, and hereunto annexed. Con- taining eight acres, three roods and fourteen perches, be the same more or less. 182 THE NATHANIEL PRIME TRACT, DEED. Peter A. Schenck and Mar- garet, ///.s- zvife, ( Dated 14 March, 18 14. Ack. 14 March, 18 14. ^o t Rec. I April, 18 14. Nathaniel Prime. 105 Conveyances, 262. Consideration, $10,000. Conveys same premises by same description. Title to Portion South of Ferry Road. DEED Peter Waldron and Benja- MiN Waldron and Maria, f ^^^^^ ^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^gg ""'" ^'''^■^^' ^^ } Not recorded, but re- V cited in the following Benjamin Waldron. ] 1 , Conveys all that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being at Hornshook in the County of New York, bounded and described as follows, to wit : Beginning at the Northeastwardly corner of the said piece of land at the place where the roads leading from Hornshook and Jacob Le Roy's seat meet ; thence running South twenty degrees East one chain forty-six links along Jacob Le Roy's road ; thence along said road South twenty-one degrees West two chains seventy links ; thence thirty-nine degrees West thirty-seven links ; thence North forty-eight degrees West seven chains seventy-one links ; thence North forty-two degrees one-quarter East five chains ; thence South seventy-six degrees and a-half East six chains to the place of beginning. Containing five acres and seventeen pel ches, be the same more or less. Bounded Northwardly by the Common Road, Eastwardly by Jacob Le Roy's road and Southwardly and Westwardly by the land lately sold to the Father of the said Benjamin Waldron. PART OF WALDRON FARM. 183 The third course in this description is incorrect, probably owing to a clerical error in the record. It should be four chains and thirty-seven links instead of thirty-seven links. DEED. BENJAMIN WALDRON and HaN- j ^^^^^ ^^ j^,^^ ^^^^^ NAH, his wife, f Ack. i8 Jan., 1791. /o ? Rec. 30 April, 1791. Daniel Le Roy. \ f Conveyances 440. / Consideration, £00. ('ONVKYS same premises by same description. Last Will and Testament J Dated 20 Jan., 179 1. of ^ Proved 14 Oct., 1792. Daniel Le Roy. (40 Wills, 485. "My negro boy Jack, and my ground at Hellgate I give to my brother Jacob and his heirs forever." DEED. T T T^ T 7T»T \ Dated 15 Auti[ust, 1792. JacobLeRoy, Jr. rt-//^ Martha, 1 . , \ t, » /^^ •' , . .^ •' /Ack. 15 August, 1792. hts ivtfe, ( , c \ ■^ > kec. 21 Sept., 1792. to i 1. I ^ T T T^ V 47 Conveyances, 558. Jacob Le Roy. \Z! ., . r /Consideration, £200. Conveys all that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being at Hornshook, in the Seventh (late the out- ward) of the City of New York. Beginning at the North- easterly corner of the said piece of land at the place where the roads leading from Hornshook and Jacob Le Roy's seat meet ; thence running South twenty degrees East one chain forty-six links along Jacob Le Roy's road, thence along the said road South 184: THE NATHANIEL PRIME TRACT. twenty-one degrees West two chains seventy links ; thence thirty-nine degrees West thirty-seven Hnks (?); thence North forty-eight degrees West seven chains seventy-one links ; tlience North forty-two one-quarter East five chains ; thence South seven- ty-six degrees and a-half East six chains to the place of beginning. Containing five acres and seventeen perches, be the same more or less. Bounded Northerly by the Common Road, Easterly by Jacob Le Roy's road and Southerly and Westerly by the land of Hopper. DEED. Jacob Le Roy and Catharine, his wife, to Jan Boers. Date 22 August, 1792. Ack. 25 August, 1792. Rec. 22 Sept., 1792. 47 Conveyances, 560. Consideration i^ 1,700. Conveys same premises as previous deed, and also the prem- ises conveyed to Jacob Le Roy by William Waldron by first deed in this abstract set forth. DEED. Jan Boers to Robert T. Kemble. Dated 12 Nov., 1793. Ack. 13 Nov., 1793. Rec. 14 Dec, 1831. 280 Conveyances, 166. Consideration, ;^i,825. Conveys same premises by same description. DEED. Robert T. Kemble and Mary, his wife^ to Nicholas Cruger. Dated 8 May, 1794. Ack. 8 May, 1 794. Rec. 14 Dec, 1831. 280 Conveyances, 169. Consideration, ^2,100. Conveys same premises by same description. PART OF WALDRON FARM. 185 The premises thus vested in Nicholas Cruger included all of the Prime Tract lying South of the ferry road, except a small gore on the Northwest corner of First Avenue and 86th Street. This gore was conveyed to Cruger by Yellas Hopper, by deed dated lo October, 1795. See ante page 126. Last Will and Testament J Dated 22 Feb., 1791. of \ Prov. 24 Sept., 1800. T.T r- \\> Wills, 287. Nicholas Cruger. \^-^ ' After directing payment of his debts and funeral expenses, and bequeathing an annuity of ^150 to his uncle John Cruger, the testator provides as follows : " Item, the rest and residue of my estate, both real and personal, I will And devise in man- ner following, that is to say : I give, devise and bequeath one- third part thereof to my beloved wife, Ann Cruger, and to her heirs and assigns forever." " Item : I give, devise and bequeath the remaining two-third parts of my estate, both real and personal, to my children, sons and daughters, as well those of my first marriage, as those of my second, to be divided among tliem, share and share alike. And I do hereby order my Executors, hereinafter named, to pay to each of them their said separate shares, on their arriving at the age of twenty-one years. But should any or either of my said children die before attaining the age of twenty-one years and without issue, then it is my will that his, her or their shares shall laps», and that the same go to and be equally divided among his, her or their surviving brothers and sisters, or such of them as survive, share and share alike." These portions of the tract in question having been acquired after making the above Will, the said Nicholas Cruger died in- 186 THE NATHANIEL PRIME TRACT. testate as to the same, leaving him surviving his widow and seven children, as follows : 1. Bertram P. Gruger. 2. Henry N. Cruger. 3. Nicholas Cruger. 4. Elizabeth (Peggy) Towers, widow of John Towers. 5. Catherine Cruger, who married William Bard in 1802. 6. Mary (or Polly) Cruger, who married Henry Cruger in 1S02. 7. Sarah Cruger (a child by his ^second wife), who married William Hey ward in May, 1804. Elizabeth Towers, one of the above named children, married Alexander Maitland in May, iSoi ; her said husband died in September, iSoi, and she died in October of the same year. \ Not proved in New Last Will and Testament j York Surro<5"ate's Of- ^/- f fice, but recited in bill / in the suit of Cruger ElizaI'.etii Maitland. V 7's. Rogers, filed Nov. j 2, 1807. Devises all her estate to her four minor children. She left her surviving four infant children by her former hus- band, viz : 1. Ann Towers. 2. Margaret Towers. 3. Catharine Towers. 4. Mary Towers. PART OF WALDRON FARM. 187 SUPREME COURT. Bertram P. Cruger, Nicho- las Cruger, Henry N. Cru- ger, William Bard and Catherine, his tvife, and\ Henry Cruger and Mary,' his zvife, vs. William HEVWARD^'Wrt' Sarah,' his wife, Ann Towers, Peg- gy Towers, Catherine Towers and Mary Towers. / 1803 — November 23. Petition for partition filed. November 33. Bertram P. Cruger appointed guardian for Ann Towers, Peggy Towers, Catherine Towers and Mary Towers. November 23. William Heyward and wife appear and confess. November 24. Partition ordered. — John Lawrence, John E. Seaman and Samuel Gouverneur appointed Commissioners. 1S05 — May II. Henry W. White appointed Commis- sioner in place of John E. Seaman. May 18. Commissioners report that sale is neces- sary. May 18. Order of Sale entered. 1811 — October 24. Edward W. Laight appointed Commis- sioner in place of John Lawrence, de- ceased. 188 THE NATHANIEL PRIME TRACT. 1813 — May 13. Rule making William Rogers and Ann Rogers parties to suit. On 8th April, 1808, an act of the legislature was passed al- lowing the children of Mrs. Tower to take real estate as if they were natural born citizens. See Laws 31 session, page 221. DEED. Samuel Gouveneur, Henry White and Edward W. Laight, Commissioners 0/ Par- f Dated 12 Sept., 181 5 tition, \ Ack. 23 Sept., 1815 / Rec. 4 Nov., 181 5. * III Conveyances, 415. Peter Schermerhorn. I Consideration, $20,000. Conveys all that tract of land and farm in the Ward of the City and County of New York, beginning at a stake placed at high water mark on the East River, adjoining the land of Peter Schermerhorn ; thence running along said Scher- merhorn's land North forty-eight degrees thirty minutes West twienty one chains ten links to land of one Hopper; thence along said Hopper's land North thirty-seven degrees thirty min- utes East three chains eighty-one links ; thence North forty-nine degrees twenty minutes West twenty chains twenty-five links to the road leading to Hellgate ferry ; thence along said road North seventy-seven degrees fifteen minutes East three chains thirty-five links ; thence North eighty-seven degrees thirty min- utes East two chains ; thence South forty-nine degrees East six chains sixty links ; thence South seventy-seven degrees twenty minutes East eight chains sixty-three links ; thence South twenty-eight degrees East one chain thirty links ; thence South twenty degrees West three chains sixty links ; thence South sixty degrees East eighteen chains ninety-seven links to the rear PART OF WALDRON FARM. 181) of the ferry house ; thence South twenty-nine degrees forty-five minutes West eighty-three links ; thence South sixty-six degrees fifteen minutes East one chain ; thence South five degrees East sixty links ; thence South forty-five degrees East fifty-two links to the river; thence along the river at high water mark South thirty-eight degrees West seventy-three links : thence South forty-one degrees West one chain fifty-one links ; tlience South forty-five degrees West seventy-four links ; thence North thirty- nine degrees West forty-two links ; thence South thirty-two degrees thirty minutes West six chains forty-seven links ; thence South forty-six degrees West one chain to the place of begin- ning. Containhig thirty acres, one rood and thirty-four poles. The Commissioners of Partition in the above suit sold and conveyed a portion of the Hellgate road, including a small part thereof which lay North of Eighty-sixth Street, between First Avenue and Avenue A, to Bertram P. Cruger, Henry N. Cru- ger and Nicholas Cruger, who in turn conveyed the same to the City. See deed recorded in Liber 125 Conveyances, page 170, hereinbefore more fully set forth in the title of the Joseph Foulke Tract. Tlie City conveyed tlie said portion thereof adjoin- ing the tract in question to Nathaniel Prime. See post page 193. DEED. ! Dated 19 Feb., 18 16. Ack. 21 Feb., 1816. Rec. 22 Feb., 1816. 1 14 Conveyances, 117. Consideration, $19,000. Conveys all that certain messuage or dwelling house and parcel of land or farm situated and lying in the Ninth Ward of tlie City of New York, being part of the said tract of land and farm so sold and conveyed as aforesaid by the said Samuel Gouverneur, Henry White and Edward W. Laight, as com- missioners as aforesaid to him the said Peter Schermerhorn, 190 THE NATHANIEL PRIME TRACT. bounded and containing as follows, that is to say : Beginning at the East River at a partition fence to be made there, and dis- tant from the Southeasterly corner or place of beginning in the indenture aforesaid mentioned of the said tract or farm so sold and conveyed to the said Peter Schermerhorn, as aforesaid, along the said East River of three chains' and seventy links, measuring the same on the following courses, that is to say : First : running from the said place of beginning of the said tract or farm so sold and conveyed to the said Peter Schermer- horn, North forty-four degrees fifteen minutes West one chain and thirty-five links ; then North thirty-six degrees forty-five minutes West two chains, and thence North twenty-five degrees fifteen minutes West thirty-five links to the place of beginning of the said parcel of land herein'described and hereby conveyed, or so intended to be, aadfrom the said place of beginning of the said hereby described parcel of land and premises running North thirty-eight degrees and thirty minutes West five chains and twenty-five links ; thence North forty-two degrees and fifteen minutes West sixteen chains to land of one Hopper ; thence along the said land of the said Hopper forty-nine degrees twenty minutes West twenty chains and twenty-five links to the road leading to Hellgate ferry; thence along the said road North seventy-seven degrees fifteen minutes East three chains thirty- five links ; thence North eighty-seven degrees thirty minutes East two chains ; thence South forty-nine degrees East six chains sixty links ; thence South seventy-seven degrees twenty minutes East eight chains sixty-three links; thence South twenty-eight degrees East one chain thirty links ; thence South twenty degrees West three chains sixty links ; thence South sixty degrees East eighteen chains ninety seven links to the rear of the ferry house ; thence South twenty-nine degrees forty-five minutes West eighty-three links ; thence South sixty-six degrees fifteen minutes East one chain ; thence South five degrees East sixty links ; thence South forty-five degrees East fifty-two links PART OF WALDRON FARM. 191 to the river ; thence along the river at high water mark South thirty-eight degrees West seventy-three links; thence South forty one degrees West one chain fifty-one links ; thence South forty-five degrees West seventy four links ; thence North thirty- nine degrees West forty-two links ; thence South thirty-two de- grees thirty minutes West three chains and seventy-seven links, or thereabouts, to the said place of beginning of the said parcel of land and premises hereby described, containing twenty-two acres, three roods and two perches of land, be the same more or less. Isaac Chauncev and Catha- DEED. RINE, his ivife, f Dated 25 June, 1832. Ack. 25 June, 1832. Rec. 25 June, 1832. Nathaniel Prime. } 287 Conveyances, 345. Consideration, $2,000. to Conveys all that certain gore or triangular piece of land situate in the Twelfth Ward of the City of New York, on the Northerly side of Eighty-sixth Street and bounded Southerly by the said street and Easterly by a lane leading Northerly from the said street along the land of Joseph Foulke and the land of John Jacob Astor to the land of the said Nathaniel Prime, and containing about one acre, be the same more or less, beincr all the land of the said Isaac Chauncey situate to the North of Eighty-sixth Street, and being part of the land conveyed to him by Peter Schermerliorn by a deed bearing date on the 19th day of February in the year 181 6, and recorded in the office of the Register in and for the City and County of New York, in Liber 114 of Conveyances, page 117. Title to Ferry Road. A petition was filed on 19 April, 1833, by the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York, praying that the Hurl- 192 THE NATHANIEL PRIME TRACT. gate or ferry road be closed. Commissioners were duly appointed and a report filed by them on April 14, 1834. The following is the deed to Prime of the portion of said road between First and Sec- ond Avenues. This deed also includes the land between said road and Eighty-sixth Street, though the title of the City thereto is not apparent. \ DEED The Mayor, Aldermen and Com- I monalty of the City of New f Dated 26 Nov., 1829. York, V Proved 21 Oct., 1834. ^0 I Rec. 21 Oct., 1834. 1317 Conveyances, 294. NATHANIEL PRIME. jconsideration, $250. Conveys all that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the Twelfth Ward of the said city, and bounded and containing as follows : Beginning at the North- westerly corner of the First Avenue and Eighty-sixth Street, and I'unning thence Northeasterly along the Northwesterly line or side of the First Avenue fifty-two feet and eight inches to the Southerly line of land belonging to the said party of the second part ; thence Westerly along the same one hundred and fifty-eight feet six inches to the Northeasterly line or side of Eighty-sixth Street ; thence Southeasterly along the same one hundred and forty-nine feet three inches to the place of begin- ning. Also all that certain other lot, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the said Twelfth Ward, and bounded and containing as follows: Beginning at a point on the Northeast- erly line or side of Eighty-sixth Street distant thirty-eight feet three inches from the Northeasterly corner of Eighty -sixth Street and the Second Avenue, and running thence Southeast- erly along the said line of Eighty-sixth Street three hundred and seventy-six feet nine inches to the Southwesterly line of PART OF WALDRON FARM. 193 land belonging to the said party of the second part ; thence Northwesterly along the same three hundred and forty-six feet seven inches to land now or late of William Rhinelander ; thence sixty-four feet by a direct line to the place of beginning. DEED. ! Dated 24 Sept., 1834. Proved 21 Oct., 1834. Rec. 21 Oct., 1834. 317 Conveyances, 295. Consideration, $1,375. Conveys all that certain piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the Twelfth Ward of the City of New York, being part or portion of a certain old Road called the Hellgate Road, and being bounded and containing as follows, to wit : Begin- ning at a point on the Northeasterly line of Eighty-sixth Street distant three hundred and ninety-eight feet three inches South- easterly from the Northeasterly corner of Eighty-sixth Street and the First Avenue, and running thence Northeasterly one hundred and fifteen feet four inches ; thence Northwesterly ninety-six feet seven inches ; thence Westerly four hundred and nine feet to the Northwesterly line of the First Avenue ; thence Northeasterly along the same tliirty eight feet three inches ; thence Easterly four hundred and thirty-four feet five inches ; thence Southerly fifteen feet ten inches and an-half of an inch to a part of the said old road to be conveyed by the said parties of the first part to John Jacob Astor ; thence West- erly along the same twenty-one feet nine inches ; thence South- erly along the same fourteen feet six inches ; thence Southeast- erly along the same and along a part of the said old road to be conveyed by the said parties of the first part to Joseph Foulke H^ eighty-five feet nine inches ; tlience Southwesterly along the 194 THE NATHANIEL PRIME TRACT. said part of the said old road to be conveyed to the said Joseph Foulke one hundred and twenty-two feet six inches to the North- easterly side of Eighty-.sixth Street, and thence Northwesterly along the same eighteen feet ten inches and an-half of an inch to the place of beginning. Last Will and Testament Dated 24 April, 1840. of \ Proved 23 Dec, 1840. NATHANIEL PrIME. i Hi'Wills, 69I . " Item : I give and devise to my said wife my Coimtry House, near Hellgate, in which I now reside, and all my land in the City and County of New York, situate East of the Second Avenue North of Eighth sixth Street and between said Eighty- sixth Street and the land, formerly of William Rhinelander, de- ceased, together with the houses and buildings thereon, to have and to hold the same as long as she shall continue to reside thereon. Item : I declare that the foregoing bequests and de- vise to my wife are in lieu of dower. Item : I direct that all the residue of my estate, real and personal, shall be divided into seven shares in the manner hereinafter directed. Item : I give, devise and bequeath one share or seventh part of my said residuary real and personal estate to my son Frederick Prime, his heirs, executors and administrators. Item : I give, devise and bequeath one share or seventh pait of my said residuary real and personal estate to my sons Rufus Prime and Frederic Prime, in trust to receive rents, profits and income thereof, and to apply the same to the use of my son Edward Prime during his life. Item : I give, devise and bequeath one share or seventh part of my said residuary real and personal estate to my i PART OF WALURON FARM. 105 sons Edward Prime and Frederick Prime, in trust to receive the rents, profits and income thereof, and to apply the same to the use of my son Riifus Prime during his life. Item : I give, devise and bequeath one share or seventh part of my said residuary real and personal estate to my executors, in trust to receive the rents, profits and income thereof, and to apply the same to the separate use of my daughter Cornelia, wife of Robert Ray, during her life, free from the control, debts and engagements of her present or any future husband. Item: I give, devise and bequeath one share or seventh part erf my said residuary real and personal estate to my executors, in trust, to receive the rents profits and income thereof, and to apply the same to the separ- ate use of my daughter Emily, wife of William Seton, during her life, free from the control, debts and engagements of her present or any future husband. Item : I give, devise and be- queath one share or seventh part of my said residuary real and personal estate to my executors, in trust, to receive the rents, profits and income thereof, and to apply the same to the separ- ate use of my daughter Matilda, wife of Gerard H. Coster, dur- ing her life, free from the control, debts and engagements of iier present or any future husband. Item : I give, devise and bequeath one share or seventh part of my said residuary real and personal estate to my executors, in trust to receive the re its, profits and income thereof, and to apply the same to the separ- ate use of my daughter Laura, wife of John C. Jay, during her life, free from the control, debts and engagements of her pre- sent or any future husband. Item : As to each of the last men- tioned six shares or seventh parts, after the death of the child during whosii life it is devised in trust as aforesaid, I give, de- vise and bequeath the same as follows, that is to say: I give the same in fee, after the death of such child of mine, to sucli one or more of the children and descendants of such child of mine, and in such shares or proportions as such child of mine, by his or her last Wi 1 and Testament or instrument in the nature 190 THE NATHANIEL PRIME TRACT. thereof, which each of my daughters though married, is hereby authorized to make, shall devise, direct or appoint, and for want of such direction and appointment, and so far as the same shall not extend, I give the same in fee, after the death of such child of mine, to his or her child or children who shall be then living and to the child or children then living of every child of his or hers who shall then be dead, as tenants in common, the child or children of a deceased child of such child of mine to take the same share which his, her or their parent, if living would be entitled to ; and if such child of mine shall have no child or descendant who shall survive him or her, then I give the same in fee, after the death of such child of mine, to his or her heirs-at-law. Item : I authorize the trustees to whom each of the said six shares of my residuary estate is devised in trust as aforesaid, with the consent of each child of mine, during whose life the land is devised in trust aforesaid to sell and convey in fee the real estate included in such share, and to invest the money arising from such sale in other real estate in the State of New York, to be held by them on the same trusts, &c. Item : I authorize my wife and children and the major part of them, and the survivors of them and the major part of such survivors, by writing under their hands and seals, to appoint three persons to be Commissioners to make partition of my residuary estate, real and personal, into seven shares as aforesaid ; and I author- ize such Commissioners and any two of them to make such partition ; and I authorize the said Commissioners, or any two of them, to execute deeds conveying the said shares respectively to be held by the persons and in the manner and for the pur- poses and on the trusts herein directed." PART OF WALDRON FARM. 19^ Cornelia Prime, w/. Conveys premises set apart to Frederick Prime in preceding deed. 200 THE NATHANIEL PRIME TRACT. Edward Prime and Freder- ick Y-^lVi^^Tr list CCS of RUFUS DEED. Prime, of \st part, Rufus/ Dated i Jan., 1853. Prime, of yi pcirt, VacL 18 Jan., 1853. to I Rec. 19 Jan., 1853. f, T-. r -NT 1622 Conveyances, 581. Samuel Richardson and Na- » y ^ :> THAN T. HiGBIE, of 2d part. 1125,000. Parties of first part convey, with consent of party of third part, premises set apart to the trustees of Rufus »Prime by above partition deed. o^e^. yro/€^. yVo^e^. yVmeii. Ill' WILLIAM KIIINI';i,/\NI) rKACTS. 'IMu'Ho (hkIh arc purl til llic VViiMiuii I'^urm ((Cvvliiili VVillnmi W'lildion «liiMl nc'inimI. My Ihn Will, lit'iciiilicrdio not loilli iil jiMM' iiMi, lie ),jnvt' liiH oxcciltolR |)t>\v('i In mil liiH H'lil rsliilr I) I'. I', I). I>\vii» Wai.dkon, our of tli,\ I'.xoutors of WiM.lAM VVai / \y,x\vK\ 14 (kt., 1790. IH<"N, \ Acl<. 2(^ Mairh, 1K12. A' I Kit. 1 1; A|»iil. I Hi '. \Vllli\M WaidKhn. \ <>7 ('(.nvry.iiurs, 2.vS. / ( uiisidriarti, /,4ni, fv/. ("oNvicvs picirH inuikrd A, II, (.', I) iiild K on iniip of fiiul lit lit'j^imiiii^ (»!' nl)Kliiul l»v llir rnllowiii^ iloMiipliiiii : "All ct'ittiiii li)|, |)ii-( (' (>i piiti el ()| ImimI Hihiiitr, lyin): jhhI Ix-iii^ ill lliiiliini I )iviKiuii III llir (Jity ol" Ni-vv ^'olk nlnicsjiitl, iiml in l>i)un(lc(l iiH (oIlowN, vi/.l : Mc^imtiiij^ nl u p«ml rcI lirlwrrn lw«i^rc iocKk at the Ilivci, mid iiinnin^; N. 15' •^' 10. i iliiiiii S9 linkM; /d Courne, S. 86 " VV. a chainn, wliicli »nid livr c«niiRrR is hounded tm the ICant Kivor ; 6tli Comnc, S. 51;*' W. -^ cliaiiiR '•J linkn; 7th C'cmiihc, S. iS|V W. 6 ehainH 7.S liiikn; Hlh Conisc, S. s*"" W. I ili.iiii MS links; tjlli r<.niHi', S (So'/' W. ^ clininR 202 THE WILLIAM RHINELANDER TRACTS. 51 links; loth Course, S. 82)4^ W. 18 chains 40 links, which said 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and loth courses are bounded on the land of David Waldron ; nth Course, S. 9° E. 8 chains 97 links, and bounded on the land of Samuel Waldron; 12th Course, N. 75*^ E. 2 chains; 13th Course, S. 82%^ E. i chain 79 links, which said 12th and 13th courses are bounded on the road that leads to Hornshook ; 14th Course, N. So )^*^ E. 30 chains 22 links, and bounded on the land of Abraham Duryee. Containing in the whole thirty-three acres and three square rods, be the same more or less." DEED. William Waldron and Mary, J Dated 15 Oct., 1790. /lis ivife, I Ack. 26 March, 1812. ^'^ } Rec. 15 April, 1812. David Waldron. \ 97 Conveyances, 240. / Considerat'n, ^401, 6d. Conveys same premises by same description. DEED. David Waldron and Corne-J Dated 21 Sept., 1795. LTA, /its zi'i/e, ! Ack. 29 May, 1800. to } Rec. 7 July, 1800. Cornelius I. Eogert. \ 5^ Conveyances 364. J Consideration, ^ 1,000. Conveys the piece marked D on said map by the following description : " All that certain piece or parcel of ground situ- ate, lying and being in the ward aforesaid at a place fronting Hellgate. Beginning at the East River, being the point which divides the premises from the land of Abraham Duryee ; thence j' South along Duryee's land eighty-one degrees West nine chains seventy-two links; thence North along the land of the said David Waldron seven degrees fifteen minutes West eight chains PART OF WALDRON FARM. 20o seventy links to the meadow of the said David Waldron ; thence South eighty-eight degrees East three chains thirty linl4° W. 3 chains 214 THE CORNELIA WALDRON TRACT. 51 links; loth Course, S. 82}4^ W. 18 chains 40 links, which said 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and loth courses are bounded on the land of David Waldron ; nth Course, S. 9° E. 8 chains 97 links, and bounded on the land of Samuel Waldron; 12th Course, N. 75*^ E. 2 chains ; 13th Course, S. S2><*^ E. i chain 79 links, which said 12th and 13th courses are bounded on the road that leads to Hornshook ; 14th Course, N. 80 ^^"^ E. 30 chains 22 links, and bounded on the land of Abraham Duryee. Containing in the whole thirty-three acres and three square rods, be the same more or less." DEED. William Waldron a?id Mary, J Dated 15 Oct., 1790. /lis wife, { Ack. 26 March, 181 2. to f Rec. 15 April, 18 12. David Waldron. \ 97 Conveyances, 240. / Considerat'n, ;!^40i, 6d. Conveys same premises by same description. DEED. David Waldron j Dated 16 Jan., 1798. Proved 30 Sept., 1826. to Rec. 2 Nov., 1826. William Waldron. \ 209 Conveyances, 419. Consideration, 3^. Conveys all that messuage and tenement in the Township of Haerlem, now in his actual possession and bounded as follows : Beginning at the lane and running along the said lane North forty-five yards ; thence Easterly sixty-six yards ; thence South- erly to the road that leads to Hellgate forty-eight yards, and thence along the said road Westerly to the lane or place of beginning forty-eight yards. Containing one acre, be the same more or less. The length ot the second course in the above Deed does not PART OF WALDRON FARM. 215 carry the boundary of the tract conveyed as far East as is shown on the map thereof, ante page 201. The line given on said map is hiid down according to the courses in the Deeds of the adjacent Rhinelander tract, and agrees with the subsequent Deed of this part of the tract hereinafter set forth. William VValdron, the grantee in the previous deed, died in- testate in June, 1813, leaving him surviving his widow who died in 1851, and three children, viz: David Waldron, Cornelia Waldron, and Maria Higgins, wife of William Higgins. The said William Higgins died in 1S51. The evidence of these facts is an affidavit by Cornelia Waldron and Maria Higgins attached to an abstract, in possession of Bowery Savings Bank, of part of this tract. DEED. David Waldron and Sarah P., his zvife, to Cornelia Waldron. Dated 19 April, 1842. Ack. 5 May, 1842. Rec. 5 May, 1842. 1424 Conveyances, 510. Consideration, $1,000. Conveys all that one equal and undivided third part of same premises. Cornelia Waldron rt;/^ Maria j DEED Higgins, / to [Dated 8 July, 1853. \ Ack. 9 July, 1853. William C. Rhinelander, 5;/r-[ Rec. 9 July, 1853. viving Executor and Trustee of\ 636 Conveyances, 400. William Rhinelander. ) Consideration, $1,200. Conveys all that certain gore lot of land situate, lying and being in the Twelfth Ward of the City of New York, on the 216 THE CORNELIA WALDRON TRACT. Easterly side of the Second Avenue, between Eighty-sixth and Eighty-seventh Streets. Bounded and containing as fol- lows, to wit : Beginning at a point on the Easterly side of the Second Avenue distant thirty-seven feet four inches Northerly from the Northeasterly corner of the Second Avenue and Eighty- sixth Street, being at the point where the division linebetween the lands hereby conveyed and the lands of the estate of William Rhine- lander, deceased, intersects the Second Avenue, running thence Northerly along the Easterly side of the Second Avenue one hundred and fifteen feet, more or less, until it reaches the land of the said William Rhinelander, deceased; then Southeasterly along said last-mentioned land seventy-nine feet, more or less, to the rear point of the land hereby conveyed ; thence South- westerly still along the land of said William Rhinelander, de- ceased, thirty feet ; thence again Southwesterly still along said last mentioned land sixty feet, more or less, to the place of be- ginning. yjo/^^. o^e^. yVo^e^. cy7^< o/€^. bj, ^'^ CM^04JUJ (^^<«^ THE ROBERT LATIMER TRACT. This is part of the farm of William Waldron, deceased, which became vested in his son David Waldron. Last Will and Testament Dated 21 Sept., 1808. of \ Proved 6 Nov., 18 13. T^ ,,, \ u Wills, 141. David Waldron. V Gives his wife an annuity of $200 in lieu of dower and de- vises one-fourth of the residue of his estate, real and personal, to each of his children William Waldron, Peter Waldron and Catherine Randel, Junior, and the remaining one fourth to his grandchildren John Dawson and David Waldron Dawson. He gives his Executors the following power of sale : " I do also authorize and fully empower my executors, or a majority of them, to grant, bargain, sell and convey, after and at such valu- ation or price as may be determined by three discreet, intelligent and virtuous freeholders, to be chosen by the Executors hereafter appointed, by sufficient deeds all my estate in order that they may make the division and provision hereinbefore declared, and that they shall do the same in a convenient time after my de- cease." Testator appoints William Waldron, Peter Waldron and Jonathan Randel, Junior, his Executors, and Catherine Randel, Junior, his Executrix. J L LLXINCTON AVLNUL 00 MAP or A TRACT or UAMO fttLONCINC TO RoBCRT Latimer m y / LP H n n H 4?^ %, ■^ 0%i Jio\jtuni. (Octi/r c^ c "fXiA^ / L o H n n 218 THE ROBERT LATIMER TRACT. DEED. Peter Waldron, Jonathan Randel, Jr., rt:;/^ Catherine, his tuife, surviving Exccntorsl Dated ii April, 1814. a7id Executrix of BaviT) Wal-V Ack. 12 April, 18 14. DRON, [ Rec. 26 Oct., 1826. to \ 209 Conveyances, 369. Philip Brasher. ' Consideration, $925. Conveys all that certain piece or parcel of ground and premises situate at Hellgate, in the Ninth Ward of the City of New York, formerly the old Humpstead of the said David Waldron, dec'd. Bounded Northerly by Philip Rhinelander, Easterly by a twenty foot lane leading to said Philip Rhine- lander's, and others, Southerly by Samuel Waldron and West- erly by the Haerlem Commons, agreeable to the map or chart hereunto annexed. Containing four acres and ninety-seven hundredths, be the same more or less. MORTGAGE. Philip Brasher «;/. yvoi o/^^. ib- im m, w. in- A^ti^iAKj 12. nd he he ird rty 2t; ;CS o/e4. STRLLT MAP TKACTor LAND etLONCIMC TO ^ "^ William Bf\AD> ydu diM:.^ THE WILLIAM BRADY PIECE. This is part of the farm of William VValdron, which sub- sequently became vested in Samuel Waldron. Samuel Waldron died intestate in the year 1798, leaving him surviving Samuel Waldron (the second) and David Waldron, his two sons and only children, and Efiee Waldron, his widow. David Waldron, one of said sons died in January, 1S14, in- testate, unmarried and without issue. Samuel Waldron and Ger- j DEED. TRUDE, his ivife, and Effee Waldron, (^ Dated 15 July, 1816. ^Ack. 15 July, 18 16. to I Rec. 6 Feb., 1830. William Brady. 258 Conveyances, 248. ' Considerati'n, $2,2 18.12. Conveys all that certain lot, piece or parcel of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Harlem Division of the City of New York, and bounded as follows : Beginning at the Eastern corner of the land of Robert Latimer on the Third Avenue, about fifteen feet South thirty-three degrees and thirty minutes West from the monument of the Eighty-ninth Street ; from thence with the Third Avenue North thirty-three degrees °b^ /..^^y«^ ^V'^Ja^ - .