Ghss_Gc_L3i_ Book ^•JUq-L&- COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT A SYSTEM QUESTIONS IN GEOGBAPHY, ADAPTED TO %ui HUforit ^tlas, ctBKAcnra GEOGRAPHICAL DEFINITIONS, INTRODUCTION TO THE USE OF THB TERRESTRIAL GLOBE AND ANCIENT GEOGRAPHY. DAYID H. PIERSON, A.M., I V glUto-fflrli: KIGGINS AND KELLOGG, NO. 88 JOHN STREET, CORNER OF GOLD. ^ 3* Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1853, by KIGGINS & KELLOGG, In the Clerk's Office for .the Southern District of New- York. PREFACE. Thk want of a suitable Geography for beginner*, and one, not en- cumbered with too much descriptive, statistical, and historical matter, for classes more advanced, induced the author to undertake the follow- ing work. In the study of Geography, the one great aim should be, to imprint the map upon the memory, so that whenever a geographical name is read or mentioned, its exact locality will be known at once, by recur- ring, mentally, to its position on the map, and not to a certain page or part of a page in a book, where the description is given. Therefore, that system of teaching geography is best adapted to common school education, which requires the learner to study the maps, and depend upon a knowledge of them, rather than upon initial letters or descriptive paragraphs in the book. The distinctive features of this system are as follows: 1 . It is suited to any correct modern Atlas. This will save trouble and expense. 2. It varies the form of questions. This will better prepare classes for examination by diferent persons, and tend to fix the desired knowledge in the memory. 3. It require* a constant searching of the Maps. This leaves in the mind, the appearance of the earth's surface, rather than initial letters and printed paragraphs. 4. It gives the latest changes in boundaries, capitals, £*• ft. It contains nothing to b* omitted-. IV PREFACE. 6. It reviews every map in such a way as to fasten the knowledge pre* Viously gained.. A nail simply driven through a board, may be easily withdrawn ; but if clenched, the removal is more difficult. 7. It is divided into Three Parts, to suit all ages. Part First contains nothing but what children can readiiy under- stand, and nothing but what is necessary to an acquaintance with Geography. Part Second may be thought by some to be too minute, especially in the Reviews ; but an experience of more than twelve years' teaching, has convinced the author, that the time spent in searching maps, is by no means lost. Part Third is intended merely to introduce the study of the Terres- trial Globe and Ancient Geography. The latter is especially designed to aid pupils in their elementary classical reading. In many cases the orthography of proper names may differ from the maps used. The method chosen is generally that found in the majority of the Atlases. Those Atlases particularly used in the for- mation of the questions, are Mitchell's, Olney's, and Smith's. Initial letters and answers are given, where there might be serious difficulty in finding the correct answer from any one of the maps above named. Pictures are omitted, because those generally found in Geographies tend but little either to increase the knowledge or improve the taste of the pupil. Talks are also omitted, because they are generally found in Atlases, and may be studied without questions, at the discretion of teachers. All questions relating to population, square miles, and chief towns, ate omitted ; because the population is constantly changing ; the square miles arc not easily remembered, and are not of sufficient con- sequence to warrant the expense of time consumed in committing them ; and chief towns are too indefinite to the minds of pupils. Elizabeth-town, N. J. INDEX 0^^^t**r^^*^^^^^0 PART FIRST, Page. 5 Pag*. Definition* 5, 10 j Map of Europe 23, 28 Map of the World 10,13 " of Asia 28,32 " of North America 13, 16 " of Africa 32, 35 " of United States 16, 20 " of Oceanica 35, 36 " of South America 21, 23 j Review 36, 42 PART SECOND. Page. ) Page. Definitions 43, 45 j Great B. and Ireland 121, 124 Introductory Lessons 45, 49 j England, Scotland, &c. . 125, 143 United States .. ^ 49, 84 Asia 144,154 Territories and Review. . 85, 101 < Africa 155, 163 Brit, and Russian Am. . .101, 105 African Islands 164 Greenland and Iceland. . . 105, 106 } Oceanica 165 Mexico, &c 106, 108 West Indies and Review. 109, 112 South America 113, 119 Europe 120 East Indies 165 Australasia 166 Polynesia 167 Reviews 167, 169 PART THIRD. Page. | Page. Terrestrial Globe-. 179 Ancient Geography 185 Problems on the Globe 181 {Europe 185 The Seven Wonders of the World 189 •EOGIU.PHY. PART FIRST Q. What is Geography ? A. A description of the earth's surface. Q. Of what is the earth's surface composed ? A. Land and water. Q. How much is water ? A. About three-fourths. Q. What is the shape of the earth % A. Round, like an orange. Q. What is the distance round the earth? A. About twenty-five thousand miles. Q. What is this called? A. Its circumference. Q. What is the distance through it ? A. Nearly eight thousand miles. Q. What is this called? A. Its diameter. Q. How many motions has the earth ? A. Two. Q. What are they? A. It moves round the sun, and turns on its axis. Q. How long does it require to go round the sun ? A. One year, or three hundred and sixty-five days. Q. How long to turn on its axis ? A. About twenty-four hours. Q. What does its motion round the sun occasion % 6 PART FIRST* A. A change of seasons, as summer and winter. Q. What causes day and night? A. The turning of the earth on its axis. Q. Which way does it turn on its axis? A. From West to East. Q. How rapidly does it move round the sun? A. More than a thousand miles every minute. Q. What is the Axis of the earth ? A. An imaginary line passing through its centre from North to South. Q. What are the Poles of the earth ? A. The ends of the axis. Q. How many poles are there ? A. Two : the North and the South pole. Q. What is the Equator ? A. It is an imaginary line drawn round the earth from east to west, dividing it into two equal parts. Which way from us is North ? Which way is South ? East ? West ? Q. How can you always tell ? A. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. If you stand with your face towards the east, which way will the right-hand point ? Which way will the left-hand point ? Q. What is a Map ? A. It is a picture of the earth or any part of it. Q. What part of the map is North? A. The top. Q. What part is South ? A. The bottom. Q. What part is East ? West ? A. The right-hand is east and the left-hand west. Q. What is an Atlas? A. Several maps bound together. DEFINITIONS^ " Which way is north-west ? Which way is south-east 1 Which way is north-east ? Which way is south-west ? NATURAL DIVISIONS OF LAND AND WATER. Q. How is Land naturally divided ? A. Into Continents, Islands, Peninsulas, Isthmuses, Capes, Mountains, Shores or Coasts, &c. Q. What is a Continent ? A. A vast extent of land. Q. How many Continents are there? A. Two : the Eastern and the Western. Q. What does the Eastern Continent include ? A. Europe, Asia ahd Africa. Q. What the Western ? A. North and South America. Q. What is an Island ? A. A portion of land surrounded by water. Q. What is a Peninsula } A. A portion of land almost surrounded by water. Q. What is an Isthmus ? A. A strip of land which connects two bodies of land. Q. What is a Cape ? A. A point of land extending into the sea. Q. What is a Promontory ? A. A high and rocky cape. Q. What is a Mountain 1 A. A very high hill. Q. What is a Shore or Coast ? A. Land, that borders on the sea or ocean. Q. What is a Volcano ? A. A mountain that sends forth fire, smoke, and lava from its top. 8 TART FIRST* Q. What is a Valley? A. A tract of land lying between two hills. Q. What is a Plain ? A. A level tract of land. Q. What are large plains called in the United States ? A. Prairies. Q. What in South America ? A. Pampas. Q. What in Europe and Asia 1 A. Steppes. Q. What is a Desert ? A. A barren tract of country, generally sandy. Q. What is a Wilderness ? A. An uninhabited and uncultivated region. Q. How is Water naturally divided ? A. Into Oceans, Seas, Archipelagoes, Gulfs or Bays, Lakes, Straits, Rivers, &c. Q. What is an Ocean ? A. A vast collection of salt water. Q. What is a Sea ? A. A smaller division of salt water than an ocean. Q. What is an Archipelago ? (Ar-ke-pel'-a-go.) A. A sea containing many islands. Q. What is a Gulf or Bay ? A. A body of water extending into the land. Q. What is a Lake ? A. A body of fresh water surrounded by land. Q. What is a Pond ? A. A small lake. Q. What is a Strait ? A. A narrow passage of water connecting two bodies of water. Q, What is a Sound % DEFINITIONS. 9 A. A passage of water so shallow that its depth may be measured with a lead and line. Q. What is a Channel ? A. A passage of water wider than a strait. Q. What is a River ? A. A large stream of water running from the land to some larger body of water. Q. What are small streams called ? A. Brooks, creeks, rivulets and rills. Q. What is the Head or Source of a River ? A. The place where it begins. Q. What is its Mouth ? A. The place where it ends or empties. Q. What is a Cataract ? A. Water flowing over a precipice. Q. What is a Canal ? A. A wide ditch filled with water, for the use of boats. Q. What is a Port or Harbor ? A. A small bay where ships can anchor safely. What is the difference between a Continent and an Ocean ? What is the difference between an Island and a Lake ? What is the difference between a Peninsula and a Sea ? What is the difference between an Isthmus and a Strait ? What is the difference between a Desert and a Wilderness ? Q. What is a Hemisphere ? A. Half a Globe. Q. How many hemispheres are there ? A. Two : Eastern and Western. Q. How does the equator divide the earth 1 A. Into Northern and Southern Hemispheres. Q. How many oceans are there ? A. Five : the Northern, Southern, Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian oceans. Q. Which is the largest ? A. The Pacific. 10 PART FIRST. MAP OF THE WORLD. Q. What does the Map of the World represent ? A. The whole surface of the earth. Q. What is the northern part of the Western Continent called ? N. A. Q. What is the southern part called ? S. A. In what part of the Eastern Continent is Europe ? N. W. What is New-Holland or Australia 1 An island. Q. Is it ever called by any other name ? A. It is sometimes called a Continent on account of its size. " Q. What large body of land in the Southern ocean ? A. The Antarctic Continent. Q. When was it discovered ? 1840. Q. By whom? A. The United States Exploring Expedition. Which extends farther north, Africa or South America 1 What ocean east of North and South America ? Q. What part of the map is North-East ? A. The right-hand corner between north and east. Q. What part is South-East ? A. The right-hand corner between south and east. What parts South-west and North-west ? Which way from Europe to South America ? Which way from North America to New-Holland ? Which way from the Indian Ocean to North America ? What ocean west of North and South America ? Does the equator cross North or South America ? What is the equator ? Which hemisphere contains the greater portion of land ? What is a hemisphere ? Which is the largest island in the world ? What two islands next in size ? B. and N. # G. What is an island ? THE WORLD. 11 Which contains more land, the northern or southern hemis- phere ? What large island south-east of Africa ? What cape at the southern extremity of Africa? What is a cape ? What is the difference between a cape and a gulf or bay ? What cape at the eastern extremity of South America ? What cape at the southern extremity of Madagascar ? What cape south of Greenland ? What cape north of Madagascar ? Q. What islands between North and South America ? A. West Indies. Q. What islands between Asia and Australia ?- A. East Indies. What sea between Europe and Africa '? What sea between Africa and Asia ? W hat is a sea ? What sea between North and South America ? What sea between Europe and Asia ? B. What gulf south of the United States ? What is a gnlf ? What gulf south of Guinea ? What gulf between Canada and Newfoundland ? St. L. What bay north of North America ? What bay south of Baffin's Bay ? What bay east of Hindostan? What strait between the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean ? What strait between Patagonia and Terra del Fuego ? What is a strait ? What strait between Asia and North America? What strait between Newfoundland and Labrador? What large River in South America flows into the Atlantic just south of the equator ? What is a river ? What river in Africa flows into the Mediterranean 1 12 PAET FIEST. In what latitude is North America ? North. Q. Why ? A. Because it is north of the Equator. In what latitude is Australia ? Why? In what latitude is Africa ? Why? In sailing from Newfoundland to Australia, what two oceanr would you cross ? In sailing from Europe to Asia by the way of Cape Horn, what two oceans would you cross ? What ocean is nearest us ? How many oceans are there ? What are their names ? What is an ocean ? What peninsula in the southern part of Asia? H. What peninsula in the southeastern part of the U. States ? What is a peninsula ? Q. Which are the largest two peninsulas on the globe ? A. Africa and South America. Q. What is it to bound a country ? A. To mention what is on the North, East, South, and West. What bounds Asia on the east ? How do you bound Europe ? Q. What prevents Africa from being an island? A. The Isthmus of Suez. What is an isthmus ? What isthmus connects North and South America % Where is Brazil ? Where is Ethiopia? Where is Greenland? To whom does Greenland belong ? Denmark. Where is Mexico ? Where is China ? In what country do we live ? - NORTH AMERICA. 13 What general name is given to the islands of the Pacific * What large island south of the United States ? What island east of Cuba ? MAP OF NORTH AMERICA. How is North America bounded on the north ' How is it- bounded on the east ? What ocean on the west ? In what part is British America ? In what part are the United States ? In what part is Russian America ? What country in the most southern part ? Name all the countries of North America ? Q. How long is North America ? A. Five thousand miles. Q. How wide is it ? A. Three thousand miles. What gulf east of Mexico ? What gulf between Mexico and California? What gulf west of Newfoundland ? What bay and strait separate Greenland from North America'? What bay south of Hudson's Bay ? What bay north of Central America ? What bay west of Yucatan ? What is a gulf or bay ? Which is more northerly. Hudson's Bay or Baffin's Bay ? Where is the Gulf of California ? What strait between Newfoundland and Labrador ? What bodies of water does it connect ? What two straits lead info Hudson's Bay ? What strait separates North America from Asia ? What strait leads from Baffin's Bay into the Polar Sea ? What is a strait ? What cape in the southern part of California? What cape in the Rant-hern part of Greenland 1 14 PAKT FIRST. What is a Cape ? What cape in the southern part of Nova Scotia ! What cape in the south-eastern part of Newfoundland ? R. What cape south of Chesapeake Bay ? What cape in the southern part of Florida ? What cape in the eastern part of Labrador 1 What cape at the western extremity of Cuba ? What cape in the north-eastern part of Central America ? What four large lakes between the United States and British America ? Which is the largest ? Which is the most eastern ? Which is the most western ? What is a lake ? What is a pond ? What large lake lies north-west of Lake Superior ? What three lakes north-west of Lake Winnipeg ? What lake in Guatimala or Central America ? What lake in Mexico ? What lake south of Lake Superior wholly within the United States ? How do the waters of Lake Huron reach the Atlantic Ocean 1 What Island at the mouth of the St. Lawrence 1 What is a River ? In what direction does the St. Lawrence run ? What large river flows into the Polar Sea? What large river flows into the Pacific Ocean ? What two unite, and flow into the Gulf of California 1 What two large rivers flow into the Gulf of Mexico ? Where the Mississippi and Missouri unite, which is the larger 1 Where is Smith's Sound ? What is a Sound ? Where is Albemarle Sound ? Where is Prince William's Sou*"* ! NORTH AMERICA. 15 Where is Lancaster Sound 1 Where is Norton Sound '? Where is Queen Charlotte's Sound % What long range of mountains separates the waters that flow into the Arctic and Atlantic oceans from those that flow into the Pacific 1 What is the southern part of the Rocky Mountains called ? What mountains separate the waters which flow into the Ohio and Mississippi from those that flow into the Atlantic 1 Where is Grinnell Land ? A. In the Arctic Ocean. Where and by whom was it discovered T A. In 1850 ; by an expedition in search of Sir John Franklin, fitted out by Henry Grinnell, Esq., of New- York. What mountain in this Land 1 A. Mount Fraaklin. What is a mountain ? What is the general direction of the Rocky Mountains ? Where are the Arctic Highlands 1 What desert in the western part of the United States ? What is a desert ? Which is the largest division of North America 1 What large division in the centre 1 What is the general name given to the islands that lie between North and South America ? Which is the largest ? Which is the second in size ? The third ? What large island in the northern part of Hudson's Bay ? What cluster of islands north of Cuba ? What cluster east of the United States ? What is an island '? Where is Melville Island ? Where is Queen Charlotte's Island ? Where is Long Island ? Where is Vancouver's [sl«nd ? Where is Cape Breton Island ? Where is Iceland % To whom does it belong 1 A. To Denmark. Where is Prince Edward's Island 1 16 . PART FIRST. Where is the peninsula of Alaska ? What peninsula between Baffin's Bay and the Atlantic 1 What peninsula east of the Gulf of Mexico ? What peninsula west of Mexico ? What peninsula south of the Gulf of Mexico 1 What is a peninsula 1 In what direction does the eastern coast of the United States run ? The western coast ? In what direction from us is Cape Farewell ? Cape St. Lu- cas ? Isthmus of Darien 1 Cook\s Inlet 1 Lake Superior ? Bermuda Islands ? Lake Winnipeg ? Mt. St. Elias ? James Bay ?- Lake Chapala 1 Prince William's Land ?- Q. What is the Capital of a country ? A. The place where the laws are made. What is the capital of British America \ What is the capital of the United States ? What is the capital of Mexico 1 What is the capital of Central America 1 Note. — A review of each map before proceeding to the next, is re- commended. MAP OF THE UNITED STATES. How are the United States bounded } What is the capital 1 What is a State ? A. A division- of country over which a governor presides. How many states are there ? How many territories 1 In how many grand divisions are these states included ? A. Four : viz., Eastern, Middle, Southern, and Western. Which are Eastern States 1 A. Those east of New- York. Q. What are their names ?- A. Maine, N. II., Vt., Ms., Con., R. I. UNITED STATES. 17 Which is the largest ? Which is the smallest, ? Which has no sea-coast ? Which has the greatest extent of sea-coast ! Which is the largest river in the Eastern States 1 Where does it empty 1 Through what two states does it- run ? What two states are separated by it I What is the capital of Maine ? What is the capital of New-Hampshire ? What is the capital of Vermont ] What is the capital of Massachusetts 1 What are the capitals of Connecticut ? What are the capitals of Rhode Island ? How many Middle States are there ? Four. What are their names 1 N. Y., N. J. ; Pa., Del. Which is the largest ? Which is the smallest ? Which has no sea-coast ? What river separates New-Jersey from Pennsylvania ? What bay south of New-Jersey 1 What large river in the eastern part of New-York ? What two large lakes west of New- York ? What is the capital of New- York? Of New-Jersey'? Of Pennsylvania 1 Of Delaware ? What river from Pennsylvania empties into Chesapeake Bay] How many Southern States are there ? A. Ten. What are their names ? Md., Va., N. C. ; S. C, Ga., Fa., Aa., Mi., La., Ts. Q. Describe their position 1 A. All the states S. W. of Delaware bordering on the Atlantic, and the Gulf of Mexico, are southern states, Which is the largest ? Ts. What bay divides Maryland 1 18 PART FIRST. What large river forms the S. W. boundary of Texas ? How many states border on the Gulf of Mexico, and what are their names ? Which state has the greatest extent of sea-coast ? What two states are separated by the Potomac River ? What river separates South Carolina from Georgia ? Through what states does the Blue Ridge run 1 What is the capital of.Maryland ? Of Virginia ? Of North Carolina'? Of South Carolina?- Of Georgia? Of Florida? Of Alabama ? Of Mississippi ? Of Louisiana ? Of Texas ? How many western states are there ? Eleven. What are their names ? Oo., Ky., Te., Mn., la., Is., Mo., As., Wn., la., Ca. Which is the largest ? Which four are bounded in part by the Ohio River ? Through which one does the Missouri flow ? Which state borders on the Pacific ? Which three are bounded east by the Mississippi ? What four border on Lake Michigan ? Through what seven do rivers flow of the same name of the states ? Ky., Te., As., Mo., Is., Wn., la. . What is the capital of Ohio ? Of Kentucky ? Of Tennessee ? Of Michigan ? Of Indiana ? Of Illinois ? Of Missouri ? Of Arkansas? Of Wisconsin? Of Iowa? Of California ? What river separates Indiana in part from Illinois ? In what direction is Kentucky from California ? What is the general course of the Missouri River? Which are the largest three branches of the Mississippi ? Which is the most western Territory ? Which is the most southern ? Where is Lake Champlain ? What three states are bounded in part by Lake Erie ? How many states lie entirely west of the Mississippi River ? Name them ? Name the fourteen states that border on the Atlantic Ocean ? What state lies north of Long Island Sound ? UNITED STATES. 19 What state is bounded in part by four large lakes ? What two states are separated by the Chattahoochee River ? What states are separated in part by the Cumberland Moun- tains 1 Va., Ky. What two are separated by the Alleghany Mountains ? Which is the largest state in the Union ? Ts. Which is the smallest ? R.I. Which two states have each two capitals ? Where is Moosehead Lake ? What river flows from Moosehead Lake into the Atlantic 1 What lake south of Lake Champlain ? G . What two capes in the eastern part of Massachusetts ? What mountains in New-Hampshire ? What mountains in Vermont I What two islands south-east of Massachusetts ? What island south of Rhode Island ? B. What island in the north-western part of Lake Superior ? What two capes at the entrance of Chesapeake Bay ? What two sounds east of North Carolina ? Where is Apalachee Bay ? What three capes in the eastern part of North Carolina ? Where is Chatham Bay ? South of Florida. Where is Pensacoia Bay ? Tampa Bay ? Where are Penobscot and Casco bays ? What large bay is connected with Lake Michigan ? What river rises in New-York and flows into Chesapeake Bay? What river in part divides Georgia from Alabama? What two rivers when united form the Ohio ? What two rivers when united form the Mobile ? What two rivers flow into the Ohio near its mouth ? What river separates Louisiana from Texas ? Which is the larger river, the Tennessee or the Cumberland * What river in part separates Virginia from Kentucky ? Where is the Sacramento River ? What bay at the mouth of the Sacramento ? 20 PART FIRST. What town at the month of the Columbia River ? Where is the Rio San Joaquin ? Through what states would a person pass in traveling from the capital of New- York to the capital of Maine, in a straight line ? A person in traveling from New-Jersey to Arkansas may pass through but three states 1 Name them \ In what direction from Connecticut is Maine % In what direction from us is the Gulf of Mexico? Which extends farther north, Pennsylvania or Iljinois ? Which extends farther south, North Carolina or Arkansas ? Which one of the United States extends farthest south? What is the principal branch of the Hudson River 1 What cape in the eastern part of New- Jersey. A. Sandy Hook. What two capes on the eastern coast of Florida ? Through what states would you pass in traveling in a straight line from Louisiana to Ohio ? From Texas to Maine ? From New-Jersey to Missouri ? What states border on Alabama ? In what part of Ohio is Columbus ? On what river is Jackson ? In what part of Missouri is Jefferson City ? What is the general course of the Mississippi ? Can we go to South America by land ? What is the capital of Iowa ? Of Maine ? Of Wisconsin ? Of New-Hampshire ? Of Illinois? Of Vermont? Of Kentucky? Of Massachusetts? Of Missouri? Of Rhode Island ? Of Arkansas ? Of Connecticut ? Of Tennessee ? Of New-York ? Of Texas ? Of New-Jersey ? Of Louisiana ? Of Pennsylvania ? Of Mississippi ? Of Delaware ? Of Alabama ? Of Maryland ? Of Florida ? Of Virginia ? Of Georgia ? Of North Carolina 1 Of California ? Of South Carolina ? Of Ohio? Of Michigan? Of Indiana % The initials of certain capitals spell Branch. Name them ? Name the capitals whose initials spell Captain % Of what state is Jackson the capital ? Trenton ? Columbus ? Columbia ? Lansing ? Madison ? SOUTH AMERICA. 21 MAP OF SOUTH AMERICA. In what direction from us is South America ? "What body of water is on the north ? What is on the east ? What strait on the south ? What is on the west? What prevents South America-from being an island ? What is an isthmus ? Which is the largest grand division of South America? Which is the most southern division ? Which lies in the north-western part ? N. G. Which lies in the northern part ? V. What division east of Venezuela? What division next south of Equador ? What two divisions directly north of Patagonia? Which is the larger of these ? Which has the greater amount of sea-coast ? What division between Buenos Ayres and Peru? What two small divisions east of Buenos Ayres ? How many gra;.d divisions of South America are there? What are their names 1 Which is the smallest? Which is the most western division ? What divisions lie on the Atlantic ? What division extends from the Atlantic to the Pacific ? What divisions lie on the Pacific ? What divisions lie on the Caribbean Sea ? What division between New-Granada and Peru ? What range of mountains extend along the western coast of South America ? What three large rivers in South America ? Which is the largest river in the world ? Amazon. What is a river ? What two rivers unite and form the La Plata ? P. and U. What river flows into the Caribbean Sea 1 What island at the mouth of the Orinoco ? 22 t PART FIEST. What is (he mouth of a river? What island at the mouth of the Amazon ? What island south of Patagonia ? What island south-east of Terra del Fuego 1 S. What strait separates Terra del Fuego fom Patagonia ? What is an island ? What island south of Chili ? C. What strait between Staten Land and Terra del Fuego ? What is a strait? What islands east of the Strait of Magellan ? What islands west of Chili ? What islands north of Juan Fernandez? What large island on the western coast of Patagonia ? Where is Hermit Island ? Which is the most northern cape of South America ? Which is the most eastern cape ? Which is the most southern cape ? Which is the most western cape ? Where is Blanco Bay ? What cape east of Rio Janeiro ? Where is Cape St. Antonio ? What Cape north of the mouth of the Amazon ? Where is St. George's Bay ? What cape south of it? What peninsula in the north-eastern part of Patagonia ? Where is St. Mathias Bay ? Where is the peninsula of Tres Montes. or the Three-Mounts ? What is a peninsula ? Where is Port Desire River ? What river, in part, separates Patagonia from Buenos Ayres ? What gulf south of the peninsula of Tres Montes ? What town near the mouth of the St. Francisco ? Q. How high is the highest mountain in South America. A. Twenty-five thousand three hundred and eighty feet. Q. In what country is the greatest volcano in the world? A. "Equador. EUBOPE. 23 Q. What is it called ? A. Cotopaxi. Q. How far may its noise sometimes be heard ? A. Six hundred miles. What is a Volcano ? Where is the River Para ? What lake in the north-western part of Venezuela ? M. What lake between Peru and Bolivia ? Where is Salt Lake ? What division in South America belongs to three different nations ? G. What nations are they ? Where is Mount Sorata, — the highest peak of the Andes ? Where is Mount Chimborazo ? Between what two capes is South America longest ? On what river is Assumption 1 What three rivers in Guiana? E., S. and M. Why are there no towns in Patagonia ? A. Because it is not civilized. Through what divisions of South America does the equator pass ! What two 'divisions are separated by the Andes? What city at the mouth of the Magdalena River ? In what direction from Rio Janeiro is Quito ? Montevideo ? Valparaiso ? Caraccas ? Para ? Chuquisaca ? Santiago ? Which is farther south, Cape St. Roque or Cape Blanco? The capital of what division is on the equator ? What is the capital of Venezuela ? C. Of New-Granada ? B. Of Guiana ? G. P. C. Of Equador ? Q. Of Peru ? L. Of Bolivia? C. Of Brazil 1 R. J. Of Buenos Ayres ? B. Of Paraguay ? A. Of Uruguay ? M. Of Chili ? S. Which division of South America has no sea-coast ? MAP OF EUROPE. In what direction i3 Europe from South America? What ocean lies between Europe and South America f What ocean bounds Europe on the north ? 24 PART FIRST. What grand division of the world on the east ? What seas on the south ^ What ocean on the west ? In what latitude is Europe ? Why ? Is Europe connected with Africa ? Which is the largest division in Europe ? What is Russia 1 A. An empire. What is an Empire? A. Several countries ruled by an Emperor. What is a Kingdom ? A. A country ruled by a king or queen. What kingdom in the south-western part ? P. What kingdom west of the Baltic Sea and the Gulf of Both* nia ? S. What country west of Sweden ? What sea between Scotland and Denmark ? What sea between England and Ireland ? What sea in the northern part of Russia ? ' What sea east of the Black Sea ? What sea between the Black Sea and the Archipelago t What is a Sea ? What is an Archipelago ? What sea north of the Black Sea ? What sea north of Russia 1 What sea between Prussia and Sweden ? What sea west of Denmark ? What sea between England and Ireland ? What is the general name of England, Scotland and Wales ? A. Great Britain. What large island west of Great Britain ? What two large islands west of Italy ? What large island south of Italy ? What island south of the Archipelago ? What large island west of Norway ? Which is the largest island around Europe ? What small island between Corsica and Italy 7 EUROPE. 25 For what is Elba remarkable 1 A. For being the place to Which Bonaparte was banished in 1814. What island south of Sicily on which St. Paul was ship- wrecked ? What island in the eastern part of the Mediterranean ? What three islands in the Mediterranean near Spain ? What four clusters of islands north and west of Scotland ? What two islands between England and Ireland? In what sea are they 1 What island north-east of Candia ? Rh, What small island south of Greece ? Ce. What island east of Greece ? N. Name five islands in the Baltic Sea ? How is Great Britain divided ? In what part is Wales ? Scotland ? What are Great Britain and Ireland called ? A. The British Isles. Which extends farther north, England or Ireland T Which extends farther south, Ireland or Wales ? What large bay west of France ? What is a Gulf or Bay ? What gulf east of Italy ? By what other name is this sometimes called ? A. Adriatic Sea. What gulf north of the Baltic Sea ? What gulf south of France ? What two gulfs east of the Baltic ? What two lakes east of the Gulf of Finland ? What gulf soutb of Italy 1 What gulf south of Turkey ? A. Gulf of Salonica. How many seas in and around Europe ? Name them ? Name the countries bordering on the Baltic ? Name those bordering on the Mediterranean ? Name those bordering on the North Sea ? What country has no sea-coast ? What peninsula so .in ot Russia in the Black Seat 26 PAKT FIRST. What channel between France and England ? What strait between France and England ? What is the difference between a channel and a strait ? Q. What channel between Marmora and the Black Sea ? A. Channel of Constantinople, or the Bosphorus. What strait between the Sea of Marmora and the Archipel- ago? D. What channel between Wales and Ireland 1 What strait between Europe and Africa ? What channel between Denmark and Norway ? What strait between Italy and Turkey ? What channel between Denmark and Sweden ? What strait between the Black Sea and the Sea of Azof 7 What channel between Ireland and Scotland ? What strait between Corsica and Sardinia ? What channel south of Wales ? What strait between Italy and Sicily ? What mountains between Norway and Sweden ? What volcano in Iceland ? What is the difference between a mountain and a volcano 1 What mountains between France and Spain ? What volcano in Sicily ? What mountains in the northern part of Italy and in Swit- zerland? What volcano in Italy near Naples ? What mountains in the north-western part of Austria 1 What mountains between Europe and Asia ? What mountains in Turkey ? Which is the highest peak of the Alps? A. Mont Blano» the highest mountain in Europe. What mountains run through Italy ? What mountains in the southern part of Spain ? What mountains in the northern part ? Where are the Sierra Morena Mountains ? Where are the Dofrafield, or Scandinavian Mountains ? Where are the Sierra Toledo Mountains ? Where is Lake Enara ? EUROPE. SflT What does Italy resemble in shape ? Where is Lake Constance ? Where are lakes Wenner and Wetter ? Where is Lake Ladoga ? What lake and town of the same name in the western part of Switzerland ? What lake south of lake Ladoga ? What is a Lake ? What three rivers flow into the White Sea ? D. 0. M. What is a River ? What long river rises in Russia and flows into the Caspian Sea? What river rises in Germany and flows into the Black Sea ? What noted river flows into the Sea of Azof? What two rivers rise in Switzerland, one running north and the other south ? What river flows into the Black Sea near Cherson ? What river in France flows into the English Channel ? What is the principal river in Norway ? G. What is the largest river in Ireland ? What two rivers empty into the Bay of Biscay ? What five rivers rise in Spain and empty into the Atlantic ? What three rivers in Germany flow into the North Sea ? What is the principal river in England ? What river flows into the Gulf of Venice ? What cape in the southern part of Greece? M. What is a Cape ? What is the most northern cape in Europe ? What cape in the northern part of Iceland 1 What two capes in the north-western part of Spain ? What cape in the southern part of Norway 1 What cape in the southern part of Ireland? What cape in the south-western part of Portugal ? What cape in the southern part of Italy ? What cape in the south-western part of England ? A. Land's End. What cape in the southern part of Sicily ? Where is Cape Palos ? Where is Cape Matapan ? 