f DIVINE INSPIRATION PSYCHIC RESEARCH of the GREAT BEYOND By J. W. WILLIAMS, THE SEER The Inspired Writer and Psychic Researcher of the Great Be- yond. Formerly a Member of the Mystic Success Club of New York City, N. Y. Published by The Assembly Press, 2838 Easton Ave., St. Louis, Mo. EfBfgfglSJi -opO 3 Copyright pending by Prof. J. W. Williams. AUG -9 1916 'CI.A437166 THE WRITER'S INTRODUCTION. The name of this philosophy and teaching is entitled di- vine inspiration, psychic research. Dear readier: — Allow me to impress upon your mind that the contents of this lit- tle book is humbly directed to those of you who have long been in research of the great beyond ; also give some data of the relationship of the occult and physical, world, and give a more clearer understanding of them ; not to one, though to all who will be honest in their dealings of justice to them- selves. In giving this message to the world with its many truth seekers, I must say to you in truth, of all the many hardships of my life, and but few pleasures, I consider this a real eternal blessing ; that you may day by 'day become more enlightened of your entangled and blinded minds. I am one among you ; a part of you, and therefore I come to you in His name ; I have your welfare to thought ; should you by any means be interested in this message that I am giving to one and all, to demonstrate to the world the real truths of my five adventures in other worlds, some call heavens, but just as you may believe my testimony, also many times visited by Angels of God in the living Spirit ; yes in a natural, wakeful state ; yes, the five trips in the great be- yond, I was sometimes carried by Angels of the great "I AM." Kind reader : Let me impress upon your mind that it is my ardent desire of you to read with an understanding ; 1 have but precious little to give you, and I positively will en- deavor to give to you just as simple and plain as I did re- ceive during my visits to the sun, and many other journeys of different directions in space of the great beyond; I am giving this message to you for the sole purpose of all living humanity, and in that I shall give you nothing refuse, though you shall be given that which you have for many centuries been divorced from by the many false teachings. T want to make it as plain to you as I possibly can ; I want vou to read carefully, as I consider each line in this mes- sage to be food, wherewith our souls should be fed daily, for in this we can gain great strength ; I am pleading with those of you that do contend for the real truths for yourselves. I say should you to yourselves render justice, then your neigh- bor will receive some consideration, and that in the greatest of need, now to you, the free thinker, and the skeptic, the scrutiner, the scruple and the ignorant, this do I know to be a stepping stone in your researches, and I say to the initiated by the divine, you that have, to you more shall you gain in these few lines, as I positively do say nothing but the real truths shall be given here, anldl you shall be convinced. (Oh) (No) Not thoughts Not obsessions Not delusions Not drama Not dreams Not witchcraft Not the voice of a man, but the voice of God, the Spirit shall be given you ! Kind reader, listen to this one word from the writer, God, the Spirit, do not obsess not anyone, though God, the Spirit, speaketh through man just as a man speaketh through a trumpeft- I certainly do know that this little book will foster all superstition or any paganisms, or the abyss of the deep rooted teachings of the past. I say, this to you will certainly serve as a new guiding milestone, and shall shield you from harm and free you of your former doubts of the great beyond. I am laboring with strong hopes that this little book will continue to contribute to al- ways awaken the' interest of not one or many, but I say all religions and Christian seekers. Please beloved .and kind reader allow me (the writer) to say unceasing thanks to you the real truth seeker of the Triune God (the Spirit) . I positively do know that he will not be contempt and wroth forever, for the cries of the poor and needy shall be heard and answered in due season. PREFACE. This is my most ardent desire that you should know, this message shall be the worth of your consultation the re- mainder of your ill or wellspent lives upon this paradise of green; I say to you that are hungering, not for any other than the real truthsi shall b& filled by the reading of these few pages. What I am giving you here in the lids of this little book has cost me nothing, neither money, nor labor, nor time. I am simply trying to.be in action with the Spirit of truth, and be obedient to the will of God, and in that we should not take upon ourselves the difficult task as to regard time, money or labor, as you positively know that time, la- bor, money was before our appearance. I say time is of the real Author and Finisher of all things in the heaven and earth ; the great "I AM," "Holy, holy, holy, Lord God al - mighty," and I do say all that we can and will do is not of ourselves. As Jesus saith, "it is not I but the Father that worketh in me." He saith, "If thou make thy Ibed in hell, behold thou art there." Now this book will keep you from sin, or sin will keep you from the book, an ! di should you. read this book, I am most happy to acknowledge that you will have the worth of something to consult the remaindeir of your life. Now I wish that you give justice to yourselves, which I do believe you will in this undertaking, and that is to read with the understanding, and" by so doing you shall become much enlightened in your research. I truly hope you will not read with a critical eye. CONTENTS Angel appeared to me ---------- 15 Deserted by relatives and friends 17 Deserted by the World ----- 18 The Voice of God Speaketh to me 20 The Spiritual Death ------ 22 What is Prayer -' ------ 23 The Veil of the Temple Rent --------26 The Change of Faith to Sight 28 Untimely Children to be Born ------- 29 The End of the World ----- 31 The First Two Living Creatures on Earth, not Adam and Eve -------------33 The Sleeping World yet to Awaken ----- 35 The World Divided into Twelve Parts, the Tenth Part are Gone Already ---------36 The Holy Ghost Given before the day of Pentecost - $j The Forty Days Sacred Writing, a part keep - - - 38 The Chosen of the Lord in the Ancient 39 The Dark Valley of Nonprosperity ------ 43 The First Law Written in the Fiber of Man's Body - 45 The Intellectual Writers, and the Inspirational Writers of the Sacred Scriptures 46 Angel Visits St. Peter and Giveth Command - - - 47 The Cry of Starving Humanity -------52 John Jacob Astor's Trips in other Worlds - - - - S3 William T. Stead's Message after Death - - - - 54 Message by Madame D. Meismier 55 Communication made easy ---------56 What and where is Hell --------.57 Out on Life's Sea 62 CONTENTS Inspiration ----_----(-;- The Sun Turned Back Ten Degrees 67 The Lying Spirit sent out to Deceive Man - - - ~ 67 The Song the Angel sang to me ------- 71 Inspiration by the Seer ----------72 The Black Man Washed in the Blood of the Lamb - 73 Was Shadowed with Wings of Angels - - - - - 73 The Angel advise me to not give up 74 The Eye of the Lord upon me -------- 75 OCCULTA— MYSTIC TEACHINGS. What becomes of the Soul after Death - - - - - 76 The Magnetic Bond, which unites the Soul and the Body 78 How to invoke the Shades - - - 79 Women are to come in Power and Rule ----- 83 The Word that shall come to save the World shall be uttered by Woman ----------86 The Interpretation of the Fig Tree ------ 87 The Inward Understanding of Man Withered Away - 88 Thou must Wear the Two-Edged Sword - - - - 90 Divine Inspiration: Psychic Research of the Great Beyond. Please allow me, Dear one, to engage your wondering mind, as to the first cause of this little message in the lids of this little book to you, the reader. I suppose that you are aware of the fact that every effect has a cause ; Oh, well then just so in this case- Several years ago, when I began to realize that I was one of the many to help swell the tide of humanity on the mammoth seashore of life, in my infancy one great sadness added to my fate ; on my first entry of life's sea, and that was, it seemed as though that I came here motherless, whom God's will, for her to be called away from me-, and I was left alone in this great world of throngs. This I learned from a dear old grandmother, whose arms I was left in, and a father's care, though soon to be guided by a stepmother, very early in childhood. Far from home, soon I did roam all alone, to confront strangers of all classes, and of every walk of life, and in all that I had never received' any parental teachings as to fit myself for any of the walks of life, al- though I had oftimes remembered of the fireside prayer in the old home by the church, and I suggested to myself that I would always pray to God, and try to do the right to one and all whomsoever I had to ideal with. Oh, that cold frosty Monday morning shall never be forgotten by this the writer when leaving my only friends on earth, my only home, just in my prime for school, though I was well clad for the occa- sion in which I had just attached myself to. Not long after, wandering from one to another place, fate decided my turn to fall in the hands of physicians. My illness was indeed a i 4 DIVINE INSPIRATION said one, and the doubts of them was freely to express in fa- vor of the undertaker, because their skill and medicine failed to assist them in their great efforts to raise me up. But I shall never forget one Sunday morning, when one denied me of any medicine, I then decided to be buried by the next Sunday, and about the tenth hour of the day I fell upon my knees, and I said the "Our Father" prayer, and then I con- tinued to pray on, and I did pray until my throat was dry, and then I fell asleep, and about one P. M. I awoke to myself well and hungry, as I had not eaten anything the whole week previous. Dear readier, allow me to say that prayer lasted me over twenty years : I suppose you know that I made a life-time vow in that never forgotten prayer, but the beauties of this world with all its many charms of charmers, and time of course continued to roll on, and in the tide of time, one of the most saddest days of all my life was again in hands of the earthly doctors. I tried hard indeed to be the winner in that one promise, or any remembrance of the old debt, and the old promise was to God that if thou raiseth me up from this sickness, I will serve thee all the days of my life. Oh beloved, have you ever made a promise of this kind? Yes, I believe that you have, if not your own self-defense, it was for a dear mother or a blessed father, a sister or brother, a wife or a husband ; a lover, or a friend. Yes I know your cries went up to a throne of grace, sometimes mentally, or sometimes audibly, or in the secret way, which is in singleness with the atonement, which is the spirit born from above ; yes, that little spark of love divine. Then you receive the Aspiration, as I did, now in the second awaiting the decisive answer of the physicians in taking a glance of the past, I beheld my picture in the gallery of liars of the past, and it was a sad looking one. I was compelled to view the two at the same time, and there was not any heart ease on my part, and as hope, which is one horse, that plays a great and grand part in the tide of all affairs of our life, just PSYCHIC RESEARCH. 15 as this great worlds most favorite, seemingly to ease away from its rider, which was myself, I just simply glanced again at the two pictures, one of the past, a sick promise one of the present, desiring to make another promise- But as the hope horse was about to free itself of the rider, this is what I did. I threw the reins of his bridle over the horn of faith in God). I knew that he heard and answered me one time, and would hear me again, and I called again, with all my heart and mind, and before going to the operating table, he came and received that child of promise to pay one after- noon. Just before dark I beheld something very mysterious and strange indieed to me that had never happened to me be- fore, and this was it: I praj^ed on Monday, and renewed my vow, and begged the Lord to> reinstate me, and I begged for forgiveness of all leasing in the past, and continued in prayer till Monday evening near my room in which I was ly- ing in bed just after my prayer. I was not able to sit up very long at a time, very weak in my body, and I was lying in bed flat on my back ; my eyes centered in the ceiling, thinking ot God. In the adjoining room my attention was arrested by the appearance of a Great Beast, the head resembled a lion, but the body and tail seemed) to< be a tiger. I was all alone in this building, not a one in there but myself, and I was on the third floor. Now this beast was walking towards my bed. ANGEL APPEARED TO ME. The eyes seemed to be very large, and I said this is the devil, but I am not afraid of you ; I will trust in my God. It came up to my bed!, and it was a master beast, seemed to be about twenty-five feet in length, including the tail, and the worst of all it got in bed with me, and got under the cover- ing with me, and then I seemed to weaken, and I cried out, "Lord, have mercy ;' and then I stretched myself, and looked by my side for the object, but I saw nothing, and then I 16 DIVINE INSPIRATION turned my head to one side, and beheld the Holy Angel of God' standing by miy bedside looking eastward just across my bed, and I continued to look at it as I never in all my life had seen such an Object before, and it was the brightness of a^star, or that of the glittering moon on a clear and cold win- try night. The features were that of a female, its vesture was that of a seamless robe, and with a sword in its right hand pointed towardls the east. Now this Angel of God was not looking down upon mc, but was looking toward the east ; the beautiful bright crown and the garment and the sword and the shining countenance was all of the same brightness, and I said aloud, "What in the name of God kind of night is this," and about this time the black darkness began to fall and when I said these words, something touched miy left shoulder, and, of course, I turned my head to see and a voice spake unto me, and said, "This is your Guardlian Angel," and then I looked again to the right side where the Angel was standing, and thinking that I would get another look at it, and be convinced of the appearance, but it had disappeared, and then I said to my- self, I know this is from God, because I am not praying to none other than God, and! I felt much better. Now, 'beloved reader, I shall continue to beg of you to tr? and understand my views ; in this I am simply trying to set you aright, and in this you can know for yourself and not for another, where and how your stand taken yet in the coils of darkness or in the everlasting light. I myself, for more than twenty-five years was trying to serve God ; in that I was serving mammon man, but I claim to be giving service to God, and 1 in this there was many tides of unsuccess in the affairs of my life, for it was one year of success, and five of disappointments in everything that I attempted to better my condition ; my life was simply a world of worries, and the more I tried contending for the right, trying to observe and do the right with all whom I dealt with, and all my energy, honesty and faithfulness, the greater was my disappoint- PSYCHIC RESEARCH. 17 ments. Out of all this, the stern wheel of life continued to roll on, and I know, should I undertake to give up the mat- ter and turn back, it was not in my power, and, therefore, I was compelled to continue onward and upward, as my hopes were planted on higher plains, for I knew that earth had no resting place ; so in my research of silent seeking, I entered the station in this life which is called superstition, and right here was the two roads before me. DESERTED BY RELATIVES AND FRIENDS. I refer to the two spirits that all human beings have as our daily companions, and one is ever a combative one against the good for the supremacy of the souls of mankind, and in this you see should I have turned back, it surely meant the everlasting punishment before me, or a new birth to gain- Now of the many contrary thought forces that all mankind are continually surrounded with, this one suc- ceeded in taking advantage of me, and that was this, whv was I here, how came I to be here, for what purpose was F here, for none other did I want to know about, just for my- self. I did not want to know any hearsay ; no I simply wanted just what you and the great mass of humanity are somewhat undecided about, and in my ever continued and eager seeking devout and earnestness, relatives denied me, friends forsaken me, my health sometimes failed to act agree - able in its functions towards the duties to the body! yes. friendls deserted me, foes they doubled in duty towards me. Sometimes I felt as if I were tossed and driven ; I knew not where to roam ; I knew there was a city that was made with- out hands. I decided to make it my home, and in this si- lent and faith holding meditation, one day a still soft voice lowly said to me these sweet words : "You will have to work out your own salvation." Now I was not asleep, and it was in the daytime, and I knew this was not from the evil forces, and it was cheering news to me because I felt much better ; 18 DIVINE INSPIRATION I felt like journeying on. But in my seeking on new heights to gain, these contrary evil forces would never give up, they would continue to infuse many doubts in my mind that I was doing wrong, and again discouragement would confront me, and this question wouldl repeat itself within me, What was I made for? Left in this world alone ; no one to pity, love, or care for me. Associates deserted me one by one, losing positions which was my dependent to exist in life, sometimes not one in a thousand would give employ- ment to me, and in all this my wondering and upward cry was : O Lord Godl of heaven and earth, the Our Father of ail fathers, hast thou forsaken me; the world and its many loved ones have turned against me ; what shall I do ? I can't im- agine what fate has in store for me, anything or nothing, or has fate decided for me across the rolling tide, destituted of courage, could not entertain the word steal ; sometimes no place to sleep ; sometimes no place to eat ; sometimes with- out sufficient raiment to protect the bodiy ; sometimes falsely arrested by the officers of the law of the land and country. DESERTED BY THE WORLD. Now I had oftimes heard people say that they would pray to God and get forgiveness for their sins, and I said to myself, God hath never spoken to me, and told me that my sins were forgiven me, but I could remember that my prayers had been heard when upon the bed of affliction in the past, and how I was enlarged when in distress. Now, when all these old reflections of the past would appear to me again, I, knowing how the Holy Angel of God had appeared to me, my spirit would again be revived ; then as time con- tinued to roll on, and being attacked by the many different thought forces, I would become a idbubting Thomas, and become burdened: with doubts and fears, I would want to give it up again, but I said to myself, I shall go and relate to the ministers of the Church, and to those belonging to PSYCHIC RESEARCH. 