W^Wy W^f, P^W 13 >fe Wxf^S^^-^^^^S^m^^S, '-^s^«^nr^''^ m ss s.'flii^ ^ w. ';^'?Ti o M Class Xi ^ 3^0 Book tl^^j PKl SI- \ FLD h\ ' trf^w .^Jba- I DAVID BARRBti., I m EVANS, N. Y. f i ^'O I fl^ CIRCUMSTANTIAL NARRATIVE CAMPAIGN IN RUSSIA. ETtlBELLISHED ■VFITJl L.INS or THE BATTLES OF THE MOSKWA AND MALO-JAROSiAVI TS, COlSTAiyiSfi A FAITHFUL DESCRIPTION OF THE AFFECTING AND INTERESTIXe SCENKS OF WHICH THE AUTHOR WAS AN ETE-WrTNESS. BY EUGENE LABAUME, Captain ol' llie Royal Geogi-aplueal Engineers ; Ex-OfRcer of the Ordnance of Piinct Kiigciie ; Chevalier of tlie Legion of Honour, and of the Iron Crown, Author of an Abridged Histoi-y of the Republic of Venice. rnATtSr.VTEB fhom thk fbencit. HARTFORD, PUBLISHED BY SILAS ANDRUS '>'T) BT T. PECK & CO., EOCHESTEH, X. T. I Sir. ^ Q 1 PREFACE. I RELATE that which I have seen. A witness oi" the greatest disasters that ever befel a great nation ; a spectator and an actor in every scene of this sad and memorable expedition. I present the reader with no fictitious narrative, artfully arranged, and heightened by false coloring. The events that pas- sed around me were daily recorded, and I now sim- ply endeavor to communicate the impressions which I then felt. It was by the light of the burning of Moscow, that I described the sack of that unfortu- nate city. It was on the borders of the Beresina, that I traced the recital of that fatal passage. The plans of the battles of the Moskwa, and Malo- Jaroslavitz, which accompany this work, were taken on the spot, at the command of prince Eugene. It is scarcely possible to conceive what diffi- culties I had to surmount in the progress of my work. Compelled, like my companions in arms, to struggle with the most urgent necessities, pierc- ed by the cold, tormented with hunger, a prey to iV PREFACE. every accumulated horror ; uncertain at the rising of the sun whether I should see its setting rays, and doubtful at night, whether I should witness the morrow's dawn ; every thought seemed con- centrated in the ardent desire to live, that I might perpetuate the memory of what I had seen. Ani^ mated by this irresistible feeling, I retraced, each night, the events of the day, sitting beside a wretched fire, under a temperature of ten or twelve degrees, and surrounded by the dying and the dfead. The knife with which I had carved my scanty morsel of horse flesh, was employed in cut- ting a raven's quill, and a little gun-powder, mixed with some melted snow, in the hollow of my hand, served me for ink and ink-stand. 1 have composed this work without personal ill will, and without prejudice ; yet I must confess, that during the recital of the most horrible enter- prise, which the genius of ambition had ever con- ceived, I could often scarcely restrain my indigna- tion against the author of all our misfortunes. But the respect with which his former well earned reputation had inspired me, and the memory of the glorious victories that I had witnessed, and in the honours of which I had shared, compelled ma to speak of that conqueror with moderation and reserve. Having constantly before me the mournful image of a crowd of warriors, doomed to perish miserably in remote deserts, I was sustained by the hope of rendering my feeble homage, to a courage acknowl- PREFACE, V edged even by their enemies ; and to exploits the more heroic, since their object was no longer the safety of their country, nor even of their lives, but the preservation of their fame. I shall account my- self most happy, if my reader is convinced, that in the midst of so many disasters, our brave soldiers were always worthy of themselves ; that they stain- ed not their ancient renown, and that, always form- idable to their enemies, they were conquered by the elements alone. CIRCUMSTANTIAL NARRATH F. CAMPAIGlSr IN RUSSIA. PART I BOOK I. WILNA, IF we were to look into our annals for the mosi brilliant period of our glorj, we should find that France had never been more powerful than aftet the treaty of Tilsit, Spain, under the name of an ally, was, in reality, one of our provinces, whence we were supplied with money, men, and ships. Italy, wisely governed by a prince who was at once a skilful warrior and an able politician, being sub- ject to, and obeying the same laws, as the French empire, enjoyed an equal share of prosperity with ourselves ; and sav/ with pride that her legions^, transported to the Baltic, had given proofs of the noblest courage, in order to procure for France, a ii WILNA. peace as glorious as it was beneficial. Germanyj alarmed by our colossal aggrandizement, far from opposing our successes, endeavoured merely to in- sure her own existence, by a submission to all the great changes which subverted the German consti- tution. England, the only constant opponent of an ambition so fatal to mankind, saw, in the prosperity of Napoleon, a new cause of fear to herself, and of terror to the continent. Jealous of the honour of circumscribing that boundless ambition, she anx- iously represented to the sovereigns of the north, how much it was their interest to arrest the rapidly increasing progress of our excessive power. Vain efforts ! these sovereigns had not yet acquired the requisite degree of conviction, that they must all be united to crush the giant who wished to devour them. Napoleon's passion for invasion, suggested to him on his return from Tilsit, the idea of declaring an unjust war on Spain, which not only tarnished his laurels, but afterwards furnished his enemies with the long wished for occasion of subverting his power. A W'cak prince nominally presided over that un- happy peninsula ; but a perfidious minister, treache= rous towards his country, and ungrateful to his king and benefactor, in reality governed the state with a partial hand ; and by the most abject deference to the evil counsels of foreigners, degraded the nation, whose rights he seemed to have usurped only to drag it in- to long and shameful servitude. The credulity of the father, and the moderation of the son, alike promo- ted his criminal views. He incensed them against WILNA. 9 each other, and parties were soon formed. The art- ful Napoleon profited by the discord, which was thus produced, to excite a civil war, and to kindle that flame which was necessary for the execution of the most unjust and abominable project, a project which presents in the history of a civilized nation, an example of atrocious ingratitude, unparalleled even amongst barbarians. Spain, notwithstanding its proximity to France, was little known ; and the character of its inhabit- ants was still less understood. This fatal ignorance misled the conqueror, and induced him to attempt an unfortunate invasion ; the miseries of which will, however, be easily forgotten, when we consider that, like the campaign of Moscow, it was the primitive cause of those events which led to the happy de- liverance of the world. It does not enter into my plan to recapitulate an ill fated aggression, which made enemies of two na- tions equally generous, and who, always united by a reciprocal esteem, would yet have retained the most friendly sentiments, had it not been for the perfidious politics of the tyrant. The struggle which ensued, memorable for its obstinacy and its vicissi- tudes, will furnish the historian with an interesting subject, and the military man with ample matter for meditation. I ehall only briefly observe, that Prov- idence appears to have excited in Napoleon the idea of these two unjust wars, to convince the Spaniards and Russians that an alliance witt) the vicious will 10 WILNA. unavoidably prove fatal. This instrument, whicii the Almighty had employed to accomplish his pur- pose, was now precipitated from error to error, to show that tyranny is a crime against the common and inalienable rights of man, and that it may, at all times, be successfully opposed by those who march united under the banners of justice. "^ Whilst Napoleon vainly endeavored to chase the English from the peninsula, a new storm was gath- ering in Germany. Austria, whom he had so often humbled, could not tamely submit to the disgrace- ful yoke under which her defeats had placed her. The resistance of the Spaniards, and the powerful armaments of England, offered her a favourable opportunity for again having recourse to arms, and endeavoring to recover the territories which she had lost, and that political preponderance of which she bad always been so jealous. The new war against Austria only opened a new field of triumph to the French. Landshut, Eckmuhl and Ratisbon, having been attacked^ with brilliant success, prepared the way at the end of four months, for one of the most memorable victories. The field of Wagram saw the prodigies of Austerlitz renewed, and secured to France the most glorious campaign^ and the most decisive results. The treaty of Vienna which gave us peace, brought several wealthy provinces under our domin- ion. It aggrandized Wirtemberg and Bavaria, and seen)ed to promise to Poland her complete re-estab- lishment. But that treaty, dictated by a power that WILNA. 11 grasped at every thing, might, like those which pre- ceded it, have contained the seeds of fresh conten- tion, if the most august and most unexpected alli- ance, had not crowned the prosperity of the fortu- nate Napoleon. Of all the blessings which chance had bestowed upon him, that marriage was undoubt- edly the greatest 5 since it secured forever the des- tiny of a man, who having risen from the humblest rank in society, had now become allied to a power- ful monarch. But seduced by a prosperity so daz- zling, he was yet dissatisfied ; and forming new, and romantic, and impious projects, he hazarded all that he had acquired. He wearied his good genius, and provoked his fate. To his own folly alone is it to be attributed, that that which was so well calculated to cement his power, became the cause of his ruin. That period ought to have been esteemed the happiest of Napoleon's life. What more could the wildest ambition desire ? From a private individual he saw himself raised to the first throne in the world ; his reign had been one continued series of victories ; and to complete his happiness, a son, the object of his most ardent wishes, was born to suc- ceed him. The people, though oppressed under his government, became accustomed to it, and seemed desirous to secure the crown to his family. All the foreign princes, who were subjected to his power, were his vassals. They maintained his troops, and supplied him with money, to gratify his luxury and his pleasures. In short all obeyed him. Nothing was wanting to make him happy 1 nothing, if he could be happy, who possessed not a love of justice. To that sentiment Napoleon had ever been a stranger, and, consequently, knew not either enjoyment or repose. Agitated by a restless spirit, and tormented by ungovernable ambition, the very excess of his fortune was his ruin. Aiming at that which it was impossible to obtain, and ignorant of human nature, he forgot every principle of honor and humanity — he forgot himself. The sovereign of the German empire, tired of a resistance so long fatal to his arms, fancied for a moment, that he obeyed his fate, in yielding to a man to whom every one had submitted. He sacri- ficed his glory, and even his offspring, to obtain peace ; thus realizing those fabulous times, when magnanimous princes devoted their daughters to appease the wrath of some daemon, who ravaged their country. All seemed disposed to submit to the great changes which Napoleon had effected ; and the common people, whose limited conceptions seldom penetrate into the dark minds of ambitious monarchs, thought that the surprising alliance between this man and an archduchess, must satisfy all his immoderate desires. They also expected, that the tender feelings of a parent, would teach him, that a throne is not so firmly cemented by ambitious conquests, purchased by blood and by tears, as by wise institutions, which, making a government beloved, insure its duration. The being never existed who possessed ampler means WILNA. 13 for promoting the happiness of mankind. Nothing was required but justice and prudence. The nation expected these from him, and granted him that un- limited confidence, which he afterwards so cruelly abused. Posterity will hesitate to decide, whether Napoleon be more culpable on account of the crimes which he has committed, or the good that he might have done, but on which he bestowed not a single thought. Instead of considering with calmness and mode- ration, how he might best employ his vast resources, he ruminated on projects beyond the power of man to execute ; forgetting what innumerable victims must be sacrificed in the vain attempt. Continu- ally tormented by spleen and melancholy, the least contradiction irritated him. The very idea that there existed a nation sufficiently great and gene- rous to despise his proposals, and resist his fatal influence, lacerated his bosom, and poisoned the happiest moments of his glory. In the hope of conquering that invincible enemy, he vainly endeavoured to grasp the extremities of Europe. Scarcely did he think that he had secured him on one side, than he escaped on the other. Infuriated at the disappointment of his chimerical plans, he aspired at universal despotism, for no other reason, than because a nation isolated from the continent, and profiting by its happy situation, had refused to submit to his intolerable yoke. From that time he dismissed his ministers, whose wisdom he despised. In his estimation, talent t4 WtLNA. consisted ouly in a blind submission to his absurd pretensions ; and it was necessary for the greatest men to become the most abject slaves. Despot over his people and his armies, and a slave to his own ungovernable passions, he carried his ambitious views to the extremites of the globe, and aspired to the empire of the world. Misled by his rash and hasty temper, he adopted a false line of politics, and converted in the north, as he had done before in the south, the most useful and powerful of his allies, into a dangerous enemy. In his senseless dreams he overstepped the nat- ural boundaries of France. He allotted to her a chimerical and romantic destiny, and terrified him- self with the groundless apprehension, that Russia might place herself on the ancient throne of Con- stantine, and command the two seas by which Europe is surrounded. He then assumed the prophet, predicting distant disasters to his country, and sacrificing the present generation to the uncer- tain happiness of posterity. Blinded by an excess of prosperity, he fancied that the neighbouring powers beheld him with envy; and, judging of others by himself, he imagined that Russia must look with secret jealousy on the union between the most ancient and the most modern em- pires. Full of this idea, he pursued his plans of de- vastation ; and desiring, as he said, that his dynasty might soon become the most ancient in Europe, he endeavoured to sanction his usurpation by dethron- ing every legitimate prince in order to bestow their WILNA. 15 crowns on his brothers, who^ too effeminate to second him in his tyranny, or rival him in his exploits, only shone like pale satellites around an ill-boding star. The treaty of Tilsit appeared but a truce to those who knew Napoleon's character. Every one who compared the constantly growing power of the two great empires, predicted an approaching rupture, and foresaw, in their systematic plans of aggrandize- ment, the future destruction of the gigantic edifice which both were erecting. The distance which had formerly separated them, had likewise separa- ted their interest ; but the conquests of France, hav- ing rendered her a neighbour of Russia, every thing presaged that a terrible struggle must, ere long, ensue between those rival powers, the shock of which would convulse the world. For more than two years, Russia and France had maintained a Vv^arlike attitude ; but at length Napo- leon having reinforced the garrison of Dantzic, consisting of a strong body of troops, and completed the cavalry, the artillery-train, and the rnilitary equipages, forbore no longer to overwhelm Russia with reproaches. Forgetful that since the treaty of Tilsit, he had not only invaded Holland and the Hanse-towns, but likewise the duchy of Oldenburg, which belonged to the sister of Alexander, he impu- ted to the latter as a crime, that he had renewed a commercial intercourse with England. From that moment, France made immense prepa- rations! Numerous legions hastened from the banks of the Tagus to those of the Oder ; and the same 16 WILNA. soldiei^ who, not long ago, had encamped on the fertile plains of Lombardy, saw themselves, in less than three months, transported to the barren sands of Poland. Nothing, however, had yet transpired respecting these great movements, except the famous senatus- consuUe* which organized the empire into cohortes, han^^ and arriere bans.f Thus France was on the point of being engaged in the most bloody contest which it had ever sustained, and one half of Europe was marching against the other, while Napoleon had not deigned to afford the least intimation of it to the senate ; nor had that body ventured to demand from him any reason for a war, in which France was about to exhaust her treasures and her blood. Under these circumstances all eyes were turned towards Prussia, anxious to discover which party she would espouse. Her fortresses, and her whole terri- tory, were occupied by our armies ; nevertheless, an alliance with us appeared so opposite to her true po- licy, and so prejudicial to her interests, that, in spite of the constraint and the subjugation in which we held her, she long hesitated to declare herself. At last, to the surprise of all the world, we learned that she had decided in our favour. J They, however, who knew in what manner Napoleon contracted all * Sitting of the Senate, 10th of March, 1812. f Three classes into wliich the men were divided from 25 to 60 years of age, for the defence of the frontiers and the coasts. i Treaty of alHance (24th Feb. 1812,) between his majesty the emperor and king, and his majesty the king of Prussia. WlLNA. 17 his alliances, observed that Prussia did not declare for us till Berlin was pressed on all sides, and the duke of Reggio (Oudinot) was on the point of en- tering it as a conqueror. The king of Prussia was shortly after compelled to abandon his capital, and leave the command of it to the French generals. At this time appeared another treaty of alliance, between France and Austria, by which it was stipu- lated, that each of the two contracting powers should furnish the other with an auxiliary corps of thirty thousand men, in case of attack. Napoleon, pre- tending that he was threatened by Russia, claimed and obtained the promised succour, which was put under the command of the prince of Schwartzen- berg. Thus Napoleon tyrannized over kings, as Robespierre tyrannized over the people. No one could remain neutral under either. The love of peace was regarded as treason, and moderation considered as a crime. Innumerable troops traversed every part of Ger- many, and bent their course towards the Oder. The king of Westphalia (Jerome Bonaparte) at the head of his guards and of two divisions, had already crossed that river, as well as the Bavarians and Saxons. The first corps was at Stettin, the third inarched in that direction ; and the fourth, having arrived at Glogau, replaced the Westphalians, who proceeded towards Warsaw. The composition of our army was curious and imposing. Were I to enumerate the different troops, it would remind my reader of the description of Homer, when he speak« of the various nations whrr S 18 WILKA. marched to the conquest of Troy. In the inopth of April the grand army consisted of eight corps of in- fantry, each of them containing at least three divis- ions (the first had five divisions) and one body of cav- alry. To these were joined the imperial guards, com- posed of about fifty thousand men ; and three great corps of cavalry under the name of the reserve. The total of our forces may have amounted to three hun- dred thousand infantry, and sixty thousand cavalry. More than a thousand pieces of cannon, distributed amongst the difierent corps, constituted our artillery. The Prince of Eckmuhl (Davoust) had long com- manded the five divisions, which constituted the first corps of the army. The second was intrusted to the duke of Reggio (Oudinot). The third to the duke of Elchingen (Ney). The fourth, known by the name of the army of Italy, and which contained the royal guards, was commanded by the prince viceroy (Eugene Beauharnois.) Prince Poniatowski, at the head of his Poles, formed the fifth corps. The Ba- varians, incorporated into the sixth, were under the orders of count Gouvion St Cyr, The Saxons were counted as the seventh corps, commanded by general Regnier. The Westphalians, marching under the orders of their king (Jerome Bonaparte) look rank in the army as the eighth corps. Only a skeleton of the ninth was formed, but it was desti- ned for the duke of Belluno (Victor) ; and lastly the tenth corps, commanded by marshal the duke of Tarentum, was composed of Prussians under general Grawert, and included no French, except ihe di-yision of general Grandjean. WILNA. 19 The Russian army opposed to us, was divided into two corps, under the denomination of first and second army of the west ; the one commanded by general Barclay de Tolly, and the other by prince Bagration. The number of divisions amounted to forty-seven, amongst which eight consisted of cav- alry. The emperor Alexander, who, on the 26th of April, arrived at Wilna with all his staff, had been long prepared to repel our attacks. But those who had studied our system of war, strenuously advised that monarch not to hazard a battle, being well assured that Napoleon's ambition would lead him into savage countries which, during the rigour of winter, would become the grave of his armies. Although Prussia had declared for us, prudence required that we should mistrust an alliance exacted by force. The French garrisons, in the different for- tified places guarded them with the utmost care, particularly Glogau, where the fourth corps was assembled. Its vicinity to Breslau, whither the king of Prussia had retired with the remainder of his troops, naturally aw^akened our fears, and indu- ced the governor to take every precaution against a coup de main, which might have proved fatal to the enterprises of France. The fourth corps, which arrived from Italy, under the denomination of the army of observation, seem- ed, from its title, to be destined alternately to advance in front of the grand army, and to observe its flanks, and lastly, to rejoin it when great events required its assistance. Having had the honour to 20 WILNA. belong to this corps, I shall more particularly de- scribe its exploits during this memorable campaign. Its operations, when separated from the grand army, were more interesting than those of any other corps, and it was generally united to the main body when circumstances induced Napoleon to concen- trate his forces. The viceroy (Eugene Beauharnois) before he was appointed to the fourth corps, which had in the in- terim been under the orders of the duke of Abrantes (Junot) was called to Paris, where his frequent con- ferences with the emperor led to the belief that he was destined to higher functions than those which attached to the command of one corps of the army. The rumour had long been spread that Napoleon, desirous of terminating in person the Spanish war, had announced in council that he intended to con- fide the government of the empire to a young prince, if circumstances should oblige him to absent himself from the capital. But these brilliant hopes, which since the repudiation of his mother seemed to have no foundation, were soon destroyed. The viceroy, having received his instructions seven or eight days after his arrival in Paris, took the road to Poland, and arrived at Glogauon the 12th of May. While he remained at Glogau, he reviewed the troops which had been placed under his orders, and was particularly pleased with the fine appearance of the fifteenth division, consisting solely of Itahans, and amounting to thirteen thousand men. The sol- diers who composed it were sp excellently disci^ WILNA. 21 plined that general Pino, though first captain of the royal guards, deemed it an honor to command them. The fourth corps was to assemble at Plock. The Bavarian army was there already ; and the prince viceroy arrived in this town by way of Posen, a few days before his army. He employed this time in re- connoitering the banks of the Narew, and in uniting the lines of defence formed by this river, with those of the lakes which extend from Angerburg to Joan- nisburg. His highness particularly examined the fortress of Modlin, whither the king of Westphalia had also proceeded. The conference between these princes appeared to indicate that the banks of the Bug and of the Narew would be the theatre of war. But a few days afterw-ards, all eyes were directed towards the emperor, who had arrived at Thorn. The viceroy went to pay his respects to him, and on his return made the necessary dispositions to effect a movement on the fourth of June. On that day our corps marched for Soldau, which it reached on the 6th. The troops w^ere allowed a halt of two days, which were employed in construc- ting ovens for the use of the army. We then march- ed to Villemberg, where we likewise remained two days ; and three days afterwards we arrived at Ras- tembourg, a neat little town surrounded by lakes. It afforded a valuable supply of provisions to the army, being the largest and most populous town we had passed through since our departure from Glogau. From Rastembourg we marched to Lotzen, and afterwards to Oletzko, the last town in East-Prussia, 22 VVILJN'A. Two leagues further on we entered Poland, and soon perceived the striking difference between these two countries. In the one the houses are clean and well built ; in the other, they are dirty and of a clumsy construction. The inhabitants of the former are civil and hospitable ; those of the latter con- sisted chiefly of filthy and disgusting Jews. Many of the petty seigneurs were too indigent to maintain the proper splendour of their rank : but the higher orders of the nobility are brave, magnificent, and generous. Unsullied honour and ardent patriotism will ever constitute them true heroes. The peas- antry are few in number, and this defect in the population, joined to the barrenness of the soil, ac- counts for the uncultivated state of the country. The sandy plains of Poland, planted only with bad rye, seemed doomed to lasting sterility. We arrived at Kalwary, a considerable town filled wdth Jews. At Marienpol we found a similar pop- ulation. Tired of beholding the numbers, and the disgusting appearance of these people, we used to say that Poland w^as but another Judea, in which a Polonese was rarely to be seen. During this march, Napoleon left Thorn, and visited the fortress of Dantzic, which his thirst for dominion made him regard as one of the most im- portant in his empire. Thence he went to Osterode, ^nd passed rapidly through the towns of Leipstadt and Kreutzbourg, in the neighborhood of Heilsberg, Eylau, and Friedland, which had been the theatre of his greatest military exploits. On his arrival at WILNA. ,2S Koningsberg, he made every preparation for his great enterprise. He reviewed numerous divisions, visited the fortress of Piilau, and a few days after- wards, marching with the centre of his army, trav- ersed the Pregel as far as Gumbinnen. Napoleon hoped to intimidate Russia by his pre- parations, and to compel her to submit to his dictates, while he disregarded every thing which could possi- bly lead to a friendly understanding with Russia, or to the maintenance of peace. Russia, with an excess of moderation, seldom to be met with in great powers, consented that France should retain a garrison in Dantzic ; but she required, and with jus- tice, the evacuation of Prussia, that a country unoc- cupied by the troops of either power might be left between these two great empires. These wise and moderate conditions were called by Napoleon, arro- gant and altogether extraordinary demands /* and on llie formal refusal of Russia to listen to the embassy of count Lauriston without these preliminaries^ Napoleon was absolutely enraged, and exclaimed, in a tone of phrenzy which the slightest contradic- tion always excited, " The vanquished assume the tone of conquerors. A fatality involves them ; let their destinies he fulfilled J^ Leaving Gumbinnen that very instant, he went to Wilkowiski, 22d of June, 1812, and issued the following proclamation in his general orders : — " Soldiers, The second Polish war is begun. The first ter^ minated at Friedland and at Tilsit. At Tilsit, Rus- -• Second bulletin of the framl ormy. M WlLNA. Sia vowed an eternal alliance with France, and waf with Englan'd. She now breaks her vows, and refuses to give any explanation of her strange con- duct, until the French eagles have repassed the Rhine and left our allies at her mercy. " Russia is hurried away by a fatality ! Her des- tinies will be fulfilled. Does she think us degene- rated ? Are w^e no more the soldiers who fought at Austerlitz ? She places us between dishonour and war. Our choice cannot be difficult. Let us then march forward. Let us cross the Niemen, and carry the war into her country. This second Polish war will be as glorious for the French arms as the first has been ; but the peace we shall conclude, will carry with it its own guarantee, and will termi- nate the fatal influence which RussiJi, for fifty years past, has exercised in Europe." This proclamation reacbed us at Kalwary. Un- becoming real greatness, it was only remarkable for its excessive boasting, and for the prophetic tone of its contents : yet, although it was but a monotonous repetition of the same ideas so often expressed, it ex- cited the ardour of our soldiers, always ready to lis- ten to any thing flattering to their courage. Elated with the idea of treading on Russian ground, they proudly contemplated the commencement of the second Polish war, and were eager to leave behind them a river at which they had closed their victori- ous career, at the termination of the first war. The word Niemen inflamed their imagination. They burned to pass it : and this desire was the more nat- WILNA. 25 Ural, as, independent of the spirit of conquest, the miserable state of Poland every day augmented our, sufferings and privations. To silence our com- plaints, the territory of Russia was always held out to us as the promised land.- The Russian army opposed to ours, was com- posed of six divisions. The first, twenty thousand strong, and commanded by the prince of Witt- genstein, occupied Rossiena and Keidanoui. The second corps, consisting likewise of twenty thousand men under the orders of general Bagawout, guarded Kowno. The third, consisting of twenty-four thou- sand men, under general Schomoaloff, was posted at New-Troki. The fourth corps, commanded by gen- eral Tutschkoff, was stationed between New-Troki and Lida. These four divisions together with the guards, formed what the Russians called, the First Army of the West. The second army comprised the fifth corps, amounting to forty thousand men, and the sixth corps, called that of Doctorow, of eighteen thousand men. This second army, com- manded by Prince Bagration, was encamped at Grodno, Lida, and throughout Wolhynia. General Markoff organized in this province, the ninth and fifteenth divisions, which were to form the seventh corps, and which acted in the sequel, under the orders of general Tormazow, against the duchy of Warsaw. Such was the position of the Russians beyond the Niemen, when the king of Naples (Murat) who commanded our cavalry, established his head-quar- 4 2'G WlLNA. ters within two leagues on this side of the river, (23d June.) He had with him the two corps of cavalry^ commanded by generals Nansouty and Montbrun, each composed of three divisions. The first corps took post at the opening of the great forest of Pil- wisky. The second corps and the guards marched in the rear. The third, fourth, and sixth corps, ad- vanced by Marienpol, and marched at a day's dis- tance from each other. The king of Westphalia, with the fifth, seventh, and eighth corps, directed his march to Grodno, up the Narew, and facing the army of prince Bagration. The pontoons under the orders of general Eble, arrived the same day at the Niemen. Napoleon, disguised as a private Polish soldier, and in com- pany with the general of the engineers Haxo, tftren visited the line of the Niemen, and from the heights which command Kowno, discovered the most ad- vantageous point. About eight o'clock at night, the army was put in motion. Three light compa- nies of the division of Morand (first division of the first corps) passed the Niemen, and protected the construction of three bridges, which were thrown across the river. At day-break, that is to say, about one o'clock in the morning, we were close to Kowno. General Pa- jol having pushed forward the advanced guard, occu- pied the town with one battalion and drove before him the enemy's cavalry, which retired as we advan- ced. On the 24th and 25th, the army continued to cross the river at the three bridges. In the meantime. WILNA. 27 Napoleon, having arrived at Kowno, caused another bridge to be thrown across the WiUa, near that town ; while the king of Naples (Murat) marched towards Zismori, and the marshals, prince of Eck- muhl (Davoust) and duke of Elchingen (Ney) went the one to Roumchichki, and the other to Kormelov. The following day (27th June) our light cavalry was within ten leagues of Wilna. The day after, about two o'clock in the morning, the king of Naples continued his march, supported by the division of cavalry of general Bruyeres, and by the first corps. The Russians fell back on all sides behind the Wilia, after burning the bridge and their magizines. A deputation consisting of the principal inhabitants of Wilna, now delivered to Napoleon the keys of the town. He entered about noon, and proceeded im- mediately to the advanced posts of general Bruyeres, to ascertain the direction in which the enemy had retreated. They were pursued on the left of the Wilia, when Octave de Segur, captain of hussars, was wounded and taken prisoner in a charge of cav- alry. This distinguished officer was the first in this campaign, who fell into the hands of the Russians. The point which Napoleon had chosen to pass the Niemen was difficult to defend, Kowno being com- manded by a high mountain on our side, which completely overhung the town. But if this position had been even less advantageous to us, it was not the intention of the Russians to oppose our first efforts. It is said that the emperor Alexander had made every preparation to dispute the passage of the Niemen ; but that at the moment at which the at- 28 WILNA. tack was to have commenced, general Barclay de Tolljj throwing himself at the feet of his master, entreated him not to combat a formidable army which nothing could resist ; adding that Napoleon should be suffered to pass like a torrent, keeping their forces unbroken in reserve, to be employed against him, when famine and the inclemency of the season had thinned his ranks. I will not vouch for the authenticity of this anecdote : but it will not be thought improbable when it is recollected that the emperor Alexander, after having remained six weeks at Wilna, inspecting his armies and recon- noitering the principal points which were capable of defence, suddenly abandoned this line without fighting, and ordered a retreat across the Dwina and the Nieper. On our arrival at Wilna we read the proclama- tion which the emperor of Russia had issued When he learned that the French troops had passed the Niemen. It paints so truly the magnanimity and the equity of Alexander, that on comparing it with the proclamation of Napoleon published at Wilko- wiski, and breathing a spirit of unbounded arro- gance and injustice, the reader may obtain a perfect knowledge of the characters of these two conquer- ors, on whom the eves of the world were then fixed. It was thus worded :— - ' Wilna, the 25th of June, 1812. ' We had long observed, on the part of the em- peror of the French, the most hostile proceedings towards Russia ; but we had always hoped to avert YVILNA. 29 them by conciliatory and pacific measures. At length, experiencing a continued renewal of direct and evident aggression, notwithstanding our earnest desire to maintain tranquillity, we were compelled to complete and to assemble our armies. But even then we flattered ourselves that a reconciliation might be produced while we remained on the fron- tiers of our empire, and, without violating one prin- ciple of peace, were prepared only to act in our own defence. All these conciliatory and pacific measures could not preserve the tranquillity which we desired. The emperor of the French, by sud- denly attacking our army at Kowno, has been the first to declare war. As nothing, therefore, could inspire him with those friendly sentiments which possessed our bosoms, we have no choice but to oppose our forces to those of the enemy, invoking the aid of the Almighty, the witness and the defen- der of the truth. It is unnecessary for me to recall to the minds of the generals, the officers, or the sol- diers, their duty and their bravery. The blood of the valiant Sclavonians flows in their veins. Warri- ors ! you defend your religion, your country, and your liberty ! I am with you. God is against the aggressor. (Signed) Alexander.' While the whole of our army was concentrated near Wilna, the second Russian corps, under gener- al Bagawout, effected its retreat across the Dwina. Prince Wittgenstein likewise was retreating to Wil- komer, since the duke of Reggio (Oudmot) by 30 WILNA. marching on Janow and Chatoui, had forced him to abandon Samogitia. On the 28th they met near Develtovo. A smart cannonade commenced ; but prince Wittgenstein being driven from his position, and pursued by our troops as far as the Dwina, pas- sed the bridge thrown over this river with so much precipitation, that he had not time to burn it. The Russians being repulsed beyond the river, the fifth, seventh, and eighth corps, under the orders of prince Poniatowski, and the king of Westphaha (Jerome Bonaparte) took possession of Grodno, and closely pressed the second army of the west, under prince Bagration. Intrenched, however, in a strong position, he resisted all their attacks ; and by a hap- py employment of his numerous corps of cossacks, commanded by the Hetman Platoff, he w^ould, no doubt, have long defended the provinces confided to him, if, after the evacuation of Wilna, he had not been ordered to join general Barclay de Tolly. Prince Eckmuhl (Davoust) was instantly detached from our centre, to occupy the road to Minsk, and prevent their junction. On the 29th of June, the fourth corps, which had hitherto remained in observation behind the Nie- men, came in sight of this long desired river. On arriving at Pilony, the place appointed for our pas- sage, we found the viceroy, the duke of Abrantes (Junot) and all the sj;aff, who, notwithstanding the rainy weather, were busy in coostructing a bridge. The artillery of the royal guards w^as posted on an eminence commanding the opposite shore. This was a wise, but useless precaution ; for, on recon- WILNA. 31 noitering beyond the Niemen, we learned that every thing was perfectly tranquil on that side. We now dismissed all apprehension with regard to the success of our passage, for an aid-de-camp of the viceroy, sent with a message to Napoleon, had informed us, that our troops, after having passed the defile from Kowno to Roumchichki, without oppo- sition, were arrived at Zismori ; that even the posi- tions betw^een Rouikontoui and Wilna had been but slightly defended by the Russians ; and that havings moreover, constructed no redoubts on the heights, within two leagues of this town, the emperor had entered it on the 28th instant, preceded by the Po- lish uhlans of the eighth regiment, commanded by prince Radzivil. The report of this officer men- tioned, that the suburbs had suffered a little from the rapacity of our soldiers, but order having been speedily re-established, every thing returned to its natural course. He likewise added, that this great and populous town afforded ample supplies for the army, and was favorably disposed towards the views of Napoleon. The following day, the thirteenth and fourteenth divisions, under generals Delzons and Broussier, quietly effected their passage ; and the day after (1st July) the royal guards, followed by the division of Pino, effected theirs. Thus all the Italian troops passed the Nieraen in one body, in presence of their viceroy. They expressed their sense of this honour by spontaneous acclamations ; and the prince must, in his turn, have felt great satisfaction at beholding the soldiers whom he had raised, marching undi^ 32 VVILJNA. mayed into an enemy's country, and at a distance of six hundred leagues from their native soil, preserv- ing the same discipline and the same fine appear- ance, as if manoeuvring in front of his palace. Scarcely had we reached the opposite shore, when we seemed to breathe a new air. However, the roads were dreadfully bad, the forests gloomy, and the villages completely deserted ; but the ima- gination, inflamed by a spirit of conquest, was en- chanted with every thing that it saw, and cherished illusions which were but too soon destroyed. In effect, our short stay at Pilony, while the rain beat tempestuously, was marked by such extraordi- nary disasters, that any man, without being super- stitious, would have regarded them as the presage of our future misfortunes. In this wretched village, the viceroy himself had no house to shelter him ; we were heaped upon one another under some wretched sheds, or exposed to all the inclemencies of the weather. An extreme scarcity made us an- ticipate the horrors of famine. The rain fell in torrents, and overwhelmed both men and horses. The first escaped, but the badness of the roads completed the destruction of the latter. They were seen dropping by hundreds in the evirons of Pilony. The road was covered with dead horses, overturned waggons and scattered baggage. It was in the month of July, that we suffered thus from cold, and rain, and hunger. So many ca- lamities excited in us sad foreboding of the future, and every one began to dread the event of an enterprise the commencement of which was so WILNA. OS disastrous ; but the sun re-appeared on the horizon, the clouds dispersed, our fears were scattered with them, and from that moment we thought that the fine season would last forever. '^ After a march of two hours through marshy ground, we arrived at the town of Kroni (1st July) in which the chateau and all the houses are built of wood. I make this observation here, because most of the villages in Russia are thus constructed. Whenever I find them otherwise I shall remark it. We found some brandy in Kroni, which the soldiers seized with great avidity. This place not being inhabited by any Jews, the houses were all desert- ed, which convinced us that the enemy, in order to ruin the country through which we were to pass, and deprive us of all means of subsistence, had carried along with them the inhabitants and the cattle. The next day (2d July) we received orders to march to Zismori, to regain the great road which the emperor had taken. Arrived in this large town, we found only some Jews, still overwhelmed with terror at the horrible tumult which the passage of our troops had occasioned. The first orders were to halt here, but on the arrival of the viceroy, the stafif continued their route to Melangani, leaving the division of Pino at Zismori, and those of generals Delzons and Broussier in the environs of Strasounoui. The following day (3d July) we proceeded to Ri- contoui, a miserable village, with a little cJ>' -^au built of wood on the left, and on the right, a oh erect- 34 WILIS A. ed on an eminence. The prince did not stop hercy but took up his quarters at a chateau placed near the branchina: off of the cross-road leadino; to New-Troki. Our corps had pleased itself with the hope, that it was destined for Wilna. Sadly was it disappointed, when on the morrow (July 4th) our advanced-guard took a direction towards New-Troki. Every one complained of the change in our route. They said that a fatality attached to our corps ; that har- rassed with fatigue, we were suddenly and unneces- sarily prevented from entering a town where we had expected to repose ourselves after our long and tedious march. Our commanders endeavored to console us for this disappointment, by assuring us that we should certainly visit Witepsk and Smo- lensko, two towns which would soon make us forget Wilna. After four tedious hours, during W'hich we had traversed nothing but forests and miry foot-paths, we arrived near New-Troki, situated on an emi- nence and surrounded by lakes. This delightful place formed a striking contrast with the road we had just quitted, and every one admired its fine situation, and the charming effect which was pro- duced by a large convent on the summit of a mountain that overlooked the town. Others were struck with the wild appearance of the impenetra- ble forests, and the clearness of the waters, which are said never to freeze. They who had acquired any taste for the beauties of nature, were never tired of admiring this romantic spot. In the middle of the lake was an old ruined castle, whose WILNA. 35 darkened walls projected on one side over the sur- face of the water, and on the other seemed to touch the gilded horizon. Troki appeared at first a delightful spot, but the illusion ceased the moment we entered it. We had scarcely approached the first houses, when a crowd of Jews, followed by women, children, and old men with their beards reaching to their girdles, threw themselves at our feet, and implored us to deliver them from the rapacity of the soldiers, who plunder- ed and destroyed every thing which fell into their power. We could grant them nothing but our pity. The town in which we were quartered had no mag- azines, and our soldiers, having been long deprived of their rations, subsisted now only on pillage. This caused the greatest confusion. And the fatal want of discipline which it produced was the more perni- cious, as it is an infallible sign of the approaching ruin of an army. The houses of the Russians at Troki, had been all deprived of their furniture by the inhabitants, who had carried every thing away with tHem in their flight ; and the houses of the Jews, which were disgustingly dirty, had been pillaged by the soldiers. Thus an abode, which we had expected to find so agreeable, was, in the highest degree, unpleasant and uncomfortable. We had not even straw to sleep upon ; and the forage for the horses was procured from a distance of nearly four leagues. As it was probable that we should remain some days at Troki, the emperor having halted at Wilna, the viceroy went to him, and they had some long 36 TVILNA. conferences together. Several oflPicers also obtain- ed leave to go there, and had an opportunity of witnessing the artifices to which Napoleon resorted to ensure his conquest. He excited the enthusiasm of the people by the most magnificent promises, and obtained from them the greatest sacrifices. The nobles also exerted themselves to the utmost of their power in promoting the views of the con- queror. By his means, they hoped to ensure the independence of Poland ; and to restore to their country the glory which she had possessed in the times of the Jagellons, the Cassimirs, and the Sobieskies. The sight of the Polish standards, floating on the walls of the ancient capital of the dukes of Lithuania, excited the enthusiasm of all the inhab- itants, and recalled the most pleasing and brilliant recollections to the minds of those who cherished the memory of the ancient glory of their beloved country. Nothing, however, more forcibly reminded them of their former greatness, than to meet again on the borders of the Wilia, those warriors who had devoted the time of their exile to immortalize the Polish name on the banks of the Nile, the Tiber^ the Tagus, and the Danube. The air was rent with joyful acclamations. Crowds every where followed their steps. All wished to see them, to engrave on their hearts the image of their brave compatriots ; and all glowed with the noble desire of marching under the same banners. Napoleon, having given audience to the whole foody of the university, questioned the principal on WILNA. ' 37 the different branches of science which were taught in that celebrated institution. He afterwards re- organized the civil administration of the town^ which had been completely subverted by the de- parture of the chief functionaries, and by the loss of all the books and registers that belonged to the archives of the place. After the example of France he divided the invaded provinces into different dis- tricts, nominating inspectors, receivers, commissa- ries of police, and above all, intendants to facilitate the payment of his numberless requisitions. But he principally endeavored to stimulate the Lithuanians to make levies en masse, for the formation of new corps. He offered arms to all the peasants who were inclined to revolt against their masters ; and strove, as at the commencement of our revolution, to cause a civil war between the people and the nobility. These projects certainly caused some sensation in the city where the emperor commanded ; but, in the towns and the country, nothing was produced favourable to the projected revolution. Napoleon, however, continued to invite the Lithuanians to as- sist him ; and to impose on them, he endeavoured to astonish the vulgar. He spoke with equal fluency, and at the same audience, of the public spectacles, and of religion, of war, and of the arts. He was seen on horseback at all hours of the day ; and after having superintended the erection of some new bridge or fortification, he immediately entered his cabinet, and showed himself perfectly master of the most complicated scheme of politics or finance : 38 WILNA. and often he affected to assist at a ball or a concertj on the eve of the most important battle. The commission which was formed for the gene- ral administration of all Lithuania, consisted, at first, of only five members : but Napoleon added to their number in proportion as his partisans increas- ed. The day on which that commission was insti- tuted, three proclamations were instituted. The first which was addressed to the people, announced the installation of the provisional government of Lithuania, and enforced the gratitude which was due to him who had delivered Poland from the grasp of its oppressors. The next exhorted the clergy to second the zeal of the nation, and to obtain, by their fervent prayers, the favour of Almighty God. The third, the object of which was to recall the Lithuanians who were in the ser- vice of Russia, contained the following words : — * POLANDERS, * You are under Russian banners. It was per- mitted you to serve that power while you had no longer a country of your own. But all is now changed. Poland is newly created. You must combat for her complete re-establishment, and com- pel the Russians to acknowledge those rights of which you had been despoiled by injustice and usur- pation. The general confederation of Poland and Lithuania, recalls every Polander from the Russian service. Generals of Poland, officers and soldiers ! listen to the voice of your country. Abandon the standards of your oppressors. Hasten and range WILNA. 39 yourselves under the eagle of the Jagelloiis, the Casimirs and the Sobieskies ! Your country requires it of you. Honour and religion equally command it.'* The committee of the government established at Wilna, which lent itself to the views of Napoleon, merely to lighten those calamities, which the horrors of the war had brought on the people, was indefati- gably zealous in every thing which could promote the interest of the administration. The department of Wilna was already formed, and the conquered territory was divided into eleven sub-districts. That organization, apparently advantageous, produ- ced, however, no kind of benefit. The country was pillaged, the villages deserted, and all the peasants fled into the woods. We saw only a few miserable Jews, covered with rags, who from a spirit of avarice, chose rather to expose themselves to the insults of our soldiers, than abandon their infectious habita- tions. In short, to give some faint idea of the dis- order which prevailed in the midst of this pretended organization, I shall only mention, that when the sub-prefect of New-Troki came from Wilna, to take possession of his government, he was stopped by our troops, and plundered of every thing. Even his own escort robbed him of his provisions and clothes ; and at length he arrived on foot, in a condition so wretched, that every one regarded as a spy the man who was destined to be our first administrator. Thus the brilliant hopes with which the Poland- ers had at first flattered themselves, began to fade, * See Lithuanian Courier, Ju3y 7, 1812. 40 VVILNA. when it was perceived, that our chief was actuated solely by the puerile ambition of placing a new crown on his head ; and, that while he was unable to consolidate any thing he talked incessantly of conquering immense provinces, and of subjecting to the same laws and the same sceptre, countries which differed so widely in their customs and their climates. Blind to the want of discipline which prevailed in his army, he occasioned the ruin of the rich, and the despair of the poor ; and reduced the Lithuanians to consider those as their greatest ag- gressors, who had promised to become their deliv- erers. He thus exposed us to the hatred of the people ; and made us the first and the saddest victims of his tyranny. While this happened at Wilna, Warsaw might have exhibited the sublimest spectacle, if she had not been under the baneful influence of a man who trifled with the fate of nations ; and whose plans, never the offspring of mature reflection, were always frustrated, when their execution required calmness and prudence. The unhappy Polanders, relying on his flattering promises, assembled in their capital (June 28), and formed a diet. The committee di- gested an eloquent report, in which the orator stated the importance of the work which had been entrus- ted to their care. He reminded his auditors, in an energetic manner, that Poland, placed in the centre of Europe, had formerly been a distinguished empire, mistress of a country extensive and fertile, and equally celebrated for her valour and her refine- ments ; that for many centuries, she had with unwea- WILNA. 41 lied courage, repulsed from her borders, those bar- barous tribes who attempted in vain to subjugate the civiUzed world ; that the honour of filHng their throne had ever been an object of universal desire ; and that if some little divisions had arisen among themselves, they had only obscured for a short time their own horizon, without carrying the tempest abroad. He enumerated at length all that their be- loved country had suffered from the ambition of Russia, who had outraged a powerful nation by fre- quent dismemberments. He dwelt particularly on the last period when Poland was annihilated by a triple partition, and Warsaw heard, amidst the shouts of a ferocious conqueror, the lamentable cries of the inhabitants of Praga, given, without mercy, to the sword and to the flames. He showed that Russia, continually trampling upon Poland, gradu- ally approached nearer to Germany, and already aspired at her conquest ; and, finally, he demonstra- ted that such a fatal superiority of power, must ultimately destroy the rights of every nation, and subject the whole world to its empire. After this rapid exposition of facts, the speaker made a less animated, but not a less judicious, enu- meration of the weighty reasons which ought to unite Poland to France. 'Europe,' said he, 're- quires some rest after twenty-five years of violent agitation. Her system will remain incomplete, nor will the reward of her struggles and her blood be secure as long as the regions of the north are per- mitted to vomit forth those hordes, to the true char- acter of which it becomes us to be no longer blind. 6 42 WILNA. They are no more those whom necessity alone for- ced to quit their savage abodes, and to seek in other lands the comforts which their own inhospitable climate denied. A blind instinct once served them instead of the arts which civilize or defend other countries. But now the refinements of polished nations are united to the barbarism of former times. The Russian has supplicated from the European, and he has now learned from him all the arts of attack and defence, and he has made them the instruments of desolation and destruction. He is in some respects the equal of the European, and he may soon become his master. In Russia, supersti- tious and submissive slaves unhesitatingly obey the orders of a government to whom every outrage is familiar. For a century past they have been busily employed in undermining all those banks which have restrained a torrent that threatens destruction to the world. How often have they overflowed them, urged either by their own ambition, or invited by imprudent princes to whom they brought slavery instead of assistance. Russia, in the course of fifty years, has twenty times overwhelmed the south of Europe with her arms. The empire of Constan- tinople is almost subverted, and her crescent shorn of half its splendour.' Animated by his subject he thus continued : — * Henceforth the children of the Piasts and the Ja- gellons will be proud to bear a name which was the glory of their ancestors ; a name at which they grew pale, whom fraud and injustice have, for a short time, made our masters. Let us not doubt WILNA. 43 that this countiy once so rich in heroes, will recover all her wonted glory. She will produce new Sigis- monds, and new Sobieskies. She will shine with more brilliant and purer lustre ; and surrounding nations, compelled to do us justice, will acknowl- edge that nothing was wanting in Poland for the growth of every virtue, but the cultivation of the soil by the free and unfettered hands of her own children.' Then addressing the venerable old man*, who, from his services and his virtues, presided at the as- sembly, he concluded with the following beautiful apostrophe : — ' Nestor of the Polish patriots, when you left them, you carried with you the gods, which had escaped the overthrow of your country. They return lo it to-day, to receive eternal adoration ; and to dwell in it as in a temple, around which the whole nation, instructed by their misfortunes, and awakened to vigilance by the surprises from which they have suffered, will not cease to maintain a constant guard ; which they will enrich with every virtue that has adorned the Polish character, and which they pledge themselves to defend at the haz- ard of their lives.' After this harangue the orator submitted another report to the diet, in which he explained the motives that had induced the committee to draw up the act of confederation ; declaring that it was the wish of the nation to otfer the crown to the king of Saxony ; who, too wise and too virtuous to object, would '■ Prince Czartoryski, grand marshal at the diet. 44 VVILNA. condescend they hoped, to accept it, and unite with Divine Providence in restoring the arms of Lithuania to their escutcheon, and in spreading through the fertile countries of Wolhynia, and the extensive plains of Podolia and the Ukraine, the cheering sounds of. Long live Poland ! Long live our Country ! The committee then produced the act of confed- eration, the chief articles of which consisted, in uniting every part of ancient Poland, in the forma- tion of the new kingdom : in recalling the Poland- ers from the Russian service ; and lastly in sending a deputation to the emperor Napoleon, soliciting him to extend his powerful protection over the cradle of Polish liberty. The deputation was admitted to Napoleon the night before his departure from Wilna. They sub- mitted to him the act of confederation, of which we have just spoken. The conqueror gave them eva- sive promises. Perhaps he was offended that the noble Polish nation had not thrown itself at his ieet, to obtain the honour of becoming a part of the great empire. The liberty which they demanded, appear- ed to disquiet and to surprise him. He feared that the assembly which he had convoked, and which seemed now so willing to second his views, might, hereafter prove less submissive to his wishes. It is the peculiar character of tyrants, to be suspicious even when they are doing good ; to take umbrage at the objects of their own protection ; and to be alarmed at the independence of others even if it has been their own work. Napoleon, therefore, made WILNA. 45 no decisive promises, but exacted, as preliminaries, enormous sacrifices, and a devotion to his interest, with which the Polanders could not comply, with- out putting to the hazard their hopes of future hap- piness. He demanded that the provinces subjected to Russia, should declare themselves against her, even before his arrival, and that Gallicia should form no part of the confederation, because he had guaranteed to Austria the integrity of her states. If all these extensive projects had been conceived by a prudent head, more anxious for the welfare of mankind, than the gratification of its own ambition, there is no doubt that, although gigantic, they might have been realized. Napoleon had attained so high a degree of power, that it was not necessary for him to resort to war to accomplish any purpose. By a policy prudent, skilful, and, above all, concil- iatory, he might have made more lasting, and even more extensive conquests, than he had gained by force of arms. Posterity will perceive that he was dazzled by too much prosperity, and employed incalculable means to accomplish his own dow^nfall, while he might have succeeded to the utmost of his wishes, without hazarding or compromising any thing. An enemy to whatever required patience and reflection, he knew nothing but force ; and Heaven permitted him to be crushed by that very power, which, till then, had been his only law. The brave Polanders, despairing for their coun- try, considered all their plans as chimerical, when they perceived that Napoleon, more ambitious and less virtuous than Charles XII, aspired at the Polish 46 WILNA. crown, and only promised them his assistance, that he might profit by their resentment against Russia. Thus, that fortunate conqueror, restless, even on the most splendid throne of Europe, was led astray by the excess of his conquests, and strangely imagined that he could not cement his fortune better than by subverting the whole world, and renewing in the north the horrible wars of the middle age, when nations, exasperated against each other, delivered themselves up to every excess of barbarity. BOOK IL WITEPSK. WHILST Napoleon remained at Wilna, marshal Davoust proceeded to Minsk, in pursuit of prince Bagration, who endeavored to effect a junction with the army of Barclay de Tolly. By that manoeuvre we prevented the Russian prince from marching on the Dvvina, and forced him to proceed towards Mo- hilow on the Nieper, whither he was pursued by the first corps, and the cavalry of general Grouchy. All our other corps, which formed the centre, directed their course towards Dinabourg. With regard to the fourth corps, the two French divisions, and the royal guards, took the road of Paradomin in their march to Ochmiana ; whilst the viceroy, the division of Pino, and all the cavalry, marched to Rudniki. This latter movement was rendered necessary in consequence of information which we had received, that the Hetman Platoff, at the head of four thou- sand Cossacks, having been separated from the corps of Bagration, was expected on the road of Lida, w^here he would endeavour to effect a junction with the Russian army, which had evacuated Wilna. At this news the viceroy put himself in motion, but the 48 WITEPSK, road to Rudniki was so bad, that the cavalry of the royal guard was obliged to pursue a different route. It is not possible to form an idea of the difficulties which presented themselves on that road, which was entirely formed of the trunks of fir-trees, placed on the marshy ground. The horses in passing over these pieces of w^ood frequently trod between them, and, falling in this situation, inevitably broke their legs. If, to avoid these difficulties, we turned to the right or left, we were in danger of sinking into mo- rasses from which there was no possibility of escape. The staff, after having lost some horses belonging to our escort, at last succeeded in extricating itself from this dangerous passage, and arrived at Rudniki in the middle of the night. The following morning (July oth) we marched towards Jachounoui, where we regained the great road. Thence we proceeded to Mal-Solechniki. The prince, however, w^ould not stop there ; but pursued his route to Bol-Solech- niki, where he intended to remain during the night, and hoped to receive some tidings of the cossacks, whom he had orders to pursue. The following day we continued our march, and arrived at a castle not far distant from Soubotniki. The viceroy was obliged to halt here, for the bad roads having impeded the march of the thirteenth and fourteenth divisions, as well as the Italian corps, we had nothing but the light cavalry with us. The order which had been sent fo/ hastening their pro- gress, was, by some mistake, returned to the chief of the staff, so that these troops having received no in- structions, had retained their position, while we be- WITEPSK. 