F 104 .H3 H287 Copy 1 Mift mrat (ttljurrlj of Cllljrtfit itt l^artfori THE FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST IN HARTFORD THE MINISTERS THE MEETING HOUSES THE MEMORIAL GIFTS Printed by the Church April, 1915 m^ THE MINISTERS Thomas Hooker 1633-1647 Samuel Stone 1633-1663 John Whiting 1660-1670 Joseph Haynes 1664-1679 Isaac Foster 1680-1682 Timothy Woodbridge 1685-1732 Daniel Wadsworth 1732-1747 Edward Dorr 1748-1772 Nathan Strong 1774-1816 Joel Hawes 1818-1867 WoLCOTT Calkins 1862-1864 George H. Gould 1864-1870 Elias H. Richardson 1872-1879 George Leon Walker 1879-1900 Charles Marion Lamson 1894-1899 Rockwell Harmon Potter 1900- THE MEETING HOUSES The House in Newtown (now Cambridge), Massachu- setts, was used by the Church from its organization in 1632 until its removal to Hartford, in 1636 The First House in Hartford was a temporary and rude building near the site of the present Post Office, used from 1636 until 1640 The Second House in Hartford was near the site of the present Post Office, and was used from 1641 until 1739 The Third House in Hartford was built upon the site of the present Meeting House in 1739, and was used until 1807 The Fourth House in Hartford was built in 1807. The hundredth anniversary of its dedication was celebrated December 1-3, 1907 The First Lecture Room of the Church was built in 1814 upon the north side of Temple street, between Main and Market streets. The Second Lecture Room building north of the Meeting House was purchased in 1832, and used until 1909, when the Center Church House was built The Name of the Church is The First Church of Christ in Hartford. The successive meeting houses have been known by various names. The present house has long been known as Center Church, a name often familiarly used of the Church itself THE MEMORIAL GIFTS THE WINDOWS The Pastors Window, at the west end of the Meeting House, in memory of the Pastors of the Church during the first two hundred and fifty years of its history The gift of Samuel Hamilton, in 1881 Subject: The Ascension, with scenes from the Nativity and the Baptism The Gatlin Window, in memory of the CatHn family The gift of Julius Cathn, in 1883 Subject: The Cross and the Crown The Bissell Window, the gift of George P. Bissell in memory of his mother, Henrietta Perkins Bissell (Mrs. Josiah), and his daughter, Henrietta Perkins Bissell, in 1884 Subject: St. Anne Instructing the Virgin The Perkins Window in memory of Ellen, George C. and Edward H. Perkins, members of this Church The gift of their mother, Sarah Emmons Perkins (Mrs. Henry A.), in 1886 Subject: Jesus Blessing the Children The Henry A. Perkins Window, in memory of Henry A. Perkins, a member of this Church The gift of his wife, Sarah Emmons Perkins, in 1886 Subject: The Holy Family The Corning Window, in memory of Ezra Corning, George Corning and George \V. Corning, Deacons of this Church The bequest of George W. Corning, in 1887 Subject: The Transfiguration The Gallaudet Window, in memory of Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet, the founder of deaf-mute instruction in America and the first preacher to the insane, a member of this Church The gift of Peter Wallace Gallaudet, his son, in 1887 Subject: The Healing of the Dumb Demoniac The Day Window, in memory of Calvin and Catherine Seymour Day, members of this Church The gift of their children, Caroline Seymour Day, Kath- erine Perkins Day Jackson, Julia Seymour Day Bissell and John Calvin Day, in 1894 Subject: The Resurrection Morning The Smith Window, in memory of Wilder Smith The gift of his wife, Charlotte M. Davis Smith, in 1894 Subject: St. John on the Isle of Patmos The Caldwell Window, in memory of John Caldwell, member of this Church The gift of John Caldwell Parsons, in 1894 Subject: The Angel of the Resurrection The Bryan Hooker Window, in memory of Bryan Edward Hooker, a Deacon of this Church The gift of his wife, Martha H. Williams Hooker and their sons Edward \V. and Thomas \N. Hooker, in 1899 Subject: Hope 8 The Hooker Window, in memorv of "Th ,, , Pastor of this Cliurch 1633 fi47^ , , Thomas Hooker, 1636; leader among thefolnri!; *T,?''"'