19 church, and see what they think of the matter. But they could give me nothing of any importance, as they seemed to be mystified at my explanation. Some of the ministers would tell mie that they heiardi of that in the prophectic of ancient times, but not in the time now at hand. Then I began to visit the spiritual churches and to explain to them of the many different manifestations and some of them would tell me that some day I would become a great medium. Oh no, I said, that is not what I want, and I would continue to seek on, and I said, I would give my life to know the thorough understanding ; I simply wanted the truth, and in trying all these different classes of people I was just simply losing that much time, and I found out the more determined I would be in my research ; strong in the faith, well charged with the spirit of truth. I could not keep from seeking some- one to converse with on the subject, and in my failing to re- ceive strength from anyone, I decided to myself, Well I guess this all signifies death ; I was aware of the fact that I hadi been a man that was very active in wickedness, and I said to myself many times, if all is true about the hereafter, and the world to come, as Jesus speaketh in the Scriptures, saying all manner of sins shall be forgiven men, except he who sinneth against the Holy Ghost, which shall not be for- given in this world, neither the world to come, so I said, should there be a world to come, I would like to be on the safe side, and that was to join mysqlf with the infinite, which is the spirit of divine, and then I began to fast and pray. I purchased a new Bible for the sole purpose of true under- standing, and a guide in my research, and in this new Bible, which is the Sacred Law for all mankind, and all the ibeast, and all creeping things upon the earth, which in this law God gave freely to man in this world under conditions that is man should rule over this world with holiness and' right- eousness, not to abuse one another, and be cruel to the poor innocent beast and fowls of the air, that is made to give pleasure to the eye and to be food for the body, which is the 20 DIVINE INSPIRATION little small world, man. Now to my most surprise of all in my research, I discovered a few errors in this new Bible, in the presswork, now I said) to myself, it is all off now, and I put in my claim to the publishers of the Bible, it was not correct, and they forwarded a bank note of $5-00 to me for the calling of their attention to the error, and also thanked me for a few minor errors in the cyclopedia. Of course I got the check cashed, and to this day I hold the letter of which I am writing about now, as a lifetime proof, and as I had) always been taught the Bible was the Book of all books, and this mistake in it, I shall give up the whole matter, and said that I would never again in life pray any more, and that I would live without prayer, or the Bible. THE VOICE OF GOD SPEAKETH TO ME. But on the following morning, just after awakening from sleep in which I had been accustomed to offering up my prayer just as soon as awakening. But on this morning, long to be remembered, while lying there just thinking to myself, I won't ever pray any more, I am through with it all. Dear reader you see my hopes were all lost. I knew I had all these symbols given to me, many signs and wonders at different times, I thought of all my ardent prayers in the past ; prayer when sickness would arrest my body, thinking also of the many times looking for employment, meeting dis- appointments, thinking of the miany different Bibles in press with errors in them, and the number of the one that I had was 0443, an< 3 the publisher stated to me in the letter they wouki have it corrected; all these forementioned and many more thought forces was overshadowing me very forcibly ; I was just at a standstill, being surrounded with the great mass of thoughts, one -after this kind, and one of another kind; this moment of all the mildness of voices, these are the words that were said to me in my right ear: "Search ye the Scriptures, seek them diligently and knoweth the PSYCHIC RESEARCH. 21 wisdom and knowledge of Gotil, then I came leaping and jumping from my bed, and shouting, and giving praises to God for that much, and again I would hasten to look up some minister to relate to them of the great blessings which had befallen me, but they would be as before. Some of them would not talk to me on the subject, and then I said, I shall continue to seek on, antil by fasting, prayer, meditation, and Scripture reading, I was soon to be visited again. Not many days passed before another still small soft and gentle voice said to me these words : " You will have to work out your own salvation, and you see these many different voices and appearances." I had many different thoughts. I could never realize that it was an answer to my affirmation, then again to someone to let them know of these wordis that I heard, so the thought came to me like this : I know this is from God, and cannot be from any source than the living God of the heavens and earth, who is the Father of all kin- dred, tongues and races, who is ruler of all rulers, King of kings and Lord of all lords, the real Author and finisher of all things. Now, dear reader, I hope you to understand my chief object of continually seeking someone to express my views to them and question them in regards of my affairs. I sim- ply wanted to find somone that was acquainted with the na- ture of my research. I guess you are aware of the fact that all things in this life at times desire to be accompanied in our different avenues ; but in my onward and upward way, I have learned since that when God' dealeth with us, we need not the company of any one. I am a true and faithful witness to this, that we only need the Holy Spirit, which God changes his Angels to true and Holy Spirits to come to man for the uplifting of we poor creatures. 22 DIVINE INSPIRATION THE SPIRITUAL DEATH. Now, dear reader, you can plainly understand this, had I not continued onward and upward, surely I could not have kept my vow bright and shining, and you see in these ef- forts it was a case of sink or swim, as it symbolized death either way. Should I have turned back, it meant the ever- lasting death; should I have continued on in which I did to seek for the highest, it signified a real spiritual death, and a new birth to gain. I was always in a state of repentance, felt as I was lost or condemned and undeserving. I did never feel satisfied that I was saved from the past life, which at times would be troubled of my way of living. I never have felt that I have repented sufficiently as to be like God's Holy Angels, which was my most ardent desire. So in my journeying onwaridf, and the upward way, new heights to gain every day ; I mean this by prayeir, by fasting, by medi- tation, still contending for the faith to make me whole. Now these words were sweet to my ear; one morning just after awakening from my sleep, these sweet words were said to me : "/ am the Lord, thy God, thou shalt have no other gods before Me; Lo, I am zvith thee, yea, even unto the end of the world." THE VOICE OF GOD SPEAKETH TO ME. Now there was one more happy morning. I came leap- ing and jumping and praising God, and to tell many people about it, and some said that was the devil's works. But I be- lieved them not, for I knew who my prayer was to — not the spirit, not to any other than the real Lifegive/r; I went to the Fountain-head. Now after this was spoken to me, then to win the prize, I set my sail to seek for all that fate had in storehouse of the great beyond. Then I began to seek for purification and justification: I simply wanted to become to be a focusing center for distributing all revelations to you PSYCHIC RESEARCH. 2j the many truthseekers. I saw that I could not learn it; I could! not climb up to it ; I saw I could not win it ; I could do nothing but ask and receive, as it is the precious gift of God in Jesus Christ. Where there is a gift, the only thing you can do is to receive it, and we should never boast of the gift, but rejoice of the love of God to you of the gift. Now con- secration is one of our first steps to take, not order, to be de- serving of blessing. Oh, no; but just as I did to remove some of the many difficulties out of my way, as it may be- come more easy that the spirit can enter this tem'ple to leave with us the blessing. And do you know, dear reaider, I am convinced that all God's little children sometimes feel instinctively in their mo- ments of divine illumination ; I believe some of you know the happy shout you gave when you first became acquainted with the Lord God's precious gift of His mighty saving power- Now, beloved reader, for you I am laboring that you may be patient in reading my lesson of purification and justification, for this you will surely need to be initiated in seeking the highest, just as I did, and to receive that in which you are yet today seeking, the real genuine and wholesome truths, which is eternal food for your soul. WHAT IS PRAYER. Can I beg of you to look at the lesson thus far, as I deem it wise, which I do believe that you will agree with me upon the subject. I wish to attribute the greater part of the pre- vious visitations of Angels to my surprise, and the voices, and the many other symbols, that were presented to me. I will assign it to the power of prayer, though it may be a lit- tle difficult to express suitably to you, but I shall beg of you to bear with me in my view of the affair of my research, and render justice to yourself. I do know that the results will he in your behalf, as I shall endeavor to make it simple and plain. I will say that 24 DIVINE INSPIRATION the intent or the impulse to pray, it is by all nations kindred, races and tongues, universal with the many human beings, and therefore prayer should be recognized as a legitimate exercise of the soul. Prayer should be considered as a natural expression ; I say a normal exercise of one of the first laws of our being. I say prayer is not an artificial, or acquired practice. I say that prayer is born neither of fear, nor of superstition. Prayer is a perfectly sane and neces- sary measure of soul development. Prayer is simply the soul with all its powers taking hold of God the Spirit, who is no other than the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, with every ideal of truth and Holiness, and lifting itself up towards a pure life. My beloved, I say that prayer is the heart broken cry of a deep troubled spirit, from us to the Holy Spirit, who knows our necessities before we ask. Do you know that God has created a place in our soul for prayer? Just as God has given a place for the hunger for food in the body, just so has Pie given answer to our cry, though we may not receive all that we ask for ; but it brings much rest from the Father, who knows our ardent needs. Oh, my dear beloved and kind reader, I certainly do believe my title to tell all that is really needed on this subject. I claim the power of prayer is the helpful prayer- I never pray for help, but try to pray the helpful prayer. I know the benefit of prayer is subjective al- together, and therefore prayer develops the mind, and I am sure that it gives strength to those that are faint on the road of research of truth.- It uses means which are already pro- vided, but it does not secure any new or supernatural powers. Now those of you that say the "Our Father" prayer, you should first feel the brotherly love of not one creed, color, rich or poor, but the whole race of mankind. I say in so doing the soul itself then desires a hearty fel- lowship with its kind. There is an affection which aspires a desire for a universal association. Now you see prayer is just simply a word of power in its natural state of action. PSYCHIC RESEARCH. 25 Now this responds heartily to the Golden Rule, love to God, love to man. Now if you love not man, whom you have seen, how can you love God, whom you have not seen. Please read your Scriptures, James 5th chapter, "Is any among you afflicted, let him pray ; is any merry, let him sing Psalms ; is any sick among you, let him call for the elders of the church, and ldt them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord, and the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up, and if he has committed sins, they shall be forgiven him. Confess your faults, one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. Elias was a man subject to like passion as we are, and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain, and it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and six months, and he prayed again, and the heavens gave rain and the earth brought forth her fruit. Brethren, if any of you do err from the truth, and one convert him, let him know that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins." Now in this I am laboring my uttermost to shield you from harm and danger- I say to you, and not many, but every individual being, including myself also, if we of the present day are not able to pray the prayer of faith, we may know positively that it is an evident fact that we are not try- ing to live up to the true privileges of God's free promise. I shall contend to say, the best evidence God is ever ready and willing to guide his people, and to lead them — yes, into the strait and narrow way — He would His people be led, as in the ancient times, and I say he who is continually plead- ing with the Spirit of truth, and simple living faith, and 1 our hearts condemn us not. We then have true confidence to- wards God, and whatsoever ask we of God the Spirit, then receive we it — the beautiful and precious gift of the spirit of inspiration. 26 DIVINE INSPIRATION Beloved reader, a great word of encouragement about the resurrected life of Jesus. We all should know this, that it was not the principal object of Jesus Christ in His teach- ings to have His disciples to believe that He only was divine, immortal, or the Son of God. Oh, no ! He wished that they believe this for their own sakes, and for their own regenera- tion, "for as many as received Him, to them gave He the power to become the Sons of God." Now this was a clear communication of a pure life. I say a refined quality of the spirit of truth. Beloved, do not understand me as to be- lieve that this recognition of the divine element in man should necessarily lower the conception of the divine, only in a narrative ; it simply brings the purity of God nearer to us. Yes it bridges the abyss of which the divine and the human were at one time completely separated in the Jewish and many of the Paganish. THE VEIL OF THE TEMPLE RENT. Yes, I say it simply rends the Veil of the Temple, and the lowering, therefore, of the divine; it is an expanding of the conception of humanity, or in other words a restoration of what may be called human to its true character. Yes, a regeneration or the second birth, as it is called by Jesus. Pie saith : "Except ye be born again, ye can in no wise see the Kingdom of God." Now you see, when the veil is re- moved from our feeble and scaly eyes, and we receive that spiritual eye with the true understanding from God the Spirit, then we can be a true witness to the seer, John the be- loved. He said, "I looked, and behold a door was opened in heaven." Rev- 4:1. I hope now you can understand that you should ever continue to look upward, and onward. Yes, I say, up to the plains of real humanity — yes, up to the in- ner spirit of God. Yes, we can build up above the chills, and fogs of this our old mother earth. Yes, up, upon the moun- tain top of God's pure righteousness. Let us keep on build- PSYCHIC RESEARCH. 