^^./,^. o^. T. Wal- page 74- 4- tuate, orns- ased, orner narsh four two ghty- /■}/'^,l i'- ?Z3 \ o o n THE DANIEL P. INGRAIIAM TRACT. This is part of the Waldron Farm of which William Wal- dron died seised. By his Will hereinbefore set forth, ante page loo, he gave his executors full power of sale. DEED. Antje Waldron and David Waldron, Executors of Wil-/ Dated 22 May, 1772. LiAM Waldron, ( Proved 20 April, 1774. Rec. 26 April, 1774. 19 Conveyances, 444. DiRCK Lefferts. 1 ^^ Albany. Consideration, ;^26i, A^d. to CoNVKVs all that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the Seventh Ward, at Harlem, at Horns- hook, being part of the farm of William Waldron, deceased, of which he died seised. Beginning at the Southeast corner of the said piece of land at a certain ash tree by the salt marsh or meadows ; thence running North twenty degrees East four chains twenty-five links ; thence North one degree East two chains and seventy-five links to a stake ; then North eighty- 234 THE DANIEL P. INGRAHAM TRACT. two degi-ees West fourteen chains and twenty-three links to a stone set up in the ground ; then South six degrees forty-five minutes West thirteen chains to a stone set up in the ground ; then North seventy-two degrees East fourteen chains and sixty links to the place of beginning. Bounded on the East by the salt marsh or meadow, on the North by the land of William Waldron, on the West by a twenty foot road and on the South by the land of the said William Waldron, deceased. Contain- ing thirteen acres, two quarters and thirty-nine perches. DEED. DiRCK Lefferts to James R. Smith. Dated 27 June, 1794. Ack. 27 June, 1794. Rec. 17 June, 1816. 115 Conveyances, 556. Cons'n, ^288, 12^., 4^. Conveys same premises by same description. DEED. James R. Smith and Hannah, his wife, to Philander Brasher. Dated 24 May, 1799. Ack. 24 May, 1799. Rec. 24 April, 1811. 92 Conveyances, 140. Cons'n, ^962, IS., id. Conveys same premises by same description. Last Will and Testament of Philander Brasher. Dated 28 Jan., 1809, Proved 10 April, 1809. 48 Wills, 84. After a devise not affecting the tract in question testatrix pro- PART OF WALDRON FARM. 235 vides as follows : "Item: all the rest, residue and remainder of my estate, both real and personal, of every kind and nature whatsoever or wheresoever, I give, devise and bequeath unto my son Philip Brasher, to have and to hold the same to him, his heirs and assigns forever." The title here diverges, that to the Northerly part passing through Nathan Sanford to Daniel P. Ingraham, and that to the Southerly part passing to him through Xavier Gautro. TlTI.K TO x\ORTIlKl Ack. 10 April, 1787. I Rec. 8 Feb., 1799. Abraham DURYEE. U6 Conveyances, 155. /Consideration, ^800. Recites said writ oijieri facias and conveys by virtue thereof all that other certain piece or parcel of land situate, lying and be- ing at Hornshook aforesaid, beginning at the East corner of salt meadow or marsh and lands of Benjamin Benson ; thence run- ning along said Benson's land North seventy-five degrees West ten chains and sixteen links i thence North fifty-seven degrees West five chains twenty-five links ; thence South along lands of Oliver Vanderbilt seventy-five degrees thirty-one minutes West ten chains ninety one links ; thence South along the common eleven degrees East one chain ten links ; thence South along lands of the late William Waldron and of Dirck Left'erts eighty- four degrees East twenty-four chains ten links ; thence North along the said salt meadow or marsh one degree East one chain to the place of beginning. Containing six acres, as the same is laid down in a survey thereof, made by Evert Bancker, Jr. aforesaid, dated 15 December, 1785. The courses of the Northerly boundary given in the previous Deed show a slightly different line from that laid down on a subsequently made map of said tract, a copy of which is given, ante page 247. This map agrees with the map of the adjoin- ing part of the Benjamin Benson Farm, given in 23S Convey- ances, page 208, made by Joseph F. Bridges in 1837. The line given in the above Deed and the one given in the said maps are both shown on the map of the whole Waldron Farm, ante page 97, the latter line being designated thereon by dotted lines. lAKT OF WAI.DKON FARM. 249 Last Will and Testament J Dated 12 Sept., 1796. of ^ Proved 29 Sept., 1834. Abraham Durvee. \"- ^^''"^' ^37- " I do give full power and authority to my executors, and to the major part ot them, and the survivors and survivor of them whenever they shall think proper and for the benefit and ad- vantage of my estate, to bargain, sell or dispose of, in fee simple or otherwise, all or any part or parts of my real estate or lands in the State of New York, or elsewhere, to such person or per- sons and for such price or prices as they shall in their discretion think right, and to make, seal and execute a deed or deeds, con- veyance or conveyances for the same to the respective pur- chaser or purchasers. But my will and desire is that no part of my real estate in the City of New York shall be sold or dis- posed of by my executors during the widowhood of my said wife without her express consent." Testator appoints his wife Elizabeth, his Executrix, and Cor- nelius P. Roosevelt, James C Roosevelt and Harry Peters, his Executors. Letters Testamentary were granted to James C. Roosevelt and Harry Peters. See Liber 42 Wills, page 197. J~ DEED. Dated 3 Dec, 1834. Ack. 20 Dec, 1834. Rcc 20 Dec, 1834. 323 Conveyances, 52. Considerat'n, $7,115.62 Conveys all that certain piece or parcel of land in the Twelfth Ward of the City of New York. Beginning on the Westerly side of tlie Third Avenue, between Ninety-third and 250 THE ABRAHAM DURVP:E TIECE. Ninety-fourth Streets at the Southeast corner of the land form- erly of Benjamin Benson, now said to be of Andrew McGown, and runs thence Northwesterly along said Benson's land to land formerly of Oliver Vanderbilt ; thence South seventy-five degrees thirty one minutes West along said Vanderbilt's land ten chains ninety-one links to the commons ; thence South along the commons eleven degrees East one chain ten links ; thence South along land formerly of William Waldron and Dirck LefTerts eighty-four degrees East to the Third Avenue ; thence Northeasterly along the Westerly side of the Third Avenue to the place of beginning. Containing five acres and twenty- eight poles, be the same more or less. The Portion East of Third Avenue. James C. Roosevelt, snrviv- \ DEED. ing Executor of Abraham Duryee, Dated 3 Dec, 1834. Ack. 18 Dec, 1834. to \ Rec 23 June, 1835. 340 Conveyances, 162. Consideration, $1,600. Henry M. Van Solingen. Conveys all that certain piece or parcel of land in the Twelfth Ward of the City of New York. Beginning at the East corner of salt meadows or marsh and lands formerly of Benjamin Benson, near Ninety-fourth Street, and running thence along said Benson's land, now said to be of Andrew McGown, Northwesterly in a bend to the Easterly side of the Third Avenue ; thence Southerly along the said Easterly side of the Third Avenue to the Southerly boundary line of a certain piece or parcel of land, containing six acres, conveyed to the said Abraham Duryee by Marinus Willett, Esq., Sheriff of the City and County of New York, by Deed bearing date the 29th T'ART OF WALDROX FARM. 251 March, 17S7, and recorded in the office of the Register of the City and County of New York, Liber 56 Conveyances, page 155, as the same is laid down in a survey thereof made by Evert Bancker, Junior, dated 15th December, 17S5, and tlience South eighty-four degrees East along the said Southerly boundary line and along lands formerly of Wil- liam Waldron and Dirck Lefterts, now said to be of Mr. Ingraham, to said salt meadows or marsh ; thence North one degree East along the said salt meadow or marsh to the place of beginning. The piece or parcel of land liereby intended to be granted and conveyed being the Easterly part and parcel of the said piece or parcel of land. Containing six acres, conveyed by the said Marinus Willett to the said Abraham Duryee, as aforesaid, intersected by the opening of the said Third Avenue, and contains three roods and four poles, be the same more or less. DEED. Henry M. Van Solingen and ) ,, , t / Dated 17 June, 1.S35. Henrietta, his ivifc, ^ ^^^^j. ^^ June, 1835. to { l^ec. 19 Sept., 1835. „ r ^^ \ ^41 Conveyances, 280. George L. Meacham. ]^ . , . ^ ^ / Consideration, ^3,000. Conveys same premises by substantially the same descrip- tion. DEED. George L. Meacham a/id Dated 1 1 Sept., 1835. Clarissa A., /ns wife, f j^^^ ^^ gept., 1835. fo I l^ec. 29 Oct., 1835. ^ iw o \ H7 Conveyances, 120. George W. Smith. 1 :7 . , . n> V Consideration, !>3,ooo. Conveys all that certain piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the Twelfth Ward of the City of New York. I 252 THE ABRAHAM DURYEE PIECE. Bounded as follows, viz. : Commencing at a point on the Easterly side of the Third Avenue fifty-one feet South of the Southeasterly corner of said Avenue and Ninety-fourth Street ; thence running Southerly along the Easterly side of the Third Avenue aforesaid one hundred and twenty-nine feet to the Southerly boundary line of a piece of land, containing six acres, conveyed Abraham Duryee by Marinus Willett, Sheriff' of the City and County of New York, by Deed bearing date the 29th day of March, 1787, and recorded in the office of the Register, in Liber 56 of Conveyances, page 155 ; thence Easterly eighty- four degrees East along the Southerly boundary line of the said six acre lot and along lands formerly of William Waldron and Dirck Lefferts, now said to be of Charles Henry Hall, to the salt meadow or marsh, the said line being in length four hun- dred and forty feet ; thence North one degree East along the said meadow or marsh to lands formerly belonging to Benjainin P. Benson, the said line being in length one hundred and seven- teen feet ; thence Westerly along said Benson's land and across Ninety-fourth Street one hundred eighty-four feet ; thence Northwesterly by West along said Benson's line one hundred and eighty-eight feet to the place of beginning. The premises hereby intended to be conveyed being the Easterly part and parcel of the said piece or parcel of land, containing six acres, conveyed by the said Marinus Willett to the said Abra- ham Duryee, as aforesaid. DEED. George W. Smith and Phcebe ) „ , ,t 1 o ^ I Dated 10 March, 1836. Jane, his wife, I ^^^j^^ ^9 March, 1836. to ] Rec. 27 April, 1836. CHARLES henry. Hall. \ ^f Conveyances 542. ' / Consideration, $0,000. Conveys same premises by same description. tyfo/e^. \ M>, 61^4. c/^j. CAP c/iiy . Tl'y. C^JL^/juU ^MtJtJU THE JOHN T. PARISH TRACT. The main portion of this tract is part of the Waldron farm which was vested in Benjamin Waldron. Last Will and Testament J Dated i8 June, 1781, of \ Proved 20 Jan, 1783. T. -iir V ^"i Wills, iqc;. Benjamin Waldron. y^ ' ^-^ I do also order and give full power and authority, as far as in me lies, to my Executors, hereinafter named, to sell, alien and transfer all my estate, both real and personal, and that a conveyance or conveyances under the hands and seals of my Executors shall make the buyer or buyers of my estate, or any part or parts Hiereof, an indefeacible and indisputable title in the law for the same. And lastly, I do hereby constitute and appoint my son Benjamin Waldron, and my son-in-law Yellis Hopper, and Mr. Henry Brevoort Wealwright, in the Bowery Lane, to be the Executors of this my Last Will and Testament. Yellis Hopper and Benjamin Waldron, Jr., Executors off DEED. Benjamin Waldron, Not recorded, but see ^^ y following Mortgage. Oliver Vanderbilt. Conveys all that piece or parcel of ground situate, lying (rof-Ui^ -ptn^^ ^^'^^ ^6 Oct., 1832. [ Rec. 12 Jan., 1833. ^ \ 292 Conveyances, 21. Peter Poillon. | Consideration, $3,750. Conveys same premises. DEED. Peter Poillon to Dated 10 Jan., 1833. Ack. 1 1 Jan., 1833. The New York & HarleamI Rec. 12 Jan., 1833. Railroad Company. Conveys same premises. 1292 Conveyances, 22. Consideration, $1. The Nev^ York & Harlem Rail Road Company acquired by the following Deed from Archibald Watt, an owner of the ad- joining part of the McGown Farm (the title to which is next hereinafter set forth) the premises lying between the tract con- veyed to them by Peter Poillon and 94th Street. Archibald Watt and Mary, his zvife, to The New York & Harlem' Rail Road Company. DEED. Dated 23 May, 1833. Ack. 23 May, 1833. Rec. 23 May, 1833. 298 Conveyances, 514. Consideration, $2,300. Conveys all that certain piece of land situate, lying and be- ing in the Twelfth Ward of the City of New York, and de- PART OF WAl.DRON FARM. 257 scribed as follows r Commencing on the South side of Ninety- fourth Street at a point thereon distant three hundred and eighty-five feet Easterly from the Fourth Avenue, and running thence Southerly parallel with the Fourth Avenue one hundred and forty-one feet nine inches; thence Westerly parallel with Ninety-fourth Street four feet six inches to the lands of the said parties of the second part ; thence further Westerly along said Company's land to a point on the Southerly side of Ninety-fourth Street distant two hundred and sixty-one feet eight inches West of the Fourth Avenue ; thence Easterly along the South side of Nip.ety-fourth Street seven hundred and forty-six feet eight inches to tlie place of beginning. Also all that triangular piece of land in the Ward aforesaid described as follows: Commencing at a point on the Southerly line of Ninety-fourth Street distant West from the Southwest corner of the 4th Avenue and 94th Street four hundred and ninety-four feet four inches ; thence running Easterly along the Southerly side of 94th Street one hundred and twenty feet ten inches ; thence Southwesterly along the land of the parties of the second part ninety-nine feet five inches; thence ninety-six feet to the place of beginning, together with the one-half part of Ninety- fourth Street lying between the two extreme points of the prem- ises hereby granted. The description in the above Deed was evidently intended to be drawn according to a survey of the tract adjoining on the North, made by Joseph F. Bridges in 1S27, and recorded in Liber 238 Conveyances, page 208. Bridges' line of the Harlem Commons was also followed in said description, the same be- ing intended to agree with a map made by him of this part of the Harlem Commons which will be found recorded in Liber 315 Conveyances, 151. But there is a clerical error in the descrip- tion, as the second piece conveyed by the above deed is therein described as beginning 494 feet 4 inches, instead of 449 feet 4 258 THE JOHN T. PARISH TRACT. inches West of 4th Avenue. The length of the courses in the Deed from Peter Poillon to the Harlem Rail Road Company, above set forth, make the tract conveyed thereby extend further West than Bridges' line of the Harlem Commons. In fact, in nearly every instance, the description of the tracts adjoining the Harlem Commons carry the boundary line further West than he gives it. In the map of the Benjamin L. Benson tract, in case S3, Clinton's line is laid down as the boundary of that tract, though Bridges' line is also show^n. If Clinton's line is the cor- rect boundary of the Archibald Watt piece the above Deed would not convey all the Watt tract lying between 94th Street and the Poillon tract. The New .York & Harlem Railroad Company to John Thomson. DEED. Dated 15 March, 1834. Proved 15 March, 1834. Rec. 15 March, 1834. 309 Conveyances, 465. Consideration, $17,600. Conveys same premises with other property between the same and 94th Street, reserving the right to construct and use a tunnel in Fourth Avenue. DEED. John Thomson to Samuel Thomson. Dated 3 July, 1834. Ack. 10 July, 1834. Rec. 10 July, 1834. 315 Conveyances, 379. Consideration, $17,600. Conveys same premises. Samuel Thomson also acquired title to those parts of the Harlem Commons adjoining the tract vested in him, which are PART OF WALDRON FARM. 25U included in the following Deed. These were conveyed to him by Deeds recorded in 310 Conveyances, page 546, in 315 Con- veyances, page 149, and in 313 Conveyances, page 538. As the Harlem Commons are not within the scope of the present work tliese deeds are not here set out in full. For Deeds squaring boundary line between the tract and the portion of the Duryee tract vested in Richard F. Carman, see Lil)er 326 Conveyances, 469 and 471. DEED. SaiMuei, Thomson and Ann, J Dated 30 April, 1835. his wife, { Ack. 2 May, 1835. io / Rec. 6 May, 1835. Henry Dudley. \ 331 Conveyances, 223. / Consideration, $60,000. Conveys all that certain house called " Prospect Hall" and piece or parcel of land, situate in the Twelfth Ward of the City of New York, bounded and containing as follows : Beginning at a point Westerly of the Fourth Avenue where a line drawn parallel to the Fourth Avenue and distant thirty-eight feet three inches Easterly (Westerly.'') therefrom is intersected by a line parallel to Ninety-second Street and distant Northerly (South- erly .^) one hundred and twenty-four feet four inches therefrom ; running thence Easterly parallel to Ninety-second Street to the centre of the Fourth Avenue eighty-eight feet three inches ; thence Nortlierly along the centre line of the Fourth Avenue one hundred and fifty-four feet four inches to the centre of Ninety-second Street ; thence Easterly along the centre of Ninety-second Street two hundred and twenty-one feet six inches ; thence Northerly parallel to the Fourth Avenue two hundred and sixty-one feet four inches to the centre of Ninety- third Street ; thence Easterly along the centre of Ninety-third Street two hundred and thirteen feet six inches ; thence North 260 THE JOHN T. FARISH TRACT. erly and parallel to the Fourth Avenue two hundred and sixty- one feet four inches to the centre of Ninety-fourth Street ; thence Westerly along the centre of Ninety-fourth Street nine hundred and ninety-six feet one inch and one-third of an inch ; thence Southerly and parallel with the Fourth Avenue one hundred and thirty feet eight inches ; thence Westerly parallel to Ninety- fourth Street seventy-six feet eight inches ; thence Southerly parallel with the Fourth Avenue one hundred and thirty feet eight inches to the centre of Ninety-third Street ; thence East- erly parallel with Ninety-third Street one hundred and seventy-eight feet ten inches and two-thirds of an inch ; thence Southerly parallel with the Fourth Avenue one hundred and thirty feet eight inches ; thence Easterly parallel with Ninety- third Street one hundred and twenty feet nine inches and two- thirds of an inch ; thence Southeasterly on a straight line till it comes to a point ninety-three feet five inches Northerly from the centre of Ninety-second Street and two hundred and fifty-five feet six inches and two thirds of an inch Westerly from the Fourth Avenue ; thence Southerly parallel to the Fourth Av- enue ninety-three feet five inches to the centre of Ninety- second Street ; thence Easterly along the centre of Ninety- second Street eighty-one feet eight inches and two-thirds of an inch to a point one hundred and seventy-three feet ten inches Westerly of the Fourth Avenue ; thence Southerly on a straight line to the place of beginning two hundred feet more or less. \ DEED. Henry Dudley and Helen J Cornelia, his ivtfe, I Dated 30 April, 1835. \ Ack. 6 Nov., 1835. I Rec. 10 Nov., 1835. Samuel Thompson. 1 343 Conveyances, 326. / Consideration, $i. Conveys same premises by the same description. I'ART OF WALDRON FARM. 2G1 DEED. Samuel Thompson and Ann, y Dated 30 April, 1835. his iviff, f Ack. 4 Nov., 1835. fo } Rcc. 10 Nov., 1835. Henry Dudley. \ 343 Conveyances, 327. Consideration, $60,000. Conveys same premises by a correct description, the words in brackets in the previous description being substituted for those given in said Deed. Henry Dudley and Helen Cornelia, his ivife, to Samuel Thomson. MORTGAGE. To Secure $48,000. Dated 30 April, 1835. Ack. 6 Nov., 1835. Rec. 10 Nov., 1835. 193 Mortgages, 138. Conveys same premises by same description. I Henry Dudley and Nicholas W. Stuyvesant to Peter Stuyvesant and George G. Root. ASSIGNMENT. Dated 18 July, 1837. Proved 19 July, 1837. Rec. 19 July, 1837. 377 Conveyances, 293. Consideration, $1. Conveys all and singular the lands, tenements and real estate of them, the said parties of the first part, or of either of them in the United States of America, whatsoever and wiieresoever situate and being, in trust to sell and pay indebtedness of parties of first part and return the surplus to them. 2G2 THE JOHN T. PARISH TRACT. IN CHANCERY. Samuel Thomson vs. Helen C. Dudley afid George! NowLAN, sMrvivors of Henry Dudley dy Original Bill, and i Catharine R. Dudley, Peter Stuyvesant and\ George G. Root, by Bill of Revivor and Siipplenicnt. 1837 — JiJ"^ ^' ^ill fi^sd to foreclose Mortgage recorded in 193 Mortgages, page 138. Henry Dudley, Helen C. Dudley and George Nowlan were the only defendants named in this bill. August 8. Order fro confesso against Henry Dudley and wife, who had appeared by White and Wright, on affidavit of no answer, and also against George Nowlan on affidavit of service and of no appear- ance. August 8. Order of reference to compute amount due. October 2. Order granting leave to file bill of revivor and supplement on petition setting forth the above assignment and the death of Henry Dudley on 27 August, 1837, intestate, leaving him surviving Catharine R. Dudley, his only child and heir-at-law. Part of waldron farm. 203 I S3 7 — October 6. Bill of revivor and supplement filed. November 13. Order appointing John W. Mulligan guardian ad litem of Catherine R. Dudley. March 28, Order pro confesso vs. Stuyvesant and Root on proof of service of Subpajna and of no appearance. December 5. Answer of Catherine R. Dudley filed. 183S — ^January 15. Master reports $50,725.32 due. January 15. Decree of foreclosure and sale entered, subject to right to redeem provided in Act of May 12, 1837. March 8. Decree entered. March 28. Report of sale of premises to complain- ant filed. DEED. Bknjamin Clark, 1 Dated 8 March, 1838. Masfc'r in ChaticfryJ Ack. 8 March, 1838. to } Rec. 17 March, 1838. Samuel Thomson. \ S^S Conveyances, 507. / Consideration, $48,000. Conveys mortgaged premises by same description. Last Will and Testament j j^ated 26 April, 1848. 0/ V Proved 27 June, 1850. SAMUEL THOMSON. \ '^ ^^'1'^' ^°9- After certain legacies and devises, not specially affecting the tract in question, testator provides as follows : " Eighth : as to all the rest, residue and remainder of my estate, real and per- sonal, whatsoever and wheresoever, as well which I now have as that which I may hereafter acquire and die possessed of, T 20i THE JOHN T. PARISH TRACT. order and direct, authorize and fully empower my executors hereinafter named, and the survivors and survivor of them, to sell and convey all my lands and real estate I novv^ have or hereafter may acquire and die possessed of, at such time or times in such parcels and upon such terms as they shall think proper. * * * * Lastly : I constitute and appoint my wife, my sons William, John and Mason, and such one or more of them as shall act therein, and the survivors and survivor Ex- ecutors and Trustees of this my Last Will and Testament." Letters testamentary granted to all four. See Liber 9 Letters Testamentary, page 146. DEED. William A. Thomson and Mary, Ids ivife, John Thom- son and Jane Eliza, his wifc,^ Mason Thomson and Mary( ^^^^^ ^ J^"-' ^^5i- Ann, his ivife, and Ann > ^^^' ^^ J^"- ^^5i- Thomson. i Rec. 26 Feb., iSsl f » 566 Conveyances, 154. John T. Parish. [Consideration, $25,000. Recites Will of Samuel Thomson, and that William O. Thomson, John Thomson, Mason Thomson and Ann Thomson are the executors, executrix and trustees named in said Will, and conveys by virtue of the power and authority to them there- by given, the same premises by the same description. yTat «?^. yfo^4. tyVO^t'J. CAP THE MARGARET McGOWN FARM. This Farm is included in the premises described in the fol- lovvins: Patents : Sir Richard Nicolls, Go^'cr- nor, 'Src, to The Freeholders and Inhab- itants OF THE Town of New Harlem. PATENT. Dated — May, 1666. Recorded in Secretary of State's Office, at Albany. I Patents, 42. " Whereas there is a certaine towne or Village commonly called and known by the name of New Plarlem, scituate and being on the East part of this Island, now in the tenure and oc- cupation of severall flVeeholders and Inhabitants who have been at considerable charge in building as well as manuring, planting and flencing said towne and lands thereunto belong- ing." Confirms unto the said flreeholders and Inhabitants, their heirs, successors and assigns, and to each and every of them their particular lots and estates in the said towne or any part 266 THE MARGARET McGOWN TRACT. thereof. "The extent of their bounds shall be as followeth (vizt), that from the West side of ye ftence of the sd towiie a line be runne, due West foure hundred cnglish poles without variacord of the compasse. At the end whereof another line being drawne to runne North and South with the variacord, that is to say : North to the very end of a certaine piece of meadow ground commonly called the round meadow, neare or adjoining to Hudson's River, and South to the saw mills over against Hogg Island, commonly called flerkins Island. It shall be the West bounds of their lands, and all the lands lying and being within the line so drawne North and South as aforesaid Eastward to the towne and Harlem River as also to the North and East Rivers shall belong to the towne," together with all soils, creeks, meadows, marshes, waters, fishing, huntings, &c. Sir Richard Nicolls, Gover- \ PATFNT nor, drc, j to f Dated 1 1 Oct., 1667. Thomas Delavall, John Ver-\ Recorded in Secretary VELEN, Daniel Turner, ( °^ State's Office, at JoosT Oblene and Re-\ ^^^a"y- 117- 4 Patents, S?- SOLVED WaLDRON. / ^ ' ^^ " Whereas there is a certaine towne or Village upon this Island Manhattans commonly called and known by the name of New Harlem, scituate, lying and being on the East parte of the Island, now in the tenure or occupation of severall of the ftVee- holders and Inhabitants, who being sealed there by authority have improved a considerable proporcon of the lands thereunto belonging, and also setted a competent number of Familyes thereupon capable to make a township. " Gives and grants, ratifies and confirms to Thomas Dela- vall, John Vervelen, Daniel Turner, Joojt Oblene and Resolved Waldron, as Patentees for and on behalfe of themselves and GENERAL TITLE. 267 their associates, the Freeholders and Inhabitants of the said Towne, their heirs, successors and assignes, all that tract to- gether with the scverall parcells of land which already have or hereafter shall be purchased or procured for or on behalf of the said towne within the bounds and lymits hereafter sett forth and expres't (vizt), that is to say, from the West syde of the ftence of the said towne a lyne being runne due West," &c. (The rest of the descrij^tion is the same as previous patent ) CONFIRMATION OF PATENT. Sir Thomas Dongan, Cover nor, &c., Dated 7 Marcli, 1686, . ( Recorded in Secretary Thomas Delavall. Res<.lved( f, ^^''^^''^ ^^^'"' ^' WaldroxN. r/ ^/. l.;^"""^' 6 Patents, 192. Recites the former patents, confirms tlie same, and grants to them, for and in behalf of themselves and tlieir associates, tlie freeholders and inhabitants of Harlem, the premises granted by the previous patent by about the same description, together with all and singular the hereditament and improvements what- soever to the said tract of land and premises belonging, or in any wise appertaining or accepted, taken, or known, or used, occupied and enjoyed as part or parcel of or member thereof. It appears from the Harlem Records that John De La Mon- tague purchased from the Tappan Indians, on 20 August, 1669, old style, the point called Reschewannas, bounded between two creeks and hills, and behind a spring which separates it from Montague's flat, together with the Meadows from the Bay of Hellgat to the King's Higluvay. This purchase was con- firmed by the following Deed : " We, the Magistrates, by the consent and resolution of the Inhabitants of this Town, have granted to Jan De La Montagne, 268 THE MARGARET McGOWN TRACT. to him and his heirs forever, a piece of land together with the annexed meadows, named Montagne's Point, formerly owned by his late father, lying within the jurisdiction of this Town, bounded on the North side by a creek, named Montagne's kil, stretching from the East River to a fresh water creek, stretching between Montagne's flats and the aforesaid point, on the South side bounded by a creek and a meadow and by the hills to the aforesaid fresh water creek where the King's Highway crosses it ; with the meadows lying in the bend of Hellgat, which the aforesaid Montagne has exchanged for the Town's meadow lot, with such rights and privileges as are granted by our patent, and yet stand as granted, subjecting him to such law and serv- itudes as are common to us, and may be imposed (without that we, the inhabitants or our heirs, shall have or pretend to have any claim), but shall enter upon and use the same as his other patrimonial property, or sell as he may deem proper, or choose to do (excepting the Lord's Right.) We, the Magis- trates and Constable, have undersigned the same, this 8 Feb- ruary, 1672, at New Harlem, it was signed." The Creek called Montagne's Kill is now called the Mill Creek, and forms the Northerly boundary of this farm as shown on map, ante page 265. The hills spoken of as forming the West- erly boundary constituted the high ground West of Fifth Avenue, between 104th and 107th Streets. The Creek forming the Southerly boundary is the one shown on said Map South of the Mill Creek, and crossing the Third and Fourth Avenues near 103d Street. It appears from an extract from the Harlem Records, dated 18 May, 1 67 1, that the said Jan De La Montagne agreed to sell to Jan Louwe Van Schoonderwoord, the piece of land com- monly called Montainje's Point, or by the Lidians, Wrescha- wannis, with the meadow lying in the bay of Hell Hole. The point is bounded between two creeks and behind by a hill and GENERAL TITLE. 2G9 the meadow thereunto belonginj^. The said Jan de Lamon- tainje having (hed his widow Maria Vermilje completed the sale and conveyed the property to the purcliaser by the follow- ing Deed : " Appeared before me Hendrick Jans Vandervin, Secretary of the Town of New Ilarlem, and the aforenamed witnesses Mrs. Maria Vermilje, tiie widow of Jan de Lamontainje, late Secre- tary of this town who, in his life time, had sold to Jan Louwe Van Schoonderwort his piece of land called Montainje's Point, together with tlie meadows thereunto belonging as shown by an article of the sale thereof, dated iS May, 1671, and by inden- ture bearing date S February, 1672, for the sum of three thou- sand Guilders, of which sum the Appearer characterized as above hereby acknowledges the receipt in full to the last penny, in the first place giving thanks to the buyer for his punctuality, and releasing him from all future demands. Therefore it has been ceded and conveyed, so the grantor hereby cedes and conveys the said piece of land and meadows thereunto belonging to him the buyer, in free and true possession, as they were possessed by her without that she, the Appearer or her heirs thereto, shall claim any right. ***** Thus done and executed, at New Harlem, on the 30th day of the month of March, 1674. MARIA MONTAINJE. David Des Marest, ) -.r-j.^ Daniel Tourneur, } Witnesses. It appears from another extract from the said Harlem Records that the said Maria Vermilje, by Deed dated 14 November, 1679, sold and conveyed to Cornelia Evarts, wife of the said John Louw Van Schoonderwoord, a hop garden lying behind tlie land of John Louwe over against the hill. This hop garden was situated near the Fifth Avenue, and prob- ably on the Westerly side thereof Jonn Louw Van Schoonderwoord is called in the following 270 THE MARGARET McGOWN TRACT. instruments John L. Bogert, the references therein conclusively showing that these were different names for the same person. A change of name similar to the above is frequently met with in the Harlaem Records (see Riker's " Annals of Newtown " for a full explanation of this custom). At a town meeting of the patentees and freeholders of Har- lem, held on ii December, 1691, Adolph Meyer, Jan Hendricse Brevoort, Samuel Waldron and Peter Van Oblinus were ap- pointed to lay out and divide the undivided lands belonging to the said Town's patent. At another meeting, held on 4 January, 1699, it was unanimously agreed that each freeholder should pay taxes and receive undivided lands in proportion to his present ownership. The said trustees made their report on 21st March, 1701, to the magistrates of said Town, that amongst other parcels they had laid out for John Lowesen Bogert, for the right of sixteen morgan of land and one lott of land then in possession, " All that a certaine parcell of land lying in the bought of Hellgate, beginning on the Southwest corner of the Hopp garden by a berken boom or burtch tree, running to a white oake tree which stands by a small swamp, mark't with the letters J. L. B. and the letters J. L. D., towards the river, running by a rock mark't J. L. B. and J. D. L, and running towards the strand or riverside to the end of a meadow on the North of a stoney or ro * * * hill, as it was then, and now is known by the name of the Lot No. 48, and which joynes to the South side of the above mentioned lands and meadows of him, the said John LoWesen Bogert." JoosT Oblinus, Surviving Pat- J DEED. entee in the old Patent of Har- I ^^'''. \ Dated Feb. — , 1701. ^^ I Recited in 226 Convey- JoHN L. Bogert. \ ances, 37. GENERAL TITLE. 271 Conveys said portion of the patented premises set apart to him as aforesaid. Yielding and paying every year to the Qiieen's Majestic his proportion of the quitt rent reserved in the general patent of Harlem, according to the quantity of land hereby granted. Adolph Meyer, Jan Hen-\ DEED DRICSE BrEVOORT, SaMUELI Waldron and Peter Van[ ta . i , . c ,. ,^^r \ Dated 14 Sept., 170O. O^^-'NU-'^ , ( Recited in 226 Convey- to \ ^ \ veyances, 37. John L. Bogert. J Conveys and confirms said premises. "-X DEED. John Lowesen Bogert and\ Cornelia, /;/> w//i-, \ Dated 21 Sept., 170G. \ Ack. 10 Feb., 1707. ^^ ( Rec. 21 Sept., 1827. Johannes Bensen. \ 226 Conveyances, -i^-j. / Consideration, ^650. Co.NVEYS the several pieces of property vested in Bogert and wife by the previous conveyances. Last Will and Testament 1 Dated 9 May, 171 1. . \ Proved 20 May, 1718. of > -' ' ' / Before Governor of Pro- Johannes Benson. \ vince. Gives all his estate to his wife Elizabeth, during her life, if she so long remain his widow, and then provides as follows : "The reversion and remainder of my estate, real and personal, I give to my loving children by names, Samson, Derick, Mathew, Johannes, Catalina, Rachell, Catherine Maritie, and for a share to the two children of my daughter Lena, dec'd ; in all nine shares, to be divided in nine equal and even shares, to each of my said nine children one equal ninth part, to hold to each of them, their heirs and assigns forever." 