"', ', '.'" '.'■"••'•'■ V, •' • -■.'.' ' ' ■ • (1SS A-O PRESENTED !!Y THE PEACEABLE AMERICANS OF 1860-1861 A Study in Public Opinion TXZn BY MARY SCRTJGHAM, A. M. SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN THE Faculty of Political Science Columbia University NEW YORK 1 92 I THE PEACEABLE AMERICANS OF 1860-1861 A Study in Public Opinion BY MARY SCRUGHAM, A. M. SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN THE Faculty of Political Science Columbia University NEW YORK 1921 S+3 Copyright, 1921 BY MARY SCRUGHAM - JEo thr GREAT NATIONALIST HENRY CLAY WHOSE GENIUS DIVINED AND WHOSE SKILL EFFECTED* THE CONCILIATIONS WHICH WERE ESSENTIAL TO THE PERPETUATION OF A NATIONAL UNITY BASED ON THE COMMON CONSENT OF THE NORTH AND THE SOUTH, THE EAST AND THE WEST ALIKE PREFACE The title and contents of this monograph have undergone an evolutionary process. In its most rudimentary form, the title was " The Reconstruction Period in Kentucky." When it was ascertained that the reconstruction ardently desired by the Kentuckians was a peaceful, pre-war af- fair, the title immediately underwent transformation in order to make a distinction between pre-war and post-war re- construction. In its final form it deals with the pre-war period. That the Kentuckians of 1861 were the most Consti- tution-abiding and peaceable of all Americans was not necessarily the result of preeminent ability in the science of government but was chiefly due to their geographical loca- tion. They were situated in the center of the nation and were therefore equipped with a better understanding of the governmental problem confronting the nation than would have been possible had they inhabited a region less in touch with the current of opinion in all sections. Kentucky's decision in 1861 was that neither secession on the part of the South, nor coercion on the part of the North, was a justifiable solution for the governmental problem of the time. The Kentuckians felt that the condi- tions existing in 1861 did not warrant such extreme meas- ures but did warrant the assembling of a National Conven- tion such as that which met the great crisis at the other critical period in the nation's life with success. They felt that the brain of the American people was capable of adjusting the existing difficulties and therefore strenuously 421] 7 g PREFACE [ 4 22 opposed an appeal to arms. The following account is in some measure an explanation of the point of view which caused the peaceable Americans of 1861 to arrive at such a conclusion and to demand the calling of a National Con- stitutional Convention to settle the dispute. The completion of this monograph leaves me deeply in- debted to the following persons : to Mr. Cabell Bullock, for encouragement at the psychological moment ; to Miss Grace Everson for assistance in collecting data; to Dr. Glanville Terrell, for his Grecian readiness to argue indef atigably ; and to the late Mrs. Desha Breckinridge, for an inspiring confidence. There are a number of persons who have assisted in the preparation of this work by making available the data on. which it is based. Chief among them are: Mrs. Mary Crittenden Haycraft, Miss Sophonisba Breckinridge, Mr. John Fitzpatrick, Judge Shackelford Miller, Judge George C. Webb, Mr. John Wilson Townsend, Mrs. Thomas H. Clay and Mr. Harrison Simrall. However, in so far as this historical account is an in- tellectual achievement of any merit, my heaviest debt of gratitude is to Professor William A. Dunning of Columbia University who rivals Socrates in the subtle art of ques- tioning and to whom, I and many other students of Political Science are profoundly grateful for the teaching of a great master. Allendale, March 7, 1921. CONTENTS evtts CHAPTER I American Ideas in Regard to the Abolition of Slavery on the Eve of the Civil War " CHAPTER II The Nationalistic Basis of Neutrality 23 CHAPTER III The Campaign of i860 36 CHAPTER IV Government of, by and for the People 53 CHAPTER V The Political and Psychological Significance of the Firing at Fort Sumter 78 CHAPTER VI Kentucky's Decision 105 423] 9 CHAPTER I American Ideas in Regard to the Abolition of Slavery on the Eve of Civil War Across the Atlantic in 1861, philosophers and statesmen asked one another why twenty-five million intelligent Amer- icans could not settle the condition of four million un- educated Africans without tearing one another's throats. Doubtless some thought with Alexander H. Stephens of Georgia, that the Americans lacked both sense and patriot- ism. Lord Bryce has reached the conclusion that fighting could have been averted had our governmental organiza- tion been equipped with a cabinet system such as the English then had. However, Mr. James Ford Rhodes and other authoritative historians have decided that a blood-letting conflict was really inevitable in America, because the North believed that slavery was wrong and the South believed that slavery was right and they thus unalterably expressed them- selves at the presidental election of November 6, i860. Nevertheless, in reading through the files of newspapers and letters bearing the date, i860, one is deeply impressed with the fact that the Americans as a people no more fore- saw and willed the event which was about to transpire in 1 86 1 than the Belgian people in 191 3 foresaw and willed the war which was so soon to break upon them. Certainly the political platforms on which the candidates stood in the presidential campaign of i860 contained no planks with clear-cut policies in regard to the coming event which the 425] ,L 12 THE PEACEABLE AMERICANS OF 1860-1861 [^ 2 6 election of i860 is supposed to have unalterably determined. The platform most pleasing to the cotton-growing slave states contained no ultimatum to the northern free states in regard to slavery. The platform on which Lincoln stood merely asserted that the southern demand for the protec- tion of slavery in the national territories by the national government, on the ground that the Supreme Court had declared that slaves were property, should not be granted. The platform emphatically opposed the extension of slavery into the national territories under the auspices of the fed- eral government and declared in favor of the national gov- ernment's prohibiting extension of slavery into the territor- ies. Thus the Republican platform is a far cry from an explicit declaration in favor of a bloody emancipation of the slaves in the southern slave states. It is miles away from a declaration in favor of emancipation without compensa- tion to the owner. The slaves themselves were quite unaware that a blood and iron emancipation was impending and on the whole were un- conscious of a desire for it. The free white labor which ex- isted side by side with slave labor in the southern states sig- nally failed to realize the irrepressibleness of the conflict be- tween the two systems and voted almost unanimously against the candidate who prophesied the " all free eventually " sys- tem and who advocated the prohibition of slavery in the national territories. Nor did the free white laborers of the North feel called upon to vote overwhelmingly for free soil, much less did they express a desire to lay down their lives to bring freedom to the negro slaves of the South. One of the spokesmen of the northern labor organizations declared against negro emancipation on the ground that the blacks would be economically in a worse position under the system of wage labor than they were under slavery : for the " poor negro leads the life of a farm horse; the poor white that of 427] THE ABOLITION OF SLAVERY ^ a horse kept at a livery stable who is worked by everybody and cared for by nobody." 1 In view of the prevalence of such indifferent ideas in re- gard to abolition in i860, there seemed no prospect for the " irrepressible conflict " to burst into flame the following year. There was no intimation on the part of the American people that they had any serious plans for undertaking to free the Africans at all. The leading issue in the presidential cam- paign concerning the negro was solely, in the North, that of excluding him by law from the national territories from which he had already been excluded by economic facts, 2 in- asmuch as the soil and climate of the national territories were such as to render the growing of cotton, sugar and tobacco unprofitable, even if there had been enough negroes in the country to establish the system in more new territor- ies. The Republican platform proposed to> make as- surance doubly sure by prohibiting slaves in the national territories by statute law in order to satisfy that portion of the northern mind which did not comprehend the signifi- cance of economic facts; and in order to ease the consciences! of those who were troubled over their joint responsibility for human slavery in regions under national and not state control; and last but not least perhaps, in order to gratify the Republican party politicians' inextinguishable ambition for public office. Who then willed that the " irrepressible conflict" 3 should begin in 1861 ? Absolutely, there is no- evidence that the 1 George H. Evans in Working Men's Advocate. Quoted in Schlii- ter's Lincoln, Labor and Slavery. 7 Rhodes, vol. ii, p. 418. " Nowhere in the existing territory of the country was there the possibility of carving out another slave state." 3 The phrase " irrepressible conflict " as understood by the mass of northern people during the pre-war period did not signify an armed conflict. I4 THE PEACEABLE AMERICANS OF 1860-1861 [ 42 g American people, when they gave their votes at the polls on November 6, i860, expressed themselves in favor of fight- ing as the method of their choice for settling the condition of four million uneducated Africans. However, coming events usually cast their shadows be- fore them. Bad blood existed between the spokesmen of some of the northern states and some of the southern states. It had arisen in the course of arguments in the national Congress over the benefits and disadvantages of the slave labor system. The one set exaggerated the evil and the other, the good of the slave labor system, so that the "heaven they argued no nearer to them got, but gave them a taste for something a thousand times as hot." The re- sult of these heated debates at Washington was that the statements of the extremists in the North and in the South came to be regarded in the opposite section as a fair sample of the views of the masses of people in the section whence the representative who had uttered them originated. In addition to the practice of this bad logic both in the North and in the South in regard to the numbers of persons who entertained extreme views on either side of the slavery question, a tendency existed in the South to make no dis- crimination between the anti-slavery policies advocated by Garrison, Brown, Seward and Lincoln, respectively. To many a southerner these northerners were all abolitionists of the same hue. Southern newspapers and politicians' used the words " abolitionist " and " Republican " as synonyms. 1 There was, of course, some ground for this confusion after 1858. Lincoln's house-divided-against- itself-cannot-stand speech made in that year sanctioned the abolitionist ideal, though he advocated no program at that time to bring about its realization other than the prohibition 1 Sherman papers, William T. Sherman to John Sherman, Oct. 3, i860. 429] THE ABOLITION OF SLAVERY 15 of slavery in the territories. Seward took practically the same stand in a more vigorous speech at Rochester, N. Y., a few months after Lincoln had ventured to open up this new political prospect of " all free eventually " as a goal for the Republican party. It was in this speech that Seward asserted that an irrepressible conflict existed be- tween slave and free labor and Lincoln concurred in this phrasing of the matter on the eve of his nomination for the presidency by the Republican party. In 1859, John Brown made an attempt to bring about the freedom of the negroes by a raid into Virginia in the hope of inciting the slaves to an insurrection which would result in their own emancipa- tion. Garrison, the founder of the " Liberator," a paper devoted to preaching the gospel of freedom for everybody, was as much opposed to the use of violence as a method of liberating the African as he was to slavery itself. He was a moral-suasionst. However, the southerners made no careful distinctions between politicians, direct actionists and moral-suasionists. If the majority of southerners ever knew that the Republican platform on which Lincoln and Seward stood denounced John Brown's raid into Virginia as an infamous crime and gave only a ray of hope to Garrison, they doubtless considered it subtle hypocrisy. 1 1 The following resolutions adopted by the Democrats of Tennessee will serve to illustrate southern feeling toward the Republicans: Resolved: That the organization of the Republican party upon strictly sectional principles, and its hostility to the institution of slavery, which is recognized by the Constitution, and which is in- separably connected with the social and industrial pursuits of the southern states of the confederacy, is war upon the principles of the Constitution and upon the rights of the states. Resolved: That the late treasonable invasion of Virginia by a band of Republicans was the necessary result of the doctrines and teachings of that party; was the beginning of the "irrepressible conflict" of Mr. Seward; was a blow aimed at the institution of slavery by an effort to excite servile insurrection. Official Proceedings of the Democratic Convention, p. 69. l6 THE PEACEABLE AMERICANS OF 1860-1861 [^O The inhabitants of the border free and border slave states had a much better opportunity to become acquainted with the distinctions which the various leaders of opinion made in regard to slavery. It was undoubtedly clear to most of the border states people that a majority of the northern people, when they thought about it at all, may have hoped that slavery would eventually be abolished in a way perfectly satisfactory to the southern people. 1 But the subject did not greatly concern the mass of northerners except when it was thrust upon their attention by a runaway negro, a pathetic story, or a radical press. The great mass of northern people gave no evidence of feeling such an in- tense and sustained sympathy with the southern slaves and such a bitter antipathy to the system that they would be wil- ling to tax themselves to accomplish the freeing of the negroes by purchase or that they would be willing to lay down their lives in a crusade to free them at the point of a bayonet. Toward immediate emancipation the attitude of the vast majority of northern people was one of blank in- difference. Comparatively, Gerrit Smiths and John Browns were very rare, but their numbers appeared all too plentiful to the South, where John Brownism on its reverse side of servile insurrection came to the fireside of every southern home. Slaveholder and non-slaveholder were unanimously opposed to encouraging the slaves to murder their masters and their masters' families or whoever hap- pened to get in their way. 1 The following quotation from the Louisrille Journal, Aug. 14, i860, shows the border-state point of view : " We seriously believe that when the North and the South meet each other face to face and eye to eye: when they take their ideas of each other's sentiments and opinions from unprejudiced sources, and not through the perverted mediums of stump speeches, partisan diatribes, buncombe resolutions, they will be prepared to fraternize most cordially, and kick parties, politicians, platforms and schemers into the pit of Tophet." 4 3 1 ] THE ABOLITION OF SLAVERY iy Though the methods of Lincoln and Brown were dif- ferent, their aims were identical. They both heartily hated the southern domestic institution of slavery and desired its abolition. 1 Lincoln possessed political sagacity to a high degree and well understood the force of public opinion. He realized that violence on behalf of a reform produced per se in the public mind a reaction against the reform. He felt that it was useless to run too far ahead of public opinion in attempting to bring about the emancipation of the slaves. Therefore he aimed to go only so far and so fast as public opinion would sustain him at each step — that is to say just far enough to lead, just a little way ahead. Brown, on the other hand, had no practical sagacity of this variety. He thought that public opinion could be accelerated by direct action and was willing to lay down his own life to advertise the wrong of slavery, though the effect he desired his death to produce was somewhat dimmed by the numbers of women and children, slave-holder and non-slaveholder, who would meet death were his methods successful. Most people find difficulty in believing that it is consistent " to inaugurate the principles of heaven with the artillery of hell." The cure is worse than the disease. When Lincoln sounded the " eventually all free " note in his campaign against Douglas, he had a very definite poli- tical object in view. His immediate purpose was to win enough votes to get elected to the United States Senate. His ground for asking for the votes of his fellow Illinois citizens was that he would represent those who did not want slavery to spread into any of the national territories. He promised to vote to prevent the extension of slavery should he be successful in winning the election. However, at the time he was making this race for the Senate with Douglas, it was becoming increasingly clear that slavery did not have 1 Lincoln said he hated slavery as much as any abolitionist. !8 THE PEACEABLE AMERICANS OF 1860-1861 [^2 the ghost of a show for establishment in any of the unset- tled lands then belonging to the nation because the economic basis for the system was lacking in all of them. The defeat of the slave-state constitution in Kansas made it certain that none of the land which Douglas had opened to slavery north of 36 30' would become slave. In view; of the economic circumstances it was becoming more and more evident that unless the Republican party acquired new tenets there was no reason for continuing its organiza- tion. The purpose for which it had been organized, i. e., restoring the free status of the land lying north of 36° 30', having been accomplished, it would fall to pieces unless it acquired other reasons to continue its ex- istence. Seward, one of the leading lights of the party, and Greeley, the leading editor of the party, were willing at this time to dissolve the party, but Lincoln was unwilling for the Republicans to disband their distinctive anti-slavery organization and have nobody to follow but Douglas, 1 who did not care whether slavery was " voted up or voted down." Accordingly, in his debate with Douglas, he had to supply additional material for the sustenance of the party's life; for the time was rapidly approaching when it would be- come obvious to everybody that the extension of slavery into the territories had been checked permanently by pre- vailing economic conditions. In order to win victory at the polls in 1858 it would be necessary for a Republican candi- date not only to hold persons already enrolled in the mori- bund political organization, but also to gain additional re- cruits to the cause of prohibition of slavery in the territor- 1 Rhodes, vol. ii, p. 329. Lincoln said " [Douglas's] hope rested on the idea of visiting the great ' Black Republican ' Party and making it the tail of hi® new kite. He knows he was then expecting from day to day to turn Republican and place himself at the head of our organ- ization." Also see p. 308. 433] THE ABOLITION OF SLAVERY ! 9 ies by federal law. The two groups from which new members could be drawn were the bona-fide abolitionists and the Henry Gay " Whigs " who had hitherto refused to enroll themselves in a sectional political party. The abolitionists supplied the soul of the anti-slavery movement of the North, but they in general had refused to vote for anybody who compromised on anything less than a declara- tion in favor of abolition of slavery in the slave states. The Henry Qay Whigs of the North opposed a further acquisi- tion of territory which could be devoted to slavery but de- sired ultimate abolition only under conditions equitable to the South. They had the most kindly feelings toward the southern whites and like Clay they preferred the liberty of their own race to that of any other race, although they were no friends of slavery. Lincoln so skillfully calculated the wording of his famous House-Divided speech that it won converts to his following from both of the above mentioned groups. It carried water on both shoulders, so to speak, for it was so constructed that it was acceptable to both radicals and moderate conser- vatives. The first part of the paragraph which follows contained bait for abolitionist consumption: A house divided against itself cannot stand. I believe this gov- ernment cannot endure permanently half slave and half free. I do not expect the Union to be dissolved, but I do expect it will cease to be divided. It will become all one thing or all the other. Either the opponents of slavery will arrest the further spread of it, and place it where the public mind shall rest in the belief that it is in the course of ultimate extinction, or its advocates will push it forward till it shall become alike lawful in all the States, old as well as new, North as well as South. The last part of this paragraph veils the radicalism of the first part of it and makes of the whole what many Henry Clay Whigs even in the South hoped. The idea presented 20 THE PEACEABLE AMERICANS OF 1860-1861 [434 in the above quoted paragraph to the effect that the advo- cates of slavery intended to push slavery forward into the northern states unless the system was checked and put on its way to ultimate extinction contained a powerful cement for amalgamating the heterogeneous elements of the North into one sectional party opposed to such extension. It was a trumpet call to the North to form into solid cohorts to pre- vent such aggression on their rights. Lincoln, it is recorded, gave a great deal of thought to the construction of that paragraph. It carried in it the future destiny of the Re- publican party. By that paragraph the masterful leader gently cut the party loose from its old Whig moorings and warily charted its course to the port of the abolitionists. It was really an epoch-making utterance. Its meaning and im- portance depended on the various interpretations that would and could be given it in different parts of the country. 1 As we all know Douglas defeated Lincoln in the sena- torial election, but Lincoln saved the life of the Republican party by his timely and revivifying remarks. The defeat merely indicated to the consolidator of northern opinion that public opinion was not yet ready to approve the unsailed course which led to the port of the abolitionists, the goal he had provided for his party in the House-Divided speech. For the present it was sufficiently nourishing to the party's 1 Sherman papers, T. Webster to John Sherman, Nov. 15, i860. An interview with Lincoln is recounted in this letter, which shows the variation of meaning possible by mere emphasis. " He (Lincoln) met some Kentuckians in the afternoon. They said that they had great difficulty to explain away his speech at Springfield, two years ago, to the effect that a house divided against itself cannot stand. He laughed and proceeded to quote it, laying no stress on the words ' permanently endure.' He asked the Kentuckians if that was not their opinion. Of course they replied, ' Yes.' ' Then,' said he, ' if you may so express yourselves, why may not I?' All present laughed, 'Old Abe' the loudest of all. He left the Kentuckians under the impression that it would occur some day but in the day of a future generation." 435 ] THE ABOLITION OF SLAVERY 2 l life to have " all free " enshrined as an ultimate ideal and to spread the idea that the South would be satisfied with nothing less than " all slave." The interpretation which the House-Divided speech re- ceived during the presidential campaign of i860 varied with latitude and longitude. In conservative New York it re- ceived the emphasis appropriate for attracting the conserva- tive. In ultra-conservative districts and in the border slave states it was sought to have it taken in connection with all the conservative remarks that its author had ever made. In the abolitionist stronghold of the Western Reserve the first sentences of the " all free eventually " paragraph were strongly featured, thus gaining abolitionist support for the candidate. It was these same sentences which received emphasis in the slave states. These astute sentences were provocative of intense distrust of their author throughout the entire slave-holding section. They of the South had the feeling that it encouraged John Brownism. 1 The John Brown raid had occurred in the interim between the speech and the nomination for the presidency which Lincoln won from his party largely because of this House-Divided speech. It was less radical than Seward's " Irrepressible Conflict " and yet it was not essentially conservative. Many southerners were fully prepared to expect a series! of John Brown raids or a big John Brown raid into the South in the event of the succession of Lincoln to the administration of the national government. They were all more or less ready to become convinced that the opening 1 See John C. Breckenridge's statement in the address to the Ken- tucky 'Legislature, Dec, 1859. "Though I am far from asserting that the mass of the Republican party contemplated such atrocious proceed- ings in Virginia, yet I assert, with a profound conviction of the truth, my belief that the horrible tragedy is but the forerunner of a blazing border war, unless the spirit they are fomenting in this land can be arrested by a general outbreak of conservative opinion." 