27 ing up, I say, where the showers of love give birth ; yes, up above the blight of ruthless times. Yes, we will just keep on building so high, that God can make a rainbow of our tears. Oh, my dlear beloved reader, should you desire to strengthen your strength, I say just give your spirit grace, and the way to give them grace, not one, not two, but I say one and all, must surely love one another. The Lord God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten of the Holy Ghost, that we will become more like Him day by day. I do hope you to know that we have a Guardian Angel with us daily, for the Lord saith, "I give the angels charge over thee to keep thee in all thy ways ; they shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dlas'h thy foot against a stone." Now my dear beloved and kind reader, I hope to impress this upon your minds. Now if soldiers need words of encourage- ment in battle, we also need words of cheer for hope in our mortal, daily struggles with the lower conditions of the outer sense of this life, or the mortal mind). I say we that have these precious gifts from God, we can lighten the dark- ness which surrounds us daily. There be some of us that are such slaves to different habits that we are very willing to follow it to the jumping-ofT place. Now you see that I am laboring that you may ever cleave to the spirit of truth and goodness which proceeds from the Father. I say high hearts are never long without hearing some new call ; yes, some distant Clarion of God. Do you know that every word of God is both truth and duty? Yes, I say, revelations and commandment, and he who takes a new word of God com- pletely, he gets both a new truth, and a new duty, and he then, who lives by every word of God, is a man w r ho is con- tinually seeing new truth, and accepting the duties that arise out of it, amdl try to hear what the Lord God says in him- O blest is the soul that hears the Lord's voice speaking within, and you see it is good for us to come to a future, which we know not of, for in this God is bringing us to the borders of some Promised Land. 28 DIVINE INSPIRATION Now beloved, you know the shepherds' tale they told yet fits the world concerning the child Jesus. Now I know that I do not thoroughly understand all this fully, but I do know that I come nearest to its meaning, when it seems to me most simple, it is pure love. I hear men everywhere praying for more faith, and as I listen to them carefully, and get at the real heart of their prayers I see it is not more faith at all that they need; it is a change from faith to sight. As the Hebrew used the word "wisdom," do you know that surely did cover the whole range of spiritual life, either in its moral or its mental aspects; you should admit that there are two layers of powers in life ; there be one that lies upon the top, which is carnal, and it is called material, inert. CHANGE OF FAITH TO SIGHT. Now it has no power to shape itself, but that part that lies below is spiritual, and it is full of force, and movement. I say skill, judgment, affection, duty and knowledge, and these are its elements, and out of its force comes to move the great dead mass that cannot move itself. The real epic of this is in the first chapters of Genesis. "The spirit of God moved upon the face of the lifeless waters" and a divine voice orders the light, and in that order there is Creation. Now, beloved reader, all the wisdom that is in the world can be traced home to one devising and ordering mind, that is above, and is issued into all our lives. Do you know, not all, but many of us are surrounded daily with beautiful thought realms. Now to keep in rapport with the spirit of divine, we must contend and hold for the highest. And above all, beloved, I say it can only be by prayer and affir- mation, and often repeated, and then true guidance shall you have. I refer to those who truly seeketh the Most High, and above all, please try and be obedient, as you well know faith and obedience were of our Father Abraham. So let us be faithful and obedient in all our efforts- PSYCHIC RESEARCH. 29 I am sorry to say this, but there be many people that describe God as some great large man, well stricken in all years of the past, with great long white beard like Aaron, the High Priest, and they think Him to be seated on the top of the Celestial Globe or some other silent location, of a far distance from this earth. In this, some picture Him in the position as holding out His great hand unto all space. Some believe this God 1 to be even covered with many eyes, so He may behold in every direction ; but oh, my beloved, I say with love to you, when we take Jesus* truthful words con- cerning the Father, He said, "God is Spirit," and I say, should we enter conscientiously into this truth, it will with- out a doubt banish forever from us all limitations that we place upon our idea of God. The spirit is omnipresent, life and wisdom and power, and) I say the God of Reality. Do you know, beloved, you cannot have the righteousness which makes possible eternal life, not until we have the right idea of the Spirit of God. Now, should God be to us such as afore described, and rule us arbitrarily, we will always live in darkness and be in great terror of this God, andi you see this will interfere with the idea that we have of him, should we believe him to be separated and far distant from us ; and furthermore, I say, we cannot enter into that real life of love and power, which we need daily to round us out into perfection. It is then necessary that we should think of him in this manner, that he is ever by our side. Oh beloved one, do you know that every cell in your body is distributing the glory and perfec- tion of the Spirit God? God speaketh once, yea twice, yet man perceiveth it not. UNTIMELY CHILDREN TO BE BORN. Our forefathers were visited by angels, likewise shall the same be even to this day. Just take a little time and read your Apocrypha, second Esdras, sixth chapter, verse 1, 3 o DIVINE INSPIRATION 4 'And he saki 1 unto me in the beginning, when the earth was made, before the borders of the world stood, or even the winds blew. 2. Before it thundered, and lightninged, or even the foundations of paradise were laid. 3. Before the fair flowers were seen, or ever the movable powers were established, before the innumerable multitude of angels were gathered together. 4. Or ever the heights of the air were lifted up, before the measures of the firmanent were made, or ever the chimneys in Zion were hot- 5. And ever the present years were sought out, or ever the inventions of them that now sin were turned. And they were sealed that have gathered faith for a treasure. 6. Then did I consider these things and they all were made through me alone, and through none other ; by me also they shall be ended and none other. 7. Then answered I and said, What shall be the parting asunder of the times, or when shall be the end of the first and the beginning of it that followeth. 8. And he said unto me, from Abraham unto Isaac. When Jacob and Esau were born of them, Jacob's hanidl held first the heel of Esau. 9. For Esau is the end of the world and Jacob is the begin- ning of it, that followeth. 10. The hand of a man is betwix the heel and the hand ; other questions Esdras ask thee not. 11. I answered then and said, O Lord that beareth rule, if I have found favor in thy sight, 12. I beseech thee show thy servant the end of thy tokens, whereof thou showed to me part that night. 13- So he answered, and said unto me, Stand up upon thy feet and hear a mighty sounding voice, 14. And it shall be as it were a great motion, but the place where thou standest shall not be moved. 15. And there- fore, when it speaketh be not afraid for the word is of the end, and the foundation of earth is understood. 16. And why because the speech of these things trembleth, and is moved for it knoweth that the end of these things must be changed. 17. And it happened that when I had heard it, I stood up upon my feet, and hearkened, and beheld there was a voice that spake, and the sound of it was like the sound PSYCHIC RESEARCH. 31 of many, waters ; 18. And it said behold, the days come that I will begin to draw nigh, and to visit them that dwell upon the earth, 19. And I will begin to make inquisition of them what they be that have hurt unjustly with their unrighteous- ness, and when the affliction of Sion shall be fulfilled. 20. And when the world that shall begin to vanish away shall be finished, then will I show these tokens the books shall be opened before the firmament, they shall see altogether, 21. And the children of a year old shall speak with their voices ; the woman with child shall bring forth untimely children of three and four months old, and they shall live and be raised up. 22. And suddenly shall the sown places appear un- sown, the full store houses shall suddenly be found empty- 23. And the trumpet shall give a sound which when every man heareth, they shall be suddenly afraid. THE END OF THE WORLD. 24. At that time shall friends fight one against another, like enemies, and the earth shall stand in fear with those that dwell therein ; the spring of the fountains shall stand; still, and in three hours they shall not run. 25. Whosoever re- maineth from all these that I have told thee shall escape, and see my salvation and the end of your world, and the men that are received shall see it, who have not tasted death from their birth, and the heart of the inhabitants shall be changed, and turnedl into another meaning. 27. For evil shall be put out and 1 deceit shall be quenched. 28. As for faith it shall flourish, corruption shall be overcome, and the truth, which hath been so long with out fruit shall be de- clared. 29. And when he talked with me, behold I looked by little and little upon him before whom I stood. 30. And this said he unto me, I am come to show thee the time of night to come. 31. If thou wilt pray yet more, and fast seven days again, I shall tell thee greater things, by day, than I have heard. 32. For thy voice is heard before the 32 DIVINE INSPIRATION most High, for the mighty hath seen thy righteous dealing, which thou hast had ever since thy youth 33. And there- fore hath he sent me to shew thee all these things, and so say unto thee, Be of good comfort, and fear not, 34. And hasten not with the times that are past, to think vain things, that thou mayest not hasten from the latter times. 35. And it came to pass, after this that I wept again, and fasted seven days in like manner that it might fulfill the weeks, which he told me. 36. And in the eighth night was my heart vexed within me again, and began to speak before the most High. 37. For my spirit was greatly set on fire, and my soul was in distress. 38. And I said, O, Lord, speaketh from the beginning of the Creation, even the first day, and said'st thus; let heaven and earth be made, and thy word was a perfect work. 39- And then the Spirit and darkness and silence were on every side. The sound of man's voice was not yet formed. 40. Then commandest thou a fair light to come forth, of thy treasures, that thy works might appear 41. Upon the second day, thou madest the spirit of the firmament and commandest it to part assunder, and to make a division betwixt the waters, that the one part might go up, and the other remain beneath. 42. Upon the third day, thou didst command that the waters should be gathered in the seventh part of the earth, six parts hast thou dried up and kept them to the intent that of these some being planted of God, and tilled might serve thee, 43. For as soon they went forth, they were made. 44. For immediately there was great innumerable fruit and many divers pleasures for the taste, and flowers of unchangeable colors and odors ; of wonderful smell, and this was done the thirdl day. 45 Upon the fourth day, thou commandest that the sun should shine, and the moon give her light, and the stars should be in order. 46. And gave them a charge to do service unto man, that was to be made. 47. Upon the fifth day, thou saidst unto the seventh part, where the waters were gathered', that it should bring forth living creatures, fowls and fishes, and PSYCHIC RESEARCH. 33 so it came to pass. 48. For the dumb waters without life brought forth living things at the commandment of the Most High God, that all people might praise thy wondrous works. THE FIRST LIVING CREATURES ORDAINED: NOT ADAM AND EVE. 49. Then didst thou ordain two living creatures, the one thou calledst Enoch, and the other Leviathan. 50. And didst separate the one from the other for the seventh part namely, where the waters was gathered together, might not hold both. 51. Unto Enoch, thou gavest one part, which was dried up the third day, that should dwell in the same part, wherein are a thousand hills. But unto Leviathan thou gavest the seventh part namely, the moist, and hast kept him to be devoured of whom thou will, and when, 53 Upon the sixth day, thou gavest commandment unto the earth, that before thee, it should bring forth beast, cat- tle and creeping things. 54. And after this Adam, also whom thou madest Lord of all thy creatures of him came we ail and the people, also whom thou hast chosen. 55. All this have I spoken before thee, Q Lord, because thou madest the world for our sakes ; 56. As for the other people, which also come of Adam, thou hast said, that they are nothing-. but like unto spittle, and hast likened the abundance of them unto a drop that falls from a vessel. 57. And now O, Lord, behold those heathen, which have ever been reputed as nothing, have begun to be lords over us, and to devour. 58. But we, thy people, whom thou hast called thy firstborn. thy only begotten, and fervent lover, are given into their hands. 59. If the world now be made for our sakes, why do we not posess an inheritance with the world. O, Lord, how long shall this endure? And when I had made an end of speaking these words, there was sent unto me the Angel, which had been sent un- 34 DIVINE INSPIRATION to me the nights afore, and he said unto me: 2. Up, Es- dras, and hear the words that I am come to tell thee. 3, And I said speak on, my God. Then said he unto me, the sea is set in a wide space, that it might be deep and great. 4. But the case, the entrance was narrow and like a river. 5. Who then could go into the seas to look upon it, and to rule it, and if he went not through the narrow, how could he come into the broad. There is also another thing. A city is builded and set upon a broad field, and is full of all good things ; the entrance thereof is narrow, and out in a dan- gerous place to fall, like as if there were a fire on the right hand, and on the left a deep water, and only one part be- tween them both, even between the fire and the water, so small that there could but one man go there at once. If this city now were given unto a man for an inheritance ; if he never shall pass the danger set before it, how shall he re- ceive this inheritance, and I said, It is so, Lord. Then said he unto me. Even so, also is Israel's portion, because for their sakes I made the world, and when Adam transgressed my statutes, then was decreed that now is done, then were the entrances of this world made narrow, full of sorrow and travail ; they are but few and evil, full of perils, and very painful, for the entrance of the elder world were wide and sure, and brought immortal fruit, if then they that live labor not to enter these straits, and vain things, they can never re- ceive those that are laid up for them. Now. therefore, why disquietest thou thyself, seeing thou art but a corruptible man, and why art thou moved, whereas thou art but mortal ; why hast thou not considered in thy mind this thing that h to come, rather than that which is present? Then an- swered I and said, O, Lord, that bearest rule, thou hast or- dained in thy law that the righteous should inherit these things, but that the ungodly should perish. Nevertheless the righteous shall suffer strait things, and hope for wide, for they that have done wickedly have suffered the strait things ; and yet shall not see the wide. Andl he said unto PSYCHIC RESEARCH. 3$ me, there is no judge above God, and none that hath un- derstanding above the highest, for there be many that perish in this life, because they despise the law of God that is set before them, for God hath given strait commandment ; to such as came, what they should do to live ever as they came, and that they should observe to avoid punishment. Nevertheless, they were not obedient unto him, but spake against him, and imagined vain things, and deceived them- selves by their wicked deeds, and said of the Most High, that he is not and knew not his ways, but his law have they despised and denied his covenant in his statutes have they not been faithful, and have not performed his works, and therefore, Esdras, for the empty are the empty things, and for the full are the full things. THE SLEEPING WORLD YET TO AWAKEN. Behold the time shall come that these tokens which I have told thee shall come to pass, and the bride shall appear and the coming forth shall be seen that now withdraw from the earth, and whosoever is delivered from the aforesaid evil shall see my wonders for my Son Jesus shall be revealed with those that be with him, and they that remain shall re- joice within four hundred years, and the world shall be turned into the old silence, seven days like as in the former judgments, so that no man shall remain. And after seven days, the world that yet awaketh not shall be raised up, and that shall die that is jcorrupt. Second chapter 13-51. Then said I, O Lord that bearest rule; show me this wherefore have I seen the man coming up from the midst of the sea, and he said unto mie, Like as thou canst neither seek out, nor know the things that are in the deep sea, even so, can no man upon earth see my Son, or those that be with him, but in the daytime. This is the interpretation of the dream which thou sawest, and whereby thou only art here lightened; for thou hast forsaken thine own way, and ap- plied thy diligence unto my law T , and sought it. Thy life 36 DIVINE INSPIRATION hast thou ordered in wisdom, and has called understanding thy mother, and therefore have I shewed the treasures of the highest. After other three days I will speak other things unto thee, and declare unto thee mighty and won- drous things. And then went I forth into the field giving praise and thanks greatfully unto the Most High, because of his wonders, which he did in time, and because he cove- nanth the same, and such things as fall in their seasons. And there I sat three days. 14th chapter, first 19. THE WORLD DIVIDED INTO TWELVE PARTS, THE TENTH PART ARE GONE ALREADY- And it came to pass upon the third day I sat under an oak, and behold!, there came a voice out of a bush over against me and said, Esdras, Esdras, And I said, here am I, Lord, and I stood up upon my feet. Then said he unto me, In the bush I did manifestly reveal myself unto Moses, and talk with him, when my people served in Egypt, and' I sent him, and led my people out of Egypt, and brought him up to the Mount of Sinia, where I held him by me a long season, and told him many wondrous things and showed him the secrets of the times, and the end, and commanded him, say- ing these words, Shall thou declare, and these shalt thou hide. Now I say unto thee that thou lay up in thy heart the signs that I have showed, and the dreams that thou hast seen, and the interpretation, which thou hast heard, for then shalt be taken away from all, and from henceforth thou shalt remain with my son, and with such as be like thee, until the times be ended, for the world hath lost its youth, and the times begin to wax old for the world is divided into twelve parts, and ten parts of it are gone already, and half of a tenth part now. Therefore, set thy house in order, and re- prove thy people, comfort such of them as be in trouble, and now renounce corruption, let go from the mortal thought, cast away the burdens of man, put off the weak nature, and PSYCHIC RESEARCH. 