272 THE MARGARET McGOWN TRACT. Peter Van Oblinus, Samuel Waldron rt-z/rt' Mary Meyer, the heirs and assigns of tJie[ original patentees, to Elizabeth Benson, zvidoiu and] Executrix of Johannes Ben- son. DEED. Dated 3 Feb., 171 5. Not recorded, but orig- inal Deed is in pos- session of Mrs. Mar_ earet Adriance. Recites the above mentioned conveyances to Johannes Ben- son and his grantors, and conveys and confirms said premises. Elizabeth Benson, widoiv and Executrix ^/Johannes Ben- son, Laurence Courtright, Derick Benson and Cath- RINA, his wife, JACOB Sy- MON and Catalina, his zvife, Matthew Benson and Eliza- DEED. Mrs. Adriance, and is recited in the follow- ingr Deed: Dated 28 March, 1721. BETH, his zvife, Abraham ! ^ot recorded, but orig- Lameter and Cathrina, \ inal is in possession of Jiis wife, Johannes Cowen- hoven and Rachel, Jiis ivife, Rich Lydecker and Mary, his wife, and JOHANNES BEN- SON, to Samson Benson. Recites said instruments and conveys same premises. GENERAL TITLE. 273 Last Will and Testament j jj^^^^ ,3 g^.^^^ ,.3^. 0/ >Proved2i Jan., 1741. Samson Benson. \ '4 Wills, 175. Gives to his wife Mary Benson, as long as she remain his widow, the nse of his Dwelling-house and Farm, and tlien provides as follows : " After the death or marriage of my said wife, which shall first happen, then my will and desire is, and I do hereby give, devise and bequeath all my estate, both real and personal of what kind soever, to and amongst my nine children hereafter named to be equally divided amongst them, part and part alike, that is to say : to my eldest son Johannes Benson, to my daughter Elizabeth, now the wife of Hanse Romer, to my daughter Mary, the wife of Samson Pelts, to my daughter Catharine Shourd, to my son Adolph Benson, to my daughter Elena, the wife of Peter Bosen, to my son Benjamin Benson, to my daughter Anne Benson and to my daughter Catline Benson, to be equally divided amongst them, in equal proportion share and share alike. * * * And it is further my will and desire in case it should happen that any of my said children, hereinbefore mentioned, either sons or daughters, should happen to die without issue lawfully begotten of their bodies, his or her part, portion or share of them, or any or either of them so dying before such time my estate be di- vided his or her part shall go, remain and be to and amongst the survivor and survivors of them part and part alike." The testator further provided that his said dwelling house, farm and mills should be sold within six weeks after the death or marriage of his said wife, to any one of his said children who might desire to purchase the same. 274 THE MARGARET McGOWN TRACT. Johannes Benson and Tan- NEKEA, Jus zuife, ADOLPH Benson a>id Eva, his ivifc, Jacob Dickman, Jr. and Cat- line, his luifc, Samson Pelts and Mary, his zvife, DANIEL Maggown and Catharine, his wife, Hanse Romer and Elizabeth, his tvifc, Peter Bosen and Elena^ his ivife, John Odell and A^^y., his luifc, and Mary Benson, to Benjamin Benson. DEED. Dated 28 Jan., 1742. r Proved 31 Dec., 1743. Rec. 19 July, 1808. 80 Conveyances, 498. Consideration, ^i'5oo. Conveys all that certain dwelling house, mills and farm as is now in fence, situate, lying and being in Harlem in the County and Province of New York, now in the tenor or occupation of him, the said Benjamin Benson, containing about two hundred acres, be the same more or less, with two other lots. Benjamin Benson and Susan- nah, his zuife, to Samson Benson, Jr. DEED. Dated i May, 1770. Not recorded, but orig- ginal is in possession of Mrs. Adriance. Conveys all that certain tract, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the Township of Harlem, in the County and Province of New York, containing twenty acres, be the same more or less ; bounded Easterly by the river. Southerly by the land of William Waldron, Westerly by the commons and Northerly by land of the aforesaid Benjamin Benson. THE mak(;aret Mc(;()\vn piece. 275 DEED. BEN7AMIN Benson J Dated 2 May, 1791. ( Ack. 2 May, 1791. to ( Rec. 31 Aug., 1 791. Samson Bens(JN. \ 46 Conveyances, 558. / Considerat'n, 5 shillings. f Conveys all that certain tract or farm, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings thereon erected, situate, lying and be- ing in the said Town of Haerlein, and bounded as follows, viz : beginning at a black oak stump at the corner of land belonging unto Lawrence Benson, on the South side of Mill-Creek or pond running Southwesterly along said Lawrence Benson's land to a run of water, and along said run of water till it meets the commons ; then Southerly to land formerly belonging to Benjamin Waldron, deceased ; then along said Benjamin Wal- dron's land to the land of William Waldron, deceased ; thence Easterly along said land to the drowned meadows or marsh ; thence Northerly and Easterly along said meadows or marsh, till it comes to the mouth of the above mentioned mill-creek ; tlience Westerly along said mill-creek or pond to the })lacc of beginning, (including all the estate of the said Benjamin Ben- son and Susannah, his wife, to the Southward of said mill- creek or pond), and whereon the said Samson Benson now lives or resides. Samson Benson died intestate on 31 January, 1S21, leaving one child him surviving, to wit; Margaret, the wife of Andrew McGown, deceased, his only heir-at-law. The farm thus vested in Margaret McGown embraced all of the farm of Samson Benson, Senior, lying South of the Mill Creek and East of the old Harlem Bridge Road, except the portion included between said road and the brook. This 276 THE MARGARET McGOWN TRACT. portion was conveyed to her by Thomas Thompson by the following Deed. As there is no Deed on record to him of this piece, Samson B. McGown, a subsequent owner of the Westerly portion of this farm lying North of 97th Street, obtained the re- lease, hereinafter set forth, from Benjamin L. Benson, the owner of record (see Liber 534 Conveyances, 364.) DEED. Thomas Thompson and ^^^- ) ^^^.^^ 2^ K^x\\ 1821. TER, his wife, f ^^i._ J 2 May, 1 82 1 . to f Rec. 14 May, 1821. Margaret McGown. \ ^5^ Conveyances, 347- / Consideration, $875. Conveys all that messuage or tenement and lot of land situ- ate and lying in the township of Harlaem, and bounded as follows : Beginning at a stake and stones on the East side of Harlam Bridge Road, running thence Southwesterly along the said road on the East side thereof fourteen chains to a stake and stone on the said East side of said road, thence Easterly to the land of Samson Benson, Junior, forty-three links, thence along the land of the said Samson Benson, Junior, as the fence now stands. Northerly till it comes opposite to the place of beginning. Containing within these bounds two acres and four tenth parts of an acre. This farm was conveyed by Mrs. McGown in different tracts, as shown on the map thereof, ante page 265. These will be considered in the following order: 1st. The Archibald Watt Piece. 2d. The Samson Benson McGown Piece. 3d. The Land Association Piece. 4th. The Levengsten and Thurman Pieces. 5th. The John E. Foley Piece. 6th. The Van Schaick and Palmer Pieces. 7th. The Edward Roberts Marsh. 8th. The Lewis E. Sayre Marsh. 9th. The Edward Sanford Piece. the archtbat.d watt piece. 277 The Arcihbald Watt Piece. AGREEMENT. Margaret McGown / Dated 5 Feb., 1828. i.'ith \ Proved 6 Feb., 1828. Archibald Watt. \ ^^^c. 9 Feb., 182S. ; 232 Conveyances, 4. Agrees to sell to Watt the premises described in tlie follow- \wz Deed. Marc; A RET McGown, zvidoxv of DEED. Andrew McG()WX(:?//^/<:/rt//p-//-/ ^ , ,, „ „ , , , . ,^ I Dated 19 May, 1828. „ . • \ Proved 2 1 May, 1828. "^^■'""'■J'\^ ( Rec. ,7 June, 1828. \ 238 Conveyances, 205. Archibald Watt. 1 Consideration, $10,728. f Conveys all that certain lot, farm, piece or parcel of land, part of the real estate of the late Samson Benson, Junior, de- ceased, situated in the present Twelfth Ward of the City and County of New York. Bounded as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point on the Westerly side of the Third Avenue eighty-two feet Southerly of Ninety-fourth Street; thence ruiniing along the Avenue North thirly-three degrees twenty minutes East to the Northerly side of Ninety-seventh Street ; thence along the Northerly side of Ninety-seventh Street to the old Post Road ; thence Southerly along the old Post Road to the line of the Harlaem Commons; thence along the line of the Harlaem Commons to a point ninety-six feet Southerly of Ninety-fourth Street ; thence North seventy-three degrees thirty-three minutes East one hundred and lilteen feet; thence South forty-four degrees forty-five minutes East two hundred and fifty-two feet ; thence South thirty-nine degrees thirty minutes East three hun- 278 THE ARCHIBALD WATT PIECE. dred and forty-nine feet ; tlience South fifty-seven degrees thirty-four minutes East five hundred and fourteen feet ; tlience South sixty-six degrees fifteen minutes East ninety feet ; thence South sixty-nine degrees fifty-four minutes East one hundred and sixty-three feet to the place of beginning. Containing thirty-five acres and seventy-six-hundredths of an acre, agree- able to a map hereto annexed. Mary Benson, zvidoiv of Sam- son Benson, to Archibald Watt. DEED. Dated 19 May, 1828. Rec. 17 June, 1828. Proved 21 May, 1828. 238 Conveyances, 203. Consideration, $1. Releases all right of dower in same premises. ^4P 0/€^. fyfo^^. (?<^. yfme^. ^• FOURTH ! MAP or the: part I or jthe: M-Cx)wnFarm I VCSrCD IN ■£' ! 2— -i '^- ISamsonBlnsonM^Cown. IQOl THIRD n THE SAMSON BENSON McGOWN PIECE. This is part of the farm vested in Margaret McGown, as shown ante pages 26^ to 276. DEED. Margarkt McGown I \ Dated 13 June, 1836. / Ack. 14 June, 1836. to \ Rec. 20 July, 1837. Samson Benson McGown. \ 379 Conveyances, 273. j Consideration, $1. Conveys all those two certain lots, pieces or parcels of land situate, lying and being at Harlem, in the Twelfth Ward of the City of New York ; one of the said lots bounded as follows, viz : Northerly by One Hundred and Sixth Street, Easterly by the Third Avenue, Southerly by One Hundred and First Street and Westerly by the Fourth Avenue. The other of the said lots is bounded as follows, viz : Northerly by One Hundred and Sixth Street, Easterly by the Fourth Avenue, Southerly by Ninety- seventh Street and Westerly by land lately belonging to Benja- min L. Benson ; together with all tlie right, title and interest of the said party of the first part of, in and to One Hundred and First Street, One Hundred and Sixth Street and the Fourth Avenue. In order to perfect the record title to that portion of the premises conveyed by tlie previous Deed which had been con- veyed to Mrs. McGown by Thomas Thompson, see ante page FOURTH 1'"^ u^dc>..eci) AVENUL T MA or THt PART or H c M - Gown Fakm VCSTCD IN /-- ! <^ JSamsonBlnsonM^Cown. 100 THIRD avenue: 2S0 THE SAMSON B?:NS0N McGOWN PIECE. 276, S. B. McGown obtained the following release from the record owner thereof: DEED. Benjamin L. Benson and \ ^ ^ . ^. a •' / Dated 30 May, 1849. Sarah, /ns wife, \ p^^^ ^8 July, 1849. to I Rec. 7 Aug., 1849. Samson Benson McGown. \ 524 Conveyances, 364. / Consideration, $1. Conveys all that certain piece of land situate in Harlem, in the Twelfth Ward of the City of New York, between the Fourth and Fifth Avenues, and bounded as follows : Southerly by Ninety-seventh street, Westerly by the centre line of the old Boston Post Road, Easterly by what was the boundary line between the farms of Laurence Benson (the father of the said Benjamin) and Samson Benson (the grandfather* of the said S. B. McGown), and Northerly by the land of the said S. B. McGown. Thus all the tract in question became vested in Samson B. McGown, except the portion thereof between 99th and loist Streets and between Third and Fourth Avenues, the title to which is as follows : DEED. Margaret McGown / Dated 30 Jan., 1835. Ack. 5 Feb., 1835. to Rec. 9 Feb., 1835. Edward Sandford. \ 318 Conveyances, 584. / Consideration, $16,000. Conveys all those two certain blocks, pieces or parcels of ground, situate, lying and being at Harlaem, in the Twelfth Ward of the City of New York. Bounded as follows, that is to say : Northerly by a line drawn through the centre of One Hundred and First Street, as the same is laid down on the TART OF MARGARET McGOWN TRACT. 281 Commissioners' Map of the City of New York ; Southerly by Ninety-Ninth Street, as the same is hiid down on said Map ; Easterly by the Third Avenue, and Westerly by the Fourth Avenue; containing together on the Northerly and Soutlierly sides thereof, each nine hundred and twenty feet, and along the Third and Fourth Avenues, eucli about four hundred and ninety feet. MORTGAGE. To secure $15,000. EDWARD Sandford i j^^^^ed 30 Jan , 1835. to M A RG A RET M ( G o w \ . Covers same premises. Ack. 5 Feb., 1835. Rcc. 9 Feb., 1835. 179 Mortgages, 21; The above mortgage was assigned by Margaret McGown to Samson Benson McGown, by assignment dated 30 January, 1S35, and recorded in 231 Mortgages, 455, and again assigned to him by assignment dated 15 June, 1836, and recorded in 231 Mortgages, 456. He released from the lien of the above Mortgage, by release recorded in Liber 39S Conveyances, 93 the premises on the Northwest corner of 99th Street and Third Avenue, extending two hui\dred and si.xty feet on 99th Street, and half the block on Third Avenue. DEED. Edward Sandford to \ Rec. 5 Nov., 1835 Dated 15 Oct., 1835. Ack. 19 Oct., 1835. John Harris. \ 343 Conveyances, 277. Consideration, $15,530. Conveys same premises as the preceding deed. 282 THE SAMSON BENSON McGOWN PIECE. John Harris and Ann, Jiis \ MORTGAGE. ivife, j fo \ To secure $17,000. \ Dated 27 May, 1839. Charles Oakley, President ofi Ack. 27 May 1839. tJie Washington Bank, in t/u\ Rec. 26 June, 1839. Ctty of Neiv York. ] 235 Mortgages, 103. Covers all those certain sixty-two lots, parcels or pieces of land, situate, lying and being in the City, County and State of New York, and bounded as follows, viz. : Commencing at a point distant 260 feet from the corner of Third Avenue and Ninety-ninth Street, and running Westerly along said Ninety- ninth Street to Fourth Avenue ; thence Northerly, to centre of One Hundredth Street ; thence Easterly, through the centre of said One Hundredth Street to the Third Avenue ; thence South- erly, to the middle of said block ; thence Westerly, 260 feet ; thence to the place of beginning, containing sixty-two lots of land. The above mortgage was assigned to the Farmers Loan and Trust Company by assignment dated 19 January, 1842, and recorded in Liber 250 Mortgages, 542. DEED. John Harris and Ann, /">] Dated 30 Jan., 1839. "cvife, f Ack. 26 March, 1839. to ?Rec. 28 March, 1839. CHARLES HENRY Hall. \ 394 Conveyances, 464. y Consideration, $28,800 Conveys the Block between 100 and loist Streets. PART OF MARGARET McGOWN TRACT 283 fc Charles Henry Hall ^nd \ MORTGAGE. Sarah, /us ^vi/c, / f To secure $20,000. ffl [ ^ ' ^ „ ., 7 Dated 5 April, 1839. Charles Oakley, President of[ . . . , ., o ' -^ I Ack. 6 April, 1839. the Washingtoji Bank, in t/ie\ j^g^. 16 April 18^0. City of Niiv York. '231 Mortgages, 326. Covers same block as previous deed. The above mortgage was assigned to the Farmers Loan and Trust Company by assignment dated 19 January, 1842, and recorded in Liber 250 Mortgages, page 541. On 31 January, 1839, '^^ President, Directors and Company of the Mechanics Bank, in the City of New York, recovered a judgment against Charles Henry Hall in the Superior Court, which was duly docketed. Under an execution issued thereun- under, the said block, conveyed by the previous Deed, was sold to George Haws for $5.00. See certificate of sale filed in County Clerk's Office, on 23 November, 1841, and recorded in the Regis- ter's Office in Liber 465 Conveyances, page 326. George Haws assigned his certificate of sale to Isaac Adriance by assignment recorded in 465 Conveyances, page 327. The said Isaac Adriance was also the assignee of two judgments recovered in the Superior Court against Hall; one docketed on 14 March, 1839, in favor of Benjamin L. Benson, and the other in favor of William Molenaor, and docketed on 14 March, 1839. The said Adriance, as assignee of said judgments, redeemed from said sale. DEED. 'Dated 22 April, 1842. Jacob Acker, Sheriff, &e., U^^ ,9 July. 1845. to ^Rec. 31 July, 1845. Isaac Adriance. V^'> Conveyances, 328. Consideration, $5. Conveys same block as previous Deed. 284 THE SAMSON BENSON McGOWN PIECE. IN CHANCERY. Samson B. McGown vs. Edward Sanford, John Har- ris, Washington M. Thur- man, George D. Williams, ajid Harman C. Raub. 1838 — August October October October 23. Bill filed to foreclose, 179 Mortgages p. 212. 25. Order of Reference to compute amount due, the bill having been taken as con- lessed by all the defendants. 29. Master reports $420 interest due. 29. Judgment of foreclosure entered directing a sale of so much of said premises as may be necessary to pay said interest, with leave to apply to the Court for a sale of the residue in case of a subse- quent default. 1845 — November 25. Order for sale of premises entered, de- fault having been made in subsequent payments due on mortgage. '. Ordered that the petition, notice of motion and papers on which the preceding order was granted be filed mine pro- tune. DEED. 1^49— July David R. Garniss, Masier-in- Chanccry, to Samson B. McGown. Dated 30 May, 1846. Ack. 30 May, 1846. Rec. 17 Aug., 1847. 492 Conveyances, 514. Consideration, $6,700. Conveys all the mortgaged premises. PART OF MARGARET McGOWN TRACT. 285 DEED. Isaac Auriance and Mar- ) ^^^gj j ]yiay ,34^ GARET E., his zuifc, I Ack. 31 May, 1849. f^j } Rec. 27 Jan., 1852. _ ,, ^ \ ';Q4 Conveyances, 145. Samson Benson McGown. j ir ., /. -., / Consideration, %\. Releases block between 100 and loist Streets. CONTRACT OF \ SALE. Sampson B. McG(nvN i f Dated 25 Nov., 1848. ( Proved 9 May, 1849. Wii.i.iAM Leavenworth. \ l^ec. lo May, 1849. / 522 Conveyances, 206. Agrees to sell ist, all those several pieces and parcels of land situate and being in the I3th Ward of the City of New York, as follows : L The blocks of land bounded Easterly by the Third Avenue, Westerly by the Fourth Avenue, Southerly by Ninety- ninth Street and Northerly by One Hundred and Third Street, excepting a piece on the corner of Ninety-ninth Street and Third Avenue, being two hundred and sixty feet on Ninety-ninth Street and extending along the Avenue to the centre line of the block. IL The piece of land bounded Easterly by the Fourth Avenue, Westerly by the centre line of the Old Post Road, Northerly by One Hundred and Third Street and Southerly by Ninety-seventh Street. in. The piece of land bounded Easterly by the middle of the Old Post Road, Northerly by One Hundred and Third Street, Southerly and Westerly by ground of Benjamin L. Ben- son. The Price to be Seventy Dollars per lot, and said preni- 286 THE SAMSON BENSON McC^OWN PIECE, ises are to be taken subject to the following Mortgages to the Commissioners for loaning certain moneys of the United States, viz. : one for $5,000 on blocks between 3d and 4th Avenues and 99th and 103d Streets, and the other for $2,000 on land between 97th and looth Street to the Old Post Road and the Fourth Avenue. The purchase money to be paid as follows : $3,500 on the ex- ecution of the contract, $5,000 in one year, $1,500 on comple- tion of title to land between 99th and looth Streets and 3d and 4th Avenues, and the balance in five years from the date hereof. Conveyances to be made to the party of 2d part or to such person as he shall in writing nominate to receive the same, in portions of not less that ten lots, all mone}s or mortgages to be paid and given to party of first part. William Leavenworth to Edward J. Danforth. AGREEMENT. Dated 21 April, 1849. Ack. 9 May, 1849. ' Rec. 10 May, 1849. 522 Conveyances, 209. Recites that Danforth hath purchased a joint interest in the above contract and agrees that he shall be jointly interested with Leavenworth in the same. William Leavenworth to * Edward J. Danforth. ASSIGNMENT. Dated 23 April, 1849. Ack. 9 May, 1849. Rec. 10 May, 1849. 522 Conveyances, 211. Conveys said equal undivided half interest in the above con- tract. PART OF MARGARET McGOWN TRACT. 287 Edward J. Danforth with Harvey M. Waterson. AGREEMENT. Dated 9 May, 1849. Proved 9 May, 1849. Rec. 10 May, 1849. 522 Conveyances, 210. Recites that $10,000 of tlie consideration paid by Danfortli to Leavenworth for allowing him a joint interest in the above contract was advanced by Waterson, and agrees that Waterson shall be interested in said contract and the real estate therein referred to in such proportion in the sum of $10,000, leaves to the whole value of said real estate, estimating the said lots a the value of $200 per lot. William Leavenworth to John W. Latson. ASSIGNMENT. Dated 13 March, 1850, Proved 6 April, 1850. Rec. 6 April, 1850. 541 Conveyances, 103. Consideration, $10,000. Conveys one equal undivided half interest in and to the above agreement of sale. Edward J. Danfortti with John W. Latson. AGREEMENT. Dated 25 April, 1850. Recited in the following instrument : Agrees to divide lots mentioned in said contract of sale. 288 THE SAMSON BENSON McGOWN PIECE. _ ASSIGNMENT. Edward J. Danforth j (Dated 5 March, 1852. ^^ /Ack. 9 March, 1852. Andrew G. Norwood. W^c. ii March, 1852. ) 592 Conveyances, 504. Assigns all his interest in said agreement and the premises therein described. Sampson B. McGowii commenced a suit in the Court of Common Pleas against Leavenworth and his assigns to compel specific performance of the above agreement, and a decree was entered in that suit on 17 Januuary,i852,dnecting conveyances to the assigns of Leavenworth according to their interest. Mr. Nor- wood was not a party to that suit, he having acquired his in- terest by assignment subsequent to the commencement of the suit. The judgment directed the conveyance to him of the premises described in the Deed to him hereinafter set forth. Bayard Clarke and Thomas W. Gale, the assigns of John W. Latson, were also not made parties to said suit, but the judgment directed the conveyance to them of the premises de- scribed in the respective Deeds to them, hereinafter set forth. A conveyance to Watterson was also directed of the land con- veyed to him by the Deed hereinafter set forth. ASSIGNMENT. ! Dated 7 Oct., 1850. Ack. 25 Oct., 1850. Rec. 23 Nov., 1850. 556 Conveyances, 397 Consideration, $5,004.27 Assigns so much of said contract as i^elates to all those cer- tain lots, pieces or parcels of land, bounded on the North by One Hundred and First Street, on the East by the Third PART OF .MARf.ARET iMcCOWN TRACT. 289 Avenue, and on the South partly by Ninety-Ninth Street, and on the West by the Fourth Avenue. ASSIGNMENT. James N. Wood to Samuel Hunt. Dated — Dec, 1850. Ack. 3 Dec, 1850. Rec 25 Dec, 1850. 562 Conveyances, i. Consideration, $15,000. Assigns so much of said contract as was assigned to Wood by previous instrument. ASSIGNMENT. Samuel Hunt, to Bayard Clarke. Dated 23 Feb., 1852. Ack. 25 Feb., 1852. Rec. II March, 1852. 592 Conveyances, 505. Consideration, $1. Assigns so much of said contract as was assigned to Hunt by previous instrument. Sampson Benson McGcnvN and Caroline, his zuiff, to Bayard Clarke. DEED. Dated 25 Nov., 1848. Ack. 28 Feb., 1852. Rec II March, 1852. 592 Conveyances, 511. Considerat'n,$9,369.5o. Conveys all those two blocks of land, situate, lying and being in the Twelfth Ward of the City of New York, at Har- lem. Bounded Easterly by the Third Avenue, Westerly by the Fourth Avenue, Southerly by 99th Street, and Northerly by loist Street, excepting the piece of land on the corner of 99th Street and Third Avenue, being 260 feet on 99th Street and extending along the Avenue to the centre line of the block, together with all right in half the streets and avenues adjoining. 200 THE SAMSON BENSON McGOWN PIECE. THOMAS W. Gale, ANDREW \QUIT-CLAIM DEED. G. Norwood, and Harvey/^ f Dated 17 Jan., 1852. M. Watterson. Uck. 3 March, 1852. to I Rec. II March, 1852. \592 Conveyances, 510. Bayard Clarke. L- • , ,^<.- „ *., /Consideration, \\. Releases same premises as last Deed. ASSIGNMENT. John W. Latson to Dated 24 Dec, 1850. Ack. 24 Dec, 1850. Rec 26 Dec, 1850. Thomas VV. Gale. \ 558 Conveyances, 287. j Consideration, $11,000. Assigns so much of said contract as relates to all that por- tion of said lots therein mentioned, lying between loist and 103d Streets, and between 97th and 98th Streets West of the 4th Avenue ; and also all that portion of said lots lying on the Southerly side of 101 st Street, commencing 175 feet West from the 4th Avenue and extending Southerly to the centre line of the block and Westerly to the centre line of the old Post Road. DEED. Sampson Benson McGown ) j^^^^^ ^^ j^^^_^ ^g^g^ and Caroline, his wife, f ^^^^ ^8 Feb., 1852. to / Rec. II March, 1852. Thomas W. Gale. \ 592 Conveyances, 505. / Consideration, $7,440. Conveys all those certain pieces or parcels of land situate at Harlem in the Twelth Ward of the City of New York, and re- spectively described as follows : PART OF MARGARET McGOWN TRAC'l. 291 First. The piece of land bounded Easterly by the Fourth Avenue, Westerly by the middle line of tlie old Post Road, Northerly by 9Sth Street and Southerly by 97111 Street, contain- ing on 9Sth Street 521 feet 7 inches anil on 97th Street 565 feet 8 inches. Second. The piece of land bounded Northerly by loist Street, Southerly by the middle line between loo and loist Street,- Easterly by a line parallel to the Fourth Avenue and dis- tant 175 feet therefrom, and Westerly by the middle line of the old Post Road, contnning on loist Street 175 feet, and on the said middle line of the block 197 feet i ' j inches. Third. The piece of land bounded Easterly b}' the Fourth Avenue, Westerly by the middle line of the old Post Road, Northerly by lozd Street (and containing thereon 292 feet II inches), and Southerly by loist Street, and containing thereon 337 feet. Fourth. The piece of land, beginning at the Northwesterly corner of I02d Street and Fourtli Avenue, running thence Northerly along the Westerly side of the Fourtli Avenue 201 feet and eight inches to the Southerly line of 103d Street, thence Westerly along the Southerly line of 103d Street 394 feet 1 1 inches to land formerly of B. L. Benson ; thence South- erly along the land of B. L. Benson 1S2 feet; thence Easterly in a straight line to a point in the middle line of the Old Post Road distant 13 feet Northerly from the North line of io2d Street ; tlience Southerly along the middle line of the Old Post Road 13 feet to the North line of io2d Street, and thence East- erly along the North line of I02d Street 279 feet 9 inches to tlie place of beginning at the intersection of tlie Fourth Avenue and I02d Street, together with all right in half the Avenues and Streets adjacent. The Fourth Avenue herein referred to being taken as of tlie original width of 100 feet. 292 THE SAMSON BENSON McGOWN PIECE. ~ TT; \OUIT-CLAIM DEED. Andrew G. Norwood, Bayard \ - Clarke^;/^ Harvey M.Wat- L^^^^^ ^^ j^„^ ^^^^^ TERSON, V Ack. 3 & 6 March, 1852. /(9 I Rec. II March, 1852. THOMAS W. Gale. IjP^ Conveyances, 502. /Consideration, $1. Releases premises described in last Deed. DEED. Sampson Benson McGown a;i^j ^^^^^ ^5 Nov., 1848. Caroline, kis %vift\ f Ack. 28 Feb., 1852. to f Rec. I April, 1852. Harvey M. Watterson. \ ^^^ Conveyances, 226. / Consideration, $4,490. Conveys all those certain pieces or parcels of land, situate at Harlem, in the Twelfth Ward of the City of New York, and respectively described as follows : First, the forty-two lots lying together, and bounded Easterly by the Third Avenue, North- erly by i02d Street, Southerly by loist Street, and Westerly by a line parallel to the Third Avenue, and distant 525 feet West- erly therefrom. Second. The piece of land bounded Easterly by the Fourth Avenue, Southerly by looth Street, Northerly by the middle line between 1 00th Street and loist Street, and Westerly by the middle line of the Old Post Road, containing 360 feet 5 inches on lOOth Street. Third. The piece of land bounded Northerly by looth Street Southerly by the middle line between 99th and lOOth Streets, Easterly by a line parallel to the Fourth Avenue, and distant Westerly therefrom 343 feet 3 inches ; and Westerly by the middle line of the Old Post Road. Together with all interest in half of streets and avenues adjoining. The Fourth Avenue as hereifi referred to, being taken at the width of lOO feet, as originally laid out. PART OF MARGARET McGOWN TRArT. 293 iOUIT-CLAIM DEED. Dated 17 Jan., 1852. Ack. 6 March, 1852. Rec. I April, 1852. 600 Conveyances, 225. Consideration, §1. Releases same premises as last Deed. DEED. Sampson Benson McGown««^ jj^,^^^^ ,. ^^^^^ jg^^ Caroline, /m 7vifr, f^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^g., to ?Rec. ir March, 1852. Andrew G. Norwood. y9^ Conveyances, 508. . /Consideration, $12,250. Conveys all those certain pieces or parcels of land situate in the Twelfth Ward of the City of New York and respectively described as follows : First. The block of land bounded Easterly by the Third Avenue, Westerly by the Fourth Avenue (as laid out one hun- dred feet wide) Northerly by One Hundred and Third Street, and Southerly by One Hundred and Second Street. iiecond. The thirty lols bounded Westerly by the Fourth Avenue, Easterly by a line drawn parallel to the Fourth Avenue and at the distance of three liundred and ninety-five feet Easterly therefrom, Northerly by One Hundred and Second Street, ami Southerly by One Hundred and First Street. Third. The piece of land bounded Easterly by the Fourth Avenue, Westerly by the middle line of the Old Post Road, Northerly by Ninety-ninth Street and Southerly by Ninety- eighth Street. Fourth. The piece of land beginning at the Southwest cor- ner of Fourth Avenue and One Hundredth Street ; thence run- ning Westerly along the side of One Hundredth Street two hundred and forty-three feet three inches ; thence Southerly and 294 THE SAMSON BENSON McOOWN PIECE. parallel with Fourth Avenue one hundred feet and nhie inches to the middle line of the block ; thence Westerly along said middle line to the middle line of the Old Post Road ; thence Southerly along the middle line of the Old Post Road to the Northerly line of Ninety-ninth Street; thence Easterly along the Northerly line of Ninety-ninth Street four hundred and fifty- one feet four inches to the Fourth Avenue, and thence Northerly along the Westerly line of the Fourth Avenue two hundred and ten feet six inches to One Hundredth Street, the place of beginning. Fifth. The piece of land bounded Easterly by the Fourth Avenue, Northerly by One Hundred and First Street, South- erly by the middle line between One Hundredth and One Hun- dred and First Streets, and Westerly by a line parallel to the Fourth Avenue and distant one hundred and seventy-five feet therefrom. Together with lialf the Streets and Avenues oppo- site to the same. T,Tr..^Ac \xj r- '^ \ QUIT-CLAIM DEED. liiOMAS W. Gale, Bayard \^ Clarke and Harvey M./^ated 17 JaZ 1852. Watterson, I Ack. 3 & 6 March, 1852. to I Rec. II March, 1852. Andrew G. Norwood. l^?^ Conveyances, 501. / Consideration, $ i . Releases same premises as last Deed. DEED. Andrew G. Norwood ^"^^) Dated 29 March, 1852. Mary Floyd, /./. ^oife, I a^k, 31 March, 1852. to / Rec. I June, 1852. Herman Bruen. \ ^^5 Conveyances, 238. / Consideration, $16,000. Conveys same premises as previous Deed. Subject to a Mortgage recorded in Liber 398 Mortgages, page 366, since discharged of record. THE LAND ASSOCIATION PIECE. 295 The Land Association Piece. Samson Benson McGown a)id Caroline, his wife, to GusTAVUs A. Rollins. DEED. Dated 17 Feb., 1851. Ack. 19 Nov., 1851. Rec. 22 Nov,, 1851. 591 Conveyances, 104. Consideration, $10,000. Conveys all those certain one hundred and eight lots of land, more or less, situate in the Twelfth Ward of the City of New York, between the Fourth and Fifth Avenues, and bounded as follows : East by the Fourtli Avenue, North by the middle line of One Hundred and Sixth Street, South by the middle line of One Hundred and Third Street, West by the lands of Daniel Fanshaw and James R. Walter, being a straight line. The lots on the South side of One Hundred and Sixth Street have a front of four hundred and eighty-two feet seven inches ; those on the North side of One Hundred and Fifth Street have a front line of four hundred and sixty-one feet ten inches; diose on the North side of One Hundred and Fourth Street a front line line of four hundred and thirty-four feet ten inches ; those on the North side of One Hundred and Third Street a front line of four hundred and five feet one inch. GusTAVus A. Rollins and Isa- bella G., Ids ivifc, to Elias C. Mooney, James F. Stansbury and Joseph I Queripel, Trustees oftlieNciv\ York City Land Association, Number i. DEED. Dated 30 Nov., 185 1. Ack. 19 Nov., 185 1. Rec. 10 Dec, 185 1. 589 Conveyances, 446. 1 Consideration, $i6,cx}0. Conveys same premises by same description. 296 THE LAND ASSOCIATION PIECE. Habendum as joint tenants, subject to a Mortgage recorded in Liber 399 Mortgages, page 143, since discharged of record. The distances given in the two previous Deeds are measured from the old line of Fourth Avenue, though previous to the dates of said Deeds Fourth Avenue had been widened twenty feet on each side. In the conveyances made by the Associa- tion the distances were likewise measured from the old line of Fourth Avenue. In order to correct this discrepancy, a Map of said tract was recorded in Liber 820 Conveyances, page 113, in which both the old and new lines of Fourth Avenue were shown, the lots on the Avenue extending one hundred feet from old line and eighty feet from the new line. The lot num- bers there given are shown on a Map of this tract, ante page 277. An agreement was recorded therewith, signed by the trustees and their assigns, that the said Map shows the true position and boundaries of the lots conveyed by them, and that the Deeds from the trustees shall be construed by that Map. There is also another agreement, to a similar effect, recorded in Liber 1242 Conveyances, page 1^6, signed by the said trustees and the owners of the lots on the North side of 105th Street. It was agreed thereby that the location of the lots shall be deemed the same as if the Deeds had expressly stated that the distances were measured from the old line of Fourth Avenue. <4P o^e^. o/7?