22 THE PEACEABLE AMERICANS OF 1860-1861 [4,5 of " the irrepressible conflict " which the Republicans be- lieved in would be inaugurated soon after the Black Re- publicans or abolitionists came into control of the federal government. The destruction of the domestic tranquility of the South was imminent. They felt that their constitu- tional rights were infringed by the election of a president by northern votes to preside over southern welfare. Lincoln was more than persona non grata to the most in- telligent classes of the South. To them he was a " danger- ous man." The more astute judged him to be the " north- ern arrow of radical fanaticism winged with conserva- tism." 1 In view of the interpretation placed on the House-Divided, speech in the South and the blending of it with what John Brown had done and Seward prophesied, it should hardly be a matter of surprise that the presidental candidate who represented such an ensemble of possibilities for the South did not receive a single vote in ten of the slave states and had relatively very few in the others, which were border slave states and thus had a better opportunity to discrimi- nate between the varieties of northern opinion. As a mat- ter of fact, the wealth of a Rothschild could not have bought an electoral vote for Lincoln in any of the slave states. Such were the ideas current in the United States in re- gard to the abolition of slavery on the eve of the outbreak of the Civil War which has been regarded as an " irrepres- sible conflict." It is especially significant to note the ideas prevalent in the South regarding what ideas were prevalent in the North and to realize that it is not things as they are which are important in the political life of a Republic but things as they seem or can be made to seem. 1 Louisz'ille Journal, May iq, i860. CHAPTER II The Nationalistic Basis of Neutrality Two-fifths of the American people voting on November 6, i860, voted for electors pledged to vote for Abraham Lincoln as President of the United States and three-fifths of them voted for electors pledged to vote against him. Of those who voted against him, less than one-fifth voted for the Breckinridge electors favoring federal protection of slavery in the national territories. The remainder of those voting against Lincoln equaled over two-fifths of the total vote and constituted a plurality. It is very important to note that this plurality voted neither for the anti-slavery candidate nor for the pro-slavery candidate. It registered itself neutral between Lincoln on the northern side and Breckinridge on the southern side. The basis of this neutrality was a desire for a peaceful perpetuation of the Union. The neutrals believed that the control of the national government by a sectional party such as that of Lincoln or Breckinridge was thoroughly incon- sistent with the principle that government derives its just powers from the consent of the governed. They ap- parently felt that " consent " necessarily should be common to the American people, common in the sense that the Com- mon Law was common to all the regions of England. If a sectional or geographical party gained control of the national administration — no matter on what issue — gov- ernment based on consent of the governed would be abro- gated for the geographical region which furnished no mem- 437] 2 3 24 THE PEACEABLE AMERICANS OF 1860-1861 [^g bership in the administration party. If the general gov- ernment promoted the interests of one section of the country- regardless of the welfare of the whole it was to be feared, as Henry Clay had so clearly shown, that the section, or sec- tions, whose vital interests were neglected would seek a government which would afford requisite consideration. For a great outcry would at once arise in the section totally unrepresented in the administration to the effect that " The North shall rule the North " or the " South shall rule the South," as the case happened to be. The neutrals be- lieved that the true standard was represented by the motto, " Americans shall rule America " and not by " Northerners shall rule America " or by " Southerners shall rule the whole land." Only a policy which was the greatest common div- isor, so to speak, of the interests of every section should be the policy administered at Washington. That which was common to the interests and wishes of the whole nation was national; that which zuas peculiar to one section was sec- tional. Obviously, any policy of one section which was abhorrent to the interests of another section was essentially sectional in character. Over two-fifths of the American people opposed the for- mation of political parties championing respectively the sec- tional policies of the North and the South in regard to free and slave labor. Such political parties would necessarily draw their entire membership from opposite geographical areas — one from the North exclusively and the other from the South largely. The parting injunction of Washington to his countrymen contained a solemn warning against the formation of geographical political parties because he felt that such parties would endanger the very existence of the Union. The nationalistic party policy earnestly recommen- ded by Washington was strictly followed by the neutrals of i860, but was entirely disregarded by the Republicans. 439] THE NATIONALISTIC BASIS OF NEUTRALITY 2 $ However, the Republicans maintained that they were not violating Washington's solemn injunction. According to Republican logic, the fact that everybody in every section of the country had the privilege of voting in favor of the Republican candidates made the Republican party national and entirely eliminated its purely geographical character — even though it was well understood that the inhabitants of the southern section would refrain with unparalleled un- animity from voting for the northern sectional candidates. 1 The neutrals of i860 asserted that a sectionalized treatment of the slavery question would produce a geographical " line up " that would result in a " fast gallop to perdition." The plurality regarded an " irrepressible conflict " be- tween the slave and free labor systems as the " mere non- sensical vagary of Lincoln and Seward with which they ex- posed their very small pretensions to philosophical states- manship." For the plurality considered Lincoln's applica- tion of the House-Divided-Against-Itself parable to the labor question as contradictory of fact. The Union based on consent had stood from 1776 to i860 sustained partly by the toil of free and partly by the toil of slave labor. It had grown great and prospered thus constituted. And if such a conflict was brewing during the twenty-five years pre- vious to i860 it was precisely the epoch of " unprecedented prosperity to both the North and the South." The founda- tion and preservation of the Union were not the outcome of harping on the differences of opinion and interests among the states but were the result of the emphasis which its 1 See Lincoln in Cooper Union speech. " You say we are sectional. We deny it. We get no votes in your section. The fact is substantially true. . . . Some of you delight to flaunt in our faces the warning against sectional parties given by Washington in his Farewell Address. . . . We respect that warning of Washington, and we commend it to you, together with his example, pointing to the right application of it." 26 THE PEACEABLE AMERICANS OF 1860-1861 \^ founders and preservers had continually placed on the com- mon purposes of the various sections. Solely by this em- phasis on compatibilities and on common interests had the thirteen original states and their territories been welded into a nation. If this policy were abandoned for Lincoln's, the kingbolt of the great Union based on consent would be shattered and this species of Union could not long survive without it. For a sectional minority to undo the mighty and magnificent work of Washington and Madison, of Clay and Webster, was traitorous to the Union because it was a violation of the essential principle which had made and preserved the United States a nation from 1776 to i860. For a sectional minority administration at Washington to propagate exclusively a sectional standard unacceptable and hostile to another section and thereby to forsake the national mean for the sectional extreme, was the greatest possible of political vices under a government which derives its just powers from the consent of the governed ; for, if a sectional minority put into national effect its own peculiar sectional policy, it would be destructive to the cardinal prin- ciple of American Government for the non-concurring sec- tions. In the electoral colleges the holders of the above doctrines did not win a plurality, much less a majority of the votes, because under the actual working of our presidential elec- toral system, the registering of the neutrals' voting strength was dissipated. The neutrals were handicapped by being divided into two groups. One of these groups was under the leadership of Stephen A. Douglas and the other under that of John Bell. Douglas explained the basis of his position very thor- oughly in the Lincoln-Douglas debates of 185s. 1 He cham- 1 Rhodes, ii, pp. 318, 319. See also, typical speech of Douglas in Fite's Presidential Campaign of i860, pp. 227-300. And also, a speech by A. H. Stephens in support of Douglas, Louisz>ille Democrat, Sept. 16, i860. 44! ] THE NATIONALISTIC BASIS OF NEUTRALITY 2 y pioned the great principle of self-determination not only for states but also for territories. The best way to settle the territorial labor question which was constantly causing dissension whenever its settlement was discussed in Con- gress, was to let the people who actually inhabited the terri- tory settle the question for themselves in their territorial legislatures. He asserted that the adoption of this method would " secure peace, harmony and good- will " among the sections by removing the controversy from the halls of Con- gress to the western plains. Douglas announced that he was neither for nor against slavery. It was immaterial to him whether slavery was " voted up or voted down." He had incorporated tie great principle of self-determination for the peoples of the territories in the Kansas-Nebraska Bill. Since Kansas had adopted a free-state constitution he stood squarely for admitting Kansas as a free state. It was entirely up to the people of the territory to decide the question for themselves. This policy of self-determination (or "squatter sovereignty" or "popular sovereignty" as it was then called) Douglas held to be perfectly just to every section of the nation and, therefore, thoroughly fit to be adopted as a national policy in regard to slavery in the territories. It will be remembered that the Kansas-Nebraska Bill of which Douglas was the author, repealed an earlier agree- ment between the representatives of the North and the South for the exclusion of slavery from land lying north of the parallel 36 30'. The enactment of Douglas's Kansas-Nebraska measure had two major effects. First. It gave the southern slave-state politicians a chance to manufacture another slave state and to bring two more Senators into the United States Senate from a state not hostile to the slave labor system. Up to 1850 there had been an equal number of free and slave states. By i860 28 THE PEACEABLE AMERICANS OF 1860-1861 r^ 2 the balance had been destroyed. There were then 18 free and 1 5 slave states ; thus there were six more senators from free than from slave states. Nobody understood any bet- ter than Jefferson Davis and the other southern representa- tives what the steadily increasing free-state majority meant. They realized that no more slave territories meant no more slave states and that no more slave states meant that the balance in the Senate was hopelessly upset and that the southern senators would be utterly powerless to check hostile legislation by the veto of the Senate as formerly. Therefore, self-determination for the slave states them- selves was thus in danger. However, the Kansas- Nebraska measure failed to produce the result so much desired by the southerners who helped Douglas to pass it — even though the most desperate efforts were made by the southerners, abetted by President Buchanan, to nul- lify the will of the Kansans and bring Kansas in as a slave state whether or no. Douglas denounced this as a fraud and prevented its consummation. He, himself, was in turn denounced by Buchanan and the southerners as recreant to principle and as faithless to the trusts of friendship. Douglas felt unable to renounce the great principle of self- determinaton for the territories to save the slave-state balance in the Senate. Douglas was applauded for his stand by his constituents in the North and also he retained a numerous following in the southern slave states. This action of Douglas in regard to the admission of Kansas led to the formation of an ultra pro-slavery party which de- manded federal protection for slave property in the terri- tories. The southerners were led to demand every iota of their constitutional property rights, since they saw that it would require a good deal more than self-determination for the territories to produce any more slave states. They came to look upon Douglas's doctrine of self-determination in 443] THE NATI ONALISTIC BASIS OF NEUTRALITY 2 g the territories as but another name for free-soilism.. Thus, Douglas, the nationalist, was indirectly responsible for the formation of a southern sectional party whose purpose was to propagate slavery in the territories to keep the balance in the Senate from becoming ultimately too heavily weighted against the slave states. Second. The other great result of the Kansas-Nebraska measure was to call into existence a free-state party to pre- vent the spread of slavery into territories already consecra- ted to freedom by the agreement made at the time Missouri was admitted to the Union. Thus, Douglas, the nationalist, was also responsible for the formation of a northern sec- tional party. The immediate reason for organizing this party of which Lincoln was the presidential candidate in i860, was to restore the free status of the territory north °f 36° 30' opened to slavery by the astute Douglas through the passage of the Kansas-'Nebraska measure granting self- determination to the territories. By 1858 dimly and by i860 clearly, it was evident that in spite of the legal chance offered in the Kansas-Nebraska measure not a foot of the territory would become slave. Economic facts were a more certain prohibition than law. Qimate and soil had closed the west- ern territories forever to slavery. When it became clear that the great purpose for the existence of the Republican party had been accomplished with the death of slavery in Kansas, the Republican party leaders looked around for other reasons to to justify their continuation as an organization. As has been related in the first chapter, Seward and Greeley had been willing to renounce their sectional political organiza- tion, but Lincoln had intervened and had supplied additional material for party purposes by the goal he held up in the House-Divided speech in 1858. Douglas charged Lincoln with coming out on behalf of the Republican party in favor of uniformity of domestic institutions in the slave and 30 THE PEACEABLE AMERICANS OF 1860-1861 [^ free states and with continuing the sectional agitation to the place where it would end in sectional warfare. Lincoln sharply replied to the effect that the present slavery agita- tion which Douglas professed a desire to settle peacefully was of Douglas's own rousing. Had it not been for Doug- las's attempt to give the slave-owners another slave state made from territory already consecrated to freedom there would be no agitation. He said that Douglas and not Lincoln was responsible for rousing the dormant anti- slavery opinion in the North, which had hitherto been satis- fied that the system was on its way to ultimate extinction. He pointed to " bleeding Kansas," where the pro-slavery and the anti-slavery settlers had battled for control of the state constitutional convention, as a sample of the peace which Douglas's scheme produced. Charge and counter charge were made as to the section which was responsible for the then heated controversy over slavery in the territories. We are reminded of the recrim- inations of a family row destined for the divorce court for settlement. Who began the quarrel is always regarded of great importance. But it is not necessarily the only im- portant point to be considered. Starting the ball a-rolling is never an adequate reason for not accounting the person who did the starting sincere in wanting it to stop before it entirely smashes up domestic tranquility, or any excuse for the second party to the quarrel giving the ball a vigorous) kick when the momentum from the original push is becom- ing exhausted. So much for the Douglas type of neutrality. The other group of nationalistic neutrals entered the campaign of i860 under the caption of Constitutional Unionists and were led by John Bell. 1 They were guiltless of fomenting sectional 1 The columns of the Louisville Journal, the leading Bell paper, are authoritative for this party's program. 445] THE NATIONALISTIC BASIS OF NEUTRALITY ^ agitation in " any shape or form." They desired to check " Disunionism in the South and prostrate Abolition fana- ticism in the North." They belonged to the school of Henry Clay, the great nationalist. These old-line Whigs had af- filiated with neither the Republican nor the Democratic or- ganization since the break-up of the former Whig party. Great numbers of them had voted the Know-Nothing or Native American ticket in 1856. The Know-Nothings* were chiefly opposed to the exercise of so large an influence in American affairs by foreign-born persons and Catholics. They wished to stiffen the requirements for American citizenship. With the break-up of the Know-Nothing movement after its failure to make any impression on the policy of the government, both Republicans and Democrats made overtures to the politically unattached. Lincoln, him- self, had once been a Henry Clay Whig and the Republicans attracted into their fold large numbers of the former Whigs on the ground that the Republicans' program had been ad- vocated by Henry Clay. And all through the campaign of i860, the Republicans systematically claimed Clay and held out Douglas's anti-Clayism for inspection. However, the Clay Whigs, especially of the South, perceived a difference between old Whiggery and Republicanism. George D. Prentice, editor of the Louisville Journal, and a life-long friend and disciple of Clay, explained the difference as fol- lows: There is not a Black Republican spot or blot on the shining public record of Henry Clay. Not one. Not a shadow of one. No, the difference between the position of Mr. Clay and that of the Republican party is manifest and irreconcilable. It is the difference between the Compromise of 1850 and the Wilmot Pro- viso, between the national mean and the sectional extreme, between peace and amity and unity on the one hand and discord and revenge and dissolution on the other. The difference is broad, distinct and undeniable. It is vital. It is glaring. It can be 32 THE PEACEABLE AMERICANS OF 1860-1861 r^g neither erased nor obscured. There it is and all the floods of fanaticism cannot wash it out, nor all the webs of sophistry dis- guise it. 1 The southern neutrals numbered in their ranks many of the large slave-owners, who were opposed to a dissolution of the Union and the tactics of the extreme States Rights school. They were inclined to think that there was, indeed, an " irrepressible conflict " but that it was a conflict between politicians and that it was likely to continue as long as the people of the two sections permitted their prejudices to be played upon for party benefit. As to an " irrepressible con- flict " between free and slave labor which was nationally injurious, they considered the announcement of such a con- flict " about the grossest falsehood that ever was palmed on a gullible nation " and that the whole national experience was " its complete disproof." Lincoln looked upon these southern unionists as " white crows." 2 For all practical purposes the Constitutional Unionists were at one with the Douglas Democrats on the territorial slavery issue of i860. 3 They were neither pro-slavery nor anti-slavery for the territories then in the possession of the nation. Whereas, the southern Democrats (and a cor- poral's guard of northern Democrats under the leadership of Buchanan) favored wielding the powers of the national government for the extension of slavery- in the territories, and the Republicans considered this utterly wrong and favored the use of those powers for just the opposite pur- pose, the Constitutional Unionists proposed to do neither. They were neutral, though they recognized the right of the Supreme Court to adjudicate the legal questions involved in the territorial slavery question. But they pointed out that 1 Louisville Journal, April 26. 1S60. 3 Weed's Weed, vol. i, p. 606. 1 Louisville Journal, April 13, 1S60, Oct. 31, i860, and passim. 447] THE NATIONALISTIC BASIS OF NEUTRALITY 33 there was no territory in i860 to which slavery could be pro- fitably taken. They considered it madness to rave about imaginary territory, when slavery could hardly occupy the territory it already had. Since no southern planter was de- prived of his emigrating privileges, and no northern man was deprived of any free soil, the territorial question was already settled. It had settled itself. They felt that the whole territorial slavery question which was the ostensible cause of the sectional agitation and the sectional bitterness, was a mere abstraction. However, it was no easy task for the neutrals of i860 to fight shoulder to shoulder in the campaign of i860. The Democratic and Whig contingents were ancient enemies. 1 The Whigs in general, even many southern Whigs, had opposed the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska measure. They saw in the author of this bill, Stephen A. Douglas, the immediate cause of the great wave of section- alism which they sought to check before it wrecked the Union. " Why," the Constitutional Unionists asked, " did Douglas unsettle the Compromise?" "For the love of the Union, eh? He tells us that he pledged himself to Henry Clay at his death bed, that he would be true to the dying statesman's Compromise of 1850. . . . What ia the Douglas Union panacea? To unsettle every peaceful adjustment. This is the sweet milk of concord with a vengeance." 2 1 See James 0. Harrison's account in his imprinted sketches of public men, pp. 59-60. " They (the mass of men) could not be aroused to the imminence of the danger. Even conservative men of other political organizations would not lay aside for the time their differences on minor questions, and therefore they would not unite with the Demo- crats against the common enemy of them all. They would shrug their shoulders and say with the utmost complacency that they had never given a Democratic vote, and that should the struggle come, it would merely be a struggle . . . for political supremacy. . . ." - Louisz-ille Journal. July 11, i860. 34 THE PEACEABLE AMERICANS OF 1860-1861 [ 44 g An additional reason for the neutrals' inability to do per- fect team work in the face of the common danger, was the Know-Nothing record of the Constitutional Unionists. The Democrats, especially the northern Democrats, had wel- comed the foreign born into full political fellowship and even shared with them the spoils of office. The memory of the recent contest on the native American issue was still green and the Republican politicians and editors who hoped to turn the election in some places with the German vote, took care to refresh the memories of any who perchance had forgotten. Nevertheless, in spite of ancient prejudices and dif- ferences of opinion, a partial fusion of the nationalistic neutrals took place before the campaign of i860 was well under way. 1 Their common ground was a peaceful pre- servation of the Union with the national government under national control. They continually reminded the American people of the prophetic warnings of Washington against sectional or geographical parties and called upon the American people to lay aside their customary party predilec- tions " as a sacrifice on the altar of their country." The leaders of both groups, especially the southerners, fully ap- preciated the prospect before the nation in the event of a purely sectional party's gaining control of the national gov- ernment. They keenly felt that such an unwise experiment in the perpetuation of the Union should not be made. These lovers of the Union were dubbed " Union-savers " in derision by both the Lincoln and the Breckinridge fac- 1 Bell papers, A. H. H. Stuart to Bell, August 23, i860; August Bel- mont to Bell, Aug. 9, i860; Washington Hunt to Bell, Nov. 21, i860. Practically all of the newspapers of the period bear witness to the fusion movement. The coalition was more thorough in some states that; others. For instance, the Yeoman (Ky.), Sept. 20, i860, states that " Billing and cooing takes place upon every stump in Kentucky between the Bell and Douglas electors." 449] THE NATIONALISTIC BASIS OF NEUTRALITY 35 tions. The " Union-savers " desired to rouse the nation to the imminence of the danger before them. If they failed in their attempt it would only prove of course, that human nature was " precisely what it was in the days of Noah." 1 The leaders of both the sectional parties asserted that the election of their respective candidates meant no danger to the Union and both sets of leaders denied the sectional character of their respective parties. 2 The Breckinridge men had some foundation for their claim for there were northerners who were ready at all times to concede to the southerners every iota of their constitutional rights ad- judged them by the Supreme Court of the United States. This was all the so-called southern extremists asked, although the Republican opposition repeatedly asserted that the slave power contemplated aggressions on north- ern rights, and would be satisfied with nothing less than making free states into slave states. There was no state in the north where Breckinridge did not receive some- votes. Relatively the number was small but Breckinridge had over 6,000 supporters in Maine, nearly 2,000 in Ver- mont, nearly 6,000 in Massachusetts, and over 14,000 in Connecticut. 