37 set aside the thoughts that are most heavy unto thee, and flee from these times, for yet greater evils than those which thou hast seen happen shall be done hereafter; for look how the world shall be weaker through age, so much the more shall evils increase upon them that dwell therein, for the truth is fled far away, leasing is hard at hand, for now seeth the vision to come, which thou hast seen. Then an- swered I before thee, and said, Behold Lord, I will go, as thou hast commanded me, and reprove the people which are present, but they that shall be born afterward, who shall ad- monish them'? Thus the world is set in darkness, and they that dwell therein are without light, for thy law is burnt. Therefore, no man knoweth the things that are done of thee or the works that shall begin. THE HOLY GHOST GIVEN BEFORE THE DAY OF PENTECOST. But if I have found grace before thee, send the Holy Ghost unto me, and I shall write all that has been done in the world since the beginning, which were written in thy law, that man may find thy paths, and that they which will live in the latter days may live. And he answered me, say- ing, Go thy way, gather the people together, and say unto them that they seeketh thee not for forty days, but look thou, prepare thee many box trees, and take- with thee Sa- rah, Dabria. Selemia, Ecanus and Asiel, these five, which are ready to write swiftly, and come hither and I shall light a candle of understanding in thy heart, which shall not be put out till the things be performed, which thou shalt begin to write, and when thou hast done some things, shalt thou publish, and somethings shalt thou show secretly to the wise. Tomorrow this hour shalt thou begin to write. Then went I forth, as he commanded, and gathered! all the people together, and said, Hear these words, O Israel, Our fathers at the beginning were strangers in Egypt, from 38 DIVINE INSPIRATION whence they were delivered, and received the law of life, which they kept not, which also have transgressed thee after time ; then was the land, even the land of Sion parted among you by lot ; but your fathers and ye, yourselves, have done unrighteousness and have not kept the ways which the high- est commanded you ; and forasmuch as he is a righteous Judge, he took from you in time the thing that he had given you, and now are ye and your brethren among you. There- fore, if so be, what will subdue your own understanding, and reform your hearts; ye shall be kept alive, and after death shall obtain mercy, for after death shall the judgment come, when we shall live again, and then shall the names of the righteous be manifested, and the works of the un- godly shall be declared. Let no man, therefore, come unto me now, nor seek after me, these forty days. THE FORTY DAYS SACRED WRITING: A PART KEEP. So I took the five men as he commanded me, and we went into the field, and remained there. And the next day behold a voice called me saying, Esdras, open thy mouth and drink that I give thee to drink. Then opened I my mouth, and behold, he reached a full cup, which was full as it were with water, but the color of it was like fire. And I took it and drank, and when I had drank of it, my heart ut- tered understanding and wisdom grew in my heart. My spirit strengthened my memory, and my mouth was open and shut no more. The Highest gave understanding unto the five men, and they wrote the wonderful visions of the night, that were told, which they knew not, and they sat forty days, and they wrote in the day and at night they ate bread, as for me, I speak in the day, and I held not my tongue by night. In forty days they wrote two hundred and four books. And it came to pass when the forty days were fulfilled that the Highest spake, saying the first that thou PSYCHIC RESEARCH. 39 has written, publish openly, that the worthy and the un- worthy may read, but keep the seventieth last part that thou mayest deliver to them only, such as be wise among the peo- ple, for in them, is the spring of understanding, the fountain of wisdom- And the stream of knowledge, and I did so." Dear reader, please allow me to beg of you to read in the fifth chapter 20-28 verses. THE CHOSEN OF THE LORD IN THE ANCIENT. "And so I fasted seven days, mourning and weeping like as Uriel the Angel commanded me, and after seven days, so it was that the thoughts of my heart were very grievous unto me again, and my soul recovered the Spirit of Understanding, and I began to talk with the Most High again and said, O Lord, that bearest rule of every wood of the earth and of all the trees of them thou hast chosen thee only one vine, and of all lands of the whole world, thou hast chosen one pit and of all the flowers, them of one, chosen a lily, and of the depth of the sea, thou hast filled thee one river, and of all builded cities thou hast hallowed Sion unto thyself; and of all the fowls that are created, thou hast named thee one dove, and of the cattle that are made, thou hast provided the one sheep, and among all the multitude of people thou hast gotten the one people and unto thee this people, whom thou lovest, thou gavest a law that is approved all." Now in the books of the New Testament, St. Matthew 13:16, 17: "Blessed are your eyes for they see, and your ears for they hear. For verily, I say unto you, that many prophets and righteous men have desired to see those things which ye see and have not seen them, and to hear those things which ye hdar and have not heard them. Now dear beloved reader, I, the seer; I, the hearer; I, the writer, are thankful indeed to be able to witness the afore-, said writing of the Scriptures ; and tell you of this great awakening and decided change. Yes, I say, the magnitude 4 o DIVINE INSPIRATION of good that I have received in this grand research is utter- ly impossible to plainly express all to you. I say, just as it really did occur to me, beloved, please heed the beauty of the Christ Child of the Immaculate Conception. I say it is nothing from that which it will save us if we will let it. I say these words are holy to every true mother for these things she teaches, and she never forgets, for in them is a Christ Child, for the many and all pure hearted! can be the virgin soil in which this seed of the Holy Ghost may be planted. Yes, to be a light unto our shackled feet — yes, a lamp unto our pathway of this life, and I say all the gifts of God are through the Spirit. Read Psalms 91:11, "For he shall give his angels charge over thee to keep thee in all thy ways. They. shall bear thee up in their hands lest thou dash thy foot against a stone." Now beloved you are aware of the fact that God the I AM makes spirits out of his angels for the welfare of the souls of mankind, as to lift man up to God. Now if the Spirit that raiseth Jesus up from; the dead dwell in us, I say then, we can be a channel like for the receptive part of all good. Beloved, do you know that the letter killeth, but the Spirit maketh alive ? I do hope you to read with the under- standing. I am not trying to give you any new doctrine, though I do endeavor to- interpret the ancient. You are aware of the fact that the authors of the Scriptures in their writing from Genesis to the Book of the Revelations, I say, they wrote very highly and their symbols was given by in- spiration, and I say we cannot read only by inspiration, and that is to be given by the Almighty God Spirit, and I sav the Spirit giveth the understanding and you see in our seeking of the highest, we should also seek the within of ourselves, and to us shall be given the Spirit of God, and will reveal the real truths, which we in accordance to our state of mind shall receive. O, my beloved seeker of the real truths, do you know that the real powers of the Scriptures have never been real- PSYCHIC RESEARCH. 41 ly understood by many of it's eager researchers in reading. I say this for the simple fact wei have never given all of our full attention to the Spiritual views, which is the Spirit of truth- It has been concealed in its innocent type. I read in the Scriptures from Genesis first chapter, 2nd veirse to Revelations 22:17, an d it all reads of the many and different manifestations of the Spirit. Are you aware that Jesus read out of the Scriptures ? Yes, he read them as one having authority, and not as we do. Yes, we know that he read from the book of Isaiah, and said, "Now the Scrip- tures are fulfilled in me." Now beloved we learn from this that when we do get into the spiritual understanding of things, we then are not any longer under the law, as you can plainly see that Jesus Christ is a spiritual type of our new birth for Life Eternal. We also learn irom the spiritual life that by the Spirit we havq no fear of any obstacle, and do you know that it is always the mortal that have a fear of some kind, and they can never tell you why they have, and do entertain these feelings of fear. John, the; beloved, plainly revealed to us that Light that banishes all fearsome shadows from pure love ; I say from the Spirit. Do you know your position ? The stand which you have taken for the Spirit of truth will surely banish all ignorance, and then you can for yourselves become your own light, and then your spirit can bear wit- ness with the Spirit of truth. Now, we should above all things be very careful, and again, first of all, we should try and get in communication with the right spirit. Now I know you have read in the Scriptures of the many different manifestations of the Spirit from the ancient down through the Apostolic Ages, even down until the present. We are here on the same old mother earth that our forefathers trod, and the same spirit of God revealeth unto men this day for testimony. I am sending this message not to one, but to many and all, and as my hopes shall never be buried, I pray not that the day 42 DIVINE INSPIRATION be hastened, though that I may live that a few of the many beloved readers of these inspiring works and words can have the blessed opportunity of beholding my figure and frame in the living spirit. I do say you will not view one of the Apostles, but you will see one of the flesh and blood, I say earthly, just as the Apostles were, one whom the same Spirit of God has visited, talked to me as Abraham, who was ninety and nine years old. Read Genesis 18th, "And the Lord appeared unto Abra- ham in the plains of Mamre, and he sat in the tent door in the heat of the day, and he lifted his eyes and looked, and lo, three men stood by him, and when he saw them he ran to meet them from the tent door, and bowed himself toward the ground, and said, My Lord, if now I have found favor in thy sight, pass not away I pray thee from thy servant. Let a little water I pray you be fetched, and wash your feet, and rest yourselves under the tree, and I will fetch a mor- sel of bread. And comfort ye your hearts, after that ye shall pass on, for therefore are ye come to your servant. And they said, So do as thou hast said." Now you can plainly understand that God is an unchangeable God, and in this there is a love that bringeth peace, and many prom- ises for the protection has been given for the strength and encouragement of God's people. I refer to those that have •been initiated by the Spirit, just as many and myself. Now let us continue to strive for the brighter world, though some may dwell where these abound, but my prayer, my aim is higher ground, as my hopes are builded on things eternal. Are your lamps trimmed and kept burning? Can you see now and know that the Spirit is the real light, and life giver? Beloved reader, know ye in our lives the great- est : it is not struggle, it is attainment, and I say not failure, but success, not adversities, but prosperity- You can plain- ly see that when old mother nature decides to put us through the third degree, she places wreathes of victory before our eyes, and then she megaphones the world's plaudits of her PSYCHIC RESEARCH. 4.3 success; then she clinks the money purse of the world in our ears; then she inspires us of the changing powers of the world's influences. THE DARK VALLEY OF NON-PROSPERITY. Also, she smiles on us very pleasantly and kindly and murmurs to herself, and says, "Poor child, are you able to stand?" Now, beloved, I hope you to understand, you see this is a time of test. You see old Mother Nature decides to send us through the .lonesome dark valley of non-pros- perity, and I do say emphatically, not to one, but to the many of us, there be few that pass through immune, and a few acquire perversion of mind, and few that do escape fractures of idleness, or receive new dents in our character. But, I say, should WE through all of these besetments in life still remain just and good, and simple, loving, and kind, strong and sympathetic, sincere and unspotted, then you will see that old Mother Nature will be most compelled to admit that she indeed! is proud to know that she has been introduced to one who has stood the everlasting test. Now in this you see old uninvited Daddy Poverty, and Uncle Complaining Failure, and our daily companion better known by us as Old Adversity. Now all these know the word Steal, and) now in this you see old Wealth thinks of the financiers of the world. Also old Poverty knows all the envy of another man's possessions. Then wealth assumes the idea of making a step of possessing a plant of some kind. Her first step taken, she figures a great business deal, but, I say, by some strange sophistry, and by justifying herself by declaring that she will do better towards the people. Now we all know that old Daddy Poverty ; he is well ac- quainted with old Grandipa Hungry for Bread, who is no man's friend. Now here stands old Wealth ; she hungers for the money of the bread earner. Now old Daddy Pover- ty, he views evil afar off in its aggressive hardest phase of 44 DIVINE INSPIRATION life. Then, I say, poverty may find it hidden in an unsus- pected like manneir; as the like of our great and beautiful Cleopatra's boquet of flowers. O Lord, pity this nation, race and all human kind, the beast which thou hast made. Do you know that the Lord is in his holy place, and he is coming daily to those whose hearts are perfect towards him, and I do say he will surely put an end to all injustice, and I say positively that poverty shall no more be, and there shall be an end to all these ills of mankind, and I db say the coming of the Lord will be the only real remedy for the great tide of evils which the people have become submerged in. The world today needs universal freedom, and I say not only the bondage of the body, but of the soul ; and I say, once the soul is free from the binding shackles of narrow creeds, there will the time come that humanity can inherit the teaching that Christ gives to the world. I know of people of the philanthropic type, and I do know of charitable institutions that could do much indeed to relieve the human misery, which is upon the shoulders of the great mass of burden bearers of today. I say our states- men oncie had the power to establish a just and a true gov- ernment, but t they did it not for they seemed to reach not the real source of the tide of evil that rests in the hearts of mankind- I say, should your society in its effort to rid the people of this injustice and oppression of the poor and needy, that would be like a miller trying to fill a bag with meal, and has both ends open. I say, we should be con- tented and heed the Spirit, and then would peace be estab- lished and justice rendered towards the human race. Yes, I say, in one day, and then the rich would be willing to use their wealth to advance the stewards of God. In this you positively do know that God the father of not one nation, or any particular race, but a loving father of all living souls, do so require that men shall love one another, and thy neigh- bor as thyself. PSYCHIC RESEARCH. 