<^ ife, f Ack. 15 June, 1836. to } Rec. 15 June, 1836. Washington M. Thurman. \ 359 Conveyances, 231. / Consideration, $4,600. CoNVE\ s all that certain piece or parcel of ground, situate lying aiid being at Harlaem, in the Twelfth Ward of the City of New York. Bounded as follows, that is to say: Beginning at the Northwesterly corner of Ninety-ninth Street and Third Avenue, and running thence Northerly along the Westerly side of said Third Avenue one hundred feet and ten inches ; thence Westerly along the centre line of the block two hun- dred and sixty feet ; thence Southerly and parallel to the Third Avenue one hundred feet and ten inches to Ninety- ninth Street ; thence Easterly along the Northerly side of said street two hundred and sixty feet to the place of begin- ning. RELEASE. Samson Benson McGown J Dated i April, 1839. ( Proved 24 April, 1839. / Rec. 3 May, 1839. Washington M. Thurman. \ 39^ Conveyances, 93. / Consideration, $10. Releases from the lieii of the above Mortgage same prem- ises as previous Deed. tYnit 0/€4. 0/€^. tyroi o^e^. ^<^^. THE JOHN E. FOLEY UPLAND. This is part of the farm vested in Margaret AIcGowii, as shown ante pages 265 to 276. DEED. Margaret McGown to Edward Sanford. \ Dated 30 Jan., 1835. / Proved 31 Jan., 1835. \ Rec. 4 Feb., 1835. 1 320 Conveyances, 484. ] Consideration, $57,000. Conveys, with other property, all that certain other tract, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Harlaem, in the City and Ward aforesaid, and bounded as follows, that is to say : Westerly by the Third Avenue, Northerly and Easterly by the marsh and lowland this day sold and conveyed by the party hereto of the first part to the said party hereto of the second part ; and Southerly by land^ lately belonging to the estate of Abraham Duryee, deceased. 302 THE JOHN E. FOLEY UPLAND. MORTGAGE. Edward Sandford to Margaret McGown. Covers same premises. Same to Charles Henry Hall. To secure $4,000. Dated 17 Aug., 1835. Ack. 17 Aug., 1835. Rec. 18 Aug., 1835. 188 Mortgages, 382. DEED. Dated 10 Oct., 1835. Ack. 16 Oct., 1835. Rec. 17 Oct., 1835. 339 Conveyances, 618. Consideration, $15,000. Conveys same premises. Charles Henry Hall and Sarah, his wife, to John Harris. DEED. Dated 18 Feb., 1839. Ack. 22 March, 1839. Rec. 28 March, 1839. 394 Conveyances, 446. Consideration, $25,000. Conveys all those certain one hundred and twenty lots, con- tained in two and one-half blocks of land, situate, lying and being in the Twelfth Ward of the City of New York. Bounded and described as follows, viz. : One block bounded Westerly by the Easterly side of the Third Avenue, and Easterly by the cen- tre of the Second Avenue ; Northerly by the centre of Ninety- eighth Street, Southerly by the centre of Ninety-seventh Street. One block bounded Westerly by the Easterly side of the Third Avenue, Easterly by the centre of the Second Avenue, North- erly by the centre of Ninetj'-sixth Street, and Southerly by the PART OF MARGARET McGOWN TRACT. 303 centre of Ninety-fifth Street. And also the one-half block bounded Westerly by the Easterly side of the Third Avenue, Easterly by the centre of the Second Avenue, Nortlierly by the centre of Ninety-fifth Street, and Southerly by the centre line of the block between said Ninety-fifth Street and Ninety-fourth Street. DEED. J „ ^A T • -J- \ Dated 20 Feb., 1840. John Harris rtw^ Ann, /r/5Z£7/^, j . , ^^ , ' •^ ' y ' /Ack. 3 March, 1840. ^^ \ Rec. 3 March, 1840. Richard M. Bolles. \403 Conveyances, 386. y Consideration, $4,000. Conveys same premises. The Deed to Bolles w^as recorded after filing of Itspendens and order pro cotifesso vs. Harris in the following suit : Charles Henry Hall, afid \ MORTGAGE Sarah, /tis zci/e, J ^^ , [ T^o Secure $20,000. ) Dated 5 April, 1839. CHARLES Oakley, Prrs/dr^t off ^^^. ^ ^p^j,^ ^g^^ t/w Washington Bank, in ^/j^A Rec. 16 April, 1S39. City of New York. I 231 Mortgages, 328. Covers all that certain Block of ground, situate, lying and being in the Twelfth Ward of the City of New York. Bounded as follows, that is to say : Northerly by a line drawn through the centre of Ninety-seventh Street, as the same is laid down on the Commissioners' map of the City of New York ; South- 304 THE JOHN E. FOLEY UPLAND. erly by a line drawn through the centre of Ninety-sixth Street, as the same is laid down on the said map ; Easterly by the Second Avenue, and Westerly by the Third Avenue. And also all that certain other block of ground, situate, lying and being in the Ward and City aforesaid. Bounded as fol- lows, that is to say : Northerly by a line drawn through the centre of Ninety-ninth Street, as the same is laid down on the Commissioners' map of the City of New York ; Southerly by a line drawn through the centre of Ninety-eighth Street, as the same is laid down on the said Map ; Easterly by the Second Avenue, and Westerly by the Third Avenue. On 21 January, 1839, The President, Directors and Company of the Mechanics Bank, in the City of New York, recovered a judgment for $4,611,40, in the Superior Court of the City of New York, against Charles Henry Hall, under which judg- ment all the premises were sold by the Sheriff to George Haws, and redeemed by Issac Adriance, assignee of a judgment in favor of Benjamin L. Benson against said Hall for $3,066.86, and docketed on 14 March, 1S39, and of another judgment in favor of William Molenaor against said Hall, for $4,092.75, docketed on 14 March, 1839. All said premises were there- upon conveyed by the Sheriff to said Isaac Adriance by Deed dated 22 April, 1S42, and recorded in Liber 465 Conveyances, p. 274. As said judgment creditors were made parties to the following foreclosure suit, their interest in the premises were cut off, and nothing passed by the Deed to Isaac Adriance. After the filing of the lispendens in the following suit, Charles Henry Hall made an insolvent assignment, recorded in 402 Conveyances, 212 ; and also a conveyance to a receiver, record- ed in 432 Conveyances, 86. PART OF MARGARET McGOWN TRACT. 305 IN CHANCERY— Be/ore Vice Chancellor. Margaret McGown vs. Edward Sandford, Charles Henry Hall and Sarah, his tvife, JOHN HARRIS and Ann, his wife, Charles Oai^ ley, President of the Washing- tott Bank in the City of New York, The President, Di- rectors and Company of the Mechanics' Bank in the City of New York, Benjamin L. Benson, William Mole- naor, The President, Di- rectors and Company of the Mechanics and Traders Bank, George Lovett, Benjamin Field, The Commercial Bank of Oswego, The Oneida Bank, The President, Di- rectors and Company of the Seventh Ward Bank, THOMAS B. Odell, Jonathan Odell, Henry R. Morgan, Henry Adams, George Abeel, John Howard Abeel, Henry B. Greenwood, Nicholas ScHU reman, Harman C. Raub, survivor of GEORGE D. Williams, deceased, Henry Elsworth a7id Edward Els- worth. 1839 — September 11. Bill filed to foreclose 188 Mortgages, 382. 306 THE JOHN E. FOLEY UPLAND. 1839— October 8. Order pro confesso vs. Oneida Bank by consent. October 9. Order fro confesso vs. Henry and Ed- ward Elsworth, on affidavit of no ap- pearance. 1840 — January 24. Orders /ro confesso vs. George Lovett, Benjamin Field, Charles Oakley, Pres- ident of the Washington Bank, in the City of New York ; Henry Adams, Henry R. Morgan, President,&c.,of the Mechanics and Traders Bank ; Presi- dent, &c., of the Mechanics Bank of the City of New York ; President, &c., of the Seventh Ward Bank ; Hem'y B. Greenwood, John Harris and Ann, his wife, on affidavits of service and of no appearance. January 24. Orders pro confesso vs. John Howard Abeel, George Abeel, the Washing- ton Bank, in the City of New York ; William Molenaor, Benjamin L. Ben- son, Harman C. Raub, and Nicholas Schureman, on affidavit of no answer. February iS. Order pro confesso vs. Charles Henry Hall and Sarah, his wife, on affidavit of no separate answer of wife, or joint answer of Hall and wife, they both having appeared by Graydon & Clark, their solicitors. March 25. Order striking out separate i answer of Charles Henry Hall. March 27. Order of reference to compute the amount due. April 6. Master reports $4,733.44 due. PART OF MARGARET .^rc(;(»WN TRA^T 307 1840 — April 6. Decree ot foreclosure and sale entered. June I. Decree enrolkHJ, September 23. Report of sale Hied. October 3. Report of sale confirnicil. DEED. John A. Sidell, Master /«i Dated i June, 1840. Chancery, ( Ack. i June, 1840. to I Rec. 8 June, 1840. John E. Foley. \ 4°^ Conveyances, 201. y Consideration, $4,900. Conveys same premises. Portion South of 97th Sire ft. MORTGAGE. John E. Foley and Kliza- J ^^^ ^^^^,.^ ^^^^^^ BETH, ///jT 7.'/A-, \ Dated i June, 1840. to ( Ack. 6 June, 1840. MARGARET McGOWAN. 1 ^"'-J J"""' ' ^^^O- — — / 239 Mortgages, 575. Covers all that certain piece or parcel of ground, situate, lying and being in the Twelfth Ward of the City of New York, between the Second and Third Avenues and Ninety-third and Ninety seventh Streets, and bounded as follows : Northerly by the centre line of Ninety-seventh Street, Westerly by the Third Avenue, Southerly by the line of land lately belonging to Abraham Duryee, deceased ; and Easterly by the Second Avenue, being a part of the property conveyed to the said parties of the first part by John A. Sidell, Master in L'hancerv, by Deed bearing even date herewith. 308 THE JOHN E. FOLEY UPLAND. John E. Foley and Eliza- j D^ED. BETH, his zuifc, /oated i Dec, 1841. to \Ack. 22 Jan., 1842. ( Rec. 25 Jan., 1842. THE FARMERS LoAN AND V ^^ Conveyances. 187. Trust Company. Consideration, $4,000. Conveys all that certain tract, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Harlem, in the Twelfth Ward of the City of New York, and bounded as follows, that is to say : Westerly by the Third Avenue, Northerly and Easterly by the marsh and low- land sold and conveyed by Margaret McGown to Edward Sand- ford, and Southerly by Ninety-fifth Street. IN CHANCERY.— ^^>r^ Vice-Chanccllor. Margaret McGown vs. John E. Foley and Eliza- beth, liis wife; Charles^ Henry Hall and Sarah, his[ %mfc, John Harris ««<:/ Ann, his ivifc, and The Farmers Loan and Trust Company. 1842 — June 22. Bill filed to foreclose 239 Mortgages, 575- August 6. Order to answer vs. Foley and wife, they having appeared by Robert S. Swords. August 13. Order to ?nswer vs. the Farmers Loan and Trust Company, they having ap- peared by William C. Noyes. PART OF MARGARET McGOWN TRACT. 309 1042 — September 29. Order pro confesso vs. said defendants on affidavit of no answer. September 29. Order pro confesso vs. Hall and wife, and Harris and wife, on consent of John H. Southard, their solicitor. September 29. Order of reference to J. N. Cushman, Master, &c. to compute amount due. October 4. Master reports $4,263.59 due. October 4. Judgment of foreclosure and sale entered. The premises described in the mortgage foreclosed in tlie above action extended further East than the mortgagor had title, John E. Foley being vested only with the upland, the lines of which are shown on map, ante page 265, which was copied from Randel's, in the Bureau of Street Improvements The judgment in the above action directed the sale of all the prem- ises described in the mortgage, and a sale was had according to a map which also included all said premises, and on which the same were divided into city lots. These lots were sold and con- veyed to various purchasers. In those instances where the lots lay further East than the line of the upland, the Master's Deed conveyed no title. Title to Portion North of 97th Street. This, as shown ante page 30S, was vested in the Farmers Loan and Trust Company. DEED. The Farmer's Loan and Dated i Sept., 1845. Trust Company, \ Yxox^^ 13 June, 1849. to ( Rec. 20 June, 1849. T^^ T-i Tir \ '>22 Conveyances, UO. Douw D. Williamson. 1^^ ., •: _ / Consideration. $I,ooo. Conveys, with other property also, all that certain tract 310 THE JOHN E. FOEEY UPLAND, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the City of New York aforesaid, and bounded as follows, that is to say : West- erly by the Third Avenue, Northerly and Easterly by the marsh and lowland sold and conveyed by Margaret McGown to Edward Sandford, and Southerly by Ninety-seventh Street, be the same more or less. Dow D. Williamson and Mary A., Jiis zvife, to The Farmers Loan and Trust Company. DEED. Dated i June, 1850. Ack. 18 June, 1850. Rec. 22 June, 1850. 548 Conveyances, 211. Consideration, $1. Recites the giving of a mortgage for $600 on said prem- ises, and that the Company had agreed to accept a conveyance in satisfaction thereof, and conveys same premises. The Farmers Loan and Trust Company, to Edward Roberts. Conveys same premises. Edward Roberts and Irene B., his wife, to Lewis A. Sayre. DEED. Dated 12 Jan., 1853. Proved 24 Jan., 1853. Rec. 25 Jan., 1853. 1622 Conveyances, 679. Consideration, $2,000. DEED. Dated 11 Feb., 1853. Ack. 14 Feb., 1853. Rec. 9 April, 1853. 6^6 Conveyances, 58. Consideration, $i. Conveys all that certain piece or parcel of land, situate, lying PART OF MARGARET McGOWN TRACT. 311 and being in the Twelfth Ward of the City of New York, bounded and described as follows : Beginning at the intersection of the centre line of Ninety-seventh Street with the Easterly line of the Third Avenue, and running thence Easterly, on the centre line of Ninety-seventh Street, to the marsh or lowland ; thence along the line of the said marsh or lowland which diviiles the said marsh or lowland from the upland, as laid down on Randall's Map, Nortliwardly and VVestwardly to Third Avenue, to about the middle line of the block between Ninety-seventh and Ninety- eighth Streets. Being part of the property conveyed to the said Edward Roberts by the Farmers Loan and Trust Com- jDany. yVo^e^. yVo/ed. yu'i 0^^. cJt^^ o^e^. THE VAN SCHAICK AND PALMER PIECES. These pieces are part of the marsh in front of tlie McGown farm. See post page 323 for remarks on tlie title to these marshes. DEED. \ Dated i Jan., 1834. Margaret McGown J ^ck. 16 June, 1834. to \ Rec. 20 June, 1834. ^ ,, ,, y- \ 316 Conveyances, 70. Samson Benson McGown. \-L . , '. . 7 Consideration, $1. Conveys all those certain blocks, pieces or parcel of marsh or meadow, situate in the Twelfth Ward of the City of New York, bounded as follows : West by the Third Avenue, North by One Hundred and Third Street, South by the middle of Ninety-ninth Street and by Harlem River. Being fourteen blocks and parts of blocks, as laid out on the Map of the Coun- ty of New York. DEED. Samson Benson McGown and\ ^^^^^ ^^ j^,^^ ^g^^ Caroline, his wife, f Ack. 1 7 & 1 8 June, 1 834. fo I Rec. 20 June, 1834. Charles Henry Hall. \ ^'^ Conveyances, 71. / Consideration, $2,500. Conveys same premises by same description. 314 THE VAN SCHAICK AND PALMER PIECES. Blocks Between 99th and io2d Streets. \ MORTGAGE. Charles Henry Hall and \ Sarah, /h's %vifc\ f To secure $40,000. \ Dated 28 Nov., 1838. ^^ I Ack. 5 Dec, 1838. Myndert Van Schaick. p^^- ^^ Dec, 1838. . / 229 Mortgages, 355. Covers, with other property also, all that block of land bounded Westerly by the Third Avenue, Northerly by One Hundred and Second Street, easterly by the Second Avenue, Southerly by One Hundred and First Street. MORTGAGE. STo secure same loan. Dated 28 Nov. 1838. Ack. 29 Jan., 1839. Rec I Feb., 1839- 230 Mortgages, 165. Covers all and singular those two blocks of ground, situate, lying and being at Harlem, in the Twelfth Ward of the City of New York : Bounded Westerly by the Third Avenue, Nor- therly by the centre line of One Hundred and First Street, East- erly by the middle of the Second Avenue, and Soutlierly by the centre line of Ninety-nindi Street. On 21 January, 1S39, ^'^^ President, Directors and Company of the Mechanics Bank recovered a judgment for $4,611.40, in the Superior Court of the City of New York, against Charles Henry Hall, under which said premises and others were sold by Sheriff to George Haws, on 35 December, 1840. See cei'- tificate of Sheriff's sale filed in County Clerk's office on 23 November, 1841, and recorded in Register's office, in Liber 465 Conveyances, 259, Isaac Adriance, the assignee of two judg- PART OF MARGARET McGOWN TRACT. 315 ments recovered in said Superior Court, against said Hall, one in favor of William Molenaor, and the other in favor of Ben- jamin L. Benson, redeemed the premises from this sale, and the same were conveyed to him. See Liber 465 Conveyances, page 260. The said Adriance w^as also assignee of the said certificate of sale, by assignment recorded in Liber 465 Con- veyances, page 260. \ DEED. Charles Henry Hall audi Sarah, /as zoi/e, I Dated 8 Nov. 1839. fQ > Ack. 21 Nov., 1839. David P. Hall, and CharlesV ^^^' ^^ ^ov., 1839. -_ -- 1 402 Conveyances, 212. Mullett Hall. T. ., . ^ / Consideration, $r. Conveys all and singular the real estate and chattels real of and belonging to the said Charles Henry Hall, of whatsoever nature, kind and description, and wheresoever situate and being. In trust to sell and pay all debts of said Charles Henry Hall, and return surplus, if any, to him. See also 432 Conveyances, 86, for general conveyance by Charles Henry Hall and Hubbs, to Ambrose Mercer, receiver. IN CHANCERY.— ^ Ack. 5 Nov., i! to \ Rec. 25 Nov., 1868. 1067 Conveyances, 679. Consideration, $4,000. Edward Roberts Conveys all that certain lot, piece or parcel of land, situate, and lying and being in the block between the Second and Third Avenues and Ninety Second and Ninety-third Streets in the City of New York, and bounded and described as follows, viz. : commencing at a point on the Northerly side of Ninety-second Street distant five hundred and twenty-five feet Eastwardly of the Easterly side of Third Avenue, running thence Northwardly and parallel with third Avenue, one hundred feet and eight and one- half inches, to the centre line of the block between Ninety- second and Ninety-third Streets ; thence Westwardly along said centre line twenty-five feet and six inches, more or less, to the line of the land of Edward Roberts : thence in a Northeast- wardly direction, and along the line of the land of Edward Roberts to a point in the Westerly side of Second Avenue, dis- tant thirty-three feet nine inches, more or less. Southwardly from the Southwesterly corner of Second Avenue and Ninety- tliird Street ; thence Southwardly along the Westerly side of Second Avenue, one hundred and thirty-two feet, more or less, to the upland or line of the land now or late belonging to Wil- liam C. Rhinelander ; thence along the line of the land of said Rhinelander in a Southwe^erly direction to the northerly side of Ninety second Street, and thence Westwardly along the PART OF MARGARET McGOWN TRACT. 329 Northerly side of Ninety-second Street, to the point or place of beginning. Together with all the right, title and interest of the party of the first part to the marsh or meadow in front of the premises hereby conveyed. Edward Roberts j DEED. ^^ ^ Dated 22 May, 1871. William C. RhinelanderA Ack. 22 May, 1871. Executor and Trustee, under tliA Rec. 16 May, 1873. the Will of William Rhine- \ 1257 Conveyances, i8i, lander. ) Consideration, $i. Recites that disputes have arisen between the parties rela- tive to the boundary line of their lands ; and that party of first part claims to own all of the marsh South of 94th Street ; and that party of second part is in possession of certain parts of said marsh, claiming to own the same ; and Conveys all that portion of the marsh lying South of the line hereinafter set forth, and agrees that the line dividing the respective estates of the said parties East of the centre line of the Second Avenue is as follows: Commencing at a point distant twenty-five feet Northerly from the Northeasterly corner of Second Avenue and Ninety-second Street; thence running Easterly and parallel with Ninety-second Street one hundred feet ; thence Southerly and parallel with Second Avenue twenty-five feet to the line of Ninety-second Street ; thence Southerly to the centre line of said Ninely-second Street ; thence Easterly along said centre line of Ninety-second Street to a point where the centre lines of Ninety-second Street and First Avenue intersect each other; thence Northerly along the centre line of tlie said First Avenue to the point where the centre lines of Ninety-third Street and said First Avenue intersect each other ; thence Easterly along the centre line of Ninety-third Street two hundred feet; thence 330 THE EDWARD ROBERTS MARSH. Northerly and parallel with the First Avenue to the centre line of the block between Ninety-third and Ninety-fourth Streets ; thence Easterly along said centre line seventy-two feet to the line of the upland of the party of the second part ; thence Easterly along the line of said upland to the point where the Northerly line of the water grant heretofore obtained by the party of the second part from the Mayor, Aldermen and Com- monalty of the City of New York intersects the line of the said upland, the said point being distant from the Southerly side of Ninety-fourth Street sixty-seven feet and three inches. The said water grant being recorded in the Office of the Register of the City and County of New York, in Liber 1063 of Conveyances, page 286. tJlOt o/^^. tyfii «^<^. tJlit 0^€^. yyii otetf-. THE LEWIS A. SAYRE MARSH. This is part of the marshes lying opposite to the farm vested in Margaret McGown. For remarks on title of these marshes see ante page 323. The Sayre marsh was conveyed by Mrs. McGown by two deeds, one conveying the portion South of 99th Street, and the other the portion North of that Street. Portion South of 99th Street. DEED. Margaret McGown Dated 30 Jan., 1835. Proved 31 Jan., 1835. to \ Rec. 4 Feb., 1835. Edward Sanford. \ 3^0 Conveyances, 486. Consideration, $1. Conveys, with other property, all that certain other piece or parcel of marsh or lowland, situate, lying and being atHarlaem, in the City and Ward aforesaid, and bounded as follows, that is to say : Westerly by the Third Avenue, Easter- erly by the Harlaem River ; Northerly, on one side, by a line drawn through the centre of Ninety-ninth Street, as the same is laid down on said Commissioners' Map of the City of New York ; and Southerly partly by upland this day conveyed by the of the first part to the said party hereto of the second part, and partly by marsh or lowland formerly belonging to the estate of Abraham Duryee, deceased. 332 THE LEWIS A. SAYRE MARSH. DEED. ! Dated lo Oct., 1835. Ack. 16 Oct., 1835. Rec. 17 Oct., 1835. 339 Conveyances, 617. Consideration, $1. Conveys same premises by same description. new york superior court. The President, Directors, and COMVA^Y of the Mechanics i Bank, in the City of New York, vs. Charles Henry Hall. • 1839 — January 21. Judgment for $4,611.40 docketed.' Tiie premises vested in Charles Henry Hall, were sold under an execution issued by virtue of the above judgment, as here- inafter set forth, The following Deeds and Mortgages were made by said Hall after the docketing of the above judgment. They have been set out in full though the interests conveyed thereby have been cut off by the sale under said execution. DEED. Charles Henry Hall ««^ I j^^^^^ 3^ March, 1839. Sarah, his %vife\ ( Ack. 22 March, 1839. to I Rec. 28 March, 1839. , ,, \ 394 Conveyances, 448. John Harris. ) ^^ . , . ^ / Consideration, $10,000. Conveys all those two certain blocks of land, situate, lying PART OF MARGARET McGOWN TRACT. 006 and being in the Twelfth Ward of the City of New York, Bounded and described as follows, viz. : one block bounded Westerly by the centre of the Second Avenue, Easterly by the centre of the First Avenue, Northerly by the centre of Ninety- ninth Street, and Southerly by the centre of Ninety-eighth Street. Also one block, bounded Westerly by the centre of the Second Avenue, Northerly by the centre of Ninety-eighth Street, South- erly by the centre of Ninety-seventh Street, and Easterly by tlie Harlem River. Together with all the lights and privileges of the said parties of the first part to the water and land covered with water in front of said last-mentioned block of land. DEED. John Harris and Ann, /"•y) Dated 20 Feb., 1840. w^/ Ack. 21 Nov., 1839. David P. Hall and CharlesV^^^- ^2 Nov., 1839. -- ., 1402 Conveyances, 212. Mullett Hall. It, . , •: /Consideration, %\. Conveys all and singular the real estate and chattels real of and belonging to the said Charles Henry Hall of whatsoever nature, kind and description, and wheresoever situate and being. In trust to sell and pay all debts of said Charles Henry Hall, and return surplus, if any, to him. ASSIGNMENT. S Dated 28 April, 1841. Ack. 18 Nov., 1842. Rec. 24 Nov., 1842. 432 Conveyances, 86. Consideration, $1. Conveys all estate, real and personal, to be held as Receiver, subject to the order and control of the Court of Chancery. Under the execution issued under the judgment in favor of the Mechanics Bank above set forth, the premises which were 336 THE LEWIS A. SAYRE MARSH. conveyed to Hall by Edward Sanford by Deed recorded in 339 Conveyances, 617, ante page 332, were sold to George Haws for $45. See certificate of sale filed in the County Clerk's office on 23 November, 1S41, and recorded in the Regis- ter's office, in Liber 465 Conveyances, page 270. The said George Haws, by assignment dated 18 October, 1843, and recorded in the Register's office, in Liber 465 Conveyances, page 270, assigned said certificate of sale to Isaac Adriance. The said Isaac Adriance was also the assignee of two other judgments recovered in die Superior Court against the said Charles Henry Hall, one for $3,066.86, in favor of Benja- min L." Benson, and docketed on 14 March, 1839, and the other for $4,592.75, in favor of William Molenaor, and docketed on 14 March, 1839. As such assignee he redeemed the premises from the sale to George Haws, and obtained the following Deed : DEED. \ Dated 22 April, 1842. Jacob Acker, Sheriff, \^^^^ ^^ j^j^^ ^g^^^ to \ Rec. 31 July, 1845. Isaac Adriance. \465 Conveyances, 271, y Consideration, $45. Conveys the same premises as the Deed to Hall, above set forth, recorded in Liber 339 Conveyances, page 617. Portion North of 99th Street. DEED. ! Dated i Jan., 1834. Ack. 16 June, 1834. Rec. 20 June, 1834. 3 onveyances, 7 Consideration, %i. Conveys all those certain blocks, pieces or parcel of marsh PART OF MARGARET McGOWN TRACT 337 or meadow, situate in the Twelfth Ward of the City of New York. Bounded as follows : West by the Third Avenue, North by One Hundred and Third Street, South by the middle of Ninety-ninth Street and by Harlem River, being fourteen blocks and parts of blocks, as laid out on the map of the C ounty of New York. DEED. Samson Benson McGown and j j^^^^^ 14 Tunc, 18^4. Caroline, /lis ivifc, I Ack. 1 7 & 1 8 June, 1 834. to I Rec. 20 June, 1834. Charles Henry Hall. 316 Conveyances, 71. Consideration, $2,500. Conveys same premises by same description. The portions of the above property lying west of Second Avenue were mortgaged by Charles Henry Hall previous to the docketing of the judgment hereinbefore mentioned which mortgages were afterwards foreclosed, see ante page 313. The said premises were sold under the said judgment in favor of the Mechanics Bank, set forth ante page 332, to George Haws, for $16. See certificate of sale filed in the County Clerk's office on 23 November, 1841, and recorded in the Register's office, in Liber 465 Conveyances, page 259. The said George Haws, by assignment dated 18 October, 1843, and recorded in Liber 465 Conveyances, 260, assigned said certificate of sale to Isaac Adriance. The said Isaac Adriance was also the assignee of two other judgments recovered in the Superior Court against the said Charles Henry Hall, one for $3,066.86 in favor of Benjamin L. Benson, and docketed on 14 March, 1839, and the other for $4,592.75, in favor of William Molenaor, and docketed 14 March, 1839. -^^ such assignee he redeemed the premises from the sale to George Haws, and obtained the following Deed : 338 THE LEWIS A. SAYRE MARSH. DEED. \ Dated 22 April, 1842. JACOB Acker, Sheriff, \ ^^^ ^^ j^j^^ ^345. to \ Rec. 31 July, 1845. Isaac Adriance. U^S Conveyances, 260. j Consideration, $16. Conveys same premises as the preceding deed. Previous to last Deed, Charles Henry Hall had made a gen- eral assignment, dated 8 November, 1839, to David P. Hall and Charles Mullett Hall, which is recorded in Liber 402 Convey- ances, page 212, and also a further assignment, dated 28 April, 1841, to Ambrose Mercer, receiver, and recorded in Liber 432 Conveyances, page ^d^ neither of which are important to be here set forth, as they were made subsequent to the docketing of the said judgment in favor of the Mechanics Bank, and were cut off by the sale thereunder. Thus all the marsh in question had been conveyed to Isaac Adriance. He held also a conveyance from the assigns of David P. Ingraham of the marsh opposite that tract. See ante page 245. DEED. ISAAC Adriance and Mar- ) ^^^ed 19 Oct., 1852. caret E., his wife, ( Ack. 22 Oct., 1852. /^ / Rec. 27 Oct., 1852. Lewis A. Sayre. ) ^" Conveyances, 592. / Consideration, $19,500. Conveys all that certain piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the Twelfth Ward of the City of New York, and butted and bounded as follows : Beginning at the point of intersection of the middle line of One Hundred and Third PART OF MARGARET McGOWN TRACT. 339 Street, and the low-water mark of East or Harlem River, thence running along the centre of One Hundred and Third Street West at the point of intersection of One Hundred and Third Street and the middle line of the Second Avenue ; thence South, along the line of the middle of the Second Avenue to the point of intersection of the said middle line of the Second Avenue, with the middle line of Ninety-ninth Street; thence Westerly, along the middle line of Ninety-ninth Street to the Third Avenue ; thence Southerly, along the Third Avenue, to the line of the upland ; thence along the line of the upland to the Southerly line of the land conveyed to David P. Ingraham by Nathan Sanford ; thence along the said Southerly line to the low-water mark of East or Harlem River ; thence. Northerly, along the low-water line of East or Harlem River, as it now runs, the several courses and distances thereof, to the place of beginning, with all the water rights and pre-emption rights appertaining thereto. We shall trace title to those portions of the marsh which lay opposite the water grants shown on map, ante page 265. Eliza A. H. Sayre and Mary J. Hall, who join in the deeds with Lewis A. Sayre, were the daughters and iieirs-at-law of Charles Henry Hall. 95th TO 96th Street, East of Second Avenue. Lewis A. Sayre and Eliza A. j DEED. \i.Jdswife, MARY J. HALL, L^^ ^^ " ^g^^ to \ Ack. 27 Oct. 1852. Joshua Tomlinson and Ui 2 Conveyances. 576. Chalkley J. Wills. Iconsideration, $5,200. Conveys all those certain lots and parts of lots, situate, lying 840 THE LEWIS A. SAYRE MARSH. and being in the Twelfth Ward of the City of New York, and butted and bounded as follows : Beginning at the point of inter- section of the middle line of Ninety-fifth Sti'eet with the East or Harlem River, as laid down on Randall's Map No. lo ; thence running along the said East or Harlem River, as laid down on said map, to the middle of Ninety-sixth Street ; thence along the middle of Ninety-sixth Street to the Easterly side of the Second Avenue ; thence along the Easterly side of the Second Avenue to the middle line of Ninety-fifth Street; thence along said middle line to the place of beginning ; together with all the pre-emption and other rights of the parties of the first part, to the lands under water lying in front of the hereby conveyed premises. DEED. Joshua Tomlinson and Sarah J ^^^^^ 9 Jan., 1857. Ack. 9 Jan., 1857. Rec. 9 Jan., 1857. 718 Conveyances, 533. Consideration, $1. Re-rec, 29 Jan., 1868. 1043 Convey's, 1 10. E., his ivife, to Chalkley J. Wills. Conveys all their right, title and interest of, in, and to the southerly half of the same premises conveyed b)' previous Deed. Chalkley j. Wills and Ann D., his wife, to Thomas Irwin and John Nesbit. DEED. Dated 26 Dec, 1867. Ack. 13 Jan., 1868. Rec. 29 Jan., 1868. 1043 Conveyances, 115. Consideration, $8,000. Conveys same premises as previous Deed. PART OF MARGARET McGOWN TRACT, 341 Chalkley J. Wills and Ann D,, Jiis zuifi', to Joshua Tomlinson. DEED. Dated 9 Jan., 1857. Ack. 9 Jan., 1857. Rec. 9 Jan., 1857. 718 Conveyances, 530. Consideration, $1. Conveys all their right, title and interest of, in, and to the Northerly half of premises conveyed in Liber 612 Conveyances, page 576, above set forth. Joshua Tomlinson atid Sarah E., his wife, to Thomas Irwin and John Nesbit. DEED. Dated 26 Dec, 1867. Ack. II Jan., 1868. Rec. 2) Jan., 1868. 1043 Conveyances, 113. iConsideration, $8,000. Conveys same premises as previous Deed. Thomas Irwin and Jane, his wifc,]oviti Nesbit and Sarah Ann, his wife, to John Murphy. DEED. Dated 26 Dec, 1867. Ack. 8 Jan., 1868. Rec. 29 Jan., 1868. 1043 Conveyances, 112. Considerat'n, %i,666.6y. Conveys all the one equal undivided third part of, in, and to the premises vested in Irwin and Nesbit, by the two preceding Deeds to them. 342 THE LEWIS A. SAY RE MARSH. John Murphy and Phebe A., his wife, John Nesbit and Sarah Ann, his wife, Thomas Irwin and Jemima Jane, his wife, to Jacob Voorhis, Jr., DEED. Dated 2 March, 1869. . Ack. 3 March, 1869. Rec. 4 March, 1869. I loi Conveyances, 227. I Consideration, $40,000. Conveys all the same premises as previous Deed, subject to two mortgages, one recorded in 832 Mortgages, 572, and the other recorded in 832 Mortgages, page 575, both since dis- charged of record. The Mayor, Alderme?i and Com- monalty of the City of New ^ York, to Jacob Voorhis, Jr. DEED. Dated 23 March, 1870. Ack. 23 March, 1870. Rec. 19 April, 1870. II 33 Conveyances, 319. Considerat'n, $2,014.16. Conveys all that certain piece or parcel of land or land un- der water, in the City of New York, bounded and described as follows : Beginning at the intersection of the centre line of Ninety-fifth Street with the line of the high-water of the East River, running thence Easterly along said centre line of Ninety- fifth Street and the continuation thereof, to the exterior or bulkhead line of the City of New York as now established by law ; thence Northerly, along said exterior or bulkhead line to the intersection thereof with the continuation of the centre line of Ninety-sixth Street ; thence Westerly, along the said centre line of Ninety-sixth Street and the continuation thereof to the intersection of said centre line with the line of PART OF MARGARET McGOWN TRACT. 34:u high-water of said East River ; thence along the said high-water line, as the same winds and turns in a general southerly direc- tion, along upland belonging to the said Jacob Voorhis, Jr., to the intersection thereof with the centre line of Ninety-fifth Street at the point of beginning. Jacob Voorhis, Jr., and Ra- \ CKEL T., his wife, 1 DEED. ^^ f Dated 9 Dec, 1870. John L. Brown, as President 0/}^^^' 9 Dec, 1870. the New York Street Cleafting\ ' J^ '' ' \ ^ \ 1 140 Conveyances, 046. Association, a >^^^^ ^^^^^^' <:'^'^^- A Consideration, $276,500. pany. I Recites that the premises conveyed are necessary for the transaction of its business, and Conveys, with other property, the premises vested in Jacob Voorhis, Junior, by the two pre- ceding Deeds. South Side 97th Street from Second Avenue TO River. DEED. Lewis A. Sayre aiid Eliza A. j ^^ted 27 Oct. 1852. H.,//wt^/>,^;/^MARV J.HallT Ack., 2^ Oct., 1852. to I Rec. 28 Oct., 1852. 