49 Ueved that they were following us. At length, see- ing that they did not arrive, some intelligent officers were sent out in all directions, who succeeded, after a long search, in extricating the division of Pino from the marsiies of Rudniki, and conducting the guard towards Ochmiana. The viceroy in the mean time, after having searched in vain for the Cossacks, returned and marched towards Jachou- noui, where he joined the thirteenth and fourteenth divisions. On the following day (July 12th), they all took the road towards Smorghoni, where they effected a junction with the rest of the troops who composed the fourth corps. The town of Smorghoni is large and populous, yet all the houses, with the exception of two or three, are built of wood. A little river, with a bridge thrown over it, divides the castle from the town. The inhabitants consist chiefly of Jews, who carry on considerable commerce. For this reason, though the town contained little that was remarkable, the halt which we made in it was delightful to the whole army, for it enabled us to procure a supply of bread and beer. During the day that we reposed at Smorghoni, we erected a bridge over the Narotsch, that we might proceed in a direct line to Vileika. But the work was hardly finished when the orders were changed, and the majority of the troops marched to Zachkevitschi, where they remained that night. The road from Zachkevitschi, to Vileika is very sandy, and lies through a thick forest. ^ little be- 50 WITEPSK. fore we arrived here, we crossed the Wiha over u floating bridge. The river at this place is neither very broad nor deep, but its banks are extremely steep, particularly the one opposite Vileika. On entering the town, general Colbert, who command- ed the advanced-guard, took some magazines which had been abandoned ; and as a short time only had elapsed since the enemy had quitted that position, the viceroy redoubled his vigilance, for fear of a surprise, and selected with the utmost care, an ad- vantageous situation for his troops to encamp. Whilst we marched towards Vileika, the king of Naples (Murat), assisted by the second and third corps, drove the first western army from one position to another behind the Dwina, and at last forced them to retire into the intrenched camp of Drissa. On our right, prince Eckmuhl (Davoust) continued the pursuit of prince Bagration, and arrived without fighting as far as Borisow, on tiie Berezina. On our left the marshal duke of Tarentum likewise ob- tained important advantages and took entire pos- session of Samogitia. The conduct of the enemy in thus continually flying before us was accounted for in different ways. Some thought it was the effect of weakness, others believed it to be the result of a well-digested plan. ' What is become of those Russians,' asked the for- mer, ' who, for more than fifty years, have been the terror of Europe, and the conquerors of Asia ? The power of Russia seems to be merely fictitious, in- vented bv hirelinsi; writers, and deceitful travellers. WITEPSK. 51 It exists only in imagination, and the phantom van- ishes the moment we attack it.' They, however, whom experience had taught to wait the result of time, affirmed that it was unwise to despise an ene- my whom we had not yet combatted ; that his flight was calculated to diminish our force, and to deprive us of the means of recruiting it, by drawing us fur- ther from our own country. ' The Russians,' added these intelligent reasoners, ' derive their most pow- erful succours from their climate. Why should they seek to fight us when they know that the winter will compel us to abandon all our conquests ?' At last the Russians themselves explained the motives of their retreat, by the following proclama- tion distributed on the borders of the Dwioa :— - ° FRENCH SOLDIERS ! ^ You are forced to march to a new war. You are told that it is because the Russians do not render justice to your valour. No, comrades, they truly appreciate it. You will see it on the day of battle. Consider that if it be necessary, army will succeed to army, and that you are four hundred leagues from your resources. Do not allow yourselves to be de- ceived by our first movements. You know the Rus- sians too well to suppose that they fly before you. In proper time they will accept the combat, and you will find it difficult to retreat. We advise you as fellow-soldiers, to return in a body to your native country. Do not believe the perfidious suggestion that you are fighting for peace. You shed your 52 WITEPSK. blood to gratify the insatiable ambition of a sove- reign who does not wish for peace. He might have obtained it long ago ; but he sports with the lives of his brave subjects. Return to your homes, or if you wish it, seek an asylum in Russia ; there you will forget the names of conscription, levies, bans and arriere-bans, and that military tyranny which does not allow you for one minute to shake off the op- pressive yoke.' This proclamation contained such palpable truths, that its publication astonished every one. Some, however, regarded it as a forgery, and thought that it was written to prepare the way for that despicable answer of a French grenadier^ which would certainly have become a subject of pleasantry to the army, and of contempt to foreigners, if we had not long known that an implicit obedience to his chief is the first duty of a soldier ; and that every Frenchman, faithful to his banners, esteemed it a point of honour strenuously to combat all those whom his comman- ders should represent as the enemies of his country. Continuing our march we arrived at Kostenevit- schi, a miserable little village, where, excepting the post-house and vicarage, there were only a few wretched barns covered with thatch. The royal guard encamped round the village, but the viceroy established his head-quarters two leagues further on. The following day (July 17), after a march of five leagues over a tolerably good road, we reached the town of Dolghinow, the inhabitants of which WITEPSK. 53 consisted almost entirely of Jews, a circumstance by which we we enabled to procure a few bottles of brandy. Our incessant marches, and the long period tluring which we had been deprived of that liquor, induce me to mention a circumstance apparently so insignificant ; but, from the importance which wc attached to it, the reader may judge of the extent of our wants, and the difficulty of supplying them. We proceeded thence to Dokzice, a distance of about seven leagues. That town the inhabitants of which were likewise Jews, contained a handsome square, near which stood a church, and a wretched chateau^ built of wood. The extremities of the town are situated on two eminences, between which runs a little marshy rivulet. On the day that we halted here we suddenly perceived a thick smoke arising behind the chateau in which the prince was quarter- ed. The flames soon spread on every side, and consumed in an instant several neighboring houses ; but the soldiers rendering the most timely and effi- cacious assistance, the fire was quickly subdued, and all our apprehensions vanished. Near Smorghoni we had left the road to Minsk and the Nieper, and had turned to the left, to ap- proach to Dwina, and to follow the movements of the centre of the grand army, which had taken that direction. General Sebastiani, who commanded the advanced-guard, assisted by the corps of the duke of Reggio (Oudinot), repulsed the cossacks as far as Drouia ; but the enemy, which was shut up in the intrenched camp, at Drissa, having been informed 54) • WITEPSK. that our cavalry was badly guarded, threw a bridge over the river, and detached five thousand infantry and as many cavalry, commanded by general Koul- niew. An engagement soon commenced, and gen- eral Saintgeniez, being taken by surprise, was made prisoner, while the rest of the brigade did not escape without considerable loss. As we approached Berezina, where we intended to encamp that night, the road gradually descend- ing, brought us unawares to the river of the same name, which runs through one of the most marshy plains in Europe. We were convinced of this when we arrived at the town, the houses of which exten- ded in a long line over an absolute morass. Beyond Berezina the road is continued over a kind of turf, on which were placed a quantity of fir branches, to give some firmness to a mere bog. A few intervals were left for the waters to drain ojff. From the Berezina, as far as the Oula, the coun- try was wet and marshy. The road from one river to the other forms a line of twenty or twenty-five leagues, passing continually through marshes and immense forests. Gloubokoe was our first station, and Eamen the second. The first of these towns is remarkable for a beautiful castle of wood ; and the latter for a kind of mountain in the very centre of the place, which overlooks the plain. At Botscheikovo we approached the borders of the Oula (July 23d). This river is united to the Be- rezina by the canal of Lepel, which gives facility to ihe commerce of all the neighboring provinces. WITEPSK. 55 This canal is yet more important, as it forms a com- munication between the Nieper and the Dwina ; and thus uniting the Baltic and the Mediterranean, it enlivens the intererior of Lithuania, and enriches her with productions of the most distant climes. The banks of this river are very high and steep. On the left side beyond the bridge, appears a magnifi- cent chateau^ which we thought the most beautiful that we had seen since our arrival in Poland. We could not, however, restrain our astonishment at the rapidity with which we were allowed to pro- ceed in our march without opposition. We advan- ced daily without any impediment, and with almost as much security as when we traversed Bavaria, and Saxony. The tranquillity in which our adversaries permitted us to continue was incomprehensible, and every one formed the most opposite and frequently the most erroneous conjectures. At Kamen, how- ever, we learned, from several officers, who had been sent to Ouchatsch, where the emperor was, that the enemy, having quitted their trenches at Drissa, had ascended the Dwina, towards Polotsk and Witepsk, through fear of being cut off by our corps, which had taken a direction towards the latter town. The orders which they brought us, made us likewise be- lieve that we should soon meet with considerable resistance. These conjectures were presently chan- ged into certainty when, on reconnoitering the mouth of the Oula, and the road to Bezenkovitschi, we discovered that the cossacks hovered on our flanks. The virerov immediately ordered the ad- a6 VVITEPSK, vanced-guard and the light cavahy, to proceed to Bezenkovitschi, where the Russians were assembled in much force, under general Osterman (July 23d), The prince soon afterwards mounted his horse^ accompanied by his aids-de-camp, and followed the movements of the advanced-guard. When he arri- ved at Bezenkovitschi, the enemy retreated, and crossed the Dwina with his cavalry, and some pieces of artillery. While we were in that town, the Rus- sian sharp-shooters, who were concealed in the houses of the village, on the opposite side of the river, kept up an incessant fire upon us. Colonel la Croix, who was passing down the principal street leading to the river, received a shot which broke his thigh. This accident produced a painful sen- sation through the whole army. Every one pitied this worthy officer, and lamented that we were deprived of his valuable services, by a fatality which frequently takes from the most deserving all power to distinguish themselves. After having reconnoi- tered the position of the enemy the viceroy returned, for the night, to the casUe of Botscheikovo. In the evening he had a long conference with general Dessoles, the chief of his staff, which made us pre- sume that we should march in the night ; but the order was not given till the following morning. (July 24th.) After five hours' march, and cross- ing a small river, called Svetscha, our troops arrived at Bezenkovitschi. This Uttle town was already filled with troops, particularly with the two divisions of cavalry under generals Bruyeres and Saint Ger- WITEPSK* 51 main, who had come by the way of Oula. This great mass of troops marching towards Witepsk, terrified not the enemy, who was separated from us by the Dwina. His cavahy proudly manoeuvred and fired on our soldiers when they approached to seize the ferry-boat, which had been carried to the opjDosite shore. The viceroy, however, having resolved to cross the Dwina at this point, caused a battery of two pieces of cannon to be erected, to protect the sap- pers who had been ordered to construct a bridge, and the marines of the royal guard, who, plunging into the water, attempted to reach the boat. These guns, and a few sharp-shooters placed on the shore, intimidated the Russians so much, that they quitted the houses in which they had concealed themselves, and allowed us quietly to take back the boat, and to complete the bridge which the engineers were erecting. In the meantime a division of Bavarian cavalry, under general Preysing, having discovered a ford about two hundred paces below the bridge, effected their passage. Scarcely had they crossed the river, when they ranged themselves in order of battle, sup- ported by some companies of light troops, which had been sent over in the boat. In an instant they advanced to charge the enemy, who fled at their approach, setting fire to every thing which he was compelled to leave behind. We particularly ad- mired, on that occasion, the manner in which the 58 WITEFSE. Bavarians advanced. The precision of their evolii*- tions, and the skill with which they disposed their out-posts, may be quoted as models for those who may be called to execute similar manoeuvres. While we were contemplating these operations^ it was reported that the emperor was approaching. The courier who had brought the news was quickly followed by another, who confirmed it. Soon after- wards arrived the saddle-horses, the officers of ord- nance, and the generals of the guard ; in short, the town, already fulLof troops, presently became abso- lutely crowded. In the midst of this tumult Napo- leon appeared. He proceeded immediately to that part of the river at which they were erecting the bridge. In a dry and sarcastic manner he blamed its construction, which was certainly very defective ; but, having determined to proceed to the other side* he crossed the bridge, and mounting his horse, join- ed the Bavarians, who had halted on the plain. Then marching with them, he advanced nearly two leagues from Bezenkovitschi. Napoleon, doubtless, executed this manoeuvre with a view of attracting the enemy's attention to this point, that he might find less opposition when he attacked Witepsk, on the opposite bank. He likewise hoped to annoy the Russian army in its retreat, which was now- ascending the Dwina, after having abandoned the intrenched camp at Drissa. It is impossible to imagine the confusion which reigned at Bezenkovitschi, and which increased OQ WITEPSK. 59 the arrival of the staff. In the night the tumult be- came still more dreadful. The crowd of troops which flowed in from all parts, and the quickness with which they were ordered to proceed, left no doubt that we were on the eve of a battle. The cavalry commanded by the king of Naples (Murat) formed the vanguard, and the fourth corps followed immediately to support them. (July 25th). Orders were given to march to Ostrowno ; and the staff was on the point of setting out, when we heard a strong cannonade. At this moment an aid-de-camp of general Delzons arrived in great haste to inform the viceroy (Eugene Beau- harnois) that the enemy had been overtaken near Ostrowno, and that a vigorous engagement had just commenced. The aid-de-camp had scarcely finish- ed his report, when the noise of the cannon was re- doubled. His highness immediately commanded the baggage of the head-quarters to halt ; and, ac- companied only by his staff, hastened to Ostrowno, where he joined the king of Naples, who had with him the divisions of cavalry of Bruyeres, and Saint Germain, supported by the thirteenth division of infantry. But when they arrived at Soritza, the affair had already been successfully decided. Twenty pieces of cannon, which had fallen into our power, and the vast numbers of dead that were left on the field of battle, proved, both the resistance of the conquered, and the valour of the seventh and eighth hussars, who had on that occasion, covered them- selves with dorv. 60 \ VVITEF-3K. It was three o'clock in the morning (July 26th) when the viceroy arrived at Ostrowno, with the king of Naples. The fourth corps were encamped near him, and the cavalry, placed in front, watched the manoeuvres of the enemy. At six o'clock his majes- ty and the prince, accompanied by their respective staffs, marched towards the out-posts, and passing over the ground where the engagement had taken place the night before, they heard that Ostermann's corps, consisting of two divisions, was drawn up in or- der of battle. The prince immediately ordered the thirteenth and fourteenth divisions to support the cavalry commanded by the king of Naples. The hussars who were sent out to reconnoitre, having met with much opposition at the entrance of a forest, returned with the intelligence that the enemy seem- ed determined to dispute our passage. We heard on all sides the fire of the sharp-shooters ; and the cannon of the Russians, placed on the road, enfila- ded our columns which had advanced. General Danthouard ordered our artillery to be brought for- ward without delay, and it was in this exchange of balls, that captain Ferrari of the eighth hussars, for- merly aid-de-camp to the prince of Neufchatel, had his leg shot off. Meanwhile, the king of Naples, hastening wherever his presence could be useful, ordered an attack to be made from our left, to dis- perse the enemy's cavalry, which occupied the ex- tremity of a wood. But, notwithstanding this ma- noeuvre was well planned, it had not the desired effect. The detachment of hussars, entrusted with WITEPSK. 61 the execution of it, was too weak and was soon compelled, though without loss, to retreat before the numerous squadrons who rushed on to the charge. While we were thus manreuvring on our left, the Russians attempted to force our right. The viceroy perceiving it, caused the thirteenth division to pro- ceed towards that point, who advancing rapidly on the road, stopped the progress of the enemy ; and the artillery of our regiments, being advantageously placed on some eminences, made us feel certain that our line could not be forced. Our right seemed well defended, when a sudden attack was made, and dreadful cries w^ere heard, both on the left and in the centre. The enemy, advancing in great force, had vigorously pushed back our sharp-shooters, placed in the forest, and compelled the artillery to retire precipitately ; while the Russian cavalry, profiting by a little plain on our left, furiously charged the Croats, and the 84lh regiment. Happily, however, the king of Naples came up in time to check their progress. Two battalions of the 106th, which had been kept in reserve, supported the Croats ; while general Dan- thouard, in whom were united the most brilliant talents and undaunted bravery, seconded by colonel Demay, and captain Bonardelle, reanimated the courage of the artillery, and, by skilful evolutions, replaced them in the position which they had quit- led but for a moment. The affairs of the left and of the centre being re- established, the king of Naples and prince Eugene VViTEFSK. proceeded to the right wing and put it in motion. The enemy, lying in ambuscade before a forest, op- posed a vigorous resistance to the 92d regiment, which, notwithstanding its being placed on an advantageous eminence, remained inactive. The viceroy instantly despatched the adjutant-comman- dant Forestier, to urge them forward ; who, with some difficulty, succeeded in making them advance. Their march, however, appeared too slow to the impetuous valour of the duke of Abrantes (Junot). That intrepid general, who, in other campaigns had acted as commander in chief, hastily quitted the viceroy, and put himself at the head of this regi- ment, on which every eye was now fixed. His presence, or rather his example, electrified every heart ; and the brave 92d, led on by general Rous- sel, marched instantly to the charge, overthrew every thing that opposed them, and penetrated at last into the forest, where the enemy w^s protected by intrench ments almost impregnable. On looking to the extremity of our right, we perceived a Russian column, which had been sent to turn our flanks commencing its retreat. The king of Naples, with that enthusiasm which is peculiar to great minds, ordered the cavalry to charge upon that column, and to compel it to lay down its arms. The difficulties of the ground made the soldiers hesitate for a moment ; but the king, perceiving at a glance, that the execution must be as prompt as the thought itself, drew his sword from its scabbard, and eagerly exclaimed, ' Let the bravest follow me,^ This trait WITEPSK. 63 of heroism filled us with admiration. All pressed forward to second him ; but deep ravines and im- penetrable thickets impeded our progress, and gave the enemy time to escape, and to rejoin the corps from which they had been detached. The success of the combat was certain ; but we dared not venture to cross the extensive forest be- fore us, on the other side of which were the hills of Witepsk, where we knew the forces of the enemy were encamped. While we were deliberating on the means of eifecting that important passage^ we heard a great tumult behind us. No one could guess the cause, and uneasiness was added to our curiosity ; but when w^e perceived Napoleon sur- rounded by a brilliant suite, our fears were d^issipa- ted ; and the enthusiasm which his presenceralways excited, made us hope that he would add to the glory of that eventful day. The king of Naples and the prince hastened to meet him, and informed him of the event of the engagement, and the measures which they had since adopted. But Napoleon, desi- rous to become more intimately acquainted with every circumstance, quickly proceeded to the most advanced posts of our line, and viewed from an em- inence, the position of the enemy, and the nature of the ground. His eye penetrated into the Russian camp. He guessed their plans, and immediately ordered new dispositions, which being executed with precision and rapidity, the army was soon in the mid- dle of the forest. We followed at a quick pace and reached the hills of Witepsk as the day began to close. 64 wilEPSiv. The thirteenth division, which assisted in this manoeuvre, experienced much resistance from the enemy in crossing the woods. He retired slowly, and disputed every step ; while his numerous sharp- shooters made us pay dearly for the ground which we had gained. It was in one of these unfortunate recontres, that a Russian dragoon, coming up to general Roussel, fired at him with a pistol, and killed him on the spot. As the Russians seldom place dragoons among their sharp-shooters, it occasioned the report that general Roussel had been murdered by one of our own men ; but we were afterwards as- sured that we had not to reproach ourselves with the death of that brave general, who was truly worthy of our regret, both on account of his military quali- ties and his private virtues. Brussier's division (the fourteenth) followed the great road, and arrived very late at the position which had been appointed for it between the road and the Dwina. The fifteenth division and the Ital- ian guard, forming the rest of the infantry of the fourth corps, were left in reserve, a little behind the fourteenth. After the different corps had taken their respec- tive positions. Napoleon established his head-quar- ters in the village of Kqukoviatschi. The king of Naples and prince Eugene were encamped in an uncomfortable little chateau near the village of Do- brijka, surrounded by the corps under their com- mand. WITEPSK. Q5 On the following morning, at the dawn of day. (July 27th) our troops marched towards Witepsk. The Russians, retiring on that town, fired some cannon, which, however, did ns little injury. They afterwards occupied a large plain near the town, which commanded the roads by which we could approach. We could easily observe the lines of the enemy from the hill on Avhich we were placed, and particularly his numerous cavalry, arranged in order of battle at the extremity of the plain. The division of Broussier, constituting the ad- vanced-guard, crossed, by means of a miserable bridge, the rivulet which separated us from the plain, and drew up on a height opposite the eminence, which was occupied by the Russians. The six- teenth regiment of chasseurs, having descended the hill, was vigorously charged by several squadrons of the cossack-guard, and it would have experien- ced a total defeat, if it had not been disengaged from the enemy, towards the left, by the light troops of the ninth regiment, commanded by captains Guyard and Savary. These brave men attracted, on this occasion, the attention of the whole army, which, encamped on the surrounding heights, as on an amphitheatre, witnessed their exploits, and ren- dered them the applause that was justly due to their valour. The sixteenth chasseurs, retiring upon the four- teenth division, were protected by the 53d regiment^ commanded by colonel Grosbon. That division forming a square, presented to the enemy an impe- 9 66 WITEPSE. iieti'able front, and all their repeated and furious at- tempts to break it, proved ineffectual. This cir- cumstance threw a little confusion into our ranks ; but Napoleon being at hand, it could not continue. Placed on an eminence, from which he could see all the manoeuvres, he calmly made every disposition which he thought was necessary to secure the vic- tory. He ordered a regiment of cavalry to retire, to open the passage of the bridge to the thirteenth division. This retrograde movement spread terror amongst our train, which was composed of work- men, sutlers and victuallers, a class of people who are easily alarmed ; and who, always afraid of los- ing their booty, are rather prejudicial than useful to an army. The thirteenth division having advanced, filed to the right. The viceroy marched at their head, and conducted them behind the fourteenth division, to an eminence which overlooked the plain on which the enemy was encamped. These heights, not being guarded, we advanced without difficulty, and took our position on the sum- mit, opposite the Russian camp, separated only by the river Louichesa, the steep shores of which form- ed a ravine so deep, that it was impossible to come to a general action. We pretended, however, to com- mence the engagement by detaching some light troops, who succeeded in passing over the ravine, and established themselves in a little wood. Biit not being supported, they proceeded no further, and re- turned to their corps, as soon as the fire of the batte- . AVITEPSK. 67 lies had ceased, and the divisions were no longer under arms. This suspension, when the armies were in sight of each other, excited universal astonishment, and every one enquired, ^ Where is the emperor ? What are his intentions ?' During these discussions we were joined by the first corps, and the imperial guard. Some thought that Napoleon waited for the junction of all his forces before he began a serious attack ; others affirmed that marshal Ney, and the cavalry of general Montbrun, advancing from the other side of the Dwina, would turn the position at Witepsk, and thus cut off the retreat of the Russians. But this manoeuvre was, doubtless, impracticable, since it was not executed. On that night the troops bivouaced on the places where they had taken their positions, and the soldiers of the different corps, mingling together, related to each other the share which their respective divisions had borne in the honor of the day. From these ac- counts it appeared, that the combat, though glorious, had not been bloody. Amongst the small number who were killed, was the ingenious colonel Liedot, a man truly worthy of the corps to which he belonged. During the expedition to Egypt, he distinguished himself by his courage ; and in the construction of some fortifications in Italy, he proved that the military art is no obstacle to the developement of the most profound conceptions. The boldness with which the Russians retained their positions, and the junction of a great part of 68 WIlEPSIt. our troops at the same point, induced us to believe that a general action would take place on the follow- ing day. What was, therefore, our astonishment, when we perceived at the dawn of day (July 28th) that the enemy had effected his retreat ! Our whole army went immediately in pursuit, except the im- perial guard, which was established at Witepsk, w^here the emperor seemed inclined to remain. This town, the capital of the government of that name, situated on a plain between some rising ground, and the shores of the Dwina, contained twenty thousand inhabitants, and presented, from the beauty of its situation, a most delightful aspect. Poland and Lithuania had, during more than two months, and through a space of more than three hundred leagues, offered nothing to our view but deserted villages, and a ravaged country. Destruc- tion seemed to precede our steps and in every di- rection the whole population was seen flying at our approach, leaving their habitations to hordes of cos- sacks, who destroyed every thing which they could not carry away. Having long experienced the most painful deprivations, we regarded with envious eyes, those well-built and elegant houses where peace and abundance seemed to dwell. But that repose which we had so eagerly anticipated, was again denied us, and we were compelled to renew our pursuit of the Russians, leaving on our left this town, the object of our most ardent wishes and our dear- est hopes. As we followed the movement of the advanced VVITEPSK, 69 guard, we were astonished at perceiving the perfect order with which count Barclay de Tolly had evac- uated his position. We wandered in all directions over an immense plain, without perceiving the faint- est trace of his retreat. Not one carriage, not a sin- gle dead horse, not even a solitary vehicle, indicated the road which the enemy had taken. While we remained in this uncertainty, which, perhaps, was without a parallel, colonel Klisti, scouring the neigh- bouring country to endeavour to find some peasant, discovered a Russian soldier sleeping under a bush. This rencontre was extremely fortunate, and the viceroy profiting by it, questioned the prisoner, who gave us some information as to the route that the column to which he belonged had taken. The prince, doubting the accuracy of the intelli- gence, advanced to reconnoitre, but not having met with any thing worthy of attention, we returned at full speed towards the high road which leads from Witepsk to the source of the Dvvina. The whole road was covered with cavalry. The king of Na- ples soon joined the viceroy, and after some consul- tation, they ordered their respective corps to proceed. The heat was excessive, and the clouds of dust rais- ed by the horses rendered our march insupportably fatiguing. We were soon obliged to step, and halt- ed at a church built of wood, where the king of Na- ples and the prince had a long conference together. The cavalry had filed off in pursuit of the Russian army, and we soon heard that they had come up with them. The rest of the troops immediately hastened their march and overtook the enemy. The cossacks 70 wiTErsK. Tvho formed the rear-guard retreated on the advance of our artillery, anS only halted to fire a few cannon shot whenever they found a favourable opportunity. They continued manoeuvring till they were beyond Aghaponovchtchina, where our corps and the cav- alry encamped. Near this village, on an eminence towards the left, was a wretched chateau built of wood, where the emperor (who, being informed that we had overtaken the Russians, immediately left Witepsk to join us) established his quarters. Never did a bivouac present a more military ap- pearance than ours at Aghaponovchtchina. Napo- leon, the king of Naples and the prince, were in one tent. The generals, placed in miserable huts which their soldiers had hastily constructed, were encamped with their officers by the side of a rivulet, the miry water of which was preserved with the greatest care. During the three days that we had been on the field of battle, water and rools had constituted our only nourishment. Our divisions were encamped on the eminences which surround- ed the chateau^ and the enemy could see our nume- rous fires, the brilliant light of which dissipated the obscurity of the night. Early on the following morning (July 29th) we again proceeded in search of the Russians. The emperor, however, returned to Witepsk, where he proposed to remain a sufficient time to execute his plans relative to Lithuania. When the king of Na- ples arrived at the separation of the roads of Jano- witchi and Sourai, he left us, taking with him the whole heavy cavalry, and the fourteenth division. WITEPSK. 71 ' The viceroy, still pursuing his way, marched towards the Dwina, followed by the thirteenth and fifteenth divisions, the royal guard, and the brigade of light cavalry commanded by general Villasa. We were on the point of entering Sourai when we were informed by some chasseurs that an ene- my's convoy, feebly escorted, was endeavouring to pass the river to arrive at the road to Weliki-luki. The viceroy immediately ordered his aid-de-camp, Deseve, to follow the chasseurs, and seize on the convoy. This order was fully executed : for, after two hours, the aid-de-camp returned with the intel- ligence that the convoy was ours. The town of Sourai, although entirely built of wood, was the best that we had seen. Its popula- tion, consisting chiefly of Jews, was considerable, and their industry procured us many comforts of which we stood in the greatest need. The maga- zines were tolerably filled, which was, in truth, a fortunate circumstance, for every thing seemed to indicate that we should make some stay in this lit- tle town. Sourai, without being a military position, was a very important place. It is situated at the junction of the Casplia with the Dwina, and at the point where the high roads to Petersburgh and Moscow divide. These form two tctes-de-pont, which per- fectly command the road to Witepsk. During our stay here several geographical engineers arrived, and executed some plans of the river and the sur- rounding country. 72 WITEPSK, The thirteenth division which had followed us^ was encamped about a league behind Soiirai ; a part of the fifteenth, and the foot-guard, were quar- tered in the town. The horse guard, commanded by general Triaire, proceeded to the other side of the Dwina, and sent off a strong detachment on the road to Weliki-luki. During that march, the adju- tant of the palace, Boutarel, discovered that the road, as far as Ousviat, formed a continued defile across the woods. In the immediate vicjnity of that small town, the country was totally different, and the pro- visions which the dragoons brought from that expe- dition, proved that this neighbourhood offered abun- dant resources for the cantonment of the troops. On our arrival at Sourai, the viceroy being infor- med that another Russian convoy, with a strong escort had taken the road towards Veliz, ordered Baron Banco, colonel of the second regiment of Ital- ian chasseurs, to take with him two hundred chosen men, and proceed immediately in pursuit. After nine hours' march, this detachment arrived at Veliz, just as the convoy was issuing from the town, and crossing the bridge over the Dwina. The chasseurs instantly charged the escort. Five times they were repulsed by the infantry, and by mimerous detach- ments of cavalry, much stronger than their own. But the bravery of the Itahans triumphed at length over the obstinate resistance of the enemy, and they succeeded in taking all the baggage, and compel- ling five hundred Russians to lay down their arms. This victory cost us some wounded men ; among WITEPSK. 73 these were six officers, one of whom died of his wounds. While Napoleon was at Witepsk, endeavoring to organize Lithuania, and the centre of the army was inactive between the Nieper and the Dwina, we learned that the prince of Eckmuhl (Davoiist) had been attacked at Mohilow. Bagration, profiting by the leisure which the combat at Borisow had allow- ed him, crossed the Berezina at Bobruisk, and marched towards Novoi-Bickow. On the 23d July, three hundred cossacks attacked us, at the dawn of day, and took about a hundred prisoners from the third chasseurs, among whom was the colonel. An alarm was spread in our camp. The drum was beat, and our soldiers flew to arms. The Russian gene- ral Sicverse, with two chosen divisions, directed all the attacks. From eight in the morning until live in the evening the firing continued on the skirts of the forest and on the bridge which the Russians wished to force. At five o'clock the prince of Eck- muhl caused three chosen battalions to advance ] he placed himself at their head, overthrew the Rus- sians, forced their position, and pursued them more than a league. The loss must have been equal on both sides, but prince Bagration, satisfied with the reconnaisance which he had made, retired on Bick- ow, where he crossed the Nieper and proceeded to Smolensko, at which place the two Russian armies were to form a junction. General Kamenski, with two divisions, endeav- oured to join prince Bagration ; but, being unable 10 WITEPSJi. to effect it, Jie returned to Wolhynia, and uniting himself to the ninth and fifteenth divisions, formed by count Markoff, and then commanded by general Tormasow. These four divisions, forming a consid- erable army, marched tovs^ards Kobrin, and attached themselves ta the seventh corps. They surrounded the Saxon general Klengel, who had with him only two regiments of infantry, and two squadrons of cavalry. Obliged to yield to superior force, he did not surrender till after an obstinate combat, hoping^ to the last, that he might be reinforced by general Regnier ; but that officer, though he advanced as rapidly as possible, did not arrive till the capitulation had been signed more than two hours. Notwithstanding we sustained these losses on our right, the successes of our left wing more than counterbalanced them. The duke of Tarentum, commanding the Prussian corps, pushed forward several strong detachments on the road to Riga, and by the skilful dispositions of generals Grawert and Kleist, gained very signal advantages over the Rus- sians. A few days afterwards, general Ricard took Dunabourg, which the enemy had abandoned, after having made great preparations for its defence. But the enterprise most glorious to our arms, was performed by the second corps. The duke of Reg- gio (Oudinot) having pushed forward his advanced guard towards Sebei, met prince Wittgenstein, who having been previously reinforced by the corps of prince Repnin, furiously attacked him. The en- gagement took place near the castle Jakoubovo* VVITEPSK« 75 The division of Legrancl sustained a severe engage- ment till ten o'clock at night, when, by the valour of the 26th light infantry, and the 56th of the linej the Russians were repulsed with considerable loss. Notwithstanding this, they ventured on the morrow to attempt the passage of the Dwina. The duke of Reggio (Oudinot) ordered general Castex not to op- pose them. The enemy fell into the snare, and on the 1 st of August, advancing towards Drissa, drew up in order of battle, facing the second corps. Fif- teen thousand men, forming half of Wittgenstein's army, had crossed the river, when a masked battery of forty pieces of cannon was opened upon them, and kept up a constant and destructive fire for half an hour. At the same moment the division of Le- grand advanced to the attack, and the enemy begin- ning to fall into confusion, the division of Verdier made a furious and irresistible charge with fixed bayonets. The Russians were driven into the river. Three thousand men, and fourteen pieces of cannon remained in our power. Pursuing their scattered troops on the road to Sebei, we counted two thou- sand dead, among whom was general Koulniew, a very distinguished officer of the light troops. At that time a rumour was spread, that the empe- ror Alexander had been assassinated at Veliki-luki by his courtiers, who were indignant at his oflfering to treat with us. It was asserted that Napoleon had exultingly announced this as a positive fact at one of his audiences at Witepsk. We afterwards ascer- tained, that this false report had been circulated to 76 VVITEPSK. counteract the effect of the energetic proclamation which the emperor Alexander had issued to the Russian people ; in which he had commanded eve- ry inhabitant of his immense empire to take arms against a perfidious enemj, who, after having viola- ted the boundaries of their country, was advancing to destroy their ancient capital, and to annihilate the glory of its illustrious founders. All these infa- mous falsehoods completely failed of success. They did not even reach a population, which, flying at the approach of the French army, could neither ex- perience the effects of an artifice so mean, nor be corrupted hy our flattering promises. In truth, the object of every promise made by our deceitful chief was to delude and to betray ; it was to kindle the most frightful discord, by exciting the people against the nobility ; and stifling in their hearts that faithful attachment which was due to their lawful sovereigUc BOOK III SMOLENSKO. AFTER the battle of Veliz, the viceroy feeling the necessity of reinforcing the detachment of chasr seiirs that had been left there, reinforced them with the whole brigade of general Villata and Avith one battalion of Dalmatians. Veliz, situated at the junc- tion of two principal roads, from Petersburg and Smolensko, was exposed to the frequent attacks of the Cossacks ; it was also the extreme point to which the French army had penetrated. The population of this small town, consisting entirely of Jews, pro- cured us little more than enough to supply the abso- lute necessities of life. The environs contained only a few miserable hovels. While the soldiers gave themselves up to the indulgencies which such circumstances could afford, colonel Banco, who per- fectly understood the Russian language, was infor- med by some spies, that the enemy intended to at- tack the brigade. On receiving this intelligence, general Villata secretly made every proper disposi- tion to repel the enemy, while he publicly affected to think himself in complete security. At daybreak the Cossacks suddenly appeared before the town, hoping to find the garrison buried in sleep : but the yS SMOLENSKO. Dalmatians, who were under arms, issuing from their ambuscade, fired a well directed volley on them, which did considerable execution. The en- emy, frightened by this unexpected reception, im- mediately took to flight, and abandoned the hope of surprising a town so bravely defended. The sol- diers showed themselves on this occasion, worthy of the rewards which their former valour had procu- red them. The fourth corps, after resting ten days in the town of Sourai, marched on the 9th of August, to- wards Janowitschi, to join the fourteenth division. On the evening before this movement took place, colonel Labedoyere, aid-de-camp to prince Eugene, was sent to the king of Naples. At his return from his mission, he confirmed the news of a desperate engagement having taken place between the enemy and our troops, under general Sebastiani, near In- kovo, in which we had been defeated with conside- rable loss. The reports of the different officers agreed that our cavalry had severely suffered, and that, besides several pieces of cannon, a fine light company of the 24th infantry had been captured. It was likewise said, that had it not been for the bravery of the Polish lancers, our losses would have been infinitely greater. On this occasion, some bla- med general Sebastiani ; but the greater part attrib- uted the fault to general Montbrun, who disregard- ing the information he had received, and urged on hy his natural bravery, had hazarded a battle against a much superior force of the enemy. -smolen3k:o. 79* The viceroy having halted on the 10th of August at Janowitschi, the pioneers of the fourth corps, un- der the direction of general Poitevin, endeavoured to repair the bridge over the little river that passes through the town. It was, however, so completely out of condition, that they were obliged to abandon it, and the baggage and cavalry passed the river at a ford where the bottom was very muddy, and the banks exceedingly steep. On our march towards Liozna, we crossed a plain gently undulated with little hillocks. We after- wards passed several small woods, and a rivulet that runs near a hamlet situated about half way to the castle of Veleclikovitschi, where the army arrived on the 11th of August, and the soldiers encamped on the heights which surround the chateau. The following day the road was dreadfully miry, as far as Liozna, and leading through wet and marshy meadows, it presented almost insuperable obstacles to our convoys, and particularly to our artillery ; it is true, that two days before it had rained abundantly^ I should remark that these were the only violent storms which we experienced ; for, during the rest of the campaign, we were very little incommoded by rain. Near Liozna, a large and dirty village, we crossed (August the 12th) a wretched bridge thrown over a deep and winding river, which separates the town from the chateau^ at the distance of three quarters of a mile tow^ards the west, where prince Eugene had ©stablished his quarters. But a communication was 80 SMbLEiNSKO. established by means of another bridge. Our troops availed themselves of the camp that had been form- ed by the duke of Elchingen's (Ney's) corps, and which was situated near this bridge, between the town and the chateau. Several obstacles arising from the nature of the country, prevented us from taking the direct road to Liouvavitschi ; and even the road which we pursued ^vas not exempt from difficulties. We were forced to pass through several defiles, and over many swampy meadows, and to cross roads which were cut through the middle of the forest. We arrived at last at Louvavitschi, the approaches to which were as miry as the interior of Liozna. This town was composed of a great many wTetch- ed houses built entirely of wood. To arrive there, we crossed a ruinous bridge. The road was so dreadfully deep and clayey, that it was with the utmost difficulty the horses could proceed. These unwholesome marshes are the result of the situation of Liouvavitschi. Several rivers surround the town, and form extensive and dangerous morasses, which never dry. As we entered Liouvavitschi, v\^e saw all the cav- alry of the king of Naples returning from the envi- rons of Roudnia and Inkovo ; but, instead of follow- ing the road to Razasna, they turned to the left, to pass the Nieper at a higher point than that which had been marked out for us. The thirteenth and fourteenth divisions encamp- sd before the town : the fifteenth remained on the 3MOLENSKO. 81 heights which were to the left, with the cavalry of the ItaUan guard ; while the infantry of the same guard, being generally stationed at the head-quar- ters, encamped in the suburbs near the chateau oc- cupied by the viceroy. The re-union of the whole army on the borders of the Nieper, plainly announced the intention of cros- sing that river, and attacking Smolensko by the left bank, the fortified part of which city was on this side. The order was, in fact, to go to Razasna, where bridges had been thrown across to facilitate the passage. Before our arrival at this river, we passed over an almost desert country. No village was to be seen on the road, and we rarely found any houses at which it was possible to stop. About half way on our route, was a dangerous marsh, where we w^ere forced to leave part of our baggage. After many difficulties, we reached the Nieper, which is called also the Borysthenes by the Greeks, a name which excited in our minds the sublimest ideas. The illu- sion, however, was soon destroyed, w^ien we saw a shallow and insignificant stream. The river is so narrovt^, and its banks so steep, that it was not seen till we were on its very brink ; while the very steep- ness of the banks renders the passage extremely difficult. Near Razasna, all the different corps of the grand army, some coming from Orcha, and others from Babinovitschi, effected their junction. This im- mense crowd of men thronging to the same point 11 X52 SMOLENSKO. while it augmented our privations, redoubled the confusion and disorder that reigned on the great road. The stragglers sought in vain to recover their proper regiments. They who were entrusted with the most important orders, could not fulfil their mission, so much were the roads encumbered. Hence arose a dreadful tumult on the bridges and in the defiles. The fourth corps having arrived (August the 15th) at a small town called Liadoui (remarkable as being the last place where we found any Jews), we crossed a little river very near it, above which is a considerable eminence which entirely com- mands the town. We continued our march as far as Siniaki, a miserable hamlet, consisting only of a few houses, and situated about two hundred yard? from the road. The viceroy intending to encamp in this place, gave orders for the troops to halt. In the meantime, the other divisions of the grand army marched towards Smolensko, and the cannonade which we heard made us presume that the town was vigorously attacked. The next day (August the 16th) we remained in the same position, and during the whole of the day. great numbers of troops passed by us towards the city. Towards six o'clock in the evening we quit- ted Siniaki, and after three hours march arrived at Krasnoe, a small town with some houses built of stone, and where the viceroy established his posts of communication. We did not, however, stop here, but continuing our march, crossed a small SMOLEN.SKO. 83 river near Katova, above which was a rising ground. The prince pitched his tent under a large avenue of trees surrounded by his division. At day break (August the 17th) we continued our route, and biv- ouacked as before, three miles beyond the post of Korouitnia in a wood of birch trees near a lake. Our camp offered a most picturesque appearance. The viceroy having caused his tent to be pitched in the middle of the wood, the officers slept in their carriages, and those who had none, cut down bran- ches of trees to construct little huts, whilst their comrades lighted the fires to cook the provisions. As for the soldiers, some went on a foraging party, others washed their linen on the banks of a limpid stream, while the rest, after a long march, amused themselves in making war against the few ducks and geese that had escaped the rapacity of the cos- sacks. We here learned that Smolensko, after a long contested battle had been set on fire by the Rus- sians, and abandoned to their conquerors. This was an omen of mournful presage to us, and proved to what extremities they will proceed who are de- termined not to bow to a foreign yoke. The next day we approached this unhappy town ; but the viceroy ordered us to halt in a wood, near the castle of Novoidwor, about three miles from the town, and went to join the emperor. I was encamped with the whole of the fourth corps, in this thick forest, when one of my comrades returning from Smolensko detailed to me, in the fol- b* SMOLENSKO. lowing words, the circumstances of the battle at which he was present. ^ The position that we had occupied until the 13th of this month, made the enemy suppose that we should attack Smolensko by the right bank of the Borysthenes, but the emperor, by a prompt and unexpected manoeuvre, caused the whole of the ar- my to pass to the opposite side. The same day the king of Naples (Murat) who still commanded the advanced-guard, and supported by the duke of El- chingen (Ney) arrived at Krasnoe, and, as you know already,' said the officer to me, ' gave battle to the twenty-fifth Russian division, amounting to five thou- sand infantry, and two thousand cavalry. In this gallant affair we took several pieces of cannon, and some prisoners. After this success. Napoleon, as early as the 16th, in the morning, appeared before Smolensko. This town is surrounded by an ancient wall, with battlements of eight thousand yards in circumference, ten feet thick, and twenty-five high, and at certain distances, flanked with enormous towers in the form of bastions, the greater part of which were mounted with heavy pieces of cannon. ^ The Russians still expecting the attack to take place on the right bank of the Borysthenes, kept a considerable portion of their troops on that side of the river ', but when they saw us arrive by the left bank, they thought themselves turned, and retreated with the utmost rapidity to defend Smolensko, by the principal point at which we were about to attack them. They maintained themselves with the greater 3M0LENSK0. B5 obstinacy, as Alexander, when he quitted the army, had recommended them to give battle in order to save Smolensko.* ' After employing the 16th in reconnoitring the place and its environs, the emperor confided the left to the duke of Elchingen (Ney) inclining to- wards the Borysthenes ; the prince of Eckmuhl (Davoust) had the centre ; the prince Poniatowski the right ; and farther on was the cavalry of the king of Naples • while the gunrd and ourselves con- stituting the fourth division composed the reserve. The eighth corps, under the command of the duke of Abrantes (Junot) was also expected ; but that general, making a false movement, lost his way.f ^ Half the day was passed in reconnoitring. The enemy occupied Smolensko with thirty thousand men, the rest were in reserve on the right bank, communicating by means of bridges, constructed below the town. But Napoleon, perceiving that the garrison availed themselves of every moment of time to strengthen their fortifications, ordered prince Po- niatowski to advance, having on his left Smolensko, and on his right the Borysthenes, He recommend- ed him to construct some batteries to destroy the bridges, and by that means intercept the communi- cation between the two banks. The prince of Eck- muhl (Davoust) who still kept the centre, attacked two intrenched suburbs, each defended by seven or * See the Thirteenth Bulletin. t See the Thirteenth Bulletin. 86 SMOLErvSKO. eight thousand infantry. General Friand finished the investiture of the place, taking his position be- tween the first division and the Poles. ' Towards mid-day the light cavalry of general Bruyeres repulsed the Russian horse, and took pos- session of an eminence near the bridge. On that point was established a battery of sixty pieces of cannon, the fire of which was so well directed on the divisions of the enemy which remained on the other bank, that they were compelled to retire. Against this battery were opposed two of the ene- my's consisting each of twenty pieces of cannon. The prince of Eckmuhl (Davoust) who was charged with the storming of the town, confided the attack of the suburbs on the right, to general Morand ; and those on the left to general Gudin. After a severe fire of musketry, these two divisions forced the posi- tions of the enemy, and followed them with wonder- ful intrepidity as far as the covered way, which they found strewed with dead. On the left the duke of Elchingen (Ney) forced the intrenchments occupied by the Russians, and constrained them to take refuge in the town, in the towers, or on the ramparts, which they defended with obstinacy. General Barclay de Tolly then perceiving that an assault on the town was likely to be attempted, reinforced it with two new divisions, and two regiments of infantry of the guard. The battle continued the whole of the night ; but soon after the evening had commenced, thick columns of smoke were seen to rise from different quarters. As the darkness increased, the flames 9MOLENSK0. " 87 were distinctly observed spreading with incredible rapidity in every direction. The whole city was soon on fire, and, in the middle of a fine summer's night, presented to our view the same spectacle that an eruption of Mount Vesuvius oifers to the in- habitants of Naples. ^ At one o'clock the ruins of the town were aban- doned. Our first grenadier prepared to mount the breach at two o'clock in the morning, when, to their great surprise, they approached without opposition, and discovered that the place was entirely evacua- ted. We took possession of it, and found on the walls many pieces of cannon which the enemy could not take away. ^ Never,' said this officer to me, ^ can you form an adequate idea of the dreadful scene which the interior of Smolensko presented to my view, and never during the whole course of my life can I for- get it. Every street, every square, was covered with the bodies of the Russians, dead or dying. The flames shed a horrible glare over them. Ah ! how much have those princes to answer for, who, merely to gratify their own ambition, expose their people to such calamities.' The next day (August 19th) we entered Smolen- sko, by the suburb that is built along the bank of the river. In every direction we marched over scatter- ed ruins and dead bodies. Palaces, still burning, offered to our sight only walls half destroyed by the flames, and, thick among the fragments were the blackened carcasses of the wretched inhabitants. 88 SMOLENSKO. whom the fire had consumed. The few houses that remained were completely filled bj the soldiery, while at the door stood the miserable proprietor, without an asylum, deploring the death of his chil- dren, and the loss of his fortune. The churches alone afforded some consolation to the unhappy vic- tims, who had no other shelter. The cathedral, cel- ebrated through Europe, and held in great venera- tion by the Russians, became the refuge of the un- fortunate beings who had escaped the flames. In this church, and round its altars, were seen whole families extended on the ground. On one side was an old man just expiring, and casting a last look on the image of the saint whom he had all his life in- voked : on the other was an infant whose feeble cries the mother, worn down with grief, was endeavoring to hush, and while she presented it with the breast, her tears dropped fast upon it. In the midst of this desolation, the passage of the army into the interior of the town, formed a striking contrast. On one side was seen the abject submis- sion of the conquered — on the other the pride atten- dant upon victory ; the former had lost their all — the latter, rich with spoil, and ignorant of defeat, marched proudly on to the sound of warlike music, inspiring the unhappy remains of a vanquished pop- ulation with mingled fear and admiration. The grand bridge across the Nieper, which had been burnt, and that communicated with the other part of the town, in which there did not remain a single house, was promptly repaired. In the mean- SM0LEN3K0. 89 time the cavalry of general Grouchy, with the fourth corps, and all their artillery crossed a ford at the extremity of the suburb by which we entered. In this interval the other bridges were constructed, which so accelerated the passage,.that the same day the artillery and cavalry of the king of Naples were on the road to Moscow, in pursuit of the enemy. All the fourth corps having succeeded in crossing the river, encamped on the heights that surround the town, near the post road from Porietsch to Pe- tersburgh. This was a position of the greatest im- portance, and every one was astonished that the enemy had not defended it better. Had they made a stand here, our march would have been conside- rably retarded ; the principal road to Moscow would have been cut off, nor could we have retained pos- session of the town, which this position completely commanded. While the centre of the army pursued its trium- phant career, general Gouvion St. Cyr gained soma important victories on the banks of the Dvvina. After the battle of Drissa, prince Wittgenstein, being reinforced by twelve battalions, resolved to act on the offensive against the duke of Reggio (Oudinot). The latter, seeing himself on the point of being at- tacked, united the Bavarian corps (the sixteenth) to that which he already commanded. The engage- ment actually took place on the 16th and 17th of August ; but at the moment the duke of Reggio was taking measures to repel it, a grape shot struck him in the shoulder, and so dangerously wounded him 10 90 ;5MOLENSKO. that he was compelled to quit the lieid of battle, and to give up the command to general Goiivion St. Cjr. The latter disposed every thing for the attack the next morning at day break ; and, the better to de- ceive the Russians, he ordered all the baggage, and a great part of the artillery and cavalry, to retire on the left bank of the Dvvina, in sight of the enemy, and, ascending the river, to repass it at Polotsk without being seen. The enemy, deceived by this skilful manoeuvre, believed that we were retreating, and advanced in pursuit ; but, instead of finding us disposed to quit the ground, we presented ourselves ranged in order of battle, and our artillery, advanta geously placed, commenced a destructive fire on them. At the same time our infantry, under tht; protection of our cannon, attacked the left and cen- tre of the corps commanded by general Wittgen- stein, The two divisions of generals Wrede and Roy, having combined their movements with great bravery and skill, marched out of Spas together. The division of Legrand, in position on the left of this village, was connected with that of general V^erdier, one of whose brigades observed the right of the enemy ; and the division of Merle covered the front of th6 town of Polotsk. The enemy, although surprised at seeing us so well disposed, advanced with great resolution, con- fiding in their artillery • but, towards the evening, prince Wittgenstein, seeing his centre and his left* forced, retired in echelon, aft^r furiously defending SMOLENSKO. 