28 PART FIRST. What Peninsula west of the Gulf of Venice ? I. What peninsula south of Turkey ? What peninsula south-west of France ? S. and P. What is a peninsula * What Peninsula west of the Baltic Sea and the Gulf of Bothnia * What peninsula south of Norway 1 Where is the Isle of Man ? Where are two North capes ? Where is the Gulf of Lyons ? Where is the Island of Esel ? Where is the Gulf of Riga 1 What direction is it from Switzerland to Sweden ? To Greece ? To Iceland * To Wales ? To'Cyprus ? What is the capital of Sweden ? Of Russia ? Of Denmark ? Of Norway 1 Of Holland 1 Of Hanover ? Of England ? Of Belgium * Of Prussia ? Of Saxony 1 Of Switzerland ? Of Italy ? Of Austria * Of France ] Of Spain ? Of Portugal ? Of Sardinia? Of Turkey 1 Of Greece ? Of Ireland ? Of Scot- land 1 Where does the German Diet hold its Sessions ? A. At Frankfort-on-the-Mayne. MAP OF ASIA. What ocean north of Asia ? What ocean on the east ? What ocean on the south 1 What grand divisions on the west ? In what latitude is Asia ? Why ? What sea divides Asia from Africa ? What isthmus connects Asia with Africa ? What large division in the northern part? What large empire south of Siberia ? What does India comprise ? A. Hindostan and Farther India. What division between the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal ? What division between the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf? What division between the Persian and the Caspian Sea ? ASIA. 29 What two divisions east of Persia ? What division east of the Caspian Sea? What division between the Black Sea and Arabia ? Where is Georgia 1 What sea between Hindostan and Arabia ? What gulf in the northern part of the Arabian Sea ? What sea south of China ? What bay south-east of Hindostan ? What sea west of Syria ? What is the difference between a gulf and a sea? What gulf south of China ? What sea east of Kamtschatka ? What gulf south of Birmah ? What sea east of Nova Zerabla 1 What gulf south of Hindostan ? What sea west of Kamtschatka ? What gulf north of Malacca? What sea west of Corea ? What gulf south of Behring's Straits ? What sea east of the Caspian Sea ? In what division is it ? What sea in the southern part of Syria ? What sea west of Independent Tartary ? What gulf at the northern extremity of the Red Sea ? A. The Gulf of Suez. What sea north-east of Borneo ? A. Celebes. What mountains between Siberia and the Chinese Empire ? What mountains between Europe and Asia 1 ? What mountains in Turkey ? What mountains between the Chinese Empire and Hindos- tan ? What mountains in the southern part of Hindostan 1 What mountains in the northern part of Arabia? What is a Mountain ? What mountains in Persia ? A. Elborz. What mountains bound Independent Tartary on the south " 80 PART FIRST. A. Hindoo Koosh. What mountains between Independent Tartary and the Chi- nese Empire ? Where are the Great Altay Mountains ? Where are the Little Altay Mountains ? How high are the Himmaleh Mountains ? A. More than twenty-eight thousand feet — being the highest mountains in 'the world. What is the difference between a Mountain and a Hill ? What strait between Asia and North America? What is a Strait ? What channel between the Chinese Empire and Saghalien ? What strait at the entrance of the Red Sea ? What strait at the entrance of the Persian Gulf? A. Str. of Ormus. What strait between the Malay Peninsula and Sumatra ? What strait between China and Formosa ? What strait south-east of Corea ? What peninsula between the Persian Gulf and the Red Sea? What peninsula south of Siam ? What peninsula between the Yellow Sea and the Sea of Japan ? What peninsula east of the Sea of Okhotsk ? What is the difference between a Peninsula and a Sea? What rivers unite and empty into the Persian Gulf ? What is a River ? What is the mouth of a river ? What the source ? What large river rises in the Chinese Empire and empties into the Sea of Arabia ? What two large rivers empty into the Bay of Bengal ? What three large rivers empty into the Arctic Ocean? What river flows into the Channel of Tartary ? What two large rivers flow through China ? Where do they empty ? What two rivers empty into the northern part of the Caspian Sea? ASIA. 81 What two rivers empty into the Sea of Aral ? What river, in part, forms the boundary line between Inde- pendent Tartary and Europe ? Where is the Godavery River ? Where is the Meinam ? What cape in the southern part of Kamtschatka t What is a Cape ? What cape in the southern part of Malacca? What cape in the southern part of Hindostan ? What cape in the northern part of Siberia ? N. E. What cape in the southern part of Cambodia. A. Cambodia. What island east of China ? F. What is an Island ? What island south of Hindostan ? What island west of Syria ? What island south of Malay Peninsula, or Malacca ? What large island east of Borneo 1 A. Celebes. What island east of the Channel of Tartary ? What large island south of the Sea of Japan ? a What island north of Niphon ? Where is the Island of Kiusiu ? Where is Nova Zembla ? Where is Hainan ? Where is Luzon ? Where are the Kurile Isles ? - Where are the Andaman Islands? What three oceans border on Asia ? Name the five large seas east of Asia ? In what direction from the Island of Ceylon is Nova Zembla ? Formosa? The Caspian Sea? Gulf of Siam? Persian Gulf? Saghalien ? Little Thibet ? Cape of Cambodia ? Gulf of Obi ? What is the Capital of a country ? What is the capital of Siberia ? Of Persia ? Of Turkey ? Of Independent Tartary ? Of the Chinese Empire 1 Of Hin- dostan ? Of Beloochistan ? Of Afghanistan ? Of Birmah ? A* What does the Empire of Japan include ? 82 PART FIRST. A. The islands of Niphon, Kiusiu, Jesso and Sikofk, and several smaller islands. What is its capital ? A. Jeddo. To what empire does Siberia belong ? A. Russian. What name is given to the islands south of Asia ? A. The East Indies ? MAP OF AFRICA. In what latitude is Africa ? Why 7 Is the greater portion north or south of the equator ? What sea bounds Africa on the north ? What sea and ocean on the east ? What ocean on the west ? What prevents Africa from being an island ? With what grand division of the globe is Africa connected ? What are the states in the northern part called 1 A. Barbary "States. Name them ? M., A. ? T., T. Which is the most western ? "Which extends farthest north ? Which is the most eastern ? T. What desert south of the Barbary States 7 What country east of Sahara ? What division south of the Great Desert ? S. What division east of Soudan ? What three countries border on the Red Sea 1 E. N. A. What is the central part of Africa called, south of the Moun- tains of the Moon ? E. What division east of Ethiopia ? Z. What division south of Zanguebar ? M. What division west 1 Lower Guinea. What is the most southern division of Africa 1 What division has not been explored ? E. What is the country called north of Cape Colony ? A. Country of the Hottentots. What two districts in the southern part of Senegambia, settled by free blacks and emancipated slaves ? A. Si. L. and LL AFRICA. 83 Where is Fezzan ? What is an Oasis ? A. A fertile spot in a desert. Which is the largest oasis in the Great Desert ? F. What strait separates Morocco from Spain 1 What strait separates Abyssinia from Arabia ? What channel separates Mozambique from Madagascar ? What gulf south of Guinea ? What gulf between Berbera and Arabia ? What gulf between Tripoli and Barca ? What bay south of Mozambique ? Where is Fish Bay ? What two smaller gulfs in the Gulf of Guinea ? B. B. Which is the most northern cape of Africa ? Which is the most southern 1 A. Which is the most eastern ? Which is the most western ? Where is the Cape of Good Hope ? Where is Cape Blanco ] What cape at the northern extremity of Zanguebar ? B. Where is Cape Bojador? Where is Cape Frio ? What cape at the souh-eastern extremity of Zanguebar ? What cape at the northern extremity of Madagascar? What cape at the southern extremity of Liberia 1 What is a Cape ? What is a Promontory 1 What river in the eastern part of Africa runs north, and empties into the Mediterranean? What large river in Souuan 1 Where does the Niger empty ? What river empties into the Channel of Mozambique ? What river separates Loango from Congo ? A. Zaire or Congo. What river north of Cape Colony empties into the Atlantic ? What river south of Benguela ? What is there remarkable about the Niger Kiver ? 84 PART FIRST. A. Though known for twenty centuries, its source has never been- discovered until very recently. Where is the Senegal River ? Where is Grand River ? Where is Lake Tchad ? What river flows into it ? Where is Haines' River ? Where is Lake Maravi ? What is Agdas ? Where is Lake Dembea ? Where is Beled el Jerrid ? What is it"? A. Land of dates. Does Adel or Ajan lie on the Indian Ocean ? Name the four divisions of Lower Guinea ? What mountains in the northern part of Africa ? What mountains between Upper Guinea and Soudan? What mountains east of Congo ? A. Crystal. What mountains in Cape Colony ? For what is the river Nile remarkable? A. It flows sixteen hundred miles without receiving the smallest tributary. Where does it rise ? A. It is not known. What river flows into Delagoa Bay ? M. What is the capital of Morocco ? Of Algiers ? Of Tunis ? Of Tripoli ? Of Fezzan ? Of Egypt? Of Nubia ? N. D. Of Darfur ? Of Abyssinia ? Of Congo ? Of Benguela ? Of Mo- zambique ? Of Cape Colony ? Which is the largest desert in the world ? S. Is it inhabited ? A. All the oases in it are inhabited. How iarge is it? A. Three thousand miles long and ono thousand miles broad. What large island south-east of Africa ? What four groups of islands in the Atlantic, west and north- west of Africa ? A., M., C— V., C. To whom do these belong ? A. The first three to Portugal, and the Canary to Spain. OCEANICA. * 35 What two islands south of the equator belonging to Great Britain? A. and St. H. For what is St. Helena remarkable ? A. For being the place to which Napoleon Bonaparte was banished in 1815, and where he died six years after. In 1640 his remains were taken to France ? What islands in the northern part of the channel of Mozam- bique ? What two islands east of Madagascar? What island near Cape Guardafui ? Where is St, Thomas' Island 1 Where is Aldabra Island ? Where is Annobon Island ? To what cluster does Porto Santo belong ? To what cluster does TenerifTe belong ? To what cluster does Fayal belong ? To what cluster does St. Jago belong ? In what direction from Lake Tchad is St. Helena ? Mada- gascar ? Egypt? Cape Colony ? Cape Verde? Socotra ? Morocco ? Fezzan ? Ivory Coast ? Port Natal ? What divisions of Africa does the equator cross ? What is the Delta of the Nile ? A. The tract of land lying between the outlets of the Nile — so called from its resemblance to the Greek letter Delta. MAP OF OCEANICA, OR THE WORLD. Through what three large islands does the equator pass ? W 7 hat large island south-east of Sumatra? What islands east of the China Sea ? What islands east of Celebes ? W r hat strait separates Sumatra from Java ? What island south of Australia ? What strait between Australia and Van Dieman's Land ? Where is New-Ireland ? Where is Samar Island ? Where are the Ladrone Islands 1 36 PART FIRST. Where are the Louisade Islands ? What strait separates New-Guinea from Australia ? Where is the Gulf of Carpentaria ? What strait between Borneo and Celebes ? Where is New-Georgia ? S. E. of New-Ireland. What two large Islands south-east of A ustralia ? What strait between them ? What island east of New-Zealand ? C. In what direction from New-Caledonia are the Friendly Isles ? The Sandwich Islands? Pitcairn's Island? Cook's? Chat- ham ? Kurile ? Are the Sandwich Islands in north or south latitude 1 In what latitude are the Washington islands ? The Caroline Islands ? Gilolo ? Floris ? Marquesas ? Which is farther east, New-Guinea or Niphon ? Which is farther north, Australia or the Feejee Islands ? Which is farther south, Cook's Strait or Botany Bay ? Which is farther north, Torres Strait or the Strait of Sunda 1 Which is farther east, Borneo or Hainan ? On what island is Batavia ? Note. — It may be advisable for classes generally to go through Part First the seeond time, before entering upon the following review. REVIEW OF PART FIRST. What is the shape of the earth ? Why like an orange ? A. It is flattened at the poles. In what direction does the St. Lawrence run ? How many motions has the earth, and what are they ? Where is Smith's Sound ? What two large rivers flow into the Gulf of Mexico ? Where is Mount Chimborazo ? Why are there no towns in Patagonia ? What causes the change of seasons 1 REVIEW. 37 What is the Equator % Where is Norton Sound ? W'hat are the poles of the earth 1 Where are the Arctic Highlands ? How can you always tell which way is north ? What does the eastern continent include 1 What three rivers in Guiarfa 1 What is a Plain ? What is the capital of Venezuela ? What cluster of islands north of Cuba % What is a Desert 1 What is a Sea 1 Where is Melville Island ? What is the capital of Brazil ? How high is the highest mountain in South America ? Which one of the eastern states has no sea-coast ? What is the capital of California'? What division of South America has no sea-coast ? What is an Archipelago 1 "What direction from Rio Janeiro to Quito ? What is the capital of Vermont 1 What is a Sound ? Where is St. Mathias Bay, or Gulf of San Antonio 1 Where is Apalachee Bay 1 Which is the largest river in the eastern states ? What is the capital of England 1 What three states are bounded east by the Mississippi ? Where is Cape St. Antonio 1 What is a Canal ? What does the Map of the World represent ? What is the capital of New-Jersey ? Where is St. George's Bay 1 When and by whom was the Antarctic Continent discovered ? What cape east of Rio Janeiro 1 What two capes at the entrance of Chesapeake Bay 1 What do you mean by the diameter of the earth ? 38 PART FIRST. What two rivers when united form the Ohio 1 What large island east of Africa ? What cape at the southern extremity of Greenland ? - What bay east of Hindostan ] What river between Georgia and Alabama ? What is the capital of Turkey 1 What island south of Rhode Island ? Where is the Rio San Joaquin ? What is a River ? What two capes in the eastern part of Florida ? What cape at the southern extremity of Madagascar ? What is the capital of France ? What strait between Patagonia and Terra del Fuego? W"hat gulf between Canada and Newfoundland } What is a Promontory ? How high is the highest mountain in the world ? What is the capital of the United States 1 Where is the Sacramento River % What gulf south of Birmah 1 Which extends farther south, North Carolina or Arkansas ? What is a Hemisphere 1 How many oceans are there ? Name them ? What is the principal branch of the Hudson River 1 What is the capital of Delaware 1 For what is the Niger remarkable ? What sea west of Independent Tartary 1 How do you bound Europe ? What, is it to bound a country ? W T hat is the capital of Egypt 1 Which is the largest grand division in South America? What is an Isthmus ? Is Greenland a part of North America ? W 7 hat island south of Chili ? What sea between England and Ireland ? What is an Empire ? KEVIEW. 39 What is the most northern cape of South America % What country west of Sweden ? What is the capital of Florida % Where is Blanco Bay ? What bay west of Yucatan ? What is the capital of Patagonia ? What is a Kingdom 1 Name the grand divisions of North America ? How far may the roar of Cotopaxi sometimes be heard ? What kingdom in the south-western part of Europe T Where is Fish Bay ? What is the capital of Chili ? For what is Elba remarkable ? On what island was St. Paul shipwrecked 1 What strait leads from Baffin's Bay into the Polar Sea ? Between what two capes is South America longest 1 What large island west of Great Britain ? Through what divisions of South America does the equator pass? What is the capital of Michigan ? What large island south of Italy ? What two straits lead into Hudson's Bay ? What sea west of Denmark ? What was the North Sea formerly called ? A. The German Ocean. What city at the mouth of the Magdalena River ? What mountains in Vermont ? What large island west of Norway ? What three capes in the eastern part of North Carolina ? What is the capital of Louisiana ? What cape at the southern extremity of California ? What river rises in New-York and flows into the Chesa- peake Bay ? What channel between Wales and Ireland ? What two sounds east of North Carolina 1 What channel between Denmark and Norway 1 What bay south of Mozambique "? 40 PART FIRST. Where is Mount Vesuvius ? For what is the Nile remarkable ? What volcano in Iceland ? Where are the Ural Mountains ? How is land naturally divided 1 In what part of Africa is Grande River ? What causes day and night ? What mountains in Turkey ? Where is Orange River ? What is a Continent ? Which is the highest peak of the Alps ? What are Brooks, Creeks, Rivulets ? &c. What river flows into Lake Tchad ? Where are the Sierra Toledo Mountains ? Where is Lake Constance ? What gulf between Berbera and Arabia ? Where are lakes Wenner and Wetter ? Where is Cape Frio ? What states border on the Gulf of Mexico ? What is the capital of Missouri ? Where is the Isthmus of Suez ? What three rivers flow into the White Sea ? What is the capital of Denmark ? Where is lake Maravi ? What is an Oasis ? What cape at the southern extremity of Ireland ? What islands north-east of the China Sea ? What cape in the south-western part of Portugal! Which is the largest desert in the world ? How large is it ? What cape at the southern extremity of Greece ? To whom does ICeland belong ? What is the capital of Maryland ? What three rivers in Germany flow into the North Sea ? Where is the Isle of Man ? What is the capital of Portugal ? What state borders on the Pacific Ocean ? KEYIE w\ 4:1 What sea between Asia and Africa ? What ns the axis of the earth ? What is the capital of Bolivia ? Where is Cape Breton Island ? What strait between France and England ? What channel between Marmora and the Black Sea ? Where is Chatham Bay ? Where does the Nile rise ? What three rivers in Germany flow into the North Sea ? Where are Penobscot and Casco bays ? What islands in the northern part of the channel of Mozam- bique * What island in the north-western part of Lake Superior ? What cape in the northern part of Iceland ? Where is Ambrose Island ? What is the capital of Austria ? What two rivers flow into the Ohio near its mouth ? Where is the Land of Dates "? What is the capital of Ohio ? To what cluster of islands does Fayal belong ? For what is St. Helena remarkable 1 What strait between Corsica and Sardinia ? What is the capital of California ? What is a Lake ? What mountains in the north-western part of Austria ? How rapidly does the earth move on its axis ? Of what state is Madison the capital ? How is water naturally divided ? In what part of Missouri is Jefferson City ? What gulf between Tripoli and Barca ? How many oceans are there ? Name them ? Where is Cape Bojador ? Name the four divisions of Lower Guinea ? What is the capital of Norway ? Name the grand divisions of South America ? 42 PART FIRST. What mountains between Upper Guinea and Soudan ? What is the capital of Fezzan ? Where are the West India islands ? What two rivers empty into the Bay of Biscay ? What island south of Australia ? Where are the Louisade islands ? What is the capital of Hindostan ? Where is the river Zimbezi ? What is the capital of Ireland ? To what cluster of islands does St. Jago belong ? What two islands south of the equator, in the Atlantic Ocean, belong to Great Britain ? Where are the Gaut Mountains? Where is Prince William's Sound ? What is the capital of Central America ? Where is the Hindoo Koosh Mountain ? Where is Mount St. Elias ? What countries border on the North Sea ? What is the capital of Russia ? What three countries border on the Red Sea ? What large island in the northern part of Hudson's Bay? Where is Mount Hecla ? What is it ? Where is Melville Island ? Where is Zaire, or Congo River ? Of what state is Jackson the capital ? Where is Haines' River ? What is the capital of Mozambique ? What is a Valley ? Where is Sandy Hook ? DEFINITIONS. 43 PART SECOND Q. What is Latitude ? A. Distance from the equator, either north or south. Q. What is Longitude ? A. Distance from any established meridian, eithei east or west. Q. What are Meridians? A. Circles extending round the earth, north and south, through the Poles. Q. What are Parallels of latitude ? A. Circles extending east and west, round the earth, parallel to the equator. Q. What are Circles ? A. Imaginary lines drawn round the earth. Q. By what different names are they called ? A. Equator, Tropics, Polar Circles, Parallels, and Meridians. Q. What are Great Circles, and why are they so called ? A. The Equator and Meridians are great circles, and are so called because they are greater in extent than the other circles. They divide the earth into two equal parts. Q. What are Tropics ? A. Circles drawn round the earth parallel to the equator 23£° from it. 44 PAKT SECOND. Q. What is the tropic north of the equator called ? A. Tropic of Cancer. Q. What is the tropic south of the equator called ? A. Tropic of Capricorn. Q. What are Polar Circles ? A. Circles passing round the earth 23£° from each pole. Q. What are their names ? A. The circle round the north pole is called the Arctic Circle ; that round the south pole, the Antarctic. Q. How are latitude and longitude reckoned ? A. By degrees, minutes, and seconds. Q. How is latitude expressed ? A. By figures on the sides of the map. % Q. How is longitude expressed? A. By figures on the equator, or at the top or the bottom of the map. Q. What are the divisions of latitude ? A. Two : north and south. Q. What are the divisions of longitude ? A. Two : east and w T est. Q. How may it be known whether the longitude of a place is east or west t A. If the figures increase from left to right, the lon- gitude is east ; if from right to left, the longitude is west. Q. How may it be known whether the latitude of a place is north or south t A. If the figures increase upward, the latitude is north ; if downward, the latitude is south. How many degrees round the earth ? A. 360. Q. What is a Degree ? A. Sixty geographical miles. Q. What is a Minute ? THE WORLD. 45 A. One geographical mile. Q. How are they expressed ? A. 40? 20', (forty degrees and twenty minutes.) MAP OF THE WORLD. How many degrees from the equator io either pole ? How many from pole to pole ? In what direction do parallels of latitude run ? In what direction do meridians run 1 What is the greatest latitude a place can have ? What is the greatest longitude ? Where has a place no longitude ? Where has a place no latitude ? Q. Are degrees of longitude equal in length ? A. They are not. They decrease from the equator to the poles. At the poles there is no longitude. At the equator a degree of longitude is equal in length to a degree of latitude. Q. From what meridian do most nations reckon longitude ? A. From the capital of their own country. The French reckon from the meridian of Paris. The Eng- lish from the meridian of Greenwich. The figures on the top of our maps express the longitude from the meridian of Greenwich. Those on the bottom, from Washington. What degree of latitude runs through the island of Cuba 1 What degree of longitude runs through the island of Hayti % What degree of latitude runs through Newfoundland ? Mada- gascar ? The isthmus of Suez ? What degree of longitude runs through Cuba ? Cairo ? Cape of G-ood Hope ? Terra del Fuego ? What degree of latitude runs through the city of Mexico ? Pekin? New-York? 4:6 PART SECOND. Q. What are Zones ? A. Belts or girdles. How many zones are there ? A. Five : one Torrid, two Temperate, and two Frigid Zones. Q. What part of the earth's surface does the torrid zone embrace ? A. That part which lies between the*two tropics. How wide is this zone 1 Q. How many seasons in it ? A. Two : the wet and the dry. The wet season is called winter, and the dry season summer. The cli- mate is very hot, and the trees are always green. Q. What does Torrid mean ? A. Burning. Is Cuba in the Torrid zone 1 ' Is the Cape of Good Hope ? Why not] Q. What parts of the earth's surface do the Temperate zone3 embrace ? A. Those parts which lie between the Tropics and the Polar circles.- Q. How many seasons in the Temperate zones ? A. Four : Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter. How wide are the Temperate zones 1 Q. What parts of the earth's surface do the Frigid zones embrace ? A. Those parts which lie between the polar circles and the poles. They are called the North and South Frigid zones. Q. How many seasons have the Frigid zones ? A. Two : Summer and Winter. The winters are long and very cold ; the summers are short and warm. In what zone are the United States ? What countries in South America are in the South-Temperate zone ? In Africa is there more land in the North or in the South** Temperate zone 1 INTRODUCTORY LESSON'S. 47 In what two zones is Australia 1 Greenland ? Madagascar ? Formosa 1 In what zone is Borneo ? New-Zealand ? Newfoundland ? Sumatra ? Spitsbergen ? Niphon % What land on the Eastern Hemisphere in the South-Frigid zone ? On the Western ? Q. By whom was America discovered, and when ? A. Christopher Columbus, a native of Genoa, 1492. Q. What was America when first discovered ? A. A vast wilderness inhabited by various tribes of Indians. How is North America bounded ? Q. When and by whom was it first explored ? A. In 1497, by John Cabot. Q. From what country did the first settlers of the United States principally come ? A. Great Britain. Q. What were the United States originally called ? A. "British Colonies in North America." Q. When was the name changed ? A. July 4th, 1776, they declared themselves inde- pendent of Great Britain, and were called " The United States of America." Q. When and where was the firat battle of the Revolution fought. ? A. April 19th, 1775, at Lexington, Massachusetts. Q. How long did the war last ? A. Until January 20th, 1783, when Great Britain acknowledged the United States to be free, sovereign, and independent. Q. What form of government was established ? A. Republican. Several separate republics united in one, are called a Federal Republic. Q. Of how many branches does the government of the United States consist ? 48 PART SECOND. A. Three : the Legislative, the Executive, and the Judicial power. Q. In what is the Legislative power vested ? A. In a Congress, which consists of two branches — the Senate and the House of Representatives. Q. Who compose the Senate ? A. Two Senators from each state, chosen by their Legislatures, for the term of six years. Q. Who compose the House of Representatives ? A. Representatives chosen by the people of each state according to the number of inhabitants, for the term of two years. One representative is elected for every 70,680 inhabitants. • Q. When and where does Congress meet ? A. On the first Monday in December^ at Washing- ton. Q In what is the Executive power vested ? A. In a President and Vice-President, assisted by a Secretary of State, Secretary of War, Secretary of the Navy, Secretary of the Treasury, Secretary of the Home Department, Attorney-General and Postmaster- General. These form the cabinet. Q. For how long a time, and by whom, are the President and Tice-President chosen ? A. Four years : by delegates elected by the people, called electors. Each state chooses as many electors as it has members in Congress. Q. In what is the Judicial power vested ? A. In a Supreme Court, and in such inferior courts as Congress may from time to time establish. Q. What is their principal business ? A. To expound the laws of the United States, and EASTERN STATES. 49 settle all questions which arise under the constitution and the treaties of the United States. Q. Who compose the Supreme Court? A. One Chief-Justice and eight Associate Justices. Q, How are they appointed, and for how long ? A. By the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, and hold their office during good behavior. Q. When and where does the Supreme Court meet ? A. On the second Monday in January, at Washing- ton. Q. What is the power of this court called ? A. The Federal Judiciary. Q. Of how many branches does the government of each state consist ? A. Three : The Legislature to make the laws ; the Executive, at the head of which is the Governor, to see that the laws are enforced, and a Judiciary to de- cide cases of dispute between citizens. Repeat the different branches of the General Government. What is Congress ? What is the Supreme Court ? What is the Executive ? When did the British Colonies of North America become independent ? Who was the first President ? A. George Washington. How long did he continue in office ? Eight years. Who is President now ? In what year did he enter office ? What four grand divisions include the United States ? EASTERN, OR NEW-ENGLAND STATES. Q. How many Eastern States are there ? A. Six. 50 PART SECOND. Q. How are they situated 1 A. East of New- York. Q. Name them ? Q. What are the five principal rivers of New-England ? C, P., K„ A., H. Q. Which is the largest city in New-England ? B. Q. Which is the highest mountain in New-England ? Mt. Washington. Q. What are the principal sources of wealth ? A. Commerce, manufactures and the fisheries. Q. What is the character of the inhabitants ? A. Industrious, enterprising, educated and moral. Q. "What is the face of the country ? A. Along the sea-coast, level ; in the interior are hills, mountains and valleys. There are no extensive plains. MAINE. How is Maine bounded ? What is the capital, and how situated? In what part of the United States is Maine ? Q. For what is Maine distinguished ? A. Its extensive coast, numerous harbors, fisheries, and ship-building. Q. What are the principal exports ? A. Lumber, fish, beef, pork, lime, grain and ice. Q. How does Maine compare with the other Eastern States in extent ? A. It is about as large as all the other New-England States. In what direction does the coast of Maine run ? What river forms part of the eastern boundary ? Into what bay does it empty ? What river between the south-western part of Maine and New-Hampshire ? What river forms part of the northern boundary ? Name the four principal rivers of Maine. Where do they empty t What lake between the St. Croix and Penob- scot rivers ? What river rises near the centre of Maine and NEW-HAMPSHIRE. 51 flows into New-Brunswick 1 Which are the three principal lakes in Maine ? In what lake does the Kennebec River rise ? What is the principal mountain ? Which is the largest island on the coast 1 Which town is farthest north, Bath, Augusta or Hallowell 1 On what bay is Portland 1 What town, river, and bay of the same name between Portland and York ? In what part of Maine is Machias ? Name four principal bays on the southern coast of Maine ? Where is Dover ? Belfast ? Old Town ? Eastport ? Where is Grand Menan Island 1 What two colleges in Maine, and where located ? Waterville College, at Waterville, and Bowdoin College, at Brunswick. NEW-HAMPSHIRE. How is New-Hampshire bounded % What is the capital, and how situated ] What two rivers form part of the boundary of New-Hamp- shire ? Q. For what is New-Hampshire noted ? A. Its numerous rivers, lakes and beautiful scenery. It is the most mountainous State in the Union. It is called the " Switzerland of America," and the " Granite State." Q. How much sea-coast has New-Hampshhe ? A. Eighteen miles, and but one sea-port town. Q. What noted mountains in this state ? A. The White Mountains ; they are the highest mountains east of the Mississippi River, and are covered with snow a greater portion of the year. The highest peak is Mount Washington. What isles near Portsmouth ? On what river is Portsmouth ? What large lake near the centre of the state ? Where is lake Umbagog ? Between what two towns is Hanover ? What river runs through the centre of this state ? What lake in the northern part ? Into what river does lake Umbagog flow ? Where is Dover ? In what direction is New-Hampshire long- 52 part seco:nt>. est ? Which way is Concord from Augusta ? In what part of the state is Keene ? Exeter ? Nashua ? What college at Hano- ver ? Dartmouth. In what part of the state is Amherst ? Haverhill ? Lancaster ? What direction is Concord from this place ? From Machias ? From Hanover ? From Keene ? VERMONT. How is Vermont hounded? What is the capital, and how situated ? Q. What does Vermont mean ? A. Green Mountain ; so called, because covered with evergreens. Q. For what is Vermont noted ? A. For its mines of iron, and manganese, and for its quarries of excellent marble, and slate. Q. What are the staple productions ? A. Wheat, butter, cheese, and wool. This state produces more butter and wool than any other New- England state. Maple sugar is also made in great quantities. Has Vermont any sea-coast ? What large lake in the north- western part ? In what direction do the Green Mountains run ? What river separates Vermont from New-Hampshire ? Which is the oldest town in the state ? Bennington. For what is it celebrated ? For General Stark's victory over a detachment of Hessians belonging to Burgoyne's army, in the revolutionary war. What lake lies partly in this state and partly in Canada ? .What four rivers in Vermont? On what lake is Burlington? In what part of the state is Rutland ? Brattleboro ? Derby ? Wilmington? Troy? On what river is Windsor? What degree of latitude bounds this state on the north ? On what river is Middlebury ? What direction is Vergennes from Montpelier ? What colleges in Vermont, and where located ? University of Vermont, at Burlington ; Norwich University, at Norwich, and Middlebury College, at Middlebury. MASSACHUSETTS. 53 MASSACHUSETTS. How is Massachusetts bounded 1 What is the capital, and how situated ? Q. For what is this state distinguished 1 A. It is the oldest and most populous of the New- England Stsntes. It is distinguished for the number of its literary institutions, and for the intelligence and enterprise of its inhabitants. Q. Where was the first settlement made, when, and by whom ? A. At Plymouth, 36 miles south-east of Boston, December 22d, 1620, by 101 Puritans, who fled from England on account of religious persecution. Q. What may be said of the commerce of Massachusetts ? A. It has more commerce than any state in the Union except New-York. What literary institutions in this state ? Harvard University, at Cambridge, is the oldest and best endowed in the Union ; Williams College, at Williamstown ; Amherst College, at Am- herst, and Holy Cross, at Worcester. What, large river runs through this state ? What three capes on the east ? Which is the most noted ? Co. What town near Cape Ann ? W T hat town in the north-western part ? Where is Newburyport ? Where is Mount Holyoke 1 On what river is Springfield ? What two islands south-east of Massachusetts 1 Where is Mount Tom ? What range of mountains in the western part 1 H. On what river are Lowell and Haverhill ?- In what part is Worcester 1 Plymouth? In what direction is Massachusetts longest ? W T hat bay east of Massachusetts? What direction is Mount Holyoke from Boston ? From Springfield ? From Montpelier ? From Andover ? Where is Buzzard's Bay ? What two cities are con • nected with Boston by bridges ? Charlestown and Cambridge. Where is Bunker-Hill 1 In Charlestown. What is this state often called 1 The Bay State. It took its name from Ihe bay on xvhich it is situated. What does the peninsula of Cape Cod re- semble ? A man's arm bent at the elbow and wrist. 54 PART SECOND. RHODE ISLAND. How is Rhode Island bounded ? What are the capitals, and how situated ? Q. For what is Rhode Island distinguished ? A. For its flourishing manufactures and extensive commerce. The first cotton-mill in the United States was built here in 1790. Q. From what does this state take its name * A. From an island of the same name in the south- ern part of Narraganset Bay, containing 50 square miles. Q. What other islands in Narraganset Bay ? A. Canonicut and Prudence. Q. Where is Mount Hope, and for what is it celebrated ? A. Near Bristol. It was the residence of the famous Indian warrior, King Philip. At the head of what bay is Providence? On what island is Newport ? What island south of this state i How is Bristol situated ? What is the principal bay south of Rhode Island ? Which extends farther east, Rhode Island or New-Hampshire ? What two points at the entrance of Narraganset Bay 1 A. Point Judith and Sekonnet Point. How can you sail from Providence to Boston ? What direction is Newport from Al- bany ? From Augusta ? h\ what part of the state is Smithfield ? What degree of latitude bounds this state on the north ? What institution of learning in this state ? Brown's University, at Providence. In what part of the state is Warwick ? Tiver- ton? East Greenwich ? CONNECTICUT. How is Connecticut bounded ? What are the capitals, and how situated ? For what is Connecticut noted ? MIDDLE STATES. 