618 Conveyances, 263. Consideration, $4,400. Edward Roberts. Conveys all those certain lots and parts of lots of land, situ- ate, lying and being in the Twelfth Ward of the City of New York. The first parcel of which begins at the point of intersec- tion of the centre line of the block between Ninety-sixth and 344 THE LEWIS A. SAYRE MARSH. Ninety-seventh Streets with the line of the Harlem or East River, as laid down on Randall's Map No. lo, at or near the First Avenue ; thence Northerly, along the said Harlem or East River, as laid down on said map, to the middle line of Ninety- seventh Street ; thence Westerly, along said middle line of Ninety-seventh Street to the Easterly side of the Second Avenue ; thence Southerly, along the Easterly side of the Second Avenue to the said centre line of the block between Ninety-sixth and Ninety-seventh Streets ; thence Easterly, along said centre line of the block between Ninety Sixth and Ninety-seventh Sti'eets to the place of beginning. The second parcel of which begins at the point of intersection of the centre line of the block be- tween Ninety-sixth and Ninety-seventh Streets with the West- erly side of the Second Avenue ; thence Westerly along said centre of said block to the line of the upland conveyed to Charles H. Hall by Edward S.mdford, by Deed dated October lO, 1S35 ; thence Northerly, along the line of said upland, to the centre line of Ninety-seventh Street ; thence easterly, along the said centre line of Ninety seventh Street to the said West- erly side of the Second Avenue ; thence southerly, along the said Westerly side of the Second Avenue to the place of begin- ning. Together with all the pre-emption and other rights of the parties hereto of the first part, to the lands lying under water in front of the hereby granted premises. DEED. Edward Roberts and Irene .^,, ^ ^ „^ y Dated 15 Sept., i860. B., his wife, I ^^1^^ 28 Nov., i860. to ( Rec. 23 Feb., 1861. LuciEN D. COMAN. 832 Conveyances, 406. Consideration, $13,500. Conveys all those certain lots of land situated in the Twelfth Ward of the City of New York, which taken together are bounded and described as follows : Beginning at the point of PART OF MARGARET McGOWN TRACT. 3Jc5 intersection of the Easterly side of Second Avenue with the Southerly line of Ninety-seventh Street and running thence along said Southerly line in an Easterly direction about six hundred and fifty feet to the line or shore of Harlaem River at or near the Westerly side of First Avenue ; thence South- wardly along said Shore or Avenue one hundred feet nine inches, more or less, to the centre line of the block between Ninety-seventh and Ninety-sixth Streets ; thence Westwardly along the centre of the block about six hundred and fifty feet to the Easterly side of the Second Avenue, and thence North- wardly along the said Easterly side of the Second Avenue one hundred feet nine inches, more or less, to the place of begin- ning, together with the pre-emption right of the parties of the .first part to the lands under water in front of said lots extend- ing Eastwardly the same width to the water line, or pier line, established by the State Harbor Commissioners. LUCIEN D. COMAN and Marga RET J., his tvife, to DEED. Dated 25 March, 1862. Ack. 26 March, 1862. D. Randolph Martin, as Pres-i Rec. 18 June, 1862. ident of the Ocean Bank of the\ 855 Conveyances, 329. City of New York. ' ] Consideration, $10,000. Conveys same premises. D. Randolph Martin, as Pres- ident of the Ocean Bank of the City of Neiv York, to Richard W. Hurlbut. DEED. Dated 28 Feb., 1866. Ack. 6 Mar., 1866. Rec. 7 Aug., 1866. 1 99 1 Conveyances, 15. Consideration, $7,785.85 Conveys same premises. 346 THE LEWIS A. SAYRE MARSH. Subject to Mortgage recorded in Liber 642 of Mortgages, P^g^ 57^^ since discharged of record. Lucien D. Coman died intestate on 21 January, 1866, leaving him surviving Margaret J. Coman, his widows, and Florence Coman, and Lucien D. Coman, his only children and heirs-at- law. NEW YORK SUPREME COURT. Richard W. Hurlbut, Plaintiff, vs. Margaret J. Coman ^;/^ JohnI A. Livingston, Administra-^ tor, and Margaret J. Coman,, Administratrix, &c., Ack. 27 Oct., 1852. Charles Roberts ^wrt' Rich- V^^^'^ April, 1853. 1636 Conveyances, 59- Consideration, $4,900. ARD S. Roberts, Conveys those lots and parts of lots situate, lying and being in the Twelfth Ward of the City of New York, and the first parcel of which is bounded as follows : Beginning at the point of intersection of the Harlem River, as laid down on Randall's Map, with the centre line of the block between Ninety-seventh and Ninety-eighth Streets ; thence Westerly along said centre line to the East side of the Second Avenue ; thence Southerly along the Easterly side of the Second Avenue to the centre of Ninety-seventh Street ; thence Easterly along the centre of Ninety-Seventh street to the East or Harlem River as laid down in said map ; thence along the said River, as laid down in said map, to the place of beginning. The second parcel is bounded as follows : Beginning at the point of intersection of the cen- tre line between Ninety-seventh and Ninety-eighth Streets with the Westerly side of the Second Avenue ; thence running West- erly along the said centre line of the block to the Easterly side of the Third Avenue ; thence Southerly along the Easterly side of the Third Avenue to the centre of Ninety-seventh Street ; thence along the middle of Ninety-seventh Street to the West- erly side of the Second Avenue ; thence along the Westerly side of the Second Avenue to the place of beginning. To- gether with all the pre-emptive and other rights of the parties of the first part of and to the lands under water lying in front of the hereby granted premises. PART OF MARGARET McGOWN TRACT. 349 DEED. Charles Roberts and Kmma jj)^j.gj 22 Oct., 1855. C, Jils zvifc, f Ack. I Nov., 1855. fo /Rec. I Feb., 1856. Edward Roberts. \/°^ Conveyances, 9/. /Consideration, $1. Conveys his half-part of same premises. Edward Roberts and Irene B., his li'ife, and Richard S. \ DEED. Roberts and Car(^line A.,i hiszuifc, \ I^ated I Aug., 1863. Ack. 13 Oct., 1863. ^^ / Rec. 22 Dec, 1863. D. R. UxRTi^, President of t/uY'^' Conveyances, 237. . \ Consideration, $13,000. (Jcean bank tn tlie City of New York. Conveys all of said premises East of Second Avenue. Subject to a Mortgage recorded in Liber 626 Mortgages, page 479, since discharged of record. The Ocean National Bank, j DEED. of the City of New York, and I D. Randolph Martin, as its\ Dated 16 May, 1868. President, ) Ack. 24 June, 1868. I Rec. 25 June, 1868. I 1 06 1 Conveyances, 296. Walter Chester. /Consideration, $12,000. Conveys same premises as previous Deed. 350 THE LEWIS A. SAYRE MARSH. DEED. Walte^i Chester and Henri- j r»-,f^^ tq t o Ack. 27 Oct., 1852. to \ Rec. 28 Oct., 1852. CHANDLER L. Ingersoll. ] 6i 8 Conveyances, 211. . . / Consideration, $4,900. Conveys all those certain lots and parts of lots, situate, lying and being in the Twelfth Ward of the City of New^ York, the first parcel of which is bounded as follows : Beginning at the point of intersection of the middle line of the block, betwen Ninety-seventh and Ninety-eighth Streets with the East or Har- lem River, as laid down on Randall's Map No. — ; thence running Westerly along said centre line to the Easterly side of the Second Avenue ; thence along the Easterly side of the Second Avenue to the middle of Ninety-eighth Street ; thence along the middle of Ninety-eighth Street to the East or Harlem River, as laid down on said map ; thence along the East or Harlem River, as laid down on said map, to the place of beginning. The second parcel of which is bounded as follows : Beginning at the point of intersection of the centre line between Ninety- seventh and Ninety-eighth Streets with the Westerly side of PART OF MARGARET McGOWN TRACT. 351 the Second Avenue ; thence along the said centre line to the Easterly side of the Third Avenue, thence along the Easterly side of the Third Avenue to the centre of Ninety-eighth Street, thence along the middle of Ninety-eighth Street to the West- erly line of the Second Avenue, thence along said Westerly line to the place of beginning ; with the pre-emptive and other rights of the parties of the first part in and to the lands under water in front of said hereby granted premises. MORTGAGE. Chandler L. Ingersoll to Lewis A. Sayre. To secure $2,450. Dated 27 Oct., 1852. Ack. 27 Oct., 1852. Rec. 28 Oct., 1852. '415 Mortgages, 544. Covers same premises. Lewis A. Sayre to Edward Roberts. ASSIGNMENT. Dated 27 Oct. 1852. Ack. 28 Oct., 1852. Rec. 28 Oct., 1852. 415 Mortgages, 551. Consideration, $2,450. Assigns above Mortgage. Edward Roberts to Thomas Crane. ASSIGNMENT. Dated i May, 1854. Ack. 13 June, 1854. Rec. 26 June, 1854. 474 Mortgages, 54. 'Consideration, $2,450. Assigns above Mortgage. 352 THE LEWIS A. SAYRE MARSH. Chandler L. Ingersoll, by agreement dated 28 October, 1856, and recorded in Liber 728 Conveyances, page 677, agreed to sell said premises to Edward Roberts. This agreement was canceled by instrument dated 8 August, 1862, and recorded in Liber 862 Conveyances, 180. N. Y. SUPREME COURT. Thomas Crane, Plaintiff, vs. Chandler L. Ingersoll, Louisa Ann Ingersoll, Jiis zvifc, and EDWARD Roberts, Defendants, 1S61 — October 30. Complaint filed. October 30 Edward Roberts served with summons. October 30. John H. Piatt appears for Ingersoll and wife. 1862 — ^January 20. Order of reference to compute, on affidavit of no answer. January 23. Referee reports $2,574.81 due. February 5. Judgment of foreclosure and sale entered. October 2. Sheriff's report of sale filed. Sets forth sale of the four lots on Southeast corner of Third Avenue and 98th Street, and also four lots on South side of 98th Street, about 200 feet East of Third Avenue. Said premises sold for $2,965, enough to satisfy the judgment in the above action. PART OF MARGARET McGOWN TRACT. 353 DEED. Chandler L. Ingersoll and Louisa Ann, his %vifc, f Dated lo, July, 1862. fo \ Ack. 10 July, 1862. John Pritchard and LumanA ^^^''' J^^^' ^^62 1 852 Conveyances, 003. B. WING. j Consideration, $700. Conveys seven lots on South side of 9Sth Street, beginning 375 feet East of Second Avenue, and running East 175 feet. DEED. Chandler L. Ingersoll a/id Louisa Ann, /n's ivifc, I Dated 10 July, 1862. to > Ack. 30 Sept., 1862. John Pritchard and LumanV ^^c- ^ Oct., 1862. T, ,,r I 863 Conveyances, 173. B. Wing. I ^ . , . * „ / Consideration, ^1,800. CoNVKYS the four lots on Southwest corner of First Avenue and 9Sth Street, with the pre-emptive and other rights to land under water in front of said premises. DEED. John Pritchard and Jane, J Dated 29 April, 1863. Jiis ivifc, f Ack. 29 April, 1863. to f Rec. 2 May, 1863. Luman B. Wing. \ ^75 Conveyances, 365. / Consideration, $1. Conveys his undivided half of premises conveyed by two preceding Deeds. DEED. Luman B. Wing <7:wrt^CiiARL( )tte i Dated 21 Jan., 1869. S., /as %vife, f Ack. 21 Jan., 1869. to f Rec. 22 Jan., 1869. William Lalor. \ ^^90 Conveyances, 136. /Consideration, $15,000. Conveys all of the same premises as preceding Deed. 354 THE LEWIS A. SAYRE MARSH. MORTGAGE. William Lalor to Luman B. Wing. Covers same premises. To secure $7,500. Dated 21 Jan., 1869. Ack. 22 Jan., 1869. Rec. 22 Jan., 1869. 896 Mortgages, 59. The above mortgage was assigned to the Southold Savings Bank. See 896 Mortgages, 115. DEED. William Lalor and Eliza- J Dated 30 April, 1870. BETH A., his wife, f Ack. 30 April, 1870. f^ [ Rec. 30 April, 1870. 1,143 Conveyances, 307. Co sideration, $1 10,000. Jacob Voorhis, Jr. Conveys the premises extending from 98th Street to the middle line between 96th and 97th Streets which were vested in Lalor, as above shown. Subject to 889 Mortgages, page 212, since discharged of record. The Mayor, Aldermen and Com- monalty of the City of Nezv ^ * York, to Jacob Voorhis, Jr. DEED. Dated 9 Dec, 1870. Proved 9 Dec, 1870. Rec. 13 Dec, 1870. 1 140 Conveyances, 650. Consideration, $3,027.50. Conveys all that certain lot, piece or parcel of land and land covered by water in the East or Harlem River which is bounded and described as follows, viz : Commencing at the point of inter- section of the centre line of Ninety-eighth Street with the or- iginal line of highwater mark of said Harlem or East River ; PART OF MARGARET McGOWN TRACT. 356 thence running Easterly along said centre line to the exterior line of the City of New York, as now fixed by law; thence Southerly along said exterior line to the intersection of said line with the centre line of the block, between Ninety-sixth and Ninety-seventh Streets ; thence Westerly along said centre line to the intersection thereof with the said h'ne of original high water mark ; thence along said original high water line as the same winds and turns along upland belonging to said party of the second part in a general Northerly direction to the point or place of beginning. Jacob Voorhis, Jr., and Ra- chel T., his ivife, to John L. Brown, as President of the New York Street Clea7i-\ DEED. Dated 9 Dec, 1870. Ack. 9 Dec, 1870. Rec 13 Dec, 1870. 1 140 Conveyances, 646. ing Association, a Joint 5^^^/& ^Consideration, $276,500 Company. Conveys, with other property, the same premises as the two preceding Deeds. looth to loist Street, East of Second Avenue. Lewis A. Sayre a?id Eliza A. DEED. H., his wife, and Mary J7 Dated — Oct., 1852. Hall, \ Ack. 27 Oct., 1852. to I Rec. 27 Oct., 1852. ,612 Conveyances, 582. Welcome V. R. Arnold. | Consideration, $9,700. Conveys all those certain lots or parcels of land situate, 356 THE LEWIS A. SAYRE MARSH. lying and being in the Twelfth Ward of the City of New York, and butted and bounded as follows : Beginning at the point of intersection of the middle of One Hundred and First Street with the Easterly side of the Second Avenue ; thence running along the said middle line of One Hundred and First Street and cros- sing First Avenue and a portion of Avenue A to the Harlem River, as laid down on Randall's Map No. — ; thence running along the said Harlem River, as laid down on the said map, to the line of the middle of One Hundredth Street ; thence Westerly along the said middle line of One Hundredth Street to the point of intersection of the said middle line of One Hundredth Street with the Easterly line of the Second Avenue ; thence along the said Easterly line of the Second Avenue to the place of beginning, with the pre-emptive and other rights of the par- ties of the first part in and to the lands under water in front of said hereby granted premises. DEED. Welcome V. R. Arnold and Lavinia, his ivife, to Alfred P. Arnold. Dated i June, 1868. Ack. 2 July, 1868. Rec. 13 July, 1868. 1069 Conveyances, 149. Consideration, $19,000. Conveys an undivided half of same premises. Welcome V. R. Arnold and Lavinia, Ms wife, and Al- fred P. Arnold. to John L. Brown, Jr. DEED. Dated 20 Sept., 1870. Ack. 4 &6 Oct., 1870. Rec. 6 Oct., 1870. I140 Conveyances, 550. Consideration, $100,000. Conveys same premises. PART OF MARGARET McGOWN TRACT. 357 John L. Brown, Jr., and Julia F., his zvife, to John L. Brown, Sr., as Presi- dent of the Neiv York Street\ Cleaning Assoeiation, a Joint Stock Company. Conveys same premises. DEED. Dated 23 March, 1871. Ack. 23 March, 1871. Rec. 13 April, 1871. 1 167 Conveyances, 355 Considerat'n, $I20,000. The Mayor, Aldermen and Com- monalty of the City of Nezv ^ York, to John L. Brown, Jr. DEED. Dated 16 March, 1871. Proved 16 March, 1871. Rec. 20 March, 1871. 1 183 Conveyances, 72. "Considerat'n, §1,009.16. Conveys all that certain lot, piece or parcel of land and land under water, situate in said City of New York, and bounded and described as follows : Beginning at the point of intersection of the centre line of One Hundredth Street with the original line of high-water mark of the Harlem or East River, running thence along said original line of high-water line as the same winds and turns, in a Northeasterly direction, along upland belonging to said party of the second part, to the point of inter- section of said line with the centre line of One Hundred and First Street; thence Easterly, along said centre line of One Hundred and First Street continued into said River, to the point of intersection of said centre line with the bulkhead and pier line of said City, as now established by law ; thence along said bulkhead and pier line Southwesterly, to the point of inter section of said line with the centre line of One Hundredth 368 THE LEWIS A. SAYRE MARSH, Street ; thence Westerly along said centre line of One Hun- dredth Street to the point or place of beginning t John L. Brown, Jr. and Julia \ TT /.• V DEED. r ., his wife, i ^^ [ Dated 23 March, 1871. John L. Brown, Sr., as PresU ^^k. 23 March, 1871. dent of the New York Streeti ^^^'P ^P"^' ^^^^' /-, . ^ . . ^ . 1 II07 Conveyances, 353. Cleamn^ Association, a >^«^ Consideration, $1,186. Stock Compa7iy. j ('ONVKYS same premises as previous Deed. o^e<^. yjoi o/€^. o/^j. Jyiuii 0^6^. and Third Stre_., ^« ....v oamc is laia down on the Commis- sioner's map of the City of New York, and Northerly by the upland this day conveyed by the party hereto of the first part to the said party hereto of the second part. M. Ote< i «.'»• < ■? ^ ^ r < ^ t. W --1 J^ "7 5"»~5: s 5ob' Sci ^ L_ N) ^ V Nrf r N t V <- *• f 2S «■,<* m Hi2 ^b7 a 105' dJt. ■c- ■f > ■'1 1 J < r-- 1 < •c * 3 *■ .- ?5 '/To \ U5B V'7 1 ''■'7 ? J ^^ _ ■r ^1' -J tiii - ■'■ — q i: '' >'' l< wt — ~6 M loa* n \ 1 1 2|? ^ ■5 1 r" VI .■XC •5 1' * * Va VI ' 7" 7 j; •f 1 ?^.fe ...•■1 1 TiS 7iJ 1 1 _ 7^', Jv,lv < -J ^ >' V 6 i*-^ d» -J Nj _ 1 1 ^ vj ^ J7c.c_ ..1 ^?? s 2 <)7> Ov , ^'7 s SI'S 1 i , ,1 , 1... a: : i 1 ! 1 I 1 1 r-rri^ ^^m i i \ i Sii ! SSa r »2, I : \ i M fil Mi 05 !<|l<«|0<. .«- jo, |«. fjoi S07 i ',;/ 1-1 ■■ • 1 ' i ! STREET STREET r 360 THE EDWARD SANDFORD PIECE. DEED. ,, ^ \ Dated 30 Jan., 1835. MARGARET McGOWN, J p^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^g^^^ fo \Rec. 4 Feb., 1835. EDWARD Sanford. \ 3^0 Conveyances, 484. j Consideration, $57,000. Conveys all that certain tract, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings thereon erected, situate, lying and being at Harlaem, in the Twelfth Ward of the City of New York, bounded as follows, that is to say : Westerly by the Third Avenue, Easterly by Harlaem River, Northerly on one side by the Harlaem Creek, and Southerly, on the other side by the marsh and lowland this day conveyed by the party hereto of the first part to the said party hereto of the second part. These premises were sold oft" in lots according to the map on preceding page. yVc^^. yjfo/^^^. Jt^<^. yjUe^, w }- iiiu v-aiMivo jii iiic ofliu luwiic VI any pari 0^€^, n tXcJ' THE BENJAMIN L. BENSON TRACT. This Farm is included in the premises described in the fol- lowing Patents : Sir Richard Nicolls, r^ovcr- \ PATENT. nor, &€., / ^ r Dated — May, 1666. ) Recorded in Secretary The Freeholders AND iNiiAB-/ of State's Office, at ITANTS OF THE TowN OF NEW I Albany. Harlem. 1 1 Patents, 42. " Whereas there is a certaine towne or Village commonly called and known by the name of New Harlem, scituate and being on the East part of this Island, now in the tenure and oc- cupation of severall flreeholders and Inhabitants who have been at considerable charge in building as well as manuring, planting and ffencing said towne and lands thereunto belong- ing." Confirms unto the said ffreeholders and Inhabitants, their heirs, successors and assigns, and to each and every of them heir particular lots and estates in the said towne or any part 'IL ,. V:rnt')"( -AliA, A V EI N U EI 7-^ FOURTH AV C N U C •^ 363 THE BENJAMIN L. BENSON TRACT. thereof. " The extent of their bounds shall be as followeth (vizt), that from the West side of ye ffence of the sd towne a line be runne, due West foure hundred English poles without variacord of the compasse. At the end whereof another line being drawne to runne North and South with the variacord, that is to say : North to the very end of a certaine piece of meadow ground commonly called the round meadow, neare or adjoining to Hudson's River, and South to the saw mills over against Hogs^ Island, commonly called fferkins Island. It shall be the West bounds of their lands, and all the lands lying and being within the line so drawne North and South as aforesaid Eastward to the towne and Harlem River as also to the North and East Rivers shall belong to the towne," together with all soils, creeks, meadows, marshes, waters, fishing, huntings, &c. Sir Richard Nicolls, Cover- \ PATENT nor, &c., j to ( Dated ii Oct., 1667. Thomas Delavall, John Ver-\ Recorded in Secretary VELEN, Daniel Turner,( °^ State's Office, at TOOST Oblene and Re-) ^ ^"^' ,,r 14 Patents, 57. SOLVED WALDRON. I* ' ^' " Whereas there is a certaine towne or Village upon this Island Manhattans commonly called and known by the name of New Harlem, scituate, lying and being on the East parte of the Island, now in the tenure or occupation of severall of the ffree- holders and Inhabitants, who being seated there by authority have improved a considerable proporcon of the lands thereunto belonging, and also setted a competent number of Familyes thereupon capable to make a township. " Gives and grants, ratifies and confirms to Thomas Dela- vall, John Vervelen, Daniel Turner, Joost Oblene and Resolved Waldron, as Patentees for and on behalfe of themselves and THE BENJAMIN L. BENSON TRACT. 863 their associates, the Freeholders and Inhabitants of the said Towne, their heirs, successors and assignes, all that tract to- gether with the severall parcells of land which already have or hereafter shall be purchased or procured for or on behalf of the said towne within the bounds and lymits hereafter sett forth and expres't (vizt), that is to say, from the West syde of the ffence of the said towne a lyne being runne due West," &c. (The rest of the description is the same as previous patent.) CONFIRMATION OF PATENT. Sir Thomas Dongan, Cover- J rA ^ j - a/t u ^o^ p I Dated 7 March, 1680. ' ■' . f Recorded in Secretary THOMAS Delavall. Resolved ( ^^j.^|f^^'' ^^^""^ ^^ Waldron, et al. \ ^ ^ ^"^* / Patents, 192. Recites the former patents, confirms the same, and grants to them, for and in behalf of themselves and tlieir associates, the freeholders and inhabitants of Harlem, the premises granted by the previous patent by about the same description, together with all and singular the hereditament and improvements what- soever to the said tract of land and premises belonging, or in any wise appertaining or accepted, taken, or known, or used, occupied and enjoyed as part or parcel of or member thereof. It appears from the Harlem Records that John De La Mon- tagne purchased from the Tappan Indians, on 20 August, i669» old style, the point called Reschewannas, bounded between two creeks and hills, and behind a spring which separates it from Montague's flat, together with the Meadows from the Bay of Hellgat to the King's Highway. This purchase was con- firmed by the following Deed : " We, the Magistrates, by the consent and resolution of the Inhabitants of this Town, have granted to Jan De La Montague, 364 THE BENJAMIN L. BENSON TRACT. to him and his heirs forever, a piece of land together with the annexed meadows, named Montagne's Point, formerly owned by his late father, lying within the jurisdiction of this Town, bounded on the North side by a creek, named Montagne's kil, stretching from the East River to a fresh water creek, stretching between Montagne's flats and the aforesaid point, on the South side bounded by a creek and a meadow and by the hills to the aforesaid fresh water creek where the King's Highway crosses it ; with the meadows lying in the bend of Hellgat, which the aforesaid Montagne has exchanged for the Town's meadow lot, with such rights and privileges as are granted by our patent, and yet stand as granted, subjecting him to such law and serv- itudes as are common to us, and may be imposed (without that we, the inhabitants or our heirs, shall have or pretend to have any claim), but shall enter upon and use the same as his other patrimonial property, or sell as he may deem proper, or choose to do (excepting the Lord's Right.) We, the Magis- trates and Constable, have undersigned the same, this 8 Feb- ruary, 1672, at New Harlem, it was signed." The Creek called Montagne's Kill is now called the Mill Creek, and forms the Northerly boundary of this farm as shown on map, ante page 265. The hills spoken of as forming the West- erly boundary constituted the high ground West of Fifth Avenue, between 104th and 107th Streets. The Creek forming the Southerly boundary is the one shown on said Map South of the Mill Creek, and crossing the Third and Fourth Avenues near 103d Street. It appears from an extract from the Harlem Records, dated 18 May, 1671, that the said Jan De La Montagne agreed to sell to Jan Louwe Van Schoonderwoord, the piece of land com- monly called Montainje's Point, or by the Indians, Wrescha- wannis, with the meadow lying in the bay of Hell Hole. The point is bounded between two creeks and behind by a hill and THE BENJAMIN L. BENSON TRACT. 365 the meadow thereunto belonginj^. The said Jan de Lamon- tainje having died his widow Maria Vermilje completed the sale and conveyed the property to the purchaser by the follow- ing Deed : " Appeared before me Hendrick Jans Vandervin, Secretary of the Town of New Harlem, and the aforenamed witnesses Mrs. Maria Vermilje, the widow of Jan de Lamontainje, late Secre- tary of this town who, in his life time, had sold to Jan Louwe Van Schoonderwort his piece of land called Montainje's Point, together with the meadows thereunto belonging as shown by an article of the sale thereof, dated 1 8 May, 1671, and by inden- ture bearing date 8 February, 1672, for the sum of three thou- sand Guilders, of which sum the Appearer characterized as above hereby acknowledges the receipt in full to the last penny, in the first place giving thanks to the buyer for his punctuality, and releasing him from all future demands. Therefore it has been ceded and conveyed, so the grantor hereby cedes and conveys the said piece of land and meadows t'lereunto belonging to him the buyer, in free and true possession, as they were possessed by her without that she, the Appearer or her heirs thereto, shall claim any right. » * « ♦ * Thus done and executed, at New Harlem, on the 30th day of the month of March, 1674. MARIA MONTAINJE. David Dhs Marest, ) ,xr.^ Daniel TouRNEUR,}^''"^^^^^- It appears from another extract from the said Harlem Records that the said Maria Vermilje, by Deed dated 14 November, 1679, sold and conveyed to Cornelia Evarts, wife of the said John Louw Van Schoonderwoord, a hop garden lying behind the land of John Louwe over against the hill.' This hop garden was situated near the Fifth Avenue, and prob- ably on the Westerly side thereof. Jonn Louw Van Schoonderwoord is called in the following 360 THE BENJAMIN L. BENSON TRACT. instruments John L. Bogert, the references therein conclusively showing that these were different names for the same person. A change of name similar to the above is frequently met with in the Harlaem Records (see Riker's " Annals of Newtown " for a full explanation of this custom). At a town meeting of the patentees and freeholders of Har- lem, held on ii December, 1 691, Adolph Meyer, Jan Hendricse Brevoort, Samuel Waldron and Peter Van Oblinus were ap- pointed to lay out and divide the undivided lands belonging to the said Town's patent. At another meeting, held on 4 January, 1699, ^^ was unanimously agreed that each freeholder should pay taxes and receive undivided lands in proportion to his present ownership. The said trustees made their report on 21st March, 1701, to the magistrates of said Town, that amongst other parcels they had laid out for John Lowesen Bogert, for the right of sixteen morgan of land and one lott of land then in possession, " All that a certaine parcell of land lying in the bought of Hellgate, beginning on the Southwest corner of the Hopp garden by a berken boom or burtch tree, running to a white oake tree which stands by a small swamp, mark't with the letters J, L. B. and the letters J. L. D., towards the river, running by a rock mark't J. L. B. and J. D. L, and running towards the strand or riverside to the end of a meadow on the North of a stoney or ro * * * hill, as it was then, and now is known by the name of the Lot No. 48, and which joynes to the South side of the above mentioned lands and meadows of him, the said John Lowesen Bogert." JoosT Oblinus, Surviving Pat- \ DEED. entee in the old Pateiit of Har- j ^^^7 \ Dated Feb. — , 1701. fo I Recited in 226 Convey- JOHN L. BOGERT. \ ances, 37. THE BENJAMIN L. BENSON TRACT. 307 Conveys said portion of the patented premises set apart to him as aforesaid. Yielding and paying every year to the Queen's Majestic his proportion of tlie qiiitt rent reserved in the general patent of Harlem, according to the quantity of land hereby granted. Adolph Meyer, Jan Hen-\ T^mn^ „ ^ i DEED. DRICSE BrEVOORT, SaMUELI Waldron and Peter VanI r^ *. j c .. ^ Obl.nus VDated 4Sept ,706. , , I Kecitcd in 226 Convey- T T T^ 1 veyances, \-j. John L. Bogert. ] Conveys and confirms said premises. ;; ~ \ DEED. John Lowesen Bogert and\ Cornelia, /!w tcv/r, / Dated 21 Sept., 1706. \ Ack. 10 Feb., 1707. ^ ( Rec. 21 Sept., 1827. Johannes Bensen. A 226 Conveyances, 37. / Consideration, .^650. Conveys the several pieces of property vested in Bogert and wife by the previous conveyances. Last Will and Testame?tt j Dated 9 May, 1711. ^ f Proved 20 May, 17 18. / Before Governor of Pro- Johannes Benson. \ vince. Gives all his estate to his wife Elizabeth, during her life, if she so long remain his widow, and then provides as follows : " The reversion and remainder of my estate, real and personal, I give to my loving children by names, Samson, Derick, Mathew, Johannes, Catalina, Rachell, Catherine Maritie, and for a share to the two children of my daughter Lena, dec'd ; in all nine shares, to be divided in nine equal and even shares, to each of my said nine children one equal ninth part, to hold to each of them, their heirs and assigns forever." 368 THE BENJAMIN L. BENSON TRACT. Peter Van Oblinus, Samuel Waldron and Mary Meyer, the heirs and assigns of the[ original patentees, 'to Elizabeth Benson, zvidow and] Executrix of Johannes Ben- son. DEED. Dated 3 Feb., 171 5. Not recorded, but orig- inal Deed is in pos- session of Mrs. Mar- garet Adriance. Recites the above mentioned conveyances to Johannes Ben- son and his grantors, and conveys and confirms said premises. Elizabeth Benson, zvidoiv and Executrix t/ Johannes Ben- son, Laurence Courtright, Derick Benson atid Cath- RINA, his wife, JACOB Sy- MON and Catalina, his zvife, Matthew Benson and Eliza- beth. Iiis wife, Abraham Lameter and Cathrina, - his wife, Johannes Cowen- HOVEN and Rachel, his wife. Rich Lydecker and Mary, his wife, and Johannes Ben- son, to Samson Benson. DEED. Dated 28 March, 1721. j Not recorded, but orig- inal is in possession of Mrs. Adriance, and is recited in the follow- ing Deed: Recites said instruments and conveys same premisei-i THE BENJAMIN L. BENSON TRACT. 369 Last Will and Testament i j^^^^^ ^^ g^p^^ ij,^^ of > Proved 21 Jan., 1741, Samson Benson. \ '4 Wills, 175. Gives to his wife Mary Benson, as long as she remain his widow, the use of his Dwelling-house and Farm, and then provides as follows : " After the death or marriage of my said wife, which shall first happen, then my will and desire is, and I do hereby give, devise and bequeath all my estate, both real and personal of what kind soever, to and amongst my nine children hereafter named to be equally divided amongst them, part and part alike, that is to say : to my eldest son Johannes Benson, to my daughter Elizabeth, now the wife of Hanse Romer, to my daughter Mary, the wife of Samson Pelts, to my daughter Catharine Shourd, to my son Adolph Benson, to my daughter Elena, the wife of Peter Bosen, to my son Benjamin Benson, to my daughter Anne Benson and to my daughter Catline Benson, to be equally divided amongst them, in equal proportion share and share alike. * * * And it is further my will and desire in case it should happen that any of my said children, hereinbefore mentioned, either sons or daughters, should happen to die without issue lawfully begotten of their bodies, his or her part, portion or share of them, or any or either of them so dying before such time my estate be di- vided his or her part shall go, remain and be to and amongst the survivor and survivors of them part and part alike." The testator further provided that his said dwelling house, farm and mills should be sold within six weeks after the death or marriage of his said wife, to any one of his said children who might desire to purchase the same. 370 THE BENJAMIN L. BENSON TRACT. Johannes Benson and Tan- NEKEA, his wife, Adolph Benson and Eva, his wife, Jacob Dickman, Jr. and Cat- line, his wife, Samson Pelts and Mary, his zvife, Daniel Maggown and Catharine, his wife, Hanse Romer and Elizabeth, his wife, Peter Bosen and Elena, his wife, John Odell and Anne, his wife, and Mkk^ Benson, to Benjamin Benson. DEED. Dated 28 Jan., 1742. f- Proved 31 Dee., 1743. Rec. 19 July, 1808. 80 Conveyances, 498. Consideration, ;^ 1*500. Conveys all that certain dwelling house, mills and farm as is now in fence, situate, lying and being in Harlem, in the County and Province of New York, now in the tenor or occupation of him, the said Benjamin Benson, containing about two hundred acres, be the same more or less, with two other lots. Benjamin Benson and Susan- nah, his wife, to Adolph Benson. DEED. Dated 29 Jan., 1742. Recited in 297 Convey- ances, 540. Consideration, ^350. Conveys all that piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in Harlem, in the County of New York. Be- ginning at a certain black oak tree marked with three notches on four sides, standing by a meadow east by the creek (and is bounded on the land of the said Benjamin Benson) and from thence running upon a straight line South-southwest or there- THE BENJAMIN L. BENSON TRACT. 