91 every position. By this obstinate resistarice he suc- ceeded in saving his army, which, notwithstanding the arrival of powerful reinforcements, endeavored in vain to resume offensive operations. We should have taken a great number of prisoners, had not the woods facilitated their escape. Those who fell into our hands had been left wounded on the field of bat- tle, and by their numbers we were enabled to judge of the severe loss which the Russians had sustained- Several pieces of cannon added to the trophies of this glorious day. In truth, this victory was dearly purchased by the loss of several brave Bavarian officers, especially of generals de Roy and Sierbein. The first was par- ticularly regretted. The soldiers lost in him a father, and the officers, a chief whose talents and consum- mate experience were heldin veneration by the whole Bavarian army. Generals, officers and soldiers, ri- valled each other in contributing to the success of the day. Among the first. Count Gouvion St. Cyr ren- dered a just tribute of praise to generals Legrand, Verdier, (wounded), Merle, Von Wrede and Aubry ; the latter, who was general of the artillery, particular- ly distinguished himself in his department. The count closed his report by invoking the benevolence of the emperor towards his officers. He thus did justice to all except to himself, on which point he observed a profound silence ; but his modesty was the more con- spicuous, and this virtue, which belongs only to great minds, was a few days afterwards rewarded on the field of battle with a marshal's staff. $£ SMOLENSKO. While our corps on the left gained these important victories on the Dwina ; those of the centre distin- guished themselves in combats no less glorious. The Duke of Elchingen (Ney), having passed the Nieper (19th August) above Smolensko, joined the king of Naples in pursuit of the enemy. After march- ing a league, he met part of the rear-guard, consisting of six thousand men. Their position was carried in an instant, and the bayonet covered the field of battle with their dead. This corps which protected the retreat of the Rus- sians, having been forced hastily to retire, took post on the rising ground of Valantina. The first line, however, was broken by the eighteenth regiment, and towards four o'clock in the afternoon, a fire of mus- ketry commenced with the whole rear-guard, then consisting of fifteen thousand men. The duke of Abrantes (Junot), who had lost his way on the right of Smolensko, could not reach the road to Moscow time enough to cut off the retreat of the rear guard."'^ The first columns of the enemy therefore returned to the charge, arid brought four divisions successively into the field. The Russians were the more interested in defending this position, as, besides its real strength, it had always been regarded as impregnable, from the defeats which the Poles had uniformly sustained here in their ancient wars. Thence the Russians, super- stitiously connected with this plain, the idea of certain victory, and decorated it with the pompous title of the Sacred Field. * See 131b and 1 4i;Ii biillcljiis of the campaign. 3M0LEISSK0. 93 If the enemy attached the highest importance to the preservation of this position, it was not of less mo- ment for us to carry it, that we might be enabled more effectually to annoy his retreat, and to obtain possession of all the baggage, and the waggons with the wounded from Smolensko, the evacuation of which had been protected by the rear-guard. At six o'clock in the evening the division of Gudiu, sent to support the thirteenth corps against the nume- rous troops which the enemy recalled to his succour, appeared in column before the centre of the enemy's position. Supported by the division of Ledrue, they instantly carried it. The seventh light infantry, the twelfth, twenty-first, and one hundred and twenty- seventh, which composed the division of Gudin, charged with such impetuosity that the enemy im- mediately fled, persuaded they were engaged with the imperial guards. But so much bravery cost us the life of the gallant general who commanded them, He was one of the most distinguished officers in the army, and was equally regretted for his private virtues, and his mihtary skill and intrepidity. His death, however, was well avenged. His division made a dreadful carnage of the enemy, who fled towards Moscow, leaving the Sacred Field covered with their dead. Among the rest were found the ))odies of generals Skalon and Balla ; and it was asserted that the general of cavalry, Koff, being mortally wounded, was considered by the Russians as a loss equally great witli that which we had to deplore. 94 SMOLENSKO; At three o'clock on the morning of the following day, the emperor distributed rewards on the field of battle to the regiments which had distinguished themselves. To the one hundred and twenty-sev- enth, a new regiment, which had contributed much to the glory of the day, Napoleon granted the right of carrying an eagle ; a privilege which they had not before enjoyed, because they had not been present in any engagement. These rewards, be- stowed on a spot rendered famous by victory, and in the midst of the dying and the dead, exhibited a scene of grandeur that assimilated our exploits to the heroic deeds of ancient times. At Smolensko, the fourth corps changed the chief of its staff. General Dessoles, who had till then filled that situation, disgusted to see his services remain unnoticed, desired to enjoy in retirement the esteem which his talents had procured him. The army, recollecting that he had shared in the glory and the disgrace of Moreau, approved his determi- nation, well knowing the difficulty which he would find in obtaining a rank that could put him on a level with those who had outstepped him in his ca- reer, and who would always be preferred before him. The emperor, yielding to the entreaties of this skil- ful general, granted him an honourable retreat, and appointed baron Guiiieminot his successor, who was well known to the viceroy, by having exercised the same functions for a short time after the battle ofWaa:rao]» SMOLENSKO. 95 During the four days that Napoleon remained at Smolensko, he reviewed the different corps which had distinguished themselves since the opening of the campaign. In this respect none was more justly en- titled to honorable distinction than the fourth corps. It was at length granted us, and the chiefs of each division, with the exception of general Pino, who, with the fifteenth, was gone to Witepsk, received orders to put their soldiers imder arms. (22d of August.) The whole of our army, in its best accoutre- ments, was draAvn up on a vast plain, a little beyond that on- which we were encamped. Its fine appear- « ance, and, above all, the recollection of the brilliant affair of Witepsk, gained our corps the rewards due to its bravery, and which were worthy of the munifi- cence of the chief who deigned to grant them. It had hitherto been believed, that Napoleon, de- sirous only to re-establish the kingdom of Poland^ would terminate his conquests by the capture of the the two towns of Witepsk and Smolensko, which, by their position, completely defended the narrow pas- sage comprised between the Nieper and the Dwina. Every one considered these towns as our destined winter quarters, and if the ambition of our. chief had suffered him to limit the operations of this campaiga to the taking of Riga, the fortifying of Witepsk and Smolensko, and, more particularly, the organization of Poland, the whole of which he had now conquer- ed, he would, doubtless, in the following spring, have forced the Russians either to subscribe to his condi- 96 SMOLENSKO, lions, or ta run the risk of the almost certain de struction both of Moscow and Petersburg. But, in- stead of adopting so wise a plan, Napoleon, blinded by excess of prosperity, and at a distance of six hun- dred leagues from France, with worn-out horses, ahd destitute of provisions, magazines, or hospitals, ven- tured upon the great road to Moscow. As a last proof of his imprudence, he left in his rear a Rus- sian army, cantoned in Moldavia, and which was ready to march against us on the ratification of the treaty of .peace, which had been already concluded with the Porte. This army having ceased hostihties against the Turks, was then commanded by admiral Tschika- kofl', who constantly sent fresh troops to reinforce the army of Wolhynia, which was opposed to the corps of prince Schwartzenberg. Napoleon had flattered himself that the Austrians, in obedience to his or- ders, would have repulsed the corps of Tormasow, Ertel, and Essen, as effectually as we had beaten that of Barclay de Tolly, and that consequently, our al- lies ravaging the Ukrane, would penetrate into the ^governments of Kiew and Kaluga, and join us on our entry into Moscow. But the manoeuvres of the Russian generals frustrated this great plan. Victors and vanquishetl, by turns, they defended every posi- tion ; and, taking advantages of the chances of war^ returned continually to the ground which they had abandoned. The fortress of Bobruisk therefore con- tinued to hold out, and the Austrians never saw the banks of the Nieper. SMOLENSKO. .9.7 Leaving Smolensko (23d Angnst) wc went to Volodimerowa, a village situated on the main road. On an eminence to the right, surrounded by marshes^ is a chateau built of vi^ood. Arrived on this height, at a distance of about five leagues from Smolensko we halted. It was then the intention of the prince to march to Doukhovchtchina, and afterwards to fall back on Doroghobouj, where the centre of the grand army was quartered ; but general Grouchy, who had preceded us with his cavalry, announced that he had repulsed the enemy more than twenty leagues. The viceroy (24th August) who could now dispense with pushing on to Doukhovchtchina, determined to search for a path that would conduct him straight to the high road leading to Doroghoboui. He found this route after following an excellent road, traced by the Russians themselves, in effecting their retreat. On this march we traversed a fertile and luxuri- ant country. We saw, for the first time in Russia, cattle grazing in the fields, inhabitants remaining undisturbed in their villages, and houses that had not been plundered. The soldier, possessing abun- dance, forgot his fatigues, and regarded not the length of his march which continued several hours. At length, towards the evening we arrived at Pologhi, a village at a small distance from the road which we were seeking, On the following morning (25th of August) we crossed the Wop, a small river that would have attracted our attention more could we have foreseen how fatal it would one. day prove to us. We might, however, have formed 13 98 sftiOLENSico. an idea of what it would be in winter, from the difficulty we found in passing it in the midst of summer. Its bed was very deep, and the banks so steep, that the artillery crossed it with great diffi- culty and only by doubhng the number of horses to each piece. Continuing our route, we again came in sight of the Nieper, whose marshes covered with wood near- ly reached the hill on w^hich lay the road we sought. Proceeding about a league we perceived the high turrets of the beautiful chateau of Zazele, appearing at a distance like a considerable town. Close by was a lake, where the cavalry of general Grouchy refreshed themselves. They had arrived before us. and were encamped round the chateau of Zazele. The viceroy despatched some officers from thi? place to Napoleon, who was at Doroghoboui ; but. although general Grouchy had pushed his advanced guard along the high road, we doubted whether it were cleared as far as that town. The aids-de- camp, therefore, crossed the Nieper below Zazele, and pursuing the post road from Smolensko, they arrived safe at Doroghoboui, where the stajff of the grand army had established their head-quarters. This town, situated on an eminence, offered a military position capable of effectually stopping the progress of any army marching on the two high roads from Smolensko to Moscow. Yet, notwith- standing these advantages, it was very feebly defen- ded owing to the great losses which the Russians had sustained in the battles of Smolensko and Val- OMOLENSKO. 99 ontina. Our corps was entering Doroghobouij when an aid-de-camp from Napoleon brought des- patches to the viceroy. Having read them, the prince gave orders to select the most advantageous situation in the neighborhood to encamp his divis- ions. The want of water having obliged us to push on to Mikailovskoe, we established ourselves near this village. The cavalry was in the rear, the infantry of the royal guard in the centre ; and, on the flanks, were the two French divisions, which formed part of our corps. At a league from Mikailovskoe (27th August) we passed through two villages, situated in a marshy valley. Shortly after, we entered the plain through which runs the Nieper, and followed the road to Blaghove, where we intended to cross the river. On our right were some cultivated hills, with several villages. The smoke issuing from the houses made us conjecture that they had not been abandoned. We saw at a distance their peaceable inhabitants standing on the summit of the hills anxiously ob- serving whether we came to trouble the peace of their cottages. The sources of the Nieper not being far distant, the river is here little larger than a brook. We forded it with ease, and the artillery had no other difficulty than to climb its banks, which, like all the rivers of Russia, are extremely steep and high, to contain the great masses of water produced by the melting of the snow. The viceroy always present at the passage of a 100 3MOLENSKO. river, did not quit this till all the troops had crossed. The fourth corps still forming the extreme point of the left of the grand army, we marched over almost imbeaten tracks. To prevent our wandering, the prince ordered general Triaire, commanding the ad- vanced-guard, to post dragoons along the road. This wise precaution proved beneficial to the detachments, and especially to the stragglers, who now, having no doubt which road they ought to pursue, arrived all safely at Agopochina. Before this measure was adopted, these unhappy beings, when left in the rear from fatigue and-^sickness, found themselves in the midst of thick forests, or on immense plains inter- sected by numerous paths, all equally beaten, and, not knowing the language of the country, nor meet- ing with a single person to direct them, they wan- dered about in these vast solitudes, and perished, sooner or later, by famine, fatigue, or the sword of the enemy. The village of Agopochina, where we halted, is remarkable for a large chateau^ and a noble church built of stone. The four sides are ornamented with peristyles. The sanctuary, constructed according to the Greek ritual, is very rich, and adorned with several paintings, which reminded us of those which the Greeks brought from Constantinople, when, in the fourteenth century, they first established their schools in Italy. From this village, the command- ant Sewlinge, who had lately joined our staff, was sent with important despatches to the king of Naples. The king not having received these despatches, and SMOLENSKO. . 101 the commandant never returning, we felt the painful conviction that he had fallen into the hands of the Cossacks. The next day, (28th August) we continued to flank the left of the high road marching always nearly in a Hne with the corps of the centre. The track which we followed had never before been traversed by an army. It was narrow, cut by frequent ravines, and often so contracted, that it resembled a path, tra- ced merely to divide the grounds. Arrived jit a vil- lage the name of which was unknown, we found three roads ; one straight before us, one on our right, and a third on our left. We followed the latter, which conducted us, after a march of three hours, to an abandoned chateau^ \^ithin a league of Bereski. Early in the morning (29th August) we left this chateau^ in a thick fog. The frequent halls which the viceroy made, and the reconnoitring parties which he sent to the right, as if to listen whether cannon were firing on the high road, convinced us that he w^as impatient to know whether Napoleon met with any obstacles in his march. We approached Viazma. This small town, which, in Russia, may be reckoned a great one, was in a very advantageous situation for the enemy, being situated among the numerous branches of the river Viazma. It is surrounded by ravines, and stands on a beautiful eminence, commanding the plain and the defile, through which passes the high road from Smolensko. The Russians did not profit much by these advantages ; they but feebly defended 102 SMOLENSKd. the place, and, after a slight resistance, set fire to the principal buildings and retired. When we arrived, Viazma was a prey to the flames ; and, although ac- customed to conflagrations, we could not help regard- ing with pity, this unhappy town, so lately peopled by ten thousand inhabitants. Though newly founded, it contained more than sixteen churches. The houses, all new, and elegantly constructed, were enveloped in clouds of smoke, and their destruction excited greater regret, as they were the noblest which we had seen since we quitted Smolensko. The viceroy halted on the plain more than two hours. Placed on a rising ground we observed dis- tinctly the progress of the flames, and heard the guns firing on the enemy beyond the town. A numerous cavalry, which arrived from every quarter, encamped in the environs. Prince Eugene, having received the emperor's orders, now passed the little river Viazma, which runs by the town of the same name ; and proceeding to the left, he overtook the troops which he had sent before him, and whose march had been retarded by the passage of the Viazma. We met with yet another branch of the Viazma, the ap- proach to which was so muddy, that it was impossi- ble to ford it at any point. It was therefore neces- sary to march along the bank till we found a wretch- ed bridge by which we crossed the river. Hence we came to a little hill, from the top of which we per- ceived at a distance a beautiful chateau^ consisting of four pavilions, and a noble church. On entering it, we learned that the village was called Novoe, and SMOLENSKO. lOS that the chateau had been plundered by the light cavalry. We halted in this village (30th August) having on our left the royal guards, and the fourteenth division, with the thirteenth in front. The artillery of these divisions was placed in batteries facing the different roads on which it was possible that the enemy might appear. As we commenced our march (31st August) we were rejoined by the Bavarian cavalry under general Preysing. The viceroy and the staff accompanied us. We saw on the road two neat chateaux com- pletely ravaged. We halted at the second, and passed through a delightful garden with beautiful walks tastefully arranged. The pavillions had been newly decorated, but they offered now an image of the most frightful desolation. The furniture was broken to pieces ; fragments of the most precious china were scattered about the garden, and many exquisite paintings had been torn from their frames, and were dispered by the winds. The viceroy had pushed his march beyond the chateau of Pakrovo ; but observing that the infantry was far in the rear, he returned to the chateau in which some provisions were found, and especially a quantity of oats in the straw, and excellent forage. Since the affair at Witepsk, the fourth corps had not met the enemy, and had not even seen any of those detachments of cossacks which, in the first Polish campaign, continually harrassed our troops, and intercepted the baggage ; but after we passed 104 SMOLENSKO. Viazma, more circumspection was necessary om our march. , Although the enemy had not presented himself, to observe our movements, we were nevertheless (Certain that he would soon appear; and, the next day (1st September) being about half w^ay on our accus- tomed march, our cavalry was stopped by the cos- sacks. Two or three cannon-shots were the signal of this rencontre. The viceroy immediately put the cavalry of the Italian guards in order of battle, pre- ceded by a considerable number of sharp-shooters. These drove before them the enemy's squadrons, who retired in proportion as we advanced, without opposing any resistance. They contiued to retreat as far as Ghiat, of which the emperor had just taken possession. Above this town is a small river, which they crossed, and immediately, as if to observe us, drew up in order of battle on an eminence that com- mands the plain by which we arrived. The viceroy, after having made me reconnoitre the fords which might facilitate the passage of the river, ordered the Bavarian troops to cross it at a point that had been explored and which was exactly between two little villages, occupied by the cossacks. The enemy, however, no sooner perceived this movement, than they abandoned the villages and the heights, of which the Bavarian cavalry, followed by their artil- lery, soon took possession. Arrived on these heights, we saw the enemy flying on all sides. They were closely pursued 5 but as night approached, our corps 3M0LENSK0. 105 established itself in the little village of Paiilovo, at the distance of half a league from Ghiat. The emperor having passed three days in this town, we halted likewise at Paiilovo and Woremiewo (2d and 3d September). Here the emperor, in the general orders of the day, granted some repose to the troops, which he commanded them to employ in collecting provisions, in cleaning their arms, and "preparing for the battle, which the enemy seemed wiUing to accept. Lastly, the marauding detach- ments were ordered to return on the following eve- ning, if they wished to participate in the honour of the engagement. 14 BOOK IV. THE MOSKWA. AFTER the capture of Smolensko, the emperor Napoleon was not ignorant that Russia, having con- ckided a peace with the Turks, would soon have the whole of the Moldavian army at her disposal : nev- ertheless, he followed up his successes without dis- quieting himself respecting the future. But the news which he received at Ghiat, that general Ku- tusoff, the renowned conqueror of the Ottoman power, had arrived from the banks of the Danube, and taken the command of the Russian army, hitherto under the orders of count Barclay de Tolly, ought to have convinced him that he would soon be attacked. This general, who was regarded by the Mosco- vites as the hope of their country, arrived at Czarevo- Saimiche, (29th August). The officers and soldiers hailed as their chief this venerable warrior, already celebrated in the annals of Russia ; and the inhabi- tants of Ghiat informed us that the sight of him had inspired the army with hope and joy. In fact, he had scarcely arrived, when he announced that the Russian army would retreat no further. That he might better defend Moscow, within four days march of which we were now arrived, he chose a strong 108 THE MOSKVVA. position between Ghiat and Mojaisk, where he could advantageously await one of those decisive battles which often determine the fate of empires. ' Each party was sanguine in its expectation of victory. The Moscovites contended for their country, their homes, and their children. Our soldiers, accustom- ed to conquer, and filled with those grand and heroic ideas, which continued success naturally inspires, eagerly demanded the fight ; and such is the superi- ority that courage gives over mere numbers, that on the eve of the battle we calculated what, on the mor- row, would be the fruits of our approaching victory. During the stay of Napoleon at Ghiat, our head- quarters were transported from Paulovo to Wore- miew^o, where was a beautiful seat, belonging to prince Kutusoff. The staff had just entered the village, when the viceroy, accompanied by several ofBcers, arrived to examine the environs of the place. Scarcely had he been gone a quarter of an hour, when he discovered that the whole plain was filled with Cossacks, who advanced as if they would charge the group that surrounded the prince Eugene ; but on seeing some dragoons, who formed his escort, they fled precipitately, and appeared no more in the neighbourhood of Woremiewo. While we remained in this village, some soldiers of the hundred and sixth regiment, going on a fora- ging party, fell in with a post-chaise occupied by a Russian officer and surgeon ; the former on being in- terrogated by an officer of the staff, declared that he came from Riga, his native country, and was going THE MOSKWA. J 09 to the head-qnarters of Kutusoff, who had for some days superceded Barclay de Tolly. Althougti this officer was descended from a good Lavonian faiilily, and was decorated with several crosses and medals, the viceroy would not see him, justly suspecting that he had purposely exposed himself to discover our , mancBuvres. Several peasants who were surprised on an unfrequented road, and particularly in the neighborhood of Mojaisk, where the enemy had intrenched themselves, almost reduced this suspi- cion to a certainty. Having passed two days at Woremiewo, we left it on the 4th of September, and passed through some forests, where they informed us the cossackshad been seen. The reports of the advanced-guard confirm- ing this news, caused the viceroy to halt in an exten- sive plain, where our whole corps was assembled. The prince, placing himself at the head of the cav- alry, ordered the infantry to follow, while the guard, placed as a reserve, brought up the rear. In this order we advanced to meet the enemy. When wt reached the little village of Louzos, we found our- selves impeded by a rivulet. The cossacks, who W'Cre assembled on the opposite side, appeared to be forming themselves into squadrons to oppose our pas- sage ; but the viceroy ordering the cavalry to mount the ravine, the Russians, fearinfflest they should be charged in the rear, fled with precipitation. On gaining the heights, we discovered before us several villages on fire, and hearing a brisk cannon- ade, we imagined that we were not far from the road 110 THE MOSKVA^A. which Napoleon had taken. Near the post-housej called Ghridneva, was another immense ravine that crossed the main road ; and on the opposite side was a steep hill, on which the Russians had estab- lished some batteries, after an obstinate engagement which had taken place there during the day. When the enemy perceived that the fourth corps was forming on their right, they dispatched a nume- rous cavalry to reconnoitre our position, which re- tired when our artillery opened upon them. This cavalry appeared for a moment disposed to maintain itself on the edge of a wood ; the viceroy, therefore, ordered colonel Rambourg, of the third Italian chas- seurs, to march upon that point, and bring them to action. The cossacks observed this movement without being intimidated ; and when the chasseurs were on the point of charging them, they rushed from the wood, crying ' Houra ! houra !' — a cry^ since become too celebrated, and which these bar- barians always use when they attack their enemies. The Italian chasseurs received them with great coolness. The action was smart, but of no dura- tion, for the cossacks seeing the Bavarian light-horse advance, quitted the field, leaving some prisoners in our possession. The Russians, nevertheless, maintained their po- sitions on the summit of the hill, whence they kept up a galling fire on us as we advanced. Several bullets fell among a group of officers who surround- ed the prince. We succeeded, however, in passing the ravine in spite of all opposition, and effected our THE MO'SKWA. Ill junction, with the advanced-guard of the grand army, commanded by the king of Naples. We distinguished that monarch from afar by his white plume, as stationed at the head of his troops, he animated them to the combat by his own example. As soon as the viceroy was informed that the king of Naples was there, he went to concert with him the necessary dispositions. The place of their conference was not changed, and both of them dis- coursed with the utmost sang-froid, though exposed to the fire of the batteries, and seeing those around them falling every minute by the shot of the enemy. At the approach of night we returned to Louzos, where we had no other shelter than some miserable barns, covered with thatch. Hunger redoubled our sufferings, and we had nothing to satisfy its cravings. The surrounding hamlets, which had been sacked by the Cossacks, could yield us no relief. At the same time we were close to the intrenched camp of Mo- jaisk, where Kutusoff hoped to accompHsh our defeat ; and this he would certainly have effected, if he could only have detained us a few days before his formidable lines. The position of Ghridneva, which the Russians had defended on the preceding evening, was evacu- ated during the night. The king of Naples, ardent in pursuit (5th September) rapidly advanced. The fourth corps, which continued to flank the left wing of the army, always kept at the distance of about a league from the main road. On leaving a wood in- fested by the cossacks, we passed through a village 112 THE MOSKWA. that had been pillaged by these barbarians. The horrible desolation which marked their career ena- bled us easily to follow their steps. Being arrived at the foot of a hrll, we discovered some of their squadrons on the top, ranged in order of battle, round a noble chateau^ which overlooked the neigh- boring plains. The viceroy immedisitely ordered the Bavarians to advance on this point, who, notwith- standing the difficulties of the country, reached the summit in the greatest order. As our allies advanc- ed, the enemy retired ; and, as they descended the other side of the hill, our artillery-men directed upon them the cannon which had been planted on the ter- race of the chateau. We pursued them through the wood, and being arrived at an open place, we saw long columns of Russians defiling, who, pursued by our troops, took up a position on an extensive plain at the summit of a hill about half a league distant, and where it was said, prince Kutusoff intended to hazard a decisive battle. On our right, we saw, below us, the abbey of Kolotskoi. The massy towers of this building gave it the appearance of a town. The colored tiles, with which it was cover- ed, reflected the rays of the sun through the thick dust caused by our immense cavalry, and served to heighten still more, the gloomy and savage aspect which the whole surrounding country presented. The Russians intending to arrest our progress here, had devastated in tlie most frightful manner, all the plain, on which we were forced to encamp. The corn, though yet green, had been cut, the woods des- THE MOSKWA, il^ troyed, and the villages burnt. In a word, we found no food for our horses, and no shelter for ourselves. We halted on a hill. During this time the centre of the army vigorously pui'sued the enemy, and obli- ged them to retire upon the eminence which they had intrenched. We remained inactive till nearly two o'clock in the afternoon ; when the viceroy, fol- lowed only by his staff, reconnoitred the approaches to the Russian position. He had scarcely commen- ced, when our dragoons, placed aS sharp-shooters, announced the approach of Napoleon. Immedi- ately the name of the emperor passed from mouth to mouth, and every one av/aited his arrival with the greatest impatience. He soon made his appear- ance followed by his principal officers, and took his station on an eminence whence he could easily com- mand the whole camp of the enemy. After having long and attentively regarded their position, and carefully observed all the adjacent country, he be- gan to hum some insignificant tune. He then con- versed a moment with the viceroy, and, mounting his horse, he went to consult the prince of Eckmuhl (Davoust). The viceroy now ordered the thirteenth and four- teenth divisions to advance. The Italian 8;uard, which had been left in the rear, was placed in re- serve. These two divisions had scarcely reached the eminence whence they could attack the Russians, when a brisk fire of musketry commenced on our right between the sharp-shooter's of Gerard's divis- ion (third division, first corps) and those of the ene- 15 114 THE MOSKVVA. my. At firat our troops advanced close to the ra- vine which separated us from the enemy ; but superior numbers obliged them to retire. The Russians had a redoubt towards the right extremity of our army, the destructive fire of which carried consternation through our ranks. They had constructed it to fortify their left wing, which was the weakest part of their intrenched camp. Napo- leon understood this, and saw the necessity of taking that redoubt. This honour was confined to Corn- pan's division (fourth division, first corps) and these gallant men advanced to the attack, with an intre- pidity which ensured the success of the enterprise. In this interval, prince Poniatowski manoeuvred on our right with his cavalry, in order to turn the posi- tion ; and when he was at a convenient distance, Compan's division attacked the redoubt, and suc- ceeded in carrying it, after an hour's fighting. The enemy, completely routed, abandoned the neigh- boring woods, and, retreating in disorder towards the principal eminence, rejoined the centre of their army. The division of Compan, in proving itself worthy of the brilliant enterprise with which it was intrust- ed, purchased that honour with considerable loss. The acquisition of this important position cost us the lives of one thousand two hundred of our men, more than half of whom remained dead in the in- trenchments which they had so gloriously carried. The next morning, as Napoleon was reviewing the sixty-first regiment which had suffered most, he ask- THE MOSKWA. 115 ed the colonel what he had done with one of his bat- talions : * Sire,' replied he, ' it is in the redoubt.'^ The possession of the redoubt did not in the least determine the success of the battle. Before the gen- eral engagement began, Napoleon wished to gain a position on the other side of the river which sepa- rated us from the enemy. Thick underwood concealed their numerous sharp shooters, and ren- dered the approach as difficult as it was dan- gerous. But our courageous light troops recom- menced the attack with redoubled vigour ; and although the day w^as nearly closed, the fire on both sides continued with equal fury. At the same time, several villages on fire to the right, spread around a frightful glare. The cries of the combatants, and the flames which were vomited from a thousand brazen mouths, and which carried every where desolation and death, completed the horror of the scene. Our corps, ranged in order of battle, received with intre- pidity the fire of the enemy, and coolly closed the ranks, as soon as ii cannon-ball had laid any of their comrades low. In the mean time, the night becoming more ob- scure, abated the fire without abating our ardor ; for each, uncertain of his aim, thought it better to re- serve his strength and his ammunition for the morrow. Scarcely had we ceased firing, when the Russians, encamped as it were on an amphitheatre, hghted innumerable fires. The whole of their camp was one uninterrupted blaze of light, which, while it presented a grand and sublime appearance, formed a 116 THE MOBKWA. striking contrast with our bivouac, where the soldiers, deprived of wood, reposed in utter darkness, and heard no sound but the groans of the wounded. The viceroy caused his tent to be erected on the spot where the Italian guard were placed in reserve. Couched in the underwood, we slept soundly after the fatigues of the day, in spite of an impetuous wind, and a rain excessively cold. Towards two o'clock, I was awakened by the chief of our staff, who informed me that the emperor wished for a plan of the ground which we had occupied the preceding evening. I transmitted it to prince Eugene, who immediately sent it to Napoleon. The next morn- ing at day-break (6th of September,) the viceroy ordered me to complete the plan by inspecting the whole line, and approaching as near the enemy as I possibly could, that I might the better discover the exact nature of the ground on which they were encamped, and especially to observe whether there were any masked batteries, or ravines unknown to us.* ** After these instructions, I advanced, and disco- vered that the Russian camp was situated behind the river Kologha, upon a narrow eminence, and that its left was very much weakened by the loss of the redoubt, which we had taken the evening before. In front of the camp, and opposite to us, was the vil- ■^ The plan, which will be found here, has been engraved after that which the viceroy used on the day of battle. THE MOSKWA. 117 iage of Borodino, an extremely strong position,* situated at the confluence of a little rivulet, with the Kologha. Upon this eminence were two grand redoubts, about two hundred toises from each other. That on the right had fired on us the evening before ; that on the left was built on the ruins of a village, which they had destroyed for that purpose. This redoubt communicated with Borodino, by three bridges, constructed upon the Kologha. Thus, this village, and the rivulet which was in front, served the enemy for his first line. Upon the extremity of our left, the Italian cavalry had crossed the rivulet of Borodino ; but this vil^ Iage, placed on an eminence, was defended by a numerous corps of Russian troops. All this ground was exposed to the fire of their grand redoubts, as well as under that of several smaller masked batteries along the river. As for our right, they knew that our success the evening before, had enabled us to cross the Kologha at this point, and to push forward the greater part of our troops to the rear of the emi- * Napoleon said in his bulletin of the battle of Moskwa, ' The viceroy, who formed our left, attacked and took the village of Borodino, which the enemy could not defend.' Prince Kutusoff. on the contrary, wrote to the emperor Alexander, ' The position which I have chosen in the village of Borodino, is one of the best that can be found in a flat country. It is to be wished, that the French would attack us in this position.' We made the attack, and the village was so well defended, that general Plausanne, and colonel Demay, of the artillery, officers of our corps, were killed in the commencement of the action. The Russians have given to this bloodv day, the name of the Battle «f Borodino. 118 THE MOSKVVA. nence, on which was placed the enemy's principal jedoubt. We passed the rest of the day in reconnoitring the position of the Russians. General Danthouard caused the redoubts, which were placed too much in the rear to be reconstructed ; and on the left, they likewise threw up some epaulments, where cannon might be placed in battery. In fact, all was prepared for a decisive engagement, when, towards evening, the emperor sent a proclamation to the chiefs of the corps, with orders not to read it to the soldiers till the next day, should they then come to action ; for although the position was both advanta- geous and strong, the enemy had so often declined giving battle, that it was to be feared they would again act as they had done at Witepsk, and Valon- tina. Flere, however, they were forced to come to action, if they would save Moscow, from which we were distant but three day's march. In addition to this, the fatigue of our soldiers, and the exhaus- tion of our horses, seemed to promise to the Rus- sians an easy victory. On the other hand, we were well assured that we must either conquer or perish : and this idea inspired us all with such courage, that in spite of the numbers of the Russian army, and their impregnable intrenchments, we regarded our entrance into Moscow as certain and near at hand. Although worn out with fatigue, we felt the want of sleep ; there were many among us, so ena- moured of glory, and so flushed with the hope of the morrow's success, that they v/ere absolutely in^ THE MOSKWA. 119 capable of repose. As they passed the wakeful hours, and the silence and darkness of midnight stole upon them, while the fires of the sleeping sol- diers, now almost extinct, threw their last rays of light over the heaps of arms piled around, they gave themselves np to profound meditation. They re- flected on the wonderful events of our strange expe- dition ; they mused on the result of a battle which was to decide the fate of two powerful empires ; they compared the silence of the night with the tu- mult of the morrow : they fancied that death was now hovering over their crowded ranks, but the dark- ness of the night prevented them from distinguish- ing who would be the unhappy victims : they then thought of their parents, their country ; and the un- certainty whether they should ever see these belov- ed objects again plunged them into the deepest mel- ancholy. But suddenly, before day-break, the beat- of the drum was heard, the officers cried to arms, the men eagerly rushed to their different stations, and all, in order for battle, awaited the signal for action. The colonels, placing themselves in the* centre of their regiments ordered the trumpet to sound, and every captain, surrounded by his compa- ny, read aloud the following proclamation : — * SOLDIERS, * This is the battle so much desired by you^ The victory depends on yourselves. It is now ne- cessary to us. It will give us abundance, good winter-quarters, and a prompt return to our conn- 120 A'HE MOSKWAe % try ! Behave as at Aiisterlitz, at Friediand, at \Vi- tepsk, at Smolensko, and let the latest posterity recount with pride, your conduct on this day ; let them say of you,—' He was at the great battle under the walls of Moscow." Every one was penetrated with the truths con- tained in these energetic words, and replied to them by reiterated acclamations. Some were animated by the love of glory, others flattered by the hope of reward, but all were convinced that imperious neces- sity compelled us to conquer or to die. To the sen- timent of self preservation, were added ideas of duty and of valour. Every heart was animated, every breast proudly swelled, and each flattered himself that this^important day might place him in the rank of those privileged men, who were born to excite the envy of their cotemporaries, and the ad- miration of posterity. Such were the feelings of the army, when a radi- ent sun, bursting from the thickest fog, shone for the last time on many of us. It is reported that at this sight, Napoleon exclaimed to those around him, • There is the sun of Austerlitz.' The action was on the point of commencing, the armies were in sight of each other, the cannoniers at their pieces, and all awaited in anxious silence the signal of attack. At last (7th September), at six o'clock pre- cisely, the firing of a cannon from our principal bat- tery, announced that we were engaged.* Immedi- ■^' See tbe plan of ihe field of battle. THE MOSKWA. 121 ately our thirteenth division marched upon the vil- lage of Borodino, to which the enemy had already set fire. Our troops then crossed the rivulet, and arrived at the village. Orders had Heen given, that they should confine themselves to the occupation of this position ; but, carried away by the enthusiasm natural to Frenchmen, they crossed the river Ko- logha, and took possession of one of the bridges which connected the village with the eminence. It was then that general Plausanne, wishing to mode- rate the ardor of the soldiers of the one hundred and sixth, ran to the bridge to recal them, when a ball struck him in the middle of his body. Beloved during his life, his death was sincerely regretted. On this occasion the bravery of the ninety-second regiment deserves the highest praise. Seeing that the one hundred and sixth had ventured too far, it crossed the bridge of Borodino, and hastened to the succour of that regiment, which, indeed, without its aid, must inevitably have been destroyed. While the thirteenth division possessed itself of Borodino, the fourteenth, crossing the Kologha un- der the eminence, lodged itself in a ravine near the principal redoubt, whence the enemy poured a hor- rible fire. On this day the viceroy, besides his own corps had under his orders the divisions of Gerard and Morand, forming the first and third of the first corps. , At eight o'clock Morand's division which had been already engaged, and formed the right extreme of the fourth corps, was warmly attacked at the moment that it was preparing to march upon Ifi 12^ THE MOsKVVA- the redoubt, a movement which ougiit to have been immediately seconded by Gerard's division. Nev- ertheless, while general Morand sustained the efforts of the enemy's lines, he detached upon his left the thirtieth regiment, to take possession of the redoubt. This position being carried, our artillery crowned the heights, and seized the advantage which for more than two hours the Russians had had over us. The guns, to whose destructive fire we had been ex- posed during the attack, were now turned against the enemy, and the battle was lost to the Russians when they imagined that it was but just begun. Part of their artillery was taken, and the rest retreated to the rear. In this extremity, prince Kutusoff saw that every thing was lost. Yet determined to make one effort more, and to maintain the reputation which he had acquired by the service of half a century, he renewed the combat, and attacked with all his forces the strong positions he had just lost. Three hundred pieces of cannon, now arranged on these heights, spread devastation and death among his ranks, and his disheartened soldiery perished at the feet of those ramparts which they had themselves raised, and which they regarded as the bulwark of Moscow, their venerable and sacred city. The thirtieth regiment, attacked on every side was unable to keep the redoubt which it had carried, not being supported by the third division, scarcely yet draw^n up in order of battle. This gallant regi- ment, commanded by general Bonami, was therefore constrained to yield to the superior force which over- THE M09KWA. 123 whelmed it, and rejoined its division with the loss of its general. That division, with general Gerard's, continued to maintain itself on the hill, and to with- stand the utmost efforts of the Russians. The enemy, encouraged by the success he had just obtained, brought forward his reserve, with the hope of striking a decisive blow ; it was partly composed of the imperial guard. With all his forces concentrated, he attacked our centre, on which our right had now wheeled. For a moment we feared that our lines would have been broken, and that we should have lost the redoubt we had gained the preceding evening ; but general Friand, coming up with twenty-four pieces of cannon, arrested their progress, mowing down ranks at a time, who con- tinued two hours exposed to a fire of grape-shot, neither daring to advance, nor willing to recede. While they remained in this uncertainty, we profited by it to snatch from them a victory which they had considered as their own. The viceroy seized this decisive moment, and, flying to the right, ordered a simultaneous attack of the grand redoubt, by the first, third, and fourteenth divisions. Having arranged all three in order of bat- tle, these troops advanced with cool intrepidity. They approached even the intrenchments of the ene- my, when a sudden discharge of grape-shot from the whole of their artillery spread destruction and con- sternation through our ranks. Our troops were stag- gered at this fatal reception ; but the prince knew how to reanimate their spirits, by calling to the re- 124 . 'HIE MOSKWA. collection of each regiment the circumstances in which they had formerly covered themselves with glory. To one he said, ^ Preserve that courage which has gained you the title of Invincible ;' to an- other, ' Remember, your reputation depends on this day ;' then turning towards the ninth of the line, he said to them with emotion, ' Brave soldiers, remem- ber you were with me at Wagram, when we broke the enemy's centre.' By these words, and still more by his example, he inflamed the valor of his troops to such a degree, that, shouting with joy, they again marched with ardor to the redoubt. His highness, riding along the line, arranged the attack with the utmost coolness, and led it himself, at the head of Broussier's division. At the same instant a divi- sion of cuirassiers, from the centre of the army, rushed on the redoubt, and offered.to our astonished sight, a grand and sublime spectacle,* The whole eminence, which overhung us, appeared in an instant a mass of moving iron : the glitter of the arms, and the rays of the sun, reflected from the helmets and cuirasses, of the dragoons, mingled with the flames of the cannon, that on every side vomited forth death, gave to the redoubt the appearance of a volcano in the midst of the army. The enemy's infantry, placed near this point, be- hind a ravine, kept up so destructive a fire on our cuirassiers, that they were obliged immediately to retire. Our infantry took their place ; and, turning '* See the plan of the field of battle. THE MOSKWA. 125 the redoubt to the right and left, recommenced a furious combat with the Russians, whose efforts ri- valled our own. The viceroy and his staff, in spite of the enemy's tremendous fire, remained at the head of Broussier's division, followed hy the thirteenth and thirtieth reg- iments. They advanced on the redoubt, and enter- ing it by the breast-work, massacred on their pieces the cannoniers that served them. Prince Kutusoff, who had witnessed this attack, immediately ordered the cuirassiers of the guard to advance and endeav- our to retake the position. These were the best of their cavalry. The shock between their cuirassiers and ours was therefore terrible ; and one may judge of the fury with which both parties fought, when the enemy, in quitting the field, left it completely cover- ed with dead. In the midst of this frightful en- countre, ever glorious for the staff of the fourth corps, the young Saint Marcellin de Fontanes was wounded. He was one of the first who entered the redoubt, and received a stroke from a sabre on the nape of his neck. This wound procured him the cross of the legion of honour, bestowed on the field of battle — a recompense the more flattering to him, as he was only old enough to entertain the expectation of mer- iting it at some future period. The interior of the redoubt presented a horrid picture. The dead were heaped on one another. The feeble cries of the wounded were scarcely heard amid the surrounding tumult. Arms of every des- cription were scattered over the field of battle. The 126. THE MOSKWA. parapets, half demolished, had their embrasures eii- tirelj destroyed. Their places were distinguished only bj the cannon, the greatest part of which were dismounted and separated from the broken carriages. In the midst of this scene of carnage, I discovered the body of a Russian cannonier, decorated with three crosses. In one hand he held a broken sword, and with the other, firmly grasped the carriage of the gun at which he had so valiantly fought. Ail the Russian soldiers in the redoubt chose rather to perish than to yield. The general who commanded them would have shared their fate, if his valour had not preserved his life. This bravG soldier had sworn to die at his post, and he would have kept his oath. Seeing all his companions dead around him, he endeavored to precipitate him* self on our swords, and he would inevitably have met his death, had not the honour of taking such a prisoner arrested the cruelty of the soldiers. The viceroy received him with kindness, and committed him to the care of colonel Asselin, who conducted him to the emperor. The viceroy's attention had been entirely taken up by his centre, when it was recalled to his left by a grand movement of cavalry directed by the enemy on that point. General Delzons, who, since the morn- ing, had been menaced by this cavalry, formed his first brigade into a square* on the left of the Borodino. Several times he was on the point of being attacked; * See the plan of the field of battle. THE MOSKWA. 12T but (he enemy, seeing that he could make no im- pression on him, advanced to the extremity of our left, and commenced a brisk attack on the Bavarian light cavahj, which were for a moment thrown into disorder. The prince, who happened then to be at this point, threw himself into the middle of a square fdrmed by the eighty-fourth, and prepared to set it in motion, when the cossacks were in their turn re- pulsed, and taking to flight, disengaged our left. Every thing was then restored to the greatest order. The prince was found at all points exhorting eve- ry officer to do his duty, and reminding him, that on this day depended the glory of France. He was seen at all the batteries, causing them to advance in proportion as the enemy gave way ; and, braving every peril, he himself instructed the cannoniers how to direct their fire. It was thus that, hastening to every post of danger, from the beginning of the day, his aid-de-camp, Maurice Mejean, received a wound in the thigh, and the equerry, Bellisomi, had his horse killed under him. His highness having at one time placed himself on the parapet of the grand redoubt, surrounded by his officers, he remarked from the embrasures all the movements of the enemy, paying no attention to the bullets that passed him on all sides. Among the persons who composed his suite, was colonel de Bourmont, whose great merit was only equalled by his rare modesty. He had dismounted with the other officers, and was leaning on the pommel of the saddle, when general Guille- minot letting a paper fall^ the colonel stooped to pick 128 , THE MOSKWA. it up. That motion saved him his life ; for at t}iat very instant a cannon-ball passed through the breast of his horse. During this memorable day, the emperor remain- ed constantly in the rear of the centre ; and made, on the extremity of his right several grand manceu- Tres with the Westphalians and the Poles to support the duke of Elchingen (Ney), in his repeated and desperate attempts to turn the position of the enemy. On this point the Russians obstinately withstood all our efforts, and repulsed with considerable loss the Westphalians and the Poles. Although we had taken two redoubts, the enemy had still a third, situated on another eminence, and separated by a ravine. It was from thence that, es- tablishing some batteries well served, they kept up an incessant fire on our regiments, some of which were sheltered by a wood, and others were behind the grand redoubt. We remained during several hours in this state of inaction ; the artillery alone vomitting from every side flames and death. At this period general Houard was killed by a grape- shot, while commanding the second brigade of the thirteenth division ; companion in arms to general Plausanne, they perished on the same day. United in their lives, they were not separated in death ; for they were both interred on that field which had witnessed their gallantry. The fourth corps, which, since ten o'clock had sustained with intrepidity the attacks of the enemy, was not the only one that had losses to deplore. Al- THE M03KWA, 129 though the battle was not yet conciudecl, there was not a corps that had not to mourn the death of one or more of its chiefs. I should make too long a di- gression from my subject were I to enumerate all thQ generals who purchased with their lives the suc- cess of this bloody day ; but there were some, who, by their courage and their virtue, had gained the es- teem of all the army. They excited that universal regard which brave men alone can inspire. They were the subject of general observation and applause, "While living, and the circumstances of their death will be read with the liveliest interest. Among these I ought to include general x\ugustus Caulincourt, who w^as killed as he entered the grand redoubt, at the head of the fifth cuirassiers. Cut down in the flow- er of his age, he had witnessed more combats than years. To the valour of a soldier, he united the po- liteness of the gentleman. He was well informed., polished, sprightly, noble, and generous. In short, he was endowed with all the qualities and all tlie vir- tues that should characterize the French soldier. Be- sides' generals Plausanne and Houard, of whom i have just now spoken, we had to deplore the loss of the generals of brigade, Compere and Marion, as well as general count Lepel, aid-de-camp to the king of Westphalia, not forgetting, above all, the just tribute of respect due to the memory of the intrepid Mont- brun. His undaunted intrepidity had long inspired us with a melancholy presentiment that such a war- rior must necessarily perish on the field of battle. A 17 130 THE MOSKWA. worthy successor of general Lassale, he died like him ; and like him he was an honour to our light ca- valry. The number of generals wounded amounted to thirty, among whom were the generals of division Grouchy, Rapp, Compans, Morand, Desaix, Lahous- saye, &c. Although the day was far advanced, the fate of many an unfortunate being was yet to be decided. The cannon roared with unabated fury, and contin- ued to overwhelm new victims. The viceroy, ever indefatigable, and unmindful of danger, was on ev- ery part of the field of battle, exposed to a shower of grape-shot and bullets. The firing still continu- ed, and, in the evening, it was so briskly maintained^ that the legion of the Vistula, commanded by gen- eral Claparede, was forced to kneel down, behind the grand redoubt. We remained more than an hour in this uncomfortable position, when the prince of Neufchatel (Berthier) coming up, had an inter- view with the viceroy, which lasted till near dark. Their conference being ended, prince Eugene issu- ed different orders to his divisions and the firing ceas- ed. The enemy was then more quiet, and only fired a few shot at intervals, while the silence of the last redoubt, gave us reason to believe that the Russians were preparing to retreat on the road to Mojaisk. The weather, which had been very fine during the day, became, towards evening, cold and damp. The whole army bivouacked on the ground it had gained. The viceroy, who, since four o'clock in the morning had not dismounted from his horse, took THE MOSKWA. 131 the road behind the eminence occupied by the royal guard, and where his highness expected to have found his tent erected ; but his people having lost their way, he and his suit were indebted to the hos- pitality of general Lecchi, who could only give us a supper without bread, and a tumbril for the bed on which the prince reposed. This encampment was most cruel ; neither men nor horses had any thing to eat, and the want of wood exposed us to all the rigour of a cold and frosty night. The next day (8th September), very early, we returned to the field of battle. What had been pre- dicted the preceding evening had actually taken place. The enemy, seeing the intrepidity with which we carried his redoubts, despaired of maintaining his position ; and resolved to evacuate it during the night. As we passed over the ground which they had occupied, we were enabled to judge of the im- mense loss that the Russians had sustained. In the space of a square league, almost every spot was co- vered with the killed or wounded. On many places the bursting of the shells had promiscuously heaped together men and horses. The fire of our howitzers had been so destructive that mountains of dead bodies were scattered over the plain 5 and the few places that were not encumbered with the slain, were covered with broken lances, muskets, helmets, and cuirasses, or with grape-shot and bullets, as numer- ous as hailstones after a violent storm. But the most horrid spectacle was the interior of the ravines ; al- most all the wounded who were able to drag them- 132 THE MOSICWxi. selves along, had taken refuge there to avoid the shot. These miserable wretches, heaped one upon another, and almost suffocated with blood, uttering the most dreadful groans, and invoking death with piercing cries, eagerly besought us to put an end to their torments. While the cavalry pursued the enemy, the vice- roy ordered his engineers to destroy the redoubt ; and as the fourth corps remained encamped on the field of battle, it was presumed we should pass the night there. His highness had also ordered his suite to establish .themselves in the church of Borodino, the only building that had escaped the flames, but it was filled with the wounded, and the surgeons were employed in dressing and amputating. The staff of the prince then determining to establish their quar- ters in the village of Novoe, near the road to Mojaisfc on the banks of the Kologha, were on the point of entering the castle, when some parties of cossacks obliged them precipitately to retreat. In the meantime the viceroy being informed that the fifteenth division, returned from Witepsk, had at length, joined again their corps, received orders to advance. Arrived at the village, below which was the redoubt abandoned by the enemy, we left, on the right, the high road of Mojaisk, which was pursued by the centre corps and marched along the Kologha. On this march we were convinced that it would have been impossible to have turned the right of the Kus- sains on the preceding evening. They had not only many bodies of reserve on that side, but likewise se- THK M0SK1VA. 135 veral masked batteries along the river. Within half a league of the village of Krasnoc, we found lour other great redoubts, in the form of a square, which defended the road, and were not quite completed. Quitting the field of battle, we left a detachment of all the stragglers that could be collected, to de- fend the position under the orders of colonel Bour- mont. This difficult task was perfectly accomplish- ed by that officer, who, after destroying the enemy's works, rejoined us in a few days. During this time he lived in the midst of the dead and the dying, and was obliged to procure his provisions at a distance of more than five leagues. Whilst we were preparing to encamp at the cha- teau of Krasnoti, a rumour was spread of the arrival of Napoleon. This news, however, was not confir- med. On a height before us, we heard our sharp- shooters engaged with the cossacks. In one of the charges of cavalry, colonel Marba?.uf was wounded at the head of his regiment. The c/ia^c«4i of Krasnoe, and the village of this name, are situated near the Moskwa. The follow- ing morning we crossed this river, and, on its left, prepared to attack Mojaisk ; but the viceroy, with his escort, advanced only to the suburbs. Here we saw this unhappy town enveloped in flames. The inhabitants had fled, and our dragoons made only a iew prisoners, found in the houses on this side of the river. Several batteries, established on an emi- nence beyond Mojaisk, proved to us that we were masters of it. In effect we learned that Napoleon 134 THE MOSKWA. had taken it, after an obstinate engagement, and that the enemy in bm'ningthe town had not abandoned it without making a brave defence, leaving the streets and squares filled with the dead and the dying. Our staff examined the environs of Mojaisk, when the fourth corps, moving to the left, followed a high road, through a thick wood ; beyond which we saw a considerable village, and, further on, we found a larger one, called Vedenskoe. On this delightful spot was a chateau^ the furniture of which corresponded with the beauty of the exte- rior ; but in an instant it was entirely pillaged, with- out any other advantage than some thousands of bottles of wine, which Avere seized by the soldiers. From Vedenskoe, turning to the right, we crossed a rivulet, close to a little village, and, pursuing a road through thick underwood and briars, we arrived at a village, called Vrouinkovo, where we understood the head-quarters were to be established. On entering it, we perceived on an eminence at a distance, some very neat houses, and four steeples elegantly constructed. We were about to halt in this village, where abun- dance seemed to reign, when it was announced that the fourth corps was to proceed to a town of the name of Rouza, the steeples of which were plainly perceived. Leaving Vrouinkovo, we saw a great number of peasants with carts, loaded with their most valuable furniture and property. A sight so new excited our astonishment, and asking colonel Asselin what could be the reason of this singular assemblage, he answered me as follows :— THE MOSKWA. 