3 Lincoln had absolutely none in ten states of the Union. The Republican was the only out-and-out sectional party when the acid test of geographical member- ship is applied. The absolutely negative reaction of ten (practically fourteen) states to the Republican proposals and candidate proves conclusively that whatever else the Republicans might say for themselves they could not truth- fully say that their following was national and, therefore, that their party was a " national " party. 1 James O. Harrison's imprinted sketches of public men, p. 60. " Oh ! this general listlessness at such a time was a sad mistake and shows that the human nature of today is precisely what it was in the days of Noah." 1 Boston Atlas and Bee, Aug. 17, i860, presents a good example of the attitude of the Republican papers. 3 Stanwood, History of the Presidency, p. 297. CHAPTER III The Campaign of i860 " Party Platforms," says a sage, " are made to get off and on by, and not to stand on." In fact it would be a very unusual sight in these days to find a presidential can- didate standing with both feet squarely on the party plat- form in every section of the country. Platforms must con- tain, of course, some definite statements with but one logical interpretation, obviously meaning but one thing. But some planks of the platform must be so skillfully worded that a variety of interpretations can be logically given to their contents in order that as many voters as pos- sible may be satisfied that the party's platform is in accord with their opinions. For to be serviceable in winning the allegiance of great numbers of voters a platform must be elastic and plastic. Therefore, platforms contain a stock of general statements which nobody will challenge instead of the detailed and specific program which the party leaders intend to follow on the issue touched upon in the general statements. Even the general statements have point to them, the main object of which is to avoid alienating any possible support from the party ticket. The term " rotten plank " x has been used to designate the general statement variety — doubtless because it enables the politicians to fool some of the people of the time in regard to the party's bona fide program. Another method of camouflaging the actual policies of party leaders has been termed the " hidden 1 The term " rotten plank " seems to have meant a plank that a can- didate could stand on with only one foot. 36 [450 45I ] THE CAMPAIGN OF I860 37 plank," which variety is not in the ostensible platform at all. A " hidden plank " conceals a policy on which a number of the party leaders are agreed but which they do not deem wise or necessary to give publicity to as an in- tegral part of the official party program. Thus, the con- struction of a successful party platform requires a know- ledge of the likes and dislikes of the possible party consti- tuents. The party platforms of i860 bear the hall-marks of the successful platform. The slavery planks in the Bell plat- form was of the " hidden variety." The party leaders re- lied on the party press and orators in the various sections of the country to explain their intentions on this question. However, the Bell platform had a very concrete statement against sectional political parties and the deceitf illness of the platforms of such parties. The Douglas and Breckinridge platforms also had planks expressing condemnation of sectional political parties. The Republican platform said nothing derogatory of sectional parties per se but charged the Buchanan administration with wielding the federal government to promote southern sectional interests. How- ever, the Republican platform contained a retort to the charge of sectionalism hurled at it by the other parties. It consisted in an attack upon those who talked of disunion in the event of Republican success. For the southerners to dissolve the Union because they failed to win the election was declared traitorous to the most benencient form of government in the world, and the Republicans called upon the inhabitants of the northern states to rebuke and silence such traitors by voting the Republican ticket. From a tactical point of view there is much to be said for this method of reply to the charge of sectionalism. ' Never defend yourself," says the English maxim, " before a popular assemblage, except with and by retorting the at- 38 THE PEACEABLE AMERICANS OF 1860-1861 [ 4 - 2 tack : the hearers, in the pleasure which the attack gives them, will forget the previous charge." l All the platforms professed directly or indirectly to be heartily in favor of the Constitution, the Union and the Enforcement of the Law. The territorial slavery question was the cause for this unanimous outburst of legal and patriotic fervor. The Constitution of the United States as the Fathers of American government had made it was the source of inspiration for each party's territorial slavery- program. Each maintained that its own particular program was the program which the Fathers would sanction were the}" still on earth to make their views known and was there- fore, in perfect accord with the original method pursued by the Fathers in dealing with the question of slavery in the territories. The Bell party had the best of the argu- ment on this point, but the Republicans, 1 especially, made up in zeal and plausibility of their statements what they lacked in historical and legal fact. " Most assuredly," argued the Americans (as the Constitutional Unionists or Bell party was often called) " under the compromises of the Constitution, the South has just as much right to de- mand the indiscriminate spread of slavery at the hands of the people, as the North has to demand its arbitrary check. While our fundamental law (the Constitution) exists, the question is settled in favor of neither side (arbitrarily) .... Yet this is the precedent which Honest Abe weaves into wean- platitudes to demonstrate that the example of our fathers is in favor of modern Republicanism. Abra- ham should not split the record and sit his lean person on the edge." 3 The extreme southern interpretation of the 1 Wallas' s Human Nature in Politics, p. 113. ' See Lincoln's Cooper Unicn speech for Republican views. 'Louisziile Journal, letter of July I, i860. 453 ] THE CAMPAIGN OF I860 yj Constitution was that which the Supreme Court of the United State, had pronounced authoritative in the dictum accompanying the Dred Scott decision. The Supreme Court is the constitutional arbiter of legal disputes in regard to the meaning of the Constitution. Its decision, though not infallible, is final, until the American people through a constitutional amendment change the Constitution by the affirmative vote of three- fourths of the states. However, a dictum of the Court is not the same as a decision. Strictly speaking, a dictum has not the force of law, but is an anticipator)- avowal of what the court will declare the law to be in case the Court has an opportunity to render a decision in a case involving the law declared in the dictum. The southern platform contained a hidden plank in re- gard to what some of the southern leaders would undertake to do if the author of the House- Divided speech should be elected president of the whole United States by northern votes, even though the election was entirely in accord with the forms prescribed by law. It had to be a " hidden plank," doubtless, because the States Rights men of the extreme south were not at all sure that they could persuade their constituents to meet the election of a purely sectional candidate with secession. According to the South Carol- inian Senator 2 who spent the summer in the mountains of Virginia ("which region abounded in politicians of every hue and from even- part of the country save New Eng- land") most of the States Rights men of the South were well satisfied that their respective states would not meet the election of Lincoln by secession but were likely to await an " overt act " of aggression, though it would then be too late to organize resistance. With one or two exceptions they all urged South Carolina to lead off and take the chances of dragging the others after her; and individually 1 Hammond papers. Chestnut to Hammond, Oct 17. :86o. 4 THE PEACEABLE AMERICANS OF 1860-1861 [ 454 the southern States Rights men promised to come to her aid and bring their friends. The South Carolinian thought that " the question is too momentous to be left to the urgency and decision of those in other states whose people have decided or will decide not to withdraw." Although Breckinridge, the candidate of the extreme South for the national presidency, was asked repeat- edly whether the southern Democrats contemplated with- drawing from the Union in the event of the election of the Black Republican, and although he made a speech at Ashland, the home of Henry Clay, expressly for the pur- pose of relieving himself and his party of the charge of con- templated disunion, he did not answer the question. He made, however, a powerful presentation of the essential principles of American government, which derived its just powers from the consent of both the North and the South, and he emphasized the function of the Supreme Court under our system. He asserted that there were not over fifty dis- unionists per se in the South and that he was in favor of the Union and the Constitution as the Fathers had drafted it : and declared himself intellectually convinced that no political party had the right to usurp the function of the Supreme Court. The neutrals preached throughout the South that the election of Lincoln would not be a sufficient cause for se- cession, and also that the South should vote against the southern sectional candidate and thus hold out an olive branch to the North. They pressed very vigorously the accusation of disunionist intentions on the part of the ex- treme southern Democrats. The election in the slave states turned largely on the above mentioned campaign argu- ments of the neutrals. As a result the neutrals had a majority in eight of the slave states, Virginia, Kentucky, Missouri, Maryland, Delaware, Tennessee, Georgia and 455 ] THE CAMPAIGN OF I860 4I Louisiana ; and they received over 45 per cent of the vote in three of the others, North Carolina, Arkansas and Alabama. The neutrals even accused the southern Democrats of engineering a split in the Democratic party for the purpose of making possible the election of Lincoln and thus getting an excuse for secession. This accusation is without ade- quate foundation; for, if the entire opposition to Lincoln had been united on one candidate, the electoral college would still have given Lincoln the presidency, regardless of the fact that the popular vote against him was a million more than that for him. The system of electing the pre- sident made it impossible for the result of this election to register the choice of the American people. More than one American of that day doubtless felt tha*t the manipulation of the constitutional machinery of election by a sectional league such as the Republican party was felt to be, was, " while regular in form, a fraud upon the Constitution and utterly subversive of its spirit." l In the northern free states there were several issues which contained vote-winning qualities beside that of the territorial slavery question. Doubtless one of the points on which the election turned was the conviction that the hidden plank in the southern platform lacked authoritativeness. Breck- inridge's Ashland speech was widely quoted as declaring that the southern party was no Disunion party. How- ever, Breckinridge had not said that the South would not consider the election of Lincoln cause for disunion. He maintained that the South was for the " Union and the Constitution " not as a sectional party interpreted it but as the Supreme Court interpreted it. The turning point seems to have been in the North on the fact that the northern people 1 Bell papers, Washington Hunt to Bell, Nov., i860. 42 THE PEACEABLE AMERICANS OF 1860-1861 [^ could not be convinced that the election of Lincoln by a north- ern sectional party would be considered a just cause for secession by the southern people. The only alternatives in the event of secession were either dissolution of the Union or the rejection by the North of consent as the essential prin- ciple of government in so far as the seceding states were concerned. Given secession as a fact, the gist of the matter was then : " Were the northern people willing either to sacrifice the union or to engage in civil war (accepting force as the essential principle of government for the South), for the sake of making a declaration in favor of freedom in the territories where freedom was to exist any- way by the law of nature?" Thus, the northern people were called upon to consider not only whether they were in favor of a declaration of freedom in the territories, but also, to decide how badly they wanted to make such a declaration. The Republican platform contained a " rotten plank " on the main point at issue, namely, what the party would do in case of secession. This plank consisted in a quotation from the Declaration of Independence in regard to the inalienable rights of man, and to a government's deriving its just powers from the consent of the governed. This quotation was incorporated to gain the allegiance of the abolitionists whom Lincoln had held out hopes to in the House-Divided speech and whom Seward had catered to in his " Irrepres- sible Conflict " oration. It was understood to have re- ference to including the negroes within the scope of the liberty mentioned among the inalienable rights of man. 1 In addition to the quotation from the Declaration, the plank also contained the following clause : " That the Federal Constitution, the rights of the States and the Union of the States must and shall be preserved." This clause wast 1 Rhodes, vol. ii, pp. 230, 463, 464. 457 j THE CAMPAIGN OF I860 43 doubtless tacked on for conservative consumption and was calculated to quiet any nervousness caused by the incorpora- tion under such peculiar circumstances of the quotation from the Declaration. However, it is impossible to re- concile the first and last parts of the plank, if both parts were to be carried out as the party's program. If the Re- publicans embraced the negro under the Declaration, they would have to violate the recognized rights of the southern states. If they preserved the rights of the states intact, ihey would have to forego their intention to expand the De- claration to embrace the negro. It was thus impossible for the candidate to stand on this plank with more than one foot at a time. Furthermore, the " rotten " plank's use of the words of Andrew Jackson in regard to the preservation of the union of the States, suggested to the uninformed, and doubtless led them to conclude, that the discontent in the South over the Republican policies of i860 could not be greater than the discontent at the time when Jackson used the words " must and shall be preserved " in regard to the union of the states when South Carolina nullified the federal tariff law of 1832. It so happened that in i860, a number of northern states had acts on their statute books, nullifying the federal fugitive slave law. Nullification and secession were both rights of a state according to the States Rights School of statesmen. The references to the preservation of the union and the rights of the States in the Republican platform condoned the nullification of the northern states and at the same time condemned that of the southern states. Evidently the party leaders had a number of purposes in mind when writing this plank, but chief among them was a desire to assist in the election of Lin- coln. Nevertheless, the plank lacked precision. It made no definite statement in regard to the most vital point 44 THE PEACEABLE AMERICANS OF 1860-1861 [ 4 -g involved in relation to the whole subject with which the plank dealt, namely, what program the Republican adminis- tration would pledge to embark upon in case the southern states did secede from the Union upon the election of the northern sectional candidate. The neutrals made the most strenuous effort to enlighten the northern voters as to the distrust of a northern sectional' president which permeated the entire South and to induce the Republican leaders to make some clear-cu!t acknowledg- ment of the seriousness of the consequences which might easily result should the southern leaders execute their re- solves in the event of the election of a president with irre- pressible conflict proclivities. They tried to demonstrate to the northern voter how easily it would be for the southern- ers to conclude that the election of a president of the above mentioned type by a sectional league, in itself, constituted a partial denial of the full right of self-government to the southern whites. They tried to convince the northern voters that what Burke had said of the American colonies applied with equal force to the people of the southern slave states at this time, namely: " In other countries people more simple and of less mercurial caste, judge of an ill principle by actual experience. Here [in America] they anticipate the evil, and judge of the purpose of the grievance by the badness of the principle. They augur misgovernment at a distance, and snuff tyranny in the tainted breeze." The Republican leaders sought to convince the northern voter that there would be no just cause for secession in the event of the election of the sectional president : that the southern leaders were only bluffing and were trying to in- timidate the northern voter into voting against the dictates of his conscience. Seward, the author of the " Irrepres- sible Conflict " oration, explained that " the South would never in a moment of resentment expose themselves to war 459 ] THE CAMPAIGN OF I860 45 with the North while they have such a great domestic pop- ulation of slaves ready to embrace any opportunity to assert their freedom and inflict revenge." x He further explained that the election of Lincoln would terminate the conflict which he had prophesied — not begin it. 2 " Vote for us," he cried, " and you will have peace and harmony and hap- piness in your future years." 3 And again he said, " When the Republicans are in office, what may we expect then ? . . . I answer, " No dangers, no disasters, no calamities .... All parties and sections will alike rejoice in the settlement of the controversy which has agitated the country and dis- turbed its peace so long." i However, the New York Herald openly accused Seward of " pussyfooting." Se- ward, it asserted, was " a moderate anti-slavery man at Detroit, a radical abolitionist at Lansing, a filibusterer at St. Paul, and the Brother Seward of John Brown did not hesitate to claim to be a good conservative. Union-loving patriot in New York." 5 The election of Lincoln, accord- ing to Salmon P. Chase, another of the Republican leaders, would mean a restoration of the old days of concord and good will between the North and. the South, " Tranquility, liberty and Union under the Constitution." 6 Greeley, the Republican editor whose paper had the largest circulation of any paper in the United States, solemnly assured his readers that the election of Lincoln would be " like oil on troubled waters and would promptly remove all sectional 1 Black's Black, pp. 141 -142. 1 Seward's speech at Chicago, Oct. 3, i860. 3 Seward's speech at St. Paul, Sept. 18, i860. * Seward's speech at Dubuque, Iowa, Sept., i860. & New York Herald, Nov. I, i860. 6 Chase's speech reviewed in New York Evening Post, in editorial en- titled " What the Republicans will do when they get the power," Aug. 25, i860. 4 6 THE PEACEABLE AMERICANS OF 1860-1861 [ 4 6 Q excitement." And the National Republican Executive Committee closed its last appeal for votes as follows : " We earnestly exhort you to renewed and unceasing efforts until triumph is complete — a triumph which is only desirable be- cause it will bring peace and prosperity to the country and to the world." x Carl Schurz, whom the newly arrived Germans followed and whom he usually addressed in their own tongue, explained to one of his audiences that a dissolu- tion of the Union by the South was impossible for several reasons. Among these reasons were the weakness of the South, their divisions among themselves, the danger from their own slaves and their own cowardice. He said that there was no danger of secession. " There had been two overt attempts already — one, the secession of the Southern students from the medical school at Philadelphia, which he ridiculed abundantly; the second, upon the election of Speaker Pennington, when the South seceded from Con- gress, went out, took a drink, and then came back. The third attempt would be, he prophesied, when Old Abe should be elected. They would then again secede and this time would take two drinks but come back again." It was re- ported that these sarcasms were received with a roar of deafening shouts by a New England audience. 2 Matters, other than slavery and secession, came in for a share of the attention in the North. Greater prosperity was desired at that time, especially by the ironmongers of Pennsylvania and other manufacturing districts who wanted a protctive tariff to assist in recouping recent financial reverses. The Democrats refused to incorporate a pro- tective tariff plank in their platform, although it was known that they would have little hope of carrying Pennsylvania 1 Dated Astor House, Oct. io, i860, published in New York Tribune, Oct. II, i860. 'Account published in the Yeoman (Ky.), Dec. 15, i860. 461] THE CAMPAIGN OF I860 ^ without a promise of protection to the iron interests. The Republican platform contained a protective plank and the benefits accruing to certain northern manufacturing dis- tricts from the adoption of this policy was sufficient in itself to secure their allegiance to the Republican candidate re- gardless of the slavery question. After secession had actu- ally taken place and Mr. Lincoln was on his way to Wash- ington for inauguration, he stopped at a few strategic places in Pennsylvania and assured the tariff-loving inhabitants that whatever else Republicanism might mean it meant a beneficent protective tariff. 1 It did not seem to occur to him when he arrived in Pittsburgh that any other matter at that time should take precedence of the tariff. Plain honesty was also of prime importance as an issue in the presidential campaign of i860. President Lincoln afterward said that he owed all he was to his reputation for honesty. Senator Grimes of Iowa, felt that the Republican triumph of i860 was due more to Lincoln's reputed honesty and the known corruption of the Democratic administration at Washington than because of the territorial slavery ques- tion. He wrote as follows to Senator Trumbull of Illinois, just after the result of the election became known : " We have in our party as corrupt a set of d — Is as there is in the world — known of all men to be so, who will be the fiercest to secure places of responsibility and value. Now our triumph was achieved more because of Lincoln's reputed honesty and the known corruption of the Democrats than because of the negro question. Our President I hope will remember this." 2 There is ample reason to believe that •Speech at Pittsburgh, Pa., Feb. 15, 1861. The opening sentence of the speech contains the gist of the remarks : " Fellow citizens, as this is the first opportunity I have had to address a Pennsylvania assembly it seems a fitting time to indulge in a few remarks on the important ques- tion of the tariff." * Trumbull papers, Nov. 13, i860. 4 8 THE PEACEABLE AMERICANS OF 1860-1861 [ 4 6 2 Senator Grimes was not exaggerating the importance of the honesty of Honest Abe as one of the deciding factors in the presidential contest of i860. 1 The Covode Committee appointed by Congress to investigate the Buchanan admin- istration's conduct of public affairs had presented a damag- ing report in plenty of time to be thoroughly circulated all over the North. The New York Tribune published the report of what would now be called the Republican " Smell- ing Committeee " and stated that " so startling an exposi- tion of corruption in high places was never before sub- mitted to the American people." 2 The report was ex- tremely partisan in its nature but with enough truth to make it extremely effective campaign material for the Re- publicans. The obvious conclusion was that a change of party was imperatively needed at Washington. The Re- publican papers during the entire campaign and the Consti- tutional Unionist papers up to the time of their fusion with the Douglas Democrats, gave a great deal of attention to the lack of integrity of the Democrats. 1 See Chase papers, Nash to Chase, April 9, i860. " Now there were certain things honest men were tired of, disgusted with. One of these was a mere partisan administration. Partisanship has corrupted all the avenues of office and all comers of the government, so much so that a Demoorat said to me, an honest account could not be passed at Wash- ington unless paid for. . . . Men hoped for better things, had rejected Democracy for this reason, etc." See also Crittenden papers, Reed to Crittenden, Jan. 17, 1861. "Mul- titudes voted the Republican ticket because we wanted honesty to dis- place corruption. We do not hesitate to say we prefer the non-exten- sion of slavery but we are not so immovably tenacious of this principle as to insist upon it literally in the face of civil war." And also a letter of Jan. 16, Spoford to Crittenden. See also Lamon's Lincoln, p. 460. Lincoln said : " All that I am in the world — the Presidency and all else — I owe to that opinion of me which the people express when they call me ' Honest Old Abe.' Now what will they think of their honest Abe when he appoints Simon Cam- eron to be his familiar advisor." 'New York Tribune, June, i860. 463] THE CAMPAIGN OF I860 49 The partial fusion of the nationalistic neutrals took place toward the middle of the summer when it became under- stood that the secession movement was really scheduled to take place in the event of Lincoln's election. The only hope of the fusionists seems to have -been to throw the election into the House of Representativies by preventing Lincoln from gaining a majority of the electoral votes. In case they could accomplish this it was calculated that John Bell, the Unionist nominee, would be most likely to be the suc- cessful candidate. 