371 aboiits, to a certain bylested tree marked with three notches on two sides, near the brook, bounding on the said brook till it meets with the Commons, and on all the other sides as it is now in fence. Containing eighty acres, be the same more or less, which said piece of land is a part of the premises purchased by the said Benjamin Benson from Johannes Benson and others, by Deed bearing date the 28th day of January, 1742. Also lot No. Eighteen in fourth division, described in last Deed, and one-third of the Commons. iDEED. Dated 10 March, 1781. Consideration, love and affection. Conveys all that certain piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in Harlem, in the County of New York ; being that parcel of land purchased by said Adoiph Benson from Benja- min Benson and Susannah, his wife, by a Deed bearing date the 29th day of January, 1742. DEED. Lawrence Benson ^«^ Maria, ) j^^^^^ ^ May, 1803. his wife, \ Ack. 28 July, 1825. to Rec. 1 1 June, 1833. Benjamin L. Benson. V^'^ Conveyances, 540. Consideration, $I0. Conveys same premises. tWot o/^j. ^yyii Oi(€4. o^e4. yro/e^. yroi 0^€^. A < THE THIRD AVENUE TRACT, The tract in question was part of a large farm of which Johannes Benson died seised. .Last Will and Testament j Dated 9 May, 171 1. - f Proved 20 May, 1718. i Before Governor of Pro- JOHANNES Benson. \ vince. Gives all his estate to his wife Elizabeth, during her life, if she so long remain his widow, and then provides as follows : " The reversion and remainder of my estate, real and personal, I give to my loving children by names, Samson, Derick, Mathew, Johannes, Catalina, Rachell, Catherine Maritie, and for a share to the two children of my daughter Lena, dec'd ; in all nine shares, to be divided in nine equal and even shares, to each of my said nine children one equal ninth part, to hold to each of them, their heirs and assigns forever." m J16*" .' SXRLLT -■ »>(S ff|»- »s«> > ** 113° ■??'_: r ^ STRCCT _j_^ iii./* STRUCT 7«. "J' 7^t ; 13« STRCET • ; i -T i^wgi 1' ' ' r il ^ 1 A I < 1 S «S|« .M^- ^•■;!3 *« ^ ^ il^ si 74. 2S' 1 , * 1 i 1 -A' '-■ ■ 1 J ' '^ iU ^1* ... ^ J J l*t 1^ , M 1 1 ' 1 ,,. -S ' ¥r;? MAP or THQ THIRD AVENUE TRACT rORMERLY THE PROPERTY Of B P BEN SON a-CyVANARSDALE STRCCT '>U m-rrr % 1^^ -:!f'. _JJ^Ii>lM• l 1 1 "- STRECT rr^ l-Uie- -:5^^-Rklsls,?l il^l^l^i^ 77-1 s 1 lO*"^ 1^ — ^-^ 1 iA= ^ \ N "e/ " . j'l'o- i-^v _ ^1 ''\Z'^ — /si' K-IU '.' -^ »^,. - \'-'y..^~^ .,. 1 1 1 STRUCT 113 / i09* STREET ,: • 1 ? \' ^ 1. 1 /to 1 ' % /*., 'J> Hi 1 * i r «' • „ " 5 ^ ^ - -'J? - , '^7 /Sit Rjf "WT iM i>i» J »u > » * .ni io«* MILL // STR EJ^ J' Ml! /zz: -^::^55££i; POND ri^T- "I r 374 THE THIRD AVENUE TRACT. Elizabeth Benson, widow and Executrix ^/Johannes Ben- son, Laurence Courtright, Derick Benson and Cath- RINA, his wife, JACOB Sy- MON and Catalina, his ivife, Matthew Benson and Eliza- beth, his wife, Abraham Lameter a7id Cathrina, )■ his %vife, Johannes Cowen- hoven and Rachel, his'wife, Rich Lydecker and Mary, his wife, and JOHANNES BEN- SON, DEED. to Samson Benson. Dated 28 March, 1721. Not recorded, but orig- inal is in possession of Mrs. Adriance, and is recited in the follow- ing Deed: Recites said instruments and conveys same premises. Last Will and Testame?tt of Samson Benson. Dated 12 Sept., 1739. Proved 21 Jan., 1741. [4 Wills, 175. Gives to his wife Mary Benson, as long as she remain his widow, the use of his Dwelling-house and Farm, and then provides as follows : " After the death or marriage of my said wife, which shall first happen, then my will and desire is, and I do hereby give, devise and bequeath all my estate, both real and personal of what kind soever, to and amongst my nine children hereafter named to be equally divided amongst them, part and part alike, that is to say : to my eldest son Johannes Benson, to my daughter Elizabeth, now the wife of THE THIRD AVENUE TRACT. 376 Hanse Romer, to my daughter Mary, the wife of Samson Pelts, to my daughter Catharine Shourd, to my son Adolph Benson, to my daughter Elena, the wife of Peter Bosen, to my son Benjamin Benson, to my daughter Anne Benson and to my daughter Catline Benson, to be equally divided amongst them, in equal proportion share and share alike. * * * And it is further my will and desire in case it should happen that any of my said children, hereinbefore mentioned, either sons or daughters, should happen to die without issue lawfully begotten of their bodies, his or her part, portion or share of them, or any or either of them so dying before such time my estate be di- vided his or her part shall go, remain and be to and amongst the survivor and survivors of them part and part alike." The testator further provided that his said dwelling house, farm and niills should be sold within six weeks after the death or marriage of his said wife, to any one of his said children who might desire to purchase the same. Johannes Benson and Tan- NEKEA, his wife, Adolph Benson and Eva, his wife, Jacob Dickman, Jr. and Cat- line, his wife, Samson Pelts ^w^Mary, his wife, Daniel MaGGOWN and CATHARINE, his xvife, Hanse Romer and Elizabeth, his wife, Peter Bosen a7id Elena, his wife, John Odell ««^Anne, his wife,and^K^\ Benson, to Benjamin Benson. DEED. Dated 28 Jan., 1742. f" Proved 31 Dec, 1743. Rcc. 19 July, 1808. 80 Conveyances, 498. Consideration, ;^i,$oo. CoNVKYS all that certain dwelling house, mills and farm as is 376 THE THIRD AVENUE TRACT. now in fence, situate, lying and being in Harlem, in the County and Province of New York, now in the tenor or occupation of him, the said Benjamin Benson, containing about two hundred acres, be the same more or less, with two other lots. DEED. ! Dated 2d April, 1701. Ack. 10 May, 1791. Rec. 12 May, 1797. 54 Conveyances, 321. Considerat'n, 5 shillings. Cjnveys all that messuage or tenement, being all my estate to the north of the Mill Fond, between the fence of the Widow Storm and the road leading to Harlem, including the mill stream and mill and mill pond, with all its privileges and ap- purtenances and to shut the mill dam at the South side of said mill pond where it now lays. Last Will and Testament ) j^^^^^ ^^ j^^^^^ jg^^^ of \ Proved 3 Jan., 1803. PETER Benson. \ 44 Wills, 239. " First. I give and devise unto my son Benjamin P. Benson, his heirs and assigns, all that my land on which I now live, excepting eight acres, situate, lying and being in the Township of Harlem, on the South side of the highway extending to the East River, together with the mill and stream now leased to Samuel Denny, with all the buildings and improvements what- soever. I also give and devise unto my said son one-half of the woodland, and one half of the salt meadow lying on the North side of the Post Road, to hold to him the said Benjamin P. Benson, his heirs and assigns, forever. Item : I give and devise* unto my daughter, Wilmina Benson, her heirs and THE THIRD AVENUE TRACT. 377 assigns, all the tillable land on the North side of the Post Road, together with the other half of the woodland and salt meadow, with all the buildings and improvements, as also eight acres on the South side of the Bridge Road, on the North corner, adjoin- ing the lands now in possession of James Roosevelt, and thence running Westerly along said road untill the middle fence, to hold to her the said Wilmina Benson, her heirs and assigns forever." Directs that his wife shall have the income and management of the estate until his children shall come to full age. Benjamin P. Benson, PARTITION DEED. to and zuith [ Dated 22 April, I8i8. Peter Van Arsdale rt//^^' VVil-( ^^^- ^2 April, 1818. .... \ Rec. 22 April, 1818. HELMINA, Ins tuife. ) ^ ' 127 Conveyances, 302. Conveys and sets apart to Wilhelmina Van Arsdale (for- merly Wilhelmina Benson) all that certain piece or parcel of ground situate, lying and being in the town of Harlem, County and State of New York, between the old Harlem Road and the Harlem Bridge Road. Beginning on the North side of the said Bridge Road at the Westerly line of the prop- erty belonging to Luke Kipp, and running thence along the said road South, forty-six degrees West twenty-three chains and twenty-three links ; thence North six degrees and thirty min- utes, East seven chains, one link and a half; thence South sixty-tliree degrees, West eighteen chains and ten links ; thence South thirty-five degrees and forty-five minutes. East two chains ; tlience South sixty -three degrees, West four chains and thirty links, to Harlem Creek; thence along the Creek as it winds and turns to the Old Harlem Road ; thence along the old Har- lem Road as it now runs to the line of land belonging to Luke Kipp ; thence along said Kipp's line to the place of beginning. 8t8 THE THIRD AVENUE TRACT. Containing twenty-seven acres one rood and twenty-three perches, be the same more or less. And also all that other piece or parcel of land, situate be- tween the Harlem Bridge Road and the Third Avenue : Beginning at a point on the Northwesterly side of the Third Avenue, where the Northeasterly line of One Hundred and Thirteenth Street intersects said avenue, and running thence along the Avenue North thirty-three degrees and thirty minutes East five chains and seventy-two links to land of James Roose- velt ; thence along the land of James Roosevelt North nine degrees West nine chains and seventy links to the Harlem Bridge Road ; thence along the said road South forty-six de- grees West twelve chains and ninety-six links to the middle fence ; thence along the middle fence South six degrees and forty-five minutes East 27 links to the Northeasterly side of One Hundred and Thirteenth Street ; thence along the line of said street South fifty -six degrees and thirty minutes, East nine chains and thirteen links to the place of beginning, containing eight acres. Conveys and sets apart to Benjamin P. Benson " All that certain piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the town of Harlem aforesaid, lying on the Southerly side of the Harlem Bridge Road and extending thence to the East River, together with the mill and "stream ; the said land is bounded on the East by land belonging to George Bradish, James Roosevelt, the heirs of Flamen Ball, and John F.Jackson, being all the land of the said Peter Benson South of the Harlem Bridge Road, except eight acres hereinbefore described and re- leased by the said party of the first part unto the said parties of the second part. And also all that certain piece of woodland and salt meadow lying on the North side of the said Harlem Bridge Road, beginning at the Harlem Creek, and running thence along the said road North forty-six degrees, East sixteen chains and four THE THIRD AVENUE TRACT. 379 teen links ; thence North six degrees and thirty minutes, East seven chains one and-a-half links ; thence South sixty-three West eighteen chains and ten links ; thence South thirty-five degrees and forty-five minutes, East two chains ; thence South sixty-three degrees West four chains and thirty links to Harlem Creek ; thence along the Creek as it w^inds and turns to the place of beginning. John F. Jackson a7id Hannah, /lis ivifc, {widoiv of PeteRj Benson), to Benjamin P. Benson. DEED. Dated lo July, 1825. Ack. 17 Oct., 1825. Rec. 3 Nov., 1825. 193 Conveyances, 478. Consideration, $1. Releases all right of dower in premises set apart to Ben- jamin P. Benson. DEED. Benjamin P. Benson and Mary Ann, his wife, to Benjamin L. Benson. Dated 10 July, 1825. Ack. 13 Oct., 1825. Rec. 3 Nov., 1825. 193 Conveyances, 474. Consideration, $30,000. Conveys the premises set apart to Benjamin P. Benson in the previous Deed. DEED. Benjamin P. Benson a7id Mary Ann, his wife, to Benjamin L. Benson. Dated 10 July, 1825. Ack. 16 & 23 Mar., 1826. Rec. 25 March, 1826. 200 Conveyances, 546. Consideration, $I0. Conveys all that certain piece of ground situate, lying and being in the Twelfth Ward of the City of New York, being 380 THE THIRD AVENUE TRACT. part and parcel of the farm of Peter Benson, deceased, and known as the Harlem Bridge Road, or the Boston Post Road, extending from the Harlem Mill, Pond or Creek to the Northernmost bounds of the farm of the said Peter Benson, de- ceased. Also the mill, mill stream or pond attached to the mill, and the ground, marsh or marshes covered by the said mill stream, and the water courses and privileges, rights and appurtenances belonging thereunto. Also all the lowlands, salt meadows, flats, marshes in front of and adjoining to the uplands which belonged to Peter Benson in his lifetime, situate along said creek. John F. Jackson ^w/ Hannah, his wife, {zvidoiv of Peter Benson), to DEED. Dated ro July, 1825, Ack. 17 Oct., 1825. Rec. 3 Nov., 1825. Peter Van Arsdale.^//^/ Wil-^ 193 Conveyances, 477. HELMINA, his zvife. /Consideration, $1. Releases all right of dower in premises set apart to Van Arsdale and wife. DEED. Peter Van Arsdale «;/^Wil-J ^^^^^ ^ ^^^^^ jg^^ Ack. 12 Sept., 1825. Rec. 3 Nov., 1825. HELMINA, his ZvifCy to Benjamin L. Benson. 193 Conveyances, 480. Consideration, $13,500. Conveys the premises set apart to Wilhelmina Van Arsdale in the previous partition Deed (except the part conveyed by her to William Devoe). Together with all the right, title and in- terest of the said parties of the first part of, in and to the Bridge road aforesaid. THE THIRD AVENUE TRACT. 381 DEED. Same i Dated 6 July, 1825. ( Ack. 12 Sept., 1825. ^^ /Rec. 3 Nov., 1825. Same. \ ^93 Conveyances, 483. ' 7 Consideration, §1. Conveys all the lowlands, meadows, marshes, flats covered with water, waters, water-courses, lying adjacent to lands in Harlem formerly owned by Peter Benson, of Harlem, in the Ninth Ward of the City of New York, deceased. Benjamin L. Benson sold oiV the farm thus vested in him, according to a map thereof, a copy of which is given ante page 373. There is a note on the original map stating that the lots on the Avenues are each 25 feet 2}^ inches wide front and rear, and that all the other dimensions are marked on the map with red ink (the gores only excepted. ) These red ink dimensions were probably omitted from the original map, at any rate no ti"aces of them are now visible. If the lots fronting on the streets between 3d and 5th Avenues be taken as being each 25 feet wide, and the Avenue lots as 100 feet deep, there will be an excess of five feet in the length of each block. By Deed dated 12 November, 1S2S, and recorded in Liber 241, Convey- ances, page 497, Benjamin L. Benson conveyed some 467 lots in this tract to Archibald Watt. There is a map recorded with this Deed, which shows the outlines of the tract and the lots conveyed to Watt. On this map the street lots conveyed which adjoin the rear of the 5th and 3d Avenue lots, are laid down as 20 feet wide, while all the other street lots are 25 feet Wide. Wliether as to blocks not shown on this map, which were previously conveyed, this excess of five feet in the block is to be rectified by diminishing by five feet the width of the street lots adjoining the 3d and 5th Avenue lots can be determined only after examining the conveyances of those and possibly the other lots in the block. yfo^^. M^e,. 0/6'^. o^a. THE LANAW BENSON TRACT. This is part of the tract vested in Aaron Bussing, as shown in the abstract of the Samson Benson Tract, next hereinafter set forth. The outHnes of the tract are shown on the map of the Third Avenue tract, ante page 373. The piece is there designated " Heirs of Henry Rankin." This designation is copied from tlie original map in ("ase number 1 15 (the map given at page 373 being intended for a copy of said original.) This piece is also so designated on map in Case number loS. Such designation, however, is not entirely accurate, for though the greater part of the said tract was vested in Margaret Rankin, daughter of said Henry Rankin, yet, a small triangle on the Easterly end was vested in John Combs, as hereinafter shown. The following is the first Deed of record ati'ecting the title to this tract : DEED. \ Dated 6 June, 1793. David Waldron i j^^^ ^^ ^^^-^^ ^„^^ /Rec. 15 Aug., 1825. Susan Benson. \ ^97 Conveyances, 103. y Coftsideration, $1. Conveys all those two certain lots of ground situate, lying and being in the Village of Harlaem, in the Twelfth Ward of the City of New York, described as follows : the first lot lying THE SAMSON BENSON TRACT. 391 on the old road leading from McGowan's Pass to Harlem Vil- lage, at the Southeast corner of the hodse now or late occupied by a black man named Charles Van Bramer, and designated on a map made by Robert Findlay, Surveyor, dated April iSth, 1S23, as lot No. I (one) ; containing eight acres, one rood and thirty perches. The otlier lot lying on the same road, on the same side thereof, but nearer the Village of Harlem, and desig- nated on the same map as lot No. 4 (four) ; containing about one acre, two roods and eight perches, on which is a house lately occupied by the widow Crum. Also the one-third part of the fourteen-acre wood lot adjoining the first mentioned lot, more particularly mentioned and described in my Will as being devised to the said Susan, the children of Mrs. Vreden- burgh and the children of Aaron Bussing. Last Will and Testament Dated 28 April, 1823. of \ Proved 29 Nov., 1825. Samson Benson. \ ^ ^^"^' ^^• I give the use and occupation of one house and three lots of ground in Harlem, now occupied by Charles Everson, to Sarah Combs, my slave, during her natural life, which ground is in- cluded in a piece of woodland on the old Harlem road, reserved by me for my use during my life time, which said woodland and house and lots, containing about seventeen acres, more or less. After my death, I give and devise to my daughter Susan the equal one-third part thereof forever ; to the children of Ben- jamin Vredenburgh the one equal third part thereof; and to the children of my daughter Jane Bussing, deceased, the other equal one-third part thereof, to them and their heirs and assigns forever ; and in case of the death of any of the said grandchil- dren before the age of twenty-one^yearS, the share of those who so die to go and belong to their brothers and sisters surviving him 392 THE SAMSON BENSON TRACT. or them. I also give and devise unto my said daughter Susan Benson, and to her heirs and assigns, forever, eight acres, one rood and thirty perches of land situated on the old Harlem Road, as described in .i certain map made thereof on the eighteenth day of April instant, by Robert Findley, surveyor, as lot number one. I also give and devise to my said daughter Susan, and to her heirs and assigns, forever, one house, one acre, tw^o roods and eight perches of ground now in the occu- pation of Mrs. Crum and daughters, situated on the old Har- lem Road aforesaid, and described on the said map as No. 4. I also give and devise to the heirs of Benjamin Vredenburgh and Eve, his wife, and to the survivors of them, as tenants-in- common, forever, eight acres, one rood and thirty perches of land situated on the Old Harlem Road, and described on the said map as lot No. 2. I also give and devise to my said grand- children the heirs of Benjamin Vredenburgh and Eve, his wife, and to the survivors of them, as tenants-in-common, forever, one house, one acre, one rood and eighteen perches of land on the said old Harlem Road, and marked on the said map as No. 5. I also give and devise to the heirs of Aaron Bussing and Jane, his wife, lately deceased, eight acres, one rood and thirty perches of land on the said old Harlem Road, and de- scribed in the said map as lot Number 3. I also, likewise, give and devise to the said children, heirs of my late daughter Jane Bussing, wife of the said Aaron Bussing, two houses, three roods and thirty-eight perches of land on the said road, as described in the said map as lot No. 6. To have and to hold the several pieces and parcels of land above mentioned and de- vised to my said grandchildren, to them, their heirs and assigns forever. My will is, and do hereby order and direct my execu- tors hereinafter mentioned, or the survivor or survivors of them, to sell and dispose of all the i-esidue of my real estate, to wit, the house and two acres of ground in the town of Harlem, now in the occupation of Edward Vermilya * * * at public or THE SAMSON BENSON TRACT. 898 private sale, after my death, at such time or times as my said executors may think fit ; and I do hereby authorize and em- power my said executors, or the survivors of them, to give good and sufficient deed or deeds in fee simple to the purchaser or purchasers tliereof. Appoints Susan Benson his executrix and Aaron Bussing and Peter Myers his executors. By Codicil dated 22 August, 1S25, he provides as follows: " And it is my further will, that in case my daughter Susan should depart this life before me, that then, and in such case, the real and personal estate devised in and by my said last Will and Testament, to the said Susan, I give, devise and bequeath to the children of my daughter. Eve Vredenburgh, to be equally divided between, share and share alike. To have and to hold the same to them, their heirs and assigns, forever." Appoints Benjamin L. Benson and Isaac Adriance his execu- tors in place of those named in Will, with all the powers given in and by said Will. Letters Testamentary granted to Benjamin L. Benson and Isaac Adriance, on 29 November, 1825. See Liber 60 Wills, page 23. Last Will and Testament Dated 16 July, 1825. of \ Proved 27 Dec, i>25. SUSAN BENSON. \6o Wills, 61. " I give and bequeath and devise unto my nephew Adolphus Benson Vredenburgh a house and three acres of ground, situ- ate in Harlem, in the Ninth Ward of the City of New York, on the road which was formerly the only road leading from McGowan's Hill to Harlem, and was lately occupied by the Widow Crum. To have and to hold the same to him, his lieirs and assigns, forever. All the rest, residue and remainder 394 THE SAMSON BENSON TRACT. of my real and personal estate, I give, devise and bequeath unto my two nephew^s aforesaid, Adolphus Benson Vredenburgh and Edward Benson Vredenburgh, and their sister Eliza, equally to be divided between them, share and share alike. To have and to hold the same unto them, their heirs and assigns for- ever." Title to Woodland. This, as above shown, was vested in the children of Benjamin Vredenburgh and the children of Jane Bussing. The heirs of Aaron and Jane Bussing living at tlie time of the institution of the following suit were John Bussing, Samuel Bussing, Margaret Myers and Abraham B. Bussing. The children of Benjamin and Eve Vredenburgh then living were Adolphus B.Vredenburgh and Eliza, wife of Peter Poillon. IN CHANCERY. Peter Poillon and Eliza, his ivife, vs. Adolphus Benson Vreden- burgh, Samuel Bussing, John Bussing, Peter MyersI a7id Margaret, his wife. Re-' BECCA Bussing and Abra- ham B. Bussing. / 1826 — June 15. Bill filed to partition the 17 acre piece of woodland. June 21. John L. Lawrence appointed guardian ad litem of Adolphus B. Vredenburgh, Rebecca Bussing and Abraham B. Bussing. June 27. Answer of said infants filed. THE SAMSON BENSON TRACT. 395 1826 — June 28. Answer of other defendants filed. June 29. Order of reference. June 30. Master's report filed. July 3. Judgment of sale entered. DEED. JohnTowt, J Dated 27 Feb., 1828. Master tn Chancery, f ^^^ ^^ March, 1828. to } Rec. 16 April, 1828. Archibald Watt. \ ^32 Conveyances, 418. / Consideration, $4,457.50 Conveys all that certain piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the Twelfth Ward of the City of New York, and which, in the order or decree of the said Court of Chancery for the sale thereof, is described as being butted and bounded as follows : Easterly partly by the old Harlem road leading from McGowan's pass to Harlaem, and by land belonging to John Combs, and by land belonging to the heirs or devisees of Henry Rankin ; Southerly by the Mill creek ; Westerly by land lately belonging to the heirs of Benjamin Vredenburgh, de- ceased, and Northerly by an eight-acre lot devised in and by the said last Will and Testament' of Sampson Benson, de- ceased, to Susan Benson. Subject, however, to the life estate of Sarah Combs of, in and to one house and three lots of ground situate on the Northeasterly corner of said woodlot, and being seventy-five feet in width in front on the old Harlaem road, the same in rear, and one hundred feet in length on each side ; and which premises herein above mentioned and de- scribed are the same premises designated on a map of property lately belonging to Samson Benson and Benjamin Vreden- burgh, situate in the Twelfth Ward of the City of New York, made by J. F. Bridges, City Surveyor, August, 1826, and on file in the Office of the Register in and for the City and County 396 THE SAMSON BENSON TRACT. of New York as lot No. eight, containing thirteen acres and seveniy-four-one-hnndredth of an acre ; and lot sixteen, contain- ng seventeen-on e-hundredth of an acre. Title to Lots i, 2 and 5. The heirs of Benjamin Vredenburgh, to whom these lots were devisedjWere Matthias Vredenburgh, Susan Maria Vredenburgh, Edward Benson Vredenburgh, Adolphus Benson Vredenburgh and Eliza, wife of Peter Poillon. Matthias, Susan Maria and Edward Benson Vredenburgh had all died intestate and without issue, prior to the institution of the following partition suit. Matthias Vredenburgh had left a widow, Ann Vredenburgh, him surviving. IN CHANCERY. Peter Poillon a7td Eliza- beth, his wife, vs. Ann Vredenburgh and Adol- phus Benson Vredenburgh. 1826 — June 9. Bill filed for partition or sale of lots I, 2 and 5, and of other property adjoining on the North. June 9. John L. Lawrence appointed guardian ad litem of Adolphus B. Vredenburgh. June 15. Answer of infant filed. June 28. Answer of Ann Vredenburgh filed. June 29 Order of reference. June 30. Master's report filed. July 3. Judgment of sale entered. DEED. John Towt, Master in Chancery, j Dated 4 Sept., 1826. Ack. 21 June, 1827. Rec. 25 June, 1827. to Peter Poillon. \ 222 Conveyances, 493. Considerat'n, $7,621.40. THE SAMSON BENSON TRACT. 397 Conveys all those four certain lots, pieces or parcels of land, situate, lying and being at Harlem, in the Twelfth Ward of the City of New York, and described as follows: The first lot being land of which Susan Benson died seized, and which she, in and by her last will and testament, devised to the heirs of Benjamin Vredenburgh, deceased, situate on the old Harlem Road, and is designated on a certain map filed in this court made by Robert Finlay, surveyor, on the eighteenth day of April, as lot No. (i) one, containing eight acres, one rood and thirty perches. The second lot is described on the map afore- said, made by the said Robert Finlay, as lot No. (2) two, con- taining eight acres, one rood and thirty perches. The third lot is known on the aforesaid map made by Robert Finlay, as lot No. (5) five, and contains one acre, one rood and eighteen perches of land. The fourth lot, being part of the farm adjoin- ing on the North, the description thereof will not be here given. Title to Lot No. 3. This was devised by the Will of Samson Benson to the heirs of Aaron Bussing and Jane Bussing. John Bussing, Samuel Bussing, Margaret Myers, Rebecca Buising and Abraham B. Bussing were their only heirs who survived the said Samson Benson. DEED. ^ ^ \ Dated 6 July, 1826. John Bussing j . 1 at o^r •' I Ack. 6 June, 1826. ^0 \ Rec. 6 June, 1826. Peter Poillon. I 205 Conveyances, 435. / Consideration, $337.50. Conveys all the undivided fifth part of that certain lot of ground, situate, lying and being in the Twelfth Ward of the City of New York, on the old Harlem Road, and described 398 THE SAMSON BENSON TRACT. and numbered on a map made thereof on the eighteenth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-three, by Robert Findlay, as lot number three (3), and containing about eight acres, one rood and thirty perches, and is the same lot which, by the last Will and Testament of Samson Benson, was devised to the heirs of Jane Bussing, who was the daughter of the said Samson, and the said party of the first part is one of five chil- dren of the said Jane Bussing, who is also deceased. IN CHANCERY. Peter Poillon vs. Samuel Bussing, Peter My-^ ERS a?id Margaret, his wife A Rebecca Bussing and Abra-' HAM Barker Bussing. 1826 — June 15. Bill filed for partition of lot 3. John L. Lawrence appointed guardian ad litem of Rebecca and Abraham B. Bussing, on their petition. June 27. Answer of infants filed. June 28. Answer of other defendants filed. June 29. Order of reference. June 30. Master's report filed. July 3. Decree of sale entered. DEED. John Toy^t, Master ifi C/z^«-) Dated 4 Sept., 1826. eery, ( Ack. 26 Jan., 1827. to f Rec. 26 Jan., 1827. r, , Ti \ 214 Conveyances, 195. Peter Poillon. 1 ^ . , , ^ o / Considerat n, $2,092.80. Conveys all that certain lot of land, situate at Harlem, in THE SAMSON BENSON TRACT. 399 the Twelfth Ward of the City of New York, on the old Harlem Post Road, of which said lot of land Samson Benson, late of Harlem aforesaid, at the time of his death, was seized in fee simple, and which said lot is designated on a certain map (made hy Robert Finlay, surveyor, on the eighteenth day of April, 1823, filed with the Assistant Register), as lot number three (3), containing eight acres, one rood and thirty perches of land. Peter Poillon caused a map to be made of the lots vested in him as aforesaid, which is on file in Case No. 108. The said premises were sold off by him in city lots according to said map. Title to Lot No. 4. Tliis lot was conveyed and devised, as above shown, by Samson Benson to his daughter Susan Benson. She in turn devised the same to her nephew, Adolphus B. Vredenburgh. Title to Lot Number 6. This was devised by Samson Benson to the children of Jane Bussing. These were John Bussing, Margaret, wife of Peter Myer, Jun., Rebecca Bussing, Samuel Bussing and Abraham B. Bussing. DEED. i Dated 6 May, 1829. Ack.6May, 1829. Rec. 20 May, 1829. 250 Conveyances, 518. Consideration, $60. Conveys all the undivided fifth part of said lot six. 400 THE SAMSON BENSON TRACT. Peter Myer, Jr., and Mar- garet, his wife, REBECCA BUS- SING ««^ Samuel Bussing, to William D. Bradshaw. DEED. Dated 28 March, 1831. Ack. 28 March, 1831. Rec. 19 May, 1831. 1272 Conveyances, 339. Consideration, $195. Conveys all the three undivided fifth parts of said lot six. This Deed is signed Rebecca D. Bussing and Sampson B. Bussing. DEED. William D. Bradshaw and Hester, his zvife, to Thomas Egan. Dated 7 April, 183 1. Ack. 18 May, 183 1. Rec. 12 Sept., 1835. 337 Conveyances, 578. Consideration, $500. Conveys all the four undivided fifth parts of said lot six. DEED. Thomas Egan and Margaret, his wife, 7 Dated 9 Sept., 1835. ^^ V Ack. II Sept., 1835. John Lozier ajid Charles G.l Rec. 12 Sept., 1835. Stoppani. ]337 Conveyances, 580. / Consideration, $3,500. Conveys all the four undivided fifth parts of said lot num. ber six. • DEED. Abraham Barker Bussing ) f Dated 18 June, 1836. > Ack. 23 June, 1836. John Lozier and Charles G.l Rec. 23 June, 1836. Sgtppani. ]357 Conveyances, 405. /Consideration, $1,000. Conveys all the undivided fifth part of said lot number six. THE SAMSON BENSON TRACT. 401 Title to the Two Acre Piece. Benjamin L. Benson and Isaac Adriance, Executors of SAM- SON Benson, to Walter Williams and Car- oline, his ivifc, DEED. Dated i Aug., 1826. Ack. 24 Aug., 1826. Rec. 24 Aug., 1826. 208 Conveyances, 233. Consideration, $3,428. Conveys all that certain house and about two acres of ground situate, lying and being in the Twelfth, late Ninth, Ward of the City of New York, and bounded as follows, viz. : North by lands belonging to the heirs of Benjamin Vreden- burgh. South by the old road leading from Harlem to McGowan's pass. East by the road leading from Harlem to Kingsbridge, and West by land devised in and by said last Will and Testament to the heirs of Jane Bussing. Containing two acres and nine-hundredths of an acre, be the same more or less ; being the same property which is described in said last Will and Testament as being in the possession of Edward Vermilyea. ^yVc/e^. M^,. o/i^. -8il ST. ST. ST ST. ST. ] THE PETER DE WITT TRACT. This is part of a farm vested in Aaron Bussing at an early period. Last Will and Testament J Dated i May, 1782. of \ Proved 27 May, 1784. Aaron Bussing. \ 36 Wills, 517. Imprimis : "After my lawful debts are paid, and my funeral defrayed, it is my will and order that all and singular my real estate, situate, lying and being in Harlem aforesaid, be sold, and do hereby order and lawfully empower my executors, or the major part of them, to sell to the best advantage for my children and grand children, all my real estate as aforesaid at public outcry or vendue, or any other lawful way or ways, and for the same, or any part or parcel thereof, good and sufficient Deed and Deeds in law to make, and the same to sign, seal anil execute, to anv person or persons, and his and their heirs, executors and administrators forever in fee simple, and out of the moneys arising or to arise therefrom, to pay my just debts, the surplus or residue thereof, together witli my personal estate, to be divided amongst my children and grand children." Ap- points John Sickles, Senior, Adolph Myers and John Meyers, his executors. 404 THE PETER DE WITT TRACT. Letters Testamentary were granted to John Sickles on 27 May, 1784 — see Liber 36 Wills, 518 — and after his decease to Adolph Myers, on 14 September, 17S6. See Liber 39 Wills, page 246. DEED. JOHN Sickles, Excaitor e/ J Dated 18 Aug., 1784. Aron Bussing. \ Proved 2 May, 1795. to I Rec. 28 Oct., 1796. 53 Conveyances, 142. Consideration, ^470, 3s- Catharine Storm, zvidozv. Conveys a certain lot of land, being part of the above said Aron Bussing, deceased, estate, situate and lying in the Town- ship of Harlam, in the County and State of New York : Begin- ning at the South side of the road that leads to Harlem, run- ning thence South three degrees East six chains thirty- seven links ; thence South eighty-two degrees West one chain ninety-two links, South ten degrees East forty-one chains forty links to the marsh ; thence South seventy-nine degrees West two chains twenty links along said marsh ; thence South fifty-four degrees West two chains eighty links along the afore- said marsh ; thence South eighty-six degrees West two chains twenty links to the fence, which being the division line be- tween Benjamin Benson's and the aforesaid lot ; running thence along said line North nine degrees West forty-two chains sixty- five links to the aforesaid road ; thence running North seventy- four degrees East two chains and ninety links along said road ; thence North thirty-five degrees East two chains forty links, keeping along said road ; thence North twenty-three degrees East three chains ; thence North twenty-nine degrees thirty minutes East one chain along the aforesaid road ; thence North three degrees East one chain along said road ; thence North eighty-three degrees East one chain seventy-five links to the place where first began. Containing thirty-one acres and fifty- THE PETER DE WITT TRACT. 