¥?? *?*£. '■■^ The Heralding Angel, / Copyright 1888. Hard & Parsons, New York. £TsV"N Angel rose from the heavens Fairer than morning light; The radiance of her coming Dispelled the clouds of night. Her brow was calm and holy, And peace was in her face; The bright wings in their passing Left many a lustrous trace. 3 OFT clouds parted for her; Morning" stars sang sweet; Rough winds ceased, and rested Becalmed, beneath her feet. And hushed in happy silence The listening air around, Expectant of the voice divine. Stilled each recurring- sound. M"HEN through all the heavens Rang out that wondrous voice, " Glad tidings ! Unto you is horn A Heavenly King. Rejoice ! 'Wake, Earth, to hail your Saviour With holy love, and fear. The promised one is given; The Son of God is here." QiAF ■>AR over hill and valley, The stirring notes were borne; As the strains of triumph echoed In the early light of morn. The herald of love and mercy Sped on her gladsome way ; And dawned on a world rejoicing, The glorious Christmas day. Annie C. McQueen. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 016 165 258 1 9