4-5 THE FIRST LAW WRITTEN IN THE FIBER OF MAN'S BODY. Oh beloved reader, I say, long before the writing of the Ten Commandments upon stone, they were written in the very fiber of man's body. Yes, I say, they were born with man. It is true that the Apostle Paul said in Romans 2:15, "which show the work of the law written in their hearts ; their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the meanwhile accusing or else excusing one another;" the Apostle hereby using the word hearts that means intelligence, is thoughts, and you sqe the accusing or the excusing of one another and knowest his will and ap- provest the things that are more excellent and instructed out of the law, for God has moved reason into the material of man's formation, also therein MOVED the instinct of morality. God placed within the race of mankind a con- science, and an element to be adjusted. So you see you may choose instinctively the bullrush or the beautiful rose, in your choice of things in this life, or for the life to come. Now in this you see there is a perception in man, which di~ vides human actions between moral and immoral. Now this is the Law of God, which has been written in our in- tellects. Yes, I say, a divine code, and when among the heathen God wrote in their mind, and you see in respect of this neither Jew nor the Christian hold any advantage over the heathen. I say let them be whom they may, the rich, the poor, the sick, the afflicted, the widow, the orphan, the friendless, the wise or the ignorant, we all have the same law written in our hearts and minds. The Apostle again says in Romans 7 125, "So then with the mind, myself, serve the law of God," but truly when the mind becomes so feeble in the coils of sin, then was the work of God to write his law in a book, and I say from the Adamic to the birth of Moses the commands of God were not given in writing, for the simple fact the law was in the 46 DIVINE INSPIRATION minds of men ; just as this day, of those who heed the voice of the spirit of God. And I say to the Christian came the greatest advantage of all, for the heathen world had not the advantage of the law being written in the mind and failed to improve, although the Jewish world had the additional advantage of the law written in a Book, and they failed to use it for an advantage. But I say again to the true Chris- tain, God has given his law written in the life of Christ Jesus the Saviour and Redeemer in time of redemption. Yes, by the appearance of Moses, God descended amidst the thun- dering and lightning and trumpets upon the heights of Sinai and proclaimed that which was his own voice uttered, and his own finger wrote upon the tables of stone, and this is where he committed his sacred law to writing. THE INTELLECTUAL WRITERS AND THE IN- SPIRATIONAL WRITERS OF THE SACRED SCRIPTURES. Now beloved you see we are helpless creatures in all our struggles in this life, and I do say in the life to come. Be- loved reader, there be many writers who do claim to be in- spired, but do you know that the Spirit giveth the inspira- tion and not the intellectual writers. Now listen to the mes- sage of Christ, the child, the "I anv" He says, "I am going away to prepare a place for you, and where I am there ye may be also. I will send you another comforter which is the Spirit of truth, which will teach you all things/' and do you know that the Spirit of Truth is nothing over or under the Word of God in this little Book. I hope you to accept of my few explanations and demon- strations of a few words and symbols that were given to me, which may be somewhat uplifting to you in the day or battle with your many different adversities. I say divine understanding is a tree of life ; yes, I say to you that seelc and find it. Now let us try and read the Scriptures with an PSYCHIC RESEARCH. . JJ understanding for the Lord by his wisdom has founded the earth, by understanding hath he established the heavens, and by his knowledge the depths are broken up, and the clouds drop down the dew, so let us continue to seek after the real truth of the Spirit divine. Yes, let us have love one to the other, as God is love, and therefore, we being of God, then let us demonstrate that part, and then we can claim the God part. Now let us not withhold from them anything that is good. I say to them whom if is due, especially when in thy pow r er (I am writing to the rich in the material things of the present life), please say not unto thy neighbor, "Go and come again, and I will give thee," and at that time you have the same in thy possession to give at that moment. Now is not this food for your soul ? ANGEL VISITS ST. PETER AND GIVETH COM- MAND. May I ask of you to please be so kind as to read your Scriptures, the ioth chapter of Acts, "There was a certain man in Caesarea called Cornelius, a centurion of the band called the Italian band, a devout man, and one that feared God with all his house, which gave much alms to the people, and prayed to God always. He saw in a vision evidently about the ninth hour of the day, an Angel of God coming unto him. He was afraid, and said, "What is it Lord?" And he said unto him, "Thy prayers and thine alms are come up for a memorial before God, and send men to Joppa, and call for one Simon, whose surname is Peter. He lodgeth with one Simon, a tanner, whose house is by the seaside ; he shall tell thee what thou oughtest to do." And when the Angel which speak unto Cornelius was departed, he called two of his household servants, and a devout soldier of them that waited on him continually. And when he had declared all (hese things unto them he sent them to Joppa. On the mor- 48 DIVINE INSPIRATION row, as they went on their journey, and drew nigh unto the -city, Peter went upon the housetop to pray about the sixth hour, and he became very hungry, and would have eaten, but while they made ready, he fell into a trance, and saw heaven opened, and a certain vessel descending unto him, as if it had been a great sheet knit at the four corners, and let down to the earth; wherein were all manner of fourfooted beasts of the earth, and wild beasts and creeping things, and fowls of the air. And there came a voice to him*, "Rise, Peter, kill and eat." But Peter said, "Not so Lord, for I have never eaten anything that is common or unclean. And the voice spake unto him again, the second time, "What God hath cleansed, that call not thou common-" This was done thrice, and the veissel was received up again into heaven. Now while Peter doubted in himself, what this vision which he had seen should mean, behold the men which were sent from Cornelius had made enquiries for Si- mon's house and stood before tha gate. And called and asked whether Simon, who was surnamed Peter, was lodged there. While Peter thought on the vision, the Spirit said unto him, "Behold three mien seek thee. Arise, therefore, and get thee down, and go with them doubting nothing, for I have sent them. Then Peter went down to the men, which were sent unto him from Cornelius, and said, "Behold, I am he whom ye seek ; what is the cause, wherefore ye are come. And they said, Cornelius, the centurion, a just man, and one that feareth God, and of good report among all the nations of the Jews was warned from God, by a holy Angel to send for thee into his house, and. to hear words of thee. Then called he them in and lodged them, and on the mor- row Peter went away with them, and certain brethren from Joppa accompanied him. And the morrow after they entered into Cesarea, and Cornelius waited for them, and had called together his kinsman, and near friends. And as Peter was coming in, Cornelius met him and fell down at his feet, and worshipped him. But Peter took him up, PSYCHIC RESEARCH. 49 saying, Stand up, I myself also am a man. And as he talked with him, he went in and found many that were come to- gether. And he said unto them, Ye know how that it is an unlawful thing for a man that is a Jetw to keep company or come unto one of another nation, but God hath showed me that I should not call any man common or unclean ; there- fore, came I unto you, without gainsaying, as soon as I was sent for. I ask, therefore, for what intent ye have sent for m€. ,, And Cornelius said, "Four days ago I was fasting until this hour, and at the ninth hour I prayed in my house, and behold a man stood before me in bright clothing, and said, Cornelius thy prayers are heard, and thine alms are had in remembrance in the sight of God. Send, therefore, to Joppa, and call thither Simon, whose surname is Peter ; he is lodged in the house of one Simon a tanner, by the sea- side, who, when he cometh, shall speak unto thee. Immedi- ately, therefore, I sent to thee, and thou hast well done that thou art come. Now, therefore, are we all here present be- fore God, to hear all things that are commanded thee of God. Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons. But in every nation he that feareth him and worketh righteousness is accepted with him." Now dearly beloved reader, if this spirit of God at one time visited mankind, can those things be again? I say yes, I am a swift witness that the holy an- gels of God visit us. I have been visited by holy angels of God, and in the lids of this little Book, I hope you will read and learn of the many inspirational views I met with in my research of the great beyond. Now let me impress upon your mind this grand favor to yourself; let us never be disobedient to God, the Spirit. When we are honored by the Father and find favor with the Spirit we are then able to entertain Angels when they come to us with the heavenly visions of God's free gift of the divine. We know not the hour the Son of God appeareth un- to us. We read in the Book of Joel 2 128, "And it shall come 50 DIVINE INSPIRATION to pass afterwards, that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh, and your sons, and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams ; your young men shall see visions, and also upon the servants, and upon the hand- maids, in those days will I pour out my spirit and I will show- wonders in the heavens, and in the earth, blood and fire and pillars of smoke." Now can't you see, beloved readers, the Spirit of God is being manifested daily in many different ways. We do not receive the Spirit just the same; I say, it is owing Lo our state and frame of mind that we receive these precious and heavenly jewels from the angel guardian. O Lord God of heaven and of earth, wilt thou he pleased to let our cries and many groans be hushed by the spirit divine, and wilt thou let thy good spirit again make its abode with us ; let it continue to lead us on and upward in the narrow and true path of highness and holiness. We em- ploye the helping hand of thy heavenly and angelic host ; we are a weak people created of thy own good pleasure, and not of our own will. O Lord, we are becoming weaker still, daily, by what causes? I say short of the true under- standing of thy law, and the Spirit of truth. O righteous Father, wilt thou grant us thy divine wisdom and power to regain that spiritual birthright, that we at one time pos- sessed in the ancient time, when our forefathers were en- tertained by thy happy spirit; and wilt thou, O, Lord, be merciful to us, and reunite us again that we may be joined together throughout the everlasting and eternal Rock of Ages. Wilt thou cleave to us, O Lord, not as the writer of this little book hath been carried by Angels beyond the sun. Do we ask of thee this? No, as it was to be by him, O Lord, let it be by us. Oh, beloved readers, you see we are living in the last signs of the present times. Can't you plainly see they are swiftly passing by, and the coming of the Christ Jesus is upon us, and the day in which we now live you see your- PSYCHIC RESEARCH. 51 self that they are very, very solemn, and the conditions of things show to us plainly that the most troublesome times are upon us. You see your daily papers — they are flooded with all indications of the most dreadful and daring con- flicts. You see the many bold and highway robberies ot every description; see the many strikes being made up of every class of mortal beings, the land and water over, as far as man hath trod 1 . I see houses divided, see. murder committed daily on every hand, unjust men are taking the dear lives of poor and blessed womankind, and little chil- dren are being robbed daily. I say of their wisdom of God, the Spirit, and of the knowledge of man, and to the many girl children of their only and all, I say, their virtue is being swiftly stolen away daily. Oh mother will thy daugh- ter become a true and noble and affectionate wife for one of the few but great and! gallant men, through and by the power of true guidance of the all seeing Eye. Witness the present wars, the world over. I say the evil spirit has succeeded in perverting justice, and filling men's hearts with the ardent desire for self and gain of the things of this world. Yes, I view dear and precious old Justice. Where? Standing afar off. Yes, and innocent old truth which I am daily laboring to make plain to you in this di- vine message to the world. I say, where is our God-loved truth? She has fallen so many times in the streets of the great cities. But why? Ignorance of the Triune Spirit God. Yes, I see great multitudes in these cities destitute of food and shelter, and raiment, and of many things that this life daily demands. Yet in the same cities I see many that hath more than any one honest heart can wish, spending their money lavishly and unthoughtfully for luxurious things which their bodies and minds and hearts cannot at all times endure. I positively know the times which are at hand (not to come; that you have ears and hear not; have eyes, and see not. And thou shall have two coats, 52 DIVINE INSPIRATION but only one canst thou wear. Have you two hundred dol- lars ; yes you can spend it for what you may, but I say you can only eat one meal at a time. THE CRIES OF STARVING HUMANITY. Oh, well many be the things to make up the great de- stroying powers of the undeveloped brain, and in this the mind of men becomes unbalanced, and this do you know as a certainty, it will surely debase the soul. Yes, I hear the cries of starving humanity by every species of op- pression and extortion. I see men piling colossal fortunes, speedily on to their own judgment of their many wills op- posite God's will, that you should live. I would you could see and know the time of your own visitation. Yes, I know there be many who have not as yet heard the real testing truth that may be learned in this message, and I know of many whom the spirit of God is still pleading and striv- ing with. For what? For their precious consent to be in- itiated; for these are the times of God's destructive and dreadful judgments ;and I say a time of mercy for those who had not the opportunity to learn of the real truths. I say that the Scriptures are more and more being fulfilled daily. You know that the Lord's promise was, and 1 is, and shall be, signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars, and upon the earth; and I have seen these signs, just as the Spirit has manifested them to me, which you shall see in this Book, and: read of them. Beloved, there is all manner of distress with the nations, and I say very much perplexi- ty. Yes, beloved reader, I hear the seas and waves roaring in the hearts of poor mankind. Yes, I see their eager eyes watching for the coming of the many great and dreadful disasters upon the earth. Yes, the powers of the heavens shall be shaken. Yes, look at the increase of storms and fires. PSYCHIC RESEARCH. 53 Allow me to call your attention to the scientific men; they are being greatly confused, day by day, with failures in their recent and wonderful inventions with which thty are trying to control the elements. Let me call to your mind one of the most surprising thoughts of mankind, in which they build ships and seem to defy any storm at sea, or any scheme of the great depths. You see they know not what they do. They simply unthoughtedly increase the death toll. Remember the master ship, better known historically as the named ''Titanic," that went down with its thousand or more — went into a watery grave with one whose name the world knows as one of the great heroes, John Jacob Astor. JOHN JACOB ASTOR'S "TRIPS IN OTHER WORLDS." One with whom my spirit joined in sympathy, with a view of his physical death and sad fate. I know of one time that he was one of the initiates twenty years ago, he himself wrote a book entitled, "Weird Adventures in other Worlds," by John Jacob Astor. This book, written for his friends by the Titanic hero seems to foreshadow not only the manner of his own death, but also his mar- riage to Madeline Force. Adventures in other worlds did he have; also strange prophecies did he get of what earth will be in the year 2000. In his adventures in other worlds, namely, "Jupiter" and "Saturn," he learned from the shade that instructed him upon earth half a century ago. He was an American bishop, who told him that there is prac- tically no limit to human progress on earth, which depends on command of the forces of nature. Now, beloved reader, you know that history has many cases of this kind. We know that the Witch of Endor raised the Prophet Samuel at the behest of Saul. Moses and Elias became visible at the transfiguration of Jesus, and 54 DIVINE INSPIRATION that after his crucifixion and burial Jesus returned to his disciples, and was seen and heard by many. I say one great and grand feature of the occult world is that it does not in- terfere with the natural world, except through faith; just the way a man lays up treasures in heaven when on earth, by gladly doing something for someone. WILLIAM T. STEAD'S MESSAGE AFTER DEATH. Now I guess you all know that William T. Stead went down also with the many that were on the Titanic. That is to say that the physical body of this great thinker, writer and investigator was engulfed in the mighty Atlantic. But I say the soul or the spiritual body of William T. Stead continues to exist. It was simply a passing from the phys- ical plane to the great beyond of real life and experience. As a fearless, sincere and earnest investigator of spiritual phenomena and clear evidence, Mr. Stead had won respect and recognition the wide world over. Also his friend, Mr. Gladstone, had become interested, very largely through Mr. Stead's influence, and the famous Mr. Gladstone once said, "The demonstration of life beyond the grave is, to my mind, the most important matter that confronts the human race,'' and Mr. Stead had interrogated, examined and learned un- til he had penetrated the veil, which assured his knowledge, and had been the means of making thousands to think and know, so satisfied was he that there is no death ; so con- vinced was he of a continuation of individual conscious ex- istence that when the giant steamship was sinking, Mr. Stead retired to his berth in his stateroom and calmly went in silence. This peace and tranquil acceptance of God's free will is a beautiful and inspiring example of what sub- lime trust and serene resignation characterized the pass- ing over of those who have truly investigated and therefore have the personal knowledge that life continues on and up- ward. No, there is no need of a special label, or term of PSYCHIC RESEARCH. 