55 A. For the extent and variety of its manufactures, its literary institutions, and the enterprise and good morals of its inhabitants. Q. What are the chief products of this state ? A. Grain, cider, butter and cheese. Q. What literary institutions in this state ? Yale College, at New-Haven ; Trinity College, at Hartford, and Wesleyan Uni- versity, at Middletown. Yale College was removed from Say- brook to New-Haven in the year 1717. Q. What school fund has this state * A. More than any other state in the Union. It amounts to more than two millions of dollars. In no state, and in no part of the world, is education more general. Where does the Connecticut River rise and empty 1 What two other rivers in this state ? What two rivers unite at Nor- wich and form the Thames ? A. Yantic and Shetucket. Between and through what states does the Connecticut River flow ? What large island south of Connecticut ? To what state does Long Island belong ? N. Y. What island near the mouth of the Thames? On what river is New-London ? Norwich? Middletown? Haddam? Cornwall? Hartford? In what part of the state are Greenwich, Stamford, and Norwalk ? Where is Bridgeport? Stonington ? Woodstock? Enfield? Litchfield? MIDDLE STATES. Q Which are the Middle States ? N. Y., K J., Pa. and De. Q. For what are they distinguished ? A. For their wealth and valuable manufactures. In no part of the world is coal found in such abundance as in Pennsylvania. Most kinds of grain and fruits are produced of the very best quality. Q. What is the most important production ? A. Wheat 56 PART SECOND. What is the general course of the rivers east of the Alle- ghany Mountains? What course do they run in the western part of New-York ? In the Western part of Pennsylvania ? What two states are divided by the Delaware ? What is the face of the country ? Similar to New-England. Which is the largest city ? N. Y. Which is the largest state ? Which the smallest 1 What three large rivers 1 NEW-YOHK. How is New-York bounded 1 What is the capital, and how situated ? Q. For what is New-York noted ? A. For its medicinal and salt springs. About two millions of bushels of salt are made annually. It is better situated for trade, and has more wealth and population than any other state in the Union. Q. What are the chief products ? A. Wheat, butter, cheese, hay, and maple sugar. Q. What great natural wonder partly in this state ? A. Niagara Falls — between Lake Erie and Lake Ontario, the most stupendous cataract in the world. It is three-quarters of a mile in width, and falls per- pendicularly 160 feet, in two columns. Q. What distinguished works of art ? A. The Erie Canal, the Croton Aqueduct, the Erie Rail-road, and Hudson River Rail-road. Q. Describe each ? A. The Erie Canal is 864 miles long, was the first great work of the kind undertaken on this continent, and is longer than any canal in Europe. It cost about nine millions of dollars. The Croton Aqueduct supplies New- York city from NEW- YORK. 57 Croton River, with sixty millions of gallons of water daily. It is 40 £ miles long, and cost about fourteen millions of dollars. The Erie Rail-road cost about thirty millions of dollars, and the Hudson River Rail-road about ten millions. Q. What may be said of its manufactures, commerce ? &c. A. Its manufactures, commerce and shipping are on a grand scale. The imports exceed in value those of any other state. The exports are also great. What are the principal colleges in this state ? Columbia Col- lege; and the University in New-York city, and Union College at Schenectady. What large river runs through the eastern part of this state ? What three large towns on the eastern bank ? T., H., P. What three on the western bank, between Albany and West Point ? C, K., N. What is the principal branch of the Hud- son ? What four towns on the Mohawk ? S., H.. U., R. What course does the Genesee River run, and where does it empty? Where does Black River empty ? What town near its mouth ? At the mouth of what river and on what lake is Plattsburg ? On what river is Ogdensburg 1 Which is the more westerly, Seneca or Cayuga Lake 1 What town stands at the outlet of Seneca Lake ? What town at the end of Cayuga Lake ? What large town north-east of Cayuga Lake ? Into what river do Seneca, Cayuga and other small lakes empty ? What river between Onei- da Lake and Lake Ontario ? How is Canandaigua situated ? Nor- wich ? Keesville ? Oswego? Lyons? Lockporf? What two towns at each extremity of the Erie Canal ? What canal con- nects Albany and W T hite-Hall ? Champlain. Where is Lake George? Where is Grand Isle? Where are the Catskill Moun- tains 1 Where are Niagara Falls ? Trenton Falls ? What three large lakes lie partly in this state 1 Where are Saratoga Springs ? How is Long Island situated ? Where is Montauk Point ? What city on Long Island opposite New-York city ? Where is Ja- maica? Dunkirk? Rochester? Delhi? Owego? Binghampton? F&hkill ? May ville ? Ithaca ? Rome ? On what island is 58 PART SECOND. New- York city ? In what direction from Albany is New- York 1 Buffalo ? Boston ? Pittsburgh ? Augusta ? How would you sail from Albany to Trenton ? Can you go by water from Phila- delphia to Buffalo ? NEW-JERSEY. How is New-Jersey bounded? What is the capital, and how situated ? Q. For what is New-Jersey noted ? A. For its excellent fruit, cider and manufactures. It is noted also tor its sufferings, fidelity and patriotism in the Revolutionary war. In proportion to population and wealth, its loss in men and property was greater than that of any other state. What institutions of learning in this state ? College of New- Jersey, and Theological Seminary at Princeton ; Rutgers 7 Col- lege and Theological Seminary at New-Brunswick, and Burling- ton College, at Burlington. What river separates New-Jersey from Pennsylvania? On what river are Paterson and Newark ? What river in part separates New-Jersey from New- York. On what river is New-Brunswick ? Raritan. W r hat cape at the southern extremity of New-Jersey ? Where is Sandy Hook ? In what direction is Princeton from Trenton ? Where is Barne- gat Inlet? What two harbors between Barnegat Inlet and Cape May? What is the length of Delaware Bay ? In what direc- tion is Newark from Trenton ? How could you sail from Hart- ford to Trenton ? What falls in this state ? Passaic Falls, at Paterson. In what part is Camden ? Long Branch ? Salem ? Belvidere ? How could you sail from Newark to Albany ? In what part of the state is Hackensack? Tuckerton ? Elizabeth - town* Flemington? Freehold? Amboy ? Newton? PENNSYLVANIA. 69 PENNSYLVANIA. How is Pennsylvania bounded ? What is the capital, and how situated ? Q. For what is Pennsylvania noted ? A. For its various manufactures, vast mineral re- sources and extensive public works. Coal, iron, mar- ble and lime are found in large quantities. There are many salt springs. What are some of the principal institutions of learning in this state ? University of Pennsylvania, at Philadelphia ; Dickinson College, at Carlisle ; Jefferson, at Canonsburg ; Washington, at Washington; Lafayette, at Easton, &c, &c. How is Philadelphia situated ? What separates this state from New-Jersey ? What two branches has the Delaware ? What river passes nearly through the centre of the state ? What two rivers unite and form the Ohio ? What city at their junction ? What can you say of it ? It is 300 miles north-west of Phila- delphia, and is one of the greatest manufacturing towns in the United States. Between what two rivers is Philadelphia ? What three branches has the Susquehannah River ? What town stands at the junction of the Delaware and Lehigh ? Which is the longest river in this state ? On what river is Mauch Chunk ? What town stands near the junction of the two branches of the Susquehannah ? Where is Wilkesbarre 1 Where is Columbia ? Lancaster ? York ? In what degree of latitude is Philadelphia ? In what degree is the northern boundary of the state ? What large lake forms part of the boundary of this state ? Where is Chambersburg 1 Erie ? Washington "? What ranges of moun- tains in this state ? For what is Philadelphia noted % For the regularity and cleanliness of its streets, and its institutions of learning. Girard College, located here, is considered the finest specimen of Grecian architecture in America. Where is W T iI- liamsport ? How could you sail from the capital to Wilming- ton ? How far is the capital from Philadelphia ? 97 miles. tO PART SECOND. DELAWARE. How is Delaware bounded ? What is the capital, and ho\* situated ? For what is Delaware noted ? A. For its manufactures, its fine wheat, and excel- lent flour mills. Q. What are the chief products of the state ? A. Wheat and Indian com, flour, cornmeal, cotton and w#olen goods ; paper and gunpowder are made to a considerable extent in the northern part of the state. What bay borders on this state ? What two capes at its en- trance % Which one is in this state 1 What town in the northern part ? Where is Newcastle ? How could you sail from New- castle to Baltimore ? Which is the larger state, Delaware or Rhode Island ? In what direction is Delaware longest ? Which extends farther south, Delaware or Ohio ? Where is the Dela- ware Breakwater 1 Near Lewiston, in the eastern part of the state. Describe it ? It consists of two immense piers, viz., an ice-breaker, 1,700 feet long, and a breakwater 2,800 feet long. It is an important national work. It forms an artificial harbor of great extent, and cost about three millions of dollars. SOUTHERN STATES. Q. How are the Southern States situated ? A. South of Delaware, bordering upon the Atlantic Ocean, and the Gulf of Mexico. Name them ? Q. For what are they distinguished ? A. For their valuable productions, amount of their exports, and numerous slaves. Q. What is the face of the country ? A. Along the sea-coast, low, sandy, and in many- parts barren. In the interior, hilly and mountainous, with a rich and productive soil. MARYLAND. 61 Q. What are the staple productions ? A. In the northern part, wheat, tobacco, and Indian corn. In the southern part, cotton, rice, and sugar. In the low country along the Atlantic, pitch, tar, tur- pentine and lumber. Q. What minerals in the Southern States ? A. The most important is gold, found in the region extending from Virginia to Alabama. Coal, iron and salt are found in various parts, but more abundantly in Virginia than in any other of the Southern States. Q. What is the character of the inhabitants ? A. The wealthy classes are generally well educated, refined, and very hospitable. Which is the largest city ? N. 0. What ranges of mountains in these states? MARYLAND. How is Maryland bounded? What is the capital, and how situated ? Q. For what is Maryland noted ? A. For its commercial enterprise. Its distinguishing natural feature is the Chesapeake Bay, which divides the state into two parts, called the eastern and western shores. Q. What are the principal exports ? A. Flour and tobacco. Which is the largest city in this state, and what is said of it ? Baltimore. Situated on the Patapsco, fourteen miles from its mouth. It has an extensive foreign and inland commerce, and is considered the best flour market in the world. It contains two elegant marble monuments — one to the memory of Washington — the other to the memory of those who fell in the battle of North Point, in 1814. It is sometimes called the u Monumental City." What large bay in this state ? What tw r o rivers empty into 62 PART SECOND. this bay from the west 1 Patapsco and Patuxeni. What river separates this state from Virginia ? On what river is Baltimore ? On which side of Chesapeake Bay is the largest division of Maryland ? What river empties into the head of Chesapeake Bay 1 Which is the more northerly, Baltimore or Annapolis 1 How is Frederick situated 1 Hagerstown 1 What town at the head of Chesapeake Bay, burned by the British in 1813 ? How can you sail from Baltimore to Washington 1 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. How is the District of Columbia bounded ? Q. What was the former extent of the District, and what is it now ? A. In 1790, when granted to the United States by Virginia and Maryland, it was ten miles square, lying on both sides of the Potomac. In 1846, the part given by Virginia was restored to that state by an act of Congress, so that now the District lies entirely on the Maryland side of the Potomac, and is a little more than half its original extent. Q. For what is it noted ? A. For being the seat of the General Government of the United States. Q. When was it made the seat of Government 1 A. In the year 1800. Previous to this, Congress assembled in Philadelphia. Q. What, is the Capital of the United States, and how situated 1 A. Washington. Situated on the Potomac, 300 miles from the ocean, by the course of the river and bay. Q. From whom was the capital named 1 A. From General Washington, the first President. VIRGINIA. 63 The city was laid out under his auspices in 1791, on a grand and extensive plan. Q. Name some of the principal public buildings. A. The President's Mansion, the Capitol, the Smith- sonian Institute, the General Post-office, the Patent Office, and the Treasury Building. Q. What is the Smithsonian Institute 1 A. It is an Institution devoted to the increase of knowledge, founded by James Smithson, an English- man, who bequeathed about half a million of dollars to the American Government for its erection and sup- port. Where is Georgetown ? What parallel of latitude touches the northern boundary of the District ? In what direction is Washington from us ? From Pittsburgh ? From Boston ? From Richmond 1 From New-Orleans 1 How could you sail from Washington to Trenton 1 To Cincinnati "? When does Congress meet ? On the first Monday in December. How can you sail from Washington to Richmond 1 Which is farther east, Wash- ington or Harrisburg? Which is farther north, Washington or Cincinnati ? VIRGINIA. How is Virginia bounded ? What is the capital, and how situated 1 Q. For what is Virginia distinguished ? A. It was the first settled of the English colonies, and for this reason, is sometimes called " the Old Dominion." Seven Presidents of the United States were born in Virginia. It was a leading state in the Revo- lutionary war. Q. What mines in this state ? A. Gold, copper, lead, iron and coal. There are also warm, hot, salt and sulphur springs. Q. What great natural curiosity ? 64 PART SECOND. A. The Natural Bridge over Cedar Creek, fourteen miles south-west of Lexington. It is about 215 feet high, 90 feet wide, 50 feet thick, and 100 feet long. It affords a safe passage over a dangerous chasm, not otherwise passable for miles above and below. Q. What are the principal productions ? A. Wheat, corn, and tobacco. What three rivers empty into Chesapeake Bay, south of the Potomac 1 What two capes at the entrance of Chesapeake Bay 1 How many states border on Virginia ?- What branch has the Potomac River 1 ? What three rivers empty into the Ohio? What river in the northern part, unites with the Alleghany at Pittsburgh 1 Which is the longest river in Vir- ginia 1 What mountains in this state 1 What large town west of Cape Henry ? For what is Norfolk noted ? It is one of the TJ. S. Naval Stations. Where is Fredericksburg ? What course does the Shenandoah run, and where does it empty"? What river forms part of the boundary between this state and Ken- tucky 1 On what river is Petersburg ? Lynchburg ? In what part of the state are Nottaway and Chowan rivers % How is Wheeling situated ? Winchester 1 Alexandria ? Portsmouth ? Abingdon ? Staunton ? How can you sail from Yorktown to Wheeling ? Which has the greater extent of territory, Virginia or the whole of New-England ? V. What college at Williams- burg ? William and Mary. What college in Prince Edward's Co. ? Hampden-Sydney. Where is the " Great Valley Sec- tion?" Between the Blue Ridge and the Alleghany Mountains. It consists of an elevated table-land, from 1.200 to 1,500 feet above the level of tne sea. In what part of this state is Suffolk ? Hicksford ? Newbern ? Morgantown 1 Brentsville ? Char- lottsville ? Marysville ? Urbanna ? Lewistown ? Which is the most northern town in Virginia ? The most south-western ? NORTH CAROLINA. How is North Carolina bounded ? What is the capital, and how situated ? NORTH CAROLINA, 65 Q. For what is this state noted 1 A. For its agricultural products, and gold mines. This state first passed resolutions in favor of the inde- pendence of the colonies, Q. What are the principal exports ? A. Corn, cotton, and tobacco, with the products of the forest, lumber, tar, turpentine, pitch and resin. Q. What is said of the coast of this state ? A. It is indented with shallow sounds and inlets, and bordered with sand-banks, which render navigation both difficult and dangerous. Hence commerce is chiefly carried on through the seaports of the adjacent states. Q. What minerals are found in this state ? A. Goid, silver, iron, lead, copper and plumbago are the principal. What sounds east of North Carolina ? What two inlets ? What river flows into Albemarle Sound from the west 1 What two into Pamlico Sound? What, three capes on the coast? What mountains in the western part ? On what river are Fayetteville and Wilmington ? Which is nearer the mouth ? Tn what di- rection is this state longest ? What extensive swamp part- ly in this state and partly in Virginia ? Which is the most southern town ? Where is Chapel-Hill ? What institution of learning located here ? University of North Carolina. How many states border on North Carolina 1 What natural curiosity in the north-western part of the state ? Mount Ararat. De- scribe it? It rises in the form of a pyramid several thousand feet high, and on the top, which is not more than twelve rods in diameter, is a stupendous rock, towering like a steeple, 300 feet high. Which is the longest river in North Carolina ? How can you sail from Wilmington to Charleston ? Which is the largest town in this state ? N. Where is Newbern ? In what part of the state is Salem ? Beaufort ? Charlotte ? Greensboro' T Salisbury t 66 PART SECOND. SOUTH CAROLINA. How is South Carolina bounded ? What is the capital, and how situated ? Q. For what is this state noted ? A. The value of its products and the enterprise of its people. Q. What are the chief productions ? A. Cotton and rice. Q. What is the face of the country ? A. For about 100 miles from the sea it is low, flat and sandy ; the interior is pleasantly diversified with hills, and the western part mountainous. Q. Which is the largest city, and for what is it noted ? A. Charleston. It is noted for the beauty of its buildings, and the hospitality, gayety and politeness of its citizens. At the junction of what two rivers is Charleston ? Ashley and Cooper. What two rivers, when united, form the Congaree ? The Congaree and what other river form the Santee ? In what part are the Great and Little Pedee 1 What river empties into St. Helena Sound 1 In what part of the state and on what island is Beaufort ? In what part of the state and on what river is Camden situated ? Where is Abbeville 1 What cape and sound on the coast 1 Which extends farther south, South Carolina or Arkansas ? How is this state divided 1 Into Districts instead of counties. Which is the longest river in South Carolina ? What fort at the entrance of Charleston harbor ? What island ? How can you sail from Charleston to Savannah % In what part of the state is Greenville ? Yorkville ? Georgetown ? What literary institution in Columbia ? College of South Carolina. GEORGIA. How is Georgia bounded? What is the capital, and how situated ? FLORIDA, 67 Q For what is this state noted ? A. It was the last settled of the original thirteen states, and is one of the most enterprising and prosper- ous states in the Union. Q. What is the staple production ? A. Cotton; but rice, corn, and tobacco are consider ably cultivated. Q. What is said of the climate ? A. In the southern part it is warm. Coffee, sugar, and most of the tropical fruits are produced. What river separates this state from South Carolina ? What two large towns on this river ? What two towns near the sea- coast, between the Ogeechee and Altamaha rivers 1 What river next south of the Altamaha ? What river forms part of the boundary between Georgia and Florida ? What swamp between this state and Florida 1 What islands on the coast 1 In what direction is Georgia longest ? • What mountains in the north- western part ] What is the longest river in Georgia 1 Which is the largest town? S. Where is Augusta? What noted cave in this state ? Nieojack Cave, 50 feet high and 100 feet wide. It contains a stream of water, covered over with lime- stone rock, three miles in length, sixty feet wide, and in many places six feet deep. In what part of the state and near the mouth of what river, is Darien? In what part is Clayton? Blakeley ? Monticello ? Macon ? Sparta ? How can you sail from Augusta to New-Orleans ? Where is Athens 1 Bruns- wick ? Columbus? What mountains in the northern part? What, twc rivers unite, and form the Altamaha ? What river forms part of the western boundary ? FLORIDA. How is Florida bounded? What is the capital, and how situated ? Q. For what is Florida noted ? A. For the brilliant color of its flowering shrubs, its 68 PART SECOND. tall and majestic forest trees, and the variety of its vegetable productions. Q. Describe Florida? A.. It is chiefly a peninsula, 400 miles in length. It has a greater extent of sea coast than any other state. Its shores are indented with many bays and inlets, yet there are but few good harbors. Q. What is said of the oaks of Florida % A. There are eight different varieties of oak, among which is the live oak so valuable for ship-building. Q. What are the Florida Keys ? A. A range of small islands, lying southward of the peninsula, inhabited by a few fishermen and wreckers. How is St. Augustine situated ? Q. What can you say of this town ? A. It is the oldest town in the United States by more than 40 years, and is distinguished for its dry and healthy atmosphere. It is the resort of invalids from all parts of the Union. In what part is St. John's River ? Which is the largest river in the state ? Which river is more westerly, Escambia or Choctaw ? What river between St. John's and Apalachicola ? What town south of Tallahassee ? How is Pensacola situated ? What is said of it ? It has an excellent harbor, and is one of the United States-* Naval Stations. Where is St. Andrew's Bay? What cape west of Apalachicola Bay ? What cluster of islands near Cape Sable ? What cluster of the Wesklndies, south-east of Florida ? What, stream between the Bahama isles and Florida? What bays on the coast? What river forms the boundary on the west? How can you sail from Port Leon to Tuscaloosa ? Where, and what are the Everglades of Florida ? They are immense swamps covered with water and grass, in the southern part. Where is St. Mark's, or Port Leon ? MISSISSIPPI. ALABAMA. How is Alabama bounded? What is the capital, and how situated ? Q. For what is this state noted ? A. For its soil and the rapid increase of its popula- tion. Q. What is the staple production ? A. Cotton. In 1850, it produced more cotton than any other state ; the quantity being 560,360 bales. Corn, wheat, rice and tobacco are also cultivated. Q. What are the principal mineral productions ? A. Iron and bituminous coal of excellent quality, are found in abundance in the central part of the state. What river forms part of the eastern boundary ? What river between Alabama and Florida 1 What two rivers, when united, form the Alabama ? What two rivers, when united, form the Mobile ? What river empties into the A labama ? What one into the Tombigby? How are Mobile and Blakely situated ? Is Cahawba or Selma, more northerly ? What two towns are situated between the Tennessee River and the northern boundary of the state ? In what part of this state does the Ten- nessee River enter it, and in what part leave it ? In what direc- tion is Alabama longest ? What bay in the south-western part ? What sboals in this state, and in what river? What mountains terminate in the northern part ? How is Huntsvilre situated ? Abbeville 1 ? Tuscaloosa? Tuscumbia ? Wetumpka? Which is the longest river in this state ? How can you sail from Tus- caloosa to Natchez? From Montgomery to Augusta ? What is the meaning of the word Tuscaloosa ? Black Warrior. MISSISSIPPI. How is Mississippi bounded ? What is the capital, and how situated ? Q. What is the staple production ? 70 PAKT SECOND* A. Cotton. The amount raised in 1850 was second only to Alabama. Corn is the principal grain ; wheat, sugar, rice and tobacco are produced to a considerable extent. Q. What is the face of the country 1 A. For about 100 miles back from the Gulf of Mexi- co, it is level and sandy ; then pleasantly diversified. What two rivers form the western boundary between this state and Louisiana ] What town on Pearl River, between Jackson and Columbia ? What two rivers empty into the Mis- sissippi River ? On what river is Columbus ? In what part of the state is Pascagoula River ? What town on the Tombigby, north of Columbus ? In what direction is this state longest ? How is Vicksburg situated ? Grand Gulf 1 ? Yazoo City ? Wood- ville ? Port Gibson ? Which extends farther west, Mississippi or Illinois ? How can you sail from Natchez to New-Orleans ? From Jackson to Trenton 1 Where is Holly Springs ? Aber deen ? Where are Pascagoula and Biloxi ? On the coast. What are they ? Noted summer resorts for the citizens of New"- Orleans and Mobile. i LOUISIANA. How is Louisiana bounded ? What is the capital, and how situated ? Q. What is the face of the country ? A. Level, and presenting every variety of soil. The part bordering on the Gulf of Mexico, is low and marshy. For thirty or forty miles around the mouths of the Mississippi, it is one continued swamp. The most fertile portions of the state are those bordering on the rivers. Q. What are the staple productions ? A- Cotton, rice and sugar. Q. What prevents the Mississippi from overflowing th« southern part of the state ? ■ TEXAS. 71 A. Levees, or artificial embankments of earth raised on the sides of the river, from five to forty feet in height. These are sometimes broken by the stream, and great destruction follows. Q. Which is the largest city in the state, and how is it situated ? A. New-Orleans. Situated on the Mississippi, 100 miles from its mouth. It is the commercial metropolis of the Mississippi valley. What lakes in this state ? Which is the largest ? What rivers separate Louisiana from Mississippi ? What river sepa- rates Louisiana from Texas 1 How long is the Mississippi River ? On which side of the Mississippi River is Opelousas 1 What town north-east of Vermillion Bay ? What are the sub- divisions of Louisiana ? Parishes instead of counties. Which extends farther west, Missouri or this state ? How can you sail from New-Orleans to Galveston 1 How is Alexandria situated ? Natchitoches ? Providence ? Monroe ? How far is Baton Rouge from New-Orleans ? 140 miles. In what part of the state is St. Francisville ? Farmersviile ? Covington ? Clinton ? Marksville ? How can you sail from Baton Rouge to Blakely 1 What course does the Red River run, and where does it empty ? Wachita? Amite? Bayou Bartholomew? Some rivers in Louisiana are called Bayous. TEXAS. How is Texas bounded? What is the capital, and how situated ? Q. What is the face of the country ? A. It is a vast plane gradually sloping from the mountains to the Gulf of Mexico. It contains im- mense prairies, interspersed with rich timber lands. Q. What may be said of the size of Texas ? A. It is the largest state in the Union, and is about forty times the size of Massachusetts, 72 ' PAKT SECOJm Q. What of the climate and soil ? A. The climate is mild, being alternate spring and summef. The soil is very fertile. Cotton, sugar, rice, tobacco, corn, wheat and most other grains are produced in abundance. Q. For what is Texas noted ? A. It is one of the finest grazing countries in the world. Buffalo, deer, wild horses, &c, abound in the interior and northern parts. What rivers form part of the boundary of Texas ? What rivers flow into the Sabine Lake? Into Galveston Bay? Into Metagorda Bay ? Where is St. Joseph's Island 1 Padre Island ? On what island is Galveston ? Where are the " Cross Timbers ? What is the general course of the rivers ? What town on the Rio Grande nearly opposite Metamoras ? What three large islands on the coast ? What is Velasco 1 A noted summer resort. At the mouth of what river is it situated ? On what river, and in what part of the state is Beaumont? Montgomery ? "Which is the oldest town in the state ? San Antonio ? Where is Corpus Christi ? St. Augustine ? Nacogdoches ? San Felipe ? Port Lavaca ] How can you sail from San Felipe to Beaumont ? Where are the Guadaloupe Mountains 1 When was Texas an- nexed to the United States ? In 1845 ? To what country did it formerly belong ? Mexico. When did it assert its independ- ence? 1835. In 1836 its independence was secured by the de- feat of Gen. Santa Anna, the Mexican President, at the battle of San Jacinto. WESTERN STATES. How many Western States are there ? Name them ? Q. Describe their position ? A. Except California, they all lie in the v?.lley of the Mississippi, which is a vast tract of land lying be* tween the Alleghany and Rocky Mountains. Q. What are the most striking features of this section ? A. Numerous rivers, great lakes, towering foresta. TENNESSEE- 73 and extensive prairies. It is the best watered country in the world. There is probably no country of equal extent on the face of the globe, that' exhibits such a combination of mineral wealth, fertility of soil, and wonderful facilities for transportation. Which is the largest of the western states? Which the smallest? Which the most western 1 Most eastern ? Most northern ? Southern ? What states are bounded west by the Mississippi River? What states are bounded south by the Ohio River? What states are bounded north by the Ohio ? What states are bounded east by the Mississippi River? What state is bounded west by the Pacific Ocean? What three large rivers in the western states ? What metal is found in great abundance in these states ? Lead. The Lead Mines of Missouri and Illinois are the richest in the world. What remains of antiquity are found in these states ? Ruins of forts or fortifications, artificial mounds of earth, walls, &c, which bespeak a race of men much more civilized than the present race of Indians. These fortifi- cations are frequently covered with trees many hundred years old. Which is the largest river ? What does the name signify ? Father of Waters. "Which is the largest tributary to the Missis- sippi ? How far is the Missouri navigable ? 2,000 miles. How long is the Missouri added to the part of the Mississippi below their junction ? Almost 4.500 miles. What change takes place in the waters of the Missouri after they flow into the Mississip- pi ? From a clear, gently gliding stream, it becomes muddy, rapid and foaming. Which is the larger river where they unite, the Missouri or the Mississippi ? TENNESSEE. How is Tennessee bounded ? What is the capital, and how situated ? Q. How is this state divided? A. Into East, Middle and West Tennessee, by the Cumberland Mountains and Tennessee River. Q. What is the face of the country ? 74 PART SECOND. A. The eastern part is mountainous, the middle and western parts are generally level, and very fertile. Q. What are the principal minerals 1 A. Iron and coal. Gypsum, copperas, alum, nitre and lead are also found. Q. Where and what are the Enchanted Mountains ? A. They are branches of the Cumberland ridge, in which are found singular footprints marked in solid limestone rock ; tracks of men, horses and other animals, as distinct as if just made in clay. The human foot print has uniformly six toes. Walls of faced stone, and walled w 7 ells, have been found in many places. There are also many deep caverns. One of which has been explored 400 feet below the surface, having smooth limestone rock, and a large stream of pure water. Q. What are the chief productions ? A. Cotton, tobacco, wheat, corn and hemp. What large river crosses this state ? In what direction doe? the Cumberland River flow ? What three rivers between the Cumberland and Alleghany Mountains ? In what direction is Murfreesborough from Nashville ? On what river is Knoxville ? Brainerd 1 How can you sail from Nashville to Natchitoches ? In what part of the state is Memphis ? Greenville ? Winches- ter ? Newport 1 Bolivar ? Paris ? Jackson ? Columbia ? Lebanon 1 Clarksville ? Carthage ? What is the meaning of the word Tennessee 1 Spoon. The state was named from the principal river, which was called Tennessee by the Indians, be- cause they thought it bent in the shape of a spoon. What two ranges of mountains in the eastern part ? Which forms the boundary line ? How many states border on Tennessee 1 Which is the more northerly, Sparta or Madisonville ? What .river empties into the Tennessee ? Wha 1 degree of latitude forms the southern boundary of the state ? How can you saii from Memphis to New-York 1 KENTUCKY. 75 KENTUCKY. How is Kentucky bounded ? What is the capital, and hovr situated ? Q. For what is Kentucky distinguished ] A. For its fertile soil and delightful climate. Q. What are the staple productions ? A. Corn, hemp, tobacco and wheat, Q. What is the face of the country ? A. Along the Ohio it is hilly, the eastern part is moun- tainous, and the remainder level or gently undulating. What river forms the northern boundary of the state ? What river and mountains form the eastern boundary ? What river on the west ? What are the five principal rivers in this state ? What two large rivers enter the Ohio from this state, about forty miles from its mouth ? What three rivers empty into the Ohio opposite the Indiana shore ? What river empties into the Ohio opposite Cincinnati 1 What is the general course of the rivers that empty into the Ohio ? What three rivers in this state riso in the Cumberland Mountains ? How is Louisville situated ? Maysville ? Paducah ? Monticello 1 Where is Mammoth Cave ? About ninety miles from Louisville and Nashville, being nearly midway between these two cities, in Edmondson county, near Green River. Describe it. It is one of the greatest natu- ral curiosities on the continent. It would require a journey of 150 miles to explore all its passages with their varied windings, and yet it is probable that the whole cave is comprehended in a space of three miles in length by two and a half in width. In its winding labyrinths and immense halls, are formations of the most rare and exquisite beauty. As far as known, there are 246 ave- nues, 47 domes, 8 cataracts, and 23 pits. It contains three princi- pal rivers, the smallest of which varies in width from 20 to 60 feet, in depth from 2 to 25 feet, and is called the Styx. This occu- pies the lowest portion of the cave, and is between 300 and 400 feet below the surface of the earth. The river Lethe is the next in size, and the Echo is the largest. They were first crossed in .76 PART SECOND. September. 1840. The waters sometimes rise to ihe height of 50 feet above their ordinary level. They contain white, eyeless fish. In what part of the state are Bardstown and Danville ? Is Paris or Lexington the more westerly ? Near what town are the rapids in the Ohio River ? Where are Covington and Newport 1 Opposite Cincinnati, on the Ohio River. Where is Somerset 1 Carlisle? On what river are Jamestown and Burksville? In what part of Kentucky is Springfield ? Indiana ? Georgetown ? How can you sail from Louisville to Jefferson City ? In what direction is Kentucky longest? What are the Ltctet Places where wild animals resort and lick the salt from the soil. In several of these localities, the gigantic bones of the mastodon, have been found. This huge animal is now extinct. OHIO. How is Ohio bounded ? What is the capital, and how situ- ated ? Q. For what is this state noted ? A. For its rapid increase in wealth, population and public improvements. In population, it ranks as the third state in the Union. Q. When was it settled, and when received into the Union ? A. It was settled in 1788, and was received into the Union in 1802, the seventeenth state. Q. What may be said of the climate and soil ? A. The climate is healthy and much milder than in the Atlantic states, in the same latitude. The soil is very fertile. Q. By what name is the northern part, bordering on the lake, known ? A. Western Reserve. Formerly it belonged to Con- necticut, and was called New-Connecticut. It was gold to emigrants from that state — the avails of which were contributed to the Common School Fund. Which is the largest town, and what may be said of it 1 INDIANA, 77' Cincinnati. It is the largest and most wealthy town west of the Alleghany Mountains, except New-Orleans, and is the greatest pork market in the world. In 1 800 it contained only 750 persons; now (1853) it has more than 130,000. What three rivers empty into Lake Erie ? Near what town, and at the month of what river, does the Ohio Canal commence on Lake Erie ? What are the names of the town and river where it terminates on the Ohio River 1 How long is this canal ? 