Tffty 01b (floe 3Z» o # Conservation Resources -•' THE Tiffany Chemical Company, "3 9 G> I (Incorporated), Manufacturing, Analytical and Counseling Leather Trade Chemists, Proprietors and Dealers in Standard Preparations used in the Manufacture of Leather. TRADE MARK. Patented U. S. October 13, 1879. Renewal February 21, Registered in Great Britain, February 24, 18S0. European Patents applied for. Principal Offices %^, it 21 Spruce Street, New York, New England Office, 102 High St., Boston. Agencies in London, Berlin, Paris, Canada, Pittsburgh, St. Louis and San Francisco. Laboratories and Works, New York. ^2L ^V Analytical and Research Work. The Tiffany Chemical Company has as associates, well-known scientists, professional chemists, and experienced experts, who have for several years devoted careful attention to the details of leather manufacture, making this subject a specialty, and having thereby accu- mulated valuable information, can render practical service to the trade. When you desire to know the chemical laws governing the making of leather, the quality or correct combination of any materials used for that purpose, or how to prevent and utilize waste, confer with us in confidence, and on all such subjects we will give you practical advice for a reasonable charge. We have had ten years experience in this kind of Leather Trade Research and Analytical Work, and, with this long practice and perfectly equipped laboratories, are able to discover the cause of imperfect processes, the tanning value of barks, extracts, alums or other tannages, the purity of water, oils, etc., and to report expeditiously and accurately upon them, and can refer you to many customers whom we have benefited in this way. We are also experts in court, patent or other cases pertaining to leather manufacture, and as such our testimony has been repeatedly accepted ; a special circular relating to this work and containing further details, will be mailed on application. * Manufactured Articles. Aside from our analytical work, we are the proprietors a nd manufactu re rs of < many valu- able preparations now largely used. Each grade of our goods is always of uniform quality. To protect our customers from fraudulent and inferior imitations, our patented Trade Mark is affixed to each package. We originate, and do not copy. During the past ten years Mr. Walton C. Tiffany, of this Company, has made many exhaustive experiments both in the laboratory and tanneries. He has invented and per- fected our Improved Bate, Tan Sweetener, Sigg, Blacks, and other articles. The use of these inventions, together with the letters patent, trade marks, caveats, etc., protecting the same, are the property of this Company only. Our Bleaching Tan Sweetener, at a cost of but a few cents per vat, keeps sweet and free from mold and decoloration all vegetable Tan liquors. We have also a Skin and Hide Preserver, to keep depilated and untanned skins or hides from spoiling while awaiting tannage. We have also Preservatives for skins or hides in the hair and preparations for Softening Flint and Sun-dried Hides and Skins. Our Skin Cleaners for cheaply removing grease, tallow, dirt and such foreign sub- stances from tanned and untanned skins or hides are most effective, easy and absolutely safe m application, and for Sheep Skins cheaper than naphtha or any other process. Our Egg Yolk Substitute is the cheapest and most perfect ever invented. It has stood the practical test of trade use, and has all the essential qualities of natural egg yolk. Keeps perfectly at all seasons, and contains no salt or other adulterations. Payment for y 6 salt at Egg Yolk prices is not economical. Every ounce of our "Egg Yolk Substitute" is useful. We have also other preparations of value. (Send for further information.) SlA /ti'MZ&W The Improved Bate. This Bate is used at the present time in some of the largest establishments in nearly every State of the Union, also in Canada, Great Britain, Australasia, Germany and France. It is the only Bate of its kind in the world which is safe in its action on all kinds of hides and skins. COSTS IN USE i CENT PER HIDE OR 2 CENTS PER DOZEN SKINS. Our Bate completely removes the lime, and the grease, dirt, oil, fine hairs and other non- tannable substances work out freely on the beam. All the tannable substance is left clean, unin- jured and of natural strength. For this reason the tan liquors strike more evenly, and it has also been noticed that greater weight, more substance, and more durable leather of better color is made, than with the putrescent bates so long used. The leather when tanned takes all dyes and colors evenly. The improved Bate is clean, dissolves easily in water, and is as safe as water. The solution is unaffected by thunder showers or changes of weather, therefore requires less careful watching. No change in the arrangement of the tannery or usual methods is required. Our Bate is used in the same manner as the old bates ; it is, however, quicker in action and less troublesome. It is solid, compact in bulk, and is received by all forwarding lines at lowest rates. The lined box shown below was invented and caveated by our Mr. Tiffany, to whom a patent was finally allowed July 14, 1888, and this Company has the sole right to use it on Bate, and also the exclusive right to manufacture and sell this solid Bate. 