55 spiritualist, for at heart all creeds and all religions teach survival of personalities, and continued life after death. The Bible abounds with all the proofs that are necessary. MESSAGE BY MADAME D. MIESSMIER. Now the question is being asked daily, has William T. Stead been heard from or has he ever returned to give per- sonal testimony as to life beyond? Yes, messages have been received five different times from Mr. Stead, stating that he had passed over and had met his spirit friends, Julia and his son. Two of these messages were received in London, England, and three in the United States. Your daily news- papers quoted one message most extensively, one received through the Madame D. Miessmier, daughter of Rear Admiral William Radford, and widow of Waldemar D. Miessmier, late secretary to the Russian Legation at Wash- ington. Mme. D. Miessmier gives the Stead message as follows : "I simply went from my cabin directly to the beyond. I never suffered any at all. I did not know where I was until I saw Julia. She was there to welcome me. I knew that I was not on the ship when Julia came ; she told me it was her house. W r e went out on a large lawn where there were many people; Major Butt and Mr. and Mrs. Straus were there, and I did not know that I had ever died.*' Now, dear reader, you and I are almost compelled to ac- knowledge the many manifestations of the Spirit God and we are also compelled to acknowledge the many different calamities that are arising with a higher tide yearly. Man has been and is yet under the impression that he can con- quer the air with the many different machines. Yes, I do say that man has made great progress, but not as yet has man been able to rule the air, earth and waters. You see for yourself that one by one the aviators are paying with their lives the price for which the elements are conquered. Man can combat with them, and he can restrict their powers 56 DIVINE INSPIRATION to a certain extent, but I say emphatically, man can never control these unknown forces. We all know that old Mother Nature has been deprived of many of her hidden -secrets, and we know that the in- genuity of man has discovered many things, which for many centuries have been hidden and yet there remains many and many mysteries unknown to man, and will for- ever remain undiscovered. Beloved reader, all I give you to read in this message is the beginning of sorrows, as the time is coming that we will not be able to work with the freedbm that we now enjoy, as there are great and dreadful scenes before us, and I do say, what we do that must we do quickly, as the spirit of God is surely and gradually being withdrawn from the earth, be- cause mankind is shunning the presence of this great Spirit, which is freely given to man simply to lead him back to the folds of God. I see men left alone in the hand and care of the evil and lying spirit. Beloved', is the Holy Spirit being drawn from you, and do you know that when you have re- sisted the Spirit Divine no longer, he returns to you with pure love, and may I insist upon you to yield today? COMMUNICATION MADE EASY. Do you know that the sacred Scripture contains three distinct senses called Celestial, Spiritual and Natural, and in each sense, it is a divine truth accommodated respectfully to the angels of the heavens, and to man on earth, and there is a correspondence between all things in man, and there is a divinity, trinity, Aqua, which is Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. And I say the divine and human proceedings are the operation. Now please try and understand me: the Trinity consisteth not of three distinct persons, but it is united, as body, soul and operation in man in the one person of the Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, He is the God of heaven, and is to be worshipped in Spirit and Truth, PSYCHIC RESEARCH. 57 being the only Creator, from Eternity, and Redeemer in time of Redemption ; yes and a Regenerator to the unreg- erated, and that redemption consisteth not of a deputed sac- rifice to appease or an atonement, or in other words the at- one-ment to appease the divine wrath and to make a real subjugation of the powers of darkness, and I say a restora- tion of order; a divine government in the Spiritual world, which will surely check the ever overflowing influences of the wicked spirits that are ever and continually wander- ing through the whole world for the sole purpose of devour- ing the souls of mankind upon this our great physical para- dise of green. And I say this will open a near and clear communication with the heavenly and Angelic forces which will make salvation, which is no other than regeneration, more possible and free for all who are in search of the real truths. I trust that you know that there is a universal influx from God, the Spirit, which flows into the souls of men, and the soul upon receiving this influx from God, transmutes it through the perceptive faculties of the mind to the body ; and the Lord God entereth by influx into every man, according to his state and form of mind and condi- tion, and I must say, of the faith and obedience to the di- vine will. Now it is the good influx from God that is changed by us, and by our evil nature into their recipient, from good into evil, and from truth to falsehoodi, and my dear beloved and kind reader, please allow me to impress this one thing upon your mind, while we in this world do live, we are more or less subject to the influences of the two most opposite principles, or I will say, the evil and the good. WHAT AND WHERE IS HELL? Now the good is not a combative spirit, though contin- ually pleading with man to heed the voice of God, but the evil is very obnoxious, continually fighting with the good for 5 8 DIVINE INSPIRATION the real supremacy of the souls of men. And I say the good is from the Lord and his holy angels, and the evil is from the evil spirits, and while we live, I say, in this world, our spirits they have their abode at times in the spiritual world, and by this you see we are kept in a spiritual equilibrium by the continual actions of those contrary powers, though we are at perfect liberty to yield to our choice. I say, without a free will in spiritual understanding, regeneration can in no way be affected, though if we submit to God, wc can receive that real true and everlasting life from him, and should we not, of course we shall be compelled to re- ceive that life from the evil or from hell, which in the Scriptures is called death. I do positively say that evil and good are not arbitrary appointments of God ; heaven is a state continually replenishing the good affections of our hearts, a correspondence of word and action ground into sincere love towards God, the Spirit, and man, and I say the so-called hell or the evil is nothing less than the neces- sary consequences of a thoughtless and evil life; yes, it is being enslaved by vile and cruel affections of self love and love of the world. Oh, beloved, let us be brought down un- der the divine submission of the will, which is the real true understanding, and unadulterated action of the truth. I do believe there is an intermediate state for departed souls. I say, it is a place which you may call the world of spirits, or in other words, the spiritual world. Now this is a state of purification to the good, though to the evil it is a state of separation from all the extraneous. I say good from the radical evil, which constitutes the real essence of our nature. Now I say the consummation which consists of the total falsification of the divine truth, and the adulteration of the divine good of the word which has ac- tually taken place, and in your understanding of Scripture reading, which you have heretofore supposed to signify the dreadful destruction of the world by fire, and so commonly called the last and general judgment. I am laboring that you PSYCHIC RESEARCH. 59 may have a more definite conceptional idea, for in this it does not signify the end of the world, for the simple fact, Ecclesiastes 1 14, reads thus : "One generation passeth away, and another generation cometh." Read the 9th verse : ''the thing that hath been it is that which shall be, and that which is done is that which shall be done, and there is no new thing under the sun." Read the 10th verse : "Is there anything whereof it may be said, 'See this is new,' it hath been already of old time which was before us." Also read Job 26:6, "Hell is naked before him and destruction hath no covering." 7. "He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing,'' and you see it is the consummation of the age, and not the end as you have been taught. And now let everyone possess his soul with patience, and to know not one thing that God has established can be overthrown. I say it will be a great day for the honest and true seekers of the real truths, when the simple and beautiful democracy of pure love, is established. Then the initiated brotherhood can be restored. Beloved reader, do you know that humanity is yearning as never before for the real genuine truths, which I am la- boring to impress upon your feeble mind. I know that you will bear with me in this. Humanity is becoming exceed- ingly impatient of the many different galvanized and imita- tions, in which they are ever searching and demanding the reality of what is all good and pure. I say the unrest of th.e present day is in the search of real truths, and the quest will never end until the real truth is restored to her rightful place. Men are now imploring the love of God and the touch of love for one another, man. He is now hungering, deeper than ever, for a truer and undefiled benevolence, not to one, but many and all, more than ever. Your Scrip- tures plainly say, "Whosoever shall call upon the name of God shall be saved." Well then I say, "How then shall they call upon the name of him whom they have not be- lieved," and so long as nothing less than killing will stop 6o DIVINE INSPIRATION some men in their evil way, and show the logical results of their covetousness, and lack of brotherly love, I say so long will the Spirit let the wicked destroy the wicked. I say we must become willing to respond to reformatory, transforming effects of the Holy Spirit, working in them both to will and to do wisely, when man may learn to be- come elevated by the peaceful and loving influences of the Holy Spirit. It is not the will of God that anyone should perish, so let us respond joyfully to the inspiration of love. The spirit is of soul and body, hence these are the ruling powers. I say its works are so swift that the natural man can not com- prehend them, and he called them miracles, and you see all things are done under the Spirit now. If we have firmly fixed in our hearts that sincere desire and a deep yearning for this knowledge, then truth will enter and instruct thee. ''Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. " Read John 14:26: "But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remem- brance, whatsoever I have said unto you. Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you, not as the world) giveth, give I unto you ; let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now ; howbeit when the Spirit of truth is come, he will surely guide you into all truths, as he shall not speak of himself, but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak, and he will show you things to come." I want to ask of you, "Are you a witness?" I trust that you can say "yes." Oh, beloved, do you positively know in not one, in every man's life pilgrimage there are holy places ? Yes, I say where the holy heavens lower themselves. Yes, very low over the heads of men. And then the Angels en- camp around us, and minister unto us. I say these are sure- ly the places of sacrifices or what may be called the meeting of the mortal and immortal, better known as the camping PSYCHIC RESEARCH. 61 places of trials, wherein we are sometimes severely pressed to the great walls of ignorance in the spiritual combats for life eternal. And you see herein are the many tears and agonies of bitter disappointments, and overbalancing vic- tories. Oh, beloved reader, my hopes are built on high and I live in prayer to God that this little book may lead poor human- ity to a clear and truer, higher and I say a more nobler con- ception of our God, the spirit divine. I know your vision of God, the Spirit, is very dim, indeed, and your knowledge of man is very poor, and I say to you that truth may be un- palatable, but this must be given to you, not as the will of myself, (no, sir) but the will of God the Spirit. I say in the days which are at hand, the minds of mankind are much in- deed disturbed by the great wars, the world over, with the rich against the rich, the strong against the strong, intelli- gent against the intelligent, the ignorant against the igno- rant, and the poor against the poor, tribe against tribe, and they will not take the teachings of the Spirit who is ever by one's lonely side pleading, "Child, come home." Now we, I say, will not heed this gift from the fountain head of all life, love, and wisdom. We then shall expect 10 be with the dammed cast out. You must come at his com- mand to heaven or else depart to hell. So we may look for the many wars in different and various ways in this life, and should we war much in this life, and the victory should we gain over the enemies, which is self-love, and lust of this world, we then can expect peace in this life, and the life to come. Now of these many different calamities the world over, I say men naturally are turning to every study, where he believes himself safe to find true prophecy in his re- search. He is endeavoring to locate the real genuine truths from the study of God's true word in the ancient. Yes, 1 see many things that you can't see, though I am laboring daily that you may attain to the decided changes of mind, and get off the onward road to ignorance and darkness. 62 DIVINE INSPIRATION OUT ON LIFE'S SEA. Yes, I now view a great sea, and along the great shore of this vast sea, I see men, women, little children of every nation, race and tribe, with its many rulers, popes, priests, bishops, elders, ministers, (teachers of the many) judges, lawyers, doctors, and all the many professionals of the world. Yes, the rich, the poor, the widow, many there be, the orphan, the bondman, the freeman, the seafaring man, and criminals of all walks of life, the friendless, the pauper, the poor old bachelor, the lover, the bride, the groom, the* robbers of all robbers, that rob young women of their vir- tue, and in this robbery of mothers' daughters, he not only robs her of her virtue, but of her future lifemate. And yet this is no statement of his robbery, he has robbed her of her teachings of dear old mother, and blessed father. I say these teachings, should not they be devoured like many good precious seeds sown in the many different soils of old mother nature? I say we would not have the vast army of divorce seekers of todiay, and I say these teachings would have fitted her in life to become queen of mankind. I say, God forbid such rdblbery. I see merrymakers, the griefstricken, the heartbroken, the peacebreaker, the peace- maker, the moneyseeker, the money spender. There be many that are cruel to beasts and the many cattle upon the thou- sand hills, and all animal kind. Yes, I say, murderers, thieves, whoremongers, yes, and liars, and whole lifetime gamblers, and the many sinners of every description, and the many other grafters, the would be religious ones by the thousands, and the many Christians by name, and all those of the many different doctrines and faiths, which are daily flying through the air. Of all these many ones I see stand- ing on the banks of Life's sea, with their leaders and fol- lowers ; some with the smiles of life's real and everlasting hopes for life eternal, and some with tears, some young; and mothers with babes in their arms ; manv of the rich PSYCHIC RESEARCH. 