307 miles. What , rivers flow into the Ohio ? On what river is Zanesville ? Day- ton ? Chillicothe ? Gallipolis ? Steubenville ? Delaware ? Coshocton ? Columbus ? How can you sail from Cincinnati to Buffalo ? In what part of the state is Cleveland ? Maumee City ? Marietta ? What institution of learning at this place ? Marietta College. In what part of the state is Oxford? What institution of learning there ? Afiami University. In what part is Newark? Troy? Urbanna ?' Athens ? Cambridge? On what river is Sidney ? Where is Toledo ? Ohio City ? Which is the most north-eastern town ? Where is Xenia ? George town ? Lima ? What are the staple productions ? Wheafc and corn. More wool is grown here than in any other state in the Union. Which is the oldest town in the state ? Marietta. What may be said of education 1 Much attention is given to it, and the schools of Ohio are among the best in the country. INDIANA. How is Indiana bounded? What is the capital, and how situated ? Q. What are the principal productions of this state 1 A. Com, wheat, tobacco, pork, and wool. Q. What minerals ? A. Coal, iron and salt. Q. For what is this state noted ? A. Though the smallest, it is one of the most thriv- ing of the western states. It has a fine climate and a fertile soil. When did Indiana become a state ? In 1816. On what rivei 78 PART SECOND, is Vincennes ? What river forms part of the western boundary ? What is its principal branch? What three branches on the north ? What town on the Wabash, between the White and Ohio rivers ? Where is Vevay ? For what is this place noted ? The grape is successfully cultivated by a company of Swiss. What river flows into Lake Erie ? What lake touches the north-western corner of the stale ? When was the battle of Tippecanoe fought? In 1811. Where is Madison? New- Albany ? Which is farther north, New-Albany or Vevay ? On what river are Terre Haute, Lafayette and Logansport? Fort Wayne ? Evansville and Lawrenceville ? Where is Rich- mond? Michigan City ? JefTersonvilie? For what is this town distinguished ? It contains the State Penitentiary. Which is the oldest town in the state ? Vincennes. Where is Lima ? Troy ? Mount Vernon ? Valparaiso ? Lebanon ? Winches- ter? Greencastle? Corydon ? How can you sail from Peters- burg to Madison ? What remarkable cave in this state ? Epsom Salts Cave. Describe it ? The entrance is in the side of a hill 400 feet in height, on the bank of the Big Blue River. The whole floor is covered with Epsom Salts, of the purest quality. About a mile and a half within the cave, is a white column of satin spar, fifteen feet in diameter and thirty feet high, regu- larly fluted from top to bottom. Which extends farther north, Indiana or New-Jersey ? What two rivers unite and form the Maumee ? What city at their junction? How can you sail from Indianapolis to Springfield ? Which is the largest town in the state? N. A. Which extends farther north, Indiana or Missouri ? ILLINOIS. How is Illinois bounded? What is the capital, and how situated ? A. For its beautiful rivers, rich prairies, and rapid improvement. Q. What proportion of the state is composed of prairies ? A. About two-thirds* They are of vast extent, and ILLINOIS. ,79 from a central view, appear like a boundless ocean stretching out to the horizon in every direction. They .are covered with tall grass, sprinkled with brilliant and fragrant flowers, which the Indians burn every year. Q. What minerals are found here ? A. Lead, iron, copper and coal ; there are also numerous salt springs. Does the Illinois River enter above or below the mouth of the Missouri'? What town near the mouth of Kaskaskia River? What river bounds this state, in part, on the east ? What part of the state is widest ? Name three of its principal rivers emptying ,into the Mississippi ? In what direction do they flow ? In what direction is Illinois longest 1 Where is Chicago ? Alton ? What town at the union of the Ohio and the Mississippi ? Where is Quincy ? Describe the Illinois and Michigan Canal ? It con- nects Chicago, on Lake Michigan, with Peru, at the head of steamboat navigation on the Illinois. It will admit vessels drawing six feet of water. What town in the north-west corner of the state ? For what is it noted ? It is the centre of ex- tensive lead mines, which are said to be the richest in the world .13,000,000 of pounds have been produced in a year. How can you sail from Springfield to Detroit ? Where is Vandalia ? Kas- kaskia? Jacksonville ? What college at this place ? Illinois College. Where is Peoria ? Wankegan, or Little Fort? When was Illinois made a state ? In 1818. What lake north of Springfield ? Where does the Little Wabash empty ? The Sangamon ? Where is Mo nticello ? Urbanna? Bellville? Mt. Vernon ? Elizabethtown ? Oswego ? How can you sail from Alton to Terra Haute ? Which extends farther north, Illinois or Indiana ? Which farther west, Illinois or Kentucky ? From what did this state take its name. From its principal river, which in the Indian language signifies " The River of Men.h What degree of latitude touches the southern point of Illinois ? : 80 PART SECOND. MICHIGAN. How is Michigan bounded 1 What is the capital, and how situated ? Q. For what is this state distinguished ? A. It has more lake coast than any other state in the Union, which furnishes peculiar advantages for trade, and its soil is very fertile. Q. What minerals are most abundant ? A. Copper and iron. Where is Mackinaw ? For what is it noted ? It is a United States Military Post, at which the Indians assemble once a year to receive their annuity from the United States Govern- ment. Where is Monroe ? On what river are Adrian and Tecumseh ? In what part of the state, and on what river, is Berrien ? Ypsilanti and Ann Arbor ? What institution of learn- ing located at the latter place ? The University of Michigan. Where is Jackson ? Pontiac? Kalamazoo ? Saginaw ? St. Mary's ? Marshall ? New-Buffalo ? How are the Detroit and St. Clair rivers connected with lake St. Clair. Where does the river Raisin empty ? The St. Joseph's ? What two large bays are con- nected with Lake Huron ? What bay north-west of Lake Michi- gan ? How is Detroit situated 1 In what direction from Detroit is Saginaw ? What is the length of Lake Michigan? Lake Huron ? How long and how wide is St. Mary's River ? Sixty miles long and three-fourths of a mile wide. What famous rocks on the south shore of Lake Superior ? Pictured rocks. What is the length of Lake Superior ? Which extends farther south, Michigan or Connecticut ? How can you sail from Detroit to Milwaukie ? What river flows into the Saginaw Bay ? When was this state admitted into the Union ? In 1836. How is Michigan naturally divided ? Into two peninsulas. Which is the larger, the upper or lower ? IOWA. 81 WISCONSIN. How is Wisconsin bounded ? What is the capital, and how situated ? Q. For what is Wisconsin noted ? A. For its fertile soil, great mineral resources, and very rapid increase of population. Q. What are the principal minerals ? A. Copper mines, in the northern part, and lead mines in the south-western, are among the richest in the world. Q. What is the face of the country ? A. In the southern and central parts, the country is mostly level, consisting of prairie and timber land. In the northern part, it is hilly and mountainous. What rivers bound Wisconsin on the west? What lake on the north ? What two rivers in part on the north-east ? What large bay in the eastern part ? What river enters Green Bay at its south end % Which is the largest river emptying into the Mississippi from this state ? What river empties into the Fond du Lac of Lake Superior 1 How is Milwaukie situated ? Racine 1 Kenosha 1 Sheboygan ? Ozankee ? When was this state admitted in& the Union? In 1848. What lake forms part of Fox River ? What town at the south end of Lake Win- nebago ? Where is Prairie du Chien ? How can you sail from Prairie du Chien to Milwaukie ? Where is Southport ? Cass- ville ? Byron ? Green Bay ? IOWA. How is Iowa bounded? What is the capital, and how situated ? Q. For what is this state noted ? A. For its extensive prairies, its fertile soil, its in- exhaustible lead mines, and its rapid growth. Q. What is the face of the country * 82 PART SECOISTX A. It is chiefly prairie land, interspersed with grovf of timber. In what direction do the rivers emptying into the Mississippi flow? Which is farther north, Iowa City or New-York ? What river separates this state from Wisconsin and Illinois ? Where is Dubuque ? Burlington 1 ? Keokuk ? Mount Pleasant ? Fair- field? What river, in part, fomi9 the boundary line between this state and Missouri ? W T here is Davenport ? Fort Madison ? Muscatine ? For what is Dubuque noted ? It is the centre of the mining district. When w r as this state admitted into the Union? In 1846. How can you sail from Iowa City to Du- buque ? Which is the largest river wholly within the state that flows into the Mississippi ? I. MISSOURI. How is Missouri bounded ? What is the capital, and how situated ? Q. For what is this state noted 1 A. For the variety and abundance of its minerals, and for the fertility of its soil. Q. Which are the most celebrated mines ? A. The lead mines, near Potosi, in Washington and the adjacent counties, cover an area of about 3,000 square miles. There are about fifty in number, which produce three millions of pounds of lead annually. Which extends farther south, Missouri or Kentucky ? What mountains in the southern part? Where are Iron Mountain and Pilot-Knob ? Describe them ? Iron Mountain is a mass of iron 350 feet high, ana two miles in circuit ? Pilot-Knob is nearly half iron, 600 feet high, and three miles in circuit. For extent and richness of iron ore, these are not surpassed in the known world. In what part of the state, and on what river, is St. Charles ? St. Louis ? Booneville ? Lexington ? St. Gene- vieve? Cape Girardeau ? Hannibal? Is Herculaneum, north or south of St. Genevieve ? Which is more northerly, Inde- ARKANSAS. 83 pendence or St. Joseph ? For what are these two towns noted ? They are noted starting points for emigrants to Santa Fe, Salt Lake, Oregon and California. Where is Columbia ? What literary institution is located here ? The University of Missouri. What four rivers form boundary lines? How can you sail from Jefferson City to Louisville ? Where is Tuscumbia ? Louisi- ana'? Franklin? What river falls into the Missouri a little below Jefferson City ? Which is the larger river where they unite, the Mississippi or the Missouri? How far is St. Louis below the mouth of the Missouri River? 18 miles. How far is it by the course of the river from New-Orleans ? 12,00 miles. When was this state admitted into the Union? In 1819. Where are the Jefferson Barracks ? About nine miles below St. Louis, located on a range of bluffs, on the Mississippi River. This is the most extensive military station of the United States Govern- ment in the Western States. ARKANSAS. How is Arkansas bounded ? What is the capital, and how situated ? Q. For what is this state noted ? A. For its hot springs, which are resorted to by in- valids, and are found very useful in many diseases. There are about eighty in number, situated about fifty miles south-west of Little Rock. Q. What is the face of the country ? A. The eastern part is low and marshy, but the in- terior is elevated, healthful and pleasant. What three rivers flow into the Mississippi from this state? What two rivers in the southern part ? What large river flows through the centre of the state ? On what river are the Hot Springs ? What river crosses the south-west corner of the state? How is Arkansas situated? Van Buren ? Foit Smith? Bates- ville ? Helena ? Napoleon ? Where is Little Red River ? Into what other river does it empty ? How far is Little Rock from the mouth of the Arkansas ? 120 miles. What river in part, separates this state from Texas ? How can you sail from 84 PART SECOND. Little Rock to Jefferson City ? When was this state admitted into the Union? In 1836. Where is Washington ? On what river is Fulton ? In. what part of the state is Fayetteville % CALIFORNIA. How is California bounded ? What is the capital, and how situated ? Q. For what is this state noted ? A. For the immense quantity of gold it produces, and its rapid increase of population. Q. How does it compare in extent with the other states ? A. It is the second state in the Union, being more than three times the size of Virginia. Q. What are its commercial advantages ? A. It has 800 miles of coast, one of the finest bays in the world, and several excellent harbors. Q. What is the face of the country ? A. Principally mountainous. What two ranges of mountains ? Where is the gold region ? At the base of the Sierra Nevada, and extends nearly 500 miles. In what direction does the Sacramento run, and where does it empty ? What lake in this state ? Where does the San Joaquin rise and empty ? The Feather River, or Rio de las Plumas ? The Klamath ? In what direction does the coast of California run ? What degree of latitude bounds it on the north ? What river in part, separates it from New-Mexico ? Where is San Francisco ? Monterey ? Trinity ? San Diego ? Santa Cruz ? Vallejo and Benicia ? Sacramento City ? Stockton ? San Jose ? On what river is San Miguel ? In what part is Humboldt Bay ? Mon- terey Bay ? San Francisco Bay ? What small lake south of Tule Lake? Kern Lake. What one in the northern part? What islands on the coast 2 How much gold did this state produce in 1852 ? Nearly $81,000,000. TERRITORIES. 85 TERRITORIES. MAP OF THE UNITED STATES. Q. How many kinds of Territories are there, and what are they called ? A. Two : organized and unorganized. Q. What is an organized Territory % A. It has a regular government, similar in some re- spects to that of a State. It has a governor appointed by the President of the United States, and a legislature chosen as in the states. It is allowed to send one delegate to Congress, who has all the privileges of other members, except the right to vote. Q. What is an unorganized Territory ? A. It has no regular government, and but a few civilized inhabitants. These commonly unite, for their mutual safety, and institute a provincial govern- ment. Q. When is a Territory allowed to become a State ? A. When the population amounts to 60,000. They must then petition Congress to that effect, and receive its sanction. Q. How many Territories are there, and what are their names ? A. Eight : Minnesota, Oregon, Utah, New-Mexico, Washington, Northwest, Nebraska and Indian. Q. How many of these are organized? A. The first five. Q. How do the Territories compare with the States in extent of surface ? A. They are nearly as great. Which is the largest ? Which the smallest ? Which two border on the Pacific 1 Which is most southern ? Which two are separated by the Missouri River? Which extends farther 88 PART SECOND*. north, Nebraska or Utah ? Which are bounded on the north by British America ? What river in part, bounds New-Mexico on the south ? What degree of latitude forms the territorial line on the north ? What river bounds Indian Territory on the south ? What is the principal range of mountains ? What territories do they separate ? Where is the South Pass in the Rocky Moun- tains? Which has the greater amount of seacoast, Oregon or Washington ? MINNESOTA TERRITORY. How is Minnesota bounded ? What is the capital, and how situated ! St, P. Q. For what is Minnesota noted ? A. For its numerous rivers, lakes and prairies. It is principally an elevated plain, and is the highest land between the Gulf of Mexico and Hudson's Bay. From what did this territory derive its name? From its principal river, which, in the Indian language means " whitish water" — so called on account of the color of the clay in the water. What three lakes border on this territory ? Which is the largest? Which the smallest? What lake south-west of Lake-oi-the- Woods? What large river takes its rise in this territory ? In what lake? I. What rivers border on this Terri- tory ? What Falls in the Mississippi ? What fort just below them? Where is Stillwater situated? On the St, C. River. What lake in the south-eastern part, in the Mississippi ? P. What rivers flow into the Mississippi? Into the Missouri? Where is the Grand Portage ? What is it ? It is the route by which the Canadian traders pass to the central and north-west regions of the continent. What settlement near the northern boundary on Red River? Where is Ottertail Lake? How much does the Mississippi descend from Itasca Lake to the Gulf of Mexico ? 1,500 feet. Where is the Great Bend in the Missouri? How long is Lake-of-the- Woods ? 100 miles. When was Minnesota organized into a territorial government ? In 1849. WASHINGTON TERRITORY* $7 WASHINGTON TEERITORVT. How is Washington Territory bounded? North, by British America ; east, by the Rocky Mountains ; south, by Oregon, and west by the Pacific. What is the capital, and how situated ? Q. For what is this territory noted 1 A. For its peculiar advantages for agricultural and commercial pursuits, particularly in the north-western part. Q. Describe the lands around Puget's Sound ? A. They consist of extensive prairies, which furnish food for great numbers of horses, cattle, swine, &c Several flourishing settlements are established, and a large amount of trade is carried on. Q. What are the chief productions? A. Timber, fruits of the more hardy kinds, such as pears, apples, &c. ; wheat, and almost every species of vegetation. The waters abound in shell and other fish. Describe the southern boundary ? The Columbia Paver forms the boundary line as far as Fort Walla- Walla j thence, a straight line east to the Rocky Mountains. Where does the Columbia River rise and empty ? Through what part of Washington Territory does it pass ? How does Washington Territory com- pare in extent with the New-England States ? It is about three times as great. What large island north-west of this territory ? What degree of latitude forms the boundary line on the north? 49°. What on the south ? 46°. Where is Fort Vancouver ? Pacific City 1 What settlement on the southern shore of Puget's Sound 1 Olympia. Where is Cascade City ? East of Fort Vancouver, on the Columbia. Where is Mount Ranier 1 Mount St. Helens ? What is its height ? Where is Mount Olympus ? Between Puget's Sound and the Pacific. What lake in Clarke's River? K. What bay or harbor on the coast 1 What cape 1 When was Washington organized into a territorial government 1 In 1853. Of what territory did it formerly constitute a part ? Oregon. PART SECOJTD. OREGON TERRITORY. How is Oregon Territory bounded ? What is the capital, and how situated ? Salem, on the Willamette River. Q. For what is this territory distinguished ? A. For its mild climate, fertile soil, gigantic pines, and for the number and variety of its animals. Q. What is the face of the country ? A. Mountainous. The summits of many peaks in the coast or cascade range rise, from 12,000 to 14,000 feet above the level of the sea. The Rocky Mountains often rise to the height of 16,000 feet. What ranges of mountains in Oregon ? Which is the largest river in Oregon ? Where does it rise ? What course does it run, and where does it empty? What large river forms part of the boundary on the north ? C. What rivers empty into Lewis or Snake River, from the south-west ? What from the north-east ? What capes on the coast of Oregon ? What is the South Pass ? It is a gap in the Rocky Mountains fifteen or twenty miles wide, through which emigrants travel to Oregon, Utah and California. Where is Astoria? What settlement at the mouth of Umpqua River, on the Pacific ? U. What other settlements on this river ? Gardiner, Providence, MiJdieton, Scottsburg, Elkton and Winchester. Where is the geld region of Oregon ? In the south-western part on Rogue's River. What is the principal settlement in the gold region? Jacksonville. On what river is Oregon City situated 1 W. What two towns north of Oregon City on the Willamette? Milwaukie and Portland'? How many inhabitants has Portland? 15.000. What two other towns in the interior? Hillsborough and La- fayette. When was Oregon organized into a territorial govern- ment? In 1848. UTAH TERRITORY. How is Utah Territory bounded ? What is the capital, and how situated ? Salt Lake City, on the river Jordan, about twenty miles from its entrance into the Great Salt Lake. NEW-MEXICO. 89 Q. For what is this territory noted ? A. For its fine climate, its numerous deserts, and its Great Salt Lake. Q. By whom is it principally settled ? A. The Mormons, who emigrated from Missouri in 1847, and settled near the south-eastern shore of Great Salt Lake. Has Salt Lake any outlet ? Which is the longest river in the territory ? What two rivers unite, and form the Rio Color- ado ? Green and Grand. Where is Great Salt Lake situated ? In the northern part, in what is commonly called the " Great Interior Basin" of North America. How large is this lake ? Seventy miles long, and thirty broad, but very shallow. For what is it remarkable ? Its waters are perfectly saturated with salt, and so dense, that persons can float on its surface like cork, or stand suspended with ease, with the shoulders exposed above the waters. It contains 20 per cent, of pure salt. Where is Nicolet or Sevier Lake ? In what part of the territory are the principal settlements ? Where is Mud Lake 1 Which extends farther north. Utah or New- Jersey ? What degree of latitude forms the northern boundary line ? The southern ? To what country did California. Utah and New-Mexico formerly belong ? Mexico. How, and when were they obtained by the United States? By conquest, in 1848. When was Utah organized into a territorial government? In 1850. What mountains on the west ? Where are Fillmore City and Lake Ashley ? South of N. Lake. NEW-MEXICO. How is New-Mexico bounded ? What is the capital, and how situated ? Q. For what is this Territory noted ? A For the wildness of its scenery, its volcanic peaks, its singular ruins of an ancient race, and the character of its immense sandstone rocks, composing $0 PART SECOND. the walls of many chasms and bluffs near the centre of the territory.* Name two large rivers? Which is the longer? What is the length of the Rio Grande ? What mountains run through the central part of this territory ? What river forms part of the southern boundary? What degree of longitude forms the eastern boundary ? For what has Santa Fe, the capital, long been noted ? As the great mart of trade, between the Mexican provinces and the United States. What mines in this territory? Gold, silver, copper, iron and coal. On what river are the prin- cipal settlements ? Where are the Spanish peaks ? What river rises near these, and empties into the Arkansas ? Where does the Virgen River rise and empty ? Where is Taos 1 Cristo- bal ? By whom is the western part of New-Mexico inhabited ? By several tribes of Indians. What is the prevailing language ? Spanish. When was New-Mexico organized into a territorial government? In 1850. INDIAN TERRITORY. How is Indian Territory bounded ? Q. Describe its position ? A. It is a large fertile region lying in the centre of the Republic, midway between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. By whom is it inhabited ? A. By numerous tribes of Indians who have emi- grated from the states east of the Mississippi. Q. Name the tribes that have made the greatest advances towards civilization ? A. The Cherokees, Choctaws, Creeks, Shawnees and Chickasaws. Q. What is the face of the country ? * From one of these, which was broken so as to leave a perpendic- ular face of 180 feet in height, Leiutenant Abert, in 1846, gathered a number of shark's teeth, shells and bones of fish. NORTH-WEST TERRITORY. 91 A. The land is high and rolling, but not mountain- ous. What large river runs through this territory ? What desert in the western part 1 What river forms the southern boundary ? In what part is the Osage River 1 The Canadian 1 What degree of latitude forms the northern boundary ? 40°. Where is Fort Tow son ? Fort Gibson ? What is the government of this territory ? The Indians have established appropriate forms of government for themselves, subject only to such control of the United States as may be necessary to preserve peace. Several military posts are kept garrisoned at the expense of the United States. How many Indians inhabit this territory? About 100,000; — three-fourths of whom are emigrants from beyond the eastern shore of the Mississippi. NEBRASKA TERRITORY. How is Nebraska Territory bounded ? North, by the North- west Territory ; east, by I. and M. j south, by Indian Territory, and west by Utah and Oregon. Q. What is the face of the country ? A. It is an elevated plain, sloping gradually from the Rocky Mountains to the Mississippi. By whom is it inhabited ? A. By uncivilized tribes of Indians. What is the principal river? P. In what part is Long's Peak? S. W. Where is Grand Island 1 What degree of latitude bounds it on the north ? 43°. What river on the east ? Where is Council Bluffs ? In what part are the Black Hills ? W. What two rivers unite, and form the Platte 1 What pass in the Rocky Mountains, in the western part ? Which extends farther south, Nebraska or this state 1 In what direction is Nebraska longest ? NORTH-WESTERN TERRITORY. How is North- West Territory bounded ? North, by B. A. ; east, by M. ; south, by N., and. west by Washington and Oregon. Q. By whom is this territory inhabited ? •1*2 PAET SECOND. A. By roving tribes of Indians. What noted river forms most of the eastern boundary * Where does it rise ? What mountains on the west 1 What hills in the interior? Where is Fremont's Peak? Where are the Great Falls? Which extends farther south, North- West or Washington Territory ? Which is the most northern tribe of Indians? How high is Fremont's Peak? How long is the Missouri River ? Which is the longest river emptying into the Missouri from the south ? By what other name is this territory sometimes called ? Missouri Territory ? REVIEW OF THE UNITED STATES AND TERRITORIES. MAP OF THE UNITED STATES. 1. Of what states or territories are the following towns the Columbia ? Columbus ? Frankfort ? Augusta ? Baton Rouge ? Salt Lake City ? Trenton? Lansing? Santa Fe? Tallahas- see? Iowa City? Dover? Vallejo? Hartford and New- Haven? Madison? Milledgeville ? Austin? Richmond? Montpelier ? Little Rock ? Providence and Newport ? Salem? Albany ? Indianapolis ? Annapolis ? Springfield ? Raleigh ^ St. Paul ? Jackson? Harrisburgh? Montgomery? Nash- ville ? Boston ? Jefferson City ? Concord ? 2. Where are the following towns ? New-Orleans? New-York? New-Haven? Newburg? Newbern ? Newburyport ? Newport? (2.) Newark? New- Madrid? New-Albany? New-London? Philadelphia? Charleston? Cincinnati? Columbia? (2.) Cahawba? Colum- bus? (2.) Dover? (3.) Darien ? Donaldsonville ? Detroit? Dunkirk? Dayton? Bangor? Tuscaloosa? 3. In what state are the following rivers ; what course do they run, and where do they empty ? STATES AND TERRITORIES 9® St. John's 1 (2.) Clarke's ? Penobscot ? Sacramento ? St. Croix ? (2.) Lewis ? San Joaquin ? Kennebec ? Roanoke ? Gila ? Neuse ? Des Moines ? Colorado ? Cape Fear ? Rio Grande ? James ? Osage f Yellowstone ? Connecticut ? Pearl? Yazoo? Hudson? Tombigby? Mohawk? Chata- hoochee ? Savannah ? Delaware ? Potomac ? Wisconsin ? Maumee ? Susquehannah ? Mississippi ? Shenandoah ? Mon* ongahela ? Alabama ? 4. Where are the following lakes ? Great Salt Lake? Lake Michigan? Lake Champlain? Moosehead ? Erie ? Mud ? Red ? Pontchartrain ? Winne- bago ? Pepin? Huron? Lake-of-the-Woods ? Ottertail ? Sabine? Okee-cho-bee ? Pyramid? Tule ? Cal. Itasca? Ontario ? ^Rainy ? Peoria ? Superior ? 5. Where are the following sounds ? Long Island ? Albemarle ? Puget's ? W. Ter. Pamlico ? 6. Where are the following bays ? Mobile? Chesapeake? Green? Delaware? Saginaw? Penobscot? Georgian? Massachusetts? San Francisco ? Traverse ? N. E. part of Lake Michigan. Gray's ? Pensaco- la? Thunder? Appalachee ? Monterey? Matagorda? Pas- cagoula ? Tampa ? 7. Where are the following capes 1 Sable? Charles? Cod? Henlopen ? Florida? Ann? Hatteras? Malabar? Mendocino? Henry? Fear? Point Conception ? Lookout ? Canaveral ? 8. Where are the following towns ? Hallowell? Marietta? Wilmington? (2.) Auburn? York- town? Schenectady? Apalachicola ? Cleveland? Mobile? Helena ? Peoria ? Troy ? Saint Louis ? Quincy ? La- fayette ? Galena ? Toledo ? Memphis ? Maysville ? Bowling-Green? Wheeling? Shawneetown 1 Georgetown ? 94 PART SEC02TD, St. Joseph's? Rochester'? Fredericksburg'? Springfield? (2.) Harmony ? Salisbury ? Wilkesbarre ? Rome ? (2.) Hercu- laneum? Ogdensburg? St. Charles ? Portsmouth ? (2.) Ca- hawba? Lancaster? Savannah? (2.) Frederick? Chicago? Eastport ? Natchez? Potosi ? San Antonio? Sackett's Harbor? Sandusky? Pontiac ? Abingdon? Murfreesboro' ? St, Augustine ? Salem ? (2.) Burlington ?- (3.) Carlisle ? Monterey? Pacific City? Erie? Augusta? (2.) Monroe? Miiwaukie ? Winchester ? (2.) Oswego ? Edenton ? Auburn ? Athens? Pensacola ? Staunton? Plaltsburg? Brunswick? Vandalia ? San Francisco ? 9. In what state are the following rivers, what course do they run, and where do they empty ? Washita? B'.ack Warrior ? Apalachico'a? Missouri? Ten- nessee ? Red ? Alleghany ? Wabash ? Illinois ? Cumber- land ? Merrimac ? Columbia? St. Louis? Sabine? Big Sandy ? Great Pedee ? Kanawha ? Rock ? Salmon ? Klamath? Grand? (2.) Green? (2) Red Cedar? Nueces? St. Francis ? As. While? Turkey? Virgen ? Licking * Big Horn ? Great Sioux ? Brazos ? Montreal ? Chippeway ? St. Lawrence ? 10. Where are the following places ? New-Inlet? Niagara Falls? Great American Desert? Florida Reefs? Pictured Rocks? Grand Portage? Hot Springs ? Key West ? Falls of St. Anthony ? Spanish Peaks? 11. Where are the following forts ? Fort Gaines ? Walla-Walla ? Towson ? Smith ? Winne- bago ? Vancouver ? Snelling ? Wayne ? Gibson ? 12. Where are the following islands ? Grand Menan? Vancouver? Martha's Vineyard? Royale? Nantucket ? Manitouline Isles ? Santa Cruz ? The Apostles ? Santa Rosa 1 Long Island ? 13. Where are the folowing towns ? STATES AND TERRITORIES. 95 Hamburg? Chillicothe ? St. Stephens? St, Charles? West Point ? Natchitoches ? Vincennes 1 Council Bluffs ? Zanesville ? Lynchburg ? Georgetown ? Fayetteville ? Easton ? Galveston ? Petersburg ? Ithica ? Florence ? Williamsport ? Paris'? Owego? Knoxville? Greenville? Morgantown? Woodville ? Utica? Meadville? Huntsville ? Bedford ? Poughkeepsie ? Claiborne ? Vicksburg ? White- hall ? Fort Wayne ? Bardstbwn ? Opelousas ? Prairie du Chien ? Danville ? Stockton ? Hot Springs ? Astoria ? Belleville? Dubuque? Jacksonville? (3.) Hartford? (2.) Carmel? Charleston? (2.) Washington? (2.) Lexington? Louisville? (2.) Jackson ? (4.) Cassville ? San Jose? Mad- awaska ? Santa Barbara ? Christobal ? Lewisburg? Alex- andria ? Montezuma ? Batesville ? Wetnmpka ? Halifax t Macon ? Ravenna ? Adrian ? Liberty ? Barboursville ? JSfacogdoches ? Alton ? 14. Where are the following mountains ? Alleghany? Rocky? Guadalupe? White? Black Hills? Cumberland ? Green ? Blue Ridge ? St. Helens ? Shaste Peak? Ranier? 15. How can you go by water from, Hartford to Jefferson City ? From Nashville to the capital of California ? From Little Rock to Montgomery ? From the capital of Florida to Albany ? From the capital of New-Jersey to the capital of Ohio ? From Raleigh to Frankfort ? From Austin to Iowa City ? From Indianapolis to Richmond? From Augusta to Oregon City? From Santa Fe to Mobile ? From Milwaukie to Buffalo ? Can you go by water from Chicago to Quebec ? 96 PART SECOND. Note. — The following reviews being more minute than the preced- ing, may be omitted, or not, at the discretion of the teacher, and accord* ing to the advancement of the class. MAP OF NEW-ENGLAND, OR THE EASTERN STATES. 1. Where are the following towns? Rutland? Smithfield? Eastport? Norwalk? Colebrook? Barre? Troy? Marblehead ? Plymouth? (2.) Win- chester ? Middlebury ? Saco ? Litchfield ? Moscow ? Wor- cester? Andover? (2.) Woodstock? Machias? Sheffield? St, Albans ? Northampton 1 Wethersfield ? Charlestown ? (2.) Haverhill? (2.) Belfast? Bennington? Amherst? (2.) Lubec? Lowell? Middletown ? Brattleboro' ? Castine? Hano- ver? Pittsfield? Bristol? Middlebury? Springfield? Paw- tucket ? Norwich ! Castleton ? New-Bedford ? Windsor ? (2.) Keene? Tiverton? York ? Great Barrington ? Hallo- well ? Vergennes ? Warwick ? Lynn ? Bridgeport ? Nashua ? Stonington ] Brunswick ? Enfield ? Exeter ? Hingham ? Calais ? Quincy ? Provincetown ? Athens ? Waterville ? Wilmington? Lancaster? Smithfield? Haddam ? Derby? Cornwall ? Lawrence ? Greenwich ? East Greenwich ? Stamford ? Manchester ? 2. Where are the following rivers, what course do they run, and where do they empty ? Androscoggin ? Thames ? Onion ? Pawtucket ? Housa- tonic ? Saco ? Lamoille ? West Machias ? Chicopee ? Quinebaug ? Missisque ? Salmon Falis ? Otter Creek ? Piscataqua ? 3. Where are the following lake* % MIDDLE STATES. 97 Memphramagog ? * Umbagog ? Winnipiseogee ?* Moose- Head ? Connecticut 1 Schoodic ? Grand 1 Sebec ? Sebago Pond ? Ossipee ? 4. Where are the following bays ? Machias ? Buzzard's ? Frenchman's ? Casco ? Passam- aquoddy ? Englishman's ? 5. Where are the following islands ? Mount Desert ? Block ? Isle au Haut ? Isles of Shoals T Fisher's? Rhode? Plum? Elizabeth? 6. Where are the following mountains ? Mt. Tom? Washington? Mars Hill? Hoiyoke ? Katahdin 1 MIDDLE STATES. 1. Where are the following towns ? Geneva ? Honesdale ? Mount Holly ? Lewistown ? Goshen ? Camden ? Newcastle ? Lockport ? , Lebanon ? Fishkill ? Newton ? Skaneateles ? Princeton ? Georgetown ? Catt- skill ? Chambersburg ? Somerville ? Reading ? Saratoga ? Elizabethtown ? Lewiston ? Morristown ? Montrose ? Delhi ? Freehold ? Herkimer ? Mauch Chunk ? Milford ? Bridge- ton ? Lebanon? Elmira ? Paterson ? Athens? Belvidere ? Jersey Shore ? Am boy ? Albion ? Pottsville ? Trenton ? (2.) New-Brunswick? Piermont? Tuckerton ? Saugerties? Sun bury? Penn Yan ? Jersey City ? Dansville ? Hacken- sack? Kingston? Syracuse? Cape May ? Kinderhook? Canandaigua ? Flemington ? York? Mayville? Burling- ton ? Norwich ? Keeseville ? Jamaica ? Lockport ? 2. Where are the following rivers, what course do they run, and where do they empty ? Black ? Passaic ? Schuylkill ? Jones' Creek ? Juniata 1 Tioga ? Genesee ? Niagara ? Saranac ? West Branch ? Cattaraugus Creek ? Lehigh ? * Win-e-pe-saw-ko. 98 PART SECOND. 3. Where are the following lakes ? George ? Seneca ? Oneida ? Crooked ? Chataque ? Long? Canandaigua? Cayuga? Ovvasco ? Skaneateles? Pleasant ? 4. Where are the following mountains ? CattskilH Adirondack? Blue? Laurel Ridge? Pa. 5. Where are the following places ? Barnegat Inlet? Grand Island? Great and Little Egg Harbors ? Staten Island ? Sandy Hook ? Cape May ? Trenton Falls ? Fort Ticondeioga ? Montauk Point ? SOUTHERN STATES. 1. Where are the following towns ? Havre de Grace ? Beaufort? (2.) Blountsville ? St. Fran- cisville ? Charlottesville ? Alexandria ? Monticello ? Madison- ville ? Sunbury ? St. Marks, or Port Leon ? Houston ? Frank- lin ? Smithville ? Blakeley ? (2.) Newberry? Chapel-Hill? Sparta ? Edgefield ? ' Hampton ? Elkton ? Greenville 1 Belair ? Camden ? Marianna ? Hagerstown ? Velasco ? 2. Where are the following rivers, what course do they run, and where do they empty ? Flint ? Rappahannock ? Suwanee ? Pascagoula ? Chowan ? Yadkin ? Oconee ? York ?' Ocmulgee ? Edisto ? Trinity ? Ogeechee? Saluda? Great and Little Pedee ? Perdido ? Neches ? Congaree and W T ateree ? Coosa and Tallapoosa ? Escambia? Guadalupe? Tar? Patuxent ? Satilla ? Big Black ? Broad ? Amite ? 3. Where are the following lakes and capes ? Borgne ? Drummond ? Mermentau? George? Calcasieu? Cape Roman ? St. Bias ? 4. Where are the following bays 1 WESTERN STATES AND TERRITORIES. 99 Apalaehicola ? Winyaw ? Pensacola ? Corpus Christi ? Vermilion ? Perdido ? Wakasasse, or Vacassar ? St. Joseph's ? Cote Blanche ? Galveston ? St. Andrew's ? 5. Where are the following islands ? Amelia ? Sullivan's ? Chandeleur's ? Cumberland ? Padre ? St. Joseph's ? Santa Rosa ? Port Royal ? 6. Where are the following places ? Dismal Swamp ? Port Royal Entrance ? Mosquito Bar, or Inlet ? Ocracock Inlet ? Okeflnokee Swamp ? Charlotte's Harbor] Muscle Shoals? The Everglades? Point Isabel? St. Helena Sound ? Fort King ? 