135 ' In proportion as our armies advanced into the in- terior of Russia, the emperor Alexander, seconding the wishes of the nobility, and following the example of Spain, endeavoured to make this a national war. Accordingly, the nobility and the priests have, by persuasions and by bribes, induced all the peasants w^ho w^ere dependent upon them, to rise en masse against us. Of all the districts which have adhered to this system of defence, that of Rouza has shown itself the most zealous. The whole population, an- imated by their seigneur, who had declared himself the chief of the insurrection, was properly organized, and ready to join the Russian army, as soon as they should receive the necessary orders. ' As Rouza was at a distance of five or six leagues from the high road, the inhabitants had flattered themselves that we should not pass through their town, and had consequently remained secure and tranquil. What was their surprise, or rather their terror,' continued the colonel, ' when I was sent by the viceroy, and presented myself with a dozen of Bavarian light horse before the town ? The peas- ants, dismayed, rushed from their houses, hastily harnessed their horses to the carts which you now see, and fled with the utmost precipitation. ' The men, however, who had been enrolled for the levy, collected at the voice of their lord, and, armed with poles, lances, and scithes, assembled in the square, and immediately advanced towards us ; but this timid populace could not resist a few sol- diers accustomed to battle, and presently took to 136 THE MOSKWA. flight. The chief alone evinced more firmness. He awaited us on the square, and, armed with a poinard, menaced all who summoned him to sur- render.—' How can I survive the dishonour of my countryj^ cried he, foaming with rage. ' Our altars are no more ! Our empire is disgraced ! Take my life, it is odious to me P We wished to calm him, and endeavoured to wrench his poinard from him ; but he became m.ore furious, and wounded several of oor soldiers, who then listening only to revenge, killed him with repeated stabs of the bayonet. ' This was scarcely effected when the advanced- guard of the fourth corps entered Rouza. On my reciting what had happened,' continued the colonel, * they immediately pursued the peasants, w^ho had fled with their effects and their cattle. They soon came up with them, and those whom you see here, are a part of the fugitives escaped from Rouza. Go into the town,' added he, ' and you will see many more of them.' As we approached the tow^n, we saw^ a great num- ber of these carts brought back by the dragoons. It was an affecting spectacle to behold these ve- hicles loaded with children and old people. The heart was pierced with grief to think how soon our soldiers would divide among them the carts and horses which constituted the sole fortune of these disconsolate families. At length we entered Rouza ; and as we advanc- ed lo the very centre of the town, we saw^ in every street, a crowd of soldiers, who. pillaged the houses, THE MOSKWA. 137 unmindful of the cries of the inhabitants, or the tears of the mothers, who, to soften the hearts of their con- querors, presented their children on their knees ; bathed in tears, and distractedly wringing their hands, these innocent creatures begged only for their lives. This rage for plunder was justified in some, who, dying with hunger, only sought after provisions ; but others, under this pretence, pillaged every thing, and even robbed the women and chil- dren of the very cjothes which covered them. The viceroy had arrived several hours with his staff only. He had left the divisions of infanti^y and the royal guards, who to-day encamped in our rear, between Rouza and Vrouenkovo. Every one en- chanted to find himself in so delightful a town as Rouza, give himself up to that security, or rather the disorder, which abundance produces after long pri- vations ; when suddenly some Bavarian light horse, who had been sent to reconnoitre, returned at full speed, reporting that several squadrons of cossacks * were advancing towards the town. It would be diffi- cult to describe the sensation produced by this news. The tranquillity that we had enjoyed, opposed to the imminent danger which now threatened, produced a most sudden transition from the liveliest joy to the deepest despair. ' The cossacks are here P cried one ; ' There they come P cried another, quite aghast. ^ What can we oppose to them V we asked one an- other. ^ Nothing hut some miserable soldiers, come hither to plunder the peasantsP This was, however, our only resource. They were immediately assem- 18 138 THE MOSKWA. bled in the square, but they werd only about sixty in number, and half of them without arms. The viceroy informed of the cause of this alarm^ mounted his horse and ordered his officers to follow him. We hastened out of the town, and entered the plain ; but what was our surprise, when, instead of finding several squadrons, we only perceived about a dozen horsemen, and at so great a distance, that we could scarcely distinguish them. Some Bavarian light horse who were with us, advanced to reconnoitre, and reported that they were really Cossacks : but by their small number, and timid and cautious march we could easily perceive that we had nothing to fear from them. As these cossacks might have been detached from a considerable corps, the prince thought it ne- cessary to confirm the order which he had already given for some troops to advance ; but he modified it so far as to content himself with two battalions in- stead of the whole of the thirteenth division, which had at first been ordered. These two battalions en- camping before Rouza dissipated our fears. Every one now returned quietly to his lodgings, where a table well served, and excellent wines, made us soon forget the alarm we had experienced towards the close of the day. The following day we remained at Rouza. The viceroy profited by this repose to make the chief of his staff draw up a circumstantial report of the cele- brated battle of the 7th of September, in which the fourth corps had particularly distinguished itself. THE MOSKWA. 139 Whilst the thirteenth and fourteenth divisions laid before the emperor their claims on his regard, the fifteenth division, not less deserving than ttie rest, but deprived of the honour of fighting in the battle of the Moskwa, was likewise justly entitled to distinguished notice, in consideration of the numberless hardships which it had undergone in its expedition to Witepsk. This brave division, proceeding constantly through a marshy country, meeting only with deserted and rav- aged villages, was always compelled to bivouac dur- ing the night, and generally without provisions, and every day to make the most painful and harrassing marches to attack an enemy, which always fled at its appearance. For nearly twenty days it saw only the fields which we had completely laid waste ; and at length, worn out with hunger, weariness, and dis- ease, this unfortunate division, which, with its chief, Was worthy of a better fate, could not reach Bo- rodino, till the day after the battle. The fatigues which it had endured, and especially, the great losses it had sustained, obliged the viceroy to leave it in reserve. It was the highest proof of esteem which the prince could bestow, to unite them with the heroes of the royal guards, the greatest part of whom had been taken from this division. On quitting Rouza it was decided that this posi- tion, so important on account of the abundance of provisions which were still to be found there, should be maintained. The castle, situated on a small em- inence, surrounded with ditches, afforded a sufficient defence for the garrison, and guarded them against 140 THE>MOSK\VA. Q.coup de main. This honourable command was given to captain Maison Neuve, who proved him- self worthy of the confidence reposed in him As long as the position was retained, this brave and intelligent officer rendered himself useful to the army by the skilfuhiess of his dispositions, and by the ease with which he appeared to comprehend every intention of the enemy. BOOK V. MOSCOW. AFTER the battle of the Moskwa, our triumph- ant army marched in three columns towards the ca- pital of the Russian empire. Napoleon, impatient to get possession of it, pursued the enemy with his accustomed vi<^our, on the high road of Smolensko ; w^hile prince Poniatowski, at the head of the fifth corps, marched on the right by way of Kaluga. The viceroy, commanding the fourth corps, continued on the left flank, and, taking the road of Zwenighorod, proceeded towards Moscow, where the whole army was to assemble. We could judge of the consternation which reign- ed in this capital, by the terror with which we in- spired the country people. Our arrival at Rouza (9th of September) and the cruel manner in which we had treated the inhabitants, were no sooner knou'n, than all the villages on the road to Moscow, were instantly abandoned. The country presented one uniform scene of horrible desolation : for most of those who fled, burnt, in despair, their houses, their chateaux, and the grain and forage, which were scarcely gathered. AH these unhappy beings, terri- 142 MOSCOW. fied by the fatal and useless resistance of the inhab- itants of Rouza, threw away the pikes, with which they had been armed, and swiftly fled to conceal their wives and their little ones in the thick forests at a distance from our route. On approaching Moscow, we had hoped that civ- ilization, which enervates the soul, and especially an attachment to property, so natural to the inhabitants of large towns, would have induced the people not to quit their habitations. We were convinced that the rapacity of our soldiers was principally excited by the deserted state in which we found the villages. But the country around Moscow does not belong to the inhabitants of that beautiful city ; it was the property of the lords who had declared against us, and their peasants, equally enslaved and oppressed with those of the Nieper and of the Volga, obeyed the orders of their masters. They had been enjoined, on pain of death, to fly at our approach, and to hide in the woods, whatever could be useful to us. We perceived the execution of this fatal measure, on entering the village of Apalchtchouina. The houses deserted, the castle abandoned, the furniture dashed to pieces, and the provisions destroyed, pre- sented a spectacle of the most frightful desolation. All these ravages showed us what sacrifices a people sufficiently magnanimous to prefer independence to riches, will cheerfully make. Near Karinskoe, a village half way towards Zwe- nighorod, whither we were marching, the cossacks appeared. According to their custom, they made no MOSCOW. 143 stand against our advanced-guard, but contented themselves with observing us, by marching on an eminence at our left, parallel to the high road. On the summit of this height, in the midst of a thick wood of birch, rose the gray walls and the steeples of an ancient abbey. At the foot of the hill stood the little town of Zwenighorod, built on the banks of the Moskwa. On this point the cossacks formed themselves into several bodies, and skirmished for some time with our light troops, but they were gra- dually dislodged from their ambuscades, and we took post round Zwenighorod. The abbey situated above this little town, com- mands the course of the Moskwa. Its embattled walls, more than twenty feet in height, and between five and six feet thick, are flanked by four great towers, with embrasures. This edifice, constructed in the thirteenth or fourteenth century, reminds us of the times when the Muscovites, filled with vene- ration for their priests, suffered the sacerdotal au- thority to take precedence of that of the nobles ; and when the Czar marched, on days of ceremony, before the patriarch of Moscow, holding the bridle of his horse. But these monks, so powerful and so formi- dable before the time of Peter I, were brought back again to the simplicity of the apostles, when this great monarch, on founding his empire, confiscated, their property and diminished their number. To conceive a proper idea of the changes pro- duced by this reform, it was sufficient to enter the abbey of Zwenighorod. At the sight of these lofty 144 MOSCOW. towers and enormous walls, we supposed that the interior contained an agreeable and commodious re- sidence, and that we should find among these monks the wonted abundance of all richly-endowed abbeys. A large iron gate, strongly barricadoed, confirmed us in the persuasion that this convent was well supplied with every thing that our soldiers needed. We were about to fierce the entry, when an old man whose flow- ing beard was whiter than his robe, came to admit us. He was desired to conduct us to the abbot. On en- tering the court, we were much surprised at finding that this vast edifice did not correspond with the high opinion we had conceived of it ; and that our guide instead of introducing us into the apartments of the superior, conducted us to a small chapel, where we saw four monks prostrate at the foot of an altar, con- structed in the Grecian style. These venerable old men, when they perceived us, threw themselves at our feet, and, embracing our knees, entreated, in the name of the God whom they adored, that we would respect their church, and the graves of some bishops^ of which they were the faithful guardians. ' You may judge, by our miserable appearance,' they ad- dressed us by means of an interpreter, ' that we can have no hidden treasures ; and our food is so coarse, that many of your soldiers would scorn to eat it. We have no otlier possessions than our relics and our altars. Deign to respect them from a reverence for a religion so similar to your own.' This we promised, and our assurance was confirmed on the MOSCOW. 145 arrival of the viceroy, who established his head- quarters in this abbey, and thereby preserved the church and the convent, from the pillage with which they were threatened. While this asylum, formerly so peaceful, was a prey to the tumult unavoidable on such occasions, I perceived one of these pious monks, who, to conceal himself, took refuge in a cell ahnost under ground, the simplicity of which presented nothing to excite our avarice. This friar, sensible of my attentions to him, rewarded them by acknowledging that he spoke French, and that he wished to have the plea- sure of conversing with me. Charmed with his candour, I profited by it, to inform myself of every thing relating to the sentiments and character of a nation, from whom we had conquered more than two hundred and fifty leagues of territory, without becoming acquainted with them. When I men- tioned Moscow, he told me that it was the place of his nativity, and I perceived that deep sighs inter- rupted his speech. I judged by his silent grief that he mourned over the misfortunes to which this great capital would soon be exposed. I sympathized with him ; but, anxious to know the state of affairs in that city which we were on the point of entering, I ventured at length to ask him concerning it. * The French have entered the territory of Rus- sia with immense force,' said this venerable monk; ^ they come to ravage our beloved country, and they advance even to the sacred city — the centre of our empire, and the source of ©ur prosperity. Unac- 19 146 MOSCOW. quainted with our manners and our character, thej think that we shall bend under their yoke, and that^ compelled to choose between our homes and our in- dependence, we shall, like too many others, submit to their dominion, and renounce that national pride in which consists the true power of a people. No, Napoleon is mistaken. We are too wise not to abhor his tyranny ; and we are not sufficiently corrupted to prefer slavery to liberty. In vain he hopes to force us, by his numberless armies, to sue for peace. He does not remember that the population of Russia is at the absolute control of the nobility. Our seign- eurs, able at their pleasure to cause whole districts to emigrate, will order their peasants to fly into the deserts, at the approach of the invader, or, if neces- sary, will destroy every town and village, rather than give them up to a true barbarian, whose tyranny is more dreadful to us than death itself. ' We are aware, too,' added he, ' that Napoleon relies much on the dissensions which used formerly to exist between the monarch and the nobles ; but the love of our country has stifled every ancient feud. He flatters himself, likewise, that he will be able to arm the people against the great. Vain efforts ! the people are, from religion, obedient to their masters : nor will they confide in the. deceitful promises of him who burns their cottages, murders their chil- dren, devastates their country, and subverts their temples. Besides, has not the whole of Europe witnessed the most striking instances of his per- fidy ? Is he not the scourge of Germany, of whom MOSCOW. 147 lie professed to be the protector ? Spain, too, hav- ing trusted to the-sincerity of his alHance, is become one vast burying-place ! The pontiff who crowned him, and raised him from a private station to the first throne in the world, what reward has he receiv- ed for that diadem ? An ignominious captivity ! And even your own country, which, for the sake of a for- eigner, seems to have forgotten the race of St. Louis, what advantages does she derive from her submission ? Incessant new taxes, to maintain a crowd of worthless courtiers, or to gratify the luxury of a family insatiable in their pleasures. In addition to this, you have proscriptions and secret executions without number. Your very thoughts are fettered, and whole generations are destroyed. In truth, your mothers have often been reduced to the sad necessity of deploring their fecundity. This,' said the vene- rable old man to me, ' this is the situation in which your tyrant has placed you : a tyrant who is the more vain and odious, because he sprung from an obscure family ; and who, formerly having scarcely one do- mestic to serve him, is now desirous that the whole universe should crouch at his feet, and that even kings should be compelled to wait in his anti-room. If I did not fear to disgrace the majesty of that mo- narch who loves us as we love him, I would draw a comparison between your monarch and ours, — rbut such a comparison would only produce a shocking contrast, as it would place vice in constant opposi- tion to virtue,' Struck by the energy of this priest, whose i4!8 sfoscow. strength of mind had suffered nothing from age, i remained silent, and was at the same time charmed with his candour. Affected by the confidence with which he had honoured me, I thought I might cast off all reserve, and derive much useful information from his conversation. ' As you have just mention- ed the emperor Alexander,' said I to him, ' pray tell me what is become of him ? Since we passed the Wilia we have never heard any thing of him ; and at Witepsk,in a pubhc audience. Napoleon announced, with much satisfaction, that this monarch had shared the fate of his father, having fallen a victim, at Wi- liki luki, to the treachery of his courtiers.' ' He cannot have much greatness of soul,' an- swered the old man, smiling, * who triumphs at the death of an enemy. But, to prove to you the falsity of that report, and to show you how much harmony exists among all classes at this critical moment, and how beloved our sovereign is, I will read you a let- ter, which was sent to me from Moscow, a few days after Alexander had arrived there from the army.' At these words he took out the letter, translating it to me as he went on, Moscoiv, July 27*. ' This day will add new lustre to our annals, and the remembrance of it will descend to the remotest posterity, as an eternal testimony of Russian patriot- ism and loyalty. It will record the ardent attach- * The translation of this letter having appeared in the French jour- nals, it is given here as it was published m the Moniteur. MOSCOW. 149 merit, which our illustrious nobility, and every class of citizens, feel for our beloved sovereign. After a notification published in the evening, the nobility and the merchants assembled, at eight o'clock on the fol- lowing morning, at the palace Slobode, to wait the arrival of our most gracious emperor. Notwith- standing the object of this meeting had not been communicated, every one attended, full of those loyal feelings which the appeal of the father of his country to his children, in the capital of his empire, would naturally inspire. The silence which reigned in this vast assembly clearly proved their union, and their disposition to submit to any sacrifice. When the manifesto of his imperial majesty was read in the presence of the governor of Moscow, appealing to the nation at large, and calling on every one to de- fend his country against an enemy '' who, ■ ■ ith craft in his heart, and seduction on his lips, was bringing fetters and indissoluble chains for Russia,' the illus- trious posterity of the Pojarskies, animated by the most ardent zeal, immediately testified their readi- ness to sacrifice the whole of their property, and even their lives. They immediately resolved that levies should be made in the government of Moscow, to form an army of the interior, consisting of ten men out of every hundred, who should be armed to the utmost of their ability, and provided with cloth- ing and pay. The manifesto being aflervvards read in the assembly of the merchants, this body, animat- ed by the general zeal, resolved that a sum of money should be levied on each of them, proportionate to 150 MOSCOW. their respective capitals, to defray the expense of the army of the interior. Not satisfied with this, the greater part of them were desirous of making fur- ther sacrifices. They demanded permission to open a voluntary subscription for that purpose, and in less than an hour, the sum subscribed amounted to more than one million and a half of roubles. ' Such was the disposition of these two bodies, when his majesty, who had attended divine service at the church of the palace, appeared among the no- bles. After assuring them, in a short speech, that he considered the zeal of the nobility as the firmest support of his throne ; and, acknowledging that they had at all times, and under all circumstances, shown themselves the guardians and faithful defenders of the integrity and glory of their beloved country, he condescended to give them a brief sketch of the state of military affairs, which then required extraordinary measures of defence. When he was informed of the unanimous decision of the two bodies, who had resolved to furnish, to clothe, and to arm, at their own expense, eighty thousand men for the defence of Moscow, he received this new proof of attach- ment to his person, and of love to the country, with the feelings of a father who loves his children ; and who is proud of their courage. Yielding to the emotions which overpowered him, he exclaimed^ ' I did not expect less : you have fully confirmed toy €>pinion of you.' ' Afterwards his imperial majesty condescended to proceed to the saloon where the merchants were MOSCOW. 151 assembled, and, being informed of the zeal they had shown both in the resolution of levying a sum on the whole body and making an extraordinary voknitary subscription of a million and a half of roubles, he expressed his gracious satisfaction in terms dictated hy wisdom ilself. His speech was followed by the general exclamation of, ' We are ready to sacrifice for our father, not only our fortunes, but our lives.' These were the words of the descendents of the im- mortal Minin. The scene of that morning requires the pen of a new Tacitus ; while the pencil of a se- cond Apelles alone would do justice to the picture, which represented the monarch and the father beam- ing kindness and benevolence, receiving from his chil- dren, who thronged around him, the sacrifices which they were offering on the altar of their country. ^ May our enemy be informed of this ! May that proud man, who sports with the fate of his subjects^ learn it, and tremble ! We shall all march against him. We are guided by religion, and by loyalty for our sovereign and country. We will conquer, or perish together.' After having read this letter, the pious friar in- formed me that the patriarch Platon, archbishop of Moscow, notwithstanding his advanced and decrep- it! age, watched still in the spirit and in prayer, for the welfare of his sovereign and the empire, and that he had just sent to his imperial majesty the pre- cious image of Saint Serge, bishop of Radouegueo The monarch, added he, accepted this sacred relic. and presented it to the army of Moscow, hoping 162 MOSCOW. that it would be safe under the protection of this saint, who, once, by his benediction, shielded the victorious Demitri Douskoi, in bis combat against the cruel Mamai. This is the letter of his eminency Plalon, dated from the abbey Troitsa,* July 26th. ' Moscow, the capital of the empire, the new Je- rusalem, receives her Christ like a mother, in the arms of her faithful sons; and perceiving, through the mist which is raised, the brilliant glory of his pov/ef, she sings joyfully, Hosannah, praised be he who is arrived ! Let the arrogant and shameless Goliath bring his mortal terrors from, the limits of France to the confines of Russia ! Peaceful religion, this sling of the Russian David, will soon destroy his sanguinary pride. This image of Saint Serge, ancient defender of our country's happiness, is offer- ed to your imperial majesty's acceptance.' Astonished at a custom so different from ours, I asked whether it was really true, that the emperor Alexander had given this standard to his soldiers. ^ i am so certain of it,' answered the venerable ec- clesiastic, ' that it would be sacrilegious to doubt it. Letters from Moscow have since informed us, that bishop Augustin, vicar of that capital, having assem- bled all the troops in the town,t chanted a Te Deum and presenting them with the image of Saint Serge, pronounced a discourse which dissolved the whole * About fifteen leagues distant from Moscow. f Saturday, August 17th, or, according to our calender, August £3tli, which, as is well kriov-'n, anticipates the Russian calender by 12 days. MOSCOW. 153 congregation in tears. We have seen these troops passing under the walls of our abbey, in their way to the battle of Moscow, and carrying with venera- tion that sacred standard. They marched to the combat like true christian soldiers, devoted to their religion, their country, and their prince. These sen- timents were expressed in their countenances; a ce- lestial joy beamed from their eyes at the thought of combatting the enemy. Every warrior, even those who had just entered the service, glowed with the ardour of most experienced veterans, and showed that unlimited submission to his chiefs, and observ- ed that strict discipline, which is the duty and the surest sign of a good soldier. The country people, who saw them pass, implored from the bottom of their hearts, the protection of heaven on these brave men who proceeded from the ancient capital of Russia, that city, which in former times, had, with her own forces, laid the insolent enemy in the dust, who presumptuously came to destroy it.' Filled with astonishment at the extraordinary things which this good old man had communicated to me, I felt the deepest respect for a nation so great even in its misfortunes ; and I said to myself, ' That people must be invincible, who, firm to their prin- ciples, shrink not at the approach of danger, and stake their own preservation on that of their religion and their laws.' Early on the following morning we quitted the abbey. As I retired from it, I looked behind, and saAv the first rays of the rising sun, gilding the sum- 20 154 MOSCOW. mit of those lofty walls, which had been erected as the asylum of peace, but which, after our departi'ire, became a prey to undisciplined brigands. I rumina- ted on these painful ideas, and, taking a road parallel with the Moskwa, I observed that bridges had been erected before Zwenighorod, with the intention of opening a communication with the grand army, who marched towards Moscow on the opposite bank. - We followed the course of the Moskwa, when the cossacks again appeared, manoeuvring just in the same manner as they had done the night before. — They attempted, for a moment, near Aksinino, to stop the Bavarian light horse ; but some of their men being wounded, they fled in disorder, and reti- red beyond the Moskwa, which we crossed below the village of Spaskoe. The river was shallow at that point, and both men and horses easily effected a passage. The cossacks, who waited for us at the entrance of a wood, dispersed when they saw that the barrier which separated them from us had been overstepped. Thence we pursued our march as far as Buzaievo, where the post-house alone remained, and a castle, on a very steep eminence, surrounded by woods, in which prince Eugene lodged. The following morning, (September 14th), anx- ious to arrive at Moscow, we commenced our march at an early hour, and passed through several deserted villages. On the banks of the Moskwa, towards our right, were some magnificent chateaux, which the cossacks had pillaged, to deprive us of every comfort which these places could afford. The MOSCOW. 155 corn, ready for harvest, had either been trodden down, or eaten by the horses. The hay-stacks, which covered the country, were given to the flames, and spread all around an impenetrable smoke. When we at last reached the village of Tscherepko- va, and our cavalry continued their march, the viceroy ascended an eminence on our right, and long examined whether Moscow, the object of all our wishes, could be seen ; for we regarded it as the end of our fatigues and the termination of our expedition. Several hills yet concealing it from our view, we perceived nothing but clouds of dust, which, rising parallel with our march, indicated the route which the grand army had pursued. A few cannon-shots, fired at a distance, and with long in- tervals, disposed us to think that our troops were approaching Moscow, without experiencing much resistance. As we descended from the eminence, we suddenly heard the most dreadful cries. A troop of cossacks, issuing from a neighbouring wood, had, in their accustomed manner, rushed upon our chasseurs, and endeavoured to stop the march of our van-guard. But pur brave fellows, far from being intimidated by this unexpected attack, quickly repelled those vain efforts by which a powerless horde strove to impede our entrance into the capital. These were the last struggles of a desperate courage, and the Russians, beaten and dispersed, were obliged to fly, under the walls of the Kremlin, as they had before done on the banks of the Kologha. 156 MOSCOW. We distinguished, at a distance, and amidst the dust, long columns of Russian cavahy, all marching towards Moscow, and all retiring behind the town, as soon as we approached it. While the fourth corps was constructing a bridge across the Moskwa, the staff, about two o'clock, established itself on a loftj • hill, whence we perceived a thousand elegant and gilded steeples, which, glittering in the rays of the sun, appeared at the distance like so many flaming globes. One of these globes, placed on the sum- mit of a pillar, or an obelisk, had the exact appear- ance of a balloon, suspended in the air. Transported with delight at this beautiful spectacle, which was the more gratifying, from the remembrance of the melancholy objects which w^e had hitherto seen, we could not suppress our joy ; but with one spontane- ous movement, we all exclaimed, Moscow ! Moscow ! At the sound of this wished-for name, the soldiers ran up the hill in crowds, and each discovered new wonders every instant. One admired a noble cha- teau on our left, the elegant architecture of which displayed more than eastern magnificence ; another directed his attention towards a palace or a temple ; but all were struck with the superb picture which this immense town afforded. It is situated in the midst of a fertile plain. The Moslnva is seen mean- dering through the richest meadows ; and, after hav- ing fertilized the neighbouring country, takes its course through the middle of the town, separating an immense cluster of houses, built of wood, stone, and bricks, constructed in a style which partakes of the MOSCOW. i.37 gothic and modern architecture, and in which, in deed, the architecture of every different nation is strangely mingled. The walls, variously painted, the domes covered with lead, or slates, or glittering with gold, offered the most pleasing variety ; whilst the terraces before the palaces, the obelisks over the gates, and, above all, the steeples, really presented to our eyes one of those celebrated cities of Asia, which we had thought had only existed in the creative im- agination of the Arabian poets. We were still contemplating this noble spectacle, when we saw a well-dressed man coming towards us, through a by-way from Moscow. Several of our soldiers immediately ran to meet him, and, view- ing him with suspicion, were disposed to make him pay dearly for his imprudent curiosity. But the calmness with which he addressed us, and the flu- ency with which he spoke our language, and, above all, our impatience to hear some tidings from Mos- cow, made us all listen to him Avith pleasure and interest. ^ I am not come here,' said he, ' to observe your manoeuvres, nor to give you false information ; I am an unfortunate merchant, ignorant of every thing which relates to war ; and, notwithstanding I am the victim, I have not inquired into the motives which have induced our sovereign to engage ia this fatal contest. Your emperor to-day, about noon, en- tered Moscow, at the head of his invincible legions : but he found only a deserted town. Some wretches, who have escaped from prison, and some miserable 168 MOSCOW. ^ ' prostitutes, were the only creatures who interrupted its solitude. Hasten, if possible, to stop their ex- cesses. Liberty has only been granted them, with the hope, that all the crimes which they may commit will be attributed to the French army. Being aware of the misfortunes which threaten us, I came to find among you a man sufficiently generous to protect my family ; for, in spite of the orders of our govern- ment, I cannot consent to abandon my house, and to lead a wandering, miserable life in the woods. I prefer applying to French generosity, and I trust that I shall find a protector among those who have been ever represented to us as our most cruel ene- mies. The great men of our empire, deceived by a savage and destructive policy, will doubtless at- tempt to irritate you, by causing the whole popula- tion to emigrate, and leaving nothing but a deserted city, if indeed, it is not already sacrificed to the flames'. Every one interrupted him, saying, that it was impossible any people would thus effect their own ruin, from the uncertain hope of involving their enemy in it. ' It is but too true that such a resolution is taken,' said this unhappy man, ' and, if you yet doubt it, know, that count Rastopchin, governor of Moscow, quitted it yesterday. Before he departed, he charged the very outcast of human beings to assist him in his revenge. How far he will proceed I know not ; but I tremble when I recollect that he has often threaten- ed to burn Moscow, if the French/ should approach it. Such barbarity must seem atrocious and even MOSCOW. 159 incredible to you, if you are not aware of the deadly hatred which your unheard of victories have inspired in the nobihty. They know that the whole of Eu- rope is under your domination, and, from a senti- ment of pride, they would destroy their native coun- try, rather than see it subjugated. ^ If the nobihty, ashamed of their defeats, had not meditated the destruction of the capital, why should they have fled with all their property ? Why have the merchants likewise been compelled to fol- low them, carrying with them their goods and their treasures ? Why, lastly, have no magistrates remain- ed in this desolated town, to implore the mercy of the conqueror ? They have all fled, and thus seem determined to urge your soldiers to every excess ; for the legal authorities, the only protection of the citizens, by abandoning their posts, have abandon- ed every thing.' This unfortunate Moscovite shed many bittter tears while he thus addressed us. To calm his grief we promised what he requested, and endeavoured to console him, by dissipating those fears, too well founded, which the dangers of his unhappy coun- try had excited. We questioned him as to the direc- tion in which the Russians had retreated ; what they had done since the battle of the Moskwa, and, lastly, what was become of the emperor Alexander and his brother Constantine ? He answered all our questions in the most satisfactory manner, and confirmed the intelligence which had been already communicated to me by the friar in Zwenighorod. This unhappy 160 MOSCOW. man becoming more composed, and being secretly flattered by the agreeable surprise which the sight of Moscow and its environs had caused, consented at my request to give us some account of a city, the conquest of which promised to crown all our hopes. He expressed himself as follows : — ' Moscow, built in the Asiatic style, has five enclo- sures, one within another ; the last comprising the town and its suburbs, is about thirty werstes* in cir- cumference ; but the fourth enclosure, which com- prises the town only, and which is called Semhingo- rod, is but twelve. The suburbs, or slobodes, are thirty in number. In winter, the population amounts to three hundred thousand souls ; but on the ap- proach of summer, every one retires to his country- house, and this number diminishes one third. * The high towers and the embattled walls, which you see rising in the midst of the town, trace the first enclosure, called Kremlin. This fortress in the form of a perfect triangle, is celebrated in our annals, and has never been taken.f The plan of it was drawn, towards the fourteenth century, by some Italian architects. J The interior of the Kremlin is di- * Seven leagues. f The people of Moscow believe that the preservation of the em- pire depended on the towers of this ancient fortress. A false tradi- tion persuaded them that it never had been taken. Thus, to express the idea of security, it was a common saying, As safe as tvithix THE Kremi;,ix. X Voltair's Histoire dc Riissia, volume I. page 50, stereotype edi- tion. MOSCOW. 161 vided into two parts ; the one called Krcpots^ or cita- del, contains only the palace, and some churches, each of which is surmounted by five domes. From this place you may perfectly distinguish them, as much by their elevation as by the gilding of the steeples, and their fantastical architecture. In the second enclosure are some noble houses, commercial streets, and the place called Bazar ^ or Khitaigorod, a name given it by the Tartars, who were its founders. ' Fcedor, the elder brother of Peter the Great, began to improve Moscow. He constructed several buildings of stone, but without any regular architec- ture. To him we owe the first stud of beautiful hors- es, and some useful embeUishments.* Although Peter had a particular affection for Petersburg, n evertheless his genius, which embraced every thing, did not neg- lect Moscow. He caused it to be paved, adorned it with many superb edifices, and enriched it with va- luable manufactures ; and, lastly, under Elizabeth, a university was established.! * The arsenal within the krepots, is remarkable foR six culverins, mounted on fixed carriages, the largest of which is twenty-four feet in length. Near the principal gate, is likewise an enormous howitzer, at least three feet in diameter. Further on is the an- cient palace of the Czars. It is the residence of our emperors. Yours has now established himself there ■^ Voltaire's Histoire de Russie, vol. I. page 5i, ' T(hm. 21. 162 MOSCOW. B ehind is the palace of the senate ; near which is the cathedral of St. Iwan, and the foundation of an an- cient tower, with the famous bell which was cast in Moscow, towards the middle of the sixteenth centu- ry, under the Czar Boris Godono. It is an astonishing* production, and proves, that even at that remote pe- riod, the Russians had made great progress in civili- zation and the fine arts. This bell, justly admired for the beauty of the figures which surround it, sur- passes in size the most famous in Europe.* * From the krepots you enjoy a delightful prospect. On the right and* left are two bridges, across the Moskwa. Beyond the river are some magnificent palaces ; and in the back-ground is a fine country, embellished with many noble mansions.' But said I, interrupting the Moscovite, tell us what immense fabric is this with an infinite number of windows on each side, and which, by its enormous magnitude, seems to command the whole town ? * It is the hospital Sheremitow,' answered he, ^ built by the illustrious family of that name. One of their ancestors was the glorious companion in arms of Peter the Great ; and the riches which he ac- quired, were always devoted to the prosperity and glory of the nation. In this building were educated the orphans and the children of those who have de- fended the country. But at present the children have been removed, and their fathers, to the number of ^' Voltaire's Histoire de Russia, torn. 1. page 51. MOSCOW. 163 twenty thousand who have been gloriously wounded at Mojaisk, occupy their places. These unhappy men are abandoned, death is before their eyes ; and if your generosity does not in this moment of calamity afford them assistance, they will be left to die in the most frightful torments. ' From the gate of Petersburg to that of Kaluga, numerous palaces are seen, which, by their riches and magnificence, attract the attention of the travel- ler. All these palaces are newly constructed, and announce the prodigious wealth that Russia has ac- cumulated within these few years. But the most astonishing of all, is the palace of Orlow. It belongs to the only heiress of this name, whose income ex- ceeds six millions of rubles.* The extent of this palace is immense, and the beauty of the interior corresponds with the spacious courts and enchant- ing gardens which surround it. ' You will find in my country,' added the Mosco- vite, ^ a great number of edifices, justly celebrated as the most beautiful in Europe. It is useless to des- cribe them to you, since you will soon see them your- selves. I wish that you may long admire them, but a fatal presentiment convinces me, that this great and superb town, justly considered as the market of Eu- rope and of Asia, will, ere long, astonish the world by the most dreadful catastrophe.' As he uttered these words the unfortunate man seemed suffocated with grief. I pitied him ; but I * One million sterling. 164 MOSCOW. could not leave him without asking the name of thai great building of red and white brick, which was seen to the north of the town, on the road to Petersburg. He informed me, that it ivas the famous chateau of Peterskoe, where the sovereigns af Russia used to reside previous to their coronation. Although the bridge over the Moskwa was not yet finished, the viceroy ordered the troops of his corps to cross the river. The cavalry had already passed it, and had taken post before the village of Khorchevo. We were here officially informed of the entry of Our troops into Moscow. The fourth corps received orders to halt at this place till the following day, ^vhen an hour would be appointed for us to enter the capital of the Russian empire. On the 15th of September our corps left the vil- lage, where it had encamped, at an early hour, and marched to Moscow. As we approached the city, we saw that it had no walls, and that a simple para- pet of earth was the only work which constituted the outer enclosure. Nothing indicated that the town was inhabited ; and the road by which we arrived was so deserted, that we saw neither Russian or even French soldiers. No cry, ilo noise was heard, in the midst of this awful solitude. We pursued our march a prey to the utmost anxiety, and that anxiety was redoubled when we perceived a thick smoke, which arose in the form of a column, from the centre of the town. It was at first believed that the Russians, agreeably to their custom, had, in retreating, set fire to some magazines. Recollecting, however, the re~ 'i^ MOSCOW. 163 cital of the inhabitant of Moscow, we feared that his prediction was about to be fulfilled. Eager to know the cause of this conflagration, we in vain endeav- ored to find some one who might satisfy our irrepres- sible curiosity, and the impossibility of satisfying it, increased our impatience, and augmented our alarm. We did not enter at the first barrier that presented itself, but, moving to the left, we continued to march round the town. At length, according to the orders of the viceroy, I placed the troops of the fourth corps in a position, to guard the high road towards Peters- burgh. The thirteenth and fifteenth divisions, en- camped around the chateau of Peterskoe, the four- teenth established itself in the village between Mos- cow and this chateau^ and the Bavarian light caval- ry was a league in front of the village. When these positions were taken, the viceroy en- tered Moscow, and fixed his head-quarters in the pal- ace of prince Momonofl', in the beautiful street of St. Petersburg. The quarter assigned to our corps was one of the finest in the town. It was composed en- tirely of superb edifices,and of houses,which,although of wood, had an appearance of surprising grandeur and magnificence. The magistrates having abandon- ed the town, every one established himself at his plea- sure in these sumptuous palaces ; even the subaltern officer was lodged in vast apartments richly decorated, and of which he could easily fancy himself to be the proprietor, since no one appeared but a humble and submissive porter, who, with a trembling hand, de- livered to him the kevs of the mansion. 166 MOSCOW. Although Moscow had been entered by some of our troops the preceding day, so extensive and so de- serted was the town that no soklier had yet penetrated into the quarter which we were to occupy. The most intrepid minds were affected by this loneliness. The streets were so long that our cavalry could not recog- nize each other from the opposite extremities. They were seen advancing with caution : then, struck with fear, they suddenly fled from each other, though they Tvere all enlisted under the same banners. In propor- tion as a new quarter was occupied, reconnoitring parties were sent forward to examine the palaces and the churches. In the former were found only old men, children, or Russian officers, who had been wounded in the preceding engagements: in the latter, the altars were decorated as if for a festival ; a thousand lighted tapers burning in honour of the patron saint of the country, attested that the pious Moscovites had not ceased to invoke him till the moment of their depar- ture. This solemn and religious spectacle, rendered the people whom we had conquered, powerful and re- spectable in our estimation, and filled us with that consternation which is the offspring of injustice. With cautious steps we advanced through this awful Solitude ; often stopping and looking fearfully behind us; then, struck with sudden terror, we eagerly listenr ed to every sound ; for the imagination, frightened at the very magnitude of our conquest, made us apprehensive of treachery in every place. At the least noise we fancied that we heard the clashing of arms, and the cries of the wounded. MOSCOW. 167 Approaching however, towards the centre of ihe town, and especially in the neighborhood of the Bazar, we began to see some inhabitants assembled around the Kremhn. These deluded beings, deceiv- ed by a national tradition, had believed that this cita- del was impregnable, and had attempted the preced- ing day to defend it for an instant against our valiant legions. Dismayed by their defeat, they contem- plated with tears, those lofty towers which they had hitherto regarded as the palladium of their city. Pro- ceeding further on, we saw a crowd of soldiers, who exposed to public sale a vast quantity of articles which they had pillaged ; for it was only at the grand magazines of provisions that the imperial guards had placed sentinels. Continuing our progress, the num- ber of soldiers multipled ; they were seen in troops, carrying on their backs pieces of cloth, loaves of sugar, and whole bales of merchandise. We knew not how to account for this shocking disorder, when at length some fusileers of the guards informed us that the smoke which we had seen on entering the town proceeded from a vast building, full of goods, called the exchange, and which the Russians had set on fire in their retreat. ' Yesterday,' said these sol- diers, ' we entered the city about twelve o'clock, and towards five, the fire began to appear. We en- deavored at first to extinguish it, but we soon learned that the governor had sent away all the engines. It is also believed,' added they, ' that this fire, which, cannot be subdued, has been kindled by the nobility^ with an intention of exciting us to plunder, and de~ 168 MOSCOW stroying our discipline ; and likewise witii the de- termination to ruin those merchants who opposed the abandonment of Moscow.' A natural curiosity made me proceed. As I ad- vanced towards the fire, the avenues were still more obstructed by soldiers and beggars carrying off goods of every kind. The less precious articles were des- pised, and soon thrown away, and the streets were covered with merchandise of every description. I penetrated at length into the interior of the exchange : but, alas ! it was no more the building so renowned for its magnificence ; it was rather a vast furnace, from eveiy side of which the burning rafters were continually falling, and threatening us with instant destruction. I could still, however, proceed with some degree of safety under the piazzas. These were filled with numerous warehouses, which the soldiers had broken open ; every chest was rifled, and the spoil exceeded all their expectations. No cry, no tumult was heard in this scene of horror. Every one found abundantly sufficient to satisfy his thirst for plunder. Nothing was heard but the crackling of the flames, and the noise of the doors that were broken open ; and occasionally a dreadful crash,caus- ed by the falling in of some vault. Cottons, muslins, and in short, all the most costly productions of Eu- rope and of Asia, were a prey to the flames. The cellars were filled with sugar, oil, and vitriol ; these burning all at once in the subterraneous warehouses, sent forth torrents of flame through thick iron grates, and presented a striking image of the mouth of hell. MOSCOW. ] 6S It was a spectacle both terrible and affecting. Even the most hardened minds were struck with a con- viction that so great a calamity would on some future day, call forth the vengeance of the Almighty upon the authors of such crimes. The information which I endeavoured to obtain, with regard to the causes of this fire, were very un- satisfactory ; but, returning in the evening to the pa- lace where our staff was quartered, I met a French- man there, who had been tutor to the children of prince . This gentleman possessed much general knowedge, and a sound judgment in politics. His conversation was the more interesting, as he had long lived among the Russian nobility, and was per- fectly acquainted with their character and views,. Moreover, the events which happened in Moscow since the battle of the Moskwa, had passed under his observation, and although a Frenchman, he form- ed one of the small number of those, who, by their talents and their prudence had always been on a foot- ing of intimacy with count Rastopchin. This meet- ing was extremely fortunate, as it gave me an oppoi'- tunity of learning what I was so desirous to know ; particularly the true character of the governor, who, notwithstanding the blackest calumnies, will always be revered by his- fellow-citizens, and will be cited by future generations as a' model of courage apd patriotism. ' Although the French advanced towards Mos- cow in three columns,' said the tutor. ' so much 170 MOSCOW. prudence was employed by count Rastopchin,in con- cealing the truth from the people, that none but the nobility, and the persons attached to the governmentv were acquainted with the terrible disasters with which the city was threatened. This, it is true, contributed to prolong our illusions ; but when we saw the Rus- sian army return within these'walls,preceded by thirty thousand wounded,and dragging after them the whole population of the country, the citizens renounced their peaceable occupations, and abandoned themselves to the utmost agitation. All societies were dissolved, and the public institutions deserted. Even the me- chanics, renouncing the work that supphed their families with bread, shut up their shops, and shar- ing in the consternation, which was become univer- sal, mixed with the immense crowd which was running to the governor's house, to know whether they were to fly or remain. In this painful and critical situation, the count Rastopchin, surrounded by the most illustrious of the nobility, and by the richest and most esteemed among the merchants, reminded his fellow-citizens of the solemn promises which they had made to their emperor. He recalled to their minds that memora- ble scene, when the sovereign, the father of his country, received from his children the homage of their fortunes and their lives. At this recollection, the governor, overpowered by the sentiments which agitated him,was almost suffocated by excess of feel- ing, and lost the faculty of speech. This silent scene lasted several minutes, and produced more tears than MOSCOW. 171 the most eloquent harangue would have done. But the interest of the state, conquering a sensibiHty so natu- ral, and so affecting, a nobleman in the assembly, who, from his diplomatic office, was well acquainted with the cause that had produced this disastrous war. addressed them in the following words : — ^ " Inhabitants of Moscow ! If you knew how the paternal heart of our monarch has suffered, and the means he has employed to ensure the repose and happiness of his empire — if you knew even how much his love of peace, and his desire to maintain even a disadvantageous alliance, have made him ne- glect the interests of his giory — you could then alone form an adequate idea of that excellent prince, who told us six weeks ago, I have neglected nothing to en- sure the peace of my country ; but the more sacrifices I made, the more were demanded by our enemy. For our justification in the eyes of posterity, we must avow that we have taken up arms, only in the utmost extremity ; and at the moment when our glo- rious empire was compelled to choose between the chances of war, or the infamy of having its laurels blasted. But, since injustice forces us to the com- bat, why should we fear it. For more than a cen- tury, war has always been to us favorable and glo- rious. The north was formerly the terror of the south ; and now, when the north approaches to civi- lization, and wishes for universal peace, the south, blinded by an ungovernable and fatal ambition,aban- dons its rich provinces, to overrun our frozen re- gions. Is it then necessary always to be the oppres 172 • MOSCOW. sor, in order not to be oppressed ; and must my ^- cific sentiments be now the misfortmie of my reign ? In vain this scourge of mankind alleges, that he wages a warof poHcy, and that this is the struggle of civilization against barbarism ! a clumsy artifice, which can deceive those only who are unacquainted with our manners and principles. This civilization, so highly vaunted, what has it to fear from us, who exhaust our treasures, who traverse the seas, and explore both hemispheres, to cultivate and to natu- ralize it in our climate ? And those to whom we go for instruction, and who enrich themselves by selling us the productions of their industry, these very peo- ple dare to call us barbarians ? No, no, this is not the motive of the war which the ungrateful Napoleon makes upon us. He fears our rapid progress more than our barbarism. In fact, what nation is virtuous enough, not to be jealous of the miraculous protec- tion which Providence grants to our empire. It is scarcely a century, since Peter, of illustrious mem- ory, placed it in the rank of great nations ; and since that time, how many countries have been sub- dued!— how many cities have been captured! — how many provinces reduced to submisssion ! Yet, let us rather consider as the noblest trophies, the towns that have been founded, the districts that have been civilized ; the universities, colleges, and institutions, which have been established ; and you will find, that, in a short space of time, we have effaced the line which separated the civilized from barbarised Eu- rope. It is our spirit of civilization, so closely re- MOSCOW. 173 sembling that of which the French are vain, which now attracts their hatred. They reproach us for our conquests over the Persians and Turks, pretending not to know that it is owing to the terror with which we have inspired the Mussehnen, that Europe has ceased to be invaded by these infidels. Hungary owes to us its safety, and Italy its preservation : far differ- ent, in this respect, from our enemies whose con- quests are only a new subject of dissention and war, with their neighbours." ' This is the substance of the memorable speech which the emperor Alexander pronounced in the assembly of the nobles ; and which the orator most judiciously repeated, as best calculated to rouse the courage of those who had not been present. Count Rastopchin, who hitherto had listened with silent attention, seeing that the inhabitants of Moscow, were sufficiently prepared, rose immediately from his seat, and, running to the balcony, which open- ed on the great square, he thus addressed the people there assembled : ' " Brave Moscovites ! ^ " Our enemy advances ; and you already hear the roar of the cannon, not far from our suburbs. This bad man wishes to overwhelm a throne, the splendour of which eclipses his own. We have yielded ground, but Ave are not conquered. You know that our emperor, in imitation of his ancestors, resides in the camp. Our armies are almost un- touched, and are reinforced every day by new levies ; 174 MOSCOW. but those of our perfidious enemy, arrive exhausted, annihilated. Insensible man ! he thought t]iat his victorious eagle, after having wandered from the banks of the Tagus to the sources of the Volga, Gould subdue one, which, reared in the midst of the Kremlin, proudly hovers over our heads, extending one wing towards the pole, and reaching with the other beyond the Bosphorus. ' " Let us persevere, and I venture to predict that our country will reappear from the midst of its ruins, greater and more majestic than before. But, to attain an end so desirable consider, my friends, that the greatest sacrifices must be made, and the dearest affections renounced. It behoves you now to prove yourselves worthy descendants of the Po- jarskies, the Palitsires, and of the Minines, who, in the most unhappy times, established, by their cour- age, the belief that the Kremlin is inviolable. Cher- ish this pious tradition, and maintain it, by arming yourselves against our dangerous enemy, who wishes to annihilate our empire, and to pillage our altars. Sacrifice every thing to obtain a victory, or be con- tent to lose your honour, your fortunes, and your independence. But if God, in the dispensations of his wisdom, should allow vice to triumph for a mo- ment, remember that it will be your sacred duty to fly into the deserts, and to forsake a country which will no longer be yours, when the presence of your oppressors has polluted it. The inhabitants of Sa- ragossa, still recollecting the immortal courage of their ancestors, who to escape the yoke of the Ro~ MOSCOW. 175 mans, kindled a funeral pile, and immolated their families and themselves, have, like them, chosen rather to perish under the ruins of their town, than submit to injustice. The same tyranny now threat- ens to crush us. Let us show to'the whole imiverse, that the glorious example of the Spaniards has not been lost upon the Russians." •^ After this speech the most violent agitation succeeded, and an ungovernable populace, running through the principal streets, cried aloud that it was better to perish than to outlive their country and their religion. Those on whom nature had not bestowed the most ardent courage, ran to their homes to save their families from the impending danger. Some fled with haste from the city. Others on the con- trary, vowed to defend it, whilst the rest of the pop- ulation seizing their arms, either took refuge in the Kremlin, or, with torches in their hands, set fire to the exchange, which contained, as you know, im- mense riches, and where the French army might have found means of subsistence during the winter.' This was the account which the worthy tutor gave me of all that had happened at Moscow, previ- ous to our arrival there. We both lamented these calamitous events ; but, the day being calm, we ho- ped that the fire would not extend beyond the ex- change. But what was our regret and our terror, when on the following morning, at the dawn of day (September 16), we saw the conflagration raging on every side, and perceived that the wind, blowing with violence, spread the flames in all directions. ,.r ':^-r 176 MOSCOW. The most heart-rending scene which my imagi- nation had ever conceived, far surpassing the most afflicting accounts in ancient or modern history, now presented itself before our eyes. A great part of the population of Moscow, frightened at our arrival, had concealed themselves in cellars or secret recesses of their houses. As the fire spread around, we saw them rushing in despair from their various asylums. They uttered no imprecation, they breathed no com- plaint, but, carrying with, them their most precious effects, fled before the flames. Others, of greater sensibility, and actuated by the genuine feelings of nature, saved only their children, who were closely clasped in their arms. Many old people, borne down by grief rather than by age, had not sufficient strength to follow their families, and expired near the houses i|i which they were born. The streets, the public places, and particularly the churches, were filled with these unhappy people, who, lying on the remains of their property, suffered even without a murmur. No contention or noise was heard. Both the conqueror and the conquered were equally hard- ened : the one from excess of fortune — the other ftom excess of misery. The fire, whose ravages could not be restrainedj soon reached the finest parts of the city. Those pa- laces which we had admired for the beauty of their architecture, and the elegance of their furniture, were enveloped in the flames. Their magnificent fronts, ornamented with bas-reliefs and statues, fell with a dreadful crash on the fragments of the pillars which MOSCOW. 