405 five one-hundredth and sixtieth part of an acre, be it more or less. DEED. Catharine Storm, loidow, j Dated lo Dec, 1795. Ack. 13 Oct., 1796. to Rec. 23 June, 1847. James Roosevelt. \ 490 Conveyances, 361. Cons'n, ;^i,567, 3s. 9d. Conveys all that certain dwelling house and tract or parcel of land lately in the possession of George Bolland, and situate and lying in the Township of Harlem in the Seventh Ward (late the Harlem division of the Outward) of the said City, on the Southerly side of the Harlem Lane, or road leading from the public highway, or Post Road to the Harlem Church and Ferry, being bounded Northerly by the Harlem Lane or Road aforesaid, southerly by liigh-water mark or the marsh or meadow belonging to the Corporation of the said city ; Easterly by the land of Peter Waldron, and Westerly by the land of Peter Benson ; which said tract or parcel of land was, on the ninth day of December instant, surveyed by Cassimer Theodore Gocrck, one of the sworn surveyors of the said city, and is more particularly described as follows, that is to say : Beginning at the Harlem Lane or Road aforesaid, at the Northerly corner of the land of the said Peter Benson, and running thence along the Harlem Lane aforesaid, North seventy-three degrees and thirty minutes East two chains and ninety-seven links ; thence North twenty-seven degrees and thirty minutes East six chains and thirty-five links ; thence North forty degrees East one • chain ; thence North eighty-two degrees and thirty minutes East one chain and seventy links, to the Westerly corner of the land of the said Peter Waldron ; thence along the Westerly boundary of the land of the said Peter Waldron South three degrees East six chains and twenty-nine links ; thencfe South 406 THE PETER DE WITT TRACT. eighty degrees and forty-five minutes West one cliain and eighty-nine links ; thence South ten degrees East forty chains and ninety-seven links to highwater mark on the meadow or marsh aforesaid ; thence along the same South eighty-seven de- grees and thirty minutes West one chain and seventy four links ; thence South fifty eight degrees West two chains and thirty links ; thence South sixty-three degrees and fifteen min- utes West one chain and sixty-four links ; thence North eighty- eight degrees and forty-five minutes West one chain and forty- seven links to the Easterly corner of the land of the said Peter Benson; thence along the Easterly boundary of the land of the said Peter Benson North nine degrees and thirty minutes West twelve chains and thirty-three links ; thence North ten degrees and fifteen minutes West twenty chains and five links ; and thence North nine degrees and forty-five minutes West nine chains and seventy-one links to the place of beginning. Con- taining thirty acres, one rood and seven perches, be the same more or less, as by a plan or chart thereof made by the said Casimer Theodore Goerck, and dated on the said ninth day of December instant, hereto annexed may appear. DEED. James Roosevelt ^wflT-MARiAJ Dated i April, 1803. E., his wife, f Ack. 30 May, 1803. io I Rec. 24 March, 1807. 75 Conveyances, 104. Consideration, Peter DeWitt. Conveys all that certain tract or parcel of land, situate on the South side of the new road in the Township of Harlaem, in the Seventh Ward of the City of New York : Bounded Northerly by the said Harlaem Road, Southerly by other land of the said James Roosevelt, Easterly by land of John P. Waldron, and Westerly by the lane or road belonging to the said James THE PETER DE WITT TRACT. 407 Roosevelt and running to his dwelling-house, which road or lane the said James Roosevelt reserves exclusively to himself, and declares that the said Peter DeWitt has no right or claim therein, the said tract running along the said Harlaem Road six chains twenty-five links, along the land of the said John P. Waldron fourteen chains ninety-nine links, and along the lane the property of the said James Roosevelt eleven chains twenty- four links. Containing eight acres, as the same was surveyed by Evert Bancker. DEED. James Roosevelt and Maria 1 ^^^^^ ^ ^p,-,^ ^g^^^ "E., his wife, ( Ack. 30 May, 1803. fff t Rec. 30 May, 1807. Peter \ " Conveyances 475- _/ Consideration, i,DO. Conveys all that piece of land in the town of Harlaem, on New York Island, situate between the old I'oad and the new road leading to Cole's Bridge, extending from Peter Benson's land to ground formerly belonging to the said James Roosevelt now the property of Joseph Mott, and is that strip of land that was taken from the said James Roosevelt's land on running the new road. Containing, by estimation, three-quarters of an acre, be the same more or less. The strip of land thus vested in Peter DeWitt, between the old road leading to Harlem and the new road leading to Har- lem bridge (the old Post road), was sold by him in two pieces ; the Southerly part to Luke Kip (see liber 77 Conveyances, page 502), and the Northerly part to William Devoe (see liber 78 Conveyances, page 159). As these premises are so small we shall not here consider them further. The title to the rest of the tract here diverges, part being conveyed to John F. Jackson, and residue being finally vested in James Smith. 408 the peter de witt tract. The John F. Jackson Piece. DEED. Peter DeWitt^;^^ Elizabeth, U^^^^ ^ ^p^jl^ ^g^^^ his wife, f Ack. 3 May, 1806. to ? Rec. 21 April, 18 12. John F. Jackson. V^ Conveyances, 249. y Consideration, $2,000. Conveys all that certain tract, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the town of Harlem aforesaid, in the County and State aforesaid, bounded as follows, to wit : Beginning on the Southeasterly side of Harlem Road, at the Westerly corner of land belonging to Joseph Mott, running thence along the said Joseph Mott's land South thirty-nine degrees East one chain and seventy-eight links to land belonging to John Waldron, Esq. ; thence along said John Waldron's land South nine degrees East eleven chains and twenty-eight links to land of the said Peter DeWitt; thence along the said land of the said Peter DeWitt South eighteen degrees West three chains and seven links to other land of the said Peter DeWitt; thence along said land last mentioned North twelve degrees West ten chains and ninety-seven links to Harlem Road aforesaid, and thence along said road North, forty-six degrees thirty minutes East three chains and thirty and one-half links to the place of beginning. Containing four acres of land, as the same is now enclosed in fence, as by a map of the same made by Adolphus Loss, City Surveyor, dated December 17th, 1805, may appear. The James Smith Piece. DEED. Peter DeWitt «;/^ Elizabeth, lj)^^g^ ^ May, 1806. his wife, I Ack. 5 May, 1806. io / Rec. 17 March, 1813. Anthony Marshall. \ ^^^ Conveyances, 441- ^ J Consideration, $5,750. THE PETER DE WITT TRACT. 409 Conveys all that certain messuage and tenement, with the land thereunto appertaining, situate, lying and being in the Township of Harlam aforesaid, and in the said Ninth Ward (with the land thereunto appertaining, as aforesaid), on the Southerly side of the main road leading to Harlem Bridge. Bounded Northerly in front by said road, Southerly in the rear by land of Henry Gilbert Livingston, Eastwardly by land partly belonging to the Rev. John Jackson, and partly by land of John P. Waldron, and Westwardly by a lane or road leading from the said main road to the dwelling-house of the said Henry Gilbert Livingston. Containing four acres of land. DEED. Anthony Marshall to Alexander Phcenix. \ Dated 5 Nov., 1806. Ack. 6 Nov., 1806. Rec. 17 March, 18 13. loi Conveyances, 443. Consideration, $5,750. Conveys same premises by same description. Alexander Phcenix to Daniel Phcenix. MORTGAGE. To secure §4,500. Dated C Nov., -1806. Ack. 26 Nov., 1806. Reg. 26 Nov., 1806. 17 Mortgages, 378. Covers same premises. The above mortgage was assigned by the executors of Daniel Phcenix to Richard Riker, by assignment dated 10 March 1S13, and recorded in Liber 29, Mortgages, page 276. 410 THE PETER DE WITT TRACT. John G. Bogert, Nathaniel Shaler and Napthali Ju- DAH, Assignees of ALEXAN- DER Phoenix. to Daniel Phcenix. DEED. Dated 2 April, 1812. Proved 16 April, 1812. Rec. 17 March, 1813. loi Conveyances, 445. 'Consideration, $10. Recites above mortgage and its foreclosure by advertise- ment and sale of the premises to Daniel Phoenix, and that Alexander Phoenix had become insolvent, and that parties of the first part had been duly appointed his assignees, and con- veys all the equity of redemption of the said Alexander Phoenix of, in, and to, the same premises. Last Will and Testament of Daniel Phcenix. Dated 10 May, 18 11. Proved 16 June, 1812. 50 Wills, 210. After certain legacies, testator provides as follows : " Sixthly^ I give to the children of my son Alexander the residue and remainder of my property, w^hether it is bonds, notes, or book- debts, houses or lands, hereby appointing my son Alexander as trustee, to have the care, support and education of the children, during his life, with power to manage the same as he shall thinlc best for their interest, giving him power to dispose of all or any part of the real estate, in case it appears for the best in- terest of the children." THE PKTER I)E WITT TRACT 411 Alexander Piicenix, Trustee of his son, ALEXANDER Phce- NIX, and of his daughter. DEED. Dated 8 Feb., 1813. ELIZABETH PHciLXLX, his only\ ^^^^ 2 March, 1813. children, both minors, ( Rcc. I7 March i8n- f^ \'^0\ Conveyances, 447. Consideration, $5,250. Richard Riker. Recites Will of Daniel Phoenix, and that certain parts of tiie real estate of said testator had been sold at auction to Richard Riker, and conveys same premises with other prop- erty. The premises having been conveyed to Daniel Phoenix prior to the date of his Will, the following releases from his heirs at- law were obtained : DEED. Sidney P. Williams ^//^/ Mary Williams, heirs of RebeccA Williams and ELirilALETf Dated 18 May, 1829. Williams, ) Ack. 21 Sept., 1829. Rec. 30 Nov., 1835. 342 Conveyances, 35; Richard Riker. I Consideration, Si, to Releases same premises. Alexander Phcenix^'/z^/Sally, \ DEED. his wife, and Eliz.\BETH In- f Dated 18 May, 1829. GRAHAM, > Ack. 16 April, 183c. to I Rec. 30 Nov., 1835. Richard Riker. )342 Conveyances, 353. /Consideration, %\. Releases same premises. J:12 THE PETER DE WITT TRACT. DEED. Richard Riker and Jennet, j^i^ .^^,lf [ Dated 1 8 Oct., 1820. fQ > Ack. 18 Oct., 1820. ( Rec. 20 Oct., 1820. James Smith. ) ^A7 Conveyances, 231. ] Consideration, $2,8cK). Conveys same premises, with full covenants and warranty. SDEED. Dated 20 Oct. 1820. Ack. 20 Oct., 1820. Rec. 20 Oct., 1820. 147 Conveyances, 234. Consideration, $300. Conveys all that certain tract, piece or parcel of ground, situate at Harlem, in the Nindi Ward of the City of New York, on the easterly side of the Third Avenue, and bounded as fol- lows, to wit : beginning at the corner of the fence adjoining the land of the said John F. Jackson, one hundred and two feet three inches North of One Hundred and Fifteenth (115th) Street, and running from thence South eleven degrees thirty minutes East sixty-seven feet to the corner of the fence ; thence North eighty-one degrees twenty minutes East two hundred and five feet to the corner of the fence adjoining the land of the heirs of John P. Waldron, deceased ; then with the land of the said heirs South nine degrees East one hundred and ninety feet six inches to the corner of the farm adjoining the lands of the said John F.Jackson ; then with the lands of the said John F.Jackson South eighty-nine degrees forty minutes West three hundred and seven feet three inches to the Third Avenue aforesaid ; then North thirty-three degrees ten minutes East two hundred and seventy-three feet six inches to the place of begin- ning. Containing one acre, one rood and eleven poles; the said premises being deeded to me by R. Riker, Esq., on the 1 8th October, 1820. JTc^a. 'JTO^^. o^ c^e^. Mta. i^a^^. /v^t^ THE HENRY G. LIVINGSTON TRACT. The title of this tract as far as James Roosevelt is shown in the Abstract of the Peter De Witt Tract, ante pages 403 to 412. DEED. JaxMes Roosevelt and Maria 1 j^^^.^^ -'■^ Oct 180^. E., his ivife, \ Ack. 27 Oct., 1803. to f Rec. 7 July, 1820. Henry P. {^G.}) LivingstonA '44 Conveyances, 367. / Consideration, $12,500. Conveys all that certain lot, piece or parcel of land, with the lane leading to the same, situate, lying and being in the Town- ship of Harlaem, and State of New York, bounded North by land sold by the said James Roosevelt to Peter DeWitt, East by the land of John P. Waldron and of the said James Roosevelt, South by the East River, and VV^est by lands belong- ing to the heirs of the late Peter Benson, and is part of the land bought by the said James Roosevelt of James Bolland. Con- taining, by estimation, about twenty acres. Subject to right of parties of first part to use tiie said lane until it runs to the distance of one luindred and six feet from the farm-house on the above-described premises. As also the uninterrupted right, use and occupancy of a road of twenty feet rtii THE HENRY G. LIVINGSTON TRACT. wide as the same is now in fence, to intersect with said lane and to run in a direct line aci'oss the lot in the rear of the pres- ent garden to the Northwest corner of the land purchased by the said parties of the first part of John P. Waldron, The premises thus vested in Henry G. Livingston were sold by him in different pieces as hereinafter shown. The John F. Jackson Piece. DEED. Henry G. Livingston ««^n Dated 19 Aug., 1806. Anna, his ivife, ( Ack. 20 Aug., 1806. to / Rec. 21 April, 1812, T T- T \ 08 Conveyances, 252. John F. Jackson. ]% ., . r J Consideration, ^750. Conveys all that certain tract of land, situate and lying at Haerlam aforesaid, bounded as follows : Beginning on the Southwesterly corner along a lane leading from the land sold to Thomas Barclay, Esquire, to the Haerlem Post Road, it joining the line of the house of Peter Benson, deceased, North eight degrees thirty minutes East four hundred and seventy-five feet six inches; thence along the fence which at present sep- arates the party of tlie first part from land now in possession of Captain Marshall, North eighty-nine degrees fifteen minutes East four hundred and fifty-two feet, till it comes to the land of the heirs of John P. Waldron, dec'd ; thence along this line South nine degrees East four hundred and twenty-seven feet ; thence along other land of the party of the first part South eighty-three degrees West four hundred and forty-eight feet, to the place of beginning. Containing, by estimation, four acres, two rods and twenty-three perches, be the same more or less, agreeable to the annexed map. Excepting and reserving, THE HENRY G. LIVINGSTON TRACT. 4io nevertheless, that the lane in front of this tract, and wliich is included in this Deed, shall not be altered or encumbered in any manner whatever, and that Thomas Barclay, Esq., James Rovaell, and Henry G. Livingston, their heirs and assigns forever, shall have a free and uninterrupted passage in this lane, but no title in the fee, and the said Jackson, is forever, for himself, his heirs and assigns, to have a similar right to and in the lane from the gate till it reaches his land, but no title in the fee. The Flamen Ball Piece. DEED. Henry G. Livingston and Dated 1 1 Sept., 1806. K'^^k, his zvife, f Proved 11 Sept., 1806. fg / Rec. I Sept., 1807. JOHN DIXON. \ 78 Conveyances 222. 1 / Consideration, ^750. Conveys all that certain tract of land situate at Haerleam, and is part of the land the said Livingston purchas'd of James Rosevelt. Beginning at or near said Rosevelt's gate at the cor- ner of the lane fence, thence running on the West side of the lane as the fence now runs till it comes to the lane leading from Harlem road to Colonel Thomas Barclay's ; thence crossing this lane in the same direction till it comes to the fence by the land of the heirs of Peter Benson, deceased; then running along the fence on the lane till it comes to the land lately sold by the said Livingston to the Reverend John F.Jackson ; then running along his line till it comes to the land of the heirs of John P. Waldron, deceased ; then along ihc line of the heirs of John P. Waldron, deceased, to the place of beginning. Containing, by estimation, four and half acres, be the same more or less, agree- able to the annexed map, reserving and excepting nevertheless, a free and uninterrupted passage for Henry G. Livingston, 416 THE HENRY G. LIVINGSTON TRACT. Thomas Barclay and James Rosevelt, their heirs and assigns, forever, to and from their respective land, and that the said lane is never to be encumbered or altered in any way whatever, but to remain precisely in the said state it now is at present. DEED. John Dixon and Elizabeth, J Dated 26 Sept., 1806. his zvife, f Ack i Oct., 1806. to f Rec. 25 March, 1807. Peter De Witt. \ 75 Conveyances, 1 14. / Consideration, $937.50. Conveys all that certain piece, parcel or tract of land situate, lying and being at Hearlemn, and is the exact one moiety or half part of the land which the said John Dixon purchased from Henry G. Livingston. Beginning at the corner of the land sold by the said Henry G. Livingston to the Reverend John F. Jackson, and running from thence along the line of the land sold to said Jackson till it comes to the land of the heirs of John P. Waldron, deceased ; and from thence running along the land of the said heirs of the said John P. Waldron, deceased, till it comes to the centre of the land sold by the said Henry G. Livingston to the said John Dixon ; and running from thence through the centre of the said land sold as aforesaid to the said John Dixon till it comes to fence and boundary line of the land belonging to the heirs of Peter Benson, deceased ; and running from thence along the said fence and line till the place of begin- ning, including the present lane. Containing the exact one- half of the land sold as aforesaid by the said Henry G. Living- ston to the said John Dixon, and containing, by estimation, two acres and one-quarter of an acre, be the same more or less, subject, nevertheless, to a privilege reserved for the said Henry G. Livingston, Thomas Barclay, James Roosevelt, their heirs THE HENRY G. LIVINGSTON TRACT. 41Y and assigns, to pass and repass in the said lane, and that the said lane is not to be anywise altered, but to remain in the same manner it is at present. MORTGAGE. STo secure $1,000. Dated 15 May, 1807. Ack. 23 May, 1807. Reg. 4 June, 1807. 16 Mortgages, 256. Rec. 2 April, 1814. ^ 105 Conveyances, 275. Covers same premises. Daniel Kingsland to Charlotte Convers. Assigns si id mortgage. Charlotte Conyers to Flamen Ball. ASSIGNMENT OF MORTGAGE. Dated 14 Aug., 181 l Ack. 14 Aug., 1811. Rec. 14 Aug., 1811. 27 Mortgages, 1 10. Consideration, $ii75- DEED. Dated 7 June, 18 14. Ack. 8 June, 18 14. Rec. 9 June, 1814. 107 Conveyances, 16. Consideration, $2,000. Recites the above mortgage and the proceedings to fore- close the same by Advertisement. Conveys same premises. 418 THE HENRY G. LIVINGSTON TRACT. Last Will and Testament . ^^^^^ ^ j^^^.^^ ^g ^^^ of > Proved 15 May, 1810. Peter DeWitt. \ 4^ Wills, 497. "I order and direct my executors hereinafter named, to sell and dispose of, to such person or persons as they may think proper, all that certain dwelling-house and lot of ground, con- taining about two acres, situate in Harleam, near James Roose- velt's, Esquire, and for such purposes do hereby authorize and empower them, or the siu'vivors of them, to execute, seal and deliver to the purchaser or purchasers thereof, good and suf- ficient deeds of conveyances for the same ; and out of the monies arising from the sale thereof, I order and direct my said executors to pay and discharge all my just debts which I shall owe at the time of my decease." Appoints his wife Elizabeth his executrix, and his sons John DeWitt and Peter DeVVitt his executors. Letters Testamentary were granted to all three. See Liber 48, Wills 499. Elizabeth DeWitt, ividoio and \ DEED Executrix, and]Q\\Yk DeWitt, / and Peter DeWitt, Sons and! Dated 9 June, 18 14. Executors ^/ Peter DeWitt, / Ack. 16 June, 18 14. ( Rec. 16 June, 1814. \ 107 Conveyances, 68. Flamen Ball. Consideration, $2,000. Conveys same premises. the henry g. livingston tract. 419 The James Roosevelt Piece. This is the Southerly part of the piece conveyed by Henry G. Livingston to John Dixon. DEED. John Dickson ^«^ Elizabeth, 1 j^^^^^^ 3, ^^^^ ^8^^ his^vife, f Ack. 31 Dec, 1807. to ( Rec. 5 June, 1835. James Roosevelt. \ J,^^ Conveyances, 79. / Lonsideration, §1,100. Conveys all that certain tract of land, situate at Harleam, and is part of the land Henry G. Livingston purchased of James Roosevelt. Beginning at or near said Roosevelt's gate at the corner of the lane fence ; thence running on the VV^cst side of the said lane as the fence now runs, till it comes to the lane loading from Harleam Road to Colonel Thomas Barclay's ; thence crossing" said lane in the same direction till it ccnusto the fence of the land of the heirs of Peter Benson, deceased, thence running along the fence in the lane till it comes to the land lately sold by said John Dickson to Peter DeWitt ; tlience along his line till it comes to the land of the heirs of John P. Waldron, deceased ; thence along the said line of the said heirs to the place of beginning. Containing, by estimation, two acres and one-quarter of an acre, and being the exact one-half of the ground sold to the said John Dickson by Henry G. Livingston. Reserving, nevertheless, the privelidge of the said lane, as the same is expressed and reserved in the said Deed of Henr\ G • Livingston. For the rest ot the title to this piece see that of the J. imcs Roosevelt tract, hereinafter set forth. 420 THE HENRY G. LIVINGSTON TRACT. The George Bradish Piece. Henry Gilbert Livingston and Anna, his zvifc, to Thomas Barclay. DEED. Dated 14 June, 1806. Ack. I Sept., 1807. Rec. 23 April, 1812. I98 Conveyances, 255. Consideration, ^^5,500. Conveys all that certain lot or tract of land, situate, lying and being in the Town of Harlaem aforesaid, being part of the land lately conveyed by James Roosevelt, Esquire, to the said Henry Gilbert Li\ing>ton. Beginning at the fence of the heirs of Peter Benson deceased, directly opposite the Westerly corner of the small stable as tlie small lane runs to six chains eighty- nine links to the country seat Of the said James Roosevelt; thence along the line of the said James Roosevelt to the East River ; thence along the River to the land of the heirs of the said Peter Benson, deceased ; from thence fourteen chains forty- six links along the line of the heirs of the said Peter Benson, to the place of beginning. Containing, by estimation, near ten acres. Thomas Barclay to George Bradish. DEED. Dated 20 May, 1816. Ack. 20 May, 1816. Rec. 20 May, 1816, 117 Conveyances, 355. Consideration, $1 1,975. Conveys same premises. THE HENRY G. LIVINGSTON TRACT. 42 1 DEED. ""^^ \ Dated 22 July, i. c^^a. THE JOSEPH MO'IT TRACT. This small piece of land is part of two farms, the greater part thereof being included in the Aaron Bussing tarm, and a small gore on the Easterly end thereof being included in the Waldron farm. The title of the Bussing farm as far as James Roosevelt is shown ante pages 403 to 406. DEED. James Roosevelt ««^ Maria, 1 ^^ted ^ May, 1798. his wife, I Ack. 22 April, 1799. to ( Rec. 7 Dec, 1835. 349 Conveyances, 75. Consideration, ;^400. Edward Vermillyea. Conveys all that certain piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the Township of Harlaem : Beginning at the Northwestern corner of the land belonging to Peter Waldron, and running from thence along the road South eighty de- grees ten minutes West one chain and seventy-three links ; thence South fifty-five degrees West sixty-four links ; thence South twenty-nine degrees forty minutes West ninety-eight links ; thence South twenty-seven degrees thirty minutes West two chains and fifty-six links to the land to be conveyed to Peter DeWitt; thence along the said land South thirty-nine de- grees East three chains seventy links to the land of the said Peter Waldron ; thence along the same North eighty degrees 424 THE JOSEPH MOTT TRACT. fifty minutes East one chain eighty-nine links ; thence North two degrees and fifty minutes West six chains thirty links to the place of beginning. Containing two acres. DEED. Edward Vermylia««^ Sarah, 1 jj^^j-^^j 20 April, 1799. his wife, \ Ack. 22 April, 1799. to I Rec. 7 Dec, 1835. Joseph Mott, \ 349 Conveyances, JT. / Consideration, $1,500. Conveys same premises. In the abstract of tlie John P. Waldron tract next hereinafter set forth, the title of the premises conveyed by the two follow- ing Deeds is shown as far as John P. Waldron. John P. Waldron DEED. to ■ V Dated 5 May, 1803. Hassel Pimm. \ ^ot recorded, but re- ] cited in following Deed. Conveys a lot including the premises conveyed in the fol- lowing Deed. Last Will and Testament 1 j^^^^^ ^ ^p^j,^ ^g^^^ of V Proved 19 April, 1806. Hassyl Pymm. 1 46 Wills, 278. " Secondly^ after the payment of all my just debts, as afore- said, I give, bequeath and devise unto my loving son, George Pymm, all my estate, both real and personal, except fifty dollars, * * * and lastly I do hereby nominate, make and appoint my friends, Semson A. Benson and Jonathan Randell my ex- ecutors." THE JOSEPH MOTT TRACT. 425 Letters Testamentary were granted to both executors. See Liber 46 Wills, page 279. At a Surrogate's Court Iield on 25 November, 1S06, an order was entered, on petition of the executors, directing that so much of the real estate of Hassel Pymm be sold as may be sufficient to pay the debts of the said testator, amounting to $693.90 witli costs and expenses. Sampson A. Benson and Jon- J DEED. ATHAN RANDEI.L, JR., Rxcc- j utors of Hassei. Pvmm audi ^-ited 20 April, 1807. c, " > Ack. ^o April, 1807. Sarah Pymm, / ^^ ;. \ ' ' I Rec. 9 March, 1832. io \ 282 Conveyances, 235. JosiTH MOTT. 1 Consideration, $750. Conveys all that certain piece, parcel or lot of ground, situate, 1\ ing and being in the Town of Harlem, in the Ninth Ward of the City of New York, on the Westerly side of the main road leading from New York to Harleam, and being part or parcel of a certain lot conveyed by John P. Waldron to the said Hassel Pymni by Dtcd bearing date the fifth day of May, in the year of our Lord, 1S03, bounded as follows : Beginning at the South- east of the Main Road leading to Harleam Bridge at the North- easterly corner of the said Joseph Mott's land, and running thence Southerly along the same one hundred and thirty feet ; thence Easterly and parallel to the said one hundred and thirty- tliree feet, to the said lot conveyed by the said John P. Waldron as aforesaid ; thence northerly along the same, one hundred feet to the said road, and thence Southwesterly aJong the same forty-five feet to the place of beginning. o/^<). yj^f^^. yjc^tki. ^ Rec 7 Dec, 1820. ^ I 146 Conveyances, 452. John P. Waldron. 1 Consideration, love and / affection. Conveys all her estate both real and personal, situate, lying and being in the aforesaid township of Harlem, together with THE JOHN P. WALDRON TRACT. 429 all and singular the liberties, privileges, advantages, heredita- ments and appurtenances to the same belonging, or in anywise appertaining. DEED. Dated 19 Jan., 1797. Peter Waldron ^ Proved 28 Jan., 1820. Rec. 7 Dec, 1820. 146 Conveyances, 453. John P. Waldron. \ Consideration, love and affection. to Conveys all his the said Peter Waldron's estate, both real and personal, situated in the Township of Hearlam, in the Seventh Ward of the City of New York. The Waldron tract extended originally as far West as the old road leading to Harlem. Several lots fronting the road were sold oft' from time to time, leaving in John P. Waldron at his death the tract shown on map, ante page 427. Last Will and Testament Dated 15 May, 1806. of \ Proved 7 July, 1806. John P. Waldron. Y^ ^^^^s, 353- After certain specific devises of property near the tract in question, and after giving his wife a"life estate in his real prop- erty, testator provides as follows : " The residue of my land in the town of Harlem, I devise, give and bequeath to my sons, John P. Waldron, Junior, Grove Bend Waldron and Peter Waldron, and my daughter Cornelia Waldron, to be equally divided between them, that is to say, share and share alike to them and their heirs, from and after the death or remarriage of my wife." 430 THE JOHN P. WALDRON TRACT. MORTGAGE. !To secure $1,500. Dated 27 May, 181 1. Ack. 28 May, 181 1. Reg. 28 May, 181 1. 22 Mortgages, 129. Covers all the undivided fourth part of the premises de- scribed in the following Deed. The above mortgage was assigned to John G. Bogert, by assignment dated 28 August, 1813, and registered in Liber 30 Mortgages, page 443, and assigned by him to Whitehead Fish, by assignment dated 5 January, 1S14, and registered in Liber 30 Mortgages, page 443, and assigned by him to William W. Gilbert, by assignment dated 11 June, 1S19, and recorded in Liber 45 Mortgages, page 244 ; and assigned by him to Gov- eneur M. Wilkins, by assignment dated 30 September, 1820, and recorded in Liber 51 Mortgages, page 125. The President and Directors of the Manhattan Company recovered a judgment for $133.18 against John P. Waldron, in the Court of Common Pleas, on 10 April, 1812. By virtue of a writ oi fieri facias issued under said judgment, the following Deed was made : DEED. ! Dated 11 Feb., 18 13 Ack. 19 Feb., 1813. Rec. 19 Feb., 1813. lOi Conveyances, 254. Consideration, $10. Conveys all the interest of John P. Waldron, on 10 April, 181 2, or at any time afterwards, of, in and to, all that certain piece, parcel or tract of land, situate, lying and being in Har- laem, in the Ninth Ward of the City of New York, on the THE JOHN P. WALDRON TRACT. 431 Westerly side of the road leading to Harlem Church, butted and bounded as follows, vizt. : Beginning al tlie house now or late leased to William Perkins, thence running East on the road leading to the said church until it joins the land of Philip Milledoler, thence South along the line of Philip Milledoler until it comes to the land of James Roosevelt, thence West till it comes to the land of Peter DeWitt, thence North along the line of Mr. Jackson's land to the place of beginning. Contain- ing about seventy acres, more or less. DEED. Daniel Randell and Lydia, his zvife, to Grove Bend Waldron. Dated 8 April, 1818. Ack. 8 April, 1818. Rec. 10 April, 181 8. 125 Conveyances, 567. Consideration, $25. Conveys all interest in same premises. DEED. Samuel Dana Ingraham afid Cornelia, his wife, to Grove Bend Waldron. Dated i April, 18 18. Ack. 2 April, 18 18. Rec. 7 July, 1818. 130 Conveyances, 115. Consideration $1,900. Conveys one equal undivided fourth part of all that certain piece or parcel of land, situate in the Ninth Ward of the City of New York, on the Easterly side of the Third Ave- nue. Beginning at the Easterly side of the said avenue, on the Southerly side of the road leading from the Town of Harlam to the Church, thence running along the said road North *eighty-four degrees East four hundred and seventy-eight feet to land of Philip Milledoler ; thence along the said Philip Milledoler land South eighty degrees and fifteen 432 THE JOHN P. WALDRON TRACT. minutes East three hundred and seventy-eight feet six inches, and South seventy-four degrees forty minutes West two hun- dred and fifteen feet, and South nine degrees and thirty minutes East one thousand five hundred and seventy-eight feet to James Roosevelt's land ; thence along the land of the said James Roose- velt South seventy-one degrees forty-five minutes West one thousand and fifty feet to land now or late belonging to James Roosevelt ; thence along the said land now or late belonging to James Roosevelt and land belonging to the estate of the late Flamen Ball, Esquire, deceased, and land of John F. Jackson and Richard Riker North nine degrees thirty minutes West one thousand three hundred and twenty one feet to the Third Avenue ; thence along the said avenue North thirty-three de- grees East one thousand one hundred and thirty-seven feet to the place of beginning. Containing forty-three acres, three roods and thirteen perches. MORTGAGE. Grove Bend Waldron ) ^o secure $1,247.40. to { Dated 7 April, 18 18. Whitehead Fish, Cashier ^// Ack. 7 April, 1818. the Mechanics Bank. I ,«■ / 40 Mortgages, 471. Covers one equal undivided fourth part of premises de- scribed in the previous Deed. Also one equal undivided fourth part of all that certain piece or parcel of land, situate in the Ninth Ward of the City of New York, on the Westerly side of the Third Avenue : Beginning on the Westerly side of the Third Avenue, at its junction with the South side of the road leading to the Church ; thence along the Westerly side of the said Avenue South thirty-three degrees West nine hundred and fifty feet to John F.Jackson's land; thence along the land ot the said John F. Jackson North nine degrees thirty minutes West three hundred and ten feet to Joseph Mott's land ; thence THE JOHN P. WALDRON TRACT. 4^3 along the land of the said Joseph Mott North eighty-two de- grees East one hundred and twenty-seven feet, and North two degrees West one hundred and twenty feet, and North forty- six degrees fifteen minutes East one hundred and fifteen feet along the land of the said Joseph Mott and land belonging to the estate of Hessel Pirn, and land of Luke Kip, John Hopper and William Brady, two hundred and seventy-one feet to land belonging to the heirs of John P. Waldron ; thence along the said land belonging to the heirs of John P. Waldron North fifty- eight degrees thirty minutes East thirty-two feet, and North six degrees West eight feet, and North eighty-four degrees East twenty feet, and North six degrees West one foot three inches to land of Thomas Brass ; thence along the land of the said Thomas Brass and land of Edward Vermilya North eighty-four degrees East one hundred and twenty feet ; thence along land of the said Edward Vermilya North six degrees West one hun- dred feet to the road aforesaid ; thence along the said road eighty-four degrees East eighty-eight feet six inches to the place of beginning. Containing two acres, one rood and twenty-five perches. The above mortgage was assigned by Whitehead Fish to William W. Gilbert, by assignment dated ii June, 1819, and recorded in Liber 45 Mortgages, page 245 ; and assigned by the said Gilbert to Goveneur M. Wilkins, by assignment dated 30 September, 1S20, and recorded in Liber 51 Mortgages, page 124. MORTGAGE. To secure $1,600. Grove Bend Waldron J j^^^^^ ^ April, 1818. to \ Ack. 2 April, 1818. Samuel Dana Ingraham. \ ^^^- 7 J^^^' ^^^'^- 741 Mortgages, 519. Covers one equal undivided fourth part of the premises de- scribed in the previous deed. 434 THE JOHN P. WALDRON TRACT The above mortgage was assigned by Ingraham to Valentine N. Livingston and Henry D. Tracy by assignment dated 6 July, 1818. and recorded in Liber 41 Mortgages, page 218, and assigned by them to Gouveneur M. Wilkins, by assignment dated 12 February, 1S19, and recorded in Liber 44 Mortgages, page 15. MORTGAGE. Peter Waldron \ To secure $450. / Dated 27 Nov., 1818. to ^ Proved 27 Nov., 1818. Elijah T. Pinckney. \ ^^c- ^7 Nov., 1818. ] A.X Mortp^ap-es. A.'^. 