7. Where are the following towns ? Charlotte? Biloxi? Abbeville? (2.) Wetumpka? Greens- boro' ? Monroe ? Beaumont ? Marksville ? Pascagoula ? Tuscumbia ? Yorkville ? San Felipe ? Covington ? Aber- deen ? Clinton ? Selma ? Providence ? Port Lavacca ? Holly Springs ? Corpus Christi ? Georgetown ? Darien ? Port Gibson ? Huntsville ? Farmersville ? Clayton ? WESTERN STATES AND TERRITORIES. 1. Where are the following towns ? Marshall? Gallipolis? Palmyra? Franklin? Mount Vernon? (2.) Greenville? Paris? (2.) Madison? Newark? Vevay? Newport? Oregon City? (2.) Cory don ? Niles ? Racine ? Paducah ? Michigan City ? Santa Barbara ? Daven- port ? Osage ? Centreville ? Burlington ? Ohio City ? Evans- ville ? Xenia ? Arkansas ? Mackinaw ? Sault St. Marie ? Peru? (2.) Steubenville ? San Diego? New-Philadelphia? Terre Haute ? New-Lisbon ? Pontiac ? Carthage ? Shelby- ville? (2.) Lima? (2.) New-Buffalo? Benicia? Fillmore City ? U. T. Victoria ? Coshocton ? Taos ? Akron ? Kas- kaskia ? Warsaw ? Hamilton ? Belleville ? Covington ? Madisonville ? Cadiz ? Tecumseh ? Urbanna ? (2.) Free- 100 PART SECOND. port? Nauvoo? South Bend? Bolivar? Batavia? Fort Madison ? Circleville ? La Pointe ? 2. Where are the following rivers, what course do they run and where do they empty ? Canadian ? Kaskaskia ? Black ? Maskegon ? Fox ? Raisin ? Minnesota? Clinch? Kalamazoo? Holston? St. Joseph's ? Mackinaw? French Broad ? Muskingum? Salt? (2.) Sci- ota ? Williamette ? Cuyahoga ? O. Sangamon ? Upper Iowa? Hocking? 0. Boyer ? Big Black ? Sandusky? Little Miami ? Floyd's ? Tippecanoe ? Bad ? 3. Where are the following islands ? Sugar Island ? Madeline ? Drummond ? Beaver ? Grand ? (2.) St. Joseph's ? Manitou ? 4. Where are the following lakes ? Flambeau? Higgins? First, Second, Third and Fourth? St. Clair ? St. Croix ? Big Stone ? 5. Where are the following towns ? •Winchester ? Elizabethtown ? Delaware ? Sparta ? Mau- mee City ? Lafayette ? Green Bay ? Keokuk ? St. Mary's 1 Lebanon? Oswego? Hannibal? Jeffersonville ? Clarksville ? Carlisle ? Mount Pleasant ? Saginaw ? St. Genevieve ? Ox- ford ? O. Monticello ? Waukegan, or Little Fort ? Brainerd ? Jacksonville ? Troy ? (2.) Sidney ? Sheboygan ? Cape Girardeau ? Berrien ? Ozankee ? Ann Arbor ? Davenport ? Southport ? Valparaiso ? Somerset ? Cambridge ? By- ron ? Boonville ? Greencastle ? Jamestown ? George- town ? Indiana ? Fairfield ? Burksville ? Kenosha ? Lo- gansport ? Muscatine ? Kalamazoo ? Ypsilanti ? NEW-BRITAIN. 101 BRITISH AMERICA. (See Map of North America.) How is British America bounded ? What is the capital, and how situated ? Q. What are the divisions of British America ? A. New-Britain, Canada, New-Brunswick, Prince Edward's Island, Nova Scotia, Cape Breton, and the Island of Newfoundland. Q. By whom is this vast country inhabited % A. Mostly by Indians. About one-tenth is inhabited by civilized whites. What bay and strait separate British America from Green- land ? In how many zones does it lie j In what part is Labra- dor ? What mountains extend through the western part ? What sea on the north? What large bay in the interior? In what part is New-Caledonia ? S. W. Great Slave Lake 1 Lake Winnipeg ? Melville Peninsula ? What large river empties into the Polar Sea 1 Where is Southampton Island ? Anticosti ? NEW-BRITAIN. Q. What does New-Britain include ? A. Labrador, East Main, New-Caledonia, and North and South Wales. Q. By whom is it inhabited 1 A. By various tribes of Indians ; among whom the English have established trading-houses and forts in various quarters, for the purpose of procuring furs and skins. What large bay in New-Britain ? In what part is Labrador ? On which side of Hudson's Bay is East Main 1 What division on the western side ? What bay in the southern part of Hud- son's Bay 1 What large island in the northern part 1 What livers flow into James' Bay ? Where is Lake-of-the- Woods 1 102 PART SECOND. Great Bear Lake? Deer Lake? Bathurst Inlet? Wager Bay ? Chesterfield Inlet ? Abbitibbee Lake ? Vancouver's Island ? Musquito Bay ? Fort Severn ? Victoria Land ? In what direction does the Severn River run, and where does it empty ? Great Fish, or Back River? Saskatchawan ? Albany? Nelson ? Athabasca ? Peace ? Koksak ? Where is Fort York ? What Fort at the mouth of the Severn ? Where is Lake Mistis- sinny ? What missionary stations on the coast of Labrador ? What strait between Labrador and- Newfoundland ? What mountains in the western part ? What two straits at the entrance of Hudson's Bay ? What river connects Lake Winnipeg with Hudson's Bay? Where is Fort Churchill? King's Cape? Cape St. Lewis ? Cape Bathurst? Mount Brown? In what partis New-Caledonia? Western. Where is Queen Charlotte's Island ? CANADA. What is the capital of Canada, and how is it situated ? Q. How was this country formerly divided ? A. Into Upper and Lower Canada. For fifty years these formed separate provinces, but in 1841 they were united by an Act of the British Parliament. (See Map of the United Stales.) What large city at the mouth of the Ottawa River ? What is that part, east of the Ottawa called ? What is the part west, called ? What lakes separate Canada- West from the United States ? What river in part, from New-York ? How is Toronto situated ? Kingston ? Is Montreal in Canada-East or West ? Where is Bytown ? In what direction does the river St. Maurice run, and where does it empty? What town at its mouth ? Where is the river Saguenay ? Lake St. Peter ? Lake Nipissing ? On what river is London ? What is the course of the Thames and where does it empty ? Where is Sandwich ? Name the towns situated on Lake Ontario ? What river unites Lake Champlain with Lake St. Peter? Sorelle. How far is Montreal from Quebec ? 180 miles. How is Quebec built 1 NOVA SCOTIA. 103 One half on a plain along the river St. Lawrence, and the other half on a steep perpendicular rock, 350 feet high. They are called the upper and lower towns. How can you sail from Montreal to St. Johns ? NEW-BRUNSWICK. How is New-Brunswick bounded 1 What is the capital, ancl how situated 1 Q. For what is New-Brunswick noted ? A. Its extensive forests and valuable fisheries. What river forms part of the northern boundary ? Into what bay does it empty 1 What large river flows through the south- western part ? What town at its mouth ? How is St. Andrews situated 1 Gagetown ? Bathurst 1 Which is the largest town in the province? St. J. How is Campobello situated 1 On an island of the same name in Passamaq noddy Bay ? For what is the Bay of Fundy noted 1 Its high tides, which rise from 40 to 70 feet in the space of three-and-a-half hours, so that animals on the shore are often overtaken and drowned. How far is Frederickton from the mouth of the St. Johns 1 80 miles. Where are Chatham and Newcastle 1 Opposite each other, near the mouth of Miramichi River. NOVA SCOTIA. How is Nova Scotia bounded 1 What is the capital, and how situated ? Q. How long is Nova Scotia, and for what is it noted 1 A. About 300 miles long, and is noted for its valu- able minerals, of coal, gypsum, or plaster of Paris, copper and iron. On what Bay is Halifax situated ? Chebucto Bay. For what is it noted % It is the principal naval station of Great Britain in North America, and has one of the finest harbors in the world. Which is the most southern cape 1 Which the most eastern 1 What separates Neva Scotia from Cape Breton island ? To 104 PART SECOND. what government does Cape Breton belong ? To Nova Scotia. How is the island naturally divided ? By an arm of the sea called Bras d'Or, into two nearly equal portions. How is Sid- ney situated ? Pictou ? Annapolis ? Louisburg ? Liverpool ? Windsor? Sherbrooke ? Lunenburg? Yarmouth? Shel- burne ? Where is Mines Bay ? PRINCE EDWARD'S ISLAND. How is Prince Edward's Island situated? What is the capital ? What may be said of the climate and soil ? A. The climate is milder than that of the adjacent provinces, and the soil is fertile, producing wheat and other grains. What separates Prince Edward's from New-Brunswick and Nova Scotia ? What cluster of islands north-east of it ? Which extends farther east Prince Edward's or Nova Scotia ? What degree of latitude runs through the southern part ? NEWFOUNDLAND. How is Newfoundland bounded ? What is the capital, and how situated ? Q. For what is Newfoundland noted ? A. For the codfisheries on its coast, which are the most valuable in the world. Where is the Bay of Exploits ? Fortune Bay ? Cape Race ? Cape Ray ? Placentia Bay ? St. John's Bay ? Cape Bonavis- ta ? Cape St. John ? Bay of Islands and St. George's Bay ? What bank east of Newfoundland ? What town on Placentia Bay ? Placentia. How long is Newfoundland ? How wide ? BERMUDA ISLANDS. In what ocean are these islands ? What is the capital, and how situated ? Hamilton, on St. George's Island. GREENLAND. 105 Q. For what are they noted ? A. For their exceedingly healthy and pleasant cli- mate. It is almost a perpetual spring-. Q. How many islands are there in the cluster ? A. About 300 ; only eight are of any importance. In what direction are they from us ? In what latitude are they ? To whom do they belong ? Great Britain. What are the chief productions' ? Arrowroot, potatoes, onions and tomatoes. The last three are exported in large quantities to the northern states in the early spring. RUSSIAN AMERICA. How is Russian America bounded ? What is the principal settlement ? Sitka. Q. Describe this country ? A. It is cold, dreary, and almost unknown, inhabited chiefly by Indians and Equimaux. It is rocky and mountainous. In what part is Point Barrow ? Cook's Inlet ? What sound on the west? What peninsula in the southern part? Where is Kodiak ? Mount St. Elias ? What is it 1 An extinct vol- cano ? Where is Cape RomanzofF? Cape Prince of Wales'? What high mount south-east of Mount St. Elias ? Which ex- tends farther south. Russian America or Athabasca Lake ? Where is Bristol Bay ? How wide is Behring's Strait ? What cape in Asia opposite Cape Prince of Wales ? Which extends farther north, Russian America or Barrow's Strait ? GREENLAND. Q. For what is Greenland noted ? A. It is cold, dreary, and nearly destitute of vegeta- tion, being covered mostly with rocks, ice and snow. 106 PART SECOND. Q. To whom does it belong, and for what is it valuable ? A. To Denmark, and is chieflv valuable for the whale fisheries on its coast. What is the most southern cape 1 What missionary station near Cape Farewell ? Where are the Arctic Highlands ? How is Upernayik situated ? Holsteinberg % What other towns or settlements on the coast ? Where is Disco Island 1 Melville Bay ? Smith's Sound ? Where is Grinnell Land ? West of Smith's Sound. Is Greenland an island ? It is supposed to be, but. its northern boundary has not yet been discovered. In what latitude is Cape Farewell ? ICELAND. Where is Iceland 1 In what direction from us ? What is the capital ? Reikiavik, which signifies steam-town, from the hot springs in the vicinity. Q. For what is Iceland remarkable 1 A. For its mountains, volcanoes and hot springs, called geysers, which throw hot water to the height of from 100 to 200 feet. What cape in the northern part ? Which is the most noted volcano? Mount Hecla. Its eruptions are numerous and fearful, throwing stones, lava, and ashes to a great distance. What town south of the capital 1 Skalholt, What may be said of the inhabitants of this island ? They are remarkably moral and religious, and, by domestic instruction, they are better educated than the inhabitants of almost any other country in Europe. There has been no war and no military force, on this island for 600 years. How far is Iceland from Greenland ? 200 miles, MEXICO. (See Map of Mexico.) How is Mexico bounded? What is the capital and how- situated ? Q. ?«*■ what is Mexico noted ? YUCATAN. 107 A. For its early civilization and its rich silver mines. Q. What is the face of the country ? A. On the eastern and western sides, it is low, but gradually rises to an elevation of from 6,000 to 8,000 feet, where it spreads into extensive plains, called table lands. What range of mountains runs through Mexico ? What river connects Lake Chapala with the Pacific Ocean ? What penin- sula on the west? What cape at its southern extremity'? How long is the Gulf of California? What island in the northern part 1 Ignacio. How is Vera Cruz situated ? Acapulco % Is Puebla or Mexico, more northerly ? What town between Mexico and Lake Chapala ? How is Monterey situated ? Sal tillo ? Jalapa ? Loreto ? Tampico ? La Paz ? What two rivers form part of the northern boundary of Mexico ? Where do they empty ? In what part is the river Verde ? Where is Metamoras ? The river Nasca ? The volcano of Popocatapetl ? On what river is Oaxaca ? How is Tehuantepec situated ? Guanaxuato ? Valladolid ? Guadalaxara ? Where is Cape Roxo ? Where are the Three Marias ? What noted ancient monument between Mexico and the gulf coast? The pyramid of Cholula, 70 miles east of Mexico. It is built of unburnt bricks, 177 feet high, ?,423 feet broad, and consists of four stories. On the fop was a temple in which human sacrifices were offered to the sun. YUCATAN. What is Yucatan ? How is it bounded ? What is the capi- tal, and how situated ? Q. When did Yucatan become an independent republic I A. In 18-15. It was formerly one of the States of Mexico. Q. W T hat are the chief productions ? A. Logwood and mahogany. What cape in the northern part ? What bay in the west * 108 PART SECOND. Where is Chetunal Bay ? In what part is Arena ? Cam- peachy ? Which is farther north, Cape Catoche or Cape St. Lucas ? Where is Sisal ? Laguna ? What are found in the western part 1 Remarkable ruins, the age and origin of which are unknown. BALIZE, OR BRITISH HONDURAS. How is Balize bounded ? What is the capital, and how situated ? Q. For what is this country noted ? A. For its mahogany and logwood. Q. To what government does it belong ? A. Great Britain. What bay on the south-east ? What town in the southern part 1 Icacos. What island east of the capital ? What river forms the northern boundary ? Honda. CENTRAL AMERICA. How is Central America bounded 1 What is the capital, and how situated % Q For what is this country noted ? A. Its numerous volcanoes and its beautiful scenery. Q. What are the divisions of Central America ? A. Guatimala, Honduras, San Salvador, Nicaragua and Costa Rica. In what pait is Cartago ? Truxillo ? New-Guatimala ? Granada ? What lake in the southern part'? What small lake a little north-west of Lake Nicaragua ? Where is the town of Omoa 1 San Juan 1 San Jose ? Leon ? What noted build- ing at Leon ? The Cathedral, which it is said, was 37 years in building, and cost five millions of dollars. What river connects Lake Nicaragua with the Carribbean Sea? Where is Lake Terminos or Peten ? Gulf of Nicoya 1 Gulf of Fonseca ? >Vhat part is called the Mosquito Coast ? The eastern part from SPANISH ISLANDS. 1 0$ Truxillo to the river San Juan. In part are the principal volca- noes ? Along- the Pacific coast. Which is the most remark- able ? Isalco, in San Salvador. It made its appearance during the last century, in the midst of a cultivated estate, and has since risen to the height of about 1, 800 feet. Its eruptions are frequent, with intervaJs of nearly half an hour. WEST INDIES. Q. Describe the position of the West India Islands 1 A. They are situated between North and South America, and are all subject to different European powers, except Hayti and Margarita. Q. How are they divided 1 A. Into Bahamas, Great Antilles, Little Antilles and Caribbee. The Caribbee consist of two groups, Windward and Leeward. Q. For what* are they distinguished ? A. The fertility of their soil, and the value of their productions. * SPANISH ISLANDS. Q. Which islands belong to Spain ? A. Cuba and Porto Rico. Q. What is the size of these islands ? A. Cuba is about equal in size to all the other islands, and Porto Rico is about one-tenth the size of Cuba. What is the capital of Cuba, and how situated ? In what part is Matanzas 1 How far from Havana 1 About sixty miles. How is St. Jago situated 1 Trinidad 1 Puerto Principe 1 What cape at the western extremity 1 At the eastern ? Point Maysi. For what is Havana noted ? It is the largest city in the West Indies, has a spacious, well fortified harbor, a university, and a 110 PART SECOND. cathedral where the remains of Columbus were deposited. They have since been removed to Spain. What is the capital of Porto Rico 1 What other towns are there ? Arecivo, Ponce, and Aguadilla. Which is more northerly, Cuba or Porto Rico ? BRITISH ISLANDS. Q. Name the British West Indies ? A. Jamaica, Trinidad, St. Lucia, Barbadoes, St. Vincent, and Antiqua are the largest. The Bahamas belong also to Great Britain. Which is the largest town in the British West Indies 1 Kings- ton, in Jamaica. W 7 hat other towns in Jamaica 1 Falmouth and Spanish Town are the principal. What is the chief town in Barbadoes 1 In Antigua ? St. Johns. In Trinidad 1 Port Spain. In St. Christopher? Basseterre. How many islands compose the Bahamas ? About six hundred. Which is the chief town ? Nassau, in New-Providence For what is Turks' Island noted? Its salt. Guanahani ? It was the first land seen by Columbus in his voyage of discovery, October 12th, 1492. Q. Name those islands that belong to France ? A. Guadaloupe and Martinico. Q. Name those that belong to Denmark 1 A. Santa Cruz, St. John and St. Thomas. Q. Name those that belong to Holland ? A. Curacoa and St. Eustatius. Q. What Island belongs to Sweden ? A. St. Bartholomew. Q. What Island belongs to Venezuela ? A. Margarita. Q, To whom does St. Martin's belong? A. To France and Holland, jointly. KORTH AMERICA. Ill- HAYTI, ST. DOMINGO, OR HISPANIOLA. What is the capital ? P. How situated ? Q. What is the government of Hayti ? A. Formerly it was a republic, but now the western part is a military despotism. The chief ruler is calW an Emperor. Q. What is the eastern part called ? A. Republic of. Dominica. What is the capital ? St. D. How situated ? When did they declare their independence of the Haytien government'? In 1846. For what is St. Domingo noted ? It is the first city founded by the Spaniards in the New World. It has a gothic cathedral erected in 1520. What town north-east of St. Domin- go ? Where is Cape Haytien ? Jeremie ? Gonave Island ? Mona Passage ? What direction is it from Hayti to Martinico ? To Grand Cayman'? To Curacoa ? To Tobago? To St. Thomas? ToAbaco? To St. Lucia? To Grenada? By whom were the three names given to Hayti ? It was called Hayti by the original Indians, Columbus called it Hispaniola, and the French named it St. Domingo. REVIEW OF THE MAP OF NORTH AMERICA. 1. Where are the following towns ? Montreal ? Astoria ? Santa Fe ? Quebec ? Upernavick ? Merida? Matanzas ? Valladolid? Kingston ? (2.) St. Johns? (3.) Puebla ? Havana ? Monterey ? (2.) Campeachy ? Halifax ? Vera Cruz ? Toronto ? St. Salvador ? Louisburg ? Saltillo ? Truxillo? S. Barbara? Cape Haytien? Leon? Port au Prince ? Acapulco ? Holsteinburg ? Oaxaca ? St. Domingo ? Balize? Panama? Arispe ? Nain ? Vallejo? Hopedale, or Hoffenthal ? 2. Where are the following rivers, what course do they run, and where do they empty ? 112 PART SECOND* McKenzie's? Rio Grande ? (2.) Nelson? Yellow Stone ? Gila? Slave? Clark's? East Main? Colorado? Severn? Albany ? San Joaquin ? Columbia ? Ottawa ? Athabasca ? Moose ? St. Lawrence ? Churchill ? Canadian ? Saskatch- awan ? 3. Where are the following capes ? Cape Farewell ? Catoche ? Hatteras ? Oxford ? Bathurst ? St. Lewis? Gracias a Dios ? St. Lucas ? Mendocino? North? Prince of Wales ? Sable ? (2.) San Antonio ? Lisburne ? King's? RomanzofF? 4. Where are the following islands ? Newfoundland ? Abaco ? Prince of Wales ? Isle of Pines ? St. Lucia? Anticosti? Key West? Trinidad? Cape Bre- ton? Queen Charlotte's ? Melville? MoroHermoso? Corn? Prince Edward's? Kodiak ? Long? Jamaica? Santa Cruz? Bermuda ? Grenada ? Vancouver's ? St. Thomas ? Disco ? 5. Where are the following bays, gulfs and sounds ? Baffin's? Delaware? Hudson's? Mosquito? Honduras? Fundy ? Campeachy ? Bristol ? James ? Chesapeake ? Tampa? Gulf of California? St. Lawrence? Mexico? Boothia ? Georgia ? Norton Sound ? Lancaster ? Smith's ? Nootka ? Prince William's ? Queen Charlotte's .' 6. Where are the following lakes ? Superior? Abbitibbee ? Slave? Winnipeg? Huron? Athabasca? Chapala? Mistissinny? Great Bear? Great Salt ? Michigan ? Lake-of-the-Woods ? Nicaragua ? Deer ? Little Slave ? 7. Where are the following mountains ? Arctic Highlands ? Mount St. Elias ? Rocky? Alleghany? Cordilleras ? Mount Franklin ? Mount Hecla ? 8. Where are the following forts ? NEW-GKANADA. 113 Albany? Council Bluff ? Churchill? Walla-Walla? York? Vancouver ? Snelling ? Severn ? Moose ? 9. Where are the following straits, inlets and places ? Davis' ? Barrow's ? Hudson's ? Bhering's ? Cumberland ? Bellisle? Juan de Fuca? Frobisher's? Gut of Canso ? Chesterfield Inlet ? Cook's Inlet ? Bathurst ? Florida Reefs ? Isthmus of Darlen ? Great Bank? Peinsula of Alaska? Of Florida? Of California? Of Yucatan? Of Nova Scotia? Victoria Land ? Point Barrow ? SOUTH AMERICA. How is South America bounded ? What prevents it from being an island ? What range of mountains near the western shore ? Q. Fer what is South America noted ? A. The length and general height of its mountains, and the grandeur of its rivers ; also, for its mines of gold, silver and precious stones. It is the largest peninsula in the world. What three rivers in South America? Where is the Gulf of Daiien? Strait of Magellan? Staten Land? Which is the most eastern Cape ? The most northern ? The most south- ern? The most western? Where is the Strait of Le Mai re ? The Falkland Islands ? Islands of Juan Fernandez ? St. Fe- lix ? Which is the largest country in South America ? Which is the smallest ? What countries south of the equator, are bounded east by the Alantic ? What large island south of Pata- gonia ? Name the divisions of South America, beginning at the north ? NEW-GRANADA. How is New-Granada bounded ? What is the capital, and how situated? In what direction does the River Magdalena flow, and where does it empty ? What large tributary has it ' 114 PART SECOND. What city near its mouth ? What town, north-east of Cartha- gena on the coast ? How is Popayan situated ? Honda ? Pasto ? How are Aspinwall and Panama situated ? What town a little south-west of Aspinwall ? Chagres. Where is the Bay of Choco ? What gulf or bay on the north-west ? What bay on the west ? What two rivers rise in New-Granada and empty into the Orinoco ? What mountains extend along the western coast ? What noted curiosity in New-Granada ? The cataract of Tequendama, in the river Bogota, fiften miles from the capi- tal. Above the falls, the river is more that 400 feet wide, but is suddenly narrowed to about 40 feet, and with two leaps plunges down a precipice of 600 feet. VENEZUELA. How is Venezuela bounded ? What is the capital, and how situated ? What lake and gulf in the north-western part ? What large river runs through the centre ? What figure does the Orinoco resemble ? Where does it rise ? What island near its mouth ? What island north-east of Trinidad ? How is Merida situated? Truxillo ? Valencia? Laguayra?* Which is the northern cape ? Where is Maracaybo ? Cumana ? Esmar- alda? What river connects the Orinoco with the Negro? For what is Lake Maracaybo noted ? Its waters are fresh, except when the north wind prevails. What island belongs to Vene- zuela 1 Margarita. What island east of Margarita? What island west? For what is Caraccas noted? In 1812 it was destroyed by an earthquake, and 12.000 persons were buried beneath its ruins. It has been rebuilt, and contains nearly its former population, viz. : 40,000. EQUADOR. How is Equador bounded ? What is the capital, and how situated ? For what is Quitof noted ? It is one of the finest cities in the world, is 95,000 feet above the level of the sea, and • La-gwi-ra. t Kee-to. PERU. 115 is surrounded by noted volcanic mountains. What gulf south- west of Equador ? What river, in part, forms the southern boundary ? Where is Cotopaxi ? Mount Chimborazo ? What island in the Gulf of Guaya "-nil ?* Puno. How is the town of Guayaquil situated? What cape in the north-western part? Francisco. What degree of latitude crosses the northern part of Equador ? What course does the River Putumayo flow, and where does it empty ? Q. What were Granada, Venezuela and Equador formerly called ? A. The republic of Columbia. In 1831 the union was dissolved, and each' formed a 'separate govern ment. GUIANA. How is Guiana bounded ? To what three nations does it belong ? What are its capitals ? How is Dutch Guiana situated with regard to British and French ? What river separates Dutch from French Guiana? What river in Dutch Guiana? What river in British Guiana? What mountains form the southern boundary of Guiana? Acaray. What town situated near the mouth of the Essequibo River? What river forms the eastern boundary of French Guiana? In what direction does the coast of Guiana run ? What is the general direction of the rivers ? Which extends farther south. Guiana or Venezuela? PERU. How is Peru bounded ? What is the capital, and how situ- ated ? Through what part of Peru do the Andes pass ? Is Lima, norfh or south of Truxillo 1 In what direction is Cuzco from Guamanga ? What town a little south of Cape Blanco ? What town on the coast west of Lima? Where is Ocona ? Jaen ? Tarma ? Sarayaca ? Pasco ? For what is it noted ? It is situated about 13)000 feet above the level of the sea, and has * Gwi-a-keel. 116 PART SECOND. the most important silver mines in Peru. How is Arequipa situated ? Pisco ? For what noted ? Its brandy. Which is the most southern town of Peru ? What two rivers form part of the eastern boundary ? What town a little north-west of Arica ] What lake between Peru and Brazil 1 Where is Guancavelica 1 For what celebrated 1 Its mines of quicksilver. What islands on the coast ? Lobos. For what are these islands noted 1 For in- exhaustible quantities of guano. BRAZIL. How is Brazil bounded ? What is the capital, and how situ- ated 1 What large river in the northern part ? What town situated near the mouth of the Amazon 1 In what latitude is it ? What large island at the mouth ? Name the three principal tribu- taries of the Amazon from the south 1 Name two from the north 1 By what name was the Amazon originally known ? Maranon. What large river flows into the Atlantic near the tenth degree of south latitude ? Is Pernambuco, north or south of Cape St. Roque? Where is Natal? What is the most northern cape of Brazil? What town, on an island, at the mouth of the Marauham River ? Which is nearer the equator, Para or Maranham ? In what part of Brazil are the Geral Mountains ? The Brazilian Moun- tains ? Where is Cape North ? Where is St. Paul, or San Paulo ? Island of St. Catharine ? Lake Palos ? Lake Mirira ? Which is farther north, the island of St. Sebastian or St. Catha- rine ? How is Para situated ? Porto Seguro ? Espiritu Santo, or Victoria'? Bahia, or St. Salvador? Parnaiba ? What two towns on the coast, between Parnaiba and Cape St. Roque ? Where is Villa Bella ? Cuyaba ? What course does the Rio Grande flow, and where does it empty ? The Parnaiba 1 The Topajos 1 Where is the Bay of All-Saints ? Lake Oberava, or Xarayes 1 Cape Frio ? How many divisions of South America border on Brazil ? Name them 1 BOLIVIA. How is Bolivia bounded 1 What is the capital, and how situ- ated ? What noted desert in the south-western part ? What mountains in the western part 1 How is Potosi situated 1 BUENOS AYRES. 117 Which town is nearer the Pacific, Potosi or La Paz ? Where is New-Coimbra ? Oruro ? Tarija 1 What is the course of the river Beni, and where does it empty ? The river Blanco ? The Pilcomayo ? What river, in part, forms the eastern boundary ? What, in part, the western ? What lake between Bolivia and Peru ? What lake on the eastern boundary ? Where is Mount Sorata ? For what is it noted ? It is the highest peak of the Andes. How high is it ? What degree of latitude forms the northern boundary of Bolivia ? What seaport on the coast ? CHILI. How is Chili bounded ? What is the capital, and how situ- ated ? Which extends farther north, Chili or Buenos Ayres ? Which is the most southern seaport town in ChiJi ? How is Conception situated ? What seaport .town a little north-west of the capital? Where is Copiapo ? What town on the coast next south of Copiapo ? How is Coquimbo situated ? What part of Chili do the Aricaunian Indians inhabit ? What island on the south, belonging to Chili'? What islands west? For what are these islands noted ? The most eastern of the group was, for several years, the solitary residence of Alexander Selkirk. a Scotch sailor, whose adventures are supposed to have given rise to the popular story of Robinson Crusoe. What town on the island of Chiloe ? What mountains from the western bound- ary line of Chili? What islands north of Juan Fernandez? What remarkable summit of the Andes in Chili ? Mt. Chilian. BUENOS AYRES. How is Buenos Ayres bounded ? W T hat is the capital, and how situated ? By what other name is thi3 division sometimes called ? Argentine Republic. What two rivers, when united, form the La Plata ? What is the general course of the Para- guay ? What river, in part, forms the southern boundary of Buenos Ayres ? What two, in part, form the eastern boundary ? What is the general course of the Pilcomayo, and where does it empty ? The Colorado ? The Saladillo ? The Salado ? Tha 118 * PART SECOXD. Dulce ? The Vermejo ? Where is Lake Bevedero ? What lake north-west of Bevedero ? Silver. What lake north-east ? Porongos, or Salt Lake. What mountains in the south-eastern pari ? Vulcan. How is Santa Fe situated ? San Luis'? Salta ? La Rioja ? Santiago ? Tucuman ? ( Where is Blancu Bay ? Cape Corientes ? How is the town of Corientes situated ? Where is Cape St. Antonio ? Which is farther north, Catamarca, or Cordova ? Mendoza, or San Juan ? PARAGUAY. How is Paraguay bounded ? What is the capital, and how situated ? What town south-east of Assumption ? Villa Rica. What town north-east % Curuguaty. What river, in part, forms the southern and eastern boundary % What river in the west- ern? What town on the Payaguay, south of the capital? Neembuca. Which extends farther west, Paraguay or Uruguay ? URUGUAY. How is Uruguay bounded ? What is the capital, and how situated? What river forms the western boundaiy? What river runs through 1 he centre ? What town on the coast, east of the capital ? What cape east of Maldonado ? St. Maria. What lake east of Uuruguay ? PATAGONIA. How is Patagonia bounded ? Why has it no capital ? What river on the north? What mountains on the west ? Where is the Gulf of San Antonio, or St. Mathias Bay ? Wellington Island ? Gulf of Penas ? St. George's Bay ? Terra del Fuego ? What separates Terra del Fuego from Patagonia ? What strait between Terra del Fuego and Staten Land? Where is the peninsula of St. Joseph ? Cape Blanco? Gulf of Trinidad? South of Wellington Island. What Archipelago south of it ? Where is the peninsula of Tres Montes ? What cluster of islands south-east of Patagonia ? What noted cape south of Terra del Fuego ? SOUTH AMERICA. 119 REVIEW OF SOUTH AMERICA. 1 . Where are the following towns ? Santiago ? San Paulo, or St. Paul ? Salta ? Valparaiso ? Lima ? Buenos Ayres ? Rio Janeiro ? Caraccas ? Potosi 1 Paramaribo? Truxillo? (2.) Pernambuco ? Panama? Quito? Coquimbo ? La Paz ? Assumption ? Carthagena ? Valdivia ? Payta ? Bogota ? Cayenne ? Corientes ? Santa Martha ? Cordova ? Cuzco ? La Guayra ? Georgetown 1 Callao ? Espiritu Santo ? New-Amsterdam ? Para ? St. Salvador, or Bahia ? 2. Where are the following rivers, what course do they run, and where do they empty ? Amazon? Maroni ? Cauca? Orinoco? Salado? Magda- leua ? Paraguay ? Tocantins ? San Francisco ? Madeira ? Ver- mejo? Negra? (3.) Blanco? Colorado? Rio Grande ? Sala- dillo ? Ucayale ? Topajos ? Parana ? Puras ? Surinam ? Uru- guay ? Pilcomayo ? 3. Where are the following islands ? Falkland ? Tobago ? Chiloe ? Joannes ? St. Felix \ Trinidad ? St. Catharine ? Staten Land ? Wellington ? Margarita ? Terra €el Fuego ? Juan Fernandez ? Quibo ? St. Sebastian ? Mas a Fuero ? 4. Where are the following capes ? Gallinas ; or Vela ? Frio ? St. Antonio ? Orange ? Corientes * North? St. Roque? Blanco? (2.) 5. Where are the following mountains ? Andes ? Geral ? Acaray ? Cotopaxi ? Mount Chilian ? Chim- borazo ? Sorata ? Brazilian ? Vulcan ? 6. Where are the following bays, gulfs, or lakes ? Panama ? St. Mathias. or Gulf of San Antonio ? All-Saints ? 120 PART SECOND. Choco ? St. George's ? Blanco ? Gulf of Trinidad ? Venezuela ? Guayaquil % Penas ? Darien ? Titicaca ? Salt, or Porongos % Mirim? Palos? Maracaybo ? Bevedero? Silver? 7. Where are the following towns ? Copiapo ? Tucuman ? Maranham ? Santa Fe ? Cumana ? Porto Seguro? Arica? Montevideo? Guamanga ? Arequipa? Villa Rica ? Popayan ? Aspinwall ? Parnaiba ? Valencia ? Panama ? Pisco ? Honda ? Natal ? Guayaquil ? La Rioja ? Jaen? Pasco? Villa Bella? Merida? Maracaybo? 8. Where are the following rivers, what course do they run, and where do they empty ? Para ? Port Desire ? Javary ? Essequibo ? Dulce ? Beni l Araguay? Santa Cruz? Mamore Xingua ? 9. Where are the following places ? Strait of Magellan ? Desert of Atacama ? Peninsula of Tres Montes ? Isthmus of Darien ? Peninsula of St. Joseph's ? Strait of Le Maire ? EUROPE. How is Europe bounded ? Q. For what is Europe distinguished ? A. Though the smallest of the grand divisions, it excels all the others, in the cultivation of the soil, the advanced state of the arts and sciences, the variety ancf* perfection of its manufactures, its vast commerce and immense wealth. Which has the greater number of inhabitants, Europe or South America ? How is Europe separated from Africa ? What two seas between Europe and Asia ? In what degree of latitude is the most northern point of Europe ? Name the different countries of Europe ? Name the ten seas in and around Europe ? Which is the largest ? Which the smallest ? What two divisions form a peninsula in the south-western part ? What mountains between Europe and Asia on the east ? On the south-east ? Which is the largest bay ? The largest gulf? The most noted strait ? ENGLAND. 121 UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. Q. What does this kingdom comprise ? A. England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales. Q. Of what does it consist ?- A. Great Britain and Ireland, commonly called the British Isles. Q. What do its possessions embrace ? A. Colonies in Asia, Africa, America, and Oceanica. .These, with the European part, form the British Empire. Q. How does this Empire compare with others in the number of inhabitants ? A. Excepting the Chinese, the British Empire em- braces the greatest number of people under the control of one sovereign. ENGLAND. (See Map of the British Isles.) How is England bounded ? What is the capital, and how situated? How, far from the sea? Sixty miles. What three channels around England ? Describe the situation of each ? What strait between Dover arid Calais ? Where is LandVEnd ? What islands south-west of it ? What direction is it from Lon- don to Oxford ? To Cambridge 1 For what are Oxford and Cambridge noted ? For their universities. How are Newcastle and Carlisle situated ! For what is Newcastle noted ? For its coal trade. On a branch of what river is the city of York ? For what noted ? Its cathedral. What course does the Severn run. and where does it empty ? The Thames ? The Avon ? The Humber ? What island south-west of Portsmouth ? What town on the Isle of Wight ? What two towns are situated on the Avon which empties into the Bristol channel ? Br., Ba. For what noted ? Bristol, for its charitable institutions and hot wells, 122 PART SECOND. and Bath, for its mineral waters. In what sea are the islands of Man and Anglesea ? What town on the Isle of Man ? In what part of England is Durham ? Peterborough ? Yarmouth ? At the mouth of «what river is Yarmouth situated ? In what direc- tion does the Mersey flow, and where does it empty ? What large city near its mouth ? For what noted ? It is next to Lon- don in commerce. What large city east of Liverpool? For what noted ? Its extensive cotton manufactories. What direction is it from Manchester to Leeds'? What towns are noted for woolen goods ? Leeds, Bradford, Norwich and Halifax. How can you sail from London to Liverpool ? In what part is Buck- ingham ? Falmouth i Litchfield? Norwich? Sheffield? For what is Sheffield noted ? Its cutlery. On what river are Newark and Nottingham? In what part are Winchester and Southampton? On what river are Windsor and Reading? Gloucester and Worcester? For what is Windsor noted? For its castle, one of the royal residences. What direction is it from Oxford to Shrewsbury ? From Chester to Canterbury ? From Birmingham to Salisbury ? For what is Birmingham noted ? For hardware. What river forms in part, the northern boundary? What hills between England and Scotland? Cheviot. Where is the river Ribble ? Lizard Point? The Blackwater River ? Morecambe Bay ? The Eddystone Light House ? Lundy Island ? The river Dee ? Trie Wash ? In what part is Plymouth ? Portsmouth ? Chatham ? For what are these three towns noted ? They are great naval stations. What extensive work of art at Plymouth ? The breakwater, which is about one mile long. Four million tons of stone were used in building it. Where. is Greenwich ? For what noted ? For its naval hospital for infirm seamen, and its observatory from which longitude is reckoned. SCOTLAND. How is Scotland bounded ? Wliat is the capital, and how situated ? In what direction is Glasgow from Edinburgh ? Name seven Firths around Scotland ? Which one is on the north ? Which one is on the south ? What cluster of islands IRELAKD. 