177 had supported them. The churches, though covered with iron and lead, were Ukewise destroyed, and with them those beautiful steeples, which we had seen the night before, resplendent with gold and silver. The hospitals, too, which contained more than twenty thousand wounded, soon began to burn. This offered a harrowing and dreadful spectacle ; almost all these poor wretches perished. A few who still lingered, were seen crawling, half burnt, amongst the smoking ruins ; and others, groaning under heaps of dead bodies, endeavoured in vain to extricate themselves from the horrible destruction which surrounded them. How shall I describe the confusion and tumult when permission was granted to pillage this im- mense city ! Soldiers, sutlers, galley-slaves, and pros- titutes, eagerly ran through the streets, penetratiag into the deserted palaces, and carrying away every thing which could gratify their avarice. Some covered themselves with stuffs, richly worked with gold ; some were enveloped in beautiful and costly furs ; while others dressed themselves in women's and children's pelisses, and even the gal- ley slaves concealed their rags under the most splendid court dresses ; the rest crowded into the cellars, and forcing open the doors, drank the most luscious wines, and carried off an immense booty. This horrible pillage was not confined to the de- serted houses alone, but extended to those which were inhabited, and soon the eagerness and wan- tonness of the plunderers, caused devastations 23 il^ MOSCOW. which ahnost equalled those occasioned by the conflagration. Every asylum was soon violated by the licentious troops. The inhabitants who had officers in their houses, for a little while flattered themselves that they should escape the general calamity. Vain illusion ! the fire, progressively increasing, soon destroyed all their hopes. Towards evening, when Napoleon no longer thought himself safe in a city, the ruin of which seemed inevitable, he left the Kremlin, and estab- lished himself, with his suite, in the castle of Peters- koe. When I saw him pass by, I could not, without abhorrence, behold the chief of a barbarous expedi- tion, who evidently endeavoured to escape the de- cided testimony of public indignation, by seeking the darkest road. He sought it, however, in vain. On every side the flames seemed to pursue him, and their horrible and mournful glare, flashing on his guilty head, reminded me of the torches of the Eumenides, pursuing the destined victims of the tunes The generals likewise received orders to quit Moscow. Licentiousness then became unbounded. The soldiers no longer restrained by the presence of their chiefs, committed every kind of excess. No retreat was now safe, no place sufficiently sacred to afford any protection against their rapacity. Nothing more forcibly excited their avarice than the church of St. Michael, the sepulchre of the Russian empe- rors. An erroneous tradition had propagated the be- lief that it contained immense riches. Some grena- M03C0W. 179 dieis presently entered it, and descended with torches into the vast subterranean vaults, to disturb the peace and silence of the tomb. But instead of treasures, they found only stone coffins, covered with pink vel- vet, with thin silver plates, on which were engraved the names of the czars, and the date of their birth and decease. Mortified at this disappointment, they again searched every part of the building, and at length perceived, at the end of a dark gallery, a lamp, the half extinguished light of which fell on a small altar. They immediately proceeded towards it, and the first object Vv?hich presented itself to their notice, was a young female, elegantly dressed, and in the attitude of devotion. At the noise of the soldiers, the unhappy girl screamed violently, and fell into a swoon. In that situation she was carri- ed before one of our generals. As long as I have life I shall retain the impression which the appearance of that young lady, pale, and almost dying, produced on my mind. Her counte- nance, in which grief and despair W€re equally legi- ble, w^as irresistibly interesting. As her recollection returned, she seemed to deprecate the care which was employed in recalling her to life. While we gazed on her lovely form, every bosom w^as inspired with pity, and we all w^ere anxious to become acquaint- ed with her history. The general, in particular, but from very different motives, seemed eager to hear it .* and, sending most of those who were present away^ he begged her to relate to him her misfortunes. 180 MOSCOW ' Of what use,' said she, ^ would it be to men- tion to you the wealth of a house, which will soon be annihilated ? Suffice it, that the name of my father is celebrated in the history of our empire ; and that he is now serving with distinction in the army, which is gloriously fighting in defence of our country. My name is Paulowna. On the day preceding your en- trance into Moscow, I was to be united to one of the young warriors, who had distinguished himself at the battle of Mojaisk. But amidst the nuptial solemni- ties, my father was informed that the French were at the gates of the city, and, suspending our marriage, and taking my husband with him, they hastened to join the army. Early on the following morning, be- ing with my afflicted family, we heard the roar of the cannon; and, the noise evidently approaching nearer, we no longer doubted that we must quit Moscow. In the midst of this dreadful tumult, I fled with my relations ; but, when we arrived near the Kremlin, an immense crowd met us, and, rushing hastily by, part- ed me from my mother and sisters. I endeavoured, in vain, to recall them by my cries. The noise of arms, and the cries of an infuriated populace, over- powered my feeble voice, and in an instant 1 was rendered truly miserable. The French, meanwhile, penetrated into the town, and, driving all before them, advanced towards the Kremlin. To find a shelter against their excesses, I, with many others, ran into the citadel, which was considered a place of i?ecurity. As I could not mix with the combatants, MOSCOW. 181 I retired to the church of St. Michael, seeking refuge among the graves of the czars. Kneeling near their sepulchres, I invoked the manes of those illustrious founders of our country, when, on a sudden, some wicked soldiers broke in upon my retreat, and drag- ged me away from an inviolable and sacred asykim.' When the unhappy girl had finished her history, she shed a torrent of tears ; and, throwing herself at the general's feet, implored him to respect her virtue, and restore her to her relations. He was more interest- ed by her beauty than by her tears ; but, pretending to pity her misfortunes, he pledged himself to re- lieve them. He offered her his house as a protec- tion ; and, to retain her there, he promised to use his utmost endeavours to discover her father and her destined husband. But, as I knew the disposition of the man, I clearly perceived, that this apparent generosity was only a snare to deceive the innocent Faulowna. There wanted nothing more to com- plete the horrors of that day, when he resolved to outrage virtue and seduce innocence ; and Ave afterwards found that neither noble blood, nor the candour of youth, nor even the tears of beauty, were respected. Penetrated by so many calamities, I hoped that the shades of night would cast a veil over the dread- ful scene ; but they contributed, on the contrary, to render the conflagration more visible. The violence of the flames which extended from north to south, and were strangely agitated by the wind, produced the most awful appearance, on a sky which was dar- 182 MOSCOW. kenecl by the thickest smoke. Nothing could equal the anguish which absorbed every feeling heart, and which was increased in the dead of the night, by the cries of the miserable victims who were savagely murdered, or by the screams of the young females, who fled for protection to their weeping mothers, and whose ineffectual struggles tended only to in- flame the passions of their violators. To these dread- ful groans and heart-rending cries, which every mo- ment broke upon the ear, were added, the bowlings of the dogs, which, chained to the doors of the pal- aces, according to the custom at Moscow, could not escape from the fire which surrounded them. I flattered myself that sleep would for a while re- lease me from these revolting scenes ; but the most frightful recollections crowded upon me, and all the horrors of the evening again passed in review. My wearied senses seemed at last sinking into repose when the light of a near and dreadful conflagration, piercing into my room, suddenly awoke me. I thought that my room was a prey to the flames. It was no idle dream, for when I approached the win- dow, I saw that our quarters were on fire, and that the house in which I lodged, was in the utmost dan- ger. Sparks were thickly falling in our yard, and on the wooden roof of our stables. I ran quickly to my landlord and his family. Perceiving their danger, they had already quitted their habitation, and had re- tired to a subterranean vault, which afforded them more security. I found them with their servants all assembled there, nor could I prevail on them to leave MOSCOW. - 18^ it, for they dreaded our soldiers more than the fire. The father was sitting on the threshold of the door, and appeared desirous of appeasing, by the sacrifice of his own life, the ferocity of those barbarians, who advanced to insult his family. Two of his daugh- ters, pale, with dishevelled hair, and whose tears ad- ded to their beauty, disputed with him the honour of the martyrdom. I at length succeeded in snatching them by violence from the asylum, under which they would otherwise soon have been buried. These un- happy creatures when they again saw the light, con- templated with indifference the loss of all their prop- erty, and were only astonished that they were still alive. Notwithstanding they were convinced that they would be protected from all personal injury, they did not exhibit any tokens of gratitude ; but, like those wretches, who, having been ordered to execution, are quite bewildered, when a reprieve unexpectedly arrives, and the agonies of death ren- der them insensible to the gift of life. Desirous of terminating the recital of this horri- ble catastrophe, for which history wants expres- sions, and poetry has no colours, I shall pass over, in silence, many circumstances revolting to human- ity, and merely describe the dreadful confusion which arose in our army, when the fire had reached every part of Moscow, and the whole city was be- come one immense flame. A long row of carriages were perceived through the thick smoke, loaded with booty. Being too heavi- ^,. &s 184 MOSCOW. ly laden for the exhausted cattle to draw them along they were obliged to halt at every step, when we heard the execration of their drivers, who, terrified at the surrounding flames, endeavored to push forward, with dreadful outcries. The soldiers, still armed, were di- ligently employed in forcing open every door. They seemed to fear lest they should leave one house un- touched. Some, when their carriages were laden almost to breaking down, bore the rest of their booty on their backs. The fire, however obstructing the passage of the principal streets, often obliged them to retrace their steps. Thus wandering from place to place, through an immense town, the avenues of which they did not know, they sought, in vain, to extricate themselves from this labyrinth of fire. Many wandered further from the gates by which they might have escaped, instead of approaching them, and thus became the victims of their own rapacity. In spite, however, of the extreme peril which threat- ened them, the love of plunder induqed our soldiers to brave every danger. Stimulated by an irresistible desire of pillage, they precipitated themselves into the midst of the flames. They waded in blood, treading upon the dead bodies without remorse, while the ruins of the houses, mixed with burning coals, fell thick on their murderous hands. They would probably all have perished, if the insupport- able heat had not forced them at length to withdraw into the camp. The fourth corps having received orders to leave Moscow, we proceeded (September 17th,) towards MOSCOW. 185 Feterskoe, where our divisions were encamped. At that moment about the dawn of day, I witnessed the most dreadful and the most affecting scenes which it is possible to conceive ; namely, the unhappy inhab- itants drawing upon some mean vehicles all that they had been able to save from the conflagration. The soldiers, having robbed them of their horses, the men and women were slowly and painfully dragging along these little carts, some of which contained an infirm mother, others a paralytic old man, and others the miserable wrecks of half-consumed furniture ; children, half nakedjfoll owed these interesting groups. Affliction, to which their age is commonly a stranger, was impressed even on their features, and, when the soldiers approached them, they ran crying into the arms of their mothers. Alas ! what habitation could we have offered them which would not constantly re=- call the object of their terror? Without a shelter and without food, these unfortunate beings wandered in the fields, and fled into the woods 5 but wherever they bent their steps, they met the conquerors of Moscow, who frequently ill-treated them, and sold before their eyes, the goods which had been stolen from their own deserted habitations. .24 PART 11. BOOK VI. MALO-JAROSLAVITZ, The arrival of a victorious French army in the ancient capital of the czars, in the richest and most central city of Russia, which a religious belief had hitherto considered as sacred, was one of the most extraordinary occurrences of modern history. Our former conquests had, for some years accus- tomed Europe to behold our vast and most astonish- ing plans crowned with complete success. But, of all our expeditions, none had, like this, an appearance of imposing grandeur, calculated to seduce those who were fond of the marvellous ; while the difficulty of the enterprise equalled every romantic tale that the Persians, the Greeks, or the Romans, had conceived* The distance from Paris to Moscow, nearly equal to that which separated the capital of Alexander from the residence of Darius ; the nature of the country and rigour of the climate, which had been hitherto supposed inaccessible to the armies of Europe ; the recollection of Charles XII. who, wishing to attempt 188 MALO-JAROSLAVIliZ. a similar project, did not dare to pass Smolensko ; the terror of the Asiatic nations, astonished to see the people who had fled before us, arrive amongst ihemj all, in short, concurred to give to the progress of the grand army, an air of wonder, which recalled to our recollection the most celebrated expeditions of an- tiquity. Such was the aspect of our conquests, when ta- ken in the most brilliant point of view ; but, when sound reason had taught us to look into futurity, no- thing presented itself but the darkest and most fright- ful images. The horrible extremity to which the inhabitants of Moscow had been reduced, proved to us, that w^e had no means of treating with the people determined to make such immense sacrifices; and that the vain-glory of signing atreaty of peace at Mos- cow, had kindled a fire, the ravages of which would spread through Europe, and would give to the war a character so sanguinary, that it could end only in the entire ruin of^a generous people, or the fall of that evil genius, whom God, in his displeasure, seemed to have designed as a new extirminating angel to chastise mankind. The wisest and most judicious witnessed, with tenor, the destruction of a city, which, within five days, had become a prey to the ilames, and thclight of which illuminated our camp every night. * There * is no hope,' said they, ' of a speedy term'ination of '' the war, even should we still continue our con- 'quests. Haying completed the ruin of Moscow, MALO-JARO&LAVITZ. 1JJ9 ' who knows whether we shall not attempt that of ' Petersburg ? And even when we have subdued * all Russia, may we not anticipate an expedition to ' the Euphrates or the Ganges ? Alas ! when a sove- ' reign possesses only a rash valour, which is not tern- ' pered by wisdom, the brilliant lustre of his arms ' renders him like those dangerous meteors wiiich ^ occasionally appear on the earth, and excite the ^ most serious alarm.' Although the ruin of Moscow was a great loss to the Russians, it was still more sensibly felt by us, and it ensured to our enemies all the advantages which they had promised themselves from the rigour of their climate. In vain did we represent to the in- habitants that the burning of their capital was useless, and that the French army ought to rejoice at being relieved from an immense population, whose natural ardour and fanaticism might have caused dangerous seditions. After much reflection, I am convinced thatthe Russian government had reasons to fear, from the crafty and treacherous character of our chief, that this population, instead of revolting against us, might have become instrumental to our projects, and that many of the noblesse, led away by an example so dangerous, or seduced by brilliant, but deceitful proniises, might have abandoned the interest of their country. It was, doubtless, to prevent this calamity, that count Rastopchin sacrificed the whole of his fortune in burning Moscow, thinking that this great example 190 1MALO-JAROSLAV1T2. would be the only means of rousing the energies of the nobility, and, by rendering us the objects of their execration, would excite in the minds of the people the most violent hatred against us. Besides, the city being provisioned for eight months, the French army by occupying it, would have been able to wait the return of spring, and then renew the campaign, with the armies of reserve which were encamped at Smolensko, and on the iNiemen; while by burning Moscow, they would compel us to a precipitate re- treat, in the most rigorous seasons of the year. Their hopes founded on this calculation, could not be disappointed ; for our formidable army, though it arrived in the fine seasons, had lost a third of its "numbers, merely by the rapididty of our march ; and the enemy had no reason to fear that we could main- tain any position, since our want of discipline had made a desert of all our conquests, and our impro- vident chief had formed no plan to facilitate our re- treat. In short, to finish this picture of our distresses, in the midst of our apparent victory,the whole army was discouraged and worn out with fatigue. The cavalry was nearly ruined, and the artillery -horses, exhaus- ted by want of food, could no longer draw the guns. Although we were the deplorable victims of the conflagration of Moscow, we must do justice to the inhabitants of that city. It is impossible not to ad- mire their generous devotedness to their country^ and we must acknowledge that they have, like the MALO-JAROSLAVITZ. 1^1 Spaniards, raised themselves, by their courage and their perseverance, to that high degree of true glo- ry which constitutes the greatness of a nation. When we recollect the sufferings that we had endured, and the losses* we had experienced by fatigue alone, previous to our arrival at Moscow, and that at a time when the earth, covered with its choicest productions, offered us abundant resources, one can scarcely conceive how Napoleon could be so blind and obstinate as not immediately to abandon Russia ; particularly when he saw that winter ap- proached, and that the capital, on which he had so much depended, no longer existed. It seems as if divine Providence, to punish him for his pride, had deprived him of reason, since he presumed to think that they who had sufficient courage to lay waste and destroy their country, would afterwards be weak enough to accept his hard proposals, and sign a treaty of peace on the smoking ruins of their city. They who possessed the smallest foresight, predicted our misfortunes, and imagined that they read on the walls of the Kremlin, those prophetic words which an invisible hand traced before Belshazzar, in the midst of his greatest prosperity : — * The fourth corps, when we set out from Glogau, consisted of about forty-eight thousand men, but when we left Moscow, there were only twenty thousand infantry, and two thousand cavalry. The fifteenth division, consisting of thirteen thousand men at the commence- Tnentof the campaign, was tbeu reduced to four thousand. 192 malO'JARoslavit:^. * God hath numbered this kingdom and finished ' it ; thou art weighed in the balance and found want- * ing J thy kingdom is divided, and given to other * hands** During the four days (17, 18, 19, and 20, Sep- tember) that we remained near Peterskoe,* Moscow did not cease to burn. In the meantime the rain fell in torrents; and the houses Hear the chateaUyhe- ing too few in number to contain the nu-nerous troops who were encamped there, it was almost im- possible to obtain shelter ; men, horses, and carria- ges, bivouacked in the middle of the fields. The staff-officers, placed around the chateau where their general's resided, were established in the English o-avdens, and quartered under grottos, Chinese pai- vilions, or green-houses, whilst the horses, tied under acacias, or linden-trees, were separated from each other by hedges or beds of flowers. This camp, truely picturesque, w^as rendered still more extraor- dinary by the new^ costume adopted by the soldiers; most of whom to shelter themselves from the incle- mency of the weather, had put on the same clothing which used to be seen at Moscow, and which formed llie most pleasing and amusing variety on the pub- lic walks of that city. Thus we saw, walking in our camp, soldiers dressed a la Tartare, a la cosaque, a fa Chinoise ; one wore the Polish cap, another the hio'h bonnet of the Persians, the Baskirs, or the Kal- * This imperial chateau, of which we have already spoken is but a ttuarter of a leasue from Mosgou% MALO-JAROSLAVITiZ* U93 iiiiouks. In short, our army presented the image of a carnival ; and from what followed, it was justly said that our retreat commenced with a masquerade, and ended with a funeral. Bui the abundance which the soldiers then en- joyed, made them forget their fatigues ; with the rain pouring on their heads, and their feet immersed in the mud, they consoled themselves with good cheer, and the advantages which they derived from traffic- ing in the phmder of Moscow. Although it was forbidden to go into the city, the soldiers, allured by the hope of gain, violated the order, and always re- turned loaded wiih provisions and merchandise. Un- der the pretence of going on marauding parties, they returned near the Kremlin, and dug amongst the ruins, where they discovered entire magazines^ whence they drew a profusion of articles of every description. Thus our camp no longer resembled an army, but a great fair, at which each soldier, me- tamorphosed into a merchant, sold the most valuable articles, at an inconsiderable price; and although encamped in the fields, and exposed to the incle- mency of the weather, he, by a singular contrast, ate oflf China plates, drank out of silver vases, and pos- sessed almost every elegant and expensive article which luxury could invent. The neighbourhood of Peterskoe, and its gar- dens, at length became as unhealthy as it was incon- venient, Napoleon returned to establish himself at 25 194 MALO-JAROSLAVlTiS. the Kremlin which had not been burnt, and the guards and staff-offirers received orders to re-enter the city (the 20th and 21st of September^) Accord- ing to the calculations of the engineers, the tenth part of the houses still remained. They were divi- ded between the diOTerent corps of the grand army. We possessed the faubourg of St. Petersburg, which we bad at our lirst entry into the city. On re-enter- ini^ the city, we expeiicnced the most heart-rending sensations, at perceiving that no vestig;e remained of those noble h()te!f= at which we had formerly been establi^^hed. They w'ere entirely demolished, and their ruins still smoking, were scattered in such con- fusion, that we could no longer distinguish even the outline of the streets. The stone palaces were the only buildino-s which preserved any traces of their former magnificence. Standing alone amidst piles of ruins, and blackened by smoke, this wreck of a city, so newly built, resembled some of the venera- ble remains of antiquity. Each one endeavoured to find quarters for him- self, but rarely could we mieet with houses which joined together ; and, to shelter some companies, we were obliged ^to occupy a vast tract of land, which only offered a few habitationsscattered here andthere. Some of the churches composed of less combustible materials than the other buildings, had their roofs entire, and were transformed into barracks and sta- bles. Thus the hymns and holy melodies, which kad once resounded within these sacred walls, now MALO-JAROSLAVITZ. 195 gave place to the neighing of horses, and the horri- ble blasphemies of tiie soldiers. Curious to know in what state I should find the house at which I had lodged, 1 long sought for it in vain, until a neighbouring church, which had sur- vived the general destruction, enabled me to ascer- tain it. I could scarcely believe that it was the same. Tlie interior was entirely consumed, and the four walls alone remained, which were full of chinks, owing to the fierceness of the fire. 1 was reflecting on the terrible effects of this destructive element, "when the unfortunate servants of thehouse made their appearance from the bottom oi a vault. Emaciated by famine and distress, I shou VJ doubtless have found their features much altered, if the ashes and smoke had not rendered them totally unknown to me. They resembled spectres more than hutnan beings. But what were my sensations when 1 recognized my former host amongst these miserable wretches. He was concealed under the rags which he had borrowed from his domestics. They now lived all together, for misfortune had equalized every conditcm ! On seeing me, he burst into tears, particularly when he presented to me his children, half naked and dying with hunger. Although his grief was silent, it made a deep impression on my heart. He told me by signs that the soldiers, after having plundered his dwelling while it was burning, had also robbed him of the very clothes which he wore. This. distressing picture touched me to the soul. I wished to aiievi- 19(» MALO-JAROSLAVITZ, ate his sufTerings, though I feared I had only barrel consolation to offer. The same man who a few days before had given me a splendid repast, accepted with gratitude a morsel of bread. Although the population of Moscow had entirely disappeared, there still remained many of those un- fortunate beings whom misery had accustomed to look on all occurrences with indifference. Most of them took shelter in cabins which they had them- selves constructed in the gardens or public walks, with planks half burnt, which they had collected from the ruins. There were also a ilumber of un- fortunate girls, and these alone derived any advan- tage from the plunder of Moscow. The soldiers eagerly associated with them, and when they were once introduced into our quarters, they soon became absolute mistresses of them, and squandered away all that the flames had spared. A small number, how- ever, really merited our regard by their education, and above all, by their misfortunes; for horrible to relate, famine and misery had compelled their mo- thers to come and offer them to us. This immora- lity, under such circutnstances, recoiled on those \tho bad not sufficient virtue to resist the temptation, and who regarded with an eye of passion the forms which hunger had emaciated, and disease had rendered dan- gerous and loathsome. Of all these victims, the most to be lamented, and the most worthy of pity, was the unfortunate Paulow-^ na, whose history I have already related, and who, deceived by an apparent generosity, had been weal^ MALO-JAROSLAVITZ. 19T cnoufijh to place unlimited confidence in the general who had received her. This man well knew how to deceive his innocent captive, by his assiduities and false pity ; and, by feigning sentiments which he never knew, and taking advantage of the iinpossibi- lity of discovering her parents or her lover, he per- 'suadedher that she would find in him a friend and a protector. On the faith of repeated promises, this innocent female, after having spent several days in unavailing tears, become a victim to the artifices of her ungenerous lover. Alas ! the general was alrea- dy married, and she, who had expected to become his wife, found herself only a dishonoured slave. There yet remained at Moscow a class of men, the most contemptible of all, since they escaped the punishment due to their former crimes by consenting to commit still greater : these were the galley-slaves. During the whole time of the conflagration at Mos- cow they signalized themselves by the audacity with which they executed the orders they had received, provided withphosphorus,they lighted the fire anew, wherever it appeared to be extinguished, and even crept by stealth into the houses which were inhabi- ted, to involve them in the general ruin. Several of these abject wretches were arrested with torches in their hands ; but their punishme t, too prompt and summary, produced little effect (24th September.) The people, who always detested their conquerors, regarded these executions merely as the eliiect of policy. In short these victiius were too ob- scure for the expiation of such a crime ; and, above 198 MALO-JAROSLAVITZ. all, their trial wanting publicity and legal form, threw no light on the cause of this dreadful calami- ty, and, could not justify us clearly in the estimation of the inhabitants. When we entered Moscow, the Russian troops fell back on the grand road of Wla(iimir ; but the greater part of their army having descended the Moskwa to go to Kolomna, took up their position along the river. It is said that tliis very army, fol- lowed by the whole population, in tears, passed, a few days after our arrival, under the walls of Mos- cow, while the city was still burning. The inarch of the troops was iliuminated by the light of the fire ; and the wind, blowing with violence, even carried into the ranks some of the ashes of their capital. IVotwithstanding such accumulated misfortunes, the troops observed the greatest order, and maintained a profound silence. Sut h resignation, at the sight of a spectacle so melancholy, gave to this march a so- lemn and religious air. When the main body of the Russian army had taken its different positions, the propriit^^rs of the country in the neighbouibood of Moscow, perceiv- ing that the disasters oftlie war had highly exaspe- rated the people against us, availed themselves of the popular feeling to excite a general insurrection against the common enemy. Many raised levies at their own expense, and put themselves at the head of their insurgent peasants. These forces, united to the Cossacks, intercepted our convoys on the great roads. But the principal aim of these uniitary preparations MALO-JAROSLAVITZ. 199 was to harass our forasjers, and above all, to deprive them of the resources v\hirh they were still able to procure from the neighbouiincr villasjes. In di5j;2;inii^ under the ruins of Moscow, the sol' diers often found inasjazines of su^ar, of wine, or of brandy. These discoveries, althouojh they would have been valuable in happiertimes, afforded no great relief to an army which had consumed all the grain of tlie country, and which would soon have neither bread nor meat to eat. Our cattle perished for want of forage, and, to procure others, it was each day necessary to engage in combats, always disadvantageous to us ; for, at so great a distance from our native country, the smal- lest loss was sensibly felt. Our real misery was disguised by an apparent abundance. We had neither bread not meat, yet our tables were covered with sweet meats, syrups, and dainties. Coffee, and all sorts of wines, served in china or crystal vases, convinced us that luxury might be nearly allied to poverty. The extent and the nature of our wants rendered money of little value to us, and this gave rise to an exchange rather than a sale of commodities. They who had cloth, offered it for wine ; and he who had a pelisse could procure plenty of sugar and coffee. Napoleon buoyed himself up with the ridiculous hope of reclaiming, by mild proclamations, those who, to free themselves from his yoke, had made their capital an immense funeral pile. In order to seduce them, and inspire them with confidence, he ^00 MALO-JAROSLAVITE. had divided the remains of the town into districfi^j appointed governors for each, and instituted magis-- trates, to render to the few citizens who still remain- ed, the justice which was their due. The consul- general Lesseps, appointed governor of Moscow, published a proclamation, to announce to tlie inhab- itants the paternal intentions of Napoleon. These kind :. Setting out at break of day, rarelv did our foragers return before night. These excursions, daily repeated, harassed our men, and destroyed our cavalry, particularly the artillery-horses ; and, to complete our wretchedness, the audacity of the cossacks redoubled in proportion as our weakness rendered us defenceless. g04 MAL»-JAROSLAVITZ. As a proof of it, they intercepted, in the very en^ virons of Moscow, a convoy of artillery, coming from Yiazma, and conducted by two majors. Napo- leon beleived that these officers were culpable, and instituted an enquiry respectino" their conduct. One of Ihem destroyed himself, more from the disg'race of having; lost his cannon, than the fear of being found guilty. To prevent similar losses, Broussier's division and the light cavalry, commanded by count Oinano, received orders to establish themselves in the environs of the chateau of Galitzin, situated be- tween Mojaisk and Moscow. These troops deliver- ed the neighbouring country from the cossacks, who always avoided meeting them. But the smallest spot unoccupied by our troops, was immediately taken possession of by these hordes of Tartars, who profit^ ed by the advantages which their knowledge of the country afforded them, to attempt the boldest enter- prises. They made another attack on a convoy of artil- lery, coming from Italy, under the orders of major V^ives. It was reported that the escort, having taken to iiiijht, surrendered to the cossacks, almost without opposition, the artilleiy which had been intrusted to it. The enemy carried off the field pieces and the horses, when count Ornano, informed of this attack, pur.^ued the cossacks, and overtook them in the mid- die of the woods. At the sight of our cavalry they fled, and abandoned all the fruits of their victoryj without resistance. Major Vives would have beeQ MAtO-JAROSLAVITZ. 20^ brought to trial ; but our departure, and the disas- ters which ensued, forced JN'apoleon to relax from his accustomed severity. While the fourteenth division guarded the road from Viazma, the thirteenth was on that of Twer. This last division occupied some excellent canton- ments, when we were informed that count Saltikof, the favourite of the emperor Alexander, and proprie- tor of the village of Marfino, in the neighbourhood of Dimitrow, had armed all his peasants, and that, having entered into combinalion with several other lords, he was forming in his chateau a grand scheme of insurrection. To prevent the consequences of so dangerous an example, orders were given to a bri- gade of the thirteenth division to repair to the cha- teau de Marfino. The general who commanded it made strict enquiries to convince himself that these meetings had really taken place. The result was un- satisfactory and fruitless ; nevertheless, obliged to conform tothe orders which he had received, he com- mitted to the flames a palace which had been justly celebrated as one of the finest in iiussia. -This pre- tended meetingcaused a suspicion that Napoleon had only wished to revenge himself on count Saltikof, to whom he was an enemy, because that nobleman had continued faithful to his sovereign. The various manoeuvres which the different corps of the army weie obliged to make, confirmed us in the opinion that we should not long be able to main- tain our position. Every thing presaged our ap- proaching departure, and suspicion was changed into 206 MALO-JAROSLATITZ. certainty on perceiving that the cavalry of the Italian guards quitted their good cantonments in the envi- rons of Dimitrow, to return to Moscow ; and pro- ceeded thence to occupy the position of Charopovo, (15th October,) a little village, situated on the road from Borovsk, about six leagues from Moscow. At the same time the viceroy ordered the thirteenth di- vision to return, the fourteenth to advance, and the cavalry of general Ornano to march towards Fomin- skoe, whither it appeared that the whole of the fourth corps was about to direct its course. The cossacks, informed of this movement, availed themselves of the opportunity, when the baggage of our light ca- valry was feebly escorted, to attack the convoy in the neighbourhood of Osigbovo ; but seeing gene- ral Broussier's division, they abandoned a part of their booty, and sheltered by the woods, escaped the pursuit of our soldiers. We waited with the utmost anxiety the return of the courier which had been despatched to Peters- berg. Persuaded that the answer would be favour- able, our army neglected the necessary precautions, and imagined itself in the most perfect security. The enemy, profiting by this indescretion, attacked on the 18th of October, the cavalry of the King of Na- ples, in the vicinity of Taroutina, and surprised a park of twenty-six pieces of cannon, which they caried off. This attack, made at the moment when the cavalry was foraging, was fatal to that division of the army, which had been already much reduced. The few who remained, still continued to face the enemy; and, sup- aiALO-JAROSLAVITZ. 207 ported by some Polish reo;imenl?, who were less fa- tiii!;ued than ours, succeeded in recovering the pieces which the enemy had captured. General Bagavvout, who commanded the fourth Russian corps, was kil- led in the action ; and general Bennigsen was wound- ed. We lost nearly two thousand men ; and we par- ticularly regretted the death of general Dery, aid-de- camp of the king of Naples, who had on every oc- casion given proof of the greatest courage, and the highest talents. The emperor was at the Kremlin, occupied in reviewing his troops, when he received this unex- pected news. He immediately became furious, and in the transports of his rage, exclaimed, that it was treacherous and infamous ; that they had attacked the king of Naples in contempt of all the laws of war, and that none but barbarians would have thus vio- lated a solemn convention. The parade was imme- diately dissolved, all hopes of peace vanished, and the order for our departure was given that very eve- ning. All the corps were to quit Moscow, and take the grand road to Kaluga. We then hoped that we should go to the Ukraine, to seek, under a milder sky, countries less savage and more fertile. But those who were best informed, assured us that our movement on Kaluga was only a false manceuvie, to conceal from the enemy our design of retreating on Smolensko and Witepsk. Those who did not witness the departure of the French army fiom Moscow, can form but a faint idea of what the. Greek and Roman armies were. 208 MALO-jAROSLAViTZ. when they abandoned the ruins of Troy or of Car- thage. But they who observed the appearance of our army at this moment, acknovvJedi^ed the accuracy of those interesting scenes which are so admirably de* scribed in the writings of Virgil and Livy. The long files of carriages, in three or four ranks, extend- ed for several leagues, loaded with the immense boo- ty which the soldiers had snatched from the flames ; and the Moscovite peasants, who were now become our servants resembled the slaves which the ancients drag2:ed in their train. Others carrying with them their wives and children, or the prostitutes whom they had found at Moscow, represented the warriors amongst whom the captives had been divided. Af- terwards came numerous waggons filled with tro- phies, among which were Turkish or Persian stand- ards, torn from the vaulted roofs of the palaces of the czars, and, last of all, the celebrated cross of Saint Iwan gloriously closed the rear of an army which, but for the imprudence of its chief, would have been enabled to boast that it had extended its conquests to the very limits of Europe, and astonished the people of Asia with the sound of the same cannon with which the pillars of Hercules had re-echoed. As we set out very late, we were obliged to en- camp at a miserable village, only one league from Moscow. The cavalry of the Italian guards, which still remained at Charopovo, marched on the follow- ing day (19th October) and joined us at Fatoutinka, not far from the chateau of Troitskoe, where Napo- leon had established his head-quarters. Nearly the MALO-JAROSLAVITZ. 209 whole army was re-united ert this point, with the ex- ception of the cavalry which was in advance, and the young guards who remained at Moscow to bring up the rear. We experienced much difficulty in procu- ring the means of subsistence, but we still continued to bivouat ; and the carriages which every officer brought with him furnished us with some provisions. On the following day, the cavalry of the royal guards were to have directed their course towards Charopovo, as well as the whole of the fourth corps; but at the moment when they were commencing their march, they were recalled, and the prince ordered these troops to pursue the same route which we had followed the preceding evening. We crossed the Pakra near Gorki. This beautiful village no longer existed but in name ; and the river, choaked up with the ruins of the houses which had been a prey to the flames, flowed in a black and muddy stream. Above was the beautiful chateau of Krasnoe, which had been entirely pillaged; but the elegance of thebuildingstili formed a striking contrast with the rustic hills on which it was built. Arrived on this point, we halted, and an hour afterwards left the high road to seek on our right a path which would conduct us to Fomins*- koe, where general Broussier and our cavalry had been for four or five days in view of the enemy. Our march by this unfrequented road was very tedious and painful, but it procured us the advantage of find- ing some villages, which, although they were desert- ed, had not been so completely plundered as those on 27 210 MALO-JAROSLAVITZ. the ^reaf road. We passed the night at Inatowo, wliere we discovered a chateau, situated on an emi- nence Which overlooked the country by which we had arrived. We afterwards continued our march, with an in- tention to rej^ain the road to Charopovo, which we at length reached, near the village of Bouikasovo. These geographical details, on which I dwell so much will not appear tedious, when it is recollected that they are absolutely necessary, in order to point out the difficulties which we liad to encounter in our ope- rations. Having only incorrect maps, and marching without guides, we could not even pronounce the names of the villages described on our charts ; but having at length discovered a peasant, we seized him and kept him fir two days, but he was so stu- pid that he only knew the name of his own village. This march was, however, very important for the emperor, who followed us with the main body of the army ; the prince, therefore, made me every day draw out a plan of the road, to send to the major-general. Having surmounted every obstacle, we regained the old road of Kaluga. In one hour afterwards we arrived at Fominskoe. Broussier's division was en- camped in the environs of this village, and the caval- ry placed in advance, were led on by the viceroy, who, without delay, proceeded to reconnoitre the height which the cossacks occupied; but at his ap^ pearance they immediately retired, leaving his high- ness at liberty to encamp peaceably on the ground for which we had expected to fight. MALO-JAROSLAVITZ. 211 According to the military report, the position of Fominskoe would have been advantageous for the Russians, if they had resolved to defend it. Through the middle of the village, overlooked by a hill, ran the river Nara, which, towards this point, owing to the contraction of the valley, formed a little lake sur- rounded by marshes. The whole army had to pass this defile, and to cross a single bridge. This, how- ever, was reserved for the carriages, and another con- structed for the infantry. In order to execute this operation, and to permit a part of the army to pass over before us, they al- lowed us a day of repose (22d October.) During this time, the Poles, commanded by prince Poniatowski^ marched on Vereia, where the Hetman PlatofF was with his cossacks. Napoleon soon followed us with bis accustomed suite, and in an instant the village was tilled with carriages, horses, and men. But ow- ing to the skilful precautions which had been adopt- ed, all this passed without confusion ; a circumstance which excited not a little astonishment, for the co- horts of Xerxes^ had not more baggage than we. The same day captain Evrard, who had been de- spatched to Charopovo, announced to us that he had heard a tremendous report in the direction of Mos- cow. We afterwards learned that it had been pro- duced by the blowing up of the Kremlin. The de- * An expression which Napoleon made use of in the bulletins of the campaign of ISOSj when speaking of the Austrian armies. 212 MALO-JAROSLAVITZ. struction of this noble citadel, and of the magnificent buildings which it contained, was accomplished by the young imperial guards, who, on quitting Mos- cow, were ordered to destroy every thing that the flames had spared. Thus perished this celebrated city, founded by the Tartars, and destroyed by the French ! Enriched with every gift of fortune, and situated in the centre of the continent, she experien- ced from the passions of an obscure and remote isl- ander the most lamentable of human vicissitudes. The historian will not fail to remark, that the same man who affected to sacrifice us to promote the pro^ gress of civilization, boasted in his own bulletins, that he had caused Russia to retrograde, at least a hundred years.^ A part of the army having crossed the Nara, the fourth corps followed them about five o'clock in the morning (23d October) and proceeded towards Bo- rovsk. The enemy appeared no more during this day's march. The cossacks had fled before us, doubts less to announce to the general-in-chief, that we had deceived his vigilance by leaving the new road to Kaluga through Taroutina, and taking the old one which passes by Borovsk. The enemy, informed of our march, immediate- ly abandoned his intrenched camp at Lectaskova, but left us in doubt whether he would take the road by Borovsk, or by Malo-Jaroslavitz. Napoleon oc- cupied the former city, situated on an eminence, * See the bulletins of the campaign in Russia. MALO-JAROSLAVITZ. 213 around which ran the Protva in a deep and inacces- sible channel. The viceroy, who had encamped half a league beyond Borovsk, in a little village on the ricrht of the road, ordered Delzon's division to march on Malo- Jaroslayitz, and occupy that position before the Rus- sians could seize on it. This general having found it without defence, took possession of it, with only two battalions, leaving the rest of his troops in the rear on the plain. We consequently iiriagined that this position was secure, when on tlie following morning (24th October) at day-break, we heard a heavy cannonade in our front. The viceroy, sus- pecting the cause of it, immediately mounted his horse, and, accompanied by his staff, galloped to- wards Malo-Jaroslavitz. On approaching this city, the noise of the cannon redoubled : we heard the sharp- shooters on both sides, and at last we distinctly per- ceived the Russian columns, who were advancing by the new road of Kaluga, to force the position which we occupied. On arriving below the heights of Malo-Jarosla- vilz,* general Delzons came towards us, and, ap- proaching the viceroy, said to him, ' Yesterday eve- ning, on my arrival, 1 took possession of this place, and no one then appeared to dispute it with me, but, about four o'clock in the morning, I was attacked by a large body of infantry. Immediately the two bat- talions flew to arms, but, overpowered by a much su- * See the plan of the field of battle of Malo-Jaroslavifz. -214 MALO-JAROSLAVITZ. perior force, they have been compelled to descend from the heights, and abandon Malo-Jaroslavitz.* The viceroy, feelinsj the importance of this loss, and wishinsj immediately to repair it, sjave orders to genetal Delzons to march, with his whole division. An obstinate engagement nowcommeticed, and fresh troops having arrived to the assistance of the Rus- sians, our soldiers, for a moment, gave way. Gene- ral Ueizons thinking they w^ere about to fly, rushed into the thickest of the battle, in order to reanimate them ; but, at the moment when he was defending with obstinacy the barriers of the city, the enemy's sharp-shooters, intrenched behind the wall of a ceme- tery, fired upon him, and a ball entering his forehead, be fell, and inniiediately expired. The viceroy, on being informed of this sad event, appeared to be much affected at the loss of a general so worthy his esteem : and after haviisg paid a just tribute to his me- mory, sent generai Guilleminot to replace him. He also ordered the fourteenth division to advance, and relieve those who had been so long engaged. Our soldiers now resumed the offensive, when several fresh coiumns of Russians coming from Lectaskova, forced Ihem to 1 el teal. We saw them descending the hill with precipitalion, and making towards the bridge, as if they wished to repass the river Louja, which ran at ttie foot of the eminence. But shoitly afterwards our brave men, rallied by colonel Foi es- tier, and seeing themselves supported by the chas- seurs and gienadiers of the royal guards, resumed their accustomed courage, and once more ascended MALO-JAROSLAVITZ. 215 the heisjhts. In the meantime, a great number of wounded who had abandoned the field of battle, and, above all, the difficulty with which we maintained ourselves in Malo-.Taroslavitz, convinced the viceroy of the necessity of sendini>' other troops against the continual reinforcements of the enemy. Pino's di- vision, which, durifigthe whole of the campaign, had sought for every opportunity of distinguishing itself, obeyed, with transport, the orders of the prince. They rapidly ascended the heights, with their bayonets fix- ed, and uttering shouts of joy, succeeded in estab- lishing themselves in all the positions whence the ene- my had driven us. This success, however, was dearly purchased. A great niuuber of brave Italians were the victims of their emulation of French valour ; nor was it without sincere regret thelt we heard of the death of general Levie, whom fate permitted to en- joy his new rank only eight days. We were equally afflicted, on beholding general Pino returning cover- ed with blood ; who, though he suffered much from the pain of his wound, felt still more sensibly the death of a brother who had fallen by his side. Du- ringthis time the enemy's cannon raged with fury, and his balls, carried destruction into the ranks of the roy- al light troops, placed in reserve, and even amongst the staff of his highness. It was at this moment that general Gifflenga, a man of great merit, and ex- traordinary courage, received a ball in his throat, which obliged him to quit the field of battle. The success of the day was decided, and we oc- cupied the town, and all the heights, when the fifth 216 MALO-JAROSLAVITZ. division of the first corps joined us, and took up their position on our left. The third division of the same corps arrived also after the battle, and occupied a wood on our rii^ht.* Until nine o'clock in the eve- ning, our batteries and foot soldiers did not cease their firing, at a very short distance from the enemy; but, at length, night and excessive weariness put an end to this sanguinary combat. It was, however, nearly ten o'clock before the viceroy and the staff were able to take the repose which was necessary, after so many fatigues. We encamped beneath Ma- lo-.laroslavitz, between the town and the river Louja; but the troops bivouacked through the whole extent of the positions which they liad so gloriously carried. The next day we were convinced that the obstina- cy with which the Russians had disputed our posses- sion of Malo-Jaroslavitz, was in consequence of their intention of effecting a movement on our right, in or- derto arrive at Viazma before us, well persuaded that our march on Kaluga was only a manc^uvre, with the design of concealing our retreat. About four o'clock in the morning, the viceroy mounted his horse. We ascended the eminence on which the battle had been fought, when we saw the plain covered with cossacks, whose light artillery was firing on our troops : we al- so observed on our left three grand redoubts. On the preceding evening each of them had mounted fifteen or twenty pieces of cannon, with which they defended the right flank of Kutusoff, supposing that * See Ihe field of battle of Ma!o-Jaroslavitz. MALO-JAROSLAVITZ. 217 We should have attempted to turn his position on that side. About ten o'clock the firing abated, and at twelve it entirely ceased. The interior of Malo-Jaroslavitz presented the most horrid spectacle. On entering the town, we beheld with grief the spot where general Delzons had perishedji and regretted that a premature death had terminated his glorious career. We did equal jus- tice to the memory of his brother, who received a mor- tal wound, while endeavouring io rescue him from the hands of the enemy. A little further on they showed us the place where general Fontane had been woimded ; and at the foot of the hill, we saw the grenadiers of the thii ty-tifth regiment of the line, who were bestowing funeral honours on their brave colonel. The town where we had fought no longer remain- ed. We could not even distinguish the lines of the streets, on account of the numerous dead bodies with which they were heaped. On every side we saw a multitude of scattered limbs, and human heads, crush* ed by the wheels of the artillery. The houses form- ed a pile of ruins, and under their burning ashes ap- peared many skeletons half consumed. Many of the sick and wounded had, on quitting the field of battle, taken refuge in these houses. The small num- ber of them who had escaped the flames, now pre- sented themselves before us, with their faces black- ened, and their clothes and hair dreadfully burnt. In the most piteous tone, they besought us to afford them some relief, or kindly to terminate their suffer- 28 21 S MALO-JAROSLAVITZ. ings by death. The most ferocious were affected at this sad spectacle, and, turning hastily away, could not refrain from shedding tears. This distressing scene made every one shudder at the evils to which despotism exposes humanity, and we altnost fancied that those barbarous times were returned, when we could only appease the gods, by offering human vic- tims on their sanguinary altars. Towards the afternoon, Napoleon, having arrived with a numerous suit, coolly surveyed the field of battle, and heard, without emotion, the heart-rending cries of the unhappy wounded, who eagerly demand- ed assistance. But this man although accustomed for twenty years to the calamities of war, could not^ on entering the town, repress his astonishment at the desperation with which both parties must have fought. Even had he intended to continue his march on Tula and Kaluga, the experience of this battle would have deterred him. On this occasion, even his insensibility was forced to render justice to those whom it was due. He gave a convincing proof of it by praising the valour of the fourth corps, and saying to the viceroy, ' The honour of this glorious day belongs entirely to you.' While we were disputing with the enemy the po^ sition of Malo-Jaroslavitz, more than six thousand cossacks unexpectedly rushed on the head-quarters of the emperor, established at Ghorodnia, and carried off six pieces of cannon, v.hich were posted not far from the village* The duke of Istria immediately galloped after them with all the cavalry of the guards. MALO-JAROSLAVITZ. 219 and succeeded in retaking the artillery. The cosr sacks, cut to pieces and dispersed, effected their re- treat ; but in their flight, one of their numerous de- tachments attacked the baggage of the fourth corps, and would have captured it, if the cavalry of the Italian guards had not received them with the same intrepidity as the imperial guards. The coolness of Joubert, who commanded the escort, was much praised in this affair. Seated in his carriage, he had the resolution not to stir from it, but drew his sword on the Cossacks, who surrounded him, and defended himself till he could obtain assistance. From the commencement of the campaign, the son of the Hetman Platoff, mounted on a superb white horse, from the Ukraine, was the faithful corn- pan* >n in arms of his brave father, and always at the head of the cossacks. He was often remarked by our advanced guards, on account of his courage and intrepidity. This fine young man was the idol of his father, and the hope of the warlike nation which ex- pected hereafter to obey him. But Destiny had pro- nounced his doom, and the fatal hour was at hand. In a desperate charge of cavalry, which took place near Vereia, between prince Poniatowski and the Hetman Platoff, the Poles and Russians, animated by a mu- tual hatred, fought with fury. Excited by the ardour of the combat, they gave no quarter, and on both sides fell numerous brave men, who had returned in gafety from former battles. Platoff, who saw his best soldiers falling around him, forgot his own danger, and with an anxious eye, looked round for his fa- 220 BIALO-JAROSLAVITZ. vouriie son. But the moment approached when this unfortunate father was destined to feel that life is sometimes almost insupportable. The unhappy youth had returned from the heat of the battle, and was preparing to renew the attack, when he received a mortal wound from a Hulan Pole. At this moment his father appeared, and flying to his assistance, threw himself upon him. On seeing his beloved parent the son heaved a deep sigh, and would have expressed, for the last time, his atfection and his duty ; but, as he attempted to speak, his strength failed him, and he breathed his last. In the meanljme, PlatofF, who could not restrain his tears, retired to his tent, to give vent to his feelings. In the first burst of agony he considered life a burden, and could no longer endure the light. The fo^^ow- ing morning, at day-break, the chiefs of the cossacks came to express their grief, and earnestly to request that they might be permitted to render funeral hon- ours to the son of their Hetman. Every one, on seeing this brave young man stretched on a bear-skin, knelt spontaneously, and respectfully kissed the hand of a youth, who, but for a premature death, would have equalled the greatest heroes, by his valour and by his virtues. After having, according to their ritual, of- fered fervent prayers for the repose of his soul, they removed him from the presence of his father, and carried him in solemn procession to a neighbouring eminence covered with cypress, where he was to be interred. MALO-JAROSLAVITZ. 223 The Cossacks, standing around, all arranged in or- der of battle, observed a religious silence, and bow- ed their heads in profound respect, while grief was painted in every countenance. At the moment when the earth was for ever to separate them from the son of ther prince, they fired a volley over the grave. Afterwards holding their horses in their hands, they slowly and solemly marched round the tomb, with their lances pointed towards the earth. BOOK VIL DOROGHOBOUI. The victory of Malo-Jaroslavitz discovered twe melancholy truths : first, that the Russians, far from being weakened, had been reinforced by numerous battalions, and that they all fought with an obstinacy which made us despair of gaining new victories, * But two battles more like this,' said the soldiers, * and Napoleon will be without an army.' It like- wise discovered that we could no longer effect an easy retreat, since the enemy, having at the close of the engagement outflanked us, prevented our columns fiom retiring by the route of Medouin, Jouknov, and EInia, and reduced us to the unhappy necessity of retreating precipitately by the great road of Smo- lensko, or in othei" words, by the desert which we ourselves had made. Besides these apprehensions, too well founded, we also knew that the Russians had despatched before us the army of Moldavia, on the very route which we were to pursue, and that the corps of Wittgenstein was advancing to join that army. After this sanguinary combat, those who judged only from appearances and popular report, supposed that we should march on Kaluga and Tula ; but when 224 uoEOGHOBOur. they saw that a strong- advanced guard of the enemy; instead of faking that direction, had outflanked our right by defiling on Medouin, all who were experi- enced in warlike manceuvres perceived that the Rus- sians had penetrated the designs of Napoleon, and that it was necessary for us to make a rapid march on Viazma, to arrive there before them. There was no longer any question of Kaluga or the Ukraine, but how to effect a safe retreat on the route of Borovsk* As soon as our retreat was decided, the fourth corps began its retrograde march, leaving all the first corps, and the cavalry of general Chastel, at Jarosla- vitz. These troops were to form the rear-guard, at the distance of a day's march from us. (October 26th.) We saw on our route to what the unfortunate and memorable victory of Malo-Ja- roslavitz had reduced us. At every step were wag- gons abandoned for want of horses to draw them, and the fragments of innumerable military carriages burned for the same reason. With such misfortunes at the very commencement of our retreat, we form- ed sad and mournful presages of the future. Those who carried with them the spoils of Moscow, trem- bled for their riches. W^e were principally disquiet-^ ed at seeing the deplorable state of the feeble re- mains of our cavalry, and we listened with melancho- ly foreboding to the frequent explosions of our am- munition- waggons, which sounded from afar like distant thunder. It was night when we arrived at Ouvarooskoe, Surprised at seeing the place in flames, we were in DOROGHOBOUIv 225*^ fbrmed that orders had been issued to destroy every thing; in our route. Near this village was a chateau, which, although in the centre of a wood, possessed a grandeur and magnificence equal to the noblest pala- ces of Italy. The richness of the furniture corre- sponded with the beauty of the architecture. We saw there many exquisite paintings, chandeliers of the greatest value, and numerous lustres of rock- crystal, which gave to these apartments, when light- ed up, an appearance truly enchanting. Even these were not spared ; and we learned on the morrow, that our artillery-men, finding the progress of the flames too slow, had hastened and completed the destruc- tion, by placing several barrels, filled with gunpow- der, on the ground floor. The villages, which a few days before had afford- ed us shelter, were now le.vel with the ground. Un- der their ashes, yet warm, and which the wind drove towards us, were the bodies of hundreds of soldiers and peasants. Many an infant was to be seen cruelly butchered, and many a female savagely massacred on the spot which had witnessed her violation. We left the village of Borovsk, which had been equally a prey to the flames, on our right, to reascend the Protva, and find a ford for our artillery. Having discovered one, half a league from the village, it would have been altempted by all our corps, but many of the waggons, sticking fast in the middle of the river, so much encumbered the only ?pot at which a passage there was practicable, that it was necessa- ry to search for another ford. On reconnoitring the 29 226 UOROGHOBOtJI. brids^e of Borovsk, i found that it still remained, and that it offered £;reat facility for carrying over the ha^s^a^e. Immediately the prince caused the third division to fall back, and thus, by means of the bridge, opened to our corps a better and a shorter route. The only danger which we had to fear, was the passage of the waa:gons laden with ammunition, through a town completely in flames. The fourth corps filed across this vast conflagration without a single accident, and after having passed through many frightful defiles, the night found us at the execrable village of Alfereva (Oct. 27th,) where the generals of division with difficulty found a barn to shelter them. That of the viceroy was so ruin- ous, that we pitied those who were destined to inhab- it it. In addition to all these evils, the want of pro- vision aggravated our sufferings. That which w^e had brought from Moscow^ was almost consumed, and every one, covetous of the little that remained to him, retired to eat in secret the morsel of bread which his industry had procured. Our horses fared yet worse. A little thatch torn from the roofs of the houses, was their only food. Many of them died of fatigue and hunger, obliging the artillery to abandon all that was not absolutely necessary ; and every day redoubled, in a frightful manner, the explosions of the waggons, which were blown up and destroyed. (October 28th.) On the following day we recrossed the Protva a little below Vereia. This town v^as burning at the moment of our passage ; and the devouring DOROGHOBOIII. 