6j dressed in the richest and gayest of fashions ; some highly decorated, not knowing the cost of the jewels; some plead- ing for peace, some striving to avert it ; some wearing, some not able to wear; many feasting, many hungering and starving for food, and the many other things that go to make life soothing on the banks of life's seashore. I see men begging and pleading for positions ; some buy- ing positions, and many I say needing a position, and in seeking many find it and pass from it. And in this it comes about by a choice of positions, and in this old mother nature continues to roll on, and in her wheel I see a fellow in it well known as poverty. Now on this great seashore there be many tattered and torn, and also weatherbeaten. Some out of doors, some under more shelter than they can really occupy. Some I see tramping from city to city. Some trav- eling the world over by rail, and by water, and they have money to spend and to lend, but not to the needy one. And on this great seashore many do I see seeking marriage, some seeking to prevent it, and some seeking divorce, and I say, "God forbid." I see near this great seashore a very small vessel, which travels not by steam, neither by sail, only by the will of God. God speeds it on and on, day by day, night after night, this little vessel. I only see the figure and form of One who is Captain of all captives, whose conqueror is victory and bet- ter known as death — it is not a person I see in this little vessel. I only see a shape seemingly robed with paleness, and in the right hand I see a great blade with a great stout handle to it, seemingly very sharp. This captain of cap- tives does not land his vessel at the shore for his passen- gers. No, he just simply beckons to them with the left hand, and the first I see called is a young man of a very re- fined appearance, and there iby his side, mother, father, sister and brother, all of great wealth. But this captain in his lit- tle vessel sailing life's sea could not be bought or bribedi any way at all. I have seen money and influence do many things, 6j DIVINE INSPIRATION but it could not be accepted by this little seafaring one who rides the waves and sails the sea of life. And I see this young man with all his millions with the influences of other rich and many friends in power of this great mass of people. With him there was much weeping and wailing when they heard of his fate, but this captain continued to beckon, so gently and kind. I saw this young man yield up the ghost. A mother was the next victim called ; her arms clasped a little babe, which was held tightly. She had not the oppor- tunity of saying to someone, "Please take my child, raise it for me." It was left alone on the shore of this great sea of life. The next I see called by the beckoning of this feeble and delicate hand was a beautiful bride, in this life not of love a united one. I see her innocent look to the groom who stands by her side, as if to say, "Is it you or is it I, dear one ?" Oh, but before he could give answer, she was stolen away from his side, and oh, what a weeping and wailim;- when he heard her cries. It was, "Good-bye, dear, I will meet you yonder in the celestial." The next I see called was a son of some woman, which on the gallows he stood. His voice rang out these words, "Here stands my aunt, my mother and father; all and many more standing around me. I am innocent, but if anyone knew the joy in my soul, they would much rather have me to go than to stay, although I am the only son that my poor old mother had. You can hang me, you can bury me, but there is coining a day when I am going to rise." The next I see was a fair damsel, a picture of living beauty. She was called to take this voyage on Life's great sea, only to sail with this little captain, whose name is death. She began to sigh, and with a look, as if to beg someone to take this trip for her, but not one returned! this sad look. As you all know some day, sooner or later, even the pope and the pauper must take this voyage, only to be accom- panied with old death out on life's sea. Oh, for you I am laboring to have you to be ready and waiting for the last PSYCHIC RESEARCH. 65 trip across life's sea. Do you know that the queen of the south shall rise up in judgment? Jesus saith, I sit a queen and am no widow. INSPIRATION. Beloved, do you know that God, the Father, which is Spirit, revealeth to us many truths, and in that you see there is no enlightment from without, as you should firmly acknowledge that the real true secrets of all things is re vealed from within, and I say from without there cometh not any divine inspiration. I say the spirit beareth witness, beloved one. Please think not that I shall tell you that which ye know not of, for except you do know it, I say it can not be given, and I say to the initiated, you that have, more shall be given you. I plainly want you to understand me. I mean those who hath been initiated by the Spirit of God. I do trust that you may realize this, that inborn knowledge and the perception of things are the real, true sources of all genuine and unadulterated inspiration, as the soul of man truly instructeth, and in this I trust you to plainly see and understand for yourself, and not for another, that intuition is inborn experience, and in this that which the soul knoweth of the ancient can plainly be understood and revealed not to any one particular people. You know six feet of earth can make us all of one size. and in all this, I say, prayer means the intense direction of the will and dlesire towards the Highest : so let us try to give dear old hope a chance to heal our many daily stings, we receive in our travels in life, and then we can be able to bury our burdens ; in this you know in the grave with blessed old hope, why it takes, Six for the outgoing, Six for ingathering, Six for the Man, 66 DIVINE INSPIRATION Six for the Woman, then shall be the Sabbath of Blessed Messiah. THE END. I do here one word with all my hopes commit you to th* Spirit. Scripture Reading: The Lying Spirit sent out to Deceive Man. First Kings 22 120-26. And the Lord said, "Who shall persuade Ahab, that he may go up and fall at Ramoth-gilead ?" And one said on this manner, and another said on that manner. And there came forth a Spirit and stood before the Lord 1 , and he said, "I will persuade him." And the Lord said unto him, " Wherewith?" "I will go forth, and I will be a lying spirit in the mouth of all his prophets." And he said, "Thou shalt persuade him, and prevail also : go forth, and do so. Now, therefore, behold, the Lord hath put a lying spirit in the mouth of all these thy prophets, and the Lord hath spoken evil concerning thee." But Zedekiah, the son of Chenaanah, went near, and smote Micaiah on the cheek, and said, "Which way went the Spirit of the Lord from me to speak unto thee?" And Micaiah said, "Behold, thou shalt see in that day, when thou shalt go into an inner chamber to hide thyself." THE SUN TURNED BACK TEN DEGREES. Please read your Scriptures. Isaiah 38:1-22. In those days was Hezekiah sick unto death. And Isaiah, the proph- et, the son of Amos, came unto him, and said unto him, "Thus saith the Lord, Set thine house in order; for thou shalt die, and not live. Then Hezekiah turned his face to- 68 DIVINE INSPIRATION ward the wall, and prayed unto the Lord. And said, "Re- member now, O Lordl, I beseech thee, how I have walked before thee in truth and with a perfect heart, and have done that which is good in thy sight. And Hezekiah wept sore. Then came the word of the Lord to Isaiah, saying, "Go, and say to Hezekiah, Thus saith the Lord, the God of David thy father, I have heard thy prayer, I have seen thy tears : behold, I will add unto thy days fifteen years. And I will deliver thee and this icity out of the hand of the king of Assyria; and I will defend this city. And this shall be a sign unto thee from the Lord, that the Lord will do this thing that he hath spoken; Behold, I will bring again the shadow of the degrees which is gone down in the sun dial of Ahaz, ten degrees backward. So the sun returned ten degrees, by which degrees it was gone down. The writing of Hezekiah, king of Judiah, when he had been sick, and was recovered of his sickness ; I said in the cutting off cf my days. I shall go to the gates of the grave ; I am deprived of the residue of my years. I said, "I shall not see the Lord, even the Lord, in the land of the living ; I shall behold man no more with the inhabitants of the world. Mine age is de- parted, and is removed from me as a shepherd's tent: I have cut off like a weaver my life : he will cut me off with pining sickness : from day even to night wilt thou make an end of me. I reckoned till morning, that, as a lion, so will he break all my bones : from day even to night wilt thou make an end of me. Like a crane or a swallow, so did I chatter : I did mourn as a dove : mine eyes fail with looking upward: O Lord, I am oppressed!; undertake for me. What shall I say ? He hath both spoken unto me, and him- self hath done it: I shall go softly all my years in the bitter- ness of my soul. O Lord, by these things men live, and in all these things is the life of my spirit : so wilt thou recover me and make me to live. Behold, for peace I had great bit- terness : but thou hast in love to my soul delivered it from the pit of corruption ; for thou hast cast all my sins behind PSYCHIC RESEARCH. 69 thy back. For the grave cannot praise thee, death cannot celebrate thee : they that go down into the pit cannot hope for thy truth. The living, the living, he shall praise thee, as I do this day : the father to the children shall make known thy truth. The Lord was ready to save me: therefore we will sing my songs to the stringed instruments all the days of our life in the house of the Lord. For Isaiah had said, "Let them take a lump of figs, and lay it for a plaster upon the boil and he shall recover." Hezekiah also had said, "What is the sign that I shall go up to the house of the Lord?" t i„^ Now, dear reader, just as the King of Judah, Hezekiah, having received a message of death, and by the faithful prayer his life was lengthened, and the sun turned backward ten degrees, for a sign of that great and grand promise, I am a swift and a true witness. As for a simple and plain reason, I was sick, one time ; sick unto death, and the phy- sician had failed, friends had forsaken me. I sought the Lord God of all physicians, with all earnestness of heart, and he heard my cries, and answered me, and the sign that was left with me was this message with many symbols and signs. A wickedly reigned of twenty years after a prom- ise to serve the most high, but failed. I was visited by an angel when lying on my sick bed ; after I seen all the efforts of man were failing. I said I shall call on the God, that onetime heard my cries when I was very sick ; I do know r he will hear and answer my peti- tion, and I call with a broken and contrite heart, not like as a friend, but in the manner you, or anyone, would in dire distress. And my pains were eased, and on the evening after my early prayer I had just lit my light for the night, and laid down, greatly rejoicing over my condition after praying ; to my surprise I was lying in bed. And I beheld a great beast coming out of an adjoining room to my bedroom. Just as it entered the door of my room, I could not for a moment 7 o DIVINE INSPIRATION imagine what it resembled. Through my second gaze upon . it as it was still coming toward my bed, I held my eye di- rectly on the object. It seemed! to be a great large tiger, but it had actions like a lion, and it seemed to be about thir- ty feet in length, including the tremendous tail. I was not .the least afraid, though it seemed to be very harmful, but as I kept my gaze upon it, the nearer it got to me ; it came slowly, but surely did come right onto my bed with me, and then a great fear came upon me. Just as the thing got un- der the same covering with me, the springs of the bed began to give vent and then I felt it sinking. I was gazing into the ceiling, and trying to keep up courage, but when the springs began to go down, I boldly said, "I am not afraid ; I know that you are the Satan, but I am not in the least afraid of you, for I shall trust my God." Then I said, "Lord have mercy on me." And then I turned my head to the right side of my bed, and there by the side of my bed was standing the Holy Angel of God, the figure of a living human; the garment, the sword, the crown, the hair, the countenance, all of the same brightness between that of a star, and moon brightness, and was not looking down upon me. As the head of my bed was stand- ing to the north, the Angel was standing at the west side of my bed ; it was looking directly towards the east, and while I was still looking at the greatness of this message bearer, I said, "What in the name of the Lord) can this be ? And just then I was touched by the left shoulder, and I turned my head to see what it could be, and a voice spoke, and said, "This is your Guardian Angel." Then I turned my head again to look at the Angel, and it had disappeared. This is witness by the Holy Angels of the Most High. After that I felt very much relieved, because my prayer was answered, and afterwards I continued to pray on, and the angel continued to visit me, and that is why I write this message to you, so as to give you what the Lord God has given me for a sign, just as he gave Hezekiah, but not in the PSYCHIC RESEARCH. 71 same manner do we all receive the Spirit, though as we have faith and have labored, and been obedient to the will of the Spirit. Now, my beloved readers, I do hope you understand that the same God that sendeth the angels to our forefa- thers, he changeth not, and there is nothing impossible with the Most High God. See this wondrous work of the Spirit. Read Second Kings 13:20. "And Elisha died; and they buried him, and the bands of the Moabites invaded the land at the coming in of the year. And it came to pass as they were burying a man, that behold they spied a band of men, and they cast the man into the sepulchre of Elisha, and when the man was let down, and touched) the bones of Elisha, he revived, and stood up on his feet." You see in this there be some things possible of great powers after death, as this- being some of my first fruits of my knowledge of the mys- terious and wondrous word of the Spirit. I consider this my mission the remainder of my time on this side, and in this my mission is to aid the wanderer back to the straight and narrow path that surely will lead us on to the real foun- tain head, the real lover of life, and in this I have not as yet the assistance of not one to aid me in this great life-saving undertaking, and therefore, in my first step, I cannot pic- ture to you all that the spirit has given me. THE SONG THE ANGEL SANG TO ME. Now the song the Angel sang to me, and. this symbol was given to me when lying in bed. I had never fallen asleep; I was yet awake, andi I had just interested my mind upon things of naught, when all of a sudden I seemed to be changed from the place in which I was in bed, but to the real sense of mind I seemed to be many hundred miles from my former place. But I rememiber that I was yet in my same night garments, and this occurred in the sum- mer months with me. I was changed to a faraway dis- 72 DIVINE INSPIRATION tance, seemingly from the appearance of the small trees, and all large ones, (being deprived of summer clothing, lit- tle buds and flowers and leaves, as if the season had even changed where I was taken. INSPIRATION BY THE SEER. Now this is what really did happen to me. While I was in this place I was walking in my bare feet through the great jungle like. All bushes and trees looked as if it were in the month of January, and I was all alone, walking face east- wards, but far, far away from where I went to bed. And as I was walking along, I cannot explain just precisely the identical ways of all, but I heard a great singing up in the heavens, not at any certain place, no, but it seemed to be in every direction in the whole heavens, and on in front of my going, and seemingly, about fifty feet from me, there stood two great huge white posts, very white and large, in- deed ; the position seeming to be the entrance of some place ; about twenty feet apart. Now just inside of this great ap- pearing entrance, there was a great and most beautiful bed of flowers ; and as I neared this entrance, the song con- tinued, and never in all my past had I even heard this grand and glorious sweet song by the holy angels of God's heaven- ly choir. To think I, being in my bed, and to be changed so suddenly all in a moment's time. Now the song that was being sung I had never heard, though I learned since that it was a very familiar old song, and this it be : , "Walk in the light, the beautiful light, Come where the dew drops of mercy shines bright ; Shine all around us by night and by day, Jesus, the light of the world." Now just as the last verse was being sung I was near the entrance of the great white post of the beautiful flower bed. PSYCHIC RESEARCH. 73 WAS SHADOWED WITH WINGS OF ANGELS. In the very last words of the last verse, two wings came up out of the ground, on the right and left side of me, and they extended high in the heavens over me, and at a great distance above my head. They seemed to be arched right over me with tips of the wings coming together, and the song was endied, and then I was to my normal again. Other happenings to me very soon after I lay down, and when all over, I felt as though I could shout other trips in the heavens. Now of my many times being carried away in the living spirit in the heavens ; I would to God, the spirit, I could be able to present to you, just as it really happened, wakefully, sometimes carried by angels, sometimes alone. This time seeing the Saviour sitting on the throne with the shepherd's cane, and little lamb lying in the lap, and the many kindred of tongues (of nations), were seated' on the right hand and on the left hand, and when I walk in, I seen seated a great mass of people, as if it was this whole world, and as I had entered the center of this great white way, walking just as I had entered a church here on earth, and just as a stranger would walk in a church, as if looking for some place to be seated. I looked at the Saviour, and seen his mouth open, and as he dlid, all those on the right hand side of this great etherial amphitheater, they all stood up, and those on the left hand side remained seated, and all was over. THE BLACK MAN WASHED IN THE BLOOD OF THE LAjMB. And again on one of these million miles far away trips I was walking in the midair far away, and as I came to the would be entrance of some great white way, there seemed to be two great huge white posts as it were the two posts of a large gate, the way of all entrances and passages; and 74 DIVINE INSPIRATION just white as if it were snow. And! to my left in going near this place, there was a great fountain in the shape of a bowl, though the size of this was about 12x12 in circumference. And in the center of this great fountain, there was a large round ball just as white as the bowl, and it was without wa- ter, or anything, save only the white ball. And as I was nearing this great entrance, I seen a man that came from some place. I never learned from whence he came, though he was black as black could ever be, and he was perfectly nude, just as a newborn babe. And he came and jumped in this fountain on this ball in the fountain, and as there was nothing in this fountain only the ball, no water ; but as soon as he jumped in there on the ball, from somewhere came water; and in a stream like, with much force. A stream extended up over his head, and falling back down on his head and shoulders, and he was washing him- self with his right hand 'by rubbing over his head and shoul- ders. And I asked what was he doing, and I was touched on the right shoulder, and I turned my head to look, and a voice spake unto me, and said, "He is 'being washed in the Blood of the Lamb," and all was over. THE ANGEL ADVISETH ME NOT TO GIVE UP. Then again, when I decided with a friend to give all this work up and never to pray any more, and on that fatal night I was in much agony when I retired, and during the night I was walking far away and high in the heavens, and I came to where there was a great entrance, seemingly to be about a block wide. The entrance enclosure was two great large curtains extremely high and wide, and red in color, and as I was walking slowly towards this entrance, an angel came from behind these curtains, about five feet, of medium size, with a blood red robe on and seamless, and beckoned to me, and said to me, "Gome and see." And I walked a little near, and it spake these words to me, just as PSYCHIC RESEARCH. 