128 north of Scotland? What cluster north-west? What cluster north- east of the Orkney Isles ? Sh. Where are Rum and Canna islands ? Jura and Islay ? On what Firth is Inverness ? Dor- noch ? Greenock ? Dundee ? Dunfermline % Where are the Grampian Hills ? Which is the more northerly, Selkirk or Ber- wick ? Dunbar or Paisley 1 For what is Paisley noted ? For fine cotton. How is Perth situated ? Stirling? Ayr? What direction is it from Kilmarnock to St. Andrews ? From the Isle of Skye to Sunday Island ? From Kelso to Aberdeen ? At the mouth of what river is Aberdeen situated ? What town at the mouth of the Tweed ? How is Thurso situated ? Kilmarnock ? Port Patrick? Stonehaven? Kelso? Mull Island? What direction is it from Dumfries to Perth ? From Inverness to Peterhead ? From Montrose to Cromarty ? Where is Cape Wrath ? Campbelltown ? Clyde River ? Arran Island ? Loch Ness? Ben Nevis? What is its height? What does Ben signify ? Mountain, How can you sail from Greenock to Lon- don ? From Edinburgh to Cromarty ? Where is the Caledonian Canal ? What channel between Scotland and Ireland ? Which are the largest lakes in Scotland ? Loch Tay, Loch Lomond and Loch Ness. Where is StarTa Island, and for what noted ? East of Mull, and contains the magnificent curiosity called FingaPs Cave. Where is Gretna Green 1 In the southern part. For what is it noted ? As a place to which fugitive lovers from England resort for marriage. IRELAND. How is Ireland bounded ? What is the capital, and how situated ? By what other names is Ireland sometimes called ? The Emerald Isle, and Green Eiin, from its beautiful and con- tinued verdure. In what part is Cork ? Waterford ? Belfast ? What direction is it from Cork to Kilkenny ? From London- derry to Newry ? For what is Kilkenny noted ? For its white, and black marble. On what river is Limerick? Carlow? The Barrow. On what bay is Sligo situated ? Gaiway ? Where is Ennis ? Kinsale ? Wexford? Bantry Bay ? Cape Clear? Boyne River ? Dingle Bay ? At the mouth of what bay are the isles of Arran ? Where is Lake Fovle 1 Lake 124 PART SECOND. Corrib ? How is Tipperary situated ? Youghal ? Where is Cansore Point ? Cork Harbor ? What bay on the north- west ? Where is Lough Neagh ? What is the meaning, of the term lough? Lake, or inlet. On what bay is Dundalk ? D. What sea east of Ireland? What channel between Ireland and Wales? Which extends farther north, Ireland or England? How can you sail from Dublin to Edinburgh? In what latitude is Cavan ? What direction is it from Carlow to Wicklow ? Where is the Giant's Causeway ? In the northern part. WALES. How is Wales bounded ? Has it any capital ? Q. How is this country governed ? A. Previous to 1283 it was governed by its own kings ; but since that time it has been united to Eng- land, and the oldest son of the sovereign of England is styled the Prince of Wales. What island north-west of Wales ? What bay west ? What channel south ? On what island is Beaumaris ? Where is Holyhead ? What strait separates Anglesea from Wales ? Menai. How is Pembroke situated? Cardiff'? Holywell'? What mountain in the northern part ? What is the meaning of Snowdon? Snowbill. What direction is it from Montgomery to Cardigan? To Caernarvon? Where is the Wye River? Milford Haven? Merfhyr-Tydvil ? For what noted 7 It is the largest town in Wales. REVIEW OF THE BRITISH ISLES. 1. Where are the following towns ? . * London? Edinburgh? Cork? Dublin? Litchfield? Perth? Dundalk? Oxford? Montgomery ? Aberdeen? Chester? Pem- broke? Stirling? Canterbury? Chatham? Paisley? Sheffield? Holyhead? Yarmouth? Galway? Bristol? Cardiff? Green- wich? Durham? Greenock? Tipperary*? Plymouth ? Bath? Holywell ? Youghal ? Douglass ? Selkirk ? Liverpool ? Cavan ? NORWAY AND SWEDEN. 125 Cardigan? Carlow? Shrewsbury? Newark? Caernarvon? Fal- mouth] Wrcklow ? Londonderry? Dunfermline? Reading? Kilkenny? Gloucester? Waterford? Dunbar? Newry ? Wor- cester? Sligo? Buckingham? Kilmarnock? Belfast? Leeds? Ayr? Dundee? Wexford? Peterborough? Campbelltown ? Salisbury? Kelso? Kilmarnock? Berwick? 2. Where are the following rivers, what course do they run, and where do they empty ? Thames? Shannon? Clyde? Wye? Severn? Trent? Boyne ? Humber? Tweed? Avon? Mersey? Dee? Black- water ? Yare ? 3. Where are the following bays, channels and capes ? Cardigan Bay 1 Galway ? Bantry? Sligo ? Dingle? Caernar- von ? English Channel ? North ? Bristol ? St. George's ? Cape Clear ? Wrath ? Land' s-End ? Carnsore Point ? Lizard Point ? 4. Where are the following islands, mountains, hills ? &c. Shetland? Hebrides, or Western? Tsle of Man? Isles of Arran ? Scilly Isles ? Anglesea ? Islay? Isle of Wight? Jura? Canna? Lundy? Rum? Mull? Mount Snowdon ? Ben Nevis ? Cheviot Hills? Grampian Hills ? Giant's Causeway ? Caledo- nian Canal ? M il ford- Haven ? NORWAY AND SWEDEN. (Map of Europe.) Q. What do Sweden and Norway form ? A. A vast peninsula, under the control of the same sovereign. It was anciently called Scandinavia. What bodies of water around this peninsula ? What is the width of the isthmus that connects it. with Russia? 200 miles. What mountains between Sweden and Norway ? When were these two countries united into one kingdom ? In 1814. Have they the same laws ? , They have not. Each has its own laws and its own legislature. 126 PART SECOND. NORWAY. How is Norway bounded ? What is the capital, and how situated? What islands on the coast? What cape at the southern extremity ? What does Naze mean ? The nose. What town situated on the Skager Rack ? Christiansand. What other town nearly of the same name in latitude 60° ? What is the principal river in Norway ? How is Drontheim situated ? What remarkable whirlpool on the coast ? What is the meaning of Maelstrom ? Grinding Stream. It is heard at a great distance, and is so violent that every thing coming near it, is drawn in and destroyed. How is Bergen situated ? How could you sail from Bergen to Stockholm ? Which is the most northern cape 1 What town on an island south-west of North Cape ? For what noted ? It is the most northern town in Europe. * » SWEDEN. How is Sweden bounded ? What is the capital ? How is it situated ? On seven rocky islands, in the strait, which connects Lake Malar with the Baltic. What two lakes south-west of Malar ? Which is the larger 1 What town on the Categat ? How is Carlscrona situated ? For what noted ? It is the station of the Swedish Navy. What river empties into the northern part of lake Wener ? C. What town at its mouth? Carlstadt. Where is Upsal % For what noted ? Its university. What island in the Gulf of Bothnia, nearly east of Upsal ? Where is Fahlun ? For what noted? Its copper mines. What river forms the boundary line between Sweden and Russia? What is the general direction of the rivers of Sweden 1 ? Where isCalmar? What two islands east of it ? How is Umea situated ? Sunds- wall? LAPLAND. What does Lapland comprise? A. The northern parts of Norway, Sweden and Russia. RUSSIA IN EUROPE. 127 Q. To whom does it belong ? A. Nominally to Sweden and Russia ; but owing to the poverty of the country, the inhabitants are not subjected to any control. What is the largest town, and how situated ? T. What town in the northern part near the Arctic Ocean ? What lake west of it ? Where is Uleaborg ? What is its latitude ? RUSSIAN EMPIRE. Q. What does the Russian Empire comprise ? A. About one-half of Europe, nearly a third of Asia, and a portion of North America. It embraces about one-seventh of the land surface of the earth. What part of Europe belongs to Russia ? Of Asia 1 Of North America ? In what direction is it longest 1 What is the Emperor called ? Czar, and sometimes Autocrat, What part of the Russian Empire extends farthest north ?- What part farthest south ? (See Map of the World.) RUSSIA IN EUROPE. How is Russia bounded ? What is the capital, and how situ- ated 1 In what part is Moscow ? What curiosity at Moscow 1 An enormous bell weighing nearly 200 tons. It is the largest in the world, and has never been removed from the pit in which it was cast. It is 67 feet in circumference and 19 feet high. What two large lakes north-east of the Gulf of Finland 1 Which is the larger ? What mountains separate European from Asiatic Russia? What river empties into the sea of Azof? What three empty "into the northern part of the Black Sea? What town stands near the mouth of the Dnieper 1 What two gulfs on the eastern part of the Baltic ? Which one has a town situated on it, of the same name with the gulf ? At the mouth of what river is Riga 1 Where is Lake Peipus, or Tchoudsko 1 What lake east of it ? What town on lake Ilmen 1 How is Viborg 128 PART SECOND. situated ? Abo ? Cronstadt ? For what noted ? It is the chief station of the Russian Navy. How is Archangel situated ? For what noted ? It is the most northern seaport in Europe. Where is Olonetz ? Between what two lakes is it situated ? What town south-west of Riga? On what peninsula is Sevastopol? Crimea. For what noted? It is the chief station of the Russian fleets in the Black Sea. Where does the river Niemen empty ? How is Wilna situated ? Where does the Dniester empty? The Bog? The Bug? How is Odessa situated ? Where does the Onega empty ? What town at its mouth? What two islands in the Baltic belonging to Russia ? Dago and Oesel. How is Revel situated ? Kiev ? Astracan ? Mezene ? What river, in part, forms the south- eastern boundary ? What is the general direction of the Don, and where does it empty? The Dwina? How could you sail from St. Petersburgh to Archangel ? "^Vhere is the river Donetz ? What mountains form, in part, the southern boundary? Where is Toula, or Tula % For what noted ? Its great manufactory of fire-arms. Where is Poland ? What was it formerly, and what is it now ? It was once a powerful kingdom ; but in 1795, by an act of the grossest injustice, it was divided between Russia, Austria and Prussia. In 1831 it was incorporated with Russia, and has since formed a part of that mighty empire. On what river is Warsaw ? Where is Lublin ? How long is the Gulf of' Bothnia ? Where is the White Sea? How long is it ? Where is Smolensk? What direction is it from Moscow to Poltava? To Wilna ? To Orenburg ? DENMARK. How is Denmark bounded ? What is the capital, and how situated ? Q. Of what does Denmark consist ? A. The peninsula of Jutland, and the islands of Zea- land and Funen, with the duchies of Holstein and Lauenburg. In what part is Altona ? What canal connects the Baltic with the North Sea ? Keil. What part of Denmark is called TURKEY IN EUROPE. 129 Jutland'? What strait between Zealand and Sweden? The Sound. Between Zealand and Funen ? The Great Belt. Be- tween Funen and Jutland ? The Little Belt. What strait separates Jutland from Sweden ? Jutland from Norway ? Where are the Faroe Islands ? To whom do they belong ? How is Elsinore situated? For what noted? Here all the ships that trade in the Baltic pay a heavy toll to the Danish government. Where is Lubec ? What is it ? A free city. On what river is Hamburg? For what noted? Its extensive commerce. It is one of the free cities. What other towns in Denmark ? Flens- burg, Sieswick and Kiel. TURKEY, OR THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE. What does the Ottoman Empire comprise ? A. Two great divisions. Turkey in Europe, and Turkey in Asia. Which is the larger division ? What is the capital ? How is it situated ? Which extends farther north, Turkey in Europe, or Turkey in Asia ? TURKEY IN EUROPE. How is Turkey in Europe bounded ? What is the principal river? What countries border on Turkey? What bodies of water? Which is the largest city? What is the name of the strait between the sea of Marmora and the Archipelago? In what direction is Adrianople from Constantinople ? Is Bucharest north or south of the Danube ? Near the junction of what two rivers is Belgrade ? On what river is Widin ? In what part is Jassy ? How is Silistria situated ? Larissa ? Varna ? What town between Varna and the Danube ? Sh. Where is Salonica ? Scutari ? What town near the boundary line, between Turkey and Greece ? Arta. Where is the island of Corfu ? What town east of it? What strait between Turkey and Italy? What river between Turkey and Russia ? In what part of Turkey is Sophia? How is Gallipoli situated ? Ibralia? How wide and how long is the Bosphorus? About one mile wide and seven* 180 PABT SECOND. teen miles long. How long is the Dardanelles ? About forty miles. What is the latitude of Constantinople? What moun- tains in Turkey ? GREECE. How is Greece bounded ? What is the capital, and how situated ? For what is Greece distinguished ? A. For having excelled all other countries in learn- ing and the arts more than two thousand years ago. In what part is Morea? S. On which side of Greece is Athens ? How is Napoli situated ? Missolonghi ? What town on the southwestern side of Morea ? Na. What cape at the southern extremity of Greece ? What large island south of Milo ? What town on it ? What mount on this island ? Mount Ida, famous in mythology as the birth-place and residence of Jupiter. What long island north-east of Greece ? N. What strait separates it from Greece ? Epirus. What island east of Negropont, near the coast of Asia Minor ? For what noted ? For the dreadful massacre of its inhabitants by the Turks, in 1822. What island south-east of Scio ? Samos. For what noted ? It was the birth- place of Pythagoras. What three large islands north-west of Greece? St. M., Ce , Za. What large gulf near the centre of Greece ? Lepanto. W T hat gulf between Cepha'onia and the Gulf of Lepanto? Patras. What gulf in the north-western part of Greece ? Arta. How is Corinth situated ? iNavarino ? What is the northern portion of Greece called? Hellas. What are the chief towns in Hellas ? Lividia/ Thebes and Lepanto. What town on the island of Cerigo ? Kapseli. What islands does the Ionian Republic comprise ? Corfu, Cephalonia, Zante, St. Maura, Paxu, Ithaca and Cerigo, which lie chiefly on the west side of Greece. On which of these, is the seat of govern- ment ? Corfu. PORTUGAL. " How is Portugal bounded ? W T hat is the capital, and how situated? At the mouth of what river is Oporto? What river forms part of the northern boundary ? What town north of SPAIN. 131 Oporto ? Braga. How is Coimbra situated ? On what river 1 The Mondego. For what noted ? It contains the only university in Portugal. Where is Evora ? What town a little north-east of Evora? Elvas. For what noted ? It is the chief fortress of the kingdom. What town south of Lisbon ? For what noted ? Its salt works. What are the three principal rivers of Portugal ? What mountains K What cape at the south-western extremity ? What town near Cape St. Vincent ? What cape in the southern part ? St. Maria. What town near it? Faro. SPAIN. How is Spain bounded ? What is the capital, and how situ- ated ? What river flows into the Atlantic, between the strait of Gibraltar and Portugal 1 What city at its mouth ? On what island is Cadiz situated ? Leon. For what noted? It is the centre of trade for America and the West Indies. What two rivers rise in Spain, flow through Portugal and empty into the Atlantic Ocean ? What two capes in the north-western part ? What range of mountains runs parallel with the Bay of Biscay ? What range forms the boundary between Spain and France ? What range between the Duero an J the Tagus ? Mountains of Castile. Between the Tagus and the Guadiana 1 Between the Guadiana and the Guadalquiver ? Between the Guadal- quiver and the Mediterranean Sea ? What cape between Cadiz and Gibraltar 1 What large river empties into the Mediterranean ? What strait between Spain and Africa] How is Seville situated ? Granada ? Cordova ? What were these cities formerly ? Moorish capitals. What town on the coast between the Guadiana and the Guadalquiver ] Palos. For what noted % It was the port from which Columbus sailed on his voy- age of discovery to the New World. In what part of Spain is Barcelona ? Valencia] For what noted? For its silks. Where is Toledo ? For what noted ? Its sword blades. Where is Salamanca ? For what noted ? Its university. Where is Almaden ? For what noted ? Its quicksilver mines. Where is Carthagena ? What cape east of Carthagena ? Where is Malaga ? What three islands in the Mediterranean, east of 132 PART SECOND. Spain ? Which is nearest Spain ? Which is largest ? What town on Majorca % On which island is Port Mahon ? Min. What are these three islands called ? The Balearic Isles. On what river is Saragossa ? Valladolid ? Badajos ? Pamplona ? St. Sebastian ? What two towns between capes Ortegal and Finisterre ? Where is Bilboa? Santiago, or St. Jago de Com- ■postella ? What direction is it from Santander to Tortcsa ? From Salamanca to Marcia ? From Alicant to Segovia ? From Leon to Burgos ? From Jaen to Montserrat ? N. E. How high is Montserrat ? About 4.000 feet. How could you sail from Madrid to Constantinople ? FRANCE. How is France bounded ? What is the capital, and how situated? What town is situated at the mouth of the Seine? What town between Havre and Paris ? For what is Rouen noted ? For its manufacture of cotton, woolen and linen. It is called the Manchester of France. Where do the Loire and Garonne empty ? In what direction does each flow ? What town situated near the mouth of the Loire ? What other two important towns on the Loire ? T. and O. Foy what is Orleans noted ? For the exploits of Joan of Arc. On what river is Lyons ? For "what noted ? For its silk manufactures. Where is Marseilles ? Bordeaux ? For what noted ? For its wines. Where is Strasburg ? Toulon ? Brest ? In what direction from Brest is L'Orient ? In what part of France is- Clermont? In what direction from Clermont is St. Etienne ? South- east. For what is St. Etienne noted ? Its hardware and cutlery. It is called the Birmingham of France. W 7 here is Calais ? Metz ? In what direction from Versailles is Lille or Lisle ? Where is Dijon ? In what direction from Dijon is Nancy? Where is Rochfort? What island west of Rochfort ? What town north of Rochfort ? What island west of Rochelle ? Re or Rhe. Where is Belleisle ? What island west of Brest ? Ushant. Where does the Rhone empty ? In what part is the Languedoc Canal ? S. What town on the Ga- ronne where the canal joins it ? T. Where is Caen ? Amiens ? How could you sail from Paris to Lyons? From Angers to ITALY. 133 London? What three islands near the northern coast of France belong to Great Britain'? Al., Gu., Je. What mountains in Fiance ? How wide is the Isthmus which con- nects the peninsula of Spain and Portugal with France 1 200 miles. ITALY. How is Italy bounded 1 What is the capital, and how situ- ated % Q. What does Italy comprise? A. The kingdoms of Sardinia, Naples, and of Lom- bardy and. Venice, the states of the Church, the Grand Duchy of Tuscany, the Duchies of Parma and Mo- dena, and the little states of Monaca and San Marino. In what part of Italy is the Kingdom of Sardinia* What island does it include ? Sardinia. What is its capital 1 What celebrated mountains in Sardinia ? How high is Mont Blanc ? 15,668 feet. On what gulf is Genoa ? For what noted \ It was the birth-place of Columbus, is the chief seaport of Sar- dinia, and is sumamed the " Superb/' What town on the Mediterranean south-west of Genoa ? What is Monaco % It is a small town, the capital of the principality of Monaco, under the protection of Sardinia. What town west of Monaco, in the south-western corner of Sardinia 1 What lake between Sar- dinia and Lomhardy 1 Maggiore. What strait separates the island of Sardinia from Corsica 1 What town situated in the southern part, on a gulf of the same name ? C. What cape at the southern extremity 1 In what part of the island is Sassari 1 Oristano] W. In what part are Lomhardy and Venice, or Austrian Italy ? How is this kingdom situated ? Between the river Po and the Alps. In what part is Venice ? What is the capital, and how situated'? What noted building at Milan? The cathedral, which is said to be the finest specimen of gothic architecture in existence. It is adorned with 5.000 statues. How is Venice 134 PA"RT SECOND. - situated ? At the head of the Gulf of Venice, on 72 islands joined together by 306 bridges. They have canals instead of streets, and boats or gondolas instead of carriages. Where is Padua? For what noted] Its university. Where is Verona ? Trent ? On what river ? The Adige. What constitutes the Kingdom of Naples, or the Two Sicilies? The southern part of Italy, the island of Sicily, and the Lipari Isles. What is the capital, and how situated ? Near the base of what noted volcano? How high is Mount Vesuvius ? 3.948 feet. What strait separates Italy from Turkey } What strait between Sicily and Italy ? What gulf in the south of Italy 1 What mountains extend through. Italy ? What noted volcano on the island of Sicily ? How high is Mount Etna ? 10.874 feet. What town next south of Mount. Etna? Catania. What town south of Catania? S. How is Palermo situated ? Messina ? What cape south of Sicily ? What islands north of Sicily ? What noted volcano on one of these islands ? Stromboli. It is constantly burning, and may be seen 100 miles distant at night. It is called the Light-house of the Mediterranean. For what is the largest of this group noted ? It consists entirely of pumice stone. What noted island south of Sicily ? What is the capital ? V. To what government does the island belong? G. B. What small island north-west of Malta? G. In what part of Italy are the States of the Church ? What is the capital ? What noted building at Rome ? St. Peters, the largest church in the world. It was 108 years in building. How is Bologna situated ? For what noted ? Ft contains the oldest universit)- in Europe. On what river is Feriara situated? The Fo. Where is Ravenna? For what noted: In the 15th century it was the capital of the Western Empire. Where is Ancona ? Where is San Marino ? What is it ? It is the smallest republic in Europe, and is under the protection of the Pope. In what part of Italy is the Grand Duchy of Tuscany ? What "is its capital, and how is it situate!? 0;i what river? The HOLLAND, 135 Arno. For what noted'? It is surnamed the Beautiful, and is one of the handsomest cities in Europe. It is a distinguished seat of science and art. In what direction from Florence is Leghorn ? Lucca 1 What town between Leghorn and Lucca 1 Pisa. For what is it famous ? For the Campanile, or Leaning Tower. It is 190 feet high, and inclines 15 feet from the per- pendicular. What island between Tuscany and Corsica 1 E. For what noted ? For the residence of Napoleon Bonaparte in 1814 and 1815. In what part are the Duchies of Parma and Modena % For what is Parma noted % For its cheese. For what is Modena noted'? For its Carrara marble, the finest in the world. How is Parma bounded ? Modena ? What large island north of Sardinia ? C. To whom does it belong ? Fr. What cape on flip north? Corso. What is the most northern town ? B. What town in the southern part ? A. BELGIUM, OR FLANDERS. How is Belgium bounded ? What is the capital, and how situated ? On what river is Antwerp ? The Scheldt. For what noted 1 For its commerce, and fine gothic cathedral, the spire of which is 441 feet high. How is Ghent situated ? For what noted? It is built upon 26 islands, connected by 100 bridges. Here the treaty of peace between the United States and Great Britain, was signed in 1814. Where is Liege? Ostend? In what direction from Brussels, is Waterloo %' What is the dis- tance, and for what noted ? Is ten miles from Brussels, and is noted for the famous battle fought there in 1815. What rivers in Belgium 1 The Meuse and Scheldt. What Grand Duchy in the southern part ? HOLLAND, OR KINGDOM OF THE NETHERLANDS. How is Holland bounded 1 What is the capital, and how situated ? 136 PAET SECOND. Q. What is the face of the country ? A. It is remarkably level, and much of its surface is lower than the sea. Large dykes, or artificial banks of earth, prevent its overflow. What sea in Holland ? For what is the Zuyder-Zee noted ? It was once a lake, but in 1282, by an irruption of the ocean, it became joined with the North Sea. How is Amsterdam situ- ated ? For what noted 1 It is a place of great commerce, and is intersected by numerous canals, over which are 300 bridges. In- what direction from the Hague is Rotterdam ? Where is Breda ? In what part of Holland is Groningen 1 Utrecht ?• Leyden ? W. For what are these three towns famous 1 Their universities. What other towns of note in Holland, and for what are they noted ? Harlem, for its great organ and manu- factures ; Dort, for the Synod held there in 1618 ; and Zaandam, or Saardam, as the place where Peter the Great worked as a ship-carpenter in 1697. SWITZERLAND. How is Switzerland bounded 1 What is the capital, and how situated 1 Q. What is the face of the country % A. It is the most mountainous country in Europe. It is traversed by the Alps, and abounds in sublime scenery. Q. Of what is Switzerland composed ?- A. Twenty-two cantons, each of which is independ- ent, but for national security, all are united under the government of a general diet. These cantons are called the "Helvetic Republic." Where does the diet meet 1 Alternately at Berne, Zurich and Lucerne. What two lakes in Switzerland 1 In what part is each? What two noted rivers rise in Switzerland'? R., R. What course does each run. and where do they empty ? How KINGDOM OF PRUSSIA. 137 is Geneva situated ? For what noted 1 For its literary institu* tions, and its extensive manufactures of clocks and watches. What town in the northern part on the Rhine ? B. Where is Lausanne 1 Freiburg 1 In what direction from Zurich is Geneva 1 Constance 1 Lucerne 1 In what part of Switzer- land is Neufchatel ! E. To whom does this canton belong ? To Prussia. GERMANY. How is Germany bounded ? What is the capital, and how situated 1 Q. Where does Germany lie, and what does it comprise ? A. It lies in the centre of Europe, and comprises portions of Prussia and Austria, with the whole of Bavaria, Saxony, Hanover and Wirtemberg — twenty- nine smaller states, and four republics or free cities. Q. What do these form ? A. The Union, called the " Germanic Confedera- tion" Q. What may be said of the literary institutions of Germany ? A. They are among the most celebrated in Europe. KINGDOM OF PRUSSIA How is Prussia bounded 1 What is the capital, and how situated ? On what river is it ? The Spree. For what noted T Its literary institutions, its university, and extensive manufac- tures. Q. What does Prussia comprise ? A. Chiefly two detached sections. The western portion is on the Rhine and in the western part of Ger- many. The eastern portion embraces the north-east part of Germany, together with the provinces of Posen, West Prussia and East Prussia. How is Dantzic situated ? Konigsberg ? Stettin ? Breslau 1 Frankfort? .Magdeburg 1 Colbert? Posen? What four rivers 138 PART SECOND. run through Prussia ? What, course do they run ? Which w the most eastern 1 Which the most western ? Where is Liegnitz 1 What other important towns in Prussia ?- Hall, Potsdam, Halberstadt and Erfurt. Where is the island of Rugen ? What town situated on it ? B. EMPIRE OF AUSTRIA. How is Austria bounded ? What is the capital, and how situated '{ Q. What does Austria comprise ? A. About one-third of Germany, one-seventh of Italy, together with the whole of Hungary, Galicia, and Dalmatia. What town on the Danube next east of Vienna ? What two towns are situated opposite each other on the Danube ? Which is on the west 1 Of what division of Austria, are Buda and Pesth the capital ? Hungary. These two towns are united by bridges, and constitute really but one city. What two rivers empty into the Danube from the west % Which forms part of the boundary between Austria and Turkey ?- What large river flows into the Danube from the north ? What is the general course of the Danube through Austria 1 In what part are the Carpathian Mountains ? What large town north-east of them ? L. What town on the Theisse famous for its wine ? T. Where is Brunn ? What town north-east of it noted for the imprison- ment of Lafayette ? Where is Prague ? Of what division is Prague the capital ? Where is Gratz 1 In what direction from Gratz is Laybach 1 Zara ? Of what division is Zara the capi- tal ? Dalmatia. Where is Inspruck? Trieste? Ragusa? Cracow 1 For what is Cracow noted 1 For a mound raised in memory of Kosciusko. It is formed chiefly of earth taken from every battle-field in Poland. In what part of Austria is Hun- gary? S. E. Where is Presburg? Herman stadt? What direction is it from Hermanstadt to Laybach ? KINGDOM OF VTIRTEMBURG. 139 KINGDOM OF BAVARIA. In what part of Germany is Bavaria'? What is the capital, and how situated ? M. Q. What does this kingdom comprise ? A. Two distinct territories, situated about 40 miles apart, with Wirtemberg and Baden intervening. For what is Munich, the capital, noted? For its literary institutions, and museum of antiquities. How is Nuremberg situated ? For what noted ? Watches and globes were invented here. It is distinguished also for its toys. Name a few other important towns ? Augsburg. Ratisbon, Wurzburg and Bamberg. KINGDOM OF HANOVER. In What part is Hanover ? What is the capital, and how situated ? Hanover, on the Leine, a branch of the Weser. How is Gottingen situated ? For what noted ? Its university. Where is Emden ? Name a few other important towns? Lunenburg, Hildesheim, and Osnaburg. What mountains in Hanover ? Hartz. What mining town in the Hartz Mountains ? Klausthal. KINGDOM OF SAXONY, In what part of Germany is Saxony ? What is the capital, and how situated ? D. For what noted ? For its public build- ings, libraries, and galleries of paintings. It is called the Ger- man Florence. How is Leipsic situated ? For what noted ? For its university and its great fairs, at which immense quantities of books are sold. It is the centre of commerce, n^t only for Saxony, but for all Germany. Where is Freiberg ? Name other towns in Saxony ? Chemnitz, and Meissen. KINGDOM OF WIRTEMBERG, OR WURTEMBURG. In what part of Germany i3 Wirtemberg ? What is the capital, and how situated • For what noted ? It contains the 140 PABT SECOND. royal library, numbering 200,000 volumes. How is Ulm situ- ated ? For what noted ? Its cathedral. What other important towns in this kingdom 1 Reutlingen, Tublingen, Ludwigsburg, and Halle. For what is Halle noted 1 For its salt works. SMALLER GERMAN STATES. 1. In what part is Baden ? What is the capital, and how situated 1 C. In what part is Manheim 1 Freyburg 1 2. Name the three Hesssian States? Cassel, Darmstadt, and Homburg. The capitals are the same names with the states. 3. Name the four Saxon Duchies ? Weimar-Eisenach, Coburg- Gotha, Meiningen-Hilburghausen, and Altenburg. How are they situated 1 Between Prussia and Bavaria, the Kingdom of Saxony and the Hessian States. 4. What two Grand Duchies does Mecklenburg comprise? Schwerin and Strelitz. 5. How is Oldenburg situated ? It is almost surrounded by the eastern and western portions of Hanover. What is the capital, and how situated ? Oldenburg, on the Hunte. 6. Of what does the Duchy of Brunswick consist ? Of five distinct portions, surrounded by the territories of Prussia and Hanover. What is the capital,- and how situated 1 Brunswick, on the Ocker. What other town in Brunswick, and for what noted 1 Wolfenbuttel ; it contains one of the most valuable libraries in Europe. 7. How is the Duchy of Nassau situated ? On the Rhine and the Mayne. What is the capital, and for what noted ? Wisba- den, noted for its warm springs. 8. Name the three Duchies of 1 Dessau, Brenburg and Cothen. How are they situated ? They form two separate por- tions, entirely enclosed by Prussia and Brunswick. What are the capitals ? Of the same names with the states. GERMAN STATES. 141 9. Name the two Principalities of Schwartzburg 1 Rudolstadt and Sondershausen. Their capitals are of the same names. 10. Name the two Principalities of Reuss? Greitz and Schleitz, or Lobenstein. What are the capitals 1 Greitz and Lobenstein. What is the chief town ? Gera. 11. Name the two Principalities of Lippel Detmold and Schauenburg. How are they situated 1 . One on the north, and the other on the south side of the river Weser, about ten miles apart. What are the capitals ? Buckeburg and Detmold. 12. Name the two Principalities of Hbhenzollern? Hechingen and Sigmaringen. How are they situated ? In the southern part of Wirtemberg. Capitals are of the same names. To whom do they belong ? Pr. 13. What does Waldech comprise? Two detached sections, about thirty miles apart. What is the capital ? Arolsen. What is the largest town, and for what noted 1 Pyrmont, noted for its mineral waters. 14. How is Lichtenstein. the smallest of the German principali- ties, situated 1 On the upper part of the Rhine, between Austria and Switzerland. What is the capital 1 Vadutz. 15. To whom do the Duchies ofHolsiein and Lauenburg belong? Denmark. 16. To whom do the Grand Duchy of Luxemburg and the Duchy of Limberg belong 1 Part to Belgium and part to Holland. What are the capitals ? Luxemburg and Maestricht. 17. Name the four Free cities of Germany? Hamburg, Lubec, Bremen and Frankfort. How is Hamburg situated ? Lubec ? OntheTrave. Bremen? Frankfort 1 ? OntheMayne. Where does the Germanic Diet, or Congress, meet ? F. Of whom is it composed? German princes. Who is always president of the Diet 1 The Emperor of Austria. 142 PART SECOND. REVIEW OF THE MAP OF EUROPE. 1. Where are the following towns? Cordova'? Manheim? Astracan ? Buda? Orleans? Cracow? Tokay? Frankfort] (2.) Seville? Wilna? Warsaw? Kiev? Lyons? Smolensk? Tortosa ? Strasburg ? Rome? Tortsea? Cherson ? Paris ? Cologne ? Saragossa ? London ? Dresden ? Tlltn? Rouen? Riga? Nantes? Liverpool? Thorn? Grata! Liege? L'Orient ? Braga? Uleaborg ? Valencia? Geneva? Amsterdam? Belfast? Coimbra ? Navarino ? Memel ? Sophia? Elsineur ? Lubec ? Stuttgard ? Sheffield ? Malaga ? Dijon ? Oporto? Palermo? Padua? Moscow? Colberg ? Abo? Salamanca? Nice? Calais? Aberdeen? Cork? 2. Where are the following rivers, what course do they run, and where do they empty ? Vistula? Douro? Seine? Dniester? Po ? Ebro? Drave ? Tagus? Bug? Bog? Ems? Minho ? Garonne? Save? Tiber? Oka? ft. Tornea? Shannon? Guadiana? Dwina ? Pruth ? Loire? Volga? Glomma? Thames? Kama? Oder? Guadal- quiver ? Niemen ? Dahl. or Dal ? Don ? Rhone ? Danube ? Duna? Elbe? Ural? Theisse ? Rhine? Onega? Weser? Mayne ? G. Dniepe-r ? Gironde ? Petchora ? Donetz ? Mezene? 3. Where are the following lakes ? Ilmen? Wenner ? Peipus, or Tchoudsko? Constance? Wetter? Enara? Onega? Ladoga? Malar? Sw. Geneva? 4. Where are the following mountains ? Dofrafield. or Scandinavian ? Carpathian? Ural? Cantabrian? Caucasus ? Balkan ? Appenines ? Pyrenees ? Alps ? Montser- rat ? Sierra Morena ? Sierra Nevada ? Mount Etna ? Mount Hecla? Mount Vesuvius? Cevennes ? 5. Where are the following straits and channels ? EUROPE. 143 Bonifacio ? Skager Rack ? Gibraltar ? Dover ? Dardanelles ? Messina ? Cattegat ? St. George's Channel ? English Channel ? Enikale ? Otranto ? Bristol Channel ? North Channel ? Chan- nel of Constantinople, or the Bosphorus ? 