227 flames risin;^ in whirlwinds on every side, soon re- duced i1 to ashes. Vereia was the more unfortu- nate, since, lyinsj at a distance from the great road, she had flattered herself that she might escape the calamities by which she was surrounded. In truths with the exception of the engagement between the Russians and the Poles, she had hitherto experienced little of the horrors of war. Her fields had not been ravaged, and her well-cultivated gardens were now covered with vegetables of every kind, which our famished soldiers devoured in an instant. At night we slept at a wretched village, of which we could not learn the name. We supposed that it was Miti'aeva, because we were only a league from (iho- rodok-Borisov. This place was yet more miserable than the hamlet at which we had halted the night before- The greater part of the officers passed the night in the open air, which was the more unpleas- ant, as the nights began to be extremely cold, and little wood could be procured. Even the huts which the generals had hastily erected, were demo, lished by the soldiers to supply a few scanty fires . and many who went to sleep in comfortable cabins on waking in the middle of the night, found that the sky was their only covering. Napoleon who preceded us one day's march, had already passed Mojaisk, burning and destroying every thing which he found on his route. His sol- diers were so intent on this devastation, that they set fire even to the places where we should have halted. This exposed us to great and unnecessary suffering i >228 DOROGHOBOUI. but our corps, in its turn, burned the few houses that the others had left, and deprived the army of the prince of Eckmuhl, which formed the rear-guard, of all power to shelter itself from the inclemency of the night. That corps had likewise to contend with an exasperated enemy, which, learning our retreat^ hastened on every side to avenge itself. The cannon which we heard every day, and at distances continu- ally diminishing, sufficiently announced to us the fatigues, the sufferings, and the dangers, of that divi- sion of the army. At length, having passed through Ghorodok-Bo- risov (October 29th,) in the midst of almost impe- netrable clouds of smoke, we entered, an hour after- wards, on a plain which appeared to have been long since devastated. We saw at a distance the dead bodies of men and horses: but the numerous intrench- ments, half destroyed, the aspect of the ruined town recalled to our memories the environs of Mojaisk, through V, hich we had passed as conquerors, fifty-one days before. The Poles encamped upon the ruins, and at their departure burnt the few houses which had escaped the first conflagration ; but the destruc- tion had been already so complete that we could scarcely see the light of the flames. The only thing which struck us was the newly erected tower, rising amid the ruins, and, by its whiteness, forming a mel- ancholy contrast with the black clouds which enve- loped it. It remained entire, and the clock yet tol- led the hours, though the city was no more. DOROGHOBOUI. 229 Our corps did not pass through Mqjalsk, but, turning to the left, we arrived (October 29th,) at the site of the village of Krasnoe where we had slept at the day after the battle of the Moskwa : I say the site of the village, for the houses existed no longer, and the chateau alone had been preserved for the use of Napoleon. We encamped round the chateau, and, as long as I live, I shall recollect how pierced with the cold, we crowded together, and slept with com- fort on the yet warm ashes of the houses that had been burned the day before. (October 30th.) The nearer we approached to Mojaisk, the more desolate the country appeared. The fields, trampled down by thousands of horses, seemed as though they had never been cultivated. The forests, cleared by the long continuance of the troops, partook likewise of the general desolation. But most horrible was the multitude of dead bodies, which, deprived of burial fifty-two days scarcely retained the human form. On arriving at Borodino, my consternation was inexpressible, at finding the twenty thousand men, who had perished there, yet lying exposed. The whole plain was entirely cover- ed with them. None of the bodies were more than half buried. In one place were to be seen garments yet red with blood, and bones gnawed by dogs and birds of prey ; in another were broken arms, drums, helmets, and swords. Fragments of standards lay scattered thick around, and, from the emblems with which they were adorned, it was easy to judge how 235 DOROGHOBOUI. much the Russian eagle had suffered on that bloody day. On one side we saw the remains of the cottage at which Kutusoff had encamped ; and more to the left the famous redoubt. It yet frowned threatenin2;ly over the plain. It elevaled itself like a pyramid in the midst of a desert. When I mused on what it had been, and what it then was, I thouajht that I saw Vesuvius in repose. Perceivins^ a soldier on the summit, at the remote distance his immoveable fig- ure had the effect of a statue. * Ah !' I exclaimed, * if ever a statue is '^onsecrated to the demon of war it should be placed on this pedestal.' As we traversed the field of battle, we heard, at a distance, a feeble voice appealing to us for succour. Touched by his plaintive cries, some soldiers, ap- proached the spot, and, to their astonishment, saw, stretched on the ground, a French soldier with both his legs fractured. * I was wounded,' said he, 'on the day of the great battle. I fainted from the agony which I endured, and, on recovering my senses, I found myself in a desolate place, where no one could hear my cries, or afford me relief. For two months, 1 daily dragged myself to the brink of a rivulet, where I fed on the grass and roots, and some morsels of bread, which I found among the dead bodies. At night I laid myself down underthe shelter of some dead horses. To day, seeing yon at a distance, I summoned all my strength, and happily crawled sufficiently near your route to make myself heard.' While the surrounding soiaiers were ex- DOROGHOBOUI, 231 pressing; their surprise, the general, who was inform- ed of an orrurrence so sinsjular and so touchingj placed the unfortunate wretch in his own carriage. My history would far exceed the bounds pre* scribed, were I to recount all the calamities which that atrocious war produced. [ will relate one circum- stance alone, from which my readers may judge of the rest. Three thousand prisoners were brought from Moscow. Having nothing to give them during their march, they were at night driven into a narrow fold like so many beasts. Without fire, and without food, they lay on the bare ice, and to assuage the hunger which tortured them, those who had not the couras:e to die, nightly fed on the flesh of their com- panions, whom fatigue, misery, and famine had de* stroyed. But I turn from a picture so shocking, and pur^ sue the course of my narrative. I shall soon have horrors enough to describe, which fell to the lot of my friends and my companions in arms. We repassed the Kologha, with as much precipi- tation as we had foruierly crossed it under the aus- pices of victory. The steps which conducted to the river were so steep, and the frozen earth so slippery, that men and horses continually fell over each other. Happy would it have been for us, if the passage of other rivers, so often multiplied upon us, had not been even more dangerous than this. We saw again the abbey of Kolotskoi. Despoil- ed of its former splendour, and surrounded by ruins, it resembled more an hospital than a convent. It was 232 BOROGHOBOUf. the only house which had been spared since our re- treat from Moscow. It was given to the sick and wounded, who wished to breathe their last in ite peaceful asylum. The fourth division, forming always the advance- ed-guard, halted at a miserable village, situated half a league to the right of the road, between the abbey ofKolotskoi, and Prokofevo. Of all the places of re- pose at which we had hitherto stopped, this was the most intolerable. Nothing remained but some wretched sheds, and the thatch had been torn from the roofs to give to the half-famished horses. Here, however, the prince and his staff were constrained to pass the night. On the morrow (October 31st.) we commenced our march at an early hour, and being arrived at the heights of Prokofevo, we heard the sound of cannon so near us, that the viceroy, fearing the prince of Eckmuhl was pushed by the enemy, halted on one of the heights, and drew up his troops in order of battle to succour him. For some days, many persons had complained of the slowness with which the first divi- sion marched. They had blamed the system of re- treat by echelons, adopted by the commander-in-chief, saying that it had lost three day's march, and thus had enabled the advanced-guard of Milorado witch easily to overtake us. Finally, they alleged that he ought to pass rapidly over a country which did not afford the means of subsistence. He might have replied in hig own justification, that too rapid a retreat would have redoubled the audacity of the enemy, who, strong DOROGHOBOUI. 233 In light cavalrj, could at all timeis overtake us, and cut in pieces our rear-guard, if it had refused the combat. He could have added this maxim of war> —The more precipitate a retreat, the more fatal it becomes, because the fear which it occasions in the minds of the soldiers, is more to be dreaded than any physical evils. The viceroy had made these dispositions on the heights of Prokofe vo, to succour the prince of Eck- muhl, but soon understanding that that marshal was only harassed by the cossacks, he continued his march towards Ghiatz, always taking care that his divisions marched in the greatest order, and halting, whenever it was possible that the prince of Eckmuhl could want his support. It is impossible to give too much praise to prince Eugene, for his conduct in these critical circumstances. He was always the last of his column, and he now bivouacked a leao^ue on this side Ghiatz, that he might be ready the more promptly to repel the attack of the enemy. The night which the prince and his staff passed here was the severest to which they had been expos- ed. They halted on a little hill, noar the place where formerly stood the village of Ivachkova. Not one house lemained ; the whole hamlet had been lonsc since destroyed. To complete their sufferings, a vio- lent and piercing wind arose. Not a tree afforded them shelter, and nature, in depriving that situation of wood, had refused tlie only resource which could mitigate the severity of the climate of Russia, 30 234 BOROGHOBOUl. Although our own sufferings were thus gfeaf^ we were not insensible to those which our enemies endur- ed. On approaching Ghiatz in the morning, we felt the sincerest regret when we perceived that the whole town had disappeared. We should have searched for it in vain, had it not been for the ruins of a few houses of stone, which showed that this had once been a place of human habitation, and that we were not wander- ing amid the remains of a forest consumed by fire. Never were cruelty and revenge pushed so far. Ghi- atz, constructed entirely of Avood, disappeared in a day, and left its former inhabitants, and even its ene- mies, to regret the fall of its industry, and the des- truction of its prosperity. It was the most commer- eial and flourishing town in Russia. It contained many excellent manufactories of cloth and leather, and furnished the Russian navy w^ith considerable quantities of tar, cordage, and marine stores. The weather, which was piercingly cold in the night, was beautiful during the day ; and the troops, though almost worn out by their suflferings, and ex- posed to privations of every kind, were full of cour- age, and eager to meet the enemy. All seemed to feel that their only safety consisted in manfully strug- gling with the difficulties by which they were sur- rounded. They had, for many days, been reduced to subsist on horse-flesh; even the generals had begun to share the same food. The mortality of these ani- mals was then regarded as a fortunate circumstance ; and without this resource, the soldier would have DOROGHOBOUI. 235 much more severely experienced the horrors of fa- mine. (November 1st.) The cossacks, whose approach we had dreaded, no longer delayed to realize our fears, Hitherto, while they had not been seen, the soldier marched with his accustomed confidence, and the baggacre- waggons feebly escorted, w^ere so numerous, that they formed many distinct convoys, at conside- rable distances from each other. Near the ruined vil- lage of Czarevo-Saimiche was a causeway, about five hundred feet long, where the great road formerly passed. The passage of the artillery had so worn it, that it was no longer practicable, and to continue the route, it was necessary to descend into a marshy mea- dow, cut by a large river. The waggons, which went first, easily passed over the ice ; but this, at length, being broken by the multitude which thronged over, it became necessary, either to expose themselves to the greatest danger in attempting to ford the river, or to wait whilst some wretched bridges were construct- ed in haste. In the meantime, the head of the co- lumn being thus arrested, fresh carriages continually arrived. Artillery, baggage-waggons, and sutlers' carts, all crowded one on another, and the drivers, ac- cording to their custom, profited by the momentary delay to light their fires, and to chafe their limbs be- numbed with cold. While all was in this imagined se- curity and complete confusion, on a sudden, the cos- sacks, uttering the most frightful cries, rushed from a thick wood on our left, and precipated themselves ©n these poor wretches. All were panic struck at 236 teOROGHOBOUl. their sight, and ahuost ynconscious of what they did. Some ran to the woods ; others fled to their carriages, and, lashing their feeble horses, galloped in confu- sion over the plain. These were most to be pitied. The rivulets, the marshes, the slipperiness, or the breaking of the ice, soon arrested their progress and left them an easy prey to their pursuers. They were most fortunate who, taking advantage of the nume- rous carriages, intrenched themselves behind them, and awaited that deliverance which was not slow in arriving ; for as soon as the cossacks perceived the infantry advancing upon them, they retreated, after having wounded a few of the drivers, and pillaged some of the ammunition waggons. The soldiers, to v»'hom the care of escorting or conducting the baggage was entrusted,, profited by the disorder which the presence of the cossacks ex- cited to pillage and destroy what they had sworn to defend. From that time dishonesty and theft spread themselves so rapidly and so universally through the arEuy, that we were scarcely more secure amongst our own soldiers, than we should have been in the liiidst of the enemy. Whatever the soldiers took a fancy to, they availed themselves of some opportuni- ty to purloin ; and encouraged by the impunity with which they set all discipline at defiance, they procu- red more frequent opportunities to pillage, by indus- iriously spreading false alarms. The royal guard was clearing the defile of Cza- revo-Seimiche when the baggage was attacked. It fuimediately received orders to halt, and while it rest- DOROGHOBOUI. 237 «d on its arms, we saw the cossacks on our left, not two Imndred pacesfrom us, reconnoitring our situa- tion. It was even said, that profiting by the inter- vals which subsisted between some of our divisions, they frequently crossed our route. But their brava- does, exercised with success on the followers of our camp, had no effect when attempted against the regu- lar troops. When the royal guard saw the cossacks thus hovering on their flanks, they no longer continu- ed their march, but halted by a wood not far from Velitschevo. The other divisions, encamped near the viceroy, who remained constantly in the rear, since the Russians appeared so determined to harass our retreat. (November 2d.) On the morrow, three hours before day, we abandoned this position. Our noc- turnal march was truly terrifying. The night was fearfully dark, and, afraid of running one against another, we were compelled to grope along our way with a slowness which ffave us full leisure to indulge in the most melancholy reflections. In spite of our precaution, we often fell into the ditches on each side of the road, and were precipitated into the deep ra- vines by which it was intersected. At length our impatience for the dawn became insupportable. We hoped that its cheering light would render our march less painful, and would protect us from the ambushes of an enemy, whose accurate knowledge of the coun- try gave it a fatal advantage in all its manoeuvres. We were assured, indeed, that we should soon be attacked. Those who were acquainted with the 236 DOROOHOBOUt. country, feared the position of Viazma, because they knew that, near that city, the road from Medouin, which part of the Russian army had taken after the battle of Malo-Jaroslavitz, and which was shorter than ours, joined the great road. They also regard- ed the Cossacks, who had appeared on the preceding evening, as the advanced-guard of the numerous ca- valry of PlatofF, and the two divisions of general Miloradowitch, which would suddenly burst upou us near Viazma. Our pioneers, and the equipage of the viceroy, were only a league from that city, and nothing yet betokened the presence of the enemy. In the mean- time, that prince being in the rear-guard with the first corps, and perceiving that the distance between the two extremities of his column hazarded the safe- ty of the army, ordered the troops which were in ad- vance to halt. In that interval, colonel Labedoyere, aid-de-camp to his highness, arrived from Viazma. On hearing the dangers to which that officer had been exposed, we doubted not that on the morrow we should be compelled to force our way with the point of the bayonet. The viceroy halted at Foedorovskoe, although he was expected at Viazma. The divisions of the army encamped around him. At his right, facing the enemy, were the Poles, a little in front of the first corps, which, though it was the rear guard, yet having been sharply pressed, was but a short dis- tance from us. Prince Eugene had indeed slacken- ed his march to form a junction with them. iJOROGHOBOUI. 239 KoTeniber 3d.) Our divisions were on tlie march at six o'clock on the following morning. As we ap- proached Viazma, and our baggage was already in that city, the cossacks showed that they were indeed near us, by commencing a sudden and violent attack. The waggons however drew up round a little church, until the arrival of our troops put the enemy to flight* But when these troops attempted to continue their march, the first brigade of the thirteenth division, commanded by general Nagle, which formed the rear-guard of our part of the army, was attacked on its left flank, a league and a half from Viazma. Nu- merous squadrons of Russian horse issued from the very road which we had dreaded, and threw them- selves into the space which separated the fourth corps from the first. The viceroy perceiving the danger of his situation, suddenly halted his divisions, and recalled his artillery, that the well directed fire of the batteries might check an enemy, all v;?h6se manoeu- vres tended effectually to cut off our retreat by pos- sessing themselves of Viazma. While these divisions executed divers evolutions to frustrate the plans of the Russians, they were fol- lowed by the first corps, and we remarked, with regret that these troops, worn out, no doubt, by un- heard-of sufferings, and incessant combat, had lost that due subordination, and undaunted courage, which we had so often admired. The soldiers were regardless of discipline, and most of them being wounded, or sinking under f^Uigue, increased the crowd of mere camp-followers. 240 DOROGHOBOUI. The fourth corps was thus left for a considerable time, to sustain alone, not only the charge of a nu-* nierous cavalry, but also the reiterated attacks of a body of Russian infantry, consisting of more than twelve thousand men. The first corps, however, having filed olT behind us, to the right of the road, at length took a position on the left of the same road, between Viazma and the point of attack, and thus re- lieved the troops of the fourth corps, which the vice- roy had caused to advance, at the beginning of the action. These were now enabled to occupy some advantageous positions, which they found at the right of the road, and thus, conjointly with the first corps, were ready to receive the attack, which the Russians again threatened. Our fourteenth division, w hich had been in front of the thirteenth, suffered that division now to pass it, and relieved it by becoming the rear-guard. The fifteenth which had followed the fourteenth, remain- ed with the royal guard, near Viazma, as a reserve. The order of battle being thus arranged, the enemy's infantry advanced, and the engagement commenced with considerable warmth, but with a decided supe- riority in artillery on the part of the Russians. The miserable state of our horses would not permit us to manoeuvre our pieces with much celerity. It was in this engagement that colonel Banco, aid-de-camp to the viceroy, and commandant of the second regiment of Italian horse-chasseurs, had his head carried off by a cannon-balL DCyROGHOBOUf. 241 Our troops, notwilhstanding their inferiority, maintained their positions long enough for the bag- gage to pass through Viazma, in the greatest order. A party of the enemy's cavahy then attempted to breakthrough our two wings. That which, during our retreat, had advanced on our right, was repulsed by a body of infantry furnished with cannon. The other, on our left, was equally repulsed by the Bava- rian horse, which were opposed to it, and by some battalions of sharp-shooters concealed in the bushes^, with which the field of battle was covered. This manoeuvre of the Russians, however, spread the greatest consternation among those whom either disease of body or want of courage had caused to quit their ranks, and to mingle with the followers of the camp. This description of persons was, unhap- pily, very numerous, principally among the cavalry which was almost entirely dismounted. They were> in truth, become more than useless to us. In the perilous situation in which we then found ourselves, they constituted our greatest danger. They not only impeded all our manoeuvres, but they spread alarms and disorder on all sides, by flying with precipitation before an enemy with which their cowardice would not permit them to fight. The cossacks, likewise, seeing this feeble and unarmed multitude flying be- fore them, acquired fresh courage, and attacked us with redoubled ardour, believing that these columns of fugitives were the only troops wiU which the^ had to contend, 31 242 DOROGHOBOUi; Although we repulsed every atf a*^k, our situation was becoming exreedingl}' critical, until, happily, the grand ravine, situated at the left of our route, and above all, the excellent position which the duke of Elchingen occupied, arrested theprogress of the Rus- sians. That marshal, being left the day before in a position near Viazma to await the passage of the first corps, and to take its place as rear-guard, had the gloiy of extricating us from the greatest danger, to which we had hitherto been exposed. During the whole action he assisted in person, and he continued to mrrch with the viceroy and the prince of Eck- muhl, that he might confer with them on the meas- ures which it was necessary to adopt. It was nearly four hours after mid-day, when our felivision passed through Viazma. Leaving the city, we saw the third division encamped on a little hill on our left. We owed much gratitude to that corps for having so well defended that important situation. The bravery with which those troops maintained their ground, rendered the fierce and reiterated attacks of an enemy, superior in numbers, completely ineffectu- al, and contributed much to save the first and fourti^ corps from absolute destruction. That last division was thus enabled to accomplish its retreat behind the river of Viazma, where the prince endeavoured to repair the disasters of this battle so unfortunate, and sustained under circumstances in which the most skilful combinations coidd scarcely promise a favourable issue. DOROGHOBOUI. ' 243 Traversing the foiest at the foot of the hill of Vi- azma. we overtook a ron?oy of the sick and wound- ed, which had left Moscow before us. These unfor- tunate beings, after having been many days deprived of nnedical assistance, and ahnost of food, encamped in this forest, which served them for an hospital and a grave. The horses had perished of fatigue and hunger, and their guards had forsaken these unhap- py wretches, and abandoned them to their fate. We encamped near them, and, at the approach of nighty, kindled an enomous fire, at the back of a little hill covered with brushwood. The royal guard was round the tent of the prince, the thirteenth and four^ teenth divisions were placed on our flanks, while the fifteenth division, though considerably weakened, formed our rear-guard. From this position the whole horizon appeared on fire. It was occasioned by the destruction of those houses at Viazma, which had escaped the first confla- gration. The third corps, which always preserved its position to protect our retreat, althou2:h it was separated from the Russians by a river, and by deep ravines, seemed to be frequently attacked. Often in the silence of the night, we were startled by the re- port of cannon, which, passing over the thick forests, sounded in a peculiarly mournful and horrible man- ner. This unexpected sound repeated by the echoes of the valley, was lengthened into dismal reverbera- tions ; and often, when our harassed powers were sinking into calm and refreshing repose, suddenly roused us, while we hastily and fearfully ran to arrrigs 244 J30ROGHOBOU1. expecting that the enemy, which we knew to be at hand, was advancing to surprise us. -(November 4th.) At one o'clock in the morning the viceroy deemed it prudent, to profit by the obscu- rity of the night, to eflfect his retreat, and gain some hour's march on the Russians with whom he could not fight, since famine would not permit us to re- main one unnecessary day in a country completely depopulated and laid waste. We marched along the great road, groping our way in the dark. The route was entirely covered with the fragments of carriages and artillery. Men and horses, worn out with fa- tigue, could scarcely drag themselves along, and, as soon as the last fell exhausted, the soldiers eagerly divided the carcass among them, and hastened to broil on the coals that food, which during many days, had constituted their only nourishment. Suffering yet more from the cold than from hunger, they aban- doned their ranks, to warm themselves by a fire has- tily kindled ; but, when they would rise to depart^ their frost-bitten limbs refused their office, a partial iusensibiiity crept over them, and they preferred to fall into the hands of the enemy, rather than make a feeble effort to continue their journey. Day had broken some time when we arrived at the village of Polianovo, near which ran the little river Osma. The bridge was very narrow and bad. The crowd which had to pass it was immense. As every one eagerly rushed on to clear this narrow de- file, the viceroy was compelled to order the officers pf bis staff to interpose their authority, and to maior DOROGHOBOUi. 245 tain some little order in so dangerous a place. He even condescended to stay himself, and to use every necessary precaution to facilitate the passage of the artillery, in the midst of a crowd of carriages which pressed on towards the bridge. Beneath the town of Semlevo ran another branch of the river Osma, more considerable than the first. The march of the troops was not, however, delayed. They profited by a bridge both large and solid, to extricate themselves from a situation, from which the enemy might have derived the greatest advantages, jjad they been able to gain possession of it. Sem- levo, built on a steep hill, commands the road by which we arrived. At its foot is the Osma, which, almost surrounding it, w^ould have rendered it im- possible for us to have forced that position. Towards the close of the day, we found shelter for the prince, in a little chapel situated near this riv- er, which making a considerable circuit to the right from Semlevo, returns again, and passes the road, at the spot at which we now were. We had scarcely established ourselves round the chapel, when the camp-followers, having gone to forage, were attacked jay the cossacks, and fled back with precipitation. Some had lost their horses, others their clothes, and many were covered with wounds from the sabre and the lance. It was necessary then to think of retreat- ing, and while the baggage of the viceroy evacuated the position, we saw the troops of the enemy advan- cing to the banks of that branch of the Osma, which yve were about to pass. In these circumstances, we 246 llOROGHOBOUI. were convinced how necessary it was in a retreat to secure well the passage of every river. This, though small, was scarcely fordable, and had no bridge. To cross it, men, horses, and waggons, precipitated themselves into the water. Our situation was the more deplorable, as the Russians, profiting by our distress, began to harass the rear of the column, and to spread consternation among the immense crowd, which, remaining on the other side, saw itself com- pelled to cross a deep and half frozen river, whose banks were extremely boggy. During this time we heard the balls of the enemy whistling over our heads, and threatening every moment to destroy us. With this exception the passage of the river presented no- thing unfortunate. Night approached, and the cos- sacks discontinued their attacks. Our loss merely consisted of a few carriages, which we were compel- led to leave in the middle of the water. This obstacle being surmounted, we entered on a forest, at the extremity of which, towards the left, was a chateau^ long ago pillaged. We established ourselves there for the night, near the village of Rouibki. We had only horse flesh to eat, excef)t a little flour that had been brought from Moscow, which remained in one of the waggons. A very small quantity of this was given to each officer to make his honiUie. It was carefully measured out to every one with a spoon. As for our horses, we were well con- tent if we could give them the straw, which in our former passage iwd served them for litter. DOROGHOBOIJI. 247 (November 51b.) Early in the morning we pur- sued our retreat, and, without any fatal rencontre with the enemy, arrived at a large village, of which some houses had been spared. We particularly re- marked a large house built of stone, and we desig- nated that village by the name of the Stone-House.* We could rarely ascertain the names of the placee through which we passed, and we described them in our journals by something characteristic, whether it referred to their situation, or form, or any peculiar hardships which we there endured. One was called the Hurrah, from the dreadful cry of the cossacks- Another, * That near which we were beaten.* We spoke not of those at which we had suffered from hunger, for that was common to every village through which we passed. Hitherto we had endured our misfortunes with calmness and resignation, buoyed up by the flattering hope that they would soon cease. When we depart- ed from Moscow, we had regarded Smolensko as the limit of our retreat. There we trusted that we should rejoin the divisions left on the Nieper and the Dwina, and, taking these two rivers as the boundary of our territories, should have the beautiful country of Lithuania for our^ winter quarters. We likewise pleased ourselves with the thought, that Smolensko abounded in provisions of every kind ; and that, to relieve us from the labours under which we were ra- ^ This village appears, from the map, to have been Jolkou Postoi's i>oor. 243 COROGHOBOUi. pidi J sinkino", we should find the ninth division, com^ posed of twenty-five thousand fresh troops. This city was therefore the object of our fondest wishes^ and our most pleasing dreams. Every one was anx- ious to arrive thither, persuaded that within its walls the dreadful calamities which now environed us would for ever cease. The name of Smolensko passed from mouth to mouth, and each pronounced it with confi- dence to those who were sinliing under their suffer- ings, as their truest, their only consolation. There was magic in the name. It carried with it a happy oblivion of all our past miseries, and inspired us with courage to support the fatigues which we were yet to encounter. (November 6th.) We marched towards Smolen- sko, with an ardour which redoubled our strength j and approaching Doroghoboui", distant from that city only twenty leagues, the thought that in three days we should reach the end of all our misfortunes, filled us with the most intoxicating joy ; when sud- denly the atmosphere, which had hitherto been so brilliant, was clouded by cold and dense vapours. The sun, enveloped by the thickest mists, disappear- ed from our sight, and the snow falling in large flakes, in an instant obscured the day, and confound- ed the earth with the sky. The wind, furiously blow- ing, howled dreadfully through the forests, and over- whelmed the firs, already bent down with the ice ; while the country around, as far as the eye could reach, presented, unbroken, one white and savage Tippearance. DOROGHOBOUI, 249 The soldiers, vainJy struggling with the snow and the wind, which rushed upon them with the violence of a whirlwind, could no longer distinguish the road ; and falling into the ditches which bordered it, there found a grave. Others pressed on towards the end of their journey, scarcely able to drag themselves along, badly mounted, badly clothed, with nothing to eat, nothing to drink, sjiivering with the cold, and groaning with pain. Becoming selfish through de- spair, they afforded neither succour, nor even one glance of pity, to those Avho, exhausted by fatigue and disease, expired around them. How many un- fortunate beings, on that dreadful day, dying of cold and famine, struggled hard with the agonies of death I We heard some of them faintly bidding theii' last adieu to their friends and comrades. Others, as they drew their last breath, pronounced the name of their mothers, their wives, their native country, which they were never more to see. The rigour of the frost soon seized on their benumbed limbs, and penetrat- ed throui>;h the whole frame. Stretched on the road, we could distinguish only the heaps of snow which covered them, and which, at almost every step form- ed little undulations, like so many graves. At the same time vast flights of ravens, abandoning the plain to take refuge in the neighbouring forests, croaked mournfully as they passed over our heads • and troops of dogs which had followed us from Moscow, and lived solely on our mangled remains, howled around us, as if they would hasten the peri- od when we were to become their prey. 32 250 DOROGHOBOUI. From that day the army lost its courage and its military attitude. The soldier no longer obeyed his officer. The officer separated himself from his gen- eral. The regiments disbanded, marched in disorder. Searching for food, they spread themselves over the plain, burning and pillaging whatever fell in their way. The horses fell by thousands.* The cannon and the waggons which had been abandoned, served only to obstruct the way. No sooner had the sol- diers separated from the ranks, than we were assail- ed by a population eager to avenge the horrors of which it had been the victim. The cossacks came to the succour of the peasants, and drove back to the great road, already filled with the dying and the dead, those of the followers who escaped from the carnage made among them. Such was the situation of the army, when we ar- rived at Doroghoboui. This little town w^ould have given new life to our unfortunate troops, if Napoleon had not been so far blinded by rage, as to forget, that his soldiers would be the tirst to suffer hy the devastation which he caused to be made. Dorosfho- hoiii had been burnt, its magazines pillaged, and the brandy with which they were filled, had been poured into the streets, while the rest of the army was per- ishing for want of it. The few houses which re- mained, were occupied exclusively by a small num- ber of generals and staff-officers. The few soldiers which yet dared to face the enemy, were exposed to * See the Uventy-nintb bulletira. DOROGHOBOUI. 251 all the rigours of the season ; while the others, who had wandered from their proper corps, were now re- pulsed on every side, and found no shelter in any part of the camp. How deplorable was then the sit- uation of these poor wretches ! Tormented by hun- ger, we saw them run after every horse the moment it fell. They devoured it raw, like dogs, and fought among themselves for the mangled limbs. Worn out by want of sleep and long marches, they saw no- thing around them but the snow ; not one spot ap- peared on which they could sit oi- lie. Penetrated with the cold, they wandered on every side to find wood, but the snow had caused it entirely to disap- pear. If, fortunately, they found a little, they knew not where to light it. Did they discover a spot less exposed than others, it afforded them but a momenta ary shelter, for scarcely had their fire kindled, when the violence of the wind, and the moisture of the at- mosphere, suddenly extinguished it, and deprived them of the only consolation which remained, in their extreme distress. In one place we saw a multitude of them, huddled together like beasts, at the root of a beech, or pine, or under a waggon. Others were employed in tearing down huge branches from the trees, or pulling down by main force, and burning the houses, at which the officers lodged. Ahhough they were exhausted by fatigue, they stood erect. They wandered like spectres through the livelong night, or stood immoveable around some enormous fire. 252 BOROGHOBOUr. The unfortuDate Paulowna, whom the reader will rerollect, when he rails to mind the pillage of Mos- cow, had hitherto accompanied us, and shared in all our misfortunes and privations. She endured them with the courage which her virtue inspired. Believ- ing that she carried in her bosom a pledge of love, which she imagined to be legitimate, she was eager to become a mother, and proud to follow her hus- band. But he, who had pledged himself to her by the most solemn promises, having been informed in the morning, that we were not to take up our winter- quarters at Smolensko, determined to break a con- nexion, which he had regarded as merely temporary. Inaccessible to pity, he approached this innocent creature, and, under some specious pretext, an- nounced to her that they must part. At this intelli- gence she uttered a cry of surprise and horror, and franticly declared, that having sacrificed her family, and even her reputation for him, whom she regarded as her husband, it was her duty to follow him ; and that neither fatigues nor dangers should turn her from a resolution, in which her love and her honour were equally interested. The general little sensible of the value of an attachment so rare, coldly repeat- ed, that they must p>art, since circumstances would no longer permit the women to remain with the troops ; that he was already married, and that hj re- turning speedily to Moscow, she might find the hus- band for whom her parents had destined her. At these cruel words, his interesting victim felt almost annihi- latedo Paler than when she rushed from the tombs DOROGHOBODT. 253 of the Kremlin, she uliered not a word. She sighed, she wept, and suffocated by her grief, fell into a state of insensibility. Her perfidious seducer took ad van- tai^e of this to withdraw from her presence, not be- cause he was overpowered by his sensibility; he, alas! was a stranger to every tender and generous feeling ; but to fly from the Russians, whose cries of ven- geance he already fancied that he heard. BOOK VIII. KRASNOE. When Napoleon quitted Moscow, he intended to reunite his troops between Witepsk and Smolen- sko, and make the Nieper and the Dvvina the grand line of his operations. The 6th and 7th of Novem- ber, having destroyed the third part of his army, he, on his arrival at Smolensko, alledged that destruc- tion, and the inclemency of the winter, as the reasons of his abandoning his former design. But the true and only motive which induced him to change his plan, was the news which he received at Smolensko (10th November) that Wittgenstein had forced the Dwina, that Witepsk had been taken with its garrison, and that the army of Moldavia, united to that of Volhy- nia, having driven before it the corps of prince Schwartzenberg, was taking a position on the Bere- sina with the design of joining Wittgenstein, and ef- fectually cutting off the retreat of the French army. This manoeuvre of the enemy was so well known, and appeared so natural, that a report soon spread among the troops, that it was the intention of the 256 KRASNOEi Russians to take Napoleon alive, and to put his whole army to the sword ; wishing, by this severe chastise- ment, to give Europe an example of the punishment which they deserved who disturbed the world with Mnjust wars. In truth, it was not the severity of a premature winter which rendered the plans of Napoleon abor- tive, because if he could have maintained himself be- tween Smolensko and Witepsk, he would easily have repaired the losses which he had hitherto suffered. The principal, and the only cause of his ruin, was bis determination to proceed to Moscow, without considering the forces which he left in his rear, and to elFect, at the price of our blood, that which the most headstrong and imprudent monarch* had not dared to attempt. The desire of pillaging that capital, and the am- bition of dictating his laws there, made him sacrifice every thing. He rushed oo, eager to destroy the an- cient palace of the czars, forgetful of the winter, and all its horrors ; forgetful that Wittgenstein had never abandoned the Dwina ; and that Tschikakolf, return- ed from ]\Ioldavia, would attack him on his return from his foolish expedilioo. Napoleon, ignorant as yet of the progress which the enemy had made on the Dwina, determined that the fourth corps should pass the Nieper, and march on Witepsk, to etiect a junction with the garrison of that town, commanded by general Pouget. After *^ Charles Xif. of Sweden. KRASNOE. 25'? reconnoitring vvhetherthe approach of vvinterhad still left this route practicable, general Samson, with some engineers which he commanded, was ordered to tra- verse the country, and examine particularly the banks of the Wop. These officers had scarcely passed the Nieper, when they fell into the hands of a party of Cossacks, by whom all these rivers were infested. (November 7th.) While the fourih corps pro- ceeded in the direction of Witepsk, we left Dorogho- boui, and passed the Borysthenes on a bridge of rafts, opposite that village. The borses found the greatest difficulty in climbing the opposite fc.mk. The road was become as slippery as glass, and these animals, already exhausted, were no longer able to draw. Twelve or sixteen horses harnessed to one cannon had scarcely strength to drag it over the small- est hill. It was intended to proceed the first day as far as Zazele ; but the road was so execrably bad, that even on the following morning, the waggons had scarcely reached the sixth league. Many cannon and horses were of necessity abandoned; and it was on that cruel night that the soldiery, no longer under controul, began to pillage the baggage. The ground was covered with portmanteaus, boxe?", and papers ; and many articles stolen from Moscow, which some remains of shame had hitherto concealed, once more saw the light. The beautiful chateau of Zazele presented us, during the night, with a repetition of the scenes of yesterday. With the exception of those whom the pillage of the waggons had reanimated, we saw nothing m ^58 KRASNO"^, on every side but men dying of hung»v and of cioTd'; and horses tormented by thirst, endeavourinaj to break the ice with their feet, to find that water which We were unable to give them. (November 8th.) Our baggage was so consid- erable, that the losses which it had sustained were yet scarcely felt. We marched all day, and with mucb alacrity, for we thought that, having quitted the great road of Smolensko, and pursued one which had ex- perienced less of the calamities of war, we might find some villages to shelter us from the inclemency of the night, where our famished troops might obtain refreshment, and especially where we might procure gome forage for our meagre horses. But this flat- tering hope was soon destroyed. The village of Slo» boda, at which we were to sleep, presented us with new horrors. Every thing was destroyed ; and the Cossacks, hovering on our flanks, seized, and pillaged or massacred, every one who, urged by necessity, wandered but a little way from the ranks to seek for food. In these dreadful circumstances, general Dan- thouard, whose talents had before proved so useful, appeared to multiply himself, and to be present wherever danger threatened. He caused ourartillery to act with eflect, on every point where it could be brought to bear ; when, as he was passing our lines, a cannon ball fractured his right thigh, after having killed the orderly soldier by his side. The viceroy, knowing that we ought to cross the Wop on the following day, had sent general Poite- vio forward in the night, with some engineers, to con ■ KRASNOE. 259 struct a bridoje for our passage. We arrived on the banks of the river at an early hour on the morrow, when, to the great grief of the prince, and our ut- most despair, we saw the whole army and the bag- gage ranged along the Wop, without being able to pass it. The bridge had been begim, and nearly finished, but the waters had suddenly increased durr ing the night, and carried it away. The Cossacks, whom we had seen the night be- fore, did not fail to advance upon us, when they were apprised of our critical situation. We already heard the fire of our sharp-shooters, who endeavoured to keep them in check ; but the noise of the fire-arms rapidly approaching, convinced us that the audacity of the enemy increased at the view of our dangers. In the meantime the viceroy, whose noble soul was always calm in the midst of the greatest dangers, maintained a presence of mind most important in circumsiances so desperate. To reanimate the spirits of the soldiers, who were more terrified at the pre- sence of the Cossacks, than at the dangers of the Wop, he despatched some chosen troops, who, re- pulsing the Russians on our flanks, and on our rear^, left us at liberty to attempt the passage of the river. The prince, seeing that it was necessary for some officer of rank to set an example of courage, in cross- ing first, ordered colonel Delfanti to place himself at the head of the royal guard, and to pass the ford of ;the Wop. That brave officer, whose intrepidity can- not be too highly praised, embraced with ardour this opportunity of showing his devotion to the service^ 200 ' KRASNOK. and in sight of all our corps, with the water reaching to his waist, made his way through the accumulated ice, at the head of the grenadiers, and surmounted every difficulty. The viceroy immediately followed with his staff^ and, having arrived at the other side, he issued the necessary orders to facilitate a passage so dangerous. The waggons now began to file off. The first passed happily over, and after them a few pieces of artillery. But as the channel was far below the level of the ground, and the banks steep, and glittering with ice, the only practicable point was where a gentle declivi- ty had been dug to descend to the river. The can- non, all following in the same track, formed ruts so deep, that it was impossible to drag them out. Thus the only accessible ford was soon choaked up, and rendered utterly impassable for the rest of the ar- tillery and baggage. In this situation every one yielded to despair; for, notwithstanding the efforts made by our rear-guard to repulse the Russians, it was but too evident that they advanced. Our very fear doubled our dan- ger. The river was half frozen, and as the waggons could not possibly cross it, it was necessary for those who had no horses, to determine to wade through the stream. Our situation was the more deplorable, as we were forced to abandon a hundred pieces of cannon, and a great number of ammuniton and provision waggons, carts, and drouschkiy^ wdiich contained the * An elegant little carriage much um^ at Moscow. KRASNOE. 261 little which remained of the provisions of Moscow. As soon as the necessity became thus apparent, every one abandoned his vehicle, and hastily loaded his horse with his most valuable effects. But scarcely had any one resolved to leave his carriage, before a crowd of soldiers giving the owner no time to select what he thought pioper, violently seized on it and in a moment pillaged it of every thing which it contained, principally searching for flour and brandy. The artillery-men abandoned their pieces, and on the report that the enemy rapidly approached, immedi- ately spiked them, despairiiig to convey them across a river, every part of which was choked with waggons sticking fast in the clay, and the bodies of innume- rable soldiers and horses, who had been carried away by the stream. The cries of those who were crossing the river, the consternation of others who were pre- paring to descend, and whom with their horses, we every moment saw overwhelmed by the current, the despair of the women, the shrieks of the children, and the terror even of the soldiers, rendered this pas- sage a scene so horrible, that the very recollection of it yet terrifies those who witnessed it. Although it is most painful to recall to memory the dreadful events of that day, I cannot prevail on myself to forbear recounting one trait of mate>pal love, so touching, and so honourable to human na- ture, that the sight of it compensated for the aiiiic- tion which those unfortunate beings occasioned me, A female suttler of our corps, who had b^en witi? us during the whole campaign, returned from Mos* 2bZ KRASNOE. COW, carryina^ in a waggon five young children, and all the fruit of her industry. Arrived at the Wop, she regarded witli horror the rapid stream, which com- pelled her to leave on its banks, all her little fortune, and the future subsistence of her children. For a long time she ran up and down, eagerly looking for a new passage, when, returning in despair from her fruitless search, she said to her husband, * we must indeed abandon all ; let us now try only hov>7 to save our chil- dren,' Saying this, she took the two youngest from the waggon, and placed them in her husband's arms. I saw the poor father closely hug the innocent crea- tures, and, with a trembling foot traverse the rivpr, while his wife on her knees at the edge of the water, now gazed eagerly on him, and then raised her eyes to heaven ; but as soon as she saw him safely landed, she lifted her hands in gratitude to Providence, and leaping on her feet, exclaimed with transport, * they are saved, they are saved.' The anxious father de- positing his precious burden on the bank, hastened back, seized on two more of them, and again plung- ing into the waves, followed by his wife, who bore the fifth on one arm, and with the other hand clung fast to her husband, reached the shore in safety. The children who were first carried over, thinking them- selves abandoned by their parents, had made the air resound with their cries, but their tears soon ceased to flow, when the affectionate family was again re- Night approaching, we quitted this place of deso- lation, and encamped near a wretched village, half a KRASNOE. . 2G3 leao'ue from the banks of the Wop, whence we often heard, in the middle of the night, the lamentable cries of those who were yet attempting their passage. We had left the fourteenth division on the other side, to hold the enemy in check, and to endeavour to save some part of the immense baggage which we had abandoned. I was sent on the morrow, to recall thif3 division, and was thus enabled to perceive all the ex- tent of our loss. For more than a league, nothing was to be seen on the road and the banks of the river, but ammunition waggons, pieces of artillery, and the most elegant carriages, brought from Moscow. The articles with which these waggonshad been filled, and that were too heavy to be carried away, were heaped on every side. I saw rnany figures of antique bronze, chandeliers of the greatest value, origin aland exqui- site paintings, and the richest and mostesteemed por- celain. I perceived among the rest, a cup of the most beautiful workmanship, on which was depict- ed the sublime composition of Marcus Sextus. I took it, and drank from it some of the water of the Wop, full of dirt and ice. After I had thus used it, I cast it from me with indifference, near the place where I had found it. Our troops had scarcely cjuitted the other bank when clouds of cossacks, no longer finding any op- position, advanced to the river, where they found ma- ny unhappy wretches who, feeble and diseased, had been unable to pass the ford. Although our enemies were now surrounded and oppressed with plunder^ they yet stripped their miserable prisoners, and left 264 ICRASKOEo tbem naked on the snow. We could see, trom the opposite bank, the cosssacks sharing; among them- selves the bloody spoils. If their courage had equal- led their love of pillage, the Wop would not have de- fended us from their attacks. But these cowardly as- sailants were always stopped by a few bayonets, or contented themselves with firing at us a few cannon^ shot, which often, indeed, reached our ranks. The last night had been truly dreatlful. To form some idea of it, the reader must picture to himself an army encamped on the bare snow, in the midst of the severest winter, closely pursued by the enemy, and having neither artillery nor cavalry to oppose to him. The soldiers without shoes, and almost with- out clothes, were enfeebled by fatigue and famine. Sitting on their knapsacks, they slept on their knees. From this benumbing posture they only rose to broil some slices of horse-flesh, or to melt a few morsels of ice. Often they had no wood, and to make their fires, they destroyed the houses in which the generals lodged ; sometimes, therefore, when we awoke in the morning, the village which we had seen the night be- fore had disappeared, and towns, which to-day were untouched, would form on the morrow one vast con- f!a2;ration. In the midst of tlu^se sufferings the vice- roy, always at our head, never lost his calmness and serenity of mind. Enduring comparatively far grea- ter privations than we, he was always cheerful, and preserved his presence of mind amidst the most urg- ent dangers, oiFering, at the same time, in his own ex- ample, the most perfect model of military discipline. KSasnoe. 265 The Cossacks, perceiving that we had quitted our position, soon crossed the river and attacked our rear. The fourteenth division, which had preserved twelve pieces of cannon, formed the rear-guard, and repuls- ed the enemy. In the meantime the prince and his officers endeavoured to reduce to some order, ami en- tice bar-k to their ranks, those soldiers whom misery had forced to leave their colours to search for food. They attempted this, however, without success. The number of the stragglers was so great, that it was i npossibJe either to arrest or to check them. Even when some had returned to their duty, the de- sertion soon recommenced. Hunger, imperious hun- ger, seduced them again from their colours, and threw all our columns into confusion. The more enfeebled we becafne,the more enterprising were our adversaries. Their attacks on our rear-guard were almost incessant, and we were frequently compelled to halt, and contend against superior forces, which endeavoured to overwhehn us on every side. The rear of our column was briskly pressed, when the royal guard, which formed its head, was stopped before Dukhovcbtchina, by some squadrons of Cossacks, which issciing from the town, deployed in the plain, as if tliey would surround us. Seeing that we were thus pressed on every side, our corps fell into such disorder, that it resembled one im- mense crowd, half of which were sick and disarmed. In the meantime the enemy maintained his ground on one^ side of us, and on the other attacked us with U 266 KRASFOE, vigour. Put the prinre ever preserving bis courage Unbroken, formed tbe Italian guard, and the Bavarian dragoons and light horse, into a square, which, march- ing in platoons, drove bade the cossacks, and per- mitted us to enter Dukhovchtchina. The thirteenth division was formed in column close to these troops, in spite of the multitude of stragglers, which, press- ing round our battalions, impeded every manceuvre. That he might accellerate Ihe march of the army, the prince hisnself watched during the night, and super- intended the repair of an old bridge which arrested our progress. To encourage the engineers, he even condescended to assist at the work, while every pri- vation to which he exposed himself, rendered h'lm clearer to those whom he commanded. The little town of Dukhovchtchina, through which onr army bad not before passed,* had escaped the general destruction. The inhabitants, flyins; at our approach, left us some provisions, which we eagerly collected, coarse as they were. But that which rendered them most precious was the opportunity of preparing them in some human habitation, and enjoying for a little while a shelter from the exces- sive cold of a piercing wind. The viceroy despatched an officer towards Smo- lenska, to announce to Napoleon the disasters which we bad experienced on the Wop. It wa^, doubtless, to await the reply of the emperor, and to know whe- * Excepting the cavalry commanded by general G'rouchy; arwl the 'livision of Pino, when it returned from Porietseh, KRA6NOE. 267 iher we were yet to continue our march upon Wi- tepsk, that we were perinilted to enjoy one day's rest at Dukhovchtchina. But, when that officer did not return, it was determined that we should recommence our march at two o'clock on the following morning. We had been undisturbed during the whole of the day, but at ten o'clock at night, while we were in- dulging in a sweet repose, to which we had been so long unaccustomed, the cossacks appeared before the town, and directed their artillery on the fires round which our soldiers were sleeping. Many picquets were surprised ; those of the one hundred and sixth regiment, placed before a church, suffered consider- able loss ; but the presence of the viceroy soon re- paired the disorder which so unexpected an attack had occasioned. The troops were immediately col- lected, and occupied every position which could be favourable to us in a noctural encounter. This attack was followed by nothing of consequence, for it was made by the cossacks, who took care to be far enough away when they perceived that we were taking mea- sures to punish their temerity. (November 12th.) The hour of departure being arrived, we set fire to Dukhovchtchina, whose houses had been so useful to us. Although sufficiently ac- customed to all the effects of a conflagration, we could not restrain our astonishment at the horrible, yet superb spectacle, which it now presented, amid the shades of a forest covered with snow, and strangely illumined by torrents of flames. The trees, covered with a sheet of ice, dazzled the sight 268 KRASNOE. and produced as with a prism, the most vivid and variegated colours. The branches of the birch, drooping to the ground like the weeping willow, ap- peared like beautiful chandeliers, while the icicles, melted by the heat, seemed to scatter around us a shower of brilliant and sparkling diamonds. In the midst of a scene full of splendid horror, our troops reunited, and proceeded from the town on the road to Smolensko. Although the night was un- usually dark, the flames that ascended from the neighbouring villages, which had been also destroy- ed, formed so many aurorae-boreales, and till the daw^n of day, shed a frightful glare upon our march. Beyond Toporovo, the road of Pologhi, which we had followed when we came from Smolensko to I)o- roghoboui, was on our left. The snow, that covered all the country, had nearly buried the villages, which formed from afar only a black spot on one boundless surface of white. The difficulty of approaching them saved many from the general desolation. When I compared these peaceful asylums with the torments to w^hich we were a prey, I could not refrain from exclaiming, "^ Happy people ! exempt from ambi- tion, you live tranquil and undisturbed, while we are fast sinking under the most frightful calamities. The winter preserves your existence, but it devotes us to death. When the sweet spring shall have accom-= plished your deliverance, you will see our carcases bleaching on the plain, and you will be doubly happy |n having suffered so little from our tyranny, and iq KRASNOE. 