75 it gathered these curtains with the left hand, and beckoned with the right hand to me, and said, "Come and see." And I walked on nearer to it, and it said) to me, "Don't you know if you turn back we shall have to go way back into the heavens to get forgiveness for you. And beloved, I then decided to continue in my research of things eternal. The great and most high witness all true manifestations of the spirit. See Revelations iq:i2. ji. THE EYE OF THE LORD UPON ME. And then again on one summer evening when I disrobed myself for my night's rest, after m|y prayer to the Most High, the last words was after my prayer. I simply folded my hand's, lying directly upon my back, head towards the north, silently said, "Oh, Lord, I pray thee this night let me thy glory behold as thou didst Moses, the great prophet, and this is what I saw: a great eye, high in the heavens (what we in the material call the sun at a certain place in the heavens, eleven o'clock), and that eye was so bright the ray with all its great force and infinite power was directed on my face with a pure white streak or a ray of very nar- rowness, as the brightness of the sun in the merry month of June. And unto this time I began to have confidence in my prayer and meditation with the spirit. Your Scriptures mention the eye of the Lord in many verses in the Bible ; read,' second Chronicles 16:9. "For the eyes of the Lord .run to and fro throughout the whole earth to show himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him:; herein thou hast done foolishly, therefore, from hence- forth thou shalt have wars." Occulta: Mystic Teachings. WHAT BECOMES OF THE SOUL AFTER DEATH. I will call your attention to the advancement of souls; and the minds; they are symbolized as an angel; a Queen an'd a King ; the right aspiration, right perception, the right judgment on the astral. NOW SO TO SPEAK OF SOULS . The understanding of these is necessary to a true doc- trine concerning existence, but though speaking especially of souls it will be necessary to refer to spirits, for though spirits, properly so called, have not souls, souls have spirits in either case. However, I shall treat mainly of the unem- bodied, or the disembodied, and the region or sphere which is immediately contiguous to the material, and which we our- selves enter upon. By quitting the material is the astral; it is this and its occupants in which I will call your atten- tion. To understand fully the place and value of this sphere, it is necessary to have in miind a clear conception of the places and values of all the spheres, which are comprised in and which constitute the manifestations of being, which is termed existence. To this end I will commence with the following succinct. Recapitulation. The spirit and the soul which are orig- inal life and substance are divine and uncreated; the astral and material bodies are the created, that is the manifested part, the astral which is called also the sideral, the odic, the magnetic, the fury is fluidic, and constitutes the bond be- tween the soul and! the material body. It is the original body, being that which makes and that PSYCHIC RESEARCH. 77 which becomes the original, permanent, individual, consists of soul and spirit, and when manifested it is by means of the astral, or fluidio !body, of which the material or fixed body is the outer. Manifestation: The manifestation it is called in the ultimates. Every creation or complete manifested entity, whether it be macrocosmic or microcosmic, is a compound of two dualisms, which respectively are celestial and ter- restial, or spiritual and material. The celestial or kingdom of heaven, which consists of soul and spirit, is within, and the terrestial or kingdom of this world, which consists of astral and body and the seat of the animai bruta and of phe- nomenal body, 'is without. Now of these two dualisms each is to the other the beyond, and between them saving only where one and the same divine will, the will, which has its seat in, and which is the spirit, pervades the whole being. Antagonism. They are respectively the spiritual man and the natural man. But in the suffusion of the entire per- sonality thus constituted one and the same divine will, con- sists of what mystically is termed the at-one-ment, or, re- conciliation between man and God, but which is commonly called the atonement. As the whole is thus fourfold, so with the exception of the spirit are these parts. The external material body, whether of planet or of man, is fourfold, in that it is gaseous, mineral, vegetable, animal. The astral body or perisoul is fourfold, being magnetic, purgatorial, limbic, cherubic — terms to be explained. The soul is four- fold, namely elemental, instinctive, vital, rational, and the spirit is threefold or triune, because there is no external to spirit-being. Three-fold is the essence of the farther, the word, and is desirous, willing, Obedient and being God. It is one because God is one, and from the constitution of the perfected! individual the astral sphere zone or carcalus, va- riously called the perisoul, the magnetic, siderul and odic fluid or body is the same with the wheel of Ezekiel, of which the four living creatures are the four elemental spir- 78 DIVINE INSPIRATION its. It contains four orders of entities which are repre- sented by four magnetic circuli or wheels, encircling the earth and full of lives. The highest and uppermost of this circuli is that of the elemental spirits, or winged creatures. The second is that of the souls; the third is that of the shades, and the fourth and lowest is that of the magnetic spirits, commonly called astrals. This circuli corresponds to air, water, earth and fire, beginning at the outer and up- permost and going inwards and downwards, the magnetic emanations or astrals are under the dominion of the fire. They are not souls or divine personalities; they are simply emanations, or. phantasms and have no real being. Every event or circumstance which has ever taken place upon the planet has an astral counterpart or picture in the magnetic light, so that as alreadly said, they are actually ghosts of past events as well as of present. THE MAGNETIC BOND WHICH UNITES THE SOUL TO THE BODY. The magnetic existence of this circuli are the shades or names of past times, circumstances, thoug'hts and acts of which the planet has been the scene. And they can be evoked. The appearance on such occasions are but shad- ows left on the protoplasmic mirror. This order then cor- responds to that of fire and is the fourth and lowest. The next circuli, the third, with its spirits, corresponds to earth, and contains the shades, lares and penates of the dead. And the so-called mediums are controlled or more correctly sometimes sensitives, and are influenced, since the spirits which are called astrals have no force and cannot exercise the least control ; born of emanations of the body they occu- py the perisoul or fluidic, astral and magnetic bond which unites the soul to the bodly. This fluid is the magnetism of the earth, the lowest circuli of the fire, which denoted by the term latent light analogous to latent heat. Now place those PSYCHIC RESEARCH. 79 changed currents and modifications which result and are expressed in the phenomenal of late days, familiar to num- bers produced by astral spirits through this fluidic element, and they are passed currents, one reflected above, and the other reflected from below ; one being celestial, as coming direct from the spirit, and the other terrestrial as coming from the earth or body. And a true medium should know how to distinguish the ray from the reflection. Should a medium pass into the negative and thence into the somnamballic state, the minds of such sensitive is con- trolled by the will of the magnetizer, then an adept will not be able to discern the true origin of the image evoked. Now in this magnetic sphere are two orders of existence. Now of these orders one is that already mentioned, the shades of the dead ; the other consists of reflects of the living, and the difficulty of distinguishing between these two orders is to the uninitiated a source of error, of a more serious kind arises through the complex character of the astral region itself, and the variety of the grades of spirits by which every division is tenanted spirits of the sub-human order. More- over are want under control of the wish of their invokers to personate spirits of a higher grade. Now the atmosphere with which a man surrounds him- self, his soul respiration affect the astral fluid, and his own ideas come back to him ; his soul breath colours and savours what a sensitive conveys to him. But he may meet with contradictions with a systematic doctrine, by his mind not being sufficiently positive to control all the manifestations of the electric agent, thus new doctrines are in the air, and spread like wild fire, one over two strongly positive minds, give the initiative, and the impulse flies through the whole mass of latent light, and there influencing all who are in re- lation with it. The merely magnetic spirits are like mists which rise from the damp earth of low-lying land, or vapors in high attitudes upon which if a man's shadow fall he be- holds himself as a giant, for these spirits being born of the 80 DIVINE INSPIRATION fluids of the body, they are unspiritual and live of the body, have no aspirations beyond the foody ; they ignore and deny the existence of any sphere above their own. Sure they speak of God under the name of Jehovah, but ignorant of its true meaning. They are profuse alike of promises, and when informed of their failures, they declare that even God cannot surely foresee the future. To comprehend the procession of spirits, I must explain to you that life may be represented by a triangle, the apex of which is God. Now this triangle the two sides are formed by two streams, one flowing outwards, the other flowing upwards. Now the base may be taken to represent the material plane, and thus from God proceeds the divine powers, who are the active agent of all creation, and from God proceeds all the various orders of heaven, from the highest to the lowest. And the lowest are the orders of the genii or the guardian angels. These rest on the astral plane, but do not enter it. And the other side of the triangle is a continuation of the base. And herein is the significance of the pyramid of Egpyt represent the triangle of life four- fold and resting on the earth. Now the obelisk, the sum- mit of which is pyramidal, represents a continuation and is covered with sculpture forms of animal life, for of the base of the triangle is of life, the continuation contains the lowest expression of life. The first expression is that of incarna- tion, and of the stream which, unlike the first, flows inwards and upwards. The side of the triangle represented by this stream, culminates in the Christ, and empties itself into pure spirit, which is God. There are consequently spirits which by their natures never have been and never can be incar- nated, and there are others which reach their perfections through incarnation, and the guardian angels have nothing in common with the astrals, but are altogether different and superior in kind, standing as they do within the celestial sphere. Now understand this one clause : their function is to lift PSYCHIC RESEARCH. 81 man from below to their own high region. Now the day and night of the microcosm. Men are its projective and re- flective states. In the projective state we seek actively out- wards ; we aspire and will forcibly. We hold active com- munion with Godi in the reflective state; we look inwards. We commune with our own hearts. We indraw and con- centrate ourselves secretly, and interiorly. During this condition, the moon enlightens our hidden chamber with her torch and shows us ourselves in our in- terior recess. You may ask who or what has the moon to do with it? It is part of ourselves, and revolves with us. It is our celestial affinity of whose order, as it is said, their angels do always behold! the face of my father. Do you know every human soul has a celestial affinity, which is part of his system, and a type of his spiritual nature. This angelic counterpart is the bond of union between the man and God, and it is in virtue of his spiritual nature this angel is attached to him. Rudimentary creatures have no celes- tial affinity. But from the moment the soul quickens, the cord of union is established. Do you know that man is a planet? The Lord, who is the God of man, is its sun, and the moon of this little planet is Isis. Now its angel or genius is the minister to the man and gives him light. But the light he gives is from God and not of himself. He is not a planet but a moon, and his function is to light up the dark places of his planets. Every human spirit soul has attached to him a genius called by Jesus an angel, by the apostles, ministering spirit. All these are the same thing, the genius is linked to his client by a bond of soul substances, and a persistent ill living weak- ens this bond, and after seven incarnations, even to the mystical seventy times seven, a life ill spent the genius is freed and the soul definitely be lost. Now the genius knows all things that relates to the per- son whom he is minister. He has opinions, only the relation of the ministering spirit to his client is very well repre- 82 DIVINE INSPIRATION sented by that of the Catholic confessors to his true peni- tent. You know he is bound to keep secrecy in regard to the affairs of other souls, and no secret would be safe. The geniuses are not fighting spirits and do not prevent evils; they are allowed to minister to Jesus only after his ex- haustion in combat with the lower spirits. No man ever gets to the promised land without going through the desert, and I must tell you the best weapon you use against them is prayer. Prayer means the intense direction of the will and desire towards the highest and unchanging intent to know nothing but the highest. Now the genius is not an informing spirit — can tell noth- ing to the soul. All that she receives is already hers, But in the darkness of the night, it would remain undiscovered, but for the Lord of the angels who enlightens you. Says the angel genius to his client, I will illuminate thee but I in- struct not ; I warn thee, but I fight not, I attend. But thou hast thy treasures within thyself, my light showeth where it is. When regeneration is fully attained, the divine spirit alone instructs thee for the gates of his city shall never be closed, and there shall be no night there, for the Christ is married to spirit, and; he returns of pure love to redeem his own, for he has attained and is a medium for the Holy Ghost. And with the divine fire itself, he is in heaven and in that he ascends. It is because the spirit up- lifts him and in that he descends. It is because he has first ascended beyond all spheres into the highest sphere, for he ascends because he always descended first into the lower parts of the earth. For he that descends is the same who ascends above all heavens to fulfil all things. He belongs no more to earth. But he comes from the sun or from some other sphere nearer the sun than ours. Having passed from the lowest upwards the voice of th he will be confoundied again in eternity. Yes, women can take up his work; they are God's faithful workers in all spiritual understandings. Un- til this day some believe that God is natural man, but let me tell you, God is spirit. Don't you read that in all your many different Bibles, say from Genesis 1 :2 to Revelation 22:17, and the Spirit and the Bride say come, also 16 reads thus : "I, Jesus have sent my angel to testify unto you these things in the churches." So you see it is spirit, you should worship Him in spirit. You have left off the spiritual under- standing and gone a different direction than you should have gone. Just as Jonah, and just as Saul, not giving heed to the spirit of God, just so the man of the present day, and they have lost their course of spiritual knowledge that they once had when the angels of God walked and talked with them, so the women shall take up just where he has left off. Do you know that hardships in life will cause you to work out your own salvation better than anything. THE END.