6. Where are the following seas, and gulfs or bays ? The Black Sea ? Caspian ? White ? North ? Baltic ? Adriatic Sea, or Gulf of Venice"? Irish? Azov, or Azof? Archipelago? Medite#anean ? Sea of Marmora? Donegal Bay? Gulf of Bothnia? Bay of Biscay? Tcheskaya Gulf? Finland? Lyons? Riga? Zuyder-Zee? Genoa? Gulf of Onega? Taranto ? 7. Where are the following towns? Athens ? Cronstadt ? Portsmouth ? Barcelona ? Brest ? Zurich? Londonderry? S. Marino? Rheims? Ferrol? Leeds ? Scutari ? Archangel ? Leon ? Brussels ? Mont- pelier ? Glasgow ? Plymouth ? Lille, or Lisle ? Florence ? Waterford ? Ghent ? Lemberg ? Mantua ? Hermanstadt ? Milan? Sligo ? Cagliari ? Syracuse? Bordeaux? Turin? Madrid? Magdeburg? Orenburg? Presburg? Toulouse? Valladolid ? Dantzic ? Hamburg ? Belgrade ? Breslau ? Silistria? Bremen? Lisbon? Tours? Toledo? Vienna? Leipsic ? Bucharest % Onega ? Prague ? Bayonne ? Arta ? Carlscrona ? Umea ? Freyburg ? 8. Where are the following islands ? Iceland? Jersey? Samos? Oland? Corsica? Loffoden Isles ? Candia ? Elba ? Great Britain ? Anglesea ? Funen ? Majorca ? Faroe Islands ? Dago ? Isle of Man ? Sicily ? Aland ? Ivica ? Sardinia ? Malta ? Cyprus ? Lipari ? He* brides, or Western ? Scilly ? Wight ? Rhodes ? Scio ? Oesel? Negropont? Zealand? Cerigo ? Gothland? Milo? Naxio? Rugen? Corfu? Cephalonia ? Minorca? Shet- land Islands ? Orkney Isles ? Ireland ? 9. Where are the following capes ? North? (2) Naze? Land's-End ? Ortegal? Matapan? 144 PART SECOND. St. Vincent ? Passaro ? Finisterre ? Clear ? Trafalgar 1 Lizard Point ? Where is the Maelstrom ? What is it ? 10. Where are the following towns? 10. Gal way? Kola? Missolonghi ? Corunna ? Berlin? Salonica? St. Petersburg? Copenhagen? Stockholm? Toulon ? Birmingham ? Naples ? Met-z ? York ? Limer- ick ? Gibraltar ? Inverness ? Bilboa ? Messina ? Nancy ? Parma? Berne? Grenada? Genoa? Manchester ?% Edin- burgh? Burgos? LaRochelle? Marseilles? Skalholt? Corinth? Ragusa? Gottingen ? Gallipoli? Murcia ? Mu- nich ? Newcastle ? Dublin ? Alicant ? Havre ? Sles- wick ? Gotfenburg ? Viborg ? Revel ? Konigsberg ? Han- over? Napoli? Novogorod? Baunn? St. Ubes ? Bristol? Odessa? Rotterdam? Christiana? Stettin? Varna? Pesth ? Jassy ? Larissa ? Cadiz ? Adrianople ? Catania ? Bologna ? Drontheim ? Hague ? Olmutz ? Lublin ? Groningen ? Bergen ? Upsal ? Trieste ? Antwerp ? ASIA. How is Asia bounded? How many countries in Asia? Name them ? Which is the largest ? Q. For what is Asia distinguished ? A. Here our first parents were created, and here were the famous Babylonian, Assyrian and Persian empires. Here the family of Noah were savecl from the deluge ; here the Saviour lived and died ; here also the apostles first published salvation to man. TURKEY IN ASIA. How is Turkey bounded ? What is the capital, and how situated ? In what direction does the Euphrates flow, and where does it empty ? What town on the Euphrates near its mouth ? What river empties into the Euphrates ? How is Bagdad situated ? For what noted ? It was once the renowned ABABIA. 145 city of the Saracen Caliphs. On what river is Mosul? Where is Brusa ? Diarbekir 1 Trebisonde 1 Angora ? In what direction from Angora is Erzerum ? How is Smyrna situated ? In what part is Mount Ararat ? What other mountains in Tur- key ? What lake in the eastern part 1 Van. What ruins near Mosul 7 Nineveh. What ruins on the Euphrates south of Mosul ? Babylon. What islands in the Archipelago belonging to Turkey ? Rhodes, Samos, Scio and Metiin. What country between the Euphrates and the Mediterranean 1 S. * SYRIA. How is Syria bounded ? What noted city in the northern part ? A. In what part is Damascus 1 For what noted ] Its great antiquity and extensive commerce. Name the three principal seaports ? Tr., Be., Sidon, or Saida. In what part are the ruins of Baalbec ? The mountains of Lebanon ? Mount Hermon ? What ancient country in the south-western part of Syria ? P. PALESTINE. What river runs through Palestine 1 Where does it empty 1 By what other names is Palestine called ? The Holy Land, and the Land of Israel. In what part is Jerusalem ? Gaza ? Acre ? Where is Mount Carmel ? In what direction from Jerusalem is Bethlehem 1 Hebron ? Joppa 1 Where is the Mount of Olives ? Mount Pisgah ? W r hat rains near Mount Pisgah ? What lake in the northern part ? In what direction from Acre is Nazareth ? What mount near Nazareth ? Tabor. For what is Bethlehem noted? It was the birth-place of our Saviour. For what is Nazareth noted ? It was the residence of the Saviour until he entered upon his ministry. ARABIA. How is Arabia bounded ? What is the capital, and how situ- ated ? What strait south of Arabia ? How is Mocha situated ? 146 PART SECOND. For what noted ? Its excellent coffee. Where is Muscat ? Aden ? For what noted 1 It is a free port, open to the ships of all nations. In what direction from Mecca is, Medina ? What town on the Red Sea south-west of Medina ? Y. Where is Sana ? Deraia 1 \yhat mountains in the northern part of Arabia ? Ramleah. How long is the Red Sea ? „What cape at the south-eastern extremity of Arabia 1 What strait between Persia and Arabia ? Ormus. What isthmus connects Arabia with Egypt 1 What town on the isthmus at the head of the Red Sea ? What noted mountain near Suez 1 PERSIA. How is Persia bounded 1 What is the capital, and how situ- ated ? In what part is Ispahan 1 For what noted ? It was the ancient capital, and one of the most splendid cities of the east. Are there any large rivers in Persia ? What strait between the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Ormus ? What town in the north-western part 1 T. What town on the strait of Ormus ? Gombroon. Where is Shiraz ? What ruins near Shiraz ? What desert in Persia 1 What springs on the western coast of the Caspian Sea ? Naphtha, or pure rock oil, which is burned in lamps, and used as fuel. What mountains in Persia ? Elborz. AFGHANISTAN. How is Afghanistan bounded 1 What is the capital, and how situated ? C. What river in Afghanistan ? What course does it run, and where does it empty ? What mountains on the north? How is Peshawur situated? Candahar, or Kandahar? Herat 1 What country south of Afghanistan ? BELOOCHISTAN. How is Beloochistan bounded 1 What is the capital, and how situated 1 By whom is Beloochistan inhabited ? By small, independent, warlike tribes. The chief, or Khan, resides at Kelat. What town in the south-eastern part 1 Bela. What town on the coast west of Bela 1 Gwuttur. BIBEBIA. 147 CAUCASUS, OR CAUCASIAN RUSSIA. Hew is Caucasus bounded ? What does it comprise 1 The country lying between the Black and the Caspian seas. What are the principal divisions 1 Circassia and Georgia. What mountains between them ? What is the capital of Georgia ? T. On what river is Teflis ? Hur. For what noted ? Its hot baths. For what are the Georgians noted ? Their beauty. What part of Caucasus belongs to Europe % That which lies north of the Cau- casian Mountains. ASIATIC RUSSIA. Q. What does Asiatic Russia comprise ? A. Siberia, and the districts south of the Caucasus Mountains. When were these districts annexed to the Russian Empire % In 1801. What two ranges of mountains separate European from Asiatic Russia ? U. C. SIBERIA. How is Siberia bounded 1 What is the capital of Eastern Siberia and how situated 1 Ir. Of Western Siberia 1 ? Omsk, on the Iriysh. How is Tobolsk situated? By whom inhabited ? Prin- cipally by exiles from Russia and their descendants. Where is Tomsk? Yakoutsk? Ochotsk? Where is Lake Baikal ? What town south of it ? Kiachta. What is the general course of the rivers of Siberia 1 What sea in the north-western part ? What mountains on the south'? What sea in the south-western part? Where is the Gulf of Obi ? Gulf of Anadir? How is Siberia separated from America 1 Where is Lake Tchany ? Between what two rivers does it lie ? What town east of it, on the Obi ? Where is cape Chalagskoi 1 What two large islands north and west of the sea of Kara ? Where is the river Kolima and where does it empty ? The Tungooska ? The Yenisei ? The Anabara ? The Olensk 1 The Lena ? What peninsula 148 PART SECOND. in the south-eastern part 1 Where is East Cape 1 How wide is Behring's Strait ? Where is cape Lopatka ? Where are Behring ; s Islands 1 Where are the Tchantar Islands ? What mountains north-west of the sea of Okhotsk ? Stanovoy. Where is the Island of New-Siberia % What is the most northern cape ? What chain of islands south-west of cape Lopatka 1 INDEPENDENT TARTARY. How is Independent Tartary bounded ? What is the capital, and how situated % By whom is Independent Tartary inhabi- ted ? By different tribes of Tartars, the most powerful of which, are the Usbecks. How is Khiva situated ? For what noted ? It is the chief slave market in Tartary. Where is Samarcand ? Khokan ? What sea in the interior \ For what noted ? It has no outlet, and its water is salt. What mountains on the south? What lake near the eastern boundary ? What two large rivers empty into the Sea of Aral*? What course do they run ? What river forms the boundary line between Independent Tar- tary and Russia in Europe 1 What mountains between Inde- pendent Tartary and the Chinese Empire ? How long is the Aral Sea ? How long is the Caspian ? INDIA. Q. What does India comprise ?• A. Two large peninsulas, which form the southern portion of Asia, viz. : Hindostan and Farther India. Q. For what \s India noted ? A. For its immense population, and its valuable productions. Which peninsula extends farther south, the eastern or the western ? Which extends farther north % Which is the larger"? What sea on the east ? What on the west ? What mountains on the north 1 HINDOSTAN. How is Hindostan bounded ? W 7 hat is the capital, and how situated ? What range of mountains between Hindostan and FARTHER INDIA. 149 the Chinese empire? What mountains in the south-western part ? What direction is it from Calcutta to Cashmere ? Where is Cashmere situated ? For what noted 1 For its rich and beau- tiful shawls. Where is Great Sandy Desert ? What two rivers flow into the northern part of the Bay of Bengal ? What is the eastern coast of Hindostan called ? What, the western ? How is Patna situated 1 Surat ? Madras ? Bombay ? Pondicherry ? What is the most southern cape? Where is Lahore'? What river flows through the north-western part of Hindostan ? In what direction does the Godavery flow, and where does it empty ? The Nerbuddah ? Where is Seringapatam 1 Luck- now ? Cambay ? What town between Cambay and Bombay ? Where is Tatta ? On which side of the river Indus ? What town on the other side, a little north of Tatta ? Where is Benares ? Cochin 1 Agra ? In what part is Nagpoor ? Dacca ? Aracan 1 In what part is the Hoogly River ? The Kistna, or Krishna River ? On what river is Cuttack ? On the Mahanud- dy. Where is Goa ? Delhi ? What large island south of Hindostan ? What town west of Benares, on the Ganges ? Allahabad. Where is the Gulf of Cambay ? Where are Candy and Colombo ? What gulf between Ceylon and Cape Coraorin \ What strait between Ceylon and Hindostan ? Palko Strait. To whom does Ceylon belong ? G. B. What clusters of islands south-west of Hindostan in the Indian Ocean 1 W T hat noted tree in Hindostan ? Banyan tree. Where is Hyderabad ? For what was Golconda formerly noted ? For its diamond mines. FARTHER INDIA. How is Farther India bounded ? Q. What does Farther India comprise ? A. The empires of Burmah and Anam, the kingdom of Siam, the British possessions in the western part, and the Malay peninsula. In what part is Birmah ? What two divisions lie on the Gulf of Tonquin and the China Sea? In what part is Cambodia? Which is the most southern division? In what part is Siam ? 150 PART SECOND. BIRMAN EMPIRE. How is Birmah bounded ? What is the- capital, and how- situated ? What course does the Irrawaddy flow, and where does it empty % What town a little south-west of Umerapoora ? For what is Ava noted ? For its splendid temples and palaces. Where is Rangoon ? For what noted ? Its commerce, and the great temple of Shoe Dagon. What cape near the mouth of the Irrawaddy ? What gulf on the south ? Gulf of Martaban. EMPIRE OF ANAM. How is Anam bounded ? What is the capital, and how situ- ated ? For what is Hue noted ? For its strong fortress. Q. What are the divisions of the Empire of Anam 1 A. Tonquin, Cochin- China, Cambodia, and part of Laos. Where is Saigon situated ? For what noted ? For its citadel and the beauty of its scenery. It is the largest city in the em- pire. Where is Kesho ? What cape at the southern extremity of Anan ? Cambodia. SIAM. How is Siam bounded ? What is the capital, and how situ- ated ? What river flows through tho centre ? M. Where does it empty ? What town on the Meinam, north of Bankok t What peculiarity has Bankok, the capital? The houses are many of them built upon rafts in the river, which may be easily floated from place td place. BRITISH POSSESSIONS. Q. What do these possessions comprise ? A. Two long narrow countries in the western part, the Malay peninsula or Malacca, and the islands oi Pulo, Penang and Singapore. China. 151 In what part is Aracan"? Amherst? What river west of Assam ? B. Which way does the Salwein flow, and where does it empty ? Where is Patani ? Malacca ? What cape at the southern extremity of Malacca? R. .How is Malacca separated from Sumatra ? Where is Singapore ? For what noted ? For its free port and extensive commerce. CHINESE EMPIRE. How is the Chinese Empire bounded ? What is the capital and how situated ? Q. What does the Chinese Empire embrace ? A. China, Chinese Tartary, Corea and Thibet. Which is the largest of these divisions ? Which the smallest * Which has no seacoast ? Which forms a peninsula 1 Which is the longest river, and through what division does it flow 1 CHINA. How is China bounded ? What is the capital, and how situ- ated ? Q. What great national works in China ? A. The Great Wall and Grand Canal. Q. Describe the Great Wall 1 A. It is 1,500 miles long, 24 feet high and 20 broad on the top. It was built 2,000 years ago. Q. Describe the Grand, or Imperial Canal 1 A. It is 700 miles long, 200 feet wide, and 60 deep in some places. For whatsis China noted 1 A. For its great antiquity, its singular customs, and its jealousy of other nations. For what is Pekin, the capital, noted ? It is one of the largest and most populous cities in the world. It is composed of two distinct towns, each of which is surrounded by a wall thirty 152 PART SECOND. feet high. How is Nankin situated ? For what noted 1 ? It was formerly the capital, and the most beautiful city in the empire ; but now it is reduced. It is still noted for its extensive manu- factures, the learnfng of its citizens, and its porcelain tower, which is 200 feet high. What do the names Pekin and Nankin sig- nify ? The Northern and Southern Court. How is Canton situ- ated ? For what noted ? It has a more extensive commerce than any other city in China, and until 1842, it was the only free port in the Empire. What other ports are now free 1 Amoy, Footchow, Ningpo and Shanghae. Which of these has the greatest, commerce ? S. How is Macao situated 1 What gulf north-west of the Yellow Sea 1 P. Where is Singan ? Where is Poyang Lake 1 What lake west of it ? Tongting. Which is the longest river in China, what course does it run, and where does it empty ? In what part is the Canton River, or the Hoang Kiang % W T hat mountains cross the southern part of China ? The Meling Mountains. What mountains cross the northern part ? The Peiing Mountains. What river north of the Peling Mountains? W T here is the island of Hong Kong? To whom does it belong 1 G. B. Through what island does the Tropic of Cancer pass ? Where is Hangtchow ? In what direction is Pekin from Canton ? What large city in the United States is nearly in the same latitude with Pekin ? Which are the principal islands that belong to China ■? Hainan, Formosa, and the Loo-choo group. What strait separates China from For- mosa 1 How long is Formosa ? 220 miles. In what direction from Formosa, is Hainan 1 How long is Hainan 1 200 miles. Where is Saghalien ? THIBET. How is Thibet bounded ? What is the capital, and how situ- ated ? For what is Lassa, the capital, distinguished ? It is the residence of the Grand Lama, or God upon Earth, whom the Chinese worship. On what river is Teshoo-Lomboo situated ? B. What direction is it from Lassa ? For what noted ? For its large monastery, composed of 400 houses, surrounded by a very high wall, in which an inferior Lama resides. EMPIRE OF JAPAN. 153 Where is Little Thibet? What is the principal town": Leh. For what noted? Its wool trade. On what river is it situated ? What mountains in the southern part ? H. CHINESE TARTARY. How is Chinese Tartary bounded ? What mountains between Chinese Tartary and Siberia? What river crosses the north- eastern part? What course does it run, and where does it empty ? In what part is Little Bokhara t Soongaria? Mongolia ? What deserts in Chinese Tartary? Where is Kirin-Oula? Cashgar ? What sea touches the north-eastern part? What channel separates Chinese Tartary from Saghalien Island ? » COREA. What is Corea ? How is it bounded ? What is the capital, and how situated ? EMPIRE OF JAPAN. Q. What does the Empire of Japan comprise ? A. The islands of Niphon, Kiusiu, Jesso and Sikofk, or Sikoke. • What is the capital ? J. How situated ? For what noted ? Its great number of- palaces. Where is Miaco? For what noted? It is the religious capital, and is the centre of learning and science. Where is Osaca ? Which extends farther south, Sikoke or Kiusiu ?- Where is Jesso? What is the chief town on Jesso ? M. What island north of Jesso ? What is its length ? 600 miles. What cluster of islands north-east of Jesso ? W'hich is the largest ? Staten Island. On which island is Nambu ? N. How is Nangrasaki situated ? 154 PART SECOND. REVIEW OF THE MAP OF ASIA. 1. Where are the following towns ? Bagdad ? Seringapatam ? Nankin ? Teflis ? Agra ? Bassora ? Balk? Lassa? Aden? Mecca? Teheran? Tauris? Angora? Dacca ? Diarbekir ? Amoy ? Bombay ? Tomsk ? Cochin ? Damascus? Cambodia? Malacca? Mosul? Goa? Benares? Irkoutsk? Shiraz? Tobolsk? Pondicherry? Cabul? Hue? Ava? Aleppo? Bukharia ? Herat? Surat ? Kelat? Muscat? Candahar ? 2. Where are the following rivers, what course do they run, and where do they empty ? Grodavery ? Jihon, or Amoo ? Kiang-Ku, or Yangtse-Kiang? Euphrates ? Krishna, or Kistna ? Sihon ? Hoang-Ho ? Yenisei ? Meinam? Indus? Nerbuddah? Cambodia? Tigris? Amour? Ural ? Ganges ? Burrampooter, or Brahmaputra ? Irrawaddy ? Lena ? Obi ? Helmund ? Irtish ? Kolima ? 3. Where are the following seas ? Caspian? Okhotsk? Japan? Black? Kara? Aral? Azof? Kamtschatka ? Arabian ? China ? Yellow ? Red ? Dead ? 4. Where are the following islands ? Kurile? Nova Zembla ? Andaman? New-Siberia? Kiusiu ? Nicobar ? Hainan ? Sumatra ? Saghalien ? Niphon ? Formosa ? Loo-choo ? Behring's ? Staten ? Socotra ? Cyprus ? Jesso ? Hong Kong? Sikoke ? Philippine? 5. Where are the following straits ? Behring's ? Malacca ? Ormus ? Formosa ? Corea ? Sangar, or Matsmay ? Babelmandel ? Channel of Tartary ? 6. Where are the following lakes ? Baikal ? Balkhan, or Balcash, or Balcat ? Dzaisang, or Zai- zan? Durrah, or Zurrah? Poyang? Lob, or Lop-Nor ? Tchany, or Tdharry? AFRICA. 155 7. Where are the following capes ? Lopatka? Guardafui ? Comorin 1 Cambodia, or Camboja ? Romania ? East ? 8. Where are the following mountains ? Little Altai ? Hindoo-Koosh ? Ghaut ? Peling ! Himalaya ? Caucasian? Be-loor, or Belur Tag ? Sinai? Great Altai ? Ural? Taurus ? Ramleah 7 Meling J 9. Where are the following towns ? Nangasaki? Cashmere? Col umbo? Mocha? Candy? Miaco? Acheen ? Tyre ? ' Bankok ? Jerusalem ? Jeddo ? Pe kin? Madras? Calcutta? Khiva? Umerapoora ? Canton' Kecho, or Kesho ? Smyrna? Cashgar? Lahore? Medina Acre ? Patna ? Palmyra ? Samarcand ? Tatta ? Ispahan Sana? Rangoon? Baalbec ? Macao? Ningpo ? Tripoli? Astra can ? Singapore ? Amherst ? Shanghae ? Osaca ? Matsmay ? Saghalien ? AFRICA. How is Africa bounded ? How is it connected with Asia ? Q. For what is Africa distinguished ? A. For its immense deserts, its hot climate and un- explored regions. How does it compare in size with the other grand divisioas of the Globe ? A. It is third ; being about three times as large as Europe. Which is the most southern cape ? The most eastern ? The most western ? The most northern ? What large island south- east of Africa ? What three clusters of islands near the north- western coast? What islands in the Atlantic Ocean south-west of the Gulf of Guinea ? What two large rivers in Africa ? What mountains run through the centre, from east to west ? 156 PART SECOND. BARBARY STATES. Q. What do the Barbary States include ? A. Morocco, Algiers, or Algeria, Tunis and Tripoli. Beled el Jerid, or Country of Dates, forms a part of Barbary, and stretches along from the Atlas Mountains on the west, to Tripoli on the east. MOROCCO. How is Morocco bounded ? What is the capital, and how situated 1 What mountains in Morocco ? How is Fez situated 1 For what noted ? It is the largest city in. the empire, and was formerly noted for its literary institutions. How is Mogadore situated ? Santa Cruz 1 In what direction from Morocco is Mequinez, or Mequinet 1 In what part is Mount Miltsin 1 How high is it ? 11,400 feet. What strait on the north? How wide is it 1 15 miles. In what part is Noon, or Nun ? What town on the coast next south of Mequinez ? Salee. For what has it been noted 1 Its piracies. What cluster of islands west of Morocco 1 What two towns situated on the strait of Gibral tar ? Tangier and Ceuta. What town in the eastern part % Tafilelt. For what noted 1 It is a place to which persons are banished by the government for political offences. ALGIERS. How is Algiers bounded ? What is the capital, and how situated ? Q. For what has Algiers been noted ? A. For its daring piracies and depredations on the seas. How is Oran situated ? Bona ? For what noted ] Its coral- fishery. In what part is Hemsen, or Tremsen 1 In what direc- tion from Algiers is Constantina ? What mountains in Algiers ? EGYPT. 157 What country south of Algiers and Tunis 1 What are the principal towns in this country 1 Tuggurt and Gadames. For what are the towns in this region noted 1 They are mostly sur- rounded by walls, and inhabited by different tribes. TUNIS. How is Tunis bounded 1 What is the capital, and how situ- ated ? What noted cape in the northern part of Tunis ? What direction is it from the capital ? How is Kairwan situated ? •What gulf in the eastern part 1 What town at its head ? Cabes, What lake west of Cabes 1 Lowdeah. The runis of what ancient city are found north-east of Tunis ? Carthage. What large island between Tunis and Italy 1 TRIPOLI. How is Tripoli bounded ? What is the capita!, and how situated ? How is Mesurata situated % What gulf north-east of Tripoli 1 In what part is Barca 1 For what was the coast of Barca once noted 1 For its three-fold crops. What is its capital, and how situated 1 What town in the western part on the Gulf of Sidra ? What desert south of Barca ? Where is Fezzan ? What is the capital, and how situ- ated ? What is Fezzan ? Several oases, which produce large quantities of dates. EGYPT. How is Egypt bounded? What is the capital, and how situated ? Q. For what is Egypt celebrated 1 A. For its great antiquity, its early civilization, its vast pyramids, and magnificent ruins of its ancient cities. What noted river flows through Egypt ? What is the trian- gular tract of land between the mouths of the Nile called 1 158 PART SECOND. Delta ? How is Alexandria situated ? Where is Damietta ? What town west of Damietta, on the Mediterranean ? R. Where is the town of Suez ? Siout 1 In what part of Egypt are the ruins cf Thebes 1 What town on the coast of the Red Sea ? What desert south of Egypt ? What is the size of the largest pyramid ? It is 460 feet high, and covers thirteen acres of ground. Ancient historians say that 1 00,000 men were engaged twenty years in its construction. In what part of Egypt are the cataracts of the Nile ? S. In what part are the pyramids ? On which side of the Nile are the ruins of Thebes 1 In what latitude is Cairo 1 What isthmus in the north-eastern part ? Between what two seas is it 1 NUBIA. How is Nubia bounded 1 What is the capital, and how situ- ated ? In what part is Dongola ? Sennaar ? What desert east of the Nile ? Which is farther north,- Old or New-Dongola ? Where is the town of Sennaar 1 Where is Shendy. or Chendi 1 What country south-east of Nubia ? ABYSSINIA. How. is Abyssinia bounded ? What is the capital, and how situated ? In what part is Massuah ? What lake in the inte- rior 1 What strait on the east? How wide is it? Twenty miles. In what part is Axum ? For what noted 1 For its antiquities. It was the ancient capital. What other important t6wns in Abyssinia 1 Adowa and Antalo. SAHARA, OR GREAT DESERT. Q. What is the extent of this desert? A. From the Atlantic on the west, to the Nile on the east, and from the Barbary States on the north, to Soudan on the south. It is 8,000 miles long, and 1,000 wide. SIERRA LEONE. 159 Q. Describe its appearance 1 A. Its surface is composed of sand and gravel, with- out vegetation. It is like the bottom of a dried up sea, with here and there a few fertile spots, called oases. From what city in Soudan do caravans start to cross the desert ? In what part is Agdass 1 Fezzan 1 Tibesty ? Ti- sheet ? What is Tisheet ? Where is Angela ? • Where is Tuat ? What cape forms the most western point of the desert ? What cape north of cape Blanco 1 Barbas. Where is cape Bajador 1 What cluster of islands north-west of cape Bajador ? What country south-west of the desert 1 SENEGAMBIA. How is Senegambia bounded 1 What is the general course of the rivers of Senegambia, and where do they empty 1 Which is the most northern river 1 What town at its mouth 1 Where is the Gambia River 1 What town at its mouth ? 'What river next south of the Gambia ? What cape between the mouth of the Gambia and the Grand ? In what part is Timboo ? How is Senegambia divided ? Into several small states. In what part is Bambouk % For what noted 1 Its gold. What three nations have settlements along the coast? En., Por., Fr. What colony in the south-western part on the coast 1 SIERRA LEONE. To what nation does this colony belong ? What is the capital, and how situated ? Q. When, and for what purpose, was it established 1 A. In 1787, for the purpose of suppressing the slave trade, and civilizing the interior of Africa. On what river is Freetown"? The Rochelle. What village south of Freetown 1 York. W T hat bay south of York ? Yawry. What colony on the coast south-east of Sierra Leone ? 160 PART SECOND. LIBERIA. How is Liberia bounded ? What i3 the capital, and how situated ? Q. When, and by whom, was this colony established? A. In 1820, by the American Colonization Society, to furnish a settlement for the free blacks and emanci- pated slaves of the United States. On what river is Mil lsburg ? What cape near Monrovia? Name the principal settlements on the coast? Marshall, Edina, Buchanan and Harper. What cape in the southern part ? Where is Grain Coast ? Which way from Grain is Ivory Coast ? What is the present condition of the colony ? Very flourishing, and is exerting a happy influence on the neighboring tribes. What country east of Liberia ? UPPER GUINEA. How is Upper Guinea bounded ? What range of mountains on the north ? What river separates Upper from Lower Guinea ? In what part is the kingdom of Ashantee ? What is the capital ? C. Where is Ivory coast ? Where is the kingdom of Dahomey ? What is the capital ? A. Where is the kingdom of Benin ? What is the capital ? B. On what coast is Eimina ? What two capes on the Gold Coast ? Cape Three Points and Cape Coast-Castle. What country next south-east of Upper Guinea ? LOWER GUINEA. How is Lower Guinea bounded ? Name the principal coun- tries in Lower Guinea ? In what part is Biafra ? What gulf or bay south-west of Biafra ? What island in the bight or bay of Biafra ? To what country does Fernando Po belong ? Sp. Where is Prince's Island ? What two islands south-east of Prince's ? To whom do these three islands belong ? Por. CAPE COLONY. 161 Where is Loango ? What is the capital ? What town north-west of Loango on the coast? What town south-east? Cabenda. What river separates Loango from Congo ? What division south-east of Loango ? What is the capital of Congo ? What mountains west of Congo ? Crystal. What division south of Congo ? What river flows through Congo ? The Ambriz. What is the capital of Angola ? What river on the south between Angola and Benguela ? What is the capital of Benguela? What cape in the south- western part? Negro. What bay? What country south of Benguela ? CIMBEBAS. How much seacoast has Cimbebas ? 500 miles. Why are there no towns or settlements?- The whole coast is a desert, with but little fresh water. What two capes on the coast? Frio and Cross. What bay on the south ? SOUTH AFRICA. Q. What are the divisions of South Africa ? A. Cape Colony, Caffraria and Natal. The north- ern portion is inhabited by different tribes. Where is the Orange River ? What part is inhabited by the Hottentots? By the Boshuanas ? The Zulus? W. Where is Lattakoo, or Kruman ? Which is the most southern division ? CAPE COLONY. How is Cape Colony bounded ? What is the capital, and how situated ? Q. When, and by whom, was Cape Colony settled ? A. In 1650, by the Dutch. ! 162 PART SECOND. What mountains in Cape Colony? In what part are the principal settlements ? What bay south of Cape Town ? Table. Where is Cape of Good Hope ? What is the most southern cape of Africa ? In what part is Georgetown ? What town in the south-eastern part ? G. What bay on the west ? St. H. Under what government is Cape Colony ? G. B. What division north-east of Cape Colony ? What was formerly the extent of Caffraria, and what is it now ? It formerly extended from Cape Colony to Mozambique ; but frequent wars between the colonists and the native Caffres, have reduced the country to a district of about 160 miles on the coast. Where, and what is Natal ? It is the middle portion of what was formerly called Caffraria. It is a British settlement, ex- tending about 200 miles on the coast. What is the chief town ? D'Urban, or Port Natal? What tribe occupies the country north of Natal ? The Zoolu tribe. What bay east of Zoolu country ? Delagoa Bay. What river between this country and Mozambique ? The Manice. MOZAMBIQUE. How is Mozambique bounded 1 ? What is the capital, and how situated ? What bay south of Mozambique ? What large river runs through the centre of Mozambique ? What town situated at its mouth ? Where is Sofala ? On what river is Sena? What town on the Zambezi north-west of Sena? To whom does Mozambique belong ? To the Portuguese. ZANGUEBAR. How is Zanguebar bounded ? What does this country em- brace ? Several states, among which, Magadoxa, Melinda, Mombas and Quiloa are the principal. In what part is Quiloa ? Melinda ? What town on the coast of Melinda in ruins ? M. SOUDAN. " 168 Where is Magadoxa? What river in the northern part of Zanguebar? What course does it run? Where is the island of Zanzibar 7 What island a little north of it ? Where is Ajan f What cape at the northern extremity of Ajan ? G. What cape south of Cape Guardafui ? Orfui. What cape in the southern part ? Bassas. What two countries on the coast between Ajan and Abyssinia ? Berbera and AdeL What is the chief town in Berbera? B. What town in Adel? Z. Which is farther north. Berbera or Zeyla ? What gulf north of Berbera ? Aden. What'country stretches through the interior of Africa from Abyssinia on the east to Senegambiaon the west ? SOUDAN. How is Soudan bounded ? How is it divided ? Into several small kingdoms or states. What lake in Soudan near the centre of Africa ? What mountains on the south ? What noted river flows through the eastern part ? What one through the western ? In what part is the kingdom of Darfur ? What is the capital? C. How situated ? In what part is the kingdom of Bambarra ? What is the capital ? S. How situated ? What other town on the Niger east of Sego ? J. In what part is the kingdom of Timbudoo ? What is the capital ? T. For what noted ? It is the meeting point of cara- vans from Egypt and the Barbary States. In what part is the kingdom of Bomou ? What is the capi- tal ? K. In what part is the kingdom of Kanem ? What is the capi- tal? Koriah. In what part is the kingdom of Mandara ? What is the chief town ? Mora. Where is the town of Wara ? On what river, and in what part, is Boussa 1 164 PART SECOND. In what part is the kingdom of Houssa ? What is the chief town ? Kano. What country south of the mountains of the Moon ? Where is lake Maravi ? Has this region been explored"? Where is the supposed source of the Nile ? In lake Usambiro, near the centre of Ethiopia. AFRICAN ISLANDS. What is the largest island near Africa 1 What channel separates it from the continent ? What two capes, one at the northern and the other at the southern extremity 1 What is the capital of Madagascar, and how situated } W T hat town on the eastern coast, nearly east of Tananarivou ? T. Where is Port Dauphin ? What bay south-west of Madagascar ? Augustine. Which is the most northern town 1 Bembatooka. What mountains in the southern part 1 Red. What mountains in the northern part ? Radama. What two noted islands east of Madagascar ? To whom does Mauritius, or the Isle of France, belong 1 G. B. To whom does Bourbon belong ? Fr. Which is farther north ? What town on Mauritius 1 What town on Bourbon 1 Where are the Seychelle Islands ? The Almirante Islands ? To whom do they belong ? G. B. Where is Aldabra Island "? What cluster in the northern part of the channel of Mozambique ? Where is Socotra 1 Where is St. Helena 1 What town on this island 1 Jamestown. For what is St. Helena noted 1 As the place in which Napoleon Bonaparte lived an exile for six years- In what direction from St. Helena is Ascension Island ? To whom do these two islands belong ? G. B. What town on What four islands in the Gulf of Guinea ? Which is farthest north ? Which is farthest south ? What cluster west of Sene- MALAYSIA, 165 gambia 1 What cluster north of the Cape Verde Islands ? C. What cluster north of the Canaries 1 What cluster north-west of the Madeira Islands 1 To which cluster does Mayo belong? Fayal ? Porto Santo ? St. Jago ? Ferro and TenerifFe 1 St. Michael ? St. Mary ? OCEANICA. Q. What does Oceanica comprise ? A. The islands of the Pacific, which lie south-east of Asia. Q. What part of the land surface of the globe do these islands embrace ? A. About one-eleventh. Q. How are they commonly divided ? A. Into Malaysia, or East Indies, Australia and Polynesia. MALAYSIA, OR EAST INDIES Q. Name the principal groups in Malaysia ? A. The Sunda Isles, the Moluccas or Spice Islands, - the Manillas, of Philippine Islands, Celebes, Borneo, and several smaller islands near. What two islands *are separated by the Strait of Sunda ? What four are crossed by the equator 1 Name the four Sunda Isles ? Sumatra, Java, Banca and Timor. Which is the most eastern ? Which the most western "? Which is the largest ? Which is the smallest 1 B. What does the Strait of Malacca separate ? Which is the most northern town on the island of Sumatra ? How is Batavia situated 1 Where is Bencoolen ? On which of the Sunda Isles is Mount Ophir ? S. In what part of Malaysia are the Philippine Islands ? Name the principal islands of the Philippine group ? Which is largest % What town situated on it 1 What town situated on the most southern of the group 1 M. To whom do these islands belong I Sp. 166 PART SECOND. Where are the Spice Hands? Name them 1 Gilolo, Ceram, Amboyna, Bouro and Banda. To whom do these belong ? Tiie Dutch. For what are they noted ? For their aromatic spices. Where is Celebes ? What town situated in the southern part? Macassar. To whom does this island belong ? The Dutch. Where is Borneo ? What is the chief town ? What islands north-east of Borneo? Sooloo. For what noted? Their piracies. Where is Fioris ? AUSTRALASIA. Q. Name the principal islands in Australasia ? A. Australia, New-Guinea, New-Zealand and Van Diemen's Land. Which is the largest ? What was its former name ? New- Holland. To whom does it belong ? Gr. B. What are its chief divisions ? For what is the island noted ? Its mild climate, fer- tile soil and valuable minerals. Gold is found in great abun- dance. What mountains in Australia? Blue. What is the principal river ? In what part is Albany ? Melbourne ? Which is the most northern cape ? Which is the mOst northern town ? What gulf in the northern part ? What strait between Aus- tralia and New-Guinea? Where is Botany Bay? What is the most south-western cape ? Where is Shark's Bay ? Sidney ? Perth ? Cape Flattery ? Which is the most eastern cape ? Sandy. Where is Swan River Colony ? Adelaide ? What strait separates Australia from Van Diemen- s Land ? Where is Cape Howe ? What large island north of Australia ? By what other name is New-Guinea sometimes called? Papua. Name the other islands in the north-eastern part of Australia? Louisade, New-Britain, New-Ireland, Solomon's Archipelago, New-Hebrides and New-Caledonia. What may be said of New-Guinea and the other islands just named ? They have not yet been fully explored, and but little is known re- specting them, except that they are inhabited by savages, divided into petty tribes, which are continually at war with each other. REVIEW. 