1 The political complexion of the Senate guaranteed the choice of Joseph Lane, the running mate of John C. Breckinridge, as vice-president. If the House failed to make a choice for president then Lane would suc- ceed to the presidency. Unfortunately for the cause of fusion in the North, Lane was the choice of the Buchanan administration and this administraion was unpopular throughout the North not only on account of the revela- tions of the Covode Committee but also on account of its) record in attempting to bring in Kansas as a slave state when the Kansas had voted a free-state Constitution. Herein lay the greatest weakness of the fusion movement because the northern voter keenly felt that Lane was as sectional a can- didate as Lincoln — they could not see the point in renounc- ing the northern sectional candidate by voting the fusion ticket and thereby bringing about the election of Lane in the Senate. The Republicans contrived to associate the idea of cor- ruption with the fusion movement also. After a fusion ticket had been adopted in New York, Greeley filled the 1 Apparently, if the election went to the House of Representatives, Bell had the best chance of election. He was the least objectionable of the opponents to the partisan followers of the other three. For the same reason that Pennington won the speakership in 1859, Bell would have been likely to have won the presidency in i860, had the election been thrown into the House. 5 THE PEACEABLE AMERICANS OF 1860-1861 [ 4 6 4 columns of the Tribune with " righteous indignation " at the " fraud." The frustration of the fusion movement was vital to the success of the Republican candidate. The Tribune bristled with such phrases as " humbug," " shallow and transparent humbug," " enormous humbug," " nasty intrigue," " swindle," " cheat," " corrupt bargain and sale " with reference to the fusion of the nationalistic neutrals. " The mellow voices of the Know-Nothings are to mingle with the rich Irish brogue and sweet German ac- cent around the wooden pillars of Tammany Hall," the Greeley paper announced and proceeded to denounce the leaders of the! movement as " truckling politicians and knavish schemers," and as " shallow and tricky derna- 4 gogues." " The fusion," the paper asserted, " was one of politicians and not of the people " and " the mistake of the wireworkers inheres in their forgetting that 'the People are honest and earnest." Bragging and lying, according to Greeley, were the chief weapons of the coalition. A mil- lion dollars had been raised to buy up the people of New 4 York but the Tribune held that it was " the inalienable right of white men not to be sold without their consent." The purpose of the coalition was to sell the Bell men to Douglas, this astute paper discovered, and then deliver them bound hand and foot to Gen. Joe Lane. For, the pur- pose of the coalition was manifestly to defeat the will of the People by throwing the election into Congress. This would undoubtedly result in the election of Joe Lane in the Senate, declared the great Republican editor, and the Re- publican press all over the North made it appear very vividly and emphatically that the fusionists were being made a cat's paw for Joe Lane'e chestnuts. And it demonstrated again and again that Lincoln was the only candidate who had a chance of receiving a majority vote in the electoral col- lege which the Republican press treated as a synonym for 465] THE CAMPAIGN OF I860 $1 " the People." It also showed that the only chance of the opposition was to throw the election into Congress, which the Republicans felt would produce a " carnival of faction " and a " deep and injurious agitation of the whole country " and finally would result in the election of Joe Lane by the Senate, who would " perpetuate and intensify the evils ex- perienced under the administration of Mr. Buchanan." Thus, Greeley and the other Republican editors proved that there was no middle ground possible between Lincoln and Lane, an honest Republican and a corrupt Democrat. They made it appear that it was necessary to swallow Lincoln to avoid Lane. 1 Nor did they neglect to point out that the coalition was trying to cheat the Irish and the Germans who would not knowingly vote for a Know-Nothing, while at the same time the coalition was trying to make believe that " the Douglas men would go snacks with the debris of the defunct Know-Nothing organization." In spite of the chorus from the Republican press, the nationalistic neutrals continued to call upon the average American voter to steer the ship of state between the Scylla and Charybdis of northern and southern sectionalism. The neutrals won a majority in eleven states. Only three of these were free states, but the fact that they received over 49 per cent of the vote in Illinois, over 48 per cent of the vote in Indiana, over 47 per cent in Pennsylvania and Ohio, over 46 per cent in New York and over 45 per cent in Iowa, indicates that there was no such thing as a solid North on the territorial slavery policy advocated by the Republican party. The heavy nationalistic neutral vote in the South 1 The Lincoln or Lane point was tremendously stressed, as the files of the Republican newspapers amply testify. See Boston Daily Adver- tiser, Nov. 1, 2, 3, and Oct. 31 ; New York Evening Post, Aug. 28, Sept. 29; New York Tribune, Aug. 1, July 25, 30, 23, Sept. 20, 27, Oct. 4; Cincinnati Commercial, July 28, Oct. 6, 24; Worcester Spy, Oct. 3 and 10; Hartford Courant, Aug. 20, etc. 5 2 THE PEACEABLE AMERICANS OF 1860-1861 [ 4 6£ indicated that the solid South was certainly not bent on spreading slavery into the territories — much less into the free states. It indicated even, that the South preferred the Union without slavery eventually to slavery without the Union, for neither Douglas nor Bell held out any hope for another slave state. In the face of this vote it is folly to assert that the southern people were aggressively pro- slavery and bent on maintaining slavery at any cost. It is also impossible to conclude, when one takes into considera- tion the arguments and statements stressed by the Repub- lican orator and press during the campaign, that the Re- publican administration received instructions to so conduct itself before and on entering office that a war on behalf of the negro would inevitably resutt. Very few southerners took northern newspapers and very few northerners took southern newspapers and so it hap- pened that a really dangerous situation existed. George D. Prentice of the Louisville Journal wrote Lincoln on October 26, requesting him in the event of the success of the Republicans in the electoral colleges to write a letter set- ting forth conservative views and intentions. Prentice pro- mised to publish such a letter in the Journal, the paper which had the largest circulation of any one paper in the slave states. Prentice's purpose was to check the agitation which he felt so certain to break out in the South as soon as the victory of the Black Republican became positively ascer- tained. Lincoln made a very astute reply to Prentice, refer- ring Prentice to the already published speeches for his " con- servative views and intentions." 1 Unfortunately the aver- age southerner felt that if the published speeches of Lincoln were to be taken before any jury, the jury would feel com- pelled to convict Lincoln of believing in negro emancipation and negro equality. 1 Nicolay and Hay, Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, vol. ii, pp. 66-67. CHAPTER IV Government of, by and for the People After reading volumes of judgments on the wrong of secession, now, when the smoke of battle has somewhat cleared away, and after reviewing the evidence from which these judgments were drawn, one is gradually forced to conclude that the secessionists have been denied justice at the bar of history on one point at least. The great his- torian of the period withholds absolution from the south- erners when he declares that secession was a precipitate movement to break the bonds of union with states whose offence lay in the declaration that slavery was wrong and should not be extended. 1 Doubtless at the time secession was taking place many northern conservatives who voted for Lincoln felt that such was an accurate and complete account of the secession movement. But acceptance for the absolute truth of so simple an estimate as that which was native to the northern conservatives who voted for Lincoln, is, politically speaking, a trifle naive. Inasmuch as the majority of southern people had voted for Douglas and Bell in the presidential election and thereby signified that they did not care whether slavery was or was not ex- tended, or what the Republicans thought and declared about slavery, so long as they did not interfere with the labor system and civilization of the South, the historian's ex- planation cannot apply to the majority of southerners. And 1 Rhodes, vol. Hi, p. 117. 467] S3 54 THE PEACEABLE AMERICANS OF 1860-1861 [ 4 6g obviously no statement which does not include a considera- tion of the majority is an accurate account. As to secession being precipitate, secession had been deliberated upon for years, 1 Senator Hammond of South Carolina, had taught that union with the northern states was a " policy" and not a " principle." 2 It is perfectly true that the northern people were unprepared for the secession of South Carolina — much less, for that of the other southern states; for they had been solemnly assured by their trusted leaders that the South was bluffing. Therefore secession seemed precipi- tate to them; but as a matter of fact the discussion pre- ceding South Carolina's action was of such length as to give it the character of mature deliberation. Actual seces- sion and the organization of the southern confederacy could hardly have been executed by hot-headed school boys on the spur of the moment as the word " precipitate " im- plies. Under the circumstances secession may have been unwise but it can hardly be termed precipitate. It is apparent that the people of South Carolina were the only people of any of the southern states who thought that the election of Lincoln was sufficient cause in itself for breaking the bonds of the Union. South Carolina was the home state of what may be termed the secessionists per se. This group, comparatively small in number as compared with the whole southern people, had come to believe that it was to the permanent interest of the Gulf States at least, if not of all the slave states, to be under a separate government from the northern states. General incompatibility, arising from a difference in geographical location, with its attendant difference in commercial interests, and from a difference in opinion in regard to the appropriate condition of the 1 That is to say, secession in South Carolina. * Hammond papers, Hammond to Simms, July io, i860. 469] GOVERNMENT OF, BY AND FOR THE PEOPLE 55 negroes, was the underlying basis for the South Carolinians' desire for divorce from the manufacturing states and espec- ially from the state of Massachusetts, the home of Charles) Sumner. The following resolutions suggested by Senator Hammond give the inflammatory argument of the South Carolinan secessionists who promptly seceded from the Union when the news came that a Black Republican had been constitutionally elected president of the United States of America: Recent events having placed the Chief Power of the Federal Gov- ernment in the hands of a Party, Organization, League, perhaps most accurately to be denominated a conspiracy which is purely sectional and entirely confined to the non-slaveholding states of this Union, and which has beforehand through all its leading organs declared that between said states and the slaveholding states there is an " irrepressible conflict," which has proclaimed that its purpose is to exercise all the power of the government to the restriction and extinction of African slavery in the United States and territories : which has already before getting into power, instigated war and has actually carried it on with arms and bloodshed, with incendiary torches and poison, all brought to bear fatally and extensively upon a peaceable and unoffending people reposing for the most part with entire good faith upon the guarantees of a common constitution and the pledges of a most intimate alliance; which scoffs at our complaints of these unjust and unconstitutional assaults upon our rights and interests and in- human and fiendlike war upon our households and hearthstones, on our wives and daughters and ourselves, etc. 1 As has been stated the South Carolinians were the only people who were thoroughly convinced that the time had arrived for a dissolution of the Union. Nevertheless, the secession of South Carolina took place with the advice and consent of leaders from other states, both slave and free. Undoubtedly these leaders knew that the whole north was 1 Hammond papers, Hammond to Hayne, Sept. 19, i860. 56 THE PEACEABLE AMERICANS OF 1860-1861 [^y Q not abolitionized ; but undoubtedly the irrepressible conflict proclivities of the President-elect and the " rotten " plank in the Chicago platform gave them great uneasiness for the future. In treating of secession historians have the habit of eliding the significance of the " rotten " plank in the Chicago platform. But it cannot be assumed that the southern leaders were not aware of the full possibilities of that plank. They had no guarantee that the policy of the President-elect who had annexed an abolitionist wing for flight into office would not be controlled by the radical wing of the party. They had no confidence in Lincoln's good intentions to- ward the southern people for they had reached the con- clusion that any intelligent person who asserted, as Lincoln had asserted, 1 that Jefferson had the negroes in mind when he wrote the Declaration of Independence, belonged in the class of mischievous agitators, so obvious was it to them that Jefferson fully recognized the existence of African slavery. The John Brown raid was fresh in the memory of the southern people and needless to say the southern people were hardly in a position to look upon the " rotten " plank in the Chicago platform with the same complacency and simple faith which the northern conservative exercised while interpreting it. 2 However, the public opinion of the world today ap- 1 Rhodes, vol. ii, p. 230. 2 See address of John C. Breckinridge before the Kentucky Legisla- ture, Dec. 21, 1859. " The danger springs from the character and pur- poses of a political organization in this country called the Republican party, what it intends, and the probable consequences of its success in the United States. ... At first it seemed to limit its aims to the exclu- sion of slavery from the Territories ; but, like all aggressive organiza- tions, its course has been continually onward. The rear rank of the Republican army marches up and encamps on the ground occupied by the advanced guards months before, while the advanced guard has been marching steadily forward." A pamphlet in the James O. Harrison papers contains this address. 47 1 ] GOVERNMENT OF, BY AND FOR THE PEOPLE 57 parently justifies the Civil War because the Declaration of Independence portion of the " rotten " plank of the Chicago platform was summarily incorporated as a bona fide part of the Republican party's program. The notion that one can- not do right in the wrong Way is now applauded in connec- tion with the consummation of liberation at the point of the sword, a process which was very nearly the equivalent of a huge John Brown raid into the southern states. The public of today has apparently reached the conclusion that the civilization which produced Washington, Jefferson, Patrick Henry, Madison, Clay, John Marshall and Robert E. Lee, was too unutterably brutal to be permitted to adjust itself to modern conditions and deserved to perish by the sword. It is hard for the public of today to realize that the public of 1 860-1 861 had an entirely different opin- ion. It did not occur to the mass of northern people of that day that the precipitate abolition of slavery in the southern states would be profitable even to the negroes them- selves. There is no evidence to show that the American people of that day, not only the Americans who lived in the slave states, but also the vast majority of Americans who lived in the free states, thought the negro capable of skipping over the tendencies which the white man had derived from thousands of years of his self -developed civilization, and passing with a few years training or without a few years training, from the mental condition and inheritance of bar- barians and slaves into full equality with the free citizens of a self-governing republic, whose laws, traditions, habits and customs, were totally alien, far more alien than those of the Japanese and Chinese. The Americans of that day did not feel that a mere statute law permitting the negro to equal the white man in autonomous government could enable him to do so. The slave system was regarded fun- 58 THE PEACEABLE AMERICANS OF 1860-1861 [^j 2 damentally not as a matter of morals, of right and wrong, but merely as an economic arrangement which was essen- tially the outgrowth of an inequality and difference in in- heritance between the average white and black man. It is safe to say that all of the southerners and most of the northerners knew that the negroes were not a race resem- bling angels in ability to pass from one extreme to the other without passing through the middle. Therefore, it cannot be said that there was basic anta- gonism between the northern and the southern people in regard to the slavery question in the southern states. The objections of the northerners to the slave system were not to the slave system itself but to the by-products of the system. These by-products were the so-called southern aristocrat and the necessity for northerners to return fugi- tive slaves. These two items constitute the sum total of the real differences between the North and the South in so far as the negro was concerned. There can be no doubt that among the newly arrived immigrants and among per- sons belonging to the class from which Lincoln arose there was a special feeling that the southern aristocrats felt that there were but two kinds of people in the world, themselves and common people. The negroes seem to have felt that there were three kinds of people, ranking as follows : south- ern aristocrats, negroes and common people. However, if one is to judge the existence of a democracy by a feeling of equality among the people of a nation there is no such thing as democracy on earth. As to the other objectionable by- product, the return of fugitives, it is clear that this was extremely annoying to some of the good northern people, especially to New Englanders, who were coming to think of slavery in terms of Uncle Tom's Cabin and not in terms of the then unwritten stories of Thomas Nelson Page or of the sentiment depicted in " Way Down on the Suwanee 473] GOVERNMENT OF, BY AND FOR THE PEOPLE 59 River." However, the existence of these two " feelings " among certain northerners did not prevent them from being in sympathy with the southern people on the essentials which constitute a nation, for, they practiced the same form of government, obeyed the same laws ( including the fugitive slave law), they took pride in a common history, they wor- shipped at the same altar, they used the same language, they read the same books (except a very few), they carried on an extensive and lucrative commerce with each other; in a word, there were more ties to bind than there were barriers to separate the people of the North and the South. If there was any really vital difference between the North and the South, it was on what constituted a sectional control of the national government. Many who voted for Lincoln did not consider him any more sectional than Breckinridge or Lane, whom the extremists of the South championed. They felt that if the South thought it proper to have Breckinridge as president, they could not see why it was not equally proper for them to have Lincoln, especially, when they had constitutionally elected him. 1 However, a majority of the southern people did not vote for Breckinridge, but registered themselves in favor of the two national candidates. The Republican leaders did not admit that theirs was a sectional party. Their usual reply to the charge of sectionalism was " Slav- ery is sectional, freedom is national." This line of argu- ment seems to have completely muddled the minds of many honest northerners on the difference between a " national " and a " sectional " party and control of the government. They failed to realize that the Republican party of i860 1 Hammond papers, A. B. Allen to Hammond, N. Y., Jan. 22, 1861 : ** Ninety-nine out of every hundred of my party deny in the most em- phatic manner that we have elected a sectional candidate. He is not half as much sectional as Breckinridge." 60 THE PEACEABLE AMERICANS OF 1860-1861 T^y. answered perfectly to Washington's definition of a geogra- phical party against the formation of which he solemnly warned his fellow-countrymen in the Farewell Address. In view of the " Lincoln or Lane " cry of the Republican poli- ticians during the presidential campaign, in view of the desire of the mass of the northern people for an honest ad- ministration of the national government such as they felt " Honest Abe " (judging him by his nickname) would give, in view of the assurance given them by their trusted leaders and the only newspapers the majority of them read that the election of Lincoln would peacefully settle the sectional controversy, one cannot conclude that the North was sec- tionalized. It seems that if the question of sectionalism had been fairly put and frankly met by the Republican lead- ers, it is more than likely that the northern people would have given as just a decision as the southern people on the issue of " sectionalism " versus " nationalism." In view of the basic lack of antagonism between the southern and the northern people, it is hardly reasonable to suppose that a majorty of the southern leaders and southern people desired a permanent dissolution of the union, much less a war with the numerically superior North. Both of these solutions were derniers rcssorts. However, the southern people were not willing to submit quietly to a con- trol of the national government by a northern sectional league whose sense of justice (judged by the statements of the extremists whom the South was prone to regard as typical of the North) seemed abnormally well developed to- ward the negro but subnormally developed toward the southern white. Sentiment was very general throughout the South against living under a government controlled by a northern sectional league. To the southern white man, a government of, by and for the people most emphatically was not a government based solely on northern consent. 475 ] GOVERNMENT OF, BY AND FOR THE PEOPLE 6 1 The able and vigorous campaign of the nationalists had ap- parently succeeded in convincing the majority of the south- ern people that the election of Lincoln would not be a suffi- cient cause in itself to render necessary such a conclusion. But it seemed wise to a number of southern leaders to nip in the bud the first attempt at sectional control of the national government. And accordingly the secession of South Carolina under the advice of other than South Caro- linian leaders cannot be regarded as an attempt to break up the union on account of the election of Lincoln/ It was! really an attempt to break up the Republican party and a continued control of the national government by a sec- tional league. 2 The secession of the one state was at first merely an emphatic protest in so far as it can be said to have represented southern sentiment. After leading off with the secession of one state the southerners followed this secession with the presentation of an ultimatum. This ultimatum was embodied in the Crittenden Compromise, presented to the United States Senate by Senator John J. Crittenden of Kentucky, one of the southern nationalists. The main article of the Crittenden Compromise was the restoration of the line 36 30' demolished by Douglas in the Kansas-Nebraska measure as the dividing line between slave and free ter- ritory. The southern party relinquished their claim to 1 Hammond papers, Aldrich to Hammond, Dec. 6, i860 : " Mason, Davis, Brown, Pugh, McQueen and several others, whose names I do not now recollect, all recommend the most prompt action ; they say take the State out at once, any delay is dangerous and may be fatal." See also Breckenridge's speech before the Kentucky Legislature. " The first duty of all those who love their country is to overthrow the Republican party." 2 See " The Stratagem of the Present Excitement " in the Boston Atlas and Bee, Dec. 7, i860, for a northern view of this significance of secession, and Breckinridge papers, John C. B. to R. J. B., Jan. 30, i860, for a southern view. 62 THE PEACEABLE AMERICANS OF 1860-1861 [^5 federal protection of slavery in all of the national territories, if the northern party would relinquish their demand for prohibition of slavery in all of the territories, and the status quo before the repeal of the Missouri Compromise would be re-established. The effect of the Crittenden Compromise was of no importance in regard to the actual existence of slavery in the national territories where soil and climate effectively prohibited its profitable use. Its im- portance was due to the fact that its acceptance by the Re- publican leaders in behalf of the Republican party would have annihilated the Republican party. For, as a result of the settlement of the political controversy over slavery in the territories, the radical and conservative wings of the Republican party would have separated into its original discordant elements, and those whom the political sagacity of Abraham Lincoln had joined together would have been torn asunder. The southern leaders hoped to force the Re- publican leaders to clear up the ambiguity of the " rotten " plank on which they stood with only one foot. The south- erners calculated that, thereby, they could limit the anti- slavery tenets of the Republican party to the conservative northern ideal. It was felt that the conservative wing of the party and in fact, the great majority of the northern people would prefer the Crittenden Compromise to either disunion or civil war. 1 The acceptance or rejection of the Crittenden Compromise was to be taken as a fair test of the intentions of the Republican leaders, both on the slavery question and on the sectional control of the national gov- ernment. 