'Packed in 4=lb. -patented paper boxes. So marked thai pounds or half pounds may be cut off without trouble of weighing Al- ways ready, and convenient for use. It weighs about 100 lbs. to the cubic foot. Contains all the operative properties of the old bates, without any of their objec- tionable qualities. One 'hound abates on nnn. average 35 yo-lb. hides, or 100 g-lb. calf, or 2,0 dozen sheep or goat skins. Directions for using Tiffany's Improved Solid Bate. Knock out the head of a forty-five (45) gallon barrel {usual size), set on end; drive a wooden spigot into it a foot from the bottom. In cold weather keep near a stove or boiler; in warm weather and at all times, keep at about 70 degrees F. With a knife shave 4 pounds of Bate into a bucket of warm water ; rub these shavings between the thumb and fingers under water, when they will partially dissolve. Pour this mixture into the barrel, and fill the barrel with warm water {about 75 F.) Stir all together from time to time, keeping the zuater warm {at a te?nperature of about 70 F.), especially in cold weather, and when first mixed let it remain three days before using. Do not draw from the barrel below the spigot, 'as that which remains makes that which is added afterwards dissolve more quickly. At all tunes, stir tip the solution well before drawing off the desired amount. After drawing down to the spigot, add 3 pounds of the Bate in the same way to the stock barrel and fill it with warm water. It is then only necessary to let it stand 12 hours before using, and so on from time to time. By proceeding in this manner, 11 gallons of the solution will equal about 1 pound of Bate, which will abate the number of hides or skins given above. Average skins or hides require 12 hours to abate. The vat in which the hides or skins are to be abated, may be filled as usual with clean warm ■water. The desired quantity of dissolved Bate drawn from the stock barrel is stirred into this vat, and mixed therein, and after standing for the first time for 24 hours is ready for use. To keep the abating vat clean it is daily stirred, partly run off. Clean warm water and dissolved Bate from the stock barrel is then added, and after the first ti?ne it is ready for use in 3 hours, and so on from day to day. Keep solution in vat at 70 F. while abating. By following these directions exactly success is insured. Samples free by mail to any part of the world. Four pounds expressed, charges paid, to any part of the United States or Canada for $1.50. Sold in 4-lb. packages, in any quantity. or 25 packages in 100-lb cases. For Morocco we make a special grade. Full directions and all information sent to applicants. mmmwi 016 058 529 8 * Standard Blacks, Iron Liquors, Etc; We manufacture these well-known Blacks and Iron Liquors upon Mr. Tiffany's formulas, which he, practically knowing trade requirements, has been perfecting for io years. They are made in large quantity by exact rule from the purest ingredients. We thus secure uniformity in quality and strength, and avoid smut, hard grain, and poor or fading color so often produced where different kinds and strengths of vinegar, acids, iron, etc., are used, with the rust and dirt and other impurities they contain. Our Standard Iron Liquor when filtered is free from all particles that might blemish the grain, and every barrel of it is carefully tested, of uniform strength and free from uncombined acids, before leaving our works. The purchaser has only to weaken it with water from one-third to two-thirds. The color is a jet-black, or a deep Prussian blue, as required. These Blacks are much desired and largely used for imitation' French glaze, Dongola, Harness and all Grain Leather. In the tray with the usual mixtures our Blacks have no superior, and as a brush black, strike evenly and set well. They are applied in the same way as the ordinary black. The color is strong and lasting, and the grain will take a fine bright polish or glaze, and remains soft while stored. Can be used in any climate, and not injured by freezing. These Blacks are now used in some of the largest leather-dressing establishments in the country. We sell our Standard Black, by the barrel, at 1 6 cents per gallon ; but as it is generally used weakened one-half or more, with water, the actual cost as used is but 8 cents or less per gallon. Suitable discounts for large orders, carload or half carload lots delivered free; samples free. Quadruple strength for export* We also manufacture Flesh surface Blacks for Calf Kip, etc., fine Harness Finish, Kid Glazes and Seasonings, etc.; and also the finest combined or Oil Stuffings, Dressings, etc. ; cheap, effective and reliable, showing no white spots or blemishes on surface at any season. Standard Siggs. These are perfect substitutes for the offensive and unclean urine sigg so long used and for the sodas and other caustic, injurious and worthless articles made to replace it. Our cheap, reliable, clean and inodorous siggs have continuously given entire satisfaction wherever used. They remove the grease, mellow the grain, and make colors more permanent, and are suitable for all kinds of Grain Leather. We make several grades, suiting any class of stock. Sold in powder, paste or in a solution. Five pounds of the paste or powder or five gallons of the solution stirred into a barrel of clean water will keep well at all seasons. The strength may be increased or diminished to suit any stock, and all grades may be used exactly as the old urine siggs are applied, with any mordant or black. For fine grades of leather, such as glazed kid, Dongola, etc., it is best to sigg the stock first, before using logwood and Black Strikers. It costs about $\ per barrel as_ used, sold in cases, kegs or barrels. Samples of either kind free by mail. A Perfect Barkometer. We have recently secured patents protecting our invention of such an instrument for testing bark and other tanning liquors, extracts, etc. Send for descriptive circulars. By special arrangements our goods are received by all forwarding lines at low rates, and our location affords extra facilities for despatching them prorrjptly. Prices will be given including delivery charges if desired, and suitable discounts for large or continued orders. We shall in future, as in the past, originate for and offer to the trade, reliable improvements. Conservation Resources Lig-Free® Type I LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 016 058 529 8 •