167 Where is Van Diemens Landi What is the chief town? To whom does this island belong ? For what purpose is it used ? As a place of banishment for convicts. Where is New-Zealand? How many islands does New- Zealand comprise ? Three. To whom does it belong % G. B. What is the name of the smallest ? What strait separates the two large islands of New-Zealand ? What town situated on Cook's Strait ? Wellington. Where is the Bay of Islands ? In the northern part. What island south-east of Cook's Strait ? POLYNESIA. Q. What does Polynesia comprise? A. The numerous islands of the Pacific Ocean, between Malaysia, Australasia and South America. Q. Name the principal groups ? A. Pelew, Ladrone, Caroline, Sandwich, Marquesas, Society, Friendly, Fejee and Navigator's. Which are the most civilized? The Sandwich Islands. What is the capital of the Sandwich Islands ? H. On what island is Honolulu situated ? 0. Where are the St. Andrew's ? The Washington ? The Pelew ? The Kermadec ? In what direction from Piteairn's, are the Gilbert Islands ? W r hat group between the Friendly and the Society Islands ? W T hat direction is it from Gambier to the Marquesas Islands ? On which side of the equator are the Washington Islands ? Which is the most noted of the Society Islands ? O. REVIEW OF AFRICA AND OCEANICA. - 1 . Where are the following towns ? Sego ? Alexandria ? Santa Cruz ? Algiers ? Damietta 1 Monrovia ? Derne ? Tarnatave ? Loango ? Thebes ? Mo- gadore? Tripoli? Nun, or Noon? Melinda? Dongola ? Constantine ? Mozambiaue ? Tananarivo? Benguela ? Gon- 163 PART SECOND. dar? Cairo? Fez? Magadoxa? Timbuctoo? Sennaar? Zeila ? Tunis ? Freetown ? Quiloa ?, or Rahat ? Oran? Sofala? Suez? Berbera ? St. Salvador ? Benin? Cobbe ? St. Lewis ? Rosetta ?- Mourzouk ? Massuah ? Tangier ? St. Denis ? Port Dauphin ? Cape Town ? Zanzi- bar ? Georgetown? Boussa? Graham Town? PoTt Natal, or D'Urban ? Bathurst ? Port Louis ? Sidney ? Honolulu ? Batavia ? Manilla ? Perth ? Bencoolen ? Adelaide ? Acheen ? 2. Where are the following rivers, what course do they run, and where do they empty ? Niger ? Nile ? Congo, or Zaire ? Gambia ? Orange ? Zambezi? Senegal? Grande? Haines? Murray? 3. Where are the following capes ? Palmas ? Bajador ? Bon ? Good Hope ? "Verde ? Blanco ? Ambro ? Three Points ? St. Mary ? Agulhas, or Lagullas ? Guardafui ? Frio ? Delgado ? Flattery ? Howe ? Sandy Cape ? Chatham ? Corientes ? 4. Where are the following gulfs, bays, or lakes ? Guinea? Delagoa? Maravi ? Fish, or Great Fish ? Cabes ? Tchad ? Walwich B ? Sidra ? Dembea ? Biafra ? Benin ? Botany Bay ? Bay of Islands ? 5. Where are the following islands? St. Helena ? Bourbon ? St. Thomas ? St, Antonio ? St. Jago ? St. Mary's ? St. Nicholas ? St. Michael ? Fernando Po ? Comoro ? Socotra ? St. Paul, or Ascension ? Aldabra ? TenerifTe? Fayal? Zanzibar? Annobon ? Mayo? Princes? 6. Where are the following straits and channels ? Gibraltar ? Babelmandel ? Mozambique ? Torres ? Cook's ? Bass? Sunda? Malacca? 7. Where are the following islands ? Palawan ? New-Zealand ? Timor ? Caroline ? Van Die- GENERAL REVIEW. 169 men's Land ? Floris ? Kermadec ? Mindanao ? Pelew ? Washington. ? Oahu ? Ladrone? Otahiti? Pitcainrs ? Chat- ham ? New-Britain ! Hawaii, or Owhyhee ? Celebes 1 Gilbert ? Gilolo ? New-Caledonia ? Stewart's ? 8. Where are the following mountains and deserts ? Snow? Kong? Atlas? Mountains-of-the-Moon ? Red? Lupata ? Crystal ? Sahara, or Great Desert ? Nubian ? Lybian ? GENERAL REVIEW. Note. — The following Review does not include those of the Eastern, Middle, Southern and Western States, nor that of the British Isles. 1. Where are the following towns ? Assumption ? Bristol ? Campeachy ? Damascus ? Easton ? Fez? Gottenburg? Honda? Ispahan? Jassy ? Kingston? (2.) Lyons? Montreal? New-Haven? Oran ? Paris? (2.) Quebec? Riga? Sligo ? Toronto? Ulm? Victoria? Wil- mington? (2.) York? Zanzibar? Goa ? Erie? Olmutz ? Groningen I Rome ? (2.) Amherst? Patna ? Herat? York- town?" Iowa City? St. Ubes? Utica ? St. Domingo I Eden ton ? Freyburg ? Upsal ? Lima ? 2. Where are the following rivers, what course do they run, and where do they empty ? Seine? Turkey? Uruguay? Dulce ? Yazoo? Haines? Amour? Red? Donetz i Albany? Nelson? Delaware? Yellowstone ? Oka ? Ural ? White ? Illinois ? Loire ? Licking? Lena? Euphrates? Alabama? Rio Grande ? (3.) Niemen ? Rock ? Athabasca ? Po ? Clarke : s ? Des Moines ? Ganges ? Yenisei ? Save ? Slave ? Santa Cruz ? Sacra- mento ? Sihon ? Saladillo ? St, Lawrence ? Shannon ? Sabine? Senegal? 170 PATTT SECOND. 3. Where are the following islands ? Sikoke? Samoa"? St. Thomas ? Philippine? Prince of Wales ? Palawan? Orkney? Oahu ? Royale? Rhodes? Teneriffe ? Trinidad ? Cape Breton ? Cyprus ? Celebes ? Chiloe ? Candia? Disco? Hong Kong? Corn? Minorca? New- foundland ? Oland 1 Princes ? Queen Charlotte's ? Socotra ? Staten ? Scio ? Sumatra ? St, Catharine ? Staten Land ? Melville? Margarita? Saghalien ? Samos ? St. Lucia? Tobago ? Zealand ? Loochoo ? Isle of Pines ? 4. Where are the following towns ? Orleans ? Osaca ? Oaxaca ? Odessa ? Oporto ? Oswego ? Onega ? Opelousas ? Orenburg ? Owego ? Palermo ? Puebla ? Panama ? Pisco ? Prague ? Potosi ? (2.) Pesth ? Padua ? Pasco i Philadelphia ? Pacific City ? Perth ? Parma ? Porto Seguro ? Plymouth ? (2.) Port au Prince ? Presburg ? Popayan ? Peoria ? Parnaiba ? Paramaribo ? Pernambu- co ? Pontiac ? Payta ? Pensacola ? Plattsburg ? Para ? Petersburg ? Poughkeepsie ? Prairie du Chi en ? Palmyra ? Port Dauphin ? Pondicherry ? Port Louis ? Port Natal, or D> Urban? 5. Where are the following lakes ? Superior? Sabine? Ladoga? Slave? Maravi? Malar? Lob ; or Lop Nor ? Ilmen ? Itasca ? Huron ? Geneva ? Great Salt ? Great Bear ? Enara ? Erie ? Durrah, or Zurrah ? Abbitibbee ? Balcat, or Balcash. or Balkhan ? Peipus ? Poy- ang? Pontchartrain ? Nicaragua? Red? Tcharry, or Tchanny ? Rainy? Tule ? Titicaca ? Tchad? Salt,' or Porongos ?. Silver ? Wetter ? Winnebago ? Winnipeg ? Pepin ? Peoria ? Wener? 6. Where are the following capes ? Ann ? Agulhas ? Bathurst ? Blanco ? (3.) Ambro ? Ro- manzofF? Three Points ? Trafalgar? St. Vincent? St. Lewis? St. Roque? Sable ? (2.) St. Antonio 7 (2.) Verde * Passaro? GENERAL REVIEW. 171 Prince of Wales? Palmas? St. Mary's? St Lucas? Delgado? Sandy ? Farewell? Fear? Frio? (2.) Finisterre ? Catochel Cod ? Clear ? Bojador 1 Gracias a Dios ? Bon ? Naze t North? (3.) Orange? 7. Where are the following towns ? Tokay? Tripoli? (2.) Tunis? Trenton? Tours? Turin? Tuscaloosa? Timbuctoo ? Troy? Thebes? Tortosa? Tou- louse ? Tucuman ? Toledo ? (2.) Teflis ? Tatta ? Tangier ? Toulon? Tula? Tomea ? Tallahassee? Tauris ? Trieste? Truxilfo? (3.) Tomsk? Tamatave? Teheran? Tobolsk? Thorn ? Tananarivo ? 8. Where are the following gulfs or bays ? All-Saints? Albemarle? Baffin's? Bristol? Cabes 1 Choco? Biscay? Bay of Islands ? Appalachee ? Delaware? Donegal ? Fish, or Great Fish ? Fundy ? Finland ? Guay- aquil ? Green ? Genoa ? Bothnia ? Guinea ? Sidra ? St. Lawrence ? Saginaw ? Tampa ? San Francisco ? Taranto ? Thunder? Venezuela? W r alwich ? Traverse? Tcheskaya ? Trinidad ? Pascagoula ? . 9. Where are the following seas ? Yellow ? Zuyder Zee ? Marmora ? North ? Aral ? Okhotsk ? Red ? Mediterranean ? China ? Azof, or Azov ? Archipel- ago ? Caspian ? Dead ? White ? Irish ? Japan ? Arabian ? Kara ? Adriatic Sea 7 or Gulf of Venice ? Kamtschatka ? Black ? Baltic ? 10. Where are the following straits and channels ? Bonifacio? Barrows? Bass? Babeimandel? Cattegat ? Cook's? Ormus? Torres? Malacca? Messina? Le Maire ? Juan de Fuca ? Hudson's ? Gibraltar ? Gut of Canso * Skager Rack ? Sunda ? Otranto ? Frobisher's ? Formosa '» Euikale? Dover? Bristol Channel? North Channel ? 11. Where are the following towns? 172 PART SECOND, Valencia? (2.) Vieksburg ? Viborg? Villa Rica? Val- lejo? (2.) Vera Cruz? Varna] Vienna? Yandalia ? Valladolid? (2.) Villa Bella ? Vincennes? Valdivia ? Wilna? Valparaiso ? Wheeling ? Waterford and Wilkesbarre ? Wood- viile? Wetumpka? Winchester? (2.) Washington? (2.) West Point ? Williamsport ? Whitehall ? 12. Where are the following peninsulas and inlets ? Pen. of Alaska ? Of Florida 1 Of Nova Scotia ? Of Yuca- tan ? Of California 1 Of Ties Monies % Of St. Joseph's ? Ba- thurst In. ? Chesterfield ? New ? Cook's ? Mosquito ? ?3. Where are the following forts, isthmuses and places ? Albany? Gaines? Churchill? Gibson? Moose ? Snelling? Smith? Vancouver? Walla- Walla ? Wayne? Towson '! Win- nebago? Severn? York? Isthmus of Darien ? Suez? Council Bluff? Florida Reefs ? Falls of St, Anthony ?- Grand Portage ? Great Bank? Hot Springs? Key West? Victoria Land? Spanish Peaks ? The Maelstrom ? Point Barrow ? Pictured Rocks ? Niagara Falls ? 14. Where are the following towns 1 Astrachan? Acre? Amsterdam? Abo? Salt Lake City ? Santa Martha? S. Barbara? Sleswick ? Seville? St. Charles ? Salis- bury? St.. Denis? Sofala ? Santa Fe-? (2.) Salem? (2.) Sal- lillo? San Antonio? Sandusky? Stockton? Sego? Sal lee, or Rabat? Sidney? Seringapatam ? Saghalien ? Smolensk ? S. Marino? Silistria ? Skalholt ? St. Johns? San Paulo, or St. Paul? Springfield? (2.) Sheffield? Salamanca? Saragossa Strasburg? Scutari? Salonica ? Santiago? Schenectady Salta ? San Jose % Suez ? St. Louis ? (2.) Sennaar ? Shawnee town ? Stettin ? Sophia ? St. Augustine ? Shiraz ? Sana ' Staunton? St, Petersburg? Stuttgard ? Syracuse? Stockholm? St. Joseph's? Sackett's Harbor ? Savannah ? (2.) San Fran- cisco ? Santa Cruz? St. Stephen's ? Surat? Shanghae? St. Salvador? Smyrna? Singapore? Samarcand ? 15. Whore are the following rivers, what course do they run, and where do they empty ? GENERAL REVIEW. 173 Indus? Don? Lewis? Ebro ? Negro? (3.) Elbe? Salmon? Severn ? Irrawaddy ? Salado ? Alleghany ? Surinam ? Irtish ? Nuces? Bug? Ems? Washita? Araguay? Roanoke ? Esse- quibo ? Orinoco ? Tagus'? Hoang Ho ? East Main ? Para ? Neuse? Amazon? Tiber? Zambezi? Puras? Nile? Bog? Beni ? Brazos? Black Warrior? Blanco? Burrampooter, or Brahamaputra ? Big Horn ? Cambodia? Clark ? s ? (2.) Color- ado? Obi? Cape Fear? Cauca ? Columbia? Churchill? Dal? Dours ? Canadian ? 16. Where are the following islands? Anglesea ? Abaco ? Annobon ? Behring's ? Aland ? Anti- costi ? Caroline 1 Bourbon ? Aldabra ? Bermuda ? Andaman ? Chatham ? Comoro ? Cephalonica ? Dago ? Elba ? Formosa ? Funen ? Cerigo ? Fayal ? Faroe ? Floris ? Corsica ? Corfu ? Fernando Po? Moro Herraoso ? Falkland? Great Britain? Gilolo ? St. Paul or Ascension ? Grenada ? Grand Menan ? Gothland? Gilbert? Hawii. or Owhyhee ? Milo ? St, Sebas- tian ? St. Felix ? Santa Cruz ? (2.) Shetland ? Rugen ? St. Helena ? Sicily ? Terra del Fuego ? Isle of Wight ? 17. Where are the following towns ? Baalbec ? Benin ? Buenos Ayres ? Bergen ? Buda ? Berlin ? Bowling Green ? Benares ? Braga ? Belfast ? Bokhara ? Brest ? Biemen ? Balize ? Brussels ? Batesville ? Boussa ? Bordeaux ? Berne ? Bedford ? Benguela ? Batavia ? Bassora ? Barcelona ? Baton Rouge ? Bardstown ? Bagdad ? Bologna ? Burgos ? Burlington ? (3.) Boston ? 18. Where are the following lakes V Athabasca ? Bevedero ? Huron ? Chapala ? Constance ? Deer? Ontario? Dembea? Cham plain ? Baikal? Draisang, or Zaizan? Lake-of-the- Woods? Michigan? Mistissinny? Mirim? Mud? Little-Slave? Ottertail ? Palos ? Onega? Moosehead ? Maracaybo ? Okee-cho-bee ? Pyramid ? St. Clair ? 19. Where are the following mountains ? 174 PAET SECOND. Appenines ? Acaray ? Beloor, or Belur Tag ? Blue Ridge ? Balkan? Mountains-of-the-Moon ? Meling ? Atlas? Alps? Arctic Highlands ? Alleghany? Brazilian? Carpathian? Black Hills ? Kong ? Cumberland ? Andes ? Cantabrian ? Chimbo- razo ? Snow ? Peling ? Mount Chilian ? Crystal ? Cevennes ? Red? 20. Where are the following rivers, what course do they run, and where do they empty ? Niger ? Osage ? Pilcomayo ? Port Desire ? Topajos ? Big Sandy? Colorado? (2.) Danube? Drave ? Cumberland? Pet- chora ? Oder ? Orange ? Ucayale ? Volga ? Rhone ? Tornea ? Minho ? Meinam ? Onega ? Ottawa ? Nerbuddah ? Paraguay ? Red Cedar ? Murray ? Wisconsin ? Gambia ? Wabash ? Weser ? Tigris ? St. Francis ? Potomac ? Pruth ? Parana ? Penobscot ? Mayne ? Montreal ? Merrimac ? Virgen ? Vermejo ? Theisse ? Saskatchewan ? St. Louis ? Godavery ? 21. Where are the following towns ? Columbia ? (2.) Cadiz ? Cape Haytien ? Caraccas ? Chicago ? Cuzco ? Catania ? Corinth ? Cambodia ? Cape Town ? Carmel ? Cagliari ? Cologne ? Copiapo ? Columbus ? (2.) Claiborne? Cairo? Cabul ? Cashgar? Council Bluff? Cobbe ? Callao ? Cumana ? Christiana ? Calais ? Carlscrona ? Coquimbo ? Concord ? Constantine ? Cassviile ? Carlisle ? Co- chin ? Candy ? Cordova ? (2.) Copenhagen ? Charleston ? (2.) Carthagena ? Cincinnati ? Christobal ? Corientes ? Cronstadt ? Candahar? Columbo? Chillicothe ? Corunna ? Cork? Cash- mere ? Cleveland ? Cahawba ? Cayenne ? Colberg ? Cherson ? Coimbra ? Cracow ? 22. Where are the following bays or gulfs ? Massachusetts? Matagorda? Riga? San Antonio? Pensacola ? Lyons? Honduras? Hudson's? Georgia? Delagoa ? Benin ? Biafra ? California ? Chesapeake ? Penas ? St. Mathias ? St. George's? Botany? Blanco? Campeachy? Penobscot? Pana- ma ? Monterey ? Mobile ? Onega ? Darien ? Mexico ? Mos- quito ? Gray's? Boothia? GENERAL REVIEW. 175 23. Where are the following sounds and deserts 1 -Queen Charlotte ; s ? Nootka « Norton ? Puget's ? Pamlico 1 Long Island ? Lancaster ? Prince William's ? Smith's ? Nu- bian ? Great Sandy ? Sahara, or Great Desert ? Atacama 1 Great American ? Lybian ? Great Desert of Cobi ? Great Salt ? 24. Where are the following rivers, what course do they run, and where do they empty ? Apalachicola ? Chippeway ? Congo, or Zaire ? Connecticut ? Chatahoochee ? Dniester? Dwina? Garonne? Gila? Great Pedee? Glomma? Green? (2.) Gironde ? Guadiana ? Duna ? Guadalquiver ? Dnieper? Grand? (3.) Great Sioux ? Helmund ? Hudson ? Jihon, or Amoo ? James' ? Javary ? Kiang Ku, or Yang-tse-Kiang ? Kanawha ? Klamath ? Kennebec ? Krishna, or Kistna ? Kolima ? Mezene ? McKenzies ? Thames ? Moose ? 25. Where are the following mountains ? Pyrenees? Rocky? Rannier? Sorata? Ramleah? Sierra Mo - rena ? Sinai ? Shaste Peak ? Sierra Nevada ? St. Helen's ? Taurus? Ural? White? Vulcan? Vesuvius? Geral ? Green? Ghaut? Great Altai? Guadalupe? Hecla? Himalaya? Lupa- ta ? Hindoo Koosh ? Little Altai ? Franklin ? Montserrat ? St. Elias? Cotopaxi? Caucasus? Cordilleras? Dofrafield? Etna? 26. Where are the following towns ? Aberdeen? Athens? (2.) Arta? Acapulco? Agra? Arica? Augusta? Archangel? Albany? (2.) Arequipa ? Arispe ? Antwerp ? Alicante ? Abingdon ? Aleppo ? Algiers ? Austin ? Auburn? Annapolis? Adrianople ? Aspinwall? Apalachicola? Adelaide ? Astoria ? Augusta ? (2.) Amoy ? Aden ? Acheen 1 Ava ? Angora ? Adrian ? Alton ? Alexandria ? (2.) Espiritu Santo? Edinburgh? Eastport? Elsinore? Jaen? Jackson? (4.) Jacksonville? (3.) Jefferson City? Inverness? Indianapolis? Irkoutsk ? Ithaca? Kiev? Kola? Konigsburg ? Knoxville? Kelat? Quinsy ? Quito? Quiloa? Uleaborg ? Umea ? Upper- navick? Rangoon? Rochester? Rosetta ? Ravenna? Rio Janeiro 1 176 PART SECOND. 27. Wnere are the following capes ? Corientes? (2.) Florida? Charles? Canaveral? Chatham? Gallinas, or Vela ? Good Hope ? Henry ? Howe ? Henlopen ? Guardafui? Hatteras? Flattery? (2.) Lookout? Lizard Point ? King's ? Lisburne ? Matapan ? Land's-End ? Point Concep- tion ? Oxford ? Malabar ? Ortegal ? Mendocino ? 28. Where are the following islands ? Cyprus ? Hebrides, or Western ? Hainan ? Iceland ? Ivica ? Ireland V Jesso ? Jersey? Jamaica? Isle of Man? Johannes? Key West? Juan Fernandez ? Kodiak ? Kurile ? Long? Ker- madec ? Kiusiu ? Ladrone ? Lipari ? LafFoden ? Vancouver's ? Zanzibar ? Van Diemen's Land ? Washington ? The Apostles ? Wellington? Timor? Santa Rosa? Stewart's? Sardinia? St. Antonio? Scilly ? St. Michael? Pelew ? St, Mary's ? Pit- cairn's ? St. Nicholas ? Quibo? Oesel? Otahiti ? Prince Edward ; s? 29. Where are the following rivers, what course do they run and where do they empty ? Mamore Xingua ? "Maroni ? Monongahela ? Madeira ? Mis- souri ? Mohawk ? Magdalena ? Maumee ? Mississippi ? St Lawrence ? Savannah ? Kama ? St. John's ? San Joaquin ? Susquehannah ? Shenandoah? St. Croix ? (2.) Tocantin's ? Topajos ? Tennessee ? Tombigby ? Rhine ? Vistula ? 30. Where are the following towns ? Bangor ? Brunswick ? Belleville ? Barboursville ? Berbera ? Bathurst ? Balk ? Bencoolen ? Bombay ? Bayonne ? Belgrade ? Bilboa ? Brunn ? Birmingham ? Breslau ? Bucharest ? Bogo- ta ? Dresden ? Dublin ? Dijon ? Drontheim ? Dover ? (3.) Dantzic ? Dacca ? Detroit ? Dongola ? Dayton ? Derne ? Darien? Dunkirk? Donaldsonville ? Danville? Damietta ? Dubuque ? Diarbekir ? Frankfort ? (3.) Ferrol ? Fredericks- burg ? Florence ? (2.) Freetown ? Fort Wayne ? Frederick ? Gratz? Fayetteville? Geneva? Graham Town ? Glasgow? GENERAL REVIEW. 177 Gallipoli ? Grenada ? Gottingen ? Galway ? Ghent 2 Gib' raltar ? Guamanga ? Georgetown % (3.) Gondar ? Guaya- quil ? Galena ? Galveston ? Genoa ? Greenville ? Hamburg ? 31. Where are the following straits and channels ? Behring's ? Belleisle ? Constantinople, or Bosphorus ? Cum- berland ? Davis' ? Dardanelles ? English Channel ? Corea ? St. George's ? Sangar, or Matsmay ? Mozambique ? Chan- nel of Tartary ? Mackinaw ? Magellan ? 32. Where are following towns ? Havana ? Hanover ? Halifax ? (2.) Holsteinburg ? Hope- dale, or HofTenthal ? Hague ? Helena ? Hue ? Havre ? Hartford? (2.) Hermanstadt ? Harrisburg ? Harmony'? Hot Springs? Herculaneum ? Honolulu? Hamburg? Hunts- ville ? Hallowell ? London ? Lahore ? Liege ? La Eochelle ? Louisburg ? Lewisburg ? Lublin ? Liberty ? La Paz ? Lis- bon ? Lisle ? Lansing ? Leipsic ? Lafayette ? Larissa ? Londonderry ? Lynchburg ? Lassa ? Little Rock ? Limerick ? Lancaster? Leon ? (2.) Louisville ? (2.) Lubec ? L'Orient ? La Rioja ? Leeds ? Lexington ? Loango ? Laguayra ? Rheims ? Richmond ? Rotterdam ? Revel ? Ragusa ? Zeila ? Zurich ? Zanesviile ? Lemberg ? Liverpool ? Rouen ? 33. Where are the following islands ? Mas a Fuero ? Malta ? Mayo ? Manitouline Isles ? Mindinao ? Majorca? Nantucket? Niphon ? New-Zealand? Nicobar ? New-Britain ? New-Caledonia ? Naxio ? New-Siberia ? Negro- pont ? Nova Zembla ? 34. Where are the following towns ? Manheim? Madrid? Metz ? Monterey? (2) Milan? Mes- sina? Munich? Mantua? Memel? Maranham ? Macao? Missolonghi ? Malaga ? Moscow ? Montpelier ? (2.) Madi- son ? Murcia ? Merida ? (2.) Mobile ? Mecca ? Matanzas ? Milwaukie ? Memphis ? Montgomery ? Monroe ? Mead- rille ? Milledgeville ? Maracaybo ? Marietta ? Montevideo ? . 178 PART SECOND. Marseilles ? Maysville ? Morgantown % Monrovia ? Mel- bourne ? Montezuma ? Madawaska 1 Mosul 1 Macon 1 Mocha ? Matsmay 1 Magadoxa ? Mogadore 1 Malacca ? Melinda? Muscat? Miaco 1 Mozambique? Mourzouk 1 Medina ? Manilla 1 Massuah ? Nantes 1 Nain ? Navarino ? Newport ? (2.) Ningpo 1 Nice ? Natal ? Nancy ? New- castle ? Naples ? New- York ? Nankin ? Newbern ? New- Orleans ? Napoli ? New-Amsterdam 1 Newburgh ? Novo- gorod 1 Nashville ? Newburyport ? Newark 1 New-Albany ? Noon, or Nun ? Natches ? New-London ? Nacogdoches ? New-Madrid 1 Natchitoches 1 Nangasaki ? THE TERRESTRIAL GLOBE. 179 PART THIRD. INTRODUCTION To the use of the Terrestrial Globe. Q. What is the Terrestrial Globe ? A. It is a round body representing the earth, with all its divisions marked out as on the map of the world, and is used in the study of geography. What is the Axis of the earth If What are the Poles ? What is the Equator ? What are Great Circles ?+ What are Less Circles 1 What are Meridians 1 Into how many degrees is every meridian divided 1 How is each degree divided ? Into sixty equal parts called minutes. How is each minute divided ? Into sixty equal parts called seconds. Q. How many horizons are there % A. Two ; sensible and real. Q. What is the Sensible Horizon 1 A. It is the line where the earth and sky seem to meet. Q What is the Real Horizon ? A. It is a great circle which divides the earth into upper and lower hemispheres. Q. How is the horizon divided 1 A. Into four equal parts of 90° each. •See page 6. t Page 43. 180 .PART THIRD. Q. What is the Wooderf Horizon ] A. It is a wooden circular frame on which the globe rests. Q. What is the Brazen Meridian 1 A. It is the circle of brass in which the globe turns, and is divided into 360 equal parts. What are zones ?* How many are there, and what are their names'? Describe the limits of each? How many seasons has the Torrid Zone 1 How many have the Temperate Zones ? How many the Frigid 1 What is Latitude'? What is Longi- tude? Are degrees of longitude equal in length 1 What is the greatest latitude a place can have 1 What is the greatest longitude 1 Where has a place no longitude 1 From what meridian do most nations reckon longitude If Q. What is the Ecliptic ? A. It is an imaginary great circle in the heavens which the earth describes in its annual revolution round the sun. Q. How is this marked on the globe 1 ■ A. Obliquely to the equator, making with it, an angle of 23° 28f. Q. How is the ecliptic divided 1 A. Into 12 equal parts of 30° each, corresponding to the 12 signs of the Zodiac. Q. What is the Zodiac ? A. It is a broad belt in the heavens, 16 Q wide, through the centre of which the ecliptic is drawn. Q. How many Colures are there, and what are they ? A. Two; one is the meridian which passes through the equinoctial points, called the equinoctial colure ; the other is the meridian which passes through the solstitial points, called the solstitial colure. Q. Where are the equinoctial points ? A. Where the ecliptic cuts the equator. Q. W r here are the solstitial points 1 A. Where it touches the tropics. Q. Why are they called equinoctial points ? * See p. 46. f P« ^ ' THE TEERESTEIAL GLOBE. 181 A. Because when the sun reaches these points, the days and nights are equal. Q. Why are the other points called solstitial ? A. Because the sun here appears to stand still, i. e., it neither approaches the north or the south. Q. When does the sun reach the equinoctial points % A. March 21st, and September 23d. Q. When does it reach the solstitial points 1 A. June 21st. and December 22d. Q. What is the Quadrant of altitude ? A. It is a thin strip of brass divided into 90°, used to deter- mine the distance between any two places. Q. What is the Hour Circle ? A. It is a small circle drawn round each pole, on which the hours of the day are marked. A movable index is attached to each pole, pointing to the figures in the hour circle. Q. How many degrees at the equator, does each hour indi- cate ? A. Fifteen. PROBLEMS. 1. To FIND THE LATITUDE OF ANY PLACE. Turn the given place to the brass meridian, and the degree directly over it indicates the latitude required. What is the latitude of Halifax 1 Boston? Liverpool 1 Cape Horn 1 London 1 Constantinople 1 Naples 1 San Francisco 1 Calcutta 1 The mouth of the Amazon ? Cairo 1 Edinburgh ? Paris 1 New-York 1 2. TO FIND THE LONGITUDE OF ANY PLACE. Turn the given place to the brass meridian, and the degree on the equator under the meridian, shows the longitude required. What is the longitude of Moscow ? Cairo 1 Philadelphia 1 Lisbon ? St. Petersburg ? New-Orleans ? Amsterdam 1 Quebec ? Tunis 1 Dublin 1 Madras 1 Aleppo ? Boston 1 Batavia ? Athens ? New -York ? 182 PART THIRD. 3. To FIND ALL TIIE PLACES ON THE GLOBE THAT HAVE THE SAME LATITUDE WITH ANY GIVEN PLACE. Turn the globe, and all places passing under the latitude of the given place, will be those required. What places on the globe, have 5\% degrees north latitude ? What places have 16 degrees south'? What places have the same, or nearly the same latitude with Stockholm? New- Orleans ? Philadelphia ? 4. To FIND ALL THE PLACES ON THE GLDBE THAT HAVE THE SAME LONGITUDE WITH ANY GIVEN PLACE . Turn any place to the brass meridian, and all the places under the same edge, have the same longitude. What places have the same longitude with London ?- Dantzic 1 Boston 1 Portland 1 Vienna % Lima 1 Stockholm 1 What places have no longitude 1 5. To FIND ALL THOSE PLACES THAT HAVE THE SAME HOUR AT THE SAME TIME . All places situated under the same meridian from the Arctic to the Antarctic Circle, have the same hour at the same time. What places have noon at the same hour with New- York ? Washington 1 Vienna 1 St. Louis 1 When it is sunrise at Charleston, what time is it at the Isthmus of Darien ? When it is noon at Alexandria, at what places is it midnight ? When it is sunset at Vienna, at what places is it sunrise ? When it is midnight at New-Orleans, at what places is it noon-day 1 6. The latitude and longitude being given, to find the PLACE . Turn the given degree of longitude to the brass meridian, and under the given degree of latitude, will be the place required. • THE TERRESTRIAL GLOBE. 183 What place has 151 c east longitude and 34° south latitude 1 50° 50 ' east longitude and 32° 25' north latitude 1 5° 22' west longitude and 36° 5' north latitnde ? 81° 11' east longitude and 8° 32 ' north latitude ? What island, about 6° west longitude and 16° south latitude 1 . 7. The place being given, to find its latitude and longi- tude : Turn the given place to the brass meridian, the degree over it will be the latitude, and the degree on the equator, cut by the meridian, will be the longitude. What is the latitude and longitude of the following places 1 Rome ? Savannah 1 Canton ? Quebec ? Dublin ? Steck- holm 1 Bombay ? Madrid ? New-Orleans 1 San Francisco ? Buenos Ayres ? Lisbon 1 Botany Bay ? Aberdeen ? Liver- pool ? Boston ? 8. To find the difference of latitude of any two given PLACES. Find the latitude of eaeh place, and subtract one from the other, if both are the same side of the equator, if not, add them. What is the difference of latitude between London and Ma- dras ? Between Boston and Liverpool ? Between Rome and Aberdeen 1 Between Cape Horn und Cape of Good Hope 1 Between Berlin and Bristol ? Between Mexico and Coquimbo 1 Between Lima and St. Petersburg ? 9. TO FIND THE DIFFERENCE OF LONGITUDE OF ANY TWO GIVEN PLACES . Find the longitude cf both places, and subtract one from the other, if both are on the same side of the first meridian, if not, add them. [Note.— If the sum exceeds 180°, subtract it from 360°, and the remainder will be the difference. ] 184 PART THIRD. What is the difference of longitude between London and Con- stantinople % Between Morocco and Thibet 1 Between Mecca and Calcutta 1 Between Mount Hecla and Mount Etna ] Be- tween Paris and Glasgow 1 10. TO FIND THE DISTANCE BETWEEN ANY TWO PLACES ON THE GLOBE. Lay the graduated edge of the quadrant of altitude over the two places, and the number of degrees between them multiplied by 60, will be the distance required in geographical miles. Multiply by 69)^, and the distance will be expressed in Eng- lish miles. What is the distance between Quebec and New-Orleans % Charleston and the Bermuda Islands ? St. Helena and Paris ? London and New-York? Washington and San Francisco 1 ? Cape Horn and the Cape of Good Hope ? [Note. — If the distance exceeds the length of the quadrant, a string or pair of compasses may be used, which, applied to the equator, will give the distance in degrees.] 11. A PLACE BEING GIVEN, TO FIND ALL PLACES AT THIS SAME DISTANCE FROM IT, AS ANY OTHER GIVEN PLACE. Turn the first place to the brass meridian, attach the quadrant of altitude over it, and move it, till the graduated edge falls on the other place ; then turn it entirely round, and all the places cut by the circle, will be those sought. What places are at the same, or nearly the same distance from London, as Warsaw 1 From Buenos Ayres, as Madrid 1 From Mecca, as Mexico 1 From Washington, as San Francisco? 12. The hour at any place being given, to find what hour it is at any other place. Turn the place, whose hour is given, to the brass meridian, and set the index of the hour circle to that hour ; then turn the globe till the proposed place comes under the meridian, and the index will point to the present hour at,that place. When it is ten o'clock, A. M., in London, what time is it in ANCIENT CLASSICAL GEOGRAPHY. 185 New- York ? Calcutta ! Constantinople ? When it is midnight in Moscow, what time is it in New-Orleans ? Buenos Ayres 1 Cairo ? Canton ? When it is six o'clock, P. M., at Cape Horn, what time is it at Botany Bay 1 Q. Who are the Antacians ? A. Those living in the same longitude and latitude with our- selves, only on the opposite side of the equator. Q. Who are the Peri&cians ? A. Those living in the same latitude with ourselves, but on opposite sides of the earth, or 180° difference of longitude. Q. Who are the Antipodes 7 A. Those living on the part of the globe directly opposite to ourselves. [Note. — Questions on the above Problems may be increased indefi- nitely, at the discretion of the teacher. ] ANCIENT CLASSICAL GEOGRAPHY. Q. What is Ancient Geography ? A. A description of the earth's surface, as known to the ancients. Q. To what periods of time does this term apply ] A. From the earliest records of geographical research, to the downfall of the Roman Empire. Q. To what resources are we indebted for our knowledge of Ancient Classical Geography 1 A. To the writers of ancient Greece and Rome. Q. To what extent were those writers acquainted with the surface cf the earth? A. Chiefly, the central and southern portions of Europe, the adjacent portions of Asia; and those parts of Africa bordering on the Mediterranean. . EUROPE. Q. To what country did this name originally apply % A. Probably at first only to a small portion of Thrace, a country lying north of the TEgean Sea, or the Archipelago. The name was afterwards applied to tne whole continent. 186 PART THIRD. Q. What general name was given to the northern countries of Europe 1 A. Scandinavia. Q. What was Scandinavia supposed to be 1 A. A group of islands. Q. How did the Romans usually divide Europe ? A. Into Britannia, Hibernia, and the adjacent isles, called Insula? Minores. Hispania, Gallia, Germania, Illyricum, Pannonia, Italia, Graecia, Dacia, Rhaetia, and Sarmatia. A. What other name was given to Britannia, and why ? A. It was called Albion, probably from Albus. on account of the chalky cliffs on the S. W. Coast. Q. What is Britannia now called 1 A. England, Scotland, and Wales. Q. What is the modern rmme of Hibernia ? A. Ireland. Q. What was the ancient name of Scotland 1 A. Caledonia. Q. What is the modern name of Hispania T A. Spain. Q. What did Gallia include'? A. France, and the western part of Switzerland. Q. What is the modern name of Germania ? A. Germany. Q. What is the modern name of Pannonia ? A. Hungary. Q. What did Illyricum include ? A. Croatia, Dalmatia, and part of Turkey. Q. What are the modern names of Italia and Graecia ? A. Italy and Greece. Graecia included . also part of Tur- key. Q. What did Dacia include 1 A. Transylvania, Wallachia and Moldavia. Q. What countries were called Sarmatia Europaea 1 A. Russia and Poland. Q. What did Rhaetia include ? A. The eastern part of Switzerland and the Tyrol. ANCIENT CLASSICAL GEOGRAPHY. 187- SEAS. Where is the Arctic Ocean ? What was its ancient name ? Mare Prigrum, or Cronium. What was the ancient name of the North Sea? Oceanus Germanicus. What was the ancient name of the Atlantic Ocean ? Atlantkum Mare. Where is the Sea of Azof, or Azov ? What was it anciently called ? Palus Mcedtis. What was the Black Sea called ? Pontus Euxenus. What sea between the Black Sea and the Archipelago ? What was its ancient name ? Proponiis. What was the ancient name of the Archipelago ? JSgeum Mare. Give the ancient name of the Mediterranean! ? Mare Internum. What sea west of Greece ? Mare Ionium. What sea west of Italy ? Mare Inferum, Tyrrhe- nian, or Tuscum. By what name w*as the Gulf of Venice known ? Mare Hadriaticum, or Superum. Give the ancient names of the Baltic ? Sinus Codanus, or Mare Suevicum. GULFS OR BAYS. STRAITS, &c. What were the ancient names of the Straits of Dover ? Fre- tum Britannicum, or Gallicum. Where is the Bay of Biscay ? What was it called ? Oceanus, Cantabricus. Give the ancient name of the Strait of Gibraltar ? Fretum Gaditanum. The Gulf of Lyons? Gallicus Sinus. The Gulf of Genoa? Sinus Ligus- twus. The Gulf of Trieste ? Tergestlnus Sinus. The Strait of Bonifacio ? Fossa. The Strait of Messina ? Fretum Siculum. The Dardanelles ? Hellespontus. The Strait of Constantinople ? Bosporus Thracicus, or Thraclus. The Strait of Kaffa ? Bospo- rus Cimmerius. RIVERS. Where is the Oder ? What was its ancient name ? Via* dus. What was the ancient name of the Elbe ? Albis. The Weser ? Visurgis. The Scheldt ? Schaldis. The Rhine ? Rhenus. The Thames ? Tamesis. The Seine ? Sequana. The Loire ? Liger. The Garonne ? Garumna. The Douro ?> Durius. The Guadiana ? Anas. The Guadalquiver ? Bcetis. 188 PART THIRD. T The Ebro ? Iberus. The Rhone 1 Rhoddnus. The Saone 1 Arar. The Arno ? ^rnws. The Tiber ? Tiberis. The Adige ? Athesis. The Po ? Padus, or Eriddnus. The Danube ? ls£er. The Dniester ? Tyras. The Dnieper ? Borysthenes. The Don 7 Tandis. The Volga ? Ma. MOUNTAINS. Where are the Dofrafield Mountains ? What was their ancient name ? Steve Mons. The Ural Mountains ? Hyperborei, or Rhipeei Monies. The Pyrenees ? Pyrenm Montes. The Alps ? Alpcs. The Apennines ? Apenninus Mons. The Carpath. ian Mountains ? Carpates, or Bast amices Montes. The Bal- kan Mountains ? Hamus Mons. LAKES. Where is Lake Geneva ? What was its ancient name. Lacus Lemdnus. Lake Constance 1 Lacus Brigantinus. Lake Mag- giore 1 Lacus Verbdnus. ISLANDS. Where is Britania or Albion ? What is it now called 1 Where is Hibernia, and what is it now called ? What is the ancient name of the Orkneys ? Orcddes. Of Ivica % Ebusus. Of Ma- jorca ? Baledris Major. Of Minorca ? Baledris Minor. Of Elba ? JEthalia, or Tfoa. Of Sicily ? Trinacria, or Sicilia. Of Malta ? Melita. Of Corfu ? Corcyra. Of Santa Maura ? Zew- cadea, or Leucas. Of Cephalonia ? Cephallenia. Of Zante ? Zacynthus. Of Cerigo ? Cythera. Of Candia ? Creta. Of Negropont ? Eubaft. Of Belleisle ? Vindilis. Of Ushant ? Z7a?- an£w. Of Jersey? Ctesarea. Of Guernsey ? Sarnia. OfAlder- ney ? Riduna. TOWNS. What was the ancient name of London 1 Londinum. Of York? Eboracum. Of Carlisle 1 ? Luguvallum. Of Bath ? 4yw<£ $ofe. Where is Saragossa ? What was its ancient name % ANCIENT CLASSICAL GEOGRAPHY. 189 Casar Augusta* Toledo 1 Toletum. Carthagena 1 Carthago Nova. What were the Pillars of Hercules 1 Calpe, or the rock of Gibraltar, and Abyla, on the opposite shore in Africa. Where is Cologne ? What was its ancient name ? Colonia Agrippina, Mentz ? Moguntiacum. Lyons % Lugdunum. Paris ? Lutetia. Rouen ? Rotomagus. Zurich ? Tigurum. Toulouse % Tolosa. Marseilles 1 Massillia. Cherson 1 Chersonems. Caffa or Kaffa ? Theodosia. Padua ? Patavium. Trent ? Tridentum. Where is Mantua ? For what noted ] It was the birth-place of Virgil. Where is Modena 1 What was its ancient name 1 Mutina. Genoa 1 Genua. Florence ? Florentia. Rome ? Latium. What was Ostia ? The port of Rome. What was the' ancient name of Naples T Neapolis. For what was Falernum noted ? For its wines. Vena/rum ? For its olives. Venusia ? It was the birth-place of Horace. Luceria? For its wool. Brundusium ? For its harbor, and as the place where Virgil died. Tarentum ? For its commerce. Matinum ? For its bees. Pastum ? For its roses. Metapontum ? For a school of Pytha- goras. Sybaris ? For the effeminacy of its inhabitants. What were the Seven Wonders of the ancient, world 1 1 . The Pyramids of Egypt. 2. The Statue of Jupiter, at Olympia. 3. The Colossus, at Rhodes. 4. The Mausoleum, at Halicar- nassus. 5. The Temple of Diana, at Ephesus. 6. The Walls of Babylon. 7. The Royal Palace of Cyrus, or, as some say, the Tower at Alexandria. THE EXD. f /