1 Hammond papers, Mallory to Hammond, Dec. 27, i860: "Every northern man I meet who is not a leader of Republicanism admits the justice of our complaints and the readiness of the northern people to provide a remedy. ... If we can stave off bloodshed we shall have a triumphal and peaceful conclusion to our difficulty." Mallory was one of the United States Senators from Florida. 477] GOVERNMENT OF, BY AND FOR THE PEOPLE 63 The Crittenden Compromise was rejected by the Repub- lican party leaders. The test was fairly put and the deci- sion was against the South and in favor of a sectional con- trol of the national government. 1 As a result of this ex- hibition of intention to continue indefinitely to dictate the policy of the national government on the part of what was felt in the South to be a northern sectional league, six more southern states followed South Carolina out of the Union and the seven proceeded to organize a southern confederacy before the inauguration of the northern sectional candidate. With the rejection of the Crittenden Compromise, an an- ticipated fact apparently became an established fact in the minds of large numbers of persons who were not disunion- ists per se. The truth of the matter then in regard to the secession of the six states which immediately followed South Carolina seems to be that the rejection of the Crit- tenden Compromise convinced them (in the words of Senator Hammond) that "a party, organization, league, or conspiracy" had been formed to control permanently the national government. Disunion and civil war were dcmicrs ressorts to these southerners but they preferred both to submitting quietly to what they considered an abrogation of their rights. Although the rejection of the Crittenden Compromise gave an enormous impetus ta " secessionism " the people of the eight other slave states remained unconvinced. These remaining unseceded south- ern people comprised a majority of the southern people. They signified their intention to remain in the Union until some overt act of the administration which had been chosen solely by northern votes should prove beyond all doubt that the radical wing was to dominate its policy. The eight un- 1 See Toombs' message to the people of Georgia : "The test has been put fairly and frankly, and it is decisive against the South." This was published in the southern press ; see Kentucky Yeoman, Dec. 27, i860. 64 THE PEACEABLE AMERICANS OF 1860-1861 [ 4 ~g seceded states were, of course, the border slave states, where northern sentiment was much better understood, and whose permanent interests lay in and not out of the Union of all of the states. Mr. James Ford Rhodes has proved l that Lincoln was responsible for the rejection of the Crittenden Compromise, but the Republican leaders and politicians in general op- posed its acceptance because it would " lay the Republican party on the shelf." 2 The disunion of the states was not 'Rhodes, vol iii, pp. 158-166. •The disastrous effect of the Crittenden Compromise on the fortunes of the Republican party was a matter of common knowledge among the party politicians and party workers. See among the Washburne papers the following expressions : " A compromise which should back down on vital principles, would lay us out colder than a wedge " from Judson, Jan. 17, 1861 ; " If the Republican cause should come down to a compromise they never could get half in this state again " from Baldwin, Jan. 25, 1861 ; " We must stand firm as a party in main- taining and defending the principles we have contended for the past six years or we are 'gone up' — of this there can be no difference of opinion " from a worker who wanted an appointment to some foreign office where " the duties of office are neither arduous nor complicated " Dec. 20, i860; "Any other course (than standing firm) will demoralize the party and scatter to the winds the fruition hoped for and to be expected from our great victory" from Sanford, Dec. 4, i860; " Having conclusive proof that you are strong on your 'pins' and free from any spinal affection, I entreat you with all earnestness to exhort, re- buke, and encourage the faltering, if there are any among the Repub- licans in Congress, make them to understand that retreat is death, to advance is safety" from Nat Vose, Dec. 15, i860; "The Republican pulse beats high for war but a backdown to Traitors and Slavery will ruin our party and prospects" from Armstrong, Feb. 12, i860; "To yield one new guarantee to slavery will either destroy the Republican party or send to their political graves every Republican who lends his support or countenances such a course" from Armour, Dec. 21, i860; " Any further concessions on the part of the Republicans will be as fatal to them as a snake bite" from Stephenson, Jan. 15, 1861 ; "They say, and not without cause, that if the Republicans back down to the slave power now that the party shall go to smash, as you no doubt are well aware" from Stewart, Feb. 8, 1861. And also see among the 479] GOVERNMENT OF, BY AND FOR THE PEOPLE 65 so important to Salmon P. Chase as the disunion of the Re- Trumbull papers: "My opinion is that the man or Party that yields to the Slave Power now will soon be consigned to political graves from which there will be no resurrection," from Henderson, Feb. 5, 1861 ; " Under these circumstances you can easily see that it is the veriest suicide for the party leaders to yield to the demands of the fire-eaters, for it can only result in their being thrown overboard without mercy, etc., of rending the party into a hundred wavering fragments, and by so doing reinstate in power the slavocracy," from Glaucy, Feb. II, i860 ; " We cannot believe that the Republicans in Congress are ready to make political martyrs not only of themselves but of their friends at home, and, in a word, the whole party," and " We fully believe that the whole thing was concocted purposely to bring about the destruction of the Republican party by creating strife and division among them as a party," from Gainco and Crow who believed that they expressed the sentiments of the entire party in their vicinity, Feb. 22, 1861 ; " If our members of Congress give up one principle which the Republican Party «tand upon, we are gone, hook and line," from Woods, Dec. 20, i860; " I repeat, do not sacrifice the party. If we suffer the principles of the party to be compromised away, the party is dead. We won the victory, it is ours," from Ramer, Feb. 7, i860; "To let down the Republican platform or essentially abate from its freedom character would be the annihilation of the party," from Talcott, Dec. 16, i860; "Kept together ty no great principle, we as a party would have suffered disintegration. We would have resolved into original and repulsive elements, and the leaders who would have brought that disgrace upon us would have suf- fered a political death from which no Archangel's trump would have ever awakened them," from Jewett, March 6, i860; "To compromise is to ruin the Republican Party, for it is to rend it asunder. . . . Let the leaders stand firm. . . . The party will remain a harmonious, tri- umphant band, ready for conflict, expectant of a long career of un- broken triumph. . . . The vital question for the Republican party is, ' Will Abraham Lincoln stand firm in this trying hour ?' We answer, "* He will!'" New York Tribune, Feb. 8, 1861. "People have never "been able to believe that the secessionists were in downright earnest in their avowed purpose to make a new nation by cutting a few blocks out of the American Union. . . . The unconditional surrender of the Republican party is required," from Boston Atlas and Bee, March 27, 1861. The greatest problem which the Republican leaders were trying to solve at this period was, " Cannot the Republican party preserve the Union and at the same time preserve itself?" The Republican leaders had to choose between saving the party through Civil War and saving 66 THE PEACEABLE AMERICANS OF 1860-1861 [ 4 g publican party. 1 Chase felt that if the party leaders would stand firm and not yield an inch to conciliate the southern- ers that the party stood a good chance of controlling the federal government for the next third of the century. If the Union by acknowledging that they were wrong in the premises, not wrong on the slavery issue, but wrong in their advocacy of sectional control of the national government. If the party "took up the trade" of peacefully saving the Union like the professional "Union-Savers" of the old Whig school, " it may as well go to the wall " mourned George Hoadly of Cincinnati to Salmon P. Chase. And the " truth " manifestly was, as one of the politicians wrote Washburne, that the whole trouble was to a great extent political, " an intention on the part of the Democrats to force, through fear of Civil War, the Repub- licans to concede so much as to practically disband the party." Said he. " I would see the devil have the whole South before I would vote for any such measure as the Crittenden Compromise." The great stumbling-block in the path of the southern statesmen ob- taining concessions from the North was that the legislatures of the northern states were in the hands of persons whose political life de- pended on their not conceding " an inch " to their adversaries. This situation is very clearly shown in a letter to Chase from N. B. Judd of Illinois, Jan. n, 1861 : "There is a severe outside pressure here for some (conciliatory) action by the Republicans in the legislature. Some of our men are alarmed at the aspect of public affairs and desire to do something (but do not know what they want and we have trouble in holding them steady. I send you some resolutions upon which I wish your opinion as to their effect upon the position and integrity of the party — and also their propriety as propositions without reference to the condition of the party at present. . . . The Democracy are in state convention today and intend to make concession an issue, with such a population as we have bad our small majority, there is danger for us ahead." The same condition is seen in the letter of E. Peck from Illinois to Senator Trumbull, Feb. 2, 1861 : " The proposition to send commissioners to Washington (to the Peace Conference called by Vir- ginia) was passed through the General Assembly yesterday, this was done as a matter of political necessity because if we had not united to do so, some of our knock-kneed brethren would have united with the Democracy and would have given them sufficient strength to have the resolutions appointing by the General Assembly." The resolutions gave the appointment of the commissioners to the Republican Governor, and of course they were not " knock-kneed brethren." 1 Trumbull papers, Trumbull from Chase, Nov. 11, i860. 4 Si ] GOVERNMENT OF, BY AND FOR THE PEOPLE 67 they compromised they felt that Lincoln would be the first and last of the Republican presidents. To the average Re- publican party politician the Crittenden Compromise and the secession of South Carolina, were but a scheme whereby the Republicans would be shortly ousted from office. Doubtless the party worker, who had gotten out the whole vote in his district and had all the unnaturalized Germans' to take out papers in time to vote, felt that he deserved a federal postmastership for life. 1 Indeed, there were some workers who had worked in the free soil and liberty party movement for twenty years and these did not feel it incum- bent upon them to modestly renounce the results of victory so soon. One after another sent in application or applied in person for federal office. The number of persons who felt that their services deserved the reward of a cabinet position 2 or a foreign post was considerably greater than the number of positions to be filled. The politicians were unanimously in favor of doing nothing which would sur- render one iota of political advantage to the party. How- ever, the politicians and office-seekers did not represent the rank and file of the party. The great mass of conservative voters in the Republican party, represented by Charles Francis Adams of Massa- chusetts, Thurlow Weed of New York, and Thomas Cor- 1 " We made use of every available piece of timber, had what Repub- lican Germans there were naturalized, who had not previously become citizens and got out all the votes." Washburne papers, Nov. 17, i860. The author of the above quotation was rewarded with a postmastership. 'The greatest difficulty was experienced in getting the cabinet posi- tions distributed to the best advantage. Cameron of Pennsylvania had to be included although he was persona non grata to the " holier " men of the party. " Can I get along," asked Lincoln, " if that state should oppose my administration?" Koemer's Memoirs, vol. ii, p. 114. Gideon Welles of Connecticut was made Secretary of the Navy for similar reasons, although Seward said that Welles did not know the stem of a boat from its stem. Oberholtzer's Lincoln, p. 188. 68 THE PEACEABLE AMERICANS OF 1860-1861 [ 4 g 2 win of Ohio, besides a considerable number of others, were favorable to compromise. They favored some compromise, preferably one offered by a Republican, but they were ready and willing to renounce the essentially sectional character of their party for the sake of a peaceful preservation of the Union. Many a Republican understood that the trend of the times was against the South and that sooner or later the labor system of the South, for purely economic reasons, would have to succumb. These Republicans were even willing to be magnanimous and give the southerners more than the average northerner had been taught to believe that the South could justly claim. 1 It was with great difficulty 1 William T. Sherman thought that a " declaration of no more slave states in advance is offensive and mischievous besides being unneces- sary — time enough when one applies for admission. ' Irrepressible con- flict' should be a Sewardism, not a party thought. To govern all the country, your Doctrines must be consistent with the interests of all parts of the country." Sherman papers, Oct. 3, i860. The following also shows the conservative trend of reasoning: "There were thou- sands and thousands of Conservative men in the North who voted for Lincoln, who would now yield much for the sake of peace and feel that they were not compromising principle thereby. . . . Every year the North is gaining whilst the South loses political power. Lord Welling- ton said that anything is better than Civil War. . . . He made conces- sions which his friends insisted were at variance with consistency." Trumbull papers, Trumbull from W. S. Gilman, Dec. 11, i860. Also see Trumbull from Detrich, March 2, 1861 ; Trumbull from Lansing, Feb. 17, 1861 ; Trumbull from Isaac Lea, Dec. 26, i860; Trumbull from J. M. Richard, Chicago, Jan. 18, 1861. See also Breckinridge papers: McDaniel to R J. Breckinridge, Jan. 21, 1861, " Majority of Repub- licans, not radical. . . . Three-fourths in favor of any fair arrange- ment " ; R. L Allen to R. J. Breckinridge, Jan. 21, 1861, "Northern sentiment modified and has never been a fourth as bad as represented." - . . Also states that " the majority of those who voted for Mr. Lin- coln did so with no other views than to secure an upright, conservative administration of our constitution and laws"; that "three-fourths at least, perhaps nine-tenths of the northern voters are ready to sanction any reasonable concession " ; and that " among the vast majority of the northern people the same fraternal feeling for their southern 483] GOVERNMENT OF, BY AND FOR THE PEOPLE 69 that the radical leaders prevented William H. Seward from offering some adequate compromise to halt the procession of southern states out of the union. 1 But after Seward ac- cepted the offer of the office of Secretary of State under the incoming administration, he submitted to the leadership of Lincoln. As Lincoln clearly stated in 1863 there were but three conceivable courses for the Republicans to follow. 2 Either some compromise had to be made, or the seceding states had to be allowed to go in peace, or the secession movement had to be crushed by force of arms. With the exception of a small group of secessionists per se, the three-fifths of the American people who had voted against Lincoln were undoubtedly in favor of compromise. Furthermore, since a great number of those voting for Lincoln were also in favor of compromise, it can be truthfully said that an over- whelming majority of both the northern and the southern people preferred compromise to either a dissolution of the Union or Civil War. 3 The majority of the northern people were perfectly willing to meet the southern people halfway. brethren exists which has always existed." The great thing to be accom- plished according to this R. L. Allen, who had voted for Lincoln, was " to disabuse the South of their false opinion " : D. B. Duffield to R. J. Breckinridge, Feb. 17, 1861 ; S. Holmes to R. J. Breckinridge, Feb. 22, 1861, "I hesitate not to say the great trouble is occasioned by the dust thrown in the eyes of the masses by wild politicians " ; L. F. Allen to R. J. Breckinridge, Jan. 10, 1861. 1 " The unconciliatory and defiant course of the Republican leaders has rendered the advocates of patience and steadiness in the South all but powerless. Beyond dispute, it is the principal cause of the fearful distrust of the North which now possesses and inflames the Southern breast." Louisville Journal, Dec. 31, i860. 1 Lincoln to Conkling, Aug. 26, 1863, published in one of the Illinois State Historical Society publications. 3 Northern historians from Greeley to Rhodes acknowledge this to be a fact. 7 o THE PEACEABLE AMERICANS OF 1860-1861 [ 4 g^ The election returns had shown that the southern people were not bent on nationalizing slavery as the political agi- tators had asserted for they had voted for Douglas and Bell, leaders who did not promise the extension of slavery into any of the territories. The pressure for the adoption of the Crittenden Compromise was enormous, especially when it became known that Davis and Toombs were willing to ac- cept it as a final settlement of the territorial slavery con- troversy. Monster petitions were sent to Congress praying the adoption of compromise or its submission to the Amer- ican people before war was started or any other irretrievable step of alienation was taken. A meeting of Boston work- ingmen held in Fanueil Hall petitioned as follows: It is the right of a free people, who are misrepresented and misgoverned by those in power to take counsel together for the redress of their grievances. The chief cause for the breaking of the Union is the people of the North and the South have been deceived and betrayed by politicians. The South has been taught to believe that the North hate them and are pledged to trample their rights and property ; while the North have been taught to believe that the South hold them in contempt and hatred and are united in a hostile plan of aggres- sion against their liberties. We plainly see that the ceaseless falsehoods which have misled the South as to our true feelings, and the rash and wicked deeds which are charged upon our whole people, are due to a small but active and unscrupulous party of Abolitionists, who have, etc. . . . We do earnestly appeal to all patriots, and all honest men at the North to pledge themselves to an unending hostility to the prin- ciples and plans of the Abolitionists for the following reasons : Because they undermine religion and openly deny the authority of the Holy Word of God. . . . Because the bells of the New England churches which the Abo- litionists tolled on the day of the just execution of John Brown, proclaimed their hatred of the Union and their sympathy with his wicked raid and with his murder of peaceable citizens of Virginia. 485] GOVERNMENT OF, BY AND FOR THE PEOPLE ?1 Because their pretended love of slaves a thousand miles away is but hypocrisy. If they loved mankind and would prevent sin and suffering and wrong, they could find here at home objects more than sufficient for the exercises of all their assumed virtues. But their philanthropy is mere deception, their affected sympathy is selfishness and their feigned love for the slaves a cloak for their insidious designs. . . . We are weary of the question of slavery ; it is a matter which does not concern us, and we wish only to attend to our own busi- ness and leave the South to attend to their own affairs, without any interference from the North. Only in an hour of danger do we step forward to demand and endorse our political rights. And now that we are obliged to come forward for the sake of our country, we learn with profound astonishment from the confession of the great party leaders that the question which divides and distracts the country as to whether slaves shall or shall not be admitted in the territories is a mere quarrel about an abstract opinion ; and that in ten years only twelve slaves have been domiciled in the territories in New Mex- ico. Well may the people say that they must come forward to protect themselves from the politicians. Let us not quibble about words, or stand obstinately upon slight differences of opinion, like our representatives who dignify their perverse obstinacy with the name of principle, but, disregard ng all other objects, unite earnestly, honestly and heartily to preserve the Union. 1 In fact, petitions, letters, accounts of mass meetings from all parts of the country poured in praying the peaceful pre- servation of the Union and the avoidance of civil war. Assurances came to Crittenden that the Compromise could be carried by a 50,000 majority in Indiana, by a 200,000 majority in Pennsylvania; that three-fourths of New York were in favor of it: and a petition signed by 22,213 citizens of 182 towns and cities of Massachusetts prayed the adop- tion of Compromise; 14,000 American women petitioned 1 Crittenden papers, Feb., i860. 72 THE PEACEABLE AMERICANS OF 1860-1861 [ 4 g£ that " party or sectional prejudices be not allowed to pre- vail over a spirit of mutual conciliation; and one beautiful personal letter to Crittenden closed with " May God in his infinite mercy save the United States of America." x The radical wing of the Republican party which opposed compromise was composed of two groups. One set was for letting the " erring sisters " go in peace. This set was com" posed of the moral suasionist type of abolitionists 2 and of Horace Greeley, until, as one of the politicians of that day expressd it, Greeley was persuaded to " go the whole soap." This peaceable radical group felt that Civil War was about as bad as slavery, if not worse. The other set in the radical minority wing which Greeley shortly joined was the " war group." 4 They believed in crushing the secessionists by force of arms and letting the " irrepressible conflict " become 1 Crittenden papers, passim, and especially Jay Gould to Crittenden, Jan. 4, 1861. 2 This was, of course, the doctrine of the Liberator and even of the Springfield [Mass.] Republican. See Nov. 22, i860. This latter paper regretted the spending of money on arms because it prevented the founding of an agricultural college and aid to Agassiz's Natural History Museum, April 3, 1861. 'See Greeley's American Conflict, vol. i, p. 359. And for the "whole soap," see Washburne papers, Nat Vose to Washburne, Dec. 15, i860. 'The Boston Post, Feb. 9, 1861, contains the following account of the differences between the conservative and radical wing of the party as represented by the conservative Albany Journal of Weed and the radical New York Tribune of Greeley: "The width of the gulf between the New York Tribune and the Albany Journal is daily increasing. The Tribune intimates that the Journal is either traitor or craven ; the Journal asks how long it is since the Tribune insisted on a candidate for President who would not be obnoxious to the Border States. . . . The Tribune, in remarking on Seward's declaration that Republicanism must be subordinate to the Union question, declares that it prefers clean Republican principles, 1. e., the Chicago platform, to fifty unions; where- upon the Journal rejoins that if a choice must be made between party and country, we differ so widely from the Tribune as to prefer the Union to fifty parties." 4 8 7 ] GOVERNMENT OF, BY AND FOR THE PEOPLE 73 a 'bloody reality. Lincoln's law partner 1 belonged to this group and it is hardly reasonable to doubt that Lincoln also preferred war to compromise or a dissolution of the Union. The Springfield State Journal of Illinois, edited by Lin- coln's nephew, was considered an authority on the views of the President-elect. 2 In November, just after the election, it announced the position of Lincoln as being that of his Leavenworth speech which was as follows: "If constitu- tionally we elect a President and therefore you undertake to destroy the Union, it will be our duty to deal with you as old John Brown was dealt with. We can only do our duty. We hope and believe that in no section will a maj- ority so act as to render such extreme measures necessary." a At no other period in Lincoln's career did he exhibit a more masterful comprehension of the simplicity of the com- mon man's mind than at this crisis. Lincoln skilfully re- frained from using the words " civil war," " coercion," 1 The following letter from Herndon to Trumbull indicates his posi- tion : " This thing slavery must be met and finally squelched. Liberty and slavery are absolute antagonisms : and all human experience and all human philosophy say, ' Clear the ring and let these natural foes,, these eternal enemies, now fight it out. To separate them nozv is mur- derous to the men, women and children of the future. . . . Hurrah for Wade ! God bless Wade ! . . . We expect you to oppose all the time- serving and cowardly compromise of principle or policy." Trumbull from Herndon, Dec. 21, i860. Also a letter of Feb. 9, 1861, from Hern- don to Trumbull gives the radical point of view : " Are our Republican friends going to concede away dignity, constitutions, union, laws and justice? . . . Before 1 would buy the South by compromises and conces- sions to get what is the people's due, I would die to be forgotten, will- ingly. Let me say to you that if Republicans do concede anything more than the South has already got, namely, her constitutional rights — that you — the Republican party may consider death as the Law." 1 Washburne papers, Washburne from A. J. Betts, Feb. 4, 1861. " The oft-repeated and emphatic declarations in regard to the position of Mr. Lincoln by the Springfield Journal (good authority on that point) I think should set at rest all misgivings as to the course he will pursue." 