^'' " *° "^^""^d wealth" ^ founders of this city and common- 190o'"'' ^" "' ^"^ ^"™^ "°°ker (Mrs. Edward W.).in Subject: Hooker Preaching at Hartford disco™t.Ss1::'nd Kr^K^^ "°^^- ^^'^"^' t-e members of thrchtch ^'"''^" '^"'^^ ^^'^"^' his wife, 'KtsrdT?r^^-"^"^''-^- The\t,rsrofS"wiSoir-°^"-->--°- Subjects: Jesus and Nicodemus The Lilies of the Field 9 THE TABLETS The Kendall Tablet, in memory of Stephen Preston Kendall, his wife, Lucretia Post Kendall, and their daughter. Jennett P. Kendall Mayo, (Mrs. William K.) The gift of William K. Mayo, in 1888 The Hawes Tablet, in memory of Joel Hawes, Pastor of this Church, in 1896 The Williams Tablet, in memory of Thomas Scott Williams, a Deacon of this Church The gift of John Caldwell Parsons, in 1896 The Cooke Tablet, in memory of JohnWarburton Cooke The gift of the Congregation, in 1899 The Dennis Tablet, in memory of Rodney Dennis The gift of his children, Grace Dennis Cutler (Mrs. R. W.), Charlotte W. Dennis Little (Mrs. Thomas), Bertha P. Dennis and Rodney Strong Dennis, in 1899 The Parsons Tablet, in memory of John Caldwell Parsons The gift of his sisters, Mary Parsons Webb (Mrs. Watson) and Ehzabeth S. Parsons Newton (Mrs. John W.), and his son, Francis Parsons, in 1900 The Walker Tablet, in memory of George Leon Walker, Pastor of this Church The gift of the Congregation, in 1901 The Lamson Tablet, in memory of Charles Marion Lamson, Pastor of this Church The gift of the Congregation, in 1901 The Tablet in the Porch giving the name of the Church and the hours of service The gift of Frank G. Smith, in 1901 The Hills Tablet, in memory of J. Coolidge Hills The gift of his wife, Elsie Sessions Hills, in 1915 10 THE OTHER MEMORIALS The Pulpit Bible in the Version of 1611 The gift of Reuben Smith, in memory of his father, Solomon Smith, in 1814 The Pulpit Bible, in the American Version of 1901 The gift of Charles A. Jewell, in memory of his sister, Charlotte A. Jewell, in 1905 The Pulpit Table The gift of Antoinette R. Phelps, in memory of her niece Antoinette R. Phelps Pierson, in 1903 The Antique Pulpit Chair The gift of Charles T. Wells, in 1907 The Baptismal Font The gift of Mary D. and Charlotte M. Ely, in memory of their mother, Clarissa May Davis Ely (Mrs. William), in 1892 The Baptismal Bowl The gift of Charles T. Wells, in memory of George Leon Walker, Pastor of this Church, in 1903 The Communion Table, in memory of Sarah Emmons Perkins (Mrs. Henry A.), the gift of her grandchildren, Mabel H., Henry A. and Edward C. Perkins, in 1901 The Communion Plates for use in the galleries were the gift of Newman Hungerford, in memory of his mother, Caroline Catlin Hungerford (Mrs. Anson), in 1904 The Memorial Chairs were given on the occasion of the One Hundredth Anniversary of the dedication of the Meeting House, in memory of ten founders of the Church by ten of their lineal descendants, on December 1, 1907 11 The Silver Offering Plates were given in memory of eight founders of the Church by eight Hneal descendants, in 1908 The Memorial Organ was the gift of Lucy Sedgwick Church, in memory of her husband, Leonard D. Church. It was placed within the case of the organ built in 1835. In 1907 the organ was rebuilt as an anniversary gift of the Con- gregation in gratitude for the preservation of the Meeting House through one hundred years, in 1883 The Safes for the keeping of the records of the Church and of the Communion Service were given by Newman Hungerford, in memory of his father, Anson Hungerford, and of his brother Clarence Catlin Hungerford, in 1904 The Day Gateway, at the north side of the Meeting House was given in memory of John Calvin Day, by his wife, Alice B. Hooker Day, and their daughters, Katherine Seymour Day and Alice Hooker Day, in 1903 The Center Church House, the Parish House of this Church, with the site on which it is built, was given in memory of Francis B. Cooley, by his wife, Clarissa A. Smith Cooley, and their children, Francis R. Cooley, Sarah Cooley Hall (Mrs. George A.), Charles P. Cooley and Clara Cooley Jacobus (Mrs. Melancthon \V.), in 1905 The Camp Site at Columbia, Conn. William R. Sanborn gave to the Church a camp site of thirty-two acres on Columbia Lake in memory of his father and mother, Daniel R. and Annie R. Sanborn, in 1914 The Memorial Funds are recorded in the Year Book of the Church FiNLAY Bros., Inc. Printers 64 Asylum St. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS lilllll 614 111 636 8