43 Mortgages, 45. Covers all that equal, undivided fourth part of the portion of the tract in question which lies East of Third Avenue by the same description as previous Deed. The above mortgage was assigned by Pinckney to Robert Perine and Micajah Reynolds, by assignment dated 27 Novem- ber, 1818, and recorded in Liber 43 Mortgages, page 74, and assigned by them to Isaac Adriance by assignment dated 12 February, 1820, and recorded in Liber 51 Mortgages, page 315. MAYOR'S COURT. Grove Bend Waldron and Peter Waldron vs. Samuel D. Ingraham and Cornelia, his wife. 1S18 — December 22. Petition filed for a partition of the tract in question. THE JOHN P. WALDRON TRACT. 435 iSi8 — December 21. Answer of defcnclants filed. December 33. Judgment of partition entered apijointing John McKesson, Jeremiah I. Drake and Benjamin L. Benson, cornmissioners of partition. 1S19 — May, 29. Commissioners' report dated. August 25. Final judgment entered. The commissioners in the above suit set apart to Grove Bend Waldron, lots 3, 4, 5, S, 9, 12, 15, i6, iS, 19, 23, 24, 25, 29 to 31, 33 to 3S, 41 to 51, 57 to 59, 61 to 6S, 70 to 73, 74 to S2, S5 to 113, 153 to 313, 317 to 237, 231 to 341, 345 to 253' 257 to 2S9, 303 to 332, 345 to 370, 372 to 37S, 380 to 3S9, 391 to 405, 407 to 474, 533 to 536, 543 to 554, 557 to 560, on the map ante page 437. They set apart to Peter Wal dron, lots 3, 6, 11, 14, 17, 33, 26, 2S, 32, 39, 40, 53 to 56, 114 to 153, 214 to 216, 22S to 230, 243 to 244, 254 to 256, 290 to 3or, 333 to 344, 475 to 533, 537 to 541, on said map. They set apart to Cornelia Ingraham lots i, 7, io,'"i3, 20, 21 and 27, on said map. One Thomas Dunning recovered a judgment against Peter Waldron, in the Supreme Court, on 27 April, 1819. DEED. ! Dated 10 Nov., iBio. Ack.4jan., 1820. Rec. 4 Jan., 1820. 141 Conveyances, 167. Consideration, $1,230. Conveys all the right, title and interest whatsoever, whereo , the said Peter Waldron was seized on the 27th day of April, in the year of our Lord 1819, in the lots set apart to him in tlie above suit, and also in lots 257, 258, and 259. 436 THE JOHN P. WALDRON TRACT. MORTGAGE. Grove Bend Waldron j To secure $627.75. Dated i Oct., 1820. to Proved 24 Oct., 1820. Gouverneur Morris WiLKiNS.\ Rec. 25 Oct., 1820. 52 Mortgages, 9. Covers all that certain piece of land situate in the Ninth Ward of the City of New York, on the Easterly side of the Third Avenue, and beginning on the Easterly side of the Third Avenue on the Southerly side of the road leading from the Town of Harlem to the Church ; thence running along the road North eighty-four degrees East four hundred and seventy- eight feet to land of Philip Milledollar ; thence along the said Philip Milledollar's land South eighty degrees fifteen minutes East three hundred and seventy-eight feet six inches, and South seventy-four degrees forty minutes West two hundred and fif- teen feet, and South nine degrees thirty minutes East to the cen- tre of One Hundred and Eighteenth Street ; thence along the centre of One Hundred and Eighteenth Street to the Third Avenue ; thence along the said Avenue to the place of begin- ning. Excluding therefrom those several lots or parcels of ground laid out as the share of Peter Waldron by commis- sioners appointed by the Mayor's Court, to make partition of the estate of John P. Waldron, deceased, and whose report was filed in May Term, one thousand eight hundred and nineteen, and as specified on the map annexed to the said report. Also that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the Ninth Ward of the City of New York, on the Easterly side of the Third Avenue, and beginning at that point in the boundary line between Philip Mildollar and Grove Bend Waldron, where the centre line between 11 6th and 117th Streets intersects the said boundary line ; thence running South nine degrees thirty minutes East to the land of James Roosevelt ; thence THE JOHN P. WALDRON TRACT. 437 along the land of the said James Roosevelt South seventy-one degrees forty-five minutes West one thousand and fifty feet to land now or late belonging to James Roosevelt ; thence along the said land now or late belonging to James Roosevelt and Flamen Ball and John F.Jackson and Richard Riker, North nine degrees thirty minutes West to the Third Avenue ; thence along the said Avenue two hundred and thirty-five feet to the land of Partington and Case ; thence at right angles with the said Avenue one hundred and fifty feet ; then parallel to the Third Avenue to the centre of One Hundred and Seventeenth Street ; then along the centre of said 1 1 7th Street seventy-five feet ; then parallel to the Third Avenue to the centre line between 1 16th and 117th Streets; then along the centre line between ii6th and 117th Streets to the place of beginning, the said two parcels of land containing thirty-three acres, be the same more or less. Also those certain lots on the Westerly side of the Third Avenue, and known on the map made by order of the Commis- sioners of Partition of John P. Waldron, deceased, and filed in the County Clerk's Office, May Term, 1819, with their reports in lots numbered eighteen, nineteen, twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty-five, which property, heretofore described, was set out as the share or part belonging to the said Grove Bend Waldron. DEED. GOUVERNEUR MORRIS WiLKINS ) ^^ted 23 June, 1823. to f Ack. 30 June, 1823. / Rec. 30 June, 1823. Martin S. Wilkins. \ 167 Conveyances, 288. ^__ y Consideration, $6,200. Recites the above Mortgage, and also the Mortgages re- corded in Liber 41 Mortgages, page 519, in Liber 40 Mort- gages, page 471, and in Liber 22 Mortgages, page 129, all 438 THE JOHN P. WALDRON TRACT. above set forth, all of which had been assigned to the said G. M. Wilkins, and that Grove Bend Waldron had made default in the payments on said bonds and mortgages, and that in pursuance of the powers in said mortgages the said G. M. Wilkins had sold the premises to Martin S. Wilkins. Conveys all the premises covered by the previous Mortgage except lots 36 to 38, 41 to 47, 57 to 59. DEED. Martin S. Wilkins to Gouverneur Morris Wilkins. Conveys same premises. Gouverneur Morris Wilkins to . Alexander Hamilton. Dated 30 June, 1823. Ack. 30 June, 1823. Rec. 30 June, 1823. 168 Conveyances, 291. Consideration, $6,200. DEED. Dated 11 May, 1825. Ack. 6 June, 1825. Rec. 14 Nov., 1825. 194 Conveyances, 290. Consideration, $7,000. Conveys same premises, excepting also lots numbered 39, 40, 48 to 51, 153 to 156, 167 to 170, iSr, 1S2, 195, 196, 183, 1S4, 18, 19, 28, 32, 57 to 59, and 61 to 63 on said map. The map of this tract given, ante page 427, is copied from the majo filed in the Clerk's office of the Court of Common Pleas. The original map is incorrect in some particulars. It gives the distance between First and Second Avenues at 625 feet, instead of 650 feet. The lines of the First Avenue, as there given, are shown by dotted line on map, ante page 427. The map in the Court of Common Pleas also shows a South- THE JOHN P. WALDRON TRACT. 4S9 \ \ erly boundary different from that given as the Northerly bound- ary of the Roosevelt tract in maps numbers 494 and 547 in the 1 Register's office. Both lines are shown on map, ante page 427. I Alexander Hamilton caused a new map to be made of the tract i according to which the parts vested in him were sold. This map, though originally filed in the Register's office is now lost. c/a. 0^4. c/a. .i/4?.. /it 11 P. K THE JAMES ROOSEVELT TRACT. This is part of a large tract vested in Petrus Waldron at an early date. Last Will and Testament /Dated 28 Oct., 1771. of \ Proved 28 Aug., 1772. „ ... 1 28 Wills. 299. Peter Waldron. \ ^^ Testator, after directing that all his real estate, whatsoever and wheresoever situate, shall be sold by his executors therein- after named, within some reasonable time after his decease, for the most that can be had for the same, at public vendue or other- wise, as to his executors shall seem best, provides as follows: " Out of the moneys arising from the sale of my said real estate, first, I give and bequeath to my son Peter fifty pounds, current money of New York, in barr and satisfaction of his being my eldest son and heir-at law, and all the rest and residue q£ the moneys arising, as well from the sale of my said real estate as from the residue of my said personal estate, I do give and be- queath the same to my beloved wife Elizabeth, my daughter Cornelia Waldron, my sons Peter Waldron and John Waldron, equally to be divided amongst them, share and share alike, that is to say, one equal one-fourth to each of them." Appoints his wife, Elizabeth, his children Cornelia Waldron, Peter Waldron and John Waldron, his executors. 110' ST. il5- jr-^^Ti ?^%v / r!s7 ~ o^^ 1 'V I , / 4') is I 41 i ^^ r 4: /.^ 43 / 1. .., i it J/ .. SS •"1 is .. -/| 1 ' i I'i \ „., \ ^^ 3 %'^ I 11 3 l^l T"i I ^7f _i 1 10- ST. MAP or PART or THt ESTATLor JAMES ROOSEVELT SITUATE INTHETWtLrTH WARD or THE \ ,1 iJ r CITY or New YORK 100'-' ''**^*'»»»^<-^-o a,f»t,^ oLt^vtX*^^^^ , ".'W. i,^.Jib_^ifi,M^ T^' 442 THE JAMES ROOSEVELT TRACT. John P. Waldron and Eliza- beth, his zvife, to David Waldron. DEED, Dated 3 April, 1789. Recited in the follow- ing Deed. Conveys all the equal undivided fourth part of all the real estate of which Petrus Waldron, late of the Township of Har- lem, died seized and possessed, situated in the Seventh Ward of the said city and in the Township of Harlem, and which was unsold at the time of the execution, of certain indentures to Gulian Cornell by the executor of the said Peter Waldron, de- ceased, bearing date the 28th and 29th days of June, in the year of our Lord 1776. fMid COR- David Waldron NELIA, his ^vife, to Elizabeth Waldron. DEED. Dated I4 June, 1794. Ack. 14 June, 1794. Rec. 7 Dec., 1820. 146 Conveyances, 455. Consideration, £600. Conveys the undivided one-fourth of the same premises, DEED. Elizabeth Waldron, widow ^/l Dated 24 Dec, 1795. . Peter Waldron, f Proved 15 July, 1820. >Rec. 7 Dec, 1820. ^ I 146 Conveyances, 452. John P. Waldron. j Consideration, love and "• / affection. Conveys all her estate both real and personal, situate, lying and being in the aforesaid township of Harlem, together with THE JAMES ROOSEVELT TRACT. 443 all and singular the liberties, privileges, advantages, heredita- ments and appurtenances to the same belonging, or in anywise appertaining. DEED. Peter Waldron to John P. Waldron. Dated 19 Jan., 1797. Proved 28 Jan., 1820. Rec. 7 Dec, 1820. 146 Conveyances, 453. Consideration, love and affection. Conveys all his the said Peter Waldron's estate, both real and personal, situated in the Township of Hearlam, in the Seventh Ward of the City of New York. DEED. Elizabeth Waldron to James Roosevelt. Dated 27 Dec, 1798. Proved 2 Jan., 1799. Rec 28 Jan., 1800. 57 Conveyances, 373. Consideration, $3,392. Conveys all that piece of land in the Town of Harlem, on New York Island, adjoining Westerly to the land of the said James Roosevelt, bounded as follows: Beginning at high-water mark on the East River at the point of division between the land of the said Elizabeth Waldron and James Roosevelt, near a spring, and running thence North ten degrees twenty minutes West fourteen chains and eighty links along the division fence between the said Elizabeth Waldron and James Roosevelt ; thence North thirty-eight degrees thirty minutes East seventeen links; thence North seventy-three degrees East three chains eight links ; thence North seventy degrees three minutes East two chains sixty-eight links; thence South twelve degrees fifteen 444 THE JAMES ROOSEVELT TRACT. minutes East fifteen chains eighty links to high-water mark ; thence along high-water mark to the place of beginning. Con- taining ten acres, three roods, twenty poles and forty-six links. DEED. John P. Waldron, to James Roosevelt. Dated 29 Dec, 1798. Ack. 2 Jan., 1799. Eec. 29 Jan., 1800. 57 Conveyances, 374. Consideration, 5s. Conveys same premises by same description. DEED. Elizabeth Waldron, widozv, to J AMES 'Roosevelt. Dated 27 June, 1801. Proved 6 July, 1801. Rec. 14 July, 1801. 60 Conveyances, 462. Cons'n, ;^2io, i8s., 9d. Conveys all that piece of land situate at Harlem, in the Sev- enth Ward of the City of New York, bounded as follows, to wit : Beginning at the Northeast corner of the said James Roosevelt's land as his line now runs, North seventy-two de- grees East one chain ; thence South eleven degrees East six- teen chains and ninety links to high-water mark ; thence along high water mark South seventy-six degrees West to his now line ; thence along his now line to the place of beginning. Containing one aci'e, two roods and thirty perches. DEED. John P. Waldron to James Roosevelt. Conveys same premises. Dated 27 June, 1801. Ack. 6 July, 1801. Rec. 14 July, 1801. 60 Conveyances, 46 i. Consideration $1. THE JAMES ROOSEVELT TRACT. 445 John P. Waldron {heir-at-law of his mother, ELIZABETH Waldron) and Elizabeth,! his wife, to James Roosevelt. DEED. Dated ii April, 1805. Ack. 17 April, 1805. Rec. 5 June, 1835. 337 Conveyances, 78. 'consideration, $6,081.25 Conveys all that piece of land in the town of Haerlem on New York Island, adjoining Westerly to the land of the said James Roosevelt: Beginning on the Northwest corner of the land belonging to the said James Roosevelt and running thence North seventy-one degrees thirty minutes East eight chains twenty links ; thence South nine degrees thirty minutes East fifteen chains eighteen links along the land of Philip Mildoller to high-water mark ; thence along high-water mark South sixty- four degrees West seven chains eighty-seven links ; thence North eleven degrees thirty minutes West sixteen chains along the land of the said James Roosevelt to the place of beginning. Containing twelve acres and twenty-six perches, according to a survey of the said land made by Adolphus Loss, surveyor, the ninth instant. James Roosevelt and Har- riet, his wife, to Epenetus Wheeler, William WAGSTAFF and JOIIN T. GIL- CHRIST. DEED. Dated i June, 1835. Ack. I June, 1835. Rec. I June, 1835. [332 Conveyances, 588. (Consideration, $100,000 Conveys all that certain farm or country seat, tract, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being at Harlaem in the Twelfth Ward of the City of New York. Bounded and butted as follows, 446 THE JAMES ROOSEVELT TRACT. that is to say : beginning at a point in One Hundred and Six- teenth Street, a httle to the Southeast of the First Avenue, run- ning thence South eight degrees fifteen minutes East one thousand and fifty feet along land now or formerly belonging to P. Milledoler to the Northeasterly line of One Hundred and Thirteenth Street at Harlaem River ; thence South seventy-five degrees West one thousand and forty-five feet ; thence North eight degrees fifteen minutes West one thousand and fifteen feet along land now or formerly belonging to George Bradish to the Southwesterly line of One Hundred and Thirteenth Street ; thence South seventy- seven degrees thirty minutes West four hundred and fifty-four feet along land now or formerly belonging to the said George Bradish ; thence North eight degrees thirty minutes West two hundred and fifty-three feet six inches along land now or formerly belonging to B. P. Benson ; thence North eighty de- grees forty-five minutes East four hundred and fifty-one feet nine inches along land now or formerly belonging to Mrs. Anna Ball ; thence South eight degrees fifteen minutes East two hun- dred and twenty-six feet six inches to a point on One Hundred and Thirteenth Street aforesaid ; thence to the Northeasterly side of One Hundred and Thirteenth Street aforesaid ; thence Southeasterly eighty feet along One Hundred and Thirteenth Street aforesaid ; thence parallel with the First Avenue afore- said one hundred feet ten inches along land lately conveyed by the said parties of the first part to Cornelia Livingston to land formerly belonging to Alexander Hamilton, but now or late to the said Cornelia Livingston ; thence along the land now or late of the said Cornelia Livingston to the Northeasterly line of One Hundred and Fourteenth Street ; thence Southeasterly one hundred and three feet along One Hundred and Fourteenth Street ; thence Northeasterly one hundred feet ten inches parallel to the First Avenue along land lately conveyed as afore- said ; thence Southeasterly parallel with One Hundred and Fourteenth street along land conveyed as aforesaid twenty-five THE JAMES ROOSEVELT TRACT. 447 feet ; thence Northeasterly parallel with the First Avenue along land conveyed as aforesaid forty-nine feet ; thence Southeasterly parallel with One Hundred and Fourteenth Street along land conveyed as aforesaid eighty-eight feet to the Northerly line of the First Avenue ; thence Northeasterly along the First Avenue fifty feet ten inches to the Westerly intersection of said First Avenue and One Hundred and Fifteenth Street ; thence North- westerly along One Hundred and Fifteenth Street fifty-eight feet to land formerly belonging to the said Alexander Hamilton but now or late to the said Cornelia Livingston ; thence along the land belonging as last aforesaid to the Northeasterly side of One Hundred and Fifteenth Street; thence Southeasterly along One Hundred and Fifteenth Street to the Northeasterly intersection of One Hundred and Fifteenth Street and the First Avenue ; thence Northeasterly along the Northerly side of the First Avenue to land belonging as last aforesaid ; thence along the land belonging as last aforesaid to the place of beginning, as by a map of the said premises made by Adolphus Loss, City Surveyor, in the month of September, 1S25, described as a map of a tract of land situate at Harlaem, on Manhattan Island, State of New York, the property of James Roosevelt, Esq., now about to be filed in the office of the Register of the City and County of New York, may more fully and satisfactorily appear; the premises hereby intended to be conveyed being all the premises contained in the said map with the exception of five certain lots, pieces or parcels of land, being parts and par- cels of the said premises and on the said map colored blue, which were conveyed to the said Cornelia Livingston by the said first parties of the first part by Deed bearing date the thirtieth day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty-four, subject, however, to the streets and avenues laid out through the said premises hereby conveyed, together with all and singular the right, title and interest of the said James Roosevelt of, in and to the right of pre-emption, and 448 THE JAMES ROOSEVELT TRACT. to procure and obtain from the Corporation of the City of New York a grant of the lands and soil under water, lying opposite to or adjoining the said farm or premises. Epenetus Wheeler, William j MORTGAGE. Wagstaff W John T. Gil-I^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ CHRIST, \ Dated i June. 1835. to t Ack. I June, 1835. \ Rec. I June, 1835. James Roosevelt. 1 ,35 Mortgages, 233. Covers same premises. IN CHANCERY. James Roosevelt vs. Epenetus Wheeler, William Wagstaff, John T. Gil- christ, William Chauncey, Jacob Hoppock, Levi Ap-| GAR, Pliny Freeman, Fred-' ERiCK H. Pepoon, Sylvanus Stanford and Lewis B. Reed. 1838 — June 29. Bill filed to foreclose above mortgage. August 10. Order pro confesso vs. William Chaun- cey, Jacob Hoppock, Levi Apgar, Pliny Freeman, Frederick H. Pepoon, and Lewis B. Reed, on affidavit of ser- vice of subpoena and of no answer. THE JAMES ROOSEVELT TRACT. 449 1838 — September 18. Order fro confesso on affidavit of no answer, agrainst Epenetus Wheeler, William WagstafV and John T. Gil- christ, who had appeared by C. V. S. Kane, their solicitor, and against Syl- vanus Stanford, who had appeared by A. W. Stuyvesant. September 18. Order of reference to compute, &c. October i. Master's report filed. October i. Judgment of foreclosure and sale entered. DEED. David Codwise, Master-in- J Dated i Dec, 1838. Chancery, f Ack. i Dec, 1838. to ( Rec 7 Jan., 1839. _ \ -^Q^ Conveyances, 122. James Roosevelt. ) rr -^ ., ' t^^, ^^^ / Consideration, $3 1 ,750. Conveys same premises. Last Will and Testament J Dated 2 Sept., 1841. of \ Proved 17 April, 1847. James Roosevelt. \93 Wills, 451. '"'■ Eleventh. And if in any of the cases and events wherein a division and distribution of my estate, or any part thereof, are required to be made as aforesaid, it shall so happen that the same shall be so situated that it cannot, in the opinion of my executors or the said trustees, as the case may be, be divided and distributed without manifest inconvenience and disadvantage, then I do hereby authorize the said executors or trustees, or those who shall take upon themselves the execution of this Will or the said trusts to sell and dispose of the estate so situ- ated, committed to them respectively, at public or private sale, 450 THE JAMES ROOSEVELT TRACT. upon terms as they shall deem best and most advantageous for the parties in interest, and in due form to convey the same to the purchaser or purchasers, and the proceeds arising from the sale or sales to dispose of and distribute according to the di- rection herein given as to the property so sold. And, lastly, 1 do nominate, constitute and appoint my beloved wife Harriet, my son Isaac Roosevelt, my cousin James H. Roosevelt, my brother-in-law Gardiner G. Howland and my friend John As- pinwall, and the survivors and survivor of them, Executrix and Executors of this my Last Will and Testament." Letters Testamentary were granted to Isaac Roosevelt, Gardiner G. Howland and Harriet Roosevelt on 17 April, 1847. See Liber 7 Letters Testamentary, page 254. The following releases were obtained probably'on account of the omission of the wives of the grantors as defendants in the above foreclosure suit. DEED. William Wagstaff a7td Ann, his wife, f Dated i Feb., 1850. Ack. 6 May, 1850. ^0 [ Rec. 16 July, 1850. Isaac Roosevelt. } 547 Conveyances, 542. Consideration, $50* Releases and quit-claims the same premises. DEED. John T. Gilchrist «;^d^ Julia, /lis wife, ^ Dated i Feb., 1850. Proved 9 Feb., 1850. Rcc. 16 July, 1850. Isaac Roosevelt. 1547 Conveyances, 543. Consideration, $1.00. ^o Releases and quit-claims same premises. THE JAMES ROOSEVELT TRACT. 451 Gardiner G. Rowland, Isaac Roosevelt and Harriet Roosevelt, Acting Executors I of James Roosevelt, to David Austen, Jr. DEED. Dated 21 Dec, 1849. Ack. 30 Jan., 1850. Rcc. 16 July, 1850. 547 Conveyances, 545. Consideration, $35,000. Conveys all that certain farm or country seat, tract, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Harlaem, in the Twelfth Ward of the City of New York, bounded and butted as follows, that is to say : Beginning on the Easterly line of the First Avenue at a point distant sixty- three feet Southerly from the Southeasterly corner of the First Avenue and One Hun- dred and Sixteenth Street, running thence in a straight line eighty feet five inches to a point on the Southcrlv side of One Hundred and Sixteenth Street distant fifty feet Easterly from said Southeasterly corner of the First Avenue and One Hundred and Sixteenth Street ; thence on a line in continuation of the last mentioned line sixty-seven feet eight inches to a point in One Hundred and Sixteenth Street ; thence nearly at right angles to the last mentioned line seventy feet six inches to a point on the said Southerly line of One Hundred and Sixteenth Street distant one hundred and thirty-eight feet two inches Easterly from the said Southeasterly corner of the First Avenue and One Hundred and Sixteenth Street ; thence in a straight line in continuation of the last mentioned line nine hundred and eighty-four feet eight inches to a point on the Northerly side of One Hundred and Thirteenth Street distant ninety-one feet six inches Easterly from the Northeasterly corner of Avenue A and One Hundred and Thirteenth Street ; thence on a line in continuation of the last mentioned line thirty-four -eet to the Harlaem River ; thence in a Southwesterly direction 452 THE JAMES ROOSEVELT TRACT. along the Harlaem River to land now or late of George Brad- ish ; thence along the said land Northwesterly, or nearly so, two hundred and thirty-seven feet, or thereabouts, to a point on the Southerly line of One Hundred and Ninth Street distant two hundred and one feet three inches Westerly from the Southwest- erly corner of Avenue A and One Hundred and Ninth Street; thence in a straight line in continuation of the last mentioned line fourteen hundred and nineteen feet seven inches to a point on the Southerly side of One Hundred and Thirteenth Street dis- tant two hundred and three feet Easterly from the Southeasterly corner of the Fecond Avenue and One Hundred and Thirteenth Street ; thence on a line in continuation of the last mentioned line two feet three inches to a point in One Hundred and Thir- teenth Street ; thence two feet four inches to a point on the Southerly side of One Hundred and Thirteenth Street distant two hundred feet Easterly from the Southeasterly corner of the Second Avenue and One Hundred and Thirteenth Street : thence Southwesterly, or nearly so, two hundred and seventy-nine feet two inches to a point on the Northerly side of One Hun- dred and Twelfth Street distant seven feet two inches Easterly from the Northeasterly corner of Second _Avenue and One Hundred and Twelfth Street; thence on a line in continuation of the last mentioned line across the Second Avenue one hun- dred and seventy-one feet four inches ; thence Northwesterly eighty-nine feet to a point on the Southerly side of One Hun- dred and Twelfth Street distant seventy feet six inches Westerly from the Southwesterly corner of the Second Avenue and One Hundred and Twelfth Street ; thence on a line in con- tinuation of the last mentioned line one hundred and sixty-three feet eleven inches ; thence Northeasterly, or nearly so, two hundred and six feet eleven inches to a point on the Southerly side of One Hundred and Thirteenth Street distant thirty feet five inches Westerly from the Southwesterly corner of the Second Avenue and One Hun- THE JAMES ROOSEVELT TRACT. 453 died and Thirteenth Street; thence on a line in coiiliiiiiation of the last-mentioned line across One Hundred and Thirteenth Street and the Second Avenue two hundred and forty-three feet nine inches; thence Southeasterly one hundred and forty-six fee. to a point on the Northerly line of One Hundred and Thir- teenth Street distant one hundred and forty-seven feet nine inches Easterly from the Northeasterly corner of One Hundred and Thirteenth Street and the Second Avenue; thence on a line in continuation of the last-mentioned line and in One Hundred and Thirteenth Street fifty five feet six inches ; thence Northeast- erly to the centre line of One Hundred and Thirteenth Street; thence Easterly along the centre line of One Hundred and Thirteenth Street to a point distant three hundred and fifty feet Westerly from the Westerly line of the First Avenue ; thence Northerly parallel to the Westerly line of the First Avenue thirty feet to the Northerly line of One Hundred and Thirteenth Street ; thence Northerly on a line parallel with the Westerly line of the First Avenue one hundred feet ten inches; thence Easterly on a line parallel to the Northerly line of One hundred and Thirteenth Street one hundred feet ; thence Northerly par- allel to the Westerly line of the First Avenue one hundred feet ten inches to the Southerly line of One Hundred and Fourteenth Street ; thence Northerly, in continuation of the last-mentioned line to the centre line of One Hundred and Fourteenth Street ; thence Easterly along the centre line of One Hundred and Fourteenth Street to a point distant one hundred and twenty- five feet Westerly from the Westerly line of the First Avenue ; thence Northerly and parallel to the Westerly line of the First Avenue thirty feet to the Northerly line of One Hundred and Fourteenth Street ; thence Northerly and parallel to the said Westerly line of the First Avenue one hundred feet ten inches ; thence Easterly and parallel to the Northerly line of One Hun- dred and Fourteenth Street twenty-five feet; thence Northerly and parallel to the said Westerly line of the first Avenue forty- 454 THE JAMES ROOSEVELT TRACT. nine feet seven inches ; thence Northeasterly six inches ; thence easterly and parallel to the said Northerly line of One Hundred and Fourteenth Street ninety-nine feet eight inches; thence Easterly on a line in continuation of the last-mentioned line fifty feet to the centre of the First Avenue ; thence Northerly along the centre of the First Avenue one hundred and ninety- three feet seven inches; tlience Northeasterly eighty feet to the Easterly line of the. said First Avenue, the place of beginning, as by a map of said premises entitled " Map of part of the Estate of James Roosevelt, deceased, situate in the Twelfth Ward of the City of New York," dated September, 1S47, compiled by Francis Nicholson, City Surveyor, and intended to be filed in the office of the Register of the City and County of New York, will fully appear. The Mayor ^ Aldermen and Com- \ DEED. monalty of the City of Nezu f D:xted i July, 1850. Yorh, ( Proved 16 July, 1850. I Rcc. 16 July, 1850. ^^ \ 547 Conveyances, 550. David Austen, Jr. ] Consideration, $1.00. Conveys all that certain plot, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the Twclfdi Ward of the City of New York, being part and parcel of the premises described iii a certain In- denture of Conveyance, bearing date the twenty-first day of December, one thousand eight hundred and forty-nine, made and executed by the said Executors of said James Roosevelt, deceased, to the said David Austen, Junior, the party hereto of the second part, and intended to be delivered simultaneously with these presents, said plot, piece or parcel of land hereby granted and released, or intended so to be, being colored pink on the map hereto annexed, and lying between the line marked THE JAMES ROOSEVELT TRACT, 455 on the said map, "Edge of the meadow orextieme high water mark/' and the line marked on the said map, " Ordinary high water mark," and being bounded and described as follows, viz : Begimiing at a point on the Northerly line of One Hundred and Tenth Street distant one hundred and sixteen feet five inches Easterly from the Northeasterly corner of the First Avenue and One Hundred and Tenth Street, running thence Southerly in a straight line four hundred and thirty-six feet eight inches to a point on the Southerly line of One Hundred and Ninth Street distant four hundred and eleven feet-seven inches Easterly from the Southeasterly corner of the said First Avenue and One Hundred and Ninth Street ; thence Southerly on a line in continuation of the said first mentioned line two hundred and twenty-seven feet eleven inches to the said line marked on the said map hereto annexed, " Ordinary high water mark ;" then Northeasterly along said line marked " Ordinary high water mark" to a point in One Hundred and Thirteenth Street distant thirty-four feet Southerly from a point formed by the intersec- tion of the Northerly line of said One Hundred and Thirteenth Street and the line next mentioned projected in continuance there- of; thence Northerly and in said One Hundred and Thirteenth Street thirty-four feet to the Northerly line of said One^Hundred and Thirteenth Street at a point distant ninety-one feet six inches Easterly from the Northeasterly corner of Avenue A and said One Hundred and Thirteenth Street ; thence Northerly on a line drawn in continuation of the said last mentioned line one hundred and thirty-fdur feet nine inches to the Easterly line of said Avenue A at a point distant ninety-eight feet eleven inches Northerly from the said Northeasterly corner of Avenue A and One Hundred and Thirteenth Street ; thence on a line drawn in continuation of said last mentioned lir)e and in said Avenue A to the said line marked on said map hereto annexed " Edge of meadow or extreme high water mark," and thence South- westerly along said line marked " Edge of meadow or extreme 456 THE JAMES ROOSEVELT TRACT. high water mark " to a point distant between twenty-six and twenty-seven feet Northerly from the Northerly line of One Hundred and Tenth Street on a line parallel with the said First Avenue, and thence Southerly on a line in continuation of the line herein first above described to the said Northerly line of One Hundred aud Tenth Street at the place of begin- ning. C^€ki. yju^^e^. 'M. 0^^. yvo^^. INDEX BY STREETS. In this Index the extreme limits of each Tract are given. Between what Streets. 74th and 77th Streets... 76thand8ist Streets... 7Qth and 83d Streets... 82d and 94th Streets... 82d and 85th Streets.... Sad and Stith Streets... 84th and 86th Streets.. 84th and S8th Streets... 86th and 89th Streets... 86th and 90th Streets.. 86th and gzd Streets... 86th and 94th Streets... 8;6th and 87th Streets... 86th and 90th Streets.. 89th and 93d Streets.. B9th and 94th Streets... jist and 94th Streets. .. 91st and 94th Streets... "jad and loSth Streets. 3d and g7th Streets . 7th and io6th Streets.. 17th and looth Streets. 93d and 99th Streets .. 99th and 103d Streets... 92d and 9510 Streets... 94th and 103d Streets . .. lojd and loSth Streets.. 94th and io6th Streets.. io6th and 117th Streets '09th and 113th Streets iiith and 121st Streets 117th and i2ijth Streets 14th and 1 18th Streets io8th and ii6th Streets '13th and I22d Streets AoSth and ii6th Streets Between what Avenues. Second Av. and River.. Second Av. and River.. Second .■Vv. and Kiver.. Fourth Av. and River., First Av. and River Third .\v. and A v. \.. Third Av and River Second and Third .•Vvs. First Av. and River P"irst Av. and River Second Av. and Kiver.. Fourth Av. and River.. On Second \\ On Third Av Third and Fourth Avs. Second and Fourth .\vs. Second and Fourth Avs. On Fourth Av Fifth A v. and River... Third and Fifth Avs.. Third and Fifth Avs.. Third and Fourth Avs On Third Av Second and Third Avs. Third \\ . and River... 1 hird Av. and Kiver... Third Av. and River... Fourth and Fifth Avs.. First and Fifth Avs Fourth and P'ifth Avs.. Third and Fifth Avs... Third and Fourth Avs. Second and Fourth Avs. Av. A and Third .\v... First and Fourth Avs.. Third Av. and River N'AME OF TRACT. Riker and Lawrence Protestant School Joshua Jones William Waldron (ohn Greenfield Vallas Hopper Isaac Chauncey Samuel Waldron Joseph Foulke |ohn J.icob A^tor Nathaniel Prime William Rhinelander Cornelia Waldron Robert Latimer William Brady Daniel P. Ingraham Abraham Duryee John T. Parish Margaret Mctjown Archibald Watt Samson B. McOown Levengston and 1 hurman. lohn E.Foley Van Schaick and Palmer... Edward Roberts Lewis A. Say re Edward Sanford Benjamin L.Benson Third Avenue Tract Lanaw Benson .. Samson Benson Joseph Mott Peter DeWitt Henry G. Livingston John P. Waldron James Roosevelt Pages of .\bstract. 3 3' 61 97 103 I2t 131 15' 161 171 201 213 217 223 233 347 253 365 277 279 297 301 313 323 33' 359 361 373 383 387 423 403 413 427 441 Pages of Maps. 3 3i 3' 3.61,92.94 97 97. '°3 97. >2i 97. '3' 97. '45 97. 151 97. '6' 97. '7' 97. 201 97 97. 217 97. 223 97. 233 97. 247 97. 253 365 265 265, 279 265 26s 265 265 26s 265. 359 36' 373 373 387 403 4'3 427 441 C )/