8 Springfield State Journal, Nov. 14, i860. 74 THE PEACEABLE AMERICANS OF 1860-1861 j-^gg or " subjugation by force of arms " to describe his method for allaying the southern dissatisfaction with northern sectional control of the national government. Instead he chose to call his policy an " enforcement of the law." In the choice of this phrasing there was a great deal of subtle irony as well as a profound grasp of crowd psychology. The term " enforcement of the law " as it was used in the presidential campaign of i860 had special reference to the Fugitive Slave Law and the Dred Scott decision of the Supreme Court. The " Union-Savers " strenuously advo- cated the enforcement of the law, as well as the Douglas Democrats and the Breckinridge party. " Enforcement of the law " had a conservative sound and carried with it an atmosphere of dutiful obedience to law. A great majority clearly favored enforcement of law in general. However, enforcement of the law in connection with the secessionist movement was exactly equivalent to civil war or subjugation by force of arms. A rose by any other name smells as sweet but the use of the words " civil war " would have roused antagonism to the procedure of crushing the secessionists by force of arms while the use of "enforcement of the law" created no such feeling. 1 Lincoln, it should be carefully noted, did not state publicly that civil war was his chosen policy. In fact one would infer from some of his remarks that peace was his deliberate preference. But it is evident that the "peace" which he preferred and to which he had reference was merely the peace which would have resulted had the southern leaders refrained from challenging a sectional control of the national government and submitted quietly as on normal occasions to the choice of the electoral colleges. However, Lincoln 'An excellent account of the magical power of the words is to be found in Le Bon's The Crozvd: A Study of the Popular Mind, book ii, ch. xi. 489] GOVERNMENT OF, BY AND FOR THE PEOPLE 75 refrained from making unequivocally clear to the com- mon man, the difference between the two varieties of "peace." And the common man, with a mind untrained in the critical analysis practiced by lawyers, jumped to the conclusion that there was really no difference between Lincoln's kind of peace and his own. Therefore, the com- mon man approved Lincoln's " peace " policy, because in the excitement of the hour he naively mistook it for his own. When the Springfield Journal of March 4, 1861, presented the idea in a most remarkable editorial that a war would put an end to slavery " either in its immediate effects or in the anti-slavery sentiment it would create in all parts of the country," it doubtless gave an excellent clue to what was in the mind of the man who was being inaugurated president of the dis-United States on that day. This editorial seemed to indicate that Lincoln felt that the public opinion of the future could be brought to endorse his war policy and ap- plaud the result provided the first shot in the war was fired by the southerners. Taken as a whole, this editorial may be regarded not only, as a dare, but also, as a warning to the South Carolinians. It is a most marvellously accurate forecast of the future and demonstrates unmistakably Lincoln's clear understanding of the emotions of the com- mon man. However, if such a statement had been offi- cially uttered and explicitly explained by Lincoln, instead of being printed in the newspaper which was understood only by the initiated to represent the President, the com- mon man might have caught on to what the " peace " policy of Lincoln actually amounted to. That Lincoln was "quite belligerent" seems to have been well understood by those in a position to know. 1 Kreisman, one of the Republican workers among the Ger- 1 Washburne papers, Dec. 27, i860; Washburne from Kreisman. 76 THE PEACEABLE AMERICANS OF 1860-1861 ^O mans (who was rewarded for his skill by a secretaryship to the legation at Berlin) wrote Washburne, Republican Congressman from Illinois, that Lincoln had said, " We have plenty of corn and pork, and it would hardly be brave for us to leave this question to be settled by posterity." 1 This news was not intended for public consumption, but was merely a private tip from one good politician to another as to the lay of the land. The policy which was pursued by the Republican leaders was definitely outlined in a letter from Springfield, Illinois, to Senator Trumbull, who was understood to be Lincoln's spokesman in the United States Senate. It was as follows : 2 I would then pursue a temporizing policy for the present, keep back out of view our distinctive party principles. Get time for the inauguration, if possible. Then raise the cry of the Constitu- tion and the Union to the exclusion of party principles. Rally all parties under its inspiring influence. Merge all sectional questions into and make them subservient to this plan, and when the smoke of the contest shall have passed away, the Union will be saved, the victory won and our principles secure. Though this war policy well deserves Francis P. Blair's des- cription of " suaviter in modo, fortiter in re," s it was not one to which the Republican party was pledged by any plank in the Chicago platform except the first clause- of the " rotten " plank which was merely a quotation from the Declaration of Independence. It is certain that the vast majority of the northern people who voted for Lincoln did not suspect that they were voting to extend the tenets of the Declaration of 1 Washburne papers, Dec. 27, i860; Washburne from Kreisman. "Trumbull papers, Trumbull from Conkling, Dec. 26, i860. Conkling was one of the party workers who obeyed orders. He wrote a similar letter to Washburne and perhaps to the whole Republican brotherhood in Congress. Van Buren papers, F. P. Blair to Van Buren, March 7, 1861. 4 g I ] GOVERNMENT OF, BY AND FOR THE PEOPLE 77 Independence with gunpowder to include the negro slaves in the southern states ; for there was another plank in this same platform which expressly declared against such action. In fact, it is absolutely certain that an overwhelming majority of the common American people deliberately op- posed engaging in a civil war in any guise to settle the negro question. There is no evidence to indicate that the Republican war group were not aware of this fact. Under the circumstances, there can be no doubt that they knew they had no mandate from the people to settle the negro ques- tion for posterity. So much for government of, by and for the people in 1861. CHAPTER V The Political and Psychological Significance of the Firing at Sumter The wishes of the American people during the months intervening between the secession of South Carolina and the opening guns of the Civil War were very emphatically expressed in every conceivable way. There can be no doubt as to what the American people expressed themselves in favor of during this period ; for it stands out very distinctly that they desired the preservation of the Union. Nor can there be any doubt that they preferred the peaceful preser- vation of the Union to the preservation of the Republican party. The bonds of Union before 1861 were made of the same stuff from which friendships are woven, a light and invisible substance whose texture is finer and more en- during than steel. The bonds of Union previous to 1861 were entwined " with the mystic chords of memory, stretch- ing from every battlefield and patriot grave to every living heart and hearthstone." The vast majority of the Ameri- cans manifestly thought that this tried and true method of holding the states together was superior to having the states pinned together by bayonets. Therefore, they favored the adoption of the Crittenden Compromise and the peaceful perpetuation of the Union by methods which were thor- oughly in keeping with the principles of a government based on the common consent of the governed in all sections of the country. However, under the circumstances, a minority of the 78 (432 49 3] SIGNIFICANCE OF THE FIRING AT SUMTER yg northerners felt it was highly desirable for the Federal Government to make an exhibition of its strength to test its power and authority. This minority favored coercing the seceding states. It was composed of persons with strikingly different varieties of motives for their preference for the substitution of force for consent at this crisis, which tested to the uttermost the capacity of the American people of i860 to measure up to the American people of 1787. Prominent in this minority were those who were to hold office under the Republican party and who believed that the southern leaders were bluffiing to ruin the Republican party. These politicians saw in war the sole means of preserving the public confidence in the Republican leaders. The more astute of them realized that this policy would be preemin- ently successful only in the event of the secessionists firing the first shot and they, therefore, thought a Fabian policy of delay in announcing a definite decision was advisable on the part of the Republican leaders in order to give the southern- ers ample time to make this fatal blunder. 1 Then, there were persons who felt that if the Federal Government would show its teeth secession would crumble to dust without much ado. 1 Chase papers, Wright to Chase, March 7, 1861 ; Brooks to Chase, April 8, 1861 ; Beckham to Chase, April 2, 1861 ; Trumbull papers, Trumbull from Plato, March 20, 1861 ; Trumbull from Judd, Jan. 17, 1861 ; Van Buren papers, Blair to Van Buren, May 1, 1861, and March 7, 1861 ; Washburne papers, Washburne from Vose, Dec. 15, i860: " You are all right in giving the South ample opportunity to remain with decency and to place them fairly and visibly in the wrong before the civilized world," Dec. 18, i860: "If Mr. Lincoln had sent an armed vessel with provisions for our citizens at Fort Sumter and then if the Rebels had fired upon said ship, we should have a consolidated North," March 16, 1861. Hammond papers, Mallory to Hammond, Dec. 27, i860. Editorial of Springfield Journal, March 4, 1861. " Turning on the Light " by Horatio King, p. 184, " That the first shot in the rebel- lion came from the enemy was due wholly to this policy of procrastina- tion then so severely censured." 80 THE PEACEABLE AMERICANS OF 1860-1861 [ 494 Montgomery Blair, Zachariah Chandler, Carl Schurz and quite a respectable list of northerners followed this school of thought which is, nevertheless, more typical of Prussia than of America. 1 Some of the coercing minority were con- vinced that the dignity of the Federal Government would be impaired if the secession theory as a principle of govern- ment were tacitly recognized by conciliating the secessionists whom they regarded as attempting to establish the Mexican custom in the United States. 2 However, a majority of the people, who were utterly opposed to recognizing secession as one of the legal rights of the states, were also opposed to substituting force for consent as the basis of the Union, and therefore favored the adoption of the Crittenden Com- promise and an amendment to the Constitution specifically declaring that secession was not one of the rights of a state of the American Union. Another band of the coercionists, small in number but great in zeal, were those who looked forward to civil war as the means of "melting the chains 1 Speeches of Carl Schurz, edited by himself, p. 32. For Montgomery Blair's views, see Van Buren papers, Blair to Van Buren, April 29, 1861, and Horatio King's Turning on the Light, p. 183. For Chandler's posi- tion, see Trumbull papers, Chandler to Trumbull, Nov. 17, i860, and also Chandler to Governor Blair of Michigan, letter of Feb. 11, 1861, in a publication of the Southern Historical Society. Koerner's Memoirs, vol. ii, pp. 108-109. * This was the strongest point in the coercionist defense and they stressed it with great force. See the inaugural address of Lincoln and the New York Tribune's presentation of the case in the following vein : "The question is simply, Shall the will of the majority, constitutionally and legally expressed at the ballot-box, be respected, or shall we resort to rebellion and civil war whenever we are beaten in an election? Is it possible that the American people will tolerate the introduction of the Mexican system," etc., Jan. 21, 1861 ; and also the same theme in the Boston Atlas and Bee of Feb. 8, 1861, as follows: "We have elected a President strictly according to the provisions of the Constitution and the requirements of the laws of the Union. We have chosen a Presi- dent after the manner of Washington," etc. 495] SIGNIFICANCE OF THE FIRING AT SUMTER 8 1 of human bondage." x Some of this group of fiery aboli- tionists were tinged with Brown's fervor, but were without John Brown's personal courage, for they managed to keep off the firing line during their holy war. However, many of the coercionists were doubtless actu- ated by a varying mixture of the above mentioned motives. The typical coercionist refused to yield one jot or one tittle of the Chicago platform as a " matter of conscience." They were preeminently consistent. But, when one recalls that what this minority refused to yield as a matter of conscience was the legal status of negroes in territories which would never contain the slave system of labor because of the economic conditions of the territories and that the alterna- tive to compromise was a dissolution of the Union or civil war, and when one further considers that under a govern- ment of, by and for the people, the will of the majority should be acceded to, one cannot give these conscientious Republicans unconditional praise for their strenuous con- sistency. At this far away day which is witnessing the dawn of universal peace, the Republican minority appear a trifle " over-righteous." Moreover, it has now become an established fact that the actual running of a government based on the consent o>f the governed requires that the political convictions of the minority must never be placed " beyond doubt, conciliation and compromise." 2 1 There were a great many who felt that civil war would end slavery. See the Springfield Journal of March 8, 1861 ; Chase papers, Chase from Brooks, April 8, 1861 ; Trumbull papers, Herndon to Trumbull, Dec. 21, i860; Koerner's Memoirs, p. 119: Crittenden papers, Salle to Critten- den, Jan. 15, 1861. * Wallas' Human Nature in Politics, pp. 194-195. " The most easily manipulated state in the world would be one inhabited by a race of non-conformist business men who never followed up a train of political reasoning in their lives, and who, as soon as they were aware of the existence of a strong political conviction in their minds, should an- nounce that it was a matter of conscience, and therefore beyond the province of doubt and calculation. 82 THE PEACEABLE AMERICANS OF 1860-1861 [4^5. Lincoln put the best foot of the coercionist group fore- most l in his inaugural address delivered March 4, 1861, upon the occasion of his taking the oath of office to uphold the Constitution of the United States. Jeremiah S. Black had given the Republicans authoritative assurance that, if the Lincoln administration would pledge itself without equivocation to uphold the Constitution of the United States as interpreted by the Supreme Court of the United States, the southern states would annul their ordinances of seces- sion forthwith. The Republicans were asked to make no reference to any special case but only to declare themselves submissive to this legal principle which is the backbone of the American system of government. They flatly refused, to make this declaration. 2 A dictum of the Supreme Court had recently declared that slaves were property under the Constitution of the United States and should therefore be recognized as such in the national territories. Under the American system of government as developed by American jurists and statesmen, the decision of the Supreme Court is! final until an amendment to the Constitution or another deci- sion of the Court annuls the former decision. Thomas Jef- ferson, Andrew Jackson and Abraham Lincoln are three American presidents who, disagreeing with some particular decision of the Court, have opposed this system ; neverthe- less, the system remains intact in spite of the terrific attacks leveled at it by the three distinguished executives. How- ever, the reasoning with which the great chief justice, John Marshall, sustained it in the opinion delivered in the famous case of Marbury versus Madison, has never been answered. In the first inaugural, Lincoln stated that he had the most solemn oath registered in heaven to " preserve, protect and 1 " Coercion/' commented the New York A'ews, " could not have been put in a more agreeable form ; it reads like a challenge under the code." 2 Black's Black, p. 156. 497] SIGNIFICANCE OF THE FIRING AT SUMTER 83 defend the national government " and that to the extent of his ability he would take care as the Constitution expressly- enjoined him tha't the laws of the Union be faithfully ex- ecuted in all the states. He further remarked that the power confided in him would be used to " hold, occupy and possess the property and places belonging to the govern- ment " and that he would perform this simple duty as far as practicable, unless his rightful master, the American people, withheld the requisite means or in some " authori-> tative " manner directed him otherwise. It should be noted with what consummate tact Lincoln avoids the unequivocal declaration that he will support the Constitution of the United States as interpreted by the Supreme Court and howf gracefully he refrains from obeying the manifest preference of the American people for conciliation because it hadf not been expressed in an " authoritative " manner. The most vital and important point of the program of the adminstration which was set forth in the first inaugural, and upon which the success or failure of the coercionists! depended, consisted in a few apparently simple remarks addressed evidently to the seceders although there were none present to profit by them. They were as follows : " In your hands, my dissatisfied fellow-countrymen, and. not in mine, is the momentous issue of civil war. The Gov- ernment will not assail you. You can have no conflict with- out being yourselves the aggressors." Manifestly, there was one point on which Mr. Lincoln had become absolutely convinced and that was that it would be extremely unwise for the coercionist minority to undertake to coerce the se- ceding states unless it appeared that the undertaking was in self-defense. He felt, in company with other astute coer- cioriists, that they could not afford to fire the first shot in the opening of hostilities. The public opinion of America would not sanction the adoption of force per se until it] 8 4 THE PEACEABLE AMERICANS OF 1860-1861 [^3 was certain that conciliation had failed and it is extremely doubtful whether it would have adopted it then. For the " let the erring sisters go in peace " of the bona fide abolitionists had a backing outside of the abolitionist circle and the seces- sionists per se very strongly advocated this same policy. Lincoln's insistence upon the South's being the aggressor (he made this assertion both in his inaugural and in his pub- lic utterances on his way to Washington from Springfield for the inauguration) and the insistence upon this point by the members of Lincoln's cabinet and by the Republican coer- cionist press during this period, shows conclusively that Lincoln and the Republican coercionists accurately gauged the public opinion of the time. 1 The tremendous signifi- 1 Speech at Philadelphia and Indianapolis on his way to Washington and Springfield Journal of March 4 and March 7, 1861 ; the New Haven I Conn.] Journal and Courier of April 11, after the expedition had been sent to Sumter, solemnly assured its readers that " In these movements the Administration is not provoking rebellion or war. It is simply sus- taining the Constitution and preserving the authority of the State. If any attack is made it will be an overt act of resistance to the United States, an act of treason, calling for all the power of the Government to put it down. There is Fort Sumter with a United States garrison. Its garrison needs provisions and it is the duty of the Government to furnish them. If interfered with, it must use force against force. Per- haps ere this, force has been applied, and maybe the telegraph this morn- ing will bring accounts of actual acts of treason. The people are true to the core and will fully sustain the Government in preserving its honor, and its very existence." The New York Evening Post of April 9, 1861, contains the following cloudy treatment of the inauguration of the coercion policy in an editorial entitled "Bow-wow!": "How the Charlestonians will fight, after so many weeks of savage preparation and more savage boasting, remains to be discovered. But no one will deny them the credit of being most persistent and ingenious bullies. They have bullied everybody and every side for now some five months. . . . We have been bullied with pictures of the horrors of bloodshed — we have been bullied with descriptions of the pleasures of peace — our Charleston fellow-citizens (for they are yet citizens of the United States, in spite of themselves) have threatened to starve us; to draw all the coin of the North to the South; to send us not a bale of cotton — they have threatened to do everything but eat Major Anderson and his 499] SIGNIFICANCE OF THE FIRING AT SUMTER 85 cance of " Who fired the first shot ? " to the common man, was brought out continually during the whole war, when northern prisoners upon being reproached for fighting to " make niggers the equal of white men," would repeatedly defend themselves by retorting, " Who fired the first shot? " In view of the fact that three-fifths of the American people voted against Lincoln, and that probably more than four-fifths of the American people preferred compromise to civil war or to a dissolution of the Union, it is important to note that Lincoln based his attack upon secession and his refusal to acknowledge it as one of the rights of a state upon the fact that the secessionists were not a major- ity but a minority of the American people. " If the min- ority," he said, " will not acquiesce, the majority must, or the government must cease. There is no other alterna- tive; for continuing the government is acquiescence on one side or the other. If a minority in such case secede rather than acquiesce they make a precedent which in turn wilt men, and 1 we have no doubt they would threaten that if they thought it would scare the brave major. Like veritable bullies, they have endeav- ored to achieve by loud talking what men very seldom achieve without hard blows. They have roared like lions, and they have a right to feel hurt that no one seems alarmed. " There is an old fable of a lion and a donkey going hunting in com- pany. Coming to a cave in which were some goats, the donkey volun- teered to enter and by his brays frighten out the goats, who would thus rush into the lion's mouth. The donkey, knowing the harmless nature of the goats, rushed in and alarmed them with most terrific roars. After which, emerging, half out of breath, he found his companions surrounded by carcasses. 'Did I not roar terribly?' said the vain don- key, anxious to elicit a compliment. ' You did,' gravely replied the lion ; ' I should have been frightened myself if 1 had not known who it was.' " Among the telegraphic messages received here from Charleston yes- terday is one which has a most horrid and frightful roar : " ' Bloodshed is inevitable, and if one drop of blood is spilt, no one knows when it will end.' " We should be very much frightened at this — only we know who it is. It is only a South Carolina donkey." 