269 having added nothing to the weight of our misfor- tunes.' The little river Khmost was frozen when we cross- ed it, and the bridge, which was yet entire, enabled us to pass on without delay or danger. Arriving at Wolodimerowa, the viceroy established himself in a chateau a little above the village, where he had lodg- ed on our former march. Encamping around him, we were certain that the cossacks, who had flanked our route during the day, would halt on a height not far distant from us, and accordingly they soon drove in our foragers, who, urged by imperious necessity, had spread themselves through the neighbouring vil- lages in search of food. (November 13th.) We were now only one day's march from Smolensko, where abundance would succeed to want, and repose to fatigue. Impatient to enjoy a happiness so long desired, we left Wolodi- merowa long before day, burning, as was our custom, the cottages Avhich had afforded us an asylum. Ar- rived at the heights of Stabna, where the road of Dukhovchtchina joins with that of Witepsk, we ex- perienced an almost insuperable difficulty in ascend- ing the mountain. Wherever we attempted to climb it, we found one solid mass of ice, bright, and slip- pery as glass. Men and horses rolled over one an- other; and happy were they who, after the utmost exertion, could extricate themselves from the dread- ful pass. Before we arrived at Smolensko, where all our misfortunes were to terminate, the most melancholy 270 KKASNOE. scenes presented themselves every instant, and in- creased our eagerness to reach that city, the object of our most ardent prayers. Among the sports of cruel fortune, none had more cause to complain than the French women, who, folJowins; us from Moscow to escape the vengeance of the Russians, hoped to find with us certain protection. Most of them on foot, with shoes of stuff, little calculated to defend them from the frozen snow, and clad in old robes of silk, or the thinnest muslin, were glad to cover them- selves with tattered pieces of military cloaks, toin from the dead bodies of the soldiers. Their situation would have drawn tears from the hardest hearts, if dire necessity had not stifled, in every bosom, the feelings of humanity. Of all the victiins of the horrors of war, no one inspired warmer pity than the young and interesting Fanny. Beautiful, aflectionaie, amiable, and spright- ly, speaking many different languages, and possess- ing every quality calculated to seduce the most in- sensible heart, she now begged for the most menial employment ; and the morsel of bread which she ob- tained i\rew from her rapturous expressions of grati- tude. Imploring succour from us all, she was com- pelled to submit to the vilest abuse ; and though her soul loathed the prostitution, she every night belong- ed to him who would charge himself with her sup- port. I saw her when we quitted Smolensko. She was no longer able to walk. She was clinging to the tail of a horse, and was thus dragged along. At length her powers were quite exhausted. She fell KRASNOE. 271 onthesnow, and there remained unburied, without exciting one emotion of compassion, or obtaining one look of pity ; so debased were our souls now become, and our sensibility quite extinguished. But what need of more testimonies of the calamities which befel us ; we were all fellow-sufferers. It was horrible to see and to hear the enormous dogs, with shaggy hair, which, driven from the villa- ges that we had burned, followed us along our march. Dying with hunger, they uttered one incessant and frightful howl, and often disputed with the soldiers the carcases of the horses which fell on our route. In addition to this, the ravens, with which Russia abounds, attracted by the scent of the dead bodies, hovered over us in black and innumerable crowds, and by their cries of mournful presage, struck the stoutest hearts with terror. Happily we were only two leagues from Smo- lensko, and the tower of its celebrated church, which we already saw at a distance, flattering us with the sweetest illusions, seemed the most lovely object in the whole perspective. An hour before we arrived, we left the fourteenth division, with the few Bavarian horse which remained, to observe and hold in check the Cossacks, who, increasing in numbers every mo- ment, seemed determined to follow us to the very walls of Smolensko. But what was our grief, when we learned, in the very suburbs of the city, that the ninth corps was gone, that it had not even halted at Smolensko, and that the provisions were all consum- ed! A thunderbolt falling at our feet would have 272 KRASNOE. confounded us less than did this news. Our senses were for a moment suspended. We would not be* lieve the fact ; but our eyes soon gave us sad confir- mation of the truth, when we saw the garrison of Smolensko eagerly rushing out, and immediately de- vouring the horses which every moment dropped, exhausted with fatigue and hunger. We then no longer doubted that famine reigned in that cityj which, till this moment, we had regarded as the abode of plenty. As we were musing on the sadness of our lot, its rigour was somewhat alleviated by the promise of a little rice, flour, and biscuit, which yet remained in the magazines. The hope of this reanimated our drooping courage, when suddenly we were filled with new consternation. We had scarcely arrived with- in the gates of Smolensko, when crowds of strag- glers covered w-ith blood, rushed upon us, and an- nounced that the cossacks were only two hundred paces distant. The next moment, captain Tresel, aid-de-camp to general Guilleminot, who had been left behind with the fourteenth division, came at full speed. He apprised us that that division had taken up a position in a chateau^ in a wood which com- manded the road ; that the enemy had surrounded it, but that being perfectly intrenched round the cha- leauy and the approaches being defended by pallt- sades, the cossacks, despaired of attacking them with success, and retired to fall upon the stragglers ; that they had speedily overtaken these unhappy beings, had massacred some, and wounded a sreat number. KRASWOE, 273 The road was covered with these miserable wretch- es, and presented a spectacle well calculated to ex- cite our liveliest compassion. We saw them, more- over, at a distance, descending the mountain of Smo~ lensko. The declivity was so rapid, and the frost had rendered it so slippery, that numbers of these unfortunate beings, unable to support themselves, rolled down the declivity, and immediately perislied. Having left the royal guard on this height, to pro- tect the division of Broussier, which formed the rear- guard, we descended towards the Nieper, and endea- voured to enter the city. Beyond the bridge was the junction of the road of Doroghoboui, with that from Valentina, which all the other divisions had tak- en ; and as these corps had not passed the Wop, they yet retained a great part of their artillery and bag- gpoi:e. The numerous carriages, which flocked in on every side, mingled with the foot soldiers and the cavalry ; and all of them attempting to rush into Smo- lensko, where they had been promised some rationsof bread, the greatest confusion ensued. The entrance was completely choaked up, and more than three hours elapsed ere we could penetrate into the city, (November 13.) The wind was tempestuous, and the cold excessive. We were assured that the ther- mometer was more than twenty-two degrees below the freezing point. Notwithstanding this, every one ran into the streets, hoping that he might be able to pcrrhase provisions. Smolensko was built on the side of a mountain, and the ascent was so slippery, 274 KRASNCTE, that it was necessary to eravvl on our kness, and to hold by the rocks which projected above the snow, m order to gain the sunimit. We at length reached the top, where we found the great square, and those hou- ses which had suffered least from the conflagration. Although the w^eather was insupportably severe, we sought rather for food than for lodging. Some sol- diers of the garrison, to whom a little bread had been distributed, were compelled by force to sell it to us. Others immediately entreated those who had bought it, to spare it, and soldiers and officers mingled to- gether, were ravenously devouring in the streets, every kind of provision which they could procurey however coarse or disgusting. In the meantime the eossacks arrived. We distinctly perceived them scouring the heights, and firing on the troops which defiled below the town. Our fourth division being actively engaged with them, the viceroy was eager to transport himself to that point. He was accom- panied, along a difficult and perilous road, by general Gifflenge, and by his aids-de-camp, Tacher, Labedo- yere and Mejean, and by Corner, officer of artillery, all indefatigable in misfortune, and always ready to brave the greatest dangers. We had great difficulty in finding shelter, for the houses were few, and the crowd, which was to occu- py them immense. At length, heaped one upon another in the great halls whose arches had defied the flames, we waited with impatience for the distri- bution of the bread. But the formalities necessary to be gone through were so long, that night came on ilRASNOE. 275 €re any thing was delivered. It was now necessary to nm anew into the streets, and with money in our hands, seek in the quarters of the imperial guard for something to support our existence. They, more favoured than the rest of the army, often rolled in abundance, when we were destitute of every comfort. Thus, Smolensko, which we had thought would have been the termination of our misfortunes, cruelly deceived our dearest hopes, and became the witness of our greatest disgrace, and our most profound despair. The soldiers, who could not find a shelter, encamp- ed in the middle of the streets, and some hours af- ter, were found dead around the fires which they had ' kindled. The hospitals, the churches, and the other public buildings, were unable to contain the sick, who presented themselves by thousands. These un- happy beings, exposed to all the rigours of a frosty night, lay uncovered on the waggons, or in the am- munition-carts, or perished in vainly searching for an asylum. In fine, when every thing had been promis- ed us at Smolensko, nothing had been provided to enable us to maintain ourselves there ; nothing had been prepared to relieve and comfort an army whose salvation depended on that place alone. H( jice de- spair seized upon us. We thought only how to save our wretched existence. Honour and duty ^vere forgotten, or rather, we were no longer disposed to submit to the commands of a rash sovereign, ;vho troubled not himself to provide bread for those who had sacrificed their lives to gratify his ambition. 276 KRASNOE, We saw those who were once the j^ayest, and the most intrepid, entirely lose that character. They predicted only disasters and dangers.* One thought occupied their minds — that country which they were never again to see. One object filled their view — that death which every moment threatened them. With a mournful presentiment, each inquired trem- blingly, and with the most profound mystery, where were the armies to which we looked for deliverance ? * Where is the duke of Reggio ?' one secretly asked his companion, — * He wished to have protected the Dwina, but he was forced to abandon Polotsk, and to fall back upon Lessel,' was the whispered reply. — * And where is the duke of Bell u no ?' — * He could not leave Sienna.' — * And where the Russian army of Wolhynia ?'— * It has repulsed prince Schwartzen^ berg ; it has made itself master of Minsk, and it is advancing against us.' — * Ah ! if this news be true,' repeated the first to himself, ' our situation is truly desperate ; and one great battle, on the borders of the Nieper or the Beresina, will complete our ruin.' Reflections, if possible, yet more depressing oc- cupied and tormented us, when a confused murmur spread the report that the whole of France was agir- tated j that the town of Nantes had been destroyed, and that Paris, where, during nearly twenty years, the fate of Europe had been decided, was also in a state of commotion, which made us tremble for the fate of our beloved country ! We were informed that * See the twenty-ninth bulletin. KRASNOE. 277 certain men, known for their love of democracy, had conceived the project of spreading a false report of the death of Napoleon, and the entire destruction of his army; and that profiting by the grief and con- sternation which this news would occasion it was their intention to overthrow the existing authorities, and to erect a government which would be subservi- ent to their views. If this design had been conceived by honest and patriotic men, who, emulous to render themselves illustrious by the deliverance of their coun- try, sought only to dethrone the emperor, that they might preserve the French people from the disgrace of hereafter owing their freedom to those whom they called their enemies, certainly such a project would have been truly heroic. But, instead of an enterprise so noble, we were told that the conspirators wished to deliver us from despotism, that they might plunge us into the horrors of anarchy. Far from wishinsf success to such a scheme, we rejoiced when we were aftrrwards informed, that our country was not again delivered over to the fury of the different factions, for the political perfidy of our oppressor had caused Ihe fate of the people to depend solely on his safety. By his monstrous Machiaveli'm, France was at war with the whole human race, that the preservation of France might be connected with that of his ovvh person. As we lay under some wretched thatch, and in- dulged in many a melancholy reflection, wv, wt^re sud-, denly roused by unexpected cries. ' Kise, rise ; they pillage the magazines.' Springing immeaiately on 278 , KRASNOE. our feet, and seizing a sack, a pannier, or a bottle, we exclaimed to each other, as v\ e rushed out, * I will go to the flour magazine, you go to the magazine of brandy ; let the servants run to the place where the meat, the biscuit, the pease, are kept.* In an instant the roonl was empty. Afler^a considerable interval our friends returned, and informed us, that the sol- diers, dying with hunger, and no longer able to await the dilatory distribution of the provisions, had, in spite of the guard, forced the gates of the magazines, and begun to pillage them. Some came back with their clothes covered with flour, and even pierced v;iih the bayonet, bearing on their shoulders sacks of flour which they had taken by force from the sol- diers who were dividing it. Others entered, haras- sed with fatigue, and deposited on the table a great pannier of biscuit, or what was better, an enormous leg of beef. An hour after, the domestics followed them bringing rice, pease, and brandy. At the un- expected view of such abundance, our hearts once more expandecL One laughed with joy, as he knead- ed his bresd .; another sung as he cooked his meat j but most of them eagerly seizing the brandy, quickly caused the wildest gdijeiy to succeed to the most dis- tressing sadness. Although the weather was beautifully clear, the air was so exceedingly piercing, that it froze us as we passed the streets. At every step were seen the dead bodies of the soldiers, stretched on the snow, who, harassed by fatigue, had perished of cold as they were searching for a place of repose. All these KRASNOE. 27S disasters, and especially our stay at Smoleosko, re- mind me of the death of colonel Battaglia, comman- dant of the guard of honour of Italy. I have long reproached myself with not having interested the feelings of my readers, by recounting the misfortunes of that distinguished corps. The rapidity of my narration has hitherto prevented me from occupying myself with the calamities of individuals, while I was oppressed and overpowered by the recollection of those which were endured by the whole army. At this epoch, that corps was completely annihilated ; and ere I quit the fatal walls of Smolensko, I will succinctly recount its history. It was composed of young men selected from the first families in Ital v, and whose parents allowed them a pension of twelve hundred francs, when they entered the corps. It was an honour to be admitted into the regiment, as its very name testified. It was not rare to find, among these young men, the most brilliant talents, united to the most affluent fortune. Many of them were the only sons of illustrious fami- lies. To the titles which ibey derived from their an- cestors, they added a well-cultivated understanding, and every quality which promised ultimately to form the most distinguished military characters. In thig school were educated the best informed and the most excellent officers of the Italian army. They acquir- ed experience in submitting to the rules of their corps, which, while it gave them the rank of sub- lieutenants, obliged them to perform the service of private soldiers. 280 KRASKOl. This corps conducted itself well on etery occa-' sion, and was remarkable for its fine appearance and strict discipline, but it suffered more than any other, by the privations attendant on this memorable cam- paign. The guards of honour, unused to shoe their horses, or to mend their garments or their boots, w^ere obliged to submit to these degradations, when ihe artificers and domestics attached to their regi- ment were no more. Having lost all their horses, and wearing enormous and heavy boots, they were un- able long to support the fatigue of our continual marches. Confounded with the stragglers, they re- mained in the rear, without food and without lodg- ing. In this manner the decendants of the noblest families, born to the happiest destines, perished far more miserably than the common soldiers ; for their education and their habits ill-disposed them to sub- mit to the menial offices by which others gained a scanty morsel, and prolonged a wretched life. Some of them were seen wrapped in the tattered fragments of their cloaks ; others, mounted on sorry cognias,* suddenly fainted from weakness and want, and fell to rise no more. Out of the three hundred and fifty, of which they were originally composed, all, except five, perished in the most deplorable manner. Ttjey had, however, this consolation, that they pos- sessed the esteem of the prince, who formed them at first, and who now sighed over the calamities which * Cognia, in the Polish language, signifies a horse ; and as the hor- -■es of Russia are very small. . they distinguished ours by the name of Clean iar. KRASNOE* 281 the fatal circumstances of the campaign would not permit him to alleviate. (November 14.) The emperor, who was at Smo- lensk© when we arrived there, received every day disastrous news of his armies. That which most aftected hijn, was the defeat of general Baraguey DTliiliers, sent on the road of Kaluga, with general Augereau, to oppose count Orloff DenisofT, who threatened to cut off our retreat between Smolensko and Krasnoe. At a loss how to repair so many dis- graces. Napoleon, on that day, and for the first time, held a grand council, at which all the generals of di- vision and marshals of the empire assisted. As soon as the council was broken up, he burned part of his equipage, and immediately departed in his carriage, accompanied by his chasseurs, and by the Polish lancers of the guard. It was reported, at the close of the council, that we were to march to-morrow with the first corps, and that the third was to remain behind to blow up the fortifications of the town, and to form our rear guard. The ^A me day, the viceroy was long closeted with the chief of his staff, and we awaited with anxiety the result of all these con- ferences. (November 15.) The order was given to con- tinue our march, but at a very late hour, from the delay occasioned by the dilatory distribution of the whole contents of the magazines. The Russian wo- men, whose sufferings only added to our misfortunes, were left at Smolensko. Dreadful situation ! since 36 282 s KRASNOE these unfortunate beings well knew that the remains of the city would be sacked, the houses delivered to the flames, and the churches undermined. We soon, however, heard that tlie Hetman PlatotF, entering un- expectedly, into the town, had prevented our rear- guard from executing the inhUnian order. Marching from Smolensko, a: spectacle the most horrible was presented to our view. From that point till we arrived at a wretched ruined hamlet,* at the distance of about three leagues, the road was entirely covered with cannon and ammunition- waggons, which they had scarce time to spike, or to blow up. Horses in the agonies of death were seen at eve- ry step, and sometimes whole teams, sinking Under their labours, fell together. All the defiles which the carriages could not pass, were filled with muskets, helmets, and breast plates. Trunks broken open, portmanteaus torn to pieces, and garments of every kind were scattered over the valley. At every little distance we met with trees, at the foot of which the soldiers had attempted to light a fire, but the poor wretches had perished ere they could accomplish their object. We saw them stretched by dozens around the green branches which they had vainly endeavoured to kindle ; and so numerous were the bodies, that they would have obstructed the road had not the soldiers been often employed in throwing them into the ditches and the ruts. ^ On inspecting the mag^ this appears to be Loubna. KRASNOE. 283 These horrors, far from exciting our sensibility, only hardened our hearts. Our cruelty, which could no more be exercised on the enemy, Avas extended to our companions. The best friends no longer re- cognised each other Whoever discovered the least sickness, if he had not good horses and faithful ser- vants, was sure never to see his country again. Every one preferred to save the plunder of Moscow, rather than the life of his comrade. On all sides we heard the groans of the dying, and the lamentable cries of those wihom we had abandoned. But every one was deaf to their supplications, or, if he ap- proached those who were on the point of expiring, it was to plunder, not to assist them ; it was to search whether they had any remains of food, and not to afford them relief. Arrived at Loubna, we were able to save only two miserable barns from destruction — one for the viceroy, and the other forhis staff. We had scarcely established ourselves there, when we heard a loud cannonade in our front. As the noise appeared to come from our right, some thought that it was an engagement with the ninth corps, which, not having been able to relieve Witepsk, was obliged to retreat before a superior for^e ; but Ihey who were best acquainted with the country, believed that it was the emperor and his guard, who had been attacked by prince Kutusoff, before his arrival at Krasnoe. That prince had marched from Elnia, and passed our army while we halted at Smolensko. 284 KI^ASNOE. We can scarcely imagine a picture more deplo° rable than the bivouac of the staff'. Twenty-one of- ficers, confounded with as many servants, had crept together round a littie tire, under an execrable cart- house scarcely covered. Behind them were the horses, ranged in a circle, that they might be some defence against the violence of the wind, which blew with fury. The smoke was so thick that we could scarcely see the figures of those who were close to the fire, and who were employed in blowing the coals on which they cooked their food. The rest wrapped in their pelisses or their cloaks, lay one upon another, as some protection from the cold ; nor did they stir, except to abuse those who trod upon them as they passed, or to rail at the horses, which kicked when- ever a spark fell on their coats. (November i6.) We recommenced our march before the daw^n of day, and the road was again cov- ered with the^ wrecks of our baggage and artillery. The horses could no longer draw, and we were obli- ged to abandon our cannon at the foot of the slightest hill. The only duty which then remained to the artil- lery-men, was to scatter the pow^der of the cartriges, and to spike the pieces, lest the enemy should turn them against us, We were reduced to this extre- mity when, at the distance of two hours' march froni Krasnoe, the generals Poitevin and Guyon, who ^vere in the van-guard, saw a Russian officer coming towards them, followed by a trumpeter, w-ho an- nounced that a herald was advancing. Surprised at an appearance so unexpected, general Guy on halted KRASNOE. 285 and permitting the officer to approach, demanded whence he came, and what was the object of his mis- sion. * I come,' said he, ' from general Milora- dowitcli, to tell you, that yesterday we beat JNapo- leon, with the imperial guard ; and that to-day the viceroy is surrounded by an army of twenty thousand men. He cannot escape us, and if he will surrender, we offer him honourable terms.' To this, general Guyon replied with indignation, * Return quickly whence you came, and announce to those who sent you, that if you have twenty thousand men, we have here four times twenty thousand.' These words, uttered with a confident air, so confounded the herald, that he immediately returned to the camp of the enemy. While this was going on, the viceroy arrived, and listened to the intelligence with niingled surprise and indignation. Although his corps was so dreadfully weakened, and he probably had some knowledge of the serious affair which had taken place on the day befoie, between the advanced guard of Kutusoff and the imperial guard, jet, reflecting on the boasting manner in which this had been related, he conceived the hope, that, by forcing a passage, he might in a short time rejoin the emperor. He was likewise fully determined to fall honourably in the field, rather than accept of conditions incompatible with his fame. He immediately ordered the fourteenth division to front the enemy, carrying with them the only two pieces of cannon which remained ; then calling general Guille- minot, he conferred with him for a long time, and the result of their conference was, that it was absolutely necessary to force our way through the enemy. Tm the mean time our troops had marched on, and the Russians, permitting them to advance to the very foot of the hill on which they were encamped, suddenly unmasked tlieti' batteries, and directed them on their squares. Their cavalry soon after descending from their position, completed the destruction of our troops, and captured their cannon, of which they had made but few discharges, through want of am- munition. General Ornano advanced across the fire of the €nemy, with the remains of the thirteenth division, to succour the troops of the fourteenth, which were so civuelly beaten, when a cannon-ball passed so near him that he fell from his horse. The soldiers thought that he was dead, and ran forward to plunder him, when they perceived that he was only stunned by the violence of the fall. The prince then sent his aid- de-camp, colonel Delfanti, to endeavour to reani- mate the troops. That brave officer, rushing forward amidst a shower of balls and grape-shot, encouraged ids soldiers by his exhortations and by his example ; ivhen receiving two dangerous wounds, he was com- pelled to retire from th^ ranks. A surgeon having applied a slight dressing, he returned with difficulty from the field of battle. On his way he met Mon- sieur de Villeblanche, who in the capacity of audi- tor of the council of state, had quitted the town of Smolensko, of which he was the intendant, with ge- oeral Charpentier, who was the governor. Uufortu- sately he had obtained leave of the viceroy to ac- JKRASNOE. 28'? connpany him. This generous young man, perceiv- ing colonel Delfanti wounded, and leaning on an officer, listened to the dictates of his sensibility and offered him his arm also. As al! three were slowly retiring from the field, a cannon ball struck the colo- nel between the shoulders, and carried off the head of the brave Villeblanche. Thus perished two young men, who, in different professions, had proved their talents and their courage. The first fell a victim to his bravery — the other to his humanity. The prince, deeply affected by this unhappy catastrophe, showed the regard which he felt for the memory of colonel Delfanti, by an act of benevolence towards the au- thor of his being ; and he would have afforded the same consolation to the father of Villeblanche, if the death of his only son had not shortly brought him to his grave. Many officers of distinguished merit perished on that bloody day. We particularly regretted major d'Oreille, whose intrepidity was so well known, and the captain of engineers, Morlin<:ourt, whose mo- desty was equal to his talents. The cannonade yet continued, and carried destruction through all our ranks. The field of battle was covered with the dead and the dying. Great numbers of the wounded, abandoning their regiments, took refuge in the rear, and increased the crowd of stragglers. The firing, which had proved fatal to our first ranks, extended its ravages to the rear of our army, where the dis- mounted officers were stationed. The captains Bor- doni and Mastini perished there. They canstituted ^88 liRASNOE. a part of the small number of the Italian guards wha yet survived. The viceroy, seeing the obstinacy witli which the enemy disputed our passage, feigned, by a skilful movement, to prolong the engagement on our left, by rallying and reuniting all that remained of the four- teenth division ; and, while the enemy concentrated the greater part of his forces on this point, to sur- round and cut otF these troops, the prince took ad-' vantage of the close of the day to tile oti to the right with the royal guard, which had not been engaged. Colonel Kliski gave a remarkable proof of presence of mind in that march. He was familiar with the Russian language, and marched in the van-guard of the column. Suddenly he was stopped by a scout of the enemy, who cried in Russian, * Who goes there V That intrepid officer, not at all embarrassed hy a rencontre so unfortunate, advanced towards the centinel, and said to him in his own language, * Hold your tongue, scoundrel, don't you see that we belong to the corps of Ouwarow, and that we are going on a secret expedition !' At these words the soldier was silent, and suffered us 1o pass under the protec- tion of the night, without giving the alarm. The whole army thus escaped the vigilance of the enemy, with the exception of the fifteenth divi- sion, which, forming the rear-guard, was placed un- der the connnand of general Triaire, with orders to march as soon as the prince had effected his manoeu- yre. While this division rested on its arms, it be- held, with griefs the destruction which spread among ERASNOEi 289 the stragglers who were left in the t-ear. They like- wise waited for night to continue their route ; but, when harassed by fatigue, they found themselves warm and comfortable round a blazing fire, many of them would not proceed until the return of day. Thus they perished, the victims of their own apathy. The fifteenth division soon filed off in the utmost si- lence, regarding those whom they left behind as the destined prey of the cossacks. It was necessary to pass the enemy during a night, which, instead of protecting us by its obscurity, sud- denly presented a beautiful unclouded moon. The snow, covering the surface of the ground, rendered our march more conspicuous, and it was not without torror that we saw ourselves flanked by clouds of cos- sacks, who continually approached close to us, as if to reconnoitre, and then returned to the squadrons from which they had been detached. We often thought that they were about to charge us, but gen- eral Triaire, halting his column, presented a front so imposing, that they did not dare to attack us. At length in spite of the ravines, and the mountains of snow that obstructed our passage, we reached the great road, and half an hour afterwards, effected a junction with the young guard, which encamped near a river half a league from Krasnoe. There we found the emperor, and there consequently, our fears were dissipated. Recounting to the soldiers of the guard the com- bat which we had sustained, they informed us, that. 290 KRAS^OE, they likewise had been ohlii^ed to cut their way through the enemy. Napoleon was exposed to the most imminent danajer in this en^asjement, and wa& indebted for his safety to the bravery of iiis troops^ We were told that the band of the guard, rejoining him, after having been separated from him in the heat of the battle, iinsriediately struck up the air, ' Where (?an we be happier than in the bosom of our familv/ Eut as this might have a double meaning in the midst of frozen deserts, he understood it in the worst sensey and said to the musi'^'ians, in a rough tone of voice, •^ You had much better play, " Let us awake and save the empire.'*' The staff of the emperor, his guard, his cavaby, and the fourth corps, forming a junction in this little town, so completely filled it, that it was scarcely pos- sible to move. The streets were thronged with sol- diers lying round their fires, which they could only keep up by demolishing the houses that were built with wood, and burningttie doors and window-frames of the others. The viceroy was well received at the quarters of the emperor, in spite of the ill humour which he felt in consequence of the late disgraces, to which he had been unaccustomed. He highly approved of the stra- tagem that had been employed to deceive the enemy. The prince remaining all night in conference, his suite encamped in the streets, until Napoleon and the vice- roy, placing themselves at the head of the guard, marched on the position which the Russians occupi- ed, to succour the first and third corps, who were in KRASNGE. 2,91 the same perilous situation, in which we had been placed on the preceding eveninsj. A new engas^ement commenced. The action was obstinate and bloody, and it was only by the great- est sacrifices, that we were enabled to save the few soldiers who were on their march to join us. The third corps was entirely dispersed, and there remained with the duke of Elchingen, onlv two or three thousand men, who had escaped from the enemy by passing the I\ieper. Twenty-five pieces of cannon, and many thousands of prisoners, were the fruits which the Russians reaped from four successive battles, iq which we had nothing to oppose against a complete army, but some miserable soldiers, harassed by con- tinual marches, and who during more than a month, had been without food, without ammunition, and without artillery. To reward the bravery of the Russian imperial guard, who had distinguished themselves in these different engagements, prince Kutusoff permitted them to carry all the trophies of victory from the field of battle to their camp. Among these, was the baton of the marshal prince of Eckmuhl.* But that baton, used by our marshals on days of ceremony alone, added no glory to the enemy, for they found it, doubtless, in a baggage-v^aggon that had been abandoned. The Russians have divided our retreat into three principal epochs, which, besides the constant increase * See the official report of our retreat, published by the Russians at Wilna, December 22, 1812. 292 KRASNOE. of our misfortunes, have each a peculiar character. The first ended at the battle of Krasnoe, the second at the passage of the Beresina, and the third at Nie- men. At the conclusion of the first period, to which w6 are now arrived, they had already taken forty thou- sand men, twenty-seven generals, five hundred pieces of cannon, thirty-one standards, and, beside our own immense baggage, all the plunder of Moscow, that we had not destroyed. If, to all these disasters, we yet add forty thousand more, dead of fatigue or fa- mine, or killed in the ditferent battles, we shall find that our army was reduced to thirty thousand, in- cluding the imperial guard, of whom not more than eight thousand combatants survived. The twenty- five pieces of artillery, which the guards had pre- served, could not be reckoned, since it was uncer- tain whether they would not be obliged to abandon them on the morrow. Our cavalry was almost ex- tinct. This is the exact statement of the losses which we had sustained, at the end of one month's march. From this we formed mournful presages of what we were yet to endure, since we were scarcely half way to the Niemen, and had three rivers to crosS;» and two mountains to climbs BOOK IX. THE BERESINA. The dreadful disasters which we had endured in our retreat from Moscow to Krasnoe, led us to conclude that our misfortunes must have reached their utmost height, and that happier events would succeed. In fact, the noble position of Orcha be- ing guarded by general Jomini we were assured that w^e should pass the Nieper without opposition, and effect a junction with the corps of general Doni- browski, and the dukes of Reggio and Belluno ; moreover we were approaching the line of our mag- azines, and we should soon enter on an inhabited and friendly country. In fine, prince Kutusoff, wish- ing to concert his plan of attack with the army of Moldavia which was ready to join him, ceased to harass us, and reserved for the Beresina, the great results which the battle of Krasnoe had promised him. All these advantages, on which it was said that 'we might build the surest hopes, imposed on the soldiers only for a short time. They who were best j^cquainted with the state of affairs, soon dissipated 294 . BERESINA. our ilJiisioiis, by circiilatinof the report that admiral Tsihikakoff, coiiiinoj from the Daimbe, had re- pulsed near Varsovia, the troops that opposed his passage ; that the Austrians had suffered him to take Minsk ; and that by seizins^ the bridge of Borisov, on the Beresina, the admiral intended to form a junction with generals Wittgenstein and Stengel. These generals, in fact, being no longer held in clieck by the twelfth and sixteenth corps, since the battle of Polotsk, had gone, the one on Vileika, to attack the Bavarians, and the other towards Tschach- niki, to place itself in communication with the army of Moldavia. On this junction depended the fate of the French army, and it w^as to prevent the most dreadful, and the most memorable of all defeats, that Napoleon advanced by forced marches on the Be re sin a. (November 17th.) As soon as the princeof Eckmuhl had joined us, and the duke of Elchingen bad throW'U himself on the other side of the Nieper, we left Krasnoe, about eleven o'clock in the morn- ing, and u]arched towards Liadoui. During the short repose that w^e had taken at Krasnoe, the cos- sacks had passed by that city, and now, ranged in column^, followed us, along the road. They did not venture to attack the armed soldiers ; but perceiving that the small remains of our baggage was stopped, and in oreat disorder from the difficulty which the horses found in clearing the valley which separated the town from a liltle hill, they rushed upon them, f?nd plundered them without resistance. We there BERESrNA- 295' lost the ba^jjagje-waggon of the statf, which contain- ed the registers of corresponrlence, and all the plans, charts, and memoirs, relative to the cam|)ai8;n. Night began to overake us as we entered Liadoui'. Above a little river, which we were to cross previ- ous to our arrival at Liadoui, was a lofty hill, the side of which was so slippery as to render the de- scent not a little dangerous. The town offered a new aspect to us, for there we first saw inhabitants. Although they were Jews, we forgot the filthiness of that venal people, and by force of entreaty, or rather by force of money, we made them find considerable resources, in a town that at first appeared to be ruin- ed. Thus that cupidity, the object of our supreme contempt in the Jews, was advantageous to us, be- cause it made them brave every danger to procure us what we demanded. Liadoui forming a part of Lithuania, w^e thought that it would have been respected, because it belong- ed to ancient Poland. We departed before day- break on the following morning (November 19,) when to our great astonishment, w^e were, as usual, lighted by the fire of the houses. That conflagration produced one of the most horrible scenes of our whole retreat, and my pen would refuse to recount it, if the recital of our misfortunss had not for its object, and its moral, to render odious that fatal am- bition, which forced the most civilized people to become barbarians in war. Amongst the buildings v/hich were burning, were three vast barns, filled with soldiers, most of whom 296 BERESINA. were wt>uiicled. They could not escape frorti the two which were behind, without passing through the one that was in front, and that was enveloped in flames. The most active saved themselves by leap- ing out of the windows; but the sick and the wounded unable to move, saw, with horrible consternation the flames rapidly advancing to devour them^ Moved by the cries, with which these unhappy beings rent the air, some, w-hose hearts were less hardened than others, attempted to save them. Yain effort ! Before we could reach them, they were more than half buried under the burning rafters. Eagerly did they cry to their comrades through the whirlwinds of firej to shorten their sufferings by immediately depriving them of life. It became the painful duty of humanity to comply with their entreaties. *Fire upon us, Hre upon us, at the head, at the head ; do not hesi- tate,' were the cries which proceeded from every part of the building, nor did they cease, till every wretched victim was consumed. We quickly entered into Doubrowna. That town was in a better slate of preservation than any through which we had passed in our journey from Moscow. It had a Polonese sub-prefect, and a com- mandant of the town. The inhabitants were princi* pally Jews, who procured us a little flour, brandyy and metheglin. They also exchanged the paper money of the soldiers for cash. In fine, astonished at the confidence of these Israelites, and the honesty of our soldiers, v»iio paid for every thing which they took, we thought plenty was about to revisit us, and BERESINA. 29 1 that our misfortunes were near Iheir close. Yet we were stiu!2^2jlin^ under accumulated evils. * Bread ! bread !' was the incessant cry of the feeble remains of our once poweifularmy. The followers of the camp of every kind, greatly suffered: particularly the commissaries and store-keepers, who had been little more accustomed to privations. But none were more to be pitied than the physicians, and especially the surgeons, who, without hope of advancement, exposed themsf^lves like the common soldiers, by dressing them on the field of battle. While we were at Doubrowna, I saw a young surgeon near a house which the soldiers surrounded in crowds, because it was reported that provisions were to be procured there. He was plunged in the profoundest grief, and w^ith an eager and anxious countenance, was violent- ly endeavouring to force his way into the place. But when he was again and again driven back by the crowd, he exhibited the wildest despair. I ventured to inquire the cause. * Ah, captain !' said he, * I am a lost man. For two days I have had no food, «nd ascertaining that they sold bread in this house, I gave the sentinel six franks to suffer me to enter. But while the bread was yet in the oven, the ,Tew would not promise to supply me, unless I gave him a louis in advance. I consented, but when I came back the sentinel was changed, and I was cruelly re- pulsed from the door. Ah, sir !' continued he, * I am indeed, unfortunate ; I have lost all the money ^hat I had in the world, and unable to procure a 38 298 BERESINA. morsel of bread, though I have not tasted any for more than a month.' At that moment, Napoleon passed by in a close chariot filled with furs. He wore, likewise, a pe- lisse and bonnet of sable-skin, which prevented him from feeling the severity of the weather. On the day when we arrived at Doubrovvna, he had marched a great part of the way on foot, and, during that march he could easily conceive himself to what a miserable state his army was reduced, and how much he had been deceived by the false reports which some gene- rals had made, who, knowing how dangerous it was to confess the truth, did not dare to acquaint him with the real state of things lest they should incur his displeasure. As he had often experienced the won- derful effects of his discourse on the soldiers, he once more mingled among them, and addressing himself angrily to the officers, and familiarly and jestingly to the soldiers, he endeavoured to inspire the one with fear, and the others with courage. But the time of enthusiasm was passed, when one word from him would have produced miracles. His tyranny had oppressed and- debased us, and stifling within us every generous feeling, had deprived him of the only means of reanimating our drooping spirits. Napo- leon was most affected at seeing his old guard equally dispirited and despairing. Wounded to the very soul, he assembled a party of them before he quitted TJoubrowna, and, placing himself in their centre, re- commended the officers to maintain strict discipline, and reminded them that thev had always been the BERESINA. 299 pride of his army, and that to their bravery he had often been indebted for the most splendid victories. But sentiments like these were out of season, and the man, who destitute of virtue aspired to the character of a hero, now too plainly found, that the grandest projects were followed by no glory, when they had not some laudable object, and when their execution was beyond the scope of human ability. (November 19th.) Half an hour after we quitted Doubrowna, we passed a very wide and deep ravine through which flowed a considerable river. The op- posite bank completely commanded that at which we had arrived. On seeing this important position, we thanked heaven that the Russians had not seized upon it to oppose our passage, and this gave us rea- son to hope that the village of Orcha was not occu- pied by them. In fact, some troops lately arrived from France maintained themselves there, and we effected a junction with them at two o'clock in the af- ternoon, without being harassed by the cossacks. This was a new instance of good fortune, for in the disorder in which we then were, it would have been impossible for us to have forced either of these strong positions. These troops had constructed two bridges over the Nieper, and as every one rushed on to pass first, the crowd was immense, yet fortunately no accident occurred. Napoleon arrived at Orcha soon after us, and in an instant every house was occupied. The Jews, as usual, immediately procured us trifling re- freshments, but the number of purchasers was so great that all was soon consumed. 300 BERESINA. The more 1 examined the position of Orcha, the greater was my astonishment that the Russians had not taken possession of it. The town is built on the right bank of the Nieper, which rises considerably higher than the left. Many projections appear from the bank in the form of natural bastions, and perfectly command the passage. The river flows immedialely beneath, and is about one thousand two hundred feet wide, and of immense depth. The most for- midable army could not pass it without being eX' posed to entire ruin. While we halted upon these heights, we heard many discharges of musketry, and shortly afterwards, we saw those who had been left on the other side retiring with the greatest pre- jupitation, and crying as they approached us, * The Cossacks, the cossacks.' In fact they soon actually appeared, but in numbers so small, that we should have been indignant, if those who fled before them had not been wretched stragglers, without arms, and mostly wounded. (November 20th.) On the following day we were unmolested, except that we occasionally heard some discharges of musketry, directed against the cossacks ; but accustomed to see them advance upon us, and immediately betake themselves to flight when faced by the regular troops, their presence gave us no uneasiness. We were thus permitted to taste undis- turbed the sweets of one day's repose, and some pro- yisionswere distributed amongst us, which general Jomini, governor of Orcha, had preserved for the passage of the army« They proved the more acceptv BERESINA. 301 able to us, as we had received no rations of bread since our retreat from Smolensko, the magazines of Krasnoe having been pillaged by the cossacks be- fore we arrived.* If the day was tranquil, the night was much dis- turbed. The duke of Elchingen, who since the disastrous day of Krasnoe, had been obliged to aban- don the road that we pursued, and seek a safer re- treat on the other side of the IS'ieper, had been engaged with the enemy during three whole days. That march, in which he had recourse to every ma- noeuvre that the most extraordinary courage and talents could effect, completed his brilliant reputa- tion. His valour was seconded by the generous movement of the prjnce viceroy, who proceeded by forced marches to succour him, and whose assistance effected his deliverance. (November 21st.) We marched from Orcha at the moment that they began to set it on fire. As we climbed the mountain to recover the grand road, we heard a considerable firing of musketry. It pro- ceeded from the soldiers of the first corps, who had been left in the town to form the rear guard, and who were already engaged with the cossacks. During our stay at Orcha, Napoleon, foreseeing that he should soon be placed in a most critical situa- * I ought to observe, that only the soldiers who were present at the roll call, received any distribution, and they did not form a filth part of the army ; and there were only three distributions in the space of two months, namely, at Smolensko, at Orcha, and at Kowno. 302 BERESINA. tion, made every effort to rally his troops. He caus^ eel it to be proclaimed hj sound of trumpet, and by three colonels, that every soldier who did not imme- diately rejoin his regiment should be punished with death ; and that every officer or general, who aban- doned his post should be dismissed. But when we regained the great road, we perceived what little ef- fect this measure had produced. All was in the most frightful confusion, and in contempt of this severe proclamation, the soldiers, naked and without arms, continued to march in the same disorder. We encamped at a sorry village on our right, where two or three habitations remained, at the dis- tance of an hour's march from Kokanovo. The vil- lage of Kokanovo, which we passed on the following day, w^as entirely ruined ; thej)ost-house, which had been inhabited by the staff, alone remained. We continued our march along a road which the thaw had rendered horribly dirty, when we received or- ders not to push forward to Tolotschin, where Na- poleon had fixed his quarters, but to halt at a great ihateau half a league distant. The road of Orcha, as far as Tolotschin, is un- doubtedly one of the best in Europe. It forms a per- fectly straight line, and is bordered on each side by a double row of birch trees, the branches of which, la- den with snow and ice, hung down to the ground like the weeping willow. But these majestic avenues ex- cited in us no admiration. They witnessed only our tears and our despair. On every side we heard only groans and lamentations. Some feeling that they EERESINA. 303 eould proceed no further, laid themselves on the ground, and with tears in their eyes, gave us their papers and their money to be conveyed to their fam- ilies. ' Ah ! If more fortunate than we,' they ex- claimed, * you are permitted to re-visit our dear country, give our parents this last pledge of our love. Tell them that the hope of seeing them again alone sustained us till this day ; and that at length, compelled to renounce this pleasing expectation, we died thinking of them, and blessing them. Adieu, God bless you ! When on your return to our belo- ved France, you rejoice in your good fortune, think, sometimes of our unhappy fate.' A little further on we met others, who, holding in their arms their fa- mished children or their wives, implored one morsel of bread to preserve their lives. In the meantime, Napoleon was informed that the army of Wolhynia, joined to that of Moldavia, had marched on Minsk (Nov. 16th,) and that it had seized on the bridge of Borisov, to cut us off from the passage of the Beresina. He also knew, that the ar- my of Wittgenstein, reinforced by the division of Stengel, sharply pressed the twelfth and sixteenth corps, that it might be enabled to march on the Bo- risov, and form a jimction with admiral Tschikakoff and prince KutusoiF. To oppose the execution of a plan which would cojinplete our ruin. Napoleon sent general Dombrowski against the army of Wol- hynia, hoping also that he might anticipate it, in seizing the bridge of Borisov. This general did es- tablish him.self there, but be was forced to evaruate 304 BERESINA, his position (Nov. 23d.) The enemy having then passed the Beresina, marched upon Bohr, and came to meet us. The twelfth corps commanded by the duke of Reggio, which was at Tschereia, received orders to proceed immediately to the succour of ge- neral Dombrowski, and to secure for the army the passag^e of the Beresina. On the following day (Nov. 24th) he met the division of the Russian gene- ral Lambert, four leagues on this side of Borisov. He attacked and beat it. At the same time general Berkheim made a brilliant charge with the fourth re- giment of chasseurs, and forced the enemy to retreat to the other bank of the river, after having lost two thousand men, six cannon and a quantity of baggage. The Russians having destroyed in their flight the great bridge of Borisov, defended all the right bank of the Beresina, and occupied, with four divisions, the principal points where we could possibly attempt to pass it. During the 25th, Napoleon manoeuvred to deceive the vigilance of the enemy, and, by strata- gem, obtained possession of the village of Studzianca, placed on an eminence that cammanded the river which we wished to pass. There, in the presence of the Russians, and notwithstanding their utmost opposition, he coristructed two bridges, of which the duke of Reggio profited to cross the Beresina ; and attacking the troops which opposed his passage, he put them to flight, and pursued them, without inter- mission, to the head of the bridge of Borisov, Ge- BERESINA. 305 Beral Les^rand, an officer of distinguished merit, was wounded in this affair. The duke of Belluno, who for some days had kept the corps of Wittgenstien in check, having re- ceived orders to follow the movements of the duke of Regofio, was pursued in his retreat by the Russian army of the Dwina, which had then formed a junc- tion with prince Kutusoff, near Lochnitza. During all these operations, which took place between the 23d and 27th of November, we passed four dreadful days, traversing many villages, among which we could only learn the names of Bohr and Kraupki, where fatigue compelled us to halt. The days were so short, that although we made but little progresSj we were obliged to march during part of the night. It was from this cause that so many unhappy wretch^ es wandered from their regiments, and were lost. Arriving very late at the encampments, where all the corps were confounded together, they could not dis- tinguish or learn the situation of the regiment to which they belonged. After having marched the whole day, they were often compelled to wander about all the night to find their oflftcers, and rarely were they sufficiently fortunate to accomplish their object ; they then laid themselves down to sleep, ig- norant of the hour of march, and on awaking, found themselves in the power of the enemy. As we passed the Borisov, we saw the division of Parthonneaux forming the rear-guard of the ninth corps. We then quitted the great road that led to the bridge occupied by the Russians, and turned to 39 366 BERESINA. the right to proceed to Studzianca, where we found IVapoleon. The other troops of the ninth corps, commanded by the duke of Belluno, arrived like- wise by the same road. The twelfth and ninth corps and the Poles, com- manded by general Dombrowski, not having been at Moscow, had so miirh baggage, that from Borisov to Studzianca the road was covered with carriages and waggons. The reinforcements which these troops brought us were very acceptable, yet we almost doubted whether the junction of so many men, in the centre of a vast desert, might not increase our mis- fortunes. Always marching in the midst of a confus- ed mass of stragglers, with the divisions of the ninth corps, we were two hours afterwards arrested in our progress by a great crowd, and unable to penetrate, we W' ere compelled to march round it. In the midst of this multitude were some paltry barns, on the sum- mit of a little hill. Seeing some chasseurs of the im- perial guard encamped around it, we judged that Napoleon was there, and that we were approaching the borders of the Beresina. In fact, it was the very spot where Charles XII. crossed that river, on his march to Moscow.^^' What a frightful picture did this multitude ot men present, overwhelmed with misfortunes of every kind, and hemmed in by a morass ; that very multi- tude which, two months before, had exultingly spread itself over half the surface of a vast empire ! Our sol- * June 25th, 1708.. BERESINA. 307 diers, pale, emaciated, dying with hunger and cold, have nothing to defend them from the inclemency of the season, but tattered pelises, and sheep-skins half burnt, and uttering the most mournful lamentations, ^crowded the banks of this unfortunate river. Ger- mans, Polanders, Italians, Spaniards, Croats, Portu- guese, and French, were all mingled together, disput- ing among themselves, and quarrelling with each other, in their different languages : — finally, the offi- cers, and even the generals, wrapped in pelisses co^ vered with dirt and filth, confounded with the sol- diers, and abusing those who pressed upon them, or braved their authority, formed a scene of strange confusion, of which no painter could trace the faint- est resemblance. They, whom fatigue, or ignorance of the impend- ing danger, rendered less eager to cross the river, were endeavouring to kindle a fire, and repose their wearied limbs. We had, too frequently, occasion to observe, in these encampments, to what a degree of brutality, excess of misery would debase human na- ture. In one place we saw several of the soldiers fighting for a^morsel of bread. If a stranger, pierced with the cold, endeavoured to approach a fire, those to whom it belonged inhiuuanly drove him away ; or, if tormented with raging thirst, any one asked for a single drop of water from another who carried a full supply, the refusal was accompanied by the vilest abuse. We often heard those who had once been friends, and whose education had been liberal, bit„ terly disputing with each other for a little straw, or a 308 BERESINA. piece of horse flesh, which they were attempting to divide. This campaign was therefore the more terri- ble, as it brutalized the character, and stained us with vices to which we had before been strangers. Even those who once were honest, humane, and generous, became selfish, avaricious, dishonest, and cruel. Napoleon having, with the assistance of his guard, forced his way through this immense crowd, crossed the river (November 27) about three o'clock in the afternoon. The viceroy, who had passed the whole day with him, announced to his staff, that what remain- ed of the fourth corps should pass the bridge at eight o'clock at night. Although not a moment should have been lost in escaping from a place so dangerous, many could not prevail upon themselves to leave the fires round which they were sitting. ' It is much better,' said they, * to pass the night on this side of the river than on the other, where there is nothing but marshes ; besides, the bridge is as much encumbered as ever, and by waiting till to-morrow, the crowd will have lessened, and the passage will be easy.' This unfortunate advice prevailed on too many, and at the hour appointed, only the household of the prince, and a few of the officers of the staff crossed the river. It was, indeed, necessary to know all the danger that would have attended our stay on the left side of the river, to induce us to pass to the other. The viceroy and his suite, arriving on the right bank, en- camped on a marshy piece of ground, and endeavour- ed to find out the places which were most frozen, to pass the night on them and escape the bogs. The BERESINA. 