86 THE PEACEABLE AMERICANS OF 1860-1861 [ 500 divide and ruin them : for a minority of their own will se- cede from them whenever a majority refuses to be control- led by such a minority." This is a very accurate statement. A majority had voted against Lincoln and a majority of the nation wanted com- promise, while Lincoln, representing a minority, refused to accede to the wishes of the majority. It was perfectly true that the majority of the nation were opposed to secession or the breaking up of the nation, but they were in favor of preserving the national unity, not by war but by the time- honored method of conciliation. It is highly probable that a majority of American voters believed that Lincoln's above statement applied solely to the secessionist per se minority — ■ because a majority of American voters did not know then, and do not know now, that a man can be legally elected Presi- dent when a vast majority have voted against him. 1 Lincoln also refrained in the inaugural from referring to the doctrines enunciated in the House^Divided speech and confined his anti-slavery doctrines to the single statement that the only substantial difference between the sections was that one section thought slavery was right and ought to be extended and that the other thought it was wrong and ought not to be extended. This reduction of the anti-slavery tenets of the Republican party to a false simplicity was thoroughly in keeping with the plan outlined in the letter to Trumbull which advised " keeping back out of view our distinctive party principles." The slavery question at that time was hardly a simple matter of right and wrong and certainly it is incorrect to infer that the inaugural treated it as such ; for the treatment of the negro question in the inaugural is distinctly political rather than moral. The question was then and is now fundamentally a racial question, although at that time its political importance was paramount. It 1 Hence it is possible " to fool some of the people all of the time." qoi] SIGNIFICANCE OF THE FIRING AT SUMTER Sy also had its social, economic and legal phases, all of which Mr. Lincoln subordinated to the exigency of maintaining 1 the public confidence in his leadership. The maintenance of the public's confidence necessitates that a leader should never obviously back down from a position he has definitely upheld. Another prominent feature of the inaugural was the in- corporation of the Rev. R. J. Breckinridge's theory of national supremacy. It is interesting to note that this) famous theory of national supremacy derives one supreme nation from the thirteen (or thirty-three) sovereign states! of the Union by a logical process similar to that by which the Geneva Catechism establishes the Calvinistic doctrine of the Trinity. The Rev. Dr. Breckinridge was a learned Presbyterian theologian and wielded great influence not only in Kentucky x but also in Missouri where his nephew, Judge Samuel Miller Breckinridge, influenced the Mis- sourians to act on his advice. The address which con- tained the national supremacy theory had had a much wider circulation than the two above mentioned border states. It was delivered on Jan. 4, 1861, at Lexington, Ky. and im- mediately attracted attention all over the United States. It was published in the newspapers, went through several pamphlet editions and was even published in the London Times. 3 President Lincoln evidently found it highly 1 Breckinridge papers, R. J. Breckinridge to W. C. P. Breckinridge, Jan., 1861, and Garret Davis to R. J. Breckinridge, Jan. 19, 1861. 2 Ibid., see letters of S. M. Breckinridge to R. J. Breckinridge in the first months of 1861 down through April 8. 3 Ibid. Letters came to the Rev. R. J. Breckinridge from all over the country. See especially letters dated Jan. 15, 16, Feb. 17, Feb. 22; W. M. Hill of Louisville, who apparently had) in charge the distribution of the pamphlet edition, writes that there were " many calls for speech of Jan. 4 from the North but very few from the South." However, see Breckinridge papers, passim, for the extent of circulation of the so- called " Fast Day Sermon." 88 THE PEACEABLE AMERICANS OF 1860-1861 re 02 useful; for, he used its arguments not only in the first inaugural but also in his first message to Congress. 1 The major thesis of the first inaugural seemed to be that there was but one course which stern duty left open for the administration and that the dutiful President would un- flinchingly take that course. However, the President warily added that "the course here indicated will be followed un- less current events and experience shall show a modification or change to be proper and in every case and exigency my best discretion will be exercised according to circumstances actually existing, and with a view and hope of a peaceful solution of the national troubles and the restoration of fraternal sympathies and affections." After reading the inaugural, Elmer Wright of Boston wrote Salmon P. Chase that it was " the most masterly piece of generalship which human history has yet to show " within his knowledge. " I hardly know," he continued, "which most to admire, the adroit and effective use of the rotten plank in the Chicago platform or the sound judg- ment which puts the supreme court back in its proper place. The whole drift shows that the new president's heart is in the right place [with the radicals of the North], and that though far in advance of the average North — he knows how to make it follow him solid. My only hope for the country has long been the folly of the slaveholders. That does not seem likely to fail now. The wiser and kinder you are, the more foolish they will be, and the surer to fight and be destroyed." 2 1 Ibid. Happersett to R. J. B., Sept. 13, 1861. "He [Lincoln] evi- dently wanted to see you and spoke in highest terms of you. I regret that you did not visit Washington. I alluded to your article on the state of the country as being entirely the most satisfactory and conclusive on that subject of all that had been written. He seemed familiar with it, as I supposed he was from his message to Congress. That whole argument about state sovereignty, etc., was yours. He is your warm friend. . . . The truth is we are looking to you for the support of Ky. to the General Government more than to any living man." 'Chase papers, Wright to Chase, March 7, 1861. -03] SIGNIFICANCE OF THE FIRING AT SUMTER 89 The inaugural was indeed a masterpiece of its kind. Its emphasis on the perpetuity of the Union and its reduction of the obnoxious anti-slavery doctrine of the Chicago plat- form to a mere matter of opinion on the right and wrong of slavery with no program apparently attached for en- forcing the northern view, did not unnecessarily or pre- maturely alarm the Union-Savers of the border slave states. These states impatiently awaited, but awaited, to see if the current of events would not modify the coercionist course indicated in the inaugural. The North was well satisfied. There was nothing in it to agitate excessively the conserva- tives who approved of the idea of the " enforcement of the law," while at the same time, there was enough nourishment in the " enforcement of the law " for the war group. The seceded South saw nothing but war in it. for it very emphatically repudiated a peaceful dissolution of the Union and offered no apology for the sectionalization of the national government. It contained nothing which limited the years of control by the northern sectional league. The inaugural reveals the trtfth that Lincoln was no " Simple Susan," but as shrewd a Yankee as America has ever produced. 1 Many of the border states people seem to have felt, that the revealed policy of Lincoln later proved him to be a guilty dissembler in the inaugural. However, he was skillfully accurate but it was impossible for the common man, with his mind untrained in the critical analy- sis practiced by lawyers and politicians to grasp the full significance of his statement. Elmer Wrights were rela- tively very few. Nothing more clearly brings out the essential difference 'between the statesmanship of Clay and Lincoln than a com- parison of their tactics on like occasions, when the main point of dispute between the North and the South was over 1 See Lamon's Lincoln for substantiation of this, p. 481. 9o THE PEACEABLE AMERICANS OF 1860-1861 [- ^ the legal status of the negro though this was. on both oc- casions, a matter of no practical importance in itself. Clay- was able on the occasion of the admission of Missouri to the Union to persuade the "conscientious" northerner to forego his conscientious litigiousness for the sake of peace. " What is your plan." Clay asked the northerners, " in regard to Missouri ? " Do you intend to coerce her to alter her Constitution? How will you do all this? Is it your design to employ the bayonet? We tell you frankly our views. They are to admit her absolutely if we can, and, if not, with the condition which we have offered. You are bound to disclose your views with equal frankness. You aspire to be thought statesmen. As sagacious and enlight- ened statesmen, you should look to the fearful future, and let the country understand what is your remedy for the evils which lie before us." 1 The northern leaders of that day had no plan for the fearful future and acceded to the compromise. But the northern anti-slavery leaders of i860 had two plans, one of which was to let the " erring sisters " go in peace. The other plan, which was advocated by the coercionists, was accurately, but not frankly and explicitly laid before the American people in the inaugural address 5 of Lincoln. However, it was completely outlined in the Trumbull letter from Springfield, which advocated merg- ing all sectional questions into and making them subservient to forceful preservation of the Union and " when the smoke of battle shall have passed away, the Union will be saved, the victory won, and our principles secure." Whether Lin- coln originated this plan is immaterial. The main point is he carried it out. Before the Republican accession to office, the Republican leaders were very anxious for President Buchanan to take summary proceedings against South Carolina after the 1 Prentice's Clay, pp. 208-209. 505] SIGNIFICANCE OF THE FIRING AT SUMTER Qr fashion of Andrew Jackson. But James Buchanan was not molded on the lines of Andrew Jackson, for Buchanan was not cursed or blessed with the ability to see only one side of a question. (As a northerner, he understood the northern point of view but he tried so hard to be fair to the extreme southerners during his entire administration that the northerners came to feel that he resembled the man who thanked the beggar to whom he had just given alms). The Republicans felt that if the Democratic president took prompt action to crush secession in South Carolina, none of the other southern states would have dared secede, no matter how pat the Republicans stood on the Chicago platform nor how tightly they held to the propriety of the sectional control of the national government. But Buch- anan was unable to conclude that the situation of i860 wast sufficiently like that of 1832 to justify the same treatment. He felt that there were more differences than likenesses be- tween 1832 and i860. It was obvious that South Carolina was the storm center on both occasions but the likeness stop- ped about there. The situation of i860 was more serious than that of 1832 for two reasons. First: The numbers of persons feeling dissatisfaction were vastly greater in i860 than in 1832 and the whole South and not one state was in- volved. Second : The intensity of the feeling of dissatisfac- tion of i860 was vastly deeper than in 1832. It so happens that the difference between a mob revolt and a respectable revolution is only a matter of numbers and intensity. Therefore. Buchanan concluded that i860 should not be handled like 1832. He favored the adoption of the Crit- tenden Compromise and used, as a result of his principles, the utmost care to prevent a clash between the federal and state authorities — without, at the same time, recognizing the right of secession. He thus kept the road clear for a peace- ful solution of the controversy by the incoming administra- C, 2 THE PEACEABLE AMERICANS OF 1860-1861 [ 5 q5 tion, the personnel of which he thought responsible for the crisis because of the attempted sectional control of the government. Lincoln had sowed the wind in the House- Divided speech and Buchanan was willing to do nothing which would keep the Republican President from reaping his own whirlwind. 1 Before condemning Buchanan for not adopting the policy in regard to South Carolina so highly recommended by the Republican leaders, it should be re- called that Buchanan accurately represented the will of the majority of the American people which was in favor of a peaceful preservation of the Union. And if obedience to the will of the majority of the people can be taken as a criterion of merit under a government of, by and for the people, then Buchanan deserves praise for his careful per- formance of duty during the last four months of his ad- ministration. Buchanan so acted that he neither made civil war inevitable, nor a successful dissolution of the Union possible. 1 He neither followed the advice of the Republican leaders who wished him to heavily garrison all of the southern forts, including Fort Sumter, nor the advice of the secessionists per se who desired him to evacuate the forts and recognize the dissolution of the Union. 2 He acted under the advice of Jeremiah S. Black, one of the ablest jurists America has yet produced. It is a tremendously serious responsibility to take the decisive step which turns loose the dogs of war, and es- pecially the dogs of civil war. After being inaugurated, the Republicans apparently hesitated to send reenforce- ments to the federal garrisons located in the southern states. 1 See letter of Joseph Holt to James O. Harrison, Jan. 14, 1861, in James O. Harrison papers, and letter of J. S. Black to James Buchanan, Oct. 5. 1861, in Black papers for an understanding of this position. Also see Black's instructions to foreign ministers in Black papers. 2 Trescot's account, edited by Gaillard Hunt. 507] SIGNIFICANCE OF THE FIRING AT SUMTER g^ The garrison at Fort Sumter lying in Charleston Harbor, South Carolina, was the cynosure of all eyes. The fact that it was in the home state of the secessionists per se created a very critical situation, for the secessionists had demanded its surrender to the state authorities. The seces- sionists per sc had been prevailed upon in the 1 interests of a peaceable secession to await decisive action on the part of the incoming administration before reducing the fort. President Lincoln sent a special messenger to South Caro- lina to report to him the exact state of feeling in this locality, and he seems to have faithfully reported the condition ex- isting. 1 Given the acute state of feeling in South Carolina, it was thoroughly understood that an attempt by the Re- publicans to reenforce either with arms or provisions the garrison at Fort Sumter would result in the South Caro- linians opening fire on the American flag — indefensible frontier along the Ohio River offered no in- ducement to her inhabitants to go to war with the inhabi- tants of the three populous states of Ohio, Indiana and Illinois, just across the river. On this line where the free and slave states met there was no " irrepressible conflict " visible; in fact the inhabitants of the states on either side of the Ohio River were on the friendliest of terms. So friendly were they that at the time Sumter fell, Kentucky had hardly enough gunpowder within her borders to fire a Fourth of July salute. Kentucky had been called the dark and bloody ground in the Indian days, but she had no desire to have her soil experience a second immersion as the battle ground of the sections. It should hardly be a matter of surprise that every Kentuckian, including John C. Breck- inridge, was absolutely opposed to civil war as the means of settling the difference of opinion between the North and the South in regard to what constituted a sectional control of the national government. Kentucky felt that if the leaders of both extremes had consulted either the interests or the coun- sels of Kentucky, there could have been no disunion and no coercion. Certainly. Abraham Lincoln, though born a Ken- tuckian, did not possess Kentucky eyes. Kentucky wanted above all else to preserve the Union and the peace between the North and the South. If there were good and sufficient reasons why Kentucky opposed civil war, there were also a number of excellent reasons why Kentucky opposed the dissolution of the Union. Dis- union was for Kentucky the greatests of evils and a remedy for none. Any scheme by which she was to sur- render an enviable position in the very heart of a great and prosperous nation had to have some compensating benefits. All that Kentucky felt she would gain by joining a southern confederacy was that she would get rid of asso- ciating under the same government with people " who did r 2 i] KENTUCKY'S DECISION ioy not admire negro slavery and had the ill manners or the im- pudence to say so." * She was far enough north to realize that the North had not been abolitionized and that Lincoln would be powerless to interfere wi'th slavery (except in case of civil war) even if he wished to do so, because the senti- ment of the North was then overwhelmingly conservative. The slaveholding interests in Kentucky had nothing to gain by a disunion on the line of the Ohio River. If Kentucky united herself with the South there was only the shadow of security for the institution of slavery in her territory even should there be no civil war. For disunion on the slave line meant bringing Canada down to the Ohio River. It was hardly to be expected that the free states would re- turn any fugitive slaves in the event of Kentucky's seces- sion and as Prentice said, breaking up the Union to preserve slaver}- in Kentucky was like breaking down stable doors to keep horses from running away. On the other hand, disunion on any line south of Kentucky would cut her off from the free navigation of the Mississippi River. If the mouth of that river were in the hands of a foreign govern- ment, the economic interests of Kentucky would be sure to suffer irreparably. The Kentuckians of that day were accused of lacking in sectional sympathy with the slaveholding South. However, it should be recalled that the Kentuckians of that generation had been trained in the school of the great nationalist, Henry Clay, and as one of them said, they felt that they owed no fealty to any section, " which was not in strict subordination to the higher, nobler, worthier fealty which 1 Some of the northerners of i860 may have considered slavery a •question of morals, but it was not so regarded in the South. To a southerner, the northern abuse of the slave system was a breach of good manners tinged with hypocrisy. The southerners considered Charles Sumner's manners as barbarous as Charles Sumner considered the slave system. 108 THE PEACEABLE AMERICANS OF 1860.1861 rr 22 they owed to their country — that is to the whole nation. But if there was any section above all others, of which they were bound in close sympathy by the ties of friendship and permanent interest, it was their own section — that of which they were the heart and center, the great valley of the Mis- sissippi. 1 The manifest destiny of the states of the Missi- ssippi Valley was that they should remain one and insepar- able (and the Mississippi was understood to include its tri- butaries). This great river system was " a bond of union made by nature herself " and the Kentuckians thought that union should be maintained forever. It should carefully be borne in mind by all of those who wish to understand the position of Kentucky at this time that her people regarded both the action of the South Caro- lians and that of the Black Republicans as precipitate. If the South Carolinians were the " red precipitates," the stiff- necked Lincoln was a "black precipitate." However, the stirring strains of the southern call " Aux armes, citoyens, formez vos bataillons," was heard with more sympathy in Kentucky than was Lincoln's call for troops. 2 The Ken- tucky governor's reply to the Lincoln requisition was to the effect that Kentucky would furnish no troops for the wicked purpose of subjugating her sister states. Nevertheless a majority of the Kentuckians were more or less enraged at 1 S. S. Nicholas's Essays, Conservative and Legal, pp. 138, 139. 'The resolutions adopted at a Unionist meeting endorsed the Gov- ernor's response to Lincoln's requisition for troops. See the Louisville Journal, April 17, 1861, and also April 16, 1861, as follows: "We un- derstand an impression prevails in some quarters that the President's most extraordinary and unjustifiable Proclamation is illegal. This im- pression is not correct. The Proclamation is strictly within the letter of the law. The legality of the Proclamation is its only redeeming feature, and this feature doesn't redeem it. Far otherwise." Of course, if the Unionist Journal endorsed the refusal to send troops, the southern press and party also endorsed it. 5 2 3 ] KENTUCKY'S DECISION 109 South Carolina's action. To say the least they regarded is as a great tactical blunder. The border states were not secessionist per se and, there- fore had very little sympathy with South Carolina. It doubtless seemed to them that South Carolina never lost an opportunity to raise the flag of disunion or the red banner of revolution. Just after the John Brown raid into Virginia in the fall of 1859, South Carolina had sent Memminger as an ambassador to the other slaveholding states to unify them against the aggressions of the Black Republicans. The border states men seem to have felt that it was a case of " incipient secession " on the part of South Carolina. Brown's raid into Virginia had deeply excited the South, where it was widely felt that the author of the House Divided speech and the Irrepressible Conflict oration had plowed the ground for such outrages, and of course, such outrages plowed the ground for secession. But, as soon as A. H. H. Stuart of Virginia perceived the significance of South Carolina's messenger, he wrote Crittenden of Ken- tucky : " For God's sake, give us a rallying point. Mem- minger is here." 1 As a result, the old Whigs of the border slave states launched the Constitutional Unionist Party. They were the " Union Savers " par excellence. At the first signs of danger to the perpetuity of the Union, the border states and especially Kentucky, came forward and stood to the last between the extremes of the North and the South like " the prophet of old between the living and the dead to stay the pestilence." In this region, it was under- stood that the secession threats were made in ernest. During this time Kentucky was afflicted with too many leaders and was distracted with divided counsels in regard to 1 Crittenden papers, Stuart to Crittenden, Jan. 22, i860. See Louis- ville Courier, Jan. 31, i860, for Memminger's speech before the Virginia Legislature. I IO THE PEACEABLE AMERICANS OF 1860-1861 [524 the best policy to gain her ends. Henry Clay was dead and it seemed that " Ulysses had gone upon his wanderings and there was none left in all Ithaca who could bend his bow." Perhaps the Kentuckian of that day who was best equipped to inherit the mantle of Henry Clay was John C. Breckin- ridge, Vice-President of the United States under Buchanan, Senator-elect from Kentucky to succeed the venerable Crit- tenden at the expiration of his term, and candidate of the southern Democrats for the presidency in i860. Breckin- ridge is said to have possessed like Clay " a charming per- sonality " and was gifted with brilliancy. In 1861, Breckin- ridge advocated the secession of Kentucky and of all the slave states in order to reconstruct the Union and annihilate the northern sectional dictation of national policy. From within the ranks of the Democratic party in Kentucky, Breckinridge's policy was opposed by James Guthrie of Louisville. Nobody in Louisville seems to have liked any policy which they thought took chances on both the Union and civil war. 1 George D. Prentice, the great Whig editor of the Louisville Journal, opposed this policy. John J. Crittenden was also in opposition to it. None of them thought that the condition existing in 1861 required such extreme medicine. However, on some points the Kentucky leaders were at one. Upon the secession of South Carolina, Crittenden introduced the so-called Crittenden Compromise, which it seems had been prepared by Madison Johnson of Lexington, Ky., in consultation with Guthrie, Breckinridge and Critten- den. 2 This proposition proved acceptable to everybody but the Republican party leaders and the radical minority. It was not only defeated in the Senate by the Republicans but was 1 This does not mean that there were no Breckinridge men in Louis- ville. 'Crittenden papers, Dec, i860. 525] KENTUCKY'S DECISION riI prevented by them from being referred to the American people for acceptance or rejection before the controversy was pushed to the bloody extreme. Cassius M. Clay, 1 one of the leading Kentucky Republicans of that day, in fact, practically all of the Kentuckians, with the exception of Abraham Lincoln whom some have considered a product of Kentucky, favored adjustment rather than civil war or a dissolution of the Union. After the failure of the Crittenden Compromise, Ken- tuckians refused to consider it an ultimatum. They seemed to have felt that if an earthquake should swallow up the state it would not be more disastrous to them than disunion and civil war. They, therefore, responded with alacrity to the Virginia summons for a Peace Conference. Unfortun- ately, the delegations from the northern states were made up of carefully picked " not-an-inch " Republicans, and the Peace Conference made no headway toward concilia- tion. 2 It so happened that neither the Peace Conference delegations nor the members of the United States Congress were freshly elected by the people on the issue of " com- promise and peace " versus " civil war before compromise." And the predominant groups of leaders in the northern states felt that the efforts at compromise were nothing 1 Chase papers, Clay to Chase, Feb. I, 1861. 1 James B. Clay reported that he found at the Peace Conference " such miserable trickery, log-rolling, and clap-trap as would disgrace a county meeting to manufacture a platform for a constable to stand on." James B. Clay, one of the Kentucky commissioners to the Peace Con- ference called by Virginia, was a son of Henry Clay. For James B. Clay's speech see the Kentucky Yeoman, March 20, 1861. See also Tyler papers, Julia Tyler to her mother, Feb. 3, 1861 : " There seems such a fixed determination to do mischief on the part of the Black Re- publicans." Julia Tyler was with ex-Pres. John Tyler at the Peace Conference. Tyler was the presiding officer. II2 THE PEACEABLE AMERICANS OF 1860-1861 [526 but an attempt to perpetuate the power of the Democrats by ruining the Republican party. 1 In the meantime, the Kentucky Legislature suggested the calling of a great national convention freshly elected by the American people, to deal with the subjects in controversy as became a free, intelligent and enlightened people. Ken- tucky did not want the Union to be broken in the " mortar of secession to be strung together on a rope of sand ", but neither did she want a higher law than the Constitution of the United States as interpreted by the Supreme Court to be set up by the Republican minority. The Republicans consented to calling a National Convention, provided there was no disturbance of the public peace before they got it called. However, the reenforcement of Fort Sumter directly brought on a so-called disturbance of the public peace and a call for 75,000 troops was thus substituted for the call of a National Convention. Of course, it was obvious after the spring elections that the non-compromising Republicans could secure only a minority of the delegates to such a Convention freshly elected by the people. Moreover, the calling of such a convention would have been a substantial admission on the part of the Republican leaders that they, themselves, were not representative of the nation and that their argu- ment in favor of a sectional control of the national govern- ment was invalid. In other words, the calling of a National Convention would have amounted to an admission that the Republican party leaders were wrong in the pre- mises — not on the slavery question, but on the matter of their advocacy of a sectional control of the national presi- dency. Lincoln's statement that if Anderson came out of Sumter, he, himself, would have to come out of the White 1 See footnote to chapter iv, supra, pp. 64-66. 5 27] KENTUCKY'S DECISION H3 House 1 was doubtless a correct estimate of the effect a withdrawal of the troops from Sumter and the calling of a National Convention would have had on the political fortunes of the sectional Republican party. It can be readily understood just why Republican party politicians would prefer the reenforcing of Sumter to the calling of a National Convention. An appeal to the brain of the nation meant the party's annihilation, while an appeal to the brawn of the north meant the party's salvation. Manifestly, there was no way to save the Republican party if it made an appeal to a National Convention, that American Court of last resort, the legality of whose decisions, no mere poli- tical party has yet offered to challenge. By refraining from such an appeal, the Republican leaders violated the most fundamental of the requirements for the preservation of domestic tranquillity or peace — that greatest of the pur- poses for which government is instituted among men. It can do no harm to conjecture what the policy of the Repub- lican leaders would have been, had the calling of a National Convention meant a continuation of their own political supremacy and control of the national government. The road to power is rather obviously the road they took, but, they thereby resigned all claims to a statesmanship equal to that of 1787. After the failure of the Peace Conference and while the Republicans were slowly gaining ground by their Fabian policy of masterly inactivity until the patience of the seces- sionists per se became exhausted, the Kentuckians busied themselves very tardily with choosing members to a border 1 Diary of a Public Man, p. 487 (March 6) : "Well, you say Major Anderson is a good man, and I have no doubt he is ; but if he is right it will be a bad job for me if Kentucky secedes. When he goes out of Sumter [peaceful evacuation] I shall have to go out of the White House." ! I4 THE PEACEABLE AMERICANS OF 1860-1861 [ 52 g state convention. It seems that the purpose of this conven- tion was to give everybody a choice between the northern and southern extremes by offering them a plan for a peace- ful reconstruction of the Union which would exclude all states from membership who would not renounce the here- sies of a higher law than the Constitution of the United States as interpreted by the Supreme Court and secession as one of the legal rights of a state. Massachusetts and South Carolina might have been temporarily left out of the reconstructed union and needless to say the public leaders who were committed unequivocably to the essential doc- trines of these states would have been buried beyond resur- rection, politically speaking. 1 The spring elections are in- delible evidence 2 that one of the border states' plans would have carried if they could have gotten their propositions con- cretely before the American people before the veering of public opinion caused by the firing at Fort Sumter. S. S. Nicholas of Louisville fully realized the situation and Crittenden would have acted more quickly but he wanted to try all constitutional means first before resorting to uncon- stitutional measures. 3 The old Whigs would not follow Breckinridge, yet they could agree on nothing in this emer- gency which had the swift concreteness of Breckinridge's plan. Crittenden said that Henry Clay would have been worth his weight in gold many thousands of times if but once more he could have come forth from Ashland with his" 1 Some of the Kentuckians thought that the citizens of Massachusetts and South Carolina should be colonized somewhere together beyond the bounds of civilization and thus enable the peace to be kept in the United States. * Chase papers. Nash to Chase, April o, 1861, "The elections show that the combination of Douglas men, Americans and others voting for Lincoln last year, can be induced to unite." •Crittenden papers, Crittenden to S. S. Nicholas, Dec, i860. 529] KENTUCKY'S DECISION H 5 irresistible eloquence and eagle glance. 1 As it was, the Re- publicans were audaciously proclaiming that Lincoln stood where Clay stood. 2 After the stirring up of Fort Sumter and the calling out of 75,000 troops, the Kentucky leaders had only a forlorn hope oi either restoring peace or of preserving the union without war to the bitter end. 3 The young men generally came to the conclusion that the only possible course was to join the confederacy, while the men over fifty came to the conclusion that the Union must be sustained at all hazards. 1 There can be no doubt that the most intelligent Ken- tuckians understood that civil war meant emancipation. The southern party put great emphasis on the fact that Old Abe was craftily engineering a huge John Brown raid into the South, Joseph Holt's aunt had great difficulty in not believing that Old Abe was coming with an army of negroes 1 to smash things up in the South even though her nephew, one of the prominent Kentucky unionists, severely assured her otherwise. 5 It can be readily understood what a dis- agreeable task it was for Kentucky to take either side of the Brothers' War. All Kentuckians were more or less like the man who sold goods to a firm in Tennessee but received no pay for his goods and who was arrested and condemned 1 Speech of Crittenden Teported in the Louisville Journal, March 22, 1861. 'New York Tribune, Feb. 2, 1861 ; Boston Atlas and Bee, Aug. 24, i860; Cincinnati Gazette, Aug. II, i860; Worcester Spy, Oct. 10, 1860; The Great Rebellion, by J. M. Botts, p. 106, Lincoln's assertion " I have always been an old-line Henry Clay Whig." l Louisznlle Journal, April 20, 1861, "Kentuckians! You constitute today the forlorn hope of the Union. Will you stand firm and gloriously in the breach or will you ignobly and insanely fly?" * Official Records, War of the Rebellion, vol. iv, p. 313, Thomas to Cameron, Oct. 21, 1861. 5 Holt papers, Mary Stephens to Joseph Holt, May, 1861. n6 THE PEACEABLE AMERICANS OF 1860-1861 [530 for treason by the Lincoln government for trading with the enemy. Robbed in one confederacy and shot in the other, his ghost was grateful to neither. Regardless of the permanent interests of Kentucky, her antipathy to the Lincoln policy almost took her out of the Union. It was possible to prevent her immediate secession only by passing a declaration of armed neutrality as the posi- tion of the state during the strife. 1 Armed neutrality was a perfectly logical position for a people who were equally op- posed to disunion and coercion. But it is not possible to say that either group of leaders in Kentucky thought that it would be a tenable position. It was a temporary expedient and was a sort of armed truce between the opposing forces in the state and nation so far as Kentucky was concerned — ■ between those who wished to sustain the rights of the South and to sustain only an administration of the national gov- ernment which was sworn to uphold the Constitution of the United States as interpreted by the Supreme Court and those who felt that the general government must be sus- tained at all hazards even though the administration were totally obnoxious. The great Whig editor, George D, Prentice, vividly explained to the Kentucky Unionists' sat- isfaction that " the office of apostle was not to be abolished because Judas was one apostle." Lincoln, the old Whig showed, was not the United States Government, and his office was brief and fleeting, while it was to be hoped that the government would last forever and the distinction would be observed between a permanent office and a tem- porary officer. The truce of armed neutrality was agreed to ^'Neutrality," according to Paul Shipman, associate editor of the Louisville Journal, "was the covering which the larva of Kentucky Unionism spun for its protection." See Paul Shipman's unpublished manuscript account of Kentucky's Neutrality for which I am indebted to John Wilson Townsend. 53 1 ] KENTUCKY'S DECISION H 7 by both Lincoln l and Davis, 2 neither of whom was much better prepared for war than were the people of Kentucky. However, neutrality was a position of more value to the North than to the South. The Southerners were at great dis- advantage because they received no considerable help from the Southern Confederacy. The Unionists opposed the state arming herself because the Kentucky Governor was a south- ern sympathizer and consequently they feared that all the arms purchased by the state would be turned against the Union. The two groups of leaders agreed finally on a joint commission composed of both groups with the commander of the state militia holding the balance of power. This wasi General Simon Bolivar Buckner, 3 who the Unionists had reason to believe might be persuaded to side with them but 1 Among the executive papers of Governor Magoffin is the following memorandum signed with the initials and in the handwriting of John J. Crittenden : " It is my duty as I conceive to suppress an insurrection existing within the United States. I wish to do this with the least possible disturbance or annoyance to well-disposed people anywhere. So far I have not sent an armed force into Kentucky ; nor have I any present purpose to do so. I sincerely desire that no necessity for it may be presented; but I mean to say nothing which shall hereafter embarrass me in the performance of what may seem to be my duty." This memorandum was furnished General Buckner in the presence of John J. Crittenden. It is dated July 10, 1861, and is very typical of President Lincoln's methods of procedure. It was not intended for publication and therefore not signed by the wary President. For an excellent account of the Southern Confederacy's commercial reasons for recognizing Kentucky's neutrality, see E. Merton Coulter's " The Effects of Secession on the Commerce of the Mississippi Valley" in Mississippi Valley Historical Review, Dec, 1916. 7 Official Records, vol. iv, pp. 190-191, Sept. 13, 1861. 3 Ibid., vol. iv, p. 255, Aug. 17, 1861. To the Honorable Secretary of War, from A. Lincoln, "Unless there be reason to the contrary, not known to me, make out a commission for Simon B. Buckner, of Ken- tucky, as a brigadier-general of volunteers. It is to be put in the hands of General Anderson, and delivered to Gen. Buckner or not, at the dis- cretion of Gen. Anderson. Of course, it is to remain a secret unless and until the commission is delivered." H8 THE PEACEABLE AMERICANS OF 1860-1861 [532 who afterward became a southern general. The Federal Goverment sent arms into the state to be distributed among Unionists in lieu of the guns which the young southern sympathizers were taking south with them as they went to join the Confederate armies. Some of the guns shipped in by the Federals also fell into southern hands; for there were seme who did not hesitate to take the oath of allegiance to the Constitution of the United States (with the mental reservation "as interpreted by the Supreme Court") and proceed south with the arms thus secured. The southern party was placed at an additional disadvan- tage which was an even greater handicap than the lack of munitions. The columns^ of the most powerful paper in the state, the Louisville- Journal, were turned against the southern side. Napoleon is said to have remarked that he dreaded four hostile newspapers more than an army of 100,000 men. The circulation of the Journal was the lar- gest of any paper in the entire middle section of the Union and it was doubtless equal to 40,000 men in the Union army at this time. The editor of this paper was George D. Prentice, whose only children, two well-beloved sons, joined the Confederate army. Prentice was the intellectual match for any man in the country; his mastery of the English language, his pun- gent wit, his incomparable understanding of the principles of American government, conbined to make the editorials of the Journal tremendously effective. The following editorial will give some clue to why he proved not only a " thorn but a whole forest of thorns " 1 in the flesh of the southern party : " Nullification is or assumes to be the right of a state to 1 Louisville Journal, July 8, 1861, "Our neighbor of the Courier calls us the Devil. We are sorry we can't occasionally lay a gentle hand on him without him thinking that the Devil has got hold of him." 533] KENTUCKY'S DECISION IIO , nullify Federal laws under the Constitution; it claims to be a strictly constitutional right. Revolution or the right of resistance to insufferable tyranny by whatever name it is known, makes no such absurd pretentions. It underlies all political forms and does not ask their sanction. It is the ex- treme medicine ' of society and does not rate itself asi ' daily food.' It is a forcible right, and does not demand with impunity that which belongs to a peaceable one. It carries with it openly the solemn issues of life and death and does not trip lightly forward on trivial occasions. It is the explosion of human nature under the compression of political abuses, and does not occur until the pressure has grown insupportable. In all these respects, and thousand others, it is utterly unlike nullification, which professes to be a legitimate and constitutional remedy for any mere ordin- ary act of the nation which a state may please to deem noxious. Nullification is the establishment of revolution as a constituent force of the government; a more pernicious heresy could hardly be conceived. Our neighbor (a southern democratic editor) is confounding it with that grand old right of resistance to oppression which no free man since the world began has ever denied. This shows that he is either writing without thinking or thinking to pre- cious little purposes. He is puzzling the wits of his readers and cudgelling his own about a matter that is as plain as the nose on his face or as plain as his face itself." x It was the Louisville Journal which first raised the white standard of neutrality even before the firing at Sumter and continued to press for this decision from the Kentucky Legislature until the neutrality resolutions were actually passed and until the southern sympathizing governor was forced to issue the neutrality preclamation toward the last 1 Ibid., March 3, i860. I2 o THE PEACEABLE AMERICANS OF 1860-1861 [^ of May, 1861. 1 The Journal pointed out that secession in Kentucky would instantly make her the seat of war. And war as Prentice described it was so vivid — with the Ken- tucky river towns in ashes, the Kentucky fertile fields plowed by artillery wheels and the hurtling iron storm of cannon balls, the Kentucky roads resounding with the tramp of armed men and in addition, the wails of affrighted women and children, the roar of fires and the crash of falling bridges — that it is not surprising that the people of Ken- tucky consented to pause until the state was at least armed. Upon whom was the blow to fall most heavily, the Journal asked, and answered, " Upon defenseless women and child- ren. These are the persons who suffer most in their pov- erty, loneliness and desolation, protracted it may be through many years. Dying on the battlefield is not the only form of suffering by any means. And yet the seceding states are anxious to precipitate all the horrors of war upon the border states and to compel us to be the shield to protect their property and their families." " Kentucky," Prentice assured his readers, " though standing near the brink of a precipice, occupies a lofty and proud position. The path of duty which so often is ardu- ous and painful, is for Kentucky the safe and flowery path of peace. Let Kentucky firmly maintain her position of submitting to the constitutional authority of the general government but maintaining her neutrality and protesting against war, and she will save her fields from being ravaged, impoverished and desolate, crippled in power, demoralized in character and half surrounded by enemies where undy- ing hatred and jealousy would be the endless source of 1 Ibid., Jan. 28, 1861, " And when the shock of war shall, if it must come at some future day, let Kentucky be found standing in armed neutrality beneath the white flag of peace — an asylum for the victims of Civil War, and a sublime example to our erring countrymen." 5 35] KENTUCKY'S DECISION 121 renewed troubles and wars. When we calmly survey the 'blessings of peace and union which Kentucky may enjoy in contrast with the dark and bloody ruin into which she would plunge by secession, we are tempted to ask if there is any sane man in Kentucky who is willing for the sake of engaging in a civil war for which there is no just cause, to leap into this yawning gulf and drag down his family, friends, countrymen and even liberty itself. . . . Peace is prosperity and liberty, as war is desolation and despotism. If Kentucky would preserve her own independence and civil liberty from the perils of this conflict, let her stand where she is, in peaceful neutrality." x So much for the forceful ideas by the propagation of which Prentice made possible Kentucky's temporary neutrality. Kentucky's neutrality was not formally violated until September, when a southern army occupied Columbus to prevent a northern army from getting there first. 2 From a military point of view this may have been a good move, but politically speaking it was almost as deplorable for the southern cause in Kentucky as the firing at Sumter was for that cause in the northern states. 3 The Legislature which had been elected in August and met in September requested the southern army to withdraw, without making the same request of the Federal troops which were being enlisted within the state. 4 The Federal Government had taken great care not to establish a camp in the state until after the August elections for the State Legislature ; the southern party had hoped that the Federal Government would take such action because it was felt that if the Kentucky people were absolutely convinced that they would have to fight on 1 Louisville Journal, May 29, 1861. < 1 Official Records, vol. iv, p. 181, Sept. 4, 1861. *Ibid., vol. iv. pp. 411-412, Sept. 18, 1861. l Ibid., vol. iv, pp. 411-412, Sept. 18, 1861. I2 2 THE PEACEABLE AMERICANS OF 1860-1861 [^5 one side or the other, the majority would espouse the southern cause. The Unionists had taken care to get can- didates for the Legislature of an unconditional variety " without any ifs," and they apparently succeeded. 1 However, there were men in this Legislature elected at the August elections who would have turned the state over to the Confederacy if the premature Emancipation Procla- mation of General Fremont had not been promptly an- nulled by the Lincoln Administration. In the event that the Proclamation of 1861 had been sustained. Speed, Lin- coln's right-hand man in Kentucky, felt that it would be as hopeless to hold Kentucky as it would have been to row a boat up Niagara Falls. 2 The Kentuckians were opposed to emancipation by the sword. Nor was the North ripe at this time for the revelation of this policy. The Battle of Bull Run increased the number of abolitionists tremend- ously, but even by the first of January, 1863, there was hardly enough backing in popular sentiment to sustain such a measure as a necessity of war. And it was with the utmost difficulty that two-thirds of Congress was finally mustered behind the Thirteenth Amendment to the Consti- tution, even in 1865, and three-fourths of the states could only be obtained by requiring the seceded southern states to accept this as a condition to their re-admittance to the reign of civil law. Kentucky's Unionist decision, if it can be called a deci- sion when so many of her sons fought in the southern army, was of the utmost importance to the Lincoln ad- ministration, because it gave some few shreds of national- ism to cover its original sectionalism — and of these shreds, 1 Prentice wanted true union men nominated for the Legislature, " not some political tadpole who will lose his Union tail before the Legisla- ture meets." Louisznlle Journal, July 3, 1861. 'Holt papers, Speed to Holt, Sept. 7, 1861. 537] KENTUCKY'S DECISION I2 $ the Republicans were sadly in need. 1 It seems that the Lincoln administration rightly regarded the political situa- tion in Kentucky as of more importance than the military situation. The neutrality of the peaceable Kentuckians was thus essentially nationalistic in its effect. In any event it cannot be said that the Kentuckians were not willing to do their utmost to sustain government based on consent. For Kentucky contributed quotas to both armies 2 and fortunate indeed was the Kentucky family whose members were alt in the same army. She had longed desperately to prevent the interregnum of war, for she knew that peace meant a continuation without interruption of liberty and that war would bring despotism and desolation. Her reward was the crown of thorns. And yet she will not have suffered in vain if the world some day comes to understand, as she un- derstood, how to hold the balance evenly between two ex- tremes. " Doth not wisdom cry and understanding put forth her voice, by me princes rule and nobles, even all the judges of the earth." At one of the Kentucky reunions, where the men who wore the blue and the men who wore the grey were frater- nally assembled together, a Union veteran was heard to murmur that the Kentucky Confederates always spoke as if they had won the Civil War. In a certain sense it must be admitted that the South did win the Civil War. It should be borne in mind that she stood primarily for the Constitu- tion of the United States as interpreted by the Supreme Court and that she refused to submit peacefully to a sec- 1 Speed to his mother, Oct. 29, 1861, "I had a long talk with him (Gen. Banks) about the future. He looks upon our action in Kentucky as worth everything to the Government. It nationalizes the contest and renders either compromise or peace impossible except upon terms of submission to the national will, liberally and fairly construed." 1 Both sides fought for the perpetuation of government based on consent. I2 4 T HE PEACEABLE AMERICANS OF 1860-1861 r^g tional control of the national government. Her position on both of these points has been sustained, although there are no amendments in the Constitution announcing the con- summation. It is true that slavery was abolished by the Civil War, but the Northerners did not fight to free the slaves. And the Civil War Amendments which the Republican Party incorporated in the Constitution of the United States at the point of the sword have not been able to touch the brain quality of the African. The position of the negro in the United States remains relatively the same ; for two gen- erations is not sufficient to modify inherited tendencies which are the result of thousands of years of past envir- onment. It is extremely difficult for a fair-minded per- son to say that the Civil War Amendments did not put the cart before the horse. Moreover to assert that war was the only method by which the slaves could have been freed is, not only to deny the efficacy of popular government, but also to slander the bona fide abolitionists of i860 — for, in view of the economic conditions of modern times, they felt that abolition by the sword was entirely superfluous, since the slave system was even then on its economic death- bed. When Abraham Lincoln took the decisive step which led to the " disturbance of the public peace," he evidently did so with the expectation that the public opinion of the future would forgive a civil war which resulted in the abolition of slavery. There can be no doubt that he correctly esti- mated the trend of public opinion even up to the present time. However, a new current has set in which he did not take into consideration. Public opinion is now turning against war — and especially against civil war, as a just and desirable method of settling disputes between civilized people. Be- cause of this new trend of public opinion, the civilized world may yet reverse its present decision on the Civil War. It ^q-i KENTUCKY'S DECISION 125 is entirely probable that the public of 1961 may hold that there need have been no appeal from the ballot to the bullet in 1 861, had the American people of that day possessed sufficient political sagacity to distinguish between appear- ances and reality. VITA Mary Scrugham was born May 22, 1885. She re- cieved her earliest education in the Public Schools of Lex- ington, Ky., and was prepared for college at Sayre Insti- tute. She was graduated with honors from the Kentucky State College in 1906 with an A.B. degree. She received the A.M. degree from Columbia University in 1910. She spent the summer of 191 1 in England and attended lectures at Oxford University. In 191 3-19 14 she was special scholar in American History at Columbia University and while in residence at Columbia, she pursued courses of study under Professors Dunning, Robinson, Beard, Shepherd, Giddings, Sloane and Johnson. Her seminar work was under Professor Dunning. She taught school for a num- ber of years and was employed during the Great War in the Purchase, Storage and Traffic Division of the Gen- eral Staff. In 1919-1920 she prepared a special course of lectures in citizenship for newly enfranchised women and lectured on this subject in various places in Kentucky. 127 r LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 011 895 723 4 * ■ , , .'.: ■ ; :;;: '.'.'■ ' ■ ':'.:■;:: I;