309 darkness was horrible, and the wind tremendous, blowing a thick shower of ice and snow full in our faces. Many of the officers, pierced with the cold, did not cease running, and walking, and striking their feet, during the whole night, to preserve them- selves from being completely frozen. To complete our misfortunes, wood was so scarce, that we could with difficulty supply one little fire for the viceroy ; and to obtain some firebrands, we were obliged to appeal to the Bavarian soldiers, the daughter of whose king had been united in marriage to prince Eugene. (November 28th.) Napoleon being gone towards Zembin, left behind him this immense crowd, which, standing on the other side of the Beresina, presented a lively, but frightful picture of the un- happy ghosts who are said to wander on the banks of the Styx, and press tumultuously towards the fatal barge. The snow fell with violence ; the hills and forest presented only some white indistinct masses, scarcely visible through the fog. We could only see distinctly the fatal river, which, half frozen, forced its way through the ice that impeded its progress. Although there were two bridges, one for the carriages, and the other for the foot-soldiers, yet the crowd was so great, and the approaches so danger- ous, that near the Beresina, the passage was com- pletely choked up, and it was absolutely impossible to move. About eight o'clock in the morning, the bridge for the carriages and the cavalry broke down ; 310 BERESINA. the baggage and artillery then advanced towards the other bridge, and attempted to force a passage. ]Vow began a frightful contention between the foot- soldiers and the horsemen. Many perished by the hands of their comrades, but fi great number were suffocated at the head of the brigade ; and the dead bodies of men and horses, so choked every avenue, that it was necessary to climb over mountains of car- casses to arrive at the river. Some, who were buried in these horrible heaps, still breathed, and struggling wlih the agonies of death, caught hold of those who mounted over them ; but these kicked them with vio- lence, to disengage themselves, and, without re- morse, trod them under foot. During this conten- tion, the multitude which followed, like a furious wave, sw^pt away^ while it increased the number of ¥ictims. The division of Parthonneaux, which formed the rear-guard, having received orders to return, left a brigade to burn the bridge. That brigade, setting out two hours afterwards to rejoin the first, found it no more. Doubtless, it had hastened its retreat, for it has now been fully proved, that general Parthon= neaux, who had been unjustly accused of abandon- ing his troops, received three or four orders in the course of the day, which rendered him uncertain how to act, and placed him in a very critical situa-, lion. Be this as it may, the second brigade lost its way, and wandered more than three leagues in a wrong direction. In the middle of a dismal night, Slid pierced with cold, it mistook the fires of the BERESINA. ^ 311 enemy for ours, and rnv to join us ; when, seeinp^ it- self surrounded, and without the least hope of es- cape, it was connpelled to surrender. Eorisov being evacuated, the three Russian ar- mies effected their junction, and the same day (November 28th,) about eight o'clock in the morn- ing, the duke of Reggio was attacked on the right bank, and half an hour afterwards the duke of Bel- lu no was engaged on the left. Every soldier, who had before been wandering in confusion, fell into the ranks. The battle was obstinately fought, and the duke of Reggio could only obtain the victory at the price of his own blood. He was wounded at the be- ginning of the action, and compelled to quit the field. The command then devolved on the duke of Ekhin- gen. In the mean time the enemy, notwithstanding the yalour of our soldiers, and the exertions of their commanders, briskly pressed the ninth corps, which formed the rear-guard. We already heard the roar of the cannon, and the sound dismayed every heart. Insensibly it approached, and we soon saw the fire of the enemy's artillery on the summit of the neighbour- ing hills, and we no longer doubted that the engage- ment would soon extend to that spot which w'as cov- ered with thousands of unarmed men, sick and wounded, and with all our women and children. The duke of Elchingen, having rallied his troops, the battle recommenced with new fury. The divi- sion of cuirassiers, commanded by general DoumerCj made a very brilliant charo;e, and at the same mo- 312 BERESlNAo rnent the legion of the Vistula was engaged in the woods, endeavouring to force the enemy's centre. These brave cuirassiers, although enfeebled by fa- tigue and privations of every kind, performed prodi- gies of valour. They pierced the enemy's squares, took several pieces of cannon, and three or four thou- sand prisoners, which our weakness would not per- mit us to retain : for in our cruel situation we fought not for victory, but only for life, and the honour of our arms. In the heat of the engagement many balls flew over the miserable crowd which was yet pressing across the bride of the Beresina. Some shells burst in the midst of them. Terror and despair then took possession of every heart. The women and chil- dren, who had escaped so many disasters, seemed to have been preserved, only to suffer here a death still more deplorable. We saw them rushing from the baggage-waggons, and falling in agonies and tears at the feet of the first soldier they met, imploring his assistance to enable them to reach the other side. The sick and the wounded, sitting on the trunks of trees, or supported by their crutches, anxiously looked around for some friend to help them. But their cries were lost in the air, JXo one had leisure to attend to his dearest friend. His own preserva- tion absorbed every thought. Monsieur de Labarriere, the muster-master of the fourth corps, was a man of respectable character, and engaging manners. His advanced age, and more es- pecially bis feeble constitution, had long rendered BERESINA. 313 hmi unable to march, and he was now lying with many others on an open sledge. He accidentally perceived an officer of his acquaintance, and although he was scarcely able to stand, he ran to him, threw himself in his arms, and implored his protection. The officer was severely wounded, but too generous to refuse his feeble help, he promised that he would not leave him. These two friends, closely embrac- ing each other, slowly proceeded towards the bridge animated by tiie consoling thought, that at least they would be permitted to die together. They entered the crowd ; but, feeble and helpless, they were un- able to sustain the intolerable pressure, and were seen no more. A woman was likewise marching with the equi- page of Napoleon, whom her husband had left a little way behind, while he went forward to endeavour to find a place where they might safely pnss. During that time a shell burst near the unfortunate female. The crov^d that was around her, immediately took to flight. She alone remained. But the enemy soon advancing, caused the soldiers to rush back all at once to the bridge, and, in their confused march, they hurried the poor woman with them, who strove in vain to return to the place where her husband had left her. BulTeted by the tumultuous waves, she saw herself driven from the spot, without the possi- bility of return. We heard her from afar, loudly calling to her husband, but her piercing voice was unattended to, amidst the noise of arms, and the cries of the soldiers. At length pale and speechless, she 40 ' 314 BERESINA. beat her breast in agonv, and fell lifeless at the feet of the soldiers, who, attentive to their own escape, neither saw nor heard her. At length the Russians continually reinforced by fresh troops, advanced in a mass, and drove before them the Polonese corps of general Girard, which till then had held them in check. At the sight of the enemy, those who had not already passed, mingled Avith the Polanders, and rushed precipitately towards the bridge. The artillery, the baggage-waggons, the cavalry, and the foot-soldiers, all pressed on, contending which should pass the first. The strong- est threw into the river those who were weaker, and hindered their passage, or unfeelingly trampled un- ^er foot all the sick whom they found in their way. Many hundreds were crushed to death by the wheels of the cannon. Others, hoping to save themselves by swimming, were frozen in the middle of the river, or perished by placing themselves on pieces of ice, w^iich sunk to the bottom. Thousands and thou- sands of victims, deprived of all hope, thew them- selves headlong into the Beresina, and were lost in the wsves. The division of Girard made its way, by force of arms, through all the obstacles that retarded its march ; and climbing over that mountain of dead bodies which obstructed the way, gained the other side. Thither the Russians would soon have fol- lowed them, if they had not hastened to burn the brids^e. BERESINA. 315 Then tbe unhappy beings who remained on the other side of the Beresina abandoned themselves to absolute despair. Some of them, however, yet at- tempted to pass the bridge, enveloped as it was in flames; but, arrested in the midst of their progress, they were compelled to throw themselves into the river, to escape a death yet more horrible. At length the Russians, being masters of the field of battle, our troops retired ; the uproar ceased, and a mournful silence succeeded. As we marched towards Zembin, we re-ascended the right bank of the Beresina, whence we could dis- tinctly see all that passed on the other side. The cold was excessive ; and the wind blew in loud and hollow gusts. The obscurity of the night was dis- sipated only by the numerous fires of the enemy, who occupied the heights. At the foot of these hills were our unfortunate companions. Their destruc- tion was now inevitable, and, amidst all their former disasters, never were they exposed to, nor can ima- gination conceive, horrors equal to those which en- compassed them during that frightful night. The elements let loose, seemed to conspire to afflict uni- versal nature, and to chastise the ambition and the crimes of man. The conquerors and the conquered, were alike overwhelmed with sufferings. Round the encampment of the Russians, however, we saw enormous masses of burning wood, but on the spot which held our devoted companions, there was neither light nor shelter. Lamentable cries and 316 BERESINA, groans alone marked the place which contained these miserable victims. More than twenty thousand sick and wounded fell into the power of the enemy. Two hundred pie- ces of cannon were abandoned. All the bao;2;age of the two corps which had joined us was equally the prey of the conquerors ; yet, when we contemplated the deplorable fate of the wretched beinsjs who were left on the other side of the Beresina, the conscious- ness of our safety rendered us insensible to the loss of all our riches. They were for ever deprived of the hope of revisiting the land that gave them birth; and were doomed to pass the sad remnant of their days amidst the snows of Siberia, where they would water with their tears the black bread which would be the only wages of the most humiliating servitude. (November 29th.) Setting out on the morrow for Zembin, and endeavouring to rejoin what re- mained of the fourth corps, we again commiserated the fate of the numerous friends who were no longer with us. We eagerly embraced those who had re- turned, whom we had feared we should never again have beheld, and congratulated each other on sur- viving a day more terrible than the bloodiest battle. We mutually recounted the dangers that we had run, and the difficulties with which we had struggled to escape with life. * 1 have lost every thing,' said one, * servants, horses, baggage ; but I think not of it ; I rather esteem myself most fortunate, that I have preserved my life, that 1 have escaped from the in- |:iemency of the weather, the horrors of famine, and BERESINA. 317 the arms of the enemy.' ' I have nothing but what I carry about me,' said a second, ' and of all that I had, I only wish for some shoes to defend my feet, and some bread to eat : these are the truest riches.' *1 have lost all,' exclaimed a third, * but I do not regret it, since tlie sacrifice of my baggage has ena- bled me to save my wounded brother.' Such was the language which we heard, during several succes- sive days ; and those who were silent, deeply mused on the dangers which they had passed, and rendered their secret but fervent thanks to Providence, for a preservation almost miraculous. BOOK X. THE NIEMEN. The fatal passage of the Beresina having reduced our corps of reserve to the same condition as those who had been as far as Moscow, realized the fatal predictions, which had long been announced to us ; and, with the exceptionof our chief (whose life Pro- vidence seems to have continued, only to deliver him to greater remorse and despair,) all was ac- complished. How dreadful was the punishment of this con- queror, to lose the provinces which he occupied with more rapidity than he had envaded them ; to have the melancholy cypress, instead of the laurels of vic- tory, and cities smoking with recent slaughter, in- stead of the incense of applause ; and, finally, as the companions of his triumph, twenty thousand disarm- ed soldiers, without linen and without stockings, whose only shoes were contrived from their worn-out hats, whose shoulders were covered with pieces of sacking, and the skins of horses^ newly flayed. 320 THE NIEMEN. These were deplorable remains of five hundred thousand brave warriors, who, but for the ambition of a single man, would always have been the honour of France, and the terror of their enemies, (November 29th.) We arrived very early at the village of Kamen, and were continuing our route to Plescenkovice, when Colaud, commander of the ad- vanced-guard, returned, and announced to us that two thousand cossacks had entered the city, crying ' Hourra !' and were massacreing every one whom they found in the streets, * The duke of Reggio,* said he, ' being wounded last night, was scarcely able to reach the place ; but, happily, many officers has- tenino- to render him assistance, or to die at his side, excited a fear in the enemy that we were contriving some ambush. They retired to a neighbouring heisrht, and cannonaded the marshal's house, to make it capitulate. As if a fatality pursued the duke of Keggio, a cannon-ball striking on a beam, broke off a splinter, by which he was again slightly wounded.* This officer likewise informed us, 'that general Pino had been in the same quarters, and that count Dan- thouard, on entering into Plescenkovice, had scarce- ly time to escape to his carriage.' This news determined us to remain at Kamen. The next day (30th November) we set out before day break, and passing hy Plescenkovice, the accounts Vi hich we had received on the preceding evening, were confirmed. We saw the house where the duke of Reggio had taken up his quarters, and were sur- prised that two thousand cossacks hadnot ventured to THE l!fIEMEN. 521 oarry oflfby force, a marshal who was only defended by twenty wounded officers. Napoleon halted in this city, but the viceroy continuing his route, en» camped in a deserted village, near Zavichino, which according to the map, was named Niestanovitsch. (December 1st.) The following day, about seven in the morning, the viceroy, accompanied by a few officers, placed himself at the head of some greriadiers of the royal guard, who yet remained faithful to their colours. After a very long march, for men exhaust- ed with fatigue, we arrived at the town of Iliia. The Jews, forming the majority of the population, had not quitted their houses, and the love of gain induced them to bring out some provisions, which they had intended to conceal. We paid them liberally, for in such a situation the poorest nourishment was prefer- able to gold. Without this assistance, we should have lost the brave and estimable colonel Durieu, whose health had much declined ; less perhaps on account of deprivations to which he had been expos- ed, than the ardent zeal with which he fulfilled his important and laborious duties. (December 2d.) The next day, when we march- ed upon Molodetschino, was still more fatiguing and oppressive. We marched for twelve hours with- out halting, through an immense forest. The cold was excessive, and the only thing which could afford us consolation, was the persuasion, that the cossacks would no longer harass our right. Captain .louard, who had been sent to Vileika, to generel Wrede, aib- 41 322'^ THE NIEMEN. sured us that the Bavarians still maintained that im-- portant position. We were in a pitiable situation when we arrived at Molodestehino. Happily the houses were good, and some of the proprietors, who still remained, pro- cured us the means of subsistence. The next morn- ing the equipages of Napoleon began to depart. They were scarcely out of the village, when a mul- titude of Cossacks presented themselves, and would have taken them, if they had not hastily returned to place themselves under the protection of the troops, who yet retained their arms. The viceroy was pre- paring for his departure, when it was announced to him that we were to remain at Molodestehino, but that he must evacuate the chateau which he occupi- ed, for the use of Napoleon, who would soon arrive. This repose was the more precious as the ability to procure some provisions, by dint af searching for them, enabled us to employ it profitably. Neverthe- less, many soldiers expired in the streets. The same desolation extended to the houses where the officers lodged. Some were sick from excessive fatigue, and protested that they could go no further; others whose feet were frozen, and who had no horses, found them- selves obliged, though full of courage, to remain in the hands of the Russians. The generals were ex- posed to the same calamities, for many of them, havr ing lost their servants and their carriages, were un- able to replace them. In such circumstances if the slightest sickness attacked them, they expired for want of assistance. Such was our situation in Mo- THE NIEMEN. 323 lodetschino, when Napoleon wrote in characters of blood, the fatal twenty-ninth bulletin, which made France and her allies, a large family of momners. (December 4th.) We quitted the villaoje, but did not take the great road which leads through Zachkevitschi, directly to Smor^honi. We kept to the left of this rock, which, indeed, promised little safety, and pursued a by-road, which conducted us by Lebioda to Markovo. We encamped in this vil- lage with some soldiers of the first corps, while the emperor and his guard were at Bienitsa, about half a league from us. (December 6th.) Setting out for Smorghoni, we crossed some marshy country, which would have been absolutely impassable, had it not been ^or the rigour of the season. It was therefore evident to us that these regions are completely defended by their very nature, and that, independent of the rigour of winter, the marshes of Lithuania would have been our grave. When we arrived at this little town, we did not find the resources which we had been promised. All the houses were deserted, and the Jews, having taken flight, had deprived us of their assistance. We found however, in the magazines, some casks of bis- cuits, which were immediately devoured. Napoleon, terrified by so many disasters, and still' more so by the fear of losing his authority in France, conceived the idea of abandoning these miserable remains of his army, for the purpose of demanding from his senate new levies ; and, tortured by that just terror which always, pursues the despot, he imagined 324 THE NIEMEN. tbat his allies were ea^er to dissolve the compactj which had placed them under his iron yoke. Full of this resolution, he felt assured, when he arrived at Smorsjhoni, that the road was safe as far as the Niemeil, and called together the chiefs of the army. Afterwards he had a private conference with the viceroy. This being finished, JNapoleon issued from his cabinet, followed by the master of the horse, the marshal of the palace, and general Lefebre Des- nouettes. Crossing one of the halls, h6 met the king of Naples, and said to him, with an indifferent air, ' Adieu, king of Naples P While pronouncing these words, he went out, accompanied by the three per- sons who were going with him. Being seated in his carriage, he placed at his side general Desnoiiettes. The master of the horse, and the marshal of the pa- lace entered a second, which immediately followed on the route to Wilna. No address was made to the army, no proclamation to the Lithuanians, to reani" mate their dejected spirits. The one was without a chief, the other abandoned by him who had promised them every thing. The king of Naples took the command of the army, but they marched with so much disorder and precipitation, that it was only when they arrived at Wilna, that the soldiers were informed of a depar- ture as discouraging as it was unexpected. * What,' said they among themselves, * is it thus that he abandons those of whom he calls himself the father ? Where then is that genius, who, in the height of prosperity, exhorted us to bear our sufferings patient-^ THE NIEMEN 325 iy ? He who lavished our blood, is he afraid to die with us ? Will he treat us like the army of Ea^ypt, to whom, after having served him faithfully, he be- came indifferent, when, by a shameful flight he found himself free from danger ?' Such was the conversa- tion of the soldiers, which they accompanied by the most violent execrations. Never was indignation more just, for never were a class of men so worthy of The presence of the emperor had kept the chiefs to their duty, but when they heard of his departure, the greater part of them followed his example, and shamefully abandoned the remains of the regiments with which they had been intrusted. Until then we had found, at intervals, some few armed soldiers, who, conducted by their officers, rallied round the standard which they had sworn never to forsake, but with life. But from the moment that they were de- prived of their chiefs, and that unheard-of calamities had reduced their numbers, those brave soldiers, who were intrusted with the immediate charge, were re- duced to the painful necessity of hiding them in their knapsacks. Many of them, sensible that they were expiring, and knowing that the honour of a French soldier consisted in preserving his colours, with a weak hand dug up the ground, to save from the Rus- sians those ensigns under which our arms had been raised to the pinnacle of glory. The division of Loison, which had come before us from Koningsberg, and that of the->i\eapo]itans, from Wilna, having been obliged to encamp in a 326 THE NIEMEN. cold of twenty-two degrees, were totally destroyedj and out of six thousand men, of which each was cojiiposed, we could only see, through a thick fog, some feeble battalions, who ran on the road like mad- men. They beat the earth with their feet, to keep themselves from being benumbed by the frost, and if, unfortunately, they were urged by the wants of nature, losing theiise of their hands, they fell on the ground, and rose again no more. They who could support the fatigue of marching, only prolonged their misery ; and if, at length, weary of life, they wished to terminate their sufferings, it was necessa- ry only to stand still. The road which we followed, presented, at every step, brave officers, covered with rags, supported by branches of pine, their hair and beards stiffened by the ice. These warriors, who, a short time before, were the terror of our enemies, and the conquerors of . Europe, having now lost their fine appearance, crawl- ed slowly along, and could scarcely obtain a look of pity from the soldiers whom they had formerly com- manded. Their situation became still more dread- ful, because all who had not strength to march were abandoned, and every one who was abandoned by his comrades, io an hour afterwards inevitably perished. The next day every bivouac presented the image of a field of battle. Whenever a soldier, overcome with fatigue, chanced to fall, his next neighbour rushed eagerly upon him, and before he was dead, robbed him of all that he possessed, and even of his clothes. Every moment we heard some of tliese unhappy men THE NIEMJilNv 327 ci'ying out for assistance. * My coRirades/ cried one, with a heart-rending voice, ' assist me to. rise ; lend me a hand to pursue my march.' Every one continued his march without regarding him. * Ah !' he continued, * I conjure you by every thing which is dear to you, do not abandon me to the enemy ; in the name of humanity, grant the little assistance I ask ; help me to rise.' But those who passed, far from being moved by this touching prayer, regarded him as already dead, and immediately began to strip him. We then heard him crying out, ' Oh, help ! help ! They murder me ; they murder me ! why do you trample upon me ? Why do you snatch from me my money and my bread, and take from me even my clothes!' If some generous officer did not arrive in time to deliver them, many of these unfortunate be- ings would be assassinated by their own comrades. (December 7.) We arrived at Joupranoui a lit- tle before night. Overcome with fatigue, we were obliged to stop there. The ruined houses afforded us no shelter from the rigour of the season. Lying on each other, suffering with hunger, and pierced with cold, we passed the night in groans. We marched early in the morning (8th Decem- ber,) and arrived at Ochmiana about eleven o'^clock. The winter was so severe, that the soldiers burnt whole houses to avoid being frozen. We saw round the lires, the half-consumed bodies of many unfor- tunate men, who, having advanced too near, in order to warm themselves, and being too weak to recede, l^ad become a prey to the flames. ^Some miserablo 328 ^ THE NiEMENa ' ' beings blacliened with smoke, and besirieared witli the blood of the horses which they had devoured, wandered like ghosts, round the burning houses. They gazed on the dead bodies of their companions, and, too feeble to support themselves, fell down, and died like them. We expected to have received some provisions in this town, but we were informed that the cossacks had pillaged the magazines, and that JNapoleon had passed through half an hour after they were gone. We then continued our route, marching in the midst of the dead and the dying, and at length arrived at the wretched stone chateau of Rovno-Pole, where the prince and his staff passed a miserable night. Misfortune having equalized all conditions, every thing was confounded. It was in vain that the offi- cers endeavoured to assert their authority ; it was in- solently denied. The colonel, who had no food, was obliged to beg a piece of biscuit from the private soldier. The man who possessed provisions, al- though he were a servant, was surrounded by a crowd of courtiers, who, to obtain food, threw aside their rank and distinction, and condescended to caress hira. In short, to form an adequate idea of the dread- ful disorder to which famine and cold had reduced us, you oiust figure to yourself thirty thousand men, of difierent ranks, niarching together, without order and without discipline ; ignorant of the road they were 2;oing, and only stopping when weariness or ca- price impelled them. The chiefs themselves, being accustomed to command, w^ere the most unfortunate.. TflE NIETWEN. 329 Tbey were shunned, to avoid rendering them assis- tance; for, in our situation, even to give a glass of water, or to raise a fellow-soldier from the ground, were offices of kindness which claimed the wannest, gratitude. The route was covered with soldiers who no long- er retained the human form, and whom the enemy disdained to make prisoners. Every day these mis- erable men made us Avitnesses of scenes too dread- ful to relate. Some had lost their hearing, others their speech, and many, by excessive cold and hun- ger, were reduced to a state of frantic stupidity, in which they roasted the dead bodies of their comrades for food, or even gnawed their own hands and arms.* Some were so weak, that, unable to lift a piece of wood, or roll a stone towards the fires which they had kindled, they sat upon the dead bodies of their comrades, and, with a haggard countenance, stead- fastly gazed upon the burning coals. JNo sooner was the fire extinguished, than these living spectres, unable to rise, fell by the side of those on whom they had sat. We saw many who were absolutely insane. To warm their frozen feet, they plunged them na- ked into the middle of the fire. Some, with a con- vulsive laugh, threw themselves into the flames, and perished in the most horrible convulsions, and ut- tering the most piercing cries ; while others, equal- ly insane, immediately followed them, and expe- rienced the same fate. * Official Report, published hy the Russians at Wilna, 2d De~ Gember, 1812. 42 330 THE IVIEMEN. Sticli was our situation when we arrived at tli6 village of Roukoni, where some wretched barns alone remained filled with dead bodies. Being on- ly three leagues from Wilna, many continued their march, that they might arrive first in that city ; where they hoped not only to find abundance of provisions, but. to remain some days and enjoy that repose which they so much needed. The fourth corps, which could not muster more than two hun- dred men, who were yet faithful to their duty, iialted in this wretched village. At break of day we hastened to quit Roukoni, where the cold and the smoke had prevented us from closing our eyes. When we were commencing our march, the Bavarians, who formed the rear- guard, hastily advanced, crying out that the enemy was pursuing them. The evening before, it was re- ported that they had obtained some advantages over the Cossacks ; but the disorder in which they now ar- rived, proved that this intelligence was false. How- ever, we must do them the justice to say that they yet retained some pieces of cannon, but the horses were so weak that they could not drag them along. Every day's march presented" a repetition of the mournful scenes of which I have given a slight sketch. Our hearts were so hardened to these dread- iiil spectacles, that all sensibility was entirely lost. Self-preservation was the only motive which actua- ted us, in the state of barbarism to which we were reduced. Wilna occupied every thought, and the hope that that position would permit us to take some THE NIEMEN. 331 repose, inspired those who were able to continue their march, with such extreme joy, that they re- garded with indifference the miserable beings who crowded the road, struggline; with the agonies of death. Wilna, however, the object of our dearest hopes, and to which we were pressing on with such eagerness, was soon found to be another Smolensko, At length we arrived at its suburbs, so ardently desired; but our happiness was sadly alloyed when we saw the whole of this immense place obstructed by a crowd of carriages, horses, and men. This con= fusion recalled the B«^resina to my mind ; and such was our stupidity, that, being accustomed to follow our column, we were afraidof losing ourselves if we ventured a few steps from it ; thus, while all were pressing against each other to enter at the same gate, there were, at the right and left, other ave- nues unobstructed. When we arrived in the city, we found it in ex- treme disorder: the soldiers were running in every direction to ascertain the quarters assigned to their respective corps. Those of the fourth corps going totl>e municipality, saw written in large characters, that they were to quarter in the convent of St. Ra- phael on the other side of the Yilia. Before they went thither they ran as if they were almost famished from house to house demanding food. The eating houses and taverns, not being sufficient for the im- mense number of guests, were instantly shut up. But hunger determined us to find provisions; and we w.ere compelled to break open the door^. Otherf 332 THE NIEMEN. with money in their hands, pursued the Jews, who, in spile of our generosity, could not satisfy us to the extent of our wants. At WiJna, we heiard that Napoleon had passed through incognito, escprted by a feeble detachment of three regiments ofNeapolitan cavalry, which had been sent before him to clear his route. These poor inhabitants of the south were half dead when they passed in review ; scarcely had they departed from Wilna, when a third part of them fell into the rear, having their hands, feet, and noses, entirely frozen. The departure of Napoleon in this disgui- sed manner, not only spread consternation among the Lithuanians, who were devoted to us, but sadly discouraged the French troops. The first were in- dignant at finding themselves exposed to the re- sentment of a master, whose yoke they had wished to shake off; the others were alarmed for their own preservation, for, in a situation so critical, every one thought that the absence of the chief, consum- mated our ruin. Many, however, who felt all the dangers to which we were exposed, yet jealous for the glory of our arms, thought his departure was fortunate. — ' Napoleon,' said they, ' when at Paris, will re-organize a noble army ; will secure the peace of France, and maintain the co-operation of the allies, whose defection would be so dangerous.' About three o'clock in the afternoon, the rear of our long column had scarcely entered the suburbs, when we heard that the cossacks had taken posses- sion of the heights which commanded the city. In THE NIEMEN. 33S effect they soon began to fire upon us. At the re- port of the cannon, the new troops who were at Wilna, beat the drum and sounded the trumpet. In an instant the place was in arms. By one of those chances by which Providence confounds the proud, and punishes the insolent, it happened that the co- lossal power of Napoleon was so completely reduc- ed in this iron climate, as to have no other support than the remains of a Neapolitan division, formed from the o;arrisons of Tarentum and Capua. These troops being quickly dispersed, terror immediate- ly spread through the city ; and at the single word of the ' cossaJcs,^ all the soldiers rushed from their quarters and betook themselves to flight. The king of Naples, forgetting his rank, suddenly abandon- ed his palace, and on foot, followed by his officers, pierced through the crowd, and escaped from the town to encamp on the road to Kowno. While some of the soldiers took arms, others, as night advanced, profiting by the evacuation of the magazines, carried off the clothes and military equip- ments which had been collected there ; but the great- er part searching only for food, knocked at every door, and their redoubled blows seemed the dreadful presage of a universal pillage. The inhabitants, trembling in their houses, dreaded the impending desolation, as they heard on every side the noise of cannon, which thundered over their heads. We gave up all hope of repose, and the feeble relics of our army not being able to resist the at- tacks of the enemy, we determined to profit by the m 334 THE NIEMEN. obscurity of ilie Tii2;"ht, to quit so dangerous a posi- tion. It was decided, that at eleven o'clock we should evacuate the town. The hour being arrived, we silently proceeded on our route, leaving the streets covered with soldiers, intoxicated, asleep, or dead. The courts, the galleries, the stairs of the va- rious buildings, were filled with them, and not one would march, or even rise to obey the orders of the chief who called him. After leaving Wilna, with as much difficulty as we entered it, the prince and the staff went to the king of Naples, where all the offi- cers remained till one o'clock in the morning. In the middle of a dark night (10th December,) we marched on the road to Kowno, but the snow which covered the country, caused usto wander eve- ry moment, and left us for a long time uncertain of the road ; for the Poles going to Ne w-Troki, had left the traces of another route which was calculated to mislead us. Two hours afterwards we arrived at the foot of a mountain, inaccessible on account of its steepness, and the ice with which it was covered. All around were the remains of the equipages of Napoleon, the baggage left at Wilna, the treasures of the army, and the waggons containing the fatal trophies brought from Moscow, so that we no long- er doubted that we were on the road to Kowno. While we were groaning at the foot of this moun- tain, without the power to climb it, we distinctly heard the firing between the cossacks and our sharp- shooters. Actuated by that unseasonable discontent and ill-humour which misfortune inspires, many ex- THE NIEMEN* 335 claimed that it would have beenbetter to have gone to New-Troki, and to have avoided this fatal moun- tain. All who were thus arrested here, and who were mostly sick or wounded, considered them- selves as a certain prey to the enemy. Their grief was increased by the reflection that they must per- ish after having so nearly reached the wished for post, and having escaped the dangers of KrasnoS and the Beresina. Their grief was soon changed to despair, when we heard that the cossacks, having passed Wilna, had pursued our rear-guard and were advancingto wards us. Dire necessity, however com- pelled us to wait till the dawn of day, that we might discover whether there were any means of going round the mountain, which our horses could not climb. In this interval we kindled a fire, and every one deeply sighing, impatiently waited the return of day. We looked every where in vain ; the mountain was so slippery, and the horses so fatigued, that we despaired of escape. The idea then occured to us of compelling the soldiers of the escort to carry the mo- ney belonging to the military chest. It then contain- ed about five millions, the greatest part of which was in crowns. We had little doubt, however, that the soldiers, whom it w^s impossible to watch, or to de- tect, would carry ofT, for their own use, that which was intrusted to their care. The standards taken from the., enemy, respecting which these venal wretches were no longer interested, were cowardly abandoned at the foot of the mountain. Amongthese was the famous cross of St. Iwan^ which would have 336 I'HE NIEMEN. made SO glorious an addition to our trophies, if the Russians, whom we termed barbarians, had not giv- en us a noble example of a moderation which rare- ly accompanies victory. Those who follovVed augmented the number of plunderers, and it was truly curious to see those who were dy ing with hunger, laden with more riches than they could possibly carry. They saw the money dis- tribured among them, with the most perfect indiffer- ence ; and searched in preference for the coarsest food. Trunks and portmanteaus broken open and plundered, were seen in every direction. The most superb court-dresses, and the richest furs were worn by those whose countenances w^ere hideous and dis- gusting. Returning from the pillage, many of them offered sixty francs for a louis, and some gave ten crowns, for a glass of brandy. One of the soldiers, in my presence, offered to sell a cask filled with silver, for a few pieces of gold : it was bought by a superior officer who placed it on his sledge. It is impossible to form an adequate idea of the confu- sion which our army now presented. Far from being reanimated by the presence of some battalions lately arrived from Prussia, they spread consternation a- mong these new troops, who, not knowing whom to obey, likewise threw away their arms, and increased the crowd of stragglers. In short, all our soldiers, transformed into brokers, only sought to sell their stolen goods, while those who had pillaged the mili- tary chest were eager to buy, that they might, at least, retain something valuable. Every one spoke THE NIEMEN. 337 familiarly of ingots and jewels. Every soldier was laden with silver, but none with a musket. Ought we to be astonished at the fears which the cossacks inspired ? In this state of confusion, after five hours dis- tressing march, we arrived at Eve, about ten leagues from Wilna. We had scarcely entered it when the count Mejean,* supported by his son and the valet de chambre of the prince, arrived. This unfortu- nate father, to whose generous devotion to the ser- vice I regret that the limits of my work will not per- mit me to do justice, had been obliged to travel on foot, from the mountain of Wilna, across a country covered with snow. But this nobleman, whose cour- age had often astonished us, and who, though not a^ soldier, had patiently endured the sufferings to which we were subjected, felt such great attachment to the prince, that he quite forgot the misfortunes of the day as soon as he found himself in the pres- ence of his highness. Similar miseries happened to others. The prince of Eckmuhl, weakened by a fever, could only travel in a carriage. The quarter-master-general Joubert, who had long been destitute of servants, had been left in this village, in a situation so miserable, that he excited the tears of all who saw him. We were * Counsellor of state of the kingdom of Italy, and secretary io the viceroy. He had been present during the whole campaign with his two sons, and heard at the Beresina. that bis youngest 9Pr> had ber>n klled at the battle of Polot'^k. 43 33'B ' THE NIEMEW. equally anxious respeclina; the fate of many other officers ^vho remained with the baggage of the prince. In the evening we ascertained, that owing to the skill and extraordinary activity of the adju- tant of the palace Boutarel, these stragglers, had gone to New-Troki to avoid the mountain of Wilna, and that it was only the length of the journey which prevented them from arriving at Eve. (December II th.) Leaving this village, we were informed by those who had escaped from Wilna, that the Russians had entered it at day-break. A crowd of generals, colonels, and officers, and more than twenty thousand soldiers, who were detained by weakness, fell into their hands. They added, that the officers had been well treated, but that every sol- dier or servant was immediately ordered to Moscow to be employed in rebuilding the city. These unfor- tunate men lying in the streets, or public places, without fire, without food, and most of them wound- ed or sick, presented a spectacle so afflicting, that the enemy endeavored to mitigate their sufferings. The least to be pitied, were those who, having been plundered by the cossacks, died shortly after our de- parture. We now had a thousand proofs of human weakness! the same men who had dragged them- selves along from Moscov/to Wilna, wanted cour- age to pursue their course a few leagues more, when that little space would have ensured their existence. We heard also that the Jews had ill-treated many of our soldiers, particularly those of the imperialguard, (bus wishing to take revenge for the losses which THE NIEMEN. 339 theyliad suffered ; but the Russians, witli that jus- tice which always characterised them, hun^ many of these Israelites, as a lesson to the people that they should not mingle their passions with the quarrels of sovereigns. The rear of our long column, which covered all the road with the dead and the dying, was continual- ly followed by a cloud of cossacks, who pillaged our soldiers, and afterwards left them to the custody of the peasants, who carried them into the rear, after treating them with a thousand indignities. At length the Russians, weary of making prisoners, liberated all the soldiers belonging to the confede- ration of the Rhine, and contented themselves with detaining officers of distinction. But when they seized a Frenchman, miserable as he was, they strip- ped him, and treated him with the greatest ridicule. If he marched with them during the night, he was ordered to fetch water or wood. They afterwards brutally drove him from the fire which he had kind- led. Such was the fatal lot of the soldiers, who, com- -pelled to fight, are always the principal victims of the calamities which flow from the quarrels of kings. A cossack officer, who spoke very good French, overtook one of our sutlers, who earnestly implored mercy, exclaiming that he was not a soldier. He then offered his purse to satisfy the cossacks. Not content with this prize, they began to search him, and found in his pockets boxes of gold, diamonds, and numerous rings enriched with precious stones, which h€ had, no doubt, taken at the pillage of Mos- 340 THE KIEMEN. COW. At the sight of this, the oflficer could not re^ strain his indignation, and said to the sutler, " See to what your avarice has reduced you. In the hope of plunder, you have followed the armies, to share in their booty, without partaking of their dangers. In obtaining these much desired riches, you have been enfeebled by their weight, and could not es- cape my pursuit. I could justly send you captive to the city > ou have ravaged ; but you are too mis- erable to re-build that which you have destroyed. Return if you can to France ; and when you speak of our clemency, describe to your fellow citizens tiie miserable state to which they expose themselves who trouble the peace of the world, by following the standards of an unjust aggressor." At these words he left him to the cossacks, who, disdaining to make him prisoner, drove him before them, beat- ing him with the handle of their lances. Before we arrived at Zismori, we heard a can- nonade at our rear, and at no great distance ; we hence concluded that the few soldiers of the rear- guard which remained, were briskly pursued. Not- withstanding this, the fatigue of the troops was so great that many, preferring repose to safety, stop- ped at Zismori ; but the viceroy went on to the village of Roumchichki. (December i2ih.) Exhausted by long and harass- ing vnarches, and dying with fatigue, we at length arrived at Kowno, where the wrecks of the ditferent corps were re-united. They encamped as usual in the streets, and as we knew thg^t our deplorable sit- THE NIEMEN. 341 uation no longer permitted us to preserve any dis- cipline, we gave up to pillage the magazines, which were amply stored. Immediately, clothes, corn, and rum, were every where seen in abundance. Our quarters were filled with broken casks, and the li- quor which was spilled, formed a little sea, in the middle of the public square. The soldiers, having long been deprived of this beverage, drank to ex- cess, and more than two thousand of them, com- pletely intoxicated, slept upon the snow. Benumbed with cold, they all perished. It was announced in the evening that the fourth corps would take the road to Tilsit ; and as many of us, to avoid the strange confusion which generally prevailed, had been accustomed to sleep one or two leagues beyond the head-quarters, a great number set out towards that town. In the middle of the night, the chief of the staff came to look for the fourth corps, which was literally shut up in a single room. He told us that the order had been revoked ; and that we were to proceed to Gumbinnen instead of Tilsit. This order and counter-order completed our ruin. From that time, the fourth corps consist- ed only of the household of the prince, and about eight or ten stafi-officers. (December J 3th.) As we left Kowno on the mor- row, we found the same tumult which we had ex- perienced at the gate of Wilna. The crowd was pressing towards the bridge, although the JNiemen was frozen hard enough to have borne the weight of artillery. In Kowno and its environs, we saw a great 342 THE NlEMES. number of unfortunate soldiers lying on the snow, who had perished when thej so nearij reached the end of this fatal expedition. We were particularly affected at seeing colonel Vidman among the dead. He was one of the small number of the Italian guards of honour, who had, till then, sustained the same fa- tigues as ourselves; but, unable to proceed further, he fell, as he was leaving Kowno to cross the bridfi:e, and expired, without having the satisfaction of dying out of Russia. The calamities of the army had extended to the imperial guard, and many of its soldiers died every day from hunger, cold and fatigue. Among these victims I saw one truly worthy of admiration. He was an old grenadier. As he lay on the bridge of Kowno, he was spared by the crowd, who, passing by him, had respected his uniform, his decorations, and, above all, his three chevrons. This brave man seemed to await his death with the utmost firmness, and disdained to have recourse, like so many others, to useless supplications. By chance, some of his comrades passed by, and then he made a last effort to rise, but unable to accomplish it, and feeling him- self dying, he summoned all his strength, and said to one of his companions, who approached to assist him, ' Cease my friend. Do not lavish on me su- perfluous assistance. I die with regret at being con- quered by enemies with whom we could not fight. Famine and winter have alone reduced me to the state in which you now see me. This body, wliich has supported more than ten wounds, falls miserably THE NIEMEN. 343 to-day for want of a morsel of bread. Ah ! if our enemies indeed triumph by means of the rigour of their climate, let them not profane the distinctions that 1 have gained in fighting against them. Carry to my captain this decoration, which was given to me on the field of Austerlitz; take him likewise my sabre ; I used it in the battle of Friedland, and it would still be as fatal to the Russians, as it was at that period, if the approaching spring would per- mit us to go to Petersburgh, as we have been to Moscow.' On the morning of the 13th of December, out of four hundred thousand warriors, who had crossed the Niemen, at the opening of the campaign, scarce- ly twenty thousand men repassed it, of whom at least two thirds had not seen the Kremlin. Arri- ved at the opposite bank, like ghosts returned from the infernal regions, we fearfully looked behind us, and beheld with horror the savage countries where we had suffered so much. INo person would then easily believe that we had once regarded these cli- mates with envy, and thought those dishonoured who arrived at them last. After crossing the bridge, we turned to the left to reach Gumbinnen. Many wished to go to the right; still thinking, after the order of the preceding evening, that they must march to Tilsit. We who followed the proper road, had not proceeded far, when we were obliged to climb a lofty mountain, prodii^iously steep, and which would have been fa- t-al to our equipages, if we bad not long ago been 344 THE KIEMEN4 deprived of tlieiii. Many carls and carriages which were in the depot of Kowno, and a superb park of artillery, lately arrived from Koningsberg, were left at the foot of the mountain. Scarcely had we arrived in Poland, when our sol- diers dispersed in different roads, and wandered, like simple travellers, in the same country, which six months before, had been covered with our nume- rous armies. In the evening the king of Naples and the prince halted at Skrauda. The same morning .(l4th December,) when we departed from this vil- lage, the Cossacks entered Kowno, passed the Nie- rnen, which was frozen at every point, and spread themselves over the immense plains of Poland where they massacred, or made prisoners many of our scat- tered soldiers, who, not thinking that the Russians would pass the Niemen, thought that they were safe* From Skrauda many took the direction of Thorn; but the viceroy still continued to follow the road of Gumbinnen, and arrived in this little town after hav- ing slept at Pillwizken, Virbailen, and Darkehmen (14th, 15th, 16th, and 17th December,) Thence he sent general Gifflenge, his aid-de-camp, to Konings- berg, to order all those of the 4th corps who had tak- en the road of Tilsit, to proceed to Marie nwerder. Koningsberg being the first great city in the vi- cinity of our march, was soon filled with those who, having escaped from Moscow, hoped now to recover from tlie misfortunes miich they had suffered. The coffee-houses, the restaurateursjthefurnishedhotels, could not at any one price satisfy the extent of our THE NTEMEN. 34S #ants. It was necessary to pierce throiis;h a crowd to enter any of them. The cold was terrible but the delicious sensation of knowing that we could now defend ourselves against it, and moreover the plea- sure of obtaining whatever we desired, were still more heightened, since six months of continual hard- ships had deprived us of every thing in which the comforts of life consisted. The king of Naples came io Koningsberg, where he was coldly received by the principal authorities of the town. The chiefs of each corps placed them- selves in cantonments along the Vistula, and occupi- ed the towns of Plock, Thorn, Marienberg, Marien- werder, and Elbing. During this time the viceroys having quitted Gujnbinnen, passed bylnsterbergand Weblau, ( 1 8th, 1 9th December,) to visit the fields of Friedland, Eylau, and Heilsberg (20th, 21st, 22d, December,) thus furnishing himself, even in these unhappy circumstances, with subjects for useful me- ditation. (27th December) His highness arrived at Marienwerder, where he was occupied in collecting together all who remained of the fourth corps. After every research, we succeeded in collecting about eight hundred wounded, the miserable remains of forty-eight thousand warriors, all of Whom had marched from Italy to Russia. They were the vic-^ tims, not of the arms of the enemy, but of the fatal imprudence of their chief, who, not satisfied with ha- ing subjugated the best half of Europe, wished to contend with the elements, for a country which con- sisted only of deserts. The viceroy afterwards des- M6 THE NIEMEK. pal died towards France and Italy those officers an^ soldiers, whose infirmities would not permit them to undertake another campaign. He rewarded those soldiers who had behaved well, and punished, by the most sensible disgraces, those few who had dishon- oured themselves by a cowardly and pusillanimous conduct. Such were the dreadful calamities which annihi- lated a powerful army, which had rashly undertaken the proudest antl the tnost useless of all exp>editions. If we look into the annals of antiquity, we shall find that never, since the time of Cambyses, did so nume-? rous a body of men experience such dreadful re- verses. Thus were the boastful predictions of Na- poleon at Ihe campaign, literally fulfilled, but with thi;? difference, that not Russia, but himself * hurried away by a fatality, had accomplished his destiny.' These ealamities have had one happy result, by putting an end to a despotic influence ; they have restored to Europe her liberty, and to France her happiness. END OF THE NARRATIVE. ITINERARY Of the March of the Fourth Corps in the Rvssicm Territory, during the Campaign oj 1812. LeagueSo i July, 1812, from Pilony to Kroni - 2 2 Melangani - - - - . 7 3 Rouicontoui - - - - - 6 4 JNew-Troki ^ - - , - 3 5 Halted. 6 Ditto. 7 - — Rudniki - ... - 6 8 Paradomin - - - ^- - 3 9 Halted. 10 Paulovo ----- 4 (At the castle of the count of Choiseuil.) 11 Ochmiana ----- 6i 12 Smorghoni - ^ - ;. 3 13 Halted. 14 From Smorghoni to Zachkevitschi - 3i 15 — Yileika - - - - - 8 16 Kostenevitschi - - - - 6 Carried over, 62? The emperor Napoleon passed the Niemen at Kowno, the 2Jth June ; the 22d, being at Wilkowiski, he declared war against Russia. The fourth corps, commanded by the viceroy of Italy, passed the Niemen at Pilony ; the advanced-guard effected its passage the 29th ; but the prince and the fifteenth division passed on the 1st of July. On the 28tt3i Napoleon was at Wjlna, ■i'!^- *..•*■ MB ITINERARY. Leagues. Brought over, 62j 17 July, Dolghinow - - - - - 41 18 Dokzice = - - - - 7 19 Halted. 20 Berezino - » - - „ 6| 21 — — Pouichna, or Gloubokoe - - Gh 22 Kamen - , - , - 6 23 — — BotscheikoYo - , - - 3f 24 From Smorghoni to Bezenkovitschi 4 25 Soritza (3 leagues on this side Ostrowno)4i 26 Combat (bivouac at small castleDobrijka)5| 27 Bivouac before VVitepsk - - 2? 28 Bivouac at Agbaponovchtchina - 5? 29 Spurai ° ° - - - » 5 30 = Halted, 1 August, Ditto. 2 Ditto. 3 Ditto. 4 Ditto. 5 Ditto, 6 Ditto. 7 Ditto= S Ditto. 9 From Saurai to Janowitschi - 4 10 Halted. 11 Velechkovitschi ~ - 31 12 Liozna - - - - 21 13 • Liouvavitschi - - - - 51 14 — Rasasna - - - - 4 Carried over, 143 ITINERARY. 349 Leagues. Brought over, 143 15 August Siniaki - - - - 7,1-4 16 Katova - - - - . 3 17 Bivouac (at a league from Korouitnia) 5 18 Bivouac(near the chateauof Nov oidv or) 5 19 Suburb of Smolensk - - 1,1-2 20 Passed fhe JNieper (bivouac above Smolensk - - . i_2 21 Bivouac same place. 22 — — Ditto. 23 Yolodimerowa - - - 5 24 Pologhi - - - , - 7,1.2 25 Zazele - - - - 5,1-2 26 Mikailovskoe - - - - 7,1-2 27 Agopochina (passed the Niemen at Blaghove) - - - - 4,1-2 28 Bivouac (round a chateau a league be- yond Bereski) - - 4 29 From Agopochina to Novoe - 9 30 Halted. 31 Pokron 6,3-4 1 September Paulova - * - 6,1-2 2 Woremiewo - r' - 2 3 Halted. 4 Louzos - - - - - 5,1-2 5 Encamped on the heights of Borodino 4 6 Ditto. 7 Battle. 8 — — Ouspenskoe, or Krasnoe - 3,1-4 Carried over, 236,1-4 350 ITlNERARYo Leagues. Brought over, 236,1-4 9 September Rouza - - - 6,1-4 10 Halted. 1 1 Alpalchichoiiina - - - 4,1-2 12 Zvvenighorod - - - . 3,1-2 13 Buzaievo - - - - 6,1-2 14 ^ Khorechevo - - - - 4,3-4 15 Moscow - - - - - 2 Total from Pilony to Moscow - 263,3-4 Stopped in this city from 15th Sept. until 18 October, Villajje on the road from Kalouga, a league from Moscow - - 1 19 Little village, near Batoutinka bivouac 5 20 Inatowo - - - 7,1-2 2 1 Fominskoe - - - - - 3 22 Halted. 23 From Fominskoe to a village half a league beyond Borovsk bivouac 7,1-4 24 — Battle of Malo-Jaroslavitz. Bivouac 4,3-4 25 Halted. 26 '- Ouvarovskoe bivouac - - 4 27 Alfereva - - - - 4,1-2 28 Village a league beyond Borisov, sup- posed to be Mitiaeva - - 2,1-2 29 Ouspenskoe, called Krasnoe bivouac 5,1-2 30 Village half a league on the right of the road between Kolotskoi and Prokofevo bivouac - _ _ 6 Carried over, 51 ITINERARY. 351 Leagues. Brought over, 51 31 October Ghiat bivouac _ - - 8,1-4 1 November Near Velitchevo bivouac - 5 2 Foederovskoe bivouac - - 6,1-4 3 Battle of Viazma, bivouac half a league further - - » - - 3,1-2 4 Rouibki, a league beyond Semlevo 7 5 Jolkov Postoia Door - - 3,1-2 6 Doroghoboui bivouac - 6 7 From Fominskoe to Zazele bivouac 7 6 ■ Sloboda bivouac - - 4 9 From Sloboda passed the Wop, bivou- acked at a little village, half a league from this river - - 1 10 Doukhovchtchina - _ - 4,1-2 1 1 Halted. 12 Wolodimerowa bivouac - 6^,3-4 13 Smolensko - - - - 5,1-4 14 Halted. 15 Hamlet three leagues from Smolensko, supposed to be Loubna - 3,1-2 16 Krasnoe - - - - 7 17 Liadoui - - ^ - 1^1.2 18 Dowbrowna - - - 8 19 Orcha - - - - - 4 20 Halted. 21 Half a league before Kokhanovo bi- vouac - - - 5 22 Bivouac round a castle, half a league this side Toloschin - 5 Carried over 153 352 ITLNERARY. League^i Brought over 153 23 November Bivouac three leagues from To- loschin near Jablonka * 4 24 Bohr - . - . 4 25 Little village, five leagues from Bobr where there is an insulated church, bivouac - - - - 5,1-2 26 — — Prom a village at Nemonitsa, to two and a half leagues on this side Bori- sov, bivouac - - 5,1-2 27 Studzianca, passage of the Beresina, - bivouac - _ - 4,1-2 28 ^ Zembin, bivouac, - - - 4,1-2 29 Kamen, - - - - - 3,1-4 30— — Niestanovitschi, nearZavichino, - 6 1 December, Uiia . . - . 4,1-2 2 Molodetschino . - - g 3 Halted. 4 Village supposed to be Markovo bivouac? 5 Smorghoni . _ - - 4,1-4 6 Joupranoui - - - - 5 7 . Rovno-Pole bivouac - - 5 8 Roukoni bivouac - - 5,1-2 9 _ — . Wilna ----- 3 10 Eve bivouac - - ^ - 10 11 Zismori - - - - 6 12 Kowno - , - - - - 10 Total 256,1-2 From Niemen to Moscow 263,3-4 Total 520J-4 A LIST Of all the Persons mentioned in this worky with iJitif Rank, during the Campaign in Russia, NAPOLEON. Jerome Bonaparte, king; of Westjtbalia, commander of the 8th corp*. Joachim Murat, Kins: of Naples, com.Tiander of all the cavahy. E ' ''"ae lie Beauharu- •!?, viceroy of Italy, commander of the 4th corps. Be thier, prince of Neufchiital and of Wagram, major general. Dav'oast, prince of Eckmuhl, commander of 1st corps. Oudincf, duke of Reggio, do. 2d. Ney, duke of Elcliingen, do. 3d. prince of Moskwa. P ince Pon; itowski, do. 5th. M .;shal count St. Cyr, do. 6th. General count Regnier, do. 7th. Junot, dake of Aorantes, do. 8th. Victor, duke of Belluno, do. 9th. Duke of Tarentum, do. 10th. Prince Sch.vartzenberg, command^ ctf the Austrian auxiliary corps. Bessieres, duke of Tstria, commnmier of the cavalry of the guard. Caulinconrt, duke of Viceaza, general of liivlsion, grand ecuyer. Duroc, duke of Frioul, general, grand marshal of the palace. Count Rapp, do. ) aids de camp to the Count Lauriston, do. y emperor. Count Lefe')r<-.Desnouettes, general of division, colonel of the horse chasseurs of the guard. Count F riant, general of division, colonel of the grenadiers of the foot guards. Count Nausouty, J Count Grouchy, \ Commanders of cavalry corps. Count Montbrun, y General Dessoies, chief of the viceroy's staff. Count Di-.nthou.ird, commander of the artillery of the 4th corps. Count E'^ie, genei-iil of division of artillery, commander of the bridge equipages. Count Gudin, 'j Baron Ger;;rd, | Count Dessdix, V Generals of division — Ist corps. Count Co:npans, j Coui.t Morand, J Count Verdier, ^ Count Lea-rand, ) Generals of divisioa— 2d corps. Baron Merle, ) A 5 354 LIST OF NAMES, Baron Ledrul, commander of a division — 3d corps. Count of Claparede, general of division, commander of the legion of the Vistula. Baron Delzons, Count Broussier, \ Generals of division — 4th corpSo Count PinOj Baron Wrede, General de Roy, J> Bavarian generals — 6th corps. General Sierbein, Count Parthonneaux, ) ^ , „ ,. . . .,, Baron Girard, \ Generals of division-9th corps. Baron Grandjean, commander of a division — lOth corps. General Gravers, } n • i in^i. General Kleist, \ Prussian generals-1 0th corps. Count Charpentier, general of division, governor of Smolensk©. Count Baraguey d'Hilliers, general of division. Count Loison, commander of a division, from Koningsberg. General Dombrowski, commander of a Polish division. Count Sanson, general of division, chief of the topographical bureau. Baron Haxo, general of division of engineers. Count Sebastiani, 'j Baron Lahoussaye, I Count Bruyeres, |> G^erals of division of cavalry. Baron de St. Germain, j Baron Doumerc, J Count Preyssing, commander of a division of light Bavarian cavalry. Prince Czartoryski, grand marshal of the diet of Warsaw. Count Mejeau, counsellor of state of the kingdom of Italy, and secretary of the viceroy. General Poitevin (baron Maureillan,) commander of the engineers of the 4th corps. Baron Aubrey, commander of artillery of 2d corps. GENERALS OF BRIGADE, Barons Ricard, Rousel, Huard, Plausanne, Bonami, Nagle, Auge- reau, Marion, Compere, Villata, Fontane, Levie, Chastel, Berk- - heim, Colbert, Castex, Saint Geniez, Aug. Caiilincourt, Pajol, Guy on. Pouget, general of brigade, governor of Witepsk. Lecchi, ditto. ditto, commander of the Italian guard. Lepel, aid de camp to the king of Westphalia. D'Hery, aid de camp to the king of Naples. Kleiigel, general in the Saxon service. General Jomini, governor of Orcha. Baron Triaire, general of brigade, aid de camp to the viceroy, LIST OF NAMES. 355 Baron Gifflenge, general of brigade, aid de-camp to the viceroy. Baron Lacroix, colonel, ditto. Count Louis Tascher Lapagerie, "\ ' ?''''' Labedoyere, f ^.^.^^^ ^^ squadrons. Maurice iVlejean, i * • Jules Desseve, j Colonel Delfanti, officer of the ordnance of the viceroy. Andre Corner, lieutenant ditto. Liedot, colonel of engineers. Marboeuf, colonel of lancers. Kliski, Polish colonel, with the viceroy. Radzivil, colonel of the 8th Polish Hulans. Durieu, adjutant commander, sub-chief of the staff of the 4th corps. De Bourmont, i Asselin, > Adjutant commanders attached to this staff. Foiestier, ) xColonel Grosbon, of the 53d regiment. '— Battaglia, commander of the Italian guards of honour. Vidmann, commander of the company of the Venetian guards of honour. Demay, commander of the artillery of the 13th division, Banco, of the horse chasseurs. Rambourg, of the 3d ditto. D'Oreille, major of the Spanish regiment Joseph Napoleon. Vives, major of artillery. Colaud, chief of battalion, waggon master-general of the 4th corps. Sewlinge, ditto, attached to the staff. Boutarel, captain of horse-chasseurs, adjutant of the palais royal of MoFiza. Trezel, captain, aid-de-camp of general Guilleminot. Blaisonneure, \ Jouard, \ Assistant captains of the staff of the 4th corps. Evrardj ^ Morlaincourt, captain of engineers to th^ 4th division. Eonardeile, captain of artillerj^ Octave de Segur, } ^^ „ , Ferrari \ Oncers of hussars. Savarv' i Captains of the 9th of the line. Bordoni, J Lieutenants in the Italian guards of Mastini, ^ honour. Saint Marcellin de Fontanes, attached to the staff of the 4th corps. Lesseps, French consul at Moscow. Villeblanche, auditor of the council of state, intendant of Smo- lensko, 356 fclST OF NAMES« ALEXANDER I. emperor of Russia. Grrand duke Constantine. Prince Kntusoff, commander-in-chief of the Russian array. Barclay de Tolly, comraadder-iii-chief before the arrival of priiic© Kutusoif. Prince Wittgenstein, commander of the 1st Russian corps. C Bagawout, do. 2d do. ] Schomoaloff, do. 3d do. ^ , j Tutschkoff. do. 4th do. ixenerais ^ p^..^^^ Bagration, do. 5th* do. Doctorrow, do. 6th do. t Tormasow, do. 7th do. Admiral Tschikakoff, commander of the army of the Danube^ PlatoflF, Hetman of the Cossacks. Platoff, son. Orlow Dennisow, general of the advanced-guard. Kamenski, \ •r, ' > Generals commanders in Volhynia. jbssen, C •' MarcoS", 3 Repuin, ) Generals, commanders in the corps of prince Stengel, ■ ^ Wittgenstein. Lambert, commanding a division of the army of the Danube. Sicverse, geceral, employed in the second army of the West. Ostermann, "j Sh"lT^^^"' i ^^'^^^''^^^ employed in the centre of the Russian Ouvarow, ( ^' Balla, J Koulniew, general of light cavalry. Koff, general of cavalry. Miloradowitch, commander-general of the advanced-guard of prince Kutiisoff. Archbishop Platon. Bishop Augustin, vicar of Moscow. Rostopchin, Moraonoff, Orlow, ^ Nobles of Moscow. Saltikoff, Shermitow, -^ * Second corps, called the army of the west, THE ENl]^ li^ >I3 CI = ^(iC^iJSj? ] I. f\!,;.,u„- - /■ //-• /■;///" S4«Q >f» the ,}'.'■ Aoi'dfXr/i'.JXyZ. \.#j_ A- ^a - *>■: ^ ?^- a'^'^ A? . ^ (IDF THK 'SK.WA. •i l„ini>- Jliitntaii Jtrih'tihl ifirrfms III' CiiiiiK'ti .1 JirtUmit liinri, ih, tlimgiinin //,..v,.v..«/ r,Y,„i. r/v,//. -v ('i,«err„t,,'ii JV afmnltSif^hrVrirJl^y 111 thy iil./lils •fllir J.'!' A'.;'' ' ;,■,.,.«'/<■ "/'//"- K'u/i'"'!- '••> "'■■ iii'ul' his rf vs^//